HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-01-15 - Orange Coast PilotOrange Coast EDITION '\(OL, 70, NO. 15, 3 SECTIONS,«> PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TEN CENT Judge Assailed ·for .OvernJliqg Jury BY TOM BARLEY 6t lh• 0-.1, .. ,,.. Solt-'f Furious at a judge's overturn- ing of a SS.3 million jury verdict. Claremont attorney Herb Hafif went to work Fr iday on an appeal at he hopes will restore the award to his client. Hafif will go to lhe Fourth Dis- trict Court of Appeals in a bid t.o win back the jury verdict tossed ·, out this week by Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert A. Banyard. , A jury m Judge Banyard's courtroom had ruled earlier that the Was hington National Ins ur ance Co mp a n y o r Evanston, 111., had been guilty of negligence in its dealings with former attorney J ulius Austero, 57, who now lives in Newport Beach. f Finch's Final P erfo,.,.ance • • The jury ruled that the nrm's failure to honor Austero's dis· ability pollcy should c~t the de· fendanls $118,000 in com · pensatory damages a nd $5.3 million in punitive damages. Judg e Banyard thought otherwise. Six months after the verdict was reuched, be ruled that the evidence submitted dur- ing the trial only justified an' award of $53,811.42 In com· a d eranged newscaster. The 60·year-old I Peter Finch, who died suddenly in Los Angeles Friday. is shown in a scene from f tlle movie "Network" in which he played actor was stricken in the lobby or the Beverly Hills Hotel the morning after ap· l)earing on the Johnny Carsoo show. I uicides Climax Holdup Robber, Girlfriend Found SlmnA/te r Seige YARNELL, Ari7.. <AP> -An rntt'd bank robber und his 'rlfrwnd, who had held a bank anaal:'r al gunpotnl for eight rs, were found dead f'riday ght b,y authonues who stormed e bank, the FBI sal<t The s ui.pcct. 1dcnt1f1ed as ilhe ~. "Buck" Buffington, 31 , d g1rlfr1t•nd. who identified n sf'lf 11'> Johnna Mane J essee, I or Sp0kane, Wash . had re· eased IJa nk m ana.:cr Norma unn. about SS, two houri. arlin. thl'n dlll<'W.Scd killing hem!>elves on Lhe telephone with Associated Pres& writer: Holloway, 72, In Hospital South L aituna actor Sterling Holloway was reported t.o be in itable condition early today at Soulh Coast Community Hospital where he was adrrutted for ob. 11ervat1on after sufferlnf chest. pains A ho11pltal spokC'sman said Holloway, 72, known to millions :i.s tho voice pf Winnie lhe Pooh W1d Jlmlny Cricket, is In good spir1L" and resting well. Roger Young, FBI a.~istant agent in charge, said Buffington and Miss Jessee were found shot after officers stormed the bank He said Buffington was dead and M iss J essee died abou t 45 minutes later or a head wound. Agenta said they had talked to BuHlnglon by teLephone for several minutes when he said he wanted to ta lk to his girlfriend. They said m inutes later two &hot.a were heard. omcers sent tear gas into the bank and then rushed in t.o find the man and woman. The ordeal began shortly after 8 a.m .. s her iff's deputies said, when B uffi n gton and Miss Jessee. fi rst. identified only as "Wblakey," alt.empted t.o cap- ture employes as they arrived for work al the Valley National Bank branch in this retirement. town. about 30 miles southwest o ( Prescott, In western Arizona. "We planned to rob the bank and spilt," Miss J essee said later in a telephone conversation wUh an Associated Pres• reporter. "I don't know what went wrong. .Evtdently somebody sa •com· inl around the back." · She said s he eJCcbansed shot.a with a deputy whe n he ap· proached her from the rear. ''l took a shot at the cop and they fired two al me," she said. "ll felt scary.'' Miss J essee was arrested in that excha nge, then Buffington captured Mrs. Dunne, her husband, Gene, and a bnnk employe. Suzy Welch. inside the bank. Dunne and Miss Welch were released two hours later when deputies a llowed Miss Jessee to enter the bank. The would·be robbers de· manded a getaway car. but changed their minds an hour • later. ''I'm asking for a helicopter and some money" Bulfln«ton said at that point. ''The bank manager is suppo$ed to bri03 S25,000 up here from the main of. rice in Phoenix." But when Valley National Bank offtcials refused to comply, Bulflngton released Mrs. Dunne unharmed and told the AsSO<:iat· ed Preas: "The way thln&a Jook right n o w , w e 're going to b low ourselves up with a 9-millimeter automatic (pistol)." "l wish you could be he re to film It,'' he said. Daree ludges Rule pensat.ory damace3 and $200,000 in punitive dam aces. "It's the ever more familiar story ol the judge overtumln& the jury verdict," Hant said. ''Some of lhos"! Jurora must be wonder· Ing wby they were asked to serve at all 1r their findings are to be tossed'tlrtde like lbis." Hali/ said it is likely that the. appellate court will order the case to be retried. Slaying Charge Reduced ASPEN . Colo. CAP> - Claudine Longel, lhe former a.bowgirl who swore that slle shot. b98ltl champ lover by accident, r..und guilty Friday of Glllninally negligent homicide, a rdfldemeanor. The jury of seven men and five women who brought in the verdict after only three hours and 40 minutes of deliberatiOM, reduced l.he original charge or reckless manslaughter, which was a felony. The slim, dark-haired Mias Longet, 35, composed u the verdict was read in a packed courtroom. told report.era later: "J am not 1uUty ... "I have too much respect for human Ul•to ................ .... in he r soft, French·accented voice. Her ex·husband, singer Andy Williams, was in the courtroom as the jury returned. He clasped his hands to his mouth as the sus· pense mount.ed, but, like Miss Longet, showed no reactlon when the decision was announced. Miss Long e t 's attorney, Charles Weedman, who had pleaded with jurors earlier in the day to "look at the grief In her <SeeLONGET, Pa1e.U) South Laguna Woman,.77, Killed by Car A 77-year·old South Laguna woman was knocked down by a car and killed Friday night llS she used a pede1trian crossing lo eross Pacific Coast Highway at First Street, the California Highway Patrol reported. Officers Identified the victim as Laura Claire Manetla, 31351 Holly Drive. They identified the motorist as Patty Lee Barrett, 22, of 24692 Cordova Drive. Dana Point. Officers said Mrs. Manetta was struck by the Barrett car as she crossed the highway during heavy traffic. She was pro· nounced dead on arrival at a local hospital. Charges had not been filed late Friday. Officers said the acci· dent la under investigation. llollowny h as na rrated or voiced characters In many Walt Dlspey features including "Bam· bl," "Dumbo," "Allee in Won· d~rland," "Jungle Book" and "Peter nnd the Wolf." GilmoreReprieveNll:ed msroRYTFSf ON QUIZ PAGE , H'1UI much do .,au iL:noco . abocd 14 hfltorJI? 1'1n JIO'U' ~ nd r•vt•W '· pl.acn. Ord ewnt1 bt1 taking th e rpedal HiltOf'fl Quts, /ound on /?O.gfA1. Th Quiz b flrou41ht to uou flOtth tDff k bl/ tM Dmlu. Pf tot .,, a ""1ie• to Ma.dlftt• In ot.1r. orta. SALT LAKE C1TY CAP) -Three judaes. inch.tding a state Supreme Court justice. and Gov. Scott Matbesoa turned back aeparate attempts Friday to poet.pone convtcted killer Gary (JUmore'a execution, scheduled fortunrlae Monday. By prior arrancemenl, another recaeest ror a •lay ot execuUon wu acheduled to be heard today by the 10th U.S. Clrcull Court of Appeall ln Denver. MathtlOD denied pleas by two lawyers who appeared lh hla of. nee after r.,ular work hours t.o ask that he exerolae "lnhet'ent power'' to atay GUmote's execu· Uon. Math9Mlft, who took office th1I wtek. said be eould not lntervene becauae bl• pred~ r Gov. ~I Calvin Rampton, had exhausted gubernatorial powen in Ute case by i111uing a stay that luted until the State Board ol Pardons real· firmt-d Gilmore's death penally. Another lawyer, one of sev1?ral fired by Gilmore durtna his bat· Otto face the firing equad rather than apend the rest of his life In priaon, tried unsucceuf\ally to convince Supreme Court JoaUce D. Frank WUllama to take action In the caae, an American Civil Libert.I .. \Inion attpmey aald. The 1tate'1 hl1hest court te- tu1ed. to hear tho case after Gilmore appeared belOTo the JusUcea Nov. 10 end Hld ho did not want hl• nra\,decr• murder ccnvtcUon or hi• duth aentcnff .ooeal-4. ·Chief JU1Uce Al~.Ellett aald I I_, late Frid~ that anyone attempt· ing t.o atop tbe u~on now may be subject to praeecuUon un· der stale law that proltibita in· terlerence with declQooa or • court. ·. t. In other ruUngs Friday, U.S. Diltrlcl Court Judie Aldon An· derson and Uub 3rd Ditlrict CQUtt Judie Dean ~ r• fuqct requeat.t \0 cW.11 UM ex· ecutlon. "I do not look 11POft lalt·hour fillna• u an .w• \0 0. Judicial proe•, ~ .... (n tw'a- lnf down I tMVtatl~-nltralft. int cmw. n.-i bJ _...,. for t~utbrow..,.Wbo ....... fl I d«Ution cout• 1 ""r..rect tbelt cues. 'tlJ'bat'a flne," be saJd. "lt we h&¥e to do th!! lblng 20 times I · d come back to the courtroom tlme ~ Ume •l•in until I fiad 81 Judie who wW do what he 11boWd do"-•eeept the jury verdict .-d • JnWrt•~ with the duties de· Jqated to the ~ry, • • Haflf aald Ju~ge Banyard'1 ruling WU eapeclaU)' teere«Able la the Upt ot bis client'• Hriout Ulnen. • Austero, wbo Jlv .. at 1100 Rutland Road, kewport Beach. ..nera from an advanced ronn of praenlle dementJa. Tbe cUaeue, rue is. t.be 'United statel; c- the brim t4 abriak to .at Httle u one·third oftt• no=.m w~, Retarded by 1 ta as In· curable, the cond Uon produces a loss ot reuontna abWty and tbc <See APPEM. Pa&eAJ) CLAUDINE LONGET LEAVES COURT A.FTIR VQDtCT Singer Found OuUty, But on • L••Mr cttarte Arrested in Reno Suspect in · Coast · Slayirig Returned A Nevada man believed by sheri!C's officers to be tile killer of a man whose body was found near the Ortega Highway more lhan three moJ'ths ago was re· turned to Or ange County Friday and lod1ed in the county jail. Sheriff's oHicers said they hope t.o arraign Kenneth Gene White. 41, of Reno, Nev., Monday in Santa Ana Municipal Court. He is accused of the killing or Richard Lynn Shepherd. 36, o ( Lone Beach, whose body was found in t.hick brush near the bot· tom of a 65-foot embankment last Sept. 30. Officers refused t.o discuss the investigation that led them t.o White and the tracing of their suspect In Reno. They would only identify WhJtc Marine Held In Pendleton Cross Buming CAMP PENDLETON (AP) - PFC Har ve I. Pelton, 19. of Holtville ii being charged ln con· nection with a cross burning incl· dent Thursday, the Marine Corps aaid. A base 1poke11man said Pelton wUI be referred to a summary court martial, date ol lh bas not. been set. ~ Charaes a1aln1t Pel rn the Jowest form of CO\lrt•martlal hearinJ will J>e of ll~ a fl.re in an h\hablt.ed area ~ C«'duct contrary to tbe 1ood order and dlsd»line or the semce. ~ "°°4tn cro11 wat found bu$lnl bJ mUnuy poUce In Uw ear1y rnornin• h044l1I Th~r at a ~ about flve snllet from where a band of blacka attaoktd whltel t.ftey bel'-ved to be Ku IU•.ID•n membenonNo\f, J.3, TM b .. •Pokttman aa~~.JUM croaa 1"amlll& was ~ relawu to the earlier incident. and ql.ded Pelt.on u _t~lliJlf llll'llltle•tA)h be 11 not amuattd with uy wNto supremacy 1roup1. ) ' -· as a former associate oflhe dead man. They claim that White was known t.o be In the area at the time oHhe murder. The arrest of White has re· vived interest In two other Wl· solved killings. both committed in the same general area where White's body was found. Both bocties remain unlden· lified. One is that or a youth. about 16 or 17, whose body was found last Aug. 22 by a hiker who kicked a trash bag off the road and then discovered to his horror that. it contained a corpse. Shepherd's was the second body to be found in the area. A third body, that of a young man believed to be about 20 or in his late teens, was found Oct. 6 by forestry workers. Llke Shepherd, the nude victim had been shot in the bead. ms on· ly adornment was a silver wire bracelet on his lert. wrist. Sheriff's officers refused to comment on the possibility that White may be llnkedtothetwoun· solved killings. Coast Weather Fair 1kle1 through Sun· day is the warm word rrom the weatherman, who sees hilh temperatures in the middle 60e and overnight lows to th• 409. ) INSIDE ft»DA Y A trlp to loll Clftrltnte to be ma,,.... N,..ed Jn.o f:arttr c"°T,/:~lvoM411frl 1dlO IMC~ Logu11_4 'lt,fg*9ol Oc~· HooalProgfOm ... P.O(li Af. ln•e" {ct~ = :t! ........ ,.,.,...., ... , .. ........ ,.. Alt ........ .... At .. " U.'al' ... AP , M'Wlre"'°lo CONVICTED SINGER CLUTCHES AAM OF EX-HUSBAND . Andy Wiiiiama Stood By MIH Longet Through Trtal Fro• P"fl't AJ WNGET CONVICTED. • • face" and to have mercy, said he was disappointed. "But thank God the jury did not find her guilty of a felony," Weedman said. Ashley Anderson, the young prosecutor in the case, was jubilant. He told reporters: "We think the jury made a good de- cision. We think at was a fair trial, a fair jury." The jury's finding or a lesser offense left Mass Longet facing a possible maximum sentence or two years an prison and a $5,000 fine. That was much less than the possible maximum under the original charge H convicted of reckless manslaughter, s he could have been imprisoned for 10 years and fined $30,000. The Jesaer charge iB slmHar to one that might be brought against a driver who, while driv- ing negligently, killa someone with a car. Miu Longet would not talk to reporters after the verdict, but one of the jurors, Daniel Dewolfe, a 21.year-old supermarket clerk, dld comment and said he bo~s M.isa Longet does not get a pri8on.term. "I wouldn't want bet to io lo prU<>n," be said. "Heavens, no. By no means is she the type of person who should be in jaU. I don't think she's a threat to society." De Wolfe said he originally vot- ed to acquit Miss I.onset on all charges but was convinced in talking with other jurors that findjng her guilty on the lesser charge was a fair verdict. · Oemente Girl Injured in Laguna Crash DeWolfe said he believes the entire trial was a wut.e of tax- payers' money. He said be b•tl•v•• Ml•• t.oe.et would never have been broutbt to trhd had she not been a celebrity. "I think they should have plea bargained and straightened this out. There was no need to make this biR fuss about it." The jury's verdict climaxed a trial which involved virtually all residents of this tiny Rocky Mountain s ki village. The victim. Vladimir "Spider" Sabich, was a local hero, a professional ski champion and one-time member of the U.S. Olympic team. .. A San Clt•mcntc.• i:1rl \\as re- ported in wnous cond1t1on Fn day rught at South Coast Com munity Hospital arter suffenng major head lnJUrtt''> 1n a tw<>-(•ar colhsion al a South L<iguna in terse<:taon. California Highway Patrolmen identified the v1rt1m as Debbie Mcintosh. IS, of 147 S Canada Road. They s aid she was J passenger in a car driven by Glen McKenzie, 29, of the same address · Officers .said McKenzie. who received first aid for manor in 1ur1es. was northbound on Pacific Coast lhghway near Aliso Creek when he attempted to make a U turn before heading south They said his <'ar slammed into an auto driven by Ronald Price, 18, of 3029 Cresta Way, Laguna Beach Price was treated at the scene for lnJur1es and allowed lo go home. Also treated for minor m1unes and allowed t o return to McKenzie's San Clemente home was 7-year-old Chnst.opher K. Jerstt'd. another passenger in t.he McKentle vehicle. No charges had been nled late Friday. Officers said the acci· dent is sWI under lnvesUgaUon. O"ANQ! COAST I DAILY PILOT \ He was 31 when he died last March 21, s hot through the stomach by a .22 caliber bullet fared from a gun held by Miss Longet. He bled to death on the bathroom floor of the moun· tainstde chalet the couple bad shared for two years. Miu Longet would explain it latet" as a tra1ic accident. "I loved Spider." she wept on the witness stand. "I loved the man thathe was." She told in aconlzine detail of her efforts to save ha life after the shot fired. "He called my name three times and sort of slid lo the Ooor," she recalled. "I tried to 1ive bim mouth-to-mouth resusclt.aUon, but I dJdn't know how." She said she had been asking Sablcb for instructions on bow to use the German-made hnltatlon Luger which he kept in their chalet. . A key point of evidence was whether Sabich told her that the gun was inoperable aa she beJd It She 1aJd she uked hJm ti the safety catch wu on. and he as. au red her it was, replying, "You'•e cot it." However, police who arrested her the night of the shooting said tbe diatrau1bt Miss Lonaet told tbem abe knew tbe safety wu "olt. At lt turned out, ballllUcs es- pertl teaUfted that the safety mecbanlam wu broken and the 1\111 would have rired In ab)' posi-tion. Some of the evidence qalnat Mils Lon1et, wbJcb could have been severely damaatni. wu ruled lnadmlsubJe by tbe Colorado Supreme Court. Slay Smpect Held FI'. LEONARD WOOD, Mo. (AP) -A inUltary poUcman wu accused Friday lb the .llJJd· nl,bt mauure ot two hJth school boft and a lfrl wtlO were shot co deatll .ad burttd under a snowctrttt in a detollte ~ fA Jl't. Leonard Wood. Spec. 4 Johnny LH Thonacon, 2S, of RUIMUvUJe, Art.,,. .. urafcned before tbe U.S. mqlatrate at Sorinafleld, Mo., on a ftdttal dw11 Of mQl'der ca a 1overa· meat raenatloa. ~ir Pollution .. . FundS Sought By KATHY Cl.ANCY Ot-. 0•111 "''•"w" Oran1e County supervisors will be a.eked to provide another mooth '1 fundJog for a regional air pollution control agency to avold being s ued by the Callfomta Attorney General. But Marc Mihaly or the at- torney general 's office said Fri· day the extra payment may not be sufficient to avoid a lawsuit. Supervisor Laurence Schmit aa.ld he plans to ask supervisors next week to provide $114,832 to flnance the South Coast Air No Clue! In Mesa Girl's Death Bafned Costa Mesa police con- tln u ed today lo check the Avocado Street apartment and associates of slain 'Robyn Lynn Cox in the continued clueless hunt for her killer. "We simply have nothing lo re- port at this point," an officer commented shortly after his re- turn to the police department. ''We're doing all we can." The investigation will continue duri.ng the weekend while the de· ad girl's family prepare for last rites which will conclude with the entombment of the victim Mon· day at Westminster Memorial Park. A family spokesman said v1s- itaUon will begin at 2 p.m. Sun- day at Bell Broadway Chapel, Costa Mesa. Services wilJ be held at 11 a.m. Monday at Harbor Trinity Baptist Church, Costa Mesa. The fully clothed body or the 20-year-old waitress was found in the bathtub of her apartment at 241 Avocado St. Wednesday night by her roommate. Polke believe that she had been dcati from three lo six hours when she was foundat6:15p.m . Pollce said an autopsy indicat- ed that she died of strangulation with drowning being an addi- tional factor in her death. Prior to the autopsy report, police believed that her death waa acoldeatal. Death Gang Member Gets Life Sentenc~ 3Ski.en Die lnAvalmie/M INNSBRUCK, Austria CAP> -An avalanche burled ta aklera Friday near tb1 Tf.roltan reeort of Ober1ur1 , killing three and laJurtn1 tOW' aerious-11, POllc1 teported. 'n.e olherl eaul)tt under tht 111CWt1Ude we ... dQC out by , .. .,. w.ttJa •UOt in. Jmit:t or wibarmtcL The iroup 1'11 bit on a alope Mar a •ti Wt. Quallly M unaceme.nt District through February. Schmit said be learned the slate plans to add OranRe County to a lawault flied earlier aga.lni.t Loe Angeles County Supervisors. Los Angeles officials refused to pay a $2.3 million shore in the agency's S8 million budget this year. Schmit noted Orange County Supervisors paid thelr $114,832 share to cover the agency's January expenses. But Mihaly said Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties were blJlcd an January for a quarterly pay- ment. While San Bernardino and Riverside Counties paJd their share, Los Angeles pa.id none, he said, and Orange only pald on~­ thlrd, leaving the agency without all the funds ex peeled. Schmit sa1d he did not think it would be wise for Orange County lo withhold funding completely. "That would be like playlne a roulette game with the health and safety of the people in the district," he said. But he explained the county op- poses the current finan.cing method which Is based on popuJa. tion. If the county paid Its quarterly assessment as billed, Schmit said, state officials would have no reason lo consider a new funding plan. Schmit said he had planned at the end of January to seek another m onth's fWldlng. But because of what he called the lm- pendingJ!l~suit, he sald he would seek the funds next week. Mihaly said he could not com· menl about the matter except to say the attorney general is "ac- tively considering" adding Orance County to'· the Los Angeles suit. Meanwhile, Schmit sald, As· semblyman Jerry Lewis (R·. Highlands ) who sponsored legislation creating the man- datory four-county agency, has expressed willingness to in· troduce a blll revising its fund· ing. Schmit said Lewis plans to do so within a month. Fro•PageAJ APPEAL .• • • disruption or motor reflexes. The lawsuit· was filed on bchalr of Auslero when il was alleged by his family that the defendants vtolated the terms of hls policy by refuslng to pay him $250 a month in disability benefiL<;. Judge Banyard's ruhn.; docs not challenge the Jury vcrd1cl. lie is concerned only with lhe monetary aspects of the Jury's hndings. "What we need is a change in lhe California law to bring us mt" line with those states which will not allow tampering with a jury verdict." Hafif fuml'CI. "I note Judge Banyard's com- ment that the jury's award was the result of passion and pre- judice. That jury was led by a re- tired schoolteacher whose last experience with passion must have been 15 years ago. "Maybe we need a new jury In- struction," H afif s uggested . "Judges should tcU jurors 'you are the sole and exclusive tryers of the facts -until l disagree with you'" Judge Banyard was not availa- ble ror comment Friday. SAVE 50% 60% 70% ' .. NEW SKATEBOARD USES SAIL, WHEELS UCI Student, Tom Patepoff, Demonstrates Sail Skating Wind Propel,s VCI 'Surf er' By HILARY KAYE Oil ... O•llW PIWl- Those who drive past UC Irvine may be in for a shock if Tom Patapoff is outside practic- ing his latest sport. Patapoff, a junior, recently rigged up what he calls a "wmdsurfer s kateboard." Jt's a giant sail attached to a skateboard. According to the chemistry- b i o Io g y major, the n ew skateboard contraption uses the same sall that came with his "winds urfer" -a com- m ercially produced item that Unks a surfboard and a sail. "But I was having trouble rind- ing transportation to the beach to use my windsurfer, so I thought up this new skateboard," Patapoff explained. "Basically, I wanted to keep in shape and maintain my balance for windsurfing, while I wasn't at the beach," the student says. "And, this Is perfect," he adds, rerernng lo the skateboard that SPC. DRlnWOOD SET 24" LOGS Complet.wlth grote-cuh bed boastll an 8&-square root sail and a 13-foot m ast. ~ So far, his friends are intrigued by the latest sporu Item, but they're not standing in line for rides. "l took a lot or my buddies to the ocean to ride the windsurfer, but they don 'l seem to want to do the same with this," saJt,s Patapoff. "Maybe they're atraid it will hurt when they land on cement. You know. it's not like landJng oh water when you fall," he admits. But Patapoff, who has had the new skateboard for about a week, says he hasn't had a bad wipeout yet. "But then again, the winds ha- ven't been too good lately. I bet I can go up to 40 miles an hour if the wind comes," he says. A few days ago, Pataporr says he saw a board like his In a skateboarding magazine, but be insists he put his together before he aaw the picture. 201040% OFF ON FLOOR MODEL FIREPLACES 111118 YOUR CAR, OUCI OITUILIR SAYE• SAYE• SAYE ' \ er Pi sAides ---....... Six Geo ijUJns mong 13 Top Staffers PLAINS, Oa. (AP)- President-elect Carter bu niade known the names or 13 top aides Who wUI uslat him ln the White Hoose. Six are Oeorlfans and on· .ly one did not work ln Carter's presidential campaip. The names were announced by Carter Press Secretary Jody Powell. who said lt is intended that all will have equal access to Carter and that each will be ex- pected to deal with his own area or responsibility without direct supervision from any chief of staff. Powell said also that Carter in- tends to keep his promise to re- duce substantially the total number' or White House staf( members and that he will do that before Inauguration Day, Jan. 20. In a separate development Carter also announced the nominations or a number or peo. pie to flll high-level slots in the State and Commerce Depart- ments. The nominations include those ot two former members of Concrf'IS and or a black woman who baJ been the Stale Depart· ment'a hlehest-ranJdni woman otnclal until abe wu fired by Pretldent Ford in 19'1S . Until Frlday, PoweJI was the only White House staff member to have been announced official· ly. He wlll be White House Press Secretary. The others are: -Robert J. Lips huts, 55, a pro- minent Atlanta attorney who will be counsel to the Presldent. Upshutz was treaJJurer of the Carter campaign. -Margaret "Midge .. Costanza, 44, vice mayor of Roches ter, N . Y .. and co-c hair per so n o f Carter's New York state cam· paJgn, who will be assistant to the President in charge of con· tact with citizen groups. -Frank Moore, 41, who was Carter's Uason to the Georgia state legislature when be was governor and who wUl serve as President Carter's liasoo with Congress. He was southern co- BB Distriet Admits Bidding 'Forgotten' .For School Copiers By RAYMOND ESTRADA Of llM O•llr l>llol SUff Huntingto n ll cach City Hawthorne said. "The Minolta machine is not a true bond paper copier and requires special paper.•• ordlnator ol the campaJrn tmtll midsummer last year and then let up a llS:.on office with the Senate and Houl6. -Hamilton Jordan, 32, wbohu been uaoclated withCartersioc<J 1966 and who was bls cam· paJen director will be assistant to the Pnsldent to "act primarily In the area of political advice and activity." Powell said that Jordan "would be to some ex· tent" Carter's administrative as- sistant .• -Jack H. Wataon. 38, who directed planning for the Carter administration throughout the fall campaign and who is coordinator of the Cart er · Mondale transition planning group, to be assistant to the President for Intergovernmental relations, Including liason with big city mayors, and Cabinet secretary. Carter also announced the following appointments as special assistants: Tim Kraft, 35, director of field operation for the Carter campaign and political co-ordinator for the transition to be appointment secretary; Jim King, 41, who took a leave of absence as director of communi· ty affafrs and marketing of the M;i.ssachusetts Bay Ttansporta tion Authority to be campaign trip director. will be Whlte House personnel chief; Martha "Bun· ny .. Mitchell, 36, a black who 1s director of the Information services division of the DruJ.! Abu11e Council and the onJy non. campaign staffer, to be special projects director. /tl~ancolH~ Buddy. a purebred. tricolor collie. isn't as happy as he looks with his surrounding'i at the Canyon Kennels m Laguna Beach. But a good looker like this 18-monlh-old fellow s houldn't have too much troulJlc lining up a home. Saturday, January 15, 19'71 DAIL 'Y Pll.OT ,,tS 'Vpset' at Count11 Jet Noise Foe Wants Report By .JOANNE R£YNOLD8 otltM Oellw .. .._ ..... Lon1-tlme all'l>Ort foe Dan Emory. a spokesman for Resi- dent.a Against Jeta, want.I to be llrst in line to get a copy of the environmental impact report on Orange County Airport. Emory said Friday he ls con- vinced that pro airport forces outslde county government, such as the airlinea, have already seen draft copies and he ia oot happy about It. . "I've been after the people in the county since October.'' he said, "and so far I have no in- dication as to when the report will be released nnd If my name la even on a list of recJpjenta." More People Wmingto Ca/,ifornia SACRAMENTO (AP>-Thc re· newed migration to California is greater than state experts ex- pected, so they have upped their estimates of how many more will come In the next 25 years. They are now expecting a net migration gain of 3.8 million peo- ple by the year 2000. In 1973 they had predicted only 2.5 million. Emory explained I.bat he and r:Mmbera of the oraanJzaUon he 1peaka for were "upeet" av« Lbe ~ty'• handllnc of the public opinion su r vey which aupervlaora decided to append to the EIR tut week. He explained that by giving copiet at that study to poUUciana and the press first, his aroup didn't have the opportwlity to calmly study the report and iuue a "non-emotional" statement. "This way they had the flnit opportunity to mold public oplnlon and It looks Like it will hap· pen again with the EIR," he said of the situation. Emory said he bad no de· finitive comments to offer on ac· counts or the contents or the airport EIR, although he did ob· serve that the concluaion that 500,000 more passeneen could be handled at the airport without slgntrlcant environmental Im· pact was a rabe one. "Common sense screams out that there's something else in· volved," he said. "There bas aot to be a definite and strong impact from any increases there." He also said that the findinp or the EIR "apparenUy fly in the face of the state noise standards and the existing variance the county operates the airport un· der. "That variance clearly stale$ that the county may take no ac- tion tbat would result lo an in· crease in the CNEL," Emory said. (elementary) School District of. .ficials have admitted buying and installing 11 copying machines before going oul to bid on the $32,948 purchase as required by Jaw. Warshaw told district trustees Tuesday, "I have never bid against a machine thal was already bought." Also, J oseph W. Aragon, 35. director of voter registration and get out the vole efforts for the Democratic National Committee to be White House ombudsman; Madeline M acBean, Mrs . Rosalynn Carter's campaign scheduling officer, to be ass1s· tant to the First Lady, and Or. Peter Bourne, 37. a long-time Carter worker and drug abuse and mental health expert. to be special assistant lo the President on mental health and drug abuse. Sniper Rule d Guilty There were 171,000 more peo- ple who moved into the state last year than moved out, stale Finance Department experts said Friday. Immigration was swollen with Vietnamese re- fugees, 30,000 in 1975 and 20,000 more I ast year. Bogus Bills Nabbed R obert Ha wt horn . fiscal services director for the district, said Thursday he "forgot to go out to bid" two months ago on the purchase of the machines for use Ill Huntington Beach schools Paul Warshaw, a Minolta Corporation sales r epresen- tative, one of the bidders, ac- cused the district of "highly un- ethical business practices" by purchasing the copiers and then asking for bids just to meet legal requirements. The district is required by Jaw to aJlow competitive firms to sub- mit sealed bids for all purchases over $1 .000. The district must ac· cept the lowest bid which meet the requirements Eleven copiers from the Savin Business M ac hlncs Company were bought and 1ruitalled one month ago. Hawthorne saul "M1nolt.1 was the· l<>w h111drr .w1lh an offn of $1,993 but their machinl.' i-. a dcl>k lop model und we w.inled a floor model." Jury Remains Ooseted in Scudder Trial No verdict had been r!'l1ch1•d late Friday in the Orange ('ounty Superior Court trial of twn mf'n accus<'d •>f kHlnaping pot<1tr11 h•r ht>ir John II "J .. rk" Scuddl•r 1,r Newport Beach Judge Rkhard J lleacom sent his jury home for the v.('1·kcnrl ftftc.-r determining that no rte- c:ls\on had be1•n reached They Will resume deliberatlon.'I Mon- day. William Rudy Wt'Sson, 4~. of TWIUn, and H1ck1 Dale S<-llers, }.\. of Hermosa Hcach, are ac- ~ed of abductlnf( Scudder. 64, 41 Balboa hland, la~t AUJ.! 19 a, ~left hl1 dentist's office m lfunt· ~~ton Beach and demanding ~"i0.000 ransom ror him. ,• Scudder said he escal>('d by faking a heart atl.A<'k. The two ilelendant& cla1m be helped them ~antbekidnaping. - • The Orange County COU11sel advised district officials last month that the contract with Savin was invalid unless com- petitive bids were received from other firms. I 000/o SOLID-ST AT! CHROMACOLOR II 25" DIAGONAL CHIOMACOlOR II REMOTIC0..-0 SHU" ...... S-d S)"t-. I Trtldi ".Y--••cord, cit....... .UC, C.-~ Sr'""· IVG T ..... s,. .... 1911 DIAGONAL ~" lO~• SOLID-STAT! ZOOM REMOTE WJCllITA. Kan. <AP> -A jury found Michael H. Soles guilty on Friday of killing three JX.'<>ple and wounding seven others with sniper !ire, rejecting lhe defense contention that he was insane al the hme. ---11~~ .. ~ ·' 3-YIAR rtCTURI TUIE WAIRAMTY -·-l·YEAR FRIE PA.ITS la SERVICE ~~ . it'·- SH2Ut %00M REMOTE 25" DIAGONAL rr-· .~a n! .~Ju~:·. I I H2542l COUHTlY EHGUSH ,, STYLED COMSOlE ,, PHOME FOR LOW PRICE ' CASH-90 I l·P'A YMIKTSI OR TUMS TO 36-MONTHS -·-FIEE DELIVERY & INSTALLATION llt"Ol••ONU 0 1 L<IA ... I Nevertheless, the total net ml· gration galn Is expected to be slightly higher-this year, then level off to an average of lS0,000 a year by 1995. STOCKTON CAP) -Nearly $.500,000 in counterfeit money was confiscated when Secret Service agents arrested two Napa men, Samuel H. Brown, 30, and John Pierre Duden, :M, ln a motel here. PHONE 968-3329 FOR LOW PRICES! 11HITH ,RICIS ARE ~STICALL Y DOWM DURING OUl SP'ICTACULAR JAHU.UY SAW! AU. AV AU.AIU MOO&S AU IH STOClt AMD OH DISP'LA Y POR OM.SIGHT SELICTIOM. Wl'LL GLADLY 9UOTl P'lllC H OH THI P'HOHt Ot4 AU.11Hl'TH PRODUCTS. WHY BUY AT ABC?'°.,. (J ,......., --.................. H ........ ,_, 1 ....... 1 • I ,.... fret ,_.. _, _.. .. , • J P9' pl~ .... ........., fMIW JMI' ft AIC't tld .... lua1wtrl • ,,_........, _, Nf. Cit" ..... -' :::s:: • ._. rfurll • ... ,,., .... •Wt ................... w .... ..,,.... ................ c. ... .. ....... 19046 BROOKHURST • HUNTINGTON BEACH PHONE 968-3329 I Saturday. January 16, 1'177 ' A4 DAIL V PILOT t College Trustees I Study New C8:mpus 87 WILLIAM SCllRtlBER Ot U.. O•llY l>I ... M.ott Saddlebaclt College trustees got their first Jook Friday at the kind of facilities the district could wind up with when It opens Ill second campus in Irvine next year. Architect WllJlam Blurock of Newport Beach, who6e firm de· signed the fine arts complex be· ing built on the Mission Viejo campus. briered trustees on their options at a planning session HE SAID THE district con· celvably could bwld a perms · nent, cluster-style facility on the proposed 20-acre site that would be u inexpensive and quick to in· stall as temporary portable buildings. Though college officials have long anticipated the need for a second campus, It has been pre· sumed that the new school would be started the same way as the existing one -with portable classrooms and omc~. In fact, there has been talk among college planners that some of the temporary bwldings D•lly l>llel SUit l>llei< NEWCOMER RECEIVING SPECIAL FREE CAREER TRAINING Carol Strlner (left) lnatructed by Diane Kuhel. Clemente Woman Finds Plans Change By ANNE COOPER DI""' O.tlf l>l ... SUll Carol Strincr left Connellsv11le, Pa .. for San Clemente lo be marned and becl)mc a housewife. She did get marn ed, but even before the ~ 23 ceremony. her career plans had changed While the 18-year-old bnde·to-be was making wedding plani. lai.l raJI. a rnend showed her an ad· vert1 sement for free career train ing, offered 6y the Cap111trano Lagund Regional Occupational Program I ROP 1 MRS. STRfNER WM)N'T m tere!Sted in the same course a~ her friend, but a legal secrctanal ('oun;e caught h u eye. lier fi ance ofrercd no objt-ct1on, so thl• youn~ woman enrolled in the class ll began in October al Dana Hills llii:h School Aflt'r several w eeks or classroom wor k, Mrs Stnner began an ROP 1ntcmstup. She wa'i assigned to lht' i.outh county district attorney's 0H1cc in Laguna N1gul'I an,1. !l1nC'e early l>e<'ember. ha!I worked under th<' superv1ti1on or Diane Kuhel Mr'I Kuhel. who ha!! been a sttrctary with th<' <'f')Unty about 10 yt-ars. said ~h4' h.1s had 'everal ROP interns and r110s1<lers their training mvaluablf' "THE BIGG t:ST >1tlvanlaJ((' comes when tht•y apply ror a JOb, · she !laid "They ('an \,1y they had hav<' had on the Joh u pcr1cncc and provide super references She said most in terns have bec>n in their 20's, some middle a~cd Among the ta:;ks Mri. Kuhd has taught Mrs Striner arc lyp mg s ubpocn<ts, <'rimmal com plaints, traffic accident rcporti, and appeals. Jn addition, she has prepared her lo work crricicntlv with the heavy walk-in traffic ut the D.A. 's office and handle routine ofrice procedures "ONt REASON I like this work so much is that tlun~s arc always happening lt's never du11." Mrs . Striner said. The young intern said she re commends the ROP course. not mg it has a bu1lt-rn advantage 1n the internship over any other pre paration for a career as u lcgul St'cretary. she s<t1d The Strincrs plan to return t<J Pennsylvania in the spnni::. when Carl Strine r 1s discharged from the Marine Corps . WIDLE STRINER patrolll the street.a of Connelsville Che plans to join the hometown poUce de· partment). his young bride wl 11 be pursuing her own career. Mrs. Striner said she 1s conf1 dent her ROP tralning•will make it possible for her to find u Job easily in either civil or criminal law still being used In Mission Viejo could be moved to the Irvine site. BlJT BLtlROCK SAID modern industrial construction techni· ques make It possible to build permanent, shell st.ruc•tures for as little as $10 to $12 per square root -a figure he contends is as econ om I ca I as the cost o r portables. The architect envisioned three instructional buildings of 10,000 square feet each and u smaller fourth building to house ad- ministration and a branch library. Each or ttie t hree bwtdings, ar· ranged around a central quad, would contain a "cluster " of dis· clplines -such as science and math in one, humamlies and fine arts in another and business and social sciences in thetltird. THE CAMPUS 81.UROCK out- lined to trustees would be capa. ble of supporting an initial Stu· dent population of about 2,000. According to Blurock, the pe rmanent buildings could be constructed in the same time frame as the t emp orary facilities. permitting the campus to open as planned in the spring of 1978. Coll ege officiab are planning a ruu instructional program al the satellite campus. though some o! the more specialized subjects will still have to be taught at the main campus. STtJDENTS AT TIU: satellite will be able lo lake all the re- quired courses for an associate in arts degree or to transrcr to a four-year institution During Frid ay's sessJon. Board President Norrisa Brandl suggested I hat the adminstration approach UC Irvine with the pro· posal that Saddleback students be permitted to use UCl's library and that the university bookstore ca rry community coll ege textbooks . There was no discussion during the meeting of the Irvine Com· pany's bid to m ove the proposed second campus site from the Myrord Road-Bryan Av enue location chosen by trustees to parcel at J effrey Road and Irvine Center Drive. That issue is slated for dis· cussion at a special board meet· int Monda, al 7:30 p.m . Hzmtington Teachers Ask Wage Boost Huntington Beach City !elementary > school orric1a.ls arc eymg a 13 percent across·lhc- board salary increase proposal hy the district 's teachers ' union The teachers presented the pay hJke proposal and several minor contract modifications to last year's agreement. PRESENTLY, TF.ACllERS arc paid between $9,911 and 19,837 annually . Huntington Beac~ Elementary Teachers As· sociation Prc•sident Keith McAf· fee said teachers are asking a salnry range of $1I,199 to $24 . 122 Superintendent Al MoHcll said the d111tricl ad m inistrat1on Wlll presl'nt u t·ounl<'r·propoi.al hy. f'eb. 15 "The intent of the law is that the contract be completed 80 days before the final budget 1s adopt<!d." said Morrctt BOARD PRESIDENT Jack Clapp said he had no immediate comment on the t eachers' pro- posal. Clapp said he horcs the board will be able to ratify an agree· ment before the end of the school year. - IJp Fro• A•lle• Debbie Ryan of Costa Mesa (above) walks her horse and dog pus t new horse barn at Orange County Fairgrounds . 'fwo new barns. each with stalls for 40 horses. have been built at Costa Mesa facility since a fir e 21 months ago lhal killed 14 horses. The n ew barns, built at a cost of $35,000 a piece. come com· plete with fire s prinkler syste ms <left). Fairgrounds officials say five more old barns will be replaced by mode rn, aluminum struc- tures this year Child Porno Rings Hit Legislation Sough/, to Deal With Problem NEW YORK i AP> A multimillion dollar chlld porno graphy industry is driving thousands or children into "pro miscuity, alcoholism, drug. ad- diction. venereal disease und premature parenting." s ays an authority on child ab'1Se. Dr. Judlanne D~en-Gerbcr made the charges al a news con· rerence called to ask for effective legislation to deal with the pro· blem . ON DJ SPLA Y AT the con· ference, held in the heart of the city's Times Square pomo dis· trict, were two films depicting explicit sex a cts involving children bet ween the ages or 8 and 13 as well as magazines and even a deck or playin~ cards with youngsters in lewd positions "Permitting commcrc1aJ child pornography clearly Indicates the community's indifference for the well being of its chJldren," declared th e former Utah University law professor. "We permit our society's sickest members the license to sexually use 3-year-olds ." Or. Oensen-Ger bcr. a mother or four, called the rums "the sad- dest things I've ever seen'' a nd angrily accused the porno marketeers or "destroying our children." THE nLMS, WIOCH she said were made in this country, had been purchased across the street from the Times Square Build ing where the conference was held. AB many as 120,000 chlldren In the metropolitan area are In· volved in some type of sex for money. Including prostitution. said Or. Densen-Gerbcr, 42, who heads the Odyssey House Institute, a nonprofit organlzo· lion for troubled youths. Many are runaways forced Into the acts by unscrupulo us operators and procurers, s he said, but others are engaged by parents or guardians who "live off their backs" through earn ings from the illicit operations "THESE PARENTS WHO s ub- ject their children to this type or environment arc monsters who are sick and need treatment." she said. "The problem is that the court.c; Savings Cheek do not view these as serious of- fenses and the refore place tbem at the bottom or the calendar They should be at the lop of lhl' calendar," she asserted. Lt J o hn Ta liua ga, a spokes man ro r the Police Depa rtment's P ublic Marais Division, ss.11d his department did all it could lo catc h the "big fish" responsible for produc1n~ and distributing the films. Brou;n Austerity Audits Planned SACRAMENTO <AP) Arc California taxpayers saving money because their governor traded his predecessor's Cadillac for a Plymouth end serves sprout sandwiches to guests al luncheon meetings? The stale auditor general is go. ing to find out. Auditor General John Williams ~ot permission from the Joint Legislative Audit Committee to conduct the first audit of the gov emor 's contingency fund in 13 years, and Brown's chlef or starr promised full cooperation. .. WE'LL FIND OUI' from gas receipts how much it costs to operate the blue Plymouth." said Williams. He said the audit will consider whe ther expe nditures from Brown's $3.3-million annual of- fice budget are warranted, and whether funds are being used ef· fectlvely. But It won't give any bas11; or comparison with former Gov. Ronald Reagan's administra· tion, which refused to allow auditors from the Legislature in· torus office. GRAY DAVI S, BROWN'S chief of staff, said the governor's office believes that "the public ii; served when every agency is open to public scrutiny." · This audit will be the first 'lf a governor 's orrice since 1963. Assemb l y man Vincer\t Thomas, the Sun Pedr o Democrat who previously headed the audit commiU.ee, said his only recourse when Reagan refused to cooperate would have been to seek court order, but he didn't want to lake il thatfar. ·•If lh<'y ar <' looking for a Joh locall y, they have an additional advantage. Most all attorneys in the area are familiar with ROP and prt'(er to h ire ROP graduatetJ." Mrs . Kuhel 'laid internships last as long a11 the trainee chooses to stoy. One woman worked with her ror a year. ln· terns are not paid, but there Is a certain financial advantage In staying for Jonger periods. "Wh o knows"" said Mrs . Kuhel. "You might wind up working Lor a district attorney'" Class Emphasizes Roots ASSEMBLYMAN MIKE Cullen. < D·Long Beach) took over as the committee chairman last year. lie tried to get ap- proval for un audit or Brown's of - fice last fall. but Sens. Anthony Bellenson ID-Los Angeles) and Nale Holden, ID·CuJver City) blocked the moved. Beilenson has been elected to Congress, a nd Holden voted for the audit In u unanimous com· mltt.ee vole. . A WOMAN WHO WANTS to work for a criminal lawyer and can 11ay she has a year's ex- perience In the district att.omey's office, will probably atart. at a bJgher salary, Mn. Kubel said. Mn. Striner Is the your.gest In· tern Mrs. Kuhel has ever had. Breut Cancer Discussion Topic Breast cancer will be t"-topic of the cancer dltcu.ulon l~P at a public meetln1 at 7:30 p.m . Wednelday at Fountain Valley Comm\llllty Hospital. The 1pecl1l needs of the cancer ~ patient wlll be the foeus of the • dllcuHlon. Ou•ata wW Include : Dr. Davtd R. Enp~m. Pb.D. • Lori Phippt, R.N., and a pro- • athala apeclaJ1't. DIGGING UltOID lnettuctot Gt-. Lane- College Students to Study U.S. Folklore Saddle back College instructor Grace Lange urges her students to "dla for roots." In a figurative sense, that is what her American folklore class ls all about, thouah it ls listed in the college catalogue as English 29. "EVERYBODY'S G0r a fami- ly tree and to know how the roots grow tives you a lle\Se or who you art," said M r t. Lange. She aald that during the course of a semester "a atudent's beriulfe emerges." Her clue thla aprlq betlna Jan. 28 and wlll include lm- •linll'Y vtsltl with the people ot upper Maine, Jobstermen on Cheupeake Bay, the Amish of Ohio, raUroadera ol the Great Plalna And the l>ennaylvanla Dutch. IT WILL &ETRACI! a Journey she toOk durtn1 a recGat .U. balical, which involved In· terviews with Amertcan people from coast to coast. "Man Is engaged in a constant search for his roots ln Ute," sald Mn. Lange. "Folklore Is impor· tant to thls search because tl is ln direct and simple expressions that man exposes his dee~t needs to re.late to others and to the world." She sald folkJore in America covert a broad range ol topics, includln• tbe Wlld Weal and the occult. "POLK TllADITIONS are everywhere," 1h• 1aid. ''They are ln coetume, aonp, dancea and cu•toms, which .re tradl· tions that have been banded down and pn1etvtd for aenor•· Uonl.'' Mrt. Lan•• baa lotlfed atoritt of Salem wttcb.ta ud \M CaJuu of Soutbeutern Am•rJu•a bayous and clainu that even you n g s ters in Southern California are carrying on tradl· Uons that are steeped in the past. A four-part lecture aeries has been planned to coincide with the ro11tlore class this sprtna. and It. la open to the public u well as students at no charae. A SERIES OF Juest speakers will brin& their folk craft, song and art preaentatlooJ to the series, wh!cb be1ina in the Jut week of February and la enUUed ''The Lore of tbe Folk: An ~merlcan Hertt•I•·" Amon1 the hJ1thU1ht.1 of Mrs. Lan1e'1 clau ia the final class proJtd, which lnvolvet oreoar•· Uon ol tt'adltlonal foods by the studentt for a foJk leut. t.ut 11mesLer, the menu ln· eluded auch dellcactet • pottum ,.._,,yellow pea soup, taler pat- U• Md bomemade breed. •'No sacred cows," said Cullen. BROWN-WATCHERS MAY be interested In the report to see Jr ll bears out the 38-yeer·old Dem oc rat's near-legendary rru.iallty. The audit will begin in about two weeks and take about two months. Williams sald D.ly PHet D••"Y h ........... Mond•Y·Frid1y If YOV do no1 h1"9 ~ r»t>er by O 30 om call before 7 p 111 and your COPY won be dehvered \ S..111rmy 111d Sunday If ~ do not rect+~ ~' cooy by 8 a fl\., Qlfl belor• 10 a.m and YO\lf eopy Wiil '9 dollV9red c1ra11 ..... '"' u Molt Ot1not Collnty Arffe t4a.0~1 Nolthnllt H11nOng1on &.Id\~ Ind WHtrnlntftf ....... J4e.1• &Ml OtlMnlt. C.pl1tnino lelCll S.n Jlan C.p111reno. • Oenti Point 8olJ 1 h LJ1Q1At LAoul'lt Niguel .. ·~• .. S.tur<Ny, January 15, 11717 DAILY PILOT AS ' ••• And Canada Jays Light on His Shoulder' 8y ltJLE8 l.()ff NAMAKAN LAK.E, MJM. (AP) -ln1vald StevenJ lt oae of thoH rarat of creature•, a man ut- tuly at peace wJtb hlmlelt &od hil wqrld. He haa found It Uvtna alone on hta own lslaod ln ooe ol Lbe motl remote and untamed reaches ol America. Jt bH been his home the paat 45 years, almott ball hi. Ute. no ta 91. HE LIVES IN A CUIN heated by poplar and birch felled and owed by hiJ own muscle. He srowa hiJ own veietables and stores them ln a root cellar he himself dug. He grinds hiJ own wheat and bakes hiJ own bread. He haul1 · hh w a ter fro m the ( ) cry1tal lake that sur· -'~lUr .4 rounda hlm, in tbe winter .n.1-,iL, '-Ja chopping tbrouah thick -------~ lee. · At night, by 1a1Ui)lt, he writes In his diary: "The weatherman \s dolna hls level beat to freeze me to death. Well, t.omo1Tow at this tlme I shall know If he can out-maneuver this old Viking or not." VllJted recently, b1J voice wu coane and rupy. He hadn't m4X1 It in several months, he ex· plained. "Halk to myaclf, but not outloud." Att.r a fffW phrases, lt waa back ln shape, lubrtcated and rtadr to diacua b1J aolilary tX• ut.ence and why bec:boto lt. rr SBOVLDN'T BE bard to wuier1tand. I love 10lltude, I love the wilderness, I love the wUdllfe. The partrldte• are my pets; Jbavet.obe carefuJ not to 1tep on them. ''J do n ot llke crowda. I do not llke the city, where even the snow ls d.Jrty. What IJ there to 'min? I Uke my own company. I don't STEVENS wand to live I/ I can't take care of mysell. I have no fearofdeatb." Vlrlln Norway pine. ll bid been be.dquarters fort '°11tn1 company. SWve converted It loto a filblnc camp and catered, hall·heartedJy, to 1ummtr tourilta. Wbot be really wanted to do,,., Uve aJoae all year lon1. So he did. Now hlt Social Security cbeclc and h1a aavin11 buy the st•plee ~ nee<U and be counts hlmaelf rich. He 1aya he ii never boced, bu plenty tokeephim bu1y. A dJary entry: "Removed firewood from south dock and piled it. Selected seed 1puds and 1ll•nted three rows. Went fishing thi• evening and after a poor 1tart caught my limit of walleyK. Cleaned four and cooked them for a late dlnner. Then went to sleep while sitting at table ... fUS LABORS BRING lUM the only reward he aeeks. An entry for May : "Frogs tuning up toniaht ... . Steve is an avid reader. In the winter. he raises hla &luffed leather chair onto a foot· high plaUorm so he can be closer lo the gaallght in the ceiling and also because it's warmer up off the noor. Some creaturt lJ art le~11 welcome 8ear11 huve many tlme1 tried to break into his ca.bin, und he keepe an escape ladder at the re1dy bone.th a trap door t.o bls •tt.ic. He hat had to kUl alx over the yeat1. "I never feel J 'm alone," he U id. FOR ALL HIS ISOLATION, Steve ui not " hermit In the aenae done who rejects the real world and re1l1ll 11J1oclaUon with other1. On the <'On· lr41")', be enjoys visit.ors uncJ kC'eps up a llv~ly cor· reapondence with friends wid roh1tlves. fie enjoys the company of othens, but does not aeek It or need lt. The drumbeat lngvaJd Stevens hears pulsc11 with the certain rhythm of the moon and the stars and 1rowlng thlng11, tht> night.song or grouse In their anow homes. lhe teeming quiet or the wilde rness. He did not quit the re11I world when he moved to hia island, Steve u id. fie discovered tl. Buff Bye-bye Bade LONDON CAP> Two v1s1t1ng Auslrahun girls bade farewell to Bntum m tho buff. SO FAR NElnJE R SAVAGE winter, which lays siege lo this wilderness on the Canadian border with temperatures that plunae to 45 below. nor sum· mer isolation, which requires h.im to travel eight miles ln bi.a boat to ~ nearest mall drop, has de· , feated that Independent old Viking. A m an whose life personifies simplicity, ln1va.ld Stevens inal.at.a that his na1he be reduced lo a lln&le syUable: Steve. Most of bi.a friends in In· t.emaUonal Falls -the nearest town. SO miles away. where he journeys two or three times a year for supplies -know blm only by that informal name. "We did it to see the looks on people's laces." said one of the gifts who stnpl)l'<i 10 u crowded bar at Heathrow Airport. To get his reading material he skis across the frozen lake to h11 mail drop, a distance reduced to four miles in wlnter, following a s now path careful· ly laid out e ach year with trail markers of spruce branches placed preci.aely L8 snow11hoe steps apart. How that slender, leather-tough old Vlklng can akl ! To lighten his backpack for the return trip, he baa --------------- ,, :· ·' •• '" ALLLA0 UOYS AREHIU ltt tk I OO'i TO I ~\ CHOOSE . \'· . FROM ·~149 IMMEDIATE NEI DWVlltY WHITE'S Showcase STEVE CAME TO AMERICA from Norway in Ul04 when be was 19 and searched out friends and relatives In Minnesota, the destination of many Scandaoavlan immigr ants. He went lo school, farmed. clerked in a general store, finally wound up as manager of a shoe store in lllbblng. After 14 years of that, like man~ another managerial sort. he sot ulcers. That's when he moved to his island, a spot he had d iacovered on fishlng vacallon11. Learning Class Set A proeram designed to 1timulate learning, In· crease coordination, balance, endurance and similar motor and physical characteristics In children ages 3 through 7 la being of. MISSIOH V11: Ill\ COSTA MESA fered b y the Orange ~ 369 E 17th Street Coast YMCA . 2300 , ...... ,, ...... ,., 2 · U nivers ity D r ive, 8892 Marguerite iw".,_.. s.-1 Newport Beach. Pkwy k-Twatt.. 1 17"' Sfl Classes are limited in --··-*"'" *"-"_,,..., ~1 size to assure maximum 4_.9 .... 5 ... 59-02 642-8657 participation by each taken lo reading condensed books. H1s shelves are crammed with them. BY DAY, BETWEEN WINTER chores, Steve busies himself making feeders and suet balls for bis pets, red poll11 and grosbeaks and chickadees and Canada jays that h~bt on his &boulder. REAL EST ATE SALES MANAGER We are loolcmg lor top management porsonnol with two years or more expeflence In res1dtmt1al real estate 10 manage establrahed oll1co In Hun11ng1on Beach/Founlain Valley area. e,.ccllont Compen&at1on. Send resume 1n contrdence to Ad 11788, Owly Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA. THE f'lUMllH~ HIATIHG Al• COHO. ., ......... . .. , ... ....,. ~01e1111n Vf">•ti Att•t1 -<...ti Mlll~IQll \ll(J<) lff72 Ci"1•'''' ""'J' ,If il'W'J t i'>l>•. '·•y .,. , ;•••t: 495-0401 • C.O~fA MEl!A-· l~'& NtH(fJOl1 Ol1;d '"' f 642-I 713 •111""' SALE i::n11re Stock ot • Scand1n av1an furniture rn teak, rosewood tsnd I gt1nu1no loather • All Rya Rug~ on SlllB too' SORENSEN I !110 S. c-at Hwy. L:-m• kech C71 I 4'4·11H • Mo-.""'" 1 student. For more in· --·-,... . J..:;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";";T;'•;';;;;;;;;;.l_~fu:r~m~a~ti~on~,~c~a~ll~64~2~·~9990~.--,,' I : , . " . .. ,. i, .. Ill I '•' ,, ( , ; • - In Celebration of Our FIRST ANNIVERSARY INVITES YOU TO A FABULOUS JEWELRY SALE ¥., OFF Sale Ends Today 1171VlaUdo Ne::;r,:1 Jeaell, Ca. mu ml W. Coat& H-,. Newpwt lle.e~, Ca. .......... ,., .... ... ._ •• ,a.~ Ul..u4 I/ UNUllfVAt&lt Almo11 A Gift QUALITY LIVING ROOM --~ CHAIRS ~.tt!.., S69 ·~·... ... O'Wit ,., .. ,,..,,,.."" (fY;lit ............. ._ , ~vlorly ~" 00 SAVE s200 Op ON THIS ALL WOOD T fAMdUS QUALITY leoutlful Pecan finish with Old KING or QOHN World Scroll. $299 5 Pc. BEDROOM ~~:!. lilt j111t NI .. ... ·~-. ,. . ".:...---2 FOi '119 ~ ,___~~~~~~~~~~~-~ • ~-. ;' Spanlah Commoclo• or I 60" Cocktail Table& ~ .. ,.,, ..... , ....... , . .. , ............. , It I-,,ket Le•hh """'T. ''"'' ....... i.. ,_. '-" " • ...., .. lfl<•"' c.11 .. +=* ,-.... ...., 1-t '" "M9n.vl .... ',.,t.,. felwlc ttwt1 -n·t , .. 1,. ., feN, wlttl _....... feeM cuot.te..1,.. •~ .. ,w• 1.., -•y -... ... --'• ...... SPECIALS FROM OUR SLEEPSHOP BEDDING SPECIAL OUR SPARE •IMOUMDH . ROOM •SU.LY • HMfTA•INIM llDOIM• TWIN s59 fA. PC.. ~PC. 569 ~S189 IUNG sn 5249 QUILTED 9 PC. GROUPING 2MAnllllll 2 'U1'0IMS 2 '"""" J covrrurrt• r COIHll fAlll tHOIClt# . OH ., NIN' ALL 9 PIECIS Now In Costa Mesa 1865 HARIOR BLVD. l,_www.., MAITIMI MMITVlllJ Phone 645-6151 CONVERTIBLE SLEEPER SOFA w •~•on r.00.11 ••'.IO $166 \()\ •fJ ll I f '1•t1, t..C.1¥f r)t I tMClUOf \ 1r111•• t•11,\ 71tllCIDINITTI 111 IUY OUT VAlUI eft DOUO\AI l''"'' I Mt ru <un°"'u RIMI 01 COUIJI ~ POOAY - • IAMI ~ , AICAIH - In Santa Ana-505 South Main St.-547-7133 H04Jlll1 '*"· "'"' M . IO ,. ' ~ 10 ,. • J11,.8y rt ,. J I .. ) , , { t l ( __ C_o_m_m_e_n_t _P_ag ___ e_) Sacramento's News Flow Cut To a Trickle .... ~ .. : '"' #>.. rv" < I: •, fl' • :r.., 8)' ED SALZMAN Ed Sobmon u «Dior of t~ CaJJfomia Jouruol from wJdc#t l~articlc u ~ed. Whether those ot wt i.n the prlnttd· word bualnets ne willing to admil ll or not, the h•Cl is that mot1t Calltom1ans &et lhelr basic knowlf'dac about what'!l hap· pening tn lhe world from their cathode· ray tubes and not their new1$papers and magazines. That'a why thlJ Christmas past ahall go down ln h111tory as an e3pecially dark day amona thoao ot ua who care about 1etllng a now or information about atate government and polltics to the California citizenry. On December 25, the CBS television outlet in Los Anaeles, KNXT, cl03Cd lta Capitol bureau, NOW TflEltE IS but one televillon crew permanently assigned to the Capitol complex -by KNBC ln Los Angeles, the only Califom111 station com· mltted to decent coverage of California politics and government. <And there a.re some station Insiders who tev tbat KNBCmayfollowthepathofKNXT.) The departure oC KNXT's Howard Gl41old '-especlall,y worthy oC noto becauae CBS had I trad1Uon. Wllh Bob Slmmont Hd Wal'ffn Olney before Gln&old, ot Hndlnt e1peclally percep. u v• reporl41n \0 Sacramenlo. As a re· ault, KNXT had uoexcelled covtirac• of affairs ol 1Lat.e In Sacramento during the Pat Brown and Ronald Rea1an ad· mlnlttraUon1. But t.he televlalon lndustry bad de· clded there la UtUe place tor sertoia re· port.tn of t.he poUUcal scene. Govern· meot does not Hll s>W"rlni automobiles or eroUc odors. ·•Action news" does. ONE OF THE DEPUTED TV re· portert wu once told upon beina n · si&ned to Sacramento to make bia stories be a cross between t.he kind of material pUblltbed In the Reader's Diaest and the NaUonal Enquirer. Broadcaattng coverage of state gov· ernment and politics has dropped dramatlcally since the golden age of the 19809, when Reagan's sacramento was viewed u a source ot sexy stories and televtllon crews from a.a Car away as San Dleto trolled the Capitol corridors. Un· Qldentally, the same criticism does not apply to w u8blnlton, where lbe pro- blems are limited to quality and where C8S doea an excellent Job.) By flat. the Callfornla l.clevlston In· duatry c.le c1arcd the 197' Brown· f10W"nOY campalitn dull, :ind only KNBC gave lta viewer• ffiOUCh coveraae lo make an lntelll&ent declslon. SIGNIFICANTLY, AT TIIE very tJme Gi.DJold and compan.y clOled ahop, tho atale'1 new pubUc-broOdcut1nc com· mlulon waa starting to dlatribl.llO fUbdl ror the coveraaie ()( stllt4' eovernment by public udlo and lclovialon atatlona. These Cunda are appropriated by the Le1lal1ture and subject to tho 1ov- emor'a veto. Does It make sense for those being cov- ered most cloHI)' by the media to control the very dollars that ana.ko lhoeo broad· cuts possible? We have come to n sorry 1tate of af. fains when we mwst look to such an un. sat1afactory financial arrangement to provide a minlmum level of political rc--- portine. Budget Growth Hard to Govern By FRED W. kUNE& JE RRY GOLDBERG Coll•tHtw•hnlCt SACRAMENTO-"Two years have passed since the state legislature convened here in re- gular session; two years of pro· gress a nd cons tructive nc· complishment; two years that have witnessed a steady advance from conditions of deep eeonomic depression." this was a budget message from Gov. Frank Merrlan to the people of Califomiu in 1937. Merrian a ssured the legislature his budget would have no tax Increases and all spending would be kept to a minimum. His expenditures amounted to about $400 million which caused a deficit of around $17 million. Gov. Culbert Olson in 194.l started hedging bl.a beta a little to the legislature warning them that the stale was growing because of the war effort which required a few more items of ex· pelUle for the people. Ol.SON ALSO noted there would be no new truces and re· ported a s urplus in the state's coffers while announcing his budget wduld go up to $SS2 million which was really $13.4 million below the estimates ex- pected for the year. He did not aJ. low as to the fact the legislature might want to make some cuts. Gov. Earl Warren In 1947 told the legislature -in the first budget ever prepared on an an- nual basis -"It iB the first budget submitted which ren~ts broad preparations made during the war to catch up with peacetime needs. "It is the first budget to reflect in dollars and cents the magnitude of serv ice required by a population in excess of nine mlllloo people. lt ls a budget which reflec t s the inflated dollar." Warren presented a budget of $641 million that year. IN 19$% WARREN commented on the new expanded quarters of· rered to the legislature and other stale officials because of the sad· ly inadequate quarters in the past. I le noled the state was in "fine financial condition.•• He ad· milted to underestimating costs. Price tag for the year was ~ million. The 1957 message or Gov. Goodwin Knight predicted good things because the budget "refl ected a sound condition or 11tale finances and prosperous economy." Knight lhen asked the Jeglslature for $852 million. consecutive budget to require no new taxes and was proud or h1a "soundly balanced budget" ln 1962 when he asked ror $2.8 billion. He was just as proud In 1966 when be asked for a budget of $2.9 bUllon. THE MESSAGE WAS similar when Governor Ronald Reagan got around to askJng the legislature for a conservative budget or $10 billion. Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. was very proud or his $1.Z billion budget last year without any tax increase and around '8'>o mllllon in surplus. Thls year the budget will be re- aching around $15 billion wilhout new taxea and use o! about $1 billion in surplus !Of' tax relief and scbooJ reform. Requiem for School Vouchers Gov. Edmund G. Brown Sr. proudly announced bis fourth The m ajor changes since Mer· nan appears in the lncreased dlf· f1culty of reading the budget with more items now being hidden In little obscure corn en. . By THOMAS D. EUAS The notion of a school voucher system that would give parents "coupons" they could use to ser1d children lo any school they wished became popular a few years ago as parents began as· 8erting a desire for more control over Jocal acbooi.. The idea even got a practJcal. rederally.funded tes t in California, where the state A&· sembly also passed :J bill all<1w· ing the !)talc lo experiment with Jt Now Lhe concept apP<!ars to be dead. JT IS TRE victim of !everal de· cl1ions by the U.S. Supreme Court, low le!t scores by pupils participating in the e11periment and several innovatJ vc i.late pro- grams. The lone California experiment with education vouchers -also first in the nation c-ame in San Jose's Alum Rock Elementary School District and that program is rinished. Thc full concept of giving parent• tree ('hoicc amonl( private, parochi&I nr public :.chool8 was nev er tried anywhere, however. because almost everyone involved agreed it would be illegal to funnel public money to private schools. Their conclusion was rein· forced by two court decisions handed down soon after the Alum Rock experiment began in 1972. O~ STRUCK down an Ohio law allowing the state to reim· burse par~nts or private and parochial school students for tui- tion ex pens es ~and lhe other threw out a California law givinJC parents income tax credjts of up lo $125 for each child attending a pn vate school. Al Alum Rock. the voucher system never extended beyond the public schools. Parents could choose among six public elemen- tary schools offering various types of instruction. But a Rand Corporation report showed students in the voucher program declined lo reading ability and did worse i.n other Oelds than nonvoucher studenLc; m the same dis trict. Even so, the plan was popular with both purenl!I and teachers because it caused a significant transfer of decisloo·maklng Has Golden Goose Run Out o.f Eggs? 8 y HERB Ci\F.N SAN t'RANCISCO I\ l!l77 1111Jute lo a great c1ly' Yeah this one . Embattled old Raghdad·bY·lhe-Oay, Qu~en City of the Pacific without ttte double entendre, 11ea .glrt, Golden Gated, Bay Brtd"ed, Seal Rocked und Twin Pe11kt"d. She h81J always been world renowned, t.h18 odd lit- tle llPlt or land that mu1t , always be referred rl.O In tho femlntne, tense and lenaer, never so ten•e aa now. She. t.he cat "city, crawllni over hllla and fnto valle.)11, t.firough the backyard• and •~r~t aardens that thrlve behind grand mansions tumin(C their back on liCt. Famous for "cltJed hllJa'' <Robert Louls Slevt'Oson) and Camous ad· mlrers and reaidtnt pottt \0 ainc her pralsea; "At the end of our 1trc-et1 aro 1tt1rs , m.rveled Geor1e Sterlln1, wbo wu not una"'are t.hat "'apara" provided an easy rhyme, and our bustling harbor tbo 111UJn1 ahlJ» that had them, but where now the buatlet Gone with the buaUes aod tht 11Jk toppert ot yester· day, 1one with those who rc- mem!Mrtd the champa1<n<- dl)'a of dreams and palaces and fut.urea 11 extravagant as purpleaunael.I. NOW Tile WOLP Is at the ·door iand our throet), tho ' chickens have come home to roost, the golde n ~006c has run out of eggs. Choo6e any metaphor you like -where once we were overpralsed, especially by ourselves, now we are overcritlcized. Oar Criend11 have deserted us: from London to Tokyo, the writers tell oC our gutters run· nlna with blood, our e~ty pier!', o ur f eckleaii leader.ship, our runaway ca. ble cars, our cheap tourist trappJn11. The ancient JI not forgivabl e fact that Chinatown ls a 1U«ery racado for a tenement ls suddenly l'M'WI -again. Do I detect a sense or gloatin1 over our nan oC bad luck and worse performance? • THE CRITICS are on us, and let us not aay we didn't uk for it. The Convention Burc1u 's lll ·adviaed "Everybody'• Favorite Cl· tyl •• -how 1aUlng t.hat must have been, bow ift8u1Ung that la, to ot.her cities and t.helr people. We were tho best In tht Wt1t, and the fl1'9t ln everythtn1. be it Opera H~ or symphony. aulcldea or cir· rh<>1ls, hookel'1, dope. roet, tJOCk. But In many wny• we were uhcad of the 51ame, and allll are. We have erutes. but they are no crazier than Em- peror Norton. The windl ol rttedom blow, d~1 tho , SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOCUS power from the district's fentral office to local •choola. BUT TUE NATI ONAL Inst itute of Education has not re· newed the program this year, l ar~ely bt>cause or a general decline of intere~t m Lhe voucher concept. ··we sure haven't heard much aboul any new voucher ~ro· grams in the 1:1~t couple of years,'' says William Whiteneck, deputy s uperintendent of ad · ministration in the state Depart· mcnt of Education. "/\ few years af(o, there was a lot of interest, but now there's al most none.'' Whilt•nel'k Indicated one re- ason may he that many of the ~oals parents sought via the voucher sys tem have now been achieved through other state prn- grams. ''Whal th e vnucher strecta but freshening tho at. m<>1phere. And we have great food and great bans and great bread and a tradition or ex· cellence that may yet survive the schlock oC mediocrity. I UXE TRIS p1nce, this her, this whl\tever lt ls that comes in so many ahapes and alzea (and •exes). Dusk ls tho best time, the dying light turning Bank oC America's blt\ck to !lllvcr, sunset haze aortening the egotl!itlcal thrust of the pyramJd, red tallllghts awlmmlnic up. stream. tbe adventurerll con· 1regalln1 for lhe never· endlnl Jame oC dice, darUnc look.I, the 1heM tonlshtrmay. be-the·night aexlnesa oC tb!a sexy city. WE HAVEN'T done t1Jt}lt by the old 1trt lately. Nobody · M•ktla New Year's re11-0lu· tlon.1 1ny lon1er, but in '77, let.'1 Lake better care of this marveloua creature. They don't make 'em like thal llll)'WhCl't elH. 1 backers really wanted wa:i; to force the public schools lo come up with a number of altcmalivcs within the public schools," he said. "That same idea was also behind the alternative s chool movement that was so popular three and four years ago." Some or the alternative schools created then still thrive, but few new ones are being set up today Whileneck feels this levelini: off and the loss of interest in vouchers renect the success or state programs in areas like ear- ly childhood education. special needs and bilingual educallon, many or which started in 1973. "THESE PROGRAMS take care of a lot of people who were formerly dissatisfied," he said. "Maybe some of them now feel they can work with the schools they've got.·• The upshot Is that while the complete freedom of choice e n· visioned in a full.scale voucher system was never tested, signifi· cant demand for Jt has dis<1p· peared -partly becauir;e of changes generated by th" voucher idea ilsclC. Punch ., Afbert fin stein didn't do foo bodf y, ancl he novet hod a pocket calculator!" • 'Detrimental, to Good Order, DiscipliJW' Military Battles Unions Ry F RED S. HOFFMAN Tll•A•-l•i.d'"" WASHINGTON -Pentagon lawyers can't agree among the m selves on whethec- servicemen and aervtcC..Vomen can be barred from Joining labor unions. But there Is general al{reemcnt among the lawyer,. that the Pen· tagon has the power to prohibit negotiations belwcen labor un· ions and the defense establish· merit on mUltary pay, working condltions or anything else. The debate nppears to holl d own to a n argument over t ' doltl cel9 ..,.., )GCX rlflhtl .,., ~,. "°' ,.rtlnfl 'WW ehart' '°'.~fl ollwt#I' ' whether a ban on allowing mem· bership In a union would infringe on a service mombcr'a conalilu· tional rights. Pentagon lawyers have been grappling with the problem <J( how to frame reeulationa in IUCh a way as to keep them from being voided by the courts. Army attorneys con~d the Defense Department ha11 legal authority to rule out union mem· bcrshi1>. Defense Department. General Counsel Richard Wiiey reportedly challenges the Army position. Lawyers for the Air Force and Navy are described as uncertain. A current defense directive 11ays comm anders a re not authorl7.ed to r ecocnlzo or to bargain with Any servicemen's union. Many civilian workers belonic to the American Federation or Government Employes, which represents them before con- 1resslonal committees. Government workers may not strike and their P•Y rates are Oxed by Conareaa. But. the union may bargain wltb fedttal aiicn· cla on worklne condJtlon.1 and Is avalltble to help lndlviduul employes ln event of grievances. The union has been consldenng far more than a year whether to \ry to sign up men and women ln uniform. AFGE leaders decided lut month to delay a decL1lon amid reporb of dl.satreement amon1Lhem. The present Penta1on ' J leaders hip, both civilian a nd rn4Jitary, •S universally opposed to '"\lnlonlzalion of tbe armed forces. lt Is not yet known how the Carter administration will vtew the question. Gen. G corgc S. Brown, chairman ot lhc Joint ChJela or Starr. tci1llficd la11t year that "every country that ha11 hod un· Ionization within lt..tt uniformed side ot the military establish· mcmt bol' paid one terr1flc prico ln operational effectiveness." Other senior military otncers have BBid unions In the armed forces "would be detrimental to Cood order and disclpllnc.'' Sen. Strom Thurmond (R.- 8.C.), Introduced lcglalaUon tut March "to prohibit union or· .:anliatJon In the armed force1•• but the bill died. Ha is expected t o resubmit It In the new Coniress. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT The rommrnt PRlt<' nf tho Dal· Iv fltlnt 'cek11 to lnrorm und 11tltnulnH• rudcr11 by pr~enl· Ing n vtrtcty of commf'ntury on tnrlr~ of lnttre-t nnd i.111n1'1cni11·I' trom lnro1 mt'<.l olJwr \ ~·• s nnd ~pok<•~mcn. Robfort N. \~'1•1•d, l'ublt•lttt Saturday, Ja.n.15, WT1 Hi glrla and boys. Are you all getting ready for our next ''really blg'' contest? Uncle lAm knows that .most or bla artists can draw beautiful hearts and flowers. Thal'a right, boys and girls, )'OU should start thinking about Valentine's Day on February J4 and ow-annual Valentine Draw- 1111 Conte1t. • Right now we are workJng out the details tor an excitlng conte1ot and the Information will be available to all or you next week. Thia week's winner is Jean Tyler who drew the clever pic- ture of Rudolph relaxing in front of hJs television set alter a hectic holiday. HONORABLE MENTION thi!I week goes to Jeffrey Wheeler, Patti and Sean Walsh, J ohn. Eugene and Charles Miller. and Dawn Umemoto, all or Hunt- ington Bench. AJso to Tom Bauman, Un<ta McGaugh, Kim Penfil, Suzanne $amuelian and Nancy Mockett, all of Ne wport Reach; Kathy Fuller or Costa Mesa; and Rick Hullagc of Mission Viejo. Uncle Len would like to thank everyone who sent in the won- derful drawings and remind you again of the deadline or Thursduy ooon. There were still some late arrivals in the mail Friday. Now boys and girls, lhJ!i week Uncle Len would like 1111 of hi:. artist friends to draw your favorite winter sport. Do you like to ski. ride a toboggan or a sled, ., * PRIZE WINNER * Jean Tyler, 14, of2008Centelfa Place, NewportBHch Any child Mor Wlder, can enter Uncle Len's Contest. Jkre's all yt'11 do: (I 1 Or11w picture on piece of plain, white paper 4'<J in· chC$ wide and., indw" dec•p. Use black ink and make lines black. <21 Oo not copy or trace picturl· It must be your own work .. (3) Put your name. tiS!e and address on back of drawing. Mail 1t to tfncle Len's Art Cont~t. Rox 1560, DAILY PILOT, Co:.ta Mesa !12<i26. F.ntrie:1 must be recl'tved by noon on Thursday for pubhca- t1on on th<> following Saturday. Winner will receive Kennedy hall dollar. or even i<'c skate? II M>. draw yourselC doing what you like to do best while frolicking in ·the snow. here, but you can sUll draw a snowman. So until next week, then, Uncle Len wishes each and every one tile very, very best o{ everything. We don't see many of them out '. Letters -From Ellie lrl lt16Ju"f. IM•- l>ear Ellle, What Is lhf' dltrC'rence betwf•t>n a vole and a rat or a mouse? and S<>me of them prefer warm, dry atmo!'ipheres while others favor moist environments. liut all or them seem to prefer places that have central he11t- ing. M.Mc8. Dear M . McA. Unlike rats and mice. voles avoid association with man and n ever choose to .,har«> his dwcllinJ(s They have rather thick -set ' bodies and short leges. They arc moat easily d istinguis hed from true rats by tbe1r blunt muzzle, ~mall ears. eyes and UIU. True rats have Ion~ la1l:.. but vole~ never have a tail more than half the lent(lh or the body. Like l~mmings, voles go through cyclc:1 of populatkm ex. plosions. and whl•n their num- bers tncreuse, they can do i::rcat ELLIE damage to vegetation They multiply '1U1ckly, and a slngle pair can produce 200 descendcnts an a year. Thia of course depletes lhc food :.upply Also, in- creasing numbers of lttese iimaJI rodenL~ bring m numerous blrd:s of prey And ""· lwr;,iu:.c 11( ovt•r crowding, less rood and mdn) prl"<iJtors, the volr popuJollon dt!chnes. Ellie Dear ElllC', IC they are permitted to multiply, they can cause r eal damage by chewing on various household things. It is silverfish that frequently d~stroy paper and book binding~. Silverfish live for :;rver<il years and every few weeks throuehout their hvN. 11hed their skins. Thl· outdoor species reed on dry or decaying mulcrtal that ... or plant origin. Ellie Dear Rndt't ... Last wec•k we had a question about survival. Many animals, especially those that canncit run or ny swiftly or fight, have developed amazing de- fenses aitainst predators. Camouflage is one of the mol>l important a<iaptat1ons. Some s mall fish are transparent; other creatures have protective color that helps them blend with their surroundings. Arf' 11llvnflsh that w.-i.omt•tlmts Sf'f' In the bouu ln1ecb·: Shadows on the underside or an animal tend to give away 1ls po~il1on, and so many have dark sides "'h1ch fade to lighter colors underneath. This l~ common in antelopes and in many fish. Some, like the :1nj(elf1sh and the plover, have patterns of con· trusting colors that tend to break up the outline and make them hard to sec. Even more amazing are the rhcm('lt•on and nat £ish wh.ich have learned to take on thl· color of their surroundings as they m ove from pl;,iec to place. Jill I>. Deur Jill , Ye!!, 111lvt'rfo1h are in:1c1·t.:. that ~long lo ;a pnm1t1vc wangleu aroup They have 11n elongated body, a niouth with b1tmg pJrt.,, iJnd three long tu1J llk•· •lla<'hmcnls at tht-~lld or lh<· body. One kind IS found undtor hurk and rotl1njl wcltl(f, tmt much twllf'r known 1i. the dome:1Uc vancly which lnh»b1ts our housei.. f Survi \•al m<'thodi; wall continue next week.) Ellie ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S QUESTION: Can kangaroos climb trees? Regular kangaroos do not climb. but then• 1s a small i;pecles resembling a iwallaby which prefers to live among the branches of treNI Appropriately, they arc called "tree h.an.:aroo.., ' Thnc ore iicvcrttl ~pt·1·w., 11f 1111' 111d11or type~. QU~STON : Is a water bear o mammal? I I. • .J ...,_ttw r .. <•<• .. -... ~ ... '"" v--.. k••toe• .... , ... ~-.. c;..1 o .... 9_1t,9'Ma1WMU.,, ~ .... __ _ DO FISH HA V•: EARS? 1' you thought that :a f1f.h 's curs 11Nrc th0,1c two round naps on thf' afde or his head, JUJIC about wher<' our own ears are placed, you .,ouJd be wrong. nto.e are his alll covers. They protect the de- Ucatc filamenlll ht wies IJ'lstcad <fl tun11 to tuke oxyaen from the 'f•ter. You will no\ find protruding ears OQ the flah. But be has a pair ol vtry •harp internal cars, tlacked away lnslde hia head. The external ahell·like ears on a human art not the most lmpor· &Aftt part of the hearing t.'qUIP· inent. They merely help to illther sounds from all 4lround ind direct. them lo the IMer ears. 1'he reel hcarlnt ls done by those loner tars which are safety burled ln1Udc the bones of your ¥ull. Birds have no outeT ean ~al1$e they fly through bufrer- tp1 wlnda. Their senslUve IMer .,.. are lnalde t.befr beldl, too. ' II' A nsn had a pair ot out.er !'i they would be a problem. lfe de ndt on 1wtmmln that ca~ for a -tte•mll.n~ t y to allp amoothty throu&h the ler. The am CAMI that look ear1 on \ht tldea ~ his head .,. curved backward. A• he l'\lrlmt lorwud. the water 9'rt1m• over them. But the .,.._would tlream tDl1de 1 pllr of shell·ahaped outer ears. The flab's inner ears arc cov· ertd wtl.h skin. They are very 11harp to catch wund.9 vibrating through tho water. And they even hear sounds In the air abt>ve. It you are lucky enouch to go fish· Ing with an expert, you will be told to :oitoy very quiet. The bass and the trout can hear you. They do not know what the sounds mt'an -and they do not wait around to find out. A fish 'a sharp eart also have delicate organs to help him keep hi• body balance. These are aomewhal like the balancln1 or· llN built Into the hwnan Inner ear. THE STRIPED BASS has tpeclal cells ln hits skin that help htm lo h'ear vlbrollon1 In aomewhat the 1111me way as we sentt thlng1 by tourh. These aerulnt ctl111 ire • ayatem or Uny canals under U\e akln. They con· nec:l wllb the out.aide throufh pore o~nlng, In the akin Jn U.. \1 :.triped bass, these pc:>res are ar- ranged in a row along each of his sid~. If you look closely you can see this 110.called lateraJ line. Some fiiih, but not all, have serusitlve lateral lines to aid hear· ing work done by their Inner eara. ,.~lsh have aenso oraana ror ta~ting and smelling, loo. Some have barbels or feelers to explore their 1urroundin1s by touch. Out most fish depend on the vision ot thc>ir eyes. However, they do not have to bllnk and t1hut out the scenery u we do. Their eyes are constanUy open. ""'' .. .,,, • llw,,.111 Ol•H It .-.... ,. o. .......... _ 1, .. ~ ........ ,, lw llH ~­,...,. WHY DO THF.V SEND llOCKETS TO OTHtR PLANETS? Man Is an Inquisitive beht1t - and he want.I to know everything JX)lllble about himself and his envlronmtnl. The d.rtvlng need for him lo have all of the anawers hu been whal h u made him lend nploratory rockets out Into deep space. · A1 lon1 at there are un· dl1eovtred places and questions without Immediate an11wera, man will be aendln1 off rockcl.I. mo yoa bue a quntton to ASK ANDYf Bead It on • po.a tud wtth 109r .. ,.e, a1e and t0m· plet. adfteu &o MK ANDY In Hre ol thl• ••••P•f'«· s.trles opeeto Clrta Hd bo1' 7lo17.) Students Learn Role Of Parents JAMESTOWN, N.D. CAP ) - For a clau project on what It ta.Iles to be a parent, S1 tulb achool atuden~ each took care of a raw egg for a w~k. Molt de· cided they weren't ready to tet up a nest of their own. "l started getting •lck and tired of being tied down," one student at Jamestown High School' wrote when the experi- ment was over. ''I value the fact I don't have a real baby right now." Said another: "I stayed home more and talked lo mother." or the nearly five dozen "babies," two didn't make it through the week. One waa eaten by a dog, and the other was punctured by a dart. Their "parents" had to adopt another or arrange a funeral. HOME ECONOMICS teacher Joan Nayes, 46, who guided the project in this central North Dakota farming community, said,· "I thought it was a fan· tast1c way to leach the respc:>nslbillty and commitment of being a parent. An egg is very fragile, and so are babies. They lea med about 24 hours a day with a child." The juniors and seniors, aged 16 to 18, had to keep track of their eggs at all times. Some dressed their eggs In clothing and kept them in matchbox cradles. WHEN THEY WERE in class, .. They ha d to account for babysitting -the cost if their parents weren't contributing the babysitting," said Mrs. Nayes .. who ha& two children. S.turd!y. January 15, 1917 '1'0Nn9 lnvlt.ee David Whittington. 6, of lm- mokalee, Fla., has received a personal invitation to Jim- m y Carter 's inaugural ceremonies. David, who h as an affection for girls. Ko- jak. and mixed vegetables collected soft drink bottles and donated S5 to the Carter Campaign. OAJL y PILOT A l Principal Remembers 'His Kids' COLUMBIA, Md. (AP) -Tho vice principal ol an elementary achool here sent enar1ved lnvlt•· tlON to 111 the 1tudenta to attend hJs wedding reception In lhtt K'hool cafeteria. Thomas W. BrzezinakJ, who cot married Now Years Evo. served five wedding cakes, 30'Jallona of sherbet and 30 gaUona punch to 4~ students. He and his new wtre re<'elved wedding gift.a from the 11tudents -inch.ldlng $100 from one group. The vice principal, known to the children as "Mr. B .. " said the recepUon was "something I had to do for the kids. They have been so much a part oC my U!e." Mrs. Brzezinski. a college stu dent and a volunteer al Bryant Woods Elementary -her husbond's school -saJd, "For the fir:st time I was addressed as Mrs. B. It's terrific. 1 have never had more Cun in my entire life." Tbe Praybl' Manti• Oh Praying Mantis, Oh Praying Manus, Why do you pray so? Do you pray ror water Or 1mmethlng lo eat? Do you pray before dinner Or pray for a treat? Oh Praying Mantis, Oh Praying Mantis, Why do you pray so? ll remains a mystery Jn all or our history Why you pray so. By Helen Pembrook, to, of'ZMO Redwood Ave., Costa Mt:H "They decided they weren't mature enough to be a parent - that they don't want to give up their freedom yet," she said. "They realized that i( they had a child now, their mothers would probably be the parent8 because it was their mothe~ who were doing the babysitting." Charlie's Canary Clwir AT WEEK ·s END, the stu- dents turned In diaries documenting the experiment and drawing <'on cl us1ons about parenthood. DETROIT (APl -What has :.><> legs, eats 3,240 eggs and 600 pounds of b1rd~ced a year, and keeps Charllc Xucreb at home? Xuereb's 150 canaries, of course. Since then. he has raised more than 70 generallorui of several breeds o r canaries : lhe American Singer, Border Fancy, NorwH·h, Yo rkshire. Red Thatcher. European Gold Finch and F'rcnch Canary. One girl wrote that she had wanted to have a baby of her own, ··but after having family living, J don't think I'm quite pa- tient or mature enough for a baby." The song or the canary is the sweetest sound in the world to Xuereb, a balding man in hJs 70:>. '•TOOAY A NICE male conary would cost about $50 -only the males sing -and a female would cost about SlO.'' Xuereb said. "A fancy t'anary would cost between SSS and $100." Even the one girl who reached the opposite conclusion had re- servations. She wrote, "I think ctwdren are• pfeuW'e to ll•ni- a big respc:>nsiblllty -but the re- waJ'ds in the end outweigh the time and trouble.·• "( cannot livt• without it.'" he salci . "If they ever stop singing, I would go crazy They sing here all day brlnginit tare and music into the house. When lh<'y slop singing, I slop " The sing mg stops when the sun sets. When darkness Calls, the eanar1• •IHp, Aut X.-.b eAtJd he checks each cage with a nashlight before he goes to bed - and dreams about canaries. llUE•ICB CAME lo AG1erica from Malta In 1937. and went into the bard breeding business, spending $12 for three canancs. THE QUIZ Special His tory Quiz world scope (10 point. for MiCft qwtdon Ml~ corr.ctfy) 1 A.iron Durr w~~. 1 .• und~r PrC'\ident lhom•s Jrl/rr1on. ,.secre1.11y of Sra1e b-SecretMy ol Wo11 c -Vicc:.,P11''idf'nl 2 Sojourner Truth Will • famou\ ArnN1tan (CHOOSE ONL: ~1. •boli1ionru), J The Mt'xion-Americu1 w~r Will fou11h1 (CHOOSE ON£: before, aher) 1h" U t., C1v1I w.r. 4 True or FAise: Tht Huncfrrd Yl"M\ W1r was loughr be1wten fngldnd Jnd francc. 5 The Bower Rebellion occurrc-d in (O~oosr ONE: Chln.i, l•p•n). newsname (10 PG6nte If'°"~ ldtnllfJ tfllt pereon In then"?) HI" w•' • IAmaus Amt'n- < •n r 1vil rl11hn frAdrr rn 1h1· t9SOl •nd 1960\. He pte.ichc.>d non-v1oll'nt rr1111•nce •nd help('d N1.ibl11h the !>ClC '"" you Klvr hi\ name •nd trll wh•t tht' lt"tlf"I\ "SCl C" 11-'nd lorl matchwords ( 4 polnu IOt ..cit cOtTect 1Nlelt) l, .... Aleunder the C.reat 4 ..... C11herlne the Great C•Ancltnt Egypt d·RuMlt In addition to !wing a family fun feature, Ttl E OUIZ ls an l11tt·gral part of the in·l'lassroom new8 pro~ram prt>sentf'l1 In Oranj?P Coast area sdaool~ as a public snvicr by the J>ally Pilot. An\wtn •PP9•' t~•1'0Wf'll beto•oul1 • news picture (10 point• if rou 1n1wtr thl1 Cl\lfftlon conec11y) N1•.11 1lw 1•nrl nf World Wjr II lhl'1•• 1hrl'I' ll'adl"I~ rnl'I al Yah.> 10 • 011l••r 011 lh•· Jio,1 ·wM d1v1\l<•r' vi l1111>~. C.m ynu n.imo tho !1111·1• h·.1d1•11 ~»clu•l'll h••r<•I sportlight 12 points for Heh qu.1tlon '"'"'td correctl1> 1 I nKl•\ho1an R<>R"' fl.1nn1,1rr w,l\ 1hr l1r-t t'hJn tu .. l .. ol·t1Hl ,, 1r1>ll' 111 ,,.,\ 1h.1n 4 m1n11t4·1 h-h1Rh 111mp 7 11•.-1 c .long 111mri is 1•·•·1 ) l hf• ''"' 111lh·g~ lootball bowl Jl.lmf', r'·l~Nl 1n 1902 bctw~n lhr Un1~rr"ry ol M1~h•ic.in .1n1J 51.if'lord Unlvr"hy, w,u tf llc.!d 1h1• 1 . Bowl .t·Ro~" b-~u11.ir c·OrJngo 4 The li111 Modero Olymplc Games wtr~ held In 1696 In (C"H005l ONl: Athen\, Rome). 5 fht' la\I mAJnr !Nguc bneb.ill p1.iyN to hit ovc-r .400 In a \l'l\ll n W~\ , I roundtable ,..,,., chcuHlon (llO ICOte) .. "nclenr c---... Wh•t hi,101101 «.!vent In your lifetime do you foci It "'°'' s ..... Ono ¥On Biimardl " .,~..... h • .i8n1lltan1l W Y• YOUR ICQltl: tl to 100 ..... -TOP ICOltll ll to tO polntt -hce41ent. 71 to IO polntw -Oood. fl lo 70 pollftl -fllr, 110·77 •VIC. lno .. Madleon. Wleconlln swennM paJ.·~ !su~unv~t •v-c :ast•.?J ·z :l?·t :.i.nonJ.llOdS UHVlS atdosor puw 'l(~r\alOOl{ UTPfUUJ.!l 'ffi'{JJnl~J U011UtM J.HOIU 0.L J..tl3'1 =3 llllJ.:)ldSM3N \t 'C-~ :p·t :q·f) :;,-i !0-1 :so110Mlt>J.VW ~JU;)J(),UOJ dtl{WJOPU()'J UUflitJl{O UJ~tnnos 1 ·Jr ·sun1 J;)tnn'l u1µuw ::1 wYNSM3N UUJ~:X :anJJ.-t :e>JoJ;,q·c ~lt.1uomoqa·z !a·t :3dO::>s<J11IOM DA.II. Y PILOT I Rolla Shrink PUBLIC Nona: rvauc Norte£ PtJBUC N011CE TV DAILY LOG t.OS ANOELtS (AP>-Tbe number or emplo)'et on the county P•yroll 1brank aome z.500 between June and November 1978, ChJef Admlniltratlvc Olflcer Harry Hufford reported. The Board of Supervbora haa directed the county lo cut lta work force by 8,000 the next three tlscal years. ll'ICTfTIOU. eUllNlll 4 .. .t.M8tTATUillltT ,,. ....... 1119,.., .. ,. ... 00 ... ~. lJOHlll~I Tllf,lttl'rftlMO< l.t-... (A,,.,. llll'S lttOtt «W•T O' TM• lf4f"I 0' CAL.,OltNIA llOlt TMICOUN•YO,OAANOC .... . ....,. ltO,,CI 0, lflA •1NO 0" NtlTIOtt l'Ollt 'A014TI 0. WILL AllO P04' UffaAI T&ITAMS ... .,.,.y PICTITIOU• IU.llllM MAMl ITAHM&ln' T"9_1,..~..a-.. .. , rw-.H M M V ~V•l.Ol'M•NT (OM 'ANY, ltOO O\rell Urffl, "._ >w. ~·h.WI\. CA f2MO I SATURDAY I I An'allNOON I 12:00 G (CID (1J) Cl) flt Mlert Cl OJ (I) (tQ; G MCAA lultt· NII use 11 ea111or1111 CJ) MHlt: c.c> "Tarru ... Ult Ju1111t ..,~ (1dv) '68-M1~e Henry 8 (Qt) (.JJ) IHI Joior Ahnoit ~·'*· Cl bit SW. Alft CD M rtf Hitcflad ''htlltl m ... ..., '°" IMi Actlo!I rlMw, m w;_,, ' Lolen: An f.ulJ Oft hwtrty -12:30-n (1111 m t re w,, Out c."'" • {l)t) ( f)) o• Slr,tr frltn6J CD Lest hi Stixe Q1i r11111 F11llHe 1:00 O (rll) '3 ) • Cll1fdren'5 flf111 fHtwll •l>itllt"' An Cntl•\~ lilm 1boul lbt 1dvt11l1Hes ol 1n ad<ipltO http c1or G (12tl (J ) >t Amtuun "nd· mfld Cb ... ,., Boys m lllu1w111 A 90 m1nule lfllO $pect1vt on tltmy K•~sinttr C) 0r"HllC Sffln -1:30-a .,,,..,,, #o (\) Sc1Hct fldloll fllutre 0 Movie: rc1 °S,1te Monsltr" (sci h) '64 -Jimmy Bacon Q) Soul Ttaln 2 :00 fJ Steps lo t111nln1 CJ '.U! r41 110! m lot Gmalol1 fUCSOll Open Golt To111n1ment lh~ !>tmt t1nal 1ound •s ltltu~I l11t hom loc$0n, A111ona O Sw1u hntlly Robtn'IOll U ~ltbuty Bowline <f 1 r~'" Stooces • QJ T11un ( 11 3 ) Sovl 111111 ( 2' I ) U.S. fl1M at,otl -2:30- O Mtc111 0 Mon5ltr lilly U At1'5 Spons World l0Mn1 t!•Mh, \llr t1lch#1 t111 lh• t1•r1nn111 f!•O~ 1~ ltalurtd 1n lh• '.,up••·'•' .•1 m•nt rJ 1 UFO m Oultl l1m1h m Future ftl'" ( 2t re ) frifnd5 Of Min 3:00 fJ lltW\1111 h fl 6 Su Hunt O Best of Sporh Ch1lttntt O Movtt: C "A C1nnon 101 Cor clob1" l•·~I IU CN1IY•· P•Pl•Aflf J'OI Vallone 1'•11·1 IJu•I U) lilortt: C• "G11ot" Id••• '• J,,, ~1e Clraw~ Kalli"""' KJlh ( 11 r 3 ) Ch1mp1on5/l1p &o.11nc 26 lhc ~usit Pl1ce ( 2i • ) Wo11d of Sumvit m fulurt f1(t11 -3:30-•H r ..... ai... Q ,, 141 NCAA l1sle1•111 W1 h 1~~1on i i 01r&on SIJI• 6 Au'' s,on, World O ( 2' I ) >t l'ro hwlt" lour e Sur trek •10 Mow1t c "Tht F0t&tl1tn Man·· M• 11 II IJ••r VI",,, t '.•· 11•1 • G) MIDIM lmpou1btt 1' l'orttf W11-1 &> rty1111 S,O.twn1" loose 4:00 0 Voy1ct w Ille lottOlll OI lht Su ( 6 ~ Cll .. poon, I 11 3 ) h11tr ~11111cer t1J CHI• U.wtnll m llM1 ,.,,.....,.., "' •h• "'"' ID Cl.II It lbu10111 '9 WOICt of Acntultutt -4:30- fJ ( 11 , )CISSCIOlt)~r ( 6 Ill-Hiii AIMflCI (9• hi\ ~I l'lctum Q) ~ "lllr. Sm11!1 C..t Ill W1\ll. 11ta1u" 14,., 1·1 14m•. ~,.,.,, 1 l••n A11ttu1. 'l1ud• fl'"'' I il•Ald ..,..,,cl M ........ Mwc ED 1)11(1 u,... • ClmK mr~ ,,,,, .. , me.."",.... 5:00 8 IHl(1 Hoc•r ~ ' ~· '"•~I u 1 ,. • > ,. aac·, w1* W.114 oti.w 1 a lllllMll &eotr •olto< e Tiit lk1• ~tu lb<ft111t 10 '9tWI m MeN: e "AMt ,, "" '"""'' I• lyl ~I It•~ I •It•~ I .. 1 I "'l•n m.., m s.t1t11 .... Cemff, fl:» 0...Ct of l'll~MMMI m~tMhMlly -5:30-a 10 ""' 18 HtotHn IUI r• M111 ll fll ltst tf $pol1s Cll111tntt IJt ""'11111,dolll • fla.111 Cor4M •VUINQ - m1o11111 m un1e ._. -7:30- D I• SuttltoL D Ol.usur.: Ro. ' W11J Ali.~ tailh~u•kt" r 1 1 Uirt1111e4 World G) llOOlll 2U fD MOl!ly '1111M's '1y1n1 Cilm 8:00 D ('11 •J.) •J M••J Trl11 Moort A d1~tr•u~hl lou •\ 1.~u~lit '" • vi~• btlllrHn l'f'Cl•na l IA•VI tn1 •Rold c1unuva A•m1 budd1 •ho onu w••d l ou l1vni l~t \tl)(hdt and r1~nl1nc th, ''""d • ~f\h lo• ' Cl•le w•lh M;17 Alli liOl.CU &u•;I-. U n t tO ID C111e1aucr · i oo• • I n1h W~t and (I• .111•1 11 \pund lo• ll•l1•C 1cr.d•nt •II •11~ ••c Sh11tked lo 1on'I u .. 1 [)1 l\1·Hy 1!11 ~tit I\ lh• lf1(.ll"1 9 UCLA 8ukrtb1ll UllA 41 s"~1 "'' O ( 29 e ) lt Wonder Wo11un lud~t11 'r! I 1 " Oul11 ~~-I''" I 111 J l11t1ll "Alf .I i.11''Vi 1' 1r ,._ Lrlt,.nd A•~·~ "'"' 1· 1.11n t, • C(lunt1l cl ~l•••t al•'"·•d 1r.•I ~. tr'~n· ""H Lt Mttt "' tttrr-tf tu '',. mo't c;,1f _,,..d c 1r '"' O Mo•1t c (lbt) ' K1nr ~11" ldt;J ''' I 111 • ••JI 1 m C •u11 .. n,,. 11,,,, I • m J1cqutt Co1atuu 11' u ,. 1M 4M.. .~ U"f'' Q) W1ldhtt AdvenlurP tD Mu11ol ~tdr Sito• n Mov1t "8t7011d lht fortsl'" Id•'' 44 ll•fl• ().,.. ID Once Upon A fl.UH: U 1~1d (op p~1f,.10 111 ~t•I I••• lJ. '"' 11• ,.,,, · \r huol di M1 l11 •• ~I• ·• ,•I• 11 H11u1.e .t 1Jlllt•flrtu 11t .~ '''·" ,. 1tl 1'r• 11, li•1<1l11r'. '"""~ "'"' 11.itfdl• , wd ~.l•'llollh H111 111 n1 1111 111 '' • 111r1tllr1 ~nd 11.1111 l1vlh1·1 1 ntl, I 1111 hun1r oner ,1f•111 ID J1p1nuc UnJUllt P10111ms -8:30-0 ( 1, 1 ) e fhr Bob "'•hul S"°"9 ~'It "'"''''' ,11 tr 10-fl, .. e1 • Pff)flVIQ\j J t .•nt 0 If I d1~1, .. )\I"~ 11\fitht\ i ,,., .. II' .... , • I '4\lf.• .. ntf "tllft UtJ I flli ( m eoii.,, £E) G1ttl1nf$ lo ust and W•il ED The Why It Wu 9:00 o ( 11 l ) ' All 1~ tt1t flmllr Atlhtf' jtlr rnr ·uvh 1qa' • •' 1 t.ult ,,,. d Ct j •D"1 '' '' ,f'' 'f L ~, h,,.'11J -"11 h.t1t1 U n 6 • 1Qi ID "BC S11u1dn Movtt c (2hr) "lht Ou~llJ lo,.tr'" Id•~) " ~ url llu •I I I' I ' ,1ti1 R· t ,.,., y, •.• , ~It f ,.,, f'HI 1411 k• l,•·tl• ( 1111 II P • f.q1 ~1~1 ~ 111 lfT••lllA•11n I II '' I 1( I O I( t·~f "If I ~1J t1t1 Irr' _.f, t ,f t r llf ~ t• ' ·I"•' llf f tt,, 1 I! J I 1 It ' tf I I IJ! wrt 11; uf Ii I I ]"'1 1 n t11 1 I t!,.,, 1n1 ''''hi h 111 t I l l11 ' I+ 1m fi ~•fl fl' ul ' I "' ~ Iii I I ' tl'\1f "' 1111 jJ ~ t ' II ' O ( 79 e ) lt SUl\~J ' tlulch ffl 1J Ill~,, f f f;,I /Ill H , q1tdt .1 • .,1111,'lHI I i 'I •11 1t fl I t !fj J, /U rf1 t !J 11 •· ,11J ~ • 1 • ' I ' I ·~ 'I• ' I I ' f I f1rl01fl' tru ,, ·1 I ~ I 'l I 'tll• hOft•bl• Otyt.fh1 m TENNESSH ERHI( o~ • HEE HAW TONITE" m Htt H"' ea A1111lru1 COftltil EI) lom Wollt \ los An1~1" E?) tu ln•t11t1blt\ -9.30- 0 ( " , ) 8 .. ,.o ! I 'flln(I\ '" fht "IVf f' ' I 10:00 0 ( IT i I e C11ol Bur"~" Silo• l.u• I r.l•n I AITli•b•H t "' • I '" <J "~ itnd '" , fOtTHC ._._, on I H•1 mo .. ~ A SI II II fl-OM O lllt l.Ollnt~n & 811~ltr D ( 2t t ) >• Most W1~ltd '· "1011 W~nl•d I•,,. •""' •'''' '• o' drua '1t1"1r•~ 1 • "'" '" •"u''"' lt>n, rAn~r ('U '"-, '' nl\ , '' 11i H1, .. c11111 0wn•11 11 ·•• rn11 111•n, lh Yil".hll to l••ft"ll'"' IPl<'o1 111uf\ m ~'"",.' 0t11<1•vt H C1uhllc f utu••• mw-m tlllilC.tl ,,,,.,, Sito• m l111 r.otdolt Sltow 11100 U 0 • e> n "'" a 10 ,.,.., O l ... r Ammon Sir•• t llrtM GIHtrt O fuc~t 1111111 m ..._,. ··1t1r Sm1tll r~, to Wu/I ln&ton d• • 1 1, ,,, • .,, ' J.•tt Q) SW11sl" C1nt1u ( ,, ) ) m Clu• 11 ' "'''" 11 ( n t ) •u HCll'Qlfd m ,Op Cots tllt Co.int11 -11:30-0 Mo,,, c "fide In", 11 •J ·r,r H~tl k•yMld• ll•tl'"~ I OdM D ti t • to m S1lurd'r ll1r1t1 , & "'°"': ··ctiarltt Chin 1n Sll1n1 ti.1" /dfAI H W.\IOPI 0•~~·1 O MO•••· C "'lhc 81t1htrs lt1111n11ov" (d• q ~i Yul l11ynn11 Al111A kft#ll l1A11• l!IMlll I h I c~bb R11:hA1d 11~· -~.,, Arhrir 5~11~1 W11i1•m %Aln.1 c • Me.it • C • '111t Houw 011 Ctttn Apple ~d'' (111¥1) /ti (.htt\lOOh'' C"t1l• lul•• lb111\ 6•11y Sullt<•n 1Jt fht 700 Clu~ Cl ,..,.,, Mtvlt e hp Cots tilt C..,111,., 12:00 l!I C "$411l IM ll111n11<k" (drA) '60 Ktn11•lh 111111• 01n~ Wynltt ( ni t ) lktlll/S<i F1 Theatre 1:00 D '• RK• Contt11 O lhnlltr CD All llt&hl Slttw "'Ch1d11~. lhe n1t1 Ht1dt• Mon,ter,"' "[•Chi O'Clotl Wall,~ "Tiit Min lhty Co.ild lllt H1111" Cl) Mwit: CCJ •M1rillt1 lers Co" (com) '61 lom l1yo11 l>1•1d H'dtl.on 2:00 fJ Mo¥1t: tC ) "lulltt IOf • lad· 111u" (11-$) '6( ·Aud1ft Murphy, 0111rn M'C4wtn, Rut• ltt Aft WI ....... ua"e•CBP Wulter Pudinski, who rose through the rank s o r th e C<Jlifornia Hig hway Patrol to be<'ome its commissioner for the last two years, h[C) l e ft th e C II P to become c1ly a d · ministrator or Rialto, near San Ber · na rdino. Panasonic Ad Claim Contested WASHINGTON CAP> -The Mats ushita Elec- tric Corp. or America PUBLIC NOTICE -"CTITIOla .U,INEU NAMe STATEMINT Tiit 1011-1110->0ft .. d<Ht>Qbv>'-• "' CIU!ATIVE CO .. CltETI! 6Y CN&Vl!l. JtS Hor111 Cit '' Stro•t, Or-.t.lhlo<nle ti..e VINCENT OOM1 .. 1c CHAVEZ,~ -Cttr~ Str .. l, 0tMQt. C:.01110<•1,. "1..e Thi\ bu\lnt\\ I\ (O,,.,IKt.0 Dy •n In .,. ......... VlllC•nl Doml11lc c,.. .. , TN• >t•ttmenl "'°' Ulect with llw Co11nty Cl••• of Or•1100 Co11nty DK-U.lt16 PVBUC N011CE 'tatTICXIJIUSlNIU NAMISTAHM•lfT ,h. IO!l-ll>Q .,_,>On\ art CIOinQ tM.t\l nil-'•\; l'AlltVll!W INVESTORS, 119 Vlt Lleo So<.ld, Newpott llO<ll. Cllllorfll• m..l ll•y-0 . V1nclfH1. 119'\/lt lldf Soud,H-POr1.8etch, CA'1..:I W•lt.,. J, Cote, 1313 N C-.Oll. C.0 .. fW.CAtrn; Thi• llUtirwH h condu<l•d by• limll· '°""" .. "'"' Aey_,,_0 Vlll<ontl nu, Jt•-• ••• llltf w11,, IN C:O..nty Cler11 of Ortl\Of C-ty on Oec•-». 1•11 H9lJS ~ PuOll\lled Ore1190 co .. , °"'"' Plto! Pvb4•-O·-tout o.lly Pilol, "-'• 1,1, rs, n. ton Mt:H• Jen •. •~. n.tt. ''" PUBLIC NOTICE ITATIMl!NTO' AaANOOtlMlfltT Ofl'UJIOfJ PICTITIOUS aus1 .. 1n NAME Ttw lOllowi119 _...,, het - uw "w of ow Ucflhou' Ou\lftit"\\ n.1m.t lHe CLA\~Y (&NINE al IUOJ 8rCJO'f'\uf'\t1 fOVf'lt•ln Valtey. (4 Tl\4 httlUOV\ ~\i,_\, f\A'l'Wf~.,,t'O to •bO"it ·•~ ••••d in Or.ttn91" '°"9n'tY' on Mertfl 1' lt/4 Oonnt llH E•drP<t, Till AlbWrl• o.. . """"!19ion a .. ch ,.,, PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS eUSINEU IC""'I STt.TIMINT Ti.. f0How1119 ""''°"' e<o Ooll>Q b<l\I ....,.~ .,. GENEllt.L PllOPERllE\, IOI Co<lln\ ••• 8•1bo• hi•"" CA.,.., J•m•l W•Uer MtVi<"•'· t01 Collin. A•~ • 8•1bo• l\l•f\O. CA ., .. , Slwr11 &r .. wer 1 10&• 1 C.Oltin\ AYI • 8.tlb.,. l\tend. CA '11>67 Tt'lt\ bU\lr\e\\ I\ (Onducltd .,~ • QitMr•t perlf\tlr&"IO J•me' w M< Vl(iltr Th•' t»u\TMu "'•'conducted by •n .,, dilvidu•I '0)11 ~••temenr w•t fifed wun trw P'>il" County Cler~ 01 OrollQO CoUo\ly on Oonnt llte El<lrled Publl\lltd Oranoe Co••I O•llv Pilot, Ott""'l!e' n, "'~ l'Hl'1 Ott. 7S. 1'1~•nd Jen. 1,1, IS, 1t71!~'6 Publls/IO<I O•ange Co.\I Oe!ly Piiot, DK. 7S, "" •nd Jell. I, I, ti, 1~11 ~31"7• PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE has agreed to a federal fJICTITIO~USlltUS order barrine the firm NAMUTATSMINT f'ICTITIOUS eUSINUS NAME if ATE Ml.NT from misrepresenting .. 'h•1011ow•no-M>11'>00•"911W"~" the results of tests on Its Panasonic television sets and other products EXC•LlllUll ORIVEll SEllVtCf!. 17111 Sell'" 110\•ll•. G•rden G<o .. , C.hlo<t1l•'1 .. I RONALD 0 0WE'4S lllt l Senlf Aowu1 G4rde"Grov• C•lltof'ni•.,...f 'Tiii> b1"l""H I) COtlCll.Cl•O l>f ... II\ Oh,iOUll llOt'AldO Owen\ l'lth tl•l•'"'9rtt ••\ IHM wUh ,,,., Counly Cltrfo. of Or•nve Counly on OK-r)) "" TM tollo•lnq o.r\iOn 1\ ctoh'llQ .,.,,,,,. f'tU4' NAILS '4ATU"ALLY, 4079W...rer ly Pl ...... Ill, N••PO•I 8uch. CA ~ J\ld1ll'! M H1Uon~ 4019 Wf'\t•rlv Pf Ho 112 Ntwp<>rt 8uu1 (.A '1..0 Thi\ ti.i>inr.• I\ <Ondll( IM by •n Ir> ., .. ,., ... , JUOltfl M Nlllon tl\I\ \l•lttn4'-nt •• , fltrd #1th ,,. Count~ Clerk or o .. noe C°""'' or Ol'< 11. "" At1ll\f'IV Wflll•n! 14M.,•r llt ~Or C..1.t ,.,.,, .. CA ti•a. JN• -1/IWU I• condu<IW llV., II\ ......... , 4111-yWm 1400.., Thlt •I.ti-.... "'"" Wltll , ... c..;tlty C•••ll tf Orenve c-, .., HflUety,, ,.,, ... _ ~,_ 0tM119 (;N~I 0.1• P1~. J., •. "· n . "· ,.,, ~,,.,. PUBLIC NOTICE Cl"•Mlf W"llttOllCOUltTO,THE tUTI 011' CAL"0•1t1A fllO• TNI COUlllTYOftOltAlfOI Ne. A•""' NOTICI 0' HIA,.INC orr PnlT10N ,Olt 'ltOIATI Oft WILL AMO"°" LIYTS"ITISTAMINUltY l•l•teol MAllJOll1£ C l'l:.AlHE~. 0....eMd HOTICI IS Hl11£9Y 011/EN 11\el JAMU W.NOOKSTllAnENM\Ur.o ...,,,,. e Million IOI' Pro!Nlt o1 Wiil - lor l"-<t ol l.Atltt<\ Tf\t-erylo ""' P.,rnlofttr. ,_..,,~. 10 ""'"h '' .-f<lt 111'11\e< peril<ul•" -INI 1111 U--ple<t ot hUrlt>Qthe- .... -Hf lo< F•l>•UO•'( 1. ""· "' IO 00 • m. In Ille co..r1•00'TI al o.-1· mem No I o4 ••Id court el 100 CiYic Ctftlor O•tff Wnl, In, ... Clff 01 s.nl• Ari• (.olltotnl• o.i.G J•~u•ry II 1'71 WILLIAM I . SI JOHN, c.w.1,c1.,~ llOLD aAMOlllM>N _.Wll"'I" •••f , s .. 111212 '-""'-'"·CA _,, ,._.,.'-~ ......... , Pvl>llsMd Or•not Co•" O&lty P•IOI. Jlinuilry I•. ll. 71. 1'11 U071 PUBLIC NOTICE Cl"·:Mlt SU'illlOlt C.OUltTO,TMI STATl!O•CALlf'OllNIA l'Oll THI COUNTY 0110"AHOI NO A'*1' NOTICI OF HIA"INO 01' l"ETITION llOll l""OaAfl 01' Will ANO l'<Jll LITTlaS TISTAMENTAllY AMO t.UTltOallATION TO AOMINIS'TI" u111or• THI IHOlllENOINT AD· MINST,.t.TIOlf 01" lflTATHACT htAll> ol ~HllUKA SHIMAZU, 0.( .. ..., NOTIC£ I~ HElllE8V G•VEN rnt•I CROCKER NATIONAL 8A .. IC ,. .. fllf<I lltretn • P"llt•on lot Prot»lt ot Wttt •nd fOf f\\u.-nc• Of lefter\ le\t•rnenttry to tM P~11hont,. ""'° .utnor11•11on to .Om•n•\tf'r tr. nt•h~ ""'°'" tr. tn<tte»ndtlnt Aom11'\•\1'•1tori of f\ttlt\ Act 1.-1.r.-ncr 10 wtHOt ., rnlCtifo •or further swrt1<ut•r\ .no rna1 ttw .,.,,,_ •"" o••<r ot ,,..,,.,no ow Wtnf> N \ Cit..,, '"' tor Ftt>r&Mrv t. tfn. 4t to 00 •"' '" '"" cou,.troom of °"1Mtt mHlt No l ol ~·G tourt •I IQll CM< OMter Ortv .. Wf'"\t 1n '""' C•tY tJI Stin•• Aft• (AhfOUhi C>.\td J8t\O•"V H) 1•11 WILLIAM I SI JOHH, Cou"ty c1,.,• (ltlfUT J SCMA(;, ~· OU~Aro11wr .... t•v•rlf "O .. ,., .. ~ ... , ... C" tJMJ Tel Oto"'' - t\lflo of C.A llNfflt; M l'Rf0111KS£N, 0• GAllNCI fl MAll ll! l'ltEOltllCSEN e•o GAltNfTTE II l'ltEOltlKU.N, .... GAltNETT I' flltEOl"KS£N ••• O Alllll ETT lll C HAllO Fltl!Oltl ICSf N, ••• GAllNE JT fl'llEOllllCS£N. o.< .. ~<I lllOTICE IS NEltE9Y C.IVEN 11\AI "°"0 JAY 1"0Wllf i..t l•lfd tw•Oln A l•lll'°" l'>f ,.,..,.lo el Wiii ""<I Int 1~ W40n(• Of Lt11t" T1\t•mtn1.-v 10 tfle •tlUon•r '"•'•"'• to wri1t.n t\ mtl<W lo< fllrt ... r 0.-llCultl\ •~d IMI llW llmt -pl<t(t ol hHrlnQ u-. ....... nt, -"'' 10-Fob'""'Y •. ••tr,•• to oo ..... I~ ,,,. C•l>•troom of 0.P•ttlMlll" ... > ol ••Id <Ou••. •I 100 Ci••< C..nlllt Otl•e Wttl. 111 Ille tllv ol \IM\16 A1111 CMllOt11lo 0•1td J•llWry 10, 1'71 WILLIAM I '' JOHN Col>nty ,,., .. ,I.UL A. Mt.Mlllt. A ......... ,y .. •t O.wr Ori••. S11lto St ......_, .. nll, CA •l6tJ Tth 11l41 ... 1 .. ,'1: .. 2 u .. A_, ... , ... lllloMt Pl*I-0<•~ (Oo>I 0•1ly Piiot, JM. U, 1\, ll. "" PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICI Oft SALi Oii lllAL '"°'lllTYATl'lllVATE SALi No A tllle IM TMI SVllUllOll COUllT O' THI ST&TI 011 CALl,OllMIA, IN AltO 1'0" TNE COUNTY Oft OllAMOE tn '"• M•Uf't ot Utt E\l•te ot WILLIAM R HOF FMAH. ~·-Notice •\ f'Mlr-tby 91v•n tn~t ltw I.If\ 0tn•~wiU~h•t prt¥Aff'Wl•.tOtfWI> ,.,.,.st -t:>o•I b•Od••. WClll•<I ro<on ttrmehon of u 1<1 Suiw-nor Cour1 on 0t ,..,.,. t"t hu' O•• ot J•nu•rv~ "'' •' the olllct 01 JAMES M OOOOS, POIUl(iAL AHO HJlMMEIHO"I. Al 1o,l\4•n •• l•'<llllf )0?1 E •\I Fourth Str••l. S~uh~~ '10 111 ~•nta An•. C.•lllornl• •7101. Countv of ()(-. S.•1• of C•lltorn1a. ;;II th .. nont titltt •nd lnttr~t,t ot ~10 c:t•<~•\Mi Jr, •nd to •• , thf <•r1•1n r9'1I PfOOfrty \Hu.ti• In ,,.. cuv or co.ia M.-... Covntv Of Of•noe. Stale o• c. .. rnorn••· e»fhcut•r lydrtS(rt~d•\fotlow\, IO wl1 Tiie '°"'lle••l~rl~ .0 l•~I Of LOI l8. Tf'llC1 H4 mOft commonly known ,u 111Urd S!Jw l. (OU• MO\t. Cflllomle TIW •OOvt ~scrjbe<J oros>ertY h to c. iotd on an "•' h.'• b•\I\ Any ~um Of'•n<t\ of retotd .,, 1n ~'•••~Heel°"' f,.. JoM Mtrlfl' Co • ~IJ .. n • IO<-•IMlll 1000 0...11 ~I., ~i., 1 .. ~11 .. <hCA•, ... Tllomn o. V•l11111,.. ''" • C•lllttnra to<11o••t10,., , .. ,, -..r11e h wy , AM• .. Oll ~ CA ,.,.,, J·-· L """'''"' 6 "''* . '"' ' C.lllatnle CtiOO,.U.,., toll Hlf>Ofl 01 Pte Ill( l'eli>edo• (A 001/t 1111\ l>\l\lntO I\ t-..ttoCI l>V • lftonl .... , .... )OM T Mt1 Ull. p,.,ulont Jeil'\t\ L. Manl•v PtMIO.,nt Thome• O "''''"""' l'rnhtenl Tiii• •l•tom""l wn fllto<J ,.llh '"" County (1~r• 01 Or•ftO• Co....h Qn ~e"lllfr "• lt7'. f'Hlll l'ulMl\l\td Ore110<1 Co.\I Oe•I• P11..,1, O.C H, 19/tel'ICI J.tt1 I, t . 11. 1~'1 Qi),. PUBLIC NOTICE ftlCTI nous IUllMH S NAMI STATSMINT ,,,. IOllOwl .... pttt\0/11\CICMllQ~ntt\ ., MOlllCiAN ENVlltOMIENTAt~ "41 .. C.•<K•l•"t Ck11M••• CA .. I•.• °"'"""" 0 11>no, tO)' w &.1-9,.., Nowpor18'o<I\ CA'1~ '"'' ...,...,, It co..a..rl•O •• •n 1n dlwtc:tu..I Ch"'l"'M Ot°""Y ""' ,, .... ,.,...,., .. , "'""' .,,. '""" C-v C•er .. Of °'•"00 C"111tv °" Jtn 1. "" n._ Pvbl•._,,.d Or•'IOll (O.\I OA11¥ Pttol. Jen t U. 111• •01 PUBLIC NOTICE ftlCTITIOIJS IUSINHS lf&MI! STATIMfNT The tollo••"O ""~' .,. dor,1no ~\· "'-"•' CH&lllllE'S. SOI P•" A"" ti•IW.. hl•tld. N1twp01l llU< h, CA •11141 Ol•r .. , F a M•r< I• A 11•111• v , • ., """ Ounltlgll Clrtl•. N• .. l)V•I BH<h.CA'1..0 lhl• buttrwu" tonducled Dy An In dtvlduat ci..rlt• F 11•rllty Tf\I\ tt•trnwnt ""'"~ t11ttd ••tf\ tf\.•t Coun•v Cler~ 01 Or•11~ Covntr on J.,,...ryJ,1911 '"'°J Pu1111~<1 O<'•nqo CoO\t Oa1lv 1'0101 J.., t, IS, 11, 1', tf/7 ~I~ oft9'eoiurc.hawc:u1<f -------------l•rmsof 'WI~ t•\ft '" l•wtut tnot'W"r Of the U"Htd Stat.-, on <O,,l•rrNtKJf\ of ,.,. or pe rt '.,., AMI b.t-1 .. nt,. et"IOe-n<f'O by hOtf' ~'"(U'"'J h\' Mort~ OI lrV\I OPf'd on 1hf' prn,,_,,,. V'I wlO Tf'n oitrc1nt of amount btO tobt Ot00\0 fdw1tt\btd 8Jd'\ or offfr-\ ft) two-tn wo •t•""l ~NI will t>-> f'~t•vtd •t tM ••or"'Mt rt ot•1( t .t •"'t l•rnf' dt\lr ti\• ,,,.,. Pu0U(.•l~ hereof •nd bftfot~ <'•tt ot \di,. D•ted tt\1\ ,,..,, d·•Y ot J•nlMt'f 1971 RICHAROR H0,~MA'4 E·~cvtOt Of ttw-Wtll GI "'Id 0.Ud•nt JA.MUM.OOOOS PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIO~USINUl NAMISTATIMENT TM fotfow1tto per\Oft\ ., .. Ot'>tno ~'' ,.\,~ 8 ~ N CONSTRUCTIO.. CO l)I w .. 1 0-A-. $enl• .AM, C..lllotno• '1101 A•mwrtG-it-rw>r•• lt\t •C'At1t~rw• Coroo'•"°"' 111 W• \I Oytr AOAd, S.l'\t• An•,C.trlfOf"l.i•WIOI The consent agree- ment settles a Federal Trade Com m 1ssion challenge of advertise· ments which appeared in national m agaiines from Sept ember 1973 l o January 1974. THE ADS claimed lhal the National Electronics AssoC'1at1on rated the Panas onic Quatrecolor model c T.701 as "the eastC"st to service or all color lclt>vistons. .lest cd tn plants through June Hn:l .. PUBLIC NOTICE Att.,,.y tOf" ~etU1•Mr -------------! Pvb4•""'d o .. n9• Coe•I 0.lly PolOI. PUBLIC NOTICE l'OllTIGAL ANO NAMMI llTON A1-Y•·•MA., Jett'"''•""" si .... -1ia.1n Ill-rt Nt<fo.ow\fo.I, 041 Ri>lll'l<I M.-• lloMl, Roll•no H•ll\ ""'"'· C.Oh1Gt'n••'07t• Jolln Ber~•. Jr J 1ot Sovr" In foct, lhe FTC s<1id, the tt·sls did not establish that the Pana!lon1c was the easiest or least ex pe nsive l o s erv1ce among the brands tt.>st- ed Moreover, the aJ(en- cy charged, the lt'St.s did not apply to a broad i.am pie of maJor or well· known brands THE CONSENT order hars M atsushita, or St>caucus, N J . from misrepresenting "the re suits or conclusions of any h.>~t. s nnl'y, cvlilua lion, reporl, "tudy, re sear rh or analysis" or t.elev 1s1on sets "ICTITIOUS ausu~ESS NAMI STATEMENT ln• f0How1n9 s>t"M»" • ., 004'.no 0....-.1 nt\\ •\ WIZAR D PRODUCTS, lhO Mol>•OVI• # ... " CO•I• M•\O. C• "1611 W•Y'W' l(•nto" 8row" 8.tO Cente,. \t #I (;O\IO M•\O, (4 •1&11 H"' bY\•MU I\ ct>nautred by 4n 1n Otvtdu.tt WttYn4· KPnton Brflwn rrw. ''•h·m,,nt -....,a, t1h~ with thf' Counl¥ Cl••~ ol Or•~Qt County on D.r•rntiorr 1' "'• '"'" PtdJl1\h"'O t)f4'n0'-·· (01.HI 0 411.,. P1Jot, °'" ll t91Und J•n t t . U "" )lOl 1' PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITtOUS I USINUS '4&MIE UATEME'HT t~--tolll')N 1no '"""'°"' .,. ~f\oqbv-.• ,.,\.\ 8E'4JAMIN HOWE AS~ ~ Ml<,,...l\llil\Or lt••M (Atn71,, ""''" 8<'111 Hn,.~ JI~ O\qood (I . l41Cl<Jft08'o•<ll (Jl"7.SI JllCIY A 8en1•rn•n J19 So 0.ltll"'" Or 6'-'lflr1v._.1lh CA'°>U fl'U\ bU\ln•\ '' <Ot'ldV<lfllO t>.,. "' Qt",,. fAllM'',.."'"O AtHt;18 HO.-• fPH \lttt"rn .. '1t # .. '\ f,t~ w11h tNo r, wnfv fh ''of O'"""tf' ("'-"''Y C)t't{»c ,, '"• ,,~ .... Ovhh .f'l•·'1 Ot .tnqr ( o 1 I 0 '''V P•IOI 0.1 71 t'1t.onrl IAn I ~ I\ 19/f 1104 •• PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS I USI NISS NAME STATIU4EHT T"" fOllO•tno pe-r\On l\OO•AQbv\t"'""' •• M•ll l N E PH OPE ltl H SERVICE •IS lOlh Str••I . ...,wf)')rl ~a<h,•?~J JOf"+n L.a Ke~,. ... ,. ,.,, Ai~t\ W•v C.0'1• ....... c .. ,,., , Ttu~ b4.l\IM\S I\ ,.ondvrh·O C>t' en ln dl"tc>u•' JMHt Leo I(, .. ,,, T"~' '\tAlttT\enl wa\ fifed wUh t~ County Clt•r9' ot Or•nOf-C~h' Of"! Otuml!et >O, 19!1 ,. .. ,.,. Publ1\M<I Or•no<t (O•\I OoHf P1lol Jen I. IS. 71 1' 1'11 PUBLIC NOTICE ftlCTITIOIJl IUSllllESS HAME STATEMINT ~·,, T~ t041ow1nq f)t"r\,On t\ do•nq bu"'"""'" ... T11E HAIR EXPlllESS nun [I T0toF•onl•9" llo..O Elloro.CA'1U> C.t•n D•••O S.C. ..... 11. t'"ll CdtO (•' r '4t Huttftt'WJfon 8"111t(n (A tt~ Tf\•\ W\.•,.. .. \ 14, tonOUthd tty •n •n ()1•1(Ju4I Gt .. n O •,t rw.u ft\t) it•l•m"lf W.t\ l1lf'O ..,,,,, "" C,.o4Jnh Ctl"rlt ot O'•nou (ount• Of• tAl'h.et v 1 1'11 ,.,_ Pvt>11\.f\cpd Or•t\9f" Co•\I 0 4t•l1 P1101 /en • 11.11. )<j "" PUBLIC NOTICE J.., ... ry U H. 11. ltll 14l II PUBLIC NOTICE fl'ICTITIOUS a USl1'EH HAMEUAlEMENl lhit t0Uow1f\9 c>t1t\On\ Uf CIOlnQ Du\I ,,,.., •1 Sent• M•, C•lltorrtl• •llH PubllW\ed Or•nca• (o.o• Otthv P~lflt J•lllHrv u , n ,, 1•11 ,., " PUBLIC NOTICE OIOMOnd. S..nto An•.(" •lil0fn1.; '11'04 Ttoil-. bu\lM '' h c.onduct~ •.-• OIMt•INrf"l''"'o JOllll8orbol• Jr ltH\ ''~tem•"t we\ tH~ wllh ttw• Count, Cl~,. 01 Oronqe Coun1y 6n J.,,ll<lry \, ttll KAaNS' KA•Allt.N, l"tor,..y\ OOllWll\,,ln tlo•l••arll, $ulle QI l.lttA-ltt.CAf0011 "AOIO ICWIZ )IOI WP1I Flllh1------------- Slr'*I Sent•""" C.•llforno• '7701 S u p E II 1 o R c O U ll T 0 P' 4 'HE VOICE OF Tl1E ORANGE CALlllOllNI.&, Lo\A"9fl.,.C *" EMPIRE, IN( L TO d CMllO•(tt•cor COUNTYOl'OllA .. GE Pvb4•\ll~CI O••n:~ Co~~· Oallv Pllol POrtloon, >IOI Wut f1ltb,\trffl, Siont• In 1,.., Mill•r OI lh• JlOl)llC•l•nn of J•n I\ 11. lt Mid •I>. I, l9ll AM,Ctlllornl .. ,10) GQOOl'llEOO YAPYAPE'4 SAG•N tSI,. ~:::c!"~''"'" h concJucttCf by 4f tor DOY. fftr' Ct\•n~ ot Nllm_. THE VOICE or lHt CASE NUM•Ell "''"'" OlllANGC EMPIRE INC LTD ~~~~:r~~~oo~~~~= :::'~~~,!,,~••I• C.OOOFR EOO Y"PYAPEN '"'~ ,,.,.m .. nt w•\ f1hd .wnn ,,_ ~:nG1~':,,~~!u,~~~,. ~·~·::~ :.~~ County (ltt• ot Or•"(lf' (OUt'tt\' Ol't lnq PtflU~,. to <f't•"'IC)• 1\1\ 1\1,,,. ttnm Dt<.~m()o• '· 1916 GOOOFREOO YAP>'•PEN ~Ci&'4 .... Sll DOY to FllEOElllCO: YAPYAPEN Pv1>11\1'"'1 Or•ntl" (O•SI O••ly Pllol ~CiANOOY '""""''YI 1\ n ,, 1'11 9'9 JJ U I\ f'lierHtY orO.r•d that ii.fl P"'"°"' P BLIC NOTICF. FICTITIOU~ IUStNESS NU<I£ STATEMlNT TM 'l')flOw1"q f)clllr\On\ ,,,.. OO.nq OUi\I f'W'\\ ., r,AANOt, 4.AAR-<£TtNr, COM PA#'fY ,,.._. Af'f'fttn SU,..,-1 (O\f.t ~ ( •lifhfftiA tJ41~ M"\AO f ••"8h •hi ')191 {, A fW"V 4.,,.~ (C)\1• Mf·\• (•l1lorn1.1.,616 H1fl'J'"' Suq1y,.ma Jiil G ,.,,.,,.'( A~nut" f'0'-14 Mfl'\4' Citl1torn"•Q?'9J~ f~n"l·t\ "'•'UVAtnfl JUI \(', A1rw1t, A"'""" Co't" M•ft.1•. (1911t,...,n • .,...,,~ '"'' bu\•ttt-\\ I\ canduc '""° by • ()l'N•ffll f;MrlMt\hfO M•'\.O T ""•''-""' •ntt'f'ttlfld •n tn. m~tlt, ct•or~..,,, •r> Pt•' betor .. UU\ <OU'' In OeOi"r-t,,....,,t No ) •t 100 C.1"tc (ef\tt r Ori'#f' w,, ... ,, s.M• An•~ CAUtonu• °"' Ff'orUMy n "11 •I '1 QOo•tto<k • m And t""9on .\nd thlo-f'• \.how c.-uvi 1t •"• thf"I .,,."• why '-"•l'.J (Jl"hl•on ftY Ch•nOfl of n1u'"" \hOulO not~ Q'"A"ll~d ti '' tur"\hf't ord•rfltt O'l 1' .1 toe>y of '"'"or-0.-r to \lhOw CAu~ ~ C>ub'f~ 1n Or...,... Cff\t O"'Hv PHot tl ~,. Oii ~ntra• c1r-tultttton, pubh\f'Wtd '" thi\ (°"')I'(., tP,l\\ Of\(fO" WP•"''°" tour (()n Y<Uflyt w~~'l pr10t IO f~ Oat of ~iO f\itat i"Q O•le<I Ja11 II, 1'11 8~UC.I' W \UMNER JUOQf~t>, fl'H• WQl'r1or Cour• PUBLYC NOTICE , ... ,.. - NOTICI TOCllEOITOltS t N•. A·M'16 SUPEltlOll COIJltTO, TMI! Ut.TI O' CAL"0"1Cl4f'Oll Tlfl COUNTY Oft O"ANOlf In 11'• Mitter ol th" hl•lt OI ESTELLE C WALK Ell, C>.<uM<I Hohc• *" l\trtby qfven to ''"*'Ot' ~¥•f'tQ ct ... m, ·~'"'' t'M UMI ON,. dtftt H') tut \•tel t.lelm\ In ''-Oft.a. of tf\r' t '"'" of tht •fC>f'P\••d Court or to oov.nt '""''"to'"'""~'''~••,,... °'''"' 01 OAVIO ( Wt.Ll(£1t. AUy .. L•w 1\0 H 8roto .. •v. In ,,,.,. r11 r of S•,,t• An• In Ot'•nt>f' (ounty. wt\tc" tt'tt~r ottJcr I\ ,,,,. Dle<t ol by~lnP\\ OI ,,.., _,,_ '" .. u m.tttt1tn ~1t.t1nO'\Q tO!WikS f'\t .. w. ~U(I! tltftn\ Wllfl 1110 nt<Pf \f•• ¥0U(...,_t\ MU\' Dt t11.-o Of pr~_.,, •fOO•\oli1d Wllh•n tov,. MOf\th\ .. ,tf \hit '"'' ouoHr••'~' out not1<• o •• .., ,.., ll .,, TNOM t WALIClill Etu11cutorottN>Wm Of .. lddO~•d<llll Another provision or the order b ars the firm from citing any tesL~ as e-vidence that its vidro or audio equipment. major he>mP a ppl i ance!. or bicycles arc superior to other prooucb unless those-C'la1m !I an: based 0t1 a oroad san1phnJ! or spec1f1calt} named com pet1tor!I "CTI f tOUS llUSIHU\ HAM( HATEME"IT FICTITIOUSIUSIHIU Tnt1 <IAl•m.n1 "'"i ''"" W•I~ 1"" 14Alt0LO C. WESTON 10711 Sl•ter A••. cr 110 F-leln V•ll•v. CA '7108 Ttl 010 M>-H•S ""W"tV tor PttUlo"" OAlllD C. '411ALtl•1t ""-t·.l·un• t!OIN.ar .. dw•w Tl'\• 'n11nw1no r>"'""" ., OOI~ t>tn1 tW\' "' NAMESTATIMEHT r.ov"IY "'""'"' ,.,f OrAnQt Coonty Of\ llw!ollow•nQ11"•.0n"<101nqbv\ln••, l•nUA•V 1 "" l"TOID ., HARBOR INN MO! f"L 'IOO w Punm""" ::>rano• (o•" 041!1 Pilot, Hr1t'l1 Hof\t Gr~'""' A \,•\•·I" HJ II PUCfl\IWd Oran()'• Cn~o O"UV Pilot. J•n I~. n, 2'. •MF •D ~. 1q71 S.ftl• An•, c.111ernl1 •l70l Pvbll"1od Orono• Co•'' o..ny Pllnl, J•n I\ 11 11 •tlld r1 b S 1911 fH( G~R/llHI(\ (.() ):llie Z•ll Or•v,. L•?v1'H A"rt"t C,,.1Horn1.-fl');,~1 M' (MV1fJ PM!io!f'\ ll>lt'J /,.It C>r1vtt Uoun.., l\"4(P'\ C•ld'l•n1,,~1t.~t 'f,," 1>4.l\•""''\ ... rQ.,dur ff n n1 ""In d•••ou•· Cl-'V111PM"lf'I , .. ,, 8•1floalllvo N•wonrt ll•o<n (.A .,,.,.,11 I•" 11. 1) rt •lid l'tb \ "" c.,,.,n,.,. •AOO w "•'b<ht Nf'WPo,, ·~i~••~~mcm&mmiimnam~~mz~llil!llzl!l!~!J~~ij~ma~~ llH(ll,C .. '1'1!>41 r~ • • d•:·:·~~;~~:;,~;~:.~::.~,~ .-GERBER FURNITURE 10 ,, ff\1\ \l•flln'lt<nl 'II t 1111 '1 WttP\ tf'c OU"'" Ct,.,. ol ()t',fnfl' (ttonfy on l,Jltomf')fir 1• 11/~ F4tlU ~'1)1f\Attl1 f)ttt'1Q"' f'•l•Ur O•tty P1tot, [)N 1\ 1'1• •nrt I•'-1 ,. I\_ 197' ~::;:.~·~::, ~1 Oron..,. c-tv "" "CONTEMPORARY HOME ENVIRONMENTS,. Ft"10 PuOh\:'\eO O r111\q,. C04\1 0 111ly FUNDS GO TO RATS Si\CR AMF.NTO <AP1 Mor e than $700,000 in federal end state fund~ will be used t his ft <i<'JI yea r f or Ca11forn1a programs lo protec t endangered w il dlif e lik e the kangaroo rat a nd pere· grine falcon. U411 It PUBLIC NOTICE ftlCltTtOUSIUSINUS NAMI UATIME .. T r~ •oHowtno ~"M>"' •r• dOi""l bU\• l'llt\\~ MAAKLEY •NELSOH h7' S Pv•lme11. S.n14 Aro• J•rM\ l ... ,.,,., ltll K•no• Rd . .... ...._, .... ,~., .. ) em...r<1L M•r•l•y llMF'IO!Cortl Sr>-t"Ot(I. Hutll•(\(llon 80<~.,6' Ille herd J 1Cor11to• 'lo411 R""'dllu• A.,. • "'"'"'"""'* T"'' bu•l11•u '' conducl..S t>¥ e -••Mtt,..r\lllp J•'"9)l H•l\On T'lllt ''t1•mtnl .. ,, lilP<I w•lh ,,.. C.OUrtl y (ler• ol Orenv. COlillty on Otttmt>tr n. 1'1' Pt1oi '"" • t), n ?• '''' ~""' '~ PUBLIC NOTICE fJICTITIOVS a USINeSi lllAllAE STA'TIMENT l"" fo410Wlftq ~r \Oft I\ d01rw,Jt>u'\.IM-\\ .. I.Al VINCO llEAL TY •BJ AO VANCE l AHO OEVELOPMENT (!) flt V11 l•do SouCI, Ntwoo•t e.Mh CA ·~ AaymonoO v 1nc1nt• n•V1t1l~ Soud. "••P0'18 .. <h.(4 t)~ Thh b\.t\ln .. \\ h tond..,cted bY an If\ dl•l6u•I ll•vrnon<tO Vl11un11 n f, •!•ternpnl WA\ 11100 wltll I~ County Ctn• ot Ora1190 t.Kinly <>n CltcemC>et u. ,.,. , .. ,,, ~r·~ O•enve Cot\l O•llY Pilot. Jen.I, ll, '1, 1', 1911 Stale offi<'ials uld t.hat California would r eceive $450,000 for protection pro~rams as part or $2 ,. ... 17 l'Vbllll!M °'"llOe CoHI O•lly Pllot.1------------- Jllfl t,t. n . 11, ton S.»$.lt llll million in federal aid to P UBLIC N011CE 15 states that have agree· l--~:-:-:-:-:-'""'."""-----1 ments with the u .S. Fish "CTITIOUUUllNHt d W. d 'I Se I NAMEITAT•MINT an 11 h e rv ce. r11ero11owi11t~60111,11o1"9111..i1w,. ., N E W,OllT iec "ITAllll AL SEllV!CIS. Jnl Mt(Atlhur f¥•0. --19•e<h. '" ,.., .. ,,..,, Carroll, UfO Ar•flt S1r .. t,N-rt llucll.CAtt..O SUl"ElllOll COU"TO'TMI Tiil\ INtl ... o It COlld\Kll41111 M '" $TATI Ofl' CALIP'OllNIA ll'O• dlw-1 PUBLIC NOTICE THI COUNT'l'O,OltANOI ,._.,.tt'YC:•rr .. I Me A _.. Tl\i\ •1•1•-nl WU llt.41 With tllt NOTIC f O ft MeAlllNO 0~ c.u..fr (ltf~ Of Orona. Counry °" PE'TITIO .. ftOa 11•0aATI Ofl' WIU. J-ry> tt71 PUBLIC NOTICE MU "CTITIOUI IUSIN&H llAMStTATIMINt r ... fOllowlnq ,..,_ ., .. Ool(IQ b<Jtl· ftl1.IH: CALICO ENTEllP,.ISES. 1'MK IEMIMlralome, An-Im, Celffor~• l!NVI ROCOH MANUl'ACTVlllNO COMPANY, • C.11101111• <0<0Grall0ft. ttOtO S.111" O•rllelo, !oouth O.lt. C.elllom••- Tlllt ..,.I,_" f\ <ondl.t<IH by • -· •. ,,.,.,. EHVI llOCION MANUl'AC. TUlllNG COllAPAN"' lt04lllCIW Wuf, PfO\l.,,... TI\la •latt_.,1 wa \ lllMI _.,,. 1"- ~y , .. ,-of Ottllff C...,,, on 0.C-f J>. ,.,. AND "O• LITTla\ Tf:$TAMIN ""'12 Nftft T~~~I• of M.&Y OEW(°I" SllAtTH. t •t J::T.:r;: ~~;;';' to<l\l D.ity PllOI. ~l-0ttll9t C~t•I Otllly "'i.t. MAYO \M•lH 0.<H\lld ,..,.,, ~,,1.a.o,n,n>1 "''"'' NOTICE I\ HElll£11Y OIVf; .. l,_.1 i--'"-----------......:..i_ ___________ _ MAllYHELL COlllllCAN M\ Ill-a f\erttn • pout1on fl)t Pro~•• (If Wiii - io< ""'"n<• Of L•tt•n ft\l-11ty\o the PttltlOMr tftfff'~t't 10 Wftf<f'I '' ~ ,M h""'"r P•tffcutArt, _,,. t"-f ,,_ 11..,. •"Cl Ol•<t ol i.tar1nt 1"' -t..~ be.,, wt tor F1brue1y t, ttn, at 10 00 • m • II\ fllt CO\lflfOO"' Of o.o.tft. -Iii No J ol uld rout1, "1 TOO Clwl< Gll1f'< O•I .. Wut. 111 '""City ol s.tl!e Ma. C..llforn•• O.tto Jtt111•rr u, tt77 WILLIA!lj\ I . II JOICN COUnlY Clof- ~"~u~~~~~~~~~~~~&Ui"I "K·BIG MUSIC LINE" FOR INFORMATION ABOUT ANY SONG HEARD ON KllQ ... JUST DIAL 1 '~$247 Eighty Inch soto and Choir, covered In yoor choice ot scolchguofded Holtlon cofloo acordurov.now sole priced. 0on1 min OU1 blgQe\1 sole evenl ot lhe enttr• Veot Many one ol o k"ld. Ot IS. Olld ftoor SOIT'CJWt 11ems /411 ~' IO Piiot soi. Po..oMng ChOIQaMos1111 OIO'gO, llorttc~Ofd. lfl'91lord0$<Q!I Closl & Cl>lem9 ~ _, '~ •'¥18 c:tQt1 at&-U77 At least J/2 off the listings below bQuos.l& Q'.lnUOe loolhef ct\otl wllt\wcocJtromev~ sm am ~I 94 lneh Ida W\ H9fQAon ~\o/OO(jflCJme ~26 1)99 Chorlton d plOCG orgulot M!Ctlcn QI In HtwC\AoO Vc:JAJO 5229.d l 1147 Booo11f\A Fiend\ Burt wood dinlrq lc[)te Wit!\ two tecMM foul ctlaltl ln~svotvet Slo2~ SIU Molchlng French Bull wood -~~ ed Cl'\lf\a, V~ SI J 99 .... .tf" Selig '°'° Ofld ~ covoi.ct In liM:IOVt ~c»o· vol• \lift. Value II 240 . . . . , . , . l•tt D Do11bltft1t11r• Mowln : "llut" (hot) 11-Gtoiar ll~ton "Tiit Wid1111" (d11) '61-0uk 80111d, Sylv~ Symi. Oun1' P1"• JHllS MILi.Cit "lWMY•IUW (213) 851·KBIG K-BIG FMI04 ~ 11.tede tof(I and '°""' MOf with ()(JI( •l<Je poM!i. VOllJe 51700 , ...... , -3:30- .. .._,.: !CJ "T~ Sitor4 of AM llM" ~) '6~ Pit,,"''"" JouJ,n l.,,t. Ptttr Wlt1l11tJ "" ..... ,,_ ............ ". 1tt11,,_, CA ..it Ttl• ftU> .... lltt A_f._1 ~H-• P\lbll"1ed Qra11111 CH•I Otlly ,.. ... , ,.., 14, u, fl, "" 111•1 bt:lUlllul 11111~ 111183 fliddSt•.~~<oltlomio 92709 17)ql 7Sq 1822 WT MUI> Oii 11'1 JM (lll00--7 A W.el.,Mol\-F• llH.Sol. I0·6 Svll 12 5 Bare Root Trees Dwarfs Yield Giant Fruits II you are re1trlcled by space, 't let that stop you from en· oylne bome1rown frult. Tbe 1radual urbanl'tatlon o r California has led to new lnethods of growln1 fruit trees. '" art CruJt trees take up as little apace u a medium 1lzed shrub. but don't let the size fool you. -Giant fruit 15 produced by these pocket si~ed trees, and more and Clwck Garden For. Oriemal, Fruit Flies The 47tb Oriental fruit fly in California has been discovered by the Los Angeles County Department of Agriculture. The fly wa~ found in the Sil ver Lake area, which means eradica lion techniques are now being ex· panded lo cover a 125 square mile area. The department is asking pro· perty owners to cheek home- ) grown fruits and ornamental ber- ries in their gardens for small, creamy-while maggots. Anyo n e f inding such a , ·~ peciman should contact Ori en· ·tal fruit fl y project headquarter:. (213} 670-6766. more superb varieties are being introduced each year Not only do they produce bumper crops or standard·si~e Cruit, they begin lo bear fruit earlier in life than do larger or· chard trees. With certain ever- green fruits notably citrus you can even grow the dwarfs 10 tubs a nd harvest their crop!> from a patio or deck. How urban can the orchardist get? Select from dwarr Citrus. Apple, Pear. Pe ach. Apricot. Plum. Bus h Cherry and Semi Owttrf Cherry. During these mid-winter months. dwarfs arc obtainable in bare root form al nearly all nurseries. In early spr ing you can fmd them tn contamer grown rorm DON'T BE CONFUSED by the terms "dwarfed " trees and "genetic dwarf" trees. The dif· ference is that genetic dwarf trees are bred ns naturally small growing trees. while dwarfed trees are normal frult varieties J?rafted onto dwarfin~ rooL'ilock Usually, both types of trees are referred lo as dwarf fruit trees. Plant the tree at the same level it was grown at in the nursery -you will see the former soil line of the trunk ; and in planting, fill the soil gradually around the roots. firming it with your foot a~ you go. Water thoroughly. JIOME/GARDEN Cacti Bill May Protect Desert Life Senator Om er Rains <D· Ventura> has introduced legisla· Uon which would regulate the re- moval and shipment of native de· se.rt plant Hle from CaJjfornia. Similar legis la t ion was in. troduced r ecently in the as· scmbly by Assemblyman Jerry Lewis (R-Redla ndsi. The Rains legislation 1s pat· terned after an Arizonu law enacted early during the current century. This Arizona law require~ \Hil- ten permission from the Ian downer before any of 222 native desert plants can be harv<.>stcd. Rains said, "Jn California it 1s now virtually impossible to de- termine what is and what 1s not legally harvested. Only the re- mote chance of catching thieves in the act results m any kind of penalty." . r S.turcUiy. January t5, T977 DAILY PILOT Plant Shade Garden It's time to plant your yellow. blue. white, pink, dark areon a nd the Other &ood compM.lon e11rly sprln e-s hade and red. The plants may daisy-likeflowersri5eup planhn&s for elther the garden with colorful an-be set In flower bedi ln above the folia&e . Primroses o r tbcr nuals. Two outatandJ.n& their pols for· eaay re· Cinerarlu bloom in at-Ciner&arla are tbe Fairy choices for the assign-mova l later. T he polli tractlvelydeepshadeao! Primrose, Mlmulu1 ment are Primroses and can be brought indoors blue. lavender, purple, (Mon le. e y (i' low r ), • Clnerarias. Both have for apringllme decor at-carmine, roae, and pink., Columbine, Foraet·M~ made 111.1ccessful lransi-IDR. Cultural requirements Not. and the J::n&UI lions from thP. pot pl~t Cinerarias also love t or Clnerarlas are Daisy. ,\II aro1badtlov- class Into the shade the cool weather and the slnillar to those of the er11 and do very wtll tn garde n . A1' a result, shade. Their foliage \s Primrose. moist, h.lfh humus solll. months oC bloom in lbe -------------------------........ ----~ s hade garden can be en- joyed in the cool months of late winter and early spring. As a s h ade plant. St>rvice u11d Qualit.v .~i11rr 1946 NURSERY- FLORIST Primroses prefer a 1006e well drained soil with a tugh content of organic matte r or humus . Be sur e to keep the flower bed moist. Watch soil moisture between rains. as drying winds and cold lemperutures can de· siccate plants quickly. It-------------.,--""-~~---------· Fertilize during the season as nutrients will tend to leaeh out of the soil during the rainy season CLOSE PLANTINGS will produce a showy er. feet of colorful blooms m Plunt FR I IT THEES "'> W.' IH l o '\ E llare-rvol Pl::J\Cll, PLU\t, APRICOT. 'Kl"<;·s kl'llY' St'('<.11,..,. ...;EC'TARINE, t'IC . l<t·d c.r .. 1>t'' •n•· P EHSl\IMO~ & APPi.i·. Wind Damage • Int 0,1.Y ~l· •. \Cll Cold winter winds dry <;ET i\ ... lf!lll ~ Out Conl"t'ne r plant0., Genetic Dwru"f'i; " " · nmMr>so:-i s~:•;uu:ss· lawns and shrubbery. lie •'Ronanza' Peach sure to w atcr the garden ll---c-;ra_p_" _\·_.,_w..=f<:' l:(:f<:: l:·::_ __ ..J._~•=' l'\=· e=c=t=ann=·=a:' :N:e:c l=n=rin=c=l 2=·=9=!1=----lhoroughly between the dry spells to help prevent frost damage lo plants and m aintain healthy root systems. FLORIST Sl'ECIAL fo'ICUS BENJAMff\A !Wl'l'pin1t f111J [l('jlUlll i11tJ1111r I 977 ~t·h·,·1io11 CRoseg hn ... t !'\O i CdtAIH. ll .. m· mot Such lavonll'~ ;L,. Camellia Show Today,Swulay SAYE THE WHOLESALE WAY TREES • SHllUIS • HOUSE PUHTS l>lunl. (j,.,., • ik<' 11 small h" l'ul Ht•g >. llr> • Charlotte Armstrun~ P<>nrl' Talisman .. The fi!th annual Camellia Sbow, <:o·sponsored • by Southern California CameUia Society and Hunt- ington Library, will be held from l lo 4 :30 p.m. lo· day, and from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday at Huntington Library, Art Gallery and Botanical Gardens. More than 1,000 blooms, demons! ratinl! approx· imately 200 vanetil'S. will compete for honors. The show will emphasize floral arrangements using camellias. THE DJSPLA Y will ht' suppkmentcd by educ a· tiOf\DI information and demonstrations. Seed germination. ferliltzinj.t, µruning, r<'pottmg, gr11 ft · ing, and hybridmng or cross-breeding difrerenl species of camellias will be discussed and illustrat ed. Information will be provided for the novice 11~ ~ell as lhe advanced camellia grower t The camellia gardens at Huntington were , opened lo the public in 1954; the gardens now hav(' I 1500 varieties of r&imellias the world's largest , public collecLion. The Huntington Library, Art Gallery and Botanical Gardens, located at J 151 Oxford Road, San Marino, 1s open Tuesday through Saturda~· from 1:00-4:30 pm . on 5'mda)~ the ground:. open at 10 .JO a.m . butldm~sopen al 1 pm Weekend Gankning Checklist • ll pays to buy a good 1 pair of sharp sh<>ars to Spyglass To Meet Wednesday ~ prune trees and 11hrub6. When thinntng never leave 1lubl lon1 enough t() hang your hat on Cul : flush to the hmb. When } heading back limbs cut ,. to a bud that will grow m •' the desired dirertmn Spyi;(lass Hill Garden Club will begin the nc~ year with 1t11 first meet ing Wedne11day. at 9:30 a.m . al lht> home or Mrlo Robert Pike. 3 Monterey Circle. Corona Del Mar Helpinl' Mr11. P1kew\lh the ho!1p1tahty will ht' Mrs. Mi<'hacl Gibellino and Mr s Steph <>n Schwartz ~ •Spray for Peuch Leal : Curl now. Peach trees ~. and nectarines may suf. :-} fer the severe funf!ua al· " tack this s prinK without Pro fe c;sor Takco lleSUj[I or \ht• Depart menl or l.dndscap1• Arch1le<'lUr<'. School or Envaronmenlal Design al Cal Poly Pomona will be guest speuker . I' It • Watch Rosu ror signs t h a t buds are beginning tu swell. When they do, 11harpen the prunlnit shears an~ go to work • tlouse pl a nu 'reqllfr-lnl the most Uiht should be l'OUUd in winter to windows with• tou.tbem eiq>oeur~ • Don't neglect water-ln& dut(es just because it's cold. Con tainer planta ea~cially should be watered durl•I the dry spell s between winter rains • Now is the Ume t.o S>Jant bedding plants for aprln1 color. Be s ure that you check the planlln1 area fol' good dralnaae. Thi• may even m ean you will have to raise the level olyourflowerbcds. He will present a pro- gram of sUde11 and a lee· lure on the his tory, philosophy and the use of oriental elements of de si gn In American Landsca~. Irvine Moves Mee ting Place Irvine Curden Club has moved Its meeting place t o the n ew University Park Com- mun It y Bldg .. 1 Beechtree Lane. Members will m eet Jan. 26 at 10 a.m . to hear nower-show j udge and hortlculturhl, Ginger Carllon. •~ak on plant-ing for spring color. The club extends an in vltotion lo Interested women to Join them. Call Sharon Co11 grove, 552·7991, or 011 via Thomson, 833-8948, for information. •• COLORFUL PANSIES Aleo 'f~hN.C. RANCHO MISSION VIEJO GRHHHOUSE OITM4 HWY.• ffl 4J 4tMHI ,.. s.o. """-' .. OrMp Hwy.,...... ,,.....MLIM II IUOW WHOLESALE rRICES ON THC f OllOWING: Black Pinc Tams Junipers Nand1na Abella. Oleander Moreas Iris. and many more. 69:d. S300 MINIMUM -.__1 MP+ Owr ~O ,.,,,..,.,.~ '"·"' - S.D. Wholesale Growers l.IHAMlllC&. «·'"' PHONE 546-5525 11622 WA.,..ER AVE. FOUNT AIM VALLEY rHOHE 546-3429 • .. PRIMROSE r~.,~·· t. I 11~il11t,fl f fllJlf I ., ( .u 11 u ( .1.1n1 \,1tM:I\ ., ltx hiund it1• n "' ,,,~ l •'u .. pnnr ~.u,lt 11 '' .1 l.1bf, H I '\ t f \ 111(,, tlf tf t I.I nfip" \\lflf• \tftu\\ rtd Iv'''''''", .. , J'lllh l'lol(l)'I' ltt:lr, ,l!ld cl.id j,I ' \ \ 111 j.1.,, "" '" 1•.1/11,rl '"11 111 1 •"I UfllUU'I I h1\ tit'\\ u I ' f,.. I"\' tfJJttllj If ft)( rhc frh1f)fh'1. fl 1 t t If ff PLANT DOCTOR \'1cll'r C.r.1r11 H .. , .. r c. . .irdl'll\ r 1•rul.1r l'l.11 I I ), ~ lur. " ,1n 1 nl v1 h·r•·ol1.1 .. 1 1..noi.. 11"-l>;l' '' hm 1t c "n" r. • Ktuwln1: thin>:'. I Ii• '' 111 ht h.1ppv h i vllW•l'I Vl'lll, ''""' 111in• "' hnnK tt1 v11111 pl.1111 lor J lri~· < .. n,1111.1111 111 \\'ft1h \PU n.• h1•ri· '"'P h\ 1111' ..... pl11th1'o1lrt• h •r .1 lrt·• l\.1· ~ 1 I t 1."' ili.lur• ""' PRIMROSE f'r111111/111\111111./11 ,i,, ...,,,~ //1•11rl 1·11~1111·11u1 /1 "' '"' Id ' fl,.,j~/,•,,~111111 /111 f 11111m11 I" , , , 1 (.),,..,,,,,"'""''''''''""'''''""'' .f1 /1tt1l1' \ftrttl~ //i>ll't'I //11• 1ir1111rt• t' /iih 1•/I /,,, 11 /1·11.r· mu/ 11~ l•lot1111' <..rm '",, . .,, /1 /or thr $11•1 m tl11111I..\ /Of' /1,·i11111 < 0 ~"'' 1 .. th\ l1n ( 111 re \1!,11\.', \ttl1r \ 11.J • r ).1 I ••II "' tlll tl\ t11 l,ul \\l!h \•''11r 1+• \ I 1 1111 • ~)111\ l<n.•11 (,.iultn 111111h1ru. lr.11lt1111ti1I J,1nd""'.1r•Jt1;' \\t~h ltwtt. ,ll1 "'11\1Jl\;u11111111111 ( .11111 .. 1 \\.,r.11rt1 .. d.11 I ,, ,,,, ·'l'l" 111• 11 • V IOLA BASKETS H .. y,1•r' 1nh•rn.11111n.1ll\ I 1111""' c ,.f,.r 1 •. , .. ~. 1 ,,,, .• 1 l"V , .. l•·h .. ld' I Ill"" l.1bulill1'-h1-.1111v lro11n nnw '111 1.11lv 'llllllll• 1 v.11h tho·-.• un11-11.1I tlm"'' h.1 .. l..1•1' th.ti thrl\ • "" lull '"" I\\ .111 .ohl· "' lrlu t·' .inti ,., 11. '" ·''"I "' " •.pri 1 • , .1rdt•t\ 'ulor c ,111th"'·'''"'' """''d ''1rh r·11m"""" .inJ ht)''""·'· C'AMtLLI ~I K \V r h1· l",( 111n~ l<t,~1·r' (..1rd1•n• .-vt:f\l I~ ll>H11n~ UJ' f tltruJtV Sth .ln<l 6th w11h '"""' ll't tu rt" It• l>t• h1 Id .11 11.i m .. l f1 m .ind If. 111 ~ wtll h.lvr hundMI~ of ol• ,1nd rl('W v.irK-111". nl c.1mcll1,1 in '''"J.. for your ~lt'<.ll<>n dunng tht' ,hc,1w, 2640 H4trbor Bhd .. [oMt a ~f'M8 OAJL Y 9-5 :30 SUN. 9-!l , ) \ ,,,. . ,.> • -~-~ .. ;-" . ", , CYCLAMEN II. .11111lul l<•l1•r h•r thl' 11"'"1h-. '" , .. 111, • \,. • ui-1.1nJ1nµ pl.rnt Int N dd11tr "! I'"' .. 11 .. 1 , rr ... 11 dl·1111.111•r il<tfl \\lw11 11 ,.1 111 11.111 111 l"1'l..••I,. t\1111i1-bln11111 1111\\11 1 ''""' 11• \\hlio • "d~. p1ni.., .incl v.1rrqo,1tl~l 11•'•'"' t\•.11l.1l•l1 " I <' fN•h.ind will f.11•11111 11l1.1rh .. umrnu' AZALEAS A t.1voritt-1111t<loor )l.arJ••n pl.int . .11.11'"" >:• • •w v.1'11 in shndl' arN,~ ,rnJ will bl,,c>m thrn111o:h 'rrin14 Jnd edrly ~urnm1 r l{tt)'.l'I • h.1• 111.111v VJ11e1Jl.., or thl~ hi)~li qu,1ltt\'. 111l.,rf11I pf.tot 111 ,.,1 ... ptnl..s clnd "'h111 ..... 1~.11l,1lil" 111 I >:.11 .tntl S ~aL .. v ..... BARE ROOT ROSES The ftn<'St qu.illty Armstron.it ..,,.,. mor ,, ..... , .ir~ oow 1n •tock. RO)(l'I'' h.1• .a cl.WC .,-~.,.)(1 ment of coklrs ~nd VMv.:IK"I to c-h<'°"" from Buy and pl;inl now for J ~.tultful :and lraiv.lflt Spring • San Joaquin Hills Rd. Jt MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach, (714) 640·5800 Open D<>ily 9am to 6pm Also in Mi~"iion Viejo {714) 837-7811 • .'i Saturday Janulf}' t5. 1977 Dodgers' Manager Guest Lasorda To Appear at Garden Grove Services The Rev. Norris Wo~en, Ce· dar Rapids , Jowu, will be the guest speuker at a pre- aching and teach.ing mission Sunday through Wednesday at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2987 Mesa Ve rda Drive, Co:;ta Mesa. Mr. Wogen will speak at services at 8 and 11 a.m. Sunday and each evening at 7:30through Wednesday. Clemente Church Notes 10th Year Pastor Jim Miley, who or- ganized and pastored the first congr egatio n of the Christ Lutheran C hurc h i n San Clemente, will s peak at the Ioth anniversary observance service at to a.m. Sunday. Mr. Miley started services in 1965 at the San Clemente High School library. The present church building at 35522 Camino Capistrano, was constructed and dedicated in October, 1966. The congregation was organized Jan. 17, 1967 with over 60 charter members. Dr. Ll oyd Burke. president of ~Pacific Southwest Synod, will bri>lg gr eetings lo the congrega. tlOP Sunday. A reception honoring charter members will be held in the educational unit following the Sunday service. Everyone 1s in- vited. Phy llis Soderberg is in charge o( planning for the annlvers:iry. a,. t. u.uted by Mr. and Mrs. B'11 Daken and Mr. and Mrs Al Bowman. Freedom's Limits Temple Talk Topic "Is There a L.1m1t t<1 Fre" S~ech /Free Prrs!>,"' will Ix• the sl.lbject of a speech by l>r Paul F\nkleman al 10 a.m Sunday al CoTona de\ Mar H IJ(h School. 'femple Dal Yahm 1s i.pon!>or- in• the event ---------- It's doubtful the talk will be on balls and strilres when new Los Anselea Dodgers manager Tom Lasorda appears a1 Dr. Robert H. Schuller'• guest in the 9:30 and 11: lS a.m. Sun· day services or Gardea Grove Commwdty ;. Churc' 12141 Lewis St., Garden Grove. DT. Schuller will s peak wllb Lasorda about lhe Impact hlA "Hour or Power " broadcast ba.s had upon the Dodger manaeer's life. Lasorda, a member of the Dodier or- ~aniiation 27 years has replaced Walt Alston who served 23 seasons as manager. Lasorda and his family live In Fullerton. •'Catholic Dimens ions," a new 30·minute radio program will be broadcast at 10:30 a.m. '-'SO•o• Sunday on KY MS, 106.3 FM Tom Fuentes, CommUblcations Ditector r Immigrants· Find Help They Need "Lost a nd all alone." Those words from a current pop tune might fit the feelings of people when they first found their way to the Orange County Catholic Services' depart- ments or Im migratu:m and Southeast Asiaf' Resettlement and Supportive Services. However. those same people usually leave the depart· ment at 2110 E. f''1rst St .. Santa Ana., feeling helped and a "sense of belonging .. in their new surroundings, according to Tom Fuentes, communications dlreclor for Catholic Services. "MOST OF TUE prospective immigr ants come from south of the border," Fuentes said. The office handles all pro- spective imm1~rant.s who cannot afford services of an al· U>rney or notary, accord.Jog to Fuentes. Immigrants from E~ypt, Canada and Lebanon have also been helped recent· ly, Fuentes notes . The prospective immigrant is assisted with paperwork and staff members present cai;es to the proper ;iuthoritles, Fuentes said. Citizenship applications. obtaining of birth and marr1age cert1f1cates. school and miUtary records, police clearance and other pertinent information is handled by the department's Ma ff of i,1x. Fuentes said 20 to 30 people per day are helped by the staff. "Clients must have entered the U.S. legally and have jobs," Fuentes s aid. "Mostly they are frightened, insecure people, wanting a place to get squared away." A SECOND PHASE of the Calhollc Social Service is the Southeast Asian Resettlement and Supportive Services down the hall. The program began just after the first Viet· namese landed at Camp Pendleton in 1975. Finding sponl>ors, homes and jobs fo r the refu~ees are the obJcclives of the program. The program was contrnued after thr Laotian refugees arnved in the U.S. last spnng. There are currently 20 families handled by the oHicl! needing s ponsors, Ms. Hetrick says. The U.S. Catholic Con· ferenae funds the program for care or the families. "We have some volunteers, but they donate money a bit at a time," Ms. Hetrick said ... We need both." NB Man Unit Manager Hal M. Friesen, Newport Beach, has been named manager of the Department of Branches and Practitioners of the Christian S(•1ence Center. HostDn. lie will oversee liaison with branch <'hurches and pubhc pr:1clit1oners or Christian Science around the \ltorld Friesen has been <1 memhcr or the mother church, The First Church of Chris t. Sc1cnl1sl, in Boston, since 1949. He has been a church-listed prarlit1oncr since 1963 and in 1967, became a teacher or Christia n Scient'.e. Branch churches or Christ, Scientist hold two services each '-'t'C•k A Sunday service centers on Bible lessons and a Wednesday ~en 1cl' on testimonies of healing. ol-Ole RomanCatbolkl>loteMolOranae.willhoattheprosram. Jacob O.-lr Dzerasal will present a pro1ram on "The PaJesUne QuesUon" a t 10:30 a.m. SUnday at the \Joltartan Clsareb ol Orante County, 1120 W. Santa Ana St., Anaheim. Iner us I ls a 1raduate •tu• denl in m iddle east.etn Sludlea. Israel Cafe offers lu "Comedy Cabaret" tonl&ht at the banquet hall of the Orange County Medical Association bulldlng, 300 South F1ower, Orange. Entertainment by WUI Tearue, former Cbruty Minstrels member, viollnlst Sol Sloan and danelnc to the mualc ol Melody Makera, wUJ be ottered. A cocktaJI hour starts at 6 o'clock Reservations may be made by calling 893-1823. The Santa Ana SaJvation Army band wlll present a 6 p.m. Sun· day concert at the First UnJted Metbodlat Clnm:la, 272117lh St .• Hunt· ington Beach. George Neyman, Westminster, Dave Thompson and Paul Vogel, Garden Grove, and Den· ,.----------- nis Wlldon. Santa Ana, bave been ( BRIEFS J elected to the council of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Garden Grove. Don Christor------------ferson, Santa Ana, wasre-ele<:ted lo a second three -year term. Rabbi Stephen J. Einstein will conduct a creative service at8: 15 p.m. Friday at Congregation B1nal Tiedek which meeta at the Flrst Unjted Methodist Church. 18225 Bushard Ave., Fountain Valley. His topic for discussion is entitled "Know the Answer ." Temple youth groups from throughout Southern California are invited to a "Bagel Bash" from 8 to midnight today al Tem· pie Beth David, 6100 Heney St .. Westminster. There will be dancing to The St ruttets a nd all the bagels that can be consumed. Further In· formation may be obtained by calling 898-4406. A snow retreat for teen-agers Jan. 29 and 30 la being planned by St. Matthew Lutheran Ch11rcb of Irvine. All those interested in the retreat are urged lo attend a planning meeting following the 9 a.m. worship ser vice t his Sunday at the church located at 18182 Culver Drive in Irvine. Musical m obiles, musical loy!I, wall plaques and pictures are needed for a nursery shower planned for 8 p.m. Jan. 28 at the First ChrUUao Church of Huntington Beach, 12067 Main St. A money tree will be available for those who prefer not to shop. Michael Medved, coauthor of "What Really Happened to the C1ass of '65?" is being sponsored by the Slsterbood of Temple Bat Yabm as an 11 a.m. luncheon speaker Thursday at the Baywood Clubhouse, l lJaywood Dnve, Newport Beach. Reservations may be made by calling 640-567'1. Bonnie Broome, Bible teacher, will be the guest speaker at an 11 :30 a.m. luncheon Thursday of the Mlsslon Viejo Chapter ol the Women's Aglow Fellowship. The luncheon will be held at the New ~al Restaurant, 23740 El Toro Rd ., El Toro. WORKSHOP DIRECTOR Dr. M. Wayne Brown Class Views Behavioral 'Programs' ~ O r . M . Wayne Brown, .: psychotherapist, will conduct a workshop "Exploring Constltu-' tional Psychology" at 7:30 p.m. S unda y at the C hurch of Religious Science, 601 Eleventh St .. Huntington Beach. Dr. Brown, head of psychiatry a t Los Angeles College of Cturopract1c, will discuss and de· monstrate ways in which each pe rson is '• pre progra med'' genetically towa rds definite kinds of behavior and thin.king. The public Is invited to attend. Donation ls $3. COUNSELING MINJ,nR Dr. Sheng lk Moon Rev. Moon Joins Toro Lutherans Dr. Sbang lk Moon has joined the staff of the Abiding Savior Lutheran Church, El Toro, as its minister of counseling. Dr. Moon is a native or Seoul, Korea. At age 14, he fled to Ameriean·controlled South Korea after Ms mother had been imprisoned during the Com· munist occupation of the north and sentenced to die. His father died when Dr. Moon was 10 years old. Dr. Moon worked In an Air Force Base Chapel in South • Korea and cam e to the United States after being befriended by a Lutheran Chaplain. He holds degrees from Con· Cordia Sen ior College, Ft. Wayne, Ind., Purdue University, Fontbonne College, St. Louis and lhe University of Missouri. Dr. Moon conducts a "Mar· rlage Enrichment" course at Abiding Savior Lutheran from 7 tD 9 p.m . each Wednesday. Dr. Moon, an ordained Lutheran minister, lives with his family in Irvine. Those interested in more in· formation on the .marriage clas:-. may call 830·1460. Sovwi Baptisu See <Auter Value MOSCOW <AP> -The Soviet Union's half-million Baptists arc look.Ing forward to the inaugura- tion of a fellow Baptist as presl- dento\the United States. The All-Union Council or Evangelical Ch ristlan Baptists -the Baptist church officially recognized by the Soviet govern• ment -says Jimmy Carter's ex· pressed religious principles wlU make him more dedicated to peace and detente. I ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY Wt STRANO V Al.UY BAPTIST CHURCH UOl2 o .. OIM'f'O lcl. S.. ._ C.~t~ 5-dey '#°""" Sw•k-t & I I A.M~ 7. ISP .M. ~IM.'kllM6-t:lO A..M.,Clwittleo!Tre9 .... 6P.M. W~t6rtP'rsy....-.6:0r.M. Pa .. tor W1t1tam Davenport 0 J-1 '40 -24 H~ CENTRAL lllLE CHURCH OF COSTA MESA "o Ur-4 St., c.. .. M.w. 641-SOSO Dr F K 69'\hurP C:,r Oon S!aOlf"' r K 8<¥.hOre Jr 9:10 A.M..-SlJHDA Y SCHOOL ll>.4' A..M. _ "OIYO'ftO TO OHf A~ Or.'·"· ...._. s,. ...... •iJO ... M. -~ u:;r~,rfHI WOltLI>" W.....,-7:00P.M. Acfult Bible Study-New L•f•Yoolh CHllST CEN1911D lflLE TUCHIHG HARBOR TRINITY c~~~ .. !S~~.£!L Dr.-._... o_.,..,., s,...... ,,._., 11141 su.1111 SUNDAY WOISMP HUICIS 11:00 A.M-SUleAY ~ 9:41 A .... EYIHIH'i staVICI -6:00 r.M. WfOHISDAY ffMMCi -7:00 r.M, ll&ISTUDtH CHllSTIAH lllYH:I lll•ADI FIRST SOUTHYH IAnlST CHURCH •&o w.H ...... $....,.., c:"t. ...... . 64J.'1" SUHDAY $C:HOOL-t:41 l..M. WOISHtr SHYIC:H-11 AM. & 6 ,. .M, HUISHYf'ttOVIOIO ,AS1'01.llY,JOIHlfoMM • • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES lltAHCHIS OF THI MOTHU C:HUICH fHE filST CHUlCH Of CHllST, SCIEHTIST IH IOSfOH, MASSACHUSETTS "LIFE11 Jaauary 16, 1977 C0tfo M• .. -F1rst Chwch of Chrf1f, Scl....tfst .2110 Mne Verde Dr .. CMte MeM S.IMl•y SC'fMlol -I 0 4 .M. Chwrch Ser•lu -I 0 A.M. lteodMcJ ·-· .2110 MeH Vsr• Or. ....,..Oflleoclt-ffntChwchof6Ctwftt. Sci.titlst ..... °'"•· ............... .. ~ll&~ScllMl-t:lO& llA.M. • .... •--zz•~st. CW Cre M-4eyl f:JO to I l::M> A.M. Fwl ...... 1-Shldy lnhw-Chri•H• Scl.-c• Soci.ty of fr-Yhw Uoif•W'llty HJtlt ScllMI · 071 C..,..Dr .. 1-211.211 S.lldey Sc,_._t:JO 4.M. Ct-ch Sw•lc-9:JO A.M., ·-lll W-4. S-,,lct-1 r.M .. ht. JOI L..epRe leech-First C'-'ch9f Ctiriat, ~Wlat UI H'911 Orlt'e c:Jwcll & S.INley ScllMI-I 0 A.M. ....... 1--2utt-•tA"•· ~Hl--ffntCllwclt.tCtwht, ScHMf1t JtOll '.tty Dr., L..-H1pe1 Chlnh & lllllffy Sclleef -I 0 A.M. ......, •-uo11 O.tty Or. Mclft..Set-11 A.M,.J r.M. MJtW... Vi.jo-PlrstC'-rch9f Ct.rid. Sc.._.,1t" C_._.._...., Sc._,, JIHZ ~Or. C~lt & s..-.y ScllMI-to A.M. .. ., ........... -5-few.,c......, Mllf ........ ""'• Hewpeti hlKh-Fht Ctlwclt.t a.iat, ~1t U OJ Vie &.We,.._..,.. ltecll a..li & '-"r 1c.,.. MO & IO:JO ~ ...... 1-.f111v1eu. c....o.~~,~·-··"°""' 10rltudy1- .... .,,..... hecti-~a.r.ll.tctirf1t, Scleettat JI 00 rt1elfle View o. .. c-.. Mw cai.rc1t & s..l"f kllMI-I 0 ~. ...... 1--noo , .... e ....... , .. C4M w_.,,..,,...._.,......,._,,.M....Ale.. ... All •rt cordially lnvitC'd to •tttnd t.he church nrvicca and en.Joy the pr1 vllc&•• or lhe Rudin& Room• a9' C:.. ,....._,At ALL SllYICH ,, 1 ST CHUROi OF RELIGIOUS SOEHCE ~", OF NEWPORT BEACH L -T.. M~mr»tCt14.11(.t) lJr lflfCJf r;"'' .ft ,lfl.,.1Q-ou15cJe~ l A) \.'1'/ llV. ALHU IUltKE. RScF, MIMISnl f... SUNDAY SStYICH WOASH" AHD SUHDA Y SOHOOl.-1 O:JO .4.M. "THE WAY OF SIMPLICITY" URBAHUS SQU•RE Moc Arthur ot Ford Rood -H•wport hoch 1+,•1 •1 !llA f (•'IA\ W._ A:,~ J\;Al fll.)&.-~9l t Ut..Oll MW1ftr'1 ..._ 640-11JI HARBOR CHRlmAN CHURCH ..... ..,.... ... h I Df act,ltst ZAOl ln'*etl-.1 .... et.rcll ~ t!JO ...... ~ w ...... 10:4' A.M., Rev. Gene R. Swanson Pastor A C.qbl Welc11111 fTllll tM UllTU CHUICH Of CHISST COMMUNITY CIWICH CONHUATIOtlAl 61 I HeflotropeA.,.~ c-.-iMor 644-7400 0...... W. Km. Mi!tlat.r I 0 A-M-s-dev W°""lp ~,,~.....,i/.,,__,c.. .• 645-6781 Something wonderful will happen to you at lhe :&...;;;;;;N;;u~~ii!ii&!ii!iC~h~lld~C~ar~e;;;;;;;r, HEV"OU H41tl011 ti' CHUICH OF ULl~IOUS SCIEHCI FIRST CHRISTIAN NEl•NIOIHOOO CONUEUTIONAl CHUICH l40$t. AIMI'\ "· et GMMeyre. L..-• letKh 494-8061 54 I C.-.nti>r S I . Co-;1a Mesa QtURQt ... M.ley111.W.,MWtt..- Mn.W.W..__, ~.­c......._ ...... ll4 f\. 1 032 Main & Adams Streets MUSlC-MCSSAGE-MCDITATION HuntlnglonBeach SERVICES & SUNDAY SCHOOL -llMekllMIA 10·30AM. ...W, t:OOA-" REV ELEANOR C. JAO<SON Men1119tW Mint<:ler • TPar.hflr • Prnct111oner l:IS.t:J0.10:41 AM er..tf ... Artt H- Tapes A111.11lable .GOLDINHOUll of WOlt~:OO P.M. l OJ.. M~1111l1W......, a.di Sc..., ........, CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIEt4CE OF LA GU HA lfACH '~Jt>~\"4\11'\AC.t'i'Y'O"Ad 11(ttQ10Rd if•NVC..-n.rd 0 0 -Mil"littl., J•llO..-hetd Aw•t.,,,M1n.•tttif BIBLE OUR MIDDLE NAME Coast Bible Church San Diogo Fwv. 1 block So or Avery Pkwy. Cor Margurite 4 Etcolar M1ss1on V1e10 4~1949 831·1 191 495-1191 SERVICES: 10:30 A.M. Ir 6:00 P.M. CH•IST u ... ITY CHUllCH oia HIWP'O•T HACH ,.......,.....,...~ \ .... s-................ DIVOTIOHAL SHVICI • 10:00 AM < ., HAYI CHOSIN n9' i.t• ci."' '"' & .,..._,......,..,. '"'" 646-1111 OIAw.llAYll 4'-1 .. ~W•11t-Mell­ Offlce 536-2589 SllPIOO Of f ff( tlllS . Oi I JOIJl ...... leed. ....,_'46,..t ILTOlO S l»Tm CHUlCH Jlttl .. '°" ... 491-1110 kMS•A .... WW..... I 0 4.M..-C...t..,.w_., ,....,w.,..., B c ..tC:-.llS. ..... FtRST CHllSTIAH CHURCH 7'2 ........ Sf~ c..te ...... Bible SchOol 9: 15 A M -worship 1 o 30 A.M, Youlh Groui>e e P.M. -Veapera 7 P.M. L ._,_ hftf• ,..._. "'"'""o. .. 141·24'8"'9"""°' HAllOIASSIMILY OF GOD 140W.Wltso..C0tt•Mne 541-4704 DOMALDLltk.. JACI LlWIS ,..._ MW•twefMetlc IUHOAT •nc11 9:41 A.M.-IUHOAY SCHOOL I 0:41 A.M-:.._MUST •OM•" 1-.oM IY f'AITOI '*8 6:00 p .M.-•AetM .. •OO'I n .... MIMOM IT PASTOR_... a....sca 11 Uta1t~ COST A MHA CHRISTIAN SC: HOOL ,.,..,._l(._,. __ ,..,..~-a...c. ... ... . . Dlno•aun? Busy Jaycees Seek Members By STEVE MITC'HELL Of ni. 0.11~ "IMC 1«6ff Costa Mesa'a Jaycee. are beginning to feel Uke d.lnoeaurs. "We're becoming an extlnct species," Jeff Overstreet, pr•i· dent of the 20-year-old organlia- tion, laughs. But he's serious. Member1hh> in the local chapter or the Jaycees-formerly lhe Junior Chamber of Commerce-is dropping. "WE ONCE had a membership of 80 young men," Overstreet said, "but now we're down to 30 and only about 15 of them are re- ally active." And those 15 members are busy. Jn addHion to participat· ing in Costa Mesa's bkentennJaJ SUING PLAYBOY Prince Rainier ......... Rainier Says He'll Push Slmuler Suit SAO PAULO, Bra.z1I CAP> An attorney for Prince Rwnier says the Monacan ruler bas told him to go ahead with a $4 million defamation and slander suit against Brazilian playboy Fran- cisco Scarpa. The rtap s tems from a television interview aired last October in which Scarpa dls- ~ussed his relations with women he met In Europe. He included Rainier's daughter, Pnncesa <:arohne. in the discussion. "I do not understand this whole story,'' said Scarpa. ~-year-old Mn of a millionaire industrialist. .. I never said anything aguinst Iler " I Scarpa said he plans no further comment until he meets Tuesday "With Monaco's honorary consul in Sao Paulo and lawyers tor both ~ide~ I- actlvlttes las t year, t.he Jaycees: -Had a wlonlni float in a Stanton parade. -Sponsored a Boy Seoul Troop al Fairview Sta~e Holpltal. -PAINTED THE median Islands on Harbor Boulevard green u a beautilicat.lon project. -Sponsored handicapped youn1sters tor the Special Olymplc1. -Bent a Junior Mias cont.ea- tant to the Santa Rosa atate rma.11 ot that contest. "And we have s1>9ntaneous projects that crop up all the time," the 30-year-old president of the organization explained. The aroup ls aponsoring a first aid cour1e In the near future, as well as bike safety classes. THE OllGANIZA.UON of men IB to 3$ ye ars old ii also sponsor- ing Operation Red Ball, a pro- gram of placln& four-lnch red vinyl sticker• on bedroom win· dows where children or lnvallda sleep. "lt alerts rescue crews where to respond first In a fire or other emergency," he said. Overstreet blames the decline in Interest in lhe service group on "the general apathy on the part of people our ase. "Overcoming that ls dlf· rtcull," he said. "We're in- terested In ietting members who work or Jive in Costa Mesa. When you aet people who live in other citlea, its hard lo get them Interested in local com- mUIUty aftairs,".~e explained. OVEaSTREET SAID the Jaycees differ from other estabUahed service organl1&·1 lions, in that "a new member doesn't have to walt around 10 to· 15 years to hold omce ... He points to himself as an ex- ample, sayln1, "I wu an of- ficer my first year in the or· ganlzallon and president the second year.·· He also said other civic or- ganization• "raise funds part of the year and spend the rest or the year giving those funds away." "THAT'S l'INE," he quickly added, "but we do il a UtUe dif· rerently. "Instead or just handing a check to a youth group, for ell · ample, and saying, 'Here, go buy younel! a new rest.room'," Overstreet said. "we use the money to buy the pipes, plumb- ing and tlle and go ln and huild the restroom ourselve11." Past Jaycees president Bill Centers says community ac· tiv1tl~ are only a part of the group's function . "WE STRESS the importance 04MIY "' ... kllti ~ SEEKING MEMBERS Jaye•••' Over9trfft ol Ule indlvldual," Centers aaid. "That 'a our prlma.ry purpose." And the organization does that by Involvement in the com· munity and what Centers calls "in-house" activities, such as self-improvement courses for members. Centers organizes program ror the Jaycees, including public apeakin1 seminars, writ· tni for publication claasea, personal dynamics including goal-setting, planning for the future and development of management quallUes. 80 THE MEMBER benefits and the community benefits," Centers said. ''So where's the interest." asks Overstreet? CM Rep~ Water Pi~, Adds Hydranu The Cost.a Mesa County Water District Is tearlne out some maJn line alone Superior Avenue and IndtUtrial Way, replacing the more than SO-year-old pipe with a new eight-inch asbestos concrete pipe. The two-month project, cur- rently under way along Superior. will coat $46,000, according to di!\· trtct superintendent Chuck Tessier. WATER DISTRICT crews are rippln1 out elght-lncb riveted steel pipe along Superior which Tessier said bas been in the ground for at least half a century. Crews will alao be taking out a line of four-incb caat iron pipeline along Industrial Way during the current main line replacement pro1ect. PIPELINE WILL be replaced along Superior from 17th Street south to lndustrlal Way, and on Industrial from Superior east to the Newport Boulevard frontage, Tessler said . He said the district w\11 o.Jso be upgrading fire hydrants along the main line replacemr nt, put ting in three additional hydrants and replacing some existing fire plugs. Saturday. January t5. ien DAILY PILOT fl I l 'Wrong Turn' Alleged: CdM Resident Opposes Fifth Avenue Query Corona del Mar ,..ldeot Ron Kenoecly thln.ka tbe city C<IW\CU la actlnc Ule111ly by ltttini a special tratrlc committee con· sider askln• people what the) think of Filth A venue in Coronl del Mar. · ' But Councilman Don Mcinnis, backed by the rcst ol Ult council, aaya Kennedy ia wl'Onjt. The clty attorney aireea. BUT KENNEDY inBlata that ll is a v1olatlon of the city charter to allow tho Corona del Mar traffic commJttee to discuss lncluslon or a question about road construc- tion on Fifth A venue in the ques- tionnaire the committee ls pre-paring. Tbe subject came up at this week'• city council •W<1Y seaalon when Councilwoman Lucille Kuehn asked to have the bQun. daries or the Coroana del Mar specific area plan expanded. Mrs. Kuehn's request, which was later approved by the COUil· ell, was aimed at havinJ more of the old Corona del Mar vUlqe ln- cluded in the planninl process known as a speclllc area plan. Her point was bued on the on· goins dlscusalons or the newly appointed traffic committee which is preparing the question- naire about Corona del Mar traf· fic. SHE SUGGESTED that ex- pamion of the area to be studied under the specific area plan would be a way ot taJclni the ''heat" away from the aubject of tralflc by placing in It the context or a planning study. "To discuss tramc in lsolaUon ls quite st.erlle," she commented. ''Trame problems and land use are lnextricably related." Al that point KeMedy stood up to challenge the council on the worlc being done by the commit· tee. HE CHAaGED that the council was vlolallni Its charter by al· towine city staff membera to be involved in the study of a road that might link up to an ex· pressway. He was referring to a city charter amendment passed In March 1971 in conjunction with the city vote that killed the agree· ment with the slate over the route of tile Pacific Coast Freeway. That amendment requires that all future agr eem ents Involving city streets and freeways or ex· pressways be put to a vote or the public. KENNEDY CLAIMS the con· sideration of the Fifth Avenue question is a violation or that (~!!) amendment since it aaks about tyln• Fllth Avenue into MacArthur Boulevard, an ex· preqway. A resident of the F\fth Avenue corridor, Kennedy said he want- ed the council to dlrect. the com- mittee to drop the question. The council declined. They said they'd rather walt to see what la ln the flnlsbed question- naire which the committee i.s scheduled. t.o bring to them on Feb.14 . UNNEDY STALKED from th• room al\e" • boated debat• with MclnnJa on the commltteaft work. '· Mdn4J1, who orl&inally pl(). poted Ule committee, said ltl pwi>oee ii to come up with a ques.- tionnalre that addretaea 1bo~ term 1olullon1 to Corona del Mar's tralnc problems. He noted that road conatru• tion doesn't exactly fit hit Idea" .... short term 10Jutlon, but ho d': " fended the commlttee'a-and 0-. "' council 'a-right to dl.scu..u roadll lnvoJved wlth freeways. .!. "JI we dJdn 't, how else would ft •, ever come to a vote or the public?" he asked. Bogus Banana. Fake Fruit'• Future Fre1'1£m CAMBRIDGE, Mass. <AP) -Juicy chunks or fruit are being made from art.Incl al Ingredients by scientists who say they are finding sub· sUtutes for the shortages of the future. Fteahly made, the fake fruit ls firm, translucent and cut Into cubes about the size or dlced pineapple. Jl can be flavored, textured and col· ored like nature's own, the de- veloperuay, and could be molded . . . tolookllkefarm-grownfruit. made with arbrtcial fruit tasted almost as good as the com- WHEN FREEZE dried, for merclal yogurt.a. And the tasters stora1e, the fake fruit iJ light and like fake fruit In strawberry foamy and taste• like sugary gelatin even better than a sample cereal. that had real froien f rultin lt. The new fruit ls being de-The hardest part, the d e· veloped at M aasachusetts velopers said, ls imitating the Institute of Technology for the consistency of real fruit. The National AeronauUcs and Space single product develoix.>d so lai:-Admin~stration. haa the tellture of canned pineap- It.s first use will be to feed pie. It will be used as a model. astronauts on long journeys Into space. But within a generation. lta developer says, the lm1t11tion pineapples, cherr ies and bananas will probably be com- mon Ingredients In products on supermarket shelvea. "WE NEED TO develop the technology to use the resources we'll have ln the future," said Dr. James M. FllnJc, the MIT food engineer In charge of the project. "No one ls going to be eating this tomorrow, .. he said. "But 20 years from now, this could be a component of lhe normal diet or people." The test-tube rrull is made from a seaweed dertvaUve, sug. ar, gelatin, pectin, artl!iclal flavor and coloring, plul\ v1tamlna and other nutrients. 11q ICJ8NTIBT8 have µUxe4 their fruit with other foods and fed It to taste panels. They found that peach yogurt JF R EAL FRUIT s omeday becomes scarce, the artificial kind might become common in packaged food , !>uch as cake mil(· es, Flink said. "Apples won't disappear," he said. "But In some usages, this would sathify people's sensory perceptions or food." Ban Banned 11NEW LIFE" BIBLE CHAPEL SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The 9th U.S. Court of Appeals has ruled that four of five challenged sections of a Concord city ordinance restric tin g u s e ot political campalsn signs are invalid. lfJJ , ...... It ... 19"1 Ceate W... • IJS.J4J I IUMG&IST JOI 1481 SUMO.A Y • JANI.I.UY 16 • 6:00 '.M. Ministering the "Full Goepel" of Jesus Christ through the anointed ministry of the Holy Spirit. Special Prayer for the Slcll • Se>e<:lal Music & Singing IVUYOte WIL.COMll ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY · P\tpn out l1 Co1~tlrt;qt1tlo11ul Church 32'2 HOAD ST .. ti9WPOIT llACH 642-2740 IUMOA 'f S .. vtCIS -t:OO I I O:JO A..M. "LOVI HEALS" s.• • .., J:OO f'.M. Dtrfl4 1)11,...... "MtSTa NNnc:Olr DL JOH,. UMDYAU.. f'ASTotl ST. JAMES f'9SCOPAl. OfURCH :t WRCOMES YOO 3209 Vlo Udo, N .. .,,ort leoch SUHDA :JO A."4. H.+y hclterbt t:OO & 11100 A.M. Hely .. Witt w ..._"'9 rr..,w 1~1 .. 00 A.M. Cllweh le~ MirMry Cere -t I I I A.M. CH All SM.A TIC ti4U i lr4511_..,9f .......... 7:JOP.M. lUUDA Y I 0 A .. M. Hofy '9111Mntt, ....... hnke wltll LA 'flMGi OM Of HAMOS lt:O A.M.-NAYH CMlOUf' Tiie le•. Jo-. r. A.a.yll, IKtor-,,.._ 675-0J I 0 olnt le a A 1 Epl.Copm Church l2ll reef& VI.,.°""•· CWOM .. Mw SUNGA Y SHYlCl-4!00 & t:JO A.M. HUltHIY CHtLD CIJl ....... JO AJoC. ANO C::HUltCH SCHOOl ...., c ... -11 ... r...-y. 1.--w ... -. t:JO ..... ·n.a.. . .w.1..-0...k,lect• ...... 64 .... 61 ST. WllfRB)'SfPISC<>'AlOtUROf ••••• " ..... 1,.-..1, Hii-"-tt•ltedl ,..._, s.rtrlcH Dr. ,,_,c, c:.t.Y-•ectw 8 OOA M -HolyEuchari1tw1th~d1tat1on 9.30 AM. -Allern•te Holy Euch1r11t 6 Morning Prayer (nursery care) 9 30A M.-ChurchSchool 11.00A M -Altetnate Morning Prayer &HolyEucl'l~at (oursery core) 100 P M -Solemn E11Cnsono W~t&HefyD911 10.00A M -Holy Eucharist Church Phone. 962· 7512 Recto • 53&--4091 All SAINTS ANGUCAN f.PtSCOPAl. CHURCH .......... "'• I '1t ...... C-l'rey#' 18082 Buthard, Fountain Valley 963-3801 llY. JAMii H. e.oaoi D.O. ttOl.T C~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ A.w.. ~ PIAYll ,, .............. , ......... I 0110 A,lli4. ~H SCMOOl .................... • .... f:Of A,lli4. (t1o1y \.:ommunlM ~lrat Sunday) 10:~ A.M. NEWPORT HAR • LUTHERAN CHUROf 7tl Dnn' Dr. ......,.... a.e<h $41-JUI • .,.,. J .• .,... ...... .................. EARL y WORSHIP . . . . . . e·oo AM CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 9: t 5 A.M FESTIVE WOASHI P .... 10:30 AM -HUC•U••U.UU WELCOME CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Missouri Synod 1'0 Yletwle St~ Ce1t.Mff4! Lo4ti• V. T.,...._, "••tor--Ul·t61 I w....e.i, s.r-riut -1:11 a 11100 AJ.4. S._, SchNf & .... llWe Clet1-t:JO A.M. ~ • .._..._ .. ..,sc....,.-141·•1U PRINCE Of PIA Cl LUlHHAH CHURCH lfl7 Mne Y.Ne Dr .. C..te Mtt41 l<LARNLY 'RANfHN P• • 'f-.IAMPll A NU~ • .\Niii.,., ...., ..,.. _9140 A.M. ,,.._ .... W•llll' t & t 1:00 A.M. ,,... .... ,_ ......... SchMl M•• ,,..,. &Atu•t-11. ,.,~ LU'THIUM CHURCH OF THI ~STH, LCA 2900 , .. lfk .,.....,,,,. c:......... 644-26'4 ,.,..., • •• • •• 9111 A.M. s.Mey w.....,_1 O:JO A.M. ..... .....,,,_.. .. ...__HW7'2 Saint Matthew Lutheran Church Welcomes Yov . Worshlp9 00 a.m. • Cl'lr111t1n Education t0.15 nm c ...... Drl .......... ''-'""'• ......... H • .a.,..-.,..... 112·1121 .A Cordial Welcome from THE UMITID METHODIST CHUICH CostaMea11 fllST UNITID METHODIST CHURCH 19th SI. & Harbor Blvd. CllwchScllMttw AllA911-t:lO WM-"IP -I I :00 A.M. CARL W •Sl!tll 0 0 Costa Mesa Nonn MES.\ VIRDE METHODIST CHURCH ""•••""'~•a a..~., ,1 1179 Ul• Wenhlp&CliwcliScllMt t;JO.A.M. ----·-----CHRIST CHURCH IYTHISIA NewPOrt Beach 1400W BalboaBlvd er3-3805 Rev. Robert Shepard Jr Wenlllp & C'-cll Sc._.. t:JOA.M. wi..s.y rr .. sc11ool/Dey c:.. 1:41 -•• 1:00 ,... Hunt1rig1on Beach FlltST UMITiO METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. 536-3537 W...W, s.ntcei I Oil I .. "" ""'""' C..1eAll MOtr•no c.-..u k...., tioo ..-. Huntlnglon Beach North COMMUHITY UMITED METHODIST CHURCH 66e2 Hel1A11e 842-446 1 W....., t&IO:lO CWc:llSc ..... t& IO:JOA.M. MIWl'OlT CIMTlR UHITS> MlTHODIST 1601 MarouenteAve. Coronadel Mar Wott.l'lfO ~A "4 w1if\ ... .-"-CMdC..• WottNo a C"v•C~ St"°'A 1030 •"' lrt. ,.._ I. IHI U'-f741 fOUMTAINYAWY flflST UHITED ........acNST CHUICH 11221 ._er4 St. '6Z.Jlfl Worship & Church School 9:30 A.M. SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HAllOl HfORM TlMPLI ....... hrt'IHt ,,....,...... 1:1 IP.M. ....,s.ritc. ,.,._tftri*r.f., _ _.. 71JO'..M. Rabbr Betnard P. King 1'00W. Balboa Blvd. Rabbinic Intern Neil Oenlel1 NewportB .. ch.C.111. Educator Oor11Mich1el ,_ .. .__.., ... .,.,,Ut TEMPLE BAT YAHM ,,...,,,,, t...a MB."M O. Sl.._,,..M ......... .._. ................ ......._ s. im• t= 1111 r.M. Atf ...... I flt ecalf. ~-........_. ..... 1 ....... lcfla .. I ' p ftJO A.M. .. IJ ...,.......,_,...., .. ,,, .. llP"'- ........... ' c.IM .. lm P.O.•aHl.C.-... ._.fUH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastal Areas Church of ttte Covenont 2150 ,...,lew .... CHte Me .. "-• •. Kwrie ...... . 5..seyW...W,&CtwcflkhMl-l :JOl IOA.M. ~H7-Jl40 CotMIUlllty Prelbl!:!at1 CllYRh 411,_..lf An~ a.ecti "le•.Arftlw,, T.-wtley 1.-. • .-H.Thln f· I 0 A.M.-Ctiri1Mft l«Metloft Hew IOrllA.M.-W.,....., I 1:15.A.M.-Fetow .... Hew "'-r.4'4-71H ST. MARK PR£S8YmtlAN CHUROf 2100 Mer Vlth DP~ M.wpen a.ech ..... WHleiit .. ~ , ... Leth......., MlliMc Dlrectw ,_.., W....W, _, a.-lt Scllioef t:OO A.M.. "'-" 644-IJ41 Thia Sunday Worship in 'S f.Artdrew's "Prcshyleri an Ch 11rch 800 St. Andrewe Road • NowPOrt Beach• 631·2680 OR. CMARLES H. OIERENFIELD. PASTOR SERVICES 6·00-9:30-11:00 "HOW TO CUMI A MOUNl'AIH... · Dr-.a-tt.H.Dla ................... CHILO CAii & CtlLDUtf'S SUNDAY SCHOOL AIC HllU\.M-UWJZJ AT ALL. SHYICIS COMMUMITY NalYTllUAM CHUltc.H ot..,.N!MC......-ltt01 Ott~._,. J\#1 ~ CllAT1YI WOISMIP ..................... ••• ~00 AM c-.-.110t4 SBYfCI ...................... 10..JO 4M aMtCH SCHOOL A AOULTS"*IS ••••••• , I O:JO AM ...... "-'-~'-. , . • Q'°""4WI H•. Dlf«lor c:.m.111111- 0. 0.......,... °"'..,. ' • i \ A J % DAIL v PILOT Dedi~ation Policg Newport Delays Park Vote re.~ r [ NOTICE OF CORREcTION I The Aliso Water Management Agoncy has recently advertised a public hearing on a Supplemental Project Report and Environmental Impact Report on Phases 11 & IU, Sludge Handlino and Inland Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Members ot the Newport Btiach ctty Council bav~ put off a de dsion on the perk lendffd!eau0n init.lat.ive In order to atudy it at tbeirnextoeetlneonJan.24. The lnlUaUve elfort, led by Dr. ~ Atherton, calls for revision ot the city's patk dedicaUoo shin· dards 1n new development with an increase from two acres per 1.000 population to five acres per 1,000 I TIDS WEEK, City Clerk Doris •George cert!Cied that the 4,057 signatures gathered by A~tton, an unsuccessful candidate for the county Board o~ S upervisors l~st THE FAMI LY CJRCUS year, were valid and that lbO measure qualified for the city el«Uoo in April 19'11. However, councllmen could put an ordinance C<lnt&inine the provllioo.t of the ioiUatlve before then, according to City Attorney Oennla O'Neil. BUT TmS WEEK, councilmen said they wanted some additional in/ormallon before they decide whether to make the initiative a law now or wrut for a vote on the subject. "Let's find out what the effect of this would be," sald Councilman Ray WUUarna. "Jt ~be better to act now rather than leave it to a future lime when there will not be u much land available for the pwpoaea ouWned b)' the petJ. tiooer." Park Swap Nixed SAN DIF;GO <AP> -The city Park and Recreation Board ls re- commending agairuJt a proposed Balboa Park land awap between the city and the U.S. Navy for use as a Navy hospital site. Sen. George McGovern (D· S.D.), former history teacher. will teach "American Foreign Polley, 1945-75 " at Columbia University, New York. This hearing was stated incorrectly to be held on Jan. 19. 1976. The corrected date of the hearing should read Jan. 19. 1977. Time: 3:30-6:00 P.M. 7:30-10:00 P.M. Niguel Hiiis Junior High School 29071 Paseo Escuela. Laguna Niguel ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------Hy Bil K«>ane flpening Geleliratiol\_ ~v3"2 FURNITURE OF QUALITY 11.' ~omes to ftrange County I Now 2 Great Stores, As Aaron Schultz Opens in Orange County With Our Huge New I " ... 23, 24, 25, 26 ... '' "Daddy sa id he wonted to toke 40 winks. We're counting." San Juan's Park Needs Due Study The San Juan Capistrano Parks and Recreation Commission has scheduled a public hearing Mon- day on recreation needs or s1•nior citizens, a meet· Ing which may result in <:xpansion of the city's recreation prog ram. The meeting wlll b<·~1n ;.it 8 p m. in council chambers at city hall, 32-100 Pa~co Adcl<Jnto 10 San Juan. Jill Clark, commi-;sion chairman. said the hearing is part or an 1n1l1:1live to develop recr eation opporlunit ics for all s1·~m1 nts of the community. Additiona l lnform:1t11111 1s availabl<.• by calllng Tom Baker, recrcalacm l'CK1rdinutor, at city hall, 493·1171. PUBLIC NOTtCf: NOTICE 01' l'UILIC Mf:ARINO 8£1'0111 THI l'LANNING COMMllSIOtfOI' TMI CIT"TOI' l'OUNTAINVALLfY NOTICf l\HERE8V C.IV[Ntn.•t•" _..,., J•n,..ry 16 ••II .. I • D m . '" tMt (OUf't(•f (rt•rntll'r' <..tit H-41 \O')QO 4>'•'•' ,.,..,"ve FOUf'\t• ,, V•ta..v C...hfonUoi!I tf't.f Pl • ..nn1nt) ( ,,n, """f.IOn W iii 'IO•fj OU(>I ~ ... ,,t'IQ 0in ff tel-•nv CONDITIONAL un "' """'' 161 Pe11••6ft \.Ubm1ttfl'f1 by ''"' Hw •I "'9fon&uc h £ 1~ , c ... ,., .. ,. 1 ~ 4t00f'O••I of .ctct1t1'>f'4I b•J•f1 ''Q WW1 11 l•IMS•nt t•t•llt••t ill IO'M t. 0.-rt ~~ ' CO..OITIONALUlt l'f#MITWJ .... ¥•f'W) COndV't4"d b V ff\'" l>t'tf'W\1fl<1 ~f,.\1on 10 1t ,,,,,.,. ""'"''""., ,, not the <.on,,,.,,.,, , .,,,., •• "', 11. "'""'' .,,.,,, •or •1Ju1um1 "" , lf •'I' "''' ,,,,. •• , •• , \Al>t.tl')" <11,,,.•.tl ,. ~f 1 .r.1 ,.._,f'M>Qll" \Ir~' I\,..,. ft•J .cfvt~ ''' COAfo,.,,...,., •11"'""'om"''' "•~ ,, :t'• Of.ort1 ,,,, •CC)f')Y.ff f}f COll•I, """11 VY fltt.rm1t }'()) •nd tnn•<•,,• ,.,,._,,,.., ""ft.1'4 t o,.,.V1rt(t ... ,11""'"llJ''iOrttfl iJ ;Ct' 1mtf CONOITIOHAl U\l I'~ ltMIT 10 ~tlliott \titl'hm•'l"'J bt' }1Vt,, (,10'1 '" oc.-r•t• • ,,,,,." < •-'''"'rl •nn "'""'" \.IM•••*"Eo1,.,..,., a~" I T>tESL Ml\Tlf"'> ••• 1»•"1 Pf'> #4"\\llO OUl\41•J'lf fl),~ ,,,, .. ,.,, •J I .. __.. Of 1'-, .... ,. rA ( tllhttrH t ( "'" ~· '°'1f' ., f'Jt1J #t ~••f A " 1 ,,.,_, ' IV"lt n "•""'"" -.-_.,.,, .,..,., f 4'f9 l 1t 1 .. lf J fHQ\f OF 11#tN'.tlfu.fl,1•tl\l1._., •ar tn nooir:'\ h •#\ ••1 '"~ 0'ht..tt"41 #'ii hro 0 ,.,.,.., .,. flt'Olt'f1t11•'" ,., tM vt 4f ,,_ pubft< ,,..,,n') ,_I ot~• •,,l~rntlti'Of'! i\ •• ,,.,, ("4,J "' • .,,. ,,,. f ,,.... • ..,.,.. 11\oQ ~''~"' •• w.1 An .~o ,,...,. tottMt .OOV.t•Hn t;l•,.TllN \HI ltlt0(1 y.,.-, .... ,., PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TOCIU:OITOltS ~Ul'!ltlOlt COUltT 01' T"f STATE 01' CALll'OltNIAFOll THtCOUHTYOl'OllAHGE ..... ~ .. r ffl• Of HAltfH O'tA l ALTA 1111 JM.A~ • Y> •~...,,, •~ ~,.litEHOAA ,. 1M A1' f>rt11t4 "'1 '•'>T•"f t4l AEPY C:,IYEN lothri ~·,,.l•lnt r ' lh#I tbO.,_., nttml"f1'9f"<~_Jll'w\t '""'t ~I ,,..., ,.. fllA .. _..fl f ... """' jllQ_.lf\\t ,, .. ""''" 1"'C.M ... •t "'• r•q"i'H to tit" ,,...,,, "-''"' ,,,,. ""' .. ''•"Y ~._., 1n f,._ ttft \" l\f lf\•t f t•tW rtt t"• d("JOW'f M t '"""""'' ot too''""'°"' t~m w1tn1N> ,_(ft'\'4J''f""''''~t\ fOfMund@'°""'""'° ,1' g J,.,,._,., l RuO.I Jr Altono-v at "N I• ti V 't 00i'Vfl') Pf•WPorf 8t.Cf't , 4111,, ,,,,,4 'f ·fl.~, ..,.,, "., tr• 0-#llC• &t bu'\I,,_ ... , of trw. ..uiO.r,•Q"-~-d 1n atf fNt lf"f•, f.Jif'•1A1lhflWI 11) tM •\l4t11t ot Wtd ()I• ~ ;. "' "" 1n1" •''"' "'"'"t"' .ttrr tt. ; , '"'~N1r•t1nflnt1n ... n<1t+<• tMtrtd J-'nu.ary tt, t•" Mtfo..,.kum..-r "orn1n1-.1ri11tr'" nt t..,. ·~"'' nf t~ •M"• "-''"•0 t1t(fttlitf\L JAM.SL flU8EL. IA AttOf'"4'V•tUw Ml1Vl•°"'1o NewP')<1 .. IC11, CA. •JWl r.i 1110 "' ''" A1--, I• A...,lftl\lr•lru "'°'CMl\twf1 ()r ,..,,0-r-"'"' 01111., Piiot, JAt, ·~ n " .-~ • "b , ,.,, '"'II cox . .:........., Showroom at Euclid and the San Otego Freeway in Fountain Valley! Both Stores Join In This Grand Opening Celebration With Fabulous Savings On National Brands Of Quality Furnishings . ONE YEAR'S FREE FINANCING 1 EXPENSIVE PRIZES t FABULOUS SAVINGS DURING THIS GREAT EVENT! Gnt.nd Opening SWEEPSTAl{ES Win Grand Prize $2500. Advent 6' Color VideoBeam 7SQ TV No Pureflase Hecetwrv •. Just Come In And Reolster At Either Store! Over 106 Prhes In All lntlu<lift9: ms. Hurricane Rattan Dining Set, S500. Mkti.el Kaye Steeper, "'°· Sealy lmcierlal POJlures>edit O\ieen Size 8011 Sprlllil & M•rtren. S200. Courlstan Orienta! Rug, SI 70. Rembr&ndt Lamp. suo. 0 . W. lee 3 pe. Bistro Set, S100. Nardini Lam!>', $60. SunHI Lamps, and 100 More Prizes! QUALITY FURNITURE COSTS LESS AT AARON SCHULTZ! Two Huge Storts to Serve You: Ora119e County .•. "A Football Fleld In Size " All On One FIOOr, All Quality Furnlshl119s. Long Buch; Over 60,000 Sq. Ft. 01 Vignette Setting!> & OISPllYS In Two Bulldlns>s. AARON SCHULTZ for SELECTION • SERVICE • PRICE All Prlus Guarenleed For 90 Days. Gnt_nd Opening ~PECIALS Romano Italian Provincial Oinint Room bv Tflomasville. Ol111n11u•Sl>td tu1nllurt r~ll11<1Jn11 llwl tlmplt ''"°'"<' of Renaluanc.e ari Ind "CMtclure Ohve A•~ Burl• 6lld llevrt<I Cllttry Venetrs •re 1Hlur4'<!, s pc. Sat: Tabla, 3 sides, 1 Arm. Reg. Grand Opening 5 7 7 1039.ts Sale Price • Ct1U1a .-... ""·" Sale 544. Thomasville Traditional Bedroom at 1/2 Price! "•fl"' ......... .....,1(1\ ,...If "" 9'0r¥ " .chWwmf'f'" o4 ttw ~··urc N \I .,~ tlUH'~wd , l'WMlfvU't .ri ,..,, ...... <»'••• ()fl~ AV! Mk. -.omt-fll Alt'P'I torftltt. H.6"6~ f'l,lltwood { ,,,....,. Clan~ eu•c.eu111W'\t It .,whtf•rfl tw ttw r-Otilftdtd Md""''' wi"' rt0•I OVl1l"f9 • .J • )pt,,.., Utt• TriOile Ortt\f'f', VfffYl ,tM'tdM~ror, Q\,Hftor ,;, FyO (.,_ Ht,tdboMd~ tf'ICf 1 fwo-Or1-.r N1t1 $land1. • ')' ....... · . "I ' I 3 Piece Ice Cream Set. JO" Rovnd Table with Frostltd Glass Top, Includes 2 scroll Back Side Chain. ChOlce of While or Lemon Flnl5h. Regular 139.95 lPC, Sel 77 Grend Openlno ScJle Price a King Koll Premium Sleep Set ... Night Guard One Of klno IColl's flrmett matlreuo, futurlllO Flu taot. Non sao Border Sut>PO<"ll1 Exira Firm lr>nertPrlno vnn, cv•hlon4'<1 wllh Klno Foam "nd suDPOrltd b~ lhfl m11Chlno l1>11m lound11llon tor ma,,reu tlrmneu and sway.frte WPPO•I. TwlnSlze 57 Ea.Pc. e After Sale Price 99 95 E.i. Pc ~~ 277.~. Atfrr S.lt Pr/Gt '19 tS I Your Choice Lamp Ensemble. Versatile Bean Bag King Headboarii and Matching Chest Avallablt at Extra Cost. C-,,_ W•ll. T-. "' F-/Tllv UlllO 5-T• 1/11 LAI lllttt .. lllflll 11..-.-"""'' -,.,,..... """' ·--W..UOIDNl°"-~--llvYI ''"' *""' -J.c-. ...... StyHlll -c-.............. l-• ,. ....... >-01 ....... -1 twllOI °"pl-. llet. ff.tl1 Tlble l•-· ,.~ .... ,,_ •. ~ ... fttf. Ot .. _, 1,..,, $1 .. H. with tllld •b lld tf•Y. ~ .. m.~ Grand °""'"' u ... ......,,.....--Sale Price Yovrc._.ca In Pafriofic Colors 8rl11hten VP that den. f1mllv room. kid's room. l •k• II anywhere: out to tht Pillio, fn the c.,,, van. or camper; picnickin11. baCk·Yard sunnln11. ·· Comoare 111 2• 95 Gro1nd Ot1tnln• Safe Price Ji••"'ll\1Nl (~"''"UH'"" Pvttl .,,,,,,, ,, ·~,. C'tM'' o .... f ,..,,,.,, J~t'ft\l'tfl ffl tJ Al)l!Y'f L Y HN COX ,,.,_, (14 ~A ........ (.•llfVft1• p.,_, - )•"t1•f't n Jt11 \urv1Yfl'd by Nf Pf"~"" p .. ~ ... It 111 .. (t'U Of '°' .. Mf~ C• f"r•-,,,,.,, 'f11tmmy Go• l~~~~~~~if' \. •. ,, .. Cft• MW> O•btM• c~n •"""CM•• M,. • ..-(* "'"'"""•' 0' 111nd eHt't'flh 57. 7.77 or 2ns. '>. Um1l l oer cutiom~r IALTLIHGllOM FUMfltAl HOMf Cl)rr1n.1 dnl Mar f) 1 J.Q4t,el C<.-ita MP'la 646·?"i " llll llOADWAY MOltTUAJtY 110 Broadwtly Co.-.ta~•• 642-\)1 ~0 McCOIMICIC MOITUAllH Laqun.'.l Beach 494·941 5 Laguna H1lf1 768-0933 San Juan Cao1,1r11no 4g5.111e PACIFIC ~llW MIMOllAL PAIK Cemetery Mortuary Cha pet 3500 Pac1l1c V1ow Drive Newport. Calllorn1a ,6 .... ·2700 PIK'AMIL't' COlOHIAl ~IUL HOMI 1801 Bolsa Ave Westm1ris!ar 893·3525 SNmfl' MOtTUAIY 827 Main St. t-tuntington Btech &3&-8530 ~ TVnm.I. LAMI OUI WISTC&.I,, CHAN&. Mottuarv • • G-40-488& ..27 E. 17th St . Cot1a M9" l..,.-nd~v Etwtuf ot <~•A IM~ 1-------------------------------,~=:=:::::=::;""'.".~:"'"'::-~---:::;:--::------... ---::~~~=:::::::--------'~r---------...1.._ ________________ ..,.. __ ~--~--~-. I 0-f•tM f (lrif"'CtCMf~f\ N~,. '"41nd ">-"' d1ttit r .,,. ot ~ ""'• o .. 11nf\1U ""'"°°"'."'' M•n ' tttd ~~·t't' lrlQ#•y "' ..... I• Ao.. t • ono un<IO Lylo w ,,., ,,, ())if.t ,.. .. ,. ( .. v,,,,.,.,,,, wl l ~ft \ylld•t 1 00 l>M 1-ry t~ ~ llLL IROllOWAY (HAPfL '"'"' WMtltftetn Mond•v Janu•ry H •t 1' 00 AM H•,._ Ttin1tv A•l>I"' C'!>ul'<ft '°''-~~ Offk,ant Rfllll Ci Jef'f'V M•rtl" '"""'""'•nt W1n 1rn1n,tet Momor1al Pa.-8Ell 111101\0WAY ...0AfVA'tVdlr~<l<!r\ 6<1.,IO CMA .. MAN ERN[\T c CHAPMAN, 1n10.n1 of l.tQ\in• 8••<", c 111tornltt P•\Wd ,_.,.y JAf'hJl"V 1•. ,.,, Svt ¥•~by,,~, •Hft LOI\ Cf~•CM'ftAn ari• bl'"nthtr, thr8 ,1,1." c;, ..... ,.o. \MYIO\ 1 00 PM _,~y J ...... ,y II at PAClflC VIEW M,.MOllllllL PARI( Mr. C"-i I\ lllt Ohl Prt\ldeM of C~ l •Q-lk«" Rn4.,., CM> Mid ,.., h0~1«1 try Ill• ti!«>-• P>tloll H•rrl\ Fell-Ip. In INlu f1f 11--. l•mlly -·" con. l•l&llli.,.,, to Y""' l••orl•• ,,..,,,.,. P ACl l'IC VIEW MO RT UARY . Ntwpof1 ...... ""•"'" MAU . LOUIS( C HALl. •••ldtnl of ~lm•n\t~r. Celll<1r11•• Pn~ _, Barcaloun11r Sir Charles Wall Hugger Recliner Tn. l11T•01i. Sir Cbtrl~ sCylt In IN more t XPfln. t!Yt Wtll ""'"' -'· Pltce wlllllll '"°'" of ltw w•lll Llvt in .iy .. t nd c.omlort wllll tllla lttMfully MdHNloneO m111·1 cllllr. Cov.rtd In CfftftH, luwurlOul. lt•llltr·llkt Urtlh.,,.. R""lar Jlf.H Gr111d 0"111"9 Sale ,.rice Choote from a huoa aatortmant of taatafullv Mlactad Lamc>S, Floralt, Statuary, Wall end Tabla O.Cor, Bed· ·• spreads, Oec«ator Throw Plllow1 Ind Other Accent Pieces. Spring-Down Polished cotton Sofa With Kick·Pleat Flounce. All Ille qualltv leaturts of the llntst sofa• made. lnctu<l1M· Loose Piilow Back Cushions, P1dd~ Roll Arms, Sell dcclc. Ing, Solld Hardwood Frame, 1nd of course, 111a1 lu~urious deep slnk·ln '°'1iforl of Spring and Genu11'4) Oowo. Cl\01te of f1brlca. 7'. RHular 6fUS. Grand Openlnt Sile Price 477. -'-""" u tu1 &o•n •uOUo• is. •'IOJ l--------------------.J--..:!;?:::._ _______ _!S~•~"'~•w•!Jt~G!!r!;:•!,!nd!!,21!D~~!.!!~~!!!-----.1.-----------------------.:..---.f $ur.lw4 ity ,_ dOUO'\lert S.. J St.m 6' HUftllnQlon BHth c .•. : Eddy L. O<>t .. v 04 H110111nq1on a .. cn, c. : tiw ••-ftH-n Gr.,..~,.,. servtc.MwHI ........ S.lu•NV Je--, u .. IO.OC •I'll ,. .. Ille vi.w ....i.m04"1•1 P•l'll ~C™ \MORTU4RYdlret tott_ OL.&T'I Jot.Mn Al.AN OL.ATl, rNdtnl "' -llflflon ftff<lt, CalllNYll• Po"4111 .,.., Jt 11u1ry u .ttlt lrt ,...,1...-, ~ 90fn ft.W...ry U, ,_,, I• Goh11¥1l11,., Olllo. Surotl1r•• tv tfll• MMv J OI"• or ,,,. ,.._, ..., Todlf Aten Ol•tr: dli;4111tr l t .. ti. AM oi .. 1; l.Htd• ,., .. ,, Gt•tr "'' .. .,. i.... """ Ollta wet 1 -llf t11t M1-.MIPl•n•• l.t4'9•· O.n"''· O>IOr• t.f•I<•• •111 M ti IO OOAM Ill '*'"'""'' JM11•~ IJ at SMltlf'f CHAPll . SMITHS MOR1UAR'f dlrteron. •Ol.~I 1f.t.tel. ALLIH ROl.,.I!, P• .. 9d •••v Jlnutry U, lf11. Siie we• r .... 4Nnt"' ···-hi•""· C.lltMN•,., ... fM\I ton Yffn \ltt ,, Wt•I"" .,. Mr ~ Relpll AClln Of ll•lllOI 111...t, ca Mcmor••• wviu to "' Mid 001 (')nc'JIYear of<9Frce Credit DURING GRAND OPENING ONLY! Avallabl• 1t 8oth Ste>raa. Rulet: 1) UPon APPt'oval of Credit. 7) Min. Pureha" Of 5"0. 2) Ft" lntar91t on MH. &al•nc» of 11000.00. 4) ~ doWn Payment. 5) Non·Aetroactlva to Pravlout PurchaMt. Oii IN llrU .. , d IM ~ llllllfle, I II-<NI'• wlll 1>t ~td on II\ .... .,,.,... Diiiy .. ,"'"NII• II a rllt el M/2'11t.., "*"" w to tlAOt.IO w , .. -"*"" ovtr Sl.000 00 Mlllvtllftf to 111 N\nu.11 '9tUl'll-•ett of ~ "' Yfft llP to tlM0.00 tnd lttl. "'Wlf' °""' ...... . HOME FASHION SQUARE~ 4121 Atlantlc Avenue, LOftl Beach, (213) 427-5431 , • .._.. ...,.._,._ ..... """.I 1/t ........ ., ..._... ,....,, QUALITY PUllNITI/,..COITS LIU AT AAllOOI S("ULlf, ~ ., NII ..... , ~ l rw• lHOMA&VlllE • lUoN• LlY • Mll.ICAN Of IM•flNIYllll • IUl~INOTO<t • UIMt • NA##AIV • IO•AL COACH • l..'-1 IOV • IA•• U.lOUttCE• • lllO'OtlU.. • llllOWtt ICHIOAN , \ll•W>HS • SlAl V. CM. Sl'llf . cou111n..,.. l lOILOW . Sl.IHHT LAll<I' • IEMlllA'IOT • Ol~IAN • MICN&ft !CAY • HUll'ltl•Nf • M&•to• • t.HO MloitV MOlll • -M lie.., ...... -... Cl<-°"'""""(-...... frM Ya~slldttl y..,., w""' _.,,. tft ..., .;,.11,.,. • ""1fW Wt Ot.,.. ~ lftM ...... MM'f'K M ..._ .. ,., ~"'°""'I . ~'" "af,..ttmant1I H•vo 1 cu11 o1 cofrtt or !lot dlocoill., ~ dellclou• cnoto41i. chi• coo4'.IH h'tnl !tit Otlt lMI Goolill Co. lrt our Hotpl11ll!V .-oom. ORANGE COUNTY SHOWROOM 18218 Euclid St., Fountain Valley, (714) 751 -8200 Sift Oltee> FrMWtV •• Euclld '••n•o J-y llM NO IJM. SI.~ IT'S WORTH TifE DRIVEi WE'RE FREEWAY CLOSE .,......,....,...,Hl!I Ol;lrcll,~ a. ...... llli .................................................................................. ~ .............................................. ~ ltffc~. c.. ~""'" l•ll•f~ MIUl\(11/41 v-c.-..,.,, #1111 Dellt, tit""""°' I t , I .. : ·CtlM Outlasts Mesa • ID • • .. . • • • r • ... . • . . • • . . lttEDBUaGUT w .. o.i,, ..... ...,. Emotional, excl\lot ltniabea are becomlnt commonplace when the Corona del Mar tUch Sea Kina• and Co•ta Mesa Mutlan&a collide, and the tcript was no •lfferent wben the Newport M"a dlatrict rivala met In South Cout League basketball ad.ion Friday night at Corona del MarHi1h. Although the finish wasn't as close 11.1 Corona del M ar's -47-46 and 55-54 viclorle1 over Costa Mesa last year, the conclusion to the Sea Kings' 62·59 win had of· ficlals Marlon Collins and Bob Soren,,on, Corona deJ Mar coach Jack Errion, and Sea Kings athletic director Ron Davia aatbtred around the ICOl'er'a ta· ble with three seconds let\. At th~l polnt, Mesa'• <iary Willa had sunk a six·footet that cut Lbe aeore to 8H9, aod Cost.a Mesa called Urpe out. But the clock bad nm down to oae 1ecoad before timer Tom Traaer, apparenUy unaware of the timeout. atopped it. Alter a heated dlscuaslon in which Errlon wu visibly upset, Collini conferred with Trager and CdM scorekeeper Ed Blanton and decided three seconds were len. The Sea Kings then inbounded the batr. their 6·7 center Alex Black was fouled, and he sank one of two fru throws, insuring Corona del Mar with Jts fourth leatue win acalnst no loues. The Mustangs, dropplng to 1·3 • never led In the stt<>nd halt and trailed by as many u 11with5:48 Jell In the fourth quarter. Thank• t.o spark1Jn1 ou~de shoollnl by sophomore Dave Koehler-be 1cored eight points in the fourth period'• rmt ~ee minutes-the Sea Kinp stayed well i n fr o nt before the Mustang•, behind Will&, cut the margin to 57·~ with 1:34 left, to 59.55 with l : 08 rema.inins and to 61 ·57 with 37 seconds to go. But it was 6·6Jack1\u, scoring on a leaping tip and slnk.lnc two free throws, who kept the Sea CdM'a JACK TVZ DRIVES AS JIM MULLIGAN (40), Bill BISSETT (22) MOVE IN. Tue!son Open Lietzke Gets Lead; Tapie Shoots 74 TUCSON CAPl-Hard-hitUng Bruce Lietzke reached all the par fives in two bitC blows, came out ol the pack with a ahr·under·par 416 and look a one·llroke lead Jo'ri· day ln lhe second round o( the S200,000 Tucson Open golf touma· ment wblle Johnny Miller and Jury Pate had lo struggle to make the cut. UeUke, a third.year pro and another of the huge cor ps of former Houston pl.ayers now on o. nr.,,.,, 0..alld4at 2 the tour. put together a two- round total or 136, eight under par. Laguna Beach's Alan Tapie had a 7' and a two-day total of 141. Dr. Gii Morga n, Uetde's play. Ing partner and a nonpracliclng optometrut, shared the lead until he bogeyed the flnal hole Just before darkness aetUed over the desert layout. He tlnlshed w1lh a 70 and was alone In 1econd at 137. Veteran Gene UWer holed a bunker ahot on his fint hole and went on to a 87 that put him In a tJe with Tom Watson, Charles Coody and bis Andy Bean at 138. time in his last 42 tournament starta that J anuary had failed lo quallfy for the final two rounds. Uetike, who has yet to win but finished a strong fourth laat week and was fourth in this touma· ment a year ago, two-putted for bird.le 4s on three holes and re- ached the other par S 1n two. only to three· putt. ~-•OUfld ...... ,, 1n ,.,. Tt.c'°" Ope., oott --•nee Ltel1U OllllA<Y~ "'"""eo"" CMr~CoNt fomW•l.ot> C..-..Llttl ... .,, ... ~.., Ell~ -.~orilt ...,.,,, ..... ll., ,...,,"'"" ... -~·-.. ¥1 .. MMley °"'' M<C..d JlmOent Fred M<lrtl PltHl'trr..,.I Toml'Urtror °"""' I!.,., ... "' lllUM<lllOfl EOW.O Al..,hplt l(tttlltrtr..,• o. .. SCot-lOll Joi,.._, M l.UM T-yAerM ...... OotltrNll• JC.~ MG,,..ro91-•• _.. .. ..,.. Altl¥•fl "'" .. _,,. •I 10 Ill ,. .. Ill 1061 .... '1 16 Ill 1!U Ill 11" ,,. n" i:.. ., n ,,. n•1-11t ., 1)-100 .. lt-100 " .. 100 .,.,, 100 ,. " uo n_.. "' ,, ... "' 11 10 "' 1~ •• , " 10 _,., 11 10-Ut .,.,, _,., ll 10-UI 11·11-141 10-12-1'2 7'·~141 ... ,,,_,,7 74-tl-1'1 7J.I0-147 n-10-m 10-1'-U1 11>n-141 Anteaters, Colorado Five Clash Tonight UC lrvine, 0·3 against NCAA Division I basketball opponents this season, tries to improve on that record tonight (8) when the Anteaters take on Notthern Colorado University al Crawford Hall. Coach Tim Tifl's Anteaters, 6·8 for the season, have dropped Division I games to CaJ State (Long Beach), Boise Stale and Cal State < Fullerton). But Northern Colorado's Bears may be an easier test. The Greeley club comes intotorught's game with a 4·9 record. Northern Colorado is sparked by 6-3 soph o m ore Dwight Montgomery, who leads the Bears In most statis tical categor ies. Montgomery is averaging 15.2 points per game, is rebounding at a 9.8 clip and bas nearly seven assists per outing. He's scored 20 points or more in the lastfour games. UCI ls freah from a 79-69 victory over Missouri <Kan11as City), a game In which Anteaters' cuard Louis Stephens scored 27 points, the highest output of any Irvine player this season. Stephens and Tim nvenan will be In the back court with Scott Jenkins, Frank Chandler and St.eve Rodcers starti.nl ln the frontllne. Kini• up by six twice 1n the Jut minute. · Corona del Mar t.hteatened to bjow Co.ta Meta out 1n the nrat quarter. scoring the flr1l 10 pointa acaJnat a ion~ comina fromAltln. But tbe Mu1tan11 chanied to a man d efeue, tallied nine straicht t.o cut the cap to tC>-9 and played docgedly thereafter. C191ta,,,,..... cm ci....:.•1 M"' ml •• ti "',, ..... "' -. Wiii\ ) I ) u Tvl t • I t1 P•"il>O ) ' ' U l•llO\llO I 0 1 7 Miiier I • s 10 8111<~ • 2 • 10 Oy~rt 1 I f S M in S I l IJ Mt\l,., I 0 1 1 ~.ill\ I 0 I 1 Snow I 0 I 2 KllllM I , 2 1 81uttf I 0 0 1 ICoellltr J t I I Tol•ll U 0 It ff TOlalt 2A 14 11 U k_.,.0-.S C~t•Mtw 11 11 tt 7•-,. C.clro... dtl M•r U IJ .. lt_.l LA Meet I.u.res Top Trackrnen LOS ANGELES -Ex·Newport Harbor High s tandout Terry Albritton a nd Al Fuerbach, former world record holders, top a classy shot put field in the Los Angeles Indoor track and field In· vitalional today at the Sports .Arena. Another ex-Newport Harbor High star, Brian Theriot; com·· peta in the 600-yard dash. High school competition starts at noon, while open field events begin at 12:30. Albritton, who la attending Stanford, heaved the shot 71-8~ last year while al the University of Hawaii, setting a world mark. But Aleksandr Ba.rishnlkoff of the Soviet Union, who is also competing today, later topped that record with a 72·21/• put. In this 17th r enewal of the meet, tbe fields in moat events are exceptionally good. Perhaps the top running event is the 500-yard dash, whloh is limited to four men who won cold medals at the Montreal Olym· pies. The quarter includes three members of the winning United Slat.es' 1.600-meler relay team - Maxie Parks, Herman Frazier and Benny Brown -and the win· ner or the 400-meter hurdles, Edwin Moses. The SO· and 60·yard dashes feature fast ·st arting Houston McTear plus the winner of the 100-meter •prh\t al the OfylriplCll, Hasley Crawford, and the 20(). meter champion, Don Quarrie of Jamaica. The field events, however, may outshine the runners. The h igh jump has silver medal winner Greg J oy of Canada against bronze medal winner and world record holder Dwight Stones; the long jump bas the top two finishers at Mon· treat, Amie Robinson and Randy Williama; the triple jump has Viklor Saneyev of the Soviet Union and James Butts, who were first and second at Mon· tre1ll ; all but one of the pole vaulters are 18-footers, including Dan Ripley, world indoor record holder at 18-3o/.t. Against him will be Earl Baird, of AustraUa, and Don Bell, of Arkansas State, as well as Olym· "pie silver medal wiMer Antll Kaliomakl of Finland and Mike Tully of UC LA, the only non·18- footer ln the field. Ile has done 17·10. Former Olympic champion Valeriy Borzov of the Soviet Union announced he was injured and Steve Williams said he was not yet in shape, and those losses hurt the sprint field. Meanwhile, John Walker or New Zealand still is recovering from an appendix operaUon and Filbert Bayi is s uf· fering from malaria, so the mile field lg Jett lo Wilson Walgwa, Paul Cummings and Arizona Slate freshman Thom Hunt and UC lrvlne'a Steve Scott, among others. TowmendOut BERKELEY -Slartinc UCLA guard Raymond Townsend was reported in satisfactory condl· tlon Friday after belna hoepltallied for abdominal pa1na folfowln1 a baaketbaU icame a111.nat California Thursday. The 8·3 Bruin played 23 mfr>utes a1aln1t Cal. scoring four pot.nu, before complalnlnc of uvere stomach pains. Saturday. Jsnuary 15, 1977 ALEX BLACK MOVES PAST MESA'S MIKE SNOW (34).~ Sports in Brief Sizzling Lakers Bag 109-106 Will~~ .. SAN ANTONIO -Cazzie Russell fired in 34 points and Lucius Allen added ot as the Los Angeles Lakers claimed their fourth straight National Basket· ball Association road victory Fri· day night, edging San Antonio, 109-106. San Antonio led 106-105 with 1 :33 left but Los Angeles went ahead 107·106 after the Spurs' George Gervin was called for goaltending on a s hot by Johnny Neumann. Two free throws by Allen ended the scoring. LOS ANO&l.l!S ft~) -lluwill :If. Ford•. At>- dlll·Jlt>INlr II, Cnerwv J, Alltn lf. Wa\hlnQlon U. ,,......,,enn •. Ku""c J AD<trntlnv •. SAN ANTONIO 11041 -Brl\low 7, IC•""" 11. Paullt U. C.lt •· Slln 7f, Ol~rd•no•. 01•l•ltk 1 LO> Al>OflU 2' 1• 111 ~ -lot S.n M1on10 16 1S ?• 1'1-104 Fovlt<I oul -Ol•lric-. Tnlat foul• -Lo• AnQtlt\ 2'. !tin Antonio 11 A -11,1.W.. ea.,., B11elu Trade RICHFI ELD, Ohio -The Cleveland Cavaliers, leading the National Basketball Associa· tJon's Central Division, 1trengthened themselves Friday with the acquisition of 7·fool center Elmore Smith and guard Gary Brokaw from the Milwaukee Bucks. In exch a n ge for the two players, the Cavs gave the Bucks forward Rowland Garrell and their first round picks in the 1977 and 1978 NBA drafts. 7-ot7ertf...e lt'fa LACONIA, N. H. -Lebanon and Laconia high schools battled for seven overtimes Friday night before Lebanon finally gained the basketball victory on a 14-foot 1bot by Tony Parker with four aeconda left. The two teams played 32 minutes to end In a 57·57 tie after retutaUon play, then exchansced one basket apiece at the end of the fi rst of the seven lhl'ee- minute overtimes. Neither team scored for four overtimes and then In the aixt,b round they again traded buketa maktnl! il 61·61. Then came the seventh extr a period and the Parker two·pointer . Nutue llp•et BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -BlU Scanlon of Dallas. 20-year-old ,.._ igning NCAA singles champ• handed second.seeded Ille Nastase a shocking 7-6, 6-4 defeat Friday in the Birmlngharq In· temational indoor tennis touto• m ent. Scanlo n faces Soutb Afncan Ray Moore, a 6--4, 4·6. U victor over Vilas Gerula.ills. In other singles action. Jlrnmj Conn o r s dom lnated CHU Drysdale, 6-4, 6·2. TV Sports Noon (4) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL -The USC Trojans face the California Golden Bears In a Pac·81arne at Berkeley. 2p.m. (4) -GOLF-Third round play In the Tuc•oet Open Golf tournament. • 2:30 p.m . <7> -ARA .. SPORTS WORLD-A tlJ" 11wlmmlng from Olympic ! medalist John. Naber. [14{ Detroit and Atlanta go to bO for a nationa l basebaJl~UU.C:; .. 3:30 p.m. (4) -CO~: Bean bad the bat round of the tournament, a 64, Coody •hot 68 aod Watson bad to sctUe for a 71 after pusbln1 one abot lnto the Wit.I'. "That lllnd ol ruined the f'OUnd, •· the former British Open champion taid. Riverside POie to Yarborough BASKETBALL -'A~­ Was hJngton Huskies meet tbe Oregon Slate Beavers 1n a Pac-8 game at CorvalliJ. (1) -PRO BOWLING - F\nallsts vie ln the $75,000 open taped at Alameda. Sp.m. (7) -WIDEWOILD OF SPORTS -The Int.em,.. lional track and field cbaJn. plonahips from Los Angel•. Al.lo, the Ba nzai Pipeline otl the north shore of Oahu la U. aettln1 tor the Hawattap maatera 1 urrtn1 chi Miller, the current Brltlab Open kln1 and winner ol thiJ tournament tor the last three 1ean, rallied for a 70 that put hb:n at 14', el•ht 1hotl back. Pate, th• U.S. Open champ and a wiMer at Pboenht llllt week, had to bird.le bJt 17U. hoJe for a 71 that Just lot him oder the wire at 145, the cutoff •core for the tlnal tworoundt. Ben Crenshaw allO wu at 1A5 but 11.,te,.. kins Ray nQYd mla· Hd at '71·1'8. Veteran Don J__,, alto falled to make It, thootia• 7•JJ1. Jt •u the ftrst RIVERSIDE CA P >-Cale Varborouch, the next-to.Jaat man to cauaUry Frtday, defied hla own predlcUoo ln ecllJlllnt the track record and wtnnlng the Pol• potJUon for Sunday's met.rte W•tem 500 stock car race. Varborou1h, the derendln1 HASCAJl Grand NaUonaJ cbam· pion. threw hl1 Cbevrolet around the twttn1 Rl\ttnlde lntema· Uonal Raceway road COW'H In 1 mlnute, 23.'7 second• for an averaie 1peed of 112.8118 mile• per hour. U. wu one of thNe driven wbo bettered Bobby AJUtoa'• year.old rettrlcted track record or 112.us myh. Second astest waa David Peanon. to whom Var~p conceded fa1t time, at 112.491 ln a Mercury. "What'd you run ?" Yarboroufh klddtnaly aaked P.-non. Y arborou&b, ol COW'Se, already knew. "I ain't •onna tell you," Pt araon anapped back with a llUJh. Yarboroa1h, atlll waJtln1 h11 tum, 11ld, "Don't peu It mat· ten. I can't beat Jt. • "ReallyT" .,lled a byatander. "No way,'' ta.Id Y~ wbo ha never won a pole poel· Uon bere. "I run u fut u I can nm ln praet.lct thil morninC, and Davtdjuat beat that. ''No, )'OU •UYI ;uat go write your ltoria. Davi Pe-.on won U..pote." • Pearson reportedly left the track before Yarboroulb went out. 1UU thlaklnt bt had won tbt pole. "Won't be be 1urprlted when be find• out," remarked a 'crewman. Youac ltar Darrell Wallrtp, = a Cbevrolt1t1 alto ex· All1ton '• m.,. and won tbe tblrcl 1tartJ.n1 apot ID t.be 15- 1, car line-up with an averaRe of 112.419, just a lick off Pearson's time. au.111i.rs t« ""'4tn'• 1110,aao........, '°° HA SCA" Gr..W Heflel>el Uo<•<.,,et•. "''"' "°'" olCM--lllylftt•""'•OOlftrnl'-"C•irll11ir: I. c.i. Ver.,_,., 01t•roie1, ,,,, ... , ' O.wtd .,.~ -(wrr, 112.ffl, >. o.r,.i1 W•ll•IP. QI""'"'· 111.•ttl •· Jim lntot•, Clltwr•l•t, 111 ""; S, O.ltl• M••<lt, a..m.lel, HO ff1; 6. ...... INl!ef, ~---·· HO.•; 7. $Gnny U•ltV, ....... 11 .... ,1 .. •01111y AllllOn, .ANtC ~lt<IO<. 110.•1 •. "lcllerd ~lly1 Oodlt,110.Si.; IO • .-1<11 CNlclnH, CMvrote\, ll11>4U· II. o.r, ,,..,,._, Choreltl, IOt,tO•: U. iodlt 8rtcltll•w. a...,•1 IOt.M; u. Norm ... ,,...,, Cllt•roltt. ICUH; ''· MIMI HYllflfl, O.Vroltf, IOl.f1f; IS. JMill Tltl ..... Ut, ett.vr•l•t. ,111.AIO, I •. ,_.., lmllll, 0.Wt!et, ... MO; 0 . 0 I(. Ulrl<lt, 0.vroltl, taHl1 tt ..... , w.-111, Cllt'lfOltt. IOI 2,_, It. C.11 Je!Mt, l'ord, tot 1 n ; JO, till kllmlt1, Ole..,..., ..... ,, f l. '""" w......, Oldtl. IOUO: tt. Nell llollMtl, OodQI, IOI tffi/ H Hytl\ flMnln. CNvNl.i 107.7'1. f4. C.C. Oor1i11111. O.wrtltl, t'7 741, )So IO H~. OOOft, 101.721. p l on a b I p • ( 5 > -N RL HOCKEY -The Klnga f• off against the Canld.lenf• Montreal. • • 8 p.m. (5) -COU..EQ" BARETBALL -The U~ • Bndns meet the Cardinali flt'· Stanford. • 8:30p.m. (28) -111EWAT n WAS -The 1955 match race between Swaps and Nuhua la remembered thla week. r. ~ OAILY PILOT Saturday. January 15, 111n • • ertinle :I.nss, 92-89 8 7 HOWARD L HANDY CM !lot O•llV PIMI tuft A physical Warren High School Beara basketball team scored six free throws and connected on a "1r of ahota from the field In ~ertime to hand host Hunt· illgton Beach Hiah's Oilers a C-19 non-league defeat Friday nlpt, Jl was a bitter defeat for coach ,'Elmer Combs' Olien who had come back twice and held a five. point lead at 79·74 with 2:42 to go in regulation play. Tbe Bears came roaring back on a couple of Oilers turnovers, a fast break basket and a pair or free throws to go In front, 82·81 with t : 26 left. After Mike D'Alessandro made good on the front end or a bonus free throw situation lo tie it at 82 .with a minute left, the Bears ~ected to s tall for the final 8hot. • A wild scramble occurred un- der the basket alter the shot was missed with time running out and the~ame went into overtime. _ In the three-minute session, .frank Watson made good on the only two field s hots the Bears were ~llowed and then it was the 'J)aaaing game again, forcUlg the Oilers to foul. Prior to the overtime period when they made six straight, the Bears had connected on only eight or 14 tries at the line. Huntington Beach opened as though it meant to run away and hide, outscoring the Bears, 10·2, in the fir~t two minutes. nut a full-court press forced t\l.nlover!I and t he nears came back to lead, 18· 17 at the buzzer. Jn the S<'Cond peri<><i , 11 un· answered W a rrc n 1x11nls turned the tide the other way with the .Bears in front 2!>-19. Patiently, the Oilers whittled the lead to two at intermission, 39·37. then went up by seven al · SS...S mid way through the thlrd stanza. Clark Sims a nd Gary Con· treras had the hot shooting hands in the third period, canning <•1ghl and six points Uurt was th!! to1> rebounder \\1th 19 with Clark Sims adding 13 for the C)Jlc·rs llunlington Ht01.tl·h hit WC'll from the f11.1or . 1·;innin~ 34 of 61 attempt'> for ~'~' 7 pt·n·1·nt ...... o .... r f.11 \MI'"' .>I>'""' fol•'' )N~rr•n 1M1.nt ri; ,,,,, H"nhnqf,..ft 8•.trft 1111 '•"pl,. '• ' I It ( r..,t, , ~ .. t t 4, ' *lH illh1t!I l l 1 '1 r1 Alt'\'11,. • ') ,, Ji!: ,,,,, •~)tll t• ,, ...... OW..f"'t•"' 1111 ' 1~ tq tt pl to ' ' ' l 4 1 ,., ' '. lo f I,_, 71 ·~ ., 11 I'> J\ 1'; I "'~ Edison ·Five Falls, 62-52, . To Knights 5.., a Dall y Pilot Writ.-r f<:d1.,1111 ll1i.;h School'' Char i?cr'> l'IJH~<I "1th a r;,\11rt·d L\rawood Hi gh K111i::ht!.1l1J,l.l'thJll1t·<1m for thn'l' rwraod :-. lit•fon· ralhn~ in th1· final ~t.rn1 a <Hid lt1b10I:. r,i 52, 1n non lellj!Ul' aet1on in the llunt- in!ltoo llcarh lltgh l!Ym ... nday n1~ht ("oarh I >on l.cav('y ~ C'h.1rr.er'i trailed by two puinl .. i.:oanit into tht-final period but m1"1>l'<i lhe>1r fir,t four .,hot-. in I hat i.t ant .i ~IHle-l.~0~111111 «nnnl•l'l l'rl 1m a ~11r and 14rnl 1n rront hv '>I'( Thi' Ch:.rtter ... of ll11nt1n.1:1on Bt·arh ~ooldnn l'r 1·.1tc·h up ll v. ,1, ,, 1-.1"' 11r L)n"'r.od·, 1w11 b llj;UflO<'r' p11tl10J.! tht• r1n1<,h10J.! toutbeti t11 lhl' v .iii.int F'A11mn ~it tnry bid Tom Frl'l'm:m, ;1 ,,.nirir forward. ;ic·countl'd for 27 prnntc; and Tyren Naulls htl 16 L}nl4 ood pl.1) e11 a p.11u·nl 11m1• dt>f•·nst' gC'ttini: the· hall ufr the hoards 1md rnc·mi.: downN1urt to •h<>ol The Chari!<''' hit well from the out -.1ilc but fell behind lly anti eould n<'v<'r quit<' catch 1976 3 A Clf" cha mpions ,, he closest Jo:d1i.oo came ,.a.., the conclusion 11( the thirrl ' iod when they trll.lled Ly two. L. .~the 2·3 zone defen.'le and lhl' ~ding of Freeman, Naull' Richard Monroe d1spellctl 1ctory thought:.; in the hnal a. llersnn wa11 the leading ~orer for Edison wHh 21 on 10 field goals and a free throw. Ill' ~ned 10 or 15 from the noor. ~ike Mccourt was as~igned to d Naulls and held the 15· -old junior lo five field goal~ six free throws. Naulls railed &core ln the third period when reeman took up the slack with o. In the fourth quarter, however, aulls hit on a tht<.>e·poinl pluy ,,d added another when the i41'gers were forced to abandon .. t tliht defense In two-U rning (ban with the ball rn an effort lilC'Pre. , l'Ailon hit 24 ot 56 attempts tbe noor for 42.9 percent e Lynwood wa.a cannlna 2S or ea for a 40.3 fl((W'e. • •t1••11 011 ~~"!~ o .. " ,,,, tt I J ti ,_ I t I f tlll. , I ) 11 Mt~ • 0 f 11 aJlriHlt O o J O T61•h H 4 ll S) teer• llY ci.a.-IJ t1 H "_.J tt u .. 11 -n Ba;ro1:1s Criast Past Cypress Five, 72-58 By ROGER CARUiON °' .. 0.11, ...... -George Barrios, the &lick senJor auard tor Orange County's No. 1 prep basketball team-the Fountain Valley High Barona- led the Barons to their 14th vk· tory an 15 non-league starts Fri· day night. Before a near·capaclty crowd at Cypress ltigh, the host Cen· turlona fell behind at the outset and never fully recovered. losing a 72·58 decision to the smaller, but quicker Barons. Barrios scored 2S polnta, hls third straight 20-point effort and the eighth time he's scored 20 points or more this season. Additionally, Burrloe was the key in nearly every 1ltuatlon, stealing the ball, sconn1. his leadership and his knlfe-Ulce U · slsts to the open man Wldemeath the basket. As usual, however, coach Dave Brown's Barons bad four players scoring in double figures. The Ba rons never trailed, jumping to a 10·2 lead, then lG_., Only twice did it appear the Cen· turions, with 6·8 Grant Taylor Che 1cored 26 > and 6·9 J~ff 1-'agan , m ight threaten the Barons. In the nrat bait, wtt.h the aed of· ficlaUnr of Bill Vtnovtcb and Mlke Varalyai Injected, the FV margin melted to 32·216. In quick succession an obvious goal· tending was ignored. FV assls· tant Bob Ferguson could stand It no longer and received a technical from Vlnovich. then a Barons ace was charged wtlh a foul for runninc into oae ot bl.I ttamlJlates. Cypress made a run ln \he third period, cuttln1 a 47·34 de· ftcil to 47·42 with 2:59 left, but then \he Barons got rolllng aaaln with their smooth as silk offense, running off 12 straight polnta to put it oul of reach. So the Barona now await the start of Sunset Lea&Ufl action O.,er Santa Ana Wednesday nlabt wbeo they put t.be1r 14·1 record up qaloat their flve adverurlet-wbo bave combi.ned for a-..c>recont. fta.V•llrtlf11 .. ., ... ,,.,,.. , 0 ' ,, wt••·-• ' ' " ...,.._ II > SU ..... l. J l ..,,._, .. ,,,, s...~.. . •.. llo•Ol<I ,,., lfohrr 0 I 0 I Ttul\ U I U U ey..-ue1 .. ., ... •"-• • a o Cl.. f e I • O.T..,-... '° • 1" ~ I• I l M.h,W • 0. ' ~ •• 1 \t Hiii\ 100 1 Totelt 2.C " IJ SI I<., • ..,~ ,_,,,..,,.v., .. ., • " n ie-n (Yll'•~t U U U I ...... Estancia Rallies For 54-52 Victory O•llf l'llal """•'tty 111<11.ord l(atftltr EL TORO HIGH'S MARK HILL (15), BOB CHARLES (10) BATTLE FOR A REBOUND. University's Mark Green (left), Roger Potrter (55) Look On. By CRAIG SHEFF CM t ... D•llY l'llOI tleff A wtld rally by Estancia High ln the closing 2 •r, minutes gave the Eagles a 54·52 Century League basketball victory over vislting Santa Ana High Friday night. The win kept the Eagles (3-1 > a game behind front·runrung Santa Ana Valley (4-0). Estancia won it with 46 seeonds to go when Jim Price hit a layup after a nice pass from Ray Orgill. That put lhe Costa Mesa· based Eagles ahead, 54·50. But it wasn't over yet. After the Saints' Wes Hairston scored two free throws 12 seconds later. Orgill dribbled around until he appeared to be tied up, then s martly called a time out. But when the Eagles in· bounded it, Price stepped over the half-court line, turning 1t over with 13 seconds lo go. But Santa Ana didn't get off a s hot as Esta n c1a's Greg Krohnreldt batted a Saints pass down court with five seconds to go. Estancia had trailed, 50-•6. after Hairston popped in a lO·foot jumper with three minutes left. That ·s wh(•n the Eagles started their com<'bu<'k. F'ir~t. Pru:e canned two free throws, then artcr a Santa Ana turnover. Krohnfcldt hit from ouL'>lde to tie the game at SO After a m 1sscd Saints shot, Orgill grabbed a rebound after t~o teammates had missed and fired up a dazzling un· derhand shot from dose in while suspended In mid air. Th at made 1l 52·50 with 1 :23 to go and L8 seconds later Estan· cia's Doug Jardine intercepted a pass, selling up Price's shot. Santa Ana played the entire fin a l quarter without two key players. ejected for fighting with l :20 left in the third quarter And the Saints' Ricky Nelson fouled out with 2.43 left sn the game. Double Overtime Heidenreich's Shot Paces Vikes, 65-63 By JOHN MACDONALD Ol IM O;lly ,.I._ St•tt Sophomor e cente r Randy llc111C'nn•1ch i;ank a tum-around jump shot and added a free throw with one minute left in douhle overtiml' to give the Marina V1k- ln~s a 65 63 non-league basket· ball wm over Katella High Fri· day nig ht m the winner's gym. Katella built a 49-38 lead mid way through the third quarter when the Vikings roared back. outscoring the Anaheim-ba11ed Km1thts 10·2. After lft>idcnre1ch, who was playing for the injured Dave Gibbs. put the V1k1ngi; on top for good, 65·63, Marina ran the clock out with a four-corner stall. l(;lotl• IO I CUJ II.Ort"• r,,- \t .. 1'1•n ~n,lly o~n111v Renrw>'I V•n()rdo r l-1 fl) •• I\ l•l II pl ID t. II pl c,. ~ 1 • Ii Wlltt"f1 • ) .. 1 t f) ,_ I 'J f't'"''" !. 0 4 ") • " "i ., ., ,.., , .. , • , ? 10 • 0 "/ " Y,,. llfl'r I 0 1 4 11 J > t~ Wolte t 0 1 1 "11 I. , H•1f)l1''U .,,"' 1 , , ,, I ~ I 1 IW>-IO~ 0 0 1 0 11 1 I~ ti• Cr<"'" :I t 0 I 1~··'' " 1 " ·~ \<•rt tn Ov•n•H 1h ,, '" • , 1 '1 11 fl 11) " 2 ) 0 Orgill Jed all acoren with 20 polnt.s, but be started very slow, rnilaing ha first four eats. But the 6-0 guard hit bl.I next five field goals Call from lone ran1e) and added tour free throwl, help. ing the Eagles to a 2WI Ue at the half. · Hairston s parked Santa Ana with 18, getting 10 J.n lhe closing quarter. S-i.A11•Ull , .. ,._ .. ,, It ... l,. 19 II .... H•lntan • • 3 ti ,..._,,.. 3111 Cl-•o\ I 0 0 tf °'9111 ,.,10 ,,,..., 1 0 ' ' J ' ~ • 0 I I t J•rd•,. l 0 J • ltrOIWllol• ! l l ll Prlt• • ' , 10 l I I S ' 0 J 1 Cor"-11 0 0 I 0 ... .,. l • , t WllO>·r 001 0 TcMll n 10 1' M Toe.ti\ JI 10 I• U kH'l•YO.."-" 10 11 10 u-n If 14 t II-sf Tars Topple Rival, 7 4-63; MD Tumbles Newport Harbor Hlgh'a SaJlors gained a measure ol revenge for an earlier defeat Friday nlght, s helling invading Saddleback High or Santa Ana, 74-63, l.n non· league basketball action. In Angelus League play. Mater Dei Hlgh or Santa Ana was nipped at the wire at Downey's Pius X, 63·62. Newport's victory was a team effort, although Rob Galey scored a season high 25 points and Rolf Schwalbe turned in his best, too, scoring 20. Galey added a dozen rebounds and seven assists, Lyn Geronlmi scored 12 and .grabbed 17 re· bounds and Mitch Massey and Doug Brown did a good job com- ing off the bench. Too, Newport's outlook was brightened with the return of Steve Timmons, who played sparingly after missing five games w1lh a knee injury . The Sailors. with a press and man-to-man defense, connected on 62 percent or their shots from the field in the second half. Don Oden hit a pair of free lhrows with 17 seconds to go to give Pius X a 63·60 lead. Mater Del's least lead was 60-59. Jim Schultz led the MonarchS with 19 points and four assists. leaving hjm four short of the CJF career record. (r••O .,, ...... "" C,..t1Jn1m1 G.ol•t !llNft>vrr>" '•'nmon' '• ..... '" 0 0 1 0 ""-"''' I 4 • JO F•"\l•r • 4 J IJ Qr<O(fley 10 I J 1S To1.- t • • • Br-OW"I l l l l Total\ Su,. •Y Overt.,. ' ''""''-' 0 0 1 0 0 l 0 I 0 l 1' I II l 1 I 0 I 1 ?ltlUH Hhrrl'JO"l H•tbOf " 1(-A~· ,,,, . .,...,, HU'tnttt lot•"' Ma,., Ot l IU) lt It •• '" ' 1 •• _ ...... 1 ' l 10 C..'1•" 1 l \ \ Stltulll ,, 10 ,. •1 <141•t•• St-..,, Ov•rftn ,, ..... \fl I l • l ! I 4 ll . , , " J l ' 8 I\ 19 lJ 1\-4.? 14 15 ll ,. .... ) V1kin1ts renter Ken Crook com· pleted a thrce·po1nl play and seorcd on a short hook shot al the buzzer to trim Katella's lead to just 51 ·48 going into the rourth i.tanza. Tri tons Roll, 81-7 2 UNl'S ROGER POIRIER (LEFT) GUARDS BOB CHARLES. Marina tied the contest with lit· Uc over a minute to go in the 1?ame os forward Tony Warren hit a 15-foot corner 11hot after he found an opening in Kotelle's man-to-man defense Kotclla's Chuck Greene, who rlnishcd with 19 poinL'I, threw up a desperation 25 rooter at the buzzer as the KnighL, were una· ble to penetrate Marina's 1·2·2 wtie in the closing seconds or re· gulat1on. After both club11 traded baskets in the first overtime, 6-1 Junior forward Bill Van Order gave Katella its last lead (63-Q) by hltt1ng the nrs l or a one-and-one free throw situation with 2: 16 left In the second overtime period. El Toro Spanks Uni, 64·44 F.l Toro High 's quJckness and pure shooting ability paJd off Fri· day night u the hoel Charl{ers took UnJversity JUgh 's Trojans apart, «>4 4', in South Coast Leaeue bosketboll actlon. The Chartters of C03(h Wendell Witt, in plckina up thto1r lot.h win In 14 starts overall nnd third II\ four teaaue slarta, took the lead tatly and were never In \.rouble. Mark 11111 scored ~ point. to l I I lead the winners. his 11th atral~ht double figures output. Hl$ brother, Mike, collected 10 Points. as did junjor Bob Charles. The wlnnen rn ade 28 of 40 fron> lhe field for a siztUnr 65 percent. M:..rk mu. In addlUon to acor· lng 20 point.I, collected nine re· bound• and burned the Jrvlnc· bas~d TroJ101 with defenatve •te•lt. Mark Green was Unl'• lead.lnc . -,.. scorer with 14 points, followed by Roser Poirier'• 10. Vlllftrtlt1 ... , .. " .... • ' ' 14 • ) t 10 ~ . . . 4 0 1 • l 0 I • ,., .... llT-1641 .. ...... MIHlll 100110 l40f-. .,,. -.1r1lla I 0 I l MJ Hiii • 0 , 10 .. OWW'l•t • J ' 10 •~I•• I f 0 • '4-1 0 I ; o.o,... o r o t ~. ''J fwl• • l1,. "'""~ l1 I 14 ~ .. It 17 ....... San Clemente lhgh's Tritons continued their winnin~ pace In South Coast League bruJketball warfare Friday night. puttin1 Laguna Beach lhgh's Arti~ts down. 81-72, on the loser's court. And Mission VieJo, after three tough losses, rebounded to cap. ture a 52-45 decision al Dana Hills . For coach Stan DeMagaio's TrilOns of San Clemente. the vie· tory keeps the m even with Corona del Mar atop lhc circuit standings. The key was the third quarter u the Trtlons overcame a 38·36 halftime dcllcll with a 22·13 burst. Leading the way were 6-6 John Carson and 6-T~ Bill Neely, each contrlbuti.ng six points in thatatanza. Ted Hett1n1• finished the night with 18 points outdone only by Canon. who hit a 1euon hleh 24. Ben Bocon , tho Artists' 6·7 center, scored 24. Miulon Viejo bad another balanced effort with Mike Dotter and Bernie Hawktna each acor· in• a doien p0lnt1. Bott.er allo had tS rebounds as MV won thal war,35·27, Stu Hein paced Dnna IOlla with 13 pointa. Pete Decasas led Misalon's fu t break and scored seven or his 11 points in the fourth quarter a.s a Dana Hilla rally fluted. Tho win snaps a flvce-1ame los· lng streak for Mission Viejo, tour ofthoee by five polntaorless. Htlll R .. w .,_,, Cr•DO \41'1)1" C.ooti ,.,,.,,_, Tolall o.ttlllhlOI '•., .... J ) I U J 0 J • l l > > J 1 J • J J l , > l J • 0 0 ' 0 ,, ll l, ,, lt.JllllllteiellVlele 19",. ce '""" ! ' J n ""''-" t l l ' Ftltllt I 0 I 1 1'0.C•-I J I II ltHi-0 I l l ... WlllM f 2 l 0 ., ... ,.. ' 0 J 4 l(tw,.., I 0 0 J S..Dt~• I I I J 1'tl••• 11 10 o n k.we"~ II 4 ~· " 0 10 1~l .... ~,.., cn1~h.cti .. .. ,... .. ...... MK~)l111~ ll)SU ,1...,..,. 0 t 0 t .. ~ • t 0 14 ~ 1 t S 16 Ootftlll 0 l 2 I CM-It 7 I 1• ~ I 0 S 16 f'.r-~ J I 1 Itel~ t 0 t ' ..... ~ , i t • *~' • • • 10 _,,,.. s • 4 " ,.,.._ t l J J , ... 1. *',.If II ~ •• 1 • ,..... Jl .. It,, le_.., OlfMW'I $aftO.-te n ,. n u-.1 L...-lfftfl \t JO II 11_,., Pro-Am Saturday. January 15, um DAii. Y PtLOr ·~ GoHers In Are a Frank Tanana, the Call!omla Anaei.· younas ac>ut.bpaw pitcher, will play in tbe third annual !Jing Cro1by pro-am 1olf tourney, Southem Jan. 21 and 22 at Irvine Cout Country Club and wlll be paired with 11 touring PGA pro. A total of 72 teamt in· votvlng one PGA pro and an amateur partner, wut play two rounds with a ahotaun start each day at 10. The pros will be play· ing for $10,000 In prize money. The event i11 sponsored by the SS2 Club and pro- ceeds will be used to purcba5e vitally needed equipment at lloag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach. Boehm Can Do It All · For Edison Soccer Team 81 LAVllENE KEYS Of•O•llf~ ... ,...,. Jn • coach's wlld fan- t.ules, be mlgbt wi.&b (or a creat player be could move at wUJ to any posf. Uon. And Edl11on High <Huntineton Beach> soc- cer coach Dave MeLelsh says he bas such a Jack· of.all·trades In junior Herb Boehm. A three.year varsity player, Boehm, plays wherever he can do the moet good at the time, and according to McLeish, he does it all well. Although be plays mainly defense at the center fullback spot, Boehm is a l110 the lead- 1 n g •corer for the Chargers who are ranked No. 8 in the CIF poll. HERB BOEHM family moved to Hunt· lngtoo Beach. Boehm bas also bad some international play. ing experience to draw from. To some athletes, be· lnC •witched rrom PQSi· tioo to position ii unnery. tq aad often detrtmeo. ta[ to thelr pme, but Boehm doe.n t aeem to mind. "l'U play wherever the coach thlolc1 I'm needed," 1ay1 Boehm wbo Juat turned 17. •·r 1ue11 I Jlke pJayJng fullback better. "I lisur e il'a better ietUnc than beJag sot.-ten." CAM Dealt Swim Lose By Knights JC, Prep Cage Standing IOU~MI ""CAI. CO'll l'l 1talt(a C....u w4 ~ : ~~ lott•ltMoftl<• • I J)I * LANor-J I t» ,IO Ocltcltfl w... . , 'IOI ,., LA Soul_,, I t m 2" •1o~ I a 7'4 Jl1 ltiMof .. 1CC O J ,.. Ut Pr141eY'ISOHt C.,,,_u 16, o.ldtft W•ll W $6r\I• Wftlt• 1$, LAC( It l.A H•r-14, • .., Hot1~ Tt T-r'•O•Mn t.ACC •I GolO.n W•11 cv..,...u1 LA H••llO• l-A lo<#Uhff•l el $t11I• MOftl(a SOUTM COAST UAOlll W L l"P PA W ..,edolMer 4 0 "1t IM S...CS.-fll• • O ti\ Jlt l!IT-J I 219 IH <Ml•,,,,... ' , '°' 114 o.nt HI"• l 70ll tit u.-e..c11 1 m n1 """'''°"Vt.'° l In 11S Ufll ... ,,uv · 1 l li4 m fl,...., •• "..," '-""' M.tr •1. CO\!•,,,,. .. M Ml .. _ ltltlO '2, 0"1• H UI• d El lo10M, Ut1l,,.t111v '4 s.11 c;"'-"" •1. u9u,,. e..tc11 n ,_,.,o .. "'" ~ .. , ~# •' y,. ..... ,.11y l._ .. ~.,•I Co•I• Mt'l<t MIUIOtlVitlo ., E• Tor& o. ... "'"'•I S.11 c1.-.... SPORTS GWC Falls To C ypress Five , 76-59 Cypre11 College, the state's No. S ranked JC basketball team. rolled to its 17th victory in 18 games Friday night, a 76-59 Southern California Confereni:e decision over vls itine Golde n West College. Cypress streaked to a Professional players will not be determined until after Monday's qualifying round for the tournament at Pebble Beach the s am e weekend. Those who Ca.ii to q ualify tor Pebble Beach will compete here. The 5-8, 180 powlder has scored s ix of the teams's 23 eoals and has lour assists . If a game gets light and McLeish needs so- meone to s p a rk the Chargers, Boehm will get the call lo move lo the front line. Originally frotn Germany . Boebm's parents moved the fami· Jy to a town near Munich for a year when he wu 13. .. My parents thought It would be a good ex· perience for my sister and I," says Boehm ... I enjoyed it, but I'm glad to be back." Corona del Mar Hlgh's Steve Wright and Dean Heck finllbed first and second in the 100.yard backstroke aa t he Sea Kings bowed to the visit· ing Foothill (Santa Ana) Knifhll, 68·'7 In a non· league 11wlm meet Fri· day afternoon. OllAMoa LIAOU .. EIO..- F11ne11on L.eHebr• a... c....,.... e_ • .,,,. Sot.or• W L l'I' 0 ?).) I 111 J I 1n , 1 m J 1N ) , .. 1 J , .. ' J 111 39·25 hal ftime lead "" beruod the play of 6-7 ,,. sophomore Tyrone Bra· 114 nyan, but Golden West's ~ Rustlers cut it lo ss-so· m with S;02 lert. ~~ But the Chargers, now m 4-0 in SoCal pluy. didn't The winner wlll qualify for next year's Crosby at Pebble Beach and rive players will gain admit lance to the llawaHan Open, Feb. 3·6 . The public is invited lo gallery the event with Ucltets available for $2 for each day at the course, Hoag Hospital. the Balboa Bay Club and several area banks JC, Pre p Wrestling Results 0.l<le• Wul !ISi CU) \••I• Arw 111 Ou.rt.-t\1 01nn~n \1tll1bur., • 16 If' ~llMV I(,. t'1M Mint I 1' 4 1>4 Tf'\Om1, l~t 1.htt Duffy'' I UJ 1(1n.q tC,lp1nnt"dMc.~.uJikrt• I~ I~ V<tO• ISi dft L••• \ I .,._....,.w1ty ts,• di!( O"''""'f.r'' 1()0 161 l)rm•n rr., l w f')t\ nv tort,,,, 111 Or4()il"f t\•o .. ,. V+r~lt ' 1t0 SYi•r._ f\) n1nnno Mj9n\t.-V I t1 Mwt s,n,11t\ ft;J pinn,.tt Mt A"'""'' )'I i;.1-wut IUI lltl H•ft<t0 113-~I tH•o1nn,.u \,.,,,b"'" l c·, ,,. ~flM'I CG» d"'' ... l•lf M t I/ I tJ.4 y,uoq, t H »dl",. Ou,,v4' t., F0tO IHM•tl<•"1110 1J0 L111r• IG t '#Oft b¥ ,,., ,,.,, t"-1 Bt••"Qlt' CGt 1>H1n•n 1,,.11 ... ·1t J ., ••t ..ormfft '(,, 1 l'J•·t r •\hltn Ir) I th V'c.lt f;I d•t 8Ht m• ' 1 lit() Fr11r,,o,,.t UtJ11ttwr1Qht It) ... _, Ml A <IO'f Ir, W"W\ f) t t1+¥4r 1t ~!Mft w .. 1 0011141 Or•"- Ut ~h~fjur" 11:.,w; «Ol't r11 •·tf"ft•f 11' H "tH+n11tn" '•* f)to1 \111,,..,.., I n .• MA,.., ... r, r:t•' o .. , ... • Ul J<Ktl'b'\Of\ f; "' ~ • a I f\C W1IVJn '11 h t _, .. II t~ &.1.-1,,,,., f,N t ~,,,,,, •W"1\ 1 tll Olcflf\ <•' 1~' 'J••u.u ' ,,, v., .. tJW tO•"n•li W.t•••rtlfU ,.,. H.,nu • t(,I Ott'l•11 I #.1.tn >t 1 Ill Hwn AN A.•")'f #'!Iii t111~ ... t ;ir-h t ~ltWn~ ,,.. f1't ._, ... A.u1 tlt l\1Hr ,,.. • ~ ,,.,, n.,,, u • ,,. \l•My ''#' -~ tn •~••r.t ,,,, .._,,,., ,._. • '1~t n..,o, ' · ttt t1'-*'t• I Ml cs..t ft '\fS 1 ·t ISO ._..,. 1(11 ""c. M•,..1m .. , .. ,. ,.,_ 8-t~"'>-t '~J ft,., A""° •v.A\' • 1t/ Oftn*4't IG f Mr (H"'n 'I I '11 \li('W ((,I 'fft "'""V<>O t 111 ttr) '"'t'uV'•nlM lf111 l •r •l Hwt '°"•''"' t~» Ot t M l l\wo• \I 'llO\ot \Ol'M •• ,.,.I Ml ... , PootluU • , ... ,.".lh'trt f t t ()•"•·• ., h• •• , ., 9°' O#•w, If l f>1"°"""" f ..... ..,n '' •u 'tV••'f•, '' t1ie1o1 t 1*'"''""• • tt) A.re\ f l tt•,,,,..OW11 "" ,,., ,,. .,._,,tr• p~ ....... ,, -c '" ,..,IW\ .. ll_l,lpil'W!•"1t.11111,,, \ ltf c~r t tlttH P~Jvtnf I '4'1 Th0f'f\Chf>f1 u • P•"" ... ' M II , , ., 1\6 .. tflP"°"' tf l OIN'I_, I •t•' I 4 ,,., ~'" l,.,,,.,.,.,,,,,,,,t lrJ \MWiUAQ ''I 119'W'lf)y I t#f.-,f ") ... ""'°""° (1*4hfl~1 t/lllf"lil I ~ .... ...... "."" ,,,.,.,,,,,.,,,,.. t t••-·· '"' 111111-, • ..,.., .. ,,,,,,,..,,4 . ., ... ,,....,.., . t0S t.1M'._,.,,...,.. '' M ~, -"•' • I tu Wol .. ll Mt w""'''''~'"'' 1n Hwvi ft W'l"t f·I t .tt• I ,,.. Witt.,,...,,,, I '11111 ,.,. I 'r"'r." IJ\. ru\~')tlJl!i •t Jf\ ,,.. • YA•I~ ' ... """"'°""" '"•11--· ·..-,,.,., 1t' tt/ j;t,_tf t[t •i-tdf)t""'t"' I I I~ l.nl~r '~Mt,,~rf11rr•.-M• .. ,_ • ..,,._., • f) #Oft by •01••·• m_,,1rc~ ll!Ml<f-< l •-J ~ l'I> lot ... fll ll l O<KtlufflMt ll __ ...,.,.•flit ~t .... Vltje lO lltlU... '1 l(Utlf11111,11 .,._ ltu\• l I ~-t(ltolly 11•11 -by IOtl•ll 11•-l'#llo I M l '""' I>• lll<l••I In '"llflO\ !Ml de< ..... ~ t l1'-W11•1 ... IMI rl•( o ........ ') ··~ -CM ) f)IMrd \mill\ I " l«l-fluloll IM I 0.< Oo•••• 10 0 1•1-0.llMn !Mltl•< &p•r~•• I l,._$N,,.l1UlplM~t1Ad•-O 1\ 1'1-S<tlltUklltftkJt IMI -"~ rilo'••ol ,,,_,,,..,,,., IMl-llv •o•••" tt)-()r-IM)w.,,,oylon••• ---mMt ll. "If the goal can be made, Herbie wilJ get It in for us." says Mcleish. "He's dependable. he knows what lo. do and r don't have to worry about him.·• In most game situa- tions McLeish considers Boehm to be more valua· ble in the back. "Herb 1s good at dis· tributing the ball." he says "It's a lot like the playmaker in basketball. He 's good at setting things up for us.·· McLeis b cre dits Roehm's experience as being invaluable to the Chargers who are 8·3-1. The blond, blue-eyed athlete began playing soccer about eight years ago with an A YSO team in Inglewood before his Dragst e r s At OCIR A large fi eld o ( funny cars will converge on Orange County lntema- 11onal Raceway tonight (7) to get the 1977 season underway Gary Buri:in of Orange County will drive his Mu sta ng II arter crashing his new Orange Aaron at Jrwindalt' Raceway l a:.t we~kend. The car he will drive tonight 1s the s ame one lhilt earn ed him to the NHRA U.S national title In 1976 Opposing Burgin will be Jim Liberman of Pen· ni.yl vania . Raymond Beadh·. Lhe '75 national <'hamp1on from OaJla.'l; Billy M1•yer, Tommy lvo rind Ed M cC ulloch among other,; 1'hr finals field wall tn· rludc U <>f th e top fiberglass creations. Time trials begin at noon with a full complement of :1mateur E T br:1cket rac<'ll .clso included Gjrls Spor ts WOMC,. S•A\llEflAlL U(;lr•1,.. fJ'I l .. l U(. ht1t•._ UC.1\<•rl,,. Boehm may have ve r satility and ex· perience, but M cLeish says the package is mis· leading. "Herb's on the chunky side, and at first ap· pearance he may not look like much of a SOC· cer player," he says. ''You see lots of players who look pretty on the sidelines, juggling the balls and all. "But Herb has ex· cellent game skills and that's what counts. And his teammates respect his talents whatever position he's playing." * * ~OC:CEll VAltSITY El T•re Ill Ill U•l••"lly * El \(Oflno Mo1 L•od um c.n11 Mor~n?l Maler 0.1 Ul (1 l 9t l.,. Or- MO t.(Ortno Jotu, Or"mhlll~ S4ftCl-•t11• 14) U I U11~ l 8 \tOr lhQ W••ld(>", c.111,.,...nh, t..f\t~• SC F \.<tnc-hft/ 7, 8rltN\,fn, t11lf)t!f JUNIOlt VAIHITV El Toto Ul 111 u .. 1~.,.ltY El \COtlnQ KOv•<' 1. Mtfthlt:u Uni tlultm Moler Oel 111 Ill •01.,. O•- M{) 'l<O<l"Q You~Q J L .,.,... 14 l It I S.11 Clt •••t11 .. VAllSITY lhteMlt fl) UI S.•U llM (;AIM Ill 111 c; .. uM .. .a CdM 'l<Ollr>q 0 ••• 7. <i•llOWAY, IHlltor 0Ahl\ CM qocl"9"., MIHleft Vlelo 111 CO o .... Hllh .,.v '<O•lftq ~. OH 1,...,, 7. ff)f", .... , (;l"'O(tll I JU>tlOlt VAll\ITV l•Ul><I• ltl Ul ~ .. I.AM CdM I H 111 CO•I• MO\a CdM 'o<O'l'"I WOOO CM "°-· ~ """"&.,. v .... Ill ltl o .... "Ill• M.V '' orino -.C•'"''n•' t\ > OH '51Ar ... M/ Pirates At Mesa SAN DIEGO-Orange Coast College launches South Coast Conference basketball action tonight (7:30), m eeting San Diego Mesa. here . Both teams have been picked to finish in the lower half of t he con· ference standings. OCC's Pirates, under ,.,_, .. " ,,. ~ fl new coach Tandy Giilis, have a 5-9 season mark. but have won three of their last five games. The Olympians are ~t3 for the year and 0-1 m South Coast play, losing t.n Fullerton, 71·70, Wed· •: neftday night W~tl ,.,~tori r Qtl.,. t rttwrtl• '""Y'n ,,,,.,.., ttl'\Ht1~ n " • " U(\n 11 1• \ ) n o Gillis' club 13 s parked ·~ by Phil Bolden, Jeff • Golden and Jon Holland. ;! Bolden bas averaged 18.8 points per game uc '"',.. 1u 1 w i c\ui. 11lnee joing the Bucs rive uc1 scerc,.. .,. ,, games ago. Golden is hit· At"'l,,Vjff C"r.,,,..11 "'nvrJ ~ ~ Una at a 13.3 clip und ' Holland ha s a 12. I ~ I \ If " • • n n ' .. 0 ~ , average. Wright won in 58.7, and Heck finished in 59.0. VAltSITY CdM I"> IHI P-MU 1f>Omodl,.,y '"'•V t Foo1r\1H 1 19 1 100 l•tt 1 Aeyl\(lld\ IF l I IO 4 1 Mill•' 11'11 \)I> GroollFll 118 100 IM I Sl,•Cll~ft IFI 1 011 1. FU1non If'/ 1 CM > J, Hen,loy •Fl 1 II J i) Ir.. I 8~1("'1llor !Fl 11 11. I/ ... IC"• IFl 11I1 Oatll"CI IFl U • 1()0 fly I F11r~lt\ IF I S411 Heel< ICl SllJ H••P'I• IF I j9 0. ~ lrtt· I AeYt\018\ IFl 4.S11 7 Oo'OOI IF) 100 lrw I !>1r•r -IF) .. I 1 S.lt ... W 11'1 111 J. s.,.._ ICI \I I IQOll(>(l I W•IOlll ICl M 11 M«k IC) Y' 01 Hen•••Y u·) I• I 100 br••\I I M llltr 11'1 I 01 1 \Jo ..... , 1(11 Oll•J 0-Ql\ ... I 0t0 «X>frH rflt.tV 1 li=oo•"t0 l 1'1 • 11110\H·SOl'H UM IM) Ill) l'M(lolH 100 m •dlt1 •t•••-1 C0<on• Cl<ll M4• f OJ 0 100 .... -1 T•rrv IFI 1 .,....-,,,, '"llll .. d,,~ICI Time,,.~ 100 IM I Plpet IC) 7 ~ or I) (hOmuu I Cl Tim• l >11 IO Ir-. I H01191\1ot1 11'1 1 Woll\ v .. ..-c•• 11.1-.,·. , ..... &run . Sonou 13 U H•br• 'IO, C•11,,,,. n fl Ooodo .0. V•l•"<I• )~ Full41rton M. E\per""'A &I , .... ,,,.,., G•mn U H•b•••I Otu FuOerton •t El 0of~f)IJ E \.Ptr•n1• "' (An~on V•ltncl• el Sonot • PllalllJU' ll!AGUI ~I e.-...... S.-yHlll• W.\tert\ "-Im ~·· s. ....... rroy W L l'I' 0 ,. I UJ ' ,,, ? , .. I I 10l I l 11) I J 141 I l XII ,, ... .,., ,,.,., ....,.,..,,,. "· s ........ ,. 8utift~ p., .. 4t M ,..fl'\Olif• 41 l..ow-116'. s ............ , •• 1011 -\lt<'f\ 14. l ror )) Twtrd•Y't O•M•\ ~ ... , ........... ... S.VW\M at 8utl\.t p., k ~y Hllh •t We\t.," Troy•! l.A>wtll CINTVllV llAGUI! l(I J 8u<W tCI f lm•·1•1 . s.nt•ANV•ll•v W L I'~ • 0 l\l 100 Uy I 8orwald If l 2. 8•10.IOQt 1 btM>cl• IC:I Time I II' 0 lU>llft , 105 , .,.. ) 10' 100 ,,.., t Terry IF) 7 111.,_ · Footl\01 IF), CU I• ICI Tl-n •. S.m• A"• 1 111 100 -~ I Well• IC) J HOUOflfon El""'-,,. I 7(1) IFlJ t<au•"n I(), l ime: 1:11.1 Vill•Patll I 1U 0 • 701 100 b t('a \I -•. P iper IC! 1. o..,,.. OonoQl\t>e 11'1 J BHlty CF O T1""' ' 10 \ IOOlft• rt l•y-1. Foo!hlll 4'.QO 4 Marathon Set A track m arathon that is expected to •ttract between 300 and 500 run· ners will take place Jan. 29, starting at Corona del Mar High. Runners can compete in one of 12 divisions. They are: girls, women, junior high Cninth grade and under>. high school, open, 30·35, 36·40, 41-45, 46·SO, Sl·SS, 56·60 and 60-over. lllri.,.'tkor., Ell..-<la S4, S.•nl• Ant S1 Foo!llln SI, El MO<lon• o Tu\Uft 70. O••noo 14 SA V•llty U. VIII• P•r~ H ........ , •• 0 ...... Eu111c•· ., SA V•llPy Foolhlll •! T11~11n S.1'11• An• •I 0r•"9" El ~.otVlll•P•rll OA•OIMOllOVILl•OUI loo Ami~ • 11o1 ... c;r-<>-•e1t" Gro•• Lit Quint• 11-llOAl..,llos Patlfk • s.nutQO W L l'I' • 0 ,. 1 o no ' I~ 1 10 > I"> ) "' I J 1 .. lll•lf1Y'1~ ..... Bot,..G<anOt 11. "'"' 1111 .. ,, t..o\Amlqo\••. G1t()t.nC.rov• M L.eo..l~la M \""ll•Q'>t1 ........ , •• ,., G•M•t La Olllnt••• •01 ... i;,,.,,... c;..dMl G<OYO •I S.110~ P .. lltc.•t ll•ntllOAl..,,,1111' rattle, building the lead to 12 and coasting the restoflhe way. Golden West got a s parkling performance from freshman Todd Zirbel. He clicked on nine or ts shots from the ,.A field and finished wilh 24 ,,. point.I. Teammate Gary ~;: Sanders had 13 points 1•1 while 6-10 Darrell Briggs "1 had nine re bounds tor !: the Rustlers. m Branyan finished with 28 points. Rick Cromwell hit 20 for the Chargers. The loss w as Golden West's second 1n three SoCal Con(erence de· ciJllons. The Rustlers re- t,urn lo play Tuesday night, h osting Los "" Angeles CC. '" . ., ,,. '°4 111 710 110 2}.o Oolff1t W••I Ufl 1, II "''""'•' > J 8ri'19\ ) u 11-• • Olm<Olotnl~ 11 8~11 0 s."""" \ l """°"" 0 I .. 0 ... 11 ' ) Tol•I• n II H1lllimw (YP<h\ ,, 1\ "' I l • > > n 0 ' " Gauchos r: At Home ,,, '" 211 '"' ,., '" I • u 1 • I) I 4 ~' HVC Romps,81-12 Huntington Valley C hristian High of Newport Beach romped to a 69·point basketball ~riumpb Friday night, pouring it to Anahl!im's Heritage, 81·12, .. t the loeer's court. And Liberty Christian of Huntington Beach was a winner. too. besting LaVerne's Calvary Bap. tist, 60·S4, on Ule loser's noor. Jeff Frazer was the big scorer for Huntington Valley Christian, scoring 37points. P r o Scores H•"-1 •••lr•INll At-lel._ Por11orld 107. 80\IOn'2 Allotnl• 110. NV Nell IOI Pllh-lpllla 11 I, IC.,, .. , Cltv '°6 ftufl•kl UI, N•wOrle ..... 101 Gofoe<I Slate IU, 1""1•11• IOt w • .,,,,,.,.,.. , .. (lllC•flO" l .. A•oole\ 111'. $11\ Aftlont.10. tlOIJ•lon II I, MHw1vh<1" °"' .. ' "'· c1 ... 1.ncn~ • .. ottl• "'· ~v l("'C'' IOI H•Oofl•I Hechy L•- All•"'" l, SI, Loul• 1 Tonight both area teams return to action, Liberty Christian tangl· ing with Hesperia at San· ta An a's Salvation Army Youth Center in a 7.:~ Uff . Huntington Valley Christian meet i; Mary Star at Southern Califomia College at 7. H-. v.1 .. rcllf1n1 •• 1111 .. II f1f II' ICl"'f t 1 O • N-\ t I H ,,,.,., I~ I 0 ll ._,, ,\1116 it\,..,.. ,, •• Hnw 11 ? • J.ChGft • 0 1 " foi,.ll JI ' J " kw•.., 0...'1tn """''""'°"' V•ley 1' 11 I\ 10 ,,, ...,.,... • ' 7 • 11 u~ cwi111u , .. , 1, II !Ill WIU•r• 0r • .,... ~ -... G\llllWtt Hopl!IM Ell\tty l.OQ.tn ,. .. , lo!"• • , 7 6 I 1 6 I I 0 0 1 , () . I 0 I ft•~"'r fl•WJ6 .klhf\\tM f'ell• Tnt.al\ H•lf1if'Y"lll • I ,, UCI II U ' . . ,, ,, "' HONDA College Bask e tball MISSION VIEdO UJ11 AY•Y '1lWY_.Jl4122. 4't-ltH ""'Hl7, ,.._,Cl< ... " $M1-S4 ... ., """"'~ iOlftl• CJ.-• ,., lO,.C• f1 C.tl UAlltt*" • 0o"''"4"'°' Hiii' tl ~-toll ••.(1\1(6\1""" U1e11-._ ~l"'J I~ G<-c...,..,.,. u ......... ~"' St "'""'''· ... " ~-., IOT'I w...-1u. u ••Pll•• llO \Am '" ..,.,,. ~ ~--,,., ~· "'flitf"# 10)0 lftf.'°t•n• ot '"~f W'ff\ r; Jf 1Atl • aoo O•• ... rtu ••~·• "" ---....... ~lW t1tlft1••• JUI U J f .. .........,_..,_~ <.•I f'&ly I Po"'o"a I 14. UC ., .. r\16'1 ... H•••••e'' ... st ... 1,1..,.st u Col0tAdo\1 •• fl VU •I c..o-.. w.,,.,"91.,, "' ,..,,... ,,. • IOf l r-•v•• h t" 11 s1 "°"'',. ,,, ....... GOftt .. 4 ., 1-51 IJ. llol\# \I 60 WE'RE SPONSORING A MOTORCYCLE SAFETY COURSE THAU SADDLEBACK COLLEGE *********•************* A scheduled Motorcycle Safety Courae offered by Saddleback College begin• January 25. We have appflcatlon form1 at our dealership and will be happy to give potenttel appllcanta more Inf ormatlon concerning this essential Instruction for "1urvlval." Call or see us today. **************•******** Why llst prices when we are a DISCOUNT OEALEA CALL BEFORE YOU IUY Coast Area Basketball 1-.. r t'anfC• .......,(Ul(Ul~- .. ~(IQ) .. ttllzie .. , 5-tlltl " llOlZ,W .... 9oyO 14) c; 10 Motrlll• -•Yi~ll ltl 0 t•l Ul"...UIN f'r-1101 o ll)GIM NH \C«;<lllO •ub•· P111-n 10, ""'~"''· Halttl-: MH, 24 1a ..... f .. llJflLYW- •Yllfl(IOl F 111lM4Ut "lll'llff W " Ill 0.•M<" TllllOll 1101 C ltl ll•lllor~ o..iw 1111 G m StoYau K•,_M.,11101 G Ul f-- «dl-_,"11 "'"'' ~ .... ), Wllll-4 Hltllll-: ECJl>0,,, fl IS SMt.a ..... Itel CUI a"-i. -· (01 " 10) M.tllofl., °"'IMV lt l F I 1)11..otlfMr l'IOyocl II) C llll tlr.._-t M V°""O 11) G l•l C... •ldu R. v°""' m G 11" M<lddo< k ~I• ~ori"O \Ill>\ Ou<...,.,, t, GN14, K.,._ •. Me1r11 t lpn\ln\ I. "-"''-' e1t~••.1a.11 alJ-1411,.11 U1tl~ Ol-~l t' m.._. ...,,.,, "' .,,~. T.ytor lOl C llllTll"" W...,.,., In) G 01 O.•·~ WllMI' ltl <; I Ill 010tfln ET -1"9 lllll a..,"'.., 1 """ A-lldl,~117.' "-lltlme. £1T.,-o,11 '' ,.,,,,_ IJJI IHI MIHll ..... M-.. K ii (Ml, ........... llflrlotolUl fl lttl~ -... .,.,, ,., .. , .. ~,II AV.I• lfll C CUI f'•IMOuM Ct..... 111 <i tOl C•tll r•vtor Ill 0 IOI W.,ncf' Hll-11191\lb· MorrlU. "-lttl-Hll,.0 )A ...!!'1~ ml~ .. , ~r~-:....... H1~ <•• ,. m ~.,.., .. _ 10 c 1111 Hfi.¥ Mc~10 "' c. • col Oilrl .. -(6) " 14> ....,.., "tllHme• IOIM1t1,J111, MatlM 1)1) 1 .. 1 !hi .... ,_.,.., 1111 ,. llf) w,.,,.. .,..ylor Ill ' Ill ;.,,ll)lcllo .. _,., c ,,.~ lton en <I IU t'lr)ch c;..,.."' IJO) r. m "CWl)Vf• ltMn M worlne •111>\ 0-.. 7. HCll-f,MlrHh1 H•llll-M"'"•· »·7• C-1.a ..... 011 CUI t4M .. .,,,. 111 fl cm ,,,.c11n _,,_ 11n " IAI~ Wlllf'fi.10 fl)) C I .. ....,1 .._,,.,,., l?l G 110l .14Mt Oomllllc 1111 G 161 ~II (llOI wor1nq 11UI>' C••• ). CAM! -· 1 ""'"" Htllllnle CM, JS 10 Utll-ty (C111Dl llT- 9orWW (1U F 1111 ~ -110) F 1141 ~I' ~ 11)1 C' IOl tloutt.r Ot.Nl-1171 C. I 141 Rutlr .,_,,IOI C. 10 M(F- ,..,,,,,,,. u"'· n-u f-!fl) t' I 10 l'-11 a.ri.ar 1111 F t 141 Slolnl\au• I GY>d.al ll•t C IOI M91ti1t1 Unl t<OrinQ •<II> <itlltill.~f:He» ._..,,lllUI <; l)l)C.\11 Mll~IOl G llOlT'*- HB UOrl"9 11111>: M-•llOuM, l(f\1 ... 0 , lOWMend1 H•lftlme Watr .... J7•1' S...~ C4SI llSl L.-_ P9r1 IOI F <ll U.,...,.. Ovvall (6) F ltl P4t11_, GednO~ 1101 c fl) lt•cfl<lrc>.on s. """'llo•• IJ) G In KIH ... biocll 8.Mllll~nfl~I G IOIU\I"' SC "°''"" \Ubt: 8•~·· '· WI<)/> .. M••&n 1, Ell1< 1. Oun••r~ LU c..t111orw-1. Notllol• ). Cni;o" • H.HHllN L8, 16 I• l'ta V•tley lt•l IJll cy,...,. ~·II)) ' (4) M<l•Ot "&Ill UI ~ 141 Hcoff~ c;,..,. .... 110! c on 0"'1torm ... Tot>ICK flOl G 101 M<IC-~ Sormon 111 G Ill F'ontroy FV 1torlt14 >ub • Sll•ll•I• t. ESO'M•• •• s .......... 0 l<&t>t"""' ,.Mcc-..,,, °'"\''""""' H•llU-FV, 1"-11 _,IM trt l (SS) ll•lella T .. nl 11)1 F Ill -IWI<~ "'-"'"(I)) F I Il l AJ•~~, OI-Ill) C 011 ~·•l>Y" H•UOfl l!ll G IOI 6'1W11e_°"' Sc>o,.Y(ll) G IJl~lly "4•tln11t ~Ot1nQ '"b' Bohm I Ml•l ... t. A,lv•rf'>t 4 "•'"'-,.,..,,,.., 31 lO Ml•W. lll•l• 11'114fl 0 ...... MIHt Fl.,....11•1 F 01 °'""' CummlflO U?l F (tl .Mlle" hM 111 ( 1101 Al•IJf•ll ~., 117) G t SI Thotm"" ~r<Hl IOl • G I)) H•n<lrt<lo!O"I MV scororwi '""'. K•fl '· -I lAN!tt I . lh•drnoncl t Mllll•• 1, KUI• • OH: COlllnt7, W•~"'"0,,..11' H"lltJ-· MV 31 ?0 Sopi.o...r~ •ttHCle (Su l .. l S•'ll,. 4U\o <iHP'lt 101 F CO~ K•Ul' ll'l r 1011'4(1pQm Prl(~ (t) ( 1111 N•v•r•ll•• Hl•on 1101 <; 161 Cr~wtO<d Uufflt l•I G 1101 Mc:CI•"• E•!9"CI• WOrlllQ Wb\ Wellac~ ), Y •m•ml t, Rau -1, T """'l)O<;n • >talfll-: E•IAl"tlo. 1'-11 s.t C-19 11•11111 UW.0-5'111ori (I~) F 111$Mf"' Ovtllvt" I Ill F 101 Skellen "•-•Iii c. 161 l'ord 1'¥•,., Ul G (tll.A" l'IWltholl .. , (, 11) ClllJtrt SC HOtfftO •uO• M•11cocl( 7. MOc'olll 10, Pellil 10, M•Gnw '· O'"•ll0tan I•. AO•"'' 6, While$.~: fl•lto\• ••. """•"°", H•lfhmtt SC. 16 11 flu11'r Ad•m• 1111 b•\ht"' 11<1ue• ffH IOO!h pain!. S•n c .. ,,..,,,, .. I -~•1otorlnqrt1t~ ~ ...... (01 (•ti S.11 "-· A'-11 t71 F 14) I~ oc,,,., 111 r 111 ...,_ -It• 11~1 C 110 M"991"' Ev..,.1111 <; (tdGor• W•llt 141 <; ftl ~'" Lll..:or1,..,,,.o. M<~l41 k . Cut-•".C:.••1. ll-J,S..-.,. M•tll•ltle ~C.11-11. (Mia ••• I Ml I .. ) c-.. W-1111 f ll)K"-1 ~IOI F IUIJ-~ II lU• ·~1 c "' G·•-•d \ lu• Clll (, Ill De••• e-,., c; 1•1 "'"' CM W0<1r14 \1111\ W•t•Mure 1, Giel• Cli"Cl•l, "'<,..<d\Oft7 CdM .Jolwo.!.• H•lftl-GM,)l>.,1 lalM<l•IMl l4tl ~""'° uan-• l•I t 1111 ~-t C•lfltl I IJ l ~ I 11 nw.m.,, Vaft HOf ft 1141 (. I!) l.owr ltrOMl*IO! lt1l ~ C?l llt,o""" R-" m C, f61 11<-11 f lft"<•• \<&<1"9 "'°' Stnlll• 1 lllln 4, "l<llateh J. B•ri,.111 I M.tnoo H•ntl""'· E•l•ntt• ~ ?O "''"""' (U I t411 S•lldlobofW ~ce1 .. 111 ~ lll )Cl"'ll L•n\~~ l•l r IOI'-""" (;aid-II 11ll lf81 lom>•ll A U.001\ t•1 f, l \) V111lf!nn.1111,. ~ r .. dtl., IOI r, 101 ~,., NM \COrlftQ '\uO'\ Y-.rOl•v 4, Ol"oke •. "•m••n •. "P~t>I '· H~lftkh ... Cam_ll, -II•-· HH,)(>.11 THE VOLUME VOLVO DEALER .. • Santa Ana Fwy between Katella & Oranoewood Anaheim (7141 750·2011 "" v.- ""'~'° .,_TWOOD ~YI~ ltlMMAN'#'I 25°/o 19VJ''1130" G11do A S)99 s9c OFF 89° THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 25°/o OFF OM UFI ACIYLIC WOOOSTAIMS Offw ·---u.tlt 1·%1-77 AND MUCH. MUCH MOit! l U•\llM 0111nhhll'I /\ll !lain. I •nlll \•It f!nd• M l·ll i r .... OAIL V PILOT Saturday. January 15. 1917 '·~NE\V YORK STOCK EXCHANGE W f'ek ' · uud Y ~ar' I Saturday. J.1nuNY 15. 1977 DAILY PILOT ., Over The Counter Listings for Friday ' .llf DAILY PILOT Saturd1y. Janull)' lS. t9n Mort Returning Sahbty HumorUtBack in Bay City Opera Auditions Detailed .... • SAN 1'.RANCISCO <AP) -Mol"\. tual" humor caught on quickly with Sahl was back in the town where he I.he young and the hip or Amenca's 80!. his start 23 long years ago, • UWe hippest city. older a btl more shopworn. but still But the city has changed -Sahl 1tghfutg the good fight against the said that he didn't rerognize it -and •'they'' or endless conspiracies. so baa the portrait of the artist as a Jfe still has his broad smile and middle-aged man. Now, in addition to t}eep infectious laugh. He still wears being a nightclub and c.ollege circ\.lit. . fJ)e c'asual sweaters he made popular humorist , he's an a\.lthor. :during club performances. His eyes Jn fact, Sahl has written a book, ,Jtlli light up when he gets orr a zinger at "Heartland,'' which he describes as a :;eor his pet opponents. story of "gr owing up in America." ; : CONSIDER THE following, culled THE BOOK 18 IN two parts -the •from an hour 's convtirsatlon with a re· first half detailing his climb to show- , porter who chuckled at Sahl when he blz success and the people he met and first hitthe big time two decades ago. sneered at aJong the way, and the President Gerald Ford: "The man second his involvement with New 'Who freed Poland." Orleans District Attorney James Gar· John Gardner . head or Common rison and his charge that President <:ause: "If he'd been alive back then, John F. Kennedy was killed by a plot <;eorge Washington would have had to from within the government he ~et matching fund:. from King headed. ~eorge." Conspiracies are sprinkled through ,. Actor Marlon Urundo: "The In· the book. "They" have driven hJm ~ans never needed a lawyer until from the air. refused lo allow him lo A~Wl..._IA HEADY HUMOR Mort Sahl Since this column broke the welcome news that Oranae County bas been reco&nlzed aa a 1ite for Mtt.ropolllan Opera auditions, tta writer has been inundated with requests ror more information . And It has been beartwarmln& Indeed to note that many of those request.a have come from young artists who (eel that the audiUons Feb. 5 and 6 might well prove the sprio&board to an operatic career. GOOD LUCK TO AU. OF you. But flri.t. let us give you all the data we have on those auditions lo better aJd you in your entry plans. Local Metropolitan Opera Western regional auditions contact Peggy Cotton tells us that audi- tions will be held on the above dates from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Santa Ana High School, S20 W. Walnut St. But read this carefully; if you intend to be there as a competitor you ntUBl 11uhmit your application before Jan. 22. THOSE APPLICATION FORMS can be ob· tained by calling 557·5661 or by writing to t he Orange County Auditions, P.O. Box •610, Irvine, 92716. Applicants must have a voice with operatic possibilities, some voice training, musical back- ground and artistic aptitude. They must be prepared to sing a minimum of 'ihey got a benefactor like Marlon perform on stages across the country, ---------- ,lirando." stymied his efforts to promote Dick Cavett: "'You hear 1t CJften: "Heartland" on teJeVJsion and sent Dick Cavett 1:. more mlclhgenL than his salary tumbling from millions to -Johnny Carson and Merv Gnffin. It's $13,000 in one recent year.• ~ke saying he's the !.martcst bear in .. ·Heart1and'wasn'taJ1owedonany 'Return to On·gi·ns' ptezoo." And soon. network show," he said. ''They • wouldn't allow me on any program to : SAHL, BORN IN Montreal 10 1927. plug the book. Whal it does is confirm LOS ANGELES IAP> -Producer It was "The Untouchables" which Quinn Martin Anthology TOM BARLEY Music Box nve arias (preferably in more than one Jeauage' and will be permitted to smg the aria of bis or ber choice. The judges may then request. an additional aria for comparison purposes. AND YOU· MUST BE SPONSORE D by u school, college, music club, vol<.'t teacher, conduc tor or musical authority. Your sponsor m ust be familiar with the vC>tce attainment of the applicant. You must llve in Orange County or go to school in this county to be eligible. Thes e are the age groups: sopranos. 18-30. mezzos-contraltos, 20•30, tenors and baritones ~32 and basses 20-33. Tbe winner or the Feb.sand 6 auditions wiU ,go to the regional semi-finals 1''eb. 24 ln Bovard Auditorium at USC. ONLY THE WI NNER GOES ON to the semi· finals although the judges may decide to send other singers to the regional quarlt!r·ftnals scheduled Feb. 22 and 23 at Bovard. The regional finals wlU be Feb.~ in that splendid auditorium. And, frankly, they couldn't have found three better judges in the persons of Mona Paulee. LaVerne Ricchio and Michel Perricre. Class will tell and they know it when they hear it. 4sppeared to spring full-born onto the the worst charges thatl 've made." Quinn Martin, long noted for tough stamped Martin with an image for Altc>ge when he first performed at cop shows, doesn't see his new an· two-fisted series. Such as "The :Enrico Banducci 's hungry ion 8 chilly tho logy series as a departure but as a Fugitive," "Dan August," "Cannon," -------------------- •Dec. 23, 1953. llis brand of "11i_t_e1_1_ec_-______ Meg Joins HST return to his origins. "Manhunter" and the current See you at Santa Ana High, contenders. Yours truly has been asked to open the proceedings with his celebrated "Largo aJ Factotum" from the "Barber." That should get things off to a ftylng start. 1511 W SUNHOWfR W OF BRISTOL C M 540 0514 "THE SILVER STIUK"lrGI ~ em CIHTll CIHIEMAS ' ._. S.A. FRWY IMANCH(ST[R EX I G.G FAWY ICITV OR EX I "C.UIUf" "ROLLEllUU" (RI A "TEXAS CHAIM SAW V MASSACRE" ''TORSO" (RI /:.. "SHAGGY DA" ~ "RIDIE A WILD ,OHY" IGJ "'AOVIENTURES OF l Hf WILOUHIESS fAMILY" l~I A\l C•NIMA,'"'IAav.AtHM&U IVllT0AY'UL2 lO,,M,,, ... ,t lS Uti:~ .. :r;r;.1uu 1 MARA~~~ I 11 \ 4 ... f'M> rI-~-----~ _] l~I l ~~ BIG FEATURE! 0...., I ll-4 .... , '""' ..... 1., "Wltl8H£SS f AMIL Y"' ,_.,., ... ,JO DISNEY'S 110UHD THAT THOUGHT HE WAS A RACCOON' , ... ·---- , .. I MATINEES I :!~L,! EVERY DAY TODAY '"SHAGGY O.A.'' 11 ... ) •\.P lO .. RIG£ A WllO PONY'" 100.\ )O.t U WILDERHCSS FAMILY" ,)\.4 Qi,.640ff0 DISNEY'S "HOUHO THAT ~HOUCHT ff£ WAS A RACCOON' ..... , ........ ,. "MICKELODEOH" IPGJ "HEARTS OF THE WEST" .. NETWORK" IRJ '"THE SUMSHIME IOYS .. '"THE SOMG REMAINS THE SAME" "GIMME SHEL TH" (PG ~ "THESHAGOY.D.A." ''ADVENTURES Of The WILDHNESS FAMILY"' ..,..lfn .. "'MOHTY PYTHOH AHO THI NOL Y ~lAIL" ..._ __ .. MAUntOH MAH .. CRJ ''IOGtir "CAltRJP' llU ''THE.ATiit Of l&.000" IRJ "KING KONG" IPGJ ''THE LAMD TIMI! FOIGOT' n1 '''" I · .• , ..... "•• ... ---. ...... ,,. .... ............... ,0. ... ... -........,. , __ ... , .. ., • ·~ His new show. his fourth on the air, •'Streets of San Francisco," LOS ANGELES CAP) is"QuinnMartin's TalcsoftheUncx-"Barnaby Jones" and ''Most _ _:..,..,....,.,~":"W"""ITl"lllTT'r:J'T'IT.'li1"!1~ -NBC's telec<1st Jan. 20 peeled," which premieres on NBC at Wanted." of James Whitmore 111 10 pm. Wednesday, Feb. 2. hi s Harry Truman "It's back to Square 1," he saitJ "Quinn Martin's TalesofthclJnex· monolgue, "Ci vc 'em "The rirst show I evtir wrote for w<1s µected" -it's not often that you see a Hell, Harry ... will he in ·Four Star Playhouse.' The first show producer's name on a show -is an lroduced by <1 special I ever produced w;.is "The J;.ine anthology series of terror and sus- hostess -Ma q:arN Wyman Show.' The second I produced pense. It came about after NBC's re· Truman Daniel, the I all' was 'Des1lu Playhouse.' from which search computers s pit out his name as president's daughter emerged 'The Untouthables. ... the producer best known to the public. .-,--------: -----------------n<M• A.~ I .~~~~!·· SEC""'° HUA T'lC ~MOCRS -. ~· ...... _ ()r f>I( W(A fHER UNOlRCAOIJHO WlA~OUf' 2NO FEATURE AT ALL DRIVE-INS "THE ADVENTURES OF FRONTIER FREMONT'" ......... ~ ...... ~~~::::. .. ~­c.,...... .. c~, ca.-. .......... .. Ci..-WHf, Wft~tf""' •C......linti. , ....... o.-.-~ 01.-00 -·....,o..... •ta~• ... ._....s ...... .c.~ U\.hOt ,........ ~. L• .......-. ., .. , ... ......._c~. llM .. 0 U..• 0.-lo e-,_ IU·44'J U...._.Of .... .,&. .... K"_. j ....... ,,. ........ , .............. a..- ·""....-"""' .... 'A,..... .,.....,.., ............ c. ............ .,.. ........ ....., •ll.OJtO •4J.J411 4)1),.0t lt .,,,..,) Ut.,UI 111 nu f-ft..J400 ONLY SU~ COMPLIMENTARY PASSES ACCEPTED SEE DIRECTORIES OR CALL THEATRE FOA SHO'NTIMES UA CITY CINEMA ORANGE 6l4°l9l I ..iA SO COAST CINEMA SAl'fTA AHA 540.0594 EL CAMINO ,LAI.A TUSTIN 544°1696 STADIUM DRIYIE IH ORANGE U9·7160 HOOKHUl5T AHAHlfM 772°6446 \lMt>E.~,_ou~~ ... o.-.c--, \111•••••-ln•tl~ , ....... o ...... C••'t C•tl••• ........... ,_..,. ,__, "' lt71 -•• ~ ,., 11.IO ··~······ --hOCC .......... .i,.. The Adventures of the WILDEMESS FAMILY FOUMTAIN VALLIY #2 FOUMTArN VALLEY ll9-ISOO SADDL.HACK C IMIMA R TORO 511-5110 MISSIOM DllVf.lt-t SAH JUAN CAPISTRANO 49l·454S LA HAIRA DRIVE IN LA HAlltA 171·1162 CALL THEATRE FOR SHOWTIMES ONLY P4C IHTL P4SSES ACCEf'TEO "ONE HUNDRED PERCENT ENTERTAINMENT ... a case of an "MARATHON MAN" IR) 1 Jt p ... , ... ,,, __ , 1'-'•lt "3 IAYS Of THC CONO<I" ' •>IP ... Uf/S--J IM t"ltot . CO S PLAZA JllUomlSI $4,/111 "II""~ THI SOHG REM.AIMS THE SAME" t It U.T/\U,.__J•JM•J .. 1 .. 10 "PIMK FLOYD" ''" '"'''"'_, ... 40 SO. COAST PLAZA )410ltotl .. Sf S4'111 I 1111 ""'"' 11ROCKY11 71JO & t :4S SAT ,4UM-l:JO-l:40. 1:.45-1:00. I 0: 15 ingenious novel being tur ned in to a terrific movie. A lean back and love it lark that is a practically incompa ra ble fa mily film ... a garland of c heers ." Gl'n!' Sha/11. THE NBC TODAY SHOW "Nothing les-. fhan thv mo<it exhilaratin•1 vnt vrtilinmenl ol 1he film vear to dal1t. /\ collector's ilem in term.; ol performances." Vm(on/ Cnnl>v Nrw YORK TIMLS ''An ingeniously contrived spree, wilh one or the williesl wrap·ups or any m1,11>lerv movie.'' f'mifml' X111'/ Nf W YOHKf ll THE SEVEN-PER-CENT SOLUTION ' fl I 11 l'l~ 'l ~· ~ '> 111 M ALAN ARKIN· VANlSSA HI OGRAVE. · HOBLRT Ol lVAU·ond NICOL Wll.UAMSON ••" • llM I u f, ti~, ,,_/#>!Ii .ff •• ,,:,1..,...flll/ff~ i" "Tl tr. SfVCN·PFH-CI N r M>l UTION" • " •. .., LAURfNCr OUVlfR ... ,, ... , •• ..., ••• ,..JOEL GREY.SAMANTHA CGGAR Cl IARlf. GRAV· GEORC,lt\ BROWN • IU \.INC •11nd JFRfMV KfMP ' .. I I ,..~··~llA'"llHH I\, .... , ........ ~1("1~>1/\Vll\IN p ......... ""'"'""'"''""'R"'R'TllO';<; I •HIN/\lll•"'IN ,., "'·"'·····"·~''"'' ~lltP• ·-~ll~Y,l ... 11'.llY (f'fl·-·--·~· I A '' "' "'l "-IJ\'f>IU1'1h (ll~'llllll<'>/\111111< I ll<llN~OlllR' •"'·•~· • ' -· IUIT • NtCIOLODION,... MAl:.\ftiir..:O'° ....... _. a 1 lUN .. L.:.tSION"' ....--·-· A IOY Ate MIS DOO tit --:~--;) <fllll:2'aii~) :1:.11•,11 ~ .• ., ~l~?I ~· wooet' .,,,... • tMl JIONT,.. ~ N .. tl 1MAT YOU! ...... ..,-~ CAIRll11t """ IOlUUAU• aocKY.-. ""' . IUIHTCWla ..... ._. ...,, .. fAMM _._.. I TUNNIL VISION • #• "Alf • A IOY AND ta D0e •:· """~ 1Mll~a•• "'°"VILoart.-. \ PUBUC NOTICE _, l'vtlll....., 0.•"'M C:oa" Dally Pll<-1. Jr· •t.ii.;i..•,,.,F•n. s, ,.,, 1»11 ·~1'\JBLIC NOTICE . , • • S-!7 .. h l'ICTITIOUS au II Ill HS ' lllAMI S'TATIMllllT ~'°'lewft19-1CHU t rt 00f119 bull• 1'199'••• SUH MAflllC (Tt N G l .. TlfllNATIONA l , '-Irv!,.. A-.. ~ '''· 'ffwoon ... Ch, CA"* tvllll.,,, L. l'rt lm, m ~IM Or· c .. !Oio\•~.C•ftt17 Wlllltm G Oownlr>Q, 116• Jotdon "" .. , Ho U8, 1rv1,,., CA '2111 ""' ...,,,,,. .. h conducteo bv • ~.,.rtMnhlp Wiiiiam L. l'ralm • .. •. YiUU•m G Oowf'll"'9 Jlt'I. tltlo ...... t We\ llltd with Ille ~y.Cl•rk 04 Or-Counly on OK 11, !Wt.' .. ..., PubllW>td O•t-Cont Dally P11o1, )Ml '·'~''· 11· ,.,, •,,P UBLIC NOTICE ~PUBLIC NOTICE ~ • su,1•1011cou•T r Ol'CAlll'OllllllA \ • COUNTY 01' OltANGIE it.6 100C••lc c.e" .. ,. Orf•• W"t "": Sa1111 AM, CA tflOI :-.0 CASI NU,.lllt O·llU» • SUMMONS IMAlllllAot:I ow m•rrla9f of Pet1t1ontr lAl.t ~~ .... <M<ll E.,I C. Aobort\ 1Cll y.., l•na WU -Tiie ,,.., ft<I .. -l•nl yeu wt,_ IMl"9 ...... VOltH ,.., r-ltd JO fo•. ll••f IM l11ler"""-. . SOI U•IM h• ,1 .... m_ II I ~ .. tldlr ,..,,,. Uf Jt• ••• ,,...,.., ..... lid ,.~ .. JI din , Id• ta lnlorm.tt•Oll .... o U'\rt A*~J)f'>ndent 1~1111" ,,,,...flCiotfl" I The Pf\ttlOl'W'r ha\'"" A e>.-Hhon rnlrw) your M•,.,.l.,O.• vou mttv wrltte-n r't'O<l"'fl within )l OAy\ l\f I• that ""' ;ummon• h "'°'"•<ton Jack Cassidy Story Told Q: I kao• Uae la&e Jack Cauldy wu tbe falber o1 tlae f1ba.loas YOUD« actor and alager David Cauldy aad tbe lausband of beautiful 1ctress 81Wtey JeHS. Bat what •bout Cauldy lalmaeU? Cu )'Otl eallglaten u oa Ida ratber obenre back· groud? -Hea.rlett. Doltpbe, Orlando, Fl1. A: We first 1ot to know lhe handsome, sell-conscioua adot wbeti ht Jolned the panel of a Procram on which we were "permanent" panelists lor several years -"To Tell the Truth." And were delighted to find he bad a sharp sense of hunor and an encyclopedic k.nowledgeon many subjects. ''I like t his kind of a show." he told us. "It's like playing a game at a party except you get paid for il. .. l wondered what be did in his early youth. "I dJd what many of my contemporaries did," he grinned.' "I was a soda jerk in a Times Square drug store, also wu a bellhop in a Times Square hotel. But the job I enjoyed most was being Mike Todd's ch1wf. (eurwben I was onl y 15. "Out of that association, my , boss got me a job as a chorus boy oo Broadway. which led to my doing ditto in a dozen successive musicals. Be tween engage· c.t.ssiov ments, as they say," he said, "I was a mail clerk at the post oHice in my hometown of Flushing! "And here's a small scoop for you. Hy." Jack joshed. "While l was in 'South Pacific.' Josh Logan did something for me which sort of became a trademark -he paid for having all my teeth capped." 'Glad You Asked That' by Marityn and Hy Gardn•r Q: I beud somewhere that Sanimy Davis would like to direct an X·rated fiJm. And &bat he wouJd do lt dtlferenUy. How? -Adele Marsh, Baysbore, N.Y. "Artistically -with a prepared script," he once told Miami Beach Fla .. skin·nick theater en· treprencur Leroy Griffith. "Not hke the current crop of no-budget quickies." said Sammy. Q: Which actor once slid: "Goalp c:olunualsts Ire a woaderfuJ Institution"? -CarroU Shore, AlJanta. · A: Humphrey Bogart. He added: "Without them. many of us would never know where we'd been the night before.·· PERSONAL OPIMON: We never enjoyed Don Rickles more In a TV series than an this third time up in the major leagues. Because he IS "CPO Sharkey," the Marine character he plays. A Vf'leran of the South Pacific theater of operat Ions in World War II, Don Is himsell. The new show C<Alls to mind Phil Silvers in "Sgt. Bilko." a slice of the spice of "Happy Days," and a smattering of Kotter and his irrepressible students. Also Freddie Prlnze. We enjoy the shows, though because of the undilut· cd presence of Rickles at his rowdiesl. Send y<nJr quutlcM to fly Gardner, "Clad You A8k<'d That," care of thu new$paper, P.O Bo:r Jj60, Cana Mtao 9UU. Manlynand lfy ~rdner toillona\Ot!Taa many quutioru a& they can in their column, but the t'OlurM of mall mab1 ptr80Dal replies 1mpo11ibl~. I .. '1. 80\'D INFORMS in the EDWARDS HARBORc~:A2 WEEKDAYS 7:00-9:50 HARBOR B~VD •. AT WILSON ST. ~OSTA MESA 646 -0573 2 MJLES SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO FWY • • SATURDAY-SUNDAY 1:00-4:00 7:00..10:00 Saturday, January 15, 1977 DAILY PILOT •7 What Made 'The Quest' Go West? By IERRV BUCK LOS ANGELES IAP) -Was "The Quest" an unsuccessful last-ditch effort t o rev1 ve the Wet;tern series, or was 1t merely the wrong show? The NBC series. about th e searc h o ( th e B1udlue brothe rs for their Indian-captive sis· t~r. goes off the air at the end ot the month. The TV Western has fallen on hard Limes and I miss It. l don't miss the overkill when 32 shoot· 'em-ups rode the range. But the gritty r ealism of "The Quest," and earlier "Rawh id e," "The Wes tern er" a nd "Gunsmoke." You could almost smell the horse nesh and relid saloons. SOME CRITICS sa}' that a generation thal veloped by creator Tracy Keenan Wynn. Executive producer ~avid Gerber sought to tnJect loto It the ume verisimilitude tb1t makes "Police Story" stand out among cop shows. Perhaps it was the casting. Russell, the most charming and charismatic, played the most phlegmatic part., that of a youth raised by the Indians. Matheson was the emotional and excitable gr eenhorn brother, but did not bring enough fire to the role. Gerber feels "The Quest" was a casualty or a bad time slot a nd poor handling by NBC. "THEY PlJT us on at 10 p.m., a late hour for a Western, ind that hurt," aaJd Gerber. "Westerns tradiUonally have grown slowly, but we came Wl· der preaaure for the com- peUUon and didn't get a chance to grow ln the raUnga." , He 11ld alter the show achieved lta highest rat· m, the network muffed ita chance to build on that by pre-empting the show In the following weeks and failing to pro- mote it. John Mantley feels that "The Quest" wasn't the righl show to bring back the Western. lie «;,. ' ... "" . ' was executive producer • ... ::c::::::.. ....... _ [ \,4IU • or .. Guns m o k e .. a nd i lliiiiilmliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw heads "How the West Wu Woo," which ABC will air as three two-hour movies beginning in February. WEEKDAYS (7:15-9:15 SAT.-SUN. _. PETER SEIJ.ERS . iN . has been through V 1et. -~~~~~~lljiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiii;:--n am. Watergate and pot doesn 't believe the Western Is relevant. I couldn"t disagree more. The Western, with its emphasis on Indepen- dence and determina· taon . has plenty to say about how we got where we arc besides being good entertainment. 1 :00-3:00 . ~ ~ 7:15-9:15 ~ -:.,; v :· '1i ~W'illl' • ..,._.1--' Concern over violence also tamed the Western, although it doesn't seem to have had mu(·h more than a cosmetic effect on police shows. -<J iii--/f 'I~,~ I PLUS FRI. & SAT. SHOWING 11 :00 P.M. •-.""~ Quentin and Morgan Two Person Baudine, played by Tam Matheson and Kurt Russell, proved no match for their Wed· nesday mght competi- tion. ABC's "Charlie's Angels." a sexual tease w1lh the biJO:t>st fairy talcs s ince Mother 2 MILES SOllTH OF SAN DIEGO FWY. Goose. "THE QUEST" never caught on, despite an in· teresting concept and a sense of reality de· WEEKDAYS 7:15-9:45 SAT-SUN 1 :00-3:30-6:00 8:30-11 :00 HAR!OR ot ADAMS. COSTA MESA, PHONE .5'6•3l 02 OH HAUOt llVO. • ONl MIU SOUTH OF SAN DllOO fW'f. Ent1rt1lnm1nt Happen Inga ... Fllm• Thllttr D1ne1 Tt lt vlalon In the _) 81.RSRA S!Rll.)M«l · KRri KRJ:,J~HfRSON fl A RAR\lm:l/JOll Pl ![Rf, PROOIJCJK)ll ·A ~fi\R IS BORN Ptoo11rr.d ltt Jill fll l[R') · Ci1:r.lrd bv fRANK Pl[lfJJN · [xeculive Pioth1w HiUll!RA ~!kl 1:-JJt'fl Strccro~byJOllNGRf GORY OlltM ,r, JOAN OIOIOll aro rRAM< llRWN. B.ri>lr.o I ~h11l,MIV.ll'l~UIL:Jj MCtmMr.«JW [~l ~~!~Tf!:J~~ ~ ,,F~A~P~11 .. u.1~.w..-:~"':=m @!aw SOONO!!!AfKON 1 IJIUMBIA R!C<»IDS & JAP[S. RUD IHE PAPERSACKIRQM WAJ!IH 9@;il edwarda CINEMA MON.·FAI. 1:00-8:30-11 :00 SAT. & SUN. 1:00-3:30 8:00-8:30.11:00 • p DAILY PILOT w Saturday. January 15, um -;...._------------------------------------~ ~our Boroseope ... Gemini: SUNDAY, .JANUARY JI B7 SYDNEY OMA•ll The old order changeth, and Star Trek afi- cianado Lennette R.omaoosky, with a near-perfect score or 10~ points, beamed up into the top spot on the trivia totem pole this week. Deadlocked in a four-way tie ror second place, .al.I with.scores or nine, were defending co-champion ilJES (March 21-Aprtl I9)~ Family member Eel ScluneJ'ler, Barbara ~&aclo and newcomers ~ of sunlit valleys, of future vacatiol\ll and Pe«IY Mone and auda Dava.. The I.de Canon XJiurneya. Be receptive. Harmony can prevail ln Moaaten tallied s~. wblle the Deak Jockey1, Nan- Cfomalic area ll you are not limited. cy Prior and Mu FraJey followed with totals or .. TAURUS <April 20-May 20>: You have a "vis-seven, 6'h and six, respectively. , tin." Somehow, you know what ls to occur. Realize With the column going into its sixth round of 'flt and be confident -don't be dissuaded by those of competition It might be well to point out that, as or ·~e faith. today tber~ have been a total of 1,867 questions z GEMINI may 21-June 20): Check legal papers asked' since the whole trivial business began more ·:And precedents. Ol•r indhidual. would be more than three years ago. We'll publlab lbe over-all ~an happy to lend benefit ot expenence. scores since then ln afuturecolumn. ' CANCER (June21-July22): Low-key approach . _______ ..:...._ __ _.. ~ beat result.a. Highlight moderation, con· ··~•--=----~~.n-.Jc.w.-..-•~·•7•- ~·~ procedure. Win rather than force your TRIVIA STANDINGS ~. Youcancompleleproject,tie looseends. 1. ~11_.,__yfltVtl 11Yt 11.Jett...,.,,.111 s ~ LEO (July 23-Aug 22) · Good lunar aspect coin· i. ......... ~ m 11 11. .. ..., ... ....,._,.. ""'' "' • • . I ltl t4 'T-'•'-MeMlll'll • ..,, :'ades now with constructive chanees, accommoda· i. :~~~ r,1 ,. • .. .,..._ ""'' ..,.. ·•~of vtewa with rebellious child, chance to maJct: 4. .._y,,_,... m u 1s.·M1ott•-·m i : ,..v.. d . s. OeMJ«U,, '" 14 W..J.-J .. 11"'1 not .newstartlnnew irection. " Clw'kT...i.1~1 ., 11.·-11 ..... 1111'11 11'1 Vl&GO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Complete assign· 1. uh~ ... -' .. "'"'d 111'1 ~C11'11 w. ment, finish plans for project affecting security. ~ ::,:.~·;:::,cc•~ ... 1 '~, ...... ..., -·'""; .. "., , ... You are capable of getting what you need, but you ,.: • .._...,Tr•..im t ._.. •• ...- reqwre aid from "teacher." M~sage wiU be ~~ clarified. The site of next Saturday's monthly Klaatu UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Pressures lift -you Barada Nlkto Society meeting has been changed to :reel lighter, happier, more optimistic, ready to ex· the Costa Mesa home of Dick and Kat~er:tae periment, create, be artistic and to travel. Yarocb, 1128 Carson St. Jf you don't get an mvita- SCORPJO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21 >: Emphasis on de· tion call them at 979-4544 for the details. tails connected with valuables. Be specific, On into Round Three, with number nine carry- tborough -refuse to give up something o( value for ing the two-point bonus this Ume. Have at it. nothing. Ir persistent, you get what you need, you By T.J. waa the number of Humphrey Bo1art ·a winning lot- tery ticket? 1. Name the plJ in the comic strip Broom Hilda. 8. "Rlmaky, in for Kortakov," blurted lbe foot· ball coach in a n~ but funny line from what movie? t. IDENTIFY TBE BASE.SA.LL pitcher of · whom Jack Lemmond.Jd an hnitaUon In the opening . scene of "Save the Tieer." 10. On Shelley Berman's airplane monologue, what word dld the comJc advocate striking from the ,Engllshlanguaee? · · Laa& Week'• Answers 1. Crystal (Frosty's bride) 2. Newspaper reporter (Stevens In "Jeckyll") • 3. Ida (Big Mama) 4. To be mayor (Pee Wee's ambition) s. ~ M. (Gordo black cat) 6/Lee Marvin ("Black Rock" sheriff) 7. "A Clear and Present Danger" ("Senator" pU~> "' 8. DO not approach this planet (710 code) 9.101("Catch22" Italian) 10. Henry Fonda and Joseph Sweeney ("12 An· gry Men") • .~ . Send JIOUT.Onl1Den to'ITRJVIA, c/o IM Daily Pilot. Boz IS60, Colla MelG 92626. AU entm1 miul be recti~ bf/ WtdM.ioy, othnwiu baJJ IM player's J03t &COTI! wiU be OIDOrded. Knievel to Chat, Jump for A.BC • locatewbat has been misplaced. 1. NAME THE F1VE SYMBOLS shown at the SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22·Dec. 21): Vitality re· begl.nningofeach episodeofTV's BenCasey. NEW YORK <AP) -Daredevil Evel Knievel luma. You shake off lethargy, gloom. Evidence of 2. The creator or Little Lulu used only her first bassignedalong-termcontractwlthABCtoperform popularity Js reaffirmed. Timing is on target. name. What was it? • motorcyclejumpsandtoserveasacommentatorfor Significant and constructive changes occur. 3. The name, please, of Robert Blakes stunRtsoopenrfArorlmedegdeb,yp:rJ:~toftheABCSports.said · CAPRICORN <Dec . 22.Jan. 1~): Fa.m1ly cockatoo on Barella. . . Gabe Turns Cop,_:, ·~, LOS ANGELES (AP) Gabriel Kap)an, atar..o "Welcome Dack, Kotter," ioes from comedy to' drama in a segment or " Police Story" for Columbia Pictures Television. Kaplan wUI play a narcoUct of. ficer whose methods prompt his superiors to ntake l\im consult a psycbialri.st. The show ts UUed •iqno of Our Cops ls Crazy." I WEEKDAYS CINEMA WEST 7:00.&:50· 10:40 SAT.·SUN. 1 :3().3:20-5:15 7:15-9:15 11 :15 WEEKDAYS • CINEMA CENTER 7:00.8:50·10:40 . SAT-SUN 1 :30-3:20-5:10 . 7:00.9:00· 11 :00 • member confides -listen, be sympathetic but aid on· 4. When Gene Kelly covered the monkey trial tn part of the agreement calls for Knievel, 38, to al- ly those willing also to help themselves. You're "Inherit the Wind," wbat newspaper did he temptalleastonema,Jorjump ayeartobetelecast on r:::==========~-----------:"'-1 ,clllled upon to evaluate gift or art object. represent? the network 'a "Wide World of Sports." ( J • • AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Friend may s. IDENTIFY 1llE BOYS' gym teacher in the Another part calls for Knievel to deliver com-JAC:K ANOt:RSON mean well but is likely to be misinform~d. Kno~ it Miss Peach comic strip. " mentary on the program for a minimum or three REVEALS in lhe ~d act accordingly. Avoid setideception. EnJOY --~6~1~n~·~·T~h~e~T~r~e~~~~~e~o~f~th~e~S~ie~~~a!M~a:d:r~~~w:h~a=t-=s~~~ts~a~y~e~~~p-er_f_or_~ __ b~y-~_h_e_~_. ------~------------------~ °''romance'' but proted self in clinches. · PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): Organize priorities -be aware or your own ~or:th._ One with 'Wou.r disposition" may attempt to anum1date you. Rave none of it. Your position is strong. . If January Hds I• Your Birthday you are creative, introspective, poetic, sensi.tive to moods of others. If single, you could marry Ln 1977, a ~~ar wb.ich features exciting changes, travel, an addition to family. SORRY, :i!s~~'/.·GOLOWYN·MAYER NO PASSES (R) FAYE DUNAWAY WILLIAM HOLDEN PE lrfC FlllCH ROBERT DUVALL in ''llEJWORK" WEEKDAYS: 7:15-9:30 SAT-SUN: 1:3().3:50-6:1()..8:30·10:50 edwards BRISTOL CINEMA IRISTOL AT MACARTHUR 540·7444 \ •1 STARRING ALAN ARKIN VANESSA REDGRAVE ROBERT DUVALL NICOL WILLIAMSON (PG) HUNTINGTON CINE A IUCHAHUtl,H I ::&388 BARBRA STREISAND RIS KRISTOFFERSON (A) WEEKDAYS 6 :()()..8:30·11 :00 WEEKENDS 1:00-3:30 6:00-8:30·11:00 WEEKDAYS: 7:1S.9:30 SAT.-SUN.: 1:30-3:50 1:1CM:30-10:50 HARBOR TWIN H.Ollo.t.UWM.SCH,C:OST .. NU4 •o.osn 64'·l2U ,BURT REYNOLDS . ' TATUM O'NEAL ... Ei .. WEEKDAYS: 7:1S.9:15 WEEKENDS: 1 :00-3:00-5:00.7:15-9:15 PLUS RIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY 11:00 P.M. (PG) by Wm. F. lrowa mtd Mel Casson ....-------THE VIRTUE OF VERA VALIANT \ .AL .,~ 6ENtl'lAl1Q-l WILL N(V'Crl tme~TAf'lO Mtl G~~A'fl~. I CA>J'T ~VER REALLY L IKE CLOTHE~ SECAU~E OF M.<{ C"41L..PHOOO, O~.F001CK . WHAT'S THAT VASE DOING IN TME MIDDLE OJ:' T.~E FLOOR? ~TODAY'S GIDSSWDRD PUZZLE • .. f • d1y , P~11·• So •.cS ~• UNITED FHturt Syndicate ACROSS 54 Sfl1lv1 55 PlflOr'" ~ t -Sir", 111 lrt-1loll1 '0 .. ,\ ~~ 'i 'Vi 'T u~~ ' dll 58 010 aorne- I• M T R t A M w :I "Ill 1• \I( 1.t.11 """ e ,., 1ic1e 11111111 t.2 I At1ort !>8 E ahaulled I\ 11 f p 0 .. _Ltr A.ll 10 f ' !:". ct111er 80 s111 111 11r 111 •f 4 Un•Cl"I qu1n111y •t6 ~10 63 OtvtlOp ''''~'" ees1u'"1>1t " 'II" I" H II I~ IU ! • I ll lDlt • l[\ If -•IOlf ,.. -:L:c: f 0 T 'D-lt Vl f 11 ,.17Mu1111nd 67 01<1 1nolllct t • Oou111u IOI> VI\--.. IAIJ • ' I A-t !A A & ..,,,, tOUlllfY lie AIHkl ' '0Aom111~ H191tw1y. • .. l 11'! " II" I I . ~ T T l 22 AcldlrtQ OllCI '""'"',. eg Ooe>ot1t1 of ~~~. , • l!li [ ...... T ~ "~i;;' I .... .! s. ptoduct Reo " ... a. __ D f"' T R 8111 ol y1111 10 Loe•°'"'" C2f 6•u6H 11 CofNI Uj)Oll ~-Water ,ourct 1,,.., iK tloft OMOdtratlfY a)ow Mu11c 2Scenls 4 Dt1•n1oe l)'Slll'll I• 019Ct 2 ...: words 9MlkHI \ • Ct\QICI 2THmOtfl• ~ .. Cllt ..,M1clt • ~Yid SHolnt • 1querlurrt • ll&h e f lt to drink 90r1du111y 11ow111g: Music [klu1lv1 5111119 OOWN 21 Aa hrecep- llC .. I E uenlftl 23 P1c1utd out lluld :1 • Buroeneo 2 -·• lltOdt 26 S1110t t 3 Mtf\101 IQK•t ilY 4 Rt1111v11>y 27 Olurr1nge 111au1tge 30 M1111u l 5 SvrptH '10UP e Friotltt11td Al>br 7 Par11 of 31 .-.11 w1th l'YH pride 8 Flo« conr · 33 S111aplper Inv piece 35 P11t1y lie'" 9 MlllllO 38 Bring onto I 0 Nu-lc1t ult Qftll1 37 Dinger 11 M1lfclou1 Ill 38 Helicon will name '2 lt91Hy 40 ProcHd punl1h11>fe r11>1clly I 3 •• ••• COsls 4 I RtglCS llllr 19 Pull 11Dflg 4 4 WO<lit behind ffCtt lly 47 .. My heart -----'°' you •8W1n1 l11sl 50 Fond•td Clum Joly 51 Color 52 Violent out· burs I 53 A11hn1 fOf Ht191nll.1 55Movt ll1er1lly 57 Nlmblo 69 En1arge1 hole 61 ~Ltlllt ... Echo .. 82 Pub &l•ole 64 Pe151an 65 N1v1lof· l•Cf'1 Aber • l by Joe MG1'9hen ! FIGURE AIJYTHltJG T~AT'5 IN A CL.05ET 15 I"' THERE 9ECAUSE IT Pl!SER\IES 10 6E PU~ISHEO. PEANUTS by Ernie Bushmiller IT COVERS UP Tf.iE .JAM I SPILLED ON THE RUG ! ~,:. 11:~,,=~.~~Ar '1~• :J" T ~·"c 7J BE (ll\T..t \lf SO f'AI EATtNG ..\ (~~t'. F~i\ lk5TEAD JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS DOOLEY'S WORLD DR. SMOCK GORDO OH, rxe C/JR:sE OF ,.; AN -: llJGUIR llVG ' MINO ·' ANO NEWSPAPER cAG.E ~ININGSI . MOON MULLINS ® by Chartes M. Schulz ...---------.. EATING A CA. .... O{ ~~ 15 DON'T C(OU WANT Tl-lE TE:'-! ~H 8:sr iH1t".6 "'0 HEAR hl~AT rue TO SE1Nc J. Tri 50/.IEONE . I' W 11 n 1 OTHER NIN ARE? c·~.. I -1({t ?. ) ) ( I ¥.~· .. ) J l ' ~ r ~ ;--i~~~)'~_.~ ~. --:.l1J) by Harold Le Doux ~ LJP, StJ&\IU POeSN'f ~elNG­ HERE IN M"( LOVIN' AIWS MAKE HO, HILPleARP HAMHOCKP, f WOU&.# HO'f IAV ICOMAN'tlC! "(OLJ~a.A 'f'UNS'{JHI J..l~f ... ~? MISS PEACH lltA1 ~ YOi..< LOVf NS llO~e n.4AN L.l~Q IT'!ilL.P' ?? ,....,,.-.,...__, J l i i I J~~ ·"""'~~ ........ ~! ............... ·. ~FWlAll,MU W NG TO~ flti f)(AC'f ~OI' 5Tll'AMGi~,U£1rfT M' I StJPPOSf ~-"'4R1* . by Rodger lracffltJd by Georqe LemQllf by Gus Arriola . . . Saturda Ja~u• IS 1977 Frogurt~s No Fad: Line Forms on ~efi LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC WITH f!!!ru 169 hz.,. 32 I L 8 EVEN FLO DISPOSABLE BABY BOTILES I . Disposable LBaby Bot!les '•,. '"~ 'r'"' \.1 -., ' "' "' .. -e,, for blissful leedrnc-lits all nvrm; ..• pre · sterrlized. SAVE! SAVEi SAVEi S~~'? SPECIAL SOMINEX~ 12 rmm 2 89 · d fl(( • SAN J'RANCJSCO (AP) - Food $nulacluren are al••1' IJ'Ollfnc tor fancy new product.a {A) Otter to ta.tte-canlclcu eon· sumen, but even the creatot of frozen yogurt dJdn 't think it wu marketable. The ff. P. Hood Co. ol Bostoo, which will begin offering the pro- duct IOOn in Calllomia. didn't conaldeT its "Frogurt" promola· ble when lt whipped up the fint batch in 1971 for a health food outlet which wanted something different for customers. fut Pain Relief IOTTll OF 100 1.29 MHllN SKIN BRACER Pre · Electric Shave Lotion Re2wlir or lime Bonus S1zt 4 oz.+ 2 oz. 59c .. ft JIADE n AS a favor to a fellow oa Harvard Square ln Boston who wanted aomet.binc unlQue and wuuual for the stu-. deoU," Bruce Rae, llood'a direc- t.or of marketing, said ln an in- terview. ''We didn't think much about promoting it." But what wu thought of as a fad caacbt on in Boston and was picked up by Bloorn.in&dale's for a restauraAt in iU New York de· partment store. Soon people were standing in line for lt, Rae said. OPEH 7 DAYS A WEEK . Seelni tbe commercial PoUJblliUe. for the f\nt Ume. Hood last September ltarted to off~ f'rocurt naUorW.ly. A CHANGE IN state law - which previously made no al· lowance for the manufacture of frozen yoaurt -opened the California market to froien y<>&Urt Jan. 1. Rae laid ll will be sold through restaurants, specialty shops and a variety of other food service outJeta. Frozen yogurt. Rae declared, Maxi• Pads -.. IOX Of 30 1.39 Air Support Charmeen-All Nude Suppor t lrom wa1sl to toe! Control Top SCHKK suPER n ( Charmeen-Tummy and hip control. 2i5.00 213.00 TWIN BLADE CARTRIDGES ADJUST AIU PAK 77c Of 4 SAV -ON BRANO Baby Powder Solt n' Silky for the whole t.1rn11v "oz. SIZC KNEE HI 'S Just right with pantsuits! One size lits all. PIK or2 PllR ggc MOTHER'S COOKIES c RE s T TOOMASTI ~c;:.i_t a rn: 70L99~ Take rt with you anywhere! Battery operated. •1431 9.88 nt Phr•acr Depuh1111ts art mt. tleaa, lfdtrlr aid ttflclnt to bl wunr et sml•C ur nl11able cnt .. ers. AD PllCH PtEYAl SUl JAl ti TlltTlllM 11 . "la the tlrst really rww product few the food aervice Industry ln a heck of a long time." Baalcally. lt I• another form of Y<>IW't. a long.time staple re· vered by many and disliked by others but, accordlne to Rae, W'I· iveraally recogbized as "a natural, healthy product.'' FROZEN YOGtJRT has the form of soft-serve lee cream and is prepared from a mix, he said. "A fluid mix that we manufac- ture is poured into a soft-serve MITCHUM STICK ANTI · PERSPIRANT So qaick, my & convenient to use. 2'h oz. Sil£ 1.99 SAVEi SAVE! SAVE! Satti-grip -~~~~2~U8 MAT 119 ~04SO • Coricidin "D" DlCONGESTANT TAIUTS for nosol/sinus (OfltHtion. 2s·s 99 c- VIOCS FORMULA 44 Cough Mixture , ... 1.79 llSH N l Vf_RYOAY ON RADIO fOR SA Y ON DRUGS "RADIO BARGAIN OF TH£ DAY'" ·. ' .. ·: . --··· ,_ ...... . ....... w ..... ~rotrTllACH-ltlt.,..._,W......,,._S+H Hll ... lfWllSt • f fee cream machine. whipped~ then pumoed up wt~ air ~ froaentol&deareesF~ ' IT C.\N BE EATEN H · a snack, d a cone, as a light h&n., a salad or wltb breakfast. sald. Hood, a UO!·ar·old fl which ••II• $430 Ulion wort)\~ dairy produce.a ally, ottah strawberry, raspberry. Itri passion fruit, vanilla ane fiavored "Frogiqt" and will add peach and bl.eberry. TENDER VITTLES Color Reprints FROM Color Negatives Crisp, clean SHARPSHDT® borderless prints. 10!1.39 ROSE MILK f • I l •1 1' DAILY PILOT (; f OPEN 'TIL 9 Let Us Do The Worrying For You! Ille' Frustration of Choosing The Right Real Estlite ~gent ••••• CUSTOM IUILT ~ HIUiHTS You can be In lh1s p1dure! 4 Bedroom 2 Ba.lh. with master bedroom on first floor Beamed cathedral celllnQ Family room with floor to cell· 1ng lireoli¥:e. 105' frontage Pool size 101 with llrep1t and wood planked conversation area Sl25.000 Call 5'46·2313 SECLUDED UECUnYI ESTA n 4 IR • HACH AHA Atched lormal rwo story enrrance to new WOl'fd of elegance Spac1ou'> sunken ltving room with crtcicltng tfoor lo ceiling fireplace Cathedral c:elhng. Huge family room with convenient wet bar has commanding view of p00I sized yard and terrace through wall of glass. Gourmet k1tctten Ome Sweep1nq sta1~ to 2 huge master suites and guest Quarter Hurry, wont last S84.900 full price Call 963· 788 1 TRAMSFH -t.llST SB.1. 4 11-2 STY -P'OOL-$67,500 Tree lined street 1n onme beach netllhborhOOd Formal entry to large Famtly L1v1ng Room Briel( llOOt 10 ce1hng lireptacc Country kitchen Dine Flagstone terrace Hideaway Master Suite 3 baths 22· Family Entertainment Room Many decoratton items. 1 o custom shullera and drapes Hurry• Won't last Call ~7881 1/J ACU l'OOL ISTATI $67,560 Secluded cul de-sac shellered bv towering c><nes leads 10 lht! execult-e O<x.ible oocx-e'ltry to la11Sh hv1ng room' Separate family room with Palos Verde<; stone lir'POlclCe' Eo1curean k1fcnen With d1n1ng' Swet'lp•ng r'f\Jster beelroom retreat .. 2" Ramol•nq '• o.1r.r1t grounds w1rh fenced chlld·'>dfe PQC1:• Ow11Pr saY'> bring an offer• For Quick aopa1ntmon1 earl 847-6010 SANTA~ SAVY $4','50-RIU NICI SUl>ef clean ready to It~ 1n family home 1n de- •rabte area VA/FHA tl'fms unbelrevable that this 11 u11der sso 000 ~11 1oaa1646-71 71 4 IEDROOM Jo9 to b4tach from th1!1 boaut•lul h•ghly uporaded home Hug.-t1v1nq mom with vaulted ce11tngs Gourmet l.1fchen wllrt fllfmal dine A~'umabfe VA payments S276 00 oer month Hurry' Call 963-6767 J IBMtOOM Pl.US 22 • JO FAMILY IOOM Preshge home in prest1g1J location. Secluded on Quiet Cul·de·Sac Street Walk to schools. ctltKches, parki and ~1ng center Custom bullt 22 x 20 F1m1ly Room with beam cetllngs Calf 963-67t>I IMCOME l'lorstTY 2 HOUSIS OH A LOT Two large new homes on a tot located 1n Pnme Huntington Beach rental area Each home has (3) throe large bedrooms and double garage The massive kitchens havo all the built-ins Owner is Wiiiing to sell on an tnrerest only loan ca11 for showing apoolntment -(7141642-2535. Fantastic family home 1n Costa Mesas nicest area 4 large bedrooms with mass1vo master suite. Elegant d1n1ng Huge bnck llreplace m lu11· unous hv1ng room Call now 646-7171 $58 950 full price• tiEWPOIT IEACH VIEW Spectacularly located and elegantly customized home in Eastbluff offered at s 165 000 Thre,. bedrooms in a tranou1I setting with mesmenw'lg View of mountains hghls and upper bay Just wait· ing lor you Calf now 673-a550 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA - l IEDlOOM -R-2 LOT Ch01ce Easts1de roca11on -Quiet tree lined street -Plush carpeting Cozy 90urmet k11chen -huqe separate master wing -plus two more oueen,11ed bedrooms Huge bwldable R-2 lot This one won't fast at only 569 900 Call now 752·1700 77 CAH IE HEAVEN Bui don't wait You must see tnlS super larmly home with 5 bedrooms. 2 stories Is on a corner tot near all schools, shopping and Huntington State Beach All lor only S83 500 Calf 546-2313 before 11 s 100 late• NEWPORT -VIEW 'f A CANT -$97,000! Breathtaking waler view Huge 11vtng room dining room Massive fireplace. Plush C8f'P91ing. Warm 90urme1 k1lcheo Family room tool Huge master wing and three more king Siled bedrooms Pool sized tot Vacant and waiting -only S97.000 Don I wa111 Call 752-1700 MUSTS&L! OWHEI ANXIOUS Large 3 bedroom + clen home on Quiet tree-lined street Professionally landlC8Ded. oversized 101 Custom decorator drapes, no-wax floors and beauttlul. new plush carpeting. See this hOme 1mmed1a1efy1 Call 842·2S35 OWNER DHPBATI - PRICE SLAste SJ.500 Huge 3 bedroom 2'h bath nome walking distance to 0011 course. park and cultural center Massive brick fireplace accents specious hv1n11 room. TraHer or bOat acc&11 fa:._e enough for biggest recreational vehicle. Many extra.'! -pnced to sell at 189,500. Call for showing appointment 142•2535 IASTSIDI COSTA MISA 2 HOUSES-I LOT &AP« starter investment 2 Spacious l'le>mes for the price of one In fantastic Eastalde Cotti Mesa Ypu Cllf'' do better !Nin this. Much too much to delcrUS., so give ua a call 646-7171 $91 .950 Full Ori~ DOWN INTHE DUMPS? You have had it happen. Anxiety and frustration when it was time to sell or buy a home. We can make your next transaction a pleasant and profitable experience. We at The Real Estaters know how to make the right things happen . . on time. Talk today with one of our professional associates. Give us a call ... you will be glad you did! COVIMGTOH 4 PLO Prime Huntington Beach locahon Let us show You how you can become fhe proud owner of this pride of owner5h1p 4 plex · Great investment lor tax sheller and aporec1at1on 3 bedroom owners unit with fireplace plus three 2 bedroom units Owner w1U help finance For more 1otorniat1pn call 963-6767 DOLL HOUSE Natural wood cabinets. no wa11 floors, lots ol wallpaper and wood paneling accent this charm· 1r.g home Ou1el tree lined street Near schools and shooo1ng Prtced to sell 1n a hurry• Please call 842-2535 PRIME IRVtME -$64,500. Sharp Greentree pleaser Sumotuovs and cozy ltv1ng room -crackltng brick fireplace Sunk1ssed country krtchf>n Huge master wing Large patio overlooks lu~h landscaping. Don't miss 1h•s immaculate Irvine home at only S64 500! Call fest 752-1700 SPANISH VILLA-$49,500-IEACH W1nd1ng walkway through Cast1llan courtyard reads to authentic red hie roof and Spanish balcony• Secluded entry to rancho living room' Fiesta dining plus canhna bar and gourmet kitchen' .,, mole to pounding Pacific Pool plus ten- nis make this garden home hvtng at its finest! Try S4 950 rot dw' For Quick app0intment call 847-6010 "-'LEX HUNT. IEACH -$I 04,000 Rare area opportunity to aoouire these units in Hunt Beach's better area' Bike to beach from these 4 - 2 bedroom units wtlh almost no 11acancy factor• Shetler your income early this year and en- loY superb apprec1a1ton Woo t last weekend! Call 847-6010 2 STORY -MEREDITH G~ ESTATE Formal entry into huge h111ng room Formal 01n1ng Room. Gourmet Kitchen with Breakfast area. Huge Family Room with crackling fireplace. Walk- In closet 1n Master Suite Owner wtff help finance. Try S9 000 down Call 963-6767 GIOIGIAM COLOMIAL SIX llDIOOM-MIAA llACH Formal double door entry to classic old world cttarm. L1rge living room wtlh fl00t to ceiling fireplace Banquet sized lom1al dining room 1s conveniently secluded from huge country krtchen. Casual entertainment lamlfy room overlook& grounds. Guest Quarters. Sweeping oPen bannister stairs to massive bedroom suites. Hurry for thia "Gone With The Wind" charmer Call 963-7881 A IEAL GIM Located '" one of I rv•oe s finest areu, a home. not a condominium with lhree lovely bedrooms. a de- lightful family room. enterta1nmeot kitchen and enclosed lanai ad1olning a great private yard. No association dues Prtce is only S70.000. Call now fosee673-8550 THE LAHOIMG • VIEW Fabulous ··better than the mooel" home only 9 mos. new• Secluded double door tile entry to earth tone carpet and sunshine "wall s ol glass"• Formal dine h1grthghlod by sparkling gourmet kitchen · separate family room with toasty fireplace' Soaring stalfcase to sweeping master bedroom retreat with dressing area and Roman tub Immaculate 1n every detail and upgraded 1n every area For the demanding home buyer ooly. For app01ntment to see call 847-6010. ENTEIT AIM A LOT? Whether tor friends or just everyday family ltv1ng, vou witf love this gracious home in Irvine Terrace. Corona del Mar Four Bedrooms end Family Room, large Kitchen with eating area. lovely pool and patio. Pnce is S 142,000~Call tor appointment to see 673-8550 · MESA VH.Di-l IR + FAMILY Thia vacant Mesa Veroe 3 bedroom family room home with fireplace Is ready 10 move into nght • now! With a great recrea1rona1 oatro Located 1n a real pnde of ownersM> neighborhood. Al only S67,9001 Call 546-2313. 6 llDIOOM GIANT -$75,500 6 bedroom 3 bath home with over 2200 SQ ft. Adja- cent to Mites Square Park. golf course and country club. New highly upgraded caroets and drapes. Completely painted rtiroughout. Seller needs ' smaller home since their ramify has grown-up. You will love the neighborhood. Call collect (71 41 842-2535 ATI'EMTIOMIMVESTOIS-14UMrrs ..-OCEAM-$100,000 . 3 blocks to beach in e-stabllshed pride of ~ ownership beach community. High income will .• show cash llow with minimum reouired down pay- ment. Excellent investment opportunity for the ' handy. Wtll show 1mmed1ate apprec1ation with a 111- tle sprucing up Hurry for this unique property, can tor more Information on this pr()"9rty: Also other outstanding investments. 963-7881 IAMILIMG IAMCH-FIXElt-POOL $64, t90-AIAHOOHID Circular drrve to dramatic home built on single • level. Huge family sized living room Country kitchen Dine Family entertainment area over- looks covered pavilion and sparkltng pool Separate wing for massive master suite and chttdren·s Quarters. Tremencsous bargain for the handy, Hurry wont last. Call 963-7881 LUXUIY IM llG CAMYOM Just r~uced $20.000. Spacious three bedroom. farnlty room and dining roorn with fantastic view of the NewPort Harbor area as well as night tights. Beautifully upgraded With enclosed private palto and attractove lanmcaplng. Now S2 t 5,000. ':all 673-8550 'llCI SLAStB $3000 S llDIOOM Wmt P'OOL • $6',900 Spread out In this huge 5 bedroom home· plus bonus room and Oellghltul sw1mm1ng pool. Ideal tor tarnllles who like their recreation at home - pool table is Included. Call for appointment • 842-2535. TOl"S IN SAL ES REAL EST A TE SALESPEOPLE BudM1llef Warnerdale Office Julie Sturdevant Hal'txK Office COSTA MESA mo Hertior IMS. IWl-231S HUNTINGTON IEACH 1.,..,, 8"ch 81¥d. 21030 ~ eot4 WINW IA2•2535 93&471.1 .. U010 • LEARN MORE • EARN MORE SERVE BETTER As real estate salespeople we have a duty to our clients to be PROFICIENT and PROFESSIONAL. Experience eliminates experiments at The Real Estaters. Join a winning team. Call Randy Mccardle and discover why The Real Estaters deserve your tru~t 640-2500. FOUNTAIN VALLEY CORONA DIL MAR ~-111 Ol 81'oc*hul'lt 913-1811 I t I I .. (2 DAILY PILOT For the Record • llP- l'llMJ ••11<1t Y6 WIU IAM,, 0.-•" L°"iW <tnd Natllan, l<AAMtA ~r••tell•AM•'ld ltobetl Ch., I~: WWOOOAOOI>, A....., -c...w. ... ltOSllll, 11•1<1<1 J -0 .. 111 L ".t.AN\WOATH, L,_ .Jt•n •"d l•"•'f E u1ene : Hl!.M\I RA, Ooo'OU.yGr~.,-,.,.,,, J•U EWING, LrM A 0110 D•••d A £THANS Na"Cy Jyt1• •lld Alu-r A AOOlllC.UEl Vlllotl• E and C..O•QO' AtO\t• "UTCHEN\, Donna. M "1W!Owl9r.tW lloNGLEA, l•lli<l\••I C•oiO •"<I Qooryl WIEGMAN k •••ftL.-4'10 !.loWJn J•m°' PAUNELLA Jo/In W ...OO.Oryl A , SULLIVAN J•M•"C ono:I M<tr<t 0 HENLIN E. Moo~•~ S••ll•lto •no A•'f Fl•tcntr, GAL LOWA 'I Mor ooflo L -°""""' c. cen. Jo '"1•~ •n• JoM c..tbf .. 1 OllEIHO" Mi<'>oot \ •nd -·-S SCHMALZ. To"•Y<ft o'ld LAffy C l OOO Po;.tA Jr •MM•rvP BOE(l(MAN ti••<ll•t L •nd P""'*'• C OSllORl<E Jolln II ""' K1m1Jii1"tl!f tC Hf:WHOF' r,1ttrt.i1i (""'1h M\d t horn•\ l),t"nt Al \IA.Rfl ._,n"" H •nd Wllll'tm F' l(f)HN l M """ LOU'\ ,...0.1ttl (.Ql f'Hif pr, )' Loh A'ln.>'~ O'W1 D•otn-LO"•°'• HC)l COMh Oo<<~"v 'I •lld II<-• "•rd 8 , DAL lON, Or",;fl)o Jo.,-c,. .tntJ O.-•n 5rh'•""" 1.JRAPtAIJ Ell•n M •"d ll•Y"'""" l~ CHA.AO CIWryl Af\n •nd l\.r~1n Oow• WIL.lENOUAr,,, t.1tlf t1no Altr*d A . llENGE Yr 1£LO, M<l•\l\d l.. dMW1U1um[, COl. E W,.nd., C1.t1I dntt Bobby Or-•,, Ct1U"4r, M-•<t•lu"'" •rvt 0\f' ,,.II 6U--(H(ll, ~H1P J1•o1n rln.1 fJobl'r-t Alftf'd MVL VEY Jot,n C .tn'1 St,,.,, M , AOS \ltelff'l"t M81~1tJ .. "'1 (•tQtyn \u• HOWLA"'O Atn•t1• • .. lf'll• •" .,,,..0 WI' tj W ,,.. OUINT tctO R•ino>nt •"ti .,,,,u, Mdnlll') MA.XEV V•·fOflt'l'I l ,.rwt \t~.,~"' KOT ltN q•<h•t'1 r trl ..,no N 11t.•1 ''°" Nlrl('(L 11\r f til•l>Plh ~W ~ •mWau.,, .. llRAOBVR"f Q . .,,,,. E l..t1n.-, find ~•rk Hu"llpy RA A.Ur ORO &-Uv I M><I S..'"""' M r110M"S, Li""" 0 •nd ~t•V•t\ l OOW M .tlf"Of"" MrL•'"'" '"Cl AnM Jent 81\ACt•O. P.tuh,. J •"<I Jowott A l'PSTEIN, Flort~<t •n<I ~IOMY H 4A\IEY . -'••nn• and tton.tlO (LtH [ P~tr1t'1 t Ann "l"I" Soff'l•1n W11lieM MILOOU C.1t--n1,. A An!I A"""910 E PIERCL ~n•ron °"''" .,.,..,. Ro1 t<.f'nnt1lh GOODMAN P*""'' 1o M•rf'll••t .. 'MI P•trtl't•Af'ln (,Rtrf"1 .... PA(rl(le ""' .. nd Jnf\t'! F INGr.t•M U•f"l(v'\ 1ntJCle~1d(, ~1(1(\ f lt•n l •nO fJll"'ffVf' \ r1 H/\RA \w.1n lJltltM •"'1 'l/•rM)n l ..,,. Poth Jiii ( ""'1 \t"'Ph .. n W l lJ(.•\ ''''I [u,,.nf' •l"ld N(>fH't. L·Ut41"1 M( \A. 1ouph11"1 .. M •• no"''""' (f'"tfl" 0 ,,,,.d#try Jt1rn.u·e1 e ·~ S1'11• M PRITCl"ARO. R<>01n 0.1• •nt1 G•V'"" •Jt•f'I FU\SEL.M~P~ C:,..r., lflcr 1no Mtt' 1n Oa-m \Ul TON Mnn1ttt " ""d Arnnt n I GREEN ~•ndr• l 1t-itnrJ Lrmn1• Al-.11'1. MORROW, (f\fl\h M [11/t'\f.i'l'th •nd Jann £""''" WAl.LIN. "4•m~ \n•ron•'Kt Jl <lll lit•no l'llH J •1tw•ry ( f.a[Jl~V Rf)f)'t'f Mrf"f'\ 1'nf1 1"'1'1"1 f f 14,,..," Pf Ar or,-"''"''' r •, ~ "'•• l'lili1'14 l C.,,t IJ.IT~(H f M't r ,. '"" na.,""""' • (l ,,, '1 ,TELt,MAf fo4 (J'"'",.. '"'''"'"I •1 8o '"4'fJ Jt1nn Of ~HAA.NN (4'r11I I ,.nd W1111•"'\ "' M· ( ALl )1J01\r. H ,. dr"I•) en.,,. q UA~hHA , \>Ac,.,,. ' ,,.. ,, 1 ,, , """" ""0Rt.ft\ f:.j •• , •• , ' ' I I, ' ... ,., A ttur ,, M'.lt., 1 t: u t»mn-1M1 •'Vi ry.n,..irt r 1.11 AfJ\Hllil 'Ii'' ,, ·•"'1l1r1•• f F &Gt ~. #'I ,, tit\· ' ~ •""'1 ,.. .,. rn ~,,.r "' 1 E: F 't• ''' '" • t ,.,.9 f/l;Jry l ""Al.L, r "·'" /\ 11·11 L,ll')rOth., J OAVI p ,, M .. trv-1 f.AJOr9"' O· ,.,. Jr i. r 1r "' ,, .,~,. • W"•yAl'trtM '"'+ F-" ' ,.. .. ., J "'' (, 4tn1 •; •l t t ./,f I '.I h Ht I,.,. ~,., 1 ft 1n t I• 1•1 lt/\A f Pflv'1"\ t•, 1r 1 I; 1 I• I '~f\JJ 11 Ji' I"" ..... t• i f"' t t ttV· f J,., ~II) /1 •· t J f l t I tr• •.V;JMf .. CH.-.i" I tll"ltt ,,,.,.,,,' t P1t.rr r1,q,r 1,1 ••• ,, ••rtY.u., v ,, , 1q ,.~ r 10•• ,,. ,. , ••IJ A"'"'", f",ACfllf(~ Y.P l tf"< M,•'lir•1 t t ,,. ., • \1• 11" .,, '"nl f-'. r f )I •• , '"' I ,.,,, •"'1 t rl')w '-' ~ 'f A ' I I 11 W • '' .t I <Vi •'• It,.'• J I I II ,.,, 1 1r 1 ( ,,.,t• f , t ltft A / I t.J I r • 1• t ' I J·•"'' v -.r ui.t .. , r .. 'l•I· l\•11\ •n<J R•;o11r "'*'' ... ~""'""' ".,.I,. #otJ ( •M Ht• IJ .., •I "'' t c " -"" FUN J#ftlloif'f 1 '"\r11 lO • '•"' , 1 .. ..,,>.,,, )tu \l•Jf( , ~ 4 ,... '\II ....... ~¥ 0 f '" ~ ',/I 4 1 I ....., W hrd~ f'i, 1N t f ~ , • .,.,.._.,. t,,.. #\n "' .. '"'"" .... M t LI'" 'Al I .. , 0 ""'N'""•\.. U'1•l• [.~1j 4 an-1: °"" 1P\A l i>q U A " 4 Y. 4ll"lid (f7'1-... , • • ••••• ~ ... "".•"""" M 1· ""1< I,.,...,, I •t !..,. • ~ , ..... l 'f'nl'" fllr\r1 ""'" I n~,. I AN.-iA,y P•t• I' """ W.; • f I ,.,.. I """"' t, ' ,,, .,. • ',. '" • ''"' ..... '"' '-"'W I \ • & •• 2 Q. • \ Nor /AfA' f'f•t• T ~ ••I ,_,.,u, ( ••""" 1 fiffvt tt '''>'"'Pio\ • ,., ,, ... , ,, .... Ali"h" ·' "-"·"• 1h "4 • ' .., v .. ,,..¥,. ..... ' I-Aff,1'!'°' A"'" •I'\ 1 t ,.._.. t A •"'"'', f Jft t ~P.&•f U .. J\'t'•t I •f It ffltt,.I•· '1111 1 1\ I V " " I "'"'rt '" ""• I 8••-1 AY p,rrd IJ\t•• 1 .. t ''"'"'' ~\1 ·~~ • .,, ••""'"'I AFA "''I -.., .. , ,. ArT'! fMHf 11f\1 ')J,Ht~• ,.,., \Pf'•' f ( "''-I fl , •·""'• ,.,,, j l • •""' f•n-I At•f\f AV'i,_.. "I .,. J ..,,......, ll-"' • I u I\" ., \ • ,. 1 11 "' •f'IO (1tll\••• .._," ~'l•••VJft ClnrO!"l'f l l'\h • lr'M I l\ft,_. t t I*",. .. LOii '\ ,,,, ..... "' '"' , .. ''" •tar I Y I tot l "> """' .,,, • t I .,, A f • ' • • 1 It~ • 1 " I t • JA( rt •J1•1 .,, qi Uni' 1 •' •t tf••1f.-l'I (h,•l'tto lf Y.P•q '' '" l11r•""' • l •• """'" M11tr11 A • tl"(H A [11-ft ti A"'1 I"" t r,,.,,,.,. lilOH(ur ft, .. ,..,. '""' .. "NJ U.n 1111\ fho.,.,," ~ASH ( l•t•~fP\ A <IWY1 Alt>,., <0\T f IL I) A•••' ., t #wt 9''tf"J""I • .,.... I I • , (l"""• .,,.... S.f'ftU-1 't "'f'""' NAA flt l ,,,...... A ft•I'\ "'""' ~" ,,,, F ,,,. •"O' OIPAr 't i nr•fl" Jo •"<f WHlt•m An~r t Jr.,.~" M1 r\• .. ""'1 Jir\f'Vl ( J• )._. JW \••--111oy ~ ~~ ,.M Gtot' • M•t•" f" AU• M h<.t•I rr.n'-. .,.,,. h"tte M•'•• < n~l l tLO Jfi"V .J •• """ 't/1; i-., I/ ~lOAf' '"'~n h '"' M-.•v r (H4~PAf.1Ut '' ·tlT'I tf"l fltl,. ,.., J J.,,1,,_.(,.,.,11, l Atfllf lO '•""'""' ( ..,., S.Mtjl l\o\ • l IT I I l<MtV M ~ L ••rf''\(11 E t INO,r 'Y lAfvt ol•f9h """ I,. 11 .. ,, 111 M•'"' Of \tfhA. ~,,.,,. C1111t1>'• 41f'ld Jortn Jo"l9f5" ti l.,Yl CJQ t"f\•tl.-1\t P M'Ct ff"\U ton IC MllNOl l'•lritl• S -Jofll't l ,,, .. ''""" .. '" 1 GltOVf\ l~•-•n. < i>nlf T""""'• I>•"•"· llRUOWl(I( Ehlt Md llldW•rlf \ CALA8Rt:SE Joon L -ll•MIO \(H(lltR M•th M """ Cleo<• I "L0t TIS V•""''t \ <: ...., .IOfl J""'"' H°'RTMAH JUdlllt l AltCI Jom A WQ<lOl r..,' W•h'NI .,,., c;.,,.. r WA \HNfSK Y M4'Y () - ""' ... , HUMMEii L~•oti. '<n ond u rry Rn!Mrl ••oo-, 11Ge.r1 M -JvclUn '"'" 81..A ICC. Carol •nO 'l\omA\ M llAltTOSllC &r...:t E ttnd 1room•" M • MOSIS 01 .. lt -Wiii .. 1M <:OGAA, 0.r•lt •11•'1411 -11'!,.ue ... 111••1 •OMl llO. lh1t(J •"4 lll•••r•1 M•OtHA, Aotllrl •1111 ltlclWfl THOMl'SC)fl, All/tfty II rA Mlf'-. ~ : ~ILL, Wlltl-tlld !hlle II•> COOMU . ,. IWI Ml JMt .. I OAl.1.AI. Hetllt M. "'' .1-..C. lffll.H.IMI 11, llKall•.., I(_ Miii l..l l.OGUI , 0.••IO 1. •"" 1Nrto11 .; WIMMIA 1...,.lllM L. .,.. ,...., V,; OUOU, Annett• ¥it..,.., •~II llltUrd .t.rlllllr , eAKI ... ~•111•1• Jey •~d Otvld •l<h••d 0..•ltt: '~'"'· ""'Ill• .. ...0 'tHorlU M , Tll l.t.HA Vl rftO ~ -MICl•OI Aftll-V -U l!VIHIOH. l'tul• J Mlt 1011• "L" MC W l l,l,IAll\1, Oory '"" \uu ft, t OCIC ET t, Oa ••• end ~. ,1 HOTEL ON GROUND ROOTED IN INDIAN LEGEND RELIGIOUS GROUP'S HEADQUARTERS Campus Crusade for Chr1at Owna Arrowhead Springs Hotel Historic Hotel 'Holy' Retreat Seroes lUJ Youth Crusader Quarters LAKE ARROWll EAO (,\PJ A holy ground of Indiun le~cnd that became a mountain water· mg hole for movie stars or the ·~ a nd '40s rn a kind of holy ground again now owned by a religious organl7 ution Lake Arrowht·ad, perl'hNl a mile high 90 mi k •s <'ast of Los Angeles. g:unccl fame 1n th1· da\~ prior to World \.V ;ir II v. h«n r1• ports of how lht• film :-tars pl.1~·· d wen: a:. widely t•1rcu!Uted a~ tlw movies they m ad e CO·BILLING AS mov1l' i.tur playgrounds of the llmr went to the Arrov. head Springs 1 lotcl and Lake Arrowhead. 18 miles away. J ack Benny, Bette Davis and Shirley Temple s pent summers al lakeside homes. The hotel wets own<'d :ind operated by some of the movie stars thc mseh t'S us a retreat for lh<' famous :ind wealthy. "ll was a very lonj! lnp from lhe city in thos<' flays, v.1th somt· arn\'iniz hy ca r and uth1•rs on th1• 'R1~ HC'ds.' th<' p11hlic trollt•Y cars that sloppl•c.l right in front of t he ho t el. ·s a ys R us .... Leadubran<l, a uthor of some ;w hooks on California history "THEY II /\ 0 llOT hath-.. minera l hath..,, mu1l. !>l<.":Jm l ,1\ l!S <'Xpt·n..,I\ P food anti a ~enera I RO<l<i l 1 m t'." I ..eadabrnnll s:1yc; "The h•tll·I was typ1 ... ll Southern Cdllforn1a anhll<>cluro· of the 1920-; anti 30-., st11l'C'11 and \\OOd. Thi.; onr• h;ul :Jho11t !JO room<;. w ith ... omt· 1 ott.11.!t'" "l'4.'c1al ~alon... "''par.111· thnin~ room for l'h1ld r1·n ;incl 1t11·n· wa:. a lot or 1· m p!HP• 1.., 1111 pn \ an r rn the JitUe._,t.., · Surr ound t• d h ' l h 1· :... .1 n lll'rna rrl in11 .\>1 ou nt<;lll.., rang1111t up to 11.f.IOCJ ftot'I the rt'J.!H>n v. J' ,, µopular him l11t'al111n v. lw11 .t ~l'Cll lC'. r11ttgl'fl outdoror.., w,1'< needed. N.·,·<•ral "L,1~ 11• film' v. ere mado· .1roun<l lht· l.1k1· A n11tur.1I rm·ks forn1.1\l1111 111 011e m ountuin :.ln1w 1:a,·1• th1· 11· .:ion 1t11 11ame He!<emhlt111• .111 .11 rn wh e;irl. ll 1101111' .. !11110 ... 1 'llra1g ht down In th•· l•11;1l1•m 11( t ht• h"tel. "' ..,ho" n m .1 p11p ul.11 pr1-.trar<l 11f tht• ':\O<. .md "" "IT IS ROOT t.O l"li 111111.w lt•J:end." l.r .td.i hr .1ml -,;," or 1 h<' urrov. hl•:1ct rnr k-. Hut th<• 1efru 11 v. ,,.., hoh ~round · for lht• ('.1h111ll;1 lnrli;1n.., '" pr 1babh 0111} ~JJ< 111J.1twn 111• ~.I\.., Most of th•· cntrrla1n11wnt ..,(,Ir'> !If llll' JI'\ JJ.:I' ha\1• found n<hc>r hau nt~ for kttini: th1•1r h;iir down and thr onNim1• "llotd of lhr l\tar<1 · nov. -;en·c~ ,,., 1nll•rn.1 lwnal hN1d11uar1t•rs for th<' C'Jm pu~ Cru!>.1de for ('hri:-.1 TllE HOT E i . 11.\0 an dp praised value or $7 m1ll111n wh1·n purcha'le!I in 1962 hy the n11n denominal1 o n11l groul' fur a $15,000 down paymt·nt and a S2 million morti.tal(e. <,ay.., Uill nri ~ht the· erusadr .. foundn and rhrrrl<ir T he mountain hotel M~n·cs :J~ headqua rters. r r treal and con· fercnce ce nter for Op('rUlJOn S of the crusade's 6,000 atnff mem· hers in most U.S. communities and 8C countries. \\ L DON' r CA~!: If' Site HAS Gor A Rose '"' Hf~"J!frH-" ), The Boy Scouts, Baptist and Lutheran chur ch groups an<I the University of California 11lso have camping, retreat and con· fcrence facilities in the moun- l11ins near Lake Ar rowhead. T H E ORF.AM WORLI> charar tcr isn 't cntirdv s::on1· Y1•ar-'round a nd sumrn<."r n·~1 dt.'nl~ uf lht: an•a COJO}' u lifeMylr that feuturcs brt•atht akins:: m11u11 t:im SCt'n('r}. winkr ~k11n,I!. ,md '>Uffimt'r hoat1ng and '>Unntng tn cn~p. de:ir air "f count m y hl<'~s1n~s every day." says Dick And<·r..,on . a dl!n· t1st who also heads the local Cham ber of Comm erce. "Whe n our family takes a vacation , It ·s tou~h to think of a b<•Her pl ac<'." he sayi. Some res1d<.'nls think enouRh of tht> area to comm ut•• up to t v.o hours each w u~· daily l<i job:-in spra wlin11. C"rowdecl l.o:-. Anl!cle~. v. h1r h lh<'Y refer to a.., · down the• hill." THERE ARE ABOUT 6.000 persons v. ho Ii vc year round tn tht' La kC' Arrowhead rommunity. They ran ·ly lock their home!> or cars. Most youn~ proplp in the com - munity h~1vc 001• or tv.o :.um mer JOhS Off the water, homes and in· comes a r<.' modest. George Anderson, publisher of the we ekly n ewspa per, says "h aving all these In credibly wealthy people around makeJ it very ntce for those of us who do their laundry ." RF:C F.NT I.AKE HOME purc·ha~cr~ have included pianii.l Libc·rnc:e. "'ho spent more than $500,000, TV's "Mannix" M1kC' Connor s. and TV -m ovie ad or Dennis Weaver Los Angeles Dodger!>' owner Waller O'Mallcy also owns a hom e on the three· mile long lake. The a rea also has served as a s u mmer he a t a lterna tive for many from the Los Angeles area in the 1950s a nd 1960s. "Th<'y cam e up for the alt~r· noon. bought a hot dog , went to th<' penny a r cade, and took a boat ndc on the lake," s ays dentist Anderson. THE •'AIRVTALE UFE of the s ummer residents is only lo be glimpsed by the visitors. The lake belongs to m embers of the Lake Arr owhead J\:-.socialion There 1s no public access to the water or beache s. Use of a small public beach rosts $1 , and so does the lake boat tour . Ex-Court Nominee Carswell 'Fine' After Morals Case T \LLAllASSEE. Flu. IAl'l G. Jlarrolll Car!>wcll , the onetime l S ~upremc C'ourt nomtnet· ~·ho wa~ arrc!>led on a men's room 111111 ab c·haq~L· l.1!-.l .IUOl'. !->ays hr'1> "Jlll>l doing fmc, Lhank you," Uving 011 11 µcni-1011, remodeling an old hciu~c and m1xmg m Tallahassee ./l('l('l\ C'<tr~\\ 1•11 no l<tngPr pr ucllrc<, I.I\\ he•\\,., r 1 . according tu a fortnt.'r !J w partner. "Wllt:N TJIJS h.ippt•ncd t11 lfarro\11. old Tu llaha~st·•· ktnd of rll)Scd ranks," ":IY" D01nlhy Chf ford , editor of th1· ·1.,11ahasscc• l>emorrol'!> 'm·1C'ly pa~c~. "II rlocsn 't m atter what others think. Thev think tht· whole· family·., lwcn abu:-.cd , an<I th<'y·rc be hind them JOO pt'rccnt Casual friends who taJked to Curi-well and hill w1f<.' Vi r.:irua ut tlw Colonels Club Christmas Ball and the Cot illion on New Year's Eve said they seemed happy and were in h11th spirits Cars well. then 56, reportedly t hreal r nl'd s uicide 1:1ml 11n · dt:rwenl extensive psyt·hiatr1r trc>atment a fter he was arcused nf making a hom osexual advance to a v1rc squad officer whom he mt•t in u s hop ping m all men's room Tiii:; FORMF:R n ;of:RAI. judge ph!1:1dcd no contC'st to a rhar ge of baltl•ry and was fined SlOO on Oct. 31. A charge of al· tcmplinit a lewd and lascivious a('l was dropped . Cars we ll wa11 nomlnaled lo the U S. Supreme Court by then· Prt>sident Nixon In 1970, but the US. Senntc rejected ttim alter 1t was reported that Car!!well en· dorsed racial segregation years earlier us a youn~ leg1!1lative conrtidate in Gcoriua His name surfaced again re- cently in connection with another tormer Judge, Griffin Bell, who la, Prealdent-eleot Carter's at- torney gener1J-destgnate. BELL'S SUPPORT FOR Cara well'• AJ>Potblment to \he -hllh court 11 one of the matters on whlch Bell la expected to r•ce queattonlna from tht Senato Judicia ry Commllt~e. Carswell no ton1t r pnctlcu l aw , accordinlJ t o W. Guy Mc Ke nzie. h is to rmc r la w partner. McKen1le aald he took over tbe caaea Carawell was ln· Al'WI LIVING ON PENSION G. Harrold Carawell volvcd In al the lime of hla arrest. A friend said Carswell draws a disability pe ns ion b83ed on four years of World War U Navy service, five y ears as U.S. al· torney In Tallahassee and 12 years as a feder al judge. CARSWELL DEVarES much or his time these days lo restor· Ing an old house he had moved from the Bain bridge, Ga • area to rura l J efferson County, Flu • a b o ut 3 0 m i l es cas t o f Tallahusc~. Frlend1 uy that remodelln1 the house wlth hla aon, Geor1e, ta a labor of love tor Canwell. The family hu been tlvtng ln a con· domlnlum, but frlendt say they plan to move to the house soon . Dispute Settled SAN FRANCJSOO <AP > Pacific Oaa Ir Electtic HYI nvo cltiea ha°"" a1reed to pay part of their dl•1Nttd POU bllll. The cltlea claim they art ovtr· chat led tor power. -~-----·-- Pot Smoker Arrests Show Drop in '76 I SACRAMENTO <AP> -Jn CalJfomla, th• marijuana tmoktrt ue probably breathlnc a UtUe easier thneday1. CAUfOllNL\NS Al.BO A1lE ac· ~ cepdn1 the new law very well, ac • cordln1 to poll commluioned by Uus drulf office. 11ta1e ofncl•ls eaid. Statt.tlca released by the state 's Department of JuatJce show Calltor· nlan.a ran leu of a chance ot beln1 ar- rested tu t year for marijuana po1sen ion than the year before. "From our flndlngs h•, It doesn't seem like marijuana la t!s.at m uch or an emotional r111ue any more,.. the :.t_ clnal office's Xenne\h 8udman told •• the San F rancleeo Examiltt . TIIE STATE OFflCE of Narcotics and Dru1 Abuse aald that marijuana potletslon arreat.s of adults dropped 41 percent when comparlng the first half or 1975 and the fihll half ot 1978. Budman also notl'd lhrduring the aame comparative time rlod. there wu 1 6 percent drop moriJua na Hles arrest& althoufh the new law did not eaae penalties agtllut murijuana dealers. The drop meant only 13,000 adults were arrested ln the first hall ot lr76 compared to 24,000 adults ln the first six months of 19'1S. Juvenile arrest.a showed a 15 percentdropto10,700. Marijuana possession became a misdemeanor punishable by a max- imum fine of SU)() on Jan. l, 19'16. Prior to that, m a rijuana posaesslon couJd be prosecuted as a felony or misdemeanor. HE ADDED THAT a sam pling or law enforcement agencies also in· dicated officers had seized about 10 percent or 18 tons less manJuana last year than the year bef<re. Asked how he thought law enforce- ment agencies fell abaJt the new la w, Dudman said. "I thint they're rolhne with lhe punches . Luw enforcement has lo work with the laws passed by the government.·· Throwing Parties Carter Win Farmer's Joy WASHINGTON (AP) -The national cornhusk- ing champion or 1~ aaya he'a so happy that a fellow farmer Is becomlnt president that he's spending $250,000 to help celebrate Jimmy Carter's inaugural. Elmer Carlson of Audubon. Iowa, Is hoping that as many as 6,000 people will attend ea ch of the three inaugural parties he's throwing in a Washington hotel ballroom next week. CARLSON, WHO GREW WEALTHY in the hybrid seed and fertilizer business, is a Democratic activist and twic~ an unsuccessful candidate for Congress. He says he spent about SI0,000 during the fall campaig n for Des Moines newspaper ads that urged Iowa farmers to vot e for a fellow tiller of the soil. "We c an appreciate the work they (the Carters) had to do, coming from a boondocks like PlaJns," he says. Despite his efforts on Carter's behalf, Carlson has been ove rlooked by those who compiled the In· augural committee's invitation lists. But unlike others who uy they were snubbed, he 's not letting It bother him. AT OUTLOOK 'n Buckmlnater Fuller Author Fuller to Eye'77 " "THE GROUND IS FROZEN out here anyway, so I'm going down to Washington for the inaugura· lion." he sold. Carlson has an 1,800-acre furm that pr oduces wheal, corn and soybeans. Scientist , urr hilccl . philosopher and author R. Buckminst er Fuller • will speak al "Outlook r '77," an en vironmental fair to be held April 25.29 The first night's party, on Tuesday, will feature beer. peanuts, popcorn and music by "Wuren Cov· ington and lhe Clambake Seven." Things really heal up Wednesday night, In· auguralion eve, when Carlson has engaged the Duke Ellington Orchestra, led by Ellln&ton's son, Mercer. TIIE TOMMY OORSEV BAND IS the featured attraction on the b ig night itseU. Carlson's parties will (eature a decor of hay, cornstalks and "peanut waterfalls," which are described as str eamers of peanut vines, ha nging from the chandeliers. Carlson says he knows th at Carter will have his hands full making it to each of the s ix official in· augural parties. The official parties arc open, for $25, only to people who received Invitations. So CllJ'lson ·s not counting on the presidenl·clect's al· tendance . "AT LEAST HE COULD send Billy lhough,'' Carlson mused. Farme r& who do show up at his party and pay the S'l0·$35 ticket fee will get a special badge of Iden· lily. "They're going to I><' good, colorful badges, so you can see the m across a room and won't have to crone your neck like a :.illy goose," Carlson pro· miaea. The bad ges will be green and yellow a nd they'll say "Farmers of Iowa." or whatever l>t<1te the In· dlvldual la from. "I think if we're well·badgcd and represented. Jimmy will know he's got some friends in town," Carlson said. at Orange Coast College. - The fa ir will foe~ on four cr itical issues of en· vironmental change, ac· cording to Bob Blissmcr, fair coordinator and OCC assist a nt professor or bus iness i nfo r m a t ion systems. The!IC arc : "AP· propriate Technology - En vi r o n men t a l Designs," "The GIC)hal Vlllaitc Emerging Plane t a r y P e r s pcc· lives," "De!11gn of the Human Environment - Exper imental J\ rch1l<'C· ture," and "Ch1ldn·n - A Look al the Future Now." Th(' idea of thC' fair 1s to call attention to lht·se , • issues 11nd pn·~c11l lhl'm in a contc.xt or !>pe~trs, , • d iscu ssions, films . ,1 performing artis ts ;ind exh ibits. lll1 ssmc r added. •' .. Others invtlC'd to speak include Stewa rd Brand, Jt Gary Snyder, Sym Van de r Hy n . Grego ry Bateson and Gov Ed· .,, mund G Brown Jr. .. , '" Amu Otto, l'Ai·year·old dau1hter or Kansans Mr. and Mrs. William Otto. races otr with a bathtub full of snow. Tho 1now nol used for balhln1. ts carrted lnslde, melted in the tub and usod to water plants and flush toilets ln an effort to conserva water ln dry Princeton, Kan. . _ .............. .... PROVOCATIVE QUOTES MAKE UP ADVERTISEMENT ON BAND Pfug In Vllt•g• Voice PromotH Ramones' Second LP. andpraws I Hate By USA ROBI NSON Pl•W....__ s.,....ui,. "Moronlc.and brilliant." "El Stinlco garbage, of the um at land ·· ''Oh no! Tln!I i• 9T'*'t/ irTU J>OMble '' "Ml/ god, ta this really bappenmg?" "My nominatwn /or the ~rt band m the land " These and 62 other provocative quotes make up a full page ad (seen in New York's Village Voice, and soon to appear in national rock magazines) an- nouncing the release of the Ramooes' second LP. Due to an overwhelming response to the ad, Sire Records will tum it into a promoti onal poster , bound to be a collector's item. CRE DIT f'OR THE AD MUST go to Ramones manager Danny Fll'fds who combed through hun· dreds of clips in lhe Ramones' i.c rapbook. "I looked for superlatives," he said, "either love or hate, and they weren't hard to find." The ad's he adline WllB cllnce1ved by drummer ommy Ramone and reads ··The Ramones Get Noticed,'' as indeed, they have been. WHE N THE RAMONES BURST onto the New IYork music scene in early 1975, they played very oud and very rast. Their songs, many sounding the ame, a ll lasted under three minutes. Audiences were either turned on by the energy or horrified by ~Tops In Pops ( the volume, but there was ( " M way that the Ramones could be ignored. Since then the band Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee and Tommy Ramone, none whom are really brothers) have recorded two Ps., ("Tbe Ramones" and now "The Ramones ave Home") and performed all over t he U .S and in tondon. Surprisingly enough, their real hard· e rans are not in New York City around the BGB "punk" sct>ne. but in super·!ilr aight, sun and url, soft-rock Orange County, Cahf Musically. "The Ramones l.A.':.ive Home: i<; more melodic. better produ<'f'd. and has more vocal m agic than the first LP, y~t loses none of the np. pine, high energy impact. SONGS INCLUDE Ri\MO~F.S' <'lassies "Suzy ls a Head banger," "Gimmt.' Sltock Treatment." "Carbona Not Glue," ··swallow My J•r1 dc," plw; two lender ballad~ Cw ell, fort he Hamone!' they're tender ballads> -''( Re member You" nnd "Wh ul's Your Game?'. There's also a two-minute, IO 1'<·cond "rock apera" lilied "~owl Wanna Re A Good Boy," 11nd lbecboices for a single arc cndlP:.~ Lead s inger Joey Ramone has recovered from his foot injury and leaves his Ne w York hospital this week. Tht> band wall rt"SumP performances at the end of the-m onth. 1tnd will malt• up their massed W.i Coast datea aometlmc In February ••• ''I'm the firs t truly synthetic rock s tar." David ; Bowle told me last year, ··th<'rt. I'< no other," and he proves this more thM ever twforr• on his new album. ·Low" (released wit hin the next rew week.I>. While it's been obvious to Bowi e followers lhat David has ret'ently been attracted to detached, machine.made m usic (be used tapes of Krartwt-rk to open his U.S. lour Jut year and he has made no secret of his admira- tion ror Eno, with whom he col- laborated on this aJbum). this disc may still come as a sur· prise. "Low'' has lwo different tides; s ide A i~ upbeat with vocals <Mary ffopk.ln Vl.lconU, 10W11 Eao, and l llY all sing with , Bowie) while side B la dramatic, mostly ins lrumen· 1tal, and bu a reUcfoua t~J. It'• va1uely reminiscent of Nico's classic .. l>eMrtlhor-." LP, utUhes a variety of syn· thetliera and other eledronlc equipment, and Grocers Facing Penalties SACRAMENTO CAP) -Grocers who don't pot all the facts on their hamburger labels could find themselves in a lot or trouble, state officials say. The s t a t e H e alth De partment said the market owners could be hit with fines of at least SIOO and jail terms o( up to six months i.I they faJI to meet labeling reqwre- ments mandated by a new state Jaw. The :-~naltics can be imposed under a statute which stipulates labeling requirements when ham· burger is described in terms like lean, super lean, premium and de- luxe. When such labeling is used, the label must con· tain one of three state- ments: does not exceed 30 percent fat, doe$ not exceed 22 percent fat or does not exceed 15 per· cent fat. Health D e partme nt food and drug inspectors said they have begun en· for c ing t he require· menls. The law, wtuch took ('ffecl this month, does not change a re· qu ircmenl that ham burger contain no more than 30 percent fat occ Setsl Class on De tective ·'The Oet ect1 vc in Film and Fiction .. is the title or a course that will be offered fo r the first time at Orange Coast Colleg<.>. Sprang classes begin f'eb 7 lnc;tructor Raymond Obstft>ld said the three· unit course will cxamjne such mystery books as ··The Maltese Falcon" and "Farewell. M y Lov· ely." Seve ral fe ature· length mystery rilms will ~obeshown. "We'll also take a look at such telev ision characters as Columbo and Baretta," Obstfeld said. The class meets Tuesdays from l to 2 • p.m . and Thurs days from noon untll 2 p.m. For registral ion in· formation, phone $58-5886. Eno't lnlluence la atrong. Alt.er a brief Christmas holiday at home in lll!!lml~ll!ll~!lll!!~·~~ Switserland. Bowie retunwd to Berlin to help lgs-y (aflAFf:ITI• reheane for his upeom.lne world tour. ,.,, .... _:! ...... _ .... ... COmpaa7'• nm album Is titled "BurnJnJC Sk)'" and will be In record stores end of February ..• Patti 8•1tb'1 New Year's Eve PdacUum coonrt bo9ted Dnfd Jolrama, Dee Die a.••• and lvJ4J PM91 onata1e during the Wl~Jll~.-J~~~~ ''My Generatloo0 encore, as well as a melee of 1mabl.n1 equlpmtnt (includfn& Ina Kral'• ex· -.wHl~~l_.U~­pemlve 1uJtat wb.ldt he broke and U>eaed lnto the crowd) ••• Bdort l.ra1N Sky.yrcl lei\ for their llrlt Japanes. tour, lbey apent ooe nt1ht on the doated Quten Mary In Lone Beach and didn't Ul.lae -r-t--':f--.;+.,,,._+:,.....:.1- anydama1e. l..,,~~~~q~e, Now lbat BrJa• Fen')''• eooe solo, what arc lbc other members of~ Husle doing? Drummtr Pa .. "'°'"peoa remained to record and tour wit~ Beyan, aaioJ>horuat bely McKay Is bu)' with hl• hlt "~k Follie" soundtrack, mc111a1.-S4Wle ~la on tour with Frank Zappa, ~llJlll===· ........... ...,.llNCordln1wft.hfritnd1. II 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 CLASSIFIED INDEX Te nact "" A~ can 642·5678 HDUSCS FOi SAi.£ ,..., .... -•••• .... 111;& ... -.... ... , ... '°"' 10000 tMI "'"' llM tlllt> tllll , ... '"" ... .... llW ::::.~: ~..,.-:;:-.~; = ''"r\lmt'hl ''J+o"') )al) lf\i\f'Wtnfl"l '4•f1lrd • )DJllJ MU.•> tw ,.,,.,, ~ M~.,. V. •"'"-'• YVO .. urt1•t."' Th ~ AHNOUNCCMCNTS, PERSOHALS & lOSJ & fOUHD "'~' ..,, .... ,.,,.. ... , .. ,,.,. l..o l •I' llf1 1#>14 t'·Nt.J '"' .... , .. h . ~···'''"''-· Tt••"• SERVICES Srr 'fK~ 01t« tor) lMPlOYMEllJ & rtEPUAJION ~·f111tltwt""" J~w • .-••• ,. 1..i. ......... 111 •,. MERCHANDISE ~~~:. Awit'h11n ~It'\.-• Mt.'4,nf 'llf• r·t1•h I Jn,..1 ''. t 'IUtj+l\oi.t Hf I •I ... ,., .. ,,., lu \fN '"".,,. ..... ,, '·•fill"'-'' ll6r'W!• "l'C) .~, .olt•J .. , .., .... ~ ...... ""'" ,.,, .. 1 ... ~ ....itlO '"'" •'ltll -.. ., ... ., *"° .. ,. . .. ,. ... ... ~ -U~hl1t• <..orud\ ...... Jf••lr" .,,., ... ",. .. l)f., lln> ... " .. ,...,, ..,,. M1wtU•~N' ..... M1wetl•r.,,.."u• \111 •ttl"''' ..... M•~Mf'at IM-lfufft•f'll• .... O#fio fv1n • Lqwg -, ... .... ~ ::=~~:1·..:. no """" '4it"11ftf Good• ...... "'•• k•..t•wt•"' ,.,, ~ ~:·~:h·1 It••' bl•f4"1t "'* -BOATS 'MARINE EOUIPM£NT ,,.,....., l"IO ho •\t WatM "''"'•"-.... tlirl•\A l•hn~ L4WJP ,,,., eo .. " ,..,,.,., .... ~ .. " M•l'll I 1'1•11« ('M ...... b '-" • '4ffl ~.uSI."' r.--. .. m ,.... ..... ~ ...... .... ttio.l• ,,,,, •• ,,.. _, THMSPORTUION 41ru aft t ut f a11npo-r' ~·•~ k•ttt ,, ... ).JPof'0 1' <.•rt .,_.,. =;:!" ~~r~ 'g,.oau,,. •1a1a .. ,. Mu1i..-Um, ~I• k•nl ..... 1r•tlfU fr1tHI .,,,, Tr•tii.n t 111ii.· ..... ~.~.~ ....... !~~!.~.~ ...... . IOOZG...,. .. 1002 .............................................. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX NEW LISTING -South of Highway, on large 45' Jot. Enjoy the open view of trees, the warmth or used brick in front, and open loft and beamed ceil· ing in rear. Nice large yard area, off street parking for 4 cars. Walk to beach. $159,500. 405 lrb. COf"OH .. Mm-Sat/S. l ·S EXCLUSIVE LISTING. MIWPOltT HttGHn -Immaculate 2 Bedrm. cottage on large lot -extra la rge garage with alley access. Excell e nt location with great potential. P riced to sell -$75,000. 5151"-· Newport leach s.t/S-1·5 WESTCLIFF RENTAL l HDROOM, FA ... LY ROOM. Z IATH - Beautiful kitchen and lovely yard. Walk to schools and shops. $700 mo. includes gardener . Jmmed. oec'py. 1516 CIMllMftand, Mwpt. ldL Sat/S-1-5 A 642-5200 ~ ..... Gewraf 1002 G .... rof 1002 ·········•···•·······•· ...••••...•.•..••.•.•.. ILUFfS CAIMBJT A ONE OF THE IEST!! Located on beautiful view greenbelt. Spacious 4 bdrm .. 3 baths, formal dm· ing, cheery brkfst. area. Good value for $120,000 COMPAIE THIS -$12,000 4 Bdrms., bonus rm .. huge country kitcherr with frplc. In the new Sand- pointe development -great location near park & tennis cou.rts. Assumable V.A. loan at 8o/.. 3. TUm.I! ROCK First tim e offered; immaculate. adult occupied, split·level family home - not lease land. 3 Bdrms .. Jge. family rm. with frplc., formal dining. 3 Car J::arage. sand trap & pitching green for the golfer, heated pool. extra storage for RV or boat. Upgrading galore ! Held operr today 1 ti! 5. 18712 Via Palatmo C.F. COLESWORTHY 640.0020 EASTBLUFF CENTER DAIL V PILOT f3 ~:!.~.~~ ....... J~~!.~~~ ...... . G-.r.. I 002 GMef'.. I OOZ ······················· ...................... . \VES l.J·:Y N TAYLOR CO. IU:l\l .'J'<J KS -.1111·1· l~Hl> ..W ... CAMYOM TOwt•IOMIS GOl.f COUISI YllWS l ·Story 2 BR ''Oakcrest" model. Air· Conditioned, lus h cptng, custom drapes, microwave. Lease $795 mo. "Greenbrier" 2-story model. 2 BR, sit· tlng rm, formal DR. For lease $850 mo. for sale $149,500. Spacious .. El Dorado" 3 bdrm. 2~ bath 2-story. Lge kit., lge DR. Lse $850, sale $1S9,500 26 CANYON ISLAND Sat/Swi 1-S llG CANYON llA'1TY -U15,000 Beautiful Country Club view! Prof. decorated thruout in lovely color tones. Choice wall coverings, lush cptbg & drapes, parquet floor in en· try. 3 Bdrms. 2',2 baths. Jacuzzi! 7 RUE GRAND VALLEE S/S l ·S JASMIHI CIB OMl-STC>aY Perfection thruout! Many improve· ments in this beautiful 2 BR & den. Expensive wall coverings, cptng & drapes. Wonderful jacuzzi outside mstr ste. Security gated area. $154,000 26SHOAL DR. OPEN SUN l·S PRESTIGIOUS SHOUCUFFS Picturesque comer! 3 BR 3 bath beautiful Provincial. Brownell de· signed c us tom home with pool. Cathedral LR ceil, entry klt. $235,000 201 MORNING CANYON Sat/Sun 1·5 LIDO ISLE HOME FOR LEASE Lovely 2 story, 3 Bdrm & den home incl. lge master B R w/lge s un· deck. Spac. LR & formal dining. Cpts. drapes. Unfurnished. $1,000 mo. 2 11 I SOR ~ Hila Roed NEWPORT CEMTB. H.1. 644-49 I 0 Gefteral I 002 Getlff'al 1002 . ............................•.•••••........•. BLUFFS BEST BUYS OPEN 1 ·5 2'75 Cj>UIDADA IAYFllOMT IEAUTY e n d unit, panoramic bay, mt.. night light view. 3 BR .. 2'h ba. Nothing to compare a t $132,500 including the land. nHHIS VILLA End unit, popular X · plan; smas hing 3 BR., form. din., fam. rm .. Vh ba., huge wrap-around patio. wide greenbelt. $112,000 . EARLY ILUFFS Just listed! Widest . most picturesque rolling greenbelt. 3 BR., 2IAI ba. As charming as a m odel home. $107,500! ! Exclusive. 4 II .. 3 14THS. Spacious. like new famil y ho me. Love ly greenbelt. $121,500 HELEN 8. DOWD REAi.Toa, INC. MLS 644-4134 1973 Top Ulfw & Tops ...... 197 4 Ir 1975 .... ,..up H.wport·Mno lowd of R""°" Aww~"" • ''•"' ' .... ,, A~TOM081LE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~~~:! .......... ! ?.~ ~ ~~~:! .......... ! ?.~~ . .. ,,. 0f'IW't•I .Ant111,111,1tl<1UI•' . .,,. Gewenl I 002 Getterol I 002 "" •r'•l1hlf \t I'll• 1.' 4•• N•,.,h ti!.,., K•"1" ""' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4W111r1C1tl\'" "'"' l•tHli"' ~._,. \'.trlt .JJn'li A1.;111 I,•' ,,n.t ...... A'-tlA•"'•tU•ll •wi HST RACH IUY! AUTOS, IMPORTED "'""'"' AW• iih11t\len •, • A1111h , "7•1 .,,,,, 1t1111 Aw•l•• U··•lti) 1!14W • • • ¥.lltf Gated atrium entry, sets the stage for this impeccable 3 Br. 2 Ba. home within STROLLING DISTANCE TO SURF & S AND. Ceda r shake ext. w/south brick patio. FrmJ. Din. Rm. has cus tom bltn. buffet-kitch . features bre akfast & sep. lndry. roo m. Kingsiie ms tr. swte w/drcssing a rea & his & hers closet. Quality Lyons built home. UNBELIEVABLE PfUCE OF $75,900. Call Phyllis Salyer . .,.,,, ::~.- lJ•hllf\ ,,,.,ft I •' ....... J ...... , J1114•" ..... II•,,. .. tlil•• l-4mWP..N ... ,,. .. ""'"' l••K.ootu .... 'fi,H .... '""'' .. ··!>.hf .. '., . .,. k• lt4 I .......... "'·••f , .. , ...... ........ ," ',, .... t "•MP .. \odli\-•&t'• ,,,.,, t. ... r.1 Omrt.I '"" hy;1li: t *'fllltr t •tt1ftun AUTOS, NlW mos. USEO 4 A4' \ I ~ .. ,.. ti"'""'' 1111,.111 '1Kif•l'l~fl'l•t ''""'''" l,.~:r r .. ~ t1nµ.11.d '--'"''"'" ... .,.,,.,. .... ,. 11(\ ~.:·r:r.. .• """" .. ,, ..... .... V'ltl .,,u '11111 :IOI ' ,, 'It , .... "·" 'ftliJ •IJ...I .•• l.J •nt Ji • ~1., •+tl 11U .... ... . .. ft;!! ' " 962-4454 Coats Ir W.Uoce llHI &tat., HW. l ch. ~'"'. 1--------• Gt!fteral 1002 ··~· ...................... . ';;~! ERRORS: Adn rtisen MESA VERDE ·::~~ ~ ch•ck t~lr ads COUNTRY CLUB VI I doily and rtporl Cf'• ran '"""'dlatelw. The f>n mt· <..:ountry Cluh un•o ..... 1 o< Me11a Verde <iu11•t DAILY PILOT oswmes tree lined cu l-dc-~:H 01 liclbllfty for ttt. first In-lt•ads to 111tory, 11puc111u~ '"4 COfT9Ct tnsertlOft only. J bedroom home. Lari::r ~:: ma11ter suite plw1 2 twm· ~ 1--------•I 11i7.ed hf>drooms. l'"um1ly om ruom hn1o l 11 m11ss1v£ ~ ,_..,sher'• .,.otfc•: 11 t o n e f i r c p I a c c , ;~~ All real estate advertised breakfast bar & over· ,.., in this newspaper Is sub· looks tropical garden :::; ject to the Yedcrol Fair patio Pull price $100,000. =~ Housing Act of 1968 JO%Down.C811962·7788. = which makes It illegal lo ::: advertis e "uny pre ,,.tQ.,._ KE:Y ,,. ....... , r-•""d v ••• :: rerence. li!'11lataon, or "'7" P.E:ALTORS IC ..... ., dlscnmlnal1on based on _ __ ---- •.. • · wt ra~. color, religion, 11ex,1--------• .... ~- • or natlona.I origin, or an ST ARTY DUrU!X intention to make any such preference, hm1to 0,.11 Sttn. 12·4 lion. or discrimination.'· 926 W. lal>oa This newspaper will not knowingly accept any ;adve rtts in11 for real ei.late which 1s in v1ol.1 lion orthe law ---------Ho..sfot'Sat• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ga,..n• IOOZ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ILUFfS Schls, tennis courts & comm pool, J bllt, on oul· slandln1 iirnbel\. Beautllully decrt'd, 3 Br. 2~ S., 1106.500 C ... 644·7744 Have eomel.tlt111 to u ll? ClaMllled •• d4 Jt ... 11. Pcrunsula duplex. small upper 2 bdrm • lower J:mtr l·bdrm with frplr Enclosed porch & pullc arl'll Dbl. l(arage with bo th & wo rk room Pnced at $105.000 67l.3663 833 05Z3 Eve1 associated !Jlf<)l<tw•, 1'1IA1TOA<, '''" w ff•J'f •)fl • , j ht:d IFYOU have a t1l'rvlcc to otrer or aood11 to -tlll, place on ad In thu OalJy Ptlo l Clauitled S«tlo• Mione 842 5'18: cae: GEORGI BLllNS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE e OPEN SAT & SUH 1-5 1500 DOVER DRIVE New Exclusive! Westcliff Area. Spacious "English Country Home" 5 Br 4 Baths Family Room, 2 Fireplaces. Large Lot. Space for Pool , Boat & Trailer. You Redecorate this Spectacular Home . $135,000 Fee # 16 DEBWOOD LAMI Luxurious ! Outstanding 4 Br Broad- moor III on Exquisitely Decorated Yet Homey Atmosphere. Every Ame nity Imaginable. Fantas tic Kitc hen Carden Views Thruout. Outstanding Pool Area For Enter· taining. Plus Jacuzzi. Lots of Privacy in This Extra Large ProJ*rty in Prestigious Big Canyon. $2<J5,000 116 VIA 9UITO -UDO ISU Resolve Now to See Thls Unusual Home ... Typical of Lido Is le Architecture: Cozy. Warm Colors Prevail. Extra Lgc Patio. Upstairs Could be Two Br and Study, Plus Lounge or Three Bedroom5. Many Excitin g Features. Reduced ! $145,000 e IY APPOINTMEMT MEWPOltT SHOIES 177.500 Lovely l Story Modern w/Beautlful Decor. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Den, 2 Private Patios. Garden Entry Near Clubhouse Pool & Tennis Courts. LeO VllW IA YllltONr Apartment With 55 Ft Balcony Over loo k s Lid o Ch ann e l. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bath!', Van Lult Wallpaper, Parquet Floors in Entry & Hall. Low Monthly Maintenance $130,000 Leasehold GIORGI lLIOMS CO .. llALTOIS ••• Dova DRIVE 631-1800' ·-· --------- ' ... ~ - "" ---i • e. • , I I .. l •• 1,· r.. ... ' I' -- ,., I t ... .. . : Cf DAIL. Y PILOT S•turd1y. January 15. 1m We Don't Want Your 8uslne9s Once • •• Oh where. oh where ha." my litUe halMe l(one? Oh, where, oh where can It be? Where ever it be. Century 21 will fiod that lltlle hnme of yours, wbether it be around the comer or acro5s the country. To find out more 1boot our Century Z1 VIP referral network, call now. Century 21 Mart.en Real J<;st.ate 64().~7 1 INVESTORS Dlveston Take Nolfe• Also We're lookmg for lots of I~ and acres of acres. We'd even be glad lo have a spnnkling of mcome and commereial unit~ Our in- vestors/ builders wunt property- sure we'll be gh•d to prc.<1ent joint ventures. Tell us your terms. help us out' Century 21 Marten Real Estate 840-~7. COSTA MESA $62.000 4 Bedrm , 2 Rath, beaut1fuJly up graded carpels and dru1>1:s llu.;1: yar<I. Copper plumbing Call now and submit all orren-C1·ntury 21 Duhan & Doyle 5'111 1 ltiR 5916 Warner .A .. e. H...+iftCJlon leach 846-330 I 1M ./ lnYe1tor1 Tab Notice •SllOPP I NG CENTER site. purtially developed, 2 J u<'rC:I lo bl! com pleted. Thi"> orricc: only excllllltve• -COMMt:HCIAI.. buildtni:i. renter of Costa Meh a, C·2, ;.ill terms Ex· change; CNL: CL; will consider ll·a~e hacl.. Century ;.H Uuhan & Uo\ It• :; lit 111)8 DollHCMIM For $~.200 you can buy a cute 3 Bedroom. 2 Hath home. CIOtSe to ~chools, shopptng and much. much more Hurry. Century 21 Berg 962·8891or640·4950. 10 Units AJI 2 Bedrooms. outstanding loca· lion $248,000. Call for deluils. Cen· tury 21Seri:962 8891 or&I0-49.50. $SLe•era,.$$ . Easts1de COl>la Mesa income units. We're bettmg this will be the last weekend to purchase this package. Tucked neatly ore from the t7th St. shops . but yet only a stone's throw. Why not let others build your equity Our seller will be glad to talk lo you a!Joul termi.. Cull us now tomorrow may be too late Century 21 Marten Real E.'tale 640 5357 • We Want It Pori &lfell OUR ACTION WARRANTY Guarantees Our Service LICIMSI rllPAIATIOH •ll"''"'" • •f9¥1o!lr vpdoled ...ot .. lal • • co ..... """' locot--,,......,., , ' o 0... j,.., ontrod..<tOly clo•• •A~ -•-•tlo•-_ ..... Atk fw yow tr... con of _. .. Act-. w..-, ... ",....._.... ... ,..._. ..._ ...-.ru1 •• ,_..... fw ... c..te...n. TWt •MW,,.,. We tWill ... utto"'ar• ...,_ tt. Se we fM1t It 5" ,.,,..._. • : • _, .a.. ew ._... to It. We tW.k yM'I tttfey ..... witt. ,..,._pr.-........ to offw wci. • w......ty. TUH •• WtD .. TMUIS .. Ml PM SAf:i6.1t All •.• Wtill lldllis tna. • llclla ' ~.,, ·~'"'""'''n• ""'' n11.r1il f.'.\'rlr>J.li\' C4ll ' Jlt Hwryt Here is a spectacular buy on a giant 2400 sq. ft. hOme '4 ~. 2 Bath. living rm, family rm, dlning rm, large patio on a laree. large residen· tual lot. Many upgraded fealurH fOf' you to see. All on a tree lined street. Priced to aell ! Century 21 Berg 962-11891 or&40-4950. 57,950 Super deal on a lovely 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath home. Almoal ·~of an acre lot on • cul·de·sac street. Ct08e to schools &c shopping. AU "-ex~llent condition. H4rryl Century Zl Berg 98i-889l or 640·4950. HUNTIMGTON BEACH SHll'HUS! Lots or used brick and a heavy shake roof uccent this charming 3 bedrm. 3 bath home. A massive nreplace accents a large family rm. with a garden view gourmet kitchen. overlooking a huge yard. A formal dining rm and secluded 2n1 floor muler suite arc additionaJ pluses .... you cnn jog lo the beach, too! Century 21 Emery SJ&-6571 and 846·3301. AclultHf-.A~ The Master SuJle of th~ beaut)!ul party home la localed all by itself oo the second noor. overlooking a fabulous pool and j11cuu1. A ground floor enterlainmenl center and 1ourmet kitchen are addillonal highlights to this 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath, highly upgraded home. One 0( a kind at only 112.500 Century 21 Em«)' IM4J.,33C)l ~d S3MS71. Cool Pool! Mot Spa! Gracioua Olive tree accent this hideaway J bedrrn, l'14 bath home on a Pfivate cul-de·sac. Entry ~ to cozy living rm and craclUlllg fireplace. A ct.eery !Ole~ opens to a fabulous patio ancl sparklln& H&F pool with jacuzzi and pool sweep. Secluded mirrored master suite .... this won't last call Ccnlury 21 Emery 846-3301 and SJ&.6571. ATTM:SALESPEOPl.E Announcing our 2nd Hunt. Beach Ofc. Now ()pen Century 21 Emery 21108 Beach Blvd al Atlanta We are now interviewing sales people for this outstundlng new loc11llon. f'lnd out about the best kept secret in llunt. Beach. Cull 536-6571 and ask for Andy or Tom. L• ... VC1Cc.t One mile to tbe beach. One of only 6 loU ta' the tract which ore Nat' on -leue land. Charmlns 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath and fireplace bQme snuggled lnto the end of a quiet ~ode·sac lot. Room for pool. Fast ~Ion and owner ii an~ious. $72,900. we·~ here to help. so tall 645-7221 Century Zl Westcliff Really. , .. u1 atHecrim Loot at this upbeat Turtlerock beau· ty, complete with vaulted ce1hnRS and clerestory windows to let the sunshine tn your home. Greut u.,e of woods . . . llhingled exterior and roogb 11wn panelinR. We'll be proud to show you thi'i dandy ltllle gem Come to our OPEN llC>USE Sat. & Sun. l·S, 6272 Sierra PalOI! Rd. Hard to find buy worth the i1earch! Cen· tury21 Marten Real Kstute640·5357 ........ ,.. ...... Superbly loc~t•d •1~~'1 townhomewltha vlewol ..... ~--ck Mts. &c the Jrvlne Hilll. 3 Bldrooml. 2 baths, and superbly upcrad9' c.rpellng. cdalit:od air CGndk.ke· tng. The comn\unitt pool 11 jlllt oext ! door .. Asking 166.000. So )'OUl'Sell a favor and call today fOC' your •Pfl.·/ Call 16'$-72¥ ·~ 21 WestdUr all . • M•iPellw View"- Spectacular 4 Bedroom beauty lr pne or New~rt.J)each's l\nest re lltdentlal are~s. tlegantly'Clecor•l ed. Beautifully m aintained " ex· tremcly pnvate. Call ror an •J>90lnt. ment to see a one of 1 klrtd home Century 21 Becg 640.4950or9Gat. HCMIH of~ WIHt • Poal Entertainers Paradise located on the comer or a quiet UPPER BACI( j · UAY cul·de.11ac street. DramaU< glass entry, step-~p llvint TI>Om, step.up m•ster bedroom, form1 dining room overlpok1ng ll* aparkl lni;c pool. Superbly decorated will Oriental motir. All this Md muct more. AskVig $120J)OO. Jwit listed, s~ ciill now. 6'5·'1221 Century 2 Westchff R(•ally. CALL or STOP BY one of the offices listed HERE for fast, efficient help: 21 I 01 IHcll ll•d. at 19191 lrooldlunt 200 Newport C...tw Dr. 1733 W..tdiff Dr. Newport le«Kh 64~7221 1140 o,.... .... Costa MH• 541-1161 HuntinqtOR hac.h '62-H91 Newport leach 640.5357 .Att.te.HI SlM571 24 11 Moc Artt.ur at jJ Ford Rd. HI 640.4950 We're NATIONAL, but we're NEIGHBORLY ~~!!.~.~ ....... 1 ~~!!!.~~~-~~ ....... 1~~!:!!.~~.~"!:. ....... 1 ~~!~.~ ....... ~!!!.~~~ .•..... ~~!!..~~~~ ........ ,~~~~!!.~~-~~~ ....... . GftMraf I 002 Gfttffal I 002 General I 002 General I 002 Getteral I 002 General I 002 GH9rol I 002 •1coldweH '.Banker ...••.........•••..............................................................••••..........•..........•...•...... ··•··•··•··••·······•·· •.••••...........•.•.•• -· - ' 41 ., - ... "' '" "' •I I• . , ,, REALTORS 675·551 I OPEH HOUSIS #20 WHITEWATER DR. -J.ASMIHIE CIHK: "M001We1t" moctet. ,.., 4, ~ful. ty 4-cONhcl, 2 story, 3 ~oc.. fmnity ..... J l/J baftts, __., ... ycrd .. ........... IMpO"hd tile ftoon, toat ....... y ..,., If' 1riN, p• .. led t.Nly rOOM CPec:ky ~ & Min"Orsl. AM .,......" -24 hour MQrity ...,.d, pool. jDcami, ~e. teft- llH c.wh. S 117 ,500. °""Sat It S. 1-5. #II CANYON ISL.Ate) DRJVE: li9 C•yOR To ... •••· l I.._ ..S .... catlMdral c ...... SfMKI°'"-~ ATiilg-PooC Ir ...... .. .... 1te9t• of M.wporl hod\. S 151.400. O,..W& S-1·5. {ff ~OM U. .. -CAMY©M CllST' l ..-., ..._, Z1/J ~. flrtplecft roe.. a....,..,..,,,..,......., 6$0 "' ""' 'f'fy ...... 0,-Sat .. S. l·S. JASMIHI CllU -OCIAH VllW. ................. c.... vMw: hdt· .... tw.-:;r, •-.... .., IMllftln ..... ... .. ... d ... lllC ... .... ,... ........ ~ l ...... 21/:t ....... ,_.,,...., s.a.ity ~ 24 ..... . ,..., lecasf, cl 't I It llMI .....,, cowh.. IACIC IAY IUY: 3 ... ...., 2 bettl, new c..,...... ...... ,.... -~ roofll, =· ,..,. c .............. fnit tr.ft. c .. for .,, 1 I lwal. S 75,000. -COLI OF MIWPORT IEALTORS 2515 L C...t Hwy., C..... .. ._, 67S.5SI I Gttteral 1002 ....................................................... f • - TI9 COYI Best buy in Newport Beach! rast.eCully d ecorated 2 bdrm.. 2 bath condombdum, in thls exclusive bayfront comanmit)'. $123,500 Open Sun. 1-5. Or by app't. 1010 ... ., ... con IAST •n .,... "POINT, Peninsula Poio~ that isl Charming, custotn 4 bdrm.. 2 bath home on quiet ·street, near jetty. Completely redecorated ready ror YOU to move ln. $158 OPen Sun. ,l-5 Or b1 app•t. 2111 Slf1UI AON U1e~ .US()CIATl:i INC 800 N•WPorl Ctntor Drive • 640-6500 CftSELECT IPROPERTJES AIANDONED 3 IEDROOM 2 bath, with a free-form pool and an owner that needs to sell fast. Great for a home or an investment. One just like it sold for $.56,000. last year. Full price $51.500. with an assuma- ble loan. CALL quickly, 751-3191 3 BEDROOM + GUEST SUITE Well located 3 bedroom. 2 bath home with new paint in and out. separate guest suite has its own bath and out· side entry. ft~ull tmce $76.500. CALL 556·2660 LOCATION LOCATION Prime 3 bedroom home on tree·lined street in one of Newport's best neighborhoods. This outstanding home has two secluded patios and a highly upt~raded interior •. and is situated on a large pool-sized lot. Priced right. CALL 751·3191 TWO ON·A·LOT Two separate houses on a large Costa Mesa Jot. Zoned for three more units. surrounded by large apartment complexes. This parcel is ready for development. Full price $85,500. CALL 556-2660 HARIOI HIGH Charming 3 bedroom with hardwood noors, on a big lot. Full price $59.500. Spruce up and save! CALL 751·3191 •RENTALS• 3 BR. 21.rJ\ Colle~c Park ....... $390 4BR. 2BA, Costa Met11a .......... $4~ 3BR. 2BA, Pool ................ $475 3BR. 28/\, Walk lo beach ...... $475 JBR. 2BA, furnished, beach .... $.S25 C::: SELECT I PROPERTI E S --------· S<C\\.~µ-~t,~S Tlif1f l11trigu ;n g Word Gome wiflr o Chud/e -----""'' ~, ClAY I l'OUAN ----- I L.URRE I I I' I I l H y K A L 6 Wl'ltn 1 gl• I it btll!ll covrtlfd [ I' I I ] I" 111• lP'l"9, iht l'Ml'I It ht•d·. . -- . -•1111-•-· l~~F-l_R_N~O-L--1 ·~ .... ,-r-1-1-1 -1..-'"1 • ~"':..': :~~~ ~ ~-_.._· --.,_ ---·--· •a.i ....... , • .,.. ... p -I IMlew. SC:ltA"M.UTS ~"' Jfl Cl .. ,,_1ltlta ,I tlO $36,950 Btfl decorat1n;;( & de lli:htful bnt•k patio area co mpl1m cn l lh11:1 i;paclou~ I i.lory town home. If ynu arc payin.; w1t1sted renl money, here's your t•hance to gel some h1x deductions & a savings al·cnl i1l11rtcd Sm dn pymnt possible 646-7711. ..--. Walker 8 lee Real fstete DOVER SHOHS OPEH SUH. I ·S 1100 SAHTIAGO Stunning. custom built, 4 hdrm. home with a super fUjehl or day VICW, Larj(I? panel~ family rm. with wet bar. St. Charle~ island kitchen; mstr bdrm .. living rm. & formal dinin1ot rm. with extra hiith ceilings. All spacious rooms. One owner home 1n im maculate rondillon. Room for u pool. $239,500 LeasC'hold. * * OPEN HOUSES * * 307 VISTA TRUCHA (Off Del Oro). Splendid 3 bdrm . 2'h bath Bluffs condo; $107.000 includes land! Open Sat/Sun 1·5. 1700 STilUGHT (Off Commodore). Elegant Baycrest 4 bdrm., den. family rm., formal dining rm., 4 baths & 3 car garage. $179.500. Open Sun. 1·5 S IDIM. IUUTY SI ZS,000 Spacious bdrms., family rm .. formal dining rm., frplc . & 3 car garage. One of Mission Viejo's finest! Owner transferred. 759-0811 llLllfil HUDSON <I')() NlWl't)Hl Cl NII I! IJI IVI .... , , i 1 REAL TOI 64 4-0 32 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXEC ESTATE MESA VERDE mn 4 bd. 2 ha, 2 story home. Grcut floor plan. Italian tile entrance:. hz f,R w/PV stone frplc. frml stln rm. r am kitchen. Cul·de ·s a< street w /xtra Jge lot s.1.5-9491 Walker£ Lee Reol lstete ~Vercle41dnn VACANT & READY F'OR YOUlt IN SPEC T ION. Super family home with ht. Hdrm11 . dbl. brick fi r eplace. beaut. carpetR, heavy shake roof, family room and much more. Good location on quiet slreet- one block to park and achools. Hurry. don 'l miss I his one! 546-5880 -~HERITAGE . • REALTORS GOLPCOUISI VIEW Blllty upgrodcd. v.cry •P•clous home on aolf courao. 4 bd11. mn11tcr down, 2"' ba, rrml din, l«e f•m rm. wet b11r It c"pantlft \'~. $4$.IM9J. ~ Walk1u t: ll~r. R~ul t!;lufr: MOW IS THI TIMI far job 1eoke ... to chrck \bt Dally Pilot Help Wa.nted cl,ta11tr\~Uon. H lM Job you want I.a not thtt'e )'O\l Ml&ht con.Ider olterin1 ~our 11uvlce1 Mt.It ms ad In the Jo~ WanlCld uttfOl'Y· Phone ...,. .. GeMral I 002° General 1002 . ..•......•.....••.........•.................. ST ART THE NEW YEAR with a whole new outlook ! Let Davidson R ealty's trained pro- fessionals help you achieve your r eal estate goals! OH VIA NICE a deUghtrul Lido Isle 4 bdrm .. family home, with cozy frplc., book-lined, family kitchen/dining rm .. wet bar. quick possession! 113 VIA NICE, OPEN SAT/SUN. 1·5. $159,000 OM ISLAND If your home is your cas· tie, let it be on island: a 3 bdrm .. 21h ba .. deluxe home. just completed, in an establis hed neighborhood. Walk to stores, library, beaches & bay. 313 ISLAND, OPEN SUN. 1·5. Onl y $145,000 OH SIASHOtll Oceanfront duplex. ran· tastic tax s helter, 3 BR. each unit, best beach loc ation, bit-ins. A steal at $175,000 DAV I DSON REALTY '1ROI W l•••"'"''" rin U45·1575 Jilt, N•-Np<,r' K1,d r, !\ t.>/3·9060 G........ I OOZ G""'91 I 002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Chtrming commen:ial bldJ. In prime location on Marine Ave., plus apt. up- stairs. Orf ered at $150,000. Purchaser ot bldg. may also purchaae existing business. For addltlooal details, call ustodayt n.uAM WHITON IUI. ESTATE 229Mne,1111111 ISlaM &75·3331 ... .,. -.... -... RlStlNllAL ~ C~ llG CAHYOM-COUMTIY RINCH Architecturally exciting in every detail. High. coved ceilings, French doors. plank floor entry. Tasteful blend of wood, brick & marble. Den w/fireplace. walk·in wet bar, 'fine refrigerator. formal dining rO<lJll. Prime golf course view. ,.15,000. OPEH 1-5 #5 ...._wllop-'-t A MOST UNUSUAL IA YNOMT With one of the finest views trom this prime location. Dramatic & gracious, extra high ceilings, MBR w/large view terrace, outstanding kitchen & your' own swihiming pool. 4 bedrooms. 3'.f.i baths', large pier & slip. $475.000 Fee. IR VINE TOWNHOME In beautiful Deerfield. This two bedroom highly upgraded ho~ is priced as an infestment opportuni- ty at $64,500. ' CLASSIC IALIOA HOME Peninsula location. steps to ocean & bay. Fun two bedroom with wood floors. Best buy at $85,000 . IAYFROHT ESTATE Superbly constructed1 5 bedroom home + servant's wing, complete w/butler's pantry, elevator & base· ment. Other a menities include pier & sli p, sandy beach. bea utiful pool . in formal -ga rden setting & parking for 12 cars. PeninsuJa location on fee ror $895.000 . PARl-LIKE SBTIMG Turtle Rock President home with outstanding landscaping, cul·de·HC location just a short walk to tennla & pools. 3 bedroo~. family room, dining room. wet bar view apd 2 baths. $125.500 land included. O .. TIMUM ornoH Elegance reigns supreme ln this s pacious hom e . Look down on Newport from your master s~ • kitchen. dining & Irving rooms. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. $235,000: IS SPANISH YOUI srnl7 , It's all here in this cUltorll deslped comer home bulk by Valentine " landscaped by Beeson. Lacae massive rooms w/htgh ctetunp, a bedrooms, game room, private master s uite w /jacuizt. $239,900. I DCIPTIOMALlY MAGIOUS-1 116 CANYON• 4 bedroom home w/dramaUc fialr Includes beamed celUhgs, Loll Harding interior. a~t f'kitcbm " electronic lilter & humidifier. for charm & beauty in.'Ji4e, 1plU1 pool, flrepll, Jacuni, BBQ at: en~n· ment center for .fun obl.sde. Vd6're right, eve'f'yth lng 's here. $257.500. ,, .. • ....,.ol 1102·4 ... ,.. IOOJ Moetn For We ~Ho.wt flor 549 ...,.., Fw Sd. 'Hoasn,.,. S. Saturday, January ts H111 DAii. Y PILOT ClS ........................................ , ....•...•.•..•............•••.. •·······•·•·········••• .. , ••..............................•...•....•. Ge•rillf 100 ca ... ,.. 1002......... ...._ H041tHForSal* IHo.n"forS. HcNtse1Fot-Stlle 1001 •••r.. tool .--. ................................................................... . ' mac~~,{ylrvlne ··•··8··•0· .r .. r. ···w····h··1:t··e···R··:8· ·1··t·0··,··· 1 •••• ··-·· •••••••••••••••• •••••••• •• •• ••••••••••• °"'",.., • 002 G.._.r.. • 002 G.,...r., • oei ~ ······················· ······················· ..................... .. /? C'>J COSTA MHA r 2901 New,,ort Blvd. ""'\ L.am.eo Jhort1~ 1.UTSIDI I Newport Beach, CA 92663 I .._. ec .. a it"Y ...., "-; WI !~J~ ~ SICLUDID Sl\IMDOtl A pri~ate prestigious manor home, oo Oil Bayf rom on Newport Harbor w/pie & slip. This auperb apaci~ residence. located on an excep. Uonally deep lot w/magn1(icent planta.gs, tall trees & reneclion pool. ~as isoaring ceilings -spec· tuc~ 2nd tloor master suite -a galler)'.).· for your paintings -dis· tinguis ed paneled study-guest & maid' bedroo ms + additional rOOm.9.~fere<t 8t $8.95,000. Owner eff1S r.ade r'or income property. ~wn y ~ppt. only to financially qualifiecl buyers. Call John Macnab 642-8235. (Z40) '42·111.JS 901 Oovtr prlYO 644·6200 H•rt;ior Vltw Centtr HOUSES FOR SALE I llDllOOM 300 E. C~l Hy #76 D'Anza Vil. NB 642·8235 $27 ,500 Sat. & Sun. 2 llHOOM #13 Flores, Rancho San Joaq, Irv 646-3928 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 234 Hazel Or .. Corona del Mar 644·1766 $215.000 Sun. 1·5 432 Carnation. Old CdM, CdM 675·60001 $149:500 Sat/Sun 1·5 114 Via Orvieto (Ljdo) NB 673-2967 $130,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 7 Seascape, Newport Beach . ~~192 S69.900 Sat/Sun 12·5 17562tWayne (Culverdale> Irvine 559.5199 $64.950 Sat/Sun 10-5 19933 Picadilly Ln. Hunt 'g. Bch 548-3209 $48.950 Sat/Sun lll 1h Park A vc. Balboa Isle 64~·2800 $79,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••S!O W. Ot"eanfronl, Penn, NB frnl-1402 $150.000 Sat/Sun 10·4 232.,2f> Camini~o Andreta. Lag. mils 496~2 $f3.900 Sat/Sun 12-5 24361 Las Naranjas, Lag Niguel 494-1008 $78.500 Sun 1-5 515 Jrvine Avu, Nwpt. llgts .. NB 642-5200 $75,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 II & FAM lM or DIN 7 Montanas Norte <RSJ) Irvine 642·82.35 Sal. 1-5 214 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 642·8235 $1 55,000SatlSun 1:30·4 :30 '*231 62nd St .. Newport Beach 540-1151 $73.500 Sat/Sun 1·4 :30 •17521 Jacaranda <Univ Pk> Irv 642-6368 Sat. only 12-4 •6272 Sierra Palos Rd., Irvine 640-5357 Sat Sun 1-5 414 Acacia <Old Corona> CdM 675 2'311 $ l 17 ,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 944 Jas mine Circ. Gmbrook, C.M. 640-9900 S78,950 Sun 1-5 442 El Modena, Nc"port Bch 546'·2313 Sat 1-5 l llDltOOM 9342 Molokai. Huntington Beach 962·4454 $75.900 Sunday 12-5 35S Na.,.sau Rd. ,(College Pk> CM 545-6891 S64.i00 Sat/Sun 10· 7 5812 Venturi Dr. Huntington Bch 846·9157 $61 ,500 Sat/Sun 10·5 1'71 l DP Pr Park St rttt. Irvine '51·3347 S71 ,000 Sat Sun 11·5 The Blurft>, Newport Heach 759-0900 $106,500 Sat/Sun 211 (~la M~a St . Costa Mesa tw•-0634 $72.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 313 l»land <Balboa Pcnin> N 8 . 673.0060 S145.000 Sun. 1-5 2Z7 i\polcna. Balboa Island 675-6000 Sl 19.500 Sal/Sun 1·5 116 Via Quito. Lido Isle 681-1800 $149.500 Sal/Sun 1·5 •2M>6 Njagara Wy.o(f Fairview, CM 645-3474 $51 .~ Sat/Sun 12-5 •2195 Vista l':ntrada, Bluff!!, NB 675'-6000 Sl29,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 a.l5 Lindo. Balboa Peninsula . 642-8235 Sat. 1·4 •538 Redlands. Newport Heights 644t8200 $110,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •201 Morning Cyn (Shoreclfs >CdM 644-4910 $235.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 7 Rue Grand V:11lec <Rig Cyn) NB M-1·4910 $285.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2100 National, COl'ita Mesa 645-0303 $53,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 UllO TuatlD. Costa Mesa 645-0303 $84,000 Sa 11-•VSn 12·4 14671 Cowatrywood. lrv. 152-1100 $65.500 Sa. l!-5/Sn 1·4 1607 Port Sterling. HVu. Npt Bch. 640-9900 s136.ooo Sun 1,s 34718 Camino Capis. Capis. Bch. 497·2489 $117.000 Sun 1·4 .¥111 Cerob, Eattblufr. N.B. 640-9900 s 16$,000 U.i.1 Charleston. CM Sat 1·5 646-7711 • Open Sat/Sun 1-5 2051 Sbipway, NB 6'6·1711 Open Sat/SW\ l·S ••4419 W. Coaasl Hwy, N.8. G4S·M14 $125,000 Sat/SW\ 1·5 2:Q Redlands. Newport Beach talr-1.-00 $92,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 CANNERY VILLAGE ___, • ...... • 11• ,... • ,...... J WATBAlOMT ....-. .,._ ~. J • 2 w S ..,...., • Plt!r noat Choi~ loca .. & tep• •• poal ....._ Din 1llk .... unn: 4 nn. 3 b1t\J\s. 2 2STORES +LARGE APARTMENT 1M111.t c ...... M91J Alhm hillu11 frp1c11, 1sr. put10. oew ..,... • ltJ A .. J dee Wont l1•1l Iona »t Sl2S.OOO • ••• •101 cc.ea $179 ~ prlYet• -. .. c .... & c ..... lty ,...... OMI SOUTH Of IOI cor_. .. .,. .. \ J UJS.000. ·rwln duplexc,:11. '93.000 '-..___ OP84 TOOAY 1·5 UlJ PBHA.M ID. Sooth or the Uighway (State 101 ) In i!:u(t\. Octter hurry on ~~===~62...7U5~-4~6~3~0~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-~~ •RICH IEALTY• Corona dcl Mar is a new Unique tht!tlOI BAYFRONT. pier & noat. lots $165,000 , to $275,000, to build your own cwstom home. ATl'RACTIVE Linda Isle 5 BR, 41h ba., fam. rm. & formal dining; lge. tile patio & waterfront deck. S28S,OOO BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR J.ll l>oy,,.J, Q,.,, N !:! bl~ 6161 Home. Red bam·like exterior, shut· ..... t.yProp. ters, cross paned windows and heavy lwellton s hake r oof . Inside you 'II find • 675·7060 * fireplaces in the living room and fami, ly room. fresh paint throughout and two bedrooms and two baths. Stressed ror expansion. This is a cottage on a hill by the bay; one south of 101. U flllll l ()U I: l-1()Ml:S REAL TORS', 675 6000 2443 East Coast Highway. Corond d~I Mc1r t1l\o 111 Mt:~J Vt 1 lo .ii ~·lb !...990 20431 Ravenwood. Hunt. Beach 644-1766 $99.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1718 Pt. SheHield (INHomes) NB 640-4950 Sat/Sun 12·5 •865 Sonora Rd. Mesa <lei Mar, CM 547·5292 $76,300 Sat/Sun 1-5 •11811 Las Palmas <Lemon Hghts> Tustin OHM SAT /SUM 1-5 JIZ21tOAD NeWJ)Ort Uelghu. New a a. ' bdtmi. • 21 t balh11. one with vaew! Mllsl St'I! lo bdtl!Ye' Pick your Clltpel.S. VllWDUrLIX Bay & oceun, old Cd.M. Each 2 bdrm , 2't bu., frpk .. beamed ce1I . bit 1au, dbl. eurwge 5 Yt11, old. Jlfl'J,500 OnHSAT/SUM 1·5 221 rorrY, CdM Charmin~ Old Corunu CuUe( 3 hdrm11 , 2 ba .. lien, So. pulJo. Sl42.5o0 'tz ---? DIRECTORY 631-1400 $224,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 468 DeSola Terrace, CdM 644·7211 $165,000 Sal /Sun 1·5 I I I l)\)lf Y. rW.T.XICl.IX I ~CAI. 'JCIM \ ~t,~....., c;.,,_..,_ Kffl) thl• handy dlr•ctory wtth you thl• weekend H you go hou ... huntlng. All th• locatlone listed below are d .. <1rtbed In 91 .. tlf detall by advertlalng elHwhere In tod•y'e DAILY PILOT WANT ADS. P•tron1 ehowlng °"" hou .. a tor Hie or rel\t .,. urged to lllt euch Information In lhl1 column each Saturday and Sunday. l IR & FAM IM or DEM 615Sl. James Pl.. N.B. 751-3191 Sat/Sun 1·5 460 Gaviota <Bluffs> Npt. Beach 759-0226 $134,750 Sat/Sun l 5 ':el Princeton. Costa Mesa 751 ·2855 Sat/Sun 1·4 •4533 Perham Rd (Cam Shrs) CdM 673-7040 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 647 Joann, Costa Mesa 545·8424 $64.500 Sunday 1·5 13 Goleta Pt. Dr. CSpygls Hls) CdM 640·1751 Sal/Sun 1~:30 •4600 Roxbury (Cameo Shrs) CdM 644-4140 $194.500 Sat/Sun 1·4 #11 Tiburon Bay Spyglass. CdM 640-8077 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 23992 Crescent, F:l Toro 586·3010 $69.900 Sat/Sun 12·5 18258 Capital Reef Crt, F. V. 962-4554 Sat/Sun 8262 Terry Dr. Huntington Bch 847·1209 $69,900 Sun l ·S •14142 Moore Crt <Colony lOO)lrv 559-0158 $73.900 Sat/Sun 10.6 11691 Leota Lane, Garden Grove 962·8891 $57,950 Sat/Sun 1·5 2641 Crestview Dr CBayshores) NB 548-6031 Sal/Sun 11·5 5022 Kron St. <T he Ranch) Irv. 5.51-4877 $74.000 Sat/Sun 1·4 :30 12692 Wynant Dr .. Garden Grove 540-9922 $55.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 749 Olympic I\ ve .. Costa Mesa 540-9922 $62,750 Sat/Sun 1·5 ·1471 Charlieville, Willow. Irv. 8.13·33f!O Sat/Sun 12·5 29 Wintergreen CT>eerfld) Irv 642·6368 $71,950 Sal/Sun 12·4 •2449 Windward. NB 642·8235 $150,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 221 Poppy, Corona del Mar 640-7000 $142,500 Sal/Sun 1-5 2216 Pt. Durncss Pl. fM-lomes. NB 675-6000 $136,900 Sat/Sun t -5 • •4m Bayside Dr., NB 642·8235 Daily 1-5 ••542 Hbr Is l Dr, Pmm Bay, NB 642·8235 $375.000 Daily 1·5 796 Barrac uda <Portofino) L.B. 497-2421 $155.500 Sun 12-5 621 ClifC Drive. Newport Beach 642·7408 $142.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 14631 Sweet:m. Calif Hms, Irv 673·8550 $70.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2110 Monrovia, C'~la Mesa 645· 7221 Sat/Sun 12-4 •18712 Via Palatino CT Rock>lrv 640-0020 Sat/Sun 1·5 3429 S. Romona Dr. nr S Cst Plaza 540.1151 $64,900 Sunday 1·5 9970 Thistle Ave. Fountain Valley 5544451 $85,000 Sat/Sun 3290 California Av, Mesa Verde. CM 546-4141 $73,400 Sat/Sun 2·5:30 3250 Oregon, Costa Mesa 546·2313 Sun l -5 18782 Saginaw. Turtle Rck Irv 752-1700 $86.900 Sun 11·4 1206 Essex. Westcliff, NB 642·5200 $134 ,500 Sal/Sun I ·5 •No.20 Whitewater Dr, NB 675·5511 $181,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 •No.18 Canyon lsld Dr. N.8. 675-5511 $158,400 Sat/Sun 1·5 •12 Montanas Norte. Irvine 752·7315 $107.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 17140 Junl~r. FV 646·7711 Open Sal/Sun l S 4 llDaOOM 6852 Shannon Dr., Huntington Bch 892·6909 Sat/Sun 1Q·5 3J22 Broad <Newport Heights) NB 640-7000 Sat/Sun 1·5 113 Via Nice (Lido Isle) N. 8. 673-9060 $169,<XX> Sat/Sun l·S •1003 Post Rd., Costa Mesa 675-6000 $66,500 • Sunday 1.5 4.26 San Bernardino. N.B. 546-2313 Sat/Sun 1-5 13161 Roan Rd .. Garden Grove 640-9900 $49.950 Sun 1·5 9811 Fairtide. Huntington Beach 540.1720 $69,900 Sunday 1·5 2201 Private Rd., NB 646·7711 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 1750 Skylark C Baycrest) NB 644·7878 $137,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 4 II • FAM lM or DIH 2489 Fairway Dr. Costa Mesa 646-6149 $73,900 Sat/Sun 12-5 9541 Bay Meadow Dr. Hunt. Bch. 962-3935 $110.000 Sat/Sun 630 W. Wilson, Costa Mesa 673-8313 $63.500 Sat/Sun 10-5 17962 Dellglen Cir. Hunt Beach 842·1776 Sat/Sun 12·5 19212 Sierra Isabella (Trtlrk) Irv. 752-6521 $120,000 Sun 1·5 •3034 College (Halecrest) CM 645-9161 $69,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 58.5 Fayett del Cerro, Costa Mesa 556-4592 $66,500 Sat /Sun 1-5 16299 Farnham St .. Fount. Valley 962-8891 $78.900 Sat. 1-5 *47 Monliceto. Spyglass 644-4882 $324 .500 Sat/Sun 1·5 9922 Bond Circ., Hunt'g. Bearh 968·0779 $72.900 Sat/Sun 1·5 395 Granada Wy, off Irv Bl. NB 646-3255 Sal/Sun 1 ·4 ~West Yale <Woodbridge) Irvine 675·63ZT $96,000 Sal/Sun 11-4 17112 Greentree. Hunt. Beach 842-4466 $110.000 Sat/Sun 12·4 •2033 Goldencye, Costa Mesa 556-1434 $120,000 Sal/Sun 10·5 •1743 Byprt Wy, B-crst/Bk Bay 675-6000 $116,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 J6 Deerwood Lane, Lido Isle 631·1800 $295.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 205 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle 631-1800 $210,000 Llt Sun 1-5 •14692 Beach, Coll. Par)(. Irv. 833-3380 $89,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 • • •214 Evening Star, Dvr Shrs, NB 642-8235 $450.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1200 Key West CHVHills) CdM 644·6200 $153,000 Sat/Sun l·S 2207 Port Lerwick (HVHomes) NB 644-6200 Sat/Sun 1-5 2006 Pt Bristol Cir <fM1omes ) NB 644-6200 $159.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2371 Bayshore Dr. CBayshores) NB 644-6200 $199,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •4872 Kron <The Ranch) Irvine 644-6200 $86.900 Sat/Sun 1 ·5 34 Blazing Star (Deerfield) Irv. 552·7500 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 Hermitage Ln (Big Cyn> N .B. 644-1766 $229,000 Sun. 1·5 1815 Toyon Lane. Newport Beach 642·7408 $162,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 21542 Archer Cir. H.B. 646-7414 $82,900 Sat/Sun 12·4 2939 Ellesmere, Mesa Verde, CM 546-5880 $88,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 •2600 Lighthouse Ln., CdM 675-6900 $163.950 Sat/Sun 12·4 •15361 Nofmandy (The Ranch ) Irv 551-2000 $119,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 3485 ~ <College Pk) Irvine 551-2000 $115,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 14571 Sawlea/ (College Pk) Irv 551 ·2000 $92,500 Sat 1·5 16291 Fantasia Ln, Hunt. Bch 963-7881 $64 ,900 Sat/Sun 12·S 3253 Iowa St .• Mesa Verde. CM 549-8655 $69,000 Sunday 1·5 •2862 Velasco. Mesa del Mar, CM · 546--0352 $82,500 Sat/S~n 1·4 203 Monflrch Bay. So. Laguna "99-2716 appt Sl&4,500 SIS J 5 18905 Antioch, Irvine 645-7221 $112.500 l~AnUoch, Irvine ~7221 $112,500 S.ll2·4 10686 Providence. Villa Park 540-1720 $120,000 Sunday 1·5 221 Yale Loop. Irvine 540·1720 $98,950 Sunday 1·5 5 IEDROOM 1228 Marian Lane (Westdi(f) NB 644-7878 $161.500 Sat/Sun 12·5 5 II & FAM ltM w DfH 1971 Flamingo Dr. Mesa Verde. CM 979.9759 $95.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1500 Dover Drive. Westcliff 631·1800 $135,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 2431 Holiday, Newport. Beach 548-3168 Sat 114/Sun 10-3 •21832 Windsong Cir, Hunt. Bch 673·4400 $118,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1234 Sand Key, HYHills. CdM 675·6000 $155.500 Sall.Sun 1-5 •1833 Port Charles <HVHomcs) NB • 642·823.'l Sat/Sun 1-5 6 IR & FAM RM or DIM 1226 Polaris, Dover Shrs, NB 646·3255 · Sal. only I ·4 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE J llEOIOOM 1228 Rutland Rd. Newport Bch 546-0056 $61.900 Sat/Sun 12·5 2 II Ir FAM RM or DIN 26 Canyon Is land Dr CI}ig Cyn) NB 644·4910 $159.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 l IEOIOOM 2167 Vista Entrada (Bluffs > NB 640-5560 $132 ,500 Sal/Sun 1·5 :.Tl Vista Trucha <Bluffs) N.B. 759-0811 $107 .ooo Sat/Sun 1 ·5 •6 llue Villars, Big Canyon, NB 640·9900 S285.000 Sat 1·5 l H Ir FAM IM or DfH 6 Sunnower. Deerfield. Irvine $71 ,950 Sun 1·4 HOME & INCOME l IR & FAM IM «' DIH • •312 Grand Canal, Balboa Island 631·1400 $239,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE 2 llOIOOM ~6 Nuevo. Rancho San Joaq, Irv 752·1700 $95,500 Sun 12·4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 H •I U 926 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 673-3663 $105,000 2 •• & 2 .. 405 Iris, Corona del Mar Sun. 12-4 642-5200 $159,599 Sat/Sun 1-5 21 Rana, Rancho San Joaq .. Irv 675·6000 $102,<XX'l Sal. 1·5 TRIPLEX FOR SALE 2 II • I • & I .. 319 Marguerite, Corona del Mar 644·4848 $145,000 Sat/Sun J.5 HOUSE FOR RENT 1516 Cumberland. We1ttclifr, NB 642-5200 $700/mo Sat/Sun 1-5 HOUSES FOR LEASE l .. & flAM lM «' De. 418 Plata, Bluffs 631-1800 S7SO/mo. No.6 Canyon Ln, N. 8 . 675·5511 $650/mo 4 llDltOOM Sun 1·5 Sat/Sun t -5 111 Via Quito. Lldo Isle. N. 8. 673-7300 $695 Sal/Sun 1·4 CONDOMINIUM FOR RENT 640·7000 RARE LIDO ISLE CONDO N('w :1 1nglt: level WATJ::Rt'llONT home 2 &-<.lrm , den, 2' :i Dalh i.l<'luxe katcht>n. Private underitround parking. Unohslrueled Bay view. Don't delay, sec this l.lt>ullll£ul home now! 640-6161 ~ COATS&WALLACl REAL ESTATE , INC GREAT FAMILY ROOM Wilh Opt'n beam ceilin~. hobhy and sewm11 area. 3 Jk'<lrm., 2 Bath with lotl! ot extr~•· Llke i PATJOS. fireplace ·'1 garage door opener. Top value 111 $64,900. Call 54().1151 ..,,..HERITAGE ••• REALTORS NODOWM FtX & SAVE $49,900. You can save mllhons SS. 3 SJl11<."1Cll.1~ bedrms + :! hath-1 + 2 <"ar itar. In prime localann. Low down payml. Xlnl financin'1 Vets welcome llurry, pie use call 898-7855 AYAILTODAY FOURrUXES Fr°"' SI 1,995 XJnl income properties 0\Cr 20 fourpleXC!> 8\'Ull Renl:1 from $MO/per mo. Will not last. flurry. please cull 898-7855 J.:wry l>ludc of ~russ '' ul atlenllon al this 1 m 1TU1Culul<' home which in· <."lud1•11 1111 bullUns. 111r t•ond. wuter i.oflencr, 1;arn11c dr. opener + cnclo1H1d polio ror a>t.500. l\ijt. 5'15-8424 or 1;1J. n:n For Under $70 000. Jwit ll1ted l Bedroom. 2 Bath and ramlly. Prlvale Spanish· courtyard C'n· trnnce. 111 b"ck)'ord. Orutztaee for cblldrt:n. Nt!lll dean! See I~ to duy Olrtred at a low JJj.000 •2123 Wallace. Costa Men 645-0303 S6J,500 Sat/Sun 12·4 510 Spruce>, Santa Ana ~1720 $41.SOO Sunday 1·5 ., 23ti Dune Meur. El Toro l~ Rees View Cr (Spyglau> CdM M4--2869 $187,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 J la & FAM IM _. DIM *2608 Raquetta, Bluffs, NB 640-6161 $650/mo. Sat/Sun l·S OPPOltTUHITY knot-kA of\«n when Yot1 1.110 reeult-acwna Oolb' Piiot c1a111lned Acta '° rN(h the OTI1nao CoAt~ murkt•t. 1~ Vallejo Cir .. Costa Mesa 645-0303 $9-4 ,500 Sa 1·5/Sn 12-4 #S Rue Fontaine CBlg Can~on) NB 640-6878 1254 ~500 Dally 1700 StarUgbt (81l)'crest) N .B. 75'M>811 $119,$00 Sun 1·5 21082 WhJta Hor.se Lo, Hnt.a Deb ~OS· *"3,500 SaUSun 11·5 HO-r12t> $67,250 Sunday l·S 1m·oanut>e. Huntington Beach 540-1'120 '65.'50 Sunday l ·S llhona M2·5678 COMI WnH US •.. to 621 CUrf Drive. Vtrgln. That's the best way to de.scribe this 2.1 year old bome. Unblemished. Lavish use of wood Including hardwood Ooors, ~cues, wainscoaling, shutters and a musive beamed ceiling. Used brick fireplace. Three bedrooms. Two baths. Den. Uncommon corner l~. Owner is licensed real estate broker. 1'2,500. O,..Sil ..,_.S..., l·I C~ WnH US •.• to 1815 Toyon Lane. Very Baycrest. The way we see it, you can spend money ... or you can spend money well. We urge you to see this extraordinary offering. Four bed.rooms. Three baths. Generous family room. Dr amatic use of lava rock inside and out. Thia home stands out in an area of fine homes. 162,500. 0,-Sil .,_.s-., 1·5 These homes exemplify all that is good in the Dover Shores/ Baycrest/Westcliff area. tr we don't have the home you want ... we will fi.nd it ror you. GeMral I 00 Ge.rat I 002 °c•eNrel I 002 ·•·••·•••··•····•····· ·•·••··••·•············ ············•·········· MAGNIFICENT VIEW On Npt Hack Ray & movnt<tlna. Prcs tiS!c ,.;1ngle film home 1n pri vate cul-de·llll. w/common pool & put tint gr een. 3 bd, 3 bath, fam rm. plus den·oHici.: <1r 4th b<lrm Owner min In~. &\Ii 771 1. POOL HOME Nice North Co:.tw Mesa location. Pool table room too! Only $67.~. Call: 54tH141 ~ COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE . INC. Of-n Sot/Sun 1-S #I 1-'l,OHES. RANCllO SAN JOAC,JU IN .• IRV. 2 Bdrm. 2 Bnth on ROif course w /view. lliJ<h\y u pgraded w /man y amenities. IMi-3828. c-ve: &45·~ Lachenmyer1 Realtor ----- Hew LisfillCJ! ~.ooo for this ;ur cond 3 l'-.-drm ~July Auum.i hlri'. V,\ lounofS:Z:J.~ p.i.yubll' $!15 tot.ii /mo ~I !"400 lntentotiotiMll Rul &tat. Heotwon CALLUS FOR Co.tdos jTwMns In T111Hn & l"M. F'rom S-19 OOOto t69,000 1-;xct::LLl::NT Tl::RMS THI HOMISELLHS 75~5353 No Money Down!!! In \('ltrnn) Paymr 111 Iller rt•nt t-'11nta~tll 1 .. ~11 m, lir1·pl.1ce <ire1t1 m1i:hhorboc11! $5fl.OOO l' 11lage Real f st.1te 963·4569 • 963-17 Buy Now!! WHll,E INTf:Rf;S RATF-~ ARt: l><>WN & M f> N •; Y JS PL E N 'rff\11.' A 11uper huy on coun 1ry1wlr estate. l.uf( 111de yard rnr pool or 00111 Ot' both A l(r11rlou11 hom for entert11ln1nJ(. Formal dinmic. n ~parlou11 airy kitchen. laPAc-family room w1th wrt bar and 2nd. f l r!!ploce. • Bed moms. NEW LISTINGS CDM -$89,500 Warm a nd cozy 1 bdrm 1 ba home on quiet street w/another bdrm & bath underneath . R·2 lot with plenty of room for additional new unit. Walking distance to s hops & schools. CDM -$96,500 This c ha rming, totaHy remodeled Cape Cod 2 bdrm. 1 ba home has large back yard w/plenty of room for 2nd unit for ihcome. Even comes with plans for that 2nd unit. drawn up for current owner! Principles only. CDM -$117,500 Warm and cozy with custom extras, vaulted ceilings, free standing (rplc & heated patio plus more. A cozy at· mosphere -charming 2 bdrm, 2 ba home in prime area of old COM. "'2 blk to view or blue Pacific and bay. Open house Sat. & Sun. 1·5 p.m. CDM -$149,500 Triplex investment delight, just one block from ocean. An unbelievable price for today's investment in tomor- row's income EAST SIDE CM UNITS 7 new units under construction soon, and lo be completed mid-77. Fine townhouse design and weU located. A very wise purchase for the investment minded. SU7,500 EAST SIDE COSTA MESA Fine custom rebuilt 2 bdrm, 2 ba hofl)c w/new cabinets, appliances & carpet. ALSO has choice large lot w/lots or space that's ripe for con- struction of additional units on rear lot. Prired for good investment in good location SH,900 E. SIDE CM Beautiful 3 bdrm home on lg Jot w/doll house in rear under huge shade tree. Use any lender of your choice but do it quickly. Priced to sell this weel<end at $61 ,900 IRVINE ECST ACY! Garden home on green belt! 3 bdrm 2 ba w/palio kitchen, 2 atriums, wet bar ... fantastic! Pool, schools & shopping nearby. And i.n Irvine! Get it before 1 do! $16,SOO -call for ap· plml. . BALBOA PENH Dupl('x ! Summer/winter r ental de· light in prime area. Live in 3 bdrm, 2 ba unit & re nt bachelor loft. A wise and promising investment for a young family. S 109,500 I LUFFS -GREENBELT VIEW! Gracious family living at a fine price! 3 bdrm. 2""' ba w/formal dining. faml· ly rm . frplc , private patio . Pool/lounge, 15 acre park, preschool, hi school. shopping all close by. Bring ck for$ I 05,000. ~R§\Ly 675-2311 CM. aaw G..-al 1002 GIMr.. 1002 400Lll" 6 Riii All ' . ~~ .•...•........................................ ltGCAMYOM EXECUTIVE HOME Spac, luxurious 3 nr, 2V. ba MouC'O model Open Sunday 12-4 N Rue Vfrte, N 8. DRAMATICATalUM •AIDIHMOMI Priv•cy • 1eelu1lon 1rt '°"" ln U\11 2 Dr, den. 2 bl llnaJe family home In the llllls o( lrvln". CN.AMDVISTA llALTY 76a.1212 - MIWPOITS FIMIST HOME OF ntE WEEK -Charm, elegance, quality and character ls just a taste of this fabulous home located on a estate sized homesite with unsurpassed view or the ocean. Catalina, Balboa Bay and nlght lights. Featuring a spacious, dramatic entry with spiral staircase. Step.down living room , 4 Bedrms .. Camily room, huge 1ame room. Pool and jacunl. Call for a personal viewing of a tnae quality home. . I! .,.,,-k , 14t18 units, under construction. Still time to choose colors & options. Will exchange. 1517 units, only 2 yi;s. old. A/C, great rental area. $175,000. (6)20 to 80 units <or combinations ). Fixer.uppers, 3 bUcs. to beach. •17118 units, all 2 bdrm .. 4 yrs. old. UNDER $16,500 per unit. •11)203 units, 3 yrs. old. Complete rec. facilities. Excellent rental area. • (7) Out of area • (8) Out of area 1£1~-=~ i 1£1=! i Prop=-~~~ Prop~:-~ ''°° OUA\4 U NIW'°41T HACl4 l400 OVAil St. Ht~ llACH G.....aa t 002 G....,.., I 002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUi STA•S • * * • Like a great movie, this is a rare "hit," with one great feature after another. 5 Bdrms ., 3 car garage, 40 tt. heated pool, dog run. Really posh, by. gosh! And, only 1h mile from beach. '$118,500. And, oh yes, a big PARK in the rear instead of neighbors. CiAIDIM PAIK ISTATIS. Garden Grove. Large comer lot, 3 bdrms .. family rm., den; new carpeting in bdrms. $74,500. Name your terms. A DOlOHS D~ located on the edge of tbe Blu!Cs, this i.s a beautifully upgraded 3 bdrm., 2'h bath Dolores model. with wet bar, lge. wrap-around deek & fantastic· view! $152,000. But, move quickly! 4 IDIMS. IM c~ HICM4UHDS Get your ver y own key to the private beach area. Come do your thing with paint & fixing up. $123,500. CHAPMAH AVI., Garden Grove. 4 Con· tiguous l ot s Zoned OP. 116x2SO. $93,500. Owner willing to participate. 671·4400 DM.,_ of Martaor .. .,...._... Co. 1002 G ......... 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAYE SSS ON POOL $58,IDI. Th.is 3 Bedroom. H'.i Bath. farm style home has a warm paneled 18xl8 (amily room. Kitchen is filled with Early American Honey Maple cabinets. Great storage in garage. Ideal for the hobbyist. Hurry, just lis ted. NEW INSIDE Brand new carpets, drapes, paint and teaked noors. Enclosed garden room highlights this spectacular home. 3 Bedrm., l~ bath, 2 fireplaces. Just a short walk from golr course in one o( Huntington Beach's fines t areas. All this for on· ly $83,000. NOTHING DOWN TO VETS Beautiful courtyard entry leads to 1850 sq. ft. or gracious living. ThJs 4 Bedrm .. 2th Bath, ha.'l everything, includlng oversized master suite. Forma l dining, family r oom , fireplau and self-cleaning oven. Also an assumable, low interest VA loan. ()wrter wishes speedy sale at $67,500. Roberts Realty 11241 ...... h ... l11tl!llC* ~ ""' ................ -0-.c.. DAILY PILOT CLASSIFllD ADS ::..c::::·::::.. {Ha·ii781 ,.."'-~1 ..... I MISA YllDI ASSUMULE YA LOAM and owner will carry 2nd. BeauUf ul wood patio and cloae to schools. Cov- ered by our one year warranty! CHAI.MIN& 3 Bedroom, 3 bath Greenbrook home on large corner lot. Oak pegged floors, country kitchen, wet bar, brick fireplace, and recreational vehicle or boat access. Covered by our one year warranty. $49,950 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, family room on pool-sized corner lot. New carpet, fireplace. boat or trailer access. Protected by our one year warranty LEASE SEAWIMD, Mt..,.t twit S3t5. THE ILUFFS, Mntpoet hoc-' Hts CALL 640-9900 I 1002 GftMf'al 1002 .............•••...•..•....•.•...•...•........ L A R G E 4 Bedroom, family room and dining, i.n the Back Bay area with loads of ex· tras s uch as heated P 0 0 L with diving board, and ii> separately fenced Cor added protection. Also -2 fireplacts, a raised gas Cirepit in patio. built.in range & oven. BBQ. s moke al"rms, fi re alarms, water sof· tener, etc:. and only $92,900. JACOBS REALTY 67M670 29 I 9 Mftwpori llYcL con.er 30th . Generol I 002 Getttt>ol 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HIW OM THI M4JtKIT COf"m41 .. Mw D • 111e $122.tOO 0.. ~ to IMcteh wlHt ........ ... 1tCMCIAg ckcor I• be.I ..... Mt a pwf9ct 2 ......... wfflll .. dwood floors. HOT OM THE WATB S...., ConMr W-.. •11•1lm $51,500 Ttnflk 4 Ir '"""9, doe. to.., .. rttA > M1W LISTING -WAlWtJllOMT st 15,000 ._...tk w.. 2 Ir Ccm4o w/.,,._ .. , ..W USTIMG-MIWPOlrT RACH OHL Y StZ.000 o.h ...... l ........ PIMIMSULA CONDO Stl,100 Spu1_2..__._,SlpANI. OH CANAL -MIWPOKT MACH SI tt.soo '-'ge 4 Id H ... -C.. PMI & T ... ... IASTllM snu-2 ITOlY MIWPOU llACH Slit.JOO I 0 ....... 4 ... ""',... WATBMOMT to..-.ea- $23',000 .....Jorllrw/W.,&flw LIMOM HEIGHTS-... ISTATI S244.SOO .. •-4 Ir w/r..A A Yl9w llST M LIDO llU Sll6.SOO ,,...... Styte l ... ..._ WATERFRONT HOMES 2Q3 W. Ceut lllshw1y Nf•l~tt Dc-arh C7141 &:Jf.1400 rnacnab I 1rv111 realty :1 PIM!R HOMIS ROM 145,fSO TO Sl.D0,000 ; PAIADtSI IS A POOU Lovely low-maint. yard w/P"10l &: jacuui in Irvine's "Ranch' homes. 4BRs + family room w/beam cell- ing & fireplace. $86,900. OflM SAT. •SUM. 1·5 P.M. 4171 DOM ST. (Z23) HAUO. VrlWHOMIS-,_ ..... ooas Outstanding Soinetaet Model clOH to park & clubhouse. Lg. patio cov- er shades swimming pool & deeked yard. Immediate possession possi- ble. OflH SAT. & SUM. l..S P.M. llJJ POn CHAIUS. (Z24) MEW CUSTOM IA YFIOtft' 70' lot. Beautifull y desigfted alngle- story home -finest quality con- struction & materials. Cedar open beam ceilings -teak flooring & trim -2 brick fireplaces -solid oak cabinets -sunken livlnl room -pool-table·size den w/wet bar & run bath -formal dining room - fabulous kitchen w/brk!st. area -3 lg. BRs w/full baths -pier permit. $38.S,OOO. <>PIM DAILY l·S P.M. 407 IA YSIOE DL CZ25) MEW OM IAYSHOll DL Great family home! 4BR.s+den -4 baths. Newly r emodeled kltchen. Master bath has jacuzzi tub. Mlni- water view from master. steps to private beach. J.car garage & extra bath ~tside for sandy beachers. $199,000. OPEM SAT. & S&k 1 .. 5 P.M. 2371 IATSMOll Oil CZ26) WHIEllE IM 'n41 WOl1D7 Can you find a 2BR home for $45,950? Costa Mesa! For info - Lois Miller 642·82l5. (727) PEMIMSULA FANTASTIC VllW -s 112.000 New listing on Balboa -charming J ·story JBR, 3 bath home only S yrs. old. Short walk to bay. Mary Lou Marion 642·8235. (Z28) OME OF A IJM> Linda lsle Bayfront Mansion on the Lagoon . 68Rs, 41h baths, 3 fireplaces! Oversize slips for big boats! This is a home for family liv- ing ! Elegant Spanish decor w/massive wrought iron gates en· tering to cool courtyards. $395,000. Appl. only. John Granath 642-8235. (1..29) laEATKTAllMG PAMORAMIC ...W The channe ls . turnin2 basin & BEYOND! Located across from a dedicated park-the perfect couple home! 2BRs, family room & dining room. 2 fireplaces. Rich withe warmth & b eauty of solid mahogany p aneling. Secluded pool & patio. $225,000. J ane Frazee 642-8235. (Z30) SPACIOUS NfW ENGLAMD C»ICOO Need room, view & location? This charmin g 6 BR f amlly home features oak·paneled family room & huge recreation room w/custom oak built·ins, lg. separate dlning room, formal living room w/marble fireplace & beautiful yard w/pool, jacuzzi, playhouse & gazebo to en- joy the city lights & ocean view! $325,000. Marjorie Mahon 644-6200 • (Z31) DOYH SHOllS ISTA11 Spectacular 2·story, 4BR, •~ bath Bayfront wl(antastic view! Ex· tensive use or warm roeewood. & teak in family room. Lg. dock for 45' boat + pool & jacuzzi. $450,000 incl. land. Vee Stinson 642·8235. (Z32) CAMIO SHOllS 3BR, 2 bath home on lg. lot -room for pool & paddle tennis court. Totally r emodeled kitchen W/f!Very amenity. New c8J'l>@t.! & drapes. Auto. sprinklers + total security alarm system. Must see to ap- preciate! $174,500. Sandie Fix ~. (Z33) CUSTOM JM IA TCllST W/POOL Located on a quiet street a mon1 other beautiful custom homes. Outstanding family home W/3350 sq.ft. of living. Formal dln1na -4 BRs -2'A baths -den w/Oreptace -extra.Jg. lot -detached aar~ge -covered patio w/bulll·ln BBQ. OeUghtf uJ pool & extra play .,. .. for chlldren . Sl~.000. Mary Lou Marion 642-8235. {2'.34) .. I ~ .. Ho.a.t ,._.S. • •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Slturdlly. Janu!fX 15. 1m DAIL 'f PILOT g, e..t.MHa 8024 C..teW... 1024 .................. 1040 H•.tnfor S. ........... ,_ HomffflwS. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... ,.,. ,. ....... '°" s. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• G ... , fll I 002 CoroM def Mr I OU C:.W .. Mw I 021 ....................... • ............................................... OvtdoorU•Mt7 llOME " INCOMt:! 2 lrviM 1044 ..,.._ IU•• ......_ 1044.~ J Br 1•, Ba, fClrmlll din· ~ oa 1 lo<. 3 Br & 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• !!!~u~~re'i!fuyr:~~t'~ ~~~ytu~t~= dr~~ THE TERRACE 1111111 GRANADA _, !Hick yurd w/pool All for only, pla l\~nt Roten I\ fabulou1, hl1hly dt· AXER UPPER Cameo Sliorej POOL fltto'• an ~ll()OrtunJty to maltt moner. Nlrc homr tor younic ~ouple who want lo do tome handy wort. Lai IJI,\ lx'drooms, family room and dlnina area. ~•Ml honut of 11 IU'lc. pool! ilurry, c11ll: 6'$-0303 1 • • Mlwpert Beac~ Exclusive EARLY AMEllCAN DREAM HOM I!!. newly d cc or a t e d . "' :1 m • I y oriented <·11 s tom kitchen, seporntt' dlnin11 room, large hv11111 rovm with atone flr~>lan: ' fQi,500 1n prime C<.i1>l1t RHY.148300 lilred md untl, CardlfC WOODBRIDGE GRANADA M•1 lol:11tl1.1n. G Modl'I, now IYlll. for One ol lhc R1tncb MTUll'• 0,.. H .... W /S-., I h 4 PW 0 L f lite March or early April PLACE matt popul11r 4' fDbulou11 WIDOW? cloaln&. Aaklna only IYOWHH floor plun~. Thi• 41DRM +POOL S61,IOO Out11tandln1 location, M11r KhJ• "IMP.,. Yor Info. cltll '14.900 Ttu-11 hlably up· Popular Greenbriar plan 0 r • n • d • M o d c I Nur 10U tour,., 3 JrlHiedtownbou»ecan~ with 4 bdrm• + fDmlly futurc1: • bt1droom, bedroom, &real location. 14'9d n1~ open hou&e Sun rm,2 ba0\5.Nex\lolake. formal dlninlll room, Needa leadur lovlna ">'20 .. ~WOOD lmmedlMla occiu>aacy. courly11rd entry, pooJ. -$110,000. &8G·N37 •fi•r eleclrlc a~raae door SOUTH es>cn. Principalaonly. opener, 1u BBQ Ir u ... 67).7601 " •,u ~ .•.' WE.~, t SICH rH Al I Y I araded kitchen UP• 1111111111 ~~~~-Aakfn& price OPIH SUMDA Y I ·S PARK I I 15161 NOIMAMDY "'POlDHA.M'' I INC llJti,'l.'f TWO OH A LOT LAZY. U 2 Scpar11tc hOU11el on lge. Wiii love lh18 11h11rp J GI TERMS lot, paint outside & pro-bdrm w hlll(tl m:1tr suite c.i11rmtoa.C1Ch 1011 CoronadetMw 1022 nt. Cllll SmlUu' Melvyn & b<>nU.'( rm & Wet bur. • ................ .. ••••••••••• •• •• • •• •• • • • ••••• •••••••• ••••••••• • al No upket1p except your HO.DO WM Cwltom 3uet.I. 1 yr, pwl OCEAHYllW MarlncrsCovcRc11lty lgc J>ri vate pt1tlo. f:nJny Buyer has bouaht land/upflrd'd, nr beach, a Br 1-'am Rm, den, 6'11-4463 pool,J11cuzzi,fishonbo1At anotherandMUST·SELL RAMCHlt!IALTY cxtr11. '83.000. 493-6195 Sl>.000 upgradlna In p•11t In private lake & wi.lk lCl pro(eulonally decorated 511-2000 C.... del Mtr 1022 yeur . All new kitchen, u•s"' VllDE SO. Co .. sl Plaza i.hop· 3 bdrm, t'Nba home BY ---------cpt5, walJ paper " tile. -A ping. \11cant. See tod•y. THIS WEEK-END. Huge lt..d. S-JH ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• }luge lot. 3 Bedrmy famJly room, 003-3371or546·1754. finished bonus room and Condo oa the 1otr c:oun.e, CAMEOSHORES $1'l5.000 corpet. drapes. freth ------many other amenitlee near pool, view of Uvin& room, S\19arate Nick Vracln Aaent. l>lWlt. pat.lo, larae y;ard. rrlce Ju1t reduced lo Newport Center. Up· Din, 3 Br, 3 ba., fam·rm '1S2·6S2l Ml·2784 Fn.dttrees! 174,000. •.aoo graded 2 br, den w/wet· Prof decorated. l'ool, Roy McC.... ll'lT'L R.E. NETWORK bet. ut Time offered. parklike yd St9-UOO by RHltw lllOM.wport Callnow• 962·7151 Owncr/Asent. $H.500. own~r 4600 Koxhury. C:O.to Mff• I 024 4•7 7 6'1.w:I08. ph6«·4140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cotto~ 5 -29 By Ownr. Cbolc:e E·Slde 4 By Owner: t.'llm home, nr H!W USTIHCi! br, 2\.\ ba, tam/din.rm. Lake Park, beaut up. DEER FJELD pat.lo hm. 2 MESA VERDE 4br 2ba Bd . copper plumbini:. pvt yd graded, 3 bdrm, pat.lo. 2 Br. + den/bdrm, frpk. u1~rL~ R~D llOCSf; lll..-21A.THS nu. home 11 more thun jlllt a pl~. It's a eyatem de•lrnud ror com pl etc living with 11 couotry klt~hert. formlll dlntor. • ... .....,..H UALTY two paUoe and CIOH lo --.. family and adult pools, 511-2000 tennis and recreation UNIV PK. Villa 1 Ill. ~Owners auloua. &Wllord end u:ft. ~ • 11Qn .. 3 Dr, OR, FR. + 3 ba, 187,950. Owner. tm-l l03 or 552-~ 2 Br 2 Bu, S. or llwy Unly $911,SOO Paul Martin ne:il ~tote 644·73113 fam.rm home on 'over'. F.l:A.'iliTSS61D9 E90 3 0 C 2 11b•A· brtg orr master bdrm. 173,900. c:ir garaae + 3 car lrg patio & rear )'d. Nr. ,_...., 1 t · 1 1 o · · a & · ~149 garage many features ~· Pricedto aeUqu.idt·,~~~~~~~~~~I Su.cu corner 0 an x n M&-3897 M2·9695 ' .... 000 C 11' .,. ""0 B neighborhood. Priced for • MESA YHDE ~~e -· • a ~i-ifO::"" · 1 owner red hill ....:: .. 552~7500 Forced Sale! $69,500 Great Area TRIPLEX qwcksaleatS67,000. 4 Br. 2 Ba, lge din.rm,----·---------------- Separate ram1ly room. 3 Bedrooms + dcltu•hc•d 4()(1 ff"I tt. 11tud111 room with watter for teenll1tl•r or ? MU$ pool 400l~-mtiJ,~ C.Mit!~ .. -••.• He:.arlhrokenl Mu11t .. 1:11 my bt!aut1ful ocei.n view ho m e, be.euui.c or personal r eas11ns. Just redee .. new crpts, dr~. Be8't buy rn S;in Clemente. Make olfer ! 1·498-1936 or I 112·1363 So of ll"'Y· One 2 bdrm. with hu~e mi.tr & blln~ , Poul W B• ""''" 1,1 &A-.o,o< t>41·8~~0 + ~ t bdrm. units. 112 __ Blks Lo ucean $145,00o Occanfront rental, 3 Br, 3 ba. $1200 ORANGE COAST REAL ESTA.Tl '44·4841 MESA VERDE $69,950 beaut pool & decking, Towards the beach, by W 0 0 D B R l D 0 E . pro(. lndscpd.. This pro-ownl'r. 3 BR, 2 811 on tnd Beautiful 2 story 4br, 3ba perty ahowa pride or c ul·d4!·Sac lol . $61.500. by ownr. Will 1cll or lse owners hi p . $11 S, O o O. ~ 1 Rel lly Dr. 536·2959 w /opt.ion lo buy. 640-0696 COZY• COMIOITA.ILl 'THE 6-i2-·l7!>1l ---Rucb f' R•Gllu Save Money·befort! listed. • ., Must i.cc 4 BR, l'• Bu, cust Crplc. Open Hou111: I 02i Sal/Sun IO·S ~ Shan· o non Dr. 89'Hl009 .......•.....•.....•••• TERRACE .. WooAttdl)e htcrtff ONL y Upitrd'd 4Br. Fam rm, A1C. front lnd~cp'g incl. $68, 900 Beaul corner lol. $96.000. Popular Curdlff Model. Open house this wknd Attractively upgraded. J 1·4 :it 208 W Yale, Jo'eatures: Ceramic tile Ownera purc hased ,. anoC.btr home & musl , Hiii 3 Bedrooms, family •. room + den, cozy fireplace. Central air condlllonJng & heating. Sprinklers front It reur. Won'l Inst long, BKR. cM.11 540-1720 DUPLIX Beamed ce1lr11gs, new 1•arp1•t /dr11pu, heavy i.hakc roof. S<>uth ol lllJ(hway $129.SOO HOGJ::K LAULt; G4() !I~ MO 9608 W .ALTER S. klHCi A 3 ~droom, 2 Bath famous •vr" l'lan home. Near schools, library and churches. Extra amenities-a lovely swi mming pool + a separate play yllrd. Call now. Xtra lge lot, by park. 4hr, 5812Vcnlurl, ll.O. :!1,~lla, dln'g & !am.rm, 846·9157. Jbr, P~ba , frplc, ceramic tile Int, SGt,50(). Open house 10.5, vaulted ceilings, ex· Jan15& 16. tensive wood pll.nelulg. R_V_O_WN __ E_R_n_e_a_r_be_ac-h-.-3 $i\9,500. 496'3597 Br, den. formal dining & &Toro living room, 2 fplc's, 3 1 OJZ l.'ar i-:ur. 912.~ 557 !>'793 lrvlnc:_.,_P_h_6_7$_·_4.127 ____ 1 entry, ori&. wall m ural, .... ABl!LL Opett HCMIM S.... upgraded light fixtures, I l'lftllali #23 BlackSwan ~hts~·~~e:1r;e~~~~~~~ "#I .. c.,_ ... Brand new Woodbridge, Near park, pools & shop. • br patio mdl. Full price ping. owner will con · $87.500 w/10%down. sider carrylnc back a ti1ll Thompson Realty 2nd TD. LIVEIN THE RANCH DoaHH WOODAID REALTOR 644-7878 Olin llsei1 SJl/Sun 1i ~ BEST HUY 111\Y(;Kt:;i,T 4 Bd. 17;,.1SkilJrk $137,SOO BESTWESTCLff ... ~ Bd. 1228 Muriun l.n. sm.~ Atld A'<i.ociatcs fh.,Ally Ur1)k1·1 ;1~1· SPYGLASS HILL ll New~ 64~811 ANYTIME 5 Br+ i.iame 1m, Crml ~~~~~~~~~I dint'. i.ep. fam·rm, S Ba, I ll'W or U('l•an & City ht es S2 2!1,000 Uy owner Fine Mesa Verde 2-atory. 5Br, 2~ba, many •...•..•.•.•........... Lge 4 BR. 2 ffa, home BY THE S£A w O\lcr2000m:.q.ft. l'ool Very lov1•ly 3 Bdrm :.11e lot Will sell VA or h 0 m e o n p r o r t-'11/\. Squeak y clean. l:tndscaped lol, feulurinl( $11 ,900. Lake Forest plush carpettng, custom Realty.837-6161 drapes, stone frpl c, OPEN HOUSE bright & airy kitchen 495· t8'7o U CAROi Fixer Upper 3 Dedrm. home, needs TLC and paint and you've made $$. Un· derpriced lo move fast! Call qwrk a33-3380AI\. ~ One of lr\llne'1 finc1l communities h:ia avaJI•· ble a beuuttful Plan 103 fe1ttunng 3 IK.>drooms, 2 .. bo&lhs, dtn1ni; room. fnm1ly room. Ideally located & upgraded thruout. Tbla home haa 3 CREAM PUFF ntn ~ bd, homl! in move in con<11t1on t'n·~h 1m111t, I new crpt111~. new w .. )( frc:e floor:., .\lei.. lllc 1.-n try, hll·lt\ r.u.Jar ran)(t' Has c\ crytlnnit & it ,. .1 ml· re slcp t11 M 1 li· ~·1 Park. Sec 1t 1111w. &17.~li) 545-9491. ----- t;IO ~r~. 'WI ·h~ 11.1 l,l\),( ·,JI 11! l:t 11\' Sul/Sun 12·5 w/lots of windows. Sep. 2 story, 3 br, ram. rm .. ram-rm. rear patio. corner lot, separated Ideally slluuted on 11 play yard, $69,900. 23992 private quiet lot. Short Crescent, Lake Forest. dis tance to St. Jude C hurch & sc h oo l 2600 llghthouH Ln. M&-JOIO Minutes to Edison High Roomy ' Rcdrm. 2'• raMSIDE FountoinValt.y 1014 School.$74.500. J111th, 2 frplcs, ~ep fam ---- - ---L"->I ••••••••••••••••••••••• CUHTISRfi:AL F.STJ\Tfo; rm • <·u~t pool & Jaeuui LCiE CORNER LOT FAST OCCUPANCY <'.ondo for sale. 4br, 2ha. 002 245'1 I' r" f I :l n d st· P ~ Like New 4Br, 2 bu, fam 8i& tn.-es, big yard, c·ov· If.SO sq.Ct. nr Mile Squim· CHOIC"' loc Iner •tlihle 3 /\ V /\Ir. A BI.,.; 1 M rm, liv'l( rm, Crpk. Ap· er1..-d pu\lo. 3 l>drms .. 2 l'ark. Crct-nbelt & com • c .-wH:l>lATfo:l.Y Open prox1800sqfl.Obl~i.1r. baths, natural brick monpool&rcc.$64,llUO. Urw/bu~catrium This Snt/Sun 12·'1· $lOJ,OSO Nr all scbool11. 630 W. f1repl11cc. Uparaded, Hon Ellis one "'.0" t lust. ~.90\I. 675.·fJW Wilson, CM. $63,soo. Priced low nt f70.000 for 11.8 . Realty S36·656S _o~n Sun !!k_!:.. 847·ll09..:_ WOODHIDCH New condo by ownr. 3 br, 21-, ba, 2400 11q.fl. View. library, 2 rar, nr lnkc, $125,SOO. Eves, (Z l3) 1i39.3987 Surround your1n!lf with plants. Cov'd otrlum hr· 1nus the outdoors in. 3 Br, lo"J't, 2 Ha, low mainl yard w/lge trees. Nr pool & jac. $73,000. 551·5038 RAMCH RIAL TY pat.lo Mreas, au aUr•C· SS 1-2000 llvcl)' lancS.caped. Aak· ---------· ingonly J14,900. OPIM SUMDAY 1-5 SPANISH SPLENDOR Beautiful Syracuse Model in College f'urk Thia 4 bdrm home fl'aturri;: Ccnlrol air. lilt' roof. covered patio, elec. gar age door opcnur, trash compactor pro· fessionully landscaped yard. 15012 LORINAT RANCH REALTY SSl-2000 .. .. Walker & lee ffflol fsfote *Balboa Island* OPEN HOUSE BRAND NEW 4BR +DEN Open Sat/Sun 10·5, Ph fast sale. Owner bought SPACIOUS M~adow , ON the 1n1rk, near lake, 4 673-8313 another. f'amily home, 3 Br 3 Ba. D!l, 2 BA, frplc. Als~me 3 Br l Ba, lge back yard. den, dining, Cptc, new 8 '0 VA . SBS,9oo. Call brand new drivew11y 16 ,£ .• Quall ~ cpts, tndscpnJ:, many ~29111· GR~ENTREE3BR.2 8A By owner. '71,000. Call 551·3347 AskJnq $77, 900 I MY BWEHEAVEN ! OHH HOUSf 1·4 301 Gr-.d CoutOI Two 2·bdrm unlt1 with clock for 2 l.lnal$. $.el0,000 1.\1.1,11\hl,\ II • 673-6900 • Th~ 1dl'ul combin:.lton of a n1·w home 1n ::111 l''llllbl t S ht"c.l rw111hoorhood, fl'ulurmi: Jll th" l.1t1·~l .11111rnn1 m .. nt~. (l\ l'I ~"l"l l(.i• Jiil' l.1rl(I' Tll<lln' I h.1th:. 1>l<'P 1lov.11 "ct !Jar. n11n1 IX'l'an \ ll'W Alt \\ ;1lkmi: d1 ..,t.1nn• to Jirr 1 .1l1 ti.·.11•h 0111)' $185.000 fr(' OP!M SAT /SUH I ·S 461 De Sola T ffToce wide. By owner $46.500. Plac• Xlr•ii. See tu 1tpprec1ate $50, 900 ~~1J;s 890 Victoria Prapm--~!~· f25u~-1~~.1~~~: ::~ SHAKE ROOF Marino Cr or l'all n... l'lc .. d __ ... £&""TSIDttr-iu. . ..o 1•000UA1u1 NIWN>lttaucH u., you , c •ii.Ir w • ..,._, ~ ,.. .. .,.. ----------9Ui8 7079orS4l#-21177dy'-. rtoors? Con~1dcr lhue i:~r~i.~ 2 ~t1 o~e~~s~ •VA* t.;ruque-ec:;-unlry Style 3br. re11turei; J . Spacious <!trn home in FV mo bedrms + 2 baths + fam 963-8377 Rkr. NO DOWN Thistle /\ve. $85,000. rm w/frplc. C'omrort11ble noor pliin. Nu down to Put On your IN NEWPOkT HARllOR ~·.4451. Vet!>. Hurry, pluse call S I t II I G H SC ll 0 0 I. BY OWNER 898-7855 UftCJ GSSeS. DISTRICT, lhl11 unl<1uely TlBlJRONTOWNllOME You'll bf' d11uled bv tht derorat<'d, phnh carpet· Twnhme, 3Br. t •2 Ba. 111 .. 111ty ol this Spunr~h <-rl. 3 bdrm family home ram rm. nu cpt.'l/pa1nl. 1:1.iot• i\boul 220-0 Mt tin cozy used brick Open Il s e Sat/Sun QUIET /COMFY /CUTI-: 3 br, A/C, RV pad, lite kit .. patio, super loca· lJOn 562,000 PROPERTY llOUSE 642·3850 645.42ij4 RlDUCID·SAVE MOMEY Absolutely the lowest pncc• J hr, :t'z ba ftancho S:in Jooquln RANCH UAL TY SSl-2000 PRIC.to;O TO s t;LL. by owner. $85,000 lmmcd. (lt'Cupancy. Luxury 2 BR, Ubrary, ll:meho San Joa· qwn Condo. Fully a p· po1nled , incld air 547·3987 or :Jfl. Spm & wknds !)44 .5704 Beautiful ComeJI Modef featuring a blue motll thruoul lbia • bcdroon\, family room + bon.,. room model home. This 2350 eq fl .. 2 story home luls a formal dining area &. is profes:.1o n a lly landscaped. i\sSO<'iallon dues only S13.50 per month. Includes 3 com· munlly pools, cable TV. lruh plc:k up. 1006 ....................... I WANTED SINGLE SWINGER With 11 llllll' rnoury ·ro F\o.v 1t·orm·r S.rnw.irrl Kil I Call 644-72 I I ~Nl(,fl rlAIU Y & A~SUll/\l lS ll'i>l. 4 Ucd roomi.. · fireplace, 11nd loads of _962·~~fltiP_~L Ualhll, hig 20 root ramll) room ror pets & kids 1n --- r 0 11 m · P V 11 t "11 t EXTRA LAltGt: renc~ Hr MIS. Sq Porte f1rl'11lacc, guest dining. yurcl' f')(m'l pa3s over lly owner, 3 Br. 2ba. lge IEACH HOMES 1'!.ol !15'('d lol. Sllll.~00. lhL~ one! ram rm. nv access. 3 f'ar New 3 bedroom homes, 2 BKR. cull !>40-1720 _gar. $70,91!0~·~0 _ tu s blks from ocean. <' ltlkit lo Ol'l•an, 2 DR & Hwwth•gton leach I 040 Fir c p I a ce 1>. Z c ar Open house Sat 12·5 or&HSAT 1·5 I 4571 SA. WLIAF FAIRWAY i TOWHHOME ~ Lake & Night J.lght Views. Most popular Rancho San Joaquin 3 br plan, uncompromiled ..... .....,..H R ..... LTY view from every room. IUl......,. - 31 Munl11n:is .,;.-1tc f.liV!P~59~556 ~~~~~~ pcoµle 11rl1m11t rro11/r .. Dulhon h h· Uoll ltuuw 2 !Jr I H.1 I 11110,, d II Id 417 ' Pl S T T u.....-re on o-rtua y t•wry ay unt i.o ac• ' •SAVE MONEY• LION ES A ES N 3 B 2 b ( l>uhlltt Pr t ' ew r, 1;.. a. am. l~rl, l.~)I) ~,, rt.. OJ>('n TARBELL 11 .Quail l ······················· garal(es. "-"rf Id c d VI II "ti In California" Gp91' ••• •DY OWNER• 53'-1832 t·at1ng orea. patio. Nr tu th•· Wi•lt'r SPYQ.LASS HILL -. --• 1400 ouA?lsst~~!~o•• HACM Bell MeadOW8, sprkllnl( ------s<'hools. No. fi Sunflower, brlw hy t l l' • P.1rk i\\ 11 1Tihuron 11,1) lJr "Sult• by own!"r S:>$,OIMI ------pool hm, qurel cul-de· OP~N S/\T & SUN, Mi lnioc. Uy Owner l'rrn· Si'1:AMlf'I' 1'.111(1~1m11• 1t,1y & mght 3brl'•btHIH\Um 7r;. \'/\ OrtNSUH. 1.4 sac, empltl'y upgrd'd, 9922DONDCIJH.'L1'; CIJ>Jls Only. Open Sun li4i :?MllO Blr \1l'w :i llr Port11m11u1h 64$-091l)urtcr7pm 236 £ •· ..... GMOLIA. 3Br, 1n.n11, fam·rm. For IYorklown111roo~hur11l) 1·4. $20,000 In custom up-SS 1·2000 gradeg, Wood ceilings. --------- 11ecurity system, custom RANCHO St\N JOAQUIN wood en1ry. Ullimale 3 br, 2~ ba, popul1&r Sun ~ Rancho Home. $125,000 Lw11 ll<!y. Vu goll course Wkdys 752·0206, eves· & Io k e St\ 5, ooo. wknds 752-8182. 547. 7M4/8.13-32l5 ........... _, .. _._ ___ ;_ 0 CJ s t 1. s 1 • . ..,....,.. 11 ppt. 8ol2 ·2926 , or 2·Slory4 Udrm$72,900. ------------------.--I 0 pi·n ·" • un J M,...,.., \11•rrlf' Sp,11· ~•Ill t .. nl~1<tc. ch11rm1ni:. :I 541 .32oo. Open hse PACIFl<.:SANUS SPARKLING CLEAN 4 Custon.lnfft'iOf' •••••••••••••••••••• 00 ~.tW Ownr64UllOn. Jb1t, ram. din, llv rm, hdrm. home on r1u1c1 SJl /Sun I0-4. 17391 REALTY OOH·l>77f Hr rn beaut. cond . Lovtly 4 Dr+ fam. rm, ••P\'imr0('1'.,nfront 2 1h tO/Y hrlck frpl. covr'1J 11trecl. New p oint, Casper.Cir. ---------Wtrrull lrees.46 12 sing!~ home. 3 full b1o1 . :? p111\o, llrl'pl..ir1 Sl'YGUSS RIDGE pJt1n. b~aut KIArden~ carpet1nl(, bll·lns & ------WAU<TOIEACH Ch ornock Dr. $66,900. Nr. srhll!, tennis crts & $J5U,OOU. Call t>7l 140' • Flr"lt Ttrnc Offcn:d Quuhty cpb & drPl>· II) m1.1Ch more! ~Resale Specialists 3, 4 Br. "'R, OR. h11(hly up Call Collect, tl74·2 I 01 pools. ~nlargcd Ma tr ~ W OC'ranft1mt 1,.,t•M•l lot on thi• hill 11~T1f'r !17:1 tmlU Cill WALKIR 4 or 5 bdrm models a\oa1I, icradeli, p rof tndicrp<f Uyi., 674-4019 Evs. (7 14) bdrm. 12x24 w /custom 't h f r -Rtt.1.•tY ... 75•5200 somcw/pools.968-4602 Open Sat & Son :wl8 ,.1~,... "6any lr Xtnt C4pktrw.o a.ac.la I 0 I '"'~ t an 2fl(l I "t ron ~H:SA P fo: l. l\I AR by _ ,.._ ___ • __ Pennington Propertll'S Wtule Hors<• l,n llnt It TURTLIROCK ' ~."' " as. •••••••••••••••••••••• tuih· !tr.om rur h •nm"I owner 1 nr 2 no, com ----Bch. $73,SOU Ownr d b c 0 n d · 8 Y 8 J> Pl. ··•t ponl '""in .ip ptctcl> upgrnded & clc Westside ~Gcrdnas 5JIS.81B.\ :1':8r:,oo;c!.r;..~c~u~: ~.!_r_111_~_~_2_.31_1e __ I I ROOM Prl'<:i.itP thi, ht•uullfully ror11tt'd. Mow in rnnd. ....~ U w-... IY OW .... --aded Plan 3. Compl. DEER1''1E'D 3 "r. 2•L ile<·or.ilcd :? lllorv llurl $111,5'!0 Appl on/}', pr1nc ,_.,. 1 •--, "'"°" OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY •· "' " r4 F4Xltl UPPU inicaml' 4 111• 3ho 1-l~e -•y 7<1 ..... 26 3 Hcdrm , 2 Buth, tam 4 UR, formal entry & din· llunt.inl!ton Sc•uclirr, stol red e c . 2 m o 11 go . ba, hm. 1826 sq fl., covr'd C1s ... , .. S•• "I .. "'-"ul "' "'" ""'" f di rm tam rm w /hBr $120,000.Fee.Openhou."le pal.io,aprinkler sya, bl() _,, • · ,..11. ~ .. , .... Y .,rinu, rm Slll7,000 --rm .. orm. n. rm. tl' · · • colll"fiO & 1enn1 ... Closet on Blurh, 0Hrlook1n ' l'I(• opt owrif'rR4>4 2*19 mudl'led kitchen. com romp. redcc an/out. 3 Car belllch, prof. lndscpll. Sun. J:in. 16. t 5. 19212 crpl, cln, well kept. J>ana Pt llhr 0 Hdrm,. 3 Br 2 Bu, lgc rnomll. plete wrlh all builtinii llltl', Jae boitl rsle W/~I Move jn cund. fi!I02 Law Sierra Jaabcll4. Nlrk 1711.000. SS2-0S93. Ba, 1•rn1• room. l1lirMy. ·-~.!MIO ~6891 Sep. laundry rm. ll·V alz.e lol. Wll ~ hsung Jf11ven Ur ~·1979 Vro&rtn, •at, 752·6S2l or Culverdale, by owner. Up· DEERFIELD HOMES 1 Pion 4 O<!t>rfleld rark Home feo turln~ • hedrooms, 2 story, 2!h baths. pool tnze yard.. - Buyers choice or carpets. Pncl.-d al $104.900. I study, frml d1nin,ll rm parklnl(. Huperb prldo o( w/realtor 11oon. Steal ------5.51-:1784 itraded tbru-out, r,rof. hand pA1nlN I bl•ame1 o"'•n·~uhip. Cun't laiil, now & Have :il $95,500. WAl.KTOTHF: tH:ACll U IS 1 nds ...,... RAMCH llALTY l"elllnl{. Jo'i rt·pl1tl't.' lJi.e theU1ulyP1lol CMFIXER callnowl&tS7221 Pnnc1.mly.9AA·7444 from this pride n OPEHHO S a cal"' .. 2 8R, rplc, 55 1-2000 t:ncl1111cd 1·ourtyd in "Pn11t Ht11uu·· Ner vier ownership 3 br llunl 29 Winter green 3 Br country kitchen. 1~ ba, --------- rludes '"' heated pool, d1rf'clory. \'our 3 Bdr. home nt•ar Collci:e Ontu v A CANT! 1ngton Seacllff bnmc. Deerfield townhomc. walking dlslanco to prtv. orEN ......,. j I fl It t Park. Cathc'<iral celllns ~ ,. l d $9l •M SATlrSUN l.2·4fM tennis, swlmmlnjt, p11rlc, Sl32Royalle ·~ ... llC\IU • re I> • ou A I· lw I I lmm,.dlut" po•""'lllion. ...,wi · upi:ra e. ""'"· & c l .... h $6• 9co doorUOQurctu.f.!OS.000. /hrV(I' nllllr I v niz room. COZJI 21 . I ' .. b n~'b EXECU'l'IVE llOM .. ;s, ..... Uu OUlle .... ". "The R•llch'' R>-ownerifotent11• call speclally flr4.lpll1ce, blend for " ~ Sg1. 11tory 4 r. 2 " In 848.0700 17521 J11ornnda Deane 569-5199 4 bdr m & d c n _2 8'73-Jll20or<1!16·H723 Cn ll 642·5678 <'d 32.e Aood life In ocean uir "Mo1Jtol Hom"" cond. ... -----Garden home. story 2100 aq n -move <.;n:;ta Me11a. Priced ut One, o( the best locations 4 Br l.11 Cur,lu, ram.rm, SAT ONLY 12-4PM Open House Sun/Mon 12·5 in (IUlt.'k-"'3,500. 3 citr S55.000. VJ\ ur Con v. WettcUffReGlty In Fount. Valley; Jl1trd lo lrii l·sly, v11ullcd cell'a. SOU'THLANDERS 1483LComelSt., lrv.3 Br .:ar fenced -trees, ' loan ---bclirvc: ;1 20x40 pool In· elcc gar dr, chi lCl ocn. 642 636ll 2 88, $G9,Soo Qui t rd R It 1173-8250 Sfll( & lfNlf HODG£ PODGE "GAA11 COYLYELCRGAR MVAYOGA 0 H Y T H H Q 8 E f P 0 H S S A R G C E y A(H i D G EIP 0 D G EIG ~A A 0 [ R Y G R 8 E 0 A G V A G R A C 0 R M Y A C A F C 1 G E C G R A Y 1 T Y A A G R H G A 0 H l U G P Z I C A R V Y R C G A R T J Y O R R H 0 G R A V T E £ P E G C Z 8 G R A A H A S A D G H V Z A R Y A R G 0 A Y P G R A H I T E A 1 R 0 R 8 0 1 V I l L T A 0 D V A S R H S G A ~ E G R A F T A Z I £ A G £ G G T 0 R A U R A H " A R G T U R 0 R S H D l G ~ R A G R A l E R C R G V 0 A I M L T U R F E P A R G K A H E 0 T M R N E G ~ A S l f G R U £ 0 R E M A INllW"-. H~ _.,,. f)ftlOW "'Pter lotWel'd, blefl· .... d. \IP,~ Of cll..,o11 .. 1y. "110 -~ tnd llo• It Ill ... Gr•c• Greuhopper aru1ng ~ Grett Grave.yerd Gr1n1te j Gr1nd•ur Gr1111 ty Cr11111111r ~ Gr•pefr\i1t Gravy Grem Mondly 77777 . 641-3474 N .. ~/\T! C-Olle1e Pk. a bdr, duded for onJy J19,9"°. 11chls, & shopn'it. SM,900. , -n " Cll y hfl• • IA comer lot. 01)fn Sat 6 C.11 : 545-8424 Prinonlyll62·7800 "The Ranch" 3 BR, llv-,..._ 1044 t"'9w 1044 ~11 &in l-4Alt 751·2'W ASSOCIATED -·--.., rm, din· rm, country ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••,, •• ,,•••••••••' 1 I 1 t • ......... GUS SO.COJ\STBKRS. ILLNESS kltch/fam rm. rrplc, • _..,.. lndlcpd w /thAded patio. ~ I~~~~~~~~~ HA.VIM! BEACH e«taee. only 9 By owner. $H,OOO. I"' 1 /'\1~ L1e aep. room over ~~,' r~~I o;~~:·.:OOO,ooo: FORCES SALE _56_1_..,_7 _____ K VVQ 11areae. Loe.a of hou11c for This lovely 4fk. l~R• ftUICk 5 .a.u1 38rHome,denw/pvltn· the money. $71,900. Prln. only, plll. Kent Home needa a llttle ..,.... ~ CLOS€0Ut trance, 2 car .aar. (rplc, Bo bhe S u I k It I, A Ml . Rorera ttlty · 848·8300 work. Conveniently clO!le Colony 100. 3 Bdrm , Fam • arr cond. nrwly decout· 646-7414 VACANT 4 BR, 3 BA, to achlt. <'hurche.t. pk!I, rm, prof decor, all bUU\ ed, pool u lot, off street b d t .. .....__. • Klt"h"'D w lo'• up(nf'11. Park, pool, t.n· lt'l"CSfl <RV Parklna>. Lovely 4 Br wlformal ran new cont . nP· "'"'l'Vln.... .. ., I ' nls. $73,00U. Qualified Onlyonenowhomeltltnthls0dl.i1- qulet cul.de·uc, clotc 10 dlne 4 Farn >tm. huge ::"1~': ::; ~~~oC::~ oCcup~;.~f~~:;. pran only. By owner. oriented~ OOt11e corM'V1!tv. everylluna. prin only. rnatr •uill, w/amall view houae Sat/Sun. lZ·4, IW4Ml$79eve". ~IMovea/wknda. Acompletely llnbMd 2·bodfoom model f72 500 S46·0403t'vn fl city UAhl1. 5 yr1 old \7112 Cfruntree, oU ---------• ·---• with o golf·eoutSO view. S97.000. ' . --for Curthtr deUIUa call Wa.rnernr. BollaCblca. OPKN Si\T/SUN: 1'932 OPENSATl8UN1.a Golngrcnt.CofttOdoy. IBr. 38a home Jn Colle11e C· 21 Crocker Real SllO,OOO. Ownr / Bkr, Pll"Udllly Ln, n unl'«· fJ PRADO Tony Gl90s0n (71'l) 752•0831 Park.C1.1Jdua<'.A1Jklng FAlateSU.&052 ~ltt46-4931J Bay otr Ad•m• nr. JBdrmRaMhoSallJoa. $115,000. Ajfent&46-1•. Brookhunl. AdJla only, quln Condo, ov.r loolrtn• 1 ,_ Podf~· Colfomlo 4 Rr 2 Ra, tr111llcr 1cce11. bhte. $48 NO pool. View or rolllnf tv11u IC t.JVVelopnwnl ~ ••UIOUSES.. SS7,SOO. C 2J, Crocker Spa c 2 ily, 1 r,r old ~ "du a:2oe ' . tulla. Parqu« noon, wet iuncho $15,500 by ownr. 2 ~alFAtatr642~ t..ndmark h"! n pre· ceRlty548-~r.upgradedorpcta+ operate houu1 on 1t11e area. 3 Cur gar, 4 IYOWHM eox1eo· IU lot. For more BY oun..a1R Br, 3 b11, llV·rm W/frpl, t Mlleftom beach.4 BR. m1.nyextr u . S'nJ""QUln tnfocetllJ60.3911t nl"'ll fanHm w/bar, ceramic rm Q \.IQ ---------1 • Br, ftumpu1 rm, din UI• entry. Clim Int d•· 3 Ba. la• fam-rm, klo1 'You Found Jl! 3 BR. on rm, bltna. Mota Vtrdc 1l1ned thruout. Open slrA 11me room, room to\.vtlhi"lln)tS !'_toty Condo. Newport 11r-.1. Xlnt e<lftd, Prlcf'd ho\t3C t2 5 Sat/Sun, l'18a for boat Of lrnllcr. Xlnl t ov • 1 ,., ,,fl Riviera. Tennl1, pool+. IM quick aAltl 54f.3S43 D1ll1len Cir . Owner lndHpJC. 111 o,ooo. ltlf.Al..TY INC. , Q ~~IOQ . 11• · l ,,, t, auoo.Alfl.M8'4tll Noacenla I 94a-tfll. _~ ___ Prl_n_r_._o_nl"'-y---1 ,,. "Yt'UflllllHJ h -=~~~~==.==========~:::;;;=======::=1.==========:=.t:::==========:i;:========:::Jl.:;::::~=::!!5!::!!:!::~====================~'· • Disco• De View . . from this beautiful. most spacious 3 BR, 2~ BA Rancho San Joaquin Townhome. You'll love the. many plush upgrade!, and the best lrvtno location. Experience the convenience of being near UCI. Newoort Center , Univ. H.S .. the lrvine Racquet Club & you'll be next door to the R.S.J . Golf Course. Compare and you'll recognize the dollar saving and advantages that this exciting home otrers at only $107,000: OPIM HOUSI :::Jw~ l·I 12 MONTAMAS llVIMI CALL NOW 752-7315 DONALD M. BIRD Auociates Realtor~ I I044tr.IM 1044 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TURnl ROCK $122,000 WITH LAND OPEH HOUSE IY OWHElt SwtdGy, J_,.., t6t• 2 Story, 6 BR·Plan 7. Giant wood beamed step down living room w/floor to ceiling frplc. Formal dining room, family room, kitchen w/nook. Beaut. landscaped, low maint. yard. Secluded master bedroom, lower floor rooms open to garden & patio areas. J Car garage, a bundance of storage & many extras. I tl52 SNtn C.._., In. Call Don Olk 1714) llJ.9609 w ... 17141 751-4642 UNCH II.ALTY 551·2000 IT'S GOT EVERYTHING Fllntabulous Columbia Model m College Park featunng. Corrung Ware toe> range, CE helf clean 1ng ove n . bu1lt -1n m1 c rowuve o v en . Kilchena1d d1shwui.her Beacoup cabinets. Super plush carpelmG Wuil & window decorating. /\ must Lo see ' Profe :.s aonall y ll1nd11caped yards w 1 sprinklers, 1\1 ah bu lights & a recrcutionul spa Gllrage has electric door openers & loads of cabinet storace ~pace 3415 DOE STREET OPDISUH l ·S ~ AANCH RE.ALTY 551 -2000 NORI NS ·REALTY ~'u1~Po~!t~O~~. Nr SPYGLASS HILL Commandln.: 1•n u11tal view Newport Jlor~r. Quuhna & L.A. ll"ht11 ;(J()O llQ rt. of luxury Ii V· in~ 4 Bdrms , 2 1\ l>aths. dining urea, family rm. 2 fireplace&, wet bur & 3 cur 11.oruge. Prlv. Pool w1Jacun i & larg~ .:ame urea $275,000 * 494-1057 * twn Trade for nt•w home or other in bC'h lirt<• leochfrottt Own, Agt 49tl-0142 llG CAMYOM , 3 Bdrms., 21..\ baths, 18.W'eq. ft. ud unit, vacant -move·in rddy (not OC· cupled since total redecontlon). new carpeting, vinyl floor, diaperl• & complete paint ..... s~tac"'1ar view MOW ·tlU. ... lt 14 StePI to the sand! Th ts 4 bdrm. home is only 11 JUST LISTl.-:D Sturdy VIEW· S215,000 . ye11rs old, h3s2 frplcs . a Sp;in hm w1wd firs & View. Newport Bay to MewportleKlt 106' He.._theclt 106f· charming l'Oul1yard en. beatn ce1hn11. 2UR, Catalana! Cron gate en·••••••••••••••••••••••• •••·•~·-•••••••••-••• try + a rm m aid's lB/\, din rm "'/ocean t ry Mammoth living WISTCLl- h room with VIEW! M;ir-rr · quarters . EnJOY t e view $!111.~ ble fl replace Paneled BY OWN ER bredthtakin~ s ights & SPACIOUS l"a m hrn formal dlnmo room. Wet 2er. 2Ba Luxury Coodo, ro;uo of the oeean. Wall w1views from C\.ery rm. "' lease at SlSOO per month, mus t see to apprec bar Sp11c1ous kitchen & priced to sell. $61,900 or submit your offer lo $139.SOO. Pa ntry Extra large Best buy 1n Newport purchase. lmmt>d. ot· A'l''I'HACTIVt-: 21Ht. ;i master wmg. Glau ed _~0056 ____ _ cupancy . asking $350.000 HA, manor In Leh.ur<' v::w pw~aoC Loads 01 Wunt tn Ruy MonetoCOMpar• Worll•. Much s ou1thl 5• r age ar gara~e HarborVlcwKnoll Con· 41DIM+POOL A PRIVATF. WORLD 4 IU>RMS. -6 BLKS. to after C:a~a Blanca mdi Call. noY.' for pcrso1111I do Prln only 64-4 -6156 ..... 100 of gre<'n hall~ & hlue W ~•. C . o _, h Th E.-stalt>s ulc S:ll.500 prcvacw. 752·1700 wkdus -d OCJu.s O\ e °""ac c ,.,..,..,, 1,1 9 . ' •u~; 'v 11 '· • J 0 t di d I •I OCf'Un l'>Urroun s you un ent •rf' Jrd fir ii'> the Complete Rental Ucpt. ------ul• an n,. OC•• on. ~~i~a;£~!~~~i~~;h:~b ~-=~~~~·e~o:~·~~~~e~:s~ ~UEL1>4~:~3~;STAT~ [~ la!!lft'I ~=~~~~tpr~~r.;~~~: j~~~::~;l~7::;·~. For hom<' 3 lidrms . 2 baths. . .=~~ lari:e cheery katchl•n. Seett today! $197.sou Sunny p11tio. New,painl. B uy C r c1t Coun\r.y , formal din. rm. & lt v Special Motiu Spac Liv. Pool. tennis f'rench. Corner Jot cul•, rm w/flrepiucc Bonus 2 Ucet1Hd Newport Shore1 priv Prin only. 642·~27 de·tac. fet. 3br., 21i'lba. t lower level ha:. lar.i;c Aeal&tate,..-sons A home to remember! 2 for .appl. $83.500. Priced $189.000.64&-278211R 6 Bdrm or fam rm :o.uale $1 19.S00.38r/2Bu OcVu Hedrm and den. I''• bath. fo.!:..!mmedsalc. ___ 1 ________ _ w1r1n•plll('C & bath pl Oil Openings for full time !IS $149.000-Com'l/5 Units Compleh•ly C!lrpe tcd. HEW PRIME a~· u••v1 pnvalede<·k $13'1.000 11oc aates commission S15S.000·2 11om~(>t'Vu ,\traum vi e w from -.. * 494-805 7 * :.ch(>dule is compet1t1ve S'JffJ,000·38r/2Ha l>t-Vu bedroom & lmng r m Wattrfr.,..+ Coltdo JUST UITIOf . C'onf1denl111I antcrvar w SlSS.000-JBr /21la lkh!><l t:nJOY l lie w armt)l of 2Br. 2·Sly ln·ievel. t'rml Townhouae near Hoal: LAGUNA by app't 1 wall train nt•w s:JOO.OOOor s:ns.ooo 1Aood and rharm of mar· dine-rm. 60' Boat slap. uo~pitol. Like new! ~ lil·cnsel.'!> Bui.ani:ss Is 2 ToChoosc t'rom. rors. Uhlr 11.ir ~•auto $220.lJOO. ~·71l'JI. / DR . 2 ba., frplc., aep. HIDEAWAY rampant' Buyerli arc op Bldg Stage Oc Vu • opener 01A'nl'r need!> fai.l l"'YSHORES luundry rm .. priv. patio. 2 B d & I llml•tac 4 Ur Jlla • Pool sulc. Call~· llS I "" Cl•~n to pool. Adult COU· By ownr. 4 Hr, :.!12 Ba e room 1 e n an " p,t comm 3 Br. <len. """" lJru v. 'Park 2 frplcs. nr Canyon w 'M!cludcd re Jr * 494.7551 • I ---Ni.-.-1 I 052 oard"n pullo I Blk from pie only, Owner mi&}tl )•ard P'·t10 t~rr· c & ....,...... "r"9'' .. ~ con:.ider leue, len&e/op· pools. lenru'l, racket ball. · " · ~ a ·c ••••••••••••••,•••••••• bilu O""n bou1>e Call h 1 h tr~ hou-ie One male t ' r lion or exchanae. $52,SOO. Ir i....... 10'"4 lrvfne 104 parks, sc f'Wlli. s op·g town&IJeueh Alltha~ro OPEN HOUS1'~ Sun. 1·5 ~--603 __ 1 -1-'orapp't.~aU •-,. S76. 750 . Prln only pm. 24361 Las NarunJai. ---------1 AL--.... ••y ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••··, $51-058Sart tpm :!Y~OOt~· C;ill nowt Dr . Laguna bN1ghuel BIG CAN_V_O_N_V_a-ew-of NEEDS HALTQ;64j.53J' • BRIGHT and YOU'U EXPOSED Wooclwt-'-/IMIM F'OR SALE BY OWNER Neat 4 bdrm . 2 a omc GuU t•ourse & lake, 2 br 2 -r Laguna Charmer. fplr. 1st tune offered. Great HOTHIHCi IUT BEAUTIFUL To everythan1! Walking Brand new condo e ~~€'TIG€ palto. terrific view or ba, upgraded $117.!>00 AU'fMIC"' .... "'L dl5t;inceto11chools,shop· 2 Br+ den . 2 b a ! l hardwood noors. 2 Br, 1 valley & Saddleback h1e1opt Steps to Te nn. YOUI """ """,.. 3 BDRMS, 21·!r BA., wit ping, swimming pools. lJno bs lructed view ()f HOM€~ Ba, $9'J,500. 494·19-15 Mls S7S.500 JAM f':S crl. pool, Jacurn, i;ec. • 2·Sty. S BR .. 3 baths, family kitchen. Rutl!Cr tennis club, golf course. mountains. Choice of col 8 RE/\ T JI TAK 1 NG LOMAS REAi, •:STATE fl44 $.Ml TRULY no work needed. p 1 a yr m . La r 1 e m odel l ownho me 1 Plentyofactlvityw1thall or scheme, SI 12.000 _300N Ncwport.N n. OCEAN VIEW from Ir; 4941008 -----Beautiful ruiscd hearth waterfro nt deck for Village J. Beautafolly di.' of the abo\'e, plus more <714 1640·4734 aft 7 pm EMIR "'LD l"'Y 48r <tbs home w /rm. ro~ . -. , "E" PLAM fireplai:e, brand-new "duck watehin1f' & r e· cor<tlt:d -convcml•nt II Plus a luxury S<tn Luii. ---"" "' 0 1 SCUV ER A V I~\\ Comp. redcl·or . 011 cul kitchen/b1ulltn~. carpet· luxatlon! Walk lo pools, · C II P k 4 u .,, 1• (Ju Owner <Lac Ukr.1 poolluhle tn hiibby rm · '. . • ff I h h t f d I ....., 500 parks :rnd p<Klii. Onl> lley m odel ho me an o ege ar or -z vJ. , Many xtras m1tkc it Gua~ant.eNI to,sat111fy, 4 rJ r 1rn1· li;t Time o crc1 mg t roul( ou . ence lcnn a.ocean._.,, 584.900 UJ>t•n Sal. & Sun Rimrho San J oaquin. 3 fplc, DR nr park pool special &very livable Br. 2 ba, $77,.100 Op<>n for s ulc 3 IJH. J bu .. ram. back yard w/lrutl<'r or CAYWOOD lllALTY I 5 P M 4735 Hoy cc IM Bdrm . 21.z bath, form al 552· 1621 eves or wk ndis Whate·wutl'r oce:rn v 1<-w Sat & Sun 23531 Porter rm f''imshed & punclecl b o a I ~ a I e . /\ N I> ,.. 541· I zto * dinmg Jnri d ei:antly de· 1 __ le h -Open·b<'am l'l'il1ntts &.11-0ti73 Own /Ukr. l(aragto, $134,750 ha n d s u rn e GU EST -..-- coral c d l hr u u u t . --rw-oc I 041 t'rt'<I Hr111.:s i\IA Ucs. A p p R 0 /\ C II I N c, CORllN ASSOC. HOUSI'; l'omfy enuff "'-Cle .... I 076 Hedur e d tu !'ell ul ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oanlni:room.Dro &J>ERFlll!:CTIBUN2bin<l;~;gn -------..--1 Reaffors 759-0226 for Gr;endma! By llJl· ::': .... ~ ...... -. ....... Sl<ll.fll.IO 1~1§1 ~l!!,OO 2 Bedroom 2 llalhs '1°3 ty. 2 r il. ~ + GOL1''Erts UllEAM, on pointment only $llO 500 Lr1tlot rmtot>x1>und bonus rm. Gues t h!le IOthlee.1':1 NiiiuelCoun · ' · lllATHTAklMG rRICE SllW.SOO w/FP. and gazel>0. Lu11h try Club. 3 Ur nl'w humf' CAHHERYVfLLAGE 1£. IQuall ~ Vlew from this pam· red hill __ 552 -7 500 CHllfMllppt. 4M·ll371 ldlil'pg w/waterfall 411 30912 w. Grt"en Dr • Place pcredbc11uty .2 Dr.2 ba. pond 2 Bdrm house an C· l zone, Prapwrtiea l750 Sq ft. 1-~ormal d in ONN SUN 1·4 MONARCH IAY . 64S·8lt06 S&.ooo 1n-tt20 rm . richly paneled den, ---------I UNIQUE HILLSIDE lyOw--WJ(t ... r .t.Ald'. LIDOISLE 1•oocw1msr.Hrw-r11.acw municured groundi; SETTING -<:ustom built ...... i •• "'"'AY '•~x L .._.ICE 4 IDRM 2 Bdrm+ d<-n: frpk . 2 ---w/secluded courtyard. JSR. 212UA home. LR Lovely 4 Br. 2''.a ba, ram "'-" .,...., ~ .. " pati08. beamt-d cc1I. "'' 25 I Oc•Mfroftt. Ml 8'i0 VA lerms considered. Ol'EN DAILY 8A :\1 T 0 6 PM OPIHSUM. l ·S 17621 M..cllester lmm;ic ulate 2 bdrm with many e x tras Jacuttl, large, beautiful· ly land~c aped y ud 9>4,750 w/frplc & wet bur. Lus h rm. large living room &. • ),'rp// .i/nl" 2 bath with large pool. mg rm. $145.000. N•wport H-'CJhts New lit1llng at S&l.000. carpeting thruout separate dining room w/ 4g7.1751 private c ommuni ty Beautiful JBR vie w lllTMAHIMlY u nob s tr u c t a b I e beamed ce1llng11 Heated '""°..._. .• , • .._."" "'-'~ Walk lo beach & tennal> whitewater views from pool set rn ocean view.---------courts $\21,500. ho me, x tra lrg lot llALTOIS e\'ery room. $157.500. EJC c ellent cond1t1on Fantastic view from Jbr, ._CURTtSllRADlEY w /many possibilities 215 Del Mar, San Clem. WOODIRIDCiE ARIORLAKE 407-2-189 499 4~1 Guarded private com· 2ba .e legant end unit co,RUUORS Lo ts of extr as h~re. 4f2 ... t21 493·8812 munily Sl64.500 Ph twnhme. 1~7 sq ft. & ad· <:...-<&H-4S84 Please call for an ap· :? !Jr, 212 h.'l. J!nl 11qft nr l.;ke Scarct! Brrnl1Aood mt.II Call SUI SZ74 ----499-27Jti d1t1onal 1'00 cu ft. un· or496·3158 pointmcnl. 200° Oc View T URTLEROCK rr"s1 TRADE/SELL 43M equ1· _..__ finished area. Up1'raded • 06 UNITED IROKHS ·- dent home new o n ty Ml·A property nenr 27.ISCEHIC thruout. formal entry Miui0ttVl•io I 7 JohnCarey GRl 646-7U4 3 Br. den. newly redec:-. m.irkel 4 R<lrmll . 2 ernter of Lal(unu Bellch AClllS w/skyhghted ceillng, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---Own 498·J036&530-29'12 > R J\ N c; t; T H 1': Jo. Kf."'l,\l.1'; :?lir, 2ha. Aircond. frpC'I, l mmc d O('C'UP !t l\C'y s:>ti ,000/ownr 1:!13) ~') 5174 or :177-4960 b.itlb, family rm . frplc . This lovely um home W/ In L11auna Beuh! R·I. frplc. 2 car elec jtar. New Castille 3 on. lots or Spectacular CB~ v~eBw. li:e put10 Uol'>tand1111: lri: yd . may he usecl for · hi h 1 Move in now only upgrades. view I m Nwpt Crest o o, r. r I h • 1 b 1 rural seltmg: g e eva· s6J ,900. Law ·& As· mediate occupanc•y 2\.zBa. tennis. pool . view n 1s '" m uny service usne11s or lion with many exciting 0 1 • .,. f>h ~or.G"'"' Sll2.S00.64.2·2568for appt. m.ic ulall." co nd1t1o n rc!lidence.4!M·86ll ocean view hom csites &0e1ates,496·4272 Bkr wner ''"' : ·<'V' .. .,., 1-;1ectronlc air f11tn . "Z" Realtor OUTST ANOI NG 0 p . aftcrtJ PM. UDO ISLE CHAllMIR Income Units Nr. the Ocean · Close to i.chools Owner PORTUNITV for an im· ·--------1 o-n 54.n r 2·5 HARIOR VIEW By owner . 3Br , 2Ba. lg. transferred. Th1$ wnn 't IEST VIEW 1 t · I v I • r-a g na ave 'e e npcr . 22152 Via Octa•o MO..-EGO patio Sl50 000 673 1610 Vf:t:Rf.'IF.LD lut! Call for a pp't. EMERALD BAYSTEAL Callnowfordctull!I. ..,JS'I,,,,.. "' --·--·--·--·--, PATl(HIOME $1.19,500 • SOOOSQ. fo"T .,,...,,V S2.SOO Reduction! Now a 48R, 2BA, wet b ar. ---------1 fk>autaful 3Br. 212 Ra, DAVID D. CARLSON Best Jo'inancing real bargain. 4 br, 1n. ba, Shows Uke a model. Pro-*O'EN HOUSI* 6 UN ITS ON T H ~ BLUFF-Winter & Su!'\" mer rentals. Good in· vest men\ property $245,000 JAY W. YEATS tam rm. A~JM'n Model lllALTOl ll).t2f] HELIMCOFFIY ~1h:Z~LP& REAL ESTAT~ Jlarcelona. 1''ore11t lake f'ly . ldscpd. VIEW. Sat/S.. IOtoS Prole~monnlly <kcorated ---------IJ3(1,)&Il1lb' 9<»l>-(;tentteyro . '· selling nr new Mii;Kicm VIEW, VIEW. A land1catlt!d , SKJ.500 ,AYSTOOWH 67J.ISl4 <&91MflOO ..... U ) 1••,0J•• Viejo l~uke. Now only 671·7601 21l40fftSt,Hwptlch Agt 844 96.b Rtrllk out or the apt 6 7J.ll6l --------.... ORTH END $69.950 Ownr will l'Un c1o .. to leach JUST LISTED! d & h r RI v /\TE D ll I v E " Sldt'r 1or, down GorteOUI Patio dwdltr mol own t as •·---------•I Ocean view ' immac 2 Br S.•clu•lon Is lhe keynote U1ll Thom~on Rt'alty PRIVATE ISLAND h11m(•. (lt!rled fo r thc r· + den, 2 U:i, frplc, 2 etH in this home loaded with 495.1g70 2 ...... & Gwtt Qrtn Thi~ (A)rnc-11 mocll'I. In ffi U (' h 11 O U II h \ ,if I ,. I C ollr1ite Y11rk . h11 ' I t4c'dr()(l nH1. a ~C'JH"r .. t1· alf'P down fomaly r:,l(•rn and 11 l11r1it t! pant'le d bonus room ' 11 o1tKl'I fmnt and re11r a nct .-lttlfll' .,arafe door opene r ;,r,. only a few of th•· r-ctr11' • "Lowest"' pr;ced Cornell in tr:.l1. ! llc:-ll('r hurr)', c;,11 !<tnl(lt>s o r eooples 2000 SQ fl' HOMI eleoe gar. l.ri;i lot Sl2!1,500. 11mcnilies : 2 brick :JO' BOAT SLIP HewpCN't,lw l•tffy !:~;~~?bile'~ t~'~e~dsl~.. !:a~ :~1:~Kl~~l~~~~~·.1~ NEW 11,oM ~ ur,<ler codn. ~:s.I ~"tis~ quality OWNER ANXIOUS NEWl.V 4 Bdrm 67J.Z051 cnre pa tio. 11.1rage door or 4 841rms. 3 full balhs. tlruct on A woo · u · Charmtnlo! J Hr. I '• Ba, 118COLl.INS ISi.ANO flp e ncr . up g r a ded d ining area. A rtllul oceanview.:t Br.2 na EXCITING HOO sq.fl .i.u~rpallo. Trade&/od'lnanre ne utral c a r pet1n1 le Vlllueat$l43,SOO purchase now & select Vaulte<l ceilings, large frplc, air, bllns Nr. Sad $308.000 llG CANYON drupes, 2 bdrm .. family your own choice of llle & ( 1 d k dlebark.Coll~ $73.900. 673-7770 558·8723 NEW 3 Br CW1tom Home rm . community pool 1c C0%Y llACH HSI t'arpct dTh~11 hbome1 as dbe· ~~'.';etxfr~~. tv:; l~s~: llOU1AN REALTY ---------1 on Fairway. OUTSTAN· P.llrk lf\Z,:KJO 11 ane • u1 l ,Y 17\4)4113 OOOS ---------DING 180' VIEW &c 2 Bdrm, 2 Ba. Only 4 blks 11rch1tec-ts Ostninder & tt. ·In-level. S1M.SOO BEST BUY in Big Canyon More! AJ(t. 640-6876 or to~ach. Central 11lrlum, Kuihayama.$175,000. ~ 1,,,,.. YOU'LL KICK Must sell ~35.000. Plan 6'4-6249 552 7000 lie back yard. frplc. PRIVACY -Outst.andlng t./T06..,~ II Bro1Jdmoor hme. 4 Br --------- • -~ white water co11J1tal view Aftc~ ESTATf YOURSELF 2'' Ba. nr 71h Jo"aarway. -------- rtt'C.I Cnf'P('t Rt.iltor 833.3380 TLf £ . ·. . . DOLPHIN I .E. from th rs ma11nificent 714 64-4-1637 tor oppt. By JBr. 28a, din rm, lg fam r ..,,,_,,,e-t. ...._ I ---------1 home thot mu11t be 4"·~TJ 1 .. 0,16 if you ml:sll lhtll great ~er. rm, pool, quest nne, m VILLAGE · · · -seen lhe amenities are 1~~~~~~~~~ s ta rter hom e <odd 2 Lovely Newport hm. sBr. mac,$115,000.645·2545 RE1\LTORS BY OWNER far loo uten~lve lo 1 "'~1 more bedrooms>' On an 3bu danin.i r:im -rm ,.. ... ---------Move lo now! 3 Bdrm. Over ZOOlhQ.ft $2l!>,OOO. DELUXE exerutlve EXTRA LATlGt:; LOT bo~t + H.V area : View bulldln.i site, large I 0441"-I 044 2'' Bath with flrrplarl' home. prestige. privnte w I he a u l I ( u I I Y MK·Jl68. level lot w/view or Back ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• and ta. ttbl. R8t8J(t! Ca· Jrvlne Cove; bruuUfuJ lands<' aped yurd, Lhhs -----Bay. SSS.000. oynn privacy. ocAHtn beaeb. 3 BR., 3 bo . dt'n, sh u~e -roofe d hnm BLUF'F'S -Elegant 48r, HOWARDJOHNSON maanab I Irvine realty suna oun.oo.r One of Ranch() San Joaquin's best locations w /all the features of a 3BR San Luis Rey condomlnium + decorator wallpaper. gas lop, up. graded carpets & drapes. fl~.000 fee. Colleen Jensen 752-1414. CZ37> ...... SITY PAIK Lovely new 4BR, f amUy room. din· ing room home -$89,900 IH. OR - 2BR, family room at $96,000 fee. Laszlo Sbarkany 752--1414. (Z38) llA"""'-& N1W Golf COW'H locatJon I 2BRa. den Cs dining r()()m ••. overlooklna 10th hole. $105,000 lee. lM~o Sbarlrany 752·1414. (Z39) M2·12JJ 644-6200 'Gt Dover Orl¥9 Harllor View Center lrvlne at C:.~PUI Y&lle1 Ctnter 712·1414 . . view.S12'l.~.'4!J1J.lro66or dining rm., lovelr w/fare~lacc I& In 11 anu. den, ram rm, ownr HE/\LTY 673-311~ _ _ secluded pulio with Po<>. SUPf.:R 1,0CATION 4' C)4()·R717, 752·8556 497-l?« 49tJ.77l8 vt NI ., u ""'t •-a Garage. 122.5.000 CL.OSI'~ TO SHOP.,ING ., ,. rn C'I'\ • ur .,. ' .. Oce• Vu SAN Clemente : 2 DR, 2 S62,500 LO~ ILY puUo. Oen sldi: of Hwy. bi1 .. den, frplA. Ch,.lce SPANISH HME S-W.500. 497·3595,4~·6320 MUllt sell beaut lge con· • " 8 b - A"'. do . Asking $94 ,500 location. oce1tn ;i<le of II jQuall l Comer lot. 48r, 3 a. Y 8" 499-4148. hwy. 177.500 • P'---ownr. anxious 1149,500. DAMA POIMT PEG Al.l.F.N ~ M2·l634 3 Unlu. Lovely old SELL Idle items wllh 11 REALTOR 494-7578 flrapert ... SS>anlah bldg. with lot30f Dally P1IOlCl11u1fit'd Ad . ~..:_Coast. Laguna MOe~J.',\-~~~u.&<H ~":.a:..~~~~!~:~:~....... 1052 ....... HNJ-t 1052 <>PenHovseSunl·S,26031 kl with beautiful ocean ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• \11a Del Norte. M .V. ..,.. views & rnodtrnl:icd Ownr tr11n~ferred. must 4 llr. on fairway, 530C>aq. n. Marble e ntry. oak kitchen.. All this on u ffll lovely 4 br. 3 ba, lfCe panel i:.me rm. eourmet 11r1e corner Int. with Colcfwel Banker fom nn, 1tl111nt frpl('. kl\., l'NIJd'a qtra, by appl wtll e1tabli11hed plant· Vlllo Prope111es Inc only or OPEN Sun. 12_., f ni• 1c pa Im c re es. l;>l~OlNMl MOl<lRIG( COMMNY 714·731 3434 lOCherry Hills. 675.6000 Sl.S~snc HIUS HIW HOMI -4 llDIOOMS ;;;,;;;; heclt I 06' M••niflcict Vu 3 er 2 Ba. IA" ,1· I I .I\ ( , •II 1•·•11. 1. OPINHOUSI SAT /SUM 1·5 PM llCiCANYON llAUTY #10 BURNING TREE N~WPORT BE/\Cll £/Jamboree on San Joa· quln Hlll1 Road. Thru 1e1c aate to Bia Canyon. 4 bdrma, 3 bat.hs on ~• 1cro view lol! Exec utive ma nor! 838.Q56. Beaut1ful,bwld1ble'1lew Vlcw 'o! El Niguel Goll Course. ••••••••••••••••••••••• YH . DR By Owner. l ot. compl e t e with Located on large comer lot. All SPYGUSSHILL M0-1751 By ownr. t yr new . archlt«tur•I plana by rooms are lar1e. Open beam ceil· Drnnd now exl'C 4 BR. 3 ___ U_O_O_t_SU____ Seawind Condo. Walk to JtmLaahley.a.1-'00 lnp in living & family rooms. 4 BA , tam-rm, p ou 1•3.,._z.fclt bc:b. 2 br, 2i,;. ba, plush LA.uMA MIGUB. bedrooms in aU wtt.h a fireplace· in lae/opt. By own er· .. ... cpt.a. custom drpa, trpte, Greil level View lot 111 muter 1uite. y OU 're aoing to love 1$2.$891. u n' q u • • u nu tu a I t r uh "om Pa ct or • presU&loul MonaNlb Bay • w/brkk. 1\alned a tua, d!lbwtbr, wuber /dryer, Terr a ct. On I y one It. $215,000. ~ c~ Mexlncan tile, harclwood 2 ur aar. '89.900. Open 1vallabt.r '851000 s>el OOC'I, many more houH Sat/Sun 12·5, '1 A COLDWILL IAMCll co. BEAU Y. 4 R np. amtnltlu. 2 br. torm1I s.ucape,N.D.'4$-2192 496-7222 831 .. 0836 maater 1ulu, 1r1. itv. din dln.rm. '121,000. Ownr. • fam rm•. 1wlm pool, f71.200CS ' BEACH HOUSE Jacunl It maulve 2 11\ory a br A-fr1me ,...._ ......... ..,.._ waterfall. Ooracout NWPT TERR. 3 Sr, 2., w /Jacuul. SU.900. ~..... &Uardtd community. By 8•, FR, open buma, Mllht consld~r Lio opt, Ow!Mr/A1ent. Sld.000. twc• tnmnr bdrm. prol Call Prooert1 Hout CALLIH0-8llOO dt<:OC' .... llillO. u1.ee11 Nl-11.W -.. _..,. __ _ RF:/\LTOllS 499·2231 Super View! 2 Br Cond°J. 1 Deck & patios. 2 cur ga~. ~.000. Ph 496·0426 SPICIAUST Condo'•· Townlloules 7 Re~alea /\ vallable Mira Coeta \Olla. Shorccliff VIiia• 2 & J Bdrms. 1\A.a·3 Ba';, J31.S·l700 11q. ft. ~ rrom sss.soo. 'l '91,Ga< f'tirecf r11htf 8Huti~ lnterlon. oceaa view•, C.cntury 21. 831·1"°3 .Zhdrn• +Dell 178' lot, 1 blk to beac~ Best r11ldenijal a~f ~ $85,000 ()pen "°'1M 10-5PM, Sun. 12·3P ... 2 Calle Roe • Vl1la. 4!)'2.0098 O•er 1.6 Acnt l Olk to be•cll. ()~ oce•q view on wood c1nyon. BMt Rt •rea Sen Clemente, M .OOd. Good terrn1 or tradt'. 48a-0098 • '1=.t ... "l' ...................... 7 Acret un De divided. 7Aned for tiorea. 2 bt ranch hou1t with worhhop~ 11ra1e. Owner HldDJ "2$$,000. • Make offer. :~= \!lrt141 4t6-7'll --.. .-. l • 1, 1 ~le• •t.tt Hwft ..,_ ...... ...... U.fwll'lht• "'-" ..... , t , lltwd!y, Jlll'IU!fX tS, 1177 OAIL V PILOT Cf ~h ~!':!';.. • •••••• ~~-~~ ................................................... , .......................................... ~-; .._..u.,.. , , • ..__u.fwi h••• .._..u.,.,.-.. • -• • I .. JJIJ ~~--... ~~~ c........ 12-·-······ .. --. ··-············-···· ••••• , ................... . ~._..~. ••••••••-••••••••;, .. • ~DA V•U>E I tw + ""• .. ••••-•--••• 1kM ., ..... 124 .............. JZ40 '"* lZ44 .• ""-•A.llet.-O• , __ ,.., 2 ..... ~ ,.,. nmtl.Y P-....aar 1 ·-•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SlJl,OOO. vd Nlt4t UGium 18r, 1~ be. _,, .,., ..... ., ' I R Unfv ftr .0.11~ tnc bm. =~·1~4~ Jl&ll pal*d, bl\11 •tov• = ... sJ.~·~oacl. ~~d~~~ • CCIMO • ...,... clean. ':U~::;~l1i ~2~b.i, cC1untry kil.I IA (Up W•t Pntd yard wJpoollt fru!l 1ar w/Wrk. abop. "r. tjlU, drps. bt, lut 6 ~ll62& cpd. t·vvr'd p11Uu .• Valido> JBr, , frp M azu. lo.a&'MI ••STSIDI &ren. Nr Dl1nt-yland. 4 Br. 2 ... F.a• nn. fnnl Vlctori.,Placeistla. No 4Mp. llSO. tn-'Nm Call 11J:i 11t2t1 _ llY no, cMG. c u r.a..,....,.. aull now S400 /mo. Din rm, lovel1 erea, Clop. s,w ino . ..._._ •-2 b t d szts. 4 br T .tl. Poot root. WIJd C I lea C~ll-~ow.. C..-.MneT...,..• ~4 view, nr. bcb. •750. A.ak ferLealie t-. •· ep 1. rpa, Kldl/tntlsok. YM W~!.?!:1,R1!P,~~ ..__ 1700 Pride ot owner.hip 1·$35-IJOI bltM, pew paint, cln. Main Rentals, ~-UJO _,," ..... ., bdl. JO 1111 ~· ..._. lownhod&O uall with ) BELMONT SHORES OD C.00.ae Put 4 Ir I Ba. t J 1 J . I 4 1 • I 1 I 0 · Madi.lion 3 Ur lH'I Bu, 210dt. ~ ' • ••• ••••••••••••••• bed room 2 ~ b• t b water. Cape Cod. 1un· °'""° 2Br, ba, epta, aml ..,_ IN" mo IMI ...... fJv•twlu• 3 Br, 2 ba, new cP'I. drp1, a& 7 & • u v a 11 n ow ~ •Off a Br. l~ ba. frpJc, 111'1• ownerauoil' deck I Br J'R, tplc. 1&7S rnrct yd. 1ar. '250+4-p. Avall P'tf>l.m.llD A9>~Y lpoUesa bltm. Newport Weal Isl, Premium lot. IWH3D4 .... •••••••••• •••lu.. r.U:·c~ ~I~~ ~lie A~ • ::m:.211 ) et l • 8311 : No peta. MS-11'4 I Ir 1 Ba, .... Avail l/l f, eMraUOJ, I br, 2 ba'. ~7·.,!'25/mo. "2·'143· EV1/wk.ndl ____ _ tUSTIM OllSON, CO. A2l•l850. 11 15~ 2 tw ~lo court, compl. 18 R.pubUe. Kida/pell -~ • .i.o,,ma. · Woodbridiio Madl11on a Br -....L.. ... t J)d91t booM1 • ..... ....... 3206 refurbl1hed. No peta. OK. f7t.57U Pvt court1arcl entry· 1lk,2~ ba town.houae for a Balh • .Spanbh tilo ent, ~IOtrmQttl:f"91 llP•tlr CONDOMINIUM "••••••••••••••••••••• SZIO. ~173 ShDWll ltk• a model. "71 leue. Walk to beach. OR baa v11ultl"<1 ctilllna1. ~; ~.~. SA~.!.,~,.!! Pl op•r.~ HOUSE WANTED, yrly 2 CowltrJ Club VIiia, II•• alO· m.21CJa or ll...... J'\Jll ~ facll. Unique Int. Kit. nook & hu1Ct1 corner 1"1H0 '"" _.,... .. , r.l '"'•• Ba, cberm. furn/unr. I BR, 2 be, fam rmcl '!r· Vtrdec.>do. Hrlt"Ba, llUlltlllc forCam. AvaU Veb. lat. $.'iOO mo 1-·oin Rm hill uf windows 71Z.11 • By ownt. Sandplpu. leGOOUA n NI llUCM $100 mo. AdlU, rer. comp. lodl~~': ~ !:;Cl· petio, pool, acuu.I, aBTORY·Allll ........ 2 -.1uo to 1ardeo view. Brick Behind aocurlty aat• at DUPLU W /frtW 87&.MOl ~=.-· e . . ta. '500mo. 8'MOOJ br 2 be MU' etc\, Pool o• Br home acrou from FP, dbl 1111r, ulr hu1Ce •t~tl lodfan tlell1 Country Spt.tcloWI 3bt, 2ba upper Waterfront 3 Br, 2 Ba. XLNT. C1taollr. Iba attlnl frH lw~hme '. perk• lake. Fenced yd, ~ard.y~j:>' f'~as :~;~1 ..._ ...... -t'M•Mit~•·11•-f~Vb. ;I , 3 ba, lrplc, w/trplc "balcoolet Adul t a . ~OH~ N . £.1WS.beaut.Sbr,li,\ba, ~.1ear1ar,Hall Welk t o 1h;g.:l•1 •dbl iaraae. Cpts, drps. oW""/b~kr&40.or"mi • " ~. , encU qar ~· +<lbr, :tba lower unit. Bayfront. ~?213 newly dffor. Altrac. yd., 1385, 111-ans ..... nu acltools. m . er If IM~::.;· -~~·~536-~23'1~6~--I--!.::.--------• llO cU1 arel. Fee &tiler wUI trade for 3 or paUo. tm ..... zaee .,,.._ ....... muat a•ll for -~I c.11 aft .len. U. mort unlt11 In beach ..... , ...... J207 E4kteabr.1ZU • ...-oll. Cam Outatandln g 3 BR NEWU.P.TOWNllOlt1t: , ?l~)' 1992. Sllt.&00· a~. Tenant occllplod. ••••••••••••••••••••••• DELUXE !Br. 2Ba Con· F• · Townbome, 2111y, llv·rm, Never llv~d lo Pctcn ;, •11 / l>rive by "'fl,_l Diana Newdplx low•r. 2e1r1, 2Jba, ~of.~~ mo. Malnllentall,~$370 4.!f!condo1arac·;"'-pa~ Cpoo1P'i' dl1 n·~mlt'hbrkfst nookpalr.°,.• TllLUp1tru.tlt,'<l•Dll. t"I<. ;pa 't llOO tn.ncaU87$-6...., lndry, 11r, ava an DIO lbrT.H Pool KW. -.-.. • • · n " c • new er •• OR. micro uv~n. pool 41 .,. • ........... -OI•• wa,, .... ,,. 15th, 6ZIO w. lalbo•. '450. REDECORATED a Br. ok ..... • . "50.D-412'7 :,:m. pool, CLi :;:uH, punor11m1t• vu. ~ mo. 'fl ... C A.OB.MA.I llllMAPillUNITS <2 13)H1·114t <2U) den, din. rm., new Malnftenlala,MO·U70 rabulout Milt 2br, 2ba pati:,· ~"c~r er:..~~~: ~'1111.752·73~ ~ A cq ~ lhD 81J2.1833. Mr. fbmmon· kltcbcf'I. 9J75.114·MMMIF GOO J b Kl .. _.. coaclo. Pool/t.ennia/clb, teoo mo '75 cleaning --------- cablndt. Ort • ~lo t PIUlh, new 2.8 It 33 unlll . tree or531-IMS,Alt. No ee ru.i.J•ot~'ree • --· ~ ml beach. UOO. 1'15.~urlly. fis3.3213 'Alltactively d('corou'<I l ' ~~f.'i1~~1• ~~'t:d~ ~~!~~~c~rn 1~ ~:1 :r:ca~':.~~ :~~ PENN PT. Quiet, cln2 Br, 2 Br cott•ae E·tlde Costa Ji(alo Reutala ~ MNOM UR Condo, 2 bu, R11ncho • tol Oc~11n1lde of old orbeatolfer. Prtn. only. 2 ba. w/lrplc. dawhr dbl Mesa F'rpl beam cell, ' On 3 bdrm l~ ba cpb 3 BR, crpt, ct,,., bltRI, at· San J oaquin , nr poul 1 I ~RI "-n TD CdM. lf'Ol&er, 13Wl32 1u. Yrly lrlSO. Kjda, peta encl.. aar. 'No kid• or J Br, % ba condo. bltftl, drpl, bll·lna. dlahwatlr: tacb. dbl gar. re.-~ yrd. nr uea. 1011 c:ourae, tenm.~ IWUA ....,..., S14UOO --------OK. 673-111•. pa.. $100. 541-UOO cpg, df'P9, DOOla. N•r laundry. rm. IC fenc~ yd. bcb, ach11, ihop a. $3il0. dub. ~ mo. Shown by • • 1 YIU. Mc-D• .. d ,,.....,. RAU COMMODITY Balboa Point, uceptlonal o.c.c.~ .,'90.Call•Met. mclc.rdnr.ll8H758 __ appt.tW08772 • Beautitw eouro•rd en· Exclu111veA11enta CoslaMeu4-Plent, execuUvebomeon21oll, 4:. ~~·l~~··~~~t Dm.P.W J226 Xlntbiketo beh,llrbm. Condo,28r, l~ ba, frpl~, **Br~w3 1lH .2 bu, • try lea41 to'l85ti~r ot 712-6212 $137,000. 2'1 ~ 3'1. Xlnt for lae. Spaciou. Uvln&, .... 15aorl40-403S ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1115 + '"° refundable patio, new cpls. '295. ram.rm, crpl. frplc, fed. IJ'ICIOU1Jlvln~ 4 --rental area. T hoe 1un"dlnin&rnt1,48r,3 DE OIAaU~Condoe.2Br, cle'POllt.Owner.lllMilO; '16&&!1158or497·39'78 s;oomo.7611-0M7 Bedrm '2~ t)l Dll lftcOll9 rrop.r+y 2000 1eldom come alons. call Ba, elevator, 1rdn1, encl MF.SA VER 2 b a , t e n a I 1 , NZ-Utl everytblrJ..&, c:ludlfll! ••••••••••••••••••••••• quick. patio, ma1nltlt'ent JBR, 2BA. Sharp, clean wa1her /dryer. etc. · 1,_.,_,. Nu e•ec 31Jr, l!Ba hm1i, in oversized Mstr. 1ulte . USORT PRO,. SOUTH COAST panorama of bay. Sl ,000 ••vallnow. Ph: Sff.:rtoo SJ1.5/132S.498-68IOAl•nt. a Br Ilka new. f~d yd, :.+-r°" 3242 cxclua1111i Woodbrldi.t1i. Ji' maldlnlngJlara r" INVFSl'MENT mo.67$.-9428 1325 per mo.' lat, last" .._..aw hike for buut'11 1 f111h'~. or · ·• 32 UNITS Oil 4 Q<'rd In 845 1103 JBr + den w/pv\ en· Tennl1, Swlm 'a, p vt d-M2-80S0&9U·ll24 ••••••••••••••••••••••• p1c11, pool&, jncuul. $410 flrepluce ud Hf. (lownt.own BIG 8t-;AR 3 · ............... JZll trance, frplc, 2 car pr, comm. 2 Br 2 Ba condo. ~.... s Br, 3 ba townhou1e. &up. l7 14_>9G8·~10 __ clean·a.oven.Alao• •·bike. from loke. lncomesupcr 8 unit Apt.••••••••••••••••••••••• Ii . yd, quiet cul.de-sac, D/W, wihr/dryr, $315. 12ao. 2 br T.H. Pool, Sparkllna new cond. su1YU1ble,lowin•ere1l A 11 ~0.000 yrly. Salo Complex. nr Dana Pl. ated3br,2ba,dln· 9480mo.546-040levt1. &31-1671 klda /petaok.Fee $470. Call "l,lla". rtlerO<'k Glen Plun 4. loan. Owner~ cli prkels$"240,()00 /$60.000 Marina. $300.000. Dana in& rm fam ily rm MalnRefttala,IM0-5170 -.m1or846·5"56evcs. 5br,3curK111.poul,lt'n· speedyealeatlll7, down. Seller will carry Harbor Realty, 496·:.!790 w/frplc 'home. Near Me.a Verde eitec. home. Deaut . .BrandNew3Br2 nJs.$795.mo.640·1044. balance nl t t;;P. Owner l\.llk tor Jark Murlln. beach. MOO. 4116·43l0 Prot. d~orated, 2 t lory, Ba,~ mo. Avall P'eb 1. 3 Br2 Ba. upataira, condo. ---- - • dca~nte, Med!! c111h or 4br, 3b•; formal dlnln1 • C.U collec-t213~7MM7 IACue9la, 400 yda from w /W cpt.a, aar w/bout FRWYS CLOSE, new • t. e ...11-'M-J222 llv rm, am rm, we& bar beach, Uv nnkw/fplc • i l lp. •575 mo. C"ll 2br, 2ha. comm. pool. r c· ... u 645-6646 p e-x --·-'rs·-. car aara,e, •t-l2J2 • • 0 ., .. .,. N.8. DU Le.. • ... • --d1n ana. Le• k w/fam Darlene W ·4393 or Chris Jae., tennis, $375 833· •- Super clean 3 br • I br , j) cov' paUo. Gardener n· •••••••••••••• .. •••••••• area. 4 Br. J Ba, lge Claweon, 835·7&11 for RE'lCNTH~E 3 B-r~ •• ~ [ i€~ T IG€ you o wn the I 11 n d . cl. No pa.. lllOO. unfum. Lake P'oresl choice brand ~~r !:.."!·.!!O mo. loci appt. fplc, & fam rm, rlfJse tu HOM€' $126.500. will buy 1l. 11200. tum. 5$7...., or new 2 •tor>' lakefronl 4 .,..,, _..,,.,. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii••-. .... _•I _ __ l Propertyllouac•IW2·38SO 644·~ br. 3 ba w/bar, fptlc, · lr¥11Mt 3244 ~chools, no pets . L11c. ____ ,--AIC. Much more. ~20. Redecorated twnhae, :z Br ••••••••••••••••••••••• $il.50 Incl ardnr 64)·878t _ ~e~ Rl'.!Al'H Ouplcx. :l-1 Br, I Mo91ta~~ DtMr't, 2400 -EASTSIDE 3 Br 2 Ba, 2 Oay1 (714 )894·1101, l '-li Ba, w/ fp&c. No pell. LEASES AVAILABLE New Patin llomr, 2 hr. 2 ire 811. unita.. llaa 54Jtl2'1 1~ ~-. a--"'LS nr p r, klcb, pell OK. wknda <213 )661·4H5, 1113-1211 Uve In lrvlnc Village. l>l£ + ,.tru~. Swimmin1t. e"d f\. lot wtroom to bu1ld ••••••••••••••••••••••• en'"' $350. 642·6381 Jerry. New paint.. new t'Pll, 2 Wt-have homes avull. for Lennu1, Jacu111. i\dull11 I dlw mf)f'c unit IO' 0 dwn, AVAIL Now Eutalde lmmac 3Br 2 ba tniuper sty, 4 Br. 2\olt Ba, +den. leue~:.; utSq U.c $37~ mo S5C) <11!1· _ full price S7).000 Pnn lxcllltlYe CANYON CRY.sT. New Dtpx. 2 br, 1 be, tncd. El Toro n~lahb°rhd. Cot Nr Sprin1dele, Slater, R h n C~r~ countforJun I /~~ only, pl.I Kent Roaer' COIMlo beautiful 3 bdrm model. yd .. cpts•d~, aar.atv. lot. blt.na, cP'I. drp11, r•· S05 mo. au.uu; o:rlield \,rf!"f: ~3!; 2 bn. COMM. ~:( ltd lataltt ~~Y M8·8300 l.nvely bachelor unil In au amenltlu lncludlnc 2 Kldl. pet O $325. 1'l • ad1 ror lmmed occup. WHOOI Culvetd1le Co .Park POOL. country kllchl'n, ..... f~I'~ .,. •• HOM~ & INCOMfo:! 2 new Indian Wells Rat'· sun deck•, ~ourtyla~ enr laal.Rlck.646-1m HOO move-In. only TwnbM 2Br + den, 2\olt Turtle}tock hltn11. trplc. dbl aar,; "-• c lxNlet on 1 lol, 3 Br. & 2 quet Club with view of ~I~~ it!:aae~ 1'nc':. CoUeae Park aPot)eu 3 ~,1m::.,. Call $51·1111 Ba. wtbr/dryr , tennla, 2 bdrm, your choice of 3 Atrium otr ma8tcr bdrm • ... ,... ~ \Ulq '3r. Try Sl0.000 dwn, dese rt , mt1 . o n d Ulle ot pool, lennl• crt.· BR, frp~. k>v•IY yard,. a-or._.. pool, or Harbour, $375 trom$340lo$400. 14~. 14761 Deerpar~. •e.e•••••••••••: ••••• 'P,500. full price. Prln a rounds. A money jacuu.i&aauna. Yrlylse 1Aele94JJ.Ml-11Z1 ~MO.FREE RENT mo. No pelt. 121·2519 3bdnn,yourt'hoiceofl4 MIJ.4471or631·2:t46 oblle;.tledula .. ., only, pl1. Kcnl Roaer1 maker.$38.000. ~ Be t Z llY 4 br 2 ba daya.1163-Mteves. froml33$.toS475 -, 8 ...... , "--II 0 -t Rll" 84&-8300 CenlUMI 21 Berf . I BR, 2 Ba •• ,, ••• rm. au . • • 4 bdnn your choice of e Foc leoae to 0 family ~X· ...,.. n1 ...,.., ve ' °"' · ! 640'.4950 f....Lo, "°"· paUo, auto. home. 24086 Pandora St. -CU:AN•QUl!T• from$450to~ toe Turtlcrock 4 llr 2'~ p. &. Servirt'., 7$-7510 JASMINE CREEK'S ;:;: dr opener. water $3'76 mo. Call Rutt)', abr, 2ba, l1undry, bltns, NoFeca B~. formul dine & ram odreecsl. nr 10 Oldre11 '1-operty! ----;'1~~l 2 P:1~~1:~~d1e~ lol\ner, D/W, 1arb. dlep. 54t-lM2 cpl$, drpa, 2 car gat, UMCH RliLTY rm. 833 2657 _ -;-B07 bdrm "/. Morm, I ran find It for you Out ~OIMfy 2550 den. I\ baraaln at ISM t 4 0 O. mo . t 4 2 6 . p •• .. .._.. •214 fncd yd. No doas. 1365. Hl·ZOOO - -0---d -any exlru 04 7138. HeO('h arr1111pel'lali11t ,_. " */&ardener. 171. clean·••> .. _, • mo. 171.5 move In. 2~1 4 Br. 2 Bo , ,. R. cpt11 rl)!I. '<l&lin'tll A"ltf foa.n rroln&lt'll.foreclosure11, ••••••••••••••••••••••• permth.onyearlyleaae. l n1. t75. 1e('urlt1 •••••••••••••••••••••••• Sh d Cr corr prof lndst'fld. S625.:; -vr:t•"P') ,· ,. '... Uankruptc1c11. Divorce u111 .... 1w Jncludt'S all omenllles ... !117-:1312 JBDRM, 1"4 Ba. Pre1ll11e Ad~~~0call H0·3889 IRVlNE Mornlnadew. 552·13!'>11: ~ " C1ubhou11e pool jucuul .. t 2 BR, l 'h Ba ......... 1375 au 2330 lnvl'lllmr nlproperties. 1000 Sq L ... hom" Ync·d . · • area. $400 mo. nl · n-n&unl·4. 2 BR 18 ........ '"-"' ,,._-L....I u-1 rk-Lpnn-r, "' lenrw1 court•. 4 Br 2ba cloaeto&hops, -""71 ..... 1,,. ..,__ • a .....•.... .., ..... 1---------,._..,_ .,. ow ma " ""· 10ocrC!Sw/fabulou1 pool. Khia t>e°ach C.U aft 6 __. ,_.. -.OOKHURST/t\TLAN'JJ 2BR,2Da ....... $375-485 Woodbridge. New exec. f •N«" ICttt JoMtoft. lrobr Clill now lo 11et. $91t,OOO. ON LARK 8 PU R •. 2 pm fit 5IHZ2S Nlce 2br, 2ba, bllNI, CCIV· J BR + Z lge ...... e\11· 3'BR,2Ba ....... ~5/600 home. 2 UR+ den, 2 Ha, or lleallll Pr reJlrc!n\, Call (7lA >673-4~ Alt\, Mr Frey. 635·2886 bdrm, 2 bath, no pet1, -ered patio, Boal door. de·uc, 1 blk to park, . a.BR, zy. ba .•... $426-595 air cond., prof'. de.c. Te~· lovely mobile lflt __ _ ............... one car gar. '3'75 per . Met.aVerde4Br,2S,C,bs, Sl75.mo.N4..0ll0Blll. qu)etarca"25.W.l+U 4'BR,2~ti...r.,n .. ~95 ()l.ICU,Poul.Av~1l.now_. S.6 Dt • 1 -mth, yearly leue. Very form1I c:Uniftl, b111e faca , .... ...., .. , i• •taotd tf75mo.&44 15.'tl :o n qo I nt es MOTEI. o n LaJlt. Jun f C• ~ 2IOO nice. rm, 1tud1. ~. nr lrend MW J Ir, :& It&, I 18drm, Tw1111H, l~Ba, 4 BR, I Ba .••• , ' .... te00 ~ . t1fk. Vl•w or i oll duced OWC ..Ill ·s.,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 .. VerdtCC.lnclu,_ car I" w /dr O,Peatr FP, bit-lo renae/oven, BJGCANYON ciiaape11t home In Jrv1op, ne,tc Ja rouruand Unha + 3 Or home 2 bousell on lot Balboa RIGHT ON TH E water, aardener, n•• ac:niulromMlleSq.Pll Jlghl Yll, 1llcllo& alau 3BR,2~Da ......... $700 3Br.:!Ba,xlnlcond~lr1'· 1,J.r;"· ~~d=~r Pool. Okr. ~ 7868 _ __ Penin. S37 .500 equity 8 t: Ac 11 . o N B 1 o cpta/drpa. $HO/mo. • aolf courae. 1475. door to paUo w /irssa med11tc Of'cupancy. $375 cd."8 MINI Warehoule. New Prin only, o wner . CORONA BEACH · ~12U 562·41ll days, W·ao<IO cpl. treea •plant., de· mo.49132'.lllllkr_. __ _ Ce Od \ouUon 6711 unh1ifur ~ 0997 e~e11 B R E A K E R S ext 343 afUpm. co r . to move I n . Deaul. new Jbr, 3 ha patio St.333.000 Bkr 983 78f.6 IJOO 1•1,. Rettdence for DIUVF. P11bul0\ll View, ••HONEYMOON ......_..._ Bel b 2 Owner /A1nt. $43,1100. home. L'or lt•w:sl'. l'ool, ~~!t~~~~~·I --0 "'" 1 bdrm &. convertible CO'M'AGE.. , .... _ 4 r, 2v• •. car 9 as . 8 4 1 0 . J ll 8 7 9 .-..;: --HU~l 4-t'Ltl lt'8de jmo ren\.111 unltll den 165() IJ('r mlh Year· l Br . • m •I I den' pr, paUo. l4SO per mo. Klnpwood Ln, HB J9Cuu1 & tcnni11. No vcL~. t.r11lleq>1Jrk, etc MO<J.00' bfeakfUt nook, Y.,-Y pvt. saDOS.C. 6364711. 551)-4331 ---.,.._,. ... rty t400 ........... \ ......... . rnlturct_ Ir DecOl'4tor e ror lease or Ult! In •rime corner IOt' C.tm:a I Mar. Call 837-113& o 1eoo In Coll• Mesa. Only onr to $50t.OOO valu11 t1on ly lcu•o f'relhly pelnted. W\r pd. %STORY .. Br ., Ba bonus llWlllnaon Harbour Aru ------- avail Lota of lawn, bltn'I. OwMr. 7141673 82CJ8 ON ti,'T I\ Vt:NUE, in old No dop. '250 mo. J500 I t" 1 '·01~1 .... -Condo, 2Br, lBa, 1325 6 MO. LEASE aprnk lr a pert lut· -------move·ln 2231 Pomona, rm, en, rp c, w.~ ..... mo. lnclud .. waler Ask 2 br townhouu•. S345. owner ukml( JU7 ,000 a.GI Is.... Corond dcl Mar··2 bdrm all...,. .;.,_ 714·9"·45e9 or ~1·"45 for Jim ........... 1 d M make offet lncom~ W..t.d 2900 urul w/11ar11ge, laundry c .....,..-Ast.no r.. --'t523CAMPUSDl!lllVIM£ Pool, p~rk , immc ' ~ mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• fac1ht1e11 &. rtfriJ. $400 2 Stv, 4 Br, l1e '---·-rm, •--&. 3240 BYTHES•A • polllic5SIO • ·..,,. .. , UTll C<>'!"""' h V I I ' ...,.._ MW'rrl•-"" OPEN DAii Y ·"7V n •' IALIOA ISLAMD per mt cur Y ease. IV' 1chool11, gaa.ebo, ~ -r Xlnt IBr 2ba t~lc · • ~ INVY-0.,1'M ~;NT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ' . 8A.M. T06 P.M. M5·1I03 lluu!eor unllll wanted by ON Bt~GONll\ CORONA mo. Open Hae Su • Oreatloc. lT71.414 aia 6+'4201 Br & Fam Rm, beaul. · pvt party' pnn only DEi. Mi\R. Charmln'N2 to.aPM, 646--2'100 FOR LEASE: 3 bedrm, Z Like new lncld1 w1hr, View, Turtlerock Terr. 3 ~ bdrm on c·orncr lot. o •••3 Br, 2 Ba, bon rm. IA ba, twand new, 17001q.R. dryrl rtfrl1. Nr Lake SllOO mo. 752.0617 ·· I UHITS pcti; or children. $3$(1 per ac pines, park, grdnr, LMndlnl home w/3 ca r Hunt ng\on. 3 Br 2 Ba, ---------• Santa Ana Flvt' 2 bdrm a...td1 month. 142.\. P.7488: 545·3863 aar. 1525/mo. lncldg klcb • peta OK. $425 mo. 2 Br 2 Ba, tux apl, over· lit 3 1 hdrrn Prlm11 pro· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ganSe11er. No pet.a. Call Don al 946-1371 or lookln1 Newport Bay, H REALTY ptrty. $125,000 15'.~ HollMt ,.....Wd COLI OF MIWPOlT Mesa Verde lie 3 Br, nu FOR LEASE: a bedrm, 2 Bobal595-14S2 (114) with balcony &. fplc. RAHC lJown ••••••••••••••••••••••• RF.AJ:r o n s cpt.ii, paint. slf dn ovn, ba, brand new HOO iq,l\, Xlnt 4br. !b• So. Hunt. 833-9234 SS 1-2000 Illa. GIUHDY ~.~~! ... !!!~ 2515 >;. Ct1tllwy, CdM. Ip yard. 9400. 54~·9161 Lindina home w/fotml l Bch. $115. Clean. Univ. Park lovely 4 br, 2,.., COLONY 3br. 2hn. comm UALTC>a 671-6161 67'01HI I XTRA NICE 3 Br l:V. Ba. din. rm., fam rm, we 98a·?UlorM2·3411l ba. 2 patios, 2 frr•lc's. pool, tcnnhi. S375. 1110. ----fplc nr s. Coul Plaia. ba r.$$16./mo. lncld $485.640·1374 833·204Haflt1 orwknd11_ 1 Macnab -lrvme 1 U .. ITS AMYOMl7 ltav c •ome "ood Eutaldt unit•. prinr on ly A•k (fr lk~Y 64~ :lltjl 644-6200 Hww vn c.nw Larae 2 Dr-tlam rm RV0 pkng. soo. (714 ) aardener.Nopet.I. · orets.t/1-10-4 w /d11corator appll . .._1. (21J) 11111·3158 a ..... a.....-160• f AllA Tb.rt.I.rock Olen. New 3 Br Woodbrldit(' Orondmoor IH:ALTY C'OMPANV i'~rplc, lMr 6r yard. Xlnl ' ...--., • ~ best t l f725/ 0 Plan Jo; 4 br 3 ba forn WIMTll OH qwrt 11tn·el SSOO/mu. rh 3 Br2 Ba. lge fncd yd, aar, 141·1611 C8ol1aCblca/Edln11"'r> on a ree m rm, din rm .. 3 cur' .cur. THI IA y 631 1400 Ai,.tt patio nr achoo! • park. 38r, lbt, lovely resld'I IH. All 63H 400 Prof. lndscpd Up.cradl'd ---Clea~ Grdnr Incl $395 .. _ ? ho II area., nr. schl1 • 2 mJr. Woodbrid1e E8lates. Up· cpts, llll' & drflli. l'ool &. l>N'nr.;lor'11 11wn 4 BR 1.rlC 3 Hr. 2 ha. m Old t:dM MO-&t3e ' · I Br, <KJ• or use av• · shop I areH. Close to ard'd 4Br, 3 ba, fam rm lake pnv1ti . Avail 1/15, homl' ro mplt't•IY 2·C:Ar aur, blll\li , l "ty, 2b1lhl,c~drpa.Bllna. frwy . $385/mo. Call Duplex. Pvt rear yard s;25.mo.lorc~11.parly. furrm•ht'd w/ .int1que•. r pb ~ mo. 640·1.l08 Rent 3Br. %Ba tiouae. LJ GIO. 112-TOBIN PROPERTY Avail J/20n 7. '8()(1 mo, 7~ 7576 used bnr k. h11r dwood l'Vl'!>/WknllN yd, C/MaUn1. heal poot. J aa Condo, super clean MA N A 0 EM ENT . be/opl avail. 7M·l6f4 or tlooh. hu1C1' vallo. UH 1om• btllt pd • .-.. "111 POOi • I 714/Ml·lHl or Jobn MH>88l Super 4 UR. 2 ba., pool• vnlleybull court 100' o 3 kH, 1 Ba. 2 ur '1ar, ,,...SOlll afttr 5pm ..,.,._, •. ·.,.11 c 11 McKinley, 714/Nl-0'18 l('nnh1. C:OlOrl)' 11re11. the bay w1p1rr Perfect beuc:h side of Coul wy, '**· · .,.. Of'IH SAT 1,..4 Orovea Secured comm. 1475 Mo. A1<11nt 044 7383 for Lh~ t•11ecu\lv4' who 11 atovc & retrlg. Yrly br, 2ba In Mesa Del Mar n-aut. __ • Br z .. _ v-N lot 2 b 2 b • ........ , """' ·--• ... ' "· cnr. · r, 11' h 3241 • loolc1n1rorahomc leu11(' $460.mo.4-·.-. w/dbl 1ar. ram.rm . w/bonutrm,bltna1 clol llOIJCAPITOWH cpl,drp, elec. aar. dr LepMltoc Mo 17:221 BR rrp&c. CpU, drpl, bltnt .. tobct1.•29<11•) (80LIA•EDINOER> opener.Slepatopvt Lenn ······················· Polly John11tnn 642 8D$ PV~~n~,~~:!: Jc!:,, \1ew: fnccl yd. A·l coed. Mat. H r, 2ba, lovely ram. court. Pool • j1.1cu~11. HOMIS fOR HMT IMO Mo. All. M0-7000 mo. 8M-'9115 I BR, 1~ BA. rrpl, fain hrn•. Brand·nu p•lnl, ~.5377 wknd1, or aft. L.AGUHA lliCH NDO 2 J!!J.2 SJ, clean, :· ~;:~k:~=hl~ cfl)U. l.hrU(Mll, f /P, mod 1:30PM wkdy1. 3 BDRM. ncwt•r hnme ------1111111111~-r~::.tnzl '" U\iC. lllO mo. u .m.?• kU, Ira bk. yd. Veey nr Sunahlney Sharp End locutcd In rortarln• ate OCIAt4MOMT u Rltr. 1hop '1 ('ent. 11 1ct'11. Condo. 28,C all bllna, La ii u n n . 2 IHI th 1 , ", Orut opportunity to WAIJ(TOOCEAN 21t.y. Clole t.o frwy. 9475/n\o. 1 I llrtplacc, occun view. •Ptnd your d1y1 rollick· nta Ana Ht1. a BR. JV. Br, 3 Ba, fasn.;:.:=ic CallTOBIN PROPERTY enc · 1ar. omm. poo · i°McC1lluul f11m . homu 1U. Int In t~ 1and II ocean. Ba, dbl 1ar w /work D/W ttlO TH: MAN A 0 I! MEN T , C1oH to frw1a. No IH SMOMn. . A ehermlnc 4 bdrm. btneh.•mo.l1t•f1• 111.e5,q · .Nol'M 714/Hl·Ull or J ohn 932:&.552'4201 MISSIOMllA&.TY r . bouse wllh 11 u p. cl••"· dc p. Ho pet1. McKlntey,1141'3e.o411 PHONE4f~7ll . playroom • bath: call MM11101 Q..EA!lf 4 Br, 2 Bat frplo J IOl .... I·~ * IEMTALS • rorfurtherdetalle. tpt.;.t~· tHo mo, -R .1~ -• I h w Id 4 Wehave 11n xlnt Hleetlon Speck>ua I Br. 2 ba In 114· "-or 511·9N5, ADULT ortented ondo 2 8 '""'" "" "· · · · -TCllSI 0 ·t C· or Cllrtntalt Ort1nbroolc, nr S. Cal A .Norte wntnn11,pool,clubhae. 2 8R,2~ba ......... '550 Ha. PP, FR. nr 11ch B I P1 ta 2 yr. old !lee r: 3BR,2ba ........... 1400 /\v11111·17,S.'\rJ(l.4tM3094 BA y • EAC7!...__, J ...... _ • .:., kit ch 1haa ;pt. ,... E ..... J Br 2 B• cpt ,,.R~ mol . .,,_ =•r 3 BR. FR. 2~ ba ..... 1450 - -.• R&ALTV .,,,..,.. .. .._, .. , • ' """ "'" • • ' OR.... .....,.y IBR,FR.Zba ........ 3,811, Z'h UI\, ocea~v11~ ~~~~~~~~~I A.IC, fprlcL.pallo. 9a4 ctrpe, Z car aar. '3SO mo. Hunt'•·. Harbour I .. 8 R,Zba .•...•.•... M:JO move In 1\ow! 1475. C.111 •• -AUl .. ,146-nlA 1~ or N l.....,, I*· mo • 400 l~ 673 3020 2Br,18a.detachcd1lu4k>, 2Mot>'.3br1 1\o\bt,2tar ..... llDE 1 .. -·ie At&.NoP• NELsoNR.lt. -.iaos 4BR.PR.3ba ....... ~85 _..:. nr __ · ::.._._;. frplt, woodc!d lot nr bdl, f"'• So. Of PC ... BltN. f!,...T ; poo ...,,. · Plua •P9f'Olllmalely OLDER ~ot·h hae In cl! uofur" optlonil. S414>. ,ooo 111 fl. 11&·1137 or *· .... rrp1c. •· mo. I LAT & R • 0 0 L D & N t BR 1v. a., red yrdJ!'!· 30more In Irvine oyon, 2 Br. rhlld. aml °' 49'·1410 f1l.tA23 151-17r'r Wal' ...... 4 Br, 2 ... mtdN.°"N:l"'cy. tHV. OK. 437 Can~on Ac ril ..._......, Jl6' u.. oow 2 •• • o.n. 2 '" £ .... II•• v-. ~: f/!';.:~s.i":; mo. .,..,,., ~s..s.1.1osun.oni~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• fullbath'1.1ar,vlew,1un 3Br,2 8a,lcemkr,aqu,. 111· .. All.NoF• tJR,28a,ll•f•m·rm, 3 Bdrm• .. 2 bu., 10 Bayahorea; year leaM. deck. new crpl1. 11• ~le, 2U2 A•droa ltw 2 .,. ..-.. CO¥. patio, cloN to bch. view· 1110. llv. rm. w/I l ·BR. • bunkroom ; ceUet 112:1 mo.675·3222 -!a:! -.. I=··~..-. g ,mo.•tfTt ram.1rm , ll(c f.-nced y com~!~fr~S::,:;;'lh s. ot Hwy, newer , a br. 2 i br Iba, wubertdryer ' •7i4t ' lbr. t ~balurfa)de Condo. Colltp Parlr. a hr, 2 ba, S4'7f>~~nlh 813 ~._n _ __,, -bt frpl, Ind • no ~ll. ~·\IP, faneed ,.uo, 1 rrplt, pool. p.a tlo. den, din rm. hi• kltc:h. 2Br2 Da,2caraur,occ. a&r, l block Lo beach. llOO Hi .. aar • 949$, 1~ car &U'al•~· e.ita"" 1~ I~· I ba condo In H~. 111·.,&« Ul-111'7 cul·d11ac. f4SO. $51·al.D v .. w fncd yard, tp~ mo.. a.a.. (213) 281-17• -fC)f'partdftl. • • ... w anti. Pool. Jacu .... , 9411G 'mo IJ22 Corte., eve. DELUXE J r 1"-11 p . JDC>. ve bf a ten.tit. Call <T U ) Hatr-EDWAI084d8r,2 T .. aMlt.._ 11121074 ,;u ) , dplx. 611.,. Merl1old, "8" fl '28 "F" W. lMlt MO-lTtl: CJU>Ml .. 100 iflle trpl, D/W,cpts, flit. P1an lll, 4 Br + fam. -- twmo.6M·2AOI a.~ a br, 1 ba aot Ir ltit. I BllLI kl. :...7l4·Hl•41et or r750moleue.M0-2eel ~Hiia J2l c..t.MeM 1224 ~~~petaln -· ~~ ..... Children oil. l · ·¥·nor.. tuflTLEROCK 4 Br. 2 ......... ~ ........... 5 RmALUY MPANV ....................... I ••Ibo.~ JBdrmCondo .. ramftm den.patio. "9MO. •RF.F.RF.NT 0. U t 111• • tewltlp. R11 lllO. waterfall nr' park rool Boau\. :I llr. 2 ba hom ' M••~trdol~f'll>ei~ •lo~•. •••lllsr. Avail KU" TIM.OT o1HR <111>•t·m.taftt achool.~mo.cHo i i1 t r "wp11lnt 1nstcti-,ccntr ftlWHOM!S cptt/urpa. " "'· rp • now •uo Ht•IOl2 HAIWOUI ARIA. I ---111r ,,nnrt 2l316 llt>ntl~ -Av•llable NOW for e l)lo arJ. Very c:leaft -.ao ~ ' ' I IA •=• tamll1 1 HOUSE8 FOR'L&.ASll Unlvenllf Park 2br , Lo. s.11..; mo. Cu ll llu1t~) IDOi· to J yr. I Be1utlfully mo. ~ to apprtdue. ,.... • ace, Near 4 lldrm. 2 M . IClll Quall frple enc 1ar pools ' M!J 11162 ' tloltNthed I BR + .S•n Open ho Ju "'"' ......... pthiq.HPAC .....,. rt/IJ'O. Jll,U 9! -PIO w:aue - -M0ta1~ Jlan w/lovtl)' 6'M8~& daye, 111· Ill Br'• IUNK!N llv.rm, Melo41. CAUi TOl ll'f O AllC c Br, N ' . i,; MO,.PRll!F. RENT 1ard SSH/Mo. IMl. ev•. wtiiAat&VE brick ffPI, alAl.TY •ll11 ... W& >• ,acaraar. T1arUeroekOle11,Plan 30r,l6lhome,(1mrm, ' Mar.n aD·lrvme -~· Yafley Colmat aans..r•water. CUU OP&N l&A .. ttlURa. AL10 RAV& otlMf' fl'O< .'11..,.......=· 'll,4Br,..,_,.•rtte. den, t.nttal air concl1 J .. ftM 8amttt6M•COO l\nd what JOU want tn VMant, -"-fM. C:.U ""'-,_ ,.._ __., lml If lllUCOM · .,.., Afl.IJl. •· llOU ,....Ito Ln. StTI DaUJ' Pilot Clat1ln.da. MM!Tl • m.ltn. •. 6es.loe. Ap&.1,-11'7 lfMOM ID.al lfto. CaU lult1, Mt:lla !!!!llbl;:Jt:-:-:-:-:'i~-=-=-=-=-=~-=-J~~~========:.L:~::=,=-==;===::J~==:::;=:::::,==::::iL:::::=~:;;;;::;:====:L.~;::::::====-=;::lt...l.illllllilii~\~~-=~- ...... \ ., .. , .. .,,,,., . , .............. , .. ... , I) I I ru • • • . . ·r• ·h :• "" .. iA ~ ..... . •,. "~ . h1l. ··~--·· ' > ... .... ts. •• , )(1 .w.' . •ts.M.: I >• It •. ,•u I ; , ' .. •• , 1 • S•oT.n-oc• 39r, 212 Ou , uo«t ocn view. 1400 mo . lfOWA R 0 JOHNSON KEAi.TV 497 1144 or 4llG· 7'/ I II Near new 3Br. fum rm. • b11. rrplc. oar cond $3115 /m o . Nr Crown V11llt>y & J"rwy . K27-35311 aluffl, I ll!vel 3 llR. 2 ba Lovely J(reenbcll lk pool $411() Al.'l tH I 113:1 J Dr. :?ha w fom·t'<l p:illn lk-.t ltH'at11111 s.JOll mo. tlJI I IOO i\J.(l LI LX> JBr. :!b.1. h'I• II\ clr n arc11 Hdcn·m·1·.. UAClll':l.Of(, rum Sl75 111 111i73 62(11 I W .td1ff hc;iut :i hr. 2 hu. t'm· putro fir i-ho1>s . ~l :irincn stu:> lllurf'<. :lllll. ~··Ila . fi4!'>!116~&:il0 70lllJ Sehl . µurk &1511. 641i·<'~l>l!I q1t. cl1m. I> W. ll'''-"' up (;umpllltl'ly furn 1 Ur lion 1173 !ll:l!l · d It • $ ' lU,LJ Jo'fo'S. uc•1r1111ui. 2 Ur. 2 ~ u .. ; r~o ~t'l!I. 11~ Uu . view. t·uKl d<•1·or. Ucl!l Vahu· an Hlurr:. IWl-711113, 1.11 How(•r Wl•thllr. hltn C(Jlor TV, Sllpl'r dl•un uµ.:rl.ldc•d 3 Single. $145 mo 111d utal S500 ~S7 ·1700 't<!J5ti dyb. Ur, <!'' lJa. r.1m rm $Ul5 Mature qUll.'l adlt &W 2421i C\'' "'""d" mo ltlO Hl.UI twl-7342 Blit 2 br. 1tll bltni;. rcrrai.1. new paint. nrw crplll Nice!: P\l bl!iil'h lll'l'Cll~ S.375 .. mo yrly No leu:1c or fl't!S /\gt. 644·85()7 I !Jr. 2 n ... big yurt! bltn~. Nt.~port C'rt•'>l .aur. 3Ra ...... incl. hoch 3740 2 Br. I ba 1tur Uj)l Sew lpll, lllf'p!l to h••ut·h s,s. t·ond(J t•uul . lt•nn1' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ps. S3()() mo. Call J yr1r f71>.2400 ~aunu S5t'l1 h•<· 114:! :.M~ STUDIO __ _ · I 'I" I I Deluxe 2 br-$300. J i il .)"\ ; r A• arhor \1cw ~onaco. J J" .. , • C.1rml' . :1 hr '/. IJJ. "f:rOlft $55 w ... ~.. Mar u u c r It c . 0 .. l! n Ur 2 ttu. u1lulll1 ~I mo D H. I-tt. )(1 cln r n·•· " ,. ~1-H21 I or S.S2·:IDIW f.it· Nr bu' '111)11 i..10 1:177 ,.'ull klll.'hcn & 1' Sal Sun P~I ... ... ,•, ... " . . ' . '( .. .. ~ . lJ\IWOH \'ll':W !> Br. 3 Lido l,.ll', I llH. ;1 hJ . bu. on park. nr vool. hui:c n\lj\r l!Ull•• 1111i,ta11·, ~ill~. ) urd S795 1)<1Q.:r~ Mo . annual lcmw l.ido ltcallv 11;:1 731X )!.·11 frnt ut W~:sl !Ith. 1 Rr. · :!lJ:i. 1lhl .:ur, ) r 1st:, 3 Ur, :!bw Nt•W Tv. 11 I hi.' ~ mo li4.',.!133tl Jlr. hillh d"' n~tr' l llr AJ\Uf')' 'llhl I\•\ ..i condo · llr 2 l~J 2 c.u· ~·..r ' .. vll •'fl 1•1•1111 ... ""t•lbJr 11a' h>IC'I. full rt'~' fol'll l l'""'" II\ l..11t·h thnani; luolh 11µ lihn•. 1 µl,. 1lrµ~ l) ,. l' k . ) J r cl II ·' I t II l••11t'l°'I :'\u P"" "Hu 1110 IYU 1711 1'42 'II :.!.~ Lan1•flb " Ult htic~ M IL~'l'O(X'l':i\N Royal Sult•• Motel 727 Yorktown ll•d lkad1 Ulvd ul Vorktov.r1 536-04 I I \II.I.A l'(>\10.~A 1\l'TS !-'urn I bdrm!\ Imm S21!> ~wet .idult 1·ompll•x :\n peti. l'ool 1700 I 'omonu """ c " ll4:Z 2111:; pool 1•11 ""."" ~17;, l--l•oc:h 3741 fi.l5 l(;.'77 .....--... . s....... . ...•.....••.....•.•... .,1 • >h :1br. 3h<i l'f/lldu woo Cep4.tr-.o 3271 On the v.uler. Wo•J''11 ('ovc 4 • "I ft ('hildrt•n t,ll'l ok •••••••••••••••• ••••••• Area. """"I)' tll•1·ur11tcd. I.lit' $~00 mo i\unt lUr.ul1l11d ~Kl mo 154 K'J4 fl.IM IN CHARMING Pearl tell lti7at y~' Jwpt tilth• nr l,;hfr l>r · OLD SAH JUAH (X'eltnCrnnl i! hr. I bu. .... lJrlli;,,ll(clot + 1 l!rl Thi " i·harmin1t 2 $395 mo lllll IO l'I Jlfl na. 11ue111 h-tl' s.ns ht..Jroom. 2 h11th., den 194otitl711r:-.:11;11ai!t ,,,_~ ' t~ 3757 he h I h Ah • im~ uic P ll" ('urpel Hewport h ocJ. 1769 Cost.om bullt l>upkx. 2 HR. den, zi,, Hit. 2 deck patios. fr11k. Sour llw)'. Lea'ie-SS5U. AJ{t. Uu \ e S. 1~·7211 2 br. l ba. rernodc•lt•tl. Shurp• $400 mo 673 1658 ~ve11 eo. ........ 3124 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uli.1.1 de llcrmOlfa ~br npl w 1hrcploc~. JI~ bath. runge. ovc•11. d111 hwas her, $3'.!0. 1\1:10 3 Lr (i>cp. bldg I '370. Ulo W. Wihlon 1.l(e :t tir. 2 hu lownhousl in quiet t:omplex (iuru1tl & patio i\dull11 only N1 pr111 s:ns. s.i:r.-:13111 "' 837-9517 Mediterranean Village • Beamed ceilings. wood paneling • Grasscloth wallcovcring • Fireplaces. wet bars •Dishwasher s. walk-in closets • Balconies. pat ios • Park-like landscaping •Swim ming pools, jacuzzi • Lighted tennis courts • Minutes to freeways & beaches •Security systems I HOROOM I HOIOOM & DIH 2 IR -2 II TOWNHOUSE i\ specl;il section for thoffc with ¥mall pell. Adull11 Only ~ Orfice Open Dally 9 to e ~ f714t su .. 020 2400 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, Calif. K Hr rondl• ''P'" ilrp>.. nr mg, rlrrplu(·{' l'>ullt ins & ••••••••••••••••••••• • l •• lloal( llcll'I). 1 .. 1. h111l & ~en~ 11t.11r•ar W!in•t 111"' 0cnrront t;ur /\pl 2 Ur 0 1 Co1ta MH o 3824 Co.to..,.._. 3124 Cott• Meta 1124 c1t'p ml m" 11111 711118 ong c 011 6411 ii511 flay,., ha no n.•t• ul•I pd /\v • I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• &Ull 05811 l'\ t'llllll(ll .. ' '" • UI •• ntlilurr Condo Tv.nluw IH't•kc•nd'I Vl6 30 S.IOOmu t14tl 2510 3Br 2' • b11 puUo, trplc·. :lhr, Jbu, Conrlii (;lean. Stn-h• Sl451m11 rm· I'll ulal nrpool 140Ci MO 0033 Wl!Uiher. tlryC'f . &iuol. 110 Mul11n• quu•t udult ~I :w.tbluff hm,, 1111' or rC>nt Pt•tJI. Sl15 4114 tr.ll:'i ~h'!la l>r. IWli 7342 -· ll hr,., c1rn, il!OO tmmue. t'u.. .. tm t::Xl't " Hr. 3 U:i. 3 Soltlth ~o 1716 •'Ol'l'll>lltt>' 159 <M411. • f' V •••• • • • •••• •• •• • • • • • • • • ... nr 11ar. 11norum1c u, • _ 11vc>ly f:x<'c 3 br. 3 ba. 41 l(rdnr. tH> vtu S57~ 2 BR. 2 bu on the• Ol'Olln 11 !~' ', J°IOOI hint· <.:hrr Dr tsOO 4113 111311nr493 4109 fo\a m . 1700 • unrurn .ioo. mo 815 ,617 ·v Totul11erur1ty,t'lev11tor11. \.1 • i: t' ur Ot'oan Vu 3 Ur 2 U11 rff fuC'lhllc'!I 4W·2835 I 784 OMI day b ' · .I\ .. .,.., . -lln•. •undeCk. rpl(', Wf'l .,....... .... u..furw. t:XCITINO Cb11r. 2 l.'ur f"':,,.""' npnr ••••••••••••••••••••••• t:xec Rt;NTALS ·omm poo . ..,95 mo e.-r.. 3102 Jo.:a11tblurr 3br, z•,b11 49384911 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MftSHIM(j/ • ~;~· •buprr b gckba y un ' N~ lu•unou1 3 Or. 20,, ZIRWATHFllONT ... 0 1trueted vieow · Oc· bo. l1m rm. r oot. rrplc. 2 ln." l'upunty Feb l $750 Builllt\JI, <'rpla, tlrf)t, D· a . I.cue · cur 11ar , bnll, RV B-Q. huge ~ck. iiario11:1 . • er• llarb~r View Knoll 11tnrage ... ~.1138·93111 ..W. t • I Ntwporlt ncweal di'· s.t•AM 3210 JWl FINLEY AVF.. N ll. _ velopment w/~lllk' <.:oo ••,e•••••••••••••••••••• JACOIS IULTY 11rchlleclurc i. 4'h•rm NO ,..EE Nr. Shopplni. '7 .. 6670 3br, 21tba, pvt h•nnl11 W•rMr ~ Brt1tol 4 Dr 2 -----• .,.. •• , , court. • pool. Orcupanry ba 1315 mo :w~ ' 11.8. $150. b•rh '~ uUI. 2 April \.1700. Lfl!lc · --blka bnch. KNOLL PROPf:HTJts WHta•11tw )291 N.B. 1150. buch All uUI. ~·1W ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pool + 11ln11le• Cotlrttt)' to broker'11 3bf', 2ha, 1 itory Cul.<.fe· H.B. Sl65 I br. VI ut.H. ---aac. Nr 11th. encl pallo. Kid.I I. pelt . · BR, ,c1en. dlnlna. lam. move In cond gs mo H. 8. SlU. 2+2 •·ple11 rm. 2 pl, pool. lena.11. . 1!51'3'7'18 • · Kldt or 1ln1Jea. ,.. tfJ:S. ll'1MIS2 llACHCOMlllt "~C== 1421 ... Sii 01·2!_11 l :>i V•WHOMI •••• .. ••••••••••••• ..... ...._,.._., 3106 .~b . a BRNew~ JltlN!!!,t.1 3 Br 2 Ba, 2 tar air. fully •· .. ·~·•••••••••••••••• ~.. + -n. ..--Y re· cpl'd, ltnt1 Bch. Call 3 BR .. 2 ba .. patln: upJ>(!r .,... 1 d •co r • h d . I\ v a 11. tc.thy. Me-ml Qr Helen. dupltx. &.1>1 \Q beach . '"'med-f5,21. 84.!e:. MM4l3 Adult•. VHrly IUtt. 1 ' -----~~ IMMAC. 2 Brl Ba, fl75. ~Mont.h.e73·7~ll IW)lt Shore., ~ Br 3 Ba. No pet1. Wahr. dry r. Oehixt l br opt on The \< pool, laml1. 1 blk to bch. pool.4tt-03lS. SJC Orand Can•I. Lillie ~ • • -· D1t m.1ua: f;•a. O.lboa Island. ctn. Yrly •• ., ':!\ Ml>llll ••k lot 16bn HunUnston Q.,bour, l Dr. teue. Call art•r Spm .,c • Lamdelh11 Upilaln, UPIJ'ad~. '350 8'1).70lll mo. '40·1Ml or (211) ---------IOATSLIPW/COND0,3 ~day1. ....., ... 111• M01 UR. l\~ b1. Ltlce new ;----••••••••••••••••••••••• - AM •H llH ......... . -' .... ..... ... ~tlted JIH a~s. utll pd.~·· rtfr11. 'olluJ•r NewPort net1ttt1. ....................... 1:f:t"t4 r..1• UA mo c:Mrm1n1 rent•J rettnt· BRAND NEW J Ir 2!.il Ila, -• ~ 1' ,,_. - IJ r,ctec Nw cplt • IDie ~'ml from Dt*eney Charmlna 18r, Bch. noortn•. _., yd, J br. 2 S&. kit Is Pana Wharf 1hop'1. Stove re,rl1. be. MIO mo. M&•=tt or MJO ,,., mo. U.·1282, smtno/yrty. "-tp. cpte . .._. tY" NPll, Uf•JOl2 &!!.:.,_ NopeU. '1MMt -;· mle8tiB.AU 1 APAltTMIMTS . 39r,2 Ba \Br &chelor Adulla. no pet.ii E·lildc twnbse. 2 lir. 2 l>a, pa~lo. lndt~,2'ook ·up . rm.. Co 11648·'1., t. 1144 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Now ypuca_ltre t ·nwoodbri ge . Woodbridge Pines Apartments m.ty be the tw!/t·kt)>t secrcl in this ff'Jllons rcslJentlal best sc , th<" V1ll.tge of. Woodbridge. And thw rustic apart t community lsn t easy lo gel lo right now, either, wit .ill the villdge con!>lrutlion going on . Sul these Oflt'·, two·, Jnd three-bedroom un "· desi~ncd like.? early CJllfornia bung.ilows, arc.? well w 1 the effort. There Me coty bullt-lnt. r1teplaccs. P.it anc:f' balconie.. Loh• a"d1lot11 of 'ltylc. Plus .iU ·1h wlde-,open villJgc rccrutton Jnd other ;soodncH of Ora se County's most exciting new pl.ice lo live. ~ollow ou r m.1p. With ck~rmlnatlon. And ait ioofl. Before we're all taktn. too. 1 I Woodbrid~e J'lncs Apuhrumls. 115 Pi 'ltonf, lrvme, C.lllfornfJ (71 4) .5.5l·0400 Jt~tt m fjl'V Owned k manl'l~cd by The lrvi~ Co pJ~~ lt.i~lng office houre: 9-S:JO d.sil ) Equal Housing ~. OpportuoMh:ts ~ , i I \" . , ' .. t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOO !aturd!y, JenU!X 15. 1177 llltW'A'llD .,,._.,..,,. ......... , IHO .... ...._ .. 1100 MllllW...e.41 71 .. tMIS•9'1' CTI LOST: White W)ll4)pet .. -••••• .............. •••T•••• ......... •••••• ~~•T •• -.......... ,. ... ljt.dfta eu-. o ff wJ2brtn4161poUl7Hll1 ~nklo1ProbleinT CMll. lilMr ........ Ollfle~ evlte .U£,:Z"IWl,l\ln. N::ma or8.1NUf M~l=:~~= .wtlbltdceeper f7IO l.AuidlwdlCl&Mr ....... Beadl few pro· 125,000. "I'· w/oo promo-LOST J ••t S•moyod -~y/ContlrKlioa llOO Needed •l popuhr ,...,_. penon, a,JlllrOx &Joa. At~ lull price. dolli. l lae tNle, t rr old. '-.... 5-'•Jua HH Dmlli!Chrwd t110 W1ttllfro1rt feit\oprailll. • eq. ft.~ mo. leate CalUordcu11h1. Hem., m1.1ao&d. Ml,.._. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Eit<rowOfflc.r S13K+ Cal lot »J!l!l· 840·$1%1 Afuy Bordman Realt.oT Ull, 75 l ·l7 4 I P rt. Ca.r Cari.!. Wa~h . Jnine PtnOMel Alttl\CY l>uffy • R.t.>tllUfltQl OllAC 4M·MS4 , .. 9 ... CIOOR.:WARl> Wax,ttt.P/UI>et.Your •E.17tbColll•Met• .Experbr .. kfa.t~ ·I Ir= c m St!H1 UP ·~ for J.welry atole11 . from coov. Murk 81).2$42 Suite 2:M Mi-14'10 lunch. Apply ln ~two.. .... n ~ 4. 4/'ll_, ~·ntownSanC=ente 1272..000. GR 01)'wlde Dr. addrHI,. ~ = • ~----n bb ,. l :,.._.-IOoWq nii 11111 _,4 5 :S-AJ n....•ora--.. A ,. 2Yr. new. Mlulon.VltJo. Jan. e Write Ad. No. tlOI, :'YIM • ----_._ "'11 Y ''' :_ .. , Clubll•~u uwo ·-• Only 11t ao•_. ot ""'entlal Dally Pi1~1 P.O. Box ~ Allrarth-. ,lrl. part time ocacb l)ou10 Inn, flt .-wlt.-llM ~. Ja.cuul' ..AJl,ol t/, <114>6tJ.JOa $40000. yr. net.';;w, £.i )MO, COita LWHI Ca. ••••••••••••••••••••••• R . E , 0 c . Ty p In I SlffP)' Pollow Ln. La.&. a.aadtek. ~ .M..-~lti ~·tmta.. · . Sdloeh& Hlerle11I, with lntereat1_1k_·"--------land10!\"I 1. . _,._..,, -th ft Ull. JS I .)7 4 I F? UN D · 1 · • • m 4 I e ......._.._ 7001 ln 11Mk!iC1artcr. &ind re· COOKS t AcltthH tn· 'r.......... .......... l>t~~=e•w\ rl I Chlhu•hu1 • floppy••••••••••••••••••••••• •um«.! to: Ad IU5, The Male or femal"• over ll aahu, Mlf• Afi•liit1 .. 1......... -....;i.SIMf,. d MktJ.'fl::1~...:y COffuSHOr-eurtd, <"Olhir la&, Irv. MEN WOMt:N Dally ?llot. P.O. Box to work daya. Apply in fttl, Ad.~!!·" ·~· .. •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••'-•••O••••O• aoctmtntOCAlrporl MOM & POP -~·3132 TUIM FOil 1580• Costa Mesa, C1&. person: ~:-'"' 2 ..... 316 Ma.Je/feml to •llart bolnt .• bAKBRC~'J'&R Located In bu.lnea1 dis· FOUND: BIJ1ck lo whih1 IAITINDJNG M21 OIL T4CO • ·~•·• .. ••••••••••••••• In e.xdUAtlve 8-)'1hore1. eis&rtk~r 544.291a lrid. Small taeats ti), •l>Oltcd fernal• doii. vie TWOWf;F.K Cl.ASS Auto Body mun, cxper'd 11JO s.;.nwCM --...... !.I ........ "'• • r but olway1 bu11y. Short Nwpt Blvd/Dk)'. C.M. N1\TfON-WJDEJOB + oxper'd und11r, -----. ----rtfrt aw. 2 ba, *350 mu. 301 vwn rm, pvt btb MIO ~IQ. It. NeWPOrt Blvd, houri!. Rc.nlonly $120mo ~:12'll l'LAC~MENT 8'2·2052 c~ w• .......... . .f~l • Und St, Newport. mo. \Dam·4Pm or aft deal "'fk~ or retail. Terms A°' 7SI 1400 .. "Sl""'ANC"' ~ ,.....,.., ~~~~~~~~"'r"'~~_!(!)2l3~r~):J37~·2W8~' ~or~N8~·~1M~L5~ 7pm.63M998. ompl: adj. C11 nnery . ••· . f'~UNO, blk L11b puppy, """ '" ,., •Auto Mcch1111lc . Jn GOOD PAY -... r,n-·lyred ....... Allllf• Lr'"3brtwnhaelnM.Vle· VUl~.67~ lhr/WIMT••tn male. •·5 mo'11 . Vic. OPPOGOO.X,~~T6f S tcrvlew Mon·f'rl. Ack'• Appl)'JollyRoaer . .u ........ .... "' "' und IO,SQO, MONTH Nwpt Hlll urn. :WS·2S86 R t;, Coa11t Garage, 4\2 No. 400&. Coast Jlwy Jt'7 kftch ll bath. Garace. jo to •h.,., 1.14 :J:>i!• a· Olficew at lZ4 N. El s hol tables, clgi&rette AMHICA.M Cat. Hwy. LMiuoa Och. t.aaur111 Bod\ • •••••,~•• !:~Jo w,ater . $315/nio. :a~.:· :ie:~e Ude~~: !10. ... Beat'a..Kan ctlctrn· mac!lloe It other game• fOUND, ludlc1 wrl11t I A IT IND IRS COUNTER ClRl. rt '1 I ok, np _..5'!2S Call Mr: Norri~, &U-ma 11 Joe • pa1r u1I. Included In sale Hot watch, Vic. 811lboo SCHOOL Automotive Urrws A 1' ~11 P e. t • · 12 5 ~ m o · leilut. vi.ew apt. on 7t.b flt. or 161U62'7, J .1!:!8!6 •(l f · Blvd. loc. Terms.' Aat. Mand. 675-7013 llo.& E. !'1th St .. SA New Detail Shop n~s lain r.ti:r.: i.1.~Pl!{y, :f5 l'h.*· H7·I05CI CfOtlat '4i1Uamaon Rltr __ ....., .. 4IO 1SH400 FOUND Lee m11le Duble. U.·1960 help. w l9thSt c M ext 5 e.~ 1 • 6U-1M4 648-1671 ' • adulta, 2 children Uvlft1 •••••••••••h•••••••••• Vic Bonita Co nyon Rd Schools Coaat To Coast Top wages pald. Enalne · · · · -- in cooe»u•Uve Ille 11.¥a. NEWfoilttlJCff'STORE NT •M>OMIHG very fr I end 1 y lo -----• --Steamers. en' p1dnle1"1, COUNTER & COOK Pt· llAc;H YIAIH. T wish (o txi>and. P..c..r. 21JoAvonSt,.firO Mo. NETS $200. MO. HUNGRY. 640.m,s ConveraaUonol Spanu.h. butlers & poh1hen1, up. time, morning, of\er· Jl6f 2 lw. 2 ba & 3 br, 2 ba ~le or sngl w9mlin, J~WYDn (2)3)471.7101 Owner· not well & will ---Frenc h or Enell~h hol1tery 1harnpooers, noon. eves. Apply Tl.Id • ••• , ...... ,. dt.1Plex un.its w/ocean child welcome. '761·4"1 ~ 1acrtnce this weJI eat.wb. fOUNO, Nbhlkl Blcyele. guaranteed 1n 20 les!lons eheck out. pick-up & de· 3·•PM . MacDonald•, vie-+" Stepe to bdt. Call aJ\5PM ~Sq. 1"t. ot~. 1,.,, Pac. shop. Affiuent elientele. o~r Identify by size. ononelooneb1.1su1. llvtt)'.Applyat 168868eachBlvd.H.B. Debb' d s c.t. JI N n 8 h Needs a & r es a 1 v e spd, color & serial no. Cidl 1114lS48·J029 2059 Hubor 81. CM -- -• ie. an 3Hol2; Grad. student w11nls rem. GOO W'J, er~ c .. operator for added pro-Dute .. loc. lost. Call -;,. --~·1030 CREATIVE. eneraec.lc e\h5'8·4Bl2 to shar, new 3 Br ~CMSo. ~ i 0 • c• 1 · Robbie fiu. Agt. ~l-1400 H.8. Police Dept. pro· ~EA PROF'~SSIONA~ )'ouna woman needed to S.. .te J17' Irvine. $1'15 . Linda S pertyo<ncer.~·.564!1 COCKTAJLWAITRESS cons truct hangln1 ......... •••••••••••••• ~174 Balboa Island; retail, ._..,_«Mlle ---•$99.00• AYON bukets & do detail l BR. 1 BA. els. lo heh, AVOIDINCO!'IP*TIBLE commerc. or Of.flee Of'POtfuNITY LOST male Irish Seller ENTER AN EXCITING garden WOf'k. Mllll have ~na . .Avl.2/J,1225. ROOMMAT!S" ipae, Olf·•tr~t park· ,....,., ... n... Declllth.Slotcr&Euchd PRO.,. I 'r &. iomo exp. In bole Wl·acrlt • Hou 8 · · 11\1. Approx. 600 loQ. It.; , y..-..~e.ffal vie. 968·6JS9 GL.AMOUROUS Mid A....... g11rdcnlng skills. and se·MOles 32-'413<1 prlv. re•l room. Rltr. "' P'ound: LHASA APSO PROl''fESSION Wttllollt.,,i., alllo knowled&11 of 11n· ~~2Br, J'' ~11. new ap· T*'·Tle--•aw..-fl 6'4·230Mon.toFrl,i·5 $40,0 O...ctup. P<>1IU\'e J.D. required. •Learn in 40 hrs from U•Tow nual11 & perennl1l11. Will ptlancei, lg terrace, dep, Out Of,,........ Distribute top name Golf 9113-2491 eves profsnl's thu rinc urt of 1~r _ J-.1.i train run lhno employ· Sl.Sl>.840.lJ:?lJ THATRlGHTPER°SON Machlneshoplorrent. &&c>ortsEquipment.at ------wnltrcHtcchniques. --ment. CdM. Modest ru..a1-. Se S 2J" MorlSl1Sk1 lathe,etc. au.per low wholesale Pound: While German •Free placement Svs Let AVO show you how 601:1ry. Must be perma. •••=••••••••••••?~.~~ •• S by lheri"9 Fnt. Valley. 963·1010 pnces. Complete tr ain· Shepherd f't•mule. Leath •Day or evening llesslons to build & run your own nenl It res1><>n1lble. CoU . Park Nwpt JBr, 21.,Ba, Home la/or Buslneu. 4 lna 11\•all. Sales or busi· col11Ar+red neo cir. Sum· CALL m 41751.9194 buslnesl!. Control your Mon & Tues 9·11.AM, ?br TwnhMf. S32~. Tennis. furn twnhae Cherie nen exper. preferred. mil Rd, nr Dluebird Ca· 1-'or u rr~ cunsull ln one own hours. own Income. 673·2'.!GS pool, sctioet & pllrk close. 833-2900dav 640.1673 eve lit, 2~~· flato&Mf, $37&. 944 Min . callh investment L g 497 27!6 of the most profit profelib To find out about this --------- Yd tor pet $59-~12 or '' W. \IOU• st., C. · 644·1628 S.'5200. req. Call Mr. Todd. nyon, 8 · -·----So. CallfWa.ltrc:i5, Inc. challengln11 earninl( op· OEJ.,J Girl over t8. l\lu11t 169-4486 Share ocean r~nl home or84().40J5, 838..(1639 !-~UNO: Gray loh1t hair 17!P.2Sk)• Purk lil, Stec portunity Call 5l0·7041 or be exper. Fri/Sat/Sun ! BR Tow~use, patio, S'Z7S mo. , ..... trill It..... 4500 L '-'UO rt\llle cal. vie of 23 rd & Irvine, CJllf., 92714 Zenith 7-1.359. f 1Ume. Mon/TCude~1 uam· .adlls, s2701mo. Appl. 49-4-6941 ••••••o•••u•••••••••• * IT R * Rl'dland1 Dr. 5411·4740. Joet. W..ted: 7075 4pm. ~·6100. ". l>a\·e.546-41'1 Workine lad)' to i.h.art' 2 leoGaq.ft.~BlcC Ran-*LICENSE* Found: Beautiful Oran11e ••••••••••••••••••••••• Baby11itter, full lime. Del•try/Mew~ bdrm Ip• with •:ime' dolph St, C.&1. $2~. mo. & White male cul 3 da.:s. m•·home. Ref. req. P-manentpart Im"",.,. U• ~..L. .__,_ ... _~ • " ' •••2•'"" """ -09 ORANGE COUNTY . SEC U ll l 'r Y M AN J ' .,., ' '"'"" ""or u:,-;::;r:~HO ~~O,...!'o lne. utll, re.f. ...,.. ....,or u, .. ,.,_ __ OPf.SALE ~~~~·Can l Keep 118 "'·Ca hf hcc.·n"c Clean. 631·0100 dl'llverinl earl)' mornmi "l"9W ,,...."""" Ind tri I Unll ed ......... .,.., 1 LA Tim"" to homes in •••••••••••••••••••••• WI a zon GENERAL "CLEAN" ---re Jabil', expr'd, look1nl( Babvg1U\!l' for my 2 klda. ~" f ""'.... I k ' Jn'ine/NB nreas. Alui.t 'THE EXCJflNG ~EWPORT Crejjl, a.hare or ,. • .,.,rg au "'or · DDLowest Pric<' in fo'OUND. a.mu ll blk i-A ht for d:iy shift tom ploy· Agei; 1 & 2. pillme In be reliable & have dc~n· PALMMIS~A"5. 3bd Condo: Lennis. pool, 645·1900 in'fown! 566.000 cat, fem . Vic. Golden ment.Gdrcri. 551-ti(M2. CdM.67S·b'll:!ti.63H)lllO dable transportation . ~UNUTESTOSPT pvt. ba, S200. ~2·3560, 1200 aq.fl. "l·l space fl;\RVEY (2l3> 272·•249 Lantern, Dana Pl Expe;-;c;odtler w ---------SaloryS300mo.5-16·0'.!3S. BCH. t21.3l481·7030 r /front ofc, lge rear Col. 493.9-t79 tools & r t'fi. :.;<'kl. Bach. 1&2 BR. ~are '--autJful home .on door. 223 Phue. SliS. p .. ..uaa W .. .....,10 FOUND Do C k homeowner contractor BAR "I RL A ti Dcntul .Utolat. Chalrslde. from 1195. ''" uc .,. m U 1 t 1 0 6 2 9 ,,. ... '"""""' ,,.,.. ' : g, oc. opoo, s...,,. for wdrk. B y hr 0 ; Sal "', + 'c 1t1trllc OvKe. Exper <>r profeu •cboul. Lido hie. )'our co•l 0 · n • Aetlvewomanlnterested fe m. C::i ll Mc Nally .... ~ ar)' o eiie &4635.15 Adults.~oPtti; O>O+...,ulll,G75·W745 Terminal Way. 540·5110 1 .,. 11 School, CM . to Identify job. Forms, root1ng11 , C M 646~ · --·----~.---1$6l/11esa Dr. daya •• OG8J 9vta. n a new ''" ga ery. framing. dry woll, finl~h. · · · <S Bl~ L' t ..1 I'\ •t J -Loe. Newport Beach. In· 556·3450 d ... •-1, DIMTAL ASST .. u "' ~port " •l~r~. non smoktna S...... . 4550 Ve&tmenUt butinesuxp. ec ... " .. ·. covers. ext BEAUTICIANS wanted Blvd ) Chnsl1an J;1dy lo sttwr4' ••••••••••••••••••••••• pr f Ph e Mr Smith FOUND: lri11h Setter fem Ule & brick worl<. Steve male or fem. with or CHAllSIDI ~9860 h&e. Lag Cyn area. 437 Je · 00 approx l yr. old. No lOJ(s 813·5064 w i l ho u t c 11 en t e I e. Exper'd only, Short wc>rk b -------~-C.anyon Acri::. Dr .. 1Jea Small boat .. ltall61"1, ren. on t-12· 615'8080 V l c. au s h or d and ---Wdlcliff Huir .,.H hlons, :k Be fl 8 2 a. PllVl•WIMG Sal. &Sun. lal •pace. $1.00 per root, Bu.sines• for sale· DreltS Warner, i".V. 003·111126 llou11ccleun1ng. rcaso~a· 1701 WeslcllCf Ur. N.8 "'1 . JI nBe ,,!,~· ~>' Pr.&c 2NDUNfT -Limit ltn•l-h 22', 11119 d . · · . · blu. rcllsbl<'. re f i., &42·~'1. t ce. · ·~,.:.._ ~Br 2bah.se.walkt-O bch. ~onn>vl,a Ave, CM. See ahop, ll loci1uon $6,SOO. Lost. Irish seller. male. anyllml· Aft IJP:\1. -- -DIHTALA••i•t..t fhe leactJ ffOUSe Si!'l5shoremonthly. Marorull$48·8C21 lllD-5ll2 1-11·77. So. end Laguna. 642·7430 llAUTYOPl Expr 'd Orlhodoniic Cootemporary &! cai.u:il --~$:84311 Stor:aae Garage, sao. 1959 ....... W.ttd 50 I 0 ~d. 4114~!1 :_ N Nt!ed (2) A1111l111un~. I lo c h II ' r Ii Id Cl a s 11 I .. t I 1'ht! beat of Newpurt '11 Seur So. <.:hut Pluu , Map I e . Av ts, C . M . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~o REW A IH> for lhc I ' · uri.c w' rcfi.. 5200 work fur color it 1 lo Regh1lered. Wllllnl( to a.vwtllf · "''tMn Work tor stylist . FtUme. work 2 ortlccs. SW.14070. _..... e, :?Br. ti.la ~a furn Twnh11e. ~•&tr In opt 5. PH: Pvt ptr wunl.S to purchase wh~re11bouts vr •• Ulue & Clobbell 963·7J.16 Richard Ouclletlu Solon. •&!amedceilinga S140.+-ut1l. M /,F, h ll 64&-8505 • smat telephone amiwer· While 63 Chevy lmpula. 200 N t Ct 1> 54U-3001ev •2pools &reccenterli John55&-2974•btwn0·3. W_.... 4600 lngserv.64Z.349J Uc. !"o. qHJ\ 308. Lu~t Gen'I ofr wurk or cushier N 8 1 ewpor r r .. DRAFTSMANAr~t; •Plush crpl11 & drapes , ·~••• seen m Bue110 P ork. GG , urnll 9·3 daily. Npt Bch _. · · · -~~li" .. ---•I •Amhomuchfl!ore \\anted roommate to ••••••••••••.•••••••••• ,,.,,..._.. Santa Anu 11reu.s. l'le111>c orC.M.urca.G4S.$:.!18. -SOA1 ____ Type 6 nper .. runt. f\lrn. bachel• &?30 ahar-e raew 2 Br 2 B~, • '1 Jlr w 41r 9'J l•:llt 10 I oc.Pct Oleea or Al al\ ---· Builder, C.M. 642·tlil>i \Jnlurn. \ br ~ do. C106t to heh. ean nz,u I \191\lrnli hed •••••••••••h•••••••••• •PM. 7H·6'0·2325 SR Cl. typist.JG yrs. Jh·y N .E~~F~~g~~~ G wkday•. __ ,__ __ _ HUllY FOi view. ka)'lenc631·109llor w nted by tamlly or• & FOi SALi --Tel counter PR 60 WP:\I SANDERS DllV S llST SB.ICTIOM M6-7111 am. obedient poo(fle, Ufuoa Beach Motel Jlf'IOIHlh USO ~ ~''/wknda Appllc11UC>n$ now being l~Supertor umor College 1lrl want. H.B. area. prefer hoo.t 20Unlt1. Cont11ct ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATTN; DOCTORS a ccepted. Applr at ~k~~~':;pllca N.ewpol'l8e11ch lo11harcanoc.bec;1tlud•nts or Condo. GOO to 1275· C..~•l•.Mw PREGNANT? E 'd LVN b N Securit y Off ce. qualified drlv rs Jor 646-1453 apt. P1tturson Bo.II 411. ~'19eves. M W -·J Ca rin~ "onf1'dAnti "I in"Parea. 1e~C:~ng p~;: ERICSONYACHTS,l9Jl pickup le def e or r. . . Beck or Mr. A. " " A Deere A\'e, Santa Ana 4000 Wkne. epl, 2 lllds. pt!t, N. Johnson ; (714 ) counselng le rorerral. w/aurgeon or 5urg1cul INOPHO.NECALLS > Rolls Royces. A Pl)' to rma le roommate to want 38r hse C.M. to S350 "51-1701, Abortion. ado'ptlon & grp. f>t2·3474 or 673 Z320 Darrell Sickle at Roy &hat. re home In Luauno. rho. 5'1·1161aft6. keepina. .....-w--.....~ 7100 . IODY MAN/A.to Car\'er Rolls Royce tr OWnen ot leased lr\'lne Al:.CARE 547 2563 • ...,. --BMW, 1540 Jamboree Sue4Bi·llG7 .6'().S300 l•=~••nt/ lnduatr'I S9SO.OOO bldg ~ ....................... Wanted. Expe rienced. Rd .. Newport Beach. . want to trade up tor SU £R0~'S AO TAICla 1'\111 Ume. Good benellta. ~ ~ I •• .. ••••••n••••••••••• aarne. Or Orange Co ma· * ..-,~ n * P/Ume Mon Thurs & App I Y at A 11 e n ---·------ Offlcel..... • ~·~ .......,, Jor ahoppin& ctr. Prine OUTCALLMASSAGE Sat. 15 Hrs pe'r wk. Must Oldamoblle/Cadlllac. Electronic auembl1 • o or,.rf_,y SOOS only. Reply ad '794, Dal· 499,1224 be neal. pleasant & enjoy ~8 ~t~a~o CL: ~;'~er trainee. M11ture rem ,for W E ~.I t I ,, f Hl. I '. ·--------••1• ••••••••t••••••••• ly Pilot. P.O. Box l560, "THE EXPERIENCt.:" dealing withe public. Ap. 4~&s3J .~ g · nasembly of electronics. >4f ,,.pr ii•' I 1 11 •• ..i.--ITUNtrY Costa Mesa.Cu. 9'l62G, Adult motel Closed ply in p~rson , Pen·. · After training can work urru . l"Ul' Pl l' •-J.L part lime In home. W-•••• ~toL.o. 5025 circuit TV. l''or Reiierva· n~nver, """ ucen 111 -HpW/M•efJ4tr 645·1029forappt. s f IS,...tlt bl ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• tlons.645·3967 ~!·Co8taMesa. For small pvt tenni111---------t>~!1~e'.,u,.n PJ:wnt~w 0 lit 2ftd&3rdT.D.'i ---club. Sulary eom· Escrow Officer & AHh1· L B' B 11 1.0' NS V IL B •KAREN'S * Affl' men11ur ate w /exper. tont. Good benefits, •awia e~eh. ut A A J\ A LE OUTCALLM/\SSAGL' Tax.~~:~~"r Harbor·area. Reply to Laguna Niguel. 493.3134 fl• ea In •!l'Jmwear & CredltnotlmPQrtant "' ... CIW1jfied ad no SH c/o or831·1234 t1 •er. OWner rotlr· 673-4883 Broker 6PM·2AM 638·17llO Daily Pllot, PO Box i560. ---------·~ + Inventory $C·~Hs AIOITIOM Dl1trtbvtor1hfp Costa Mesa. Calif.~ IXIC. SICllTAltY "'1 , Cowueling & Referral TO PRESIDENT Fut. HOME OWNERS borrow Prea. test-avoU. wknds FULL OR PA RT Tl ME 1111 Financial Serv. firm. I b k 24 H ., I 11 7 nm• IOYS AND GIRLS Good career oppor. Vrry at ow an rates lo con· r ne P ne M ·.row for Dally Pilot routea In challenglna. Xlnt sklU1 ::i~:·~e~~~il~~:t::;~ •SPIHJTUALREA"'Di:it :;;~~~t:r~wf:r~;:.t!~= Arc h Beach area ot req'd.7.Swpml)'plni,H>o addition swim pool pay Fully Licensed name b r 11 n d g um & Laguna Beach. Must be wpm sh. 369 San Ml11K:1 olf existing 2nd or' any 181.SS El Camino Reul breath mints featuring al least JO years old . Dr. N.B. Suite ZOO. purpose. San Clemente. For appl. w RIG LE y · s & Tl c Phone 6'2·4321, u k for --------- MICHANICS ~·9034 •92-72 TACS. You may keep _Cl_l"t'_u_la_U_o_n_. ----Exper & Jnexper M•TIOHA.L IA.MK M "'SS..... your present job :ind IOYS AND GIRLS Sall Make,.. ,,.. ~ "' lltart p/bme & expand lo 0 E M2-7238 (714,.31.3914 Ft..Ull MODELS full time Inter if you de. '1 to ts yeor11. arn ---~--..;..'-- Morf 9•911, T ..... DtNi 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SICOHO TRUST OHO LOAMS •10.000 maximum. Com• petlllve rates for MOO<t crodlt app}lc•nta. *>llMS IULTY •4tW017• LOANS 9% I Mto2t.ITOlA•1 Faltt-1t Terms 1lnae l!M9 , ............. c •. HJ•J I 71 141·06 I I ................ / ,.., ...... , ...,.,,,...... sire. Get In on the ground Christ mos money · S'lO to 1---------ISCORTS noor ol lh111 mulli·mllllon S.\O per week selling sub-POUMAN OUTCA.LL OML Y SS Indus tr)'. We furnlKh 5<:riPtJon1 lo the Daily p I •-n.... J a. 6)f.Jll f all retall outlt't!!. To Pilot. Tranaporlal1on Y:O.~~~:.' i,;11:;.;:.;: quuhfy you mubl have provided. No dellverfea palnllna needed by REl,,AXINOMASSAGE ouU>, u few hours spare or collecllne. Phone Weat1111lC:orp.,makerol UobJamC!l·U c. Mosi1cur Lime and 54000 cash In· -~-91-1-2 ------i the world't rlnut out.callll 11·9. 4JN·51 I I vestment t'or more in· IOYS AND GllLS s!Ulboat1. qualified can· formutlun write to Dis· Mlt11iOl'I Viejo . El Toro dldate must be capable •PAL)f READP.R• trlbutor Division. P.O. arn. Earn your own ol 1upervl1lng a crew or i;:ztl reudlna for SlO Box ~. Brea, CA 92621 money 1elllng iubltrlp-11-10 men tor paint & ck-· Paal, prea.ettl & future PLEASE INCLUDE Uotll an.trtehool. For In· tall work. X Int op. 1.ic 1213> 694-1350 PHONE NUMBEll. formati"", "'all '"'"09l3 POrtunlty for the rlahl --------~~~~~~~~~ v" " ,_.,.. man. Oood ealar1_ & IXOTJC CillLS .j. Bulldll\a SaleA Teoip. A be neflt1. Cati ¥1. Moa.afo & Mocllllllllf Animal H11Spltul produ'l:l everyone u11e1 McDonald s.40·9711eir;t.11 Outul Only &42·31611 14THltt • lllUSHll everyday. I need you for upPQ4ntment. f'\Jlltlmc444·5460 yuterday. ror appt.1~~~~~~~~~ le.HM Glrh ·------·i..::5411~·1~24!.!h~n.~ep!:.!m!!:.~--I Would like to meet IU 1 •••DINH aentlemen ror day or eve ASSEMBLERS S OY Perm. Jfo•lllon. OJd•r fun. ~5363 HHcl..... ..... penon pref'd. Apply ha ....................... --------·1 ....... ,_ .... 1100 f'or preclelon electro· (Of t>lltCIU!l!.l dept. Mldt perton, no phone call• m~h11nlcal auemt,ily or spuk,Sc>anlah., En&llah. p I e • 1 •. 1 am -3 pm , small component•. Ex· Only eJCPff'tfnced need Ntwporter Inn. 1107 per. pref'd. Days Only apply. Apply In Pt'l'llOft Jam~ Rd, NB. Atlc STACOSWITCH IMC h m co $pm Mon Umi forC1ay PAii.i. £0£. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• SCUM-LETS ANSWEIS GoU•-Ruler Llnk7-f1orin FOR a FALL When a alrl I• belnc courted In th~ 1prln1,Jbt man ls tHladf"1 VOK 11 FALL. 1138 Baker C:O.ta Meaa rtl Alrporttt ll\n Hotel, ..... ...,._. 14f•J04 I 11100 MacArthur Blvd, 16-•fl4Dpltlltl Equal Op90f' Employer lniJ!•· ASSIMILHS Exper'd . to work on ama11 auembly llne. Call :.tr. Early, Winfield Lockl, lne. 842-1940. CASHlll .... ALOMCI P' /Urne. Div.toper nHd11 •taWe1 GrowtbCom1»4ny ~PtttOn w/aeoa 5LocaUona.Over20 ~ vo«ce 6 fl"allt WeTrflln ofc •PPearanee. OC. Met.roCar Wuh AitpOrt •rt~. 540-llOS. =:be~~~·· I nnally•--.-~~-ru_BL_El_S __ I ~11.lrboc-BJ,C.M. .... ... DAY 1YA111 COMPANION (Qa)'llmet Xhie. tnlM, 1oocr t.._ M-TI.e for efderly worND. Ute p eruaaH 7 . 1!h •- Jttny Xlnt oPJ>Ort41nlt)' tn Ma· ~ 4'l1Malt. 1 dy ·~ •lft~•r~ Call (CJr '•· 1lon VleJo lndu1trl•f ~rv~: ~:-.:,, ~~~rt~"· "!' Complo . Malt or w/~etl~ r.q. 1•.ow. -female . 'hl•t have , t~•• -t Cl) Olrl Oflltlf••71 -manuel dut•rtty ln .or ~ ..-.. ,,. ~ ...... · Mo. Mun have 14"iM '"!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!~l 'm•ll components. COOK. eaper '" burtei ,_rttarla• exper. T,,. 1; ram l 11 a r I l )' u 1 I". ~" Mtvlce I •• required """ eo wpcn. 8cun• ... .,. tnl~r'OICope Vtl')' helprur. [or WtU bow..s •• ~.,. !.P •• d w r' t 1. I • Oood btntflh. 81lary iiltabli ... ment. Appl1 at •"~• rrona ~ rommdurate w /ticpn. 8tbaatlt1t1 w .. t. 140 U•• to order &akl•C· tall Carol, ell·ll30 for Avenba Ptco, laa Clem. C•IUornla T.a .. Ssu~ appt. aft 1PM. •Ulhllt ler g,... · -~ C)I JW.V P'flbTy ·i. , S!!urdlf. JM!!rr 1s. un Add it .•• eu Id lt ••• otaper It... ommer It ... cari:>et lft ••• Cement it ... wtre lt ... Hoe it ... Clean it •.. Move lt .. .Press rt...Palnt lt ... Nall it. .. Plaster IL.Fix it ... I .. ........ . -........... _..._ ... " . DNl.Y I'll.OT Al • •• . • f.OUR CONVENIENT OFFICES I . TO .SERVE YOU. I • DEADL;I NE:·~,,.. PrtMy-UOW ....... ,,c. I u .... -•u '"'•"•" -"k.. ., • ~MACH ... 4 ...... _ •••• 11 .. 0 ....... ,,.~ .,.f I • COSTA MIU ....................... L,?30 Weet ~ ·• • • MUNllNGTON I nett ......... '.l' '1•n hecH. • • IAOOlllACK VAu:IV2&,o1 Le"u ~·· LlfUftl .-.,: ' t I • -I \ POW&& ... n II.&; ~•s.areaapeedtat; tl()Y'S VolO«Oll ••• ILU'&couchUS.2Marble MA~ •• ., .... loan\ £ D w 001) 2 x I 8A.RSTOOLS ......... ,..._, ..... ~ N ~~a« •: -.n~c.:rw....tlt: P.Y Slf, Cblld't bike top tabl11 •to. each [)l&H.A •INES run•I d• ..... ,, ..... _.._ 10-u.1 ... Jtftleel'Ulkl tervm1 tart..,, Old,. =1 •· u . -•: •· J .,.._, earrler 12.10. Wllul J1'Snetnea llncl Mt SJO. 1 ~ -a. -..,..., ft-•• TS .._.. ·~• C.._·~ .... = aww.n ... . .......... _ .. La .. o. 1'1.H--1 Stuffed cbalr as. 152 ··x24 • t25 ••tb, ......... ......... • • • • ...... ra • t SS. ••OW•r ... tD .. ._ ~ •~ '" ._.. . ,._ ......_ rnatcblnf flybrldse .....,. ... llON R TypilWr ter tu. u, Set ditbH St, Ill• ~· •-a...c..i ~: pelt POOi..-. as· tlJt.rtz5· o..,rapb•c. lOc taeh. Buoy St. $41-~ll CclQa -. .._. Hall ma~i•ny trint '-"Hll ED brlt~ .to lidtet:At ·1t· Gott~~ ts. f~lcle·.a·bed *2& • ._ ........... lfT... t-' ft doub11 e n·-· ~ M•a ,,... ....... •u .... bl .~ .. ltCIQnd pado ''-$1..•tt, h'onsftcr.t14 ·""·al d t' ... _ __.. .,., eacn, ue canv• ao~·4ia.tz ea h tTJ.521!8 •·rf-' .... ,-1 1 11\(!1" o-nu ry.,r • · VW PA.RTI: f'~ ~ teat Upt '5 ,a.ch; 1 OLDEJl refrl1erator, STlN.G·Ray blke with <>KY ~ •Ide curtaiftll · · • '" ·no ... c ttopper $8. 113 COi 4 >'-.ra sio.•; bUsn~ drawer wood duk 125; ~tor shop or .Prll• MclWCl'o&f bart tll. Slta· • for Bimini top room 12$ HOPPING btoc:k SH tc>mtu Sl. Ptcttit•• ileuSt.COll• Mc•• ltOUI · 1,om& hood old et hy adder ~tll 5 'El t 1 I tb Uon ..,.. I rt.rt. box .... ,,,_ ...._.. aJI: left.hand 12-JJ brMN "''"cben tobt• $($. ,......; Sl.-SlS. Gan\, es bo0k• · ,•;t IU·U5: rur '9ooel atund us ; two old ~er ,;.c.lJn~ :1z~ .,!; 1tackW~ a~rix•t;.. _,: • tt .... , M.t prop po; atialnle1111 ruttor '1i. aoeo c"'ontlne'iilii'i &l.·tu.kG3Hm c.AMPER ahel\ tlt.t slnllt '10tSIOi .. izs MC'.b; ty,.wrljora H •-ch; lriune tie. ZenHb 'l"Mnbox 1prift.1w/rnat. 1.cu,11111 w11ter\1nk&Og11llon~; ColtaMe11a TIRE chain•. m a J3" tru~S25.$4$·•2G ... bUMper ~r~c~eta RCA All clock radJa a: .a.ortwave • AM rlClo insa, frafM, clean 12$. • new ~orrit·t)'pe •t~lll llres $12. Garr:ard r~-ord • ew•~ I~ col.umn1 ,.ll'Jch6AJl(/FM ratdloS&O; wftlr pbooosraph SU. Oollclubl, 1ba1 and cart M•fftl ... ,. •lol•tl•t 125 i S«t. MorrJs tunt MAU.•nUgu•·2dr•v."ilr changer lub 80/w Shure PORTADL& Stereo ,._. lockl•1g liUtS each; metal 3.S card IUet.11 Older offlce desk flt. II). Patto umbrella and ...._ ,._......._ •-town c11'hle• •1~ e•ch; tab.It J20, Steno recwd earlridie 125 ciuih oo1y cord ptuyer. 8 mot ol4 talH11,1h U -Uo; per drawe r . UHJ otder\lllri&btL.C.&nhh H lment bHe $3. Rua .. L _._u ___ .. s ... -.· ray.Jell power batter chanaerfl5.40ldbotUd ~1125 . Hcellent condition .. lMadliibt' ll .. '15: tW"D Catalina circle, Hun t)'.PeWrf*SlO. 1ncra °'' •hampoo•r and fl oor "' -,.... u s: lo•ltt automatic S'. Old lupol $3. •Very · beautmar 1ound ... aipala 1t eaela; e volt lD1ton Be.tc9-(Nea• ~model radio $10. Od4 pollaher with bru1het •· ,r .. cltt~• 1 .. r4 & bil&e pump $101 38"x2'l" old dolla $10. each 8 Din· NEW men'• 1port c:ont, 848~ · •• am ractlo *"L JMOc.t BuaWant ad Ba.anlna> lot o1 dinfna chain n-'3. 541.9200 1520 Warwick loc., a..Hleu Nee••• Norclold re (rtaerator, aer Platea f4 , Forka, aome wlJb t~11 still ot1, 3 DRAWER o6d d::::::::l )) .. ter bolu • eac1': ........ p_.. 11 ,_. Hoover electric broom Lane Newport Beach "''*•• nted1 12V compressor 1poons Sc nch Old v811e5 alie 40 $20. Woman's hes w .f ~-_,,,,-pedalt SlO! lntllter eyll1,."""' r.•iAreenpe, •• t •.Tablel, lampa, llhut.· $25; sea captain lamp $3.eachLace20c,45cyd. blcyfl e $15. 61a·2<176 ore tS20.~ Ml \ den~N; •tndlhlelda ptld10x1 ,f25;recHner ten bookcases $l·$.1 CRA"5MANS 2 drawn ROUND no·mar table SU : Hol br ook 7116 402 Narnolla St. Colta A t e r QAS~ETBA.Lt..,'hoop~ • .. ela; .,,,... motcn clla.lr, erfffl ; remcwed Br~s fU'eplace acr_,; tool box with toolJI $25. wtth 1 af 125 M b . 1wed1eturnbucklcwhMJ Mes1Satonly lO.f . backsWt>SlO .$4t·t381 .. la \1'0lt SlJ.O>! black frun bedroom becable ss. Kia( she headboeni 011-~mp water temp e · ate ·tnC $15; movie proJector . AX handels SZ.50 Carpet ,·· l bir e..cls ••" m each: al aller1y. (114)142.5110. ». Piet11r~ 6 palntinp rau1es. new SIO. Stewart cbaln SU. 543-0834. 5ereen ss. 642·8666 ~STl.~ cellio& Ules. pad $25. Lawn mov.-en GARAGE door hardwllri ~-~· 11.,. Lal'I l to-• Warner tack with tend· INSIDE apartment doon If JC~ JC l 60e · C8Ch SS.to$2S.Lawnchal1'913. UO. 8' N au1&ahy4~ -.... ... _..,· ~ 1: !~!~~~carpet:· * recorde~i15. 2;8 hie unit 18. $crew \ype sz eacb. 3, 80"xam ... , 1. CAR· RAD 10 w It b ~rox UOtUeti SU-1981 to .f'T. C&mpeft wf1'ldoWI (>added benct1 125.P~ ~ltl.5 ..... ; steerina HW cdlina fixUln ~ Newport Blvd., CM iarat•Jaclr lift.a one end 7 t ~ x 2 3 ~io' ', 1 •pe&ker, 5 rMDlhl oW, PRAY cun $10 z 1Jo,d 13. lo $5. Vent pl~ for (rames, Ures. rlmss ,. .. ee a a .. car· • • -..c: ...... o f c • r s 2 o • N e w 7 9 ~~ • · x 2 3 ~ • • • 1 out ol '16 Plfroounl 12$; •-r d ·Ilk wall heater $3. Pin& pone handleba,.. ~-and ·....._..dab ao1 i volt =u::~0;~:; ___, crafUmana ..., drive deep 1t~"lt27\.'t ", 1 791~" oranre vlnyl bucket ;g' e::' t'6ck ~= table'10. 8oatmotQC'l2$, 8''. Round thru· a •tnter flt; rlma door 925• Ice maker D>· 2llP OUTBOARD $25. lnpac IOCketa 1" u ns. JC27·•, 1 79"1'24", 2, wood chair SIS; utenaf~n wortdric if 2 a_utomaUe BBQ ~. Pool table ss. beater vent S5. Pia eaefl: VW ,to Chev~ meal silcer SH; GE sa.plel 2 boxes 13. SDooC 13/H 1.50 ea f5 auto f'rame screen door1 lelepbone $&; toll-away tdephone dialers Sl5., Old~d.a Sl. ea Juul•· handmade paper t~ wlletl lldapwra a each, curler ul u · wood table 120. Old add.Ula l:lobUr 12. 4" Auto clips 80"x32" SJ each. 100 new bed, nearly new, '15; po Salnman's custom Uon ware roll $10. Carpet holders t3. each tz" xl.Z! llr-11e ~ a:io each; play.,.n Slo· hangtna Jftachine $10. Balb tub near new Sl.25 each 2 pe1board books SC each. free st1ndln1 4t"x.30" made urrylnf cue D> SlO. Alr conditioner SU. 4 Armstrong Conut61J ·u vw coaverUble Jamp sao· )t'aJi lamp m· aat•y rail 12. Electrt~ Boxe!1 45 ball 11mmwil· 6'1-3680 hinled fireplace screen 2 vlnyl chair. on Callen. "8 PaneUoa SS. Electric ceiling lllet1. 4 for Sl. r PAJU: dieof panela SJ.5 Jadder sit slau 10; heater S'. Plaatlc bath Uon $4. each Red Devil 1$; Chrhtmu treeatand like new SU each Ah Motors U . to SlO. Cabina.doors with tlft eaela; root tatchn '15; lbower door SlO· c&o.ec tub linen S2 each. WMel tllrlet trap $12.50 Cash CEOA~ fence m aterial IZ: chiJca IUe jacket $1. humidifier · n ew ·110 Cbrl1tmu scene SS. ss. each 645·25U, ~ gl&N $1.s.$2$~ 1peedo $8; door $lO; kw1vei chair ban-el $8. MU51caJ IJquor QJlly, call 89'7·3489 4x4x8 $4.25 lx6 20c per 962·3092 Round table SlO 2 1~ Clothes lOc to SS. Olahea 19lb and M()ftrovl~ Welt. ant .. 25etrch 536·8312 bottles $4. Pair s· boat root. 549-8296 •~bl -.: h. c..1r 50c to $3. Old lamp $10. Costa MeH · n ------· ---· _, 110; antique office •Ide oars SS 363 lGtb Pl MICROWAVE browning DESK $15. AM /FM radio ... ea -eac · "' ee Gas atove 125 221 E 19'h _______ ,... TWO white sha1 throw chair $25. 962.7631. 6'5-8615 . . dl1b SU. M lcrowuve 6 & 8 '4 R 0 u G ~ Sl.S. GuJlar SS. Larae An· table, all matching de-St Costa Meii~ . 23" TV, playi> good ~. rup, i4d, $10 and 27"56 ro a• t Ing ra ck $4. rnoboaany Sl per bow-cl tique milk con 115. 2 Cd· sign szs. 2 tool boxes $5. · Canlater Vacuum and 114- $1.S , ' 125 GOLD vein mlrrond 3 SPEED woman'• blke Microwave thermometer 646-5602 fee tables $5. euch Bookl each. 2 electric 12V l" HYDROLIC tube 4' lachmcnt& S15 After U> • Ule, size 12"x12''. 12$; S " Si 1 • ... 1 book •h s 1 diesel horna $15 each. R d b d s M · · larae aaa los (lreplace 2... ng e s p eed .•• crowavecook TENNIS Sweater new 50c: e11c. 2 haw s $.5. Flit 4.bo d l'wide o en e r 25 . A 646·1525 • B~JOZ carpel runner 1 ood . • woman's bike SIO. $1.SO. Cam e ra 126 $lO H d d b eat'h Sun only 9 to 4 een ar 8 P\inchinf machine szs. 3Jll0'$S.91l-I010. n I cOndlbon $25. Realna eleclr k broom cartrldfe $&.Solid wood h . I an m;1: co::""': 548·:.>'74 wood $l0 lfor a ll Angle plate SS. Whitney RIVAL Cro~kpol, llko · M0-1797 SlO. Eureka canl1ter coc:ktal table $12. Solid ::~JSa new ts Secretary char 18. Elec· band pundw• 125. &Qt. new $13. New batt,erv~f TWO ,I.ace table ~~oths. CEMENT steppil.I atones vacuum $11. Sound wood end table M.SO. 30 . CHlLD'Sdreuer $10. Nlte tronlc aasembly ben<:h Bat\Arey eharaer $10. Volkawugon $14. se. = • SJJ: 68"108 • Sl&. 1S'1'.lxl51ti Sl eatt 190C2 Craftsman stereo re· pair 1hoea aixe 6~ $1. 2TIRES radial snow table · book case $8. ~.Hair removal radlo Mallet ·head• S5. W' Dla l·a·sho aewln 10• Pauline' Lane Hunt, celver $25. Elet'lrolux each. 15 dre.us, size .15 1tuded 't1res like new Corner de9k SS. All child f~uency apparatus 125. Qauck part.a $10. lot 16"C manikin. 2 Wide15" LA1>v·s brunette wl&. lnaton ~ach. 983-3807. torpedo vacuum $10. It 16 $1each.10 handbap HR'1815 S25. 2 radial Ures group. Record cabinet !1lh 80 ·~'hp ~u0se bo:~ Clamp $3. Turret atop ror Dod&e 'Van or form and ca1T7inl cue PllCk.anS Be.1123" black" Sl each. ~nture cleaner LR7815 s10. 675·3589 SS. Corlee table $10. End 1 1""1 c • eac · forW lathe SS. Hand rivet Sl~; each Snow chQ\na • ' BONGOS 12: decbraU\te white TV conaole all Sonae 13. l>inner plat.es tablet flO euch. 2 end ractJon llP motors with aqllff&er ss. RadiQ SS U 13. Newport. 8eacb • boall fl.SO each; plct~ cbanael $2S. All ~ork by Hallcraft 12.so e.ach. SNOW skii1 $15. Ski ruck tablea $12 each. Ou.Ids aeur reduction, 300 rpm, Heavy asbetloa glove1 5'8·5310 ORTHOPEDIC couet for framq with 0a111 exa, aood. After 11 AM only. Electric hand mixer $10. Vacuum eleaner Sl.S. table & chair $3. Lampi one brand new 125 e~. $2. 20A. TwisUock cx··-.'O-NTS--h-a-nd-11c_t_t_"""'_in_ ap&aal atd, cost $50, sd1 75ceach.M&-4884. 543-2429 $4.SO. Sky sun elassest3. Push mower SS . i,c, $2-SS. each. Yellow Foot oontrol for·~~ tecmoncord$10. "J"Box 1'14 California c' .. o;c, .. , fot$15. 962-8010. • Winter coal, size 16 '6 mower SS. Power mov.·er-rocker $.5. Child rocker machJne motor $8. "V" 12. ~ H.P. 220 Motor S'l. -"' • HAIR dryer, aood tolldl· TBVPEWRJTER Rem· nch. 557.7234. $25. Guitar $.5. Polaroid $.5. Baby clothes IOc~. Fry cook~r $10. 2, 8.&Sx15 11 H. p . motor $4. $10. each/offer 6'73·5'1Sl • Ji~ • LAJa •bade, 1han· Uon $8; blow styler bnaii;h in&t.oo manual upriJht l<M camera $1S. 3 bar Work table l15. KJtcben Urea. Jood condllloo $.5 Alumbiumn -coil mal 20c LARGE white Com~ um, SS. -..,10. and com I,>, Jood condl· 125. New ribbon. 64Z..ell3S SK.US, Flach er 190 cm. stools $10. Electric dryer table $15. Dishea 15c"~. eacb.1. 3' windo~ •h~ lb Sted reminan. ts JOc lb. chest sis. Typewriter _ ECl'RtC It and Uon SS; b1Jb cbalt $4. DRAFTING t bl with flber1la11 $25. 833-2000 125. Guoline enclne ~. 2 doclul SS each. Yold·lna SS u ch. Terranu~ k.il Outdoor U&hUnJ a)'llem Lamp 12, Tycopro ~ au ar 536-1154. a e ext 40 or &U~SlS after Electric typewriter tzs. cart a . Chest oC drawen S 2 . Q u a d r a J e l '20. 544~ · a19pltfier al: Tacks Ice lamp 1ood condl· 5·30 Guato\•e l2S 221 E 19th $1S DinneUeset 4chain cerbureior rebuildable racanic set, many exvu boc:lrey ·~ 125 ; ~ TOP rack. m.s vw "'-· tlon ao. Have ~ new i.. · · St Colla Mea~ _ · uo. 5 reads it .50·l2. no. 20 .. fa~ ao. Sat/SUn ouVE w !pf aid couch sis; SS . Te I e v Is Ion ,U . bockey'laetil~wlthc .. e custom madel2S; palrS soeArcble&Rtchlecorn· 12 VOLT Battery, heavy . ' Galvanfzed tub $5 Pota anyllme.511·2* MatchinC chair 125. 1S Tl&htnera fo r snow N ;• Ice hlcte)" helmet '"" 1mow Urea •nd rima le bookt lOc each or Sf. duty Delco. nu CadlUac, CUTE pant coat, hood. & an 1 2 s c . $ i ~ 0 Green flber1laH drapes cbaln11 15c Snow chal'f wiUuhWdf.1S)Vott1tln 125· tow bar VW buf$10. Ta.ketaJl.&42·5481. Ch~y. Excellent Condi· Ue. Colt $75, $20. Wool c;1J blnr soc $l so ' ali BURGERMASTER ham· $1.5. 2 Stereo Phono· forVWS8., 14 and l5l!'CJ' diW11nMta:$M-8082. s.at'.1294. CAR1'0Pbo ti d ..,,, Uon.$19.631·3230. coat for small mature -kinda Toy~ 7sr-'3 burger patty maker will grar.bs $25. 2 lOowllng LI.res $10, 2hVSW re11~ a oa er_,. lady $12. 642·3163 · .. · sell four part1 separully baJ 1 $.5. each 546-4283 < 68) $7. eac ma a INFANT aeat SJ ; port·a· ALL kJnd8 of VW pa(tl, Flbertlass bait lank SJO. LADIES turtle n eck 75t-6614orM5 2417· lll125./part. Wet sultone l319BeUastC011taMes11 ;lrlcwelder$10. AM /· poUle Sl; chl1' bo01fWt rear torsion 3811embliea Yamaha 80 for p111U $10. sweaters Sl ea. Men's 1-8 LUG Chevrolet wheel TIRE h . b d piece S25 Fan ss Guitar port.ab I e rad Io ._ chair Sl~ car aeat •: for rails or trlkepi, S25; Gem fle SO for parts•· ablrt.1 15~ Sl ea. Storage witbfalrtire f11irtlre$15; fit ~uu~n• .• 1~ae~ $'i'r• amp. s10: Head ~kls '25. GIRLS 20" bike w/~w 968-2176 ;~ baby. Jumpeeat G ; '67 pedal ouemblld ~: Bovs slie 16. shirts Ii cheat $4, Mirror $2. Kin11 8.75 x 16.S ~·Picture $'. ' 540.4074 Y · Bike rims *2·18. puncane Ures 125. 548-06C7 -~ Cadlllaelendtt•klrtaSS: widened wheel• $12 ; Jackets 25c. 2 Twin sl a e bl anket $2. Hanfln& hehts $10. · Projector 125. Chlldrens ... -----·-·o-. -·---"';;'"_. marble tdp 20"x591h, bumper parts $1 ·N : lavender bed1preach $S. Fireplace wood basket $15. 278 Flower C.M. DINETI'E set 6 -thaJrs games S.50·$3. AccellSOI")' M$A.LALWlSftLftZWfl1 , ) UO; l'OPd marble top front end part. il·SlO· P'ntll bowl with plastic $1. Iron wine rack $4. 642•9731 $25. Hike $20. DCllk $15. equlpmenl Cor 30 HP .It" diameter $:r; rabbit a w I t c h e 1 S 1 ; rrult Sl. Movie project.or Medicine cabinet $2 . Lam~ St&. It $6.50 AnU· Evenru de electric start ~IH $3·$20; electro-speedometer cables $1; Kodak $5. Norelco elec· Garden tool• $1 each. COtRAB & lobster nets $.lO. que table S25 . Pat.lo out board $25. Two piece ---~ with juJCft', bra ke cablet S2 · bub lric ruor SS. 2242 Elden Dooble Hibachi $3. Cook d Calcutta deep H a chalra $3. N ewJ,>Ort pc>ol que·$8 Electronic ~..._.hook mliter, eapt Jl; ltllnl11~le 0part1, Ave. CM bookl $1 eu. Cbllda patio pole • cuet.om reel $25. Creal •ondoa So. on test equt'pment SS.·$1~ . ... r-A~!-:_~orJ I~ SJ..125; Har fenden lot YOTA St•~;; talt&• • bea•9' . fl U~~Lt ,Y~~: ...... RL -'n.-Col{sole .. a/Im ""°"' Illa er "" .... oa '""· .,... .. m ; d4tell ~ r. f1.I. Polaroid ..,.,_, doll $1.5 I! -llrt i ~a. P'oUow •ff"' to pf aytt $10 Head phone doerway fate u . bupSlO; ~1froatfen-S3. Stteen oor . ,. ROCKIMO cbalrDS.AnU· boarSlo."carufui, rec: Land Fall, Newport *1. Gu h«t1e trimmer '!24"2· den $~0.D>. bus doan Ladder $3. Caueue qott.ble$15.Spoolt9ble N . SUaplH Albacore Beachft3l·l&64. 12S.Mot0rt20.Dualmuf. FftYEa-COOKER U ; ~~ :;.ar:h:is1f. pJayerSlO.Jt'Aquarium lDPSlO.l01poedblJce SU. poleCo.!>ffp1ea poles TENNIS racket Wllaon ~:.··!~pe:rlh~; di'..._, 11tn1 dre11ea, 1 a a ta n 11•1 SS . no: tank top $1. Larfe new Albuma fl ea. Coffee ta· "reell Sl0.·$25. Old wood Slyllsl, never used fl%. SU otsf: ha it EI paalaull,. aklrta, a peedometere u ' car cover $6. Swivel bl• 125. Hanalaa ll&hl radto•pbooo$13. Kodak ·Used Crownk r acket 13. t j t w1as er · ,e:· bodyl\liu , coat•, 1lus eaz 2'Z1S. • BI a ck C la a I r S l 0 . CO. Picnic tfble bfJrK:h 190019U Camera $10.·'18 Swim nn S2 v r c r m mer · t.12, G·rT: .._ bootutze · Aquarium bea~r <newt a . Panuonfc rffefver Swa1·Cry1tal lithl set menuhlJ.15~ 25cou:!':. Decor a tor palntlnaa Ill, SI; 1lrl1 p ant1, 7S VEGA r8dial« 125. 7S 13.548-3223. 125.SurfboardSIO. Hana· $12. Old printers copper 35MM Slide box $2. 12 1 'F'it!°Td ~rucodk ~05t pantsuits and 1weaten Veea radio. ftever wed 1nl Uahl $'1. Microscope plate of 1890 pedal car 3'MM c Sl a e . · rav 1 r .. 50c·S2.SO; tou -acrM1 SU. New hair dryer a BOBBIE s urfboard SlO. TriPod $12. Guitar $25. Large metal tackle Brown! •mer~ cue o. per foot. Pony cart IZS. eame S7 : otlwr games Oater Ice U\llher $4. t uper condltion wltb su. octtce tyr.ewrlter block SlO. 548-9832 18 MM ~:v1:'C:~:. One hone power mo&or *'7$C. 963-1972. ~ elfflrlc blanket leaah SU .. s urfboard $25. (R.C. Al en> aM B S4 . R e mote Zenith _______ ......__. .. Ru'd beek boolu 26c. trail« for bicycles $10. copJer S2S. (compact) SJ'ATION Wa1on luggaee ~le SS. Case Cor tdevlalon szs. Antuque SC1HWINN .... bike SlO; ffovHbeht lle•a • Gl-02.tT Royal electric portable box.track 48 x 81x12 sis. bor·-SlOrl.flCebil$Sd1. trHa~! blow torch $5. Lufkin ~ett)'tle CS! 7'G" 11ur· ,......... t ., .. ..,... ,,. CM 548·8200 ... ""'" frame steel tape 33 • SJ.2. ftoud $26; .,. Cirfflc fl); c..._...1 Sc~. Eurcise t Ml a~ lq> bloek1 .. 2 ype -· .... , 21st O>\. • $10. Decorator lamps SlO. Cemper 1u & electnc a99yearoldlAdlanbeads aJaot liOard 13. Cr)'.c.I s~ l counter l1", 2 SUndayoaly.631·0977 TWO Ame r ican Mag each Chal•e lou.nae $7. refrigator $2$.· Electnc • strand; Tibet.Jan ~1·25t,!"!ll_!Sc·Conll.~ w.Ut)'l)O~eacb. Fold· CHEVYParta:Newturbo wheela 14" $15. each Throw rue 9x l2 $8. addtn1 machine with ._block prints 00 ri~ arv -· ...,, ... ioC door 1pproJClmately torque converter $20 396 s.57-6051 Kitchen table 18. with tape 112. after 9:00 paper UU each ; Porary lamp Cd'lrome 71l'J alee ,u. Old TV chromevalvecoveris1s twocbalra.Odd chalrSl. 842·1272 R edlands It handmade "9auUlul col· wtthwhl~pleai.tabadel cabtnette, nice •10. 2 pr. Stick ahllt bellhooll· 2 WORK benches, 3x6 & 2 Card table chatra $5. \Jnlvcrwity Clfllblan wall wenln& ao. Scale 12. Large wine apocil tope $3 eacb. Acme Ina Sl&·SU 396 TRW ~ $10 each. Table saw Pr. Box Avoa bottle rz. --....-.;... ___ _ 2'°''d ', 115: YW rima IZ; rack k Plllow1 IOc-12. Mov-e-llte with expollure 1 '°"' / · od8 $7 $20. Lawn mower $10. Salt & pepper 1haktn, &'TAINLESS steel porta. spare SS: Ulftl* Ice boll Blank.U D. Tupperware SpindJaJ $20. Autom1tlc P • w recon r Electric edaer SS. Porta· pewter & Silver tops S2. & ble clothu washer, ldeaJ fU b o A 2$c·Sl. U1hted mak•up cooker fryer $5. Silver e 1 cl~ id~;~ r r J t t ble aew-tng machine $20. D. 11et. Many ogld'odd tor boats $25. Small 3 • j on~s· •:••d · · rnlrrot $4. ltan Shady Mr'Vtnt tray S3 Antique man ° · P stons Roundtllepatlotable54" abakers SO<: each Old drawet woocfen cheat :ft11M • nn m Har• Clrcle ff B nur cflthe9 • china $1. $10 2 no roda f' each. Power diameter SlO Lawn class tOc·St. Collector ilO. TWin G.SE. Electrfc -·er'!.'!''~°':"~..: Golden.west' 1;:' Clay, mltc .. 'nl lold •nra·a ~. brhak~ usn110t 115.5 Air spreader$10. 546:1256. f1 •t J s t 13 bl k ... w I ._ __ _ ...... ..-11 _v, _ .... follow ti. •llnt Hunt· J ""Id'" b...... ...., _,J ac oc,.1 pr. mog ru1 an 1. o ., very an et-. eat na"'"""" paintln11 Sl2 nd SZZ; ln"'-Seacliff. · v e -•· ""' 10 a n ce pump 16. Air condition TWIN slie box spring & old Metal ChondelJer $1.S. elect.rte fan $5. Swivel TV pollabed pm atond, ...... · m. • 1ectlona of told compressor ns. Exhaust mattre11a. Ukc new 118 Old brass porch li&hl SS. atand 13. Formica 3x5 lapb. , lwiU. bla~ ltN', ... A C RA .... E & J a• t !~!. c1aurp.~te1!};_!3c-._2 m.anlfOld SlO pr. Radios each. Reclining chair AWJuminum foldlna cot ldtchen table $3. Knick· llnOkt)' .-. ... S6 _, • '"' ... 7.... • ~u.. •• & pad SS. SO Oal drum Knack 1helf $2. Small n -. ; hntert S10. olonJaJ eitCb u It 4 VW UA!1 a. Speakers $2 each. 14" $15. Rocklne chair SlS. pump szs. 3 Sinfle roll.I wood chlldren1 de1k, cu,_. f\n exlln&llllber ebalra $15 eac:b . la-125. vW carburetor Ur11 on Chevy rims Channel m11ter walkie &old nock wa1Jpaper$2. blueS3.U1edbrick115ca ~·· StanltJ' JI hof'st Vaporiacr $4. c~rami~ SlO VW muffler like new ss-no ea. f'ord " other talkies with new bal· BLovatory sink with piece Bluel electric =-CJ, Uunt.laiton ~·13. ChUd'a table sz. ni Headen SlO C M ~: flathead Ford taiet GO each. VW fen· budware $5. 2$113 Santa broom $3. Proctor Silex .MIMISl. Palnttn1• 110 each . ..s'.oua . . . StO pr. Manifold den S'7 each. no denta. 2 Ana Ave. Costa Mesa toatter, near new SS. s.µv Tl ... lNGI ht .. 5 0.. H\ • Kid'• bite SS. Bellhouslna SlO. barrel ma11llold ror-1300 ..... ....,, ~ ,_ V 1.2,a. ft tRal ~tn ;J UO. Stroller 110. ~PORO Count.rJ Sedan DrlveahaCt $5. Head VW $10. 84$·7051 or _.._J. f10.iM4~~~ter ac:uum we>Hs as· fNcOrqor A'9ton\atle bl bJ awtu body puU, doon wiUI fUli:ets S5 pr. MoPar 63S-0833. • NEWblp bacll Van 1etaa·-------- ba1 SIS; 'Koh·l·Noor llZ. Trealur• lc·G. 29 = 4t chrome., each, ~~~ ~)' :~ee~I n~w ~ R001'! divider book cue 125 each. Dre11ers SZ5 SHOW Hiii, head l~ CM 1'9CUc11npll pn Mt wt1J1 ~ PJ. C.)lf. 5'1.._ panel• .-Ith Uatm Bel~ln • 115• ~econ SU. Cale table 125. Hand each.. Tall 1tora1e chest m. KDlettl ltOCM 825, bonepowtr nu RPM IA chrome trim $20. .. I -ea. m. Ch d " 125 Sui crock pol •. New elec-f1$.U05. IDOlor '20· perf«:t 900 ternt•ble with 1h1tre T'rau with over drlv New buck knives SU .., e er · '-tricaboealtlne$5 Klfll• ..__ ______ _ er mt~roat llqud urtrld1e " m. Rear end $25. Hood eacb. Turquolae rln11 cue $5. Outdoor lounge twtn 1pread1 l:JJfJO.1..&11· IDTcHEN Mt. Table l2S, fi:. enuU ::~.~ct 9tylul*'~IT!nder war. SJ$,• Grtll SJO. R•ar S5·ll5 "~ P~a lhtll rfC)r'l;:\~:/~1~ Sb.e aaae $Sea. WaJnul. chain $'1.25 each, wUl Qiachlnt •· allt.o aer.e r.m1 ·~-· '•·CJcle, •· bunper 15. Van rackaf net al aces '5 ••· Gum · · table S15 2 ca1t 1r0n ~ ,sell aeparately. 4 bu ' I ,_.•A4•W...ttW.W c:.11 S.. 64J..N71. lat. JJO We're Pals! lllay's Story . 1 7494 ., ,,, . 't~~ 1 ~ tD ,.,., UO; tarie 1 PHIWPS 212 el~ t1S each Tall sate l!Ma ~liac hi d ·.,s lawn mower 125 Rui no. Gam• 50c ea. New or lrade for blndlnp. ~ • -a>eaker ai' u · Elco cellenl c:onlfiUon SQ. Chev)' ss. 2513 Santa Ant b•ll mach.lne bankJ S3 MUTZ twm bedspreads atoola •. each. a aroen ltootl SJ5 eacb, wlU tell • al1nal 1enttator· Dt; !J!1Mf . Ave.54lot80l. ' ::.n~there toyJ '1&. "l cloobl• noral $10. vinyl bar 1tool1 $.1 ... Hparately. Walnut ~ Slmpaon uputtor llOl"ORCY.CLI: anl SI~ MOl'OR Mme or marine · WMte t•Nt lamp m. Twin bed trarne aa. ~ ':5-;::f lood 9330 Al ~ 1a t11111t .,. dNclier at: •ltc<rcrie Heh. 2 Tacoma t11M J,O" 16 1._1 oblon fuel tank GLASS. b1th t•b d041' IOkbn uten1U1 50c·'5. TOMtmuter broUer SJO. · · 2.t0 'clllrlsll • " -'!_t~l •c/de 1 troh UO: OM J Ju1 SU eaola. GS.sOfat..:Cyethyt.. tUCIH,5'.SU.13!·3230 'Knick ltnaclta '1·$5. Ro1-1lypewrttnat0.()c. Pt1Rtoat,old,1oocleori-L ...... ..,.; .... 4'" . .-1 ... -~ro~..t.'= Iii a m I Y • 1 I m rn Sl~tone bloekt UC dttnldni water tank 12& '-645-0382. culonal chalr '3· Lar1a dltlon. tan SIO Sid bootl "l em ntMli-buc& 111 """* atltdttf .._. ~~re utnera <;US. ~-:~:~=b~~ Coleman 1tand·UP Ice s:s.: :~=reel SKJJS hud 185 S25. s!~~h~~=trD:T . ~2~8 .,omena 11t'e 9, &to'. ~forM41(•rMlft.httn • ,,....,. c:belt m . 12v automatic · Knetnl t IU '1S.Ut6.. Dl-«IM · ' . • • flbet11 ... akllai 1J6mm 74M. trtlltflt· ll ·~ 1ttHk'. ' o v I~ 0 '5· dl'OP leaf 'table b•ttery chauer flO. Tl Jl'IREJ!JllD part · • f7.50. Samaon te IUI· ..,. k.,, dfNctlw. . G.utrtdle t:Jpt :,ru_ \ ra •· PWofeedel', l"Ult. ._. ...., ..._., duty .BeUIMlutlq 120. ~ ,\NTJQUZ maple pip• BOX aprtnc' oaattreas 17 f:&a pltcea $7 .50. The pe1111*1rt Is 1 fl'fOllttl Shft tor •fl 1111 ..._Go llioft9 1 Suffold 110. Rolary lJY battery ~ New 5 1t.,r1u pump uo t\Md $$. 3 ctiord 0 E eacb Metal tao.et $10 • • Youf\ tOd? 'l'tf t Wlltl 1 a54 tlCtl "'"'"' '°' f JO• ,..J,. pr .. tea« =.:u Puah ....... ·eut•M lank • .,.. st• rt. r • t 0 . i eitCitrlc Ol"f•D 125. N~ 5t8-U . . llf08 is: . 1"4 0 :Cc!t"W.~': ..=: ..... lftd ~ 'I wtlh aoo.n Jenae us· pllllOr SIS. Pt••· Uo'-•Jt01Db ma1 110. roat«.lal 60t ycl. Yarn t-* Jt cl • • · ~c"1Du•idt.1 Allct 8'00tea Z> Paaeaoolc portable ''JIRll: At .. xu fl. I.rte~:.~"., •. 1000 ~ parta: •l•rterh>. ~~.!!"· LldJes •boa, . ~· ~mpflgf • t~ l>edt os.•J:';' l:; ~~_.. P••• ts3t: c~n. ~i.cttft~ tOS t• tnclr '"'° player '30' MOXU. new $10 141btl4 watt I ator, lt>Mda Poftt 1teerln1 pump c,_n ..... eurnmer llatt ~"· • •o ea .... 9t lll8' · dft•'t.SlM 2.' "1, JO sa.e Dally Pilot 11 1"'111-*~~ mnated u .. ita•la1 mot ... .,,1 r1ai rJpt sio.Atrcc.dlu.tfeGln-IQc:•A . (7N 4'l 10-12J. $5-115. End tables '11. .,Costa a.· e S)ltt 1 114 1_.~~ lo•1U.<>idChe4 .. a.t. ,.a1o,..,, n.wMd....S. J15aH. 2 fOf'. Radlal IWftl .. tlnll• 1lllk 15. pr.-or ai p~rta. J,\-115. K.ftlck lu\atlca, d•ahes, pimPI a• SIJ. a.,. BEACR cr•tHr bllre Pfllnallt1 fl'dfl)lt. NtwY0tk, NV tOOt\, ...... -.... -· ---.......... ·-.... w-............... -...... ··-.., --,,_,. ...... .. .. 11.211'< .... "'""" i ' ........ z . e•Jtai reeor•a '" · as. 12"10 rlSbt hand JS" wt.Mlt 15, H " wheelt cUn1 fl, Throw rup a . •· Clotbtt 2k·lt. 1117 • • Md JSt fir _,. .....,_ .'* "Nvmw.1 aeecta·..._TOJlO power rotary prcp$10.Ldtiand J4'14. $5. Carnaro Rall.¥• 101t~E.Balboa<be)'Ond Newport HUJe Dr. E.,IUHISAM Tt1.r., tnt.ci. 1W11111. ....,,.._ .... """. •••h ..... .,.., iooc1 ~ fltOl>'llt. Jobnton *' .._..as urea aoeatb. h.tBen>IMP.M. N.B.M4·l'111 • ·Moba• perta1 ,....._ .... tk M'"" '"'SJ• .-. ... .;.. ...... ~11P~lfZ$. boarchpeed Pf'Ot>, b1'0ftM Jr7 Ua$\I 1~r., ~halft 11. 12'1 lnak Uca 1111 r..r • • IW• NC i.,'jalt be atJIUl. Afterll<ln1JMl·a.2f '20. Aqualuns 200" SlO • brake drum.~ COSCO bl~• chair fa. ARU!M ti.nd m. a a•t. al· Othn P1111 ~Mettlft = 111111..,.,,..... 'J• bamtllt• -. poee a~ CIULDI pl•vbouae szs dlwa ~. IU•te GS. ''* •T .IO u . Dtac ~9Ji1~!::. u:::::~ =-:-,..SZ:i e:-:J 't l •tH. 'H7• u n or Patwn o.PL 4'2 .,._ :i.1' ... • -, fi1101 boil Wttl "°°" •· ~ · N..-14uare D 100 amp brake parU U ·US .......... t ..;. "' _ _.,. • · MMl7I Dtl!yl'liot ..,,,... .... ' llllik .... •ood ...... Wall snount '-taln "°"" elteUieal boa. bredera Alt•naater J10 Small --... me -· P1'0Ctcr -{UJe u. ~· I m W"t 1•"' St., .... -"'!"If '" f7; ttedftl '••· dtliil' Dll ~ ~ fl. 'm -. Moma ,1._ •t lllklttt .._. rO, v~ toNt•r sa ... $4l·JUT or • WASHSU • a K•..-. YOfk. NY 1001 t . Pnnt ... + .,...==.:1.~I ---·=· .... ,.__def'Norte, 1.W *"""I t2$. Qtalclr~ ........,.,, 842.om. th Wett 18lh WHIJll.POOLwubft'8S. su...-.,MMl1e. • NAM«. AOOAIH. ZIP, W ....... 1 ._;. ~ ~~ •10 i' aaM IL,C.M. 2 Rup •ta CS q.._ 'Pint " SIZE aflf STYLI ..... ...., .. fUWWW... m' Cira.tr. chlii 11 VZOA rt1bt front ... P'OR'D Van doors 110 IUt'-tnl sit. Bateball ~t:..·-~ c: NUMBIR. -= .. •neJl .. I •ar• we• ---~undle Nd ... ~= :t· A~omaUc .. cbl13•S7Sl ' lfth. •· C. Baha , In ia : a.-. .... ~ ...... ,_ = =:. • -.: illiilC W .... ..... ...... ... r::::= m tr~,.=~ =-~~ .......... J ~mower.; ::-:-... _,.....,-;... .... ="" .....,~·~,.._. =-~~!!"'\Tt..a... lllllM IMl4 apotllght a w.,_bodyparta•t·t25 VPRIOHT vacuum~ ...,._.LB ·:;, .. ,lawa IJHader ta; Mata•-'''::~:: Bfi -4!.tJ!W ' --....,.1 -• bo nl 1 Ml...., · more. IOOd. 125. 1540 A. • ca••ra ti. rl•• •t. .._ !'t'H:~ .2' ......... ,._ .._ · fi••r fu • • 'Iii ..,..t; ;:,. :Or-:. Coriander Dr. Coata CW. Jab 81. ,., _. llMlll •· Boob IOued ..., II~ .....,._ ; J!!OP"'!-.od . .-~· •''-1" "'*'1-ftltM twin mattrn1 bo• Mes• llt 17'1 1..-. Rolll ""+ ···~I '-"' ~~·! ~n.ttor11n. b-'ttukflO.N.-S. fPrinl•u••cfl,wlllMll ROYAL EUtc typwrtt.er Nn•jfra ..... Qf9..tet o.tall .. NWM• ....... =~.'!.!!--=~,_,,_.. 1N•'1l:•llp1a.lt11i 8 H reparately; chHt of and metal tablet~ dr....,.•,u .Ca..., .._.., •• ...., ;;= ...... g r.-~ ... l .... 14. tt•a. ..,....., •· OWZR doora •10. ,,.....,. Sll; bed framt wellDOfor-botbMe' uot tr atitll • ._..,, ra61t _., • _.. W.. • "!!:!!!!Ii'. ar ... 19. ._ ........ CaUalletlPll tlllttdtu.. ... m.-_._,. I:;: ,. I •• • ..... tOH IOIO Maul••-IOIO f41c•••w IOIO "-10,.,.. 1090 ,I .... , ••••••••••••••••••••••• .................. ..._. ............ •••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• ....... •••••••••••••••• ....._ ~ IOtl 1050 ...... S-. IOSS l"nr Solo 2 ponlc1 "mow ladiatlrlal StHtn Cpt Sa I e t 9' o • I n I · •• .. •••••P•••••-•••• •-... -.............. ••••••• .... •••••••••••• qll&lt.-tiarM. 'WANTED cleaAet' .,..llip. Ueev1 EV«YtbJns 1oet. 1t.ereo. HAMMOND BOTll 1d. codd: 13•• VEI JAN.SALE.New PUIUCAUCTIOM CaJllMM091. "fOP CASH J)OLLAa cliutJ,.ineCGlld.Ml-llla La 4s 81\ furn, pla11ta, RG.._.._. ~"rtlCIDtorS11.Blc 41 uNd lurn, appl'a, MA.NY FINE JTltKSO • PAID POR YOUR rallc.tn-2312 . 0 "'"S WtJ"port.sao.~ robe:. W\1lon'1 Barsaln F!STAT& JEWSl.RY,.......,. f070 JEWELRY, WATCHES, Orleatal bandmade 1 V I Iola Ii chr 1 I COMPLETEUNE. \!!l~~~-----JNook.2Sloret-645•8l4 ART OBJECTS. AN·••••••••••••••••••••••• ARTOBJ£crs.COLD, Cupcll. hltt rea1. --=-coif bl SI •Nf;W ORUSEO• Clr tvmsJ..Ptctfl1ound, ~ eOJI W.19t.h.C.M.IG-'M06 11QUf',S, nNE PURN, .._...ED SJLVEa SS&VJCE. price. Oris. 0 Palat· tf1lf tbUr1'"1 2t dt~~ BuywtthConlld oce ndlWrlr'3S>NIONptBJ, .. ~·••••••••••• Ma.32G2 t:rt. PKONE FOR lN· WAl"llll1 FINE PURN. •AN· lno.S9-1'72' wbas-:C.ba~k thre~~1· From th e Oldc11 ApUlCM.s.tpm JllllUl~llaa tlltfllt. CFA. f Pc: U" Rm .et. contcm· PO. • 8ROCJIU RE. TOP CASH DOLLAR TJQUES. 5'S-2200 W 111 l a m Ro I e r a ly stove lamp, s.W. Sim· ft.uthori~ HAr.i MONO 2S" RCACdiDr1Remote 'iiif'. BllaC 4 Seal, po butcher blk arm• '62200 PA 11'> P'O R Y 0 U ll ., Sllvet"Pl•lAl by Oftelda. 8 moc11 )'tllow c:nb 11otl· OEAl.t-;R ln Orunic~ 1115. Cash Y91•HSI\ m"ltaell. '99·4430 ' O.E. white rfl'ril:. $100. J £W£LRV. WATCHES, 1!c,SOIOl' tbl md. Xlnt Plac:e 1ettln.t W/3 pc. que whtcrlb. • carscala. Cow>~y ! ! We will not be 840-+t16 Wcatttn Holl)' s;u a\ovt ART OBJ tcrS, 001..D, SUS. Ju1l over· 1erv1na set. '6(1. new. Pl•)'"n i car beds cur· knowingly under3old ! ! .. e040 All(f\illOU'umitu... S.0 5t8-il27 or 64UU! SILVER 8£RVJCI:. haWed.AttH:AM M2.-S l'laae 'bl&b cb~ln FREE 0 R 0 AN 2 Ccllor J'.V.'11.iSotly 111'" :>..-1-.. •••-•••••• Sleepln1 coucb, coffee 'w CM · FJNE FURN Ir AN · 0. ., MZM · · CLASSES wtremCIW control, eo1t · »01 0 BED r ENC &Illa. 50 metal foldin& 917 .18th, 11QUIS.MW2oo t!r'!tkpdCMd ~ "'C!'1nd New Standard ear Nobile Mon. Eve· Ever)'on(! new t'1SO. "Ball l.\00. tollartWed.Ja c hra, nau1. coucb. n,. cbalns akb. hlhld. . es. .. ......... c.CC: TeJeplilofto, VltY, SoUd Convtrtlb&eaotas.10. ~ Wc.icwno Panaaontc '*"ta", new v·.-30 pm. N•ptflnia ndiDer chr. llt.ll'lf*. Sun 2020 au l i man Cl r., ~ Blae; ~i! ~Ps>hh'!· ~~:~iqreiz.2 I~ State. $850. Cost. SlJQO. ~ Vt k~a: dbl •hli> STOP ltl.Olt CAL[, $450. Sell OSG. 645-488'1 ~ Oaly 2·$S>m. 4000 Park Oraa1to. Nr s..nuaso 6 etY1 v , ua,. • ._n000man • firm .,_ _. • as. Pb~211S blodt•; Ant. bra111 larnpt Mf·9200 , O& Newport, apt 408, Jam. IJnc'olo 1old se. 1n1. .... or . ......-._ 4175-()Ml 1 _ • .-. SH Tttrier AKC. boreeRd.,N.B. trade for •uy Cd Vamah p· J Udo Isla Sola· Boy'Upc. HAMMONDORG#\N ... &w.rt. yns, malo, abow qualJ· Gara10 Salo. l''rl. le Sat. 1botgun. Pvt. Pt)'. bit "2!'; i:,oo.1 tapMan_"}cl bdnn Mt, 1125, T•at tbt. New Nlsltlkl lOspd ,~ 4PIANOCENT~I\ .... ,_ ... ' ty. 54$-1161 Cus\om love seat oolyl 4 poflter dbl bed, 546-997'7 cab w~ D~ t -~ 1 cbl'I, ca.t '850. S.1113 Graig 28$4 E. Coast tlwy ••••••••••••••••••••••• $200.XlntCond. fancy dresser. old up· Aakln~s:t • icn con · S32SfbelloCr.lOshutter1, 49t-S827 Coronal>ol Mor 01111rtil f; 9010 Jtetrlevor male, MS..:l17 right Philco radio old U ..__L 1075 ... ~ .. i;I taso. Wdal~ut ldbl 12••"1'8" Blue/1rn ......__ I ••••••••••n ••'••••••• old blonde. A KC. la rl T ri .._._. _.., JC n con n sk nti · --•-••oa ~· 1 ..J S8't·1133 Match Inf Naugahyde tile car age ypew ter. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ New SchwlDD Man'• cryataJ d'landeUer, wool w...... 1011 Sl & Cl k t1 b J\AUIO Coro vl ~\ectrtc --------~Win( back sofa. cba1r 6 ~::·,~·~et c:lurc:Ag~I~ Roa~Morganmare,broke lOipctb1.Jt.su.s.5St"'587 =bed 1prelld, Qo ........................ ~.$300. ar UJ> I t ~11~!~~;:r:a~: 'la.ti.ltd• • Jan , .. tr. ''>~l'fkOldllalelrbbSet ottoman. Uke new, sad· maoaslnes adult rala to ride ft drlve, blk ia.-a ...... ~•...a-SStCASH POI ~-7180 ...., 01~ ... c Very •·• IW·~· die color, SSOO/olr. " ' perllde Mor&an 1eJdl.ng -.---.... OVlNO t II 19" "" ·-.. " '"" • Call7Sl·2'710 54!).2132 bools sz IS, misc. items. Eng, Western <'1H) NCR Cash R•gleter, ~'IV mu\~ M • Ooodultdfunt/refriga UJlriC)lt piano, gd ~ & llOl)blstlo t to)'. Over ' .tT.:-:-'""--------t----------------1 496CabrilloSt.C.M. 338-lOll Redwood Ir clan llx .. pa. tabl.c:"': •h 1• ~ frzn&s\oves541-0768 tene. Anl4 gro/ old Sl8to ncement .. prable puppiea Dlnttte set. S3S. mens 3 Huge Houaeho&d Sale 503 lures & counter . .chrome m isc: ~75.4:1: n4u RCA Col TV mod XL 100 flbish. •· 645-7 or Sa<;rU1ce . 1.ncludea· n...~mm·~nr. a6nwekr1.old •Pd bike, S30, chllds W t:dgewater AVe .;_u--1071 " glass fixture. Rua ftmleaf CdM , Solid tat • kl ~ SD-0934. evCIJ')'lblDg, 87S.366a or --~ • drc.saer. $10, couch & 2 Ba.Ibo~ J~n 15 •-ie' _ _..., ruk. Track li&bllne. • . . not ~lS~ wor ng o 64S-2200 . .-A e: ~"496-3370 cha rs $W 496-0243 Y, • • .. ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pri ,R.. hi H " '"" ·....,.. ~ • Conn organ /Leslie a .,. ' • . (UH> king bed & bx· M h.lneShop r t c .... mac oe. ere ... odt.l sells clotJ\u. Slie k w h ux llADIO GoniroJ Model 12 proughbred Queen Jize water be!d, sprJs, sora & cbalrs. 2l'~MoriSiekils~~~c. ~:e&~!~.C~~· ~Klein. L.uren, w::;rj~D: used Charo· :j~~.~~~. ord, meter Sallbofl. 6 Ft. "DOberman, 8 m0& .• fem. 8laloed wood frame, de3k, toys, games, etc. Fnt. Valley. 963·7010 . or Pott.64~. cannio cjer, & assorted Jong, 1111111 b4i6uUfully. ~Nopapers. S2S. 846-2032 near new SJOD/offer. 50< lo$i!OO. Stereo It Quad Albums, Eurcycle·Vlla Maaler I •n. 84().8503 Make ofr~ or trade for 'w.._1~• Dachshund pup 548-38fl0. Sat /Sun 10-4. 10182 ~••••1 IOIO xlot selection, most speedometer. odameler STOVI S,artMc)Goods 1094 T1~3'162or&e$.2200 ,1•1 aylul 7 wks, must (in MA Fur-. Ir Th eseus, H.B. off ....................... Rocle, some Classical, t~ion Adj. like new s:is. NEEDAptslze67s.-OSM1 ................ _ ..... 1otfs, M .. ••• r.e/ a me tso.Call148·2209. Br o"Okhunt or. ln• LUGGA•ETAGS 1ameRlcB.Alllknew. 548-5188 Sldls·He~lComP11l80'11. S..-.ke f020 AcCHL WIJH. S• dianapolis. from your bualnea card. Over $3000. worth. Wiii G !\AGE OOO ed Re tent . s e l o f En -New, never bound. orll ••••••••••h••••••••••• Shawn nds a girlfriend Decorator lo trouble. Send one cird for eacb aell or part. for 253 ot A R, us • cyclopedia Brlllanlca. $24$. Sell $1JO. 4•02e1 Prot wood' & ita bo t beaut AKC Irish setter must. sci.I evtl')'thlng in Sat Ir Sun, MPM, baby tag plus one spare. We cost.~ ~~~Uon Call'75l-4503. b"13-64ll rpra. Renew tas:ka !r 00lttalkterrns.84tM>S81. stock. Liv rm, din rm, furn Al: clolbes, gas return permanently H OS p I TA• BED .......... 1_., ""'". Hcxccl ""·..,.an"•, heads R~a rat. C U bdrm. wall decor uplen· mower, 8 MM camera, alcd tr ctl t & .., , 1 -..,l\.h) ..,...... .. ... , • • es. a ll ty Cpl remnanlll All decorator items books se al a ve ag rnanuall>.' o perated Peps Col a Bollie ._..._..._ 1011 unused, S22S or best of· Bill~3Uor~&-7871 q~31 mdse' rr"iccd records & much more: strap, m,eetlni: l alrpne w/slde rails, "Int cood Machine. Good runolng ••••••••••••••••••••••• fer. Lange Phaolom YACHTCARPtNTRY l >./~h old. $10 ea. 58 super.lo! Hurry for besl 843 Sonora Rd. <Mesa ~~·l r:s~w&e~:~i5-Fo:e~ $196.6'7S-4615 cond. $SO.MS·S6SS Conn Mln·O·Matk clec. boots, sz 10\'a·ll, ."Int NewlcRemodel }""'"'~"·CM _ iwlcctlon. Crc·Jo·Son lnl. Del Mar> CM. 751-5926 personaliicd lag entlose LUMBER for sale. quail· Rt B & M attreaa, lite org•n. excellent condi· c~~0:· La~2~9'1~is, Call Eve11• 646-6382 . -<"1«> Doberbman Pups. S40-5!'71· 3029 S. Harbor F.i!tate Sa°te furn appllc wallpaper, fabri c ,or tyOak, 30% to SO% below yeJJow S40. Wicker dreaa· tJon. $800, P .P. 532·1~9 .!_ · $65. . ·,11,•,llteetts blk/ru11t. s hots, .m .. s.A. tires antiqu~ <•h in~ "Day Clo" paper & we retail. Call anytime. me tbl, Ute yellow $15, Del·Ray electric guitar, 4 ~~·c~·~'i~ R~pair ,,_.1'd te~perament. $100. 3 Pc. Bedrm furn. Dura· rloset.: misc. Sal & Sun will buck k l rim your 546-2703 55l-078S pick up $90. Store, Rnt.......t, Ins F.11~ Catl ~b=~ 493-7~1 b Io. m c l a I frame. 9-SPM, 6662 Jardines Dr. ~gi;k l~~a~'( two cards SAC RJ f'ICE BEST OF· Earth Worm u le for 7S2·1360. ... 1095 630-.5312 ''ll!KC AJaakan Malamute formlca top. $75.1142·2468 HB. c PRICES: FER TAKES: SO< to '17S. aarden. Let the worm Offtce Funtlt.-. & ·~••••".•••••••••••••••• BOAT VALETSERVJCp; JJt-•<fvmale,Jyrsold. Moving Sale! Freeier, s:z caor 3/SS ~a &to:veaeat •. 2formal help YOU cultlvatt. 1000 ... ,..... 1015 6 cbecknutwrap ccxintcr, Cjeanl~. varftbblng, It 1•1"•'75. 54S· a EA u T J Fu L ! rdrig, sofas. chairs, 41stagaS1.60ea. h1back,s1decha1rs,Color ~. 3000 $10. Also worm •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• $115. 5' glass s helf eng malnt, mont.hJy or '11Ji:';: QUALITY! tables, new tires, tools. 6/9lags$1 SOea. TV. 6 wood car ved u stlnca. B'S WORM IBM Mod. U, Exec =~~~er $1.00. Llkt one time tS\es. Call · '.~,~.·•it~!~•••••••~~~ F\imlture. whole home carpclS, AM /l''M radios. lOor more $1 .40ea. stcr4'.0 cabinet. Decor l"ARM. 17362 OotA.rd, typewriter, under serv !J62.4Ul0, leave name & ..,., · full. Must Sec! Like new 1V's, bar slools, lots of Sales Tax Included hanging Ug~ts. end ta· H B. 84'1-5l4l. contract. $150. 837·1060 TY, l4tdio, ph no • Lovable onnge cat. Lil· 8.:J6-4l7D junk, everything goes! NOCARD? ble, fine china & ~ater Hit h' lZ"TV B&W $S0 HIR Stereo 1091 ---·--------tt~ Wn as a pcnril. l Y JM4 Nevada. CM. Mesa Draw your own or send go~lets. Door mirr?r· wf:k'er lovti.eal wi Exec . Office Suite, ••••••;••••••••••••••••loGh.~• ','~old, s hols. hl>ebrk Verde.549·2509 Mme, addrui.. phone & 8x4 work lable .. Ladies cush1ons$SO 979-8040 rot1ewood & leather, all 25 .. Ze tlh 1 TV R ..,.,_.,,. fOlO '"'4~18 Olk Nau1tahyde Furn 7' we'll make? one card per clOlhes sz 6 & 8, pictures, · · lk new. Ong. cost SSSOO. n c r · t'motc ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8/aclc & while mu I t'OUCh $7~. Reclyncr SSO. Super Garaiie Sale, Ille Lai:. Adtl 25< each. plants, books & much Brother se"•lne machine Sell oil or part 4Q'1o ol r~~ ~~~nd. Ask· al HP m3rinc dsl IOOhrs High back loun1te chair WaJnu~ end table, SlOO: Send chc<:k or money or· more· 1Sl E. 21st St. Apt. ~; 30• heavy duly ~" C06t. tl4S-4887 ng · $17SO /of r. Must sell: l U~Y· needll 1tood home, $35. Also Wrought iron Sp an! sh oc la Ito n a I · derto: 2, CM S48·7200 elect conduit $10; net ,._.. & n..-t090 Stereo cslm 13 ' cabnt 552·9'262. •• ll ~yrs.847·5828 h.anJting din'~ lamp S20. l'OC:ktail lable, $150. Red .. LOT-1 ...... 1u..._ play .... nSIO 536-1294 -·...-• repla~em t .-.>UV\ , '---------Swag lamps $JO. ea. Col· velvet decor chair, $75. n "" "'' ".. Don't have a gar ago sale "'" · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl200 67~5 ..........,, i.ac Excessive Inventory sale .KJtf,EN,' mo's, female fee tbl $JS. Frigidaire Danish ster eo cab. P.O. Sox 1560 l PASS IT 0 rl) Hannon Kardon Receiver FIELDSWarehouseaale · · of Mast. & Sail Boat. 401I-Jr•Ys:~•ined . .slacked washer-dryer AM /FM. $75. B3by Costa Mesa.Ca.9'21826 CONSIGNMENT. Open· plus speaken$7S.008~. 400 pianos & organs.Stereo System 934 hardware.Chalnplates ,.,., 220 voll, Uke new, szso. equip. clothin1t. misc Beerdrafter.holds v4 Keg in1 Feb 1 in K·M1rt olr.675-76S9NB. new /used. Spinets, KenwOOd Recvr quad, head at.&ys, bow aprites· ·::,n;;~dg d f ::~iselst i ;~~ 963-2S87 eves. ;~~~ ~~~.' I.~J! I~~~· '{,3-~~. ~ 3~~1;,_ ~· ~~'::!': ':nC(;'.I:: Bedframes. t ble lamp, ~t·~· :~:1~~~ .. ~~~~ ~~~eh~I~ a~.~~ri dng~~ r 4 :lv~~t~~°X'. ~~::; Gum an Shep/Lab SoUd Rock ~laple Bdrm ---WlllbcopenJanlSth 9·S wall brackets, •helves, opt lo buy. K3w~i . JBL JOO Spkrs. Kou 26,Morgan:n&Mariner furn. Drei.scrs. night H•'am11yGarager.2color PUIUCAUCTIOM torccelvualeitems. hammock, &mm action St~inway, Baldwin, qu11d Headphones, com· 36 KeLc h, complete !ft'P.--·------1 tlbs,dbl4po~teredbed& TV 's. antiques. elc. Mi\NYITEMSOt'fo'JNE . editor.S49·SJ87 Ch1ckcmng. Yamaha , plele system purchn:.cd maals. Sat/Sun &am· Twin • postcrcd bed. Sat/Sun. 48111 Surry . t:STATF. JF.W£LRY. Uke new mink ~a~, !iZ 7, l>esk <iuality knee hole Kimball, Wrltzr (714 ) new for over $3500. Sell 3:30pm , Super Spar, 002·0873 _____ rC3meo lE_11.!!lands) CdM ART ~BJ ECTS, AN· ~·r.~'.~~~s. ~ric~~ (~l e' drwr. beautiful i~kh~;s~ ~G l 2 0 7 2 for $1~ comp. or ? i.ep. 154178 GrwtnitTI, Hunt. Cockla1I Tbl. 2 };1111 Tbls, SUPER (;JraRc Sulc, TIQUEs. FIN.E FU RN . 4,.6, $80, sells ror SJSO, birc.h. $95. w/c•halr S?O. · ~ _Bc_h_. ------- Mcdil. $SOalL furn. lamps. appliances. ~· PHONi.. FOR IN· blue rug 9x12. $35, sliding Kh111s door set. Plano. Cnhlc Nelson PlontttCraigFMRlrack, American Source Marine 111horthoir Lab ~1·1'"'" dolhes,books,vani1ea1.S. f'O & UllOC Jl URE. cloth-s"5 '·7,~to~". new "'00 + wurdrobe ,. __ A I XI l d ...,.75 2 J 20 kr • · ti """' 00 2200 ... • .,. ,..,. -~ .....,..,.o c. , n con . -. w I cnsen ot sp i;. ~wp. at c 11count. g male. Jla111 shots mag whlH. Sat & Sun 10·5, · 642·9696 doors. 675-1849 846-0072 $00. 645-7813, aft SPM 64S·'1Z80 s family. 636-76?5. NEW Walnul Oversized 1845 Port Barmoulh Pl ......._ ___ ....:._ ____ , Din nm tabll·. Extends to Nwpt Bch ' ···,~·~yroldlrish Selter. 10'.Sacfor$75. 545-3880 ----· ----- <#, S4M 190 , Moving sale. King & twin 'Vo slip covered couch, beds, nite stands. bu '-'• Silky Ter Ver)' aood cond. SGS. atoolt, sewing maclUne. ~ ,1 t YT. also :~ mo ~1 d!Mt.le •et. Farberware ip;ale pup. 546·8937 Antique oak Ible top s.'§0 ; rotisserie, 76" cuslom <kan Eskimo dog ma...._aany buffet SSO: de· rablnel slPreo, outdoor ..... rurn. m1ac items . ale. rrec lo lovin corator bookr&s\! $100; Sal/Sun 11.s. Westview c 545·:1411 tble & chrs SJSO: nilt' A"'"• Eastblutf, NB. 741 •• ·---stand $35 C>ill !162·7637 ...., -Blk, top.nred Amig05 Way rear bldg, • hutm le food. t Thomanille bdrm set. nr CdM Ill Sch. Take mc.644 M21 ... /tnplc drc1m•r. hdbrd. Domingo to Amiios. II. ~/<>fr,fl.t2·121 I Chapman. 640·4781. gtlallnewoodc:oostr. ac· Sat&SuD9·S -•••••• ~ ..... Newly up· 186PauJarinoAve. holrt~ foam scau. $10 Costa Meaa Good u~~ Furniture & each.~. Differ ent Kind of Appliances-OR J will lru.s ~ft-e lbl, match Garage Sale. Sun only. M'll Of' SF;l,L ror You. end tbl, Maple hu~h. F\im & accessories. 5074 MASTllS AUC TIOM recliner. 1tudlo co~h. EI k a lord. W a In u t 64M616 & llJ.9625 anhq. telephon•. 643 Square. lrvlne.S.Sl-3SU9 ~-=---:---:--:----;.:1>11:.:.:..:rreU:.::::::..:• Cost.a:::::::=.:K=n:::•:;.· -ara1e Sale. Sat tlHPM 3 Leather Chalr1, l Ot fum. lamps. misc. 2029 toman, Corree Table, ~S. IOU SwanDr.Coflta Mna CUSTOM WOVEN WOODS SO'NT080~0FP' Over 40 in·•tock patlem1 Also MJNJ.8Unct. 645-89(1() 833·9770 RADIO Control Electric Model PT Boal, over 3 fl. long, siren, Willer can· non, 2 specdl, etc:. Very sophlstlcated toy. Over SUOO repl:icemenl. Sacrifice $500. Jnc:ludes everything. 615-3682 or &U-2200 TREE SALE • 5 gal $4. 15 gal SlS. 24" box $65. shrubs S gal S3. 1 gal 75< Hrs. 9-12 Sat·Sun 21164 Nwpt Blvd. Costa Me!>a,. (behind Harvest Anti· ques > 556-8338 For sai.i Sa11)'0 aulo phone amwering machine $75, llke new. ~venin11 963-7541. Lamp T able, Par1on ••••-•••••-.. •••••••••----------• 1'abte on wheel~ rnr scrv· Garage Sale Sal/Sun Movl.ng Sale. Sal Ii Sun Ing, Cablncl, Orick lOlllm PlantS tis t.hlnas' lOAM·4PM. Household Movi ng I Brand n ew purchasednewlyr from *11AllportLn HB · elfec:ts.KenmoreHwln~ clothes. SL to $20. Piummerll. 1"1uhion · · · machine (Portable), Women'• sbea 7·9&10. hland. f<o11ewood ,s.tlrSun,2 Motnrtycles tOUltroven (Proctor 8t4-7440 U.1ni~h tritttltlona.I. Coll Dune Buuy. Goll ClubS SIJn>. touter <Sunbeam ---------1 ()V<'r ~ new, s~ll al tL<f\ • ni:ht hnn!led). Thlnline), bacon fryer, Carpet, ahag. nylOl'I, burnt or part 40';, ol co1t ""• Cah1n1•ti;, Misc. hand mixer, ''Tody" col· <Wan11e. very lfd cond. 130 t~ . lt.oma,Sw1velChalr1.626 feemaker. blender <Vita r!rds, $2.SO P/)'d. Club Hou•c Ave, N .8 . Mix), Pyreir ware, _.1oee Queen Ann ll1altbock fn~l Refrlg. ateam lron, pie· 15--yds--c-a---t-b_l_ue_s_h_ag-1, WinicCh.iur, mint eond. tures. croc:kPot (Bell)' IOod eo"n'd St 50 vd 55'1·UG9 Movlna S11te: 2 lO·spd C>, bookll 2 amaU tablu, · · ' · ---------1 hilt~ lrusb compactr, Zenilb color TV 21", 541.aoGan)'tlme. r.tOVlNC ~t.e ·Quality lanc:y lite flxLures . maboaaoy stereo Kenmore washer, , .. lurn1turr al bar.ialn PteACD tra<"k Uirhu, Im system. Lape recorded dryer 1150: new dinette prlcu. 2 twin bccis, PA('\ trreTM:h. tarl(et bow loduded. •'1ckl camera Ht w /6 cbalra 1200. drrnn. mlrror. crib. & al'T'OWS, dlx bar 4i 3 <MW >. mov10 camera, &11·2418eve bar s tool•. la mps 11100'3. t-'1be r ware m.lk.638-0638. ---------1 frwtw0tid Rlllq tQp hrnlltr. Weber Chorconl Illness forcca Irvine Coul tablM. 8.13 2153 bro l I er. C 11 n non Hise Furn. At>pllancea, Fam1ly membership for Serth Orthopedic tw111 ulc¥1ator. porlabl<' Boy's Stincray. Sat/Sun aalo.Make offer.e7a·ZU2 bed, xhtt cond. $3.SO. cas .. ue & m&f\Y mh1c ~~oam 419 Maraucrite, or G'f3.380T '493-'1S78 ltefftl. 1~ ~ · 3_P_AN_£_L_t_la-ln-ed--la-a-i Iida 8• Blk & Wht print 8lk•, llnUquC111, off 1t dirt 13411 BaJoa Dr. Garden wtndowt~ f'l x a f\. ~at ic ln't ~ond. $125. Ph bike.mill<'. 8SZ2 Loll Cr. Orove. (Trask & B!tach) UT8lll rc.D. 87Mm ..,3541 JlB. •-&MS. 'Ibtu Sun. 534'2912 Pedestal Dinette, 10 1pd, SOfa I& loveacat Just hi. lat & Sun, Mall ••II Moving, evenhlng I°"· t' Bdrm Seta, Den furn, bouaht brwn/belae enr1thlng, leavlai.: Dlu.e/aro sola, 2 chain, praae 1J1hta, recorder, hercuJon'llOO 8*1U1 lltMa. S)3 E. Bay, 811lboa 7' Om tofa. 6' oval blue/· shampooer. 581-8341 -----·----1 Pen.(allcy) gm rulJ, s· oval lbl W/2 --"------~ JQnar alia bed, everyUUn1 teavn Ir f c:hnlr1. Lawn HAMILTON Prole11lonal incl. bru.a bdboard, 1 O~raRc Sale Sot &. SuA. mower le edaer. Misc. drafting board/table spread, leaLhor aofa. Yamaba 80 Mown:yde, &•COO. Sal/&an a.,. tm w/Vemco instrument. lllM·383S. Meda repair $1S. Color Newport ltllla Dr. E . Fine c:ond. '215. Call ---------< 1V t yra Old, ltftds pie· N.D. 844-1717 88MJ480, aft 1 PM llmredon Side Tbl SSS. tun tube SlO, plclltc ta·•--------1 Teak Coffee Tbl MO. ble fs benches ss baby De&lnnen Duk Rm 1et, Palmerette . ladles slf. En1U1b Side Board1. utbed. hilhchalr' much l.ocl enlaraer. $1S; Delu.r dba ma .,.,_, szoo. •xa ChlMae Chelt. CTHllll8 tDOre.1822 l>ertk ct. H 8. enlarter. $$0; 110-U volt pool tbl $1S. S4M54S afU. ~ bu Wnd MN2l7 PA l)'llAmJ.!"'; tis ml.le. TRADE Coto de Cua dea>rator aota. tM!-~ ~ mun aeU 25GSaot.a a Ave, CM. llllembenhlp f« Balboa ~f deslrn« fa e, 4U llial»cl 1& 1ara1e ltemt. Gl6AM1'1C SAU Bey Club or BIS Canyon. soo ratall. wm MIU. Ski equip, tools, 120tc All n•w merchudlu ~lor'44·564.2 C'ClltMS0.81J.2'11 Suzuki. comb TV • Wranite-rwearfucctN~ Olrla canopy bdrm aet llltroo. aul&ar omps, Jewefry. ContHu or rzso. Wbt l'TOY. CO\leh m'lcrame, 1tyrofoam . Western J e ant, re· suo. bot• tO·•pd NS, ... ________ ....., ~r::~u~iilt&~!: ~·.~: r..~~dm~~~ efriaS..pd $2$. MHl'TO. tp{Uowcutnlrtt ~Look for •lcna. CdK.675-2022 Couc b. z cbra. bed. Mn:uloaaola ltloYeant. l • I s t d I " t dreleer. TV, aide b)' side hrqutt wood~ Mt.I• Set• Sun t-S. Uled lam, ~ ':!tril 1100~:0. ~n Jam pa, d1a. llet. tbla, prk,ed to •ell Jmnted. Fullertoa, Ao. NB.r---------fl f1" ~ tnrnped> Couch 54MSTJ, M.U.C. ttems. Trvck cti.lu. Mftt UMd. $10, 2 cbra t5 ea ot· .... mxJ1.1, paid •· Qa Mrcn Mt,, ..... atMt tbl. ;;;/ tbl, Sat • Sun. 2·R~frt1. MU•. n t-41& •H••• h,.,., ~t"Clf'twnbdHt,twn RoekweU radl•I errn GI .. lot> diMlte, W itrfl ton1, bt11 brtfmt aaw, ld T~ cedar 1ld· Ill AIH lio, CM Sat M • Na111 a• IOla1 •t•avld clu. UI l'nJ. PUrn. many rnon Anlfq ... 1tove, a~w • .......,_. ~r, OIM. thlJlp. 50U'ullmon, NP' u,., mower. Tteu•~• =ft«A. ~ ~-Hts. •n.Wtc • .---toaster o""·•---------R1----------t1 ,,. -WI! bed. llt'la cloC.het, II Rafrt1. Pluo. DHlr, qtJ.. Otrt•• Scl\wf•. A 1.r.irai1.a II& •· Nt..-a-.w.C...Jta, more. NW'Ptet.t<:Oftdo .. w/baaMt la now.. lUDt ... 11AadFall,H8'1l·llN ..._ .. ,.._ TO OUR WOMEN IN BUSINESS COMING Sunday January 23, 1977. in.the Dally Piiot A TRIBUTE TO THE ORANGE COAST'S SUCCESSFUL WOMEN BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS ' ... Our Salute to Bullnea •nd Rrotnt1on .. Womett. la an exceptional opport&lnfty ~ Introduce • new ~ longttme a110d8t• to th• people of th• Orange Coaat. or eo honor award9 or achl~. ' I Doft1 min being '*' of thl1 apeclal 8dwertlllng opportunity. Deadffne lol rnervlng apace la Jan. 11. C811 today! ... .. . \ 1 , 'I • ,, .:......... tofO c ...... ,., , ........ T ...... 9110 TNllla 9160 ..... .,,,.,;., tlto ................. Setufday.January 15, 1977 DAILV,..Lmbl ................................. •...:...a. fl2G .............................................. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... A.......&...-... I ~ .. ........__ I _. -iw--S .......----'74 Court i&b ~ ..... w t712 .... ·~ --. .... ,,............. -· .......... .~ .JtT BOAT 421 L·8 •••••••••••••••••••• .. • "JOTraHer. 30', aellcoat. er w cam Wl:PAYTOPOOLLAI\ -•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••t• ·• C ~ • v '1 •. k I I b Mini Truc k Cabover llOOO.C»h. lbc.lll2l~2eH J'ORTOPUSEDCARS ••••••••••••••••••••••• D.e1wt 9 720 o.t.. 9 7zo..... • J per(oraanea, Aer camper. Nor new, Oh:. M2·8063 FOREIGN, DOMESTIC 1976 IMW 2002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... •••••••••• _,. ... Hudtn. 44.lal •Jtwba elnk. •tove. wired •72 LUV . mau. a now or CLASSICS B 1 u • m ~ t • 1 11 c • ulevtr.~.......... ror DC• AC1 oria c:ott AMtoS..tc.,rertt ur ,Sblw/boot.am/f": ~nC:.,.-;-laoxtrad .. n Automatic. air concf O.t .74 200Z. (;rn. upd. ·10 uoi. robll t raru. .,._~ "1.5~-m,ZZ ft.~bln ~n-J' !'.'mu p"•'','°'Ja!!'•s.. lrAccnaeriea 9400 t'24501&aa ~.~'!~ iual toll . l"'UM. 1u1cw •1.1tvool. •tt-r~ "ONLY AM l l"M. ''1••• 29M, m~•. >tillow, blk lot. HONDA~ .. __ I ~ .. ... --._ " 4000MILES! OdVl42l ) ~ .. p """ ••• ~ S312t> 6<'~·~18 M"'Nii~. c~r. Dual station•, "2-IOlt ••••••••••••••••••••••• _. __ ---21112$1Jarbor Blvd. _.,.,., .-vov ......., ._ '· f1'J ~ .• Pinta O.D v w Wht Sll tpokt' •• Chevy'~ Too PU. m . Colt• MeH '71·2500 MISSION VllJO -it l)11uun 1200 Sl.000 m l. Tee-..... m».Mf·.-DAtlSPM '10VWCumper Pop Top rlm•/IJaln, national 6, auto. P'Af. w/camper IMPORTS Ai<.:. new Uru. SlSUS. SKIP.IA.CK M, ope_n OKC mdl. Xlnt tood. Mab 84Ml00 -------21701 Muau~rlto l'kwy wkndlltevel$ 84011'4'1 __ ··--Reblt en1, Wu tfalla commondoa l'H tunk 11100 orooill ~-8779 WE IUY Av~ Pkwy .s J) J''rwy Wk d y 8 • • 110 3 u . UMO..IVE•R1~ VHP. bltlttuk, t.raller, olr.•4803 . . 'Tl Dod&• l't ton PU. V8. Cl.IANC••s Ill 17 ... awen. "500. 811-0f.29. Needed VW eo1 00. 66 or 3lK en& sacrifice $21~. Is TIUCl(S • .. '14 Diat.11.1n IHO. 4 Dr, auto, He.di c... • .~ 14' 8-9bout, 40 lfp 0 /8, .. xJrornl~..!_:62 .• 'fW2 . .J.!~ body,l...:..~::..:tfn:..;.;.O_· -----BMW I '?S·2002. Auto, fMc <ilr, II lruck. $!W). Ph T ... M. ~unu..., -· air, AM/YM. Ideal exec 640·3'97 2&10 ll1rbtlr ltt.raillr'. ~. '54 Chev P.U. Xlnt cond. CONNlll m -1970 Wlck Tira., 0'10·14. Tw Must ·~ lo apprea:hatc. commuter-owner r<!lir· •73 DATSUN 'itl 280Z 1111vcr with black ~:;;.:.;M.:;.:n::.:;.a _ _..;:.IW..--. 14' Laraon, canopy, Mere '°9 .... •tart, Wt trlr, ltlnt COGiii, Slm. ~ '"73TOYOTA for..,. 12100. Ph89t·1981Jerry. ff ~.t92 0UW. t 10Wagon tnlerlor. Air cond ., J....-• ~UJO G31·3230 y_. 9170 C £YROLET OMIOFAKIMD! :.;'T!·~atOff•"· ••ero mn111 . AM/l"M, etc: ••••••••••••••••~T-•• "'"Ch •-T bo 2828 H11rbor Blvd. 197 .. •uw ~.ocs $2399 s.soom1. c1c1111, 11hur1>. • .. 'f1 -· evy • \Ir ••••••••••• •• • •••• ••• • • COST A M t.:SI\ ,. .,.. • l'l()t 1•vcn broken In )'l'l. ~> 541Ml7'1t SURNI VAH o rl a In u I m 11 o I I n <tl>l·ill7 213/ltO-\lan1ml1111lonfl75. 1f75GMC H6..l200 COUP~. ONLY 3000 Ov.rwr m1.111t 1oll! SG.llOO BRITISH Cr ........ , Clllfiet 9010 K d uJ• J k ~"""' 1 d abM>lul~ly a:oncourA con· 71 ....... ,. Y ra ic ac ,.,_, Automatic. air. ton .. dltlon. t34 1H01J). 'ii iwi. Auto, aar, mug!l. ..,u ..... •••--·•-•••••••••••• t npaclty. 843 Darr•ll 11unrOof. ""rtholc11, de· Autot, .__flt S"'DDLll"'Cw ..,,_,,,.._ \.et.. l•IHll•n • Collta M M2 ~ """ ...,..-' ~ ._ " ~ C t DOM'r IUY ~Camper• In eu. · · luxe trim. rhrome wire ••••••••••••••••••••••• VA.UIY IMPORTS 979·8~1 '16 Ja' EJlec ti e! ._. '419 Datsun l30t t:ne whet'la "IS lt11ck 11tereo. G.,.... t701 XJl2L 1, XJSO, "Ml to A IOAT 1<11491. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 131·2040 495.4949 t!li~ D;,hun l!ISOZ 2+2 mile a nd pampered. JOI.._. trana.&othorpMrb.1!11 SADDLllACK RAH 'U -----1.Ui\OEO! Mt'talltr 1.i 1.1y /L~11ae. Sc~• " olfer. 648-28l2 I I •01TS brown "'llh M11ldlc In· puyment•. Call f •" d t CLUB V AU y Mr MASHA Tl · B" w 800 l tenor Like N 1-:w ! A11k· tu""· ""new, ex WIV9 Dat1un 2S0ZSki Rack1,1 131-20404'5·4949 lSOOGTCOUrt ~ooo"'orolffer'.r1.1n11erco . •o" StiTOO r rl. i>t y. '"'--IONA. Calff·lhwull. new. Beatoffor. .. .~1"7,,.,1 Colle<-tora Item: l .. l .'5 .Clubbou u, Party. ~·MllSaft s '72 Tra\'elall. AtC. r11dto, 5 Spd11, nt'w tires. Bor 494 700llofl 6 "" ;r" 1~ C"""---d roni wire wheels, fuel 10. ----sliver w/red t nt, NOl.!NTALFEt:;S '88 V.W. umper. New 4Uniroyal4·ply rain lares towin& equlppe · jection.alumanum body. '76 2002. Sunroof. mais. lt7JDATSUN ne<.'dsbrkwork, r. FREI! Sallln1 leuom~ rudial tires. Rt'bwlt cng. LT8-1S. 100 ml $2S ca. Ph f'l600/ofr. 556'3149• a(l 6 Xlnt cond. Very fai.t' spee poinl. 1>lerco. 9000 610 W AGOH 87S·79M Umiled number charter Sl400. 831-0SIJ 646-4244. pm. 23.000 Mi. Too hoHor m y mi, Ph 67S·H473 '89 DATSUN With roof ~uck A ~1,re ht· 00 Jail MK 11 3 s. ,Nia."l•a:· membe~ av11ila ble --'63 f'onl van. '68 289 VS. w If e . Trad c f o r c_,ri----.,,5 hden llewugon (4UJltN' ). quer, lnh:rior, toO~d, CALL NOW (7141496·6681 Motorh:ed llkn t 140 AMtos for Sal• •lerl'O, ma&i.. Clllm 1n1. something tamer. Pan. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Auto ,, •• ,. M••d 1011n<10• $2 I 95 ve r y c I c ~1 n , $lt0t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• SlXIO/ ofr S4ti·7816 tera, Lotus. t:Lc or ?'' C I 73 VG 4 d _ ,,ooo 11.111011 llLL Y •TES G7S·s.&95, ~·M<W. • •~/ -Pvt ply. 675·3662 or apr · · • !IP • s995 ~ INh.W 9060 VHpC1MopedS27S -.! .. ,..... 00-2200 Alof /PM , orau ownr VW-POISCHE 1~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 615.1431 CIOsslcs .... ~Ill¥... ------Good a:airc $l.200 or be:11 . BAITtS'H C,. .. ·~. ---••••••••••••••••••••••• 1006SIMCA ofr '7141194 lll!JO SanJu1111C111n11lruno .,.n.aJ Kite wilh dolly, yellow ---•37 .a100 .. 93 .a511 Great l nvut mrnt '57 Great cond. ~.000 orig. D~sun-9720 ° ... .. ... 213/lt0·25n XJnt c ond. 3 4 .SO .Motorcycles/ Chev Station WJ:n malei.. Xlnt mileage. 71.a•t421 Weekdays 898' 8197· Scoot.,., t 150 Perlcl't l>Ody. Ai. 1!> w /'/. Nf W T1rf'11 like new. $i!OO/l>e~l ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~:i 24or.. SlSf)() llrm ,.,v · ~ cng. Sac $600/bi.t '76TOYOTA oCtcr.fHs.l620after4pm. DRIVEA N~~l~;;k SportsCar Cen\C(.~lect Hobie 16, trlr. new lran11 & ••••••••••••••••••••••• more. $1 ,4.25. 646·8255 or '75 Yamaha 400 :'>tono l'3l·l.'121! __ --Mini Van Audi 9707 LITTLE... from over 50 quullly Wied lus8 "1'. "'t "n t i • \OHd, wld• <h•ome 11 models • Trlunt•hs , Unre11t~r~.''r~~ :rca~; =~~·.~t:.70."1(:~1~:'0"' ••••;;;~~~;;;~~··•• SAVE A LOT Ferrari 972.ii J11111.1urll, MG'1, M•nY 581-7505. Many xlrai.. ~15-0. Call SIS· Ioctl . HOIJI CAT 3.5 Met.,. --- ---- ( 11~ ft. 11m111lcr vert1lon For Sulc ,'iS Yamaha ol Hobie 16 & 14) Like UT2SO. Sl rccl ·IJ1rt. new colored sails and Xtra!I, hh11rp. $S75. welt~. Great for boy11 498.2791J 03~6460-:V85ne1·~· S.WO. ti4HJOG WH '5ff7 Automatic. pwr. brukca, SllOP &COMPAlt": ···;;;;·;~;;~·;;;;••• t1~~ay~iJt1:H0,':.~1• WHll•nd "'"1•1 AM/P'M stereo tupe & IARWICK DATSUN ER ROADSTER $5282 1unroor. A very nice car ! San Juun C11p111trann SrlD -'7" JAG XJ IJL efeeep · fn t ciat. Very fut. SIOO. '7& 11;-da 7SO Soper Sport 6T.S-3662orlU5·2200 Maroon. new llrei.. m111l .f,.aateat on W. Cra11l, 23• cond. P riced to sell. rue in• trl. M ui1t see $4j.116()6 1951 Cl;.i1111ic Maroon 2 dr Cadalluc cnvt. w1w side walls. wire whl,, new to & ant. $4450. l'\l ply. SS7 ·367.& or 830 249'/. lilll MAXEY TOYOTA With a f•ERRARI . ' I ' (65963). 131·1375 49l-ll7S L'NC IN~~1 I\ Limited taonal, low m . cotPtrate ONLY $2995 ,.,. . •· rur. Load e d, .c.em pl '71 DATSUN production model w /V6 rn:.r int record.'l)The J AG Ill I •• "I I • • I ' ''V"' I "'"''',,..II~ •• NEWPORTDATSUN 2 Door510 i:nKtnC & ~ !!peed. I~ you've ~en looklnl~or. 88fl Dove Street Goo~ "•"•oorr.1101t ,,, ,, u !'': ~ b co n d 1 t Ion . l'\l pl\'. 75z.7sri ~'°'S, W!,"1h S.1.000. Sac. $1795 .. 75 N~rt-On lfSlJ <:omman 67a·fl866 do, 4U(IO nu. v. tnd)arnrnt·r ·59 Old~ Con\'nl 2door. m<1kt-1JH<·r t;;.lt. 015.i Nt;WPORT Rt:Acn SPECIALS c-.,.1 .. iu ,.m I isaF.XO). l\lon l"ra Ill· llOO HZIO 4 Door 4 :.iH·et1 . $129 5 SADDLHACK . ' ~ P·Cat w /lrMiler. l:Uuc over faanng. K <i "l'Jh, llkt· white. SJXIO. Wt't'kdll)ll n~ Sl:!!IO !Jli..'J :,!Ji;i; Dodg, Sla:i.t Vun. ktl<'hcn. ---------1 radio IO'J71'Kt:I VALLEY IMPORTS Ja)!uJr XJ·6. '73. lea ma, 11leep1nl(. m1111y xtras '72Audl tOOLS.4·dr.111.1to. MOW$2l9S lll-20404'S.4949 1mrn11c . Mu11l .•t ll . ~m. lo:IR \'.s Vord Pickup all S1750 G.i.i 7UH A/C. AM/FM. Xttu cln ___ _ _ Si7SO /ofr. lloyshores. nr11?1nal. i.har11 Mu'>t . . , $1005.640·5698 llllllOOVt:STllt-:1-:T Rot 9725 548·fi318or646·0100.•';_ BILL MAXEY TOYOTA s t' I' S 3 o 11 o (' ,, 11 71 l>oc:hw .100 \'an Nul4 -Nc11r Mal· Arthur ••••••••••••••••••••••• •-~ 7 , 2 '73 llu.~ky 2.)IJ('ft. Xlrll l'OO 17' O'Day DayaaUer, '74 dtllon. rnany "llr.1:. 8.\:i<J Cuddy cabin, roomy 1141H!(ZJI _ 12131442·:!750 or 1:!13) p:unl XlntNM i\lcond IMW 9712 &J11mborcello11t111 .-......... 28.1-87t4 Crptd ~ G-10 0..151 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lll·llOO 7~ Xl!J r aat Convert. Xlnl ••••••••••••••••••-••• 1111•I••••11.4 l•I I \\\ MUMT•H(,, 1{,)N I I &( t4 cockpit, ams. 64S·~905 1!>'7t Su.tuk1 TS 2:;u lC t:i. ER I CSON 29', Full cellent Condition SSSO Spc:wh.Roc•, crse/race, 121.000 orr 3'86·3073 Rods 9540 615-1830 ev tic wk nd1 -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ---------174 Y;.m::ah;, l :?S xlnl l'Ond , S3ZS 7 I II us k 4 OO AdH•nlurc GT VW I an. CL.IPPER 28. 73 Full Y cni: Am<'nt·:in• l'or~l'h•· galley, heud, 7.S So.tuk1 $450 hst "" &12 2'bl9 Gu0gci.. S25<I &I~ 1~ .lmmar xtrai.. ~!l~O •70 :'>IJt<'O ~00 l'i•rfcd 955 0 2ll-SY2·S793 l'f>lld. )lu•l M•ll S:J;!!;. 4 Wfteel Dri•H S...wWrd w /trlr S4f• rlii4111 ~ IH0·02'J5 y i\:'\1 ll U 3:10 Strt•l.'I. :t:>~>O Ch;.;;-;G-'7J Galley llbn :!:'ll.I Cit Dirt. s-1:-,0. he~d. o.u.' t;xt~u •• s:i75(,. .S.'li·:l4 12 d~ 1119 J317 (!\ <l!l3)Sff'l,S793 i6 llONIJi\ 350XJ. Stred ,;;tt'rn:.UMal :soo. ;m;-;;11 l~aul. Ul'.cl cond A1>k •.•..•..........•...•.• 1974 DODGE RAMCHARGER i\ul1Jmolil', air <·nnd . pwr. !>lc<•ran.:. l.lll'C tal rruii:.s &only 20,IJ()(J mllcs. 1685LRV). SADDUIACK V ALLIY IMPORTS 'iG ... ortt E 250 1.ni: ~hi b:a~e. «V<:ry opt Reud) for convr'n IS40·4~21 '1,1 ('he\ v Surfrr Van l'\1•v. hrl'\ Kt''l off rr CJ II MO li:ll<t ·rn rurcl \Jn lill llOO mr , :; 1>1Jtl. l'i.tl 'i: • lfi115 K411 214!5 t!lli!> F 11r 11 "1;" \ un llH•rhaull•d. 11ancllt·d, 1·r1>1d & tl·•· IJ41i. 1':11nl xlnt :>411· IO!>ll IU7J VW Van, 7 l'l.18ll., unod <'Ond , !"141,0()0 ma. onu r1wnr Sl40t'J MR·O:wo l the goodleaa, Incl apln· S!IOO a4H !1611H n11ke.r " launcher. SHOO ·a.s Honda ISO :}(lOO url K ~ orolfer l::v5. 63H>383 mJ, fld mlr Siso. ALSIJ 131·2040 495.4949 '74 1/i Doctg. , SYDNEY Naples radn1 '74 llondu Tru1I 711. Slr -72Tniv;;u. R4K'lucM-; ~~ndowy•I v;~orta::C:: :Sabot. Now SJ,I. k1el, 780 mt, like nu '3200. ($4200 book I Very h 6'4·74112,673-•762 SJUO.Muict,rll :wtJOll t•lean . 397 HP VS, ~:;':~~1!'.~pan .. mag Santana 2l. •1~ T . ruce iJ YAMAlli\ :111.J \IX Cill IJiaded. 6'U-O'tl4 Autos W.ted 9590 cru .. e , 6 bau1>, 10 11 <·onil. luh "1 t.:'1~""· 76 t'ord ~ "• lon. v.ar ••n••••••••••••••••••• -u1p.....1, 1allcy, head, ~.!"91,~~ l o "t'll $375· ri1nly.:'>hal11el•' ~... ~ .,.., .,......, CASH FOR CARS! Slfl.000. 6TS 9061 -----~ZI all s T11p $ I>ollar S pu1d for 12· -1'.l.;;;;IJ:.:. I.ark 62 Vesp:i ISO Sprint. 1754' '64 Wago-;;..r. 4 +I kun... rll'D n u'ed r11ri., trl.K'k11 & with cover. $2i5 oH~r mJlt.:1. hke ne"'~. gd. Gd Ure1o ~11110 hi.I l'unt'llt'h A'lk for l1Jul 613-SiGl 496 114111 --olr.642 2520 O'Nt·1ll 16' llob1;-C<lt. full rar~. Motw "-'· y,_lrs -9560 HOWARD Che•rol.+ W 'tr·•alcr .... ~AA or "'-•\ ......... ,..... t 160 ();l\'l' & Qu111I St11. olte; 20' .;;;;JdO, ;: •••• :::: ................. ···;;;;~;·;~~;··· N,.:WPORT n .. :ACll olfer. 673-S!ntl 21' CiMC MOTORllO n ; W /6 reek c-..r TOP 1>01,1.A I< ti1P1f. Wntr rates Pvt !'AIU t•1nn no ~7 SS00 pty 133-2616, • ·~ed. stcrNl, 1110\'(', I :'>t M lWIJ\TEl.Y without trlr, SllOO wllh 64:·40!Yl Nv.iit lilnkairefriK. OH14070) flJH ALI. 11112-0772a/t4pm --SADDLHACK i"OIU-:H:NCAR!' --, OMC Latte '73. 111n1 conn.. VAWY IMPOITS Sae. Windror.c 2 4 . alp1 6, SIS.too. 1238 CAl.11:<<,>sl·~.~.)U:'>ts.t-: JN Loaded, bll lut weelcl PolarU NB. ~ai16 13 9·2040 4'5·•'4t r. r. paid sa1•1>. M1.11t 11el ' ---MIWPORT IMPORTS 17.000. w/trlr . Never 7JAPOLLO '70CHEVY JIOO W.Ci1lllwy,N8 sailed. mo U1"l041 28• Mocor Home, Dodge Y ....... .,. UJ.9405 ., v 1 t P /8 p B Plclcup. •· ton. C1.111tom -------SoLCat ll', 3 mo old. Wh · ' au 0• ' / • Ca mper Spel'laL A/T , Wf: BUY hull , eatm 1alh. 1ttreo, dasll aar, lramp/1trlp ln1. Mr. p eentor. roof 111r, rack P •S. P /B, AIC, bum pt>r, •llSJ.:OCARS& Schuber t, UO·I Ul. fl ladder. awn Ina. Lop shape <7t400'71-'> Sule 'fflUC KS• ~ loldcd. UnOlUlM I A reul pnce 12.4~ t'omc an or <.:all bwatSI~~ RF:G J.:NCY ~tOTOR FRllAppr .. sol REGENCY M01'0R HOM£ llY.NTAI. Groth Che•rolet IMh .,., llOMEREN'rAL ~N llurbor,S.A 111211 IJcachBlvd o.Cl. 9070 mN Harbor Blvd,S.A ~~~I~,.. llunlinl(lon Beach •-•••••••••••••••••••• --•-•M~ ~~ '75 Ood&• HIOO Lo ml. 147·6017 • 549·3ll I Pnva~ dock for powtr ~· OPt.:N ROAD x1nt con<I 6 cyl, radio, TOP hoM t.o 4.1 ' C .2S per fl t\llly .elf <'Ont auto $H-JS rarm. 41>t ?.A2A ~ ~ IJ33hve \Vulltr r11te11 f>U·838'i s .• c nfh-••. ~ 1 nl'I DOLLAR as· Newport SUp av ell 1970 Trov Co 2fl' with onlv Ill.On f' 1l: Pvt Ply r AID J en. F e b. 5U·ll•t or 28 000 mlle3 und QRl\~I> ~. 1'4!> 1!203 f'OR CLEAN SADDLEBACK BMW '11 BMWs HERE NOW IMWRESAUS "10 28 00C S ·4 i.p . <23SCFS>. '722002-A.-(~JSllKK I '73 3 .0CS ·4 s p • 1!167KLM >. '73 llo varla ·o\ 11 1>.-l~PPM l. '1 4 a.Yarla ·• ap.-tMLP'M >. '762002·..\ •• (0341 ). '7S ~IA A.· l!lOOM VG ) SADDLllACK VAUEY IMPOaTS ll 1 ·2040 495.4949 ---- 1976 IMW SJOI Sliver \l /l>lack rntcr111r Stereo, air cond & Olli)' 3500 miles t:J1cellcnt oond1t1on! 10879>. Sl2.000 ROYCARVHIMW IMOJ:&mborce Roud Nt;WPORT li&AC:ll 640-6444 CREVIER & I Sf 6 HOAOW~.­ SAMTA AMA 835·3171 '"' U~tfMA?t t>ltlvtHO M-'C'*HI •USED IMW'1 * ·73 BavuriQ Auto/Suavoof·006LVY '69 1600 41lpd ZX XU '74 3.0CSA SIR 146LWB '7520028/R lll2Nll '76 2002 SIR 032.5 CloMd 0.. Sultdoy1 Ott.ANGE COUNTY'S OLDEST fl46.6lZ) NEw ENGINE. Perfw IOOll l\;;,;-x l>unt· a;ur. IMPORT CAltS thrqhout with all the ready to ao. 0:1:<.-pt for •u MODILS Sales·Servlce·Leaslng Slsi':s~m': ~f:0L.:~~.~~ txtr111. lncludlni ref. vw eng. "'4IO O:ll :~J ~ Roy C&rYer,lnc. N .. 7 1 00 ,. 5 at~reo. 1hnwcr ptw1 bath. __ _ _ Roli. ftoy~e BMW Ave, n . IS· l ,,. al~eps 1'11. completely 76 Ford ••100 12 T , l540Jumboree wkdys. 1eUcont111nl'll wllh ils r usl/call. AM /l"M !I Newpor1Beach 640·644-4 Moor\oaAvallablc. own 11enerutor·prlred ttark. many xtr88. 16400 N~ u \OU' w11y under market for SJ8.3520bef.2 PM . 1968 BMW 1000. Air, Ca1J~7.f229 t-hMt raro motor home In ·----- -AM /FM, Mlch"lln tirc1, t hla cond ition al only '14 Luv, vel')' low mllea, iclnt, rebll mtr, :iJMPO Prlute clo(k for rent, Sl0,$00. Call today. Olli xlnt cond, M1.11l 11cfl, aver. Ctn, tiithl body. Do•er Shcwtt, NB. Up to Harokt M0-5630 ~an. 4:00. ti395. Call '400·061. 55' b l 15' ---------Pre~aJJ"'t..~ •,.J. 821.~ ~Mew fllO ....... New HOO ...... Ntw teoo AMtM, Mew 9Ho ('f14): (213) 12it""49J Hleeeee••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMh.S .. r!r. ttfO •••••••••••• •••••••••• DRV S...a• for 20'.Jo' Glau Trallereble s.u--.115-7%11. Tt•••rt..._ ........ ~ ...........•. ...,.... "' ........... " ......... . tl20 ....................... •11 o-U.. .,. ·.anu11 W/~Vlf........a t'&m.... Both tnell 6 ......... ..,,,,; •.. tr •. c.-... , .... 9000/... 111.-Z OI 111.tmaft'f .... ~~0..12 ..... w....., . ....... ,.,, ........ , . --~~!":.~~~ ,. I TO,IUYU l'•.md. C:hocol:.tc brown. 1974 JIHSlt'·• K-IO 41112-----HIALIY ~ us f1r11t. & last ! To11 dollar paid for import.. COSTA MESA DATSUN 1975DATSUM 1210 4 DOOR 1 !IJ><'t-'fl. r1.1'110. nwldrni:~. 11n1h•r"·,1l & lll'al 1•1 IH:Mo 11.7tl<JJ 28'1f> 11 :i r h()r II h <I CO!l\3 Mc.,u :;101,110 ONLY $2795 '73 1-·1at 124 Spader. slerco, ma1:,,, r<1ck. 23,000 m i, nllnl S'l200 "33-1709 ·7 111.'J(J S l'llJl':tt. nu l'nl( & t lulrh l't•rf 50M. $1700. 11.10 llt:ti.~. 4U7 :?SIM '67·1000 llth,11•, l'lllt llodv & COSTA MESA 1!170 l<'l·S1>1dcr Only In t ~ol1d , nu lop DATSUN :.t.000ml,byori1town«r. $1300 hst olr i;1:1100.11 :tK4~ll,\lllHJlilU ,\ll l~l~giO~·ond, 52400. '7GZ80Z2-+~ A1r.nu1i:~.4 CALL540·6410 ---- S 1pecd. AM ffM 1~. low mileage & •'~ne owner car. lmmac•lat1t lhruoul! 1119.SNKKJ• .. ·' Wh I lk 'Ill fiat IZ1 Coupe :ipu. 1 1 I • 1mm.1l' llun•. ctror1a,"><mpg. K.,..MGhl• ft,U ~. !l!Y.! &1:11 7(i 21111%, )I 111 l (I) 011. •H .. <.~ /\l\f FM • 1111'. IO,CHI</ mt, SISO. .COS·48!12 •••••••••••••••~••••••• '73 Outsun :;111. 4 ~pd. tukt-o\t'1 lt .. •M• at !Ml 9727 'M Karmunn Ghl11. E•ut radl11ls . goocl l'IJlld, $17~. rnr1 :>4K 1320 :i'k lur Sui., Honda• •••••••••••• rccuntly reworked. Rfllll 962-ltral ufl 3. lhl\, •• ••••• •• • aood. $500/btt. ~ ~ -------'1i> c vcc Hatettbaelr, "71 Dat•un H510. A/C, "73 2-IOZ. MU!il ll<'ll ~ 2.1,000ml. Xtl'H. PIO. or 70 OhJo, xJnt, yell radio. cln. xlnt con•I Her1nu111·1· S.:f71"1 lhll l<i17 ll<'~l offer. 673·4079 or rudl11l1J. quiet ex Pit. SJSOO 6-tS·4'llll nft llpm afl s 1;73.:~m S.?150. 67S.8G38 I A Allte1, Mew tlOO Awtos, Mew 9100 Aaltos, H•w tloO ~.Hew :• .............................................. ······················· ....................... . Brand H D 0 I STICK • Great Seledlon IMMEDIATE . DELIYERI 11'/".i •••• n• ' .. , ., ·~ • l ...... .. •1 • , .. . ,, .. t ' ( •I ' ... t . .., .. rJ • ,.,;i, H~ol . , ... lt'4 .,, \ .!i Qf J>All y PILOT s.turdey, Januaty ,5, 1171 A.9fot ... part.cl ..;..... 1., trW Mfo1 •-met Wo IM A......__ ···············--·· •••••• •• ••• •• • -..... •• porW Aalto1, Used A.tos. UM4 _ ... ,,rted Autot • ..,.rfild Autos I~ MM 9744 •-~ •••••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••H•n••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••.......... .. .......................... .' ........................................ :-:W-a.,c. 9756 V•wettn 9770 Vol•o 9772 Mete ft t 0 Ca•• ''IS ....... ~ 973 ........... ltll 9740 ~-...... ·-••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••ri•••n••••••• _.....,..,,_,-.& 97-fO 1976 M OH, xlnt cond. *l DEALER IN US A , 'di J( • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• AM /FM llU•rt!O tape . . . USED * vw·s 70 Vol vo 164, cl (li.11, '7lCINTUllOM "76 C11d. Cl)V \,oad~d. Gitt. Con· ttS8 MIZ I 905L deck C'le1o111 i1Wk• olr ~ ROY AM/FM. :.tlr, PS. llhr ml, 13.SOOK lmmac. Cond. vm. riadlat:c, p111nt, '1l4·sSz·~.'2131J~·8UI . CARVER OVIR 50 642-073hlt 6PM I t>r. Vinyl top. P IS. 1>.600. ~~ r bft AM/l>'M. $11160, COUr E ROADSTER ' P /8, P /Wind. AM /t'M Ph or$<10·04~ Hardtop lo( ~oft lop '68 MGB GT. Xlnt ('Ond. ROUS•ltOVCC IN STOCK 1975 Volvo 24401~., lllnt 11t~rco, c:rw1ll', att cond.. '12Coupe De VIiie. 9731 Orlgtnal' With rudlo. A Wjtf whls. new paint. ;rt'•"'-" Ha,dtoflnd cond. IO<lded, 1iucnr1cc! or la. owner. S29U. lmmae.$3250,m~l clusaic! OTX77!>1 • 75 MB?. 3000 74SWLH, $14!>0. Ph645-0Z7l .,..::1 ... ,11 lftOdela 80'738 6+4--0917 sell. pp,•-' 3l17 SADDLllACK Vo:QY dt'llll 8f'nlible pay· n-1 9746 QOSfO SUNOAY$ ,. Wan. Fact air, 4·!1p0, 75 cov. au Xl{ltf, >tint V "'LL•Y tMroR·Ts mi•nt• · • 72 M8Z 280SE -r elf! " k t ... I d $8 fl PP "' " " ••••••••••••••••••••••• f? I ·--WJTlllll r .. c . s ereo, "'m . '76 "'·tat" Waaon, all con . 500 '"'· . 4 5 "'"'l)'l /\, Vftr" ftteuA, • 'I I R B XI ..., ~ Ill 2040 495 4949 ..,..,.,, ~ , ~ ~· ., CT di • 1 oyce· entley nl rond . H 700 Uk 49!M290 ~M!JlillliltWiill • . 73 MR?. •154/SI'..: 960JLW. I . new ro ula. ij trk Aluminum razor edge 4 ~h J). 9«12,7022 Klra11. c new. ll300 m l. --------- i12lf(ISJo; :1 r, cpt ~nr'f, Stv ,4 ·1~• l.case/IJ uy 1tcrco, Paint. $1800. dr, s ports ulon. by '"}l'l!tr, /f.C. ~.640-7001 '13EIDorado,blkonblk. t H ............ imma<'.ll4.000 :eru.1h1t-1w>mer1l11 • 't.i 556·9109 rm.34<Jlm> J11me 11 Yong, 1949. 1t00Weatmln1ter 8htd. Autot.Uaed ~a -Bul-;k A po llo Huseverythlng. !Jkenu -ecw ... d. •71 250C. lledtblk rnt. .. JUZ 351JSL 7131':/\M Ponche 9 750 Guaranteed repurc hase. W.atmlnltff H3--7N1 ....................... Hatdlbck. va, a.JllO. P/S, ~. 541-0231. Ci.,,..._,. 645.1700 !Ure. fut'I inj twauty. ~lean. C<?ncours Condi· ....................... S0.7~. 714·830-3816 Generd 990 I P/l), alt, immac. Lo ml. ------- 1 __ _. ______ 1 w/wlre whls $ 6200 . Uon. ~ens1ble payments. l971 ronctae9l4 T -'70 VW Pop Top. Reblt ••••••••••••••••••••••• 962.703$ 1'74CADILLAC '7 4 M ~ JtXa c Weekd 1198-S • 76 M BZ 450SL Cpe 5 ~..a A. FM oyota 9765 eng. New tires, paint, ' COUPI DIVILU ; u .ouJW, ayi 797· roatli.ler • l.caac/Uuv 1 5pe""· •. "1 11 ~,track ••••••••••••••••••••••• $2500. (714163Hl048 19"13 BuJtk Century," dr. spd. l'r wrnl)'. very '·J. . . ~ · 11 ereo .,. ow mt eagc. • V8, 11utomallc, ltt'lory clean ·3202 UCIM sen:.tv c payment.:;. lloth Exc ellent condition. '77 l973 Bug . Yellow. xlnt Xlnl cond. fully e<aulp 'd , nir cond .. full power Inc. N.w. U·-... tops, wirci., lo·ml. stereo. $3!1()(). Pri. ply. 496.3880 cond. Lo ml, AM/FM, $2395. 644·7572 slctrlng. braltu, win· '74 M"idaJtotary.RX3 ' -AM ·F'M J17 ,999 · ~ur,M2·Ba2lorS40·fl728 CodiUoc 9915 dows&c11eai..w1wtlrea Dr. • Sp. very dean. OVIR 100 <032TQl.l. ·74 914 Por sch e, blk, TOYQJAS w/wheel cot'en. viny l radlo ·ai II truck stereo, MERCEDES xlru. mags. '611 VW Bug. 11,000 m i on ••••••••••••••••••••••• roof. tinted glass. leather $1700. Call after 6 OMDtSrUY 675~aft.6 new e ng It trans . le cruise cootrol. Houle of 1111~1 . I re. h T1 "Mlxle" Blke-$128 ouL-' $5295 Mercede1hns 974 uTI R • 72 MBZ 250 C pe stereo, appear grp. '69 VW. Auto. Cll'an, 77Jawa M--~" d$325 "1' ll46-2.'ii3· '75 914 2 o Lt AM "'M HERE NOW S1200/ofr . 968·0909 • ~-t:IOtKW>. t •••••••••••••••••••••• ME~CEJ~..s1it:~l.ER (555FDF"> S799'J, Clean • M.igs, mctalhc l'opper. •NEW COLORS Days, 648·'1333. ~vcs, 7 3 s ~/eu · k I NlWPOITDATSUM 1974 MII 280 6802 M anchesll'r. 74 MBZ 280 <Z121.. Wiil Super cle~n~ ~G~~ •MEW MODELS 645·1728 Kevin or Bob. G'Th50-4V7979·$7'1~ 888 Dovu treiil Sbr'edJb'I . Toh11cc lltwnaPark S1~.MClean!otChheckllhis 1914, 914, 2.0, AM /l'"M HugeSavinus onAU.re· '68 VW Bug. Custom 7722llondaZ·OU128-Sll2.S NEW8P03.,.RIT.,.BOEOACH ow.,1 umhoo 111teriur. 523 725 pn~e any er c ean " · LI n c. Mk l V . .-• Full power & 111 im • 0 ~·s .• 75 ZllO Cpc. Stk tl~ereo. ~gs. 26,000 mi, maining new 7611 & flberglau Fenders, 975MXH-&!.S75 Nabe rnaculatc i•ondition ! ~n thcf>an~Ana Pwy. 5746 Sll.9!:15 Clean! • 76 ~lcon • $64~ ~·11921_ Dc~~·Beller Bargain ~f.558~.~ tape, lO<IK, 7 2 E c o n o 1 I n c JS '73 Cod. SllOO. t311.11U.Y>. 250 Mll. &Jn .. 72. Uurk 2fl'? MBZ under 10.000 PORSCHE 1966 912 /4 MAR'-'UIS TOYOTA ---Van·lA37956·$227S Cadi•11ac Sedan de Ville. bronze, bro. xlnt cond. hkc new miles. very rlean wh1le/t:in 11uper clean "' '65 Squareback. 4spd. 7 1 S u z u k ; lealher.&lereo.85,000mi. 191fMl'Z450SE :iti,000 mi . S1JH>O <744NZ0).Lt!aM~/Huy -one own . AM·F M MISSIONVIEJO overha uled motor, gd TS125·!Y~lll-S145 Clean.644·5601 Blue/blue interi'or. In OJ4SLW . P vt. Ply . 11Cnsiblepymtis. Michelin. Koni, 16200. 131-211049S·l 2t0 cond.9!00.642·4945 72 MG1l·164GIM·$2775 Qualily andPricc -------71 vw Guarant d '75 CDV Drk. Green. It. mint condition w/low i;.i.i.iGt9 642·~ ______ 1'70 Corona 4 dr deluxe, '69 VW Ca mpe lfiOO T U6<!~amper ·POI> cc grn.p11ddt>dc11btop.C/C mtlt'i;: <12Hf'MV ) . , p A(f · 1 f 39 000 I r. eng. OP· . ·S2l!7S l.CJ\in° SpcciJlists AM/FM t 'I hi Mlsslo ._. VIEJO 1968-·250 SE, xlnl. l'Ond. orsche '74 !HIS Targa. , • viny roo. • w /oi cooler & rlller. 71 Nova 789CHB-$1275 " s t!l'tl<I, t1 l w • " Drk.Brown 4 dr.,$4 .SOO. Met hlul'. all options. ong.ownermiles.$1100. Huns good. $1700. 71 Toy . W.;n. l'rclcircdR.itcs sent.btee.Autodr.lock, JM, PO~TS 642·~1_orM8·6&16 --19c2 MRZ 3 S Cl~ pen body & eng. Sll.000. 673-3388 548·8649 2810LS·Sl275 Lu~:l''I S1:lt>Lti11n lealh. 411\1 frwy. mi. A . ., 00 assll' Ttm.55:,i 4~127 Bii 70ToyQl«·68JCl)(.$97S ,,f New & U~t!J $6495. 5511·1313 days, . v:ry I kwy .. S.0 Fr1A·y. 150 SJ, 1973. XJnt l'Ond Coupe·One or only 86 pro· '7 O V W Ca mp er. 7 o v w s la k C'.idill.it\ in 492·4599evc11 & wknds. :!t!.OIMargul'rll<'Pkwv. Hlut' w /avory inl duced thal year! Musl '72!1)<1 ,appearancegroup, We!ilphalia. Like new, 6311CZW·SJH5 q · --------83 1-1 748 f7l<IJfl45·3323.67:J 5lCSev see to 11ppreci11te! Pri $l:JW.Goodcond. XLNT. xtras. $3150. ~LTL>Scl 470MXT-Sll?S UrJll)l.d.wnty '67CdV.2drhrdtp,Xlnt A»lo---... -9100Auto1,N~w ply.5111 -7446 &1·1-t755 830-5190 68VWttug374MXl·S975 Opcn~und.1y !>hape Hun s gel. •••••!' •• :.": •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••!~.~~ 1967 MBI ZSOS ·71 · !lllT.Targa, illr, '68 BUG~n~nni-;;R, gd 6 ll Pon l . W g n. Cadillac ~~'.~/:•rm . 675 ' 3922 • iiiiiiiilli.,.."oiiiiijilililiiiiiiliim9;.;.;:;.:;,;1 Automatic. pwr. brakes. . m1.1gs. mini cond. xlras. tires. auto. shHl. S900. 931SCZW-Sl!75 Master Dealer ELMORE MOYORS 15380 fUClllUD. WQTM!ma fACT°'Y ~UTllOflll!O TOYOTA ()(AIIR IM-3322 SH-2482 545·7855 673·8587 67t:.ld. Sd ·!120BSW·$1175 heater. whitewall lirt's _ __ _____ '71 TOYOTA OOChevy.SYSSn-S4!1\1 2600 11.u hor BlvJ. w/wheel covers, AM /FM '74 914 Porsch~. low u ndCrulH r '11 VW Westfallu pop top 66 Ply l:pl' ·630J Sll·$499 Co~l.l Mt:sJ S-I0-9 lOO '7$ CtlV. Loaded, new tires. Mint cond. $7000. Ph832·5838 sterl'O&verylowm1les mileaue, mu~l sD11'. 6<vl .•••·O••l'Q•P•lnl· AU /L'M "l T B'dF'WIO""OOA99 MIN T run d > t 1 ,, n' " ~ ~ w 10 w11 camper , "·' r • super v · ir · · "'"'" <VVN370). ~00. 673 5842_ __ -iu.i.:21. .. ,, W•nCI\, car$219S.49'M703 CAL.L 642-0795 Nabers Cadillac Camaro 9917 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OMLY$4195 '72 91tT . Xlnt cond. 12995 HEWPORT DATSUH A:\1/F'M. Alloys. must 69 VW Bug, AM /FM Ca--• -m ags, runs. looks good'. . r ror salt'. Nl·crI:'> s~ml.' Sl.000. 675·4266 & 434 1~.ght.~;. work. i'or mro 197SCAMARO \'8. a utomatic, pwr. sl.Ccling + braketi. uir conct. & sporbwhecls. (502MCJ::l. Now reduced to l!.U! Dove Slrt•f'l NEWPORT UE.\CJI 833-1300 '73 450SL<:. hnmal' full powt>r. Jcatht'r, bUHroof. stereo. cru111e control, olhi:r extras Orii,:. owner taking delt vl'ry '77 45-0SLC. $15,900 WJSCO I (714 I 556 6:)91 9am·5pm wkdays. MG 9742 .•.•.•.....•.•.••••..•. sl'll A s king $8200. s:'r I · <!64 7 1975 PORSCHE 914·2.0 LITRE Wrth AM /l"M & air cunJ Ll1W M1lt·!o. t!J77NZA I llLL YATES VW-PORSCHE San Juan Capistrano 837-4800 493-4511 ·51 Speedster Sharp. B.~t orr OVl·r S7500 li7:1-31174 or ti73·8458 71 !114 . Sharp hlk on hlk Bill MAXEY TOYOTA 11111 t .. o,.,l ••d 141 1 \1,•, HU"' flHC.. lO H I t A( U F'ernlear CdM < ull 646•25311· '67 VW Hug. Xlras. Best orrer t).15·2354 AMC 9905 •.•......••.......•..•. Pac•cr 7H :H.000. A(', J' /S. ;iuto. Sl\150. C;ill &IS·U'J72 I 974 Codlllac ONLY$4595 '70 Corolla 4 spd. r /h , '73 Super Bug. lmmac. aftcrs1x 74.00U m1. xlra cln ~25. New hrks. xlnl t1r<'s, ~. --. -----Call846·2001 radio. Sl275/ofr f).\4·0094 68 Jawlin. f :\1 8 track, Broughum. Mcl ullic blue. vinyl top, hlut! l'ru~hl'<i \'clv<'t lntcnor. WAUED · Full Power. Low mlh·agc • $8.000. Day~. 630·17l0 -l~ves, Ml\RQUIS MOTORS ----------1 ---· magi>. ht·allerb, sharp. '76 Convert, 5000 mi. 9i50. lii3·5l'J.'> ~'13·9'~ _ 1:n.-: ply. __ _ 1bKOJMl\5U.Ul W1fl P..-wr ~uuU11ftOf,..,,,,y A.,Pr1l1o1t M1~'>10t'4 '¥1IJO HJl-/UHO 4q" 1710 ·73 Toyota Corona l>lx, 4 dr, auto. air cond, $1750. 673-5258 '70Coronu 2 lloor. Good t·onchtwn \fake ofr 548 101; AM /FM stereo cass .. Bui k --9-910 Illness ron'l'S sale. '73 E l cocoa mats, covl'r. Pe rr. c: Dorado Cabriolet. &\0·7561 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $5.000 /make ofr . 76 Buick Elt'f'I r:i 1.1m1tf'd. 4!11)·763.'>. '71 Weslphali<1 Poplop 24m mi, mclalht' hluc" ------2Z28350Stock,reblt eng, eampcr. Xlnt cond. l'\'I wht Land;,,u 1 op, ha.., l!Y77 Cadillac, Coupe de 4spd, 68,000 ml. $2800/bst ply. &It> 18'1:1. cvi'rY opt ion 11wl i·I•·(' Viii<'. U'Elrganl't'. Brand ofr. 645-9746 muon r 11uf & lillrl ('fl new. ncv<'r rcglslt!red .. ---;--------Huns Xlnl Nu hrki. ·71 Cornna . .iulo. air. \O'I'~ S4l!J5 1;.11;1;158w•kod lo mi. new rad1ab, i.lrit VW 'fl8 IJus. 7·1'a1>s. rl'l1ll l'O!ld 400·3705 l!ni(. 111 mi. li(cl rnmJ, •I :,pd. SlliSO ti73·73W ratl1u. ~linl 1•111111 1.,1 Wl11tl', w blue rnlenor. 67Camaro,6cyl.3on thc Pty.71.t · 7.'.itl Uli:Jll l>1s<•oun1 pric-t• C11ll c 0 I u m n • i:. d c· o J1 d. Amtric:an Cor Plan ~thst. 494_:43M ____ _ ... l!lt~i l'orsdw. nPW l'O~ .. · 7 7 :-.·t G B · s Fr 1• 1· l'lut<•h, !'lC' ~ s1>ll mass. ·7-1 Cchra. ,\ C. lan<luu 5yr /5Cl.llOO m1 1·xl warr S.'>800 li73·Jti51!1!VCs top, n!'w ra(h als. ~Int with i7 '.\!Gii puro·h,1M• . --rnnd 737·3672, 751 i/11110 Choo~l' one of our :?7 73 914 2 O A!\1 /rM. Rra. Glen Buy 1l'urdli1\l' l'hnll I.gt l{rel!n. /\ppr grp. - --------A I. s () !" r: w ~l '<; $.')200. 675·4002 ·74 SS. JQ,000 mi. 3Q MPG. M I I> G I': TS o N t. y R~ -9755 5 spd, like new muicl sell ;!~.'~o ;:·~ ~~~~n ~!~ ~··•••••••••••••••••••• ~~fr. 752·8220. S23.~240411mo~OEL 68.R8. r uns xlnt. 65,000 '71 Mark 11. Stick. frwy M1. xlnt cond. 9)00. m11eage. new Uru. xlnt ___ 751·1!!110 CAMAHO 1972, J.50 VS • • < automatic. Newly paint· 113 CAU 390..: running. e<J silver with mag!!, new Nt..'Cds ~ork . S!SO. radials. S2700. 830·4727 Ca 11545·565.5 after 4: 30 SUpl!r Cherry r1111d. 'iJ 1969 VW Auto. Century Coupe, aut11, Sac. ctn. 675·779l p14•r, \'Hl)'I toµ, 1111 whl, -. -- -xlnl l'rt:s, has hud Im· 74 VVf Rug. 22.000 Mi. mac curc. S2800. 5511·"457 AM/FM. Ex Cond. $20<111. ---·-- -Bsl ofr 83J.1344 AMtos. UHd .....,.., Ut.cl ..... ...._ u -~ ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• • .......vi, ·~ G8 VW Bus. ver y good ••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond. 72 Motor. new valvH $11100. S.1Hl516 ---Scll1dh-1tnn.; IH2-S6711 675·89'.!0ort>4247l8 c·ond . Xtrns . $995. ........ -:>49·1765 -OI. H~w 9800 A.uto1, New 9800 Autos. Nt w 9800 Autos, Ntw 9100 . --- •••••••: ••• •••••••••••• ••• ••• ••. •• •• •••• •••••• •••••• ••••••• ·••••••••• •••••••. ••. •••••••••••• Tnu.nph 97 6 7 70 VW Bui;, AM /F'M cass . 25,000, rblt en,::. 2 nu tires. semi filled out. stove. gas bottle healer. etc. $1800/ofr. Apply Hm 13. Buycliff Motel, 455 Nt.owport Blvd, NB . .. • FIAT -FIAT •fl.AT fl.AT · FIAT-·· 4 . SAVINGS FIAT says s400 cash back to you BJ Sportscar Center SGfS ''WE'LL MATCH Ill'' OrGnCJe County1 #I FIAT Dealer will CJO another s400cash '!'!,C:-e:sc:-'FIA T 131 . . 1 • SEDAN or WAGON in STOCK Y• cltoole tr..• ..... Mlectto. of colon Ir .......... So HURRY while Your color & model Is stil available In ADDITION WE WILL ALSO OFFER $ 400 cash rebate or clsc:ount on •Y FIAT 128 in stock HUIE SERVICE DEPT. C•tom·Palnt mcl locty Shop ''W• Serwlce VJI~ We Selll I'' S....tce..,. . .,..,,.. ........ ,.,,...._.,_.uau hH• .. •I ~1 ~: B.J. Spoitscar (enter Inc. : ·~1 283J·HARBOR Blvd. r · 1 On1· Mill· ~rnth ol 'l.H1 01•"10 F N'/ ::L _:~ r.:.OS TAM E5A 540 ,M ~ ._j~ . .. ,1 ,,.,, l:..r.1 H.AT r1•T 11 •1 1-1•1 H •I ,,,.r •1•r •1•1 • "'' ' .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976 TRIUMPH TR-7 ---------- 6 l'yl.. 1 Sl)t'c'<l. I\ M /l'"M slerl'I> &. only 12,000 Volvo 9772 miles. Immaculate! ••••••••••••••••••••••• 148.'>Nl'J l. ONLY $4995 HEWPORT OATSUH 11118 Dovl' Slreel NEWPORT UEACll 833°1300 ·74 Tltfi. 28 .000ml. AM /FM cassette. Asking $4600. p. r 91\3·2268 evei;. House of lmportS .•.. .. , ............ , ... ' .. ,..... . ''"''" '11 VOLVO HERE NOW •NEW COLORS •NEW MODELS Huge savings on all rl'· ma1nin1C new 7Gs & Demos in fltock . MARQUIS VOLVO MISSION VH:JO 831·2880 495-1210 '77 TH7 $4995 + P.O F: 1976 sticker price re· duced $654. Cull today for details on exciting new ORANGI COUMTY : Buy/Lease Plan. Sensi· VOLVO I l~c P~Y_m...!_nls. _ EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO VolkswOCJ" 9770 Largest Volvo Deolcr •••••••••••••• ••••••••• in Orange County! BUY or LEAS~ NEW * vw·s DlltECT IJ.·~~~~:~ Mm~, 2025 S. Manchester' /"IM6--. WITHAll Anaheim 750-20111 ~· ---- -J:/..w,1;,·1-.J/w· 197 1 VOLVO 7'00 WH tmlnater Btvd. 1421 SIDAM We1tmlnat•r 893·7551 Automatic, air cond .. ---------1 tape deck le leather In· VW 69 Fastback. auto. ai mnd .. xtra clean. $1275. _!7· Pty 714 1540·9328 'tn VW h us. w•ry rl('/ln, mony xtru. Sl600. 96fl 9141 '71 VW BUS Extrn rleon. nl'W ra1ll~ls, $2700. 645·0<ll5 terlor. (810DFX ). Now reduced lo ONLY $2995 68 Panel Von. panellnR r radial tires, runs flood '75 Volvo 242 DL. Low SJ.&OOor be•l. 175·7112 ' f1Vl41., f1&clory air, atereo. . Ulce new. \naido le out. ~ vw. WIQ. $4900, 495·~ RUNS GOOD ---~9·t200 197l VOLVO 'ti vw 8<1rl>ck. Slrokt'r 164 E SIDAM Crnnk 11150 cc Xlnt Automatic. pwr. 1tedr· cond, $t200. Ing. 1tir cond. " le11thnr 557 8271 Interior. <•GMQ ). Now ---~---1 OMLY $3995 ·• VW Bua. xlnt cnnd, MUSTSEl.I.! 642-5439 ff VW Camper·Van. Pop k>J> (Rolled 1We5tphalla c oblnc>t1, 1500 e n g . Compl. $49S. 648·6468 tdnd. --------- 1971 lelge VW. v~t;~~d w:!. ~.Rr~~ 000 C .. -. llobl~. $12()(). 536· 1144 613·62UI _____ _.;;...;:...:;.:.~1·73 Volvo U2 Sdn. AC, nmJvw Camper, air. 32,000 radio • tope dck. •tick .... ·~~J own.r. fi*O, •hft . lrttmac. f2UO . ..,. , • ....,.4",.. '1 SIU ·1111.5 .. -- OFFER ENOS H7·77 AT JOHNSON & SON lt7l OLDS CUTUSS " •• ""~ ....... ll!UO'Y .... lutt eo.,...., ·~~ ,,.~ f\t•'•' ""'""' ,.,.. ...,...,, =..·:~;· ... ~ I OLH c ... """ MO II-llOCi6'y fllt f~f pow., ... ,.0 Ud10. ...... , ... *'I• 11.N t.. ._,..,, "'°' ""~ ...... ..~ ... M2C' 1975 MllCURY MONTKO s5495 ..-.... $4495 ~11 11 I IJll'I' C 0 lllo tdt I I f.fl ~II ..._,Uted .btf•· UMd Autot, Uaed ...... UHd Alftot. U1ed A.tot, UHd Saturday. J.,,uary 15, 1977 OAILV PILOT CJ7i.>\ \ ........................................................................................... ··••·•••··············· •....•.........•....... HI CorYtfte 9932 HJS ~enck 9''47 OldlMollbt 9'55 ~ 9'604-toa.Hew tl00°Mf•t.Hew tlOO.AMfot,Hew '"°' •...•..•...•..•.•.......•.•••....•••.••..•........ , .....•...•..••.•. ·····················-· ······················· ··••·•·····•·········•· ..................•.....•..•.................. •··••••············•······ '71 Ca maro. PS l'U. A 1'. AC, Xtras. CORVETIIS '11 Ctuir1er SF., -44,000 ml. 1972 Mav•rlt'k Gr abler '72 Cutla11. Well ko_pt 12 Ouatcr 6, IAUlo. 11 s, t owner, AC, PS. n ew 302, new paint, xfnl In• Vinyl top, AC. PB & PS, RtH , f1H· ulr, good u r" ...... llru I< more $1700 •Ide & out Aulo lr•m•. New battery & Ure•. Co-& butt. elk 1)1n, Q M ml 61S-MU SlllOO i i C..muo, frty ulr. 8 Ir s l e r e o , x I n t ,. u n d ~/l»I ofr 4!)-1 J.ll2 •.e C_.trl. SI 300. New lop, mags, tires Clean. 644·5001 '87 Camara. ;iutu, air map . Fior <'ond 545.21i51; 9tl0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1971 CHIYY MOHIA2+2 Aulomallc with r adio & heutt-r. l~ILWA ). Now OIMLY $2695 Ml\RQOIS MOTORS ]t'o~\J} iw'Dlh,,1U1d• , ... "4 1 \, ... (I. ,. ,, ~ "' ••• , I. I M t•''(·'' .11 JC ,.JI Jf'l'J0 49'J 1}10 CHOICI OP I J ~8029 very tll>P)', 11300 rlrm 1na over:ieaa, must aell. S17$0 PP&40 47111 ~ $19.10. 114 Ml-3~47 1961THltU1971 Fwd 9940 . -------'73 Blue & White Dui.lcr 4 apeeds &c Aut11m1111"' •••••••••••• •• ••••••••• 72 ti1 .ilJIJt!r, IJ q I lo.id ed. 71 Del ti' 88. 28,000 ml. • t<>p <'ond Aulu. <!() mp11, °"9IMJe CCMMty't 74 Turi no Win h 11a-s'>. pvt Pl) $1-tllS orrt'r dr Brn ~,whl vmyl lop. SO . 000 m 1 1 ll 800. L_,,.at li1~st rl't k. new ratl1al1>. 31.000 4!13 7~ S3400_ 6'lo·OIS4 492 HM Wecf,_ ml. Clean~ li73 2638, Mercwy 9950 1-'lllly Louded 1900 OLDS E Z FINANCING 87~30eve:s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 Scddn. Well m;itn· Ofttfoc 9965 WE I.EASE 't.6Gal•Kie.Gdcond ..... ew l ulncd $7!10. D1tys •••••••••••••••••••••• CORVETTt"-'i p aint. Sacrlfltc uoo 1973 ~h-rl·ury (;olony 673·4400.eves673·1864 ·1s Grand Prix. Mdl J . HOWARD CheYrolet -l'ar k Wa1wn·Llkl' NEW! -------,,_ I •• • , 631 3320 1'\llly cc1ulpprd & only '70 Old.~ 98, ... s. P B. split ..,.,pper m Ill. r/S, 1 Ill, Oove &Quu1l8lrl•cta f P 1:.e11ls & lut•k!I, 11ir, Nf:WPORT UE1\Clf 1975FORD 26.000 mtlt'« S:14i00 l'ra. 11eat, :'It. air cond, nu AM /fo'M ~tt>n•o, i·rus 833-0555 GlAHADA IJlY 830 ~4· - -~~~.'ss~~~J~c cuntrul. rnlrl . dt•t'1)1 1ik.i V!I. autottHlllC, stereo. ·ro Mercury, Top Cond • - --s1xoo1h:.t olr. l'h <7 111 1974 CORVETTE T0 TO,. /\utom 11tlc, ulr wnd. & only 34 ,000 m llci.. O.iJoKKPl. SAODUIACK VAUIY IMrORTS 831 ·2040 495.4949 cruii.c control & vinyl m11ny xtrao;! Call llod '72 Olds CutlJ~s So1ircrrw, ~0-71100 Lil· 7121.l•M roo f. l in m ucula l c ~-O'-XJ7aftH .3iJl'M sharp.PP.Sl.!i!U0.1b1>l olr •7,1 1•1,\Nl> 1, 1 ·I··' W 551·4\00 ' \J II,, OUI I u , lhruoot! (8321.. to:,. ,_..ttancJ 9952 xlnt 1·w11J l.11 mi. l'vl. OIML Y $4399 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pinto 99S 7 11ty 61:1 :15!1'J Ml\RQllJS MOTORS JH80JMAN(;l,JfPITt Piit"N f 1975 MUST AMl:i II ~····:··········~······ ''/O c;To It & II ,. :::.. I' u. 4 cyl. 1o\1ck 11hifl. radio & 73 Panto Wgn . AC, 4~pd, AT. Nu paanl t l1:un heale r . tA'IV024l Now dxl inl , 1 ownr. Xlnt Sl6SC.I 557.3909 redut·ed to rond. $2200. 8.JO.SCJ:IJ - 0 11o..1LY $2695 - -1971 GTO Convcrl1ble, " 1!175 Pm lo ~unaboul, rully AJC. p s. p Ill. AM , FM . 'W CorH•th· Sun11ra y. 2 eqwpped. 00 ml, llnled ~l.1ss, Hiley "'hb, .,.. ... o .. ·1utr.-1 A.,.,1 . • M1~~10N "Vil JO t1JI • l ..... ,, .\Vi· I /111 top:!, 11ra.1: µumt , red, hku __ __ ___ _!'~S-1I06 ___ i.lnl 1•ond. I O\\ner 121:11 ----new :\JO ,\M1F:.1. (ull •7 l TD rr •. ul ·11 Pinto Hunabout. 1.o 5!1.! IJ.l!l 17J411141iJJlt '74 tmpalJ Coupe. pwr $1SllOfirm 6757173 5 • w s_un cx cr se _ AMffM. ~lcrt•o. r r wi.e · conlrl. S31SO 545-1493 ma. 'IUnrf. J\:.111-'.\I, dlx 'S'I CalJhn.i !\lu!>.l •wll control.t1ll \\hl air i\/T 't>li Cor\ €'lie 427 btwntl&5pm. i ntr & extr. ma.a:•., S:iSOor mJkc olr \ll I oraJI . ow nl.'1 ° $jl00° St0001l"l ~cc1h little -----rud1Jls S270CJ Ph ~9109 673·3388 work l>)l> 7~1 :!lllli. afl S, 7:! Ford 12 lon pickup. 83S-071U __ 552.5482 na-ds minor repair .:.ind ---. - --llJ Grand Pra'<'. .,11 11 .... r , i~9passChevStn Wgn ----brakes S2.IOO. Call ·75 Muslanl'( It, hardtop, 1Z RunJlJout. :?8,llou ma , good l'Ond Flr"l Sl500 AT. rs. PB. for /\C." nu 75 Corveue loaded :!SK 960~39 only 8.ooo mi. S3 100. In 4Spd. 2·1~c cni.:. r<.1dio, laXl'll su; ISll39 Urea. SJ,ooo orr. A-.k'.I( Y.'lulc w/ Saddle Int.Top . , . . m int c ond. l'vl ply. -~pg. ~.000.640-51176 _ --. • . 962·3'.llll Cnnd 91.2008.17·6804 70 f o~d GJl:.ix.1~ 1 dr, 644-~aft7 PM . ' . 69Jo1r<>b1rd3.',U.VH, -----• Xlras incl air .l:JO en.I(, __ _ -----74 Pinto Runabout :.tel PtS. p u, Jllll>. f.itl ,11r. 75 Malibu CL. 4 d1. air. '6H Corvetlt' w tremll\ a hie S.1200 Ph .>Ill 1.5 UI. 'GS .Mu-1tani: F<i!.lha<'k VH, bm. auto, uir fl;~·crh .,..m,· wurk radials, lop coml. Uwnr. top & convert top. 427· Ford Gran;du •75 2 dr 6 xlnt cond. SlliOOtlJ&l ofr. --~ H628___ SlClUO. 5Si·:J341ti ult t>vrn . S3.59.S. or.z.0404 4 l\ pd . ,\ M r 711 l' ass. 1 · b · !179·2'.?'hi or 4~1-3793 ll ~ ·-1 p· t • · . ·r ---l>nmo . d s1;,o<J I n • auto. :.i1r. p, . P '" t , an"· :i1r, sunr , '70 CutullnJ, run .. .l(rt·Jt '75 Nova 2 dr. 40.000 me Sal or ~i'::~ ~nl\', :-,411 'I:::S J~&ll. 71100 ,\h's. SIJOO. '67 :Olustang. full pwr. air. ~ai.:~. A :.1, ~ M · 4·"P.d. M<1ny xlr,1s E\ 1·11 1·rw~t' Goo d cund. S2!lOO Lllrry. 5:1fl~~-· _ _ rle.1n. S750 or bel\l otfor. laltli7S-l371. _ l'•mlrol ~JS SSll 12111 _646·S967art!l.:roP~I -'7!> Corvt•ltl'-:-r~1~"';&; '64FordWai:on. 64!1·11.'i~ '7\4 (~quirl\ct w, ltln . "&t:.pd, ·a9 1''irchirt1 350. 4,..prl. ·72 Montt-Carlo !:ol 71JO :tlr. Low m1. ped . l'Olld. :.t11·~.n1~, .. ~;~1 '117\lu~l ~n.I( :!k!I Vx J11l11. '. 1111 ll' wans c:ill. i.:reat 1·111111. nt•w 111·cs & PS1 PB.a1r,11ltwhl,Wi~I 11•·,.l <Jffl•r A~k for "ill __ ':'._.·""'" I S. A<. fo.11.·1n mai.:~. :JUM m i, mi nt c:vnu. hrks~IJOlfil """" u t I ,.._ , «, S!tl2S ·Olr . 6-11·8:!77 -G40·......., l.o.l(Ul'. 540·21i60 or '67 Furci V 8 W,a:n, lo m1 ...... \'~·r ~t·t · ·'"1,,.11 .,,,l::,ll rbird 9970 073 M t (' l A ,. 1 G40-!13ij8 Pvt. ply. PS, P /B, best ofr. C..:.ill ·l9'7·3!llJ,, 1971 Pinto. ••••••••••••••••••••••• on e ar 11, '"· np --'"'3·ll!J7 AC \ t WI t c on ~. ~24~,0 · l>ay, Cougor 9933 "" Oldsmobile 9955 ·' u 0 • 11 e. T-Bird, 72, :.l c1rn, 11ulo, 821·4230 '1'.:'<'"56·1~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 64 FORO Fairlane. clean. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Xlntcond. . 4!19·4359 A/C, many xtr"' N1 ·11. '00 Chevy l mp:ila. rnakl' ·73 XR-7 llrd lop 2·D. xlnl good ure'l•hrak<'S SliOO 19611 Olds m obile WJLn . '73 Pinto Hunabout :ur steel hit l ire!!. ll•'I.! ~J', good i!nll 1 . .., SISO cond. air. \nyl.top 14.000 t·a~hS..1H-U133 I'S. P 11. AtC. radio , l(U cond, 4 spd. i\M 0 /f':Of ·100·004:1 Mll·Jl2S on1:m1 19'174153 101111 :)HOO / h~l ofr s t ereo, r,1d 1ab. int __ _ 75 <iran.Hlo.1 <ih1.1 Mt·r.·tt .\JI l'~'1i1 It roup . I' I' 1!:!~·:!777 . liti T B1rtl ~'.nu•l 11111cl A l' 0-'-9935 I I I ~I • &l-lt.'lt'" ,'•HI 57 Che\ y, 1110' ••1ul(I lu11h ~ 1' ,.,. :.nr '1 '•·r · lJrp 1 J I> ,. 1 1 ,, u ~ 5.~I l:Jlll " • I'" I I J--5 n r I '.1 fl l'Mo .!'hl'I good S!l)IJ Sl•t• .1t :1~111 ~: ••• ••• • • •• • • ••• • •• • • • • '> -~10 " j j, O'\ , .... 17th Sl Uav1 u1 i·all ·71 t'halll'llJ:l'r , all'. ll II. . . ' CO:-..n:HTlllU : ta,,l ul P1ymouth 9960 y 9974 751·fl.188 ~\... J>i.1 1n. 3 "lld alllO rn.1100 75 t.riln for1110 H jl.J ... , Ill> I.mt.I. I 01.\llr. P B. I',!,,....................... e-ga ----· :'lh Sopi:r Cit-an. ~1900 \Vaj!11n. all 1mr 'tr.,., 11\\r !'.t0.1t \ \1 l":\t tJpe, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·67 Chevy B<-1 Air l>t'I ft'l·l II-I? •rm ~ firm l!~IH 31!17 < rW'\' nmtrot. "ire whl~. ATLAS •;5 11.,11 hb01t I. I '>Jiii , cond BcstoHcr 4!11 ~tr.!7. l'P f~ll 1177•Jr l!!i ·:!:!.1.1 A'.\1 F!\I, ~um Graift 1917 U11d1:•· 4 dr, Pl'rl ·;1 GalJ\IC', I dr, J ll fl\\ Cr Chry I ftl h li75 li.t'Ml cuml nd uphohtr)', + new tJrks. tires. pa111t. Old' 7:1, !111 4 dr, P S . P u. I er/ yMOUt '14 Impala 4dr. A IC. rt 546 5490 JUSI tuned. xlnl cond. lock,, A C. 6 way pwr 0J)t.'n Daily & Sun. 'lll 10 pwr, xlnt tuml Ul'ln\\ ---Sll95. 960·2943 "Piil :.cal'-, IJVl 11lv l'M bluebook.f7Mlllf).1<J!•JH 00 f)<1d1?c Chari:1•r. ~Int ,-;..,oln 9945 H925t:ll 2929 JIJrborBh1I , tonJ ~·1• to lwhl'\ <' s:!i5 ..... ~ Co,lu ~11•"1 1974 Vei:a lluldthJC'k custom ci.l. ·I 'tlXI '0,IKMt mi. 'llnl tond :OJ.1kl' olr r.i:I 11931 l'\' '71 lmpulu. 2 <Ir (',..Im pwr. u1r. \1·1 ,. •·l•'<m 81400, 11H !> :10 Ii I!! 'II it l'~I 1.,111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·73 Old" T11r1111.11l11 111 n11 546-f 934 '70 Contml'nlul Cpe \II lull\ •·11u1p 11. \1111 101111 '71 Vecia. '73 c nq lill f>o<lgr• Dart li1' \T 1; eqp. xJnt cond '.\lu~t .-.1·1!. ,\Jui.t wll lh" "k \ll\ r" 7:1 Fvr.v Jll. l11.11J••ll e\••·ii 'll!IJll 1:1.! KK7111·1 '73 MALIBU SACRIFICE nl 111m i.:tl 111•\1 hrk' houghl Ill'\\ 1·,11 ..;11.IHI .1 .... 111altlo• nit t ""'I' 111111:.I l'<lnd. 1'1•w llll'~. 11111 l.1 t ,, , S.1'1.~ ~.57 32-l !I C'on~•rlcr 1'11·!-11p II•' fl !lli:I !i:ll • ~.Oi.>. -19<! I IHI i'.: I '11runN • 11,tum Yo l!ll 1·~. PH ..... 1·11111t. :IK,IHMI trtidt· 1>11\... :, l•i 1111:1:1 t·:\ ,.,., 6111 :t:!lli 1,1 t 't11l;":-Suµ11•11w Cpt• '74 l'I} m <;11ftl J)u-'>h'r .\II i\C. l'°"'r ~ :!.'1.ll'"I atluul >.lras. 50.tKKJ mi. Xlnl m1. ~1114~1 !Hi~ tlll-l.'1 i i L11H·ol11, .i di' j!11111J ml. SH!IS li4S 1:>1:1 t~l5·11-11U --- ~I Vl•,a:a 1ll1hlt1k t;I ~I.I I,! Yo h i-. II ,\ 111 \''· ,\:01.F:Ol 1.011t11 .o11 \1111 ('OlllJ. i!K .• ~HI ttot \,lo,111)' $2300 !JO:• t.i I !I DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY ON ANY New Vega or New Chevette New Monza Towne Coupe o LUV (~··) Y2 Ton Pickup Truck! THI ICOMOMICAL.sMALL °"E NOW COSTS 1.11$1 Take delivery of a new Vega, Chevette. Monza Towne Coupe, or LUV series 5 pickup truck now through February, and you will receive a check for $200 from the factory. If you wish. this can be ap- plied to the down payment. i' I.• .... • I I ~ f A ir. fl a cl 111 • ~ tt· 1 t•" Ca!!liC'tlc. 111 cn1flo111.!t'. l''I n·llcnl cont! \'nll "I'll i., Sunday $1 ~1110 r11111' .Alltoa, Mew 9100 5!>1·385r, all•'I tj'"" or ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond l.nud<'d. ll'<clht·r S2.000. 675·02.17 Allto1, Hew 9100 Aartos, Hew 9100 Autos, Mew (Near Jamboree, Bristol. and: MacArthur ll•dJ · f 9100 ________________________ _, -, l 6"0·3'i 54 duri ni: du' ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•iiiiiiiiiiiiijliiiiiiijliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii;iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiii '76 Monte l'.11'10 I' S. p / 8 . A I t' ,\ "' I ... M ~~l;iJll!)IJ7 '65 CheYt'll•· '\/ 8, !1l1<0k $400. G:ll 3.i>il! '75 :'llonle Carlo. Lo.1drcl \'t-ry clean, 1>1 I it owner $1150 Ph 581 ·3:>11 I t9732drCIJJfh'I' 111...,npr 28.000 ml All1~11.1 ~ '.\lol cond $.130() IHI 5~'11'1 J96S t;1 t'J m111u 1, 1 'I R&H. Air ~1000 mJlce ofr l'all 5:it; ;~1 70 Chev) "'''•''""'"I Wason. ne .... 111 ,., & brakl'I, m u'l ~~II 642-8980 • '75 !'wlonza Tt,wn ('uul>l'. \' ~. air r on<f. I'~. I'll, AMll"M 8 track i.l1·rt•11. dlx inl. 631 :!GI\ - 'H ~lonle Carlo, low m 1 34,3011 Ntw tlr1·"· blur wt bll.. 'lo vi toi1 $3'1 :.I) ~0737 or MG-47 • t '68 Ctw.,11y 4 1Jr 1, <>I l'"'"I t ran .. porlat111 n $!\00 <.42-210 "i2 El Cam1M "'~· rcl>lt ~. 4 apd, nu clutrh. 1111 option,, ~"" 1 .an·<t tor $3200 11!1.? :¥1 t:i 'G4 COltV Atll Mon1.1 1 i.pd l'oupe. run.~ ll Int. Sb.'iO. '63 Monza. 11uh1 1 '"'l>ti, runs 11ood. S350 1i11, 7lllli •'73 J.lonlt' Carlo. Cln. lux/int, enJ?t hdy '<lnl A /C, FM s t crl'o. l'l', 063-9191. Chryller 992 S ••••••••••••••••••••••• J968 Dodge Monaco, fully equipped, ic lnt m cl'lc cond. SMC). 642-7143 19'76 Cordoba, loaded , aoodcond.~ SU 0656 "'1S Cordob•, one ownr. prof. aervic4ld, mony :xtraa Incl AC. lo mi, Mt5. 798,66!}7, ~-261l c .. t 9927 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1972. P /8, R&ll, llUIO tnna clean. St~. Call Mrs. Wolfe7:19-0811 . c..t1u .. nta1 tno ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mark JV 1974. SOver In· t /nt, fully •p'dmoon rf, etc. $4700. P:vH. 548-2114. 10 Cont. Mark 111 , new radlala, low ml, lulh/Jnl loaded. $3795. Beaut. 7Sl~J;JJ -"132·dr, drk brn. 1 ownd'. Very &d cond. 9'230. C¥11 64S-52'18. '64, • dr .. .L]l/1'. Orla. owner. m "•WU.on, Sp. 44,CostaM .1. 2. 3. Wt MAKE YOUR SELECTION EASY EVERY DISCOUNT PRICE IS ClEAlll Y MARKED ON THE WINO· SHIELD OF EACH NEW & USED VEHICLE WHEN YOU ARE READY OUR PO lllE SALES PEOPLE Will GIVE YOU l'HE PlAIN FACTS ON EN· CINE ' EQUIPMENT AND PERFOll· MANCE • FllU APPRAISAL ON YOUR PRE SlNT VlHIClE WITH AISOlUTH Y NO OllllCATION TO YOU. ............. ,,.,,., ,.,,..., AflSOlU TEL y NO DEALER PRE PERA T/ON CHARGE ON ANY CAR IN STOCK "VICI OEPl. GO TO BUY AT HASSLE FREE BILL BARRY PONTIAC 4 WE'LL HAPPll Y SHOW YOU l'HE KHIEV BLUE llOOK PRICE ON ANY USED CAR IN STOCKI • 5 YOU ll HAVf COMPLETE PRICING INFORMATION BEFORE YOU fill OUT A CREDIT APPLICATION OR • SICN A THINC &. I UY WITH CONFIDENCE .. All NEW & USED CAil WAllRANTIES Allf: POSTED ON THE WINDSHIELD f'Oll YOUll INSPECllONI Ron McLeod C111trll M111111r SI JJ: f wu born •nd r111""'1 1n 1111' c:11r buSlflC'~. /'IC: ll/WU)'S cll'l~trd ttH• l)'Slttnii IJl.tl 1<>mNk1t/t'f'lhlP,( hfl\l' u.<.M Ill the p11M I bl'lwu• > m1 h.11 f• IN ri11ht to Juiow 11// IJ>to flH'l• btfflN' t:Jtoing obl•11•t""l to 11 rontrort. r~ rrpul1tion o/ l/H.' .tulo 'tllc:~ p•-011/r lt dUf' for 11 t h•n11c:. lh11I • c·h11n11••" hi15 ~n ffllldr hrN' llO fREPARA TIO# CHA/fGES UE trrR ADDED 10 DUR PRICES ~ ..... 1 .... : IJSMJ0.~ O.e>en<'•ble new management -1111111 1'1189Ull-9Al.DN0fll.- Af' ----··· I lk BILL BARRY PONTIAC , See for yourself ... We're Now the ,_. ,~s •• i.~a..,.,s;;J Dealersh1· that 1·s o1·fferent' 2~h E. FIRST sr. SANTA ANA • At t • S1nta Ana Fwy. &5'-1000 • 11 I • .. .... t/1 - HUGE -SAVINGS/ ~~...,""-. _ _,. DUil/NO OUR diANT R. V. CLEARANCE CHOOS E FROM: PACE ARROW, WINNEBAGO TIAGO, HARVEST, SUNLAND, DREAMLINER BEAVER, MIDLAND/ MAYF LOWER!!! ALL PRICES MARKED ON WINDSHIELD! lf7'2 PACI lllOW W MOTOlllOMI ,_ ........ ,_,, ,_ .. ttnllvt ''"' 1972 COIU U~ TUYn 'IUllll ~,-._...,.~ Wf •• W .. .,,,.,_ .. ....... c-1-.-. ...... :,.~,:,.-:.,,,,.,,,.·· ''"' 1'74 CMfY ~ T '-U. wnMln.CMOWt Wlha ·---....... ·-· ..... .... ,_ ...... .......... _,_., .... ---. ..,. . .... , . • 1975 ll DOIADO lf7S QIC Vi U.U. "'n n.11111 lllOfOtilOMl w1111 ~ ""'"' ... ... _ ............ '" .... ,-..-....-.... ... .... uv ...,.. • ......., .... . __ ..,....,.,._~ :~ .... ~ .... -· ..... 1976 CASUAL "'" "· ..... MOTOlllOMC .._ ......... ..,, ... ~-.... .... .,, ....... ..-.... ..,. .. _ ... , .. "' l~ftf ., ... 1976 MATnOWU ,, "· ... MOtOlt MOlll 'IMI ,.,.......--..-,,,., ..,.. .............. . .... .... , .... "..-··~ -........ ,.,..."',.... tt•• .. ,, 'IMI 1974 9'AtTAN ,. n • tU V1l TIAll.ll •7•t• t'77 PACUllOW Merl'Oll NOM& ........ ............ --· ..... M#f ...... f., .... •1ut1 ''" SUllMlt 1'7• llAVll " ... -..., ,. ... ..... lllltW -...... 1974 OMC 16 n MOTOI NOMI :~ .:-:::. ~-=---= ... _ ......... ..,... ...,. .. -· ............. ....... \""''' '21,.tl 1973 CHIV J/4 T. P.U. .,,._ .. ,..,rr ._.c,,.... =·:::: :'..:. ~.::, 'Htl 1'76 DIWll8 JI fl.Ml<ll .... ..._ :.-:' ::. '""' ........ •12,1•1 ,,, ..... .. ,. ... -...... '"" .................... . ..... - ' ~ • • '· ~ I .. , • ). :· r ~ ' ~ , ' ~ r --- CJll DAILY PILOT Satorday. January 15. 1977 1977 FIREllRD Only $ 3 6 3.60 Delivers s 150 00 Secunty Oeoos1t S119 60 First Payment lnciudmg Tax S94 License Fees PARTIAL EQUIPMENT INCLUDES • Factory Air Cond1hon1no • Automatic transm1ss1on • Power steering • Rallye II wheels Ser. 2587C7Nt 32283 36 MONTH CLOSS> END LliSE No Ob14JcrHOfl To --, At lllcl of I.MM ICIHd Oft 15,000 Miles, ... YNr OM A,,ROVED CIEDfT 83 ~iJ \>ONGJl~ ~PONTIAC~ SERVICE FIRST! aoth ~ 1947-1977 ~ !ttl'E\\~~ '76 SU NBIRD '76 SUNBIRD '76 SUNBIRD 5 speed -rormal 1A window vinyl top -console - rallye wheels -wsw steel belted radial tires -radio - luxury trim group -body side mldgs. 2M2786C101289 Automatic transmission -factory air conditioning - power disc brakes -tilt wheel -power steering - rallye wheels -steel belted radial wsw tires -radio - body side mldgs. 2M2786C119064 5 speed transmission - factory air cond. -tilt wheel - rallye wheels -white letter steel belted radial tires - radio-body side mldgs. 2M278 6C101923 MAMU~ACTURER'S SUGGESTED LIST PRICE MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED LIST PRICE BOB LONGPRE SALE PRICE v a autc trans factory air AM radio vinyl rool rallye wheel covers (675NIWJ '73 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SJ V-8 auto tran5 factory atr P0"''9r steenng oower winoo~ Landau top hit wheel cruise control AM FM <;terco f451KJBl •3695 '74 POKT C ATALINA 2 Dr. H.T. v 8 auto traM factory air power steering, AM rar110 Landau too (355POSI •1795 '75 FORD RAMCHERO V-8, auto trans air cood1t1oning oower steering AM radio. fibre qlass shell (35t38YI •4795 '72 JEEP CJS 6 cyl , stick sr11fl. roll bar off road tires & wheels (172POll •• • 53895 -+Tax & Lie. 808 LONGPRE SALE PRICE 80BLONGPRE SALE PRICE '71 CADILLAC B. DORADO V-8. auto trans . lactory air. power windows pawer seats. AM/FM stereo tape, landau top. leather. (t60DIB) '72 DODGE DART SWINGER V-8. auto trans factory air power steenng. AM radio. Landau lop. rallye wheels. (012GFX) •1995 '7 4 BUICK UMITED Factory air lull power. Landau top. AM/FM stereo. luxury 1ntenor ( 1 73KEEI. • •34_95 '7 4 SUIARU GI,. ,. 4 speed. AM/~Mjstereo tai>i. mag wheels. !855USIJ. '2195 '7 6 PONTIAC SUMllRD 4 cyl . auto. trans .. AM radio. whitewall tires, tinted glass. (685NROI V-8. auto trans . factory air. lull power. Landau lop. (3J57M4R 198358) .. •3795 '74 AMC AMI V-8. auto trans .. factory air. power steering, AM/FM stereo. tilt wheel. rallye wheels. (938MIZJ •3195 '7 6 CHEVROLET MOMTE CARLO V-8. auto trans . factory alr, power steering, pawer windows. AM/FM stereo (339PKL) •4995 . '75 CHEVY IS.,.AIR WAGOM V-8. auto. trans.. factory air conditioning. oower steering, radio, root rack See 1t t0dayl (745RDRJ. •3995 175 PONTIAC ASTRE 4 cyl . auto trans . AM radio (614NAC) •1t91 V-8. alllo trans . lactory air. power steering, oower brakes. AM radio, vinyl root. (370MCAJ •2995 '75 VOLKSWAGEN IUS 4 apeed, AM radio (809MOSI. •4395 175 PONTIAC TRAMS AM 4 SPD. Factory air, rallye wheels (847PCUI. •5395 '7 6 PONTIAC TRAMS-AM V-8. auto trans . factory air. oower steenn(), oower windows. AM radio, rallye wheels. !tit wheel. (945POZ). •5795 •75 CADILLAC ELDORADO V-8, factory air. lull power. AM/FM stereo. Landau top. leather. an excop11ona1 car (684MCBJ OPEN DAILY - 9 A.M. TO I 0 P.M. WI UrtlTlY DO POM'nAC WAUAMTY WOU HGAIDUSS OF Wtal YOU OllGINML Y PUICHASID TOUI Cil WE LEASE ALL MAKES AND MODELS AIC... ... T••U.... AIC..._..te,,,...Wt. Prlut Goe4 Tiii J •• t7•77 •