HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-26 - Orange Coast PilotJI IIJ W ~
Fullerton College
' .....
Spill Spreads 'Good 01' Billy'
Over 5 Miles Steals the Show
Of Baja Beach At Knott's Farm
' . 1t., t
DAILY PILOT Trial ----.--...·raze
, . ' . * . * * 1oc * * * I . .
t Fullerto::~:;:: .. • .....
I Student Fires
On Two, Dies
OI ,,_ Oally l"lloi Statt
A 27-year-old student carrying
a rifle and handgun walked into
a Fullerton Community College
classroom today and wounded
an instructor's aide before kill·
ini himself.
Police said the .22-caliber rifle
jammed after the gunman. iden-
tified as Gerald Harunoba Ue·
jima, o r 276 7 Ba ll Road .
Anaheim, fi red a single bullet.
Before his Journey to the cam·
pus and ultimately his own
death. Ue11ma reportedly was
embroiled man argument with a
neighbor in his apartment com·
plex .
Police believe he fi red a single
bullet that struck the neighbor an
a shoulder before he headed
towards the college campus.
The uniden(ified neighbor re-
pottedly was being treated for
his wound at Garden P ark
Hospital in Anaheim .
That jamming may have
spared the junior college cam-
pus in downtown Fullerton from
becoming the s cen e or a
massacre similar to one at a col-
lege campus four miles distant
in July, 1976, police said.
In that July 7, 1976, shooting at
Cal State Fullertofl, seven peo-
ple were killed and two persons
were seriously injured.
Last month, a jury convicted
Edward Charles All away, a
custodian at the university, of
the murders.
Today's shooting occurred
shortly after 8 a. m. when Ue-
J 1 ma drove his car to a door
leading to a classroom.
After entering the classroom
he reportedly mumbled some
"ords before firing J single shot
from the rifle. The bullet struck
an instr uctor 's aide, Terri
Harris. 36, in the hip.
Witnesses told police Uejima
a pparently became frustrated
when the rifle jammed , threw it
to the fl oor and then fired a
s ingle shot from a handgun
before placing that gun to his
temple and pulling the trigger.
Miss Harris was taken to St.
Jude Hospital for treatment of
her injury.
~ilot Introduces
New Page Styles
. . .. ,.....,......
President's Brother Steals the Show as Grand Marshal In Parade
Bike Rumbk
Ends With
~~.=~ Police closed two ban here and called
in about 80 extra officers to help
run an unruly crowd of
motorcyclists out Qf town ..
Thirteen persona were arrest-
ed Sunday night, about half of
them bikers, on various charges
ranainl from assault and battery
to drlnkln& in public, police said.
No one waa aertoualy injured, of-
!lcen reported.
About 50 to 75 blkera were ln
town for Brisbane's Western
Daya fesUvlttes, whlcb closed
Sunday alter three days, police
The ?'\lmbJe beaan at about 9
p.m. aftW four b1kera were ar·
rested for brawUnc in the streets.
OtMr ..,. ~)'diltl b81an toll·
tq ~ llld llaUla at ~e Ud Nfuled to 6Dlne, even
after two ban wtN'e~ed early.
MMeilW Iii rtWorcemeta
from ~ tommualt1•, In· cl.._ IOIDe Poltff do~. UDed tbemtel-.. Oft tM streeU Ind
•lain an9d UMt blken to'""· Tbe7dld.
Billy Carter a 'Hit'
At Krwtt's Show
On a day that f ea tu red a
human cannonball, marathon
dancers and parachute jumpers,
it was Bllly Carter who stole the
show at Knott's Berry Farm Sun·
Well tanned and weartna a
leisure suit, the beat known
MIAMI (AP> -A hypnotic
drug was secretly administered
to teen-age murder defendant
Ronald Zamora during._a night-
time visit to his jail cell by ade-
fense psychiatrist, the defense
team said today as Zamora's
trial began. ·
"Sodium amytal was ad·
ministered to .,Jtonny Zamora,••
. defense attorney Ellis Rubin,
who contends that the boy was
driven to madness by watching
television violence, said in pre.
trial proceedings in the
Rubin described the substance
as a "drug-hypnotic .. and said
Zamora "made certain state.
A pharmacist said sodium
amytal was a commonly used
prescription sleepinc drug but
not a so-called truth serum.
However, she said it might be
used with hypnosis to have a
similar effect.
The drug incid(lnt, which
Rubin said occurred Thursday
night at Dade County Pretrial
Detention Center, led to an
acrimonious exchange between
lawyers. Rubin said that after
he, psychiatrist Michael Gilbert
and Rubin's wife, who acts as•
secretary, left the jail, Zamora·
CSeeTRIAL. Pa1eA2)
It will be mosUy cloudy
through Tuesday. with a 20
percent chance of pre·
cipitaUon. Slightly cooler
tonight, 55to6S. High Tues·
TM Ftaturtng fttflott loolcl
at "°"'car. Wh~ i~lf·lm1ic•
·g<u dol_, ore PrOU/rrqttng,
orid how nu.ch U ~. to drive a cor J6i. o ~ 1•1.mJ. P• Cl.. I
School Bible
Use Appealed
lf'deral ap~als court ~·a" told lo
dJy th•t bann1n11 ever)' ve tJK~ ol
n •hl(100 from pubhc achoola l9
ho ... uht> &ow&rd rehtlon. not the
n~utr ah t.J l"f'Q u1red by Lbo U S.
· ·~ queAiao h no Iona• lhe
li.w involwd, but wbetber the
c·i rcum~~ of lhe c AM 1how
t.'1lht•r fa9e1r1tiam or h<*llity,"
~ u 1d attorney William M.
lie rt-presented tbe Oranae
County. i''la .. schools 10 the latest
t!p1sude of the seven year fight
over volunt.ury reading and dis·
Does Trick
-"Welcome home Kevin
Jane Bates. I love you!
Will you marry me?"
That's pretty standard
as proposals go -· except
this one was written in
giant letters on a billboard
posted along 82nd A venue
in northeast Portland.
Miss Bales, 24, saw the
proposal -as did
thousands of other
Portland residents -when
s he returned from a six-
week trip lo Germany.
''lt worked,·· said Dr.
,·Thomas Mille r , 35, a
Beaverton chiropractor.
"S he s aid 'yes' rigbt
a"'!!!Y ·"
E'ro.. Page Al
lll'jima apparently died in ·
s tantly from the selr-inrhcted
Sheryl Marie Stone a freshman
at Fullerton Community College
was a witness to the shooting In-
Sh<.> s:.11d Uej ima <:ame into a
i::round noor classroom carrying
the nne with the handgun insert·
<'d into the waistband ot bis
"I heard a shot and I looked up.
.. He was about five to seven feet
from me and was pointina the
gun ri&ht at my Cace," Miss
Stone said.
"But he kept waving the gun
from one person to another and
now l thmk he kind of d1dn 'l know
who he wanted to shoot."
• '1 fell to the floor under my desk
and watched his rett as t-e walked
away and then I heard lw'l more
shots. 1 guess that's when I saw
him fall and knew 1t was all over ...
she added.
Miss Stone described Uejlma
as rather short, having a shaved
head and wearing "a camounage
jacket and a hat or some kind, l
really can't remember it because
I rett so faint. ..
Court Upholth
SAN FRANCISCO <AP > -The sta~ Court of Appeal bas upheld
granting or a controversial corxh-
tional use permit for building an
outdoor recreation facility on
Diamond A Ranch In southern
Alameda County.
The 2-1 decl.sion Involves plans
to use 1•s acres ot the 2.~acre
ranch near Pleasanton and
Livermore £or 18 tennis courts, 40
ridlng horaes with st•bln. a
youth camp with shelter build·
infl. a health spa with outdoor
springs and 322 guest villu and
addltioaal accommod•lions lor
Al lt.s peak occupancy, It wou ld
house about 1,300 persons, in-
cludln( employa. about 100 dur·
ing the olf season.
ttlbuUon ottbe Bible.
J erome Dorn5te ln, 1tl110 of
Orlando und rcipr~11ent1n1 the
pla.JnUlfa ln the cu:tc, argued that
th• effort to torce rch"lon Into
the county'• 97 pubUc i.chools is a
"conllnuoua brooding pret1ence "
which can be held ba&ck ooly by a
t·learle1a1 ruline.
"I lb1n.k reh1i1on has a unique
place in the public school
&yatem." II.Id Bornstein.
"0uta1de. a.pparcntly," injec:t·
cd Judge Thomas Gibbs Gee of
Aust.m, Tex .. one of 14 5th U.S.
Circuit. Court of Appeals judges
re-hearln~ thta case. Korru.tein nodded.• 'Outside.··
The school board allowed the
dis tribuUon of 48,000 Gideon
Bibles in the cla.s1rooms in 1'70.
After that WH declared un-
const1tullonal. the board set
guidelines where by reli gious
groups may leave materials on
tables at the school and an-
nounce m enta made to the
children that the materials are
Al'WI ....... There were Inspirational read·
angs in the class rooms each
morning, with the student lo
ch005e what he will read -with
the Bible specifically not ex-
Caddy Works Claeap
Six monlhl ago, a three-Judie
panel of the appeals court ruled
2·1, with Gee dissenting, that the
new guidelines also were un-
Gordon Peterson of St. Louis Park, Minn.,
takes along his personal caddy when he
pla~s ~olf. The caddy. a German shepher~
naml'd Clem. is treated to an ice cream
cone at the 19th hole.
Eight families with various re-
ligious afriliations have been
f1ghtmg the school board since
1970. They contend the reading and
distribution or the King James'
Bible and other school board
policies could orrend Jewish.
Catholic and some Protestant
students. The famili~ say the
policies violate constitutional
guara ntees of s eparation of
<:hur<:h and stale and due process
of law.
HB Near-drowning
Viciim ~ecoVering
'Oh, Calcutta'
Okayed in RI
The city's Bureau of Ucenses
bas lssued a permit for an Oct. 9
performance of the musical "Oh,
Calcutta!" after deciding It
wou Id be futile t o appeal a
Superior Court ruling.
A lower court judge said such a
prohibition against the Bible
would permit "government
hostility to religion."
DUcharge Bill
Approval Due
WASlilNGTON (AP> -Presi·
dent Carter reportedly baa ••reed to sip l91UlaUOD that could require a loss of veterans•
benefits for 13,000 Vietnam war-
era veterans wboee discharges
were automatically upgraded un-
der a Carter adminlatratJon pro-
gram ~ced lut spring.
A final venion of the bill wu
approved by the Senate and tbe
Despite some specul•tlon
about a veto. conireaslonal
sources said the White House has
informed the House Veterms Af-
fairs Committee that Carter will
sign it.
The bill would require that the
Pentagon set new standards for
upgrading b•d discharges dating
back lo World Wa r I and then re·
view them case-by-case.
Priest's Gay
Book Rapped
Jesuit priest. the Rev. John N.
McNeill of Boston, author of
"T he Church and the Homosex-
ual," has been ordered silenced
by <'hurch authorities in Rome,
the National Catholic Reporter
lt aays the order came from
Cardinal Franjo Soper, head of
the church's congregation on
do<'trine, directln& Father
McNeill not to speak publicly on
homosexuality or sexual ethics,
calling his position contrary to
Father McNem, who c~Jed
a scheduled 1peecb to a melting ot Dignity. a catholic or1anba-
tion of homosexuals, afterward
eaya he wiU obey the order, but
that his book .. wtll stand oo its own merits.••
A ~Jtnower man who, Hunt-
ington Beach lifeguards allege,
c hased a substantial quantity or
alcoholic beverage with a near-
ratal amount or sea water is
hospitalized but recovermg to-
Phillip Lechuga, 24. ii listed in
s table condition at Pacifica
llosp1tal following his near-
drownlne under lhe Huntington
Beach Pier Sunday afternoon.
He was found noatlng face
down by David Lowe, 17, of 1 Altadena, and then hauled from
the two to four-foot surf .by •
Frem PG99 AJ .
BILLY ••• ·
next year and that be ls a staunch
opponent of the Equal Right.a
That was about as serious as
the president's brother eot dur-
ing hLf press conference in the
Gunslinger Room at KnoU's. .
The rest of the time he waa a
smiling picture of a one-line com·
edian who had a ready quip for
seemingly any question be mi&ht
be asked.
For example, Billy was asked
where be would be if be wereo •t
the Presldent '1 brother.
·'Back In Plains pumping
gas," he replied. .
"Do you have any poJIUcal am·
biUons?" a reporter asked.
"No.·• Billy answered ''I've
run for office five Umea and I've
Iott four Umes. That ought to tell
me something." ·
The President 'a 40-year-old
youneer brother wu asked by
one reporter II he had "any fear
of being kidriaped or aomethine
like that."
"No, I don't." Billy replied.
"And I don't think anyone would
buy me back if I was."
He lamented the fact that
Plalns will never be what it once
was now that It has received so
much attention.
Billy called himself one or the
good ol' boys and cheerfully
acknowledged him1elf H his
mother's favorite son.
"She's proud of Jimmy, but
1he loves me moet," he smiled as
he described bis place in the s un
Man Fatally Shot
POMONA (AP> -A 21-year-
old Los AnceJea man hu been
fatally •bot after arguing with
another man at a party, police
Hid. Anthony Louts Perea was
pronounced dead at Pomona
Valley Hospital Sunday.
Botto1ning Oat
Jruad. DUmp BallOonUI
REDLANDS <AP> -A P•adeba auto uJesman
trapped by wind current.I snaked around palm trees
and -pawer Una to drop hls hQt·air balloon onto t.be
roundatJon of an unfinished hOuse, authoritJes said. About 100 pe<>ple gathered around the vacant l6t •
ln the residential neighborhood of this San
Bernardino County community to watch u Fred Jones. 30, eased his brliht blue and white 1port cralt·
onto the around Suhday. He bad left Perris, about 25 mlltt away. an hour
earlier arid told authorltJes he ha<t "jU'lt let the wtnil carry me.··
··Rml.tnds. l• that where ram?" said Jones. who
w unhurt.
Lifeguard David Seibt, lO·
vestigators said.
Lechuga was apparently try·
ing to body-surr in the churning
seas while wearing a pair of blue
denim jeans that became soaked
and heavy .
"He had also apparently con-
sumed a substantial amount of
an alcoholic beverage, according
to the reports," Lifeguard Capt.
Doug D' Arnall said today.
Lechuga carried no identifica·
lion and was listed as a John Doe
victim at the hospital for hours
until today when he revived and
rurnished his name to officials
No one is certain how the
young man entered the water.
smce lifeguards could locate no
witnesses who saw Lechuga on
the beach before he wu found noat.1na ln tbe sea.
"It's a posalbillty be could
have jumped off tbe pier,·· Capt.
D ·Arnall theorized.
Invutigalors said Lechuga
was given mouth to mouth re·
suacltatlon when Ufeguard Seibt
got him out of the water and re·
sumed breathine on hia own.
Hefner says burglars took his
television set over the weekend.
along with a toilet seal cover, tea
kettle and bathroom noor rugs.
The kitchen aink w aan 't
The board received· a leUer
from Deputy City Solicitor John
Rotondi saying the s late
Supreme Court probably would
s u s tain Judge Ronald R .
Lagueux's decision to give the
musical a permit. Rotondo said
the appeal would be a waste of
Lagueux said that the sexually
explicit musical is not obscene
and ordered the bureau to iss ue a
licen s e for the Oct. 9
Rain 'Kisaes' .
Coastal Area
Most ol. the Orange Coast got a
light sprinkling of r ain this
morning but des pite reports of
isolated heavier squalls, the pre-
cipitation was measured at only
about a hundreth of an inch.
There was enough of lhe wet
stuff to dampen streets in many
communities but despite the
slick pavement, there were no
reports of serious r ain·related
The National Weather Service
reported that scattered showers
were expected to continue today
and part of Tuesday with a 20
per<'ent chance of significant
Our vested
suits set
the style
tor Spring
For the man who
makes It his busi-
ness to IOOk his
belt. A collection of
v•ted aulta tallored
Jn today •a moet
popular looks. New-
and-now clanlca.
Flawless British
cute. European
lnaplred atyl•.
All Whipped up In
llghtwelght wool
.ncS pofyeeter
blend• for crltp,
wrinkle-free wear.
Rich coloratlona and
patt.,.. In plaids,
ltrlpee and aollda.
Tallortd only
c;M ., llUO
r ..... r.,,eAl . ..
TRIAL •• ~-
was "woozy,diuy."
Rubin complained tbat when
Zamora refused to 1ubmlt to a
blood teat, .. the attendant
pluneed • needle into hil arm••
A aource with direct knowledge
of the incident auaceat.ed earlier
that use of the d.ru1 lod to • r e-
enactment ol the June •murder'
of Elinor Haggart in her Miami
.Beach home.
The novel aspect of the cue
drew three dozen newspaper.
m acazine and television re-
porters to the courtroom. Special
television lighta were installed In
Ct!'cuit Judie Paul Baker's tiny
courtroom to allow gavel-to··
eave) lapinlf ol tbe trial.
Rubin has subpoenaed Telly
Savalu, star of the .. Kojak" series, as a witness.
The judge, in an unusual press
briefing before jury selection
bee an. said Florida's one-year
experiment In allowing cameras
in courtrooms would meet a
severe lest In tbe Zamora cue.
which be said could determine
''if we can have an acceptable
marriage between the concepts
of free press and fair trial. It's
going lo make 1t or break it.·•
Several attorneys for the news
media were on hand for consulta-
tion in today's proceedings.
Zamor-. 15, and a 14-year~ld
youth are both charged with first·
degree murder in the death of
83-year-old Elinor Haggart,
found shot to death at her Miami
Beach home. The other youth is
to be tried separately.
"An adolescent predisposed to
emotional inslablllty is very sus-
ceptible to the influence of
television," Rubin has said.
.. Why d o chi ldren love
television? Why do sponsors
spend millions or dollars a month
advertising their products on
television? And finally, wby does
television violence beget actual
violence? ..
Rubin ls tnown for taking
cases that attract attention. He
helped Watergate burglar E.
Howard Hunt gain parole and
once filed a suit of his own to
challenge Miami's homosexual
rights ordinance.
The prosecution tried to
restrict Zamora ·s defense by
arguing that lhe only issue was
whether he could dlstin1uish
righttrom wrong.
l{ubin sald Zamora was addict·
ed to violent crime shows such as
"Kojak," "Police Woman" and a
film about mass murderer
Charles Manson.
"His explanaUon of the crime
was exactly what I had seen on a
'Kojak' episode a year earlier;·
Rubin said.
Savalas, who was se!'ftd with
a defense subpoena while on a
visit here, said he ls opposed to
violence on television, and con-
tended there was never any such
Kojak episode.
It was unclear whether the de-
fense would oiler a tape of the
show in question.
Judge H. Paul Baker bas said
Savalas must appear Oct. 5 to de-
termine whether his testimony
would be relevant.
Fll"8t~pe -SAN DIEGO <AP> -A man
racing a 10-year prison sentence
has apparently gotten around the
tighl security system of the
federal Metropolltan Correc-
tional Center in what is believed
to be the first escape from inside
lhe prison.
Orange Coast
£lo lag
toe ks
A1nel Will Push Construction, Suit
By MICHAEL PASKEVICll °' ... o.<l• ..... tut!
Allhoush a Cost• Men
homeo"'oers association woo the
f1 rst round I ast .,., l'ek Ill th dforl
to blOl'k a S3o m1lhon apartment
<'om plex, the pro1ec\ s d e
velooers say they are going
aheud v.1th t'onstructl(m Jnd v.111
pursue u S2 5 malhon d.imJge ~u1t
ag a1nst the homl'o"' nt>rl>
Law yen for the Arnel
Development Company failed in
OranAe Coun~y Superior Court
to l:t't an injunction prevenbnJt
the home<>wnt:rll from t•1rculutm1e
1w11t1on!> again!>\ the propo~ed
The dettS1on by Judge Ph1hp
E Schwab allows members of
the North Costu Mesa
Homeowners Assoc1uhon to con
llnue gathering signalurea on the
pet 1t1ons, "'bi ch seek placement
Pilot Introduces
New Page Styles
To Our Readers ·
A number of innovations. some of them minor s ome of them
substantive, are finding their way into the Daily Pilot. They're all
designed to make your hometown newspaper easier to read and
give it broader range in covering today's topi<:s .
New page headings will make stories easier Cor you to find
a nd today murks the beginning of a new section called "f'eatur·
ing . "It will replace and broaden the People pages .
Like other pages, the section has a new look, but in 1l you'll
find all the good things in People stones about t~e way people
live. mtervicv.s with personalities. club news, stones of interest
to women. food coverage and columnists Ann Landers and Erma
And now you ·11 also find a greater em phas is on consumer
news. clothing, health, home decor and architecture and cduca
t1on With the bl•g1nnmg of a new television season, the Dally Pilot
now offers each cvcmng the most comprehensive. most up.to·
date and cas1e!.t to read TV log a\'ailahle. With the new log comes
additiona I rl'\ 1cv. s, stories and com m cnta ry on current
More cd1tonal page emphasis has followed a redesigning of
that pag~ Similar typographical displays wi.11 follow ·al.I aimed
at helping you find and identify stones and comments of interest
to you.
Thcy'r<' not chan~cs for rhange's sake but changes for you.
We hope you like them Thomas Keevil. Editor
Eseape Foiled
Suspicww Bailiff Alert
A sharp-eyed bailirr at the
nearby county courthouse pre-
vented what Orange County Jail
officers de11crtbed as a planned
escape attempt today by a group
of prisoners.
Jail officers s aid the bailiff
looked through a courthouse wm·
dow and saw a group of prisoners
who were taking a recreation
break behaving suspiciously
near a security fence on the
northwest corner of the roof.
They said investigation re·
vealed that two prisoners had
penetrated the security fence and
were about lo seek an exit from
th~ roof when they were erabbed
by deputies.
Officers said they took the two
men to a special holding cell for
questioning and cleared the roof
before beginning a head count
They refused to identify the two
men pending further investiga-
tion "
"We're pretty sure that no one
got away." a senior officer said.
··But we're taking the head count
just in case."
He said he was unable to ex-
plain how the pr\soners managed
to breach the security fence.
"We're looking into \.hat question
right new.'· he said.
School Bible Ban
Called 'Hostility'
federal appeals court was told to·
duy that banning every vestige of
religion from public schools 1s
hostility toward religion, not the
neutrality req\.llred by the U.S.
C onstitullon.
"The question is no longer the
law involved. put whether the
circ\lrnst.ances of the case show
either favoritism or hostility,''
said attorney Willia m M .
He represented the Orange
County. Fla .. schools an the latest
Voa t
It will be mostly cloudy
through Tuesday. with a 20
percent chance or pre·
cipltaUon. Slightly cooler
tonight. 55 to 85. High Tues-
duy 68.
The F'toturing uctiolt loob
at 11our car. whu eel{ ·•.rvice
gcu atatlon.' Gr, pro~f1r<it~.
and how mU(h U col(1 to drlVf
a car Joro 1Jfar r•l.f39 J. Pot/~
episode of the seven.year fight
over voluntary reading and dis·
tribution of the Bible.
Jerome Bornstein , also of
Orlando and representln,g the
plaintiffs in the case. ar gued that
the effort to force religion into
the county's 97 public schools is a
"continuous brooding presence··
which can be held back only by a
clear legal ruling.
"I think religion has a unique
place In the public school
system." said Bornstein.
·'Outside, apparently.·· inject·
ed Judge Thomas Gibbs Gee of
Austin, Tex., one or 14 5th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals judges
re-bearing this case.
Bornstein nodded. ·'Outside.··
The school board allowed the
distribution of 48.000 Gideon
Bibles in the classrooms In 1970.
After that was declared un-
<See BIBLE, P ge AZ)
Rain, 'Kia1e1'
Coaatal Area
of an lnillnt1ve on the March 8
The lrutlative would iet Costa
Mesa voters decide if the 46 acres
being devoted to apartment con-
struction by Amel should be re-
zoned to limit construction to
slnele-family homes.
Despite the setback, Amel of-
ficials say the battle is f ar from
"We are continuing to pursue
our lawsuit for damages and
other rellef and we are also con-
sidering all legal alternatives,"
said Arnel partne r George
Ar gyros.
The damage s uit contends the
petitions contain "errors, inac-
c uracies and m isrepresenta-
·•we also feel the initiative or·
dinance is illegal, unconstitu-
tiona I and exclusionary."
Areyros said Friday. "The
homeowners are trying to pre·
vent people less fortunate than
them.selves from Jiving in the
Association members ar1ue
that the construction of S39 apart·
ment units and 126 s ingle-family
homes on 46 acres bounded by
South Coast Plaza, Bear Street
and the San Diego Freeway wlll
destroy the neiehborhood.
T hey beean thelr initiative
drive aft.er the city council ap-
proved Arne l's development
Associat\on spokesman Don
Bull said the drive is only a few
signatures short of the 3,600
needed to place the initiative on
the ballot.
·'We have every intention of
beginning construction as soon
tSee ARNEL, Pace A?)
Gun-toting Fullerton
Student Hurts 2, Dies
Rifle Jam
Oft• Dally Ptlet St~ll
/\ 27·ycar·old student carrying
a rine and handgun walked into
a Fullerton Community College
classroom today and wounded
an instructor's aide before kill·
ini! himself.
Police said the .22-caliber rifle
jammed after the•gunman. iden-
tified as Gcrah;I Harunobii Ue-
11 ma, of 2767 Ball Road.
Anaheim, fired a s ingle bullet.
Before his journey to the cam-
pus a nd ultimately his own
death. Uejim a reportedly was
embroiled In an argument with a
neighbor In his ap11rtment com-
Police believe he fired a single
bullet that struck Stephen White. 67. in the chest before he headed
towards the college campus.
The neighbor was being treated
for tus wound at Garden Park
Hospital In Anaheim His condi·
lion was satis factory.
The jamming of Uejima's rifle
m ay have spared the junior col-
1 cg e campu s in d owntown
Fullerton from becoming the
scene of a massacr e similar to one
at a college campus four miles
distant in July, 1976, pol ice said .
In that July 7. 1976, shooting at
Cal State Fullerton. seven peo-
ple were killed and two persons
were seriously injured.
Last month, a j ury convicted
Edward Charles Allaway, a
custodian at the university, of
the murders.
Today's shooting occurred
shortly after 8 a.m. when Ue-
Jlrn a drove his car to a door
leading to a classroom and lefllhe
engine running
After entering the classroom
he reportedly mumbled some
words before firing a s ingle shot
from the rifle. The bullet slruck
an instruct or 's aide. T err i
Harris. 36, in the hip.
Witnesses told police Cejima
apparently became frustrated
when the rifle jammed, threw it
t.o the floor and then fired a
ISeeST UDENT, Page A2 l
Pre,.ldent's Brother Steals the Show as Grand Mars;._h_a_l_l_n_P_a_r_a_d_e _____ _
Billy Carter a 'Hit'
At Knott's Slww
On a day that featured a
human cannonball, marathon
dancers and parachute jumpers.
it was Billy Carter who stole the
show at Knott 's Berry Farm Sun-
Well tanned and wearing a
leis ure suit. the best known
s ervice station operator in
Plains. Ga .. smiled through an
arternoon JO which he·
Regaled the press with a
:-cries or ooe-hne quip answers to
Judged u beauty contest that
featured bathing suits o( \he 20s
and ladies bearing suet\ unlikely
names as Miss Deed. Miss Cue.
and Miss Nomer .
-Served as grand m arshal in a
parade distinguished by the
autograph seekers who broke
ranks lo get Billy's signature on
everything from hamburger
wrappers to paper napkins.
--shared the stage with JoAnn
Worley in an impromptu ap-
pearance that both seemed lo en-
Billy was reluctant lo say bow
much he was being paid fOl' his
appearance at the farm. He pre·
ferred to term the a{J'lount "no
one's damn business.. as h e
smiled bis way through a press
Ruled off base during the 30·
m lnute session with the press
were political questions. But Bil·
ly let it be known he ·u be working
for Alabama Governor George w allace in his bid for the Senate
next year and that he is a staunch
<Set> BILLY, Page i\2)
CM Police
Searching for
Auto Driver
Costa Mesa police continued a
search today for the driver of a
car which smashed into a utility
pole early Saturday mornin&,
killing a 2S-year-old passenger.
Jam es Bi es or 2310
Westminster St., Costa Mesa.
died of injuries he received when
the westbound auto s truck a pole
betw~n Fullerton Avenue and
Newport Boulevard at 1:45 a.m ..
police said.
The driver of the auto ned the
scene and police investigators re-
main uncertain if the driver was
the car 's register ed owner .
Police are expected to release
the name of · the suspect being
sought for felony hit and run
sometime today, accordine to Lt.
John Reaan.
Bies was transferred by Co.sta
Mesa paramedics to Hoai
Me morial Hospital tn Newport
Beach here he was pronounced
dead on arrival.
A ChrlsUan t;urial mass will ~
offered TU«ilday at 8 p.m. at St.
Joachim Catholic Church in
Cotta Mesa with interment to
follow at HarbOr Lawn Memorial
He ls s urvtved by his widow, Dol'Otby BleS Of Orqon; parent.$,
Mr. and '1{rs. James Bies of
Costa Me.a; a dauihter; si$ters,
LeeAnn Pfott and Sue Jarus,
both of Costa Mesa; and two
J{randfathera, Frank Jobnlon ot
Fountain Valley and Bemarcl
mes of North Dakota.
TY Craze
MIAMI tAP> A b.)tpoot.lo
drua w~ ttrC'Uy edm1ntater«I
to tttn •&• murder d.t•nd•nt
Rnnald Z..mora durlna 1 nlaht·
t1mt fiait to hlJ )all cell by • d .
ft>ntw psyctuauut, the de t nati
tum aaid today •• Zarnora'ai
trual betian.
· Sodium amytal waa ad
miruaterfd lo Ronny Zamora."
ddense attorney Elll• Rubin,
who contends that the boy wu
driven to madness by watching
television violenc•. aald ln pre·
trial proceedln11 lo the
Rubin de.cnbed the subltance
JS a "drug hypnotic" and said
Zamora •·rnade certain state·
menLS "
A pharmacist aaid sodium
amytal Wa!> a commonly used
prescription s leepane drug but
not a so-called truth seruJl.
llowcver. she said 1t might be
used with hypnosis to have a
similar effect.
The drug Incident, which
Rubin said occurred Thursday
night at Uadc County Pretnal
Detention Center, led to an
acrimonious exchan1e between
lawyers. Rubin said that after
he, psychiatcist Michael Gilbert
and Rubin's wife, who acts as a
secretary, let't the jail, Zamora
was •'woozy, dltzy. • ·
Rubin complained that when
Zamor~ refused to submit to a
blood tes t . "the attendant
plunged a needle into his arm"
A source with direct knowledge
or the incident sunested earlier
that use or the drue led to a re·
enactment of the June 4 murder
of Elinor Haggart in her Miami
Beach home.
The novel aspect of the case
drew three dozen newspaper,
magazine and television re·
porters to the courtroom. Special
television Ughts were installed in
Circuit Judge Paul Baker's Uny
courtroom to allow gavel-to·
gavel taping of the trial.
Rubin has subpoenaed Telly
Savalas, star of the "Kojak"
series. as a witness.
The judge, in an unusual press
briefing before jury selection
began, said Florida's one· year
experiment In allowln1 cameras
in courtrooms would meet a
• severe test in the Zamora case,
which he said could determine
"if we can have an acceptable
marriage between the concepts
of free press and fair trial. It's
going to '!lake it or break it."
Several attorneys for the news
media were on hand for consulta·
IHm in today's proceedings.
Zamora. 15. and a 14·year-01a
youth are both charged with first·
dcgrC'e murder in the death or
f!J ·yl'ar-old Elinor Hauart.
found shot to death at her Miami
Beach home. The other youth is
to be tried separately.
3 New Ju_dges
For County
Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.
signed a bill today adding three
Superior Court judges in Orange Coun{y,
The bill, AB 988. was sponsored
by Assemblyman Richard
Robinson <D·Santa Ana> and also ~dded a judge 1n Alameda County.
Brown approved five addl·
tional new judicial posts in
Fresno, Sacramento and San
Diego County, but tumed down 45
other proposed Judgeships, In·
eluding 34 in Los Angeles.
He ciled the need for
streamlining and reform before
courts are expanded as his
reason for the vetoes.
Sulelde Vletim
OC's Families
Get Counseling
Car Flips; ltlesan Hurt
Orangt> <.:ount~ Cin•ml•n work to right car
dri\·en b\' :\nthom· .\l\'arez of Costa Mt.'sa
aft<.'r it ;,ent on ·its :-.ick about 8 o'clock
thb morning m•<J r Sant<J Ana An:n11t• and
Pegasus Stret>t in Santa Ana llr 1ghts.
Alvarez. of 2625 Sant a Ana Ave .. suffered
hits in the ('rash. but firemen said ht·
"asn't hos pit<il1Z<.'d .
Costa Mesa Department of
Leisure Services, Downtown
Community Center, 594 Center
OCC LECTURE -· "Invest·
ment Program to Beal Inna.
tion," Fine Arts 119, 7:30 p.m.
BOARD --Regular meeting,
Costa Mesa city council cham·
bers, 7:30 p.m.
MEETING -· Orange County
Department of Social Services
and Senior Citizens Proar am
public meeting on 1978·79 social
services plans. Costa Mesa city
council chambers 9 a .m .
HEADLINES" --Dr. Giles T.
Brown lecturer, OCC Forum, 7:30p.m.
-· "Turning Creative Skill.a Into
a Career ," Unltarla.n Church
auditorium, 1259 Victoria. 7:30
p.m . "Magic or Microwave Cook·
Ing," Estancia High School,
Room323, 7:30p.m
f'ro91 Pa~ A J
constitutional, the board set
guidelines whereby religious
groups may leave materials on
la bles at the school and an
nounce ments mad e to the
children that the materials arf'
a\ ailable.
There were inspirational read-
ings in the classrooms each
morning, with the student to
choose what he will read -with
the Bible spec1f1cally not ex
Sax months ago, a three-Judge
panel of the appeals court ruled
2-1, with Gee dissenting, that the
new guidelines also were un.
Car Crash Victim
Still Unidentified
Orange County coroner's dep-
uties compared dental records
today in an ef(ort to identify the
burned body of a driver who was
fatally injured with two other
people Fridav ln a head-on crash
Mrs Hope Shutts
Hope Sh~tts,
Former Pilot
Employe, Dies
Mrs . Hope Shutts. a longtime
Cos ta Mesa resident and
employe of the Daily Pilot, died
Saturday at Long Beach
M emorlal Hospital where she
had been undergoing treatmenl
for cancer She was 73.
At her reques t . no funeral
services will be held
o n Laguna Canyon Road in
Already identified among the
dead were Bette Eyan, 47, of
Corona, and Verna Henshaw, <11,
or Riverside, who drove the car
in whJch both women rode.
Two other passengers In the
Henshaw car were injured
Mary Wiswell. 36, of Norco, re·
mained in guarded condition to·
day In the Intensive care ward of
Mission Community Hospital in
Mission Viejo.
Etlzabeth Gardner. 23. of
Corona, was released Saturday
from Saddleback Valley Com-
munity Hospital after treatment
for her injuries
Irvine police said the accident
occurred as the unidentified
driver of a Corvette sports car
passed another car on the twist.
m1 canyon road.
The Corvette smashed into the
Henshaw car, burst into names,
plunaed down a roadside em-
bankment and exploded, police
said, trapping the driver inside.
The man was alone in the car.
Police Sgt. Robert Lennert
said today the man appeared to
have been in his middle 40!. He
said a tentative identification has
been made.
Suit Filed
SAN DIEGO !AP> -·Wild En·
thusiastlc Environmentalists
CWEE> filed an $80-billion law.
s uit In federal court claiming In·
formation has been withheld
about a device that could save
drivers money and reduce
energy consumption and pollu·
About 100 Orange County
families have beeo served by a
two-year-old county aovemment
pro1ram to Ptovid• counseling to
friebds and famllies of suicide
A report to county supervisors
said the survivors of suicide vic·
Urns often are not reached
throu1b cmvenUonal coUNellng
programs, yet rarely seek pro·
f essional help on tbeJr own.
Alien Arrests
Surpass! 97 6,
Patrol Says
U.S. Border Patrol agent!> have
picked up more ille1al aliens ln
Southern C&llfornia this year
than in all of 1976.
More than 281,000 aliens have
been apprehended so far this
year, with another 680 pulled
~rom cars at the San Onofre
border <'hc<'k this past weekend.
San Onofre agent-an-charge Al
Janicki said agents picked up
271,000 illegal aliens last year in
the Chula Vista sector.
That area runs from the
Pacific Oi:ean halrway to El Cen·
tro. and from the border north to
San Luis Obispo.
Janicki called Sunday's ap.
preheruion of more than 400 ii·
legals "a normal Sunday round· up."
'0"' Calcutta'
Okayed in RI
The city's Bureau or Licenses
has issued a permit for an Oct. 9
performance of the musical "Oh.
Calcutta!" after deciding it
would be futile to appeal a
Superior Court rulina.
The board received a letter
from Deputy City Solicitor John
Rotondi saylna the stale
Supreme Court probably would
s u stain Judge Ronald R .
Lagueux 's decision to aive the
musical a permit. Rotondo said
the appe.al would be a waate of
Lagueux said that the sexually
explicit musical is not obscene
and ordered the bureau to lt>sue a
license for the Oct. 9
Fro. Page Al
as we pick up our building
permits (from the city),'·
Argyros said. "We will go ahead
the way we originally planned.•·
There Is the possibility that
Amel could have the develop·
ment well under way before
voters could go to the polls in
March, Argyros said.
Eight families with various re·
ligious affiliations have been
fighting the school board since
They contend the reading and
distribution of the King James·
Bible and other school board
policies could offend J ewish,
Catholic and some Protestant
Mrs. Shutts Joined the Daily
Pilot in 1960 as executive
!.ecretary to former Assistant
Publisher N. Paul Nissen.
After his r etirement, Mr5
Shutt.a served as secretary to
classified and national adverlls·
ing manager Carl Carstensen Wl·
til she retired ln 1973.
She then moved from her res·
idence at 3S2 Victoria St .• Costa
Mesa, to Long Beach.
Our vested
suits set
the style
for Spring
sin1le s hot from a hand1un
:>erore placin1 that 1un to hll
temple and pullln1 the trt11er.
Miu Harris was taken to St.
Jude Hoepital for treatment ot
her Injury. She wu report.ct 1n
UeJima apparently di~ lr1·
1tanUy from the eelr.tnntcted
wound. .
Bftndit Hits
Mesa Station
A bandit 'toot $40 at 1unPo'lnt
Sund•Y eventnf from the'
)t(?oaomy S.11 Ser.le• ICarkei,
ao!l N~ Blvd .• Colta'M•a, poUce repcii1td today.
After ~Uni the WllpoD tt a
atore employe, th1 bandit
acooped up U.. cub and lift U..
.Wt on foot at about ':IO p.m., poUctaald. '
TM robbil' wM dttcrlbid u a
white male Mtwffft as l.nd JO
yean old, wtlh collar·ltnit,h dartr
hair arMI a dark compltxiOn. ff•
Wal =--· I blue tap and • pink• at U.e Um• ol tM robbery, euaid.
MrR. Shults is survived by her
nephew Norman Price of Van
Nuys. Her closest friends, Jamea
and Jona Aust, are handUna her
burial throuah the Sunny Slde
Mortuary ln Lona Beach.
l'rem l'"fle A J
mLLY. • •
opponent of the Equal JU1hta
That •u about at aetloul u
tb• president'• brother Sot d1.1r-
lnt b1I Prat conference ln ~
Gun1Un1er Room at Knott'•·
The rett of the time he wu a
1mllln1 Picture ot a one· lint com·
• edlu who had a r11dy quip for
1eemtnaly any qu .. tJo1' be mt1J\t
For uampl•t Billy waa uked
-.vbere b4t woula be \f bt weren't
th• Prtlldent'• brother. "Baek tn Plaint pumpln1
... , ti M rtplJed. I
"Do you have any Polldeal lm•
bltlom?" 1 reporterulled.
"No,'' Billy answered "I've run fOJ' Ottlc• ft.a tlm• and l'v•
Jo.t IOUI dllMI. TllM ou1tat to t.U me~.··
Th• Pr.,ldent'1 fO·)'tat-oJd
youncer brother wa1 uked by oae~lfhehff''Aa1fnr
Of blilAl ldda•Pld or eonMWna Ukt ttaat.; "
For the man who
makes It his busl-
neaa to look hi•
beat. A colleotlon of
vetted 1ult1 tallored
In today'• moat
popular Jookl. New-
and-now cluelca.
Flawl., Brltl1h
cutt. European
ln1plred 1fyl11.
All whipped up In
llghtwelght wool
and poly11ter
bl1nd1 for orlep •
wrlnkl•free w•r.
Rich ooloratlona and
pattern• In ptalda,
1trlpe1 and eollda.
Ttll~onty "'°'~·eoo· can
M 111,00
• ''l'he feelings of isolation, guilt
and self-blame that \.be survivC)rs
experience are known to con·
tribute to later emotional pro-
blema." county mental health ex·
The county proaram, Ojlerated
wtth the beJp or $28,000 a year in
1tate fund.I. off era the urvices of
a mental health social wor,er
and proteaional coun.atlon to
help them overcome their &fief.
Timothy Mullln.s. county men-
tal health adminlstrator, sald the
famllles of suicide vicUma are
contacted withln 72 hours after
the death occurs.
Those wishing help may obtain
family or individual therapy
sessions, either at their Off'n
homes or in county mental health
County workers later recontact
the families and close friends
after one, six and 12 months, the
report said.
So far, families and friends of
100 victims hav~ requqted help,
and about three cases are being
added each month.
In addition, a pro1ram to help
middle-aged widows a nd
widowers establish new lives
after the death of their mates
was slarted last Marc~.
As another part of the pro-
er am, county mental health
counselors developed a seminar
for physicians and social
workers to help them counsel
survivors of suicide victims.
The county report noted there
were 239 suicides in Orange
County during 1976, moat of them
occurring in the victim's own
Rams' Haden
To Call Plays
At CM Signup
Los Angeles Ram s
quarterback Pat Haden will be
starting Tuesday night at 7 p.m.
at South Coast Plaza to kick off
registration for the Costa Mesa
Flag Football League for boys
and girls in grades three through
Haden will be on band for pie·
lures and autographs and will
speak on the vi rtues of
participating in oreaniJed
League practice for this fall's
season is already under way, but
signups will be taken through
Oct. 14 at six Costa Mesa practice
sites from 3 to 5 p.rn. Monday
through Jt'rlday. ,
Teams are being organized at
Adams. Killybrooke, Lindbergh,
College Park, Sonora and Bear
Street Schools.
Fee is $.5 per child and includes
a uniform T -shirt and a trip to the
UCLA-UC Berkeley game Oct.
22. For more information call
On Both Sides of AtJentlc, Linet Form for Bargain Tranaatlentlc Hops
No Seat Shortage
Line Greets Skytrain
By Th<' Associated Pres&
Customers on both sides of the
Atlantic Ocean lined up early to-
day for the fir:,t Laker Skytrain.s,
but there was no immediate
:,hortago of seats 1:1board the no·
fr alb, transallantic flights.
There were London to New
York and New York to London
rlighlh planned. Each flight can
carry 345 pai-.sl'ngcn .
There \\ere 208 persons waiung
when llckl-ts went al sale at
Gat\\ick Airport. south of Lon
don, 11 1 ~hours before departure
Thelin<.' was clearc<f within three
hours and passengers arriving
later got their tickets within
One hundred and seventy J'.>4'0·
pie wl·rc \\ a1t1nl! "hen ticket!'\
went on sal<• at Lriker's ticket r,(.
fi ce in Queen:.. Al mi<lmornang,
the firm reported that 220 tickets
had been sold 11nd 125 still re
m aint-d for ton1 J,!ht ':-> fli~ht .
Ji'rccldil· LakH, who cam-
paign~ six yeRrs for the cheap
flights and who will be aboard
the first flight from London to
New York. personally collected
the first fare of 59 pounds ($103J
from Ann Campbell, a 23-year·
old fashion buyer for a store in
London's West End. She and Jen·
ny Turton. 25, another buyer
from the store, had been waiting
since Friday night.
"It has been worth the wait,··
Miss Campbell sauJ ··1 would do
it again 1f it Wl're something as
historic as this."
The first ticket sold in New
York went to Nick Rater, 18, or
Berkcl<!y 11<! got a certificate
signed by Laker alonJ: w1th his
ticket, then said he planned to go
to an uncle's house an Manhattan
to try to get some sleep before the
Laker said at Gatwkk that he
''a:. not disappointed by the
pros pect of empty seals.
"On the contrnry. I'm delight·
ed." he said. ''Today Is an un·
Stalion Man
Caught Slwrt
A lone robber who made cer-
tain of his getaway by forcing a
gas statlon attendant to remove
his pants and underwear escaped
with S862 Sunday from the
Treasury ~as station at 7015
Beach Boulevard in Buena Park,
police said.
The robber claimed to have a
gun stashed in a paper bag, and
after fillin~ the bag with cash,
told his victim to stay Inside the
To make certain. the robber
forced t.he attendant to strip and
deposited the attendant's clothes
outside the station.
The clothing was returned by
POiice officers answering the at·
tendant's call for help, palice
repeatable day and IC the uirporl
were flooded with queues. 1 think
the public could have been mis-
led into thinking Skytrain would
always be like that
·'I think there will be empty
seals on every Skytrain. Our
service is lo carry people, not lo
leave them behind."
Then• will be daily Skytrain
fltghls with tickets sold on a first-
cornc, first-served basis on the
day of the flight. The round-trip
fare is S236. It must be paid in
cash and there are no movies.
meals or beverages. Several
other airlines are oHering a
Mmilar stand-by fare with a few
more frills at $256 round tnp_
Haile Selassie Kin
Escape to America
NEW YORK <AP) -Penniless
but thankful . six great·
~randchildrl'n of the l<.1t e Ethio·
p1an Emperor Haile Selassie
have reached America after a
secret escape that took them
through five nations.
Their arrival Saturday night
ended an undercover journey
across Europe and the Atlantic
that had its roots in the political
turmoil that followed the over
throw of the Selassie reign.
Their good fortune was bit·
Their father. Dejazemach
Fere Marian, is imprisoned in
Ethiopia, his fate uncertain, and
their m other, Prln<!ess Ed·
Jhighayao Asfawossen. died in
Jail last January after two years
of incarceration
"We cannot reel as relieved as
we would like." said 19· year-old
Rachel in a family interview with
The Associat<!d Press. "Our
mother is dead, our father's life
is in peril. There is nQt much
Their mother's last wish was to
see the family free of Ethiopia's
Marx.isl military government
which dismantled the naUon 's
monarchy in 1974. The princess is
the granddaughter or the em-
peror. who traced his ancestry to
th~ biblical King David.
Family friends helped arrange
the escape last July or the three
girls and three boys, who range
in age from 13 to 2 t. The children
were hidden in Sweden, West
Germany and England hy an wi-
derground network of friends and
relatives while details for their
arrival here Saturday night were
worked out with U .S Embassy
They were met at Kennedy
Ai rport by comedian Joey
Adams and his wife, Cindy, who
were close friends of the princess
and visited her in Addis Ababa In
1970 a.s guests of the royal family.
After an overnight stay in New
York, a relative whisked the
children to an undisclosed loca-
tion in Virginia for safe-keepin~.
"They were haunted by fear In
Ethiopia," said the relative who
asked no~ to be Identified. "They
have suffered more misery than
mos t peo ple endure in c.
life time "
Mrs Adams s aid · "The
children have no food or clothes .
Look at them. they are still in'-
shock from the events in their
hOmeland. We are trying to raise
money to help them start a new
Mrs. Adams said s he decided
to make public the children's
plight only after she was con·
vinced of their safety. The lanky,
Afro-haired youngs ters greeted
her as an old friend.
Strikingly beautiful, the girls
are named Esther, 17, Meheret.
18, and Rachel. 19. and the boys
I s aac. 13 , Bcllere. 15, and
Samson, 21
Liquor From
Mexico Now
Will Be Legal
bottle or Mexican liquor won't
have to be handed over lo the
border guard or dumped on a Ti-
J U ana street under a new
California law that goes into ef-
fect next year.
Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. 's of-
fi ce saJd today Brown had signed
SB 1110 by Sen. Dennis Carpenter
<R-Newport Be»ch>, allowing
Californians re-entering lhe state
by car or on foot to bring one bot·
tie of alcoholic beverages per
m onth.
rrs already legal to bring fJ
bottle m on a bus or airplane.
California, alone among the
stales. has prohibited its res1·
dents from drivmg or walking
north across the border with a
Federal law allows one bottle
or liquor to be brought in duty·
free. The new state law will bring
California into conformance with
the federal statute
Bandit Robs
Viejo Station
A man who threatened the
lone attendant with a hatchet
took an estimated S2:iO in cesl\
from a Mission Viejo service
station Sunday.
Oranae County sheriff's
offlcert said \he robbery oc-
curred at Kim Swan Texaco,
28881 Marauerlte Parkway,
where attendant Vincent Steve
Booth was robbed by a man
wavlnl what appeared to be 1
rooflnj hatchet.
Booth Hld hla aasaUant forced
him to open the office sate aad
then drove ott at hlt b apeed with
the content.. OHlcers said &otb
wu unharmed.
Date Corrected
The dat.o ol ' c\u1 at Orange Cout Colleae rot senior clUtent
waa i.ncort' t ln the t>1Uy Pilot
Sat~. The clua will rn.-on
Wednesday nilhta bealnntni Oct.
6, ~ 'rueld~)' nlabti .. pthMd.
Bullruslws May 'Clean' Water
Of, .. Delly l"llee l\a"
ll 's Moult.on and the Bullrushes
tn Laguna Niguel where
operators of the Moulton Nicuel
Water Diatrict are u1ln1 tbe
biblical reeds to reclaim lrrl1a-
t1on water from sewage.
The water dJstrtct recently re-
ceived a $65,000 federal arant to
continue "Operation Bullruab''
out of its five-acre wastewater
treatment plant ln Laguna
The e xperiment seeks to de-
velop a form ofwastewatertreat-
ment using only natural pro-
ceHes -with power generated
by sunshine.
The primary Ingredient for the
experiment are the tall, green
bullruahes found tn northern
Callfornla. And reeds, whlch
thrive along the Mexican-
Callfornla border .
Glenn Prentice, chief of opera-
tionB for the water district, and
John Taylor, the was tewater
plant operator, claim the reeds
and bullrus hes consume raw
8ewage, leaving behind &ood old
irrigation water.
At least they hope that's what
is happerung.
"Those reeds are growing like
crazy, so they must be eating
something," Taylor said, point-
ing to several large trenches
filled with the water-loving
"They're not supposed to do
very well in this part of
California," Taylor said, "but
just look at those th Ines."
And, sure enough, the reeds,
thick as pencils, reach up about
six feet from their gravel
The water district set up the
experiment last year in conjunc-
tion with the Biological Water
Purification Company of
The 21-month Environmental
Protection Agency grant will al-
low the district to add more reed
and bullrush trenches and hire
· two more employes to oversee
the project.
Taylor and Prentice have set
up a 60 foot long fi lter trench, lay-
ing two and a half feet or gravel
on the bottom. The 12-foot wide
Disabled Kids'
P arents to Meet
Help for Brain Injured
Children, Inc., will hold a meet-
ing for interested parents at 7
p.m . Tuesday at ill head-
quarters, 981 N. Euclid Ave., La
The meeUng will cover re-
h a billtalion programs for dis-
abled children. For further In-
formation call <213 > 694·565.5.
Ditty,. ............
John Taylor (left) and Gle nn Prentice are Optlmlttlc
trench also has three inches of
high grade silicate sand atop the
gravel, and tall reeds were plant-
ed in the sand/gravel mixture.
Raw sewage is splashed into
the reed trench, spreading out
over the sand. The waler
percolates through the gravel
layer and into a drainage pipe
burled below through slits in the
''The sludge stays on top, is
dried by the sun, and consumed
by the reeds, we hope," Prentice
So what starts out as raw
sewage with 275 parts per million
of suspended solid!, comes out of
the filter trench, with only 40 to
50 parts per million, which is
nice, but not good enough for ir-
rigation purposes.
That semi-processed wat.er is
pumped to a trench, comprised
of phosphate and nitrate-eating
When the bullrushes finish
pulling goodies from the water,
the remainin.c wastewater is
comprtsed of only 15 to 20 parts
per million of suspended solids --
good enough to pass state stan-
dards, district oCficials hope.
To date, water district oUicials
are treating 20,000 gallons of raw
sewage a day. But they're pump-
ing the finished product back into
the sewer line.
"We can't use it until we get
approval from the California
Wate r Resources Control
Board," Prentice said .
That approval will come after
much more experimentation and
testipg. district orflclals predict.
Meanwhlle, the district is
reclaiming 500,000 gallons of raw
sewage per day by more conven-
tional methods, usb1g pumps. -
machines and olb~r man-made
But someday they hope it will
be just the sunshine and the
bullrushes providing water for
the Mission Viejo Golf Course
greens just across the freeway
Crom the dlstrlct 's experimental
wastewater treatment plant.
Knife Charge Answered
Arraignment Is being
scheduled today ln West Orange
County Municipal Court for a
man accused of picking up two
hitchhiklng women ln the El Toro
area and threatening them with a
Orange Count)' Sheriff's of·
ficers jailed William Edward
Gerald. 25, of Bell, CaUr. Satur-
day night after the two women,
23 and 24, assertedly escaped
from his car in the Westminster
area and sought refuge in a
nearby church.
Officers said the women told
them Gerald gave them a Un
near the El Toro Road offramp or
the San Diego F reew•Y b ut
pulled a knife and threatened
them lmmedlately lifter they en-
tered his vehicle.
They said the victims told
them that Gerald jabbed them
with his knife, warned them not
to struggle and told them: "You
are 1oing to be my passports into
Officers said Gerald later
turned his car north on the
freeway without offering an ex-
pl anatlon and was driving
through the Westminster area
when one of the two women
grabbed his knife.
Her companion saJd she seized
the car keys during the resulting
struggle and both women then
ran from the car to seek help in a
nearby church.
Westmlnster pollee responded
to the call and halted Gerald's
car a few blocks from the point
where the two women escaped.
They said the women were un-
harmed and were allowed to re-
turn to thelr home 1n Vista, Calif.
after treatment for shock.
Gerald was booked Into the
county jail on two counts of kid-
naplng and two counts of assault
with a deadly weapon.
the alligator ...
fbr~rs his favorite shirt,
ma<:k. in f°1TYZ-all cotton witn 1~ t.ail&.eolld. co1ora of"Nd,
w lii"te;navy, lt. blwz., ~usta,
me1on,bu;1:$urdy, y d1ow, dartmoutn,and brown .
by ~
,.. DAILY PILOT Monday, September 20, 1177 WEATHER I NATION I WORLD
By Pope
Cease-fire Seen? Panama
Reports Di// er in Lebanon Truce Treaty
\I' AT I CAN CITY I A I') -1'05'0
'Paul VI C"f"lebrutcd hl!i 90lh b.lrth·
d t)' toda). and aaMt the end ot tu1
Ur«!' I IJ•proachlnll Rut on ul hll
l'lo ual4'-' •ald he doubtt'<i
th~ ponulf ~ould abide by th1• r
hrl'mt'nt at 80 rule he h•r. 11et for
Vt1P' P~u.11 told u <"rowd of
!)() 000 in St. Peter " Square Sun d.n th•l his b1rlhd11y "preMn
1111unf'~~ that our end In the order
of tl'mporal hfe •• approactuna
· Thi~ obhges us to Rreal
humlht~. · the pontiff sa1.d "W1•
tt•t'I th~ fragility of tM!ang human
to whu·h we arc sub1cct us Chra!>t
wa1> ut tht! crucifix "
hraeh cabinet says it bas ap-
proved a four-point U.S. plan to
(_1_N_S_H O_R_T_l
reconvene the Arab-Israeli peace
conference in Geneva with a
s ingle pan-Arab delegation at-
tending the ceremonial opening
An announcement after the
weekly cabinet meeting Sunday
i.uid the formal opening would be
followed by talks between Israel
and individual Arab countries.
Traged• ProlJed
Tests were under way today to
positively identify the charred
remains of seven persons killed
in the fi ery crash of a gasoline
truck during the weekend.
Local officials said they have a
l:s l of seven m 1ssing persons. and
we re i.ure that today's tests
would confirm that all the dead
had been accounted for. Officials
:.aid Saturday's crash occurr~d
"hen the truck's brakes failed on
J 700-foot-long grade in a road
h.•ading into the business district
or this town of 1.200, about 150
miles from Louisville.
nation's economic recovery is be·
mg stalled by unimaginative ef·
forts to fight unemployment and
inflauon and by continued re-
11 ance on tight-fisted cr edit
policies. the congressional Joint
Economic Committee is warn-
The pane\, controlled by
Democrats, concluded Sunday
that the Carter administration,
Congress and the Federal
Reserve must do a better job of
coorwnating policy to deal with
an economy that shows lingering
-;ign~ of recession.
Rell~ Fire Out
Firefighters put out a refinery
fire Sunday after it blazed out of
control in this Chicago suburb for
more than 40 hou~.
For most of the day. they had
to stand by helplessly, watching
the fire while they awaited a
fresh supply of chemical foam
that was rushed in by truck from
Lionville. Pa .. after firemen ran
out or foam early Sunday. .
F...i 1t'cute Rapped
Rumson Borough Council mem-
bers say they intend to complain to President Carter about
wasteful federal spending.
The reason: The community
received a check for $6,000 in
federal r evenue sharing funds
that they hadn't requested.
.. The country has a S6l billion
deficit," said Councilman J.
O'Neill Duffy. "Yet we are get·
ting checks for something we
didn't ask for and don't need."
HF.JRl!f, l.A'banon (Al'J A
t•t•••t"-firo wu taJun1 hold In the
outhern lA'baneso war today as
ltrat'I be11tn pull1n1 il• armored fore~ back acroe11 the border.
8~trut nuJio .aid tho ceaBe-rtre
etCrffmcnt, lnvolvlnl the Jar1teli
1tnd Lebanese aovurnmenta and
P11 lC!Jltinlan auerrlllu leadtr
Va.Ir Arafat, was tentaUve. and
u ttmllll radlc1d auerr1!111 1roup
1 ~J~cted 1t But llraell
spoltt'!llimen filtld the cease-lire
had been fully approved and
tuken effect.
T HE ISR A t! L I Defense
Ministry in Tel Aviv said the
truce agreement called for ~1thdrawal of-tht( Palestinian
guerrillas from positions north or
the border from which they could
shell towns and settlements in
northern Israel.
A spokesman for Arafat's high
command said contacts were
.. under way to work out final de-
tails of a cease-fire that will pre-
~ervc Lebanon's territorial in-tegrity.··
Reporters in northern Israel.
meanwhile, watched as Israeli
armored forC(!S pulled back
across the border. During the
fig hting Israel had repeatedly
denied Hs troops entered
A COMM ANDE R of the
Is raeli-supported Christian
rightist forces that fought the
Palestinians and Moslem leftists
m the south said the Christians
would be able to "answer" the
guerrillas if they violate the
cease-fire. "I am sure our Israeli
ar my friends will back us," he
Sources close to the Lebanese
government and Arafat spoke of
a "partial" pullback by the guer·
rillas from advance positions
along Israel's northern panhan-
But a spokesman for Dr.
George Habash's Popular Front
Mass ltfenaorial
tor the Liberation ot PaJesune
siald: "We shall abandon nooe of
our po15it.iooa In South Lebanon.
We also shall allow no one t.o pre-
vent us from striking at the
lsrueh enemy or existing in
areas where we can strike
THE POPlJLAR Front and its
Iraqi-supported allies o( the so-
called Rejection Front have an
estimated 300 guerrillas in the
South while Arafat's Al Falah
and other units of the Palestine
Liberation Organization have an
estimated 5,000.
Informed observers believed
that Arafat's supporters could
bring the outnumbered radicals
into line if the PLO chief wanted
to act as policeman for the truce.
But there was speculation that he
would see no advantage to doing
something that would be mostly
for the benefit of his Christian
and fsraeli roes .
Informed sources said a torce
of 1,470 officers and soldiers of
the reorganized Lebanese army
has been formed to move into
southern Lebanon to act as a buf-
fer between the guerrillas and
the right-wing Christian
militiamen who have been battl-
ing them there.
THE FORCE made up of both
Moslem::. and C hris tian s
equipped with light arms and
armored personnel carriers, is
expected to" begm entering the
South Tuesday, the sources said.
· Meanwhile, Israeli armored
forces began withdrawing from
south Lebanon. Reporters and
photographers on the Israeli side
were invited lo watch t he
withdrawal although the Israeli
government previously denied
that It had any ground forces in ,
Israeli tanks, armored person-
nel carriers, a halftrack and
several jeeps roared through a
gate in the border fence near the
The coffin of black leader Steve Biko was carried into
Victoria Rugby Stadium at King William's Town, South
Africa. Sunday as 20,000 mourners. with fists and voices
raised in black-power salutes and songs, thronged the
stadium. Bloodshed followed the emotional funeral and
new black ant1government protests flared today.
Flood Hits Western NY
'lhundentornui Dampen Gulf Coast Regions
"' LO "'""'-" $1 Atlflftle ... ..
Bofw n .,
eo.ton ~7 ,.
t!I""'"'"'"• .. M
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dlCtt CIDl'ltlflUN pertly <IOUdY lklft
TllHCleY, IM llO rel". Cool« tem•
Ill La MttlM, IN llltfl tldlly -
to hit eo. ~--""tie mltHOs to mid 10s -. 911Ped.., e10ft1 tf!9
bH<hH 11111 In the l!MIUlltelM, "fltll 7S tol2tfttlllilh111 tN IM flffMndt, $M
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fWf felt \llml 1llUtll '""" CIDM!titlfll , .. ,.
IsraeU t.own ot Metulla early t~
day. Some 40 reporters and
photoeraphera were on hand, "to
cover the return of a torce whose
entry was heavily denied," one
reporter commented.
A FEW MINUTES after the
withdrawal started, a barrage or
the Palestin ians' Katyusha
rockets hit two Israeli t.owns,
Qiryat Shmonah, five miles south
ol the border, and Safad, 17 miles
farther south. The Israell
military command said eight
persons were wounded.
Sources at the Isr aeli Delemse
Mlnlstry said the Syrian govern·
ment joined in the negotiations
and would try to persuade the
Palestinians to observe the
Although the Syrian army
brought the civil war elsewher~
10 Lebanon to an end last No-
ve m ber, fighting has continued in
the south because Israel an-
nougced it would not tolerate the
prei.ence of Syrian forces close to
the border.
Lester Maddox. til. 1s re·
ported in critical condition
t o d ay after s uffc rin~ a
hea1t attack Sunday night.
Maddox was' Georgia's ~ov
l'rn or from 191H.i 70 and li eutenant governor from
Defense 'Surprise'
In Davis Retrial
AMARILLO, Tex. <AP> -The capital murder retnal of 011
millionaire Cullen Davis, accused or killing his step-daughter. en-
tered its sixth week with the defense promising a finish straight out of
Perry Mason.
. The prosecution contends the case stems from a dispute between
Davis and his estranged wife, who were involved in divorce proceed-
ings when the Aug. 2, 1976 shooting occurred at Davis' $6 million Fort
Worth mansion.
BUT THE DEFENSE says the case 1s more complicated. And.
like Earl Stanley Gardner's Mason, defense lawyer Richard
"racehorse" Haynes has promised to identify ··the real murderer.··
someone other than his client. later in the trial. .
On Friday prosecutor Tim Curry finished questioning his 12th
witness, Fort Worth Police Detective Greg Miller . He was expected
to examine another oCficer as the trial resumed today after it.s
weekend recess.
THE STATE CONTENDS that Davis, 44, killed his step-daughter
and his wife's boy friend and wounded two other persons. He is on trial
for the slaying of the step-daughter, Andrea, 12, his wife's daughter by
a previous marriage.
On the night of the shooting, the prosecution alleges, Davis
wounded his wife, Priscilfa. 36, and killed her live-in lover Stan Farr.
30. The prosecution has said it would press other charges later.
GUS GAVREL. 22, who arrived at the mansion that night with a
date, was left part.ially paralyzed by a bullet that remains lodged in
his spine. He testified that Davis did the shooting. His glrlfri_end,
Beverly Bass, 19, the third witness to the shootings. was not hurt and
was expected to testify for the state within the next few days.
Secretary of State CyruJ R.
Vance, hoplne to prove to a
doubtful Senate the wlsdom of
the Panhma Canal treaty, said
today the pact creates "a
partnership under whlcb our two
countries can join In the peaceful
and efficient operation of the
Testifying before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee,
Vance said the treaty proves
..once and for all the falsity ol the
tired charges that we are an Im-
perialistic exploiter bent only on
extracting Latin American raw
materials and usiqg the conti-
nent for our own economic in -
s igned the treaty Sept. 7, there
have been repeated forecasts
that the admlmstration would be
unable to obtain the two-thirds
vote needed for Senate ratifica-
In hearings this week before
Senate and House committees
the administration hopes to re-
verse the momentum of treaty
opponents. .
While Vance and treaty
negotiators Sol Linowitz and Ells-
worth Bunker were testifying
before the Senate panel.
Secretary of Defense Harold
Brown and Gen. George Brown.
head of the Joint Chiefs of Slaff,
were called before the House In-
ternational Relations Commit-
THE DEFENSE secretary
testified that the treaty best as-
sures continued U.S. ac~ess by
promoting cooperation rather
than risking a U.S. "garrison
amid hostile surroundings." He
said thaf "use or the canal is
more important than
He said the treaty will give the
United States "unimpeded use •• _ effective opera-
tion • • . and physical security
of the canal.
GEN. BROWN said that "Our
capability t.o defend the Panama
Canal will be enhanced through
cooperation with the government
of Panama."
And he added: "The J oint
Chiefs of Staff will continue t.o
plan for rapid reinforcement or •
the U.S. Southern Command in
the event or emergency need."
The aeries of 15 artlclH was prepared by Dr.
Sine. the Dally Piiot five yHra ago begen of-
fering CourH• by Newapaper In coopar•tlon
with UC San Diego Extenllon and the Natlonel
Endowmetrt for the Humanlttes, 200 newspaper•
have joined ue In presenting the weekly "'lee·
tures" reed weekly bJ 15 mllllon Ametfcans.
Thia aemeater, Course• by Newapeper e•-
• plorea .. Crime, Juatlc• and Punlahment In
Ametfca" beginning Sept. 17 In the Dally Piiot
end continuing tor 15 conaacutlve Saturdtlya.
Jerome SkolnJck, director, Center tor the Study
of Lew and Society at UC Berketey. He end 1S
noted legel echolars and wrttera conb1bute th•
artldff Whfcb make up CourMs by New..,aper.
Th• weekly artlctH may be reed Juat for tttelr
lnterfft value, but many reeden alao •~I to
eam college credit from area col1eges lncludl9'Q
Coaattln• and Santa Ana Community CoHeges.
Dr. Howard E. Fradkin, nationally recognlHd •
advlHf' In correct.Iona and aoctology IM'Of••tor at
Cal State Unlveratty, Long Beech, la cou,.• In.
struc:tor tor atudents anro111ng In the Coaatllne
Community CoUege. •eompletlon ol the blank
below fnftlates enrollment. The cohgee may re-
quire addltlonsl re8dlnge, one or two on-ct1mpue
meetings and a final paper or aumlnadon.
The Dally Pf1ot offer Counn by Newtpaper aa
a pubflc Mf'Vlce. Readefa r981dfng In the hd-
dleback Community College DtatrtGt mU9t obt•n
a permit tn>m that dlatrtct prtot to reglsteftno for
credit In another dlstrtct.
For convenience u.. the mall regletratlon
blenk or call 913-0124 tor fwther Information. __ _..._ _____ ~~----~--------------------........ ----~--~
&n1 ... 111: Sociology 161 Ticket 1134
............. .... City n,
-Ml-fBW.E -Did '(fNI pr.-., Ill Cllllorllll llll!lift? ... ------Dir , ____ _
In H• a,,... 5'1111 dtlm:-Y•·-... "1111 a clllDn, wlllt '-d 'flll..., !Ml._.._;. ___ _ Mlfl llcllool Liit Minded Cir,.. Mllndlng ___________________________ _ .... ...
kl "9 ... cirWllr-M a llllfl ICflOal ............. d ............ 1-Y• _.. • tt_,. .. ,.... ................................ ....., ............. ,. ................. . • .,.., ........................................ c...-. __;__ ,,._ ..
. . In,.. ............. ..,..,_ u. _ ......... ---.. &M.,.., .. --------------c...,. u... ................. oo 1t 2ft a••M D••--'OJtA••Y., ""',...,. _.. .... ......, _ '·~· . , ........ __ .::..,,..' ..,....--.----~~ .......... ;...... ______ _
Mal to:
ContlM commun"1 Coetege
,..,......, V .. ey CA 1270I
Lois of Solar
T h e root on the Hed ~t;J1 ludus trial
Sen 1ct• Laundr} m Frl·~no cont.tins 6,500
s qua re feet of ~o l ar l'lll'rg~ collector
pancb dei,1gm'CJ to ('UL tht• I 1rm 's fuel use
A~WI ........
m ore than half The ms~ation was ded·
ttated as the natio n's largest application.
ot solar energy tor tndustnal water heat-
Monday, September :iti. 1 en
$10 Biiiion
Military Cost
. Could Be Cut
SANTA MONICA CAP> Tbe country could
save up to $10 billion a year on its all·volunteer
military force by rerpovlng some civilians from de-
fense payrolls and len1tbenin1 the minimum
career hit.ch, a Rand Corp. study says.
\ Dr. Richard V.L. Cooper, a senior analyst for
he "think tank," also recommended in the 400·
page study released Sunday that the military
should try to recruit more careel' soldiers, rather than one-term enlistees. ·
By Phil lnterlandi
HE SAID THE INCREASE in the military
budget from $22 billion in 1964 to more than ~
billion in 1976 can be blamed mainly on higher ex·
pe1tses for civilian defense employes and the
mllttary retirement system, rather than pay rals~
for volunteers. "The bottom line ls that the volun·
teer force bas added less than $300 million to the
cost of defense manpower," Cooper said. "about two-tenths of one percent oftbe defense budget." "And with the full dJnner you get a leg rub. so you can
Civilian defense employes cost $6 billion ln 1956 walk again."
but will co.st $20 billion by 19'78, he said. Military re--------------------
tirees got $477 million in pensions in 1956, but will
collect '9 billion next year. Canal Treat11
Lawyers Push Proposa"/s
to the shortening of the minimum career hitch from
30 years to 20, he said. The average ~year military
retiree now draws a pension for 30 years.
Unless military pension policies are changed,
12 percent of the nation's defense budget will go to
retirees J>y the mid· 1990s, compared to just one per·
cent in 1956, he said. The figure now is seven per-
CRA Critical
Of Support State Bar Urged to Study Drug Programs
SAN DIEGO (AP) -California's lawyers have
ordered the State Bar Board of Governors to push
for laws to decriminalize prostitution and to study a
free heroin and methadone distribution program
for addicts.
But delegates to the annual State Bar conven-
tion Sunday narrowly failed to achieve the two-
thirds vote needed to initiate legislation that would
decriminalize marijuana use and cultivation.
All three proposals
have been approved at (
Bar convent.Ions in the l:'T -'T'E J past -the marijuana J l /u,
proposal for five straight ---------years. But the Board of
Governors has yet lo put them m its legislative pro·
Hftllth Care 'l•pro1'ed,
SACRAMENTO <AP>-Astatewatchdogcom-.
mission has issued a cautiously positive report on
California's $2.6 billion Medi-Cal program for the
medically needy.
The Commission on California State Govern-
ment Organization and Economy concluded that
the program "appears headed toward improved
health care" and "at greater economy."
IH,,,._at'• Dallfllatn-KUled
LOS ANGELES (AP) -The 12-year-old
daughter·of a Saudi Arabian diplomat has been
killed in a three-car crash on the Santa Monica
Najah Faraidy died Sunday shortly after the
car she was riding in was hit by another, then
rammed into a third vehlcJe. Officers said they
were chasing 23-year·old Patrick Carrillo of Los
Angeles after an alleged unsafe lane change who
sped away and hit the Faraidy car.
Teen Shot,
. LONG BEACH (AP> -A 17-year-old boy who
ba'rricaded himself in his room ovenught was in
custody after '1'eatment from a police gunshot
wound, authorities said.
The boy, who shut himself in his bedroom for
71h hours, surrendered Sunday morning after his
mother talked him into it, said police Lt. Norman
Benson. · ,
Benson said the boy, wboee name was withheld
because of. hia age, was booked for investigation of
assault with a deadly weapon and firing a gun
within the city limits.
After being treated for a bullet wound in his left
arm. at Long Beach Memorial Hospital, he was
taken to UM department's juvenile division.
Benson said the youth was despondent over his
parenta' divorce, and locked himself in the bedroom
of the North Long Beach residence late Saturday
Benson said the youth took a 20-year-old
neighbor, Scott Wallace, as hostage for about lS
minutes, but released him unharmed.
Sgt., Bernard Frydman, a 15-year veteran on
the force, shot the boy when he threatened officers
with a .22-callber hand gun and fired two shots into
the floor of. the home, Benaoo said. There were no
other injuries in the incident.
Neee l' A Boqital Dedfeated
LOMA LINDA (AP) -About 4,000 people were
on hand for the dedication of a new· Veterans Ad·
ministration hos pital that will replace one
destroyed by the 1971 San Fernando earthquake.
The $71 million Jerry L. Pettis Memorial
Hospital, named for a late congressman killed in a
1975 plane crash, was dedicated Sunday. The 500-
bed facility is to open in November, and is expected
to employ more than 1,300 persons.
A~ Riding Critldzed
SACRAMENTO CAP) -A black leader has
sharply criticized a federal judge for his ruling or·
derin2 admission or a while medical school appli-
cant to the University of California at Davis. .
Vima Canson, regional director of the National•
Association for lhe Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple, said Sunday that U.S. District Court Judge
Thomas MacBride showed "a lack of sensitivity to the basic .issues" by his ruling.
Kid Poni
Bill OK'd
By Brown
SACRAMENTO CAP> ' -Selling obscene pie-•
tures or minors is now a
felony in California un-
der a bill signed by Gov
Edmund Brown Jr.
Brown's office said to·
day he had signed AB
1580 by Assemblyman
Jim Ellis <R~San Diego>
incrasing criminal
penalties for child porn·
T ff E S A ·r. E I N
Californ ia of any
material legally judged
obscene is a mlade
meanor, punishable by a
fine and up to a year in
Ellis" bill makes the
sale a felony, punishable
by two, three or four
years in state prison, lf
the material shows
someone under 18 ln·
volved in any of a number
of real or simulated sex
It also applies to the
showing of a film for
THE BILL, which took
effect immediately, is
one of two passed by the
legislature aimed at
cracking down on the so-
called kid porn butlneas,
which is believed to be
centered ln California.
Monday 1..S Tuesday •
·7 Win Prizes
LONG BEACH (AP> -Seven Californians
have rolled and jumped to prizes totaling $25,000 in
the Free Former World Professional Skateboard
Record crowds totaling 19,600 attended the two-
day weekend event, in which contestants from
Japan, Canada, Germany, Switzerland and
England jumped barrels and whizzed like greased
The top money-winMr was Bob Mohr or En·
cinitas, who took the men's freestyle event for
S3,000. John Hutson from Santa Cruz won $1,500 in
the men's slalom.
Other top winners were Ellen Berryman of En·
cinitas, Terry Brown of Santa Cruz, Tony.Alva or
Santa Monica, Bryan Beardsley of Torrance and
Russ Howell of Long Beach. They each won $1,000 in
events ranging from the barrel jump to consecutive
360-degree turns.
PALM SPRINGS (AP) -One of California's big-
gest grass-roots RepubUcan groups has indirectly
critized former President Gerald Ford for endors-
ing President Carter's Panama Canal treaty.
In a resolution adopted by 170 delegates to the
California Republican Assembly Convention, the
GOP volunteers asked Ford to explain what they
described as a reversal in position.
support the Republican nallona1 platform in 1976,
which included a plank opposing any action giving
up control or the canal, and his rec~nt endorsement
of the Carter tr~ty.
"President Ford's most recent statements favor·
ing giving up our property and treaty rights in
Panama confuse his credibility on the issue," the
resolution said.
"TheCRA urges former President G"eralaFord to
make clear which of bis announced positions is
valid regarding our canal," it added.
pays UI t !'ith Wtth her
for Late Dey and Evtnina. Fini Orne Sllon
She's €ryirig fOr ~ Areyou·listening?
of new, nllNtrf prints In ti.' ... t t11ftahlpa.
Mia Meanin
· of f Inf Flortntlnuhoet prmntld by a
.-cllt emlm-y. flint Shot Sllon
Sho simply can't handle her problems by h«sclf ·
any.more. She needs help before it's too late. And
she's not alo~e. Every day, people no d;tferelll from
you. experience an emotional crisis o,ftcn.provoked
by a troubled penonal relatlonship.
Some(llae may become so despoodont sbo growa
fearful or.nervous for no apparent reason. She loses
sleep over insignificant things. Sho cipledes over
trivial matters like the car nots~ She can't
carry OD· with her family.
She needs help.
P.rc>fessional help. Tbo only reel hope for regain·
fog a normal, produative life.
Tho kind of help available at th<' HOPE'UNIT.
,A profsonal psycbiatrio treatment program for
people ttapped in nn emotional Crisis.
It works.
It's not an isolation ward, not some kind ol paychi ..
atric·horror show. It's a warm, friendly environ men~
where skilled therapists hclP. people to sort out iheir
own live.s. And give them new tools to handJe tho ·
problems; they thought were too big to handle alone.
lf you·bow someone who is e1periencing an
emotional crisit,.call tho HOPEUNIT.
A trained counselor wm be at tho other end of the
line. Ready to help. Ready to an;swer any questions
ye>u .may have.
Pleaao mw the call thatwiU show her somebody
cues -enough to listen.
Ed.I ri I .. Robert N. WHd/Publlaher ~-K .. vll/Edltor
Co ii Daily Pilot ~.to a ..--!:ffl..e ________ M_oncS-IY•'•a.p•iem-·l*-2'•,•'•m•-------S.·r•bll•t•a•K•l"t-lb·l·cPl·/·E·d•lt•o•rl.•.I P.~ •• l!.d·l·to·r--
wmakers Must~
et Act Together
Orange Couuty Aalemblyman Ron CordOvd (0-EI Toro), 11
~the state legl1l1tor1 who think Gov Brown should call •a ~I aese1on Of th• Legf1lature co try once more to pro-
duce a property tax relier bill
Other leg1a11tort uv they'd r1tnor wait until the January
MS11on to tackle tne eomploJ< problem again .
The two tM rehet measures that failed to pus during the
recently concluded .. s11on wert opposed by most
Reput>11cans and some Democrats Cordova among the latter
A pnnc1pal bone ot contention soema to have beon the al·
leged inoqulty of the bills which would have steered moat of
the tax rehet 10 1ow·1ncome taxpayers and provided little or no
help to those in upper and middle income brackets who paid
most o f the lax
Sen Denn11> Carpenter (A-Newport Beach) noted that
more than 60 percent ot the property owners 1n his 36th Dis-
trict would not have quaht1ed tor any relief at all under a con-
trovers1c1I prov1s1on-supported by Gov. Brown-that tied
property lax relief to household 1ncortie
There d be Ii !!le point 1n caJllng a special session-eating
up still more laxpayer money-if tile m1nonty and ma1onty
leadership can t get together in advance and work out some
sort of comprom1ie
And H this can't be accomplished. more taxpayers will be
inclined to look w ith favor on the Jarvis inlt1at1ve. which would
limit property tax to one percent of fair market value-<iesp1te
the inherent danger of legislating so complex a matter by in-
, Douh le Standard
If there is one thing Orange County Supervisor Thomas
Riley frowns on it is talking badly about a fellow county
supervisor outside the political safety of a closed office door.
As chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Riley has car·
ried his speak-no-evil-of·a-fellow-superv1sor creed into the
public arena.
Lately, Ailey has been protecting his mates from public
cntic1sm by gaveling down anyone who would dare crit1c1ze a
superv1sor·at a board meeting.
last week 1t was, of all people, Nora Lehman of Newport
Beach and Susan Tepper of Laguna Beach who were shut off
by Ailey when 1t appeared they 1ust might be aiming some
cntic1sm at Supervisor Laurence Schmit during discussion ot
an issue that Schmit had opposed
Whether either woman intended to criticize Schmit w ill
never be known because Riley d1dn t let them get that far.
Riley. particularly in his role as cha1rmao. should un·
derstand that the democratic process Includes the right to
publicly cnt1c1ze or question elected officials.
On the other hand. there seems to be no time l1m1t. and
certainly no gavel, for those who come to praise the
Time to Pay ·Up
The party s iust about over for hundreds of thousands of
termer students who financed their education with federally
insured loans but have been absent-minded about keeping up
with repayment schedules.
The loan program, which assisted llterally mlllions of stu-
dents who could not otherwise have completed their under-
graduate or graduate studies. provided for a wai'(fr of intdl'est
and payments until the students had time to find employment
After graduation they were supposed to start paying off
the loans 1n relatively modest monthly amountr,tJsually over a
period of about three years.
Most beneficiaries of the program compiled with the
rules. but some seem to have defaulted completely. Othars
are delinquent 1n their payments.
Since the government has to repay the banks that handed
over the money, 1he Office of Education has decided to hJrn
the delinquent accounts over to a collection agency, begin-
ning In December.
Borrowers whose loan payments are 1n default would do
well to straighten out their accounts promptly, unless they
want a permanent black mark on their credit ratings.
• Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Pllo\.
Other views eJCpreued on this page are those of their author$ and
artlstl. Reader comment is Invited. Addreas The Dally Piiot.
P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. PhOne (714) 642-4321.
8y L.1\1 . BOYD
Proof of the clatm that
women make the beH
iardenera, please note, does
not Ue In the (act that the
patron saint or gardeners Is
SL Dorothy. Nor are men
necessarily the best cooks
just because the patron saint
or cooks is St. Lawrence
Question arises u to
whether a flsh can drown.
Certainly can. Jt has to be
able to close its mouth so lta
gills can get oxygen from the
water. llook it in such a man·
ner so that IL~ mouth is held
open above the aurface, even
though only slightly, and it
will drown.
In London .. ~ WhlJ>~nade
Zoo. a 15·year·old two·tOn
rhinoceros n1&med Mulunda
died of a hear t attack shortly
6efore a :;.year.old two-ton
rhinoceros named Myrtle
died from lptnal lnJur1es.
Gloo~y" ..
We don't need a neutron
bomb to wipe out peoplt
and leave th• bul14ln11
standlng. Property tax
atlreadydocl that. Q.'R.
autopsies revealed Zoomen
there said the beasts didn't
e>terclse ~pproprlate caution
in their Mttempt to multiply.
Q. "What's the average an·
nual mileage of the typical
rocreatlonal vetlltle? · ·
A. About 3,300 miles.
Do you recall that
maUtematlca profe11or who
r'etlred to a stuhore
hideaway Which b• named
''After·Math"? He was tht fellow who uld: "rt 's lm·
possible to teach a boy
mathematics if there'• a pret·
ty tirl in hla class. And the
boy who's the uception
wouldn't be worttl teaching.··
Losera of presidential eltc·
Uons like to remember that
the first to do likewise waa
none other that\ Thomas Jef·
f enon. John Adams beat him.
Ceorae Woahln•ton, •• all
know, was unopPo..r. "'
Jack Anderson
Signs Suggest Korea Cover-up
W ASlllNGTON There are
111n1 that. the Democ ratic
lo11dershlp rnay l>e tampenn~
w1lh the "Korca&i.le" 1nve:,l1i:a·
Sources close t.o the mvesugu.
lion cite tht: c1.1r1ou~ t1minl(, for
1n s t41n(.'e, of
lhc 1nd1«l
ment agu1nst.
payorf man,
Purk. Them·
d1ctment ~as
sprun g o n
Park JW.t lis
he was about
from Seoul to London.
1 lt: abruptly chang1•d his plan ...
and blayt.'d in South Korea. wbach
ha:. no extradition tri:.tty "1th the
United States. This means Park.
the central figure in lhe an
vestigation, 1s safc{y out of reach
of U.S. mvest1gaton.
It looks as 1f the Justice Dl•pt
wanted credit for indicting f'ark
without the necesb1ty of putting
him on the witnebs bland. our
..,ourcc:. ... u~gcsl Th1·y ... 1:1v hl'
('ould h<ive been extradtll'd trum
linluan 11 hl· had been allowed to
Other bourcc~ contend thJl
Dcmocr;.1t1c congrc!>'l1onal
leaders have sought to confanl'
the House 1nvesttgallon lo a fc,~
expendable former member~.
thu:. hopdully sat1sfy1ng publi(•
opi nion without damag ing
THE DEMOCRATS <1rc• al""
"l'a rch1ni.: qtm•tl) IJut intently tor
Hcpubhcan., "ho ma~ h;i\·1· ,1('
l'l'(Jll'<i g1fh or t'il!>h lnp'> ;mrl
\\Oml•n f1om South i.;11r1 .. 111
.1J.!l'llb 'I tw p11rpo'>l' t'> 10 pr ,.,""'
I he K t11 t•Hj.Wlt' -.t·J rlllal f 111111
hl•C'<JrTIIOJ.! ;J p.irt1-.,11I (H1lll1t'.d I
... ur
f> I' nl II I" I o1 1 I I I n ' I rJ I' I '
;1d.1H>\\il'lll-!l' tli .. 11111•\ \\•ottlcf lih1·
Ill t .Ip 1111' "••I •"I\ ••ll'Jlltt .111d fa,tll
1111' d,111\ I 1111•111111 l!t1I lltt \
,.111''' lb.ti litt II 1111• 111 '" ll"l tu
11111'1 lflt ,tfl\ 1111111 1•1 11 Ill Jll I'
\ l"lll 11111.111 I h:11 :.!'" I I ttlll :.pt•\\
I II ;.: I " II " II I I I " I I ' I Ill·
p.11111 uL11
'1"•111:.: ... 1111 I '.11 ~ -.1 1ri11•·1I 11t l.1111
11111 l;1 ... 1 I.ill ,,, ,, .• 1 tr1.· .llhl ft'('
( lt·Jtl h1·1'.11l 111 1•11 11-1111 h11l1 \ t'I
1111· tl1•p.11lnw111 ''"'" 110 p11·r·a11
llhll' 1 .. '"I\ 1·111 Ill llt~hl .111d
JllHfi1· lltt mu\ I' 1111•\1 I .tcfllt• fl!Ol
Thi~ tro11hl1 ·d -.1·\ • 1al 1·011 ... 1 ll'll
Paul Har'\'~Y
tlous congressmen, led by Rel>'.
Jerom e Ambro and Liz
Holtzman. both New York
Derrc>erats, who i.re eager to
clean up the House. They pressed
Attorney General Griffin Bell to
take'. wtuit.ever legal steps are
nece2sary to bring Park back to
Wastflngton to testify.
·On Aug . s. Ambro and
Holtzman called upon the at·
1orney general and again urged
him to indict Park This would
give the United Slates legal
grounds to ask Britain to ex·
trad1te him. they argued. But
Bell replied 1t would be unethical
10 indict Pc.1rk without sufft<·1cnt
l'Vtdt•n('~ l<H.'Oll\'ICl h1 m
OUR JL'STICE Ot!pl. !iotm:cs
confirm that the ca!ic against
!'ark 1:-. \\-Ntl.. As a bu-.111essm:rn.
he could hand out campaign con
Lrihuuon-.. quilt: lt·gally. on
l:.tpllol 11111 'I he IH usl'cUtor.,
mu:.t provl' lhc!l he "'-'"' acting ,,.,
a foreign agent to brlbe con-
g resamen. Most of the evidence.
unfortunately. Is contained In ln
tercepted me11aaea. whlch may
not be admissible ln court.
Yet the poll\ical preesure kept
building up, our aourcee say. un·
tit the Justice Dept. went ahead
Wilh the indlctm"nt that Bell had
said would be unethical. But
significantly, the 36·count indict-
ment wasn't prepared untll "
week aft.er Park was safely out ot
Park's Washington attorney,
WU Ii am Hundley. kept the de-
partment informed about his
d1ent s whereabouts. insiders
tell t.11' On Aug. 25, Hundley
notiftl·d the department that
Pci1k had telephoned him from
Hong Kong to report he was on
his way to Korea to v1slt his ail·
ing mother. Not long afterward.
Park cillll'd a~mn from Seoul to
:.<i)' that the Korean authorities
wanll'd him to hold a short pre:.s
·01 c·o11r..-e \'011 'rc not legally obligated to let us
rrilk ro A-fr. Ton;.::-:un Park about his bribery
indictment .. '
con(erence and that he would
leave for London In ten days.
THE DAY AFrER Hundley re·
ported this to the Justice Dept •
Park was abruptly lndlcted, and
the news was leaked to the press
Thia had the predictable effect of
keeping Park 'n South Korea,
where he ia sere rrom ei<tr-ada
Our sources insist that thi:
Justice Dept. could have brought
Park back to America by Indict·
Ing him before he left Britain or
later by holding up the Indict·
ment until he returned to Britain
To insiders. the poor lamtng ap·
peared to be a deliberate attempt
to botch the investigation.
We m ade repeated requests to
s peak to the liltorney general.
but he would not discuss the story
with us. Sources close to him
bellcH· Gr1ff111 Bell 1~ a man of
integnl~. \\ho would not tamper
with the Koreagate invesllga·
lion. The official In charge of the
probe. Paul Mitchell, also has a
rl'putat1on a~ ci :-.tra at ·laccd
proSl'CUlOr . Hundley rerused to
On Capitol 11111 . Speaker Tap
CJ"Nc1ll and Dcmocrauc leadl'r
Jim Wright persuaded Leon
Jaworski. the former Watergate
s pecial prosecutor. to run the
House invei.tigation Into the
Korean scandal. Sources <.'lose L<>
the House leadership say O'Neill.
Wright and J aworski agreed the~
couldn't ··burn" too many mem·
hers or Congress but should
merely "sacr1hee a few lambs .·
WE SPOKE to the s peaker whv
··absolutely" denied any agrel..'-
ment to limit the invel>tigatlon.
Thl.'n we hurried to cat<.'h Wright
but the speaker got to him first.
Wt• caught Wright going out the
door H(' had been s ummoned. hl!
said. to the speakE!r ·s ofricl'
When he returned, he reiterated
the s peaker's denial. We wen•
unable to reach Jaworski until
some tim£' latl'r. The alleged con
\'l'rsataon about sacrlficin:..:
lambs. he said. was '"absoluleh
But a principal 1n the Korean
investigation told us he had ··n·
ceived indications from tht
House that they would like to con-
centrate on a few former mem
bers." The Democrats, he said.
also want to Implicate som(•
Republicans in the scandal to
keep it out of partisan politics.
Most W onien Invest More .in Marriage
There ure mtn who th "om~"'
' will say. "You desene the e<1ual
rights whlcb Clln be "uaronteed
only by an amendment to the
Constitution ...
Vet those s ame men -· to otMr
men -may say, "Wh y should we
be the only
ones to pay
And then
are women
ratihcaUon or
the Equal
who consider
alimony laws
unfair -not ,because men usual·
ly pay -but, these feminists say,
''Alimony Is an anachronistic '
manifestation or the wite·s de-
pendency on her husband."
They are willing to sacrifice
that benefit to ucape' that
"manifestation of dependency."
In some s ignificant ways the
right, proper and timely crusade
Charles McCabe
for equal r11ihts has been distort
l..'d to imply "equality "
NO TWO or us are equal
whatever our sex And any
crusade predicated on a false
oresumptaon is pre·doomed. If we can instead narrow our
obJeclive to "equal legal rights"
the proposition is m ore defenda·
And that brings us to the ques·
tion of alimony.
In January or next year The
J ournal or Legal Studies will
publi~ a study by University of
Chicago economist Elizabeth
A hindsight study of 200
divorce cases leads this re
searc!her to conclude that a mar·
riage partnership s hould be
formed -and dissol vcd aJ>
business partnerships a re
Business partners make u
mutual Investment on the a11
surrtptlon that it will work. tr 1t
does not work. both parties are
compensated commensurate
w1lh the investment each has
IN TUE murnu~c partnership
1f a woman sacnf1ccs he1 own
career to m una~e a household
and to further the career or her
husband -this 1s no s mall an ·
Should that marriage dissolve.
she deserves the same com·
pensatlon she would expect from
the d1ssol11llon of u business
She is entitled either to a sub·
s tantial cash settlement or to a
conUnuing income.
There are cases where the
man. entering anto a marriage
partnership, makes the greater
sac rifice.
And so it 1s presently the law in
most states lh<it alimony can go
to either spouse.
There would be very few busi·
ness partnerships formed if the
law were so unfair as to
shortchange either investor.
And in fact -· in 6talt'b
where alimony is altogether pro·
hlblted few~r women marry or
have children.
.. ALIMONY" says Ml'iS
Landes, "serves as a kind of in ·
~urance policy to protect the in·
vestments made by each m ar-
riage partner -and those invest·
m ents frequently require more of
the woman. And, almost always,
the divorced woman -· if only
because or he r advanced age -
has a lesser value In the labor
m arket --and shoJJld be com-
pensated for that "deprecia·
For us romantics It is hurtful to
the point or pain to reduce the
marriage relations hip to a bus1
ness formula.
Rut while the several states
are considering an Equal Rights
Amendment which is necessari·
ly, unemotionally legalistic, we
need to be reminded that "equal
right.I" -If applied alike to meft
and women -can be unequaJ.
Second Thoughts on Britain's Ho01osexual Law
From almost the m om ent
when Engllsh homosexuals were
granted the ri&~t to do their thing
in .private. ten years ago, they
began to demand the rlght to go
public. Instead o{ betna intearat·
ed lnto society. as the reformers
who had decriminalized
homoeexu•llty hoped, quite the
opposite occurred,
Wrltlna r ecently in the
Specfotor the sponsor of the
Leo Ab ae,
M.P., looked
back on ten years .of his
Act. He Is
proud that hi• me11we has
1 l v e n
freedom to an esUm•ted mmton
Brltlsb homoseituala, but haa
serious ml11Mn1s about other
roneequen~ ot hla Act.
Abie and hi• reform col· lt...,rfien th'1 were PIWllnt ~-' .~ that ---~· J ~Ht~ ,,... ~ ~mtetolUll
tlomoauu.at, would tum 1&1 ati.n ..
tion to the creation of the familial
and environmental condition of
the younj! which would reduce
the incidence of s uc h an un·
fortunate fate prevention would
supersede punishment "
IT DOESN'T seem to have
worked out that way. Says Abse:
"Although some doubtless have
chosen homosexual domesticity
and accepted part1cifatlon in the
outside helerosexua society on
Hs own terms, many self·
evidently have not
"The ioal was inte1ration; but
the nett<> walls we believed we
had-knocked down forever have been rfbuUt and, although the
hostile heterosexual has
aomellmes lent n hand. the real
conatruct.lon workel'I have been
tho homosexuals themaelvcs.
"From th• moment th~ Act
waa pa1111ed. o demand arote
from homo1exual1 that they
mu.st hav the ricbt to form U\tlr
own clubs. The tponaor.t ot tM
Je11e1atton, uuperated that
bomoMxua11 abould wlib. Uk• a PriliDtc' In tove wltb hU ctll, to
Joek1tM the world, draw back
from tbuut1e.sUon. . . "
AS IN Tms country. there IR
an ambivalence 1n the homosex
uc:il claims and demands. "They
claim." says Abse, "the rieht to
form their aocl~Ses on the basis
or their shared interest and their
particular vision or lift, as does
every other minority group, or
which this is one of the largest in
the land. and 10 they leave
bewildered the do.1ooder het~roaexual who had In hl• fud·
dy·duddy manner believed the
idea waa to raUonaU1e, not see·
ment still further, our excessive-
ly plural socio\.)'.
"But alone With tt•• 1•y1&'
apolotia comes an secusation:
that by diacrimlnatlon they ore
forced to cr11te ad <t'maUve
aoclet)'." ·
LEO A8SE m1iittaln1 th•t the
rul homOMxuil eora»lalatil not
aaal"'t dla~rlmlnatory laws b-at
o&ll°'t "l&WI that dO Dot permit tn19n or women to act out ·thelr H~u.t Uv• ln pu'Uc placu." lt wa. hoped that by 1anctlorun1
bomo.exual acts In privato, tbe~ would be less 1uch actl ln
public, u ln 9ubUc lav1torit1,
This has not happened. Mo~e
than 1500 arrests for public I~·
decen<.'y between m a les were ma~e in 1976. This is .nore ~ three times the arrests In J •
before the Abse Act was pass .
"Thls <"annol be allnbuted
pollce harassment,·· says Abse.1
ABSE HAS his word to s~ about the "shrllt and nu •
paranoic extreme aay liberali
lobbies·· which ha ve bee
a nother consequence of t
statute he sponsored. t
"It ls diUlcult sometimes not tb
belteve that, despite thel"
decl•rotions ot gaiety. they 1"9
unconscious ly protesting n<n
ogalMt a real dlscrJmlt1aUon bdt
a9ilnst their own sexual desUn#.
and that ls lh rub." I T~t I lndecd. Sex in privatl
cannot be araued •t•lnst. fot
either homosexual or het(lrosexr uat. Sex in publlc, whet.her Qf
pomosrapft)I or u public de~ onatra\ton, b lnda.len1lbl
amon• dtsnmect people. u A
sex, homoaexual, heterosexu and MUtral. would be kepi ln th
closet. we would have one less blt
of footllni loUY to bedevil ua. ~
&~ W@M rr
®@(?WO cg @
Pare. r•H••w
DEAn f' T I h.1\:f'! l\\O µrubh•m-.
Yrh1C'h l'H• bt•t•n unablt• to olvt• on nl)
own Ito" ('o11n I t:<.'l n•pl•t·nmcmt 1>•1 h1 ror ('tub Alumtnurn'' l'UClk'A.arl' •nd
\\ h r<> t .in un11-1u.1I ~111•<1 1h 111"" hto ur
dt•rf'll b) mail "
I f: :\11\ 1110' It'll•
R~lac('m,•nt part' .nd f)rit1• In
forrnaltoo tor 'our cook"ar•• c1n a,.
vbhlnt'd b~ wrlltnrt to l 'luh
Atun1tnum rroctut't" ('o . ut~ or Stan·
dud lntf'matlcmal < orp .. r~s IHtrull
An .• ('ltHland. Oii HUil!. Sh~• In
11nu•ii•l .,, .. !oj tan bt· ord .. rt'd lrum
ra&aloi' cJJ,.trlbutt'd b): lltll
ISrutb,·ri.. !H < rt:\<'t·nt '°It • Waltham,
MA t:1"; or '•lun11l&n l'\h~1. :t i I'\
La Cir.an.Ct' Hui.ad . l . .a c.ranl(t', II.
.. 525.
Gee rtaee Gonf.'
DEAR I'\ 1 I 111 '' 1' 'ur11Jui. lo
find out ho\\ th•· f'ri, ... ,.,. A\:l uf 1\174
<irf~cl.b addn·':. lil>h ht-Id Ly d1rt'1:l
mail ~dll·r~ II ..ippt•<Jr~ lhul 1Jne i.
name 111 b..ind1cd ..ibuul "1th1r1 the
direct mail indu'>lr) '' 1lh no con
::.idcrat1on or !Ill' t'IJll<,Uffi t•r ~ \\ t<,h fur
µriv ,jl'\
The rt'l't•nt rt•1111rl of lht· Privacy
t•n.t~on Mody ('omtmlulon, man
cblt'd undt•r the-,..rhaey Act of 1~n.
hol<b th l din·~& m 11ll 11ratelc:e" do not
lnCrtnae on prlvat'y rlgh", and ll con·
tlud..cl that no rc•ul1torv attlon4 lA
nt~l"d to rt•11ulrt• name rt•moval from u"t•.
\'ou ma.y havn to l'•Y l:l C:\•nt' to
t'llmlnal~ your nallll' rom mu•t mall·
lnii 11,.\Jt, hut t\ nn b., donts. Dlrec:t
)OUr fl"CJUf'i.t to: Ulr~ct ~1•11 Markl"t
Ing A1111n •• Inc .• 1730 K St. N.W ..
W .. hlntiton, I)(' ZOOCHI. Alik for the
"drop fot"' " Fiii It out 1rnd ri·turn to
Pdt~d f'lf f~~et
Dt; \H I' \T We ha\ c 1.1 \ tmcr11
Lie· I ur ru~ It 'i, pai.l 1ls pn ml· but I">
lop quuhh Tith. ru" has been 111 lhe
ram1ly fo1 ~eari. Although I m \cry
fond of il. ">umelhing has to bc dorw to
rt>v1H1 IL or else it must b~ retired
I H· done m v best ta keep 1t cit ..in, but
ll llCt..'tis '>OffiC sort Of profo1>s1onal
J J lh1Jboa
Several ,\ \'S rc1&ders haH recoan
mended "ild Bill's l'un., a34 N. La
Cienega, l.01> Angcll'i.. Owner Bill
Ornt'llas i1> known for a '>Pt'Clal bond
Ing procci.~ to rt'pair and rc:vitallze a ll
kinds oC rur llt'ms that havt• l>t't'n ht•I ·
tt!r dayi;.
CM Major
Staff Class
MaJ David L HCKJge
of 1820 Kinglet Circle,
Costa Mci,a, completed a
phase of the Command
and General Staff non
rei.ident course of in·
!)truction at the Uni versa·
Here's How They Voted
County Legislators' Records Detailed
8y O.C. HUSTINGS Of IM D•llY ...... '1Aft
llt:re s how Orange County
lcKlslator1> voted on some key
hills befor e the sl&ste legislaturt1
lwfore it went into rece1>s earlier
1111s monlh
TAXES: By a 21-15 vote, the
tilute Senate killed SB 154 by Sen.
Nlcholas Petris <D-Oakland). lt
\\ u~ a ~.I bllllon tax relief pro
The bill was nixed by the coun-
ty':. l wo Republican senatora,
John Uriggs CR-Fullerton) and
Dennis Carpenter <R·Newporl
B e uch ). Democrat Paul
Carpenter of Cypre11s supported
the measure • • *
CANAL: The Senate defeated
21·16 SB 346 by Sen. Ruben Ayala
tO-Chmo>. The bill involved a
plan to build the Peripheral
Canal and four other ma1or
water projects. The Assembly
had approved the bill 56-22.
ln the Senate, the Orang~
County vole was split along party
hnes, with Republicans Briggs
und Dennis Carpenter opposed
and Democrlll Paul Carpenter
voting for the bill.
The bill also proved attractive
l(I Orange County Democrats in
the Assembly, with aye voles
coming from Ron Cordova (D-EI
Toro>. Dennis Mangers CD·
H untington Beach ), Richard
Robinson <D-Santa Ana) and
Chet Wray (0-Garden Grove).
Orange County Republicans in
the Assembly were divided.
William Dannemeyer IR
Fullerton> voted for the bill.
while liruce Nestanclt• I R
Orange> voted against it • * •
BUSING: By a 27-10 vote. the
slate Senate approved, and put
on the ballot ln 1971, SCA 48 by
Sun Alan Robblna <D ·Vatn
Nuya). Th• proposed consUtu-
tlonaJ amendment would limit
the power ot 1tate courts to lnte·
arato 1chooll. •
All three co11t 1enatora -
Republlcana Brlec• and Dennis
Carpenter and· Democrat Paul
Cupenter -eupported the bill .....
BARGAINING: By a 24·8 vote,
the Senate aent a bill to the gov-
ernor that would alve limited col-
lective barealnln1 rl1bts lo near-
ly 90,000 state employff. The bill
is SB 839 by Sen Ralph Dills CD·
Republican Briggs a nd
Democrat Paul Carpenter
ravored th e measure .
Hepubllcan Dennis Carpenter op·
posed it.
• • *
SPENDING: By u 24·11 vote,
the Senate defeated a proposed
constitutional amendment that
would have allowed apendlng
bills lo pass by a majority vote
insLeud of the present two-thirds.
The measure was SCA 2'·by Sen.
John Dunlap (D·Napa).
Orange County Republicans
Uriggs and Dennis . Carpenter
voted against it. Orange County
Democrat Paul Carpenter voted
for the proposal. .. : · . .. "'
LNG: T he· Senate approved
30-7 Senate BHI 1081 by Sen.
Allred Alquist <D·San Jose). It
would require a Public Utilities
Commission decision by July 31
on when and where California's
r1rs l ltquefied na tural gas
terminal could be built.
All three Orange County
senators voted ln favor of the bill. • • • 00<.'TOR: By a 21·8 vole, the
Senato confirmed Gov. Edmund
G. Brown'• reappointment of
Ronald Doctor to the state
Energy Commission.
Republican Brlaa• waa lo
favor and Democrat Paul
CarpenU!r opposed. Thero wu no
record ot Dennis Carpenter vot-
ina. • • • PER DIEM: On vol~ of ~·19
ln the Assembly f.Dd 21·5 ln the
Senate, the leg'8lature sent to
Brown a bill exemptlne
le1llslator1' $3S per diem from
state Income taxes. It is AB 30Z
by Assemblyman Willie Brown
<D ·San Francisco> .
In the Senate. Democrat Paul
Carpenter and Republican
Briggs were again on opposite
sides of the fence, with Carpenter
m favor and Brlns opposed.
Republican Dennis Carpenter
did not vote.
However. Orange County as-
semblymen didn 't follow party
llnes tn their votes. The bill waa
s upported by D e mocrat
Robinson as well as Republican
Nestande, and opposed by
Democrats Cordova, Mangers .
and Wray and Republican Dan·
* • •
JUDGES: The Assembly sent
to the governor by at S4 -23 vole AB
1157 by Assemblyman Art Torres
<D·Los Angeles). It would add 34
jud ges to the Los Angeles
Superior Court, for a total o( 20S
'I'he Orange County delega-
tion 's vote on this bill was clearly
split by party affiliation.
Democrats Cordova, Mangers,
Robinson and Wray were m
favor, wbile Republicans Dan-
nemeyer and Nestande were op-
Newport Harbor
Jligh School
graduate Anna
Bushmun is one of 24
incoming freshmen
to receive scholars·
at-entrance award~
from Sonoma St<ilt:
College. She is a
Newport Beach resi-
EARL'S ,.lUMl lH•
I, Lie 211'17
in'-t~U '""' .Wwt1 .u Ywr Orevt , IC.II stO<"• N•ar••I YOIH' Af•ll
UM H._..-rl 81ff.
MISSIOH VllJo495·0401
Jlt:l2 ~1"1"9 ~ ....... . ISAft DI ... ,rwy, at A••ry l'-wy I
(714) 54~9624
Bu l 583, Grant• ca 92561
Writ• for Fr" hlf..-ti.. JAMES ~ 81E!I ,.,.,Mnl o• (O\l,t
Ml\• 011Wt ~c>'emt»r )4 1•11 H• '' '"''"'vt'd t>v ,,., Wit• O•n '" R ....
O•eQOll 0.... O•IJQl\lf'f s".oov 8roo~
Oreqon Pvent' Mr &. Mr\ JAmt·t
B te-t . (O\t• M•-.d Gri1"df•t"f'' a .. rri.tr11 01 .. , So"'" D •~ot•
Vr•ndf.-htf' F-rM~ JoM"On fount.•1n
V•lt•Y lwo '"'•'' l ••Anr1 P'"" '°''• MeMI •f"d Su. J11rv' Co,,,_ M"'"
MA\\ M tNi (tu·1\11ittn fttJ••M t'm l Vf''
0.'f Seo/~I> r 18 U/f H OOPM .11 ~I
Jo.ctum UU'tOIH Cnurln w1tn '"''"' ""*"'., H•rbO,. l"""" M•moriAI p,., ..
frlel"Mk tn1lV c •II •t 8•11 8,oitdwd'I
M or1u.rv 0*' MIJnd•v \>~ptflmb«r 1~. 1'11 noon lo I :10 PM s.11 Bro~dw•v
Morc...,.rv oir .. cfor'
tyofNevada. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MAOC OYfR 11 ... UM rt"lrd•nl •I
',dnttt •N. fH'\Wd 1twliy Sifptli"mr,.tf JJ
~· th• i8Qil" Of 9't S"_., '' tjUrVIYf'd by J'Wlr da~ttr. Syblt Conn1r Ot \dnt.t Al"l.t
Son ~rln 8•um ol 0 1Uand CA
Fu,,.rlll vrvlCn ,..,, IH ""'d Mor>ei.1
S.pteml»r ,, •• I 00 PM_, '"" ~"'''" Tutfotlll L.tml> MOr1uuy CMci.t w1111
P.t\IOf "00.rt 11•11 Of Tl" ~I "I Prn~er""' (.l>urt11 OI """'•An• tn ,,,.,,,,ftt F•ffhAven Mrmort•I Park
Smltl> Tll!Nll t..tmo Mortu•-. o,, .. ,
lor\ ~7 "ll I
• KE l!R'f TOO KA'1N •••atnt ol
(O't• ,.,...,, p .. ~...-0 ltWAV ~ptf'mbift
1• ,.,, .. ffyt aQf' at 71 Hfl h ~ur\l'•V•CI
by ,. .. , ,.,_,.,..,.. l ynn JC•M Of lAGUn4
Uta<" tl\lft' K•l"1 K•M OI l aouna
8t•t" M\O '<•"• "-•"" ot l •Qu"• 8ta<h Cf'.w'\tdt 'H\11t•'\ Wlrlll 0. hfld
M-n s.-ol-~r 16 1971 •I 11 00
AM •t Et Toro Q>m#r"'V wit" 't•Obf G1r\Of\ Goodm .. tn ~fir 1, tmo Smith
Tutl'lltt l •mO (O\\• M{''" MortlJMY
fl!IC DF•N f\l)NNf'll '"''°""' 01 trY•""" ,iq. tt P·''"'!J ........ ,, y pe,.ma-or
>S, ltll S...r•lveO ov l•tn.r P•I Bon
rwtr of trvine MQther Sh•ron Ronn•' ot
''\ilnt', brotl'W'r S<an 6ont\C'r of trv•n ..
sl\ttr W f>OC1"f 8onn•r Of lrvtnt
Gr•"do•r11inh Mr & M n . G'""'° Bro.-n of Torr•M•. Gr•ndp11rent Mr
8oyo 8011n•r o• Trnnt\\ft-""Cl G•MdjMl,.nf\ Mr & Mrt Jo,.i:m v~n
T M~ll of Eno1 .... oo0, Color•oo v ...
llatlon ll!M lW1d•y Sepltmber ll,
1•11 lrom 1·00 PM lo' 00 PM at S.od
dleo.ci. Ol.tpel M•\I Wiii I>• Wtdn .. \
Oey 10 00 AM .ti SI M•t l/\o,.,
luUwr.,, Church nf lr\itn~ 01f\Ci4'nt
WUI bl f*'~' WIUt•m K1y lntflrm.-nt Wiii be •I e 1 Toro ,,.,,..,,y El 'Toro
CA 111 I~ ol llow~" ~·"o con1rl1>U
llont to T .... Nt!IOMI l'oundallOf\ of
Cy,11< l'lb<O\lt. 1114 W Lll>COI" A••
"n•tw1m, CA '1I04•1\11-ao Dor•<t~d
by SIOOl•I>•<' C/\opel T1>tlln ~~·UlO
BEN OAVI\ ,, .,f.,"t or "•'""
DtH•d .t"'O ~•Pt~ml>•r 11 IOI
~rv1"f!d by w1f• Ao,• "°" Alc~rd lll~tw Etarrw. •hlor E .. lyn Ao\on·
ber9 Sh• 9ranckt'lllOfW1 \trv1c.e\ tlfft•
~10 ' JO ...,.,. SUN!a'r !iel)lombfor H
lt71 et Pe<lhc v1 .. , Cl,.pel "'''" Rot>C>t
8ornant ICl"O 0Hic1a11119 fnlttm•nl
· Pl•CI lltOTHllS
627 Mam St
Huntington Beach
Former s tate Sen.
Frank S. "Hap" Farley,
75. one of1he last of the
cou ntry's old -time
political bosses, died
Sulurd<tY al his home
f.ngland <AP> Artist
John Nash. 84, who with
brother Paul gained
rame for patntmgs of
battlefields 1n both "'orld
.,... ars, died Friday.
British actress Phyllls
Neilson· Terry, 84, .,... ho
stepped onto lhe stage 68
years ago followmg 10
the footsteps of famous
rel;it1ves. died at her
country home Sunday
~1iss Netlson-Terry. a
niece of the great Vil'-
1 or i an actress Ellen
Terry, died after a long
Loma Lockwood, 74.
who served on the
Arizona Supreme Court
for M years Including
h\-O years as the state's
firs t woma n chief
justice. died Friday.
For the
Birt It•
GIHlllAL"OSP'llAL s.cit-r 1, nn
Mt •rd Mr\_ Jame~ Gauldfon ~•"
Ju•n C..p1\h'4lf\O, CJ'rf
Sepl•mller I , lt71
Mt •nd Mr\ l4rry Gllm•n S•rt Ju•n
Cap1\lrono, oov
The course parallels
the instruction taught al
the Command and
General Starr College ut
1"1. Leavenworth, Kan
MaJ . Hodge was
grc1duated from the U.S.
Military Academy and
received an M.S. degree
ln 1967 from New Mexico
The major 1s a data
processing executive for
Great Western Finance
Corp .. Beverly Hills
The Sea and Sage
brunch of the Nationul
Audubon Society "'ill e"·
plore the va rious
hab\lat.s in and around
the Newport Bp a c h
Ecological Reserve on
The tour will meet al
8:30 a.m . on the corner or
Eastbluff Road and Back
Bay Drive in Newport
Beach. f'or further in-
rormation call Chuck
Greening at52!5·l371
Club Sets
Th~ Mas!)achusetts
Club will conduct its an·
nual bazaar Oct 14, at
7 30 pm. at the Midway
City Women's Club, 8241, •
Raisa Avenue, Midway
Homemade articles
and baked goods will be
on i,ale Prior to the
bazaar, al 7 p.m .. the
Massachusetts Club will
hold a general meeting.
Let Us Help
. A father d1scove1 s his -1<..lol escent d~ughter is experimenting with drugs. He doesn't know what to do.
... A lonely wife sobs into J pillow. Her marriJge is breaking up Her elderly parents have become J
bu1den. She can't cope.
A rrnddle-aged nrnn with a good 1ob shakes uncontrollJbly JS he reaches for il bottle of booLe. He
tned to stop di inking. but f Jiled
Tt1ese scenes Me common everydily experiences. All o f us have problems an~ we search for therr solut ions.
Sometimes we succeed. Other times we ca n't Then we need professional tielp. Where to find this help
c.Jn become a problem PROBLEM TALK SHOP helps peopl e find answers to t hei r problems.
PROBLEM TALK SHOPS Jrc free <.uu nsel1ng •lJ1d referral services located in Orange County
PROBLEM TALK SHOPS a1 e here to off er you help through counsel ing and referral. There 1s no
chilrge for our service to you. We refe ~ to both public and private agencies in Orange County. Facili-
ties to ca1 e for ind1v1duals Jre ,wJllable on a 24-hour basis. That means we can help you whenever you
need help. Appointments are no t necessary. If yuu prefer t o make an appointment, day and evening
hou1 s are available. (0ff1c.e hour s 8 : 30 il.m -5: 00 p.m .. Monday through f riday In extreme
em er genc1es. a counselor cnn he reached after ~ 00 p .m . and on weekends.)
Mr •nd Mn JOMClll PollclM !Mn
Cl•f'fl•Mt. olrl $'"'"""'"' 10, .,,, Mr .tnd M•• Brad F ord , hn
For further Inform a·
lion contact Gold le
Chaseat527-7408orsa11y Let US Help With ·
Kanachewicz at 892-0451 . •
7801 Bolsa Ave
Cemetery Mortuary Chapel
3500 Pacific View Drive
MOIT\141111 Laguna Btach
Laguna Hiii•
San Juan Caol•trano
IALn..a••uo .. ..,...AL"OWI ~ooa dtl Mar 873·9460 Cotta Meu M&-242•
s • .,._ .. , n, 1'71
Mr •nd Mr\ AnlhOlly P•••<•on ~~ ... JUan, C'"!>fstr11<10, qlrl
Mr •nd Mrt Ronald Wllw<1. S•n
Cl•me<>I•. Olrl
Mr And Mn WarOIO Dl-r D"n• Polnt,ooy ..,._, "· ,.,, Mr •ncl Mr• C1lvln LAmU. !Mn Cltm<tntt, bo1
2640....._. ...
c..te ..... °"" 7 o.,.
' I ~
---------o1 Cr1sis I ntervention -When J problJm 1s so big or
Holt tsays he was just
walking along when a
atranger ran up, yanked
off the duck head he was
wearing and hit him with it. .
Holt, 20, promotion
manaier for a radio ata·
tlon, toun roek concerts.
high school football
gamet and downtown
1treet1 drHstd as a
aeven·foot·tall duck wlth
a wlnppanof8~ feet.
Lornplex that you are unable to sec alternll·
l ives. talking with a 111ofessional 111Jy help.
Marital Discord - A counselor helps establish a
starting point an(f gu1danc.a for husband and
Adolescent Problems -The years 14 thro1,gh 18
are trying for the young person as well as his
parents. learning to communicate 1s one of 1
the basic steps a counselor can help bring
Single Parent Problems -The single parent ,.,ay
o ften feel igno,ed in a couple-oriented society.
Trying to be two people. mother and fat her .
<.cln be too difficult fot or'le person to he>ndle.
Gerlatrlc Problems -Sometimes n senior cltizon
parent noeds tende1 loving care awny from the
family . specialized nursing care, or a pluce to
live with others noJr hrs or her own Clge, ana
the ch 1ldron who make these decisions niust
learri how to cope with their feelings of gu ilt .
Alcohol and Drug Problems -More and more
people are becoming dependent o n alcohol
and other drugs. Specialized medrcal care and
a treatment program are needed .
Individual Psychiatric Problems -Sometimes we
feel that our world is caving 1n on us. 1 ension.
anxiety, and fear may keep us from coping
effectively with everyday life. Psychiatric help
may be your first step toward healthy livrng.
. .
1110 E. Chapman Avenuo
Orange, CA 92666
Phone : (714) 997-183 1
25283 Cnbot Rood
L~guna Hiiis, CA 92653
Phone: (714) 768·3831
3 Take Double
Wins in Argosy
Thrt! ak lPPt·,.. •cored doutJle win. ln Newport Ocean Satlln1t Al·
aoc1atmn' Arcuty (formrrly Alamltu Bay Ar1osy> Saturday and
Sunda)'. TIK.-/1rst rac-o wu /rom Nt'Wport Beach t<> Cabrillo Beach
Vat ht t1ub Saturday and the attond waa from CBYC to Newport Sun·
Dooble wt.nners were.-Jim Lin farm. J, l..1lUe Pooner.
cformun'a RaJder, BYC ln the: In f>Hftfl' A 1, Hldalfco, 2 ,
tC'rn.Jt\nnul Ofhhort-I IOR J Lumari111, IUU Rohris, VYC; 3,
clit,~. Wt•nn Recid'a Alotu1 JI, Dcbru
South Shon• 'rncht Club, in the• PJI RF H 1 Aloha ll: 2.
PNform .. t11<:c: tlund1u p CIA.!>& A W 1 I d c LI t , 3 • R t! d b a I I ,
d 1v1:oon. and Bowie-JlouY,hton'i. DinJJmoof/Mctcutr, BYC.
t:r1n t..1h;una Yacht Club, In the PllR1" <.; 1, Gcnei;is; 2 ,
On•lllt lt.t1·1n~ Cat~mllr&n l'la...,~ Sunk~l. Scott Schock. BYC; 3,
Both race ... ~ere i.a1h:d 111 lt~hl Tt t•y, J;.u:k Ow<!n, SSYC D•llY ~l .. t ~Ult -·
Newport's Ullman
10 mO'~t·r.•k wands Rei._!All.ll OJt('A I, Erm; 2, Allez Cat,
Nt>wp.JJ't to LotJAn,el~-. 3, lt111 l.0 11
O (' Jo: A N R A <' I N (;
C \ f ,\MAHAN l, Enn, lio~u:
Houghwn. L<tha ma YC , 2 Allt:2
Cdt, Mike Kane, SSYC, 3, lm1
Loa. VtcStern.Sl BYC.
IOR -1, Haider, Jim LUI·
derman, DYC; 2. Animal f'arm.
Jlansen/Ryrnc. VYC; 3, Litth:
Pooner, Steve Schock, NHYC
PJIRl"·A 1, Pranc. Richard
Newbrl!, HC YC; 2 . Debrl1 ,
Richar d naurr. SS YC ; 3,
Hidalgo, Rod Lippold, NHYC.
PHRl''·B -l , Aloha ll, Glenn
Reed, SSYC; 2, Wildcat, Peter
Schoonmaker, BCYC; 3, Tiger
Lilly, Ron Deacon. VYC .
Pl lRF·C l, Speeding Ticket,
Ray Booth, BYC: 2, Fun Won,
Bruce 1-'ellel. CBYC; 3, Genesis,
J ohn Siple, SSYC.
t os Angeles to Newport, Sunday
lOR -l, Ruider ; 2. Animal
Wins Class
lllus 1on . -.i..1ppered bv Ed
:'il d>o"cll . King Harbor Yacht
<.'l11b, "',i:, the Performance fl an
dit·ap Racing Fleet Clasi. A win·
ner Saturday in California Yacht
Club's Inverted Enduro race. the
second f<.';.iture of the Fred Harns
Series The series drew more
than JOO boats an seven classes.
Thl' Im crll'fi Enduro "as a
15'.!·mile rac e s tarting off
Marina del Rey and taking the
fle ets around a series of buoys on
Santa Monica Bay and as far
.-.outh as El Segundo.
TllE TlllR.0 RACE. the Lazy
8 . 1s a 20-milcr over a figure 8
~haped course and will be sailed
• next Saturday. The fourth and
fin al ratt• 1s the 5 O'Clock Bell ,
• 161 ~ mill''i, on Oct. 15.
Results of Saturday's race
PJIRF·A 1, Illus ion : 2,
• l\krlin, Juck Ibach, SMYC; 3,
J uno. F.R Brown, CYC.
PHRF-R l . Daria. David
Hoss. WYC. 2, Windfall, Lee
;-o;ewficld, CYC; 3. Shenandoah.
Oli ver McCann, SB YRC.
PHRF·C 1, Loose Chan~e.
Bob Lin coln, SflYRC; 2, St Su,
Hon Sweeney. SB YRC; 3, Veraci-
t y , Howard Williams, SBYRC.
MORF A t, Siren, Grover-
Mark. PMYC; 2, Love Is, Bob
Crum. eve. 3, El Pampero, Leo
Skuerer. OYC.
MORF-D 1. Foxy Lady, Bert
Lockwood, PMYC ; 2 .
S turmvogt>l. Paul-Klos e, SC·
CYC ; 3 Lollipop, Tom Leweck · eve.
MORA 1. Olvero Street,
Cas tillon-Wils on, KHYC; 2
OuUaw. Don Rosenkrans, WYC;
3, Ghost, Berg-Ctoshere, WYC.
IOR-1, Jefferson Steamship,
Acker-Sellars, PVYC; 2, Jano,
Bob Kahn CYC ; 3, Orange Peel,
Ron Greenberg, DRYC.
45 New Boats
~Go on View
• At Sail Show
An unprecented number of new
• boats -45 in all -wlll debut at
the annual Southern California
Sailboat Show starting OcL 22 at
the Long Beach Convention
Center, according to show
chairman Jerry Sehi. The show
will continue through Oct. 30.
Part of the reason for the a~
pearance of so many new craft is
the fact that the sbow bas grown to nearly 150,000 square feet -
nearly three times the slze of the
19'16 edition.
made possible by completion of
the exhibit hall portJon ol the
S.Sl.2 mllllon Long Beach Conven·
tlon Center complex. The
SAJJboat Show will be Ule first
public event to be held ln the new
Amon.c the new'craft slated for unveilin1 re the Hawklam·28,
Bounty-JO, B~ce 8obert.s·2S,
Buccaneer Quarter and Hair
Ton. Island Tr~er·31, Clre-33,
CT-U, Cal-U. Gull·32,
Catalina.a, Clipper·22, Koble-a.
CoJumbia·:t. Crealock·37 and
' T1buron.a.
Otben wllJ be the Chryaltr·22.
Monttrey·U. Encson·ll, Kans
Cbrjstlan·33, Hunt•r·3l and
lllander Bahama 28 ind 31.
Newport Sflilmaker
Wins World Title
D:n it.I Ullman, 31-year-old sail maker from Newport Beach 1s
flv ang home trom Japan today with his ftrst world cha mp1oni.hjp
..,ailing trophy.
l/llrnan won the 470 Class world title m a close ~eri.e:. ;.it
ShLwoka, Japan. His crew wa:. Tom Linskey.
l 'LLMAN l S A CllAMPIONSIUP s ailor m virtually t:vcry clai.s
he enters He has won national championships in the Snipe, L1do-M
iJnd Sabot classes, a North American championship m the 470 Cla:.s
.ind '~as an Wlsuccessful contender in the 1976 Olympic tnals in 470s
But this was the first world championship be has ever won.
L'llman was raised in the Newport Beach sailing and yachting
tratt-rruty and has been sailing since he was about three. He ha:.
alwu.vs concentrated his efforts ln small high-performance classes.
Lightning Captures
St. Francis Trophy
SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -Lightning, skippered by Larry Carr or
the host St. Francis Yacht Club, captured thi! St. Francis Perpetual
T rophy Saturday by winning the fourth and final race over an 18 7
mile course in San Francisco Bay.
The 57·foot sloop, 1973· 74 winner of the trophy, led alJ the way and
finished 1:10 ahead of Equation,
a 57-foot sloop from Long Beach
skippered by Gerald Simonis.
Winds were 15·18 knots .
WHISTLE WING V, 53-foot.
a luminum s loop skippered by
Hastings Harcourt of Santa
Cup's Ted Turner
Third Straight
Cup Victory
Ted Turner, who skippered
Courageous to a rour-race sweep
of the America's Cup, says he
hopes to return to the helm or the
y acht when she tries for a third straight Cup victory.
"As far as the America's Cup
is concerned, I want to be the
skipper of the tint boat ever to.
win it three times ln a row, but I
have to overcome some prob-
lems, '' Turner told 150 cadets •t
the U.S. Merchant Marine
HE AP~ARENTL Y was refer·
ring to hls outspokenness and his.
ruucous behavio r after
Couraeeous clinched the Cup
with lta fourth victory ln a row
over th toreiin chellen1er,
AustraJla. ·
Cour.,~ua won the America'•'
Cup in M• Wltb Tld l:food at the
The cadet. 1ave Turner en
ovation when be w .. Introduced,
prompt1n1 him lo aay, "U I had
known lbat wlanlnt the
Amttka's Cup meant t0 much. I
would Mt have l0tt elahl reces ln
thetrl1t1 ...
He encoura1tid the cadttl lO
puuue a Merchant Marlnt
ureer, U)'ln1, "Golna to Ma 11
lbc 'in' lhjna lodotod1}'.'1
Barbara Yacht Club, Jtas won
two races and was 'the leader
after races Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. But the defending
champion fell to fourth in the last
race and ended as runner·up.
Hawkeye, a 48-foot-sloop en·
tered by David Cuckler of
Newport Beach and the 1975
trophy winner, was third Satur
day and third m the four-race
The Keefe-Kilborn Trophy for
two-ton yachts went to Dave Al·
len of San Francisco in Imp,
which won the first three races 1
but fini~hed fifth Saturday when
Cadenza, skippered by Carl
Eichenlaub of San Diego, won.
Chick Le son of Oakland's
Metropolitan Yacht Club. was
second Saturday and second in
the standings.
William F. Powf:r's High Roler
of Newport Beach and Saudade
and Scandalous of the St. Francis
Yacht Club finished 1·2·3 Satur·
day and 1·2·3 in the final stand·
ing for the City of !fan to'ranc1sco
Mirage won the Richard
Rheem {>erpetual Trophy by cap-
turing Saturday's race.
La Paz Race
Shot in Arm:
3 Remedies
Long Beach Yacht Club has
given its biennial La Paz race a
potent shot in the arm with three
remedies that are expected to
pull a record entry list tor the
l, ()()().mile event. The remedies:
--Addition of a Performance
Handicap Racing Fleet <PHRF>
group in addition to the tradi·
tional International Offshore
Rule CIOR> rating.
-A TWO·RACES·IN·one glm·
mick ln which the yachts will
complete one race at Cabo San
Lucas al the tip of Baja
California, and without stoppl.ng,
continue on to La Paz to complete
the O\ber race.
-A split start that will see the
slower boats ofr on Friday, Oct.
21, and the faster boats getting
the start.Jng signal 24 hours later
Saturday, Oct. 22.
!Vice commodore and race
airman Robert P. Graham
said the club has already re-
cei vtd 46 inquiries with the
posslbllit.Y of a starting fleet or 40
or more yachts.
The lnquJrles are about evenly
divided between Plffif' and JOR.
A substantial number have
alre8d.Y sent their el'ltry blanks with tho rciquired rec.
AT 1'11£ Dt:YDEY of the race
tbtte were a9 entries. lt rell to a
low ot five boat.I in 1975. •
Graham 1ald tho raC4J would
not UM tM re.iutar ''1tqfered
Atiart" Ila whltb each boat I.I start-
ed 11eoordln• to itll rathl1 and tJme allowanee. Ralber, uch ot
t.be~·oneeta wJll be•Plilmhall.
UWanCa.-.ter Concert
Mother Wins Set at
Judge Nixed
-Gov. Edmund Brown
Jr. hu bloclced. creation
o( • n~w Superior Court
juditdhlp ln San Joaquln
County. The governor
vetoed a bill thttl would
have glven the county an
eif hth judge L'l soon as
county supervisors ap-
proved funds !or the
local portlon or the
Judge's salary.
Peace A.ward UCI Hall
From AP Dllp1kbe•
Lillian Carter has become the first woman
awarded the Synogogue Council ol America's "Cov-
enant ol Peace" prize.
The President's mother received the award for
'"distinguished contributions to the furtherance of
Snlemational understandlna, justice and peace."
In addition to a bronie statue, there is an $18,000
cash award. '
"Miss Lillian," ass he is known in her home town
of Plains. Gu., said she would donate the mooey to
:.cveral charities. •
The murder trial of former United Mine
Workers president W .A. "Tony" Boyle wu
postponed in Media, Pa. until
Jan. 16 because of Boyle's heart
problems. ~
The 75-year-old Boyle. ac-
cused of arrangiog the 1969 as-
s assination of a union rival, was
taken from the courtroom in an
ambulance to the Crozer Chester
Medical Center last week after
he complained of chest pains '
during jury selection.
Delaware County Judge
Francis J. Catania. after meeting with attorneys
and Boyle's doctors in his chambers for more than
a n hour. granted the defense motion for a coo·
t1ouance. •
Entertainer J erry Lee Lewis has been indicted
by a Shelby County <Tenn.) grand jury on a charge
of driving while under the in·
fluence of drugs.
Lewis was arrested JWle 22
in nearby Collierville. PoUce
there declined to dlscuss the ar·
Lewis, 40, was charged with
being under the influence of both
stimulants and depressants.
While customers are ch~king out the girl on
the cover or Esquire magazine, the girl on the cover
1s cbeclang them out.
"People buy that magazine all the Ume;• says
Debbie Wagener. Dallas
Cowboy che.!rleader and ( .... ---------] s ~permarkct checkout PEOPLE girl.
"No one ever realizes ---------"' 1t"s me. They look me
s traig ht m the eye and talk about the magazine cov-
<•r and never know it's me."
Looking pale and thin after being stabbed in
Peking, New York lawyer Richard Talmadge ar-
rived in Hong Kong but refused
to discuss the attack.
Talmadge's wife and their
traveling companions, actor
William Holden and actress
Stephanie Powers, also refused
to talk about the stabbing Sept.
18 by a Chinese man officials
told them was mentally un·
Talmadge was wounded in
the chest as he. his wife and Miss "~ou
Powers were returning to their hotel after a
sightseeing trip. Holden said he was elsewhere at
the time. The attacker was arrested immediately. •
A probate court jury ordered that the six
children of the late Houston and Miami socialite
Candace Mosi.Jer share equally
in her estimated $15 million
Two adoptl'd sons. Daniel
Mossier, 26, and Chrlstopber
Mossier, 25, contested a purport.
cd will that disinherited them
and a sister, Martha Mossier
'Meredith, 27. Mrs. Meredith did
not contest the document.
The Mossier brothers con-
tended that their mother was not MOSSLU
herself when she cut them out of her estate.
Mrs. Mossier died in Miami last October at the
age of 62. In 1966, she had been a defendant in a
sensational murder trial in which a jury found her
innocent of the slaying or her husband. millionaire
Jacques Mossier.
A 33·year-old love letter from Erneat Hem·
lngway is the prize exhibit at an upcoming Detroit
auction of rare books and
literary memorabilia.
Hemingway wrote the four-
page missive lo his fourth wife.
Mary, by flashlight from a bat·
tlefield in northern France on
July 31, 1944.
He told her about a
Mercedes staff car that had been
captured and the recovery or a
good supply o! cognac. Hl:MINOWA\' "Hey, Sn1o.ll Friend," he
wrote, "I wish I could talk to you: preferably in
bed •. .'' •
A Miami jury awarded $1.8 million to an
Eastern Airlines pilot who said he was grounded for
testifying about mechanical problems aboard a Jet
that later crashed and killed 101 people.
Capt. Dan Gellert, 4S, charged East.em with
psychological and financial harassment after he
testified before a federal board lnveatlgaUn1 the
1971 cra'lh of a Lockheed TrlStar In the Everglade•.
Gellert, who served as co-pilot aboard Ute plane
before its cruh. told invesUgaton he had warned
Eastern officiula of troubles with the plane's
autopilot. •
A SO-year-old financier who preelded over
perhaps.the largest insurance fraud acbeme ln his·
tory failed to get a reduction in his elf bl-year prison
U.S. District Court Judge JesM W. Cattll de-
nied motions In Los Anaeles by 1ttome~ for
S&anley Goldblum, who contended the U.S. Parole
Commission improperly decided aaatnat paro.lln•
Ourlna the late 1960s and ear\Y 1970s, Oo1dblum
served as the head of EquJty Funding Corp. of
America, at the time one ol the fastett·1rowln1 In·
surance conglomeratca in the country. •
ICansllS newapapor edJtora lnduc\ed tbe late
W,L White, newsman, edJtor and war cormpcin.
ddnt, into thclr Kanns Newspaper Edltora Hall' of •·a me.
White, who died tn 1913, had been editor of the
Emporia Gazette alnce hl1 fatbtr1 rtnowncd writet
William AUfft Whl~, died in lMt. ·
White'• wlr• and their ad9'lltd daultlter, the
· BritiJh war orphan lmmort.aliied In till ".rourne, tor Marfa.rel .. on wh~h a movie wu bUtd. were at
tho Uoivmu~ of Kanau tor~ aa.nounet1Del\~
Five young musclans
from Mexico. La
Nopalera, will present
their lnterpret.aUona of
"revolutionary man .. in
a concert at UC lrvioe ---------Frlday. PUBUC N~CE
The concert, .. New 1----------
S o n g a n d L a t i n ·~~~::::.-=:• American Folklore," is TIW ~ ,..,_ i....,. ...,_
scheduled for 8 p.m . in 119\t;~:ltNAltO A. u co .. t'AG~ the Fine Arts VUlage ONI! 1Noun1t1u, EAGLE oicR Concert Hall under P1t<>OVCTS. t0'6t.t4 t'111u ..... ,,_. taln Velley, CA "IJQI sponsonblp or the UCI llwMrd M\llony LI, 1"11 ., Pel•
Committee for Arts. iw_,, Huncl/l9IOll 1tk11, CA"~
The five, who formed di:: .. ~-1• ~,.., bV ... ,,,.
La Nopalera in 1975, e.m.r.sA111-., u
C 0 m bl• n e pr 1 m 1t1. v e T1111 si.1-1 wM 111ed w1111 u. County Cler11 of Ofe1199 Cotonty on
African, Hlspanie and Au9l™ll.1m.
Indian musical forms PllDI•-0r,,.. c.out o.11-,~:!
with modern instru· s.11u,1i.1t,i.,1t11
ments to create what 1----.-----_.., __ ._77
PUBLIC NOTICE they term "new South
American rhythms."
Tickets for the concert '~<=::...~~!:~::::' are available at $1 from Tile fol1ow11111 penon 11 dolfl9 bin!·
the Associated Students nm;·~~TIC PLANT CARE. •04
Ticket Office in Gateway N•rcluu~.coron.oei M.tr CA.nm Commons They also D•v•d LVft H•rdln . .o. Nan:1u..._ ' Cor.,... 0111 M.t•. CA '26'5 • may be purchased at the Tn1, 1>11\jneu •• c.-..cM<S 1rt ... in.
d.oor. Further informa· dlvl.,...10.,,,dL H•rd•n
tion may be Obtained by Tiiis 11•1..-nt'nl w"• 111911 wllll the calllng the Committee County ChJrUf Ortn99 CollntYon Sepl.
for Arts, 833-6378. 13
' im . · """
Publ•sn..d OrM\Qe Coa>I O•lly Pllof.
S.ot It, 2•, and 0c1 1, 10, 19n
0 Ti.. IOllOWfnQ j»non ll dOlnQ ~
nen ••: THE STAIRCASE, 3ll3 BrbtOI St.,
· Space 197, ~le Me"9, CA J Arie..• L. He9e11telmer, 11020 011'7'1~ GrnnlMI $1, l'ounl•ln V•lley, CA - -__, J '111Qt
Thi• 1NM1w.s I• <O<ldurtecl by •n In· Dr. Robert M. Saun· 01v1~. •
d r ( I Ari-. I.. H_l,,.l""'r ers, pro essor 0 e ee· Thi\ 1\et-t w•1 l llecl with Ute trlcal engineering at UC County Clerk ot Dr•noe County on
Irvine, will lead a 10· AuguitJ1, l'17. ,..1,..
member delegation of Pvbli.-Or•"91' cont o.11r Piiot,
electrical engineers to s.pt. s. u.1•.20, ttn m~.n the People's Republic of ----------
Dr. Saunders is presi------------dent Of the Institute Of PICTITIOUUUSINEH • NAMESTATUlllNT Electrical and Elec -T11e 100 .... 1ng ,,..""' 11 dolne t-1-
tronics Engineer_s (~E· nn\~,IV ALL WEST WATU COH-
EE), the organization omON•NG,14l1 E.W•nwrA .... ,,.,.. that arranged the trip to ••An•CA"70i.
China. Gol•~.~~v,,J;':t'b•, Ill Lyon• Pl,
The engineers and T1111t1us1r-.u1u onc1uc1ee1i.ye111n-
their wives arriving in °1"1°""1. • R-y~ Peking Sept. 27, will vis it Tiii• \l•l-t .... llled wltlt '""
N anking , Shanghai. ~tv~o10.eneeeoun••Aut >1•
Soochow and Canton l'm21 before leaving for home Pu"'1"'*' or-. c.o.si D•flv PllOC
0 t 16 $epl. s. 12. 19, u . 1917 •
C • • t1fO·TT
The 20-day trip, which
culminates three years PUBLIC NOTICE
O( negotiations between l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS
t h e c h i n e s e a n d HAMI STATIMIHT
Americans. marks the ,,,.!:::011-'""'"""0"u redolft11blm-'
first visit by American WHY TOCK INTERIORS. 000
electrical engineers to ;;:;;-si• '°' H-rt ee.ai, CA .
Communist China. Ro1>rr1 McNeil w11ytock, 212 s.
K r•emu ti H OI, Placenlla, CA.
J•nn11@r Lynne Wllvtoclt, tn S.
Kraemer " 1401, Pl.Kt,,ll•.CA. ~hlO
Th" bu\lnt~\ h <O<ldu<ted by •
11ener el ~''""''"'P Jt'nn11or Wllyloclt
1 .. 1~ ...... ,,,.. .. 1 -~· hi"" ••Ill , ... .:ounly Clf'rlo. ol Ounoe County Ofl
S.ot ll, 1'11.
P ubli'1>1!d Or~ Co.ls! O.tly Polo\,
SeP1.lt,2~encl0<1 3,10,1'77
A rodeo, benefiting the -·---------
CysUc Fibrosis Founda· '1CTmouuus1Nu.s . • NAMlfSTATl:MINT t1on. wtll be held at the TM 1011ow1no ,,...,... is dolft11 llull-
0 range County Fair· ''"s:.~•RT PLAZA CLEANERS
grounds, the weekend of 1~ BNc1> a1vc1., w~1m1ns1 .... cA
Oct. l-2at2:30p.m. tzMl
Th rod · ed Relplt W McKentle, Jr., lt1J1 Seft-e eo ts sponsor -. Rn•. FOlll'lt•ln V•Htv, CA"'°' by the California Depart-T11b bonlnn• 11 c01>C1uc1ec1 b-, .... 1 ... ·
t f F t dfYIOUll. men o o ~es r Y R•IPhW.Mc1Ceni1e,Jr. Employes Association. It Tiiis mt~ WIK llled wltll .,,. will be sancUoned by the County Clerk ot Of•no-Counly Or>
I tern , AUflUSUl, 1'77. n ational Rodeo As-Nm• sociation and the events PubOINd 0t11101 c:o.11 D•llY Pilot,
Will 't to d th s.111.l.l2.1t,i.,1m coun war s e lltW7
naUonal championship. PUBUC NOTICE Admission is $.l.50 for
adults, $2.50 for children 1---.,,-CT-1_T1_ou_s_a_u_11-.. -,-u--
12 and under. and no NAMUTATIMINT
Charge •or hiJd T11e foltowlft11 pertont .,. dOlng ~ ,. c ren un-MUH' der 3. ATTITUDE DEVELOPMENT'
SYSTEMS, 4'7 £ett 17111 St., Cosl9 Men. CA n.21
R-r1 Bruce 9M ,....,. 8r-,
IMS Sherlnot"" Pl, •Ollt. Hew"°" 8e.,h, CA '2MO
Tllh _1,,,u It conducted l>y ett ....
MMI. ,,_._
Tiiis ····-· WH filed wltfo '"" cou1tty c .. r1t ot 0r .... Countv on Sept,
IJ, 1917, .. ., ...
PUl)llt.lltd Ora..Qt Coest o.ll't' Piiat. S.PI. 19,3'.0C1 2, 10, tm
Mondly. 8-ptember 29, 1871 * DAILY PILOT .49"
,.,, ...........
Tom Jones
"""''"" ... TENNIS CHAMP
Virginie Wade
P.G. Wodehouse
.. ,.,, ...........
Mick Jagger
u,,, .......
• Mlchaet Caine
Richard Burton
Taxes Drain 'Fame' From Briiain
LONDON (Al» BntaJ.D is suffenng a fame
Some of the country's top actors. entertainers,,
athletes and writers bave left, saymg they can't a!·
ford the income tax.
The latest to go a& movie actor Michael Came
who says he is looking for a permanent home in the
lJ nit.ed Stat.es.
Inland Revenue include acton Richard Burton and
Seao Connery, pop stars Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart
and Tom Jones, 1976 world champion race driver James Hunt, 1oller Tony Jacklin, tennis player
Virginia Wade, and thriller writers Fredenck
Forsyth and Alistair MacLean.
Britain baa bad its tax ex.lies in the past. Some
like playwri1bt Noel Coward and authors P. G.
Wodehouse and Somerset Maugham, however,
lived abroad for other reasons as well as to escape
The exodus accelerated after the Labor govern·
menL's coming to power in late 1964 and the start of
taxes ot up to 90 percent on annual incomes oveI"
100,000 pound!, then worth $280,000.
Ues are the United States, where income tax Is near·
Jy one-third less than in Britain, F r ance,
Switzerland, Spain, the Ilish Republic and <the
Englllh Channel Islands. All of them allow top
earners to keep more of their money than Bntain.
The Labor government, whose Tory pre-
decessors imposed income tax at4 percent In 1799 to
help finance a war against France, today claws
back 83 percent of earned Incomes over $37,511. the
blghest rate in the industrialized world, official
spokesmen admlt.
The tax rises to 98 percent if the taxpayer has ·
additional investment income exceeding $4,375.
MICHAEL CAINE, 44, REPUTED to earn U.P to"
$1.2 million a year as an international box-office at.f
tract.ton. says he cannot stand the tax burden any
Caine bas rented a home for his family ln
lteverly Hll.ls, while be films in the state. Two yean
ago, be remarked during a visit to California: 'I've
madealotof nolae about taxes, bull know I 'll never
What made him change bf.a mind?
.Anaeles that heavily taxed film-making in Britain
bu reduced the opportunities for international pie·
tures here. He said he waited seven months in
England to do a tum, turning down numerou.'
.American offers, and then the financing for the
Brltilb movie failed to come through.
••So I am faced with going abroad to earn
money and then going home to pay to the same gov-
ernment the same ruinous taxes on ll that have
ruined my lnduatry," the actor said.
"I love En&land, but I shall stay away until the
policies of taxation change."
Veteran composer Sir William Walton, who
aald hllh taxes drove blm to the Italian isle of
lscbla. told a reporter: .. 1 don't mlss anything ex-
cept the strikes. In tact, when I go to England I feel
• The fUgbt of the tax ex.ilea was called a "hem··
orrbage ol talent" by attorney Sir Geoffrey Howe, a
former Tory rnlnster and a taxation specialist. Howe
couldftnd himself in charge of the nation's finances lf
his Conservative Party leader, Margaret Thatcher.
overturns Labor in the next general elections, wbach
have to beheld by the fall of 1979.
tribute tho yeast to the ecooo~. _They create ne~
busioe11e1, new Jobi. new proeJ;llflrlty. ..
A SPOKESMAN FOa THE Inland Revenue,
asked to comment on Michael Caine's decision,
''The important thmg about the fame drain 1s
that we are not just losing uruque people," Howe
told The Assoclal.ed Presa. "For every Michael
Caine, we lose a hundred doctors, a hundred
eneineers, a hundred managers, a. hundred
teachers -hundreds of the people who really con-
••it's a free country, I've lo idea how much
money we lose from tax exiles, but so long as it's
done legally we don't mind. I think most of them
seek a )>eUer market for their talents. so the income
comes ftnt and the tax second. It must be hard to
leave friends and relatives&¢ English beer.'•
.Kids, Meet 'Torso'
W ashiilgton f!pe{l.S 'Adu],~' Entertainment
the Torso and friends could soon
join the Washington Monument
and Lincoln Memor ial as a
touris t ·attraction for young
Americans visiting the nation's
• Jt. seems a ruling by the Dis·
trict of Columbia's Alcoholic
Beverage Control Board will
force Washington restaurants
that feature side orders of "adult
entertainment," including top·
less and bottomless dancers. to
admit minors.
THE BOARD SAID prohibiting
minors from entering such
establishments would be a viola·
lion of the D.C. human rights
The law bars d1scrimtnatlon
based on "race, color, religion,
natural origin. sex, age, marital
status, personal appearance.
~exu a l orientation, f a mily
rcsponsibillties. physical han·
dlcap, matriculation. political af.
f1laataon. source of income. or
place of residence or buslne!s."
The local ordinance as also re-
quires a licensed ''hotel, tavern,
restaurant. ordinary, simple
room, tippling house, saloon or
eating house" to admit "any
quiet and orderly person or
THE ABC BOARD was asked
to approve the alcohol license of
the Godfather Supper Club in
Northwest Washington.
The board refused to grant the
license on three grounds,
neighborhood opposition. the
character of the entertalnment
and the management's pollcy of
excluding minors.
Dr. Kenneth Edelin,
whose manslaughter
conviction in the death
of an aborted fetus was
overturned by the
Supreme Court last
year, has been elected
president of the New
England Medic a l
The board said lt wanted to
.. make it crystal clear to all the
ABC establishments that they
must ablde by the law."
A D.C. Ol'nClAL said the
board's decision dramatized the
n eed to overhaul tbe clty'a
restaurant licensing practices.
"Any 12-year-old can walk tnto
a topless J&lnt that bas a
restaurant license, order a coke
and watch the' girls until bis eyes
give out," the official said.
Under D.C. law there is no
classification for "nightclub" or
"cabaret." A profit-making
establishment that sells liquor
ror consumption on the premises
must also offer food.
manager of the Gold Rusb1 a
club featurint topless dancers,
said her plad serves food, ''but
we can't force.anybody to eat."
She sald she thought a new
claa11ficatlon !foe ni1htclubl and ubareu might be a good idea.·
"f certaintx. wouldn't want to
bring my children in here for
TlmnkB ID you nwara.,.-
• .. . ~~~~~~~~~--~~~~--=~--~~----~~~-------------...------------~ NOVEUST ALEC WAUGH LEFT for Tangier,
actor Jamee Muon 11vea in Switurland and soccer
etar Kevtza Keecan, former captain ot En it and 'a na·
tlonal team. went to play ln Hamburg West
OermU)', saying be wanted aecurlty fQr bla tamil1'• futur•. Graham Sutherland, Britain'•
mOlt<IJIUnfulabed Uvtn1 P&lnter, llYet In France. •
One reuon whY novellit Forayt.b, who made a
fortune from "The Day of the Jackal,•• chose to llve
In Ireland II the llepubllc'a abollUon •Ince 1IMl8 Of
penoaal tax on Income from creative work.
J.ck JUggina bad an internattonal beat.seller
with .. The Eagle Has Landed." He resides in
Jersey, one of the Channel Islands off the Norman-
dy coast.
for a home in France. Actor PeteT Sellen baa lived
in France for years. Also in France is Mlcbael
Peanicm, son of Lord Cowdray -believed to be th&
richest man in Britain -movinl to keep his
multlmllllon-pound inbarltance from tuman'a
CHIASSO, Switzerland
CAP> -Fronuer tuards
at thil Italian border
town in aouthea·et
Switzerland became SUl!I·
plclou1 wben tbey
noticed that a young
Italian crossing into his
homeland walked with
an unusually heavY step.
On interrogating the
suspect, they found half
a kilogram or gold,
valued at 6,000 Swiss
francs ($2,500) hidden in
hla aboea and promptly
arrested him, police nld.
Shlpnwnt, #CX508 Ofdered by phone eat London WarehoUM 6/e/TT, 23 Uoeel be* .,... •
rtwd Loe Angel" 7/19177. Exoae t•fUMd by fmporter. We have bMn commlMloned to
llUCtfon the exceu 23 balee to .void teehlpplng to London and rMllr. cuh to cover
v.noua ctw;.1 Incurred •n route.
~tloneera noi.: we hmve examined the bel .. and found the ~· to be of fine quality
and In excellent condition. They vat'f In alU from 3'x2' to 11'•12 1n vartou. makee and origins. This Is a ~reat opportunity to obtain fine rugs and should not be missed.
Uc....t•a....ti ........
AT 8 ,.M.
Jll12P .... C....Hwy • ti._ ......
-----~--·------------- ------- ---------
'Responsi1'e' .
National Prize
To Catalogue
LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tbe Natlonal Press
Club h H named The Compleat California
Consumer Cataloaue al the best contumer pubUca-
Uon of 1976, the nrst tlme a 1overnment pubUcaUon
baa won top prize.
"The catalogue demonstrates that 1ovemment
can be responsive to the n~ of consumers for
tools necessary to operate effectively and protect
themselves in the marketplace," said Richard
Spohn, director of the state Department. of
Cooaumer Affairs .
~remonies in Washington, D.C. was Janice Lowen
.A&ee, the catalogue's editor, who received the
award from Esther Peterson, President Carter's
•pecial assistant for consumer affairs.
··1 never thought being a bureaucrat could be so
rewarding," said Ms. Agee, who compiled the 200·
page guide on consumer issues.
The wide-ranging catalogue covers a number of
subjects, starting with
advertising and going on .
to automobiles, (new and (--------...... ]
uaed), danc~ s tudios. ~ CONSVMER
health spas, tires, vaca· _ _
tion certificates and end·
mg with water.
IN ADDmON TO BUYING tips. the catalogue
explains what recourses conswners have when
they'reuohappy with sometbint they've bought.
Altbou&h many busin .. reculatory boards are
part ol the department, the catalogue doesn '\.
hestitate to point out their wea.kn•ses.
"You should realize tbat aome of the organb:a~
tions lilted here may involve Pfft1i policing peers,"
the catalol\le warns, "with then.ult that you may
feel YoW' complamt is not beinc bandied as ag-
gresa1vely u you had hoped. ..
on bow and where to complain, listing names, ad-
dresses and phone numbers or appropriate &gen~
cies. It also explains bow to select an attorney to
handle your complaint or how to bring a caH in
Small Claims Court.
There l.s even a section on how to write your
congreaaman with sample letters included.
MORE THAN 6S,OOO COPIES OF the catalo1ue
have been distributed and the department is work·
ing on a second edition.
The catalogue, which coats $1.50, may be ob-
tained by writing The State Department of
Consumer Affairs, Publications Section, P.O. Box.
1015, North Highlands, CA 9SSm, or at any fle{d of-
fice of the California Department of Motor
-RETIREES Baldwin ---=
. Pl '~?' Wanted to do small ' anos ...... -t
"handyman·type" and · , '.
Organs 4f ~.· ·Jobs In the local
area. Must have your , ecfotr '"'Wtellrte own toots and LESSONS • INSTRUMEM'TS
transportation. Call Y•=R Sam Oaadch~ 673-13 0 , ...... l.a.nd ......
MOM.a~ ......... • ....
You will
op smokin
on Nov. 11th~
•.. If you Join amokEnders now and follow our plea&o
ant program. Untll recently as a smoker you had very little choice. Either you continued to smoke,
or you sullered the agony of cold turkey withdrawal.
Now there Is a REAL choice. SmokEnders. At
smokEndera you amoke as much as you want untll
you learn to quit WITHOUT hypnoala, cllmblng the
walls or acar• tactics. No one hH to tell.you what
clgarett" are doing to your bOdy. You know. What you need to know 11 HOW to quit. SmokEnders wlll
show you "ow. 8mokEndere le oommltted to mak· Ing, the quitting eicptrltnce eaey, rewarding and
truly unforgettable.
and bring your olgarettea-by November 11th, you
won't need them 1nymore. •
South Coast Plaza Hoter Thursday Thursday
'66 Anton Blvd. 9/'Zfi or 10/6 10/13
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23932 Paseo de Valenda 9/26 or 1011· 10110
(Wntof Highway 405) 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M.
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just aa It should be. One refreshing, productive trip. 5 times a day in each direction. Mornings to San~o. 8:21 & 11 :21.
Afternoons, 2:21. 5:21 & 9:21. Momlngs to ~sAngeles, S:40 & 11:10. Afternoons 2:40, 6:10 & 9;10.
Dial (800) 64&-3850 anytJr:ne. day or night.
' ( •
INSIDE. --._
A Je DAIL y PILOT Mondav. S.ot~ 21. 1177 MISCELLANY
Could Analysis Confirm Existence of 'Bigfoot'?
SE\Tll.1': c,\1'1 A l11<0 1tl
B11foot ' hunh'r IHl)ll It m11y ~
potoslbtc-lo <'Onflrm lht' t'xh1lt-n<'l' or thr lt!lt'ndary Sn CtU•l<'h
throuf(h blood <ind tn11r 'itmr>lt
Jon Ht•<·lqotd, dlf<'flur nf ProJ
t'('l Grt•ndt•I. u l<.w1.1I or,•1u111.ut11111
of Su'l<lUdlch 1n"c't11111torr.,
cl.i1m:r. a blood ~ample• 11nd
pnmatt> hair umplu found 1n
thrc~ alalfl are lhe •lronaut
l;hyakul evidence or tho ux ·
ahinc of the: Saaquatcb.
u11 1t b culled In the Pacific
N o rt h w ,, a t , I 1 a n a p e • 11 k e
n\•ttluru wllh dlatlncl human
('h uractcrl1llc1, accordlna to
lh01e who claim t.o bave aeen It.
Hair aamples were found a.l\er
reported Saaquatc:h alghllngs
in Wuhln1ton, Callfornla and
Maryland, Beckjord saJd, and
analyzed by Tom 0 . Moore,
forenalc hair expert at the
Wyomlna Fish and Game
"The three samples had suffi-
cient common characteristics as
to be able to consider them as
coming from the same species of
animal," Moore reported.
identified as comin& from any
animal found in the Wyoming
mammal collection, nor as com-
ing from a Washington black
bear, gorilla, ch i mpanzee,
orangutane. gibbon, slamang or
lan1uar monkey, or man," he
The hairs "exhibited some
characteristics found in some
primate haln in eeneral, '' Moore
A BLOOD SAMPLE found with
hair on lhe Lumm! Indian
Reservation near Bellln&ham
was tested by Un•veral\y of
California blochemlsl Dr. Vin-
cent Sarich, who reported that
the blood was real, came from a
mammal and was "99 percent
certain to be or primate ori11n."
The Lummi samples were ob-
tained from a broken window
Jan. 15, 1976,
Choose more ·tha1i just a nt11nber.
Any low-tar cigirette Will .give you a low-tar numb.er. ~~
But th ere's something else that you should consid er. We
call it "filter feedback :'
As you smoke, tar builds up on the
tip of your cigarette filter. That's "filter
feedback:' Ofdinary flush -tipped filters put that tar build-
up flat agai~st your lips.
And thats where lo -tar Parliament has the ad-
vantage. Parlianierits filter is recessed to keep ta.r buildup
from touching your lips. So there's no "filter feedback:'
All you get is that smooth Rarliament taste.
--~--·"""". ...----...... . .~ ..
• t
N ainath Awakens
With 2 TD PasSes
l.OS A.'l:C,(l;J.~ (t\P I Joe: Nam th r1nallv hu11 bt•roml' t1
icnutnt• memb•r of tht-l.u~
Angele. R m
Not only dad be throw two
touchdo-. n pau• In th~ Rams
20 0 \ 1ct<>l'Y ovt.1r tht.1
Phlludclph• t;aal" Sunday. bul
he albo t·alll'd thu play1 Co.ach
Chuck Knox mitde ttHt surpnse
dcl't-'>lon t'rtdu}' to let l':am11th
dlrttl the offense on his own
The 34-)e.u old Namath wru.
:selected a::. the starting
quarterback over young Pat
H aden for the nigular season
opener against Atlanh last
week, and 1l ~as an unpopular
decision after the Western
Division champs of the Nat.Jona!
1' ... ootball Conference had gone on
ly 1 5 in the prcse<ti.on
Then Atlanta upst-l Lo::.
Angdes 17 Ii an the opt'ncr
Namath. who pla)ed l2 yt'ar::.
with the New York Jets, took
evt.'rythang 1n :.tnde even a
new::. story calling his new team
the Los Angeles Jets.
After the decisive victory over
P hiladelphia. Knox explained. "I
decided two days ago to let
Namath call the game l decided
it was better to have the
leadership on the field with the
quarterback calling the plays. 1
thought that gave the team con·
fidcnce. ··
Namath. c·hl'ercd by the rel
at1vely small crowd or 46.031
com mentt'<I:
··sure. I'd ratht'r cull my own
game. I've enjoyed calling 'cm
sancc I played sandlot football a::.
t u kid. This was an enthus1asl1c
ball club today ...
Five years ago, when he start
cd as the fl;.ims head coach.
Knox IN John lladl call the
signals. Then he switched to hav·
ing the coaching staff do it. Dur-
ing the rcccntly·(·ompleted pre·
season, he reverted to the
quarterbad.s ;.md s\\.itched back
to doing 1l h1m~ell tor the regular
se<1.,on 01><'n1.•r .i. \\eek a~o
Without any fanrare, he gave
lhl• job b<tck to Namath. who had
b(•en freL'<i b} the Jct:-. after a
1 -;cries of losing se<1sons
"The score should have been
much higher." so1d the \'eleran
quurterback. ··But I started play-
ing 1t conservatlvc in the thir'1
For Angels
:'\olan Ryan made a final at-
tempt for his 20th victory of the
season. The result was the same
as 1t was LO \hr~ previous starts
Ryan. who was believed
finished for the season JUSl a few
days ago because of his ~ore right
forearm. made his latest bid for
wm No. 20 Sunday in the i:;econd
game or a doubleheader with
Kansas City
The Royals won the first game
6-2 111 a contest enlivened by a
brawl in the eighth 1nnin~. Ryan
had to leave the second game in
the sixth inning with the score
tied 2·2 and two runners on base.
Kansas City won 6-3 on a
catchable fl y ball. Ryan's own
throwing error and a pinch-hit
triple by Al Cowt'ns off reliever
Dave La Roche. Right fielder Don
Baylor lost the ball in the sun.
'Tm going home and try to
forget this season.·· said Ryan.
The right-hander finished with a
19·16 record. 341 strikeouts and a
club-record 204 walks.
'Tm disappointed to come so
close to 20 and not get 1t, ·· added
Ryan. "My arm started tighten·
ing an the third inning. It got to
the point w here I couldn 't
throw ...
Tile playoff-bound Royals
enter the final week of the season
with an eight-game winning
streak and an incredible 24 wins
m 25 games. Caltfornia has lost
10 of il'> last 11 games.
i11.11&r'\l'r Wllh our dden&t µhay
1nat th wuy 1t did, why 11hould I
&Iva the Ea1tle<1 unythln"""
Then ht.• (4Utp1>t•cl, "I reully
J>hayed conawrv11t1ve bccraus(•
lht·re's bt~11 mun)' u }eur 1md
muny u wume 11inrt· I 'vti had such
1qlood ll'ud lo µhty ~1th "
lfli. pu1111 to Terry Nt-1!.on from
thf' ont• :.tarted thc Hdmi. in the
flr11t quurtcr Tht-n. on a fake re
vt•r11c. he found Lawrence
~h-Cutcheon on u 13 > urd sconng
pluy in the second period. That
play fooled alm()l)l everyone and
Namath Joked, "It was the first
time ii. workt!d all week. They
had McCutcht.-on ('Overed so well
m pracuce that l couldn't even
findhim ··
('oach Dick Vcrmeal of
l'hil<tdclphaa. a former ai.i.1:-.tant
~1th the Ram::.. i.a1d "The Lo::.
Angele:. tkft.onse played uµ to
their ability and \H' didn't µla>
anywhere near what Wl' an·
C'apablc of vlayin~. We never
rnuld get anything going Wt·
kept our defense on the field too
long. I didn 't sec ~amath
touched one time durina the
Ron Jaworski. who played out'
hu1 opUon as a Los Angeles sub-
i.t 1 tulc quarterback last season,
::.u1d, "We know they have a lot of
tu lent. They did an excellent job
on defense because they took out
our outi.1de receivers. They were
forcing me to throw the ball
~fore I wanted to."
0 0 0 0 0
LA .... 1-' l)IU '"'"' N•m•ll' Sepllen ~lck LA-MtCultlleOn 13 iNU from N•m•lh S.01,.n
••ck LA-FGSepC-10
lA -FG~l<tn1l
...... 011
Flr \tdcwn\
Ru•lle!. vAtd•
P•\\1nQ ¥Md\.
Atturn v•rO-.
Fumbl<!\ 100.1
P.-11att1~ V•'°'
£ ... K • 1(>.31 .,
• IJ 'l'I J
• )'I
111~ f
~211 ,,.
!1n 1 . ,..
l 1
l<USHING Pn1rao~1pn1• ~ullov.n •II,
Jotwor.,.I 1 8 LO\ A"9910\ M<Cul<heOI\ U·10i>,
(aPPt•lll'lll 10·61 PllllloP't S JO PA~SINC:. Pn•l-IOll•• J•wor\11• 13.19 1 ~
lo\ AllQtl ... N•mMI\ 12·1l 1 1)6
Rl!:CEl\llNG -Phol•d•loll••· Hooan •·l c
Sm tlll :µ1, S<illl••n ,.,, LO• .... 119910. JK•i• s ,.
MC(u1CNOll •·1'
Sports in Brief
U Finals Tonight;
Race Driver Killed
fl;.imiret of Mexico upset Manuel
Orantc~ of Spam 6 4. 6 2 to reach
the finals o f the Southern
California Open tennis cham
Tonight at LA Tennis Club he
will meet flrRt seeded Unan Gott
fried who defeated Eddie Dibbs
Sunday. 6-2. J 6. 6··1
Tom Leonard of Laguna Niguel
and Mike Machette won the
doubles over Marty Riessen and
Roscoe Tanner. 7·6, 6·4.
They meet Frew McMillan and
Sandy Mayer who defeated John
Alexander and Phil Dcnt6-4. 6·3
Drif'er KIUed
EL CAJON --A veteran stock
car driver Ted Kallos has died
from injuries he received in a
collision at Cajon Sepcdway.
The 37-ycar-old Spring Valley
driver s pun on the 16th lap of a
20-lap semi·main event Saturday
and was hit by another car. He
died several hours later
Kallos. who had raced at the
speedway for 13 years, was the
owner of a service station.
l'lku RalUe•
broke a small bone in his foot and
had to withdraw from his
semifinal against Stewart.
Top-seeded Bob Carmichael
won the age-35 cha mpionstllp.
over Alex Olmedo 6-2. 6-4.
Dick Leach of Laguna Bench.
and Horst Ritter won the 35
doubles 6-4. 6-4 over Bob Perry
and Jim Nelson.
Yarborough Kolb
amount of caution periods, fresh
tires and lucky breaks could help
the competition Sunday as Cale
Yarborough ran away with the
v1ctorv in the Old Domimon 500
Grand National stock car race.
Yarborough led all but 51 laps
after the first 100 circuits, and
finished eight·lenths of a second
ahead of Benny Parsons.
It could have been more. But
C\ ery time Yarborough butlt up a
big lead. there was some sort of
mishap that would bring a cau-
t 1on period a nd allow has
challengers to bunch up behind
him again, make pit stops for
chassis changes and fresh tires,
and in some cases. relier drivers.
,.,. ........
1984 Renewal
Olympics in LA
Virtually in Bag
After more than four decades
of dogged effort. the city of Los
J\ngcks may once again be host
to the Summer Olympic Games
In what was considered ;,i clo:-.e
59.35 vote Sunday. the U .S Olym.
pie Committee selected Los
Angeles over New York to be thl'
American representative before
the International Olympic Com
mittee, which will choose the city
to stage the 1984 Summer Olym
pie Games
Los Angeles as virtually a.,
s ured the Games because no
other city h;.is made a bid The
deadline for receiving bids i:;
Oct. JI. The IOC will make its
select.Jon next May in Athens.
Los Angeles. which held the
Games the last time they were in
the Un ited States in 1932,
stressed "Spartan approach"
throughout the competition and
10 its final presentation before
the USOC executive board.
t:; . .'.\ c \\ b o I d H I a c k I V •
chairman of the usoc·s site
sdection committee. cited the
numerous rac1ht1es and the lo~
1.·ap1tal spcntlin~ budget ;.is work
111~ m favor of Los Angeles but
said New York's plan for housing
the athletes in an Olympic
Village on Roosevelt Island wai.
u po::.1hvc factor for that city.
Lo::. Angeles has been trying to
rt•stage the Games since its suc:-
t:l'SS in the early 1930s
Eight }ears ago, Los Angele::.
"as the American l"epreseo
tativc but lost out before the IOC
to Montreal in an effort lo stage
the 1976 Games. Four years ago.
l ,os An~cles was defeated by
mne vote& an an effort to hold the
1980 Games. which will be in
"It's the beginning of the
end . the end of a quest of 45
years to return the Games to Los Angeles," sa1a Jonn Ar gue, pres-
ident of the Southern California
Committee for the Olympic
Games whose father had worked
in a similar group for the 1932
John Nails
20th Win
his 20th game and Dusty Baker
s lammed a two-run homer as IM>
Angeles beat Houston 5·4Sunday.
Bill Russell 's double scored
Dave Lopes in the seventh for the
decisive Los Angeles run
The Dodgers took a 1 O lead on a
second-inning sacrifice fly by
John off Joe Niekro, 13·8.
John, 20-6, won 14 or his last 16
decisions to become the first
Dodgers left-hander to win 20
games since Claude Osteen m
LOiM•l'b Ru .. sell'\,.
Garv•v 10 Baker II
Sim°'°"" Mo.-vn
Jot>n P
•b r "bt • I I 0
'0 3 I
l I 0 0
I 0 0 0
J 1 2 1
1 0 0 0 t OO O
~ 1 1 ,
'0 0 1 uooo nooo
31 i I )
Ceoenoc• Wauon10
J Cruirf
Howe lb
Fero1Mn Oii
A M4IU9f'U
L.A-1SPf\ Fsc:111rl\>
Wallon pl!
Ut-P' T.tus
•II r lllli
1 0 1 1
~ 1 , 0
•01 0 .. 0 0 0
3 I 1 1
J 2 1 ~
3 0, ' , 0 0 0
I 0 0 0
I 0 0 Cl
35 4' 4
010 01f 10t -s
OtO 001 002 ·-4
OP -I.Os A,.,., 1. Houtlon 7. LOB -loo.
A"991e6, Hou~Oll 7. 211 -How~. RuU<tll. is.leer.
HR -YHQtr 116), Ba~~ 17'1. 58 -Au-II.
Beker, L-s. SF -JoM
II" H II •1t 88 SO JOIHI IW »4) I I -4 4 2 1
R•ul?,,.,. '~ t O 6 1 O
Germ.,. ·~ O o o o o
J Nh!kro IL, !Ml 1 6 S 4 6 .S
A TllOmiK 7 1 0 0 0 1
S•w -O.rman Utl. PB -Herrm.oo, T -
1 27.A-16,S7'.
The city emphasized that
almost all of the needed facilities
such as the Memorial Coliseum.
used in 1932, and the Rose Bowl
were already in place and only a
SJJ.5 million capital outlay would
be necessary for the others.
"By u sing the existing
facilities for the most part. Los
Angeles will be able to keep new
construction t o a minimum.··
Mayor Tom Bradley told the del-
egates. "And it ls for this reason
that we can confidently say that
the Olympic Games in Los
Angeles will be staged on a finan-
cially break-even basis."
Defense Does It
Raiders Take 16-7 Win
Los Angeles ptoposed an operat,
ing budget of Sl50 million, which
along with the $33.5 million
capital outlay would result in
total expenditures of $183 .S
millio9, with projected revenues
of $184.25 million.
· New York, calling its bid more
realistic, proposed a budget with
a bullt·in deficit or $250 million.
Bradley also told the del
egates, "We believe we have the
managerial competence to avoid
incurring the deficits which have
plagued recent Olympic Games
We believe we have a mutual
concern with the International
Olympic Committee in hallin~
and reversing the trend of the
ever-increasing costs of staginl(
the Games.
"We are convinced that unless
this trend is halted, the future or
the Olympic Games is very much
In jeopardy
were no miracles, maimings or
major cases of mayhem. There
were no gripes about greased
jerseys, frozen turf or flagrant
'.'J hope this game does one
thing. I hope it stops all the bull,"
tackle Joe Greene said after he
and the Pittsburgh Steelers were
beaten 16-7 Sunday by the team
that replaced them as Super
Bowl champs -the Oakland
"This has always been a good
football match, always, but it has
always been clouded by the ex-
tracurricular stuff, which is not a
part of this game." Greene
added. "It might be a sports
writer's dream, but it's not a part
or this game ...
That was supported by Raiders
safety George Atkinson, who last
season delivered the belt that
gave Steelers wide receiver Lynn
Swann a concussion and prompt·
ed an exchange of accusations,
lawsuits and ill feelings.
Past games between the
Raiders and Steelers are remem·
bered for Franco .Harris' "Im-
maculate Reception," Steelers
acc\HJalions that Raiders
linemen greased their jerseys,
Raiders complaints that Pitts-
burgh purposely Jet the field
here freeze to thwart Oakland's
passing, and assorted other hap-
But Sunday's ga·m e was
marked by a defense that in-
tercept1ld thre.e passes, re-
covered two fumbles and sacked
Steele r s quarterback Terry
Bradshaw five times.
"Their defense h as im-
proved. I'm impressed," said
Bradshaw, who was also sore,
bruised and weary arter sustain-
ing a knee injury and two
jammed toes.
Ken Stabler's passing helped
set up field goals or 21, 40 and 41
yards by Errol Mann fn the
second quarter that gave
Oakland a 9-0 h alftime edfe.
Stabler threw only two second.
hnlf passes as the Raiders
guarded that lead.
California starter Ken Brett
was the central figure of the
fight. lie was ordered to walk
Am06 Otis intentionally with run·
ners on second and third and two
outs in the eighth
J le threw behind Otis· back.
When Cookie Rojas tried to score
from third base, Brett tackled
him at the plate, then went alter
Otis as Cowens also scored on the
wild pitch.
PARIS -A mistake·prone
GuiUe.,mo Vilas, lhe U.S. and.
French Open champion, over-
came France's Patrick Proisy
3-6. ~2, S-7, ~l. 6·2 Sunday in the
semilinals or tht Poree Cup twice
delayed by Paris' autumn rain.
Browns Tackle New ;England
"Amos called m y brother a
name he doesn 't. like to be
called, .. said George Brett
"When I saw him talking to my
brother, I said to myself, 'this
isn 'l goln1 over.· My brother
doean 't like to be made a fool.
"Losing ls bad enou1h." added
Gtor,e. "Ht doesn't want it
rubbed ln hi& face. That's when
he CO<'S berserk. He can go
• berserk with anyone.
"He'• thrown al people before
He asked me beCorc the same II
t.here wu anyon on our team I
wanted thrown at"
Vilas wtlJ (ace Christophe
Roger·Vuae1tn, france's 13th·
r a nked player and bis new
wonder weapon, the double-
strung racket, ln today's final of
tho ~.oootournament.
61/tf 1'fa• FaJb
MONTEREY, Calif. -Frank
Sedgman won the age 4S division
of the $40,000 Senior Tennis open
tournament bere Sunday, beat·
in-Hugh Stewart of Corona del
Mer 6-2, 2"· 8-0. Sedgman, who collected a
S7 .500 flret prtie, was seeded No.
2 behJnd Sven Davidson, who
tionally televised National Foot-
ball League baUle between the
Clevel and Browns and New
England Palrlot8 tonight should
be a study in eoot.raJts.
New England, 1·0, Is a team
touted as a Super Bowl contender,
led by quarterback Steve Grogan,
who Is u llkely to run as to pass.
The Pata can expect to open a
ballgame now and lhen with the
big play from a kick return man.
Cleveland, 1-0, is a team sup-
posedly mired In medfocrlt)'
despite a 9-5 record 1 .. t aeuon
agaln.st a Qroup of lackluster op-
ponenta. Tho Brown• aenerally
depend on ball control, wlttJ
quarterback Brian Sipe atayin&
with short passes and lhe runnlna
o.nr .. ._.,
1ame to pick apart 't.he oppotl·
They also rely heavily on an WI·
auna bul aoltd defense that held
tbt vaunted Clnclnn1tl Benaats to
thr~polnt.s &week a10.
Cleveland coach Forl'flt G""I
calls New England "a team with
no Jpparent weakneta," a state·
ment echolna hia aenUmeni..
about. the Bengals before the
Browns' surprising 13·3 triumph
That vlctory was an emotional
one, coming against a team In
Clevels.pd'11 own Central Dlvlston
of tho American Foot.ball Coo-
ference, as well asa stale rival
MeanwhUe, the Patriot& are
eomlna otr a 21-17 Victory over the
Kansas City Chiefs that was
enythlnc but Impressive. New
England had to come back from a.
i..o deficit and use an all-or·
nothing bllb in several key 1itua·
tlons to overtomc the Chiefs.
The Brown.I ar~ likely toke1 on
New England fullback Sam Cun·
nlnabam, who rushed for 105
y arda last. week desplte tbt
absence of reeular starting o£.
fenstveUnemeJl John Hannah an4 Leonard Gra1. wbo walked O\lt
two weeks ago ln a contract d pule. •
Tho Patrlett also can st.rit
qulcklywith naahy kick retumers
Ray Clayborn and Stanley Morgan.
Cleveland wm cwnter on or-f ense with nllly running ba
Gree Pndtt. fi:ce of physical lDt
for the ftnt Ume lhis.aeuoo. aad
boptni to 1et a Jump oft a third
1tralcht 1,000.yard tuahhtl
., w--~-
Tops Grid Menu
Wfd• receiver Nil Moure
caua hl two loucbdown plllU
and ran for a third ecoro to 1tve
the Mlaml Dolphtn1 a t•u vie·
lory over ~ bo9t Sao P'ranclleo
4kra Sunday, hlChll1hU_nt lhe
day'• National football 1.Aquo
Moore uu1ht paasea of 3Z and
73 ~lil'ds from quuterhack Hob
<iril·Sl' 1md ran 19 ylilrcb on an
t'nd '*' ound play for has lhlrd
Mumu 12 O> took advanta1e or
lct!y P"nallles against San Fran·
c1:.co 10 2l, which bad not scored
u touchdown m three prevlOWI
".lmes. includm& two exhibition
O n the Dolphins' second
touchdown drive penal~ies on a
palr of incomplete third-down
passes kept Mia ml 's march
In the fourth quarter the 49ers
had a drive balled when a third·
down pass completion that would
have put them inside Miami's
:JO.yard line was nulUfied by
DALLAS Rookie Tony Dorsett
holtl'<i 11 and 34 yurds for his first
pro touchdo\\m, as lhc DaJlas
('owooys rapped the New York
G aanL'>, 41 <!I. in a game played in
m!·rll•grce hl•Ul.
Dorsett, the llcasman Trophy
\\Inner rrom Pittsburgh.
l'11nehed the runaway in th<:
fourth quarll'r with a zig.zugging
cla:-.h before 64.215
(Juarterlrnck Hog<•r Staubach
dN·1matcd the Giants with a
first half h:irr:Jgl• of passes as
Dalla:. built a 28·0 lead.
Stauuach completed nine in a
23-7 Conques t
row at°'"' point. Dorsett'• fU'lt
TD, an ll yard burat, pUJbectlho
lead to 28-0 In lhe 1ocond period.
Staubacb flnlahed lh• day wllh
ZM yard.I oo 18 of 29 completiona.
Ken Ander1on threw for one
touchdown and ran for 1¬her to
le.d tho Clnclnnatl Ben1ats lo a
42 :ao win over the Seattle
Anderaon comploted 9 of 14
p11Hes ln the fl rat half, lncludina
1t M·yard pass to former Santa
Anlll U11h nnr Isaac Curlis,
which put the Benaals ln scoring
position on their first possession.
Anderson finished with 17 of 29
for 219 yards.
Later Anderson hit Curtis with
a 32·yard TD pass.
Cincinnati took contro l of the
ea me quickly, scoring on Its first
three o ffensive series. The
Bengals at one time bullt a 28·0
first half lead when Regale
Williams intercepted a Jim Zorn .
pass and returned it 54 yards for
a TD in the second quarter.
-·· The Atlanta Falcons wasted
sc:veral :-.coring opportunities
a nd the Washington Rt!dskans
took advantage with a 10·6
verdict behind Bill Kilmer's two·
yard !>coring lob in the third
Kilrnt•r, however, was in-
tercepted t w ace and fumbled
away the ball in Allanta·s ter·
ntory. Victory was credited to
the defense, which hmited Allan·
ta to u pair of Nick Mike-Mayer
field goaJs.
Wa.shmgton s rarst three pomts
wc:re provided by Mark
Mo:;dey's 26·yard field goal.
Chargers Explode
To Bounce Chiefs
KA NSAS CITY lA P l The 31
bUSIOc.HJS Of )'.cbraskan:. who
came to see if Johnny Rodgers
:-.till has magic in his feet went
home happy
Although the Cornhuskers
legend did not figure 1n the scor
Ing Sunday as San Diego dumped
Kan:-.a:-. City, 23 7. he ul<>n<.'d, in
part. for his miserable NFL de
put of a week ago.
.. I ft.It 1 was <:lose to breaking
threl· or four punt returns to·
Cla y." said Hodgl•rs. who ~ttract·
cd more than 1,000 Nebraskans to
J<ansas Caty for the game. "I
think I'm ubout halfway from
where I should he as a punt re·
turner in this league."
•· Rodgers, who opted for Cana·
dian football after winning the
l-!eisman Trophy at Nebraska in
)972. nashcd hi:. famous moves
on a 52 yard return to the Chiefs·
l2 in the second quarter and
totaled 130 yards on seven re·
Tht>rc might have been more.
hut K~msas City's Ricky Wesson,
no <loubt frustrated by Rodgers'
unties, hurtled downfleld and
went crashing into him as he
w atted for lhe ball on one punt.
Hodgers appean•d to be inJurc.-d,
but finally got up and left under .
has own power.
.. Things like that uren •t goin&
ti1 intimidate me " he said later
.. They haven't intimidated me
for 26 yl'ars I know those things
are going to happen. It's a
psychological maneuver. The on·
ly bad part is, you never know
Goll R e sults
Fl ... I KOftS -motlty WIMlnQI In llW $150,000
Olllo KlnQ• hi-°""" Ofttl lourne-°" ,,.. ~r.10. 6,ll7·Yerd Je<k Nlckleu1 Goll Center
oun• lk~ Hiii U0 000 611-6"-71+1_,..
Tom Kite, $11 000
Jim Oefll.M,ll50 •et1 ,,.~ " 150 Fr..S~l.~,150
Berry JIWKll ...... 11s
L•MV W-ln1, M,115
TOllYC.N» M l7S
.J•orv P.ia. '1.600
t>on Pooley, $3,600
O.ry OrOh, U ,.00
'Millff ... lltt'. 11600
11ulcll a.lrd. U,415
).yn Loll. $2,47S
.lloverMlllblt. 11.os
'flea C.'°'"41, U,47S
;K•llll ~'VU'. U,47S
.0111 ... 11\fm. n.m ·FwrvZarillr, Sl ... 2
LDfl HIMle, '1"'1
>.ndy ""111. ., ... 2
'flmSI .......... " ... ,
Bob WY!'f\. I 1 M1 B1mey~s1.no
• 8ol> z: ....... $1,230 #MMc~Sl,210
• , .. llogH'I, 11,tlO
...... n.2-410
•• •9•11·6'--?7S
67·67-71 10 -21S
tM1.nt1-2n n .... 11 ... -in
71 .... 10 ........ 111
..-n.10-111 ... n.~• ... 1"
61-n.10-4'-2n .. _.1.n.1o-tn
12 ....... 10-41' n .... 1 ... s-2111 ,,._..._...
7Hl ...... -2IO
,,. .... 71 ... -ftO ,,.,. .. ,.J'0-1IO .... ,,.,()--$
,,..,.~ ........ ,.,.._..,
...... ,.l'0-411
t .. 7M'Wl-1tl ,......,70-2'2
... 10.n.11-211
70*12>72-ttt 10.,..,..'1-m
when they're going to happen
But all it doC's is give me a
c hance to catch my breath.··
The Chargers. who were shut
out by Oakland in their opener a
week ago, scored on their first
possession Sunday us Don Woods
took a 12·yard pass from James
Harris and s tutler·stepped into
the end zone. After the Chiefs
knotted the score on Make Lav-
in gston ·s 19·yard touchdown
strike to Henry Marshall. the
game turned into a mishmash of
mistakes, penalties and low com-
ln the second quarter, Lav·
ingston was in the act of throwing
when J ohn Lee sacked him on the
Chiefs' lO·yard lin e. Tackle
Leroy Jones latched onto the ball
on the 17. but took off running the
Realizing his mistake. the
274·pound J ones reversed field
and rambled into the end zone.
breaking several tackles along
the way.
..I was j ust trying to get my
blocking set up," Jones grinned
later. "All great back:. do that.
you know."
Rolf Benirschke added a 31·
yard field goal as time ran out m
the second quarter, and the
Chargers iced the victory with
l\11kc Fulll•r's seven.yard
touchdown run on a fake f1elrl
goal with 2:01 remaining in the
fourth .
The Chargers. who sacked ~IV·
ingslOn lhree times and Tony
Adams once, had one touchdown
nullified by a holding call whlle
totaling 70 ) ards . tn penallles.
Kansas City, unable to move the
ball except in s purts, suffered
61 yards in penalties. Bolh
Livingston and C h ar11ers
quarterback Jamei, Harr is threw
three interceptions .
San Olt90 I ' 1 O U IC•n:M\ Cllv 1 O O o -1
50-w-t• 1211e•• trom H1rrli 8111lrt<flke klcM
KC Mlr1flell It P<t'> trom Ll•lng•ton SllM•ud alck
SO ·.loftM 11 '""'"'" re<o.,.rv kick ••lied 50-f'G Blfllr !Khk• 31
SO-f'Vller ''"" a. .. t,.hckl kick •-».1 ..
C111r1•• Olltft ,. • .,, Oowfl~ 'lO '
Rv•~t-varcl\ •I ?U t1·1S P1Ulf19 Yt<Ch 7J 1'
'111urny1rd• 11t ti
Paoe. lMS.l t-2).J
PIH'!\ 4-4l 1-•I
F11mlll~O'll 2-0 0.0
PelllllJtl.YffcK .. 70 7-61
INl)IVIDUALLIADllll "U9"1HO Sell Dltte. c:. Wllllams .... Wood$ •
tf.41, MetllW<n .. ,.. k1M11 City, "-1).li, ........... u . PASSINO Sin 01900, H•rrll 1'·2S.,,1$. l(Ansn
Clly, LM"9'1onMl.J, IOI.
i.~Cl!UVING-Sen Ole90, Joiner :J.-12. J •
W1Jtll"11CW1 HI, II V-o, 2-11. k•"'4t Oty,
Wllllt S.70, Ml"INll t.lt .
JE'l'8 -Don McCauley's two
ohort·yardaae touchdown
plunaee led lhe Baltimore Colts
to a 20-12 victory over the Jets at.
Ea11t Rutherford, N.J.
Eacb TD was set up by a
break-first the J ets were offside
on a Colts field iOal attempt lo
put th6 ball on the five.yard line
with a first down.
After McCuuley took advan·
tagc with a TD run on that penal·
t y, the Jets' Duane Carrell
fumbled a snap on an attempted
punt and Baltimore took over
inches from the Jets goal.
The second break and subse·
quent McCauley touchdown
came just minutes after an ap·
parent 92-yard touchdown rurl by
J els punt returner Bruce Harper
was wiped out by a clipping
DETROIT··-The Detroit Lions
drove 78 yards m 12 plays with
the second half kickoff, climaxed
by Charlie Sander s' 20-yard
touchdown pass from Greg Lan·
dry as they rallied to a 23·19 vie
torv over Nl'w Orleuns
s·anr1cr' l'atch set a career rC'
ccpllon n•cord at Detroit Chts
326th or has career> The Lions
man·hcd RO yards on their nt-xt
possc,s1on to ('lmch the victory
''1th Horace: Kang going over
from two yard' out
New Orleans had taken a 14 7
hulft1mc ll•ad on Chuck Mw1cic's
31-yurd run und Wilbur Sum
mer's recover} an the end zone of
a blocked punt by Tom Myers.
I louston cornerback Wallie
Alexander intercepted a tipped
pass and raced 95 yards for the
winning touchdown with less
than five minutes to play to gl\c
thL· llouston Oalt•r.., a lfi 10\1ctory
over the Packers.
L)nn Dickey had march<.'<! the
Packers from thcir 25 to lhl'
Houston 9 bl'fure a pass intendt·<I
fur Barty Smith "'as deflected by
Al Burton into th<• hands or Alex
ander. \\oho run untouched do\\ n
the s ideline
t.:nt1l then the game w;is a
10·10 standoff rlue to first hair
scoring by Green Jlay·s StCH'
Odom <40-yard scoring pass from
Dickey J and a 34-yard field goal
hv ChC'slcr Marcol > and
llnu:.ton's ·rim ~1lson lone·)ar<l
run) and Toni Fritsch <32 yard
field goal 1
Jim Hart completed 12 stnught
passC's. including a JO.yard scor
ing strike lo J v ruin. as hl'
direrlcd the Cardinals to a 16-13
win over the Bears.
Hart completed 16 of 24 passt•s
for 215 yards. Jim Bakken kicked
three field ~oals -including a 49
and 36·yardcr.
In a passing circus, Chlcago·s
Bob Avellini countered with 18
completions or 37 passes for 177
Hart·s passing sparked the
Cards to a 13·3 halftime lead and
Bakken 's third field goal made at
16-3 to provide too much for
A vcllini ·s passing to overcome.
Craig Morton ran for onl•
touchdown and passed for
another. Otis Armstrong rushed
for 96 yards and the defense com
pletdy shut down Buffalo in a
26·6 rout of the Bills.
Denver's defensive unit has yl't
to bl• scored upon this season.
The Broncos <2·0) trailed onlv
once. early in the second quart<.;r
after fullhack Lonnie Perrin
fumbled nnd Buffalo h9'ebaeker
Ro Cornell scooped up the loost·
ball and ran 22 yards for the
Bill!'\' only touchdown
Several. minutes later nn in
tercepj1on by the Broncos' Bill
Thompson 11et up Denver's first
touchdown by Morton. and subsl"
quent scores were turned in bv
A rmstron~ and Raley Odoms.
and Jim Turner contributed a
26-yard field goal.
Pro K eg -Final
Dr. Farrell Hinkle of Costa
Mesa amassed 6,134 pins ir a 28·gam e series to win he
Profession al Coast Bowlers·
Costa Mesa Open Saturday and
Sunday at Kona Lanes in Costa
Mesa .
Hinkle's prlae money was
$1,000, while aecond·place John
Elledge of Sacramento took
. home $550. Hinkle was the only
Oranae Coast area bowler to
finish amone the top 1:;.
Kin gs Tied
By N ort h S tars
de rson scored with 1 :07 left to
play Sunday mght to enable the
Minnesota North Stars to gain a
3-3 tie with Los Angeles in the Na-
tional Hockey League preseason
opener for both teams.
The Kings had taken a 3·2 lead
early in the third period when
Mike Murphy scored a short·
handed goal after receiving a
pass from Butch Goring.
Minnesota jumped to a 2·0 lead
on a first period goal by Roland
Eriksson and Glen Sharpley's
power·play goal m the se<:ond
Los Angeles struck back to tie
the game on a 35-footer hy Lorne
Swmlcr und defcnseman Randy
Mant·r:(s 40 foot ~lap shot on a
KinJ::s· power pl<Jy
The Kings outshot the 7':orth
Slurs 34·17 in the ragged opener.
A crowd of 9,363 watched.
Pro Hec~•Y If ahlllltlofl•
80•lon4 N~wYork RariQer\?
(l\tU9)1 N-Et>Q••ndWHA1. lllel
PllUbu•Qfl •. 0.1ro11 J
fhllfeto• Moo>tr~1t l
N•"' VO<" ht anders• Pl\ll-•on1• l
Baseball Standings
East Dlvlalon
l'ew York
W L Pct.GB
96 59 .619
93 62 .600 3
93 63 .596 3"41
72 84 .462 24 .......
69 86 . 44:S 27
65 92 .414 32
52 103 .335 44
West Division
x·Kansas City 99 5.5 .643
Texas 90 87 .573 10th
Chicago 87 70 .554 131,'a
Minnesota 82 74 .526 18
Angels 72 84 .462 28
Seattle 6l 98 .389 391.'.z
Oakland 59 95 .383 40 ... , •• IOftt .
MifWlllkte t-4, Mj-l«a H
80\lon 12. Detroit s
NtW vcni 1H. Toro<1loO~
c1 ... 1-•. &elllmor• 4 Tuu~l,O.tkle<11! .. • '•11111me ••1nnl11Q•I
l(an\riCllv .. •.Cllllornl1 )·1
SoltleS.OICl904 , .......... Olm••
Toronto t8yrd1·11 •I 8o1ton tTlent 11 .. J,n
C11 .. 1and fHood J.01 at New Vwll <TOf'rel
1• lll.n l<•nH• Cltv (Colborn 1l·UI et Oaalend
OnlV91"'fttCllecllllld r...-.y·eoe-.
Toronto It l!lotlon, n
Otl roll II Balllmort. n c1e.,.1...cs •I New Yori!, n
C•lllCM'n1a 11 Mllwavllff, n IC 1nM• Cltv 11 o.1111no, l·n
East Division
W L Pct. GB
J>hlladelphia 97 58 .626
Pittsburgh 91 65 .583 6"2 •
St. Louis 80 74 .519 16' z
Chicago 80 76 .513 17' :s
Montreal 71 84 .458 26
NewYork 60 94 .39o 36'z
West Division
X·Dodgers 94 61 .606
Cincinnati 85 72 .541 '10
Hoiuton 77 78 .497 17
San Franl'isco n 84 .462 22'2
San Diego 67 90 .427 28
·· Atlanta 59 97 .378 35"2
x-clinched division title •.
....... ., •• 1c ....
.,, l.o<tl••tl~e-VO<~ 17. 0P<1 •• r1ln>
Pl\11-111>1• a. MontrHf S
PIUiburQll •. Cllluqo O
C.lnclnMlf 4, Alf•nl•O
lO\A~1.-s. HOU)ton•
f.an Oi-'· S... Fr•nchcn7 Tottay'\ 0.n\H
Pl\11-llltlla fLOnbo•Q 10 •I •I Chlc490 1eurr111
U l\1
Hou•ton IAndUlll' 11·71 et All..,11 !$olomon 6·41,n
Mont,.., fTwllcll•ll 1,.101 et St. Loul~
fRHmvuen 11·1'1,n
Sen Frenctsco IH1tlckl 1+-12) et Los AftOll ..
I Rhoden 16 ... n
Onlylllf'llH t<ll<Pduled
T""4ey'1 ~mu 1>t1l.-IOhl1 •t Oltceoo
New Von" Plttsburgl'I, n
li0111ton •t Atlan1a, n San Ot _ _, Clnc:lnnetl. n
Mo.,. real al SI. LOVlt. n
S.n fr-"CIKOat l.o~ A"91•tn,"
House of Windsor
is Red Skelton's
favorite cigar.
Red Skelton's tried some cigars that are more
expensive than House of Windsor Palrnas, but never
one that's bette&
The reason is that our Pe.Imas are made from
only the choicest imported filler tobaccos and then
carefully wrapped in specially selected Honduran
natural or candela leaf.
The result: quality and value rolled into one rich,
smooth-smoking cigar. House of Windsor Palmas,
shapely Sportsman or
full-sized Panatelas-
they\re got the kind of
taste that could make
.__.__ you forget you
ever smoked
anything else.
Look for tht1 Ho&ite of Wlndaor dJtph1y
at your tobeccotµ1t. ·
. Ii : \
Area Football
For This Week
Tluart day Nl1ht'• lll1h ~cbuul (.amt'~
port Harbor va Loan IAnaht'lm 1 ul l.w h•lrn1t 1'11rk
17 .JO)
Dlret'O-\. North 1111 "Ir" 1ic11 t t-n•t•\\ uy lu Sunt u 1\n11
frt'CW~) t~i North on ~lo Ort.ulkt' fret<\\ ¥Y IS7 1 ~or lh on S7 to
Rav ritde t ·rc-eowa)' <9 11 \\1· .. t on !11111 l.t m1111 Sl 1111 noff l.l·Ct on
l .A>m onto l .M P o lma
Katf'lla n • O\lOlaln Valley at W~11tm an1\ur tilih IH I
Olr«UOD : WNtmln•tu Hiah loc1ttcd on Gold~nwc111t St 1u•t
nurth cJ SJn f>tt'IO F retwlly 14~ I
Matc-r Of'I (~an&a Ana I n l.akf'"oud ul ~.111t.1 l\n,1 Bowl
t 1 Jll)
Ol rtt"on .. : Nor t h on 811i.tol tn C'1v1\· C't·nh« U nv1· und 1111 n
t 'rlday ~IAb.l'1 IUllil Seb~I G1mC'i.
( yprca~ at HuUn«ton Beub 18 1
San Clemt!n&e n C'oroaa del Mar <it 1'twport ll1trbor l h gh
Directions: <from San C lcmt:n te 1 North o n San D1ej(O
f'ree"ay <405> to <.:a mpu:. Dnve t u rnoff 1n lrv10e South o n Cam-
p u s D nve <Tus tin S t -I rvine Avc.l Sch ool located a t 600 I rvUle
Ave I From CdM ) North on Pur1flr Coast Highway to Dover
R ight on Dover , left on 16th
Coeota Metia vs Dana IWJs at Sun Clemente H igh 011.
DireeUoos: South on San D iego f<'r<:t·" a} 151 t u A\ enrda Pico
turnoff in San C le m e n te and turn left
1::1 Toro at Laguna Beach (8)
Oirt>cllons: South o n Laguna Can) on Road to P ul·1f1l' Coast
lllg h way Left o n P C H . le ft o n F o r est , right on Glenneyre, left on
Park Ave School located at625 P ark Ave
l 'nivl'rs lty (Irvine) al Miss ion Viejo !81
Oirectlons: Sout h on ~an Utego f'reeway to La P <tz turnoff in
M iss1on Viejo Ll'ft o n L a Paz, r ii.:ht o n C h nsa n t a Dri \ l'
I.a Verne Lutheran vs lrvlne a l D a mien High 17 301
Dire<:lions: North on San ta A n a F reeway 151 to O r ange
F reew ay (57 ) North on 57. c r oss San Bern a rdino F r eeway 110 >.
con tinue north on 210 to Arrow lhghway/Rom ta Ave turnoff
East on Bo nita A Vt' tc· school. locutcd on righ t at 1124 Bonita I\ vt•
Friday !';ig ht's Junior C ollege G amt'
Long Beac h C ity College at Orange Coas t College •7 .111 •
Saturday's Hig h School Gamt's
Piui> X !Do"neyl \s Edis on Cllunllngtun B e a ch l ,11 llunt
m gton Beach lligh t8l
Di rec lions: W esl on /\dam:. to ~l • .11n SI in 11 untinglon Bt>:.t<'h
ttnd turn right
~larina 1Jlunting ton B ea ch ) v .. l..us Alamitos at West.minst er
High !7 :30 )
Oiredion~: .:\orlh on GoldC'n\\ c:.t SI . '>l'houl lc1cukd 110 ldt
1ust n orth of Sao U1ego F ree\.\ ay
El Modena !Orange) vs E s tancia <Costa Meu l u t :\ewpor t
II arbor High <8>
Directions: F.:.ist on 19th or 17t h to Irvine l\vc a nd turn right
'School o n left at 600 I rvine Ave ------
Bis hop Montgomery <Torrance I " Capis trano \'a lley at !'.an
Clemente I ligh 18 >
Direc tions: South on San Ull'~" f''rt·l'\\ '" 111 \' f•ntri.1 P1r1
turnoff and t urn ll'ft
H-man Hig h S chool Football
T e mple <:hrislian <V e ntura) vs Liberty Christian at Ocear.
V1e\~ 11.Jgh ti p m •
American Chris tian !Pomo na) vs Hunting ton Valley C hris
tian CNewporl Beachl ut E~tanc1a !Costa M esa > Hig h ct ·JO
r> m >
Directions: Est a ncia I h gh located at 2323 Placentia St
S aturday Nig ht's Junior College Game
Fullerton vs Golden West College at O r a n ge Coast Colle ge
ti 301
Directions: South on ~an D1e~o F r eeway 14051 t o Fa1rv1ew
/\ ve an d proceed sou th
Coast Area·
Cross Country
"II UH MAN 1-mlln l Dlvllitll I
l•I• O<•..,, vie .. 111 11 1 Pinon 1C:O.cl\ell•I
11 ,. J "'-'f'I' 1vn .... ,.,,,1 11 o • ~110
un••tr\llf) 11 " S C•h•no tOo•n 111-1 • t \t • tiO<l<lt ... ·Mtmmoln I II )t 1 Tu•ne• •Ne,.1111r1 I 11 0:1 • C•ll•'"•Y 1N .. •11ort1
I/ 0. ~ H019u1n •O<••" Vl<lw 1 U Qt 10 Ven
\IC kle 11'<-1111 /0
feem worinQ Oc••n v, • .,. ft Un1vf't"'''V 70
(otK"911• "1, Meyfelr 111 lrw111t Nfwpol'\ -
Dt'lH••lft t
I G•Heunt< Corona °"I Mer I 1U st 1 Hll<tlo<d
CO.-dtl Mer I 11 ti l TllOm•\Otl IHUMJ .. en
11 ...... 1 II 4l • H\'l>•I l(l•••monl) 12 OS, s
Ptrolo IC\a<'-1 IJ OI • D•ll>y IMunll"910t1
&Helt) 11 ''· 7 Coll• '(Of(>(M clel M••I n JO • MeO.ra IHunllnvton 8'-6Chl ,, Ill, '· Ma•VUllH C«-dtl -I ll Jt 10 ,,,..,.,. ll.ot Allot.
112 ..01.
Te""" KOf'<K Coron.. Gel M•r ll. Munli"91Gn a .. cll. (l•r-t ... LOS Allot"" KO<•
I Holt IP•lo• Vf'•Oul 11 11 1 G•rce•
ISalftlenl " n1 . ' 8ullor •Edison I " 31 • BromclrneYtr IP•lo6 v1rc111\I 11 >t; S CummlnQ$
Palos lle<O.•l 11 .. • "'-,,,..,. N•l•r 0.11
H 41, 7 H.-1 ... n 1w .. 1m1n11td 11 41, I Scvllv
•Palos Verclh) 11 S1· • Vigil llldltonl 12·04 10 Newt.., tECl!sonl 11 07
h•m KO<H Palos V••de• 3S. Sale\l•n S3 Eo1son YI MAlar 0.l 1C):I, We.tmi11llar no .cor•
GlllLS Olvi-l I 0.rry l(latemOttll 13 11 I Wtlh 1,.1,...I
tJ 10, 3 l'tro llr.IM) 13 ti,• Liila •M•mmo1111
ll tt S Prtillell 1-.,rnothl I) H ~ Arr>Ot IP•IOS V••OHI 11-, •. 1, VonldlU Sionl ..... n ..
IJ 71 I JorQitn~ IM•vl•lr I 13 34 9 Mey ISanl• Anal 13 36. 10 S.U..n •tt•ir-nll ll Jll Tum \Co<e\ I rvlM so. P•los y~,.,.,,, ol Cl•••
mont 1141 S.m• An• 7' M•mmot1' 11 M4l'(l•11 no
Olvhl.., J
I Jc)nP~ IEdtM>nJ tt 54t 1 KtrtcOO\ 'EO•\Ot'll
11 SO, 3 COr,...,. •San M<1rcosl 11 0., 4 D•rr
IMhslon V••lol 12·01. s Sc>r1 .. -(Un1 ... r•HYI • Voll~• IC..Yo<tl 11 11 I Follttl IHUn11"910,. Bucnl 11 11 8 Ferru lfdl•Onl 11 10 ' McC.rley lUn1 .. r111v1 It 2S 10 HulW IEd110n•
" 31.
ham \CO<ft E.Ol\Orl lO UnlvuMh IS. Hun1 onoton e.~n •· S..n M<lr<O\ 117, CO"ono Ool M;,.
11~. '6nvon ,.,, WllWJn '~ M•ter °"' 200, MlUIOn
I 11 ... IWHI Torr•11e• I 11 S1 1 ..,.,...,
Ottnft '1111\) ., 78 ) LdW is.tnJ• An4t v.11 .. .,1
17 17 t So>< S..ix11e1 W~•l To,,•ncd 11 11 \
ft•lley ·W~t TotrMK,.I 11 )4 6 ~lone Upt,'1f"ldt
11 JS 7 Lonq 1E1 lorot '1 l8 8 lt.Quilttr S.ntA
An" Vath·y) U Y' <I tc.o\m•'" Odn• Hill' l 11 o 10 Lopal UQlono111 oo
f I To<o-.ontllll'Witn 11JOOHtl\ TEAMSCOltlS
Olwlu0ft 1
.,..nlot\ <,nerman IS. Maqnoh~ ~S Bosco VI
Ju"'°''-Ro\co 77 C..Po V•ll•v s1 R1"'.-'"0f' Poi,
l>O. SoQll Sherman 7&, Loi Sall~ H 8rH lo.
~ro•h-!lnermM121 l••.,.11~71 Bo>• o'I?
o'"'"'"", S..n•on Norco 57, Tu\tm •1. Victor v.•U11tY 'JI
Juntor\ fut.tin )fl Norco .f9. Dan• Hill\ •1
Soi>M -C..1nvon 11. Tu\lin 90 fl Toro lOS f '°"'
D•MMlll\lO,TU\tinO Tro••8
0 1w1,1onJ
c-;.rn10f'"~ El Oot'~ 7' Ml~\.ot\ Vt•10 u w .. \.
l'ltr-tf'\Cft' t9 Jun1nr UplM\d 0 WP\t lorr•nc'P
f'JIJ t i [)or,IJif.JO •9 y;pn, Mi\\tOn V111t10 1'111 Wnt
Torr•nc.~ '6. Uptdnd 9'I F '""'~ (I Oot.00 '4.
f'lttn<.111'1t UOIM\d~
Sw,.,.O~lil•~ Wt,,n_. -O·•~•on l ~.ft'.UU'l._
d•v1\tCJr11lU\l1n,01.,,1 .. K>nJ fl Oor~o
Anteaters Roll
Past SC, 10-7
l C In 1m"., w:.ilt'I polo k:.im
n•corded 1b, :.1xth victor y 1n
seven :.tarts Sunday w ith a 10-7
overtime \ icto ry over l 'SC a t
Newport H arbor H igh a:. Dave
Ritc hie. Sim o n B o u g hcy a nd
Scott Becke r scored winner s m
Former l'iewport H a r bor lhgh
star G r eR Fults h ad sen t the
gam<' into 11vert1mt· \\Ith SO
.,t•conds left in regu lation t o get
USC tven with the An teaters o f
UCI. w h o ha d built an early 3-0
le ad a n d never tra iled
UCI ':.next e ncounter ,., F nda>
night 17 ) a g ains t CCLA at
!'lewport Harbor Hig h
k onbyOu.>rttn use o J 1 , o o
UC l'V""' 1 I 3 I 2 1 10 College Grid Slate ____ 1.._,~_1 '~_=.._:_::i:_l~~-:,_s.c_•e·_' 0
~.re 1\ UW! m•1or cotlt-Qe tooltMll
..cneouletor ln••-neno P'r14ay
N•w Mealco at 8r10f'l,am VounQ,
We\.,lnoton State •t "-""' "'' ,,, CalllorNa, n10M
Salllf'dol •
1 .. 1
(OIOtildO •I Army
Poll 411 Bost°" Collf'9< Oer1..-111 •I B<xl°" un1.,.r..i l•
Prlncelor\ at 8fOWn
P•nn"' Cotumll•• RulQl!t\ et Cornell T eme>lt .. o..t•waro
tol1>1l• •I "'"" ... o Ketttuo, at"""" St.ie Ml...,.1,0.411 Yalt
G-(11• •1 Al•llttma
So'1111Ce<'otlna Slil••t A•to•n Sl•lr M•r\llllll al A-lll<llo.on Stal• MlululPPl •I A.uburn
P.->byttri..t 411 The Cli-t n19M
l'<~•Y"' Ouu WHltmC:-ollne at Furman. n•Qnl
AlrFor<e•IGeof'91• T..:I\
Prtlrlo v-A"M 111 G•amllll"Q
St•I• • Florida •I l.Oul•lt1n• 51 .. te, noqnt
LC>U<M-Tech el M<N .. u St•lf,
nlglll L.oul1111111111~11StatP
PK lflcatMltml, l'la., nl(l(ll Sou!Nrft U. al MIHIUOQPI Valle>' 5tate,lllQl!t Tt UI Tec!I et Nor1h c.rotlfta
MtHytllfld •I HOr111 C:-ollM Sl•I~
No<tl'lea s t LoulJl•11• •I "°"""""tem t..aulslan•. nl9'11 NOftll Tellfl S4•t••I Ric""'°""
Lonq ~.., "S1•IP•I Or.-c•
To1f"()0,1t F•''"''"M•th1oan n1Qnt Svr~tl'S4'"' llltr"IOI'
N,.,,.,,.,,..n llltnolft ~· Uhno1i SI••~
011vtondt lowA Slftff'
M, .. ,,\\•PO• StAlf' Al K•n\-3\ \t.tlP ffl~•' A.AM at M1<h•QAn
w._,VlinQton "' Minne\01• lndl~41 Nf'tw.tt~•
Mir"'<>'°'" SI.,,,. At Notr• Dam•
K~nl SlotitAI Ohio U
Flor'~ Stolt•I Olll•l\ome Siii• W•~e F0<•~tal Pu•duv
L•m"' at Soutl"''" llllno" WICl\11.0 SUit et TulH
Nort-•l•m .. W•KOMln
5ou1 ...... ,
Eell TtUlSltltal Ar-an''" Stele
B4•1o< al Hou•tnn, nlo111
On10 !.t•tf" 81 Soutf'lf>rn M•tnoa"t
ArkAnW\ •tr ..... , cn"1't••n
T .. ut\·Arllnoton "'' weu rP• 10
\141" "'o"'
Ml"°"''"' ArltOM $1.11!, nloN '>•ft JoMSlete •I C.lltor"'• Fr•Y'OSl•l~at Cal Poly SLO ftlQ!ll
NOft .... IOOo Slal• •I Full .... Ot! !>l•I• Sauthwnttrn Lou"I.,.• •I H•wau
Ut•nSl•IP at S.oft Dlf!OO St•I• noQlll
Or-at !>lt111l0<d NewMa1dcoS1•••8t TuH-[I PAIO
n1on1 Iowa et UQJ., ftiQhl
24/36 Month Maintenance Plans Available
Free loan cars to lease customers.
[fi,,f P'l!"'~IJ ~~~~:s:'.vd.
540-8211 or 642-0010
l!olt Cltrotin. at Soul.II C.rolln•. ---------------------------------------twOM
°'090f'Slllo llt T--MIOOlo Tennen .. Sl•la •l ., ....
.n~tuftoo911. n!Qhl C•nlrll State, 0 . at TeftM•Ma
Slate, ntoM Vendrlll" MTll4W, nlllftt
West Vltiilnl• Ill Vlf'91nle Cl-et Vll'Olfll• Teclt ""'-•at w1111 .... a. Mli<Y MltlWttl
lndl-•tit•.tt Allron, """' c.nu•JN<."'9.n .ti a.11 SC.to WHt•l'll #IClllt•" et •••llno ~ ~ M111lulpp( ft Q llCIM.tll,
Watch ExciUng
Orange Coast College
The Season Opener occ '" LONG BEACH
At Lebatd Stadium on
the occ Campus
Ticket Piices:
Ad\ilts: $1 .50
Chlldten: .$1.00
Students: $1.00
BOx Office Opens
at 6:30p.m.
' •
Monc:Jay, S'9ptember 26, 1977 DAILY PILOT 8:J
1'0..,l llO"i I U 'I fOK A PO~E.Rt'll ~WI~(,
rJ• _ .... ., l
··~A > \ :!_J;.i
I \-~
I ' ) 1
Q) ...
Uon 't ovcrloo~ the ract 1ha1 tht po hion of t~c feet
directly arrech the )l'ln&
MO)l of today') belier gotrcn point thetr naht feet
)tra1ght out. but they ··ice out" )lightly w11b th cu le fl
foot (illumat1on ~I)
Po1n 11na the r1gh1 foot ~1ra1gh1 out 1110 you re·
)J)tance again)l )waying laterally to the ri&ht during the
backsw1ng. It keep' you "over the ball" a) I am in
illustration n
Teeing OUI With the left foot facilllllO driving your
legs forward to your left at the )tin o( the downswing
(illustration 13 ). Not toeing out resm cts this m;.vement
and "blocks out" your )win&
In short. these root powtton• provide full coiling on·
the bachw1ng and frce·v.heehng lower-body movement
on the downswina. fhe end result is better balance and
more distance. fl~,
Pro Grid Standings
.II M E It IC AN P'OO TIA LL Svncl•J't $CCWh
COOCl'(llENCE w.,'t..nmqton 10. AtltH'l1CI"'
E 4\tffft OIYIMOft C 1nc1nndtt f1 'Srf•tUe ?o
w L T P<t.'°" Pll 8t111HTIC>ff" 20 Npw VOf'k Jt h 1,
Hc)lf1H'()<\ " 11 1 000 •• 1t '>• Lou" 10. Ouuvu 1J
M 1dm1 ,, " I 000 17 ' HDU\I°" lo Gre<-n Bo 10
f\frw ~nQf.IWj I " 0 'OOll 71 " 01~1rott 21, NttWOrlNtn\ t't
NV ltl\ ' f " CJllJI 11 ., Odll•\ .. , Nt-• vor .. ""'""'' I
buftdlu II I " non • "' '>•n Ot~ 7l Kdn\d' City I
C..fttr•t 01¥t\10ft Of'nvflr )fl Huff.tlo~
._.f)v'\ttwl , •ont1 .It '" '-r\•""1• l'f ~Fr ''K"<n 1"lo
Cht\lt<ldn.() I •I " ·-" J O•~l•no •• P1lhburcin I
C•nclf'W\wttt I I .. >00 J\ II l O<i. An<rlt"'\ 10 Philddrloh1t" CJ
P,tl\OUrQh I I ... 'XX) .. .. TOlll9"t'• G;im•
Wl'Stern Oivltton N~ lnqlAnd rlt (h Vt"l•nC
.:.J~klend I n 0 11)00 "' s.. .... ,. Oct 1
Oentwer I I) II '000 )I> • New Enot•Nl•I Ntw YOf'~ Jt--1\ s .. no1~ I I " soo 13 .)I Nt!"W Yorti. GtAlitt At AH.tnU' ......... 0 f , 000 )A ,, P111.i1ur91\ •t C1•vel""1d
iC an\d\C1•v 0 ? " l)()(j ,. ... Gr_,.., e,.,.,_,,, M inne SOid
N I. T I 0 NA L <.I' 0 0 TB II LL N•wOrieon' •' Ollcaq~ COff,EllENCE PtHl-'tlptu• •• ~1ro1t
l•d..rft 01Vltton 9ull•lo at Bell•mOf'e
0•114'· 7 0 ,, lllOI! \/ .II I•~ a.vet OAll~'
Prul~lpf'Utt I 1 " ... 10 11 n C 1nr1nnah •t S.n Ou:Qtt
NY C,1..,,I\ I • " >00 .. "' 01•nv,.r.:tt')#1Jftlf'
w~hPU'lQ'ton I \M ,, 1• HOO'llQn <ti Mldf'nt
St Lou" 1 I ., )Oil .. "' '' LO\lt'\ dt W"'-'1ilnQtnt•
Genlr•l l>iv"'°" \~n ._ranc1vo11t Lo\ Anof•lt '
(>Mr'"t I I 0 ~ ., •• -H Oct l
"''"' n 8dv I I u 'ill() 34 l6 rM•l&nd el K-•• Cir.
("hu ~'1"> ' ' n IOO 0 3'
. I
Mtt'l~t.1 ' , . ., )()<) " ,.
State 's l41m~an, 0 1 u 000 .. n P e nn Be ave r Wnleo Olvi\iOft S t a ruum is the larges t A ti ant• I ' " \()<) . •• LO\ llnqllll'\ I ' II 'XX) 1• II ste e l s t a dium i n the
Nl"WOtieMt\ 0 ~ () 000 )~ ., country It sea ts 60,203 !.an F rM'\CfMO 0 J " IA)() " ... perso ns
IN .
For Area
Girls Results
•tllUVOU.EY • .&LL
.-..AMT-~ Golclfl'I W.\l l~l lo S...t• M• 1M n • Otf Soul-••••" u 1 u o. 0.1 AtU\• Pec1l1< t~•. I~) \11111 wllft Co11eoo el C.nyon, I H, t• 1•, ae1
Or•ft(I• Coa\1 I\• tn '"• quarlerllMh 10.1 to S.OOlt~c~ .,...,
lntl\a .. mlllft4'1• Oren9f Coa•I Cl"I AtUY Pe<1l1<
1S ll, 11 J, 0.1 (MIVO<" I~·· 1S I,
Ot I FullttlOft t• U , 11 IS oe1
MOOtlM'-. 1S II H 4 dtl R...Ol•Y
t• I•, 1S.t;tot.llOGotdllnW•"·' IS.
New-1 H••-def LOU"¥111• '> J, IH
Al Mlll!Uft "'''""' .... "' "ounleln V•ll•v .Wt Mllll~•n '""• 99m1 I 11 9, 11 S 0.t••••d L•kowooo IS 13, 11 IO, \pt1I ,..,., Miiiikin 11 1
t 11; dtfN I• 0oWMV ti 1, 11 I \Piii #ltll l..ol Altm•IO>. 11 ti • .,., •• ,..,
<Narrtft II ... 11 • • JUNIOll VAllSI TY
Newpoo1Ha<'bot ehrl LOUl\Yllh t> I u .•
l&t Toro def. s.t>ll~ H • I>> Costa Mes. Clef. We.lmln>ltr I> 10
10 U, l ,_11 CitPhlr.orlO Valley 0.1 Oon lUOO
El Torooef. S...11-IH, U • Wa,lmlnsllr Otf Costa Mew 1 > 1 J
Ht Ceahlr.,... V•lltV del Doti LYOO
Et!_ .. UI (I) SoanttMoNu s1,..1 ..
Gll<hrftl 1e1 lo•I to Giibert ISMI
SI. FO<l>htl\ lEI Ckl K~ll lSMI
I 3, Cunr.tnQll.tm IE I oe1. Ba lop
Oelev• •nd C,wlnuP IE I Otl HUICll1n$0ft ...a Z.mmer tSMI a.4
M(LottllnalldM<llll'l•n lEloel Falo<I
•nd E-11ft(l ISMl9·>
CdM (4) 141 , ........
111111 .. Jont'\ 1<:1 clltt BebOt 1·S lo\I to~"'
fpr S·1 St.,ne1 ICI ~1 l_.. LIPV•flll<
CI del $<11rler6-3
Herl'lal\det·HU"'P"""' lCI d•I M1llv,.Mclver l·b, Elvin Glf \CIOW 1<:1
•o>I lo Elie \ f-oa I •
81orklunoStlotrllo .c I oet J•clt-.
Tnr•\ll<e 7-S
M<ulOft Yleto ctl 111 T1<tll" Henry IMV I oet. Jom~\ 8 J Ivor v
MVl<ltl Mul-13 HOll4'nd lMVi
Men's Golf
LOW Net Tournamt"nl df Cost11 Mt+'\•
Goll (OUr\4! A Fll(IM I G•o•oe
F-IH 11311 UI. , R1cn.ro M•••
180-IS HI. 3 "'"""' Hdn"'n •lo-9-641
8 FllQM I Ito• I f r~d Sl.,k
11) 1• 61>), Rf'd Haslm9> lll-11 .. I. Ken LeM•• •13·11 -.61, • c F
Fucnse• ti• ti ol), S lhel W•ll
Pull\ <IS·lt 091 Frink R•v•n 111-17 .. , 0.... Tho<ne 111·11 •91. C..orQeMltterrnan Ill 11-0".
c F llonl t. Ge,.10 Mc Gulr• 84·13 oil 2 Vern~ Slr•no
•l>-13 UI l Ill~) Floyd Null
•~l 19 ••• Ditl< Mln•sl•n •17-13 ....
0 Fl•QM-I ttlel 8yrOI\ KIMman
•t9·l l -•.JI; D••n• 0.oO>on '"·2&~1: 1 lU•I M.ony Rumm•• '"·2A -o71; Jollft Wiiiia m• ctl-16-'7); S Ctlel urry M<L.one
194·75-4"; Rich Hulc l\lnson •••·H-n 1-W•ll•r Wlllddtft ,,..u--...
E Ffl°"'-1 Olcll Moon lt3-l9_.S l;
7 JKlt MllCl\COCI< I~-); 3 Louil
Dorst l'tS.lll_.71
tltl hlla l·I MOff" tMVI det
Wllco•" .... Ulr-ln IMVI IOtl " ......,.,..,
0...111 .. <;enuci.n <1110 Roin •MY 1 .. , C...•
n•lly ttM fvt~ I I •4•beh .,_d Mt C,ow•n •MV) O.I 8•r0.n and P\lrte1
I• FOf'O -S.-•w•lk MVI _,
0..a.tk •1'0 -•rd IS, Otl••'" -Robin• •MVI ci.t Scl\lllld•• • ._. Wan9f ... FIYf"' end _,,.,,. (VI
daf Pat1'"nCI Bl<~•v •·2 • l • _11.,...., .. .ci.IU ftl"-.... o
""'lft ROl,,,_,., HI clltl C ... nt•I• IL I .,_. WriQnl IHI °"I WHM<I •LI 7.j, r_.,.,..,.,., (HI .,.,_ H ... 11nornc IL.I
• t P•!oCOll HI dtt Gei.101' LI 7 • -.. H ...... 4nd Pi&•lmM\ IH) Iott 10
NothOI'°" •"" W1tll'r\•ft ILi +4. C-
dnd H0tlon IHI lot.I lo Kluler •IWI
o·~ulh••,, l I I • Bollen aftd R•1,norld IHI O~I Penny .....
WAlln<~ 11. I 6 l
Top 10
G AB 11 a "ct
Car~wMln ,,. SitO 110 111 af1
Bo>tockMln 1'f sn 111'1 1'2 ,,,.
Sln9leton lal ,., SU es 110 r>o
Lel'IOl9 0.1 14' '31 " 101 nt R1 .. n N'Y t:tl S.I 13 118 3U
RIO 8\n !SS •lA 101 I'll 111
8•1lorT0< 11• ..t ol i.1 JI•
G Brett ICC llJ S.I 10) 110 lU Bo<nteCI• 131 ~71 U U7 JI)
Bumbrf8tt 121 ~1 n t\S >n _ .......
Rice Bo\I.,,,, Ja; 8cM>ot, c.111or,.1•
JI. Nttllft, .. _ York, ,., G Scott
8o•ton, ll, Re.JiKUGn, Ne• 'York, l1
Gaml>M. °'4C419Q, JI.
""'" tatt..i 1 .. Bonds, C:.lllornia, 11S H•\le, Min
nawu•. 113, Co"""''· IC•nw• C11y
109: Hob\on. lio\lon, 108 Rio,
Boston. lOS. R•J«kloOn, Hew "°"'· 105
PllClll"9 IU Oecl&IOft> I
Gulltll N•w Yori<, 1J • IU norow. Htow York, It •. Ill eiro, K•n_.. CH• 11 t. Ill. Guidry, New vort loo 711 Sc>hllodl, IC•n••• Ct •v lo"· 711. LylP, New YO<k. •1·S.
11M> B•rrlos Chl"tQO, I• o. 100.
To'"""'°" MIMeSOl•, 1._7 ...
Par111er PQh
!>t•nnC!tl Pqn
G fos11!< On S•rnn'l<ltM Stl
T mot"1on ~IL Grlll•yCln
Lu11m,k1 Pt!1 Htnortck SD
Smith LA
G AB II M flct
IS. 013 107 213 .lorl
111> OJ Sl 1S7 3"
1s1 ~ no 194 .»•
1•7 •'11 78 1S9 .J?J , .. Sii 91 190 :t2'
144 ~ 111 190 .31~
1•• SlS t• I .. JIU
1 .. s1~ n 101 >10
U3 416 107 1•1 .30'
ISi •l'I 'i1 191 lOI
"-"""' C. Fo\ter C1ncinnat1 .. ~1 Bur
...ouqrn Att.anl11 40 Lutln,kt.
PnllaO•IPl11d, JI Schmlcll.
Prul~us•lpn1• J7 G•,.weo;. l o\
llu•ll l•llecl In G l"~lar, C,;nc1,,,..11 10~ lu1ln•k1.
Pftll-ll)IMa, 12' Bu"OUOl'I• All•n la, 112; G&rvey, LOS All(ll!IO\ t12, Cey,
LO\ A"09lft, 1 IO
~ISOK-C•ndol.,i., Pllbburgl'I, 1'·S, 1'1
Suv•r, CJn(.,,....tl, 10-4, I•• JoM LO-Antltln ..... , ... R F0<sch, 51 .
Louis, 19·6. 140, Ch1stn•o" . Pnlf•delP"I• 11-• ll9 Catlton Pllll-tpllla, >>-• •. 119, R.R1u.c1M1° Chi~. 10-9 ..cl, BorbOn, Cln<ln·
M tl, 1CH,.067.
1 s..mll ti.e e"try bl•"" llelow or• reUOIMlbl• t•ulmlte of II 10 _ ,,,. c ... 10 1. "llu•en•lllt tKll""I•" i• dell.,.. n 1n "nut
d\ltlllo\e." EftttlH 1111n1 be-'""" In .i .. -"'• t• ••<1111•1• , ......... TlloM wtolCll doco'I COftlOnftWill a.dlMIUilllflt4..
l. 5eN1 II te: "IGSKIN "t(t(f.1100, '71, """'" Oe .. 111M ... , f' 0 luU40,Coll•Mau. CA'2U6.
> Ottty -ett1rf "' ,........, _...ittw a.cit-. CofttHl•nt1 .,.. NYIMll IMI <MIHI ofllc(el• ""'Y lnwtltpllt mulllpl• ..,trlH =:,·!:T~.!~~·~1~:!~ ""~t:i.-:t ,::.;.:'~~:.:~~",.~
mutt lie a<C91)tecl"' ti.WI ltY •II ~li.MI. •. :::u.: r.1r:~~W:1a~~ .. .:~=~:::·: ......
1. Delly l"lfet tmJIO\'n .,., tllelr 1__..te famllln •n ... al'911t1• ..... ier.
•· Tll lllEAKlll BLANK MU$T aE "IL.LEO IN Ott ENTllY ll VOID.
• • : Name ................................................... :
: Addr•ss • . • . • •• . . . • . . •• . . .. • . . . . . . . •• . . •• . ! a •
: City ........................ ZJp.......... : • • : Phone .................................... :
: Circle teams you think wlll win this wuk's qames : • • • • : SF at Los Angeles : • • : Tampa Bay at Dallas : • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Buffalo at Baltimore ·:
Cincinnati at San Diego : • Denver at Seattle : • Green Bay at Minnesota :
Houston at Miami : • New England at NY Jets : • New Orlean1 at Chicago :
NY Giants at Atlanta : • Phlladetphla at Detroit : • Pittsburgh at Cleveland :
St. Louis at Washington :
Washington State at USC : • IGwa at UCLA :
Washington at Minnesota :
Oregon at Stanford : • Georgia at Alabama :
Navy at Duke !
Air Force at Georgia Tech : • Ml11laalppl at Auburn :
Texas A&M at Michigan :
Baylor at Houston : • Colorado at Army :
Kentucky at Penn State :
Michigan Stat• at Notre Dame : •• • : lndlanaatNebraaka . :
·: K•n-•tOklahoma : : : • Ohio State at SMU • • • : Oregon Stat•.•t:Tenn•••" : • •
·.·:.=:: Tll! IR•AKEll-----._...._. ,. .......... of,..., ................. .,. ••
• • • • : .. i • • • • • • • • •
·----------------.. -------." •••••••••••••••••••••• a•. a ••••• ············"
• 1lf DAit Y "'l OT
r ------
' . . . .
I ,
• .. t ,,
• 1977 manufacturer's suggested retail
price mcludmg dealer preparation.
reqwred California erruss1on equip·
ment and $211 worth of equipment
newly standard in '78. Tax, license and
deslmat1on charges not included.
1. :.:-' .. i . ~~-'
~\ •
A lot more
Our nifty 2-door Chevette
Hatchback is a lot niftier.
Because we now include in
California eighteen standard
features at no extra charge.
Features that most people
want in a car. Lilceaquality-built
Delco AM radio, a 1.6 Litre
engine, white StriQe tires and
wheel trim rings. Even swing-
out rear windows.
All things considered, the new
'18 2-door Chevette Hatchback
is considerably more car.
, And a very considerable value.
New standard features on the
'78 2-door Chevette Hatchback
• Delco AM radfo
• 1.6 Litre engine
• Swing-out rear windows
• Reclining front bucket seatst
• White stripe tires
• ~port steering wheel
• Console
• Wheel trim rings
• Bumper rub strips
• Protective body side moldings
• Cigarette lighter .
• Color-keyed instrument panel
• Glove co~partment lock
• Deluxe grille ... and more ...
18 new features in all.
t Some early production
Chevettes in dealer inventory
won't have reclining seats. The
suggested base price will be
reduced accordingly .
. ~
,~ • .·\-. ~' t (} • . .. . . .
.i ·t~ . " .
1.( • • ,..,
• ..;.,: '"!
. ' "•
• •*Base 1978 manufacturer's auggeated reta.U
pnce mcluding dealer preparation and
required California emiulon equipment.
Tax, hcense and destination chuges not
• ••
2-door Chevette Hatchback
Last year on Chevette we
added $200 worth of equipment
at no.extra charge U1 the
California Buyer's Bonus.
. For 1978 we're adding an ·
additional $211 worth of
standard equipment at no extra
And here's the really good ·
news. Based on a comparison of
manufacturer's suggested retail
prices, we still kept the price of
the 1978 Chevette 2-door
Hatchback $195 below what last
year's model would have cost
with the same equipment.
Amazing. More Chevette for
less money.
And a total value of $411
worth of standard equipment
at no extra charge.
There's a brand-new
Chevette, too. A 4-door
Hatchbackwith two more doors,
a roomy rear seat and all the
new standard features except
for the swing-out rear windows.
In fact, it has more rear seat
I~ room than the 1977 Toyota
Corolla 4-door, the 1977 Datsun
B-210 4-door-even the 1977
Honda Civic Wagon.
For 1978, Chevette' s a lot of
car for your money.
' f, r i ) ~ ~ .1 \'. ,I ... . -· . .. ,. ·-..... ,
f,-.., • I "'=
1 '
• t1 t
STOCKS I MOSKOWITZ Monday, SoptemOer 2e, 1977 l/N DAILY PILOT
r:;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;:~·. bk I' 0 ~
t:loaing PricP~ TRANSACTIONS
"""'•t-1"'1_" ... ''°"b*" Y•r11, Ml<Me\l .. t'Clfl(, l"tW, ~ Cllttrell •l>d (•"< lllMll •llKll ••• ,,.....,_ • .,.,. ..... hHetlerl.tlAIW1Ca.u .... toe(111lt1KOte~•nd ln•lln.L
. .
., ....
l\I '.
""' <" •• 1\ 1l\• ....... 2,1. t I•
., ... 1,.
11-. ., ..
'11'• \4 lO"-.....
lh'c t It 10'· ..•• )1 I 14 .. ., '• 71 ..
77 lo JJl ... 'j.
M\o'tl-~. ,. • I ...
t). ......
"\It! 1,.
1'' It \'ti
1V • 4•
VF-C.o-t tO t 6 .,.., • ~. VS1Cot1l 111 7 '6 2l"
V•lleyle 401' <t1 .... ..,., • .., tt 1t 6' 16'1
V•rotnc .JD,1 4 u '"' VendO 11 s ... • t'o ...... le• tst • 7 ... V~ts.1 )"" • t•'• Vetco JOl'V 417 .... •• vi.com .m,. •J 11 • "' V•EPw 1.1• I '47 14•·1
V•!PJ)l .. 0,.zSOO Sl ... -'• VeEPPI S •• zUO SS" ~. V•EP oft 1S.. 77• 107~ VeE~tO • • ».._ " Ve! J 7 n . 11100 -• 1 vee pn . .u 1S400 es~+ '• VOf'....., H ,.__ • •
-w-w wachOY ,,.. t 10 U>'f• • , ,. ::~ ,. 12 .~~ .~. ... We~ 1 10 1 11 tJ>;. •' Wlh A I 40a 1 11 lS'I> • '• W•ll8~ '6 1 l 19\fo
WellMu 1 lO J ll '77 W•llJm I 40 6 llS 1• ::~~~160 : J i::: + I•
W•tna(O 111 T'• WArns t 211 1 311 ~ W•nCom IO 6 10s• n
WMNl 11011 .... 7S -'• W•V•~ 1 Oii 8 1l 24>!1 .. WA\hSll 1'/O10 S ?)t1 1, W•hW1 1 1& a Q n~.
WO\leM 11111 SI 1~ Wetk1t\) n 17 IS 23 -.. W•Y~ 4111l )I 6 -·~ w .. nun '/O • b s .... Wun pf 1111 • ,,., •.
W•bbO 10. 1 S O 11 Wtl~t f) • I• ll'•• '• WollsF 1 17 1 10 "', + •• W•llFM ..., 14 16 13~ + '• WIPP 11'4 SO 1100 S. +I•> WIPIPe 2 40 1 14 ~ '• WnAlrL .., 1 \S1 71_. -...
Wn81'K I SO 1 117 30\') .. \I•
WnNoA '°" 6 x... ,,,. " wnP.cln • 102 20v,-~ WnPUlll Ill a IS ,.... '.
WUnlon I 40 I • te•o • '• wnun pl• 60 . • 1 s2•, •·· WnUnOpll 18 • 26 Ill/• ''II WUTIDI 4 I 65 14
WUTlpf 2 S6 1l 2.... " Wntglil '1 6 615 1~+ h Wutg pfJ IO .. 110 S)\I) \1
Wutmor . 10 "" + 1 " W91V• UO 1 Ill u•; + " Wt'(bl'g 1 S t 1411 Wt.,..,., Mil 511 2'9' + ._
WtY• pf J llO.. 1' 451 •-I
'Mleefl" .n10 "' ~~ ... WllfflPll • • '' 10 -v, =~= L !WIO ~.,., !, ... w11rr~ 1 • u1 11v.-\It 511 1.10 s 276 ~~ "• W tColC J.. t '211t-"•
11• • IU 1 • '• WltlllN 1..0 t j 2' -~
Wll lter ' t~ •'-+ "• Wlr! AD 1 ~t 14--~ w .16 1 • 1V. ... w l -1 1 110 20 • . • wl lllf'O 12 • U 1 -V. WIMO tMU S '1~-._ ;1i ,. 7S ~ ..... Wit ,,J t.t!1: ~ ~::.:.'" Wit pf 161 .. llCI ~-\.\ w~6:c l"L l eo ; ~~ g_. + ·\ii tcl't 1 Mli 1S 20 -Vo WK•. 1.$!7 U a-lie Wl"1'0 tO S 1t Ulla+ ~ =-~ _. 7 .. S•+-1\
Wo.cta! :: : 1J 1:t+ ~ W-Nt .IO 11 41 '1'-+ .. W~,!l I 'II )ol9 tltll+ \'II :"'.JA1l•,o ~ "ri . ~ 1ilMllY t..-1i 10 ' .. '#~'" .tolO ,, , .... ~ ..,... .a' " •v.-... WYty Cit • tt. t•"· ....
Smash Movie
Means: Buy
Wl.lat'• u :1mash movie worth'! Ask 20th Century-Fox.
wbkb boldt the hot hand these days in th• motion picture
bosinat·, tbanks to "Star Wars," which It releued May 25.
JI .i continues at its present pace, "Star Wars" will
beeome the biggest seller in the hlatory ot movies, sur· passifte .. Jews." And the science fantuy film la already
ma.king a aubstantial contnbution to the finaoc1al weU-bftDC ol Fox
$M0 mlllioo tot $810 million and jackntred profits from US
mill.too to $Sfi mil hon. But "Star Wars" is t?ound to have a
much moce dramatic impact on Fox becau~e the company
starts from a much smaller base
Denn.la C. Stanfill, chairman and president of Fox, gave
bOme inkling Of what this leverage will be in " telk this
month to security analysts. Stanfill reported t.het through·
Labor DQ, "Star Wars" had taken in $134 million at
theaters a cross the
country. Through that
~ame date. Fox had
grossed $87 m11Lioo from
its distribution/or the mm.
That $87 million
figure bulks large when
) nu consid«'r that Fox had total sales of $350 million in 1976
"Star Wars" will vault the company well over the $400
million mark.
Much of lh~1t revenue will work its way into profits
because "Star Wars" has already recovered its production
costs of $10 million. Fox has spent about $5 million adverll:.
ing lhe rilm
THERE WILL BE A 60-40 SPUT of the profits. George
Lucas, writer and director of "Star Wars," will aet 40 per
c~nt, 1''ox60percent
The Wall Street Journal estimates that Fox's pretax
earnings on .. Star Wars" have already exceeded $40
Fox earned tlO 7 million alter taxes last year. Jts net
this year is likely to hit $30 million.
While "Star Wars" overshadows everything else.
.mother movie, "The Other Side of Midnight," is providing
an extra profit kicker for Fow. Stanfill said this film grossed
$29 million through Labor Day, making it the Ulird most suc-
cessful movie over the summer.
WHAT WJLL 20th CENTURY-FOX do with this loot" Jt
will go on a shopping spree.
There's not a company left that relu:s exclusively on
motion pictures to keep it afloat. Columbia Pictures recent·
ly bought a big pinball machine maker, D. Gottlieb. Walt
Disney gets more revenues from its amusement parks than
its films. MCA <Universal Pictures) is into mail order sell·
ing <Spencer Girts). publishing <G.P Putnam's), r~ords
and music publishing, recreation and tour services, bank·
ang. Metro-Goldwyn Mayer has become the No. 1 casmo
operator in Las Vegas. And three companies have disap·
peaced into the folds of conglomerates -Paramount Plc·
tures belongi,,g to Gulf & Western Industries, United Artists
being part of Transamerica and Warner Bros. functioning
us a unil oC Warner Communications.
Fox owns television stations in Minneapolis, Salt Lake
City and San Antonio. Flush with the "Star Wars" profits.
it's looking to buy three or four more. It's also on the prowl
for radio stations. For $20 million, it's buying Coca
Cola Bottling Midwest, Inc.
If you have something to sell. give Dennis Stanfill a call.
Depressed Prices
Spur Late Rally
NEW YORK <AP> -Stock prices declined in slow trad·
ing today, weighed down by interest-rate worries and news
of continuing U.S. trade-balance problems, and then rallied
late in the session.
The Dow Jones averageof30 industrials, which fell 17 67
poinLs last week to a 21-month low. gained 2.51 points to
Big Board volume came to 18.2 million shares
Analysts noted expectations that the Federal Reservl!
would soon tighten credit f\lrther in eCforts to curb the
growth or the money supply.
Another apparent drag on the market was the govern·
ment's report this morning of a near-record trade deficit in
August, with imports exceeding exports by $2.67 billion. The
deficit was the second largest on record. exceeded only by
June's $2.82 billion.
But buyers were attracted by the depressed prices
DowJone•A1.~ra~• M'hat Stoelu Did
Ntw Yotll IAP) FllWll Oow·J~ evereQitt
'° '""' '° T "' 15 U11 ~~ Sitt 1n<1u~
0 Stlt.
<>Den Hlall Low Clow OIG m '6 Ml 1' '31 ti 841 U+ 2 S1 1110t 10 4l 21 UJ 211.12 + 0 M 11156117'7 1t1SI 11111 0'3 m1 .o m e1 11s ..... ue.n • o tt 1,411,41111 m:: 2.006. 100
A llW'rfean Leader•
llps and Do..,n•
'TC><My Gey ., •... • n• ..... . SI• .. . l .. A ••• 11 .. . ,, ... .
Due to late transmission
today's listing wlll not
appear In the Dally Piiot.
WHAT AMU( 010 NEW YORI( IAPI ~"" Toci.., CS.Y 'fH •••••• JAS .... . HJ ....... . 111 ........ . 11 ....... . 21 ........ .
Due to late t ra nsmls.slon today's listing will not
appear In t he Dally Pilot.
COASTWATCD: Tonight's Tl' Fare
EVtNIHO 6.'00. 8 8 ) (fl NI WS
6.30 8 Aac NEWS
Harry Is 1 hnlled whe11 11 m tt
announcea an. 19 pr...gnanl m HOOOEPOOGE LODGE
The New E~land Patriots crush
with lhe Cleveland Browns al
Cleveland Stadium. Ohio 0 MY PARTNER THE GHOST
Randall's ususally depend&ble
par1ner the ghost begins lo rapofl·
1ng events that did not happen 0> THE PARTRIDGE FAMll Y
Shirley's parents are battling again
and this time Grandma decides to
go to work ai. the Partr1d9e
family's maid
Ben Fuller. a retired policeman,
complicates matters when he tries
to take charge ol the invest1gat1on
into a lr1end s death
"Stir-Fry Cooking
6:306 MOVIE * *'"' "Sandcastles" 11972) Har-
!.Chel Bernardi, Jan-Michael
Vincent A man's ghostly Image
returns to prove himself innocent
ol thievery, but falls In love with a
beauhlul musician ( 1 hr , 30 min ) OJ THE ODD COUPLE
Felix asks Oscar 10 po1te for a lay-
out advertising a new men's
"Boston Story, Part I School
desegregation m Boston m FAMILY PORTRAIT
"Pairing Off"
7:00 0 NBC NEWS
''The Fox Hunt"
David Horowitz visits the Small
Claims Court with the Hon Irwin
Nebron, Presiding Judge of Mvnlc-
1pal Court
Jen makes orom1ses she cannot
Tonight 011 NBC
Sad Ending
\ pu:nil' for !\kh-.sa Sut• Amlcr:-.11n licit > o..111d
\ll'lt!->!->a c;iJhcrt turn:-. to tragt'<h on L tltlt·
lloust• on lht• P ra11'tl'. tuntght al X 11n ~BC'
Channel 4
keep In order to win a populanty
(!) ADAM-12
Ottlcers Malloy and Reed search
for an elusive bar g1rl who might be
able to clear a fellow ottlcer or
t>lackmall charges
fil) 28TONIGHT
"Seabrook -Do We Need It?"
"Never Give Up" profiles Imogen
Cunnl~ham. who was an active
portrait photographer until her
death at the age of 93
(I) $ 100,000 NAME THAT TUNE
"My Ellen" Laura convinces Eloise
Taylor (Corinne Michaels) to let her
daughter. Ellen. go swimming in
the creek. When tragedy strikes
and Ellen drowns. Eloise, grief-
stricken, mistakes Laura lor her
dead daughter and holds her
lM OVIH •'f r•tl'd c'((Ot'tJ+nQ tn t')O;
f'\ftlC t ll!IN'Wldn<-~ MO\fll' Im TV _.,,
1ud0f'd by a tr•l•c
• * • • Ex1 r·llenl
• • • Very G11ou
* • Goo11
• -Fair
• -Poor
U MOVIE **'h "Woman Times Seven"
( 1967) Shifley MacLalne, Alan
Arkin. Seven extremely different
female personallttes are studied
~alnst a Paris backdrop (2 hrs.)
U MOVIE *** "How To Save A Marriage
And Ruin Your Life" ( 1968) Dean
Martin, Stella Stevens. An unmar-
ried man has an affa1r with a wom-
an he believes 1s his friend's
m1streS3. (2 hrs ) CD THE ODD COUPLE
Oscar develops a strong attach-
ment for Fellx's doctor. an attrac-
tive young woman
g) MOVIE * * 'h "Bright Leal'' ( 1950) Gary
Cooper. Lauren Bacall A tobacco
tycoon grows increa$1ngly wealthy.
until a man he-took advantage of
returns, seeking revenge. (2 hrs.)
"Upstairs, Downstairs Joke Over"
Georgma·s renewed association
with a group o f trresponslble
young socialites leads to a tragic
"Upstairs, Oownstalfs Noblesse
Oblige" The soclal position and
family background of Georg1na·s
new love make their tuture happi-
ness uncertain (R)
8:45 fJ MOVIE * * * * "M.A S H ' ( 1970) Donald
Sutherland Elliot Gould Two sur-
geona at a MOblle Army Surg1eaJ
Hospital In KOfea create havoo
with tMlr eccentric behavior and
strictly non-mllltary behavior. (2
hr1., 15 min.)
A mltll~ diamond necklace, an
apparent lnalde-thett, spoils
Joyce's turprlae birthday party
with her long-time friends when
she calls the police.
G NBC MOVIE • * * "In The Matter 0 1 Karen
Ann Ovlnlan" (Premiere) Brian
Keith, Piper Lavrle. Having accept-
ed the reallty that their daughter 11
terminally Ill, the Oulnlana decide
her IMVltable death Should not be
prolonged and attempt to have the
life-support equipment removed.
"The Manner-a And Morals Of High
Capltallsm" How do the attitudes
of the "robber barons" on the
accumulauon and a><penditure of
capital still affect vs?
"Terrorists, Hostages, Police And
The Media"
@)MOVIE **'ft "Skin Game" (1971) James
Garner, Lou Gossett. A pair of con
men are outwitted bY a female
colleague. (2 hrs )
9:30 f) (I) MAUDE
"The Flying Saucer" A UFO has
been sighted over Tuckahoe, but
no one believes It because it's
Maude who's spotted It.
10:00 f) (I) RAFFERTY
The worlds of muSlc and medicine
meet under Ille-or-death condi-
tions when Dr. Rafferty treats a
classical vir1uoso violinist (Peter
Donat) and a rock star (Elayne
Two men accuse a witch doctor or
kllll~ the one's brother but the
witch doctor denies It. EE IN PURSUIT OF LIBERTY
"The First Freedom" The evolution
of freedom ol the press.
10:30 OJ Q) NEWS
"Washington And The Panama
Canal Treaty"
Guests. Bob and Joanne Herhck,
Michael Kerlin. Nelson Phipps
"The Case 0 1 The Sardonic
Sergeant" Mason Is to represent
an ollicer on a murder charge. but
when he appears at the Army post.
he finds his client dead.
11:30 6 <J) CBS LA TE MOVIE * • "McCabe And Mrs Miiier"
( 1971) Warren Beatty. Julie Chris-
118 When the business enterpflses
ol a gambler and a madam In a
frontier town begin to prosper,
outside Investors attempt to move
KTLA <S> 8:00 ·woman Times Seven." Shirley
MacLaine portrays seven different characters in thh
1967 movie comedy with Alan Arkin.
NBC D 9 :00 "In the Matter of Karen Ann
Quinlan." A dramitization of the celebrated case or a
young girl in a coma whose fate prompted a legal bat
tle. Brian Keith and Piper Laurie ~tar <revie"'
ABC fJ 9:00 -"M•A•s•tt:· T he m ovie on which
the hit TV series was based returns to the tube with
Elliott Gould and Donald Sutherland as the un-
orthodox Army medics.
In end lake over. (R) (Network
advttea vlewet dlecretlon) D TONIGHT
Guest host: Sammy Devis Jr
Guests: Victor Borge, Bonnie
FrankUn, Rip Taylor, Victor Buono. U LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE
"Former Marriage Johr"
••1h "The Money Trap" (1966)
Glen Ford. Elke Sommer. When
the combination of a safe Is given
to a detective, he decides to steal
Ila contents lo solve a financial cn-
sls brought on by his extravagant
wife. (1 hr., 45 min.)
"Ave Miies High"
"What's In The Box?"
6 MOVIE * * "The Last Of The Ski Bums"
( 1969) Ron Funk, Mike Zuettel.
Three ski buma perform on the
resort slopes of France, Italy, Swit-
zerland and Austria (2 hra.)
"The Flaming Planet"
(I) MOVIE * • "Underworld Story" ( 1950)
Dan Duryea, Gall Storm. An uneth-
ical reporter signs his own death
warrant when he delves Into the
underworld's pollllcal connections
(1hr .• 30 min.)
12:30 0 GENE AUTRY
"Sa_g_ebrush Troubador"
12:40 @I MOVIE **'h "The Money Trap" (1966)
Glenn Ford, Elke Sommer. A
detective Is given the combination
to a safe by a dying robber and
considers steaUng the money to
solve pressing personal problems.
( 1 hr., 20 min.)
Guests. John Buckley and Ron
Rlb1nson. national chairman and
executive director of the Young
Americans for Freedom.
1:158 NEWS
1:300 NEWS
Q) MOVIE •v. "Johnny Stool Pigeon" (1949)
Howard Duff, Shelley Winters. A
treasury agent trees a gangster
from prison hoping he will lead him
10 vnderwO<ld connectlon9. (1~ ••
30 min.)
2:00 Q NEWS
2:3011 NEWS
3:00Q) NEWS
3:05 fJ MOVIE **'h "The Oklahoman" (1956)
Joel McCrea, Barbara Hale. A
doctor, a widower with a young
daughter, protect• an Indian from
being swindled by crooks desiring
his land. ( 1 hr .. 25 mln. l
Daytime Movies
9:00 0 MOVIE * * * "The Private War Of Major
Benson" (1955) Charlton Heston,
Julie Adams. A tovgh Army man la
softened by a female doctor alter
he Is transferred to a mlllt~
school. (2 hrs.)
10:00 9 MOVIE *** "Adventvres Of Marco •
Polo" (1938) Gary Cooper, Bastl
Rathbone. The travels of 13th~en
tury ellplorer Marco Polo bring him
to China. (2 hrs.)
12:00 0) MOVIE * * * "Dangerous" ( 1936) Bette
Davis, Franchot Tone. A ruthless,
self~tered star, having become
a chronic drinker, Is rehabilitated
by a young architect (2 hrs., 20
2:00 U MOVIE •*'Ir "The Deadly Alla1r" (1967)
James Mason, Simone Slgnoret. A
British lntelllgence officer Is sent to
investigate an anonymous letter
accusing a key officer of Commu-
nist elflllatlons. (2 hrs )
3:00 <ml MOVIE **'h "The Bravos" ( 1971) George
Peppard, Pernell Roberts. An offi-
cer Is assigned the command of •
small fort after the Civil War has
ended. (2 hrs.)
3:30 U MOVIE *** "See No Evll" (1 9/1) Mia
Farrow, Robin Balley. A cowboy
kills a helpless, young, blind
woman. ( 1 hr . 30 min I
Quinlan Case Flat
As Draina for Video
Police Story
To Feature
New Format
NDC-TV has a nnounced 2.1
change for .. Police Story," ~\."
Emmy-winning anthology serie3.
lns te:id of being shown in 1~
weekl y one-hour ttm e slot, the
program will be presented In
special l\\O·hour telecasts.
dly flat <lramalitation of a n cmo
t 1ona ll y c h arged , wid e l y
publicm.'<1 legal and moral case
1s on NBC. Cha nnc•I 4. tnmght at
!I It 's a TV movie. ·· 1n t he :\1atter
of Karen An n Quinlan ··
n nan Keith and Piper Laurie
-.tar a~ J<I{' and Julie Quinlan,
parenL'> of the young New J ersey
woman who lap!'ed into a coma
and ne\'1•r t•amc• out of it 2' :.t
'cars ago aftC'r a fcv. drinks at a
friend 's birthda.> cC'ICbralion
Uoclors said her brain was
hopelC'ssly damaged Her condi
lion was deteriorating rapidly
Death seemed mevttahlc
llER PARE NT S , devout
Catholics. raced a n agonizing de
cis1on Should they let her die a
natura l d<>ath, tell the doctors to
turn off the res pirator tha t
<1 rtificially kept her alive ?
Their decision was widely d e-
bated in legal. medical and re
ligious circles It led. to a
landmark right-to-die court bat
Tonight's retelling of that sad.
difficult time for the Quinlans IS
a commendabl e effort i n
restraint, particul arly in that we
never see the girl in her latter
s tages or deterioration.
We do see fine work by Keith.
Miss Laurie and David lluffan
he cast as the Quinlans' young
lawyer, Paul Armstrong, who
took their case at grea t personal
financial sac r1lice.
ea Crom David Spielberg as a doc
tor who, out of his own convic·
t.Jorui, refused the Qulnlans· plea
lo turn ofC the machine all
thought was the only lhing keep. mg ber all~e.
And the script by Hal Sltowltz
ls remarkably Jow·key-tor such
an ea.sy·to-MNJatlonallze story.
Unfortunately, h does chanae
som tact.8 recalled by the
Qutn.le.na In their book, ·:Koren
In ono scene, for example, a
s hyster la~yer 1ees Ann trona ftllnc the tlrst petition in the case
and rushes to a phone to t.Jp t>ff a
newspaper pal. Not so, accordlna
to the book.
ll 1-.ya Armllronl(, on the ad
\'I ('(• Of a pro~ecutor tn lhl• Ca!>C,
arranged to ml•et ""1th three local
reporter-. a fl er fi lt ng t h1· pelt lion.
the idea bcm~ to ~ct th1· •~sue:.
"properly mterprctc•d "
THE SCRIPT ALSO :.ho"" that
Miss Qurnlan. who "'a'> under
care at St Clare ·~ llos p1tal i11
Denville. N J , rl'm aincd there:
although her pan•nts "'antt-d her
trans ferred after thc.> :'\e" Jerscv
Supreme C1Jurt dcc1d<'d thev had
th~ rii:?ht to allow her to dic: a
natur al death
The script says other hQsp1tab
and medical facilitie-.. fearing
bad puhh<'ily, refused to accept
her after the court's dC'cbron
But th(• hook s ays she was ac
ccptNJ at a New Jersey facilit}.
the Morns View Nurs mA llome
aft('r trustees there reversed a
long Ume rule against atcept1ng
comatose patient!!
DESPITE SUCll lapses. the
sho w remains gener ally true to
events described In the Quinlans ·
The book was taut, a bsorbing
and moving.
Unfortuna tely . to night's
drama tizatio n, while done
with tas t e and d1 g n1ty. 1s
anything but gripping. It moves
sluggishly Cor the most part,
almost as if in search or a point of
Too bad The restraint is ad·
mirable. but the execution is
has acquired film rights to
"Shogun." James Clavell's best-
s~Ulna novel, for a mini series to
run 15 or more hours.
"Sho1un." a novd of paaston
and lntrtgue ln 17th Century
Japan when Eut meclS West,
will be filmed ut International
It's a Coverup
~la un•t•n l>l'an. \\ tft• of \\'atcrgatl' f1 g ur('
.John Dl·an 1 right 1 docs ht·r .1 m prt•ssion of
fornwr Pn.·~1 cl(·nl ~1xon clur:ing th(• tuping
of a Mike Douglas s ho\\ in Philadl'lµhw
\\'<:1tchinl! are Douglus !left 1 and acto r lhll
The first of these, "Pressure
Point, · Tuesday at 9 on Channel
4. will star David J anssen as a
serf(eant whose concern for hh
men extends beyond the police
:-.talion and into t heir private
The second progra m of Utt:.,
·Poli ce St ory·:." fifth season,
will be "Stigma," starring Mike
Connors and Martin Milner. Con-
nors has been cast as an officer
who cannot convmce himself that
he deser ves the Medal of Valor
awarded to ham for his actions
during a shoot-o ut in which tUs
pa rtner a nd best friend -was
killed. Milne r plays Connor·s
n e w partne r a nd patrol
whcelm <in
ABC Not Resting on Laure/,s
It almos t seems as if the enlir~
fall TV lineup Is comJ>Osed of a
single new series, "Soap." But.
the television fan can eXJ>f-'Ct
more In the new season an~ to
ma ke certain the viewer is aware
of this, Fred Silverman. A'BC's
program leader. recrmtly
scrutinized the upcoming s~on.
assessed ABC's role as the new
leader, and illuminated these
-"Charlie's Angels "t will not
materially suffer becaltse of the
defection of Farrah 'Fawcett·
Majors and, in fact. nflw surveys
lndlcate that Kate Ja.ckson ond
Jaclyn Smith arc 11t leut u
popuJar: It not more •so, as Far· rah. , ~
-HOWEVE•. TllERE la con-
cern over Farr ab 'a dtfectlon
since lt Involves a 1.le1a1 entqJe·
menl over whe~r a de facto
commitment and parlldpatton1 without alped contract, ii valla
or not. u the courts rule In F&r·
rah '1 favor. tben televtalon.
Silverman contalded, could be In
a lot of lroubhuince many ttan
are pcrformlrnr lA sert.. today
i •
without having signed their con
Marie Osmond, the 18-year
old youngest member of the sing-
ing clan, will be an international
supers tar within two years and.
anticipatine this meteoric rise.
ABC is planning to give her some
s pecials of her own.
brother, David, once was a
teeny-bopper idol. is rapidly
emerging as one himself and
Silverman II' pulling out all the
stops In hypina hll aeries, ''The
Hardy Boys." Since Shaun also
bas a deal wttb NBC tor four
specials which was negotiated
before his ABC series deal, ABC
wants to keep Shaun so busy be
won't be able to keeP' his NBC
-Btlna No. l means a
network can't become compla-
cent, const(luenU.v ABC bas 25
projects ln the wlnga now, a
number of them ready replace.
mentJ fol' any failures In the new
SILVE&llAN, TH~ pro·
1rammlna 1eneral t.thoae
strategy since switching from
CBS lo ABC has brought the lat-
ter network from a poor No. 3 to a
strong No. 1 in the ratings, still
faces a serious controversy with
"Soap," his new adult series
which already ls the object or an
intensive boycott campaign by
Church and other pressure
But Silverman indicated that
both he and the ABC network are
sensitive to pressures. ''Soap"
has undergone chantes, and
there ls strong effort to convince
the affiliated channels around
the county that the new aeries ls
not an X-rated project.
Chan1es have been made to
tone down tbe openlnc episode
which cauaed the furor. Succeed-
ing episodes havo been re-
vamped and story Unes thinned
out to develop more ot the
characters r.tber than sex,
&llvennon revealed.
BARUElt LAST week, the
•lteted openln1 epl1odt was
cloaed-ctrculted to alnllal . Tho
11me alOUates wUl bo 1hown
more episodes and a .prevtew of
othen to insure I.bat th~ networlt
has not become morally ir·
Nine affili ated stations pre-
viously rndicated they did not
plan to run "Soap." Sllve"'2an
says he hopes they change dleir
minds after this week's cloted-
circult showings.
Silverman declared be had
mixed reaction to the early ad·
verse publicity
''IT DID FORCE the producen
and the network to take another
look at 'Soap.' .Some oC \the
criticism was Juslifle9,"
Silverman sald. "Crilicl5m can
be helpful. We made su•tte
changes. We've made characters
more believable. If you :t
have believable characterJ.
aeries wlll fall."
Silverman al.so expressed
cem over the network 'a lm11e.
"They said we were the '81'
network' so we canceled 'B
Woman' and 'Wonder Woman, '
he aaJd. "Thel\ wo wel'e call
the 'Teenlo network• becauaai
'Happy Daya' and 'Laveme
Sblrlty .' So we went to
comedy. Now, as a r suit of
l J
! t !
•tma e'
f Brady's Mom
j r Pl'!~!~~~as
I LAS \'t.c;AS tAP) • MulU t•lt-nlt'C.I Jo lort-n<'to
•tJna!UlKlll, Lh ~r\ btool1• who ralMl'd "Th..-Ur•dy
h" for hve )Urt on nCllwork Lt:luvu.lon, ailya
• ure oftf'o aurpn ed wbc:n lhty cnce:t her
E 'Tbo ~ilc ot llro•dway prudunr Ira h n111lt•ln
th lour c ltildr n of her 11w11, M~11 tlend•rwn hn
nit<d b~ r '1Wn ntch tn i.huw bWromeM1, l>ul ht:r TV
.. bMI llYCll pt-oplo a C'l'flOUI m itlfoflly lmillts uf
'"'" IArtua~ akw to a cvru..t·rvi.u V\: 1J<Jn:. IJ•,>. } I .liuUh.c:1 an~ t• lloea11 I rnJI> ht.
: t .. l 'M \'Ell\. Ol TSl'OKt:'°." •111d Utt.• Hl4!nua 41pa ... rdJnct-ril<'lrt:i.1>, J h• r1l,1Atd lid\\t'tfl 4t¥l"• 1ott th1· MC:M Grand Ho1.-I Whl'ft• ,,tw rtlC'\•ntly
·o·hl!adhrwd ., lhr<'c-w1·1 k lltl•rt mt-nt v.1U1 cumt:
• IJH:O-.hn lo.\ (;ll' 'llt' · .\ 1111 of JIOOl'lt• d<111 t 1 t-11lw· thi.t cm lht.-'hre1dy
)um h' I 'm 1wtllljl," b..t.lrl '''':-. lh•nckr,on Hut '>he
~·lf't•i. Hu' "' an 111dH·ut1un i.h
v. ·" .al lt'.11>t <;c111v11w11ir 111 ht•r
A'> a rt•al-hfo mother, 'he
:.aid f1rrnrll''>S mU'>l be :.huwn
"It ' not ~clS ) tJeang a
purenl.' sJ1<l Mis:. 111.'n<.lerson
•· ( Uunk }ou hJvc to :.ay 'no' to
c.-hJldrcn It's f>O C<i'>Y to sJy
'.) t•i..' Jt relieve:. you of a lot."
~outhem Indiana forming community or Dale, Miss
tlenderson was the youngt·st ur 11J4 h1ldrcn in a poor
..im1ly that hutl htllc more th.m ..i few hogs, a cow
11d a sm.il I toba<.'cu patch
lkr t.1lt·nl WJ:-o rl·<•ognitt."<.l l'arl). Jnd tht· family
iort1<:hoY. found ..i .,., JY to Sl'nd htr to i'il'Y. Yurk s
.(\cadl'm} or Dramal1(· /\rb It was thl·rt· ..it a~e 17
ih~I :-.ht• gcit hc·r first h1g lirl'ak .,., twn she C'Ul clo'>ses
lo :iud1l10n for a part in Lh•· play • Wish You Were Ht·n· ..
Sht.· 1:ot the· r1;.art. and tht· rc'>t 1s h1storv -star·
b~ rolt·s on Bro.1c!Y. ay and in tra\eltng companies
rrOdUl'IOj! l>Orn1• of thc• IJ1ggt.•i.t mus1culs
t EH·n though she was v.cll knoY.n for years, 1t
'as "The Brady Bunl'h" and the rolt-or a go11d ·
aturoo s uburb<tn housewife with a sizable flock
th~1t rcx:kt·ll'd Floren<:l' Henderson to sturdom
• "THERE'S NOTUINC; LIKE a telev1s1on
J.•·rll's, a '>UCC<·ssful one. to keep )OU IJcfon· the
tn1bhr and makt• you u household name." Florence
·x'plam<'d "I think one thing that pleases me the
'nhst aboul th<· · Brucly Hunch' 1s thJt 1t has g1 H·n
tllt' u wholt• new aud1enn· or ~oung pl'opll' and thc·y
5us t kt·<·p 1·om1ng " I "Br<Hl) Bunc•h" rc ·run., hJv1· lil·t·n 1n \nd11·a
J uul lcir th1t·1· ~1·:1r'>. and art• s1·1·n in 11;5 market!'., 1n
duding th•· l'ount ry 's top lO() c·1t1t•s
I . Flon·nt·t• I h·ndC'r'>lm ts a tonftdt·nt .... om <in. v. ho
J<n<>""s wh1·n· s ht• has hl•cn t.1nd whcrl' "hi· 1\ goin~
I "I kno\\ msid1· Y.hat I um." she· -.a11l "J know
t' hat nl) t.1l4·nt 1s I knCJ\\ "hat m.> <1b1ht11·-. Jrc
DESPITE HEJ~G SO:\IEWll1\T or a pf'rft·c
ho01:-.l, Mis:-. I ll-nd<'rson :-.u1d hN Y.ork 1-. ;1lmo<,t a
f elaxat1on to hur, und the iJUdtcnl'e ah\ OI) S <'Oml''>
"That's the name of 1t That·.., .ill th;1t mJLINs
• -tt\l' uud1t•net• ;md pica<, mg th1•m -
"I JllSt <·arC' too murh I couldn't ",ti k out .ind
do Jhc s:.imc thing, or .,;1). 'Oh tht·\ ""n t knov. the
cl1ffercn<'t' ' I krnm th<· d1ffr1 t·ncl· .ind I fr·t'I that
ca·ry uud1<·nc·l'. no m<ill(•r ho\\ 1111.: or <,mall de
.s<'T"'t't•s the· \f'ry twst th:it .,.,,. \'l' got l don l knciw
.inuthl'r \\av lo v.ork "
.\ft(•r u'roadv. ay, nat10nJI tourinl! com'rrnntr·s.;:,
:-.tar11ng rolt· tn the· highly <J('f'l,11ml'd m<1\ 11· ·'-;orig
of '.'l:on\a) ·.and a hit tt·lcv1sion scrwi., what Y.Ould
Fh1n·n<'l' I kndt•r:.on ltkl' lo do n<.''<l ''
By the Anudatf'd Prat
'l'hcl following uro Biiiboard'• hot record hit.a for
tbu ~uck undlng October 1 aa they ippeur in next
~ c:uk '• ldu" or lhll board maaaza.ne.
CMUl~ium >
2 Kl!:EP lT COMIN' LOVE -K.C. & the
~un~hlnc B•nd <TK'
3. OON'T STOP -Jt'loetwood Mac <Warner
·L BEST <H" MY LOVE -EmoUona <Colum.
:, STRAWU!i:RRY Lt'J'TER 23 -Brotl\era
Joht&$00 CA&M I
7 ·o :LEPUONE LINE -Electric Liaht
Orcht:11tra IUnilcd Artists-Jet)
8 THAT'S JWCK AND ROLL-Shaun Casaldy
l W lifTU!r-Curb > u COLD AS ICE -Foreigner CAUanUc)
I'. VERYTlllNG-AndyG1bb CRSO)
1 FLEETWOOD MAC -Rumors <Warner
}fros ) •
2. LINDA IWNST ADT -SJmple Dreams
3. ELVlS PRESLEY -Moody Blues <RCA >
4 . SHAUN CASSIDY -Shaun Cassidy
5. "Star Wars" Soundtrack <20th Century>
(Elektra) .
2 ON AND ON -Stephen Bishop <ABC)
·I. DON'T WORRY BABY -B .J. Thomas
-Cry:-.tal Gayle <United /\rtlsls)
NEXT TOME -B;irry White <20th Century>
:!. KEEP IT CO~llN' LOVE -K.C. & the
Sunslunc Band ITK)
:1. FLOAT ON Tht• Floaters <ABC>
Ben:-.on <Arista I
.1 URICK HOL'SE --C'ommodore~ <Motown)
DA YTJME FHI ENDS --Kenny Hoger~
l t;niu'<l Art1:-.ts 1
::? llE/\VEN'S JUST A ~IN /\WAY-· Kcndalls
<Oval ton l
J 't''Al.L CO~! Jo: BACK ~1\LOO:'\i .. _ Oukndgt
lloys (.'\fl(' IJol 1
I ICOTTllEllOSS ~1t·IT1 l1t ... 1MC,\1
.1 J·;,\ST llOl':\D ,\:\I> IJ(JW~ IH.U:"l·~CK I:\ A
llOCK i\i\:I> HOLL UA II JNry HN:d <RCA i
"R"'4.L CHAl'TH:
".& HU>CH TOO, .... trQ.I "I _WOULD LOVF.. TO m11kc• another movie,"
sht• "~!•d "I'd lovl' to do CJ rc>al comedy. kind of
baggy pant-; sort or combination or Carol Lombard
and Luc1lll' Ball. ~ '1'1"'1UCWY HlllD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""--..... ~ilitiOmVmll•"•ll•I .......
l:R VI NE ' S
f ic kets on sale now
through Sunday at
'he lfvine Harvest
Festival Box Office,
Cu I '{.er Drive at
Barranca, Irvine.
Call 754-1847
•• • I
1\;'llYOAY fU.2 )0f'M •U 'U
.. t :> ..... GAAMO ...
TH£FraUro 111 I ~
-~-0 • "' nd•~ ... ~ lrGJ •M
"""" ......... ~ ~~ • 1 H
The Other
Side of 110
Midnjght ...
......... ..,,,,....,.00 t •t• IOllN .._ _ _.,
1'00 J ••• ..,. ,., • , • .,. ....
. .
(A\ .&IOUT SIX" I "tCl.mlCKY F•llD MOVll"
"A lllDM TOO 'Al"
"CHAW10to' OF DIATH ..
"HOUYWOOD HIGH" Cal , ... u
MIT/_ l_IS.1..,,t:U
•!I l•T,_ >IS.• l .. t-11
1111 So •11.., ....... u~ aoi . .,,,I'll~
"SIOIW1HOH O~l" ll"GI ,.,.,,.. .. ,,_ .......... Jt
"41 '4f,._ J:IW. .... ll:tl
.. »ll:JI U.T/MM l: ..... t\.tf:IO
"HUSTtl" "GI ltJtU.T,_t_
'PiifipY' ·Genuine
Q: Wu ''Pappy" BoytftJtoa, tmplratton for tbe
Robert Coo rad TV aerie. 0 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep,'·
a reaJ or flcllonal h•rot Tell u 1 Uttl• more abou&
him, plt>ue. -K.C.IC .• Topda, Kau
A. "Puppy" ill rual -Gl)d bia feat.a wer• daial·
in~. In World War JI Boyington shot down five
J <tpanesc Zer~ In one e ncounter. and four mor e over
Jlubaul on Chraslmas Eve, 1944. After apendlng 20
months in a prison camp, be r eceiv.ed th~
Congressional Medal or Honor.
Within the Corps they referred to his ''Black
Sheep" as "Boylngton •s Bast.arda. •• In their fl rat ac·
tlon they bagged 11 enemy planes. Within ai.x weeks
that numb<'r incr eased to 58 ce rtain and 22
The Conrad series got Its tJUe and some ractual
material from the Colonel's autobiography. e beat-
seller m 1958. ''Pappy," R ichard Lamparski wrote
aft.er interviewing him at borne ln Clovis, Cal •• "his
s lowed down considerably in tbe pas t yeara due
mainly to poor health. He bpends most of bUI tJme on
has oil paintings. H• l• not, however, larkmg 1n frank
On Richard M. Nixon (for whom he cam paigned
several times>: ••He has the Intellige nce and
courage to be a really great President ..• but be
can 'l be straight with anyone. llJU5l iao 'lln him."
-On the Flying Tigers: "I joined them because I
was decpiy ln debt and they paid very well. J didn't
care any more about China tban Gen. Chennault did.
He stoic that country blind.••
The World War II flying ace admitted rttenlly
that when he was a boy aJapanesehadsaved h1slife.
•· 1 ·ve always had good r elations with them," he said.
•·They think of us 'as s uckers, which, of course, we
are." .
Q: Isn't Baretta's Robert Blake Edward G.
Robin&<>n 's son? Where was 'Blake born and ls be
married?-Vt'.J . Russo, Jersey City, N.J.
/\: Blako was boro in Nutley, N.J. in 1933. He has
bt.'l'o bu!>y as a beaver acting for years. first as a child
star tn "Our Gang"' and as "L1tUe Beaver" 1n the
"Red Ryder'' series. One of his earhest movie rolts
was as a paperboy 10 "Treasure of the Sierra Madre"
he sold Bogart a newspaper. Assigned by the U.S.
Army to Alaska, he was frozen there for several
Hars After he thawed out. he married actress Son·
<Ira Kerr. They hav(' two young ch1ldren, Noah and
Delcnah. And no. though there 1s a resem blance, he
"'not the son of the late Edward G. Robtnson. <Eddie
.Jr. dwd m February 1974 of natural causes at the age
of4U) <~: I Cell in love all ove r again when I caught Red
St..ellon breaking up the TV special "Command
LA IOllAAOA t lAK£W000 4
W'"a IN ttAMC.AI ... P"'tl.t t t '@ wO..,.OA'f •l'l•t.1 S•tUir.OAY ll tC.•pt "U'l•O•w•t tl >0 to~ 00
l A ~•RADA . Ofrrlll y ~V"-0••'. H0 \t0AT .. t J 10 IV l 00
"...... ) "4'i"ioo
~·2~ .. ...... )
ltAl t.l It & U •O<IOUt
-.~ OO•tHl••Mf(MAH ,.&•••
•.• MOYU vov·u HtVI• •O•o n "
• #OY•• •OU" HtVt• •oec;n .
"''U\ JUHNY LADY 1•01
\llA ••NHtUI
,,.,__ NIW YOal(,P~~W YO .. C1POI
10l)Ji ~'18 nu WT llMAC( Of 11.'U oun CPOI
e t.()9•1' HO Patil'
llAIU'U & "90Ct0U\ •
.....j()f GOefNt•••U(HAh PAellC'
"jl MO'(ll YOVll HfVt• '-'"
YOU UOtfT :f~1 MY llfl (l'OJ
•-ta \ljl(JU-All TIAa Af·"
HOU YWOOO HtGtf 1•1 •lUS
....... ~ ... & ,. __ ..
"4l -If TOU'H ........ •CMIO«l"
TOU uowr ~~.•Y 1"'1-.i
-ttOa&lutftllltl -.r a&Av-i:~ cea
MANltON Of ,... OOOMl91111t
'Glad You Asked That'
by Marfly11 aMt Hy G ......
Ptrformaoce" show recentJ.y. I know bll )lobby I
palnUng clowns and I've oft~n wonderecl. where dJd he first gel the Idea be wao&ecl to be a clOWDf -Mrw.
8e!Dla Grant, Staten Island, N. Y.
A: From his dad, a circWl clown hobbyist wh.o ·
died t~o months before Red wu born in Vincennes.
Ind., m 1913. Thls tnlluon«d the comedian's lite.
Look for Red ln an upcomtna movie tu med tn
Tucson, Ariz .. this put summer ln which Sblton
plays a medic me ~how proprietor. Now 64, the COD'le-
dian wrote an envia~le TV record. For 20 succe .. ive
YH1'11 hU» network show ran in the top 10 percent ot
the rat.mg~. <Wethlnk it's timeforanenoore. >
Q: Whatever happened to that fellow wtio broke ·
the ~\Ory of the White Houae &apetf I uodentand he
had quite a time xetUng a Job after tbat.11lae1lUl In
Wublugtoo?-Mra. S.L.M., BalUmore •
A: No. Alexander Butterfield, just like Mr. Nile·
~·followed Horace Greeley's advice to go West and
is now an executive in a Sao Franciteo air services
farm. .
Q: One time on tbe Johnny CarS<>o show, Julie
Budd ano the impresaloa that sbe waa Barbra •
S treisand'• sister. Since abe looks Uke and aln1a llke
here. can you tell me -are they really sisters? -M
Supp, Tulsa, Okla. :
A: No. Julie is a Budd·ini entertainer, but no kin.
M attel' ~3r l ~.he ~nco got this sisterly advice from;
La Stre1sal) : J lJhe, get your nose fixed. lose your
vo1cean ry nch!
Q: I heard that Mel Tillis and opera singer'
Robert l\1errill had gometh.bsg In co•mon. What! -
A: It's probably the fact that though both men
t.tutter«;d i!' euly life they could alng with clarity.
Hobert ~ sm~ing coach es corrected his deficiency
while Tillis <now age 45) attended several university
spt!ech l'hnir:. until. m the late 'SOS, he decided the
:.tutterm~ was something he could live with -"so
Ute hell w1thit!" ·
Se11d your questions to ll11 Gardner, "Gkid You A:iked
That," care of this newspopeT, P.O. 8oz 1560, Coia Meia
92626. Manlyn and I ly Gardner will an.nuer as many ques·
tions as they can m their column, bur the oolume of mo1L
makes personal repties impouible.
•81 BU Kean
.,.~ers ••• 0 5 j
Rains Could .Drop Prices
a,., A.Poclated p,.. eper, gTowers manaaed lo
normal crops.
produce Met/wds Tbo Calitomta drou1ht failed to dry up
the naUon'• •upply of fresh frwta and
\letet.ables th1a aummer, but the pro-
1pect.a for fUture harvesta and pncea are
•lUl In doubt.
( CONSUMER J PRODUCERS IN OTHER stales, E lo d r meanwhile, anticipating smaller sup-xp •~
plies from California, stepped up plant· • ~ I
mgs of such things aa cabba&e, peppers
"I met Billy's teacher today. She WOI surpriaed
~ " I'm not premotur ... 1 groy.
How Safe Are
"Without at least averaae winter pre-
clpltaUon ln the mountains, 19'11 will be
tho •evere.t teat yet," aald Charles W.
Porter. an &ricultural economist with lh., U.S. Department of A1rlculture.
CAIJt'ORNIA 1S THE nation's biggest
rrutl Wld veaetable producer. Porter
slre•sed that even lf crops fro1n
C•llfornia are smaller than usual, some
dlffcrenc~ will probably be made up by
&rowers In other states, but problems
could remain.
Porter spoke at a conference
•poru.ored by the United Fresh Fruit and
Veaelabl., Association, a trade group
whole 2,700 member firms account for
over 80 percent of total U.S. commercial
freab frult and vegetables sales.
Despite the unfavorable weather in urn, st.artlng with a freeze in Florida,
Porter said none of the dire predictions
about widespread s hortages came true.
There were week·to·week fluctuations,
some of them severe, but no long-lasting
mark et disruptions.
beans were immediately wiped out. As a
result, fresh ve1etable prices soared."
Imports of items such u tomatoes
from Mexico increased steadily into
May. And by tben, Florida was aelllng
spring tomatoes and farmers who
replanted alter tbe freeze started
marketing their produce. Texas and
·California were starting1heir usual ship-
ments. Supplies of some items were
above normal.
"During April and May, grower prices
tumbled," Porter said.
and sweet corn. Teaching 111ted 1tu-
.. Grower prices are now clo,,e to 1976 denta will be the 1ubJe~t
levels," Porter said, and "retail vegeta-of an anoual conlennc!e
ble prices have . . • followed the trend sponsored by the Oranse
of grower prices." County Council f« Gift-
When lt comes to 1978, however, ed Education, to be held
Porter swd, "No one knows how much Saturday al Caplatrano
longer ground water supplies can be Valley ~gb School in
heavily drawn upon . . No one at this Mission Vaejo. ·
moment is very certain whether well Over 400 teachen and
water supplies in the West would carry administrators are ex-
us through another year like 1977." peeted to participate lo
about 60 workshops,
ONE WAY FOR consumers to cut cos· planned by Capistrano THE SUPPLY PATTERN through the ts is to buy fruits and vegetables in Unified School Dlatrict
spring was one "of bunched·together season. The end of summer means the teachers.
marketings. When the spring vegetable end of abundant supplies of many pro-The conference is
production increase and the stepped.up duce items, but there are exceptions. planned from 8 a.m. to
Import activity are balanced against the Here is a list of some fruits and noon. The high school is
reduced winter volume, fresh vegetable vegetables where 25 percent or more of located at 26301 Via
supplies the first half of 1977 turned out the total annual supply is available in the Escolar. No fees or
to be only 2 percent less than a year last quarter of the year. (Bear in mind registration are re-
earlier. that shipping costs may boost prices. quired. .
Supplies also turned out better than ex-even when something is in season; look Additional conference
peeled in California, which last year pro· for items grown locally.> information is available
duced 40 percent of the country's fruit Apples, avocados, bananas, broccoli, by calling Carole
and vegetables. Brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, Laidlaw, '96-l.21S.
PORTER EXPLAINED THE Florida Porter said many important vegetable celery, Chinese.cabbaie, coconuts, cran· ----------' \\ ASI llNGTON CAP> -snowmobiling is one of ~ituation this way : "When the freeze hit· districts irrigate with water from wells, berries. grapefruit, grapes, mushrooms,
the fa:-.test growing winter sports in this country and .. the supply of tomatoes, peppers, rather than from reservoirs critically parsnips, pears, potatoes, pumpkins,
then• ha~ been concern over safety. eggplant and cucumbers ... was low from the drought. By using well s pinach, squash, sweet potatoes,
The Consumer Product Safety Commission says restricted to salvage operations. Snap water and, in some cases, diggang de-tangerines and turnips.
Call 642-5678.
Put • few word• to work for ou. 1hcmanufacturersofsnowm .. =o=b~1le=s~s=o:ld=...:..:in~t:h~e~U~n~i~ted:=_ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~~~
SlJlcs have developed _
"oluntary !>afely stan-
dards 'Ahich they follow
10 a h1~h degree and are
making a eontmumg d ·
fort to prl'n·nl n sh of in
commb~1on says, it will
not proposl' mandatory
federal ~tandards al this
t1ml', but will keep watch
on the voluntary efforts
The :-.tandards apply to
the vehicles thl!mselves
and not the driving
ha bits of the operator
~ho may speed reckless-
ly, hit a tree or drive into
a ditch They apply to
such things as throttles,
kill switches. brakes,
guards and shields.
industry estimates there
Wl•re five millton
i-;nowmobiles in use in
lht' country in 1975.
The safety commission
says an estimated 18,000
per~ons were treated in
hospital emergency
rooms for injuries as-
soc i at c d with
snowmobiles during the
year from July 1. 1975, to
.JuneJO. 1976
LB Offers
Classes 1n aerobic
dancing are being of-
fered in Laguna Beach
beginning Oct. 4 by Jacki
Sorensen, clinician for
the President's Council
on Physical Fitness and
The dance form
utilizes combinations of
hopping, walking, jog-
ging, bending and
Ms. Sorensen 1s a pro·
fessional dancer and
Classes will be held at
the Masonic Temple, 680
South Coast Highway
from 9 to 10:30 a .m
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
For more information,
call Christine Roath at
-A new bridge will span
the Colorado River
between Arizona and
California, authorities
Construction wlU begin
early in October on the $2
million bridge linking
Moh~ve County, Ariz.
and Needles, Arizona
Transportation Dept. of-
ficials said.
The department. la con-
t rl buting $491,000 in
federal bridte replace-
ment funds toward the
nine-month coMtrucUon
project, they saJd. It will
link River Road In
Needles with Levee Way
in Mohave County, Arb.
Mohave County, the
state of California, San
Bernardino County,
Calif .. and the U .s. Bureau of lndla.Jl Alfalrl
al.lo are payln1 part ot
the coal-', offlciall said.
The concrete bridge
con1tructlon contract
WH awarded by San
Ben:iardino County to
NOTO·Rldot Con1tr\IC·
tlonCo.otctalno, Callt. •
Kent Kings: 12 mg."tar." 1.0 mg. nicoune av. per c1garene by FTC Method.
Warnin g: The Surgeon General Has Determined
That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous 10 Your Health.
Micron.ite II filter is why.
A lot less tar and a remarkably smooth ·taste.
Todays Kent. the easy switch to low tar.
Kent. #J selling law tar. Now even better ...
. '
D s
. I
INSIDE: •Ann Landers
•Club Calendar
•Lifestyle Featuring ___ • _ •• ___ Cl
Jeff Gaynor of Newport Beach fills u~ his Mercedes. D•llY f'llOt ..._....., U.. l"•YM
Self Servers
It's not just the VW-Pinto set that's saving money by
pumping its own gas. Luxury cars are lining up, too.
Ol llW DAiiy l"llot StAtf
ll was a lot different 30 years ago when Bill
M atlhews started in the service station business.
Those were the days when the motorist was
king and the treatment was royal: Water, bat·
tery, tires and oil were routinely checked, not to
mention having road grime removed from the
"There was no question you did the win-
dows," r ecalls the 6l·ycar·old Corona del Mar
station manager. "You even carried a whisk
broom in your pocket.
"And they were so strict on uniforms they
even had a mirror in the back room and the at-
tendant had to check il before he went out on the
island. Now they couldn't care less."
Predicts Matthews, who still provides full
service, including checking tires when possible:
··I think the service station as we know it-unless
there's a drastic change-ts on the way out."
Matthews' friendly, service-oriented brand
of service station definitely has fallen by the
• wayside.
The proliferation of self.service sta-
tions are becoming a way of life for more and
more motorists looking for ways to save on
And it's definitely not just the VW-Pinto set
that is pumping its own.
"Stand around two hours and you'll see a big
Rolls Royce, new Cadillacs and a $25,000
Mercedes," says one dealer, whose self-serve
island does 75 percent of his business.
"You save a few cents," says a man filling
up at a Costa Mesa station. "I don't mind doing it
myscU. J 've even got the wife doing it."
"I hate self service," says the woman filling
up al the next pump. Nevertheless, she goes out
of her way for the savings.
"I have three cars and Jots of teenagers who
drive a lot," she explains.
Oil companies, seeking higher profits, have
gone for the high volume gas-only stations in a
big way. In the process they have been closing
many of what they consider "marginal" sta-
tions. ·
<SeeSELF, PageC2)
The reporter, owner of a vintage Honda, gets in the mood for a Cadillac de Ville.
~lass Vs. Gas
An air conditioner seemed a normal part of driving.
By CHERYL ROMO Ol .. Delty ........
Imagine this. How would you feel it you
drove an old. compact car that rarely start·
ed in the morning, bad a body that was rust·
ing away, Scotch tape on the roof to keep the
rain from leaking through the holes, and a
muffler that sounded like Fonzy would love to drag it down the main street?
Now imagine how you would feel if
Cadillac Motor Division invited you to test
drive it.a 1978 models before they hit the
This re•nnir'f'_.
in Newport ch, was treated tote t driv-
. Ing vehicles Ill g from 5evilles to
de Villes. wittl leather seats and
thatworked (fora change). "'~re were buttons and gadgets this re·
porter couldn't ~ven figure out what to do
with -the most embarrassing being not
knowing how to open the door to get out.
Little lights flashed when you went too
slow or too Cast, and the air conditioner
<wondered what that cool feeling was>
seemed a normal part of driving.
There was even a pop-up gadget
between the driver's seat with a note pad to
record your most important thoughts.
Naturally, I took notations about how it felt
cruising along Coast Highway without a
broken muffler and only the sounds of
silence prevailing.
Pat . Montgomery, who serves as the
public relations person for Cadillac, said the
Seville is a female favOrite and now rates as
the biggest sellin& luxury car in the Los Anieles area.
Unfortunately, abe admitted, 1978
prices were not available yet; but I was
sure one of these vehicles would cost mare
than the $500 my car ls probably worth.
· But then there were the mileage dif.
The estimated EPA rating, according
to a company spokesman, ranged from 14 to n mpg for the De Villes 81\d 20 lllPI for the
Even though the colors were·1orgeo)1S,
the gadgets fasclnatinf, Uie quiet engines
soothing and there was no Scotch tape an .
the root -all of of sudden my 35 to 40 lllP&
Honda didn't sound so bad.
·Besides:_ I could never fl&ure out how to
parallel parat a bi8 car. · .
Carla Rogers of Corona del Mar gives son Lance, 4, some pointers.
Costly Cars
Studies have shown that an average car costs
$3.94 per day, or $1,439 per year, to drive.
Of Ille D4111y Piiat SUH
Automobiles, in today's fast.paced world,
are like the husband's joke about wives: it's hard
to live with them but it's hard to live without
With the costs or everything connected with a
car going up each year, an auto has become one
of the major purchases a family makes in its
The revolution has been a recent one, con·
slderlng that the 1920s was the decade when the
car made its biggest sociological and fmancial
For \he first time in American history,
youths of that era could find a private place to
get away from their famWes to tend to private
matters, and people could move about more free·
ly than ever before.
But there was a price for the new freedom.
Cars needed gasoline, oil, tune-ups and in·
surance •. All of these coats have escalated until
today, a family spends thousands ol dollan an·
nuallyto buy and maintain its cars.
MANY CAil OWNERS have no idea what
their car costs them each month, day or mile.
They pay cash for gas, get sporadic repairs and
never think about depreciation. •
But studies have shown that an average size
8·cylindeT car, with standard accessories,
automatic transmission, power steering, power
disc brakes and radio costs approximately $3.9' per day to drive.
Aecording to a study done by the American
Automobile Assn., the cost of ownina a car can be
computed in two price categories, variable and
Variable eosts include gas, oU, maintenance
and tires. Fixed costs are insurance, license and
registration fees, taxes and depreciation.
To figure the $3.9' per day, the AAA used the
A ·Tortoise,
Of Course
Traoy Evans, 10,
fed a baby tortoise
born in her back
Jard. Since tortoises
rarely survive birtl\,
lri captlyity, tile
ham family is excit·
ed over. ita health. See
story, PaaeC3.
Q DAILY PILOT Mol\cl1y, ~ep1•mber 2d, 1977
Women Terrorists
From the dark side of liberation ...
Ft\ANKFURT W t Germany (AP> -A
Dew 1 ullooofdtadly )'OUb' womcnl many ol
them da\l&hl.cn of pro1perou1 lawyera, oualntlJ·
m and puton, baa written a blOody record ln
th• radlc&I undorlf'Ou.nd'I •ar ... ln t tb• IOV•
vomtmt Nearly h~o thlrdl of thole now IQUCbt for
poUUcal murden, robberlet and kldnappln11 ~ro women. To many Germana, t.hll remarlrablo
proportion aeeau tho dark alde of women'•
llbuaUOn. '1'he German 'WO.man of today b totally
emancipated.•· U)'S ai Bonn crtminolo1l1t.
Lot.bar voo BaJJusedt. "She can play any role
that a man can play.·'
In the tiny and rulhleu urban 1uerrilla
army, she may play it more etfectlvely tban
men. No moro camp followers, the women rev-
olulionuraes rrequentl)C are leaden ot theJr un·
derground cell. •
For the most part~ accordlnl to aocloloalst
ErwlD Scheuch, they are tougher and more In·
tclligent than their male comrades, and often
cooler, more resourceful.
Alongside their male companions, women
have taken part m such chilling attacks as the
slaying of Banker Juergen Ponto last July, the
a bduction of Arab oil ministers in Vienna last
year, and the assassination of West Germany's
chief prosecutor. Siegfried Buback, in April.
Women have appeared in terrorist ranks
elsewhere-in Northero Ireland, the Middle East
and Latin America. But their number and in-
nuenc:o appears 1reale1t In W•t Germany, No
one qui to know• why.
Thor•'• a theory that women, docllt
boUlowiv for 10 lon1 ln Germ.an aoclety, burtl
forth with 1peclal 1nor1l• when th• old bond• frayed.
However, Ui•y'l'e not reall1 thre.tentn1 to ropla~o Lbo man ln terrorist ranks, Dr. Helsa
EloNle, who NDI Frankfurt'• women'a prilon.
1ald ln a rectnt 'm11ulne interview. "They don't
aee t.beimclv .. u 1t.rtvln1 for a partlcular Po•l-
Uon, but u warriors tn behalf ot aoclety'a vlc-
Prominent women futltlvea include
Oabrlelo Kroecber-Ttedemann, 2e, who waa re-leued from prison in 1974 in excbanJe for kld·
naped Berlin pollUclan Peter Lorenz: bank rob-
ber Ingrid Siepman.Q, 33, freed In the same awap,
and Angela Luther, a former teacher wanted ln
thekilililRofa West Berlin judge in 1974.
The list also includes Susanne Albrecht, 26,
daughter of a wealthy HamburJ attorney and
"hief suspect in the killing of banker Ponto, a
close friend of her father's. Four other women
are sought in that case.
Women first emerged as leaders of the un·
derground in the late 1960s, ·when Ulrike Melnhof
became CO·leader with Andreas Baader of the
country's most notorious urban guerrilla band.
The group called itself the Red Army Fac-
tion but became known as the Baader-Melnbof
gang. Its exploits included the 1972 bombings of
the U.S. Army's European headquarters at
Hcidelbere. ·
Sophie Schulze of Newport Beach services her own car.
••• Costly Cars
<From Pag~Cl)
following formula:
Variable costs, average p~r mile: gasoline
and oal, S4.ll; maintenance, Sl.03; tires, .66
Fixed costs, annually: comprehensive Insurance
with $50 deductible. S80; colllsion insurance with
SIOO deductible, $80; property damage and
liability, $250; license, taxes and registration
foes, S74: depreciation. $847.
THE TOTAL is $1,439, or $3.94 per day exclud·
)ng the purchase price.
The cost to drive and own the car annually 1s
figured by adding gasoline per year (their hgure
was low, at 58 cents per gal!on) plus variable and
fixed costs. If gas were $580 at this formula, the
~rand total would be $2,019 for the 8-cyltnder in·
tcrmediate size car, or 20.2 cents per mile.
Under this formula, a trip to visit your
mother-in-law, If she lives 50 miles away, would
cost $20.20.
One local corporation, which has 43 vehicles
in its company fieet, figures it pays $Ul7,237 to
keep the 41 station wagons, one sedan and two
vans on the road.
At. 1,096,801 miles driven per year, the cost
per mllell 17.07 cents.
The company budget calls for S48,885,
depreclaUon; '63,582, gas and oil; $188,320, re·
palrs and maintenance (including flxlng
wrecked vehicles), and $6,450, liability in-
• 'l'hen ls a alx percent rise in drlvln1 coats
each year, a spokesman for the company said.
'I1IE AAA estimates Ulat as much as six
cents a mlle may be saved by awltchlnt from a
mabdard size car to a sub-compact. in a liiab-cost
area suob.u Otanae Coun~. • • WbUe f\lel cost.a mat~ rtstna too rapidly for
comfort, one major oll company tald the cost or
gasoline has escalated at a slower rate than
ot.b• aooda &he ccmaumer bu,1.
Juda Hampton, consumer affairs director
for Mobil Oil, said most.pnces have risen 110 per·
cent since 1956. ''But gasoline pnces have risen at.
a slower rate of 106 percent." she said .
Buying a car ls another chapter in the story.
however. Few cars are available for under $4,000
now and dealers estimate that new car prices
have risen six percent per year for tho last five
What Is one to do If the coet of a car is becom·
ing overwhelming? Aside from the obvious
a nswers of cutting down unnecessary trips, car
pooling and using pubUc transportaUon, there
aro a few things a driver can to to pare the bill.
ONE OF THE biggest factors is keeping a
car properly maintained. This, including regular
''tune-ups," lncreasea gas mileage and
"minimizes any losse1 caused by emlaaion con·
troldevices," AAAlfays. Regular maintenance also decreues the
chances that major, unnecessary repairs will
have t.o be made at a later date.
Here are other items to conaider, •• 1u11est-ed by AAA:
•Weight. Gasoline mileage is reduced by 1·2
percent for every 100 pound.a of added welght.
•Air condlUonlnt. A unit weigba approx·
imately 100 pounda. When lt ls runnlne, gas
mileage ls decreased by 9-20 percent, depending
on weather and type of dri\lini.
•Automatic tranamlsslon. Thia reduces fuel
economy up to 1S percent. All otbe .. power equip·
ment adds welaht and uses more eneray.
•Tlres. Radlal tires aenerally ilet better
mileage. Underlnflated tires reduct ilU mUeage
and -,..ear at the edgea. OvtrlnftaUon cuts Ure
contact with the road and 11 a safety ha1ard.
•Speed. high speeds increase gas consump·
tion. AAA suggests observing the 55 mile per
______ ._.........._,.._ .. ,.. ·-. .. ---------. -------.......-··------
Gabriele Kroecher-Teidemsnn, shown on TV, is a fugitive sought for terrorist crtmes.
••• Self Servers
(From Page Cl)
"IF.A STATION is dropping in aallonage,"
says one dealer, "the oil companies don't think
twice about closing it up."
<Several states, including California, have
passed legislation preventing arbitrary lease
terminations.> .
On the average, says W.A. Nichols, region
marketing manager for Exxon, most of the ma-
jor oil companies have been decreaslne the
number of stations by three to four percent per
year over the last three or four years.
The companies, he s ays, are looking rorrnore
profitable and economically-run operations.
There presently are about 189,000 service
stations nationwide, down from 226,000 in 1973.
/\nd most of the new ones being built arc strictly
gas-only operations, which can be run by a
cashier in u booth
The lower opcratu~>nal costs allow for re·
duce<t gas prices which, In turn, draw customers
Even in Orange County, one of the fastest
growing regions In the country, the number of
service stations has dropped from 1,465 In 1970 to
1,263 In 1976.
"IN ORANGE COUNTY they're building
.,tat1ons but they're tearing them dow n faster,"
!>ays Steve Shelton, executive director of the
Southern California Ser vice Station Association.
He says the smaller. lower volume opera-
tions are being replaced by ~as-only stations.
<About 45 percent of the gas sold in the county is
at the self-serve pump.>
OU company pressure on dealers to convert
to self-service has reduced full-service opera·
tions from about 90 percent of the nation's sta·
Lions to about half.
While overhead coRls for those that give onll
self·aervlce are less, there often l• not much dl ·
7:30 P.M.
SEPiEM~ER 29, 1977
Learn about the practical uses of aolar energy
1640 Adams Ave. at Mesa Verde Dr. East
COSTA MESA (714) 657·7125
limited Seating -Please Call for Reservations
ference for those offering split island (bolh self
and full service).
One coast dealer says he at first rejected the
s plit island sugi;estion, but then went along with
it. lie says his volume has remained about the
same. But, he believes, if be hadn't added a self.
serve island it would have dropped.
WIBLE MANY DECRY what they feel will
be the eventual extinclioo of the full·servlce sta-
tion, Shelton believes lhe growth of self-service 1s
• tapering off.
..'We've kind or reached a saturation
point," agrees W.A. Nichols. "I don 't see full-
servicc di1;appcaring. A few self-service stations
now are going back tootreringoplions."
Jeff Holland, a Shell publi c affairs
represenata ve s:.iys: "l surely wouldn't envason ·
lhc total elimination of the conventional station.
"There's a very definite need for taking care
or customers' every-day needs above and beyond
Fallln& to check under their hoods, an
fact, is causing many motonsts to spend more on
repairs than they save by pumping their own
DEALERS NOTE AN overwhelming
number of dry batteries, low oil levels, overheat· •
ed engines, broken Can belts and other ailments
that in the past were checked by the full·s~rvice
But somo self-service customers have
learned how to get around Lhis problem.
It is a practice that seems to lllustrate the
need for the full-service station, but it has at
least one dealer fuming:
''They wlll use the self-service pump four
times in a row, then on the firth they will eo to the
full-service Island, order $2 worth or gas and ex.·
peel $10,000 worth of service."
See why so many residents In Costa Mesa
are having all their
dental care performed by Dr. Alan Miller.
Family Dentist.
Dr. Alan Miller
2879 Fairview
Costa Mesa, 978-3970
°' lC
0 s
------~--------....-.. --..,_.._.. .... -... . ---....... -·------
Toilet Tissue.
Tiff Goes On
ll EAR RE A I> t~ HS
ltc:mem~·r the rt••l1t-r
who W&.\ hMVlnl &II ar-U·
mcnt with her abler·m·
law •bout th<• propt·r
Wily 111 lot'l Up lVlh•l U•
tlul'" Shf' v. a."' Ct•rt111n the
n"ht • ay v. aa v. Ith tho
P•IM!T comln~ frt1m the
&oµ 11\'t'r lhc> roll llcir
a.ai.lt"r m law in~li.tt.-d lht·
paper should roml' down
undt•r Uu.· roll I !>ldt.'<.I
"1th h1.:r a.1~ler 1n l!iw
tk•rjll!>t• that'' U1l· ""a)
m) moUwr did 1l Aduul
lv. I \t'ry m•arl~ d1dn l
print tht' ll•tll'r bt·t aust• 1l
t.l'l'ml·d so 1nlonsc
qUt'ntial Wl'll, folk~. I
couldn't ha\c hl't'n more
111 short onh·r I "u'
bombard~"li \\ tlh lttlt:rs
from the four tornt·rs
1nLlud1n g Samoa .
Guadalajara \thens
und Mexico C1l) I had no
idea so man> p<.'ople
c·art.'t'.I about Lo11l-l paper
Herc'<, a ~umpltng of
what turns fJl•oplc on
these day!>.
D F: A H A N N
LANOt-:HS Obvwu,ly
you have never been a
maid 1n a lad1t:s'
lavatory or you would
have known that toilet
paper shou ld be <I"
pen:.ccl from lhe lop
ovl·r I '\ c workl·d 1n
scvcnil hoteb :rnd ""e
arc taught to "l'l up tht•
rolls tn that "ay Wh:,. '>
Don 'l ask ml' hul 1t 's
pa rt CIC the: in'truttion
and "hen ) ou "ork for a
11\ mg you do a ... you arc
t o ld "llEED ~y
Pt\ YCllEC'K
LANDEHS Thal h-tter
s 1gm•d .. Paper Crazy"
really got to me I don't
know why your mother
thought 1t was hcst lo
h;1ve thl' papt'r come
down dose lo 1 ht· wall
I'll hct you never had
any cuts or dogs in your
hCJusc. Well, we do two
11r ~a<.:h and If we t:vt-r
ll-t the toilet paper h1mg
do"n even tv.o
M1uun~ 1t would be all
O\.\'r the place The lJttlt:
darlmgs JW.t lo-.e to dn1g
the stuff around. So
1 l'lh1nk your answer.
<kllr1~ TIDY I~
I> F. A R A I\ N
I.ANDERS: Of course
you arc ri.:ht aboot toilet
pJpcr lx:ing dis pensed so
1l comes down Crom un-
dt.·r the roll. The proof Is
the Cuney, expensive
kind with the printed dc-
s 1 gns. Why make it
t•lcgant 1r 1t ''not going to
be st.•cn'! And who can
scl' it unless it's set up to
h<Jng down toward the
v. all sort or like a
painting. Stick lo your
guns. Annie. ALSO
LANDERS: I was very
happy to sec you prml
that letter about the
toilet paper. It so hap·
pc•ns I "ru. tau~ht, like
'ou, to put the paper on
the roller so 1t comes
rrom under ~1y husband
l <1 hot-tempered fellow
"1th a serious booz<> prob-
lt•m 1 goes bt>r~l'rk if I
don 't do it lhe OTHER
way . You wouldn't
believe the yelling if he
should find the tissue
"upside down." a s he
crills it
O'Je of the four
adult tortoises
owned by
the Evanses.
Ryan Evan, 14, shows off his pets.
----Club Calendar----
A Special Club Page
On Wednesday, Oct 5 the Datly Ptlot "'Featuring " section w1//
begin a weekly page especially for clubs and organizations of the Orange
Coast area Called Club Calendar, 1t will run on Wednesday and contain
notices of club events and meetings for the following week. We invite you
to submit your women s or service club notices to this calendar. Heres
Send mformat1on, including the name and phone number of the press
chatrman, to Club Calendar. Daily Pilot, P. 0. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA
92626. Be suro that 1t is m our hands two weeks m advance of the meeting
since the Calendar runs notices for an entire one-week penod -Thursday
through Wednesday. Let us know whether you want the item to run the
week preceding the event or the week preceding the close of reservations
for the event
The Datly Pilot can run a 1tm1ted number of pictures publtc1Z1ng club
events Gwdelmes for pictures are that the event must be a fund-raiser
open to the pub/Jc.
For information on how to have a picture taken. call the Features
Department. 642-4321. or send the information and request to the address
The Orange County
Dental Auxiliary will
hold a Western Party
Progressive Dinner
beginning at 6 p.m.,
Sunday, Oct. 2, at the
homes of Dr. and Mrs.
Robert L. Pike, Or. and
Mrs. John Forte and
Dr. and Mrs. Boyd
Joyer, all of Corona
del Mar. Cost Is $12.50
per person and
proceeds wlll fund
auxiliary dental health
Judy Joyer, le~ and Carolyn Pipe, .addle
up for Oflnta/ AuxUary Prr,gre8$fve Dinner
l j
ORANGE COl-'NTY: Volunteers arc being
sought for th<' Res1dt-nl1al Cart· V1s1tallon Pro
grnm. ""hirh f0t:us<·s on homt'" for the mc·ntall~
More information 1s available from MllA.
Fall classes tn Chines<' cooking will he taught b)
Kay Pas torius on Tuesd<Jy<, from 10 a m to 1
p m and 7 lo 10 p.m tn Laguna Reach.
More information 1' available from 494 1774
or 491-9354 .
COUNTY OF ORANGE: The Department of
Social Services and the Senior Citizens Program
OHice will hold four m eetings to ask the public to
help in planning for service needs for 197R-79.
The meetings arc planned for 9 a .m . Tues-
day, Sept. 27, in the Costa Mesa City Hall Council
Chambers; 9 a .m . Thursday, Sept. 29, in Martin
Recreation Center. Anaheim; 7 pm. Monday,
Oct. 3, in Saddlebac k Community Hospital,
Laguna Hills; 7 p.m . Wednesday, Oct. 5, in Santa
Ana City Hall Annex.
SOCIATION: The Oran~c D1stncl will meet at 6
pm. Tuesday, Sept. 27, in the Knoll's Berry
Farm Steak House for dinner and a program.
REVOLUTION: Colonel Wilham Cabell Chapter
will meet at noon Wednesday. Sept 2R. in the
Glendale Ft.-dcral Sav111gs and Loan building.
Newport Beach
BETA SIGMA PHI: The Newport Harbor
Area Council's executive board wlll hostess a
yearbook judging luncheon al 10 a.m. Wednes·
clay, Sept. 28, in the Huntington Beach home of
Mrs. JoAnn ~iller.
The Courlicil will hold a potluck social at 7:30
p.m. Monday, Ocl. 3, at Peek Family Funeral
Home, Westminster.
ington Beach group will meet for a luncheon at
noon. Wednesday, Sept. 28, in the Huntington
OOLPIONS: The Women's Division of the
Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce
will meet at 11:30 a .m . Wednesday, Sept. 28.
TORANA: The group will meet al 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 28, in Bowers Museum lo hear
a speech by art expert Jostne lanco-Starrels.
COLLEGE OF LAW: The Honoroble Alicemarle
Huber Stotler, municipal court judge of Orange
County's District in Newport Beach, will address
the Wednesday, Sept. 28, dJnner meeting of the
colleie's Women's Caucus at 5:1S p.m. ln Don
Jose's restaurant, Fullerton.
AUXJlJARY: The group will hold a potluck
Juncheon at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 28, in
the home or Mrs. Jack Mapson, Costa Mesa.
Former actress Ruby Keeler Lowe has been
named honorary chalrwoman of the Aaron
Brother5/ American Heart Open lnvltalJonal aoll
toumamenl schedule41 for Wednesday-Friday,
Sept. 28-30.
The Art for Hearl toumam nt wlll .,. beld at
LoS Lqos Course. Mort lntormaUon 11 avallablt
from the UeartAssoclatlon, 5'7-3001. . .
MondlY. s.ptember 28, 1en DAILY PILOT C3
Tt:ESDA \',SEPT. 27
A RIES Otarch 21 ·
April 19 1. You gel valid
chance to p<:rfect tech-
niques. lo correct mis-
takes. to define terms, to
m ake clear vour in·
tcnt1ons to m<:mber of op-
pos I I l' S<'X.
TAURL'S <April 20·
May 20): Face issues as
they are -you can renew
;i~soc1ation by v1s1tmg
one confin<>d to home,
hospital. Lunar position
stresses behind-scenes
arrangeme nt, m ean-
ingful message involving
close neighbor or rel-
GEMINI CMay 21-June
20): Friend s hip ,
romance, creativit y,
completion of m ajor as-
signment -these arc
emphasized. Aries. Libra
figure m picture. Stick to
CANCER (June 21·
July 22): Give full play to
creativity, initiative.
originality and indepen-
dence. Take <J chance on
your own capabilities.
Leo, Aquarius persons
are In picture.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22 >:
What seemed a trap or
obstacle ls removed. You
have greater freedom of
expression. Aquarian
could aid in resolving
legal dilemma.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.
22): lnvolvementindicat·
ed -nothing is halfway.
Emotions tend to.
dominate . Stick to
number "3. •· Expand
horizons. Don't feel com-
mitment made in heat or
passion is imprinted in
LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct,
22 >: Emphasis on
per s uasio n , c·O·
operation, patience. You
do the most good for
others -and youf!'11f -
by skillfullyplaylng wait·
SCORPIO COct.23-Nov.
21): Low-key approach
brings most desired re-·
sult5. Obtain hint from
Libra m es.sage.
22-Dec. 21): Full moon
position coincides now
with chanie, creaUvlty, l m pulse, emotional
response. Love figures
prominently -and so
d~ a tendency to bo ex·
22-Jan. 19): Lunar ~depict. robourid
-what appeared Id·
Tortoise Sextet
Since desert tortoises rarely s urvi\'e
' \\hen born in captivity, the I\l. Lyell Evans
family in Newport Beach was very excited
three weeks a~o when thC'ir second infant
turtle made its uppcarance in the back
· The first, born in May, was kept alive
with milk fed through an eye dropper, Mrs.
Evans said.
The new tortoise, however. caught
on to lettuce-eating by watching hi s older
brother. Since the tortoise diet is mainly let·
tuce. he was off to a good start early in hfe.
With the two new additions, six desert
tortoises now live in the Evans yard. "We
bought the original two tortoises ll years
ago as pct~ for o ur son. Ryan." Mrs. Evans
said. "The next two just wandered mlo our
Thev're a ll likclv to be around for a ·
while, a~ the average life span for a desL•rt
tortoise 1s 100 years.
The only question is how many tortoises
the Evanses will huvc on hand by then, if
the present birth rate of their "family " con-
tinues. ··.Judith Olson
verse could boomerang
in your favor . Pis ces,
Virgo individuals figure
AQUARJUS (Jan. 20·
Feb. 18): Hold fast to
principles. Relatives and
others feel a need to "talk
vou out" of things. Be pa-
tient, dis play sense of
humor -and versatility.
Capricorn , Can cer
persons play key roles.
PISCES (Fe b. 19·
March 20 >: Full moon
position coincides with
time for you to be finished
with losing situation .
I\ alway' ~r<Nno tor ,.., .. or <1•perl@n<~d !•lent tor lllmt, Tll, •l"!le & <.ommer1uts. All .-oe•·lype•
(714) 957-0282
I • h 11 r ' ti' t Ill I'~ "'] Wf IM r.;
< ~lt•"I !.t.' lrl S.,er Oa.IMEl " .e
y.)UI ~'I po~·· I~ 1t t 1l1a P."~ •• n .... ,5
IQ s· 1·11 ~ l w• j'll flJJo
~ .. Jn .;. 't) ti 1 :"t't "'.,,_, t., I I l!/•·I
V~·J11 <JI ,~ .. -turn I g.J '11 •· I?< IJt
~.10 hu·nd ~ M '1f 1 !•-lJ o! t•'11
"'' ,1 "', 11 "JH :•e f' 1n
r , o~o.en •·ti· 1·.~ 1~· S"9Cf
OORlllCX f ! ' n l r 11 w 'I en ·~·, I J
I 1 fo·~ ~ h Md f1ctl~, w ti~ 11
~ ·t11n t n .. va ·~-or rionev b.1 • 1 ,~
r;in ~t irl lo'"'~ w"1hl l"JW w,in rtf',v
Stptr OORIMU 1nJ ·.rr •~e d•ftcrr.ote 'rl
your murur You owe 11 to you1~Plt.
W~rAD~Wf.r~.fR~ ~:~ p.,,.-
,:,~* ~ 4~0'.Iffi ~~"*
.U 0.. ..... ,.,. C1I k atlllt ... 0,..-. fJI Ow w.w..t
S..... Ill S. kw ... W1fl •. •
Pick fralll 1 lllitdi'9cls ......
OAll.Y P14.0T Monaav. a.p1.91'1\ber 21 11n
Ueiii.nnml( lll'Xt ycur,
b111tlt!r"d Y. tvcs could
•~uk reful(t' 1n t-x
1.._·rlnwntul istult· :.hclll'r:.
llct up IJ(>\'<'Utlly fur the
The pilot proatrum for
Uw v1c.•llrns uf nldrtt;tl
\'IOl~m·t• lb in SH Ul II)'
:-;t'n. Hobert Pr\::-. It•' • c U
IU ven1idl'I. :.lgncd by
Gov t;rlmund Brown Jr
tu,li•IOll COUltT 01' T"I nut 0 , CALl l'ORHfA 1'0"
THI COUNTY 0' OltANOli ...... ~
ht•f• ur /AftA lll8AltCHllC ,
ou .. -NOTIC IS HlAIOV c;rvlN lO tlW
u •Olton al 11\t •llD .. ft•n••O Ooc ttl•lll ltwl ell lllt•-• h.lvln!J <l••m• ... ,.,,,
Ille w.10 dlK-M •r• re11ulrt<I to fllt ,,,.m '#4"' "-tW<.••W'Y vnucMrt, I"
.... olll(t "' ... "''" Of llw • .,. ... -tlllfCIC<IUrt OflOpreW<>lo.m Wlllll ...
,.. .. ,..,, y voucher'· 10 '"" undtr ti~
•• 101 I••• Cl\eGnlen Avenue Or-.
Ce1110<1we .,... wfll<ll '' II'• pie<• ol t>v.,,,.,.. n1 tlw -raloi..O 1n ell m•t·
"'' pmrt9N"f IO "'9 nl.ot• Of MllO cit
<•Mnt "'''"'" four MOn'"' •ftet ,,_. '''" C>Vt>tl<•l•onot '"''notice fl•'"" S.PI.....,., 10 1'71 ~I-ST NAllONA L llANIC
I • Ml<""tl P O.•lond
Trutl O!llttr
Eu<IJIO<Oftll<tWlllOf tre _.,,,. nen..o O.udtrftf
l'LUNKlin 6 ,-LUNK•TT
•11011 .. A ... ., ... ,.,
Hwtt'-"• llH<ll, CA ttMI Tt l .,._.. ........ 11
""~, .... _ ... ..
Pul>hohtd Or.tn99 CN•I O•llv Piiot,
......... -...-·-.. -..
.,. -
f tvi toUow-11'19 "''°"' h 001"'-' t>u•'
GINfUllY FARM, UI/ Norlll
Felrv-. Selol•""" <-•lllfl'n~•Jl~tllO. c ~ """'-1"91 \oDUlll C•f l»nlfl'.r.111"° (Al11orftl•fl7to
Thi• llu\lftnl ft <onouttld l>Y Oft '"
C Horm"" -Wiii.,,,
Hm \let-nl ••• flllld .... ,, tllo County Cltrll of Of.,l}t County un S.p
lemi.r 1' 1tT7
PuDll'll\ttl Oron90 CoHt 0•11• "•IOI
S.,pl ,._Ocl ) 10 11 "11 •1•>11
l'l(l lT10UI a USI Nll:U
l "41 toti1>Wt"9 peraon •• llOinQ DUii
n•n•t •
E Edl"ll"r Ave , S•nt• An• Collf
'270\ J°"' A P!!ret IOIH Bonll• Avf'
Rlvtn4dl, Call! •llOJ
Th1\ bt.nilneo, ., t ondu<.ted by .,, 1n
JOMA "9ru
er ...
IU,-1 lllOR COUllT 01' THI
STATI 0,.c:Alll'OllNIA 1'011
Titl COUNTY 01' O"ANN ... A·tMI
f:U•teof MYllTLI! l•I! «>LIY •Y
MYRTLrL COl.IY.0.d ... td..
NOT ice ·~HE Rt OY &IVEH IO ... r.ci11on ul ,,,. _.,.. ,,.,,,.d o.c-nt
llWI tll penom he•l"9 <lllm• ... lft•I
'""' UICI do<~Oonl ••• ftlq\ltr .. l 10 Ille
1,..m '"'"' llw Ill<"'-•_.,.,, In Int o!llU Of lfW Cl .... f/I llW etoW M<
llllldcourl,or 1oon....,11Mm,wllllllw
,...< .. _Y -.<'''""to t"t unotr~
At offl~ Of •116r,,.n •~ ,.i11-r, ~fl.I/A~ & !oATON 1140 W Seflll An•
Blvd s.nia AM Callfornl• '2101.
•111•11 I\ lfW pl«t Ol llut4Mt••l 1"9.,...
1eralQIWCI 111 •II ""'".,' pe1Ulnlnt 10 tn• nlft• ol Wiii OKt-wltlll" ,_
mOfllll\ •"" trw ttrsl pv1>11utlonot tllh
not1c.1 OelJod~-·· "11
ltAYl COl.!Y
E .. <Ulor of 1"41 Wlllot
,,..-... ,,.-a~oent
11 .. W.Seftt41 AMalvO
Sule JIM. (.ell~tol•tll'tJ
Putlfl.i.d Or-(IM" 0•1fy Piiot T II E 6 I l . I. a p
propr1al~s $'280,000. Stale
lwalth offlctals arc lo
fJICk lol'alionb for the
C~rtlers. four to SIX Of
them, by A1>ril l. the gov·
S.P' liUrclOcl l, 10 11, 1'11 411111 ------C-,_-_,-1-,-, -lf\il t1 .. .,.,.n\ W•\ t1tlt(t WI'" ,,_
County Cler~ Of°'""~ Coun11 AU9 lO
S.pt U,19,26,0<1 l .1'11 >971·11
: Leggy Lass Al' Wl,.p!oele
c·1nch 1>.11 l11H' \11111.'r :.w thl· • l·1g11111...:
\I b .. :-.· l ·s \ p<1~t·:-lnr pllott1J.!I :iphl·r cll11111g
.1 \ 1:-.ll to a '\l'\\ \ orl-. f ,1,l111J11 :-.ilo11 ~ht II
('011lpl'lt• Ill lhL• \J 1:--. \\'orld l'Oflll•:-.l Ill :'\II\
Slot Machine
Law Uphe ld
C/\RSO:'\ CITY CA P 1 ~c\'ada's law agarnsl
slot mathrnl' cheater" hci-. l'll'en uphtld hy the stute
Supn•m1· Court in A det·1s1on "'hich overturned a
controvt·r~ial ruling by a lower court Judge in Las
The high rourt ruled u~amsl Clark County Dis·
tr11·t Court Judge l';wl (;oldman in reinstating
chargi:s against two m en accused or slt>t chealrn~
Crom stale ~urning uuthorities who have s:11d slot
cheat-; steal untold millions or dollurs yea rly from
the "one urmt'd b;,ind1ls."
In ont: ease, Carl Eu~f'ne Miller Jr. and Bufford
Stubbs "' ere dwrged v. rth ullcgcdl} usin~ u piece of
wire to tnp a qu arter slot machine's coin
mechani!.m lo get free plays Thdl allegedly oc
curred in November 197fi m :i Las Vegas hquor
The two were a lso charged "'1th allegedly using
a drill to set up a free play system on a dime slot
machine an a Las Veg us bar in February 1976
with the felony offenses of cheating at gambhng and
possessing cheat ing devices
The two petitioned the lov. er <:ourt lo drop the
charges, claiming the law "'11s unconst1tut1onally
overbroocl in that it embraced more than one s ub·
They also arjilue<I that tht' lav.. as amended m
1!)73, failed to include a summary of the amend-
ments in its title
<'ach art or the legislature i.hall deal with one sub-
ject, and no law CHO he revised by rcCerencc onl y lo
its title lnsleud, the uct as revised must be reenact
cd "atlcngth "
JudKc Goldman, ~1thoul giving a reason.
t!l'anled the pet1l1on by Mtller and Stubbs, despite
arguments by the state Gaming Control Board that
the claim by the two was "specious. if not
The Supreme Court sided with the Control
Doard. holding that the law as amended is not over·
broad but concerns ·•one general subject ·
THE IUGH COURT SAID THE title to the 1973
amendments provided ch11ngcs "rclallng to crimes
agamst slot machines and vending machines, rn
creasine the penalty for <:ertain crimes against slot
machines; authorizing gaming licensees to detain
und question persons s uspected of swindling."
The Supreme Court said that the law is not
overbroad becau11e "thos e changes were made and
they are. logically germane to the s ubjects ex·
pressed in the title" of the slot cheater's act.
.leff Silver hailed the decision, saying that a ruling
backing Goldman's dec1s1on would have knocked
down the entire law.
Gaming authorities have said th<'rc are at least
200 known slot cheaters operating in Nevada and
their take could run $10 million annually or more
'P eople' Study Set
"People and Places
Around t.he World," a
four·part lecture series,
la belng ottered for
senior citizens at Orange
Coast College beginning
o~ ..
The series will m eet on
Thursday afternoons
Crom 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. In
Q.C.C. 's Science Lecture
Hall 2. Admission is tree.
For further infor mation.
c:a II 5.56·5880
t-rnor's office said
Tht•y will offer shelter.
lrc.insportation and
t·ounscling. and referrals
fur mcd1cal and legal
PRESLEY. a former
It" crs1dc County un
dL•rshcnrr. says the most
1mmed1atc need or bl.ll·
lc rcd w1n·s "1s lo h1.1 ve
~omt• place the} can go
with their <·h1ldren. wht·n
tht·y feel their lives art'
111 clang~r."
Hrown earlier s igned a
brll by As!>cmblyman Vic
NOii'• It 1Wre1>1 9•••n INl 1.,. Bo•nl
or fru\IW• ol llW Coast Communily
Co11-Oltlrlcl of Oren9• County,
C•ltfOt'nl•. wtH tt<•I~ '••led bfd\ up
10 3 QOp m Tll'!\d•Y Oc.lol>Or C, 1'11 al
,,,. Purt"-<lr'9 0.i>I or ••Id''""°' OI•
lrlct toc.eteo •r '170 Adi m\ Avi•nut.
Co•I• Mtiu C.t111orn10 •I wnlcll llme ~•la bid> w111 bw ouD11c1y open"" ono ••·
""''"' PURCHA~r or OISl RICT
All l>•O~ _,,.to bP in l<COfO•A<.• w 1tn
1n ... U1d ~Orm tnltructlorn AM Conol
''""' •tld $wctfl(•Uon .,n1cn 1rp now
1Y1 file M'\d may t>tr \e'Cured In the o fft(•
G' lh• Pv•CN\fl'O ""°"nl of ~··o \ChOOI
r'4v tMOOtr m'°'v wllndr•w h1\ blO tor•
JM'r1od Of •orty-UVf'o '•S• d•Y• After trw
O•t ... )ofl tor'"*' ·~nlnQ t~rrot
f~ Bo.rel rrl rrvU..,.\ ,, ... ,.,..,,.,.. tn.
or iv•lt'\JV of rctt•<.ttnQ "''" •nrt ""bid' or
"' w•1vf d"Y ltr•ouf•rltitt'llo Of "'
tor m•ht1ill!\ in""" OiO or ut lhi.t l''llOd1no NORMAN E WAT!>ON
54-<ty A.Nrd ol Tru\ttt•\
PuDll>'-Or•noo Co•\! Delly Pllol,
Sept U , 26, 1971 P uzio <D·Sacramento1, ,.1111
allowing battered w1vc111--------·----
to obtain court orders to P UBLIC NOTffE
keep lhl·ir hui.bands out 1-----------
of the homt• for JO lluys
Use Sought
By Canners
Do you care IC canner-;
u~e electronic dl·v1tes to
check the color or tomato
jurt·e and puree'
T h t' A !-: r i t u I t u r e
Uepartmcnl is con::.1dcr
1n~ allll\\ 1ng l'annas to
u::.c elr•clronir:. and \\ 111
listen to com men ts or oh
Jl'tllons w1l1l Dl'<: 31
Canners a sk1:d to be ul
I 11 w l' d l o u s e c· o I
on ml'll•rs to 1•li m1nal l'
t•rror~ ('(1usC't.l by l'~ l'
rat1gu1• and to cnahll•
lh(•m 111 do away with
s pec ial li,1.!htin~ cond1
lions. Color 1s an impor
tant fottor in grading thl·
I( you want to com
mcnt. write to the f"ru1t
and Vegetable Quality
01viswn. Food Sufel\
and CJuality Service, U S
l>l•pa1tmcnl or
A g 1 1 c u I t u r t'
Wus hani:ton. D C , 20250
Bene fit Due
An emplo) cr·pald re
l1remcnt progrum will
be available for the hr~t
tame starting Oct. I for
la) employcs 11£ lh(• Los
Angeles Roman Cathohe
Archdiocese. Cardinal
Timothy Mc.inning said.
NOTICE IS HEAetlY GIVEN '""' lh• BIMrd Of Edut•llon of IM N~wPOn
M~H Unlfl.O khOOI O••frltl of Or Anoe
County will re<.f'l._,.. wt•t•O blO' up to
2 00 pm °" ,,.. 11111 o .. of O<tooer,
ltll •I ,,... Oflltf QI \4110 khOOI 01,.
trl(\ IOC•IPO •I llU Ple<f"nlf• Stref'I
(O\t,J Ml·..., C•l1forn1a, et wht<h llniit
\••d bid\ •111 bfl uublitly oprned end rft~
"" blCh •rf' tf\ tM~ '" M (Ord•ntt with
Cond•tlO't\ 1n,tru<f1on' 4"'0 \fW"Clh<•
a.on\ w1'l<h "''"now on rn,. 1n the otfi(fi
ol t~ PYrcN\tnq Din c tor ot '"'d
S<r.oo1 01•lr .. t. llV Pt.-ctnll• Slrttt.
CO•I• Mt••. Calilorn11. '>U11
,. PMform•n(ft Bonet m"v bf> '' qu1rtd <lt tn. cJl\f rttlon or thf' 01\tr ICI
No 81001fmnv wlthor•w h1\ Old for a
e>eriOO of tot1v '•"1 dAY\ 1.t~l •fttr the
c:Mt1 \#t lnr thP open.nc;a thforf"Of
Th• Bo;ord 01 EOuc•llon or '""
Nt wp()f1 Mfl'~ UnUled SchoOI 01\ll IC l
"V'rvt ·. "'°' t1Qnt lo ,, 1~1 Any or fltll
AHi\ ctr.d r\Ot nf•t P'\,.d,..l'f' dcc.-ot IP'lt'
low,.\t l:t1ct dl"ICt In w i:t1\tfl ... nv 1ntormnlt
r., nr 1rrtoq1_;l<1r1tf '"MY U•d tr(t tvf'O
~tLWPCllH M~5A
ol Or•~ Couftly CA Dorothy.,.,,,._,.., F1Vlflr C P¥
P\ir(l'\l),1nQ Otrt' tOf
Ttl ,,. '~~ )18()
OAlfO ~Pl~moor ?l, 1911
f'\lblh nttd Orttno-C.0•\t D••lv P1•ot
s--01 2• 1nC10c1 l 1911 01111
I tw •ollow1nq .-rtt)n' rtr• c>o1n9 bu\1
~''"'' MEY. VER OE Vil LA5 USS"""•
\lt"rdf> Ori¥,. fd,.t (O,ld M f·\it
C•11for""• •1•1'&
At<Mfd\ W ,.\I ln'lil•\tmf'Af (Off'
ranv ,. Coitl1fo1n1• toroor11eti0t1 •S..O
C•mou Ortvr-Ntwo~rl Bt'41Ch
,...rtMrd A (dtJ~ V1n .. r"1 Par1nt1r
•\41') Utopu\ Or•v• N•woort O••c,,
'"'''"''~·'1'1"60 A:tCP\Md M Wd,\t-rm;;n Gttn,.rttl
,,,,,,,,.., fl.)" P~n Avttrnw N•• Vor-.
Nt1w Yf'W lrt. 10011
'\t.tnt•1y 0 Mec'i.m•n G•nttr •I
P•rtrwr 10 E•\t •$111 Slr\~I "• C New ~or ~. N.., YO<• 100?9
Th1\ bu\;ntt, i\ tondu<te<! bv a limit
":'d 01jrf,,..rsn10
R1<11.!rd A Eoov
'l t\1\ \fAtM\'"nl W~\ fltfd \1111'\tt\ f""
Counly C••••,,. Or-County on S.D
•~mber IJ. ""
Pul>h""'° Ore~ Co4"1 O•llY Pllol
S.Opt :Hi•noOc1 1 10 11 ,.,, 41• .. ll
NOlf Cf OF SALE 01'
"llllfATll: ••LI
Ne 4-110lt
THI[ COUNTY 01' 011,\NQE
In !two ,,..It.., of Ill• Eit.el•Of ELY A.
GUGLIELMANA ~ ... ,..d
Notte• *' ,.,.,~ q1wn tn•t tl't• "" a.r.ienecl wlll \~II •I Prlv•I~ w1e 10
1ne 11~\I encl bt\I blclcl9r, •ul>IKf 10
conf"rNtlon ol uuo Sua.rlor Court ""
or •lier'"" 411 O•Y of Ottoii.r, lt71, •I lne olff<e ol fqEO WAY
ANO BRAlELTON. 1Qt41 Par&mounl
BoulfV•rO OownP• Cel•fornl• County
of LO\..,. .... Slot~ ol Celltorftt• •II
""' rlgl\1, lltle 811<1 lnlt<ISI of t•ld df"
(H\ed el "'9 llrn. °' dtr•1h ..0 ell Int
r•11111, tlt1•-•ntt<e•l tll•t Illa t\lol• 114
.aid d«HVCI ""' ecqulrtd by op.rt·
lion of lewor OlhffWIM Oltwr lflon Of fll
llCldlllQn to tl\.tll ot '"Ill dP(N\"" al Illa
llmt ol OO•tn, In eno tn ~II tne cnr1oln
ru t --1v •llU<ttfd tn flM City of ~
Ptlma, CAkinlY of Or""""· St••• °' C•lllornlo O•rllcul•ry oucrlbecl H
IOllOW\ IQ.wil
An u"""r10N1.,.... llalf lnl•rHf only In fl\jtt IJl)r11on Of 11\f' EHi .......... ,, ol ,,,. l'rec1tono1 Northwest querter ot
S<!<lleft •. T_,•1110 4 lo1.11h ll•noe 11
WHI, In llM Renelle lot Coyoln, n
sl>own on • "'°"P re<ordecl In boo-\I, peOf 11 ol Mf~•llor"'eut MelX -orcla ············••l of Or•n91 County, C•lllornl•. de'Kribtd•••ol~
kQIMtno ., • P')lnt on'"" E•••.,.·
ly llne ot .,. Nott"""-•' querttr ot told
S.Cllon '· Wild leUetly II"" Mt!IO Ille
ctllltrll,. of Wat-•f' Slreirt el'""'*" on • Mep llltCI Ill boOll U, Hiit 1' Of
RKOrd d SUr'w1•, In .... otflc• Of ,.,.
(;-IV A4KO<Otr ol ••Id Ot..,.. to.....
iv. Ullo ... nt tie•no 1111eri1 1119,,_
SOllttl 01 OS' M" l!etl •.OO l•t '""" lllt ....,....,, c-.t HIO NWl!lwfll
011arler; llltlnct.rlO\llll tt• 11' O.t'' Wttt
10 00 leti lo u.. trw POI"' of O.OllWll"': INl\Ct COMlllUI ... s.Mlt 19 11' 0.t" l!e" 'll tt fttt to tr. WK-.rlv line Of Ille
Eaalft'IY 11).00 Itel ef ulO HOftllwt-'
Olltr*', l"'"<.t l lOl'IO Mid Wt1ttf1y
11111 Htrttl 01 • 05' 9t" WtO 100 ttet It t ...
lt'\14 ,.itrt et btQlnnr,,., ~• <.,.,,.,..,. ,, --., ro.1 '#elf.tr 9trHt, .... l'l llllt, (;If ltdnll•,
Tt nfltef \.alt catlt '" 1""111-Y ef ~ Ulllttd Sitt .. Oii Cll!flflftet1611 Of
ute, or put Ct\lt .,., b•l•flct
t\'lelon<td~ lllM•--11¥ Mortt•
tr T,...t 0tN 9" IN ~-ty to Mid.
141•1111.U tl•tr~•bt •11'"1l1M•lldw111
lie ..-I""' .. Ille eftt ... ld ..-.iu tl
'"' lllM ~ Ille llM Pl*lltel .. 11trtt1M Mld....,tcleleflf .... Stlltr ••
tef¥tl tl!9 rlflll 10 raje<!l MIY eftd •II ..... ~ '
O.tt• tlllt Mlfl de' ef ~t~. ""
THli COUNTY 0 1' O"ANO• ....... .,.,,
hUrte Of ANNA M.t.ltlE KNISLEY
Ol•O •nown H ANNA M l(NISLEV
((editor\ Of IM ebovt n.tm.d CltCOd•nl
INI ell --· he•lftQ Cf Olm• ·~tn\I lll<t Wild .-C..dtnt ••• required to Ille
1nem. wllll Ille Mceu•rv 1ouc"""· '"
tlljt olff<e f>f '""<I .. -o1 11\jt •Do .. fn
tllltd court,"' lo prt,..,t t""m with'""
f'W'(~\Wry Vouttwif\ to tne undt'r \•Qn@d
el I,,. low ofllt• ol PLUNo<ETT &
PLUNKETT, CIJ 011.,. A.,.n..., Po\I
0 1110 Soa ?O, Hunllnoton Buell
Calllorl>I• me wl,.<11 Is tlle PIM t o<
l>v\IMS\ Of""' ..nottrtlll""d In Oii m•t
l•r> oert•lhll\9 to Ille ul•I• ol Hid <llP·
<tdtnt wlll\ln lour .-1ht .ittr ,,,.
llrtl llUl>tlcotlon ol 11\la noll<•
Deleo S.Plemi.r 10 1•11
E_.c"1or OI Ille Will Of
11\f -"3mtd Ottt•Oent '°LU Nil I.TT APLUHK&lT
cuoo ... Ave., .. a Ht
Hyftt1...ien .. etlt, CA tJMI
T .. : 11 IAI ,,,._ ..
Atterneya hw Eattwtw
PuDllW.dOr•l\90 ,,,.,, O•llY Piiot.
S.pt 1Urcl0cl J, 10. 17 1977 cllJ·ll
HAMii: n AT•MfHT
Th• 1011-•no perlOf>a ere oof"n11 busl·
neu .,
8 ""d B • tlO~ T HOUSE '4.C01
D•n• Or1v.. D•n• Paint. C•lifornl• ,,.,.
R1<1W1d L 8uu<"3mD 2.0S W•v
L•no. C.Oron.o dtlfA••. C•lllorn1.,
J•rrw•' W11rmln91on '•" L.anta l•• • 1r'f'IN C.•l1tornM
Th" r.u .. tn*'' I\ conOv<tttd bv •
99ner•I oettn.rr,hlo Ot~8r0¥11nfCH
q1ch11rct Bt>•utn•mo
l f'I•• -.1Atfff\fnl w•' fHf'ld w1tn tf'Woo
County C1.-~ °' Qr.,ge Counh on Sep.
l•mber 10. 191'
"'ubt1\""'d OrttnQt" (CM\t 0 •11¥' P1tnt
~·pl lb~no0<1J,10 11, 1'11 40'1~ 11
T,,.. fUllOWl"9 """°"' ~·•Ot>1n91>ust
All<•• PAd·••Y l.oouna ti•lh. C.•htornta 911>1~
Eclwnrd R M6rQl'nllnu Jr J.I021
Col•9lo Orlw O.rw Polnl, C•fllornld
R-rl A CulltWI, 3•011 Co1t9lo
Or Ive, 0.,,. Point. C.llf0<nlo•l6~
Helen A Cullen. 1•011 Cologlo
Drive. 0.,,. Polfl1, C.llfornla 916~
Tlllt butlMU 15 conOl.l<ltd by •
EdWord R. M•rll"nllno Jr
lllll •lol-l Wet flleel Wllll Ille
County Clerk Of Or .,II" County on ~I>
P\ll>ll""'° Orel\il" C.Onl O••IY Pllol
S.ot ). 12.1~. n. "'' lt1l//
Tll• followll\9 "'"'°"' ••• 001n9 Ou•• n•H •• GROUP l CREAfl\IE COM
MUNICAll()N, !OS FernlHI Coron• cltl~r.CA
Crt•tlv• A''°''•'•" fru\t )Oj Fernl••' A.,.. COfon•Oltl M•r CA
llll\ bU\IMH ll <ondu<ltd by •nun
in<.oroor~ed •u.o<••Uon othier th•n • .,.rtrwrt/llp
Creettve: Anoe •ltf'' T ru't
Ern\t W Zl'.hm\
ExtctJ11v• Ttu'teot
Thu. 't.tt!'ment ..... 111.a -.un '""
C.oun1"t" Cter' of Or•nOf' County on
l'IU'6 AU9Ull JI. 1,,1 l'IUl4 Pul>ll"""' Or•nQI' Co•" Deily Piiot. Pu1>11"'9d Or•noo C.0•>1 0•1ly Pilot.
l•mt>er 10, ""
5'tpl 26ond0cl, J. 10 11, ltll 4'1$-71 Sepl s. 11, 19, 24. 1911
T , .. tonow1rwa s-r .....,, .,., 00•"9 bu\•
"'°" ·~ P lS tNOuSTl!lt;S HO
Ma~dowler-Or Le9""" 8 .. <11, CA Yl&S1
C:.-00' Ow•n fl enc rf)fl 110' Sllor
r11t AM"91m CA V'/81.M
M1c"""1 OooQI•' C~r1~topller, "0
Mu doo•lara Or lo1oune B•<K~. CA
C•oyton Clollora Kelly, •'11
Aqulrrp M"'\iQn VltttO. (A
Tn1, bU\IMS\ " unelucll'd tty •
M"ll.•f'I Oou<ifa\ Chrh lopller
ft\1' ,y1 .. n..,.nl w•\ lllfd wtth tn.
l'.Pul'llY Cler• of 0r•"9<' Count• o,. S.pi
' n11 """' Pul>li,,,.,., Or .. noe C.u•>I D•lly Pllol
S.pt 17 I' 16 anctOtt J 1'11 .1t11 11
T n. ftJtlQw lnQ p.tr ~ I' 001n9 t>u\J
nfl\' ,,, l'ICTf TIOUS aUSINU S
f"'° fOfl-11'19 -llCll'll ore OOin9 llUt•
TH 6 SIST E AS. 111"4 Ma .. VtrO~
Founl•I" Valley, C.lltornla '7708
Riie Ounn1oan 111•~ M•.a V1 ra.
Fount•ln V•1lev C.tlllorn1on1oe
Jonn 0unn1oan ''"• Mu• v1 '°" Foun1a1ftV011..,, C.llfornle•voe
Tl1I• "'"'""' fl <ondu<leel I>• •n in 01vfC1uef
Jol\n H Oun11109n TM' '911...,,.,,,t w•• llltO w1111 ,,...
County Cl•r-ol Oranoe Co\lnlv on ~I> 1em-11, 1tn
Pul>ll'lhttl ~enoe Coul O•llv Piiot Sept ,._0<1 1. 10, II,"" .,,...,,
f ~· IOllOwl1'19 P&r IOl'l •re dOlnQ l>U\I
rw·~\ d\
THE PRICE I'> AIGHf 1193 •
Tn" tollow1nq P"'wn '' OO•no Ov\• nen •\
Wllflo"" SI ' HUllllnQ1on 0.-e<ft CA
Sit..., Mtlt,...11 II' W1ll1•m• SI
Hunll"91on fll'Kh, CA '1"41
l ni.. bu•lrwu '' conouc 1.0 av •n an
St~ .. "MlltfWlll
Thi\ 1t••l'f'1'Wnf ••• fllfd w1tf'I ,,..,.
County Cltrll of Or•nv-Cout'lh on
AU9U•f )I 1971
Pu1>11w.ct Or•noo Coot O•llr Piiot
Sept I. 11. 1•. u. 1'11
R~ k0&..tt 1' v"w C.tl•IOrr\i1' •1114
Ronolo A .. <>ffm•n J'I Red ltoo
.,.,,,,,.. C:...t1f<Wnl• .,, "
l n1 \ t)u\U)( \\ ·~ 4,0tldU(. tjf{j bY 4n fn
R~fd A H0Um.1n
fh" \t•tl'mt!nl Wd--. fllli'\J With thr
County Cl•,. ol 0•d09f' County on S.p ttmbl"-rlt ,.,,
•10 N....,por1 (enter Dr ::t IUO
N•w~ BeKll, C,.lll...,1• ·-Fll .. J
Pl~bh\ht-0 Or-.lf'•)" Co"'' Oitlly Pilot
'). {'It 1' ttl'ld Orf 11 l1 1•11 .,.)-"
SUPEllfOft COUlll 0' CALll'OllNIA
CASE NUMB(ll Af1'1.J
l«Ht CHAN Of. 0 1' "AM[
-0,.-tcn bl110 Su•h· F, Hunt•noton
T n• IOllOWthQ C»f\Otl"' •n 001nc; bu
In '"" Mot.,.. ot '"" Appr.u oon ol WllLIAM LEONARD ZACHE.RL, For
Cll•ne> Of Na""'
P\ct\ Hlf(j 'pr1tti0n 1n Uu\ court lor •n
O'df't t11f011tint) prtlt.a,_.r lo <-h•n.Qie hf,
T n'-" tollowH'Htl per"°" h d01no bui.1
r.,,A linda ln . Gardtn Grove,
,,,~, All,.n Ryon l)OiJ~ Ctt\d L•n
dtt ln f_,..irOrnVtOv". (Ah•ot1"11d'i)f:14~
Thi\. bu\tn.f'\\ 11 c Of'\du<ttd o y •n •n
C11v1dvt11t '"'™'' • Rv111n Tht\ ll•tf"'if'nenl w~\ tJhod w1tn the"
Count v Cl•rll ol Of...,.,. CounlY on S.p.
t~ml>lor 11 1~1'
Uw•c.h, C.l1forn••911U/
H°"'•rO 0 S.-•O •US! Rh<>,...
l-tntt. Huntinot(l'I 8•act\ C•l1forn1t1
0.1 .. E M8\0Jl t901l LA•rpa1nt
Hunll"91on tlen<ll. C•l•fornl• t)hc7
Thh bu,11'\PU ,, (O~Ovtted bv •
OO""r•I p.ortMr\lllO
~.iroO Subou;.ti,
Tt\I ,tdff"fl'Wnt W"' fllfW'.I ""''" the' C">Unly c1 ...... Of Or..,QI" County on ~I>
""'""' 21 "" F11444
Puofl"""° O'df'IQP Co•'' Od•lv P1IO\ YDI ?~..ndOct J 10 II, !011 4101 11
(,A~C:.d N .-tAtllfAT<. ,n~·'
f~dt.r.JfAv• (~1 •. M f"'.t r1t. lf/#,1
0.1~n1 M Vr 11 h \urf\1(11
un ·1rW (.ottW'lv (/\
~v-l 61tll...,.. )()1)(1 • t I•, 11 A.1
Co\IA Ml•• CA ~'' 1
lnt\ bu '""""' oenere1 p.art"4Jlr•Nr
O"'wnt M P•11,
1 h1 Ml• rru nt W'., ,, •• ·1 w 1tt1 ""'
r ovntv (tf'll. l)t Ot tn'lt ClJ'''''., ,, Soi P'
,, 1'71
ft I\. 1'11er•hY ordered ttwt •II "''°"' lntMe'\tfllO tn ttWt mAH"'' efor,.,ald ep.
~,., ~or· "'' tout1 in 0f'Oar1m,.nt
N O l dt 100 (h11t C~ntfir Ono; .. Wf\l
Sant• A,.,,_ (.alltott'lt• O'l OCto«wr UI
1•HI •t l1 CX'IO t<I()( ... d m and IMn•nd
"'~'' \hOW CAV\P itrtnylt\t'fh&v•.why
•.i;1ct or+ht1M fM Ch•h<)lll ,,. n•mP s~td
nol bl"QTM\tffi
lq6/ I It I\ tuft"'°' Of0,.rf'(1 th4'1 "<OPV of
011, 010t,-to ._now e;..u"' tw put>4h·hied 1n --------------i '"" O•llY Piiot, ~ ""W.IND"' of~··
Publhl'WJO OranQll"' t.o~u1 0411lv Pilot TP'lt fOl~•no perSOl'\S •rt 00100 bu!iot Sept ?~&nc!Ocl 1,10 II 1'71 •13017 nnu\
P UBLIC NOTJCF. clrcultllon, llUbll•hc!d 1n lhll coun1r <ti
IM\f onrt ........... for tour ( OtUKUttV•
fNlERNAtlO NAL l!EA l OtltdS. ot•mtwor I IV/I
Pl'Bl.IC ~OTICE ESTATE ~ETWORIC, MEO•Ll.tON !!EAL fY ,.,. 8roo•11ur\I St f'oun
-1e1n ve11.-,, CA '1108
No A UllJ
su,-a 1110R COUllTOI' THI.
ll \TEqvAN 1AfENH0VE
J UOOfOfll\e
SUO'>rlor Cnvrt
ST All[ 0 1' CALf l'OllNIA 1'011
No A·t17U
E•t4t• al l!HEA SHAUL flMMONS,
credllO<\ of IM el>ove ,..men Otct<ltnt
ltwlt •II o-r '°"' htt~•no tl••m' •Q1tln\t
Ow '\aid OK•Ot'nt Mfil rMtulrtd to •••t Hwm. witr1 tht nec.Hwirv vnuctwr\, In
,,,. ofll(• of tho ..... Of ,.,. •llD"" .,...
h tlt"d court, or to pr•vnt thern wtth '"'
n,.c,.~~ry vouc:PY.r,_ to ,,,. un~r\lqned
~I W1 North Mein !otrftl S.nl<1 An•,
CelllOrn•• '1101 -•ch I• ... !H•U °' 1>u•·"~' ol Ille unoe,.i{r•O In all mdt·
••" DO'rl•nl1>9 to IN Ml•l• of ~Id"" ce~nt, w1111on rour ,,_.,,. •ll~r ,,...
'"" ou1>11ca11on ot "'" nollc•. Oeltd So-Pl_.,., 19 "11
8v JllCIHI\ Fulle<
T ruff ()lour
ACllTllnlalr•IO< ur llw e'tete Of
1,... -~ nem.a Ott~Clenl Jemn e .wu,,.1m
ttlt ....,,. "-°'· ... ns s."u Ma, CA nm
Tel 111•1 s-.11n
Attet'M'f' I• .Wmlnhlrater
PubllV.O Or8nOI' Coot O•lly Pilot.
5ep1 16 end Ocl J 10 II tt71 AllO 11
He. ,_Sl .. lt
11•,\L ,-ltO,-IRTY AT l'lllVATE
ULE ( ....... (, 7IO, 7121
'" tlle M•l1., 01 h1ol• or Mer~
AnQ<!flNI Tellel. !>Kee ....
RuMn V•i.ntlflt Ar..,IO. •• Tru\I .. O'
,,.. Hiett ol Mery ""91llN1 hlltt. de
cu~ • ..,Ill iell II private Ult. to ltw
11191\e\I -lletl b•clcltr. UftO.r 1111
term• •"" c-llloM llerHller ''""" llonect. -Wt>lt<I lo contlrm•llon 11•
IM 5-flor Court on '"'4tmbclr JO
lt71 at • e.m . Of ttwreef"'r wlllll" 1111
llm• '41-l)V l•w. •1 IM Olli(~ Of U •
•••"" Ott-Altor,,.v tor lM lfliJ •51•1• Al ISOO Wttt Covin• "•r1<w•v
Suite 704A, ell '"" •IOlll flllt 1nltrH•
ond tstlllt Of lfw Clt<~•ied -•II lllf rlQlll, Ulla, illlef.,I ""41 ett< \Nt Ill< Hitt~ Of Miry MOllfN Talltt cit
cu -!Wit .t<-"1rtf ltY ~•Uon 114 11.., or otfllrwlw , other l,..,, tr 111 ..sell
lloft 10 ll\jjl of lhll dt<UN4, •1 !he lime
Of IMr CINlh ln-toell IMI c.naln r• 11 or_.-iv, ~tt.telt<I '" IM Cllv of u
ll•&r1, 0r•l'l9' Counlv. ttlllernl•.
ot1<rl'9d .. '9lteM1
l.ol 171 lrK 1 ~J, M<I' ....... tOOlllotl
lo!M CllyotUHetwe, lft lM Cellntyot Of-. ~Mt Of Gelltwl\le, et S>tr ~ ~,,_ Ill 9"11 ti, .... 70 of Mis ~1-M.tcri. ltttMea 111 0••"99
C...h ..... .,, 0.11'-I• "1tottfl --··•-9\t nt l'~htll'Mt,l.I H•lll'•. c.tl~I•
Tltlt .... It ~t t.o <llrf'tnt u .. ._
ct.,.Mr!ll, ~illt11•, rfttrtc:tlOllt. ••
tefll•U-. rloM" rltht Of ••Y• ..... IMllb, W Ulftl"9 _,,,..._,, .. OI
rtctrlt. Tlw t;trt'M tt Mlt •t• t t all 111 ltW"IU4 ,,.,.., et !hf UnllH St., .. ot
A_,.IU 1111 ctl'flffJMI'°" flf .... llch
or eff-.,.. hwlltd tor Hl4• pr.,erty
Md 1'W 119 I~ '#fl11!10 eM Wiii i,. , ..
ttl\lff ti Wit tfor· .. ••d OlflC• al '"' 111M .,..., 1119 "rat .. lt.tlM Of tllit MllU n _..,..1111_1,,_ h aelt TM
rlfM It t..,.... It rtit<t tllY tM ell
bid ' OetM ....,...,.., 1'Jf ,
9f#«y ...,. ..... Tfllt1. -...... LtlAAllOWCIO ... MAlt 1•--cit.w~ ... , .....
WH I c:wtot., CA,.,..
Ttf OQltU·•t A~IWTY.-a.....
Pvflit"*' 0r"'f9 ~ 01111¥ JlllOI ...... tt. ,.1'.: tf7) .. ..... ,
Cll••IH Horo10 Mt Ltv, 16SJf
S•bo4 Hunll1'9lon e.ec11 C•llforftl•
., ... 1
Svnnov• L 8UHtml IUJt
C•rl1bad Coun. Founl•1n V•tl•Y. c.,,,.,,., • .,,oe
~-""""' H 8uti.r, Q 1 Bf'rmuda
Ortvt HuntlOQ1on bea<.n C•llforn1ff
Tiii\ bu•ln1f\\ 1, condu<ltd l>Y •
Qer'H!lrttl pe,.,,.,.51\lp
J.,,,..,H tlutl•r Tiii• , ... _..., ..... flit(( .. ,,., I ...
In IM Meller of Ill• f;\f.tf• OI
DOROTHEA C RYAN. •IW ~nown "' OOllOT Hl!!A RYAN 0.-<uwd
Nol•te " MrAO\' o•v~n to • r1·<11101..,
fMlllnq Clol•m\ "QIUnCil fhf' \~1'1 dNv
dif'nl tn t1I• Aid 1 t111m\ n lh'" Offt(fl> ,11
tht> '-'"'"" nt tn.· !lfort'"td•<2 roun 11r tn
16041 a.Nie-I SI , '" lt7 Hwft111\910ft B .. <f\, CA UM7
Tel 11101St·l6t0
Alle,.,.ylor PwtN1.,et
Publl~ ~ .. n~ COl\l Dally Pllol
~pl 17. tq 76 Ot I J 1917 1911 11
County Cieri.. ot Or•nO<' County on
Augu" ll 1'71
oru:t'nl t~m to tn• unner\•Qf'lt.'C! di ,,,_.
oll1t• of C.REUT 1 4 CRUE Tl ~t
tornry\At L•• 116'1 S,.,n\llcf'nfr t.ultr
206. l.O<t AnQC'tlf"t. C••lfOrt'llll .. OO•llt w"•<" ldll~r olf •Cf '\ thoa PIM.,. OI bu'llo~
n@\\ Of ~ undrf'r 'IQrutd in •It m•1f Pr oe'1•1nlno to '\tltd •t..t•1t ~ucn '1111m"' ,,.~~~,•onow•nQ pertOn 1' oomo t>u\I•
"'""'""MU\•••• V')UCI~" mu\!.... IELESIAR INDUSTRIES !OS» l'llW
Pubh"*I Oranqoo Coa.1 O•olV Piiot,
S.p1 S. IJ "· 1', 1911
:~~~ :,:.';,"::::!' ,';;., ~:~~:;:,•:11~;!~: Rf't n1er R111~r Av11rn1•. Fount~in
ol lhlUICltlr• Va11;~~·11::n•n .. t~l!lo•n1• Coroor.t·
Oal..O~:::;:c~'E:0~'z loon IO)lb 8.rhl•r Rovrr Avtn1W,
Cll EUTZANOCllf:UTZ l'riunld1nva1l•v C•lolo•nM91108 PtJ BLll' ~OTll'f: AttO>f'rwY·"' Law Tt\1•. ou ... ,,,,...., bil"•""J • ond"' ltd hy
tlMl'°ft Vlcem• 1 •<•rooratonn (,. Siil
''"''* BOAS[ INC Lot A_.et. CA-\ John M<OrNrtv
Ttl 1113111"4m p,.,oOunl
Punti\hPrl Or~qi Co.'t O•dV p,101 '"'' \t"Jt,.f'Nl'nl f1lttd wit,, tM Coun1v
NOTI Cf 0, H EAll lNG 01' Seplembl'' tf;t 1b Oftot'W'r J J'ifl ·~ 11 (If',• 1.-Or lnQf Coonty nn sPotr mtw-r
}1 •• ,,
,_.TITIDN l'otl O•Oll:ll OllllCTING ----------P l'BLJC' NOTICE ,-llllOHAL Rf PRliHHTATIVI[ TD
0.<••'9<1 lHl COON TV 0 1' OllANOl
NOTICE f~ HEREBY GIVEN '""' .... ,\•'201'
IM Wiii Of I"" •l>ov• n•m"" ~O(Hnl. Oe<•-·
11_,, llllld i..roln It Pf'loflon lor ,,n Or0o" NOTICE f!> HEREllY G•VEN 10 Int •ut~t11no •net atrt'(IUlQ Hw E •ttu1or c.rf'dltor\ Of ltwi abov11 n•mf'O oeteck'"'
to compte't• tt'lii@ ttrm' Ot " confrMI uwit •It .-'10f"l1 twv1no <l••m" "'O•lft\t
m•dt bv Ill• a.c•o1n1 c1ur1no nl\ Ille H id Clt<tdltnl ••• rl'<llm•d to "'"
111•11,,,. eti«ll"9 rMI prOC>frtv iocet"' tllem. •lltl the nec.-sary vou<lll!" In
et ?Ml Oierry A.,..,.,. L0"9 keel\, tM olfu ol "'" tier~ ot IN •bO•r tn
Celltoml•. by u•CUtlnq find dtrll••rt"9 UU•d C-1. or IO P'•Mnl ""'"'· •1111 '"" • ,._, for Futl RKon.,.vonce, IM 111cn,.ry "°"',..." 10 ,,.. uncltr "9""°
orlflN I ,..,,.. \IKU ... d b• • OHO of •I llW ofllo of LYNCH -HELSON
Trull Incl rnodllf<•U°" at Ill• Note to ""°""'" •I uw, U• Wlltlllr• Blvn
Alllerl I' Mertln. Jo41n M Merlin -Sulle 1010, Lo• A119tlt\ C•lllorn1•
l'r•ftli I'. """-1 ._. rKtlpt or --~ 10011 wftl(h If i... piece of bu\lftlr" ot
mtfll o11r.11e1ww;e •NI lnlertat clue up-Ille unci.n'-<! In •II m•ll•f\ !Hlrl••n
°" l"9 NIM••• WI lortfl Ill IN petltklfl, lftllln lheHlot101 .. 1oe1tceoen1 wilh•n
... t .. -• IO wfllCll 11 l'fta4e '°" f\jflltff to..r ,,,...,.,,. ....... ""' DUIMIC•llon !Mlfti<u•en, -tflt1Ille1'1M e'ldpl~• oltlll•llOtlct. Of tw.rlftt 1M -IMl1 Mtfl HI lo. OC! OelldJUIV 21, 1'77 '°"' lt, ""1, ti 11 00 em., I" !flt OOHALDG GOODWIN
(6111'1"""'1 OI O.partmt1fl1 NO • or ••Id ·-"'°"Of Ille Wiii ol
court, 114 ?Of CM< Otllt•r Orlvt WHI, Ill ,,. •l>Ov• Mmtd ··-"' Ille City .. C..ta Me C:.11..,111• 1. YNCM-NILION
0•1tcl $t111em11tr 71, lt11 Att_.,. .. Ww WIL.UANI I , lt.IONN, •M WlltNrelN\'t., IW .. 1t1t ~•rClfftl "".,...._~•1r THOMAlf'.ITAl lLI Ttll llfll'•JM1
1411 .. at ........ .,. ... ·-"'.,
4'1 Clwtc QllMf OrilleWftl ~I .... °"'"" CNtt 0.lly Piiot ... taAM C:.lt...,...t .. l lfpt, 12, ... st.-Ocl I. 1•1'
TM: 11~1-ml JU• II
Attwwty ..,, 1-trttr
Pvbllftd Oreri .. C6e1t Ol flT f'llOt, s..t .... "41MOC.l. .. "" • .,.,, P UBLIC NOTICE
Pubh'1W<I ()rMQo CO<l•I 0•1ly Piiot
S.pl ,.,aMOct J, 10. II 1'71 41 22 11
FtC'flTIOUS au .. NEH
Tn•· tottnw•no ~non t-.. OO•no bu)• "" ,, ~FRN S llNC.(lllE. IA06 Vld
l•ttn N1·wut.t"I 81 Mn (A Y?6't l
J "'" H'l'1r•V M Aru1-. 10l Vtd l100
~tJf1 N1·wpart k.,,.,, n CA •1601
l hi\. hu,011•\'t I t Ot\Ollt l1td hy 111n lt'I
f ''ntf M• Anh\
T "'' • '"" n-w·nt w4\ Ulf'd wlln tn .. Countv (h '~ of 0. ftt1QIP Ci>voty on 5'-pt
13 1q11 ,. .. .,,
Puo1 • ..,,..., °'"""' (<M I O•··~ Piiot
S•PI 1q 2;. OU I, 10. IY"
)"0 11
T ht• fQllOWO"Q Oft~\ •re OOfftl buM ,,_., ......
Nt*-18t-..Cll. CA. '1463
Cl•rii Allen Sntllll, IOI• Alwr SI
Nt*POf't lle<Kll, CA '161> J
ltoborl Gerv Oron.i111. '°" Alv•t
N•W00'1 Bl'IKll, CA 921>4)
Tl!" bu\IM\\ la <OftdUC1td by •
Q-r•I O<lrlrwrt111p.
ROiier! 0 OreMlll
C••rll °"Smith 1hl\ \1ft-nl WH Ill.cl Wiii\ Ille,
Ctun1'1' CltlMI ol Or-C:Olllll't' on hp.
l•mbe<' IJ, 1•11 ,., ..
l'llblltlltel °'1lflqe COett O•fl'f l'llot, S.pt .... ,. . ....,()(. 3, It.""
ITATI MAINTO,AIU.HDOHMa"T ol'utt~l'1c:T1nou1
IUllNHIMAMI 1'119 tollowlflt ,..._ ,....,. ......
OOMd lflfl 11M ot the 11<1111-WJIMU name•
Ull'OltT COMPANY, J•t• Weu
M tCArtflvr lo..ltv.rd, $aftta A11e,
c..111 ...... ttJll4 lfle 1'1ctll-8tlll!Ml\1 ... _ ,...
l•rrtd 10 *"" ''"" llllltt hi Of-Gouftl' Oii ..... tfMtf 1 J. 1t1 J
Jfft' llutllbr'-, ffl M ... 11 ....
c..u -· c.i1w11•• ,.,,. Relotl Owe, ... W.01.,._ Str•L
Thi\ Ml""' wt\ COllOutltd b., e
• JllMI "· "",__ Tllh '1•t1'1'911t Wit llltcl •lllt Ille
(lwtlty Cleft Of°' .... CNllY"' AYlo 21,1m .... " .. ~,... °''"" c:.ett °'''" ~ .. $apt. s. ·~ I), 2' "''
·I ,.
.. -----
MARMADUKE by l rld Anderson BOOMER
··Hold It. Marmaduke! Mom said our bird
waa a real •Inger ... not a real
ACROSS 1n11ia1s
45 Animal
t Removes catcl\ers
UNITED Feature Syndicate
S1turd1y'1 Puule Solved
outer sk"1 48 Kttcnen tool
6 8ulld1n1J SI Weapon [Tr M -r ~ rr I( R p "
part 52 Makel a r i111 "11 1 616 a I~ A
10 Scrut1n1ze comment :c: AS ic RY A I E S
14 German M R1lle buyer's ll , 11!.l il rr • p I~'~ ,, .
aubmarine concern F A ME
15 To11ttry 58 Stale i ~ In ll I~ II R
case lormally
16 Ouartette 59 Issue w1tll F V J: II 11 I c •
Ills one autllOrily ~ I ~ 1~11111ic ~
17 Metric un•t 6t Tete ••. A A• PR 0
ljJ Chell In private
1>eellea 62 Money HI
1 ll ( 1
111 R1111ong aside ""! ,, 1 NC
aound 63 Unasp1111e
20 Fr oplorer 64 "Beau •• ' ~ lHI' f
of N 65 Soreads lor
u G ~
I Ir ( ' .America drY'l\Q
22 Lose 66 Reauorl' to us
1ntens1ty llO
2• Lumps 67 Senator
9 Vulgar
26 Fisherman s
27 Rudiment•
30 Pertaining
10 Sulf1K
31 Me•lcan
32 Artlaan
37 Seery word
38 Sizable land
40 Mon ···· Mr
41 On Ille
move i!
43 Un1ppetlilng
womBn Keleuver 10 Walks pur ·
1 1 Hunger for
DOWN 12 Sick person
1 TwB1k 13 Holiday
2 Samuels songs
son 21 Tennis ahot
3 Becomes 23 Speal\s
degenerate loudly
4 Pain 1n the 25 Water
nead pasaages
5 "···· · · by 27 Both· Comb.
S11rli1Jht · form
6 Notices 28 Mad peraon
again Slang
7 E:ar Pf.tlx 29 Secret plan
8 Belonging 10 33 Ortw
r s
H A s 1 IE M 15
T• l'I A ~C
• F Il G IE:
DO v E I N
11:.1;; ~ IC IE.
A 11~ II II &
N I . ~ s
ll E It IA l
I.! ~ IS IR F
34 Masculu•e
35Rom11n god
36 C11ec~s 1n
38 Fooocon
39 Divers· gear
42 H1nder1
43 Pwes
46 Arab cloak
47 Mammals
hairy coat
48 Elltortoon
49 Slage lare
50 Improve
53 Widgeon
55 Moat su1ta·
5& Small
57 Female rulla
60 Swiss river
~ 6ov'5 e.vs(l '
·:JOY ?
' ~
I ' •
by Tom Batiuk
by Jeff M iiiar and Bill Hinds
by Ferd and Tom Johnson
f'\ ,AW .. IJ..AYBE.
,A -YAN,
H . ' j . ' ..
... ·---.... . .
Astory abcut
a \erd5 k:We -fur
~\is heroin
SA~ W~N'1'" "T"HA1'" i.,A-::>'T' PA1'"1E!N'T' A HANPSO.V..e GOY,
.Ml ss c~ese ?
-..... __ .., -
by Miii
by Gus Arrio\a
by Harold Le Doux
by George Lemont
0.J~ $ON 6AVE U5 A
,A.NNIV~$AA'Y' 1
., . .. ~
... .. ----.... .,.. -.-. -.
(II DAll.Y PfLQT ........ Por s-. HouMt flor s• HCMaHI For I'• HCMIHI For s• HOUHI For Sale . Mou1e-t For,. .•••............••..............•...••.................. ,.. .....................................................•........•....•..•....•••.
G_,... 1002 GMtf"tll 1002 GeMrol 1002 c;__,..1 1002 G•tterol 1002 GetMt"tll 1002 •..•.......•..•.....•.. ....•.................. ........ . ............................................................................... .
. . ,.,.,..,
CLASSIFIED ..__ ___ ,~!!.~.~~-······
IUOIS: Ad•ffftMn ChMf'el I 002 ' INDEX ::;:' ~ ~ ~ ·••··••··•••••••••••••• FttOMT Row cana
,,,.. '"' U. Ctl ron ._......,.TM NEED ln the Bluffs. front row cenU:r with a?\
&'2 5671 DA.tLY '1LOT ••nu unobstructt:d view of the Back Bay,
• · Wiilty for.._ flnt lft. 4 BEDROOMS? lht: Cliffs of Dover and a twinklin& ,_ .. -.stsrn me _ cionect .... ,..__..., • Ji~ht line in the distance. This is~ -r ror $72.5007 A 1ruat Sam R l · h 11 .. 1
::::::: ~..... ::." ---------• t.a Ana area Nie~ bomca, rare P an w1t a ~ectric kitch ;:::;:"?.:-.;-• ;:1 nl ('u •tu tit. o i ce l&rge master suite downstairs and t ~;;:.~ ::: ,....a...-·, Motk•: OC1!ihbor¥. Puneled coo· add1 bdrms upstairs. A Unique p ·-~•\•'"' , .... Allrt!"l-•t••-.advt!rU .. ··d vert1ble1 Jble 1ar., 4 in a Unique location. $179,500.
-..., ... " , M '" "' '"' bt!drtrlll, 2 baths, Jur11e
,,....; .... •· ·,;::: 10 ~nc••pllpetl&•ull yaud.L0 efoaruJudlurm. U..._.l()Ull= fi()US::~ : ~:..: !:":' • :': Jtrt to the f'ederal t\or ALL ru&is. " r"'llll ._ ,.,.._~
•·•··'"'"'' ,.., tloua.1011 Act ol JUtlK REALTOAS~675·6000 ?:;:·;-;..';;.': • :: wtucb 1n.akt:11 •t ille~al to 400l.l1"~1 FOR JM 2443 East Coast Highwev. Corona d~ar :::..~=.·:;...... ]"'! .1dvert11>~ "otny pre c.M--· Jlso inMesaVerdc:,at546·59QI ~...... •-frrenct:. hmll"l1on, or ~~·~~~~;~·~·~·~~-.... !~~~' 7 ~.."i.:.~. :·: dlbcnnunauon hasl'd on ~~. ·. • ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ::;::::·~~:.'. .• :'i: rnt·e, l'olor. reh1i11on , sex, G.Mral I 0021Gewerol ' I 002
.(•L l SJIT( or n.it1onlll ont:1n. or un •••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••••
,,., .. , ...... ~,. " 1,.,,1 111hmt1on to make aoyr--------"••""*"'''"'~··· '"'I bllCh prdt-rcm·c hm1lJ :.;;:_~~''' . . :::; uon. or d1scnm1~atton."
<•lbttff) L.ul• t "~ •• l:J"
4 Mlll•Cff.._I Y°f•JH'l \.f )WAI
• '""""'"••-• ...,,. • ""' 11us newspaper wall n ot :~·~~.:~~~=::.: :::; knowini.:ly accept anv
:~=~~,,: .. · ~ udvertu.ing fc>r r eitl
~::'it::,,,,"'";:· i..: e.tate which 1:, m viola "·-· °""'" ,. • ..,,1. i .. ~ .t1onoftht' law. f~•"'I" (u Prot1 • , ':itl'J --::~~':;:'~.';;• ·· · ~ Houses for Sole
tiC•N ~. t •ftr'I• (,rU\.«> r.\O ••••••• •• e eee e•e •• • • e • • ~::J :~:::: ~~~~:~•· .. : '. . ~ Genet-al I 002
RENTALS ••••••••••••••••••••••• lf.-1411>~ runu\.hord lllA)
tl•A11'1ott \ ntur•nh•d • ..k1AI """"''twnwt·n.t.. J)'1
t •~mtJ\luma t 1.u-0. Mt.ti
f ()Njt,n11n,urn• '''If . ~
1o•nfMAl.,n f urn.. 3"1.1 1r,.._.,...; l Af lirr.O DuiM'U'~ tur• •. .ll:#J INptt~tt t:nt • • !O.'CJ
Apt• • tirn . • • )1Ui,
Apb t l\furn a1l A&A.-turn.(lf L•f ;t.w Mfi)ft\• +w
YA Coum~ing &
Info. Sertice
Mo Down Payment
FrH List of YA
Homes in O.C.
OrnngeCo'l>. Largest
VA Home Broker
LlDO ISLE attra<·tiv~ 4 bdrm.i bath, sln~le
story. u:-l!d brick frplc. Bt-itna:c.I cellmi.:s.
hardwood floors. Lge patio. 48 f lot. S225.000.
LlOO ISLE newly remooeh,f 4 bdrm. dt111. 4
bath. living rm w/cathetf'al ceilings. Lge
mastt:r bdrm suite. S224.95Ct
LUXURY walt-rfront corlo. Z Bdrm, 21,; bath.
Pool. 1aruzii, 24 hr. :.ecu/l.Y· Brand ntow, comp.
furn. $220,000.
PENNINSULA 4 b rm. Z b a home. All
aml:llllJ~. Lovely ar . $195.000.
Dl,l>lt>r. 4 lxlrrn. plus 1 bdrm., South of
} .... y. $189,500
trivlex, 2, 2 & 1-bdrm .. South of Hwy .
·rripk:x. 3 txlrms, 2 & 2. Costa Mesa
Tht:S~ pro~rties art: a ll in very good
cond. & m fine rental ar~.
A neat & sweet little pair of rental un-
its for that tax write-off you've b~n
nooding. Quaint old Corona del Mar
setting. First $137 ,500 takes it. ·
•.. txptrien ced sales personnel
Fiut ~ '
CJ.tut Wutiu '8P4g.
GeMf'OI I 002 G....-ol I 002 ······••··············· ...................... .
1 br. furn 'd . condo
wtsuper lagoon view,
too! Sec. bldg. on the
sand at $59,900. Call:
Great 3 bedroom, Z bath
home with built-in
kitche n, crackling
fireplace and fenced
yard. Corner lot location
for easy RV access.
Priced for t oday's
markel CALL 751-3191.
~::r. ' .. ~~d ~.~
·of lh&i. c u stom 3
bedroom, 2 bath ranlh
home on quiet tree hn<>d
street nr. South Coast
Plaza, All for ~3,500. Ai-:t
~~~~-::1... :~~: 540-3666
GftlH"al I 002 ---------1 I PROPERTIES · ··· ··· · ··· ···t······· ········ ··············· TRIPLEXES
WORLD REAL ESTATE SAUSP~OMS LIKE A MODEL Cost.a Mesa, East.s.ide-11--Ju·s·T·R·ED-u·c·E·o-
T1red of!!J:ll comm. This super upgraded bedrm earh. Trees. l&e
\ .r •UfW'I k~nl •h , 4l'Yt fC,.,, .. hlO"'•o· 4~· WHELAN :~·,~::ke~arc,.~ !!':1
::;~:;;~r::~~~1 . :~ , ________ _
~~·.~~" ... .,1 :;::: DUPLEX l·t., T our 90/lO Newport Condo show's 3 rearyd$112,500. T0$81,SOO sp 1 8 r • lrg bdrms. 2"'1 ba, mml Beautiful Mesa Verde
..... R8us·1'Ncss.1NvcsT-....... AcRoss from acH Magnificent ocean view (your90o lO) sphl. ~ean view and also a Huntington Bearh, 3 br 2 patio bome. New carpet, ~~\d ~~~e~i!~c~f ~~~~ ::: bmiru pnce. Would you ba, <fplc). 2 br. 2 ba. & l walls & wmdow cover·
dream:-10 exclusive, ~ elieve $87,000. This br. 1 ba. Priv yards. ings. ~ beauty will not last Sprinklers. 2 Mi les to 1653 Mew H-h· private community u inrJdaafly 646-7171 · beach. Near new Civic CostaMe~~-ll"e
$175.000 MENT, FINANCE .,, HP:>t rental area of H•t\•fM"'U f>f,fl(ln• -. v
~4s~oc':o~ rd t: d gate· 1---------·1 [ O<• ""i&i11i~ Cen~r. $1~·~· di 752-0861 ~:!'!.:rop. 4A YSHORES \:6 , . ..:: 18 ~ 0 :~:port Q~t inside street loca· ~ ' Co1ta Mna 548-7729 * 675-7060 * t11;11 with fresh landi.l·ape .-r---------
~,_ .. ..,,......... ;,!,; Newport Be.ich Sum :~::::=~!~~~~, ·-i..l; mcr1w•ntcr rental Jn ·
~;:::;~ ::' .!:.~. ~~: rnmc. Sp:wious units w 12
... .,,, .. ., Tn • :.c.u hdrms CLlch. Balconies
ANNOUNCEMENTS, for indoor outdoor ll\'lnl:
PERSONALS & amt lots ol year round
LOST i FOUND fw1 & enjoyment.
"""'"' ,.,-.. "wl'll .. , ,., ... ., 1 ..... 1,,,.,,, 1,.,,,. 1-t"md •.• ,\',,.•h·
~ .... Ill f l11t,,.,• ,,.,,.,.
i---------•I &c classic interior design HEW AND ltY o ne of Newport's
EXECUTIVE HOME ltnest. Lots of features in SPARKLING
2 STORY·BEACH gourmet kitchen such as Brand new attractive
Formal entry to huge hv insumt hot water, new end unit townhome over S£RVIC£S 11>\llltl\ ISl,/\'.I> rm , formal dining, tile. oven & range to looking tennis courts. 3 ~ ... .rkr•tt••1 ......, * 673-6900 • gourmet kitchen. Jrg.. name a few. 3 Spacious t,d rms, 21h bath s,
EMPLOYMENT & ---------1 fam. rm. 3 car garaat. bedrooms & 2 baths. Xlnt beamed ceilings in hv PRCPARATION owner will help finance. lease hold. Must sec to rm. Air cond. Two tv~"'""'.,..""'' •"'" $2000YA Walk to beach. CJlll believe at this price. recreational centers ~~:;.\·:~~.'.!,' .,. , • · · · : ;~ Almost new 4 bdrm home 963·6767 $159,500. w ; p 0 0 1 s & t e n n i s . MCRCHANDISE less than one year old <JPtt• '" q. "~It 'io Ill ,.,,,. Includes kitchen bit· ins. ~~~~·· .: .... ·. ; E·~~~~~i~:Y:~I~~! [~ 1aan11 £,w:s~~~I0 ffE:{::~E~~.~m~: f:.~~. -z·;~;.::~: .• "' ~~ h~;,;, ~~~! ~~~~~~ N• 1, ~-~~~-~-~-~-~·~-~-~·-~-~~ BY O~ER patios. J ust listed. Xlnt
1 LUXURY LIVING location near So. Coast ~~:~. ~ I~ ll~&Uitl SJtAL i:~nt:~e~igL~~nJ~ P1ua.641Vi111.
J•"'''¥ . . •no.· --·-····-~ 't, features. Dramatic ~:;h~~~· ~ lhisbig 4br,2 babeauty! architecture! Tenni~. ~:~::::;:::::,. •• ,..., : .. !:: 3'/J ACRE Maoy pli»es Included P 0 0 1 .& J a c u z. z.1.1----------
:oc ..... ,,.,.,u ...... , ..... Jiil f ·1 ni u· f ·t Owner/Ageot GRl!•f ~~~·.··••••' ... ,.... ... !~1 HORSE n • ..... CH alDJ y r • pa 0• rw 759-0087 ~
This 4 bedrm, 2 bath Buc· 1i---------rola built home is in the 1---------
most deinrable area with a lar ge family room _________ ,
added on. l''rult trees and
av()('Udo trees make this
a great Easts1de family
home. Asking o nly
$94,llOO. Call
$1,000,000 VIEW
Why not enJOY an ocean
view on the golf course.
Not an impossible dream
when )JOU move into Uus
IW<ury 3 bedroom home
for only $1.25,000. Call for
details on this exclusive•
ly listed home.
"' _ ft.A" trees ett, etc. Priced ---------INVESTMENT ~7:.~':.f~ .. · :;_:; GRAMDTEARACE $1,000's below mrkt. at Two units witb detached EXEC.CONDO ~~~:?;""'"' · :: NEAR RIVERSIDE $64,950, Coovt. or VA NERVOUS ~:;r>d.; lllt't,'l••ro ... :: :: Big ' BR home w /huge loan o~ 646-9898 Agt.. OWNER ~:sa'hl·,tu;~:-:S..!1fo(· OH WA TEil BOATS i MARINE rec. rm., dining rm &! __ _. _____ .. says "SELL"'. lmmed Thia is an older duplex $115,000
fabulouspoolPLUSZBR occupancy. Lo w est . h Commanding VIEW of EQUIPMENT guest house. wit rental potential of all the boa ling action, ;;,:;:::~.;,,, s.;.,;.·:.. ·:::: Miach, Much, More priced in complex & Im· $420. Incredibly low Catalin a Island a nd ~-· u •--· U be . maculate. $52.500. pn'ced at •49 900 CALL ;;:;:P::--':::.: .. : n lievable linancing, 17Z2MITCHELL "' ' · night lights. Adult 2
48x I 79 Ft. Lot
for the investor to de·
velop. 1.oned R·2. Close
to busy Harbor Blvd.
Call Max Adriao tor alJ
the details.
._, H .. , C111ner •. • .. _, owner wlll carry entire UNIT 70 ~2660· bdrm, 2 bath Condo with ::::::~.!."llu<k•::::::.::.::= bal for30yrs .. incld'g8% MIKE s•v•GE 4=SELECT . boat slip avail. Conve·
""•1•.=•i.111. .... ··· -intw/on1yZ5%down. "" "" T'PROPERTIES nlent location with
-. TWSPOITATION°"·'°"° $240,000 REALESTATE --------•security. t~;:;,':..:.s.1. R•···:: .: .. :·: ::~t JACOBS REAL TY ""-d "!#hat in 642·960 I
tlrnnrC.n ......... . , ~IX 67r 6670 l"UI YOU W8nt ~::;·~&out .... •:.:·:::~ ~ Daily Piiot Classifieds. TRJ-PLEX
Mdot 11-..S.a. ll<n ........ t14" ---------
Beautl.ful " BR, 3 BA. family room home. Two
642-5200 i'°'~"·~•"I ........... »iit ANAHEIM IllLLS 3 BR GARAGE SALE ads In By owner, close to all ... :.:;.~"i.· ... ;: .. :::::: :!:: cul-de-sac, adj t.o Reg: the Daily Pilot bring hap· ahp'g In C.M. 2 BR, l~
r. A~TOM081l[ park. $84,50010 f r . py results. To place your BA, Irg den or dioe·rm.
fireplaces. clo&e to ten· i---------·r .. .....,..,......,,.._....., __ .,, nja, pool & greenbelt. --··· • ------
UNIV ERSlTY PARK • .A~~~c1.;,1 ..... :::::::::.= SS!M888 drawing card, phone Lath & plaster. Xlnt ""' .. u ... v.h1r1 ............ ~ 642-5678loday. cond. Bltns, dshwahr, ~~~"!~od~ "'. . .'.'.:: .. : cpl. d.rps, frplc,.Van Luit ~"'°'• ...... . ......... -G....,.al 1002 G1 .. ral I 002 wal.lpaperw/l &2 BR un· A::lAh,a,·::: · ::::::::: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• .............. its. Good inc. $170,000.
-waa1..i ............. -Will carry 2nd TD. Prine:.
640-6604 AUTDS. IMPOHED • only. 548-5777. ~::-.:.....·::::::.:::::.::::::= C ldweU B ker a;~-:~~~~.~·::·: .. '.::::::'.':':·:.:: EE • ~TIAL l!ROKE~~PANY GARAGE SALE ods in You don't need 8 gun to ~:;.;;:\;:;:\_\~;~::~ WMX to WHTCU,. SHOPPI-~:::·~/J'l/t1~ =:;!.~~~~E~
J••v•r ............ -...... imo 842·5678t.oday. ~·5478. .i-........................ trlll ~~T";f.~:::::::::::::::-.= ............................... t1JI :lllrr~Bea.t •••••••••••••••• tfec: ~~::~~::~:~: .. :.:::;:~::::;;::~::~ s:t:·· .. ······ ............ 17. -...'::::::::··:::.::::::::::: a.kt a.tee .•.. • ...... ,, ••• ,,,. 11 ........................... ml tt::::::::: ::. ··:::::::::::::: ~:::::·::".·::::::::::: v-. ...................... -• vo1 .......................... tnz
Beautifully decorated 2 bedroom. 2
bath with brick fireplace. Adult
community with pool & recreation
room. $75,000 & you own the land.
r A COl.DWaa. IAl«a co.
c...1 mas:·um ...... .. ~-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I~~
~ ............... : ......... . ~·::::.:·::::·:::::.:·.:-.:·:.: o..... 1002 a. .... ,... ~ ..................................................................... . ~ ......................• , . ~":'.::::::::::::::;::;::.:
=-at•••t•tttff't•••lt•t•= l:~::::~::j::j~::~:~:.i~=
••••••. t ......... _ ..... ···········--·•1•• ......... ···········-·-·--................. ,_ ... ......... -......... -= .......... , .... _._ .................... ... .-.......... ,., ........ ..., ~,,,... ............ _ .•..... -... -·····r-·····-~ ................... ... .................................. ..._..,... ...
macnab I Irvine
IBBltg .
..... Int
for a.toed M AC'IlON
S A P 0 S S R E N l J S S E D E Q S A
t T V D W V I E I Y N I I R C R
: ow tPCMlf rd, • Mrd, up, down Of ~ly. Find tldl lfld boic It In.,.
Unta.Nd Chained Grand Hotel r-
Ra1n Mann1qu1n M11drtd P1erc1 j
B1rs1rk Possessed Strange Cargo e
Trbg Thi Women Autumn Leaves
T01110rrow: The Com1ca
0 i I
i I J
. .-: ' ( \~ ... .. _;~/,·•-...: ...... . !f' ··...: 1! ..i r . ~" ...
. {ft~.~,,.fL
f' (ll°~~ itl 'f. ... '"I i..; J-·· .f..· -,,, ..
Beauty in the country right at your
own backyard. The pastoral views of
rolling hills & lots or treE:S mak& this 4
bdrm homt: in Harbor View Hills on~
of the most desirable. A bonus room
·~ith an ocean view, 3 baths, a formal
dining room, large living room with
massive brick firepla~ add to the
pleasure of living. (And what's more.
you'll own the land!) Presented at
$269,000. U~l()UI: tf()Ml:S
REAL TORS": 675.-6000
2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar
illso an Mesa Verde, at 546-5990
Panoramic View! Th.is is a deluxe
custom home w/excellent livability. 3
Bdrms. den & formal dinin g .
Breakfast rm & kitchen open to lovely
enclosed courtyiq, extra wide doors &
halls. loads of ~torage. Extra lge
garage w/utility rm & work shop.
Won't last! See today. Only $275,000
211 I San Jooquill Hilb load
NEWPORT cane, M.I. 644-49 I 0
I 002 Geeerai 1002 ..............................................
OUT! or this super cult· J
bdrm, 2 bath East.:11de
-Costa Mesa home · your
own fruit and shade
tree's in your large
backyard -courtyard en·
try for pnvacy • brick
fireplace loaded with
charm and a modest
price o{ $84,500. Call
Ol'fti llt 9 •II S ltJN 10 f!l /l>CI '
Single Story
Consider this rare firsl
time offering in model
home condition with 4
BR, formal diniog, fami·
ly room, 3 car garage,
pool & jacuzzi. Acrm;::.
from a lovieb' park and a
stones throw to a popular
golf course. $1.52,250.
Call644-721 I
14n Nl{iEL
A CONVE'Hlfl'fr 8"0PANQ Nlll;IA'~
AD One Piece! Arrow-Narrow
Tiie chill stm outside, yw
stay cotr 1n this soft 1ackel!
Crochet jaclitt from Md
down all 11'1 Giie piece 1ncluchn&
sltMSI Contrast edl"!I accents
all boldeis. Use wouted·weiaht srnlh,t1c. P11tein 7321: sues
10. J2. 14 tncluded.
$US tor eacll patt•n. Add
J5f mh pattern fOf first-class
a111N1I and hll!dl1nc. S.. ti:
took closel'f-Qt how sl~nt
seamin11 trrow-n.t1rows your
h&ure all the Wl'I down. Sew _..
pantsuit and dress tef$IOCI tor • #
Allee.Stooks lall·low1nle1 domas.
Needlecraft Dept. 1 OS Prl"ted Pattern 9345: Misses
D.lty Pilot Silts 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. Bo1t 163. Old Chelsae 81-., 20. Sile 12 (bust 34) bM$ 21•
New York. NY 10011. Prlnl yards 60.inch fabl1c.
N•m•. Addren. Zip . s.. Sl.25 .., udt --.
Patt•n Number. au 3SC tor .cit """1 tor
MORE t"-1 Mr btMf 20C' he'-..... ....... cftsllJ'll Dhd 3 f,.. printed lri-s-4 ea· sldt N£W I97f llUDL£CRAn •
CATALOG! Mn Ml)tllilll-7Sc. Matten Martin
Crtdltt wl111 ~ $1.AIO P_,.-n 0.,,L '42 CrttHt 1 Watdrollt • $1 .00 Deity Piiot
llfl'J flftr Olllb it.OI 231 WMt 18Ch St.. New tr'+C=•~ ·-::= York. NY 10011. Print
Nti4ft"911l lltll • 1.00 NAM£, ADDRESS, ZIP. ne .. r CltClltt.... $UO 8 I z E • n d s T y Le
Mtl'llllJ Crtdlet ltd. ''·'° NUMBER. la•bllt Crtellll l•ot. ·j1M Dt '" bew w tt•ld a l11JU11t Macl'llll• ... It • uo tettint ""' .,.. .. ,.,
l1m11t MelttJ IMl }' IO "' ... ran.Wllter~r• W'1ft• llft .... • • 1.10 Cttllet--.. ,,.. ftt C.•illtt• a11uo 14 • t.• f1" Jttttra ,, ,,.., •· 12 fflit At1u11t :12 He s.. Jlf ltWI
IHk ef 11 ..,tt• 11 .. soc ::;..i-~ w lus ....... Wlt ... k :2 sec ....., Crtm I.DI
• 15 blltl .., , ... ,.:1 _50, = ,...... .... 1··· IMl ti It lfYJ RllP , .• ISO• I 1tw1a1 lttl. 1..00
"' I(
0 s ,.
.. ---. . . .
~!.~~ ........... :~:.~~.~ ....... r..~~:.~~~~ ........ ~.~:~:.~~~ ........ ~~:!.~~~~ ....... ~~:!~.'::~.~~....... Monday,~tember29, 1017 DAILYP'LOT €7
a1ur.. t001 C ......... ech tOll Ctt"ttt.ohoch 1011 CW.Met. 10%4 H111 .... 0ftleoch 1040 ........ • 1044 HouN•ForSc* HotdHforSclle HCMnuForS* ······;~~~,······· ······················· ······················· ·········J···· ~······· .... :: ............... ······················· ;;;;,;,;········.····io4'4 L:.~~~·····io:ti ;;;~·a;~i:···io~' L.AMDMA RK A STUL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• f c=~~ ~ ~,r~~~e !~thp::~~~J . WOODIRIDGI AFfORDAIUI FtlB U,,ER
• in porch pool & low PRESCOTI' Possibly lhe moat. ar IL.UffS .:~~ ll ~ .. trm ~~;"' • rrwmtena~co backyard. Lg:5lWoodbrid&ebQme.5 forda ble properlrty an 3 & family. Good Joe•
--INI we. I .. ,. rRIME c;.i11 now BR. or .. 8R + den. Lagw111 today. D i hl " needa bdp, bu~ cun a( '°~lb. '"~""'>11 iind l!.._STSIDE MEWPORT-llVIMl Over1lied lot. full)' a.iry, 2 Bdrm.'I. & 2 bath, ford1t at su1.~.
\n ' Sou\h to••' l'lat• ..,.. . tarnhc. Ideal rorpool:AU O.Y-0 JusL one block to E.ASnLUff
4'l'H .\ ~rtf!(t "tartrr COSTA MISA Rt:ALTORS uprded Mex1can pavtn the beach. Ne wly re-laom• SM~ • nd hu) • 131.e586 llle A/C Liv din rms 3 decorated; you can move SACRl~CE ~IJ · • • DU'1.IX BA: 3 C~r aai-. N;. 1>ar.k. ln WUbonly $.1S,500down. ~Ullt N II th .. gorgeou.'f J
.:1"I 1 CLOSI TO llACH A.HD MAllHA :t Ptidroom uppur unit SUPER SHARP Walk to lake. $179,500 lnterut. only llnancl.n& + family. Reduced h>
with .. undcck, lower 2 aU bl ONt..Y-"' '"'"' SJ..3411()() _..,.. •• ..._ wtftl =· co_,1... Brkr/Ownr ~52·U2 1 av a e. _.,,.,.,.,, · · a.. ....... 4 W1lh -4 c l ... -bt!Jroom with ~ndoi.ed FOR SALE· Small doll ln the Cahfornia Homes ~~ ' HORIHS REALTY WATERFtlOMT TKCREAi ·,
•r -.... patio ft yurcl Kini: 11ut!<i house just 4 blocks to the or lrvme he~ this great 4 . _.9 _. •o CONDO 1-... wittll finplece ... St2.I O. lw drooms . Individual ocean 1n old Hunt. Beach bedroom family home Turtle rock, by owner. * • ,.... 57 * Gorl(oous 2+ den PQUI 49 J-1812 luundry urells, bwlt-an ocean area. 2 Big bed rms that has been completely Spacious Plan Ill. 4 BR,..._________ beac:b & bc>a\. $325.0oo •
1 Am N \ ~01 ''rll LAGUNA r.ln)le, oven, l(U~agc: & a btJl. den. Lots of upgr ad ed throu,hout. 2"2 ba, lge ram-rm, 3 car•·
IH HA.1101 VllW
2 ~ • ''"' or !l ~' "' DilltiJC.bUul p.illu • > -ln.I
NHil ~.\. t.A<.il N.\ Bl!:ACH dlSflOllal, & d•j;w0sher. room to grow and ex Has a comrortablu cov-tiar. BuYer c•n recarpet White Watet'Vlew
4:t!t-17JU 400 4Ml in .... Ju."t S ycuris o wncr pand . Count o• i.tylc ered patio, and the home house a t owner'a ex· Overlooking Diver's ~!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4!!!!!·!2A!""!!!! deslrl'~ l'Xchange for ad~ 1c L l ch e n a nd d in e. has been tastefully de· pcnae. Choice corner loc, Cove. This Condo bas It -d,ltlonal uni~,. in Sa Meticulous owner has coraled In earthtonea. nea r JlOOls & parks. all forthedls crlminoung ~ Clemente SHti.~. this ('harmer rutc a nd Asking $76,500. Call to· BeauUfully landlcaped. exeartlve. Superb loca·
REAllY b40-18l'2
U 11b 11 up,r •dcd
lnurllld. ocasp..rc:r
... r., I OOJ COf'OlltG def Mar I 022 COL! OF NEWPORT neut as a pin! Perfect day for details and appt.. call 8.13-9719 (or appt. lion, steps lo beach and
•••••••••• • •••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••• . 6 75-5511 h rst beach home. BKR shopping. 1 Bedrm. fplc,
SrACIOUS & COZY HAVEN . 536-9311.· I · PARENTAL 1\.1.a baths. 9' ceilings.
Bring your pa int &
T .L.C. lot t h is lar ge
Eastblulf home priced to
sell. Subnut offer
coao..• DB. MAR
l.o"t'lv dupl\• r•H h unt\
luiv111at ;? tw<r1u' ,·;et h
\\i.lk tu tk-adl l'ntl·d
11't>.'f Kl/\l1'
1)1) I ,,,,, ,f\,f -(~.~ tci b
'2 S'tRY-$5 4,950
Jhamat1c ltY rm
gourrrel k1tdwn, dam•. sw~rfog sta•rl> to h1d1:
away mui.lcr ::.wll' and
gu~ quartc~ llurry'
')f)l,J u, I• ti• I 'I! , t t ,
C LE.AM Duplex plus .:uc:.l e.tudto 1---------1 PRIVACY French doors lead to the
rnh<d tco !>di' l)l·n. rani t:tUOY Old World rhurm CRY <GQ 000 ·4-PLEXES ~ At night when lbe young 300 sq.ft.. patio. Call now, t 111 clt111111ot mt .ind nf Corond c.ll'I Mar W.ilk °"' ' •uns are tucked in up-Asldng$12.S,000.644·72'10.
lndr-. rm • ., ,, \ aruunc.I U1 ~itth & !>ho~. tt:nnl1-Sharp4 br ID CoMa l.'t1.£'sa suurs, you can retreat to thhJbdrmh11m.-~11h,H1 & r('C tenter lnvl'&t SMPil'rpontSt. Twofour-plexes inprimc the priV"acyofthem8JlteT
cnl.1rgt-d mai.ll'r hdrm now , cnJUY rore\cr MoDownVA llwil.Jn~on Bearb loca suite. You'll love the
C.111 Srt· Hu) '~II> :!:llJ SIB-1.500 556-7777 tton. All 2-bt:droom!>, xlnl RANCH REAL TY e.lSY access to the living " HORIHS RE.ALTY Worid RuUstote investment Watch your 551-2000 room, dioing area & [~ IR~lt[ll -• 494 ... 057 * ~.500. Jbr. 2ba. Mun) ~"0ih~ ci::cr:\~~:~t~ --REDUCED rc::~~~rok'1lci::n ~a~~;~~~~~~~
---·-••• ••: C osta Mesa I 02 4 xtru!>. ~·c .iny tame ALL 89tS-7855 :~~~~aicec~~i!~~~~e~ 1
ly O~X ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Tfo;HMS Uy Owner Vr!s. the own er :. aTe Bdrms., 2 baths. Village Oce an side of Hwy ~o lal>oa Peninsufa I 007 . .,,. rn> • ., • .., MOTIVATED a nd have oCGreeutree$92,500 mosl d~rable a rea 10
••••••••••••••••••••••• New Condos, 2 Br, w ·i Ua. .,..,, ~ FOR SALi-: liY OWNER n.-duced the pncu or this Laguna, incredible while
2 frplc·s. ceramic tile 3 BR, 2 BA, 1'f1 cul-de·&ac. :.! :.l}. 4 Br Fam. IJinin~. fine 4 bedroom home rn ~ w1tterview,frplcs,lotsor DUAL kitchens & buth Pool & Dnve by 3101 Roosevelt 2•~ Bu, pool WiJill'Ulli, l>e<1ul1ful Culverdale. 552·70 p ot e nt.1al •. _s22s.ooo.
POSSIBILITIES ~~~ bi5·-1912 lirokt•r WJY & Call 646.5316_ room for bual or tamps-, Close t o park, pool, Sen ous mqwnes by prin·
()up l c K u 11 Hu I boa Room For Uout 'frlr STl,000. Pnnc. only. __ ·_ com pl decorate~. aero~.., sctiool and convenient to TH E cipals only please. l"Jl4)
J>cnin:.ula. 1 blutk to fr park & l.choo "· 11, ma freeway. Now ai.kin~ Vlll 494-1795
lwach 'J. Bed upper, :J&drm,2balam homt· DanaPoint 1026 'tu ocean. ~1011,000. !86.500.CJll for upi><>int· ---------
::.tudio lower. u..,c your on corner lot. Wulk lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• 96:1-5716 ment REALTORS Next door t o En:ierald imuginalwn for n'rnodel priv. sw1 m1tenms club ---Bay, lovely refurbished 2
i·hurrn tb as. n 2 wnang Bourke Realtor, 54ti-!111!">0. DISCOVERY Reduced $4000. Lowest beam ceilings, Crpl~, lge
pointed 4 a,.dnn. 2
bath ho«M. S.p. dinirHJ
rm, formal II• r m,
brick fplc , 2 car
gara9•. landspd & sprWdere<L Best buy
In this ex clush ~
neighborhood .
$146.500. C>wfter will
help finance.
Wortd Wide Broken
673-454S o r t·nJoy it~ intrinsic Only SH.500. O ;.avad OCEAMVIEW? ABAMDOtolED ~ LUSKPLANl.. BR. 2 ba home w/vlew,
You bet' This one yeur · d ~ lndscpd lot (714)49'13101 1~~~~~~~~~ chan~in"tOC·l Sl21,51l0 RA.REFIMO d 1 h llerc 1s an extraor mar) price in Turtle rock • • I-" new up ex as Vll'W~ · (213)431 1588 .._.ORl ..... S RE .. LTV hom1• huyt'rs opportu111 · . Highlands. $144.950. or · THE BLUFFS
" "" 116 4 Bdrm. fa mily C"onctu. from lioth unit'> + t) Huy this :!Ur. :ma THEIRVINEREALTOR
CdM ELEGANCE * 494-8057 * Centrally located $03.~50 ftreplal't's. ball'on1es, sparkhn~ ~ll•an home tu LCICJ'llG Hiiis 1050 Better than new! Lge. 3 Lot _ _ Try S7000down or tradt' and low maanl l;ind:.i:up dav. mo\ e 111 tomorro~ 75~2000 ••••••••••••-••••••••• bdrm. s plit -level with No;:~~~c; ~I~~;. i~~ Cap4strano hoch I 0 18 HAL PIHCHIM mg SIJS,()(IO Pnced nght al $8.<f,!clOO, at RANCH RE.ALTY Beautiful·Newly painted 3 ~R. 2 BA bm w/pool. bay & lights vaew. Tolal-
rm home has l'Hr;than.i.t ••••••••••••••••••••••• REALTOR WlgcJenhom RJtrs ts vacant and rcacly to 551-2000 4Br, Sorrento Model in Mint oond. $81,500. May ly new anterior decor .
. formal dining rwat
a OCMFROKTDUPLEX 675-4392 675til60 673·4147 "dt•omc you. for 11u1ck -the Ranch, formal dtn r e nt. Owner/a&t . ~~~outstandu~& at
massavl' rock f1r1•pla1t· $2.SS.UOO fi.U·IUllS ---, puss~sion. tall NOW' UNIVERSITY PARK rm, fam rm. lg pool & _49-1_-86_l_L ______ 1 AGENT640-5560
exleD!>IVt-IY rt>rnOdl•IC'd M.Y Golf Course, 0~n<:r BToro 1032 ~ ri.-~r~st $94.950 spa.SS1·31810wner/Agt. kitchen. i,eclud<-'<I m.i..,h'r Corona del Mar I 022 s Br. 3 ha Newl) up ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... ~ VIEW-$69,950 LIDO ISLE 4 BR swte with private ronl ••••••••••••••••••••••• gradi;d 5157,950 FAMILY R~ ~~~~~·~o~wn~~~neb ~.~ COLOMY 180 Degree view over l Brw/pvt~ntry.Agt.
area ju:.t out-.1dt• proutl COM BEACH 5S6·607t> DELIGHT 846-5573 bdrms, family rm. za~ Pl.AM 400 ~~:..~~~~ c1:n~~t.i~~l1-__ S229_._ooo_.1_~_1._2626 __
ly ofh·rl'd JI ~\S Cl(Jll COTT ... GE t BR 2 B r I D... ------b h I' b k d .. IDRM
C 11673
u" "" . . a. rp c. ". Beaut1lul 4 bdrm home at s ~uge ar yar .. on one floor ; adult area."'",_..,."'UFF d'~ 3 br, ·•
a,., ,ti.~ LotsulwuodJndstnmed Mt:sa dcl ;\!Jr Ownl'r un11111etruldt•'><il Plen ---------1 wbnckpauo&firepil. DECORATOR Moveinfasl! ba, country ;yle far::.
[ -~ glJss Sl39.950 Avail now S82.llll0 ty uf l''\trns Fam1I.> NEW HOMES Waterfront llomes Gor geous. d ecor at or 2 rm, ouUloor entertaining ~. .
' ·. R.c .!
co. 963·5V99A3 CANT room. t'mt•red p;Jt10 & 63_1-_14_00 __ story! Step-up to form al pat.10s. Open daily, l201. .., lar!!l' 1t0nl'l·d }:.Ortl WJlk NEAR THE on~ .... GEWOOD hvmg room and do wn to Pl'mbroke. By owner,
to lht• high '>lhool ,bk OCEA ... ' IV""" formal dining. Bearned $149,000. 646·9836/Evei. MESA NORTH angss-1.000 "" ceiling family r oom . --~~~==----646-0lOO
I m.f\""'A~"'''"'' .\1tr.11·11ve :i hl'drnom :1 l!l b<'t1Ur l11ru1 11\rv int• sG·pa~·e:.nh kb1rl1cchkenn.reAplcaocne·. L-M1-1 1052 1----yf ---~--A STARTER
I lomti on Ol"e<an new site
Like ncv., :! h(•droom. l
hath'. ~12:!.500. Try
~l:i.OOOdown .
Super lot:ataon t· o~e lo ·. _ u n :.i~.::" t "-' hJlh 1 ;1M1 ~<i 11 ho1aH'' C1rO\'l's o rvml'. .:real 1u -,--·-"7--Ba l"'ont Exclus. ::.huppm1-: and s<·hoob •I ......, illG~IlC~' 1, ;it u r 1 n i.: 1· ,, 1 µ l' t .... :! bc.•dr()(1m hom1• w1lh a verted den for privacy. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lido Nord Pier & Dock 4
Bedrm homt'. nct·d!I 49\1 woo 1lr;ipt.· .... lull~ 1,1ndst·11 r>l'11. l>t-:'.'J. c\•ntral J\IR CON Giant m.aster wing. 2 + F, 8uyfront P rnp.
:-.omeTLC Seller 11:. \l'ry laun<.ln room~. ll·111·t·cl UITIONING. ANU TllE Level covered patio, VIEW-POOL 642·5002or 645-5000x216
motl\atcd, boui.;ht FountainValley 1034 yard. i1n•pl<11"<''· :! l"ar GHE /\Tl':ST OF torn· luv1s hly la ndsc aped . PRIVACY *LIDO ISLE
llugc f:I mt ly room ''II h
used br ick w.a ll .incl
r1rc·pli1l't' :1 ll••clrm. :!
bath, dhle t:ar ..:ura~t'.
new 18' Doughboy 111101 &
falt er. All 1h1s 1111 a
secluded ..,lrect II urrv.
ca II 546 58!\0 .
I mmaculat e family
home ln quiet residomiul
a rea. Xtra lge yard
w /btrl l andsca p ing.
Owner moving mu11t
seU! 646-7711.
n 1-;AL1'0HS
anoth er a nd MUST ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ar;a~1·:.. 1;ornl ltnan<'111i.: rnun1ty ta1·ilitlt's. Al!>o OUTSTAN DING! a t only Monarch Bay Terrace. 5
!';ELL' Take :td\oanlJl(c TIBURON ,1v;ul ~1 1;,,wo v1,11 our 1•1111\'l'nlt'nl to thl' new S125,000 Hurr y Call Bedrooms, family ro11m
now! Call 645·030a. ..111n· 11n pruµi•rl' 111 llt•nta~l' pJrk with light· 752-1700 with wet bar. Formal CONDO 1;01 12th St n·t•I c•al tC'nnas rourt1-. pool etc. ot'IN 1119 ' 11 siuN108F Nl<f' dining. Great patio &
d!lla liiiiill
lmm.ic ·1br t·ornt•r hom1•
Corm clan, frplc· m.111'
xtras 'S'i!J.OCJO :n5l! Cork
Ln. 546·7713
\WNTt-:HK'i' rno<ld t·p rm ;'loo~only~.5011 [9· '··· .. ~ poolarea.$249,:500. grudl·d :1 hl•droonl, :!' . ,
II.1th wtth ~cl bar & o.t•r / I t-011d11ao111ng plus t•m • . I I
l'fl'il JlilllO l'.111 ,1).!•'lll ~· • . 3 Monarch Bay
Laguna Niguel ()~nhou~t· REAL TY INC .
IUl77l'll'JrH1\l'I 7 14/846-1371
!'<<il & Sun l ~.
540-3666 - -
496-7222 831-0836
Privacy gate, leads to 4
br , d r e am home.
Turtlerock. A world or
your own for investment I~~~~~~~~~ of $127.900. Owne r wiU 1-
help finance. 754-7747
Lg elegant 5Br, I\ bu, fam
rm. w /bar +pool tbl.
Frml din rm. 3 car gar.
west putio $349,500. Drive
by 430 Via Lido Soud.
U>urtesy to bk r:.. 673-9401
N PENIN., huge S br, 4
ba. evt'rylhmi; n ew!
Call: Bruce at 968· 7468 or •
Rick S. ot 963-5678
In law Quarters
Luuneh \OUI hoal 111 It'll
minutes l1um 1h1-. llcau
t\ lrnm.w :1 hcdrm. l 11
ba "' l<1u11dr~ rm. hu)!l
CO\ pal 111. nl''' -.1111 it)!l'
-.hed lil11..I, w ,1 llt'!I 1•01
Ill'& 1111 :SO!J.!Mlll Wat h V ,\
All dcl'orat1n~ :incl
lan<l~c·a rin~ ha~ been
dnnl' flC'ady to move m·
to \ llclrm, :.! ha .
C t,f:.\N F.R & P RET·
l.ogllna aeoch I 0 4 8 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Decorator's Delight
2-Sty. English country
M)lc w1upper liv. r m .,
frplc .. bdrm., den & ba.
Guest rm. & ba. wlsep.
l'ntry on lower leve l.
Needs work! Offered for
immed. sale: $149,500
Mission Realty 494-0731
By owner , panoram ic
ocean view, 2 Br each un-
it in quiet end of W.
Two bedroom, l ~ hath Newport. Nr Santa Ana
home with tile roof. Spec· ruvcr J etty. Call S48·'121!l
tacula r ocean view. or5S9-4221 Tota lly r efurbished, 3•--8-L-U_f_f_S __
decks, hardwood noors.
T eenaqers Retr~at
$66,900 term"
!);JI :>HOll.t•\ e.., 8-17-~1!23
lnt'I RE Network 0 0 't 0 U N I': 1-; 1J :!
llO~ES 1 ~ ON!-:~ Try
Ornma\ll'ally situated . lh1.., F'rrnrh Chalt•au' ---------1 ttl'••<1n&hay\1ew:1:t BR. Lots of •·o lcl worhl · -------
l:.11n rm. pool & jacuz:ti. l·hu rm. from ~nod en
3 Car ~ar. s.!119.500 shulll'rs & l·cdur sh111.:k-.
PAU L MARTIN lo the su~pt:mkd. \~mal
ready to move in condi· Beaut. 2 br, 2 ba "H"
tion. $'169,500. plan on g reenbelt. l m
[ . jj!. J .-.;:;i mac. cond. w/many int .. . ;,/JOIU/ t improvmt'11. 644·1549
F?r ·,11 f • t. 111 • 11"
1M.111.11111 H.1y 1'1.11.t
(>bl tlbl Wll .rnH8
IU:Al. ESTAT E 644·7383 111g stairt:ast'. Bea11t1t11I
----plush car pelin~ an<I
Real est a t e SALES·
AGENT openings. Self s~rter for a progressive Lake Foreit 1055
&C1noovativ&eCornce. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Duplex · 2br. 2ba hse Mesa Verde $79.850. Lrg cu.~tom drap<'s. Sedudccl
+2br, 2b<.a apl ovl•r 4br & Cam rm. 2ba. Pnn plush patio Atrcs ol CllaNY ompmy Priced lo sen.New 4 bt' +
)! a r J I-? e . St 711. 5 O O only By appt. 556-1530 J(rccn gra..,s & l<>Wering
Larkspur, 500 blk ---- -trees surround this ~6003 BYOWNf:R I T:-.l llSJ" -----Mesa Verde immaculate po~ u a r , ' • • + ~1ar. Al Brookhurst
497-2457 library. Backed up to 1---------•l·--------•I woods . By Owner , WOODBRIDGE , OUTSTANDING 586-9221.
SPECT CUL .. R pn,atc apt C;il\ nov.:. Hamilton A A f 4 Br 2 Ba. lgc Fam Rm. th111 unique home won t ---------
Quality Duplu S79.900 545· 1588. 545 ~ last!!
An exceptional eu::.tom ----------213·m 1346 rn 963-8961 Smell
bwll home with vaulted rEHDIHG COLONIAL R E. Th R wnod heam l'l'llinl!. e oses
be;:autarul i,olid oak FORECLOSURE ----And adore the beautifol
rabtnels t hru-oul , Owner desperate. must SPANISH HAC IENDA. I h I l lh
f1replares m h\'lng room sell. B•I! custom1tcd pn\al<' court)ard. 3 BR. r~~d~ :h~.,' 1 ~~r~~
and master bedroom. home near Mf'sa Verde l' .. RA & Fum rm Ne_w condo. Pool & clubhouse
leaded itlass windows Country Club 4 Large earth tone cpts. Move·m available. party patio
and a ceramic Lile bedrooms a n cl lort cond J w,t S88.500 A.sk 0 .
Pn vatfl sw1mm1nn pool. for Roy, Agent 898-2636 anang a res. carpets. Jacun1 an the master ~· "' drape ''"'8 500 BK R bath Asking price just re 968 9332 s. ""' · · •
You'll get v alue + OCE.AMVU
elei:ant h vinc in this from lbis2 br,2 ba&den
W · l Rick Arle n designe d !'tunning arm ing on h1 lls1'de home. Tncl'ds Plan B located adJacent to the pool & park. A decks. frpl & open beam
:-;pac1ous home with 2 ce1l'gs. $149,500
baths, laq?c bdrms • ~~ fireplace. a bn ght sunny --<Wl~IWAJii\8'~,,,_.--
k1tchen and ready for oc· ~r-=--..-.
cupancy. Cahforma hv· 1990So.Cst.Hwy.494-8519 ang :it tls be~l for only
a charming 2 bedroom
Rent al wit h fireplace
und a separate patio
duced lo Sl45.000 Make 540.i720
offer. Call 540 1151
OWNER ANXIOUS TARBELL Prime residential pro-
Moved out or area . New , .. ~~/ ~~~;~~at~:~e~ ~HERITAGE
Call 644-7211
OAll:(Y &
la ndsca p1n l(. carp el . '#I lnCallfontlo above Blue bird Canyon. l~~~~~~~~~·I paint in & out. Super ·---------•I $199,500. · I-ch1ss1c home on a quiet DEERFIELD 3 BR Patio 4 cul-de sai:. S84.r,oo MIMI-ESTATE llo me. lge r ea r y rd, AMCHORAGI
Next lo NB. 3 BR, fam rm,
owner says "sell". Come
by Sat/Sun 1·5. & make
ofr. 2038 Aliso. Agl
Very large purk lake $88,500/orfer. 559-4888 IMYISTWl:MTS n yard with Doll HoUSl'. H (7141496-7711
\ '-c..uro•l'•.4 Fantastic location. All THE RAMC
PRO,Etr(! UCHANCIE.... terse on REALTY v. IMV~STM&n' ~ .,.,.. 536-7533 Beautifully upgraded OPPORTUNITY
963-6739 557-7620 San Miguel. Tiled eritry. ---------1 Hu!le ramily kit chen. Excellent Motel in the
:?+2 Bdrms I with rami
ly r oom 2 frp lcs, 2
e n c l o s l' d y a r d 5 ---------1 lrvlne • I 044. Ga r ages . /\11 k 1ng •••••••••••••••••••••••
Separate master . 3 More heart of Laguna. Xlnt
spacious bdrms. Lattice condllion. Large pool &
cover ed patio Bring recreation area. Short LOWEST PltlClD
your VA buyers. A steal walk lo beach. FoT in· LA FAMIUA SlO.S.000. AR\. 675·19'12. or
I 002 _e_v_es_960-__ 5022 ____ _ ON" ••1 Q.,, ~ ,L,.,, '"'"' "'.... lly~o Realty 3 BR, all upiradeJS. cor-X..rwe I bdrm. 2 llloty •
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• cae:
110111 ILlllS ca.
Low atS107.000 Call 752-1700 rormaUoncall: A.JRAMI
MISJ...a.2 [ \'.6 I 494-5671 499 2800 ner lol, vl•w. Near Sad-Newly painted In & out. r.:i~~i~~:: ·,.~·f: ·~ ltildM --,·OO/o-·o·o·WM-·1--1 ~~~:.~h~rr:~:e~ Stsr-~:::c:~~·
8QUlh\ after Colt• Mesa. D 0 w N N 3 .. _.. 2 b f 1 $72.500. Auwnable PRA, R !:ALTY lNC. Don'lwaltCall 752·1700 l!..tt.5y LIVI .... '-ew ue\Jrm, a , P c, 8'1i"4 loan. Owner will * s-..12'0 * '""" ri• 2 dttlcs, dynamic design. ~ 2nd T D ro ~~~=~~~~~
S"!N 11•11:V1\...,9
•1i""}I' MaithlCJtoesh•• t040 lf )'OU Uke the food life + Older upgraded 2 ~arr,yyrs. or ·m alre 'ofrerr.1-[I&~ l!n~ ;;;;;::,:·;;;;;:;.:'.::. .... v~ tmno! a .... 3 :~~.·~::.'! . .:.'i~~!h :: .. '."".:.~~~:,:!~ ;:' ted! llSl-2$51 alt = .!::'.~~. t~~ ... ~~ •• f~~ 4orSbdrm modell •vall, Bedroom Calllornla us about t h lll 1 BR oceanvtBw. Priced to sell __;, ________ of Me.dow "CoutJloe. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE
Located In T hb Ntiw'=r Canyon
Crest Arca or Popular Corona ,Del
Mar . Lovt1ly "E Plan" Town.l1ou.1H~
With 2 Spaclt>ua Bedrooms 2~
Bath.,. 2 Firepl aces 3 Patios -Near
Jnvittn PooJ & J acuui. Built ln
AU·Eh:ctrlc Kitchen. Bt!autlfully Carpeted&Dra~. Asklng$tu,900
111 OOY9l OllYI 631-1800
' some w/po0b. 968-4802 Home! Owner must sell lallefronl condomln\um. at $232,000. World Wide ....,,,.... leich t OH '10.006 firm. &U-29U an.
lot 3Br. 4en, re· Pennln~ Properties nowt Only $75,900. Call HIWPOREA~ARSYIMI ~ett, 673-4S4.S, )ean· ••••••••••••••••••••••• $:30pin.
modeled. $82,500. Phone BY O WNE R Hunt 'g REDCARPET,'154-1~ ... av . Lar 10 C ut tom Ho nto,1---=-__.._ ........... .___
•1595 Landmark aduJtcondo. 2 WALMUTS"'UARI! __ ..:l:,:3:.: ... :=.:S::t:.:6_....:....~--:-;::-:-~-:---·11Jdo lalo. Pool 11h:o lot.
Br a Ba brand new ...,. TYROL S21M,OOO/Often. FJoxihlll· v. TBMI pl • I d c II Attractive "A" \Jn\t w /2 wooo1a1DGI &y on Interior reaturca.
MHA VMDI ~~ & l'l>I • 8 bdf'ft)I. 2 baths. lam rm ., Want to live on th~ top or (8·5.> $40·1383 Broker
St\arp home In xlnt areA lure• pal.lo, pool Ir park New A rb o r l at• the wor~? SM tb\a fine eooperaUon.
on quiet. tr .. abaW st.1•-•------1 nearby. VF.RY SK.ARP ! townhome w/lra ruar famUy bOme inlbonlcat --=--------
Motivated teller arrees ~ DUPll ThiJ is a 1unn)' tnd unll >'•rd , 1unlten Uvlnt room n e l I b b o r h o o d • 4
ln wrtUl\J to pay L'iOO of LOCA'ftOM w /lOUoffl .... tM.900 fl formal dlnlna plus 2 bedroom•· Sl.24.:.'..;500....,:..;.__._
bu..vcr cl011ln• cotll w/a ••J•-•.;;....t..; .. _,, IV&YHCMB..AHD mdter DR1ult.-
full priced VA orter. Of· ru K"rmt, UDUl91' •"""'' UM.TOI Hi..o4l4 Y.WY '40.,toO
feted at $19,IOO. ~ .. 91 ~~ ~· llWT7. hllrrJ, , · mtA IWHhWe Woodbrid • I BO 2 8 A
1 "" 8nMld1000I' pe.Uo bome. .,, -. 141-JlH JWIOOU9 wide 1nd ou ~~~~~~~I suuoo OwtMrss1..o.
! A· HF.RtTAG£
• I< LALTOP~ ~ Walkm & hm
Rea1 l!'Altate
• h
-...... .,. .... ,. _. ... -
DAIL y PILOf tlTT ........ "-et Uafwi11l 1ll tto..1 Uaf• hti.d Hon•a U.._..a.d TownhMM ..... aa-4 ~--....!~!:!!!!:.2.!._ _____ _!~:!!!l:.!!!f!!!!~~~t!?:! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• ••••• ••• ••• • • • ••• ..... •••••• • •••• • • • • •• • •• •••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• •• • • • u..tw.ithed 11 is • • • • •••• •. • ........... . MMMt'-S. ~~•tat. Qftlw._.W. C.0-.. M.-JIJ2 c..t.._.. )224 Hi.t ... whecll U40 H-W90t"tleec~ 3JH ....................... Mew rtle~ l7'9
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• ••~•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••'•••••••••••••••••• i.a~o "'Or4~t a'lro" ~a•v '°' D.........I ... --.~ a ~ ~a • ' ~. Ill '1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .....,.,_,. ..... I OH Mebile .._, ~ rrci,er+r 2000 WINTERLl!:A.'iF. MN a Vcrdu 3 -t-fumlly, 1 ._.room ~omlruum • ..,. WAllRROMT twnb.le 3 Br, l\ott ba. ~ 8each-wlnter ren
••••••••••••••••••••••• p.,. "9 I 100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 lidrm1. pvt b•)front t~ ba •new paint. $400 nl:lar pool and tenole. 3 Dr blt.ru. frplc Yrly rrplc, d1hw,,hr , duh ta.I Duplex 3 Bn 2 B . ~t:Al~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• bch. UOO /mo. Aat Mo.No pet~ ~/m o nth . Call ta1:. 'oays.'?74-4ls4 or fucU. lake. kwu::.. $315 up:$m.2BR.lB~dow~
\JlWSHTl•trn 1.1' IPACIHMTUO. ArAITMIHTS 17S_!!IOO_ Aaent8331788 -77. t!Vea/wknd116756169. mo.'1-.017~ -$385.Jtolhw/pr&frplc
J Br ~ ('nr•t t 1111 111 uun 1111 udi COMM•C:lAL ...__,.,. .. ecll 1169 CoftlulMn .. w ... 1 Neat, 2 br, t ba home, BLulTsWATERViiW ~_..,....... 3 600 2914 W Ocunfreltlt
du. 2"°' Ba, nr .,. ... ,1 Aal it b1 • I u11. 11olr cuod, fl•w tMDUSTRIAL ••••••••••••••••••••••• Before you pay iome w/cpt.a, dtpl, 2 car xar 3 Ba. & tam., beaut. gat· ••••••••••••••••••••••• et&-2030,ort7U17t ~:ofr!~c •11> • •rJ' ~lit• MH~ _ LAMD-MHr ON THI SAMO a1enchta fur the "run ~~Nice ~re. ed courtyd Agt 8'4-ll!S Bci~il 2 blka, spec 3 Ur 2 Oce:Wroat 3 BR. 2 Ba
K lNV. ,_..., _ ~for•• I JOO &1tuUtul 3br, 2ba, dpl•, a r o u n d • ' c • l I foe • • •&tn • nu Oc nl t 2 BR 2 Ra Ba, ~ 1ar, N R Nu ffllk, Sept. -June. or yr:
••••••••••••••••••••••• 'fSJ'AT l·; $1,500,000 µ.Uoi nw crpt1, drp9. CONSUMERS GUIDE. · ca ron • • (.M!ta. -yrly. fJ.t>l~ ly 91M756 ---------•) ~ ~ n. boua. Ofl tl Aval lmmcd(ately 'tll ld&QY bavt and aro llad 2 BR blt.ns n.... c~ll & icar. crpt/drps, refn1i. -1-'--------ul>O ..... • A 'TIIHT10N M , ••• ~. fl) u J d Qt r II' em 9ll(IO '7D-'l'10 d"I I.bit dld. 100'• of bae'• dr....: Bea'ch /Oa ield Yrty lM. $000. ~ 3 UK. 2 Ba "2 Br l~ ba. i-------.... -DIVE.LOPUS · ' ' ' •-• A • l'-bl ' ..... · • , W\ils. Prime 14eea Verde OCIAMR,__ CHARM I NU 3 -.chui atublt••· pool, beautiful ~l•v•/wk.nds p,.ll • apt I ava • e '350. mo.~7210 'Br a ba fam rm 3200 neiabborbood Both _,
..,...._ Opftl bHni run ltl\irn" Cw.oty 111 ~n l16ni..bt41<l. Avp1.un1.aut11l --NOW! At beach or ... \Jp ft ~·s.nu 'NB • • WINTERBENTALS lnietlon ..... , IH 11111 • ··~mud, •ripru• 400 •MJy. Oceantrontdelux.e famlb' 1o 100'• ot NEW Ustlnp 3 Br, 2 ba, frplc l*tio. 5 ~ aao, .. WI~'!' crpt., p.lut. 81\DI 2118,lba. *'10
r acrn. I' ltl'l for 1111111 home.Compl.tu.rn.3br, each da1 . Small bl.kl ocean. BIUna, New mo.Asent.541-5033 & EZ care l,•tlo• & 14e.1aa.2ti... 1556 ~t.reettualrdl li•l rencf\r.s. \ M11tt3 h um M~ICAL fflHLOINGS 2 ba,Afrplc, aaraau. fee/FREE Ufo aervlce. cpg/dri-.213-'25-0314 NewNptTerrace3brCon· :c:~:~· f5~iL\~~ly, 2BR,2ba. $400 UOOllALTY 1..alte JJc-rri• Onn1.:. ~.n Ol•&u. l\el1. vall.3tolrnos. 6'5-4900 do,nrbch.~.83"'1441 : in· STBtSTOllACN ... 7,.7 ,._ 1..C~ TAYLOR CO. kl\'1.tnudet:w11U88 $700.6'7~1.M9 ••C.....,..Gt.lde 3 Br, 2 ba, bltna, acer dyt645-6'763evs tergreen.G31-lli&. 2BR,den,2ba $37s • r #¥¥ 95Ml50 aar .• fenced yd, pool, ---------• 1 BR... 1_
1Klt'l.1':X Nwpt~ad1 Ol'l B1'.:ACU ln •m•ll $400. New E ·aldo 3 br, 2 "'40. 14'31 Cbat.eeu La.• Br, 2 Ba, spac, beaut, Apcalii_,.,,_.M.d i.ea,l~~ ~~
s.ca. ••• t. 1076 ....................... ....
llU H...,_
Corona del Nar
You are the wl.nnt"I' ot
4Tkbhtothe '" ........... htti~al
1''iunily ~t.ertatnlDWlt Oct ia.od2
Woodbndac 1n Irvine
(Culver Dr. at
tiarranc» >
J>leaae c111J ~ ~78, Exl
333, lo claim your
F\Ju!C up.1'.'r huuso, 3 c111 .car.we. l:iunlc hvu."H:, uu1
hldp, wdl w11h•r, fl.Inc
1nai. lot. ut trt-u:s lk·m.:
11111tt rnto ;n1. Te·rmo11.
(7lf)fl'T7 ~l
5 AtrT~ loud~d with oak
ltt't!S U\ tbt5 c. "levelaml
N11lKm•l J.'l)f't'tlt, So. uf
Orao&o C:o. Munldpal
w.tler, )(cullu roll1n1
knnlb for vit•w 111ll'I.
U°WllCI 'A Ill rur• y A~:T.
t7t41676 5717
Of( :,;i3 ~JtW ----eomm.rciol
3l Ult w11t1 m~'OUl 5i~ rirlvaite community. ba. yard, enc:I. 1ara1tt1 873-454.S Dover Shores, fplc, ta•••-••••••-••••••••••• -. ,...
V\'r munth, Pilllc&pMlll Dt-corat.or fuml11~ed 4 luUDd. No pet.. kit & din rm, 2 car gar. lal>oa ldCllMf 3706 uul bu~rm with VIEW of 'n>LMaml &U·l603 3.8r2Ba,cpta,drps,2car fll0/molae/opt..673-CM5. •••••••••••••••••••••••
y. M•in Ch4Ulnel " J etty. gar . Jge yard w / encl . Up~r 2Br c:pta/drpa associated lJlJJ•f.fo:X 'SW.~I ~:xi/mo, wrnter. A&t. s BR, 2v. BA, 1or1eo~ puUo. '1062 Ford Dr. $450, 3 Br, 3 ba, Frplc, heated frpk ~ blk w buy $42b
Olcl town Uuo1JnJ.l11n Heb 6:11 \ 100 brand new ~'Ondo. With 2 21.3""39--0281 pool, 2 car ,.r • .l'luah mo. 6'7s.zn3 • 0111)1 fR';', IH 11, Tl)RS
'u/, '\ ~'"'~· .J e • • J •I'!
lrg. pal.Joe, 2 car garage, new bm cpl g, freshly =;,~;;j;;~3)~;-2b;;j~~~~~;;;;;; 01''1'.,,tn·: ilUlLDlNG 4 un on Beach, winter pool,jacuul.tenni1.Sub· In.. 3244 punted. Xtra nlce. So. 8-yfroot, 3 BR, 2 bl iuiletltttu~b,.ck,"uo<.l tax ~~re... alti4-21117 & m1tonkida6pet.s.$460. ••••••••••••••0 ••••••• UOO/mo. Maria nne, apt. Lovely l uxur.vOceanfroot .. Rltht 011 ahdld~·,., )i~ld on olc CalJS49·3710or586-1956. RIMTA.LS 6t8-7414or~. d~lex,$625.675-3878_._ beach". uw. pd. 1 br
vnre.Pnuripul:.only. Coodo, new 3 Br 2 Ba, 2 2 BR,2 ba •.•... $425/W NEWPORTCREST Bc6oaPttainsulo 3707 s270·S3"JO. 67S·0613 ;
on·1t:E BUILDlNt;-
Nwvt llo•ch. lncuon •
S108,6U. Price 10.X
ti l'Obll. P rlll CI J.'"'1Ji on) y,
M·2 LOT-Kosecrans
1uea. Apµrl\. 2 26 acres
~l till :.4.ft. l'rinc1pali1
Beaut 4 Bdrm home car &ar, relrt&. wshr 2 +Dorabr,2ba ·· SS2S 4BR&JBR,tennis,~1• •••••••••••••••••••-·• ~
w I b .. a c h out f ront d I 3 BR. 2 &. · · · .. · $435/700 .,..... Wint.er bd •---.-.-~.-;.-~.-~~~--~-· " · ryr, pool, tennis.yr y 3BR,2t,\Ba ..... S40Q-450 Avail.1nuned.87HTUor .2or3 rm Dplx.1-lo'abuloua vlew, comp! lae. MIO mo. W.3443 .. oo 2,L. n. .,., .. 5 675-3428 1295 up. 114 E. Balboa BAQILOI furn. $850/mu, winter .. _ Tll _. •• • ..... •••• 81 cL l~l ht!. 2 Bt, 1.ba. focd yrd , very COSTA MESA BLUFFS Plata 3 Bdrm, __ v _______ _
On water. 3 Bdrm w/boat clean, new paJnt, pvt st, 3Bll,abatbs •••••••• $4.50 end unit. Frelh paint, 1 br, ateps to beach $250 lln"
sl.lpS750/mo. nr schls. $360/mo. Call plush carpet. Spotlesa mo. yrly. Inc l. ulll. ""·
Oceanfront 2 Bdrm Doll btwnS-9pm,6'2·1316 throughout. Walk to 67:>-5800, Bkr. AI.LUTU. PD!
House Short t.e $350 markets, pool, schools & 100' _from t.he ocean. · rm Lg 4 bdrm 2 ba. Greatly park. s5ooimo. A&l. Wln~r Rental, super .loc, Avail. oowz 201 Jo:.
perw.k. . up1raded, now palnt, 640-5500 lacing bay beach. L1ght Balboa Blvd. Only $251) On Lulo. On wat.cr with ca~ts. drapes, floors, a\ry. 2 Hr 2 Ha lower per mo. NO FEE. CaU. rrop«iy 1600 1NDUS1"HIAI. m.DGS
~EST BUY IN ~AN ••••••••••••••••••••••• for Jeu11t1. 1''our\l,11n
CLEMENTE. Jt'ull <X.'ean ---------1 Valley 1o1mJ Anaheim.
btlach nnd m1ru vu. 2 sod lawn. Dbl flreph1ce & BEST Original Bluffs dupl~x. Resp udlt.:;, no Sueat5..56-77n mytime.
Bdrm. S800/mo indoor BBQ. Assumable area. Family si%t!d 4 pets. $400. 675--6549
WATERFRONT HOMES VA loan. at $43,000. bdrm, 3 beth townhome. ~Jew , from t h\1 prot
decrt'd 3 BR, 2 HA hm tll
Harbor &tales. All elt•t•
kitchen, qwel :-.l, only
Sl.19,SOO. Try 15% down,
& hurry. Prmc. only.
c714) 496-BOJJ or 1213)
Coplstrano I 078 •••••••••••••••••••••••
OFFWE. apt & 4 Ull hous~. Xlnt Jocullu11
Great p otent1ul.
$195,M-SJ.:>M down.
F11r a rornplcte 1ntej!rat 6.:11-1400 A"entis we lcome LB. Not occupied since com-OCEANFRONT, 3 br. dlx Winter Rental, 3 Br & 2
t'd s}'!tem approach to Priced $80,900. Brkr ... 523CAMPUSDl:l9'VltfE pleteredecorauon. Move 2·car gar, no pets. $525. I.Ir , cumplele\y re-
.di .Hea.1 Eslale ac. fo'urn or Unfurn JoveJv _S46-84TT tn now! Everything new wntr.~O model~~ blk tc> bch. t rt tm t J &g......,....,,. $725/mo Oc -1 ~I gar. $375 & SJiS. hL 1v lt!!l-tllYC!i en pro-3Br. upper Ba y re· J e 2 B r· I TURTLEROCK 4 Br, -·-A'64o..S560 . eamrenl luxury 2. & 3 &last+dep.67S.9"'alt
Jll'rt1es. tax deferred ex· s1deoce, w/btfl garden, cut.'de-3a~· ~::;:;~poan 1"11m Rm, lg. Dln Rm, ll Bdrm, 2 prk'R· Winter 6PM d1:hanl~es. "-Yt"d1cat1on~. pallo & g~e. avail S42S. inc't eardner: atnum, 2 Ba, nr park & USTBLUFF $400. up. 2004 W. Ocean·l---------eve opmen • proper Y mid Oct. 6 mo. or looier. SS!-507l pool. SS96mo. 752-0188 freot. 5'4·2402 OCEANFRONT YRL 'Y 2 m:magement, curl)Ora\.c Gll-0552 3 Br, 3 ba. w/fam +den, Br l Ba. encl gar, 'ut
portioll,'?8A·LL "''OR 2 BR, frplc, patio, yd. Lovely 3 br, 2 ba, w/DW, fforlm /dlln, !.!J5/klcblnenl, Corona ct.I Mar 3722 quiet end or W. Newpol"\ "' ,. HousesU....a.-r5hed Adults only. No pets. cpg, drps, patio, fenced rp c, v ew. -· mo " ••··~··•••••••••••••••• 54»-7'l19er~l · INl''ORMATlON '"-$275. 645-U03 or 6"6-67lO. yd. Nice neighborhood. gard &WU-. Avatl Oct 17. Avail. yrly, 1 BR on I--__:_-~_:::;,:_ __
:;:::::••••••••••3••2•0•2• or548-8019 Kleis/pet welcome. $405. 645-4107 a.each, pvt gate. $375 mo. S.CletMttte 3776
l\11 outes from Dana
Point Manna. Sea breeze I•~•-•--~~~·-·-·-~---•! CROSS COUNTRY
-963-4.567 Agent, No fee. 2 B 2 Ba $400 utiJ ind. f21J) 92¥-Ul44 or •••••••••••••••••••••••
••••••••-••••••••••••• 2 lir, middle a&ed cpl pre-THE RANCH + r~Ul. A3~T! "::·pets. (714) 675·TI64 l IWrm, 1 bath, furnished.
I Ir A RENTALS f'd. No pets. $27S mo, $100 W/O N' II Peol & sundeck 2 bl.Its to & frash air descnbeb the
:1etling for lhi~ 'ta ucrc
with 4 BR, 2'-'t BA, 4 car
.:arage. Owner is anic·
rnus. We have a $6,000 re
:i bdrm. H~ ba. V1lh1ge
Sun Juan condo. J tar
garage. $63.000. Pr111c
<Jnly. 543.aros
Santa Atta 1080 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Lovely 4 bedrm with
enclosed putto. Carpel'!
& drapes. Upgraded
thruout. Wet bur ln faml·
ly rm. Elcc gar door
upener. Pool equip. &
many extras. Seller 1 o
carry Isl TO. $125,000.
RED CARPET. 645-3474.
2 Baths, fireplace, wood
lloor s, ced ar s hu1gl1•
roof. dblc garagi·.
Roy McCllr'Ch
R~aftOf' 1820 Mewport
Costa Mesa 548-7729
Upgraded t rl-levcl.
Prt me location no11r
pools &jacuzzi.11. 3 bdrms
w /calhedrul ceihnRs.
:Xlnl for entertaining.
Priced below other unit.a
al 968,000. 545-9491.
otlMr Real Estate ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mobile~
ForSale 1100 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Prime Comm crnr lot
70xll7 Nwpt Blvd. Sm
bldg. Gd vc;1b1hty. Ail
6<11;·7171 ------
714:848·1 l88
Wbypay$2.S·$30when dcp.M6-S63'7 3br +den, 2bo. Camel H ·sfa~ r . oaa Studio apt, ut1l. pd. m bc:h.$260/mo 414-7237 you can get lh~ bet1lfor crpt, lovely yrd. $-160 mo o,,p. xchgefor Vele nnary oite •
1 $1S fee 1 Da s Blfi E. Side locaUolJ'L~ incl'g gardener. llent· Ba kb h 3 b -> attn. daties. Mul>t be 2Br, S225 mo. Lg patin,
$l!i0t.trn4·Ple.x ulilypd 38r, 2Ba, lam rm lse.644-4201 bac Nayc atrmer,l 5r ~ reispon. 673·1050; closetotennis,&olf quwL
S160 NwptBch .... 1pd w(frplc, db\ gar, 233 ·. ew cp • pam · lU· 9AM-6PM adwls492·2134 ' 2000SQ.FT. uu folowcrSCTSmo.6'2-2639 TO WNHOUSE Univ . ~(.>Jttswelcomc. Lr"yrd, -------
OFFICE BUILDING ---------1 ~1750plx, frpl. yrd Park, xlnt. greenbelt ex-1mmac occ. SSOO mo. Fum. 1 Br apt. J Blks ,.._ 1
J Wit off Newport lilvtl , 7 UNITS SlllO l BR, pool, utrl pJ $!75. 2 BR, 1 Ba, gar, re· poi;urc, cov'd. atrium 770-1166 from bch. $350 mo lca:.c. ~ .... ~L
withadjacenlH·2 lot&J $2002BR2·Pl.x,w11lcon-dec,fcdbkyrd.Adullcpl, Lndscpd. courtyd. & 675-51184, 640·7771 or TiinU._.d r,~ta M~a. t•7,""". 1·0 SJder children no pets. 646-1078 putio. Cathedrul ce1l'gs , . . 640·11439. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lir 2 Ua hOU!IL'. Amplt' ""'' ""' op4 •"'" ...,.,"2 ll'-'C M .. t N H h Ibo I k o ·1 k come.Jluge lol,$169,950. .,_... " · ·"P · . frml din rm. free stand-e wport e 1a Ls J -Ba a sland 3806 J:~~~·trud~ef~~~~!~.t' ~03ClR,k1dsOK SHAR.P , NEW, !1ear ing frpl. Adlls. $550. Rd rm, fnc'd yrd CostaMesa 3724 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 UNITS U!26Ncwport81,C.M. Wesl.l>1dchlurfs&v1ew,3 552·9353or493-4818 $195/mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• FROMSJOOT0$7SO
on JO.OOO sq rt + + + lot ~S::.C'.= 645-5990 br. 2\A ua, auto, ~ar, 1 ~Be h 3248 Corona dcl Mor 3 Bdrm. $40.00 WEEK & UP All yearly; also housl''i
llUlll(AAl I i'.oncd (.>2 R-4 i':a"ltside $450.963·6372 .......,_... ac 2 ba, frplc . be;&m:. •Sludro&lBRApt.s mcludL'<l.
Costa M c'>J. $129,950 HOMEFIMDERS 674Co St 3 B f m ••••••••••••••••••••••• SS95i mo. •TV&Ma1dServAva1l ttwnboldRealtylnvest
&IS 989l\ .i~t Callfomta 's lar&ei.t w; f r~el c .' $l~S .•~ta 2 3WBr,lk2Y, babe. 2 char p~rklng. ShorcclHfs: Charming ~ *Phone Serv, lltd pool 675-4822
Sincel942 Wallace 3 Br fam rm a lo ac . Jacuu.1. bdrm home w/laral! 2376Newpe>rt Bhd. CM
onH HOUIC Rf Al I y
1111.10..nv• c ... i. .....
645-9161 Sl<IS f'Jrn l br,Apt w/frplc.' $350. • 2197 Ca· 180 ocean v ie~. N r . patio~y~rd S700/mo. 548 9755orG45·J<JG7 VQ:Je~a~ ~~: :.;~.9~:
BY OWNER ~~~Y~~~ta nyoo 13, 2 Br, $295. Onvc shops. $600. 499·3031 Lidu l::ile 2 Bdrm +den & F\Jm. lgc & small 1 br, 205 Pearl. HELP!! Two 4 plcxes, stde hy S18S 2 br, kids in L.U b y , l _h.ae n c a l I ABHl{t.IJ 3 Br 2 Ba, comer VlEW$800/mo. closed In gar inc I'd. -------
side. Mesa del Mar. CM r->to 2 br, W"""Lmm pie:< 673-61311/6Clf.1)282 lot. Great view. $550 mo Udo l!Jlc 2 Bdrm+den. Adull!l. no p~ls. 2l lu Spacious 2 br apt, frplc. Huve Investor-builder X lnt cond. Never ,1 "" """ ~ M M LI $1200 ' d n Sh ~ 2 br, 2ba, yard Quiet • ~ .. brhd 3 B 2 b o. to o. or e. 'mo. Newport Hlvd. J::ro un r. are gur with $.~.000 to $800,000 vacancy. SJ00.000. 25<;"~ S!:SOlbr, unt, kidsok o~ · r, a Ebb Tide RJty-494-9456 On Water 3 Bdrm & of. -----$100 per mo yrly. Ulll 111.., Must buy liefore end of dwn Short esnowreq'd Cambm,lrgfncdyd,kids fke. ram rm, ctin rm & Sl951mo Dix 1 br, Mobile dud.64"4·9279.
1!177. Need s hoppmg Pnnc only. Please caJI S27S3br,2baklds,Tll & pet.9 ok. SSSO. 646-6238 J Bdrm, 2~ ba, bllios. h c 1 f d It
& PM ...,.,,. .. +2Condo,pool or"•""""". S•-ctacular ocean/•·•· li oat dock. Private m. omp. um,a u s, center, commerc1al lam.I btwn4 8 . 540-6338 .,..,.,.,.. ._..._ r-.. ""ls n t Opeo 7 days Fee $15001 mo. no "" . ""we , secure. \O'llts, 1UO·d1v1111on land, Lotsf: S 1--2200 New 3 Br Condo . nyonvu.1059Sa~taAne . WATERFllONTllOMES i:ondcrosa Mobile
etc, etc. Op<•n to sugge~· or ae 557-0822 S "nflo .... er •. Bear . LB. $525/mo. ~2 8007, Call03t·l·'OO l::i.tates. 1991 Newport 10. Nice 1 br. Respons1-l1ons. "··11 lfaz"I Joni•~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... .. "' 1~"5807 " d
Co....,N'rtNL' .. N1'AJ.~ VACA._.T LOT Balboal.ac.d 3206 Im med occupancy. .,.,. · __ 646-8373 ___ ble a ults. No. pets. U\11
c.. " ...,,,., Ph 644-1493 • --LftH 3250 -incl. Avail 9/25. 106 E . R L THS. •••• ••• •• ••• ••• •••••••• ..,.,..., ino. _,..... rwlfS BLUFFS $27S. Fuml~hed 1 & den Bay, apt 9.
957 1319 73 037 CDM S"'65 UTIL PD• ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" Ult " !----'-'"-'-------. or 6 ·'1 .. • • $200 HUGI! 3 Br, 2 ba, A/C, bwlt1ns, 3 • .....__ f: 2'h up,..-r. ns, gara,,,e. R11re Spy.:lass lJlll lot Unreal 1 ManY xtraa, --. am rm. Stable sin~le person, no . Yrly, 2 Br 2 Ba. <len. Bwldm& & fee land on w mat£nlfl• Pnl ucl'J.n & m.iny more avl at beach. Circle this, hu pal SS7~ mo. Nr. Moulton ba. GnetttMtlt, nr pool. pel5. 2234 Rutgers Dr. gar utll. w/sof\ ~ter.
Coast Hwy. Manner'11 Fashion hlanrl views Small fee. Unl. Call the 8+mor1e.fManylFmEore5 avl. Plaza. 23706 Sores1na. $575·$800/mo. Rltr .... ~--Penln Pt. No pet:. 1'hle. 50x270 ft. Will con· Pt'rfc1..1. for y1Jur cubtom p ( 1 d mat ec/L 'erv, SS2·9503or 9S.5·2200 ""."!""!nr-· 675-8229 sider any reasonable or horn<' ro rnt serv lo ay Unt. Prof mt! serv. 644-0134 HartMMr 37421----------
fer. Prln only. Call R.C .TAYLORCO. &1~900Consum ... rsGu"1de 6454900 LOC)UllCIHIC)Hf 3252 -,L-A-Hors ranch In "ack ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. Mar 3122 Grorgc 646-7071 955•0350 .... * •Coosumeni Gulde ••••••••••••••••••••••• '11 " e 0 St d" PCJJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bay on ~olf course. Hi u 10 on . across c d I I /T ----Coronadel Mer 3222 UNREAL' Only $215 All OCEAM VIEW beam ce1 l. frpl, gar. fr~m bch. Pool &Jacum i---------h!.:.': f'o:~ i7o"o Bullder'1 Dell9ht ....... ••••••• •••••••.•• uW pd. Kids OK. small Adult.s. 2Br. 2 ba. Frplt. Space for boat & camper. S "' 5 0 I m <> • D a Y s _,.
••••••••••••••••••••••• Res1d1•nt1al lol with Cotta~e. 2 Br l Ba, p~l10, fee. Unt. Prof mtl :ierv 2Clubhouses. J acuzzis & Cmpll fncd. $475/mo. l7141119-t·l717, evs, (213) n;Bl .... v
view, Lakt-Arrowhead new decor. car1>0rt. S. of &15-4900 pools. Lea-~. 752.9250 Cal1546-60\.3. :ri-2971_.______ '[I,. z~~c_s_
o.corotor's Moct.I R·2 D<'sert Hot Spnngs llwy. 955-3547 evl's. ••Consumer!\ Guide ----N f s -----2br, 2ba completely Call for info --------1SEA TERRACE 38r, den, S22S Utll Pdl cw urn. tud10. acros!)
fum'd Condo for the d is-646-3928or54S-J48l Beautiful 3 br, 2 ba +den EASTSlOE old fashioned pool & bch a ccess, F · from Bch·Dock avail. c·rlmmalin°. lnclds ""''I, c ust. bm . Mex tile, 2 Br hou.~e. Oak floor'>. guarded, ocn view, lse. antaMstic has rcfl +t Water pd. Jacuzzi, pool. .. ,.~ TI t b S ·' k more. any more av e ~ .... h, drps, frplc, view. '""'una, J.1cun1 . GolCer·., oman u · unu · 1ae yd. S315 mo. 1!!70 $650.1 ·756-3629 .__ h S 11 r U L ~.,,~ .... "' ....,ac . ma ee. n . $275. mo. l/52'l·MJ1 retreat. $47 500. Hemet, &&o-784_!1 _______ C_h_u_r_ch_S_t_._548_·6_;68() ___ Lease Sea Terr, 3 Br 2~ Call the prof. rntl acrv. _ -------
CA. 714·925-8987___ Spac ideal ram hm. 1"1 blk Eaat.side nr 17th St. on Ba, T/H-lennls. pool, bch 6454900 LOCJU"CI Bead! 3748
2 Br Townhouse, frplc.
Pool, tf'nnl!. Some ocean
& Catalina views. Close
lo sboppinf & fine beach .
644·261J •... / ~ C ty --to Big Corona. A BR, 3 d c i ••Con11umers Guide ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... ...... -. quiet cul· e-11oc. harm· occess, v ew. S475. ------
it :..•-1800 -· RA ~I l ~~~~~~~ uu.c PrOpHty 2500 . • •., • gar, gucs rm mg 3 BR, 2 Ba, home, 83l·l678 LIDO ISLE !-
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ••• ••••• & ba. Call 673·5646. fam-rm w,)ge used bnck anr. den, 2 ba. elec Nicely furnished yr ly
'4 PLF.X $20.000
10<,:, down 968·5700
fl "-·-Jb r frplc. nice yard w/lret"s Nliuel Shorcs-38r + de~. gara,t!c door. no "els. rental. 1 Bdrm, $3001 mo, Y ,,,wner. r, nm rm, J Br 2 Ba, p1cturc21quc, & fem s. S475 mo. 955.3649 rt'fng, stove, dues lnl'I d ,.. on Glenncyre, J blk to
Conn din, nr shop'R & claphoard cottage, ateps eves. SliOOmo.494-2245 W'S m~ti7J_·311_24 ___ bch.673-5093or 4944420
anrront 1 br, f/p, gar.
Adlts no pets. $350 Wntr,
yr $42.S. n73-77trl evl'lllS
schl. Gordf'fl Grove. to big Corona. S675 per p v RI rr 213·~1 0401 mo.673-5180; 844-0109 Dano r-1_. Br, 2 Ba, nice home. a11 anora~i<: u. u ,:11 Spotless luxury duplex
----_ Vllm-llOC pool new crits 5425 Cond•J. <! Story JBr, 2 ~ 8 C E 0 Frplcs,Newcpt/drps MAKE R9dEstate FOR LEASE Large O •••••••••••••••••••·~·· !se.'S46-8i74·75\-5lil • httlh.'>, frJ'k. F.nd unit. A H L R wiocea n Wlktobch-&hp'g.Grdnr
bcllange 2800 bdrm home. New' Close to Dana Point ' -Pvtp.1tw.Eatmkllchcn. view&pool,NrMamSt. i,:as-wtrtncl.Yr lylea:.e. FRESH AIR ••••••••••••••••••••••• $1000/mo. Manna NEW 3 Br 21-'l uJonVJtjo 3267 otpool S700i mo 675-7133 _Beach~~-7917 3Br3bal700'SS95/mo
Hon Un a ton lie a c h Of FR Why pay tax~? -Trade 844-1'81 Z200Ba. apl~ l~ve\ for lse .••••••••••••••••••••••• Ext!t'-MI~ Oc-c-an Vu Con· Almost oceanfront, lovely 4 Br 3 ba fam-rm 2100'
Park/adults. 2 BR. I~~ !-'rank Zelamey Realtor sq. · 0 pell. ~ Al.laci. V1l1•1> 3br. :!ha cto. Mslr ~wte+2Bdrms, 2 BR Duplex. g3r. Winter $895/moAdults pre('d No
BA tremodeled) 2.0x.60', 494.8502 Lge duplexhomeioCdM. mo.1714>7~-8511 condo. Enclosedstua1te, 2~, ba, frplc. All rec $425. 49?·17~4 Marlon, pcts509Acacla645·T0411 ~~:ae'f 2 <¥:~~?i'~: ~.~:in.:~t!::r .:;~ ,_OC_E_A_N_v_r_1-;-w-.. -,0-M-E-i.a:u10~;' ~a~e; 8~1~: 2 BH. ma1otnificent ocean pool. 557·559t fa c 11 suoo. 1;1 J-2332. _A~. or 11492~°" e\'es Lge 2 br, 2 ba, beaut view
den, 2•xiO modern . St. Need fast sale Call $129,000. Will exchange Sm pvt yd. $600 /mo. vu. Woodburninl( frpl. leoch 3269 63I Oll3 l Hr, l,aguna. nicely or bay. Trees! Private.
Priced lo sell-won"t Century 21 WeatcllfC, al forsmallcrhou1esoruo-'1S2-06l7Aet. ~~0/1. $375 mo.••••••••••••••••••••••• SortClt~• 3276 furnished, util pd. Adlts, $4?5.875-5205;613-clMl
laat. (SlO'TO·HW 5886). ~7221. &IJI. Or ?? Scott. Realty Br, new carp. Walk to ••••••••••••••••••••••• no pets. Cliff Dr. Area. ~;-;;;-ii;"";-jjiiiiij;;.,i~,_;;;;;;;;::;
BU.962-1752. --~'I 2000 536-753.1 Quiet reald, beaut 3 Br Bch ~ pool. $600/mo. l80Dca.oceanvlow W:ilk to main bch. 1400
:zox56 Slcyllne 2br. 2ba. 5 •••••••••• -;';;; ••••••••• Real Estoh * • * den, Din Rm. btg kltcb, &42-J?Gl. or 642-3850 Mrt 3 Bedrm. 2 ba, $415. mo. or yrly. 497 3493 lhmlexes & I~.
Star C.M. Adult prk. Wanted 2900 Id.ford w/ bltns, new cpt, view, Jarv&1 Scott Realty636-7533 OcHnfront 1 Br. 1m· n°";;r;elors & 2 7d;'m. f Bmt~$U0.3mit.o .,.......,~! ....................... 1.ol~t d 5'115.<71A)'96-0981;DaysModem 2 br, 2 ba, den, S.Jum maculate, attractive, Prime Corona del Mar
ocun. •27.500. By I canfindilfury~. Mpt. Beoch l~ee <2131358·8189 frplc.' pool. Many up· Coplatr.o 3271 quiet. Adltt. Yrty. ~25 locations. Act· 67S·.23H
Owner."5-13S7,648-C211'1. Beacbarea1pectall8L UNITS 'Vouarelhewln~roC &Toro 32J2 grades, nr heh. $4?5. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 49T•lOll2 days.
Pnlb9tes,ForeclosureCI, lBldgonBalboa,Jrenl· 4Tkir.tlfotM ••••••••••••••••••••••• 558-8."134orG?S·l!!. --Ll>vely 4 br, 2 ba, fplc, Mewportt.ach 3769 ~~
Bankntptdff,Dlvorce. ooaa4. ln .... Hon-e•t Roa1Sharp3br,2b•,fplc, parkllng l Br, portly OW, cpt.s, drps, lclds/pet •••··~··••••••••••••••• 11.EATHTA.ICIMQ,
$25 000 Investment propertlet. l Bldg on 2 \ots on 34st Sl. Fetthal cpta, drpe, Jae fenced furn. Palu), S. of Hwy OK, a:ood area. $425. PROMONTORY POINT JITTY VllW
Below market price. All ~ted. Pr. $.'J99,000. Jl'amll~Ente.rtalnment yard, arut lor kids & $325. 613-8611 ; 549 1967 983-4567. Agent, no fee. Smartly lum. 1 BR & Upgraded 3 BR upper
• 'WoriclWldelrobn THECALUSOM c:o. t. land" pet. $385. 9Q.4567,Al•Ot· CdM .,__,, ... 3210 loft. $'150. mo .. 90 day IA ·~chlnaCo rrso' 2 Bednn. 2 a-th M.obU. C 116'1 • no rec _,..a ... na mu1hnum. Tennis. Poc>i, a .... pa ""' ve. •• · ome.20 • • 3-4545 675-4961 WoodbrldCtlnlrvlne ''Scaview", New 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fun 615-5626 Mo. Call Nl1el, at :-DO·=··~·~~ M.wportlch. RHllGf' (CulverOr.at ,_..Yola.y 3134 BR, v\ew with fantastic Vocant,2 br.1~baCondo · "'4·'1'2llA.gt. ·
for deUI&. f'..d J;° • 1 TWO houses on tot B Barranca) ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 w Im It e n n la c I u b In family are.a. Hl&hly 3 Br 2 Ba, fplc, dsh~br, ~ --~ Riddle ownet'. 167.500. ln~om! Will P~.~~hi~.~.~-ash for PJeue call $42-~. Ext. Great 3 bedrm, 2 bath, prl vllegH. Ca II Red upgraded. UT&. BKR eeting deck. l&e dlx up-Br, 1 ba, f~bly painted.
I • '820/mo.OnlylO'i\down. your...,.._orw ...... Back 333, to clahn your hu&ebonusroom-<plc. Carpet,754-1202 9e244T1968-l317 pcr,stcpslOWltt1'.M96 Pool, patio, or bch .
ILO So. Gamaey, Santa paynurts OK. Sc:«t .Real-tlckets. • ow. cp~. drp1, super mo. Oct 1o June. 209 41at !d==· MCM306 · 114• pARJtL.\N'E Jn Npt. Ana.Del b'W-7"3, nelsbborhood, $415. BR, l ba. S350 mo, yrly. 3 Bdrm luxury Condo nr St. 2U·Ht·UU ort----------
Scb. nr. ao.s. Clean. * * * 96J.45l7 A,.nt.no fee. ~~'J8'ef'd. 22l So. Coa!lt Ploua. Pool, 944·6914; wknd1 1ui-.--------Adl&I. DO pea, 4 rm1. DILUXI DUPl.IX ._.. SL, gar. $3.SO/mo. 8'0-4'82 673·3057 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, beaftled
turn'd. t12e mo. rcot. tM,.IOO. 2 Bdrm le new 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Very private executive eves. Ocean Front 2 bl', utll pd, c lllng. Nice kJtchen. $1UOO. e.wTn Bdrm. Income '525 per .._... ,_,.,thed 2 BR. 1 ba w / 1ar,-$175 hOme wl\h 10' wall\ 3 br, N1:W p 1 t " w u ~ deck. ~/mo
ano Oreatnelbborhood ....................... mo .. yrly. IM. lnd • w\r, 2 .,_, famrm, buhl·ln•. •LIDO ISLE• 3 br 1~ ob cond P'J:l· Cs'~· Winttr '375/mo AIL . ________ , m ' PtlllPtt. Open Hoa ...._,al.ct 3106 trubftfrdn'a.MO-m& wub/dr)'•1'· air co;~· a BR1 1 BA, newly pau;,
1ar~ Nr. :0. Cat'. M> • 497-dl ttf-1212
thruFrt,9-5.55"7"'579 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Billa to bl1 Corona eictru. ':::ita-4 • d9crt'a, l11. 1u.nny patio. Plaaa.1375.~ OCEANrRON1'. 2 Bd.~~~~~~~~~~I a---'------·1N. BAYl!'RONT-•lnter beach. 3 Bdrma, 2~ bl, 540-0Sl1, Acceu 1o t.eonl.s, bah la Lo...,.... dphc. SOOD/winter •
...-•acb9dwtperk. •SPINDAlll• •Br 2B a. seoo mo. tormald.ID.JW&emasi.r 1Wksd•lffdl lZ40 dub.Agl (714)'4.4·9060. s.th91f•· 3216 Peggy Broms/Rln-CottaMesa llZ
I Ls• btdrms, I fan 2 ~ °" 1 lot,, abr • 142-lSTOdays, 541-16&T sulte. Fn>Lc, ovt~ 2300 •••••~•••••••• .. ••••• •••••••••••••••••• .. ••• MS-153l •••••" .............. .
lwtN1. IDAft1, ~Q1 ••· 2br. Nicely renovated sq.ft. '7l>O /mo. lHH. Real nice 3 br, 2 ba1 csK:t1 rl Creai Co d 2 2 Bdrm, untum. AU uUI PROMONTORY MESA PINES ~-tor •. :.~!~ property wn"11 tpenda· A&t.m«te&. A-a cat 1.,.,, ienc:ea ..,_ d 2, ... B Ian !'u pd. 01.ta1c. PIS/mo. ~ E I W BRANO NEW. Studio/ -.,... --blei>tr1 NJO 8TEPSTOBAY,IB1l ""'""d ..,.-, en, .,.,. II, e,-. ~.oGal p~,.nOUS . V 1-: • 2 & 2 bdrm $230 ~ ...,...Met•n N!'.;:.im · 2ba.dlnrm.frpl,sar. NewDpliSbr 2ba,tplc:, 1ara, 1oo4 Joe. $3t5. 14M10 • Bil. a & +ton.. n icely $3S0.1mme'ct.oecupancy
......... 2~Uaalstardenl42S nxt to pert. Wit to heh. 904Wf,A&cnt.aofte. ......,... 3291 fl.Im, Smell pet ok. f7lO. Pool1.. jac11nJ. fr~lc AMocHlht DSappblN,6"--0IM ~'7$."288eCoPl•~·lfla IBc' lba qiu drps tear •31DRM• ....... ,uu•••••••0 •• ~ dJbww.AelUIU,ftdpcts
SOUTMCOAIT 641-6611 • ''*" 'Ii Dlc ' '600 New Twnhae on 15 ac. Very nJce 4 br, 2 ba home 0ptat d lb' -ll.arh
-..... A WtNia 19fTAL Nr bee.di.. thope.l. 1.11>per I ~ =:o:r c. • meedow w/pool, Jaeoul, wtth ow, drapes, cpta, 2 WlnteT IBr boUH, S C • • r 972~~.'tbR.2 MUST SELL! C'lwtntn128rUSa,tplc, Brt&e,WID,u/W1 tplc, o. ·otc. vtew. a Bath, dbl· carl(ar .. soodarta.$.WS. rno.'80:?ParkLan•,N.B. ~.ottll~~:r.d~)rd -earqt.811-081M .. r. :s.u. C'l5· .. ,.0; rm,J>ltos,aar car•port, m.'5t7 A.J~ot,noi . l ·'m"'37t UIONTHP'R..,.E .. <UNX·ll) Xlnl Joe • 1'b1s I• • •baf'P 1nde-of· tll-U74 ~ ... ............. OU ho to "'-•• IUl)5 .... " ... _ a btol~ o ... •11·•rahlp •, le" lnll .... P ' II 'tl07 -•-J "' ·-pt ..... mo,....,._ C === OCEANFRONTNewlrtl &a-IC47 .. .. • ,. ,.,, 1-1 • ,.....;.a..;.lo....l...;.._ * be IMna rut ,,... and od6' .. QS1Aevea. "°il. ... "T2 na, 21CU4, t 81\, z Co t• lhH that •l•O ...................... _.._. JJ 4 m11tln mone • Ca11 . ~ ~ 3421 "" 2·car cu. adJta. bO aoo Lllrl't. tmmac. \ br -..; 1•.a·r•. weM>.r, makes S 1e:nae. Oltntt rtntaJ or,._,, 6 -••••H•M•••••••• lciDttttLit1 -.f.as: Ont.be Bay, 2 Pr2 ... un· ••••••••••••••••••••••• .!8~· ~tr 61'3.fMO patio, pool. Matur
JWCclnlC (JYl•TO> ha• alre•d.Y p hued ocao. a .. *· fl'plC • DUPLEX •• l Bat -4er1t'Oulld a-rklD1. ful• I Br Cofl4o hl 1\l~ SQ.I. dle •tt'ms Wllh • adult•. No chlklr~ 0 It" lf!f ; OlMrP"OPei'tl•ndnn.t hn1c1. No fate. t.n.Ho ..... JtlOAa . ileuril)'. 1 yr ti-. $100 uw:Avall0ct.'28Sn.o. DallyPllolClu11nrdAd. pets. lltf Moprovl
JU£1Mf ~Uf llUJA&t,M).UOI \11J)Ml-W.I lmM.,.,h•...... W..Ad8-tpf ea.• mo.UMM!t...: 141.atTL 842-W. a,ea.Ti2'
• ' I
! .
UJ •• I)
-"" ... --
Add it ... Sulld lt ... D1('1per lt ... Hamnler it.. Caroet
it. .. Comcnt 1t ... Wire 1t. H~ IL.Clean 1t .Move
lt. •. Pres\ at f'Jint 1t N~ll It Pla~ter lt. .. Flx It ... SERVICE DIRECTORY Plum tt •.• Patch 1pe 1 cmo c 1 •••
Roof it ... Landscape It .. Tile it .. Trim 1L.Sewlt ...
Haul it ... Add it ... Pl ant 1t... Alter it... Learn lt. ..
4"18Ce • .,..,. c.,..t S..-.lu Ct•M/C..,.... G.•d1tJat G.Mr.t SenlcH HouMcle-'ncJ Pm.tlng/Poperiftt PolnHnc)fPaperi11g ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A•.IA~lk~ n C~tl#lfl1an,,,11Jlanuur. Cf!Mt:NT WOHK. All WEEDINO·<.~EANUPS Duyouh~letoihoporare TH.ESUNSJUNEOIRL.S PalntYotrCcntt. PAINTING. lntr/f;xtr
TR.JP CH"Rta: SlU ur mint. llvl1a 1ra a. ll11111.b k\ICU10m1blu. t 'ue W~kly Maanten1&nc" you W\Mble lo'f lf 110 Cl.Ill To brlgbtun your twme Averaec t-;xtr J Stry ~$ f:,.pr'd, hunc!>l, nt•at ~ ahtn, \ 1•lnn1ni t1101 Ou1r work r11A ('all 750 CMia5 •'rM Ult SU.9tl07 P1aula 54.5-7'94 or buaineu call The 2St.ory $546, lntr M.\rm n~as. I.1c 'd. 91i4 10•5
Mf.MJt ll7 ulr;:i ~\ ':!f;.:.ivln ... •"r"1• C~tor UardunlnaServl~-;.;;;; , S un1obl11e Girls for Prices1J1cl m.atr'l labor _D_a_v_c __ _ . ••r•tlat • ....................... up It bllullng. we.ikly k~.~g~!~~~ieM:~ peraonRl cl~an~ntt Gunr/lnsrd,Freee1t. Puint & Paperm~. 24 yrs
.... ••••••0 ••••••••••• Sb111npc>o & 11tr4111 d""" K .J Hutrmao fJ Son, Oen 1oa1nwn1ncet. Reatona· Caur. Dali as a.e.sss8 1ervace. eMs ra u . 8 Ted 636-708S _ 1>t>rv'e Harbor <1rca. St
\IRS. JA('ORS t'olor brlaihtttnel"I: wha Cv111r. Cuatom All• Add, blc rat.is, tree eeUmatoa. --aoytlme$SZ~ PU01''ESSlONAL Paint· llc 113281, refs. 642-2356.
llab) 111tt 1n1 111 """ r t'SllJI 10 r111n hlHd1 C'lhn JI at 1 o •. c 11IJtoet1 . Afttir 4 30 a11k tor Run. He•""9 ~ ing. Inter/Exler. Reas, PAPER • PAINT. 20 Y-;;
home . n .. r .. ~1on1tl U\',dlnrm,h1111lSIS A\'11. lo11111l·a N1•wcon..t kea _~llor541-498f ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• workguar6'2-0386 ___ •xpr. SaUsfal'lion "uar. Wt)• e\· )U7llill rrn rt:"JO, ruuith SIU, \hi lit romm. 843 41144 / C "" "' --~ \iuar dim V't\ odor W ~l l.\l' Uo11ded ~liable Expr Japanese HEAP EST bauhnir I~ ftoto..sotl pr«t, sprlllr rpt, Fuar prices. State he & tn· Saves. no wait g;j8.J87S -
Woma• will bahnll 2 ""' r~p.ur u ,,.. rxiir --Gardener Reasonable, town. Fr esla. Clit;AP. lawn reoov1lnat comp rd E t · 11 l fl•m•l•rhUdn:n. ll tal'U .;; work myit'.tr. H•·h V,r)wal~ And Acuu,1tf\' fffl'esl.&IS·S23Q~.lk-e. M2-299(5or64.S-1390 548~ s x enor :.pecia s · EXPERTPAlNTlNC ~~alU ~1 01Cll !>Pf't, st l.1c.~117~or OCC St·.,.ent Bl« ~, T ..__ Tryme-CaJlcol»5S.\S 2S yrs expr Loral rers.
121:sit22 u:n11 c;....,,.. w•lce1 ... · • .,. · ...._...... r Cstm work • .Richerd W~(.'11r~Cirpell 'leant-r11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• truck. Trash, tnm. etc. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9'Mi11ty Pmtint 980-3361
••••••••••••••••••••••• Sh.w1 dHnor •bampoc1 P l> I t' urp; •LI r • d HANDYMAN: Carpentry, Randy 64.2·5703, 549-3666. Brtckwortc. Small jobs • ~ett ~ricn Prof. Paper llung1og, lie.
:'l>oon. wlndo"'' i .111'1 .. 1.u uvb<,~lt:r> .ill ~·Jrll ~·11~111L-cr11 & Gen I BUiid electrical plumbing & ....___ .. _. __ , Newport, Coata Mesa & • es/ p~, (279510 & insur<'d
• alwlv.e. Kouah 4' l"uu'h ew.1 ·rrucl. muuul Wltl 111 ~ Cun l r a l' l 0 1 • OoonJ646tisst 847-2787 ~*J Irvine 67S·317Seves. lnlr/ xtr PkkuPwork.'4211711:1 F' Svec111l1l1n~ 11·11111/ -----· ----••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------• WorkGu1r. -Ref!>, • 581 S294(1r97U-4713
Sl.62 per DAY
·1 hut" ~u }Ou pa} 1w
"' 3U dilly ad 111 t lw
~f.t~l, rcu ralu wmm I, new or 1uJds HANDYMAN IMMACULATE CLEAN-MoYlng •F'reeEsts.552-0575 p
b4Cl7020 NC>JOBTOOSM .. '' lNC. You DESERVE the ••••••••••••••••••••••• atioi
......... ---------··············· ........ . c.lllftcp,Acoustfc: S.Ctriu• 675-2440 UEST.759·037_7 __ --LocM a ll & LoLong Dtlstatnce When you're talkin .. Exper. de1ugoer;
• ••••• ••••••• •••••••. •• -. ov og. wes ra es, • Ill I 1 • ••••••••••••••••••••• •• HA.Nl>Y MAN-llomes & HOUSECLEANING a.sour fast erftcaent servke about 1st you have to be c».rpenter w Ii! P you fiA'<lllom~,\c IHJ~tu:i. Quul ELE<."J'RICAL SERVICE Apt:.t. Con~c1entious .Business. Hell able Fre'e est. M ajest1c lst & we' are Jst. For lst build your Ptu)ecl. 3JH.1YL' Lcl.,ur'fti.. H· CAU.SSl!lnr ,&SMALL Craf\.llman.Ph645..()3()2 service, J anice's Rag ModemMoversG39-8S52 cl~ "."ork _and top line ~::iuc~~i~;~::; etc.
p.tiri.. lrwu c •~5 JORS842 H23:1 ------gedy Anns at b'75-GM3 ----matenal, mtr & extr -- -fo'n.'t'clll. 5J6 llj()() --Odd jobs. painting, m --raintl-/P,_...,ng
H .. L.L __ .... a:•-......i l · d XI t ho 1 1 ··~ ..,_., State contr llc'd. &n· Chter/ll.,air"
_-u ,......c;,nc r / c x t r , w 1 n ow n usec ean ng done ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ded/lnsr. Please contact •••••••••••• •••••••• ••• llJH' "'mc•lhmi.:} 11u "anl
11> :.di'' Cla~'l1f1ei.I ,11h ~h> I.it· :C."71~ t.4S-6V74 wa.1hing Jerry 64S-81!17 by lady w/expr, Depen ----~---dable.owntrans847-3637 WORKGUARANT£'ED Blue Diamond Painting P11lt'h Plastering. ull
II "1•11 ('all '\OW, llJ\c i.omett1111i: to sell'
1>1:.! S11il! lfai.:.1fied ud:. do 1t well.
HANDYMAN lntcnor/Exlr. Free eat. S48 0352 ty1~. frt!tH!~hm..ite:-.
fl4S.2J33 Want Ad Help., 64:? 56711 25 yr'> exp. 642 0295 540~
flOMESAVERS. Plumh 111& 4c Jkatiq & ;.ur co11
dltJonlnJ, Frtf! Cbt. $11)
br. Honest & roh11bll•
1erviee. BofA, M tC"OK
'JS1·31M -----
Call 751·6942
Rooflnc) •••••••••••••••••••••••
ROOFS lnatallrd factory
dmicL; e•tab'l ~ )r'.
Call Harold Gunn,
All types, rinan avJ1I.
Free est, liclbond'd, m·
~r. Senior citizens d1:.cnt.
~-04.2.1 o nyt1 me
··················~···· CERAMIC TILE. New or
remodel. Free est, :-.ml
)obs welcome. 5~~-:!426
.irt 5
Kitchen. Bath. t:ntry.
Pal1u, pools. Tali·.
<Juarry. Brick. 554 20~
AporlnM11b ~ ApOf lmenh Unfunt. Aport!Mnl1 ~ Rooms 4000 Office R.entdl 4400 IWnffs Mort9oge1. Trust
••••••••••••••••••••·•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ()ppiortlmity 5005 Dffc:IS 5035
Personal• 5350 Hefp W•ted 7100
Cotto Meu 3824 Dm\CI rolnt 3826 tWwport hach 3169 ROOMS. Sea Lark Motel, •COSTA MESA* ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
•••••••••••• •• •• • •••••• • ••••• •••• • •• • • •• • ••• • • •••••• •••• ••••••• • ••• •• 2274 Newport Blvd, Co~ta or ! PVf PTY will pay more
2 & 3 Bdrm~. ma tun• SparklmK :Jbr & de11. :!b.i Nwpt Shorn •. i-t1•p:-from M 1:sa. Some rdr1 g c ~pllce uvur ' lSO·IJOO 2 PRl>SCHOOLS tor your 2nd TD
adulL'i, gas 1><1 7714 Scott Lwnh:.e <>t·ean \.JC". 11111 ocl'.in. Jbd, 2b11 duplt•x a\'a1l.. color TV. AM "'M i:.q. rt for any com bin a· 642 :i.573
Pl.6425073 gar $:175 mo l'h<'ri. Yrli.c ('lt.il95G5871 radio uva11. Wc1:kly rcn llonl :i.lcwly rl'mdl'd m ORANGrlCOUHTY lilll 11111 ,493-6575 :.1t.Je ,out, .tlr t·ond. 32-Studl'nl, pr11ed al
$UO E/S1de tnple,., Jllr -PARK t-!EWPORT tals S60 & up G4G·7445 Jamtonul ~Vl' & ut1l in Sl47M-$37M down. Ut % ~etwefth/
2ba,rrplc,yd,cnclg.ir l:!Hr.tba CarjJt'l&dqh, tlachelors , 1 01 :!VOCatiOf'IRenfab 4250 \'Id Short dri\t' lo return27·Studcnt)t37M; PH10fHlh/
TSLMgmt ~:! 11;11:1 hltns, 1¢urui.:1:. $2K.5 11111 Bcdrooms&Townhouw ... •••••"•••••••••••••••• airport, tnnel agl ~ ~M down, lti'to rl'Lu111. Lott&FoUnd
---4!JH 031M alt lj 1-'rum $204 50 Plan your winter 'uca· lnmk in llldg. Sccrelana I Land & provem1:ub in· ••••••••••••••••••• • •• • 2 Br, adults. close to shop !>\ca\ ;111. cunfercnce rm eluded. •-~ements 5 I 00 ping,nopcts HuntlnqtonBeaeh 3840 Specta.:ular t.µ.t, total t1on.PalmDesertTl'nnis provided, abundant -
f>l5t1939 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'l't'rr:ut1on pro~r.im . Club.JBrcondo t>J<J:J:!71_ prk'i;: :.~1<11 program II pool.,, 8 ---- -
New CONDO 2 br, 212 ha
2 frplc:.. bllms l>'X>I ,\
:.pa. $-lf>O mo li75 -1!!1 :.!
FAMILIES tcnrus cuurw.. Al Fa:-.hion Calun-U1g llcar Sips 12 STOP HUNTING h1J11J, JJmbon•e & Sim Pool Lbl, cir TV. S50 d:.cy
Joaqum Hilb Huad. 494 IS611
co ...... ..... 65• PER SQFT
1617 Wl-:STCl.W" NB
AGT. 511 S0,12 WE llAVe IT ALL ,\T __ 17l4l64~19~ DcluxcSun V.1llry. ldoibo
BAN Bully c I( t Is~ s:f)S J br. 2 ua. t•ncl J.:Jf Cttndo 2 Hll. ;J BJ I' 640-6600
UrinkmK prublcm'> 1\CCOUNTlNG
C&ll Alcohol Ht:lplinl' CLERK 1'YPIST
24 hn a day ISJ5-3S.11J ticneral contracto1., ul
f1ce Ill the Orun~e <.:011111~·
PREGNANT" .\trport Arca nt>eds xl11t
L .1 n n I? con rad e 11l1 a I ~t&blical typii.t. <.:.tll ~, ... tounsl'l111~ & rcforrul. for appl. 83311680
<\hllrt1on, adoptrnn & • - ---~l~~~~E 547-256~ ACCTS PAY ABLE CLK
1 r v 1 n e b a :. t' 11
LINDA & VICKI bomcbuiltlcr. 111·l•1h
I i.harp antelhgent i;trl
Outcal Mass~ Must he abk to u~c 111
FortheFwtof1t! kev toucb :.ystem. ,\.
Scrvm~allOraogeCv. ability to type Jdeal
1135-7313 workin~ 1:ondlhon~ &
'\Int fringe bcner.ti. <'1111
Penonal S..-.ices 5360 lJcL Cheryl !1-12. Mou
•• • • • •• ••• • •• • • • • •• • • • • J.'ri. 833·2180, EO F: f'OUR SEASONS A l''I ~
Spacious 2 llr t wnh~l·, l 1 ~
ba, pool, pvt palw. child
ok No pet., s;!bO 7J5
Joann St 1)4H f).1K:I
no::.e to licach, ,t"huob. Blo<'k tu hr;,ch. bale· . .,.,, Hci.: raw 642 9-IOl I SO I Westcliff Dr. , __________ ,
trccw ... ys No pl'ls Rentals to Shor• 4 300 Ncwpurt Fmurwial Ctr Lost & FotMd 5300 INVESTIGATIONS
•Pools• •Jacuzzi• TSL Mgmt t>42 11;0:1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• L~sinq Offic• Spoce 24 UMIT MOTEL ••••••••••••••••••••••• All t)'pcs · Misi;rn..: Adults Needed
!)TUNNING 2 Hr l Ua
garden upl. pool. rct 1111.
Sl75 710 W. IKth SL
2 lkdrm I rom $211.'l . w ·i · l':.cll on Sil\• M.lnJgf'r '\ EWPORT BEACll Lost Abyssinian 1-"Ul4 ll 11r·r~on::. IJ2ti !JWll. :!I hr'
&12titi04 ~Br. 2 hi.I, K<ffU/.:l', uc•w ~ntc~nG roomm.itc·' 1711Hi42:llJll·xt:!ll1 PRINCIPl\LSONL\' colored nuetered mall'
\'1eY.1J111nl LJ. off llca1·h l'JJll> frci.hlv IJJ1nk1J l;1ll IWS 711>!\ 6111 KH>H ------LIQUOR STORE tat "Bcn11 " •m name Look year:, youn~cr, te1•I
lll'Lwn Warner & Hell Ylry lse ~,.·,t) mo J4lh Sl •SHARE,\ llO~H.• Ai"fiort Offices S1\NT/\ ANA tai.: 759-ll<t? or 61S·SOOO. )c.ir~ you11i:cr Nr•w n~11· Ch,....e?tObl·h,532J:J:ll I I l'Xl 78S ::.uq:1t;il fJl'l! lilt. tour h•mJlctui.rnro·~{I •1111 t.h):"<l£'11FHEI': 1;ru.'lsuwrS5<!.txHl1mn "PPt .... llKcn .. ~.•)7011.111 14( JI.Jr :!ba ~) 2hr :!h.c , 'l\I I' 1 u •u •' ' IRAND NEW Sl!lO Gar. rec-Jre•.1 l!.14171 ----------'I • ~:Mi IOll • Ull ru11 .. 1·1 \lt"I' :\c> kJ"' ,, lhnlll lnng h•rm bl· I '" Lo1.t. S1ame~c m:.ilc. ; __ j~ Club 5400
2 br, 2 bu. :.ell bltn!>, frµk. Holl) IH!j 3800 BACHELOR 75:J·lllOll 'I cl :!1"' "'~'"'I 11 1'14'111' Pl! I '\Cl PA l..S Ill\ ·' rrl'.• m color. underside. ::':: ••••••• ! .......... .
encl. J!Ur n.1kon). pJlllJ 1-'l•tn.!le lll·t>d., • nnm.cll'' cd 11.11 i..111~ :.!llti:.! " ~: For Information c111ll dark brown on bUl·k Lo)t
luundryrmSJ00-$;1:!.) ,\l'T ~1 1\:-.0 \C;EH. llt•11t to i-hr cll'IUll.l' ;i Br .• 11,, 111 1·.lu\ "'' '\c-\\ I'"'\ l\EHl--~lllHI-: IH:\LT\ :t \\k~ \ic Ncw1,.,,.1 &
TSLM..:mt li1211i<l:J Ul'l.liwtwn11n11t•\\'1kl11ll.1° APT ()n•;infrunt hml· :-.·•rw 11«.wh.,,,;;11111 lii:i7!.11"' ti7!121i:I l!llhSt.Rt!"ard&l6·2(~
un1h m llunt. llurlmu1 \LL UTIL.~ l'lJ' mn 71~·6116·98:!9
/\ 1 OtlC.'11 OF l 'I. \S~
~h'et 11llrutl1~1· I<. 111
klhJ.:cnl ~pie 4U1<'kl\
&d1~crcctl> .it NEW OWNERS
I bdrm and den
land 3 bdrms
3br townhouses
(with fi~placesl
I lo~e to S A frw\ i\. ~n
Cst shop'u. T111y 'fc)h
Wl'kome 3 plny~rounch
2511 W. Sunflower
557·4800, S .A.
7 days. 10·5. No peti.
1 Hr, ul1l p<l ~J mo
642·0IS35 or 646·642:1
SJSO. :i 8t 2 Ba. no pets 11«>
:!1 'l St 1-.: 1S1<1r.
S..16 1>!1>15
2 Br upt:., & ::! Br hi-t-
" gar, cpts. kids OK. 110
p1:ts. $235·$250 831 !Jlllll
urru Adult couple W11t1· I lllJ from th~ ,11•1.,111 ('lass1f1ed 1\d #21. n.11 I\ "~at I II u w ' :! 0 I E l<o •1mm;it1• \fl .. hr hi\ C'f)
!'clot P 0 Box 1.'>ll•i • 111111 rn11d11111 C \I l-'••111 ll.>ll111J Uht.I 0111) Sl:t{I
l'Obtu Mesa lllt>2t> per mo NO 1-·1-:t-.:. C<1ll :!:i .l:'i. l:Jr. hull.~. '"'"I •\
SuC' ut 556 77771111\'llfllf' 1.11'11/t.I ~Iii) 11111 I 11\ll •\LI. NEW \£>'J'S I :! .<. I, __________ , ;~1·1 11•r1
hdrrni-encl t.;.•r 1"
l 1 rl' p I a<' l's, h 11 111 ~
t714l846·1l18H 7 duy.,
.! Bdrm, 2ba. Condo, 11•1111 .
r·arpurt. ;11llt' only s.ns mo !1fi[1 J007
:J Br. :! full baths to'ully
lpl'tl. frpll. d:-hwshr
Like new. Children OK o;;uo mn. HYlS Adams Sl
A~ 1-:lle?n C M.ihonl')
t.'h<1rm1ng J hr. 2 bJ 1:00
tlo 1'11(11, & lL•nnch Joan
IHG· l :171 II Iii 25!17
•Ha\l' children to~ vr'
·Desire u preiicb111l
•Bikeloiiw1m&jul·uu 1
•Want luxury from Sl.50
OC'f-~ANVll•:W \rl\ 1111 Worn111111H'.' tif> \\ 1·.11 10
tpts & pumt. 2 · nr I Ila :. 11 '1 1 t• ( 11 ~I h " en •'
d I ~oc.i 1,, 1 .-.. , " .,Jnw Hm ,'I,. l1u,111I & p x ..,. mo ., h•n I. I I I •I 642 ~ llOIOlllJ i,,1 .cl) 11 I lg 11
· IJl'r,<>n !\Ill' 11r clav 1th
3 BR, 212 bu tondo JS Ft
boat ~lip avail. SllOO
2 OH. 2 ba bayfro11t r·mc
do 111 security bid,:: Pocol
S750 Mo Agt fl7S 1642
2 Br, I ba 135 l~th St. l p
per l:!l:JJ !l:n-O:I:!\ cxl :!:!~1
da y~. E\'C' t 211 •
ti7:1 Hl.1
\111 Sl•ek ~tr~11i::ht prcil ot
h1" rn.111 tu 'hr h<'.1111
I lcrn, sp.1t vu lune Yo • :.!
11 f h t• r ., 1 • I 1 • 11 l y 1i1
pl I\ Jl'} s:!!IJ 111<.'lcl ... Ill ii
& maul ~1tln1, J.:•11.111e
t>l 1 t»ti I
Hnd a Roommate?
Sl:.~NY OCEAN VIEW To Prolcs'\ionully Fmtl
Profei1s1011al d1•t·or. I hr Tll \T ltlGllT l't-:HSll"IJ
A rure 1•b:.cnte ;i\ S:llO l\.Ju.s. f-(J)Aru LJHu.~imi 1510 W. Balboa tat 15th> Ute-<«~ w..•·<'1~"' OCEANFRONT. yrly 2 Or c-0 _,.~ n.)u"""'l.I
I Ba. J at' u z z' 832·4134Sincc 1911 m1crowrnc. end gar. 1n -- -
W Newport. 548-721!1 or M F to share 2 br + den
559 4221 new tri le'llc\, vu condo
$300 + uttl 67:1 1265 Near
Elleclltiv~ Row Inc
()fc i.p,1tt: 111 '\1•Wll<•l'I
\1rpor1 \rto,1 ll1•c'<•pl1n11
phom• 'l'I \ 1•onlc•1r·1111
I'll\. k II di M'I' \ 'l'I \. d"
1.11mi: & r·u1•) m.11'111111•
F111m ~J ii 1 •1:1~ 7110
-... ~ ./c...._..,. ,.... ...... ../.Mu ... I' ~ .... 1 ..
./ f-1.lll • ..,.. ~on·n
./ a.tOl M tlftC,e ./ s.c,. M!f•iC-• ••ff ./ Al!loh .... , ... ,
Call Mr. How111d
6 45 ·6101
Medical Arts lldCJ
lclt•al ;\kdw.11 or Ucntal
•lilt•·., l'l11~h c.-arpt•h &
1·1•11t r;,il .111 !);,. 1wr It
CJll \' 1-: \TS CO;\! I'\~'
1'114 0tifi1J 4!1!1 i2:n
1---------•1 Lost 2 dog~ While fem
Oppuri to hJH' .1 bus1 Samoyed :! vr!'. & n~'li-nl \lllll 11wn 111 th\' II I k i W h I m a I t•
1.1 ... 1 1:1uY.111i.: Wt'f!lhl t'oll SamO)l'tJ Lab ml\ II -
INTROVI F.W 75'/. '> 11 t
lrOI 1111111,f1\ t'nnt:c1t mo~ 893J!I08or831!78l0 Employme-nt&
&•\Pt I\ \\'c•11•1 \'ITA IV Heward_ Pre~ation
LAllOIL\TOllll-:S I'll' r--lll\'\NE 1~)\ \ll'iK FuuntJ '~ org wht Cul. •••••••••••••••••••••••
PJr1111•1 ",1nt1•cl 1111 prro
dul'I 1111lt1~11·\ '" 1·1·1.111
ou\lt•\ ~a lat' ~ prof cl
SISS(J(I rl'llUI fl•cl 'l'l'lll l'<I
Stor(' IY.1101('11' 1·1111hm..:1
on llulbuu 1:-.laucJ m:1111
,, \\'11 h Ill' Y. II lrrtlll 111\'t'll
tnr) 711 li7;11,''i1
t:tf''T Goller'. wnrk111,.i
tMrtner L1m1lc'1 hr!I &
111v:.tml rrq d Ph . Mon
thru fo'rr.10 12 675 !flll!ll .....
~Hr"~ hthel
Corona del Mar
V It-d r:i ngc woo cl & Schoob & M~11:rrolra. G c; 539·6176 IMtructlon 7005 -..•...•.•...•......•...
1-·ound Grey <.:ockalt'(•I.
!'\t•Y. port Ell•mcnt:ery
S!'hool 11.ilboa P<'nln
Pll':t~e cll11m at school
Loi.t or Found a 1icl? C:all
Ft.Un: Lfo~SSONS
Former fol·ulty membe1
0 h c r I 1 n (" o I I l' .: l'
Con!>crv.1tory. rel111•.1tccl
Npt Bch Su,an 1-'1 tl·~
/\n1mal Assi!1tanc.-e Leamtoplay b..inJo' Blul!·
IA>a,1!~537·227_:in~fce gratis to jnz1. Call <;rl"I:
l.11:.t Hl11 c k F'emale .642·~orS4S 4987
Sht•phHd w /ta~. Nr Jobi Wanted, 7075
Orange c,t Colll'ge .•••••••••••••••••••••••
.!_lt;_Wll.!:!_I 538 07~ _ _ _ URGENT. l<1dy t.Ceking
Personals 5350 perm. Wu1tn•ss 1oh Yr:.
••••••••••••••••••••••• exp at. J111lo11 Jlulcl, C.Club, Top Resb. Splrihaol lteact.r"
1815 So. 1-.:1 Camino Real
San Clemente. Fully lie.-.
For appt. 492 7296
S48-39'l5by 10':.l()am - -
Quality typmg at bOIDl' hv
former exec l<',::a \ 'il'tV.
IBM Selectric II l'QUIP
tu dell vcr L \. '1'11111·~
<1ulo route llunl 111 II
Seal lkh. 21 .. 1 hr!> 11t·1
morning. 3 lo ti A'.\1 ~M1
per mo. tf47 ·51 IJ
• Ad•erlisln9 Sales
Earn $.'iOO+ :1 week \'Om
mts~ion w pn·st1i.:r ,.,
i:1011JI mag.11111~· J\lt.111\
11tlll'r l>t·ndll~ E\I'•" •lo
~•rel.I. c;,c 11 J\tun '1'111·~ .I
toll PM 1111111-.rn 4~l:n
A I, T 1-; H A 'I I C> N :-..
Seum.,lres., Full "'
P time Cur11nJ tJcl :\1,1 •
li15· l~l. \l :JO t11 <1.:1U
Pait time w, pre!>\IJ.:•
Income tall. i.crvtcl'
<.:um11l\!\e lram1ni.:
Tux Corp. 111 /\ml'l It'••
5.'l2 !>fl(IU or 11111·~1111
19;1 211111or1,:Jtl.01~
\1atu11· "ouplc w wire tu
manDAe 60 to 100 new 1111
11'> 111 < 'osla M1·,a. Adult'
no pct~ A11l + ... alarv
TSL M>1ml Mi! HiO.t
1Je:.1 i:ni l llu~trat 11r
w1nnh1tert11ral i. ... I..
i:rouncl. Co1H·1·pt..,, pri•
11cntal1<1n drJ"mi.::. U!>lll
markt•r' S.11•·" 11lf111·~
inlormal1011 1·1·1111•r' di'
11 I a y 'I I n I I' II " I ~ ~
~•i:nai:l' .MU)l Ill' l'\IU'I
556 39:n
YOU b.IOIM) at
LIUO-Nl:!:AR WATF.~t Fashion l11land
Married cpls or fnmthl's. -----LA CASA ILAHCA 3 Br 2 Ba. rpk. patro.) r· l\fale wants l\1/F to shr
lach, I & 2 BR 842-twlQ4 ly be. No pets. $525 fum 2 br 2 ba apt-(>OQI,
AYail ..... ow-$50Dep. ·QUIET&COOL Agent ti73 t020 spa. $210 incl. ut1I.
All utils pd. <'Pls, drps. Jb 2b-Be 1 546·4445, eve/wknds
Presuw1ous 1.ulo V1llal!I"
loc Choice Bay or Ot·c<111
view. Offit•e:.t ur de~k
i.plll'<' Reception .
'crrclarial. answer111i:
service. From Sl50 mo
3388 \11.1 Lido. 675 40JO
\ ou are the winner or
4 Tlc:keh to the
Family l:ntertainment
Oct.1 and2
Woodbridae in Irvine
(Culver Dr. 11t
Oulcall Massage
10AM-2AM 731·4462 ----
27 Yr old female. folk
classical dancer. never
married, wants to meet
widower over 30. Write ·
Miss Kim M1 Ra, Kwang
Hwa Moon, P .O. Box
1329, Seoul. Korea
Typina·mY home-20 yrs AltCHlTECTS OFFICL !!~per. Pr1:f. large mull nccd:i brighl. cneri:1•\11
ini:. <!eller dubbing, ad· and rehpomuhlc Jk'r"m drt!SSin~ l Labels, etc to run bluepnnl m:.cch1111·
675-6590 & make delrvcnc:. N11
pool, lndry. fuc's. i\Jults Lge2 Rr. l B..t. i:ar, lndcy r. a. am ce1 mgs. f>.1.5-2339
over 35, no pet'> or fac1I. no pets. Adult~ wood paneling. frplc , - ----Busineu Rentaf 4450
children. Call SUl' ~ 425A, 12thSl llnti;i bltn.<..closetobch. Yrly. Looking for reliable ••••••••••••••••••••••• Barnnca)
556-7777 or He nry · Heb 6737~ -person.Male,11hrcondo, 40ELUXIEO"C'S , • 2 bdrm 2 ba. Share ex r
•64-2.-9.13•7------· Spac1ou:. 2 Rr front unit LIDO C llOlCI': 2 br, pcn.<>es Walnut SQ. Irv Conf. rm .• seal 25. oll
Please call 642-5678. Ext
333, to r laim your
-------_ Patio. 2 kids OK. aVJll \•1ew. patio, frpk. din ~!J-7277 paneled, sm whse in re • • • SHARP 1 br incl's bllns 10 l $235 173'JI /\pt /\. rm Adults 5.500 675-6359 -ar 1 or 2 yr lease Lake · k Kecls<tn rh11111J96-------Resp straight worklng J.'orest arelJ Kent + D1W. no pets. ids OK --. ' Lari:e Jbr. 2ba 11pt. Sun-Mt F to shr lge 3 bdrm 2 Harkins
S'225.642·SSS4Cu:!:._ LCIC)l.wtaleac:h 3848 dcrk. 2 blk~ lo llch. 83~0 ba L.H home. $130·l90. 714·581 !J393 lnHshnent
,. BR 2 B •'"'" N ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo yrly 2CM 4Jrd St 768 ., .. c., ft"""'-• ----~-Jty 50 I 5 ., • 8• ..,.,.,. mo • 0 494 ll""I _..,,,..,......,.. A I ' vy,.-•-. pets. 1021 Valencia l BR. No. Lagunu, furn or ,.,... --pprox 700 liq l C·2. •••••••••••••••••••••••
Call S41H~l8S unfum Util pd i\dulti-1 s .. Clement• 3876 G~-:f9r ..,350 A/C. at 130 E 17th St If you're not Kelling No pcls Wulk to bt·b & ~ ..,.,.. ~ $220/mo Doyle548.1J68 13.8%•retumonyourln·
1 Br, enclosed put10, i.hop'g $310. mo. 49-1-8541 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -vestment, call Sandy
$220/mo. No pets, quiet ---:-2Rr, l,'llBa, ne~r Beach. GAR AC 1-: for re n l . DE.5K Space uvaal J7301 Rosi, Ajax Co. 837-3744
maturepenon 642·1694 SM . Bach apt. Kitch, S'...175. 237 W. ~11calone11. Eao;tsidc Costa Mesa. Be a ch BI" d · H D •Average yield on pay-
-------. ---pallo,gar.2blks tobch 492·SSS7or8306725 $JOimo.64e-67S3 $75tmo Modern 11harp ofra lo Ajax investors.
2 Br l Bn. forced att heat. S2SO ul1l11. pd. 49·1·3223 offtc.-e IWl·0236 J h J 1 1977 atove, cpts. drpa, S260 . ---Clean neat 2Br IBr. 2 blks Office Rentm 4400 an. l ru u Y •
+dep. Adlta. no peh. I Rr & Studio. view. deck. rrom bch. see manager ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bayview ores, Npl Och Splaayt.emelanwt ~_!'111i~cahaprr:e 631-3725 walk to beach & town. 1M2 C&lle Las Solas art upstairs adjo1n1ng """'" ~ .. Ulll inc s.100. & SISO sPM Execuu.ve omce ~pace. Design showroom $175 & equivalent to 80% of 6
Eastside 2br, Patio. 1iar
• Small pel OK . S325
8'5-JSM, 645-'166
Lovely Ir& 1 hr,
C'llrptdrapes. gar, stove
Mal. adults. No pets
1984C Anaheim. 545·3229,
Adult. Easts1de 1 hr cot
tace. pool. Jacutil. en('ld 1ar., laundry, blttus, $300
E\'CS 494.3672 Including recept1on1st S2-40. 042-2210. eveii months unearned in Short term rental avail. from SUO mo. to $385 mo. 675·5548 terest on the balance
I BR. Oceanfront. 2·4 mo'1 2 BR. 2 Ba,
e location. Call f-...&.-trlolR__.at ,.500 Mortgage Brokers. or. balcony, new decor, c.-pta, Pres. Hts Cont.lo. S300 .-'"" ~ lered to Callforniu resi-
drps. aar, $450 ind utll. mo. Aval I. 1011177. --••••••••••••••••••••••• dentaon1y. ~ .w 5906 HO. COST A MISA Incl Ullffs W /ofc
-------• Pnvatl." otrlcc S75 per l~aq ft.. from l!J< lOOOozsilver bar
LOCJlll'a HUis 3150 San Juan month Incl utll. IMMEDOCCUPANCY 1714> 642·l830 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Capistrano 3878 •440 SQ. FT. Carpet. Leaalng oCc open 9·S dai Leave ml!SSage * * * ••••••••••••••••••••••• drapea, air cond. $195 per 1.y, Sal. 0-noon. 711 W Maftey lo Loe111 6025
ll"t Mi from Marlnu & monlbincluUI. 17thSt.#C-4or ••••••••••••••••••••••• lkh. De<:orator'1 2 bdrm •Two office 11uites, 630 642·4463 lwnhse. A1C. community SQ. n . S22S per month l 1t, 2"4 & ll"d T.D. 'i
Bob James-Lie Masseur
Outc.-all 9-9. 4~1 5111
838 -6838
~ ----
GIHLS, 625 N Euclid,
Ask ror ext 25
JlAM 2PM 056·21M3 --------
Sem1·ret1rcd wiiibes to meet lady 40 or so for
travel. Reply Box #54.
c 10 Dally Pllol, P.O. Box
1560. 330 W. Bay St, CM,
• .PaUo Apt, 2 Br l Ba, encl
1ar, S2SS. 2:c!l4 "B"
Rutgen. Dr. Open An
M. Todoro
23711 Cacanaugh
El Toro
You are Ole winner of
1-'amaly Entertalnmant
Oct. land2
Woodbridl(e In t rvlM
(Culver Or. at
pool. dhhwa1ber . lnclutJI U-WM~ LOANSAYAlLABLE
Spacious green auu. ~2200 (218)691·2064 "'"" .;!;' OCJl.llS 40 ~ .. 50 Credit not im.PQrtAnl. Reward offered tor inro or
Clolle to shopp'a. $325. ......,......., sq. l. 1 ·-lroMr, 493.3102 rel urn or ml ss in g
83l·0460. Kathy L. Dix o ftt cu w /u c y mo. UUI pd. 6"-3357 J~welry on Sept 15th. No servt~. urox. Nt. 0 .C ....... WCMtM 4600 Money W..ted . soio ClUHUons tU1ced. P.O.
Airport. $250/mo '752·5626 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• .. •••••"'• Box 2380. Npl 'Bcb, ~3
IXICUTIVI SUITES ft.dporu\bl• Prof. mature $10,000 needed immct-2 8r 2 Ba, StudJo ap~. cpls,
drps. kids OK. $275. No
dofl: $$1·5071
••••••••••••••••••••••• wom•nwanta1m aptor Fur rRIME R . • THE EXCITING J>ehutt private otrlce. rm w/kich prlv'. 112~. DEAL $20,000 Return
l Br t Ba. new cpta It Barranca>
dt'lll. bltns Ir l'tfrif, encl Pleaae call 842~'78, t:xt. pr, no pell. Avl now. 333. to <'lolm you.-_sno __ . ..-._U4_e_. c_~_t_. --• uc1ce1.1.
, ,..1 .... MIS... •rrs. S u n n Y.r • l r c o n d • M.xJm ~-0289 w In 00.90 days. 815-4030
,._,.. A A Penooau&ed plloP• cov· • --MlNU'l'l:STONPT •ta••· ucrotarlaJ Mot..,,,rt,.~-·s. Trust
BCH. aervlce. EHY fwy ac· .... S.111/hwnt/ DHdS 5035
Bach, 1&2 9.R. <'ea. 6N Bak•r St .• C.M. l'lilwe .................. ~ .. ••
frocn SZ20. le up. Nr. OC Airport. 546·2981 ••••••••••••• .. • ••• •••• LOINS gQ/ . Q7$. nt new, 2 br. l \4 ba, Adulla. No P u ....... ft IO
bate., 1ar, adult1, no l56UluaOt. l>flllXe ornce i•ce 525' O,pirt.h 5001 AlaoWTDU.. '*'· ._............. 3852 (58Lk1ENtolNowp0rt ao5a Newpon. lvd. CM.•••••••••••·-;'··••••••• F'alrestTtrmaalncellM9
TIJLMimt MZ·l603 ...... ••••••••••••••••• at~ 3ktt.Ne-4111,6'4·222:8 SAMOW1CHIS s.ttterM• Ce.
DliaePoa.t JIU lu:ict 2 BR Apt, beaut. -COSTA Mt:SA; %501q.ft., C05TAMl'!SA '42-2171 f4S.061 I
lot:. Nr. Bc:h Poot & rec RoeN9 4000 utll pd. Nie• toe. Air , e~ Blvd. locetlo&.
rm. 1~1.JP + dep. Ga1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• pluah, l200. SIT·0825 06od uet nowt Pertee\ n.tired co~ol• haa money
ltwtrpd 131.1791 ROOMS sso wk le up. -M•tcALSUfTI MtupCorcat.nnsopera loloanonll lfl2ndTD'1,
pet&. llft.'9fJ.l091 M.wwrt ... _..... 3169 W/klltMDI, tu SO wk " ...:... .. •..& .... ~.u ... Mtdlcill \bl. SUb~\ your \~rm•. Aient.49IJ.-OIOO "" ....---up.Apu ..... tTl5 ..,....___ 11Ml.1Sl ·t..OO r ., S ... a BB., m..snl.ncrnt ocean ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• 8kli. WOtq.ft, '"5fmo. WE 8 tlY rt R T •
vu. Wooclbumtn1 rrpJ. Block from water, Sh~ret Mu tm,plo1ed da1a. K1t BkrlTMTOO NtwPOft ftetUiuran\. Call $ECO.ND TRUST
$SU mo. area. • bd. Iba d'*plcx. prlvlltlH· llJ$ cno. i' tor de&•U1. L• l\al1or DEED$
YrlM. C'114>-...rt laM ... at.-r• ~lhillhtlftl ea;MTS l\e&J\yllMGOO AGENT 114;.di-0900
,, .,
26l44 Vla C&non
C1plstrano S.ach You tre tho winner of i~~ ... 1tothe ...,.". .........
t'amOy Entettaillment
Woodbridlile In )fV)Dt
(Cl.llYer Df'. •l
Pl .,. call 842 5"7t. E11t na. to ••••en your c.icketa.
Complete hoW1ecleanint:. rxper ncres!\ary II·~ 1\11111
6 hrs. Own lr<1nsrH>rla-_J-'ri. 6.'ll ·1700 !vo~nt·
llon. S30 Lindu. S.17-1281 ARCHITECTURAL
Http Wanted 71 00 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Designer Uran,.,
Must huve rc)iclt>nl1al 1·'
---------•( ;ir. Newport <.:entc1 Oto Acctng Bkkpng
Register Today to work
on varioWI accuunlinit &
bookkeeping as•>1&n·
ments Work do.,._. lo
your home l-'1i:ur<'
Clerks to Sr Acc11u11
tunts needed thruc>11\
Orange Co.
Robert HalC'11
500S. Main. Ste 5(11
No Tower. Union Bank
In The City or Orani:e
2 Years A/Payobln &
Rec eicper. Good ~e1l'l
acctng background
Type 50 wpm. Heavy
work load, 10 key adder.
Some college accounling
COUl"les helpful.
C:lll tor appointment
Industrial 1\elationa
C7 t4) 494·940 I
.......... h
Equal OpPQr Employ••r
Tt~AAV t..J f..tlt/ll IS
•Start WOl"tl Today•
•TralnH AlhmbleN * ShlpplftCJ/R.KeMn9
•ln•tfttory Cltrtls
•&p.r'd AtHft'lb~N
3141 Campus Drf••
546-474. •
cAcros• From
Orange Co. Airport)
Equal Oppor Employer
lmmod. openings. Long
or ahort torm assign-
ments. Work wbtn you •--------•1 wlmt. You don't pay. w('I ~· .. JI. ACCOUNTING
p4}' you
Qlll or como In today
'n.tJ()lly Roger, Jnc. hH
an entry level openlnt
fOI' an lod\<l'loia lndlv.
lo6klna for oppor to
1row. Mu.\ be pronc:t •nt
wtJO key adder. Poaltlo"
c&lh f04" fflinlf, audiltGJ I~~~~~~~~~ of dally aal• n-port.1 for our rettauranll I& ml1c. ~co·1 olflc• du\le1 t.ppty ht pc~. 17042 Gllh Ue Av•, lrvhtt. lam-5pm
For Cla1111fied Ad
0 s
d s
10 OAl" PILOT Mondol !-J>,_' 20, lln ~.~~::!.,.,.!!!.~ ~.!!~~ .... ,!!!.~ ~.~~::! ..... !!!.~ ~!.~~::! . .,.,!!!.~ ~.!!~:~ ,,, .. ~!~~ !~'!'.~~ ..... !!!.~
....,w..... 7100 ....,w-.i 1100·....,w..... 7100 DlllYDS Giii.NiDAY IMSUUMCI MACMIMIST
....................... ....................... ....................... CSOOll IWIY AM, 3 8, "'""'' for pti.,macy. ""'',.. Newport 8<><h "'" & Min. 1 '" •·••· '""'
l>AVS ON'LY LA 'rJMF..S. l' ~1 $300 n••t It frl e T1dl y Ca1uaJly 1naunanc.:c ore v .. nC'lyotwork Tuppaay Applyln~non mo+ S-1.5 0'770 lloh Pro(M&IOnJI Rldll 1n n rt1.b qu;,llh ed u11 w ii wk• vllc atlo n
ArtorJPM lhu1l lkh 84iti01l d~r w rile r wll h {·X ~l87'71H
'Tlw ~i...t Mori"~ DRIVER pen ence m proc~1>~11n11 '"""' w c u N u <.'k.innl( tlnu~l' 1n <.: \I GIRLS NEEDED :.ervicinl( &. m,arkel mJ: of
l••""'-·--·°"•'•l-•w•y•._ .. _, lk"c r w full t-7 auto tu Sund w1l'h d\'I ~ Uuy wk, c.:omm erc1al a ccounts
• ~1AIOS •
Thl' lnn al Lu~unu
211 N Cat lfwy, L.11.:una
For People With s.cretsial, Cleric:ol
Swttchboard. Typbtg. do i>irku" 1n SQ t°Jhf 4 hr tlav Own trJn:-Sulury open. t::xc.:ellenl M~'ll~f .. ir1\lhar w 1or.•u. Jo:;im O\~r S:ISO hr C'.111 be nd1ls . Mrs Bak er, MAii.DEPT
ICeYf*'Kh «
Dato ProceH SldA1
Choo;;e U\O days, we~k"
& locauon In which you
l Y..-nllfff·
SfMI uru1llo•ClD
\f\lor '' houl und l'Vt'ntn~ work
l•:iJrn ~1 ~> J)t.·r w~·k or mon ·
c-..1 ... akfot t
Jo: t. p e r ' ti A p p I y I n
Vl'""lfl, M11 narker'i., 212
f. l?th St. C011t• Mesa
Mw.l i,.· bonduble Senne Mum lpm l'hom· ~o KJ39 113:! 9$50 ___ _
:.hlp rel' dutiC'!!t $.'I Ml hr Qot.1'' RANG 1-:R P a rt tNSURANC io~ ~cretary . + W m1lo Cull Mtlht>, time, i:olf bt>nehlll in· flre & c.ii.11.1lty P e rsonul
Ots lribule 1nkr orfu•c
mail & ofhcc 1:oupphl'11 ,\
Prepare ouo(o1nie nw11
Van l'd llulil'!'> Lile \)'p
mJ: helpful. Work 111 m•v.
Cui.tu M ci.D fuc1lll11:t1
Good bc•nd tls Apply. P~·rsonnel , N al\o O<>I
Sy11 t ll m s t 'orp • 4:.161
Uirch St. N U {Nr o<.:
rurport> EOE.
URGE.NTL Y NEEDED Appl\ no~ by n slhnt: 646 2443 1 .. 11.:&i.t..01lltflll•I ''" l>t l\.\tl'fl ~) (){) .rnd U OOp m l'l>OI\.~ BAttTJo:ND~HS.
1. 1111•0\h~ I rll.f r•'l~ 1 ~.580Qaft9am. -cludt.'<IS5l S522 ltnt!'i . t<:l'\l · Tl'4 'd ti'l3·J1150 ltobt•rtson .~ "'"' 1101111 .. , • "'" \i\•>lltl.i v \hi·oul(h l''riclu.~ UKIVEHS l' lllne Over
l>RlVl':RS·J routes open,
AM & PM. p . time Mui.I
have clean drlvinR re· cord. neat uppeurunco
19 yrs & over. 548·0470
GROCERY CLERK ln!>urunct!, CdM
7 11 Store . upm 7um. J J ,,:; ·r o -RI--L Ol'L'NIN" Night:. wkllll $2 50 ~iii ~,I .A .., " il hr 6 75 l'uul.i rino. l! m 1dn1 ~hl to 4AM.
75l 46.'S2 t-ounta1n Vnlley area 1
11 1
\ llu
,, 1 1
~ 4!1 )'r' lm nwd opening:..
•\ ... t Applv in pt•ri.on, Mu 'n
.......... l ·l Mon,.,.. ~~~ l't.l.Lol, l\U 1'. l7lh Sl ,
P Woftt.d 7100 twp Woftted 7100 (.'OeiM~:TIC Clrk for;;;-
• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • ••• • ••• •• • • • • • • •••••••••••• llru~!\lOrc-P T\mc. c-x.p
Openlngi. for exvcr'd &
lralllaes. P .C. Uourds,
wirinl{ & chassis fab
Smull company w i x Int
gr owth & hi:ndll'\
!'>t9-:Jl46. 17935 Sky Park
Cr. Ste D, lrvtnt'. E 0 1'.:
Uruvcrsal 1:. cxp11ndtn~
ti:-oix•rut1ons in OranAe
Count)' & nt-cds ·IO varl &
f ull liml! ;.er uril v 11(·
fl<•i:rs 1mmcd EXVt'" not
l\t.-C. Top .... .,l:l'S ror l'X
per 1icrsonnl'I CJ r &
Appl y utwn 4 l' M &
5 .:lO PM at 1 7 1 8 2
Ar m::.truug A"e , Irv. ~rw~~~
Cotdwt!ll Banker Bldg
4040 MacArthur Blvd
Slc :d Newport Bch
VOL: l1uukk1·••1,.•r Offl1'" \1 J.:I . prl'I <I Ow r 24 IU7·2563 5-10 71il l
..................... ".,.
Jl41 Calftf*' On•e
I 11111~· 1111 liu'r ,I 111,111
1~·•11.111 11· l'ldl'll•'l' '"'
111·1 111 •I 11 S.d 111••'"
l'I:> t,0\ll
( ou11wr Girl. l>uys. App I~ l'JIH ~1tk,·"· Ftsh
Fn Kl~W l!llhSt,CM
F 'time. E xpcr'd adults
o n ly L oc.:.il ·Eves .
97!1 ~.!3. ------
FOREMAN fur re:.idei1
lial gur tll.'n1 n.:. M ust
havl' 2 yri. t•xµ Must )>C
\ ' .. ,~ t t '
I 11 I I 11111
t tf IU~\ l u \If p t•I' "·"·'"'I' 11111 ••1UI "''''" BOOKKEEPER
c Ol ':o.iTI.;!( llc.:l p, days &
11wrn1n.: \1 1: Do na ld s
ltt·,t.Aur.inl. :H II llJrl>or ----------1 phont' rcq. i.!1 & '" 1:r 1----------Vcter <1 n -. & n •l 1ret·:. KEYPUMCH
qua ltly m1ntkd und able
to k utl nwn Sll7S ~I mo. Call for a µpl
1111\C you 1520 hrs a -.k
to work wh ile ch1ltlren
ure In school? Field En
terpn scs has p time ex
ccpl1onal l'arn1ng op ·
purtun1ues m s chool re·
lated ':il<>s. 1''or a ppt.
<"all V1rg1nia Calkins ~i:11 J().t 1 •
i':Qual Oppor. Employer
I •l'J,d 11111•11 l llll'l"\ I
i 11Udl\h \ I \ 1t h•t \ o l
""'114•11'd il 1l u ' \o\ llh llH
i•1Jl••1t1111ll\ I•• 11\ ,11 \Hlh
I I" 1wt.lio \\ 111 I. .!II h11U1'
,, ·", i, 111J11t\ .. 1111111, ;:uo•l
t U 11111111 '' l.1110011' lo\ h ll1
h ,111•l I 111. II• l'fpf 1'
\\flltdi ,1"·"' ,1uil 111 11< I
lttt.1111 1111 l I ~•U ill\ lotl'
:-...00it11 111 h i t \ 1'111C " 11•
\11 1-•• h:f Inn llutl'I t'u11
lJt I \l I I IJllll.Jtl IU.I ;:7 ,11
lJI\ d C\l ~ U'J 13, ask
lilt .S1.w
t '11w1tt•r hdp ~ c.:uoks Duy
.. hilh 0111~ (.;ood hour'
\ 1111} l>cl T aco. 1720
~pt nor \\ 1· l.' ~\
1''or one man quiet loc.:ul
orf1cc· of a lari:er cur
porallltU loc.:all'<i in Nwpl
Ct:nler &i-1·2211 A"k tor
wcll'omc umrnrm .... rurn
Time & '2 Cor fl'l,t:r K hrs
i\p"ly ~ 12 .ind 1 ;, Mun
~pu1t111 l,wd \II
II\ t ti "• I flt) U , l I t.\ t
'"''"' ., .... l .111 ~\ti h 11,
ol,1\ \1 ,11111,ol ... ,,. 111 \ ,\
;1hlhl \ 1•1 \\ llh~• 1t11l 1.1p1tl
p.111 If 11H t it ,,, I'"'
""' I \\I ... I Iii I' \I
-.11111 I 11\11lt tl10 fol
~ ~:\\ l'I Ill I
I' 11111 • l' <1 h 11IJl11 1
lUU< h lh ,\J UI .int C\~'f
J•fl•I ti I .ill !>I.! l ~ lur
111111 ... .11111 1•• t'\ 1 .. 11, , _________ _
BOOKKEEPING lo \h I I '-I" 11• Ill t I pl t'
IO'I tt ol l'h'.l'l t 11111.11 I
'"'"'''""''''·'~~ill \11 ounl1nl( & F 1.:un·
ll<·rl.s l.1\..1.' ltl:lll•' l\otl..
1N ' 111 111•) ro1> s~s::. &
I oH JllUli pa}
ti:Jl um
F.-c p ert enccd mHtn
tcnancc man lor laq~c
upl complc,. Xlnt l>al.iq•
& ht·ncf1ts 251 I W
Sunflower, Santa AnJ
Extcr. Lan<lsr<i pc Mu1n
1"r1 Oniv~al Prot~ction
1226 W. 5th St. S .A.
!MM 1':U <>Pt-:;-..tNGS n :u . l'AllT T l:\11':
lltVINt-: S ,\ 1\HEA
Vmlorml> Cut n "hc.:d, \ ut
& other ht•rtl•l1b Xlnt
i.alury f>-l!H!l50>SAM XI':\\
I"\ I)\':-. I Ill I·:-...
11 1111\l111ptl\ \\I If\
.! IC~l I I.11 l>11r llh 11
{ 11· l.1 \lt•..,,l. I ' \ a~
S •· I f m 11 l 1 \ d l l' d 1 n
1h\1tJu.,b lo run i.ludl'nl
lit'"'" ;,d \mt.: the Da1h
1'1lol Wvrk 5 oo to tf· oo
p rn 'I op eurnmi:::. If you
:-.t•t•k S2011 lo S IOU per
Wl·ck. 1.:all t;.16 <IH~I
tenancc Pl'Tl>OO ncl•dcd
Expcr n ee Ca l l ,\l ar ~<if'l'l . ~l [17 111 5 0 Wk!f)S ll :10 .. 1 :IO __________ ,
llos1ut ul
Irvine S40-44SS Part ~~~~!~~~ ancl
\\'1• \\Ill II o1111 \pp\\ Fq1tal llpp111llmllY
·,,\\I, :\1.1di1·1•p11 \ .1• ht EmploH·r 1·11rp. It.JI l'l.11·1•1111.1 __________ , TE MPORAR'i HELP
\H.I' .\I
\I F I \'r' 1111 11 1 \Jll'I
\IJ IHl,I\ 1ll'\ll'l II\ l;11ud
\ l~l<tll 1t1,1fHl,1l11I I ( :111111
ll<1nkll1J.! Tustin 731-5731 S.1turd ays mana~1 nv,
TELLER Equal <>111>0r l::m ploycr JUntur ,ulcs pt•r!'>ons !'>ell
(' 1
. l\r,
, h
r111.1,l•.,.;--------•l 111J: su1>.,1·n pl1on.., door to
.,,.,.1.;, hcntd .ihlt· 1d h·i tu BOYS . GIRLS door Hc11wn:s 'an or ~1111. p lllTll r:\pl I l'rl' lilrl(t.' :.latiOO Walo(O fl 1 ti 1·out.1i
lltlu.i r,., I:! llJ \t'<ll ~ ot .1J.(1· lo,H ' Cunlatl Rot.ind l'n·:-.ll'\
__________ ,
m l' .ii Ii 1111 I-I ;·~ .. , ntr11ot work I )fit,11n 111•w .it 1h1: 1.)1111'· Ptlrtl. 330 \V w~st~m .. utJ,l'npllotl!'> tor 1h1· \)JI B;•'I St . 6 .1:-.l.ll ~11-sa UI
I\ 1•11111 work111J.( \111h .111 phone u 12·1:l21 tor ap
111 111•1 It , ( .1 l I l .l l 11 I
:1111 :91;111 \I \ .1rhl
I "' I• I ,., I 11111 I' I 1.' 1 t ..
""" h.11111 .11 "'' 1·n1l1h otl
.. 111.111 1111111•·n··nt 1:,
111 I 1•11 t ii \\ II " "Iii
l l.l'l l\,1k1•1 I ·n,t.1 \11•,,1
5 -49-3041
l•.q u;il I >1•1~11 Eniplm 1 1
nderol Sovin9s .u1u11 ,u1~·n ,,or 1-.. 1111 prnn1mc11l.
.rl \It-: l.0t1J 'I II\\\ ~~t to -.:1t1 [>C'I "''''" 111 ('w1111o11l..t \1.ir. ltl11r c <.tit h 11, 11 1111 Cu:-.lod1.1n 11 um~ lor
1.1 ll'. ~1 F lK·l\H•1·11 :> .111 a11tl 11 ·111 1 hurc.:h & p1 c ,,·hoot llr:-.
11\l!<.IHI 11\•·t :ti nu
1·\p Ill'< ;\Jdlow t.1\t'lll
h\ Liil' heh ~>:.!41 :!JOO lt1<·I..
I' Ill
\\1 {.',,..,J , 11)~ M.1111 '-1
B.ill1u.1 \ptJf\ d,111\, 1 l
111 51':\l lii:'l!IWO
!!. !'>JI.ii"\ lit-)>. ~t.1lurc
J.(l•nt p1 d rJ Scnd r1:,um1· c: l' 11 c r al l> t' l 1' c 1'
('11111na d e l ~l u1 . C.i
Work in a n air .. 1111111
twned & t";trpded ilrea
Wllh r~1 mu~tl'. M:1k111..:
small parl!'> und e r .1
m1crrr..copc. tt.t o r 2nd
~hill. Top pa) + com
pany lx'm·11tts . (;;u~t'r C:o
liOI E l'arnl'g1c ,\\I'
!') ,\
S-10 40tlll
~l anufat·turtn l! 111.1nl llt.~b rJt·tury hdp ( .111
(nr111fo ().th H;!l I
Sharp, <itlrat:ltH' ~1rl lo
n •prC!'>l'Ol ;iUlil ... 111111111\
t " m p .1 n ~· X l n I o p
J>lll 1111111 \ (. ;t 11 h \:! 111111
lor ,J ppi
Dietary Leod
1-.:xpcriem·cd Only
t-;ll'l'lrll'31 l.'XJ)('rtCOCC
110 to 4110 Volts
RHpirotory Theropist
F ull Time Ni..:hl~ i-:x
p1.:nl'llCl·d HI drJWtn).! ~
runnrni.: arterial blood
gJ::tl.'b MuneAi~
Full & I' lime N1i:hts
Operotin9 Rm T ec:h
l Yr rcccnll·~pcr.
RH/LVM Diolysit
Full & P l n1i.:hb uni\
l'lca::.c Cont .11 t ·
So. Coost
Community Hospitol
.11117:! (°()Jbl llw \
S11 ulh Lui.: u11.1. !.121Ji7
1\1.I 1311
Sb 71 Pt•r llnur
lh land Luboratones hu~ an 1mmcdtult: opt·ntn)(
tor J Keypunch Opcr;itor
w1lh key to di!'>C l'X
Jll'rlt'llCt'. Our µrcscnl
:,\:,tem 1~ ENTR E >-
(;uod experience and
work record is dc~trahlc
For more 1nlormutt0n
3 \ l'ar., m.Atnt1•11anc1•
barkground 1"am1ll ar
....,,th mai,:htnc c.:onlroh
lrouble~huottn).! «.. rcpa11
U'\o\rt hand looh. Ahl!! t11
"'ork any ~tuft.
I. 56.
Days & N1ghl openings.
Apply In Perl.on afl 2pm
~I F :\kDooaldi>, 3810 S.
llnstol Sl, S.A. Jn front of
'l'rcal>ury Ca ttw f\•rry 1r1 an
Ii \ 115-10 5()1)0 t:Xl 2117
:!:JOO llyland /\ VC'
Costa :'>lc:-.a, Cu 92ti2l}
fo;qual Opportunity
Afhrmattn· Acl mn
lmmE'<l.Jate opemn).!!'> fur
wa n•hou-:cmcn. i:round
mamtendnt'C & J:l'nt·rul
t.1horcrs. Lonr.: or !'>hOrl
t1•rm .,,stl!nmcnl!>. Work
"'hl'n \il U \\ anl '-ou
don t p~}. we pay you
Cull or rom<' in trnbY
St; :J3 Per llour
:! Yeur-. m a1nll·nan<'l'
l>ack.:round . l"a m 1l1ar
w1 lh h y tl r uu ltl'S ,
pncum<1t1<'S, & wl'ltl lll~
(l\\1l hand l()(1fs. Ahll' lo
work any shtll
~' 911 l'c r Hour
5 Yt•Jrs l'\Pl'rll'nn • w1lh
1oob . 11..:,., & fixture"
F .1 m ii 1 a r w 1 t h l' 11 m
pn·,:-,tOfl & 11\Jl'l•I \Oil
mold n ·p.11" 1\h1h1v to
:-el u p & run t ra1 l't
lathes & mt lltn f.!
ma<'h1tH.'S. Ahlt• lO rl•ad
hlt11•pr111 ts o v.n h;1nt!
loot.. & nwusunng 1n..,lru·
Payroll /Personnel
Quality Control
Produc. Fot ,,,..,.
Wcst sa1l Corp. needs
quahril'<i & versut.ile (>l'-0·
µle Mu.~l bo self starters
wilhn~ to grow w/l•x·
po.nding co. C111l ror appt.
Ms. ll.11rd 549-9711ext21
PBX A.n1 Svc: Opn ,
lmml"<I. opcmngs. Apply
m person bet.wn 9am &
<tpm M o n -Fri. 1 55
Huthester St , Costa
PBX Answ~r Sen
Wanl to work days, aftt'r·
noon. ... & C\('ntng'> in N.B.
& Cl>M a reas? Work
f t i m e or p /t i m e .
Weekends a must. Xtra
p ay f o r ex p e r 'd
oix·rators. Call 6-10 829:!.
1': I) t.-:
·\I lll\111'11\'I·. BUS BOY
Fl,()Olt \\',\'E ll. I 111111·. ----------Key Auto
1-:,111 rl. p c1mc \pJ'I>
\\1th l;ar) ~l 1::. ... 1o1n \ 11·111
(. (" 11:11 1..~,.,
~·"l'r <I nlj.!hl or da>
:.hill fk•;ll'h l11111~e Inn 1,1~1 Sll't'I'> llull1t\\ 1.allt'.
L.1g1m.i lk'adl
l>t:\llCr\' lllilfl 1111 1.111)
,\\I I. \ 'l11n•"' ho11\1· d1·
lllt•n 11111\1· \dull ... 1onh
:!12 I.Ir Eu111or1111 .ii • .ir
I cq'cl Nu 1·ollt•t llll,.:.
W 1•..,t m 111 ..,ll'I &
11 11 n t II l' " 1 · h a r t' :1
l'XP rcq 'cl ~ ,,, i >l l l . l'i Ill:!
1\rm::.l runr.: .\ 11·. 11 \ HOSTESS /Rec pt.
f ull linll' l\pph w ith
Nam '. ;\I 1 .. :0.1011 \0 ll'Jil c l' l'h x:11 1:;r.o
\'fr •)lll·r .... 1.11tl•· worklrtl!.
l'Ontls bi a wulP rangl' ol
('1' 11o11tl I n nr.:•· hl.'1ld1ts . -------·_---i ,\pplytiam 12 11o•m da1ly AtlPIF
B33-1 44 I
EXJll'r only, mature. de·
penda hle. a ble to follow
1ns trul't1ons. Vari1rns
hours . Wknds & holulays
lnctd . Please apply 111
per:-.on. btwn flAM-tPM.
Mon Fri. li!>i W. 19lh SL
CM. SIC'll.
lor 111"' • .11' 141 l'JI' 1111' 1
l 'h t•\\ ,1•1 \II \' 1\1 ·p\ Ill
t .,-.1 l t•l\\llll1 C•1 ~1iH~P
1'1111111 \ ,11 qMll I I 11111p\1'
t" .11hl ,., 111•1 , .. ,,1 t·d fli '\\
1·.11 pl•" ,,., hll ll'l.llh ~I ~I t11 I· \1 1•111 111 w 111 ~
ttl ~ 1 11 t1tf1\tol ll ' I ii
ph'.1 .... 1111 111 r111111'1111 i.:,
\\'•'.ti' lhl' l.tl P'I 1•\t lt1<.l\I'
lkt•l1111 f.1:-.h1ttl\S ('1111
d11< t Iii h1tflll' 1 ..... htlll\
,hn\!.' \\,.r·kb pr11t 11
I h··· k I 'ol' "' (';II ...
1>h111w 1w1 t'all !K>'.I i llO
Bi'. \l I\ lt1 •1'<'\ll lnr F l
1'11111 .... 1lon \1 u"l h•· '" ,.,
'.!l S.111111 l''ll\'I 1111•1 "
IS:l'i Ii t:I
Sl·11:1 .1I 11·•111111•11 \1\1..,1 fh-1111·1\111.111 101 l. ,\
Ix· 1·\1)(•1 llii lll \l 1ll1t..1·11 '1'11111·, 1ouh' 11111 th Cu,L.1
,\\ P 11 •Int ;,:,1; :1!1:r1 \11 "• .. 1 aH·U \;o 1·olll't l
('111-:1' l'•1rl \11111 .
Snqwrl B1·;11 h .11 1•.1
C.ill 11:10 :llll'I .1111.l'\I
('h1ltl t ,111• Ill\ h ilnll I\ I
old 1-:11 I ;1 :wf'" I \;\I
\11111 I-11 lh' n tr.in.., 1 .111
111.: ~1 u:.l h,11 l ' dc1wnd.1
hl\•1.11 511\ 14XI
llat•k l 'p rl'ltd l'a..,h11·r ·• l>u}~ llok ~tu .. l ltt· a\;111
wknib & 1·v1·:.. ~l u:.l 11 .. I IOSTl·:s~. mo111111i.: :.11111
l.'Xpl'r'1I Plea~(' l'<tll 1111' Bllll' ()11lph111
uppl &15·500tl, l·Xl 5i!O ;ur.,,'l \'1J L11l11. ~1•\• pi1rl
&·al:h Food Serv. Workers HOTEl A /REC CLK
l'rl'I 1·\lft 1 1n 1·n ·d1t
'"' '' l11l11 nt.: {.'11nla1\
\1 111 1 1· I Fr ·' n I.. 1·
"\ l' " 11 11 1 1 l r I n n
Many Needed Now'!
Qlr & phone a mu:.l
380 I S. Harbor
Sonta A.na, Calif
J\n t-:qual Opportunity
1':mplo~1·r M F
MANA<i E~t Jo::O.:T
RECEPTIONIST I ll'fl 1111 ,111\ .1111 1•t111•n\ ~I' I' I I\ It I \1 1! I
II 0 \" \ 111 1 ( h I'\ I 11l1 I
Uo\ 1· ,\. 11 11.11 I !"I
\l'" p111 I I\< ,II h Ill·. \l l'Y Ol'l-,H \I Cll<
S t .1t1111l' fur n ·11l
ll.111 lht•t JJI}' !tti:I Uili
"''' r,.11.1
{khH•1' p<·rs•1n . \~ lil'\l.
\lun I· 11 \I u"t ha'<' "" n t1 .1n' Hl·t1nbur., .. d lur
1111 < .di ht"'n !J til'\I
l'11,l.J ~l e'" ;\l c 1ltl"il
I ···nt••r l'h<1rmat''. :!i 'l
\ 11 t1111a (.';\I l\..\l 1i101>
:-; .. wport ~le'·' Sd11111b
P 11mc \o\nrl.. :\lu"t h;11<'
l'Jr <;110<.I p111mo111111;al
opportumt' ,\ ppl~ I-tH•d
"'' r \I('(' l fr pl J l\;1 i l'lac.:cnltJ ,\'<" C:11 ... to1
~l~a 550 J27:l
1 I I 11 I I 171111 I'' t ~d !I
1':111-: Irvine 540-4455
Tustin 731-5731
l'fo:OPL 1-: I' t-:nsoN
Exel' nl•t:1I.... p ttme as .. oc.-. tn ~h<ilc!>till' !'>uppl)
1'' u 11 y c a Ill l a II lt' d
612 ll~I.
Immediate opening ror a
1tec,·pt 1onis t PHX
Operator. Must have typ·
ing skills or 50 wpm a nd 6
monlhs recenl work ex·
penence prefera bly as a reccpt1on1~L Will adct
l'lcric a l s upport t o
pt>rsonnel. We can offer
:in cxcrllcnl s ta rting
sala r y with liberal rn nJ:e
benefits. Please opply rn
person .
i\11t111111tl I\,.
'""' 111 1.111 "''"•I• m•1•1I,
twlp ~ual Oppor l::mplo) er
Full prt t1mt'. UI all lor ll(Yl')o'.l.
depend" hli' pcopk 111 Reli~f Auditor BEAUTY OPERA TOR
T1111 w ,1i.;1 ' 1i.11il l.111· 11w
!'ih'a11w1 '• 1·11i: p.11 nt1·1 ...
hullt'I ' I'-f1<th,h1" 1111
huh ll't \ fl ,1111p11101I'
I fll'i I., 11111 , pli k \Ip o\ ii.
lt\l'I\ \\)1'\\,11
'\ pc1.,11111n ts upt·n fut Jll
'''l'"r1t•n1 .-rl 01..el.l'up
. 1111,1 for ,, nt·"' m<1k•·up
tt·nll't 111wntt11! c,11< n Op
11<11 \unit~ !111 a1h .inn·
m l'nt i.!1111 N l'W purl
l'1·n11•1 t. \ \.1;671
l>l· ... 1 ~n1·r l. .i lt-ul..it nr
\Ion.ii<\ 1-: Sin l "" In<.
11128 Fulkrton \11 (' :\I
l>lfi )\~\~ •
n ,t-: ''\I 'It<, 1• 1 .. nso"
:>; E I. . \\ .1 11 I 1• ii
hou~1·\\ '' c'. 1·c•ll•'l!C
i.:1rb. f'.Arn t11p w .1)!l''-
1 an1Jt1:> hn11r :-. .\\a il
:M~I lo:.t\l' 11v.11 11.ill!-<P
lk'<'Offil' ,I p,11 t 111 ,1 l\t•\\
I( row 1 n g ,. '1 111 11 .1 n \
:"{>~ U~I~
lk•h'l'r\ Rl'"P ~omJn
2.'J J.'> ,pt·Jk~ En~ . \ ah tl
tln1 Cl ., Ill· 1157 H555
l>t•h 1 "r & SJ It·,
Permanent /P /Time
v.ork in our print ~hup & D .L Cl L Call bl\\ n X & 5 Mon e-~r• thru fl I r) 11; i!h!l:J or .. t1m.. S.il opt•n S:in S.16 i \O!I (.'lcml'nll' Inn. ltl:! filOJ
1.,..nd1.capc Fnrcmun. l'X·
jX'r. :.alar) lll'J.!Ol1abk.
9'J7 26211
~1 AT lJ H E \V 0 M A N
JI t 1 m l' l 11 \\ t' 11· o m •·
nl•v.1·11mcrs & 11111lad
mcrchJnL'>. Fli '11111' hrl>
Ncctl car. 1111· t} pin~
S.H J095 ,!11:1~1 I l.1rhor HI. l ' \\
h IS 1\1:111
Gen1:rul lle\p
Corporillion. Exper'cl
Newport Center t).to-08<.tO
~auty Operator
l'o">lllnn oiwn fur .i I ull
ll rn... r .... ia 11 ... 1 "ho ·'
Jll'l''-"n to a:..~1sl faci.i\1!-<l
'.; 1• 1• ti 1 • n l' r l' i: <' I 1 < •
111·r'.'>onahll'. \\lltlll'll lo
wot k :J lo I hr' per du)
}o~\,111\l~hlnJ.! ~ !'>Cf\'ll!lllf.
I unl'hl'llll routes Earn u 11
In S:lll pl'r day. I Will
guaranll'c S75 llr~l "1•<•k
111 ... tart. >
llOl 'SEC'Lf:1\Nl"o1C: S\'
nd' llo nmcn lo work
" llml' 'I uel> lhru Fri I'S 3.
fi75 •~:$
hnrned. Openinqs . . NC'cd (!JI fll'Oph· lo v.ork Sl:n11·1• nt•t'<I~ ;.i mb1l1011~
---# t_.c;:al SN"Y· Expcr :? } r!'>
m m Xlnt lyptnJ:, no ~h.
Sal $!150+. Cull 752·25111
ka1 rull).('1 an• l!•HHI ht1UI'
.1 1-1• f11·x1h h• "lw11 111u n •
.1 n ,\ \ (\ N n · l'rl''I' 11
1at11I' (',di ~,111 ;1~11 111
'l.1•1111 h 7 1:1~1!1
l\uh\'ill\ .. r n11l1·;!l' r.:11 1
O v l'r111 ~·hl & -.oml'
"k111h 1;11orl ,,1l.11 1
:\111 ... 1 h.1\1 "1, 1.111 ;..in
n .1h\,1lh•1. 14 \r ohl
ht11l,l't ll'·"""t: Fl m .d 1
,,, Utll• ,,1 \II It\ l "'
B \ II \ s I I I r n F .1 'I
Bluff at 1•.i, .I 1 l11hl1 1·11 i x
"' 11111 :! l:l > 151'\I
\\kc1;11' on\\ h·lll 1701 111
1>1:1 :11~15 .
l\ok l•r ) \l o1tt11"
s.111· ... 1ad) r um1: l ' \I
hakt•ry 1·:i..pi:r p11•I II
5411 :1031
2C~I :'><"' 111irl C<·nl<'r
"t'\\ port lll'h 1; 11 fiti7 l
Beauty Op~rotor
1'0:.1 1 1111\ (or :!
:\l.\Nll'l'lllSl':o... \111:-l
h,t\'I' t''l'l'rll'lll l' l \Ill
t lnll'
~U!'>t h;ivt• l'M
MAii> FflESll 8!}1 7077 I '11•1111111..: \\11111('1\ v.111111·<1
In llll .1rt•;i ::,.I h1 ttlU~l
ha11·1mn 1-.11 !Ktll Klilh l>t::NT,\I. ORTllO
CLl':lll\ 1-·011 1n : \I.Tl\ l'hall !ol dl'. l'X[ll'f §.i
Urnnl!l' Co. arl'a lor !-<Is. b.nJ:ll ~h s pl·ak1nr.: gal.
St:fVI CC' & f,\l'O.I he lp f"'ull ltml'. ·~·011 ::OS\o;+Car
• ;\lu~l hav1· \;ihd Ci1l1 f ex pen~l' Call M••f.:J.!11'
un 1er:.lil'. 557 000!!
l!arn Up to $7 Hr JIOLSF:KEEPEH. prdc•r
No 1-.:xpt•r . Neccs::. Iii c 111 Wnrkini: c pl &
lt11"h11nl ( hwllt\IC' S<1lnn
~Ml N1•\\ IHll l l\•nkr I Jr
"\ 1•v. porl H<•aeh
B~ovty O~rator
:! \!'>"'''·•nh (or hu''
..,,1l1tn Wtll l ratn ,\hn ·I
Sh;1mpnn ~1rl c;11111I
wa~r' ~ "I'll"'' 111111 \ 1111 ·''";\Ill l'flll'\11 Hit ha rd 0111•lll•ll1• :O-.Jl1111
:!I Ml "\1•\\ 1111rl l 't·1111·1· U1
~l1111orl lkadl
\ '" ''' )I" n a i: c.: r r 11 r Sl'hw1nn '1 1:J l1·1 S al
SICl,IUO !'t1u ... I h.1\I p1 Hlr
lnkc met·h;1n1r cx1H.·r 111
a .. w n• !Wt 59tl7.
FllOIJ S'lllHr;, p.tt l l~I),'\ 11 ·,.l?,~Y~1 01 I' T .
11m1• \l11rn, ,11 Sat & )' l\ Call61-21t.-6
751-9790 !.chi. boy 5 day "'k. ow n
·----rm &. TV Nun·~n1kr. Yv'.
llB 5366221 ~un Slo( k, 1 IWl'I• 1,11,ll'I. n1':'.\T,\L GHOt:I' Prac ~·tr~ ~:! .10 hr -.1.1 r t liceo mNc~pl Bc.:h nl'cd.,
.• 111 1151 fioni olfu:l' hf'lP ror a cell>
1·11n1rol & dental in,,ur
'1u'\ hJ\l' fl'Ct'O\ C'XfJl'r
1.10 1122
General OHtre HOUSEWIVES II O U s 1': K 1-: r·: r E I< • s $ S $ S $ $ Malurc rul!hl shirt 1.1 7
r all 1' here & :11.thuui:h tl ~ ::i~~·" l ho m c.: · c M
m ay be t'arl} 1t s tim e to
CLERK "'•'W rmn ('tr r111.1111 1al
111 m '' l1111 k1nl! £111
1•111 p l11\ l'l' 111 h .111cl It•
11 11,t n•l..ill'll l1n;1n1 1,11
JI 11\flll'" l\lt-.IO<''' l''
1wr hl•l plul hut v. 111
1r.1111 .1ntb1t1nt1' .11
l"UI ;1lt• 11\d ll \l ;1n\ I'll
h \' I\ 1• ( I I • (.' I' I , . l R 0
:'ll•·w pot I l'1•n1t•r l>r. ~ £\
!>ti uw J '-k for Sand)'
I hlt•mau
!-,harp w numlwr!'>
Call&l2 r~;I()
\t.ttun• woman, cxpe r
nnh <1 1, days, LaJ(unu
"c.Jrh o\n4 ·85ll or
sl;irt maktnf.? .. omc exlr a HOUSEWORK c;cn 'I 2
cash ror CllHISTM >\S day., v.klv 11v.n tran'P
Time L1fl' L1hr.1r1c~ ha:-Hl'f.., M \ ho me :0.: U
lhe finest & one or lht• hi:l 1826
IT!Ol>l proftt ab h.• p t1m1· -----1obs a'all Wt• olfrr ;l ll'ikpr Llcook,ll\t''" lor D~T A.L ASSIST :;tufts J>t>r d uy to fit Into m n l u H 1· p I Jt cf!'>
t::x p 'd e n dod o n tic . your :o.chrdulc, :1 bu:><' K332J82a(l llam
Cha1rs1clc 11s:.1st nd'd rull hourly wal(t' + .1 com
1!13 llt?i-1 -----
time for \cry busy 1'pt m1ss1on & a n "lnl bo nu.., lmmran<'l' Jo'ree
Bc.:h practice. Xlnt oppt. ~~al~.rn vel. F lime " Ac:d A.ut to S 1100
for riJ(hl l(irl. Non·b mkrs TIRE OOFTltE PC'rso n whn cnn a ss1:-.t in only.~al\&44~~5___ ROUTINE" all tm •a!' of 1·11mm'I pro·
r>lCTi\TIUN MACHINE THlSJOH IS FOR V<llJ' perly & l'a!lu ully will
TRANSCRIBER; Xlnl CALl US NOW A'l' lond this lo1> ,;pol. /\bo
for mlcrvw :ippl ------
busy Dr .., M ed rrs pon,
t• n l' r I! r t 1 r . p l' r s o "
-w front orr c·xrwr . .in Hrs
w k. h c n r l1t:... Ca ll
641i 3!)0:J
P 1l1tlll'. over 25
N 1i:hls &12·65:J7
Mac:hinist ILathel
Wanted im mcd '.!\'rs l'-C
ix·r Own tools./\ L Z In·
d ustnPt0. l)a\'s 9i9 11233.
1:o;, (':,.. 615·6588.
J ob shop cxpn ~t ill
m ac h1n1!il. s hor t r un.
commcrrwl v. ork. 5 day.
50 hr v.k. Paid vac-a uons
& holidays i,:roup 111
CA PITAL MAClll:'>!l-:S.
16-\2 1'.:. Edmf!cr , S. /\
541 265:! -----
!\1 <1tur<' wom;~n. bat·k 11f
fl<:<' Urolo~y . T ypinJ?,
~tcnh11ni.:. 1n-.uran< •· t•v
per rcq 5-\8 22·\7
~1 !-'. D I C J\ t, T R A N S ·
CRIBF.ll Da>tlmt' hri. .•
exp nl't.'<lcd for 1m m etl
o p<•n 1n i(. l\ppl'I 1n
per!>on S:m Clcmcnle
Gen I Ho:-.p . f.S.S C.Amino
/\n Applied Magnetics Co
3400W. Scger strom
Santa Ana. CA 92701
An Equal Opportunity
de los Mure:-. San <.:!cm
ldenury & catalog older
cl.Ass1cal s lamps a nd
describe stamps, price
them & prepare list for
sales, correspond wilh
overseas s upphers &
Medtl'al Grov. tnlt Medical l'UStomers. negotiate de ·
Supply :\HJ?, nt·c<ls n(':Jl uh. Must ha,•e e:'tlensive
J>t>rson rnr pos1l10n 10 1'h1 l11tr llc knowledge.
p rnd ucl1o n. NQ C)o.pc r ~ ~~~·~f~!{r Ed~~~:
ncl'C!'>!>ar y, 7;'i l 4!l20, \ Ad 'd r b 8·5P:\1. nsk tor Sh•phan1c wns pa1 or Y emplQycr.
MEN ror LA Ti m~s home . d e li ver y I ll c .M .Pressmen & Bindery
S300i $350 11 c r m o . Traint.-es. l':le~rt Bch-uo
C .M . pr1nt1ng co.
"'"' ' 64lMJ621. Mc!lsengcr & ml s·'·p-.-.--h ____ ed __ _
Wt'st."1a 1\ Corp h e!-< 1m
med. opcnnl!" WAITRESS
I .cam In 40 hr!! lhl' molt
excH•nJ!, 1Zlomo11rou11 .
h111hl)' paid 11rnf<·'' 1>11~· or C\ t' •wsi;1on" Plu1·1·
m«nt as:-110.,l (in.xi }oh np
ty p111t . E x per. helpful. Sll-8095 l"ce. Jobs. Cull Chris.
but not rn~c. Freil s. 1.IME' 1 IF"" 540-~5. Coastal Person 4 ' • r. nrl Al(ency. 2790 Har bor
Jum cs ln i;uran ce LIBRARIES Blvd C M
Growtnll. Co..,la Me!!ll mrg
company is lookm~ for u
s k illrcl all ·nrou nd
mac.:h1nisl Mu st hnve
mini mum 5 y r !\ t>X
pcricnl'e on lil'tup and
~hort run pun1·h pres11,
rhul'kt-r, m i ll. la the
Company puld hlmcnts
anil holldnys . E .O. 1':.
Coll642 8W I
cl'llDnt'l>u!I ofril'e worker. ,time el~ want • over
Needed for pa rt time t.8. Apply m person, 693
p o!l ltinn. 11.tm·3pm. S. Coast Hwy, ·Laguna Marin e rs Suv 1n~s 1:-.
st'cktnf.! a <i uul1r 1etl
T riter ror ll' t..JJ!Ulla
llN1t·h ofr :\11 n Ii mn s
Savmgs & l,(18fl t'X l><'r
rl'{I d Apphcanh must
hr wtlhn.: ln work snml'
S.Als. Xlnl !ooalurv. work
mi: cond<o & 1>t.•ncri1s, in
d ud dt'nlal
li H I o\94 750G
for .tppomtml.'nl
F,qual Oppor Employer -------
GI'.: LC OAT T O\ ;c I H 11'
Brokeor's Ucrlcc. f,ng. Equal Opp Emplyr M/1'' ' . . llc h . Call Mau r ine __________ ,, _________ _
1-:XTER J1,\lt OW1\fH:
llradl t'y . 49•1 1087 or --------
DIESF.L ~I ECll1\ "I/H'S
Min l ~r l':qwr Mui.I
ha\ e ov.n loo ts Apply 1n
person . 27!i Ml'l.'ormtek
Coll714/751·9' 94
So Co ll (.:ocktnll
WallrO"t-s, Inc . \7922
Sk y Park RI. S te C.
Irvine. Cu 927 \4
S<\9 30511 EOE -----
Ai>PIY 1n per$0n. Mui·
doon'11 lrlsh Pub. 202
NeWl>OrtCtr Dr. N.n. ---~.........,.....~~
10.A T CA.RPEMTY Cocldoll WoltrHI Fm1sh work. Anproic 2 Dratts~n $900 ,. You're21 or over,you'rc ,...,,... .... ,.hT'"ch to$1200
weeks work startma O<"t "''-"'"" " .. the model ty~. out go1n1J ~cret.ant!tl $900 s. Top pay. Qualified un & attra ct. You're look'I Rece.,pt1Typlst $"1SO
llas lmmt'<i opcnin~s
for H.S. grads
Xlnt workmi;t conds
1y. 894-4010 for a cocktail J>Q~ll1on lrnne Pel°s')nncl Agency
loat MClllUfactwi g BUT you have l\llle or no 488 E ti\.h Co!lia Mesa
" e xp . El T o r l t.o Su1te224 642·1410
DOWN EAST Westminster needs yo\I. -----_..
Apf.IY In peraon T\lell· ~~--..---.
Mu.t have phone & rello·
blc lransportal1on IA>nlt
& shorl term a ssi!ln
menl.S Holiday & vaco·
\ion pay Hospitahzullon
plan avail.
•FOliUF'I' <>PIS
IntervlcWA 8-3 Mon· Frl APrLV
P!RSOMMEL SECY Challen~lng oppor fo r
outgolnit lnd1v w1•blhly to meet the pubhc. 2 Yrs
office e xper. 50 wpm.
Heavy phone11 F igure
lmmcdialc 011cnin1t In
CO.ta Mesa office Sav
lni;s ond Loon or bank
expe rience preferred . MIA t. he willing to work
Salurdoy11. Excel lent
aalary, worklnJZ condl·
Uom1 and benefil11. Call
or apply at branch.
~ Sunlt<WNr Ave
~ta le•
1\fr. Kulienca 9i9·0800
Equal oppe>rtun)t)'
Ila~• .omelhln.' to etll? Oaulfl~ adS do Jl w~ll.
Fr . t -12 or 2·4. 15042 DUFTSPltlSOH
YACHTS Gotdenwesl Scvt"r•I required Vnrted
----1arct\ltectur~l·c•~1n•\fY ~
l2', 31, It 45, COLLE.GI 1•xpe?r helpful. Jr~lne llll•lilill
SA1LIOATS ... ~:e'::is a~. Me·~. •
Opcntna• for cxper'd PRAFTSMArt ror El•c· ll41 c Dri Elt'CtMclana, Plumber11, Supgte1nonl your In· t.ri.c&l Comwt Ena °'" _.,.. ••
C•btMt. Makers. Line c 0 me · W 0 r k 0 n Expc 1 UahtlnJt · 546-4741
Carpenter•, 11.ardware l~c\eP.1hone. Guaro ... ~teed cHsl:1:u\\OI\ & ~::!': CAcl'Olt From mt ur Y wa11• plus ·~nus. rnun1c11tlon O•t tiu. Or~•C<>· A\rport) ao:; tal le bencfilt. 4 E. l1\h m. Suite O, ~(\ br\thHUm41 orcatl Equa,l()ppOr !!:mploycr
Day won wk, C.O.ta Mesa. 846·4too_ _ 0.1• Kio••• ·• ASJQC. --
Apply at COMPANION over 65. 2'700 S. Coat ltw. Ste 1, Oif\ibam Girl hou.e<:lnl
'700 E. Alton, S.A. w/car, to ab•r• CdM Cd ?tf. Ca . 9 2 4 2 4 ae~lct hds wol'OA!n p/t,
home W•a&tl\f. Rm " '714 6M G6l!IO topS. car nec:tu·S113
IOOIOCHPER P/C boanl 11 nominal 1aa\ary ~ fai l l 4.._w in th• Haw. -;;;;thin y;. ;;;t'
Nttdtd for CPA off Sal to rlQht penon. ~Ill• <Ir Wut. • a Dally P ilot to 11' Cl~stfied ad do
open.Coll&44 020S d•> Pht73'412S C111s~1n~Ad 6'2 Siit. ttwel\.642 ,
2 Yrs bU11lnen e"~r 1·2
Yrs of colle•e· Comm'l
ralln« e:xper. helpful
W\ll train ~~lcnllouA
lndlv. MAt..,...•MCI
Will tnln In bulldln11 ~~ons. Muat be flo~·
tb\c. Apply Jn Person
9Mm .ce COfllPCl'IY
l'JSTO Brookburtt F. Vly
8.30am4pm Mon fri
F.qua\ .Oppor Einploycr ----
M u s t JH o v 1 d e own _nc_a_c_h_. -------
trans po rt at io n . C all
Irvin e S aving s 114:7~·6456. EOE
9"C1lity As~·
h11pecton I
S mall precision 11v. 1ll'h
components. 0 1.>t<rJ1Lt•
venetv of m11ch1nes in
clud turret lathe. vertl·
cle m ills, punl•h press. &
drill press. Short run pro
ducl1on, small s hop, doy:.
M/F. Good vls u11\ 5c l•---------1 manual dexterll.Y. Elc c· MGMT. TRAINEE tronics background. 6
RET "'IL STORE Yrs min. exper. Call
l 139 Baker ~ta Mesa
Equal Oppor Employer
"' Carol, 581·3830. Xlnt
Immediate opcnlnas In benefits. M.V. area.
this area for mana ae· •----------_. ment train ee,._ _________ ..
salesclerks It p /tlme Real Estate Salesperson
11aJesperson. I 000/o COMMISSIOM We furoi•h de:Jk -
Apply al 2405 Laguna tnlepbon.-secre\al')' &
11111'1 Mall Laguna Hills. help.
41)5.1110 eve: 8:U..o'7S1
MACHINE OPR HURSES AIDES *SALES* E~per. in operotm1 drill /\II Shifts. Good beno. ae.l Estate ,.\eapeopl ~as. ll\1'ht6 " mills. Aj>ply GarUeld Conv . oPe.fl your rutuN. Let mlc~~er~t?~ c~1;:,~ Ho1~p. 7781 Garflold Ave. ~~.!r~~n~o ~m::l
Know I ed g G o t baa I c ,_n_. B_._34_7_96_7_i _E_.o_._E_. --riam t6 yens in Ol'lnt
math. Some too\1. OfflCI CLEllK Coonty. CAU Clal • o Qlll ror appointment W •tr en a\ I\~ A lndu.Winl Relations Full time. XJnt typln« ESTATE by M<"VAV.
t714t4f4-940l skill• +do (lltna & C714)14~'l1'
telt'pboM """· Nr o.c. •---------' TB.0..IC/ALT.AUl ~A11'PO--'-'_rt ..... _1s_H_1_60 _ __..._1Real Elt..ate Saltt Peop L..-o leech waoted. Up to toll
Equal OpJIOl" l!:mployor SELL ldle item• w1U1 a comm. •pl.I'-Nwpl D~l1 P1\ol C\aulfl d Ad. Ml-8614
tC n s
• Hefp W.t.d 7 I 00 Hetp W...t.d 7100 Help W.ttd 7100 Help W.tM 1100 Antiquea 1006 ......... 900& Monda • S. r.m~r 20. 1177 DAIL y PILOT
••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••• •••••• ••••••••5··~·L·l··5·••••••• ~:~t:·:~::;~··~·P~··;:;1 ••••••••••••••········ .. •••••••••••••••••• ••••• Mltctltaeeoua 1010 Misc.It~ 1080 ec.eUanewt 1010
A * TO OUR CUSTOMHS * .................................................................... .
Nuw lll~ruJlinM •h•'f' tram Su11•·rln1 An!lwrr • WA. 11.JTED
iau1blt101i1 moQ to at• I ina ~rvkt', ~ f. 1 llh WE .a.a! CLOSING OUT ~" hArdwarv, Wc>la &. •bop M, me a. U1>9\11n, CM A TOP CAStt DOLLAR
•quip. lu lodu1l'I llC• T•rdlou s•s OUR ENTIR! UNI! Of PA ID FOR Y 0 U It
cowiu Avai to U:M> 1>41t ,.... Ori f I Plant Jt:WELRY, WATCH ES. wk No ••jMtr. II c Call W•llt lo m1tll~ mon•>., en a en ART OBJECTS. OOLD.
t'un 1ou 11«"11 on \hl' E p t Et ' SIL.VER SERVICE.
Mr ffruw11,76M1l:t.4 vhc>n1?TopSlnourbW1I CJCJ 0 S, C Jo.INE FURN. 4t AN·
Wing Out I 0,000 Pieces
H9d 8'ow. I. H..t 0....-.hd
GEAMAM GLASS 1900.1930
1.o; Jw."tfl<'~ aC'curalu T ypl5l
\mm tl tdy. 70 wpm <musl 1
SufloW Ol'ttclu.r w11n&ed Ol'N. «Mii 3030, Hk lor ova 3600 POTS AVAIL.AILI TlQUES.645-2200
nuud d &4:111• pay av11ll. Full Ray ---SOfM W.W C ...
ttme t•mplo)'inc:ut. t.xp -nuPHOHe s.UH LUGGACii T ACiS GLAISIS. PITCHMS, PL.A TIS
Putt umt-or full tlmt·
~xccllt·nt Work uw Corullllom
AN>l ~ Ill l•t.1 ~on
Orancae Coad Dally Piiot no .... hy St .. Coete Me ..
A~k for J>aul Word
An f7,qua1 Upp<>rluntl)' bmployt:r
~ln'ft 1~ 711" s.i ~ rcr hr • l"omm KAIHLH•S FIHE ARTS, IMC. trom yo\IJ' buatnea1 card.
Srnm•ttu•• oxp 1\, rm· A1.bO nr~t P':rson for hu· 2tl4 Mew,ort llvd., Cott• MeM Send one card for each h..il~Jlll'l.111 rn.tnul. Ml1ll t\I ·k .. & d'"llYtlfY rh 642 ~,o~ lag plus one spar.. We ,,, c u.. " : ·~ ~ return permanent!!
•~111o1I. t~111Cll1th Apply llro W65 um u Placunlla, c M. - ' -tealed auracti~e ua
tM.2 )IOO. Telephone Sale& M.rchlftdlM ............ 8050 11tr•P· meelin1 1llrhne
Nct•d Moot•Y SU SU $SS ••••••••••-•••• ••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.D. requirement.a. Pr•·
Hct• $4.SO
Al A•thcxlk
Makn WOftehrM Pre1txt1
2134 MtWJ*i llY4.. C .... W...
"9:641-eHOl SICUTARY ~twk ~n Poon• nuw ~~~. Antl-t IOOS S'l'OREWIDiSALE vent loas & then ! For o
MWPT CMTI 1111111 9 :lO A.M. t.o J•·"" ••••;';';'••••••••••"•••••• New & uAed furn appl'~. pcf'1!0na1Jzed tas enclose <Jut~tundlu" "··ty "'"'tfod AM, ~.30 P.M. t.o. 8 30 misc. Wilton'• 8araain wallpaper. fabric or ~!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
for0 bu.,y '"1':w urr1ce PM Phone 646-4z2ll 01 Wonderland Nook. Ml 6114 W. 19th. "Day Olo'' paptr & wel,;;
<Oonrr.al r mil ' bUlllnt',!! (.'C.lme "° .ZS-0 F.. 17th St. CM. Ma-7t:I06541·1262 wlll back It ll'lm your ....acel Planot 6 OrcJam 1090 ..... w.w ltOO,HetpW•ttd 7100 ~r:u.-tlcl') Muttt b1• In Swt.oO,<.:o.taMe~a-Of Antiques! tap. Or try two c•rds lnstrumeMI 1013 •••••••••••••••••••••••
•••••••• • •••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• 11• t 11 1 d HU OE ware ho u • e * *I BUY* * bM:k to biclc. ••••••••••••••••••••••• "uen. we orl(an "\' Telephono Tuol Room • " PRICES: r1ANO, contempor:srv xlot typ1at Work vaned ~1tl~·l-.:11rn to $20.000+ crammed with over SOO Good uaed Fumlturt & Geaor3/~ THUM r ET. $l o o W;.ilnul upright. Xlul.
!-.ales po '\1t10 n ~ 1n yatlf piunl,
hun.lv.-~rc, plumhtrlL' & cl~C'lrical.
1it1:1n.it:n & panchn~ dtpl s Eltpan<l1ng
Co. s&tks ft'/T s1:1 1t·sptoplt. F tCo.
bt:n~fits . Xlnt adv:rnccmt:nl op-
porturubcs. Appl) .1t
& 1nlc.'res11n1. l>eautllul llLocaUon.'I OrangeCo musk boxei,;, nlckelo· Appllance1-0R l will 4/Staicstt.&Oes CLARINET $50. Gd $500.213"5S3·82'70d):.
ofhc1•s, salary com 4' L.A. Great benefits. dam pianos. circus or· seUorSELLforYou 6 9t.ap$1.~eu. Cond.M0-7180 monsura~ "1th •b1llly i.ecur1ly & rapid 11dv1n· 11an~. wall clocks. MASTUSA.UCTIOM 10ormoreSl.40ea --. Sohmor Bab)' GnntJ b40 UklO l'••mcnt. Cell llepubllc i;nndtathcr clocks. Salee Tu lncludctl Custom made ,\ltec Voku P11ano. r efloished .
Uii1tr1butor<J, Inc. Mr raacin11hng antiques. 64M686 & lll·f625 NO CARD ? of the th1:nlr(• I'\ Olbsun walnut 11000 Beat offer O"erSl,000.000Worlh -----GPA IOOHD head Horn; 4117-4210
Secretary. Ncwporl Roy.7i 4i83HMWI. Amenr1in Intern11llooul LOVELY Draw your o~'Tl or send &monltorcnblnct Great -------
8edch conaulunK firm 1'ow Tru1:k Orivera e-<· Oallene1; lBO'l·T Keuer LlkeNew1'Sora name. address, phone & cond $850 Maestro Ebony Spinet P111no. :.c~k!> !>1:Cr l'lll f)i per"d Top pay Apply, 1ng St.. Irvine. Tt'I SlOO 9632082 we'llmakeone cardper Phase s hifter $100 bcaut.tonc.Wllldellver.
RcHarch .tb!ill•l.int G&WTo\\1nj1, IOOOlrvm1: 754·1777. Open Wed lhru , -l..iit Add 2Yeach. .in-~ tsootb~toffer.64~18
Sal 9 ,i\Mlo• p•r Visit'. 3 drJwcr ~1ern.:h Pro\1n Send check or rrwnc\ ur· ---POfiition rcquarci. t-u·cp AVl'.Nli642 l~:I ~ '" ci.il drci.i.cl l);irlr. detlO: · Conn Alto Sai.. ).Int cond. SportfaqGoods 8094
tmnal 1latu.ucal lyp111.: , -• 1 I b -"' I PILOT PRl~luG ~""' llklll!I und ability with fOW TRUCK Or1\•er DecoEng.Jmport.s.Beaut w11nut 11ua ·-· rvrne, "'" ,...vv. ••••••••••••••••••••••• needed. Exp'd . only Sideboard. dreuera, 2 S52·17llO • P.O. Bolt 1560 &«-umatt.lipm Winc butera. Model
NATIONAL LUMBER & SUPPL y fi~ures. Re<:cnt collel(l' t::.;11 &l6-1163U to s. Mon end tbls. Sac! 673-2332, Drexel •arne labl~ Costa Mesa, Ca. 9'.!626 Office Fumltun & --1200. l!O K•UMti pump shot prefcred. Adv11n cemcnt thru t•ri 631·0133 " a-.1..-..t 80 S aun $116 . .Model 290, 11em1 potential. 640·0755 --------w rrddcnza $500. (714} Dinette table, 42 inch dia. _,...,...-... 8 »UlO, 22 cal. rifle $60
I' 122 lrookhuot St-,.eet, H.I.
~~~--~~~~ITraantle Sates -Fa~t AppliancH 80 I 0 768·5737 marble top with four ••••••••••••••••••••••• JO 30 rubber action 16.5
HaJo..Wanted 7100Het-Wanted 7100 (~rc1w1n•• Di"str1bul1un ••••••••••••••••••••••• ch-'-.Q.uallltyco"•truc· MOVl...all'!!..5.a.LE All new. 1li
ll i·n box . •• :-r ••••••••....•..•••.•• :r .....•.....•.••.••. S!CR!TA.ltYfTYPIST ... HERCULO.... au• .... "-A Co1 p. now hiring to han " tion, built t.o last many Desks, 13S·S'75. chr~ nil never fired. 002·4900
Needed for Y:..cht s:.;lt!s die cumm'I & lndust'I * * '* 8' Sofa• Loveseot Ytaf'I PlO. 631·3'74 after styles $5·$35, dratlmi: i - -·
firm. 5 l''ull days a wk sales accounts. Top pay. BOTU r11c•ir s I .. ,. 5 or week ends tbls $75, letter & legal 81, :_.~ad o. 809 REAL ESTATE
Are you an ;1rt1st1c, ~nowlcdgc of houl•nl! licnullts Ad\aoctimonl ArnoldR •11 " ~ .., files $30·S80 reception rwFt. Stereo 8 t·ront1vc encrgclil· nomencluture nee ~.50 Cul1Mr.Harr1s,8911-4411tl 1,,•5carn'lo•11Dyr. Cutfftfltlmlture CARPET 12xl5 Hi-lo room furniture, work •••••••••••••••••••••••
pcr:son who hko!t lhlnllS P"r hr. Cid I 541Mf373 or -----..... .. 186.'I Harbor Blvd. CM 1ha1. multi color yellow, E 11 t t 11 '·I t Id v ·11a 's T -.1 • R&R M Lauwia &sach b _ _. • 00 d · tbla. xcu en ~ys um a~ Wf! ·~r .. mi: • o i l!t' 645 (j(j()IJ. ransnwlltOft an .. 845·6151 r•nu new .1 · pa In· C.E . SURPJ.US as '--aut1ful lurninture
Office munai,:cr lll tlunt· lt•a·'lng Je w" I ·r wlshe• ------You are the winner or -l"d B dbl S ( • -""' " ~ l ·' Must havo ex per and 4 Tlc:kets to tM e · rown, · o a FURNITURE piece. Mttgnovox stereo
}ngton ~.~ch I~ lookl~~ full or p1Ume help in· SECRETARY own tools. xlnl workln~ Hlde·a·bed.Llkenow. ~~,ad.cond.$35. 900We&ll9thSL.CM ~lewlth8t~ack;,An ~~tc~::~l~::r~~~;'.r~ ~~i;:'~a~:~~~~~-Expr. Coulructbion Dept .. bc~nn·~flltt!o. n .. ~;.._2P5a31Y ·0~ lr-•IMHtlar_:est 4fr7.~:~ves 631.2771 631-2570 uque.i:eproducllun Ory
year or more J t•an ur ---__ _. Orange Co. ulld<'r. Good " ~ .. .,..., Fes 'fm Hollywood bed makes in· Sink ca bl net. $550
fer you 24 other So Calif Sale~ tvping req'd. 833 9331 548 2288 -----Farruly Entertainment. Double bed. Like oew. lo t~ bedi with in· I B l't{ E L E CT R l C new-2\'ii years old-$35\>
locations. nationwide re A FUTURE IN s~RET .a.RY TRUCK DRIVER Oct. 1and2 $50. nersprlna maUresses + TYPEWRITER $250. orocrer. Irvio•. M2-1190
ferral coverage, xlnt ;id ~ A Woodbndge in Irvine 497 3705 evenln°s · 2 bolsters. Used very lit-968.2665
v.ertlslng pro l(ra m. COMMODITIES GlrlFrlday:Accts Paya Mlllll be O\cr 21. Call (CulverDr.at. --· " u $75 ?Sl-484 Adrnlrall9''colorTV. bonua p11y proi.:rum to The mve:.lment ofloday. ble Accts. Rece" able Between B·S, at 54().()5()1 D11rranca ) It.al. Prov. Couch. good e. • " O · ah 1087 Good coodltioo, S'7S.
80%. Expanding co with l':um ;in average mon· pa):roll, Invoices, i.om~ T RUCK DRIVER P lea:.e c:all 64.2·5678, Ext. cond. Sl 2~. 2 Fireside Hyt.ek wa\el' eondlUoner •••-.. •••-•••••••••• 962--4990
management op1-><>rtunl thlymcomeof$3,000 plus typ\og & recpt. SfiOO +. 333, lo claim your green chra SU••· wit.llkenew.SSOO. "Zen.ith,colorTV.xlnt
ty. Manager paid on open a~ a broker with one or depending on exp. for Lite ftru<'k dnv1nl(, !o!d hct..ets. 830·3718 (n4) 8.2'7-1818 * * * cond. si75,
escrows lmml.'d open the nation's fast.eat grow· saLI loft &l2 5675 opp or )nl! · ai.:i:rei.i.ive 493-5472
lnR,S. For confidt•nllul in mtt flrm11 Call for appt. SECR""""/\R-Y -P .--, m:.in w, knuwleditc of * * * NlW ~as.~ovhoode, 11elf2 cleaninldg, LY'!fl trn.d...,
tervlew c .tll KEN 714-159 0421 · . r.i • to rts.~ Or& & LA. Counlie:i S,..i1kor me..... • yrs o · 71.22SunllghtDr. HACKWORTH HofmaM Ka•OftGUqh rnaJor R.E. firm open an.: Must be neol. rPf"s nee. . Con~ary $12.5. Crystal chandalier. HunUniton Beach
S.169832 !)la! :1301 ... • .. h c ln CdM. Opportunit y to apply Ill pci snn blwn w.a.sHER DRYER (jfil, Bedroom set $25, misc. lncld dresser, YouaretheWlnneror ~~~~~~~~~ "ewport ac: • CL learn about reul e1tule 8A\l & Jl/\M, US(\ Cast-~ & Chinese hooked rugs. :: -Type min 60 WPM. uig c;orp , !)6S W. IHlh, F\J\est a.II cycle deluxe M STSACfUFJCE 675·1331 4Tidcttstothe
R I "'·t l S 1 n SALES clerk for dairy, aa· iborthand preC'd. Salar.)' ''M. •A2.7812 model. Perfect condiuon S 169.00 · l"ble HwvHt ca ....., 0 e a HJ>et'1IO st mgr mulltrc person '"' ,.. S12S h 751 4488 .. .....i I Bo b & L b t Nce<Jcd for N.D. orf1<:c. over u1' retiree ok J\:.k open. 61!>8600'.L --------eac . . Cun11 ftaf'ft tw. sc om s ereo Pftff•al
Ex . r<•qulred_Cl7!1 :>1:15_5 for Geo; .. 0 , 645.54112· ·---------4 TYPIST ' He Frigidaire, xlnt cond. 186.5 Harbor Blvd. CM rru.croscope + 2
lamps. Fa011l~f:ntertalnme11t ... P1l1me. Must be fosl & ...., 645 61Sl mint cond, $300. Modern t . land" ..,. •t Cross bottom frct.•zcr, d bo a lid d "' RECEPTIO"I~ S""LISCLERK SECRETARIES .tt·<·uriilc .. Exper'd on M e ar , ao woo w~,..brtd,,~lnlrvlne "' frost Cree. $_150. ALSO Dutcher blk bar w /5 bin $100 556 0525 uuu •
Muat aell 24" color con-
&Olo. ts yn old. $200. l'h
Mt 1''. Xlnt typing rcq'd Full time. Daya X1:r<>x 800 or will tnun. Wet1linghouae cross top 1 d 1 ,11 · · (Culver r . at •-oood J>hone ex pH. With & wilhout i;h. 50 "1vursif•ed work. Fll!x · stoo s. in ng • 1 w /4 bl o Barranca) "' "
INGltA VIR Sh t & 1 .., ' • Freeier, frost f'rec1 gd chrs. Aft Sp' m ~.7851. Yas ca· refleJ( camera Sm11ll co. Good bener ls. wpm +. or oni,: hrs. Reply to Ch11u11flcd t'Ond. $100. 840·2700 aay1, · • w/t.rlpod $30. 5 watt Pece Please call 642-5618, Exl. locrts, Marine
Mlulon Viejo ;.irl'11. Cull EXP«!~ltcT:al~~crred term. TOP $$$ & vaca ad no. 61, c/o Daily Pilot, ota.14-8467 eves. Uywood bed, makea In· C.8 . 6 ch. hand set. xlnt 333, to cl al m your Equipment ,,.. 9030 Carol, 581·3830 d lion pey. PO Box 1560, Costa to twin bed• with in· cond $55. '78 Beam bot· tickets. n•••••••t;@o••••••-••••••
---..... Appl} week ays 9-5:30, .. ,, •··· "'"'"6 Dishwasher, Excellent '\ D
.. k Tro"hY "· m1::.:..."" "'u' nen1prin1 mallre11ses + • es. l emocrat, 1 ercu"" 15 hp mtr & "as ' ,., "' condition.' Can deliver. · R bll S"' h 23 * * * ·" • REAL ESTATE SALES En.:ru\ mg, to2 E. 16th, TYPIST 2 bolsters. Uaed very ht· epu can ..., eac . can. $1SO.
~upt>r1~ c;. M. RECen10Nl5T :°. 892·1676h ti!t: K tie. 1'75. 751-4640 ~~a~i~!:~IAX.,!i~o~~ 962.4990
S AU:SGIRL Wanted, • N aytag was er_.,, en· BUNKBEDS Less than Great Books set SlOO. l'leos&Of'9GU 1090 DON'} CARRY ICE,
Sunflower FabriCI, 221 /\rchltectural office re· more electric dryer SSO, one year old. brown 6'2·2391betwn3-8 PM. ••••••••••••••••••••••• refrigerate your p.resent We have one dt.oslt avail a
ble for a Rc<tl EataH·
• Salespersonof the ri~ht
caliber. No cxperienrc
necessary but helpful
We train and provulc
license help. M uat ht•
w\UlnR lo work full time
and takr dircl'\lon rcmh
ly. We fumlat\ ul~·~ a11b,
leilds. congenial ~rouv.
great com m h~ion
schedule and pie&!> ant or
face racllltle11. For un in
l t· r Y I e w c ll 11 ll o y 11 I
Hfo adwa y. Laguna t(s accurat.e typist, min ~more washer. St5o. w/whtte, extra firm met· matl.44" studio Uprtgbl boic; 90Ud state, AC/(>C.
Beach. • lrvW,. 540-4455 sswpm, for variety of as· Guaranteed & dehverod treaaeS. Come and see to Mlsc.llCIMOUI piano w / bencb uoo. tow drain, 1219. ~h :
Tmtlft 731-5731 slgnm~nt.a. Must be neat, 546-8672 appreciate. $320 new. Wanted 1081 675-09!M 675-2390.
Sde1 Glrf Of' S•IMOlt Equal Oppor Employer pleasant, rchuble. Keiunore washer & dryer. A.skln& '195. 581-0058 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Power 9040
e•-.;,. Hf.A Solff. 5 ....., old,. work.II. $135. . .... Am sofa, SlSO, coffa.. Slnijglin1 colle&e student Cutdownuprtghtplano ....,....-· W L P I A J•<J \El"' ~ r.c.l'W1i ••••••••••••••• .. ••••••
Some knnwled~e of elec-m. · ere ra ssoc. 754-1977 • desperately needs good ..,.,..
k J
uacArthur Al Ford Rd table, $95. Lamp!. dr-'&lnf •Able, ..... with 751-M70aft9 18~' Dorsett Hull, l ;O
tromcs Spea lo ansen. SEl'>Y'S L~ .a.L "' 979--0460 ., "' "' &\O 5093 * ~ I .,_"" Corona dcl Mar Used Kenmore Washer. ____ , parallel bar & 2 bulb·----------1 l&OHP enaine, all ac::· TOSlOOO 714 844-0620 runs great.ndsclcanm&. ra 8• blue velveteen. lamp. Reasonable. mballplano,consoletle. ce580ries Including lrlr
L 10 L ' 1 r ..,,.. 892 Jb"76 Genulne hardwood, .....,."" 552 72SO SAL!S Employers Pay All Fees J';Q~~ .:.m_!! yr~-~ · xlnt cond, used UI mdl _SJ6._3M_5 ______ 1 Amerlcancraflod. blond, ...:::..,....,~;:,;.·.:..:..:~· ~----
SUPftlEMENT Lii Reinder~ 1\itenc)' TVPlST, p/t1me, exp'd Bulldlnq Materials 1025 home. Coil SlOOO + new. WA NT ED : EI e ct r1 c in "Int cond. S.e & try 1t. ' TOLLYCRAF'T '77.
YOUR IMCOMi 4020BirchSt,Stc 104 producllon typist, gen. ••••••••••••••••••••••• sac at $250 Wltdys wheelchair, good c<mdi· siooo. 5'0-1388 wkdy1 an VHF. 9' dingh>'• bait
NewportBeach 833·8l90 ofc .. phonca. Irv. area, BARNWOODPANEL'f 8332900cxl1S8 Uon.493-3115 a•wknd.I tank.70Hra.213-6~
$$$$$SSS Call for appl cslah ·as llJ3.1371 · RR tles·T·l ~1-··be·-· ~~;;;;;~;;~;...Jt;;;.;~;;;:;;::;;;;~~;;;;:;;;~::;;;::;~:;-
2x4/2x6-loca 831-2480 verY aood condition, 126
ART TIMI " "'" .......... Twln bedo complet.e, in r
nL HOM~ WORK ~·y wtbookeepmg exp. TYPISTS C~.._!. each. Lov11 bench in 11ood
RE SALES HOUSEWIVES P1T, 3 dys wk, 8 5. Jrvlne .....-r•-"' 8030 cood. SlO. 536-5879 an.or
LUSK RlA.lTY COLLfGl STUDIMTS Ranch Farmer':. Mkt. Mtn 45 wpm. Variety or ••••••••••••••••••••••• _,u __ . ________ ,
ta openin~ a new resale Guaranteed Hourly 83B·~~----~ asslanmentl. Lona & PolaroldSX·70,chrome&3 pcs casual wood rum
office in lhl! UunlmAlon Wage Plus Bonus. 5.30 Service Sta. N1ghl Atlend short term. Top SSS & leaUlerbodyw/caH. w/burnt org corduroy
Beach area Net·ds both pm lo 8 · 30 pm. Call z Or 5 nitcs u wk. Apply, vacatlon pay. $150. $51 -8658 c~hlons. Sl25. Cl13·926G
manager, s.il.iry + com· 646-422.3 or come l.O ~ E. Shell. l 7lh & Irvine, N 8
mi111on and aalt'Spl'ople 17th St., Cos~ ~-cs_a_. __ -----6~ Yath1ca Mat 1.14 camera Simmons Qn hldabed 140.
w/Braun Strobe, '12f» 9drnwer dreHer, chair•. Bettc r than avera ge Service Station AttcD·
comrruulon + incenl1\c Sales P T help. t'abric daot. exper'd. Day &
plaleaUJ. This offlc:e will eXJX'l1ence necessary. Eves. Full• p1t1mc Ap·
&40-7754. &42·2982. detk. elc. 673 4544
Cob 1035 Honn 1060
be tpprox 1800 sq fl. with cull MG-4040 ply. Shell Station. 17th &
a lot of company support. --Irvine. NB Call Paul, 114 615·3411 SAi.ES - ---l"hw 540-4455 Adorable kittens, nice A.UllA.N CO&.T
TEMPORARY HELP ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
Service Sla. Attendant, sele<'Uon. Good breed· G Ii v Part lime. S.Spm. Mon· ~per'd. Full or p/t1me. T111m 7l 1·513 I Ing, Angora background. rey yur ni. ery Fn, perfect for College Apply Arco Station. l7lh Equal Op'10f' Employer $20. 97i·S9'18 clHllC. lit Place. Cla~s RetollSaleslacty Student. no pressure &d rvme CM AShoww\nner.Terrnst.o
Matur• for furn1\ure &ales or quolaa \0 meet. · -PERSIAN kittens. top quallfied but•r· Coll
stote. · Wlll train. Must 53Hl8ll Service Sta /\ttend:rnt. VET nit.a allnt' Cree studio quality. reaiatered. 171<\l 628·9248 eves or
have exp m sales. Full ---Eves & wknds Neat ap· apt, utll • Must be 638-9308 1_w_ee_k_e_nds_. ____ --4
or p1t.1n
cld'g Awkn
& ••••sp•aso... pear.~haodwnllngonly reap. Cd 672·10&0, n-8040 H.orlefOl'aale.Re ialerod
eves . .,a ary. PP Y n ~~ K: " needopply 2S90Newport t-6PM. ... .....,.. G i pel'IOn al 11131 Newport Women'• ready to wear Blvd CM · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Appa\OOla & eldlng. 6
Blvd,CoetaMeaa end aporuwear ex· ' Walt.era&buabo)'lwant-DOOTl\AlNfNG Yr!'!Ubands.9800 Very
•--------•\ peritncepreferred. SERVICE STATION AT· ed. Prlvate Club. Apply YourplaceotMlne aenlle Call 714·522-4320
ApplytoMableAu.slln TENt>ANT, exper. pref. In person 4-tPM, H e John Mart.in e75.14401_w_k_d_a.;..y_s _____ ~
Manager Good w•1es. apply in Larry. The ConfetU Fae· Jewelry 8070
ORAPH'S peuon. 3131 Harbor tory.23861 El Toro Rd. ALASKAN Malamute,•••••••••••••••••••••••
NewLallunitH.iU.Store Blvd.C.M. wo·\.rlel <h.r 18 Appl)' fem.? fn09. old, ipayod, W TE
23621 Moulton Parkway 8erv 8ta Help needed Im· .fi 4pm Sid'• Dl~c Beet, ~u.san ~~u· ti U . AH D UTOTEM Call7 .. ·6'22 med. J'ull or p/t. Apply, 10021atP1,N.B. i~~;A:gf~J-~R c.nv..,..eMrieh l~~~~~~~~~l 990 E. C.t Hw)', Nwpt ~·D-German S horthair J•w•·LD" WA-HER
r I · 1 211·• "· Bch. "-~ Polnter Pupa, AKC. "' "" "'~ av S, °' t1ona oft: at, u'"' •5ALIS• MacGregor YachtOorp. Champ. blood lines. ART OBJ£CTSI\ GOLD, ~f:m:~:e 't lnu~~~ Retail .. 1eapersoo, SNIP/RICEIVIMG 1631Placenlla,C.M. ·Wormed, ahot.t. 548-3613, S1\LN'!,E:ui~ .Vl~~·
Beach. other area• buve jewelry & aUt wear. App. Male. Some li!Unl (50·10 548-3249 "' • -•~•s alao. No •x""'r. Jy at R.M. ABl\AJlMS. lbl). tnrormal c.M. ofc. ~ .... C -~ .. -ipa.ni.l pu... TIQUES. 845-~ .,...,.._ ..-1119 Newport Blvd, C.14. *3.IO h ,..U ••iUl• rt r. tt.A ~" ...-req'd. Apply at any ot ta r. "" m 3 pies, 6 wks ok!. Pboo• Uftttock 8075 ouratmea. m.~. 5C8-7264an1:80 ••••• .. ••••••••••••••••
&s88 Newport Blvd SHIP /UCEIVIM~ WESTERN PACIFMJ Rt1. Moraao mare, broke
COltaMeta ..U-1702 Wtnetd (2)P/Umepco· PlRIONNEJ.BERVICf8 · allTiM'-"" to lid• tt dtiHldblk
pt1 tor our ofc in Costa 20002 Brookhurtt AKCrtl 875-9314 ifado Vorf'n ac lr.f,
Mesa. Some typt.og " Ste 207. Huntlnaton Bch EngllSb SbMp Dog, ma1t .:.!ouWH ern nt >
phone corresp. Hrs (114) 06a-oao4 10 mo. old. BeSt. orrer 1...:..:..;...;:..;.;....--------11 o.ded l.M or i.s. Call .... Mact•••' 1071
lortnt.enlw, Women •• t r ne'a for •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• THILOOIC mo&al tabrie11Uon 9f9rk, Poodle, black Iii. trained. l.1. &>roductlon belt
644-6100 ute utemblt a. pa~klni· 111n1 A.Kc. •~1-• 1noa. •tftdtf , .. .,..,. ao ..,1u
No exper necteurr. Xlmdiapo. flS .... TIM paa., I KP w/dut& ptck·
l$1UOntrJ Store An 82.50br.11H4'7 .... APP. DOBIE PlJPS.AKOobam· up_~ • fUMr. tuOO.
Ooron,a del Illar needs ell• fy In penon 1111811 ~· pm alNCli .,.., tatl ~ r:~~~'=i~~ doClrele. H.B. • ..... alt 5. A..;.l;.;;K..;;;:;e.;;..o_M_P_R_!!:_S_S_O_a_s'11
di, .. pectlaUy tint clle.o· WOOOWORKl:Jt Frtt .. Y... 8041 ~·T •• aOLD I
'4lt. trJ.1010 l!:xper iDtertor decor, ••••••••••••••••••••••• • dltoowat. ~
,.... .. be abl• w tead • Mobble blatk • l\aft. ott All ..._ cau
,_... \&\dlbltaDd ))rlata. "°'* ill. malt l"l\lll »~ 1J;ll 1.!!4t~.;.; ... ;;..;;•~·...-..---11 ~J:i. '~":~~ ~fo:.b oc:f ~ •;;•.-• COllPR*'90p..!.. ~:•
C.11 for epp&. •1&39. Pl1 A ~enia. ApplJ Jn z .,or1 H••~• J9 be f:t~ialllrii A'.lllo MIHI' £.o.a. ter.IDD:. ~Uoh1 ra . ~ ... "Mltllldta ... -• ....... • ooraott DMlfb. UO pa.. An. ooeta .... ,, """"'"'' eq..i-uare. .:::.w;:::.mno· w,cx. -~ IOIO
4N.o767 ' YAll>MAM 2YroW Keltlrllll~. ••••:•••t .. ••••H••••••
til!IMut ln 5 llfntal cea~t DteClt AKO ftP• ~ to fain rl'H e1Um~ ri.t. t.CI>·
m .:r:..eeriJai': udit ~:!cs':::'ttn:= "11'""...,,. · ='ai.~ a· OIMllMiAI· ElllPtl'.1ll· aeall.Jlethaliln\ abllkt l tr old a.aSt ODekatoO·
• dad'I lllfllt,. Send ,.. belptul A~plJ, uao LOvt1 dllkl. • •lta~ llpt .-, ~:!""'''nt:'d f.llb• or uU. Tol\J N••POt\ Jlhd Cotta ... ,..TL0 ..... '7& ,...,, , &f ..... Jl't\aU. Fc>a O.veloj)· 111.. $1.'71. f mimt Corp IOI J1t.h St.. • • ·, ftt ,_. ctrw th tbt1..;.;.......-.........,.-..----.. .....
lhanttnalo8 'luc l•Othbl•f11U1lUll>t.U1 Wett •• •• Dtllt Pllc)t rlDd wtilt riU 1'•111 In •1.!111 Pllot Wa.nt Adt. Clueilled Ad. IC-ltlt. DeJ.11 rtlol Ctalll,..._,
Toddlers, teens and senior citizen's! Games, exhibits, dancing, music, tempting taste treats, refreshments
and the 9tnt1d Cowboy•
t and 10 '""' letutdey ...... ,.,T ...
A five-hour benefit concert wtth top county •oeans.
noon to 6 p.m. Saturday: rock danoe for t .. r\• 'tll
midnight. DEAN JONES and a morning of Chrl.Uan ~nment SUnday from 9 a.m. to noon.
OMM8N DMOON oonduota a PGPI concert 8 p.m.
luridly ln the erg Top Tent -the fl.-t of a four-ooncert
lrVIM ~phony ..,. .. aonoludlng Jan. 29 with VAN
CU9U"N· .. Ai I.lie,_,
World premiere of • new ol•t by Jaok1e H}'man. "FIMlll•·· a p,m. a.pt. ao and Oot. 2. Unblrtnday Party
9:IO 1.m. 8•turd•Yl MIXIUn Fa.ta dl'nn• l&turd•Y night.
..,"1alnment •II diy 9Und•Y·
\C n s
t ;icpt'Tlt1lt'rtl ttl'c.·urolu 1 > plitt nt:'1thrd
unnU:dlakly, 70 wpm tmu.!lt 1
Purt timt: or rull tlmt·
to; cdlt:rlt "u1 k1t1 1.! ( '1111dlt11111-.
A rwl 'f in l'u Mil\
Oranqe Coast Dally Pilot
U O ~nt le.y lt.. Cotta MeH
A~k IOI Paml W1:u·d
An E.qw.l OpportwHl)' r:mployt:t
SALIS ~wlt1 hbu1trd Opr. w 111 * TO OUR CUSTOM-• *
r.uw iuctuttlna •h•i V tram Supt•rlt\t Ans"'c-r llORJ
amblllout 0100 to idl in• Servke, ~ £ I Ith WE &R• CLOSl ... ft. OUT WANTED hardwatl•, WOll &. abup !\t,!itel,U~talr:t,CM ~ s; ~ TOP CAStt DOLLAR
_.quip h> lndu•\'I •C ,, .. ,.._.,.. OUR ENTIRE UMI! OF PAID FOR YOUR
oouol• A\ll w szau ~r Want w m1i1kt1 mon•h• Orl-tal Planters JEWF.l.RY. WATCH£S. wlr. l"o ellper. n~c ~all .... , ART OBJECTS GOLD.
M1.Urown 761-11114 run you nil on t (' 1:-.8 Pots, Etc · SILVE R SERVlC1':, phoMT Top S In our bUlll ~~ t'INE FURN " AN
SotlohJ Uf\lclUl' WltDll'<I noN. 841·3000, ••It (m ova 3600 roT.S AVAIL.AILI TlQUES. M&-2200 s~ .. 1. 11.aY 11vall. Full Ray SOIM ..... Ceet
time 1•11wl.oynurnt. t:xp -TILWHOHI SALIS LUCiGACil TACiS do•lrt'<I 7:>;.I llll7 .. P h ., .&.•Ut -"S FtME ARTS, IMC. Crom '/OW' bus1net11 c•rd .. , :!:\ er r + comm fUl'll:nlo&ft St>11111•tr11~11. exp 1\, for AlitO o d pcrton Cor lite 21l4 W.Wport llvd.. Costa M... Send one C1trd tor each
h.11111111•utl manuJ. M11sl pick up & dehvory l'h: 642·3601 lal( plus one spare, We ..
u.ii. t-.11141iwl1. A1.11.1ly 9tiO Ul65 return permanently 6 I ui. ,. M - ----aealed aLlUc\IVe l11g &. l 71 1 ,.. 04Jutla, " · •r I h S l slnp, meuting •irllnll 1>42 ~I. e ep ont' • e1 ~.. ............. 1050 ,. NccdMonuy$SSSS*SS$ •••••••••• ... ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.0 . reqwremenla. Pre·
SICUTAIY Work on Yhon• new Utt .a...a1--. IOOS STOR~IDESALI<; venl loss & thett! l•'or o
Seling Out I 0,000 Pieces
"-dl&o.,,. la H_.~
GERMAM el.ASS 1900.1930
He t• $4.50-.
Al A•lhcccllc
Makea WOftderM Prtoc•h
2114 ... wport ..... <:..-~ ""= 641·1601 HWPT CHTI l111(s 0 30. A.M. l.o 12 :.30 :."::;':":.'"'. ••••••••.•••••• New & used furn appl's. peraonallzed tag enclose AM 5 3o P l\S lo 8 30 1... wallpaper, fabrlt• or1~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Uul~t .. ndlllll &cy nt•c•dt-41 t' M'' Pho e 'tl4a-42.23 'or w--...1-rl d mlec. Wilson's uarg111n "Day Glo" pa~r & wel~ fur busy law 0Ul1.:e · •.• ~~. E lTth s• vnuc Gft Nook. 545 & 814 W. 19th. W11l b k & trim ....... __ • 1090
<Ou11l'r.1l11·1\ll / bu11lnru 8C?r.'~o"""~tu M'ua •· Of Antiques• CM.Ma-7NO&S48-3282 ac your -c• Pfcmol • OrpJ ..... w.ted 71001Hflp'W•t~ 7100 pr;wtlc~> M\I~\ bi• II\ "''"'-·-"""'-• ~~1t··~br}crky. two c•rds lnstrumetttt 1013 •••••••••••••••••••••••
•·•T••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••.-•••••••••••••• •• 1 .. t 11 1 d HUGE warehouse **I BUY** """'"" •' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ul(eo . "-l' oruan .t<.• • Telephono Tool Room • PRICES: PIANO. con\•mpornry lllnt typltt W<>1 k varioo Snlea·t:am lo $20.000+. crammed with over ~ Good 1.11ed Fum.llure & Sha or 3/SS TR UM P ET . S l O O. Wlllnul upright. Xlnt.
RETAIL SALES & 1nwr1hllnir. t>eiutHul llLocatlons.OrangeCo. muslc .boxe11, nlckelo· A~llances-OR 1 wlll •llHags&l.60ea. CLARINET s:io Cd SS00.2ls.M3-32'70dys
otrtcM . !\ulary com 4' LA. Great benertls, deon· p1anos. circus or· se otSELLfor Yo11 6 9t~ ..... "''e Cond. M0·7180 l'!Wfn:.uralt! °"''lh ab1hly •ecu.nty & n•pid advan· aao•. wall clocks, ......... Tiil. "'UCTIO... 10 ...... ~·SJVJ 40a ---; Sohmor Baby Grand
df th l " ,_~ ~~ " or more Pd .... ,,.,,m rn11de ,\llet• Vol"o P1"n0, r·•tlolah•d
Salti~ pObtl111n :-. 1n yard . paint.
h un.Jw-.n., 111 uin h an !. clt:rl rac al.
~ardt:n & panchn~ dt.-pt 'I F."<pandin~
Co. s~~ks 1-'t 'I' ~alt-~ptoplt. F /(.'o.
bt:nt-fil:>. Xlnl .:.id vanccment op
µortumt1t:::>. Apµh .1t
040 UIOO c:l'mcnt. Call Republic gran a er. c oc .. a , Sal T 1 I t1 t1 ... ....,..., ~ .. " ~ -Ui•. lributor•. In•·. Mr. fucinalJJlg anhques. 64""8616 6 IJJ.t625 ea ax nc u c o(the thcutn• PA Olb11on walnut SlOOO. Be•l offer. " " ~ 0 S1 000 000 W lh NO CARD'' GPA 100110 h"ud Horns .,,., •"l" Roy 114/834·9088. \'e~ • • o,r - -d ~· _.,.._ " Secrut.iry. Newport · Amencan lntemallonal LOVELY Draw your own or ~en &monitor cabinet Greal -------
84!ach con1ult1n1t Ctrm Tow Truck Driver• e'<· Oallene1; 1802·T Ketter LlkeNew7'SC>fa name. addrei.!t, phone II. rood $1150 l\IJcslro Ebony Spinet Piano.
:-.eek:. Scc ret11r y
JX'T''d Top pay Apply, log SL, Irvine. Td SlOO 9t;:t2082 wcllmakeonet·ardf>lll Phase shifter SlOO beaul.Wne.Wllldellver.
R h t 754 1777 0 W d th lag Add 2Y each 492.0839 l'IOO/bsl orrcr 54~18
cat•urc """"l.111 U&WTow1njf, lOOOll'Vlnc · · pen e ru drawer ~·rcnc h 1'1·0\ln ~od check or mont•\ or· --P0&1llfm requ1res f'Hl'P Ave,N8M2l~ Sat9i\Mto4 PM.Vlslt ! c1al drei.:.cr O..irk derlo ConnAltoS1111.,xlnt cond SportliMJGoods 1094
l1onal alall•tH.'JI typani.: ----------1 t t ...... I ILOTPRI Tl G ... ,,,n ~k•lhs irnd ubilaty with TOW TRUCK Onver DecoEng.Imports.Beaut wanut inal . .....,. rv1110, P N M .-.vv. ••••••••••••••••••••••• needed t:xp'd. only. Sideboard. dreuers, 2 S52·17llO PO. Box1560 644·0125aCt.lipm Wlncheat1r1. lrtodel NATIONAL LUMBER & SUPPL y fi~ures. rtec.:nl colleRe Cull · 643·9638 8 to 5 Mon end lbls. Sac! 613-2332, 0-•1 • 1 abl -:::l Costa Mesa, Ca. 9~626 Office-r....mlt·-& --1200. ;.!() g11uge pump 1ho1 prefored. Adv1:1ncemen1 lhru i''n ' 631-0133 rext! ,,ume c ~~ rv ••"' IWI $116. Model 290, semi pvtentlul 640·0755 -----w credenza 1500. (71'&) Dinette table, 42 inch d1a fqYlpmfftt 1085 i&uto, 22 l'al. rifle S60
I 9112 lrookhunt Street. H.8.
l~~~~~~~~~ITra1nee Sales-fo'ast .Appiancn 10 I 0 768·5137 marble lop with four ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jl>.30 rubber action 165
HefpWant" 7100HelpWanted 7 100 ---Growing l.H11tribu\lon ••••••••••••••••••••••• chait11.Quahtyconatruc· MOVIHCiSALE All new. 1lill In box.
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• S!CRl!TAltY fTY"ST Corp. now hiring to han-HERCULOM lion, bu.lit to last muny Desks, 135.975, t•hr:-all never fired. 962·4990 SALES Nc..'(.'()ed for Yacht sJlos die comm'I & lndust'I * * '* 8' Sofa & Lons.at years '300. 831·3474 after sl)'les ss $3S, draltang -ad - ---
REAL EST AT I:: firm. 5 Full d;iys ;J wk. sulet accounts. Top pay IOTH r11c•s s 199. 5orweekend9 tbl.I S75. letter & legal 1't ~ io . 809 HUNTIMGTOM i\rl' you an ort1st1c. Knowll·d~e of boat111~ licn"fits. Advancement. AntoldR ill s; files $30·$80 ret'Cpllon "'Fi.Stereo 8 l'ro1H1Vll enerl(t'lll' nomenclature nee. s;i.50 Cu11Mr.Horns.l!IW·4486 e y Curfl1Ftlm....,. CARPJi:T 12xl5 H1 -lo room furniture, work ••••••••••••••••••••••• BEACH pt'l'S<ln who like:. than~:-. per hr. C111l 548-11373 or -1345Cerrilos Dr. 18MHarbor Blvd. CM ehaa. multi color yellow, tbla Excellent ayst.em us well
1111arklm.: Lido V11l11gi:',. t;.tS 6600. Tn1Mffti11ion RlrR Man Laguna Beach 645·6151 brand new $100. pad in· • C. E. SURPLUS us beautiful (urnlntur1·
Of(lce mana.:cr 1~ ll~nt ll•IJtltni,: jcwl'll•t w1~he" ----------Mual have cxper and Youarethewinnoror cl'd. Brown, dbl. Sota FURNITURE piece. Magnovox stereo }~r~~~.1~~hs~Te,.~·o~l~ full or v lime help tn· SECRETARY own tooti, xlnl working 4 Tlcbts to the Hlde·a·bed. I.Ike new. hade-a·bed, id. cond. $35. 900 Westl9t.h St. CM o:ons<>I• with atrack, .• An
that wanl lo earn ~)(1,000 eluding Saturday. Expr. Cons tr uct1on 1.>£· pt.. c·ond it Ions. pa Y' & lrvlne Harvest $150. 8'\2-4950 631·2717 631·2570 uque reproducllon Dry
year or more. 1 c:an "' pref Call li7:\ 9334 orange Co. builder. Good benefits. 549·2531 ar Festl•ol 497·370Seves Hollywood bed, makes 10. Sink" cabinet. $550
fer you 24 other So Cahf ~ale~ lvping req'd. 833 9331 548·2288 Family Enlertalnment Double bed. Llke new. lo twin beds with in· I BM E L E CT R I C new~Yt years old-$350
locallons. natlonw1c1e re A FUTURE IH SECRET &RY TRUCK DRIV•a Oct. 1and2 $SO. nersprtna mattresses + TYPEWRITER $2SO. ororrer. Irvine. ssz.1190
ferral Cov"ra"e xlnt .. d ,,_ s;A Woodbridge in Irvine 497 ""05 e in" 2 bo1·t U ed '·'-968·266S " " ' u COMMODITIES •1 .. •t '--over 21. C11ll (''ulver Dr. a• . .,, ven .. :. · i. ep. 5 very u.-. Admiral 19'' color TV. vertlslng program . GirlFrlday·AcctsPaya-" -""" " ~ tle $1S ?Sl-4840 _..._ 1087
• nus p11y prourum w Thl· 1me,tmenl of today. ble. Accts. Receivable. Between8·S. atS40-0501. Barranca) Ital. Prov. Couch, good · • · rr• Good condition, SIS. ,. d 2 .... I ld ••• .. ••••• .. •••• •• •• •• 962--'990
IO'Ai. Expanding co with l':Jm un average mon· payroll, Invoices, ~ome TRUCK DRIVER Plea~e call 642·5678, Ext. con · $1 :!. 2 ,. res e Hytek waw cood.IUoner
manal(emenl op1>ortunl thlymcomeofSJ,OOOplus typln& & recpl. $600 +. 333, lo chum your green Chrl S3S ea. unlt,llkenew,S5()0. "Zenith, color TV, xlnt
cood. $175. ty. Manager paid on open '" a broker with one of depending on exp. for Lale truck dnvmg, gd hckets. 830·3718 tn4) 82'7·1618
escrows Jmmed. 111H.'ll the natl«m'11 fastest grow· sail loft 642·5675 opp. for ynl!. ag~res~ive lng.s. For confidt•ntlal in in~ f1rm9 Call for appl. SECRETAR-Y -P .--r man w' knowledge of * * • HEW ~~l~ovhoode, se.lf2 cylerastu.onldg.. lY'!ft Friedman
t er v I e w c J 11 K 1o: N 714·759 0421 • . • lo res ~ Or&. & LA. Counlles. Spmlsh or ...... ..,,. 71.22S llghl Dr
H fmo K h maJor R .t:: farm openm~ ;\1ust be neat. rrf's nee. . Con ..... .._,,rarv ~. Crystal chandaher. Hunun":on Beac'h
' " 0 ""· avonouq In CdM. Opportunltv lo upply In person btwn ...... .,..--·, $25. misc. incld drei,ser, the 546.9832 9''8 :13111 Newport Beoch, Ca. team abOUl real l!llute SAM & llAM. us~ Ca~t-WASHER DRYER lipc. Bedroom set & Chineie hooked rugs. Youare ewlnneror
Real J'.j!tate Salnperson
Needed for N.8. office
Eic . rt'qulred 67:1·51l5~
-i Type man so WPM. mg Corp .. 965 W. lSth. Finest all cycle deluxe MUSTSACRIFICE b'75-l33l 4Ticketstothe SAL~ clerk ror da ry; as-aborthand preC'd, Salary CM. 842.7812 model. Perfect conctiuon S 169.00 • l"iM H•Yeat st m.:r. mature 'person 675 8600 ___ -$12Seach. 751-4488 Curtlshmlture Bosch & Lomb s tereo ~H .. al
over 18, retiree ok. Ask open. ._, _ --2 I m .. TYPIST , .. -1 ld l l d 1865 llarbor Bh•d CM micl'O!lcope + amps, Famlly Entertainment
ror (;<.aorge, 645·5482. p / time. Must be fast & ..,.e .... I • re. X nt con · 645 6151 · mint conif, $300. Modern ----Croas bottom frce1.er, ----~1deboard solid wood Oct.land2
Must. sell 24" color con-
aolo. & yra old. $200. Ph
M , Jo'. Xlnt typing re<i'd & good phone exper
Small co. Good benerlls
Ml11lon Viejo :irca. t:ull
SALISCLIRK SECR'TARIES accurate. · Expei"d on r t r •150 "LSO · Woodbrld"q_ln Irvine \. Xerox 800 or will truin. ros ree. •. · " Butcher blk bar w if> bitr $100. 556·0525 •,Dr
i''ull tame. Days With & without sh. 50 D ·r -·' k Fl We8tinghouse cross top stools, dlnin~ tbl w 14 lCulver . at IHGRAVER iversi ""' wor · ex Freeier, frost free1 gd chrs. Arl Sp. m 645_7857. ¥1111hica-D refleK camera Barranca) •••••••••••••••••••••••
wpm +. Shorl & lon11 hrs. Reply to ClasslCled eond. noo. 840-2700 aaya, · • w/trlpod $30. 5 watt Pace Please call &42·5878, Ext. a...~, Marine
Expcnt>nce Preferred term. TOP $$$ a. vaca· d n 61 cl D ·1., P'lot C h l I _... WlllTraln. "' o. • o 81 J 1 • orM4·8467eves. Uywoodbed,makesln· .8 .fJch. andset,xlnt 333, to cam your Equipment ., 9030
kd 9
lion pay. PO Box 1560, Costa •o twi'n bed• wllh in· cond ...... '76 Beam bot· tickets. •••••••••-••••••••••••
-----Apply wee a ys ·5·30, M ,. "2626 DI " h E II l • ...,., ";'<" .--------•I N kT h ,,_ esu .... a., s .. was er. xce en ners~rino mallres:.es + ties, 1 Democrat, l e-ury ... hp mtr-& 11as ""< rnp y.,. ----condition. 'Can dellver. " .... R bll .,.5 h. 23 ·~ w REAL ESTATE SALt:S Engrav111g, 102 t::. lt>th, TYPIST $.SO 8921878 2 bo sters. Ua<.>u very m· epu can .... eac * • * can. $1..50.
Carol. ~1·3830.
al Sun••rior c M REC...,..OulST · • tie. '75. 751-4840 ch. Kraco deluxe mobile 962.4990 -, ... -. -·-· ----1 ...-" "" 't h tttc K C.B. w/power mike sso. t---------i---...::::.....:.:::.---SAl. ESG IR L Wanted. • "ay\ag was er_.,, en· UNKBEDS Less than Great Books set SlOO. Planot&Of"9MS 1090 DON'T CARRY ICE, EMPTY DESK
We bave one dt'sk avn1l.1
ble for a Real E11ta1t•
Sunl'lower fo'abnc1. 221 Architectural office re-more electric dryer $50, one year old, brown 642-2391betwn3-8 PM. ••••••••••••••••••••••• refrigerate your p.resent
Broadway. Laguna q's accurate lypii.t. min K'enmore washer $l50. w/whate, extra firm mal· maJJ,'4" Studio Upright boic; 90Ud. it.ate, A-C /t>C.
ueach. Irvine 540·4455 sswpm, for vanety or as· Guaranteed & dehverod trestetJ. Como and sec t.o MJsc.ellanecMll piano w i bench 1500. low drain, 1219. Ph: ' Salesperson oC the rls:ht
caliber. No cxperienrc
necessary but helpful
We traln and prov11k
UceaH help. Must hL• willin~ to work Cull lime
and lakll direction r c:uh
ly We furnl1h salt's aub,
leads. coneenial ~roup.
great c:omm1 :>i.io n
!tchedule and plea~ant of
rice facllllles. For an an
t c rvlew call Hoyal
Properties. MZ.18JU
-----•Tlltfftt 731·5731 slgnments.Mustbeneat, 546-8612 appreciate. $320 new. Wanted 1081 675-0994 61~2390. ~·Girl or Salesman Equ1tl Oppor Employer plca!iant, reliable. K~re washer & dryer, Askln11ll9S.581.-0058 ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• e•-. ln Hl·FI SolH. s .,.... old,. work&. $135. t r siso rr Struigling college student Cutdowa uprtlht pl.ano Pow« 9040 -r-· w L p I •-.1·~ us om soa. , co ee d """" •••••••••••••••-••••••
Some knowlcdl{e or elec-·--------m1 m. · ere ra ~soc. 754-1971 · bl ...,. L esperately needs ~ood _.,., tromcs Speak lo Jansen. M•cArthurAlFordRd t.a e,.,., amps. drafting table, .U" with 751~70aft8 18~' Dorsett Hull, I iO
1).\0 51,y;1 •SECY'S/LEGAL Ccronn del Mnr Used Kenmore Wa•her, 97!1-04511 parallel bar & 2 bulb 160HJ> enaine, all a c· T0$1000 7141644-0620 runsgreat,ndacleanlng. ra 8• blue velveteen. lamp. Rea~onable. mballplano,con.soletle. ce590nes Including lrlr
SAL!S Employers Pay All Fees Equal Opp ~mply~ SJO. 892·l67ft xlnt cond, u.sed an mdl 536-3645 ~~rl~~! c:an~~~:nt 13495. SS2-72SO
SUPPLEMENT Lli Reinder:" i'_J(cnry TYPIST. p /lime, exp'd. luildincJ Moterials 8025 home. Cot.t SlOOO +now, WANTED: Elect rl c ln xln\ cond. See & try it. • TOLLYCRAFT '77,
YOUR IMCOME 4020 Birch St. Sle 104 production typiel. gen. u••••••••••••• .. •••••• sue at S250. Wkd ys wheelchair. good eondi· 51000. 540-1388 wkdys art VHF. 9' dinghy, bait
.ra .r
S$cr:$ Newport Beach ~33·~190 ofc.. phone1. Irv. area. BARNWOOD PANEL ·a ~·2000 ext 1S8 Uon. 493-3115 6 & wk:nd& tank. 70 Hrs. 213-633-6536
•••• • Call for appt eslulJ 65 KJ.1·1371 · RR ti"" Tel ~les beams ,,..,,_.. d t •-
"RT TIMI ....,. · •win be o comp et.a, m ,.. 2x4/2X6-k>ca 831·2480 very aood oond1Uon. S25
TEL HOMl WORK Sec'y wtbookeepin" exp. h Lo "'-b 'n aood
V ... TYPISTS c ......... a eac . v.i ..,.,nc 1 ., RESALES HOUSEWI ES PrT, 3dys wk. 8·5. Irvine ~pmllll 8030 cood. 110. 536-5879 after
LUSK REALTY COLLlG! 5TUDIHTS Ranch Farmer 's Mkt, Min 45 wpm. Variety of ... •••••••••••••••••••• ,_12_. --------1 ~~!t:il
ta opening a new resale r.uarnntced Hourly 83B-~~ • asslgnment1. Long & PolaroidSX·70,chrome&3 pcs casual wood (\ll't\ If
oHlce in the Hun\lnJ!lun Wa~e Plus Bonus. 5.30 Service Sta. Night Attend short term. Top US & lealherbod)'w/caae. W/burnt org corduroy ~~tw.._~.~~
Beach area. Nt'cds bolh pm to 8'30 pm. Call 2 Ors nilcs a wk. Apply, vacation pay. $150. 557-8S58 cushions. Sl:ZS.673·9266
manai:er. salao +·com· 646-4223 or come to 250 E . Shell 17th & Irvine NB miaaion and aalesp('ople. 17thS~~ta~c!la. ' --· Yaah1ca Mat lM camera Simmons Qn hldabed 140, Better than ovcrul!t' Servlce Station AtteD-w/Brau.n Strobe, ~125. 9drawerdre.11er, chairs,
cootm111slon + 1ncenll\ c 8oles P T help. Fabric dant. exper'd . Day & &40-7754, &<l2·21l82. desk. etc. 673-4544
plaleaUJ. This office will ex.Df'rlenre ncce~sary. Eves. Full & p 1t1mc AP· Coh eOJS Hones I060
be apprOx 11100 sq ft. with Call 646·4040 _ ply: Shell Station. 17th & ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
a lot or company 1upport. lr\'me. NB _ --Ad bl k i · Call Paul, 714 675-3411 SALES lrTiM 540-4455 ora . e ttens. nice ARABIAN COLT
... Service Sta. Attendunt, selection. Good breed· Or y vearlln• Very art t me • .,. pm~ , .. on· exper'd. Jo'ull or p/t1me. T.affn 731•1711 Ing, Angora background. e J ... •....a.-JI 5-.1--•-~y t'r1, perfect Cor College Apply Arco Station, 17th F..qual Opi>or Employer $20. tni-89711 claaluc. 1st Place, Cla~s
•H'TCl'I -'"' Student. no pressure lilr\'ine C.M. AShowwlnner.Termsto
Matur!1. for rurn1lure soles or 4uota11 lo meet. ' ---. PERSIAN kittens. top qualified buyer. Call store .. will train. Must 531 0811 Ser vice Sla Attendant. Vi.."T iut.e alln1 free studio quality' re1lstered. \'r\4) 628·9248 eves or ~,.l."o;.:..::;l.o.l.:~-::.:...._.....:.;. ... .-Mit111WlllMI•
have eicp in salet. Full -Eves & wknds Neal ap· apt, utll po. Mual be 638-~ ,_w_ee_k_e_nd_s_·----~ F N FOR~ WHOLE f"'MILY
or p/t incld'g wknd~ & 5••esP•RSO., pear.&bandwr11.lngonly resp. CdM 673·1050, n-10 .. 0 Honeforsale.R11~uteroo U ins; " eves. Salary. Apply In ~ i;; " needHpply.2S90 Newport t..aPM --r .. G di Toddlers, teens and senior cltlzen'sl Games, exhibits,
per1<>n al 1931 Nowport Women'1 ready to wear Bl d CM ••••••••••••••H••••••• AppalooH & 1 ng. 6 dancing, music, tempting taste treats, refreshments
Blvd,CoaiaUeea and sporuwear ex· v · Wa1t.ertllbusboy1want· DOOTRAINfNO Yrsl:Shanda.8800 Very .---------•! pcnencepreferred SERVICE STATION AT· ed. Private Club. Apply Youtplaceor.Mlne aentle Call 114·522·4320 Apply to Mable Austin TENDANT. exper. pref. in person 4·8PM. ue John Martin &75-i440 _w_k_d_a,;;,..ys _____ -i
Manager Good w1gea. upply in Larry. 'fbe ConfeUI Fae-H~ 8070 RETAIL
DRAPIR'S person 313 t Harbor tory, 23861 El Toro Rd. ALASKAN Malamute, •• ;;:;.~•••••••••••••••
N<'w l,aguna Hilla Store Blvd. C.M. Wel\.r'IM Over 18 Apply fem. 1 rnotJ, old, •payed,
23621 Moulton Parkway Sen' Sta Help needed im· afHpm Sid's Bl~e Beet, ~~s~ ~~ua h n. WAMTED
U1'0TEM 1~~C~al1~7~6~1·~6~6~2~2~~j med. Full or p/t. Apply, la72tatill,N.B. ~~~J'A8~aD'?L0L~~ CenvetHM•Mn•ts i:.. 990 E. Cst Uwy, Nwpl Ulalo•• German 8 horthatr J•-RY WATCHES
· l l .... d •-Bch. .,...,. al Pointer Pupa , AKC. .. .... c.a.. "..J....;.;.;. • Ol llo~ opea 1 • "'1 "' •SALll* MacGregorYacbtOorp. Champ. blood lines. ART OBJM.;1~, GOLD,
3rd I hlfl e in S 11 n Retai I ea leapers on, SHIP talll"EIVIMG 1631 PlacenUa, C.M. ·Wormed. shot.a. $48-36731 SILVER S ERVlC E ·
Clemente ft Laguna J·cwelry&autwear.Apn. , ..... _ 8 FINE FURN 6 AN Bt•cb. Other arcaa have rd. '' Male. Some lift.inl (50-0 ~ S48·3249 · n•~·· ,_ N r IY at R .. ABllAHMS, lbl). Informal C.M. ofc. ~ . TlQUt.S."5-2200 ope .... a .. o. o expe · 1119 Newport Blvd, C.td. .-..&O hr. Call Milli• aft AKC ooclc.et 1panitl J>UP-req'd . Apply at any ol ... p1e1, e wlls o\4. Phone UYMtock 1015 our 11tore1. 1---------1 llam, G45-5100. 5CB-7264aft1180 ........... ••••••••••••
&588 Newport Dlvd SALF..s SHIP fUCEIVIHG Rf.a, Mor•an mare, brolle
coetaMen 142.1102 SLAP A SMILE We need (2> Ptlitne peo-to rid• l drlH blk pie fcw our ofe in Costa parade Morf•n tel4l11a. · ON YOUR FACE Mesa. Some typlnK " ~~--...-..;__:-..;..1 ~,ou w .. ertt nu>
Ru both f\AU ll part tlm~J)Olltkma avail.
• P\ln lovtna artlcutate
lndMd11&11 'Who art
es pr to learn bow &o
)fake Top._.
~c_..._ ..............
1331895 L~C.
Ir.qui.I Opp Em pl t"' 1
lor lntervtew, TH!LOOIC
I I ,
and the 9e••ted CO*boya 8 and 10 ,.-. leturdey ........ ,., ...
A five-Mur benefft concert wtth top ~ """'*'S. noon to 6 p.m. Saturday; rock dance for t .. nt 'tit
midnight. DEAN JON&a and a tnarnln; of Chnltlan
.m.talnment 6Unday from 9 a.m. to noon.
QARMEN DRAOON oond\IOta a DOC* concert 8 p.nt.
&undly In the Big Top Tent -ttMt ff1't of a four-ooncert
lrVtne Symphony Mri• aoncludlng Jan. 29 with VAN
CU9UAR a. fli Liiie TMI '
'Morld eremlare of • ~w ,,., bl Jaatda ffymart • ~::.-m.1~~1:1~, ~~-r...::"'~=~~: :i= tnWtalnment all day sundty.
" d ..
I I I l I I i
I l
I [
-. . . .. .. ...... .... . _...._......._,. ......._,,_,_. -· .
• • Awtot, '"'ported ..... IMporled A.utot, IMporW Auto1, Uted Autos, Uaed A.Ito•. u .. d C'J2 OM. V PILOT Mondlly, 8!p\lmber 2t, 1tn ••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••
----,... t040C I a •• , ·-9110 C--' liii t740 VolDw..-9770 Como . 9917 Dodp 9tH 9910 ........ ~ .. ..... . ...•.•.....••••••...........•••....•••••......•••.....•••••...•••......•.....••••.........• ....................... ... 9120 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•
SEA RAY'S •••••••••••••••••••••• l ton 'tiG Chov atc• .. vi.n '12 Capri, VG, 11111.o, air 5'0RTSCAIS HUGESELECTION '7' Camaro, Super clean, '70 Dart, 6 eyt. air, P/S, 10'15 Mercury Marq11l1 ,. dl lll I l USED CARS air, tape, low low miles.1 auto. (new), 2 IMIW Ur.. W1D, 9 pu.s. UNided. aropuw/atra• w/'7J tll~.vl oa.,1'mpa. cond,oewru • ,x n .... &Sokl 0wner.S35()0.8T3·8120. $1100.549-3189 &M-5911.sorMMt»'T
for l.B lmport lr111:k cv.,r~lblna t1uc>d cuod. t 0 n d ' 0 • w P ;a 1 n t, Top cash$$ Cor your VW . ..,.L....
9 20
.. o ul M lt11 Me 0 Ii a1 CTl4 ) llNlll H'at bed, wlndow1. u ~1orr 4~ ~ID WIST CiUMAM Paid for r oot. Call _.,.. t .---u .. '70 Mercury Marq a 4 dr, 18'·30' --tr••· Call ••&·J2&9 ' Colt 9717 KAlllh orJc:~. ••••-••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• fuJI pwr. AM/FM. '900.
Mi.t ll, I' half n}>over 061 '1M ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORTS BOB WITHAM vw '61> Malibu. Xlnt runnlni l~ PH 1 L ~•. HA.lllSOM-S ~=-·Call aft '78 VW Clamper, Pup.Top, '71 Cult, ~ood mlle&1Ce. 714/141·1116 7GOOWe.tm.l.nstttAve. cond. Good tl r u . LONG Muttmg ttlZ SIAIAY ' OC1w-=n1,iclnlcood. 58,000 ml 1. Auto. f100. Leese 893-7Mlor631-7880 SllOO/bltofCer.fJ5-2$71 Q •••••••••••••••••••••••
ZIZ1So II S.A.. ....._.-4-. 9140 873 8366 A/co nd. Good coo d . '72 VW, blue convert. "1S Moote Carlo Spt Cpe. F AO '86 Auto 8 . 51,000 one
140..111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• !M0-7$89 Hew·Uwd AM/Fii. Good COlld. Air,Ut,wbl,PB,PS.AM· mi. 2 ownrs. Xlnt ccmd.
3lillCOdHW>:£1'.B. ltnldJer m o·ped, xlnl ~~.v~~~ ~:;oo~ Dahm 9720 OYER 100 ruoo.Call96CMS81. Fl! stereo, wbt wall.a ~ $1800.13l·U. 611~'41 cond. JttJN 1n1al. -.. .... lT ••••••••••••••••-••••• MERCEDES Au ume lea1e. PP '\.,.,.. 81 &K,,. •• ft ... all orii In ... -----------1 Moir • IJ.02 W. Oc••• .. , .. _ '72 vw BUG X1nt. m ecb. aas..331'1 ") ... ... ... _ ... * DRIVE A * OH DISPLAY cood. c1n. sz100 or best • • out. Ori& ownr1. Xia' •SIUPJACIU.I'• h'aal .._ 113 1 Autot W.tecl 9HO 1.1~--of llllDOl"fl ofr. Must sell. Hl-1St6 aft "13 Moote Carlo, air, P /S, o0,,...,.. cood. Air, wire WIUS, vtn
'1ylq brid1• cnaiaCT', / •• .. ••••••••••• .. •••••• * LITTLE. •• * ,.__ IZl:D · 5:30PM P /B, tape deck, $2250. or bucket aeets. $2000. Cail
...ts-4.. twa ZZ5 HP, u tlSO WIWILLIUY SAVE A LOT AUTHORIZ D offer. '"_,_, .. _....,.,_., 14.~~71Jor1:tdMlC8 MPG, full electroa!ts, ·-·-•••............ YOUIDATSUM ?4E~~~~~ 71 VW Bug, aumf, lood OR '11 Duster,
alr, nu ..,,.,___ ,..._ Oldl•mbae 9955 llabln& e1t-uS), folly '7TJladeyFXl!:only1200 PAIDFOROR NOT SROP IJCOMPARE BueoaParlt mecb cond.. U....P>OO.orof er. ••••••••••••••-••••••• equip'd. ODb' 100 tara. mJ, w/i pulal paint, TOP DOI.LAil SJl-7250 67$-713h fUPM 831-20•6 "70 t:orino. Convertible. 1988 Oldl CuUus, Mr.
'nm boal 11 better now barl,uiltooler ,fllc. P1tl~ 1970 VW Bug , good Clrpllf' 9925 &&me perf, net. minor Rad1o. AJC. cleau. easo. than wbea CMW. ~100 14,SOO O.D., tell foT FOllTOflCAJtS OntheSantaADa Fwy. meehanlcally eOod.'1.000 ....................... body w o rk. 115 00, 6"-ll.2'1
wf1'S..mzzeva. "wro. M0-4UIT '" all b',. lnt d 49&-0:fJ'1 I..;.;;.;..;;~-------· 'IS 450S~. ver, .. , or otrer.631-2082 a)'lor 'M New Yorker, 4-dr ----------1
sunroof, etc. Mint. P P. frl'M241eves. aedan, looU ed. runs Id, '75 Ford LTD, 2-dr Brhm . PWo 9917
''"I. 11 I ·•111 11 111•• 8.ICTRIC IA y IOAT 50cc In top coodltloo .I.deal fOI' campus with 16' Duffield Edaoo. COIQ.o motor boma -OJ' trailcr!f plele w/hCe j ackets, 631·M74 after s or wk
DUIO. bat&uy charier, all ends.
831-137S 4'1J.JJ7S NEWPORl DATSUN $1.S.OOO. (71') 638·7512; 4 nu radial tires. Beal Xlnt cond. Best offer . •••••·-·-•••••••••• Mn. Tucker. · "11 VW CAMPER $2500. ofr.over $350586-2766 640-5565 or 7S4-6341 '72 Pinto Runabout •
RH'T'RICIS c• Jhn Meedhanl
1973 Mercedes Benz 280 4 ::,~~ ~!; ~e: :_~ Conetht 99 32 1962 Falcon Sta Wen. runs 2000cc. Auto, new tires.
ctr sedan, &tale Sale. Lo die . 546-5460 days. ..•••••••••••"• .. ••••• good, fair in " out. "°° Sac. Sl.085. 538-8018 C\tibioos, SWTY top, Will·•---------
dows, 2 full <.'Oven, etc.
All in brand new ~nd.
$6000. 615-3662 or 6'5-2200
'76 Vespa Scooter, USCC,
BeslCXf cr. TODAY! mi, very clean, $8350. • "15 Corvette, T-top. 850 Firm6'1'5-f731 "12 Pinto 200C>CC. ' apd.
714·494-0f36 ~ VW Bua. Good body & auto loaded. 21 000 Mi, mags. AM/FM tape. Gd
Call ~·l.116t eveninas. CONNELL
Near MacArthur
&Ja mboreeRoads
MBZ '66 Classic wbt cpe USl~ Runs&reat ... ..., ""20 tmn\ac. $7500. or offer. '68t CorClllna GNT • X lntt cood $1300. 673-8593
hr ' -. -· l.J988.1739 rans. ean. ew w r Concourse cond t uolll, pump/ radiator. $500, 72 Pinto Wagon, reblteng, ?3 LA PAZ, 33 Ft, Dsl Bult.aco 250cc Frontera,
Trawler. 1000 mi ranae, blue '77 model. $650. SWl rf, $0000. 673-2191 '13 Karmann ~hla, reblt '12 CORVETTE Convt. bit. 61S-6498 a.ft..6. $1500. X1m coad. 04N36G
66 230SL .. pd both eng, new parnt, $2500 Gd. cond. Lo mi. $5SOO Ot' ' _at_t_GP_ll _____ _ top cond. Ready! Full David. 546-21311 2828 liarbor Blvd.
electronics. all cooven. COSTA MESA llEA T THE PRICE
• • • 5 • 67S-S201or833-19SO bmofr. 492-6340 Maverick 9947 ....
tope, lo mi. mint. $8,950. VW C B •••••••••-•••-•-•••• '73 Pinto Runabout. 4 ap. ppn4/M4·733S 19'7~ Harley Sportsler 2200 54._ 1200 .:..;....:.:.;:.:...:....:..;. _____ , m1, cus tom paint & ---------I 67H903 •n amper ~·Must Cor\lette '78, T-top, air, . , xlnt coad 34M ml. new
,64 M B 300SE Saloon Im aee. $2750/oCCer. AM /F M stereo. lealb, ~!!•~ck, 65:000 ml~ palnl, pln stripe, tires.
17' REJNELL. 0 /8, 50 hp
Mere. H/D lrlr. Extras.
P e rt cond. Bes t o fr.
6CZ.a33S or 642-6008
chrome, $2250. '94-8316
1975 Kawasaki.
tllO(). Excellent aha.pc.
44 NEW CARS mac' ~nd. RHD, ~aut: 64.2""'1 wkdays 13M, $8800. 751·2382 c;u·551.~~ con $1.llOO/bslolr. 54M413 ATTHEOLDPRIC~ lealh. & wood, a real '73 VW412,2dr,ncbbody COU1j4r 9933 f'tyMOUtll 9960
All models now avaala· cluslc. $5,950. 499-1590 wark,$1900. , ....................... vry 9tSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ble. Call or see U1 before 675-0597 e • D R t b U your car b extra clean
see us first.
you b&l)' 1 ! ! '71 MB 280SE, very clean. •••••••••..... ••••••• 70 uste r 111 F rn
radio, air , buriuody. 63vwc-* * * ORANGECOUNTY'S w/blk interior. Good loCllh.Sail 9060 MotorHomff, Sale/
... •••••••-••••••••••• Rent/Storage 9160
470 Sail boat, 2 sets sails, ••••••••••••••••••• ••••
2925 Harbor Blvd.
$5950.497-2595 --r-· . HEWEST cood. A sking 1800.
1500eq. $900 640-6249 Royd Anc1enof1 LINCOLN-MERCURY Stephanie 8'6-3811 or
'71 MBZ 300. SEL 6 .3 '7' VW '12 deluxe 4 ctr 25612SilverDollar Dealenhipis oow OPEN 1_55_7_-6448 ______ _
21MS HARBOR BLVD. Warwick . 45,000 mi. A/C, e conomical, gOOd El Toro RAY FLADUOE VeCJCi 9974 Co5ta Mesa 979-2500 xlnt coDd gd race rec. MOTOR HOMES
Sell lrd• ...... caa FOR RENT or · v o.r.-. From $1.50. wk. 77()..0644 TOP
540.6410540..0213 $16,500. Loaded. ~4920 cond, r a d ials, S2450. Youaretbe wtnnerof LINCOLN·MERCURY ••••--• .. •••••••• .. ••
evs • 9'1'M388, 6'6-1757 4 Tlcbh to the 16-lB Auto Ceo~r Dr. VEGA 7 6 21' M~RGON 01 . RENT Flreba U 23' Self
Loaded with new eqwp· cont. Auto/air. CC, CB,
ment. Sleeps 6 adults Jn stereo sips 8 645-2283
'77 280Z, oar, mags, brown
w /bro ant, 13,000 mi,
AM/FM ste reo, must
sell! 837·5121
''14 MB-450SL, lo mi, 1 '74 SUPER Bug, A/C, l"lne Hcr1est SD Fwy-Lake Forestexit HATCHIACK
ownr, serv. record. con· AM/FM, 8-tr k, reblt eng, hstlYal IRVlNE SSpeed tram., radio.etc. comfort. Low time on ___ •__; ______ ,
Atomic 4, Geooa, dingy, '77 Dod&e Van, pop-up , z · Xl cou.rs cond, 2 tops, ltbr, bst ofr. 830·5190 or Family Entertainment 830.7000 Only eleve n cniles:
l'rwse control, all pwr, 768-SlS Oct. l·and 2 (QMROG) VHF, 6'3" head room. range. oven , htr, 3 way '73 240 . Lo ma 's. ot cond. Best offer. More room than ~any ref rig. Air. stereo, P /S, Call 837-1469 all 7pm
FM·MX tape. PP <714) Woodbridge in Irvine O Mere Marquis. Lo O .... LY $3495 ~180. 552·0l88 70 VW Bus, re_blt eog, ne_w (Culver Dr. at mi. Gd mechanical cood. "
32s. Owner anxious. P/B,Slps 4.536-8609
bi5-1403or673-9211 bkrs. •71 Pickup. Nu carb & MGI 9744
pnt, new tares, Craig Barranca> $600. 962-GOO Dove & Quail Sts.
stereo& more. New brk.s, Plea&e call 642·5678, Ext. '72 Marqlolis Brougham NEW~i:sEACH
$2500.645-fUl 3.33, t o clai m y our C pe . Wht, vlo top. ---------* * * ticlcets. LDaded. AM-FM stereo, Mustsell '74.KambackGT
'77 Establishment, mini altern. + 4 nu tires. ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• 16' IOMIARDIER 231h' Dodge 440. 2500 ml, suso. 64.2-1939or644..i&all '76 MGB PP. Ju.st Import.
1977, looks like Luer, on· 5 yr warr. cab/roof aar, IMPORT CARS ed. mwsl sell.
ly more sail area. a nd cruise, s pare, ral'k /lad. .u 1 MODELS 76 280Z, air, mags, stereo, 835-3486
much faster. Special col· AM/FM cass, color TV, --:.ape, xlnt cond. PP. Best
ored sails &. hull. Like PP. $1.S,000. 9105 Valley ----W-E----i ofr. 645-fi992 Porsche
new. Cotit S1600. SeU $650. View. Cypress. 750·3651 •••••••••••••••••••••••
675-3662or 64.s-2200 <7l4) NEED Original Lady owner. '73 SPORTS CARS 610 Wgn. Stack shirt, only WANTED: 24' slip in '73 Sports Coach, 30'. All CLE.AM 361\1 ml. r adi a ls. A loacJ!d&Solcl
Newport Bcb by Nov 1, extras. 32,000 mt Xlnt USED CARS Cream Puff. Asking
'77 Plea se call T .C. cood. Ph615-6454 NOW $2175 See & orr. 548·7825 WEST GERMAN ~akely days 840·2900 Auto SerYlce, Parts CALL PAPPY anytime. IMPORTS .Eves. 673-3591 Boat shat· & .., --..: 9400 ingposslble. ,..cces_,H 280Z Datsun 1976. Very 714/ 548-1186 _.::...;:,. _______ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 540-5630 clea n. AM·FM, 4·spd , ---~-----•
'lll'•l4' Hobie, xlnt cond. '84 -'77 Used Mus tang chrome wire whls. Must Porsche '76 Targa, green
With traUer. Beal offer. Parts. 990 No. Parker , sell,$6500.8304470 w /b l k int., a llo ys ,
236SComell Dr.
Costa Mesa
You are the winner of
4Tlcbtstothe lnlM.._..,.,.
Family 'Entertainment
Oct. l and2
Woodbridge ln Irvine
(Culver Dr. at
Please call 642-5678, Ext.
333. to claim your
••• cruise cont, all pwr, tit Wgn, 40.000 ml, perr.
whl, steel rads, Make cond. S1900/oUer.
ol.r. 548·7767 dys 751·5110 ..:...:.,.:..._..;.,_ _______ ...,..~
A.tos. New 9100 Allfos, Mew 9800 Alltot. Mew tlOO .....................................................................
581-7919 Orange. Call 997-2000 2626 HARBOR BLVD '71Datsun240Z. Clean. cassette, air. '168·5737
14' Laser sailboat, blue • $3200orbstofr. •• ''11 9UE Targa, beat ---------1 h ull , gd cond. $700 AutosforSale COSTA MESA 640-8381 olfer.Good.cond. VolYo 9772
494--3840 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE BUY 581·7919 ··--•••••••••••••••• Anti~/ USED C "'RS' '73 240Z. Mags, air. AM· IEFORE YOU 27' Erickson IB, VHF, eac.uc. 9520 "' · FM, louvers, s poiler, '73 Porsche 914, blk on
a uto pilot. 117,000. Dys ; ••••••••••••••••••••••• We're the new Chevrolet stnping. Ofr. 536-1586 blk, appear. grp. alloys, SaL YOUR
2 U·681·3H6; eves . ,52 Studebaker. nmning, dealership ID the Jrvine air, S-Spd. Europ. lites. VOLVO,
2J.3.44&4306 but needs work. $350. Auto Cente r. We need '74 Datsun Hatchback, $4900. 979-9721or 998-1705 See us for • top dollar your used car ! mags, radials , super aft6. estima•-i. Tri •·Brown 25" plus. 557-1.S(Ml JOE cood. szaso 548 9545 .w
trlr, cradle, aome mat'l. bcnatioMC ' · . 1978 P orsche 912 E. MAR9UIS VOLVO
$375 6'2 1630 leave o MAC PHERSON Nrrari 97J3 Ye llow/T a n, S a p, M~IONVIEJO
• · • Vehicln 953 CHEVROLET •••••••• .. • .. •••••••••• Blau p unltt AM·FM lll·Zl80495-UIO mess. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Ferra! Dino Coupe, red Ste reo cassette, 15'' ---------1
Jlobie 16 bulls & trailer '74 GMC Suburban Sierra 21AutoCenter Drive wiblk int. new lealh int, polished Alloys, Bra. ORAHGECOUHTY
SSSOor buy mast •sails. Gr ande. 45' V8, dual air IRVINE new paint , A M /FM Best offe r. As k for VOLVO 642·1630, leave message cond. off road tires, rblt 7 68· 7222 radio. 27,000 Mt. New Bryan. 645-1381
eng. AM/FM cas, xlnl sycronizer rings, new , EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO
'69·26' E x c a libur . cood.Ph 61J..&593 WE'LLBUY c lutch. Mec h . p e r r. PORS~HE 58 Coupe . Larg~tVolvoDealer cruise/race, 5 b ags, ,, •• '''""" c 6 New mtr le paint. Rblt lnOrangeCounty!
VHF. knot met'r , depth, 4 Wheel DrfYH t550 your fo[J'f° or co~~a~ ......,......., 8 t. . eng. Xlnt cond. MaoJ ex· BUY or LEASE
numtr.831-m3. •••• ... ••••••••••••••••• car, P!'. ... or or not. a Fiat 9725 traa. $5160 or ofr. (714 DIRECT
loots. Sllpe/
AMC-JEEP Sales .. ~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 536-1611
llU. YATES '75 Spydcr 12i. Air, AM·•-,-------• ~·,·~· ·~.lll]•ffll~.·~ # 1 lft Calif. VW.PORSCHE FM, xlnt cond. $4500. 62 356 Super. New eng, f ~~g~8t'E1:gL SanJuanCaplslrano 634·144ldys 64S.6163eves clutch, pot. Very sharp,
9070 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Wanted: dock space for
16' sail boat. N.B. &;rea.
5'5-3712 after SPM.
IN THE Sf ATE 137-4800 493-4511 ,72 124 Hard top Sport no rust . $4200.494-2.130 2025 $.Manchester
HUGEIMVEHTORY Coupe. s s pd, mags, Anaheim 750-2011
WANTED boat slip for
All Models New le Uaed Aufo1. a..portecl AM/FM, yellow w /blk '67 91 J
Leasiog AvalJable ••••••••••••••••••••••• Interior. X lnt con d . HewllackPalllf '70 Volvo 1800. A/C, 8
Costa Mele Auel 9707 Sl6SO. Tammy 646-3818 1Coe11t ~Sharp. track atereofi Id cond.
AMC Jeep ••••••••••••••••••••••• 72Fiatl.24,Spyder1600nu ca.ca. $6300.After6 Muat i acrl ce '3500.
WANTED s lip for 48' ~HARBOR8LVD. '73Audi.Owner m ust sel1. top some mecb. prob. PMcalt846-1141 8'5-l288evea/wlmd
Sailboat for 2 mo's. Boat Costa Mesa 549-8023 Xlot cond. Radials. !SJ.~400~~o~ro~fr~. 548-~':!;7565~:_-~~~~~~~~~I on Mrtt. Will not b e $2100. 875-2.571 -= Atlloe. UMd uaed.~lvmag. JEEPS "77" Honda 9727 ............... ., ..... . --------'-----t C J . s •a ' CJ . 7 's ' 19'74Aud1 Fox.&oodcoodi· ... -.................. IFYOU G_r.. 9901 V:.,~rJ:A'i.:. yD pJ !'u~ Cherokees, Waeoneers, tioD $2950. 586-C040 Brand Hew '77 have a service to offer or ...................... .
ror 32• power beat. 1oc re-Pick-ups, up to u.200 dis· HO .... DA C goods to sett, r1ace an ad * '$599 Sale * sidenc!e will be ideal te· eowlls. 5 yr 50,000 mile '72 Audi l OOLS. new " Gr5 l n the D at ly Pllot
nants iC given change. No warrC anl~.~~l~.:.-radials " bra.kes, vinyl MAMY Classified Section • • •
overnighting on boat,Dpl _..,......._. top, very clean. $2000. ToChoowfrota! Phone642·5678.
wild parties, or aalmals 2001E1st, SA 558-8000 Sac. 646-6518 aft Jpm TY
and will quietly remove '75 Toyota Landeruiser '7' AUDI FOX. Auto, UN0I!_~!~ ne~t trash at end of Sta Wgn. lmmac cond. radio, air, x lnt cond. -
crUlSe. Will even throw $5100. Call 963-6027 or (714) 545-1701 Hoftda CCll'S • GMC
loltloyce 9756 .......................
in occaaional bay cruise 3191 ... ~u c 1 L-
w/dlnner. 64().2517 You'll 751· na or ar · IMW 9712 Trw-If{{ ROY
' b b G 2850 Ha.tborBlvd. C RYER .. ove our a 1 ra n '17 Scout, •wheel drive, ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• CostaM :W0.9640 A AMC
Ba11ka. Iota of extraal Low miles, esa ROUS·ROYCE ...................... .
WANT slip/dock for 31, Ellcellent condition. 1970 Honda eoo Sedan. , .. ,,.m...,.. 'eJanlllls.91".P/BtPIS,
tsJmkraallboat. -.-;m«io Cui. H • Bue. New :.:'__,. auto, 1U bltd radlall
$4820 J-. "7• CJS like new brake •. $600. Call ............ '6.0 ..... YS '850-88MT• -... " • ~19118 after 5:30 mon-_ ___: ........ ~~-'..!"'"~ .... ~!..--1:~~;;;;;.;;...;. __ -=.;-;:;1 ..... Sptecl. Yellow w/white Yin top. COMEIM&SH J'rioralldayweekends. Well 9910
Siii MIO ...,.. Evea '89·1540 or THEALi.MEW We"9MelglltJGr9 ..................... ..
....................... an..oca. 6locr• .... owtll Jogmcr 9730 RoUaBoycel964SCm ii Blvtera. utra dun.
,_.. 9560 ~.. .. ..................... Sliver w/tan Interior. b11b milea1e ver7
'68 Jai XKE 2+2. St.let. Lett band drl•tt. air ~· .. -MMis1
Cbev. El Camino, all
.... .,..... Jttraa.Xlntcood. Best of.
:lllDE. ~ fer.181'°'3&
CGRalltlla .. ~ lbartbed, 327 Yoaareu.e.-..of ecneue eoa. Muncie 4
4 'lldlilts .... 9pd. m.lP· '1800. or best .,._Ha 1..t olfer.58-Q8
,_.lril T7TO,UPkkup~!Jlgbed, l l'aml1Y~ 6 9Jld.. must aeu. Make . ~l,.,. an .... ~ ..
l (Ct.lnr Dr. at n Font ~ Ton Pk up,
t -=-Jza. Bit. OMbe1d, rum. '500 or .--blltotr.--311. to olalm 10• ·--..;......-1
111-2040 49M94t . -----
sood cond. 1 Owner. dlUonin1. AA excellent a!wp.__,.
$115C)O. Pll: 551-1311. iovest.rQenl. 'frl Buick WUclcat. 2 dr, "'=•-•4L1-t73S MAKEANOl'F!!R. P/8. PJB. A/C, Auto -.,._ COMCAMMOM'S tr-. Gd transportation ••••••-••••• .. •••••••• HOaS&ISS car. $howl llnt care. Gd 'ellGbla. Veeydeu&de-..... , ... Gd h ~ Kut pendabJe. $1750. Call ST.AILI --· \IP 0 • eso.:rm anytime. Broken ol lel1. $500/ftnn. f'1\JJ31
9737 f!Decootem,POra!J '77 CENTURY Vt, a dr, ...... 801.LSROYCE P/S, P JB, a!*to, tlr, ••••• ... ••••••••••••••• BENTLEYS All/I'll, V·top .. 11·
'73 EUropa T /C, 31,000 mt. OYel' aso to cbooee from 1!111m1JC. *'JOO mL f'700 •
xlot cood. sort. •trk. Corcma DelMu t7s.cmo MM7U ~/offer. IS&M888 ,.,..... 9761 Ct •u w.-9711 ...... -...... -...................... ·-··· .......................
ni(-i z da
I '~ ~ .
1973 MUI If 1974•¥1 1175lUlllY a.,.clal 811..., ldltfon, \'lftyt top. 8lt .......... Fun .,_, OOld edlllofl, to•d•d wltll mo•t lftterlor, MWM ..... .,.,_ IHUI«, IMdev lop, tllt o trytlllng. C157HEO) ·-·· ,,.,,, •••• !Wb. "'"' wllNI, ...,_... .... cn.ilM
...,_ .... JOU --COHO. cNN OGlllnll CS-• COfttnll (IM5f"IVi) IU 4Y98A8031CC!O'
$4567 $6686 $7256
1114CAIWC 1mCMM COWi.""" V1':Gi -. w. .,._., 'Oii power. Al" ti Io I fleeter. pow et OONDITIONNCt, tllt ....... llHftno I brllkff·, Allt .......,....,~ CONOmONNla.......,. ~~
$5686 $5597
1mam 1171ft.Ymll ... w ... .......... ..... ......,. ......... • oyt., eutOIWOtlO ...... ~......, 1t•n1mlH lon, rl(lto I
• eupor •II pvrpHa II• ..... CNICl'1. ~ ...... -...-.
ll s
Huntl,n ton Beaeh
Fountain V 01l~0~y
Af t e rnoon
N.Y.S t oeks
• J
Are Schools Hostile Toward . Religion?
federal appeal~ rourt was told to
d~) lhat bannmg every vestige or
rellJk>o from public ~chooh. 11>
h0bt1llly lo~ ard religion. not tht:
ncutralil) n:qu1red by the tJ S
'The que lion 1s no longer the
lu~ mvolvt'd, but whether the
r1r~Urtl.)tanccs of the case show
Nther favoritism or hosulity."
s aid attorney William M
now land.
lie represented the Oran1e
County. ft"la . schools \n the latest
ep1b0de of the seven-year Oght
oH·r voluntary reading and dis·
tr1buhon of the Blblc
Jerome Bornstein. also of
Orlando and representing the
pl:unt1ffs in lhJl case, argued that
the! effort tlY'force religion into
the county's 97 public schools is a
"eontinuous broochng presence"
which can be held back only by a
clear legal ruling. ·
''I think religion has a unique
place in the public school
system," said Bornstein.
"Outside, apparently," inject-
ed Judge Thomas Gibbs Gee of
Austin, Tex .. one of 14 Sth U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals judges
re-hearing lhls case.
.Bornstein nodded. "Outside.··
The school board allowed the
distribution of 48,000 Gideon
Bibles ln the classrooms ln 1970.
After that was declared UI"·
constitutional, the board set
guidelines whereby religious
groups may leave materials on
tables at the school and an·
nouncements made to the
children \hat the materials are
available. ' ·
There were inspirational read-
ings in the classrooms each
morning, with the student to
choose what. be will read -with
the Bible specifically not ex·
Six months ago, a three-judge
panel of the appeals court ruled
2·1, with Gee dissenting, that the
new guidelines also were un-
Eight famJlJes with various re-
li glous affiliations have been
fighting the school board since
They contend the reading and
distribution or the King James'
Bible and other school board
policies could offend Jewish,
Catholic and some Protestant
students. The families say the
policies violate constitutional
guarantees of separation of
church and state and due process
of law.
Fullerton Shooting Leaves I . Dead
TV Trial
Drug Given
To Suspect?
MIAMI (AP> A hypnotic
drug was secretly administered
to teen-age murder defendant
Ropald Zamora during a night·
time visit tq his jail cell by a de·
tense psychiatrist, the defense
team said today as Zamora's
trial began.
Rubin des~ribed the substance
as a "drug-hypnoUc" and said
Zamora ''made certain state·
Two Hurt
Gun Jams
By GARV GRANVI LLE °' ,,. .,..,., ,... s~
A Z7-year-0ld student carrying
a riDe and handgun walked into a Fullerton Community College
classroom today and wounded
an instructor's aide before kill·
in2 himself.
Police said the .22-caJiber rifle
jammed after the gunman, iden-
tified as Gerald Harunoba Ue·
; • rr :!, of 2767 Ball Road,
Anaheim, fired a single bullet.
.. Sodium amytal was ad·
ministered to Ronny Zamora,"
defense-attorney Elhs Rubin.
who contends that the boy was
A pharmacist said sodJum
amytal was a commonly used
prescription s leeping drug but
not a so·called truth •erum .
However, she said it might be
used with hypnosis to have a
similar effect. Before his journey to the cam-
pus and ultimately his own
death, Uejima reportedly was
e mbroiled In an argument with a
neighbor in his apartment com-
• driven to madness by watching
television violence, said in pre·
trial proceedings in the
• court.room. i
11 Man Saved ' ~ .
1' FroffiSurf
~;Off Coast l A Bellflower man who. Hunt· ~ 1ngton Beach lifeguards allege,
1 chuscd a substantial quantity of
I I alcoholic beverage with a near·
fatal amount of sea water is
hospitallzcd but recovering to-
Phillip Lechuga, 24, is listed in
stable condition at Pacifica
Hospital following his near.
drowning under the Huntington
Beach Pier Sunday aft<'rnoon.
He was founc1 floating face
down by David Lowt'. 17, of
i\l\adena. and lhcn haul~d fr11m
the two to four foot surf b}
Lifeguard Da vid Seibt, in
vestigators said
I .echuga wa~ apparently tr)
ing to body·surf in the churning
~eas while wearing a pair or blue
denim jeans that became soaked
and heavy.
"lie had also apparently con·
sumed a substantial amount of
an alcoholic beverage, according
to thl' reports," Lifeguard Capt.
Doug D'Amall said today
Lechuga carried no identifica-
tion and was listed as a John Doe
victim at the hospital for hours
until today when he revived and
furrushed bis name to officials.
No one ls certain how the
young man entered the water,
since lifeguards could locate no
witnesses who saw Lechuga on
the beach before he was found
noaUng In the sea.
"H's a pdssibllity he could
have jumped off the pier," Capt.
D'Arnall lheorized.
Investigators said Lechuaa
was given mouth to mouth re·
suscltation when Lifeguard Selbt
got him out of the \tater and re-
sumed breathJna..on his own.
The drug incident, which
Rubin said occurred Thursday
night at Dade County Pretrial
Detention Center, led to an
acrimonious exchange between
lawyers. Rubin said that after
he, psychiatrist Michael GUbert
and Rubin 'a wif•, who acta as a
secretary, left the jail, Zamora
Wal •iwooiy, dJU)'."
Rubin complained that when
Zamora refused to submit to a
blood test, "the attendant
plunged a needle into hls arm"
A source with direct knowledge
of the incident suggested earlier
that me of the drug led to a re·
enactment of the June 4 murder
of Elinor Haggart in her Miami
Beach home.
The novel aspect of the case
drew three dozen news paper,
magazine and television r e·
porters to the courtroom. Special
television lights were installed In
Circuit Judge Paul Baker's tiny
courtroom to allow gavel-lo·
ga\'el taping of the trial.
Rubin has s ubpoenaed Telly
Savalas, star of the "Kojak"
scri<'s, as a witness
Vance, Dayan
Meet Tonight
In P e a ce T ry
I AP I -Secretary of State Cyrus
R. Vance, his hopes raised for a
M id<>a.sl peace conference, will
meet toni~ht with Israeli Foreign
Minister Moshe Dayan In an ef-
fort to arrange conditions for
American officials in
Was hington said they were
plensed by the decision of the
lsraeU cabinet dropping past op·
o.lff ~ ...,._,..
PrH ldent'a Brother Steala the Show a t Grand Marahal ln Parade
Billy Carter a 'Hit'
At Krwtt's Slww
On a day that featured a
human cannonball, marathon
dancers and parachute Jumpers.
it was Billy Carter who stole the
show at Knoll's .Berry F"•rm Sun-
Well tanned and wearing a
leisur e suit , the best known
service station operator In
Plains. Ga., s miled through an
afternoon in which he:
Regaled the press with a
series of one· line quip answers to
-Judged a beauty contest that
featured bathing suits or the 20s
and ladies bearing such unlikely names as Miss Deed, Miss Cue,
and Miss Nomer
-..served as grand marshaJ in a
parade distinguis hed by the
autograph seekers who broke
ranks lQ get Billy 's signature on
everything from hamburger
wrappers to paper napkins.
--shared the stage with JoAnn
Worley in an Impromptu ap-
pearance that both seemed to en·
Biily was reluctant to say how
much he was bein& paid for his
ISee BILLY~ Pace AZ)
Rain 'Kuses'
Coastal Area
Most of the Orange Coast got a
light sprinkling or rain this
morning but despite reports of
isolated heavier squalls, the pre·
cipitation was measured at only
about a hundreth of an inch.
There was enough of U,e wet
stuff lo dampen streets tn many
communities but despite the
slick pavement, there were no
reports of serious rain-related
The National Weather Servjce
reported that scattered showers
were expected lo continue today·
and part of Tuesday with a 20
percent cha nce of significant
Rilot Introduces ·
New P~e Styles
Say Loafers
Morale Risk
Federal government managers
r.ef \lse to djsci_pline or remove
loafing employes because they
rear court suits, the chairman or
t he U.S. Civil Service Corn·
m isslon says.
The lack of disciplinary action
has caused a morale problem.
because "good employes are dis-
satisfied with supervisors '
failure to Cake action against the
loafeu. ·• said the chairman.
Alan Campbell.
He commented In a U.S. News
and World Report interview re-
leased Sunday. Equal rights rules sometimes
hinder supervisory action.
because supervisors fear claims or discrtminatlon, Campbell
"To some degree, t h e
supervisors now feel they don't
gel a fair; hearipg because they
are not allowed to participate in
appeals except lo present their
cases." be commented.
"But even though it does result
In gM.na up some managerial
freedom, r would argue that it is
appropriate to forbid dlscrlrnlna·
ti on on the ba.is of race, color,
national origin, aee, sex and
pel'htps other 1rounds."
M~anwbite ~e federal iOvem·
ment will no tonier automatltal·
ly fire woi"kers or reject Job ap-~Ucanta who have 1mokld marl·
Juaoa or &&led berotn._ the t.btee
civll Urvl~ commwiootni have
UntU now, Job appllcut&:could
be reject ed a nd edtllna
emP101es d lsmlued !Of' mln1 marijuM•~ heriiln and at !eat'°
other tutiltancet r e1arded as
habft.fornrinf, harmful or pot.en· tJaltyd~.
Police believe he fU'ed a single
bullet that struck Stephen While,
61, ih the chest before be headed
towards the college campus.
The unidentlflecl neighbor re·
portedly wu being treated for
his wound at Garden Park
Hospital in Anaheim.
That Jamm ing may have
s pared the junior college cam-
pus in downtown Fullerton from
becoming the scene of a
massacre simUar to one at a col·
lege campus four miles distant
in July, 1976. police said.
In that July 7, 1976, shooting at
Cal State Fullerton. seven peo-
ple were killed and two persons
were seriously injured.
Last month, a jury convicted
Edward Charles Allaway. a
c ustodJan at the university. or
the murders.
Today's shooting occurred
shortly after 8 a.m. when Ue·
jima drove bis car to a doot"
leading to a claasroom.
After entering the classroom
•See STUDENT, Page AZ>
Burglars Rifle
BtDltington Home
Burglars took eight 12-gauge
shotguns, two 30-06 rifles and
other items valued at $10,124.
from a Huntington Beach man's
home Saturday night, police re-
Stephen Rose, 43, told police
the burglary took p lace
sometime between 6:30 and 11
p.m. while he was away Crom hls
home. Other ltems taken lnclude-a microwave oven. t.elevislon and
stereo gear and jewelry. Police
believe the thief entered the
home throuih a bedroom 'Nin·
dow. -
n will be moatJy cloudy
t.hrou&b TUesday. with 1 20
percent c hance or pre-
cipitation. Sll1htly cooler
tontaht. ~to 65. Kiah Tues-
day 68
Oo..-1nor1tttt Robtrto De La
Madrid from B-.J• CaUfomJa will
Ultend I banquet and live A pre,u
cont~renw • nday, SepL 30 in
The rM)'Or and d\7 council of
Santa Ana aloft& wtt.11 tbe Ora.QI•
County Board of Supervlaora
have decl11red Sept 25·30 H
"Roberto Do La Madnd Week "
De La Madrid WU b«n "'
Caleidco, Calif., which makes
him the fin.t Urut.ed States-born
governor m Mexican bi.story. Ke
will become 1overnor in
The banquet is being bolted by
\be Mex.ican·Amerlcan Tourist
Center. Guests for lbe occaslon
include John Wayne, Mayor
Vemoo Evans and Police Chief
Raymond Davis from Sanla Ana.
and Orange County Supervisor
Phllip Anthony.
Al the press conference.
Madrid is slated to diacuss in-
dustry, fishing, agriculture and
tourism. He bas said bis ad·
ministration will have an ad·
vocate for tourists witbprob-
Does Trick
--"Welcome home Kevin
Jane Bates. I love you!
Will you marry me?"
That's pretty standard
as proposals go --except
this one was written in
giant letters on a billboard
posted along 82nd Avenue
in northeast Portland.
Miss Bates, 24, saw the
proposal -as did
thousands or other
Portland residents -when
she returned from a six-
week trip to Germany.
"It worked," said Dr.
Thomas Miller, 35, a
Beaverton chiropractor.
"She said 'yes' right
Hope Shutts,
Former Pilot
Employe, Dies
Mrs. Hope Shutts. a longtime
Costa Mesa resident and
employe of the Daily Pilot, died
Satu rday al Long Beach
Memorial Hospital where &he
had been undergoing treatment
for cancer. She was 73.
Al her request. no funeral
services will be held.
Mrs. Shutts joined the Daily
Pilot in 1960 as executive
secretary to former Assistant
Publisher N. Paul Nls&en .
After his retirement, Mrs.
Shutts served as secretary to
classified and naUonal advertis·
ing manager Carl Carstenaen un·
til she retired in 1973.
She then moved from her res-
idence al 352 Victoria St.,. Costa
Mesa. to Long Beach.
Mrs. Shulls is survived by her
nephew Norman Price of Van
Nuys. Her closest friends, James
and Jona Aust, are handling her
burial through the Sunny Side
Mortuary in Long Beach.
&capee Killed
man being escorted to a mental
hos pital on Saturday over-
powered a sheriff's deputy and
shol him. then fled from the
hopsital grounds to a
supermarket where he fired
several shot. before beina killed
in a parking lot shootout, poUce
s aid.
The slain man was identified
as Wlllfam Wyche, 26, of Dinwid·
Salelde Vletlm
·oc's Families
Get Counse.ling
SI -
Selling C'aaal Treat11
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance <center>.
t I ankt•d by Ambassadors Ellsworth
Bunker <lel't > and Sol Linowitz. appears
hefore the Senate Foreign Relations Com·
mittee today to present their case for the
Panama Canal treaty. ISee story. Page
:\-1 . l
he reportedly mumbled some
words before firing a single shot
from ihe rifle. The bullet struck
an instructor's aide, Terri
Harri.I, 36, iD the bip.
Witnesses told police Uejima
apparently became frustrated
when the rifie jammed, threw it
to the fioor and then flred a
single shot from a band1un
before placin1 that fun to his
temple and pulling the triger.
Miss Harria was ta.ken to St.
Jude Hospilal for treatment ol
her injury.
Uejima apparently died in·
stantly from lbe self ·iDfilcted
Sheryl Marie Stone a freshman
at Fullerton Community College
was a witness to the sbootinc lo·
She said UeJlma came into a
ground noor classroom carrying
the rifle with the handl\ID insert·
ed into the waistband of his
appearance at the farm. He pre-
ferred to t.enn the amount ''no
one's damn business" as he
smiled his way through a press
Ruled off base during the 30-
minute session with the press
were political questions. But Bil·
ly let 1t be known he 'II be working
for Alabama Governor George
Wall ace in his bid for the Senate
next year and that he is a staunch
opponent of the Equal R1ehts
That was about as serious as
the president's brother got dur·
ing his press conference in the
Gunslinger Room at Knou·s.
Car Crash Victim
Still Unidentified
Orange County coroner's dep-
uties compared dental reconts
today in an effort to identify the
burned body of a driver who was
fatally ittjured with two other
people Friday In a head-00 era.ah
on Laguna Canyon Road In
Already identified amcmg the
dead were Bette Eyan, 47, of
Corona, and Verna Henshaw, 41,
of Riverside, who drove the car
in which both women rode ..
Two other passeniers in the
Henshaw car were injured
Mary Wiswell, 38, of Norco, re-
mained in 1uarded condition to-
day in the intensive care ward of
Mission Community Hospital ln
Mission Viejo.
Elizabeth Gardner, 23, ot
Corona. was released Saturday
from Saddleback Valley Com·
munlty Hospital after treatment
for her injuries.
Irvine police said the accident
occurred aa the unidentified
driver ol a Corvette sP.Ortf ~ar~•
passed anotber car on the ~
iDg canyoo road. '
1be c.orvette smashed Into the
Henshaw car. burst Into names,
plunged down a roadaide em·
bankment and exploded, police
said, trapping the driver Inside.
The man was alone in the car.
Police Sgt. Robert Lennert •
said today the man appeared to
have been in bis middle 40s. He
said a tentative identific'ation has
been made.
"We think we know who it ls,"
Lennert said, "but unUl we &et a
positive identlflcaUon, we can't
tie him d.lrecll,y t.o that car at that
About .100 Oran1e County
families have been served by a
two-year~ld county governmenl
program to provide counseJtni to
friends and funWes of au.icide vletlmL
A report to county aupervlsonr
said the survivors of suicide vtC·
Ums often are not reached
through conventional counaellng
prosrama, Jet rarely seek pro-
feasicnal help oa their own.
''Tbe feellnaa of isolation, auilt
and ldf-blame that the survivors
experience an known to con·
tribute to lat. emotional pro-
blema." county meo1al health ex·
The county proaram, operated
with the help of $28.000 a year in
st.ate funds, offers the services of
a menlal health social worker
and proresslonal counselors to
help them overcome their grief.
Timothy Mullins, county men·
taJ health administrator, sald the
f amllies of suicide vlctlma are
contacted wltbln 72 boun after
the death occurs.
Those wishing help may obtain
family or individual Lherapy
sessions, either at their own
homes or ln county mental health
County workers later recontact
the families and close friends
arter one, six and 12 months, the
report said.
So far, families and friends of
The rest of \.he llme be was a
smiling picture or a one-line com
edian who had a ready quip for
seemingly any question he might
be asked. Caddg Works Claeap
100 victim.a bave request.Id help,
and about three cases are being
added each month.
lo addition, a program to help
mlddl e·a•ed wldowa and
widowers establlsb new llves
after the death of their mates
was started last March_.
• Alien Arrests
·Surpass 197 6, ·
'Patrol Says·
U.S. Border Patrol agentl btte
picked up more lllegal aliens In
Southern California this year
than in all of 1976.
More than 281,000 aliens have
been apprehended so tar this
year. with another 680 pulled
from cars at the San Onofre.
border check this put weekend.
. San Onofre agent-In-charge Al·
Janicki said agents picked up
271,000 illegal aliens last year in
the Chula Vista stttor.
That area runs from the
Pacific Ocean halfway t.o El Cen·
tro, and from the border north to
San Luis Obispo.
Janicki called Sunday·s ap·
prehensioo of more than 400 il-
legals "a normal Sunday round·
For example. Billy wa5 asked
where be would be if he weren't
the President's brother.
.. B:tck in Plains pumping
gas," he replied.
Hefner says burglars took his
television set over the weekend.
a lone with a toilet seat cover. tea
ketUe and bathroom Ooor rugs.
The kitchen sink wasn't
Gordon Peterson of St. Louis Park. Minn .•
takes along his personal caddy when he
pl<1ys golf. The caddy. a German shepherd
named Clem. is trf!ated to an ic~ cream
cone al the 19th ho le.
Our vested
suits set
the style
for Spring
For the man who
makes It his bual-
nesa to look his
beet. A collection of
vested suits tallored
In today's most
popular lookl. New·
and-now craaalct.
Flawless British
cuts. European
Inspired atylea.
All whipped up In
llghtwelght wool
Ylrf nkfe..f ree wear.
Aleh oolOratlona and
petterna rn ptafdl,
8trJ,,_and IOfldl.
TalfONd Ol'lf 11a.nv·eoo· cen
M 111.00
I ll s
. • l ,
' I
Today's Closing
N.Y. Stoeks
Council Tries Again on Housing Suit
lh PlUUP RO MARIS . °' .. _.,_ .....
lrvln~ c·1ty coun<"1lmcn phmned
lo try .t~a1n todu> tor iwttlemcnt
of a lo~ income hmuin~ law11u11
u~uin~t th~ nl~ ,;nd the lrvtne
Cum pun)
<.:ount:&lme:n . ulttndine 11
Ll'..igU\' of C1t1c!> conference in
S..in fo'r14nc1~0 planned lo fly back
for .t l'>pec1al meetine at the
l n me City Hall, beginning at
The <'l~oo door seHlon Iii an
1111parcnt lust·c.htch effort to work
an ugroomcnt before Governor
Urown i.igns or vetoes
lcgblation designed lo free the
Jrvme Company from h1wsuits
thn•atening lo halt building of the
billion-dollar I rvlne Industrial
The bill. SB·344, sponsored by
Newport Beach Sen. Dennis
Curpenter, must be acted upon
by Brown bys p.m . Tuesday.
Brown reportedly Is reluctant
to sign the measure into law until
the Orange County Fair Housing
Council, which filed the lawsuit
In 1975, the city of Irvine and the
lrvinc Company reach an out-of·
court agreement.
An Irvine Company
spokesman said Brown doesn't
want to be put In the middle of the
The bill becomes l aw
automaUcaJly if Brown chooses
not to act either way.
The Irvine Company Friday
predicted a settlement that day.
But the City Council. which met
nearly four hours Friday In ex·
ecutive session, balked.
The council, it was reported
wanted some sort of stipulaUt.
from the Fair Housing Council
Gun-toting Fullerton
Student Hurts 2, Dies
Delly ...... Staff .......
He Took His Own Ufe Thi• Morning After Shooting Two Other• In Fullerton
Rifle JaDI
Ol IM Q.il'I' Pttet 'laff
A 27-year-old student carrying
a rifle and handgun walked into
a Fullerton Community College
classroom today and wounded
an instructor's aide before klll-
ln~ himself.
Police said the .22-caliber rifle
Jammed after the gunman, iden-
tified as Gerald Harunoba Ue·
ji ma. of 2767 Ball Road.
Anaheim, fired a single bullet.
Before his journey to the cam-
pus and ultimately his own
death, Uejlma reportedly was
embroiled in an argument with a
neighbor In his apartment com·
Police believe he fired a single
bullet that struck Stephen Whlte,
67. In the chest before he headed
towards the college campus.
that the city wouldn't be sued
again over housing issues if It
agreed to the settlement.
Mayor Bill Vardoulis and
Councilman David Sills, who
comprise the council's two-man
settlement committee, stayed on
past the council meeting to confer
with city, Irvine Company
and Fair Housing Council at-
The group reportedly reached
Oil Darkens
Beach Town
Mex. <APP'-A diesel 011
spill, the second in the Ba-
ja area in two months, has
swept ashore along at least
five miles of this Mexican
tourist town, officials say.
The spill was driven
ashore by u strong
southern current and
heavy surf so that by Sun-
day morning a dark brown
film coaled the water
about 200 yards offshore.
Authorities s aid the s pill
may have occurred during
pumping operations on a
Mexican oil tanker located
On Freetvay
Five handicapped children on
an outing to Disneyland were
temporarily stranded on the San
Diego Freeway in San Clemente
Saturday. when their van de-
veloped engine trouble.
San Clemente firemen. who
were called to the scene, said the
driver of the Recreational
Services for the Handicapped
van smelled smoke as he drove
south through San Clemente on
the freeway .
The driver pulled the van off on
the shoulder, but could not turn
off the engine, firemen said.
a new agreement at 2:30 a .m.
Saturday that Included a clause
stipulating that if the Fair Hous-
ing Council ever brings suit
against the city again on a hous·
ing issue, then terms of the settle-
ment would be suspended.
It is upon that amended settle-
ment agreement that the council
is expected to vote tonight.
The Friday night vote was 3·2
<See HOUSING, Page A.2>
TV Craze
MIAMI CAP> • A hypnotic
drug was secretly administered
to teen-age murder defendant
Ronald Zamora during a night·
lime visit to his jail cell by a de·
fensc psychiatrist, the defense
team said today as Zamora's
trial began.
"Sodium amytal was ad·
ministered to Ronny Zamora.··
defense attorney EJlls Rubin.
who contends that the boy was
driven to madness by watching
television violence, said in pre-
trial proceedings In the
Rubin described the substance
as a "drug-hypnotic" and said
Zamora "made certain state-
A pharmacist said sodium
amytal was a commonly used
prescription sleeping drug but
not a so-called truth serum.
However, she said it might be
used with hypnosis to have a
similar effect.
The drug Incident, which
Rubin said occurred Thursday
night at Dade County Pretrial
Detention Center, led to an •
acrimonious exchange between
lawyen. Rubin said that after
he, psychiatrist Michael Gilbert
and Rubin's wlle, who acts as a
secretary, left the jail, Zamora
was ''woozy, dizzy." .
Rubin complained that when
Zamora refused to submit to a
blood test, "the attendant
plunged a needle into his arm ..
anyway. l Billy Carter a 'Hit'
At Knott's Show
lleiliff ~()ils
C«>unty Jail
Escape Plan
The neighbor was being treated
for his wound at Garden Park
Hospital jn Anaheim His condi·
lion was satisfactory.
The jamming of Uejima's rtne
may have spared the junior col-
lege campus in downtown
Fullerton from becoming the
sceneoC a massacre slmUartoone
at a college campus four miles
distantinJuly.1976, policesaid.
When firemen arrived at the
scene, they found the chlldren,
who suffer cerebral palsy, could
not be removed from the van.
because they were in
wheelchairs, which were blocked
by freeway guard rails from
leaving the vehicle.
A source with direct knowledge
of the Incident suggested earlier
that use or the drug led to a re-
enactmen~ of the June 4 murder
of Elinor lfaggart in her Miami
<See TRIAL, Page A2>
On a day that featured a
human cannonball . marathon
dancers and parachute jumpers.
it was Billy Carter who stole the
show at Knoll's Berry Farm Sun·
Well tanned and wearing a
leisure suil. the best k,nown
service s tation operator in
Plains. Ga .• smiled through an
afternoon in which he:
-·Regaled the press with a
series or onc·line quip answers to
--Judged a beauty contest that
featured bathing suits of the 20s
and ladies bearing such unllkely
names as Miss Deed. Miss Cue,
and .Miss Nomer.
--served as arand marshal In a
parade distinguished by the
autograph seekers who broke
ranks to gel Billy's signature on
everything from hamburger
wrappers to paper napkins.
Shared the stage wtth JoAnn
Worley in an impromptu ap-
pearance that both seemed to en· joy.
Billy was reluctant to say how
much he was being paid for bis
appearance at the farm. He pre-
ferred to term the amount> .. 'no
one ·s damn business" as he
smiled his way through a press
Ruled off base during the 30-
minute session with the press
were political questions. But Bil-
ly let it be known he '11 be working
for Alabama Governor George
(See BILLY, Page A!>
Pilot lntrO-duces .
New Pame Styles
A sharp-eyed balllff at the
nearby county courthouse pre-
vented what Orange County Jail
officers described as a plaMed
escape attempt today by a group
of prisoners.
Jail officers said the bailiff
looked through a courthouse win·
dow and saw a group or prisoners
who were taking a recreation
break behaving suspiciously
near a security fence on the
northwest comer of the roof.
They said investigation re-
vealed that two prisoners had
penetrated the security fence and
were about to seek an exit from
the roof when they were grabbed
by deputies.
Officers said they took the two
men to a special holding cell for
questioning and cleared the roof
before beginning a head count.
They tefus~ to identify the two
men ~g further investiga.
"We're pretty sure that no one
got. away," a senior officer said.
"But we're taking the head count
just in case."
He said he was unable to ex·
plain bow the prisoners managed
to b.te~h the security fence.
"We're loolttna into that question
n1htnow.•'hesaid. ...
In that July 7. 1976, shooting at
Cal State Fullerton, seven peo·
pie were killed and two persons
were sertously injured.
Last month, a jury convicted
Edward Charles Allaway, a
custodian at the university, of
the murders.
Today's shooting occurred
shortly after 8 a.m. when Ue-
jima drove his car to a door
leading to a classroom and left the
engine running.
After entering the classroom
he reportedly mumbled some
words before firing a single shot
from the rifle. The bullet struck
an instructor's aide, Terri
Harris, 36, in the hip.
Witnesses told police Uejima
apparently became frustrated
when the rifle jammed, threw It
to the floor and then fired a
single shot from a handgun
before placing that gun to his
temple and pullin~ the trigger.
Miss Harris was taken to St.
<SeeS11JDENT, P11eA2>
Engineer Jim Pengelli said the
guard rails prevented firemen
from opening the van's doors
enough to get the wheelchairs
In order to avoid possible fire
danger from an overheated
engine, firemen cut the van's
battery cable.
Capt. Nick Maule coasted the
van down the Avenida Pico on-
ramp, after California Highway
Patrolmen assisted firemen in
blocking traffic on the ramp.
"It was scary," PengelU said
or the incident. "The van couldn 'l
be towed off the freeway,
because some of the kids were in
wheelchairs inside the van. Tilt·
ing the van in towing would have
' sent the kids rolling around in·
"I was direcUng CapL Maule
when be coasted the van down
tht} off.ramp, and, believe me, he
was driving very, very
carefully." •
The children, aged 7 to lS, are
residents of the San Diego area.
ea119te at ITCI --
Author Highl,ighu· Festival
New Judges
F()r County
Gov. Edmund Brown ' Jr.
signed a bill today adding three
Superior Court Judges in Orange
The blll, AB 988, was sponsored.
by Assemblyman Richard
Robinson <D-Santa Ana> and also
added a judge in Alameda
· Brown approved five addi~
tional new judicial posts in
Fresno, Sacramento and San
Diego County, but turned down 45
other p~ judgeships. in·
cluding 34 m Los Angeles.
He cited the need for streamlining and reform before
courts :-are expanded .. bis
reason ror the vetoes. .
It wlll be moatJy cloudy
t~rough Tuesday. with a 20
percent chance or pre-
cipitation. Sl1Jhtly cooler
tonight, S:5 to 65. High Tues·
, .... _ .. J
W aHM' In hl11 hid ror lbe Senate
nut y~ar and that he b a •launch
oPlilODllld. ol lbe £41uaJ J\iihll A .clment
That wu about u at'noua as
lbe prC".Sldf'nt. brolhf"r aot dur
In his prt" t't>nftr<-nt'c to Uw
GuMltnatr Room at Kn.ott '
The rMl at the Ume be WU a
flm1hnt p1t'tur~ of a on• line rom
f'd1an "tw hod • re.dy quip for
~ffmlnaly any quf''ltlon be· mlaiht
be ...skeet.
For uamplt>, 81Uy wa' l•'lked
'A here M would be ti he wt-rt:n'l
th.: Proldt11t "1 brother
·Bar k in Plains pumping
i••," he replied.
"Do you have any polilJcaJ am·
billona? · · a report.er 11ked.
''No," Billy aoi.wered "l 'n
tun for ol(1ce five llmea and I 've
lost four Umes. Thal ouabt toJell
The President '1 40·year-old
younr•r brother wu uked by
one reporter 1f he had "any fear
or bemg k1dnaped or socnet.hlng
like that.·•
"No, I don 't," Billy replied
.. And 1 don't thank anyone would
buy me back 1! I wai.."
He lamented the fact that
Plains will never be what it once
was now that 1t has received bO
much attention.
Billy called himself one or the
good ol ' boys and cheerfully
acknowledged himself as bis
mother's favorite son.
"She's proud of Jimmy, but
she loves me most," he smiled as
he described his place in the sun
art form of masks to renect cur-
rent themes, performs at 8 p.m.
Tuesday in the Fine Arts Villaae
Theater. Admission is $4 for the
general pubUc, $2 for UCI stu·
James Penrod and Janice
Plastino. associate professors of
dance at UCI. demonstrate
dance forms at 8 p.m. Thursday
in the UCI Concert Hall. Ad ·
mission is S2 for general public,
$1 for UCI students.
La Nopalera performs in the
hall at 8 p.m . Friday. Admission
ls Sl general, 50 cents students.
Saturday's Hot SLAW RoWld·
up, beginnin~ at 10 a.m. and
free to the public, Includes
refreshments, student handicraft
exhibits, games and entertain-
President'• Brother Steals the Show aa Grand Marshal In Parade
• in Bib.le
Court Told Ban 'Ho&tile ~oward Religion'
federal appeals court was told to-
day that banning every vestige of
religion from public schools is
hostility toward religion, not the
neutrality required by the U S.
''The question is no longer the
law mvofved, but whether the
circumstances or the case show
either favoritism or hostility,"
s aid attorney Wiiliam M .
He represented the Orangf'
County. Fla., schools in the latest
episode of the s even-year fi~ht
ov~r voluntary readmg und d1s-
tnbution 0Cthe Bible.
J erome Bornstein, also of
Orlando and representing the
plaintiffs in the case, argued that
the effort to force religion into
the county's 97 public schools is a
"continuous brooding presence"
which can be held back only by a
clear legal ruling.
"I think religion has a unique
place in the public s chool
system." said Bornstein.
··outside, apparently," lnJecl·
ed Judge Thomas Gibbs Gee or
Austin, Tex .• one of 14 Slh U.S
Circuit Court of Appeals judges
re·heatlng this case.
Bornstein nodded. ··outside ...
Thl' school board allowed the
distribution of 48,000 Gideon
R1blcs an the classrooms In 1970.
After that was declared un-
constltut1onal, the board set
~u1del1nes whereby religious
groups may leave matenals on
tables al the school and an·
nouncements made to the
chtldr~n that the m aterials are
;.i\ ;.11lable ·
There were inspirational read·
ings in the classrooms each
morning, with the student to
choose what he will read --with
the Bible specifically not ex·
Six months ago, a three-judge
panel or the appeals court ruled
2 1, with Gee dissenting, that the
new guidelines also were un-
Eight families with various re-
ligious affiliations have been
fighting the school board since
They contend the reading and
distribution o( the Kin& James'
Bible and other school board
policies could offend Jewish,
Catholic and some Protestant
students. The famlUes say the
policies violale constitutional
guarantees or s eparation or
church and state and due process
of law.
Dental Chart&
To Be Used in
Orange County coroner's dep·
utles compared dental records
today In an effort to Identify the
burned body of a driver who was
fatally Injured with two other
people Friday in a head-on crash
on Laguna Canyon Road in
Already ldenUfled amon1 the
. dead were Bette Eyan, 47, of
Corona, and Verna Henshaw, 41,
of Rlver1lde, who drove the car
In which both women rode.
Two other passenaer~ ln the
Hen.shaw car were lnjured
Mary Wiawell, aa, of Norco, re·
mained in parded condition to-
day in the lntenslve care ward of
Ml.aalon Community Hoapital in
Board Member Sought Mission Viejo. ·
Elizabeth Gardner, 23, of
Corona, was released Saturday
Crom Saddleback Valley Com·
munity Kos~l\al after trealment
for her injuries. Saddleback College trustees
will convene in executive session
tonight an hour before their reg-
ular meeting to continue In-
terviewing candidates for ap-
pointment to the board seal of
Tustln's Frank Grei.nk, ..
Greinke has tendered his res-
ignation effective no later than
Nov. L5 to move out of the county
The closed-door meeting to
consider several of the six appli-
cants for that post will convene al
6:30 p.m. It is probable. accord-
inl? to colleize sources. that a
selection will be made in the re1·
ular season starting at 7·30
Under state law, trustees must
choose Grelnke's successor
before Sept. 30 or call a special
elect.ton. The cost of such a vole
bu been estimated at $100,000.
Durin1 their regular meeting,
trustees are due to reconsider a
board code of ethics for possible
adoption. Jt waa sent back for re-
vision after an Initial discussion
earlier tbia month.
The ethlct code was dratted by
several board members to ad·
dress such things as conflict of in·
terest and other factors that
might affect the proper
performance of the board l\.mc-
Also on the agenda for board
adoption is a request to submit an
application for stale funding of
several campus projects in lhl'
1978-79state budget.
The application. considered a
routine action, contains requests
for assistance to build the pro·
posed $5.5 million general
classroom building and a seso,ooo
Olympic pool on the Mission Vie-
jo Campus.
Or. Ed Hart, assistant to the
superintendent, said current
state formulas indicate the col-
lege could get about $500,000
toward the classroom laclllty
and $212,000 for the pool.
l'ro• Page Al
Beach home.
The novel aspect or the case
drew three dozen newspaper,
magazine and television re·
porters to the courtroom. Special
television lifhts were Installed In
Circuit Judge Paul Baker's tiny
courtroom to allow gavel-to-
gavel taping of the trial.
Rubin has subpoenaed Telly
Savalas, star of the "Kojak''
series, as a witness.
The judge, in an unusual press
briefing before Jury selection
began, said Florida's one· year
experiment in allowing cameras
In courtrooms would meet a
severe test in the Zamora case,
which he said could determlne
"if we can have an acceptable
marriage· between the concepts
of Cree press and fair trial. It's
going to make lt or break It."
Several attorneys for the news
media were on hand for consult•·
lion in tod~'s pr~eedlnis. Zamora, 15, an4 a 14·)'ear-old
youth are both char1ed wttb fttst.
degree murder in the dtatb of
83-year·old Elinor Hagaart,
found &bot to death at her .MJaml
Beach hom•. TIM other ~th la
to be tried separate'y.
••An adoleacent predl1po1ed to
emoUonal lnat.abWty la very 1111·
ctptlble to the lnlluenc• of
televtalon," Rubin baa 11ld.
• • Wby do children love
teltvtslon? Why do 1ponaor1
1pend mUlioas ol dollars • month
adverttainf t.btlt prodtfotl on
televlalon? And finally. wby cSo.
t.Jevt.alon v~eoc. betet act'*
Rubin la taown for taklllt e.,. tbllt attract attenUon. He
helped Wateraate burtlU' s .
Howard Hunt caJa parole and one?• filed a auit ol hll own to
challqe Mlaml't bomo.uual
.YI• pro,.ou(ton *rltd to
re1ttf ct Z&mora '• d~t•aa• b1 .,~ tMt lM Only laM ••
whet.br be cou14 dl1tln1uilb
tiOUrotn lWfODI• ~ ...
. ftulUMW IP>Ota ••-v ed. to ~·enme •bcriil neb 11 "KoJit."' i•POUce Wom•n" mid a
film about mass murderer
Charles Manson.
"His explanation of the crime
was exactly what I had seen on a
'Kojak' episode a year earlier,"
SavaJas, who was served with a defense subpoena while on a
visit here, said he Is opposed to
violence on television, and con-
tended there was never any such
Kojak episode.
It was unclear whether the de·
fense would offer a tape of the
show in queaUon.
Judie II. Paul Baker has said
Sa val as must appear Oct. s to de·
termlne whether his tesUmony
would be relevant.
Hope Shotts,
Former Pilot
Employe, Dies
Mn. Hope Shutts, a IOl\ltlme
Coate MHa resident and
employe ot 0-e Dally Pllot, died
Saturd11 at Lona Beach
Memorial llo.phal wbere •bt
had been under101n1 treaUoeat
for cancer.~ wu 18.
At ber requeat1 no funttal
urvtc• will be bela.
Mra. Sbutta Joined the Dally
)llot ln 1HO u •xecuthe
Hcretary to former AMa.tent
Publlthtr N. Paul Ntuen.
Arter bl1 retirement, If rt.
Sbutta' eerved u Herttarr to
cla11llled and naUOoal adftrt.W
Lill m--.•~Caff Cuwl4GMD-. Ul1be~lntm. She ltMil iDorid from w r.. Id~ at sa VletOna 9t .• Coit&
Meta, toJ,.oN leMh. •
.... AUfti ......... -'* ~ Moria• Pric9 ft V• Nu11. HercloMlt~-Ud.JCliaiAutM. .. ~ .... ~~U:.!r.r ...
trvine Police said the accident
occ urred as the un1dentif1ed
driver of a Corvette sports car
passed another car on the twist·
ing canyon road.
The Corvette smashed into the
Henshaw car, burat into names,
plunged down • roadside em-
bankment and exploded, police
said, trappina the driver inside.
The man was alone In the car.
Police Sgt. Robert Lennert
said today the man appeared to
have been In hls middle 4-0s. He
said a tentative ldentlflcaUon has
been made.
Our vested
suits set
the style
tor Spring
For the man who
makes It hi• busi-
ness to look his
beat. A collect Ion of
veated aulta t.llored
In tod•y'a moat
popular looka. New-
and-now CIUllCI.
Flawl .. Brltlat't
cut1. European
Inspired 1tyl1t.
All whipped up In
tlghtwelght wool
1nd polyetter
blenda for crisp,
wrtntde-ttM • ..,..
Rich coloratlona and
patterne In ptatd,,
attl~ and eoUda.
T .. lorfd ontv • .. Botll!lV ·eoo
M 1•1.00
a1ainst accepting the settlement.
Mayor Vardoulls, SUls and Coun-
cilman John Burton oppoqd UM
agreement. Councllwomen Mary
Ann Galdo and Gabrielle Pryor
favored it.
The Irvine Company again pre-
dicted a settlement tonipt, 1lnce
Sills and Vardoulla worked on the
amended settlement.
The proposed settlement In·
eludes two alternative• for the
buildtna of low and moderate
cost housing.
The option preferred by the
Irvine Company Is to build up to
1,400 rental apartments on 78
acres of land now owned by the
UC Irvine campus, over the next
eightyean. ·
The propeny is part of a so·
called 1nclusionary area sold to
the university by the Irvine Com-
pany at a discount rate of $6,500
per aore, which wu restricted
for the bwlding of campus bous·
Under the plan, UC would sell
the land back to the Irvine Com
pany, at the same reduced rate.
Hau the housing built would be
for rental by UCI students, racul·
ty and staff; the remaining 700
units would be available for the
general community.
The city of lrvlne would con·
tribute $329,000 In federal hou!l·
Ing and community development
funds to help finance improve-
ments on the property to help
keep rental costs low.
The university property option
depends upon acceptance of the
pro1ram by the UC reaent.s. IC
the regents don't approve the
plan within nine months of settle·
ment. the second alternative
would be Wldertaken.
That calla for the bulldina or
725 lower income bousin1 1.tnitl
on property already owned by the
The company would select six
or seven sites, totallnl 33 to 41
acres. Arnona the locations for
sites would be the housing
villages of Woodbridge and
University Town Center.
Under both alternatives, de·
velopment denaltles would be 18
to 22 unit.a per acre, with a three.
story height limit.
The city would a1ree to waive
or reduce various park acreage,
parking, garage and other re·
qulrements, lncludln1 fees,
necessary to hold down develop·
menl costs to lower income
levels .
Wesley Mark, an envlronmen·
tal author who ls one of .even
Does Trick
--"Welcome home Kevin
Jane Bates. I love you!
Will you marry me?"
That's pretty standard
as proposals 10 -except
this one was written In
giant letters on a billboard
posted alon1 82nd A venue
in northeast Portland.
Mi.sa Batte, 24, aaw the
p r o po s a I --a s d i d
thousands of other
Portland residents -when
she returned from a sia·
week trip to Germany.
''It Worked," said Dr.
Thomas Miller, as, a
Beaverton chiropractor.
·'She said •yes' riebt
Irvine residents named as co.
plaintiffs with the Fair Housing
Council, called the propood Mt-
tlement "a significant commit· ment."
He said lbe f rvlne Company
would be committed lo provid,e
up to a .8 million tn lite imp"°"·
ment.s, eewera, roads, utilitiea
and lhe like under the UCI
alte rnative.
Where the Irvine Company
would have to provide land as
well, Mar>C estimated its commit·
ment at '4 mllllon.
He credited the new manage·
ment or the company with the
settlement breakthrou1h.
''Frankly," Marx said, "it
w aan 't Ulltil the new manas~·
ment came ln that a real sipiD·
cant breakthrou1b began to be
"We feel that just in tbe !our
months the new man•tement
haa been aroWld, they've made
more progress ln attemptln1 to
resolve lon1·•tandinl problems
than did the old manaaement."
Jude Ho.pltal for treatment of
her injury. She was reported in
stable condition.
Uejima apparently died in·
s tantly from the self-innieted
Sheryl Marte Stone, a tr•hman
at Fullerton Community College,
was a witneaa to the sbootin& in-
She said Uejima came into a
ground Ooor classroom carrying
the rtne with the handgun insert-
ed Into the waistband or bls
trousers. ·
"I beard a shot and I looked up.
He was about five .to seven feet
from me and was poinUn1 the
gun right at my face," Mias
"But he kept w.avlng the 1un
from one person to another and
now 1 think he kind of dldn 't know
who he wanted to shoot."
"If ell to the noor under my desk
and watched hls feet 11 he waJked
away and then 1 heard two more
s hots. I guess that's when l uw
him fall and knewtt was allover,"
she added.
Mlss Stone described Uejlma
as rather abort, havln1 a 1baved
head and wearlna "a camounaae
jacket and a hat of some kind, I
really can't remember It because
Helt so faint."
'0~ Calcutta'
Okayed in RI
The clty'1 Bureau of Licenses
has issued a permit for an Oct. 9
performance of the musical "Oh,
Calcutta!" alter deciding it
would be futile to appeal a
Superior Court ruling.
The board received a letter
from Deputy City Solicitor John
Rotondi uylng the state
Supreme Court probably would
s ustain Judge Ronald R.
Lagueux's decision to give the
muaical a permit. Rotondo said
the appeal would be a wute oC
Lagueux said that the sexually
explicit mU5ical is not oblcene
and ordered the bureau to issue a
license for the Oct. 9
I !i
q.,vt•1'-111tl-tr_,.,. .. ......,v.,11.~~111c.,~ • ...._.Oett.it_C1"'t-tltbe.• • ........,.,.,.-*" U.. lqt!Mel .. _~f/lleealfllesfi.ti.r.-lllUI,,.\, ....
u u
UAJ. llO 8 3JI 19 , "-UC.I 1• I 16 t&~. ._ UMC 1 llOIO IJ3 11-.. ... UMET Tr 1 1~ .. '• IJOP 10 I 11 14'1. '•
UVlnd I ~ JU --l• VARCO I.JO & • ,., 1. Un8~11 M 6 &l 111.1-,,. ~;-c:,t ~-=I~ ~t ~\<. ;·;'
UnCmru 11 t 1 7~ Vnlon(4) 9 IS s IJnEl<K t » 9 11s 1s•~
UnEI pt A lO 110 52"•
vnElpt. St tlOO ~··· • I, unEtpt 2n s 'l'I'• •• VnOC.I 220 7 UO S•'•+ ... IJOC'• pt? !O ,. ... ...
UP•cC 1.7011 7•7 ........ • Unlrovel .lO 6 ••7 lh •..
UnlryAI pt I , 100 II .... UllBr-• 1'I 1"--,,_ u .. ernctptA 1s 1µ.+ v.
UriltGo .P,, 2~ 1o.\lo + ~. u,,Enlh1 n ,, n :io• ... UF1..c.M ,40 S 117 16"° u""'"'' s n n•, •, Ullllim 1 U t I 17 ....
Ulllullf 1 llO t\00 14 t Vnillncl .llO 1 1l 11 Ur>lllM 14 6 • .... 1'0 v.i.rea ,..,. • n 11-. !J Mf WCI I .lOI • 11• 31' I ... U'tlPll'*' 1 11 ,., \o Ufft~lf9 _... S 10 u.. ', US~\lS t tM k• ''' • ,.._ US~klO I.II 6 1'1 ll • • • USC.yp.\ I liO 11 0 2"W-... VS<iYll( 1 80 I ll'IJ -,._ "'-..JA. loll ,,._ ... US1nd «> 7 llS •'1>-'.
USl•-«> S Ut 111'. -'t US Rty • ll .... 1• us~ 1 1'0 1 •12 23-., USSIMI 2 » I 119• 19'-, '1 VSTOO( l.ACJl7 lJ JO • \.
UnTKI\ t• 1 .o()i JS'• unTcl\pt I .. 1 1sJ•, fl.
VnTcl\1117 » 10 lO'I I
UnlTef t ?I t 70'f '101• • 1 • UnlT tptUO 11 1S ,._ v,,,_ 10 • n •·•. ~. U"lvet' ,_ 1 ) I•• V,,lvFd I 11 I 17 21 \o
U,,l..dll t• 1 I ll '• Upl-f.l011 801 31'•• + ~ l,l~LIPE Alt m rq
U\llleP .... 1$ l'l'"' . Vt-'>Pl I 56 10 414 :IO!ilo ''o VIPL pf ) ml 19 No-~
~. Septem~r :ze. 1977 l/N DAILY PILOT
Smash Movie
Means,: Boy
'What's a smash mbv1~ worth? Ask 20th Centul')'\Fox.
which holds th&-h~ hand these days in the moUon plcturt
businc:lsa, thanks to ,.'Star Wars." which It relea&ed Maf 25.
11 il continues a~ its present pace, "Star Wars't wlll
becGme the biggest seller in the history or movies, sur·
passing "Jaws." And the science fantasy film 15 already
ma.king a substantial contribution to the financial well-
bdnaot Fox
SMO million to $810 million and JacknJred profits froin SSS
mllliGn to $85 million. But "Star Wars" is bound to hJve a
much more dramatic impact on Fox because the company
starts from a much smaller base.
Dennis C. Stanfill, chairman and president of Fox, gave
some ink.ling or what this leverage will be in a talk this
month to security analysts. Stanfill reported that through'
Labor Day, "Star Wars" had taken in $134 million at
theaters across the
country. Through that
s ame date, 1-'ox had
grossed $87 million Crom
its distribution or the
That $87 million
figure bulks large when
you consider that Fox had total sales of $350 m illion in 1976
"Star Wars" will vault the company well over the $400
million mark.
Much or that revenue will work iLc; way into profile;
because ''Star Wars" has already recovered its production
cosl'i of $10 million. Fox has spent about $5 million advertis
mg the film .
THE RE WILL BE A 60-40 SPUT of the profits. George
Lucas, writer and director of "Star Wars." will get 40 per cent, Fox 60 percent.
The Wall Street Journal estimates that Fox's pretax
earnings on "Star Wars" have already exceeded S4o
Fox earned $10.7 million after taxes last year. Its net
this year is likely to hit $30 million.
While "Star Wars" overshadows everything ebe.
another movie, "The Other Side or Midnight." is providing
an ex~~profit kicker for Fow. Stanfill said this film grossed
S29 million through Labor Day, making 1t the third most sue
WHAT WILL ZOtb CENTURY-FOX do with this loot" 11
will go on a shopping spree.
There's not a company lert that relies exclusively on
motion pictures to keep it afloat. Columbia Pictures recent-
ly bought a big pinball machine maker, D. Gottlieb. Wall
Disney gets more revenues from its amusement parks than
its films. MCA <Universal Pictures) is into mail order sell-
ing <Spencer Gifts>. publishing (G.P. Putnam's). records
and music publishing, recreation and tour services, bank
ing. Metro-Goldwyn Mayer has become the No. 1 casino
operator in Las Vegas. And three companies have disap-
pear«! into the folds of conglomerates -Paramount Pic-
tures belongi.,g to Gulf &: Western Industries, United Artists
being part or Transamerica and Warner Bros. functioning
as a unit of W "rner Communications.
Fox owns television stations in Mlnneapolis, Sall Lake
City and San Antonio. Flush with lhe "Star Wars .. profits.
it's look.ing to buy three or four more. I't's also on the prowl
for radio stations. For $2() million. it'a buying Coca
Cola Bottling Midwest, Inc.
Ir you have something to sell. give Dennis Stanfill a eC1ll
Depressed Prices
Spur Late Rally
NEW YORK <AP> -Stock prices declined in slow trad-
ing today. welshed down by interest-rate worries and news
of continuing U.S. trade-balance problems. and then rallied
late in the session.
The Dow Jones averageof30 industrials. which fell 17.67
points last weelt to a 2l·montb low, gained 2.51 points to
Big Board volume came to 18.2 million shares.
AnaJysts noted expectations that the Federal Reserve
wouJd soon tighten credit further in efforts to curb the growth of lhe money supply.
Another apparent drag on the market was the govern-
ment's report this morning of a near-record trade defi cit in
August. wilh imports exceeding exports by S2.67 billion. The
deficit was the second largest on record, exceeded only b v
June's $2.82 billion. ·
But buyers were attracted bylhedepressed prices.
OO&D.lone•A t·~rage• M'hat Stork• Did
S~~Ol'lllAPI Flnt1I o.w.J-•11Yer ....
(]Deft HI.. LOW Clo6e 0.. 10 l!ld W ... Ml.16 131 SI .. I •h 1'1 10 rm 111.111 ru . .u 11 1.u 2u .n • 11.:w \S Ull 111.5' 111.'2 Ill.SI 11111-0.43 .s s... 111"" "9.11 n.s.'4 • n + o.a ~ .. ::-.:::::::·::.:·:-··~>:::
VlllJ • ................... UJ,• "SUI .. ................. 2.-.i.
H EW Y°"I( (AP). S.•r.• 4 11.m . SW!~• 1:.~"" cM'Ttoct' "'l'ICc;,,;»" 1f= ,,... ,_,.., •t ,,,_ --''· Heu .... .. ut,tOO 3~ -Ioli
"""'"" Oii..... • ~000 .. " • '" UVI"" W\........ 7'.tOO 41-'o -~ Re_,lntt A. . . S),.ee> U'11l -1\lo IJMex Corl>...... ,, ... IA +" /\ lc!M Ind. •• 1',100 lllt + Ill Te.tlSUt Clp....... .U.10D Pio + ~
Intl WM! , ».• 3"• + ~ ~ Olli.. .. ~..-rn .. ...., ~ """' • • • • • 31,500 '7~ .....
llp• and DolDn•
TOO.'f «My •2• . . 11' •••
SI• ... . 1 ...... .. n ...... . •1 ........ .
Due to late transmission· toda y's list ing w ill not
appear In the Dally Pilot.
WMAT AMllX DIO MEW VOllK <API "'-Todty IMV ns ....... 30 •••••..•. ,., ....... ..
ISJ •·•• • 11 •••••••• '*··········
Due to late transmission
today's listing wlll not
appeer in tM Dally P iiot.
I. •
At • d
•• I
J •
q ,
• " II
' ' t
81 DAILY PILOT Monday, S.ptember 2t 1 m TELEVISION
COA.STWA.TCB: Tonight's TV Fare ,
6:0()9 D • <II If M ws
Harry Is lhttlled when Irma
annQOllC91 lhe Is pregnant
The New England Patriots clash
w1tn the Cleveland Browns a1
Cleveland Slad1um, Ohio
Randall's ususatly depend.;Jble
par1ner the ghost begins to t0porl·
mg events that did not happen
Shirley's parenls are batthng again
and this time Grandm.l decides 10
go to work as lhe Partridge
temlly's maid
Ben Fuller. a ret1red pouceman.
complicates molters wnen he tnes
to lake charge of the lnves1igatlon
Into a friend's death
tll) ZOOM
"Sltr-Fry Cooking
6.:30 0 MOVIE * *' • "Sandcaslles ( 1972) Her-
schel Bernardi Jan-Michael
Vincent A man's gtlostly Image
returns to prove himself Innocent
or thievery. but falls In love with a
beaullful musician ( 1 hr . 30 min )
Fehl( asks Oscar to pose tor a lay-
out advertising a new men's
""Boston Story, P:1rt I School
desegregation in Boston
"Pairing 011'"
"The Fox Hunt"
David Horowitz v1s11s the Small
Claims Court with the Hon lrwtn
Nebron. Presiding Judge of Munlc-
i~l Court
Jan makes promises she cannot
To11ight 011 NBC
o-on• at a Mobile Army Surgical TUBE TOPPERS I H~al In Korea cr&at• havoc •
with thelr eccentric behavior and
atrlctty non-rnilltaty behavior. (2 KTLA <5> s·oo "Woman Times Seven."Shlrlev
Sad Ending
\ p1C'n1<· lttr :\klls ... u SUl' Anderson nt•fl J and
~kl1ssa <;rlhl'l'I turns to trngt•lh on l.1ttll'
!louse on tllv 1'1 <llrll'. lo111ghl at H 1111 :'\BC.
Ch<innl'I I
keep in order lo win a populanty
Q) ADAM-12
Officers Malloy and Reed search
for an elusive bar girt who m1ghl be
able to clear a fellow officer ot
blackmali charges
"Seabrook -Do We Need It? ·
"'N8Vef Give Up" profiles Imogen
CJnnlngham, who waa an active
portrait photographer until her
death at the age of 93
'"My Ellen"' Laura convinces Eloise
Taylor (Corinne M1ch0els) lo let her
daughter. Ellen. go swimming 1n
the creek. When tragedy strikes
and Ellen d1owns. Eloise. grief-
stricken, mistakes Lwr a lor h'1r
dead daughter and holds her
Rat in gs G Hide
~MO'f'lf'\ •'" ttlt"d atcort1•nq ,,, 001"
Qtfl("f~ dttf1'1dANf' MOW"•'"\ tt)r TV .ur
tu<f~ by• Cfftlf' I
•• * *
••• • * •
t ,, ••II< nl
-Vr:1v Goon
• •'• "'Woman Times Seven"'
( 1967) Shirley MacLalne, Alan
Arkin Seven extremely dtffe<eol
female personallttes are studied
against a Paris backdrop (2 hrs )
0 MOVIE * * * "How To Save A Marnage
And Ruin Your Lile" ( 1968) Dean
Martin. Stella Stevens An unmar-
ried man has an affair with a wom-
an he bellevas 1s hla friend's
m11trea.. (2 hrs )
Oscar develops a strong attach-
ment for Felix's doctor, an allrac-
tlve young woman e MOVIE •*'A "Bright Leaf" ( 1950) Gary
Cooper, Lauren Bacall. A tobacco
tycoon grows Increasingly wealthy.
unlll a man he took advantage ot
returns. seeking revenge. (2 hrs.)
"'Upstairs, Downstalns: Joke Over"
Georgina's renewed association
with a group of irresponsible
yoong socialites leads to a tragic
"Upstairs. Downstairs Noblesse
Obhge" The social position and
lamlly background of Georgina's
new love make ttte1r future happ1-
neu uncertain (A)
8:30 0) CROSS-WITS
8:-45 0 MOVIE * ***"MASH ( 1970) Donald
Sutherland. Etltol Gould Two sur-
9~f'l~i~krrvwHITE MacLaine portrays seven different characters in this
A mlNlng diamond nocktac.. an 1967 movie comedy with Alan Arkin.
apparent 1n1ld•·thett. 1poll1 NBC GJ 9:00 --"ln the Matter of Karen Arul
Joyoe'a aurprlae birthday party Quinlan." A dramit\zalion of the celebrated case of a
with her long·tlme friend• when young girl in a coma whose fate prompted a legal bat-e:'~ ~~ef~oe. tie. Brian Keith and Piper Laurie star <review * * * "In The MlllClr 01 Karen below)·
Ann Quinlan" (Premiere) Brian ABC f1 9;00 · "M'*'A•S•H. ··The movit! on which
Keith. Piper Laurie. Having accept-the hit TV series was based r e turns to the tube with
ed the reality that th8lr daughter Is Elliott Gould and Donald Sutherland as the un-
termlnally ill. the Ol.llnlans decide orthodox Army medics.
her Inevitable death lhOtJld not ~ '--------------------------prolonged and attempt to have the
llfe-aopport equip"*1t removed.
"The Manner• And M0<ala Of High
Capitalism'' How do the attitudes
of the "rob!>« barons" on the
aecumutallon and expend•ture or
capital still affect us?
"Terrorlsta, Hostages. Poltce And
The Media··
II) MOVIE **'h "Skin Game" (1971) James
Garner, Lou Gossett A pair of con
men are outwitted by a female
colleague. (2 hrs.)
9:30 8 ()) MAUDE
"'The Flying Saucer" A UFO has
been sighted over Tuckahoe. but
no one believes It because It's
Maude who's spotted It.
10:00 8 ()) RAFFERTY
The worlds of music and medicine
meet under Ille-or-death condl-
llons when Dr. Ratrer1y treats a
claulcal virtuoso vlolln1st (Peter
Donat) and a rock 11ar (Elayne
HetlveU). ea NEWS
Two men accuse a Wiich doctor of
kllllng the one's brolher but the
witch doctor denlee It
"The First Freedom" The evolution
ot freedom of the press
10:30 0) Q) NEWS
"'Washington And The Panama
Canal Treaty"
Guests: Bob and Joanne Her11ck .
Michael Kerlin. Nelson Phipps
"The Case 0 1 The Sardonic
Sergeant" Mason 1s to represent
an officer on a murder charge, but
when he appears at lhe Army post,
tie finds his client dead. EID TO BE ANNOUNCED
11 :30 t) Cl) CBS LA TE MOVIE * * "McCabe And Mrs Miiier
(1971) Warren Beatty, Juhe Chns.
lie When the bualne.u enterprises
of a gambler and a madam In a
frontier town begin 10 prosper.
outside investors attempt to move
in and take over. (R) (Networtt
advt.es viewer dl.cretlon)
Guest host: Sammy Davis Jr.
Guests: Victor Borge. Bonnie
FrankUn, Rip Tayk>r, Victor Buono.
''F0<mer Manlag& Joker"
fJ MOVIE • * *V. "The Money Trap" ( 1966)
Glen Ford, Elke Sommer. When
the combination of a safe la given
to a detective, he decldff to steal
Its contents to solve a flnanclal crl·
ala brought on by tiia extravagant
wife. (1 hr., 45 min.)
"Fi11e Miles High"
"What's In The Box?"
* * "The Last Of The Ski Bums"
( 1969) Ron Funk, Mike Zuettel.
Three ski bums pe<f0<m on the
resort &!Opes of France. Italy. Swlt-
zMland and Austria. (2 hrs )
"The Flaming Planet"
Q) MOVIE * • "Underworld Sto<y" ( 1950)
Dan Duryea. Gall Storm. An unetn-
lcal reporter signs his own death
warrant when he delvee Into the
underwood's polltlcal connections.
(1 hr .• 30 min.)
12:30 0 GENE AUTRY •. ,
"S~brush Troubador"
12:<40 (!DJ MOVIE
• • ·~ "The Money Trap" (19661
Glenn F0<d, Elke Somme< A
detective Is given the combination
10 a safe by a dying robber and
considers stealing the money 10
solve pressing personal problems.
( 1 hr .. 20 min.)
Guests: John Buckley and Ron
Albinson. national chairman and
executive dlrect0< of the Y ouno
Americans for Freedom
1:158 NEWS
1:300 NEWS
• Y. "Johnny Stool Pigeon · (1949)
Howard Duff. Shelley Winters A
treasury agent frees a gangstel
from prison hoping he will lead him
to und41twor1d connections. ( 1 hr.,1 30mln.)
2:000 NEWS 2:308 NEWS
3::00 aJ NEWS
3:<>5 fJ MOV\E * • "41 "The Otdahoman" ( 1966)
Joel McCrea. Barbara Hale. A '
doctor, a widower with a young
daughter. protecta an Indian from'
being awtndled by crooks desiring
hia land. (1hr,25tnln.}
Daytime Mo.,ies
9:00 0 MOVIE
.. "
* • * "The Private war Of Maj<U''I
Benson" (1955) Chariton Heato\'Jp
Julie Adams. A tough Army man la
sottened by a female doctor attet-
he ls transferred to a mlllt~
school. 12 hrs.) ·
10:00 9 MOVIE *** "Adventure• Of Marco ·
Poto'' (1~38) Gary Coop«, 88$
Rathbone. The travels or 13th~
tury explorer Marco Polo bring him
10 China. (2 hrs.)
12:00 CD MOVIE *** "Dangerous" (1936) Sett~
Oavi.. Franchot Tone. A ruthlesls.'
self-untered star, having become
a chronic drinker. Is rehabilitated
by a young architect. (2 hrs., 20
2:00 G MOVIE * • '.4 "The Deadly Atfalr" ( 1967)
James Mason. Simone Signor et. A ••
British Intelligence olr1cer Is sent \~
Investigate an anonymous lettef',
accusing a key officer of Commu~
nist afflliatlons. (2 hrs.)
3:00 ®) MOVIE ,
• • 'h "The Bravos" ( 1971 I George,
Peppard. Pernell Roberts. An offi;-,•.
cer Is assigned the command of a ·
small lort after the Civli War has'
ended. (2 hrs )
3:30 0 MOVIE
* * • "See No Evil"' (1971) Mia
Farrow. Robin Bailey. A cowboy,
1(1lls a helpless. young. blind
women ( t hr • 30 min )
Quinlan Case Flat
As Drallla for Video
Police Story
To Feature
New Format
N UC TV h as announced' ·a
change for "Police Story,'' its
Emmy.winning anthology series.·
Inst ead of being shown in itS
weekly one-hour time slot, the
pr ogram will be presented i'}t;
special two-hour telecasts. ~ , ..
dly flut dramal1zallon of an cmo·
\ionally chaq~ed, widely
publicized legal and moral case
is on NBC, Channel <I, tomght at
9 ll's a TV movu.>, "In the Malter
or Karen Ann Quinlan '
Brian Keith and Piper Laune
star as Joe and Julie (luinlan.
parents of the young ~ew Jersey
woman who lapsed mlo a coma
and never came out or 1t 21 :i
years ago after a few drinks al a
friend's birthday celehrut1on
Doctors said her brain ""as
hopelessly damaged Her cond1·
lion was dclerioratmg rapidly
Death seemed incv1tabl<'
HER PARE NT S, devout
Catholics. faced an agonizing de-
cision: Should they let her die a
natural death. tell the doctors to
lurn orr the respirator that
;irllficiaJly kept her all ve?
Their decision was widely de-
bated in legal. medical and re·
ligious circ1es. It led to a
lsndmark right-to-die court bat·
Tonight's retelling o f that sad.
dilticult time tor the Quinlans 1s
a commendable e ffort in
restraint.. part.icltlarly in that we never see the gul in her latter
.staees o( deterioration.
We do see line work by Keith.
Miss Laurie and David Hulfan -
he tasL u the QuJnlans' young
lawyer, Paul Armstrong, who
took their case at 1&reat penonal
llnancial aacrmcc.
STllONG SUPPOat also com-
et Crom David Spl.tber1 u a doc·
tor who, out of his own COl\VlC·
tlolll, retuaed th• QuJnlani' plea
to tum off tbe macbln~ all
thouJht was the only lhlna kee.,_ tng her I.live.
Aod tbe 1crlpt by Hal Sltowitz
11 remarkably low·key for •uch
an eaay·to.1ena1UonaU1e story.
UQfortunatcly, he d~s cha,ntt
aom• facu recalled by the
Qulnllnl ln their book. ''Karen
In one acene, for example, a
1hYlter l•wyer aeea Armatroaa
fUlnl the f1nt peUUon lo the CAM
and MM1 to a ~· to Up ott .a nt)wtpaper pal. Not •o. accordinc
to the book.
Jt •&11 Arms
v1cl• of a prosecutor in the case.
arranged to meet with three local
reporters after fllmi: the J>(!tltlo11.
the idea bcmg to get the tssue!i
"proper!) interpreted ..
THE SCRIPT ALSO !>hows that
~tS!i Quinlan. who wa!> under
care al St. Clare'b 1Josp1tal JO
Denville, N .. I . remained there
although her parents wanted her
transferred arter the New Jersey
Supreme Court decided they had
the right to allow her to die a
natural death
The script says other hospitals
and medical racihtlcs. fearing
bad publicity. refused to accept
her after the court's decision
But the book says she was ac
cepted at a New J ersey facility,
the Morris View Nursing Home.
after trustees there reversed a
long.time rule against accepting
comatose patients
DESPITE SUCH lapses, the
show remains generally true to
events described in the Quinlans'
The book was taul. absorbing andmovtng..
Unfortunately. tonl1ht 's
dramatization. while done
wltb tast e and dig nity, is
anything but gripplne. It moves
sluggis hly ror the most part,
almost as If in eearch or a point ol view.
Too bad. The restraint is ad·
mlrable, but tho execution Ja plUable.
has acquired lllm rl1hta lo
"Shoaun," Jamu ClavelJ'a best·
aellln• novel, for a mini aeries to run 1.Sor more hour,. • 'Shoiun, •· a novel of pauJon
and inltieutt Jn l?th Century
Japan when East m ell West,
will be filmed al int~rnaUonal
It's a Coverup
'.\taurcen Dean. wife of Watergate figun•
.John Dean I right > does her impression of
former President Nixon durin~ thC' lapin~
of a Mike Dough1~ sho~' in Phih.1<.lelµh1<1
Wutching are Douglas lleft 1 <.1nd actor Hal
The first or these. "Pressuct
Point ... Tuesday at 9 on ChatlJ)dK
4. will star David J anssen ~·a
sergeant whose concern for bis
men extends beyond the police
station and into their private
The St.'Cond program of th~.
'Police Story's" fifth season.
will be "Stigma." starring MUce
Connors and Martin Milner. Con-
nors has been cast as an ofr~.r
who cannot convince himself thi'-"
he deserves the Medal of ValGF
awarded to him for his actlcd.
during a shoot-out in which IP
purtncr -and best friend -whs
killed. Milner plays Connor's
n ew p a rtn e r and patrjl
wheelman .. ;
ABC Not Resting on Laurel.s ,j•. ,,
• r •
Jl almost seems as l( the entire
Ca ll TV Hneup ls composed ol a
sln&le new series, "Soap." But,
the television fan can expect
more in the new season and, to
make certaln the vteweris aware
of this, Fred Silverman, ABC's
proaram leader. recently
acrUUn1ud the upcoming sea.son.
aHessed ABC's role as the new
leader, and illuminated these
-"Charlie's An•ela" wlll not
materially suffer because d the
detection or F,rrah Fawcett-
Malora and, in fact, new •urveya
lnd ctte that Kato JaakSOQ and
Jaclyn Smith are al l&ut at
popular, If not more tJO. ,. Far·
-HOWEVER, THEil!: ta con• • urn ovtr Farrah 11 defeeuoo
slncoltinvotves a le1il cntantle-
ment. over whether a dO f aeto
commltmenl and pel'UclpeUon,
wfthOUt al~nod contract, II valid
or not JI the court.a "'1e Iii F~
uh'a fnor, tben televllton. Sllvennancontended. could beift
• lot of troubll" slnce many atarJ
are perforrlitl In MrlU tod&f
wilhoul havinl signed their con·
-Marie Osmond, the 18-year·
old youngest member of the sing·
illg clan, wlll be ao international
superstar withJn two years and.
antlclpalln& thla meteoric rise.
ABC is plannlna to aive her some
specials or her own.
brother, David, once wH a
teeny-bopper ldol, 11 rapidly
emer11na u one hlrnself and
Silverman la puUln1 ouL all the
stops In hyptns hls Hrle•, "The
Hardy Boy1," Since Shaun l1lo
hu a deal wlth NBC for four
speclaJJ whJch was neaoUated before hla ABC •ertes deal. ABC
want. lo keep Shaun so busy he
wOtl't be ablf to keep hla NBC # ~om'lnltl'Mnt.
Deln1 No. l meana 1 network can't become cornpla· cent. COllffQUQU)' ABC bu 2S project& ln the wlnaa now, a
'lumber of lh•m read)" replace-
menu for any faUu~• Ii\ the new
JLV£&JIAN. TH& pro·
aram ln1 1eneral wbou
strategy since .switching from
CBS to ABC bas brought the lat-
ter network from a poor No. 3 lo a
strong No. l in the raUng1. aUll
faces a serious controversy with
"Soap," his new adult series
which already is the object ol an
intensive bOycott campalen by
Church and other press ure
But SUverman indicated that
both he and the AJJC network are
senalllve to press11res. "Soap"
bas undergone cbanfes, and
there ia atronc effort td convince
the atttllated. channelJ around
the county that the new series la
not an x .rated project.
Changes have been made to tone down the opening eplsodf'
wbtcb cau ed the furor. Succeed·
ln.« opi1odt1 tlave bten re-
vaml>td and atory Untt thinned
out to develop more of the characters rather than aex.
Sllvennan revealed. ·
EABUElt LAST waek, the
altercCI openina epi~Ocl• •••
cloMd-clreuli.d to affiliates. The aame &fflll1te1 wm M abown
more ~llod• and a pmltw '11
oth lo inaure that the nettwJCk
has not become morally if:
responsible. .. .s
Nlne affiliated stations pre-
viously Indicated they did not
plan to run "Soap." Sil veJ'1d1aft
says be hopes they change theJ
minds alter this week's ~
ct re alt sboWfnp.
Silverman declared ho
mixed react.ion to the urly
verse publlclty.
Laguna /South Coast
OL. 70. NO. 269, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES
5 Disabled Children Beseued
Ftve hand1r apt>e<I children on '~n out1na to Ois neyl1tnd were
temporarily stranded on the San
l>wgo Frl'C\\ a} in San Clemente
Saturda\ "hen their van dt:
Vl'loped enilnC troublt!
San Clemente r1remen, who
were cull<:>d to the scene. 1>ald the
driver or the Rec r eational
Services for the Handicapped
van amellod 1moke H be drove
:.outh lhrouah S1&n Clemtnte on
the freeway.
The dri ver pulled lbe van orr on
the shoulder , but could not turn
off~ engJne, firemen said
When firemen arrived at the
l!CCne, they found the children,
who suffer cerebral palsy, could
not be removed from the van.
b ec au s e the y w e r e i n
wheelchairs, which were blocked
by freeway guard rails from
lea vlng the vehicle.
Engineer Jim Pengelll said the
guard rails prevented firemen
from opemng the van's doors
enough to gel the wheelchairs
In order to avoid possible fire
danger from an o verheated
engine, firemen cul the van's
battery cable.
Capt. Nick Maule coasted the
van down the Avenlda Pico on·
ramp, after California Highway
Patrolmen assisted firemen In
blockin1 traffic on the ramp. ··n was scary," Peneelli sald
of the incident. "The van couldo 't
be towed off the freeway,
because some of the kids were in
wheelchairs inaide the van. Tilt·
ing the van ln towing would have
sent t.he kids rolling around in·
''l was directing Capt. Maule
when be coaated the van down
the off-ramp, and, believe me, he
was driving very, very
Gun.-toting Fullerton
Student Hurts · 2, Dies ·
Oil Darkem
Beach Town
Mex. CAP> -A diesel oil
spill, the second tn the Ba-
ja area in two months, has
swept ashore along al least
five miles of this Mexican
tourist town, officials say.
The spill was driven
a s hore by a s trong
s outhern current and
heavy surf so that by Sun-
day morning a dark brown
Cil m coated the wate r
about 200 yards offshore.
o.lW "9e ..........
President's Brother Steal• the Show ea Grand Marshal In Parade
Billy Carter a 'Hit'
At Krwtt's Show
On a d ay that featured a
human cannonball, marathon
d ancers and parachute jumpers,
at was Billy Carter who stole the
show al Knoll's Berry Farm Sun-
Well tanned and wearing a
leisure s uit . the best known
ser vice s tation operator In
Plains, Ga., smiled through an
afternoon in which he:
-·Regaled the i>ress with a
series of one·llne quip answers to
--Judged a beauty contest that
featured bathing suits of the 20s
and ladies bearing such unlikely
names as Miss Deed, Miss Cue,
and Miss Nomer.
--Served as srand marshal in a
parade distinguished by the
autograph seekers who br6ke
ranks lo get BlUy's signature on
everytbini from hamburger
wrappers to paper napkins.
--sbared the stage with JoAnn
Worley tn an impromptu ap·
pearance that both seemed to en·
Billy was reluctant to say how
much he was beiq paid for his
appearan~e at the farm. He pre-
ferred to term the arn6unt "no
one 's damn business" as he
s miled his way through a press
Ruled off base durina the 30-
minute session with the press
were political questions. But Bil-
ly let it be known he'll be working
for Alabama Governor George
Wallace in his bid for the Senate
next year and that he Is a staunch
opponent of the Equal Rights
That was about as serious as
the president's brother got dur·
(See BILLY, Page AZ)
BNJe Styles·
-sen Clemente'• Campbell
Rifle Jam
Of I .. O.lly "''-' II.ti
A 27-year-old student carrying
a rine and handgun walked into
a Fullerton Community College
classroom today and wounded
an instructor's aide before kill· '
inf! himself.
Police said the .22-caliber rifle
jammed after the gunman, iden·
tified as Gerald Harunoba Ue·
jlma, of 2767 Ball Road,
Anaheim, fired a s ingle bullet.
Before his journey to the cam·
pus and ultimately his own
death, Uejima reportedly was
emt>.-oil~ in an ~raument with a
oel~bor In bis •Partmenl ct>m·
Police believe he fired a single
bullet that 1truck Stephen While, .
87, In the chest bef or• ho beaded
The neighbor was being treated
Cor his wound at Garden Park
Hospital in Anaheim today. His
condition was satisfactory.
lion was satisfactory.
The jamming of Uejima's rifle
may have spared the junior col·
lege campus in downtown
Fullerton from becoming the
at a college campus four miles
distantinJuly, 1976, policeaaid.
In that JuJy 7, 1976, shooting at
Cal State Fullerton, seven peo-
ple were killed and two persons
were seriously injured.
Last month, a jury convicted
Edward Charles Allaway, a
custodian at the university. of
the murders.
Today's shooting occurred
shortly after 8 a.m . wh~n Ue·
jlma drove hl!I car to a door
leading to a classroom and left the
engine running.
After entering the classroom
he reportedly mumbled some
words before firing a single shot
from the rtne. The bullet struck
an instructor's aide, Terri
Harris, 36, in the hip.
Witnesses told police Uejima
apparently became frustrated
when the rlfie jammed, threw it
to the Ooor and then fired a
(See STUDENT, Pate AZ)
Authorities sajd the spill
may have occurred during
pumping operations on a
Mexican oil tanker located
Class Bible
Ban Called
federal appeals court was told to-
day. that banning every vestige of
religion from public schools is
hostility toward religion, not the
neutrality required by the U.S.
''The question is no longer the
law invol*, but wh.U-Uae
circumstances of the case show either favoritism or hostility,"
s aid attorney William M.
He represented the Orange
Colfnty, f1a., schools in the latest
episode of the seven-year fi1ht
over voluntary reading and dis·
tributionoflhe Bible.
J erome Bornstein, also of
Orlando and representing the
plaintiffs in the case, argued that
the effort to force religion into
the county's 97 public schools is a
"continuous brooding presence"
which can be held back only by a
clear legal ruling.
"I think religion has a unique
place in the public s chool
system," said Bomstein.
"Out.side, 1pparently.' • inject·
ed Judge Thomas Gibbs Gee of
Austin, Tex .• one of1 14 5th U.S.
<See BIBLE, Pge A2)
81,175 Stolen
In San Clem~nte
Old currency, valued at $1,175,
was reported stolen this weekend
from a San Clemente residence.
while its occupants were oo vaca·
Missing from the Kri~pl res-
idence at 316 La Esperanza, ac-
cording to a police report. were
15 sa> bills, all dated pri~r to 1945,
rolls of silver dollars and other
miscellaneoua currency.
Teacher~ Inherits
Spirit of Advocacy
tn SC
Pen«illi said the children were
unloaded from the van on
A venida Pico and transferred to
two other vans, which were on
the Disneyland trip. The broken·
down van was then towed away
The children. aged 7 to 15, are
r esidents of the San Diego area.
TV Craze
MIAMI CAP> -A hypnotic
drug was secretly administered
to teen-age murder defendant
Ronald Zamora during a night·
time visit to his jail cell by a de-
fense psychiatrist, the defense
team said today as Zamora's
trial began.
"Sodium amytal was ad·
ministered to Ronny Zamora,·•
defense attorney Ellis Rubin,
who contends that the boy was
driven to madness by watching
television violence, s aid in pre·
trial proceedings in the
Rubin described the substance
as a "drug.hypnotic" and s aid
Zamora "made certain state.
m ents."
A pharmacist s aid sodium
amytaJ was a commonly used
prescription sleeping drug but
not a so-called truth serum.
However, she said it might be
us ed with hypnosis to have a
similar effect.
The drug incident, which
Rubin said occurred Thursday
night at Dade County Pretrial
Detention Center, led to an
acrimonious exchange between
lawyers. Rubin said that after
he, paychlatriA Michael Gllbet1
and Rubin's wlf«!', ytho acts as a •
secretary. Lett the Jail. Zamora
was "woozy. dizzy."
Bubin '-'Omplained that when
Zamora refused to submit to a
blood test, .. the attendant
plunged a needle into his arm'"
A source with direct knowledge ot the incident suggested earlier
that use of the drug led to a re-
enactment of the June • murder
of Elinor Haggart in her Miami
(SeeTBIAL, Pace AZ)
Three Beat
Mesa Pair in
Laguna Beach
Police are seeking three young
m en they believe pummeled two
visitors to Laguna Beach early
Saturday morning before fleeiq&
Sgt. Terry Temple and Rexell
Kennedy, 23, and Richard Qulsen·
berry. ~. both of Costa Mesa,
were strolling on the beach near
Mountain Road at 2 a .m. Satur-
day when they were approached
by three meo.
A scutne ensued, and Kennedy
was knocked to the ground. suf-
fering a broken nose. The tl'to
also beat Quisenberry, taking bis
keys before fleeing up the belch
stairs ahd toward South Coast
lllghway. -
Police later reco~ered the tar
l<eys and a pair of glasses belof>g~
ing to one of U,~ victims ~
broken in tbescume.
It WW be molt1y cloudy throulh 1'uesaay, with a 20 1 percent cban~e ot pte-
elplt.akln. SligllUy cooler » tonl~tt ~to es. Kiah Tuet<> r. dayl8.
. INlll8EftDAY L
I '
" q
'No Klan
&AH DIECO CAP> --An al-
torMy wM rcpr~led blttka
clua.rpid w1t.b an uaclt on w
at P•tet.on uya U...
.are n ot the ICa IQa
KL&o •the hll II arine bale.
.. Tbe mllhary jgn't doln1
unyUung about it," 1t11d Wllllam
Sm 1th an a v.eclt~nd talk to a Na-
taoftal Lawyers Guild Con·
rereace. Camp Pendleton
~poat•mm bue deft1ecl &DJ ma-
Jor KJaa membership cw prob
The Institute for Int.ern.UOCal
ltesearcb, Inc., a cinllaa group
based in Washington, D.C., re-
ported a 1t.udy 1bow1n1 \bat the
majority of black and white
Marines at Camp Pendleton have
~ood feelings toward HCb other.
Tbat1tudy was made aft.ertbe in·
cident. last Nov. 13 in whlcb five
whites were hospitalized. In subsequent court-martial
trials, which are still golnl on,
attorneys for black defendants
said they thought the whites were
Klansmen plotting to hurt them.
But they got the wrong barracks
Spokesmen for the big Marine
base north of San Diego later con-
firmed presence of Klan units.
Smith, in his speech. urged
overhauling of the military
justice system.
"There is no way we could win
our case," he said. "If you prove
your cUent 1s not guilty, they sen·
tence him anyway and give him a
light sentence to show they are
C'ircuit Court of Appeals judges
re-hearing this case. Bornstein nodded. "Outside
The school board a llowed the
distribution or 48,000 Gideon
Bibles in the dassrooms In 1970.
Arter that was declared un-
constitutional, the board set
guidelines whereby religious
groups may leave materials on
tables at the school and an-
nouncements made to the
children that the materials arc
There were inspirational read-
ings in the classrooms each
morning, with the student to
choose what ho will read -with
-the Bible specifically not ex-
Six months ago, a three-judge
panel of the aJ.lpe&ls court ruled
2-1. with Gee dissenting, that the
new guidelines also were un-
Eight families with various re-
ligious amllations have been
fighting the school board since
1970. They contend the reading and
distr1bution of the King James'
Bible and other school board
policies could offend Jewish.
Catholic and some Protestant
!'tudents. The families say the
policies violate constitutional
guarantees or s eparation of
church and st.ale and due process
of law.
Rights Talks
Slated in LB
The Laeuna Beach Coalition
for Human Rights will hear t.wo
guest speakers Thursday night in
the Laguna Beach High School
auditorium beginning at 8.
Dr. Martha Kirkpatrick, presi-
dent of the Southern California
Psycmatric Association and a
board member of New AGE (Al-
liance for Gay Equality> will dis-
cuas the psychology of current
state legislaUon.
And P~er Thomas Judie. a
literary ageat and founder of the
Lo6 Anaeles ACLU Gay Rights
chapter will outline cooae·
qoeac.es "' the Brlua antl·PY initiative. JUCS,e is former presi-
dent of tbe San Francisco 'Nhit-
man-Radclyffe Foundation.
' . .
Ovll Servlee
'A Little More Le,r
German sculptor Michael Schwarze may ha\'e been
thinking or the press photographer·s ancient admonition
\\"hen he creatcct this work. now on dis play at a museum
Ill Dll <''>!'>C'ldorf. West r.erman~.
Car Crash Victim
Still U nid,entified
Orange County coroner·s dep·
uties compared dental records
today in an effort to identify the
burned body of a driver who was
fatally in.Jured witb two other
people Friday in a head-on crash
on Laguna Canyon Road in
Already identified among the
dead were Bette Eyan, 47, of
Corona, and Verna Henshaw. 41.
of Riverside, who drove the car
In which both women rode. .
Two other passengera in the
Henshaw car were injured
Mary Wi swell, 36, of Norco. re·
mained in guarded condition to-
day in the intensive care ward of
Mission Community Hospital in
Mission Viejo.
Irvine police said the accident
occurred as the unidentified
driver or a Corvette sports car
passed another car on the twist·
ing canyon road.
The Corvette smashed into the
Henshaw car. burst into names,
plunged down a roadside ·em-•
bankmcnt and exploded, police
said, trapping the drµ-er inside.
The man was alone in the car.
Police Sgt. Robert Lennert
said today the man appeared to
have been in his middle 40e. He
said a tentative Identification has
been made.
··we think we know who it is,··
Lennert said. "but until we get a
positive identification. we can't
tie him directly to that car at that
Lo.af ers Cause
Morale Flaps
Federal covernment manaaers
r efuse to discipline Of' remove loa.Onc employes because they
fear court 1U1ta, the cbainnan ot
the U.S. Civil Service Com·
mission says.
LB Parking
Of Planners
La1una Beach planning com-
miaionen face fa.tt public hear-
ings TUesday evenint, including
a parking management program
which could result in three park-
ing structures in the city's
downtown. The commission meets at 4:30
p.m . in council chambers.
A public hearing on the park-
ing proposal begins at 7 .~ p.m ..
and commissioners said two
weeks ago they would like more
comments from the business
community before recommend-
ing the $12 million program.
U approYed by tbe City Colm-
cil. the four-phase parking ~ gram would include a three-story
parking structure at Broadway·
and Boch Street. and two-story
structures at Glennyere near
Legion Street and at an existing
private parking lot north ol city
Other public bearings
scheduled for the afternoon and
evening sessions include:
--A hearing on bluff top set.-
back requirement&;
--Request for removal of a
drainage course along Alta Vista
-A proposed land diviaion on .
C.anyoo Acres Drive.
FAcapee Killed
The Jack of disciplinary action
bu caused a morale problem,
beeaue "lood employea are~· sathflcd wttb 1upervl1or1•
failure to take acdon a&alnlt the
loafers,·· said the chairman •
Alan Campbell.
He commented ln a U.S. News
and World Report Interview re-
leased Sunday.
Equal ri8hll niles sometimes
binder 1uperviaory action.
because superviaon fear claims
or dlscrlmlnaUon, Campbell
·'To some degree. the
supervilors now feel they don't
get a fair bearing because they
are not allowed to participate in
appeals except to present their
cases," he commented.
·•But even thoup It does result
In giving up some managerial
freedom, I would argue that it la
appropriate to forbid discrimina·
lion on the basis of race, color,
national origin, age. sex and
perhaps other grounds.•'
Meanwhile U~e federal govern-
ment wm no longer automatical·
ly nre workers or reject job ap.
plicanu who have ssnoked mari·
juana or used heroin. the three
civil service commissioners have
ruled. Until now, job applicants could
be r ejected and exislini
employes dlsmls1ed for usinc
marijuana. berotn and at leut 50
other 1ublta.nte1 recarcted as
habit-forming. harmful or poten.
Ually dangerous.
tng hi.a Pf'eY conference in the
Gunsling• Room at. Knott 'a.
1be rest of the time· be was a
smiling picture of a one-line com·
edian who had a ready quip for
seemingly any question be mieht
be asked.
For example. Billy was asked
where be would be if be weren •t
the President•• brother.
.. Back ln Plains · pumping
gu," be replied.
man being escorted to a mental
hospital on Saturday o•er-
powered a aberut's deputy and
shot him. then ned from the
hopsital grounds to a
supermaTket where he fired
several shots before beln& killed •
in a parking lot shootout, poli<'e
"Do you have any poUtlcal am-
bitions?" a reporter asked.
"No." BUly amwered ••rve
run for office flve times and I've
lost four times. That ou1ht to tell
me somethin1. ''
The Prdldent •s 40-year-old
younger brother was asked by
one reporter if he had "any fear
of being kidnaped or something
like that."
The slain man was identified
as Wilham Wyche, 26, or Dinwid-
die. Elizabeth Gardner, 23. of
Corona. was released Saturday
from Saddleback Valley Com-
munity Hospital after treatment
for her injuries.
Fro• Pflfle Al "No, I doo't." Billy replied.
"And I don't think anyone would
buy me back if I was."
F ..... PageAJ
s ingle shot from a handgun
before placing that gun to his
temple and pulling the trigger.
Miss Harris was taken to St.
Jude Hospital for treatment of
her injury. She was reported in
stable condition.
Uejima apparently died in·
stantly from U\e setr-tnnkted
Sheryl Marie Stone, a freshman
at Fullerton Community College.
was a witness to the shooting in-
cident. She said Uejlma came into a
ground noor clasaroom carrying
the rifle with the handgun insert-
ed Into the waistband of his
··1 heard a shot and I looked up.
He wu about five to seven feet
from me and was pointln& the
gun right at my face," Miss
Stone said.
"But be kept wavine the gun
from one person to ~ ad
now I think be kind ol dldn '\ knoW who he wanted to shoot.··
"lfell to the floor under my des~
and watched bis feet as be walk el
away and then I heard twomor•
shots. I guess that's when I saw
hlmfallandknewitwas allover,·•
she added. Miss Stone de9cribed Uejlma
as rather short, havine a shaved
bead and wearing "•camouflage
jacket ad a bat of 10me kind, I
really can't remember lt because
J felt IO f alnt. '•
TRIAL BEGINS ••• He lamented the fact that
Plains will never be wbat it once
was now that. It bas received so
much attentJon.
Beach home.
The novel aspeet of the case
drew three dozen newspaper,
magazine and lelevlsion re-
porters to the courtroom. Special
televi!lon lights were installed in
Circuit Judge Paul Baker•s tiny
courtroom to allow gavel-lo·
gavel taping of the trial.
Rubin has subpoenaed Telly
Savalas, star of the '"Kojak" series, as a wttness. ·
The judge, ln an unuaual press
briefing before Jury selection
began. said Florida's one-year
experiment in allowing cameras
in courtrooms would meet. a
severe test ln the Zamora case,
which he said could determine
"If we can have an acceptable
marriage between the concepts
o{ free press and rttr trial. ll"s
going to make lt or break IL"
Several attorneys for the news
media were on band for consulta-
tion ln today's proceedlnp.
Zamora. lS, and a 14-year-old
youth are both charged with first·
degree murder In the dea\b of
U-year-old Elinor Haccart,
found ab«K to deatb at her Miami
Beach home. The other youth is
to be tried separately.
.. An adol•cent_predispoeed to
emodonal instabtuty ta ft11 aus-
ce ptlble to tbe Influence or
television." Rubin has said.
''Why do children love
teJeri1ton'1 Why do sponsors
spend mllllou of dollars a month
advertising their productl on
television? And finally. why does
televi5ion violence beget actual
violence? ..
Rubin is known for talcing
cues that attract attention. He
helped Watergate burglar E.
Howard Hunt gain parole and
once flted a ault of his own to
challenge Miami 'a homosexual
rights ordinance.
Billy called himself one of the
good ol' boya and cbeerrully
actnowled&ed bimtelf as his
mother'• f avorlte son.
"She's proud of Jimmy. but
she loves me most," he smiled as
be described bis place in the sun
at home.
Our vested
aults set
the style
for Spring
For the man who
makes It his bual·
neea to look hie
beat. A collection of
vested autte t8Jlored
In today's most
popular lookl. New-
and-now Clal81ca.
Flawleu British cut•. European
tnaplred ttyles.
All Whipped up In
tlghtwefght wool
~d pofyetter
blenda tor Cl"lep,
wrlnkleof,.. weer.
RICh cOIOrattona and Pitt.,,. In pl.Ilda,
stripe. ind eallda.
T allored tit'f'/ '\ • 8ce9'IY 'IOO'
r ..... r-.AJ
Leon said be couldn •t help but
Inherit a certain meuure ol rel>-
et 1pj.rlt. ~ ord1 •ts bit f at.ber
an outspoken oqanlier and ad·
vocate. bis &l'•odrather was
kllled smugglinl guns across the
Mexican border to revolu·
u~ And his. mother's maiden name
wu ''Zapata." Emiliano Zapata.
a relatln. wu a leader of the
Me:iQeanrevolutlon • It wuu't until the oae-day
Capistrano Unlfied teacher
walkout in m4. however that
Leon became an acUvf 1t in
teacher concerns. As a football
coach at Dana Hills Hieb Scbool,
he was under a lot or pressure not
to Join the walkout.
·'I was the only football coach
wbo walked.•• he said, ••and I !:°!. .. a lot of my department wiLb
Leon, 41, grew up in the Redon-
do Beach area. He was graduat·
ed from Pepperdine University
and taught at Mira Costa W,h
School, which he had attendecl as
Jn 1967 be came to the
Caplatrano Unified DlaU1ct to
t~ach social studies at San
Clemente High School. He was
also assistant football coach. ln
1973 he transferred to Dana Hills.
"I enjoy classroom teaching. I
enjoy kids," be aald. "I have no
desire to move into adminislra·
lion, as many other teacben do."
In 1974, when he began to take
an active role in CUEA. Leon
found himself progrenively
more committed to teacher ad·
vocacy. By fall be found himself
elected vice president and bad to
give up coacbina to ban more
time for CUEA business.
•'It's aaratif~job. batlt's a
tbankleA Job, • be said of his
position u CUEA. president.
.. I'm proud with bow we ln the
Capistrano Unified ell.strict com·
pare with other district. ln the
.. In the past two years.
teachers' salaries, including
fringe benefits. are up by about 15
percent in this district. StUI, aome
teachers clalm we didn't eet
enough at the bargaining table."
Leon said be ls worried at the
drift toward conformity be sees
in education today. A reflection
of this, be said, la tbe rebuke one
Dana HUis teacher received
from school officials for wearing
Bermuda shorts to class.
Alien Arrests
Surpass 197 6,
Pairol Says
U.S. Border Patrol agents have
picked up more illegal aliens in
Southern California this year
than In all of 1976.
More than 281.000 aliens have
been ap~rehended so car this
year. with another 680 pulled ~rom cars at the San Onofre
oorder check this past weekend.
. San Onofre agent·in·charge Al
.Janicki said agents picked up
271.000 illegal aliens last year in
the Chui a Vista sector.
That area runs from the
Pacific Ocean halfway to El Cen-
tro. and from the border north to
San Luis Obispo. '
Janicki called Sunday's ap.
prehension of more than 400 il-
legals .. a normal Sunday round-
Orange Coast
Today's Closing
N.Y. Stoeks
IIUI> OKs Grant for. Newport Seniors'
Ott .. 0..ly -, .....
Newport lieach City Manaaer
Robert W)nn ">aid to<la~ feder1tl
llousmg and l 'rban Development
<lll'DI off1eials have approved
lhe lasl $3.18,1100 grant for tht.·
city's senior citizen <:enter
E arlier this month. fl lJ O of
flc1als told Wynn the· city would
get Sl74.000 dS thl• city.., share of
NB Panel
To Study
J im Wood. chai r man of
N e w po r t B e a t• h · s P a r k s .
Beaches and Recreation Com·
mission thinks thl· c:omm1ssion·s
s phere of influence ought to be
expanded lo take in "cultural ..
programs in the city
In fact. he·d lik e lo change the
commission's name lo something
like Parks, Culture and Recrea·
lion Commission .
Wood , w ho heads a com ·
mission subcom mittee that 1s
s tudying this proposal. will dis·
cuss his plans at T uesday's PB
and R meeting.
He says he " ould like to see the
city Arts Commission combined
with the PR and R commission to
hring the two groups· programs
under one ag1:ncy
He also thinks th at some city
council committees. such as the
Bicycle Trails Citizen Advisory
Committee, ought to be working
more closely with hi s com
Wood's r ationale is that these
two groups do not work with an
existing city department. the
way that the PB and R com-
mission works with tho city's de-
partment of Parks . Beaches and
When either group needs city
staff assistance. It generally
comes from that department,
Wood points out.
He also noted that the PB and
R role is expand ing and now in· (
d Lhre~ year community develop-
ment grant.
The additional $348.000 was
g1H n to Newport Beach because
th e city's population lopped
50,000 d uring the three·yeur
~rant pt'rtod
The S522,000 Lo be received b}
the city during this fiscal year
hrings to S850.700 the money given
to the city to buy and opera~e a
Dally rll•• Statt ...,...
Commission Chairman Wood
eludes operation of the• city·:.
~cmor citizen center. a facilit y
that will offer social a nd cultural
services as well as recreational
Wood noted that the PB and R
d epar tment will also assume
control of the performing arts
center in Ensign View Park, a
facility that falls under jelnt con·
trol of wood·s commission and
the Arta Qnnmission.
He said he bellev~s city opera-
tions could be streamlined for ef.
flciency by combining these
various groups under one com-
The PB and R Commission will
meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in city
council chambers.
Escape Foiled
Suspiciow Bailiff Alert
A s harp-eyed bailiff at the
nearby county courthouse pre·
vented what Orange County Jail
officers described as a planned
escape attempt today by a group
of prisoners .
Jail officers said the bailiff
looked through a oourthouse win-
dow and saw a group of prisoners
who were taking a recreation
break behaving su s picious ly
nea r a security fence on the
northwest corner of the roof.
They said investigation re-
vealed that two prisoners had
penetrated the security fence and
were about to seek an exit from
the roof when they were grabbed
by deputies.
Officers sald they took the two
men to a special holding cell for
questioning and cleared the roof
before beginning a head count.
They refused to identify the two
men pending further investiga. lion ...
''We're prelly sure that no one
got away." a senior offi~er said.
''But we're taking the head count
He said he was unable to ex
plain how the prisoners managed
to breach the security fence.
"We're looking into that quesllon
right now.·' he said
Standards Set
Secretary Joseph A. Califano Jr.
promised the U.S. Civil Rights
Commission today that his de-
partment "will move ahead
rapidly with care and sensitivi
ty" in setting national standards
for elimination of discrimination
b ased on a~e
Pilot Introduces
New . Page Styles
To Our Readers:
A number of lnnovaU~. 90me of them minor some or them
substantive, are rinding their way into tbe Daily Pilot. They're all
designed to make your hometown newspaper ~asler to read and
gt ve it broader range In coveriftl today's t.oplcs. New page headings will m.-e stories easler for you to find
and today marks the beginning or• nfw aectlon called "Featur-
in1 ... " It will replace and broaden the People pa1es.
Like other pases, the section bu a new look, but ln it you ·n
find all the eood Wn•s in Peoplo ··-stories about the way people
live, tn~mewt with persooallUes. club news, stories of interest
to women, foOd co\teraae and columnists Ann Landers and Erma
Dombeck. And now.:70Uil al.So f1nd a tn•ter emphasis ol\ con.sumer
news, cloUdnC. taealtb, home decor and architecture and educe·
Willi tMMilnDJnl or a ~w tilevlsion seuoo. the Dally Pilot
now offers ellcli evenbit tM moet compreben1ive, mott up-to•
d1te Md easielt·to-,.ad TV lo1 av1nable. Wlth the new \01 codles
addlU..al review•, 1torlts and commentary D ,_--,,.it
tei...... :J Mare ~tori.a pa1e mpbasla has followed a reCltallri na of Ulat :l!fle. Stmllar ltPoCrai)hJcal dl1pJays wlll follow -..a .....
al beJillDil IOU ffncl andidenUf71torie1 and com menu of lnternt a.a,...
'Ibey'"' not ctaantes for chan1e'1 sake -but ch1n111 forJt4,t.
We hope you Uke lhem,
center for residents over the age
The center, located al Fifth
and Marg uerite A venues in
Corona del Mar . opened this
month in the north wing of the
three-building complex on the
The other two buildings are be
1ng us~ by the Carden School. a
private day school whose lease
with the cily will expire next
Wynn said $150,000 ol the
Sl74,000 will go to complete the
purchase of the site from the
state. T he site conMsts of a two.acre
par cel on the wes t side of
Marguerite and a four-ac re
parcel on the cast. where the
buildings are located
The state bought the land in the
1960s for use as freeway right-of·
way, but declared it excess when
plans tor the Pacific Coast
Freeway were scrapped. The ci·
ty bought the acreage for a total
price or $450,000.
After compleUng the purchase.
the remaining $24,000 will be
combined with the $348,000 to pay
for construction or a park on the
two-acre parcel, renovation of
the achoo!. once lt is vacated and
construction of ,a 4,000.square
foot cafeteria-a1.tditortum next to
the existing buildings .
"With this lasl gr ant." said
Wynn, "it a ppears we now have
all the approvals necess8!.¥ to
ena ble us to utilize the facilities
under the master plan approved
by the city council ··
Gun-toting Fullerton
Student Hurts 2, Dies
Rifle Jam
Ol t• Dally r 1i.t Staff
A 27-y<'ar·old student carrying
a rifle and handgun walked into
a Fullerton Community College
classroom today and wounded
an instructor's aide before kill·
inl? himself
Police said the .22-c aliber rifle
jammed after the gunman, iden-
tified as Gerald Harunoba Ue·
j ima, of 2767 Ball Road,
Anaheim, fired a single bullet.
Belore hd Journey to the cam·
pus and ultimately his own
death, Uejima reportedly was
em broiled in an argument with a
neighbor In his apartment com-
Police believe he fired a single
bullet Lhat struck Stephen White.
67, in the chest before he headed
towar,ds the college campus .
The neighbor was being treated
for his wound at Garden Park
Hospital in An aheim His cond1·
tlon was satisfactory.
The jamming of Uejima 's rifle
may have spared the junior col·
l e ge campus in d owntown
Fullerton from becoming the
scene of a massacre similar to one
at a college campus rour miles
dlstantinJuly, 1976. police said.
In that July 7, 1976, shooting al
Cal State Fullerton, seven peo·
pie were kllled and two persons
were seriously injured .
Last month, a jury convicted
Edward Charles Allaway, a
custodian at the un iversity. of
the murders.
Toda y 's shooting occurred
shortly after 8 a.m. when Ue-
jima drove his car to a door
leadlngt.o a classroom and left the
engine running.
After entenng the classroom
he reportedly mumbled some
words before firing a single shot
from the rifle. The bullet struck
a n instructor's aide, Terri
Harris. 36, in the hip.
Witnesses told police Uejima
apparently became frustrated
when the rifle jammed. threw it
to the floor ahd then fired a
single shot Crom a handgun
i:>efore placin& that gun to bis
temple and pulling the trigger.
Miss Harris was taken to St.
Jude ffog~tal for treatment or
her inJ~. She was reported ln
Uejitna apparently died in·
stantly from the self-lnnicted
wound. (See STUDENT, Page A2>
Author and actor Truman
Capote ls bo\ng bllled as the
blthlilht of Hot SLAW. UC
Irvme't 1tUdent orientation week
wblch tii1an today.
Capote Will lectuH ln tM UCI
Flne Att1'1Vlltac~ Theatre at Br
p .m. WeclMMay. Earlier tbat
day, at~ .. ~UCJ Chancellor
Daniel AldNi' J~ wbO ll ab· foOt·~ ... ~· •tll ln· •Jll'JtlW tllt • campua bookstore, h ?ti f ce-to·btlt
The orlenlatioa week, wb4th
prfftdil-' Ma.day's rm! or~tua •Vet'••·•• . hu a ftitern tbtme thta ,.., •
w H_h ~··~1 b~_d.l Jsowd.Y· ,-~e1H.
.,.... ...... SQft .......
He Took HI• Own Ute Thi• Morning After Shooting Two Others In Fullerton
Bible in Schools Aired
CA>urt Told Ban 'Hostile Toward Religion'
federal appeals court was told to-
day that banning every vestige of
religion from public schools is
hostility toward religion. not the
neutrality required by the U.S.
·'The question is no longer the
Rain 'Kisses'
Uxuta/, Area
Most of the Orange Coast got a
lig ht sprinkling or rain this
morning but despite reports of
isolated heavier squalls, the pre-
cipitation was measured at only
about a hundreth of an inch.
There was enough of the wet
stuff to dampen street~ in many
communities but despite the
slick pavement, there were no
reports of serious rain-related
accidents. ·
The ?iational Welrthes-Service
repOrted that scatured showers
were expected to cont.tnue today
and part of Tuesday with a 20
percent chance ot sJgnlricant
law Involved, but whether the
circumstances of the case show
either favoriUsm or hostility,"
s aid attorney William M .
He represented the Orange
County. Fla., schools ln tbe latest
episode of the seven.year fi1ht
over voluntary reading and dis·
trlbution of ~e Bible.
Jerome Bornstein. a lso of
Orlando and representing the
plaintiffs in the case, argued that
the ettort to force religion into
the county's 97 public schools is a
•·continuous brooding presence··
which can be held back only by a
clear legal ruling.
• ·1 think religion has a unique
place in the public school
system," said Bornstein.
"Outside, apparently," inject·
ed Judge Thomas Gibbs Gee or
Austin, Tex., one of 14 5th U.S.
Circuit Court of Aepeats judges
re·heartrur this C"8e. _ ~tem nodded. "Outside ...
The ICbool board allowed the
distribution of 48,000 Gtdeon
Bibles in the classrooms tn 1970.
After tbat wu declared un ·
corntltutional, the board aet
guideUnea whereby reli1lous
groups may leave materials on
tables at the school and an·
nounc ements made lo the
chlldren that the materials am
a v all able-
Police Chief Sets
Talk in Newport
Newport Beach Police Chief
Charles Gross will be the speaker
Thursday at a luncheon
sponsored by the Corona del Mar
Chamber of Commerce .
Gross will discuss the com-
munity's role in law enforcement
at the meeting which begins at
The public is invited to the
meeting at the Villa Sweden, 3Sa6
E. Cotst Highway. Lunch co&ts
$.1. •
It will be mostly cloudy
thtougb Tuesday, with a 20
percent chance or pre-
cipitation. SliahtJy cooJer-
tonlght, 55 to 65:-Hi8h Tues-•
day 68.
' t
Th1<; 1<; artist"s conception of Sl.3 million main post office building
pl~rnrwd ror !':ewport Beach Contra<'t to build the new facility has been
,1\\ anh:d to lht> .J Ray Cons trutl1on Company. !'Jew building will replace
temporary po~l office facihlies on Camelback Street. The 34.700-~quar('·
root brick building b slated for compl etion b~ Au~ust 1978. according to
Mason Teter. offiN'l'·in -chal'l?C of the ~e" port Beach Po~t Office
Billy Carter a 'Hit' .
At Knott's Slww
On a day that featured a
human cunnonball. marathon
daneers and parachute jumpers,
it was Billy Carter who stoic the
show at Knott's Herry Farm Sun-
Well tanned ;md wearing a
leisure suit. the best known
service station operator in
Plains, Ga., smiled through an
afternoon in which be:
--Regaled the press with a
series of ooe-Une quip aMwers to
· Judged a beauty contest that
featured bathing s uits or the 20s
and ladJes bearing such unlikely
names as Miss Deed, Miss Cue,
and Mi!ts Nomer.
~Served as grand marshal in a
parade distinguished b y the
autograph seekers who broke
ranks to get Billy's signature on
everything from hamburger
wrappers lo paper napkins.
·-shared the stage wt th JoAnn
Worley in an Impromptu ap·
pearance that both seemed lo en-
Billy was reluctant lo say how
much he was being paid for his
appearance at the farm. He pre-
ferred to term the amount "no
one's damn busineaa" as he
s miled his way throu1h a press
3 New Judges
_For County
Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.
signed a bill today adding three
Superior Court judges in Orange
The bill, AB 988, was sponsored
by Assemblyman Richard
Robinson CD-Santa Ana l and also
added a Judge in Alameda
Brown approved fave add1·
tional new judicial posts in
Fresno, Sacramento and San
Diego County, but turned down 45
other proposed judgeships, in·
eluding 34 in Los Angeles.
H e cited th e n e ed fo r
streamlining and reform before
courts are expanded as his
• reasonforthevetoes
Jewelry Stolen
Newport Beach police are 1n·
vesUgating the theft of $1,973
worth or jewelry from a car
parted at the Newporter Inn.
Harvey Barrett, a guest of the
hotel, rePQrted the theft Satui--
day. Re told officers tbe thief
pri)d open the yehicte 's trunk to
get .. casecontalningthejewelry.
.......... _ ___ ....._
viu..,...=::.= .. ......,.
n-......e ...,
Ruled off base durinA the JO.
minute session with the prebl>
were pohllcal questions. But Bil·
ly let it he known he'll be wocking
for Alabama Governor George
Wallace m his bid for the Senate
next year and that he is a staunch
opponent of the Equal Rights
Thal was about as serious as
the president's brother got dur-
ing his press conference in the
Gunslinger Room at Knoll's.
The rest or the Ume he was a
s miling picture of a one· line com-
edian who had a ready quip for
seemingly any question he might
be asked.
for example. Billy was asked
where he would be if he weren't
the President's brother.
"Back in Plains pumping
gas," he replied.
"Do you have any political am-
bitions?" a reporter asked.
"No." Billy answered "I've
run for o(fice five times and I've
lost four times. That ought to tell
me something."
The President's 40-year-old
younger brother was asked by
one reporter lf he bad "any fear
of being kidnaped or something
"No. I don't.'' Billy replied.
.. And I don't think anyone would
buy me back If I was."
He lamented the fact that
Plains will never be what It once
was now that it has received so
much attention.
Billy called himself one or the
good ol ' boys and cheerfully
acknowledged himself as his
mother's favorite son.
"She's proud of Jimmy, but
she loves me most," he smiled as
he described his place in the sun
at home.
NB Residents
To Hear Plan
On Insurance
Officials from the feder al
Flood Insurance Administration
will be in Newport Beach Oct. 7
lo explain their program which
mandates purchase of insurance
by residents of Newport. Shores
and Balboa Island.
A meeting open to all property
owners in the city, as well u in·
terested bank.s and realtors, wlll
begin al 1:30 p.m. in city council
The insurance administration,
an arm of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development
<HUD >. was authorized by Con·
gress in 1972.
After studying the city, ad·
mlnist.ratioo ofCiclals have ruled
that residents of the island and
the area next to the Santa Ana
River. north of West Coast
Hiebway must buy $'70,000 worth
or insurance at an estimated an-
nual C()lt ol sllghUy more than
They have also sugJested that
realdenta ol all other water-level
nelghborboods ln the city
purchase the insurance.
URirt Upholila
Sheryl Mari e Stone. u freshman
al Fullerton Community College,
was a witness to the ~hooting 1n
She said Ue1i ma came into a
ground noor cla~sroom carrying
the rifle with the handgun inHrt·
ed into the waistband of his
.. I heard a shot and I looked up
He was about five to seven feet
from me and wu polntine the
gun right at my face," Miss
Stone said.
"But be kept waving the gun
from one person to another and
now I think he kind of dldn 't know
who he wanted to aboot."
"I fell to the floor under my desk
and watched baa feet as he walked
away and then l heard two more
shots. I guess that's when I saw
him fall and knew il was all over.··
she added.
Miss Stone described Uejima
as rather short, having a shaved
head and wearing "a camoufla_ge
jacket and a hat of some kind, I
really can't remem her it because
1 felt so faint."
Mrs. Hope Shutts
Hope Shotts,
Former Pilot
Employe, Dies
Mnr. Hope Shutts, a longtime
Costa Mesa resident and
employe of the Daily Pilot, died
Saturday a l Long Beach
Memorial Hospital where she
had been undereoing trealrnenl
for cancer. She was 73.
At her request, no funeral
services will be held.
Mra. Shutts Joined the Daily
Pilot ln 1960 as executive
secretary to former A&siatant
Publisher N. Paul Nissen.
After bis retirement, Mrs.
Shutts served u secretary to
classified and national advert.ls·
Ina manaser Carl Caratenun un-
lit ahe retired ln 1973.
She then moved from her res-
idence at 351 Vlctorta St., Costa
Mesa. to Lona Beacb.
Mrs. Shutta 111 survived by her
nephew Norman Price ol Van
NU)'I. Her clolelt trtendl, 1..-
and Jona Ault, an ._•ndlinl ber
burial throu&h the SUftD1 Side
Mortul')'.m ~ BMCb.
Toen FFOm Rome
A thief toot .Svanlale d an
open l1ld1nl aius Viloclow thll
w.UeacU.oltrjp •Newport BMch
apartmen\ of S2,lOT worth of
,..,.. iQulpment and • silver
dollar CollectiOe, poUoe 1Md to-.,,
Car Crash Victim
Siill Unidentified
OranJ.(t' County <:oroner':--dep
ut1es compared dental record.,
today in un effort lo identJfy lhc
burned body of a driver who was
fatally Injured with two other
people Friday m a hcad·on crai.h
on Laguna Canyon Road 1n
Already identified among the
dead were Bette Eyan. 47, of
Corona, and Verna Henshaw, 41,
of Riverside. who drove the car
m which both women rode.
Two other passengers in the
Henshaw car were injured
Mary Wiswell. 36, of Norco, re·
mained an guarded cond1llon lo·
day m the intensive care ward or
Mission Commun1Ly Hospital m
M 1ss1on Vie JO
Elizabeth Gardnl'r 23. of
Corona, was released Saturcl<.t y
from Saddlcback Valley Com
mumly ll06p1lKl after treatment
for her in.Juries.
Irvine police said the accident
occurred as the unidentified
driver or a Corvette sports car
passed another car on the twist-
ing canyon road.
The Corvette smashed into the
Henshaw car, burst into names.
plunged down a. roadside em-
bankment and exPloded. police
said, trapping the driver inside
The man was alone in the car
in the UCI Concert Hall. Ad·
mission is $2 for general public,
$1 for UCI students.
La Nopalera performs in the
hall at 8 p.m. Friday. Admission
is $1 general, SO cents students.
Saturday's Hot SLAW Round·
up. beginnint at 10 a.m. and
free to the public. lncluJles
refreshments, student handic'Plfl
exhibits, games and entertain·
Police Sgt, Robert Lennert
said today the m an appeared to
have been an his middle 40!. lie
said u tentative 1dent1ficallon ha::.
been made
Say Loafers
Morale Risk
Federal government manager-.
rdw.c lo d1::.c1pline or r<:mO\ l'
loaftnl.( <:mployl's becau:.l' lht·\
tear 1•ourt 'uils, the r h1urman of
the L'S C1v1I Service Com
m1M.1on :-a~-.
Thi· lack of d1M•1phnJry action
ha:-caused a morale problem.
becau:.t> .. good l:.'mployes are dis·
s at1sf1ed wath s uper visors·
failure to take action against the
loafers. ·4 said the chairman.
Alan Campbell.
He l'Ommented in a U.S. News
and World Report interview re-
leased Sunday
Eq11al rights rules sometimes
hinder supervisory action .
hl·cause supervisors fear claims
of d1scrimlnatlon. Campbell
.. T o :.o m e dl'gree, thr-
;-;uperv1sors now reel they don •t
gel u raar hl'aring because they
are not allowed lo participate 111
appeals except to present their
C"ases," he commented
.. But even though it does result
an giving up some managerial
fr~om. I would argue that it 1s
appropriate to forbid discrimina-
tion on the basis of race. color,
national origin, age, ~eic and
perhaps other grOYnds. ··
Meanwhile tl\c federal govern·
ment will no longer automatical-
ly r1re workers or reject job ap-
plicants who have smoked mari-
juana or used heroi n. the three
ci\'il ~ervice comm1ss1oners ha\ c
Our vested
suits set
the style
for Spring
For the man who
makes It his busi-
ness to look his
best. A collection of
veeted 1ult1 tailored
In tOday'a most
popular looks. New-
and-now ctaulca.
Flawless British
cuts. European
Inspired styles.
All whipped up In
llghtwelght wool
and polyeater
blend a for crisp,
wrinkle-tree wear.
Rich coloraUons and
patterne In plaids,
etrtpee and IOlldt.
T elloted only
.. Bohny'!OO'
M 111.00
TV Craze~
MIAMI <AP> A hypnotk
drug was secretly administered
to teen-aae murder deleodant
Ronald Zamora durin& a Diehl·
lime visit to his jail cell by a de·
fense psycbiatris\. the defense
tea m &aid Loday u ZalDOl'a's
trial began.
"Sodium amytal was ad· mimstered to Ronny Zamora."
detense attorney Ellis Rubin.
who contends that the boy was
driven t.o madness by watching
t.elevislon violence. said in pre-
t r in l proceeding& in th e
Rubm described the substance
as a "drug.hypnotic" and said
Zamora ''made certain state·
A pharmacist s aid sodium
amytal was a commonly used
prescription sleeping drUi but
not a so.called truth serum.
However. she said it might be
used with hypnosis to have a
similar effect.
The drug incident. which
Rubin said occurred Thursday
night at Dade County Pretrial
Dctent1on Center, l ed lo an
acrimonious exchange betwel:.'n
la.,.. ycrs. Rubin said that aft.er
he. psychiatrist Michael Gilbert
Jnd Rubin's wife, who acts as a
secretary, left the J•UI, Zamora
was "woozy, dizzy."
Rubin complained that when
Zamora refused to submit to a
blood t est , "the attendant
plunged a needle into bis arm··
A source with direct knowledge
of the incident suggested earlier
that use of the drug led to a re·
enactment of the June 4 murder
of Elinor Haggart in her Miami
Beach home.
The novel aspect of the ca'ie
drew three dozen newspaper.
mai?atinc and television rl'
porters to the courtroom Spec1iJI
tcle\'lS1on lights were installed HI
Circuit Judge Paul Baker·s tin~
courtroom to allow gavel·to·
~a vel taping of the tra al.
Rubin has subpoenaed Telly
Savalas. star of the "Kojak"
series. as a witness.
The judge, in an unusual press
briefing before jury selection
began, said Florida's one.year
experiment in allowing cameras
in courtrooms would meet a
severe test in the Zamora case.
which he said could determine
"if we can have an acceptable
marriage between the concepts '
of free press and fair trial. It's
going t.o make it or break it.··
Several attorneys foi-the news
media were on hand for consulla·
lion in today's proceedlnJ?s. Zamora, 15, and a 14·year-old
youth are both charged with first·
degree murder in the death of
83 -year-old Elinor Haggart.
round shot to death at her Miami
Beach home. The other youth is
lo be tried separately.
Mink Coat Stolen
Newport Beach police are look·
ing for a burglar who got into a
central Newport garage and took
a full-length mink coat out of a
storage closet. Louis Kaufman
told police Saturday the missing
fur is worth $2,500.
G~-toting Fullerton
Student Hu1·ts 2,. Dies
.TY Craz e
MIAMI (AP ) -A hypnotic
drug was secretly administered
to teen-age murder defendant
Ronaltl Zamora durinp • night.
ti me visit to his jail ce1l lJy a de·
£ense psychiatrist, the defense
team said today as Zamora's
trial began.
"Sodium amytal was ad·
m inistered to Ronny Zamora,"
de£ense attorney Ellis Rubin,
who contends that the boy was
driven to madness by watching
television violence, said in pre-
tr ial proceedings 1n the
Rubin described the substance
as a "drug.hypnotic" and said
Zamora "made certain state-
A pharmacist said sodium
amytal was a eommonly used
prescription sleeping drug but
11ot a so-called truth ser um.
However. she said it might be
used with hypnosis to have a
similar effect.
The drug incident, which
Rubin said occurred Thursday
night at Dade County Pretrial
Detention Cent er , led to an '
acrimonious exchange between
lawyers. Rubin said that after
he, psychiatrist Michael Gilbert
and Rubin's wife, who acts u a
secretary, left t.he Jail, Zamora
was "woozy, dizzy." •
Rubin complained that when
Zamora r efused to submit to a
blood test, "the attendant
plunged a needle into his arm"
A source with direct knowledge
of the incident suggested earlier
that use of the drug led to a re-
enactment of the June ( murder
of Elinor Haggart in her Miami
Beach home.
The novel aspect or the case
drew three dozen newspaper,
rnagazine and television re-
porters lo the courtroom. Special
television lights were installed in
Circuit Judge Paul Baker's tiny
courtroom to allow gavel-to·
gavel taping of the trial.
Rubin has subpoenaed Telly
Savalas. star of the "Kojak"
series, as a witness.
The judge, in an unusual press
briefing before jury selection
began, said Florida's one-year
experiment in allowing cameras
in courtrooms would meet a
severe test in the Zamora case,
which he saJd could determine
"if we can have an acceptable
marriage between the concepts
of free press and fair trial. It's
going to make it or break it.''
Several attorneys for the news
m\.>dia were on hand for consulta·
tion in today's proceedlnM.
Zamora, 15, and a 14-year-old
ISeeTRIAL. Pase A2>
Ra,in, 'Kuse•'
,COaatal Area
~ly ~· ............ I.ff~.., ...
Bigla Hopes
Ur ad '.\:ichols. 12. of l\lis~ion \'i('JO. mutters "ords or en·
couragcment to his frog J,capin~ Willie just before the
Large Frog Jump competition in Sunday ·~ Mission Viejo
Dav festival at the Casta d t•l Sol Golf Course. The two
were leaping for joy later on : Willie won his contest.
Billy Carter a 'Hit'
Ai Krwtt's ·show
On a day that featured a
human cannonball, marathon
dancers and parachute jumpers,
it was Billy Carter who stole the
show at Knott's Berry Farm Sun-day.
Well tanned and wearing a
le isure suit, the best known
service station operator in
Plains, Ga., smiled through an
artemoon in which he:
--Regaled the press with a
series oC one-line quip answers to
-Judged a beauty contest that
featured bathing suits of the 20s
and ladies bearing such unlikely
names as Miss Deed, Miss Cue,
and Miss Nomer.
-Served as grand marshal in a
parade distinguish ed by the
autograph seekers who broke
ranks to get Billy's signature on
everything from hamburger
wrappers to paper napkins.
--shared the stage with JoAnn
Worley in an impromptu ap-
pearance that both seemed to en-
Billy was reluctant to say how
much he was being paid for his
appearance at the farm . He pre-
ferred to term the amount "no
o~ 's damn business.. as he
smiled his way through a press
Ruled off base during the 30·
minute session with the press
were political questions . But Bil-
ly let it be known he'll be working
for Alabama Governor George
Wall ace in his bid for the Senate
next year and that he is a staunch
opponent of the Equal Rights
That was about as serious as
the president's brother got dur-
ing his press conference in the
Gunslinger Room at Kno,tl 's.
The rest or the lime he was a
s miling picture of a one-line com-
edjan who had a ready quip for
seemingly any question he might
be asked.
For example, Billy was asked
where he would be if he weren't
the President's brother.
"Back in Plains pumping
gas,·· he replied.
"Do you have any political am·
bilions?" a reporter asked.
"No," Billy answered "I've
run for office five times and rve
(See BILLY, Page A2 >
Pilot Introduces
New Page Styles
Rifle Jam
Ol 1,. Dally ~lief Slaff
A 27-year-old student carrying
a r ifle and handgun walked into
a Fullerton Community College
cJaSiroom today and wounded
an instructor's aide before kill-
in~ himself.
Police said the .22-callber rifle
jammed after the gunman, Iden-
tified as Gerald Harunoba Ue·
ji ma, o f 2767 Ball Road ,
Anaheim, fired a single bullet.
Before his journey to the cam-
pus and ultimately his own
dealh, Uejima reportedly was
embroiled 1n an argument wi~h a
neighbor in his apartment com·
Police believe he fired a single
bullet that struck Stephen White,
67, in the chest before he headed
towards the college campus.
The neighbor was being treated
for .his wound at Garden Park
Hospital in Anaheim His condi-
tion was satisfactory.
"l'he·jamming of Uejima's rlne
may have spared the junior col-
1 ege campus in downtown
Fullerton from becoming the
scene of a massacre similar to one
at a college campus four miles
distant in July, 1976, police said.
In that JuJy 7, 1976, shooting at
Cal State Fullerton, seven peo-
ple wee kWed and two peraons
were seriously Injured.
Last month, a jury convicted
Edward Charles Allaway, a
custodian at the university, or
the murders.
Today's shooting occurred
shortly after 8 a.m . when Ue·
jima drove his car to a door
leading to a classroom and left the
engine running.
After entenng the classroom
he reportedly mumbled some
worda before firing a single shot
from the rifle. The bullet struck
an instructor's aide, Terri
Ha rris, 36, in the hip.
Witnesses told police Uejima
apparently became frustrated
when the rifle jammed, threw It
to the floor and then fired a
single shot from a handrun
before placing that gun to his
temple and pulling the trigger.
Miss Harris was taken lo St.
Jude H0&pital for treatment of
her injury. She was reported in
stable condition.
Uejima apparently died in·
stantly from the self-infiicted
Sheryl Marie Stone, a freshman
at Fullerton Community Colle&e,
was a witness tot.he shooting fu.
She said UeJima came into a
ground floor classroom carrylnr
the rifle with the bandeun insert-
ed into the waistband of his
"l heard a shot ana I looked up.
He was about five to seven feet
from me and was pointing the
gun right at my face," Miss
(See STUDENT. Pa,e A2)
Viejo Burger
Stand Doused
After Blaze
After n oon
N.Y. Stocks
Top Seeded
Dennis Kreta. 12. of l\lission ViL•,10 prcpar('s for lhl·
watermelon eating contest. one of the many ~amt•s and
other events lhut brought area residents together Sun-
day for the 10th annual Mission \'tt>JO Day ul Casta dl'I
Sol Golf Course. T he aft('rnoon event drt•\\' uhout 2.000
J>eople. ~
'Scary' Van Fire
Disrupts Kids' Trip
Five hand1capped children on
an outing to Disneyland were
tempor-arily stranded on the San
Diego Freeway in San Clemente
Saturday, when their van de-
veloped engine trouble.
San Clemente firemen, who
were called lo the scene, said the
driver of the Recreational
Services Cor the Handicapped
van smelled smoke as he drove
south through San Clemente on
the freeway.
The driver pulled the van off on
the shoulder, but could not turn
off the engine, firemen said.
When firemen arrived at the
scene, they found the. children,
who suffer cerebral palsy. could
not be removed from the van,
because t.h ey w e re in
wheelchairs, which were blocked
Dental Chans
To Be Used in
Crash Probe
Orange Col.Inly coroner's dep-
uties compared dental records
today ln an effort lo identify the
burned body of a driver who was
fatally injured with two other
people Friday ln a head-on crash
on Laguna Canyon Road in
Already identified among the
dead were Bette Eyan, 47, of
Corona, and Verna Henshaw, 41,
of Riverside, who drove t.he car
in which both women rode. .
Two other passengers in the
Henshaw car were injured
Mary Wiswell, 36, of Norco, re·
m ained in guarded condition to-
day 1n the intensive care ward of
Mission Community Hospital in Miasloo VJejo.
Ellubeth Gardner, 23, of
Corona, wu releued Saturday
Crom Seddleback valley Coln·
munlty Hospital after treaUneot
for her injuries.
Jrvine,l)Oftce •aid the accident occurred~·a. the unideDtlfied
driver Of a Corvette sport.a car
pUMd aoother tar on the twilt-ba(t~lMd.
The Corvette smashed lnto the
ffeallbaw car, bunt ihto ft•IP•,
plunjed .,,.. a rolldtlde ftl-
Nn~ aQd•exS.loded, pioUce
1ald,.,.......U.drlver ""*· ,._....,,. .. .-e tn tlaeeu .
PD110ii ~:' Ritltert Leuert 18"9 ~··~--,.....,...to ~~ .._ .. 1111 mlddlit· .. -. H
~~~nliWDttftNtibu ~---............... . =.,e·W•W•llt• t::li =:.:.~
by freeway guard rails from
Jeavins the vehicle.
Engineer Jim Pengelli said the
guard rails prevented firemen
from opening the van·s doors
enough lo get the wheelchairs
In order to avoid possible fire
danger fro m a n overheated
engine, firemen cut the van's
batterx cable.
Capt. Nick Maule coasted the
van down the Avenlda Pico on·
ramp, after California Highway
Patrolmen assisted firemen in
blocking traffic on the ramp.
"ll was scary." Pengelli said or the incident. "The van couldn't
be t owed off the freewa y.
because some of the kids were in
wheelchairs inside the van. Tilt-
ing the van In towing would have
sent the kids rolling around in·
"I was directing Capt. Maule
when he coasted the van down
the off-ramp, and, believe me, he
was driving very. very
Pengilli said the children were
unloaded from the van on
Avenida Pico and trans ferred lo
two other vans, which were on
the Disneyland trip. The broken-
down van was then towed away
for repairs.
Inmates Attacked
TRACY <AP) --Black inmates
attacked white Inmates in U)ree
different. housing unjts at. the
Deuel Vocational Institute, a
prison spokesman says.
It will be mostly cloudy 4
through Tuesday, with a 20
percent c honce oC pre-
clplt.aUon. SUghtJy cooler
tont1ht. 5.5 to SS. High Tues-
day 68.
DAIL V l'llOT 5 B -·-•-..ti
lo.t (our Um• Thal ouaht to tell me •omclhing "
The Pn•11ld<'nl '1 40·yur old
Y0410& r bl'OCJwr wu u&ed by ooe ttpe>rt« ll he had "any (Hr
n/ bc-1n1 lcidn•1>t-d or aomt'thlna:
hkt' that "
No, I don t, ' H11ly rt•J>ht-d
• \nd I d.n l lhinlt anyone would buy~ bat·.k 1f I ~H."
u~ tamt•nh•d the rart lhal
t>lauu. "''II nt•Vt'r be whul ll ooce
wu now that It h.u reeelved ao
much aU.enUon
Billy call~ hlmaelf one of the
1ood ol' boya and t'heerfully
acknowled1ed hamaelf •• bla mother'• favorite l<lft.
"She'a proud of Jimtny, but
she loves me moat," be 1mlled u
he dacnbed hi.a place 1n Lbe sun
youth are both charged with first-
degree murder in the death ol
83·year-old Elinor Haggart,
round s hot to death at her Miami
Beach home. The other youth is
to be tried separately.
"An adolescent predls~ed to
emotional instability is very sus-
ceptible to the influence or
television," Rubin has said.
"Why do c hildren love
television? Why do sponsors
spend millions of dollars a month
advertising their products on
television? And finally, why does
television violence beget actual
Rubin is known for taking
cases that attract attention. He
helped Watergate bur(lar E.
Howard Hunt gain parole and
once filed a suit of his own to
challenge Miami's homosexual
rights ordinance.
The prosecution tri ed to
restrict Zamora ·s defense by
arguing that the only issue was
whether he could distingu1i.h
right from wrong.
Rubin said Zamora was addict·
ed to violent crime shows such as
.. KoJak," "Police Woman" and a
film about ma ss murderer
Ch;irles Manson.
"'His cxplanation of the cnme
was exactly what I had seen on a
'KoJak ' episode a year earher,"
Rubin said
Savalas. who was s erved with
a defense subpoena while on a
visit here, said he as opposed to
violence 011 television. and con·
tended there was ncvl•r any such
Kojak epi~ode
It was unclear whether lhe de·
fensc would offer a tape of the
show in question.
Judge JI. Paul Baker has said
Savalas must appear Oct. 5 to de·
termine whether his testimony
would be relevant.
library Sets
Story Hour
Registration for a new series or
story hours is being accepted al
thi: Mission Viejo Library.
The pre-school story hours will
begin at 9:30 a .m . Wednesdays
and Thursdays, beginning Oct. 5.
Children must be three and a half
by Oct. l t.o participate ln the pro-
~rams which include stories,
fingerplays. games, songs, films
The st.ory hour for school·age
children will begin al 4 p.m. on
Tuesdays, beginning Oct. 4.
Games, crafts, s tories and other
fun actav1ta es have been planned
for three sessions.
El Toro Burglar
Gel8 8750 Loot
An antique watch valued at
$2SO and medallion coins valued
at $500 were taken from an El
Toro home by a burglar who en-
tered via the open window.
Orange County sheriff's of.
ficets said the theft was reported
by elementary school teacher
Elizabeth H. Blake, 62, ot 24205
Jagger Road. She was at work at theUme.
School Bible
Use Appealed
federal appeals court waa told to-
day that banning every vestige of
religion from public schools is
hostility toward religion, not the
neutrality required by the U.S.
"The question is no longer the
law involved, but whether the
circumstances or the case show
either favoritism or hostility,"
said attorney William M.
He represented the Oran1e
County. Fla .. schools an the lat.est
episode or the seven-year fight
over voluntary reading and dis·
tribution of the Bible.
Pre•ldent'• Brother Steals the Show as Grand Marshal fn Parade
Jerome Bornstein, also of
Orlando and representing the
plaintiffs in the case, argued that
the effort to rwce religion into
the county's 97 pubUc schools is a
"continuous broodllll presence"
which can be held back only by a
clear legal rulin1. Dis Spirit 'Inherited' ··1 think religion has a unique
place in the public school
system." said Bornstein.
CUSD President's Rebel Nature Revealed ·'Outside. apparenUy," inject·
ed Judge Thoma& Gibbs Gee of
Austin, Tex., one or 14 5th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals judges
re-hearing this case. By i\NNE COOPER 01111e o.i 1y ,., ... ltatt
Capistrano teacher organizer
Tony Leon was only a year old
when he and his mother were
rushed to safety from a Colorado
mining town, where his father
was trying to organize a miners
'"A goon squad of company.
hired dicks had given my father
24 hours t.o leave town," said
Leon, who is currently serving
his third year as Capistrano
Unified Education Association
<CUEA> president.
.. He sent my mother and me to
his father's ranch, because our
It ves had been threatened. Then
he formed a picket line and stuck
with 1l, unt1I he was beaten up
and physically thrown out of
.. Dad was always an advocate
ror something -u s uall y
something unpopular." said
I.eon "He is a very liberal man.
a man of .!.lrong conviction. Now
he's advot·ating ~cn1 or citizen
Leon said he couldn't help but
inherit a certain measure or reb·
cl spirit. Not only was his father
an outspoken organizer and ad·
vocate, bis grandfalher was
killed smuggling guns across the
Mexican border to revolu· t1onaries.
And his mother's maiden name
was "Zapata "Emiliano Zapata.
a relative. was a leader of the
Mexican revolution.
D•llY Pllol StMI Pllolo
Capistrano's Leon
It wasn "t unl1I the one·d<I\
Capistrano Unified teache.r
walkout m 1974, however. that
Leon became an activist in
teacher concerns. As a football
coach at Dana Hills High School,
he wai. Wlder a lot of pressure not
lo join the walkout.
"I was the only football coach
who walk(;'d ... he said, "and J
took a lot of my department with m e ..
Marines Deny It
Lawyer Says 500
In Pendleton KKK
torney who represented blacks
charged with an attack on whiles
at Camp Pendleton says the re
are 500 members of the Ku Klux
Klan on the big Marine base.
"The military isn't doing
anything about it," said William
Smith in a weekend talk to a Na-
tional Lawyers Guild Con-
fere nce. Camp Pendleton
spokesmen have denied any ma·
jor Klan membership or prob·
I ems.
The Institute for International
Research, Inc., a civilian group
based in Washington, D.C .. rC'-porled a study s howrng that the
majority of black and wtute
Marines at Camp Pendleton have
good feelings toward each other.
Thal study was made after the in·
cident last Nov. 13 in which five
whites were hospitalized.
In subsequent court-martial
trials, which are still going on.
attorneys for black defendants
said they thought the whites were
Klansmen plotting to hurt them.
But they got the wrong barracks
Spokesmen for the big Marine
baae north of San Diego later con·
nrmed presence of Klan units.
Clarification Asked
In Board Policies
minlstr~Uve oraaniiaUon.
The 1tudy wu provided by the
two state organizations at no cost .
to the school district. More tban
35 1f 1Dllar IW'Veya were done in
other districts throughout tbe
state last year.
Tile stud): .,as oTlilnalJy
scheduled to be completed in May. It was pottpotJed, bowever,
because ol U,. teachers• strike.
Olstrict tnlltefl alto have con-
tracted wtth Arthur Ywnc and
Company for a more detailed
m~ study ottbed.ittrict
.-ldCh la eaPfft,td to " COmplet--.t Mid. a.oath.
Leon, 41, grew up in the Redon·
do Beach area. Ile was graduett·
cd from Pepperdine University
and taughl at Mira Costa High
School, which he bad attended as
a teenager.
In 1967 he came to the
Capistrano Unified Distn ct to
teach social s tudies at Sein
Clemente High School. He was
also assistant football coach In
1973 he transferred to Dana Hills.
"l enJOY classroom teaching I
enjoy k1¢>,"' he said .. I have no
desire to move into administra-
tion, as many other teachers do "
In 1974, when he began to take
an active role in CU EA. Leon
round himself progressively
more committed to teacher ad·
vocacy By fall he found himself
elected \•1ce president and had to
give up coaching to have more
time for CUEA business.
"It'~ a gratifyin g JOb, but 1t 's a
thanklc..,.., joh." he said of his
po~1twn a'> CUf<:A pres ident.
"Tm proud with how we in the
Capistrano lin1fi<.'d district com-
pare with otht•r d1slncll> in the
"In lhL· pas l two yea rs ..
tt•ach<.'rs · salarici., including
I r1ngc h<•nef1L'>. arc up by about JS
percent an this district. Still , some
teachers claim we didn "t get
enough a t the bar~aming table ...
Leon said he Is worried at the
drift toward conform 1ly he secs
in education today /\ reflection
of this. he ~aid. 1s the rebuke one
Dana llllls teacher received
from school off1c1als for we.anng
Bermuda short.<, to cla:1s
• · 1 hop<' they don't institute a
rlress rode.'' said Leon. "I take
great care with the clothes I
wear. but that's beeause I choose
to. I know b(!ller than lo think the
best dressed teachers at Dana
Hills arc nccess:irily the best
''If they lnsUtutc a dress code
in our district, I'll be the first to
wear shorLc; a nd l don't even
look good m them .'·
Bornstein nodded. "Outside ...
The school board allowed the
distribution of 48,000 Gideon
Bibles in the classrooms in 1970.
After that was declared un·
constitutional, the board set
guidelines whereby religious
groups may leave materials on
tables al the school and an·
nouncements made to the
children that the materials are
available. ·
There were inspirational read·
ings in the classrooms each
morning, with the student lo
choose what he will read -with
the Bible specifically not ex·
eluded .
Six months ago, a three-judge
panel of the appeals court ruled
2·1, with Gee dissenting, that the
new gu.ideliaes also were un-
Eight families with various re-
1 igious affiliations have been
fighting the school bo11rd since
They contend the reading and
distribution or the King James'
Bible and other school board
policies could offend Jewis~.
Catholic and some Protestant
students. The families say the
r ..... rageAl
Stone said.
"But he kept waving the gun
from one person to another and
now I think he kind of dldn 't know
who he wanted to shoot."
·'I fell to the floor under my desk
and watched bis feet as he walked
away and then I heard two more
shots. I guess that's when I saw
hjm fall and knew it was allover, ..
she added.
Miss Stone described Uejima
as rather short. having a shaved
head and wearing "a camouflage
jacket and a hat Qf some kind, I
really can't remember it because
I feltsofaint."
Our vested
suits set
the style
for Spring
For the man who
makes It his busi-
ness to look his
beat. A colleotlon of
vested suits tallored
In today's most
popular looks. New·
and-now cfaaalcs.
Flawless British
cuts. European
Inspired 1tyfee.
.AU whipped up In
flghtwelght woof
•nd polyeeter
blends for crimp,
wrfnkle-free weat.
Rich color•Uona and
petterna In pJalde,
etrlpee and tolldl.
Tailorfd only
• Battn)' '600' can
At 115.00
policies violate conatJtutlonal
guarantees of separation or
church and state and due PfOC*SS
of law.
Oil Darkens
Beach Town
Mex. <AP> -A ~eael oil
•Pill. the second in the Ba-ja area In two months, baa
awept Mhore along at least
Cive miles or this Mexican
tourist town, officials say.
The s plll was driven
as hore by a strong
southe rn current and
heavy surf so that by Sun·
day morning a dark brown
film coated the water
about 200 yards offshore.
Authorities said the spUI
may have occurred during
pumping operatfons on a
Mexican oil tanker located
Alien Arrests
Surpassl 97 6,
Patrol Says
U.S. Border Patrol agents have
picked up more illegal aliens ln
Southern California this year
than tn all of 1976.
More lhan 281,000 aliens have
been apprehended so far this
~ear. with another 680 pulled
'rom cars at the San Onofre
oordl•r che<'k this pas t weekend .
San Onofre agent·in·charge A1
Janicki said agents picked up
271.000 illegal aliens last year i11
the Chula Vista sector.
That area runs from the
Pacinc Ocean halfway to El Cen·
tro. and from the border north to
San Luis Obispo.
Janicki called Sunday's ap·
prchension of more than 400 ii·
legals ''a normal Sunday round· up ..
'()h, Calcut'D:'
Okayed in RI
The city's Bureau of Licenses
has issued a permit for an Oct. 9
performance of the musical "Oh.
Calcutta! .. after deciding it
would be futile to appeal a
Superior Court ruling.
The board received a letter
from Deputy City Solicitor J ohn
Rotondi s aying the s tate
Supreme Court probably would
sustai n Judge Ronald R .
Lagueux's decision to give lbe
musical a permit. Rotondo said
the appeal would be a waste of
Lagueux said that the sexually
explicit musical is not obscene
and ordered the bureau to issue a
license for the Oct. 9