HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-10-06 - Orange Coast Pilotr I I anner Stricken Woman Mauled by Dogs In Long Beach ( • • .~:.".,.• .l.., .... -,· ·~ , .... • ! : t • • . -. • .-.i •. . DA1 ·lJ:::~P.ILOT .• ~~ . :,. ., . ' ' . . ' .•.. : .. *~~·.···i 10c~'·. * * * ·. . .· , . . .. .. • ,. •• ,,• ~ .. f T HURSDAY AFT E RNOON, OCTO BER 6, 1977 VOi.. to. HO. 1n. 4 U'.CTIOH~ • .-PAGES Real Swinger 04oly ~ .... Sl ... I P"°IO Six-month-old Sarnh Dean. daughter of :\Ir. und :\Ir.., :\lark Dcun or Co-.t..i :\Tesa. enjoys the balm~· weuther In a baby swm).! al Carnation Park in Corona del Mar Ban Lifte d HB Banner Towing Back in Business A decision by lh<' I luntington Beach C1tv Coune il to ban the towin~ or" hanners by aircraft operating from Meadowlar k Airport was s hot down Wednes- day in Orange County Superior Court. Judge Frank Domenich1n1 granted the injunction demanded by Boh Cannon, ownf:'r of Sky A<I Inc. and struck down the city·~ revocation or the banner towing portion or his city hccn~C!. <igainst him last Sept. 7 The city council ruled against Cannon on a 4·2 vote after several res idents of hom e s in the Meadowla rk area complained that banner towing at the airfield represented a threat to the com· munity. Protesters reminded th<.' coun· l'll of a Memorial Oav incident in which a Sky Ad banner tanJ.?kd with power Jines. t:d1son Com pany workers cul off the power to adJacenl homes and husincsscs when they removed the banner CSee BANNERS, Page A2) WoIDan Mauled By Dogs LONG Bt-:ACll lt\P l -1\11 IX vt•ar old girl who apparently wa ... 1ntox1l'all·d . \Omited and tht.'n <·olla p:.cd m her apartment was mauled by two of her dog'>. police said. It was not V<'t known if Mar\' O ' Uc1rn<.··~ German !'>hcpherd and husky alt<ickl'll h1·r before or aft t'r hr r <k.1t h. polltt· ~a1d to da\" ;.t.;ntil we· J!(.'l J medical report Wt' can't dL•fmitc·ly say 1t wa!> th<· dog.., that killed he r:· said poliet· Sgt. .J Cooper Hoth a coroner's inve!>tigation ;.ind an examination of the dogs a1 e pending. Firemen arrivmf.! at the scene Wt.•dnt.•!>d:.iy in n·~ponse to a neighbor .., <.'all wc•rr confronted hy lht.' two ~nurhng dog:-. The girl. who reportedly li\'cd a lont.'. had been i II . a ne1ghhor fl" ported to police. The ne1i.:hbor - !'>ai d s he c hec k ed o n Miss O'licimc periodically and found hl'r hodv on the hedroom floor. Cooper .!.a1d the woman·s face hnd hccn m angled by the dog!>, which wt•rt• captured by animal regulation offtc<.'rs about a half mtle from the apartment at a va· C'anl house whl'rc Miss O'Beirnc previously lived. Two other dogs in the apart- m cnt. a terrier and another s h e pherd. were reported as docile by arriving firemen. Fonds Mishandled LOS ANGELES IAP> Carter a clministrahon officials :ire at- tempt mg to r ectify s ome ap. parant violations or government rul<.'s in the handling of federal funds. the Los Ani;:elcs Times re· ported today. Ban Li e Tested Students Fall at Pledge Of Allegiance Brash Burglar Cops Jt'ict ims al Convention LOS \ '\C; ELES 1 .\ P -The burglary wa::. 1111\ lrni:.! unu ... u.tl ~;oo 111 <'~:-h and some jewelry. Th<! '11:t1m:-.. hm\l'\"t•r. g.1, l' l hl· incident its flair: three pol it·t· dm·f.., .111<1 .111 1 n' l'"l1gator from ~ew .frrscy. Otllct·r.., .it tlw <·11> pol1n: dl·parlml'nl·s ccntrul dt\ 1:-.wn \\.Crl' rl'lue\&Jnt lo g1\"l• information We dnC!'>· d .1~· night :i houl l h" burglary of f1 n• room::. al a du\\ ntnwn Jlohd .1~· I nn Tht• \'b1lnr!'> Wl'f'l' allC'mlmg thl' Internation al As- -.11c1:it1on uf Chu:ls of Polin· eom·l'ntion. along with 7 ooo olhl•r oflic.·4:r!'>. sen .'ral hlocks u \\'3\". \ bur~lur t·ntcrl•d 11,·t· room:-. while the '>C'cupanls "l'rl' away and m adt• off" ith the loot. 'In Bad Taste' Executive Hitler Shocks Salesmen ~EWYORK <AP> -lie wasn't a real Nazi only a Xerox copy --but a snlcs cxecullvc's mas qucrad(• left a bad ta~te with the company's sales force Sale:, mana~er Lar ry Ruzz<.'<.' was the man who fii:urativclv ~oose-stepped into a company conference room Monday in a Na7.i uniform. with swastika armband. hat cm hlcm, and a ml· ini: crop. "Vee viii kill IB M," he declared, s lamminR the table with the crop a~ he spoke the name of the corpora te com· pclitor. Around the room his exhorta· t ion was m et with an appalled s ilence from about five dozen :-.alesmen. many of them Jewish "I don 'l know why we didn't walk out ... said one !>alesman. ··but we were so shocked.·· A company spoke!>man em- phasized lhat the charade. while in questionable taste. was never intended to convey any covert an- ti-Semitism. • "This certainly is not company pohcy." According to a Xerox s pokesman. Buzzee also made the point that ' 'we need some dis- cipline if we're gonna beat the competition." but also added. pointin~ Lo the uniform he was w('aring, "but not that k.ind of discipline." Staging little dram as to liven up sales meetings is nothin~ new <See XEROX, PageA2) FBI Used Taps? NEW YORK <AP) -FBI agents investigating organized c~ime h ave placed illega l wiretaps and then used the in- formation gathered from them in false affidavits pre sented to rederal courts at tim es during the past five years, the New York Times reported in its editions to- day. I • Targete(I • ~ Forl979 .. .. Funding WAS HI NGTON l AP >:- Defonsc Secretary Harold BniWn has tentatively approved 1-Jl- scale development next ye~ a revolutionary mobile interWoo· lincntal missile that ultim~ could cost a record $30 billSm, Pentagon sources say. .. Brown's decision is subjec{to review by the Wh ite House Ofice of Management and Budget and by President Curter before it'can ito to Congr ess next year as part of the fiscal 1979 budget. Brown is repbrted to trave okayed about S2SO million f=~ development of the MX m· now in a preliminary rese&p:h and development stage. officJa)s said Wednesday night. ,. The M.X would be the first V:S. intercontinental baJlistic rnislile mounted on mobile launcheft to make it much more difficul~or the Russians to hit in a su e attack in the 1980s. Vartous methods have hften studied. but the most likely.A~ involves placing the MX' <>n launchers that would be mo 1n trench· like shelters. -~ The Russians have .a mi~Je, the SS16, which is believ~ to have been tested in a :i;:·1e form. , The Ford adminjstration posed to Congress last J anu _..y that the MX be moved into~H· scale development in view ·e continuing deadlock in t/1 .• <See MIS&LES, P age AZ>,, .. Co~ Weathe r Cannon's lawyers successfully argued that the city did not have power to revoke his permit or reg- ulate aviation whic h comes un· der the JUrisd1cl1on of !>late aM feder al authorities. And Judge Domenichini noted that the firm's record in seven years of operating hannrr towing aircraft from Mco<lowlark cfld not JUSt1 ty the c ity action taken 'I Pledge:' -But What? Dec r easin g c l o ud ~'. becoming s unny F riday • ~· Low tonight in 60s. Highs1 f'ridoy 72 to 75. INSIDE TODAY ! ; Today h the SOth on-r nwer1ary of the Talkies ond Kenneth Morgon of B4lboG wa.' among time who broughfl ,,ou11d to thucreen. Page Cl. • Health Care O K OAKLAND <AP) The Navy s ays its invest1gat1on of Oak Knoll Naval hospital has un- covered many problems but no evidence lo support allegations that patients have died because of shoddy care Jnvesligators I m ade several recommendations to improve patie nt care at Oak KnoU but concluded "the overall level of patient care ther~ is blgh:· HONOLULU <AP) -When Ill ninth-graders were asked to write the Pledge of Allegiance, not one could do it cor rectly. One response described the United States as a nation ''under guard" a nd dedic ated "for ri chest st and." A schoolteacher , who asked not to be identified so her students would not be e mbarrassed . called the results frightening. She s aid all the s tudents. Americans coming from varying racial and ethnic backgrounds. had spelling problerns. and they apparently had little grasp of what the pled~e meant. The word "indivisible.·· for ex- nmµI<'. came out fl'S "in the visi hie" in many papers. or with s pelling mistakes like "vissablc" or "visble." Two students said the nation was "under guard"' instead of "under God." The phrase "to the Republic for which it stands" ap· pearl>d in some papers ru. "of richest stand"' or "for Richard stand." The teacher said 12 ~tudents had trouble s petung the word .:America." The wor<I appearc<I in some pnpers a~ "Americain.'' "America i." "Amcr et-n.·· ·· Amic ra." and " Am ica ... She said thul j ust before givln~ the test sht' showed the students u film of children rccitini:c the pledge. And the younJ{s ters should have been fam iliar with the pledge from their grarle school days. Pupils In Honolulu clemenlarv schools recite the pledge da1iy. • • J 'm s ick. I don't know what to do or where to turn," the teacher :-.aid She charged that students are being passed regardless of t heir skills. and that educallnnal stan· dards arc not high enough. Charles Clar k, stat e s uperin· te nde nt o r ed u cation . ncknowledged \hat abilities of some students ar e not up to par. and said the department is work- ing to set minimal competency s tnndards at variou s grade levels. However. Clark added: ''It's going to take time lo bring our ~tudents up to standards " l•dex I . I~ '· :. A2 DAILY PILOT s Thurseay. October 6, 19n Bride Murdered .• .·, Neighborhood Terrorized by Signs NEW llOl'E. Minn. CAP l - "'lc'w Are Next." ··~ay~ You" were the ominous messages in bl ack spray parnt on two houses to the m1ddh.··class suburban • neighborhood where a young • ' -Jf?wlywed was s tabbed to death. :..., Susan Rosenthal, 29, was found dead of rnult1pll' stub wounds p~rhaps as m any as 13 in the l(atchcn of her onc·story home on a-qu1l'l d t'ad ·cnd s treet, author1 lll'S ::.aHI. T h(' warnin~ ... There Arc M ore" w as painted on the kitc h e n wa ll. T h e writi ng m a tched the Mgns on the outside QI two nl'1ghbor1ng houi.cs, police ~HI. \Prior to tht' killing Tuesdav ®body could remember so much '{'> a burgla ry occurring jn their peacerul block of S60,000 to fTO.OOO homes tn this Minne&polis sbburb. •On Wedn~sd ay, dozens of chlldren gathe~ at' the RGSen- tha l h~!JSe trying to ~ct a peek m- :.rdl'. Sightseers n uised by reg- u I a rly. Som e p a r ents ke pt cnildrcn indoor s a nd m an v • 1'lt'11,!hbors were double-locking doors. T he first neighbors knew of the kill ing was when one saw two policem e n running, pis tols druwn, from the Rosenthal house. Mrs . Rosenthal's body was dis· t'OVl•red by a sister who was con- cerned because ~he had not s hown up at the d owntown offi ce where she worked as a p aralegal assistant. Her husband, Allen, 34, was on a business trip in California at the time, police said. Police would give few detajls of lhe ltilling and no Indication of the motive The RosC'nlhals were married Sept 16 and mO\·cd into the house Al' Wl,....,..IO STABBING SCARES NEIGHBORS IN MINNESOTA TOWN Jackie Koeltgen (left), Brother Rob Reed Worried eight rlays later. F.vi>n their closest nt•1gh hors su1d thev dHI not know t hem. ·• [ t'OUldn'l0 l'Vl'O lcll you what she looked like tall or short. f ..it ur thin, dark or light." said a woman who lives acros-. the stn•et. They disc ounted per ... 1sl enl rumors that ,\J rs. Rosenthal s dl0alh had ethnic overtones Police Chief Kost anos said that ·· :.llhough rumors and stones are abundant. the invesl1gat1on has revealed nothing to ind1c·att.• nny anti Sc'm1l1c. ethnic or racial !I \'l•rtonl•\. •' Pol1t·c !>ate! tht· Hosenthals \\ l'rc of the Lutheran fa 1th :-.:o part1culur r eligious afhhauon prl'cfom 1n a t cs 1n the• 1w1 ghbor hood D..in • L:.iughhn, JO. occupant of llrt· homl• :.prayed with the rrw-.sagc .. You a re next .. sa1t1. Wl··re concerned, that ·s all.·· You <'an·1 get excited ·· he said ··The police are dmn~ ..i pn•ll\ dcn•nt JOh. :.t super 1r1h TV 'Compelled' Death Defense Rests Case for 15-year-old Boy MIAMI IAP) -Ronny Zamor a was reacting lo the words he heard on TV when he fi red a gun and killed an elderly neighbor who threatened to call the police, says a defense psychiatrist. Or. Michael Gilbert. who took the stand Wedne<;dav d unng the third day or defense test1 mony. said the 15·Yt!U r·old defendant was "condittont'd .. by telev1s1on violence Defense attorney Ellis Rubin rested his case today arter tr,ing to prove Zamora was compelled to s hoot Elinor ll aggart . 83. because of excessive television viewing. Rubin s urprised the co urt earlier Wednesdity by releasin.g a ctor Telly Sa valas from a de - fe nse s ubpoena. The star of "Ko· jak·· had been scheduled to give a deposition today on t elevision violence. Rubin claimed that the TV series was Zamora ·s favorite The psychiatrist's testimony was Rubin ·s first cha nce to pre- s ent expert testimony over the question of TV violence. Circuit Judge Paul Haker refused to cil- low general testimony on the is- sue unless it applied directly to Zamora. GU bert testified that Zamora was insane at the time of the shooting. and blamed the boy·s home hfe and TV habits for his in ability lo compr ehend h1.., crime. .. Tele\ 1swn g ives a distorted s rnse of vwlencc because when one see-. that m any killings, th1· death of a human being 1s no m ore than swatting a fl y." he said. Gilbert said Zamora was un- consciously m1m 1ckmg what he had seen on 'he tube when Mr.., Haggar t caught him and his fr icn<I .o arrl'l l Ag rella. 14 . ran.s<.ickin~ her home June ·1. Agre lla who, a lo ng with Zamora, is charged with first· degr~ murder -is to be tried :.eparatcly. ORANGE COAsT DAILY PILOT '""""l'>"'to-f'!M t 0•11'1 P!IM •'"_.fl '"", ,,_ ft•'*"1f'W"'••'"""" l\0Uf)i~hyl"-0tt"'O"" Co· .. •• PuD•·\A•AQ Co~•"'" .,.,.,A'••l1·1~ ,.,. Ot.ltW·\l'Moft Mc""d•., '""'°"'" f ""'" ,,, C~o~ ,_..., .. ~•00'1 6'l4f'PI, Hwflilt1,..,...,.,, ,._ .. t\ J '°"""" 14·"1 Veit•• hwu'• \A!f'1'•"-t'\ Y• '" •'~1 l .. tw" .. ~ ..... ~~,,,~, •• rq., .. ,, W\.'411•~ I•"-" hfl'•~d \•'"''dl't\..,. ,.,.,,,_. '"" CJ'tfVlC)4'1 o..;t)t •f\l"Q •••f"lf ' "' ,.., .,, ... ., !.4'"' {_MIA~-~, C•••t '"j .. .,..,. AoMr11f- P••uo.M 4tnd ftllbf;"""' h Oll c-v.,~.,,..,,,,,,."' ,.._,,,.. __ AA.II~ The"'•' thr•111I , ,,.,,.,,., TMftW,Ai lll~tW M,., .. ll•ttQff't!l'W (f\6tln"4 L"" lltH~lll' fruit Au1\ll1'f ._._.flt.-11•"'1f tt~lfllir' OfflCH (n• '• ~'' now.,, "o '''""'• l 4Q'll't• 81 .. I\ '\ .. ,.,...,,.., •• ,.,_, HlMtt"'Otf'lfll t\~U1r~ I 't '\t\rM..,"""'i•••M ~ll"'~•u Vttl•y HXhl .. P1i1 A'nWJ "' S.n 01•f)of) tt ,,..... • .,,,, Telepllo"e (714)&42~21 CIH1flled Advertl1lng &42·$e78 ~ljtfN<\ VaH•Y'WW\Ottl(ft 5'1 .. '10 '"'"" ~ C•'"'""M 4K-el(IO '"'"'""''~°'·-r...,,.,~., .... 540-12-20 ~~'t; =~ o:.~, '~,~~,,':::"~~~f::, ......... , ,,,. """.""""'•"''' '" .. "' ,,,.y ()e ,,..,,. .. .,, .,, "'•"'•"' ,, .. u1 tw•"'''''"" o• f"'1¥t'O"lf.....,.., ,. .,,,.0"'1 '"" .. ,,,.~ ......... ,, (O"t• ...,.,. C •t·t •"'I•• \v&H• ol·o-. .-., <•"'•' n \e fT'IOfllll"fy ft\f Mllft \• \of) ~l'll'lily m 1lll"' y ftll'\ll"""H'Jlf'l•llri l) \I\ ~,,.-1 .. ly "He had nt'\'<'r c•ven hc·ld a gun before ... said <;ii bt·rl ur Zamora. .. It was m erely a rnnd1t1oned re~pon::.e when he pullC'd the lng ger. As far a::. Ronny is con- cerned, the gun went orr acciden- tu lly." "What was 1t that pullt-tl the trigger? .. Hullin a::.ked. "The idea. as presented on telev1s1on, that you have to 'krll t he squl·aler". · (j 1lbert said The Miami psychiatrist said television had a heavy effect on Zamor a because of a personality disorder gro\\ ing out or his home life. .. An e m otiona ll y distur bed child in a stressful s1tuat1on is more prone to he aUectetl bv t C'levis1on violence,·· Ctlber.t s aid. Rut Asst. State Atty Tom He adley challenged Gilbert's contention that Zamor a ·s one in· sane act the k1l11ni..: or Mrs H aggart was couscd hy Poll Reveals Caner's Loss Of Popularity NEW YORK (1\P1 --For the first time. lt.•s-; than hair the American pl•ople a ppro\•e of Prcsulent Caner ·::. performanc-e in the White House. according tr1 an NBC poll Pol! anal) sts said the people questioned found nothing spec1f1c Carter had done that they could praise, while they cited 1nn atwn, the Panama Canal treaties and the resignation of budget director Bert Lance as areas they d1s<•1> proved of. The network said only 46 per- cc~l of the 1,600 people polll•d said they approved of Carter's p<•rformance, down frllm 5G pt•r cent in June and 60 percent in February. rn addition, NBC !.aid IL<; poll showed the same deelinc in the South. where Car tcr·s approval rate went from 66 percent rn Augu.~t to 47 percent this week. Pollster Louis Harris reported Monday that the publ1c·s rating of Carter on .. ins p1 ting con- fidence in the White House·· dropped from 75 percent lac;t. March to 50 percen l 1 n Sep t<'m bcr. Harding Spells Jesse James AUSTIN. Tex. (AP) -Wa rren G. Harding is replacing .Je~sC' .l a mes os s t ate lrl':'1s11r Pr ol Texas. Gov. D<>lph llr1srnl' appo1ntf'd Harding to replucC' .James n~ state treasurer J a mes. 73. died of n hen rt at tack la.st week. He won election' as adminii;trator of the state 11 monc} for :u; years dr<;pllf> his rn f:i mous na mP H;irdrn.i.:. 56. ho<; hcen treasurt>r of De1 llci~ <•>Univ since 1950. tele vision ··1 o ~ou r i<nnw ll·cl~1· ,.., 1111 -. tht• first llmt.• a <.::J,t• hJ., l>ccn pn· Sl•nled 1n which :.nnit.•onl· w:i..; driven insane by le ll'v1swn ·· Headley as ked "To m y knowlcd ,.-:e ... • a11l (i ilbert \ntl how l11n~ hJvt• v. ,. h.1d lelcv1s1on lrl this countt} ~ · G1 lbl'rl .., Jnswc r was 1n decipherable Fro.PaP'.4J XEROX ••. at Xemx. Nobody at lhl" com pany was s ure of JUSt ~hen 1t star ted or who!-.e idea 1t wa,, Buz£cc ·., s upe ri or. uffict• m a n a ~ <' r .I :i c k C r i II y . u n cc o r• c n c d a c o n r e r c n c c 1 n 1·ard111ars attire. with h1.s ~tarr an m o nk.s h:.tb1ts. and ~ave J hks~. 1n~ ancl bened1ct1on. /\rH1thrr trm(' he appe ar~ as Santa Claus Bu1.ze<> previously has shown up as the punchy hero of the mov I<' "R0<.·ky " and delivered hrs pep talk tn a mug·s accent while shadow boxing m time with the film·., thcme music Offir1allv, X<•rox was '\3.)inJ? nolhtn~ Wednesday othe r than a formal statem ent. "Obv1ouslv. t he openi n~ or the Monda\ sales meeting wa.., in poor t a.sic It should be equa lly obv1r1u.s that there was no mallc1ow .. rntenl tfr~·ond lhal. \\.C have no com ml•nt ·· Xerox did better than S4 bi llion in sales of its copiers last year and no s mall part of that came fro m Cn lly·s sales territory. midtown cast in New York City. · 'Ther e·s a long tradition of dramatic presentations in thesP f>:ilcs managers' m eetings.·· said a company spokesma n. "and Crilly has a h ell or a good record ·· Frort1 Page A I BANNERS ... Other protesters pointed to an incident one day later in San .Juan Capistrano when a 5-year· old girl was killed by a banner towing ai rcraft that crashed near that city•s sm all airfield Sky Ad wns not involved m tha t incident. Cannon said Wednesday that he abided by the city•s decision by haltin~ banner towing Sept. 1 He said he has lost substantial r evenues to competitors and that he pla ns to take legal action <t~ainst the city to recover losses. Cann1>11, who h<indlcs both na· llon<il und local advertising ac- rounts, says he will res ume tow- ini.: t1r livlt.les from Meadowlark Air port Saturd ay. 27 Evacuated FRESNO (/\Pl -An early momln1ot fire forced e vacuation nf 27 1)('(lple from a Fresno State l1 n1 vers1 ty rrate rnity house W<>dnc<;day, hut no onl' was re· ported tnJurcd FrOM Pa,,.-.4 I MISSILES •.• Soviet negotiations toward a new nucle,1r urms hm1tat1on agree- ment Add1 ltonally, the Soviets have ~·ont1nued their d e1-loyment or u new J:eneralron of inlcrcont.rnen- la1 nusslles, i.ome of them big e nough and powe rful enough to threuten t o knock out U .S Minukm an missiles 1n the ir lixed underground launchers . Carter and Brown decided to d efer full-scale development Crom fiscal 1978 to fiscal 1979 while Ct·rta1n t crhnital questions were rl·solved, purt1tularly the feas1hihtv of a mobile MX. Offl ciais said Uro" n has ap proved movin~ into the neict stage or development. Thev stressed that thi!> docs not m<'an ·th<' Carl<.•r atlmin1:.lrallon ult1 m<Jll•ly will ..1ppr0\ l' produc lion and dcpl<.l) mcnl of lhc molnle m1-.s1le Thul will depend on the shape of a nl'w Str atei:ic Arms Limita- t\on Treaty which the United Slates 1.s nl'i;ot1Jlln~ with the Sm ict L'mon Cartt:'r ha:. proposed publicly that both sides renounc .. the use of mob1ll' rn1ss1lt·'i a-. one mean~ of rapping lhl' arm'i r<in· lie..· a use of its l'Omplcx1 t), /\1 r Force offic ials haVl' ~st1mated that a full de ployrnl·nl of the ~X system would l'Ost about $.10 bilhon, a recortl -.um for a U.S. wt.•apons systf'm Thc cost plus the :H:C'clnatton it would rcpre~ent in a nuclear ::irm!i race likely would arouse strong opposition Hmong some rnc·mb\•r:. of Coni.:n•.....,, hut thl' MX pn.1JC'l'l -.o far has not m1•t ,1nylh1nl-( hkl· lhc oppos1t1on \\ h1ch ulllmalcly killed the Bl bom ber Drug Missing S J\C HAME NT O 11\fJ1 T\\eln· bottles of a potentially ll'lhal druJ.? s1mtlar to ml•th..idone :are m1s:.m~ frnm J Fan F rancisco ho:.p1l,il \\ hl-rl· 1t "as hl•1ng U'\l'll in rl':.cart·h. <1ff1e1,1I ~aid toda y T he loss of th\· drug --L<-vo- alpha·aretyl· m1•thadol known as "LAA:"11 ·· -was fi rst reportt.'<l Tuesd a)· b y San Frant·1sco Gener al Hospita l to the !>late Department of Ilea Ith Building Ban Hits Bluffs SOLANA BEA CU (A P l -An e mergency ban on building i~ being imposed a.long the coastal bluffs of northern San Diego County where eroston eats steadily into the land. The temporary ban was approved Wednesday by county supervisors, pend· ing a formal ordinance. A number of apartment houses and private homes will soon be periled by washout of unde rly ing land,areportsaid. Woman Calls SC Hot 1,ine About Suicide Volunteers of the San Clemente I lot l.lne told police Thursday a 20· year-old city r eside nt had phoned the Hot Line to say :.he h<Jd slashed her wrists. The youn~ woma n, who told the Hot Line counselor her first name and her address, was round lying on the floor of her home by city police and firemen. T he woman told officer.i she h ad s wallowed four tra n - quilizers and eut her left wrist with a razor blade, a fireman said. She was transported by city ambulance to San Clemente General Hospital, where she was treated in the emergency room a nd released. 2MenNabbed In Drug Bmt LOS ANGELES <AP> -Two m en were arrested and booked for IOVl'Stigat1on Of possession or narcotics for sale and m ore than seven pounds of cocaine and heroin were confis cated, police r eported. Total street value or th e drugs is $2.S million authorities said. ' THE NEW SONY BE • 2-hour video recording time •Small. economical cassette •Easy one-button recording • Op11onal video camera • Sony quality & reliability Also. coming thrs fall (Nov J. we will have an automatic cassette changer tor up to 4-hours of recording lime and next spring a 90 minute tape for 3-hours r ecording time without the changer and up to 6-hours with the changer. HB Cops Arrest 2 In Heist Police arrested two out ol state men early Wedne5day morning after one or them allegedly pulled a handgun on the caretaker o1 an abandoned hotel in downtown Huntington Beach during a break-in attempt. J erome Childs, 25, of Beaver F ulls, Pa., and Peter Piuri, 23, of P a rke rs burg, W. Va. wer e booked into Huntington Beach Jail on a variety o( charges. The two men f ace charges of <irmcd robbery, stemming from a hold up in New Je rsey earlier this year, possession of illegal weapons, possession of narcotics and malicious mischief at the Main Street Hotel, 101'-:i Main St.. police said. Piuri was trans rerred to the UC Irvine Medical Cente r jajl ward Wednesdny even ing with an undisclosed ailment. He was r~portcd in stable condition to. d1Jy. Dail for both men was set at $25,000. The two men were arrested while driving alone Pacific Coast Highway at about 3 a.m. Police said they found an unregistered handgun and an illegal martial arts weapon in their car. The martial arts device con- sists of two cylindrical wooden pieces tied together with a chain said police Det. Dick Nolen. ' Dea n Gere be, the hotel caretaker, told police he con· fronted the two men at about 10:30 pm. Tuesday as they were vandalizing the vacant building. One of the m e n pulled a ha ndg u n o n Ce r e b e. The caretaker told police he went- b:.ick to his apartment to get a shotgun. When he re turned the two men hc.d ncd in their car Milk Ban Lifted LOS ANGELES <AP I ·-An 11 -day ban against marketing certified raw milk has been lifted by the County Milk Commission against two of Alta· Dena Dairy's three herds. ' • SL-8200 Beta max Videocassette Recorder f 'ulf , .. ,. •. ,,,'11M"rr11111it•\;1•1t1\; U11r 1•••r.uu111I ·· · · · · 11111• \ 1•11~ f9111rrtrfflf••• fin f , .•. ,.,, l~rod1u-1 it, •. \t•ll! 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa "_......,.. . ......,._ 2 D~ Wftt ef C:..t >r. Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Dltlly 9-6 Set 9-5·30 ~ ...... H.._..,....,_.,,14 ,... .... h .. ,.,.. ......... StrTtcev .. ..,,.. .. * Orange Coast EDITION * * * T oday's C los ing N.Y . S toeks VOL. 70, NO. 279, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1977 c TEN CENTS U.S. Plans New Missile System l>.il'J l'IM( S4Mf - FOUNTAIN VALLEY NEIGHBORS CHIP IN TO HELP YOUTH FACING BRAIN SURGERY Dan Choroser (In wheelchair) Flanked by Parents and Neighborhood Friends 'Fa1nily' Helps Boy As Dan Once Gave, So Now He Receives By ROB E RT BARKER then JI a lall·r d:itt· rm tht• otht.•r side otU..Oitll'J~S~lf D.sn Choroser is an unusual 13-year-old ~Y wbo lives in an unusual Fountain Valle)' neighborhood. "Right no"' J • m scar«:J and 1 hope tl v.. 111 work," Dan said "If they can cor~t one side, (can walk on crutches again.·· 1lt.e operations and other expenses are ex· pected to run into the thousands of dollars and this u. wher<· lht.' Swallow Lane neighbors rome1n. When others needed help, Dan pitched 1n b y writing, editing and publish ing a neighborhood newspaper. He delivered it door to door from his wheelchair. All the money that Dan collected S6'l "as ~1ven to the American Cancer Soc1cl\ becaw;e Dan had lost two favorite aunts to th<it disease Thcv'H: been IAOrkinl! r11r V.Cl'k<; on a ntock lo~g :, ard anc1 hake ..,ale th1'> S..1turdrtv .ind Sunday to hcl1> ffil't.'l costs TUEY .\l~-;Q WILL HOLD a rdUlc .1 v..eek later. NOW IT'S THE SMILING. Joke-making Dan who needs help. He races a senes or brain operations. "We h;n c Chn ... tian'>. Buddh1~l.., and Jew:> living here. l know 1t sounds corny but we feel ~hat we arc all members of a familiy, .. neighbor Ron Owen sai~. He is suffering from a rare ailment called dystonia muscularium deformans, according to his mother. Evelyn. "The messages from the brain to his limbs get all messed up," she explained. "When one member of the family needs help, the rest of us are going to give it. As parents we all have <t stuke rn Dan ·s future ·· Owen said Dan and his mother will cons•lt a '>pecialist in Brooklyn next week HIS FRIENDS ANO NEIGHBORS aren I the only ones touched by what Dan is faCIPC Last week a letter arnved with three Sl "bills. lie was stricken by the disease nearly three years ago. fl cc.iuses muscles in the limbs, fingers and toes to contract. Both feel have become twisted and Dan has lost the use of his right hand. The shaky handwriting Mild. 'Tm 90 and crippled and my wife 1s 85 We'll pray for the hoy .. IF SURGERY IS DECIDED upon. it will first be performed on one side of the brain and More information regarding the fund raising effort can he obtained by calling Owe11 ;it 968-9716 Kids 'Foul Up ' HONOLULU <AP> When 111 ninth-graders were asked to . write the Pledge of Allegiance, not one could do it correctly. One response described the United States as a nation "under guard" a nd ded icated "for richest s tand." A schoolteacher, who asked not to be identified so her s tudents would not be e mbarrassed. Or ::~7=as t Weathe r De.creasing c l ouds becoming sunny Friday. Low tonjght in 60s. Highs Friday 72 to 75. INSIDE TODAY Today 1s the 50th an niveT3011/ of the Talkie$ and Kenneth Margan of Balboa uxu among those who brought. sound to the screen Page CI ladex. AtY-~ ... ,. ..._ ....... =::--Cl lnlerfl'IM .... LM. "' A111t'--'tf1 llWI-UJ Mo¥1• ~ 4J MwtMI~ CJ .. Cl 11 CA c.,_. .,. Natl .... Ne.n M ,02 Cl•~ D!-10 0r • ..,.~, .. ee ... 1u •s ''""'' • ,.J "'-•-IU St•d.-, ... , DNlll....ic.. "" Tetm-.. IEM.WI" ... M-1 T-wn ., llottll'tll-.it ... , W"lllH Ac , ........ Cl'1 wwi...-. M ,01 called the results frightcnin)! S he said all th<' students Americans coming from varyinii racial and ethnic background'> had spelling problems, <in<I the) apparently had little grasp of what the pledge meant. The word ''indivisible,·· for ex ample, came out as "in the vis1 · ble"' 1n many papers. or with spelling mistakes like "vissable"' or "visble." Two students said the nation was "under guard" instead of "under God." The phrai.e "to th<' Republic for which 1t stands·· ap peare<l in some papers as ·'of richest stand" or "for R1ch;irtl c;tand." The teachc.·r said 12 ~tudenl'> had trouble spelling the word "Am en ca." The word appeared in some papers as "Amen cain. ·· "Ame ricai," "Amereca. · "Amicra," and "Amica." She said that just before giving the test she showed the students a film of children reciting the pledJ!e. And the youngsters should have been familiar with the pledge from their gradt' school days. Pupils in Honolulu elementary schools recite Uw pled~cdaily. ''I'm sick. I don't know what to 27 Evacuated FRESNO (AP> -An early m orning fire forced evacuation of 27 people from a Fresno State University fraternity house Wednesday, but no one was re· portt>d Injured. Pledge do or whc•re L11 turn 1 he teacher ... ~11<1 She.· chargl'<I that '>tudenl'> arl' h<'ing passed regardless of their ... kills. and that cducat1onal stan- dards arc not high enough Charles Clark, state supcrin· t e n d l' n t o f e d u c a l i o n . acknowledged that ab1hlles of some students are not up to par, and said the department ic; work· mg to set minimal competency s tandards <it varrnus grade ll'VclS llow<•ver. <.'lark aclded "Ifs i,:oinJ{ In tak<' l1mf' lo bring our -.111clenls up to standards · Mesa Water Supply Eyed DirN·tors of the Costa Mesa C'ounty Water D1str1ct will con- sider toni!fht whether or not the district should continue to buy iU. water from two different sup- plll'rs The Costa Mes,1 chst nct cur r 1•nlly bu y ... :.rlmost eq u a l amounts from the Municipa l Water District at Orange and the Coastal Munic ipal Water Dls· t rict. Options includr continuinf.! lo buy from both or choosing one. to buy from exclusively. Di strict lreneral Manal{er Edward Schnabel said a study 11cssion on the subject will be held at 7 p m at the district office. 1965 Placentia Ave . Costa M~s11 $30 Billion Asked For Mobile ICBM WASlllNGTON (AP J Defl'nsc Secretary Harold Brown · has tentatively approved full · st' ale devt-lopment next year of a revolutionary mobile intercon- tinental missile that ultimately could cost a record $30 billion. Pentagon ~ources say. Brown's dcc1Mon is s ubjeet Lo review by the White House Office of Management and Budget and bv President Carter before 1t can go to Congress next y~ar as part of the fiscal 1979 budget Brown 1s reported to h:tve okayed about S2SO million for full development of the MX missile. now in a preliminary research and development stage, ..ifficiab said Wednesday night. proved moving into the next stage of development. Carter a{ld Brown decided to defer full.scale development from fiscal 1978 to fiscaJ 1979 while certain t echnical questions were resolved, particularly the feasibility of a mobile MX. They stressed that this does not mean the Carter adminis tration ultimately will approve produc· tion a nd deployment of the mobile missile. That will depend on the shape of a new Strategic Arms Limita- tion Trealv which the United States is negotiating with the Soviet Union. Carter has proposed publicly <See MIS.SILES. Pa1e AZ) WuntyGets Soccer Team The North American Soccer League today voted to transfer its St. Louis franchise to Orange Coun, ty, effective for the 1978 .season. The Orange County team is expected to play its ga mes at Anaheim S tadium when the season begins in April. Robert R. Hermann. owner of the St. Louis S pirits and on e of the founders of the North American Soccer League. will retain ownership of the Ora nge County team . Paul Deese, a former baseball coach and athletic director at Chapman College, will serve as the general manager. The MX would be the first U.S. intercontinental ballistic m1ss1le mounted on mobile launchers lo make it much more difficult fo r lhc Russians to hit in a surprise attack in the 1980s Various methods have been :-.tut.lied, but the most ltkcly one involves placing the MX on launchers that would be moved in trench-like shelters. Riley Criticizes Comlo Rezoning The Russians have a missile, the SS16, which is believed to have been tested in a mobile fo rm. The Ford administration pro- postod to Con~rcss last January that the MX be moved into full· ... eale development in v1cw of thl· t·ont1 nuin~ d1•adlot·k 1n I' S Soviet nt.•got1atrons tov. ard " ne" nu<•lcar arms llm1tat1on agree rn1•nt l\dd1t111n<1lh the S.1\ tels hJ\ e i·o11trnut-<l th~1r ch·ployment of " 111·w gen~rallon of mtcrcontmen· lal m1ss1lcs. some of them big enough arrd powerful enough to threaten t o knock o ut U.S. :\iinuteman m1ss1les in their fixed underground launchers. Officials swd Brown has ap Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley thinks a proposed condominium project in Santa Ana Heightc; is "too much de· velopmenl on too little land." Riley said We<lnesday he was prepared to reJect a requested rNone on the J.4·acre project on I rvint• A n•nul' and near Del Ma r \ ,·1..nuc lx.•rausc he believes 15 unit~ I'> loo many for the parcel llowever, action on the pro· po1>l'<.l rezcme was postponed for two weeks by s upe rvisor'> WC(inesday to permit Riley to check into neighboring cities· plans for the area. The pcojed as adjaceol to botb Newport Beach a nd Co6ta Mesa. Propert>' owner Stewart Woodard contended proposed changes in Costa Mesa's general plan would make his project eoo· s1stent with plans for s'8TGUDd· ing regions, which are currently zoned primarily for single.family residential use but may be changed to multi-family zoning. Riley aJso questioned the con· <Jomrniums' selling prices of S85,000 to $95,000 for the 1.300· square-Coot units, which would be affected by noise from Orange County AirporL k iley, whose district includes the airport and who r~eives ft'e· • quent complaints from resiclmts about aircraft noise. responded. "If you could sit in my office you wouldn'tsaythat" Irvine Greening Seen Heiress Proje~ts Farming of Hillsid& By KATHY CLANCY Of llW 0.11., l"li.t S~ll The hillsides of the lrvme Ranch will be greening up with food crops if Joan Irvine Smith has her way Mr s. S m1th . great · granddaughter of the ranch rounder and an l r vane Company director for the past 20 years. told those attending the Orange County Economic Outlook Con· ferencc. "I for one fully expect lo see in the next decade a new greening of thl fallow land of the Irvine Ranch. The Irvine heiress said she has spent the past two decades right. ing to preserve her agricultural heritage And shl' said the company is vigorously ~tudying farming the hillsides by drip ·irrigation to replace the valley farmlands a:, they are developed. Mrs. Smith was part of a con-~ortium which recently outbid Mobil Oil 1n tbe purchase of the Irvine Company for S331 million. The company controls about one fifth of Orange County's land. "It should be obvious by now that the Irvine Ranch is more t ha n JUSt a busines!\ enterprise to b.e milked for whate ver short terms profits ... Mrs. Smith said She told the crowd at the C h a mbe r o f Co mme r ce s ponsored meeting "it is after all, a balance between the en- vironmental cons ide rations that are possible and the urban in· novations that can be achieved by imaginative planning. It'• a Polish lolte "Nowhere is the balance more likely to be achieved than on the Irvine Ranch," Mrs. Smith said. She contended that bad the con,. ~ortium not been the successful bidder for the company the ranch might have been parceled off and sold to individual deveJopers. Such action, Mrs. Smith said, '"would have sounded the death knell" for the ranch's m aster plan which wouJd provide for m utually compatible agriculture and urban development. Howard Marguleas, a com, pany director and stockholder. presented slides depicting crops o n what ne said had been e<m· sidercd unttllable hillside and desert areas. The method used, he said, was <See RANCH. P age A2) Jerry Mys linski. president of the Ocean View Park Homeowners Association, is having an addition built to his home at 1880 Park View Circle. Costa Mesa, and got a trash bin to keep the nrea clean . Neighbors decided to decorate the recep- tacle a litUe with these resul ts. I ·' .. .-I ... .. • i , . .. " I . '• (, ' •' .. A2 DAILY PILOT c Crippled Plane in landing • A single-engine plane with engine trouble m ade u safe emergency landing this morning on the street next to Dana Hills High Sc:hool, only to be damaged by 11coupleuUlltypoles. The Cessna 152 piloted by J im Burnett of Thousand Oaks was forced into the emergency land· ing while •rn a flight from Camarillo to San Diego. Barnett said his engine quit once, but he was able to restart it. When it quit u seeond time and would not restart, he said he had t o makethelanding. Death Tlareats Fear Stalks Neighborhood NEW HOPE, Minn. <AP) - "You Are Next," "Maybe You" were the ominous messages in black spray paint on two houses in the middle-class suburban n eighborhood where a young newlywed was stabbed to death. Susan Rosenthal, 29, was found dead of multiple stab wounds - perhaps as many as 13 -in the kitchen of her one-story home on a quiet dea d -end s treet. authorities said. or short, rat or thin, dark or light," said a woman wbo lives across the street. They discounted peralttent rumors that Mrs. Rosenthal'• death bad ethnic overtones. Police Cluef Kostanos said that .. although rumors and stories are abundant, the investigation has revealed nothing to indicate any anti-Semitic, ethnic or racial overtones." PoUce saJd the Rosenthals were of the Lutheran faith. No particular reli1ious affiliation predominates in t ile neighborhood. Barnett set his plane down on the Street of the Golden Lantern near the high school without mis - hap but he got into trouble while trying to taxi the craft off the roadway. ptLOT LANDS SAFELY NEAR HIGH SCHOOL, BUT HITS POLE, SIGN WHILE TAXIING Aviator Jim Barnett Walks Away From Downed Craft Being fnapeeted By Dana HUis Students The warning. "There Are More" was painted on the kitchen wall. The writing matched the signs on the outside or two neighboring houses, police said. Prior to the killing Tuesday, nobody could remember so much as a burglary occurring in their peaceful block of $60,000 to $70,000 homes in this Minneapolis Dave Lau1blln. 30, occupant of the home sprayed with the message "You are next" sald. "We're concerned, that's all.·· Barnett su1d he didn l S{'t' a light standard which caught the right wing, swinging the front t1f the plane in lo a road sign. TV 'Compelled' Death suburb. · On Wednesday, dozens of children gathered at the Rosen· thal house trying to get a peek in· side. Sightseers cruised by reg- u l arly . Some parents kept c hildren indoors and many neighbors were double-locking dOOI'$. "You can't get excited," be said. "The police are doing a pretty decent job. asuper Job ... F ..... PageAJ The airplane, owned by Chan- ne I Isle Aviation. received damage to the wing, the pro· peller and the nose wheel in the mishap. Defense Rests Cme for 15-year-old Boy RANCH ••• Barnett reported no injurie., MIAMI IAP> -Honm Zamora was reacllng to the words ht• heard on TV when lw fired a ~ur1 and killed an c•lderlv ne1~hlxir who thrtatened to call the pohre. says a defense p),yC'hiutnst She's a Swinger Six-month-old Sarah Dean. daughter of :\lr. and '.\trs '.\1 ark DNin of Costa :\k!,a. CnJOY!> the balm~· weather in a bab~· swing at Carnation Park in Corona dt•I '.\tar. Sinatra Air Crash Blamed on CreWmen WASlllNGTON <A P l -The National Transportation Safety Board said today that the crni.h or a Chartered Jet that killed four people. inclucimg the mother of entertainer Fr.ink Sinatra, was caused by the crew's failure to properly interpret lht1r flight l'lt'aran<'e. The hoard also cntie12Nl C11 dn air traffic controller at Palm Springs airport for failinr: to de- tect the aircraft's deviation from the cleared route and 12> the crew's failure to recognize the plane was flying close to moun- tains. These were listed as contribut- ing factors to the accident, which OAANOE COAST c DAILY PILOT Ttw()f'.,. ('Mtt Ol llf Pt-.. t1110h~t .. l\(om. ~'W'O OW flrMW\ Pf•\\, 1, OUbtlv.d.,._ t'-'0r""qil' C.0.V P\ICMlt"'il"Q(OmG.tf\ .. ~ ... ~ •• , .. ,. ~l\1'it'd Ai4on°cUv lh,-~~ h1dl;w I~ C9"'l• ~ Npwport 9._.,,. H'°""H-..~ &.~ .. IJ.'l>.lf\ t•I" VAiiey .,_,,,,.. ~•01'111:>.wlll V•llrr .. ftd lA9ufta &-t<hlSO\.ltt\ Co"'' A wnqt,.rt~l fl'dl ttM ,, pvbfl\Nd S•1\1•6•n ~ ~Mn The ... IM.)Ht ChlfM1.M"') Ol•l\t I• et DI Wlt\1 9•'t $tt"4 Go\t• ._..Mt C•htorN•98Jl. ._,. .. _ Prttto.nt •nd P\#•""" JK•ll.C-• \lie• PrnlcMnl 1nd Otnit" .. -....~ ~ ... " ... E~tor Ttrlieff'l\A M.,.,.....tlllt M•n•o1,,,q £..t)lteir 0.0 ..... M UM Ille-,. 'Ult A\\l\tll'\t M.t,,eQlftQ f,d•IOt\ Cost• MH• Office lJOW,,t A•1 \t,.....t MolllflO Add,._. P 0 !low lMO,..,.a Tefepflone (71')~ Ctaseffled Adva'1lllftt M2·M71 ~·~ _:~ 0:.:% c~~.,~~ttt:.,;.'7;, ,,..,,.,. Of' atifW'lll',tl\f"ml'fltf~ ,,.,.. ,, MAy b- ttOIOdtlt f'd Wtft\."I \OKlll "ffftl\\IM Of _..,. __ Stcof'd ct•n oo•U•111 o•td •• Cb\t1 lioW•• C.tHof"l\11 Sub\ftlOlion b• c•rr11u \J \0 ,,_,.,,.,, OY" ,..,...1 \.I SO "'Of\ffilly, ,.,111111y __ ..,,. ........... occurred Jan. 7. The Lear Jet. owned bv Jet Av1a Inc .. of Las Vcj!as. was fly. ang in a snowstorm when 1t s mashed into Lhc San Gor~omn :\tountam:, at 10,000 feet ahout five minutes after laking oH from Palm Sprin~o.;. Killed in the> cra o;h . wrrr Natalie Sinatra. 8:.!. her fncnd. Anne Carbone of Cliffside Park. N J., and the pilots. Donald Weier and Jerold FolC'y, hoth from Las Vegas. Mrs Sinatra was Oying to Las Vegas for the operung of her son's s how. The board vote was 3 Lo 1. with member Francis H. McAdams dissenting. McAdams questioned whether the board should place the main blame on the crew. and s aid he believes evidence shows the con- t ro 11 er, Leonard E Sutton. s hould share the blame "It was a very sloppy opera- tion on the part of both the crew and the controller," McAdams said . ·woman Fights Off Attacker An assail ant who grabbed a woman In the parking lot at South Coast Plaza Wednesday was apparently deterred when ahe fought back, police said. The 23-year-old Santa Ana woman had just entered her car when a man opened her car door, threatened her with a knJfe and grabbed her, according to police. The woman wrestled with tht' m::in who then hackrd off anct walkl'<i away in a nonchalant manner. Polic1• de~cribcd the s uspect as a man bctwrcn 22 and 24, about six fc>ct on«-mrh tall with frizzy light hro" n hair. Dr. Michael Gilbert, who took thl• ~tand Wednesday during the tl11rd dHy of defense testimony, s a ul the 15-year-old defendant "as "conditioned" by television nnlcncc Ueft-nse attorney Ellis Rubin n•ste<l his case today arter trying to pro\'e Zamora was compelled tu s hoot Eli nor Haggart, H3, hc•rause of excessive television '1t•wmg Hubin surprised the court C'arli C'r Wednesday by releasing actor Telly Savalas from a de TONIGHT UACK TO-SCHOOL NIGIIT Rl•a M1ddleSchool, 7 p.m. FOOTBALL Newport Harbor vs St'r\'lte. Santa Ana Bowl. 7 30 p. m ' OCC LECTURES - "Corporate Taxation." Fine Arts 119, 7:30 p.m. "Slim Chance in a 1-'at World," Women's Center. 7 pm COASTLINE CC LECTURES "Nu\ritlon and Health ... F:.,tancra High Room 252, 7 p m · ·copin~ "ith Adolescents ,·· l 'n1tanan Church Aud1tonum, 1259 Victoria. 8 p.m. "PRIVATf: LIVES" -South roast Repertory Theater . Tuesday Sunday through Oct. JO. Sp m FRIDAY. OCTOBER 7 FRIDAY AFTERNOO~ F IL~S -"Of Human BondagC' .. 1193-t ). Science Lecture 2. OCC. 2 30 p m OCC PLANETARIUM "Rclati\ 1ty and Cosm ology, .. i JO ancl 9 p.m. Saturday. 7:30 Pm. FOOTBALL -E stancia VS Orange. Davidson Field, 8 p.m . COASTLINE CC LECTURE - ''Introduction t o Gestalt Therapy," 666 Baker St., 7 p.m. OCC LECTt:RES --"Art of Communication," Fine Arts 119, "Drama of Weather," Science Ll'Cture l , ''Hi s t ory o r Furniture," Science Bldg. Room 10, "Stress M anage m~nt in Today's Worlcl." Fine Aru 116, "Success in Comp etitive Athletics." Science Hall. "Un- rlt'rstancf1nJ? S<>xual Interaction, .. ~rit'nrc l~cturc2 Ali 7:30 pm Mesa Youth Hit by Auto A 10-year-old Costa Mesa boy suffered a broken leg and cuts and bruises Wednesday after- noon when he was hit by a car while ridin~ his bicycle near South Coast Plaza. William Leland Sm ith of 3363 Marigold Circle was reported in good condition today. al Mercy General Hospital in Santa Ana. Police said the boy was pedal- ing along Bear Street about 4 p.m. when the accident occurred. John Scott Weir, 21. Santa Ana, was identiried by police as the driver of the car. He was not rited. Fro.PapAJ MISSILES ••• that both sides renounce the use of mobile missiles as one means of capping the arms race. liecause of Its complexity Air Force officials have estim'ated that a full deployment of the MX system would cost about SjO billion, a record sum for 3 U.S. weapons system. rense subpoena. T he star or "Ko- Jak" had been scheduled to give a deposition today on television \'iolence. Rubin claimed that the TV series was Zamora's favorite. T he psychiatrist's testimony was Rubin's first chance to pre- sent expert testimony over the question of TV violence. Circuit Judge Paul Baker refused to al- low general testimcny on the is· sue unless it applied directly to Zamora. Gilbert testihed that Zamora was insane at the time of the shootmg, and blamed the boy's home hfe and TV habits for hss inability to comprehend his crime. "Television gives a distorted sense of violence because when one sees that many killings, the death of a human being is no more than swatting a Oy," he ~aid. The first neighbors knew of the killing was when one saw two policemen running, pistols drawn, from the Rosenthal house. Mrs. R06enthal's body was dl.$- covered by a sister who was con- cerned because s he had not shown up at the downtown office where she worked as a paralegal assistant. Her husband, Allen. 34, was on a business trip in California at the time. police said. Police would give few details or the killing and no indication of the motive. The Rosenthals were married Sept. 16 and moved into the house e ight days later. Even their closest neighbors said they did not know them. "l couldn't even tell you what she looked like, tall drip irrigation which uses a com· puter to calculate when crops need water and give them the amount they need. Such a system, be said. is now being used on some terraced hillsides or the Irvine Ranch and be expects it to be expanded. "We have lone felt that food would become the greatest slncle natural resource known to mu," Marguleas continued. Marguleas said company plans indicate "our commitment to feed the people of this country and the people of the world,." Milk Ban Lifted LOS ANGELES <AP> -AA ll·day ban against marketing certified raw milk has been lifted by tbe County Milk CommissloQ against two or Alta-Dena Dail')''s three herds. THE NEW SONY BET.AMAX! • 2-hour video record ing time •Small. economical casse tte • Easy one-button recording • Optional video carner9 • Sony quality & reliability Also. coming this fall (Nov.). we will have an automatic cassette change r for up to 4-hours of recording time and next spring a 90 minute tape for 3-hours recording t ime wi thout the changer and up to 6-hours with the changer 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa .._ ................. Z 0--. Wftf 9f Cetit Jr. Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Daily 9-6 Sat. ~:30 SL-8200 Beta max Videocassette Recorder • Ttiursday. October6, 1977 DAIL y PILOT Al I (;ruising Down the Pavement • • • I DAllY f'I ... ..,,._ lry ·~ k-"r LONNIE TOFT OF VENTURA DEMONSTRATES SKATEBOARDING FORM, THEN WIPES OUT AT PEPSI SKATEBOARD SAFETY TEAM DEMONSTRATION IN DANA POINT McMillan Serves Short-term Youth Offenders By GARY G.RANVILLE Ol IM 0.lly Piiot SUlll McMillan Reception Center m Santa Ana will re main open as a detention center for juvenile of- f enders ser ving short fixed t e rm s, Orange Cou n ty supervisors decided Wednesday. The s upervisors' decision m eans that up to 40 youngsters convicted of minor criminal of- fen ses will be housed at Mc Millan while serving sen- Impromptu Bus Driver PLACERVILLE CAP) - Sheriff's oUiccrs say that when the Tahoe-to-fo'rC'!tno bus paused at :.i rest ~top n ear her e, one of the passengers apparently became impatient. They said he climbed behind the wheel and took oH. But 18 miles later, the bus . carrying 1 2 passengers, was halted at a road block. Officers s aid they arrest- ed Leandro Alvarez Rodriguez, 44, of l'arher m Fresno County. lie was booked for investigation or vehkle theft and kidnap- ing. Crash Victim Mortimer Hill Dead at 54 A San Juan Capistrano man died early today at San Clemente General Hospital from injuries he received Monday when he was thrown from his car in a downtown San Clemente col- lision. Mortimer Hill, 54, of 33831 Camjno Capistrano, underwent surgery Monday nighl and re- mained in critical condition in the hospital's intensive care unit until his death at3:50 a.m. loday, a h05pilal spokesm an said. A witness to Monday's acci- dent told city firemen the impact of the crash threw Hill about 4Q feet from the center of North El Camino Real and Portal. where his head struck a brick planter in front of a shoe store . U.S. Protest Sent PANAMA CITY, Panama <APJ -The United States de- liver ed a formal protest to Panama Wednesday over tn. burning of the U.S. ambassador 's limousine at the University of Panama. University students at· tending a rally opposed to the proposed Panama Canal treaties spotted the embassy car a~d set 1t afire. tencl'S ranging from fi ve to 45 days. Consequently, thosl· minor and mostlv first-time offenders will be spared being placed in institu- tions with youngsters servi ng longer terms for more seriou~ of- fenst.-s. And, according to those who \'Ouched for the short term trial program at McMillan, juveniles s t'nt there will be closer to re- habilitation services an their own communities as well as to their 120 Dogs famila rs. ll was Juvenile Court Judge Raymond Vincent who twice pleaded with supervisors to okay the McMillan program. Last week, JudKe Vincent told t hem his court was embarking on a new Policy of sentencinf.'( con· victed juvenile orfenders to fixed terms rather than the cuslomarv indefinite terms. · Consequently. the judge s<.11d, there 1s a need for a separate 1n - st1tut.Jon to tend to the "heeds of Woman Sentenced In 'Pigeon Drop' One of two wom en whn t•nj(ineered a .. pigeon drop·· pll'lt that almost cost an t.'ldl'rh :'\cwport &!ach woman $4.000 1n !ooa vings has been ~cntenccd to 120 days in Orange County Jail. Superior Court Ju<.lge Everett W. Dickey ordered the jail term and three years probation for Anita Elise Marquardt, 21, of Los Angeles, after she pleaded guilty to charges of attempted gr:.ind lheft. :\tiss ~tarquardt was arr~1.-d :\'ov. 4. 19i6. after she and a female companion were leaving a Newpart Beach bank with a 72-year-old victim who had withdrawn 54.000 from her ac- count. Police said they rushed to the bank after a bank teller reporte-d that her conversation with the victim convinced her that a "pigeon drop" attempt was an progress. They said the victim told them Centenarian Cyc"les, Pays KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia <AP > -A 117-ye ar-old Malaysian cycled Z7 miles to pay the fine of a 40-year--0ld woman imprisoned for Ji ving with him out or wedlock. Lebai Omar Bin Datuk Panglima mortgaged some of his property and threw in his savings Wednesday to pay Doyah Binli Dan's !8l fine at the Ator Star prison. Then they tied the bicycle! to the back of a taxi which took them to his village, Kampung Labi. The old man said he would marry Doyah as soon as possible. Cops Recovering VENTURA CAPJ -Two Ox- nard policemen were reported recove ring today from stab. wounds they suffered while try- ing to arrest a man participating in a melec at the Ventura Countv Fair, ofrirers said. - -.h1· ":.t'> ap11roachcd hy two w11m1•11 wh<1 told her that th<•\ h•ld 1u.-.t fount! SJu.000 111 ca.-.h and were pn•pan•d to '>Pill al thrf't• wa~s 1f !oohe \\ould offc•r proof uf her fm:.u1c1al ~olvcncy. The \ 1ct1 m said she ag~~<l to withdraw S4.000 from her bank and was about to hand at O\ er to h<'r two companions when police arnv<'d Mb'> '.\tarf111ardf.., companion t•vJdt-0 r:ipt11n' Pnllcl' haH· not bt•1·n abl1 ·tot r .l('C her County Funds New Agency For Energy Orange County supervisors gave $58,607 Wednesday to a new agency that plans to carry its e nergy conservation message door· to-door. Supervisors voted 4-1 to pro- vide the grant from the county's -.hare of federal revenue sharing <lollars. Supervisor Ralph 1J1edr1ch casting the dissenting vote. Diedrich argued that the Try Recycling Energy Everywhere <TREE> program plans to reach only 500 county r esidents this year, a cost of more than $100 a person. TRF.E spokes m an Dean Wllhams said he hopes the pro- gram will reach more people than 500 in iL'> first year, but ef- forts will be d elayed while cmployes ar(' hired and a pro- gram is put together. Inform ation s upplied hy Supervisor Philip Anthony, who proposed the i:rant. s aid the a ~cncy will offer workshops to 11r1ghborhood residents and pro· vidc information on home repair, insulation. maintenance and landsc<.iping. Agency workers will also sug- gt'sl ways residents can save b<>lh water and ener gy. provide information on solar heating and offer a re<-ycltng program. Collection Agency Gets County Bills The pro~ram will he concen- trated m lower and moderate- i ncomc rCJ!ions, wher e homes are older and m ay lack built-in conservation facilities. Williams said his group may be able to obtain state grants later to continue and expand its ac- tivities. A bill collection &J!enc:v was given tentative permission by Orange l:ounty s upervisors Wednesday to try its hand at get- ting payment ~ $3.5 million worth of ovcrd~edical bills owned to the county. Teleeredit Coll~ctlon Service Inc. will try to track down people who owe money on four and five- year-0td bills , ror serv1ce.c; pro- vided at Orange County Medical Cente r. The medical center is now operated hy the UC I rv1ne M edlcal School. Supervisors had been set to write off the biJls as uncollectible after efforts by county bill collec- tors and other private bill collcc· ti on firms proved fruitless. County officials had said It probably would cost more to seek the money than the bills would justify. But Necip Simer of Tclecredlt saict his farm would like tn trv it~ hand to prove how effective· the firm can be. Telecredlt will h<• able to keep one-third of any bill payments it collects. Radio Gear Taken From County Plane Radio equipment valued by the victim at $2,600 has been stolen from nn aircraft parked a t Orange County Airport, sheriff's om cerssalcl. Deputies said a n intruder forced OJ><'n the locked door of an uircrart ownrcl h y proje<'t rnftincf'r Paul K. Hsei, 34, of 20491 Grayslonc Lane. Hunt mgton R<'och. and removed thl' equipment with a screwdriver. • minor offenders given short tt'rms. Those arguments last week ended in a s t :1ndo ff a~ !o.Upcrvisors delayed making a dt>t bion. When that dccb ion wias m ade Wednesday, J ud~e Vincent hadn't gotten all that he wanted. Super \'lsor.,. for example. en- dorsed McM1llan·s use of a five. month trial only. And rather than approve its operation as a 60-bed mst1tut1on as al>ked for by the judge. !>Upervtsors approved a 40-bed pros.!ram. Sa multancou!>ly, s u pervisors cut down operat1onally on beds in two other 1uvenale institutions, takins.: 32 from Los Pinos Fon-:.try Camp <.1nd 20 from the Youth Gu1d<1ncc Center in Oran~~- Those two rollbacks mean the county will just about break even on the McMillan operation as :> u pt.?rv is ors approved l he S312.000 five-month expenditure at McMillan. Thal spending still leaves the county about $300.000 ahead of what they planned to spend at Mc Millan this year. That original spending pro- gram was geared for McMillan's use as an unlocked facility for j uvenile s tatus offenders . youngsters whose offenses would not be offenses were they adults. Three weeks ago, however. Judge Vincent said he would stop sending s tatus offenders there because new laws left them free from any control of the court. Wednesday, the judge said he was satisfied with supervisors· decision to keep McMillan open for short termers. "l would say that three· quarters of a loaf is better than none," Judge Vincent said in. reference to the bed rollback from 60 to40. As he had done a week earlier. he insisted a special institution is needed for short termers as a m eans ''to nip their early criminal inclinations in the bud." Jn the end, only Supervisor Laurence Schmit opJ>05ed the move at McMillan. Schmit said he wasn't satisfied with the answers given to ques· tions asked by others. His fellow supervisors at- tached to their approval of the McMillan program a require- ment that its effectiveness be monitored by the County Ad· mlnlstrative Office during its fi ve-month trial run. A "aHable tor hw-.ediate deU~ Dine tonight in Drexel's France ... Cabernet 11· is here! The simplest fare is suddenly haut cuislne1 served In a setting like this! Cabernet 119 by Drexel3 lends French provincial elegance to today's dining. In pecan solids and veneers. There are rare wood carvings to delight the eye, moldings. parquetry, especially de- signed hardware. And the Drexel finish - deep, clear, lovingly aged. look In today, and bedazzled! 44" Wide Mobile S.rvef' •••••• 557900 Semo< Oval Table ••.••.•••••• $62900 Exlends to 104" High Cane Back Arm Chair • , $23900 High Cane Back Side Chair •••• $21500 Your Favorite Designer Win Be Hippy To Asalst You. H .JI GAl\RElT . f URN IJU ~E PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS 2215 .-fARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA Open Mon., Thura. & Fri. EvH. (. .. 4 DAILY PILOT Thursday October 6 1977 Nobel Honor Spanish Poet Wins Prize STOCKHOLM , Swe11t-n <A l'l The 1977 :-=obt•l Pnzc for L1tcrltturc 'Wus awarded toduy lo V1t·e·ntc Alci.\'.andrc, a surrcuh1>t poet und for many year~ a tuhercular r cclu!>C' whu survived his <:ountry's c1v1I war to becomt• one of Spain 's m ost rcspectc·d literary \'01ccs Alcixa11dre, 79. was cited hy the Swcd1!->h Al'adcmy or l.cttcr'i "for ;i trcutivl' pot.'lic writtng, wl11c·h. with roots '" the tradition ... or Spanis h lvra· 'e rst· and 111 mod<•rn t·urn·nh, 11lum1nak" man's conclltion in thl• C'osmos .ind in (ll'l'Sl'Ot•Ua) MH'1t.•ly .. literary t:hampwu of th<.· world Th<1l would be an 1mpoi.:-.1hll· ta'k." ··r b<:lic\t· t1nw ha:. hccn wur~- 1ng for luni :111d h1' outlooi. 'houlcl attract rnodcr11 man, lht· "a,v lw "t.'l':-. m .111 ·., 11lan· 1n 1111· \\ 0 1 hi a' a \\ holl'. and h11> op1x"1 l 1011 ag;i111'l 'wlcncc .md 111> !Jll'''IOll •. Ill' '·lid LITERATURE WINNER Vicente Alelxandre THE AC'A OEM\''S 1·ho1t1· of J\lclxundn• t·amt• as .i '>urpriw bec•mse hl• 1s rl'latl\'t•I\ u11k110Y.11 outside his homel:rnd . thuu~h 'h,'is work ha ... bt•l•n trun:.lakd into Eilgh:.h . Gt·rman, f<'r<:lll'h .ind other languagl"> In w1nn111 g tht.• 1ir11t'. lht· Span1a1 d bctlt'rl'<I 'U<·h n1Jll-d .1uthors as B1110.1111, r>un ... 1.e·.., 111i.:. Wt.:'>t G1.:rn1.tn) ' G1Jl'11lh1·1 c:r<Jss. Turkt•; ·., Yu'>ar K l·m.11 .ind Colomh1a" .. CJhrit·I G.1r1·1.1 ~h1rquPz. all of \\ hom h.1d l.1..•1•11 mc11t1onl·d 1irominl·r1tl; u.-. frrint runnt•rs Circuit Shorts Out Acadcmv Scl'rctarv La r .... C \'lll't1stC'11 ·.idm1t1 cd th:11 \le.•\ '-!~<Jn• "1s nol mudl kn(1\\ll 111 llur parts ·· Hl'T G \'LL t:.'ISTE ~ :.aid . Tht• purpost· of the• :\olll'I l'r11,• IS not lo fll·(•lurc the· curr1·nt Dance Band Leader Dies !-.llHE\'f:POHT l .. 1 r \l'I Jun r..1rtwr 1l:~ an nrc ht.·,tr;i ll•.ich·r (rom tht• l11g ll.111!1 l'r:t .,., ho \\<A' n<1t t'll l•ir 'mouth <t...1nu·.ihl1· n1u"« 111 lh1· r.u, I.nm hardo '>(\ ll' <ll l'd w l'dnc' <IJ \ To Darken Boston BOST<)'\ <;\I' Ell•1·1 nt· rnrnpany rirf11·1Jb hi a med a :.hort <'in·u11 111 .1 -.u1i ... 1at1u11 for a p11111•r t.ulun• that blill'i-l'nt·d "'30 block dov. ntown .11 e•.1 tor .dmul :!' •hour' l'olh·c· t l•portc-d 110 loolrng ''' 11ll11·r d1..,1urlwnt1.·:. dul· t u thl' out:i,i.:1., wl11d1 flt·c.in Jll:-.1 h..Con• top ni W1•<ln1•,d<Jy 17 p m PIJT 1 <.1nd e·mkd 1 •;11•lv ti ~I a\' 'l't'w l>l,;rkottl \'lll ,,., 'H •· In :1h11ut :io ooo t1hl1111t•·r, 'IT 0 \H K E:'O·;J> K1·11m1111 ~l(U.trt', th•• lb1·!. 11,t \ '>l't I 1<>11 lht• Cupit•,\-S(lu,11" :11·,•.1 1nducl111~'. th1· l;_1rgt· 1•nul1·1111;tl C '1•1111·1 e 11rn 11w1 ('J;1I :i11d n·,1111•1111.,1 c ompl"' lhe• .John I l.111(·1wk l •m 1·1 t1nd tlu rw.11 II\ South 1-;11d \ 1<1,...11111 E<lh1111 C'11mpOJ11\ 'I" •k1•,rnan .... ud '"'" t•r y, J' r•· lurnc'<I 111 thr· 1'1 w l1•nt1,1l C1·nl1•1 I l.1111 uc:·I. awl K1·nm1111· "4"1u.111• .11 1"" '" ,1ho11t n11dn1~h1 J<1 .... ump111111 11f poY.1·1 lo lh1· ll.1d( H,I\ .11111 :-.11uth Encl ,1r1•.i, \\a-. d t•f,1\ 1•d h" ;1 m111or •·\ plc•-,11111 111 I h1· C '.1n t•r 'ii rt·1·t -,ut1 -.1.111<m lhJt ueTurrnl \1 hrl1· r1 p.111·11w11 \\ ,., ,. rl'lurn111,.; 11 t•1 "l'I \ 11·1· UO:-\TO:\ El>ISO:\. "'"d tlw '""'I 1·111·1111 11(•e·11rn·d 111 an 1111 tit I l!l llllllll J.!l'lll'I ;11 Ing llllfl Ill :...111111111 ..... 11111 1'11111 ,. -.1•111 -.111•11.1\ IJt'lll'<il 111 I 11 1·1 111 th•· lil.u kc1ut .1r1•.1' l'1·011lt· •·•·m tu II\' 1.1lonu 11 1 .ilmh .11d si.:1 P.1111 C'()n ..... n \\ho ,, Ill I h<trg1• 11f pol in· l'l•OI 111111111'.ll 1111" 111 .11.J !Ill' 1th v..i-. 11l.1i.:u1·cl ''•th l.1b" fll l' .1l.1rm,, liul th1•n· 1u n· 1111 1111·' ·'' .1 11·.,ult 11( 111 .. I Ill I .1i.1 ongress Pressured Hike Benefit Tax WASH!~C;TON IAP I 811ckers of mea:.url' lo bail out th<' Social ecur1t\' Sys~l:m by ra1!.1ng taxe-; for .. he bf'M paid worker'> and tht1r f.mplo)crs an• press 1n~ for final ac· 3 ;on bC'for(' Ct>ni.:r""' ad1nurn-., e\ en 1f :.ame· l.t.\ The· llll'r ca:.t-' Y.Ould he rn .id<htlon to tho">•' <ilrcad~ pr11\ 11Jl·ll b} I ot\\ Thl· L'tHnmtll\'l' piano; It> pul th brll hdon.· th1.· full I luuw in Jhout .1 "e1:k l;~;JE;::~~i~~~::~;:~i~~i ·1th a 'erwm b1·1n~ d1·1 dnpecl in the l'll<lll' .. Tiit: s1-;:-., \Tt . Fl ~.\ ~CF: C:11mm11 t.'C' ha:. l<'nt:1l1\'C'l1 \ ntrd to 'ht ft 1n mplnyt.·r' mon• i1f the> hurdt:n for <'Cptnl! th1 • d<•f1c1t plai.:ucd :-.' ~ll·m To kt.•t.•p S<1c1;.1 I Sl'C'Urtl\' from run 111,i,i out uf fun<b In l!lf!:I lhP llou-.1· lomm1tt('(• n·eomml•nd(•d '"" 1n rl'a:-t·'> heginn1ni:: next yt•ar for uprn rackl·t 1•mpln~·1..· .... 1nll rnr <Jll Cr>\ ert·d jm11l11\t''-h~ l!IRI f:mplo~cr' pa) the ) Tiit-: IOGH F.~T T \X Jn) one·" p.n · ini.: 1h1:-. \l';ir, tn rounrl tl11ll;ir, . .., S9fi'i I 11d< r ih1· 11011.,l· c·om m1tlt t.• 11111 1•mplm 1·~ t'o1rt11 nl.! Sl!I !Joo 11r m•1r1· \\lfUfd pJ\ 'I :!il l 111 19';')1 fh lll>ll lh1 tax htl1· \tould ht• .tl mo~t Sl,11110 1111 thO'>I' l':lrtllllJ.: ~j ,!)0(1 For tho"· l»1rnmi.: h·" the· llll'rl'.h•' \H11rld hl· nH11·h mor1· i.:t·nt 11· ,\, ;m •·'<amplt-. a "il5 OIJO ;i )t'ttr 1 mpln\I• \\ht> '"".., S>i7k lht' \(•,1r "•>trltl p,1\ ~Jll>I 111 l11ili :<ntl S9r;k 1n l!JHI 1 ht· 11111 \\1111111 hnn~~ 11111l<•r Sl1C'1JI '-\1•111ril\ rn11tt· thJ11 ''" million 1·mplmt·' 111 f1·d1•r.1l . ,1:.11• .ind l1w.1I !.!II\ <·n1m1•01.., .rnd 111111pr1.f11 11rc,1n11.1 11011-. m.1k11n~ 11 .i '1r1 u.illl tH11\ 1 r "" I t•l 11 1•m1•1ll '._\"'"Ill • ~ t'-femperatures Dip MU:h.oost Gets Frost Warnings )0 .. .. f,,, ,,.i. • I•" AIU, .. -.(.elh11 I •• • t• IC l Ow ,.h•'"""'• I If t II t tff.t t If f t'1jl fl CaUlornia "'~ ... , tt"lf ·~·i.f'lo .. ' ,,,, ,~ ( •• • f ,, ''•'" '"'. ,,,...,,, "" , ,, I' f If, f It I H I I o1 ftrl"lr.tl;•I•<; 1rt1 ,,,,,,. .-.n "'"''' ''"~., tn nr1nq •1000 '" tt·• ,,, 1 ....,,,. ' ·c~ ,..,., ft) ITUlt,;I (·¥• t < ! flft-1! H,,, t I ,tl1i 1111• 1 .111<1 1r•hl M•''(!(O 1l1\-.•u,1l1nq ,,.,. l.111 f.-,n•rJh1 H ~•'I f tl1 I , (I t 1tf1 ti f f•f•1•.o•l'I ltf•1'1!•f I •I.,_. 1•tot f .... 1;1t1o1t11c,,1+11111 , ·•·• , 1•n·11 1111 I ,'. t f II rt\ tt • lo II •1 1 \.'ti ttll t t WEATHER /NATION /WORLD Prices Rise After Decline WA~lllNGTON CAP> Wholl!Salc prices rose half of 1 percent laM month. thl• biggest increase since April, as the big drop in food prices lit•gun lc.>n•ling off, the Lalior Department said today. Aflt.'r declines uver agini.: nl·&rly 4 percent in the las t four months. farm 1mxluct:. dc('ltncd in r>rice hy only two-tenths of 1 percent in Sep· tembcr. Contributing mo:-.1 to the in crt'USI.' las t m onth wt•re 1n du:.tnal commod1t1es. wh11:h ro!>t· t•1.,:hl tenths of I J>t•i·ct•nt, tht• 111 ~ {:C'1>l jump 111 a yt·ar . THE BIGG EST tontnhutor!> \\ l'rl' lumlJt'r anti \\owl. wh~· c ' l'<t'>t' 4 ~ Pt•n·cnt trl Scptem • 1lon1• amid <:ont tnu1ng dcma d for rn:w hou:-.t:!> Abo 1n1:n•a s1ng ''en· fu('I\ an!J flOY.l'r , nonmctalhc mtncrab .rnd tr.rn.,portalrnn l''IUlf)mt:nt. Tli\· on·r all increase of ft\'C· l\·nths of a P<'rt<:nt for September would ,I\ cragl· out lo JUi.t 0\ er 1; pt•n·cnl for an entire> jear, dose 111 lt'\l•I.; th~· udrnin1"tral1nn c·on ''d\'rs an :it:t:t·rHable 1nfl.1111111 rate• Wholt•s all• prac1.•-; :irt• paid h~ r l'latkrs :.11nl manufut•tun•r!) before they reath the consumer. hut the prices often show up later ;it retail stores. •·1s1SH E D CONSUM E R goods, the Curthe:.t along lhc ~ll&~c of produl'lion. rose four t t'nl~l pert:cnl in September .1ftl'r · ng virtually unchanged in the pr v1ous three m onths . The $cpte mber whole:.alc JJl"t(·c inj.:rease was the lltrge1>l s1nte a ).1 pereenl rise in April. at a tif'1 c when inflation was near lhl' I(} percent le\'el. As food prices began le> <11•thnc, wholcs;.llc prices rose on I~ four-tenths of a percent in May .mtl I hC'n dropped by seven-tenths of .1 percent in June anti hy Ont·· 11•11th of a percent in .July before go1n~ up hy one-t1 ·nth of t1 1w r 1•t•nt last month. Drink to That Beer Cheers Days of His Li/ e SYD:'\EY .\u,t.r.1lt.1 IAI'• Hu:. drt\'Cr .John Francis downed a l11·1·r Thu"dJ\ to t·el1•hrat1• a l'ourt llt·t1s1on that ~uarantees him t hr1·1· frt·t• h1·pr, .1 d 't\' for I h1· n · ... 1 u( h i.. life Fr.inl'I .... 111. \\ 1111 tlw lit·t·r' in ..i prumotlfm.11 t·ont!' ... l at the open lllJ.! 11f ,1 l'.mh1·n ,, h1111•l 1n 1Q70 Hut in l9i:i I ht• h11t1•l v. a-. '>ol<l .rnd lhl' nt•\\ ,,.,., n1:r-. <'Ut off hi-. frc'-' h1•1·r Fr.1111 " 'tll'd the 11rc\ 1uui. CJ\\ Ol•r.., ;rnd h1' l'ldllll wa, uphl'ltl 111 1 lw -.11pr1·m1• n111rt 111; \\ \!-. .\L~O \\\ \ftn t.D ~.979 for tht· hN•r ht· ml'>M:cl 1-'1 a111·1, '·", h•· h,,, h1·en rlnnlon~ for <!fl year' and aw:ragcs tY.C> 111 1 l11 l'l' li\•t·r' .1 cl.1 \ lit• f1g11n•' he•~ f!O! :n ~ t•ar'> of dnnktn~ left. which mean'> -10.000 i.:1.1''l''of frl·1· hl•cr Al loda) s prH l'' that''i Sl5.000worth BmnbHoax'! Hoyal Canadian l\Iounted f'olh.°l' were• unable to find llomh s aboard a Pan i\mt•riC'an .1umbo jet divert- t-d t(I Vancouvl'r lntcrna- 1101wl Airport on a San Fr:mt1sco·Tokyo fli ght after .i notL' claiming seven lio mh .... were aboard wa~ found 111 ~' washroom. The\• a I so :-. a 1 <1 i l a pp ca r s n ~' 11\.1:0.'>l'llgL·r played a role in lhl' 1>oss1hle hoa)I.. Wmdows Rattled SA:\'TA MARIA CAP ) -An ap- p.1rcnt {'arthquakc rattfed win- dow~ and awakened r esidents of I h" !>m all <'1ly about 40 miles north or Santa Barbara today. But the tremor failed lo register us an earthquake al seisrno- i.:r aphJC· monitoring stations in PasadC.'na and BC.'rkelcy, officials :.aid Herc are the facts savers who have certificate Zlccountc, at Mutual Savings can borrow up to 90% of lhe1r sa vings account balance without Incurring tt1p L1'-il1.11 substantial interest pe nalty required by lcdcr ul regulations tor early w1t11drawul r XAMPLF You helve a certificate wrth us earnrng dt the annual rate or 7%0·o <S l .000 minimum. 6 year term>. A need arises-vacation. new car. emer gency. what- ever-tor you to have some cas11. You can borrow up to 90% from us at o nly 8%% /\nnuar Percentage Rate. while the account continues tv- carn at 1%00. A difference of only I 0 o. Similar arrange- ments con be made on any o f our· term ~av1ngs certificates. The vdvanwge is obvious You cAn arrord to put your savings in a certificate that pays considerably higher interest than a passbook account without having to concern yourself about Tf"mp~raturf"• l•t d,tn• 1111,.1 .. "'q~ low Pep ... I01JktJ11 r«~u1 " ,,. "" rf ~ • I +1 /I ... llli81""·''°' \.1 I• ,,.\fl\+W f•11hnu•utJ 11ttrrtlt"li4J,U•1· ,, LOYt'I .. I' " ,, ~. ,, "' ,, '~ .. •H t 'iuuc 'f .... , ""' '• t+rf·d,, r1•1J ,., ,,.~ lH• ''•Vt"• r11 t l I M• IJ( i I t•• 1jt,. i Y• 1·t• 1t 1t , (1.,1, 1•1 iopyf I 1111'' • tnift ,,,, I ihd l }111,,11,ft, t111t. f· I htf)h ,,. /\1•1tl• 1J•, ~""••I f,n11• ,, '' 1ct1o(J t lh•• '"·••.rm.ti 1/11 ... ,,.,, ere wo! the required penalty should you need funds from the nccount bctore it matures. Natvra11y. Mutual Savings accounts arc insured to 540.000 by an agency of the fcdercll qovcrnrncnt. Comp(1r0 where you presentl) 41&,,, I I/ WI "f\o.,tnu I t \\ ''"of.'""'"' 'II ... •ul lo •• •• £n1 d<1> ., ., C tn{.JNMh fl ... ,.,.t,; ... j,,,, .. , I) D.:Uld\ • t V'i11rH •• ... '°""'"''' •• ti lk -..... " .. ~(lrOol ,, JI \llul~ ,, lllHb.tn~) II .• "''•"" "' Jtl '-':>""1uiu ~· II ~.,.,,,.. .... ... ~""·W " I ~n .... t\(.•ff' r<l II t.,,111 V•Qot ,. /I ~llfv RO'• , .. ,,.,, ~" II t'Wt)Ukf•t .. ' 4too11 " 1 "'' friA.wQth··u'• ol ~· ~W Y<>t • "" O\i.ll0<1 .. 1111y •• " om~ ... I• ., , .. ~ D9'ty l'llot Ptll•_, # I• ~nrofttHd r ~ ,.,J.tY I' h, II , 1 I 1 1 ; .;,, 1• .,,u or t ~ • ' • 1 • ':./t "' '4'"'' wnhr 1 / h• i• • ,, , *' \l1tt ~'" 1_,..., J t I" I ' I ti 14'1 t '"'" 'f •I "I I t"'",,..,,~ I "' ol f Y ! ' • ~ •,1 wf'ti I e""-...°" ,....,._., ,._. ''llt•rMJ"( i"''(A• I ••1011 ... , •"•'1£f'I •• ,. "'11•1\1f,"1fie ,,, .. ._1 .v. '"''"·'•"' s•• 1110 • t"'lf"f",..t'!'fll (I'''·~· .. " .J JJ.t"'l(.Jlp ,,, 4flt: ll..f ~ itl')I I 1f~,u· t ;~ I l 'O ....... q .~ ...... " u• \1 J•, ,,.,...,li"O 1,tniOoi.t ,,. 4 '" '\·tlf L1tlt.• f.•tr \.111, r1tn<1Vtl '•''"' ~1f\t1inQhJ'\ /1 •·11 ,, ... ~· l .'.S. Sutn ... ary rn,11yWf',tthrr ,,, •. t<.tn1i1~1 n "·•· t 0·1 "·•'•""' tucS,,.v w''" "-'•d\lltl• h ,.., '"' QI lltoOIN ff,1,l1t •t h·Mf• ,.,..,_,,, f 10 llW lt1 •·h w ,HIHrw} """'''" l\f \f I,., ·~ '" IH ""''I Ot '-t Vf"'l """ •• h·r-th"'I tr .. m N1Lr,,_•11.t I N-•t ~ ·''' .. , H ,, i• t ·••urt' tl•f'J. .. tS lfUO ft'W " ' •UUf UI'()' r I' '" ~,tr.1 Jov•I '• ''"' O u.rnr.1 ,., .,,.,, 1" .-t ~, t ,,. • I• nv1' ttv W• 1. ,., ,,,,,, '• t~ I.oft 'tlf;lh ft ... , I •(J>'Vfl'<f ,, IW , 11 •• ti v.idtl '"'" """•' ',,, .• t •..• "'I''"',,, .. ,, .1 ,,, M H'I,. ,,,,,, Ot\f1 Wt ••J\1n • ,. fy rlk)( "'"'' "" "' , ·""fl'\ In lf'H l11w k1 Wf·tt r• (1111 h d 1n MoOIAfl t ,,,,.I nr•fl '" rfl WyfJ.ttllnQ f h1 n11cJ ,H''OI '°''''If /1ff,tflr1e COtl\f,tl ·•fi>tft \ hiUJ •-111tw tH" f"t1Ui1f'll4. Ill fhn ~k. With 40•, '" tfitl moun1,.1n\ tt w,,, ""''""'' • •n ( t'\\1lt'oflfn l··-·'"' ••nd th•· .. ,h1tt1wr•' •)"'''''"· w~''''' '"d'Hnq .. "' tt11 tt 1• '""fJ'>m;n.u"a i .. m r-irtillH"' w,.,,. 1r1 '"'' 10, ,unou '"'' (u1tt ( fliH1 .1n1J Hl \l'kuf,,,.,,, C..·H•ff)rn1,1 '::.<+'11Mtlfj \htl'Yll'f"'' 'tllilt,, '"'t'#Jtl,•fl lf'I ~uUw1rnC.A1t•~''''''· wr1111 ,,,.,., ~,,,., \ltf'llH\11'-,I f"'lfn lh.• tlnriMrt-J,lt)\. ,,. .. "' tn \ "'' ,,,.,o,, rn n,,,, nt '"'" (.,,,.. l'l,un-.. "rwt 1ntn •ht UC)f)t"t (,,, ..-1 1 _., ,. f .. QlfW) '"'''C"''rr4fflH .v rn t'11· n.1J1 '" ",.,,,. ,,,.,_,.,. '·'~',,.,.,.I t q, U•"'1 '\Ht fi•Vl trt • '' t1 '"" h.t 111 lllyU'-...nn ,..,,,.,..,,,,.., 1 ,,,,. ,.,.,,""·'' h'n, "4\t "'' 1,-..,,1., '""•<I fl\tl' ~rr-. '"·'"''"" "Y• • lh. (I nhftl Pt ... I'\\ lf\r rt11nrt1• M1, ''° •t"t, V·'llh y u11•rt lh1 n • ,,_..,. h •n '' 11 ... , ... ,. l •1Jf f '11r\ '' I fl1, " ,,,.,,., 1n '>•" [ 11 tJ<> .u;d ; '' n.1 ""'''.,, 0111 k "'' ';to.J I "' ,, ,,,,,,, •fl. lylh I" 1111' •I 1f'I J fi•• ,,. -. ,, w• II •• , 1n ruoun1.1 11 •'"I YI• I'• l+•'f "' 'P'lt •I IW· '''''"l( '' • ,, r ...... , w .. tn ..-,,,-. , ·''"' t•'. Uy , . *' ,,,, .ff'!, .. ,'"',.." .... .,, , , ... 11.mfu"\ ,.\. tf"tlit..YI I \l.yw1 '' h,,,..,, ••\It UYt f fhl ,,, t •I~ • rw ''" lll r llu,. ....,,,. u,. f, '-"' ,._ •I ... rro.,.,, ,, • • A1",. 1 ,, ... f, ,.1 -.1.n .1n J1·1n.1r11(t thd '" '" .-..,,1\41,~ , f l1tMl\'-'''t Coa.tal Wrathrt" l •1, '' ,, •"'Y t h°lU11'. ""' un,m~ • ..,,,,..., ,,,,,,,., l •Qnt V.il !Ahl• W f'Ut\ t'll!J ... t ,tf"11 l•li1f111hq '"'"'-''' •h!Jt\' I flClt1y ill 1h• n, ( 0"\t.11 t1 l'T\llll'f ,1lurt \ Will ! illt'~ t.1 twi•t n W ••nri JJ l,,IM'H1 h "' W'tl\lw1· ""''" '"''O' t,.,.tw,..-n "' •'"<1 111 f""" W4fl• ttn, • ._,,,,tut,.wtHt>i .. ,, ''''f~,,1f~1qtl \ 1t1 m l I • ... cnn(JIQw 1/ 11-.1 u1 t -<t FlllOll f f H\l f'huti ' It 1 m • } • tr\ttnw IJ I I' 01 , • ').f 1t)tH1h1()t1 '· ,.,., ,,, .,. '"Hlrt'\il ,. I,, nl 1\.tlf\,. 1111 •n M UOf1 ""'' ' llN p h\ Surf Rrport tt1u t1n11JI""" Uf'Mn W .. V,\ ftNI' to 11't fn I ""'''" .+MAll'IWf'\I \W• ti '(H''M11 '·ll~ , ......... w\111 ,, n-,~· n V'. '"''' 1• .,, \• ""'" •«"'I with "uufn.,,.u "'t•U tn d ,,. llf'lJI save All svvings institutions .Jr c nnt t11c sJrnc. You will find it p(lsy to open an ,1ccount at Mutual Savings since we can arrange to tr1ir1<:.1rr your funds from wherever they are no w rncdt<"'d CtJll or visit any of our 16 Southern California < 1111cc~ rnr further details ~ ~ '?~ ' I THE BIG M MUTUAL SAVINGS AN EOUAL HOUSING LENDER AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY EA Capistrano-San Clemente •: t, 10C..1m1111, de r..:•,1rc11.1/491 ~5·, I Corona del M ar : 2867 LJSL Coast Highwav/6/5·5010 Fountain Valley*: 1 /000 M;iqnnlla Slrect/963-8396 Downtown Santa Ana: 031 Nnrt11 M<1ln/5'1 / 9 711 I I l STATE I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ,,,uraday, Octobc!r 8 11'177 DAIL y PtLOT A5 Brown Avoids Debate Homosexual Rights Cet 'No ]udgmems' SACRAMENTO CAP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. is s teering clear of t rou!Jlctl waters in the de- bate over homol'lcxual rights. Al a news conference We<incs-d a y, Brown refused to ~ay whether he thought homosexuali- ty is imrnorali or whether it is a legitimate reason for job d1~­ rnissal. H e s aid California law "jealously guards the right to privacy'• and the s tate needs no additional laws on the subject. THAT APPEARED TO mean rejection of both an explicit ban on job discrimination against homosexuals, as o ne state legislator is proposing, and a ban on hiring o r retention of homosexual teachers in public schools, a proposal another legislator is trying lo qualify for the state baJlot. 'Tm not going to offer my judgments on individual con- duct," Brown t-0ld r eporters who tried to draw out his views on the politically touchy subject. He said he thought ample pro- tectiOn!> were c:ontained in stat~ laws thal prolet'l the right to privacv :.111d, m th<: c·u:.c of tt•achcr:;, rt'<tuirc a showmg o( unfitnc.ss to tc•at·h before a rinng "TlU : LAWS WI:: HAVE <!rt' adequate," Urown said. ") wouldn't give any advice tn sc h oo l boards , li cl'ns1 11 i.: <•uthorities or Superior Courts. I would ask them to look at cat.•h caseoo an individual basis. '"They should look to the poli(•y of their particular distnct and the laws of the State of Californ1;.1 1rnd m ake the best judgmcnt lh('y can ... the law in Caliform.1 Jealously guards the ri~ht to privacy ... and it ought lo bct'y vigorously enforced.·· CALIFORNIA LAW, howevPr, does not exphc1tly ban JOb dis· criminalion on the basis of sex· ual preference. Such a ban would a llow fired h omosexuals to pursue complaints before state anti.dJscriaunation agencies ai:. well as in court. At leg1slallvc hearings on a hill t11 l>an such discrimination, som e .... 1tnes~c:s :-.aid they or otht•rs had llt'cn denied JOLis or promot101h bt>causc they were homosexuals, or said they feared lo~in~ their Jobs if their :.exual preference bccaml! known. The bill. AU 1302. hy As '''mlJJyman Art Agnos ( D-San Francisco>. is s talled in the As- ~cmbly. MEANWIULE. SEN. JOHN Briggs <R-F'ullerton), 1s circulat· ing petitions for a ballot initiat1vl• that would require schools lo fire homosexual teachers. Brown said California's law is <llffercnl Crom the s late or Washington's, under which a teacher who had declare<! his homosexuality was fied on the E!rounds of immoraJlty. That fir inst was upheld this week by the! U.S. Supreme Court. But the governor refu sed to say whether homosexuality, in itself, should be permissible grounru. for firiJU:. 'Lighter' Kil/,S Man LONG BEACH CA P> -A 28-year-old man has died after being accidentally shot in the head by a •friend who bad mistaken a gun for a cigarette light.er. authorities said . ing of rain to the state's northern half today. the Na- tional Weather Service said. Fon.-castt>r Howard Albertson said the chance!: of s howers are heaviest in the far north But he noted there's a slight chance the San Francisco Bay area will get a few :.prinkles. APWI ........ llonre, Sweet Home Carole Wells Karabian, wife of former s tate Californ ia AssembJymun Walter Karabian, deplanes in Los Angeles Wednesday after her return from Tokyo following her release from a Japan At. Lines plane that was hijacked on a flight from Bombay to Bangkok. Steamer Tosses LOS ANGELES (AP) -The perennially home- less Great While Steamer is in rough £inanc1al waters again. Ralph Howard, police said, was vis ited at his apartment Tuesday by three friends, including Denise Ke.agy, 24, of Bellflower, who picked up a .22 callber derringer from a coffee table. Apparently thinking the gun was a cigarette lighter, s he (---------) Wat•Oll ~anted 11.etl~• The S.S. CaUIUna may find itself on the auction block once more to recover some Sl4,000 in docking LOSAN LES CAP)-County AsscssorPhilip fees that the Harbor Deportment says are delin- playfully pointed it at Sta le Howard, police said. Howard shouted Lhe ---------gun was loaded just as Miss Keagy pulled the trigger. The bullet struck Howardinthetopoflhehead. Watson, whb blamed his heart condition on the strain quenl. of his 3ob and investii:ations into his assessment Harbor general m anager Fred Crawford said practice<-, has been granted disability retirement. the city attorney was asked Wednesday to start pro- 1 lowever, the county's board or retirement ruled cecdings to force another auctJon of the steamer. Wednesday that Watson. 53. who was the subject or Crawford said he acted af~er a meeting with the frequent controversies dunng has 15 years in office. ship's owner. Beverly Hills developer Hymie was not eligible for a lar~er pension whirh would SinS!er, who says he doesn't want to pay the docking Fight Vowed Council Bam Beach Nudes SAN DIEGO <AP) -The nation's only municipal nude beach is closed to naked people for the fin.t time since 1974. After hearing objections for two days, the Cit.Y Council rescinded its 1974 nude beach ordinance by un 8-1 vote Tuesday. Citizens voted In the municipal election t~o weeks earlier to prohibit nudlty at all public beaches. A SPOKESMAN FOR THOSE who used Black's Beach called it "a very sad day·· and vowed a co1Ul fight to restore it. "We will fight you and this ordinance in the courts," said Robert Jacobs, "and we will fig bl those of you who opposed us in the upcoming el~c- tion." . The lone vote t o retain the 900-toot "swlmS'uit optional" beach near the University of California ~t San Diego was cast by Maureen O'Conner, tbe 2$- year-old only worn a n on the council. Marine Dis Face Courts Martial SAN DIEGO <AP> -TwoMarineCorpsdr1ll In· strucl-Ors face cwurts martial on charges of hitting recruits, bringing to nine the number of such cues since mid·1976. Three of them have been acquitted and four convicted. THE LA TEST CASES INVOLVED Cpl. Andre\. J . Bales, 22. of Henderson, Nev., charged wtlb threft counts of maltreatment of recMlits and one of un• lawfully striking a private, and Sgt. Lee J. Johoson~ 25. (\f Pasadena, on three counts of strik.Urg a private and one of opening mall belonging to' someone else. Bales faces a special court martlal OcL 17 •• Johnson's summary court martial was scheduled; today. A spokesman for the San Diego Recruit Depot said three other dr1U mstructors have been foundj guilty of illegal financial dealing.a with recrvlts. since mid-1976. ,...dreAct6~ SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -A member of the famous Flying Wallenda family -who said he was protesting terroris m and the killing or whales --was pulled from the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Wednesday after doing his high-wire a ct JOO feet abovethebay. come if his illness had been ruled JOb ~elate<!. fees. ~~-=-.....!.~~~~~.:..::.::.=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~----~~- Steve Wallenda, 28. and a nephew of performer Karl Wallenda, walked a thin cable atop the bri~~e while noon hour traffic below nearly ground to a ~Qll Job Now Concrete SAN DIEGO <Af'I - That w<is W cubic vards of really 11u1ck drying t•oncrcte 111 1he m1x1ng drum of ~ truck that ovt-rtumed on the way to i.I foundation-laying Job. DUptde Near• Setil~t LOS ANGELES (AP > -A longstandin~ dispute between two brothers over control of the Charles Krug Winery of St. Helena appears ready to be set- tled, the Los Angeles Ti mes reported today. The newspaper sa id R-0bert and Peter Monda vi had agreed in prmc1plc to keep the S48 m illion property in the family. The agr~menl, the Times said. calls for Robert and his sister , Helen Ventura. to sell their Krug investment lo Peter and a second sister. Mary Westbrook. By the time a tow truck got the 3S·ton load upright Wednesday. the concrete \\a'> hard A company official s aid workmen with jackham- mers will spend the rest of the week trying to break it up. Sprinkle. D11e l• North By The Associated Prus A w~ak st-Orm was expected to bnng a s matter· Band Study Skyrocketing Prices Boon to Nuclear Power SANTA MONICA <A P > -Contend· ing builders o( early nuclear power plants were overly optimistic. a Rand Corporation study says unexpected high costs might have slopped de· velopmentor the commercial nuclear energy indusrtry if the price of tradi- tional fuels had not skyrocketed. "That nuclear power is competitive at all is due less to foresightful management than lo a series of unan· ticipated events. hke the OPEC price agreements that increased the cost of fossil fuel." Robert Perry said in a four-volume s tudy released Wcdnes· day. P E RRY SAID OTHER develop· m ents that have renewed commercial interest in nuclear energy include passage of anti-pollution r egulations making fossil fuel processing more expensive and the realization that fossil fuel supplies are not inexhausti· ble. The report. funded by the National Science Foundation, says excessive low cost estimates were the biggest mistake made by private industry m building nuclear plants. Two builders of nuclear plants in the mid-19605, General Electnc and Westinghouse. s uffered losses of $850 million and other utilities wound up paying twice the estimated cost for new plants, the study said. ONE REASON FOR THE faulty cost estimates, Perry claimed, was "the unwarranted optimism of both utiJity managers and arc hitect- engineering specialists that nuclear plants could be built much as foss il- fuel plants bad been built, that the nuclear beat source could be treated as a variant ot a conventional steam generator." The rep<>rt al110 said nuclear power might have 'achieved commercial suc- cess earlier if the government had not placed national prestige ahead of f'conomic considerations in deciding what kind of reactor to develop during the early 1950s. "The early development of reactor technology for electricity generation was made to serve the interests of na- tional prestige, which allowed the m orl• prosaic goal of long.term com ( ENERGY J merclal success to be confounded," Wendy Allen wrote in one volume or the report. THE ATOMIC F.NERGV Com- mission, J oint Commission on Atomic Energy and Eisenhower administra- tion ch~e lo build a pressurized waler reactor "on the basis of an ovcrndmg inter est in maintaining the U .S. in- ternational le;:id in developing civilian reactor te<:hnotogy," Ms. Allen ex- plained. "Had considerations of national prestige been less im portant -had cheap nuclear power been the highest priority -r apid construction or ... the pressurized water reactor might have been passed up in favor of a less ur~ent. more experimental program directed at developing the most economical power react-Or possible." Sen. Alfred Alquist <D·San Jose>, pro-nuclear state senator, critized the s tate Ener gy Commission Wedn6May for Issuing a "badly writ- ten, slanted and unscientific'' interim report on nuclear fuel eye le proble ms. ALQUISJ' SAID he had received critiques of the report issued some two months ago from university pro- fessors and such agencie.'I as the U.S. F;nergy Research and Development Ad minis tration. ''The reviews without exception we re extremely critical." AJquist said. He wrote Ri c hard Maullln, chairman of the commission. that he feared the commission was taking an anti-nuclear, anti-growth altitude, HE SAID llE WAS AFRAID that if the r e port w ent unc hanged It would "become the hasis for an ertec· tive ban on all future nuclear power op· tions In California." The report state<l that the federal government was not making much progress toward approving :i method nf reprocessing nucll'flr fuel and stor- init redioacllvi• wu~t~., c .. 1110rnl~ ConfrA(tor~ l lc•nM 77?8ll ... ~. Con•r '9C ton lkl'Ml' 11436 .. OUR&REAT· Fill SALE ON ARMS NO-WU FlOORS & BRIN&S Bl& SAVI• YOU'LL SAVE MDIErDI ARMSTRONG SUNllAI!,.. with the Mtrebond9 wear surface for a sunny, long-lasting shine. Onl~~.· Dozens of dazzling colors and patterns ... Hurry in now for today·s best floor covenng value ' during our great T YOUI ·fl).WIXROOllS ·CUSHIONED ROOllS Yml'LL UVE •IEYO• ARMSTROflG SOlARIAIP the Original Annsttong floor with the gleaming Mlrabond shine. Only s10~ LOW SALE PRICES ON THESE ARMSTRONG FLOORS, TOO .•. Armstrong Fall Floor Show and Sale! • lllLAllLNY ftll Designer Solarian with the richness Of In-· .. • f'. ... .. . ., "" I Get special sale prices on famous Armstrong U-uulllll floors with the Mlrabond wear surface that keeps ROIJllS Us brilliant shine, wilhout waxing or butting, far longer than ordinary vinyl floors! Armstrono's finest •• , s1 ~ lald Color! sq, Yd.• COSTA MESA 29'17 s. Bristol Of'f 1>100 Sou111 ot a.-" (714) 751-2324 We carry a full line of Armstrong Floor Care Products (714) 87f>.5212 lew Premier Sundial Extra-thick foam Cl)sh.. 1ontng, beautiful cte-s11 JIA signer patterns I .. Mlrabond wear aur· face. 111.Yd.• 'M-'trlel OlllY I lntf•ll1tlon · •xtr• M • DOWNEY , .. ,, DwY AW. ......... t .. , Nat111Mtrllllf11111rt~(2ti> ......... • .. ' o rangeeoas• oa11v P1101 Editorial Page ------------------------------------------- Thomos Keevll /Edltor Robert N. Weed/Publlshclr Barbdrct Kre1b1ch /Cdltor1al P~e Editor fhursday Ottober 6, 1977 Jail Scare Tales Fade into Fiction Fol' a'' hill-latt• 1:.tst ~ t':.tl' nn1t l'arl~ this n·ar Oran~l' County J;11I was l'''l'l'~·ho<ly ·.., whiµpmg ho~ Now, of cours<•. 1t 's prt•tt \' c:kar that tho"'' who ll·<i t ht• :1ttcmpl to cliscr ed1t lhe ja il h<1d <1\t•:-. to g1111d Ex-con Tnm Milll•t"s fornwr pnson mom mate ... a, ... Mille r was trying to makl' head l111t•s lhal \\011ld c<1lCJptdt him and a fo undution he controlled 1ntn fa ml' and r1t·he:-i And thosl' who scn·l· with :\sscmhlvman H.iC'harcl Ala lorn • ( O· Los Angeles> 011 tht• Asst•mbly Sc led Coin nHt tt.'C 011 Co1..-ccllons now admit the~· didn •t :-cc a r1:port Ala torre prepared on t he jatl until after it w.1s rl'lcascd Anrl lo .1 m an the' :-.;iv lhL'V chdn 'L kwm 11' tlw .-\lat1H'l'l' report so cnl1cal of lh.t.' Jail wa~ act·urntt• 01· not llowcvel', l>oth tht.• St..ilc Bo..ird of Corn•et1t111., Jilli County Grnnc1 Jur~· looked at tht• Jail and d1s nu~scd thl• .d legations ot µn!>oner ahusc ti... heing unfoundt•d No one denies that there an• unplea:.ant .wd wc11·st· 111 c1dc nts jn th<.' Orange County J;.11! or ;.im· jail tor that matter But tht· 1 a 'ih tit ~cu rl' storn.:s c1n:ulatl•d about mass I\ c abuses in 0 1·4\t)gc County J:.111 JU!>.t han•n't lwcn able to stand up under lht• light nf impartial 11 1qu1ry. Alatorre· .... slipshod. .sell-serving ·· r<.•1wrt" \\~ts mc:H·u:-able ,tnd c heap politics. It is unfortunatl' thut tl1Usl' "ho shouldt•r tht• rC'sponslbihty for operating Orangt• Cnunt~ Jail had to put up with the irresponsible poisonous atta<.:ks dirc.•clcd their w~lY by less-than-rcspon::.1ble nt1tens A Foolish Mistake Within a vl:'ry short time of his a ppo111 t me11l as united Stales Amba::-.sador to tht· l 'nited Natwn:-1. i\ndr·ew Young .succeeded in ins ulting a whole raft of this t·ount1')"-. friends and foes with h is outspoken way:-. President Car ter publicly supported hi::. appo111tel' .., n ght to speak as he pleased. but m recent months Am· bassador Young hus been !>O quiet one must assumt· t h\·n· were some cooling confabs in the Oval Office. So 1t 1s all th(• m ore buffhng to learn that JO t·CJn ·ervath·e congressmen chose tht· 'er~· wec·k of thl· opl'n1ng of the L'nited :-.:ation ... :-.e:-... wn to tntroduee ..1 resolut11111 111 Congrc!:>S callin g fo1· Young·.., 1mp\·~1chmenl It 's highly unhkl'ly that ..,UC'h a mmc "111 get u1.:yu11d :the front pa~cs. despite the fact that Young certainly rul Oed a Jot of feathers in the earlier chn s uf his tt·nure 'J'o "'that extent. the gestu re is mcaningl1.•ss · But it can havt• the ad\'erse effect of presenting tht• lJnited States to thi.., L". N. Assemhl\' a:-a 1lalwn cl1\·itlcd ut u tim e whe n such <Jn impression is ll'a'>t desirabk What is pa rticu lurl~· rcgretl:.ibh: is the prescnct> of '"Orange Count) Rt•p. Hobt•rt Badham·..., mime on the list of 's ponsors of this silly r esolution. How ~etting identified with the 1.·xtreme right \\ 1ng t 0 lringe of the House <the resolution·., author is a John Bir ch 'society membedor starters) is going toenhance the reput a tion and legislative clout or eithe r Ba dha m or of Orang<: • County with the majority of his own party. let a lone the ma- 1 jority party, is a mystery \ Freshmen congressm en tin! well advised to hold b ack on grands t a nd plays like th is , . .. Sense at I ..ast Cheers for Orange County's :.la te Sen. Dennis E Carpenter ' Dodging flak from the California liquor lobby. he ha~ pushed through a bill that . begmning J an. 1. will gl\·e Californians the n g hl lo bring one bottle of liquor per •month into the state from Mexico lor from another !>tall', for that matll•r l. The law which kept Californians from bringin~ t1 , bargain.priced bottle of Kahlua or tequila across the ·border unless they were riding In u plane or bus was a silly and unfair piece of legislation. It dated back to the days . when the s tate's liquor czar . Artie S umish, held tht' Le~islature i.n his grip a nd it had no reason for being on thl· books in the first pl ace. A-:; Carpenter acknowledge.... ii 1s n 't the most significant piece of legislat ion ('Vt!r passed. but it is a n equitable bill that d ocs a way with an annoying inequit} • Opinions expressed m the space above are those of the Daily Pilot Other views eltprpssed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is Invited. Address The Daily Pilot, P .O. Bolt 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·-4321 Boyd I Vests By L.M. BOYD Note the m en·s vest con- tinues lo m ake a stron ~ come back. The m en who wear vests tend to be known for a .sense o( humor. But it wasn't a lways so. When vests were on the way out around the start of World War rr. the wearers of same wer e usually identified as serio us c itize ns un- r espons ive to quic k wit Like wise the sobe r bust nessmen who endured suspen· ders. And those dour souls who c arried umbrell as If our Chief Prognosticator is right. you can expect suspender~ and umbre ll as to make comebacks. too, li ke vests. a mong the mGrc humorous 0Par Gloo1ny Gu"' To the beatific bor>b wll h lhe bumper :o;tirker. ''I 'cl Rath e r B e Wi t h J esus"-.Jr you keep on driving the way you w er e laRt night, you ~oonwUlhe. V.R. The botanists will tell you any plant that develops from a flower and has seeds " a fruit. Thus, cucumbers and s q U a S h a r t! £ r 11 i ts . n 0 '1 Likewise beans and peas Q. "Isn't the reproduction cycle of lht· coconut palm 1<ientical to that of the human fe ma le"!" A. Not quite The palm b r a pablc of bearing offspring at 8 year .... usually docs so at 13 . continue.-, until 60 or thereabout .... lhc·n 'urv1vt·~ to l!Oor90 Whv tuke offense 1( .-,omebOct) dcscnhes you as "nervous"? l n the h1g hook at ha nd. the first definition ()f ner vous is "sinewy. strong " Th e second. "m ar ked by \trength of thou~ht, fef'ling or !>Lyle "Thelhird. havingt<>clo with "neurons." The fourth, having to do with "ner ves .. Tr ue, you get to "jumpy" m the fifth definition . But if you can go throuJ?h the firs t four to prove you 're sinewy and strong in thought, feeling and style. wha t 's it matter 1( you 're also a little jumpy? E ven though transsexual s urgery is fairly new, the public switch of a person from one sex to the other dates all the w:iy huck to old Egypt's Eighteenth Dynasty Quet.•n Ha tshep'iut She nf ficlally d ecreed hcro;clt a rnnn so she could run the whole show as pharaoh Jack Anders on Bank ·Reform Meets Resistance W i\Slll Nli'l'ON Jlw -.;.in11· -.pothghl. \\ h1th l'!IUght U1·11 l.,111c1• 111 1h while ~l,1n., h.1'> <1h•1 11lum111a1t·ll -.011w ... twcluwy l>anl. Ing pr;•t'lH'l"' It·., 1111w ·all loo !'let.. lhal :-.111111• 11,111kl·r-. h.i\ ,. hl'Cll pl.t.'t 111g 111111>1· \\1th tlw1r dt· po.,itor.,· c•a:-.h Thl· h;.ml-.er., hav1• fuughl, quilt' pro1~·rly t11 p1 olt'd the pt 1v:w~ ll f l IH' I r <It• 1ws11t1r., Hui -.onw hankl'I'' 11;1 \{' U"l'd lhP p1·1,·a1·y rn'. ulJt1u11., lo hill,• lhl'lr I)\\ II tlul11uu.'> f1nt111· c1al dl·ahng., U;111!--; ,irt· rt'gultttcrl h~ federal agl•ll t•tcs that. in turn. JI l' ... upcrvi..t•d hy Cnn#:l t''" llul 1n..,ll'a<1 of \.\ .1td11ng Wit• another. they uri dl•,·ott><l lo prntl·t·t1ng cat·h 11th1:1 Thus tht• n•gulatur~. and lhl' ri·g ulutt'tl. Uw su11t·rv1Mir-. anti lht• -.urwrv1 .. t·d ha' l' IH·t·oml.' Jtl\ 1ngly hound 111 "" mt1·rli1ck111J,! t' 01 hr;1n• 'ongr(.• ... s' 1nvt•-.t1gat1 \'t• a~1..·n ('Y. tht• c: .. m•r11l Ac·counting Of fl(.T, has 1H·vcr lwc·n ahl1· 111 <.1Ud11 thl· f•·d«"ral agt'nl'lt'" that over..,e1 1111• ha11k., Nrit th;1t the fHi\H•r.. on CJµitul 11111 really wanl to l'XJJ""' I ht· bunk.,· -.ha<lowy at·l1\ 1lll':-. T II t-: H t-: II AS ht: 1 • n .rn 11 l' c· • .-.uinal IL·g1'ol.ttri1 . llkt• 1h1• la11 gl 11/ll'cl old J.HIJ>llfl ">l , ltt•p Wright Palm Jn D-T1·x .... hn h,1 ... thumbt·d h1:-. n<,..,l. al th1..• liank-. Hut tht· hankL·r coulll alw.l\'-. turn to m.uiy uth1·1-. for '>lllal'l' · 1\ 111, I urh1ni.: numb\·r of h·ghlatm.., '.'>t:t:m In mak1..· 111hc:1r bu-.ines'o to "l'l' th.it lh1· Ii.ink., .1n· not <ll'Jll'I\ l'<l or l'm h,1 rr • .-. ... 1..·rl '('\\ t1 l'llll ... t'll•llt IOU" lt<IU"'' memllL·r'. lh·p-. fh·n1am10 Hu.,1•nth11I . D ;\ 't . and Fl·rnantl St \rl·rm;.i111 I> H I . an· nu\\ pu..,hmi.: bunking rt•form<; They ...., JUl 111 i.:1vt• thl· Gcn1:ral i\r 1·1111nt m g Ill f11·1· t hi· ''"°""l'r t•i .111<11t till' lt·•kral hanlo.1n..: .i l!l'fl I'll'' Thi., OVl•rchw rd<irni \\ 1,ulu cl1-. Earl Waters 11111r.tg1· lht· 1p11· ... t1on:ibl1· bunk l1•11tl111g 111at·l11·1"' .11111 111un1t•1pal hond dt•.111111-!' th.it h,1q· l>\.•(•n 11 )11111111;1lt•d Ill ll'l't'lll Wt01'k•; A 11 l't' \\hl·1•1l11g hankl·1 llkl• lfrrl I .1 111·1· \\'1111ld h ,t\I' ht'l'l1 l't'~.11'.Hllt'd 11111 lht• il'g1 ">IHllH' rm!>h liy Ht h 1·11thal ancl :-.1 < •t·rm<11n l:l l'O t'lltllllt'l'llti! ,., ...... ,, ,1111•1• 111 lh1· l1,1t·l-.11111111-. ol tl1t• llOU\t• The 1'1111·1 1Jh .... ln1t·t111r11~.t '' bt'.'iPl't' l.11'l1•tl Ht•p (;an~ Brown. H \111'11 .1rllt·ul.1l•· .1ntl .1sst·rU\t• "ho looi..., qu111· :ipprrmnull'h hl-.1• .1 li.J11i-.t•1 t'l llSl', Br11Y.11 l1Jhb1cd the ltuu .... · Hult•., <.:umm1ltt:c to pre \ l'llt thl' rt•furm lt·~1sl:.1llun from 1•1in1111g lll• lc.r <• \'rJlc F111ii11g 1 ti ..... ht• in~l·rll•<.I a m1~leadmg -.t Jll'ml'lll about the t.1111 10 the l' ,,,, g n· -.s w nu I H l't·ord J fr (j (1 0 l'tiUpll'<i ttu., \\Ith a privalt· lcttcr lt> l11s t•olh:;i~ucs. uri.:1ng lht:m to gut llll' hlll. Finally. h~ is offering .1 sL•ru·:. ol <'ripµlw~ umNH.l flh'llh Onl' aml·ndmt·nt tn hn111 111., l'losurt.:. tor 1·xamplc. would pri· \ t·nt govl'rnmcnt a uditor., from t'l' n·:d Ing to Congrt:s., t ht• ... pt·cifit•s !>Urrounchni.: a Lunn· 111-.t• !'il':.tndal. Congrt•!>s would han· lo 1·l'fy on the fodt•ral agt:n l'll'S for whatever infor mat1011 thl'Y might 'l-hoose to furn1~h ,\11011\l'r all)(:ndmcnt would lim11 I hl' .u1d1t01 s · acccs:-. to Federal H1•.,l·n·1· records.. 111 a !>latemcnt oµpostn~ thl· hJnking reform . Hrown soll:mnh w<irnl-d his Jlouse C()fleagues .. if thL· members analyLt: this bill lo.,cly, t h ey will find 11" :-hortcomings outweigh 1ts public hcndits." Th\• nwmhcrs Might find 1t 1111111· ,.nllghtcninK to analyze Urown., l'.tm1>a1gn contributions t'loM·h• J k tws 111.!Vl'r considered h1•• p~hlle tru!>l, us u mem ber of 1111· llouM· B~rnkin~ Committee. a ha r 111c·olh:l't111g lar'~c sums from llw twol.cr:-.. '1'111~ lli\NK t;llS' political ac- t 11111 l'Ommillec, BANKPAC. g;1ve him $2,500 in 1970, $2,500 in 19i2, $1 ,500 in 1971\ and $2.300 in 1 !>71; lie has also raked in in· d1v1dual contributions from ex- 1·4•11t1vt•s of the B<ink of America, AmL'l'lt:un National Bank. "alamuioo Hank, Detroit Ban k a11tl other banking 01>erators. Those who s top to consider that Brown hl•lpcd write the nation's h:mkm~ laws and in theory al lca-.t has un inll'rest in presen ing them might wonder 811(, r 5UR£ ~A ~M'..oH~WRIJNOOfOFGA.S IN .. 1 H()"El LJl'.'.J<ED lliE GLOVE COliPAA.T'MB-lT . ., Relationship with Mexico Is Special T hl' recent formahtist1on of ;.1 California office of the Southern Bo rder Stales Commission could result in a laq~e step toward., '>Olvan~ the current problems in volvin~ l\t(.•'tll'<lll l\J t1onah tn th1 ... country Th(! off1tt• t·.,tabh.,hcd by 1:x ecut1vc l•rdtor 11( (;ovcrnur .Jtorrv B rown, a-. · s1~ns Lt \rm· ernor Ml•rvvn 0 y m a 11 y '111 a 1lmin1 :-l1•1 the act1\ 1t1es Cif the llrft(•t• It calls upon him to d1rt!C't his attent ion to t he · '1101 qut• pro hl('m., fared by rommunitie~ alon~ thl· Mexican border BEFORt: the· problem., can he !>dllcd, h()wc\•er. there mu~t be a full unc1rr.,tan<lin~ of why they 4•xist Thi" 1s .,omt'lh1ni:i not <•fl Charles McCabe pari•nt tn tht:.: rrnhhl· J., II readl> of lhl• lan:l' number., of Mexican nJ tumalo; 1lll•i:ull} in th<' U.S and Lhr con. ... tant batllt• o f t he border patrol 111 h alt tht• unendin~ ...t ream 11( t·ven more> illegal 1m m1~r.1 nl:-from t h e n <it1on ·~ r1t•1ghbor to thl• south I 111lkl-anr1t·nt Chin<i , which h 11 ii t .1 w :i 11 l o k e c p o u I 1on·1grwr.. th1· L'n1tcd State~ b hountlt·d north und south by th ousand'> nf m !IC'S of open bor<ll'r, mJk1ng 1t 1mpos!:.ihll• to keep out tho.,<• who ente r by other th an thl· nrthodox border cross lnjo!!>. Pur!>uini.: a good neighbor 1>0hcy thi' country hus permitted th <· t'nlranc(• of c 1t1zen!. of <::i 11ada a11r1 M1.·-c1ro without 1w -;sport Tift: HASIC re11son for the pro- hlt>m~ \\h1ch arist• w1l h the Mex 1C'••n..., 1., ulmo ... t entirely one of 1•t·onom1c., Can adians. livmg 10 a country w h ich enJoys an P<'onomy t.•qual 10 the U11ited Stales, Prt'!>l'Ot no entry problem .ilthough undoublc.-dly there arc m any from Canada in thi\ coun· try illegally. Aul Mt·x1co. with 60 m illio n people, 1s a country whe re great numbers are Im· pove ris hed. Unabl e to get t•mployment at home its people have sought work here T he present reaction to this ll> lo u larl;c degree hypoc nlical. For there have been times when the Mexicans were welcome. In· dct•d . b o th indus t ry a nd u~r1eulture vigorously recruited labor from Mexico with the a s· :.1stance oflhe U.S. government. DURING l!M-1 the ra ilroad s. with the approval o(.t he Railroad Brotherhoods and the War Ma n- power Commission . had upwards or 80.000 workers im ported for trac k m aintenance Thal was just part of the workforce which r eached hundreds of thousands or Mexican nationals recruited dur. ing the war years in the bracero pro~rams. This government ap· proved program continued for m uny years and ... mployment or M l'x1can nationals in agriculture is s till permitted. Rtrr economic setbacks on the l a bor market whi c h h ave b rought a bout s u stained un· l'm ploy m ent have s erved to foster animosity to the Mexican ~ orker. This, even though sur· "l'~·s show that the Mexic an labor 1 ... ·n o t co mpe titiv e with Americans. the latter being un· w1llan1: to do the "stoop .. labor and other menial jobs which are eagerly accepted by the aliens. Underlying the problem is the historic fact that all of southwest U n 1 led S ta t cs, ip c I uding California, was once a part or Mexico. Because of that. persons ()( M ex1ran descent constitute the lar~cst ethnic s peaking minority m the U.S. So. the a lie n Mexican doesn't feel a stra nge r to thls land. Neithe r d oes he Jack friends. and ofte n relalives. am ong U.S. citizens who are will· ing to har bor him It's Hard to Live Up to the Image Carter Set f;v{·n bt•fon· ht· becam e our pccrl1..'!>s lc•acler. l cxpre~scd ~hi'! view n1> man 10 puhlt<' li fe could be such a miruclc• of rectitude. with such a s;iinthnl'ss of :mu!. a'> Jamel. Earl Carter lolc1 us he was . I n th al sw<·l~p1ng i,:c1a·ralizat1on . I inrluded <1 µnrt1cular ind1v1ctual for~r gov· t>rnor of Georgia named James E:irl Cart<•r Thi., i><'lf proclaimed paragaon told us he would never he lo us Ir c propo!>ed 1•t h 1ca l stan· <lards for his top associates th at could hardly tw ml'I hy an r-:a~lt· Scout J le' told us he w:is a b orn ·aga1n Christian un Iii we bc~an yelling lnwilrdly On rc wa.-. enough. He wus too ~ood to be Lrue t:VF.NTS were bound to catch up with him, and his lur1 tcrously self·influtionar y <'!a ims The v1rturJus man has no n<>ed t() get 011 th1• tutw nnd volunteer hi., \'1rlut•' 111 ... t ns !ht• strong man ha., no nl't..-1 to ht.• a bullv I ulwuy, found .J :i m<'s fo;arl'-. '11n !l!'r-.nn·u t 1nn of .1 fla1t<•ll:rnl v11.1iin a thin ont• Snmcho\\ thnur.h T ftn<I 11 ' h<tnl to for~1vc· Carter for beinJ: mt-re• clay 1'hal is because he 11rocla1meod himself damned ear· ly u god . and thul i!. not for hu mans ttJ do Thl· British t•nrncdian Peter Cook rcrcntly :-aid <i penetrati ng thing about tht• President For Ion~ I had bc<.•n wondering about th at odd visag<' that presented it:.ctr to me n1J,?h tfy on the 6 o'clock nC'ws The eyes that a lways looked unfocused on the tube, the voice that was a n un· natural as that of u German who had spenl u year al Oxford; a nd :tbovc all, the tota l unresponsive· ncss to his environme nt. <The Carter ~m1lr 1s not J response; it 1s thl• avoidance of a response. l Peter Cook said Carter was a Martian. Whut the President !.ol<1 the A m erle an people, a nd sold it with an cvanl!elical fervor. was trus t und confidcncl' We' were all to put our souls in his little safe. d t'posit vault, and everything would be okay. He was the Holy J0t• par excelle nce. He put himself on his own pedestal, as h<.• In vented his own nickname . All W\' had to do wus look up. t\NO TIIF.N cam e Bert Lance. nnd mt1mull' rcvclalions us to ~ow t he ~O()d ol' boys do wn c;1•orftla wuy usC'd other Pf'Oplc ·., mcinrv m ju!>t s hout nny way they d.1mnt'<l "cll plcuscd And got all· fired indignant if anybody ques· Lioned their rifilht to do thus and so. These Georgia ways are los· mg something io their transla· t1on lo Washington. T he loss ha., recently hemorrhaged. "lt's done damage, qu1le o bit of d a m age." said polll1ca l a nalyst Peter Ha rt of the Lance a ffair. He added: "Every Prest dent m akes a compact with the A m e rican people . Lyn don J ohnson's was not lo fight a war m Southeas t Asia Richa rd Nix on ·s was to restore law and or- der. Carter's was to bring efh ciency and integ rity tdl-govern· m ent." Ptateh A Harris poll, whe n the Lance case began to boil over in Augus t. s howed that only 33 percent of those su rveyed a pproved of Ca rter's ha ndling of the case, l'Ompared with 40 percent disap- p rovin g and 27 perc ent un decided T HERE JS no doubt that peo· • pie feel let down by the early fall of President Carter rrom the pedestal he built with his O\O'n ha nds, a nd scrambled up on his own knees. By his own rhetoric hi.! 3roused impossible expecta· Lions in an elttraordinary number of people. 7UJ o • • . To write the Dally Pilot/Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 A '1 Orange Coast Daily Pilot 1 J ... ore P-_, __ n __ ,_o __ n _______ Th·u·rsd-a.y .• Oc_IO·be·'·6···'·977 _________ .T·o·C·a·'·' ··h·e·D·a·'·'y·P·'·'o·t·fl·1·~·"·2·-43-2.1 ------- Nicholas Von Hoff man ·""-... • .. • . , Should Uncle Sam Be Used to Peddle Goods?~ WASHINGTON -The last few weeks have seen a huHabaloo over the inaccurate EPA gas mileage fi gures which, by law, must be slickered on every new c ar win dshie ld. The same fig ures, not by law but by manufacture r s ' desire , are featured In most television car commercials. It's a dreamy set up. Jf a utomobile m aker s lie in a t e l e vision poisoned lood on your l'Ustonll'r-.. I l also kills repeat busines-;. The m ajor meat packers lt'<l the indignation par ade demand mg government inspection of lwer in interstate commerce. Thi· bit puckers' business had been damaged by fly-by·nh-eht com· pt:'t1t1on selling bad meat in Europe. The situation had re- ached the point that a number or countries prohibited the importa- t ion of American meat BlIT HOW 1s lh<.' l'ommunwl'ul served by the l>c:partmcnt of Agriculturl' grudm~ fo<><.bturr~ .,. Why ~hould the U S. government be i::rading thl' cut or meat we get a t the Safeway or at the A&P! If Safeway thinks M>me of its beef 1-; pnmc, why can't they label it on thl'1r own ~a} Mf' ' Moreover U11s kind of service extend s to hund r eds 1f not thousands of products. lf you pick Up a Can Of olives and It Says Art Hoppe that the MZe of the edibles therein 1s colossal. that 1s a U.S. govern· ment gradmg term. Nor ,.., the trend toward back· ing away from !.uch uct1v1lle.s Thl· \\Ille industry 1s pressing for new, cxuctrng labelling regula lions, a law that provided by the l''rcn ch i.;ovcrnment for its vintners. The purpose, of course, is for a n advertising and merchandising effort that will k ick up the pr ices of certa111 v. ine:s which will now be special and expensive because Uncle Shill says they are All of this is to be done In the name of consumer ism. When it l'Oml'S to the cons um er 's health and ~a!cty wt: have no choice. Thus it's insan e t o permit dangerous microwave ovens to be sold nt the appliance store, but shoul d one or the manufacturer5 be allowed to use the government :.a!ety cerW1cation in its ad- .. vertising as it does? Government action beyond m inimal health and safe ty Uf. timat~ly injures consumers by misleading them , as in the EPA gas mileage case. and /or dam- pening their m otivation to l<>,Gk after themselves. By doing less the governrbent may do more. The policy sho~ld be, Uncle Samuel will try to keep you from being hung but ~ot stung. commerc ia l , they'll have the Fed e ra l Trade Com- m ission on them: but the knowing use of inaccurate information c ranked o ut by the govern- The packers w anted a federal inspectton system so that the United States government could guarantee the quality to foreign customers who prefer red their beefsteak without .salmonella THft FIGIIT in Congress over t he 1906 law w asn't a battlL· bl•tween the reform ist forces of (•onsumerism and the HeefTru~t. but over such questions as, "Why should the people pay for the packers· inspe<:tion instead of the packers paying for thei r own lfl· spcction," as Sen ator Alfred Beveridge asked a t the time. Thl" answer was because the packers had the votes to stick the tax- payers with the cost of providing them with an invaluable advertis· ingservice. H You Have to Be Sick It Pays to Be. Poor ment brings with it legal im- muruty. Using Uncle Sam as a shHI to sell merchandise is an ancient practice dating back to the tum of the century and before. The question first arose with govern· ment inspection of meat. In the poorer sort of high school history text, we are told that an aroused public, shocked at the sale ol rot- ten beef by the big meat packers for our soldiers in the Spanish- American War, rose up and de· manded reform and regulation. THE FACfS were different. While the taste of the stuff might have lef't something to be im- proved on, no big meat packers sold any rotten beef to the army. It was as true then as it is no_w thal nothing is such a bummer in the food business as palming ore The consequences of selling poisoned food are such we must have inspection even 1f t he manufacturers can cash in on it. Of course, what we don "t know 1s if the system actually keeps bad food off the market. We know it doesn't keep all of it off. V1de the recent c~es of sales of spoiled r oast beef. Nevertheless, who would cue to s top the inspection of food to test bow much of a di!· ferenceit would make? Dear President· I, Joe S\kspak, American. take pen an hand to bt!nd your ear. I t"s about these bums on welfare Uvmg the hfe of Reilly. Now Little Red Cyznewski. who 1s the radical on our block, is always shout 10g down at Pa dd y 's P l ace a bout how the poor in this country do n ·t ge t enough health care. Boy, did he shut up last week wh en . that study by.COngress showed that poor folks. on Medicaid get twice as many operations as rich folks wbocan 't afford them. • A case in point ls my friend, . Hanrahan. who is a professional welfare bum. JUST LAST month Hanrahan ~oes to sec kindly old Doc Chris- llan, who still treats a hundred or so poor folks a day in his Angel-0£ · Me rcy. U p ·Two-F lights ·to-Save- You-Mooey Medical Clinic even !hough he's already made <1 bundle. A real saint, the Doc is. "What's lhetrouble, Hanrahan. and speak quickly," sayd the Doc. "l bear this funny noise in m y s~macb after eating liver and onions," says Hanrahan. "I regret to inform you this re- quires a m a j o r ope r ation , Hanrahan. Wbat kind would you like?" ''You'rethe doc, Doc." "Goodthinldn~. Well, first we'll have to take out the m etatarsal valve and run it through the elec- tronic scanner to see if the.re's any slippage. But to get at it we're go. i&g to have to lift up the ipulmooary corostal If we can bend it enough, there won 'l be any problem. But it may be gone. And 1r 1t snaps, we'll have to send back to Schenectady for a new one.·· "Wait a minute, Doc, I think you installed one of those in me not more'n six months ago. I got t h e receip t rig ht h ere somewhere.'' "DON'T WORRY, Hanrahan. Once we get in there, we'll find something. But you wouldn't believe whalparts and laborco.sts tbesedays." "Who's worried, Doc? When it comes to operations. I want the \ erybestyougottooffer." "That's what I like about you welfare bums, Hanrahan," says the Doc. "Money means nothing to you." So there's Hanrahan, going off· to the nice clean hospital every couple of months lo live it up in the intensive care unit and get waited on hand and fool while he lies around watching tec-vee. ' And look at us working sWCs. The missus gets the same thing as Hanrahan only she worries we can "t afford the 20 perce.nt t.be operation would cost us. Soshe de- cides to talk to another doc, tOO. OnJy by the time it takes hertoiet an appointment, it don't bot6er her no more. Is that fa ir? BUT I'M not sore, Presidatt. Everytime I think of how that lucky bum Hanrahan. has got twice as m uch health care as mtt~I think about what you said wbeh the poor women complained tht!Y couldn't get abortions no mbre like rich women. "Life is unfair,•• you 6&1~. "Boy, were you right! · Truly Yours. JoeSikspak, AmeriCJn THE WELLS FARGO REWARD: No-Charge Checking, Highest Bank Interest Rate, When You Keep $2,000 in Savings. .. Personal effort built Wells Fargo.That's why we intrcxluced Personal Bankers to offer you the utmost in personal service. And now, a Personal Banker can deliver the biggest reward ever for people who are serious about saving money. Keep $2,000 in any Wells Fargo savings plan-passbook or certificate-and you get: A checking account-no monthly service charge, no minimum balance, afid all the pers_onalized checks you need. A safe deposit box, $8 size-or $8 credit towards a larger size box (availability may vary from office to office). Unlimited travelers checks -provided with no setvice charge. Up to 7Y2% interest-your savings earn 5°!0 in regular passbook accounts, even more in longer term certificate accounts-up to 7V2% when deposited for 6 years~ And a Personal Banker to help with all your banking needs. Someone who will stay in touch with your individual situation and help you get the biggest reward for your savings. *Federal law requires the for1r1ture of thfee months' interest and lhe recluct1on of the interest rate to that of regular passbook savings on any func:J<> withdrawn prior to maturity. SEE A PERSONAL BANKER TODAY . AND CLAIM YOUR REWARD. Costa Mesa Office: 450 East Sevcntc0nlh St., 9?627, Follnlaln Valley Office: 16025 ijrookhurst St .• 92708; Newport Beach Office: 660 Newport Center Dr,, 92660 • ... , 11 ' ' .. '\ ' w .... •ro tc. - A8 DAILY PILOT • Thursday, October 6. 1977 POLITICS /OBITUARIES Sumner's Leave May Mean State Race,.. By O.C. lllJSTINC.:~ Ol llW D•1ly 1'1101 Sl•ll Orange County Supe rior Court Judge Bru<.'c Sumner, who tclOk a summer-long h::1Vl' of ahsen<.'t' to cons1d t•r runn1n~ for the De mocratic nomination for al torney general, now has taken a leave without pay from the court lO begin working on his earn paign. However, lht.• Laguna Beach resident has slopped short of an n oun c 1ng hi s candidacy, although he dad say a formal declaration wall be m ade "earlv next wet:"k " · T he Judgt• ~aid cMhcr he must t:ikc into consideration his ab1hty to raise funds and s upporters in Northern as well as Southern California. Sumner , a former Hepublican. w<1s the Orange Coast 's asst•mblyman from 1956-1962 and served 10 years as ch airm an of' the California Constitutional Rev1s1on Com mission. •• * O N FRIDA Y, A s semblym an Dennis Mangers ( D-Huntington Reach > will ad dress thl' St.'al Bu~ch Leason• World Chapter of the Culaforn1a ,\-;sociation of Hc•tm.'d Tl'acher.., in Clubh11UM' No ~ ;1t I 15 p.m Also. 011 ON I:!, Manger:. .... Ill rncl'l with h1:-. CoslJ .Mc:.u cun1>t1 tucnb from 7 :Jo to!) p.m . in tht· ('ost.1 Mesa t1tv Council Cham lil'rs. 77 Fair Uri' e ••• MANGER S ANO lllS wife. Lind a. w 111 c: 1: I l· h r alt.' th l' 1 r h1rthday!S Oct 14 al thl' hom1• of f rank and Pam Barbaro. Joti5 Country Club Urive. Costa Ml'sa 'The. llu11t111gto11 Bea l·h l1>~1slator was horn 011 OC't IJ l!NO. H i:. w1fr was born rllnl' hours later. 011 <kt 11 Pl•oµlc mlcrcslcu 111 attemlmg may c·all 1':la1nt· llank1ns al K.lli·508l. Mangers also "1 ll he h<more<l at a Sl2.'H>er pcr ... on rundraistn~ 1lanncr N<w J 111 Costa Mc..,a Gov. Edmund<;. Brown Jr. 1s ex )l('C tc..'<l to altt•n<I * • • :\li\NGERS HAS PRE DICTED th ;it Brown wal I b<' rc-t'lected handily lh• g:n·1• Hrnwn high marks for hard \\-11rk .md saving t axpayer.., 11111111'\' n11 1\1.., HY.II hfc:.lYlt• hul 1·11t11·;1.t•d I ho· gov1·rnur .. : tho11·1· 111 111·11pfl' 111 lwael stall· ai.:cnc11·-. ,111tl ..,,,ul HroY.11 dcu·-.n 't dcl1•g.1t1· ;euthonl\ 111 lht· most c•ffet'll\ ,. \\ii~ .. ••• A POLITI CAL lt E FO R ~1 nwasurt.• ;1ul h11n•d hv M ang.:r-. ha-. ht•cn sagne<l 11\ Brown \B 1100 1s .11ni1•11 at cln..,mg a lo11phol1· in tlw P11lit1l·al Heforrn \1·1 of Hl71 I>) ft'<IUlrlOj.! !ht• Hkn 11r1l'at1011 of tho:-1· \l lw mal·.1· loam. tu p11lat 1cal camµu1gn!'I ••• T II E I R \' I :"'\ E · {' 0 ,\ S T Hl.'pubhtan Wllrnt·11 ·s Cl uh v. 111 nll'l'l at 11 a m Tul·sda' J\ talk un .. lnfluem·,• of thl.· 'i111untl·t•1 <; roup:-. <Ill the• Hl·publi(·an Par I) .. \llll bl'l-!lll ;.ii I p m Chris St t•el .• 1 ml'mlwr of tht• Orangl.' County Bt•puhlitan Ccn lral Comm1ltc>t•. will ... peak Thl' ml·C'ling wtll bt· held cit the l'lll\'t•rs1t~ !'ark Commu111t~ Fake Smog Certificates Send Man t~ OC Jail A man who admitted issuing forged or count l'rfc1tcd s t ate ~mog certificates for l'ars sold by a number of Orangt· County dealers ha!'I been :-.entenct.'Cl lo 90 <fl.I} !'I in Orange County Jail. a s mog mspcl·tor ThOM' firm-. fate civil penuJt1e:. or s:rno for l'J ch car 1mpropt·rly certifirtl. On1· firm. Dot Datsun of lluntini,:ton Bt·ach. recently puul u 520.700 l'l\'11 pl·nalty for tar'> apvro\'cd bv Chambt:r!> l't·11t1•1 I ll1•1•(•h 'I rct• Lant:', l 111,·,•r..,1\\ 1'.11lo.,11 vim• l11lorrn;;\1011 1-. ~1\'Jilahl,• frorn 1>11111111, c •. ,1111. ~-.:.1 :1v1 ~. • • • l .~ ('O~(;R ESSM,\' Huber l ll.1dh.11n I H :\t•v. porl Bccith 1. h.1-. 1mlit-.11t'<I h1-. dh.1ppron;1\ of a 1111nih•.'r uf adm1111:.trat1on p11h1•11•:-111 a llt•wsll'l lcr mailed to l'llllS(llUt'llh llatlhum :-.a~' lw docs not !>Up port :h,• l'anamJ Canal treat~ th" 111 homlll'r rann·llallon. a p111pw ... 11 tor puhlH· financing uf 111n~1 t· ...... 1tm<tl tamp:11~n..,, P rcs1 dent Cartl'r s l·11t•rl-(y tax Lall or \Olt•r n·g1-;lr:11rc111 al lht· polls. l.t•g1..,la t1r111 s pon ~ored by l!Jdl1.1m dllnnl! l!J77 al..,o is listed 111thc·11, • ..., sll'lll'r It 11wludt•., halh t11 oppO!'ll' thP hl.1nkl'I pardon of \'1l'tnam-er.1 tlr:aft l'\·:idt.•r:-.. prohll11t uniomza t 1011 nf thl' i\n11t•d Sl1rv1ce:., 1'11mi11alt• l h t• s:1.11011 t•arnings llm1tatw11 fur Sot·ial Scl'urity re· 1·1p1t•11b. t• ... tabli...,h a balanced hudgt•t proh1b11 food stamps for -.t nkt·r-.. <lereg11lall' n.itural ~us .ind repeal the Occupational ~alt'l) and Health Atl .... 'l'llE CALll-'ORNIA Federa 111111 of Tc;ichcrs ha:; opened an Orange County S<:n ice Center at I~~ Cypress A vc , Santa Ana. The Ameritan f'cdcrnl1on of Tt•achcrs b afflh ated w it h the t\ FL CIO Information 1s ava1la bit• ut ~7-o<JW. * * • T ilt: CO RONA Ot:L M ar Ht•pubhl'an J\:;sem bly will hold its annual m l'mbcrsh1p party, <ktobcrfest ... Ot·t 16 al the horrn: of Mr and Mrs John Sehm1ll Ill Cor ona Del Mar. bt•gin11ing ul G::JO p.m. Information is avail able from llcg S1lby at SJJ-0320 MIGHT SEEK OFFICE Judge Bruce Sumner Pipe line Vie w Offered A photographer who worked as a labon ·r on the Alaska n p1pl•llne will present a s hde·leclure callt:d "The Great T r<1ns-Alaska l'1pch11c" Oct. 14 at Orange Coast College. Hobert V. Siler of Carmel. who worked 12 hours a day, ~even da~~ a week on the pipeline. will s peak at 7:30 p.m . in OCC's Fine 1\rts llall 119. Adm1S)ilO n is ~l. /\dd1uona l information is available al SSG-5880. FINAL BALANCE CLEARANCE AUCTION SALE U.S. CUSTOMS ENTRY 1t77-202145 HANDMADE ORIENT AL CARPETS AND RUGS Shipment •CX503 ordered by phone ex London warehouse 5/6/77. 23 e•cess bales dmved Lo:o Angeles 7119/77 Excess relused by importer. We have been comll'llss1oned 10 auction the exce!.s 23 bales to avoid reshipping to London and realize cash ro cover various chargei. incurred en route. Auctioneer:. note We have examined the bales and lound lhe rugs to be of 11ne quality Jnd 1n e•cellent cond111on They vary en size from 3 lf2 to 18:1112 1n vanous makes and origins Th1i. 1:. .i great oppartun1ty to obtain hne rugs and should not be messed Superior Court Jud~e Mason Fen ton accepted the guilty plea fll<'d h) :\lcrhn Chamht•r•" 43. Wilm ington and ordert'tl him to serve three ve:.tr!'I probation artcr ha!'I rd ease from.Jail Enrollme nt G r ow8 2700 W. Coost Hwy. Cat Rl•eMi•I Newport leach AUCTION WILL TAKE PLACE SUMDA Y, OCT. 9 Enr oll m t:nl al Oran ).!1• Co;i'd CollC'gt::, Costa Mesa, has ancrca:-.ed b~· 4.5 pC'rcent over last yC'ar. according to t he admissions and r ecord!> ofhce Lots of free parking · CHAMBE RS WAS p rosec uted after 1l was learned by the dis trict at· tom ey's office that a n estim ated 500 cars sold by 20 county dealers had been improperly cer uf1ed as meeting the state 's sm og law~. From a 1976 tot al of 27.692, the num ber jump<·d to 28.92fi for tht' rar'>l sem c-:.tt.'r Mon: students arc l'Xpcctell to sign up tht: wet'k of :'\O\' 7 for nint• week cl:.is:-.e:.. bringing t·nrollmt•nt 111 more than 30,000. offrcliJIS estimalt· behind the stores The d istrict attorney's office ha~ taken civil action aga111st a number of the firms that employed Chambers a:-. . . - For the R ecord s..1a.1m CALOE~OINA -JW n V 21. -a.-. Ann. "· _,, of Hunt· ln9\0n8Ncl\ s..i. ". "11 lONGSHOAE-WINDES -C•'I Wtll•.m. l5. ~ K•t"9ritw hnnrue. II, _,,ot W~lml"'ltr O'NEAL·GEOllGE O•n1t1 EChflW•rG. , ... ot C0\1• Mt\•, •no o ..... n. L .... II, ot U• v~· ~.10, lt11 0 ARNALL NICIOLI Oou91 .. V•r'f'. J'rl •nd M.rl..,_. LUt•llt, .-. C>Oth of F-ount••n V•lte~ WHll(·YAMAMOTO -Tno"'"' N~•m.iin. 2J Mtd t...l'lht: Hft/~nf!. 11. t>olnotC0<ona _ _, lANG•U'lt.f WING -Jo>•Pn V"\ unt, Jo. ot P•tm »1"9'>. -Juonn L.,ll,Ol~9e<Kh s.,c. "· ltll HAAN°8 INK Jonn I. ts, •nO M .. IOn I • •S.Dolnol (O\t• ~ .. ' De aths Elsewhere SPRINGT OW'.'i. Pa . < i\ P I t' r e d F . f'i nk.Jehorre. 67. prod ucer o f the plays ''Th e H e iress" <1n d "Bi'g Ti me." co-author or the Broadway pla\' "Rrothcr Rat" and f1lmwnter of ··The Egg anrl I,· died T uesd ay. LOS ,\;\;GE i.ES (t\Pl --Mem orial ~c rv1ces wa ll be held S:.iturdo.i\ for Tay Garnett. 8.1. \'etcran frlm director and writer. who died of leukem ia. l.arnett's c rcd1h include many m ajor pictur es or the ·30:, and ·.ios. M£YEA VICTOR( M(YEU •9"11 ,,,..,.,,_ o• ''"W•~ U Otta Oc.lotwr " ..,,, UfllffllfO o .. .,,,,,,,,. M,,rur M 1·rh I Mt.lift ~1ft Mr Orto f-O\I c.t An~hf•m_ (., qr~uq"t~r, Mt\ Dooc11d ((l('li{>, o• Or •~oo . .-tor,0.1 •"'1 Mr~ ~.t TrUl •elf A"4n.-1m (.J '\t'\1t'f\ Mr LUt\d Uuft,.r't• .. ld .tn•J Mr' f. lortN" Mt"' 1vr botn If C.t.tm.ar +•to. C• ,._. r Mtyt·r wd'\born u"llt Toro,(., ano ._...-, d r unc.N r dll "'' '''' Mt:m0t-r ot UPO If Lta., :; IQ..t 5...m1,, lv\4, C.tt Memo.:-r ot tl\t. _, tJ,. • f,,f ~ ... An. c~ •nd • M.-mDet OI trw A""·r•<.tn lPQ•on JJO\f .: IJ1 ~t.t An..t Cd Me-m~,-"'' ~' ._.au# ' lvtr'H fJn (hurc f ot l • q u n ' ht ,, t" (." f ·' n1, t y ,, Qut '' oon,,,11vn\ to 1"1· H• d'I A'...ottAl1on S•r1vdl• Qra1lftl\H'll' \4*f\'tft''. Wiit bt• N"ltJ '"nOd'f' m<Jt1"Ul'\Q ------------rr ll<1A.. M Oclt>bt·r I 1-01 .. ,, f"1rhA1\'tn r r1u FAMILY CCX.ONIAL FUHHAL HOMf 7801 BolsJ Ave We~1m1n\tPr 893-3525 rACIFfC VllW MIMOllAL r.AU Cemetery Mortuary Chao el 3500 Pac1hc V1Pw Drive Newport Ca11lorn1.i &44-2700 McCOaMtCIC MOtTU.UllS J.aguna Bnach 494·941 5 Laguna Hill~ 768-0933 San Juan Cap1o;trano 495-1776 ULT'I·Hl~HOM fUMHAL HOMf Corona dol Mar 673-9450 Cosla Mesa 846 2424 l llL H OAOWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadw;iv Costa Mf''>a 642·9150 SMlTH TVTHILL LAMI COSTA Mis.A CH.A"L 427 E 17th St ' Mti"'"''''' f .1ri. l<tll<1wtd t>y J.tut>••< M• niort.11 ').•r\l'•Cf,..~ 10 bf> twld ttt ~t Pew•' l1Jf~rrtn <.nur<n IJ'fiQ Morn '""'"'°' [Jr . lMJut\d S-ttch, Ctt .. t J 00 PM w1tnP11\\(.lt tomW1ncJ\Of'OH1<••t '"9 ._,.-.nch m . ., Ody IMJr rf't.pP<h .,, W1nb•QI..,. Mot1~,-v 1l!I tiortn Cr•nd A•• Si..ntd An.\ Dt-\..,-ion th• t'C>\lr~ ot J ()' '-M dnfJ Ji ti") ... Iv' lt1ur)(J.,v 0t lo~r ti, l-fll Wtnbt91..,...-Morl"•''r 01rf"'t tor' US"ER O l bHA ANN U'lML~. r .. ,,~·nt of C:O\ld M,,. ..... '" ... ,. .. ~ dWtH' on °' tobf>r ~ l'fll ~ur'<11v.:-<i t>y ,_., P·'1t'nto. (tdfl)r\) h ~dll'l(ld lh~r fo-U11t rf1I "rv1(f' urf Or•n<J1nq "'' ':>nu1fl Tutn111 Lc1mb CO\t• ""'11!-... ~rtuotry ti~~ "EHDEllSON CHAHlt ~ "IONOEk'>ON '""'""I 01 C.~•· Mt•-... (• PA\'K"d "WdY ..,,, Oc totnr ~ I fl/ f unt rdt ...,.,,..,, .. , ,,,, ~nd1nta .1t ·~•1t\ Tulhtlt L•mlJ (U\\.t M~\.tMorf\Mf'f ~.tA88 BACON JOH~~ ANO RC W UACON, ,.,,.l~nt ol ldQUM Hill\. l.t l'tnv<I ctWd'I ori O<. tobfr.r !», 1'111 ~rv1v~d by h1!f w1ff Mdrlon RMon ot ltt• tw>me. a -.on Bu"rtlm Ot'C.Qlt ot M•mmolf'> l dkr~. Ca titncl • O.luO"'"'" 0Mbdrd 8•'ton ot LMJurt.tJ 6"a<:n c.. h.1~r.tf "t'r~•< .... ,,, •tnd 1nltrmf"f\I win blf" ~Id 1n M•mmotn L.t•r (.,. .m11n futh1U L~mb (o.,t• Mf'\..t '"' '""'"' Of IOCctf drra,.rnenh ~··-FAEEMAN [IAkltAHI\ N ~ R~lMAN, belovf(I w~ll o• c .. -01~ s f nl.fm•n, mothtr of ')ri1rl1·r A~ F rt't'mAn, \•Ster-of Oorr1t pr.,h\I ~lumot Ml{I f-rt'Ml'llk B•'i' N••I, .11\0 \UfV1\'f'O Oy nlnf' nit(~ .. dr"IO n• J>n•w~ SrrYtCf'\ WIU Op t'tif'ld on ,.. ,., oayOclOO.r I ·~11.110 JOA M ~IWH "'-If• 0 H.-.utu r-(P\urch .. Or•\I l•'*n C.•""°81~ f or Mt Y wn Mor'tuttry <ltr•ttnt'\ P UBLIC NOTIC E l'ICTITIOUS IUSINf.U NAME nAT~MEHT OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER! Our buyers made an outsta11d1ng 1pec1al purchase which onable1 us ro sell this beaultlul plu11'1 carpellng al $6.00 off lhe regular pr1co• Orie ol our best sellers an ex Ira heavy riylon plush slyle lhilt has been heat·sel lor added performance Vou re sure to lmd the u act color tor your decor in the wide choice ol seventeen bright lustre colors. REGULARLY $15.99 s q . yd. NYLON HI-LO I 00 ·• con11nuo1" 9 hi<1rnonl nylon n11t11n .1 $ 3 9 -.lurdy c11tr.1chw1 h• 10 pattern A11,111.lbll' .n popular IWCPCI COl1)!.. 50 VO CUT & LOOP STYLE Brandnewmut1• sa 9 coloratoC1ns arn I ondo<t 9 wilt\ lhn un1quA pallerned plt1c;h rm .in so YO exciting nl'.'w loo~ Ava1lablo 1n 6 m11•11 Ion!' r.0101s KITCHEN PAINTS A bcauli!ul rollo<"l1on e>I practical ririnr r.,11n••llno s4~Q of Scorchou.11rJ1111 nvlc1n p11e $(>leer from I pallarn!> and 1h11r'lo111 colorc, - CUT & LOOP SHAG One 01 our bP .. t ~"ll"''l S?,~.~ h•·le> shaq carpnh' Srurdy nylon r1i. · 1n 1 .,,..1cc11on or .,,~ ~r.ic,. Clyed mull1-colnrallon., AT 2:00 PM VIEW DAY OF AUCTIOH I PM AT HOLIDAY INN 25265 LA PAZ ROAD LAGUNA HILLS T-lllfs lZtJI ttMUJ c..i.0 a.c1i CATALOGUES AVAIL.AILE AT AUCTION LIMITED TIME ONLY! Shop and compare ... this Is the lowest pnce you will lil'ld on this. luxunous plush carpell TEXTURED LOOP Conslructed or durRbfe. s4@@ conllnuous l1lamenr riylon 1n 111ox1urad loop pallern Available 111 tan ll!Vld mulll·COIO(IJ!10ns I SAVE38°/o 50 YOS Al GlllAA PAICl $~!,RICI SAVE ds. • 639" '399" ds. 959•• 599•• 1199H 749" 1,599" 999" SAXONY PLUSH A new oxcillng plush style cnrpot ol 9 continuous lltamonl s5 9 nylon, Avallablo for 1mmed1•le lnslalla!iO" tn ao. YO 7 multHone colou MUL Tl· TONE PLUSH SOFT CUT & LOOP A very practical ca1pe1 lo• any room 1n rho Muso T1Qhlly lw1sted nylon plu'lh p1lo 1n lh1rtoen mulli· colorations s7.~~ OuPorit TOUCHABLE 8 9 nylon pilo In a soil silky $ 9 patterned pftJsh. Choose lrom sevon aublla ao. vo . tone-on-1000 colors. Costa Mesa • 646-4888 Santa Ana Chapel 518 N Broadway Th• lollowlnq l)(trton h 001n9 l>tltl n•n•\ V ... lCO SVST(MS 1110 Wot B•lb04. """"°" 8H<l'I CA .,WO ~tPYen 1'..,1 8•t•1h. JJI~ C1n SI. SANTA AMA WESTMINSTER PADDING AND r ROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION AVAILABLE . Carpet Town~ Sanla Ana • 547·4 t 31 '1HCI llOTHEIS SMITHS' MOI T\JAltY 627 Main St Huntenoton Beach 536-6539 .... c_,, Nt"'PO<l S.Mll,CA t16t0 lht\ ""'""'" ,,. <ondU<ted bV •n tn dtVtdU,tl ~1 ..... 011~11 lhl\ ''•tNnent WA\ f1lf'G V.ltf'I th• County C.IN• ol OrftnQO Covntv on Ot I 4. 1~11 "'*S PuohS-Or•nvo '°"'' D•llv Pllol Ocl t. IJ. I0.11 1'11 41/J ,, 2 9 I I So. lristot t Ml. Horii! of So. C-t ,._ • .t ~tr._ 556-8287 15338 hoch ll•d. IC-MertC ......... Mc,...... 893-7546 \\:tHHlAV', flit 1 • .Ar Till t.•<;UN0AV 1'' •ffHf ( f!,,l\TfC.,INVOUH•trl~l l.:.Mtr~C'tcw'l•.,n\11No EASY 1,RrCJ11 llfll'••" • 101;o ·10PAY NO 1NlfRf'\I ALC:TS • OAN•AMlR•~ ARO . MA~Tf" CtiA1~r.1 \()4SJ> J The largest Carpet chain in the w .. t \ I I, TRAVEL Nomdaatecl Sharon Percy Rockefeller, wife of the West Virginia gov- ernor, has been nominate d by Presi dent Carter as a director of the Corporation for Public Broad· casting. • Thuraday,Octobe,6, 1977 DAILY PILOT J\9 Train Service Speedup Due A Cal1forn1a Ul'µar lm e nl of Transportation pl an tu increase Amtrak service between San Diego and Sacramento C:Jnd the !-;an Francisco Bay An.•a should mokc tr om travel more con venienl for Orange County residents . Although the number of trains going through the county won't incrccise under the plan, county residents s hould be able to leave in the evening and arrive in Northern California hy the next morn- ing. explained CalTrans sµokesmetn Dick f'riedman. CURRENTLY, ('OUNTY residents who travel north by train leave in the morning and arrivt• in the evening on tht Coast Starlight, he explained. This train, Friedman added, has had to turn passengers away but CalTran~ ofhc1als hope lhc nl'w st·n 1ct-eliminates llus problem Thl; Cal'l'c,ns spokesman said the ex- tended service may cause some changes 111 tram sc·hc<lulcs hut otherwise will havL• ilttlt• t•ffcct 111 the county TUE COUNTY WILL continue to be served hy five round-trips each day, Friedman s1t1d. CalTrans and Amtr ak officials are ncgotiatmg the plun but the service is ex- pected to begin early next year. The plan has caused an indefinite de- lay beyond the planned Oct. 30 inaugural run of the Sacramentan between the ~talc capital and San Francisco. THE NEW TRAINS arc expected to serve tbis northern area as well as the central coast area, Santa Barbara, Ox- nard-Ventura, the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego. "This service improvement will pro- vide more cost-effective rail transporta· tion throughout the state, and encourage California's ever increasing use of rail for personal transportation," said CalTrans Pirector Adriana Gianturco. ( 64 2-4321 ) Direct or collect. to subscribe to YOUR hometown pa~~~ I •!1 I fl a I (1} I Robinson's Newport Fashion Island 644 -2 800 & Westminster Mall 898-4331. . ~ _ .. _ -------. -----""7---------------------.......................... 1111.11~/).fL .. ft ... .4 • • AJO DAILY PILOT Thursday, October 8, 1977 CAREERS /RELIGION Hy Bil Keant> For Senior Citizens • , ,.. .................... • 1111eatottu"""' ESTATE JEWELRY & "For cry in' out loud! The year 19 55 is in this HISTORY book!" $3,500 Raised Parishoners Show Talent WILTON MANORS. Fla. <AP> The Rev. John Stauffer put his money where his Bible was and instructed parishioners to go forth and make money to air condition the church. Thev went forth With a v1mety of raffles. sales · -and one poker game. They made SJ,500. RE·ENACTI NG THE NEW TESTt\MEST parable of the talent~. Mr. Stauffer took a Sl,000 }>ersonaJ loCin and ga"e SS to each parishi oner at the First Christian Church in this Fort Lauderdale · suburb. The church 1s raising m oney fo r a ( J SJ 1.000 air.conditioning RELIGION ~-.stem · "It" as <i tremendous ..__ ______ __.. -;uccc:-.s .. ·· said the 27- ' car·old m1n1stcr · The !'>tory in the parable was ihat all men :ire not equal itccording to tht:ir abililles," says Sl auffcor "What makes them equal is their effort to use their la.lents to the fullest. That is what we are doing now in the church.'· . The Bible tells how a nobleman gave a silver coin or talent to each of three sen•ants. Two Ser-van~ returned with more than they were given and were rewarded, but a third saved his and was ad· monished. IN THE R E· ENACTMENT. parishioner Gordon Price used his talent, and connections as a meat supplie~. to rame some steaks. ~ooling his SS with two other chur ch members, Pnce returned Sl 78 to lhe church. C. J . Salemo, a cabinetmaker, used his SS lo build bird feeders, which he sold to net $78 for the church. "lt was right up my alley," he said. TWO TEEN-AGED GIRLS turned their Jiving room into a restaurant and sold SlOateak dln· ners Rather than the parable of the talents, some church members received a reminder of the biblical admonition: "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away." . . Andre w Winkler. for eitample. lost his money tn a card game and scrambled to recover the funds in a giant garage s ale. Training Given In Life Saving Free training sessions in cardiopulmonary re- suscitation life.saving techniques are being offered at Tustin Community Hospital in a program backed by the Irvine Exchange Club. Classes, Crom 6:30 to 10 p.m., are being held Tuesdays through Dec. 13. CPR, a method that combines external heart massage and mouth·to-mouth resuscitation. can keep a heart a ttack victim alive until professional help arrives. Each 3 1-!z.hour session is limited to 24 students. Reservations may be made at University High School. 833·3644, extension 23. Students must be at least 15 yea.rs old. Practical Nursi-ng Eyed : fine Crystal, Porcelains, China, Bronzes, Rugs , Furniture, Silver, Oils, etc. By JOYC'E L. KENNEDY Dear Joyct•: Would It be Jmprac· tic al for a ht>althy, vigorous woman to consider lralnlnl( ai. a pracUcaJ nurse or nol"!lt''s aldt.> al lhe age of 60? l am f'mployed In lhf' publlsblng business but fttl chanCt'b for employment ln Arizona would h(• greater ln nursing as bWilnf'tjses an• reluctant to take on a ncwt•mploye 11t my age. J M • <.:o!->lu Mesa , Calif. Y m1 would nnt be the first person yuur agt• to twcomc a practical nurse <which n>quircs a one.year training program) or u nurse's aid <on·job traimn~ or short night school course >. The 1clca I'> not 1mpructical but you m.1y havt• lo be assertive. Ir you en· eounter ageis m in training programs or uutrnl employment. insi:.l lhat you be e,•aluatcd a~ an 10d1vidual if the situation i;tets hairy, take your case to a state nursing association. If you do find that hopping around a hospital all day 1s exhausllng, you could opt for home health or compa· nion assign ments, many of which are available through the numerous nurses· rcg1slncs in the Sun Belt. Dear Joyce: Do you know where I might obtain a list or colleges a.nd un· lversllles offering extension coursell? I have my BA but would be Interested in an extension course J could work oo at home. -J.M., Marietta. Ohio The "Guide to Independent Study Through Correspondence Instruc- tion" is available for S2 from the Na· uonal Univer sity Extension Associa- tion, Box 2123, Princeton. N.J . 08540 Dear Joyce: Js it possible to com· plete a four.ynr college program In 399- 6" HOUSE PLANTS LIGHT BULBS 137 3-0 RELIGIOUS PICTURES 999 PATCO PAINTING KIT 88 ( CAREERS ) less time? I realty would like to have this information. -A.M.T. Kansas City, Mo Short cuts 1n cl udo s ummer • sessions. thrce-ycur degree programs available at som1..· institutions, gett mg credit for what you know <write to CLEP, Box 2815, Princeton, N.J . 08540) and, for high schoolers, ad· vaoced placement <see your school counselor). Since this question treads on ex· ternal·degree ground, readers who would like a s mi.:lc Cree copy of .. Higher /Wider /Education : A Report on Open Learning" must cnclo~e a gummed, self.addressed ma1hng label with your request to me at this newspaper. This 32·page booklet, published by the Ford Foundation, surveys non· traditional college study. suet\ as con· tract learning, educational brokering, and a tv·based regional university. Finn Hru Mail Service Cut Off WASHJNGTON (AP>-The Postal Service has cut off service to R.P. 1~ Million Dollars Worth~ Don't miss thi~ important .sale! " Lots of di1modd ,., .. ,,..,ind do'""' Fine Ji":' men's ind tidies witches, rings, eaninp, ~~ bracelets, neckl1ees. etc., set with di•· Friday Night Oct. 7 -8 pm monds, emeralds, rubies, S1pphirt1. " Sever1I important large emertlds INSPKTIOH: 1'1d sapphires. ~ FRIDAY, Oct. 7th .. * • • •. • • * * * • • Noon-5 p.m., 7-3 p.m. Fine crystal, china sets, ~ Prop.,ty moved for con¥enlence European furniture, 01 ut• to: . bronzes, rugs. oils Newport Galleries and many other " . Ltd• items. Hundreds of 2542 WEST COAST HIGHWAY ~ Newport Seidt, C1liforni1 ' gold ~ Acrou th• 1tre.t from -of the finest weterfront ...... I rntaur1nt1 In Southtm C.lrfomt.. Chains §' Contect us for info on our Slturday and Sund1y night ults this week. FrH Admluio~ Public 1nd TEAMS: 8ankAmerlcard • MasttrCharve 0•1l~ri Per.onal ctlKlc • C1th • Some e.11ttnded tenna c:an be •ranged W•lcom• . q (714) 645·2200 CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED UNTIL 5 p.m. FRIDAY Art Levine • Aue11oneer · Sales of Merrillville, Ind .. in connec· ... -----========-=-===------~=~~~:;;""""1 tion withthelirm'ssaleofanenvelope·.,.. ~ .complete New York Stocks. stuffing program. - Under the action, postal money or· 1//11 .. ders will not be paid lo the firm and ~ • mail will be returned to the senders Un· ...., Delivered same day · I less the companr can show 1t is not con· l , "' , nected with the ~nvelope·stuffing plan. . RECTANGULAR TRAYS 599 Mtic n· Maleh w11h the new plashc dinnerware by lngrfd, Avallable In rust, white, yellow and brown. ...................... 4J..4f o .... ,..... ............ ..,r (not shown) • HANES T-SHIRTS & BRIEFS T-SHllT'S l PIL 4" V-HECIC T-SHIRTS Slt l Pit fresh to your doorstep MINI PARSONS TABLES 347 lnlrlcate geometTtc designs on tlbles of h1 I~ white plaatic. 18" ic 16". DAILY PILOT PUMP ACTION AIR POT 1297 llUEFS J Pit. 4" WOr.IN'S RACING SHORTS 294 Perfect for home & patio, picnic & camping, sporting events or ofllce. Keepe steemlng hot Of frosty cOfd for 24 hour .. 2 q1a. SCOTT PAPER TOWELS 54c 100 eq. ft. Avalleble in aaaorted cotora. 1Heavy PIP8f' for heavy work. TOILET TISSUE ' FAMILY GLADE BIBLE :~~SHENER . 997 2/$1 ~ Eaay to use. Works for weeks con- t In u o u a I y relreehlng the air and ellmlnatlng odora. &oL. · SHASTA SODA sac 12&6PIL Auortment of ftaVOtS In regular or diet. . ' ~ • I ' .. i ~ ; • 1 1 ! • SAILING Win~ Atlanta Mayor M aynard Jackson won -re- C'lect1on <lver a field of six can- d 1dall'S with a m aJority vote o n lh l• first ballot. lie is the first l>1ack ma yo 1" of Atlanta Thuraday. Oclober 6, 19n Sailor Recalls Sea Ordeal BUSTO"< I AP1 Enda O'Coinnan, an I n shmw1 who mon• than two months ago St'l sail sn a ruhlwr dinghy across the Atlantic Oc·t••1n. reculls tht.' freak wave that washc..'<.l ha" ''oya~c into near dis· aster "Tht•rc was a j.(alc with waves up to 30 feet high," says the 21-yeur·old student who saJk'<I frtltn Marblchc1td on July 17 with hopes of reaching I re land. "A FREAK WAVE suddenly fhpped me over .... "he said. "I had to hang on and hope for the best." ~ O'Colnnm's 17-foot inflatable craft. which was rigged with a sail and an emcrgt•ncy radio, was 400 m iles off the AP w,,..,....... Irish cousl when the seas crushed the Journey lie hud been at sea for more than two months and had traveled 2,500 m1ks from Ameril'a After dinging to his ('dJ)MZed run for four davs, thl• adventurer wa::. rescued a week ago by a Hnt1sb i,h1µ. "BY THE SECOND night after the 1l1nghy had capsized and I'd been in the water for many hours, l was weak and s uffering from exposure and hunger. l managed to sw1tl'h on the emergency radio beacon ... At this stugc, l didn't think l would survive." O'Coinnm. who told his story to an in· terv1ewer for tht' Boston Herald Am t:rican, survived his four days awash by eating rab1ns and drinking a :-.mall amount or fresh water he saved when he l'ap::.itt'd HE SAID A PASSING airliner JHCked up his radio signal. and a search localed h1s drifting 1:raft. After being pulled from the water, he was treated for exposure but was otherwise uninjured. Asked why he tried the dangerous sail, he responded : · "l suppose the real reason is simply that it had never been done. That's what made men cHmbML. Everest, isn't it?" Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou . In the DAil y Pl.OT AJ~ c~dtlt~ ~1tl~\tlts ma~~~ 111)\\I '•. \. ;...'"'l --J\:_(11'..., DAILY PILOT .----97th Anniversary Sale _ ___.. \. Accent chair in mart1n1 or russet velvet •. NOW $119 Accent chair in alabaster or rust velvet .. NOW $119 Atm chair tn martini or rus· set velvet NOW $119 Bench available in rust or gold velvet . . NOW $119 Tub chair available in rust I or leaf velvet •• NOW $119 ~ Duri ng Barker Bros. Storewide 97th Anniversary Sale you can save on your choice of these quality crafted accent chairs or take the special advantage of savings when you buy a pair for $219! Each chair is accented with cane and tailored with plush velvet seat. This is only one of the many outstanding furniture values you'll find at any of the 15 Barker Bros. Showplace Stores. Plan to shop today. These chairs are in stock ready for prompt delivery. ... Wing chair in gold or rus- set velvet ..... NOW $119 BARl<ER BROS. Use your Barket Bros. FLEXACCOUNT •.. t >r shopp rg con\'<'n1»r • Orlivory service ;111cl Sl't up ,,• no charr.•. • Crrn.,ull wilh our dccor;iting st;)lf .... smart Ideas at no ~nargc Huntington Beach • 7777 Ed inger Ave. • 892-4405 Santa Ana • 2522 N. 'Main St. • 547-7651 , I . I I ' ' \ 1 t • ,Al.2 OAIL V PILOT Thursday, October 6, 1977 Ward & Harrington FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY It sta_rs in prime time Use it on metal or wood. For lacquer~ acrylics: enamels. Ozone sate, no fluorocarbon s: Formulated to prevent rust. Dries to touch in 1 O minutes. Provides tough surfaces for top coatings. 13 oz. spray. ZYNOL YTE PRIMERS, Reg. 2.29 each 1.28.each .Right on the--. 09COl 810C' cefUng ~ olwoed ftolshed styrotoam. Ughtwelght. eeay to IMtaJ!. at a tr9Cllon of the COit of the ,.., thing. Dark brown 8*f\. S-x 6·. EMCO CE/UNG BEMIS. 6' Reg. 1 Q.88 8.88 e· Reg. 14.99 10Jl8 Alumlnum&a'lllmltlCI Unlimited U9H ofthle Wn l1bbed atumlnurn ••• great tor tanoM wtien ~ ,.qun ab9olute prtwloy. ldeel tor l8Y rooflnG tar~ worMhops; trike Ind bla-... TWIN RIB N..IJNINUll PANELS,, 2fl'x~. Reg.6.49 4.88 2~. Reg.8..49 5.88 ' Won't let it rain on your parade Galvanized gutter directs the rain down- pour away from your home, you r roof. your treasured plantings and land- scaping ••• easy to install ••• , and now's the time! 28 gauge, 1 O ft section. Model#4K. GALVANIZED GUTTERS, 'Reg. 3.29 I o leaky roof by patching any cracks ()( lh•n SPolS before lhe rainy season. This plasr1c root cement by Henry lers you be prepared, and avoid costlier repairs later. Easy to use on dry surface only. Model ;:204. Gallon, HENRY'S PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT. Reg.3 99 2.48 2.48 They make HU1Jtodo It yourself Build everything from a bHd hOUM to a wall de5k ro a wine rectl. E~t«l-uee plywood panefll are Douglas fir, e&nded on one sfde. A worto-savet aJllMway. HANDY PANELS. 2'x4'x v .. •• Reg.2.BO 1.88 2'x4'x~-. Reg.4.80 3.88 . 2' x 4' )( ,,. ..... Reg.6.00 · 4.88 Furring for a firm foundation Furring atrlpe are• neoesaary baee tor finishing materlala llke penenng and celling tlles. At this low~ you can a tao u1e them tor •taking your o•mn and~ Odd fobS. While woad 61rtps. 1x2x8'. FURRING STRIPS. Reo.58oeech 33ceech ard & Harrington a.... 0""9 . . ,uffMtoft Coet• MHa Ornge 7707 Oerdert Orov. Blvd. 301 So. State CoJleo• 1275 Brfatol 324 WHt Kat•ll• IS37.e571 orlt:H623 87G-0050 M&-1500 901-1224 Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 8 Open Mon. thru Fri. 9 to II Open Mon. thru Frt. 9 to 9 Open 9 to 6 every day • Sft.AScA8to4 S.t. I.Sun. SI to 6 Sat.·&.Sun. 9 to e · Sele de'-Oct. 7 thru Oct .. 9 . -· ) • I t ~ l -LOCAL/ECOLOGY ~ .Rftfra ~ Duane Emmingcr, 64, Fountain Valley's first director of building and safety, h as retired. ., ) Offshore I' Possible SACRAMENTO CA P > ; -Gov. Edmund Brown , Jr. says there was still a ' p ossibil ity that • California's first liq- 1 uefied natural gas I l terminal would be bullt 4 offshore, even though he • bas signed a law favor-i Ing an onshore site at , Point Conception. ' Brown said Wednes-; d ay potential new sup- t piles of natural gas piped " in from Mexico and I Canada could delay the need for a terminal to re-, ~elve i mported g a s :1lped in Crom AJaska lodooesia. I .. THAT'S ALWAYS been a possibility." he 1 said when as'ked at a I ( ECOWGY ) news confer enc e whether the term inal could be located off- shore. 'The bill, SB 1081 by Seo. Alfred Alquist <D-Saa Jose), sets restrac· tio ns on an LNG termi na l sate that • earmark remote Point I g Conception on the Santa ! Barbera County coast as the probable site for the r Jicllit..v. ~ ~ I : trrll.JTY OFnClALS say they can build such a terminal by the early 1980s to avoid a d is- astrous natural gas shortage in California. En\'ironmental groups have criticlted the pro- posed onshore site. BJWWN SAID he was sure the state would eventually gel an LNG terminal, but '"the ques- tion is when and where." If the new supplies of gas d e l ay t h e n eed . Brown s aid. the Public Ulilities Commission could "make a decision to not find it pracllcal and.{easible·· to build a terminal al any onshore sit.e. The legislatur e would the n -have to pass an.other bill authorizing an offshore terminal, he a aid. 1978 CARS I and TRUCKS • ALL MAKES! 833-0555 . MforOw um smw.m at HOWARD <Mvroltt C.0-OI OoYe 6lld Ouoll Sit NEWPORT BEACH ................. fGUU.OFUS Y -- ThurMSay, October 6, 1971 DAILY PILOT '4J.J 'Dangerous' Plan Nixed Capo Sclwol Nurses Lead Proposal's Rejection By ANNE COOPER Ol IM 0 4UY P•loi SC.Ill A staff proposed reorganization of :.c•hool nurs· ing stuff has been unanimously rc•Jccted by Capistrano l'nifaed School District trustees, afttir a protest by two nurses. Trusle<.•s voted to reject the staff's health service plan. v. ha<'h would have introduc•cd health aides in Cap1!-.trano ~chools . SCHOOL NURSE PATTI MIJARES, who sairl she represented sax ot the distri<'t·s eight nurses. culled the proposed plan "dangerous ." She said th<• nurst''> do require additional clerical help, but thl' proposed health aides would be •·neither fi sh nor fowl, neither clerks nor school nurses." The <'Ontroversy over the proposed health service plan would not have developed, if school nurses had been included in its development, she said. BARBARA MITCHELL. A FORMER. school nurse at San Clemente I lagh School who works an another school distract. s:ud the Capistrano district is denying school children vital health <'arc services. She srud school nur,cs provide special ~crvicc'), which cannot be duplicated by teachers. ad· ministrators or u1dc:.. Philip Grignon. assistant superintendent, de- fended the propost:d plan, which would have filled three \·acant nursmi.: positions with ft \'C health mdcs, rather than with school nurses. HE SAm THE PLAN WAS based on research into ex1stanl! health st'rv1ce plans in other school districts. The proposed Capistrano plan was similar to an Orange Unified plan, he said. "Orange Unified told us they had no problems with the plan except from nurses out in the com- munity. who say they should have more pro· fesslonals tha n they have, ~rignon said. Trustee Robert Bachelor of Laguna Niguel said be would like to see the district hare five nurses, rather than five health aides. "I AM OPPOSE D TO ANYTHING that will diminish health care we offer our children," said Bachelor. "Nurses are not any less important than teachers.·· First Aid Available WASHI NGTON (AP> -The Department of the Int.enor has a new pocket-:.ized reference guide for treating medical emergencies, from strains and s prains to shock, choking or heart attack. For a copy of "first Aid," send 80 cents to the Consumer Information Center, Dept. l20E, Pueblo. Colo., 81009. Truslee Jan Overton of Dana Point said the dis· t rict cannot afford ancr<'using the numbt!r of l'chool nurses. saying heullh aides would offer the d1stn<'t mon• for its money. Trustee Geor~e While of San Clemente said he wanted lo see distrtct nur!>es inv<ilved in whatever health service plan is adopted. "TllE NURSF.S ARE GOING TO be the ones to tell us how the system is working," he said. The board instructed the district staff to revise the plan, incorporaUng input from school nurses. Sorority Alwnnae To Meet The Laguna Beach Panhl'llcnic Association "ill hold its first evening mct•lm~ for women who work during the day Tuesday at 7:30. Panhcllenlc members --former members of national social sororities --will meet in the com- munity room o f the Laguna Federal Savings and Loan building on Ocean Avenue. For more information, call Mrs. William Bird, Jr. at 494·86S8 or Mrs. Elmer LaLane, 494·4585. Loan Bill SACRAMENTO (A P J A $2 million ap- propriation to ensure that loans will still be <tvailable to l ow-and middle-income college students has been sit:ned into law by Gov. Ed· mund Brown Jr. The bill i s AB 647 by A s- se mblyman J o hn Vasconcellos CD-San Jose>. ALLERGY? (714) 543-9624 Recorded Message HlERCY COHf ROl rotlHOATIOIC DIAMONDS • GEMSTONES Bu 1583, Of•t• Ca 92&68 Jewf"ts t:>y 1osepho; 15 se·Hch•n'l tor diamonds and gom'itones frorn pnvate 1nd•v1duats and ~tates. Careful eJC,1mm.'lt•on :lnd ev11lu<11•on by our f.ll(perts Highest price-; paid Calf S.S0-9066 10-9 d.11fy, Saturday To-6. Sund..iv c•os.-d Ask tor Detty Grace or Frank Vanderwall iewels by ioseph REALISTIC® 40 CH. MOBILE CB FULL POWER AND FEATURES! 'Writ• for FrH lftf~;°" South Coast Pti.za • 3333 Bristol c;o,111 M8'Ja • !>40-90&6 TAC-424 1s a real bargain at 23% off! Get aa the regular features plus .. LED" readout. extra large S/AF meter. noise blanker, ANL. RF gain and Race~t 1 C l eve l a nd Mayor Ralph J . Perk who ran an antiporno- g r a ph y cam - paign, has lost hts election bid for nomina tion for a f ou rth term in that of- fice. Call 642-5678. Put • t•)ll word•· to work tor ou. delta-tune. There's onty one place you can find it Reg. 169~. s RadlO Shack! 21-1sn Learn to play tennis from a pro Meet the man who has been called "the patron saint of modern tennis." His new book, How to Play Your Best Tennis All The Time, reveals his original "point~winning combinations," the method he used lo dominate first amateur and then pro tennis for years. I hs books shows how these and other combinations ca n be used by players at any level of skill. So read the book and watch your ten- nis improve. Illustrated, 12.95 Meet the author at the following May Co store : south coast plaza, Friday, Oct. 7. noon book depdrlm<'nl 68-copie'> avJilclblc· al may<.~) ""'1AVCO l e 'C CHARGE IT (MOST STORES) Reg.24995 REALISTIC AM/SSB MOBILE CB TRIPLES AVAILABLE CHANNELS! DELUXE BASE/MOBILE 11111' WITH DIGITAL Al.ARM CLDCX! Reaffstic T~G-455 has every wanted feature! ANL. noise blanker. AF gain, SWR and S/AF meters PLUS separate PA gain, delta·tune. ON THE AIR and MODULATION lights. Includes plug•ln miKe. mounting bracket, AC and DC power cables. A super 40 channel set for home or on the road. Come in today and get 20'%t Off! 2MM2 TAC·449 delivers 40 channels on AM plus 40 upper and 40 lowe r sidebands to avoid the crowds! Increases the effective range to provide tar more "talk power." RF gain. switchable noise limiter, "LED'' readout, SSB clari fier, lighted S/RF meter. PA with continuous CB monitor. Our best AM/SSB radt0 - NOW 20'"o Off! 21-1sez Reg.29915 CotoN4 Dfl MAI .. ,., ..... , ... ..., CO'T4MIU. , .......... ... ,, .......... ... ~•IM••un .. , ............... .............. ,,..., UH• .......... tu.,,.....-. HllMTMfOfl HACH 14 tAHOVCOW'ltl"'Y •:::1~_.~· l. LAMM.\ tl.4Qt ....... -~­Ue41H4 N1•11& IOlll_•_ .... NEW! IM·DASH CBI AM/FM mREo ARCHER" ANTENNAS AllD ACCESSORIES ' _A_J~4~o_A1~L_Y_P1~L_o1 ________ ~ ___ T_hu~r~sda~y~·~Oc~t~obe:..:..:....r6~.~1~9n_:_~----~----------------------------------------------------------------------------A--T_Y_O __ U_A __ S_E_R_V __ IC~~ _I - QUEENIE By Ph il lnterlondi ,"What they're looking for 1s someone bcto.H•en 20 and 25, ;with 30 to -10 years' experience " Pna tor r~u Saeap o• IM Wa11 DEAR PAT: My children and I purchased a beautiful wood Lasc rcraH dc~k set for mv hu~band 's birthday last April. We thought it had two pens, but later !11scovered that it had a pen and pencil. I wrote to the compa ny in New York. asking JC I could exchange the pencil for another pen. I was told to mail the pencil for replacement with a pen. I tl1d so on June 16. and insured the parcel as r equest- ed. Our July 14 letter of inquiry was never answered Whal do we do now? W.B .. Coron a del Mar A VS contacted Jonathon Bradley Pens. and Its m anager dttided thJs column's inquiry -"all the way from California" -was sutnclent tor Im· mediate shipment or the pen. Did•tn-.ettt C~tft11'• lob DEAR PAT: l am a 57-year-old widow of three years. I've lived in California since 1971 , but am very unhappy here and want to move b ack to Penn- sylvania where my husband and I were born and 'Taised. I would h ke to have my husband 's body dis· interred and shipped home to be reburied near his and my parents' gr<H'cs Whal procedure do I have to follow·> J.W., Huntington Beach The births and deaths registration office of the Orange County Health Department advises you that all arrange m ents s hould be bandied by ad· minist.rators at the cemetery where your late husband is buried. No court order L<> required beuuse the cemetery has flnal charge of the re- mains. The cocmty's only Involvement ls processing a S2 dJsposltlon of human remains form, wllich also is provided by the cemetery. fnlt• /flay B~ Taz Dft111et .... DEAR PAT : I'm busy m aking a number of handmade items for fall and holiday bazaars. Ar e these item:. tax deductible N N .. Costa Mesa IRS s ays yes. but you must have proof that these lten1s were donated to charity. Some bazaars l(ive receipts, but if they don't, write your own slate ment of what the gllt is and a reasonable es timate of Its market value. Be sure to Identify the charity involved. Thu ask the person In charge of the bazaar to sign y our dated statement. Co•parbo11 l'our Ttulc DEAR PAT : Can you tell me if there is any source for requesting comparative testing results for all top-of-the-line m odels or brand-name sewing macluncs" All brand~ hsl various features in their sales brochures, but I'd like to find out if these machines function as successfully as their ad· vertisements promise. H.P., Costa Mesa AYS couldn't find any sewing machine com· parison study results. Your best ~t. in addlUon to thoroughly s tudying the advertised reatures of various brands, would be to insist on a complete de· monstration or all machines you are considering. Then, ask to try out each machine yourselr and make your own Judg ment based on ease or opera- tion, features Included, guarantee and price. 111>e Daily Pilot also published an article on sewing m achines lo its June 5 edition.> I i~~.learu Ca• l•t Fade Aaea11 DEAR PAT. fs there any way lo fade regular indigo blue jeans al home'> I've noticed thC\l regula r cotton Jeans are less expensive than prewashcd Jeans that arc al read}" f3clcd. P. L., Fountain Valley Be sure the indigo blue jeans you wanl to fade are madf> or sturdy fabric because home fading can we~ken fabric up to 20 percent. Also buy all-colt.on je{l"\s in a larger sin than you usually wear. The bot water required to Cade them wlll cause shrinkage. The Good Housekeeping lnslltute Textiles laboratory recommends the following method. Fill washf>r with hot water; add detergent and I to 111 quarts of chlorine bluch; agitate to distribute blea ch evl'nly; add Jeans, let them soak for 30 minutes; run washer through lls cycl~. reset for at least two extra rinses to remove bleach smell. CHRISTIAN CONTROVERSY Witness Lee and the Local Churches-Truth or Heresy? 4 s-..ar TINs Frfdcry, October 7 7:30 p.m. 1155 W . lall Rd .. A1talt.lm A MIST FOR AU. CHRISTIANS! Our team tells you everything you want to know about your team In the DAILY PILOT On Newport Blvd. at 32nd St. Newport Beach Hlf>TRIP Hassan's Cafe Across frOm City Hall Hi-Fashioned Denim for Guys & Gals Authentic Lebanese Cuisine supply · repair · deal.in "atJur t~1voril<' color plloto French-Cut Jeans, Shirts To ps, Jackets Jumpsuits Our Specialty Sh1sh-Ka-Bob '~1 ~f I . I ""'~• <. «:U1 l.lCCOl11<.' " < :< lnvas Origina l Featuring Chemin de Fer. Snapl1nger Wings, Kennington Prime Tune, Marc-Phillipe Vegetarian Dishes Featuring Falafel Turkish Coffee Bakalva !:>~r111ng Beer & Wine loc1,_,. fftfflonlo •h Sloar-dtA•~ Trrtany Style Lamps Glass. Supplies Brass Lamp Bases We Caler Ooen 11 -11 I Cfmsn Mow Formincj ,,... ... k. 3 31 5 Newport llvd. 675-6847 3325 Newport llvd. 675-4668 3333 Hewport llvd. 675-5780 ,,. 3337 Newport llvcl. 673-8393 MEN'S DEPARTMENT JEANS ~\,., Movtn·On wh1tt or natural canvu ,e.tns Reg. $17 NOW 99'8 U\1 Mollln on Cotton Sateen Jtans Reg $18.50 NOW '9" u vi's ~OVln·<?n Bush Jun.s Reg. $16.50 NOW '8'8 and 'fr H 0 Ltt 8u"1 Pocket Jta.N, Khlk1 and Prewuh Denim Reg. $19 w $21 NOW 17" H 0 Ltt Bruah Cotton 3-Piet"e &11t IK1npon) Blai.er ~· $50.00 NOW '2411 Vest Reg. $18.00 NOW •S- Slack Reg. $22.00 NOW 11()11 JACKETS Pendltton Wool Plaid Out.tr Shuu IOrtnge El ~ion Onlyl Reg. $36.50-$39 NOW All 819" Famous British Jtan Maker Denim Quilt Down Jack· eta !Sent.a Ana Only) t:4l~• Reg. SSO NOW • ~· Down Vests Reg. $26 NOW •13" SHIRTS John Henry Shon Slttvt Wovtn Plaid Slmu Reg. $1 7.50-$19 NOW All tf)ll Young Mens F'arnouJ Malitr Long Slrevt Wovtn Fashion Sponshiru Reg. $13 NOW 15" Reg. $18-$20 NOW 13" to 1499 SWEATERS !>irns famous Maier Ski Swut.trs Reg. $22·$26.50 NOW 18-·•1499 JEANS & SLACKS L.A P 0. Ju.na Duplex Bruahtd Denim and Ga1.11t styles (not all styles 1n all lt«etl Reg. $20 NOW All 9' Pana.t.tla Polyesur Gahtrdint Slack Slack Reg. S17 NOW 110- C<rordinating Jacket Reg. $27 NOW •10- \' 1orroy JtaN 1n A.llort.td Styi.t (clo1u11 oul tnllf'9 stocltl Reg. $1 S-$23 NOW All lh Off 18"·111 • Tobtu Anafl• '11,tit White Twill J.Pieu Su.it Blazer ~· $45 NOW ~ VeSt Reg. Sl6 NOW t7• Slack Reg. $20 NOW 9' BOYS DEPARTMENT JACKETS u vi Bniahfcl Denim JacltetA t4>m Reg. $12 NOW·~- Stahl . Urben NFL football Jackets lM1a11on Only) Ref. $21 NOW 113119 SLACKS uvi Polynur1Gabtrd1nt Drw Slaclta Reg. Sl•·Sl8 NOW All •g.t SHIRTS Pendltton Wool Plaid Sh1rta (Orange Only> Reg. $23 NOW 1&9·111119 ~VI Long Slttvt Woven Plaid Shrru. Reg. $10.50-$13 NOW •499.lf)tt Ottan Pacific sis & l!s St.ripe C-Ollar & Placket Knit Sh11ta Reg. $12·Sl3 NOW AlJ '7• JEANS uvi Double Knee Jeana 1Juvtrule·and Huaky ttZH) (Miuion Only) Reg. $7.75-SlO NOW AlJ 13• JJVJ'• BNAh Denim Jeana Rea. $9·$11 NOW All 15"·'6" ORAnGE MISSIOn VIEJO CERRITOS · roq Jo. Tultin fiw. MQ MY 714. b~ · 17Ql ............ 1 2~2~2 mcnyre ARTEJIA ' 7\4·50b-bl00 ., .. , .... lOOOO Cridely JT .......... • I 21J·Q24·000J ............. ~ • ., .. , ... , t =1-i ..... a.a••• ... t JTOQE ~J. DAlY lO·Q JO. -JAT l0·700,1"4 lO·trOO FOOTWEil DEPARTMENT femoua •uvia Far Feet..· Motl Pa.tlttnl Rlduml Now Reduced To As Much As 99" At ~ut 2()% Sb1cc. for Women L1111ited Stylft A Quanutiel ~ced' All Stylee It Si.r:es not in all It.ors. Reg. $29 NOW '229' Reg. $31 NOW f241t ' WOME~ DEPARTMENT · DITrOS Reg. $18-$19 NOW '6" AllOfted 1tylel and fabna in fuhion panta and j9ana. Whiw and colors. ... Reg. $19-$25 NOW '6"·112" Al80fUd .men print and stripe T-shirta Reg. $6-$16 NOW '3"·18" ChOOllt from an wortment of fuhion tope Reg. $8-$14 NOW '499·'6# G~ar (CK fill -chooee from • grou p of r•uc:hol Reg. S20·$~6 NOW 112'8-•16" For echool or fun at gttat savinp. Overalla. &g. $24-$36 NOW 114•-'2:Jtt c~al fot sh or Juat cold w>elther. JersilJ awa-.. Reg. $23·$28 NOW •12"·•17• Chooee from 1 group of print and IOlid lhi111. " NOW from 13-·•5" ,.. Savings up to 60% Plus many more f antaatic eavinp on ( womens clothes. ... SflrtTfl ArtR J4JO Jo.DriJtOI kle 7l4·Q.57·0l00 -...... , TOllMCI PASIHM t J t I -~ j I ) LOCAL /BOOKS .. , Thursday. October 6, 19n DAILYPILOT AJ5 I.and Use Royal Artistry ·w··· MERCURY SAVINGS Mate r ial Available Quee1i's Drawings Aid Book Sales .. . . ,,,,,, '"''" ,, .,.,,..,,,,,,,,, . . Sllll't· a maJoril~ 11f th1• lll•rns ht'fon· llll' Or,1ng1· Count_\ I 'I an111ng ('om m1s:-.1011dt·al \.\tlh ltw.'Jlh Su11t·1·\ 1...,orwl l>t'>f fl('I. thl' Cap1.strarw Htt y /\n·a Ll'<igu1· of \Vornl'n Vot1·r ... dcl'1d1'<l Lo hrin).! lht• in formation lo llw an·.1 Tht· Y.Omt·n \'OlL·r ... Ira\ l' turnt.:d land U'>t' stud) mall-rial .... 111durl ing document... and ma11s fro111 Lh1· l'UUnl v, ti\ er lo tlw Da•1a :'\1gut•I 1.1b1 M\ for South Coa~t n·:,i dl'lth l 'Ol't-:.'\llACEN. l.>cnmark IA I'> .\ dl•lu·w cd1tton of J R H. Tolkien .., I rilo1~~ "Lord or the RIO~'> .. With JI 1u ... 1rat111ns by the (/uecn of Denm<irk. has ... oltl uut. tht' book's pubhi.hcr fl• JHlfb Thl' :11 H'<Jr-old queen. Margrethc .l\ll-.\<111dr111t· Thurhddur Jn~r1d , lld1m~' to the worldw1dl• followini:: of Tolk1l·n. tht• l<Jtc Oxford proft.·si.or wtio cn·<1ll·tl a l'Ult with tales of m('dit·val myths and legends. lie h ht·st known "The Hobbit." T II E <) U E E N , U S I N G t h l' p ... 1•ullonym lnJ.!ah1ld Grcithmcr. drt•w XO hlac:k and white illu~tratiom, for the I :.uo numbc:rctl copies of the :-.rJC<:1al 1•1lition that s <.•lls for Slti5, the Forum l'ublt:.hing I louse said. \ :-.pok<.'srnan insisted that the 1den- t 11' uf lhl• art 1st was leaked acc1dcn- 1.1ll~ but d11l not deny lhal the queen's hnl-.. to the book helped boost pre- 11ublic·ation ... ale.s. SOl 'R('t.:S SAJD TJIE 1.1ueen did the <Ira ;qn~s "Just for the fun of 1t " bt'fnn• <1sct•11d1n.: to th<: throne in 1972. Sht' m:ull•d tht:m privately lo Tolk.ien, -... 1th"' horn ..,he corrc">ponded until his 1lt-ath Ill 197:1, llwy said J\ Forum Publis hing House n•pn.•st•nta\l\'C' cam e across the draw 1111.:s 111 tht• arth1vcs of London's Foho Sot·tl•tv <Hid secured lht:m for the I 1 in 1 t l' ti l' cl 1 l 1 o n . a c o m p a n y spokt•sman st11d. The books are to go ,,,, s<1lc hen· Friday. BOLO ANO SIMPL.t:, the <iueen's 1lrawings "l'r<.' praised by pro· ftoss1onal illustrators. who said in Danish m•\\ ... papcr.s they were "sur· pns1ngl,,· wl'll composed ... Tht.• puhllshing house spokesman s aid lhc queen was paid "Just like any other illustrator:· but the fee was be- ing donalt.'<i to charity. He did not say how much the fee was. NOW OPEN SATURDAY 10 A .M .-4 P .M . . MON.-FRI. 9 A .M.-6 P .M . E ~ecu11ve O/l1cos 18 I ~ Ed1ngor Ave., Hun11ng1on Beach. CA 92647 ~•o Sout11orn Co11torn1.i Roy1on.il Ofl1cos: .; 140 Long Benet. Btvd . Long Bu.ich, CA 90807 £19!>!> Valley View St .. Buona Park. CA 90620 ~ 2071 !> S. Avalon Blvd .. Carson. CA 90746 l!:.r 1001 E lmpcn1l Hwy .. L.1 H;ibra, CA 90631 IQ•J~I 1095 Irvine Blvd , Tuslin, CA 92680 1•0.,s1.c; 235 N. C1trut1 Avo .. Wo~I Covina. CA 91793 l!1'11(• IMPOITEO rT Al.JAN 14" GOLD SStPEHTIM! UACB.ITS He Went 'Ape' S:\.'.'Jl>Y HOOSTIW~ o f Dan..i 1'01nt. who d1rl'Cl\.'d tht• h ·a g u<."-. land U:->l' :.tud\.. '.'laid South Coast rt: ... 1d<·nh \\ 1 I I n o \\ h .1 ' 1 • I h t • m<1ll'nals 1n lhl' ar<•,1, sa \'mg a liO mile· round lrrp to SantJ Ana lo ob· ta1n lht' information "Powers of the Mind' Sold Nationally Anywtaere From 14.95 to 19 95 Attendants at Belle Vue Zoo in Manchester. England, hold onto Jo-Jo the gorilla while transit cage is prepared for move to new homL'. For 10 thundering minutes. Jo.Jo fought against effects of a tranquilizing dc.arl before attendants could h4ndle hime. Belle Vue Zoo is closing soon . The matt.•ri:ils wh1c·h will bcl'omc thl· part of the• planning rcsoun·t.• file include cnv1ro11mcn lal impact reports on significant 5th Ois tric·t projects. the state's Coastal Plan a nd elc ments of lhc countv's College Seminar Set MOW WHILE THl SU'1'\. Y LASTS THU AH AT A LOW s99s Misdial Gets Terse Curse SEATTLE <AP) -Some SeatUe area children calling the public library's 24·hour, story-telling number have gotten a terse curse instead of a short verse. ApparenUy the youngsters have been misd1al· ing the library's number, reaching instead Hill Refriger ation Corp., which has a number similar to that of'· Dial-A-Story.'' "PLEASE T ELL EVERYBODY WE are sorry about swearing at the kids, but we just can't be reading Peter Cottontail to them , .. said the firm's man ager, Gordon Griggs. ''We have to get these kids off the lines to get our work done.·· The company's secretary thought she was get· ting an obscene call when she answered her phone and beard heavy breathing. IT PROBABLY HAPPF.NED, SHE said, when a child found h<· might have dialed the wrong numb<.>r But after a few m or e calls, and a httie pallcnce. · she found that they were trying to get the story line. rnai.Lcr plan - OTllF.R MATEIUALS a\'a1lablc at th(• hbrarv include the county's 197.7 proj:!n.•s.s report, the 1976 s p e l' 1 a I (' c n s u s Co r ()ran~c County, the southeast Orange County c-1rculal1on study, the Lantern Hay pro1cct l)\'cr thl' Dana Po1nl ~t arina and the scenic· highway clement for th(• county The library 1-; locall·d at 33841 Niguel Road Bids Ope ned SACHA M Ei'\TO I AP J The state hai. c;illcd for h1ds on a Sl5·mtlhnn fret'w;iy bypass <•f !\I an . tcc;i th<it ,,... Ill conner•t In· tcrstat(• 5 aocl ll1~hway '19 Thl• 1; !"1 mill• Ion~ lrt'C'Yo. .t\ \\ 111 t"' hullt about a mile :.oulh or Route llO "Powers of the Mind," a day.tong S<•minar on ESP, acupuncture and psychic healing Oct. 15 al Saddleback College. will be headlined by pioneer parapsychology researcher Dr. Thelma Moss or UCLA. Dr. Moss will lecture on her special- ly. Kirban photography. dunng the scmmar, which runs from 9 a.m. to 1.30 p.m . in room 103 of the new fine arts complex. KI RLJAN P HOTOGRAPH Y is a mC'thod of capturing on film the elec- trostatic emanations or "auras" of hvin~ things. The illustrated presentation by Or ~111 ... s, author of .. The Probability of th(• Impossible," will feature the so- l'alll'<i "phantom leaf" effect --th<.: ability of organic matter to maintain .1 <'<>mplctc aura even after bemg cul 111to pieces. St•ating for the pro~ram is lim1led and a $20 registration fee is required. • I 'I • ' ~· w' ) 1.o• I~ • t All c;..'0" Nt ~.,_.,, 'Yrtu< "'' ,\• COST& M n A 642-1753 l)i. H.,.,--1111..r MIS~IOH Vlf J0495-0401 2't'J1 «:.Mnfflle ~ .. 'U,._.M r~ ~ r:,._, at,.,,.,.., .._ .. .,.1 Ask these pharmacists wliv they recommend c ' ,,, "" flq1r1 " ( tpr:w ti ,. " • NaturSlim ••• ••• and use it / ts themselves! l'h '"""''' n ... ~mhh 11( Burs.:n ~ Drui: ';t<•rc 111 .;;, Charlt.·<,, Jllmoh ".1 Nawr-.lim "hd1c\ er' .1lrcr losmc I'{ r llllnd\ m JllM {\\l) W\'c:'ks. Aller hl·anni::-.omuch ::ibuu11hc Na1urSl1m pro).!ram lrom cu,tumrr' :1nd <.t:l'lllJ.! the cxcdlf'mt rl''lllt~ they \\l'rC h;l\~llj!, l),lfl dcc1Jcd Ill If\' JC hi111,c11 In 111\ 111.111\' \1•.11 '" .1 ph.i~m.111sr, f,·c 'l'l'n .111.! 11wd 111111wr.11h \\l'1i.:h1 1.,..,, J'I 111'. hut n .. n1 111\'1 " .. rl.•,J ·" wl'il f, •r 111l' ,1, .'\.11111'11111 \11oJ '-: 1t11r .... l11111' I• I\ 111111111\\11,,j :\11, r rl111·1• 1111•n 1h~. f'l.111 h.1' n11t ri c.111w1I .111\' "t dw 1,.,, J'fllllld' l'llh1 I, .h "' nll1•11 h.1pr1 n' 1d11 n .. ,, h1111nd111i.:" frrrm ,1,1n·.111 .. 11 1111·1 rl II' I k lllollflf,1111, "" \\1 •11:h1 hv 1.1~11 11.: :--ln1u1-.l11n, 11 .. · .l .11h . .1111! 1·.11111.! n111m.ill\ 11d11 r\I l'I I ),111 .. 1\ '· • 11 '' ·" '11 rrn,111i.:h c.1,,, 1c1,1'. l ,f,.!111h11, '" .1111·1i.I ·"'' \\l:1i:h·111' ''·"' c· "" .. 1. •r .f,, .mv '-f'l\.:1.11 l''<t.'rci~' \\ 1d1 1h. ,,1111r"l1m rr111.'.r.1m. 1h1 rt.' ·"' "'' 'h''''· drui.:' or loni: '"" ,,( 1. 0rl11.l,lt·11 t.~1.J,. 111 l.1u, n1u .1n· '11o 1111r.1~!1·,I i.1 l•:11 .1 111,rmal, 11, II h.1l.111n d .l111m·r l'\ erv d;w. I lw 111'\l 1111w '"11.m·111 rhl: ~1. l li,irJc, .1""'· ~'Pf' hv H11ri;:cr Dru~' At fmer stores everywhere. llcscrvalions can be m ade by calhng the college community services office at 581·6310. 91*1t11i.1 Are u...it.c1 So Ta*~ Acl•.t_,. "* tWa Vwy Sfec:'-' Offer OTHERS APPEARING ON the pro- i:ram arc Dr. Arthur Hastings of the lnslltutl' of Noctic Sciences in Menlo P ark. who will speak on ESP and Dr. Stanll'Y Krippncr, who will discuss psychic hcahng .. Come 1n and Browse See our large Selection of Fine Diamonds Jewelry. Watches & Timely Gift Items. Use our Free Layaway Plan -Ea$y Credit Terms -or we gladly accept BankAmericard. Visa. Mas1er Charge. Films on acupuncture and the psyctuc experiments of Uri Geller will precede an a fternoon forum by the three speakers. Women Approved . . SASKATOON, Canada CAP> - A joint commission of three Canadian Luther an denomina· tions planning unification has ap· proved a proposal allowing the ordination of the women in the projec-tfld new church Expert Watch & Jewelry Aepa1nng Custom Designing -Ear Piercing & Engraving On Prerrnses c,_, T-Wed•TIV• '"'"'"' '""' 846-2809 5915 w.,..... An. lAt s,n.gcw.1 l'-IMgt• ~ CA. Ouahry and Service 1s our mollo ENTER IDDAY! Herc's an opportunity for those 11'-ycars-old and under to display creative and artistic tale n ts u sing crayons, watercolors, or whatever th ey ch oose. Come into Wes tern Federal soon and pick up a free entry card. Color the pumpkin on the card. Wh en the "masterpiece,, is finished, bring it back to Western Federal. A ll en tries m ust be in our office no la ter than Saturday, October 29th. _.,. • CORONA DEL MAR ~ 2744 EnM Coa~t Hishway ( J blocks S. Clf MacArthur) 92625 •(714)644·7255 Mon.• Fri. 10 AM~ PM Saturdny IOAM·4PM . . ~ ' AJ 8 DAILY PILOT Dogpatch Days Thu~•y. October e. 1977 G oOd is better than ev11 oecause 1t:s nicer!! I.i'l Abner, the fictional 19., car-old 'okel. who along with his family :-.un 1\·ed ·s e\'Cn presidents and grew to bL·comc a n r\mencan institution. will d isappear from the co.mic strips next month when his creator Al CJpp retires at age 68. The Yokum famtlv. from left. arc Hone~l .\bt• with parents· Daisy :\Jae and Lt'l Abner. J\lammy and Pappy Yokum. and youn).!cst ~on . Tiny. holdmg pet pig Salomey. This Capp drawing is from the ChiC'<.1go Tribunc- ~ew York News Syndical<>. OC Marine Institute Costs Exceed Funds By \\1l.l.IA M SCHREIU ER OI the O•tly Ptlet St•tt l>1rectors of the fledgling Oraniw County Manne Institute want to o~n the ir Dana Point oceanographic center by the summer of 1979 but have leam('<i tt will cost more to build than planned. of tlw 9,200 sriuare foot first ph3!>l'. '' h1C't1 will include an admin1,tr:.i 1111n d a:-.'.'>rOOm building and parking ,.\nother $92.000 was added to the proJcct in the form of a $27,600 flu;,t. in~ dock, a $52,000 laboratory and 512.000 for an aquarium water !>y~tcm. 'Barg ains' Offered For Sale SKI AID REQVIRED SACRAMENTO IAPl There will be a law Jan. l against leav1n~ the scene of a s ki act1 dent when somcunc needs aid, under a 0111 signed by Gov. Edmund Drown Jr. The lull is by A~ ::.c•mblymun No rm a n Waters m -PlymouU1J Waters' office said the Sierra Ski Are as A-. sociation cited anstanccs 10 which skiers fled acci- denL'i. Motor Officer Spurns Elevator ELGIN, Ill. (J\P) -Policeman Milton Merrill and hJs bank were Involved 10 a title dispute over his motorcycle, so he dropped by to discuss the mat· lcr The First National Bank, however, wasn't too happy when he tried to drive the motorcycle up the ::.t<11rs to the loan office on the second noor. Merrill was charged with disorderly conduct and cnmmal damage to property, but he was ac· qu1ltt'tl by C1rcu1t Court Judge Richard Weiler, because there was no evidence ot permanent dumage to the walls and stairway. llANT IE 23.5 cu.~. REFRllERATOR· FREEZER Th <JO'>I 21 '> cu ft. No-f.o..1 Refnqe.otor-~ de"•f'< ow..J <e. clbM, and cold wo•et ...q,. tlwv th., door" Many o•.,.,, 180tu>M -"°"' n1 tna~ble \OV"'')" SAYE 5100 GE WASHER/ DRYER PAIR ( _.,.. ., . .,._ --.... 1 -.1'1' O'd 1 !P"' "' A'\ Hieo.. Cv1 l•., .. -' • "'"-'#1>1 • .. ,,.,1'""' ~'4)-fl•#lt 'l'I• JUST SAYE s44990 s30 E. Al Smith. an architect with William Blurock and Partners of Newport Beach, told the institute board thc '-first phase can be completed for about S750,000. BOTH LAMM AND Mark llowe. marine science pro~ram director for the county education office. con- tended that the dock wa!o a vital ele menl that was left out of the 101t1al planning. Tht• Soul h Cous t Cl)m mun1l ll"• .lt·v.1-.h Ct·ntcr 1:-holdinv .i rumma)(l' :-alt• <kt 1:1 · 11 across fr•>m L~1l:u11:.i Heach City llall. with 1tc:m~ run,r!tng from furniture to toys H'll1ng at low prices, sponsor!> s :.iy P roCl'l'Ch from the fund raising .'o;d1• s upport th1· thn.•t• month old or- ga.111;it1on. lo<.·att·cl at 211 Broadv. av : ·. ;. -. . ' r . . THAT's ABOUT 5150,900 more than the consortium of colleges and county government pledged to the proJect. Beca\ise ofJ.he apparent shortage of funds, the institute board has begun talking informally about seeking out· side rnooey. Nat Lamm. coordinator of environ· mental sciencies for the Orange Coun- ty Department of Education, s&Jd the directors may continue this dis· cussion when they meet again Nov.7. "IT ISN'T ON THE agenda but it has been coming up Informally at each meeting," said Lamm, who has ~n acting as a liaison officer for the various agencies involved m the pro1cct. Lamm speculated that the board could consider seeking help from foundations, government grants or even donations from individuals in· tcr~ted in creating an educational re- source along the coast. According lo Lamm, the $600,000 pledged by county government and the four community college districts involved would have been enough un· der the original plan, drafted in 1974 . SINCE THEN. HOWEVER, Lamm said inflation has boosted the costs and the scope of the project has been expanded. Architect Sm1lh told the directors that inflation added $65,000 to the cost New Hampshire ''This was most important to us because of our use of the Fury II (a re- search vessel) in our educational pro- grams," Lamm said. "It is incon- ceivable to have no dock at a facility Jike this." The m arine institute was formed during the summer under a joint powers pact between county govern· ment, the county education depart· ment and the four county community college districts. COUNTY SUPE RVISORS allocat· ed $400,000 In tidelands money to the project and each college district budgeted SSO.OOJ to make up the initial S600,000 "seed money." Ultimately, the Institute will cover a 3 8-acre sate at the north end of Dana Harbor at a cost of more than $4 million. Will Women Lose Status? CONCORD, N. H. CAP > ·-New Hampshire's Commission on the Status of Women, under fire for its conservative views, is threatened with elimina: lion from the state's oper ating budget. Stale Rep. Theodora Nardi, a· me mber of the legislative conference committee formulating a state budget, moved that the commission be "wiped out of the budget" bC'cause 1t did not represent the slate's women. Thc rummag1· -.ult• wall be hl'ld both days frc1m 9 a .m . to 9 p.m. ut 500 Forest Ave. For more 10lormat1on, call 497-2070. WE'RE #1 . TME LARGEST INDEPENDENT APPLIANCE & TV DEALER IN THE HARBOR AREA. c a '-rHEV RAVE AUENATED THE majority of the women in this state and they do not deserve to get state money," Mrs. Nardi said. The m otion passed on a ct to 3 vote, wiping out a $9.000 spending proPQ6al lo cover the next two years. The action and the rest or the operating bud~et must be approved by lhe Cull legislature this month. The Smoke Alarm by Water Pi~ is an ear1y-waming fire detection device to p rotect your family and your home. It warns you of developing fire even before you can smell smoke, giving your family precious extra seconds to escape. Battery operated. it uses read ily available 1.5 volt alkaline batteries. STORE HOURS: 9-9 DAILY 9-6 SATURDAY FOR DAVIS-BROWN'S AWARD-WINNING FACTORY AUTHORIZE> SERVICE. CA1l: 548-3437 ~ ~ SmoklAlarm ~ by Water Pi/( ~ Because. you've got a lot to lose. TRE WOMEN'S COMMISSION HAS been criticized in recent weeks for its refusal to act on a program to aid women beaten by husbands. The commissioners, appointed primarily by Gov. Meld.rim Thomson. also opposed the proposed Equal Rights Amendment. abortion, and day care, while supporting prayer in the schools and the lady bug 8s the state's insect. Crown True Value The commission r ecently published a pamphlet on rape prevention. which includes admonitions for more modest dress and s uggesL" thnt one cause of .rape is "greater freedom for women." More than you expect in a Hardware Store CORONA DEL MAR. 3107 E COAST lllGllWAY/lKILOMET ER SOUTH OF MacARTHUR (abo ut 6 blocks) 6 73-2800 • • • ... I .RELIGION /TAXES Cl~c ~ej...,~a~ed This 1955 Packard was found in decrepit It is a Packard Request, which has the shape by three automobile collectors. They classic, heavy grille. The owners aren't refurbished it to almost showroom condi· showing it at present but are expected to ti on and estimate it is work about $200.000. brim~ it out for public viewing soon. Prope~y Bill Taxing SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. E.dmund Brown Jr. says he will not call a special legislative session oo property tax relief un- til he has a "clear indication that it's possible to enact a bill. "Right now the major problem is the division," the governor said at a press conference Wed· nesday. "If you try the liberal ap- proach then the more con- servative legislators say no. "I F YOU TAKE a con- servative approach the liberals say no. It's a problem of finding a formula that people will accept. If there is not agreement on what the bill ought to be, it's a waste of' ' taxpayers' money." Brown said he asked his Department of Finance to at- tempt to draft a bill that could get the two-thirds legislative maJori· ty needed for passage. HE SAID THERE was also a possibility that the admlniatra· lion might try to draft a bill that would take ooly a simple majori· ty and put funding for t he measure in the 1978-79 state budget. Two versions of a property tax measure backed by Brown were rejected by the Senate during the last days of the 1977 legislative sessioo. .· BROWN SAID IT was possible that elimination of the business inventory tax, a provision in· eluded in earlier property tax bills, could be taken out or a future measure. "lf inventory will help I say add it ll it subtracts from it, I say take It out," he said, adding that be still would favor dropping inventory levies with another bill. Governor Move8 From Mansion ANNAPOLIS, Md. CAP> .Gov. Marvin Mandel moved out of the governor's mansion, but wouldn't say where he was going. Mandel and bis wife, Jeanne, have rented a house in nearby Glen Oban Estates, but It was not known whether they were going there after their move from the executive mansion Wednesday. Mandel faces sentencing Fri· day on mail fraud and racketeer· ing charges. ISDIE ETIERliY EnlilnE'ERED FDR :. mlLEA.GEa EPA EST. ETililnEERED FDR RIDE. Zephyr's Wide-Mount Strut Suspension was engineered for this new car design. Computer-selected coil springs. Vertical mounted shock absorbers. : 30"wv. i!O c1rv With 2.3 htre engine and manual transmis- sion. (Your actual mileage may vary depending on your car's condition. op- tional equipment, how an<1 where you drive. Wagon estimates lower.) EllERliY ETililnEERED FUR SPACE. ETili1nEIRID FDR TDUliHllESS. Passes the same durability tests as big Lincolns and Mercurys. Created with the help of computer stress-analysis. A car built tough. EnlitnEERED FDR PR£Cl51Dn STHRmG. ~ Eniineers can Improve g.1c; mileage by making cars smaller. But the Energy Engineered Zephyr provides good mile-Zephyr has the same type ot steering age ratings and inside room. as many high-performance cars. Rack- RATED mDRE 1nSIOE SPACE and·p1n1on steering for precise control. THAil A ROUS ROYCE. EnlilnEERED POWER PUUtTS. RATED mDRE TRunK SPACE Every precious gallon 'MX'ks hard Zephyr # THAil A VDLARi. has a 2.3 litre enRinc, 4-cylindcrs. over- Zephyr EPA rata.t 17 cu. ft. to Volar~·s hcrld camshaft, and two-stage carburetor • • 15 cu rt Also available. a 3.3 litre Six or a 5 o IU · · litre V-8. ....__1 UTED mDRE CARGO SPACE • 'THAil A VDLARi WAliDn. EnlilnEERED ROAD ~0 • ~ Zephyr 4-door Wagon Is EPA rated 4 mmnumo SEATinli. ~ovu :,:~"' cubic feet more cari O space than a Zephyr's new design offers excellent ~ Volare Wagon. v1s1b11tty, a commant11ng view of the " Qj) r SEE AU. THE EXmlnG 71r5. THE BDllCA15. nEUDY 5TYlED mDnARCHS.~ mtlliARS. ~ 111ARDU15. Al11J LUXURIOUS un~ lllARK VS MD VERSAILLES: JOHNSON AND SON LINCOLN-MERCURY, INC. 2626 HARBOR BLVD. . ·cos:rA MESA, CALIFORNIA DAIL y PflOT A J 1' Comedy of Errors Evangelist Concedes Oversight NEW YORK (AP> -Billy Graham says that ·•a sort of com· edy of errors" -including a postal mixup -was responsible for bis orguniz:ation's lack or compliance with a Minnesota law involving financial disclosure. He conceded Wednesday that there was •·an oversight on our part," but repeated earlier state- ments that the problem was be- ing cleared up. AUTHORmES IN Minnesota, headquarters of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Associa- tion, said last week that the group bad oot complied with a law requiring registration and annual reports ol annuity plans sold in the slate. Graham, appearing on the A BC-T .V "Good Morning America'' show. also said that religious organizations, which generally are not required by law to provide detailed infonnatioo to the Internal Revenue Service on bow they spend their money. will have to start giving public: accountinp of tbeir finances. .. I THINK WE'RE going to have to have complete financial d!sclosure." be said. "1 think the mood of the cou n try b as changed." He also said that becauseoftbe recent growth of evangelical movements "there are some charlatans coming along" and the public has the right to be pro- tected and warned. Graham said his organization started selling annuities about four years ago in several states. He said M1nnesota revised it.s law covering annuities in 1975. Authorities sent a letter to the law ft.rm that handles the as-to~iatioo'a affairs, Graha~ ~~. .but the letter went to an"old ad· dress; the law firm bad moved a year earlier. "IT WAS A SORT of comedy of, errors," Graham said. "It wu an oversight on our part aod yet it was a postal problem aa well ... " He aaJd the change in the law- "wu a llWe known thing. Our people should have been oo top of it, but~ywerep'L:' Bus Ads .'FacinK Sexism DETROIT CAP) Remember lbe airline ads with stewardesses pro.· claiming "I'm SO-and·SO. Fly Me"? Well, the Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority linked them and now bas one saying, "Take m e. I'm yours." Ads for buses serving Detroit suburbs will carry the slogan under a cartoon of a bus, the authority's board decided. But there's a difference: wbea the board considered one ad ot a female with 'half-dosed eyes and long lashes, board members de- m urred, concluding that the concept was ooe that could be critid%ed aa "sex· isl." Instead. ~ will be a face with no gender. Graham eaid the organisation vol untarlly stopped selling an· nuitl• "the moment we learned about the law," adding that ol- fic\al.a ol the evangelistic as- sociatioo are meeting with Min· nesota authorities this week to clear up the trouble. THE EVANGELJ.ST, WHOSE as.soclatioD raises between $20 million and $25 mllllon umually. also repeated earlier pledges to s tart providing a breakdown or the group's income and expert· ditures. He said the association .. will certainly meet" Better Business Bureau atanda.rda for financial disclosure by charities 0 by the eod of thla year." The bureau, oo ita "Give But Give W"11ely-list of charities, bas listed the Graham ~aniulion as failing to comply with &tan· darda oo dlsclosure. Tbe current BBB list includes 382 of the na- tion •a approximately 250,000 tax- exempt organizations. One hun- dred thirteen are listed as com· plying with BBB atanda.rds. G RAHAM R E P E ATED earlier statements that there was nothiog secret about the Wotld Evaogeliam and Christian Education Fund, a Graham- • affiliated group which la flD.aoc · ing a wwld evangellam center at Wheaton College in lllinoia. He sald information on the $23 mUlioo fund was oo file with the Internal Revenue Service. "You can goto Washington and find out t he whole thing,•• Graham said .. $1,000,000 SALE PATTERNED OUAHHY TILE USE ON WOOD SELF-STICK FLOOR TILE * HUGE IN·SlOCK SELECTION! * PERMANENT GWE NO·WAX FINISH! * BOLD QESIGNS * BRIGHT COLORS! • PLACE 'N PRESS•! • BRIGHT PATTERNS! •EASY CARE FINISH! 39s~ I-COAT INTERIOR LATEX WALL PAINT • COLORFAST AND WASHABlf l PRE-l'ASTED a WASllAllE WALLCOVERINO • 1000'S OF NTTERNS COl.OftSI SHAG CARPET SQUARES 69s~ FT. •DENSE NYLON PILE! • SUMS YION"T SHOWI • SELF·STICK BACUI • DRIES TO A FLAT FINISH! •SOAP WATfR CLEANUP! 99 • MANY COLORSl GAL • PRE-TRIM•D fOR ' EASY HA#ffJrNOt 7fs I ...... COSTA MESA 2221 Harbor Bl. IHe.-W...J ,.., 645-1 126 0 COLOa Tll( SUPOMAITS, I~ 1177 ~cnm:ni Westminster · Santa Ana I Dair t.a P.M. _v.. 15191 Beach 322 w. 17th ::':;, ::. . r.... 898-3388 547-7781 . S.... IM P.M. l!!l!!!1 PLINTY OP PlllE PAlllCINGt· . • r AJ8 DAIL V PILOT \.,_ • t .. ( . • . ) ,. ,, "'·' .l 1 • t 'I .... .. .. ' ' ,,, '" •I .. , t " ,, ,. ,,, II f . ' ' ,, . ·II . ( ' \ . t ... . .. . ( Thursday, October 6, 19n There's excitement in the air in Costa Mesa -A new branch of Barclays Bank is here. We're having our Grand Opening Celebration from September 30th through October 14th. and to mark the occasion we're making this extraordinary offer: FREE CHECKING FOR LIFE. Open a persona) check- ing account during our Grand Opening Celebration, a nd you'll become a Charter Customer. That means you'll have free check- ing for the rest of your life. No service charge, and no minimum balance required-ever. (Providing your account does not become overdrawn.) This special off er is good for a limited time-but at Barclays we have a list of other exceptional features available all the time. OUR HOURS ARE YOURS. Banker's hours at Barclays are 9:00 to 5:00 Monday through Thursday, a nd 9:00 to 6:00 on Fridays. NO TIME TO DROP IN? JUST DRIVE UP. Bank in the comfort of your own car-Use one of our three convenient drive-up wi ndows. Prizes, Gifts-and Refreshments! We'd like to meet you. Please stop by our Costa Mesa Office, say hello. and enjoy re- freshments dunng our Grand Opening Celebration. Who Says Money Doesn't Grow on Trees? While you're there fill out a coupon for our daily drawing-you could win an attractive- and spendable-"Money Tree'.' " , On display for your viewing pleasure are the exquisite replicas of the British Crown Jewels on loan from Forest Lawn Museum, where America's Largest Collection of Statuary and Stained Glass may be seen. Barclays tradition. Barclays is one of the world's oldest and largest banks. We have a worldwide network of more than 5 , 700 branches in over 70 countries, which can be a big help to custom- ers with international interest. We've been serving people for more than three centuries, and look forward to serving you. 101GEast17th ~treet Glntersection oft?th and ~periorGA.venue (9osta GMesa (714) 631-tSll . , I BJ • ......... 1N•s•1o•E•: .. ·c.o•m•ic•s ... ·T.e•1e•v•;s••o.n ........................................... ~ ... l!OrtS •Movies •Entertainment Thursday October 6 t977 DAILY PILOT AP Ptloto HOME RUN BAKER Dusty Ilakt•r 1~ sur rou nded by jubtl:mt D0<lger:-. teammates after smaeking a g rand slam hc>m l' run tu put L\ ~tlop for good Wednesd ay ni~ht o \ t• r l he Ph ii ad l' Ip h 1 a P hi I Ii e :-. . Th l' Phallws· Hob Boone stands b~· helplt·~slv . Win Changes Outlook It Was a Good Game Because Dodgers Won LOS ANGELES Wcdnc:.day n 1g ht 's Dodger .!>-4Ph ii adel ph1a National League championship series ba:.eball ,l!am e m<.idc 1t possible for ml' to learn the a ns wer to a quel>llon I ha\'e Ion~ pondered: What makes a ba.,eball game a good ba..,eball ~amt"' The answer turm·d out t<• he~" Ob\'IOUS that IS it IS embarra~ .... ingly simple First, let m e fill you m on some back~round. l was yawnmg, bat· lling to keep both eyes open at the same time during the late in· nings ofthe Dodgers' 7-t romp. It seemed quite a horc So I a~ked a gue~I , Bernie Schulman. what he thought of the ~ame since he 1s < 11 a die-hard baseball lover 12> a Uocl~crs fan stem ming back to the team ·s days in Brooklyn. "It's a S!ood game." he said. without hes itation "What makes it good? ... I asked. "It's a 7 l la ndslide.·· "The DodRers are winning That 's why it 1-. ~ood ," he n•pUed, And so now I know what m akes a game good or bad. It all hJs to do with who wins and who loses. A close g ame 1s bad if the wrong team wins. Simple, e h what'' Smee the series now stands at one win apiece that's one for the Dodgers a nd one for Bill Russell speculatton a nd sus pen"l' hang" o ver the upcoming g .1 me:-. in P h1ladl•lph1a . when· th1.· Ph1b loM• about a~ orten a" ~ uu see Hale} ·s Comet During rt'l!Ul;.ir s ca'>un :Jt'lt<IO th1' Ph1h "t•rc 60-21 <it their hom" park. Vct1.·rans Stadium Tht•y won four nf "1" th1·n.• al!a1no.,I th1· lln<lgl•r,, So 1f lht'\ l',.HI m:.11nt a111 Gt.f '4'< W"lf(' WHlTE WASH that J)('n·enla~e. lh<:y will win th1: present '>Crte!-., 3 2 Howc\'er. I b<:lievc that thev will do well to win one of the poss ible thr et.• ga m es in Philadelphia. m ostly becau.,e the Dodgers can come back with a wt·ll-restcd Burt Hooton. a rei;ted and more relaxed Tommy John a nd a tough Do n Sutton in pitching rotation. ff t hose sta rters can stay in the re and the Dodgers don't have tu r esort to the ir unsteady bullpen, the Phils arc in trouble. Hecalling Wednesday night's ~ame. I felt sorry for two people · Bake McBride of the Phillies and Boh Conway of Costa Mesa, via London. Second Game Tonight Uncertain Club? Not the Royals NEW YORK I J\ l'> The Kansas C1ly Royals. lhose Mis soun riverboat gamhle rs. arc· playmA a confidence gam <' thal they think will ma kC' them th1· first American League' C'xpans1on team to float into lht• World Series. The Royals. rollinR an un believable Slrtn_g or winnt•rs SJOCC m id -June. continued th<: run On Tl' Tonight Channel .:I at 5 \\" could score off Gullett The nrlrenalln was fl owing and our t·onf1dcncc was flowing." The co .. fici<'ncc has been build· tnl! for the Roya ls since June 17. \\hen they began an amazing .,treak of 68 victories in 92 gam es. a winning <'hp of 786 Along the way. they had stretches of 2l•vic tori es in22games and 32 in 36 Last yrar, the Royals were an uncertain cluh when th1•y mc·t the Yankees in Octohcr and lost the J\L playoff~ in fi ve games They had lcr.\t seven of their last eight n•gular Sl·ason games a nd 22 of lhl•1rlast :l5 ~ld!r1<l1.• t·rn .... hl•c.J tnl'> l hl· out f11 •l rl \\all 111 thl' w \'C·nth inning "hilt· 'hagg1ni.: ,1 Hl•gg1l' Smtih hall that "t•nt for :1 ln 11ll' Sumi· )!II\ q111ppl'.I , I lhoughl lhl' ll•nt•· "·'"' "UJIPO:-t•d lo gt\4' \\ht·n ll , ... ht l .. 1\nullwr gu' rl''>pr1ntll-<l · II dth'"· 1f 11 '"' h1l II\ .1 freight tr .1111 · · Co11\!. ,1\ o.,1·1·111~ hi., fir,1 11••"1 'l'"""" :.:.im1· .tft"r twin:.: 111 ;\m t'nC'a lor 2U·plU\) l'ar ..... hJd to )!O on a fnrrefl m.irr h llkl· h1k1· from t 'h1natn" 11 to h1<; stadium ~1·at Then. of all thing-., he wa'> o.,\andmg 111 line tor o.1 hot rlog v. hen Ou..,t v Bakt·r htt the fourth 111 ning grand .. ra m th;it wrapped 1t up for lhl' 011<li.:t•r' Conwa~ took 1t phtlo..,oph1C'all.'. 'aymg he"<I sec the re r un on thl' 11 o'clock nt:":. Drealll Collles . True For Dodgers' Baker LOS ANC.E LF.S The Los \ 11 g t' I l' s D " d g e r s 11 n cl l'h1ladclph1:i Phlll1eo.; are tied at c111t• g.1m1· t·.ich m the National I .1•agu1· l'lwmp111nsh1p series ti>· clay ht•causl' of a pit ch that wa') dest'n bt'd a~ three feet too hi gh, :.i foot :.mcl a half too fa r inside and hit :J90 feet too far T hl' picturc::.que description \\as mude by losing pitcher Jim l.onborJ.(, who threw the pitch to the Dodgers' Dusty Haker with the bases loaded m the fourth in 111ng and the score tied 1-1. Baker hit a grand slam home On TV Friday Channel• 4 .. 11 at Noon run to put Los Angeles ahead 5-l. a ll'ad rig ht hander Don Sutton vrotectcd anll the Dodgers went on to a 7-1 victory thal squared thl· bc:.t-of·h \'C series at a game apiece Su the s e ri e s s hifts t o Philadelphia, whe re Burt Hooton anti his knuckle l'Urve will go for Los Ang el es agains t power vitching Larry Christenson for the Phillies Friday afternoon. The second game simply nar- rowed down to that fourth inning after Bill Russell and Reggie Smith had singled And Ron Cey ~acri f iced . The n Phillie :. mana~er Danny Ozark took <1 s low walk out to talk to Looborg. "I had made up my mind to in llnlionally walk Steve Garvey, " Ozark :.aid later. "I just wanted lo talk about how we would pitch to Baker." Ozark said he rC'minded Lon- bor g tcJ keep the hall down. so the 111f1t•l<I could get a ground ball :111d h:.iil out of the one-out jam. "II was i.ound logic ... said the • rt>s lfallC'n Lonborg. who threw a "lclt•arm c·ur"c on :.i l ~ count to H.1k1•r that the Dodgers s lugger h,1mrn1·rl'd 111to th(• left h eld -.1·.1b lhc sCl'Ond grand slam 1n 1"11 i.:.1m1·~ for Lo-. J\ngclcs ll;inny d1cln ·1 know I \\:.I!-. go 111&.: to hant.! o.1 \'Urn• hall. • s aid l.1111l111r i.: · · 1 lrnl'"' when the pitch \\ ,,.., 111 to l!i frl'l toward thf' plat<• th.11 I had mad(' a m1s takC' ' l!;ik1·r s:.ucl ht• wa~n·t insulted \!. hl'n the Ph11l11:.., elected to walk t he clutch h1ttin~ Gar vey to get to t lu• former Atlanta Rrave who hit :w homers during the regul ar "''a son. on{' or four Dodgers lo tin that ··I knew it was a goo<l percen t ,1J.!r play." Baker s:rnJ. "I jus t tried to rem ain c alm, not to get too c'<c·1ted I wasn't trying to hit the ball out of the stadium. I just wa nll.>d to hit it hard and not into a double play.·' Ozark a11d Lonborg knew that Haker was 0-for 7 against Lon horg Uus yt•ar , mC'l uding a fly out 1n the second mnmg. "If llaker didn't hit that pitch fo r a home run he'll never hit one again,"' said Ozark. "I don't quarrel with the choice of pitch. just the choice of deli very.·· Baker, of course, was elated ufter the game. ··Wh en I was a kid playing in the backyard in Riverside, I used to pretend I was the her o in a big l!ame." said the Dodgers' left fieldcr . "I guess all kids play pre- tend games like that. But 1 never dreamed it would come true." Af~r Baker ·s big hit. the Dodgers turned the job over to Sutton, the right-hander who nos ted a 14 ·8 r ecord in Los Angeles· drive to the Wes t 01v1s1on championship. * * * The Dodgers scor ed a run oft Recd in the s ixth on Ron Cey's single. a ~tolen base and Steve Ye ager's single. rn the seventh. Heggie Smith tripled across Bill Husscll, who had s ing led. PIOL.A LOSAHGtfLl!S ......... Mr II IN M~BOe,tl • I 2 I Lo~s.11> • 0 1 1 Sowa.•• 4 0 I 0 Ruucll,u • 2 1 0 !><nmdl,.11> 4 0 00 Smltn,rl • 1 1 1 LUll\1>1,rt 4 0 I 0 Gey.lb 3 1 I 0 He-r.1D •02 0 G.tr•t r, 10 3 1 0 0 J l1>!rw,rl • 0 1 0 BO•r,11 4 l I .l 8...,.,.,, 4 0 I 0 Mof><Uy,CI 3 I I 0 Sumr•.lb 4 0 I 0 Burke.cl 0 0 00 L.Onbro,P 1 0 0 0 Ve4~r.c l 0 1 1 HulliC'1,pn 1 U 0 0 !></ICGn,P .l 0 0 0 lllH<S,p 0 00 1 8 rown.lltl I 0 0 0 lirs~t.,,p 0 000 Total n I 9 I Tot•I l t 1 • t Phllaci.IPflC• 11()1 000 000 I LOl>Angllll.'> UOI 4()1 10• I E -!Mrt..,._e L~. OP -l.os AngelH I. LOil P"'l-lpl\le 7, Lo<. •nv-1es l. 18 -LUZll\'''"· Mono•y. JB-!imllh. HR Mc8rl0. I, U.U.-1 ~lj cev.s-c.,. IP H tt &II •B SO l o<tl>Org tl ,0-I) • ~ 5 j 1 1 Relld 1 I I I I I 1Druue..r 1 I ' I 0 . Sullon tW,1.01 " • I I 0 • T-1 U.A-·SS,'lll. * * * Series Shi/ts Lasorda, Ozark Are Confident By HOWARD L. HANDY Ol IM OlllY Piiot Staff LOS ANGELES-Dusty Baker hit the second grand slam homer in as many nights for the Los J\ nl{elcs Dodgers who evened their National League playoff .,c ries with the Philadelphia Phillies at one ga me apiec e Wednesday nig ht with a 7-1 vie· t ory before 55,973 at Dodger Stadium. "I said before the series began tha t the third game was a pivotal o nl' an i mporta n t game.·· Dodgers manage r T om Lasorda s aid Why"' ··Because a team with two wins t·•m kill you with that third win. If ) ou lose two you h ave to ke(!p alive. And a split reduces the series to a three-game affaJr." Can the Dodgers win two of three in Philadelphia" "I h ave to be optimistic and f ee l we can," the Dodgers manager said. "But I have been o ptimistic all season and long before it began. We have Hooton ~oing for us and he los t a tough, J-0 decision there the last time. He bas done well against them this year." Danny Ozark, the Philadelphia manager, wasn't happy with the pitch Jim Lonborg threw to Baker for the home run. "He (Lonborg) gave him a s idearm cu.cveball which he seldom throws. I dido 't like the choiceofdellvery ... How about the series moving to Philadelphia? "We're going home. where we play very well," he said with a confident air. "I feel confident with Christenson and tMn Steve Carlton pitching for us . "It is a different type of crowd in Philadelphia. And we'll be playing on an artificial surface. We hit a lot of ground balb that skip th.rough tbe infield for base hits. The ball gets through fast." Baker came to the Dodgers from Atlanta where he played with home run king He nry Aaron. "Hank predicted I'd be a good home run hitter, but it took longer than be thought it would.·· Baker added. "I learned a Jot .. from him, including trying to hit 1 line drives. He was a line drive home run hitter a nd that's what I try to do.·· Bake r 's homer p rovided pitcher Don Sutton with bis tbird • victory against no defeats in playoCf competJtion. "I'd give myself a seven or eight on a 10-scale for m y performance tonight.·· Sutton said. "But the end result was a 10." Sutton said he wasn't nervous or worried before the game Wednesday night. "We had our best pitcher out there last night (Tommy John >. What good would it do me to worry all day today?:· TV, Radio Sports Menu On Television Tonight 5 p.m . <4 ) --AMERICAN LEAGUE PLAYOFFS -The Kansas City Royals meet New York In Yankee Stadium. 9 p.m. (22> --PRO SOCCER · Cologne vs. Kals erslautern in a match taped at Cologne. Wes t Germany. On Radio Tonight 5 p.m . KNX 0070> -The Kansa s City Royals and New York Yankees in the second game of the American League playoffs . On Television Friday Noon (4 & llJ --NATlONAl. LEAGUE PLAVOFFS --The Dodgers meet the Phillies In Philadelphia. On Radio Friday Wednesd ay with an easy 7 2 v1c· tory over the New York Yankeec;, those big-money s ha rpies from the East Coast, to take u l·O edge in the best-of-five AL playoffs "The d1ffcr cnc<' was li ke night and day,'' said McRae. BAKE McBRIDE CRASHES TRYING TO CATCH REGGIE SMITH'S TRIPLE. 11:55 a.m . KABC (790) ~The Dodgers and Phillies meet in the third game of the National League playoffs. The Yankees also lost st artcr Don Gullett bccausl' of an inJUr C'rl s houlder and New York manager Billy Martin said he doesn't l'X peel his ace left ha nder to 111t ch again Uus year. Ron Guidry gets th<' Yanks' s tarting assignm ent tonight against Andy Hassler in a hallll' of left-handers The Royals. who rar NI to a fi.O lead in the third innm~. J.(ot a big lift when leadoff ball<•r Fr rdd1c P atek walkc<t to open the Jtaml' and Hal McRae followed with a home run over the left fi r ld wall. "It helped to get off in front when Mc Rae hit 1t out." sa id lhC' s peedy httle Patek "Wr realized l(AHS .. SCITY H EW YOllllC •'>, "'b• •Dr II DI i-At,.k.-. • 1 I ) River·\, t I • 1 I 0 Mr ll"""" \ 1 I J NrUlt.1\, tb • 0 0 0 ,,,.,.,. JI> \ Q 0 0 M un'°" t .. ' ' 1 f •WH'\ ti •I 11 J.-t•V'I ti 100Q r1t•· ,, 4 II 0 fl • '"'""·'·ft • b f 0 M o1vbtV lh i 1 I ) (hmbi\. 1b to 1 n FrJ<Pl.ff • \I 0 0 Jnnn-.n. cit' • 0 1 0 • nr1f'lt,f I I 1 0 f<Nllf)h, /D .. 0 l" I Wh1!~ )ti A I 1 0 0,.,,,,,, JOOO i.w1111~"" 1 0 0 0 fc'U .. \ J) I • I Tnta.I\ 1) I q J 11 .. n\a• cu~ 1n ooo 010 1 Nt1'W Vortt 00) OCt) 000 1 OP ~ftmM '''" 1 LOO tc""''" C•tv \, N"w Vntlo! 1 1ft J.'Ah·~. Rt1t,,dOlph, ~.V.,,) tfR M1 q~ 11 M<t1.,.bnrr~ t 1 Monwn 11 CAw•n' 1 !.8 /""b \l"f•f<M"f 1W ''ti R1tt,J (1ull,.t1 t IJ t' fidtnw t vi,. I J _, ,._ \< q)(> IP H Ill Elll 118 SO -l I I I I 0 0 ('I O I .t <lfl 1 n hi i \ l I I , •• 11 u n , Fromholtz Calls Richards a J\ TL/\NT/\ (AP I -Australian Di anne Frnm h o ll'I. hlit 1.cd Newport Hench r esul<'nl Ilene( Richards on the tennis court and t h l' n v c r ha II v b I a " t e cl t h 1• transsexual off the court. calhn~ her a sideshow. T hcr~ arr others on th~ wom<'n's tour w ho a rC' not ('l'St allc ;ihout R1ch11rds being among thc•m. 111rlurl1n~ Chn ., Evf.'rl, thr tup pla yer in lht> world Fromhnll 1., ""E'dC'd ~1 xth m th1• S7~1.00() WomC'n'~ Tennis C'las!.tC' at the Georgia Tech Coliseum. whipJ'l('d Richards 6-1. 6-3 Tues- clav ni~ht then let go her verbal hlasts "She's a s id eshow ." s aid F romholt'I.. "Something like that 1s aga inst huma n nature and f:Jkes away from our tour, It Rives us n bad image with the ~rncral pu bli c. "Th<' people, th<' gene ral 1m bhc. are lau~hing at us. Al thf' way shr walks on and a cts like a f1 •m:ik," shesa1d "It 1~ not a good example to set for the younger generation. She comes in and gets all the publici· ty when I know there's a lot of good little players out there who can't get anywhere. Give her the publicity when she's won a big t o urnam e nt, or b e at e n somebody," Fromholtzadded. Richards, the former Dr. Dick Raskind or New York City, wore a bright red tennis dress with a l'hort, white plented skirt for her fir ~t r o und m a tch with F'romholtr,. Sideshow The 43-year-old Richards put on hom·rimmed glasses after the first set rout and appeared t.o play better in the next sel before losing. A crowd or nearly 6,000 was on hand at the start of the m atch but after dropping the first set about half the spectators left. It Is an~one's guess whether they came out to see Richards or tbe headliners -Evert. BUiie Jean King and Virginia Wiide. "I got beat. I've no excuses for getting beat," .said Dr~ Richards. • '.I~ ._. DAILY PILOT lhursday, October 6, 1977 FOOT BAL Newport Risks 3-0 Mark Against Servite Lethal Barons When the Newport Harbor Sailors tanglt1 w1tb the Servlte. Friars <Anaheim) tonight (7:30> in the Santa Ana Bowl m a non- league football outing, a tight de- fensive battle looms. lt isn't that the two team~ • haven't been able to generate an offense. It's simply the fact that both have had outstanding d e fensive ~rformancc~ m lhrel' games this season. Newport will enter the game as underdog. Servile is tabbed l>y one point af\er posting a pair of shutout victories over North Tor ru nce (23-0 ) and Pa:.a<.len u (31-0). ln their opener, the F'riars los l to Santa Ana V ulley. 27 l<>. Newport posted a 3-0 v1dory 1n the season opt>ncr over M1ll1k<i11 <Loni:: Beach l, then got In Corona d<.'l Mar, 10-1, and toppled Loara (Anaheim J, 23 7 last w~ek Servile is dir ected by junior quarterback Jim O'Hara and un- der his din .. ·l·t wn. the Fn .. H''\ haH· scored 7-1 points lo 27 for thl' ''P µos1tion. Much of the success of ltw NcY.1>0rt offe11st• rests with tht· fool of Mark Huie~. Jlales ha:-. klC'kC'<t U f1clt.1 goal JO t'ach of Nt•wport's thrt'c games. two of them being the deciding points for th<' Tar-.. lie has kicks of 42, ~7 ,ind 2t! vanb lo dalt• Ncwpo.rt s Craig Lyon~ un- h•a-.ht.>tl a potent pa!>sing game against Loara last week and a~ a result. thl· Tars had lh<'ir biggest Sl'Onn~ night L\1111,., h.i-.. lhn"'n 1:i t1mPs this H';1r \\Ith 17 l'nmplN1ons for 34:J yanh Hut he has had only ont.' 1n· ll'rl'l'J>ll·d. Tlw Tar" running j!ame wao; at ils bt~t <it:ainst Corona del l\lar D•llv Pilot S»Mto '»'f G u y 4 mbfou- 8RYON WARD (24) AND HIS NEWPORT HARBOR MATES MEET SERVITE TONIGHT. l f This Week's f Football Odds ........ ,, ow -'"' T,.. A•-l•led "'"~u Too 1 w•ntv <otl-1•-\ M>d N" L P'O tumu\Con 001..i 11y ~..-·, R--u k• r ...-,.._. ... o S9QflS-. -, cou.ao, f'OOTIALL s.tW"Mr· usc•-A1-... '-Oto-...4-T"°"'' Ml<"'91on 17-Mi<N9M\ S\•Hr Ohlo!>lae10ow•P\I,_ c--IJOW<Okl~ s1 .. 1e Ne~1,_K.,,..•SIAt• S VU·-Or990ft SIAle Calllon\le60Wf' Wa\lllnqton 5t•lt PllUO...tflS-f-lo<ld.t l(antudy )O't\'r MIUIHt91)1 !.1•1e l eq.j le<J\IO'#'t-r Aruon.t uu10-v-.1>111 .W1kon&.ln 70Yer t1t1no1s I No --· ~lotO lo• A•i.•~W\, PotM SU•• 1 llolr.-~.orTeu'A&M , NATIOHALl'OOTIALLLLAGUf. 1-y N...., van Glanh4ovtr P111i-1ph•• O•I<._ IZOWr ( .. WIM d l!"ll•lojow-r N~ Vor-Joi• "'ew Eft9land ,. .,,,.., S.u 11 .. N~Or-....... t o._..,~ Q,~ 1"•~a IOow< 0.t«><I (ln(fN'k1\l 6ovtr GrH'f"! licfY Piii~ IO•vo• ..,0\1"0" 8•ttttnore1o¥'fr Mtittnl 0.n_ ll_r l<...U$(1ty OellH ~CW...!.\. LOU" ""'•••.l'Uf'41Qton lOOlwrr T •mD4 tMt !>d",. nlt'1c.•~o.tow-er AH.tnf• -•Y lo' AAoie•r.a•o~rr Ch1caoo 1Fo11-1no;iare \~°""'°" 11>,.wM' '"'"" .. "II<>' ctnd ,_.,fOf coftfr.Ot f0010.ll oamf't. •n'lfOIV1~ •'"<ff V•m•••P'~~ea by t~ O•llY P•lol \ldll K1c.w SCHOOL., JC ODDS Servlteowr __ , IW•lll" by I """"'.,."\lallttyovu l(enneov llv 1S C<IPO \l•lleYOYfr l\qUln.n by t C:dlM><1owrM<ltt< Del by 1 L°'Al.-nlto\O'tt< .. ..,,til'\lllor> 8e"<"bv I LO¥aowrMitrlna b'f I E•un<laovtr0.""!ltbY1 Corona 0.1 Ma• o••r EI Toro by• '>~n (l~nte owr \A9U,... 8UCI> llv l 4 fVlnf' OV'f'f' E ·~f'IO"~ Dy 4 M1s\•on v .. toovtr Co..t..t .M#w bv J U•"'i)H•ll\OVPrUt"1v1nnvc•' • C>• ,.,... Coan ovtr ~oumonl by 11 ~iJOdl.0.Ck ow r!..Jn 8e<n••d•nol>y 11 Lauded b Fre n eb Finch Is Center Of CM Attention Costa Mesa High football coach Tom French says 1t takes a special type or kid to play center on offense and he feels the Mustangs have one of the best in prep circles in Steve Finch. The Mustangs will meet M1" sion Viejo High Saturday night <8> in lheir second South Coast League outing and Finch is ex pected to play an important role for Costa Mesa. "Finc h has been a center throughout our program here at Costa Mesa," French says. "He did an outstanding job for us last year when he was a starter and he's the most consistent player we have on the lea m this season. "He hkes the position and does an outstanding job at 1t He's hi~hly intelligent and very, very quick and tough." Ironically, Finch does n't do the s napping on punts or extra points. French has a theory on lhjs type of situation. "We w o rk with our quarterbacks to snap the ball for kicks." he says. "H's jus t like throwing a football and they are far more experienced at 1t than a center who hands off to the quarterback." "Jt•rry Crihhs was our -.tart101-: qu:irtcrback last year and aho did the snapping for punts If you really look Jl il. ~napping lhl• ball 1s much lht• same a~ pas!>ing." Fn·m·h s.l\ . ..., !<'inch h like h av. 1ng ~1 co.:ich c;n lhC' h eld when he 1c; at offensi\ <' crntt·r. · I k has h<·lpt'<I our other or. fcns1vc lml•men in lht'ir blocking a~s1~nmPnl" anrl hC' can re cogn11l· a defc•nse 1mmed1atdr . "Steve hac; t'nou~h football st'.'nsc lh;it he can pick up sur· pn'\l' chan~es and call out a dif- ferent blockini.: scheme at the hne of scrimmage Usually. he rcco~nizcs tht'sc c hanges .,.. hen he comes up to the hne of scnm· magi· and makf's the call before the quurterb<ick begins to c;ill signals " 00('S Finch play on defeni.c or on s1>ec1al tenm-;'.' "We try not to have our kids play both ways or on the special teams." Fr<'nch says. "But come to think of 1t. we• did have him on the kickoff return team last week I le recO\ c red an attempt- ed on-sides kick against Dana Hills " Edison Still Plagued With Turnovers At 5·8 and 11)0 pounds, Finch doesn't ha\C the size to play for many m;iJor rollf'ge or univ<'r•;, l.\' teams. Dul there are m any who could us1' h1o; knowledge and t'xpt'riencc· Fullerton No. 1 Fullerton. Long Beach and Pasadena colleges have retained the lop thre<' positions in this week 's Southland JC football poll. conducted by the Daily Pilot. Mis take-free execution (or lhe lack of il) is becoming a sore point at Edison <Huntington Beach) High where the Chargers a re preparing for Friday ni~ht 'i; (8) non-league football connict with Santa Ana's Mater Dei al Orange Coast College. Workman "s e leven had three turnovers and 10 penalties in los· ing to Estancia (Costa Mesa 1 in the season opene r and last week, against a tough Pius X (Downey l team, the Chargers had fi ve tu movers. yardage, 304-\82 and lost fi ve fumbles but Workman lakes i~­ sue with the n otion his team was run off the field. Also. history shows Angelus League teams superior to Sunset League t eam s year in and year out. Workman doesn't want to Lalk about that either. "Our only concern is us." says Workman. "It's JUst a case of two neighborhood teams in o tittle br awl. Actually, we don't foel anyone has b e aten us th1'< yc ar ... we'v c done it l o ou rsel vcs " P•t.,c.4t•.•.cord Ph .. t ( Mllf'f"1on '-0' .r1 ) lor>Q ~.,_,, ).0 I 4J 1 Pa....,.nn •l 01 •l S<lnla ManlCA I< 01 JI l • C•m•no IJ JI JJ & Ci<>IOOn w .. 1 I I• JO I l\•k,...\l~O l II lS I Ventur• f4 01 It 9 S<in OltQO ~s~ l 01 18 10 !.MJOl-k 17 I) I& 01"0<\ 0:..nl• l\Afb••~ IJO). LI\ \lalltY t>.ol 8 Or•~f.oe\I I) l• I Ch•lltY •JOH Taft JOI l when they picked up 222 yards on the ground. Bryon Ward and Dana Wandrocke are the top ball earners. lf 1l comes down to a defensive ~trug~le, as predicted, lhe final outcome CllU\d rest on the foot Of Hales. ~crv1le doesn't have his type or k1ckl•r. The Friars ha vcn 't done a lot or passin~ and coach Ken VlSser ad m1ts this could hurt. "If we pass more than 12 Umes in a game. we are doing a lot of throwing," he says. "I can't re- member the last time we threw m ore than 20 ln one game.'· The Newport d efense is led by Don Buke r at the middle linebacker position. He ls the team leader and calls the de- fensive s ignals. *-1H1,.....Si.r1l1141 LI- Off ..... o.len.M Tt &Ii.Ill 100 100 A\/Wn RE IH '""-,.., 100 S1ur91s RT RG A\hef\ 200 llj \lol>Ofll LT c tl<lmS 16S 190 Oroc:~,.,....,.er LE LO 01'()(1<mor~f ti() 190 T llO"IP$0n LB LT ...,.mo l'i() 100 o ..... , ML8 WR HJc.IOY lU 110 ""'"'" L8 08 Ly-IU 1.0 Hllle4 CB f8 W-QQa tlS ISS .._lfncto CB Tll wan1 110 ISS Brown MOn FL 1(0'9o1<•1t 110 110 1(•'1>'1••11 s Fullerlon First OCC Rated 3rd In Title Derby Fullerton College. t he nation's ,"\o. l ranked JC football team, figures lo run away with the South Coast Conference cham- p1onsh1p this season. The I lomcts arc raled the team to heat by the Daily Pilot. Orange Coast, Cerritos and San Diego Mesa are the best of tht• rest. A second place finish by OCC's P1rat<'s could put them in the Avotado Bowl-if Fullerton wins the• title and ~et.s an lnvita· t1on to the .Junior Rose Bowl. I kre's how the Dady Pilot han· d1C'aps the race. I. t'uJlf'rton I 1·01 -Coach Hal !'.hC'rbN·k's llornl'l-s rt·lv on a '1·n ..,troni.: dt'f1•11..,l' Jnd lhcre'c; 1111m• lw\lL·r. The I lnrnt•t.; have llll' tnp r1111n1ni;: back 1n the 1·irct11t tn :'ll 1kt• Charle.., and a ' 11 u n J.! q 11 ::i r I l' r h a c k < G r e .I! 'l'u1·k,·1 l \\ho look ... hl'lkr with l'.ll'h 11\11111~ ( >cld' .. 5 '.!. Cnrllos I I ·2> --Ernie .John,<1n ·-. F al('ons h;.i ve ex- pt>n ence at qu<irterback !Kevin Jlam1lton> and a i:ood RO m J im Copeland The defense is a big question. Odds· S·I 3. Oranl{e Coast CZ·Z l --The Pirates have improved im- measurably offensively, but the dcfon~c hasn't been the same St)phomorc Gary Guisness is a talented option quarterback, but too much rides on his s houlders. To Y.in, the P irate-. will probably he embroi led in scoring battles. Odds: 7 1. .a. San Diego M e-sa (:J-0) -The Ol ympians usually fade at this time of the season, but who knows 1n '77? Mesa p l ay~ ,..ullerton tn two weeks and a sue· t'l'S-;ful season could revolve around that one game. QB Steve Fairchild h as already thrown eight TD passes for the Olym- pians. Odds: 7-1. 5. Mt. San Antonio <2·2) -Mt. S AC could be a sleeping giant. T he Mounties nearly defeated h ighly-rated P asadena <losing 27-24 in the last minute) and they have a sound running game with Stan Webster (213 yards> and Maxie Hamilton Cl58 yards>. Odds: 12-1. &. Gross mont <2-2> -The GrH· fins of Dave Jordan are a lot bet- ter than last week's 55·0 Joss to Pasadena indicates. But they don't figure as contenders for the t1lll" Gross monl 1s led by QB Stcvr Shrovcr 130 of 67 passes, 3111 yards>. Odds: 25·1 7. Santa Ana (0·2· l) -The Dons. with little offense. don 'l fi~urc to climb any higher than seventh. The d efen!>c is good, but not good enough. QB Steve Cody <JO of 74 passes, 241 yards) guides the offense. Odds: 100·1. Conference play opens Salur· d ay with OCC facing Grossmont at San Diego State , Santa Ana m eeUng Fullerton and Mt. SAC hosting San Diego Mesa. J C Sorfmg ()oo ..... c....tt1t11 UflLAH- tat H..,1~-54-t .. 1<111 l~'°'"<I OC:C wr1•,.-0e..,.. °"'""·!>le.,. u.-. Phil ArToyo, Ololrll• L'-n, ~It Soun-• .1411 Hind"""'· Martial Crum. --n-JUllC ~ l:XCI •-•0•"9 1.lotlMenc:i.ttOCCJ. Nut OCC "-I-!.et.....,.y, O<I. I V!I. C't'11'"6 •I Hunlll'91an lot ,..I &..c '" 1 • m . Gei*llW ... IJ71 tvl (y-U l•IH-l~Sl,..t .. •<111 c;wc ....... 1 .. ,,,,,.,\-.11.t e.11, aoo Dl>JOf\ lk>C>- br Nt•"-'· bred B•vl•.._ _,,..,,. 1. Juo Oooo •C:.'llr(.1.•nttoo.F"Oi"9-1. Done.amp tG'f\rCI. Nt•t c.wc ,,_1-s.1wcur. 0<1. U •t s.r. Oleqo ~·••t.1 • m. SAN CLEMENTE'S MIKE ECHIVVERI FACES LAGUNA FRIDAY. And speaking of m istakes, it was against Mater Dei in 1976 that the Chargers were guJlly of 18 penallies as Mater Dei ralli('ff with 22 fourth quarte r points to Win. The Charl!ers a rc young there arc 48 juniors and a so phomorl' lsta rt in~ quarterback Frank Seurer> and two of the 19 seniors <Brian Gloshen and Jeff HC'ikes) arc 16-yenr·olds. Good News for Tritons Mater Oei outgained Edison in Gottfried Wins KAANAPALI , H awa11 IJrlan Gottfried toppled Tim GulUkson, 6·1, 6·3. Wednesday •1 to highlight play In the Island Holidays pro tennis classic, here. lo olher m atch e s , R aul Rarnlrei downed Beelie Mitton. 6-2, 7-6; Harold Solomon defeat· ed Pct.er Fleming. 7-6, 6-l. John Lloyd whipped Colin Dibley, 6 2, 6·3; and Vljay Amrltraj beut ilck Stockton. 7 Ii. fi 2 ---t As for dealing with Mater Dc1. a 49·20 loser to Lakewood last week, Workman says: "That 1s an extremely deceivinst scor<' Mater Dei was down 21-14 in the third quarter and fumbled llw hall away at the Lakewood !>I'< Thal wa~ the turning point. "And Lakewood only out ~11lnc'<1 Mater Del by 20 y ards ." There nre no hneup chanl?"" for the Chargers, although 225 po und tackle> T im Wynglnr7. m .. v sec mor<' ocl1011 this W<'f'k There 1s Rood news in the San Clemente Hlgh foolball cAmp wht're> th<' T riton-; arc sporting J.o r redent1.tls Coach Alllt· Schnff's Tntons ha vc sta~ t•d :•float despite hcuvy player lo!'isl'c; to n ew school Cap1c;lrano Valley and n ow there 1s th1• prospect that Florida transfrr Nate Rowsey, a 5·9, 160-pounclt>r. i nJ u red t w\ce cknrcl. will be availa ble for the L.1.:un.1 B«arh ~ame. How"l'Y wun'l s tart, according 1 o Sr ha ff. hut the San Cle men tr ,.oach s:iy~ Howsey's potentrnl 1s 1111 Ii m1tt'd "H<1ws1•y could be th!' rlrrml('r hn1'k 1n the l<'8Rll<' wh1•n lw ·-. 100 p1•rt l'lll "''\ s Scharr The Tr1tons have been m · stalled one-point favorites and Schaff ai:trecs with lh~ ncar·cvcn odds. "We'rf' not going lo over whelm anvone. that's ob\'iOus. nut we hope to get better each week," says Schaff. "We've opened thinfl!i up with two splil receivers, one remain- inR hack and a lot of motion. But our attitude Is sttll the same, we like to nm the football. As long as we can get 1t on the ground we'll continue to do that · · /\s for the oh~l 1.tcle prec;entecl I)\ L::i~tma Rench Schaff c;ay<. it's a matter of s topping tht• Artists' running game, keyed hy 1111artl•rhJCk Bill c;ompf ''Laguna Beach has a lot of size and talent, and it has more than just Gompf. They have good re· ceivers and other capable backs. "But our secondary is one of our s trongest points. Mike Cal\'ert has four lnh'rcepllons for the season. "We know this, we'll have to play errorless football to st ay alive. E \'ery game Is a gun-fight. .. 1'he only loss In San clemente't attack is Mike Eddo. who Is lost for thr~ weeks with n sprained knf'c F.A1clo '-'as hurt when he r nuAhl a pnss to sN up the win· n1n.'( tourhdown a1-:ainst Corona drl Mar In Action Fountain Valley Hlgh's spec- tacular tailback, Willie Gittens, and its premier flanker, Tim Holmes, won't be in the lineup tonight (7:30) as the Barons face Ke nnedy High (La Palma> in a non-league football encounter at Western Hig h in Anaheim. Holmes suffered a sllgbt frac- ture of the collarbone during Thursday night's game with Katella High of Anaheim. Coach! Bruce Pickford says Holmes wlll ll be out two or three wee ks. Gittens pulled a leg muscle I during that s am e ga m e . Although he'll probably be ready to play tonight. Pickford says he I won't u se him unless it'sl, absolutely n ecessary. And it pro bably won't b e ' necessary. Kennedy High Is l-1-1 on the season and will s tart its thir d slrine quarterbac k because injuries have sidelined Nos. 1 and 2. . Fountain Valley is 3-0. havin~ r ecorded two straight shutouts. The Barons have outscored their opponents by a combined score of 119·6. t Kennedy's first string tailback and fullback are also injured, so i t will b e an inexperienc ed backfield that will be trying to derail Orange County's No. l ranked team: Kennedy Hig h coach John H angartner says he can win if his Fighting Irish has its best game and Fountain Valley makes a lot of mistakes. That ·s hoping for a lot, even if Gittens and Holmes aren't in the lineup. The Barons have capable rcplacemcnl'> in ta ilback Sam Centofantc and split e nd Kevm .Margerum . Stan Shibata moves from split end to fl anker in place of Holmes a nd Ma rger um fills the spot vacated by Shibata at split end . F-1.Mll Vallfl' Martlllll LIM- 011-0.1- 10 S.~ton TE OE R..,.\ 111 Ct"nnKI IH OT (..aid-II I~ oennb AG NG Wood 21~ CAIOW<!ll c OT !>aUer t~ 8..clQt'n LO OE N>thOlson 111 oc....,,.., '-r l8 8UOqll'n 1•> M«91t<UM !.E LB f •ttmN> 1t0 l,_ 08 CB Pac!HI• 110 Cf"IOl..nle 18 CB !.nib.9\e It) w.-f 8 !:.S !.Mw t/O ~'°"'• ~ L So • !.<blMtr Capo Valley 180 21) ••s :iw I'll) t'O 10S 110 1'0 I~\ '"° 'I Afte r 3rd Win '~ Of Campaign Still in the clouds alter shock· · ing Bishop Montgomery High • <Torrance>. the Capistrano Valley High Cougars eye victory No. 3 tonight (8) at San Clemente High where San Bernardino's Aquinas High invades In non- league root ball. Capo coach Bill Cunerty is hopeful his outfit isn't too far re· moved. however, as Aquinas en· ters with a l·l -1 record. including a 19-7 \'ictory over Irvine. T he Cougars' triumph over • Bishop Montgomery is r eflected by sportswr ite r Chris Morlensen of the South Bay Daily Breeze. who says: "Bishop Montgomery might still be the best CIF team we have in the South Bay area. including the Torrance schools." But the Cougars' 9·7 victory O\'er Bishop Montgomery is his· Lory and ton ight it's a ne w c hallenge as Aqumas enters with a pa.'lsin~ combination featuring quarterback Mark Knowlton a nd recei\'er John Steinmann, an All- CIF choice in '76. Steinmann has caught a pair oC touchdown passes among 23 r e- ceptions in three games and gained 850 yards as a junior with 1 43 catches. · The Cou~ars will be retying on the same combmallon that has been so successful to date with 1 running back Robin Charles and quurterback Brad Parker keying the attack. Charles, an El Toro High transfer, has run for 183 yards in 22 carries (8.3 a veratte l and is also deadly o n punt and kickoff returns. He returned a kickoff 82 yards for a touchdown ngain!lt Elsinore and is also a rcceivin1ot threat, havin~ caught Parker's ' only touc hdown p ass of the season. Parker . although he ha~n 't ~one to the air a lot, has complel· ed 11 or 29 for 90 yards He h11s hurt the enem y more with his runninJt and hi s fi e l<l generalship. SC l T l(• ( "" Rl I l (J\l HI\ ... n ~L Clpltlr•ne V•ll•Y SIArti"t LIM-Of,..,,, De4en-. Hft'f""\ 14\ ... f-ullMIO\" I vh•N•• l•• Iii ~nt•"rVOn S."tA'-Ov."n II~ jt)? G.alnn Mf'Y't''" )C\11 )I) Enrl91>t Ga1fWI'\ )OJ us Mt Elroy E nt1Qll\t 111 l'IO " ... ~,., \IM P.ut\#lrn '°'' l•S Genier Ptuktir 1IO ·~ Sal• (hJlflt•\ llO us CN•ttt 5-t'l''" no ISO Wall.w (otlln\ ltO ... ,..,ka, {l( Ut NC, Of DE LB Lil ce Cll ~s f'S Nastase Triumphs I: 11 AMSTERDAM -llie Nastaso ' bent Louk Sandl'rs. 6-4, 6-4 in I ' the $100.000 World Star tennis ; tournament Wednesday. t Vltas Gerula1tls beat Tom Ok-I 1 k c r . fl-4. 6-3 and Mark Cox ' downe<t Oill Scanlon, 7·6, 6-<C. ~ • I I FOOTBALL I WATER POLO I MISCELLANY Thursday, October 6, 1977 DAILY PILOT -#13 Happy Dilemma For Sea Kings Gauchos Tabbed to Win ruva1 M. ' c· . C Unbe aten ISSIOD IrCUit rown Oile r s' Jn pn• S<.'a-.on drills. Co1'\)1\u ckl Mur foolball couch Du·k Morris Ill troduced his two junior quarterbat·ks ~1s Joe Namath and Pal Haden "Just hkc Namath and Haden. these two J:UYS are battling for the s tarl- ing spot. Jlighl now 1l's still completely up sn the air," Morns :.aid. The Lo s Angeles Rams' quarterback situation was finally :.cl lied when Namath i:tot till' nod. but at ('oron;1 ch•I Mar, the• C1Ul'St11n1s -.1111 rcma111 The frll'ntllv nvul-; urc Kurt Brodrnian (ti 0, 1751 and H1t·k Starn1•s <ti·l , Hi<n. Morns says St:1rncs 1s a better pas:-.er while Brockman is u bet- t1.•r rwmcr. "Wc'n• more of a run- n 1 n A t ea m n o w so l\rockman h as been starting," Morris says. "nut lt'S ~I d ay-to-day thing. The one who looks bes t 111 pr:.11:ll<'t' will :-.t,1rl " llt'h111d Omtkm .m. tl11.· Sl'a Kini.:s opl'n<'d th<• ~('<:tSOll With a :11 14 vit· tory over Marina lllgh of 11 unt1ni.:ton Beath, but lost the following week to Nt·wµorl llarbor, 10·7. 1.a~t 1''riday against San Cll'mcnle, Starnes eotcn'il the gam1.• in the s1.•toml quarter and pilot- ed ll1c tcum to 1h only t ouchdown 111 a M 7 loss. 1\\11:-.t of the ~t ud1'nb ,·u1-rt·11tly al llunlm).(lo11 l kad1 I hgh wcrt.·n 'l l'Vl'll horn the la ... t time th!' Oill•rs ... tartl'd thcir \t1rs1tv footh(Jll ... cason with i"<>ur :,lraight v1t tori es. lt was 1960 when llunt· mglon Beach reeled off five strajght before los in~. Edison Wins The S('Onng pl;.iy was a 17 -yard µa ss from -;t;1rnl's to Mark Wiltse St ;1rnl''> compll'tcd thn•c 111 '>IX pa. .. :.c~ for 72 } ard:-. 111 the game. J\s th!.'y pn•purc for Friday n1~ht's M o 'clock ho me game with L oo; Alam1to!-i, the Oih.·rs ar(' :1 0. Lo!> Alamitos is also J () .ind Sl.'Cond·)'{'U r l' 0 ti (' h l) :1 V C V ~I II lloorl'bckc expC'cls hb Oilers will face their tougbest challenge ycl Eagles Blast Polo Foe,22-5 Jerry Wyatt handt'<I <>ut seven a ssbts a-; Estancia I Li~h of <.:ostu Mesa rouled Oran J(e High 22-5 Wc.'<incsday lo run its Century Lca~ue water polo record to 2 0. The Eagles or coach John Carpente r were never threatened afl('r scoring seven goals 111 each of the firs t two frames. /\ total or 13 players entered the ::.cor· ingcotumn. l tdllt 1tt '<Ot +nq lnhn'o" (..ut· tt11,w tUVillf'h -.e. >, ti•llJm(J J, 1-lusn o, ••uflunQ ), Hurh.1v _. llARSIT'( ~•b1Dwrtttt "''·Ont;.'(fy ~ '4 S 4-18 ff'Wlh\' ~ l l l " ""''"" \torh1Q-JuHn)on J J Mc.C.urno-.i.., U McC.armttk., Pdul '· u1110w 2, Si>"'""" 1. FltOSH·SOP" 1<.rnnt0v J J 1 1-8 .,"',,...., t .. 1 J-10 lr"WIM '\l.Or1nq-8ond1 S .. Murot'tv •. r,norvwrf) I Coast Area Brock man , as 11 passer , 1s nnly three for 'l.7 with lhree intercep- tions. t1ut he averaJ!c.-d ti.2 yurds per carry in his firs t game, running mostly out of th!.' option. Morris d~·sn 't ~cc the 1, a t t 1 c f n r t h t' quarterback )Ob us ,J dilemma. "No, we're very happy with our quarterback sillr..ation." he says. "We have two ver y ~ood quarterbacks and four or five very good re - re1vcr-. .. But even if Hunting ton Beach loses the r est of 1h ga m es. it will hav e 1•quallc<I its best season ~•nee 1969. Thal year. when the Oilt-rs were 7-2. was the ... -;t season they wC1n more than 1 hree gami-s. t\s a rc!>ult, the crowd:-; have been overflow for lluntington Beach home games. "If you're coming. you'd better come early or you won't get a seal." Van Hoorebeke says "The support has been tremendous." Edison High of Hunt- ing ton Beach won 1b third in a row as Doug Pickford taJlicd three of his five goals in the third fram e lo ll'ad th t.· Chargers past Katella of Anaheim, 11-10, in a non· league clash. Edison 1s now 4-1 on the year. Girl,s Sports Van Hooreheke cites ~everal reasonis for thl.' abrupt change from last ,·ear's 1-Sscason. · "Mostly, it's the kids' a ltitude. They're work ,ng harder. they're bet· tl'r prep<ired anct they·rc mnre <.·xperienced than I ;1 ~ l s l' ;.i s n n . · V a n I lcttlrcbekt' :-.ays Jn other Tuesday prep action. Irvint• J hgh fell apart in the second ha lf in its 18-11 loss to Ken· nt!dy of La Palma. On the junior collc-i;:e scene. a,:oahe Larry An derson chalked up 12 saves as Salldleback w0n a nonconr{·rcnc<' g.11nt'. 4-3 over Cerritos J);in• Rig mruden scored what proved lo be the decisive goal three minutes into the final period as the Gauchos ran their record to 10-8. JCWATI'" l'OLO ken It? o...n.n cerrilo\ o o / 1-J !>dO(llf,bdO 0 l I I • ~•OOlt-b•c• ·lOt tnQ M •• ,, , WllloOn. f<ognw1_, YA"SITY ~byO....rt..• Edi'°" J l • 1-11 ""l•IW I J • l 10 EocMon tcor•nq-lo.lul>., f'1<1o.\0tO ,. 5-th•.&t<ctic>1<11. ,R~"·SOPH $< .... byO..nten £ o ''°" • • I 0 10 K.4t~tl1) 0 ' l 1 EOh.on ~Offl"Q-RH~y J Ut'r 11.-wo1 , • AJ.Oel 2, E: ,,,.., y 7. Y'•'I l(J\ WOMEN S V~LEYBALL C•I Sidi~ L..""'1 fWdtl\1 oe• U( 1, .. ,~. t>2. 1>a. 12-1> 1>J ""c1<11_., <!ti s.,,. o._ c1•• 1 >• I~ I, I I). 1:... Ot•"9'" (Otll\t °"' ~ Ot .. 00 Mr\.41 n 11 I~ II,/ I). 1)' M'JI' t•o"<.• Al t1\.0n GI 111.S TE HNI\ YARSI fY Mori.-.. 1101111 '"'''" 5'"')1"" U1rd Ml dP't h• wt11' ~.J Mt • t h,q., O t, otf Jo«w~o l t111n~'"' M ..,..i.n I\ f>.-1 tr} ~H<d'fhl'• M 1 ""''"' b io .t l ~ ¥WOn o ' 0ouoo .. Mlh"'• t1ttn,Hl)Q•' 1M '' l i•J Snt1tn~n '"" n-t ~+"'"\ •\•;f,-t.l & •, IO"tl to M 4. 0AH1ftl V ,, • i f' U"f"IO't ~I ,flltt Hl'\l : ~ J '> \ tMurr-f 149yl0f" N h)' f •--C W\.W'I ' , •O\I J 0.. Fno. Vatky Iii> 111 FOll1e<10fl So"'lin M<Onoe •FYI OPI Cuto ~·. ll•""'P f YI tJef 1..Ul)ot' • • Ga••••ICI F'VJ OPI M ylt\ It J M ilt\ • ,-V j O•I NMnW1il>elQ ') M..000• IFVI dtl L••"°" i ,. Fr""h FVI Of'f 8•r.n 8 ). W1lh\ lf-V' tk'f T~b1oC,uU I I ~IFYl-MIUttlrl ~ .. Attl.fr·O"<~ .. """ FV' to'' to 1utlr.in "'• •'°"' lj ~ f .tl*"""'lU• I (_""' t-V I U,. I (., h1•1J' '"ti l.(r~1no "''' • '• (.,11'\n~MNOt"•"" rv (>!•t MM'M.._I (Jt•.c,,n&-t, re.-... /llf'tO M ~hr t V J O-t (."m~ knonM>')bt''O .. •· W f'llA<h, ,.,,,, ..... «~V, Ofl A~JOnN•~, .. ,, @ •, H~tt"' k)...Mi..lOd011. t V) ck'f Wt f\ t>•' Anc1r.,.w'5 • • l,,.,., .,, .. ,_,~ h f VJ ()<'I C...U"'°'·(.(_,r.,._..,woo<I 6, ru~aet-~ ·fV1 di't ~lc.N." !)rocn H • S1her·V1dttlO d v I IOU tu M I0011" C,onclf'M1f 6 a Mtrill~tf> '1l\ ••• E\tAftt•• r.<nqto\ M.l>'f,.r\ 1£:1 tut t C,h,,o·•·•' Arno~ R\l'lllllf"n t • ~ ~ett• 04•i~ \N l dt'l "'°"'•U.""'o I F-1.ain11a11n 111 llt ) PalM 11 .. dn ~""'"' Mt nr• t~\/, t(t\f to C.tm(l(rrll ',., 0#1 kO"\ & ) Oltt Mfo•\1~ 6-\ lh•.t'lotlO • v. &o\t J-e. WOf\ h , • I> ' t~ ....... , tV ~•"/6 £\f> wQnllt Ftylr.f't •-Vl 'v'' 10 H·ll 1 ti ,,_,,,tu ( •~tl()n• ''" • ~ I fl'"' h ltl'.\ .. ti .• 6 ''-.. ~· u c.m f VI ,,, I /t•itl ) h"-1 to WOtt"4.."'ft) I lJvM ,. \11 I°'' .. °'· J ~ ~.., .. 1'11"' r-•• u111••d 1 v ·~· '" H.1vnr1it1 0.1 ~· .1.n {It tu t tfl l-11'1(11'" Ml'C 1 ' I M.nhk.-'4 flA,,tq. r ,,,, , \J •In• t tr 1 f\ P,11n •N•-.t (••• t V IM1 to ;tin< .-.10 " t. 11 , ,._ ; r ""'""' Cu ,., '"' t ,,, • .. , ,, M1ll1·• w .... ,,,.nn 11 "'' IV\I 11 0, '~ W ill• ,,,,., I f 'Y I ltt"I '" f ,,.,_.,, I I • t"L''" 11,1 ,. I lw t to "' .n , ~hit+( q A.\'r ,, .... , I ~I\ $I\ ,,_ .. .t t.;-. • l • I•' J. VI ... f t lJJti• ( ht·llo 11' I" ll't"·t I• t.;1(.,. , .. l 1t • t I \ t•• Qotn•)r'I '-tu It I I J-\1 1 A•/t~#o4 -,-fol4 t•'4J<t~f# 1'111 f\I .,_,,to qOOQt ,, <ifNY If'-h,..t tn fhQ ~~" JV""'tl'. ldl-IUI IU 1111,. P4,. s ........ Ja,,_ IE I ~I 10 ""'" J • lkl )OY • 0 (NI• fl) won & J 14•'1 ) t· HIM ...... .. dPt Wftnq • J ,,.... W. hm.-O't 0"1-'vft Von l_'-lftMitrr (. iu t tt I ~ ,... ( ,.~ ''" [ ' rt• ' ....... ,, ~ • ,,. f k·H• .. nt .._ .. Ju t. 1 ""°·' • ~ ,. .n J..u,,m.10 f I Of'f .At'<JUf•t l'I (; "*'' hl4t .ui-.O, ••••'..-." l i """°"'• .i & ) Ooutll• Tn"""'°~1( W tlh" +l t c,:w.• lf\lltbfOOO• f• ... Nit• 1 ()1 1 MAIWI M(.lnAll• "'°·' l4t111i1h W;W"<QI I fO\f JI\ tll'O" 6 0, ._,,•Ji lrn1 t f)t·t Ml" uW\On M 1Alt • elf t c, .. ,,.,. t\ br•QVt'mdn ,.. 1. '•wJOw '\li t 1 f,. t • •Ott • '· • t. W1l\1~·~' f~I Ot4 N~Wft,. h1 tr >" '-> _. ,_,. t tt w I V'f'llVY" • 1. (1~ ' • .. 1...-,'"· on l 'WO'\ t 1. 1t·>. V•tA1 •av• 'll•tnC ••It t ' C)f I Pn1'(t.(on~4'Y Ill: also cites the im rrovcmenl o f q 11 art c r ha c k :'-1 a r 1• o l'agnanelli anc1 t he t•mt·r~enre or r~cc1vcr Scott Brumml•tt. • Wl· think l'a~n<1n elli 1-. thl' twst around, hut ~1·"1<• a l1ttlt-pred 1ud1cerl. Of coursl', .. I Jo11rc•bc kl· says "And ltrumml•tt has c;111~hl t 1 Vl' touchrlnwn P<i":-.es :ill cady. 11<.-'s probably lht.' ra .. teit guy on the team right now ·· Van Hoorebeke also "avs his team ·s runntng o ffense. which wai; .llmost non ·ex1stent last 'ear, has imprm·e<l con sider Jhl v The off<!nS1 n· line I" a major reason for that. says Van lloorebeke . Spedfically. he names ~uards Scott lljclmstrom and Chris Hubinski. tackles Keith Smith and Vic Long. and cenler Bill Murphy. In WVl'n Yl'J• ~ 1n thl· M1.,~11m <'011h:rencc, S,1dclltback College football team:. have posCed an ovt'r~t!I rt•cord of 44.7.4 -wi11- 11111~ thrct· till cs and finishing no lower than U1ird place. And that trend wall dcfinitt·ly €.'ontmut! in 1977 as the Duily Pilot tabs the Gauchos lo win tht: championship. Citrus again fiizurcs us Sad dlcback's h1ggcst opp11:.1lwn. despite a 1·2 record Bern's how the ();illy Pilot han dicaps the race 1. Saddleback (2· t J Tht: Gauchos hav" ~· \'Cler an offense. led by running back Gre~ Speicher and quarterback JJilly Yancy . The defense has alwi1y~ hl'l'll ~1 Saddlcbuck strong point and although 1l 1s not as good as past seasons, 1l 1s good enough for the caliber of teams m lhc M 1ss100 circuit. Odd": 2-1. 2. Citrus 0 ·2) -The Owls have lost to two of the very best (fullerton and Long n eachl and were hurt considcrahly by the ~raduatton of quarterback Dale Bunn and running back Obie Graves. But Citrus has some ~ood ones, Uke RB Charles Cole \ 142 yards) and Qn Ken Eriksen (l9 or 35 passes. 184 yards). Odds: 4-J. 3: Oiarfey 13·0) -The Pan- Women Advance ATLANTA -Martina ;-.lavratilova de feated Wendy Turnbull 6-2, 6·1 lo advance to the quarterfinals of the S7S.OOO Atlanta Women's Tennis Classic Wednesday. Others advancing were Aetty Stove over .Marise Kruger. 6 :.!. fl·4. Kerry Reid topped Betsy \iaJ.?elsPn . 6 0. 3 ·6. 7·6; and J)1anne fmmholtz ripped Mary llamm. 6-0. tl·l thn~ hJH' r<1l'k1·1l up wins oVl'r lll·cdley. Li\ Southwe~1 und 1\f 1ruCo."la aot1 C'arry a lot of rnomt:'nlum Intl> confer ence play this week. nut they <.Ion 't figure to challl·nge the likes of Sa<I dlehuck und Citrus Ch;.iffey·s Tom Jennings (375 yards. 51'1.>sJ is thl.' top rusher 1n the circuit. Odds· 6-1. 4 . Palomar (l·I > The L'11meL-;, under new coal'h Mario M l'nrlez, may be rat<'d loo low Palomar's lone loss was lo tough Santa Monica, and only by a 10-0 score. Dill Goodman leads the Comets. He's completed 30 of 58 passes for 375 yards and one TD. Odds : &l. 5. San Bernardino C?· l l -Tiny Campora's lmhans are bag on de· fense, but are m ediocre of fensively. Dale Bouman (6·2. 190 1 is the leading back (120 11uartl'rl>al'k Tom Moekett. a former Newport Harbor High ptuycr, h as completed 12 of 30 µassl's for ti.> yards. Odds: 12·1. 6 . .f,outhweslern (l Z) ~ The Apuch<'s huve been u throwing team in the pru;t, but prefer to run m '77. But they may have to pus~ more than they prefer-in ordl'r to catch up. Steve Slater Kears the Southwestern running ~ame Odds 25·1. • 1. Riverside Cl·Z> -TheTjters r.gure to battle San Diego 00 for the Mission cellar. Rive~e·s bc:it offenstve player co~ be \\ 1dc rece1 ver Hob Staagelttnd. Odds· SO. I K. San Die~o 10·3 I -1'fhe Kn1~hts rank last in the Mi~ion Conference 1n offense. AnG the defonse i:m 't much better. Odds: 50 t. JC Grid St~rs Offense 1'1ARC JOHANNES, Orange Coast College ·-Johannes a Corona det Mar High product. graded out as the Pirates' btllt lineman. The Bucs cons istently made yardage behind his bl~~­ ing, one of the few bright spots 1n a Joss to Long Beach QtV College. J i\MIE DICKSON, Golden West College -Dickson cau~l six passes and did the job wlth blocking assignments for Ute Rustlers in a 13-3 loss to Fullerton College. Defense CORKY WINDER. Orange Coast College --Winder, atEE linebacker. made the fewest mistakes and did a good job tac for the Pirates. A San Clemente High product, he was one e Pirates avoided by Long Beach. JORN CARROLL, Goldeo West CoUege·-With eight tacms and a steady performance throughout, Carroll forced Fullerton to du most of its running to the outside. away from him. He g~ out through the films as Golden West ·s best defender. ·1 --'" 0 P'fA!:1l"i i! W.:.1;'r.:.1 0 LEASE FIAT Mes a (Who Else?) 1st De fending C l F 3 A ('hampwn Costa Mesa is ranked fir:-;t ahl•ad nt Founwin Yalh•y amonl! Orani.:I.' ('ountv t'rn..,._ ('ountrv tc-am'\. Thi! 'ratml!S, compiled hy the Oriin~c Cnunly l·hapter of the Southern California Cro:,s Counrrv Coaches A.o;,c:n .. al~o had F.d1son High imd Marina High. both of Huntington Heach. and M1-ss1on V1e- JO in the top 10 BOYS C ROS.'\ C'Ot: :\'TR\' l. Cos ta Mesa . 2 Fountain Vallev: 3. Foothill: 4. ltle> 1-:d1son and El Dorado: 6. Valen- r1a: 7. Westmins ter : 8. M :lrina: 9. <lie> Ruena Pt1rk . Mis~1on Viejo, Rancho Alamitos. GIRLS CRO."S COUNTRY l. Edison; 2. Costa J\1€.'sa; 3 . Fountai n Vallcv , 4 Univers1tv , 5. Jlunt°inglon Beach·: 6 lrv1ne . 7. Corona clcl ~1 a r . R C a n y o n : 9 . Valencia: 10. Foothill. 4 ·rltp YARSI TY S<or• "' O.Wrt•« Ortt"9f' 1 t1 l ' ., l. \l<ln<la I I • • J2 Ellanc:la iCO<lllQ-HUf°ftY. Hun tor, MM'kllflui, J . Wy•H l , R. WyAll 1 OMe l, Lem,, WuHl"Oll 2. 0on ... 11 l, tlenurlla, Orak • l , Fh~<t , Normsll"Om. • t-. f~t to w11r .. r Of}. 1h•1 "•Ht, t> I L t.\l!lyt'r\ t, w~ 6 ~. '· '· #\I Mt corm~~ E 1 ..,..-11-tJ.' o. won f ) 00..111 .. Caf'T~ron J•m1\0f't 1E ) ..,,,f to Rurn ''"'' A.1 '"' ••r1 lf'f'mtttt 6 11 I ,,,,.. ',..Dul 'f•'\M 't I 'W'On • 4 ~ 1 Hrwpo<1 1141 lfJS.ntaMOfll<> ~1,,.1 .. M'(f'f\. 'N ' det V'IH-.o" #\ t fl;ft h ••tn<HCJ fr-1. St•hm b"I "i1111lr" tN l h'ht 06, wtW\ f \, • J , Ot nM't'' NI tost I A, #0'\&-l, ~ l 1m11J1l·>l:ljt•l%iiU • GRAND PRIX •TRANS.AM '"OSH·SOl'H S< .... llY °"""«• I 0 0 1-l • I I • ll Cross Country Summaries YARS•TY C•"•MK<I llll USI Miu-Yt•to I ~<dt IC.Ml I) 'II I 1.,,1\nn,. •MY) ll \) voun9 •CM I \I ' 'v•no,.,,.,.m, tMV) u 11 " lhOmP"O" (M l 14 ~ 0 <hM.,•" •CM t 14 tt .,(lr4'\lvt ilM• 14 4t. I (>\OOtM M\/t 1<4 '7 Q (h,.1hul1 tCMJ 14 l6 10 Sf.,1V(lr •MV I " Ill JUNIOR VARSITY (ft\oil ~· WOft.., tor1'"1 SOP"OMOR£S MIHleftVi.1o 1u1 IJOI Goo~~ .. 1 H•v•mYl l0 ... 11<tllArt(MI 10:•1, J. 8"rt tMVI 10 '8 < I ACt<I'"' ICMl 11•00; S l~t<ler IMVI II 1).4 ~ ~!>ells IMVI II (II> ,R£SHMAH Cesta ~."''"'by '°'''"' OIRUtROSSCOUHlRY VARSITY Co11a-.a 11t1 IJ?) MJH ..... Yl<oto I. Flst!ff ICM) 12 0\, 2. ROMAhn (CMJ 11·14: 3 0.rt !Miii 11 h , • AmbUf°~ tCMI 1J•U , l UirAbo' ICMI 13:2•; • Pur<•ll fCM I tJ:JO; 7. sn.trr IA.WI IJ JI • ""''" lCM l 13;3?; 9 t:l•\Wld •CMI lJ )II 10 QulM IMlll 1• I\ Cale nda r .. ........, IOtt.11 F~Wtl-Mal ... D\>I •\ Edl<on al 0<4tfl99 C.0.\1 COllf'9', Lo• Al .. mll<K at Hunll!>Qlon 8••U• ~o•r• .,, MarlNel W.\lmlMl('r Hlqh, Or""O" vs E't•ncla et N•wPOtl t••rbOr, C0t-otl ~•\El 10<0 Al Ml~\IOft Viejo, Laqun• B••cll •I S•n Cl.,m-. C.11 •lll, f:lt.lnott •I l•••M II lOJ E 19"1·m•n foolba ll-llunllnglon Yall~y ClwMI"" •• M•r•n•ll•• •I MOnr.,..,141H•Oll t81 W•t•r ._.,olo E'\,•ncl• S•n C.lttTWntt-. [Oi\On, MAfln. .. ,, c \tAn < •• tournn 121 'l.>n1•"9" •I u .. ,,.. Hill• !l 1)1 O<r4n Vlr,. •\ CeplSlt&l\O \/All~Y High At (,nl<l•n wn t College IJ tsJ, 1,.1,.• "' M•onoO• 13 ISJ, ~ .... y ., (.Q<OM del M¥ (JI. F-t•ln Vtll•V al Av•• tlon laumty, Edi""' al Lil Pu4>nl~ JV tovr.,.y, OrMQe Coa•t Coll~"' ~"" OleitQ Me,.. IJ 101, Golden W•d C.011-.. CVt>MIU 13 J Socce r s.... ...... c.1c.11-111 lflQl .. pllO !>CC .Co<'•"O llerg 1 H .. 1111,.,... 5CC 11 KC""°'*' 2onl,.. ~·"' o--w.,t ce11 ... 1•1 ltll'ltn•C..11- GWC «O<lnQ kl""• H•llH-<.Wt I 0 "'""'''"'"•ti,°"'' f.tlt·Touthrn1c:h o J 10\t to AOO'm~ ~trblt<.h , tJ Pdl"""'' c ... nntno,..am 10,t • & l & J rt rA:UuQN•r>-MaltMm •EJ lo\10-6, 0' 1 ~ MM«DM IUI t•l ~ .... - \1"9 .. ' 8AnOllflr\ t2J Oflf 0o'°St'1'f & J O• I N.-tOP\•M ... , d~t Ml (>OfU'U''ll Cl I Ort1t\A M l won 6 ' -. J. h l V-'tt ,,. M-tO"ilQ-6,~;...J IO\l•t, Oovllln ~~ Myt"r.-WMlf)trr 11'1 ck t L•QAt• ..... Noll'\ ..0, .,..1 C/>AW'>U•••re & I, CMI lt·•qtr ·OtMM't • I Andre•t-0.1'• NI won t>-1 •• ~.•I .... ,, Go<\taln ,,..,,.,.,._., .... won._l JUNIOll llA"SI TY MHflW !fl Ill T1ntlr• SIAtlH MO<nS HI Cll!f. Torru. '· v.,,,,.,. rltl M l Ool • .._ .,. Koelle< •M l °'' Polfl• ~ 1. -.. ar.... ........ T-..O.Al ...... 1 ,.,. ~ °""'"' BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC ~ ....... w.. lll ~orY .... I( .... 192-6,S t ~ 636-2500 (.,AthVllln·MOtr t~'"' M l 10'\l t~ Hot•"•' C1lmt·rf' fr/ d,.I Aptn.it•t v., If•,...., f>.-t ta"\t to l111Ht1V•·N~l\..tm • ~ I ""'"' ll<ll\ M 10'>1U,wonf>.2. "'/ Or•v•U\ 11t11motl •Ml wor\ ... 1.tcr.t Ito I wc;iin• t Wtt!of>.HlWat• IM I <»I Connoly· -------------------------· N"""k•11>M 11J11Sl Bn Hiii> S."91ft ~¥•' \ N • (tf • J.c1mpr t. • C4!"t \'-c''"' . f11 Ot"• Mc •No"" • n Sni1tn N 1~t •ft wurt I>(). b J. (,Ol'U41f'\ ,... N01t • l ti J h I Doulllo Myt',. .. ~6QOt_·r N I Mt !:tdWf•t\,Uin in\ton b-t, OM G.unbtP.·lf'ChtMO 6 ~ o•f R '"""' Ot11111TWnt ... '. AftO,,.tN, r• .. lk.f' 'flf' ~I S, •~t fr1, won r) J(f"rt (,Of'lltti'°' N I IO't , ... 4~. ).-1 JUNIOI! Y-RSITY 8e• "llll l• I 11 I Hew_.t ""r11or si,,. ... (Jnt>tw~r tN ' flr•t CJ1t11I\ It 1, ~Al1H() "'I'°'"' to Vt Uef' 1-t>, Sw-n NI IO\l to h,.rnst1tUl J 6 ~1 .. Wick ·Cihon IN J 10'1 10 M11•n•· M•t•"'" ..... Mlll..,H ... orte 1Nl IO•I In 1,..y ._., Moody Korn •Ml 1 .... 1 lo I>-W•~nd 4 I , ~· Wiii•-• M l 105( 10 S..t-Portw It Pre p Football 'RE.SMMAH "'OOTIALL DISTlllCT sc .... 11YO...rton f-!M'ta1n Yen•v • o b ~-1• Wft,fM1Mt•r 0 0 0 U '" Founl~1n Vftllty KOtlf'O Klnude, AO\?. C,.""tol. S<on er O..ar1.-s ~di""' 11 s 8 0-78 ••unl•nQlonC\eMh 0 & 0 & 11 1:;<11\0fl \<;Ming-Stein 2, CM>lt1~•. \h•dCl'!•t. Pll>l ~1n '""twice. Hu~ l1nq«on 8"1Kh 'ICO<lnq-M<Allllltr. The Hack Ripple Soles of resil - 1C'nt rubber molded in a scii<.•s of flexible ve.es make walking a pleasure for the man who's on his feet all day. Reg.~29.50 NOW $25.50 KNAPP Trousers by Corbin Ltd. Plaids and solids all wool or Dacron/wool blends. just right to complement your Blazer or sport coat<:. VISIT OUR NEW HUNTINGTON BEACH STORE HUNTINGTON BEACH. 15901 GolrJPn W<'c;t /across lrom Golde~wes1 CollE'Qf'I. Tel 8'ld·'lC:,1r, 11 you d hl<e to havP o Knapp Shoe salesman v1s11 you cail 894 ~1515 Over size 12 add I SI 00. . 17th & ln1inc Ave., Newport Buch, (allif Mon .. Tues., Wed., Sat., 9:00 to 5 .30 Thurs and Fri. 9·00 10 V.00. . -----... \ Atlas Cushionaire i!I a Potynter, bias pty tire that's built to be cool-running mile after mile. And It's on saJe at parti- cipating Chevron Stations now throottb October 31st. Budget terms available on your Chevron NationaJTravcl Card. BLACK SIDEWALLS Siu s.~ ft.LI ~. Iii• I .... 11 2US l.sl n.6'1 1.s2 1 1.72 ZltllO 1.82 2!1.115 _;:., ~ :i.25 1.tO __ ... --28?!i i,11 __ 2u.; l.22 --:11.211 U7 c;79.14 33.15 us llt0-15 25.65 1.17 --8()(1.1 SL 28.00 1.11 078-15 l:US UI ti\dJ l!ld•• Tn WHITE SIDEWALLS I ~ S.lc Prittt JU.Ila. .... ..... z t7.Jt J.D.: l 560·11 21.JS l.Df A78-ll !A.35 U l t H78-ll UM t.a <:71-ll 21.AO 1.1'1 111j.1.i 2U$ , .. ) 08-l4 Sl.70 SAi . I 78·14 21-70 I.JI• I F711-14 JUI -. ...,.,, r (;71l·I• SUS ~ H'nl-1• J7.t0 UJ ---.1$ 11.MI 1.n H8·15l. 21 .. s I.It ._ ___ LllA .__!JM-16 36.15 ~78·15 HM .Uill H7M5 JUI &.7' ---111-11 41M ,... l7'-15 .... ... Chevron Stations Bl DAILY PILOf Thursday. October 6, 19n ~- • • '•:q f . -· I""~ ·~· '.AA\ . · .... L. . 'f --· ~ . . . ' . . ~ I ... ...... • ' , . . . . • .• • •I •• • : :. • ••• t ...... .. : , ;"· .~ . . . . . . . . . ·• : .. . . . ·. . . .. . ; .. . . . GRAND OPENING-Ott 6.7.8.&9 A completely new concept in automobile dealer- ships. Built with you in mind. You get one stop shopping. for all your transportation needs. Great deals on shiny new Ch~vy cars and trucks. Quality used cars and trucks. Leasing and rentals. There's a unique accessory store for cars, trucks and off road vehicles. Over 12,000 sq. ft. devoted to pa'rts inventory. Top trained service personnel to handle your problems quickly. A diagnostic center with computer print-out on engine performance. A complete body shop. High performance department with machine shop and metal fabricating shop. Sales personnel dedicated to helping you .. get exactly what you want. Yes, it's a new day at Joe Mac Pherson Chevrolet. And we 're having a great 4 day getting to know you party with· refreshments and prizes galore. Come out and join the fun~ see the dea lership of the future and the exciting full line of '78 Chevrolets. We're looking forwar~ to seeing you. (714) 768-7222 ----~--------~ LJ> ;s;;: , ____ m ~ IRUlnE AUTO CEnTER '-f • SAN DIEGO FWY. :n 0 Just take the San Diego or the Santa Ana freeway to the Lake Forest Road exit. Go left. over the freeway, to the first light. Then left two blocks to Revson. Joe Mac Pherson Chevrolet is right on the corner. COMICS /CROSSWORD 0 b • MARIMDUKE by Brad Anderson BOOMER "I guess I ma~e a mistake yesterday. I gave that big cne part of my sandwich!" FUNKY WINKERBEAN 0 Il CASEY .. :111€'(W~ ALL Sf.TlO BURV ~fM l(r SEA WUE.S A :SUARK ~ St~U"TEC> ..• i I • I I .... ~-ii MOON MULLINS ............... _ --- TODAY'S CIGSSIDID PUZZLE A~OSS :: ~~~.c:., UNITED Feahn Syndicate t Ravioli 4~ Conduct• P11ut1Sc1Md: CIOUQh on I CQUTM l"JIT!'~:::-, r:~~ 6 Sorri>wful 60 Blood1ucill119 word Insect ~~""4 ...,.+H;~,.... 11 Play 52 Flooflng ~~ divlat0n piece • 14 Etllefeal 58 Trade fluid: Myth. ·requiring 15SwHI aklll • 111aterlal 57 ••••••••• - 16 Accepted Avon average 60 Kind of 1TMlsaouri:3 defendant word• e 1 Rub out 19 An earlier 62 Memento time Prefix lrOf!I the 20 Oouble-dt;ll pest number 83 ConcluslOn 21 Fixed M Drives In .. ~., ... -.....-...--....._ __ ..,. ch1rges forcefully 22 Some es Della Of equines PHwee 24 Broods 26 Pipe ltthnQS 27 Eggheads 30 Santa ---- 32 Singe rhythmleally 33 Nonmetalhc element 34Wuh. regulalofy adm. 37Cai><l.eo 38 Apple parts 39 Tapered leveling piece 40 letter 41 Alloy 42 Into that place 43 Spira I IOlm 45 Mike less taut 2 DOWN 1 Word to l'llract 1ttentlon 2Hurt 3 Foot COY9rlng 4 Community 1oe1t1on SCove 8 Quadrupeds 7 lnalrument 8 Turkish VIPs 9 Jaguar 10Moacow e<llllce 11 Nears 1 2 T~a ··-:Eng. peel t 3 Plalt ol hair 18Newt• 23 Elementary priN:lples 25Tlloaein power 28 Son of Seth 27 Radar acreen lm·. age 28 Towef 29 Made less pelnful 30 S.muel .......... Telegraph promoter 31 Mining yields 33Vesael 35 Engtlsll rlYer 36 Venly 38 Part ol the ieo: Anal. 39 Footwear ICCHSOf)' 41 Maoe MCftd .C2High rock 44 Caltlornla tort 45 Bread unit 4&Soltota plow .t 7F ormer So Amtf dtc· ta tor 48 Pays honor lo 50 l<ukla's Ir lend 51 Fmal 53 Inactive 54 Feminine name 55 Noun sutf•t 58 A'T"ol "TNT~ 59 Hockey star Bobby -·· ....... .., ~Av~ ~u f:/e~ Gorretl A~ ...._ MISS PEACH GORDO u Cl · l Al.WM// W».rf£0 A l!JOYF'rtlNO WMO IS TALL., PAftK ANO • HAN~ I fJ<Ai LOOIC WliAT l GOr!! o Q.· ·y . by Tom Batiuk f:) 0 0 0 ~ ~ __.... I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..--. I;:::::.=. ! /, .,,,..,.. FRANKl<,l , IF Ii ~'i ~ "THE 60VE~NMEITT REBATE I 1 llXXllDN'T EVEN BOTHER wrrn IN5UL~ ·' by Charles Rodrigues -" DR. SMOCK VVHA""r IS 1-r, DOCTO R PA.YNe? MOTLEY'S CREW WE. 01Dtl-r l-(A% IV I~ MY DAY, MIKE: . by Mell by Gus Arriola by Harold Le Doux Wlff DIDN'T I THINK OF HER? WS GOING TO 5A'll MY UFf ! ~,...--.- TUMBLEWEEDS IN CASE? YOU'RE IN~P,6UVS, r-.,,,-------""'r-~o rM CONS/OmtNCT CHAN61N6 THE • NAME: OF o~~IEJe ••. POOttAWK NANCY seeMS 10 L.ACK A Cf:R'fAIN Ft.AIR- t SURE WISH THE GARBAGE MEN'S STRll<S WAS OVER~~~ ... ·~ by Tom K. Ryan t>.y Ernie Bushmiller nu..t.y, Octot. e. 1m DAI. y Pl.OT • ' PEANUTS by Charles M. SdKltx .. by Roger Bradfield by Templeton and F~n . _GERIAT~IX --------... . I l DENNIS THE MENACE l!6 DAILY PILOl Thursd.iy Octobet b. l'Jll TELEVISION COASTWATCD:, Tonight's Tl' Fare • TllllRSUAY EVENING ~8G Cil@l NEWS 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE PLAY-OFFS .• Game two ol the Ameflcan • • League Champ1onsh1p Se11es " D BONANZA ~: G THE AVENGERS t8 MICKEY MOUSE CLUB Cl) HECKLE ANO JECKLE tii) SESAME STREET '1l) VILLA ALEGRE fa;30 CD TOM ANO JERRY .. ., WAIT TILL YOUR FATHER QET'SHOME Harry's 'work your way up the- ory feces destruction when his lazy son Chet becomes an overnight success as a mana- ger ot a rock group '1i) FREEHAND SKETCHING 6:00 I) CBS NEWS 0 EMERGENCY ONE! "Slmple Ad}us1ment" D NEWS Q MOVIE ***'h "Collon Comes To Harlem" ( 1970) Godfrey Cambridge, Raymond St Jacques. A free-for-all erupts when a bale of couon, contain· Ing $87,000 In extorted money, Is lost somewhere In Harlem (2 hrs.) CD THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY Canny finds a brooch and gives lt to his mother for tier brrthday. Q) THE ROOKIES Monster masks and horror fllms are the only clues 10 a small-lime heist that has lell Wiiiie paralyzed from a thief's bullets. fD ZOOM '11) AS MAN BEHAVES .. Memorizing -Mnemonic Devices" @)ABC NEWS 6:30 8 MOVIE **'** .. The Maltese FalcOf'l" ( 1941) Humphrey Bogart. Sid- ney Greenstreet. A top private • eye Is hired to recover a price-<: les$, jewel-encrusted statue. ( 1 hr .• 30 min) Q) THE ODD COUPLE Felix tries to reform after his finicky attitude toward tood ruins an otherwise pleasant dlnn« with his ex-wife_ } ' fll) AS WE SEE IT "Whefe Do I Belong?"' A Chica- go student looks for his roots In Mexico; "Cuban Dropout" Cuban Immigrants to Miami try to balance two sets of Ideas, values and languages. '1!) GROWING YEARS "The Growing Infant" (I) CBS NEWS @J MERV GRIFAN Guests: Jlm Henson. The Muppets. Mr. Teeth, Kermit • The Frog, Andy Gibb, David i\ Doyle. 7j00 D LIARS CLU9 Prirote Eyr llttmptu·t•y l3o~;.irt }Jur~ut•-. .. Thl' :\l a ll t?st' F<i lt-011 t onight Lil li :IO on CHS Chanrwl 2 0 ABC NEWS m ILOVE LUCY "Lucy's Bicycle Trip" d) LET'S MAKE A DEAL f1l) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT '1i) EARTt( SEA AND SKY "Predicting Weather" (() TO TELL THE TRUTH 7:30 Q NEWLYWED GAME 0 THE GONG SHOW m THE BRADY BUNCH In a moment of anger. Bobby tells Cindy he hopas her lavo1 - ite doll gets lost. (I) ADA~.4-12 A m1ssmg press. an mdepend- ent oldllmer and an unusual motorist make up a tull day tor Officers Malloy and Reed. ftJ 28TONIGHT "The Dangers 01 Contrncep- tives" ~ NEWSCHECK (I) IN SEARCH OF. "The Secrets 01 L1lo · <f.O> MATCH GAME P.M 8:00 1J Cl) CBS MOVIE * ** '"Paplllon ' ( 1973) Steve McOueen, Dus11n Hollman. The true story of a conv1ct's har- rowing 13-year ordeal in prlson and repeated escape attempts from the notorious penat colo- nies of French Guiana. 0 $100,000 NAME THAT TUNE Ratings Guid.- Mow•" ..-. '•'"' .. (,orrJ•no hi bO .. office-•t1encMfttf Mo .. "'' tt\r rv ''" 11•'"14'4 l)y " t< I l>C I • • • • -E<cel cnt • • • -VcryGoou • • -Good • -Fa1f • -Poor ~J?!ITaylor ~Actor Fighting ~- {'/f $o/o Violence ~· . • T\' Data Sen ict• ~ ~time-consuming task 1n wnt1ng about Rod eT~lor is deleting the expletives from the basi c pro~cements. Taylor has a good deal to say. ~\Jl it is afways punctuated by such color ful ,.Janguage that it becomes laborious separating 1t ~~oJJ;l the m eaningful con tenL _:Jle bas been described as flamboyant, ir asci· ~le, jrreverent and anti-establishment. He has a !·flair for life that r em inds you of the Errol Flynn and ;' Hl,unphrey Bogart styles -hard·drinking out-•. '!' en and hard-living. '"Q MOVIE • • • "Jazz Singer" ( 1927) Al Jolson, Warner Oland, A young man becomes a singer. despite the wishos ot his Orthodox Jew1cih lather (2 hrs ) 0 l'IQl WELCOME BACK. KOTTER Just Testing Mr Kotter ha& his hands lull when he must decide to either holp Julie w11h lh1' housework ond 1he babies or help Barbarino propare for his make-up lest 0 JOKER'S WILD m CAROL BURNETT ANO FRIENDS Guests John Davidson. Ruth Buu1. ®MOVIE • * * .. Blood Alley·· (1955) John Wayne, Lauren Bacall. An American Merchen! Marine helps an entire village ot Chi- nese peasants escape from pursuing Communists. (2 hrs.) ID ONCE UPON A CLASSIC · The Battle Ot Billy's Pond" Two boys a11empt lo stop a dete,gent factory trom pollut- 1ng. (Rl ml WOMANTIME AND CO. "WorJo.1119 Women And The F11m11y 830 0 MOVIE • • • "Take Her She's Mine .. ( 196:1) James Stewart, Sandra Dee. An over-protective father has many problems coping with his tree spirited daughter In college. (2 hrs ) 0 (fb) WHAT'S HAPPENINGll · Trial And Error" RaJ 1s atra1d to tell the grocery market owner !hat a new delivery bicy- cle he bought lor Raj has been smashed by a car. 0 CONCENTRATION m CROSS-WITS ffi FAWLTY TOWERS Basil Fawlty, the most rncom- petenl Innkeeper In England. ls saved from ruin by his ell1c1en1 wile. (Part 1 of 61 ml AS WESEE IT IAO" tnlerrac1al reldllonsh1os including datlnq .. Anybody C.:in SJereotype AnyborJy" D1s- 1orted images 9.00 0 llOI BARNEY MILLER 'Corporation" Capt. Mille< and the detectives ot the 12th pr&- c1nc1 track down the Hawk, a corporate vandal. 0 IRONSIDE Othcer Fran Belding grieves over the apparent suicide or her cousin. until It appears he may stlll t>e allv0 CD MERV GRIFFIN EE) DOCUMENTARY SHOWCASE .. Guess Who's Pregnant? One out of every ten American teen- age girls. ~ THE AGEOF UNCERTAINTY ·Karl Marx -The Massive Dissent.. Mant' own phrases • YET. THROUGH IT ALL. he has scruples, i s ~cooc:.emed for his artistic skills and apparently wilJ ,;,~compromised. A lthough a native Australian. LEADING TV'S WAGON TRAIN WEST Rod Taylor Blazes 'Oregon Trell" ' e dem anded his cr edits be removed from a : fl b y a contr over sial ltallan dir ect or . ··.Michel angelo A ntonioni, because it was anti· • American without reason or purpose. T he film was •. •·iabriskic P oint." a strange, viol ent m ovie. • • Taylor says he believes firmly that the only combat violence is to be authentic. •· •• ''But I 'm a vocal spokesman now against kick- :'.bfglhe <expletive deleted) out of a kid selling drugs •!I d6tft care what Barella says, I think its ugly, .. h e dMlares sharply. played a mer cenary typr He confesses, "Bearcats' had a good format. but tumed int.o a piece of <ex- pleti ve deleted)." Taylor is quite canriid about his career in recent years. There 1s nol the 011portunily that existed in his earlier years. when he starred in such films as "Young Cassidy," ''HMel." "The V.I.P.s" with Elizalx-lh Tay lor and Ric-hard Burton, "The Birds" and '"The High Commissioner." ; TAYLOR I S COMING BACK lo television this ',...,eason. In "Oregon T rail," he portrays Evan 'l'hot'pe. a widower with three kids <ages 10 to 17 > TUEY W E R F. ROLES THAT suited his personality, and unron ventional behavior . • -wflo packs them up and heads West Crom lndepen· dence, Mo., with a band of aclditional pioneers. He ·becomes the wagon master It 1s seen on NBC Wed· oH41ays from 9 to 10 p . m . .a'he com petition includes ABC"s highly sue q&ssful m an-b aiting rro11c. "Charbc·s Angels,·· in a n~ time period this season. Hut al least Taylor ~\have Farrah Fawcctt·Majors to contend with •fn his inimitable, salty way, Taylor observes, HWilh three broads on the other channel. and me 'j,eiQg a bachelor (actually a widower) 1 guess I 'II • jlitonevery scroungy broad on the wagon train .·· • · ,/nos JS TAYWR'S TJURD try at a television s~fes. His first wa~ "Hong Kong:· which brou~ht .him to the attention of t he A m erican public, and paved the way for a movie career in this count ry. ,:J'hen there was "Rear rat" 1n 1971, 1n which he , ~. f\Volllen' on KOCE !. A series of 13 half-hour pro.l(r ams dealing with tbt!'llves and lifestyles of today's women pr emieres M>zUibt al 8 when "Womanlime and Company,·· ~es to KOCE-TV, Channel so. 'J'oplcs for the series Include working women t'IUHlthe f amily, women in srience, women writer s, 'contraception, sex stcr~typinJ( and the 'lingle life <:T hie: ft.rSt segm ent of the series, "Women Who ~ Wqrlt," features thrN' working mothers -who · h "ve three c hildren each. The women explain the ways in whlch their l'Url'er" have nffected their fmttllt'3. "Good movie scripts in terms of my st ature are few and far between," ho lamenLs "Actor s of m y age group are having problems. Roles have tQ be custom-tailored. J"m only loo happy to be working m y (expletivedeletcd l forTV ... This noticable hH'k of offers has pushed him into producing his own. There was "Chukka, .. and unothcr one he scnptcci, "On A Dead M an·li Chest." NOW HE OWNS 20 percent of "Oregon Trail." sn he keeps an eye on the administrative end of the 11roduct1on. And he refers to himself as a secret writer crm thesecrctrewnter , •. h esays) . lie dabblPd in pre-production and confides that he would like to try his hand at directing, too. Taylor relJshes t he idea of doing a western on television. "It \<; refreshing to hllve a west em." he says ~ r~ ly "If r scl' another cop say 'freeze,· I'll kick th<' <rxpletive delC'ted ) set in .. TllF.RE Wll.L 81': J\CTJON and drama. He's <1111t·k to point out that whatever violence ther e i s in rt>al1ty is not violence but rather "historic action.·· "It's in all the schools." T aylor says defensive- ly . ''Indians certainl y shot arrows, and cowboys and soldiers used Runs.'· Tl is all being shot on location in Arizona. "We're Rettlng away from the Duke Wayne and Monument Valley sort or thing,"' he notes bitingly. ''We· don 'l want du"t an cl mor(' d11st, and cactus and m ore cactus. We wunt vari<'ty •.. good looking ter rain ·· A final ob-.crvn11on '1':1y\or has the #$!&N intentions nnd I ht• hl''it 1', &NI*' *f way oC expl aining lht• &',;..1 &J prOJl'Ct narratA this evetua11on 01 the Impact or socialist tt1oug111 on the 19th century 9:30 f.I @) CARTER COUNTRY 10:00 8 0 NEWS 0 ®) REDD FOXX Guests Rodney Oanger11e1d Jackie Gayle. 0. C Smith a) NIGHT GALLERY When the Titanic sank. John Collcos, In a desperate attempt to save his Ille. puls on woman's clothing. tJi) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "D1ckem1 Of London.. Now a successful writer, husband and father al 25. Charles begins to spend mate time with his sister-In-law. the only p rson who understands him, a!) PARENT EFFECT! "Kids Are People To member llct1onal par n class learns an allernauve w of parenting 10:30 0 MARY TYLER MOORE An old friend uses a childhood re1at1onsh1p as Mary·!. camp mate to Introduce herself into the lives ol mary, Rhoda and the entire newsroom. mm NEWS ~AMERICANA "The Only Game In Town· Inner city basketball courts not only provide recreation tor local youths, but for some ot the very talented. a vehicle tor getting out ot the ghetto by playing professional sports 11 :00 I) 0 0 Cl)@) NEWS 0 HOLLYWOOD CONNECTION 0 MOVIE ***'~ "Cotton Comes To Harlem" ( 1970) God Irey Cambridge Raymond St. Jacques. A tree-for-all erupts when a bale ot cotton, contain- ing $87.000 In extor1ed money. Is lost somewhere In Harlem. (2 hrs.) m FOREVER FERNWOOD Heather searcnes for cred1b111- ty; George hn<1s big changes at work; Charhe and Loretta confess: money rouaes the man 1n Merle. (!) PERRY MASON "The Case Of The Spurious Sister" Mason Is challenged to solve a mystery Involving a dead wife who sues tor divorce. S) TO BE ANNOUNCED '1i) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT 11:30 I) (I) CBS LA TE MOVIE • • •1, "Dirty Dingus Magee" I 1970) Frank Sinatra, George Kennedy. An 1800's slippery badman finds himself With a strongt>Ox tvll of valuableS that he's unable to <>pen. (R) 0 TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Jane Fonda. Bob Uecker. Eugene Fodor. D LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "Arctic Station I C<>ed Dorm" D lm) POLICE STORY "Glamour Boy" Ponce Oltlcers Tony Calabrese and Bert Jami- son are at wits end trying to keep up w1th a cosmopolitan con man I escape artist. Tony LOBlanco. Don Meredith and Larry Hagman star_ m NEWS f1l) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MORNING 12:00 8 TWILIGHT ZONE "Trouble With Templeton m MOVIE • * * * ·'Anna Karenina · ( 1935) Greta Garbo. Fredric March. A Russian lady of the l1T1perlal Court falls In love with a dashing Army officer (2 hrs. I Cl) MOVIE * * "Arturos Island" ( 1963) Reginald Kerman, Key Mers.- man. A neglected 16-year-old boy, resenllul at first of his new step-mother. gradually discov- ers he ls attracted 10 her ( f hr • 30 min) 12:30 0 MOVIE • * * "Payroll" ( 1962) Michael Craig, Francoise Prevost Alter the death of her husband In an armored car holdup, a woman vows 10 gel revenge. (2 hrs .• 25 min.) 12:37 0 ®) THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL "The World Serles Of TrivJa" Four teams compete In semi~ flnal end final rounds answering trivia questions pertaining to movies, radio, TV and music. Guest appearances by Bust~ Crabbe and The Shtrelles. Richard Dawson. host. (R) 1:00 Q TOMORROW Guest host: Kelly Lange. The subject Is Incest and chlld abuse. Guests: Or. Fran!( Osan- ka. Dorothy Ross, Hank Glaret· to. Q I SPY "So Long Petrick Henry·· 1 :SO C!) MOVIE * *'' "Hollywood Story" ( 1951) Richard Conte, Julie Harris. A film produoer. making a movie about en unsolved Hot. lywood murder, becomes involved In solving the crime.. ( 1 hr .• 30 min) 2•00QQ NEWS Q MOVIES * • "Target For A Killing"' ( 1966) Curt Jurgens. Molly Peters. A secret agent ls sent to Lebanon to Investigate a mysterlous crime syndicate lrylng lo kill a young ~lress. (2 hrs.) * * ·~ "Dayton's Devils" ( 1968) rory Calhoun, Lalnle Ku.an. An ex-Air FOfce officer trains e group of apeciallsts Into a db- clpllned military squad. (2 hrs.) m MOVlES * * * "Home In 1ndl•na" ( 1944) Lon McA.tllster, Walter Brftflnan. A on&-Cltne temous sulky driver gain• renewed spirit when his nephew arranges 10 breed hla remeln- tng more, resulting In a champi- on. (2 hrs) ••\.'I "Undef My Skin" (1950) John Garfield, Mlchi!lle Prelle A jockey, who has thrown Innumerable raoes. attempts to ~straight tor his son (2 hrs.) 2:30U NEWS 2:55 8 NEWS 3~00 11 MOVIES **'It "Mystery Of The White Room" ( 1939) Bruce Cabot. Joan Woodbury. While per- forming en operation. a doctor Is murdered. (1 hr., 10 min.) * * "Freedom To Ole" ( 1959) Paul Maxwell, Felicity Young. A young girl sacrifices her honor to sove the tile of her fa1her. ( t hr .. 15 min.) Q) NEWS 3:05 1) MOVIE • • '.-t "The Brass Bottle" ( 1964) Tony Randall, Burl Ives. A man buys a brass bottle tor his flancee's father, but when a genie appears, trouble begln1. (I hr,. 25 min.) 4:30 f) NOONTIME Friday's Daytime /tlovies MORNING 9:30 0 MOVIE * * "'Meet Danny Wiison" (1950) Frank Sinatra, Shelley Winters. A singer's rise to fame Is slowed down as he becomes lnvOfved with gangsters.. (1 hr •• 30 min.) 10:00 II MOVIE **'It "A Private' a Affair" (1959) Sal Mineo, Christine Carere. A trio ot Army draftee. form a muslcal group, but oon. tuelon retgna when one of them finds himself manied to the aaalstant aecretary of the Army. (2 hrs.) - AFTERNOON 2:00 G MOVIE ** 'h "Baclc To God'& Cou"try" (1954) Rock Hues.on. Marcia Henderson.. A. eea QP- taln and his wife must O'fel• come CMWWhelmlng · obetedee to maintain their llte together. 3:00 d) MOVIE • • ~ "The Safecractcer .. ( 1958) Ray Miiiand, ........ Sterke. A convicted •feor**·. « 1s sent behind enemy floes lo s1e&I enemy eecreta. (2 hraJ 3:308 MOVIE • * * "Tell Them Wiiie Boy S. t-4ere'" (1969) Robert ~. Katharine Rau. An ~ Indian attUOO'ee to find end matnt•ln hla own Identity White • oOplng In a white man'• wotld. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Which Will S11rvive? Fearless Forecaster Likes Betty, Lou Granl By JAV SHARBUTT LOS /\NG El.ES <AP> -NBC's cancellation of 'Sanforcl Arms" suddenly r eminded us this week rh:tt on<'e aj.!a1n it's tame for the annual Fearless f''orcc.1st or the new. somewhat bad television :.('a~on As 10 the past, we. ah, guess which new series will poop or prosper. "Sanford," of course, already ls disquah f1etl from the for ecast. So i5 Richard Pryor of NBC. He canceled hlmsl'lf hy reducing his series commltment from 10 to four shows before the new season began. The last of his series, NBC says, ai rs Ocl 20. As 1n the past, all new.show forecasts arc m ade without benefit of tcu leaves or their equivalent, ratings. The forec:.ists now begin. SUNDA. Y -''On Our Own," starting this Sun· day on CBS. concerns two young ladies who work in an advertising agency. They'd be wise not tQ plan any Christm as sales campaigns. MONDAY -CBS" "Young D an 'l Boone" will be permanently lost in the woods by November. "Rafferty," a m edicine show, also will ex pire then. but" Betty White" gets a full season, m a,ybe two. Aac·s "San Pedro Beach Bums" will be all washed up by December, provided we all pray real hard. TUESDAY -CBS' "Filzpatricks,'' a close·knit Voters' Pipeline Returns on KOCE T he Panama Canal situation, energy conserva tfc>n ;md tax reform will he the topics as "Voters' Pipeline" returns for its fourth season Friday at 7:30 p.m . on KOCE·TV, Channel 50. The program b designed lo keep Orange Coun- ty voters in touch with their elected officials on the local , state and national scene. Jn the series opener . host Jim Cooper talks with the four congressm en who represent Orange County in Washing ton. JOINING COOPER ON the progr am will be Con~r~smen Rohcrt Radham (R-40th District>. Mark Hannaford <D·34th District). Jerl'y Patterson (l).JRth V1str1ct> nnd Charles Wiggins !R·39lh Dis- trict 1 Th<' legislators will discuss the flood or mail, re· ct•ivcd by their of fices, in bitter opposition to the two proJ>Osl'<l Pan ama Canal tr eaties. The tr eaties, w hich now owa1~ ratification by the U.S. Senate. are opposed by many county voters. Som e local con- gr essional offices report that 99 percent of the m ail r egarding the treaties expresses opposition to the measures. Al,~ t 1NOfo:R DISCUSSION will be som e of th" "unfrn1sh<'d business'" facing Congress, i;uch as the pcndmg bills on energy conser vations and tax r eform Jolning the "Pipeline" producUon team this '>t>:Jr.on 1s wntcr-rc~carchcr Susan Kr anzler. family, will not be around for ThanJr:sgivine dinner. Rut "Lou Gr ant" and his newspaper are good for at l east a season's circulation. No call yet for a new Tuesday family, NBC's "Mulligan Stew," airing OcL 25. But ABC's no~fOr· all-the-fam ily "Soap" will noal until January. then assuredly gurale down the drain. WEDNESDAY -N BC's "Oregon Traw· will be covered over befor e December, lik6Wlse "Big Hawaii,·· which started on aloha oota. TJWRSDAY -N BC's "CJUPs, ··a motorcycle hour. roars into oblivion ln November, at which time ''Rosetti and Ryan" will be disbarred. '•Man Fr om AtJanUs," in what seems a salvage operaUon. moves lo Tuesdays on Oct. 18. But the man and All ant.ls will sink for keeps in December. At ABC, "Carter Country"' will be plowed under by J anuary. A month earlier, Redd Foxx. who made a much-publicized networic sh.ift last spring. will prove that NBC's l oss was ABC's loss.. F RIDAY -CBs· moderni zed "Wonder Woman" and new ''Logan's Run" obviously aimed at the "Star Wans" trade. B ut Tbe F orce is not with them . Out they 10 in Novem ber. SATI.'JlDAY -A similar Cate awaits CBS' "We've Got. Each Other." But it'll talte at least another month before ABC's "Operation Petticoat" is pink-slipped and "Leve Boat" joins the Titanic. • All, THERE'S GOOD news today for vle?o(.ers who bate ''Tonight" but dug "Ferowood 2·NlgHt." lhe syndicated N orman Lear series that ran fOt 13 wee.ks this summer in only 31 markets. Lear's office says ihe show, a spoof or talk shows, will start taping again at the end of this year, with comic M artin Mull back at tbe pqd\um. Whether it'll be a nightly affair again or appear j ust once a week hasn't been rieclded yet , but lt 'll al r Jn early 1978. TUBE TOPPERS CBS 8 8:00 -"PnpUlon." Steve McQ\leen and Dustin Hoffman t rying to crack the "escape-proof" penal colony in F r ench Guiana tn this 1973 movie drama. KTLA 9 8:00 -"The Jan Singer.·· The 1927 movie that introduced sound to the screen ~ presented with no com• mercials -with Al Jolson in tho title role. NBC D 9:00 -"Take Her, Sho's Mine." Jam~ Stewart as the father of a college coed <Sa ndra Dee> in a lightweight 1963 movie comcd,y. KITV Q) 12:00 -"Anna Karenina." For ni ght owl movie buffs , this 193S classic of imperial Hussi a stars Greta Garbo and Frederic M ar ch . . I •, ENTERTAINMENT I THEATER New Play at Saddlehack. "And""" Cor '>Om('thin~ romplelcly t.11ffcrent m1..:ht w<•ll bt• the motto of lhl' Saddl<·ba ck Valley <.:ornmw11ty 'l'hl·all'r. which "ill present Orange Count~ prcm1c1, • ..,111 thrcl' of its 1977-78 productions. Thl' SaddlrhJck ph1ycr~ un' t•il lhc first of these Fnday night \\hc.•11 'Lo\'ers and Madmen" takes the s tage of the Misswn V1l'JO ll1gh School hltlf' thcakr The tonwdy ~l·l in an art institute 1s d1rcct- t•ll by Fn'll Knighl J<X• Crllcs lakes tht• leading role us an idealistic _,·mwg artist with Jan<' Nigh Davu.Json, Den Jutzi, Carol Knight. Joan Sidell and Mary Beth Wilson l'..ISl 111 major assignments. Completing the Sad· dleb.t(.'k <·asl are D. E Fi tzgerald, J ulie Kuehnert. Mar~ic Sl'11wab, Mark Hocha, Sheryl Ann Scott, Marge Wl•llman and director Knight. P F.Rt'ORMANCF.S WILL BE J!ivcn Fridays and S..1turd..lys, Oct. 7-8 and 14·15. at 8 pm . Sund ay, Oct. 9, al ti 30 p.m. nnd Sunday, Oct 16. al 2 30 p.m . Hc~cn .1t1011s are available by calling 586 8342 or HJ?~ South Coast Repertory's "Private L1,·cs," one of the gl'ms of the new season. continucc; ntghtly ( c'tccpt Monday> at 8 p m. with uddit1onal Saturday and Sunday mallnccs at 3 Davu.I Emmcs directs the Noel Coward comedy al lhC' Third Step Theater. 1827 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa. Reservations 646-1.363. Jean Kt•rr's Finishing Touches" b plJ} ing Thursdays throui.:h Sunda} s for the next two weekends al the San Clcmenlt! Community Theater, 202 A\'entda Cabrlllo. "1th Joanne Applegett direct· ing Curtuin time•~ 8 30. rest.•rvations 492-0465 Stars Set For 'Julia' LOS ANGELES CAP> -J ane Fonda and Va- nessa Redgrave star m .. J ulia.·• ba!'ed on Lillian H ellman·s book of her re- union w1lh a friend 1n Germany on lhe brink of World War JI Jason Robards als o stars as author Dashtell. H a mmett . w ith ll al Holbrook . Rose mary Murph) and Max1m1han Schell. ..... _.. "SIVB4 1uunts• -"1WB'T AWA 'r' -•• Wilder and Wilder • "00.UXS!I FOITUME" 7:00 10:40 "SilYn STRUK" 1:45 (PG) APIECE OF TifEACTIOM STARTS TOMORROW THEATRES-ORANGE CO SDIOI ClnmtS Sl.51 SO. COAST PLAZA J1tot111tll II ~' 2 II I 1111 "'u"' . • '"THI Sl'Y WHO _,., LOYIO MF" IP'GI ,, ..... , ...... "AOM HOOH TIL THHI"' 7-1"4r..SAT/-J ,.n .. 11 .. ,_,_ l•-.,,..,tJ .. INt "JA.WS Of DIATH• ~....__.. Ill '"THI HIU.S HAYI EYES" 1 ... ,_ IATWH I -~1~1000 "JAWS Of DEATH 1t 1 ~MT/-J,,._,JMIJt CINEMALAND 1411 ~ ~""' Ai\1~1"" U\ 1••• ,,,,,_ 'VALENTINO" (R> 7:00-f:ll SAT/SUH-l:IJ..J:JO. lcff.&00.10: II SOUTH COAST THEA TR( l AC.U•U• REACH t•• l~U 6:45 rM MotiMfl • Sot. -Swl. I :45 -THEATRE I "THE WHITE BUFFALO" lPGJ & "GATOR" THEATUU----- "ANNIE HALL" (PG) And "LOVE AND DEATH" HUT ATTRACTION "HHJUCICY AUD MOYIE" Cal A~l CIMMAS·&Ala..INM-T'\. l VU 'f' O&'f n1 2!.)0PM •)I)~ Mliiitl~;1frM;;!l!J 'ANNIE no 6·JO HALL ~: t:4S "LO\'E.uld D£.\Tlr _,., 1 n -s oo..,10 ~~ol{I IGI onspnacy J:IS....~S:4~7·10.t:IS ;\HIUlX}E 'llX> l:";-\1{ s 2;)()..S<JO.t:JO ·-, ... .,_Life • a-. .. -·· ......... ,...M "STU 'WAU" INI "-ntlWHm IUff.U.0" '"GATor'tNf .~v:::,:-111 MOYFI .f1.\ CITY CENTI!( CINEMAS ... ~ Intermission Tom Titus J\T SEBASTIAN'S WF.~7 Dinner Playhouse. "T hl' Odd Couple" continues on a Tuesday-through. Sunday run al 140 Avemdu Cabrillo, Si.in Clemente. Curtain times vary. Call 492-9950 for reservations . Al the H arlequin Dinner P layhouse. "The G reat Americun (Jackstage Musical" will be on the boards t hrough next weekend. The nostalgic original show plays nightly except Monday a t 3503 .S. Harbor Bl vd • j ust north of Costo. Mesa In Santa Ana. Reservatums 979-5511. CA.U..BOAHD Orange Coast College will hold ;i ud1l1ons for '·King Lear·· tonight at 7 p m . and Fri· day at 3 p m ... l.hc Shakespearean tragedy will op<.·n Jan. 25 and community actors are invited to lry out ..... Thu Saddle bad. Vall<'y Community Theater will h o ld rcad1n~'> for Woo dy Al l e n 's .. Don't Orink the Water" Sunday and Monday at 7 .JO at Grc·ul Wl•stern Savings, 24100 El Toro Road, L:.iguna lhlls .. director Joanne Applegett will be seeking :.1 ra~t of 12 m en and four women for the C'OmL'<iy. which opens Nov. 25 at La Paz School in Mission Vit•Jo ..... . .,.. ..... .. t.•• .. 1~ S2S 3526 w ............ ·-'21·1131 · a MOVll l<>Vll NIVll 10900 YOU LIGHT U' MY llfl l'°l l'lUI JUNHY LADY l'°l '"'°°'' ..uencv • llH•I uaoo. VALENTINO ,., A MO'tll Y<>Vll HIV'll 1~00' TOU UONT U' MY Ull 1"°1 ~"' fVHNY LADY IPOI uu --Ill! HfW YOCIC HIW TOCK 1'°1 ~ut 'lltf LAST ttMAll Of MAU OHTI !POI IOU1. HO l'AllH P&UION & PO'#ft 'lltf OTMft SIOf OI ~l(jj(T 111 Pl US COUSIN COUSINf 1•1 C HUii i. U at<\ON nu WMm aunAJ.o ''°, PtU\ OATOa 1Po01 CHAtl U U 00t$00< THI WHnE IUFFALO CP01 TWO l~HU NllllllUI THI KIW HAYI IYISt•l l'\ut M'MI COMING TO OlT TOU 111 TWO ~NU n.1tu•11 'IMI HIW HAVI lYIS t~ P\Ut ntn"ll COMIMO YO OlT TOii 1•1 (HAtlll .. Ofdafl nu WHm W,,Al.o '", '"" OATOl1POl (KAllTOff MUl'OH LAU MAIO MIN l'tul 'IOlfTINO MAP aun 1n~ot SMO•JT & Tiff UHOft ""' THI SllHG 0 & llll0¥14 TOll'\l MYll JO.OO- YOU LIOMT UP MY Ufl l'°l '"'. fUHNY LADY rN I • •..,,i"' & ...,,.... •• 111-• & SC ........... N••W r. r.1eoYM\ ........... a j!WI'. .. lle.llW & Seel& .. ~ .. Be true to your school! FILMED IN ORANGE COUNTY Slr-rra P1o6uc:l10M lid P''""" • Wo.ldWouo F1lm1Co1p. ll•l<N•t - --.r 0 THE ''H' RI ... l . -.. l1IHtl ..... ,. dM......, ...... ..,..., ........ A "IMK TALSft nUt Fu c ... •nt Mu•I< b7 THI' •«ACM MYI • .;-............ ~·-'" -'" .... -••6-llOf \ .... ••1..,, "".""..._.~ .,._., ..• , ..... , ...... ~. ~""""''' .°""".~"· _,,_, ....... _ .... ..c......,., ........ _ --c_ ..... _, .... Qil\1(9111t.\ ................... , ... ~,. ·-U-·I--·· -OW. ...... , .. ,_., -:n-~·.~-~~ ~·: Thuredey. Oc tober e. 1m DAILVPILOT .... if Now Showing At Specially Selected Theatres And Driwe·lns! • :=...~~~;:·:.::: .·:::::.:::::.:.: .. :.:: .. :.:··:.:::::::::~~ Ctomllfll.-.............................................. :-~~~3 ef.~:: ~ ~: ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ :~~~~~ ~~~~:~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~:~::11~:4" Hl-WATJftNo,W-.................. , .... , .... ., ........... ~ :.t -. ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE! . .... ~. aatSTOL CINUIA "YOU LI GHT UP MY LIFE" COHIT-"FUNNY LADY" {PG). "SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT' "THE STING" (PG) NEW YORK. NEW YORK ' (PG) "A STAR IS BOAN" (R) "FANTASIA" (Gl "THX1138" "A BRIDGE TOO FAR" (A) "HERBIE GOES TO MONTE CARLO" "BENJI" 8P{C•Al CHIU>A1H"9 "'Aa8 "THE HILLS HAVE EYES" ·"AABIO" "EXORCIST 11 THE HERETIC" (RI ''I'll tell you somethtng that never came out. I made Adam seventeen.Eve was ftfteen. I thought that would be ltke middle age. Who knew people would live so long?'' ~!Go4!" I .. fl,, RRYWlllllR1~1 1q rRnn11rno11 CCORGC BURNS· JOHN DEHVfR ·"OH. COD1" llRI CARR· DONALD PUASCNCE ~ 1,t'J , "'' rhv• I 1•, ,\\f hY (ilP,lf,li • Sc•ecnpl~v bv l APRY G£LBART 11 J " ll·t ll Ii RY .'I IN r RAUi'-(lH1•flrJ b, CARI '1llril R ...... --....... ,,. .. ~·-·-·-··-0 SEE OIRfCTORIES FOR llfOWTIMfS AHO ZHO FUTURES ' • ' .. DAil Y PILOT Thursday. October 6, 19n • -. The spirit of Marlboro in a low tar cigarette . '1t . ,, 1 ·~ j . ~ I•" l<I· . ± > ~ ~· • r. l•l.o I•• .,~, .•.. 4 ~ ... .. ,.': .~ . . . . oro LIGHTS LOWERED TAR & NICOTINE Lighter in taste. Lower in tar. And still offers up the same quality that has made Marlboro famous. ,, • ' . 12mg"tar;' 0. 7 mg nicotine av. per cigarette. FTC Repon Aug'.77 Warning:_ The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health . .. INSIDE: •Erma Bombeck •Ann Landers •Business •Stocks Featuring_._. ·---c~- Thursday, October 6, 1977 The Lesbian Novel 'For non-lesbians who take the class, it explodes all their ideas and stereotypes.' By MARCIA FORSBERG Of I,,_ O•ll• l'I ... Sl.IH A literature class 1s coming out of the close t for the very first time at California State University, Long Beach TiUed The Les bian Novel A Literary and Cultural History . the s urvey course is designed lo "make visible a whole segm ent of people who, up lo this pomt, have been ignored and have been invisible in the university system," says Joy Fisher, instruc tor. Ms. Fisher , who is presenUy the educa tional outreach coordinator for the les bian resource program at the Gay Community Services Center in Hollywood, is direc t 1n her approach to the subjeet. Now a res ident of Los Angeles, she lived in Laguna Beach from 1968 to 1975 and went by the married name of Joy Connors . After receiving h er juris doctorate degree from Pepperdine University School of Law in 1973, she practiced law in her own Corona deJ Mar office for two years. She later worked for the Orange County Council office. ACTIVE IN THE women's movement, she was pres ident of Orange County National Organization for Women <NOW > in 1972. In '75 Ms . Fisher went to Sagaris, in Ver- Dlont, which was biJJed as "an institution for the student of feminist polihcal theory," she ex- plained. For five weeks, 100 women were together .. tot,Uy outside of the patnarchal system. Up to that point, I hadn't reallied how bad. how Alienating, it was for a woman to live in our established society.'· As the women returned to their homes across <See LESBIAN, Page CZ> D.tlly l'llet ,.~.,.I.ff~ Joy Fisher, class instruclQf. DAILY PILOT The Talkies 'All at once, here was this country boy working with all the silent stars. , By DENNIS McLELLAN ()ft ... 0•11• l'I ... Si..tt In 1m Al Johon fittingly ad-libbed "You ain't heard nothing yet" in "The J azz Singer." signaling the end to the golden silence of the silver screen. Movief!oers stood in line four abreast at the few theaters wired for this sensation dubbed ·'The TaJk1es. · · "The Jazz Singer" was an instant hit, lifting tts producers, Warner Bros , out of debt and ob· .sc urity And rn Hollywood the sound revolution was on That was 50 years ago and today the l' S P nstaJ Serv1ct· 1::. marking thl' ann1vcr..,<sr}" of th•· birth of talkini.: picture'> b} 1s~uing c1 com memorall~c po:.tai::c :.lamp The stamp bowed an Uus morning on Stage 6 of KTLA studios in Hollywood where the early talking movie was filmed Following the ceremony. the m otion picture indus try held a luncheon at the Hollywood Palladium in honor of J ack L. Warner and the pioneers of talking pictures. O..ly ,., ... ..-.... .,. c;.,. ·--AMONG THOSE EARLY technicians is Ken- neth "Pop" Morgan, an 80-year-old Balboa Island resident who was working as a supervts· ing transmission engineer for the Southern California Telephone Co. when the sound revolu- tion hit Hollywood. Morgan today: The first films sounded 'boomy' and 'hissy'. In July. 1928 Morgan wa! called into the chief engineer's office. "How would you like to go to Hollywood as a sound engineer?'· said the chief. He knew something about amplification and loud speake.rs but he knew nothing about the new sound movies. Nevertheless, be jumped at lheof, fer and a raise to $.110 a month. Morgan was told he would be going to Western Electric's subs idiary, Electrical Research P roducts, Inc. <E RPI>. where he would supervise the installation and operation or the company's first sound system. ALTIIOUGH ALL the major studios bad signed with ERPI to lease iL-; sound equipment, the only system a vailable was an experimental one installed on a stage at Paramount Studios. Until ne w equipment was produced, the system was available to all licensees. The stage A Real Prince 'He admitted he has not slain any dragons lately, but he does enjoy conversing with people he likes., By CHERYL ROMO Of Ule o.lly ,., ... , .... Once upon a fairytale, a handsome young prince came to rescue a damsel in distress and carried her away on his white horse to a castle in the s ky where they lived happily ever after in a I and or flowers and honey. I had almost given up on fairytales until I received an invitation that s aid something hke: "Prince Egon Von Furs tenberg would like the honor of your company in the m enswear department or the Joseph Magnin store in South Coast Plaza." The men.c;wear depa rtment didn't seem the m ost romantic place for a fa ntasy m eeting -but princes nowadays have tom ake a living too. N ervous and p e rs piring after primping for nearly two hours -this r e porter das h e d i n a nd s aid som ething intelligent like," Wow!" And he, blond and handsome (just like in a rairytale), dressed impec· cably and sipping cofree. smiled and said, "Hello," with a soft, Italian ac- cent. Melt Take two. We sat down in a cozy comer between the new fall menswear line and the sale rack, and he said, "Please call me Egon" and I replied " Please just call me." The Prince said he had always wanted to design clothing "ever since I was a child. But. for me, it was not conside red a respectable thing to do.·· C"She is a better business person than I am," he explained). His family was in the business of manufacturing Fiat cars in Italy and he worked for them until he couldn't stand lt any longer and went to design schools in Paris and New York. Then he introduced his own line of e legant menswear. Obviously, a man of conviction. Finally -I could no longer resist - looked directly into the Prince's soft, brown eyes and asked, "Do you have a wh.ite horse? Or a castle?" Takjng a puff-on t-ils Tareyton, he set down his coHee cup, smiled sweet- ly and said, "No. But 1 would like to have a horse. "I live l.n New York City in an apart- ment. I like people and I Uke the ex- citement of the streets. J used to like to go to the discos, but now my children are growing up and J have responsibilities". (His son Alexandre is 8 and daughter Tatiana is 7. They live with their mother in an apart- m ent across the street from E gon >. He admitted he has not slain any dragons lately, doesn't race fast cars and what he enjoys m<Sst in life "is sit, ting around and having conversations with people J like." So folks, we sat around and con- versed. "l like to learn and I like to teach. I think all of us have something lo give and take from each other." Dell'f ...... ,._ .. , ......... 0'0.-11 Egon Von Furstenberg: "I live a normal life." He married h is high s choo l 11 wectheart. Diane (they are now separated but he said s he is his best fr iend). and admits he pressured her mlo JtOlng into the fas hion business lie confided he had always been shv. "I think mo!lt people are and l ' sti'll am. We a ll need to build self- confidence '' <See PRINCE, P•le Cl) .................. Kenneth Morgan, second from left, with Stan Laurel, far left, and Oliver Hardy, far right, and crew. Picture was taken In March, 1930. Commemorative stamp releasedtoday. was active 24 hours a day as studios tested their silent stars for sound and trained their new sound directors and engineers. "All at once he re was this country boy work- ing with all the silent stars." recalled Morgan earlier this week. "They were all asking my advice. I ran the biggest bluff as an instant expert that ever was. I worked day and night learning bow to get the equipment going and keep il golog. "But it was a fun job. ll was like barin&JOW" office and desk on the stage of a great abow 1Qina on continuously." SOME OF HOLLYWOOD'S most illastrioas stars flwiked their sound tests, however. "Douglas Fairbanks and John Gllbe&t hd " high-pitched voices that sure dJdn't fit their be- man characters. Mary Pickford bad a vaudeville ·voice and took elocuUon lessons for a year." Morgan, whose hobbJes include photo- graphy, genealogy and stereo equipment. waa asked what the early sound pictures wet"e'llke. "I wish you could bear lt, you'd havebOt.rou- ble telling me how lousy it was." be said with a laugh. "Il was boomy, bissy and full of back~ ground noise: terrible." ' Morgan later was promoted to chief efttineer of ERPI and s upervised the instatlation of sound systems at MGM and United Artiats. IN 1931 IDS invention of a noise reductton <See Tt\LIUES, Pace a> Virginia Knauer: consumer consultant. Another Side By LOUISE OOOK NEW YORK <AP> -~ eltht years of representing consumers In the White House, Virginia Knauer Js trying to teacb businessmen some of the lessons· she learned about the American shopper. She bas opened a W ashlnaton.bued consult. ing agency to tielp companlea and lodlvlduala deal with the demands and need.a ol consumen ln areas ranging from product complalnta to en, vironmental worries. In a recent interview, Mrs. Knauer said busi- nesses are concetned primarlly with "bow better to communicate with the conswnen. B.alta are <See CONSUMER, PaceQ) C2 DAil Y PILOT Thursday, October 6, 1977 Ornithologist Olin Sewall Pettingill with puffin. The Bird Man The ornithologist who made films for Walt Disney . is having to rewrite his bird guide books. By ~IAUREENCONNOl.LV WAY N E , M a in e (AP ) Ornilholog1st Olan Sewall Pettingill Jr. surrow1ds himself with his work, in a house filled with pictures and books of the birds he has spent halt a century studying, writing about and photographing. The former director of Cornell University's om1thology laboratory and w1lcllife filmmaker for Walt Dis· ney is the noted author of books that have helped students and amateur bird watchers for years. Pettingill, who i~ 69, has a com· fortable. Victorian-er a house by the water m Hus lakeside community. Outside, there is little indication of his life-long devotion to birds. But Inside, the walls, floors and furniture are covered with paintings and s mall wooden and porcelain sculptures of birds. Eagles grace a rug, an owl mobile hangs in the kitchen and ducks are imprinted on light switches and lampshades. He laughs telling visitors how as younJ:sters, his two daughters com· plained they were llred or seeing only birds throughout the house, and asked their parents to consider another decorating sc.-heme. The walls or hrs sludy are co\'ered ~·ith hundreds of bird gu1dcs and textbooks. P cll.Jngill, called Sewall by !Mends. recently completed a revision of his popular Guide to Bird Finding East o( the Mississippi, first published in 1951, and 1s rewriting his similar Western handbook. The books tell bird watchers the best spots to find certain s1>edes. "When I wrote those books, I had no idea that in 25 years I would be doing it all over. There have been appalling changes in bird lr fe and the environ· menl. Many fin e areas for birds arc gone." he said Afler learn in~ t hat prime sites named in his (•arla·r book'> have become highways and shopp1n~ ccn· lers, Petlmg11rs new books will focu" more on sanctuaries and public areas thnt he hopes will remain untouched for sometime. ANN LANDERS I ERMA BOMBECR ' ~ ~~ N ~ross Moms l LANDERS: l am a i young mother who just ~ had her third child . Aatt J Several years ago -at I least six or seven -you Lattders • . printed a prayer that l t keep under the glass in , ' prayer by Marjorie my dressing room. Ttu.l,1. · ' 1 Holmes helped me keep a round, trying to up· I had no two-legged rny s~ty. 1 am not ex· pease me -thinking m y children -only four aggerating when I say anger and maniacal rav· foott'<l ones. My last dea· lhat. . ing was their fault. p et was a Pekingese My copy ls getting "Oh God, the pathetic an adorable, perky lilU yellow and lt may fall helplessness of children! bundle of energy. Sb!J apart any day now. Will Their innocence before was only two years ol~ you please print it again, the awful monster -the when she died. I bad he not only for me, but for enraged adult. cremated and her ashes oth er young m others .. And how forgiving arc now ln my home. , who may. never have they are, hugging me so Recently I bought two~ seen It? Its 8 beauty.-~ fervently at bedtime, other pets and have ar-• CONTENT IN DETROI1 kissing megood njght. ranged for them to bei DEAR CONTENT : With pleasure. It'• one or my favori'". Marjorie Holmea's book, "\'ou Aud I And Yesterday" <published by Morrow) bas tbls lovely piece and rn any others. A PRAYER FOR ~MOTHERS "Oh God, I was so cross to ti;s children to- da>: ! Forgive me. I was discouraged and tired - and I took it out on them. Forgive my bad temper, my Impatience and, most of all, my yelling. I a m so ashamed a s I think of IL "I want to kneel down by each or their beds, wake them up and ask them to forgive me. But I can't. "They wouldn't un· derstand. I must go on living with the memory of this awful day, my un· just tirades. "Hours later, I can s till see the fear in their eyes as they scurried ·'All J can do is cremated also when the~ straighten a cover, touch time comes. The ashes ofi a small head burrowed a ll my pets wiU be placed 1 in a pHlow and hope with In tbe casket with me. i all my heart that they My casket will be sealed , will forgive me. and no one can object.-~ "l'.Ard. in fallfng these LOVE MY ANIMAL.5 lN I· little ones whom you VlRGINlA ~ have put in my keeping, I DEAR VIRGINIA"'!. am failing you. Please Have you checked this let your infinite patience out wilh your funeral and goodness replenish d l re c t o r ? E a c t. roefort.omorrow." cemetery has Jts own.. DEAR CONTENT: constitution. Assume What a beautiful prayer! nothing, dear. Get the Every motber who reads facts. it will see herself. Jn behalf of tbe mUUons of moc.her.J who Jove their chlldreo but are, alas, Jess than perfect, I thank you for requesting a re· run. DEA R ANN LANDERS: Maybe I can help the woman who wanted to be buried witJ. her cats. She signed herselC "Together In Heaven." True. many p e ople do not want animals in a cemetery. but there ts a solution ·and 1 found it. W~dding and engage- ment announcements run on Stmdau in the Dafl!I Pilot. F<JTms art available at au Dmly Pilot of/ices or by calling the Features Department. 642-4321. To avoid di3appoint- ment, prospeclive bndts are reminded to have thelr: wedding stories, with a black-and·while glossy oj the bride or of the coupte, · to the Features Depart- mtnt one week be/ore the wedding. • • • Lesbian Novel Desire Was in the Stars· <From Page Cl> the country, many "went through what came to be known as a reentry period when they went back into patriarchy. For me It was unbear- able." She was home jus t 48 hours when she told her husband she 'd decided to spend a year at the Women's Writers' Center In upstate New York. She packed what she could in her tiny Honda car and took off cross country to study women's liter ature and write poetry. "ONE OF THE w omen who was <1 coordinator at the center had a lesbian novel col- Jection. l was reallyliungry for books that I could s ee myself in -books that validated m y lifestyle" The 36-year-old graduate of UC Riverside. began searching them out and was surprised tq frnd 1,500 titles listed in a bibliography titled "The Lesbian In Literature." She notes that many were written in the 'SOs and '60s when ''a · lot of lesbian writers took a pen name and wrote lesbian novels of really good quality." She set up certain criteria and determined that the books to be used in a class should "have happy endings if possible because lesbians have enough negative stereotypes thrown at us by a homophobic society.'' A3 a result, she doesn't use books that paint a "morbid, depressing picture of lesbianism," but s~e does tell her students they exist. Ms. Fishet searched for well-written books, "but sometimes they were hard to find. The new books that have happy endings are being written by young lesbian feminists and they often read like ftrSt novels." HER f1NAL selection of nine novels for the course (which she has taught at the Woman's Building in L.A.) utilizes examples of a variety ·of l~blan lifestyles "to move people away from stereotyped notions." For instance, one deals with an Interracial relationship, another with the aging lesbian, still two others with the working . •• C> • Talkies <From PageCl> · circuit, then considered the greatest" ad·v ance in talking pictures, earned an Academy Award (Class I Technical). During his 21 years in Hollywood, Morgan Jived in the Los Feliz hills. The neighbor· across the street also was in the movie business. His · name was Walt Dlsnat .. "Our kids grew up together," saJd Morgan, who has an autographed picture of Disney on h1s wall. "He was a genius when it came to th1nking up ldeas. He bad that touch few people have." Shortly after he arrived in Hollywood; Morgan also met a young man named Howard Hughes who had Just spent a fortune making ''Hells Angels" as a silent picture. When sound came in he decided to reshoot the enUre movie, which made him the laughinl s tock or Hollywood. <The picture went on to be a s ensation.) "A TALL, GOOD-LOOKING callow youth is the impression I had of him at that point," said Morgan. "Here he was a rich boy using the mov· les as a plaything. He was like a l'-'Y sitting in a poker game with unlimited funds." ( Morgan was looking forward to attending L. M. BOYD ) tNFORMS In the DAILY PILOT ·SOUTH COAST ACTORS CO·OP t• .,,...,, _cN,,. r. -or • .,_.,~ 'l lllft' IM tllrno. - T'/, ~ ' ~cat•, Atl ...... ..,..... . {714) 957..0282 class lesbian. "l also made a conscious attempt lo in· corporate information nbout the authors las role models), their careers , the cultural history or the period in which the book was written, the dif· ficultles authors had and events connected with the book," Ms. Fisher added. For example, The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall became a cause celebre in 1928 when it was brought to trial under the Obscene Publications Act of 1861. ''It was probably the first book that made a plea for the tolerance of homosexuals. but the Judge found it to be obscene because the lesbians in the novel were 'attractive people and put forth with admiration,"' she said. ONF. POTF:NTl/\L problem Ms. Fisher faced was the title-of the course and the effect 1t m1~ht have on the enrollment. "l was torn between tryinR to conceal the nature or the course so the students would feel comfortable enrolling, and on the other hand 1 felt a rebellion against trying to conceal it. "l decided to go ahead and call it what it is " What does the class do for lesbians? "lt helps us understand the differences among ourselves so that hopefully there will be a closer, more sup portivc link among us, so that class or.1tacial background won 't divide us. "For non-les bians who take the clac;s, it ex· plodes all their ideas and stereotypes." Ms. Fisher, wearing an 'I am a warm. fussy dyke' T-shirt, added that, for the lesbian, the course "allows us to realize that we do have a rich history that women before us have already recorded. "For the non lesbian, it's proof that we have been here for a long time and we're not apt to go away." The Lesbian Novel is offered by the CSULB Office or Continuing Education, (213> 498-5$1. It begins today and meets from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Thursdays. Students may enroll through the second week. today's celebration with hls wire, Dorothy. He re· marked that it didn't seem like SO years had passed. "We're going to be given a list of who is there," he said "So J can probably see people 1 haven't seen since I left Hollywood. If they can possibly walk, the old-timers will be there. "That alone is enough to make me want to i;:o ." ~ THE BEST IN , •. TOWN, RESORT & SV.:lMWEAR.. · We ep.c.IMir• In cw•I""' bl'--'"'•\. • ,,..,.,,...., • f'ftia.-C.Of'ty • Qollv C.»7 . ' Su;,, II !> 326 Marin• •v•. · ~alboa ltland 675-7860 272 N. Canyon Dr. : Palm Sprln 1 326-8129 1 Call 642-5678. Pul l'I few words lo work for ou. .. w ................... . O'J'r...,.,.....\., .,_,,......,._, .......... f _,,.,.._,~:l.~ • .,,..."'. '" V'° Udo Plar1 tl"""P"'rlfl .. -.1 b7S 77YJ As a rule my horosrope 1c;n 't enough to get choked up about. Oh. 1 ·ve had a few mad moments. Once J was told .1 tall stranger would walk intomyhfe bringing me untold JOY, and sure <'nough, my washer re· p:11rman made it on Tues- <iay like hesa1d he would. Dul usually, I can count on my stars petering out e arly, my work ham· pered. financial nrfalrs unstable, and my bird will die around the 18th of the month. You can imagine my ;i m a zc ment when 1 111ck<'<l up my horoscope the other day lo d iscover 1 hr1t .. a strong physical dcsircsurprisesyou. Dal· I\ routine can be neglect· t'<I for a n c x c 1 ting purc;u1t." For me an exciting pursuit 1s catching up with the Good Humor man 1n front of my house. "l can't reme mber when I last had a strong RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ~YOllWClftt ....... 1922 H~ lfyci Cotfe Mna -541·025' ~. --.;.,.;. -.1[ HAIR BEAT · STRAIGHTENING qUESTION: 1, ,, ~ tn ~tr0o<"/ltl1" ~t waved I•"' r~ "'1'\//~ C\l 'y ho•' ~ c-....... eo1. l ocp>O Booch AHSWY: l~ wi•n f '1>' ;\ ~y .,,tt'I\ V"U ~"°"" ~ you re c.bnc+ 8"' 1f )'OU m.on 00~ ... a1 tho hoor -tho ~ution -w-Cll'l ro11rJ c.,1.,, hcW ;, '"6n?e' md therolc:n tod« on 1t.hor. qu1moN: 0o people ron'ly °'I yo-1 In•• '1 ""''""' you p11t '" yr.• cnl"'~"' ' D"". lm•o Mll\O A.MSWlll: '"'· tt;.i,1, a'Cl o11wit ~·· w,. r,d..~n rn Y°"' lovn l1ln. r•l•'J•On o nd hair P'~ ""'!lo atd«). ;t, A •tt VJ/VAMbo · HAI A S.TYLI Sf 2630 Avon, Suite "O" NeWJ)0(1 Beach (714) 645-7290 E,.... •--i.ee• -... ·~·rt· ·.~·-·, .. ··, . . ,. ' .. •' l,J ~ ~. -~ .... , physical desire," I said nloud. ·' lt was when you threw up al the fair," said my husband. ~. m• • . • · 1 of the way and be ready for It. My neighbor. H elen , came over. .. What's the house so cleaned up for at 10 in the mom.Ing?" I know I had only doled for a few minutes whell Helen knocked on the door." Did you aee him?'' "See who?" "Clint Eastwood. He•s malting a movie in towo and I was standing not th.ls far from him. What's • the matter?" Suddenly halt of my prediction caine true. I ' bad the strongest physical desire to wring Helen'sneck. 'Noone was surprised. "Not ~T kind or a physical desire." "I 'm clearing the--------- .. What kind of physical desire are YOU talking about?" •'The kind that occurs when you go to a Tup- perware party and the on· ly ones wbo show up are you and Robert Red· ford." My husband left for work and l reread the prediction again. No sense negJectlng my dal· ly routine for my exciting pursuit l 'd get everything out decks for a strong physical desire that is go- ing to surprise me.•• "lt'U surprise ALL or us. Got any milk tor the corree?" "No, and I'm not going to the store after it and take a chance on missing whatever ls going to hap- pen." All day I sat In my col· or-coordinated separates in my lemon-s cented house waiting for m y ex· cillngpursult,. .. IE CONCIRNID PRIVINI' FIRES ' liOROSCOPE Thuradey, October 6. 1977 DAIL V PILOT <:I Female Infanticide Still Practiced .Prince • • c fo'rom Page CU .. The followmy article 1.~ wntter1 hy a staff report1?1 of the lndUl11 l!:~re:1s, now a Ne1mun fo'ellow cit Jlarvord By ARUN CHACKO NEW DELHI. India <A P) -Outs ide the dt·· livery room of u Delhi hospital, the expecta11t mother's family kept vigil, her husband s mokinl-! and playing cards with the m enfolk, the women knitting and recalling their own deli vcries. When the nurse arrlvt..-d with the news, every one fell silent. Suddenly faces dropped. Some relatives consoled the new father, others cursed lhe mother. The newborn was a girl. This recent :-.ccne 1s a familiar one. ~·or cen luries in India, the birth of a son has been deem ed a gift of God. The birth of a daughter ha~ been deemed. at'be::.l, a d1sappo1ntment. ~ Today this altitude still l)<'rs1::.l!>, espec1allv in India's primitive, tradition-locked villages A-. a resuJ~ from birth many Indian girls fa<:e hardship8 unknown to Indian boys, in some cases even early death. Stories or female infant1c1dc are not uncom· mon in Indian villages. l>ehnite instances are almost never documented. howC\'Cr, in large part because authonlles leave such sens1l1 ve rarnily m atters alone. Yel as' young Indian women become increas- in~ly outspoken ab<1ul the rcprc:-.s1ons of trad1· l1orwl llmdu soc·1d\. till' probkm nf f<•mule 111 f.wt1<·1tl1•" bt·111i.: l1ruugh1 furtht-r into ttwopcn 'Str~1n>il1ni.: h.dn i.:1rh ut h1rth , or llrt••1-.tr1•t•l!111g t hl·ni aftl·r s[>rl•atl1ng' rip1um on the mulht•1 's btt•.ist, 1111gh1 he a lh1ng or the past ... -.u~s Prom1lla haplll , a •.rn·wlu~tsl spt'ciahung lf1 l)lt' probkm'i or lncJ1un Wllffil'll. "llOWCVl'r, what was dmw 111 a fairly l'rudc manner 1s :.tilt oftt•n a<:h11:vt•d 111dirt.·cllv." l\l:;. Kapur savs 1t. is not uncommon fur u fL•malc anfunl lei be °cln pr1ved of milk, or ignored if ::.ltl' falls Ml'k. Tht• mall' t•hald . 1111 lht· c'>lhcr httnd. gels the most nounsl11ng fnotl and prdt•rcnUal treatment from lht• motht•r, M s. Kapur<.uys. "l::vt•n 1n t.-<lucatrd home-;, the female infant gels less noun::.hing food," .,he says "For instance. tlw cr<.'am an one wcll·lO·do home was alway:. rt'st:r\'cd by the mother for the son . The daughters wl're never once offered 1t." Dr. Ashok M 1tru. former cens us com- m1l>s1oner of Jni.lw :ind now a demographer at Nt•w Dl'lhi's JJ"ahurlal Nehru University, says there 1s "ancontrO\'t·rtihlt• evidence that even 1f lhe ~ro::-.se"l form or frmalc infant1c1dc has dt5· appc: • .ircd 111 India. female l'h1ldren are still ncgkclt·d lo lhl' point nr l eltan~ tht•m die." Mit ra "a"s that d.1t.1 from the urn census in· die ale infant ·fem:tlc mortality in many regions 1s ;m 111 liO r>erccnt h1l(h<•r than the avera~e infant rno1 lalaty r<.1t<.· of 120 lo 130 ric:r lhou:.a11d hvc birth~. "l 1nt1l 1951 1l was vt•rv l'\1dcnl llwl h11by girls were crammally lll'~ll'clcd from birth up to ltw age ur fh:t'. .. I\1 !tr<.1 ~ays "S:ncc 1951 I the ncglc<:t seem::. to have extended up lo the age of ni111.' or ten." ~Vl'ral factors 1:onlr1 bulc lo the lot of the ln- 1llun girl. and many of them ~o back lo ancient lltndu altitudes toward marriage, dowry and caste. E\'Cn today in Jndia the majority of mar· riagcs arc arranged. almoi.t always by the bride's patents Jf they fail to arr1.1nge a !>uitable match while thC'ir daughter is still young, the parents face religious and social disgrace. On the bride's parents also fulls the burden of dowry, the g1fls of money, gold and jewelry prov1dt'CI to the g room a nd his family as part or the m arriage agreement. rr parents r:ul to give a substantial dowry they risk loss of i.tatus. an unsuitable match for their daughter. po:-.l marital problem s between lhe bride and her IO·laws, Or all Of those. On top of all lhas. the Indian girl stands little chanc<.' of carnin~ any m oney for her family. ln Hindu society, wom<.'n ar c generally expected to n·matn at h ome with the fam ily Jobs for women, especially uneducated women, are few. l'hc pr1nc<' went lo esl to h\•lp h1m::.elf learn to "relate to other peo· pie. l was always 1mput1ent.; never hstem.'CI to others Now l am uble to have a re lat1onsh1p . . I am not so ::.cared." lie has even written a book. lo be re leased in September. called "The ' Power Look ." Ile called it a how-to manual for finding the "best way lo introduce yourself, meet peoplt!, dress. etc." Pnnce Egon loves s pughctti, skiing and going to the movies. "l am not wh at you would call a sportsman. I have a normal life with all the normal feelings -good and bad." Ile is a romantic and confessed he has found someone h e is "totally in love with" and h e is "very happy. "In many ways. I am lucky," he said. "When I am hom e, I wear jeans and go to coffee shops and forget about being a prinre." We parted with a handshake · Ciao, .. he :-.mi loo. ancf said "If you're ever in New York-sto1> by:· Just like real folks. Prince Egon Von Furstenberg is ex actl.r what the i.torybooks promised ... A Real Prince Charmrni.: . • • • Consumer . <From Page Cl l interested in how better lo explain to women de· posilors how to lake advantage of the new Jaws on women and credit ... The utilities are m· terested in how to gel con!.umer reacllon on variable r ates ... · · Mrs. Knaue r said the attitude or business has chan~ed since she joined the federal govern- ment. She said ther e was an "early resistance .to changes liraccommodate the consumer point of view." During her time 1n ~White }{QU$e, she said, "I saw a complet oman~ around lo the realization. . that the s m · busi· nessman. when he used consumeri::.m as another innovative marketing tool. would hnd 1t finan- cially beneficial " ( Horoscope ) fo"RIDJ\ Y, OCT. 7 .... :-# By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21-April 191 . Pleasant sur. prise due. Imagination is .,limulatcd. Creative juices flow. Tauru•;. Libra f1~urc prominently Element of speculation 1s present. Stick to number "6" TAURUS fApril 20·:\f::ly 201 Get promise~. agreements naJled do~n --and in writing Property settlement could be on agenda. See beyond surface indications. Romantic interlude should be kept in ~rspective. GE M1N1 (May 21 Junt• 20 ! St:ind tall for principles. Accept c hallcni.:e. rMpon's1 tnhty Slick with number "R · Deal with older person who knows wher<.' 'bodies are buried " CANCER !June 21-July 221 f1n1sh pro1ecl -reaJizJ! that :.i situation or relationship might have'run its course Aries. Libra persons fi gure in scenario. LEO <July 23-Aug 221. C)cle "Just right" .for display or independence. or iginality. ·s howmanship. Di!iµlay product, i.how off talent. discuss unique concepts. VIRGO (J\u~. 23-Sepl. 221 : Follow throug h on hunch. Answer concerning dir ection or path to ta ke is upcoming. Aquar ian fi~urcs in scenario. LIBRA I Sept. 23-0ct. 22 >: Pressures re· lieved. SociaJ life i.-; more actn•e . You ha\'C more opportunity for self.expression. Gemini. Sagit- tarius persons figure in picture. You could get lucky with number "3." SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Your work or : career program gels shakeup --s tatus quo waves "Goodbye." Conditions are unsettled. You could benefit. Search is on for som eone who can silt through maze of uncertainty. SAGITTARIUS INov. 22·Dec. 211 : Do more re ading tba n us ual definite ~ain shown through written word. If analytical, you fmrl what is needed lo put acroc;s a major point, CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19>: Weigh costs -in time, money, emotional stress Family de· · cis1ons are on agenda -they regard purchase, : lease, rental, changes or decor. Partner or m ate • talks about money and what to do about it. AQUARIUS <Jan 20-Feb lR): Go s low, play :waiting game Refuse to he chided into snap de- cisions. Accent on leRal forms. joint efforts, co- oper ation with one whose views you might op- pose. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20 \: GE'l on:anized. Put things in place, get files in working order. •Accent on responsibility. posi.ibl<.' promotion, •more attention to financial resources · If Oct. 7 is your birthday you are artistic. in- • trospeclive, a perfectionist, drawn lo theater. Jaw, m('(ficine. You arc more susceptible to drugs than most persons Pisces. Vir~n in· divlduals play important role:. in your life FROM Fash ion I sland Newport Beach \\'hilt• inflation 1s '>l1IJ the single most impor- lant <:oriccrn of con:-.u mcrs. Mrs. Knauer said there have been :.om<• changes in attitude. There is "a growing ~oph1st1cat1on." not only in t<.'rms of buyers. ri~hts, but In terms or what those rights will coi.t. ::.he :.aid. "Consumers arc be<.'omin~ i.oph1::.ticat1..-<l enough to know that "'ht'n they u:.k for certain new protection. they 're J.!Olng to pay for 1t, not manufacturer::. who pass on thc::.c costs ... proach to consumer protection while not pu~hing strongly enough for legislative action. Mrs. Knauer alsCJ came under attack from some activists for switching her position on an in· dependent agency for consumer affairs. Sh e s up- por ted such an agency, then, when President Ford proposed instead the creation of consumer representation d1v1::.10ns within existing depart· m ents. ch anged her view. She said she still believes in encouraging bus inesses to act on their own to protect con· su mcrs. although "th e goad or possible leg1::.lat1\'e action always should be there." Mr::. Knum·r. \\host· J.!O\'ernmenl title was director of thc Offict· or Consumer Affairs and :.pec1al ai.~istant to lht• pres ident for consumer affairs.\\ as cnl1c11l'd during her ..lt:nure for what som <.' fl'll WJS her fovonng of the voluntary ap- 253 off custom draperies! BE GOOD TO YOURSELF The next time you shop, go with on apparel consuttont. GAIL 833-3495 Call 642-5678. Put a l ew words to work for ou. '\ t II held ti IU'\t hdh \h ff• ~ •· . I . t I " {! J..l.\.f-"t c .. '\IOIU'(. fU\ 4 I '\4 II. 'J,,., "'", ~ -11~0 lrV1ne Blv".l N<>woort Beach 642-6484 •wt:E1" tioT !£ ..... d . ~-.;.;·.6i' -~ e = 8rotwurst Sweet-Hot Mustard Smoked "3USilltt' ltnk\. ~ladt• in lh1• old·world lradr!H'HI or CXC'ellcncl'. from 'an old·Gt'l'man re~·rpc. Sup~r- Plurn p and IUIC\' fluf'I init Wtl h rich. bly spaced, L>ehcali: yet rnhu~1 • meal\' flavor. \\ hNh1·r hrotlt-d or lrat•i( t•njoy a totrC'h of l\l\\atl(I IO· With a unique and di~tl01.tlVC flJ\Or. lllitht wilh llicknr~ F.irm' 11r Ohio, Swect-Hol ~fu~tard Jdd' J litth: Iii' llrol wur~l. \ V . .\I LA Bl.E ONLY to your everyday foods. A v3l1,1hlt- Wlll LE ~l'PPLY LASTS. only 3t Hickory F3rms of Ohro ~· ENJOY A TASTE OF BAVARIAN STYLE FOOD TONIGHT Fabric, lining, labor and installation ~ included. Save a big 25% on lovely custom dra peries. Choose from a large group ot fabrics specially ':hosen tor this event: antique satins. sheers. open we;:wes. textures cotton prints and man} . more. You save 25% on the f'1bric, lining, labor and installation. 20% off custom shades! Save 20.Y. on our entire fine of decorative window shades. Give your windows that special touch. 20% off woven woods! Save 20% on decorative woven wood draperies In several exciting stylH and colors now. . , I Draperies. carpet or uoholslery need cleaning? C:ill the JCPenney Home Clr;mino Service :it 1 ·800·352·5481 for a free cstrm.1tc-tn your home. No obligation. of course! JCPe8ney Sele prices effective Sunday, October 2 through Saturday, October 9. COSTA MESA JlJ1 ri~~A~W ~.~~ct°:,:;';;~.;::':::: 'tJ1J \l~IR~\l IJ' '\r~\l llll~Sundav 12 to 5 p.m. u oo1a 1.'1JI w ,,., South Coast Pla'l.G Phone: 540-6991 c•"or.-'•P.: 11•" en ·uo Use th• JCPenney Tim• Payment Plan. C••~Q!j P• JI Ill :,., CUlV(~ Cllr fO~ "'ll', t:•,J llJ ••4G Lower Carousel Mail. Bristol ~t San .Doe o Fwy~ 00N111v 11•>1 u• "•• -.... It. CID·--TM IVlt l•IOH l'UI •" .,., ~~~~~~~~~~j·~~~~v~r~~~~~~i·~~~~~·~·~~~~~~~~Glt~OALt'C&llf ftl & j:IJ):i~t ~, STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR .. . l } ' Business DAILY PILOT !1t'at~hing His Step :\ construction worker chooses lus path carefully as hl' \\al ks atop the ~tructure of a future Nordstrnm Department Store at South Coast Plaza. The three-level. 120.000-squarc-foot building. scheduled to c>JJt.'ll r1l'~l s pring, will bl· the company ·~ ftr~t store in Californw Help for Disabled Eyed By The Associated Press HANDICAPPED -Sometimes it"s a big strug- gle for a person ma wheelchair to get up the steps to SCHOOl. AGI HEALTH PROILIMS lyTUltY GUHT, ..... Why docs a s~mlngly normal child have difficulty in learning? The first thing to test I! the cluld's hearing and vision. Poor hearinl( can go undetected at home because many hard of bearing children can hear deep SOWlds, but not those of hh1her pitch. They can hear '"most" of what Is said. Visioo, 1f deficient can usually be correded easily by the lL'iC o( glasses. Mental retardation and cert.a.Jn nervous system problems also can be determined and special education and medication arranged Poor nutrition, anemia. lack of sleep and chrome infections can also interfere with 3 ch1ld 0s ability to learn. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a medlcine. Pick up your prescription 1f shoppinit nearby. or we will deliver promptlr wlthoot extra chatf{c. A great many pt•oplc entrust us with thi>1r prescriptions. May we compound yours? P AlllC U00 PMAltMAC 'f 151....,....._. ,...,.,...1eoc .. 642-1510 * * * Odometer Riding Approved By The Associated Press If you buy a used car or other motor vehicle these days, the seller must provide a written statement saying that the odometer. which reg- isters the number of miles the car has gone, is either correct or not cor- rect. Under rules of the Na- tional Highway Trame Safety Administration. errecLtve Jan. 1. 1978, the statement must certify that the odometer either was not altered or was altered for repair or replacement purposes only. The new rule is de- signed to make the state- ment clearer and less likely to be misused. for further informa- tion. write the National Hi ghway Traffic Safely Administration, Washington, D.C. 20590. Call 642-5678. Put a lew words to work for ou. For your convenience: Sa turd ho11rsa Merrill Lynch In addition to our 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekday hours , the Santa Ana office of Merrill Lynch will now be open Saturday momings from 9:00 a.m. till 12:00 p.m. This i11 n good chance to talk with one of our Account Executives, In a relaxed, informal atmo- sphere. When the mnrkrt iii c:lo.."led. Free from thejangle oft.elephonc bells. Drop in end see u11. Or call for en appointment. P\~ Menlll 1.ynch ~Pierce Fanner 8 Smith Inc. 1 •1000 North Main St.rN't Santa AM, CA 92702 <714) 547-7272 a building or squeeze through narrow doors. There are re~ul:itions to ensure that the physically handicapped have easy access and , ready use or buildings owned by the Federal government. In add1lion. the General Services Admimslra- t1on has proposed similar regulations for bu1ldini:s leased by the federal government . IC you have any sugnestwns about the rules, write before Oct. 27 ta General Services . Ad· mmistrat..ion <PRL1. Washington, D.C. 20405. • HF.ATER STUDY -The Consumer Product Sarety Commission has decided not to regulate vented gas space heaters but may ban non-vented ones. Be c ause th e manufacturers h ave adopted a voluntary stan- dard for vented heaters, the commission said it does not feel regulations are necessary. However. it has instructed its starr to report on non-vented healers to determine whether thev ~hould be banned because or the possibility or rarbon monoxide poison in~. • OF.BT COLLECTORS -lt is against the law for debt collectors to curse, threaten. assault l)r telephone you at midnight trying to gel their money. President Carter 'lrgned the bill, whJch applies only to lhe collection or consumer loans. If you have a complaint about an overzealous collector harassin~ you. write to the Federal Trade Comm1ss1on. Washington. D.C. 20850 • OPPORTUNITl ES -Ir you have been thinking or becoming a plumber. a cosmetologist. a medical assistant, a carpenter or something else that re- quires on·the-job training or technical schooling, the U.S. Department or Labor has two new booklets to help with a decision: "'Jobs for Which Apprenticeships Are Availa· ble"' describes the kinds and lengths or on-the-job training offered ror more than 50 occupations. For instance, it says that to apply for a plumbing ap· prenticeship you usually have to be at least 16 years old. it takes five years to complete with on-the-job training and at least 144 hours or related classroom instruction each year. and prospects ror employ- ment look good. "Jobs Requiring Junior College or Technical Training" gives qualifications and training require- ments for more than 35 occupations For copies or the booklets. available at no charge, write to the Consumer Information Center. Pueblo. Colo 81009 TUXJ Securities Firms to Merge NEW YORK !AP l Dean Witter Organiiation Inc. and Reynolds Securities International Inc. have announced a preliminary merger agreement which officials said would create one of the largest securities and investment firms in the industry. The agreement, subject to detailed negotiation and approval of the com panies' stockholders at mecltngs in December, would combine the firms as Dean Witter Reynolds Organization Inc. THE COMPANIES' SUBSIDIARIES, Dean Witter & Co. Inc , an international investment banker and broker-dealer firm, and Reynold• Securities Inc., a financial services subsidiary. would merge under the name Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. Officials of both companies told a news con- fe rence that they expected t.o see little overlap m the branch offic~s operated by the San Francisco· based Dean Witte r and New York headquartered R tynolds firms. TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT $100,000 OR MORE 6.75% 180 DAYS Pacific J .. ct,... · Clty Bank c114J 141-1234 t'lu-10 ·--':=: :!.. ~~ ..... ..,. ..... At the Drop of a Hat America's rastest-growtng sport is suing one another at the drop of a hat, !:lays Walter B. Gerken, chairman and chief ex- ecutive ofhcer of Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company. Speaking to a group or 90 in :-.urnnce prorcssionals in Newport Beach, Gerken saJd lhe result of the popular "sport" is going to be hjgher prices for all products, turning the consumer into the game·s loser. GERKEN, WllO MADE his re- marks in a spei!eh before the Fellows Lire Ma nagement Institute, said California's an. nua) premium for excess tort liability Insurance this year has quadrupled to nearly Sl million. '_'That ~ingle develop!llent may bring qwcker leg1slat1ve action on tort reform thao yelU"S of political lobbying in Sacrnmen to,•' Gerken said. lie lauded the California Citizens' Commission on Tort Reform for its recently released r<'pOrt. "TUE COMM ISSION has pro- duced the nation's first com· prehensivc study of one or the most complex, least understood and ~t expensive luxuries or our society, the tort system. "The report points the way for us to go to the public with a pro- gram to convince them that they are the ones who are really pay. ing for the megadollar J>Wlilive damage awards. Gerken said. He said that among the 13 member companies of the As- sodation of California Life Insurance Companies, as of the end of July. the total amount or punitive damages for pending cases was more than SS63 million "CLOSER TO HOME. or that amount, our company had more than 2S cases pending, worth a total or more than $S5 malhon m damages," he said. Instant Lawsuits Emerge As 'Fastest-growing Sport' Wh.ile he ·spoke in strong sup- port of reform of excessive punitive damage awards, he said the right of taking one's case to court must not be unfairly restricted. HE SAID THE insurance In· dustry is putting more top people into the claims payment end or the business in an effort to avoid, or at least oCCset, punitive damage litigation. "All companies must improve their quality control when it con- cerns proper claims handling. It's our reason for existence. When we slip up, we leave ourselves terribly vulnerable. "Our claims people across the country take great pride in the * * * fact. that. we pay more tban a million claims a year and tbal ~ percent of them go rl«hL throuitt without a question. Lesl than 5 percent are aent back for furtw study and only l percent ever eod up in d.bpute," Gerken said. Solutions lo the probl~ 'ol growing punlthe dam•a• "lawsuits will not eome e•r or soon. be sald. "IF WE OONTIN1JE to sue each other al tbe drop of a hat. we ' will continue to pay Jncru.singly higher prlce1 fw everyUaln1 we needandwant,''a.rtenlaid. Pacific Mutual, budquartel'ed in Newport Beach, ls one of Amerlca '1 30 largest illnr•ee companies. with 197& a.uet.a ot $1.7 billion. * * * . _ ... Gerken Elected .. ... .. .. To Stores' Board ·' Walter B. Gerken, chairman and chief execuUve olficet" of Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company, Newport Beach, has been eleded ~ the board of directors of Carter Hawley Halt Stores, Inc. _ Gerken joined Pacific Mutual in 1967 and was elected presideftt·fn.· 1972. He became chairman and chief executive otneer in January. 1975. He is a director or the Times Mirror Cor p .• So u lhern California Edison Company and Whittaker Corp. He also is a director or the Automobile Club of Southern California, the Greater Los Angeles Chamber or Commerce and the California Chamber of Commerce. Carter Hawley Hale operates 69 department stores in California and the Southwest O,·t'r 1~h~ Couutt~r NASO UstirMJS through its general departmenl st.ore divisions -the Broadway· Emporium , Capwell's aft6· Weiru;t.ock's. The company also operifa 29 specialty st.ores through Nelman- M arcus. Bergdorf Goodman. and Holt. Renfrow in Canada. Otbe\" subsidiaries are Walden Bo<*s and Sunset House, natlonaJ naall order firm.· ' I• ------~------~------..--------.--------------------.... •• . . . .... STOCKS I ANAL VSIS Thursday's Closing Prices ~ NYSE COl\IPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ~lloM h-c I~ 1~ on IM ,..w Ve><tt. M"'-tt, P-. lllc. PIW, 9"10fl, De1"tfl -OftC.,_.11\0<ll ·~~·-._wo1>V o.. ,..11oN1 .u-1•1iori01S.C:w1t1•• o .. ...., _ ,,..,..,.1. Thut"lday, Octo~r 6, 1977 l/N nAJLVPILOT Patte1•n l•p~ Our 'Quagmire' Could Dry Up \ By JOUN CUNNIFF ,.,...._.~ Just when a lot or people were setting accustomed to th., notion that the nation's economy wu 1lnktn1 Into e quagmire, a few reports were issued lh•t tend t.o rlddle tbe notion: -Machine tool orders, or orders for equipment that wtU be used in making other goods, spurted In August aftet declining in June. -The level or orders at the nation's factories rose ~ August for the first tlme since May. .. -TIIE INDEX OF LEA.DING ECONOMIC lndlc•torf also rose in the same month alter having decUned for tw• months earlier this year -and three straight until the JuJ.t figures were revised from a minus to a plus. What all these indicators sbare In common Is the future: they are all m. dicators of further economic activity. They represent~ mltments to that activity. There is additional evidence of some underlyil\C strength in some o! the other lndivtduaJ indlc•tors. C•pltal spending plans are moving up. So are building permits. Again, these are signs of activity to come. It doesn't take much to change the kaleid~copic pattern of ( ] theeconomy,justaone. NEWSANALYSIS ' month shakeup or the ln· dicators. The change can develop with re· markable speed. The stock market, for instance, is one of those leading econornlc indicators. When other components of the leading index show strength, the stock market ls inclined to rise as a consequence. And in rising, it contributes further to a rise in the index. A ONE-MONTH RISE AFTER three months ot weak- ness might not be enough to dispel the fog and drizzle that have been dampening Wall Street's ouUook. but it should quiet for the time being some ot the foghorns of disasteT. For months, their gloomy voices have been telling a tale or woe to come, of an international economy mired in re- cession, of inflation raging throughout the world. of prob· lems beyond our ability to deal with them. In lh.is context, every percentage point rise in jobless- ness or inflation is mterpreted as verificaUoo, And so if every labor-management hassle. congressional argumentt Federal Reserve action and presidential ded.sion. \ To deny there are serious problems is to cl~e the e'1 lo reality. , BUT TO GATHER ALL THE problems into ' patchwork quilt and then try lo spread it over the entirt economy is just as unrealistic. I Those recent expressions of confidence in the econornl ~ future, for example, cannot be covered by the blanltet. Ther protrude. New orders at the nation's factories. a heallhy level<• building permits. orders for new machine tools, and finaJ I" cial commitments to new plants and equipment are the r4 ahty -· or else the money so committed doesn't mean ~ P~es on lncreme I Despite Price News i \ NEW YORK <AP> -Stock prices bounced upward le rlay despite the news ot the sharpest rise in the wbolesaJ; price index in rive months. ... . The Dow Jones average or 30 industrials was up 4.S pom~ to 841.91 after a drop of 14.64 points in the two previou. sessions. Gainers held a 7·5 edge on losers among New Yor Stock Exchange· listed iss ues. Big Board volumecameto18,49millionsbares. The government reported this morning that th; wholesale price index climbed o.s percent last month, lo the equivalent of a 6.0 percent annual rate. The increu was the biggest since last April, and exceeded most Wal Street expectations. NEW Y'OlllC !API· ~~'• .t pm pr1u• ~~~""toe': ~~,:'' '~ h •OlllO NllONlly et ,,_. 11\en $I .... ,. ..... , .. 11•.-IJ'9 . 11...0.IM • . . 8',200 U V> "' 0 ••-• . .. 10,M ,. • ' UYlnd wt 41,lOQ •loo • .. Woll-8..... )1,.00 3,, • ._ Synt•• eot-o.. 1'.100 ti' <1i - '• O.mwri Oil.. • n ,ooo .... ·~ =A.. , 11,200 '°'' ..... • • • Jl,SOO 1.-. .. mp .. • 1',200 1 • • Whal S•o~k# Did ' '\ Nll\' YORK IAPI P,._v, j' Too•y ""r 11S W Sia , .. Slt >ft 1114 1"5 3J ,, 34 111 Due to late transmission· today's listing will not appear in the paily Pilot. WHAT AMEii 010 NCW VONK 1APt ANla lC IALEI Due to late transmission today's li sting will not appeat In the Dally Pilot. St~ks In The Spo1ll9ltt C8 DAILY PILOT use Thursday, October 6 1977 COMMUNITY SUPPORTS SMYTH BROTHERS' PLAN FOR BLUFFS OVER DANA POINT MARINA But State Coastal CommlUlon Won't Back Newport-based 'Big, Sad Developers' State Thwarts Builders Dana Bluff Plan Wins Friends, Not Influence By STEVE MITCH ELL Ol Ir. O.oly Ptloi St•ll Chuck Smyth and has twin brother Ed have had their prob- lems trying to develop a 76-acrc parcel atop the bluffs overlook in~ the Dana Point Manna Their plans to de\ clop" mix of condom1n1ums and s1n,1?le famah homes amidst park., and a public· blufftop prom<:naclt• have con llnually lx-cn th" arted b\ th{' :.late coastal comm1,i.1on · "SURF., Wf;'RF: nu: bag. ban developers." s aid Ed Sm} 1h. half of Newport BeHCh·ba.sc•d Smyth Hrothers. Jnc "But in this cas<'. wt• ha\'l• the backing of the community on a well-planned development." The Smyth Brolhers proposal has received the backing or the Hetdth Care Lectw-e Set For Laguna A lecturl' on hohl>ll<· hl'alth l'are \I.ill lX' presented al the Laguna Bca<:h H1 t?h School aud.Jtoraum Monday from 7 lo 9 Pm. Kenneth Pellet1er , author or artacl~ on cl1n1c·1.1l bioreedba<:k and psychosomatic medicine. will discuss the mind as a healer in the two-hour free lecture. The lecture IS a part or a Sl'rl('S present ed by Saddleback College. Don Tompkins Appointed to Mesa Agency Don Tompkins or Costa Mesa was appoant<'d th•'> week to the city's Rt'development /\gene) The Costa Mesa City Council made the appointment to fill the unexpired term or Michael T McLau1:hlln. thl' agcni:y's chairman, who submitted has resignation City Man ager Frl'd Sorsabal said Mcl.aughhn guve no reasons for leaving Tompkins. who works for Brunswick Corp an Costa Mesa. will serve until June of 1978 . Council members also reap- pointed Lew Kidder retroactive- ly to the agen('y. Kidder's term expired in July The agency 1s overseeing the redevelopment or a't>out 250 acres in the city's downtown area Race Track Tour Planned An evening at the Hollywood Park Race Track for night har· ness racing is planned Oct. 22 by the Costa Mesa Department of Leisure Services. The excursion will leave the Orange County Fair - grounds-Community Recrea- tion enter at 5:30 p .m . returning after the final race at 10 30 p. m . COflt is $8 per person. plus din· ner at the Turf Club, which has a SS per person minimum. Men must wear neckties Registration may be made by calling 556-5481 or 556-5300. Dana Point Call.Gen ... for Action J!rnup, Lh<' locul <.'ham her of com na·rc·t.-. count~ !<>Upcr\'tsors and t.'\'l'n the rei.:aon:.il coas tal <:om m a:,,:-.aon :\OW T HE ST:\TF. park" dt• p.irlml'nl h<t:. dc:.,,gn., 11n tht• so ,·alll'<l Lanll>rn Ba~ urea prnpo., ing to purt'hd:-t.· tht· t'<l'olt·rl\ 10 11r "" ,l('re ... I Or POS'>lhll· dt.;\ t'lop m ent , • .., .1 d<i~ u"c' park or " rl·crcalronJ J \ l'l11<'1t· ('Jmp !!round The bluff.., art• lorall·d bt•tYof'Pn Dt•I Obt!>po Strt•t.'l and C•iJ'>l 111 ).!h'.l.ay t•,1:-t of Strtl'l of Lht· (;olden l.antt·rn Stall' t•IJn'> mti.:ht 1n r lurlc rn11t tr~11h t i') nearby Dnhl'n.\ f!t-:.il'h St.ill' l'.1rk and to the marina hl'lol.\ That leaves tht• Smyth brotht'rs. <Jnd their partner. l'acific ·Mutual Lift• Jn,.urance Company. wtth a nl'w problem "WHAT THE LATEST mo\'e <by the s tate > doe~. 1s cal:ot a rloud O\'cr our entire p1ecr or pro perty, ·•said Chuck Sm yth He said the development farm alwa)S intendc'<.I to rkH·lop thl· entire• parcel. bu! latC'r ht'ld out !he eastern portion t about 12 acres, he s aid > for possabh: purchase b.v the 'talt' Anci even though lht• '>lat<' ha" rxpr<'s~cd an interC'<>t an JI lt•J ..,t 10 acres of the pari·l'I, Chuck Sm)th ~aid he s till want.. to ck \clop the remt.11ndcr "WE WOt:LD UE willing to s cl I thl' land to the :-late at the fair market price." he said "Out we can't sell them 50 acres ror S4 million .. Nary a Bark 1 hat wa'i tht• a mount set aside 1n J purks bond hall s1gnl'd last \\ <·<•k by Go\' Edmund Bro" n Jr 1111' purl'h;1:-.t· uf the Lantern Hay J>Jll'd .b lar Js thl'ir (lntJ CCt Chuck Sm\lh ... aad hi' went to th<' stall' 1·oa,t..il 1·1>mm1:,s11in ..,turf and .1 ... kl·d th<:m "to comt· uµ wllh a I.ind U'>t' 111:.in tht·.\ thought lhl'Y 1·ould la\ 1• v.ath ·· THE STATF. OFFIC'lr\Ui dad JU..,l lhat. and Sm vth -.a11I hl' wt.•nt h.H·k lo tht· county for a general f1l.1n .im1.·ndmN1t '\'()',I, 111' twi.:1n .. I ht• Ion..: PflX'l''-" ol /.!lltnl! throuµh lm·JI. rl'S.:IOnal ,11111 ,(aft• c·hanrtd\ (ll '''(' ar tht.• lit'\\ pl:in-. /.!t'l lltt· go-aht•ad ''It '' lru'>tr<i!IOI! ... Churk Smyth SJld .. ,.\'(. J>N,onally ht•t•r1 working on tht!<> proJ<.•ct "Ill<'{' l9t;(1 and the rompany ha~ bt•t•n ln\'Olvl'd l>IOCl' l~ "Al.L Tllt: T l!\1 F. we h:.ivt' h1•en trvang to dt•velnp <i project th.it ,., markctahlt: and good for I h1· nt•1ghb<irhtl0<.I .. Chut·k ' 5 t ) car·olrl brother ·•>:rt•(-:. 'Tht• rommunal\ dot•sn·1 want n·c·n'.1t1onal vehicle' 111 tht·re. .,.. 1•q • ht:ard lht·m 'a' thal. .. t :d Sm~th :-:11CI .. Wc'\c hel'n trying to hl· ~ood t·orporalt.• 1·1t1Zl'nS. hut "t' n· al th1.· '>lM<· comm 1ss1on ·.., nit•rt·\ as to "'hat "'l' can bu aid lht·re " C huc·k and l-:rl Sm\ th have \ll~l'<I to pto<I al11nl.{ ~·11h thl·t r prnp<>sal. hoping that som('<.iay 1ht·y'll rt•a1•h <in aecorrl with :ill '>tall' offlcaals and ftnally break ground on Lanll'rn Bay · Frrrl R~1s~cl~ 's pooch Dolly do<'~n 't Se<'m too keen on her respons1h1ht1es as a walC'hclog Shl• strolled right past a sinister fellow oouncinL! on Pontrhatoula. La .. without so much as raisin~ a ha<'kh• Fortunately, the devil's a harmless ont' mC'rC'I~· <1 po~IPt at a strN•t f:11r t.>xhihit Staff Backs LA-San Diego Train Service LOS ANGELES !/\Pl The Santa F<' Hallroad should ~or dered to provide l'Ommuter tram Sl'n ·11·t· bt•twet•n Los Ani.:cles and San Dat•go. lhf' stafr ('OUn~el or thr "lat<' Puhhc L't1ht1e:. Com- m1sl:o1on ... a ..... In a pre h1·annl! 1·onferenc1· Tt1t·.,tlay to dt•tc.•rman1• !ht• stalus of 1•1J.!hl rail p:isi.t•ni.:t•r c:.ir., 'ill· trni.: unu ... t•d an l 'n11in St:itwn. 1·ounM·l Wilham .lt•nnani.:' sup portl'cl ari.:um1·nh h y Los .\ngeks Count v that lhf' 1>t'rv1c·l· tw onlt'l'l'<I .J..,· J pu hhr t·om·p. llit•nc·1· llowt.·\'C'r. ht• add1·d thut "S:1nta Ft• .. 1iuuld 1111t lw n ·11u1rcd to :.ih~nrl1 ;my IO'-M'S, 1f lh<'Y (Jl'Cur." ,\ "P<1kt•smo.1n for ltll' railr<1ad ..,~ml 11 plan:-. 10 ('h:tlll'ng<' !he 1urasd1t•t1on nf thC' PUC in the l'3Sl' Thl· unu"<.'<I rail rars were or- dt•n-d n·furlns ht'<.l hv the count,. Board of Supt•n·1sor~ an hopes of 11i.1n~ them for .t rJtl rapid I ransit "} "tl·m Four Nabbed On Newport Burglary Rap Four youn.i: men from .Santu Ana. anr luchni.: thrl't' Juveniles. wt•n· taken into <'U,torlv by '.': 1· w p n r t II t· a <· h i n eonnecl1on with the hur~lary of s lt•rt."l and ll'l<'vti.aon equipment from th(• Ford Acrospac<· and Cnmmumc·at1ons Corp. pl;tnl an !\c•wport Mark Anthony Walson. 19. rl'· maint•d in <'U!'>tody in lieu of SS.000 bail O<'tecl1\'cs alleged that Wiison and a 17 yc;\r·old youth. both t•mployl'd by th<.• aC'ropsa cc farm. took the electronic equipment I rom the plant·:-lobby, aided by two 16-~ear-olcl c·ompanaons All Wt're arrested after being identified by w1tneo;<;es The 1uvenilcs "'en· released to their Jlart'nts aftl'r being ques- t1ont.-d hy pohcc. Choral Group Schedules 2 Fund,.raisers . l rv101"s Un ivers ity High ~chool choral music department plans two tund·raising events to raise money to tour the stale A SI a ticket car was h is scheduled from noon to 7 p.m Saturdny, at the corner of Cul\'cr and Michelson drives A bake s ale of ca:-es. pies anci cookies will be held in the Ralphs s upermarket parkin~ lot at the Tustin Heights shopping center on Irvine Roulevard in Tu.'>lin. Oct. 14 and 15. Hours arc 3 pm to 7 p.m . Oct H ; noon to 7 pm Oct IS Mame artis~ and choral students will entertain. Burglars Loot House in Vlejo Property valued bv the victim at more than $3,oOO was taken from a Mission Viejo home by bur~lars who twisted off the front door knob, Ora nge County sheriff's officers s aid. Deputies said the loot taken from the home of sales manager Peter Luyster Sklar, 36, of 26051 Via Viento. included a television s et. a typewriter and an add1n~ machine. Sklar was in LD'l Vegas at thebme. ORANGE COUNTY I BUSINESS Carter Choice Jobless Rate Wins Efforts W/\SHJNGTON !AP> President Carter·s economic advisers are klhng him that his twin goals of a balanced budget cind low unempJoy. rnt.•nt by 1981 probably cannot both be achieved, administration sou recs say. Fael·d with making '' eho1ct'. these sources s ay, Carter has decided to v.nrk for u low unemploy ment rate of below 5 percent, whale sal'l'ifal'ang ht~ oft-repeat1•d l'am pa1g11 pledge lo halunct' lht· V d H •ke bud~ct by the end of his <:urrenl con i s ll'l'IO O~t: TENTATIVE est1mat1· prnJet·Ls thl' 1981 budget dcfltat at bcl\\ct•n S!O btlhon to S25 b1lhon undl'r lhl' low unemployment op ta on Inflation "oultl be about 4 5 pt•rccnt. also short or Carter·~ goal Doth durm~ his camapign and s ince laking offil'e, Carter has plt·d~etl to have a bulan<:cd budget. low unemploy ment and low inflation, all by the enci of his t·urrenl term in the Whill' lloust· llnwl'ver. the continued slug gishncss of lhc economy and lht· failure of the nation's industrv to increase sharply job-creatini in· ve:;tnicnts arc pulling the rug. from under thf.' Carter plan. THE R ETR EAT FROM a balanced budget may not he acknowl<.•dged outright, but will bt· couehe<l in n •frr1..'nces to tht.· rll'ed for <i high or a full l'mploy ment budget. a l:ol>Urce s aid. "The President bought tht· Hlt•a of a high l'mploymcnt budget ... saarl lhl· soun·e. who h;id knowlt'<lS.:t.' or u m c<'ting Carter ht•lcl an 1\ugust with top ceonomat ~HI\ I St' I'' Charil's I. !frhult1c. chairman of tht• Counl'tl of Ec·onomr<" Ad ,.1 ... 1•r .... tor one .• 1ln·;11ly <,peak<> an term ... 111 .in ;Hlmin1slrJl1on l'Om malmt.•nt to "a ha!Jnl'cd budget Ill a high cmplu~·ml'nt econom~ · · FORMER OMB DIRECTOR Ill-rt Lant·~ was the !>taunchcst :iii \'ocate of a halanccrl budget in l!l~l .• ind ht.• hu:. r c-.agnl'd 1111\\l'\l'r. thl· sourc.·e ~aid en·n L,1nn· wa:; ll'mpl'ran~ his puhliC' f'<1mmc.·11L.., in favor of a balancNI hudgN JU!-1 ht'forc his re~1gn~1 lion Loyf!red Look APWll·•-lo Fa\1 means nippy norning~ and warm aflcrnoon s in Kunsas Citv. so Tonv Pace takes a icar from the fa~hion experts. Ile layers cutoffs O\'Cr long underwear for comfort no matter what the duy pro\·tdcs. Four Meetin s Prices of New Cars DETROIT <AP> -When Ford Motor Co. unveils its 1978-model l'ars Friday, they wHl carry prices averaging $387 more than <.·omparable 1977 models. T he stiffest boos ts are on lar ge models. while many s mall cars will t•ost less. The nation's No. 2 auto maker said Wednesday that the in- ncasc works out to an average of 5.8 percent, and it boosts the sug- gested retail price of a typical Ford. Ml!rcury or Lincoln for- t97R over the $7,000 mark, incJud- ing options. FORD JS HOPING that put.ting I ht· pnt'c increase burden on big l·ur -; will boost sales of its sm all, f ucl -efhc1ent car s. l 'nder a new federal law each rnmpany's fleet of cars produced 1n the 1978 model year must .J\'t•rage at least 18 m iles per J.!1:tllon. Othc-rw1se. the eompany f al'es a stiff fine. Ford has said it must sell u ~realer proportion of :-.mall rars to meet the minimum :.tandard. Ford's price hikes are in line with thos1' announced last month h.v G<.•ncral Motors Corp. GM !-.:11<1 its 1978 prices would be a bout fl percl'nt or S40S higher on the a111•rage than for comparable l!lii models. An average GM car also will be pr&CL'<i above $7,000 for 1978. FORD'S J918 BASE prices Will ranJ,!e from S2,995 ror the s ub- compact Pinto Pony, whidl has bt>en cut 4.3 percent n-om a com. parably equipped 1977 model, tq S20.Cl99 for a SJ>ttial edition Con· tinc•ntal Mark V OiamondJobilee model. Prices for full s ize and jn· lcrmcd1ate cars are 6 percent to8 percent more on average than in 19i7. prices on luxury tompacts arc up 2 percent to 4 pereent. and prices for subcompacts are down 1 percent to s percent. Teens Sought In Theft Try Newport Beach police are look- ing for the two teen-age boyS who tried to grab the purse off lhe a rm of a 76-year-o ld woman nea r the WcstcliCf s hopping center. Violet Sherma n told police she was walking on Bedford Lane at about 7 p.m . Tues day when lhe two boys approached her. She said one gr eeted her but the other grabbed the purse. The woman said she held onto the bag ;ind the youth ended up with a hroken purse strap in Ms hand. She said the two, ages about 13 nnd 15, fled toward Rutland Road Tiiieves Get Two Mo-peds Mo-peds have been reported stolen from two Costa Mesa col· le~e campuses in separate incl· dents. Tasker Martin Morrison of 1920 Delaware St., Huntington &ach, told police his $450 vehicle was taken someUme Monday mom· ing from parking lot F at Orange Coast College. Another Mo·ped. valued at SSlO, was reported stolen over th~ weekend at Soulhem Calitomia College. The owner, Ross Edward Shryock. lives on cam- pus • Capo League Eyes Energy Politics Energy resources and the politics involved in developing them will be discussed in two morning and two evening meetinas of the League of Women Voters of the Capistrano Bay Area. The morning meetings will be at 9:30 at the home of Jessica Dean 32742 Alipaz, Space 2 in San Juan Capistrano on Oc.t.11 and IS. ' The evening group will meel Oct. 13 and 27 at 1:30 in the home of Mary Carhart. 30286 Grande Vista in IAguna Niruet. · Background information on energy issues have been prepared by the league and will be available al the meetlnas. Add1Lional information is avajlable by calUng 498-5131. • I I . "l Thursday. October e 1977 DAIL v PILOT DI \ 1978 GRAND PRIX 1978 GRAND LEMANS ~~L~~Jl:_. Ser 1!2F27U8P50232f. 1978 SUNBIRD Ser !12M27A8U502551 ~ • 1978 BONNEVILLE BROUGHAM Ser. #2069KBX 104419 1977 CLEARANCE SALE •DEMONSTRATORS• NEW CARS• COMPANY CARS HURRY· SUPPLY LIMITED! I , • .,,. Al c-S.W Oii .,,_.MC...- Al C_.. .... Ta I Ucl'IN Al c-s.llftct ........ s.N Prlcn Chied 111 Oct. t , 1977 oPeM DAIL y . -9 A.M. TO I 0 P.M. WE LEASE ALL MAKES AND MODELS N ... 13600 Beach Blvd. · Westminster (Beach Blvd. at Garden Grove fwy.) · Cail 892-6651 or 636·2500 I\ ' ,,. I r.;.' ' ,. " . .~ . I t .. I ~ I r • ,. . "' ! I '! I i.' .. t ' • , I . I . ~ t . t ' 02 DAILY PILOT l hursday Octob11r ij l977 Panama Canal Pact Opponents Boosted WASHINGTON (J\Pl Thl' un authorized r~easc O( a COllfu.lenllal rnble is fuebnjl u new controversy over the P nnama Canal treaty and ~1ving an apparent boost to opponents who soy it would endanger tho ruture security o( the waterway. State Oeparlm<'nt 0((1c1als hasteped We<lm•sday to n:u.Hirm their view th.at the treaty would aJlow the United States to inter vene militarily after lhe yeur 2000 Jf the neutrality or the canal were threatened. The question ot whclhl•r tht· tJruted ~tntes would be allowl'd to defend the canal with military rorcc after Pa nama tak<''> control 1s or1c of the sharpest J?Otnl!. of conflict between proponents aj\d foos of the treaty. lflotutale 'On Osmt' NEW YORK <APl -Vice President Walter F. Mondale said today he act· ed on his own and ,,ot on instructions from President Carter when he joined earlier this week with Senate Majori- ty Leader Rohl'rt <: Ryrtl to break lhe filibuster over dercgulat1011 of natural gas. In an interview on CBS-TV's "~orning News" program, Mondale also dis puted charges by Sen. James Abourezk, CD-S.D.). one of the two filibuster leaders, that his actions reflected an effort by the President to "pull the rug" out from unt.le r the filibusterers and change positions on the deregulation issue. Carter, Mondale and Abourelk JIJ have expreS.'it'd oppo~1t1on lo <ll'· regulatlon. llefmni ~jecfed PARIS <AP > Algeria has rej&ted ;1 request from tht.· J ap,rnese govern- ment to return the five Japanese Red \rmy terrorist~ who hijacked a .JJpanese airluwr last w~. the S6 million in r<111s11m the government paid them und the s ix tetTOnsts re- 1 cased to tht'm from Japanese prtsoo.5 In a statem~nt rele:1sed through the New Mayor Rmk Beats Incumbent Fr6m AP Dtspa&clM!s c I N_H_O __ Rr __ J A IJ!l'nan Press &>rvicl'. 1tht· J.l<l\'t•rn rnt•nl ~aid it would not 1"\'ln•al from th<' :.i~reemt·nt 1t made· uJl11w1111{ rhc plane to I and. ··Alger ia cann1>t tolerute that its ~()()('\ faith and go•xl will shoulct he l'l( pl111tl·d to cllstorl ·~actions and les~en ''" pre.st1cc. •·the !l tutt.'mt:.nt :.u1d St~ Spreactfag NEW YORK <Al' I -~hippin~ /\<"t · soc1ation officials from the f;ll.'>l and Gulf coasts were m W asbington 1<1(),1 \ Cur a meeting with th~· nut11111·s to1> mediator as a sl'IN·twc dock stnke threatened l o hl'eomc a general s trike. The poss1b1hly that thl' str ike against labor·i>avang container ship" might be extended to all s hipping wa-. !>t?en by the leader of Brook I\ n ·, dockworkers , \\ho said it v.uuld become nccessarv nf!xt Wl'cl< "af som ething meaningful does not takt: place." OH l•part• Otat PARIS Ci\Pl Th<• United Stutes and 18 other nations u.greed today to limit their total imports of OPEC oil to 26 million barrels a cla) in 19R5. ahout :.>o vcrc·1·11t le!>s tha n prt·\ wus fort·<: as ls Tht• a~rt.•t•mt•nt. reached at lhl' l'ntl of a twcrdc.y mcl'ling of tht: lnlt•rna tional Energy J\gencv. 1·;tllccl for g n•atcr reliance un nud1 .. 1r JH)Wcr. t·n.il and olht·r altcrnall· t·nt·rj.!\ ::,ourc~. "Unless pr~ent ener~v pohc1co; are ... trcm .. 'lht>ncd . thl·rt: 1~ a ..,cri11us rio;k th.1l J S ea.rh as lht• t!l80s lhC' world '' 111 not h.H'e suff1 r1onl oil and oth"r forms oC energy available, .. cnt•rg~ officials or the 19 nations said 1n a communiqut> PUBLIC NOTICE !NTH!: \UPElllOA (0Ullf 0 "' llU ~lATE OF CAl.IJORNIA FOii THE COUNTY OF OllA .. Gf NO AO 1uo1 CITA fl<lff IC.C 214,70111•>1 11"1 1h· Nwitt•' •I A1..,.1lJl1L1l1 I 1 flt1ui 111 ~Otll" 1 Hl NllV lol0C.HHl0. A<""'1 t"'Q P•ft-f\t lilt PEOPLE 01' TH{ HAH. OF CAI ••Ol!Hll\ 10 !l[N(AJ¥N0AM The new m;,yor of Albuquerque. N M .. state Rep. O.WI Ra.s:l, s aid he will ask stale Atty. Gen. r_,. AMya if he m ay continue as a m ember of the state Hou5ie of Representatives f\; M'dt r llf UH\ Covft ¥Ow ~,,, P\fl"f •cr, <llt'CI tu..,...., belortllW 1u•11•1'\lO 1n~ 1n ~ttniMW '10f trw-4'00"'" Cov<• ""FrlcMy, OK:•..-r .IO, 1'11, .ti• 00 &tn., V.. .-Kt W.r• '° "'°w CMl.W, i1 •"• ,-.. n•vt. ""'"" ''-o.11t•Of\ •• l!0 8E<ll ll[NllY Ul'C•11<10 t.,, IN -.>t-cc t1A1l •l ••l • lv•N DAM, V041 rn1not o..twQ•t•t r .tJ n...1 C.'lf""'l-(ATtO Ocl-r l h' Wl h-l ~I JOftA (lttll RllS.k. sou of rormer Se<:retary of State Deaa R-*. delea1.ed mcumbent Mayor Harry Kinney In Tuesday·s 1.:k cllon. Unorfic1al returns gave Rusk 27,£23'/0Ce'HoKtnncy's li.902 1"bt a.Ltomey genera I flPchned to speculate on tbe issue, hul said his staff v. as looking into the re- riuest. • P.Uce fabal M Saudi Arabia will 101n a heliC<.>pter training rla5s at Ft. Rucker. a southeast Alabama base next February, a n Army spokesman ::.aid.. The spokt .... man said fajsal and a group of aides were believt•<l tn have v1<;1ted the area in search of a hQUse and a tr<1ct of land • Santa Hoi.a Ph.> s1c1an Bradford Lundoorg was elected unanimous ly a" chairman of the state Coastal Comm1sswn, succeeding pubhl>her Melvin Lane. Lundborg represented t he North Central R~c.ional Coastal Com rn1si.ion on the statewide hody. and scrv<.'<.I for four years on the regional water 11uahtycontrul boarct Loi s 1-:Wf'D or .... ---------Coronarlo was rc-c-lected ( J 'ire c-ha1rman of the PE( JPf,1-." c·omm1s~1on. v. htch over· .... _________ __.. st•cs cll'Vf'lopment along l'ahforn1a ·~ 1,0117 -mile t•o.,'-lhnc • 8\11 AUOtn •l"llt ft••f'f Oi~t,( .. 1' CAf'lllt T & 6 Mt()()fjAl.O .......... ,," Ut• tUU MM. .t.rtMlt 6owl••·"o ~u•t• •IS .,... .... c,._,._...,. '"I) Tel 11'41 tl).,.D AllK•" .... Poi•ll-• Pv Oh 111'tifil ()r •"'-' \ "4\1 i 1 1 , t Iii Oc toeitr • t ( Xt, 'I >' ' PliBUC NOTICE FICTITIO\IS •us•N(U HAME$TAT(M(Hf T "'t tOflOwtno pwt ~ I\ DOtnq b\i\t M i\#\ It<( C•IGll OE•ll k S !'J) M•1*' ""°"" '0\IA -·· (A •/o)I l.tM r l ... •lf'Vt f 4 ,f .lfffl,, Ct•f lf,.uttf. '..nl .. ..,,O()l lr'm I) I "lt-Y"'f • 11 • <•·,••M.,,•,(A '·· I "''' r:.Aht9\\ 111 t•tll\JV l+tJ b., , 111 L4h(• tti ,~, f"'*" ~~...,,, w" t .... , ..-.rn "'" ( 1un1r{._,•f\ '"U--••<>-"4.1uuh o"CJoc.t ·~ , .. ,, ''*' i Wr>'i\N"O Or4""' I 1,1\I lJ141ly JltlOf 0 t ' li,10 J l'tll IJ.) 11 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTIU:O, HOH·llCU•O.,Sta tllTY Notl(.t fi Nt•W ''"'"'" IP\AI tn.-1lf\ Otr'\ierwd •tU not tw t•\P'"'•b•• •0t •f'IY dlOl\ Of' ltaitftotl ·-~ ffW,I•" ,,., OY "'""'.n" rA,..., trw• n., "''' "" , Mt•, tr. ,,,Al• t Jelld U"l1\ ).Jth 11 tY .f ~ t)f• .. "•fW"' 101. "-Olo 0.11!10 <:AllMEN SOAAPERY l•JW 1/111~ ~O\t4"""1 1• f A JlutHl\M<l ()r~tllt)t' t. ""'' lMdy P11t>1 PUBLIC NOTICE ,icrinousavsf111u NAME n4Tf:llOllHT I M IOl-•f\9 lie<""" II dOlft9 Dvlto ""'' ., HACEY INDUSTRIES. l7S (lllt• woooP.-•Strw•t Vn11J,8re•.CA ')••nth,n Gtorv,. St•nton, 31.tl t •uu it..,•yunOf\fd , !>hAUv(~IY CA fru\ "';)l1•u h <.~tea Or •n in· 1llv1U"hil ~l-G.!o•Q'Sltnloo H U\ \l·I~( ••'> tiled 'V\llr1 tM ~u~;~r C.lerll ot 0. """' Ull.lllh on l.J<I. F~ •'utJlh,hed Or•~ t u.111 o.-ny i .. 001. l< .. t t.H,ltl,11, IOI/ P BUCNOTICE NOTICE Ol'l'•OPOHOT•Al;Sl'I• 01' UHINHAllTllO TUllllTOllY A,,ICTIHOTHI IOUNOAllY H !rtlfllNTHI CAl'ISTllANO UNl,110 WtOOc. 01ir "'CT AHO THE MOOUIACM VAl.1.lY UNt,tlOM:HOOI. OISTlllCT' In t<<CKO.n<t ••UI tf11Ul!llf\ C- S.<loonU10o HOll(.t; IS Ht.II( OY <..tVtN l~I • wt>ll< l>t•rlno w111 11e l>tlO •I• r~g111~1 n1 .. llnQ QI llw Ounge C.0..nty no.ro ol t01•Utl011 hi «•t>IOor lllo CWllllOf1 a1>0 r•,omm•nd•tlon• (onc•tnlno '"• \f.~\llf ol twO >1114141 IM><Oh Of IH>• lnMOllecl 1.,fltorf lr111T1 ,,,,. c..ciit1ro1110 Un111..i !.<-Ol•ln<t to trw Yd ol•O." v,11.,., U1110.0 S<llOO• Ohl•kl, --------------1.n<J t:A\¥ '"""'111 ... rcwl t,)I UIHntMbl,tO ... , PUliUC NOTICE '""'Y '""" 111<' ~.c10M1 ... ~ Vdl••! ______________ 1 un1111·~1 ')(r1vv1 01'''"' tu Ch\' C•JH\H•1;..> Un1t1t"\I ~ ... hQOI Uhtt u.t WrllH l'{''f .,,...,, I. \MFIH~ln tx•u1HJ1•' ~ ~OI bt'' "41\...,.·H ,, .. ,, f>Vl1lti ~'"' '"V will 04t fWltl 1'' '"' h1."'r ut I VO o (. IUf ~ p "' on tht '"" 111 (.): tlJ'VI", 11fll. "'' '"'' u~)•r d Rw m ut tr~ Ur.tflQt.• ( n,,,.,, f,_.,,P•'' HOT I CE OF AVAll.ABILI TY 0 1' ANNUAL RE POAT Pur\udont \u S.1 t1u111 btOt ttl of tht" ., ... t111rn.tl Mt"vt•oi,#t lU-.)t.· ,..ur.1.1.· ,.,. n, it·C>t \.ll\lt!•t \f'\.tt tr,..~ ftlitH~111 f w~IOt-fM '~ f-I\• <•I n., Juty l 1111\ l•• Jon•• ;.t, ! Ill uf Ahl: ll I HOV A"'ll Ml>.I '>~t1ll~ I l \(..•~OLAfiSMtt' t HU')I ~· 1Jt 1~1U• twno.uon. •s '"•""'>'"' 411 tJ•r htu••I<• flc.#l'• pr 1ni..l~I ott•c• fOf' 1"'"'" tlor\ Ovt1n.Q 't'Vt.11.,-l.K.i\11"-U f'O\lf h llfH I uo ,. m M \ CA> p"' n, .• n., 1 1111 .. n wh() '"U.\h It WIUHn 1.acs.y, •'«•r the ll.1h nt 1n1~0\.10U<:.•11on t ,.,. tounoetlon' print''"'-'' ott1e., " Iv. •1.0 •I 1111 0...11 )lrM'I. ~11,.p1>rl llu(n. U llrornl• I PW pt H"< lpet l'Y\MW~r C•I 11 .. IOU"°" Oon,,wt'\1"1\GrOW.n A ~··them t>.o ;I ArnolO """'~9''' OONALOG Ol!IESSLlll AUouwy.iitU• ti! I a.Mii ~lrwl "••POr'1 BU<"-Cf '1...0 l'uOh"""° \Jtdt~ <.,04,( Od1lf' J,•1101. Ou"°'"'• 1q11 •J.Jl-11 '"'°"' uf tcJ~41f1c.--1 t.>tN Wu1'1 f..o1•t\d A,,., nm•, Uvd1l1IHJ l' '\~nl;\ Ana. C.•l•f0tr11,t /I.II H•lf'tt-\IW p.ffW.)I" w1li 0.-"llui O..o(J ••1 l "$flj1111t\utul.,. Cv lit• fM ti'O C>f• ""' '~'°"' "'~ "'' iwrw U\t•t 0t not lM Of11,""v .. Jll.NP1ftn l~v•tf°'-OrO•reO t>.,,fld •n•' llln IJoy nt ~~•m0t'. lV'I ~···• M4wn °' P~t t flr ~:<..<Nhl ~ '"""f'"'.,..,..,., .,, '>< '1001 \. l'uf>lil/led Or-C&.>I IJ .. 1, P1to1. O•l~L•·I o. tJ )() ft1/ OJt-11 PUBLIC NOTICE "0TICE TOCltEOITOll' SUPERIOI! COUllTO, THI STATE OFCAL"OltHllo FOii THf. C.OUNT\' 0 ' OltA .. GE "o A tn1' E•I••• ol £.Lll N MARY r AHl:Y. Ot-c.f.t'Jol-.) NO TfCI: I~ HCl<lllY C,IVEN 10 It• Ct•cJ•W\ °' ,.._ •W"'• r.onwo Of<4PCJitnt SUl"IElllOflC®llfOl'CALll'OllNIA lh•I •" __ , MvlnQ <lalm\ -Intl C<XJNT'l'Ol'OllANG!l Ille WIO ~-I Af~ reqt.,ftO IO•lllr PUBIJC NOTICE U>SE NUMIE II A4'1)10 l~m ... 1111 '"" nootw•v VOV<M''· In OllOlR TO SHOW CAUSE '"" Oflf<•• vi the Cler~ vf Ill<" M>uve .,.. FO~ CHANGE OF HAM£ tillt<J<e>u".o' 10 P'O\ .. M 1~no ... 11111--. In Int• MaH•f nr tr. App,it•lion of nc-te\"'''1 voucher\, to IM unt.W• ,.Ot\9'd KAllll'"N GllAY(.E RAlllLE. 0 •lll~•OllH.tllfOonalOA NICC...rl1n Al IHIMJf, b• (Hl:RVI. LOAO, ntr lorney.il•.,,7'1011.,b0fll1"4 .CMll mother, n,,.\ur•I Qu•tUIM,, .tnd \Ole Meu1, Catlforrua, wht<.t\ it Uw plM.• ot """°"''""·•or o...~ of Nome D~"nt\\ al lf1t ""°""'Ol'4HJ tn all"'•' KAt Hk'YN C:,MA.'YLE HAtRt l ,,., '"'' r»tlo.>•nlnotolrtrf'\t.tl4'f)f \AIOOt' f1l.O • c:wt1t!Of' 1n th•''°"' 1 tt1t on O•\)tf" ~.~~·~~,·:.~::n•:.",',"~:~~~117:_ JftC'r ttw PUBlJC NOTICE l'IC'TITIOUS I USIH U S N"""EST'AfllMINT Tiit ftOowlllQ .--IS 00"10 Dini ,,.u .. MI Nl·§.Y~TEM~ AUOCIA TES. Jl»S Pott~ •• Newport 8o1d1, CA '1'IO O•vld N_., :IOI) "'°'' "'°""nte, NtwOilft lleacf\, CA. tl...O l nit M lntK It <0'1IJIKl.O l>Y an In. Cltvl-1 O.vlt1N-' Tlll• )I.ti-I .. u liled "'"" tlllt CD<M'ltyC..,~OfOun11t C-l y 011 Sapt u. •911 JACKIC>ft a. KIOOI• Ul~C.001«~ .... M .. tit, ... ...... leacll, CA. -Pobll.i.cl OrMI~ CW$\ O.lly Pll<lt 0<1.6, ll,>0,17. 1911 01~,, PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOU$ llUSIHE~' ~•Ml STAlEMIHT IM l0How1ng per-" (IOlnQ b•al. rwo•t · GOLDEN 1HUMhSNUASEl!V, ~I Gol<tor1Pyc fll , t1»ll Mt\4 CA •l•I• Hoclnty Wllll•m Blanton, 10U Gotoo,.. ... C.U.l• Mo .. , CA 92•1-t nl\ W~fl'WU I• CotM1\Kltid 0'( •n ;., dlvlO ..... Moono W 8lento11 t llh >1111 .. 1wn1 weo llled w1111 the Coun1Y Clff" <>I Or~ '°""'Yon Oc.\. •. ,,,, FIJOn. P\11111,,..., Otu"Of' (O<l•l O•"• ..,1101, Oct.•. •l.10. ,,, 1911 PUBLIC NOTICE FICllTIOUSBUSINlU NAME SfATfMEHT t ht" tuouw1no pt"non '' 001no ousJ· f"\l,,'\"'U\ l'AUL ~ l•IANO SllOPPf, /It W IYtn ~1 .. t.u'l.l Ml••. CA. tt~I fl•ul 11 UuK•lllO, 1'll H-llton. Apt. P•l, Co\l.t Mt .. , CA. 'fUll rnis ,,...,,...,, It <Ofldu<ttd bt' ..,, tn. div..,,._., Paul II. 8'iKl lf10 1 nl\ Sl•lon>enl WO\ flied ... 1111 t~ Couftly Cterlo. C1f Oran~ Coun1, ofl O<L .. ""· Fl>0/0 Put>lllNJ<I Or•<199 C:O.ll Oa lly Piiot. O<I .•• U, lO, 11, ltl/ PUBUC NOTICE //::;~1 ~::~~~:tA\~;~~~~:·~":: Ootl"d ~U(~1~r ll t 111 •A ltt" ~ N 1-.HAV( £I Ukll l'H~l ll~ flt 1 ~" FICTITIOUS IUSIHEU 11 ""'''.-tlw 0t0t-•t'<J nw1 ""~'\Oft' ~~,::;:~•: .. ~'~::nn~:;"'u..~~~·t lP\• t04~:::~ S~~!!~~:!1no bu;•· lntrff'\l«l tn C1'W n1-1t~f' 4fUtn.01U •P. OOHAt..DA M<C-AAllH f"\ih)ft ~·' C..IOI• lhll <°"'' In 0.!l"r<m"ll '"'"'""Y •I L..tw JENN If£ A PA J 0 R S IN NO l •I IOO Cl•lt (•nlM O•IW W•\l ~10H•r-e1 .. 1 lERtOllS. lH C•••lln• Or ...... '><Int•""" Colllt.rn•"·""Na. I), 1'11. Co,,.Me\4 CAtlo1• -·8-11,CAf?MJ 1•t ~ \ I lut ~ .1 ' •nd t~•t .H~ Tl'I "40-H.)1 J f'fU•h"• Anl'W' P4:1M 1\1 (M41•N "~. ·;,. '1~1~., :;~·, ~,, '~" ~~·":,~::":,;,,~~ An_.,_, tM A.On'WN1•r•'"' Ot "'' ... ,,_,,,~•en. ( '~16'>J • •t J•ti1•• () .. ',;:_•,\.lt»~•~7,~/,ft ,e,._., ... ,~,·;o;, u.~.·~t;u"'""-''n.tOf'l(J""-'"'b"•"•" II I t t. hit1"t111"i1 o• P'f faoth----------·-~IWP•~ IPU\ °'°"'' lu V• "" ( IW ... °' p..011 ~hul tn 1 tu\. \t·•~t 'Wit., fllflf1 \llflln tr. "• ""qtnn u ... , .. I~·•• r>.IJf ·• P UBLIC l'\OTICE r0.,,.11 C.i.<~UIO<-C.ounho"Ot.I 11 • U•L•• '11 l•'ft•ttf t<t..ld 1-----------·---i! 1 ,1, tino, ~t\1.0 ., tti cchi"'' .. 1 11 .,, ••.,..,......•Of '°"" ( ,.,..,.,. i.11 .,. •1•r•t fttOf talr.O.'fof\#Orw4t•H'iq N•"" ...,,.-J .o<irtt.\ o• I''""'°' who lk..,.J not 10.n 1n con~•"' 10 Ith .. ndtne <~•nQt I\ Wt\ LtAM UAVtU WAI Ult:., I tJ Nt)ffn Atdn-.otrt, Ao.tfl~ul 4 LOS .. ~In_ (.,to '00'7'! I rw COltiM\tv ''"'" t\ 'fQY-t'\h'<J lo ft()l1ty t•lhrt Of 0,,..._, And CUM l of JWl.tt · 1nq at IH'I tOO~f\ P'"' , to 1M twdt •"'Q O•tO<IA~llJ '"I Lt'\\f'f V•" f .1INH\011f' J~uf Suf.)t'11Dt ltJu" JOHN GUEA11; lHI A PM1fl< C.CMl\t H•t,.w,,y Hvntu .... ,., &ttt<h, CA 0 "41 t1l 11'•1 'Jt..'M .an.,,,.,'"'""*'".,.., Pubh\h(:iJ V~ C.o.\t Oo1ty PHot, ()(I •· I I. >0. ) I 1•TI OH II PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTlllOUS IUSIHCSS N"""E STATIMlllT' Tt\t fo4~1nQPtJiwin~•rtOOtnQbu\I ~U A llr\ .. l-fl'> 0011 N OONU1 S. l lll f:. l ..-Jl.,lrt 1 /\f,dl"W"m (A ~l(TollOU!> IHJ\IN\ s~ HAM(SfAT(MENT I ,u t1;.11h,,..,.,"'9 0t • ,....., •\ de.>1n9 Ou'M ,,. I' • l l 1•1 tHf1Ef1Pq1SE~ UlOI t Ld P•I l -Hlll\ CA'lo)J '"°' ..... "-"" ,,, DotpfMn,. l.tQul\J r""'' r\ CA n•\l r h•\ OU>il'Wu •) c li)tl(Jut 1~ lit_., .,,. In 01v104.l4• Jue, Rr.t>c'"' .,.,,., ''•'"""""01 ...,_., •u.u with tlw (Q\lhty f '~'" ot Of W\•)lf \.Ovnh Un OU ' t'i/I ~UO.I J.lyC•ll' ""41 tw .~N"f' (. h;1\l U,utv f1d OI. lit' I to, l.J Iv JI I 1/ I l'UOM l'ubl•~'il <>'-(Ol\I 041'1 Plfot. f>O •• IJ /0, 11 1~11 PUBLIC NOTICE PlJBUC NOTICE NOTICC INVITlfllO a101 Nol lee I\ IWf.00, •lw n llWl IM Boe,..,. ot , ,,.., ... , o• tn. C<M•I Comtnunltv Coll~ 0 •\hlct ot Or .noe Coul'lty, ($1110fl'\l.t, Wilf f\0( ... ¥~ ,.,.t\..oQ blCJ\ \If tot )Jpn1 lun<Wy,Oc!OC»rll."11. •I '"-1'11'<,,..,"9 0.pt. Of W•CI \C,_, a1\tt1tt •O<Atrd •' tlftl Ad.tm• Avfn~. ''"" ,,..."" u 11ro."'"· 11 -1th 11 ... "'"' btdl .. 111 i. pullllCIJ' Optnecl -'••"'°' O•A~·,uc AllT SU .. '°llllS Afl t»ch ..,.. to bt •n ~tor4"M• wllh ,,,. 810 ~ ......... t'"'""'''°"' -,_,_ lion\ M'ld Sott•l•t•uon, •h•t n •'•,......, 4J10 II °" t1lf ctnc2I m.IY oe \or(Uted In'"' otUc• -----------.;.:.;-.:.;.I 01 '"' Jl\tr(,..\lnq "'9fnl ol W IO ><,_. ehtr4f1 E•rr o>-• """' womll wlll• Mt Ille PUBUC NOTICE ---------------i • (e\"44'f \ t~k. Cf'>rtlf-..0 cri.ca. or HOTtt• TO ClllOITOlll SUl"tlllotl COUllT 01' THI STAT€ O'CAl.t,OllNIA 1'011 THECOUNf YO,OllAHGl HO A-W~t (U~IA (>I .. A!Hl<ll"[ ~ #ll l lll • k • K /4 I ft L II I I< l '> I t W A ~ I MILl.ER.0.C .. N O t<Ol•(.E IS HE Al BY GIVlN lo IN c.reo1tor\ Of '"'°" ebftv. ~"-wd dJK.O."t '""' ,.11 Pl'"""i ""'"''no C••im' •O•l"I IN> \41•d nt<,<Wmt Ari U••uuir•o to fltr t •dOt• .......a ..,_ .,.,,.,.,,. to .,,. or °"' 01 ,,,. (OHi Comm1.1f\lt• Coll• O•\t r1ct eo .. u oot lru\ltf'\ '" """' ""'°""' noc •~~ ~ 11-.. ,.,.,cf"'t ' of ,,.., \urn btd ., • <l'M',_,,~ ttwt '"' otdcHr will...,,,,., 11\fO tnit 0"000'\eO (.onlfM t If tM \ol,,,,.. t' 14WMOIO 10 l'hm ff'\ 1"9 t ... 111 ol lllll.lfl lo..,.,, IMO \U(I> (Ot\o l•nl. ""Pftc-ol 111t <M<ll "''"lie lotfetted, ., "' ,,.. .... ol .. bonO ..... lull 111"1 '""'t ol wlll IN ft>rl•ll•ll to ••14 "'Moi ()&\tf I( 1 Raq11el We lch , Du ~tln Horrman, Alfred llltchtotk and l>anit>I Ellsberg all will bf> doing their bit lo help Brescia College build a new student center. The wcsll'rn K(•ntucky school will auction more lhan 100 cclehnly souvenirs Oct. lS in an attempt to 4 M)b 'I V.1111,1f"tl 0 •M,Yf'y, J()Qn MOIO,ttl, ---------------l (C.\I""°"''" t A"?•;o;. 0, t 4 I H. tfJll tn.rm. v1uth tr. 'Wt."'''"'o t v0v<h4r' '· ., tf\f" oflt\t' M Int r h••r\ Gt tn4' •OO"ft •n t•tlta court, or 10 "'"Yflt tMm, wtth thil Mtl0\-Y¥0U<Mr\, IOl"4r-•1Qne<J At 11\t o!lk • .. PHii. H CVRRV, Al lorlWY •I I.aw, )14) Sul\NI 81..cl,. lo• Al\telft. C.lltornl• t0021. wf\l(n I• tM 11tec• .. Mllltn ot 111' v,,,,.l'tlQMo •• •II m•ll•rs P1rlalnlr19 lo IM ul•I• of •••d ""~"'· wlllllfl lour rn<>fllM •II•• I~ "r•I PUOl•<•tlen Of 11\t\ nollce Nn Ou:JO•r ft"'Y wllhdr aw hi\ bfa tor• ~"°"()I 10'1Yol• ... 1451 °"" .... , '"" CIAlt "'''"' tl1oi-lnQl~r.-01 raise $ll00,000 for the center. Among the items going on the block a re an autographed photo of Miss Welch. a copy of 'All the President's Me>n" auto- ~raphed by Hoffman. who starred in the movie. and a copy of "The P entago n l'apcrs " signed by F.llsberf'. Other items include a c igarette lii?hter o wned by s ports commentator Jqa.. WEI.CH Garatkl'a. a key chain owned by W Hope and a monagramcd Cary (~rant pajama jacket. • RJ.cbard C. Wald reo;igned a.; president of NBC News anci the televls1on network s aid Les ter M. Crystal, NBC New<; execullvc vice president. will be hL'I SUCCCllS()r The executive changes reportedly follow fric .. lion betw~n Wal<! and his superiors dating from the ~work's unsuccessful efforts to keep Barbara Walt.en from lcavini.t lo JOm ABC. 11M'bert S. Schlo'l!ler, president and ch1rf •·><· ('('UU Vl' offi cer or NBC. said Crystal "has a dist · in~l11shcd r<'cord or excellence and cn1oys the respcclofthe NllC News or gann:ation as a leader ... • Canadian l1urrister Harvey Pellock puckered his hps unit lcl'alNI the cmw<1 in Carson City to ~Oil\(' Whistling that would leave a ru thered warbler t.ongu<' lied Pollock. <M. of Winrn"pef, 11,.nitoba. was judged bell tn th three-day "World"s First lntemaUonal Whlstle-ott. '' After accoptlng his pnie · a one-fool tall wooden whistle · he came up with a bit or Moa.art·s •·f;fnc KJetne Nachtmu&ik (A L1tUe NL«h t Music> " PUBLIC NOTICE "CllTIOUS IUS•NEU NAMI STAT&MEo;T H w lol-lng ,,_,_, I\ clolng bol\o nif\\M ART5ClEAN(llS, IV Vi 1•11> 11 (O\llO.,....,~ (11"7~1' J,,,~,, I I rl').\n "'M\. l 1 ArlH+I I CUflllf~tl'IVA•I.,, t l\llJ'•• fU,.._ ()"'""''" t ' ttM"lllH.h't'f b V ""in f11VIQ\,jAI Aflt\ur I l(,,CJ," f ""' \t••f'f"f'n• -·~ flllld "Wtth ow C-IY Ctu• or 0rM1Qe Co"'11'f tnOcl J, 1tn. ,._ ''Ubh\"'-d OIA"Q' (0.4" (J,.11~ J.'1hH 0<1 • IJ.111 II IOll .,,. ., PUBLIC NOTICE HOTICI TO Cll•OIT'Oll' SU,llltot!COUllT 0, THll STATI 0' CAl.l l'OllHIA 1"011 THlCOUNTYO,OllANGll He.A·- 1!"•1• OI C!IACC I.. ~llH, eU G RAC.E l.ORRAINC SMITl4, o.c • .-. NOJIC[ IS 14t!lllEBV GIVEN 11 lho < rtdttor' Of IN abow n.,.,,..o eta< en.n1 INt ell •-• lllvinq <l•lm\ _,,,,, '"" tald o.< ... nt .,, rtqul•td to Ille IN m, Wl\11 Ille ... c., ... r~ •011( ... ,., In IM Olli<• OI '"" Cl••-al the •bow tn· llllNI '°"''·or 10 IJl'f'4'r!l l,,.f'1, wllll the ""'"'<»\~¥ YOIK'N t\, fn 1hlt U"C)flol \IOf*t ,II "'41 Olll<ttl!IXJ"l411> I !>I f RN At ICl'fltV Al LAw. I~ N V>r"' ~I ~uil• 017, Hollywnort, { "111nrnM 900/8, *Ncn '' t~ ul~• C1f ~"1"'''"'' tntt vn dnr\IQl'Vl-f1 in •ti m.,u''' llllfftttlruno la lftt! "''"'• ()f Viet c1"'1 •M"I w11!Hn ftlUf ,,...,n,,,, .tit••,,..._,,,,, VYhl1,At1nn C)f '"'' notu11 O•lf'Cl<l<lntwor4 1"11 (JllAY(.t M \Ml 111 l°•Klllri•of 11\eWlllOI '""_ ... ,...,,_00,_1'1 OOllAl.OJ UlllH II ... N VI,. St • ,_..,, 1111 °""~· wll-•MOtt "' ~,. .. "".,_., ... f •l< ... ri• • utllt""9(f Or~ (n.nt n ••• ,, fl'llol Oc.1-r• ll, l0.11 "" •+<I II Slwrr-'( AM ~tct'YVY+ .JO'Kl M4.ll~•I, < o•••-..,,CA'"l•i;. 1 "'' bu\uwu h conooc.t•d by • '''"fl''•t PArt,_,.,,uo ~,,--,A,,nH...-v•r r "" ,,.,..,,,..,,, ,.,. 111"'1 .. 11n ,,,. ruuntr C.i.•' O' Ortn9t Co.mtv on Oct. J tiO I "l>OH Pul>h<_, 0.~~ (#M\I DfllY P11ot. r>• t t1 I) IO. Jf, IV// l)"t.OAUQ\1\t'~ ,,,, ~OMtilVAM Wl\l'llA)~ [ ••<utrl\ f'tf tMWlllnt ttw .tbov~ Mnl~ de\..U.•nt I ~t 8Nrd al frldtf'f1 ,._, tilt pr Ml-Of rtlOC:tl"l•nv 1110 •II*'°' to ¥t1t•Yf' •n't lrft'QularlU•\ or In. l0<m•llt1-.1n lllV lllOor 111 lllt Olocliflt, NORMAN I . WA T\ON Sfoc1y. 8Nrdot Tront .. , l'ub41\/1ecl °'""° Cw11 Deity Pl~, Q, I .. 10, 19/1 •n•·ll PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE =~~.:v~~~"..y HOTICI ~~-~~~OllOllS ----0-====,-:"".=~--·1 SIU_ at .... HOTICI INVITING llOS IA• A ....... c,r.40011 01' IUU( T•AN5'111 HOii<• I\ h•••bY 111ve" lh•I tl\e T•I lllJl-ltM ISl<Llltt-.. t1U.C.C.l Boa•O of lr1.1•1 .. , of tho Coe•t Com AttwllOytorEutulrla '4otlt• I\ h•ttby 9 lven lo Ille mvn•lv Cnll"9" O"'"'' ol OtanQ~ P1.1bl•\/Wd Or-C&.\I 0 ••'1' Piiot cr•41loo ot Ulfllll\4T£ 00G CO , County (.ftlrO'l"f14 ""''° ,~_.,.,. MA>l~O ~Of /$.Oc• •. tl.10. 1911 INC ' Tr~\t•ror, whDW °"''"''' H--DIO. YD 10 11 uo 4 .,, 1 ~•Y. OtlOl>o• •U~1l oren '' t1'tl N\aCAn-81¥d . Cttv of ie. 1~11.•t 1,.. P\lfCN\lf"'I (H~ ot ..,,0 1---------------f lrYlllO. Cownt• OI Or.,.9t. St•t• ol uhO<H ai\lrttt 100100 ., 1110 •o•m, PUBLIC NOTICE c.11tern1• t11•• • 1>u1~ ,,.,,,.~ '' •OOVl Av•n..,.. (ott• ~S..4 (Ahfo,nl•, •t to bit ~ to S.tnwl &1rntMum .,_, •nltn llmt Utlf l>'d\ wlll be PvbllCly l.Ol.llW 81-. Tr1t1••K .. , -.. O!W,..dt"Or..,dlo< NOTl~ TOClllOITOal b11tlneo •ddrtss I\ l •OI <.ar"'•I PAINTING PAPER IU .. llll()tl CQYllT 01' TMI Aveni.II, CllY ol lrvlM, Counly ef MUI.II PVRPOSE ST•Tl!OrtAl.ll'OllNtA,011 Ora ..... St~IOIC•lllefhlt All -.,. lo 1>1 In ~corO•no wlll1 TMI ~NTY 0' OtllANOI Tiit P"9Pf"I• to l>I lr•nllt rrtd ll 1114 610 Ftm\ tnolrutll<lftl •f\d GOftdt-Ne. A<tMlt l«attod •I l"ll M«Artllur 91vo . City llon• ANl S,.cllktl\(ltllWl\ltll ar• -A•Mle o4 CATElltH .. Cl•NOUjllA, OI INI,... Govrlly of Ot.,,Qe, it•lt of on lilt -..,,.,. l1t ~ur9d '" ,,,. ofll<• O.Cu...i C..lllorro Of .... P\JfCNSlng AQenl OI U IO KNIOI NOTICE IS t<EtlllOY CIVl!N la,,. Seit ~lv ,, oo trll»d In Qe"fr•• ""trl<I <'"lllor• fll llW .tlo•• ,,.,,.,.0 e.c-111 ••· All 119<-In tr-. llw11.1rn, ll'CIYlp. Ee<n blOOt• "1U\l \\Jbmll wltll 111• bid tnat •II ...,_ "••1119 ''•Im• ... 1n11 ,.,.,., -Of>Od wlll If 111•1 lot loOd • <•\Ntr ' ·-~. urlll .. d <MO, or 1 ... U ICI O.C•<lenl .,. ,..,..,,.o 10 Ill• ..... IMO --., SUN~HINE 'OOO Dldder"• -m-j);ly•l>I• lo .... Of· , ... m ... 1111 1 .. ""'''_., _,,.,,, lft co ...0 IOC•t• •• lltlJ M.WAt'tllur oer Of Ille Goatl Gomm""'"' COlltlQIO '"" Olli<• of,,. (lff-" .... •bo"11 .,. Blvd . (llyol lr.lne, COi.iniy OI o ...... Ol•lri<l Bl>••<lol lr .. ,IMt In 1n emollf\I 1111"' cou<t,O< IOC>t_ t,_,,,, wit" 111o Slaloal Callf0tnl•. nol lea\ llwtll fl .. Pff< ... t tS'I of 111' ,..CHWI'! ¥Oll<,..r\, IO INI \ill-ll9NC1 Tl14 bfll• ''"""., wtU bt '°"'ummal• w n• bl<I h • ll'>"'""IH thol IN! bid°"' •I II>• 11111<• ol MICflr\EL J MllLE!I. 0<t °"Cl' ell., I"" IH1 °'1• o4 O<IOOOr. wlll t nt•r Into'"" ptnpoMld Contr•l l 11 llllorntv •I l.;1w. J4/0 rw ... dy 61vd ft// 411 10 • rn •I CROVER ESCllOW in• ,.....,,. I\ •w•r!lfll 10 !'llm. In 111• \,(lutl1 V.-1•, (•l11nrnl• whofh I\ the COl!f'()RAl ION, wl\Q\of "°"""I\ 111 '"'""' 01 ,11,,.,,.. to"''•' fnt.o '"'"con· pl•c..• ot W'1twt\\ of ow unct•ntan•O 1n So llllnat\, A.Mn.Im. (AIOOff'\••. A\ln ,, •t i ·~ pror ... <I\ 61111' (he(' wlll bt All m•tt ... r>ttt•1111~ 10 .... •11 ... .,. A•Ollh R ...... 11. ln•l•llO<I, or ht IM OM! ot ~ bt>fl<f. lhe ~111~_,,1, wt1111n tll\lr m~ntn\ •Ill• ~ tAI"' I\ •nown to,,,. f•An•I••••. 11111 \U'l• ll••Ht'()f •Ill bt IO-ltl~ 10 Wiid ,,_ lfr\I P'Jlll1<All011oll,..,f>Oll<I All b\IU'10H "'""'" AnCI 4"10rtUH ltted '\tht'Ol ()l\111(1 OtltaAUQu\18.1•11 by IM lrM\loror\ tor lho Piii tllftt Nn l)lf\(ifoo tnAvwll11<111wM4 blOlnr I JOSE-l>~<(I AN(iVllA 'rHt\tr• '"""' IJ"rlod o1 lorh 11 .. 10 1 o.v• •II•• tlw EH<ulor of'"" Wiii S."""'I Alr'11).tum 001• Ml for ,..,.oc-nlnt tllor...i. OI ,._ _ .. NlfMd ott-nl l.,ol.llM D1r('baum Tiie llot"' OI Tnn1 ... ,.-.... ,,.. llOllCHAll.J.Mll.1.111 Tren••- ptl .. 1-0lrtlKtlnQl l\1 •ncl •II blll\0< A"•MT .. l.aw 0•'" $o()l~r t i,"" to wa1,.. ef\y '"''GUl••ltln o• 1 ... ._,.,_,II,.., OltOVl118M:llOWCOlll'O•ATIOlf •o•m6llllM 111..,.ybld orln ,,.. blclOl"Q S...t~ O.t•, Call.....,.• I It .. 111'-lt ,..,,,,.., f W•I-Tel; UUI -.,... ........ Calltorwl•••s ~IV &M•ool1r1.1•I .. , ."......, ...... _ I H ,.... ... tilt!., l>unll\l\od Or-C.O.\I OtllY l'ltql ~vtlllv.d Or.,... Cu•I 0.lly Piiot, l>ubOllNd Or-CM" 0 11iy l"llet, <><I •.io.1t11 \ .onn. ~1--•.11.>0,11.etn ..u..11 0<1-•,1•11 01n1 PEOPLE I NATION I LEGALS PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUI I UllNIU NA.Ml ITATIMINT TM ~IQowll'll PH"Ml'I It _,119 1111\1· ,,." ... ': RECl!NCV CARl'ET' UllVICI!. '"°" 11.o..ooct 51, .. 1. ,__,_.,, ll•lln . ~llloml•fll09 l.oRoy Ff.tll~ O ert ••. 140•t ,_..,.-5troel, F-taln Vall•v. C.Hfom• .,1111 Tiii• buolneu It c~t.o..., .., ,,.. div~! LeRoy FrAll~ ~rel• Tiii• st.ot•.,,..,I w1• lllod wllll IM Cwntv CMrll t1I OrMOI t:.\lnt y Oil $9i> PUBUC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUI IUSINHt NAMllTATIM&NT 1 ... loltow\nO ,__ .. dalno bu ... M'-'•-'· I I.AWi.EU RENTALS. UHi C.,.,,,,. (;I Mollno, ~"-&Natl\, CA Vlol4 JON> Forr~t Fant<111. 14.MI C..m..,. £1 Molino, (.ec>l•l,.n6 a..<11, (.A tU14 Tl•i. -'MU h <Ofteklc;t.0 l>'t Ml ~ 01•1~ JolWI t-o.•nl f•nllWI Tnh •lel_,,I w•• tlltO •ltll tri. C°""IY C .. rk ol Or-~'on S.. l•mbotr », tt lt. ltfflo.r"1'. .. ,, ,..1'1S reitll P1.1bllt/>od Or..-ot Coesl Dall'f Piiot Pvbll>lltd Orono-Coe•t Dally PllOI, S.pt. :It, 0c't.6, IJ, til, lfrl 4199-JI S.pt. ,., ()ct.•, l>.10. 1•11 PUBLIC NOTICE •tCTITIOUI IUStHfU NAMISTATEMEIH TN 1'11towlnQ ...,._, •• e clOinQ b1.1•I· .,. ... ,. flONWOOO PROl'(RllL'> 116 lll<tnrla '°'l•-••.CA~I>•' Nu''""" lt Juoo• '' JJ•• ,,.,.,.,,.nq1on, c'"'" Mt-••. C.A •lo/4 f.t•<ha.td A "•Vt f".\. 'llu 0dhl14 A .... <.O>l•Me~ C.A •l•l~ K.ttnnt.\h L '\i'\>ov m_.n, t 0i~~ I.Abt'-. C...~ Mn.t, CA "l•Jo Tnl\ t>ustnen '' COllQl.ICl.-1 or ~ -·al~fl .... t.Np ~11tt11 t.... W•vm•n 11'1~ \11 .. tlC"ne'I'' wh tll.O with lhe (O\,lt\I• tlff~Of()<-C.0-lyOnOCI J. ,.,, l't>tU P1.1bll1Nd Or-C:O.•I Dally PllOt. 0<1 .•• 1~. 20. ,,, ,.,, PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE l'l(TITIOIJt IUllHaU NAllll STATIMINT ,.,,. 101iowtno ,,.,_ er•-'919 b<Jsl· M U I'' t..ARWIH SOUARll -TVf>TIN, t\11 North Fairview, 5tfl(1 An•, C•lll0•'1ia, '17a. N E WPORT•T V STIN AS· SOCI ... fr), I SI' North f'all'llltw, s. .. ,. •n•. c.i110ml•. "'°' l "" t>u~lneu Is conclllc'911 DY • ~""••ICMlrlnt•,nlp C. HORMAN PULUAM Thlt •tAl•,,_I WM lllM Wllll '"" C°"'11¥ C~f-ot Of1n91 (ouolty.., See>- ttmber tt. ttll ,.12» P\IClll"*I Or-ONM Olltv Pilot, S.Pt 22.19.~t •· u, 1m PUBLIC NOTJCE ,,,_ Pul>flilw<I Or-Goa.r Dally Piiot, Soot IS. 12. ~. ()(1. '· 1'11 PUBLIC NOTICE UAnMl.NTOFAIAHOOftMINT Ol'UH~ ' l'ICTITIOUS IUMNllHNAME l ~ lollowlnq ~-,,.,.. a!lan --------------1 -.«1 the uw al IN fktltlow& bu\jneH l\tme P UBLIC NOTICE l'AU~TA VITAi.i a. FIUllNOS, 1--------------1 11111 Glw>SI Hwy • LA-.. 9(tl. CA. ~UHlll<>'I COUllT OF THE STATIEOI' CAl.ll'OlllllA "0 11 TME COUl'IT'Y 01' OllANGE .... A.n 1" AMeNOID oao111 TO •MOW CAUH ,,. -..... ~ ol ,,,. -1101\oft Of JUI.IE H0£1. ROMEllO, •ml....,, tor <Mno--'-'WHfRf.A~. 01.llNN ~Hllll l' llOMEllO -VOi.ANDA llt.Alllll a°""(RO, .,..IUO...f'I. H -...C• OI •9'>11<.,I • .Niie _, 11......,., •minor, flaw 111«1 a petlll<lft wllll tflt CJ~• OI lllh C-1 IOf.,. Welt< <11tf\9l"Q aflPI c.ent'• _,......,.Juli. Hool Ronw~ lo S11errle -Rom<'•O IT IS Ol!OEl!EO l,_.1 '"'"°'"°"'In· t••t\t~ in ttw (tbow enl!llC"d m•Ue,. ~ef' blfe>n' tf'"' (OUf'f ttf I 1100 • M on <><• 11. 1u1 In tn. tou•lroom al Oepert,,,.,.t 1 In 'iollnl• An•, C.lllo•nl• and.,_ UVM, 11.-.y, _.., ,,.. MtlllOll lof <,,.,,.. OI ...,... s'10lltd not ba 9ranted. IT IS FUtlT' .. l!tll OtllOl!ftE.O !NI a <°"V °' 119 Of'-to a1-Clll .. ba publlslled In '"* 01ltv Pllol, • ~of QeMral <lr<lll•llOft ""'"*' ftcl lnl!Wc-.lyflfOr ..... onc.•-.., _ __..,,. ~ .,. t• , .. .. letflflW""'fll9el\IN._.ll...,_ Oeted:....-11.1'111. l.-.te r v.,, T •l.,....,.,. ~~ Ol IN s..<tor Covn ""*"'.-Or-C:O.\I Dally .. ,lot, SaPt. ts. n, n . 0c1 •· "" PUBLIC NOTICE ·-lllOTICI TOCOfn•ACTOlll Pro1oe1 No 11 ~Rot Saal.cl -.i\ wlll be r0<41wd ., f"« of,,cr o f AC"<oul'lllfM1 OHl<•r ,,.,,.,.,. St~t HO\C>lt•I 1)01 Ha<- l lvd C.0.t.o INU CA until 11 00 on 1•U n , al -ICll 11""' 1Nr¥ will w publl(ty-""' #1CI r...i >or c.•lorm .,,._,,'",.._, l'.,,..,.11111 •II 1-.r. ,,,.,.,,.,, 100" .nc1 ....... ...-~ .. •-1r- R99l0<en-.nl ot "-"' •If v-11•111111 F•ns flf Fa.,..,! ... Slate How>ilel. In I(· ( ..... nt. -.ffll ptel'I\ -lojlKlllUlllo .. .,_....,.., llO ... _.., """' i. WOn\111-1 IO# Ille entire --OUUI-tller•l11. O.vl.tloftl '"'"°" pl111t 11111 ..-<lfl<.1> lion\ wlll l\Ot tit contiwttcl .,.. •Ill bf (_1.,,.1 .. llO"OllMch. n..l>eo.rt· -· .. HMUll ,,., llW ·~· 10 .... ~ itny lrreqlll ... lty In• t>ld .. lo ••IK' '""Y o-•11 ~ No bid will bt con•l<IHt<J unt•" II I• m~ <>" /4 \tiflnd.l"2 fOf"m h.trr\l\t.d bv I ... ~rl,,_I OI HO•ln -I\ m.oe In•<~ wl"' lhe "ln\lrwc:Uori\ to .,_t ... Pt"O\c.ctlw bidden "'0 ... ,.,,,.. •r>CI oblalnpl""'· >pecllt<ll'°"' •nd Old tonn\ by <.W••tw.1•t Of rn•111nq • rtout\t 10 IM OfltctOl IM 0.ltl OI P1 ... 1 eo.•• !Ions •I , ... •OOw ..i.f•t\\ lflfpl1o<w Mlmbe• •1141 ~~•JJ1 E •I >•1 A ... Yf'*'I lloond Sl-<O ~orm tell 111 lllt-ot lllty i.rcent ol I,. con t;an PF'« ~t t<<~n., • ..,.,,con tr•<t 11'1¥Qfvl"Q •"' ••s-nd6tutf' In ••· CH-' OI ) 10 000 TM ·~(f"\flt1I Ol~f "'Ill 1H , .. qulrt d to •••<Ute • COl'ltr1ct"'•' ~·-I In 11'1o lorm Of a "'\1-anl AQ-..-1. Form 1" .. nt(I\ •••II be bl,,..119 -,,,. S.•t• al C.lllornl• o,.. "' """-•1 lw ,,.. Steff '" K~t wltll ,.,. iirov,.,.,,, ol ~llOI 1710 of t ... I.Allor (-IM O.wr1..-OI He•llll ,.., •\orl•'""" lh•t .... -·I l>'•••lllf>9 '""' ot waQt~ a1100oblf '" t~ tot1nly In -•ell ,,.. wor• "10 be OOM .,. "'°"' 11,1..i In , ... -lot tnlllltd "DeNfl"""I of Tr•"''"'l•llOil, (q1.1lpmanl llltr1t1t fl•I" lll'd 0tMf11 '1.v•ll•no w ... 11.1 .... c .... ,..,,1 11 tht Oii• of 1111, PVl>ll(.ltlan. Qopl+t OI ltw &o•t.i ••• Oii 111•.t IN Ofll<• Of Ille Clll« If PtMll ()o.ral'°"'· , .. 1v1 .. , 11111 Ho .. 1111 eftCI •t 119 ~lrrM!fll OI Ht•llh h..-, 01.11•terutou Sil• ,,,_,Ion wlll !If ,,.IO 8v AP. Dotnl,,,•nl, Mond•v·Frtdav 1f !O A M 1 lO P M I FAlrvltw Shi• HO\Ptl414FIOl'<l0 H-41rOChltlOf Pl..-I Oc.r•t-Putltl"""Or9f9 CMctt 04tlly Piiot, Sett.,., oa. •. "n PUBLIC' NOTICE NO'T1C9 TOClleOtTOat IU"1EIUOll cou•TO•THl ITAT&OI' CAl.ll'OllNIA 1'011 Tt4a~O~OllANOI _,..._ !ll•t• or O(SMO NO O. OE 1'1.lOOll.Oec"ted NOTICll I' H!lllllV OIVIN '°the ('9Cllton Of .,,. ._ ,,.-.. dK.O.nt !11•1 •If llOf'tollt ll•vlf!O (le/Mt ~lfltl '"" ... r• dee•°""' .,. r-1~ 10 "'• INm, wf"' lfw ~·•-Y ¥0\ICM". In IM Offlte 01 ,,_ tter~ OI '"' •-.,,. 1111..s <OYrt, or 10 oro.,.. ll'ttm, •ltlllllt "f<O"ary VWCl\er\, It i...1111f9rJICl"M t o SAi.Lil T. lllYNOl.OI, Men'llltr JAMii 0, OVNUl!flSON, A Uw Co<'PO<•t1611, Hstt Pawo * Valen<l•, St1ltt IOI . I.IOI.Int Hiii\, CAlltol'flla '1U3. -<II '' ttw pt•<• Of ""'',_."Of "'" ""°"".,...,In •II m•tt•" ""•'II· tnQ to"" 1\1111• Of HICI tllt t-1, wllllln four ~ Mltr o. 11,.,1 MllollOll otllllsnotke, 011.0 \Oo111 11, ,.,, J AMU 0 , GUNO!tllSON E-utorot"'9Wlllot ,,,._,...n..ct•t- SALl.11 T. ltlVfltOl.OS ........ JAM&•O, OUND9lllOM AuwO.._..lelt ..,, .. _.v.i.c1 ....... ,., ut-Ml"'-CA'"°" T...,.._1 nw1 at-- ;a...,.,.yi.r •'"-"Ul>ll ...... Or-(M•I 0•11¥ l'ttel Slot tt,2t,O<t .. u. ,.,, '1•11 l~ F1t11•~ llw,,.u N-re- ,.,,.., 10 •-win fltecl lft Or-C-honJ"4y H. ttl1 P•••<•• J Foersle<, 1011 Kings "-·......._, 11 .. c11.CA.ttt.> Gllbotn G Foer\I.,., lOlt Kh"n .-.. o. Hew1Jor1 lleac11. CA.~ Tr•l•Ml,.,.,.,wuconduct.O l1Y '""1,,.. 41vl4\lll. "-1•1<1• J ,,.,..._ 1'111\ ,i.1...,,.111 ..... fli.4 •1111 - C°""'" O.rw ol Or•,. Co\lnty.,. s..ot. I "" "7..U Pub41"'94 Or-Coatl Delly Pilot. S.pt. n . u .n .Ane10ct.•.1tn PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICl'ITIOU5 IUllNlllt NAMI STATIEMllNT Ti. ~~119 --tar• dolllO llu>I· "'" . ., NEWPO RT T USTIN .A5· SOCIATH. Ul1'"'1111'1 lnrltw,Sent• Ana, CA '7l'Olt C. --NII-, 1S»t S....11 ~. Ollfte. CA tl7t0 J~ ~ !IOI ...,.., .. &Ir ... , lt"'"'111Hc"· CA fMM 0.vldt....~KI, t11S6SoulllCUde Ori.,., WNnle<. CA QOI R_, £. SI~. ~MM\ Wn Ot1w , llos.,,..,..,,CAtOno Bruce E Sl1'91r, 1i0--. brMI, • 6 Saal BHOI, CA "1740 TM\ bu\l11es• I• COOIWCtM 1>¥ I '"1W' •• p.M"t.Mt \l\lo. C Norm.t<i P\1111- T Ill\ ~tal•,,_I w"' lli..I ~II lhO County Cl••• al o...,.. "°""'""" Sapl. It lt7T ... ttQ Puf>l1"'94 Or-Coetl l>.tll't Pilot, \eOI n, 1'. Ocl •. I), lf'n •111.n PUBLIC NOTICE 01' l'ICTITIOUS IUllNIU NAME 1TATIMIMT TM lollOwHoo CM,..,.., 1reOOl1tq bin!· ... U.\' COUHTEllTOP SUPl'l.V. t OlO No1111 '-'"""' Strwt. 5'11ta A, o,..llQt, CA., .. , . Mocluform. IM • • Callt0<nl• c°"' OOtatlOll, 1'434 S. Fl~,... SlrHI, Gar<len.o, CA '0141 Thi, ~1neu It c-1~ 1tr • <<w· 11cJtttlOll __.m,lllC. Thi\ \l!tl-1 w~t Ill«! with Ille co.,,,rvc1er11o10r.ioo ee-.,o., s.oi. "· ,.,, nlHI Publl....., Or-0.Hl Delly Piiot, S..ol Tl.1'1OcL•.13, ttn PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TOClt•OITOIU ..... Am» SUl'C •tOOa COVIil' OPTill. STATI OFCAl.l~llNIA llOll THI COU .. TY OPOll&N•t! In frw M•ll•• Of Ille lst•t• ol CECllE 8HLE ADAM, 0.-.0 NOll<e ts MftOy tlWfl 16 <twdllon ~IVlflO CIAomS ... Inst ttlt Mle IM<e drnt la flit wlCI <l•IM• Ill '"" 9ftlo o• 1 ... (ltO OI 111t ~O'ftlkl <-1 °' 10 pre,.,.t '"""' to ,,.. l#\Otr,i9t1e11 "'' llw olllC• OI loCKEllMAN, I.ING & 11usse1.1. • .w w 0t•a11 eMt .. su1t• 1000, lOftQ -h CA.~. wt1tc11 '•t· tu a111u '' 1'1o Ill•• ef "'"'~' 01 th@ .,,,cltr\IQf't<! In •II rnatltr~ Mft•lnlnq to .. Id tttot• Sucll claims •1111 IN ne<e•'Mt'Y vou<t~• • mv'lt .,. llltd Of P•Uettled H ~fo•-ld wltlll11 lour mont11t .ittr t"" llrttMlltatlCWI ol 1111$ llollc~. Otled S.111 1', ltn O\u•M.•dem Ew..:l.lforolttwWlll OIO.Ct-1. ACltll!IW\AN. l.INO t. llUUll.1. A"-..... ·-... w.CK .... 11 .... w.1• &Mt leedl. CA. .... Pvbll\hM 0rllf190 CNtf Delly Piiot. 5111t. 1~11.!',0ct., nn PUBUC NOTICE JU(llllatOll COUllT 01' THE •TATI 01' CAlll'OllNIA li'OR THICO\INTYOl'OllANOE Nt.A•t21M NOTICE 01' MIAtlllNO OF l'ITltlOH 1'011 l'llOSATI! 0, Wll.I. AllO 1.ITilllS TUTAMINTA•V, 1'011 AUTlfOllllATION TO AO· MINllTCtll UHOltll THt INOl ... HOIHT AOMINIST'ltA rt OH Ol'UTATUACT ,,, ... ti HAllll'Y Ml!llWYN WE.AVIR, ~t•'I<! NOTltt I~ HEREll'r GIVl!N ttwot JAH& WAlllNl!tll WEAVElt N • lllod ntr•lf\ a Plllllon tor Pfobah ti Wiii •110 IH u•ll<t ol L•ll•rs 1 tsl•""""'V to tlllt .,_llt._r. tor ..,tll0fl1•ll011 lo adMlnl""' 1.11111<1r ,.,. lnotll'l\dlMll "4nllnUlr•llOfl ol hl•I•• A<I 1'11"'9ft<• lo wlll~h '' maclt •~ l11rtiwr 1111rt1<111an, 4lnll 111<11 u.. !In~ Ol'lll pl_ el lwarlnQ Ir. ,.,..t 11•1' .,.,,, Ml for ()(1. II, It/I, •I 10 00 a .m .. In tl>t (O•lr"QOM ot 0.Nrtment NO. J ol U ICI c ... rt. •• l()OC:M< C.n••• Ort'" v.,.,1, 1n Ille Cll\'61 Sel\11 Ma, C..lllomla. 0•1•0•~-·"· ,.,, Wll.l,.IAMl.SIJC»IN (lluflty Cl•rll &Al.I.II T, lllYfllOl.Ot, ~ JA!i'll0,9\1 .. 0UllON Al.IWCW..alllill nu1.._..v.11eci.,,....tt1 =....,.u.nua " •1 ~•--0r.,... C..al u.11¥ Pilot. ..... tt.-.on.•.ttn •11'1 I t " PUBLIC NOTICE P IC'flnOUJ I USINIU NAM•ttATIMUIT .,..,. ..,._.,. _..,... •••tk>lno bu" M h •\ P£TPICX UP.U1U;1>91-Hunt 1,..ton6Mol o, m. CM'DI ~. m CM-~ CO-I• M ..... CA.~11 s..ndr•l(l"l<W H 1H:no1-. Hvl\I 1"910rl &eeitl\ CA t'?MI Tlllt bl>SIMO ., CO'!OVCl•O "' • ................ Ip ~·I(""•' ,.hi\ l lM.,._nt WA\ ttl.cl \Jlftf\ th• c°""1' CJ«t.(Jll 0r.....,. u.u.11run .,.l>f .. ,.,, P•l- Pubh -Or<ll'Qt <.O.•I !Ully Piio t S.pt 1s.n .n .-o.1 • ,.,, '.Ill• II PUBUC NOTJCE PIC'TITIO~a 8USI HEU HAll'l:UAT£Ml: .. f Hll tollowlnQ SMnon h <k>ll"~ t>v\• .. n•$\41 ... M IU.NO AUIOMOIJll l Ill W 11111 ~lrMI, •A 4 (0-1" M ... « {.A 'fl•ll AfH.lr-.i" Ait1lYn 10 MUI• """ Ponwxw A.YI , CO\IA MP\.D '-A"'•" Tnl' Mine~'' tond"'1..1et;J o, .,n 111 c11.1ou .. 1 Andr~• Mton10Muld\ Ttus )Wtt~n• ·~• tth1.J ..-nn 11.- Countv cii.r~ m Of'•fl(Jit l Ul.ll•h •'" A4-•t ,, 1q11 FIH2' PubJI.,,..., 0.-c ..... (>••II 1"1111 ~Ill ~. Cl<t •. U, lll I~// " l" PUBUC NOTICE l f ,OllE f H£ CilLll'O llHI A COAU AL COMMISSION, SOUTH COAST llEGIO..AL COMMIS$10 H ... E. ()(-....... ~II• l •OI, '--... <ft, ca111w•-1. AP~ICATI°" HU,..I ER llU In tN mttltor ot ltttlnQ • lt'mPor•r¥ pllol 1.odllly lot O.Wlllf>I) plQlrH 10 IM'odu<.• ODUblt ..,••tr on comm~rc.t4tt \,CAii•# pAlent prif\OlnQ-# U>H'Q N)fH1n,tl •r~r9y. •I T •tDen (n.tl\n.tl ••II to o<.eM\ •nd •I ~ P04nt on Uw fM'd••' o shlc ol lhr 1•1• nwen rt'9h 110~ ""° •• H"ntlllQl«l Bttch SI ale P••k. NOTICE 01' FILING 0" APPLICATION Global RHOU1'<.,, \aPQl•t•nll ""'"'• 9'""") N04'<~ o4 l'-ef\I to t1tt1 1ur 4 !><'•mil w11n uw Soulh Co.o•I A,.q•on., tommf~)ton ttQuf'\tlnQ .tuthof1t'f' to 1e\t '•Id dl-WlllnQ prOCI'\\ 10 Ut"tf'' n11~ U"m«lb 1nton;.erv1ngt~'O' .nu~· o •ldlnQ now -.OU<C•'> DI pol•Olt ..... , C.LOSAL RES.OURl ES 8w l.4rry v1,..n1k, Proj9<1 Mli~r PUOll-Or..-00 (O.\I O•llY Piiot, <kl s, .. 1, 1q11 •)(/4-11 PUBLIC NOTICE '1C'fl TIOUSIUSll~U.S NAMaSTATl,_.NT "Tllelo4_."9l»f'-l>Clo11>9bo.l".,.n TEOO•Ol.OCV EHTEllPRISES P 0 Bo• 1'31 So~ fk9<~ CA 00140 :!Wt E. V•,.. S1111e -' 0 . 0<""9'0 (A tt ... Qol\atd V H.H.,., lt671 Dvmo"4 Aw , Nor'w•lk CA Q !O Tl\4\ -.neU II t OllCIUC ltd by •n in cll•I~ oon.td V H•I""" "T~ll >!al_,,. w•\ llled •Ith I,.. C-IY Clerll al Or~ Covnly on S.PI. l, 1917 ,.,,. .. PuDllv.cl °'""OP Co•\I Oaily P llOI S.pl IS.?l.,.,,-Ocl •. I071 ~n P UBLIC NOTICE t4UI SUPIEIUOA COUllT 0 1' TH[ STAT[ 0 1' CAL.,OllHIA FOR TlllE COUNTY 0' OllilHGE ... A •JO.JO NOTIC E 0, H E A R IN G 01' P E TITION ,OR PR08ATC O' WILL AHO FOA LETTERS TESIAMtH TAllY AHOAUTHORllATIOH TO AO. M I N IS TER VH OE M T "E IHOEPEHOEHT AOMIHISTRATIOH • OP ESTATESACT. E>l•I• 01 Al.UlH MCAlC Hl:A RICI( ~Al.LAH M HEAlllCi.. ,. ... A M.HEAAICIC,Cl«H- NOTICE IS HEl'IE9V C.IVEN l~I SE CUlllTY PACl ~I(. N41 1C NAL 84NI( M'-f'Niid IWrf'll'I A pet0l1Qt1 f, f prob•h· of W1 t .-nd •or t..~ tt. • lf'\l.,,,.nt•ry tt\4 •utMf'•t•I•"'" t •1 fTor1\ttf' "-ndt't tN lf'k>o Of'Nt'f"t '60 mtn•t.h 4f.O.Oo.;ft"\.f4ff"" .t I ''''' 'f't(• 10 .. n,c.n ,, """°"' 1or • ..,,~,out tvt1r~ .tnd fl'\al ow 11""4" """ Olf'ff I ' "' ., l'Q tM \.Amf' ~\ bH'n \t1 '(!' 04' h'f-<r I It/I .c to 00 • m 1n '"" C¥-...llf"OM t 0t>~r1rnf'f\I No l Of \Atd (()\.tr\ 41 1W (IYiC. (H!Cfl' Ort.rt lf\it,.I In lfW (..1t t Of S..nt• ~. O htorn•• O•i.d S.p(omOtr 1•. 1•11 Wit.LIAM E SIJOHN, Counlv Cf<r•~ SPE~(£ 6 M<HAI I lyJ4""£SW ~HAlll 1oo s ,_,. •. uoo l••A .... let, CA.0017 h i. 121lH •tQS Att .. .,.y IOr: Pwl"IM•r P"btlY>ed Or.,,.,. C.o.o\I O•dy µ.ic S.ol. 1', l06"<1 0cl Ii. 1•11 •?<J PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS 8 VSIHIU NAME STATEMENT l t\t totlowlt'tQ Pl"toft~ •re oo•no OU\• ~'" t RESfVIEW APARTM (NT\ ,~, S.Vl\OPre T~rr•<•. Coran• d•I M11r.CA9'U5 V•t Skoto. ttiOt ft•v.o.re 1 trr•t• ("r""4dtlMM, (.A ,,.?~ C..rolo S ~oro, llrOI B•v•ci.< ~ r .. •tt•. Corone O.I Mllr, CA 9?•H l it" l>U•ln..S> " (Ol\4l><l~d ov • ..,..,.1 -111enl\lj), Vol Sltoro T/111 •i.f-1 W•< Ill«! wlll\ llW c-tv c....,. o1 Or~ Coun1\' on S.1>" temti« •. lf/1. ,.,.., P11bll<l...:I Or•~ Co.\! O••lf "1101 Sfpl 1'1, Oct •. U , ?0. It /I .... II PUBLIC NOTJCE .. , .. SUPElllOtt COUllT OP T14E SfATI OF CAL1'0 11NIA ,0 11 P4£COUHTY Of OllAHGE H•. A·tMH NOTICE 0, H E All lN C O F PEllTION FOii PllOtATE OF Wll.I. AIO O FOii lllTlERS TESTAMEN TAllYAHO AUTHORllAflOH TO AO. M I NIST li R V H O~lt TH E IHOEPEHOEHT ilOMINISTRATION 01' ESTATES ACT E\t.sle or PAI.JUNE uAl<I ••"Lt" O•u•-· NOTICE IS ~If RC ll'f ( .. IVf N lh•I t MERSOH C. Hll.EI< M IJ h•"lllfd 'lwrt•1f\ 4 ~Ull0'1 f()f Ot0D.1t• a1 W tll Ancl to r Lett•rt. l t \li1n 1(n l rtf l/ dnd •utt'ofltahon to tldm1n1''"' u"'1•t '""' t"'60enc2e'nt •Om1n''""'''on of • tA'"' l t f; f efttrffl<,. to Wtil(" '' Hl1•tJ--fOr lurtr.tr .,.rtt<ul•rs. (W'\n tt\at ,,._ 11m,. .t.n<I OIKI Of hf•t•nQ ltw ,,.,, .. f\,., blttft ~t lot ()ttOber t I 1~1 I llil TU (l(J .1 m 1n U't"' tourvoom ol 0.0Art,,,,.,nt t-4 ) of .,..,0 c.ourt .. •I 100 (.1v1t C •' ,,.,. Or1v• W•~'· tf'\ \t'I• C•h QI "),tn 1.• Ju A C.111orn1a O•IO<I S.-otMiO-r 10. 1•11 WILl.f&M( SIJOHH 'tountv C•••• EUGINE I WAT50H Jt•ll c.mlM CotH1lr•M SI• 110 u~J-~Jtr-. c.A '1•1• T•I• 1110 U I 1111 •tt-rtw l'.Cl!I.,.... P11041S""00r-Co.\•I D•1lv Piiot, S.Ot 29,JOAndOcl ~ It/I '1•1,, PUBlJC NOTICE "CTITlOUS llUSIWf SS HAME STATE,..E ltT' Tt"I• tollOWtf"Q ()Prv.i\ ff' .. 00•"0 bu\t n•n•'· OVMEM:O IDVN• MAlllN r ELEC:lAONIC. S~llVh I 10 11-..1 N , ••• "° St • t-iunHnq\on H• 1H. f\, (.A .,4At Oyn• MArlM • C•lll~rnla rMOOr• lion, 11 i.1 H•w•-SI t1u11t1no1on lleat ll.CA.-,•-t1t Tiii• bu\"'9\\ IS ~ON.lot1"'1 by • CCI' pot•llon OVNAMARll'IE llOC.rl A (itltl~• P r-.ldo!nl Tnl• ~1"1-1 w•• 111..., wun ,,... c-tv O.rk t>f 0.-cnvnty on S.o ,.,.,-n 1n 1 ,.11 ... Pllbll,,,._, Or.019 Coo•I O•llY Pt101 S.pl ,. Oct 6 I) 10 IOl7 PUBLIC NOTICE Jll l'UU~COUllT O, CALl,.OllNIA ~NTYO,OllilNOll TWOV'<Cootwon ........ s...u -· C.ltteno•• CITATION 11'110.Af~ t u.sa NUMIE• A "111• M•llor o l CARRI E l lokESE l \IRLEY n"ro' l H~ PEOPLE O,._ lllfo ~!All 0 • CAllFOAM14 , lo DONALOWA>ll> f tJllLI Y You .r• twfetty c.ttect 'rd r.auu•a t APf>'>•' •C ~ tw•rU"tQ lrt ff\t' (Wt ' Of' <A;. '"°"' ,., 1m., • )I)• m '" Rm No J. 'Ul•t.0 .c' IOO C1wtt (lnfn Vnw W•\t ~nt• An.t {f HfOf'f\1• •"" tv "''..,. .,...., fl!'Q41 re•~ wny ·u uud1n41 IU tf'W W•ftffitd J,ietlttOrl f1lwd •ltf'\ \P'U\ (OUtt HELEN 1' CHAISl lANSEN>N>\jldl\OI I><' oi>C><>l"le<I C.u•rd>on Ill (ARAU' rEAESE TURLEY 0 .tlod AUQll\l ll I'll WILll A,..E )IJ014N {.IM• Suwn L au,.tai1, 0.0...1• llOVA HOf,,1!'4. u .. 1 E••"-""' HWt 1..o ,..1 ..... 0 ..a Atton're1tor· ...,m ... , T•I ll lll .. ,,.,., PUDll"""' Oren\IO C0.•1 U•llY Pllol S.pt u. n. tt. 0<1 o ,.,, •001 71 P \JBUC 1'0TJCE STAfEMEMTO,A•AHOOHMEHT 01' USE 0 , ,,CTI novi •VStNESS NAME fht toUowu-.q CJ19,-ion PW.\ •boln.dOne'd ·~ v~ot l~ flctlhOV\bu'MM\\n.11mti OONA I ELLI S I TA l I 4 H RESTAUllA.HT OONATEI LI !> AEHAVRANT 7~14 l'ln.pott 81.0 c ~I• """•·(A .,.11 T""" F1ct1'~~ ttu-\H'W'\'\ "•"'c r..- terr eo 10 •bov. .... , t1ltd 11\ Oreno- Co""''"" Aprll 11 "" A ftonW J P..llt'Qf't'111 110 Vht• Entr-H-por1 S.ecn <:A "'l..0 l h" OUSAl"lif"\\W•) COr\ducte-0 b'11tt\ In ()1wl0\.M\I A J Pfolltoqfffl• Tr.1' .. -..t~nt w•' t111"d ••t"' the Coul\\yCle•-ol0r•"91' Co11ntvonS.P1 '· ,,,, ,..,.. Pub'•'1wd Or•._ Co•"I O•llY Pllol, S,.,pl IS, 11. 7'. Oct • "17 P UBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •VSIH EU HilMI! STATEME NT Tn.c fOf•OWlnQ pitr).On\ are CSOIMQ bu\t ""'" .. G A"TEWAV CE H lEA A., SOCIATES, LTO hH1 M1il1~on Av.r.ue. lrvuw. C.IUotn1• rn>1l CONSOLIOATEO AME RICAN PAOPellTIE!. Ill c;.neul p.,, ....... 1•1)1 M 1l11 1ttn A¥t nue anrtnt, C•hforn1.J"21 ll Tru' ~f'W"\\ 1s conouctt'd b'i • llmlt ....0 p.lf'tnH'11\IP* Coro>Oll0..1«1 """'""" ~,, ........ A°'""' .. 04r1~r\hfC> RY )t()M 9 P•'1ir~r (;oenerttl Pi nner-'"'' ,wt'""'~"' ..,., W ecl w ttl'I t~., c-•v (lerl ol Or-County on Sept ,. 1'11 'ULOP&a~T°" I UllHS&M<f(lnll1CI( •1ot MM.Ari .... • Ill ... .... , Otlk • lo• t710 H"'-1-11,. CA '2'6.J P"bll.,..., Or.-.90 eo .. 1 O••ly Pl•ol ~Pl n. 1', O<lcbor I>. ll. ,91/ O.IO 11 PUBLIC NOTICE CP·!llt SUPIElllOfl COVIii OF THIE STAT[ 01' CALIFOll,..IA FOR THE C.OUHTY 0 1' OAANOI. Ho A·O •U H O TI C E O F H l AlllH O O' PETITION FOR PRO BATE 0 ' W ILL A N O F O R LET T E R S T E ST l>M £N TAR Y A H O 4UTMORl1ATIO .. TO AOMlk lSTER VHOIER T"E INOfPENOENI 40 MIHISTAATIO .. OF EST ATES ACT Es••rt"' E LIZABETH L ~LAii .. •U ELIU.8l TH Cl AA ". C-•4W<I NOTICE IS HEllEflY t,,'•\ol H 11\11 HAZEL .IOAN ClARrc.,...,.1. "<IN'f" • ort1hon '°' Pro.D.l#Of w111 ~hd tor,, \wj)f'l<f ot L,.t~$ lnt.,...f"f'\1.tt'I' 10 ''- f.ot l1t ON*r ~twt •utM'''"' °" to •d ,, ff I 1~f l~ fl11t§\' '-""Ckr iN ft(). Off\ o. nt ~"''''•••on ot E "'-"'"' AC r ,,. It rt--f\(f' to ...,.,,,, f\ " ,,. ;tdw •o,. '\o''" .. ' Offrl f V ,., \ tncft'Wf tN> t1tr•.i.tl"IOfJ'M# nt ~~t•"'Q1,._.~,..""°"'f'n ,"1,• •()( too.or ,If •• ,, df ·~ on "m tn ttw <CN't•ot>m nt O•Piil'' tfT\t"nt No J ol '"'~ <°"''' lff 'fA(.t'll'I( Ct.nit' or~•f' ..-..u 1ti-# C.•r. Of S.nt~ M • C •' torno4 C1•tf'd~Off "T1be"r .• f9 1N1Ll1AM E SIJO .. N, (Ot.,n('( (IML f.llHESl J ~14AG,J ll A Pf"91n .. on•t LI• Corpot.rt•M ,,,, l lrtft St., lln ,, .. Hew-1 INcft, CA fl .. J O U l JJJ.J61' Allor,.vi.. P•trt•oner Pubh\J'Wd OrM\Qil' Coa~I Oi:1tlV Punt 0<.I S.O II IY77 '11!>-I.' P UBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS IUSINIU NilMI' STATEMtlHT TM lollowlno ... ,.....,, ar•do•nq ou.-. •n.n. CREATIVE CRAFTS. 1JO S·C Nloullerl PM~wa,, Lt9""'" Hiii\ CA •7•U Vl<vlnl• M """"'· 7.)391 111•" ~I O• .,, \.A9UNH•ll•.CAt'?OJ J•fn#\ C P•rry )J:JOl 11•~ At Ot • 7' L.oQut'a Hiii\, CA~ C•ro l J 51.,..r, 1l'8l YI• 5•" M~""l.~Hlll\ CAt'?.Sl o.trl" A Sl.,,.v nlf1 Vie S..n M~""I• ~Holl\, CA '2•Sl T ,_, .. Out,,..,. h condUc t.-d by _. Qll'f"let•t Oiertnlt"-"IP V*r9Htl• M Perry T"hl\ '11M~ •*' fll.-cl ••t" t,.. c-er Cl•" of Or-C-outltyon S.ot u "" ''"" Pubti\IWd <>-eo.n 0•111 Piiot ~OI IS, n.1' Oct 6, 1'71 PUBLIC NCYrlC E FICTITIOUS llVSIHESS HAME STATEMENT 1 n..-to11ow1n9 PtrW!i 1\ 001ii9 bUl• nt•\t, '" (()AST (QN \/fVANC E ANO SE llVlt ~ COMPANY 7'o E 1'11\ Pl c (.,'"'I~~ .... '~ •1~11 J,011c. .. 1.v1'n All,~ 1% L '''-"Pt ~,.. c~1 .. w · .... (" ·n~u 1 h•\ txa1Mi\\ ' t ()n('l1,t<IM'J ov An ''' (J1\110v4l J An1l t l Allf'f'I r .,,~ ,,.,.,rl14"nt ""''" fllf'd wun tht> Covn1y < ,,.,~ ot Or MOf C.ounly on S.p lf'N1biitr 1•. 141/ "",, Puhl11\""'1 Ot.tnQf> C.041t (J"hly Pltot '4tp1 'M Of I f> U. JO. "11 4 lbt Jr PUBLIC NOTICF. .. 1 .. SUPElllOA COURT 0, JH( ~I ATE 0 ,. CAl.11'0AH14 FOlt T14E C.OVHl Y Ol'OllAHO( Ho A·••1 N OT I C E 01' HE A A l "O O F PETI TIOfl FOA PMOtATE Of Wil l AHO 1'011 LETTEllS TESTAMEH· T ARV ANO AUTHOlllU TIOH TO AO- M 1H IST'E11 UHO EA TH E AO· MINISTllATIOH OI' ESTA"T ES4C.T f •141• of UOllfllT Wlll.IAM 111\AfV ••• 808 llAlll'r •\A ROFIElll W HAllTY ~--· llO{IEllT W•LI IAM .. ARrYSll ,l.'l«U\#d NOTICE I\ Hf 1>E8V C,IVEH 111 .. 1 IOHN 1 HAllTY Ila\ llll'd '''"•1n A PH1f1on fr;f' P<OCMrf' (>f W'llf ltnd fOJ ,,. ,.,,, , .. ,,"""*"'•rv "oo t111\rthor1tAt1on to """"'~'''"' ut'dftf 1ni •nGtP4"r-.d•nt •ft· n11n1,1r,.t,onot • \l•h'' Mt. ,.,,,,,.,..tf! fo wn1tn •\ tnMtfl ffllf' fvr~r °"9t litu1•,),. t•Mt tM1 ·~ IBtM' .ind Pl'-'<,. ot """'" 1no l'k '''""' M \ t.-~n "'' for OC'IOb•' I\, •"-11 °'' H) ~ _. m In tfwo <outtromn n• Ott,>Artnltllf\t No I ot \i1111d c~urf, •t 700 (,v•<. Vnhtr Dr1v-. Wf,t, en Uw (llty Uf ··Ant• Al"W), C•t1torn1" U•lod S.pt11m0or 11, 1'11 WILL14""E SIJOH ... <.oun1vc1 .. ., MILl.1!11.MMOOHALO, •USM A ACIU !llMAH JOHH M MIN HOTT UH .. H•"""' ll•o 510700 f ult.non C..11-• '1'-lJ Toi 0 10"1-.... ,.,..y, '°'" fttt ...... , rub••~ Oritn~ c..o.~• o .. u .. p,,0, ~01 1' JOeNI Cl<I b.:•" •1<\11 6 4 2 • ( l b A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 b ol f \lole .... , ...... • 1000 ™'9 • • 3000~99 ""''~" ln,.,1,_,1 .. ,,.....,...,. )000 ~9 ThlJ!!d!Y.Oetober8, 1917 DAIL V PtLOT Jt3 The Bl11est Marketplace on the Oranae Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS ,..,..._., .....,.,..._ •••••• 7VCJO.ntt 4-nu,.....,, P•nO'lol• lo\I & I~ ~ $4'9 ~ ....... ·~· 60006099 You Can S~ll It, Find It, ( 642 _5678 J Trade It With a Wont Ad One Call Service Fast Credit Approval Mw~ •••••• ~ ._, & MIWIM ,....,_.,. ' • . • • tooo.to99 ............. &"'-,,,_,.,,_ •••• 911»-9999 HO\lses f o r S~~ ..•.•.....•..•.....•... BlllOltS: Ad•emsen Ge-M,.al I 002 lhoiuld cMck their od.s • • • • • • • • • • • • • •· • • • •• 9 • • cWty and report e~ ------- l"On 1"""9cMat.ty. T1M DAIL y PILOT GH ..... I liability for ..... 11,.,t 1 ... cornet lnMt-tion only. l'\lblis!Mr's Notice: l\.i.I real estate advcrtlsc<f In Uus ru:wspa~r is :.ulJ Jl'Ct to the f\ . .odcr al °!''air lfou:.ing /\ct of 19tiH whkh make~ 1l 1llci.:al to udv~·rllsc ":Jny 11re· ft•r cn1.·c , II m 1tat1on. (Ir dc.cn nunat1on IJa st'd on race. color. rchi:wn. M!K or national on i:m. or an 1ntent1on to makf"" an) i.uch prcfcrcnc<" hm1t.1 two. or d1scnm1n:il1on " 'This new'>papcr will nol kno"1ngly ,1<'<'CPl u uy .1d vt•rt1s1 n~ for rt•jl 1•sta te wl111. h 1s 111 \'Hila 11on of the law Houses for Sol~ ....................... 1002 ....................... $58.750 llui.:c family room w11h \JSl•tJ br lCk wall Ulld f1r<•placc. 3 Ocdrm, 2 b/lth. dblc car i.iar:.i/.:•'. new Ill' Doui.:hhoy pool & flltl'r All this on a S<'C I udc<f s trcet. JI urry, 1:all 546-5880 ~HERITAGE REALTORS '\t:t.L irl11• ilt•m-. with .i 1> .. 11~ Pilot <:1.i-.,1f1t·1l \.I CLASSIFIED HOURS /\11'1•rt1•1•r, m.t•· 111.a«· 1t .. ·1r .u" h\ t••lrphun1• It cu ,, m tn , JO p "' \l1ol." 111111 h 111 I\ K lt• n<<•I\ SJIUTtl<t \ nY... f/\ \ff"\ 11 F~ II UH \\' i'. I\ 1,1 .. • .. """ 111"\11,1.tl''lll \•II I 1X, •!lo I h Ill\ 11 ~\IJ l • 'O I.At.I"\,\ 11~ \I 11 lll'V• ,,,,., .. , .. ,,. l .1.:uu.1 lh .u Ii l 'l .• ,,,. ..,,,11111 t'll\t'I\ 2~~·u I .t I' 11 f(n.11t I J j;UOJ lltlh !.111·•·1111 :'\OHTll COi -.:T )' thJI ,,,... ~111 l!.~I C USSIFtED DEADLINES I.\ 11f'1" t1•11u1"1\l.:tU' '"" "'' • ttl ''" •t j\ t. h•t• l'~tt.111 ·'""" ''\ t q~ h 1f ,,.,, ... " /.. " •• tS f \ .. t' 11 !Ill '-\iii, h I I\ rt. HtlH•• I "'·•fllf1l.1 \. L! l1h 1fl CU.SSIFIEO REGULA TIOMS ~ U l(f 1HS \11' 1•r1 l"'r' ,1w~1hl • !wrll I h•'ll ail• 11,1111 k r .. 11()1 I "" '' 1 11trt IO ol 1 .ti • I I 'I II ~ Jl,\11 Y l'll,11'1' .1•,llnlr'' 11.1t111th , .. ,.. rht• r1r't 1n 1 ••rrt'd 1tl!'\«rt1hn nnl\ l'l\\:C'rl I ;\flO:"S \\~wll ~1lhnit ,on :111 II" -.urt• t'' rn,ak1· •• , 1·<~"''' of lh• 1\11 I '-'1 '\1 IH:fl ~·1\t·n , .... ''' \tt\lt 1u1 , .• k .. r HI\'"' \•pl Of \flUr l.'11ncl'lL111 .. n Thi• lttll numl•n mu'I •~· "r"'"" 1"'1 h\ thr-1111' 1·r11>1·r In ('a'(• nr .• rlospuh• C \'C-~'1 1 \ t HI'\ nil (lllCH H T IO' (H :'av.: All 11Jo:1-·n11 ~ Ill ';\l'U; ~····r-r tturt •~ mutl.-to kill u1 1u n 1•c t ~ nt•w ~•ti lh.11 h," lt.·1·n nnlr'Tl'll. l•1I ,...,. Ltnn111 1'11.1t,1n If•• In rl11 '" 1111111 Ille' .rd h.1 1111111 .. 11 1·11 In lhr l'·'l~·r !ti \n' .\ t I\: I \ f1o.; l"ll'"''' .111• .1r1• •lr111h· r."h 111 a•l\111111· h\ m .111 ut .11 ·'"' or11• ttl nu' nf htl'" '" 1in1111' (1rc11·r~ l11 .. 1•ll1n •· .1 I' m ~'n•l,r' ('11>1•1 ~It ''' 111 ltn• I'( 1:· '"~'" .11 1111 ht'.rrwh 11rl1rM rtlF l>A ll\' 1•11.rn ft'"'"''' 1111· r1 ~h1 10 rl.1.-1f\', 1'1111 """"1r or r 1· I 11 ,.,, ,, n v • .,1 ,. '' r \l'l<·m•·OI 111111 l•l rhan1:•· 11, r;1I••' It r••11ulnl101,.. v.11h11111 flflllr null1'•'. CLASSlflEO ~lllNG ADDRESS I' 0 I\;'\'! 1 ~>NI c.,..e .• 'k'" '12ii211 STEAL this big 4 lJr. 2 ba bt.>aut v' Mauy pluses 1nc lu1ftod fauuly rm, palw. frwt trees etc, cl c. Pr iced Sl.OOO's below mrkt. at S&l.9~0. Convt. or v A loan OK. 646·9K98 A~ Ht•al est ate S Al.t-:S l'EHSUN & RLN 1'1\L AGt:NT openm.:s l-wlf .,tarter for a pro.: re:.:. I\ e & !MOVa llV(' Offll'I' Couwy & COMpOfty 497·2457 WEST NEWPORT DUPLEX Ll?t' J bdrm . :! bath t• .1 <' h 'I. 1 n t s u m mer v. inh:r rental ; :.tc1>~ lo beach on fee land SIRV.SOO. 67J.3ij63 associated 8AOKEAS-AEAl TORS 1015 W l olboo •7 1.JU) r •FOR SALE• 2 Dt/d~n. Ea5L:ude $69,950 2 Br F.a.sts1dc $12,000 2 Br Dupkx Stlll.%0 3 Br llawu11 Kai Manna $125 000 3 Dr. Pool Canyon \'11•w $14:J,:.l50 *RENTALS* :! llllrrn L'ml S2.Sll mo I ~I 1-:a-;ts1dc S.'7S mo :? Br. Nwpt llJ:hL'i S31~ :J Hr OcNn\'lf'W 5400 ;! Br Easts1de house $400 kay kwod1 R.atty Col6ll-llU MESA DELMAR SPECIAL S82,900! llO">e to parks. 'choolo;, tennis rlub l11g l ltr un h~t· lot 2750 ftoriofa, CO$tOMHa 752-0861 2 FOR THE MONEY NO CREDIT NEEDED $139,900. NEWPORT BEACH 4 bdrm. 2 bath home wit h pool, jacuu 1, family rm. l't c . ct c .I us t :-. p (' n t $22,000. on remOt.lc linl? Nr ~oil course I will carry contract i-~or sa le by owner 646·1\0llO TRI-PL EX 2266 MINER. C.~ X.lnt <'On<!. & me $87~ mo Owner 3j.,1., !i411·57TI G~ral 1002 G~ral 1002 ....................... ••····•··•·········•··· SYLVAH SITTIMG Set a mong towering trees in old Bluffs. neur pool , on good green belt, end unit. Loaded with <.'harm. 3 b e droo m s , famil y r oom . t op condition. $147,500 . A COU>WBJ. IAMkltl CO. 644-1766 2111 SAN JOAOUIN HILLS RO. IN NEWPORT CENTER -- ~~!~! !.~~ -~~ ........ 1 ~<:'!~~! .~~~ .~~ ••••••• G~~rol I 002 G11terol I 002 ............ ·····'····· ...................... . UMf9UE IN CDM HEEDS YOU! Hcccnt at·q u1s1tion of adclitJonal office spate has created several sales open- m J!s (only 3 remain ). Unique is now looking for ex pe rienced, proven performers who want to share in our fine r eputation. accelerated com- mission scht..'<lule (up to 70~) and ex- citing markcl11ig techniques. If in- t er ested, contact Tom Boland at 7 14 b75-6000. G~rol 1002 G~ol 1002 .......•...•............................•..... "P" for PRIDE You'll M.'1! tht• pndc of ow11cn.l11p dr'iplaycd in lh l:. lov l'ly ''UIJP l'r Ne"1>0rt Hay ' home :i l:Jedrms. formal dinini:: room, lllx.22 family rm. 4 l·a r gar.t~e. If you ap· prl•crn tc quality, be sure tu :.cc us about this horn.: $11 6,UOU. t:.ill 6-1.S 722 1 Ontu~ WntcUff R~afty OYER 2200 sq.fl For $79,900 A north Costa Mesa 2 story with 4 bedrooms. Country porch and big rl'crcation pool t able• room . Walk to private ~wtm ·tennis club. closed membe rs hip but this home has t ransrerrablc pnv1lege to club. Com· pare our pn re. 546-414 I ~ COATS& WALLACE REAL ESTATE. INC. H«Mne1ForSale • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 GeMrol 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Real t:i.tate Salesperacm I 000/o COMMISSION We f u rnis h d esk - ielephone-6ecretary & ht:lp. LA CASA RLTY 495-1870 e ve: 831-0737 IOTH IH lASTILUFF S Bdrms., 3 baths. ovc r- loolclng Sile of Duvis Cup Matches. Jmm:iculatu. $174,000. OR ----------1 Jog in the park, opposite EXECUTIVE FIXER UPPER Need!! carpets, drapes and paint. Located on a qt.Del cul·de·s ac close to thl!! lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath, also with a view. $1311,900. park and sw1mming1----------• pool If you're handy and WW\t a good borne to f1x1----------u1>. this 1s It t Better hurry! Call~ f:OFiEST E OLSON ,.. •• ,,, •o•• DUPUX STEPS TO IE.ACH Spacious 2 bdrm units with ba lconies & patios for indoor/outdoor liv· Ing. Across from beach and so close you can hear the surf and see the sand -----------1 a nd sea. Esta blished OWNER IS moving North and m ust sell this 3 bt>droom + family room Mesa Verde home ! Pnced to move fast! $83.SOO. Call now! Red Carpet, 7!>4· 1202 OPEMDAILY 34041-Sl Calle de la Primave ra , Dana Pl. wi nter/s ummer rental area. OH THE WATER VACATION HOME FunW*d $64,000 Perfect for your seeond h ome or w eek e n d hideaway on the wa ter. B e autifu l I b d r m MOBILE HOMB with VIEW and possible Boat SUp available. Best a dult living with recreation facilities, pool &jacuu1. ~alh1bur!l . llAl.llOA IS l.A:'\U .. 673-6900 .. wtutewater view! 3 &r 41•--------- b r. frml dm1n1t. family '-.---------rm, w et bar Deluxe'" c us tom built!. }o'r o m $116.SOO. LACASARLTY 495-1870 eve· 831·0'737 $25,000. 2 Oedrm. 2 bath. M ohilt• llomc'. 20'x57' In delu><l' ad ul t , no Pl't p ark SlOI 'm11 S p llCl' rt•ntal 111 deb ..:as & W Jler c ir<·.1\ <:o:-.t.i :.tcsJ lm·Jt1011 ('.Ill lor dr•l.11h Erl H11ltll1• Ht•l1ll11,.., t>-lt\ KHI I COHDO COMFORT J.usct0us greenbelt view from hving rm .• upsta irs l~~~~~~~~~~~~I mslr bdrm & lgc for mal l•---------•I MISSIOH VIEJO Steak house & cocltl&lls - danc111g. Will trade for apts. $150,000 + lnven· tory. lalM>a lay Prop. REDUCED SZ0.000 \'t•rv ,h.iri> t npl1•'< ''" pnd·· 11r ""'nl'r--11111 <:1•-.l.1 \fr.,,1 -.l rl·Ct, :1 :!hr ur11h "rth manv ft>alure-; Ir CJr p;_1rk1n.: \\l'll 1.ikl'n Catl' 111. ;o k 1ni: SI rn.000 Owner •~ 111n 111u' SN• th1-. f1n1• tn\ ..... 1 m1•nl '''"II huv 1l 641> i i .1 [~IE&l1:1] dming rm. The k rlchen fl.'a turcs m od e rn ap· phanccs & cute calmg area 111 this a bdrm .. :!•-: ha t h 11 111 rt ~ c on do. SIXt oOo .\ncl there·~ nt• l1·.1:w p .1 ~ rtlt'tll } tlU ov. n lhc land: Call for a ppl. CJ. Colesworthv REA1. TORS 640-00~0 PICTURESQUE LAGUNA lWI Ori! \'1Cw of S F.A . THU :." & MT~S Best pnn•d :! hedrm . ~bath. 2 l<'H'I mn<lt"rn h1cle.tway. Huy h...Co rr nt'~l s um· mt'r ~ tince mi·rease M~t,;s':r -io,:urtffl": fl)RJM Grc.1\ .1 bedroom. 2 hath 4Bhs horn l ' w It h h II I It In k 1 t <·ht' n , <' r 11 1· k It n g •----------- f 1 rcpl al'e .incl knn'll y:ird. Corm•r l0<·at 11111 fnr e;1w H V access l'n rctl nl(hl for tod Jy'::. market CAl..L i~ '11!11 EAST l'alME P~IHSULA Pt. S275,000 Exceptional com1.•r loca · lion with eas y walk to Bay & Oc·eanfronl. Clean a nd fresh l'Onll•mporary drs11tn home with umquc fraturcs. Open 2 story. 4 M rm a ncl family room plus den. Soann1t 2 stnry gree nh o u ~~ 1n ~•d~. Pal.los, balconies and Ii s kyligh ts . S ho wn by appt. - WATl:RRtONT llOMfC., REAL ESTATE 631-1400 SEAFARER Why not e nJOY the blue Pacific a nd c rashing waves f rom your own hv· l n 1t r oo m ? Thi s moderately pnct>d home 1!> located on the fairway of Shorecliff's Country Clull wilh a :;plend1d ocean view. Tremendous family a rea for only $125,000 440..6161 Realtors • 675-7060. Marina Hlqhlands Take this opportunity to live in a brand new 3 bed rm, 3 ba th hom e. M any :Jme nities include fplc, tile smk, s hake roof. i.:ara1tl' door OJ>('ncr, nice fenced yard. See 1t to· day ! 589.500. PETE BARRETT -REALTY-· 642-5200 CAPE COD DUPLEX CORONA DEL MAR-2 bedrm, fireplace, !root urut, enclosed yard. Up· pe r unit-beamed ceil- ings, l bedrm. Walk to shopping a nd be1tc h . Mk1ng SlS4,SOO. 644·7270. «;::SEL ECT I PROPERT IES OHL Y S64.500 Great Costa Mesu home 3 1.argr bdrms, 11\'Cr· s 11cd lot with bcar111g fnnt trees GOOll cond1 · lion inside & out. l'rir c lnCllJde:. nc11r new rt!frt g washer & dryer J ust m o"e In. Jlurry <·all ~51:11\() SI DE Classifi ed ads sell big item s, s mall items or ~ COATS & WALLACE REAL ESTATE . INC. C-061.a Mesa home with any item . J us t c a ll nl'W carpets, remodeled 642-5618. kitchen and bath on an -----------• ----------- ~HERITAGE REALTORS VACAHT Ml'S T S~L L t:.! ~J:;IJIATJ:;l.Y lir~athtaking llSO ell'~ ocean view Chanel' of a hfrt1mc. Rid yC\ur p nct and ll•rms. <.:all anytime SCOTT REAL TY 536-7533 Ca di Ila cs to r.o.('artc; Whntcver the Full Roll 'l'm off th{' m arket With u Class1t1crl l\el Coll 11w1 612 ~7>1 R2 lot~ Like new and only $'15.000. Call now! Red C-0rpet, 754·1202 ------- GARDEN GROVE $60.950. 3 BE. l"• ba. cov patio, dbl gar. Pnced to sell 646-3928 or 545-3483 Lachenmyer Realtor JUST RIGHT for the family that wanl'\ a better then new 2 year olrl 4 bedroom. with an Italian tile entry, wet har. tropical fish pond & lu,,h plantin~s. Best of all. 1t 's a very s hort di!;. lance \o the beach. in a v er y pres tigiou s neighborhood and priced ri11ht at. $127,SOO. CALL 556-2660. «;::SELECT T' PROPERTIES GeMt"OI 1002 GNttol 1002 .........................•........•....••..... CE BBDRGI ELKINS CD. CJVfR 50 YEARS OF SERVICE NEWPORT CRlST IHSTAHTL Y APPEAUNG! Spacious Townhouse Overlooking Pool, Jacuzzi & Tennis Courts. With View Of Ocean From 2nd Floor 3 Bedrooms 3 Baths, Den/Famtty Room, Will Be Redecorated In Colors & Tones Selected By Buyer. $129,500. Shown By Appointment. 111 DOYER DIJVI 631 -1800 1111 •1 J. s...11-~ _.,.~c~11 ___ _ l Athlti1'1 4t-Cll n ....... 11 io J_,., ...... o( fi..hlot1. NV I• •t 0 I l l l • I 11111 8 1111 •· S-t.w 1-1'• ~(JI 1 1 11 1 11 1 • 111111 •1 1 1 I0-6 ""11.U..,. lff \t~' l ..,_, .... ~ "t 'Tt Jell &'t'"-t t 11&11"" itit•t•"f• t n.JO•• t t WW \ llt•""""M t..NWllN-. IMWl tent t ~•ll«i ..... ~~~~! .......... !~~.~,~~~~ .......... ~~~~ mecneb I Irvine realty EXECUTIYI IA YCUST HOMI Perfect blend of comfort. beauty & easy care in this spacious 4 BR + · family rm Ivan Wells home. Lg, cheerful island kitchen w /built.ins. Private entry -fully landscaped front w/pooJ.sized patio & gardens. in r ear . 2-c ar pane led gar +extras! Mint condition I $229,500. Appt. only. Tom Alllnson 642-8235. (S-95) 642-8235 644-6200 90 1 Oo~r OriYot Harbcw VI-. Center lrvll"e at Came>u~ Va lley Center 1Sl-1414 . , I I I I -I f ! \ t I DAILY PILOT Thursday Octobtlr 6. 1911 Housh For Sale Hotiet For Sate ~ Hou1e1 For Sai&e H F s •••••••••••••••••••••• ou1•1 or * ········•·············· ····•····•••·····•••··· ····•·····•············ ······················· ·••····••·•·······•···· ••··•··•········•••••·· ••··•••····•··••·····•• ··················••··· G~ 1002 Gm~rol 1002 General 1002Co1toM•so 1024 to MHa 1024 ....... •leocll f040 HCMisu For Sal~ G__.., 100.2 GMerof 100 G9Mrol 1002 ..................... . .... ... . ····•·········•· •··•·······•·•••·•··••· ····•·······••••······· ······•••·····•·······• ··•·•·········•····••·· ····•···••·••····••··•• ········•••············ ·······••·······•·•••·· YUMMM! A REAL MICE OH~ 180DEGREE VIEW II~~· J txirsn Jiii.i.'> l!iX:IO ft t•nd11~ed ,, .. \I I' IVO llt~h 1111 lht• /11!1 "'1th Ull ou,1t1Jl'lt•t! \IC\< Tn ~.!IUO tlu"'n C.ill 963 ll7ti'/ PRIME USTSIDE C OSTA MESA DUl'LEX J lll•druom ll1111s1· !J.&O Cvngrrs~ St Soulh"'t.'St .irt-11 MESA OR MAR OPEt4 DAILY 2753 C ibola 5 hr. :1 bu. new crpl & µallll. $'!'5,000 pcAafty 770· 1804 or l>-14 35-15 S&S lt~alo Speclaliata. 3, 4 or S bdnn models avail, &ame w/poo15, ~ PellJ11J111tmt Properties Lownt fJrke I. HI + owner will .belp you with Ult! r lOt1ina coat.<s. 3 Hedrm, H• balh, 2 car ..:ur. $59,9SO. Hurry!! Village: RE963-4567. MASSIVE SYCAMORE. INTRIGUING DECOR This is u family .~ome with flrur : huge sycamore almost hides the house; 3 ~rm .. 2 stor~ looks like a cottage, lives like a vlll<t : rear yard has tall trees and much privacy and a pool that looks like a pond. The entire experience is exciting. The 7000 sq. ft . lot and 2100 sq. ft. home arc offered at just $137,900. BLUFFS "H"PLAH Beautifully upgrallt•ll 11.od ta:.Ldully dl'c-uratni 2 bdrm form;il d1111n.: rm, WuJ .. 1:11'l'nl><:ll t'\ l)Oburc N11thl lill' 'w~ ~1:n.soo 67311s.sc1 J\ 4 bedroom Lusk s ingle story m t<;astblutT. Uut there's more to. it than that: A sunny und spac1om; kitchen h as bcc~addcd and a formal dining room 1s Wht.'rl· the kitchen U.Sl'<i to be! Snappy. huh'! There's also a beautiful pool. new l'arpeting and beautiful wall treatments. Al $168,000, we s a y ··vummm ! that·~ a r eal ruce one. " S.00 PenJn1ulo I 007 ·····••••·············· GREAT POSSlllLITIES (' o I l a ~ 1• o 11 U u l IJ u a 1'l.'11lnsul.i, 11111· bl1u·k tu h1•a1·h :! lldrm • I buth \<II h ~lH'\I •,I 11c/ IU l'rl''l'nl H ;,> 11101111: to lk' d1an~ed l11 (' I l'"' y11u1 1m.11:111at111n 1111 fl•moclel ;1 lll•droom up~r unit Wl\h bUlldl'<'k, lowt'r :! lit'llroom with t•nl'lo:.cll pu\10 & yard Kiil).( ~11.cd h1·ilrnom~. 111d1v1dual lc1u1lltry arcus. liuilt 111 1 Jlll(l', O\'l'll, garh111.:e t11wus11l, & dishwasht•r .lw.I 5 years old Uwucr 111'.\lre:-l'XchanJ:t' tor ad· 1l1t111nal u111t s 111 Sun ~ll•1nt'ntt• Sl·16.50o C OLE O F NEWPORT SKINNY DIP ANYONE? Wt• havt• the hOIJll' for you ·I Hit, 2 BA, North Co:.tu Mesa truct. Built lo r hm, w1lh u l>e1tuulul pool ut lht· u11bcl1cvul.sk pnct: of $76,500. Tumor· row may bt• loo lute lor tlu:. unt'. Call now 1 540-3666 VA TERMS Qunlified Vets roay buy this fine H.B. home with the bcsl or terms. Shar p 3 00<!.rm w /walled corner lot, !pie. cov. patio. m nn y upg rades. Nr Mur111u, for $79,900. ~l·~. eve\. 847·8823 Inti RE Networil lJ ~l()UC ti()M f:S RlAL TORS'. &46 5990. 152!> M'"·d Vt>n.IL Dr1vl' EJst Cosra M"S<i • .rw 111 L • • 11.1 d• ~.1.1r. Jl l> 75 lJUOU , ·. I• IJ ~l ()lJ I-ti(JM t=\ Htl\l TOHS', ll/!.i GOOO }.J•l:.J Lm Co.1~1 It 1lw. 1y. C11ron 1 d·•l 1\l 11 ,1l~u 111 r_• .. IV• •<I•'. ,11 :,.. 11> '''1'111 G .... rol I 002 G"9erol 1002 675-5511 or 1'HJ11\' 11' 1ntrln!'t11· ·---------i l'hurm .J~ 1' ~I IK ooo lll•aut. Prestige home, 4 RK. p, ba, maoy xtras. $93,000 846 8SS8 NORINS REALTY * 494-8057 * ,V~ A!JENTl~N . 5 UU1m.2sty,d1nrm,r.1m 1 _____ _ \A apµra1~ed valui: rm ·fr1 I• I•' I(.·• curn •r NEW LISTING Sll0.000. Offered Jl •. q, " -c S711 SOO 11ual t'· built 3 lot. t:bl' tu purk. dwntwn Beautifully ungraded , · · i 1 ~ • rec center. $8<J,SOO. OpC'n " IJrdrm. -h Jlh. Shah llouse Sal Sun l ·S 632 w Townhouse. 2 br e nd un- CITY LIVING COUNTRY ······················· ··········•••···•······ IO Slt-JlS tu bt•ads. 1'01111 illl'Jllon 1111•1• 1•l'1•an v11•w l.:c n1r11cr luL, .! UH. fam rm, I' 1 h;i SJ~J,!JOll Ow111•r Ii?.; 1'11 7 r 1111 f . l> r 1 ck Ip l l•, l8lh St Other da)s by 11. w1lavcly creek on 2 llJrdwoutl firs Near apnt 5-18 3850 ssdf.'S. $74,950 .. ~~:! .......... !?.~~,~~~:! .......... !?.~~ LOWEST PRICED MONTEGO This is the large st 4 bdrm, 1 level home in Harbor View Homes. Vacant & available for immediate occupancy. 1627 Pt. Abbey, Open Daily 1·5. YOU'U LIKE OUR ESP experienced sales personnel 759-0811 Hut 6te.at ~eat Wuttiuc Be4g. ATMOSPHERE 3 bdrm -den plw; 2 lxirm t"ruilct O\'l'r 3 <'ar gurJ~t· Pondcrosa µ111cs & yvur own pll'OI\' Jn•a w11h BBQ. 211,:150 i.up fl ot land!' U!'tc as vour tours try eslal(! or :.ub d1v11h· into 3 R-1 Jou, 1 046-771 1 Real t;slult• REGA.HT IRVlHE CONDO FabuloiA .iotr rour~c Jllt.1 .Fashion Island 'sew uµ graded 2 + den model \l.llh i.lt•p down ,., rm with rsreplal'•· I-ormal d.uung -:i µallo:. Jll.'>L n· duct•d t u $111.5011 67J.&Ss() BURIED TREASURE In the form of valuable amenilte!:i. Carn<.'O Shores m eans a 3 bdrm home in a top neighborhood. Key to private beach. Occ·an & canyon view. Asking $260.000. So do your family a favor and call, 673-4400 !'tl'houls & park. Val·anl, " · !'tl'l' anytime. {;j (I OWNEH. FORCt-;u 1'0 Q CAuroaK ... Corona del Mew 1022 •••·•·••··••·••········ $-W.ll51 ~A<:Hlf'ICE, Just r,• PRO.f!.ERlJU~~~A-lllGte.. duct'<i SJ.000. 2 llr com ~ _ OL.O WORLD pletcly relurb1:.hcd, 111 _ E11sts1dc's mo1>l dcs1ru 96.J.fil39 --557-7620 ~HERITAGE 11l l'1Jron~~ti~~rw1ll l1<· __________ , :::.~r;:~·.t~~~~~~1~~cnt, ---------- 1.'llJOYt'li b\' you ,1« your ll' nunts 111 this tluplcx plu ... ~Ut:SL studio W11lk l11 bl.•al'h & ~hOV!'t. Tennis & t't•i· l'l'nl1•r 1•lo1tc IJy $1711,000 REALTORS NORIHS REAL TY * 494-8057 * CDMIEACH COTTAGE Loh uf wood und i.tairwd i! l .1 ' ' P It I C' I-'. HEUL'Cl-:!Ho $1:17 500 R.C. TA. YLOR CO. 9SS.Ol 50 SWIM POOL ~ Rdrrns., 2 l>alh!'t, dc.n , ruck frplc., i.ha ko ruvr. liputious g arag(!, pool. S}S.000 LIDO REALTY 673-7300 411 T ft'IRS Possible VNy l:irge par k like yard with DoJJ House. Fantastic location. SCOTT REAL TY 536-7533 ~CCMdoltq l•---------.. 1 L~c ~RrTownbouse,21-'.? "--_...,......,~ .. .-.... On The Fairway yn. old. Great location. Real Jo:stall· Hard Lo find Mesa Verde close to beach. Ooly Countr\' Club locat1nn $61.500. t..Jrge ·1 bed.rm. family Allen E. Johnson, Rllr. rm & dmmg rm Great Call84<>-4724 VACANT LOT I • I G~rol I 002 G "'e.rol I 002 [~-l ............................................. . 'l;ew Condo ... 2 llr 21 2 Ila . .! rrµl1· '· l'1•r.1mll' till' k11t·h1•n-> & l1Jlh l'ool & "l•a lliS.-1{114! Brolu:r view. from JOOi\125 lot ~~~~~~~~~~ Offc•red at under S200,000 Call 540 1151. SAVE ova s5ooo Was $74,950. Is now $9,900. Beaut. ~ BR. on lgc comer lot in best H.B. loc ,\clded pal.lo room. • GHterol I002 GeMral 1002 ........ ··············· ········ ··············· LUXURY waterfront l'Ondo. 2 Bdrrn. 2~-. bath Pool, Jacuu1, 24 hr ~ecunly. Brand new, comp. furn. $220.000 PENlNSULA 4 bdrm. 2 ba home All amenities l10\'ely .irca, few Sll'Pt> to !)each $195,000. LIDO ISLE attractive 4 bdrm, 2 bath. single o;torv. used bnl'k frplc Beamed ceilings, -ha rdwood noors Lge puuo. 48 ft lot S22S,OOO LIDO ISLE n<'wly remodeled 4 bdrm. den, 4 bath. living rm w cathedral c-elhngs. Lge master bdrm suite. $224,950 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR _ 4.~j~1e! '" ~:=l ==::::!!!!!!!~~~~~ l'ome propl'rt» hJYlll' PANORAMIC OCEAN & BAY VIEW Just what you an:,'ookui.: A hc:.1Ut1 fu l hom e for beautiful people! for One 3 hdrm. _ 1>.11h & I) . ..i 2 one bd r m units dos•· 111 estgnt.'u and bus IL for the comfort of shopping & trjn!>f)(1rtj an invalid using a wheel ehaJr One twn &16-7711 lt·vel. :.1 lklrms. den & formal dining [ l llJ.ll l .,. rm. KJtchen & breakfas t rm open to ~Jfl j1[llrI!@':f lovely enclosed courtyd Lge garagt• Real Estate W laundry & s hop . $275.000. --- -2 l 11 SClll JooqiyM HHh Rood IN YES TOR'S NEWPORT SPECIAL PRICE CENTER., H.B. 644-491 0 SLASHED CDM H.m• ~P' ~l.1:.' 11 111 101 "' mai:ntru 1•n1 uc t'Jll & F."h111n hlJnil \ , .. "'' l'1·r11•t·t for ~ uur t U'>lllm h11rr11· R.C . TA. YLOR CO. 955-0JSO I UH :! k.1 1rph'. I) W, ~h·~d lkl M Jr ()~ nl.'r \\ .11' n11w SH:!.0011 !1ti.'1.•n1 ~HERITAGE Ul'I-.'\ 11\ll'SJ-: OWN EH ------------•! pool sne backyard. Open ~u11 J ;, .. \l1·~:i \\·nil' ~ llou~c this wlcnd. 6S4l ••• REALTORS llr .! B<i. lKl' FR Si!l,900 Dmta Point I 026 Lenox Dr. By owner. ~·~ 15811 ~5 6(J!W • ••••••••••••••• ••••••• 848· 1979 R-e..c>-u.c:E--D--,-~OC~EA~N:-:V~IE~W~?~·~;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-; '1.2 Btk to Oce-an SI 0,000 You bet! Th is onr Yl'ar ALL TERMS!! • 1 \1ES1\ VERUE 1'001. n,cw duplex ha~ views Fantastic 4 br, 2 ba, im· (11mpNdy n•moill'll·d Siil~: hornt• and "trl'nd rom bot h unlt!'t + mac home. 4 blks from "II .m 0\'1·r~1tl'•l lot " ~··lh•r .. of luo;h1onahlc fsrepla\'l'S. h<tlcon1es. the ooach & Hunt. Hbr. ,m..,~h111,.: I Ill< plu .. <lt·11 hvmg ! For hl'aulifuly and low maml. landscaµ Priced for fast sale & 11ru., tur m.11 d1111n1: ,,111, I am i I\ I 1' 'n.:. a ·I ml( Sll5,()()(1. move·in. Asking $73,750. hl.U!•' IJmaly rc"im with U.•droom . :.! bath hom1• WlC)9efthom Rltrs ERA/Wes~ 111Jt•n h1•.1111~. natur al h f 1 I 675·6160 6734447 'ol.uod lt•'Clllrt'S an1l 1t\'l!Jll ""It I rt• p J\'l'. WOO< Rlty, btc. 148-2323 .rntl '"''Y , ll'W from lt•nc.-..J y.ml anrl pool -11_;1!1~:-;-~:~::-::~~~~~~~~~~~ ma,lt·r 'u1to• & ,untlt•1·k '1'L sn lt1vi·I} arc;i Just'----------• rt•dlJ<'cd SI0.000-NOW .l~t 'lt:sr.> to (kt!Jrt Bl\ d O!'lLY SI 1!1.SOO Open 'tit ~"1 OOll OPEN DAILY G&.e.MMt 341 8ay~1df' D11ve N 8 675-6161 u •.•oo I ~:~~s~~~~~~J.. ~~~h ~~~! .......... ~?.~~ ~~~~! .......... !?~~ Cal 644-7211 K Jo PM. Mon-'!"urs. 1£1~k:~l 3-IO<ll -5 1 Call<.' t.le lJ Primavera. Whitewater \'lew! 3 & 4 br, frml din mg. family rm. wet bar. Deluxe l'Ustom bu1 ll' From $176.SOO Classic and colorful 4 bedrm , not /or froi:a l.he • heach . C racltUng fireplace, warm li vi.Ag areas Large country k1Lchen, family center. Top quality appoint· menL'I a nd just reduced! liKR SJG.9311. pool St•cludcd l.'Olry to execuL1\'l' Is' rm CORONA OH A I 002 Ge.wrat 1002 • ' · . Prap..-t:iea S u nsh ir1l.' i.:ou rm !'I DB. M •R DOUBLE LOT klll'hl•n 1n1·rlou/.., ~ In .1 JHlffil' ar1·;i rn WARM pr 1 v <•le ,. 11 u r l y J r •I J 1 lu~:i-BR J t•ll' II \ .,.1." port ,\ ru_\t1t· uldt•r ·••••···•····•·······•· ··••··•··•·•·•··•····•• ~ 7Sl·1920 1400 00.&ll )f NIWl'OllT lfACH ---ll:ac~··· kW .\t 1-:SA VERl>E . 1850 LACASA.RLTY FAMILY HOME l•••••••-••I Sweepanl( mai:.h'r bdrm ll<'n. d1n1n l( room :! ''' horn,· :. hdrm with p/eu .a. Bcfnns. ram. rm and + cluld';. rl.'Lre.11 Ah.in w :!6' Op«'n hl'.1m 11·11 IY M room fur H \' 495 IK70 e\'l' 8.ll·0737 SPECTACULAR Ml Ct . 3 Hr. no quahfv '"'"...azty D•-.t..a Ill>:. 15' • down Qut(.'k 3 b 21 b ho e It VIR.GIN "1ose lo school!. and shop· doned .ind ownl.'r " JO'< •nl!,. 111" t•nl r\ 1 ri•ll· ~ "1 traill•r or l·.1r rnlh•t•t 1on psnl( ror the perfrN fa mi THE BLUFFS ious. Submit any oUt!r' har IJundn room U\l•r O'ol.nt·N want all offer. ,._ ..,...... ,. , c-r 0 w ,1 u 1 1• k r. "' a m w vau . 1\n <"<l'<•ptmn:1I <'U.'llOm irnsscs!'tion' $t19,!150 ed c-c1hngs. Approx. 2100 New cpls, In this neat 4 ly. A lot of bu:-ic '<Lr;i!'t 847.WlO ~•11-d dbl .l!JrJ,l!l' :1t)l)u "'' a'k111..: $139,500 1>46 il71 .-lso Call u-. now• '•·" fl or \t'ry uruqut• ll\mi.: ~·zi13 ,. • • ~~~~ ~~~~ [IO'! llil1Jllill '.iACOiS'REAm bwll homt• with \aUlled Owner 7?l 2Jjj6 sq. ft Compl. w1d ecor. Br hme w/encl patio, + wood h1•am 11·1l1n>:. ---crptg&pat1oslab. Direct many more xtras. Ptice h,•autdul ""l id 11a k from builder. $120,000. r\.'duced $2000. Best buy 1• ah 1 n l"L" th r u "u 1 Room for loatjTrlr (714>752 8511 in HB at $167,000. Home is f1n•µl.11·1·, an ll\'mi.: rnom 3 Bdrm, 2 bath family ------vacant & owner ready t.o .intl maslt•r bt·tlr•>om. home on cornl'r lot. Walk COMMERCIAL deal. Broker,848~ [\O'! liDD';lll Opon l~~~:~.5"" IS . \::)l UiLWll:JJ 675-6670 . ~ ~ Newport Bearh HEAR SOUTH DIVORCE Super sharp exee11t1vP COASTPLA.U FORCES SALE lt•atll'll !(I.t s~ window:. lo pvt swam tennis club. LOT CALIF. CLASSIC TWO STORY .ir11I a t• 1• r ;1m11' l ii I' Only 571,SOO Jar11111 1r1 lhr master DAVID BOUPKL". on Coast Highway. 4,500 3 BR. l~ Ba, $74,~. GoHers Dream Mesa Verde 's m os t SPECTACULAR home s BR, -t ba. FR. OR, Ut. Spanish 2 story. 1 , acre The iolf course 1s your bark yard. Oprn llousc Wed. thru Sun. l·S li90 f'anay Circle ARl 54().~ home. Tnna end modl'I. IJlfl "Classic" 2 ~torv 1 t ri-level 3 bdrm, 212 bath · 0 f I h I S C II" t 11 ffi :I hdrms. fmlv rm & frml •-- 4 IDRM +POOL h;.ith RLTR ' "' sq. ft of level lund. nl'ar Owner. 962·3712 W1mhn.i: stair-; to rna,,1rr PLUS Call "·'6·9950 extra n ee t o Marl na. Int...-I 0 .... with view or upper bay & , uo.-.lroom, 2 IMth ru11rh d10 ru. Walk 1r1 har. lights on wide gr eenbelt. home on Qwt·L tn•t: hm·tl ,, I I .... Ocean VICW poss1ble with -~~ ~lllh' "l'W lJ lL' i •'artlt.'b 1 d1arm1ni: 2 bedroom ·---~~~~~~I propercoostrucl1on. ••••••••••••••••••••••• vaulted C<'1hn.:s. ahun · h Sunny country kitchen \lrrl'l nr Soul Co.1:.1 with ne w dishwasher & danl sloral(c & lllfl npt. Plaza All for ~.500 ,\~l lhruoul Walk to ht·.tch H1•r1Lal ~1th f1r1•plutc THEC"""" ....._.Y from tht-. ttrc-nrator .1n11 a !'tl's>arnt<' r>.1t111 NEWPORT ';t ANCHORAGE """" double self-c leaning in~. Only 11 mo-; new & \•ull pn cro ni:ht at WJ.095. i:anJl'n hnmr Pnt't"<J ul ''l'l'k $72,!150 for 11111rk ~all•' l'all&U 72 tl HEIGHTS INVESTMENTS Big & beautiful Plan 300 ovenll. Pnvate 1acun1 S.15-9.\9l plus C1rep1t on custom wrap around patio. c~tom qu.ary llle entry & K.ans tan carpel.Inf(. ---------$165.SOO. HAWAIIAN CONDOS AESOPRHlty Don or Helen BrJ•an 731-4911 Real Estate ELDUMl'O 241 STEPS TO BEAC H OnlCona Coast It's low down and dirty• Fee simple. On oceanj~~~~~~~~~~I Looks hke a home where with pool, volley ball the buffalo roamed. A crt:s. Furnished $39,950 __ __ handyman's paradise• TIMESHARE "RTIST'S Paint and profit! A qwct " lane sheltered by tower l Month. Ocean, PoOI. view, beamed ce1hngs, Fee simple S8SOO SPECIA.L/IEACH mg trees leads to th1!'t 2 STORY ru.51.lc h1dea wa>' Spani:.h R.J NlchollOft Rlty Coll 497-2433 $54, 950 style 3 bdrm. Shovel 't>m Dramatic !iv. rm .• out ,painl'emupand you gourmet kitchen. ctanc, got yourself an f'S late sweeping stam1 to hide· Priced dirt c heap al •MANAGER• ~~~~~-----! away master s uite and $72.000 wh~ch secrns. only guest quarters. Hurry• r 1 g h I Cd I I 11 111 c k 1 J ha"e a high percentage agency and nm now n'- ady lo expand. All calls wall be held 1n con fidence. 551-474 l 963-7881 847-61)10 [i'liiiJ[~- ~Vant Alf Re'>ults 642 5678 Want Ad Results 642 5671! -----Getter•I I 002 GMeral I 002 •··•··•••·•·•••······•· ··•···•··•••····•······ CE llDRGE ILllNS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICF A RARE FIND! TOWNHOUSE Located In The Newer Canyon Crest Area Of Popular Corona Del Mar. Lovely "E Plan'' Townhouse. With 2 Spacious Bedrooms 2lf.i Baths, 2 Fireplaces 3 Patios -Near Inviting Pool & Jacuzzi. Built In· All-Electric Kit<'hen. Beautifully' Carpeted & Draped. Asking $124,ooo · VATERMS Nt~ 3 bdrm on tree lined street in good area near schools & shopping Ask mg only $55,000. ~45·949l Real Estalc -------- IESTVA&.UIE IN HARBOR VllEW 2 & a den or J bcdrm IX-liJ(htful patios, yard ll i~h ly up g raded lmmed. oerupanry CORONA. DEl MA.R DUPLEX Lovely duple'f. each unit having 2 lx'<irms f'at·h. Walk to beach. l'rir 1•cl 1(1 sell II I DOVR DIJYI ' 631-1800 .;EU. Idle item" with .1 Dail~ Pilot Cla!>-;1f1rd i\d 540-3666 WHELAN OHESTORY CONDOMINIUM Call~. -6:1i7 .· . ~'' • Curr 2 bedroom home (7l4J 49._7711 W14 BR, family room, With fireplace & French dining room, C/A. 1 Yr. • [~ -t I door s. pnt1os, large SToro 1032 warranty. • ' • l cn1·ed backyard with ....................... VAWY 640.9900 sss.ooo 2 llcdrooms In luxur} h1.11h nsc bwldmg O\'er- lookini; hui:e pra\'alt• patio area. Super con, 1• ruent lo frt>eways, shoi; Pini{. etc. 962 77R8 VETS . lratlcr ore alley. Only FAMILY fli.ll I DJ>I'< 2br. 2ba hsl' +2br, ~.000 Opcnt1l8 30PM. ~ 2 b .1 a pl o v 1· r g a r . Mon· Thurs. DELIGHT Es'Ote r~ St72,000 Opt•n House• Beauuful 4 bdrm home -~~.n,,.,.! .. 5. 5().t Larkspur ,. M o .Q. ua1·1 l on qwel cul-<Je·:.ac. Plen· ;Q.. KEY "'1"'P.€ALTORS K REDECORATED PRICED TO SflL Beautiful add·on Cum hv. rm w frplc Nlct• r1• dl•1·oralion lo ullow 1m mrt.11alc mov1• in with nn work :I lklrms an a <an11 Jy nt'i~hborhood Hurry' 546 2313 ,, SEEK & FINDt ••FREE•• VA Counseling & Info. S.nlce No DoWft PaytMtrt m e list of VA. Homu ift O.C. Orange Co's. Large~l VJ\ Home Broker CaA 24 Hrs. 646-9898 WORLD REAL ESTATE EARLY TAAlLS M c s H 0 I B s L H r 0 A L R M r s c Z CTR ET SAC NA L'T 0 NP 0 T 8 0 P U B R A D D l C N K R S T T S B f Z N B M 0 P S C A 0 DIE A R L YI U Z 0 H A A L R W 0 U G N 8 D J H f T S T T E T A 0 Y f U E U Z 8 l L Y T S R S S A t T H Q X R M L R C L S £ E H A 0 U H 0 1 S l 0 Y LR ti (JR N X NI i' T WHRI OK TNAEJFRRTflNT C A C H K W Z T E N I E I [ P l H 0 0 K L I C A A C R B £ D L F f 0 N C T S T R A 0 D H H l L L -£ W S l A T S N N 0 R 0 f 0 A 0 I N J D 0 T A L N 0 0 A A N Z R M L W X S K C 0 D D A R B 8 H D I C J B K A K L J W R E D l I W P fn\truC flf1r~ H111\ffllti wor'h t¥h.1w •rti .. 8r fr1rw1ro, b•rk w1r<1. VI•. c1o..vn "' d•11i)On1llv f inrJ 11rh 1tm> l>o11t 1t rn Mo haw~ Natchez Oregon Sante FE> TOll'orrow Bo~ton Post D~t terffeld Chisholm Nat1on.s 1Rd,' Wilderness Lancaster Dradcfock's Cumberland May Flower Compac t Signer s .,,.,,.. "'""' ... ty o r e'ttras: Family -Placw room, covered pa tio & WOODAIDGI ----------• p t:• larS?l' frnccd yard Walk PRESCOTT REAU Y UMUSUA.L raper IWa to the high school. Ask. Lgst Woodbridge home. 5 TRI PI.t;x in old Coronaj ••oo ouA?ls~~-~~Ji~u HACH ing SIW,000 HR, or 4 BR + den. dt:>l Mar on Int & a half ----Oversized lot, fully Tol.llly upgraded, New $59,900 mfi fiG -landsc. Ideal for pool. AU c-oppcr plumhini:. h1.:h DOLL HOUSE ~ Il't!:.\ uprded. Mexican pavers b"am '"'•isn".~. 1n ~·sTSIDE mG~Il°G'""' ... ~. ,.. .. ~ <!/ t.Jle. A/C. Liv, din, rms. 3 d1v1d11al palms. on qu11•l C'utl' 2 nr rnmplel ·lyre· 49') · 2800 BA. J Car gar. Nr . park. ·'.lr£-et. Gr. l nr SI 1,400 •I e c-0 r a I c ct 1.: new fount i Vmt I 034 Wa lk lo lake. $179,500 .s,howtn7~,r ... ~~ft· $1~.ooo lnrl!'lcpn~. shangl~ sictmi.: .••••• ~.~ •••• :!. .•...... Orkr/Ownr 5S2·4121, I /.(CO ,,,, • .,....., 83.'°>-3535 1------------1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-.--.-...- Cmtomluilt Spac1ou.-i 2 RR. plus font rm, Just rcdc<· in pnvat1· lrv111e Terrace. $169.500 CrC'ative ln\'cslmrnts. 1>14·9513 CIL\RMING 3 Br. 2 Ru llURRY' lllJllflY ' llU .. UC41!T $ OPCN HOUS( ~uo..n t7ft'.)0rAno•.Co.ta .. "• 645·9161 WOWH Spa rush sty IP 3 br. l ·' • bu w family rm .• ~ patio. Lg. yard on Quiel C ul·de. sac. Mo\'e in on credit approval. $84,500 frplc +-I br apt. $159.000. ll:ng Owner. &40-70.10 N . C'l CAU-•IA PROl!.ER-cy EXCHANGE. le&. ~ ...-... OU> C DM DUPLEX So of hW)'. loacle<I w l'harm. trees, mini ocean bJy v1t'w Owner $165.000 673-3181 OPF.NSAT SUN 9·5 2220 Waterfront Sized 4 Bdrm 96J.6739 ~7·7520 Oetllr ahlc neighborhood. B1g4 he<lroom, breakCastl•--------.. 1 trnr. eating area. PV ~ton<' rsreplacc. Cj:" mlcrowavr oven. super! ~~·~ $8!1,500, DKTl, 540-1720. t-'-..;;;;..'-""-~-- :C:!~~~ ....... !~.~~ TARBEU. GORGEOUS HOME MESA VERDE "#I In Califorftia" Truly blfl home on one nC - lh<' loveliest slt\. 4 bdrms. MESA VERDE frml dsn rm + (mly rm All tastefully upgraded & hi flly deco rutl'd . A hari£uin at $119,500 Just reduced S3.000! 545·9491 CONTRACTORS CLOSE OUT SALE! New J 8R. 2"' R•. 2 Story home. Jn i;creat locet1 on, n ear beach & shopping. A gt 998-8461 A itreal home with hu~e family room w/wet bar. Swedh1h indoor bar-b q , beautiful POOL. 3-BK 'a nnd country k itch{'n, Mesa Verde's nicc!ll looklng street. A bargal11 ...,.-=~-l 111 $105.000 easily worth \()'A, more after Jan. 1st. llO call today and save! JACK HOWELL '"' """'"'" 644-1156 USE THE DAILY PILOT "FAST · RESULT0 SERVICE DIRECTORY For Result Service CaU 642·5671 ht.122 ' 1 1 Hou•~• for•Saf• ··•·••••·•··········•·• ·············•·••······ ·····••••·······••····· ••••...........•..••••• House' for Sdr ~~!!~.~~~-~~ ....... J Thur9d•y. October 6, 19n • ~~.~.~~ ... !~.~~ ~~~~.~!~!~ ...... ,~~~~-~!~!~ ...... ~~~~.!!!!'!~ ..... . ·•··················•·• DAILY PILOT •• lrv!M I 044 ln'IM I 044 lnlM I 044 ~o ~ach I 048 LOCJUna Nlgwl I 052 ···•··•·••••··••······• ·•••··••············•·· ·••···••·•·····•··••·•• •··•····•·•············ ··•······•······•······ 9UIET PBRCTIOM Exqwaitely poised amid lu~b. profeu1on111ly landscaped ground~ complete w1lh Cn>nt & re ar spnnklers. 1s a ~lately 2-story "Ken.smglon" on 11u1et c ul de is.tc 1n UNIVERSITY PAHK. On an extra lar.:e lol. Uuis 4 bedroom, J 1>111.h c~tom home ha:. t'l'd" r paneled study w 1 Llwlt in des k. m arve lous den w /c us tom built 1n cabmets, formal d1r11ni: room and family room. A truly de lightful home HURRY' $139.500 Open 'lll~:30PM, Mon-Thur-;. .,,.Quail l liiilPlace PraplN'ti•• 751-1920 WOO OUAIU1. HlW~l llACH WOODHIDGE Ne w Arborl.i ke townhome w/lrg rear yard, sunken bvmg room & for mal dirung plus 2 master BR swtes. VALLEY 640-9900 Ea.ii WOODlllDGE CROSSING Brighton Mdl. 2 Stor)'. 4 Br, 2'1• baths Choice location. All upi:rades Nr Rec fac1I & lake. Hy owne r . Pr1n only . 979-7247 HERITAGE PAik wooonn1r>e1-: tt1t0Au MOOH. 3 ltr, ~ h" pat11> home SlU9,000. Owur We have lhis h1i,:hly up-~l~ gruJt.'\.13 bedroom fatn1ly home With II or-:N Wllll Hy Ownt·r, ·rownhOllll' :! mg Jlbl for you The Uf{. 2 J:fa 1ur 1•01111 •~·". l(lilr~(!4' b '4:i lll:so been $611.000 <1111·11 Sat "un p.inclcd. May be Ju~t 1 ltlO.'.l Ovlll Rd ~51 5001 what you hu' c ~'t·n look .if! tipm I OOo OOWH! N1·"" :t l>t·1hm, :I h.t, fµk, !. llHk' tl}n.111111· I.It· •1.:n 1 0 11'1·1 up~:r.11!1•11 :.! ht-tlrm r.·111.tl 111 t11·l11 ... 11h Ill 111111 • llc1lh .... tlh '>Upt'I lk l',lfl 11('... 1'fl\ t•(f t11-.t'fl Jt S!.t:' l~~t Worlt.I W 111t Hrol.l•1:. bi.I 1.~1~. JL•Jn lllt' El. NH:UF.I. <.:ounlry UM?>hore~ 2hr, lho + l'lull Condo J tu . :! h.i ~llt'i1t S...r11tt'J comm , l'uol. Jacuz11 ll30 !j~l I IJ'll I.tells $115.000. t:..i.U IOSS ············••········· Hearl of tt'4t Wood' I.ml 1)' I Hit hom1· 111 I" t "'u0tl1·tl :-\'It 111 p.! ~lt.ll l..11dw11 .IC fam rm 111k·11-. tu hnl'k p.1110 & 11l-1·k1111: ''.d I J 1111 v, VA I. I.I•: Y own"r .it 770 ~ l'nval~ l'arty, WL'ohes w lr,11h! 5 Hr ho rn~ on 1111 Oil' p.trl of Cost a M ~:.u <:01< ('our .. c for ,.;ikrlronl homl· " pacr 4.• 'Ill> LllldJ, Lu.Ju, ('(C. !J..lt. K7~7 In~ for. Walk to lht.• uew park. pool, tenni:. rnurl~ and :.1•hool. l\:.kmi.: only $76,~. Cull to sei:. University Park 1'1•rfectly pn1·,"t. l'lan t POUMDIHG SURF (; b J 11 c~11 u r II o rn c 111-.lf lh1• IJ(lumlini: '>urf w 1 p O O L,, J 1 r 1111111 1111, 1!157 llh:1;o 1·und1l1or11ni.i. o" •!Ull.'I l•.1ru111uunl 111ul11lt· 1·ul di.' Sill'. ,, Ull's. 2 1 h1111w r11111plctdy I urn . hut hs. $ ll 7, sou J IHI for $Iii f~IO Ill-•. \ I. n . .>lit. 7UK I or L...tJoll.1 l'n::.l1.,:1uu-. hrnl' oH(, o~ i.ix•1•tal'l1ljr ot'\'.tl\ '11:w RAMCH REAL TY 551-2000 POOL HOME II e r e 1 s a I o v l' I ) li H AN A DA I II l h I' rumou:. Ranch u( In ml' 4 bedrooms, formal •hn mi: room and u POUL 1-·calur1n ~ many de t'Orator ha~hli.:hts On .i t•ul·dc-s<1c street No a~ soc dws Now asking $107,!IOO Call for appt RANCH REAL TY SSl-2000 WOODIRIDGE Own.r reduc:~d $20,000 ·I Ddrms .• 3 baths. u1r cond . ne w. Willows . . . . On·:ul I 1011ta.:1•. C1rt•ul.1r M1ss1onV1~10 1067 011,1., S\•l'll.lliu1u & man> ••• .. ••••••••••••••••••• xlr.1!> C.:.111 4Jti ti184 (71'1 1 1'1•:.p1·r.it 1•1 J>1\ur1·1· Uyowncr lvrn"i sak· I lid rm, :!' i hi.1. Open lluUl>l! Thurs · San Clfmeflh I 07 6 Mou 12 !., ~J5l Lu<•uano .... ••••••••••••••••••••• l\tV "30 J15'! ur Slll·t.::?I:! Ut-:AClf THI L.EVt-;1. Owner .S!.ASlll!:IJ $20,$()(.1! worth {'Vl'f)' 1x·nt1)'. T l11s mo l'.lw!XB. n>fil will be 10·.~ h1i:lwr ufll'r ~ li'a@~Il~,..,~ Jun. •~t :.o t'Ull toouy' v 49!1 :,11100 JACK HOWELL \\II \"41t 1\11 ' 644-1156 11l1Gt:sl1H1-w J UJlhi. lm1na1'. h1 n'l<nt r 'a" t'11mm• s1.!1 ·•oo l'nn on IY ~ J!>a\l wkdys ull:, UNIVERSITY PK l'l'tcr.. Condo ~I.in' up l(r.illt•\ .! llr & d1•n :!', ll a t I" . K J J !l I l IJ tr r &.W ~35 Turlkro1·i.. l:lt:n S1111:t.· f.im hmn1· •1 mo!> uhl 1-:..irlhton,•s l•rol h1t..l'l'll & upi.irad1•-. I llr. :!ba . ram rm $177.1110 01><•11 house .Sund a\' lU !I I rum 12 to 5 1 ('1 l'l'l-'>1d1• 1Turtkr0<·k c:lc•n I 11.oy~ 64-1 !JIW, EH•, KJJ 75.'i!J COUNTRY Me port~ h I 069 SJX'(·tut·ular ocean vacw, CHARM ••• ": •••••••• ~~••••••••• ~Xe(' 4 bedroom, den, famil y r or>m , gu mc ~·.11i11luu' un-;111 '11·11o" EASTBLUFF room. HY purkmg on ap. .1tJ1 ;111.1 '1111111· "l1•-.tl1•, 1r1 paux. •, ucrc JJ-Ought l111• 11uw1 '\urth i.11k !-1'\' PRICE SLASHED anothl·r. MUST JIAV\o; l'.•l.d111.1 .. u11,1•h t r11m 5 Hll fixer JlL~t redurcd () fo' F ~:It Now on I y \1111r l'VIV 11111111..: rm ss.1 .. 0 1111111: )Our paml Sl~.000 ll1l111od firs thrumn. :! ,\ T 1. l' Sdtcr ... Juts .1r B~rl'nl'\ 111-;N ll\' trpl1.;, w,tllo.111 h.1r tum Mal..eoH1·1 lll'~ALTORS t"1c•111·h di.or-. ujk•n la um R.C. TAYLOR CO. 215 Del Mar 492·4121 .. unr1111111 on 111 u-.1·d hrwk ll•rr;111· "h"rt· wu 1.m 955~0l 50 UEST ll U Y I N S1\N "'I' hi.' "·"•':-1;ro.,1kini: ---------CLJ>;Mfo:NTE 1''Ull ocean 1111 ~t.11n lka1·h ()ualil) OOVK SHORES view. rrom th1)> p rol & 1>1•1fot·111111. U'I ll\l.n1•r ll<-t'rt ti :J UH.. 2 H1\ hm in ~~K.'> 1100 1'1 111 11111\ BEAUTIFU!.L y ap· lwrl>or !::stall':.. All elN: 1•~1 ~lllt;(J pointed 4 bedrm, 2 k1lchl•n, quiet ~l. only COMMODIOUS :'llorth 111·1tr .1 h1-.t11rn·.1I 'I ll'WflOIOI l)\'t'.tn:-1!11• 111 11'1" .1 lhlrm ~ IJrge 11.1111,., -,111n,· tr pl1· '>h.1k1• r;~1I \ "r uli.111· 11fter111i.: ,. ,. r I d ll '(I (I u.. 'I r" S170,UOO. • • 494.755 I • bcrtti honw. ~-dlnirM] SI 19.500 Try IS'. down. rm, for mal Ii• rm, '~ hurry l'nnc. 011ly b . k f 1 2 <71-i 1 400 8U:JJ or 1213) ru; pc, car J735109 9oroge, landspd & San J ~prinkJ!red. IHt buy C~trono I 078 tn thi s excluii •e ••••••••••••••••••••••• ne i ghborhood . 2br. Iba Condo Reaut S 146,500. OwMr will <irea flor'ie stubles near help financ~. ~y. SS.2.900 By <,>wncr World Wide Brobrs 645 ~.call Mrs S1111th 671-4545 OWNEH. Mui;t ~ell' ~pal' lncOftle Pro,...+y 2000 lnco.n. Propnty 2000 for S-. 2200 •••·············•························•·••• 4--PUX Ext·ellent rental area -2 miles from beach. All 2-bdrms & fe nced back yards. Great buy at $134.000. l UNITS Great Newport Reach area 1 All units have refers & laundry eqwpment in laundry room. Owner may carry large 1s t TD. Rt·duced now to $195,000 Outstanding buy! TRl...PLEX Pride of ownership, only 2 years old. Spacious 3 bdtm, 2 bath owners unit w I fireplace! 3UMITS- EASTSIDE COSTA MESA Owners' rear unit has largt: family room w/fireplace. Units are freshly painted -carpets. drapes, pool. 7 UNITS Six pride of ownership townhome un- its with huge owners' unit. Garages. TWO 4--PLEXES-COSTA MESA Excellent corner location. newly painted & completely decorated inside & out. Will selJ separate or together. PRICE REDUCED -SUBMIT OF· Fl!:R DUPLE.X - EASTSIDE COSTA MESA 2-lxlrm. unit w/private patios on dE:- s irable corner lot in NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Completely r emodeled ex· terior. landscaped/ sprinklered. ••••••••••••••••••••••• aplstrano Pall:itides R·I lot. QWel It .. IU>ed at. Nr <X'eall. Pritt <>n.ty. ~.soo. <>wncr.~l -----~.Dneri, Rnorl 2400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •PALM SPRIM~S THUHDElllRD C.C. VIUAS BY OWNlrn (or 1 WllCk unly U p~rad ed C 0 M P L E T 1': L Y ... U llNJSH E D. Luxury t:ondo . 2 13r+dc n . Sl40,000 Opt•n Oct 1 thru Rth <71 1)324·1162 or ·194-IWS.2 -------- AH'IA-IORREGO Artists' De11ert Retreat 40 ocre11. well & electric1 ly 2 bdrm 24x40 mobile hr>me. air condittoned Qld West style o ut · buildings, 104 trees, frnccd, completely 1n dut.ling Weste rn Anti- ques, or.highway ?~·-· • Oc.'oullo Wells, off-road · park. $65,000. Additional - parcels uva1l. FRED G WOODS Rt:AL ESTATE Oc.'ot1llo Wells Office Oc.'ot11lo Wells. Ca. 1714 1~ 8410 <local> t714) Ocottllo Wt-lls 5 Out of CCMMty 'roperty 2550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CAllM/5AC. Water, power, wood stove. + Storage shed. Xlnt weekend get- away+ great Investment potential. $15,900. Call Mr Frey 542-3456 Ben Hinkle R.E. !FREE POOL! Model. $10.S,OOO. Owner/ /\et. 833·1i68 l'crl1•l'l for ~111..1111: famll1c11 :! Bit :! Hu L'n1v P arlo. T1·11 .11·l'. Cardiff mdl l.•h\•i) i:ard~n cnt1 y & p,1l111 Cal he d r a I 1· 1• 1 I 111 i: ,, w dear ~lory ~ 1111t11w-. Owner. Sl!-l.!!50 55!1 UKK t'H'S. 4 I.Ir, 3 ba. S'lt,500 t-'lrll terms Uc:.l buy 1n arcJ l"Quail liil IPlace Praperties · 752-1920 >Po--\..'\. RNEstah ExchancJe Beautiful 4 bedroom two sto ry executive home that has been highly UP· ~raded nnd 1s :.upe r sharp and clean Priced with s ame models cur rently offered. yet this beauty has 8 JR root i\n thony p ool '"'h automatic pool sweep Surely Irvine's best buy. HURRY •• Askin~ $103~. WALMUT SQUARE Walnut SQua11· Condu :1 S llA RP "ll" un1l. 3 llr 2 Ba, 51\:i.IM-1 bdrms . 2 ba cooilo !3rd s.;1 J.~I bdrm. can be formal dtn· -- 1 n g r m . I . .M A ~ Y WILLOWS l BDRM J::XTRAS :-.i EAT 1·HV $74,500 cr1'<1 patio with lu:,h 111.in tin~. c~ntral .ur. (j .. ~ washer & dryer ind On ly S00.200 Charmin.: l rcl 1111, 11 nc1ghtwrhood llri< k l1repl .. c1-. l-'1nl(crl1p go u r m e l k 1 l l h 1• n llld1•awav m.1sh·r • 1 ... 0 ",\" Urut with '..! bdrms.. more :.pac1ous holrrn-.. 2 balhs, paneled family <:all now 7S2 liOO rm. lgc. patio, pool & ,, . . park n ea rb y . V .. : RY [,----,-=,=~=!~,-1 =,.~1,1 ~~~~! Pnced right al ~ • : EVELYN COPEL.ANO _ ~ ~ REALTOR 552-0434 ARCH BEACH $110,000 I l'I '" 'huw 'I uu hu" l'•J"I 11 I' IO o" n this "1•11 J">r111·d L.1.:un.1 Jl1•J1 h ll\•llh lur ,, m11d1·'1 111 '\ ,.,tlf\l'l\I Ko/an Rc,11 E ,1,11e /11c 900 G ll!t1llVy'IJ 5 1,et!I 494 ,9473 549·0J16 VIEW/POOL PRIVACY THE ILUFfS 4!13-~ or 493·7i80 2800 &>tter than new ' LI:<' 3 bdrm splal-11.''l'l'I w11 h Santa Ano I 080 ~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~ t11n & h~hL'i \·1cw Total ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1400 QUAIL ST. NEWPORT BEACH ••••••••••••••••••••••• Why pay taxes? -Ex- chan~e! Frank Zelamey lnconw Property 2000 lnconw Properly 2000 Realtor. 494-8502 h · 111 "" interrnr rleN11 lullc:t.r Closeout Trul'I' OUISl :>rH.lini: ,J I n..J.. 4 l•ft ¥1~.SOO ......,.,, \<:t:.,.·ri·•o n~.. 3 Bedroom , 2 hath. ·-... """" \'1tla~l' Walk LIDO ISLE 4 IR I llr w P' l entr) A~t :i.;;!:."J .I.IOU I 6ti l 26l6 w1-:.•ff('l.ln· dlx 3 lir. 2 b.1. 1·oun1rr .. trlc rum 1 m. oult.loor t!nlcrt;11n1ni.: µat11~' OIJ('n t.Jatly . 1201 l'l·n1hrOkl" By 1>wn1·r ">lt 'ST Sf-:1 I. ~1 1•1.0110 To\l.nhomei., near South Ctta)'.t Pla1:1 Spc·caall> pn1'1:<1 spill lt''l't•I unii- with all lht• feature' ',l(f dt-.,1re J.ofl~. h1·.i ni- t·:irJ>('ls. drapes :! ',11 ~arage. patio yar1I. 1'4>PI. JJCUlll and dl'cor.1tcir JI lowancc .. 'rom ~.ooo !-cc al 1-'a1 r'l 1cw & ~·..:cr:.lrum :>.'>ti 1161 ..•....•.•...•......... ···•··············•••·· WESTBAY INCOME HOMES TRIPLEXES COSTA MESA- MEAJl. SOUTH COAST l'LilA R.GEstot. W.t.d 2900 ...................... ~ .. DOM'T LIST-SB.L! We will bu,y your Orange County home al full v:iluc-casb one week. Rclerences-call today! Agent 963-4567. Rtfttah ••••••••••••••••••••••• HouMs~slwd ••••••••••••••••••••••• RA ..... CH REALTY ON GOLF COU RSE. San " Luis Hey 3 Br 21 ~ Ba. in UNIVERSITY PARK'S '.\l1>11.11 d1 11.1'1 T1•11 .u·1• ·' lt.·drt•1111:.. l.11111h r11cirn 111111 "t•I t1.1r fo'c1r111.1I tl1n1ni.: 1:11•.11 p.11u1 &. 1••1) .111•,1 '.'\'.! l!I ·'>Ill) Bayfront Exclu\. l.1d11 Noni 1'1er ~ ll1wk Ex1·1'1lrnt 1t).c•,tnwn1 R :1 Ill> 1.0111ni.: l•ric<.-.1 rli.!ht 111II\1· in 11r bwld 011 $159,000 to $164,500 3106 551-2000 llancho San Joaquin. -----d1 von·c forces sale. K SELL idle items with a lnve-stmcnts 754-7900 OaiJy Pilot Classified Ad. ,.1 f~,. Ad ., ,., .,..,-, ... 6'2·5678. .. 35:>1 Jcu s __ """'_ ""' " A CON\lt:NICNT SH<WP1NC ANO S(WINC CU1Q£ fOR ltt( CAL ON lHC CO Seamed-To-Slim Baby's Pals RNEST SI 19,000 Chnrminl! tr1•1• l1n1•d nL·t~hborhnocl Cuurt \ .ird !'ntry Fvrmal tJ1n1• Un1·k £'nl1anu•s t..111111\ mum t;ourml'l l..111 111·11 w11h cupboard,. i.:.111111· :!ml Slury h•Jsl'\ l.1nl.1•.l11 1\lunar•h11.1, l'l.11.1 l..1).!llll I'\ •>.:IHI 496-7222 831·0836 • I•'. l1.1yfront Pr11p M:! 'r00:.0 or U.15 :IOl.10 112\ti 11:'1: l'K'\J:-.1 hllgL' ~'be t h.t l'\o'f,\lhlllJ.! Jll'W' H1·ul i-:.,tull· ~l·l11o tJrh, J:ll'kll' i!>I 7!.l!ll I 1".111 111 UI'\' .1l !";>! I ol>ll Ill ~ R~ IEstat~ l<u:k ~ .•t ~N\:t ,,.n~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 14-ft\ Z batt9 "OWMt''s" .nt plm t.o 2 ldrm rental amlh. ••••••••••••••••••••••• WINTER RENT AL Charming 2 Br 2 Ba, !pie, garage. 67_5~-0994 ___ _ N. nAYFRONT·winter 4 Br2 Ba. S600mo.6t2·1670 days, S48-8&'7 master Wiii.-? ""11h 'I"-'• ---------· BAYFRONT 1100 Features complete carpet. drapes, landscaping. Fireplaces (3 Bdrm) Private patios & decks. garage.<; lalM>o p~ l C 07 -tacular f1rcplat:t· :! '.\lnr1· spac-1ous bdrm' l'all 752·1700 ORAHGETREE IRVINE ~1·w and pn1·rd ni:ht line o( Irvine s b,•lll.'r bu~s Order the rTHn 1ni.: YUO .tnd OCC:Ul)'I lh1s kr nf1c 3 BR. 2 B,\ at ~;:?.51!0 red hill~:.:. 552-7500 --~----- LOVELY PARK ••• By OwMr·Ouplu (h1•Jn ,l!fl' uf 11 .... , 111 m°'t rl1"•1rahh• .1rf•.1 IO I .. 1a.:unJ I nl Tl'<lll1h "h11t· \\,tlc·r \I\". lrt1h ' 1111' .. 1 pnl•f'lftl 'J' ... UOU "''I 11111' IJHflJlfh' hi flflll • •p.11 · 11111 'I pl1'J"' 1 I I • n1 1i•1;, LUXURY CONDO •••••••••••••••••• ••••• lit!! Ila}" On-.111 'u A1lull 20'<51> Sk) line 2br. 2ba 5 ~ec· bldg lloat ,hp. pool Star C \I Adult prk I..: .. ..! hr ;t h .1 S .11· Ht'nl undt•r SJJIJ 3 m1 10 s1;.s.uon llv O"n Will 11('1•a n S27.50o R} 1 r .1111• 111 ~ , t' J., one 11 < ™-n1•r sis 33!>7 &16 h267 Construction complete approx. Nov. 15th. c~ M..M. La tor-ct., IHttor ···•············•••···· Clean lg lBr house. S2<'0 mo Mature adlts oaly, no pets. '416 E. Bay. Ba I boa. (213 )672-3036 eves -----~---I lJ ' CllJll 1115!'1.ll Sun .1111 I 1'rt1Jt1tl11 llal l'l.'n • 1111 {'.111•\ i13 t>l.I O:Mil \ i oh 1Ih11 nw. 2-h32 :! hr 2 (7141541-3404 C«oncldefM• 3122· hu, .1dull park. I.ado ••••••••••••••••••••••• f'ro1n l>l'luH 1977, Sunny 2 BR. 1 ba., So. of L H'll 1050 ---------U l.!l:JC.11;73 119:! Hwy. Yrl.y.$475Agt . • ~~ •• ~.~........... A..fUMf Condolfth1iulfts/Town-497·3388 644-2212 l.Jf)H.' 3 bdrm, 2 -.tor~ N e w P r> r l 8 l' •1 c h ~for sok 1700 Inc~ P~rly 2000 ---------- 1 !Ill :! H \ hm " p•••l Waterfront Mobile hnml"!, •• ;•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •BAYFROl'.'fT~ \1111l 1·111111 ~1 . rOO \t J) :\l· ... ly p::unted '" & out winter rt>nhtl. furn, 2 br, 4 Br. pvt bch, winter Agt. r1• 111 0 \lo n 1• 1 J ~ 1 Stc•ps tooc1·an SI 11.soo. :? b ,1 a rt u 1 t:. 0 n 1 y. fie the 1st Owner: ~real • SPEHDAILE * 7SS-022l: 613.2500 4~1Hlil1 CAYWOOD s.iso. mr> l 'nique Homes tax !'heller. (2) :rnplexes 10-:ALTY 1:-.IC'· 67!> 6000 & (2) 4 plexes, JUSl bemg VIEW-$1>9,950 • 548-1290 * · ----completed in City of llfll lh•i:rt'l' 'lll'W 11\•''I•--------• ·---------Orange. To s ell 1n-Lt•1,,uri· W11r111 1..-.11111ful Vildfta ScClftdia d1vidually or collective- .1 t11ltm. :! l>,1th •·11111l11 .111 Goodln•eshnent! Beautifurfy upgraded. ly. 7141558 ·2747 or nn om· fl11111 . adult :u'1•:1 2 ~tory Condo. 3 lld Vo 24x60, 2 bedrm, 2 bath _640-0352_· ___ • __ _ '.\!mi• 11lf J:>\' or .\te:idow & C11astlfne coach in desirable Hunt· 2 houses on l lot, 3br & • --•---L 3 2br . Nicely renovated ~~ 148 property w 177., spend a· ••••••••••••••••••••••• blepermo. S'll,500. 3 Atth Bay. 2 Br, frplc, N.wport Reol IEstate ocn vu, pvt heh. $47~ Associate• ~-4418or 1-499-2066. 6454615 .... wporta.tldt 3169 ----------1 ••••• ................. . 759-0226 ~1.000 hrm. 645-2982 aft tni:,'lon Beach adult park. o.le_x ll4~'-. s :111 pm Lwcunou.'i h vrng for the CWt. I 800 IEST IUY IN CM r CCr.IN ASSOCIATES fu.-.sy bu)·er Has formal ••••••••••••••••••••••• This property has been dining room, living rm. DUPLEX R-2 multiple list'g. at $89,500. IRllLTOM .. hkc sellm~ !tUrround • If\)( this IMMACLlLAn;.1 loqwta H1gwl I 052 WATEHFRONT V1\C/\TIO:-.I llOMF. ON WATER Bea utiful l Btlrm Mobile home. 1·ompletcly furni shed \II amerut1es for adult h"lnJ: Cpmmunity pool. 1:1cuu1 & r ecr eation fami ly rm. Central A/C Open Hse l-4 Sal/Sun Ownr. must move. will Wel bar 2·Carport. Bllns 616Goldenrod. CdM sell for $85,000! Buyer to OH THE SAND Beautiful 3br, 2ba, di>hc, patio, new crpt.s, drps. Avail immediately 'til 6178. $600. 752-7410 d~ ~l evs/wlmds bdrm v11-:w home •n ••••••••••••••••••••••• PRE.'>IDENT 110~1 fo;s of Ol)('n lloUSl' l>a II} l 5 'fURTLJ.;ROCK lll r.t~'i 31fiHI W l\.anl• Ur :!hr /\ real ,ewl'I Pr11·1·rl .JI :?h.J C1>nno <ll~l .su11 only SJ59.00ll Ownr J\i.:1 196 4 n1 Hy Owner lt(-.1Ulllul ·lhr home Prof clf'ro & lndi.p'd, xtr . .-. \\u'l ~cc to appre l'.111K.l1 ~" 17 Sll/\llP l.:ik1·1,ark .1 hr. 2 & so much more! Offered ----------1 get new loan. Jncome ut $49 950 Mc ,.. r+ 2ooo prop. at rear of lot, 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;.; 531-5800. · ev ......... 34.,• a... ~t Je-~....a at $200 per mo. • ~~.0'&£ "'" ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ h•t1 RE H.tworil S ... u ,.LEMIUJ-Ownr. live at rront house. ~""'" ..,..,.. Chas. C. Martin, 216 fal·1hl1cs Possible boat Acnoci-few Mht 1200 ,.hp·" a1lable $64.000. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SALISBURY REAi.TY ISACIES Call 673-6900 Fantastic view. South of Oran((e County. Can be TRI-PLEX-extra nice J Broadway, pb: 645-1534 BR. 2 BA owner's unit w frplc. Walk lo beach & ,_ ________ _ park. Sl52,500. MEYER ae.ut 4 Br bome, bcb out fronL Fabulous vu, com- p! rum $85()/mo, winter lse. h,J 1-;~1rn,1H• upgr:irll•o;, --------- spill. Full pnce $18.900. Bkr. DUPLEX-Sharp 2 & l near beach & park. $91.~ AYACANCY JUST LISTED. Two 4· Plexes in prime rental area or COST A MESA. These units are in tip-top shape and will sell fast.· On water, 3 Br w /boa& slip available, S790/tno. On Lido. Elegantlr furnished 2 Br Incl'• piano, color TV, mini view, pvt bch. $80()/m o. Oceanfront 2 Br Doll H ouse. Short term $350/wk. 9206 J4-48 "" 11T"" i-1ff w.-ti ... r or Chnstmas. baby shower anytime-ildO!able R•fts1 lasy, fnchanting appltquc and embrotderr' Pattttn 7186 transler of 9 motifs. d11tt !tons t11b cover about 29i.,, 37" rn11age cover 2Bx31 • •n<l1vtdual pictures l hl4 ' Sl 2$ for PAth pal!ern Add J~~ PMll paltprn lor l1rst (la\S auma1l dnd nan<lhnR Stnd to. Pnncess 1umper. blouse Printed Pattern 9206 Wom en's S11es are 34 (38 inch bust with 40 inch hip), J6 (40 bust. 42 "fJ· 38 (42 bust, U hrp), Ahce Broo~c: 40 ( bu!.t. 46 h1~). 42 (46 NE'f'dlrr.rafl Oep1 105 bust. 48 lup) 44 ( 8 bust. 50 Daily Pilot lup), 46 (50 bust 52 hip), 48 Boa t6J 01<1 Chel~.-;i St,1. (52 bust. ~ hip). Now York. N'I IOOt t Prmr St!ld Sl.25 tor uch p1ttem Name. Address. l op Add 3$C for uch Plttttn for Paltem Numoer fil1t·dm 111111111. h1ndhn1. MORE than ever bef11re1 2Cf' s-4 It: designs plus 3 free printed In. \tde NCW 1976 NCtolCCRAH Marian Mar1r11 CATALOG' ~as everythin~. 7Sc Paltern Dept 4.t,> Crochet wat~ Squ11es St.00 Darty Pilot C~chel 1 Wndrobe \l 00 iJ2 Wesr I 61h S1 . NPw Nifty fl~y Oullts SI.OD York. NY 10011 Pr1nt RlppleCrothet SIOO NAME. ADDRESS. ZIP Sew ~ Knit loolt S1,2S S I z E a n d S T y LE Ntedltpofnt l ook Sl.00 NUMBER rlOllllt Crochet l ook s 1 00 • Hairpin Crochtl l ook S1.00 Dt JOI know how l• l•f * Instant Cttchet Book . ~I.DO Jllltni lret7 Send now lot Instant Mm amt l ook •• SI 00 ur ••• fall•Wlnltr P11t11n ln,tut Money l ook SI .DO C111f11-cll11 coupo11 lnsldt lar (;omplete Qilt l ook Sl 00 fr1t ,atten1 ti your c-olct. Compltlt Althus •14 Sl 00 Stt4 75tt llOWI 12 Prilt Aft~m d 2 SOc Sew + Kilt t ook s 1 25 too~ of 18 Qulltt tt ~o' lllS1Ht ..... , Cr1f1s SI 00 M111111111 Q11llt loo-:2' so, l11t111t fasllltn look SI 00 15 011llts for Ttday :J 50t IHtllt S.tltnt tea U 00 10011 9' t I Jiffy •111s SO c mic•rnwa' (' :iA7 'llMI <.'all Hai harJ 7::0:? rn11> a~t IJ.523C•MPIJC1Dl·IRVl"'E ~ 1-: ,\ TE R H \ (' "· 7 " " ,.. T 11wnh11 m ,. :1 It 1 . OP'"N llSFSAT SU:-J 1., Slo(,_u(lo 1..'.ill l!lti 5K:l:l ~· . ' ' ' •· ·' aftfW~t Deerfield Twnhomt• 2Br. 2\':I Ra , r1•dw1rn1\ deck. many u11~rallf's , S76.5nO. 552 02u1 or 559-(;100 LOCJIMCI hoch I 048 ·•·•·····•·••·········· AffORDAIU! Possibly the m ost :1 r fordable proprny an Laguna today HnJ:ht & airy 2 Bdrm. & 2 balh o Y·O JUSI one blo('k to the bcurh Newlv rrcle1•<1rM t'fl Owner f1nan<'rn~ r.1n makt• this purchase a brct'1t> $85.500. NORlt.CS REAL TY •494-8057 * Decorator's D.tl9td 2 Sty. Eni?hsh rounlry style w1upper hv rm , frplc . bdrm .. rl1•n & hu Guest rm. & ba. w !lep entry on lo1wrr l;•vel Needs work! $149.500 M1ss100 Rc olty 49'-f-0731 IHVESTMEHT OPPORTUMITY Excellent Mntel lo the hrart of La~un a. Xlnt rond11ion Large pool & recrralion area Shor I "alk to bcac·h For 111 formation l'nll Rl •iH'o R•atty 494-5671 499-2100 V111dl'l Townhnm1· rC'· '111\'l'tl SIO.UOll Ownr '11'11 ini.: pvtlv for $7.t,!IO() Sni.:I lvl 2br + 1kn 4!1fl l~!lii . OPEN DAILY I ·4 29221 TIERRE If ycm are lnok1n1t for a " h :1 r p ho m r w , n ,. w c·arrX'tmi.: cfr .1pc·~. "ood f'nlry rtr>or)l , prn r I a n d " l' a p 1• d w spnnklPr'I front & rrar <nl In:. c:oml•r fenced lot l .ook no (urtht'r 3 UR + family rl"lm, 2•, U1\. mus~1ve hn<'k frplc: A rr11l 1>t-auty $125,900. YEATS COMP AMY 499-2237 READY TO MOVE? This totally rd11rh1!.)l('ti l.a~una Beach llomt• aw111L'! your ucrup:inr:.• F.nioy Cat11lina Aunsf\\s & c:1ty h1Zht11 by n11-:ht l'rit'(' re<luc('<l to SlM,500. n 1•,1t F ,1,ctr /111· J Mcm.11c /1 8.iy Pl.11.1 &61 1161 831 3888 MEWPORT CREST CONDO Must cks1rnblr plan II 2 ll1•<1rm~ & dt•n with o('can view Upgraded <'PL~ &drps, wet bar. pool & t('nnas <·ourts. B1cyc:lc rl1stance lo be aclt. or. ferro for $125,000. Red Qirpet Realtors. 645·3474 OPEN TTL SOLD 2520 University. 2B r 28 a. adlts. Brkr. 752-9023 1714) 676-5717 OR522 2080 ATTENTION DEVELOPERS Riv<·~lde County in Sun- ny mead. approx. 490 ucrt's. Pcrfec:t ror mmi· runches. 5 Miles from LakcPerns. R.C. TAYLOR CO. 955·0l50 BERntA HENRY REALTORS 215 Del Mar 492·4121 Dfl~H Property! I can find it for you. Newport Pier Realty *41&t1HRJl-2oos Balboa Blvd. Newport Bch. 673•2058 On Lido. Waler & beacta and mini vu. 2 Br. S800/m o. WATERFRONT HOMES 631-1400 Reach area spcciahst Probates, Foreclosures, Bankruptcies. Di vorce. Jm·estment properties. Below market price. 3 BR, 1 ba house, $425. per Wortd Wldit lrc*ffS DELUXE DUPLEX mo. Y r I y • re n t a I • Call 673-<l54S $94,500. Nice 2 Bdrm & _~ __ l_·l.2Sl _____ _ --------1 NEW 1 Br. Jacome $625 MWP'T CRIST CONDO IO ACRES --------1 p e r m o . G r e a t . HOCK BO'tTOM VALUF. f'lxcr upper. Need!! loL~ ---------1 neigh br>rhl)od 632 ~r ~ Ba, pool, lenn1S. Harbor View 4 br Mon· or TJ.C. On paved rd. 1 UNITS Plumer. CM . Open uliful.$700.64CH?Sl - tcgo $139.500. By owner wtr. Uhl. all W1eable Sat Sunl·S. Pb5S7-4579 5-taAJICI 3110 Srhools. tennis & pool Taxes ~/yr FARGO. Co6ta Mesa. $17,500. in· ,.0 .,i.....a_ .. •t-x ••••••••••••••••••••••• r I 7 9 7 ) 6n """ come. Huge lot. Sl69,950 '-.. .., ..... ~.. Br d I .1c1 (714 )6 5·597. t 14 ·.-.1 Owners 3 BR. 3 Ba,3 euxetwnhse,nr So. 1213113:1-21154 ; wkdays OR522·0530 6 UNITS PLUS three 2 BR units, Cs!. Plaza, avail m id 121J>:>.'l3 JW7 ___ .Apa; 111....., 00 so.ooo sq ft + + + lot. Stll9 500_ Agt. 644•9513 Nov. Be au t Ir u 11 y 81.llFl-'S, luJ?hly up· fors• 1300 Zoned C·2 R-4 East.side • furnished, 1500 mo. i:radcd 3 Rr 21 :I Bo con-••••••••••••••••••••••• Costa Mesa. $129,950. EXClUSIVE 751-8W all 7PM do, nr pool Sl:?S.000. By 6 Units. 1 Bedrm each. 646-9898agt. F 0 U R PL EX with nwner. Call for nppt Lo~ An~cles. $SO,OOO. elegant owner's unit in ........ u..fwWslled 752-6492. b40·8857 or 12131737.7310. µark lake surroundings. •••••".••••••••••••••••• G-10-8381 XJnt rental rnromc area. G1w.. JZOZ hodt PrOfMrir 1350 r ... _..._re n...a.1 u1s.ooo. Agent S4S'84M ••••••••••••••••••••• •• CK; .. :AN&llARBORVU ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .,.,n; 67J.TIJ7. l&AllHTALS Uy own1•r Must Sel I. IA.IA IEACHFRONT $177 500 -----Why pay S2S·$.10 wben Lusk (.'()ndo D y~ 28 2 8 ho 2 IS . ' • youcan 11 .. tlh ......... tfor 833 "I"' k d r 8 \.L'IC, 1 m • · 88 "'.._.D .... EW ""' .. ...,.. •• o -•I , "ve1 w n s Yearly Income $15,600. ~"" "" .... o ''°"S of border, SSS.000. By B bd . b I Id I I less, $15. fee. 7 Daya "'"'"""' o~r. 7t• a••.1w>7 ig 4 rm. upper & 2 QUllhty u n~ or flc.>Fu 4-PI utilpd ~ _,..,. '""VT'I '"" --bdrm. lower. F antastic quahly buyer. • Super -m ex BEST EWPT. IUY Cortntrc~ beach investment. Just upgraded units. All with :~NDpwri.~~.~pd Sunny HVll Monte go rrop.rty 1400 IJ.sled!Agt.646-9898 fi replaces, enclos ed Sl80 IBR,pool,~'Uipd w,lswil. '1 t>r. ram rm, 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••l•--------•I garages, pntl ns, .,...,..2BR Pl l ha, quiet :ct nr pool & SALl/LlASI sprinklers. Townhouse :i'd;rchlld~a x, wll con· ~~/~pt~113:ji,~~/'~~~ 2.22 Acres, vacant land, FOUR UMITS style. (t) 3 bed.rm, 2 bath $22S2BR C.M. Apt. llnu..;r Srtl sun I s or call ioned C·l, on Bristol St.. COSTA MESA 91ld <3l 2 bdrm, 2 bath. $2703 BR, k.1<14 Ok rur :ippt 8JJ.J694 Costa Mesa. :,~~~~· Trade up t-0 20 $239,:!y McCardl9 $1.~~ewport Bl~ \ll l':W Lol 2 Lrjl bt'drm,, RC TA no• co 1110 M•wpot't ll•d SUJW"nor UPlo!radcl\ New Costa M.ICI 541-7729 7. 7f>2 1!1111. Mr Kel~ey 955-0350 Hov~ somethlnl{ to sell r Classlr1ed ads dolt well. J l r . ' • I '\ ' Aporlme-nh Unfurn. Apartments Unfurn. ~portmc-nh Unfum. Rmtah to Share 4300 .......................... ···················· ······················· ...................... . 116 DAILY PILOT lhursday. Octooor 6. 1977 Hov.e~ Unfumr~ Af>OI htltflh f\imashcd ...•.•................. .......••..•........••. Houses Utmrnishttd Hou1H Unfw-Nslted Houa.1 Unfumilhcd Hewport lffcll 3269 ~°" 14:och 1740 =otOna del Mar 3822 ~ta ~1.0 3824 Newport S.och 1869 Mor F nnmt wanted 3br ·•·••·•·•····•·•····•·· .............................................. ••·•·····•···•··•······ •.•....•..••...••••.... ' G •••• d 3202 Cotto M... 3224 ln'N 3244 Ort•1m!root J UM. 2 lJA, »A<.:JI uvt. ull util furn, t • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ftVlC, )(Ur.J~t', W lUll"r bll\ lO 1)1t_tr & \)(•ij<.•h Vn·~ •• •• • • • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••• • • • • • ••• • • ••• • • • • •••• • • ••• •• •• • • •• • • • • • • Nwpt. llgla hse. KJt priv t•nmt• :.ircu :Jbr 1~.ti.i Stud1u $205 Adult, no Yrly ·rwnlbl'. :! lir, 2 !JJ. llli.t yi.rd ll.20. ~9634 • 'llunpt<+,1.lq.le'I. Avu1l 1111 11et.'I Avwl Nov lilt.~ Jplc, W/U, O/W, rl'lr1J?. :t .. 'I .. ,. ,, SUN; ~ l"OSl ,~on:, but lbr 2ba,nna:hl.2 t·b.tduu T1)wnhouse J 1-\r, :? bu. rum $600 mo C i.ti uillb. $.llO nio. Sbt.Tyl we re 1o1oorth it . 1,. no do.:' ~l & ld.::.l + ,\ <.', tr~ t•nd 11.11. 11~·" I.> b7:i tit.70<><1>73"~ ~l 11~.J ~Ll-42!.I ~1 liamtltoo, 64S-4411 cur 1:•1r. ~mo. ~1 l39tl 1 Br bse to share, )4/F, u1 83M 14.'tl $160, no uUJ, do1 ok. HOMEflMDERS 1.kp OO~allcrt..30 pumtl'd &. 1111111•11' ~I:> 11 · b . S_T_U_D-10--$145 rum pt ulll v<I !1Jtk>lli8 or !.I~ ~ll'J. J r, 3 u, 1.·xtra ::.hurv tl60Nwpt 8ChWlll •2 br, I h.l, ltJf,tl<(l' .. )-pl, µuc>l,.:!1·urt·m ~.ir "br, bltll!i, rtf, trpk. sun Ocma Point 3126 lil'd(, v..ilJu. VQOI Adil~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11v p\'l-., ~ ti7J Hlll 1•anuroma vll'w. new 6! 'South L.ocJ-ct JH6 6'2·7D, 2244 Maple, CM. ..........•..•..•••.•.. ~- $180bol1!)1'3blk!. hrh i\Jult.... $:!:.O 1'-o Jh,•t:>. IHV G row-. Nu :! hr :! Ir~ 1>Ut1t•. 11cw µlu::.h brn $22S2br lud ~ar l'il''t IU3 !197I bd clcn lq•I l'uol. tcOUJ..) 1•µt .: $500 1110 1st t $275ok3+2unit.lod::.ok ~1,, t.llll~"J• t·lt'an dcp . .)1.ir.1~no1.', s:l>OJbr big hou:;e a Toro 3232 Month to Month 2 +-cfrn b-1&7.\11 , CV!> 6-lu 0063. Ual. duplex uul pt.I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~l:.!!1 mn ~-;~ turo, l'ull.> 1----------- \ S It (Or )'OU r (rt.' l' r:xtru ::.harp, CXt'l' h1.1nw •I ·~ 1700, ~!J l:lho ll!JmehndeN mv\ltl,1; kit till. 2 UA. fµk , <'1'1~ w, fee at(.; M oil· 1111ly 1lrf1tj, .! l'Ur .:J1 L<n l'I} 557..0822 111.·11.:hhorhood $1 .• u 11111 •• .. I ·l'~ol A>:t•nl. 1111f1•1• •I & A RENTALS Why !>UY~ $Ji/ Whl'll .vou can >:cl lhl• lwsl It or I~ SI~ lt•t• ., Uur· $135 lurn1,.,hod urnt $l90dupltll "C'W & fll'\ er l>t•t•n 11 \'t•c.l IU ,llJ1· (.'um.lo Jn lx~;1ut1ful 1-:1 l'uru J\\ all 1mrn1•1t I .w lJpt 1;.111 10>!:..?I • .rt !J Fowttain Val~y 3234 •...•..•..•..•..•.•...• WINNER! :1 II K . :! li A . n l' w I > lil'<'tt 'cl, lr1: :.unoy pal111 1'11r1 l1•rc11•lo. 'l'im 1111111111• Al·t·1·~::. tv lt•11111~. brh & S II 1' I' I I II ~ •I C'l1tlt i\1!1 (711) 1•l·l !KJtjO 1krk1. 11.1t111 .1 :.! hr :! lu11•---------- 1~p.11· 1h•n1, ,'(, 111111111: frvl IHI ~.t '1'1•1111a-. ,\·I Hr. :l ha. fam rrn, ~'llO 111nirt1 111111! w J,11·11111 Ml ft 14-11 S,1nt1:11:11. N fl Ne" 11p>:1 .1111.•d "•.Al. \ v I ~1500 mu A.i:1.•11t, !>i I ~.U.I:.! 111\llWtl 1).1 \ td I ;1;11J1. I'\ I' ,; i'.l I 1:1:.S Sl!l5 llueh Ul1I Vtl"' yd $!15 l br pit•)(, util 1i.1 $225 2br huu.w It lll'11 S2:>ll 2br hou:.c"' '.1r\J $27S 3br Wl1t l.1J., ul. ) .ikl' Ol'" 3 Jill,:! Ila. lll'll, ls.:1• )'.if\I. hoJl i.:.1\t'. 1·ul tli· ,,11. lll'nl ind.I> Jiii e. lOCJWMI Beach 3248 \Llh'r '>l!Jt> (:!l:I )\.«) \fi.K:• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11r 1.'IJ 1ti7~1 !II I I l'\I :!7:1 (j,.,.,111 \ ,, • ..., ft ,.,h p,11111 I Hr, :! Jl,1, '11.il'. l>cJUI U\I\ c•r ~hor1•:. fplc, kl· k11 ,.,,, 11111 rlll, ;• l'.tr ~ .... l11Jtl. lllU bl' 11111 H7J •l:>-J., S..'7S 2br 2 story l'Oniln "' pool, luds nk 18'!6 Newport 111 C M $15. fet! O'I.-> !>!l'JIJ I 0\. 1-:L Y ~ BR llo,n: I , 11.1. $335 rno Pool ="•"tr Warnt·r & New Ptuµc 111·" 'rJll, I ht ' 1 •• 1. rt.·11 l'lo•o1• 111 "' h1111h, 1>11 • Sti.541 nw .1•1:1 J7111 ult " ti\ 1 !JliOl>ll.1 \ ' Nt•v. fM,trt ('f .. ~.l Lu\. l'o11do :1 hr, :.!', h.1 I 1·11111,, 1>1,.•I J.11·u111 s.wn.1 \\II.. lo l1t.h ~ mu. WI 1:1tH t:Jll 91>:! 7187. 963 :r.~ lalioob-.d 3206 --\H('ll 111-,\('ll ll(;T,'\ :!llr,:!ll.1 1w:1r111·" $1110 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ngton Beach 3240 ul•wly 11,•l'•>r 11 :! 111 1 11111 \1lulh. 1111 II• l:. Charaung2styCai>t'L'od ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.lrd )!ur •lt•l11·1nu-. \\ 11, ~.tr :O..r 1111.11: J+2, gar, "<lnl hll '"I lk'dwom cv11J11u11111ur11 \It'" s.')Ot)mu c.ltl 11~11;1 llv'I' :.ix 1111:..1 11-i.,1 Jl7~. n1:t s $550 Yrl\ 111·.1r pool .11111 l•·nn" . , <.' <' 1 ., rl.3 J6J. Hl8 . • • • .: ., ,, Ill II 11 l h l .1 I l .I Udr111' ;: . l>a hllll~ 1'141.l<trt rt· .. t \lrll ti, .. 2 ' ..... 1,11; 11 ,7 ~Jll'llJt:u•.11 1111·.111 , .1 II>. 1h-n . .!', Ila IPn111,, CoranodelMar 3222 11)1111\11 lt• .. ~1S.111t.1 \11.1 p1111I JJl'. h•'. ~J:!J ••••••••••••••••••••••• I H1 . .! l>a, bllus, :.! c·u1 l.B SSUO 1110 h I:! l'l:Jof tJ.lli 'II~ eotwge. 2 Br 1 &. pa110. new d ecor , c11rport. !>. ol Hwy. 955-JS.17 eves. )!JI'. f,•111·N1 )U. µ0111. 7~5WJ7 ~I 10 I H:.11 l:hJ ll'aU La 1,;3."':;..i;; All lli.:h :1 fir" ll.1 111rr11•r Beaut 3 br, 2 ba + den :! J llr ~ dc·n w fplc's. Mex tile'. Hom.in 111 ~hoµpmg tub. Sundk. 640· ilW~ :-'' r' 1 l c · rrplc l'l1•1>t' l'L·ntl'r, hu" S~SU. mu . lut. <j1 '"'' 'll'" ~ ... u 11111 :-010. lo )111 tor 1st.· ~.llU I'll>!; Hl.TY·4!J.4·!H;,6 ---·1~1 1;9~ •llearthesurf '1blkll1i.:. ---3hr. :!ha .. 11<'1.'Jn v11•w Corona.• 4 All, 3 U.\ l'.\1•<·11t1\ c hc'.ffil' near lrplt'. !!!JI f1J!uai11.1, A1d1 i'l"pl i:ar ~ucs\ rm & ba vn"rn 4 bd, J hil. fam &at•h I l!.,rts ~uc; QiUG7J.~ti rm den rm. Yil't bar. fire 4!>-1 tiL:!.'.>Jll (j PM 1111~. 11utdoor HB~ & .---:, . . LJ.:l' dupk'l home 111 (.'dM 3 Hd rm :. & J nu Fabulou::. muster sutll' !:>m P' t yJ ~1;00 111\> 752·0li 17 ,\,Ill p .. 11. $7SOI mn; Cvns1d cr f 0 RE\ I'. H l 11th 1I1111• 1::.t> opt 11-48·0707 \'lt'W ! .! lor :• li.1 I q1I fncd yd \.lWCI Ill M"' l~I 77!15 011 llh' H.1v, :.! kr ~·Ila, un 1lt·1 ~· n11111tl JI.irk mi.:. I ull 1·1ur11' 1 vr 1,.: ~•ov "h<1n·1·Jcffs. l'harn11n~ ·• h1l1111 la111111• w luq;,• 1•u\10,'<1).1,.t1~·,oo mo. llN \\ \TEH :1 hclrm .~ offtn'. fJ111 rm 1l1n rr.1 .~ ho at do 1· k I' r 1 \' .11 c <:1:.•wm11 \\',\TFHflW"\T I !0~11-:S ('ull 1.Jl l llMI "Weff.fy Rat..i '' Full !. Jtt•hm & I'\ l.11w11" & Ut1hl1t.-.. 'dlU"llHX.'I' \N Royal SuitH Mottl 727 Yorktown Blvd Ucut•h lllvtl .1t 'i orklo"n 536-0411 3742 ...••.•.............•.. N1•W I urn. SI uill11, .ll'rO .. !. fl'orn Hdr 11111· k .1 v a ii W.11t•r J•I Ja1•11111, IH111l , npb. 1lrp· .. r111I•'. \ ICW S!·l:1 mo I .>2:.! 111,:11 LOCJWMI leach 3748 .....•..•..•.••..•..•.. l..\C ;tJN ,\ II l-.1\l 't I M'l ll INN Si.1 wt.. 'f.:,17~1 11111 ~!:1111 >t n. 1·•1lor ·1 \ h I. ,I\ I' " JI 1111 I I • I ·I I I'll J.i!!J I. !.ll'J \ l UJ ,( ""' \ !o;!o Ht'I f. 'I/\ Y \pl $11,11 1110 Wulk lo hd1 I .di 4\Jl 71:!11 htwn '~Ill'\\ 3769 l'>n:anf1u111 .J lllt • 11.1 trplt S.·pt J u1w or) 1 Iv ~"lb tJ7~; OCEANFRONT WINTEH lffN'J',\LS :! lllt 1 lo.1 s:r.11 I ~·1· :J till :! ha ~. ,11 :! HH. :! ll.1 '-llHI STEPS TO BEACH ;•1111,dt·n ~ou I Ill< ) • .1rly .! Jiit. t.11•11, unfum S!• j~, ~HNI ~}·;:,. associated IROK£•S-aEALTbAS 101~ W lolboo 611·1'U ,·vc....,wloul . llll & Ucn 4 l'kx. NCJ Costa Meta 3824 ..pc.•l:i. M~ 1.96 1~7 __ _ ...•.......•..•..•••••• :.110 E :-11Jc 1r1plt.•:1. :ll1r, ··11.1 11 Jlk. ytl. l•lll'l 1·.11 l~t. M1:111l h-1:! lt.41:1 '\t1•wl't>Nl>l> 'ltr, ~·,ha , • J1p1t·· .. l1fl111~ l>llVI & 'i"' ~IOI> 1110 67:, ·llll:! Ill-. r U1.<lwcc vc..:an view, 3br :.!li.t µal1u, beamed et•1l mi.:. cbhwhrAIG. H~f~ ro· {1·,1 S.IOOmo.493007:> Lt:t:, QUll•t, lu11.uno~ ex for.._. 4350 1•1· :! h r, :! btt apt ••••••••••••••••••••••• J<;Jt·vutor to .ljl.'tm.IC pnv. Laree 11tora1e carage, bc:IL Party & .:ume room, $3S.19l.G Wallace, C.14. tot;tl i.er. l'C'rtoct llv111g 67 MS-5126 or wlrnd rt.•Lreal for th(•---------- mlvenluruus adult. ~-$35 Per Mo. Near Newport mo. yrly Isl'. 49'J·2835 Blvd, C.¥. Stor!lge Only. ------C.tlll631·32'13. I Ur. $:!75. 2 llr, $150 --------- J11111oram1e v1t•w, new Garage OD Peninsula l'J.>ls & pvt bch. ·19'J·'1644 betwn 12th & 13th St. $SO. 1:o11il1·11 o1111, p11<1l. re•' rm, :;,:'/;, i'lll W JHlh Si l.u:rnn aJll, 2 Br + d<'n. :' HH Ill rll'W ·I pll'X. Fplt· h1d('ony w, mt n & \'ly \H'W, m111. from Malina , ~:1 f ~. 11w. 644 ·05JO or ~1!17 0328 ~Furnished 675-7876 afl ':30 pm or Unfwnished 3900 $35 mo. Storage only, in Hun+inqt0tt leach 1840 ••••••••••••••••••••••• qul re at: 325 J. 17lh ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tll~ EXCITING Place aft HAM. MI·;~,\ I' IN l':S 1111 •\M> N 1., W !'ol url111 I Nl'W 3 Ur, :.! Ba. frpl. bllos, ,\ • 1>111 111,, ~:in ~·11 1 "'' yur1l , w :.hr /dryer ... ~~1 11111111·11 llC•'l•I'·'"'"' houku,v. ~· Ku.I:; & ~ts 1'11111 J.1111111, frpk & ok b7a-6670or 645·!»00. 1bhY. hr 1\1lult' 110 I"'" AJYf Ml\NAliER, Ren I llp. 11 •la1I) ·•i.;.11 ll.1rla c.lt'\llK'\IOll on new t.lelu.'" !'11 l' 1\1 1 !\h',.t \' rt!" wuts 1u llWll. Harbour 111 111111.1111411 111111 1 Jfl'J Adull L'Ouplc. Writl I \llJ'\ 1'11 l'HEI-. (.'la~s1f1ed Ad 1121, Datl) ~1~1~1 11 l'ilot. p O Uox 15ti0, • Ill I 11.t, 111·"' q1h & 11~!'•. lolt n~ ,\ nfr1>:, 1•111 I .;·.>r, 1111 JH·I, \\I llVW ·~.111.11; l:!hi,('\l SHARP REFURBISHED S~J.1 (),., JJ 11 ua.r~ llHJ\~ IJ NEW CU!\ lJU :: 1 c r . ..! 1 • JI •• . r µ 1 1· 11,hw~hr trans l'rnp\r I" I 11.11111, '-'!:!!>. l).t2.;ms:i 1•\'1• .. hd '11'~1 ,\dull, t-:J~b11h• :.'hr. J•lVI f.l<lllll, l.11111iln, 1·1111 j.,Jr ~ill t..1~ ~I!!>\ CO.-.IJ M tsa 92626 --- • \I.I. ~EW AI>TS 2 & :l lt1lrm' 1·111.'J g ..ir I 1 r l' 11 l a 1· t' ' , b I t · 1 n s (7J I JJ:l>ltrOIKl! 7 days_ ---- :! lid.rm. 2IM, Condo, pool, c·;1q.>!Jrt , ;ullts only S!l:J OIO ~ :J007 * 3 BE0-$295 * POOL-JACUZZI * FAMILY·ADULT BANBURY CROSS 842-6604 SllAHP :! Hr & 3 Br, neur bo:al'h, l> W, FP. patJoo, ~ar·s, ;n arl. 9(i(J-2.J511 N1.·w :! br. 1 ba. 3 br. :! ba 1111n.... Child. ::.mall pt:I PALM MES.A A.-Ts. .MINUTl-.:S TON l'T JICll. Ua<'ll. 1&2 lnt ti om Sl:!O & up ,\dull~. No Pell! 1501 l\le::.:1 Dr 15 lllk~ East of NCWl>Orl Hlvd I 546-9fj(jj) live BIG! Single garage, $35. Costa Mesa. 832-5128 Offke Rlfthll 4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6S•PERSQFT 1617 W~TCLIFF-NB AGT. Ml·S032 1501 Westclff Dr. Newport 1-'inancial Ctr Lffshtc) Office Spac• Call on Sile Manager (714 > 842-3111ext 246 DB.UXE Off.ICES Comm! & indsU spaces, roo to 2000 sq . tt. As low as 35< sq. ft. ug Niguel & Mission Viejo areas. Handy to S.D. Frwy. There's Slmtll1011 Ill Call: 831·1400 ri·ercat1on : T .. 11n1s. sw1mrnms.:. u1lllunb. 2 Airport Offices health clubs, fn•I.' Sunday 1 MONTII FREE lorunt·h. pJrlll'S and f\1ll servire.No leasere· MUCH MOHE! q'd. 200-600 SQ. ft. Plenty 1'1115 heuut1ful '<ini.:lcs or parking. 2082 S.E . 1&.2 bt.•drnom-; fumishi:d Ur1s tol S t , Newport or unfurnished Sorry. Beach. 55'7-7010 ,1clult., onlv. no pel'\. Thl' ----------f>n~l in l'ountry dub 11\ lOI! al a pnl'C you can :if ford. Roommate s 1•n ice 3\'ll.llal>le. Sh:irp -I bet.lrm. 2 bu. c·pts. ti rps, patio, fcneC'd ) arit h.11b ;11111 pet v. t•lc11m ,. 14!e duplex 2 .l r' old J ~ ~;J ~56"7 1\i.:t•nt. Ill• Ur 3 lJJ Frµlc & :! l' Jr fl'\' Blue r..11·1oe•n \ 111.1 I !Ir ·1 lfj , It:"• \\ J,.h,•1 • l.lllo ISi.~: * .: " :1 11.trm-. 111,1t11n· 1lnl'r n·tnl! 1,,,. l).IJU ·uir. •h·n .: "·1 ''1' 1' \)('f· .. \;\'.l'llO\T " !Ir ufll .11h11t•. I"•' p1I 'iili ~,·011 ol.. I >826-6lH6 ------O akwood Garden AparttnL'flts JUST COMPLETED 1''ull service offices, (182 to S17 s.£.) Irv I nd Complex, d1x d~r. re- ccpllonas l, secretary, xerox, blueprint, mail & coffee serv. Formal coo· fcr~nce rm & lounge, fUril/Unfum, avail d81· I>. mo/mo lse. 549.9595 )!ar SS i5 W3 i lJbol /GI ~ 11 J~" fur l.11r ,I\ n1 I r.i~i· llllilr Ill• "' b I Uni. "' ~ II' \ \ Jll.tltlc l'I 1.1 • ',u; I ~I I 11111 t.7'1 ,l.>(21 Charmin~ 2 BH. pat1<1 ~rc•und rtoor •11•t l'h1l<lrl'n OK. S!t>.'.i. llW ~.11; Rf,IO or 6i5-&t30 'l l'r.,., \.tra l)!l' 1-';im Hrn I 1•1' 1·~•! .• llr l.tt1•~. 11 h1.1.,h1. JL'ST H I I I • Hid r ... tr lh1 h'"" h & llr11, \ 11 tcira 1 lit-tt•h 1 11~ \ 11 1 11 k ix;ml', l~~~1~~j1~;1,n; 1 11.irhour ~'~' IJ<r 1111, 1h.1rm.r •tun• fpl• 1'\.ti 1 1,:: .. ::.:·ir":1:, .. :~l.·•;1; .:Hr ,11t1ti<l.tul~J1'll .l.!J 1 .. 111•1111\"/7:.:r• .1111~'\',./;1' Hewpon lffch/ .. ortt. H>tt} I r1 Hll' I it lit h) 64!> 0550 .t.-:i lo I),' .. r1111,1 ''" \,11 " -' l'l!l'..!IHI I''"' 111 -.1111 , , I. l11ol. i:.11 l111n\\h1h llll1 •• ~ .• I• •l 1.1 .• 1L1:.'7 blL.. 11 , · , \ I (L 1 1 ._111 1,,. 1 11111 I. p.1111 "·11!; 111 h I 111" \11111·r I" ' J• " ·' " •· • ~~. Sn5 Olli tu!> 1:1:12 Jl\r h11Jr1l' "tlh l}!I Up !'lfMI I lul l••.JI ,\.I ,1lflp1·r :1 lllt 2 bu. 1 blk to bc·h < ·1.,111 vu' S[.11tJ mo. 2lt toth ~I 962 SOJ.1 M~ l f'OCh/s-tfl I iOO WI h 'il Eucuti•• Row Inc O<c space in Newport. A1rport Area . Reception, phone serv., conference rm. k1tcb., secy serv. dic- t Jting & copy machine. Prom S290. (714)752-7170 2 Dr 21, Bu. F.un kit, .ill ~l.t1r~ llr & h: fnui htrd Loquno Hiquel 3252 I 1111111 111111 ~1-;:; 11111 10.1·.tnfr11nt • llr .q11 "" r 1-· \.'>TStl>l-: .! llr l'Ph I L'11•·hlv 11.·11n11ul ···full~••••••••••••••••••••••• l'.111 ,11.;1;111.1 {<111~•'. '1.~•111111111lultl' drv:-.1•ndi:ar.1.tr1I \<lit btns. :! 1.:ar !:Jr, 1•rclr11 r , , "' r I I I ~· ------· '\r twh. :!br. :!I.la upi)t!r Enc gar . :?1711:0 Urookhur.-t $295. !162 07it! ( iJOH·r at 11>th) c.u 11170 pd S.500 \rl" \\;11 I.!. • l'I • 11n r1w•'l cu t· 1 __ ,1 fllufl, l'l.11u .t Hll l'rul 1111 l"•nr ,\••t i;r• u;,'.lti I I I d Least· ~,J 'I 1·11 .11 I' I llr . -\ tllh'r 1.11 ••.• 111 11r JI lt l r 1111 ' --.!JI) mu ,. '. 1···· '·'' I m1 from h1·h 21 ; 11;1, r I I lt·IJll1' r• I I I h '" .. ,,.in·c,. ... u, i ... _ . :..,., Ii< h ' ' 11·" '"'' • ii "'' ' p.11 nl I• ii-\\ imc·r "r 'rtr. t •·111 cl ' ., , --'.'-I'•• mo t>wrwr !l(i:!·0:.!"6 J' ''" , .1rfl Spoth'" 1hru11111 l•lk 111 111.,ll h l lt.1111111., 1 l•r _ 11.i u1•1>i•r. $:11•1 mo SPYGLASS Front row \'lt>W nf 11<•r:rn & bav 1 lklrm'<. l.111111\ ~ twnus rm t\v.11l.1hl1· :-0.•w. hl ~l IOO mu l'h ~-5061 .1111, 1lti;.! t!.ltil pm ___ P.:11 HiiM \\'.ilk Ito mkt, p1~ I 1'111-.. I hr 1,.,, 1., Ii pl• Ill'"-, '\11 l>t'l' 111.!I \ u l1·11, 1.1 t f;,f 1 •1 IJ.1 hllins. rlrp ... J Hr.:! l-1;1.111c1• l11•1111• •" ~J.'·11 1-. ~·1~1 \l nnth 'lllrtt 1.'1'!17~•1 1>111.I l L'u'l:>-ltil~ll>-> ~ Jlr 2 full Ba, fully cpt'd Nl•WJ)Ort liea(·h :lbr, 11.>J fpll'. 1>1W. like new apt.Blktob.:h ~;;~~~~ ~~~"~;i ~~ .. ::~~~·: ... ~~-~~ ... lrl1I ' f111tl 1·11l ~J· 'Ill' \IO<•I l•l "l'l'h ~1.:.. \~1·111r-1n •• ~.;1 \ 1-. \ H 1. y o c t \...; t \."l°"fl1~; .1 !Ir • 11.1. 1111 '-Ii.I rno li~ltll Coll·d11111.i bl' ~.t>.:.1, ,jl •Ill 111 ,1 .,111: 1111111 JI•' I 1-lllli'-I . w '''"'V'"' I""-~\.'>II 11-.;:•ht!'>t tr 1i:11 r.iwa ni f><'c>an °11 BEAUTIFUL l-'.111111\ 111·rt 1 llH .. 11..1 1 111< Furn 1111m.11'11l.1l1• ~11. h'11\.1 CHAH:'ttl:-.rG 3 llr ., ll.1 frplc Mature .1flu1t,i, 110 pct:.. $.550. &.10 70JI) 1-'cl" :111b, µa:.I SlulC'r t<> 1 I t • t c 1 ::,·~~n,'o r<~l·~l~~~~8~~to; pool. :;c~ i.:u:irrl :1 !tr :~ rnt1111 .,·<11·1·111 ''""'Ill l.1111111!v ,\dull· .. 11" s••l-. NEW OWNERS 1 1 \Ilk ,t tldi, l•·niii·, 11 11•m1• 1,11·111 1111 ''I c.1,11w .... 1 ... r. 1 .• r.., ~· ·''' Harbour 3842 Stcepmg rms $15 SlOS mo ~..- I 'IJ 11\No 11.MJ!I b,1 hou.w of l!I<'"' S.'l:°)(I 1 1'. '' w ' ·' ~.~ n '. \\ "" ~H~111111 .l..>1•.>' Sl J • h11r1 I HEW MANAGEMENT \I ~II l.~•fl:l'llll '• I''" lh SPECT A CUL.AR I A~1.·n11,111 .15'>11 1 • ti1 I h1· 11<-.11 h "'tnl• r r• n SUHFlOWER ••••••••••••••••••••••• All ~. w.k. Share kilt .r:=:'.--- 1 ha\,. Sl'\'l'ral :!&3 b'r cun· bath. Shown Mon Sat ../-....,. du., tor rent Pool som e "only". C..ill aft lpm. ~-..,..... - w tt•nnis S..125 t~ $425 R~fs req'd 556·0058 _,.....,... 7 15 NCll"Cissus Charming ncwh cit• corated 2 Bdrm. 2 bulh co tt age wi th ull amcmtll'' Oix·n !:>ul ~un l :!·S l)tiOOi m u .\.:t b"75-S930 REHTERS ( Cl U" :.how \OU how \ t>U 14111 Ii.• ltvrng rent fn•f' ;11111 111Jkm..: money h) punh.1stnl( \Our o.,.,n 1!11m1• Cull JO\ time. Occ.10 \lewsCrum3 111 ;•\FH\' 'in• j hr.1. h.1 t.tl llupf1 , 1 JIH · 1 1 l bdrmandd~n bu lam1I\ rnum, :t 1 1r llh1 \ "'"' I.urn" 1\1.,1111 1111 ~1·1·1 1;.11 ,\ 111" 2 and 3 bdntu .Juan nr_ Diana. 846-1371 ROOM S $50 wk & up. 11r8.lb·l51Yevcs.. Wilull.'hcns, $42.50 wk & Call Mr Ht•wwt1 64 S· GIOI .::1r nl'W homo• m r>.1n.11 111·.111t· ~ 11ut \\I 111 1" I ·'!111 W Cl\1'.tt1fr11111 3brtowphous•s l'I ~ l!J:. Ownr \ 1.1 1 "•" m11 1.11 ::1;is;.: 1,11. ~1:111111 1.,.11.ii'• lwittt fintcploce~I 1'l3 iT.'I -- t fldrm on Hr.1th SIU\• !lird11pl1•\.nl'"'" ''"''r •' J POOLS ~a Beach 3848 up. Apts. 548 ~7SS , __ S_AN __ C_L_EMENTE ___ _ •• •••••• •• ••••• •••••••• ROOMS Sea L:l rk Motel. Medical Arts 1Wg . 111"1' \' F II O~T T Hr 2274 ~c~port Blvd, C'osta Ideal Medical or Denul SCOTTR.EALTY :! hr to1 • r1I11.: ~ 536-7533 ;1 H ft I 1 1 m 1 , 111• w ffilC 111",I\ 1· I I I 1 I dn1-dq1 <.!,.,, m .. l'.111 u.._,rh .. .u ,1 , • 17uu 1, (n~· 1~.1r.1i.:1• I I al I• I , I \•1 11' II" I" t '\•I JACUZZI ,~., m11 \ rh I ·I t;,1, 1.,11.11 I .. I h !>ollWI ,, • ' 111 I. or tt.111 ""' nt'" d1•l·or. t 1>ts, .M ~su. Som c r e f ri ~. Sl.Dtes. Plush carpets & ctni<. . .:j1 S.100 f~lb oc,o~ nva1I . color TV. AM FM central air. 55'< per n. i:urdcncr ~~111 rnu \pp l•----------1> Jl bJ('I.. .tf'I, ..>.!U SAUNA loquno Higuel 3852 r:adui a\'uil Weekly rcn-Call YEATS COMPANY •••• •• ••••• ••••••••••.. tals S60 & up. 646 7~4_5__ 49fH>660 499-2237 Orchid ,\\ c U0\1n,.tu1r<. ~ mo &11 I.I:!:? lkaut Jhr Condo Ne" ly redeco Presll~c lol."a l'ool ~:\7 ~ '•t;'l I I' t'I \1'.'\\<.11011 \r \rl.1m' & Bu.<.h.ml 536 3225 ::? Br :.! b.1 on i:11ll c uur ,. Sant A "<Int c·nnll 'li.:. Biii 0 no 3280 Apoi tmenh Unfwnished I lw 1• (11 :-0 \ frv. \ '~ ~" (',1 ,h.,11 >' I 111' I"" "1•11 m111• 1 pl.•} ..:r1111ncl, Ufoluxe 1 & 2 Br. S265 & up l\1cc tum room w bJth for pool & rt'('" room, qu1l'I working person. $12S HO. COST A ME.SA -.........••.••.••••.... p .... 1'11 1·1; l1il 3224 ...••....•...........•. 3 nr. :?• 2 B \ ~Ofj.!t'IJU' hrand ncw 1·ondo, " • lri.: pat10~ 2 c .1.r fi(arai.:I' l)OOI. J<H'UUI, llllOI,, :-ul1 mil on kid-; & p<-h <t\60 Coll549 JilOor:'>JI> 1%i; Condo, ne w 3 Br 21 • n.1 A1C. gar. refriJ:!. wsh1 dryr. pool. lt>nn1" yrh lse siso mo 1>42 3443 3 Rr .. 2 Ba. Cam 'rm. on cul dc·~dC. carp ilrp' $425. ind l:Jrcl111·r 551·~1 $275. 2 BR. 1 Ba. ~ar. r1• dee, fed bkyrd Married cpl. no pets 646· !078 • :.: Sl11rv H.-.1th • '-;1•" l'pt. nt'w paint, I br • ' h.1 ~;:, l'.ill B1ll 11!.:! x.~li 3 Hr .! Ra. f.1m 1 m. )t,, dv ) .. rll. "''ht . d r \ 1 r rl.lrii: C.ill 1. .. ru\111• li:.1ws..ino l\.11 'ltll ,. ., Mission Yl~jo 3267 Rl'aut 1 flr nnd" .... ha nr •••••••••• •••• •••••• ••• \Wal'h :.! 1·a1 l!.tr Pool ~l.!S mn s:lli 70.\9 I 111 to" nhl)USI! s.r.:; mf'I l'1w1f & dulihou~· rJl'll l'all ll;idlC'\, Kl7 KK-1 I r'llr\R.\1 1.'if; :Jllr Ill'" l> llrf'11rat1·ol h11m1• J\1·1<(1',11\ llllh.. h• rnc•1j y1I, l01m rnt frpli'. >mrn1·cl 111·1·111>.tn '' 5-li;1 >i.l:lt«l..!I JI,,,, 711>\ I~~\,! I'\ I'' LOWREMT! Chihlrcn. P''t,.,i:lc tWwporl IM!ach 3269 Hundred!> & huntlrctl:; flf •••••• • • •• • • ••• •• • • •• • • h»ll-W~. d uplt"\'.t:>;, ;;ph Lun·I~ unfurn l1t'.1• h a\a1l now. hOU.\t: on h.1v w ... intly S!\5 ..! Br. yard. refr1~. fmnl l'\l "11mmun11 v d'h"'hr &lhoJ CO\C'\ l1l1•nl) or S.:.>65, 2 Br. kid<; OK. l<!ar, park1n~ J l1r. 2 ha. har N cw 3 Br Con d o. nr beach. Call today. S650 m o Yrly ht.• \Ir.. <iua flower & Rt':rr mov(.'toclar Rc~enetht: Loniz.644-861::! I l<ll ., I\\ nit' clrp-. :! t·.ir ..:.ir 1';11111 I• n• t•d \ ml 1' Hh l>I'\ 111\ S.:0..1 ~I 151;7 ,\i:1·nt 1111 f,. .. 3298 ...•..••..........•...• \ rr\' ntc·1• I hr ;,o 11 .. hf'lmt· ~11h t>W, dr;tflt'' cpl s :: I' n r 1:11 r , )!1)()(1 ;1 r<'.I ~l'J.J ~••I 1~.1,\l!t'nt.1111 fn• lll'.tllt I Hdrm l'ruf In ti :-.11• d ya r fl :-. I l' 1• 11t·1~ltlw1rh11<1<I ~11>.'i m11 l'11nm .. , ,\t.:l '\;o l••c 1711 l !UK lAA'11•r (:!I.I I 1'.10%'1'> • • l.:iq•1· 1 hr.:! hJ f:lo11l~ hornc· I '11>11'. panl'lini.: l.1m rrn 11111<.h rrptl!, hltn,, 1•xtra" t'Jo 51c\. S l'.11 mo !168 .. n::n ur ~5 76AA ...•.•.•..••..•.••..... , Gf'Mrol 38 02 . .........•...•........ FROM $285 UP 2S 11 W. S•flower 557-4800 S.A. • llor ~11.,1 I nil• n .. I• h I ('l'l'. Ill JI '· t I r••I ',111 • 1111 1• • 1 Is·••, ' ... .,.. T•1"11hu11.,. :.! '11 h.J:I K'1.1 lilt I , ti,1 p.1l111 ,1ilul1:> Balboa Island 3806 I•" l' :1-1 St i>I:.! ~111 •••••••••••••••••••••••I :111·· .. 1 \'1·rtl1• :ll:"I ('111 ~1•-• 11 II I '1111 ' 111 11 .. 11 .•. 1 1111111111 J.~· ..!l•r. '!Ila 1111 ~ 1!.tr 1•lo.1: \\ .1al Ill ·' 1•111 .~ <lrp·. i•nc·lo\c·d ).?.tr tl1;,:11.w;:c_.,,1~ \dlt ". nn ptl'-'1 ~:!7 ~ 1.ol Klh:'l11r.1ppt 1111\!l' l.11 Hm 11111 11111. Hrq1ul'l -..1.:1:1.,(1 ,1111.11 THEO.AISY tl(·h •• ~:1 •1.1. •11., "' .11 I FOR KIDS AHO THEIR PARENTS! Bolboo P"1insulo 3807 •Pool .•..•.....•..•.•....... ~!Ml :• Hr :• ll;i, ., ... 1, ll.1' \ ll'W • ..! \'.Ir 1•11cl }!JI. ~I h 11.tlciin~ TS!. ~.:ml 64.:! WI l •2bedrooms •Tot lot l'ut111 ... fene!'il y.1rd!. 6S7 Wt•'lt lklh ..,l <.:all 631 3.'>1:1 arf'a 83l·n66 C.M. 7Sl·SS88 • Pn vate office $75 pet' monlb incl uLil. Hewporl 14:och 3869 ..•.••....•..•••..•..•. PARK NEWPORT 11.11'11 r lnr:.. I or 2 1i.•clro<1ms & Townhouses From S264.SO Sp1•1taeular spa. total r ct•rc:alion program. soclul pro$Zrnm. 8 pools. I:\ ·tennis courts. Al Fashion JslMd. Jamboree & San Jouquin Hills Road 1714) 644· 1900 '\t·w duplex<'" 2 3 l>r SJ50 1111 yrly. Family & pets .~ 67~-4912 Rlock (r(lm water, Sborcs Jrl'a 4 bd, 2 ba duplex. \'rise {il4 1956-5871 Amb:\'\sador Inn in Costa :\11.".SJ, 2Z77 llarbor. Cen tralt.v IOl·atetl, 23S rooms. MAN\' with k1teben. phone & TV Sw1mmms.: pool. J•H·uu1, and rec room Daily & wcekl) •440 SQ. FT. Carpet. drapes, air cond. $195 per month incl uW. •Two otnce suites, 630 SQ. IT. $225 per month anel utiJ. ~2200 (213)697 .2064 rates startaoi: rrom S48 a -0-EC-UTl--V-E_S_U_m--5- w..ek. &15-4840 Deluxe private omce. ----------..,,..--1 Sunny, air cond. Rm & pvt bath to ynj? Persooallzed phone cov- empld lady or student. e r age, sec retarial Kat pri v. Cotrl Joe. service. Easy fwy ac- 548-4077 NB. ~. 666 Ba.leer SL, C.M. M--us-lc-1a_n_Wl-.l-h_4_bd_r_m_h_s-te Nr. OC Ail'"PQrt. 546-2982 to rent rm lo rem 'I $130 Deluxe office spa~ S2S' Incl ut1I & pbone HH. 2052 Newport Blvd. CM. 960-4 lJJ 38c n. SS6-4181, 644-2228 H B nrG.W./Woml'r, low1•--------- re.nt, ktteh pnv'ldg::.. t P'ritat Ofc. S,.C. Im med oce 5500 mo neht place The experts, E~TBLUFF' /f(H SF 4 1$1 5711!: 644 1493 fl'(• !i45 1900 •• ----••Co umersGu'de Bdrm. family, \ll\I, Condomi"iums Unfwnistwd 3425 Capistrano leach 3818 2 hr 1 -.1ucho, !!Jr. kitl ok n1> J.l(·t~ (,lull l triµh•s S:Jlll J'it; E ltilh :-it :.! Br dishwhr, new carpet Don-smoking lady wh In Cost a Mesa . Xlnt. snsyrly; nopet eh1ld will babysit 4 yr. old 2 rat.es. :11 I Jli St. 64-'-4340 frplc t!ves p wk. 11.\7 084.2 ltJdlsd K .. worltry .AHTIQUE IUFF ns 1 ~75 mo ......•..•.....••...... .......•...•........... !..ante 3 hcdrm, r u.c;11r ~SO Great hou.::.~ on C'UI Ail\_. ___ _ La.sts1de < harm<"r l>in de• ~ac 1 br, 2• z ha, '''P BLUFFS CONDOS 6-1 1 1113 lno!una Villa"~·~ htlrm.::? l>J. \ If w $.l.<io ml( rm, dmclle, mcxkrn pool & pla) yo Pnol 'lcn Leases s tarting al !;,<JO lot. lge yard $450 mo Fm<' nrl'a i'r parks, 'rbl Month. Agcnl6'14 1133 ~1 K258 Call Lurry, !>46-5880 & lthr;1rv 539 2709 3 RR, 2 ba , 2 "' y . rpl hit ms. dbl J(ar $175 Mu Agt. 675-1642 Mesa Verde lux. 1•x1•c hom<' 4 Bcf rm . :i loa S~9!i, mo. bl & l~;.1 4!17·2C>l2 ----Older house 2Dr 11',.1 "r Atlanta ~a i:nolt a. izar nr 'lhls lee , rel Solboo Island 1111 'l r I.om rm DH. ut1~ Lca~e $385, bt. lu~l+ Sl~>\1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rm or I llll·DH, (pk, ~ dep. I rhtld l)K 645->i~i L~'.t' 1 TIR, di.hwhr, ~un JI,,, 1•11lcft· ... a1· $19~rnrl - -1h•1·k s:12s \"fl) 2lll i.:arden<•r r'\)..'l . !162·4454 ,\ l>f-auliful 4 br, ::!'' Ila (°(11111\s 117~ 9:l7H hnmr with v1t'" 1n Seav1ew for SlOnO 1110 N11·,, c•lt·:ln :.! Ult, l Ba, PROn:ss. DECO R· U II q· F,iliMi Ihm .lune• 1mlv Inquire AT~:o Nr. Park & l·•kc. :1 ~iqur -omf'.'I v 1 Low RE.a11 u JI I llul\y or c:!ll 675·8597 ,... • hr. :! b:i. fnctl yd w bnq t BR, I Bl\ hou"' ~so p1•r - - - Wehavl'hundr1'11'&hun S.175 K<l2·11540or894·~7. m o. Yrly rl'nt.tl 11111:1• f.1v Rm. flm Hm. cl reds or rentals a\ a II 213441.1251 •111 . q u1et $349.~H. •, hlk now ! Chlldrcn & pt•l::. a B H, 2 DJ\ w crpt.'I. drps, 111 h\ h 1;;3 9!'><17 2M P1·arl OK. rrncrcl ~ard, kcd-; pl'I'\ llARBOR VIEW 11'1S 1 S21S. util pd. Ila~ rcfng Oh S365 9ti3·4567 Agent, Br. Cam & dm rm. (lOOI Balboa rettiMulo 3707 $200,mustsoo!PatlO, nufl'~ foC'tl5675mo644 ·11 :11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• re!ril(. Ort>anfront lu"<ury 2 & 3 $280, 2 Rr l v.t Ra. gar SuJ>('r sharp 5 br exec l l\1Jms 4 Or. cl' ~n 'I hi~ Ulirm, 2 prk J! Winter dishwasher home H.•!!hly upgraded park, pool sc.so mo ~ up 2004 w. Ocean· $260, 2 l:tr. luds, pets OK throout, 2400 sq ft • :!'" lncls l!rdnr 6 mo nun fnmt S41 2"W. Nice! ba. formal din rm. lgP lse 833·11!61 S2302 Br, p::ilio. gar. ram rm, bnght country .aWPT CREST co.aoo 1 nr. 1 hlk brh s2.so. mo kids OK <.:all the CllJ>«'rt'.'I kitchen, ~ardcnC'r furn. " " \rry II!<' l hr $35() Ulll. referral service. Save S6()() mo 848·94Zi 4 Br . Ba. pool. tennis :l, incl 615 01;12 fee. 645-4900 k1dsok S600 &10·1751 ----••ec...s. .. rs fiulcle lrviM 3244 --------2br. lba. Stefl" lo hl·h. FM Lse clean 3br, 2ba Coodo in Monticello. No pet.a, c bildrcn maybf'. Credit a pp s:JR!i AJ!t Joan Hcnnnn, Tnrhdl, 54().1720 Mesa Verde 3 Ar, 2 ba, frplc, c pts. drp'I, nr sch ool s. $425 /mo 2}3.596-5087 4 Bdrm. 2 ba, fr-pie, 1>001, & lawn scr v 2~126 C'aro eitle $5!!0 mo 213/326-0495 Mese Verde 4 br. 2 hn, rlhl (rplc. 1mmar L()vcl)' ~a rd en. $61115. 548-1.313 Of' 540-3828 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newly decorated upµt•r Wintrr. ut1I pd, parking. RENTALS 2 BR, :! ba . • . . $425 :i2!i 2 + l>or3hr.2ba . $SZ5 :IRH,:>ffa .• S5SO 700 :t Hll. 21, Ra ........ S42.'i 41.sll, 21, Ba ........ S7!15 l'OST J\ M f;SI\ 3 fiR.2 b:ilhs ....... $450 Uuplc;w;. 4 DR & dl•n.:? ha, li75-12-\8 frpl<', hltn rnn~c & nvrn. r~-....... -,-M-or---3-7-2-2-n W. n •fn i:. Wi.h Drvr '---Ull'I Newport !:.le Yrly l'lc • •••••••••••••••••••••• $.">2.'l mo. 67S-9J82 Fum 1 Br apt. 3 Dlk~ ----fmm heh $3:lS mo lt'ni.c OH W.ATER r.75 59114, 640-7771 or Charmln.i: 2 'llory 1n tw!\l 1~11-0900. buyfro11t l<>1·ut1nn •t -----7 Bed rm homt• Year!~· Costa Mesa l 24 lra.se-$MOO mo. Avall ••••••••••••••••••••••• furnished. $40.00 WEEIC & UP Sau11bury lll'ulty •Studm & 1 DR Apt!! 67:1 li~CIO •"IV & Maid S<-rv l\v.111 -----•Phone S4-rv, lltcl pool •'.}Br lwnh~c. view n1•x1 237fiNr'wport fllv<l. C.,f to hu1'.t' p~l (h1rk :!•, ll.1. ~UI !17~orf'°"~> 3007 II \.\. fpf•', p.11111, g.1r. IXIOI, Jll• U7/1, 1·1' $.1:,() <.:Altl>F:N APT . 1 Bdrm. lf523 c.o lPUSDt:IR\llME inn hill :.IJ26, Iii 1 11:114 pool, $22S mo. Adults, DO I'\ e'! p('t.'I 64f)-677 4 :o.pac111u~ :? nn :? 11.1 lluplt•x. frpl. frcl ) ril rlt"c In srh" & sh<J(l'> ,'\u pets $.195 196-41117 CoronodelMor 3822 ..•..••••...•....•..... \ORONA UET. :\Ii\ H 2 llr TownhnUM'. frplr l'ool. t<'nnis. Some Ol'<.,•n & Cutahna v11•ws. Clo~,. to shoppmr:: & hnc bt'.tl'h 644·261 I IREA THT AKIHG JETI'YVIEW trpgradccf 3 lllt u111wr. ~ll'ps to <:htnrt rnvr $i:>11 M 0 (' 11 I ! N I .i: 1• I • J l Mt7:?1\Mtt I SJl::irinu'> 11p1wr cl1111h•"< with 4 kvPI' ;1 Tl~·llrm 2 ha, fpll'. 2 fth-k., to II•.: Corona ~1;011 •m11 Sahshury n,•.ilt:v fi73 1::11111 lln~hl & 1h1•t>ry 2 BR I ha C.1lh1•llral c1•1I M 1111 \WW MOO ,\to 1\i;I .\tl'j :t.11\11 hi I ;.!:•1:• l'>l'l-:A.''ffRONT YRLY. 2 Vocation Rentals 4250 CC>arORAT!RLTY Br l Fin, encl J:ar. al ••••••••••••••••••••••• 714-551-1701 :.!. hr, pvt Nt10 dshwhr qwct encl of W. !'IR S500 Cabm-Big Hear. Slps l21·--------- d11un)t rm. fr1>k inc ut1l 548-121!1 o r Poollbl,clrTV. $SO day.-----------~7 ~I ~94221 GH!611. Prof/Exec/Medornces Sm store $85-$300w/util. ::? llr <lupll'X. fnrd yard. L IDO-CHO ICE 2 br. Rentolsto$hore 4300 HB.963-1243;840..1571 !>tovt>,noPC't.'I S2f.:imo. \ll'W. pa u n, frpk , din •••••••••••••••••••••••------------ 645·34H5 rm. AdulLo; $500 675 f.359 Woman companion over 600 Sq . Ft., Airport. PROMONTORY BS w/car to share CdM Prime location. 4321 HE WP ORT ArARTMEHT :!llH ~l:)O lnCant!I onlv. No P\!ls 24SO Nt•wport Blvd co .. tu MC''IB PENTIIOUSK \'lt.:W, 2 homo w snme. Rm & Birch SL Ste. 200. Exec rm. 2 Ba + loft. Small boon! & nominal 1:o11lary ofc & reception rm, pvt · pctok. Si00 67:i·5756 to right perN>n. Nit.e or bat~ w/shower. Eo ~l ---day, pb673-4725 pul10. $390 m o . K - Do you like the beach"' ----------1 Investment. 754·7900 •MOVING? S.AVE $ omce space 1100 sq ft. L¢C' !! !Ir, hltns. m•:1r Let us h<'IP you find a drvided into 6 offices on i.hops. no pct-;, q u1et congenial roommulr. Mesa Verde Crpts, drps, Professional decor, l hr i\ rare chance at $310. 1510 W Balboa 67S-7101 adl~. $225 645-2610 ~ 3br, 2ba, encl gar. •SllARE A HOME• AIC. SO• sq. fl. Call ----Hloclt to beach. balcony, 645-7465 640-84!\ll Hadley, 963·8933 2 nn. 1 ba tluplex ~lllns · vard. No pets. Realtor wiU share fully l'lltl gar. pn\10 Kids & TsLMgml 642-1603 ---------- pr·t<; o K ~3110 mo Sha.re 2 BR hm In Irv. furn. ore. w/same. Your t>l2 llKl6 ask for .Jnc On the canal. Luxury l br. w 'YR F.xec. Woodbriditc . own business. Choice -----Open beams, frplc. 2 Oakt> pools & lac) 12 Costa Mesa locaUon. Call :? Jiil. <! I~\ 2 patio'\ Nn decks. Adults only, Do Mm to bell. Sl9S + utJI. _Ed_7_5_l_·77_60 _____ _ Pl'\'., $"JS mo. Cu ll pets Yrly $36S/mo. 559-65<'8 Sub-let fuJI service Exec. li7S ~111 673 03.57 • 2 girls need samt' to sharl' ofc. Nwpl Ctr. Furn, l'l.l'Sll NEW 2 st y, 2llr. Spaeiom 3 br, crpts, drp~. 3Bd hse m 11 n. $130 mo r cept, Xerox, meal· tn plt'x. w huf:r frplf'. bltns. frplc. Gar. No + uUI 848·9303 coff~e s rvc, con!. rm, 1·.1r Drive hv 365 pets. Adults only. Nc>ar ----------• 64<M400 ll.1mtlton. $41111 mo Hoag Hospital SJ75. •How.SIMlriftCJS.rf.1..0 --V-1''-.L-Y_F_a_s_bi-.on--J-sl_a_n_d :.l!l I I Iii 5'V5·2005 Small Fee Only After /\c uffiees. Comp. furn'd. &. l.lduxe tn plC't :! Hr & Lido Vig area, Ii!<' 2 Br 2 ceptance Of Roommate dccorat'd . $225 per ofc:. t11•n. nr n H BI 111:., nn. dl·n. nshwshr, fplc, _530-24_94 __ -----M r . A n tho n y • ibh"~h.r. l'P,l. drp-;., .'.~pl, gar, 2nd floor. S400 mo. Mal<' Chnst1a11 rm ml nd 'd 714·640-4082 ,11111~ s:m; t nll SUl·.11 •7 ml"I ut.11 67:1 M-14 _ to shr hsc. San Juan. --.-C-O_S_T-... -M-ES-... -.-- 71!l'".1 Jns :1 Hr 2 !111 , h1~h t 823 99 2286 "' "' clJ.!..,,fpl1.ll1.·rk i\\lNm c;>ui•t,Spacio'*I YFJ\RLY NOFl'~i': 66 •1 · •4 . Deluxeoffice,711W.17lh 1. s.iso. 67S·S3Xll an li Eastslck 2 bdrm 23 ~rr llappll, \ .. IA'° ~ AVOID INCOMPATlDLE ~,u, ~i! R:!· 830 liq. ft. - ----P atio. J:Jtrn~t.\ nr ~hop~. 0 ~,.... """'"" ROOMMATl!:S! ......, U"U9~ OC1':AN vn;w Al 'l'hl' small pcl/ch1ltl ok. SJIO 3 Br opt. furn S600 Short..'S :?br suh-lsC'. PJltn. 64.'l 38S8, G4S 4166 :rnr ho~ S700 1-iouse-Motes 832-41 34 I rµlc. pool. tl•nn1.,. t.:12:, ~ Br upt $.S2S To.Iles The Guesswork mo (save $25 mu. l l !Ir upJ><'r. Sl95. 2 Hr 4 flrhou."le $650 Out ofFmdlnl( 75!Hrtt;, tower, $2:!5. adulttl, no /\LI.CLOSE TO BEACH TilJ\T R IGHT PERSON Sha.re otc space ln CdM. ~hwy, &L Jovel. Call 644-MIM.. 4450 -----pt'I.!\. 631·2177 Property House642·3850 So•• SS by Sltari"9 "f'\'t·r hvf'<I in 3 Bdrm. :• -------------••••••••••••••••--••• hnlh -;11n rl1·r k.h.-111111fut Townhou.~c 2 hr, lh II~ :I Rr 2 Ba. bcBm cl1ts. FF.M,rm·matenda11amt'. Cannery Vlllage, 2813 J Iv dl'l"or:il•·d ....,c, 1 hllilrrn frplr. J(Brlll'?l', patio J.17.'. wood paneling. fplr. H H <l RR, pvt ba. 1"'1 ml Lafayette at 29th. 2 level or pets. $500 mn. /\gt C' .ill for appt. betwn 111 b hltn.-., c lose t-0 bch. $450 to bch. Nace? 646-7$80 all. ofc or store. 450 sq. Jt. 67S-~9JO ""6-2010 yrty. 673-7t>84 6 ' __ ~90/mo. Pb: t'J~ l ' Thursday, October e. 19n Add 11...Bu1ld 1t... 01a~r it. .Hammer 1t. . Carpet 1t...Cem ent it...Wire it...Hoe 1t...Clean 1t...Move 1t...Press 1t...Pa1nt ii . Nail 1t Plaster 1t...Fix it. .. SERVICE DIRECTORY Plumb it. .. Pa tch 1t...P1pe 1 em o e 1 Roof 1t .. Landscape 1t...Tilc 1t...Trim it...Sewlt... Haul it. .. Add it . Plant it.. Alte r it ... Learn It ... AppliGK• bpoir •••••••••••••••••••••• ll & J Apphanct.> S~r' Tl:Ut• <.:l:IAHG I:: $10 4!\rtS S. M.&U\, S A 349-~22 u:i1 01 ••••••.......•....•.•. Contractor .••.................... ....•...........•..•... llU·: HAPPY COOi( ER - We wall cook. serve unJ ar 1'11·;1nup for your i,:.1t.hc11111::.. Reasonabll•. Lesl.ac or Sarah. Aft Sl' M, b73 3<\K6 WEISZ l ONSTH V\TIO"l Houm /\d1.hl1om. £!rmll 1: J'a11111111: i\11 l.) "''~of honw 1 l·p:11 t' "l 11 t· 21!11( I:• () 1111 WI' I" t;.U MOJ Gcrde'ftl~ ...••.•..••.••..•...... li.1nh 111111: :Ow1' H'• t 1, .111 up ,\ h.1111111~ .,..,.,I.I\ lllolllll •'lt.111\ I JI o J ·•Ill I hh• r.1\i'' tn·o• ,.,111u.1i.-, \111·1 I Ju ''k r111 lluu t.1:1 11.,1 I or ..ix 1!)111 .....•.........•.•....• !"llt: \1 1 ~:sT h.1ut111. 111 l11v.11 1-·r ,.,1, <111-.\I" ~I • "I'•• 111 t.1 'i 11'"' Houucle!Clftift<J Mo•inq • 'oifrtincJf'openDCJ ~ ···•·········•••••··••· ...............•.•..............•.•...••....••••••..•.••••••••••••... I llFSL ""Ill~ .. c:tttl ._, !-.mull Mo\'1n~&lL1uhn.: 1'11 l.11 •ht• 11 \u11r hn1111• l-'11>t• l-blllnatc:. 111 hu 1111 • • '""I ltn ti-12 oaKO :-1111 1t1111· 1;111 1 .. r ,, • 1 1 • I 1 I 1· .1 111 n ..: PcMntinq/PaperiftC) 'I\ I I H1 •• ' I 111•'" \.",di ••••••••••••••••••••••• When yc>u 'r1· t ulkini: llO~F.SAV~ns. Plumb· . I , h , l • mi: & I lt•atlnf( & air ('On a >out l,l, )OU ""~.lo ~ ihtwmo.: i-·rec e1t,. $10 Isl· & 1ow an· 1:-.l. t-<ir 1~1 hr llont•!it & rellnbl\• dj:.s work 111111 tv11 llOl! :.t•n lu• JJo(/\. MIC OK m.1tt•11ul. 11111 .& 1·\ir 7~1 :n50 !-11.111· 1·u11t1· ltt· J llon l';irpcotr>' u uy typ1•, C.ilincjs. Acomtic Gcnl'r1il Co11tr.11·t111 lklt.1lil1• fo '''' ,/jlJ,111<''1 llti.: lrLM·k • lw.111 ,,,.,," ........ h 11•1 \\t11 !\1111: ''" 111·111 l~ol ohli:I 1!11·111' I itt·i: l'l'"l f.llS l'All\ 11:'\l, l 'I" d lt1•Jo; !(.tic~ Fr1.·1· l·::-.1 ('nit C:t·nt· 5.~ 1;1r.is 1lt·1l 111\r l 'll·.1:-.1• nml.11·t Panel, doors. l·lc Al:. ••••••••••••••••-•••••• C:ornm 'I. lH t•sl Aft s. El'()nomy Arouslil's, Quul 5'&8 27 19 'rna)'Nf n·11tnr.:s. rl' l\ltl'•lll\tY w.i11, ('11111 ti;1nl1·111·1 ll<',1 "111,tlol\· <)('(' Stud• 111 lrtk I. I I;, h 111 r • I lfl••' 111111 tit..! 11UJ I h111"'' 11-.1111111• \\ 1 n1h1w • I 1111d I .111• I itl\>IJ 11 I~ lllu•· IJ1jnrn11J l'a111uui:. ,ool Set"vk:•, R•pain 11wn·1al & l<r:-.1d111tjl ln't'l''t.1;.1:, !1l.lll M1k1• ••••••••••••••••••••••• IJll.li:s 831 !1:!87 pu1rs. t;uar. L.ar 1!32'JW5. Ooors. w1n<lows, rah .... t-'re1.•e:;t 536-1800 :-hclve:s lfou~h & J.'m1:.h -· · -----Dttumakiftq Pickup work. ti4:.!·tl7f:l:i ~/Cafteret• ••••••••••••••••• ••••• • C -s.-rv -•••••••••••••••• ••••••• S\.'WUH! & l)\•,lf.tO t•l 't ., arpet le~ CcM ENT WOHK. Al l be:lt. Yourhuml•ormull' ••••••••••••••••••••••• kinds. HtJasonnble. Free Also all cra l 1 011~ ,'!,( L"urvct Man w11l l..1y ~ours i'SIS. Call 7SG-&>25 ClL~tom dra~·ncs Cdl\t or mine. Kt•pu11·!1 &c -b41H199 dl'anmg too• Cuar work or ,1t lHgger sav1n~s. J.'rl'C •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ei>l, 6'15 3646 HJ lluJfmJn & Sun. G1·n Bedricol , . c 'l Iii. .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Shampoo & st• n ·+• -.untr. ~tum ~' to: At,t1. ELL'CTR c t .... 1 \'I · • car ~ .. an r. al 1 o s c a b 1 n e l s c. 1 '' • !'i r. 1 ( 1-. Color bnghten..-rs .• whl urrnii·a. New ronst. fl~~ CAJ.LS Sl S hr. & S MALi. cpts l.Omanblcuch.Clcun & comm . 645 .~644 ; JOllS842·8:!33 bv, din rm. baU SlS Av~ :>11:145-$! Lac Uonded ----• rm S7 so. roix·h $111. rhr -- - ---Hubbard Electric S.S. Guar ehrn pct odor Drywall And Acoustic Llc:J271Jti i;.i5 007 1 CPt repair 15 yrs 1•wr SPt'c .. St Lit'. b36·57J8 or -- Do work myself Hd:1 (213)422 0279 ELEC:rRICtAN Pr1n•1I 531-0101. ----r1~hl fre1• 1•st1mal .. on -P .D.l . Corp . Lie d lar~1.·orsmjJIJul>~ We Care Carpet Clean..-rs <'nglllt>Crs & Gen'I Build· Litl·n~1.-d tiiJ u:l'o!I Steam r leanor s hampoo 1 n ~ Cunt r art or o;. ---- also upholstery.all work ~pccla h zing r es1J . GardH!iftCJ guar. T'ruck mount unit ,·urnm'l, new or adds. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ::;;t6t, r cus r a tci. t~li).7020 WEEDINli Cl.Jo:J\NUPs -------MARK SILER CONST. W1.>ckly M.unlL•n11111·t· Th<' fasle:.t draw in lht· Ncwconst. Hes/comm'I. 1-l'cct.-.o<l Ii i.! 9:1l)7 West. . a J>a1ly Pllol llrn add. rer:nodcl. l'ulio E;pr'd i:.mlt·n<'r Yartl /l.t Clt1<;si£1cd Ad. Pho ne Uc t.'Ontr. Call 9'79·441 1 Clcunups. Fr<'t' c:.l. Call 042-5671f. Want Ad Help? &12-5tl78 Pl'<iro at &.1&-54-01 1>11'. I• I .. 11111 .. , 111w ;\l.1111 h·11a111·1• \low & t••I)••· l·'ull m.11111 , h.11111111 1·1111 11 Ull!>, llll11lilll1q: l-'1 1•1• l':.t Ii"/ .1 ... .t 11 t.ltl 5572 ......••••••••....•...• 11 \ '111 Y \1 A"' 'JO .Hiii l <HI !->MALL t.i..> .!110 ll 11\ol lo .•.......•.........•... l'ltOI-' Womt'n w.1111-. 111 111111"• '''· wt111l• r1'11ll' i: 'lipt llt'h arc•11. I ' 1 .. tth1111f ""I ( 11·-. 1.11 I ' 1· I ' ti°/J iKll~I Ho.necleaninq l.ldd JOI''· JJ.111111111!. Ill W;ml ;1 Hr: \I I ' 1 'J l \-.; I 1 1 ,. 'l r v. 1''ii11 v. llt>l'SE'' <:.111 t.in~h.1111 w.1~1111w J, rc ,. t.1.> Kl!.11 l111 I 1-'r~·t• ,.,, ,;.1~, '11'' t I \1 'I Olllt II \NllY \t \;-... l<l..,111 C111111nl Fr1'<' ··~t lilljr,111l1•1·d. L>.1ll,1:. 1;..1a~ 11 1 > L :S 1-: ~ r 1-: I' l . II 1-:.\l'f!l 1 Alll'ml.l\m' .\ s,,1111 "'" l"all 1;.tli 7:1J1i '' r I. 1o1111 %0 ,Jb 11, 1.:.M.. 7i 11 JMM1\I 'I 'J,/\'!'lo: ('l,t-:AI\ IN(; 'I 1111 IJ!o;slo:HVJo: lh1• HES'I' 7~1:1 u;n; lhrw11wn1"~ tlou~~cll'Ofl· rni: .Xlnt w111k, rl'ls, ~d r.1l1•:. 11w11tr,111~'1>·12 \4u:1 Landscapift<J ·········•··•·•••·••·•· T1•"' ,,. 1•11 lnm & n·m ll111u '"" 11n·1I. "Prklr 1111 , l.1v.11 reno\ 111~( 1·011111..; VI .Jlk.:I Sovtft Coast Landscapln9 N:J.1 llCWi(J 1111111 '"'' 111 <'µ l'lunh, ll.11111\ m ,111 l'.11111111 1·. l1Dl'S£Cl.l·:.l\:'a:-.n 1-.uur ,hruJ1, 1.1...,11., u, .... ., l'h11li.h:iul11n• tum Ill" Bo"'"l''' lt1•l1 ;t lol1· r.ill'' lludt,1JIUl!J !o:>I J:!;J:J S \'tl ll"t" •• 1.1111• I' ~ H.1,· ......•................ !-ok11>ln.ut.•r llump 1 ntl'k •J.1uh11 1:. lll"' v.11d •. i:1.1d1n1:. d 1•11111 •'I l' II.II 1:!57 ~1'tl\' .\1111s at t.17~ 1..:>. .. I Masonry •.••........••.•....... II \llll Yo.Ill! lh1· hP·I llr11•kv.1111\ S111.itl J•1h:-. h111l"" I" 1111111:. 1111111• Iii•· !\,•o,t VOi i l'u:-.l.1 :'11C''j & l~·'t p11l 11111 .l111hl\' Ill lr\1111' t115 ·,117.1t'\I'!> 1h1•l•·,1 !'111111 n•s lt1·ha hh· Call ll\•t• t( lX K5'r.: ll:l1·p !>1111wll1111i: to1 'l'\1 7 :0.1-.1.1. 11lh• 1l1•111s with .1 Cl ,1:-.:-.tl ll'<l ;11 ls d;i II \\ 1•11 l)jil V l'lh•l ~.'l,1:.~11 ll'd /\d "·" t' sornl'thmi: } uu w:1111 111,,l'll'! Class1r11:.'<1 uds do II wl'll. &t:!·!'iG71!. Point Your Cosffe ,\1·1·rui:1• Extr t Stry S:-1~5 :.! Story $5-1:,. lntr $-l51 in l•nc•1•s ind m;itr I labor t...u1.11• l11srd. Fn°l'l':.l. 'l\•tl 6:lti 7Uk:1 raint & l'u1>4•rmr, :!I yr' :.1•n · i: llurbor Jl4.'•• .Sl ht· 111:1281 rel-.. i;.1i ~W. . Prof. Pap1•r ll.1n~H1g, "'" (27!J51•1 ) & lllSUl'l!d 5Ml-!'il!l4 ur 979 ·17-l:I PRUl:-'1'~SS10NAL J'1.1illt· I • ' • • •. Ill).!. lllll'r1 t:xtt·r llt',1i,, PAI !::ft. l /\1:'11 r .• .'O ~ f !i """rk i:u.irti-12 u:IHG t;'PI . S;il1sluct 1~11 ,1:u~11 . Sa\'1• $~ 110 wail Kiii 31:17S llt':.au t1fy your pool rtepa1r & rcplatemcnt ot ultl lalc or <·01unK. 1"re1· ci.t. Guur 536·7962 & 1179-0743 -Roofing ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOOF'S instullro factorv din•cl . t•i.t:.ib'J 35 yri; t.:.11 1 Harold Gunn , 5'1~·2l!Gl Fair pm·t•s. Stall' ht· & In -Wt:ISZ PAINTING! flOOt'S FOR LFSS ''" t-:~tt·nor :.pt·cwhM lN'rE'.I' ion EXT~RIOll 1\11 t ype-s. {inan avail Try rm• <.:ah co ta6·S555 ' L"-1· /bond'd Commel"<.'ljl1 Hestd enlial nee t.'Sl, JC • lO WORK G UAR/\J'lTE!-:L> ~late L1r . 31~12 sr. Senior calii.eru; dh;cnl lnll·rmr, t-:xtr !-'rec t.-:il Call DON WEISZ for !$1-0t21 anytime 25 yr:, l'!\P &12·0'.!95 Frcn·stimnlc W2 MOJ lkpnirs-:-Lic'd._&_l_.ns_rd HH;NC; Mun. 5 yr.. 1·xpr l'ktstff/R~r All tyix.-s. Free est.· C:lll 11t walltovering. 1-·n.•r ••••••••••••••••••••••• an)'tamcs.11·5930\Valt l"'l'> t;.15~76.Andy VEHVNP.ATPAT<.:ll Tile -----JOU.S &'l'k;XTU lt~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'l\INTING Jntr/F.xlr Frt.'\:t'j,l. 8_93-1439 c.;L·nA•.tJC TILE. New or 1-:'<pr 11, h onest. m •al "' •• Hl",1!>. Lit"d . !lti·I 10-15 r.Hl'll Pl;.istcrini.t. all rt'model. Pree es.t. sm~ lJa\ •' t\ µt.'!>, 1r,•1.· c5umutcs. jobs wekomc. 536·242ii • "'IU 6825 ult S lo'OSTl-:H'S P/\INTING. --" ------- Corn rn 'I & lles1dcnl1 a I. PlwnbiecJ "'°""CJ ~ u JOU loo big or too •• ••••••••• • ••• •• •• •• • • •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ~mull. l :! yrs cxpr. Fully UltAINS CLE!\HEL> l'ut.or will hclJl you i~ uny 1n s rd lie. 63li·69l:IS & 1-'ltOM S3.50 clai.s, MA <lcgrnc, learn l0i3-~l.)'l Call 751·~4! Spanish. 004·1814. ~ .. y soos aus~ity 5005 ~!.~.~ ...... ~~-~~ ':~'!': ......... ~:.~~ ~~~· ..... ~~-~~ ~~'r.~~.~·~~ ..... ~!.~~ ~~~~·::! ..... !!!!~ ~~!.~~~·.-:! ..... ~!.~~ ~.~~ ..... !~.~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uist or Found a pt•t" Call An.•h1tectural dl's11:n1•r & GOAT WASH ER. f ull CLERICAL An 1 ma I A -;s 1, I an,. l' LINDA & VICKI t•xpt·r <.lrall~m.111 . abo ATTRACTIVE t11ne. apply rn person, Knrdex Inventory t.'On IUSIHIESS o,,onuHmES -Sc6g CW» -.............. '*"' ......... locatlo", price i"cl•de1 6 nill a ah. .. $120,000. -WN. C~ ..ct ~ Shop - Coast Hl9hway locatlan '" L•CJIHICI le«JL .. $40,000. -Hair Waft -Fot-....... Gllid WOIMft, "' LOIJIMCI IMch. .. $60,000. -Pool Senk• -.cf R .. -S..-."'9 tlte Mluial VJ.io ana, profitelbM wfth «JOOd c....... .s' 25.000. SOUTll l.AGU;>.;A 49!1-4551 497-2489 L \l;tJ!\"A N W L'!-; I. 49>1128 DA.'iA POl:-\T 493-8812 League537·2273_!1ofrc O\lkallMoss~ mo1klma~..r 1..... COSMOTOLOGtST IAJCE.RY/Retail ~W.Cow;lltwy ND. trol posting clerk. Mus t for the f1&n of it! Klj1•cs A.-;.--01· 1;1 •• 11:.!:1.1 Counter SaJe)>. Full and have good math capabili· LOST 1 Yr old fem Cull<'u ---OR COSMETICIAM 1'/t1mc opl·nings. Cjll Career Sules/11.tana~c· ty & legible h:mdwriting cat. Vac. Harbor \'acw Scn mi.:allOran.:l'Cu lo lra111 lur 1·xcit ln2 t.73-7310forappt mcnt Oppty, 2 yr de· llrs 8·5. Mon·Fri. Good Hills.64-HSOIJ 1135-7313 ~Wan+e-d 7 100 <'illCl'r 1n non 'uri:1l•;1 l ~labShop \,l11pm c•nt proJ?ram, rnni.tc benefits. Apply. l:ll't' hhml! µrot•etiurC'~ 31 Ht-:. Coast Hwy, Cd.\! l~1mrn1ss1on/honus l·um · i\vnl.'l i.;iectronics. 350 FOUND· Lab max doK male. Fair view Dr & Harbor Blvd. C ~ 546-35-tO FOUND· Shelt1r M1 '< male, '"Hondo" Graham & Meadowlark Or. lllJ. ~S8l2 Found: Shollae, Call art. 7pm. 646-8379 ----------LOST: Small white malt• Shaggy Dog. No tal!:-. V iC'~ Co~ta M<·sa St Orani:c ,\\(.'.Sun l'M Re ward. 6-15 7:l0 t hr 548-7~ LOST: $50. Reward !I ~to. blk fcmah• St·ottl!', lo't In Laguna l1t-.11•h N•um• ''l\onn1.-" 1'11 ltiO:l or ·l:fl 1!152 or 1:~1 ii~•'I Found G1•rrn.111 Slt1111 Hair Point.er pupp' 11c 16th Place, Cost.A :'>tc'j 642·514 l. Spin tual lteodtt llUS So El Carn mo lh-.11 San Clemente 1-'u llv 111 For jppt 49'.!· i:.'!11; •MICHEUE'S• ••.•................•.. A&B ASSEMBLERS Im m,•d u1wn '"!!' I 11r Elt•t·t1•1111,· ,\,!>\.'ml.akr~ W f ;" l I! r II W 111 I: Cl l: rnamll i, :\!11 ~ 011n 1·'< p.·r. :.11h.Jtonni.: ·"' 1 in uit lor 1·h,11r111( ll·Jdtnl! ~k'°l•---------•I pcnsution. Call Jackdrln· McCormick, Costa Mesa l'Jrt· c·1·11l(0I°'> 1n Orani:<> ---to 774-7120 or s~n re· --------- C:uunl ~ !-ijlar) plu'i s ume to : 1360 So. CLERICAL Lumb Av11ly jl lsg-j7 HANK Anaheim Blvd .• Suite io_, PART· TIME U1.1th.1rol II ll <Jrros:. Anat1e1m, Ca. 928(15 I.Jtctyping. varied du~i. Imm lA•\ 1t1 1 EXl'ERIENCED rn educ::ilion dept. Ap nutc,tll !\1ass.•l!l' IOI\ \I 21\M i31 llli'.! L 0 0 t\ I N <; fo' 0 H h•1.11do; Xlnt ht•ndll .\utumJlll' lrjn' ri· 'h'tl & d•·nt.11 m·.ur II) htultlt;r Top !>alary. t,, llohdavi.,:!v.ks1ac I' <I nnb Xlnl C.:11 CARPF.NTF.R·F.xpcr'd m k H PART-TIME n·rn-Odt:'lrng & nrw ronst, prox. 20 hrs per w . rs TB.LY ~m l'<>ntractor64S·S12ti nciublc. Apply, NaUon:.il Srstcms Cor p .• 43uJ t\~l EHi<.'.\:" Sl'OUSt-: I 27 Yr 11hl h·m.ilt'. tolk clas-.1NI djlJl't•r 11rv .. r mame<I. v. .int-. lo mt•\"l v.1uOWl'r O\l'r 30 Wr1t1· )lt~s Kim ~l1 Ha. Kv.ang Disc lns~nts 11'.-1wl1t-. 91.:! 1;o;,:, UMtTEO CALIFORNIA IAHK CAHPET Cleaner , f/llmc Birch St, N.B. (Near 0C or p lime. Wall train de· Airport) EOE. 1>e11dublc> per s on.---------H1.! 1-: H.1l.1•r C :'>t 9'7!l !1:100 E(1u.1I Oppor J::mpll)y<'r llwa :ttoon P O .tl<1'( An"lnl! l\kkpllf.: 1:12t1. St'Oul. Kore.i TEMPORARY lfri:1:-.t n Tod.I\' l11 ""01 k •~111•'.H Ill l.1-:1-:• 11n l',1r11111, ,11•11,1m1111~ ~ f'('rl1f1f'll Ma-.~t'U'I\' h11o1kk1•t•p111 ~· ,1,i-11:11 >11111,1• C..alb IJy \111..1t llWllh w,,11.,. i·lw.i· 111 X:IK l;Kl'I ' "u r h '' 111 ,. F 1 11 111 1 DIAL·A·SERVICE ( 11•1 k' 1., Sr \•·· """ 1~°'4..°0H~. :\Htlll-.I.'\ I 111h n1•1•1ll'd 111111"111 ~1 S .... J ••i.uu·•·I 11 .i\!S.\I,, I HolJt·1tll;ill &15 lk>lt. I k 1 ., \1•• 1111nt1•rnJ1' \ulo mt•l'lt :-k1llt!<I to rl' 1110"· t 11111·11 ·~; Ch1•\'\' h1·.11I holh U~lnl: UV. II 1-:z <111t 1mp11ct wren<'h. <:I<' Coultl lH' 1·:1w '>hon l'\ c 1oh fo1 r1 ~ht mun [)\\!! ~l ,.,,.~" ·ltiG'? MacArthur Rini Nl•wport Beach 17141 558-5922 Fem::ill• 1•k. JI B 846-8602 ClERJC..CASHtER or!l46-3771. Mature fem ale, S day wk. JUon Hardware. 1024 C/\I{ W AS ll <ias :men Irvine Ave, N. B. 642-1133 tll•nt, hourly wage + ha~h Ask for PhiL mrnm1s!oions, &15·1039 • ---. ---.-----------Clerk Typist. Vanety nlcl.' .\ulom11tl\·1· ''" F.qual 1 CASHIER phoncmanoerrequired. <>1•Portun1ty Emp oyer , ,, '"'"" GIRL W.ANTED F. 11mf', i<hnrp. J!rnwth a.i .... uUuv Tn ··t·n 1• 11•l11·~l1111• nh ;1t -\.'Cl. !i Lo<· 0\'l'r 20, v.c 1 11 '""1 I 1• r ., h 'I• 11 11 i----------train \\'t.,•kt•rtlh t: ""'' I' 111 lkml.1111! METRO CAR WASH 11111• .1 .. i.• t ' . .tl l'..tt HEWACCOUHTS 2Y511 llarborBl.C M 111• .Ill' h I l 1• .1 I I 1 l I I COUHSEl.OR .11, ,, ... ,. lor our Costa Mesa ofc. CLfo:RK TYPIST/ AC COUNTING. lmmediati- 110S•l1on available for an 1•xrcllcnl typist m a lead· CA~ HI ER S E "< P <' r 1111? l>c\ clopers !Con P. umc. f't liml', ln1nl' structioo Office. Nea1 Ranch Formers Produce Or:-.n11e Coonly Airport ~!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~ POUND: Apncot puppy , Cem. approx 4 m<>!i. Hnt.: * AK:. •Ror;::s-.·· --soo~ .Marn. ~···.11>1 "' ..,... '\11 Tov.1·r l 'nmn It.ink In Tht• C11y ,,, Or.Alllo:I' Ou'TCALLMASSAGE 711 113."> 11tu AUTOMOTIVE SALESPERSON ~:,11cr11•ncrd Nrw o r 11 ... 1 t·,ir, 1!11i:1•r M 1llt-r l' h " \ r 11 I 1 I I. ,1 I! u n .1 I«< j1 It (.'.111 l'o mm~ ThomP'on .11 J-::\pl'ncncc prrlcrred. T'°Jl'' 10-SO WI' M. C,1 II )Ir Donnelly ..al 54fi·2.100 Caifontio hdet-al Sa•mcp Ir Loan 2700 Hart»or ll•d CM EO.E.M F Market. 838 2851 1 inod romp.any beneli~. Casharrs PIC'a'lf' l'all Suf' for ap ~1 Rfltfai 4450 luMMts ••••••••••••••••••••••• ()pporh9tity 4 DB.UXE OFC'S ••••••.••••••••••••••••• 5005 Con!. rm , seat 25 all paneled. sm. whse in re ar. l or 2 yr. lea:.e. Lake Forest o rca K c nl Harkins. 714-58\·9393 *COST A MES.A* RILS. & Ind. parks W/O(· face. 1.300 lo 1980 sq. fl. Imm. occupancy. From iw sq. ft.. Leasing ore 9 to s dna.Jy. 711 W. 171.b St, :c-4. 1835 Whittler Ave, II 8-12 or call ~63: 642-700. Private party wanl'I to rent a garage. C1Jl1 646-4578 after 6 p.m . & ask for Steve . ...._,s/lnnst/ FiftaftC• 16 Yelll'!l, same IO<'ntion m lar~e shopping cent.er. 1-·octory aulborlzed re- pnir, all major co's. Xlnl rep ut a tion, with estahllt1hed clientele. AP· prox. $50.000 oet. Owner leavirtg are11 ,,,._..d hch•CJO" Ul-1761 New~rt res taurant Call for details Lf~ RAlSOR REAL TY 833-8600 AllMMCMMfth/ P«MMAs/ Lost & Fo4mcl ••••••••••••••••••••••• A TTORHEY .AT LAW BANKRUPTCY $95 DIVORCE $95 640.2507 Tower!. Pkng lot II U M2·5938 11 \M :!1'\I ~56·.t.f 13 (•---------1 ---- FOlf.'1:0: Silky or Vorlm• Tcmer. older male. !>and rlr. vat Lido ls.le 675 9783 HORSH>RAWM HAYRIDES En$tineet' 43, 5'10", 170. Componion tn <'ldcrly hv meet sincere gal 30-40. mnture lady. Wkn<ls ort. P.O.BolC IICIJ, G.G. 92640 °"'11 trans & It hskpg in· rid. 533-8329 To pince your m<?1'sago beforc thc reading publlr. phone Daily Pilot t"l;1s~1£icd, 642-SG7K ----------Experienced hou11r & npt. l'lcsn111f(. ff hr $30. Own lroM ~7-4281 F.xperi<'nr<'<l Pn' .1l1• Ou· ly Nur~mf.t Will 1·ons1dcr L1vr in Cull~~ :'928 '\rr·oun11ni: l'l,·rk .\1rporl1•r Inn Holt•I C•'n 1,111 ;\Ir H<1nn.,11 K:l:I:;. ,11 {,\crosl} From Orange Co. /\irporl) F.qunl Oppur F.mployt:'r ASSEMILER t.itc• v11n<·d wnrk F.x1wr h1•t1ll11I. hut n11t 1w1· Nt•ur Orani:r ("11 airport Gniwmi.: t'<I tnr 11rnwrn11 cntll\ \h•1l1r.1I 01'\'IC<' 494-1111 546-9967 Banking COMMERCIAL LOAH SECRffARY tndcpcndcnt hnnk 'lc<•k· tnR b1.1nk cxp'1l. Comm LoanSO<''y, Aflply nt: SANTIAGO IAHK s~ t:. Isl St .. TU.>iUO fo:C1ual Opp 1-;mployer l.-1b. ~~<,(, 1'111~ , __________ , ECONOMY/GO-LO p111ntmcnt 833-8680. Ext .fl! lmmcd. f/timc, pit open· ~-------­ings lrt our sell serve gas stations. All shafts avn1l. in C.M .. H.B • F.V. & S.A. areas. Must bt' J8. Over 50 we lcome . 7141821-6260. Hookke cpi ng & Ii le TRlb..ID.A.T& mnchlnery. 40 Hrs. '"" ,,. ,,. week. COl.P. Costn Mesa642-4762 STAMDAR.D Bookkeeper full time, MEMORllS Laguna Beach C.P.A. DIVISION firm. Sal ary open An Applled MagnclirsCo .\~1·3001 , 8.33·2946 J..&00 w. Se~erstrom IOYS. GIRLS Santa Ana, CA 92704 ClotWIMI Preuef' FULLTIME Fine c lolblng a lott!. Locate d lo N e wport Cent.er. Great working conditions with the best people. Call 644-5070 & ask for the TaUor Shop manager. COMPUTaOPB Exp'd. tn lBM Systems 3. Xlnt. frin ge. Salary S866 -Sl053. Immed. need. Send reswne: Sad- dleback Valley trnlned Sehl. J>lst., attn: Job Op. portwlit.y, 25631 Diseno t>r., Ml.ssioo Viejo, 9267S COMSTIUCTIOH SUP&tMTIHDIHT Imm~. 'opening, Orange Co. townbse project (114) 493-2231. 12·16 years or age. Eve· runi: work. Obtain new Equal Opportunity COOIC./Train1e i;u~rriptions for the Oai·l•--E•m•p•lo•y•e•r•M-/'t'•'--110AM tofi:!to: Sorne6AM IV Pilot work in~ wilh un to 2:l0. A lady with some adult s upervisor. Earn CLERICAL expr for SO iue4t rest tlt> to $30 per week or TRAJHH home In TusUn. 838-3847 more. Ca ll 646·4100 Will train conscienUous betwten 5:30 and 8 :30 indiv. Rc<l's ability to p, m. type 45·50 wpm accurate· IOYS WAHTID ty & file. X1nt working eonda & od von cemen\ AGIS l 0.1 S poeBlblUtics. New oflicet COUMl&HaP Bakery-WIU train. App- ly In pera oQ, 1244 S . Brtatol St. Sant.a Ana. let" help, cashier and t leanlna. P/T durina l u n c h . O ur H e r o Sandwic h Shop, Le w i!\ V~lllSCO R33·2499 C<lslo Meaa aN!a. Eorn located In Co!lto Mcso. $20-$30. per week. Get· Apply P ersonnel Na· llnl! new customers for t1on1.1I Syst<'mN Corp .• THE DAILY P ILOT. No 4361 Birth St. N R, (Nr, dehverinit or eolledll\$!. OC Airport) P:OE. Call this number lo apply si..:u.. Idle Items with 3 64S-~254 Want Ad Help" _ 642·~78 ~Uy Pilot Claullled Ad CAIL Y PILO_T ________ T;...;h.;..:u::.;.r~sd:..:a:iy-=Oc=to:..:be:::.:....r .::.6:... . .:.:19:..:T..:.T_ • .....,pWant•d 7100 HefpWOftted 11oo'H•lpWont•d 7100 H•lpWanted 7100H•lpWont•d 7100 .... W.-.d 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i •••••••••• •••••••••••• ••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •• H~p W md•d 7 I 00 Help Wonted 7 I 00 H.tp W Clfth<I 7 I 00 ······················· ............................................. . COUNTER llclp, day~ & GEHBtA.l OFC IHSURA.HCE murnmKs. McDonald) Restaurant, 314l ll11rbor, CM. ~9943 ask ror Sue M1111icu11111( pusttioo uv111I for J uhcltc! l'lu~n tf'll' on wkn!I~ only WI! v.111 trum ~o 9757 or ap µly Ill 1K'l">4.Hl -.tun Fri RETAIL SALES SA.LESPE:RSOH Service Sta. Niaht Attend exper'd for li~hUna! r1x· 2 Or S rutea a wk. Apply, ture s tore f /t1ml! SbdJ,17tb&lrvine.NB 1•mpluy mt:nt, m11 ny . --b e I) (' r I t s . A p p l y • Service Station attndt No Woodllghting fixture uper. Nee. Wiii t.ruin ro . 2031 s E Mam St, 4bi8 C4mpws Dr . Nwpl Jrvme. 546 2901. _Bc_h.. ___ _ TtleplloMSolldtor Nl!OO ai,:.:rn3Jvo person to M!l up applll. No aoll· m~. t'leuant. ofc. Call: 9511.-_,,;~-----~ T~lephone Sales COUNTER HELP for l>ry Cleaners, some exp hdpful 1-:astbturr CleunU"S, ~1 E1tstbluff He~p. dt't'1.,1ve 1nt.11v able lo work w Ille :supervu11on. needed to take ch11rKe of unnwty. tn:.. & mutu.il fwid prc> ~mg for 1''ush Isl 111 ve11tm.:nt flrru Skills xlnt lyprni:. lltJt ab1lit>. lO kl'y l'UI & phonl· tech·~ <7H 1 &W-012:.1 Newport lkUl'h Fm• & Ca11ually insuram·t' oh: nced!S QUJll(1cll un derwrtler with "" pcnence m pr1X·e.,~in1t. serv1cmg & m..irk{'ltnJ: 11f commerc111I at'l'11unh Salarv op<"n Ei.rt'llct1l IJenL•hb Mr., Util. .. r K33~ M i\ r l tt ~; W 0 M /\ N I• llTlH' lo W.-it-Omt- lleW\"llltll'I!> & coot.ad owrl·h,111t' Fh•\lhh• hrs 'frt•ll l'.H htl' t) l)l!lg 5-17 Jll'J;, Sales positions in yard. p aint, hardware, plumbing & ele<-. ~arden & paneling dept's. Expandm~ Co seeks F /T salespeople. £-'/Co. bencfsls. Xlnt udvanc opport. Apply at 19122 lr~t Str..t, H.I . ----------1Serv1ee Station Atten· SA.LIESPERSOH dant, t'xper'd. Day & Need Money$$$$$$ S$S Work 110 Phone new lllst· in.:s ll.30 A.M. to 12:30 AM. 5·30 P.M. to 8:30 l' M. Phonu 6464223 or come to 2SO E. 17th St. SwtoO, Costa Mesa Or. NB. 644·0032 . Eves Full & p1t1rnt-. AP· Womc·n s ready to wear 1 Shell St· lion 17th & .int.I .,portswear {"( fiY· 8 a • COURT DIRECTOH ror lenrus club in lluntmgton Beacb. Approx 21 hrs per wk. Prefer very mature individuul. Call Dave 842-7747 USED CAR MECH 111:m•ntc µreferred. rvme, N · 1\µi.>I) tu Muble Austin Service Sta · Attendant, GENER.AL OFFICE IHSURAHCE s.~·n•tary, hcu"Y t}l11n1: l>1rt.1ph1rnc-, lt·lt·µhouc rt•lwf . .iood hcnd11 ... li3J-955() Mr.. lh1kcr t'11 ho.•nt•l 1h .:oc.x.lhuur' IAll',JI I t•tl'l l'l\t'l''· l•PPI Y 111 t)c~~1111 :-..-1• Chul'k Ai 110111 THEODORE ROBINS Help Want•d 7100 ..... Wont•d \ 7100 ···•················••• ················~······ ll('l!taurant Manager exper'd. Full or P• lame. Telephone Sales, Ad· DRAPER'S Apply Arco Station , 17th verlisin~. Will lraio . "'''"' l...iguna IUlls Slorl.' & Irvine, C.M. Some sales exper. Full & i!J62t Moulton Parkwuy --p1time. $3 hr + comm. Call 768..6622 Serv Sta Ht:lp neeth-d 1m· 8JS.7296or835-969Z. med. 1'1Jll or pit. Apply, ·------------990 E. est Uwy, Nwpt (,"US'rODIAN I' tlffil', fur rhurch & pre-school. Hrs &salary nex1blc, muture gentleman pref'd. Send ref's, to Pre School. General Dell very. Cd M 9262:5 Full lime entry urf1l'l' clNk pus 111 i:rowin~ N U ph11rm11ceutieal r!' sear('h t•o for pt•rsun who 1• a n w u r k w m 1 n s upervi sion to du pnmunly t·opyinl( & de hvcnni: of mter-orc mail Ollwr t.lulll':t inclut.le er runus & f1hnK Pcrf for lnlenor la11dsn1vc.• fOJrn lenancc p.·r~un tWl'lll'll Must have exp. Own trans p. Call Mui.iurt:t S.S7-~l508 ·J0.4 30 wkdyi:i FORD PICTURE fRA.MER t:xpr d m at & gla,,s cut· ting, canvas strctt·hmg & ('Uslom frarninl( salus. Pan or f tim1· ME-N-ED'S S;iks Bch. -------~I TELEPHONE SALES DELIVERY For bluepnnt l'O F tune Apply . 2110 Nt•wporl <.:enter Dr. Newport lkh Delivery Ur1\er & Production Workl•r, $3 to sturt Call 64.2 2256 ~lHerymen for earl)' AM Newspapt>r delivery in C M $500 pt•r mo ~bonus. 5"8 1740 2060 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MUA 642·0010 rc<•ent II S i:rat.l Nu l''< I•---------'1t'<J1l'al tranSl·nbt'r Part per net' l'llll t;4:! i51 I JANITORIAL 'l'irnc d.•}:. Mu:.t h<1\'c l•etwo Ii :io 5 ask fur Uullock's South Co.i"t l''" 1n .ill 1111:d1i:al Pam .. Plaza 1s now 111t1•n•1t•w 'l'\'•'1,1 llll'' !Tl I ()(;iiJ ~neral Hl'lp wunt.:d for mi: for J:1111tu11.1I l'n!<ol <.A-ram1t· Shop 7 30am lion 4pm shirt 5 Day wk Appl\• In l'cr~1111 Mu:.t have• transp Appb . 3333 lrfstol, C .M . betwn IOam \pm, :!251 EqualOppor Emplo)l'r llJrbor Bl.<.: M G EN1'~RAL Oi''Ftct: PEHSO"I JA.HITORS/ FLOORMA.H MEDICAL RIECPT. ~.\pd ,,ii.ti\. lllH'll i''r 111.:1• ht·alt'llh. U1 hn~:u.il ~J.1<111i:.h Ur1:-.111I l'.irk \kd1t'.d lirou11. 7i:! 11.1l.1•r -.t l'~t For receptllln. phorw!> & t)plnl( w .:ro,,.lh to DB.IVERY GA.L purchasmi: & vrodu<'llon Permanent PT morn control µo:-.il1on Call M 1-· • l' p I ~ • (' '( ,, l' i p t1mt' 1-:,c~ 11\1n1· area i521~2 '11•n or ~t mknl~ with t·um p.1r t l·.1r' iwctl1•1l l11r 1·..ir· h .1rn hum<' 1.lt<I ul ttw I \ I 1111l'' \\ Ul>t h \I' Ill :O..\.F\ llll orWt~t ,11•·.1 1111h Lall IW~ 151·1 m HtlJ ~'7t~i mgs. Mature & persona Ua\1d Ind S48 77li4 Mfgr J ANITORS ble. Earn ovt'.'r $70 per heal & temp equip week Trans neccs:sary P t1mt• ufc· l'lt•un1n.: SandWll'h ~ervic:e .~---------1 eH:s So. Lai:una ;irc.i 54(}.83311 Couples abo nccJl.'d MICROFILM CLERK GEH'l LABOR Must hav1' car & home Ni..:ht ,h1ft aprn 1 :lelom DENT1\L OHTHU URGENTl y HEEDED phone Call 5:12 1>5511 c•r ~:'l"'r hc•liilul, hut not Cha1r:.1de, e11pl'r & upply 123 N Ul1\l', I I t 1 Must hn\t! phone & n•lla IL'CI 1 or 1 mini:. pru RDA. 41,~ Uuys or P T. '·I Orange Mon Fri tl'~,1n,:. ~tuffinl! & ri•lal N.B. Call &42·4!626 u '-' lranspvrtallon. Loni: 1---------1 1-<l ilul lt'l> I 'hu11c &U .i:1ti0 & short ll'rm asi:.1g11 DENTAL fiecpt liu~y mt"nllt. l-loht.lay & , .ic..i J .C. PENHEYS 1u1 1nt1•i \ ww l'lt·JSl' 1·all Pedo ofc. Exp'tl Gil t1on l!ll) llosp1tahLalion 24 Foshioft Island .ith•i ipm t l'I Art World Frames 6n0 No. Coast llw y. Lai:una Beach 494-8105 POLICE OFACER SI 159to$1409 + 5% in febrvary Minimum ai.:c 21. h1J.!h sd1ool )!rad. women arc enl•ourai.:ed to applv Ob wm ..ipµlrcatwn ul l'11hce Station anvtimc, return no l.ater th.;n 5PM i"nd.iy Oct 2hl & obtJlll te~l 111 lo l;ooklcl .\pply Sl'.11 llcach l'ulicc Ucparl rncnl. 2lll !Ith ~t .. Seal llt:al·h. Ca. 90740 t<!l3) •l:H 2S-i I POOL Sl';R\'H;I-: MatUl'c. ~elf m11t1\'aletl 11101\ 111 Y.rk. ~er' ll'C route. t:..ill ·l!H !Jlil\t; FA.MIL Y rill.A PARLORS TroiMft •Cooks •lartetKten •Deflnry Driven !'Jrt t1ml· l>pcn111.:~ for wom<·n & men "'1th 11ut .:um~ p.·r~oo,1lllH'' "ho lake pnde in lhl•1r work Over 21 & ;iblc lo W(>rk evt•n1nJ:' ~.! 70 ~J to .. tart 1\1ipl) .1ftt:r 51''1 Jail). ME-M·ED'S famUy P ina Parton l lllO S Bmtol SA 4111E11th, Cost a l\ksu l273l Garden G rv Ill, (;<; REST AURA.HT Apphcat1ons being takl'll l>clwn 8am & .1pm for Wa1tn•,S('S & K1tl'hcn llclp Mule or rcmalt· 1-:xpl•r prd'tl Apply. Auer 's Rcst;1urant !Old Stew Kl•tt IL' I M l'!t.1 V l'rtlc Ccnll'r orr /\1la m' !179·187K Pubh~~~>f~l" World lh•ok 1<:ncyl'loped1a, F 0 E • have openings for men and women to .:1 ""' :.ales demoni.lra· t1ons, wurktni: Wed. and Thw:. and 2 evelt or •,. 11Jy on Sat rach week. l'n•v1ous sales exp not req111red l'osauon pays S50 wly guarantee for 6 :...ilcs dcm!I with potential wklv income of Sl30. C:.:llll ~ ~ ror 1)1!1 sooal rn· tl'f\' L-212 Sa&H Profeuloftol 1'111e wom<!n s und d1llclrcn':. specia lly cloll11ng ~tore Full time lat.ly Top pay Salary +-commission Mu:.l be .ihle lo st"n'e best l'lic:ntclc 111 Newport & llunt111i.:ton Beach Hric( hand-written re sumt• tu The llt.'<l Balloon Ltd. Mr Reynolds. 1686!: Algonquin S t .. llunt· inl(ton Beach, Ca 92649 SHIPPING/ RECEIVING CLERIC Work Part thne 1n one of our circulation 11ales r oom s & still have pleasure time for lmmcd1att' opentn~ rur J yourself. You can work shipping recc1\'ln.: l'lqk near home & s till pursue with at least l yeur CX· outside activities. Wr pt•rience an stock re· pay wui:es +comm. AM l'Ords. store kecpinJ:. an· & P M hrs avail. Call for ventory procedure:.. trar Jeuuls fie anu t ransportation 1.Acf Anl!.eles Times knowledge anu wrapping 540·0301 parkag111i: expt'nen('e ·~~~~~~~~~~ Va lad dn vt'.'r" license Please apply in person . TREND.AT.A CORP. STA.HOARD MEMORIES DIVISION An Applied M agnetic~ Co 3'1011 W Segerslrom Santa ,\na. CA 92704 Equal Opportunity F.mployN M, I-' l,~1~ o~~~ge rorporation now h.iring. Sulary + Commission 646-0585 TF.Lt;J>llONESALES $3.25 p/hr min. Can earn over SU . p/hr. ALSO need Managers who can relocate. 900-1665 TOOL& salary benefits 54H 551111 pla" 1wa11 Mewport leoch ~11,~111n \'11't•> •WA.ltlEHOUSEMEM llas lmm1•cl Up1.•n11tl! \IOl'OH HOl 'T~; l'n·~-.1·r I' T. mnrnmg~ ~Ion SJt kxp not nt't' \\u,.l lk· neat 01w lloui ".in.11111111: ~ig 1.111r, Sales SHIP'ING CLIEJtK DIE MAIER DEKTA.LA.SSIST •STOCK CLERKS Fur l'lw 1>.11lv 1'11111 ti •• , J Ex P. d en dodo n t 1t· •SHtr /RECIEIVIMG f'UIH CLOTHE' 1.1r~•1• a 11ut1· in :\II'""" ctwrs 1de assist nd'd rull FORKLIFT O,R SECURITY OFCR \'wJ11 .1µµiux (',11 nir1g' time for very busy Nµt • S SJ4)llp«'rin .. i1th \lo111hru Bch practice Xlnt opµl lnterv1ews8 J!\fon Fri Outstanchnl!l'O lx:nc Fri .ift .. r 1111,.11, .int.I for nghl girl Non-!)mkr~ I .\PPL V ,\pply In Pt•r..,un ..,,11&...;1111 murn1ni.:' L':Jr onl) Call 644 OS!IS :\1on fo'rr 10.im 4pm Equ.il Oppor Jo:mplu)L'r ,1n1t i.:oud tlr1\ 1111! r• • •ir•I D.,.,.... ... L ... SSIST r1•qu111 d !'.il l 1.1 ' U;!I ~I A A • "' I\ tn~• 11,11111' ,tlltl j>lltlnl' Penodontasl needs full 1111,,.11.·r time assist Exper'd ~:x J .C . ,ENHEYS pant.led duties (lµpor ~ 3848 Campus DriYe 2-4 fosllion Island rayCen req d Sul oven 546-4741 H.B.1142-6631 Newport ~och tAaos:. From Is Now Arcepltnl! DENT AL RECEPT Ordnge Cu Airport 1 \pJ.lhl'allon~ Fur ·Mature woman. l'Xpcr Equal Oppor Employer PART fl:\t E only. ·•'• duy~ 1...il(una CHRISTMAS HELP Be a ch 4 ~4 11511 or en Ok TypinR. tell' htc Apply In l't·r.on -W-0684 bk k p ~ 1-;.1 I> r ._. 11 ·•I .Mon Fri 111..i m I 11m LO<'all.'<1 Npt Cnlr l 'Jll D1ual Uppor t-:mplt>y• r 644·"'460 Dental reccpt1un1i.t Responsible woman w exp 412 day~ u week Cm!(ham 1;1rl hou!>cl'lng Lag. 8t"h •1!17 2662 st•n 1cr nds women p l , ~~ Sbop, early A~f topS,1·aruecl><l~·5123 shift. p time Appl'>'. GIRLFIUDAY OK's Donuts. 135 E 17th Xlnl work rnnds 752 1070 St. Costa Mcsu -til HL 1-'n needed Doorman & concci.,,1on for appt Jewefry Wower Tme \)r;inge Co '17!1 61::!1 KEYPUNCH SwinR Shaft Ncedc{I lmml'<11alely &15 2(}13 help wanted. Must ha\•c tr10-29'7J neat. clean appear<1nce Xll\l job for students f\p ply !\tann South <.:oast Plaza. !13 Theater aftt:r 7PM <nut to Sumitomo Ban.It. comer or linstol & Sunflower) GolRL FRIDA. Y Will open & dose ston:. 9·5, handle customers & phones 1n salesmt-n ·~ at.>5ent'e W11l leam to de· LEGAL Sf:C'Y 1-'or bu~\ l~o man II B oHlCl' inb requ1 rt'' 11lnl <,kllh Satan. ttt>pends up•m ,., pcncnr•· ~7 0011 s1~ & conslruct shades u:GAL s i-:<.:1n: I \ll 'I _.,,,,,......,_..._.....,~ ..... .,..~ & do some :spec1all) sew l·orporat1on E11per 11 mg Also includes some :'lll·wpon l'l·oh'r 1>40 11t1U11 record keepin~. Ir in Elec ~ech Tech to Sl200 I E Degree SH!OO CorpLegal ~c S900+ Draftsperson $90CJ + Irvine Personnt'I M~ene) terested rail. 673 7~ or Ll'l<!al Se<' y !-.'!per l 'r' "OP by, <.:ustom Shade & nun Xlnt lH1111g . nu 'h Orapery Shop. 3535 E S.il S950 + NrJ.!o C'all Co~t llwy. Ctl!'>f. 752-2518 for 111lc1' w ~1 pf1l " 488 E 11th Co:stu Mesa Suite 224 642· 1470 LEGAL TRA.IHEE Typist for N._.wport I tr law rrrm 7!"1!1 (~.1:J1 Factory Workers 4 Day Work Week 40 Hrs. GIRL FRIDAY F.xpcr'd. ~oocl ok skills All bencf1b llarhor area f700 to st 642-3-190 GUARDS LOCAi. n"·iswn nt hw Nal11in.1I Corp ha:. o~n I n I! l 0 h l" I I 11 \'<I I m ml'<llJlc•ly for sharp 111 d1\'ldual 111tcn•,1rd In ..i marketing ~art'l'I Th•' surcessful t1111>1•\'.lnl w the ability tn m1•l'l people. amh1tmn & .i clean r ut .1ppl•:tran<'•' should l'a rn • lfi.OOO +year Company fnn).!1' bcnd1b mt'lu1lccl N1•t•d de1)('ndahlc I ran~pi1r\,1 lion We will train 1r necessary Rap11I ach <1n cement if quahf1l'd i\µp ly to Apply in person IEchr Industries 2101 Dove, Newport Beu ch Un1vt-rsal 1s expandinl! its operations ln Orange County & needs 40 part & full tam<' security of ricers 1mml'<1. F:xper not nN: Top wages for ex per personnel Car & phone req 21 & over Vl'terans & retirees JCfOSS oc Airport ----------1 welcome Untforms furn FACTORY WORKER C.:\1. Manuf co Female Oept. No exper nee. Will tram. Xlnt co benefits Ca II 545-0403 Ti ml' & 11 for O\Cr ll hrs Apply 9 12 and l 5 ~11in l'TI U"'Yenal Prote-c:Hon 1226 W . Stti St. S.A.. FE~ALE 06 251 to work llOTEI. • when needed to do Rfli•f AYCfitor cleanup on party rental & Desk Cieri& eqlDpml. Must be neat & !-' tame Sal opt'n San not afraid to wrk. Apply Clemente Inn. 49'.! 6103 2mS Newport Bl. CM •---------Housccleunang Service nd.s amh1t1011s 1-:n11 spk'g FOOD PREPARATION gal 1-'ull p-t1me Top S. Nds car Ma#?GH? :>57-0609 HOUSEKEEPER TIELEPROMPTOR 901 W 16th St :-Jr'<' pt1rt Beach, 1;46 0585 Mochinist fT oolmoker Experienced Xlnt pos1t1on avail ror -t "pe<>1al man lookinK for loni: term )Oh i.ccunt~. top wa~es, n•spons1h1lll} & opportunity for ;111\ an cement rn ,, 2.S Yr ,,111 C"u manuf:irtunn~ prc1•1!>111n NURSES AIDES , I .\ ·c 11 'htlb I-\ t'r\' oltwr Y.kntl uH II II t u11 I 11 tt'> I' t 7 I t 1q ; ~11'1 NURSES AIDES <>1~·11111..:' "" Jll '""''for '\ur'"' \•ti•·~ 1-.~JH'r al ur tra1m'''' ~ ull ur 11 11m1· \1111b l1.1r1< l.1tlu C111n 1·1·n11•i 11~; Fla.:~hil' Ktl. \ B 1,.t:! 114~t I NURSES A.IDES Ill 1-;,111·1 prt•f'cl \tt• ... 1 \' 11fr ('on\ llt1,,p. tll.t (', nlt·r St l' \1 >\Ii .1'~ """'' .1111.·, lll't'<lt•d 101 tl.1) & l'\1 .. hill\Ill111n\ h•~ll .-;, 11 pr1·r d '\Int p.1\ J'lt·J~\' JtJpl\ 111 111 r'"" lit•\ t rl\ \t.1nor '.WI\ II'""·' ( \t 'ui~1ni.: LVH'S, A.IDES & ORDIEJtLIES \II Sh1fh l 'ndi:r nt•w rn.111.ii:1•mt•nl Tor> S.11 X Int lw•iw Sm J II 1·on' ho'I' ~Iii ;;1,1 1'.11·k J ~'1111o: & "'rl 1ni: p.11Jl•r pr111lu1 h I 1>:1v wk Pla•a,anl "'11rl..1n~ l'llOll t17'1 7fil\ll Parts Pul• Tnw S~llll Fri·•· Lari.:1• "" ' e \' k ~ h ra I! h t 1 n d 1 ,. w 1!•1<kl p1·r"maht v for i.:r.1\l•yll .,hilt ~u~t bt• rn••l'h I 1nd1nt't.l Xlnt bcn!. +-.111\ ,inn• potent Also l''t'.'e .!uh?> ('all lhta. '>tO li0.'>5 ('11,1,tJI Per~on m•l 1\l!l'l\1 ~. 2790 llt1rti(lr l"\1 Pan t1ml' or!tr c f'INk Er rancb. i.:t•nt·ral l'lt•nl'lll llullt'S !">-1!1 ~ PIX Aftt SY~ Opn lmmed npenrngs A11ply 111 pcro;on belwn !lam & 4pm \1 nn Fri 15~ H•11·hc.,tc•r St , ('o!tta '\1c-.;:i lh-:-.tauranl l'ltf':SSMAN !'>111 pn111 ~hnp 111 C :\f 11ce•h prcs~rnan lo run l'h11·f·ll w '1'51 \1us t hJ\ C CXl)l'r '<' J.M 11i l·amerJ & ""ml' ~tnppm)! kno ... ll-.1..:c (.".111 rnr appl t.11'l·rl' l'r1nt1ni.: Co 557 :!6.>t Production Woriler Male Som~ cxpL•r 111 "'ooclw11rk1n~ m;il'hlOC'' ur plasllc muld1n.: Call for Jppt Ii-I~ 4103 •REAL ESTATE• ~<'W or ~xper1enn•tl Tnµ tta1ninJ.! avail l'rl\ ate Dishwostt.r 6N1ght:. Busboy 1-'ull .S. P 11m1· Kitchen Help 1-:vt'OIOJ.!:. P t1m1 ln4wreStufl !'\c11xlll· 215 R1vl.'r .. 11h-l>r '\II l'all 54X· 7 llK RESTA.URAHT.PIZU l'\Jll & p ti ml' OllCllllll.:' rur ~l·neral rt•l>I "'ork nt·.ir IX' .11rµort \lu,l 11.- lK or o\ t"i \JJJllY 1n persr.n, !'>liT l'El'l't-:HONI !"I l'l l.Z1\ STOIH' z:ioos i-; llni.t•>I °".mtu 1\na llc1.:ht... ~~ llti71 C:\t•xl Ti' Mt•Uon.thl!> l f'.A1u~il Oppall· Emplu) •·r 11ff11•c ~ Lari.:t• ad,·ert1~· ~--------- 1111( budj!el Call now' PACIFIC COAST PROPERTIES •631-0400* lh'.il t-:..;tatr ~alt-s1wr-;1m Nl't.<ikd for-.; H ntf1t'l' t-:x rt'<1wred li75·58.'>'i Hl'JI Est.itr SJlc:> l'\'11pll' "'ankd l 'p tu 90 111· t'l1tnm !>l)hl :'llwpl Hch f.H l,JOll Rr:.\1. ~:..-.T1\n: •SALES* I h a ' c a 11 n c m .1 11 hrukL•ra)!l' .inti !.J'H'<:aa htl' 111 lhl&nl!'> I nC'Ctl prn ll'~'>1t•n.al ,.,ii<'' a s ~1st.1nu! to handlc: all m y .id calls & ~•J.?n culls ll1J.!h commisMnn split 551 li4l • It~· c 1• pl 1on1 st Ty p 1 "it , l~i.:ul uH1t•c l.a~u11u of f1c'C· ~11sl be l!ood neat typist an<I he uhlt• ltl han Ille rct't'1ll111n tclrphonc and l(l'neral office !lulll'S No shorthand req Call :i.t rs. W111slow for appt RETAIL CLERKS UTOTEM Connnh'ftce Markeh l'Ob1llons open ht. 2nd & 3rd shi ft , 1n s .. n l'll'ml'nlc & J..ii.:unJ Beach Othl.'r Jrca' ha \t' Opt'OIO)!'> lll'-0 :"\11 1•xper req'd \µpl) Jl JO) nl our store,. 2588 :•fowport Bl\ •I Coe;ta Mesa 642 r.02 RM'S&LVN'S 1\1 I ' h d I !! A p p I ' Gt1rf1chl <:un\I 1111 ... 11 7781 c;arf1elll Ave. II ll S17 9t>'1 l i-:o 1-: RM Supervisor 7 3.:lO. '!mall 1•nnv ho.,~\ <.: o 'i l a M l' !> u u r <' .1 5--19 3061 RN 11·7 Superv181H RO Bl•tl EC. Jo'. Good sat & rnn.:e bcnc. Mt'.'sa Verdr Conv HMp, f\61 Ccntt-r Rt, c M 8J7 1060 -5411-~ RECEPTIONIST R & ll MAN Wanted l'ay 1" lime Must be hasc<1 on exp tall fashionable for ei>tah 847 !">.'\!13. Mon thru 1-'n, K heauty salon. Richard to 5 30 Ouellette. 200 Newport Ctr Or,:'llH HECEPTIONIST, net·dcd h\ f'h1ropractnr, 1yp1ng, h tt• hk pn £ 5'10-5559 RECEPTIONIST Insurance Agcy needs ROOd lYPl .. l. ... time Telephone answering. l!reet clients. 833 9550 '.'drs &kt>r SALIES SUf',LEMEHT YOURIMCOM! $$$$USS PA.RT TIME T'B.S'HO .... IE WORK HOUSEWIVES COLLEGE STUDENTS Gua r anteed Hourlv Wage Plus 13onus. S 30 pm lo R:30 pm <"1111 646-4223 or coml' lo 4!511 i-; 17th St.. Costa Mc11a M usl be depend & m<!chanically an<•lmed Po:. open for a memorial Stainless Med Prod • l' ,, u n s e Io r t 11 la I k 3025 s. Kilson. s 1\ w f.1m1hl's about funeral -------- -- & cemcter> arrange · South Laguna DO YOU LIKIE f'EOPLE? Growing Costa Mesa co. Excellent conditions & benefits-Overtime. ml·n~ bef need Comm MOTOH ROUTE Must be expe.nenced & w°'k with minimum ot l>UJ>Crv iJlioo. J' ~ Sl50S3001>1•r wk. Sal The Daily Pilot has a f•xp pref't.l Cunta1·t ~ Mr large route 1n Sou th l'ute, 5-15-llSS btwn 10 & l.aJ.!un3 -approx earn J '1011 lhru Fn mg-. s.100 per month. Mon C~teCCM?· 71 I W l 7th. .o. F-1 I Costa ~a 64S.ISOI thru l''n afternoons and SALES Sat&Sun mornings Car Nu"' rt-cru1t1ni:: sharp and good dnvang record <1rnb1110u!> ml•n to sell rt'<1wn'<i Call 6 12·4321 •--------- h.inJ,,. arc. toob & !>hop LcavrnJ.! name and phonl' •---------equip to 1ndosl I ac numher l'ount.o.. A11#? to ~KU l"'r , . ,,.k No exj)('r nee. Call Slat1oneq Sturc 1n TOOLMAKB Permanent positfon for growing company To p wages, 5 yrs exper, xlnl company benefit s. Overtime, paid vacation. 8 paid holidays, prom sharing. paid health & life insurance. Pleasant working conditions. KUNTZ MGT CO. ~t r Brown. 75 l 9\Jol Cor?na d.:I Mar needs <."'< per d sales lady full-time ----------1 5 days, xlnl workrng con 1b. especially f11w chcn SAl.t-:S 16-4 ON THAT SALES JOB GOOD BUDDY! Tltis is the most honest, lntef'Hth99 & fwt s•s job In OraftCJe Co. W• offfl-o ~ pay. a qood coMm., xh1t bonus & ca111al at- ll'OspMn to CJO a10ftCJ w/ow staff bewflts. t(o door to door. Our ofc space is ~Ollffful & no uper. n•cess. We Tram SOUMDGOOD Tlleft CoU RUBllEtl DUCK A.t 833-8095 TIME-llFE LllRARIES fAiual Opp Emplyr m f Snndw1t•h Dela \'ery F em morns Xlnt p , t job. 64~145 lOam-Spm. •Secrelarie5. Rkkprs IF Chg>. A Rec Clks. Gen ore. Legal Secys, Receptionists w typing. Employers Pay All Fees Liz Reinders Agency -1020 Birch St. Ste 104 Newport Beach 833 8190 call for Appt1Estab '65 SECRETARY telt'.' 675·10111 STENO Challengin~ pos. for a person who likei. van cty Typing 60, sh tlO Irvine area. Call for appt 540-7639. E.O.K STOCK CLilK IHC. 54(). 7310 ask for Dieter or Al. Tool s.tter TrM For s pecial machines. Immediate op<'ning ror a Must have good mech'I con'\l'H!nt1oub person aptitude Corle e. wath good math a ptitude 642-lm. to work as a stock clerk ma fast moving environ· ow Truck Dnvers ex- ment Experience 1n per'd. Top pay. Apply, sh1pp1ni:. receiving, G&WTowmg. lOOOlrvine stock room 1~ t.lesirable. Ave, NB642-1252 Please apply in person: ,_r_a_i_n_e_e_S_a_l_e_s ____ F_a_s_t TR~D .a.y.a. Growing D istribution ii;.,. '°' '°' Corp. now hirin g to ban· CORP. die comm'I & indust'l T sale$ a ccounts. Top pay. S A.HDAltD Benefits. Advancement. MEMORIES Call Mr. Harris, 898-4486. DIYISIOH An Applied Magnetics Co TRUCK DllYER 3400W. Segerstrom & Ute bldg malnt. Apply Santa Ana, CA 92704 in person, Pennysaver, 1660 Placentia, CM Equal Opportunity TYPIST Employer MI F 1 .. ---------11f you can type 90· 1----------1 100Wpm, we will train i----------1 ~·ou & employ you in the STOCK CLIERK rascinallnit career o! • Bullock ·s South Coast photo typesetting. Xlnt Plaza 1s now interview· pay while you learn. Xlnt. log for Stock Clerk workmg conds. Call Art Apply in person Gnrnn. 979·3541. 3333 lristol, C.M. TYPIST Equal Oppor Employer RECEPTIOHIST Tabler wanted. Exp a mum. Good pay. s mall shop. Call 642· 1435 T1a.p1aoMS*s Want to make money? Can you sell on th e phone? Top Sin our busi· ness. 646-3030, ask ror Ray, Architectural office re- q 's accurate typist MW-65w,_ ror variety of assign· ments. Musl be neat, pleasant. reliable. Wm. L. Pereira Assoc. MarArthur At Ford Rd Corona de l Mar 114 /644--0620 Telephone Sale11 F,qual Opp Emplyr m /f HOUSEWIVES Waitress, days part time. L..Kh Cowtter Person wanted to w11rk at lunch counter prepar· in!? sandwiches & sal:.41> Some grill work 1n eluded. Uniform rurn Med & hosp benchls Ap ply, Undberl( Nutnt lon. betwn the Carrousel & Bullocks, lower level in So. Coast Plaza Shoppmit Center, CM. Apply at wanted for h1vely home. Mu:-.t dnve & l'OOk. No hcuvy clcaninit. P vt room & garden. live in. SlllU wk 9 to 5 t"all b15S130, aftt'r 5. 546·1!119 m a c h 1 n ,. l o o I a l' cessones. l'leu~r Call r11r 11ppt 979-~ PIX Answef' Serv Want to wnrk da)' .ilt1•r noons lit evt·n111i.:~ 1n :-I A & CIJM ar('Js" Work f t 1 m c o r p t 1 m t' W<•1·kencls a llllL'lt Xlra p ;1 y f I) r I' '( p I.' r ' d op('rators Co.ill 640-8073. fo: 0 1-: RIECPT (TYPIST Phone! some spcl wnl· in)!. correspondence exp. req'd. S3 hr. Call fQt in-i----------•I SAi.ES IULLOCK'S Get11 Office F.xpr'cl, type 65+. dic- ta ph one. sclr stan . Pleasant orrice. Nwpt Sch. $700+. Ph 644-4613 SSS SS$$$ Angie's Piiz.a. 25260 La Fall ls here & althoul(h It Paz Rd. Laguna Hills may be early it's Umc to niter llnm. S81·3S2S . Vitamin Cowiter HOUSEKEEPER'S A.<\SISTANT D:iilv or lt\C 111 llouserleantnl!. laundry. fll'l'll!ilOn:tl cooking Call for interview ~Z 4770 •MAIDS • The Inn al Lagunu 211 N. <;st Hwy. Lal(una MAIMTEHA.MCIE General hand yman , gartl1.·n1 ng. carpentry. plumh1ng. t•lcclrll' $45 S.S93 ~~~~~~----!Housekeeper hve m for MAIMT!NA.HCt 'Expcr'd man Steady work Newpon Ctr ()fr Bldg Reply to claimf1C'd ad no 6:1, <' o O:uly Paint. PO Box 1560 <.:o~ta Me~ua, Food Serf Ice Asst child & adult Mature. · 2-212 Hrs per day. S3 10 capable. honest refs. own per hr. Apply to Irvine car. 846-2289 Unified School D1stncl, 2941 Alton Ave, Irvine (714) 556-4900 Equal Oppor F.mployl!r HOUSBHPIEJt 5 Moms or 5 af\ns per <.:a 92626 wk 4 firs per day Mon · --- t' r i o r Sun Thurs . MALE(16-2S)toworkfull Housework, laund, shop· time dom.: maml on p11r ping & errands ror busy ly rental eqUJpmt Mulll pro(esslonal Must have be neat & reh11ble f\pp own lransp & refs. $70 ly 2025 Newport 81 , CM per wk. <.:all Esther or ... ,... ... G-/R t II Lindo, 640-6960 M.A,...A ~ e o llOU!lt'.'keepcr. maturt'. 1·J shift an guest home C M 64611716. HOUSEK~EPER . rem Companio n & live 1n Over 50 For m y father No11mok'g, IW7 7252 GENERAL OfftCE Fast paced co. seeklnll a resp. indiv to assist rn runnlnit our branrh lo<:a tion. Dulles to mclu<le. tel eph o n e ord e r s. keypuncblnK <IBM 3141 J, Small pick & p8ck OJ>eru tion. Special attrnt1on m\J.'lt he given to dclllil & nrcurary Oi>pcndablllty & a w1lhngnes11 to learn 15 a mU!lt Startrn~ J)3Y SJ. 25 per hr. 1-'u II or r> time work avail Call our loll free 011mh1•r Hskpr Lt cook. hve-in ror 800 G31 5800 Uam 3pm. matur1• l'pl Rdll .c1k for Mr Vem ~-a 2.'Ul2 aft l 1l1m Want M,. We are loolon~ for that special ludy with that comhlnul1on or .. :ilt•i;, m errha11<11~<' & lt'.'&der~h1p ab1lltv 1n l1n1• women's Iv r h ildrt'n'I clothin~ Hunt Urh. Nrwport .Bearh. SIS.000 lo $111,000 per year Send h1md written re~um1• lo The Red Ba II non Llll. Mr Reynol1h lf\R6~ Alitonqu1n St . Hunt Cull tt-12 5'>7R Want An Rr~ultll •~:.' :.fi7H in._•wn Reach, !t2f'4ll terv1ew: &n ·222.1 ll R R.E. LICENSEES Penonnel A.sslst.t Our Newport Ctr ore $944 lo Sl 1'18 per mo. has 2 openings for a m Resp fnr superv1s1r11t. t11tiou.11 ethical salespeo. pcrform1nl!. & part1c1pal· pie. Personal training 1111: 111 :i wide van<'IY of call Mane Bush. Mgr tcl'hn1ral & complex 640 -6604 SEAV I E W or~:rutions in thr person· HOMF.S. A Div. of The n t• I 11 r r D t• s I r u h I e Ge me Co. q11nlif1n1llons 1nl'lutlr --- .ih1laly lo met'.'l public REPORTERS (2) Wanted I artfully. 4 Yrs of in for county nrws service r rN1smRIY resp clencal Pay on production basis work. cxper rn puhhc only. Contact Dave Con· cm11loym1•nt & c11per an cannon. al Metro News, ,uprrv1<1ory rapuc1ty btwn 9A M-1'PM at T ' I' 1 n 11. 6 0 w J> m . sh 542-4121 !IOwpm Apply rn p<>rson. -------- !iv 5pm Munday ()l·to!x'r 10th. F ountain Valley SchalOI 1)1-.trict , no I l.11:htho11s<' Lune'. 1<.:11rnc•r or Ni:wlnncl & T;1lltl•rt 1 1-'ounlain \'allt.>v f'~ 0 1-: MOW IS THE TIME ror Joh ""''kl•rs to rht'rk lhl' D:iilv Pilot Help Wnnll•!I l'h'l'<!llfi<'allon If the-J•Jh you want as not llH'fl' you m1i.:ht cnn~idC'r ofrt•nnl! vo11r si:rv1c·e~ with .in .ul 1n thr ,Joh Wnnlt-<I nllC1torv Phone &l2 WR RF.SALES LUSK REAL TY as openin!? a new resale orflce in lhl' ltunhnitton Beach area. Needs holh manager. salary + rom· mission and salespeople. Better t han average commission + incentive plateaus. This office will be approx 1800 sq.rt. with a lot of rompany support. Call Paul. 714:675·3411. Don't .:1\'C up th(' <;hi[>' "l.1~t " tl ID C'lll'l'-!fkd :O..h1p to ~hor<' rc•sults' trt2 ~178 So. Coast Plata ls Interviewing f'nr SA.LES OUTSIDE CA.RPIET t:xpen ence Preferred A~ply In Person 3333 lristot. CM Equal ()ppor Employer SALES Part lime, 5·9pm. Mnn Fri. perfect for College Student. no pres,ure sales or quotas to meet 531 0811 SA.LIES f'USOH Mature. expenenced 1n cry~lal & rhma and gift wan-s. Full or part time. Contact Mrs Surhn. S49-5277 SALES & STOCK Com lempor ary r ellul store needs talented !lalesman. Full or part time Mu!!l be ex.per . Salary plus commission. Pltose call 644·2tl52 or apply In person. Apropos 29 Fashlon Island. N R Find what you went m Daily Pilot Cla~111f1cd!I Sf.CR ETAR Y Exper . Typin~. s horthand. fll. inl(. nee. 642-1163 Secretary /Ma nager. Aviation orientl'<l. Salary open. Write John Baker. Box 213. Corona del Mar. CA.92625 -------~ SECRET UY , /T J hrs. day Secretary. typing. Girl Fri. 549·9J..S.2 SECRETARY start making some extra cash for CHRISTMAS. Wait ress Time/Life Libraries has QUALITY MEXICAN the fint!!'lt & one of the R ESTAURANT. Xlnl mosl profit.able p/time Ups. E xp pref'd . 6'2·11'.2 JObs avail. We orfe.r 3 WAITRESS. expe r 'd , shifts per day to fit into over 21. 4 Nlt es a wk. Call your schedule. a base Vi ncent. or M a ria, hourty wage + , a com· S48·7822 mission & an xlnt bonus.1----· ------ No travel. F 1time is WAlleHOUSIMEH avail. s TIREOOFTHE wanted at our anla A n a I C o s t a M e 11,,.a ROUTINE' warehouse. Full Co. TiiJS JOB IS FOR YOU! bene fits I h osp / ll re CALL US NOW AT IM./profil sharing. Xlnt lll .. 095 growth Potential. Apply TIM E-Ll F'F. National Lumber LJBRARIES &Supply Equal Opp Emplyr m/f 3400 VJ. Carry Ave. S.A. <2l Girl omce. lmmed. opening for sharp lndlv. in OranJ?t'.' Co. sales ore Duties van ed & interest mg. Previous ex per. & x.Jnt skllls are requ1rccl In typing & telephone com mun1cations /\ t'halleng Telephone Tool Room in a position w /ful I Sales·Eam to $20.000+. ben.-fils. Call (714) 11 Locations. Orange Co. R33·945S in Ne wpo rt & LA. Orent bcnerlta, Ueach. security & rapid advnn- cemenl. Call Republic WESTERN PACIFIC PERSONNEL SERVICES . 20002 DroQkhurst •SECURITY OFCRS• Dlstrlbutor!I, l ne. Mr. Eslab'I security firm Roy, 714/834-9088. needs reliable m en & _....;... _______ _ wom e n for uniformed security positions In Costa MeSA. Full or p1l !lchedule11 avail Retirees welcome. Phone collect. mam ore, for appt (213) 255-0156. For Classified Ad ACTION Call a Dolly Pilot AD-VISOR &l2-5671l l'te 20'1, Huntington Bch (714) 983-0804 WOMAN over 40 yn. Com bo interv\ewlnll & reuer C'>n phones. F/tlme. Must work wknd1 • Oox. hrs. Sl $3 hr. Rera nee. Call AMoreves~l. . ' J • I -----------~·~,..... ~~•~••••••••••• Appllancn 80 I 0 FrHto You • 1045 FunNtw.. 1050 hwfl1y 1070 Muslcol ·~ ·••··•••••·••··••·••••· ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••·•••••••••·••••• , ... L-~-,,.. 8083 ..... -........ 1005 ........................ , ... ~ • Thunlday,October6,1977 •• DAILY PILOT ••••••••••••••••••••••• MU:,T SF.L!.:-Btn Washer F'~ to .:ood homl' Male Stortu Ortho. lux firm mat WA.,....TED ....................... loots., Power 9040 loots. Sn.cd Ii , Mo~:c.i:-/ &< Orytr. Super Deluxe Malamute Sht'"h<'rrt i; lrcs:., box :.pr1n.: & 1"111 \ 1 .. · • r-9150 W ...1-rl d Mod I rl ,.. I nlw.111· W ~1"41 !'i t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~l 9080 • Oft~ Gft • t•, pc eel runnan~ Wl'\'k~ old l'Gll u ft tl 30 rumt•$'7S ~·3033 T OP C'ASll UOLLA I< Lt•, t'.iul 1i...,h .,.01 1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Of A 1·00<1. like new $250 botb PM 1>45 1195 I' A I L> to' OR Vt) l ' tt S.'7.> 1 I:! ,\ llo\ ~r1 SEA RAY'S ·n f'u h M .J.J-• N rt nfiques! 2 door t" F rcfng S250 ~SaM 1055 JEW~LHY. WATt'lli':s . 1,.c, l:•.<1 llfJct,4~0hh. ...,., c xo"""' ewpo · ll U G ~ war r h 0 use ~lffil' rna:.c rum s.&S-5748 1-'n.~ Cold'-'" Lah ••••••••••••••• •••••••• At<T Ol:IJ t:t.-rs. COLI> $1,tl9S lmmuculak """mt':J, Int cond. tic '7!'1 criunrncd with over limo Jlt ~hots.l(cntll·. li.iau.I ~.1w , .11 r l'Om -Sll.VEH Sl-:H\'IC'I-: rrurn1,..1 11 ,"1"' rnn•I Ad 1978Mo*ls 6+1-1050 IRfonda 1-:1s1dnore 125CC Auction .i:1:i 017~ pr 1· "' o t ., t c r 1· o · 1' • 1 I S '.] O • a rang Bea . Very good music bol(es. nit·kelo 8015 dulh'-'' tr.ul<·r. book•; FIN I': 1-'UltN 6.. "" '11" """ 1"111hv11•' titi"TAPEIU'LEC,WID1': contl$450each.58&-1531 d4!on pianos. t•tn·us or ••••••••••••••••••0 ••• .. 'rwndtv l.1ttt'11 to ~11 hm, .i:11 11 A lla1111lton, <.:M. T IOUl-:S &IS 220° ~1;;;1"· ~" 1"' .!Ill• •11" 1 H.ARRISON'S TUNNEL. slalom water - - - gans , wall doc k ~,(·----.. ----~ l'alll'Olll" .'.mo' t\l K k 1· d ••-~ LI---s-1-~ d( lh I k · l./\UIL.·s· Yt•ll•1w 1 ·, .. 1·• SEA RAY " · u nu " 1' • -or~s -"ran .a er col· :.. PUBLIC .~'"ti7"/ " , -. u u I' uJ l ··• t d • fi ,....., o 11 d& IJ ..,11111·1 l>•'.il' \l.111 111 'Otrll al>.',l't:~ltu 1111 Rent/Storage 160 asocmulmg anllque.s G.11 at.:'-' Sah• ~02 \!1,ta •a111011 cmcr a' nn.: l11ul.1r :\11kh-I 11.1:. hl.1• :!:12'1 So Main. S /\ Ill/.!">. $90. Call t>IS 0175 ,,ll ••••••••••••••••••••••• verSl.000,000Wortti FUR.,....ITURE ·\ban11on'->J 5 m11 ohl ktt lf1 ,1111h•. l llluffi;) NH ~.!!:> 67357!°>9 '''"' ,111,1 ,,.11 11 .1111 540-6555 ll':\J ' Amencan lnternntiuru1I " ll!ll. nc~s good hirnw t-'n •'\; SJt JO ll'M lrom U ' · _ Hent u 1977 1-;x1·ut1vt• Gallenes;l802TKellvr 1111' Q &tS-9775 llltu ~150 'festock 8075 "'•illJKl~1.>11: •. ~.·~1:H. :11u11'11J,t llwy.NB T~ation Motorhom1• or Mrn1 1og St., Irvine Tel *"u..JI N• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lt••.,tora·ll l:lt.ll t:i h"111 631·2547 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1notorho,.e from llcrl.t 754-1777. Open Wed lhru t-'ltlf)AY7·JOJ' M fo\tnulure. 1.1w11 mower,, lki: Muq:an m.1r1· h111kl' i·l1·l· 1:u1t.u t"t~•· I\· 7'1 I .... \ P/\Z, :i:l ft Ui-1 ~5*/ ~~~~~:~~r~uU anv n( · Sat.9AM to 4PM V1s1t 1 ~Oi-;~1Q"~~> F1amiture 8050 ~.~::.t:11~~~ !!~~2 ~~~~\: tn r•uc & llrl\'1•. hlk ~1111 pl1111•1 ..,:1 111 \101, Tr.iY.lcr 1000 1111 rant.:t'. Rent 9120 898•6777 CoUectaon Wallacc J.Nul ••••••••••••••••••••••• par.itlc M11rg1111 gd1l111g. i·u, .11 (olu11111 ~7a lop i•ontl Hl•.idy' f-'ull ••••••••••••••••••••••• -Consignments & ·r l•t' .~;~K1•0•1 1Wc:.tcr11 <71 1) a.101.1~111 t'll•t·troniC's all convcn. 071 CMC ,11 ton Pl! 537.7777 ting photographs. J t·nny Stoc:k L1qwdal10llS s · OHt-:w10i-:SAl.t-: I f 'h ...... I I b . 828..8888 Llnd bed, frame only MA.ST I': Rs AUC'TlUN N~w & used furn. uµpf',, .ol:. u ~wry, ini.:. 011! Fcnd••r n·H·rh unat I' , 714 54-1 .7:13..., w cu over cm111 A1 <.; Empire dresser, swing 2075 Newport Blvd. CM misc. Watson's Jlar,i:atn Start~ Wt.'dncslt•tY MadliMry 8078 $5(1 Hol1.wcJ 11. ast• shifter --etc. $3500 I bs t o f r . MOTOR-1-IO_M_ES mirror. circa 11140·60. 833.11625 l)M).81)86 Nook. 545 & llM W 19th. ll:.?o:!Sh.tll•r, 11 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :$•t 5 !->c t ot S1·h t•i·tc•r MUST SELL'. bi~ L'ORRENT 8-"" red vel et Ju CM. 642-7930 &5411·',...,., t " "" v 0 R stze1----------1 ...... .,.. Garage Sulc. '102 \!1:-,ta Lg. pr ot ut•twn h<-11 f'll'kup!> l11r Ft•ndcr Iii' l.urst•n tn-hull w 85 '73 Ford. Super Camper From SlOO wk.770.0644 i n <: 2 swag I amps c; ru ndc, <Th c H 1 u r. sahndcr. 6"x711". 2W volt :1 Tdc('uskr $-IU 1;7:-, WI~ 111' (.;hrysler o 11 Gd. Sped al F350. 390 cni:. RE-NT-F ' b 11 23, S If Something old 'n new **I BUY** (:;IN II Fri & Sat. Oct 7 & P ase. 5 HP w 'du.-st pu·k tom! l'l' &lo 0975 45,000 ml. A1r. PS/PB, ire . a e 642-2686, M-F, HH licycles 8020 Coocl us1.."<i Furniture & It Xtra nte~· up box & ftltl•r Sl200 Offic• FwnltWT & -CIC. Radi~: AM & Cll. l'Oflt. Auto/air. CC. CB, Antique llha dbl b I •••••••••••• •••••••• ••• Apphances Ok I will ljtj3-4S55 .:-.a-... 8085 1o~. Soil 9060 11' self contained sccuri· stereo, sips 6 645-2.283 ca arre Mans Professional Super • MOVINL: SAi t ' ~""'",........ uu -shotgun, Dama.sew. bur Le tour. All allov. Sells !>CIJ or st-: ... L.for You ' Sf\Tis"iJN, • L,1thl•. HI' x31i ", :-1 sou ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ty ra~per+xlras. $5750. RENT-BRAND NEW zr rel, gd cond. $250. nl•w for over S:JOo will MASTERSAUCTIOH • !12 1-' ( B ll nr1zont .tl 111all1ng WOOl> EXEC IH:SKS & -170 S.ulboat. Uavt UI Ph S48·2879 PaceArrowmotorho me. sas.8176 sell for S:WO. llas '1icen 646-.8686 & IJJ.9625 ~\l.il~a)t;?::.n :~l11 · ~; ~ w 1 l' k $ I I o 1> t'n'<i1•n1a.;, l'Xt•c & s ide Im.in :.uil::.. xlnt co11d. ~I.I 11 •,2 • s II o HI-~ v I F. w lo winter rates. 556-0149 ----------··ridden o nl y once. :!!39613434 l·hn.. oal. :.wan•I dtri.. run• rel'. Sell or LrJ. Cabo\errmpr Kin1:sizc r,...z1en UHU ... fflO Rm•RA "'CTR"'rS l -628·93411 e ves or CASH P1\IU {;Jra~e Sale. Trundll' ~ood & m1•ta l tlih, ti1J!'J&i{;_ bed. fuJly l'ont'd Sl:IOO .•• !: •••• · ••••• ".'••••••••• ~,.. ~ !-'or "U W.l'ii furn, .iota ·--... tublcs."hatr ,"rC"n 1\IH COMl'Hl-:!-.SOHS .• If •;. A ---lll'UI wet:kends " """ ' .. • r ml•ull a urn .~"'·• Gary. ti4S·6060days,12 , T · d m tr· .1 r n u....SELL ----------iques&cl.rTV's,9578133 l'Pl. baby items, ,\UST UE SUI.I>' dr.1w1•r hll· ... l't·:Surplus WA.HTRESULTS:> S45-4283eves an e a1 e. ~...t Brand new 3 spd 26" boys l'luldrens clothes & toys · i\BSOLU1'E DISCOl'NT 11H1r1· Furn11 urt'. ~100 W Stoll your boat thru --- - - -w1larp, $.550 or offer . 864 Coli"""-b1ke,racingbandlebars. HERCULON drpt.. b~uss chandeher: UPT0 50'r OFF LIST. l~hM C :\t GJl:..'777or SOUTHWESTYH 8' Camµer shell. near W.19th,CM642-7331 ~-· sso 644-9726 k1tt·h & df.'corator items ~~~~1.ZES. CALI. t7lll IA'JI :.!S7U Y"'CHTS•LES new. cosL $150. sell for .......... ~--·ic .. ,Parts which includes un~ual 8' Sofa & l.o•~ Turtlerock llilb, 18781 &i6·""'°"' ---"" "" $215 S48 9Wt Aanu .>er... .. colored jade. fine lt.lildltMJMoteriols8025 BOTHPIECESSl99. Sann c J JllM !-odl·1·11-u._ i.:uod l'on FUJI/NEWPORT -·--&Accessories 9400 jewe lry. figurines. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Curtisfum~ d; u mo, nine. Oct 7 Misceltaneous 8080 1 t l d 4!25 DEALERS Motorized Bibs 9140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lvon-"'S, Clo'1sonn° and Ht.h. 9 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1 ion "" ' Jll · ~ · ,.. • BAkNWOODPANEL'g J86SHarborBlvcJ.CM 551 llrl:! C7lll 673-921l •••••••••••••••••••••••'G I '77 Used Mustang many lovely misc Items. Htl taes-Td poll!S-beams &C>~l5 I (;.irugc Sa Ir SAT Od 8 u H /\. p fo: s 1-· It () :\t ------I 7 t\ M 0 p ED M 0 t 0 rarts 990 No. Parker. Thurs Oct 6th lhru Wed 2x4,2x&.locnl631-2-H>O Furn. He frig, pl ant~ GER:\1ANY-Urand m•w. Swapi 8096 17' Surensen s loop. Xlnl BecaJ1C. Xlnt cond. Lo Orange.Call997-2000 0 ct 1 2 t h a t t h c C-& HEW nu:.i· 3 F am1hcs. wm already sewn on t111~· & ••••••••••••••••••••••• t'Ofld S:111. mot.or compl. mi.~. Ph 631·0141 --SHERATON NF.WPORT -•llS'll..... ~h ~turuffo Cir. Jluntani..tton rf.'ady lo be huni.: Onl' , , • • , $2100. 752·825!1 cvs 10 Suite 651. Slarlln~ al s-.&--6 8030 .,.... .... or 11.irhourS.16 S23ti open Wl'a\'C bt.-lj.!l' with Tru~l llU~~" .111r 110.\ r.. . ----·Mo~/ Autos for saae u AM each day. ..;;;.-;.:-;;::........... Contet11pOrary brown to cover anywhcrt· 1!17.I L.i S;.ibrc lor 11. 18 28 Morgon Out is land. .. ................... .. 6 pc. Bedroom set :\tllVING · Sale. Thurs & from \0 to ::!O ft.oet tll.•pcn1I 0 ll •>r I 0 w." •Ilk lhru Aturmt· '1, Rcnoa, d mgy, 91 SO Antiques/ Polaroid SX·70. witll case Sl2S English oak sl:rt!tch table. 551.USS · MUSTSACRIFlCt; l<'ri. only lls hld itt•ms in)o! on fullness. 1\lso, wuul.shat•l,d. 964> 171>1 f:v:. a ll nt•w t•quipment. ••••••••••••••••••••••• CICruic:s 9520 $169.00 J't•wlcr. Antique. Jun-while bea utifully cm-orS.13 t~l2dy~ Sl1..-cps 6 adults, s tand up '76 SUZUKl 400 TS. Lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• !149. Set of o ld Windsor ----------• type kitchen c bair.;, S3S. Cats 8035 Curtis Fu~ 'luc. Avo n l.turtks, & brrndered·lacy t•urtain. TY,Rodio, hf.'ad. Mas.t _s leps. Like mites, Best ofr. 642·71421----------- 1865 Harbor Blvd. CM t~;"· 28!15 Clubhousc Rd floor to ce1l10g. Com1• & HiFi Ster.o 8098 new cond1l1on _ A fast _af_l 5_p_m_. ______ , COUECTOR CAR ea. or 4 (or Sl2S. Old ••••• ••••• •• •• •• • •• • ••• metal ridge lam p. $~9 Himalaya n Kitte n s, 645-6151 Sl'C to appreciate & make ••••••;•••••••••••••••• <'rui::.ang boat wath more HONDA 200. Only 1400 mi. r;, AUCTION 't1 orrer. 22935 Galax;y Lane, room lhan m any 30'ers. Mmt cond. $800/oCr. 111.'.i7 5 SOUTHERN S1!12U French ladies Ln· C. ~·.A. Ricadoro line . SOFA 1' I k -Sat. 14 EnC"On! Court. Npt la id Desk, band carved Stud service 540-1760 Very co~o~ij~ Crest. H' S-Ofa. Stere<> & El Toro. Sl!l-0058. HOME VIDEO Owner 1s a 2 boater and New Jersey, CM. SANYO V -t:OR 1) JI very anxious. 675-14.03 or CALIFORNIA Italian lamp table. Capo --SlOO 963 2082 photo eqwp. Chevy I- de Moote Table t..imp. PERSIAN kittens. top -spd. Lot.<. of small s tuff WANTED :! hr home \'Hico re. t.t:1!l211,bkre. 1974 Kawasaki400S/L.lo COLLECTOR CAR VILL AGE COLL.EC· quality , regis tered. Gold & Gr een Medit. N.U.631-0190 t:order:s & A UV ENT -CEARYl8' l .1 mi. xlnl cond. Sacrifice AUCTION TIBLES, 428 3lst St. Can-6JS.93al couch & loveseat, $100. LOTS OF Good--ies-. -,o-ls_o_f nery Village, 673·2971 -8040 64S-348S knack knacks. 578 Vtc· TOP CASH DOLL.All P .\10 1-'U ll VOl'll JEWELRY. WATCm :s. ART OBJECTS. GOLD, S l L VER S 1-: R V IC.: t-: . 1-'JNE FURN. & AN- T IQUES. 6"'5-2200 Video Beum laq~c screen • . w, rat er. $625. 546-0629 TVs now in SlOl·k Sunyo Good sails $700/ofr. MAlllllO'rT reron:ler was $1260. n o" __ 557-4579 '7SKAWA.SAKISOO. Nf:WfOll'T'IUICH Appl.c.a 1010 ....................... MUST MOVE. sellinl! tona. Apt l, C~. Thurs ••••••••••••••••••••••• DOG TRAl:-JING everything, modem & ul· 9-6 F R G H T DA M AGED Yourplaceor:.tane tra modem pieces . com FHITlrRUSU:'li. HOTPOINT SALE. 3308 John Martin 675-2440 pl bse full. 96J..-063.i Old mahogany dt:sk & W. Warner nr Harbor, -------------tbl h t Santa Ana. 979.2921 OOBIE PUPS-AKC cham· Fr Prov din set. tbl 6Sx41 c. c rs, \'tO an, ~ame:.. pion sired, shots. ears 218" fills, rrwtwd top an i:arden Looi-. . .:olf rlubs. CASH PAJ O cropped, 836-4664 alt 5. t1q wht bllse, 8 uphol levelors. <.:B, ant cable For Wshr/Dryrs/Refrig chrs. corner cab, gd & other items !l6R 1187. worki.og or aot 957-8133 Qual blk s tandard Poodle cood. S500. 644-0648 &561 Windless Dr , H H puppies, 7 g1:nerations, . . • Sun only sail' at 19052 WlJlbuysomeappliances. Ame r & Canadian King S11e HIDI-.:ABED. Plumlrl't'.llU.96.1·7384 working or no. Also champ. Lrg bones & fine new herculon covt•nnl: & -8060 scrap meta l. 675-S2S8 tempera menl . Only 2 matL $150. 5116-8176 Hones l ·ft497 ••••••••••••••••••••••• GARAGE SALE Pnces on ~ -· --38S8. Knee hole lksk, walnul. llor.>e for sJle. Hcgaslered re c o n d i t i o n e d AKC Cocker Spaniels. xlnt Sl2S. K1n.c s1. Mall & Appaloosa & Gcldmi.: . .; refrigerators. wshrs & Buff & golden. $150 ea. Bx Spg. $75. 646·298::! Yr.. 15 h~nds. Sll<I(~ V~·ry dryrs . G uar. & tJel. Callafl.548·7264. -------1-:cntl1• Cull 71-' S.!2·-l::J:!O Du NL A p · s l o 9 6 0 -Swivel rockf.'rs. sofa & wkday ... TaJbcrt(At Euclid) F v 01..D Enl'tlish Sheep dog !l lovcscat. ~a m1· lhl & 963-0'72l · ITI06. fem. Playful, IL'i~ c hrS: matrhang rnfft•t' l'alomino ~u:arter hors•• to chiltln•n. trained-thls 1s l•rv1'r. kinj.! or ~l'll1rn,.: \.\ .. .,t,·rn Xlnt p.1pcrs . .t9'1 7126 btwn 7 & <jllt.'Cn lx.lrm wt, i:las'i & nin1t Sh1>w w11111Pr Whirlpool w11s h.-r $30 H olpo1 nt d r yer $JO. 644-9806 WHIRLPOOL E LECT R IC DRYER $100 536-6756 Refrig. RCA·Wh1rlpool, gd cond. SlOO. Days. ~5400. 631-2289 eves t!PM wood t'(lfft't' lbl, wall un '1000 li75 35!111 YORKSHIRE TERRIE RS PoodJeSbelt&e Mix. Dachshund mix P1l Bull Tenier Max PA.DER'S PETS SEWPORT BEACH 644)0090 its. drncttt'. l..irnv' !S39-~ I ----- REAS. Like new 11' Hlk leather sofa & IO\'{'SCAt w corr tbl & end tbb. Ca ll btwn 6&iP M . 7t-Hi75-0t37 - ARAllAHCOLT c;rC'y ycarlini: \'l'r)' rlassac, \'cry Correct. Ira:. :ilready Won Class A Show Tl·rm-; to quahril'ii hu) er C.111 l·62H·93 IK C\'l'S or w~kcnds. EXTRA K1ngs1LC t win Rt-:G I) 1 1 Arah fill'' ,, mattrt'SSes '"'box s pri:!> yr-.. old. \'1•rv flashy ! Older large gas stove. gd l•---------•I Incl whl'd. frame-<. Xlnl S650 be.t nfr &16 11128 S99S Sats _JlJ...I. 2ti' l>ouble ender. 10 HP $600 ~25• 29 Paca!ac \ tdl.'O Product:. 01uit1bary. Classic folk 6Sl ·28S8 751•7716 consign 110Wtl (7141547~ boat XJnt cond. w 'slip. '76 _H.O. Sportstcr, 2200 An International Buyers -------2S • Culor T\'. $."><1 nr !lest !1000 ofr 675·9211 dyl!, mi. custom PUUlt, xtra Netwont assures you or a LUGGAGE TAGS olft·r. ti7J.4J9'.J .lft t.il'~t or 900-3380evs. chrome. S2.~SO. or bes t CASH OFFER sale day• from yourbusint•s:;t:~1rd ""«'kcn•b H 'F1rini:Jr.w1trlr. offer. Call Rick WtlU.S. 6 Early consignm ent Send one card for cal'h S800 be~t offer. days. 642·4352 or eves Pr 0 vi de 9 adv 8 n c e tag plus one spare. Wt• T\' HCA. l!I" Color. l!ood 49t>-83l0 6734938 adveft1s1ng and promotion r ututn p c rman·•ntl\ cvntl. ~~~ Cart anc ld. -f R ~ ~ • ~11 ·1t;t; k f 1• '77 XR75 llONDA, take or your car. ~Quesr sealed atlraC'llvc ta ~ & tt ·a:. or t'll' ·75 HOB!fo: CAT 16' l.cav-over payments of $43.49 consignment kit a nd strap, mectinl? .i1rhm 23·• t~ml'f"iOr& Color TV ing s tate, must sell. P/mo. Kll-7916 eves. lnformallon from Kruse In l.D. reqwrcments Pre w ~taml. SM."l • 751-4688 Indiana or West Coast vent loss & t h<'fl ! For u '7 2 Y m h E d Off' 213-980-3502 pe""onahz"d l'"' t•n"lo'•' f;.l:.!·~IS COltOHADO 27 a 3 a ,n uro. ice, · ·.., "' u., • ~ Street lef.:al s:i.50./0ffer. ~ wallpaper. (Jbr11• 111 W NewportSJ1p$'99SO 645-40.15 __ "Oay Gin" papt'r & \It' loah&Marift~ S4tl-5S56 --------le) ~I~ will b0;1ck & trim \cour EquiptMftf Lt-:llM~\..~ l:.!Sailboul. gd. '77 Motodbccnn 5-0Vl.h. 2<J(J \ 00 'JJJ ~~/ t..:•J!S. r try l\10 1·arcb ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 lt .,,.25 rru. un er warr, s urp. ,._ _______ ___,'/ hat•k to ha<'k Boats M . i•om ace n g. ....-.· . Ost ovr $400. 4!J;I 5056. Cl , A ct' CO . l'ltlCt-::... , anfte t>i:.! &l30 - - -ass1c u ion mpany ~i·a ,,r:i ~<; EquiptMftf CJOJO ------'72 Husky 12S, \'t'ry Cast. Kruse Building 1 ; ta.:s $I tilll·;,i •••••••••••••••• ••• ••• • Southcoast 10. Many xtras. Mu:.t sec Aubum, Indiana 46706 1; !I la~s ~1 3tl l'a WAMTEO fo'1bcrgl..is;. dinj.!hy Sl50 ~ bes t off~r. 6-16 7896 2 19/925:4004 1t1pr 111or1• ~I 111 ... 1 \ t·anvas ('O\'"r f11r .1 Call <1_~-7~--- Sah·sTa\ lndudi·•I ''"" • ll'-'<kn·~t m11<h•l 1 l I I IDO :isJ7 w trlr A.ados, New 9100 Autos. Hew 9100 .,.;u <.:AltU ' 1at,•r01lt l.' .. 11 l>.;fr a l i:ooll eond l!~ucetl t~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l>raw your own vr ~t-ntl I~ :.'ill'I ::.!11.IO. ii I ti:!:! ~IOI naml', addres;.. phon.· & we'll makt• one rar1l f'~:r lag. 1\dd 25 ('Uf'h St."fld check or m1JOl'} 11r tier to PILOT PRINTING ~·\.··~TED l ''•'11 !-.J1J.. for 13' DART Needs work ~ Sloup m1L,l Ix• m .:ood '11111 968·8~M I t'Vo•s & 1·11nd S.1!11u111 \4 kn<b COMING SOON C'ClOd SSO; Frigidaire gas SPRINGER S . I rood.S200cash.ni:l·Uti dryerSLS.53&-2959. · pan1e PUJ> -------- -Gari to shar<' cxpcns<'5 . .i 9' /\nt111ut> Brun .. w1d.. w papers. Male. L..ivcr & Beaut walnut wood 1·r old 1\rah Bay Gcld111g, cl.1so;1c P oof Table. STAR WARS CELICA GT The fastest draw in the West. . .a Da.ily Prlot Classified Ad. 64.2-.5678. Whl. Xlnt. w kids but k1ngs i 2e h e adboard !179-l~C\'C:-. •i735a>t o r !\JG.lsitl mrne allergic . S7S. w1canc insert. SIOO. ---------- .. 642-7450or~7573 675-59-19 Classified Ads ~2·Sffi8 Unusual abstral'l cul m1r 4~ TO OUR WOMEN IN BUSINESS COMING Sunday, October 16, 1977 In the Daily Pilot A TRIBUTE TO THE ORANGE COAST'S SUCCESSFUL WOMEN BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS advertlafng opportunity. Deadllne for DAILY PILOT 642-5678 ror p11~ces on mirror backing -beautiful WJll decor -different sazt•s. S20 to $50. 645-2776 <iftcr l pm. 15 gal. aquarium. show tank. Pus h m owe r 7 blades. Roll-away bed. 493.7425 WATER BED Ranch style frame & hdbrd w /heater $200. Thi. soccer $75. 675-5005 aft 6PM Nwpt Beach Tennis Club Me m bersh ip, $1000. 644-1726, 640-4096 Neim a n "Hand Off'' Litho. and Hebel "Ruth &Child" Serigra ph. Both originals, signed & oum· b e r ed. Best o ffe r . S0-1264 or 54&-1137 Garden Mum ·s Special, 8 " p ot. $2 .49 . a t VILLAGE COLLEC· Tl BLES patio garden 428 31st St. Can nery Village. N.B. 673·2971 --,---- Fme c hina. crysta l sterling. Appt. only. 64S·0963 ~ W..t.d 8011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• W a nted : OLD TEA WAGON. Prefe r lar Re whls. 494-9352 or 494·S383 Dotls -liUle, wanted Cor6 granddaughter s . Barbies, Toppers, etc 675-5505 SHOWCAR' by TOYOTA Fri., Sat. & Sun. Sept. 7, 8 & 9 exclusively at TRUCKS HERE NOW· .. UNIVERSITY SALES & SERVICE 2850 HARBOR BLVD ., Costa Mesa 540 -9640 DIO DAILY PILOT Thur~ay. October 6, i9n Vans 9570 Autos Want.d 9590 Autos, Import.cl Autos, lmport.d A.utos, lmporf.d Autos, lmport9d ----------:------'-..:::.;..;;;..::.=.L.:....=;::.:.::=;,.,,::,:....:...::..:...:__ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..................... . R.c......tionm 4 Whttl Dri•H 9550 Tn.ctu 9560 1 too 't.ot. <.'lwv i.1t·p VJu ~'LL IUY 8MW 9712 Rot 9725 Men:ede1 lena 9740 p 9750 Veflicle-I 9530 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• w '7;J h \')' \_·n..: I 1, fllJ)>: your fOTelgn or eun,p;u1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Of"IC.h. ••••••••••••••••••••••• AMC JEra 1976 f""' .. D c..·.1r, pal.d for or nol' C.:alt ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ig-""' t•\1•ryth1n.: .:011d iunll '-'ul""',"'"r '77 OMW ~301 Ul.1ck. HUS 'ii Frut 124 Spyller, good '63 JOOSEMercedcs s-1t·TSC"'IS ·~ lnt'I Mt!lru 'l ruck. tiH #I "'Calif S'--1..._ P1c"--l4 '<ti' tx'tl. ~lllUUW\, I' .,_...... ..... • c·onu t.900 r-v "' .t"ord V 8 l·nc11w. nl'W • •...-•-' ....,. llll y "'TES wht-. .i :1µd. i.unroor. •• 673 ...,.... 4 pass convert. Btuck lo_..._ Sold I b -W~OUTSELLAl.l. ClL'ltompalJll&iotenor trJ:; Sit.OU urr C.lll ~ Ill kl I.I $13800 -~ •ft hit bod ed -r•• e utc • tire~. i.hoci.-. J Et;P l>~ALt:I{~ 4 speed, air cond & lu~ ~J2W . t..tti i tljll VW.POISCHE ·~~-~r.,.~ ru io . ..,p, w e y, r in palJlt Smk,::.toH'. refn.: INTHE!>IAn: rrules. <10121391 Pnt·cd " """"" 'ti! Fial 850 Sport Coupe, tenor Runs good. Has '6111!.eT'-EIU.a.LI bed. SlJOOtoffor 4~J 1780 ·n l.)«11:~ \au II 100 1·u_,l San Juan CaptStrano .:oocJ eng & tires, needs ~w air ba.:::. A real col· "'~ • ~" HUGE IMV&4TORY tosdllabt Bl $4W5 mt C'<l, A \1 Jo'\t '>ll'rt'<) 837-4800 493 4511 7 1 ll.1 \ JrlJ I .,,, 1111 k Male rr I l . La t or IMPORTS 4 UA.--• Dn'v-.. • 9550 All Models New & Used llll Y "'TES .... .,, .. ,,, ... I '""r'-. ·"un ---·---AM FM Cu" I' .., I' U trans wor . e o er eclor s bp1cl·lce. llA~k l ""~ •• ~ •u ' " ,..,. .... ....._ .. ,,_.,._... 62JSZll 7 (711 1 Ul26403_ cusom w cars. ,, · 714/541·1 16 ~astni.: Ava1labh.' V'6I ._ISCHE roor. m.ii:' Mu .. t ,,.11 -... ... ··-r-· ..u •• " . " t.1.:.., L.L--'-Ing $13,500. 1714)648-8590 ----------····•·················· Costa M•sa "'n....-v rust. J-.k111" lur In.in ••••••••••••••••••••••• !!JI S7'J7 f""'llUl'fUU 9727 or 67"'-2160 ask for JEEPS "77" AMCJttp ~11nJuanCapistr•rno b.ala11< 1' u°;i1" l.trn Audi 9707 Capri 9715 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Maune~. SHUSFfltST! ~ J . s. s. c J . 7. ~. ~ llARUOR Ill.VD _8_l7-48 __ oo 4_9_3_-451 1 rnth•ai;l'. ~>O.OIJO mtl1· w.11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lrmd New •77 , __________ , ~J~~ ~~e,ecaosi!~de::.; .._'herokCi!s, Wu.:onecri., Ctk.td Mesu __ 5-&9 80~ .67 Ford 1-hinchl'ro pick r.inly ~~ 58t;1 alt ti '"" 1974 Aut.11 Fo.r... i,:oo<l cond1 ;:i ('apn \' 1; -.lll'k. xlnt next Pof'llChe. P1clt-ups, uptoSl.200d1s wknd.~ t1on~~so 1•01111 Air. :.unrl, ,11 l~·lt HONDA Cars SACRIFtCISA.LE t-•ount.s. S yr 50.000 male '67 CJS up. Auto. P • S. I' II . ~-00111 l'll tcrt•) !'.It' ~:! 1~5 MANY 1966 230 SL, both tops, 4 llLL YA TIS wac~llMll~leln'c Beslofr 0.llJ..0849cve !~~;p! $1100. 114ti -12!.lti 1?i.~~~~~r~al~~i'ii~~1: •• ;1·n~· '7:..~1-<.; New ra1llah !lti.'4 11733 To Choos• From! s pt•cl.I. 1967 250 SL. VW-PORSCHI ~ ·~ l~alher & Cull back scul s J c •-t 2001 Eut,SASS88000 Sdl1dle1tl•ms &12-5678 '76 l h ·II C t",\t Mt'rl·o l'.1'" !\111-.1 \'lnyl top_ S1lv1•r blUl' '71 CA l'HI (;fl'l'll 71ll00 UNIVERSITY Auto. Both mint t·ond un uan af ... reno -_ -.uv w s c u:.lom .. s .. 11 1111-. "l"'k. ~1.·0110 Xl11t "ond Bst •1fr 'l'"I' 837 ••004 •4511 lnl d ' ~' " ~ ' ..•. ' '" 1111 , AM 11"M r111l10, liest o£Cer by 10111 77 ___ .._ _______ _ A.uto1,Htw 9800Autos,M•w 9800 x con&1sJO.t6 11-l7tl6o:iart ~ipm .-l800W6·t>:Jtb drl\t'll llrl•at' '4!llhO Oldsrnobii. bi5·7903 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••, . , . .\lu:.t :.1·11 '73 Chevy \.or1 BMW 9712 5'l!l!H'l3&1;.m 1571i Honda Cars • GMC --------'679912 NEW LANCIA SEDAN w .... S&k .. l'rk• ••.•.... $ 7. 5 7 4 .2 0 1. J. s,or+.ccr1 C>ltc-.t ...... 2,379.20 Youpaycriy .. $5, 195.00 New 1976 Sor 1103994 Thru 10-10·77 A. bfflltiful sefedion of Lcmc:ia Coupes and Sedcms wlttl •r c onclltl Olli~ f10W l'I' .. ~ aftd '°"'~ ....... , 8.J. Sportscar Center Inc. s 2833 HARBOR BLVD. -, OM Mol• Saut .. of San 01"'Jo Fw~ i» COSTA MESA S40-449 I 54 Chl!vy Trul'k 23!1·1> 1·yl "ti•·k Hun~ "ood I' II. Truc:ks Like N cw '7 4 S E ·1 ts c t t l'h ., '" "' ,... ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7t Ctlp11 \'t; :!:.l.ooo n1i . '1 -" 1 e d New black p•lnt w.,o 0 ex ra par s. !>lllTil' 1·mor t•xtr.is Orig 28SO llarbor Blvd "ercL-ucs. • ron new • IW2·3S7l uwnr As lc in.: S:!5110 bt.•igc -w blk mtr ~200 Costa Mesa 5<&0-9640 Mh:helen X tlre-111. Color: Konl1, alloys. Sharp, ~ . l'hll-15 •1')7!1 -----Drk .:rn bamboo inlr. cleaft. $6300 aft 6..,.. CllF:VY I.UV CiJhnvt•t i;i,, ow:i Mr .... Ljffifl OcrhWt 9720 l!f70 Honda 600 Sedan. $1 1,!IUO. nOOl! Ko.:o, cal84Ml4 i r·-· ~~.ix,·rh Nd' 1111 work ·7 1Ford.1·ampt•r 1•q111p , ••••••••••••••••••••••• nt•w brakt>s, new ~8061,119!12636 l•---------... u5v ' iw7 7H5t 1.iti. J11 AT. I'S. ,tr .1.... A:\1 F M radio & box ----~800 ~..i~ 1~.!.'ti COME IH & SEE *DRIVE /4. * -.µeakers . ssso. Call MG 9742 ASSUME Lse. on '7712 1973 Ford Courtrr ~ shl'll :w.ooo m1 Xlnl 1·onu S230U 731 0423 art 6 '66 Cllf:\'Y Pkup "• lon 3:!7. PS. P II . ,11r. w :.hell $1250 548-~or Slit 7249 1!173 <:~tl' \'.inilur.1. ,,.., I'll JJo \'II. -•, T<lll, 111·1' whh. tu. ... t r(•al "OUll 1111 Zti fall add1l1011JI u11t . bt:.iut rnnd ,\,,km>: $l lllO ti.I!> 11>/;I 'fi6 EJ. CA.Ml'\IQ, 111'1' 71. l)llllgi• \.Ill l.!IWIU oil' rebll enJt Ll""1n.: -.t,1ll• luJI 1111 ~ umpl "l•·I~ :\-1u-.t .~wlf' 751 4hXll a Cl durw l I 7_'t.l(,l:l'I Sl'M i:J Chc\'Y l.01 . :11:.00t1 m1 m;iny xtrj:. Vt•r} d•·un' Ila\ ml( Cinancral tl1ff1t'ul ty must sdl $1950 or l•sl or r !16().. 13:.::l; ~,;11; 17:..')I MUST SELi. 'lit> (il\H' pkup truck. \'H. (;ti l'illltl $1000 or b<'~t 01 r K.ll) !J~ll .. 1 9570 ·•····•················ Auto leasi"CJ 9580 .•.••.•.....•..•.••••.. 1~1'.\lt-:l>l.\T~. IH·:LJ \' 1-:H y ' I I 1978 CADILLAC SEVILLE Cull for u ll•Ust• r.1h· <.:OttT FOX u :,\SI NC: :!SX/i ~ewport Ill vii COSTA M 1':S1\ 645-3661 ·57 VW Komb1 , an, ,01110 Autos Want~ 9590 plctcly rl·bwlt t•rt).t1nt•. hd ••••••••••••••• ••••• • •• t'OOlcr_ s1:iw ·t!li 1,191, WE WILL IUY YOUR DATSUN If YOU ha,'<• .. 1 "'l'r\ tt't• tool lt·r u 1 J.:l>Cld' tu ~di, pl.HT olll ,,.J Ill lhP IJJ11\ J'llol C:lai1 .. 1I h"fl !'-l'l'l lun l'hundri.! 51, ill l'AIO fC>ll UH NOT TOP DOLLAR FOR TOP CARS IA.WICK DATSUN SJ11 JuJn ('api...rr.11111 THE630CSi LITTLE 546-7998. ~···••••••••••••••••••• 924 . Air. Hlaupunkl MOW OM * ••• * -----9730 76 Blut' MCI M1gl't, 9100 co.si. .. Alloy whls. Svea: SAVE A LOT Joqwr m1, xln l ~·ondlllon 759-1252 DISPLA. Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• 542·2522. 971-l119 ------s 1101•&co:-.t l'AR1': GU Jag, :u1s, 4 spd, over· n.-I-- -9746 '70 911T Sport•o·matic, OURCOMPLm BODY SHOP ISHOWOPEH BMW RESALES 1969 2002 Automaltl', air conu . & .-\~1 Jo'M rad1Q. 1\ one ownercar. 1ZH\'M~> 1972 2002tH 4 spet.-1.1 arr cond . stereo l'assell<' and mai: wheels <ti:..'7FGX > 1972 2002 ,\utomat11· with arr l'Ond On1' <1w 11t•r l·ar I l::lf.~{)). 1973 BAVARIA \utomallc wnh air l'On il11111mn1:. i.ll•rt·o l'ai.'t'lll' &~wiroor 10oJ.'."llZ1 1973 2002tii BARWICK DATSUN ~ .. 111.111.111 ( ... , .. ,,, ·'"" 831-1375 493-3375 NEWPORT DATSUN FOR THE BEST REETPRICES Coll lrw:• Low TODAY! ~oovi-:srn~ET Nl•ar MacArthur &Jamht•re1• H11:1ds 8 33-1300 dnvc. wire wheels. xlnt ...,..... xJnt cond. $6500. 752·8398 l'Ond 551·2235 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ;.ift S wkdays - - -'68 Opel Station Wagon. l ---------- JenHtt 97 32 yr on new eng. Gd paint 1976 Porsche 912 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jub. Fair <'Ond. Cd Chocolate brown ex· Must sell~ 73 Jensen Hea· uuleage. S600. Pinto maJ: terior, !l unroof & low ly Con \'Crl. 4 spd. whl.s.NJ Sl5. ea. 8112203 nuJes <903.NXN>. AM fo'M. pm stripping, PonC"tt. 9750 BILLY A. TES x,lnt. cond Gre.at bu.y '. ••••••••••••••••••••••• YW' •oasCHE \ou II ~ sorr): 1f you re l!l1J Porsche 9llT. Oni: .,..- sct·ond an lme. 075-185!1_ owor. Xlnt rond $8600. San Juan Capistrano Karmann Ghia 9735 962 2'Jll 837-4800 493-4511 ....•.•......••.•...... ..... -.... . __,01,"•w G4 Convt. Custom top. nu •••••••••••••••••••••• painl, nu int. nu £'ng. Kunis. Porsche rims. 9100 -Completely restor1·d. 8s 1976DATSUM 8210 I !>P\.'«I, rud10. healer & :.11lc molding:. In e'< I' 1· I I en l c II n <I I 11 0 II 1!J2;,N n~1 You ML'ST st:i-: lh1!) .:a::. ::.aver 1 COSTA MESA DATSUN Ask for R11·hard, 645·570:! Mendel 9738 ........•...••......... miracle mazda 21 SO Hcrbor ll•cl Costa MHCI 645·5700 ~~.°.~·.~~.": ....... !~~-~l~.°.~·.~.-.V: ....... !~.o .. ~-°.~·.~~.--: ....... !~~~ 831·1375 493-3375 WE BUY CLE.AH CARS & TRUCKS I "P<'c'<l. \\I F\I 1 adh) .1 1 r 1· 111111 & ma i.: ... II ;JGiJI-: I ~1;,11,\HIH)Jt ltl.\'lJ 540-6410 540-021) 1•1;1. l>ahun :!1!11 /. \11 ('111111 ~pul..l' \\ hl•t•h. ~tt·n;i 1.11"' p lu, ,.,, ra, • J.11. .. Ill'" 1'1 1 pl' llt·~l Ollc•r 1);1 \' i~111 11!1 11 I-:\ t•nini;' ~ Wl'<'kt•nth li7:J (1~•11 '73 RX2. 4 m door. 30,000 ITU Xlnl tond. Sll!OO bst t•I r 6-IS·!l929 FOi 1971 GRAND PIJX LG FOi 1971 IONNEVIW HOUGHAM '74 AMC •...U.-w&-V8 I U flJm•tt l' ''"''""''''"" ~,., .. , Ot••ft'1 ~ ,,...,..,.q ht?.,...,... A,_.. •M tll110 IS~l.IS1 52599 '7 S l'OMTIA.C ~'"-"'·­vs '~,dom at 1t' Jr en•'"1"••0" ,.,, C'\l'\d f•l)l\11'111) ,,O*•' t., ..... '\ , 0 ~ ~·· , .. ' &.~Mt:_H 54498 • • • t • t.n 1978 V .. J dO l'nAf lt "'!'\~~~ ... ,,, ~' rc-ot r.1'••• ,,,.,,no '~O"V o4 I t"~··~ t.cJ•f) ,.. •••• , t 1"0l"MVE~ '4199 ,,..,,, Ul.1......, WA•• ,,, •'"""' "'"·~ ...... , 4lll.Vll• s3999 CONNELL CHEVROLET :!X2R llarbur 111, cl C11sT,\ :\t !-::-. \ 546-1200 Wt: l'A\' T<JI' Ulll.l.AI< Fl Ht TOI' t. s Jo; f> C \HS rn1n:1<;:11. uo:-.n:sTIL' or CLA.'>SICS tr }Our t'Jr ri. c'tr;1 d1·:rn !'ot"C u.~ flr<;l IAUER IUICK 29:!5 !1.1 r bor 111\ d (."1 ... t.1 ~te ... a !Ji!I :!.'>Oo TOP DOU.AR PA.ID WE HEED CLEAN USED CARS HOW CALL PAPPY 1973 2002 I 'l''<'cl . -.11nr1t<ol & II t' " I.. •' 1 \ \I F \1 11771!1-:\ I 1974 3.0CSA Coll!J'' 1\ul11mat1r t•lt•t•t ~>1111ruol & w1nuuw ... 11-.1\hl'r int .. lu,un \\h1·"I' Sil\,., til.11·k- ' lo"JiJ .'\"j' I 1974 3.0SA 1"'1111 po"" t'r, ~unro.if. :o 11 t 1111CI . & 11.•ath .. r 1111 1:1XX!\l,I-I 1976 2002 I '111•1•11. a 1 r t'und (ol ... 11·r1·1> , a~-.t>tt1· 1111 rn.1('uJ;1Je' I i811R.l I. 1976 530iA \u1<1m.1t1\ .11r 'unit . ''''"' ,\ 111" n1r1 .... I~ •..:l· 1.11'.t.l 1 19763.0Si .\11tumJlll .11r 1 .. n1I Slt'rt'<f, 1•h l1 I' IOdU\\ '· """ h,., 1n1 61 It•" ·milt·~ J.11.. .. n.·~' 11).li.ll :'\ l J SAODLHACK VALLEY IM,OR1S 831-2040 495-4949 CREVIER THt lllTIMAt( OIU'Y'l,_,tl MACHINE 540·5630 .•USED BMW's* ih ~I/. :! I ~· \\110. Jlr, ma..:, H'•' I •liio• hr 11, eust f'lll~lnpu11! 11 l!IMI m1 ':. :'>I 111 l :\1 a 11 ,. 't r J' :-i!~i;, tt .. 1 1111 !l<JI 1;7;i11 "7 t>.11.,un t1i1MI. H11.1d,tt)r lldl I• r1111 ' i;cl Nd!. IPnd"r 51,;,o oClcr. !'>llifi(r77 9740 ...........•.....••.... S.-ORTSCARS lought & Sold WEST GERMA.H IMPORTS 714/548-1186 '72Ml%220D ,\utom11u c & air cood. 1-'or the luxury of a Mf.'rcedes & the erficit>o· c·y of a diesel. 1834EIE). . '72MIZ250 IEATTHE PRICE INCREASE!!! J6 !'l f;W C. \llS • C 0 UP E . Lux u r·y ('QUlpPt,.-d with low miles & 1.., in c>.ccllent cond1· lloo 1689GWG l ,\Tl 'llt: OLO I 'It ICF.S .\II mo<J..t., no""' .1,·a1l:i hit• l 'J 11 or ~1·1' "' l>Cfvrt· ~uu bu\''' COSTA MESA DATSUN ~~UAHkOR RL\ U '74 Ml% 450SEL Lt-o1ther anterior, pwr "'lnduv. ~. t·rwse control. ~w1roof & mctaluc paint t;real cond1l1on ! \l~UJ\') 540-6410 540-02 t 3 Good srlect1on of olber rm~ M BZs in stock lo 71 lJJL,un ~10 ~ h~l rhoo:w from 11lr Pt•rl rwlt11ni.: l'Ond ,;~. •n o:t he"" n :i 111')1 ;;, ::1<117.. "1rl!'r '<harp. air. m.1c,, ,\:\1 F\1 1.1'-'<'ll". I .. ,.r1 111 1111 llru1·1· .,.,., 7•.c•t ti.I\'"\ Pf •• , i ~',~II .., , ..... l!l'i 1 l>ahun H.!lu. lltchlik l!•'lotl l'llfld , 1l1•W llrC'S, \~I Jo'\!, I' I' S::WO or b.\l 011 1.1:1 ~lilt ltllSSION VlfJO IMPORTS .......... 'c ' ..... . ,, ',) ""-•;"'-"• .... -. Ill'· 11411 49.S 1104 lHH .Ww·UHd OVER 100 MERCEDES OH DISPLAY I W ~ ~~~~~Jltl ·n 53()1 ·h pcl 286..4' r. u ·;; 3:.'0tJ S H 177RSK I CC • : ·;1:20tr.!lspdS R40ll'DP t!Yi:l~1<1'l.,:>1101~1n11 s-mou 2626 HARBOR BLVD it; :1 0..1 I ~p S H 5i2PQ:'>t or bt.·.,111H1·r Hom. of lmoorts AUTIIORIZtD MF.RCl':OES DEALER 6862 !\1 :inchester. nuena Park 523.7250 COSTA MESA i I II a ' a r u a :J u l !li'I '!19H On the Santa Ana Fwr. MARKV LINCOLN MERCURY .. ~ T«Md ..... leedy To Go! WXURY USID CAR SPICIAl.S 1974 CADILLAC Crt. DIVIW v..a. auto. trans .• factory air oonditlomng, pOWer steering, pawer disc brakes. PoWer windows. power seats. radio. healer, whitewall tires. vinyl roof, llnled glass, wheel oovers, Landau tap, (424NXNJ $5266 1977 TOROMADO v..a. auto. trans .. factory air cond1tlonlng. poyier steenng, power disc brakes. Power windows. power seats. radro. heater. whitewall tires. t1n1ed grass. wheel covers. Landau toe>. Vlnyl 1ntenor. 16.000mtes. Ser.11701315 $7899 1975 THUHDEUllD V-8. auto trans . factory air c:ondtt1or11ng, pawer steenng. pawer disc brakes. pawer wmdows. power seats. radio. heater, Whitewall tires. vinyt root. trnled g lass. wheel covers. low miles .. (T06NPQ) $5989 1975 UMCOLH 4 DOOi SEDAM v..a. auto. trans. factory air oonditloning, PoW8f' sreenng. pawer chsc brake., power windows. powe< seats. radio. heater. whitewall tires, vinyl rool. tmled glass. wheel covers. (309NXNJ $6393 1971 UMCOLH COUPE v..a. auto. trans.. fact()()' air oondltlonl11g, power steering, Power disc b111kes. pawer windows. power seats. radio. heater. whilewall tires. vinyt roof. ltnted glass. wheel covers, \'lnyl inteffor. .sunroof. (~OY) $4695 . : 197 4 UNCOLH 4 0001 SB>A.H iM'.\1\'G --vs ... o~.:~=·~o~ oo··· ~()~ O u~~~Rs! c~-~~ ~!-~! ........... !?.~~ Pi\QK LAN~ ~=~~'7 ... cona·•-·"O r90.., 0 ,\Po We'rt•lhenrwChevrolel ORAHGECOUHTY'S ;:i l"t-:UHA RI Din ~1olor "arCo. G dcaler.;h1p m the lrv10(' , OLDEST l'ouiw. rt'•I w blk int. l ' '-.'.o S 1388 0 -oc Auto C1•nt1·r We need & Ill'" h•ath ml, nt>w paint, Call us for personalized V-8. 8010. trans . factory arr cond1tron1ng. Power steenng. pawer dose brakes. power windows. power seats. radio, hearer. whitewall tires. vinyl root tinted oiass. wheel coverg, vmyl lntenor. (666KJCJ $5466 .Johnson & Son , yuuru.~l'<lc·ar1 ' 1\:\I F~I rnd10 :n.ooo M1 Mercedes service & '17 DOOGl ~} JOE Nt•w i.ym·mnm.'r nnRs. tease ~,.... 0 c.oro.t.., ....... ~o "o•• •(~bO· 0 •"'t MAC PHERSON 1ww rlulrh Mech. perf 755 "A" W.17lhSt. CM 0-Jleon,,_.,wav (821BL7XOt!>llJ1 \) d Q\ \U\ Sah:s-${-n 1Ce·L<':JSIOI,! t~I (lfo6/l llfl 6. (714) 631-0545 SACRIFICE 0,~\"4 a· QO CHEVROLET Roi C-·r In-2626 Harbor BoulPvard ott>' eS A~ -.,. ' -NOWA\a1I. forllelivery 1 '67 230SL R oadster. 'lt.&0 "cos\0 ~ !J4q .... ~ 21 ,\uloC\•ntcr Dm·c Rolls nyc·t· BMW Ovrr :!O i.cleC'l .Fcrran's · AM/FM radio. A T. P /S. Costa Mos a • (714) !>40·5630 ~\.:r~-..:.~ :,.,~.~ IRV7INE 1540JamhorN' Dtoo's, Daytona'!. & llox-A/C. 2 lops. 673-5759 aft. • ~=12~";,.:'~::;: .... ~"~=:'0~;:-'o.n.o.._.,...,.,..,., 768· 222 Newport~ach_!t10·6444 ~'1.G,11 OS4fi___ 6p_m ________ ------------------... Autos, M•w 9800 Autos, N•w 9800 Autos, M•w 9800 Autos, H•w 9800 Auto1, H•w 9800 Autos, H•w 9100 Autos, M•w 9100 A.uto1, N•w 910 Alrto1, M•w 9800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I .....di:l.._ M!QC.ijl I _ --qrr-w9.11uy.1; _ '2828 Harllor Blvd. COSTA MESA evro 546-12•. ... .. .. " b ii n n d p k a a N k n 0 s. n a p f AMtos, IMporled Autoa, Imported Autos, Uud Autoa, UHd .4Mto1, UHcl Auto1. UHd · lhuf!dg, Octobere. IV77 OAILV Pl.OT •JJ ;.;:~;-·•••••••••;;;•0 ~:;:~;;:·······;;;·~ ~~··••••••••;;·,·~ ct:,;•:.;;.•••••••••;•;is M.::.;:;••••••••••;;5'j ;.;;,::c;•••••••••9;521Auto1, U1ed Alltot, UHd Mtos. UNd . •••••.................. •.•.•...•.............. ··•····••••············ ......................................•......• ·········•··•·········· ··········•···•········ .........................•..••.••..•••..•••••• '66 911 S 1970 VW Bui:, goo ct d l'hrhlo-1 lm1i.·n,i1 .. oil 00 Mu~tanl( 351 kn~ I' S, W h\STll1\('K .l'.'11 \'K Oldsmobile 9955 ptymouttl 9960 v-., 9974 VeryCln 63\ 0116 ~harucally 1·ond $1001' Wt> . I'"'' .111 'Int 1u11ll l.o I' Ii It runs. but lll't'<h I'S l' H n ...... tire' & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -or offl'r 631 :!\112 day:. or 1111 ' '•II• 11·~1 "'ork li:>l ufr. 546~JJ Jfl Lrk' S t.l~O 'li.K H IK I ·73 Cutlass Supreme. 2dr. •74 OUSTER YIGA '76 'S1 SJ)ttd.sl<!r, xlnt 1und ~'r.1~7eH·,, 6wlcd)' l'V<':o ~I.nth V lop AT/P B , A /C, 6 cyl, auto tran~. p,., lo H"TCHl"CK AMll-'M + ~tereo '"'':. · Cooffnefttol 9910 ,\\1 f "d rad111, radials, A "' Pv . u nu, cln, all round top s~ di t t ply &40 0975 T.! VW xltlt mel'h l'Und 197 6 C.t.DILLAC ••••••••••••••• • ••• ••• • bS ... u:.tani: ~ll 9955 1111\ m1 ~J!jS 962 5985 shape 847·3909. 5 ~trans., ra o, e <'. •-"1Royce 9756 mte.t.sell, bc.-stofter,t'all "t\<'Hli'lt'I'. \1 u't ~di 75 P1C1u .irt 9pmurbd H JO Oldamobile 9957 Only eleven cniJes! =. ................... ..tft 5 30. S48 1546 cl4~ou'~'E1ovo,~~!.Lr1L11E11s1 I II"" II \ ,, 11 ll •• l' .1 t I .1111 ~ ~3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pinto 1974 Scamp, air. PS. nt'W (0640MLROG )y $3295 '' • ~ 1 1 '76 OLDS T-Top ••••••••••••••••••••••• tire:.. lo m1. xlnt f'Ond. "I DEALER IN U.S A lll75 Dodge Tr.11k.,rn11n With ll'utht'r 11111·1111r, l'#l .l·~~1 " 1 ''\I ·70 \fu~t.ini: 'Int run · Van. Good ,·and. S.1000 s.••.·r_e,o t,.iv•· ••I• C......nr 9913 ""!'" \,1! .',,"''' hu~.i..:o C11Ho11s..,..,,,. 14 l'mto Sc1w1t' St.it.ion &16·7014af\4 30 Dow&QuaUSU. c.a " I ---,-s1-w 11~1 .,., ~ ...,.., llasall1heonllons low Witn 4 i.t><I . A\1 ~M . p :--9965 NEWPORTBEACH II aft 5 PM. !Hia ·t96t; C~J .. I L) ru c·d .... '""" ••••••••••••••••••••••• • M' "' -· .... ,I..,.,., r • • \ c $;!"()() Ph t)J\ °"' IJ Ofttioc a:. 1mlea.:o & 1s t''ll'dl1:11l ' · ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 833-0116 7!> VW C11rnper , In m1 . >.Int cond , $5.400. 1 I \H.7 -'00 Lundau. full '70 MuslJll•' .\u111 .i1r th l , .. ..,.00 $7288 . " IOOOUML, ........ Y ss'a195 '72 Pinto. xlnt cood. New ..... I b .. II .... (',oc··· Aond pwr, \,\! I• :\1. arr, Liit Huns & louk' gr 1-.1l "' ~ m '"' "' ~ '72 Vega Hatchback. 545-l~ti ....111 . 1111rn.1l'. $3175. $1:!50.Ph 673 ~ µaint.$15\JO. I'S l'B,/\1C.rad10,uuto K46 32711 SADDLEIACIC 7ti8.6513 830-7731i Call 8J0.5881 Auto, very 1ood cond. $900. 846-0436 CtOStO )UNOAYS '13 Super Bl'l'tk. a tr. AM / l<'M , cas~. :oil«'r•·o, 42,000 mt. lmmu t• ser vice record av<itl 964-t~ Nabers Cadillac '7t Must:ing II Ch111 . VAUfY IMPORTS ---l!l'n Co~ar, xlnl cone.I. Mnn} ,1r.is 37.000 ml. 831 _2040 495_4949 5 Pinto Runabout, hke '74 Flrebird, formula 350, •73 Vega, 4 spd, air, juat lully1.'<1wppe<l ~500 c·iill 6•15 !J5W aft nt'w, 3-1,000 mi. mWlt :.ell mint co11d. Load"'! had vah'e job. $900. or PL\QK LJ\N I~ !'>Ui71M~I G::io t~ia~. S:l~ 0 .r bst olr. AM/FM tupt'. $3<150 . bt>st orrcr.646·7896 'Ill <'u1la!'t1>. 2 d1 H&IJ, 9ti0-1323;5:J&.47:a! 759-1201 Call'J'rnvor ----.---- Molor 0ar Co 1975 vw <·onvt. rn.wo 1111 '(,111\ I I • ~ .. " t' , 11 Doc:tq. 99 JS 1\ (' .auto, d ean $950. ---. -!lave something to ~ell'! •••••• •••••. •• •• ••••• •• Want All~ Call &1<!·56711 li4 I 11:..'7 Scll 1dlt' 1t1.•ms 1;.i2-567H Clai.s1fied Ads li42·:>1i78 Classified ads do it we ll. 75 ;\1UNACO l 'nd..r 10.000 Autos. H•w -9800 Autos. H•w 9800 Autos, N•-w -HOO Autot, Mew 9800 Autos. Mew 19800 "" lk·aut eund Loud ed. •••• •• •. • • •• ••••• •••••• ••• ••. • •••• ••••••• ••• •• ••• ••. •• ••. ••••••••. ••. •• ••• •• •• •• • ••••••••••• •••• •••••. ••••••••••••• Rolls Hoyce & fkntlt'y l_mmar. Nu tire,.,, nu hr I ' I \1 1 it I I salt's. :.crv1ce & least' Sky blue w pin stnp111i.: 7SS"A"W 17lhSt,CM Wrnty. fi st 11rr •Ht'1 l71 IJ631-0545 SJ6S0.493 5072 aft 7 l'M Assumt' lt'asl'. $414 per 75 SCIROCCO Sil\ Pr air mo '71 S1lvl'r Shadow. AM/FM, tape. ~JJ75 lonit whl bust.•; comp 6'14·1033 __ r cblt. PJ tlnt!r s h1 p l986VW BUS-Blut' whilt> break-up. b ·it & · 11'75-9111 557 ~0 re UJ enginl' 111 c" cellent l'Ond1l1on t\~k in.,: Soab 9760 S.IJOO or be~t offt.•r. l'omt' ••••••••••••••••••••••• & Sl'e lo a pprectdlt..' ·~Saab 96 Great running 5111 0058 cond $1200,bst o rrcr 551·:.116 aft~ Volvo 9772 ------...................... . '76 Suab GLE. leaded W1extras. !lest o£fer t.a k ea. P. I' !>52 OS36 Toyota 9765 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IEFOREYOU SELL YOUR TOYOTA., See us lor a tor> dollar estimate! MARQUIS TOY OT A Mls.510N VIEJO 831·211049S.1210 COSTA MESA DATSUN 1971 CADILLAC S3KO<l ti4-' O:!Jll SEDAN DEVILLE ~ ·ro Sta Wa!!on Nu Fully lo.Hl l·d extr<1 P;11nt, battery, scab, -,hJrp' iiHSt:H i l 'ml' '\l:I~ hr.ikc l1nl'r t1 ha:. no" b..•l'n rt'du1·ed to !V.I '" l:J ONLY $3195 BILL YA.TES VW..PORSCHE 73 l>od~c l'ol.ir.1 W~n. 400 1·u. m , PS, I' d1!>l' hrk:;, .11r. rad1u, or new steel hit' .:ood mpg, clean. S;in Ju.111 l'a µ1,t r.11111 IU.! 1.-Slh .ifl bl'M 837-4800491-4511 Ford J;\l:'>l t.;DJATt-: u1-:L1\'f.:HY1 I. 1978 CADILLAC SEVILLE Call for lt•a!>t' rat1• l'OflT FOX LEA!'\11\/(; 2580 Nt•wport Hl\'d COSTA :'>1 1-:SA 645-3661 ---- '76 C°'8pe de V Ill• !8.500. Days, 673 9570 ------ 9920 •••.......••••.••.....• ........•....•..••.••.• llil ...... PHIL LONG FORD '73 Gran Tonno wagon. Lu1C. rack . lmmac. 1 O wner Mus t sac. 544.5093 '72 Ranchero Sqwre. P . B. P S. A C. new camper lihell. all n·c·t-•PI' :'r1usl i.dl $2300 193·007 I 19W Cortina C:ood tirt's, 2MSHARBOR BLVD. motor. bod) & int. $-125 540-6410 540-0213 AMC 9905 ·75 Malibu Classic:. !>llHr , 96:16630 ---• 2 dr. \ invl roof, AM ~·M. --'72 Corona Mark ll coupe •••••••••••••••••••••• • • s c , ·11 Tonno wni.:on. 57K m1. Ne w eng., air, ·I spd, MUST SELL! '68 Javehn I f526s3J~ · \ S:! 1!>5 gd '"''°d Mo' in>: J::as t. clean, $1875. 675-3317. Gd. running cood. Best! --S1200 3242 W ashington Tri..... 9767 olfer.968-7430 '62 Nova stat.Ion wa.:on . 8 _A_v_e_.c_M_. -----• ....................... 75 Matador, clean, newl ~:r: !:.b~~oe~IC· ;s:'~· 1.9114 Galaxle 4-<lr. Black. ·ee Ru.ns good, looks good tires. !ltereo. $2,900. Call' s:ti.417l · S200 $1200 5.56-1349 a ft GP :'>I 1-----6-I0-5Mft 631 3192 -- -. ---'75 M C bkt Sl'lS. ---I --Xlnt cond. 71 Gremhn, 6 A.\1 F;\f. ,\ r p S 1• ll, i3 I.Tl.I ~ l>r £\rouitham. Tnumph Sp1tl irct:on,crt cyl, auto, great ga!> L.indau.S4000 ~1511._,7 \Intoµ .11lpv.r Air ::-it'w 1976. Like new. 4,000 m l. saver. must. see to ap tires. xlnt <·ond MU!>t ... ell Many xtras. S4500 or prec. $1300 farm. 8:r1·7074 '76 Monza TC' i\~1 ·FM 8· 11495 Aft 6pm. 342 9:T79 make offer. Call Dick Mdl 9910 trk, air. P ~. snfr whl ... ; ;;LTD w -~ -Myer 673·9211 walls. xlnt !>hJpe. Lo m1 1-r o agon. nl'w --·---••••••••••••••••••••••• s:9)() <1!>4 9!11? llr(-"' & brake!\ xlnt cond '66 Sp1lfm• :'>tark II , new °74 La Sabre 4·dr. all pwr. --~ S?all(l ~n·7006 llres. mal'( whb. n tm AM-f'M s t e r eo. Ong /2Stalmn Wa.:nn !J l':.t'>~ Uncoan 9945 rem,b'I vinyl llT. L1kl' owner Xlnt cond. $2800. Alr. pC>wer. '<Int rnncl new. Must see. SI .395. Aft 8'MH1393 evs $\750 51.11 9678 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6pm 642-9J79 ----'75 MARK IV Whl .. lxry --· --'68Skylark, 2 dr. runa gd. ·;5 Monie <.:arlo Spt ('pc IJ~t1ck edition Loaded Yolkswoqen 9770 nds some work . $350. /\Ir , tlt whl. PR, PS. AM· w1accf'11s S7600. IH4·4642 •••• •••• ••••••••••• •••• M2·5e6e eves. FM :.Lereo. whl w 11 lls .._. __ ....1 Ir Ass u m c I c a ~ c . r I' l""IVYlll'nC 1974 YW IUG Codllloc: 9915 835·3377 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Red/black int. 4 apeed, ••••••••••••••••••••••• --·70 Muvt•nrk ~ dr 6 rvl. :1 radio & bea~r. In good uns Cad. Seville. Priced i'S Dr mar!l LT J)l'luxc. ~pd . r l'11 a h ll· SRUO. c:ond1llon w/low miles. lo ffll. Fully loaded, Nu air. A:\l I• M. OJJJ?~. nl'w 67~·8921 (68UI). bres wire whla. 751-8910 tires. lo miles, make of ONLY $2395 <Uc i68PEZ> fPr ·\93-52:?1aft 5P~ ~~••••••••••••••• SADDLUACIC 1974 Fleetwood, loaded. i3 Impala Sta. wi:n. 154 ORANCECOUNTY'S VAWYIMPOITS $4996.Xlntcond. eng. turbo-400 tr:ins, MEWIST lll-2040 495-4949 556-6076 $2000....:_ 96S·!8JS LINCOLN·MERCLIRY '74 VW Super Beetle . '68 El Dorado. Needs 57,000 ml. AM/FM. Nds some work. S5()0, l!Ome rk S21SO. 751 -4498 Call 4~18. '66 Caprice·2 d r . I 11~nl'r. Dt'alershjp l<1 now OPf>:N onii. purnt. ('Jrl'ful RAYFlADEIOE fll;Jllll Good t1rl'~ :'>1u.st Ll:-.COLN·MERCUH\' sell due to Illness S7 JS-18AutoCentrr Dr. 67 Vol ks w agen Bug '75 El Dorado. loaded. cai1h Call U75 ·001 SDi''wyLakef'oreatexit Original owner. Good lealh, safety bags, xlnt 1myume ----IRVIN E cond. S895. Day 847-8511 cond. sens. 544-8609 Chry•lef' 9925 U0.7000 Eves561-4)CS '78 EL DORADO Fullv ••••••••••••••••••••••• · ---. 'd 35ooo I ~--C rd b 1 d 7 1 MarqUJS. 4 dr. full pwr '71'1>r411Sedan.Gdrun-eqwp . m ·•. ,r, o o a, x nt con . & air neautlCul S8!tS ftin1.bdapalol. $1150/bsl Fdays 558·13\3, eves & rully loaded. Sunroof, Stan 8330070 · · olr.983-8259ev. wknds492-6990 on~ownr S4500 833·0687 · --· ----4 ------....... Mew 9100 •Aarto•. Mew 9800 Autos, Mew 9100 Avtos, M•w ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1978 OLDSMOBILE HERE NOW -a WHIGI IEW 1978 Olclsmolllle IS FOR YOU? Cutla11·011•1• • Starflr• ·Ninety-Eight· 88 · loronado See Them All Now At. • . . . Santa Ana Lincoln Mercury . . . is proud and pleased to extend to you . . . this most cordial invitation to see . . .. All ten lines of The MAGNIFICENT New 1978 LINCOLNS and MERCURYS ... and to enjoy the Premier Showing of the z ·h totally new ep .yr Mercury's n ew masterpiece of roominess, Energy Engi ... neering and compact elegance. Friday Oct. 7th . . .and all week-end includ- ing a special Sunday Open- ing to give you a greater opportunity to see the new 1978 models. A warm welcome awaits you at Santa Ana Lincoln Mel"CUI)' thb weekend, atartbag Friday. All te n lloes of 1978 Uncoln's and Mercury'• will be available for yoar ill8pectJoo and approval. PJca11e f ecl free to brow1$ through OW' ebowroom at your leisure . While you 're here ••• if you are a bargain hunter •• . • . • the BEST BARGAINS OF THE YEAR ·are available now in our FULL LINE of remaining 19.77 Lincoln Mercury products. . · rJ 1301 North ~I Tustin Ave • . Santa Ana 547-0511 • ~ I '• ' DIZOAILY PILOT Thursday. October 6, 1977 . . - . .. 1., • t: • • VELOUR INTERIOR AUTOMATIC POWER STHRING PLUS USE YOUR COUPON 11046288 -?.""" .. '72 DATSUN PU/CAMPER '76 RAT 128 51799 4 Speed·Exlra Clean ft932PFK '7 2 MA YERICK 51599 Power S1eenng-A1r Automatic 1!495DTP 2 Door Hd Top Automatic 1'363AVJ TOYOTA '71 COROLLA 2 DOOR 5 1399 '75 CHEVY VEGA 51599 GT Pac~~Sp CS Radio 1'062NLY lllj/801 u 2 YEAR OR 24,000 MILE SERVICE ·POLICY ••• OM lllOST USlD CA.IS! WE CREDIT UNIONS WELCOME! LEASE All MAKES AND MODElS! Automatio-Must See/Dnve #203PKH WITH THIS COUPOM OM AHY ..W 1977 VOLVO 6 CYL CAa OR WACM>M YOUR CHOICE Mags/appearance group or AM FM stereo .cassette/appearance group 1 coupan for customer. Coupon most be presented at time of sale. • WARN l.OCXING HUBS • WHEB.DRM MUD/SHOW TIRES • AM RADIO #2497~ 52999 •75 VOLVO 164 55699 4 Speed·A Pleasure To Drive #329MFV ' '72 VOLVO 142E 53099 4 SpeeO-Alr Cond Stereo t801GIU Huntington Beach ' Fo1•ntain Valley 1 EDITI O N t * * * * VOL 70, NO. 279, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORN IA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1977 A fte rnoon N.Y.Stoeks TEN CENTS Kids 'Pledge' But Don't Know What HONOLULU CAP> When Ill n1nth-gradt>r:o; v.crc a!>kcd to Writ<' the Pll"<.l~e or Alleg1ancl'. not Olll' could do 1t correctly. One response described the Umtt'tl States as a nJt1on "'under guard"' and ded11:atcd "for richc:-.t stund." A schoolteacher, who asked not to be idenuhed so her students v.·ould nol bt! embarrassed. callt.'<i the results fr1~hten1ng S he s aid all the s tudent\ Americans comin~ from varyin~ racial and ethnic backgrounds had spelling problems, and th~' .ipparently had ltUlc grasp uf what the ph.'Cli,:e m e<int. The word "indivisible,·· for e~ a mple, came out as '"in the vt'>I ble"' in m any papers. or with spelting mistakes like "\·issabll'0 0 or ·, 1sbh- Tv.o studt•nts said the nation w a:-. '"undt.•r ~u1:1rd" in:-.tead or "undl•r God "'The phrast• "to thl• Hl·publtc tor which it stands"' ap Pl'Jrt'<I in soml· par>ers a.s ··or nd1l'"l stand" or '·for H1chard :-.t:md. · · The teacher •id ll students had trouble !->pclhng the word ·'Amt•ricu." The word appeared in ~omc papers as "'Amcricain ... ··A mcr1ca1, '' ·'A m er eca. ·· · i\m1l-ra ... tmd "Amie Ii " She :-.aid that just before giving tht.-tc:-t she !>howed the students a film of children r eciting the pledge. And the youngs ters should have been familiar with the pledge from their grade school days. P.upils in Honolulu elementar y schools recite the pledge dculy. "Tm sick. I J on I know whul tn do or where to turn." the teacher said t l' II d I' n l 0 f \' d U C Ii t i 0 (l , acknowledged that abilities of !>Orne studc11t.s arc not up lo par, and said the department is work- mg lo set minimal competency s tandards at various g rade levels. She charged that students are being passed regardless of their skills, and that educational sta n- dards arc not high e nough. However. Clark added: "Ifs going to take time to bring our Charl£•s Clark, slate superin • student.s up to standards ... U.S. Plans New -Missile System FOUNTAIN VALLEY NEIGHl!'ORS CHIP IN TO HELP YOUTH FACING BRAIN SURGERY Dan Choroser (In whMlchalr) Flanked by Parents and Neighborhood Friends 'Fa1nily' Helps Boy As Dan Once Gave, So Now He Receives By ROBERT BAllK£1l Ot .... n.11, l"tNC ""' Dan Choroser is an unusual 13-year-old boy who lives in an unusuaJ Fountain Valley neighborhood. When others needed help, Dan pitched in by writing, editing and publishing a neighborhood news paper. He deliver~ it door to door from his wheelchair. All the money that Dan collectcd-S66 was ~iven to thC' American Cancer Society because Dan had lost two favorite aunts to that disease. NOW IT'S THE SMJUNG. Joke-making Dan who needs help. He faces a series of brain operations. He is s uffering from a rare ailment called dystonia muscularium deformans. accordmi:? to his mother. Evelyn. "The messages from the brain to his limbs get all messed up," she explained. .. Dan and hi s mother wi II consu It a .. pec·1a!Jst in Brooklyn next week. I le was stricken by the disease nearly three years ago. It causes muscles in the limbs. fingers and toes to contract. Both feet have bcrome twisted and Dan has lost the use of his right hand. IF SURGERY IS DECIDED upon. it will first be performed on one side of the brain and then at a late r date on the ot~r side "Right now I'm -.cared and I ho~ 1t will work." Dan s aid. ··If they can correct rme s ide, I can walk on crutches again .. The operations and other e'<p<"nSe'> arc ex p('cted to run into the Lhousanrls of dollars and this.. 1s where the Swallow Lane neighbors come in. They've been working for weeks on a block-long yard and bake sale this Saturday and Sunday to help m('(!t costs TKEY Al~'iO WIU . HOLD a raffle a week later ·we ha' C' Christians. Buddh1'>L'> and Jew-. hvmg here. I know 1t 'ounds corny hul w'<• feel that we are all memberl'. of a fam11iy." neiJihbor Ron 0.wen said "When on<' member or the family needs help. the rest of us ;in• going to RIVf> 1t As parC'nls w<.• all have a stake 1n Oan's future," Owcnsairl m s f"Rlt:~os i\~D ~EIGHRORS aren t the only om•:-. touched hy what Dan,., facing. Last Wl't'k a lf'ltt'r arriVL'<l with thrc1• SI bilb The s hak\ handwriting said. 'Tm 90 and crippled anrl my wife is 8.5 We'll pray for the boy .. More information regarding the fund- ra1sin~ effort can be ohlained by calling Owen at 968-971fi • $30 Bill,ion Asked For Mobile ICBM W A S 111 N GT 0 N C /\ P ) -- Dd ense Secretary Harold Brown has tentatively approved full - scalc development next year of a rcvolutwnary m obile intercon- tinental missile that ultimately i·uuld c~t a rucord $JO b1lhon, l't,nta'-100 sour<'<•s say. Brown's ctcc1 ... 1on 1:. sub1ect to 11•\ •l'"' h\' tht> Whitt' I louse Office nf .Management cind Budget ;,nd hv Prcsulcnt Cartt·r before 1l can g~> to Congress next year as part ur thl' rascal l979 l'ludget. Brown ti) r eported to have okayed about S25a million for full cJcvclopment of the M X m1ssi le. 110"' in a preliminary research .incl dl·vclopm<.·nt st age, offic1ab .... ml Wt'tlnt·sda~ 111~hl T lw \lX "'ouhl ht· the f1r~t l'.S 1nt1•11·or1t 11h:ntal h.1lhsl11· m1:-...,1lc 111111111t1'tl on molult· h1um·hcr:. to 111ak1· it mueh more d1ffil•ult for I hl' Hu)o,~i;im, Lo t11t in :1 ~urpn:.e :llWl'k 1n the I~' \' .ir1ou:-. ml'thods hav(' hc'c n ... 1 ud1t'<i. but the moe;t I 1 kcly one 111\nht·-. plac1n~ tht• MX on IJunch<'rs that would be movt:d 111 tn•nch hkc)o,hcltcrl\. ·1 hl' Russwn:. ha,·c a missile. tlH· SSlll. whlrh ls bellt·v<'<l to h,1\'l' bt>t•n te:.tt-d 1n :1 mobile form The Ford administration pro· pos1..'tl to Congrci.s last January that th<' MX be moved into full- ~cak development m view of the ('On tmumg deadlock in U.S.- Sovict negotiations toward a new nuclear arms limitation agrff· mcnt Add1t1onally, the Soviets have l'ontinucd their deployment of a new generation or intercontmen- t .11 ffilSSllCS, !>OffiC Of them big t·nouli(h and powerful enough to threaten to knock out U.S. Minuteman missiles in th<!ir fixed underground la unchers. Carter and Brown decided to <Ider full-sca le d evelopment I rom fi scal 1978 to fiscal 1979 while certain technical questions were resolved, particularly the fcai;1b11ity of a mobile MX . Officials said Brown has ap- proved moving into the next stage of development. They stressed that this does not mean the Carter administration ultimately will approve produc tion and deployment of the mobile missile . That will depend on the s hape of a new Strategic Arms Limita- tion Treaty which the United State:. is negotiating with the Soviet Union. Carter has proposed publicly that both sides renounce the use of mobile missiles as one means of capping the arms race Because of its complexity, Atr Force officials have estimated that a full deployment of the MX system would cost about $30 billion. a record sum for a U.S. weapons sy:.tcm. The cost plus the accclertttion 1t would represent in a nucleaf :irms rael' like!~· would aroust.- .. trong oppos1t1on amon~ somt· m.:mbers of Congress, but the M X projc.-c t so for h<.1s not met a nything like the o pposition which ultimately killed the Bl bomber. Meadowlark Banner Tow To Resmne A dt!<'1s1on hy the Huntington Bea<'h Citv Council to ban the towin.: o( bannc·rs by aircraft operating from Meadowlark Airport was shot down Wednes- day 1n OranJ!c County Superior Co urt Judi:it· Frank Uomen1chini ~ranted the inJunction demanded by Bob Cannon. owner of Sky Ad Inc. and struck down the city's revocation or the banner towing portion of hLs city hcense. Cannon 's lawyers successfully argued that the city did not have power to revoke his perm 1t or rc~­ ul ale aviation which comes un- e1er tne Jurtsd1ct1on of state and federal authorities. And Judge Domcnichini noted that the firm's record in seven years of operating banner towing aircraft from Mcadowla'rk did not 1ust11y the city action taken against him last Sept. 7. The city council ruled against Cannon on a 4-2 vole after several residents of homes in the Meadowlark area complained that banner towing at the airfield represented a threat to the com· (See BANNERS, Page A2) Murder Trial 0.lty ""' '~ ..._ StrUd•g Water Hunting ton Beach firemen wrest l e l ong -handled wrench to shut off under· ground val\'e and s top wast- ing water afler hit-and-run co l li s ion on Beach Roulevard near Yorktown Ave nu e We dnes da y. M oto ri s t who hit the hydrant made sudden lane. change, causing crash with small truck driven by Linda J . Fridenberg, 24. of 20802 Farnswor1.h Lane . 'TV Insanity' Case Defense Rests home life and TV habits for hts inability to compre hend his ('time. "He had never even held a gun before," said Gilbert of Zamora- Neighbors of Death Know Fear MIAMI CAP> -Ronnv Zamora was reacting to the words he heard on TV when he fired a gun and killed an elderly neighbor who threatened to call the police. says a defense psychiatrist. Dr_ Michael Gilbert. who took the stand Wednesday during the third day of defense testimony. said the 15-year-old defendant was "conditioned" by television violence. Coas t 'You Are Next,' Says Sign Near Woman's Body NEW HOPE, Minn. IAP> ''You Are Next." "Maybe You" were the ominous messages in black spray paint on two houses in the middle-class s uburban n eighborhood where a young newlywed was stabbed to death Susan Rosenthal, 29, was found dead of multiple stab wounds pe rhaps as many as 13 -in the kitchen of her one-story home on a quiet dead-e nd s treet. authorities said. The warning, "Thero Are M ore" was painted on the kitchen wall. The writing matched the signs on the outside or two neighboring houses, police said . Prior to the killing Tuesday, nobody could remember so much as a burglary occurring in their peaceful block of $60,000 to $70,000 horn~ in this Mlnneapol111 suburb. On Wednesday, dozens of children gathered al the Rosen- thal house trying to get a peck in side. Sightseers cruised by reg ularly_ Some pare nts kepi children indoors and man\ neighbors were double-locking doors The first neighbors knew of thr ktlling was when one saw two policemen running, p istols drawn, from the Rosenthal house Mrs. Rosenthal's body was di~· covered by a sister who was con 27 Evacuated FRESNO (AP) -An early m orrung fire forced eval·uatrnn of 27 people from a Fresno State University frate rnity house Wednesday, but no on<' was re ported injured <·crned because she had not shown up at the downtown office where she worked as a paralegal assistant. Her husband. Allen. 34 . was on a bu!>iness trip m California al the ltmc. police said. Police would .ilve few details or the killing and no indication of the mot1\'c. Thl' Roscnthals were married Sept. 16 and moved into the house e ight d ays later. Even their closest neighbors said they did not know them. "I couldn't even lt>ll Y<>u what she looked Jlke, tall or short, fat or thin. dark or l1ghl ," said a woman who lives acro.-.s the slret't T hey discounted persistent rumors that Mrs . Rosenthal"!> death had ethnic overtones. Police Chic( Kostanos said that ''although rumors and stories are abundanl, the investigation has revealed nothing to indicate any anti·Semilic, ethnic or racial overtones." Police said the Rosenthals were or the Lutheran faith. No particular re ligious affiliation p r e d o minate s in the nei ghhorhood Dave Laughlin, JO, occupant of the home sprayed with the message "You are next" said, "We're concerned, that's alt" "You can't get excited," he said. "The j>ohcc are doing a pretty decent job, a s uper job.·· More Stories Other Huntington Beach- Fountrun Valley news appears today on Page C6 Defense attorney Ellis Rubin rested his case today after trying to prove Zamora was compelled to shoot Elinor Haggart, 83, becau.~c of excessive television viewing Rubin s urprised the court earlier Wednesday by releasing actor Telly Savalus Crom a de- fense subpoena. The star of "Ko· jak" had been scheduled to give a deposition today on television violence. Rubin claimed that the TV series was Zamora's favorite. The psychiatrist's testimony was Rubin's first chance to pre- sent expert testimony over the question of TV violence. Circuit Judge Paul Baker refused to aJ. low general te.sUm ony on the is· sue unless it applied directly to Zamora . Gilbert testified that Zamora was Insane at the lime of the shootinR. and blamed the boy's We athe r Uecrcasing clouds becoming sunny Friday. Low tonight in 60s. Highs Friday 72 to 75. INSIDE TODAY Today f& the SOth an- mver3ary of the Talkias and Kenneth Morgon of Bolbocl was among those who brought. 11ound to the &CTeen. Page Cf. ,• ~: AZ DAILY P_IL_O_T ___ H_l_F ___ T.;.;h~u;.:.r.:::sd:.:a:l.y:...;· Oc::.:,:t~obe=.:.r.,:::6;_. 1..:,:9n~ BB Panel r l Hiring-firing View Backed .... ·. .. . . .. r • .. . '• .. T he Huntington Beach City Charter Revision Committee ha!S Teafflrmed an earlier recom- mendation that city department beads should be removed from the personnel system. BuiJJing Ban Hit,s Bluffs SOLA.NJ\ ·BEACH (AP> -An emergency ban on building is being imposed along the coastul bluffs of norlhern San 01ego County where erosion eab :.tead1ly into the land. The temporary ban was approved Wednesday by county supervisors, pend· ing a formal ordinance. A number of apartment houses and private homes w ill soon be periled by washout of underlying land, a reports aid. Alarm Foils 118 Break-in; 2 Youths Held ,, Two Monrovia youths were ar· -;· 'rested early Wednesday morning in connection with a break-in at a Huntington Beach drug store, police reported ... Uenn1s Ray Messner. 22, and a .. ·~ 17-year-old accomplice are being held for the attempted burglary of the Drug-A-Rama store, 6905 Warner Ave .. said police Sgt. •• ' ~ Forrest Lewis. A store silent alar m tipped police or the break-in at 2 : 15 a.m. A search of the store 1nd1catetl entry wus madl' through an air conditioning v~nt and acoustk ceiling tiles. suit.I Lewis. Police arrested Messner and his yOUilg friend at the scene at 3:22a.m. Department heads had pre- viously contended that if they are taken out of the system they would be subject to hiring and firing at the whims of a future cl· ty administrator . They said changes could bring ;in t•ra of patronage and bossism lo the city. The city administrator and as· sistant city administrator abo would be excluded from person- nel system protection. A recommendation was ap· proved to keep remaining city cmployes within the system. The Charter Revision Commit· tee was responding Wednesday to c1llzens · concerns at two public hearings O\ er recom, mended chan1-ws in tht• city form of government. The group expects to firm up a 11 ch a rt er rec om m enda llons next Tuesday. Recom mend~ t&Ons will then go to the city coun· cil and will be ultimately decided l.Jy voters in an election. Other action t aken by the charter group included: -Deletion of a provision to permit special city council meet in gs to be held up to 100 miles <1ut :.1de lhe city . -Changed the title of an cll'ct cd person (o replace the <'1ly treasurer from auditor lo city comptroller . -Protection or specified rev· enue amounts to be r etained in the budget for the recreation and parks and library departments. The submission of a pre lim1nary city budget to the c1tv council 60 days prior to July I and a public hearing to be held 15 days before that date. A recommendation against a poss ible five percent annual salary increase for city council me mbers. A ~00 monthly salary was approved while the city·~ population re mains betwee n 150.000 and 200.000 <the currt>nt population is about 160,000>. -Appointment of a c1ly clerk hy the city administrator with the appro\'al of the city council One Gun Rap O•llf ,.. ... l'llolo bf ROC!Ht e.- lf NDA BURK, BOB CANNON WILL BE TOWING AIRBORNE ADS AGAIN A Banner Judicial Decision for Meadowlark Airport Firm From Page Al BANNERS ••• munily Protl•stt•rs reminded the coun- <011 of a Memorial Day incident in which a Sky Ad banner tangled with power lines. Edison Com· pan,\'\\ r>rkt:rs cut off the power to ad1accnt homes and businesses '~hen they removed the banner. Other protesters pointed to an 111c1dent one day later in San Juan Capistrano when a S.year- old J(1rl was killed by a banner towm)! aircraft that crashed near I hJt t:lly':. small a1 rf1eld. Sky Ad "as not involved in that mcident. Cannon said Wednesday that he ab1dl'<l by the city's decision l>y hailing banner towing ~pt. l Ile said he has lost substantial revenue:. to competitors and that he plans to take legal action against the city to recover losses. Cannon, who handles both na- tional and local advertising ac- counts, says he will resume tow· 1nl! act1 v1t1es from Meadowlark Airport Saturday. Beach Racing Los Al M8n Hurt In Jeep Rollover A Los Alaifiitos man allegedly using Bolsa Chica State Beach as a high·speed stunt driving course was injured early today when his J eep rolled over, mangling his head. face and arms. Eric M. Segal, 2S, of 2861 Ace<: a Dnve, was listed 1n stable condi- tion this morning at Pacific& llosp1tal in llunt1ngton Beach. California Highway Patrol of. ricers mvesllgated the mishap about a mile west of Golden West Street. A passenger in the vehicle, Laura E . Pickup, 19, of Long Beach. escaped inJury in the 12: 10 a.m. wreck which was wit· nessed by several other night- time beach visitors, highway patrolmen said. Witnesses told Investigators they had watched the litUe open- air vehicle roaring up and down the strand at high speed before the accident. Milk Ban Lilted LOS ANGELES <AP) -An 11-day ban against marketing certified raw milk has been lifted by the County Milk Commission against two of Alta· Dena Dairy's three herds. , .•. : .. .. Messner remained in Hunt· ington Beach Jail today in lieu of $5,000 ball. The 17-year-old Monrovia youth has been placed in Orange County Juvenile Hall. HB Hotel Break-in '( ' J. ... . . •. ~ .. ~ .. .· i .. '· t: I ): .. '· .. .. The same store was broken in- to Aug. 31. No property was lost in either theft atte mpt because of the store's silent burglar alarm. pohcesaid FVTrustees Eye Pay Hike Fountn1n Val l ey <ele - m en tary Se h r>()! Districl Trustees will cons ider a pro- posed rour percent pay hike for 11 distn ct office employes and a similar s alary boost for manage- ment personnel tonight. Trus tees wall meet at 7 .30 at the district office near the corner of Talbert Avenue a nd Newland StrC'et in Fountain Valley S upermtendC'nl Bill PlastC'r said proposed pay hikes for the district·._ mana~cment employC's will be "\lii:htl:v lrss than four pC'rccnt · Park Probe Asked Fails; 2 Arrested Police arrested two out o( state men early Wednesday morning after one of them allegedly oulled a h a ndgun on the caretaker of an abandoned hotel in downtown Hunlington Beach during a break·in attt>mpt. Jerome Childs. 25, of Beaver Falls. Pa., and Peter Piuri, 23, of Par kersbu r g. W. Va. wer e booked into Huntington Deach J ail on a variety of charges. The two men face c harges of armed robbery, stemming from a hold up in New Jersey earlie r this year. possession or illegal weapons, possession of narcotics and malicious mischief at the Main Street Hotel. 101 ~ Main St .. police said. Piuri was transferred lo th(• UC Irvine Medical Center jail ward Wednesday evening with a n undisclosed ailment. He was r eported in stable condition to· day. Bail for both men was set at S25.000. The two men were arrested Ho Clinic Set in Valley while driving along Pacific Coast Highway at about 3 a .m. Police said they found an unregistered handgun and an Illegal martial arts weapon in their car The m artial arts device con· ~lsts or two cylindrical wooden pieces tied together with a chain. said police Det. Dick Nolen. Oean Gcr ebe, the h otel caretake r. told police he con· fronted the two m en at about 10:30 p.m. Tuesday as they were vandalizing the vacant building. One of the m e n pulled a h andgun on Gerebe. The caretaker told police he went hack to his apartment to get a shotgun. When he returned the two men had fled in their car. Valley Tot's Death Cause Under Probe Coroner's deputies today awaited autopsy results on the hody of a Fountain Valley boy, al?cd 2. who apparently suffocat. l'd c::irly Wednesday while play- 1 n I( wi th a plas tic bag h e !'Omchow dragged into his crib. THE NEW SONYB • 2-hour video recording time ·Small. economical cassette • Easy one-button recording • Optional video camera • Sony quallty & reliability Woman Mauled By Dogs LONG BEACH (AP) -An 18·year·old girl who apparently was intoxicated, vomited and then colla~ed In her apartment was mauled by two of ber dogs, police said. lt was not yet known If Mary O'Beirne's German shepherd and husky attacked her before or after her death, police said to- day. "Until we get a medical report we can't definitely say lt was the dogs that killed her," said police Sgt. J. Cooper. Both a coroner's investigation and an examination of the dogs are pending. Firemen arriving at the scene Wednesday in response to a neighbor's call were confronted l>y the two snarling dogs. T he ~irl, who reportedly lived alone, had been ill, a neighbor re- ported to police. The neighbor s aid s he c hecked on Miss 0 ·Beirne periodically and found her body on the bedroom floor. Cooper said the woman's race had been mangled by the dogs, which were captured by animal regulation officers about a half mile from the apartment at a va- cant house where Miss O'Beirne previously Ii ved. Two other dogs in the apart· ment, a terrier and another s hepherd, were r eported as docile by arriving firemen. FV Administrator Recovers at Home Fountain Valley City Ad· ministrator James Neal, 63, is re- cuperating at home from knee surgery he underwent last week at St. Joseph's Hoapital in Oranie. Neal, a Fountain Valley resi· dent, said he required the -sur· gery to remedy an injury he suf. fered while playing racquetball. He said be hopes to r eturn to city hall next week. SL-8200 Beta max Videocassette Recorder l J • ' l SF.Ol:L. South Korea CAP I South Kor ea's mn1or oppoc;1tion party submitted ::i rc•solut1on W1:o•dncsduy c:illtn~ for a special parliamentary rnm m1ttee l<1 probe the Tongsun P ark affai r The resolution. si~ncd by SS mem- bers of thf' New Democratic par- ty. said the case has de all a severe blow lo U.S. South Korean rela· lions and has damaged the re- putation of Korea abroad A nu immunization clinic for Wt•st Oran~e County rcsidenl<; 55 years of age and older will he he ld Tuesday from 10 a .m. to 2 p.m. at the Fountain Valley Com- munity Center . 10200 Slater Ave. Jnson S Miller was apparently dead at the scene when dis · covered shortly before 3 a.m. by his grandmother, Mrs . Juanita MO<lrC'. or 16583 Yucca Circle. Also. coming this fall (Nov.). we will have an automatic cassette changer for up to 4-hours of recording time and next spring a 90 minute tape for 3--hours recording time without the changer and up to 6-hours with the changer. • I '\ .. '• ., I .. .. .. ORANGE COAST " < DAILY PILOT Ttw °'•f'llO" '"" t O• 11 Pl'<'I .,....,. .wt\.•"' ., ,~ b•• 1 t"9 "4'""" p,_,,,,, •• PUt>• ,,,_,,,... ,.,_. (')o>..n?I'" C"M·t Pin'-\1\ """1 (Orf'IO.t"r ""°"'•"'' •1' _,., ·'"" (lil1f\ .Pt•f'I M r>.,AY '"''°""q.-. ft 1·'' tl'lolf ( '"'" NW'\ .. ,....,..,O'ltt O. .. tt'I H t1"f•"'Q' ~ .. " t ... ..,, t \•f\ V•f1•y h ¥1nt11 '-•111t'f"f>.-< fl """•• •"•1 l "1V"'• ......... ,.. • .,,.. 1•11t(' 'f\f .. ~lflt•1 ¥ ..... , ··~ I OUDl•"•-d \.rthi1•1 ... "' M"Cf ',....,., '""" f'' IV P-1'1 °"'bl1\t\•"O Oll"\I I\ "' 1\ ,.,..J .H.All' \h-1 '""' M• 41 C •··'"'"'"' ._~. I •• .. ""' WflNird p, .. , •. , ..... ,..,"·It'll~ Jee•" Cwtev 'V"'• ,,,,.," .. "' •M (,-fW'f'ftl Mot~ ... .-, ........ , ......... t ,.,,, ,.,_."'•'A M~ M,.,."., nof ,,.,°" ~•ti•\ M \.oo• ••(f'l.H• P Mall A\\1"•"' AA•"•IJ•""I f ,,.,f'tl' lftowr-1 .,, • .., W 1"\I f'), '"~ r "'''"'¥ ( lf.tiv Huntlna1on 9,. 1c:h Olflc;e 11etf'f\.,,.c n en ... lh,.•rt M..1tinQ AJ1dt"'' J'I f) llfh twt t)bAI ()fife; .. ( ·1~:,~ ~::." ;~~:~~:·;.,'.:;~~ s..todllb•c II Vfltlt•y )\1'C)t I A fl,., R,,~ a1 ~,.,.. 01•00 r ,...,..,,,, Telephone (714)142""321 CIHIHled Adv1rtltlng 842•5«71 ''°"' ,...,..,. Ot•no• (tol'Wy ~"' .. " 540-1220 ~·c ~~ o:.~.:7: c~":.,~:'!l'"'hl';?, ~,':";, m_. ... , t'I, •d~fl'l1"l•l"'l'\•1"1t11 "'•" "f'rl•y h• ''"0'''"Wt•f1 W ·lf'll'tlrlt l',. ti p-1tn1\\llt" &I ~. c~i.-ito-..wir t '\NM!tl C ,,_.,, "~'U•f• ~Alt "'' (t'l\•A ..,_\A .,_ f.11!-t,_..,.,I• ,.,.,~,, ·t•"\fll ,.., ,.,.,,. •• ,\JV\ ""O"l, .. I # ·~ "'" I \ t \i\ 11'"1•0"'• m1111.t1" .,,."", ..... " )OfftM!lo"l•t Vaccines against Hong Kon~ and Victoria strains of 1nnuenza will be administered The clinic 1s in no way related to last year's swine flu vaccine program, of fi clals said. Fountain Valley ~chool Ors trict nurses and South Coast Junior Women's Club m ember~ will assist m the c linic. For more information. call 963·8321. ex tension 240. Dimes March Head Named F ountain Valley Mayor Rol(er Stanton will lead the 1977-7R March of Dimes campaign In his city. Stanton. a management pro· fessor al Cal State Long Beach, s aid he will head local fund rais ing activities for the Orange County chapter of the volunle<'t health agency. l''unrl.c; raised for the March or Dimes go towards th<> prolc<'t1<>0 Of the 11nooro (Ind nf'Wborn from lmth d<.'fccts "Wt• don't know the time of cle:ith." Fountain Valley Police Detective Vic Deutsch s aid. "Ap· parentl,y he got hold of the bag '>Omehow " • fn vt>st1gators said the little hoy, hrs m other Mrs . Carnalla M 1llcr. and her other children h ave been living with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Moore. Police were called by the Foun· tain Valley F'irc Department al 2 58 a .m. Wednesday, after firemen r<'sponded to a rescue c~ill (rom the Moore household. Drug Missing SA CRAMENTO <AP> Twelve bottles of a potentially lethal drug similar to methadone are missing from a Fan Francisco hospital where It was being used in research, official said today. Thr loo~ of the drug -uvo· :tlphn acetyl methadol known as "l,l\AM" was fi rst reporte<1 Tul'sday by San Francisco <:cnernl Jlospltal to the state I )c•purt nwnt of Health I f '1tll f 'n1·tory M11rr1ut1i1·~ 1•1,, ... 11,,r 1• •. ,.,,,,,,,1 ftt1t• ·l 1•nr f;t1nrn1u1•t"#fh1 l·:t·•·•·u 1•r11<l1lt'I H ,. •1wll! 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa .. _~., ......... J D~ "'"' ef ~t Jr. Phone 642-8882 Srore Hours Datly 9-6 Sat. 9.5·30 n.. ........... ,, ........ . Stnfoat Y ... ...,_ .. Prttf .. ~._io'nal Sc•r\ it•P ··•tr .ali ~ uur honu• t•lt•t•lroi;i•·, f \. \ l ' t {· L ! f * Irvine EDITION * Today's Closill.g .Y. Stoeks VOL. 70, NO. 279, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1977 TEN CENTS Irvine's Woter-treaders Spout Off M emb<:'rs of the lrvme city compelitivc aquat1<·s t'ommillcc, angry at b(•an~ '"totally 1i::nored ... are demand1n~ to ka\ow how loni:: they arc :.uppo:.l•d to trcul water Ill the backwater::, of rnunictpal (!Ovcmmcnl '" a kllt'r LO the CllY C<IU1l{·al .inti the t·ummun1ty :.crv1ccs comm1:.:.ion, commattcc ml'rn bcrs complain that their expert m.lv1ce is be1nJ,t wa:.tcd "We must tisk you how you 111 tl'nd to use u s." the comm1tlw wrote. "We han· c11llL•('l1 vcl y i:.pt·nt st•,·er:.il thousand hours an -.up port of the l'tty an t•oordanalaon of thl' aquatics inlto·n.~:-.ti:. lontt1•1l here . W c h a v t' J t• t 1 v t· I ' pursul>d every s ugge:.t1on nwd~· to us by the city '01t the othcr hand. w(' mu-.t lr:inlo.lv »lJlt• th.11 tlw 1·1t\' 11:1.., "t•l1l11;11 .i\ ;11lt•d 1h 1•1l of 0111 t'l1Ul\M·I" .\s ,111 t'\,1111plt• 1·11111rn1lt1·1· llll'lllht•r ... I l11•tl ,I dt•("ISlllll h\ I 'll\ 1d f H" 1 .al-. I II IHI\ \ \ ~ll 11111.H \ laft·gu.1nl \11\\f•I -. 1111 p:srl.. -.v.1m 11l111g pool-. l'ht• l"llOHllllll't h,1cl rt·l'lllll llll'll<h·d thl' l'll\ ,1(·q11111· "'"' J hit"' to\H·r-., t'lmming the•\ "" 'a:-.tlv ..,IJJ)t•rsor · Ira tht· ll'lt1.•1" nwrnlwrs allt·~t·d, ··our \Uggt·:-.twns w1.·n.· totally 1g 11111 ecJ. ;.imJ <Jl't1u1i:.1twn wa-. mmlt· II\ th1· 1·1ty of a lyp1.• 11f t11wcr '' h1d1 will rl·sult 1n furlhl'r mi.Jiii ll'lli.llll'e and sloraJ,tt' problt•sns · 'l'lw rnmmslll·c l'la1mcd lhJt 1·1 1' offwwb rdus1.•cl the ir i:.ug~c·' 111)0:-o lo \ 1s1l Fullerton, El Toro •>r M1ss1un V1t>JO poob whcr<.' thl· lll'\H'r style hfl'guJrcf towers arc• "'''cl "111 fu<'t . · the letter state:., "(11lf1l"1als 1 condemned equip· men! they have never taken the I rnublt.• tose(' or learn about." 'l'ht• committee added th;.it. ·wl· find the expenditure or two 't·an .. with little or no resulL'> nol t•\ en ret'ogn1t1on by many of fac·iab of the city that we even ex· 1st lo be a very frustrating and hum1hat1ng experience." Committee members ~rt' Kutharm Anderson, Frank l<. llcrbt:rt, Alex Giibert. Arlene Ruhl. Bernadine Braun and Jeanette Miller. All s igned the letter. They rcpre!icnl most of the aquatics organizations in the d· ty Irvine Aquatics, Nova Swim Club, .El Toro Swim Club, Mera- quas Synchromzed Swim Club. J rvine Water Polo Club and the (set! ACQUATIC, PageA2> Heiress Sees Irvine 'Greening' po Billion Tab ' New Missile . Program Set WASJll~·GTO:\ CAP 1 Dcft'nsc ~cn.·tan Harold Bro"'n ha'> L<:nlatl\ ely 'ap1>rovcd full scale devl·ll>pmt•nl 111:\l ye~r r1f d rt•\ olutwnarv muhah· 1ntercon tinental m1i:.~1lc that ultimately t•ould co:.t a record S30 billion. J'enlagon :.ourrei:. say Hrown·s decision 1s subject to County Gets Soccer Team Tht· North 1\mcrican Soccer League today voted to transfer its St. Louis franchise lo Oran~t· Coun- ty, effective for lht· 1978 season The Orange County team is expected to play Ila games at Anaheim Stadium "'hC'n the season begins an April Hol>l·rt H lferm.rnn. 11\\ ncs of thp St Lou as !',parit... <rnd one ()( the founder s of the.· North 1\rnt•ncan &>cccr l.,cague. will rNaan owneri.h1p of the Orange C"ciunty team. Paul Dc•c!)c, a former baseball coach and athletic director at Chapman College, will serve as the l(cneral manager 2 Dogs Attack Owner; Did They Kill Her? I.ONG rn:ACll)<API An 18·year·old g11 l who apparently was intoxicated. vomatt.-d and thf:'n collapi:.cd in her apartment wal-o mault:d b" two nf her dogs, police i:.a11I It WJl-o no! \'el known 1f Mary O'Bc1rnr·., G1•rmi:ln sh t'pherd :.md husky :il1t1c•kc·!I her bt'forc or a fter ht•r rlt•:ith, poll('C <,aid to d;.iv "Until we get a mrdacal report we can "l dc•finitcly say it was the do~s that k1ll<.'d he r ." said police S~L J . Cooper. Both a coroner's investigation ~nd ;.in examination of the dogs are pcndin~. , Firemen arriving at the scene W ednesday in response to a ne1i:thbor's call were confronted by th<' two snarl in!-( dogs Tht• girl. who reportedly lived alone, haci hl'cn 111. a nc1J!hhor re ported to police: The nea~hhor :c;a1d s h<' cht•ck<'d on Mi ss O'Beirn<' pern>1liC'<.1lly and found her body on lhl' hcflroom floor review by the White House Offlcl' of Management and Budget ;.ind by President C1trter befort at can go to Congress next year 1ti:. part nf the fiscal 1979 budget Brown is reported to ha' l' okayed about S250 million for rull development of the MX missile. now m a preliminary research a nd development stage. (>£f1c1als !>aid Wednesday night. The MX would be the first U S 1nlerC'ontinental balhstit· m is!)tll' mounted on mobile launchers to make it much more difficult for the Russians to hit in d s urpn:.e attack in the 1980s. Various methods have bcl·n studied. but lhe most likely one involves placing the MX on launchers that would be move<i in trench-like shelters. The Russians have a missile. the SS16. which is believed to have been tested in a mobile form. The Ford adm1n1c;tral1on pro ro:-.ed to Congress la:.t Januar~ that the MX be moved into full i:.cale de\'clopment 10 view oC the l"Ontinuing deadlock 1n U.S Soviet negotiations toward a ncv. nuclear arms limitation agree ment. Additionally. the Sov1eL-. havt' continued their deployment of a new gener ation of intercontinen tal m issiles, some of them bag enough and powerful e nough to threaten lo knock out C S Minuteman missiles in their fixed underground launchers. Officials said Brown ha:-. ap proved moving into the next stage of development. Carter and Brown decided to defer full -scale d evelopment from fiscal 1978 to hscal 1979 while certain technical question.., were reso.lved. particularly the· feasibility of a mobile MX Thev stressed that this docs not mean· the Carter adm1n1strat1on ultimately will approvc produl' t1on and deployment of the <See MISSILES, Page A2) Building Ban Hiu Bluffs SOLANA BEACll (A l' J -, An em ergency ha" on building is being imposed along lhe coastal bluffs of northern San Diego County where erosion eats ~teadily into the land. The temporary ban w;.is :.spproved Wednes day hy county supervisors. pend in g a formal ordinance A number of apartm1>nl houses and private home" will soon he periled tn washout of underly1ni; land. a report said PILOT LANDS SAFELY NEAR HIGH SC HOOL, BUT HITS POLE. SIGN WHILE TAXIING Aviator Jim B arnett Walks Away From Downed Craft Being Inspected By Dana Hills Students Crippled Aircraft Lands Near Sclwol \ -.1n~ll· c·ng1n1· pl.111c "'1th 1·11g1n1• trouhl1· m;1d1· J •~£1· t•mcrgcnn lam.ling th1-. morning on tht• l-olrt•d nl·'l to l>ana t-11 \1-. llt~h School, only to be <iama~ecl l>~ a couplt: utaht\ poles. The Cess nH 152 piloted by Jim Barn<:'tl of Thousand Oaks "';,., fort·c'!I mtv tlw 1•mt•rl!Pnt." land 1n~ whslt• on .i flight fr1,m Camt.1rillolc1San !J11•g11 Banwtt ... au! h1:-. 1•11g1m· quit onn•. hut h1· v. a,, .shh· to restart 11 When 1t quit .1 w1·11nt1 l1m£> anr1 v.c111l'1 not rcsl.1rt. ht: '>aid ht• had t11 mak1· th1· l.1n1hng H.1nwtt "'l'I h1 .. plJnl' down on t tw St n:t'I ol I hl• (;111t11·n Lantt-rn 111·.11 I ht• high ,t•ho<il v. •I hCJUt ma-. h.1p nut ht' ).!Ill 111111 trouble "4hlll· t n ang to t.•" lhl· 1·raft hff th1· 1 u.aclwa\ Barndt :-.au.J he• d1dn 't see a h~ht .,tandurd wh1rh caught !ht· 11 ~ht "'ing .... \\ 1ng1ng I ht• front of lh• pl:1111• 111l1111 n1ad :-.1gn. l'h•· .111 pl.wt•, 1m n1•d hy Chan 111·1 hit· i\v1:it11111. r1•c1•1\i•d clamag1• lo lht' WtnM. th1• pro Jl<'l lt·r anti tilt' 1111.,1• wh1•1•I in lh•· 1111:-.h.1p H.srnl·ll rt·portt•il no tnJUnc· ... Sinatra Air Crash Bla1ned on CreWillen WASlll'\<iTll'\ \I' Thi• '\ ,1l11111al ·1 r .111-.porl alum :-0Jfet \ llo.sr<I "<-1111 lo<l,1\ lh.11 lht• c-ra.,h ltf :1 c'hJrlt•n ·d lf'I th.it kallt·d friur 111•11plc'. 1111 l1ul111i! lh1· 11H1!t11·r of •·ntt"rt :llrl<'r l'r,111k S111.1tr.1 w:" 1•,111-.c•d Ii~ tht· (Tl'w·., f;11l11rc· '" Tu:o Workers Electrocuted , lfi\Nf"ORD U\P l Two Kern County men dnllmg-a w<.1t1•r Wl•ll were elt>ct rorutl'rl whc·n .1 hoom sl ruc·k :1power11111' 1-:ctwarrl .Jo1>1•ph (;,1h 1n, ~:J. 11( Bakc•r-.ru•ld. :a nd 0!1·11 J-:lm N !lorn, ~2 of I >Plano. \"l•rt• k11lf'cl \\ Nl1H·~d;" :-.011tll1·a-.1 c.r hen· whalc "'orlo.tni.: on :i lruc·k "41lh a hoom allac·h1•tl , llw 1'1ngs ('ounf\ t·or11m•r's off11•1• n•port<•d p1 opt•rl\ 111tl'rpn•1 thc•ar fltght dt•;tr.inn• • Th1· l>4•,ml .1b11 <'ril1 r11.c•cl (I ) an .1 11 11·:itrw l"ontrnllt•r ,al f'al m Spru1i.:-. .111 pm t for fa1 Ian~ lo de 11·('( th•· air('r~1ft ·-.ell'\ 1at111n frum llw C'lt'<H'l'd route· .and <2> the 1·11•\.\ :-. fall11r1• lo r1·('11~nizc• tht· pl 11111• was fl\ mg dost• to moun I :S lllS Thl•se ''-''rl' I 1sll•d as l'Onlri but 1ni.: f:H'tors to the :i<'t1r1ent, wh11•h on·urrcd .Jan 7 Thi• LNr .lt't. owned hy J('l Av1,1 lnr , of I.as VC'gns, was fl y - 111i.: 1n a snnw:.torm when It ... mashed into lhc San Gorgonio \lountams at I0,000 feel al>oul fn·<· n1tnUt<'" after taking off from !'aim ~prini-:' Pair Face Burglary Try Charge Two men were arrested and a 1 h1 rd person escaped Irvine pohre who were tipped early to- cfuy by an auto dealership securi- ty guard to what the guard thouJ(hl was a burJ(lary. P olice said the men tried lo r scapc hut were run down in ii fool race by Irvine officer Harold Karaka and an Orange Count~· :-.henffs deputy. The third suspeet got away through an open field near thl• c·;ir lot -flay Fladeboe Lincoln \tercurv. lfi Auto Center Drive Hooked into Orange Count~ .J all on charJ(es of suspicion of hurglary were Martin Aaron. 19. .rnd Charles S. Allard. 18. both of Tustin. They were held on SS,000 bail each. Pnh<'e said thcv confiscated wrenches and screwdrivers. \\hi ch they allege were to be used in a burJ(lary. The security guard, an employe of Vit•jo St-curity Service, told of fsec rs he bcC'amc s uspicioui:. wht·n a pickup truck parked in a cl ark. deserted area of the car lot. v. hi ch is· under construction The guard called his tompany h<•adquartcrs. which alerted pnlit1• Storm Heads To Baja Coast MEXICO CITY IAP 1 Hur n<'anc Heather churned through the Pacific about 210 miles off the BaJa Californja coast today packin~ winds or 80 males an hour. (Related story. A4 l 'I Pledge Alliance' K1llecl 1n th1· ('ra-.h wen• '\;Jltilll' S11rntr.1. 82. her fnencl. Anni• C';arhon•• of ('hffc;1de Park. -.... J .. and I he pilot... Don.aid Weier and Jerold f''oley, both from L;.i:. Ve~~'" Mrc; Sinatra wa:. ny1ng lo Las VegHs for the opening of her son's s how. T h<> boarrl vote was 3 to 1, with mcmb<>r fi'ran<·1s II. McAdams rl t c;senti OJ!. Mexican weather service of. ficials said Heath e r was :"outhwest of Bahia Ma(tdalena and moving northeast at 11 miles an hour. But 111 Kim Fail to Write Correct Words HONOLULU !AP I When lll ninth-graders were asked to write the Plf:!d~c of All c~iance, not one could do It correctly. One response descnb1•d the United States as a nation "under guard" and dedacat<'d "for richest :;tand." A schoolteacher. who asked not to be identified so her students would not he embarrassed. culled the results frightening. She said a ll the 11tudents . Americans coming from varying racial and ethnic back~roun<ls, had s pelling problems. and thcy npparently had little grasp of what the pledge meant The word "indivisible," for{')( ample. came out as "in the v1!\1 ble" in many papers, or with spelling mistakes like ''vissable'' or "visble." Two students said the nation was "under guard" instf:!ad of "under God." The phrase "to the Republic for which it stands" ap peared In some papers as "<1f n<'hrsl !'-.( :anll · or "for R 1rhanl :.land.· Tlw tt•adaf'r sa1cl 12 <,tu<lenr... la ;s<l trouhle spC'lllng the wonl · /\ mf'rica " Thl' wnrd appeared 111 some pap1•rs as "J\mf'rica1n ... i\ m C' r 1ca1. · ' · 'Am f' rt•<' a . "/\mi era." and "Amira." Shc said thnl just before J.!1Vin~ !hi' ll'"' she showed the sludcnts a film of c hildren rcc1tini.t the pledi.t<' And the youngsters ~hould hnvl' hccn familiar with CStt PU:DGE. Pagt All M cArlams riucstioneci whether th<' hoarci s hould pl ace the main hl:iml' on thl' <'rcw. and s aid hf' h1•1l1•\·1•s t'\ acl1•n1•p shows the con t 1 ol11•r, LN1nnrd F.. S utton. shn11lr1 o.;han• thc blame. "It w:si:. a very s loppy opera· 111rn on th1~ port of hoth the crew ;ind th(• contrnll<-r." McAdnms ...u 111 Other Storie8 Olher coveraJ(<' of thl.' south ro11nly :md llarhor Area appearc; lmlJV on Page Cf, If the hurricane continued its t'ourse and speed. it would strike land l''ndav near Cedros Island, :1 sparsciy populated area midwa y down the Baja ( ';11iforn1a peninsula Strike Spreads OAKLAND (AP) • 'The American Aquarius, forced from Long Beach harbor by pickets of lhe lnternatlonal Lon~shoremen's Association , met another picket line aner the 700 foot vessel pulled Into Oakl:1nd on Wednesday. ... Farming Projects Studied By KATHY CLANCY CM tlle o.ir, P•IM St.H The hillsides of the Irvine Ranch will be greening up with food crops if Joan Irvine Smith has her way . Mr s. Smit h. great · g randdaughter of the ranch founder and an Irvine Company direct.or for the past 20 years.. told those attending the Orarrge. County Economic Outlook Con· fercnt'e, "I for one fully expect to see in the next decade a new greenin~ of the fallow land of the I rvinc Ranch." The Irvine heircs:. said she has s pent the p:.ist two decades fight· 1ng to preserve her agricultural hcritai.:c. And s he s aid the company ib , 1gorously studying farming lhe h11ls1des by dri1> irrigation to r<'place the valley farmlands a:-.. they are developed. Mrs. Smith was part oC a coo· :.ortium which recently outbid Mobil Oil in the purch ase of the Irvine Company for $337 mimon. The company controls about on& fifth of Orange County's land. · · 1t s hould be obvious by now that tht' Irvine Ranch is more than JUSl a business enterprise to be milked for whatever short" terms profits." Mrs . Smith said. She told the crowd at the C h amber of Com merce sponsored meeting "it is aft.er all, a balance between the en- vironmental considerations that a re possible and the urban in- novations that can be achieved by imaginative planning. "Nowhere is the balance more likely to be achieved than on the Irvine Ranch,"' Mrs. Smith said. She contended that had the con- :-.ort1um not been the successful 1See RANCH, Page A?> Irvine Home Ransacked Irvine police were invesligal- 1n~ the burglary of a home which was ransacked and plun- d <'rerl Wednesday of nearly <'V<'rything the thief could carry away Owncr•Mark C. Scott, of 4382 Manzanita St., valued his stolen stereo equipme nt, television. 1<•wclry and household goods at S9.269. Scott said the thief a pparently got into his house through an opon kitchen window. Among the loot WflS a vacuum cleaner, a brnr skin. and a mirror etched with the portrait of a nude girl. Or:~i;i ~~ast \\'eather Dec r e as in g clouds becoming sunny Friday. Low tonight in 60s. Highs Friday 72 to 75 INS IDE TODAY Today i s thl' SOth an niversory of the Talkies and Kenneth Morgan of Balboa 1410~ omong those who brought .wwnd to the screen Page C 1 Index A\Y9W!l4rvlu Al4 "-~ Ir m• '°"'4M( • C:J . .. , ............ L.M ... W .... AftllL.tMtn 111-11_, (A. IMvl" ~,, ...... AS _.,..,, __ t: Q 81 G4 t•reen Alt "."_. ....... M,OJ ti ... ., .... Oo'•"9'CiWM't OMO .M teml<• ,, ~Mlwbh ,,.. .. _.. ' ., us 0.•111,...l<n M TtlffltilM .. E•1tori.1f' ... ..., 111Mt.n •1 1111.n.1-... , w .... .... l't•lwl"' (I.) w.,..."-M,Ot .. ,. . i .,. •' .. .. I' I~ •• . ·I ' '• ;1 •! 1, II ,: I ., '. I! •I .. .. i. .; '• ' 1' .; '• • .. I !: ., ': . '• . :• .. •' . . ..;,.A~2'---'-D_A.....;:IL Y Pll _O_T _______ l"_h...::uc...::rsday, October 6, 1977 FOUNTAIN VALLEY NEIGHBORS CHIP IN TO HELP YOUTH FACING BRAIN SURGERY Dan Choroser (In wheelchair) Flanked by Parents and Neighborhood Friends 'Family' Helps Boy As Dan Once Gave, So Now He Receives B.v R08F.RT BARKER then at a later date on the other side. 00 tlw O.,ly Po lot \UH Oan l'horoser 1s an unusual 13-year-old boy who II\ t.''> in .111 unusual Fountain Valley neighborhood Hight now l'm ..,t·ared and I hope it will '' 01 k." Oan :-.aid "If they can correct one srde. I can walk on crutche'> again." The operations and other expenses are ex- pcctl.'<l to run rnto lhl' thousands of dollars and lhts '' "'here lht.· Swallow Lane neighbors l'Omt• Ill \\'lwn othl•rs m•t•dcd help, Dan pitched 111 fl\ Y.ril1nc !'d1l111g and publishing a llt'll!hborhood 111•\\ spaµt·r lie deh vcrcd 1t door to cloor from h1::." hccl<:huir Tht•\ 'H• b<.•cn \\orkrng for weeks on a lllcwk long yard ancl bakt! s ale this Saturday .ind Sunday lo help mc(·t costs. 1\ll tht• mMl'Y that IJ<1n collected S66 \\ J:-. g1H•n to Ult• Amer1cun Cancer Society bt.•t•auM• J)an had los t two favorite aunts to that df' .. ca:.t• TllEY Al.SO WILL 1101.D a rame a week l.1ll'r ~OW IT'S Tiff: SMILING, joke-making Dan who net•ds hl'lp. He faces a series of brain npt.•rJlions "Wt• have Christians, Buddhists and Jews living here. I know 1t sounds corny but we feel I hat we arc all members of a familiy," rw1ghhor Ron Owen said. ff(· b suffcrin~ from a rare ailment called dyston1a mu:..cularium dcformans. according to his mother. E\'clyn "When one member of the family needs hPlp, the rest of us ure going to give it. As p.1renls \\Cull have a stake 111 Dan's future," I l\\ t•n said . '"The mt•:-.·,.1~es from the brain to his limb:-. li(et all mt·~scd up." s he explained l>an ;,ind hr s mother wrll consult a spcc1al1!:il 111 Orooklyn next week. ms •'RIENOS ANO NEIGHBORS aren't the only ones touched hy what Dan Is racing . He was slricken by the disease nearly three years a,go It cau:-..es muscles in the hmoo. flntters <llld toes to contracl Both feet have become twr!>ted and D.m has lost the use of his right hand. Last week a letter arrived with three Sl 11111:-. ThC' shJl.v hilnclwnting sa1cL "I'm 90 and c•rrppll•d <111<1 my wife 1s 85. We'll pray for the hoy " ff l 'RC.ERY IS DECIDED upon, 1l ~ 111 first be performed on one s rd<' of the brain and ~tore> information regarding the fund- r .. us1ng t·ffort <·un b1· '•ht~11ned by calling Owen al 968 9716 Woman Hit By Car, Dies A 51-year old woman wa:. fatal- ly injured in Anaheim Wednes- day when struck hy a van as she walked acros:-. a street 1n a marked crosswalk, police rc- portl.'<l . They idl'ntihed the victim as M arjoric J Akers who lived <it 122 S. Olive St., Anaheim. According to the police report. ~t r s /\kc• r.., was c r o s s 1 n g Claudina Stre<'l anrl Ltncoln ,\ \'cnue al 3 ·44 p m when struck hy a van making a left turn Crom Lincoln J\ H•nuc• Darrell l>uam' Sccl<'y. 20, of FullC'rton. w<.1 s 11Jentif1ed bv poltcc as th<.·' an s dr1 ver. Polle-~ .,aid the• accident 1s strll under in vestrgallon FBI Used Taps? NEW YORK (J\P) FBJ agents investigating organize<! crime have placed Illegal wiretaps and then usC'd the in formation gathered from them rn false affidavits presented to federal courL'> al limes during the past fin' years, the New York Times reported in its editions to- day. OR~NGE CO'-ST DAILY PILOT ,.,, .. °"''*"41'"'(""'\' o ... ,.,. 01tot .,,,.,,,_,,,,,.,,,,_, f>."""1 f~ H•• Pr•" , CN.ib'•V.rtftlf '""' (,)..~ f"~•f P.JbhVhttQ ((.MO•"" ~, tt• f"'l·l"lll\~ "'' • ovbt '"•1 M""<l"'"f tr''°"q" J"•1lt111y '"'° (t'I H Milo'-4 ,._'#P'lr r 8•#""" lofunf•l"llQf'JI" ..... "' F ... , ,.,,, VAll•v lr""I"• \~,,,,l•h,..t \ VA••• ,Al"loj l •QU""' &fo..., l't 'Soufl"I (O~'\I A ._.t'IQ'"' 'floq•·\l\.otl ,.,. ,..,,.. ollb41~ S..'u''14'f\ ~ \tl'l•'hn '"" C-'•""'-O•I 0-JOI• "' \q rt'-"'' I\ •• 1Y1 w.,, .... ,, \h_.t (O'\lA M • .t (•hl"'"'•9)tt)t ..... ,, .. w....,.. Ptf' '~"t t~ Pva.,.,,.,.,. J•rtt. c_,....-y V "C'r• ,,....,., AN1 (' ... ,..,,.., .. , M.llf\.to-'f' 1til•m•\ t<th1I f llN tfll.olft•'A M~f'llt1 r..Aitf\4Q•l"IQ F 1 '"M Cfl•tin H L&o• •1,f\luf ~ N;;ll ,. \l\t"'' M~n.•QtnQ f 11fl)r\ OlllcH f"l'\14i M,,t,4 Ho\W,.q f\'°'v C.HH-t I AIJUl'\A ...... (I'\ It"~ C,1•,..,.._.t.-\i,_I t•vl"lt+nl)fon f'""''h 1111\ IY.,., t'I f\, .,1 .. , "IJ \Mkil•~rlil "'"''""" ,,,~, l ,t p,, An"' llf')Al'\(>1f"Q'1, l""'W•V hl•phon• (714)642-<4321 ClaHllled Adver11•1ng 6-4~-~78 '\.,,alitMt Ir y,.11., .. N•W\ ()tf"* 511.e310 """'" ,,.,, (,_,..,,.,..,,.. •96-4800 ~~=,.1:~ !~'~, o:,~;?:\ C~•;' ,,~,~~~hi';'~{..;:::, f'fl •fl•t ~' fttf'W"' 0 M fl"ll "• r~ f'I '""•Y h• , .. , , t, •tt •1t111oou• O•, 41 "'.,,.,,,\ '" r.t I IOf'I 1JP"'f!._llll..,. \. ~"" '"" ,,.. .... .,. 1)19•·1 •• ,.,,,. Mr\4' (•I l fh"·• '""''' r t U'J"ll .,_ • ., •• , \l Vt ~ftlhl"I h"I ~.1 \I \t) ,,.-, ,,,. ., n"l I lv1 ,,..\111'\lft ..,, \J ~ '" "'" 'I Fro• Page ,, l PLEDGE ... the pledl!e from lhc1r gra<ll' :-.chool days. Pupils 111 Honolulu elementary school.., reca ll' th1· plC'dge datly . ''I'm sick. T don "t know whal l'' do or where to turn, .. the teachl'r s aid. She charg1.'<J that students arc being passed regan.lless of their !\kills. and that educational stan dards are nol hi gh enough. Charles Clark, stale supcrin t e n d e n l 11 f c d u c a t 1 o n • acknowled).?ed that ab1hl1cs of some students arC' nol up to par, and said the depa rtmt•nt ts work 1111! to set m1nim,il cnmpt•tenr\ 'tandards at '.1ri1111<> grJdt• ll'\ l•ls. llcmcH•r, Clark ;uJrJN:l It .., going to take hmr· to bnng our :-.ludcnts up to stand;,irds · Cordova to S p eak At Newport Meet Assembly man Hon \orrlrl\a < D-EI Tnro> will I><' tht• srl('akn .tt a Town Mectin~ ln lw ht'ld Oct 21. sponsored hy the Nrwport llarhor ArC'a Chamh1•r of ('f1m ml'rC't' The hrcakra~t mrf'trng y.·rJI lw held rn the Carou"f'i J!oorn at tht• Ncwporter Inn :it 7 :10 a m TtckeLc; are $3 <':wh Ht>scrv;1l1on m av h c mad c th r 1111 g h th l' chambcrOffrccs r.-11 H2tt Poll Reveals Carter's Loss Of Popularity NEW YORK CAP > --For the first time. less than half the ,\mcncan people approve of l'rrs1dc·nt Carter's prrformance 111 lht> White House, according to .111 N RC poll Poll analysts said the people lflll''troncd found nothing specific Cart<'r had done that they could pra1St'. while they cited inflation, 1 ht• Panama Canal treaties and th(• n •s1gnation or budget director lh'rt l.Jnce as areas they disap- prm cd of The network said only 46 per- ct•nl of the 1.600 people polled .... 11cl the>y approved of Carter's pl•rformancc, down from 56 per- c·1•nt in .June and fiO percent rn Fl'hruarv. In addrtion, NBC said its poll s howed the same decline in the South, where Carter's approval r;1tc went from 66 percent 111 .\ 11gust to '17 percent this week. Pollster Louis Harris reported '\fonday that the public's rating 11f Carter on "inspir ing con· f1tlencc in the White House" <lroppccl frnm 75 percent las t J\I an·h to 50 percent in Scp- lcmlx·r. Milk Ban Lifted LOS ANGELES <AP> -An 11 d:w ban against marketing rcrt1f1ed raw milk has been lifted by the County Mi lk Commission a~ainst two of J\lta· Dena Dairy's th rec herds. Brash Burglar Cops Victims at Convention LOS 1\M;Jo:l.ES (i\P) The burglary was nothing 11n11s1 1:il . $600 in l'ash and some jewelry. The 'i1·11ms. hm\1•\'l'r, gavt• the· 11widcnt its flair: three polu·p <'h1ds and :111 im ('stigator from New J ersey. Oil icers al th<' C'ity police depar tment's central division Wt'r<' rC'hl('f;1111 lo give information Wednes· day night nh1111t thC' hurglary of five rooms at a downtown llolld:iv Inn The vis itors \~c>r<' altc•n<lm.l! lht• International As- ... 111·rntinn of Ch1l'fs of P11h1'<• ronnrntion, along with i ,000 oth<'r offl1'L'l'i, Sl'\'l'r:tl hlocks away A huq:f ;1r 1·nt t•rt'd f" 1· rooms while the occupants '' c•n• ;ma} and ma cit• off'' ilh th(• loot From Page Al Death Threats RANCH ••. bidder ror the compuny thc rnm·h might have been parceled orr and sold to 10d1v1dual developers. Fear Stalks Such action, Mrs. Smith said, "would have sounded the death knell" for the ranch's master plan which would provide for mutually compatible agriculture and urban developm1.nt Neighborhood Howard Margulcas, a com- pany dm:ctor ;md stockholder, presented slides depicting crops on what he said had been con- sidered untillablt> hilbtde and desert areas. The method USl'U, he said, wits drip irn~ation which uses a com- putt.>r to calculate when crops nl•c<l wuter ar.cl give them the amount they need. Such a i.ystem, he said, is now being used on some terraced h1lls1dcs of th(• Irvine Ranch and he expects 1l to he expanded. "We have long felt that food would become the greatest single natural resource known to man," M urguleas continued. Margulet1i. said company pl;ms 1nd1cate .. our commitment 111 feed the pcoplc of this country and lhe people of the world." f'ro,,. Page A l AQUATIC. • • Diving Club. The committee was formed in June 1975 to advise the communi- ty services com mission <and through that commission, the ('I· ty council), on water sports mat- ters. Members work without pay. 'Health Care OK OAKLAND <AP) -The Navy says its investigation or Oak Knoll Naval ho:.p1tal has un- t·overed many problems but no evidence to ::.upporl a !legations that patients have died because of shoddy care. investigators made several recommendations to improve patient care at Oak Knoll but concluded "the overall level of patient car e there 1s high." NEW HOPE, Minn. CAP> - "You Are Next.," ''Maybe You" were the ominous mess ages in lilal·k spray paint on two houses in the middle-class suburban nt•ighborhood where a young newlywed was stabbed to death. Susan Rosenthal, 29, was found dead of multiple slab wounds pt:rhaps as many as 13 -in the kitchen of her one-story home on a quiet dead-end s treet, authorities said. The warning, "The r e Arc More" was painted on the kitchen wall. The writing matched the signs on the outside of two neighboring houses, police !>aid. Prior lo the killing Tuesday, nobody could remember so much as a burglary occurring in their peaceful block of S60,000 to $70,000 homes in this Mlnneapolis s uburb. On Wednesday, doicns of t·hildren gathered a t the Rosen· th al house trying to get a peek in- side. Sightseers cruised by reg- 11 I a rly. Some µarent s kept children indoors and m any Mayor Finds Ass in Off ice OLLOLAI. Sardinia <AP) Mayor Michele Podda found an ass tied to his office desk when he "enl to work and police im- mediately opened an investiga- tion inlo who did it and why. Police said unidentified people took the ass from a courtyard, broke open the doors of town hall and of the mayor's office, left the ass in and took away the mayor's armchrur. It was found in the courtyard where the ass had been stationed. Podda, a Communist, has r un this town of 2,300 inhabitants in the Sardinian mountains for more than a year. neighbors were double·locking doors. The first neighbors knew or the killing was when one saw two µolicemen running, pjstols drawn, from the Rosenthal house. Mrs. Rosenthal's body was dis- covered by a sister who was con- cerned because she had not shown up at the downtown office where she worked as a paralegal assistant. 1 ler husband, Allen, 34, was on a business trip in CalHornia at the time, police said. Police would give few details of the killin~ and no indication or the motive. The Ro~enthals were married Sept. 16 and moved into the house eight days later. Even their closest neighbors said they did not know them . Fro.Page Al MISSILES ••. mobile ml~sile. Thal will depend on the shape of a new Strategic Arms Limita- tion Treaty which the United States is negotiating with the Soviet Union. Carter has proposed publicly that both sides renounce the use of mobile missiles as one means c! capping the arms race. liecause of its complexity, Air Force officials have estimated that a full deployment of the MX :;ystem would cost about $30 billion, a record s um for a U.S. weapons system. The cost plus the acceleration it would represent in a nuclear arms race likely would arouse strong opposition among .some members of Congress, but the M X project so far has not met anything like the opposition which ultimately killed the Bl bomber. THE NEW SONY BETAMAX! • 2-hour video recording time •Small, economical cassette • Easy one-button recording • Optional video camera • Sony quality & reliability Also. coming this fa ll (Nov.), we will have an automatic cassette changer for up to 4-hours of recording time and next spring a 90 minute tape for 3-hours recording time without the changer and up to 6-hours with the changer. SL-8200 Beta max Videocassette Recorder •. ,.,, f 'n•·fnry Mnrrnnl i•·~ 1•111~ Our 1• •• r .,.onnf fhu• \ ••nr f911nrn1111••• fin 1:1·1•1·~1 l"rndtwl M , •. l/tif•ll! 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa .... ~ . ......._ J D~ Wnt ef Cerit Jr. Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Daily 9-6 Sat. 9-5.30 s.n-. tk H.,.._ Ar-. Slioc• f tH TlleM lhdr.-k .............. SenictY_.._,_.. STOCKS I ANALYSIS (.8\ Thurisday"l"I L losin~ Prit•t•s • '1 j I •?JO '•I ,, j NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS Ouola!oOM onctuo.r ,,_,on Ow Ntw Yo•~ MIClwnl Pac 1llc PllW 8os1on, O.troll and Clft<ln,..tl \10< k ••t f\d""li'\ .no tf>POr1eG bt '"'° N•t•on•I A\\Od •uon Of S.CurU•~• Dleltr~ •nd 1n,.une1 '· .. Thuraday. October e, l9n 1/N DAILY PILOT Patte1•11 l•proees Our 'Quagrnire' Could Dry Up By JOHN CUNNIFF "" ---· ..... , .. Ju. ... t when :.t lot of people were getting accustomed totbe notion that the nation's economy was sinking into a quagm1rc, a few r eports were issued that tend to riddle the notion: -Machine tool orders, or orders for equipment that will he used an making other goods, spurted in August after dcclinin~ in June. The level of orders at the nation's factories rose in August for the firs t time s ince Miu-. -TllE JNOEX OF LEADING ECONOMIC Indicators a lso rose m the same month after having declined for two months earlier this year -and three straight until the July figures were revised from a minus to a plus. What all these 111d1cators share in common 1s the future; they ar e all in- cl1cators of further economic activity, They represent com· m1tmenls to that acttv1ty. There Is additional evidence of some underlying strength in some of the other llldivldual indicators. Capital spendmg plans a re m oving up. So are building permits. Ag am, these arc signs o r activity to come. ltdoesn't take much t o c h a n ge th e kale1doscop1c pattern of the economy. JUSt a one· month ~hakcup of the Jn· d1cators. The change can develop with re- markable speed. NEWS ANALYSIS The stock mar\<et, for instance, is one of those leading t·conom1c indicators. When other components of the leading index show strength, the stock market is inclined lo rise as a rnnsequence. And in rising, 1l contributes further to a riae in the mdex. A ONE·MONTH RISE AFTER three months of weak· ness might not be enough to dispel the fog and drizzle that have been dampening Wall Street's ouUook, but it should quiet for the time bemg some of the foghorns of disaster. For months, their gloomy voices have been telling a tale of woe to come. of an international economy mired in r e· c·cssion, of infia tion raging throughout the world. of prob- lems beyond our ability to deal with them. In this context , every percentage point nse in jobless- ness or inflatton is interpreted as verification. And so is every labor-management hassle, congressional argument. Federal Reserve action and presidential decision. To deny there are serious problems is to close the eyes lo reality. BUT TO GATHER ALL THE problems into a patchwork quilt and then try to spread it over the entire 1.'COnomy 1s JUSt as unrealistic. Those recent express ions of confidence in the economic fulUrt', for example, cannot be covered by the blanket. They protrude. New orders at the nation's factories. a healthy level or hu1lchng permits, orders for new machine tools, and fioan- t 1al tomm1tmcnts to new plants and equipment ar e the re- .iii!) or l·lsc the money so committed does n·t mean a lh111g. Prices on lncrea,se I Despite Price News 1 NEW YORK IAP) -Stock pnces bounced upward t o- dav Ul"Spite the news of the s harpest rise in the wholesale pnc:C' index in five m onths. The Dow Jones average or 30 industrials was up 4.S9 po ants to 841 91 after a drop of 14.64 points in the two previous ::.cssions. Gamers held a 7.5 edge on losers among New York Stock Exchange listed issues. B•~ Board volume came lo 18,49 million shares. The government reported this m orning that the "'holesale price index climbed 0.5 percent last month, for the equivalent or a 6 o percent annual rate. T he increase was the biggest s ince last Apnl. a nd exceeded most WaJJ StrC'el expcctat1ons. JO Ind 10 l•n I) uu .) !>•-lnCIU\ Tr,ln •......•••••••• Uhl\ ................ . U Slk ••.••••••••.••••••• NEW YOAIC IAPi. s.tres, .. pm, P<•<~ ~~.~~•..:;twncr,oc~' '"'f .~:,.;())t t~' 1, •OtnQ ,,..l.oft•lly t\1 mOt• 11\M 1,1 N~I f'<llt<ll. • Ill 000 ll'• llOUOolM ... 100 JS ,,. O•laprod 10,)00 1' • I UVINI wl <1.20Q 4 , • ... WOlfHOW 0 31.900 l • • •t ~ynlf'• C0tp 19,100 111-. '• O•m""' 0.1 ,,,ooo 11 '• '• (OnlnlPw A 73,?00 '°" ..... !>oun<109n l l,~ u >-. (.Nrnp Ho 19.?00 1 1Jp11 and 00.,,11• PI 'I .... ti>• I I ;JO~ • v. ttlh I 11', ·~ ,., .. l1 • ~ 10•-. >•' ,. th IJ') . , . .., . ,,, • t '" M'haf S10.-k11 Did NEW YOAY 1a µf ACl•<>ft<.f'CI Oe<h""" u ftCl\AnQ9d Torat IUU!!S New 19/I ll19M Now 19711~ SA'-£S Due to late tra nsmission · today's listing w ill not appear in the Daily Pilot. WHAT AMIEX 010 NEW YORI( 1APJ Ad•&ncl'CI ~ell,,.., Ulltl>a"9f(l Tot•l 1~ Ntw 1911 hoot~ Ntw 1'71 I°"" AMU: SA'-E~ Due to late transmission today's I istlng w ill not appear In the Daily Pilot. Sfo~k•ln The ... pot llghi I Laguna/South Coast * - Aft ernoon N.Y. Stoeks VOL. 70, NO. 279, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1977 TEN CENTS Kids 'Pledge' But Don't Know What HONOLULU <AP> When 111 nrnlh·gradt•rs w en.• <i l>kc<J to write lhl' Pied St' of A llt:giance. not one could do 1t <·orrcclly Ont• response described the United Stales as a nul1on ··under guard'' and dcd1catt.>d .. ror richel>l :.land " A schooltl'aCht!r, who a'>ked not to be 1denllhed so ht·r l>ludents y, ould not be embarrassed . ('.tllt'd lht' result-; fnghtl·111r1i.: She s.11d ;di lhl· '>lud.-nt-.. Americw1s com mg from \ .11\11w ral'wl i.in<I l'lh111c huekgr11u11d.., had :-pl•lhng prohlt·rn -., .met th1·\ apparently had hllll· gra">p ol y, hat the pledgt• ml.'ant The word "ind1v1-;1hle · 1111 ,., amplt'. came out as "m the\ 1 ... 1 hie" rn many p<ipers. or \\1th spelling mistakes lrke "\ ,.,.,,1hk "' \ ''"''. I'\\ 0 ,111d1·11i.. .... 11d tt11 • 11.lllttll 11 ,..., 1111d1•1 1•11,1rd 11.-.11 .ul ol 1111d1•r <;,"I 'I h1• pl11 ,,..,., ·111 llw ll1•1ml1lw lor "htdl ti :.t.1111b Jfl jlt',trt•tl Ill ,111111• fl·IJll'I ' ,1'\ of 1 11 ho.,, ... 1.111d 111 • I or 11 t l'har cl l.11111 I lw lt'.11 111 1 .... 1111 I:.! ~t11tl1·11i... h.tel tr1111hh• 'IH•ll111g tlw \\oitl · · \ rrwr11 ,1 1'111' y, or d "ppc.1n·tl · Peppy. Challenge Lonnie Toft, wearing safety helmet and knee pads, s hows students al R. II. Dana Elementary School in Dana Poiqt how skateboarding is realty done. Toft is part of the Pepsi skateboard safety team £rom San l>iej!o. which <l crnonslr:.ill's t ht> trn·k\· arl of l>k.1a•hoarcl1ng ~111cl .rl-.n !-.ho\\ s ..,l ll· dents how tu pluv 1l :.ali• 1 ltt>late<l photo:.. Pa.gc A:l L Voting Due On San Juan Change Idea By WILLIAM HODGE Ol l .. OM!y Plte4 Statt Citing potential confusion among City Council candidates, San Juan Capistrano councilmen voted unanimously Wednesday to place a controversial election change prop<>sal on the city's March ballot. The proposal calls for creation of seven councilmanic districts and election of councilmen from those districts. The mission city currently has five councilmen elected at large. Coun c ilm e n avoi d ed a December s pecial election on the issue.· "A special election would pre· sent burdens on the candidates lh at are unnecessary," Mayor Yvon Heckscher explained. pointing out that council can- didates for the March election would have to file shortly after the special election . That means once the voters de· cided the district proposal in a .special election and the election was certified, candidates would only have a few days to file can- didacy papers with the city. The normal candidate filing period is three weeks. Councilman Douglas Nash also expressed concerp over adequate awareness of the issue in the community if a December elec- tion was held. "Most import1lntly this issue is one that s hould be ventilated throughout the community," Nash told fellow couneilmcn. Nas h suggested placi ng a lternative propos als on the ballot alonJ!side the petition pro- posal, which mus t be placed before the voters exactly as it ap. pears on petitions signed by 11 percent of the city voters. Councilmen were advised or a lawsuit to force a special election on the issue. (See BALLOT, Page A2) SM.YI'HS NEED BLUFF BUDDIES A development plan for a 76- acre parcel atop the bluffs over Duna Point Marjna has lots of friends but still falls short of what it needs for approval. For the story of the Smyth Brothers and their efforts to de- velop the property. see story and photo on Page C6. Grads Welcome Capo Fete Notes Old, New Although Capistrano Valley High School is holding its first homecomjng tonight and Friday. school administrators are bet· ting there will be representatives or classes dating back to 1922 on hand. That's because the Capistrano Valley Cougars are promotini; a connection with th e old Capistrano Union High School which closed its door in 1964 after 42 years or graduating classes. And Capo VaJley High School officials hope many of those old graduates will turn out for the new school's homecoming game at San Clemente High tonaghl and a dance Friday evening al the new school's campus. "We have quite an entrenched eommunity here," Marv Glusac. Capo Va lley act1viti1•s anrl <Jlhlc tic <hrector. ~<.tid Wedm.•s· day. ··we have l>tudents here whose familtes have lived in the area fer years. .. We'd lake to give those old ,i::r aduatl'S an irlent1ty," he con· trnut-.J. "Tht•v don't like to sec their alma malt•r Cl'asc 111 exist.·· Glusac l>a1d many of the old hii::h s t'hool ~racluatcs have called Capo \'alll'Y and ex· pressed interest in the school'::. home<:oming act1v1tics. The old Capistrano Union High School w:is localt•<I JUSt north of the fomous m1s:.1<m <in <..:amino Capistrano. The fac·1lily now -;ervc ~ a s the San Juan Capistrano Elc·mcntary School. The nC'w h1i:h :-.chool inspires inll•rec;tin~ compJrison-; with the 0111. Capo Valll'y·-; first gradual· 1 n)! J!rollp ~ I hl· l'I a-;:. of '78 • - n 11 m tw .-.. 200 tS.•c• (ifti\OS, Pa~.-\21 THAT'S HOW -Lucana 1sch, the firs t graduate of the old Capistrano Union lltf:!h School. rn 1922, watches Peggy D.ay. Drill T eam co-cC:1plain for the new Capistrano VaJley High School. as she pracUces !or homecoming which has a built-i n alumni. 1n :-.011w papt·r-. a~ "/\m1·rtt•J1n • /\ 111 L' r ll' J 1 . • • A 01 l' rt• 1· oi \nuna.·· ~11111 ··Am1ea ." S he -.aid thJl Just /)('fort.· ~1\·1ng 1 ltL' ll'sl s h1· :.ho\\ t•d th(• :.tuiknt:. a 1 llm of d11hlren n·c1t111g Lht· plL·dgt• And tht• )oungsllrs ... 1111uld have bet•n fam11tar Y.tlh the µlt>dgc from their gradl· . 1·hool da)S. J'upil:. m Honolulu 1·ll•tncnlary schools rt·t·1tt· the 11t.·ui.w da11~ "I'm :-.1ck. I don't know what lu do or where to turn.·' the teachl'r '>.tld. She 1·hargcd that students art' bcin~ pal>scd regardless of their :.kills, <.ind that educat10nal stan tlards arc not high enough. Charle.-; Clark.. stale superan . l l' II d (' II l 0 f l.' d U (.' a t t 0 fl , ;u:knowled~cd that abilities of soml! students are not up to par, and said the department is work. mg to set minimal competency -;tandards ;.it various grade levels. llowt:vcr. Clark added; .. H's going to Luke time to bring our :-.tudents up to standards." U.S. Plans New Missile Systent WA S llJ NGTON CA P > I h•frn:.c Secretary llarold Brown 11.i-. tentatively ·<Jpprovcd full· ,1".tle dC'velopment next year or a 11•\ olutwnan molnlt.• 1nlercon t 111L·nlal m1 -;;11c that ulttmat<>ly 1 1111ld ('ost a rccor1J S30 balhon P<'ntagon sources say Hrown·~ dec1-;1on is subject to re\ acw b\ the White !louse Office of Manageml'nl and Budget and In· President Carter before it can go to Congress next year a'> part of the fiscal 1979 budget. Hrown is reported to have okayed about S250 million for full 11t·velopmcnt of the M X m1s~1lc. now 1r1 a prl'11man ary research and development :-.tagc, officials :.aid Wedncsday night. The MX would be the first U.S. intercontinental ballistic m1ss1ll' mountt'<l 011 mobtll' l<1unchers to make 11 much more difficult for lh£• Hu...,:.ians 10 hit in a surprtM· attack in the 1~. Various methods have bet!n -,tudaed. but the most likely one involves plaeao g the M X on launchers that would be moved in trench· like shelters. The Russians have a missilf', the SS16, which 1s believed to have been tested in u mobile lorm. 'The Ford administration pro- posed to Congress last January that the MX be moved into full· scale development in view o( the continuing deadlock in U.S . Soviet negotiations toward a new nu<.'lcur m·m -; l1milat1on agret!· menl Add1tionallv. the Sov1eb havt! contumcd their deployment of 11. new generation or rntercontinen· tal missiles, some or them big enough and powerful enough to threaten to knock out U.S. Minutema n missiles in tMir fixed underground launchers. Officials said Brown has ap- proved m oving into the next s tage of development. Funds Asked Crippled Aircraft For Canyon Lands Near School Pass I..anes By ~-rt;VF. MITCHF.LL Ot-O•llr P11o1iu11 I ;,.igunJ Beach city t·ounc1lmcn • 11 ,. 1!01111! to s<'ck the help of Cal- T1 .sns tn ronstruct pasl>tn~ lane ... .1lnng La~una Canyon Road 1n 1 tw wake of .1 f1 crv t•rash two \\eeks ago that clauncd the hves of thn."C people. ·\ singJto.cn~int: plane with cngint• trouble made a safr emergency landmg this mormng on the str~t next to Dana Hills lh~h School. only to be damaj?ed by a couple utility poles . The Cessna 152 piloted by Jim Barnett of Thousand Oak.s wa:. forced into the emergency land· an g while on a fli ght from Camarillo to San Diego. Barnell said his engine quit once, but he was able to restart it. When it quit a second lime and would not restart.. he said he had to mak.ethe landing. Harnett s d his plane down on the Strc('t of the Golden Lantern near the high school without mis-- hap but he got into trouble while trying lo taxi lhe craft off the roadway. Barnett said he didn't see a light standard which caught the right wing, swinging the front o( the plane into a road sign. The airplane, owned by Chan- nel Isle Aviation, received damage to the wing, the pro- peller and the nose wheel in the m ishap. Barnell reported no injuries. Al>Sr~ant Caty Manager Terry Brandt suggested a concept of a passing June from El Toro Road o ut lo the San Diego Freeway as a "right now" solution to traflic collisions on the winding road, which have killed 13 people since 197'1. Ile s uggested the council meet with Irvine officials and county officials before going to the l>t•partmcnt of Transportation as a united front to obtain funding. Council men agreed the passing Jane cont'cpt would he a good :.topgap solution to collisions on the roadway. SC Council Okays Beach Pier Access But Mayor J on Brand suggest· t•d <.1n expanded, divided roadway as a long-term answer to the trafftc fatalities. "Most of these accidents are head-on collis ions." the mayor s aid. "I don't want to sec a four· lane road, but I'd lake lo see a d1v1ded road where head·ons would be nearly impossible." I re said he would like to sec the 1·ouncil get together with Irvine, the county and the s tate lo try tn "ronv1ncc CalTrans lo expand that road.•· Hut councilwoman Phyllis Sweeney disagreed with Drand's concept, s aying wider roads d~ 11ot mean s~1fer roadl>. ·•we huve concerns ahout lre:if· fie and surety on Laguna Canyon Hoad, and it has to be done in steps," s he said. "Nol a granrl scheme like you're suggestinl(. <~LANES, Page AZ) * * * A San Clemente pier area re~ developme nt plan was unan- imously approved Wednesday by city councilmen, pending the results of a city petition to the Public Utilities Commission. The petition requests a new hearing on beach access over ad· Jacenl railroad tracks. The re· development plan calls for beach <1ccess for vehicles about hair way between the municipal pier and the city lifeguard head- quarters, 300 feet north of the pier. Pedestrian access would be via ~m overpass. opening at the pier from a parking structure directly inland. • The city of San Clemente has waged a J2.year battle for a J.!round·lcvcl crossing of the San· ta Fe railroad tracks near the en· trance to the city's pier and main beach. The PUC announced in AuJ!ust that the city would get its loni.t 3 of 13 Fatalities Within City Iiimits Traffic statistics prepared by Laguna Beach police Capt. Ner i Purcell show that only three of the 13 motorists killed on Laguna Canyon Road in the past four yeurs suffered their fatal injun.-s within city bmits. And while his figures showth:it the majority of the 312 fendrr benders and injury accidents oc· curred within the city, he hastens to mention that three.quarters of the roadway fall. within Laguna Beach. 1''or instance, his report shows, there were 77 accidents on the scven·mile canyon road in 1974. with 66 or those collisions within the city limits. There was only one fatal crash that year, on Laguna Canyon nf)::id-withln the c.ily. There were no fatal accidents in 1975 along the windinJ! roadway, hut Purcell's fi~urC's show a total of76 other accidenti-. 5fl of which occurred on the city'~ portion of the roadway. 'fhe l arges t number of fataijlics occurred in 1976 with eight people dying on LagunH Canyon Road, two of which were jn the city limits. 0( the 104 total accidents thal year, 79 were within the city. The first eight m onths or this year show 55 accidents with 39 within the city, Purcell said. All four traffic fatalities this year OC· . curred on Laguna Canyon Road in the cllyoflrvine. including the crash Sept. 23 which claimed three livef>. awaited at-grade crossing. but the crossing would have to be located 500 feet north of the pier access, near city llfeguard head· quarters. The PUC also declared that the underground tunnel at the pier. impugned by the city as a crime haven, is to remain open. Attorney Wyman Knapp, who has represented the city berate the PUC, s aid he thinks the com- mission mny view the city's new proposal for beach access as a reasonable compromise. "They did not have before them, during the course of their deliberations, the redevelopment plans for the pier area." be said. "The city can argue that it is appropriate to complement r~ development with an intelligent>- 1 y planned combination vehicular·pedcstrian crossing centrally located, at or near the pier.'' S:lld Knapp. Coast Weather D~ereasing clouds becoming s unny Friday. Low tonight in 60s. Highs l'~ridny 72 lo 75. INSIDE TODA 'Y . 1'oday i s the 50th an- niver~-a'11 of the Talkiea and Kenneth Morpan of Balboa was among lhose who brought, sound to the sc~een. Page CJ. l•dex .. .. .. \ .. ' I : . . -.... .. . ~, I; . , ., ., ·~ . '• ·I ., ,, l\ '· •• •• ,, . .. . •• I ol ~ Thursday, October 6. 19n FOUNTAIN VALLEY NEIGHBORS CHIP IN TO HELP YOUTH FACING BRAIN SURGERY Dan Choroser (in wheelchair) Flanked by Parents and Neighborhood Friends 'Family' Helps Boy As Dan Once Gave, So Now He Receives U.> RORERT BARKER then at a later date on the other side. "Right now I'm scared and l hope it will work." Dan .. aid . "lf they can correct one side, I can walk on c rutches again." Ot tl'te O•oly Polol ~\olH l >.m C:horn.,er I'> an unusual 13-year·old hov who h\ , . ., 1n an unusual Fountain Valley nt•ighhorhuc.xJ Thl' operations and other expenses are ex · p('cted to run into the thousands of dollars and this 1s wh ere the Swallow Lane neighbors t•om e m . \\lwn ollll'r'> net•ded help. Dan pitched in ll\ writing . l'<Jlt1n~ and pu b lishin g a nl'ti,:hhorhood nl'wspa per lie deh vcred it door to du<1r rrom hl'i whcf'kh:.ur. They've b('e n working for weeks on a block-long yard and bake sale this Saturday :.ind Sunday to he lp meet costs. :\II tht• monev that Dan rC11lected --Sl>O - ~a-; g1H·n Lo th1• American Cancer Societv ht·t·au.;c Dan h~1d lo'>l two favorite aunts to Lhal dl'>t'a"t' THEY ALSO WILL HOLD a raffle a week Inter. ~OW IT°" TllE S:mJJNG, joke-making 1>.m who need:. hdµ. lie races a ser ies of brain opcr atrnns lit• 1s :-.ul£1·r111J,! from a rare ailment called tl\'stonia museul~1rium dcformans, according le; his mother. F.vl•lvn . "Th(' mt•c;:,agcs from the brain to his hmhs get all mec;s<"d up," she explained . Dan and h1!. m other will consult a s pcc1alil>t m Brooklyn next week. lie was stricken by the disease nearly three \'l'ar.., .1~0 ll causes m uscles in the h m bs. ·ringer~ and to<"> to contract. Both feet ha vc b('{'ome t"' isled and Uan has lost the u:.e of hi'> nghl hJnd 'We havl' Christians, Buddhists and Jews 11nng here. l know 1t sounds corny but we feel that we arc all me mbers of a familiy," neighbor Hon Owen said. "When one me mber of the family needs help, the rc::.t of us are going to give it. As p arents we all have a stake in Dan's future," Owen s aid. ms FRIENDS ANO NEIGHBORS aren't the only ones touched by what Dan is facing. Last week a lette r arrived with three Sl bills The shaky handwriting said. "I'm 90 and crip~lcd and my wife !S 85, We'll pray for the boy .• IF Sl'RGERY IS DECIDED upon, it will r1rst be performed on one side or the brain and More information retarding the fund- r a is ing effort can be obtained by calling Owen at 968-97 16 . Woman Calls SC Hot 1,ine About Suicide Volunteers of the San Ckmcnlc Hot Line toltl po llC'f' Thursday a 20·year -old c· 1 ly r eside nt had phoned the Hot Line lo say she had slash<'d her wrists. The young woman. who told the Hot Lme couns elor her rirc;t nam e and her address, was founrt lying on the nt)(1r or he r home by city poli ce and firemen. The v.oman told officers she h a d ~wallowf"d fou r t ran- qu1li1Pr'\ unt l t•ul her left wrist with a rawr blade, a fireman ... Jiii Sh(' w .,.., tr:m..,ported hv r1ty "mhulancr' tn San Clemente· f;eneral llosp1tal , where she was treated 1n the emergency room :.md rele.1sc·<I. Egypt Responds? . NF.W YORK (i\P l -Secretary of State Cvrus R. Vance is inv1t· ing Egypt lo rC'~pond to a ten· lalive U.!-;.-li;racl formula for <1 Ge neva (l<!acc eonference that woulli include Palestinians in a unified Arab delegation. ORANGE COAST L \(. DAILY PILOT f,.,.. 0--.tr.¥ <o.tU 0.1111 P1191 _.,,,,. ..,.,...,,. f\111m· f, ~ f"'-' Jo4f'~ Pf.\\ I'\ l)Ub'l""""d bV ,..._ .,.,.,,.,,.. <Phi p._m11 tufllQ Como•"• ~, ... ,."(t.''°""'"'' .. r•1tw•\ .... fj Ml)f\d.,¥ tArOUQh ,-,.,dAV f ~ c,,.., .. ~W P+fo#Of),.t 9,.A(f\ Hlll'\I~ &ttt " '-~ '"''" V•ll•v "'~"'•. S•6dl•bWC'-v.-11~ y '"'°' 1~.fft-Mrt \o"ff'l(O•\f AON11•''""1~•'"'"' ,..,.,.. •. D"lbh\hed ~ .. ,.,, •• ,,, ..-0 ~"""' ',... Cl'" ,.,, p.11 oubo "·N> o'""' ., •• no W• ' "•1 \tt•411. C/)\l.t N• '" C•t1t'ltfllot4'1ft,. 9'tMrt N \lit .... p ..... °""' .• ""1,.,,#f}f·vi.f' Jt<'i .. (., .. ., V ... .-,,. """'' •h1t,_,..,.,~,,. • ., r t I· ' ~ ffit.o'ft.H A ,_...,""'",_. M"""'l•"Q f,,lf'W ( ... , •• , M lo•\ ••th.tt d fJ ....... A'\ t\t4tl'll M1t~•~+no~ r ft!t.Y'lt l•c:111n• B••ch Offle. fik(.lrti""Y'•t;f•f"I M.Ail•no •1t<1r•\\ ri <> Ro•""'· '?ti\I 01flcea CO'\I• ~"'' )JOWt\t lltv "''""\ H1_,.,t,,,q1,,..,,,,,...,., tJU\Afirrt.ttf'l~l.•Yitrf'f \.ill'tttt~',_,," \l"!l~'f H>nl I~ r"tf .. ,....,i '' '•" fJ•t-llf> r (,.. ""''"' Telephone (714)642·4.121 Clenllled Advertl•lno 642-$478 Lag.una 8each All 099ert,.,.nl1; Telephone 494-IM&& ~I ':'11.'~ ~!~\ (\:, ·:~ (.~:I ' ... -~ ~~ ~~·•, .... , .. , "' ....... ,, " • ... ,, rt••.,,. ,. .. #f>thlf~rt ._ !'\l)ol. 'Ii • "' ' ., I ~·'~' .~, ,. """' , ... ,, fl '• J• ,.~ ~ 0 ,.,.,,'1 ,..,, .. .. ,.,,... • •,..,,.., f l .," h\I , , ...... , '' \) lfn• .. '"It "" ••••I \t '\')"°""""''"'I _. 1la•w #I""•' ~\.\t """" "' •1 Sinatra Plane Sa/ ety Board Cites Crew in 4 Deatlu WA.SJUNGTON CAP) -The National Transportation Safety Board said today tha t the cr ash of a chartered jet that killed four people, including the mother of entertainer Frank Sinatra, was caused by the crew·~ failure to properly interpret their night clearance. The board also criticized < 1) an a ir traffic controller at Palm Springs airport for failing to de- tect the aircraft's deviation from the cleared route a nd (2) the crew's fa ilure to recognize lhe plane was fl ying close lo moun. la ins. These were listed as conlribul· ing factors to the accident, which ot·curred Jan. 7. The Lear J ct, owned by J et A via Inc., of Las Vegas, was fly. ing in a s nowstorm when 1t s mashed into the San Gorgonio Mountains at 10,000 feet about fi ve minutes after taking off from Palm ~rings. Killed in the crash, were Natalie Sinatra . 82 : her friend. Anne Carbone or Cliffsid.e Park, N .J .. and the pilots. Donald Weier and Jerold Foley, both from Las Vegas. Mrs. Sinatra was flying to Las Vegas for the opening of her s on's show. The boa rd vote was 3 tot. with member Francis H. McAdams d issenting. McAdams questioned whether lhe board should place the main blame on the crew. and said he believes evidence shows the con- troller , Leonard E . Sulton, s hould share the blame. "ll was a very sloppy opera· tion on the part of both the crew and the controller," McAdams s aid, Dogs Kill Drunken Girl in Apartment LONG BEACH <A P) -l\n lR-ycar-old girl who apparently was intoxicated, vomited and then collapsed in her a partment was mauled by t wo or her do~s. pohn· said. lt was not yet known if Mary O'Reirne's Germa n shepherd and husky attacked her before or a ft er her death, police said to· day. Je welry Stolen In Dana Burglary A hurglar who used a knife lo cut his wuy through a window srreen carried orr jewelry va lued al $7,465 from a Da na 1'01nl home. Orange County s he riff's of f1ccrs said the theft occurred al the home of hairdresser John An thony Napoli, 43, of J32S2 A'ltorrn I>nve. while he was out at din 1wr The Jewelry box was taken frnm the master bedroom. ...... ,.,.._... ..... _.,, ········ "Until we get a m edical report we can't definitely s ay il was the do~s that killed her," said police Sgt. J . Cooper. Roth a coroner's investigation and an t'xaminalion of the dogs a rc pending. Firemen arriving at the scene We dnesday in response to a neighbor's call were confronted hv the two snarling dogs. ·The girl, who reportedly lived alone, had been ill, a neighbor re- ported lo police. The neighbor s aid she c h ecked on Miss O'Beime periodically and found her body on the bedroom floor. Cooper said the woman's face had been mangled by the dogs, which were captured by animal re~ulalion officers about a half mile from the apartment al a va- r ant house where Miss O'Belme previously lived. Two other dogs in the apart· m ent. a terrier and another s h epherd, were reported as docile by arriving firemen .... • .. • 1 " I • • •' ' Hassle Avoided San Juan OKs Horse Project UsinJ.{ horse sense Wt•dnesdav. Sun Juan Cup1struno tounc1lmcn avoidt.'<i a confrontation between c·1ty equine cnthusu1sls and area hom eownl•rs over l<H·ut 1on of ... tables in lhc t·ity's proposed <.:. Russell Cook Purk Before a laq;e a1H.ltencc. Coun- cil mt!n voted unummou:.ly lo ar f"rowa P~ A J BALLOT ... City Atlorney Ja mes Okazaki, however. :.aid the city wu:, 1,>ro tubited from pas:.ing the petition propc>:>aJ as an orch nanct· one uµllun given t he r1ty \Jy an Or ange County Superior Court .Judge in the law:,u1l by Bernie Matthey, one author of the peti- tion. Okazaki :,aid the city would ap- pe ar before Judge Leo.nard Goldstein on Nov. J to explain the reasoning behind placing the is· sue on the March 7 ballot. "It is my belief that the matter will become ucademic after your action here tonight," Okazaki told councilmen. Matthey, plaintiff in the laws uit and spokesman for Con- cerned Citizens for Responsive Government, dis agreed today with Okazaki 's opinion. "This is part of the American process and we believe} spec~al election should be held, he said. "They'll (the c ity> now ha\'e to appear before the j udge and he'll decide." Funds Mishandled LOS ANGELES CAPl -Carter administration offic ials are at- tempting to r ectify some ap- parant violations of government rules in the ha ndling of federal funds, the Los Angeles Times re· ported today. rt•pt the Parks and Recreat~on Comm1s:.ion's recommendal1on 0 11 a development plan for the !()(). to 200-acre park located just north of San Juan Creek between the San Diego Fr eeway <1nd the Cl · tv lim1b . Uul their action left the door open for modification of the plan to a c c o mm o dat e mor e 1·questrian facilities at the pro. posed park's east end. The controversy springs from a city Equestrian Commission recommendation that 12.4 acr~ at the park's east end be set aside for equestrian facilities. T hat r«ommendat ion prompt- c d a p e tition cont a inin g .,ignatures of over 50 percent of the rt-:.1dents adjacent to the pro- posed t'nlar g ed e questrian facility . Residents complained lo coun- cilmen of fl y problem s and un- desirable smells associated with horse stables. They also men· tioned increased traffic on streets ''already over burdened." The equestrian commission concern stems from problems in- volving the city purchase of park land west of La Novi a Street. Ac· cording to lhe plan approved Wednesday, five acres at the park's east end and 12 acres at the west end are s et aside for s tables. Ilse Byrnes, spokesm an for l.he commission. cited economic· problems with the west 12 acres ~ince the city wasn't s ure it could a fford to purchase the land. That meant, s he said, equestrians might have only five acres to the east to accommodate horse stables. Following a lengthy presents· tion of the park plan and dis- c ussion over the equestrian prob· Jem, councilmen ordered the project consultant to prepare a detailed plan for the park. They left open the possibility of increasing the five acres present- ly set aside for equestrian use at the park's east end. Fro. Page Al LANES ... Thal woul<..I take 10 years ." Vice Mayor Sally Bellerue agreed with Mrs. Sweeney, HY· ing, "I don't think we have t-0 go the route of c reating a Crown Valley Parkway l think the idea of passing lanes is a good place to start." Assistant manager Brandt said CulTrans has indicated it will be doing additiol')al signinC, and uddlng 7 ,000 llMal Ceet of no pass. mg Unes along the road from El Toro Road to the freeway, I le sa1<..I the work shoQld be completoo in the next month or !>O. Mayor Brand suggested the three jurisdictions, through which Laguna Canyon Road passes. gel together and push for the passing lanes. ,.,.... P.,,e AJ GRADS ••• A graduate of the old school's first class reports her class ~s much s maller than 200. In fact, Lucana Isch, San Juan matriarch and member of the pioneer Forster family. didn't at- tend graduation ceremonies until the year following her actual graduation in 1922. That's because she was the Oh· ly 1922 graduate. Thief Gets Cash A burglar whose m ethod of en· try is unknown took $1,440 In cash from a South Laguna home. Orange County sheriff's officers said the theft occurred at the home of s tore owner Muriel Frame. 57, or 32331 Baltic Sea. Mrs. Frame told them Che cash was taken from her purse. Milk Ban Lifted LOS ANGELES CAP> -An 11-day ban against marlteUng certified raw milk has been lifted by the County Milk Commission against two of Alta· Dena Dairy's three herds. THE NEW SONY BETAI\'IAX! • 2-hour video recording time • Small, economical cassette • Easy one -bu tton recording e Optional video camera • Sony quality & reliability Also. coming this fall (Nov.}. we will have an automatic cassette changer for up to 4·hours of recording time and next spring a 90 minute tape for 3-hours recording time without the changer and up to 6·hours with the changer. SL-8200 Beta max Videocassette Recorder t 'ull ,..,, •• ,.,'"?I M nrrnt11 ;,., 1•111 .. Our 1•,.,., .. ,.,,1 Ot11• \ ••nr f.iunronft••• On I 1·••r11 ,.,..,,,,,,., H ,. ·'•·II ~ 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa. ..................... i o_, w ... .,. c.t. "· Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Daily 9-6 Sat. 9-5.JO ~th H.,._...,... Slllce ltl• ' Orange Coast ·E DITI ON * * Today's Clos ing N.Y.Stoc ks VOL 70, NO. 279, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1977 N TEN CENTS Kids 'P~dge,' But Don't Know What l ) , , . . .. . . .. t·lementary schools recite t he· Charles Clark, slate su~eri'n.• HONOLULU<A P I Whcnlll l'alled the n·sult-. f11ghl1·11111g "1 \lsloh· 111 "'ormµapcrs_a~. l\mlnc.un._ l•d cl" I t c ndent of educati o n. ninth-grudL·rs wer e ~ked to Shi:' ~a1tl :.ill th1· ... t111f1•11h. 'I\'" ... 111th·111 .... 11~1 th1· i1.1t1•111 \nwri~".a1 , .. ,\mt·.~t'l'a. pc ge a1y. acknowledged that abilities or write the Pledge of Allegiuncc, Am cn n111s corning rrnm v:11 '111g "·'' ·1111111·1 J.:11·11 d uist•·ad of \mit i ·1• .rnd l\mll"u "I'm sick. I don't know what to ~ome students are not up to par. 11ot one could do 1l l'<>rrcc:tly. One rat.·ial and l'lhn1e b.tdq~1 u1111d.... 1111d1·1 l;o 11I 'I lw plu ;i..,,. ··1 1~ tlw do or where lo lurn." the teache1 ;md said the dcpartmenlis work~ responsc dt'stnbcd the Umlt'd t1:1d s •wlhn•• rirohlt·m,., ,tnd th1•\ H1·puhlll' lor \\h1d\ it 4-lJIHh .J.11 Sht•s aul that Jll~l h1•l1111• giv111g inn to set minimal competency • · ,... " 1 1 1 lh· ll':-1 ... 111· '.'>Ill•'' t•d t lw stutknt~ J :-,iid ,.., States as a nation "undt>r guJrd · .1pp arc-nllv had llUl1• ~'.' ·"P 11f P1'·" t-c 111 ""'!ll' P:lfH"~" "~ . 11 :-.landards al varinus grade and cll-dtlalt•d ··fur rtt°lll.'')t ,,h<ilthepll'dgl"nw•mt 111"111•-.1 -.t.11111 111 1111 lt11h.11tl flim 111 1·hil<lr1·n ll'r iting lhl" levels . .,land ·· The \\iiril 'tndl\ is ihlt· rw 1, 1.11 111 pl1·tlg1· l\ntl t 111· '11un1.:st1•r.., She t'harged that studenL'> ure I ., 1 ... 1111ultl h,1\ 1· ht'l"ll f~tn11lwr "ith lw1ng pa:.scd regardless of their A schuolll':t<'lwr. who aske<l not ..1mpll'. t a nw out .i~ • 111 th1· '1 ... t l'lw 11 .. 11 1111 .... uc 1. ·,11u t•nh to be l·'·'nlafu.'d :.o her stud ent:. blc" 10 man.\ 1,,11wrs. 111 \.\Ith h 111 t 11111tilt• ,',Jlt•llini.: tho· w111d 1h1• plt-dg1· liom th1·11 gr.1111· '.'>1-.llb, and thateducalional stan-u~ II t I •-<h1 K1I d.t\S l'upils 111 l hmululu tl,trds arenothighenough. would not bl' 1.• m bar rassed .. :.pclling mist..ikc!i ltkl· ·· v1-,..,;1hl1· \ llll"ll<".t t•· "11n •1fllH';i11 •1 However, Clark udded: "Jt't> going to t ake time to bring out" ~tudents up to standards.·· U.S. Plans New· Missile Systelll Bayside Project On Tap Plans for the first development on Irvine Company land since last Augu!it"s company-1mposed moratorium will be heard tonight by the Newpor t Beach Planning Comm1ss1on Comrmss1oners will be asked to approve plans to subd1v1de the l.25-acrc parcel at Rayside Dnvc and Marull' Avenue into three lot-. One would contain the existing marm;i and yacht sales office, o ne would contain a 37,SOO- s quare-foot office building lo be built by Innovati ve Development Concepts and the third would be a strip park for public use T he so-('alled Bayside Manne parcel has been sou~ht by Balboa Is land and Irvine Terrace resi- dents for public acquisition It was included on the hsl or nine acquisnwns proposed in last s pring·s park bond election that failed by a narrow ma.rgin. ; Wally Geer, who is developing the office building for the lrvine- based firm. said the proposed building "111 be two stories high and within the property's 26-foot height II mil Original plans called for a 35- foot builcfmi.: with two ston es of offices sitting atop a partially ~unken parking garagc In meet· ings with local homeowne r s groups. Geer !.aid the sunken garage was abandoned in favor of grading the entire s ite to four feet below the street level. lie said th~1t cars parked in the graded off lot will not impair the view of the Balboa Island chan- ncl from .J amboree Road or Hays1de Drive. In an attempt to preser ve as much of tht.• parcel's view as possible. the building will be built on the far cast side, next to the existing yacht sales office. he said. G~r said the strip park will be hkc a pa-;eo system that winds around the parcel running the !See BAYSIDE, Page A2> Storm Heads 'ro Baja Coast MEXICO CITY (AP> Hur - r icane Heather churned throug h the Pacific about 210 miles oCf the lhJa California coast tod ay packin~ winds of 80 miles an hour. c Related story, A4) Mexican weather service of· fic i als s aid H eather was southwest of Rahia Magdalena and moving northeast at I l miles an hour If thr hurricane continued its course and speed. il would strike "land Jo'nclay near Cedros Island. a sparsely populated a r ea midway down the BaJa Caltfornia pcnin"ula NB Thief Pati-iotic? Newport Beach police are looking for the huge f}ag that used to fly al the Big Canyon Country Club Cluh cmployes s aid the 15-foot by 25-foot American • nag which flew 24 hours a dav from the fin~ oole ul the clubhouse, 1 Rig Can· yon Drive, was last seen Sunday If was r eported missing Wednesday. The flag Is valued al $257 40. ll is made•of nylon and weigh~ about five pounds, accord· ing to officials at the club. ,u ....... o o •• ,, Polel St .. t PNt• FOUNTAIN VALLEY NEIGHBORS CHIP IN TO HELP YOUTH FACING BRAIN SURGERY Dan Choroser (in wheelchair) Flanked by Parents and Neighborhood Friends 'Family' Helps Boy As Dan Once Gave, So NO'W H e R eceives By ROBERT BARKER Ol llW O~lly Pilol \l.tll Dan Choroser ts an unui.,ual 1:1 y1·<1r old boy who lives m an unusual F11unta111 \',tll1·\ nci ghborhood Whl·n oth<•rs neP<ktl hi•lp. l>,1n p1l<"hl'd in by writing, ed1t1nj? and p11hl1sh1ng a neighborhood newspaper. I le dt•ll \'crt·tl 11 duor to door from his wheelchair All the mon<'y that l>Jn t•11lli·et<·d "'iii was given to tht• Amt•rtl"Jn <".111n•r '\m·11•1\ because Dan had 1114-l twti r.l\Orlt•· dllnh '" · that disease ~ow IT'S Tilt: S)lllJ:\C,, Jctkt• mJktttJ.! Dan who needs help lie face" ~1 w rn· ... ,,f hr Jiil operations. He 1s suffering from a rare ailm1•n1 1.1llt•ll d\·s tonia musculanum ciC'forman.., :i<-1·t1rtl111L! tr~ his mother. Evelvn "The messages from 1h1· hr:1111 to h..., limbs get all messC'd up · "hl' 1•xpl.11111•d Dan and his mothl·r "111 1 on'.'> u lt .1 specialist in Brook I} n n1·"i \\ 1·1·1-. He w;is slnckl•n In 1h1• d1 s1·a-..· 111·;11 h three years ago. II l"Ull'>t'' m11"l lt · ... tn th1• limbs. fingers and tm·s t11 1·11111 r .td l\ot h ft •1•t have hccnme twi~tl'd and l>.1n h,,...10..,i th1· 11-.t· of his right hand IF SURGF.RY IS OF.CIOl-:U unon 11 will first be performed on one side r1f the brain and lhl'n al a l.ilt·r dJI c· on lhl' olhl.'r ..,tdl' "Hight now l"m '>('ared and I hopl' it will "orl.. · lb11 ... :11<1 ·11 they can C'orrl•cl one> ,1d1 · I \':lll "<tlk on c rutche:-. again .. 'I lw 111wra111111s and CtthC'r ('Xf1t·nscs art• t·x p1 1 lo•d 111t 111111\tn tlw thous;m1ls 111 dollar~ ant.I 1111 ... , ... \dlt'rt' tho· S\\ allow I.Jill' n1•1g hhon, l'O!nl•' 11) '('lw\ \ e· 111•1•11 "'ork mg fur wC'ek-. on a 111111·k long ';11 d and hak<' "alr lh1~ Saturday .11111 ...,uncl.1\ 111 hl.'ip mt.•l.'t cosl'.'> flll-:\" .\LSO Wll.I. HOLD a rJHle .J week l.t I 1• 1 Wt• h,1\ 1· I 'hr 1 ... 11an~ Buddhists and Jew!. II\ 1111! ht•rt• I ktlll\\ II 4-0uncl ... corn) but \.\C rN·I 1h.11 \\I' .111• all m1•mhcr-. 11f a fam1liy. 11t·tJ.!hhor Hon Owen -.a1rl \\'h1·n nrw nwmhf'r or lh1· famih needs lwlp tht• n·..,t 111 1..., an· going to ~1ve 1l As p,trPnh "''all ha\\' a s takt.• tn Dan·., [utun•.° ()\\I'll ._;lid ms FRJE'il)S i\:'llU ~F.IGllBORS aren't 1lw 11111\ 11111•s 111111"111·<1 Ii\ \,\ h~1l Dani-; facing 1.. .... 1 "1•1•1-. .t it-I to·1 ;trr1v1·d "ti h thn•1• SI I 11 l I , llw sh;tk\' hanclwrit1ng :-.01<1 . "I m 90 and t nppl1•d :11111 m y w1ft· '" R!) W1··11 pray for lh1• l" I\ . 0 \.1• 1n · tnform ;1111111 n·garcl1n1.: the> fun cl r ;11.,111).! l'lforl l':tn ht• olltam<.'11 ~I\ calling Ow1·n ,1 I !II;>< !l7 lfi Irvine Greening Seen Heiress Projects Fanning of Hil/,sides By KATHY CLJ\:liCY Ol IM O.ily Po let St•ll ' T he hillsides or the I r \'1nc Ranch will be greenin~ up wllh food crops if Joan I rvinr Smith has her wav. Mr s. ·s milh , ~re;it •granddaughter of the, ranch •founder and an Irvine Company director for t he past 20 years. told those attending the Orange· County E conomic Out look Con r('rence. 001 for orw fully C"<llf'l'l to see in the ne:<t llccadt• a rww ~ recning of the fallow I and <1( I he Irvine Ranch.'· The Irvine hev-ess s aid sht' ha~ spent the past two decade's fi~ht ing to preserve her agricultural he ritage. · And she said the company 1s vigorously study ing rarmmg the hillsides ·by ·dr ip irr igation to replace the valley farmlands n<. ' u:: ,~ .. · ... 1 h1•\ .irt• cit•\ 1·lopcd Mr-. Smtih w;is part 11! a t't111 ... orltum "h11·h rcct•nll ~ out l11d Mohll 011 Ill the· purrh;t4-f' nr ih1· In Ill"< 'omp.tn\. ror S.137 m11l111n Tlw ('nmp.111\ 1•11111 rob almul 0111· (1 r1 h of Oran1.:1• <..:11unt.v 's land "II .~hould lw ohvious hy 11ow that lh1• lrv1111• ll.trH"h 1 ~ m11ri• than 111-.I a ll11~11t•'"' 1·n11•rpn'>•' tn tw 111tlkt·d ror wh;ilP\'t•r short ll'l"nl" profit ~. ·Mrs Smith 4-tllrl Slw told I ht· c·roiwd .11 tlw (. h a m ht• I II f (. II rn Ill I' r t I' '.'>porbon•cl mt•1•t1111: "1t 1.., :tft<'I . di. .i halan1•1• ht •tw1•t •11 the t•n \ 111111mc•nt:il cu11s1<it'rnt111ns lhal ·'rt• JIO'iSI hit• und I h1• II rhan Ill 11ovations that t'an hl' :arh1cvcd hy 1magmat1vc plannln~ .. Nnwhc-rc I!:> the balance more• llkf'IV to he achieved than on thP lrv1nt>Rum·h "Mrc; Smith s a1d ... ~ .. . Stw 1·1111t1•n<lcd I hat had lht' c-on ... 11rl111m not hN·n tht• ... ucct•ssful h1cld1·r for 1 h1• rompany the ranc-h m1J.!hl ha,t' lll't·n 1>arcclc.•d off and -,old l111ncll\'t1tu.1I clt•vt•lnpcr~ "ul'l1 ,1t·tw11, Mr~ Smith s aid. ·"mild have· ... oundt•d the rlc-ath k1w11 ·· f111 the· ran1·h·., master pl.111 "lrn·h \\011ld 11rovidl' for 11111t11:illy 1·11mpat 1hlr ugrit•11llur1· and 111 ban ck\.-t'lo11mt•11I llnw11rcl Mnr}!ulca~. u ('Om p ;111v tl1n•t·t11r and stockholrlt'r. p1 t'!'l<·ntc·tl slidt'" ckptclini.: trop~ 1111 \\ h,11 lw "i.lid had been con '1rlt•rf'rl untdlablr hillsl(IC' u11d tl1•s1•rl arc-ns Th<' method ust•rt. he• said, was drip 1rn!lat111n wh11'11 use'> a tom p11tc>r lo e·alt-ulatr "hen rr opl. lll'l'cl W:tll'I :ind ~IVC them t he .tmount the' need rS.•1· R \ 'iC-11, P al(c A2l Targeted Forl979 Funding WAS lllNGTON CAP J Oefense Secretary Harold Brown has tentatively approved full· ~cale development next year of a r t>volutionary mobile intercon- tinental missile that ultim ately t•ould cost a record $30 billion, l't•ntagon sources sa y. Brown's decision is s ubject to rt•new by the White House Office of Management and Budget and liy Presiden t Carter before it can go to Congress next year as part of the fi scal 1979 budget Brown is reported t o h ave okayed about $250 million for full development of the MX missile. nm~ in a preliminary resear ch ;ind dcVl'lopment stage, officials '.'>;11d Wl'<lncsd ay night. Tht.• :\>tX would he the first U.S 11llL•rrnnl1nl•ntal ballistic miss1I(' mount1.'tl on mobile launchers to make it much more difficult for th\• Russians to hit in a s urprisl· alt ack in the 1980s. Various m ethods have been ... tudied. hut the m ost likely one 1n' ol\ cs placing the MX on launcher'-. tha t would be moved 1n trench-hkeshellers. The Russians have a missile. 1 he S.516. which is believed to have ~n tested in a mobile rorm Tht.• Ford administration pro posed to Congress last January that lhe MX be m oved into full- scalc development in view of the t•ontinuing deadlock in U.S.- Soviet ne~otiations toward a new nuclear arms limitation agree· ment. Additionally. lhc Sovlet.c; have tonlinued their deploy ment of a new generation of intercontinen- tal missiles. some of them big l'nough and powerful e nough to I hreale n t o knoc k out U.S. Minutema n missiles in their <See MISSILES. Page A2> Defense EndJJ 'lY Insanity Testimony MIAMI CAP > -Ronny Zamora was rC'acling to t he words he hl'ard on TV when he fired a ~un and killed an elderly neighbor who threatened to call the.police. s ays a defense psychiat rist. IJr. Michael Gilbert, who look the stand Wednesday during the third day of defense testimony, ~aid the 15-year-old defendant was "c-onditioned" by television vinlC'nCC'. Defense attorney Eilts Rubin n·~ted his case loday after trying lo prove Zamora was compelled 10 s hoot Elinor Haggart, 83, hecause or excessive television \ ll'Wirl'g. Huh1n s urprised the court 1•arh cr Wednesday by releasing .rctor Tellv Savalas from a de· ft.•ns(• subp0ena. The star of "Ko· Jak .. had been scheduled to gave .1 ciepos1tion today on television 'wlc-nt'e. Rubin c laimed that the TV series was Zamora's favorite. Th<' psychiatrist's testimony was ll.ubin's first cha nce to pre- ~l·nt cx1>ert testimony over the •tut•stmn of TV violence. Circuit .I udi.:<' Paul Raker refused to al- low gc-ncrul testimony on the is· sue-unless it applied directly lo Zamora. Gilbert testified t hat Zamora was lnsan<.• at the Ume of lhe , ~hooting, and blamed the boy's home life and TV h abits for his inability to comprehend his crime. ··Televis ion g ives a distorted sense or violence because when one sees lhat many killings, the death of a human being is no more than swatting a fly," he SLI 1cl iastycur . County Gets Soccer Team The North American Soccer League today voted lo transfer its St. Louis franchise to Orange Coun- ty, effective for the 1978 season. The Orange County team is expect ed to p lay its g ames at Anaheim Stadium when the season begins in April. Robert R. Hermann. own er of the St. Louis Spirits a nd one of the founders o f the North American Soccer League. will retain ownership or the Orange County team. Paul Deese, a for m er baseball coach and athletic director a t Chapman College. will serve as the general manager . Xerox Nazi SttmS Sales Gathering NEW YORK (AP) -He wasn't :i real Nazi -only a Xerox copy bul a sales executive's mas- querade lefl a bad taste with the company's sales force. Sales manager Larry Buzzee was the ma n who figuratively l(oosc-stepped into a company conference room Monday in a Nazi uniform, with s wastika armband, hat e mblem, and a rid- ing crop. . "Vee viii kill IBM," be declared, s lamming t he table with the cr op as he spoke the name of the corpor ate com- petitor. Around the room his exbotta- lion was met with an appalled silence from about five dozen salesmen. many of them Jewish. "I don't know why we didn't walk out," said one salesman. ·•but we were so shocked." A company s pokesman em - phasized that the charade, while in questionable taste, was never intended lo convey any covert an~ ti-Semitism. ·'This certainly is not company policy." According l o a Xerox s pokesman. Buzzee also made the point lhat !'we need some dis· cipline if we're gonna beat th~ competition." but also added. pointing to the uniform he was wearing, ''but not that kind o( discipline.•· Slaj!ing little dramas to liven up sa les m eetings is nothing new at Xerox. Nobody al the com- pany was sure of just when it s tarted or whose idea it was. Buzzec·s !l upe rior, ofHce <See XEROX, Page A2> Coas t We athe r Dec r easin g clouds he-coming sunny Friday. Low tonjghl in 60!1. Hi~hs Friday 72 to 75. INSIDE TODAY Today 1s the 50th an· 11iversary of the Talkies and Kenneth Morgan of Balboa was among those who brought. ~ound to the screen. Page CI Index AIY-S.nlc• A14 ... l'M( ... llrm•~lt C2 i111 ... 1111 ..... L.M ... y • ... , AltftL.--. lllMl>ftt C4-J ~ .. i._ C.llNnll• Al MlllNll'll!lft ~ .. a. ., C4 ca,_. .,. Natl_ ..... M,Ot tietti,._ Of .... c-.t, OMI c.,.,in IS '"'__.., •• ~ltJIHMkM Al a.i1.,..1tt• ..... , .... ~t9Mftt ... , ........ CH =MeftMU T ........... TIIM'91'l WNttler w..w ....... Al 11..a C..J .. •1 M M .Ol .-. • \2 ()All Y I'll U I N Crippled .. Plane in landing :'--. ,: . A single l'nginc plane with engine trouhlc mude a s afe ~ ~· f mergency landing this morning ... • on the street next to Dana Hills • •·• High School, only to be damaged • .. • by a e<>uple ulihty poles The Cessna 152 piloted hy .Jim Harnett of Thousand Oaks wa' foret.'Ci into the cmcrRency lantl m g while on a flight from CamarillotoSan V1ego. Barnett said his engine quit once, but he was able to restart 1t When 1t qu1l a scto11d t ime and would not restart, he said he had to make the landing Barnett set his plane down on the Street of the Golden Lantern near the high school without mis· hap but hl· got into trouble while trying tu tU\I the craft Orf the roadY.a). Barnett said hf.' dido 't see a lt!!hl i.tandard which caught the ·right wing. swinging the front of the plane int11 a ruacl -.1gn Thl· a1rplant·, owned by Chan· ncl Jslc Avrnt1on. received damagt• to the wing, the pro· peller anti tht· nose wheel in the mishap. Aarrll'lt re1xirtt:d no in1ur1es. Meeting Set On Flood Insurance Offtc1.ib of the federal Flood ln">urancc Ad - min1~tr..ition v. ill be 1n :'\cwporl B<•ach Friday af· lernoon to rxpla1n lhe m andalory flood insurance pro~ram lo p r operly owners. f''ederal officials will hold a mecun~ al I: 30 p m. in the city council cham· bers <•t citv hall. Under f edcral law, all property owners on Da I boa Island and in Newporl S hores musl buy the in· surancc which costs abQut SlOO a year Other residents of the low-lying areas or the c1ly are being adv1o;cd to buy the insurance, but 1t 1s not mandatory The meeting 1s open to anyone "ho v.ants to knnw more :.ihout the federal program. Thursday, October 6, 19n I O.lfr Pll<lf St~tt ,.,..,,. PILOT LANDS SAFELY NEAR HIGH SCHOOL, BUT HITS POLE. SIGN WHILE TAXIING Aviator Jim Barnett Walks Away From Downed Craft Being Insp ected By Dana Hills Students Newlywed Murdered Neighborhood Terrorized by Death Signs NEW HOPE. Minn. (AP) - ''You /\re Next." "Moybc You " \\'t•re the ominoui. messages in hlack spray p~unl on two houses 111 the middle-class suburban neighborhood where a young 11ev. lywed was slabbed to death. Susan Rosenthal. 29. was found dead or muluple stab wounds - perhaps as many as 13 -1n the kitchen of her one·storv homt: un a qui c t d e ad · end. s t n· cl, authorities said. The warning, '"There 1\re More" was painted on the kitchen wall. The wr1l10g matched the s igns on the outside or two neighboring houses, pohce said. Prior lo the killing Tuesday, nobodv could remember so much as a burglary occurring in lhl'•r peaceful block of S60.000 to $70,000 homes in this M inneapohs s uburb. On Wednesday, dozens of «hildren gathered at the Rosen- th al house trying to get a peek in· side. Sightseers cruised by reg- ularly. Som e parents kept children indoors and many neig~bors were double-locking doors. The first neighbors knew of lhe killing was when one saw two policemen running, pistols drawn, from the Rosenthal house. ~rs Rosenthal's body was dis· covered by a sister who was con· cerned because she had nol ~hown up at the downtown office where she worked as a paraJegal assistanl. lier husband, Allen. 34, was on a business trip in California at the lime, police said. Pohce would give few details or the killing and no indication of lhe motive. The Rosenthals were married Sept. 16 and moved into the house eight days later. Even their closest neighbors said they did not know them. "I couldn't even Sinatra Air Crash Blanied On Crewmen WASHJ:"'GTO~ CA P > The N ationaJ Transportation Safety Hoard said today that the crash of a charterl'd Jet thal killed four people, inctudin~ the mother of entertainer Frank Sinatra. was caused by the c rew 'c; failure lo 11roperly interpret their flight clearance. tell you what she looked like, tall or short. fat or thin, dark or hght, .. said a woman who lives across the slrcct. They cliscounted persistent rumors lhal Mrs. Rosenthal's death had ethnic overtones. Police Chier Kostanos said that "although rumors and stories are abundant, the investigation has revealed nothing lo indicate any anli·Semitic, ethnic or racial overtone!>." Police sa1d the Rosenthals, were of lhe Lutheran raith. No particular religious affiliation p r edominates 1n the neighborhood. Dave Laughlin, JO, occupant or the home spr ayed with the message "You are next" said, ··we·r~ concerned, that's all." "You can't get excited," he said. "The police arc doing a pretty decenlJob, a super job.·· Land llse Problem? J Panel Studies Cannery Area . How to keep marine-oriented indust ries alive in Newport Beach's Cannery Village will be discussed again tonight by the city's Planning Commission. Commissioners will hold a public hearing at 7:3<) p.m . on a s pecific area plan for the area between 32nd Street and the Newport Pier. A specific area plan is a plan· ning device for use in a reas where city officials believe there is a problem related to land use. The city's nrst specific area plan, devised last year. was tn· s lituted in M ariner·s Mile, another concentration oC manne- relaled businesses. Tonight's hearing will be held lo review the fifth set or proposed zontnj( changes aimed at main· taining the character or the Can· nery area while allowing it to be redeveloped by property ownl.!rs. The plan to be d1scui.sed tonight would aid marine in· dustries by prohibiting any non· marine businesses from using waterfront property. In addition. m arine-related businesses would be allowed to build slightly more square footage per lot than other businesses. In order to preserve the small shop character of the rest or the Cannery Village, portions would FromaPap!Al RANCH ••. Such a system, he said. is now being used on some terraced hillsides of the Irvine Ranch and he expects it to be expanded. "We have long Ce lt that food would become the gr eatest single naturaJ resource known to man." Mar guleas continued. Marguleas said company plans indicate "our commitment to feed the people of lhjs e->untry and the people of the world." be zoned to n combined residen· t1al and commercial use to "pro- vide an interesting contrast to other specialty shopplnR areas und alCemative Ufe styles for both residential and commercial tenants." Also included in the plan are a series or proposed changes in the street system s uch as closing and landscaping 21st Street between Ocean Front and Balboa Boulevard and the closing of 29th and 30th streets to through traf· fie. Once the planning commission has settled on the details of a specific area plan. it will be sent to the city council where more heanngs must be he ld before it can be adopted. Two Women Found Shot FOREST HILL <AP> Autopsies are scheduled on the hodies of two young women found s hot to death in a wooded area east of Auburn. Placer County sheriffs dep- uties said the bodies were found Wednesday by deer hunters. One was dressed only in shoes and -.ocks. · Frora Page Al BAYSIDE .•• length or the property on the seawall, joining into the Balboa Island bridge and continuing a l ong Marin e Avenue and Bayside Drive. 1 fe said about 18,000 square reel of the lot will be taken up by builclings a nd about 6,000 square feet will go into the st.rip park. ~I .. Riley Criticizes Condo Rezoning The board also crit1c11ed < 1 l an Jtr traffic controller at Palm Springs airport for failing to de· lect the aircraft's deviation from I he clcan.'<I route and <2 J the cn·v. s failure to recognize the pl;in1· was flying c lose to moun- tain~ These were listed as contri but- ing factors to the accident. which occurrf.'<I J an. 7 The• Lear Jct. owned by J et Av1a Inc. of Las Vegas, was fly· ing in a 11nowstorm when it smashed into the San Gorgonio Mountains at 10.000 feet about fl vr minutes after taking off from Pnlm Sprin~s. Orange Coun t y Supervisor Thomas Riley thinks a proposed condominium project in Sanl11 t\na Heights is "too much de· velopment on too little land.·· Riley said Wednesday he was prepared to reject a requested rezone on the IA·acre project on Irvine Avenue and near Del Mar Avenue because he believes 15 units 1s too many for the parcel. However. action on lhe pro· posed rezone was J>05tponed for t w o weeks by s upe rvisors Wednesday to permit Riley to check into neigh boring cittes' plans for the area. The project 1s ad1acent to both Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. Pro p e rty owner Stewart Woodard cont end ed proposed changes in Costa Mesa's general plan would make his project con- s istent with plans for surround· ing regions. which are currently zoned primarily for single -family r esidential use but m ay be changed to multi-family zoning. Riley also questioned the con- d om iniums' selling prices of S85.000 to $95,000 for the 1.300· # . ORA MOE COAST N DAILY PILOT TNi ()rAnQll' COlll\I 0.-11¥ PHot _.,,__..Cf' It C:twt\• blil'W'dltw-H,....., p,.,,, 1,pub'iQwdbythtO--~ (1M\I P\;t)41\f"ll~(O"'°•"'f \llil'o.rA'"".0'1 Ol"ll"..t#,. (»·.f'Dl1\f\.-tj MoftO•'I fh,OWQ" J-r•rMT tor '""''" Mr"" .,.,.WOOf"t &-.. <ft. t-iu~O~f'li"\ ~itlot"' r~ ,.,,.. V•llf'i ttwtf'lf' !t•<tdi•bo•(~ V•lfry .tft.Cf ~~""'"'"""'"''"'' 4 \ofWlft-•,.qM\.it•"'ftt t.on J\ "'4b4•\"""9 ~tUf(l.y\ ~ ~•¥ ,.,,_,,. P'"'"' o ,, 04,.,,.,".~ ril•"'t '' ~ lY> w.-,t n.aw ••''"' CO'\t-M4\• (11111 1r"1•.,.•l• tlttlll9rtN ..... "''"'"diPl"ll.alVJPublo,......, Jao 9' cwr...-. "' ,. Ptf'UM,.l •'WI c-,,.,..., •• Mt~ T"'9""U A M.,.,.."9 M'"'•OlrtO t dltor Ctrlerl" H Le•' lf!(M ,.." "9tfl A•" '""' M1tn,.11nq lct•trw-. OlflcH ("lt\t• M"\A 't\nW,.\I AAy ,,,_, I •011t1 t I')""',, I ti!lit (•!"""'°"¥'• \lt••t ._.11.,11"'°'""" n""'" t1~·,~.vf'lr1w.-.11"""'fi •A "fh'll" '° \J .. 11•"~ 1\1'''' ~ f 141 ,,, -i'j o• • .,.-.r,,,.Q,•', .,,,,, Tefepho"• (7fCl642""321 CIHtlfl-4 Adver111lng 642·5671 ~a::.-,t~ ~~:_:\n".t,~t)" ' t•;.:~...-:~"'':"~.t~~I , .... 11., ""' ,,, •.• "' t • ,,. ~ ,, "' • •0 .. 1 1• •If • I "HJI H ,,,. '""· rtl\ I '°;•'"'"" 'h'". o.,,,.,.,~ r••,, •• '"''• """" '* I A ·•~•II•• \.,I, 11 1•' ""' fty ,,,,,., \• \ ..,,,..,..,~If' blf M• I \• 'l ~f\lfllilf , .. ,f,fu; "'"'""",'~~u ""''""'"''"', , square-fl)Ot units, whi<'h would be a ffected hy noise from Oran~c County Airport. Woodward said the projert would be built within state noise Ii mite;. Riley, whose district includes the airport and who receives fre- quent complaints from res1denls ahout aircraft noise. r<.''l>Onded, ··If you could s1l in my office \'OU wouldn'tsay that.·· Fro•P~A I lWSSILES .•. fixed underground launcher-.. Offic1aJs said Brown has ap. proved moving into the n1•xl stage of development. Carter and Brown decided lo defer full -scale developmf'nl from fiscal 1978 to fiscal 1979 while certain technical questions were resolved, particularly the feasibility of a mobile MX. They stressed that this does nc1t mean the Carter admin1strat1<m ultimately will approve produC' tion and deployment of th1• mobile missile. That will depend on the shapr of a new Strategic Arms L1m1ta tion Treaty which the Unitt·1I States is negotiating with lhc• Soviet Union. Carter has pmposecl pubhclv that both sides rf.'nounre the use of mobile missiles as one means of capping the arms r ace Hecause of its complexity, i\1r Force officials have eo;limatcd that a full deployment of the MX system would cost about S.10 billion. a record sum for a lJ s weapons systrm. 1 Health Care OK OAKLAND (/\P l -The Navy says its investigation or O;ik Knoll Naval hos pital has un- covered many problems but no evidence lo support allegal1ons that patients have' ciied becau-,e or shoddy care. l nve~llgatoro; made several recommendations to improve patient care al 011k Kr1otl but conrlurit>d .. the overnll lc·vcl of patient can' there 1'> h11:h .. Killed in the crash , were Natalie Sinatra. 82 ; her friend. Anne Carbone of Cliffside Park, N. J . and the pi lo ls. Don aid Weier and Jerold Foley. both from Las VeJ:aS. Mrs. Sinatra was n ying to Las Vegas for the opening of her son ·s show. The board vole was J to l. with member Franc is II McAdams dt!>SCnUn~. ~TcJ\dams questioned whether I he board should plar.e the main hlaml• on the crew, and said he ht•licn•-, evidence shows the con- t roller. Leon.ard E. Sutton, ~hould s hare the blame. "ll was a very sl"PPY opera· 11on on the part or both the crew anrl the controller,·· McAdams sa HI. FroaPage A I XEROX ••• mana ger Jack Crilly, once opened a con f e r ence in cardinal's attire. with his staff in monks' hahits. and gave a bless- ing .ind bcned1ct1on. Another time he appeared as Sanfa Claus. Buzzei! previously has shown up"' the· punchy hero of the mOv· 1f.' "Roeky" and deli vered his pep talk in a mug's accent while shadow boxin~ in time with lhe rtlm 's theme music. Officially, Xerox was saying nothin~ Wednesday other than a formal statement. "Obviously, lht• opening of the Monday sales mcrtinf! was in poor taste. It s hould he equally obvious thal t ht•rc was no malicious intent. llc•yond thut, we have no com- mc•nt. •• Xerox did better than $4 billion in sal<'s of lls copiers last year and no sma ll part or thnt came from Cr illy's sales territory, midtown cast in New York City "There's a long tradition of cframat1c presentations in these sales managers' meetings," said a company spokesm an. "and Crilly has " hell of n good record." .. . ' THE NEW SONY BETAI\tAx! • 2-hour video recording time ·Small. econom1cal cassette •Easy one-button recording • Optional video camera • Sony quality & reliability Also. coming this fall (Nov.). we will have an automatic cassette changer for up to 4-hours of recording time and next spring a 90 minute tape for 3-hours recording ti me without the changer and up to 6-hours with the changer. SL·8200 Beta max Videocassette Recorder BETAMAX-THE LAST WORD IN HOME ENTERTAINMENT. f 'ull 1·,.,·10111Marrrulli••"1•1u ... flur 1•1•r""""' fin•• lt•nr (9uflrn1th•r "" l·."•·•·r,1 Produc•I Me• .'itt·ll~ , 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa .. _........, . ......,._ l D~Wftt ef~•Jr. Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Daily 9:6 Sat. 9-5:30 S«• ... th Herhr Ar.. SIM• l tH ( \; j l J Saddlebaek EDITION * * * Al.ternoo11 N.Y. Stoeks VOL. 70, NO 279, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A TEN CENTS Kids 'Pledge' But Don't Know What llONOl.l; Ll 1 ( 1\ f'> Whl'n 111 tllnlh-grallt•r., w1•1 c· usk1..•ct l•1 wnt1..• the· l'h•dg1• 111 Allt•g1a11t••'. not on1..• l'OUld do 1l t•irrt·tth 01w n•s i>0nse dc'>l'l'tht·d lht· · ntli'd States us a 1wtwn "und1..·r guard' and dctl1tut1..·d 101 rithe ... 1 ~land " A sthoolt1..·Jch1•r. whn as kl•d not lo IJl· 11frnl1f11..·d "" ht•r s tud1..·nh ''uuld not ht..• 1..·ml1,1rr.t-.s1..·•L n1ll1..·tl thl' result.\ fr11:htcn111i..: S It 1..· .., a 1 d a 11 l h l' s t u tll-11 h 1\rnt•nt·an ... 1..·om111J..! from \<in 1ni..: r.11..·1al and l'lhntt· liac·kgrountl\ hau spdhng prohll'm .... and th1·~ .1ppartmtly had htlh.· gra ... p ut \\ h.1t till' pkdgl' meant 'l'lw \\ ord .. and1ns1 hit'.· for 1·\ .111lph'. came out a:. "1n the \ ,.,, lilt-" 111 man~ paper-,. or \\ 1l11 "'l'''lllllg m1-.tak1c•., like "\ 1s.,alJll· or "1·1..,hl1..· Two s t11d1•11ts .,,1111 ll\I' 11.1l1or1 \\a:-• 11/Hltor i.;11ard · 111.-.11..-;.1cl ol ·1111<11..·r < i111I ·· 'l'ht· phra::-.1..· "to t111• ll1..·puhl11· lrn \\ h1l'h 11 :.land-." ;1p fH'.11 til 111 ..,Ollll' p.q>l'I'!> a-. 'of 111·h1·-.1 ... t.111d 11r l11r H11..·hanl -.1.rnd l'ht· lt'.H lll'r -..11d I:.! ... 111clt:nh h.1d lruuhll' 'lll'lltn.: llw \\ord ,\ ml.'rlt'.1 Tlw \\ onl .1ppl•art:d FOUNTAIN VALLEY NEIGHBORS CHIP IN TO HELP YOUTH FACING BRAIN SURGERY Dan Choroser (In wheelchair) Flanked by Parents and Neighborhood Friends 'Family' Helps Boy As Dan Once Gave, So Nou; He Receives Hy ROBERT RARKER lht:n ul a t.11l:r dall• on lhl' othc•r ... 1d1..• ()t ,,,_ O•oly Poi.4 S~H l>an Choro:-1..·r '" an unusuul 13·year·old hcl\ who h\t•s in un unusual Fountain Vallev rlt•ti!hhorhood "RtJ..:hl now Im :-.C.Jrt.-d Jnd I hopt: 11 \\tll \o\Ork." Dan ... ;.1111 "If lhe) {'an currccl •mt.• "Ille. I can w;.1lk on crut('hcs again · 1 he opt.·r.itton-. and other cxpcn"l"> an· 1..·x pt.•c.•tt.-tl lo run into the lhou•.and'i of <lollar... and t ht' 1:. \\ ht.•n • th1..· Swallow l.Jnt· neighbors "omc.· Ill \.\.'h<.·n ol hl•rs nt•c<.led help, Dan pitched rn by writing. c.·d1t1n,g and pubhs hrng a neighborhood newspaper. He delivered Jl door to door from has wheelchair. Tht'y·, e hc•c.·n working for weeks on a olock·long yard and bake sale this Saturday and Sunday to help meet costs. All the money that Dan collected-566 - was gt v1..·n to lht• A ml•rican Cancer Society hccau:;c Uan had lo:.l two favorite aunts to thut d1scast.· T HE Y 1\l.SO WILL 1101.0 a ruffle.· a we1·k later. '.';OW IT'S Tll E S MILING, joke·making t>.rn \\ho need::. he lp Ile faces a series of brain 111wrat1on" "We have.· Chnst1uns. Budclht~h and JC\\" ti \'ing hl're I know 1t o;oun<h cnrnv but we fct:I that we an· all members of u fam11ty.· nl'ighbor Ron Owen ... u1d. Ill''" sufft•rini.: from a rare a ilment called dystoma mus('ul;.irtum clcformcins. according to hts mothc.•r . t-:vl.'lvn. "When one mcmhcr nr lh1..· family needs ht·lp. the rC'sl of ll'i art..• i::r11ng to J.!IV•· 11. ""' parents \\t' all ha\'C.' a '>ltakl· ll1 D,an·-. future· · (>wen :.:wl "The• mt•.,sagt.•s from the bratn to his lambs get all messed up.·· s he explained l>Jn anrl hts mrithcr wall consult a ... pcc1ah:.t tn Urooklyn next week. llJS t'RIENOS /\~T> NF.IGllBORS .1rcn t the onlv one' touched bv what D.tn ts faemg Last week a letter arrt\Cfl "'1th three SI bill-; I It.-was stricken hy the disease nearly thrrc ~ rars ago It causc·s muscles in the hmb .... finger.., anrl toe-. to contract Both feel have bt•comc tw1stl•d <1nll Dan has lost the use of hts rii.:ht hand The shaky h;mrl\\ rat1n~ -.aid. · 1 ·m <JO and c·ripplcd und m y w1f<.> "'H5 WC''ll pray for the hov " It' Sl •RGERY IS DF.CIDED upon, tt will first IX' pC'rformc'<I on one side of the brain anrf · \Jon· 1nformat1on n·J.!arcl1ng tht' fund rJtl:>tng ('fforl 1..·an lw oht<.11nt·d t>\ 1·alhng Ow('n nt 961'1·971fi DefemeEnds TV lmanity Testimony MIAMI <AP> Honny Zumora was reacting to the wordc; h<> heard on TV when he firerl a gun and krllccl an clderlv nC'1~hh<>r who thrl'atcnt.•d to cali the pohcc· s a.vs a rlcfens<· Jl".Vc·hrntrt'>l Or. Mil'haC'I (;11lwrt who took thC' c;tand WcdnC' ... d.1v rlunn~ th<· third clay of defrn'i<' l<•sltmon}. said the 15 \ear old dcfl'ndanl was "conrlil1oncd" hy telcv1s1on violence. Defcnse attorney Ellis Rubin rested has case today after trymg lo provC' Zamora was romp<'lled to shoot Elinor llag~n rt . RJ , because of excess1 Vl' t <'lf'vis1on viewing. Rubin surprised the court earlier WcdnC'sduy by releastnR artor Telly Savalas from a 1k fense s ubp0cna Th<' s tar or "Ko jak" h ad been scheduled lo i::ivt• a deposition today on tclcv1s1on v iolence. Rubin claimed that the TV series was Zamora's favonte. The psychiatrist's testimony was Rubin's first rhance to prl' sent expert IC'st1mony ov<'r thf' question of TV \ 1olentc. C1rcu1t Judge Paul Raker rrfuscd to al low general testimony on the 1s <Set-TV CASK Pal{t' AZl Dogs Maul Drunken Girl in Apartment LONG BEACH !Al» -An 18-year·old girl who apparently was intoxicated. vomited and then collapsed in her apartm(•nl was mauled by two or her doi: ... police said ll was not yet known 1f MJn O 'Rc•irne's German ... hepherd .ind husk't' :1ttarked her before or aflcr hC'r death. police :.met to day "Until we get a medical report we can't definitely say 1t was thr Tu:o Workers Electrocuted 11/\NFORO !AP 1 Two Kf'rn County men drilling a wat<:r WC'll \\'l're C'11'clroculed when a hoom -;truck a power line. Enwanl Joseph Galvin, 23. of Hakcrsfield, and Olen F.lmcr !lorn. 52, of Delano. were killed Wednesday southeast of here while working on a truck wath " hoom <1llached. the Kings Count\• 1·oroner's office reported. They were employed hy Welen- co of Bakersfield which was dnll· mg a well nt Yocum Forms <lngs that ktllC'll her." s aarl poltce Sgt .J Cooper Both a ('oron<'r's investigation ancl un l'Xt1m111:..ilion of the dogs :iri· rwmling F1n•mt•n arn\ 1111! at lht• ~C'ene Wt'<lnl'l:>n:..iv in n·s ponl>C' to a n(•1ghhor·.., 1 :ill w('r<' «nnfrnnted II\ th<· I \H1 snarlrng clogs Th<· )!trl. wh11 n •portcnly laved .alone. had hcen ill, a neighbor re ported to police The neighbor s~11 cl she chC'cked on Mass O'Reirnc pcriodi<."ally and found her body on th<' bedroom noor. Cooper s a1rl the woman's face had b<>en mangled by the dogs, whtC'h were captured by animal reogulataon offtrers about a half mil<' from th<' aparlml'nl at a va- 1·ant housc wht·rl• Miss ()'Beirne pl 1•v1m1slv l1 vC'd Two olht•r dogs an I he apart m<'nl. u lt•rr11•r and another s h1·phnd. Wt'rc r eported as dot'tl<• hy arriv1nlo( f1n•mcn Other Storie s Other coveraJle of the south county and llarbor Area appears tOday on Pal(e Cf; ! 1nd1M(M 11 •• tN '""''· • t • .,.. 111 :.1in1t• 1wpers as "A m1·n(';11n . · • A ITI <.· r t l' 111 , ' ' · ' A rn 1· rt• 1· .1 • '<\mrt•ra," .ind "t\1111c·a · Sht.• said that JU~l hd1..u·1· ).!I\ 111).! tlll' te:.l she l>howt.•d lh<• ~ludt·nh .1 f 1 I m 1J I <' h 1 I ti 1 1..• 11 1 l' n t 111 ).! t lw µ11..'<fi.:e Aud th•· \ oung::.l1•1.., -.hould ha\c llt•1·11 r,1m1lt~1r \\Ith th1· 11h·clg1• 1111111 tht•11 gr,11ft· 't·h1H1I da\., l'upil-. 111 ll•1nolul11 t•lt•m<•nlury sl'hw1ls recite tile plt'llj.!t• cl:11ly "I' rn ... 11·k I d1111 't I; now what to <111 01 w 11\'rt' lo turn ... the tcachPr ::.:1111 She d1.u·g1..·tl that '>tudenl::. arc ln•ing p.1 ... .-.l'd rci.:urdlt•s!> of the tr -.kill-. .11111 that l'dm·a1111nal !>tau tl.1nl-. .1n· 1111l lllg h l'llough ( 'h,1111•" < 'l,1rl-. .,lJlt ... upt•nn l l' n d t• n t o f c d u e a t i o n • :11..·knowh.:d~Wd thul ubiltties or ... omc.• students urc not up to par. anti ..,;ml the department is work· 1n,i.: to :.ct m1n1mal competency ... tandurdl:> ut variouo; grade> lt•\'t•h llOWl'\Cr, Cla1•k udded: "It's going tu take time to bring our -.tudent.'> up lo standurds · U.S. Plans New Missile Systelll \\'\Slll'.'JCTO:'\ 1 ,\1'1 lh'l1..•nM· St·l:rt•t;_in llarold llrcJ\\11 h:1.., t1..•nt.1l1\ l'I~ · ~1pprO\ cd full .-.1..·al c: dt·\ dopnH.·nl rll''Ct ,\ t>OJr of a n·\'olut1onan mohalt• tnlcrc·un t1nl·ntal m1::.::.1l1· 1h.1l ult1mati.'ly 1..·uuld c·o-.t .i rl't'ur<I S30 h1ll1t1n l't>ntJ;.!llll ~llllfl'l''> '"\' Bro\\ n s d1..•1..·1.,111n "' '>UhJl'et to re\ tt•\\ ll\ th1..· \\'lull' llnust· O£ftl·1· ot .\l.illa.i:t·ml'lll ,ind Budgt•t .mcl Ii\ l'rt' ... tth•nt C'.11h·• lwff1rP 1t t·Jn g11 111 ( '1111i.:r1·-.-. 111·\I \ 1•a1 ,,., p.1rl 111 I ht• I 1~1 .ti l!li'l ll11ilg1 I 1!111\111 '" 1t·1111rt1·d 111 h,111 ul-.,1\1..•t.I .1hout ~;,11 m1ll111n for full dt•\ ~·lupnwnt of till' :\1 X mr:.Mlt· t111\1 1n ,, J1ri.'11m111,1n n· ... l'arc h Parents Win Bus Demands 8> l..\l'R U-: Ki\SPt:K Of uw O•••Y PtlOf Sl,41t Saddlchac.·k Vullt•y linir1ed Sc-hool Dl' .. tnc.·t tru:.IN•.., J,!a\'C' tn lo p .1renb' tlt•mands Wcdncsdu\ rl·1n ... 1.1t1nc hu-.inc rnr ahout ljjl) mtC'rmcd1alt· .111d high -.1 hool "tu 1knb Hl'fon· ,, -.1 ancl1nJ.! r11nm onh 1·n1wd 111 ahnut I Ill 11arl'n1' tru.,tet·s \ot1·d unan1m11u ... i.. I \\'tth Tru'>lt'" Ct•or).!1• llcnrv ah,1·n1 > to rc>'>lllf1• th<· 1wo-m1lf' "'a lkmg It mat th.it <''<t:.l<.'<I la~l \'t•o:i r • Trustt'l·s had l.'Xtcnded th1:. limit. which rll•lermin1.·s who '" busl'CI to st·hool. a s u wuy or cul· ting thC' hudgl•t Rut when school reo.;umC'd in Sl'plcmhcr. parents began objrrtmg that this action had rrl'all'd an unl:>afl' ::.1tuatinn for their l'hildn•n 1>1stnct adm1n1~tral11r~ -.c.11rl l'ight :..idd1t1onal liu:.t·s wtll h1• ncerkd to transport ~ht''-<' young:-tero; lo -.c-hnol The lcaw. dri vers. fuC'I. 1n ... urance and maint('nance for theS'c· husl'S 1s expected to co~l about Sl62.000 <Sec Rl 1Sl:-.;G, r age 1\21 * * * Eligible Kids Won't Be Cut, Board Decides Saddlt'hal'k Valley Un1fit'<I Srhool D1l:>tnd trustees ugrct•d Wednesday lo keep all cltg1bll' s tudC'nts in the Mcntully Gifted i\lmors <MGM I program dcs pttt· bul'lgcl cuts and a st;itewidc mc.tn d:rtc to redute the program ThC' trustcl•s unant mously uc ccptcd a d1s1 net com mtllct•s fl'l' om mcndat1nn to u llow all cur rent, newly 1denti ricd and trans fer MGM students rn a modified version or the program In essence, the district as cul tinJ.! back some of 1L-; services r:.rthcr than cul out any of the cstimatl'<.l 1.300 C'lig1ble students Arronlang to school orfictal'\. the stale 1s cutting bal'k its fund ang for the pro~ram by 25 percent over the next four yc•ars As a r e suit of this. the state is funding only 930 of t he dist r ict's students in the program al a rat<' of about $82 per student. Although trustees refused to make up the !J0.000 on lhe pro· gram. the district still is spend in/.! enough to krt'P S75 bcb1nrl each MGM student, uccording t•> t rustecs. Donald Ame s. a ss is tant superintendent, s aid the t'Ulbuck means that students wall recciv1• IC'ss instructional materials and go on rcwer field trips ffe said there will be no r<•duct1ons in the teaching staff. The MGM committee will study lhC' mochfr<>d program an<I as expcctt>d to report back lo the hoard at th<' <'n<1 of t hC' school year .111d tlt·\'l·l11p11wnt slagt:, offat1ab .... 1111 V. c.·th11· ... da/ n1ghl Tiil' :\1X \111ttld lie the first t; S 1ntt•n·1ml 11wntal bal11:.l1c mt!>!> tit• rnourlll'll on m11ll1le launcher~ to m:1kt· ti mut·h rn"rc' d1H1eult for th1..· Hu~::.1an ... 111 h1l 111 i.I surpnM' .111 ack Ill lhl· 1980s \' .1nuu ... method:. have been ,.1111111..'(I hul th1· mo-.l hl-.dv onl' 111\11lq•.., pl.1l'lng lht• :\1X on l.111m·h1·r-. th.al "ould ht.· m1>\ cd 111 11 cnth· hk1..· ... hl'lll·r~ I lw Hu:-.~1<111-. ha\ l' a m1::.-.llt lilt• SSJli. \\ lt1C'h I~ l1t:lrC\'t'<I l•I haq• lw1·11 tt· ... tt·d an a mob1lt- l11rm Thl· fnrd admtni~tralrnn pro post.-<l to Congress I ast January that tht• MX he moved into full- ... l'ale d1..•vt•lopmcnt in view of the 1·ontanuing deadlock in U.S.- So\'let negotiations toward a new nurlt•ar <!rm!> limitation agree- ment J\dd1l1onullv. the Soviets hav~ t•ontanucd their d~ployment of a lll'W gcncrattOn Of interCOntine n· tal mbstles, some of them big c.·nough and 1>owcrru1 enougn to tbre.1tc•11 tu knock out US :\1 anutl•man m1ss1lt·~ in their 11:>.1..•d underground launchers. Orftl'1als ... aul Brown has ap· proved mov1n~ into the next (Se\> MISSILES, Page A2> Oa1ly P110t SI.tit Pllole THAT'S HOW Lucana l sch, th<:! first graduate of the old Capistrano Cnion High School. in 1922, watches l't•J.!g.r Oa'. Drill Team co·c:iptain for the new Capistrano Valle~· High Sthool. as she practices for hometomtng \\'hich has ~ built-in alumni ' 'New' Capo School Welcomes '22 Grads Allhough Capistrano Valley I llgh School is holding its fi rs t hnmC'('Omtng tonight and Friday, S<'hool arlm1naslralors are het· tang there wrll be representatives of dasst•s duting back to 1922 on hand Th.it·~ hecause the Capistrano Valley Cougars are promoting a <.'o nnc ct1o n with the old Cap1struno Union High School Woman Hit By Car, Dies A Sl-year·old wom an was fatal- ly injured in Anciheim Wcdnes· day when struck by a van as she walk<'d a<.'rnsc; a s treet in a markl.'d crosswalk. police re- ported Th<'y identified the victim as M ar,1nrtC' .I. Akers who livE!(I at t22S.Oliv.cSt ,Anuheim . /\C'rorcling to the police report. Mrs . J\kers was crossing C.:lauciina Street and Lincoln Avenut• at 3:4'1 p m . when struck by a van making a left turn from Lint'oln Avenue. Darrell Ouane Seeley. 20, or rUllC'rlon. Was identified by polm.' as thl• van's driver Police ~Old the :wcidenl is s till under in· v1•stigat1<1n which closed its door in 1964 afte r 42 years of graduating classes. J\nd Capo Valley High School officials hope many of those old graduates will turn o ut for the <See GRAOS, Page A.2> orangj;j coast tw••L ,, ,,7~· Weathe r u~creasing clouds becoming sunny Friday. Low tonight an 60s Highs ft'nday 72 lo 75 INSIDE TODAY Today is the SOt h an- mversary of the Talkies and Kenneth Mor gan of Balboa wo.~ among tho1re who brought. w1mrl to the screen. Page CI Index I . , . '· j• I I I II .. i .. .. '· I• •' ·: ' ,, ·' •' '., I -Thursday_ OctoDer 6 t977 .., Deat h T h reats County Get,s Soccer Team o.lly .. , ... SUit ""°'o PILOT LANDS SAFELY NEAR HIGH SCHOOL, BUT HITS POLE, SIGN WHILE TAXIING Aviator Jim Barnett Walks Away From Downed Craft Being Inspected By Dana Hills Students f 'ro• Pag~ '' I TV CASE ... ... ut• unl(·s-. 11 .q1pl1t•d directly lo :r..1 mora . c i 1ltwrt tl'Sl1f1l'tl that Zamora \\'<l'i llb<lllC :1t thP time Of the -,h11ul1111-:. and blumed the boy 's hnmt• life• ~ind TV hahits for his 1nahil1t) lo t•n mprthcnd h1~ c•rinw "Tt'll·\ l!->1011 g1Vl'" a t11stortt-d -.t·n:-.l' of \ 111lt•nc:t· lH:cause when onl' M't'S that mun~ k1lhni::~. the dt•ath of J human !J(•ln~ i'> no mon• than ~\\ atl1ng a fh ... he ~.11d (i1lherl ~aid Zamora was un l'OO~CIOUSI\ m1m1ck1ns.: what he had "l'en on !ht· tuhc when Mr'> llagg:irt <'aught him and his friend O;irrell t\grella. I\, rans;ll'kmt.! h1·r h11m1· June' I ,\g re>lla \\ho. alon~ \\1th Zamora. "' t hJr).!t:d with hrs t dc.•gree munll:r I'> to Ix.• tried -.cµ;iratcl'.\ .. llt• had m•vt•r l'\ c·n held a gun l>t>forl'." saul Gtlb<.•rt of Zamoni 'It '' ._..., mt•n•h a tond 1t1om'<.I re-.ponst: when ht• pulled the trig ~N. f\'i far as Ronnv as con l'Crllt'<I. tht: i.:un went orr acddcn tally " What \\a~ 1t that pullt-<l the trig~cr "" Rubin asked "The i<ll•a. i.t!'-prt.•s t.•ntcd on television. thut )OU havt· tu 'ktll the squealer'." G altx-rt saul. The l\11am1 p-;ychiatrist said tclev1s1on had a heavy effect on Zamor•• becau~e of a personality disorder growing out or hi s home life "An emotionally disturbed c hild in a s tressful s1tuat1on is more prone to be affected by telcV1s 1on nolt'nce ... Gilbert -.aid. But Asst Stall' Atty. Tom Headley challen~ed Gilbert's contention that Zamora ·s one m· sane act -the k1lhng or Mrs. Haggart was caused by television. "To your knowledge, 1s this the first time a ca se has been pre· sented in which someone was driven insan1· hv television?" Headley askNI "T n my knowlC'dge, .. s aid Gilbert. "And how Ion.: have we had television in this country?" Gilbert'!-> ans wer was In· <lccipherablc• Mayor Finds Ass in Office OLLOLJ\l. Sarrhnia IAP> \1 a vor M 1chcle Podda found an ,,....., tu:<l t•1 Im. off1cC' desk when he \\ <'nl 111 '4 t1 rk ,1 nd pol ice 1 m. mcrhall'I\ •1pc·n('(I Jn investiga. t10n mt1>....,h11d1d 1t and why. l'uhce s uit! unidentified people lrn1k the as' from a courtyard. hrokl' open lhl• lloors of town hall and of the m~nor's office. left the ass m and look ;iway the mayor's armchtur. Jt was fou nd in th(' t·ourty.ird where th<' ass had been statwnt·1l. Podda, a Communist. has run this town of 2,300 inhabitants in the Sardtnian mountains for more than a year 0R4NGE COAST \II DAILY PILOT nw. ()o-.. ,..,,_ Co.\t O•l'l' Pi .. , ._.,.._ ..,,.1rf\ '' ,,,,,.,, b-d1¥N•.-. Prf"\~ 1\0VtJl1"""'~"°'""°'~'JI" r"--'' Purtl1•"'•"'0 Co"'•~"• ~'"''"' "'1•hOn•. ,.,. pVl)h\f'l"1j ,,,, ""'°'4' '"'°"Oh ,,,n..., , .... , (•"'. Mli>\AI N•woort R••'f't tH1~fl"O'(ll"\ Bt.ctoi '"""' '"'" v,,.11.; ''"'"• -. ,,,,,,,,~,.,, v .. 11.-y •Nt L ~""' A•.,l'I ""··•tit(. '•t't • """"'• , .. (l~I ..,,j t•"'n I\ Ovbll\"'f>d \•twtd41'\ •"41 f°w"'""4"\ ,-..,. ~'"''D•' ,,.,Df h•l'IQ "'""' ,, •' no \Nl-\f u • ., \h ... t, Co\t• AM ' C.•U1IO'f'l•••-,.)t11 •.Wrt HWH41 ,.,. tl'\rf\t ,,.., 01AJ11~ l•f' ~ • Cvt .. Y v ,.p,. '"'"' .. "'"c~,.......1...._~ ,,_.,...., ••• .,11 (rldH lM~_., • ~..,~,_ M"'"'"1·"'1 f Jl1""' C"•rt.,M lff'\ litlfN~d,, fliMH "'"'1•1"11 MAl\1t")11'1Q f ft.il'W'\ S1ddl•b•ck I/ •ll!Y Office lnO' l • P111r AoAd '' 'l•" O· .. ?G' ,.,,...,.., OfflCH t"1~\I• Mli-'\A 11f')W,.\I f\Jw C.f,.-t tf~t1'°"1')tnt'I A,.1h f\ ,,.,, f\rMf\f~h•v"''d I AQvn,. "'"'"',, J lltJi ,.,,.,_,."f,,.. ,,,,...., Teleptione (7141642·4321 Cl .. alll•d 4dvertltlng 642·!1678 \IW'ft11,.b ...... VAll"'y H•<#\ C".Wflt• 51t-63t0 ~~:' t~ !!::, ~t~~ f"rtA~!11~1~.::"'':?..1t~17.:t """H"' .. , ,,, ,.,,., I 'T\iO'nf• Pl• 'II' n '"•Y f'e f'°0''"11t·~lj ··~~•fl ttUI f'"""tl\\UO' "' l"'OY' 1"''"'"".,"'' \1> "'°""' '~ .. \, l'1 I •t)• PA• 1 Af rl\'lril• ~"• C Al1f-'•"'•• ~"" , 1 ,.,,,,,, J..f t ,.r, • 1' \I\ fl"W}•l"I• ,.. -jllll ,. Vl ~ I"' t ,, ••• , CJlo\l·'M' ~\\\ "''"""' , ..... Crippled Aircraft Lands Near Sclwol /\ o.,inglt· engtne plane with l'Ot::IOt' lr<>ublt· made u \aft. t•nwrgency landing this morning on lhl' strcl'l next to U:.ina 1!11ls lligh School. only to be tlamul!etl Xerox Nazi Stuns Sales Gathe ring SEW YORK L\PI lfl''4a.,n't ;a n ·al :'\a11 onh " X l'ro'C copy but ..1 :;alt:-; c.'Ct·<·ut1\e' ma' qut•rade ldt .J bad tas tt· with tht• '''mpan) ·., s<1lt•-; fort·1· Sail's man:.iger L<1rry Hu1n·c WjS lht> man who f1 gurat1vcly goose·steppetl into a company t·onference room Monday in a Nazi uniform. with swastika armband. hat em hi cm, ;rntl a rid ing l'rop "Vee vi ii kill IBM ," h e de>clared. slam mtng the table with the crop as he spoke the name of the ('orporate com· pct1tor Around the room his exhorta lion was met with jn appalled silence from about hve doten ~a lesmen. many of them Jewish "I don't know why we d1dn l walk out. .. said one salesman. "but we were so shocked." /\ company spokesm an cm· phJs1zed that the charade. \\h1le in questionable taste, wn-; ncvt'r intended to convey any covert an· ti.Semitism . "This certainly is not comvany polity " fi'roaa Page A l MISSILES ... stage of development. Carter and Brown decided to defer full-scale development from fiscal 1978 to fiscal 1979 while certain technil'al questions were resolved. partwularly the fl'asihihtv of a mohile MX . They st~essed that this docs not mf'an the Carter administration ultimately will approve produr lion and deplo) mcnt of the mobile missile. Thal will depenrl nn lhe shap<' of a nl'w Stratcg1l' Arms I.1m1ta lion Treatv wh1l'h tht· l 'nite<l States is negotiatin~ With the Sovie>t t:nion. C:.irtcr has propo-.c d publwlv th;1t hoth sidc·s renounc·c· the uw nf mobile missiles as one means or capping the arms r:.ice. BC<" a use of its tomplcx1ty. Air Forte offici als havt• e>st1m<Jlcd that a full deployment of the MX system would cost about S.10 billion, a rC(:ord sum for a U.S. weapons system The cost plus the acceleration it would represent in a nuclear arms race likely w11u l<l arouse strong opposition among somt• members of Congress, but th(' M X project so far has not met anything like the opposition which ultimate!\ k1lll•d thr Rl homhcr. hv .1 t·uuple utility poles. Th'· Cl•ssn a 152 piloted by Jim f\arrwll of Thottsand Oaks was lorn'<l mto the emergency lantl- 111 g while on a flight from CumanllotoSan l>iego. B.1rnctt s;.i1d his engine quit 11nn'. hut h(• was able to r estart at. Wlwn It quit a '>econd lime and \\ 11111(( r1nt n·~tart, he said he had 111 mah.t•lht• landing Uarn<·tt 'ct his plane down 011 lht• Stn•t•t of the Golden Lantern 111•.1r the high school without ml'>· h.ip t>ut hl' got into trouble wh1lt• 1n1111.! to t.J'(I the craft off the 111,ld\\ ,I\ B.11111:1t so.ud he d1tln 't set• a lighl ..,tundard which caught the rq.!hl ~Ill/.!, SWlll~IOJ( the front or t ht• pl.1111· into a road <>1gn l'ht• .urplant.'. •iwneJ by Chan 111·1 I'll· l\,•1ation , rec eived d.1m.1l-:l' to the wing, the pro· pdl1·r .111d the nose whl'el in the 1111'-h:.ip B.1rrwll n·ported no injuries. From Page Al BUSING ... fnr nme months. 01stnct adm101strators were unable to ~ay today when the bus· 1ng will ~ restored They are lt·gally required to obtain bids on the leases, a process expected to 1 akC' almost a month But J.><>nald Ames , assistant -.upcnntendent. said the district may be able lo rent some buses in the interim and phase the service tn. "We want to implement it as i.oon as we can," he said In some areac;, bus passes will he ~1vcn to !>tudents to prove they arc t'11g1blc for the service. Last year. explained Ames. .1hout 360 studC"nts who lived within the two mile limit. /most 11f I hem tame from around Alicia l'arkway and Trabuco .Road ), wt•re catching the buses rather than walking to school. /\s a part of their action. trust~ also ordered the staff to study the district's future busing ~ituation. They asked the staff to consider changing the starting l1 ml's at some schools and to work with the Orange County Transit Distr1rt. Smee the controversy arose, tru!>te~ and administrators have ..,tr('ssed that the future financial p1rtun•1s "grim." There 1s "no question" that the district cannot continue to sup- port the bu)oin~ pro~ra m in the fu ture, sard Tru!>tce Carole Neusladt. Growth in the district alone will require more buses, ex· plained Ames. He said there arc 1,500 new homes in the district whkh will he occupied by the e nd nf 1979. This means that the dis- trict probably will need an addi· t 111na1 10 buses in the next two yc·ars, he said. Superintendent Richard Welte recommended thnt trustees re· instate businJ: only for the in- krmcdiate school :r1tudcnts. The parents countered that lrust<'es had been given the "rlcar direction .. from the peo- ph• to reinstate busing for high :.chool stud('nls as well Brash Burglar Cops Vict ims at Convention LOS J\NCELES (J\P> -The burglary was nothing unus ual SGOO i11 cash and some jewelry . The victims, howcvl'r, ~av(' thC' incident its flair: three police chiefs and an investigator from New J e rsey . Officers ut the tity police department's central division were reluctant lo give information Wednes- day night about the burglary of five rooms at a downtown Holiday Inn. The vis itors wC'rc allt'nrJrn,:! lht> lnll"rnational As· so<'iation of Chiefs of PohcC' convention. along with 7 ,000 olhC'r officers. srvcr<tl hlO<'ks uway. /\burglar cnll'rt'<I f1 v1• 1 ooms while lhl' occupants wp1 t' away :anti nrndt• off\\ 11 h I he· loot Fear Stalks Neighborhood NF,W llOPE. Minn 1/\Pl "You Arc Nl·xt." "Maybe You" "ere the u1n 1nous me~suges an black spray paint on two houses 111 the middle-clai.s s uburban 11c1Khhorhuod when• a young nt·wlvwt'tl was stablll·d to death Sw~an l{usi·nt hul. 29. was found clead of multiple f>tab wounds 11erhaps a!> many a' 13 in the k 1H·hcn of ht•r one sl<l ry hom e on a quiet dl·•td enJ s tret't, :.iuthonlles s<11<I Th1• warning. "There Arc :\l ot1"' w;i!'> p;.11nl l•d on the lu t c· h l' n '"~'~I Th c writ an~ rn al dw<l lhl' l>tt!n!'> on the outside of two neighboring houses, police '.'>:!Id Prior to lhc k1lhn~ Tuestluv. nobody could rememhcr so much a!'> a burglary occurring in their peacefu l block of S60,000 to S70.000 homes in this Minneapolis suburb On Wcdncs dav. dozens of <"hlldrcn i::athered. ut the Rosen- thal houi.c trying lo get a peek 1n- s1de. Sightseers tru1scd by reg. e1l ;1rly. Some parents kept rhtldrt•n indoors and m any Building Ban Hit,s Bluffs SOL/\N/\ DE/\Cll I AP> An l'mergcncy ban on bu1ldrng as beinr. imposed along the coastal bluffs of northern Sun Otego County where erosion eub steadily into the land The tl•mporary ban w;,is approved Wt•dnl•sdav by county sup<'n%or~. pend· ing a formal ordinance. A number or apartment houses and private homes \\Ill soon be periled by washout of underlying land. a report said net~hbors Wt're double-locking tloors. The first neighbors knew or the killing was when one saw two policem e n running, pistols drawn, from the Rosenthal house. Mrs. Rosenthal"s body was dis· covered by a sister who was con· ccrned because s he had not shown up at the downtown of(ice where she worked as a paralegal assistant. lier husband, All en, 34, was on a business trip in California at the time, police said. Police would give few details of the killing and no indication of the motive. The Rosenthals were married Sept. 16 and m oved mto the house eight days tater. Even their closest neighbors said they did not know them. "I couldn't even tell you what s he looked like, tall or short, fat or thin, dark or light, .. said a wom an who lives across the street. E'.-...Page A l GRADS ••• new school's homecoming game at San Clemente High tonight and a dance Friday evening at the new school's campus. "We have quite an entrenched community here ... Marv Glusac, Capo Valley activities and athletic director. said Wednes. day. "We have students here whose families have lived in the area for years. "We'd like to give those old graduates an identity." he con- tinued ... They don't like to see their alma mater cease to exist.·· Glt1Sac said many of the old hi~h school graduates have called Capo Valley and ex- pressed interest in the school's homecoming activities. THE NEW SONY BE • 2-hour video recording time •Small, economical cassette • Easy one-button recording • Opttonal video camera • Sony quality & reliability Also. coming this fall (Nov.). we wtll have an automatic cassette changer for up to 4-hours of recording time and next spring a 90 minute tape for 3-hours r ecording t ime without the changer and up to 6-hours with the changer. The North American Soccer League today voted to transfer its St. Louis Ir anchrse to Orange Coun ty, (•ffectave for the 1978 :wason The Orange County team is expected to play its games at Anahe im St ad1um when the season be gins in April. Robert R. Hermann, owner o( the St . Louis Spirits und one of the founders of the North American Soccer League, wa ll retain ownership of the Orange County team. Paul Deese, a former baseball coach and athletic director at Chapm an College. will serve as the ~cneral manager. Poll ~eVeals Caner's Loss Of Popiilarity NEW YORK CAP > -For the first time , less than half the Ame rican people approve of President Carter's performance in the White House, according to an NBC poll. Poll analysts said the people questioned found nothing specific Carter had done that they could praise, whHe they cited inflation, the Panama Canal treaties and the resignation of budget director Bert Lance as areas they disap. proved of. The network said only 46 per- cent of the 1,600 people polled said they approved of Carter's performance, down from 56 per. cent in June and 60 percent in February. ln addition, NBC s aid its poll s howed the same decline in the South, where Carter's approval rate went from 66 percent in August to 47 percent this week. SL-8200 Beta max Videocassette Recorder 1·,,11 f 'oc·tory Mnr-rn1ui .. , l"lu.-. o,,,. 1• •• ,..,..,,.,,, Ott•• \•·or t•11nr11ttl•••• Ou I 1·e•q1 ,,,,..,,,,,,., Mt• ·'••II! 275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa M._......_ . ....,.. l ~ w ..... c.ft Jr. Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Datly 9-6 Sat. 9-5.30 '-...... " ................ " • STOCKS I ANALYSIS Thursd ay's NYSE COMPOSITE T R ANSACTIONS 2 p.m. (EDT) Prices Oubl•t1on"nclud<olr-•011 Ow ~ ... Vo1~ Mid ... st, P4><111C, PBW, ~!Oft, Otll"Olt •I'd Clt><ll\iMll llO<k ~•<Mn99, ein<t rt(l0r1fid Oy trw ~•tlon•t At'6<t•honot ~urlUt' 0.•'""" Al\d •l\\11net 1o1o.. ~-· P ! r<!>J (1.,.-, I t t " A A(f 1 10 J) JJ , AMF , 14 ., 161 II I ' • APl.. ' 0 'JI l.t1 • ~ I I ARA I 0 111 t• .18" •• AS.II llO • tOS 21•, ~ A I 0 «I • JY 'I\. , •• A DOI Lb I 2014 10 \I._.> ~. Acm..C Ml ti 11 11 '• Adm (lg 0. \ I~ I • Adm~•l l'°" II 11 •, .l\dmMI llM I I • • I • ~.:.~, .·: " .~ .:;:: -\. Al\mOM 80 ) lol 1'J • \, AllM'n SS J l._ AlrPtd .JO•u YJ 1l " •• Alrb~rl 1011 > IJ._ ,t\lrtO 1 3S b H J I t •,. Akt ..... 1711 '4 18 1) '• :::~~l ' ~. tt ',i, ':~· , '• Al•Ppf """'·· nu IOI . Ai.Pvt 8,lo tlOO 'J Al•S~l'I 06 8 JI to AIWl\y llO 6 ti 1'', t •, Alberto .ll>U 1 I• w • ~ .l\lbet1'n JIO IU ~ 2> .. -\1 Altal'\AI I I() K 40'1 '~ • AICO~ld ><1 \ I , I AlconU> J' 11 otJ h'"' 1 '"' Alt'adr-4iC) I l ~ t t 1 , Att9(p flO.t tt :J1 l~' • , '• Allqld 1 1110 f,/ 1't'•.., '• AllQldp( J .. )ti•,+ I• AH"•'• '68 y 11.ltra It> II 1 .. Ath. "Gu /U I 40 lri ~::~cr'\:1'~ ,~ !r·-:: AUOMnt 1"l ) JO ,,,.,._ '• AlldP<l ..i,, 2 11 , -~. AtlciStr I tO ·UO 71 "' • AllOSup l/ I • -1 ~ Alh~{h t tO ~ )b..t 'H J -I' AllrlAlll 60t> l I 10• / • .l\ICOO 1 80 8 '111 4; "° • Aml')ug 1 8 J 2<'• Am•• I H IO 105 l'I •• Am .. pO H . I W.'•. Am••PI l II O AMllAC: 1,30 " lo J/ - Amcorct 80 1 8 '''., Amrc" I l1l 6 I 1U AHe\~ lk>b b 9b Jl\1 , t,. ~~~.~1.1,3.~ 8 ~ :;'.:: ~: ~M'lAlr 4' ~t v1 • t '• AnlA1rwt Jl J " '• ,O.A1rpt l lft • l) ,. • • A8•kfl' t 20 • 9 11• •-\'> A Br Ms J 04 9 !>() u ,. 1, AB<lot I 8 3>4 3'1' '>-'t AmCan 1 lO I IJO 00 + \1 AC:•~pt I I) I• 7J'' AC:entry 8 11 • ACr~ I 16 S I/ 11'> ~b~•n \ :!:~ 1~ ~r.:= ~= ~g~~vt.a.. . : ,!:~ '. ' AEIPw 1 0& '1 701 1•, :w.~r.v': '! 6ff ~~ • ~ t· AmFnSys b 41 .a• AFn~ypf UO ••' ~ .. '• AGl8d 1 '6e IS 14•• -• 1 AC.nC:• 1 n J 11 , • AG«nlns 68 14 t 1~'. -A Gtn pf 180 It~ :It! AHcr11Lf J6 1 u II • A.mHO•St l S 2b 11 • .l\Ho,.,.,. 1101~ lliO 2o • • ,O.mHo.p ~ IJ l~ij iJ , Amlnv\t 7'4 / 1• • • .. AMI 48 ~ 'Ill lb' 1 • '• AM.ocp SOb I Im i. '• ,AmMptr, b llS 4t • r ~ .. .l\N•IR 2 80 8 10. •) , • , AStllp 60a 8 )l I• , , -. AS1"'1d 110 ' 1'1 3) 1-11 A Std pf 4 JS 11 9S--• ASte<ll .JO 14 81 I , AmSln 1 IU • I• )()'. 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HOf'ldd Ut U #1\ )/•• Honwu 1 G\.I / l60 '' •• tiouv1' I I '' '" , Hl')t 1/0fl .>U ' I • HO\PAf ')8 10 ~ t1 '\, t ~:~rl~I ~ 1~ ~; ~~·:. tiOudlr t , l l t\ ttf)vefu' J 1\ I ,,. 1 t(yuqM 1• tt• 8 I 11 , llu'• I' I h/I 8 II S , / ', Ou-•pl I> I ) I 811' \I :~~~~~r l ~ : J ~! 1: ~ Uu-t t>< 8 )\) 1150 qq Du'• pl 7 llO tlOQ q6 Du••f.I' 7 &' ? JO Ouna r 1 1• 1S 1&7 7~ 1,, Huu f p4 1 ~ 1 J• 1 ~ . . ~~~!~r., ~ : ~~ ;~~: g:;::~:i: ~b 10 ,,~ ~ 1 " t•awdJn lh q lh'll 11 1 ' • Ovq pr 1 IU ' 1 ~ • Ovq(l4 1 I\ 1lll0 1H'• Hu()()rd l J.e \I I t;, 1 1 11 • llud'°nA (iltH'• I H1 DutchO .14 It 10 ti'.. • 1 Ovtno .. 1 s 17 • -E-E - E C&G 3611 ICll 17\• • '• [Ml 17~ 8 811 J'• E Sy," I 10 b I 1•"' f •koCP '010 4J 1•'• • 14 E ~•tAlr 4 Ill )' 1 " e~ntGF 80 " 11• n •, 1 • (U IUtl t flOtl .. 11 .. E•llOO I .O~ lb .:. 60'11, •• E•I"" ' 1 }I Je , '• E<hilll 60 ll I l•~ + •, EO•dJ• 4f !l 100 1> '> Edwrd .0.. • l IV •• •, EIPHO I 10 1 SI\ 11 Ett<.AS"f I 1'~ .,. EOS 1111 6 II"' '• EIMoMQ \I U I ... rn~~, ,.., : ~ ~:: .. Eltr41 I I& 1 t 1•'• » EmotEI 115 ~ .IA'•+ •1 ErMty I SO II tJ ll"' ~. t'ivon,11 1011 01 11 ,. .. ' Hum•,... )I) .-. ., 10 .... -• • Hun1n1 l.f 11 " IJ"' ""nt~llwd q/ 17 .. Muttf-f M) \ ll u~. ttvy<I< Ml IU 'lb II I I -ll Ind I \7 \ 4\ ?)1, t 1, IC lnl)i J )O U O \• '• IC:'< ll 7n • • INAC:p 1 JO 8 ~ •1'• '• tNAin l )Q4 I t••• -•• IU Int tJ0 I ~1& 11'•• '• 1~1\0P 11'10 IJ~ 71 1, IO~•l8A t 10 • 1,, '''·I .. IO<MI f l1b I 1' I" lllPowr 11011 I• 111 '• 11Pow ptJ 04 1tlt() 1\•11 '• lll'ow otl 18 1100 41>' If Pow pt• •I 1100 SJ" j ::n--:l(O ~ l~ JS: ~!II I~ INCO I .cl• 7 M~ 18" 1nct411> I '" • ,lllCllM pl I?. 110 11911 , , , ,. l M I 11'1¥ I t Iv ' ~ t .. t t.•t-• I M ._ -# ti' l •"•""'t .... , ,, ' ,, l ,,,,. f IV! I,' ~J/ 4\1 l '""''''' ..,,4 u :: ··~11 7~ ~ . ·~ : : . l ~.'itW~ '~ I I ~ :! t •• ·0,1 ' t'f L I; v ., 't "t11ft 1 "# l t Hll tt t1 l f 1\l . , " '"''!It Ml , ,, •• d rt. l VI In I ' jt l•v1'1tt1I j l •., l jt ·"'.. • '""' l(.1' IJ .. " - ... L•h'tvtp r--o ... t l dtLll l •v01 I 1 \I •' 'I l 1lh l h I 1,11 L111t ~ .. t 1 80 I l •flt tvic:it J l 1f'\( •1 , n~ L•''"• 1 ~ , I U >'I I. ,.. )I ... • /1 •• M I' • • . .. l "'''' , , ... ' Coal Pact Talks Open WASlllNGTON (AP> --Coal con. tract talks opened today w1lh labor and management seeking a formula for ending wildcat s trikes thnt have crippled eastern coal production and weakened the United Mme Workers union U MW President l\rnold Miller pre. scntec! the union's laundry llst of general bargaining goals that range from a c all for $100 a-day pay lo cov. e rage of health and retirement benefits for Indian medicine men who treat miners in the Southwest. Miller made no public statement before the negotiations got under way al a downtown hotel. But Joseph P. Brennan. th <" indus try's c hie f negotiator. said in a lengthy slate· menl that the survival of the union h1ngt>S on endtn~ the labor turmoll In the coal flt'lds. .. Thursday, October 6 1917 OAILVPILOT Pattern l •proves Our 'Quagmire' Could Dry Up By JOHN CUNNIFF AP8'rll-tAn~l¥.i J ust wllt•n a lot of people were getting accustomed to the notion that the nation's economy was sinking int.o a quagmire, a few reports were issued that tend to riddle the notion -Machine tool orders. or orders for equipment that wlU be used in making other goods, spurted in August after declining in June. -The level of orders at the nut1on 's factories rose in August for the first time smce May . -THE INDEX OF LEADING ECONOMIC Indicators also rose m the same month after having declined for two months earher this year -and three straight until the July figures were revised from a minus lo a plus. What all these indicators share in common is the future; they are all in· d1cators of further economic activity. T hey represent ~m· m 1tments to that act1 v1ty. There is additional evidence or some underlying strength rn some of the other individual indicators. Capital spending plans are moving up. So are building perrnits. Again. these are s igns of activity to come. It doesn't take much t o c h an ge t h e kaleidoscopic pattern of the economy, Just a one- month shakeup or the in-NEW.~ A . •ALYSIS d1c ators. The c hange .... ._ ___________ _ can develop with r c- markable speed. The stock market, for instance, is one of those leading economic indicators. Wh en other components of the leading index show strength. the stock market is inclined to rise as a consequence. And in rismg, 1t contn butes further to a rise in the mdcx. A ONE-MONTH RISE AFTER three months of weak· neso; might not be enough to dispel the fog and d rizzle that have been da mpening Wall Street's outlook, but it should q u1el for the t 1 me be m g some of the foghorns or disaster. For months, their gloomy voices have been telling a tale of woe to come. of an mtemational economy mired in r~ cession. of inflation ragmg throughout the world, of prob- lems beyond our ability to deal with them. In thls context. every percentage point rise in jobless- ness or inflation 1s interpreted as verification. And so is every labor-management hassle, congressional argument, Federal Reserve action and president1al decision . To deny there arc serious problems is to close the•eyes to reahly TO Nl\ME A F EW: TEE N·AGE unemployment, the plight or the debt-ridden poorer nations. the diffi~ulty of mamtaintn~ free trade when jobs are Jost to unfair competi· tt<>n, overregulat1on, underutih2ation capacity. The stock market. supposec! to represent the inYest· ment community's <Jtl1tude toward the future, is a s~ial < asc of its own. depressed for reasons that many expe~are at a loss to ex pl-am There are serious social and ~onom1c problem that c;<'ltlom catch the headlines The d1m culties mvolv tn startmg a small business, for example. The lack of tralning programs to fac1htate the employment of youngsters. t B UT TO GATHER ALL THE problems inlo a pat<'hwork qwlt and then try to spread it over Ute ehtJre c•conomy 1s jus t as unrealisltc. Those recent expressions of confidence in the economic future. for example, cannot be covered by the blanket. They protrude. New orders at the nation's fac.tories, a healthy level of building permits. orders for new machine tools, and finan· cial commitments lo new plants and equipment are the._. __ ahty -or else the money so committed doesn·t m n a thing. Now or Never Banks, It's. Time To Make Money VISTA <AP> -Times are so good for independent banks, says Sidney Fox, that "if you can·t make money now, you never will " A hard-nosec! operation and some firings often are needed, he said. The Southwest Bank, of which he is president and a director. boasted $81 m1llton in assets in its eight San Diego County of'fices before acquiring Mission Bank of Orante County last J uly. The Mission Bank offices are in El Toro. Mission Vie10 and Laguna Beach. MISSION'S ASSETS WERE $34 million in the three of"'- f1ces. Fox. in an interview, said the combfned accounts are being increased m fast.growing northern San Diego County and southern Orange County. Merger costs reported as high as SJ00.000 were written off. but Southwest e)Cpects a million-dollar earnings year. compared with a record $602,000 in 1976. Merging is ~ better way to grow than merely building branches, Fox thmks . "IT'S CHEAPER 'THAN BRANCHING, but it's a lot more nerve-wracking," he said. Fox replaced nine of Mis- sion Bank's branch officers within a month, calling them "a lot or dead people... . . When Fox arrived m 1968, assets of Southwest Bank came to only $7 million H~ sets Its geographical limits al Lo Jolla in Northwest San Diego and Santa Ana to the north. Branches went up in empty lots In Escondido, Vista, Solana Beach and Encinitas. "We're riding the crest.'' Fox said. "lt's almost im· possible not to make money this year." He credits innova,. tions and toughness. NO LOAN COMMITTEE WORKS out or Southwest Bank. A discussion or loan applications IS held by bank or. hcers -and, Fox says, a decision usually is made within 24 hours after they know all the facts. Independent auditors report directly to the board. Although many banks are r ais ing the minimum ba lances required for free checktng, the minimum at Southwest is still Sl 00 The maximum charge is $1 monthly. paym~ for sever al bank services. About half the bank's portfolio is in real estate. which ls higher than usual in most other banks. Golden West Gains Golden West Mobile Homes, Inc .• Santa Ana, has re- ported record first quarter sales and earnings. Directors have approvM a 21·cent quarterly cMh dividend and s hareholders have approved changing the cor. porate name to Oolden West Homes, according to Da\ e Tot. ten. vi('e chairman and chief executive offi cer. l"or the quarter ended Aug. 27. the continuing' opera• t1ons of Golden West had a 112 percent increase in net In· rnml.' to Sl.247.000, or 85 cents a sh~re. compartd with S.'>89,000, or 40 cC'nt~. m the like period •year ago. Silles In. creased 66 pcrcC>nt to $21,011.000, compared with $12,647,000 I.1st year. Cfl DAIL y PILOT L ~c lt•ursoay Octooer b 1917 COMMUNITY SUPPORTS SMYTH BROTHERS' PLAN FOR BLUFFS OVER DANA POINT MARINA But State Coastal Commission Won't Back Newport-based 'Big, Bad Developers' State Thwarts Builders Dana Bluff Plwi Wi1is Friends, Not Influence B~ STt:\'t: ~11TCll El.I . Ol llle O••I• Polol Sl•ll Chuck Sm,\ lh unu h1 -. t" Ill brother Ed haH· hacl tht·1r p111l1 ll'ms trying to tit•\ l'lop J if; al' rt' par<'l•I atop tht• bluffs o\ l·rlo,,l, ing the Uan,1 l'nrnl M .1rina Their plans to ell'' clop ,1 m1\ 111 nmdomm1um ... ant.I ">lllJ.d t· f.Jm1h home-. am1d~t µark.., Jnd J µuhlu IJlufftop proml•1wd1· hJ\ C' <·oo t inuull~ h('l'll th~ artt·d tn I hi' 'lult• ('Cl:J'>l:.tl comm1..,-.1(ln "Sl'RE, Wt:'RE THf: big, IJad clcvl'lopcr:.." .-.aid Ed Sm) th. t1o.tll of Newport Hl·ach ha:-.L·d Sm,·th Brother,, fnc · "But in this ca'>c. we• hu\'l' th1· backing of the commun1tv on u \H'll-plunnetl de\'dopmenl · · Tht· Smyth Brother' propo::.al ha-. rt.•n·1ved lh(' hack1n~ of the Health Care Lectiue Set ForLagwm .\ lt•('tun· on hult-.111 hl'.Jllh 1·an· "'ll lw pn·-.t'nl1·d .11 11\1· [;.1f.!Ull.J Ht•.it'h 1111.!h :-.1 h11rd .1t1rlllorwm \Jonda1 lrum i 111 '.I Pm Kl'nnt•lh J'1·llf'lll'r. anthnr 11( art irk' 1111 l'lm1l':tl h111h·1·rlli,1cl-. and ps~ ehosomalll' 1rn·d1<·1nt'. will discuss the mind us a hl'alt·r in the t "" hour frtf' l('r turc• The lecture 1~ a pLlrl uf ,, -.t·rt•''- pr es en ted hy Sud1llcha l·k College Don Tompkins Appointed to Mesa Agency Don TPmpk111-. of ('1,-.ta \1c•,;1 \\a-. appo1nlt•cl t h10., V..f·ck t o I h l' c 1 t y -. Rt• ti 1· ' c· Io pm 1• rll Agt.•nc~ Tht• l'osta Ml''" C1t\ ('ounu1 mad<' lh<' app<Hnl mc•nl to ftll thf· 11nexpired lNm of 'V11chacl T :\1 c La u ~ h I 1 n , l h l' a I.! <' n " .'" ' l'h:tirman. "'ho -.11hm1ltl'<I h1-. n•s11.?nat1on ('1t\' \1:111a gl'f Fn·tl S(lrsnb.il 1ia1<l ~kl .. 1UJ.(hl111 ga, r no reasons for ka vrng Tompkins. who \\ ori..., for Hrunsw1ck Corp Ill c·o-.t a ~ksa, will serve until .June or 1978 Council mcmher-; alc;o reap. pointed Lew K 1<JclC'r rl'lroa,•t 1vc h· to the tlJ!t'nC\ Krclclf'r :-. l1•rm l'Xp1red m .Jul} Th<' agc•nn 1s ov<'r...i•t·m..: the rl'drv<'lopmcnt of a11oul (!~,Cl ;1r1 , . ., in lh<'C'ttv'\ clnwnto~n art'il Race Track Tour Planned An t'VC'mng ~1l lhC' Hollywood Park Ra<'f' Tra('k for night har ness r:t<'lni! 1s pl;mnl•d 01'1 22 hv the Costa Mcs;i t>cpartml•nl nr I .1'1surc ServtC'<'<; The l''H'Ur.s1on will h·11vC' lh1• 0 r a n g t• 'C 11 u n l v F a 1 r g r ounds Commun1l~ ltccrt'il lion enter al 5 30 p.m ., reLW-ntOJ! arter the final race at 10: JO p m Cost is $8 per person. plus din ner at the Turf Club, which has a ~ per person vilnimum Men musi wear neckt(\s Registration m a)' be made by calling 556-5481 or 5.56-5.m. I >.111.1 I '111111 l '1t 11~11~ I 1Jr \ti 1111. L r 11111> t lw ltw ~.i (' h.i m ht·1 of 1'11m 1111·11 1· 1·11u11l\ -.up1•n .-.or-. and I'\ 1·11 lh1· n·cmrwl <·•1.1.,tJI 1:1m1 llll'-'11111 '\O\\ rttt: Sl \TE par\\-. d1• p.11 t m .. nl ha-. 1h:-.1i.:n' cm lh1· ,,. 1 o.tlll'<I Lanlt'rn Bi.i~ :..n·o.t 111•1JH" 1ni.: to purcha~l' lh1· '""tl'l I\ 111 or .,., .it·rl':-. for 1><1-.-..hte t.lt•\dop llll'lll .1, a tl<.t\' U-.(· J>.Jrl-. or J r1·t·rt·,1 t1011 :.il \t'h1t It• t·,1mp ground Tht• hlulh Jfl' lnt·•1t l•d bd\\l't'n I k I Ol11s po St fl'l'l ;.ind C'c1ust ll1gh\\a~· t•a-.t or Stn·t·t or thr· (;oldl'll l.:.rnlt:rn Sl;J tf· plans might include foot trait., l<> nl·arhy Dohcn~ Bc'.ll'h Slalt· Park. .md to lhl' marina liel11v. Thal ICU\ e:. th1• "i rnvth hrother -.. an<I th1·11· p.i rtne1'. l'~cu1c MutuJI Lile ln:>unmce Company. with a new problem "\\11.\T TllE l.i\Tt:ST 1n11" i.,, the ~I alt.• tlut-' 1, 1 .1,t ,, rloud 11n·r our <"ntrn• pit·< 1· 11( prr1 IH'l't~. sa1<t Chu< k !">m' th Ht· '.Jtcl tht• di.'\ 1·lof)ml•nt firm .ilv. "" lllll•mfrd to dt•H·lop th1 · t·ntin• parcel. hut l.ih·r h('Jtl out th1· t'a!>ll'rn portwn 1 <ihout I:! ,ll'I'(' ... , ht• "Jld I ffll p11-. ... 1hl1· pur t'hdse fl\ lh1· 't<lll' \11d ""'"though ltw ,1,1tt• ha'> • 'l'I ''""'" .111 1ntl•rt·,1 111 ,11 11·.i-.1 Ill .11 It'' o l th1· pan c·l ('hucl. !'-111\lh ..,,11d hl' :-.till \\,1111' lo d1· \ l'lop llw t l·ma1nd1·1 "WI·: \\'Ol:l.l> BE "Ill in).! l11 -.ell tht• lunu 10 tht· ""'''' ill lht· rn1r mJrkt•t Prll'I'," h1· -..ud . But \\(' !'an'I -..·11 lhl'm 50 .1C'rt's for S4 m 11111111 Na~1a Bark , I h.11 " . .-. lhl· .1m11unt s t•I a ... tdl' in a park-; hontl hill ~1g1wfl l:tsl \\t't•I.. h' (ill\ Edmund Brown Jr 1111 pun·h.1,e ol 1 ht• l.iJnlern Ha~ p.11 tt·I \-. l.11 .1-. thl·1r 1iruJl'('l, Chuek :-.m \I h .... HI h1· \\ t•n l to I ht• Sl:Jlt• t·11,1-.tal l'omm.-.-..11n ..,luff ~inrJ ·''kl'tl lhl·m l11 t·11m1· uµ wrth a l.11111 ""l' plJ11 I ht·v thought thl'Y 1·11uld liH• ~1th ' Tiff ~T1\Tt: Ot't'ICIAUi cl1d 1u'1 th.JI. and Sm\ th ~aid he went h.11·k l•I thl· 1·ouniv tor a i.:cnl'ral pla11 aml•ndm .. nl · '\o\\ ht• h1•g1n' th~· lonr.: pron·~' ol gumg th1 ough lol'al. rcgwn11l and -;tall· ('hanm•ls lo set' 1f the Ill'\\ plum, l!l'I the go :1he:1d "I t'~ l1ustratinl!, Chu<·k sm ~t h 'attl . I \I' l"'r-.onally l1t·e11 \Hll'l.1n g 1111 I ht' fJrfJ)l'tl ~tn~·~J .ind lht· t'umuany h'a:o ~·n lll\11h1'<f ,1111 •' l'lliX "\I.I. T ll E Tl \1 E ~ 1· 11.1\1· ht·1•n I 1 \ llW In dt•\ t·lup ,, flfflft'l'I I h.1t '' marl..t·t a bit· .11111 f.!ood fur I ht• 1w1J,?hlJ(1rhood l"hul'I.. s ;,,., l',H old 1Jrnth1•r .. 'ft'('' ·1111• <·ommunrt' tltl(·-.n't \\~nt '"c·n·at111nal H·hr~·lt•-. in lhl're. \\1' ,,. h1-.1nl th1·m '·" that." E<I !">rn' th -.:11d .. Wt· \l' hl'cn tr\'lnJ.? to lw f.!Ood n1rporal<' r1l1H·m.: hut 111• rt• .11 !ht· ... t.1t1· c11mm1 ....... 1nn·.., nwrn ,,.., 111 ~hat Wt· 1·:rn liu1hl 1111'11' . ('hrwk anti Ed Sm\ th ha\'t• \ 111H·1I 111 plod .alrinj.! \\1th lht·1r pi 1)rl0:0.:.tl. hoping I h;1t ""mt•cla.1· I ht•\ ·11 rt'<H'h un a1·1·onl ''1th all ,t,1tt• 11tt1<•i;+ls and f111;illv bre<ik gr11un1I on l..inl\·rn lb' Fred Russell ~ pool·h Dolh clol'"ll t w1·m lnn kPl'n on hl·r r espons ibilities <is a \Valchdo~. Sht• ,1 rollt'<I n~hl pa..,l a i.,inbler fellow pounrint! on Pontchat11ul11 J .1 "11hu111 "'" much a~ 'raising a h<.1ckl<' Fortunatcl ~. tlw dP\ ii ' .1 harmlc~s one · mcr<>ly a poster nt ''street f<11r nh1li1t Staff Backs LA-San Diego Train Service I.OS \XGF:l.F:S <API The S,111ta Ft• Ha1lroad -.hould Ix• or dl'rl-<l to pru\·rdt.• rommutcr trc:un :.t•n'll'l' bl·l \H'l'n l.m. Angell'S and San l>11·gu. thl' sl<1ff coun:.ct of lhl· stall' Puhlt<· l't11tt1e!> Com· m t!'Slon says In a 1irt• ht·ar1ni.: t'Ollfl'rcnct' Tut'..,ll<J\' to rll'll'rmint· the• status of 1.•1).!ht rail pa-.sl'ngt•r ('U~ '>It· ling unu:-.l'll 1n l 'n111n Station. t•uunsl'I W1lli um Jt•nnings sup· porll·ll ;irgumt·nts hy l.o., .\ngc·IC':-. County that lht• M'r v1ce ht• onll'rl'd a., a puhli(' convc· llll'n('l' llm~ evl'r. ht• adrkd that "Santu Ft• should not bt• required to .Jh:-.orh any losst•i-. 1f tht·v occur." \ -.poke.c;m an for lhl· railroad ..,;11d 11 plans lo c:haltcngt· lhe 1uri-.d1t'l16n of lhl' l'UC in the ca:.e Thi· unu-.<'rf r 3il rar-; W<'r<' or dt'l'l'fl r durhr"hl'<I II\ l h<' <·ounl\ 1111.inl of S\JJll'I \ 1-.<11 -. in hope:-. ,;f u-.rnc lh1·m lor .1 rail rJfnd lr.111:-.11 '''ll'rn Four Nabbed On Newport Burglary Rap Fo11r ,·nung mt•n from Santa \na. 1n1'111dmg thn•t• 1uveniles. "1•r1· t.1k1•11 1ntn <·us todv bv ;-.; t' " p 11 r I II t' a 1· h 1 n 1·111int•t·L111n \\1th th<• h11r.:l~rv of :.tt·n·o .incl tt•lcv1sion C'qu1pment from lh(• 1-'ord t\('rosp<1ct• and l 'ommun1callon" Corp. plant 1n :'\ ('\\'p<lrl :'\l ark Anthnm· Wil~on. 19. re· m;11nl'tl 1n cu~tocly in h cu of S5. 000 tw I l>l'lN'tl\t•s allt>gc·d that Wilson .ind a 17 ~ t•ar old \OUth, both l'mployc-d h' the ul'ropsurc frrm. took the l'lt'<'l ront<' equ1pm1.·nt (rum thl' plant·, lohhy. aided hy l~o If> ~C'ar olcl<'ompamons All \\l'r<' .Jrrt.•..,tl'cl aflt.•r hcrng 1cfrnt1f1t'cf h) \\ 11111·-.-.i•' Thl' lll\('01lcs \H'r<' release<! to their parC'nh ;.1ftl·r hern~ ques t 11mt•cl h~ pohct• Clwral Group Schedules 2 Fundrraisers t l'\'llll'0S l 'n1 vcrs1t .v ll1 gh School thoral music· tkpartmcnt plun-. two fund-raising c•vents to ra1st• money to tour the state /\ I a ticket car wash 1<; s<'hl'dulc<I from noon to 7 p m Sat11rrla\'. at the <'Orner of Culver and Michelson drive.;. A hake sale of cakes. pies anrl l'onk1es will be held in the Ralphs ..,upnm;,rkct parkini.: lot at lht• Tusl m llci~hts !lhoppmit renter nn Irvine Boulevard in Tustin. 0<'l 11and15. 1 loufl\ arc 3 p m to 7 p m Oct J.I; noon to 7 pm. Oct. JS. M1m t' artist!'f and choral ~ludcnLc; will enkrtain. Burglar8 Loot House in Viejo rro~rty valued by the victim at morf' than S..1.000 was taken from n M1sswn V1('jn home by burizlars v. hot~ 1stl'rl off the front d oor knnh. OranRl' County -.heriff's off1<'Cr!I saul l><>put1c-. sarcl I h'· lo"t t ;iken from lhl' hnm(• of -.alt•-. m.ilHt~t'r P«'ter Lu~\ll'r Sklar. :rn. or ~51 \'1 a \'ifnto. 1ndudcd ,1 I l"lf'v1-,1on -.«•I a ;.~ p<>wntcr ancl an :idt.ling machin<' Sklar was m Los Vegai. al tlic lime. \~ ORANGE COUNTY /BUSINESS Corter Claoire Jobless Rate Wins Efforts. WASHINGTON (A P> f'rcsident Carte r's c~conomic advisers are l<'lling him that his twin goals of a balanced budget and low unemploy- 111l'lll hy 1981 probably cannot both be uchieved, administration SOUrt't'!> SU.) l•'acc<l with making a choice. the~e sources say, Carter has decided to work for a low unemployment ratl' of below 5 percent, while sa1:nr1c1ng his oft-repeated cam · pu1gn pll•dgc to bala n~e the V d H •ke hudget by thl' end of his current c ori .,, s krm O NE TF.:'olTi\TIVE estimate pru11·<·ts tht· 1981 budgl•t <lcfic·1t at hcl\n·t·n ~o b1lhon to S25 hilhon under ttw hm unl'm ploy mcnt op hem lnrlatlOn would be about 4 5 l'l'f'Ccnt, abo short of Carter's i.:o:il Both dunnJ.! his camapign and s ir1t·c t.1krng officl'. Carter has p lNlged to ha\'e a balanced budgt•t. low unemployment und low inflation, all by the end of his rurrent term in the White House. However, the continued slu~­ g1shness of the economy and the failure of lht! nation's industry to rn('rease sharply job-creating in· n •stmcnb arc pulling the rug. from under the Carter pla n. T HE RETREAT FROM a hala11tcd budget may not be al·knowlcd~ccl outnJ!ht. but will he C'oucht;.'tl in reference:. to the net·<I for a high or a full employ· mcnt budget, a source said. "The Pn•sidcnt bought the idea 111' a h1~h employment budgt!l ... :.aid the.· sourc e, who h ad knowlL'<ige of a meeting Carter ht.'111 rn ,\u~ust with top economic ach 1scr:. Charles L Schultze. chairman of tht· Council or Economic Ad· '1st·1~. tor one. already speaks m 1<.·rms of a n udmmrstration com· m1tmt•n( to "a balanced budget in a high t.•mployment economy." FOR~1ER OMB DIRECTOR lit-rt Lance was the staunchest advocate of a balanced budget in Hl~I . and hl· has r esig n ed. llowl•vcr. the source s aid even l.:mcc wus tempering his pu blic commt•ntl> in favor of a balanced hudJ!Ct just before his r esigna· tinn Layerf!d Look AP Wl...,.,.10 Fall me<.1ns nippy nornings und warm afternoons in K ansas City. so Tony Pace I u k l's n I c<.1 f from thC' f a~h1on rxpC'rls. He layers <·utoffs over long underwear for <'Omfort no matter what t ht• day provides Four lff eetin s Prices of New Cars O~'THOIT IAP> -When Ford Motor Co. unveils its 1978-model t' a r s Friday. they wlll carry prices averaging $387 more than comparable 1977 models. The s tiffest boos t s a re on large models, while many small cars will cost less. The na tion's No. 2 auto maker said Wednesday that the in- c·rease works out to a n average of 5.8 percent. and it boosts the s ug- gested retail price or a tl:J)ical Ford, Mercury or Llncoln for 1978 over the $7,000 mark, ihclud· ing options. FORD IS HOPING that putting the price increase burden on big cars will boost sales or its sm all. fuel-efficient c•a rs. l,Jnder a new f(!deral law, each <'Ompany·s ncct of cars produced in the 1978 model year m ust a\'erage at least 18 miles per gallon. Otherwise. the company races a stiff fine. Ford tias said it must sell a greate r proportion or s mall C'ars to m eet the minimum standard. Ford's price hikes are in line with those announced last month by General Motors Corp. GM said its 1978 prices would be a bout 6 percent or $<105 higher on the a verage than for comparable 1977 models. An avera1e GM ear also will be priced abO~ 17,000 for 1978. P rices for full size and in· t(•rmcdiate cars are 6 percent. to8 percent more on average than in 1977, prices on luxury compacts a re up 2 percent to 4 percent. and prices for subcompacts are down J percent lo 5 per cent. Teens Sought In Theft Try Newport Beach police are loolt- ing for the two teen-age boys who tried to grab the purse olf lhe arm of a 76-year·old woman near the Westcliff s hopping center. Violet Sherman told police she was wnlking on Bedford Lane at about 7 p.m. Tuesday when the two boys approached her. She said one greeted her but the other grabbed the purse. The woman said s he held onto the bag and the youth ended up with a broken purse strap in his hand. She s aid the two. ages about 13 and 15, fled t oward Rutland Roud. Thieves Get Two Mo-peds Mo-peds have been reported s tolen from two Costa Mesa col- lege campuses in separate incl· dents. • Tasker Martin Morrison of 1920 Delaware St., Huntington Beach, told police his $450 vehicle was taken sometime Monday mom- ing from parking lot F at Orange Coast College. Anot.her Mo-ped. valued at SS 10. was reported stolen over the weekend at Southern California College. The o wner. Ross 'Edward Shryock, lives on ca01· pus. Capo League Eyes Energy Politics Energy r esources and the politics Involved tn developing them will he discussed in two morning lnd two evenlnr me.Unca ot tbe LeaJCue of Women Voters oUhe Capislrllb<> Bay Area. The morning meetings will be al 9:30 al the homeol Jeulca Dean, :12742 Ahpaz, Space 2 in San Juan C~ttano on Oet..11and1$. The evenmit group will meel ~t. 1S and r7 at 7:31 la tM borne of M~ry Carhart. 30286 Grande Vista• La&una Nl1uel. . ~Background inform ation on enerty issues hllve been prepared by l t.'\> league and will be available at the meeUngs. 111 J\ddit1onal information is available by calling 496-5131.