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a _art er • • IS It
'•ain Helps' But
Don't Celebrate Yet
~ ................................................................ ~
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Sketches of ~trangler Withheld
It •
Diedrich, Rose I Cliff Rescue
Officials Hit
.,Drawings I
Resemble l
By Jury Probe 1-~ ....... ,~ TwoCops l
before officials were to release
composite sketches of possible
Hillside Strangler suspects, a
complicated comedy of errors
unfolded and officials ,
acknowledged that the sketches I
were likenesses of two police
vice officers.
Of tlle Oall' Piiot Sta"
Grand Jury transcripts show a bribery probe of
Orange County officials b<.'gan last August with
S upl'rvis or Ralph Diedrich, former s uper visor
Hobert Battin and Fulle rton attorney Michael Rem·
ington as the prime sus pects.
Bv the time the four-month investi~alion entered
its fin al s tages early this month, however, Battin
had fi zzled out as a s us pect, R emington was
saf<.'guarded by immunity a nd Anaheim a rchitect
LeHoy Rose had vaulled to the top of the suspect
WHEN IT CAME lime for the Grand Jury to act,
it was Diedrich who was indicted Dec. 15 on the
bribery charges as well as a bribery conspiracy
And it was his long-lime frie nd Rose who was
named with Diedrich in the conspiracy allegation.
THREADING ITS WAY through 638 pages of
Grand Jurv tes timony leading to the indictment is a
talc of hard-pressed business executives hoping in
1973 and 1974 for a favor a ble nod by the Board of
Supervisors on a pending land use decision.
Those hopes for a favorable decision were r e·
ward ed in March, 1974 when Diedrich .led a 3 to 2
Board of Supervisors' decision in favor of the cor·
porate landowners. .
And woven into the story revealed by transcripts
of the testimony are echoes from Orange County's
immediate political past.
ONE OF THOSE echoes sounded about the head
of the late Fred Harber, then a not too far behind the
scenes political powerhouse in Orange County.
Harber, for example, is d epicted by witnesses as
being in the forefront of battle by Anaheim Hills,
lnc., and its parent company, the Robert H. Grant
Co., to h ave undeveloped l and freed from
agricultural preserve agreem ents.
(See BRmER~, Page A2)
28 Stitehes in Faee
Mesa Woman Flees
FrOm Sex Assault
A 24·year-old Costa Mesa
woman who decided to hitchhike
to work Thursday evening ended
up with 26 stitches In her face as
she attempted to escape a dwer
who tried to rape her, police re·
The woman was struck below
the right eye in a scuffle at
Newport Boulevard and Flower
Street at about 8:30 p.m., in full
view or other motorists, police
said. .
The attack came alter the
worn an was picked up by a
busky male between 30 and 4().
)'tara-old wilh wavy, ahoWder·
Jensth brown hair. Police said
tbe man bad only driven the
woman about 100 yards before
he tried to fondle her and sexually
assault her.
She left the stopped vehicle but
the man gave chase, struck her
and tried to drag her back to the
car. He eventually gave up and
escaped in a lwo-door sedan.
The victim was treated a~
Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital
and later released.
"Consi(lerlng the aituatlon 1n
ios Angeles {The HUl1ide
Stran1ler), hitcbb1kln1 would
not be the most appropriate
thine to be doing," sald Costa
Mesa, police Sst. Tom Lazar. "It
would be 1.Cer Cor younc ladles to
A Laguna Beach m an was lifted to safety
by a Marine Corps he licopter Thursday
after he fell down a cliff at his home, 102
McKnight Drive. Ernest Helm, Jr., was
~ardening when he tumbled to the sand at
the Crescent Bay Beach j ust after noon.
L aguna Beach paramedics s a id the
Dany ,.. ... .....,.11y 1udw1n1 K...,...
helicopter r escue crew was called in
because of the difficulty of carrying the
injured man over the rough terrain. Helm,
56, was trans ported to Hoag Memorial
Hospital, where he was to be released to·
Week's Rain
Didn't Break
Drought Grip
By 1be Associated Press
Nearly five inches or rain was
dropped on drought-stricken
Southern CaJifornia lhis week,
and more off-and-on showers
were predicted throughout the
weekend. But water officials war ned
Thursday against premature
celebrations of the drought's
end, even though the s torm
brought the season's total for
Southern Calllornia rainfall ·to
well above normal.
'•Any rain we do get is
helpful," said Joel Schwarz of
the Metropolitan Water District.
"But it would have been a heck
or a lot better if it had been the
norm\ll kind of storm we get in
winter lo California, a storm
from up north rather than from
the tropics.
~peaks in Warsaw
Carter May Visit
Egypt During Tour
WARSAW, Poland CAP> -
President Carter left open today
the possiblllty be might go to
Egypt during his current over·
seas mission, expressed hope for
Channel 7, 8 p.m. PltbbUrOh (1-2·1) va. CltlfMOft •2· 1)
agreements with the Soviet
Union on strategic arms and
other issues during 1978, and an-
nounced a $200 million food deal
with Poland.
He spoke at a news conference
tn a Warsaw hotel, broadcast
and televised to the Un ited
Stales. In larg' 1Jleasure, what
}Je bad to say }'"as a review of
paat 1tatemebt8 on negotiations
wlUt the •Sovt~t Union and on
pe•ce effotts iii the Middle East.
A White House spokesman ln
Washington, Mark Henderson,
sald Carter heard the same
tr~nslationl of c:tuestions asked
by Polish reporters as did
mlWons ot ~Americans watching
the newsHlbterence on television.
Assistant Police Chier Daryl '
Gates was to have released the 1
sketches at a news conference ~
Thursday, but the officers rec• ~
ognized themselves and the drr-
rawings werewithheld.
Gates, at the news conference.
s aid only that the m en depicted
had been contacted and were not
involved in the case.
The Associated Press later
learned that the men in the
drawings were officers. When
asked why the men were not
identified as such at the news
conference, Lt. Dan Cooke, a
police spokes man, said,
"Nobody asked."
The two unidentified oflicers
had s topped a woman for driv·
ing erratically; not realizing she
was a police officer, Cooke ex•.
The woman officer gave the
special task force working on ,
the case the officers' descrip.
lions because one theory in the
case has been that the killer or
killers of ll women may have
stopped people on the pretense
of conducting pol ice business.
Gates said the woman or. <I
ficer 's description matched
other descriptions received
(See SI'RANGLE, Page A2)
Considerable cloudiness
through Saturday with 30
p erc ent ~h ance of
measurable rain tonight
decreasing to 10 percent
Saturday. Lows t onight
mid to upper SOS. Highs
Saturday in low to mid
60s. . . .
. J
•'The Ta in that we get here lo
Southern Callf omia helps us a
little bit as tar as ending the
drouibt," Sehwarz 1aid, "but the Jtey ana where we need the
rainfall ls the northern two·
thirdl dthe state ...
Ch.mnel 13, 8 ~.m • Once llain, Carter said the .
Orange Coa st residenft
planning to join the millions
along the Tournament of
Roses parade route can get 4
preview of Minion ·Viejo's
/loot on Page Cl.
I ,, •
Sona• rain wu talllnl there to-day. .
Normally $outhem Cautornia lets water from anow4 melt.Ing
in th• noTthern mountains,
Schwan explained. The warm
tropical air that came wlth thJs
week'• storm melted anow, but 1 UJee ~WERS, Paso At) :
Plttabu~:r d= t have T~ny t>Onett Ulla time,
but is fa.ored to beat the
Ti1era. 1'be teams dldn 't
receive the pdbllclu ot a
Notr• Dame or Oklabodl1,
but the ••me COGld be the
hardest hitting of the bowl games. Botb have
sometblnC to prove.
la 8porte 8ecUoa
, United states Js not trying to
Jmp9se a Middle t:ast sel.lle· !hen~ bbt. to belP Istael and the
Arab 1tate1 te•ch their own
terms. TM s.> mlllloa food and Ceed tra>n• Carter oftered to Poland.
lo addltiGQ to «MM> million already
arranged, wvuld help the Poles
withstand Cour years of crop
failures, thepresldentaald.
dent SIUl.
Carter also said be discussed
(See CARTE•, P11e AZ) "
•••ex .
AtV-s.n4ul A1t ..... 04 ' L. M • ...,.. A6 ~I,.. M ...,_, ,u.t MelMNI N..e • M
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Rain Continues
Over Weekend
Ot•ca~1onal sprinkles should
<·ontmue through the weekend
hut clear up Monday m Ume for
the Rose Parade, the National
WN1thcr Service said today.
They're predicting a 30 per-
et•nt chance of showers tonight,
10 percent on Saturday, and 30
percent again on Sunday.
"It's going to kind of be a little
bit of everything,'.' said a
spokesmen. He said t ern ·
pcratures should reach highs in
Thug Leaves
Fruity Mark
-The FBI says it's look·
mg for a middle-age man
who drcsses like a woman
and politely gives bank
clerks shiny red apples -
after he robs them.
AgenLc; said the strange
cr ook hit two San Jose
banks within 20 minutes
on the same day. He left
his fruity mark each time
and escaped with un-
disclosed amounts of cash.
"The apples arc now be·
1ng processed 10
Washington for prints," an
ag<.•nt said Thursdi.ly.
f 'rom P a ge A l
''1th Polish leaders the plight of
,1hnul 250 fnmilies in the United
~I alt''> ""ho "':.mt lo be reun1kd
"1th reh1t1H·s now in Poland. The
lead e rs gave assurances
'"thi.ll our concern would be al·
ll•viated," he s aid.
Tht• president dea lt cautiously
with questions of human rights
.ind Soviet troops in Poland. He
:-aid the American concept of
human rights is more honored in
Poland than in som e other Euro-
pt'an nations. And as for the
Russian troops s t ationed in
Poland. Carter said that was an
issue to be handleq by I.be foles
and their leaders. ·
Carter said he hopes that after
a SA LT ali(recment is reached
,, 1th the So' iets, Moscow and
\\',1shington can move to discuss
t .1l'l1cal nuclear weapons con-
trol. That would include the
111:utron bomb, which is designed
to kill through radiation without
dl•vastating the target area.
The prt'sident said new Soviet
\\l•apons like the SS20, a land·
ha:-.ed mobile missile, are much
more dcsl~1bilizing lo the current
military balance than is the pro-
l•'l'ted neutron bomb, which
Moscow has assailed.
Carter said the United States
"uuld not deploy neutron
weapons except by agreement
\\1th NATO allies.
I k said he conducted "very
fruitful discussions" with Polish
lc:adcr Edward Gicrek on issues
including NATO, negotiations
for force reductions in Europe.
.blrategic arms limitations "and
Rt'ncral commitments lo peace
m the future."
Gas Down Drain
~ BLOOMINGTON, 111. (AP) -
A gasoline truck driver who
thought he was pumping J,000
11allons of gasoline into a service
atation·s storage tank actually
i>oured it into the Bloomington
llewer system, fire department
officials say. The driver said he
"'istook a sewer line cap for tbe
f'.1s t ank cap, which was covered
~ith ice.
•"""o....,.eo.11 o.llv ll'ilot .... ,,_...,<_ ~-· ... ,.. ..... ~ .... ··-·-... ""'°'-.... ~·:.~11~i;:~~":t~:9~~=~:'l::.~: ,,...,... -.. <Kii, HuollftQI°" _,,,,_
•••n Yllltf. lr•i"•· S•Odltc.clll \fell ... eftd ~=~~f:.:'~:~~~
lJr1'1CIHI -lilol"'I OIOftl I\ M llO """" !Hf .. ~•••Mt. co.to M .. o. C:.UtOrftl0'7~ . __ ,, .. .._
PrffjOOftl -Pvtlll-
.H<• •. C-Vite""'-_ G<l_ol,.._
Tl••..,•t •-Edtltf
T-tA.M_..,. ,..._ .........
CMrteo" i-~ ....... o\\tl\ltMIM ....... l.nort
CMl•Hlo ... :J:JO-.~ • .. = ... '=~~ni;r,i.«h~~ ~l•IMOO V•t .. y: 1Utl t..tl"9• --.1 .. ft O! ... ,,_
Tetephcme (n4)to<m1
CIHllfled AdYe~ta.M11
$tffNllHll V••ttv...,..olflct ..., .. 110 ,,,_i.,.c...,.. ......
MO-tno •
• the mid·GO:s and lows in the
No rain damage from Thurs·
day night's sprinkles was report·
ed along the coast.
However, Newport Beach
lifeguards reported slgh~ing a
water spout thjs morning about
seven miles off Scotchman's
Cove, north of Laguna Beach.
Logan Lockabey of the
Newport Beach Marine Safety
Department noted the clouds
were betw<.•en 500 and 1,000 feet
high at the ume. A water spout
is a funnel cloud like a tornado
that appears at sea.
Lockabey said no damage was
reported. He said water spout!.
are sighted several times a year
and rarely cause any damage.
However, he said, about 15
years ago one hit the Newport
Pier, picking up a lifeguard
tower and injuring a lifeguard.
The Orange County Harbor
Department in Newport Beach
today reported .26 or an inch in
rain over Wednesday night.
bringing the season total to 3.45
compared to 3.01 at the same
time last year.
The Orange County Fire
Department station in Laguna
Niguel recorded .13 ot an Inch to·
day, for a season total of 4 43.
Last year .it this time they'd re-
corded 2.85 inches.
* * * From Page A l
it melted it too quickly to be
gathered efficiently.
··we can't pump it out of the
Sacramento-San J oaquin River
D elta fa s t e no ugh ," said
Schwarz ... The farmers can·t
use the water now ...
Schwarz said 7.04 inches of
rain have fallen in Los Angeles
this season, compared to an
average 4.4!) inches. Rut he not-
ed l hat som e no rt hem res·
ervo1rs. wh1eh su pply thl'
:.outhl'rn part of the 5.lnte, are still
gelling less than their usual
amount of rain.
The forecast predicted scat-
tered showers through Friday,
as a second storm -this one
from the northwest -edged its
way south. He estimated a 40
percent chance of rain for Fri·
day, dropping to a 20 percent
chance Friday night.
"New Year's offi<:ially we've
got a chance of showers," he
said. •·and there still is that
possibility Monday," when the
Rose Parade and Rose Bowl
football game are scheduled in
Precipitation from the new
storm was expected to be much·
lighter than from the earlier
storm. A break in the rain is ex·
pect'd between Friday night
and Sunday, with precipitation
restarting sometime Sunday.
The California Highway
Patrol reported all roads re·
opened with the exception of two
highways in the Big Bear area
and one highway between Islip
Saddle and St. Vincent. All had
been c losed because of
rockslidcs and washouts.
Northern California today was
given another dose of its favorite
medicine -rain.
Predawn showers t ell
throughout the region and more
was expected later today.
The National Weather Service
said Crescent City was soaked
with an inch of rainfall during
the 24-hour period ending at 4
a .m .
Eureka received one-third or
an inch during the same period.
., ...
2 Shots
Ambrose Griffin was unload1ng
arQ.Ceries. outside his house lo
1uburban Carmichael, a car
aped by and there were two PQJ>-
pins sound&.
Grltlln, 56, a eovernment
engineer, turned to bis wife
Thursday night and said, "My
God. I've been shot. ..
He fell to the ground, bleeding
from a bulJet wound in the chest.
He died a short lime later at
American River Hospital.
His neighbor, James Turnbow,
said il must have been a wild
shot !ired by joy-riding
Oeltt,... ...... .., llk»N ._._.
Sun Makes Sliver Lining In View From Coron• del Mar Freeway In Cost• M•••
"No one in the world woulcl
want to shoot Mr. Grlffin," he
Turnbow said he was in hi!>
garage when he heard the shots.
but didn't pay much attention
because they've been common
in the neighborhood recently. Front Page A l 2 Gumnen Flee
After Killing -
Vista Man, 68
"A neighbor has had her porch
lights shot out four times
already. Windshields have been
shot out. We've reported all this.
but no one seemed to do
anything," he said.
As a matter of fact, former
Anaheim Jlills president John
Sickler testified. Harber was
paid $4,000 to conduct a survey
aimed at finding out how people
felt about the agreements.
Those agreements give land-
owners a property lax break in
return for their holdmg land for
"agnculturnl purposes" rather
than use of the land for develop-
WllEN ASKED what Harber
proposed. forme r Grant Co.
pr(•s1dent H ichard Owc:n
··1 think he wanted money.
Well, he was CJ )ways -I. sCJy
always -he was very hkely
selling political influence."
But the St,000 Harber alleged-
ly got for the opinion survey that
was intended to be used lo sway
county supervisors' minds was
pe anuts compared to what Rose
and Remington were paid by the
land development company.
Witnesses t est1f1ed and
evidence indicated Hemington
was paid $74.485 for what was
described as perhaps a file
drawer full or legal work, somo
or it done by legal interns in his
And Remington himself. told
the Grand Jury he loaned
Diedrich $25,000 of his fee. a loan
that has not yet been r epaid.
The Fullerton attorney also
said he paid William Moore, a
San Clemente resident, $30,000
Diedrich said he borrowed from
Moore in 1972.
chalked that loan payment up as
another Joan to Diedrich that re·
mains unpaid.
iietore testifying, Remington
was given immunity. Also,·
multiple political conspiracy
charges brought against him in
a July 1 indictment were re·
duced to a single mis~meanor
Rose, though, had nothing to
say to the Grand Jury.
According to the transcripts,
Assistant Dist. Atty. Michael
Capizzi said Rose's lawyer told
him he felt Rose "could con-
vince the District Attorney's Of·
fice there was no wrongdoing Qn
his part."
"However ," Capizzi said.
"Mr. (Sylvan ) Aronson said be
would advise his client not to
testify before the Grand Jury."
Capizzi also gave the jury bis
written invitation to Diedrich to
appear before the jury, an in·
vitation that included an offer to
let Diedrich present witnesses
and evidence that might terd to
clear him or suspicion.
H E ALSO GAVE the Grand
Jury a copy of Diedrich's writ·
ten rejection of his Dec. 5 offer.
And to make certain the jury
knew of D1edrich's pre-
indictment denial of wrongdo-
ing, he gave the jurors a
v1deolciµe copy of a television
program that reaturntl J)iedrich
denying wrongdo111g.
Those efforts bv Cao1zzi to
give both sides of the stor¥ to tht•
Grand Jury notwithstanding,
testimony contained in the eight
volumes of transc ripts is
genecally one-sided.
As is lhe case in an suer\ jury
inquiries, the witnesses were not
cross-exam in ed. And the
hars hes t Died rich a(·cuser
tcst1f1ed only to what others had·
told him and not his own Cin;t.
hand knowledge.
That witness was Santa Ana
attorney Fred Mc Bricn.
t old him in early 1973 that
Diedrich "wanted S50.000 to take
the Noh! Ranch out of the
agriculture preserve."
"Jle (Owen) told me that he
met Ralph Diedrich again on the
following Sunday and that the
price tag ....... had gone up to
$150,000," Mc Brien testified.
Battin wa~ implicated in the
aJleged bribery plot when
Mc Brien said. "He (Owen) men-
tioned that Diedrich told him
that Battin, Robert Battin, had
gotten into the act and needed
money too."
Mc Brien also told the jury that
he understood from lawyer
Marshall Morgan that Anaheim
Hills was paying Morgan legal
fees to defend Remingt.on
aga inst murder conspiracy
charges brought against. him in
nied the allegation in his
testimony. Money he received
from the company was for lega l
services he performed on the
agricultural preserve issue after
Remington was jailed, Morgan
In two trips to the Grand Jury
witness stand during the four-
month probe, Owen was not
asked to either confirm or deny
making the remarks attributed
to him by McBrien.
The transcripts show Capizzi
asked McBrien, the leadoff wit-
ness, why he waited four years
before telling Deputy Dist. Atty.
William Evans of his 1973 con·
versutibns with Owen,
VISTA CAP> -A 68-year-old
Vista man w.as s hot to death as
he tried to prevent tw() gunmen
from forcing their way Into the
front door of his home.
George F . .Mottino was struck
by three bullets, one in the chest
and two in ,bjs left arm, as he
tried to stop attaekers from
breaking in. officers said today.
Mottino died en route to Tri-City
Police speculate the s.ame ski·
masked hooligans brolte into a
home in another part of Vista
Jess than 30 minutes later, ter-
rorizinJ:! n family and fleeing
with und~termined loot.
The two assailants m ay also
be the ones, officeNI itaid, who
forced their way into a Vista
home Dec. 3. raped a 16-year-old
girl and shot her father in the
leg wh.en he tried. to pall the al·
tack, and on Dec. 16 entered a
Bonsall home and robbed the
lone woman occupant.
Police said the two gunmen
who killed Motlino fled after
firing thefataJ shots.
V.olcano Enipts
CATANIA, Sicily CAP) -Mt.
Etna shot rocks and ashes hun·
dreds of yards into the air from
its northeast crater Thursday
and blew dense clouds of white
smoke from its central crater.
earlier by the 65-member task
force. But he added that the two
officers were telling the truth
about doing a routine traffic
Meanwhile, char ges of
murder, illegal possession of a
gun and possession of a con-
trolled substance were (iled by
the district attorney's offire
against Stephen Devezin, 40, fo
the strangulation of two young
women last weekend. Another
man arrested for investigation
in the case, Thomas Davis, 24,
was later released for lack 1>£
Pol ice have termed the
murders a "copycat" case and
do not believe them connected to
the ltills ide Strangler m urders.
Deverin was ordered held
without bail by Municipal Judge
Nancy Brown, pending a Jan. 5
preliminary hearing.
Police also have questioned
and released Angelo Michael
Pope, a SS.year-old Hollywood
security guard who knew •
several Hillside Strangler vie·
tims, Gates said. Pope was not
charged, Gates said.
Thief Rooked
•Hot' Birds Won't Breed
SAN DIEGO CAP' -For the second time in
three months, birdnappcrs have s_truck ~rl~ur
Hernard's backyard Pacific Beach aviary, this Orne
the fowl thieves absconding with 30 lovebirds and 10
cockaticls worth S?,000.
"They took some and left the door open. and the
others got out ·· the 73-ycar-old Bernard s:.ud of the
first bird heisl. ''So I thought they'd gotten all they
·wanted and left it at that." . . . . Bernard says he's never sold a hird in his life.
just raises them for pleasure and "all I ever bred, l
still have."
Until Thursday night.
Bernard says the thief is a loser if he plans to
breed the birds.
"They were not going to breed. they were too old
-about eight or nine years old," he said. "So he
(the thief\ got rooked on that."
An occasionar play on words is one thing, but you'll never find Alden's
playing the game of breaking resolutions where it concerns servicing
our customers. WE RESOLVE .•. come '78 ... we'll bend every effort
to excel our efforts of '77.
UC. NO U0422
\ .. . . .
: iiiSf,llatiiin·: ·custom d raperiss
linol8Uin • vlOOd floor
1663 PLACENtt.t. AVENUE' • COSTA MESA. CALIF. 9,6?7 • PHONE 646-4838 -6_.6·23$'
Or ange Coast
T o day's Closing 1 N.Y.Stoek
Rose Parade Target for Strangler?-
people come t o Pasadena In
packs each New Year 's to spend
the night in sleeping bags along
the Rose Parade route, cruise
Colorado Boulevard and make
new friends. This year, police
fear the Hillside Strangler may
be a mong them.
About 1,300 officers from
Pasadena and Los Angeles
police. the coWlty sherUf's de.
Widespread outbreaks of In·
fluenza-like illnesses have been
r eported in four s tates -the
first such reports in the United
Slates this winter, the national
Center for Disease Control said
The CDC said such outbreaks
have bee n reported in
Wisconsin, New J ersey, Penn-s y J van i a and Tennessee.
Sporadic cases have been re-
ported in Mich1i?an, Arizona,
Georgia and Hawaii.
Several strains of Influenza A
virus have been isolated, but
none of the strain curr ently
causing widespread outbreaks in
Russia has been identified in the
United Stutes, the CDC s aid.
Public health officials and
represcntati ves of the medical
J field met in Atlanta on Dec. 22 to
consider recommending a new
vaccination program because of
the Russian Virus. No decision
was made.
The Russian Virus, identified
only as HlNl, has been reported
only in the Soviet Union and in
\{ong Kong. It is similar to a
virus which caused moderate
epidemics rn the United States in
Flu viruses have a unique ten·
dency to rearrange the proteins
which make them up and
become another virus. This is
the reason drug manufacturers
have to keep changing the vac·
No matter which strain affects a person, most patients feel
roughly the sa me symptioms -
headache. ris ing temperature,
aching mus cles a nd a sor e
th rout.
A virus si milar to A-Victoria.
113N2, is causing outbreaks in
P ennsylvania a nd Tennessee.
the CDC said.
This is a virus that has caused
outbreaks in the United States
for several years. A-Texas, the
most frequently found virus this
winter. is an offshoot of H3N2, a
spokesman said.
CM Coffee Shop
. Robbed of 82,100
A Costa Mesa coffee shop
employee handed over $2,100 in
: I cash Thursday after he was ap-
proached by a m an in a parking
lot who said his companion, sit·
ting in a nearby car, had a gun,
police said.
The robbery occurred at 12 :55
p.m. in the parking lot of Spires
Res tau rant, 3125 H a rbor
Boulevard. Police said employee
Ronald Dean Carlton, 26, of
'Fullerton, was not injured.
No gun was seen. and the two
m en drove olT aner taking the
cash bag from Carlton, police
) said • ..
Ch•nnel 7, 8 p.m.
Pltttburgh (1-2·1)
VI. Clemeon (to~ 1)
Channel 13, 8 p.m.
(fl!p9d91•)) .
Pittsburgh doesn 't have
Tony Dorsett this tlme,
but Is favored to beat the
Tigers. The teams Jlldn 't
receive the pubUclty of a
Notre Dame or Oklahoma,
but the same could be the
hardest hlttlns of the bowl
gamea. Botb bave somethlnf lo prove.
•• 8ponl lecU.
partment and the state highway
patrol will be watching the
crowds of up to two milUon rans
expected here for Monday·s
p arade a nd football game
between Washington and
But authorities say they are
unsure just what to watch for.
"They're aware there is a
strangler," said Pasadena
police spokesman John
McAH s t e r ... But we have
nothing really physical to go
Most of the 11 young women killed by the strangler since Oct.
18 ha ve been found within a few
miles of Pasadena. A woman
whose body was dumped near
the Rose Bowl the day before
Christmas is thought to have
been killed by someone imitat·
Ing the mass slayer.
Belpl,ess to S top Fire
Neighbor consoles Lydia Baker, who holds her children
Bobbv and Shannon, us Baker home is damaged by
smoldering fire today a l 607 Hamilton St., Costa Mesa.
Smoky blaze broke out shortly before noon and was
quickly contained by Costa Mesa firemen. Cause of the
blaze is under inves tigation.
Angry Mesans Ask
Rezone Rehearing
A group of east side Costa
Mesans, angry over a planning
department plan lo rezone their
property from medium lo low
density, have persuaded city of.
ficials to take another look at the
proposed change.
The rezone would affect 162
parcels. generally bounded by
Santa Ana Avenue on the east.
Orange Avenue on the west, 15th
Street on the south a nd 16th
Street on the north.
The planning staff s uggested
the rezone to l ow dens ity
primarily becaus e o f the
number of rear units that have
been added to existing parcels.
There currently are 55 single·
family homes with added units
in the rear.
The rezone was approved by
the planning comm1ss1on then
forwarded to the city council,
which voted to have the com·
mission formally initiate lbe re-.
The zoning issue returned to
the planning commission Mon·
day, where more than a dozen
homeowners spoke about two
hours against the rezone. The•
major complaint w as the
negative impact the zone change
could have on property va lues.
Because some of the lots are
as large as 7,000-squa re feet,
homeowners also were upset
about the potential loss of rear
units that could be added in the
Planning staffers noted that
rear units would be acceptable
(See REZONE, Page A2)
4-nwnth Grand .Jury Pro"IJe
• • The r e have been v ague
descriptions of a man and a car,
but no one knows if either 1s con-
nected with the case. Composite
s ke t ches of two men police
thought might be s uspects
proved to be based on Los Angeles
vice officers who police say had
nothing to do with the case.
··vou've got a Caucasian ap-
parently with Latin features.
You've got the tan van or the
white car," Mc Alister said.
•·They'll be aware but whether
they're going to stop everybody
who fits that description -
maybe 300,000 people -that'•
another matter.··
The man and the van were
seen near lbe hilltop where lbe
nude and strangled body ot the
11th victim, Kimberly Diane
Martin, a 17-year-old prostitute
from Hollywood, was dumped
from a car.
McAllster sald Investigators
don •t know bow the strangler
select.I or traps his victims, but
they say some ol the women
were hitchhikers who may have
gone with the straneler volW1·
..We're not anticipating a Jot
or isolated or single girls along
the parade route simply because
5 Inches So Far
More Showers Due
Before Monday
By the Associa~ Press
Nearly five Inches of rain was
dropped on drought-stricken
Southern California this week,
and more off-and-on showers
were predicted throughout the
But water officia ls warned
Thursday agains t premature
celebrations of the drought's
end, even though the storm
brought the season's total for
Southern California rainfall to
well above normal.
'·Any r a in we do get is
helpful," said Joel Schwarz of the Metropolitan Water District.
"But it would have been a heck
or a lot better if it had been the
norma l kind of storm we get in
winter in California, a storm
from up north rather than Crom
the tropics.
•'The rain that we get here in
Southern California helps us a
Httle bit as far as ending the
drought," Schwarz s aid, "but the key area where we need the
rainfall is the northern two·
thirds of the state."
Some rain was falling there to-
d ay.
Normally Southern Cali fornia
gets water from snows melting
in the northern mo untains.
Schwarz explained. The warm
t ropical air that came with this
week's storm melted snow, but
it melted it too quickly to be
gathered efficiently.
"We can't pump it out of the
Sacramento-San Joaquin River
Della fast enough,'' said
Schwarz. "Tho farmers can'L
use the water now."
Schwarz said 7.04 Inches of
rain have fall en In Los Angeles
this season, compa red to an
average 4.49 Inches. But he not·
ed that some northe'rn res·
ervoirs, which supply the
southern part of the state. are still
getting less than their usual
amount of rain.
A second s torm, from the
northwest, edged its way south
today, creating a 30 percent
chance of rain. However, that
percentage was forecast to drop
to 10 percent Saturday with high
tern peratures in the 60s and con·
sider able cloudiness.
For New Year 's Day and Mon·
day, the legal holiday and Rose
Bowl day, fair weather is likely,
National Weather Service
forecaster Craig Ellis said today.
High pressure is expected to
build into the Gulf of Alaska over
the week e nd. caus ing a
northwesterly now of dry air
over Southern California by Mon·
day, he said.
First Family Stand In Snow Outside TO!f'~ of. Unknown Soldier
Carter May Visit
Egypt. During Tour
WARSAW, Poland CAPt -
President Carter left open today
the possibility he might go to
Egypt during his current over·
seas mission, expressed hope for
agreements with the Soviet
Union on strategic arms and
other issues during 1978, and an·
nounced a $200 million food deal
with Poland.
He spoke at a news conference
in a Warsaw hotel, broadcast
and televised to the United
Slates. In large measure, what
he had to say was a review ot
past statements on negotiations
with the Soviet Union and on
peace efforts in the Middle East.
A White House spokesman in
Washington, Mark Henderson,
said Carter heard the same
t ranslations of questions asked
by Polish r eporters as did
millions ot Americans watching
the news conference on television.
Once again, Carter sai
United Slates is not try· ,. ;1
impose a Middle East ~ ..... •&-
m ent, but to help Israel and the
Arab states reach their own
The $200 million food and feed
grains Cart.er offered to Poland,
in addition to $300 million already
arranged, would help the Poles
withstand four years of crop
failures, µ,epresident said.
Carter also said be discussed
with Polish leaders the plight of
about 250 families in the United
States who want to be reunited
with relatives now in Poland. The
leaders gave assur a n ces
"that our concern would be al·
leviated," be said.
Diedrich, Rose Top S11Spects
OI Ille D .. ly l'IMt IU"
Grand Jury transcripts show a bribery probe of
Orange County officials began last August with
Supervisor R alph Diedrich, former s upervisor
Robert Battin and Fullerton attorney Michael Rem-
ington as the prime suspect.41.
By the time the four-month Investigation entered
its final stages early this month, however , Battin
had fizzled out as a suspect, Remington was
safeguard·ed by immunity and Anaheim architect
LeRoy Rose had vaulted to the top of the suspect
WHEN IT CAME time for the Grand Jury to act,
it was Diedrich who was indicted Dec. lS on the
bribery charges as well as a bribery conspiracy
And it was his long-Ume triend Rose who was
named with DlMl'lch in the consplracy allegation.
THREADING ITS WAY through 638 pages of
Grand Jury testimony leading to the indictment is· a
tale of hard-pressed business executives hoping in
1973 and 1974 for a favorable nod by the Board of
Supervisors on a pending land use decision.
Those hopes for a favorable decision were re·
warded in March, 1974 when Diedrich led a 3 to 2
Board of Supervisors' decision in favor of the cor-.
porate landowners.
And woven into the story revealed by transcripts
of the testlmonr are echoes from Orange County's
immediate political past.
ONE OF THOSE echoes sounded about the head
of the late Fred Harber, then a not too far behind the
scenes pollUc;al powerhouse in Orange County.
Harber, for example, is depleted by witnesses as
beina in the forefront of battle by Anaheim Hills,
Inc .. and its parent company, the Robert H. Grant
Co., to have undevoloped land freed from
agricultural preserve agreements. <See B.l.IBEllY, Pase A.2)
Orange Coast residents
planning to join the miUions
.along th• Tournomtnt of
Rote• porocle rOtAte con get a
prtvi.w of Milsfon Vi,eJ0'1 /loot on pgg. Cl.
~tY-s.ntclt AM .. y... CM
L. M. .... M M4ltMI ..... Al ...,_ AMtu"-t.._.. A4
Caltt..I• .. °' .... ee.ty AM
CNlll,.._ DI .. ""'"'.. CM C-k • "' ...,,. .... ~ A11'9t• ........ AM DNWI...._ AM T.....,._ .. ......................... cw
............. CM....... A4
..................... A4
11a 11 n at • s a.. ,...L.-. ..
A ttacked
Bfl(!k at Work AP Wl,..,....le
Kathryn Crosby, widow of the late crooner Bing Crosb~·.
arrives at New York's Brooks Atkinson Theater Thursday
to begin rehearsals for her leading role in "Sume Time,
Next Year." The show, which begins in mid-January in
Greensboro, N.C .• is the first performance for Mrs. Crosby
s ince the death of her hus band.
F rot11 Page Al
As a matter of fl:lct. former
Anaheim Hills president John
Sickler testified, Harber was
paid $4,000 to conduct a !>Urvey
a imed at finding out how people
felt about the agreements.
Those agreements give land·
owners a property tax break m
return for their holding land for
"agricultural purposes" rather
than use of the land for develop·
WHEN ASKED what Harber
proposed, former Grant Co.
president Richard Owen
"I think he wanted money.
Well, he was always -I say
always -he was very likely
selling political influence."
But the $4,000 Harber alleged-
ly got for the opinion survey that
was intended to be. used to sway
county supervisors' minds was
peanuts compared to what Rose
and Remington were paid by the
land development company.
Witnesses t estified and
evidence indicated Re mington
• was paid $74,485 for what was
d escribed as perhaps a file
drawer full of l~gal work, some.
or it done by Jogal interns in his
An d Remington himself told
I he Grand Jury he loaned
Diedrich $25.000 or his fee, a loan
that has not ycl been repaid.
Th<' Fullerton allornev also
said he paid Willia m Moore. a
San Clemente resident. SJ0.000
Diedrich said he borrowed from
Moore in 1972.·
chalked that lo:in p ayment up as
another loan to Diedrich that re·
mains unpaid.
Before testifying. Remin(!lon
was given immun ity. Also,
multiple political t:'On!'\piracy
charges brought against him in
a July 1 indictment were re·
duced to a single misdemeanor
Rose. though, had nothing to
say to the Grand Jury.
According to the transcripL-;.
Assistant Dist. Atty. Michael
Capizzi said Rose's lawyer told
him he felt Rose "could con-
vince the District Attorney's Of·
fice there was no wrongdoing on
'his part."
"However.•• Capizzi said,
"Mr. <Sylvan) Aronson said he
would advise his client not to
testify before the Grand Jury."
Capizzi also gave the jury his
··written invitation lo Diedrich to
appear before the jury, an in·
vitation that included an offer to
let Diedrich present witnesses
• and evidence that might tend to
clear him of suspicion.
HE ALSO GAVE the Grana
·•Jury a copy or Diedrich 's writ·
ten rejection of his Dec. 5 offer.
~..:i:T:.~=·r:::::~::.:;;..= ce.11p,'4111tl1i.,.~ ... ., s.-...... "--HIHI-..... ., "" ...... -y to< 00.to
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o.MtlU-~P.'k.11 Aul.,..MitM!llf'ltUin
Co•t• ... Oftloe PMlll~~':::J~Oo~lllO,m!'
And to make certain the Jury
knew of Diedr1ch's prc-
indictment denial of ~rongtlo·
1ng. he gave the jurors a
videotape copy of a television
.program that featured Diedrich
denying wrongdoing.
Those efforts bv Capizzi to
give both sides of the story to the
Grand Jury notwithstanding.
testimony contained in the eight
volumes of transc ripts 1s
generally one·sided.
As is the case in all such jury
inquiries, the witnesses were nol
cross-examined. And the
hars hest Diedrich accuser
testified only to what others had
told him and not his own fi rst·
hand knowledge.
That witness was Santa Ana
attorney Fred McBricn.
told him in early 1973 that
Diedrich "wanted $50,000 to take
the Nohl Ranch out of the
agriculture preserve."
"Ile <Owen ) told me that he
met Ralph Diedrich again on the
following Sunday and that the
price tag ....... had gone up to
$150,000," McBrien testified.
Battin was implicated in the
:lllc~cd bribery plot whl'n
\le Brien said ... lie <Owen l mc•n.
t1onerl that Diedrich told him
that Rattm, Robert Ballin, had
gottl•n into the c.tcl CJncl nel•<lc<I
moncv loo.··
McBrien also told the Jury that
he understood from law ver
Marshall Morgan that Anaheim
!lilts was paying Morgan legal
fees to defend Remington
against murder conspiracy
charges brought against him in
nied the all egation in his
testimony. Money he received
from the company was for legal
services he performed on the
agricultural preserve issue after
Remington was jailed, Morgan
said. In two trips to the Grand J ury
witness stand during the four·
month probe, Owen was not
asked Lo either confirm or deny
making the remarks attributed
to him by Mc Brien.
The transcripts show Capizzi
asked McBrien, the leadoff wit·
ness, why he waited four years
before telling Deputy Dist. Atty.
William Evans of his 1973 con-
versations with Owen.
McBrien said he was disap·
pointed in the July 1 indictmenL'>
that charged Diedrich. Rem·
ington, Supervisor Philip An·
thony and two others only with
violations of stale political cam·
paign regulations.
A n a h eim Hill s pres ident
testified that he had little faith
in both the development and the
political m achinations hovering
about it.
"Anaheim Hills would never
make a dime and I didn't want
to be associated with a loser,"
William Stark said when asked
why he left the company in early
Stark also said he left the din-
ner table at a r estaurant in
Corona when the talk turned to
politics and campaign funds.
"What dJd you discuss with
Mr. Rose while at the bar?" he
was asked.
•·Probably sex and sports in
that order,•• Stark rep lie~.
Like other witnesses, he had
difficulty rem embering tho
name of the restaurant where
' • Die<trich and Rose allegedly
first broached the possibility ot
costs being assodated with a
favorable Board of S\lpervlsors
Stark said the re1taurant wu
•'the Blue Boar or Red Fol< or •
one of those cute names."
Other witnesse• tryln1 to re-
call the dining spot ot almost
five year'$ ago Identified lht
restaurant as The Jolly Ox. The
Crow's Run or The Jolly Fox.
A 24-year ·old Costa Mesa
woman who decided to hitchhike
to work Thursday evening ended
up with 26 stitches in her face as
she attempted to escape a driver
who tried to rape her, police re-
The woman was struck below
the right eye in a scuffle al
Newport Boulevard and Flower
Street at about 8:30 p.m., in full
view of other motorists, police
The attack came after the
woman was picked up by a
husky male between 30 and 40·
years-old with wavy. sbouJder-
lenglh brown hair. Police said
the man had only driven Ute woman about 100 yards before
hi: tried lo fondle her and sexually.
She left the stopped vehicle but
the man gave chase, struck her
and tried to drag her back to the
car. lie eventually gave up and
escaped in atwo-doorsedan.
The victim was treated at
C.:osta Mesa Memorial Hospital
and later released.
•'Considering the situation in
Los Angeles (The Hillside
Strangler), hitchhiking would
not be the most appropriate
thing to be doing," said Costa
Mesa police Sgt. Torn Lazar. 1'Il
would be safer for young ladies to
lake the bu.s," he added.
Mesa Crash
Victim Said
The 71-ycar-old wife of a man
who was killed when his car was
struck by a Costa Mesa police
car, remained in stable condi·
lion today at Costa Mesa
Memorial Hospital with injuries
s he suffered as a passenger.
The California Hi ghway
Patrol has yet lo complete its in·
vestigation of the Wednesday
evening tragedy near the off·.
ramp of the Corona del Mar
Freeway at Bear Street.
First police reports, however.
indicate that 70·year-old John
Harold Swanson ran a boulevard
stop sign located at the end of
the offramp. The rented car he
was driving was struc k
broadside by Officer Ed
Esposito's patrol car.
Swanson. or Bellevue, Wash .•
dit:'d Thursday mornin~ of in·
ternal 1nJuries. His wife.
Margaret. 1s improving from
back and neck pains.
Officer Ed Esposito reqlllred
30 stitches to close a severe lip
laceration but he is expected to
rt:'lurn to duty in about one
F rom Page Al
with additional de velopment
standards. Also, the planning
staff said medium density would
be acceptable if homeowners got
together and combined lots.
However. the homeowners
were not enthused and the plan-
m ng commission eventually vot-
ed 5 to O to deny the planning
staff's recommendation.
The second round voting
switch will be forwarded to the
city council at next Tuesday's
regular meeting. Councilmen
are expected to set the matter
over for another public bearing
later in January.
Efforts Vowed
tens ive federal campaign
against cigarette smoking will
be launched next year by the
I lealth, Education and Welfare
Department. Secretary Joseph
A. Califano has announced.
He sald details of the program
will be made public in several
"l will have a more vigorous
and hard-hitting program
against cigarettes than this
country has ever had,·· Califano
said at a news conference Thurs-
Mesa R ec Classes
Ready for Signops
Costa Mesans can reglster for
classes offered by the city de·
partment of Leisure Services on
Tuesday, Jan. 3, lrom 8 to 8 p.m.
at the Downtown Comrnunity
Center, 594 Cent.er S.
A list of cluaes, all set to
bealo the week of Jan. 9, can be
reviewed at any Costa Mesa
Library or at room 30S at City
Classes range from disco
danclnc to self-d efense to
backgammon. For more tn·
formation call 556-5300.
o.ll't ........... .,., -~ ......
HE DUCKED OUT -This ostrich at Lion Country Safari
wasn't pretending to be the headless horseman, he ap-
parently thought the rainy weather was not for the birds
and decided he didn't have to face il
It Looks Like Sun
At Rose Bowl Game
Occasional sprinkles should
continue through the weekend
but clear up Monday in time for
the Rose Parade, the National
Weather Service said today.
They're predicting a 30 per·
cent chance or s howers tonight,
10 percent on Saturday, and 30
percent again on Sunday.
"It's going to kmd of be a liUle
bit of everything, .. said a
spokes m an. lie said tem-
peratures should reach highs in
the mid-60s and lows in the
Fimeral R i tes
Pending For
Mrs. Barnett
Funeral services are pending
today for native Costa Mesan
Betty Barnett, who died Thurs·
day after a lengthy illness. She
was 52.
Mrs. Barnell It ved in Costa
~lesa all hl'r hfc unlt l five years
ago, .,., hen :-.he and ht:'r husband.
Gene, moved lo a trailer park on
Fairview Road in Santa Ana.
She was a past priestess of the
White Shrme of Jerusalem in
Newport Beach and a member
of the Order of the Eastern Star.
the Ladies Oriental Shrine and
the Daughters of the Nile.
She is !'.urvived by her
husband, of Santa Ana: her
mother, Loretta Pangle, of
Costa Mesa; her sister. Edith
Kyle, of Oregon : her brothers.
Bill Pangle of Costa Mesa. Tom
Pangle of Ontario and Luther
Pangle of Hesperia; her
daughter. Betty McClure or On-
tario: her son. Scott Robinson.
of Oakland; and three
gr and children.
The family has suggested
me morial donations be made Lo
Shriners Crippled Childrens
Hospital in Long Beach.
Funeral services will be under
the direction of Bell Broadway
Mortuary of Costa Mesa.
No rain damage from Thurs·
day night's sprinkles was report·
ed a long the coast.
However, Newport .Beach
Hfeguards reported sighting a
water spout this morning about
seven miles off Scotchman's
Cove, north of Laguna Beach.
Logan Lockab&y of the
Newport Beach Marine Safety
Department noted the clouds
were between 500 and 1,000 feet
high at the time. A water spout
is a fµnnel cloud like a tornado
that appears at sea.
Lockabey said no damage was
reported . He said water spou ts
are sighted several times a year
a nd rarely cause any damage.
However, he said, about 15
years ago one bit the Newport
Pier, picking up a lifeguard!
to~er and injuring a lifeguard.
The Orange County Harbor
Department in Newport Beach
today reported .26 or an inch in
rain over Wednesday night.
bringing the season total Lo 3.45
compared to 3.01 at the same
time last year.
The Orange County Fire
Department station in Laguna
Niguel recorded .13 of an inch to·
day, for a season total of 4.43.
Last year at this time they'd re-
corded 2.8.5 inches.
F ront Page Al
of the publicity about the
strangler," McAlister said . ''It
would be foolish for any mother
to Jet her daughter come to the
parade route unchaperoned. Of
course it would be foolish in any
Pasadena Police Chief Rr.\Jert
McGowan said that 54 two-man
patrol teams will Wcilk the
parade route Sundciy night,
keeping a ''hi~h visibilitv."
DA Nixes
Probe of
BB Flap
• Of .... o.11, ...... 5Mlff lf l{untlngton Beach City of·
ficiala ever find out who wu the
aggressor In the Don Bonfa
versus J ohn O'Connor alterca-
tion, lt will be without help from
the Orange County District At-
torney 's Office.
Deputy Di.strict Attorney Carl
Ilg said that his office will not
get Involved in the imbroglio COD•
cernlng the two feucUng at·
torneys in the Huntington Be.ach
legal department.
"This is not a blg thing." Dg
said today. ·
Bonfa, who is the city attorney
and department head, and
O'Connor, a deputy city at·
torney, each claimed they were
a ttacked by the othe r in a
skirmish on the fourth floor of
the city ball Tueaday. There
were no witnesses.
Each man filed reports of as.
sault and battery against the
other following the incident.
Ilg said that there is no cor·
roboralion and that both parties
are telling essentially the same
story although from different
viewpoints. /
Ilg also said that the District
Attorney's Office will not give
lie detector tests which both
men say they have requested.
Ilg said that it is not the policy
to administer lhe tests to both
sides of a conflicting story.
"'If both passed, where would
you be?'' be asked.
Ilg also added that he does not
have a great deal of faith in the
accuracy of lie detector tests.
O'Connor was suspended im·
mediately from bis $.12,256 ~ob
without pay by Bonfa follo~
the incident. ·
In the suspension notice. Bon·
fa charged assault and battery
and false imprisonment of a de-
partment head in O'Connor's of·
Bonfa claims that o·corinor
slammed O'Connor's office door
during the dispute and al first
refused to let Bonfa leave.
Bonfa also c h arged that
O'Connor engag e d in a
malicious course of bad conduct
and ha rassment of Bonfa over a
three-year period.
The suspension notice also
was signed by C'ity Ad·
ministralor Bud Belsito and
Personnel Director Edward
Thompson. ·
.Funeral Held
Funeral services were held to-
day in Costa Mesa for Dorothy
Edith Phillips, a long-time area
resident and former Fairview
Stale Hospital employee who
died Tuesday or natural causes.
She was 61.
F or part of her 20 years in
Costa Mesa Mrs. Phillips served
as a secreta ry for the Orange
County Vegetabl e Growers As·
sociation. Jn 1956, she became
one of Fairview State Hospital's
first non-medical employees.
She r etired in 1972 as the
hospita l's medical records
supervisor. She then m oved to
Irvine and later to Pomona.
Mrs. Phillips is survived by
her husband, Joe; son, Charles
of Santa Ana; and thr ee
daugblcrs, Kathryn Ann Tessier
of Costa Mesa, Mary Ellen
Thoennes of San Diego and
Cecilia Marie Lux of Cypress.
S h e a l so leave s 12
gra ndchildren.
An occasional play on words is one thing, but you'll never find Alden's
playing the game of breaking resolutions where it concerns servicing
our customers. WE RESOLVE •.• come '78 ••• we'll bend every effort
to excel our efforts of '77.
Friday. December 30. 1977 DAILY PILOT 113 Wi' • • .. ~BJrVIew: .. G1:9ant Won't ·change Policy
By .JACK.I RYMM .. . .. -., ..........
· Even ii Fairview Slate
lf06pit.al in Costa Mesa receives
the U m:lll.lon Governor Brown ls
seektnc tor it. patient ad-
ml11ions will remain strictly
limited, accordlne to Francis
Crtnella, hospital execullve
Brown will request the funds,
part of a $27 million package for
the 11 state hospitals. from the
late Lec:islature ne~t month, he.
announced aL a press con!erence
The money will be used to hiro
new employees, increase cur-
rcsnt salaries, prowde new train·
ing and upgrade equipment.
Brown said. Fairview would re-
ceive an estimated 399 11ew
Dr. Crinella said adml11stons
ut the hospital for the mentally
retarded end physically · han-
dicapped will remain limited to
patients wbo can clearly benefit
from the developmental training
offered there.
·•we still won't be able to ad-
mit. as many patients as we're
dischargin&," he said . ''We're
also vigorously attempting to
move ouL our hiiher -functioning
The number of patients at
Fairview is about 1,400, Dr.
Crinella said. He aaid he hopes
to reduce that number to 1,300
because of lack or space to meet
current licensing requirements .•
Dr. Crinella also commented
that although new medical
techniques are preventing and
curing many disabling condl-
taons, those persons currently
suffering from them are Jiving
longer than befor~.
He said he foresees no
decrease in need for Fairview's
The new funds requested by
Brown are part. of an attempt. by
the state to regain federa l
cerWlcaUon tor Fairview and
three of.her state hospitals.
They were decertified last
summer because of underswr-
Jng and other problems, and are
currently losing about $1.5
million per month in federul
funds. 1be shtle is making up that sum.
Four other state hospitals also
face possible federal decertifica-
Dr. Crinella said that the new
funds will aid an active recruit-
. ment program at. the hospllal.
wblch is seeking psychiatrists.
nurses, psychiatric tecbniciaM
and other specialized therapists.
Language Gaffe .Iii ... . ,
'Rusty' • "
t • ~ ' .. 1...:,1
' ' Trims \
WARSAW, Poland (AP ) ·A
State Department translator
whose erratic Polish version or
President Carter·s arrival
speech here provoked laughter
among the welcoming crowd
was relieved of some interpret
mg duties today, U.S. officials'
When Carter. i.peaking al
Warsaw airport Thursday night.
mentioned the Polish people's
desires for the future, translator
Eve Mus ic
Lives O~
Sans Guy
,, I .
Year·~ Eve and Guv Lom·
bardo·s Royal Canad.ians go
together like champagne and
cheerful toasts. l'r' ou can •t have
one without the other -but this
year will be different
The l lf~·hour televised broad-
cast from the Grand Ballroom of
the Waldorf.Astoria on Saturday
night will be the band's 49th an-
nual New Year's Eve ap·
pearance, and its first without
Lombardo, who died last month
at 75. <Channel 2, 11 :30 p.m.)
For tens of millions of
Americans the link between the
years has been the soothing
sounds of the Canadi<ms, playing
what Lombardo liked to call
"the sweetest misic this side of
And this year will be no dif·
ferent, said Lombardo·s brother
o.i1, ~•i.e 5Uti ~..... Victor. who conducts the band
MOTHER POLAR BEAR TAKES DUNKING IN STRIDE no~. l Rosary Crachl Swims Dally In Cool Pacific Ocean .. We're gomg to carry on what I Guy established,·· he said at re-
hearsal Thursday. ··That·s the
kind of music people want to
• "We've been doing it for so
long," said another brother.
Lebert, who plays first trumpet
and is the band·s concertmaster. •
I 8:'::E ~~~ Ne: ~ ::.: ~~.::~ .. r · ~r~J;;~~:~::b~:~?.~:~:~
Of 1111 Dally ,1101 Stall B t b C d Initiation into some social ear secre ary. Y BS-TV an 1,000 people are
clubs can amount to a trial by "I couldn't go in the watel' --expected to pay between $100
fi re, but a trial by cold water is J'd get the records wet," said and $ISO each to hear the band
more the style of one South Crespin e 1, B 7, who has play some of the lop songs of
Laguna club -the Polar Bears participated in the lark every yesteryear as well as those of
of Treusure Island. New Year's Day.for 21 years. 1977· f Among them are such stan· Persons privileged to carry One Polar Bear who appears dards as .. Too-Ra·Loo-Ra-Loo-
Polar Bear cards have braved to take the chilly dunking in Ra. That's an Irish Lullaby"
wintry winds of New Year's Day stride is Rosary Crachi of South and "Mississippi Mud." two
to walk stoutheartedly into the Laguna, who will act as Mother songs associated with Bing
cold green waves oC the Pacific Polar Bear on Monday, when the Crosby, who died just a few
Ocean. newest batch of would-be Bears weeks before Lombardo.
Polar Bears now number 322 willbeledtothesea. Kenny Gardner a nd Ty
men, women and children ·a Lemley, who also plays electric
far cry from the nine who initial-A daily swim off shore from guitar, will croon two of this
ed the ritual 21 years ago. Only her Treasure Island home keeps year·s hits -"New York, New
two of the members have not Mother Bear in shape for the York" and "You Light Up My
.• mettheinitiationrequirementof bracing New Year's Day Life.'"
· total immersion in the Pacific on ceremony. Other songs on the program
New Year's Day. Mrs. Crachi will perform a include "Enjoy Yourself,"
William Quinn, former gov-function Monday traditionally .. Spanish Eyes". "Your Cheat-
ernor of Hawaii, pleaded state performed by Father Polar ing Hearl.'' and "Somewhere. business which he said kept him B · h My Love." ear, greetmg each neop yte from participating on J an. l, and ordering a temperature Joining the Candians for the
· 1962. check of the ocean water at Cove evening will be performers "May the chill of your swim Beach. Les lie Uggams and Paul
be mitigated by the warmth or Williams.
our aloha," Quinn telegraphed The water bas been running a The broadcast will switch to
the Polar Bears on the occasion steady 60 degrees in recent Times Square shortly before
of the 1962 dunkin1. Quinn is the days, she said --considerably rn idnight. where CBS-TV
club's only honorary member. warmer than the record 46-personality Lee Jordan will sup-~ The other club member who degree low recorded by Polar ply the commentary that had
) has not participated in the ritual Bears one New Year's Day. been carried on for many years
~ ;
Jus t before noon on Monday, by Ben Grauer. who also died in
all participants will stretch out 1977.
· Pmon Films along the beach, holding hands. At midnight. as the ball drops
• and advance into the water until from the top of the Allied . ..
Screening Set
• male Polar Bears are totally Chemical Tower at Times •
" submerged, females to their Square, the band will break into
'" aboulders. its familiar theme -"Auld
. PHOENIX, Ariz. <AP)-Tbree
: prison orficials will hence-
:' forth screen all motion pidures
:: before they are shown to Arizona
Stale Prison inmates. weeding
out those that exploit sex and ·
:-violence, acting Corrections
· Director Ron Taylor says. ·~ .
· Taylor announced the new
procedure a fow days after Gov.
Wesley Bolin rtctlwd • eopr ~
· · La Roca, a ma1azlae pablllbld
: by inmates, which save c~Pldl9,
• aummaries or upcomlDI ftlm
: showlnts inel\ldlRI eatrl• about : "kinky aex•· and terrorlltn.
: Previou1ly, inmatea picked
: lhelr own e!holces Crom a di •
: tnbuton' lllt.
"We WOUidn't want them to LanJt Syne."
ruin their pretty hairdos," said
secretary Crespinel. ·
Afterwards, all new Polar
Bears will be issued mem-
bership cards and stickers for
their car windows. A bonfire will
await them on the sand, as well
as hot cOftee and frankfurters.
The Polar Bear tradition start-
ed 21 years ago at. Treasure
Island as a lark, Creapinel said.
A Dl'lllle tnlttlator was the late incf Ultrlalilt. fied HodJe.
''Some people thouaht we
oqbt to lJmll Polar Bear mem· ~, to Treasure Island resi-
dents, ' said Creaploel. · "But
Hod&e disaireed. He said the
ocean ls free to everyone. and
JlOW we hHe Polar Bears acal·
t~red all over the world.'•
Police Buy
Wrong Weed
AUSTIN, Texas (AP> -
It was a abort-lived bust.
Police said three men
were arrested after they
tried to son an officer
"marijuana ...
They were released a
few hours later after
anaJy1l11 disclosed they
had 1old tbe policeman a
pound ot alfalfa.
Talk .•
~ .,
'· .. !
Duties • ,
Stephen Seymour phrased it in
Polish. ··your lus ts for the
future:' listeners reported.
They sajd Carter's "when l
left. the United States" was
translated into ·'when r aban-
doned the United States:·
Seymour's Polish was "very
rusty.·· Polish Journalists said.
·'It looks as 1f Seymour
learned his Polish from a
grandfather or somebody who
have must emigrated from some
backwoods of eastern Poland
decades ago.·· said one. "He used.
antiquated words and strange
grammar. J ust hke uneducated.
Polish peasants still do."
Polish listeners said Seymour
also seemed to be substituting
~ome Russian words and syntax.
for th~ Polish.
Other examples of the report-
ed mistranslations JO the Carter
· ·'Our nation was foun·
ded"was translated as "our na-
tion was woven "
··Poland 1i. the ancestral
home of more than six million
Americans" came out as "A
state also which constitutes the
fatherland of ten million
"Pulaski County ·· was 1n·
tcrpreted "Pulaski Duchy."
-"He won the admiration ..
cam e as "He merited the
respect. ..
-"Realities of life" c1:1me BS
"conditionsoflife "
White House press secretary
Jody Powell denied reports that
Seymour had been relieved of all
translating duties. But he said
anoth er translator would be
used instead of Seymour for
Carter·s news conference Jater
Slate Department spokesman
John 'Trattner l>aid Seymour
might be limited to translating
from Polish into English during
the remainder of the Carter vis-
it. Seymour was not available
for comment.
Polish ofricials denied they
felt offended or insulted.
"Look. it was funny and we
had a good laugh-. But why should
we feel offended?" asked
the' chief editor of the naUonal
press agency Jnterpress.
Miroslaw Wojciechowski.
'No Eulogg Needed~
At memorial services in Los Angeles for film director
Howard Hawks, actor John Wayne, left, told the more
than 300 Hollywood. luminaries, "Each of us has his own
memories, so no eulogy is needed." Instead. he read an
anonymous poem, which began, .. Do not stand at m y
grave and weep --I'm not there." Actor James Stewart,
right, also was in attendance.
'Roses' to Bloom
In Sunday's Pilot
It ·s bowl time again in
Southern California and on na-
tionwide television. Parade and
sp~rts fans of the Orange Coast
will find the latest details on our
·'backyard" extravaganza, the
Tournament of Roses and Rose
Bowl as well as the other major
parades and games in Sunday·s
edition of. the Daily Pilot.
--About one family in eight will
own a recreational vehicle by
1980. according to estimations.
Starr writer Raymond Estrada
Jr. tells what to look for when
buying one in the lead You sec·
tion story.
P OT l.UCK? -No, it's all
planned for marketing success
at Twin Wmton where glazes are
matched in towel colors on
ceramic bathroom fixtures.
Staff writer J ackie Hyman re·
ports on the business page.
Pinkham's alcoholic cure for
female problems is long gone.
but many new medicines still
contain enough alcohol to pro-j
duce a high -or problems for
those who must swear orr. The
Associated Press looks into the t
problem in a You section story.
tele vision's adult comedy.
••Soap,•• was severely criticized
when it premiered last. fall it has '
been largely responsible for
ABC rising to the top in the rat-J ings game. An Associated Press
s tory in the entertainment sec·
tion explains why. ~
JAN.· We .. ..._ Y• to ...... _. spactwulw J ,.,., We. Eec111 JAN.
JA .... : yew at •II ....._ w. ofhf-_. n .. w tfacll of I ; orhcl ..S J _.N ...... ·-·He Cll•J1l1rs. ............ 9CGKB .. ..... A • ·JAN.~~._,. at ...._ nllHlbl-. A we•,..-appaldf to JAN.
J AN ' ,..c11aHc••Mr11llchd_fram ... wtca1••••••lftJAN:·
• col1ctioRoftnlJflleU)MI 1Fht•••• .. Hwt1r_...at • JAN~ nc111cec1pr1ces.w.ca• .... _..__..,J ,.,,. ·JAN.
• ..
rr1d1y O.C..mt>et 30 ""
THE Bl(; GRAPPLE: Usually
when some newswriler comes in
with a story that "they're fight·
ing again at City Hall." it draws
enormous yawns from the
. Arter all, they're always fight·
ing at city hall over something.
This kind or violence.
however, is almost always limit·
ed to great volumes or verbal
gas and hot air. The most
physical it gets is when some
bureaucrat or elected official
turns purple in the race or-in
really violent instances-bangs
a fist upon the table.
BUT THE NEWS of the day
now suggests that we ought to
pay a little more attention when
they report fights at city ball. At
least at Huntington Beach City
It develops that the fourth
floor of the Huntington Befich
municipal premises were nearly
deserted late Tuesday when City
Attorney Don Bonla and Assis·
tant City Attorney John O'Con-
nor had a little meeting.
· Now in recent history, there
has been no love lost between
Bonfa and O'Connor. They have
been feuding for some time. ll
came to a head when Bonra filed
'"' less·than-complimentary performance report on O'Con-
But according to police re·
ports, the late Tuesday confron-
tation between the pair de·
J!Cneraled from the high and
loft v mental maneuvering or two Je~~I minds.
RONFA ANO O'<.:ONNO R, <.il'·
<·ording to the cops, each accuse
thl· other or blowing his cool.
O'Connor alleged to officers
lhal Bonfa tried to t•hoke him .
adtltng ominously that "the man
has ;irms like telephone poles ...
Bonfa. on the other hand.
d;11mcd to police that O'Connor
j!rabbcd him by the shirt and tie
;ind slammed his head against a
wall. He rurttu>r alleged O'Con·
nor was holding him captive in the
office. Bolh municipal lawyers huvc
filed complainll. against each
other. Both have expressed a
willingness to take a lie detector
test. The city police say they've
never come up against anything
like this. The Orange County
Ui st rict Attorney's Orfice
docsn 't want to proi.ecute either
or them
Meanwhile, Huntington Beach
t·ouncil m<•mbcrs have reacted
v. 1th chagrin, embarrassment
and dismay. Mayor Ron Pat·
tinson favored doing away with
the city attorney's office. Coun·
n lman Ron Shenkman called
the incident "sickening" and "a
black mark on city govern-
ment." Councilman Ted Bartlett
~uggcstcd the two legal eagles
"were acting like a couple of
k icls."
NOW IN MOST cities, if the.
relationship between two legal
minds had degenerated to clutch
and grapple, the city council
would abruptly show both parties.
a final paycheck and the rear1
door .
But Huntington Beach is <lif-
f erent. City Attorney Bonfa is an.
elected official, Just like mem·
hers of the council. He holds of·
!ice at the pleasure of the voters.
So just how much power does
the city council have when pusb
comes to shove?
Oh my. maybe that should be
worded another way.
lst In 5 Iflo•tlis
Index Shows
Economic Dip
w ASHINGTON <AP l -A government barometer of future economic
trends declined in November for the first time in five months, the Com·
merce Oepartmentsaid today.
The inde" or leading indicators declined 0 2 percent last mo"th, after
moderate gains or 0.6 percent in September and 0.8 percent in October.
Economists have cautioned
that a one-month change in the in·
dex can be an aberration. But
they say the Index should continue
to increase if progress is made lo
reduce unemployment and
stimulate theeconomy.
THE CARTER administration
is planning a tax cut late next
year. when it expects a slower
economy, but it has counted on
strong economic activity at the
start orthe new year.
Half of the Commerce Depart·
In France?
France, which maintains an in·
dependent nuc lear striking
force, is reported moving
toward development or its own
cruise missile.
U.S. intelligence sources
estimate French research prob·
ably could produce such a mis·
sile in from five to 10 years.
REPORTS OF French interest
in developing a cruise missile
come while the United States
and the Soviet Union are dti.
cussing possible formulas for
controlling cruise missiles
within the framework o( an
overall U.S.·Russian agreement
lo c urb strateg ic nuc lear
A number of North Atlantic
Alliance member nations have
indicated an interest in develop·
ing cruise missiles for NATO.
l.lut these hopes may hinge on
whether a U.S.·Soviet SA LT
agreement will permit the Unit
t:d Slates t o share s uch
technology with its European al
The French formally broke
with NATO militarily in the
1960s and have gone their own
way in developing and deploying
nuclear-armed land-based and
submarine-launched missilel.
and nuclear weapons for bom
be rs.
According to American in·
tclligence analysts, the French
government has not yet made a
final decision on the scope or
cruise missile research to be
LONDON <AP > -Johnny Rot·
ten, Sid Vicious, Steve Jones and
Paul Cook, members of the Sex
Pistols punk rock band, have
been denied visas to the United
States. U.S. Embassy information of·
ficer Jim Asher saus visas had
been denied Thursday for the
rock·ers. whose bes t-sellinJC
albutU._has been banned by the
Brili!'I Broadcas ting Corp.
Asher declined to give specific
reasons for denying the visas.
A spokesman for the group
said an appeal may be filed with
immigration authorities in
ment's indicators increased
while half declined in the No·
vember report. The biggest con-
tributor to the one-month drop
was a decline in the money sup-
ply. The money balance index
dropped 0.36 percent, a sign of
tighter credit and a signal of
weakening ecooomic activity.
Other negative contributors to
the index were slower deliveries,
fewer liquid assets, a decline in
prices o( sensitive goods and
fewer orders for plants and equip-
ment. Doig Mackerel POSITIVE FACTORS were a
longer average work week, a
declining layoff rate. a s light in-
r rease in stock prices, more new
orders for con.sumer products and
increased building permits.
Two crew m embers aboard the All
Together were rescued after the 28-foot
fishing boat ran aground on a sandbar at
the Jupiter Inlet. Jupiler, Fla .• but the
boat. With its 9,000 pounds or mackerel.
was loot. Circling gulls probably would
have liked a taste of the cargo.
Lockheed-Georgia Ends Strike
Striking Lockheed-Georgia Co.
workers have voted to end their
11-week strike and return to
work Tuesday with a three-year
contract that maintains existing
seniority rights.
bers cast ballots on the contract
Thursday. But he declined to re-
lease vote totals or to say
whether the margin was heavy
or slim.
Fire Danger Ci t e d ( )
Federal authorities say the dust
collecting system of a grain ------------
Reeves Bowen, president of
Local 709 or the International
Association of Machinists and
Aerospace Workers, said "the
bulk" of the local's 4,400 mem-
The vote came one day after
s triking mechanics at
Lockheed's CaJifornia plants
voted to reject a contract offer
and to continue the walkout
' Grandmother Held
In Death of Boy, 3
elevator that exploded and killed
at least 15 people was found to
be "inadequate" during a safety
inspection last month.
At least 22 were injured in the
blast at the Farmers Export Co.
g rain elevator Tuesday night.
and rescue workers d(gging
through the rubble believe three
more are missing. Ignition of
highly combustible grain dust Is
being considered as a · possible
cause of the blast.
Catlee Poliq ProfJed
NEW YORK (AP> ..... Federal BALTIMORE tAPl -A Baltimore woman has been charged with o fficials reportedly are in-
murder and child abuse in the death of her 3-year-old grandson, who vestigating coffee purchases
was found frozen to death in her unheated house, police said. made by agents or Brazil and El
Only days before Mar~ A. Br.own_ died of exposure ove.r the Salvador in an effort to de·
Thanksgiving holiday, a city housing inspector reported he tned to ter:mine whether the coffee·
enter the house after a school of· producing countries conspired to
fic1al had complained or UO· keep prices high here. · .. ,t. s the e In addition to the dead boy, six sanitary COnUJ ton r · The New York Tt'mes auoted or Mrs. Brown's children, ran~· POLICE SAID Thursday they ing in age from 6 months to 18, "well-informed trade an reg-
tions as saying the government
was Pl"Obinl activity that was
designed to maintain high coffee
prices at a time when market
forces might otherwise have
brought them down.
/tlUJer Aucdled
William Proxmire says Presi·
den t Car ter's nominee for
chairman of tbe Federal
Reserve Board is a rookie who is
a "smashing success in busi-
ness" but whose experience with
monetarr eolicy is slim.
The Wisconsin Democrat said
Thursday t hat Carter might
have done better to leave Arthur"
Burns on the job than to have
named G. William Miller, Tex-.
trori Inc. chairman, to a 14.yearl
term on the board, four of them _
as chalnnan. Textron is a con·
glomerate with interests rang·
ing lrom zipper production to de-.
fense systems. were called to the home of Lillie ltved in the home. ~Jatory" sources in today's edi-P Brown. 41. the grandmother • ..:...:.:.:::...:~::.:..::.:..:.:..:..:::.... ______ __::_ ________________ ===========-
after an 11-year-old uncle found
the child lying on the floor of a
third-noor room he shared with
al least three other children.
The room contained only one
large pillow, according to police
Police said Mrs. Brown, who
was arrested Wednesday night
at the home or a sister, slept in
the only healed bedroom of the
rented three-story row house.
Her room was heated by an elec·
tric healer.
service was supplied to the
house, but police said the oil
burner had not been connected
during the two years the family
lived in the home. The dead boy was the son of
Mrs. Brown's 17·year-old
daughter. who lives elsewhere in
the city.
Police said the house had little
food, clothing or furniture.
DR. ANN DIXON, an assistant
state medical examiner. ruled
the child died of hypothermia.
subnormal body temperature.
She said there were old scars on
the body but sbe was unable to
determine bow or when the child
suffered those injuries.
. entefta\n'ngoAlL '< p\L01 \n\ofrna\\'J~ .. ~ur saturda'/
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Snow Whitens Northeast
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Utility Bond .
Rating Down
SAN FRANCISCO CAP> -Pacific Telephone
Co. claims that a downgrading ot the utility's
bonds could cost telephone users some $35 million.
For the thJrd time l.n live years, the bonds
were downgraded Thursday when Moody's In·
vestors Service dropped the company's bonds
from AAA -lite top rating -lo AA. noting "a
generally difficult regulatory atmosphere."
OU SpiU Co11talaed
LONG BEACH CAP> -A final cleanup was
expected today oC about 200 barrels of heavy crude
oil which spilled into two Long Beach marinas.
dirtying several private boats dicked there, the
Coast Guard reported.
An estimated 100 barrels, or 4,000 gallons, of
oil were contained Thursday at a storm drain emp-
tying into the Bahia Marina in Long Beach.
Another 100 barrels were reported at the Golden
Sail~ Marina. The spill was traced
·~-1 ...........
On June Ballot
Voters View
Tax Cut Bill
SACRAMENTO CAP> -A proposed S7 billion
Jocal property tax cut has qualified for the state
ballot next June 8, setting up a m~or-pollUcal bat·
tie over local taxes 8lld spending.
Secretary ot State March Fong Eu announced
Thursday that the lnltlaUve filed by Howard
Jarvis bad collected more than 750,000 slgnatu.res.
with reports still pending In 14 counties.
THE MEASURE needed 499,846 valld
signatures to qualify for lbe ballot. Jarvis. a
longtime crusader for property tax cut.s, filed peti-
tions with 1.2 million signatures.
Supporters of the initiative say it would pro-
vide needed relief to homeowners and curb local
government spending. Opponents say it would
destroy local government services such as police
and schools.
( )
, to breaks in three oil STATE lines in the Signal Hill
ONE EFFECT the initiative is expected to
have before June is to prod Gov. Edmund Brown
Jr. and legislative leaders to break the deadlock in
the Legislature on property tax relief.
U approved by a majority of volen in June, the
initiative would amend the state constitution to limit
annual property taxes to 1 percent of market value
and limit reassessments by county assessors to2 per·
cent annually.
---------' tails were available, saicf Michel Robson, 10, Rescued After Two Days. Her Grandparents Died.
Coast Guard spokl'swoman Day Mercer.
32 Ege Chief'• .lob
LOS ANGELES CAP> -Some of the nation s
best-known law enforcement officals were seek-
ing to replace Edward M. Davis as this city's
police chjef, officials say.
Girl Survives ordeal THE INITIATIVE makes no provision for
cities, counties and schools to replace the estimat·
ed $7 billion cut In property lax revenues. That
figure represents a two-thirds cut in property tax-
es, and a cut of one·third or all local government
Among the 32 persons who will take a written
test for the post Jan. 14 are seven out-of-state con-
tenders, including Patrick V. Murphy, head of the
Washington, D.C.-based Police Foundation and
former New York City police commissioner: and
William P. Lucas, Wayne County, Mich., sheriff
and a former Detroit FBI official.
Plane Hits Mormtain; Grandparents l(illed
iffan lle ld in Slaying
BELLFLOWER CAP) -An unemployed
neighbor of 21-ycar-old Pamela Sperry whose
partially nude body was found m her apartment
Dec. 21, has been booked in connection with her
rape and strangulation. authorities say.
Sheriff's detectives said Thursday they had ar-
r ested Harry L. Rowley, 24, who lived downstairs
from Miss Sperry.
They dad not disclose what information led lo
his arrest
.ti;hark f'o11nd ba River
REDDING (APl A dead fish recovered
from the Sacramt:nto River near Redding was
1dentific'<1 Friday as a shark.
State Fisb and Game Department spokes man
Paul Werts said he didn't know how the 21h-foot
fi::.h found floating near the sheriff's posse grounds
by two teen-agers got there, "but it didn't swi m up
the river "
J..: L CAJON <AP) -A lO·year-old girl, suffer-
ing from a broken jaw and other injuries, huddled •
in 40-degree temperatures and sporadic rain for
t wo days near the bodies of her grandparencs,
k11lcd when their s mall plane crashed on a moun-·
taintop near here.
The girl, Machel Robson. was llsled in fatr
condition today at El CaJon Valley Hospital. She
l>u rfered a broken jaw, burns on her legs from raw
gasoline and other minor inJuries.
Iler grandpurents, Eugene and Rachel McCar-
frey of Boulder. Colo., were killed in the crash.
A SHERIFF'S RESCUE helicopter discovered.
thl' wreckage Thursday about 75 feet from the top
or 3,210-foot Rock Mountain, 23 miles east of San
··w e were about 7:> feet away when he heard a
little girl s aying, 'Help me, down here·," said
Deputy Dennis Wilson, the pilot of the helicopter.
··we found her 15 to 25 feet on the other side of
the wreckage in high chaparral. She said she had
been there a couple of days and was thirs ty and
"'But she wasn't crying. She was JUSt real hap-
py that we were there."
'Headlnck to Handcuffs
Chicago Dip Picks Wrong Pocket to Pick
From l\P Dispatches
The pickpocket could hardly huve picked a
worM' target.
Jimmy Jackson, a 6-foot·6, 350-pound cham·
pion wrestler from Oklahoma State University.
was walking through O'Hare Airport in Chicago
when jostled by a man. Jackson said he felt his
comb fall from his hip pO<'ket and noticed his
wallet was missing.
The match that followed wasn't much or a con-
test. The two-time collegiate heavyweight wrest-
ling champion said he chased the pickpocket 25 yards, tackled him and applied a powerful pinning
;i determination on who must pay costs or a back-
ground probe to determine Rudin·s suitability.
Faiss contended the Nevada Gaming Com-
mission erred when panel members decided to call
in Rudin as a director of the firm based in
Phoenix, Ariz. The order cancelled a previous or-
der that Rudin be called in as a stockholder.
• Jsracli Pres ident Ephraim Kabir said he wili
lt.>ave the largely ceremonial post next May, when
his five-year te rm expifes.
Katzir, an emioent scientist,
was expected lo resume his
chemistry research.
A spokesman for the presi-
• dent said Katzir had long in· Sen. S.I. Hayakawa. a Japanese-American. tended t1> serve only a single
will travel to Japan next week to push trade term and the announcement
between California and the Orient. had no political implications.
Hayakawa, a Republican, announced the trip "He is basically a man of
to reporters between science and research and he·s
courses of an informal ( ). likely to return lo 1t ," the
lunch with Gov. Edmund PEOPLE spokesman said.
G. Brown Jr. at the •
senator's home. ----------"
li e said he and
Brown, a Democrat, "both are interested in the
prosperity and well-being or the state of
Brown spent three days in Japan last spring.
and Hayakawa said he hoped to get some pointers
from the governor. • Americans for Democratic Action, rating
senators on their 1977 voting records, said that
Sen. Richard Schweiker, R-Pa .•
dropped from an 80 percent
. "liberal" rating in 1976 to lS
percent this year.
Schweiker. who was former
California Gov . Ronald
Reagan's c hoice as a vice-
presidenUal runnjng mate last
year. voted liberal on only three
of 20 test votes. said Leon Shull.
the ADA's national director.
"For what principles can
Sen. Schweiker possibly stand?" asked Shull. "In
his bid for higher office. be appean to have aban-
doned all previously held values."
* A Maryland appeals court. refused to block a
clvU suit filed In an effort to f01"Ce 8pl19 T. Apew to repay $87 ,000 in alleged
kickbacks. Tbe Court ol Special Ap-
peals said the former vice
president'• request to overturn a
Jower-court order allowine tbe
1uJt to be tried was in vlolaUon of
state judicial proceedln1s.
Apew bas been given unW Jan.
it to ask the appeals court to
Three Montcomery COUDt.7
H1ld1nt1 llled tbe 1uJt. Hekln1 to recover
• ktc;kbacka llllettdly paid to Atnew by arcbltec·
tural and IQCineertn.a firm.I durlq bla lerm a8
JOHl".DOI' ol Maryland. . •
. Del Webb Corp., wllleb. owm botel-cuhlol fn.
Lat v.,... Reno and Stat.11.H. challenpd ' state Gamlnl..~mmiaakln order that Mkll•1 ••dJ•. Pl'an 'a lawyer, be Hcen1ed u a corporate
director, a apokeemu Mid.
LU Vecu lawyer .. ..._ aald U.. actJon nted 1n Dlltrtct Court Ml Canon City allO ukl for.
King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Sylvia of
Sweden arrived for an 18-day private visit lo
They will stay most of the lime with friends
and relatives of Queen Sylvia's Brazilian-born
* Empress Farah Pahlavi has taken <Wer the
chairmanship of Tehran University . r-The university, the largest
in Iran with an estimated 16,000
students. has been one of the
political trouble centers of Iran.
The chairmanship i!t a new-
ly created position. There was
no oCflclal explanation why the
empress was appointed to the
post, but she long has been in-
volved in student affairs.
,. YI *
Sophia West used to bet on horses at Santa
Anita and Hollywood Park, always coming home a
But a ~ Irish Sweepstakes
ticket shared with her daughter
brought the 69-year-old Los
Angeles woman $19,000 in prize
Mrs. West and her
daughter. Jean, who learned
that they held a second·place
Ucket tn the Swee1>9takea, will
aha re the $38,000 P.rize.
"I just cant believe it,"
uid Mias West, a schoolteacher.
Or. Rlcllard H. Armltafe1• vice president tor
student tervlces at Ohio State university, bas been
named vice chancellor of UC San Diego.
Armitage. who baa been dean of Ohio State's
araduate sc:bool Hven 1e.ra, alao wfil be dean of
studentl, eUecUve ne•t June.
Armltaae-earned a bachelor•• degree at
Ober.lln CoUese ln 113t. a mutet'a at Ohio Stat.e ln
lNO and a doctorate there in uu. * . Alhed E. X•, a New Yort ecCJnOmlat, wilt
sen• another One·)'ear term u chalrmaJ\ of t.be
Clvll AeronautJct Board.
Pftllldlld Cartn1 wbO Ital had clllfennces
wlt.b Kahn. announcea the ~tmut.
KabD bu been a •trona id-toe.ate of oompetl.. .uon amonc th• aJrlJnea.
' J •
__ ...,., ______ ,._ __
THE P~NE CRASHED in a rainstorm on a
flight to San Diego from Boulder as Michelle and
her grandparents h eaded for a vacation in
Ensenada, Mexico.
The plane was last reported early Tuesday
over Parker, Ariz .. when M_s:Caffrey, 56, inquired
by radio about weather conditions. The search was
launched Wednesday. A signal from an emergency
location transmitter in the plane, activated when it
crashed. led the helicopter pilot to the mountain
MICHEL TOLD doctors she was sleeping
when the plane hit and that both she and her 55-
year-old grandmother were thrown out.
The woman lived briefly. Her body was found·
25 feet from the plane, but McCaffrey's body was
found still strapped in the pilot's seat.
An orthodontic technician. McCaffrey was
described by friends as a good pilot with 500 to 600
hours of flymg lime.
Sherifr's deputies, led by a group of Barona In-
dians, tried to reach the wreckage Thursday night
to recover the bodies of Michel's grandparents
but were forced back. They planned to resume the
effort today.
MICHEL'S MOTHER, Carol Robson, flew
here Thursday ni ght from the family home at Fort
Foes. such as Assembly Speaker Leo
McCarthy, D-San Francisco, say passage of the in·
itiative would force either massive increases or
·other taxes or cuts In such things as police and fire
protection, parks and schools.
Rape Victim. May
Choose Hospital
SACRAMENTO CAP) -Rape victims have
the right to go to the hospital of their choice,
within reasonable limits. for a police-supervised
examination, the state attorney general's office
said Thursday.
lo a formal opinion. Attorney General Evelle
Younger said the choice of hospital was up to the
victim as long as the hosp1taf1s reasonably accept-
able to the local government agency that is paying
for the examination.
State law requires cities and counties lo pro-
vide free examinations for rape victims for the
purpose of gathering evidence for possible pros-
Collins, Colo. · -,.~------~-r;;;;r=Piiiiiii====i'
"I don't think anybody ever gives their kids
enough credit -thank goodness Michel didn't
panic," said Mrs. Robson, 31.
She sa1d Michel, a Girl Scout, was taught
never to panic -"hug a tree but don't panic or
MEED A LA WYER7. law,...,_
* Divorce
.. EATltfG
• SI Lt<. 711.sf run." Mrs. Robson is a Girl Scout leader. • Bankruptcy * Criminal
S.rvl~• Time 54M'I\ •t v-Oool' IC•ll St-NHrMI y_-AtH)
..J w ~ a: 0
* Wills-Probate COSTAMeSA642-1753 lt.2' ......... Blft. Complete coverage of county
government and courts.
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or•ngec,,.,,o •• 1y P1101 Editorial Page
ThOmas Kee1t1l 1Edltor
Fod•>'· December 30 1977 Barblr4 Krelblct\/l:dlt0tlal P~ Edltof'
t t I An AU-out Drive
1 For Ride-sharing
Good luck to lho~c transportation executives who are
renewmg ~rrorts to lure Orange County drivers and their
Southem California neighbors out of their autom obiles.
Officials from the Southern California Association of
Governments <SCAG) and CalTruns plan to promote ride-
s haring --carpooling a nd bus riding -·with a public rela
lions anti information campaign s tarting early next year.
Th ey hope to involve local transit agencies along with
major employers in w h at is being billed as the first com-
bined effort of all transportation agencies lo discourage
motorists from driving alone.
So far as it goes, that sounds like a wor thy id~a.
H doesn 't take a transportation expert to recognize
that sharing rides s hould result in fewer v.ehicles on
a lready-congested roadways.
And fewer cars on r oads would offer one ingr edient in
the mix of things that could he lp alleviate Southern
California's growing transportation problem. The other
much -needed ingredients. of cour~e. are Improved
freeways, convenient and low-cost publiC' tra nsit as well
as energy-economical vehicles
Orange Countv and Southern California motorisb
already have been told repeatedly they should share
rides or travel by b us if possible. If the new campaign b
• to s ucceed at all. transportation officials had better be
prepared with some previously unheard and convincin.£
argum ent.-..
Our Affluence Hurts
n ·s difficult to see how <.1 nation's affluence can
plunge it into financial trouble, but that little m ys tery of
f'Con omJCS 1s happening right now to the Uni led Slates.
The once powerful dollar has been laking nosedtve~
almost everywhere in the world, all hecause we can af
ford to buv too much abroad.
The country is awash with imports of all kinds. from
t·ars and lclcvbions to s hirts and shoes. and the public 1~
happily buying them up.
Unfortunately, Jess affluent n ations can 'l afford loo
many of our more expensive exports, so the balance of
trade is upside down ~ -too many dollars goin~ out and
not enough coming back
Of course the m ost serious factor in the trade deficit
;111d consequent weakening of the dollar is our lavish ex pen
d1t urc on foreign nil now about $45 billion a ~·ear. and s till
~oing up.
.\pparentl.' thl' \\(.'II -paid Am~ncan consumt•r 1s not
interested in an~ voluntary cutback in energy u~c. So the
.... nowball will continut· until Congres:, slops playing
~amt•s with utlempts to get energy consumption under
-.onH' sort of control.
I laYing failed to pass an energy bill before the year
'-'nd rcc~ss, thal body won't h ave to trouble itself with the
problem again before mid-January.
And given the certainty that debate on both energy
(·ons umplion and the overall trade balance will drag on
.md on. the public presumably will h ave plenty of lime to
l'nioy gualing gas and stocking up with import haq?ain-.
• ·while the rtollar continues its downward s lid<.•
Still Giving
Th"' James I n ·ine Foundation had an unusually bu~~
~·t·a r arranging for disposition of its 54.5 percent interest
in the frvine Company. as required by the Federal Tax
Hef orm Act of 1969. bul recipients of its largess were not
for~otten i.p lhc ~onfusion .
A report of Che fcfuttdation 's grants to charitable prOJ·
L't·t5 and prog~4lms in tbe past fisc<.11 year revealed t hat $.5 1
mill ion was distributed to91 beneficiaries .
This is slightly more than the foundation handed out
111 the entire decade from 1958 to 1967. It also is well
""er the average annual distribution from 1968to 1977.
l\Iojor Orange County beneficiaries in this last year
were South Coast ReJ?erlory in Costa Mesa, .. $125,000.
South Coast Community Hospital in South Laguna.
Sl00,000; and Providence Speech and Hearing Center in
Oran~e. $75,000
Laguna Beach's School of Art and Museum of Art
each received $25,000 and similar a mounts were distribut-
ed to Boys an d Girls Clubs and charitable groups
throughout the county.
Severance of its connection with the recently sold
Irvine Company presumably won't diminish the founda·
t 1on 's position. Its shares brought in a tidy $184 million.
which should keep the county's foremost chariCcim~ foun
dation in business for the for eseeable future.
• Op1n1ons expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot.
Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and
artists. Reader comment is invited. Address The Dally Pilot. P.O.
Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321.
Boyd/ Fishermen
Q. ''Settle a bet. Which
stal e h as the m ost fi s h-
A. Can only report that
California sells the most fish-
ing licenses with Mjchigan
second and Wisconsin third.
Ask me about bunting
licenses. Pennsylvania is
·nrst in those with Michigan
second again and New York
third. That state with the ·
fewest licensed hunters and
ris hermen ts Hawaii. l n -
cldentally, fi shermen is a
word without gender. It's
neuter just as a handsome
ship is neuter even though
said ship is always referred
to as she.
Q. "Bears sleep through the
winter, sort or. Do any
animals sleep through the
A. Crocodiles do, likewise.
sort ot: And some other rep·
tiles. What they do ls called
estivatlon, summer's coun-Dear
. · terpart to winter's hiberna·
l 've yel lo see a kid on
a bike obey the iramc
laws. I'm still shaking
after nearly mining
one who whhaed
throuJh a stop sip in
front of mo as ii be
·owned tho road.
Q. "What kind of food did
th e Pilgrims o n the
M aynower eat?"
A. Soup, mostly.
Q. "Tea is the world's most
popular bevtta1e, rtahl?' 1
A.Next to wet.er.
Q. "What wu Mae Weal's
firttm<JVle?" I
A ... Ni&htAlw Nl.abt.'' '
Our Lanauaae man b1s
been 'nrormed th1l "come
btll or hip water" sUrted
out tone a10 as .. come hall or
h~lh it.er."
Jack Anderson' .r
Alien Traders Deal in Misery
hables in the better restauranls
or the border town of Nogales.
Mexico, naUily dressed men can
regularly be seen plotting busi-
ness deals over tequila martint
In the alleys behind the
restaurants, other types or
''business .
men" are
sc heming
t h e
smuggling of
illegal Mex·
1c an workers
into the Unit·
ed States
The assembly line for this
trade m human misery begins
across the Rio Grande in the
dingy bars and cantmas or the
Mexican part of Nogales. There.
touts operate openly. putting
together package deals that
promise Mexican peasants illicit
entry and jobs in the United
States. The poverty-stricken il -
legal aliens often work, at sub-
standard pay. for millionaire
ranchers and profiteering bus1
nessmen us far north as Idaho
TH ESE ARE ~ome of the
seamier vignettes observed b)
two of our reporters , Hui
Bernton and Doug Foster, dur
1ng an investigation of condi
lions that have produced a flood
of illegal Mexican immigrants
~nto the United Stales. The rush
of norlh·bound Mexicans is
neating economic, social and
law enforcement problems of ex
plosive proportions
Uernlon und Foster qu1ckl)
found that the easiest and
cheapest illegal way to transit
the l'.S.-Mexican border 1s tv
walk across To prove il. the)
slipped through the barbed win.·
border frn<'l· them~elves one
They had been given some tips
on border-c-rossing by a SO-year·
old campesino. Jose Garcia. The
father of eight !-.Ons. he could
find no work in Mexico. lie had
crossed the border on root ti few
weeks earlier, hoping Lo work at
a Phoemx runch for S7 a da)
Carcia had been caught and was
being shipped back to Mexico.
but he wi ll soon cross again
'M.>· family 1s hungry. There
urc no JObs in my village and
there is no land to farm back
Paul Harvey
home . Wh al chotl'e dc1 I huve?"
he sighed
Bemton and Foster set. ouL on
foot trom Nogales a fte r
moonrise. They trudged into the
desert. following a well-beaten
path that pJ ralleled the fence
demarking the border. Charred
campfire remains a nd s hreds of
elothlng snagged on t~ top or
the fence atleisled to previous
THEY SPOTTED u hole in the
barrier and quickly wriggled
through. They hiked a mile
through the barren desert and
soon emerged on a main Arizona
highway heading north. It had
taken them only 30 minutes to
achieve their surreptitious entry
into tM United States.
Illegals who travel by foot
must circumvent border patrol
sensors and elude check points.
Their chances of belng picked up
and deposited back In Mexico ¥re laltly hi_.,.
TIOJS HAS evolved an or -
ganised racket to smuggle illegaJ
a liens across the border in cars
and trucks. U.S. officials told our
reporters the going price for safe
delivery is $150 a head. But they
were able to arranbe a better
bargain in a fly-specked Mexican
They posed as European stu·
dents who could not enter the
United States legally. Within
mlnutei;, a thin greasy-haired
s tranger sidled up to one of
them, flashed a gold -toothed
smile and shortly arran ged to
have the m s muggled into
Tucson for $120. The stranger
failed to make the rendezvous.
The next evening. they ap-
LAte f Al I in W. Europe
proached a taxi parked near th
cbaln link border fence .. Th
draver mistook them for agen
Qf a n Arizona ranch and pro
posed a deal for illegal laborers.
He oUered not only to recruit
work crew but lo see them safe
ly across the border. Our re-
porters were required only t
meet the consignment of m en o
the other side and whisk them t
their ranch. 1£ stopped by borde
patrolmen, our reporters wer~ told, they should simply den
knowing the Mexicans were ii
legal. They were assured they;
would be freed while the menc
U>"y had brought would be re•
turned to Mexico. :
Border pnlrol officials con~
firmed the difficulty of buildinfo.'i
a strong ~ourt case against such
fles h peddlers. The only wil-
ness eg against the m an·
rrightened Mexicans who refuse
lo testify in U.S. courts before
bein g deported, "8aid the of•)
ficials. ·
Carl E. Judkins wearily recount·
ed his 10-year struggle to nail '-t
man he identified as the god•
rather of illegal alien s muggling.
His quarry was Vicente Rui1
Tellez, whose ilUcit underground
railroad s hipped laborers td
s uch distant spots as Jdaho an<t
J llinois .
Like Captain A hab, who
chased the great white whale,
Judkins relentlessly pursued
Tellez and succeeded in getting
him deported. Later he accom•
panied Mexican police as the>~•
arrested Tellez and jailed hi11T
on criminal charges.
But. today, TelJez is back 1n
charge of his far-flung smug-
gling empire, living comfortably
under an unknown alias 1n
Chicago. The vengeful Mexican
t>riminal ~put out a death con·
tract on Judkins' head and ttH•
border patrol official look an <'\
tended vacation .
The frustrated J udklOs 1s now
back at work in the Bord\•!"
Patrol's Tucson offlce irying to
ferret out TeUt!z' assumed name
and bring him lo book again.
footnote: Future columns will
tell how Bernton ·and Foster
traced the trail or illegal immi·
grants to giant ranch empires Irv
the United States, how the un
lawful aliens are exploited, and
how an even more sinister prod
uct -Mexican heroin -make~ •
11:.Wfl)' intolhe United States.
Spoiled Weliare Brats Need Weaning
Money taken from productive
Americans and given to the un
productive now totals 200 billion
dollars a year
A Georgia ·farm boy has to
have learned that you can't have
more people ridin~ the wagon
than pulUng.
President Carter. campaign·
ing, promised to "put un -
e mp I oy c d
Americans to
I reall v
think he
wants lo and
means to
The prob
lem is that
a fter three
generations or
spoon f eed ·
ing, the weaning process must be
For 27 of the past 28 months the
Art Hoppe
number or "Help Wanted" ads in
newspapers has increased .
Presently there <1re 26 percent
more such ads than one year ago
ONE FACTOR is that the
number or American men who
don't want to work hus increased
71 percent in nine years.
Some of them prefer to be
"househusbands" while their
wives work -yet are officially
ltsted as "unemployed" for as
long as those benefits last.
A l a r ger numbe r or Un ·
employed protest that they are
not qualified for lhc available
jobs. In response to that, the Ad·
ministration is seeking money
for a gigantic jobs training pro·
gram .
In the short run 1l will cost you.
But, hopefully, confronted with a
choice of job training or jobs,
many would stop goldbricking
und go lo work
MEANWIDLE, the deservtng
needy would be trained to
become self-supporting.
Some past efforts to put
welfare recipients to work have
failed. Employers have found
that many, with low' s kills and
poor work attitudes, don't stick
al the jobs for which tbey are
Ess entially, they are un -
reconstructable goof-offs.
But Labor Secretary Marshall,
recognizing that problem, ho~
that it can be remedied
however gradually as work
becomes more prorllable than
Taxpayers everywhere are so
fed up with public welfare -as is
-· that were it put to a vote they
would stop ·the ~ravy tr<Jin
A generation of spoiled braL<;
would respond to a total welfan·
cutoff by burning and sackin.i.:
our cities. That is why they will have to ht•
weaned gradually.
AND TilE experience of some
slates is encouraging. In Utah,
where all able-bodied welfare re-
cipients must work -the state's
cost or welfare was reduced by 16
percent in one year.
Indeed, the federal gover n·
menl 's already-established Work
Incentive Program last year
placed 230,000 welfare recip1enL-;
in paying jobs where they ar"'
earning an average $3 10 an
If that's not a cure-au it's bet
ter than nothing -a nd we'vt.-
tried nothing.
Life-saving Diet Will Teach You to 'Think Fat'
The most tragic news in yea rs
Is that 36 persons struggling to.
purge themselves of excess fat on
som ething called "The Last
Chance Diet" have gone to their
It ls tragic for it reminds each
of us or both our own ftickering
mortality and
the unfairness
of life.
Here these
poor devils
were, forcing
to exist
som eh ow on
300 calories u
day of an evil·
s melling J •
quid protein and before they
could show the ms elves off on
nut summer'• 1olden beaches
• •. Well, all thelr suffering waa
lornaught. ·
Yet there may be a lesson 1n all
this. Alter all, these 36 doomed
souls were victims o! the tlmea.
We have become u notion or
dieters, boring each other with
our brukfast m nu11. naaglna
tach other over our cat.,n&
habits. and sometimes e ven
pu1bln1 lhal •econd helplna ol
cheesecake aside. Each d awn
brings the agonizing vows of
selidenial. Each nighl we retire.
miserable, ill·tempered and
guilt-ridden. Never, in the midst
of such plenty, have so many
pledged to deprive themselves of
10 much with so little results.
And now they tell us The Last
Cbance Diet may kill us.
WHAT NEXT! The only coo·
celvable answer is "The Very
twice that of a Modigliam. Fat 1s
beautiful. Keep telling yourselr
Conversely, when you think of
thin people, think of Uriah Heep,
John Wilkes Booth and Cassius'
"lean and hungry look.'' Thin
people are notoriously unlikable,
untrustworthy and unsexy. "Go-
ing to ~with a fas hion model,"
as one critic put it recently. "Is
like going to bed with a bicycle.''
Lael Chance Diet," a fad which THIN IS VGLY! Remember
should soon be sweeping the that. And if thin people don 't like
country it. let them eat cake. Now there
Llke most such strict regim~:s. art no ''miracle diets" that can
The Very Lru1l Chttnce Diel de· make you fat overnight. True.
muds that you not only c,banae there are certain crash program:.
your eating patlerns, but radical· that m\gbt enable you to g::iin as
ly revise your entire attitude much as 30 beautiful pounds in a
towardfood. · montti. But most reputable
Rather than ''lhlnk thin," u . pbyalclant would advise you to
most diets advise, you must think· avoid them.
lat. A far better method is to slm1,.
It ian't difficult. Our attitudes ly follow nature's way and say
tow1rd fat. are culturally c:ondl· · yes to your stomach. Whtie there
Uone d. Adorinl subjec\11 ot ls no reuon to give up mcaJs
Polynesian nobility and certain betwe~ snacks, you might ti')'
African cblenalns revere rat. 1ubstdutinc a hot fudge sundae
And anyone who bumps 1pwl • fOC' a half •rapefrult el bre&klatt.
J 11iu111e1u• Sumo wte Uer Avwld taly vegetables. l.llal.Ca
respects tt. u,·1 cert.Unl.Y ao aecl· s prouts and anythlng bolled un
dent that ~ Ruben11 nu~ U.1 ror: lH it! boiled in oU . There are
---• I ..
also several good, inexpensive
saccharine substitutes on the
market. Sugar is one.
Stay away f rom proteins.
l'rotems create energy which in
tum can lead to exercise and
other dangerous activities which
bum up valuable fat. Drinking in
moderation is all right, but with a
little effort you should be able to
do better.
IN NO TIME, friends will be
saying admiringly, "My. you
look wonderful! Haven't you put
on 11 lot of weight?'' For as n
famous international hostess 11
think it wnl'I Elizabeth Taylorl
said. ··No one can be t0<1 rich or too fat. ..
Actually, when it comes lo
weight control. The Very Last
Chance Diet will probably work
no better than any other diet. and
all you will gn\n ls fre~pm from
·miser y. self·deprivtittlon an<l
gulll. But that's something.
You may also drasUcally
decreaae your llf tXi>etWl'\CY.
But k(lep ln mind Lh c ample aet
by th~ 36 tragic caaei; cited
W1tb luck, yml could ,_,( hll by,
a truck .
™f 816 ONE!
12 ;o
Fri~. December 30. 1977
by Brtd Anderson BOOMER by Wm. F. Brown and Mel casson
IF w 5~1..D
01€:' WHO 5tlALL I
L.1~1 A~ 'OUIZ
8o1' ~ow CAN 'l'ou lt'IHtlZrr
'bu2 o~ Mo,..ie y' ll!lllM!\
1F' You·~ ~or , !!.;J•· At..1ve r .._ ,.-iftM~
by Tom Batluk
By CharlH Rodrigues
.... _
""u s.,.. 10 ee ON i"H e SAFE: s1c::>e, Nu~se ...
.. : .. ·· ...... , ... .
by Mell
• • •••• , # ....
ON i"H I s New
ANE:Si"HE:S 10t,...O-Gl S1"', OKAY ?
l ..
by Charles M. Schult
by Templeton and Forman
Peif:R"SC>N5' TO
wa.coMe, GAN6-, 10 OUR 1.AST
seMINAR OF7lif: Yt:ARl ..
--. 10iHf:-mJ:NP1"N\RO
by Harold Le Doux
by Tom K. Ryan
UNITED FNtv,. Syftdlclte ACllOSS l'°'Y tint 48 Zoo antrnal "111••1'1 f'llate le!IM:
1 Money 49 Comloftlr
5 In f9Mf"ff 10 • • It 10···· ... -: HllllPll Ol*ahOUH
14 Elcl~l¥ely 53 Arab ntlM
, 5 -avn: 64 MadlQMClr ..-r...t+t.....,.
P1lnt · memlllll 1Wifit4!tl appllcatot 58 lnlofmer
1 e Wldg9on e, Ponder
17 SullC)Oftld 82Thle:Sp.
lllHI 93 Hlllcopt9r
18 Ouerdlane Hllf!lbly
20 Feeda 1111 94 Dutch
kitty length
22 CMnl. tuftllt IMllUrt
23 T11koftllt 85Study lttdl ee Orindlno
24 Llttle pie IMltrlll 2e -• quandry 97 P111111t
27 Kind of CIM Plttr ••• •
30 A11111ln1 et DOWN llorne: 2 wora t 0r11111
3'Vt119et 29oon
35 T ra111actlon 3 lltnd a trip
13 lnMCt 40 WarthOuM
colony tmployet
19 Wiiiand or • Hlowtr Plrt Erlt ..... 44 Mr. Coward
21 lfftno11 48 ••••• -
lndllna punul•
25 Auditorium 4 7 Stiman
28 Print atylt 48 Miki 38 Gay 4 L.ondon ntn«I... ltndmtl'll' 2 27Tooll lllOI O ... luf
1.g. WOfdl H Fabflc 50 Sl1¥er lftlrll-
37 An lntttnt: 5 Snake 29 LIQht nell• 1ne· Abbr.
lf'ltltll 8Elf 30Vllll 51 Mtdleelpa·
31 ShakHPMrt 7 Utarary toelally tlt nt
clltrtcttf etylt 3t Anenge. 2 52 K--bctt!"
40 Trunk 8 Apciolntment word• 53 Iota
41 Larve dw 9 Nttdle 32 Goddlll ol 55 S11$>Pt<
42 CNN dolllO optnlllQ PllCI 5& Addict
43 •••••• With 10 Ofltllt 33 Called 57 Mlnntaota
1111111 ·-~ ttlt 1111111 1 t 'orm ot 311 llllmtrH ,.,..,.
46 lHll COUtM Poflullon 39 CluM to 59 Stfort
470ottlll 120talroralt ~v t0tbln1un11
• ••
A• OIJl y PILOT r 1lday O.Cernber 30, 19T7 Business
Arabs Gobble Up London Buys
Strange Bedfellows
8 ) llll(;fl A. MlJLLIGA~ ,.,. ~··• c ..... --. .. , LONDON A funny th1n1t hap·
fll'rlt'd to ll.racl1 PrimE' Minister
.M<.•nahe m Begin wht>n h e was in
10"11 ret·ently for a c hat \\ith
1\11t1 sh Prime M1nii.t er Jim
Whill· hl' "as a sleep in his lrun·
dlt• bed at the Carlton To" ers.
long a fa, orile \\ ith J ewish
toun!>ls. AraQ 1nlerests boug ht
thl' hotel out from under him
on the dot as usual. .. t•onf1dct.I one
of his aides. "We thought they
m ight t·ut off our room ~crv1 cc
"1th lh<.· ('XJJlanat1on that thl! new
owners wen• laking 1nvcnt1>r y ..
Wh y js thut nC'w l'ly moulh Jlonzun . due for Chrysler
Cor p. debut lll about l wo "l'cks. hobnobbing with thr
\'nlkswagons <background rig ht 111 a VW dealer ship
neu r Detroit·· H l'CUUM ' its dutC'h ~ind flywheel hurnl'd
out dul'ing ad photogrnphy 111 th<• Southwest. IL wu'
...,h1ppl'CI hack lu M1t h1gan tor repair. but thE> C hryslt•r
plant 1~ c:lo~ed for thl· holida~ s . Fkcause it has a VW
l·ngine and othl•r VW parts, 1L debuted -hy accident
Thi! Arab iO\ CSl<H'!'>, o<ldh
l'nough. had pun·ha-.ed a hotel 1n
pu~h liclgl'av1a where, on a Sun
day morning not too long ago,
P. L 0 . gunmen shot up the coffee
s hop, inJuring u number of
J e wis h patrons \\.ho gather ed
th1.•re regularly for brunch. The
i:rill at the Carlton T ower s wa!>
.1ls o a Popular choice for Bar
M 1lzvah C'cleb ration!>
Bl'gin', l'Xperienl'e with Lon
don'!> changing real e s tate scene
1:-;mother e'< ample of \\ h al tht'
Rriti..." ta h loidi. t•;.ill ··1h r
\ r<1b11.:1t1on of London .
IN THE LAST few )ears Arni>
fi n an<.'icr.s have boug ht up tht·
prestigious Dorcheste r 10 Park in V W-land.
Irvine Firm Selected
D e lta -Electronic t o Build Ge n e rating Station
Th l' '' 111 Id .., I ;11 I.! 1 •' t ..; 11 I <• r
JlhllltH'l'll flO\\C'I l!t'lll'IJllnL! l;1
m 1•11t tl1"'l'I j.!t•1wral1ng equip
1111· 111
Southl'rn Cuhforn1a l'~dison li nes.
l 'nder privat e spons ors hip
l't>ncepls and hard\\ arc for tymg
:-olur <.'l'll a rray~ into ulllil~
powe r systems have been under
d evelopment at the (·ompany for
m ore than a year. accordmg to
President Charles W. J obbins.
t 1011 a hall •H·n· of ... 11tt·1111 n •ll,
t 1111\1·r1111g ~unltght 111 l'll'!'I nnt'
l't11 n11111 .11 I "'a' f11 r )I I
\\ill h<.• dl'sigrwrl . ._.,st•mhlt·d
an<I ll'Sll'll h~ ;111 II \'lrll' c·omp,m~
I h<• l' .S. Dl•part mrnt of ~:ncrl-(~
has annountl·<I.
The' fi{).J-tlow:ill c·apa('ll\ ..,la
I 10 11 \\ 111 bt• buill b\ 1>1·11 J Elc·c·
trci111l' Control Cor'p .• ii 11' 11
;1nl' facilities nt 2801 S 1': :\1;1111
St . under a c·ontrn<·t ;rn a1 th•d ti\
I Ill• l ' S. 1\ rnn
'.\lo 111· th.111 100.000 1n<11v1ducil
..... 1;11 <..rt ... \\ill lw built into the
.... \ st<·m . the IH>\H'r circuits of
\\ h1 t h \\ t•r<' rll'H'loped by Dr
La r n H Sut'ltlc. Della Elec
I ronlt· \ 1< c pn • .... rtcnl
\ l'OM P.\~Y spokt.?sman said
the prort•c·t \\di he ready for
J.! roundlm •akmg ti~ lht• t•nd of
.l.111u,1n \\llh t·ompll'IHlll of thl•
.,ol .11 ,1,1111111 :-l·hc•rl u lt·cl hy S('I•
system:. arc relatively expcns 1\'c
for com ml'r cial use. Hesearc•h bv
the Department or F:nergy ... CX·
Pl'Cted to rl'<.l uce co,t:.
Other s uch msta llation:-. an• be·
111g dt'vt>lopcd or lt'i.tcd b~ NASA
l.l•wis Hcse arch Ccnlt·r. Sandia
l.<1 boratoru•s -un<I t h e MIT·
Ltnl'oln Lutww;1t 11ry
t 1•111 ht•r T JI E ST.\T IO:\' 1:-\ t11 lw m-
'1 ii llt•ll a l tht• :\11 L<.1gunJ \1r
Forc e rud:ir sl:itmn hc•l \\f't•n S.111
D1c·go <ind l•:I ('1•1111·11, lo st1 ppl1·
l h111111.: t1·st111g . IJ""''r \\111 lw
""'<I \\ 11 h111 c·ump:.t11\ f.1<·1 hlle<,.
"11h i lll\ 1·,tra h 1•111 g ft•<l 1n111
Standar_ds Soughd.
Sunlamp Safety Hit
\\'ASlll:'llGTO~ I t\ r I Tht• f ood und l>ru~ :\rl
m1n1~lral1un . Clllllg thousands ''' 1n1u1 II'' to
American:. l'at·h )l'a r has pr<tpo..,cd man,!Jtor~
:.ufl·ty standards ror sunlamp.;.
The agency s aid about one m11l1on sunlumps
.in· :.old annu~illy 1n the L'n1led StalC'S. including
'uni a mps for home use anc1 those ins talled 1n health
.;pas and ot hC'r fa('ili lil'i.
"i\80\JT 10,000 SlJ~l.1\:\tP ln)Urt e' rN1u1 rtnJ!
Pmcrgency room treatment \\Crc r cporll•d in 197·1,
If ytiu ul'8CJ $1 000 lu $'11' 000 1 "''' dnd '°"' uwn 1 "Otnif CH 01r.e, t"OOMrty
N <I '"' "' not i... C APll~ HO'•E
LOAN 1rreft9• to c1o•to111• '°"' ttQUOy tnfO I c.l'I toen W'l'f\ fUI end
Home Loan
One ot O•hl a....,_,
l owi 8,04'.,tioe F11m•
C:111.,.,. ol o ... -con-
""'''.,""-'"' .,. i.ol•
Really hke to help
11)() ""'""' llhd "°"*""
~ Hl1 Wl-ft~ 71~
l.ONQIEAOH t41' t o.tMIO IJhlG 2•,•t tfl»
Act ivities
A celcbratmn is under
wtiy at the Santa Ana .
Nl•wport Ueach and Hun
llngton Beach offices of
G real WcslC'rn Sa\ inf(i.
a nd Loan Ass ociat ion
through J un. 31
Life on the old fronlll'r
and the vi c tori es or
weste rn heroes a rc re
11 vcd during the p1onC't>r
days r~sliv1lies
The association 1s of
renng a 1978 c·ulendar
t'nt1tled "Portrait of
Courage." which tells
lhe l ife s t o r y o f
pa ralyzed artist Clayton
Turner, lo visitors
Visitors from nllOn lo :l
pm. J an. 7 were as ked to
dr ess 1n a ut ht•nt1c
Wes t ern attire for a
se a rch for the "best ·
dressed Wt'sterncr ".
Stagecoach r ides. blue·
grass fld dle r!., gold ·
panning and s howdown
"draw ~" among t h e
fa stest guns in the West
ar e included in the day's
and lhut fi gure increas ed lo 12.000 in 197~. · i.a1d
FDA Co mmissioner Donald Kennedy
Kennedy added that one of the primary causes
of 1nJuries was people falling asleep under the
lumps. Th,e propQscd new standard would require
.tit sunlamps to have a timer that would turn them nrr after 10 minutes or less.
This could be r eset if desired. but "ould prevent
injuries to sleeping pe rsons. Some sunlam ps on the
market already have this feature
OTHER PROVISIONS of the proposed t.tan·
dard wnuld:
Prohibit sunlamp bulbs from being made to
fit into conventional sockets. This would help a ssure
that the lamps are used only with timers .
Prohibit m anufacture and s ale of bulbs lhal
em 1t excessive short wave lengths of ultraviolet
rndia tion. This r adiation is particularly dangerous
;ind is not necessary for tanning.
Require that the
lamps be sold with protec· ( )
t1veeyewear CONSUMER
R equire more rle·
tailed label instructions
a nd warnings.
The warning would have to he clearly visible
during use a nd would have to s tate that excessive
ultraviolet radiation can lead lo premature aging or
the s kin and skin c ancer
The Instructions a lso would have to warn people
lukin l? medications or those with ligbl·sensltive
sk in lo see a doctor before using a sunlamp a nd
w:i rn about the risk of eye injury or sun burn.
hegin meeting lM s tandards voluntarily and said
I h e a~ency will continue to monitor injur~es from
th e products.
The rules would take effect 30 days after fin al
1>Ublication. but first they are open for comment
and suggestions from the public.
They're tlie New High, Rollers ,
The Last of tlie Big Sp etzders
med.cal ch•c• "" ., a m.,., cm ~ . )
owalion •I. the °"'""'"' Wei.I· : = ~ 4" 1ncton llosp1tal The hghhn~ 1n Sf e
lkirut hal> brought thou!>and!> W
more gilt-edged rcfuAccs here
Lasl Christmas a Saudi prince MOST SHOPS a long Oxford
paid a princely i.um in i.tarr und Regent streets price their
wages to krep Harrod's open an "a res an Arublc numbers. and
extr a hour jul'll for him i,;o he l\llddlc East ban ks . nightclubs
could do his shovping in unhur and restaurants have proliferol·
Al" Wlr.,,...te
Prime Minister Begin .
Lunt•. tht· Park Tower overlook
m g ll}dc Park and tht• Chelsl'a
llotcl in Knii:hts bridgt>
Som t> of London's mo:-.l t·x·
pensiv<.• town houses and apart
menls and a number of ~lately
hom es m the ~urround ing coun
t ryside have passed into J\r uh
ha nds al prices that have roc ked
the r eal estale m arket.
Long·le rm leases have doubled
1n price in the last few years.
largely due to the eas y a vailabih·
ty of well-heeled Middle East
c ustomers.
150.000 Arab v1s1tors descend on
Londnn. ncein~ the mtcnse hf'at 11r thl' ~hl'lkhdoms in thl· P ers iun•
(iulf whert• pl'lrodo llar~ ac
C'umulate wllh ea('h departlnJ!
Som e m aintain vecir ~ruund
ho me in London. ·'e nd their
children Lo t he elite prep schools.
buy a n e xtra Rolls· Royce or
Bentley for holiday use about
town and a rrange lo have a
NtW YORK IAP1 Cml5hr ll 1• •ltP\lolCp
Tf\• IOUOW1"91 11\1 CmwT~I )II l1 '"''<Enr 1\ • \•IKtl!d Nat C.onn"*n \I SI tnt•rml{
•on•' ~ur1hf'\ l:i::::s )1 I )11 1 lnhnlC\ O. alf':r\ A\\n, ov•• 1t •• 1/ • ln8•Wsh I.... COUPIC•r 8...,k, C..ro\\CO )4 l •"-1 ... Sou1
IM uran<• • lnctu\I ~ytlrFeo I I .. J•mWPr •f \IOCk\ o:~~'btn •• ,, Jam ">V AEL lnCI ~·' s~ • S' • Jol!Vf'd ,A F'AProt • I 0.1 .. 100 41\'. 10 • JO\lynM
riec.J prival·~ ,.d t hrougboul the city The
handi.ome old Kens ington T own
llall is now a branc h of the lra·
n1an bank Ml'lll
E VER\' llOTEL IN to\\n has ;J
til l<' of un oi l sheik giving a"a)
his Uenlle~ or his M ercede~ as ;.i
lip to the doorman at the e nd of
his visit or bribmg the ba nquet
manager to slaughter a gout m
his s uite
One story m uk1ng the rounds
Lelis of two petro leum prin<.'es
fro m Kuwait who dropped into
J ack Barclay 's a uto deale rship
1n 1\1 ayfa1r und bought identica l
S 1h 't•r J ubilee Rolls -R oyce~
Eac h whi p~ out a <.'heckbook
hu t one wa\'ed lhl· other off
"No. Ali mid.· hl• tut-t utted
"You j!ol tht• lun<·h I 11 get th1!>
l 'llEN TllE RE was the 1m ·
pover ished s tudent who passed
himself off as a crown prince
from one of the em irates. had
calling cards pr inted t hat got
him a suite at Claridge·~. un
linu lcd credit at Ladbrokc 's and
C'roikford's gaming houses . bows
;rnd Lhe best tables from con
<1£>sC'ending mall re d ·s a t all the
in µl aces until thl' Hobb11o"S closed
It turned out ht• was a N1j.!l'nan
\\ho d idn't know Abu Dhab i lrom
Addis Ababa
Like Kennedy Airport in New
\' ork. London's I lea throw has
gone bilingual on all its signs.
o nly here the combination is
English and Ara bic, inst ead of
Eng lish and Spanish.
()v t•r 'rlu· Count•·r
NASO Li1tinq1
S" a rthy gl•Oll~men fingerin~
worry brads, mysterious ladies
in d a rk flowing r obes und black
leather burku (ace ma&ks, j ang l·
ing w ith gold jewelry, a nd
Re d o u in s he 1 k s in h ooded
burnooses tasslcd in silk and gold
a re a common sight al Fortnum
& Mason's, the fashion able Pie·
l·ad1lly ~l·m•ral stor l' for the
landed J:Cntr~
A" a y from lhl' st ricl rchg1oui;
c·ode!> of their dc>sc·rt homeland~.
the \'1s1tor~ from thE' east havt'
g ain1.'d a l'l'p ut atiun a s th e
playbu~:. of thl' WeMern world.
the h igh rolle r:. ul the Soho
casinos. the lust of the big Spell·
der s on g irl s , jewelry and
gourmel meals among Britain's
rapidly vanis hing ancie nt and
nouveau riche .
A MAYFAIR hostci.s who or·
dered ~•1llons of orange juice to
obh ge the Koran ic scruples of
her guesls from Araby was sur
prised to find them knoc king
back thl' Scotch neat and quick,
Jus t lik<.• the natives.
'"It c:ut.s lhe desert dust." e'<·
plained a son of the i.and and
b rothe r to the wind who had just
hobblt>t.I his Porsche outside . Hr
not only "ished t hem all Happy
New Year in the most charminc
~ton uccent but promised not \o
r aise oil pri(•es more than 20 per·
cent ut the next OPEC frolic.
•• .. P(A Int 10l . 10\. Sl•novn N • iJ• •• q•, P•0-18 1• • ,, ~-~:~.fl:' n• n l 'p s 011d DOIOIU '" s • Pa<.C•" 1' 1 tl-4 w t j';
t•• • ''"""' =~rut J\. ,. ; ~lerl~I s•. S'l'o '"" tollow1n9 lht .~. 71~ 11t. u•. ~lr.•wCI 14', 11 NEW VORI< IAP I
)t.1• 271, Ptn•Enl ,, ,,, ' l~f:tEbc , .. 7•• "hOW\ . .... Ovf,r ,,,. CO'mter s .. •"· P•ltrHk 14\.4 1S'' 51, ••• ~•oc•u •nd w•~~'' tn•t h•vt QOM up ., • 11 P•1•oltt ))•. 1l • T~oB•lt 1l', ,. 1"9 mo•I -"°""' I"" ,,,_. M..., °" '\ .... Pellll>On 1l 1• Tamo•• lJ•. )4\., ""''•nl OI ctwnoe ,.._01eu ol ..oi ...... u~. n1•1 PlitOAvl T•chPub 1'\-31'. SI, • IO• Thur\<My AID Int u •. l1'• bay1Ma1 1• 16 k•••Sll pt , •• 1 .. v, Plorct SS "'· 4~ TocumP SI 5' No M'CU'1tl~ l•.O•n<a belOw '1 ••• oncl o,corl" 1•\ 2h A\/M Cp 1'• Jv. ~ddl \nW I~• 9' • g:~:!>tc.5' ,,,,, 20• 1 l(•lor .... "' Plnkrtn 1S\. 161/1 Ttnnanl }1 33 11'e 13; -Nel """ -c•nt-Ch•"9t• ••• IN
,.. 1 21'. K•m1nA J011 111, PlonHIB ''' • ''"-Tlllany d•ffAtfoftC" bt'twe.n ttw prcv•ou~ uow '>9 AdVRO\\ J J 7' • l(•mpAm , , • Pla\llno I J Tlpr•ry 11'• ., •• bod pr•c. and 100.y·• IHI l><d o<lce
Alberh ll> .. t11 0.-IOnl u ,. Kalt Crc . I P-Pd u , ••• T~coCp s • ) ' UP'S Altt Atfo,. JO:\• S11 • Oellnl!l n•. ui.. 1C•1•am I>. ''· POUi\ Trn•O<O I) • '4 Name 1..ot•I Pel '• '"'• Allcolnc t~. 161., 0e .. tte1 ,_ n .• l(u rnvr ~,. 10·. Prnorp I'\ ... Ot•C•Vl TrlcoPd -·"~ •}' ' 8riq~lr , ' .c"? Up n .0 Al1yn8 14\~ 1•\4 w.•' 1711, ICtllySv Jf;'-,~<-Pl>SvNt 11 11~ TrllnOC. OpanC1u s .. s.' , a·~~ c~' Jl. . .. Up H. 0 -'F1nCp 1v. 11•. n u1, l(t ut•tl 1l°"• U l• PurbtitH't 161 .. t1 Ty\onFd 1~·., '''· l 1•, . Up 0 7), A~urnU 1"• 3' • Oo<llltl ltt , .. 1Ct v•F11> II>' ,.,. Put C•s> .... """ UnM<Gll • • • ti~~~~~n J. . ' Up •• ,
ACre~I U IJ.>11 OollrCn ""' 11>... ICt yCu•F .... S' I Ou•llnns , .. 3'> 8~ ~~~2 •) ') ~ J . uo II> ' AM><rOl I)'> IJ OOnld•n n u>. l(O,lnt 11>\ 11' I R•llfnPr s .... ••• tl'. '''" 6 Appll>m ... . Up ll l AT wCom 4214 .Q\.,. Oor(hCi> "'• 11'' l(lnQlnl ~1 ·· I>'• R•n•lt .,,., 10; 1 UV•B\h 10 ,. ' tnl09EI '" . Up 11 )
AWeldnQ U 14 Ooyle08 l•J4 10• .. 1<na,,..v i''• i7J,, Ro e nm SJ',., ~s··, oun~1no 9' I 41 ... UpPenP 111 I 10' • a EmoorNB• I '· Up n. 0 A.mltrr• 11 • 21 / L&nc~tn )\'"> 6''• Raym l>d 21 11 ValvG~• qv• 10'• 9 C.nS•ml< I .. Up l1 0 A"adllP 5"' ,_si.. Our Iron 111 I 19~ 1 L4nd Ru ,,, I'• RtcqEqp , .. 7t 4 VanOu•A 11 11 ~ .. 10 ChmpPl'1 -· · . . Up 11 • A"f\eusO tfi , 10 El><'rhnt' ) . s ... L.,•.,C.o 18 1• RMdE• JP' J7 V•"c111Sn s " ll lnfolnll ... ' Up 11 • Ant•CP f> ,1, EconL•b 711, ])l.. LldStor 16'. ,, Rol>l>Mv n • ,, ... VefCtO 8 .. 91. 11 C•rt (p s Up " I ArdMav 1'• 1\• EIPasEI "~ 11 Llnllt \I JJ'• 14"> Row Ion ,. , l '• V•N8 \h 10 ,. 'J ;~p,~f;: It> • I Up " 0 Etci.rBe t.>... Ar•WC• 11''> II • L~lrn I s Rouse , .... ''• W•Ol PI> ]~'· lO'• I• 101 1 . 1 Up 10 I A.OC011 lO 10>; El@Nucr !fJ• "'' M&dl CE 11>'• II~-Ru•S•o• '' 141
, ~~~~~ 1"• IS""'' IS AEL Ind )' • ' UP 10 s AllCHLI is-. I~ EIMOdul l''t .... ~!l~,~1 .. , tS.·16 S.Oller ,... J•c. t33. u 1: 16 HouFn•GJ> II . I Up 10. s 81lrd,AI ~ S"o EnrOev II\• It JOI.. l 1.l-4 S.un04t IS-16 I ).1' 11 Malll•U I" Up 10 s W9f!IW• I ) .. IJ"t B•noHE IS'\ Uh Enl•l511 , 11 .. M91A'"' • ... 101• S<rlPOH "I # ll' I W•ldlrt> ••• 2• 18 Alt>•Ll• . ~ .. Up 10 0 B~•mRt 10 , II EqtOll ...... """ ElhanAI .,. , .. ,,,.. MeulLP I) I U\) S.l•Oelt , .. ·~ =~,:~~Q 1 • ,. Compucp 1•. . . UP 10 0 BH icR• •'• 1-. Mc Corm •s•. 1µ .... Sewn Up ,., ' 11''• ... •'• 10 (nllnlS I , Up 10 0 Ba\\t!IF 11>\. 1911> F'al>rlT ......... McOuav ,, 11~. 5h1wm1 11.\· ,,..~ ~!~~~. )'< I'• " Comt&<ll "'. . .. Up • 1 Oayl\Nlk I '• t i.. FldUnLI "'"" 76'!\t Mt t"dtftV ,.,. 1.\io Sn~nTI 11 ""'
.. ...... ,, ~:~~~ I'• Up 9 s 8~t1ne •\_. 111• ~:~·t~. llio 8\o NlldsaW ,.., 21·. s.o ids.ts •. ,. 51;. WooclL01 1" , ... 23 •• '• Up • Beul.ab lJ') 3''• )ll, l6'• MdldC11> Jl9 1i .. SC•IWlr .. 10, ~~::w s • s;, 1• M•'• 1\1 1 Vo ' BlbCICo I~ •Vo FIB~ln -1''h Midi A.-... )) SwC•C.o 10~ 11 , .. 1 15 0c,.nrq ... UP • BlrdS.PI 1t 29' l ~:~r;f~~ 11,., a Ml<llBH Jl'• 2•'· SwEISv 11 ,,, .. ZlonUI• l'fj ,.. DOWNS 81rtcllr I"" Ht ,._ )\; ~:~~e~G 1•~ 1S1"o N1""' L•'9 Cll~ Pt l BlkHlllP 13\o• U Fllc•or 11'/I 11~ II II ' Onea lJ F J Olt .. J 8onaf\t• • •'t• Fl•WatU ~ . ..... Mon I Col S''> S'> 2 Loomi<t 1•. 0 11 13 ,
Brl""' 6'' 1 ForestO 11'• , .. ~ Mo0r1S ''" ll'. .~.l~DAll Sum1nary l Er'l1Wl\fl I . 0 11 11 I Brook!> lt', 1'1"" =~;~.:t 1'. 1~ Moore Pd u1,,n,., ' Ftnllno I . 0 11 11 I BrwTom 10 10~~ 1\o "" ::!~~r;.o I • 2 NEW YORK CAPI -Mo\I «ltve o•~f· s Lllld•tHo 1 . 0 11 II I Brwnlr>9 • II Frank~ 1'1 a lS u;• 1•11> 6 w 1,mM"t I . 011 II ' 1~!~:1*' ·~~tt•ugr~i.o As~~o Nt~· &uc•l>ff • •v. Fr..OIC~ 11'. 11'~ MOt(hNI tO>... '11• 1 RfdiOlon l ' • .. 011 10, 0 :utlttye 11\o OIA. Gt>RIE>I 6 6~ MolClub • &' J ~!~~~h 2::~~ 1;-. 1;,·. .. I !! • Ar•pehO , . '• 0 11 • I (in Rein\ "'' '" Mueller •• 11 • tnlrpPlo ,,,, t. 0 11 • l c~;~! )~ .... ~:~ GovEF" 10.,, 11•·. ~:rti1r 11 .. ''"' Coou 8 IU,:!00 ll IJ', 'o 10 o .. ldl>h J . Ofl 1 1 Camr>t>Ch ., .. '"" CraC.11• 11 n~. IS 16 ::~=~:· ~~~. ;.~~ .. m· .. ;1 11 NLilhoP J 011 1 7 Ca,,,.OH 2 )1 > GrMftNll 11''t •~· ~~~!~ , ...... , I? AMT Cp l " Ott , ' CapSwCp S>lo 6'\ Grtv/•CIV l2 3S )'• .51• AGrHI tf,100 13 IJ>• , I ) 13 A Pacini 3'-" Ofl 1 I CaplnAh 21 , 1•1, Glllntsl '""" 11""1 NwldaRE 7>1,. ~ Oe8tttr "·«)() •• • •~ , I 1• .. AllNIRE J'• " 011 I I Capt.ch 6' , 1 Cyrodyn , .. l"" NJNGn U' .. 161.• ~i:~~=:· 1
:, •• ·~ •• .'·!: 1S ll•ll•k JO. .. 0 11 1 I ~~t.1&s 1~'• 1r.:
HrpRo,. 13 ... 13•·· Nlel~A 11 ll''> 1• ~~T;nt:. J•·ot .. 0 11 1 I H•rllNI IJ • I».. Ni.l\n 8 ,, 17''> EnrRsC.r> ... aoo ,.. 1 11 l'. 0 11 1 ' ChmL.. ltl. ISi. H•nrtoF ,., ... 20 NoCarC• 11 '11'• I~ H•ml>HI I . Oft .. 1 CP.t •Ull 10'~ 111~ Hotol>m ... ,,,, NoEOI un CS>... "'~ Ad\oancto •n " SMC I"° J .. .. Ofl .. 1 ClrcttF 6 1 Hoover " n v, NwlNC• 10 lo>t Oecllned Jll 10 AComwF )'\ . , Oft • s CltrUIA u•. ~ Horl1R\ .,, w. NwslPS ll'lt 11•• Un<ll•"111td I ,., 11 Sovcr11n 1>\ ... 0 11 I> s t:~~~~t ii'• ~.,. Hud•P.tp 71 211 , No1<1ll 111, 1n. Tolal 1.-~ 1.SJI 11 Slanwo l'• \.. Ott .. ) HyallCP 'f.! I~ ~llvyM '°"" ...... Ntw hl9hl ,, 1J NoAmN•I J~. '· Ofl • ' ClowCo IO"t II-Hylltll•l FINO • 10 New tows c~ 1• Sum II~ J~. .. Ofl • J ~01u•en1 ,., 1' • 1n<1Nuc1 .f1Ai 4\lt ~~'!'!.rl;, ~\o 1~ TOIAI Ult> ..... ol()O lS V•nOykR ,... .. Oii • ) omCtH 1S u • I l"fr•lnO , ... l'•
O E pl 1LM llW Oo. • H '91 NICO IS OS 1• 21 ti .. 01 II :18 Swln 01 U 4 S.ll l':;Mf.STING g~:l~ nl ;·~ F:r rE 17.SI. ·:: Inv Colmset MFB IS·,.!&" Pl•n Inv 11 •I 11 d Sever Ill 11.ll 11 :IO N~ lo":JE~Pl Monlh , ..... ls.IS Ot>tn IJ.11 rut C•om •. ., '" NIMll • IJ 10 11 Pt1r,r•" 10 ,. 11 16 ~<1•~1_7 NL
fhe fotiowlno -NIWS • " 10.16 TaFre 11 21 NL Caotl Cj 61' •.16 :::':~~\ ··::i NL ~'.::"Fun(!~ ID Hl s ~ F .. o0 o r :~lo~~ll:='~s!t C~;uv.:i I~ tt l~~ Pl::~'I' ~ NL ln~gtt°B~ Gj,";f S.'I OHi( ~ n ID.:10 Grwlh I~ 1' NL ~Iv F~ rn !'~
111.,, ol S«urltlH COln<m 1 4' t.1S C•l>'l 1.U IM IDS C•t 516. ~·D~11 1~:= l~·~ ~nc:~ 10:: ~ SIF~ GI S.12 NL Oultr'I , Ille, •re Cl'11'sM I 00 NL CoPltfd U6 NI IOS n<ll • .. S •l R~A\I 1 00 NL H Horii I 11 N\ SFrm 8a t.O NL , ... orl<H •I Wl>lcll CapPru I 00 NL Dally I I 00 NI Mull I ti t 6• Mid AM SOS S U hFr~ 10 11 NL Sl31e SI Q .1' '3 70 !M_. lot<Utl!t.t C•fllSllT 11 IS 11.02 Ottny •. 16 . . Pr09. l" l so Mon ,..~, I 00 NL Pro Fu..O • 01 NL Sludma" F ...... (Ollfd tit,,. Ileen (Mllnv 10.2J 11.10 ""Inc ISS7 Nl Taah S03 HI MONY F , ..... P•nlt>Cm 10'1 NL Am Ind 1.30 NL
Hid INtl ·-· CllarlFd tl ,. .... , M&qel JS.DI. Stoo 17 se 19 11 MS& Fd ll 18 NL Pro" ulh ':" • ~ Ano F 1.07 NL valu.) or lloua/11 CJ\•\I Gr Boy: Mun Bd 1051 NL S.IKI ,,. .... Mui De<> '"' tu Pru SIP t.11 10,03 ll\VHI 1.34 NL (value Dhn wles Fund 6 Ot I> 60 Fldtl 1S 0 1',8' Vat Py 6.1$ 6.lt Ml F FO 1 p 1 SJ Puln•m F'unos ()(o n • 1• NL
chorQal Tlluncwy Frot>I J IM • 20 Purlln 10 " 11.~ Inv .,. • .,. s ... s" Niii' Clh 3" • u Con• II .. 11 so SttlPI ROii Flh: $111 Buy Sl>are 1 OS I 70 Sale"' 4.tS S ... l•l•I 1' 0 20.Sl M 1 Oma"" Equol 10 l6 11 l7 &altn I• 9' NL
AGE Fd s •• t .OJ Soec• s II '" t 11r111 10 1l NL Ivy •.01 NL ~·~! OI 11 37 11 " G.eo<9 11 •~ I• .. (all 0 '10 NL AtornF 1•.11 NL ChHPD 11.21 NL Trend 11.0J 21.'1 JP Grll\ '" 1015 Ctwt'1 J tt • 13 Qr .. 1h 10.0t> 10 ~ Stock jl.n NL Aelvnlnv t.1' "IL ™mF'd • 97 7.~2 Fl,,•nclel Pf'"O!I' J•t1U\ F 11.7' NL lncom 9 1S , •s lntom 111 I .SI Sl••tGrlPI 6.0S NL Att~Fd 7.30 '·" C:NA M91 Fds 0YPI• S.00 NL JOhPI Htncoc~ TaFre IS.17 1• 60 ...... , r )< 1.2• ~vey F .... t.12 Aetna.Sii 17 M U.03 l lbr'IY • 16 •.SS lrldUll •DI NL b l•n I.. t O Mui Shr\ 31 IS NL Opln 1116 lS.04 Ttmp GI ..,..veil Arut11r• •.ts NL M•nllll 2 ... ,..., I Mom 111 NL 80fld "07 10 13 N EA Mui 1 IO NL r •f ., ,, SI,, ll t.mp .... I 00 NL
A ••tlle •••• NL S<hUSI • H ',, Fl! ...... SIOO "'"'" s 17 s IM N•ll I d IO• NL Vt\I• 10 S1 II so TrM Cap 101 1M Alf)fl•F 10.11 NL Co•onlal DIKO s H • II Johnsln 1•.1• NL NII ~ur S.r: Vo1•0 11.Sl 11.H Trns ......... ' .. ABlrllll t ,41 10,50 Cnvrt I St '3' Grwth 6 " 7 63 k tmper Fund\ 8•1i111 , » 10 11 Ratnbw 1.11 NL Trav Eq 10 SO 11 ... A1t1.,lon Fund\ Pund I tj •.17 lncom a.el t IJ lncm IO)< 11 11 llO<'d 461 , t1 Rutrvt 1,(11) NL TUOr Hd IS.or. NI. H IM! 1 .. t .12 Grwth 'JO •-'1 $to0 t ll t,9' Grow l.ll I 01 Olvld i os 4:,1 Rtve11 S » NL TWnC Gt 4.l f. Nt.
Amcp • .. 1 °' fnCOt'I\ ... '46 FSIMll ,. '·" NL MOPIM '00 NL c; lh J 46 J-" S.IM Eat • tS ',. twnV Ir>< 7 OJ NL Mull tJO 1o:Jt ()pt" 1016 1111 F!MllOI 1000 NL MlltlB 101311.JI pf'$1~ Ttt 716 SwlK C.111 i 14 10:11 USAA GI 1-ll NL 9-14 S1 15"2 Colu Glh IS ~ NL 4A Wall ll.lO NL ()pin 13 1l 1• l1 5 J $tPCt P 165 I• USAA IM 11 ... NL Capll •• ,, 1.5' Cwllh AB .. 1.06 Frid 0 111 ,,,, _.... Summ "SI., b4 ~~~r f 1! .:!.s StPC.wl 1 tl l.U us Gov •.SI UJ Or'Wtll J.U •.Ot Cwlth C I.ti I 5' Foundei-. GrO\.C) ~ tch 7 11 1 71 NE Liia Fund. k ucld4tr Sl*ven•: Unll Mu\ 1. O NL. 1~ IS.OJ 17.32 Comp 8d t •I t.11 Grwth '• 4,1' otR t .71 ~O •1 Equll l• I• 1l.20 Com St •.:II NI. UnlOft S•< Ofll: •CA 1J.,.. u.1• Comp Fd I JO I 06 •~om 11,., 1U7 l(eYttone F""'1S CifWlh t'os t IM 1ncom 1• ~I NL aroad 11.16 11 o
NPeu 1u 1 11uconcor° 'li; f.~ =':' ~~1~ •:•i;, ~a,1~43 •Mom uisu 1nt1fd n ~ NL N•t 111v u 1 u
WlllMll! ' ... 1.0ol ~· e1"0 • 4l NL fr M U In 0r0t.~ ~"' Bt 19 40 21 •2 RrtEq 1'-4114.44 ,.. ... It '°'°" NL \J "'' II.SI n .. Arn•r ~··•; •1 .. I • 11 NL Brown • , ti;) M (U\ 8• iJO t'01 Nt ul>frtlff llerm· MMD 10.J1 NL U"lon 12.56 13 S4 CapDd t.•7 Ut I mu · TC 1••1 · Enrgy l'l.92 NI. Sl>O'I U.10 NI. U~lltHI Pu/Id\. C1o001 l.90 t-16 Ctr~ C•P 1UO 12.n DH 7.1• A CllS I( 1 1·" 9, 1' Guard 26 f4 NL Security Funds: A«m t.-22 UO ~~~ 1tjJ t~~ ~m ~= =t 8r~:h u; l~ ~~: ~12
1::: 1:.!1 N Pu lntd i:c :t ==y 1t~ 1rn ~°' ~1i n~ t••G111 ._... '-1' •1-. ~1,..1 1u 1 L"l~. :·t}1• J~ cuS· : v. ','t.! ~ ,..:~·w1d 10. .. Hi. 1n .... 1 ,_,, ,.,, con 111< ,:,. 19:os
.... ~ "d 7.6f ' C41 t • ' a I •1• • • N-IGt IUO at. Ullr1 10 IS 11 Cl' lft<Om U • iO .. Provld J 111 •• ,. w 10 9' IJ.15 tl' •· 1 ar .. •. -> Newt In< t4S 1,. S"111ntl Functs Mu"I lt.11 10.~
AGthFd s." •. s v·~" rn N! l'uJ~~ ::: :!~ LAlp"t.1:;' n 1&.70 NlchlF'd 11.ir L Grwln '·" u s S<l•n s .... 1, Alr!Sll\FCI • 1• s. • ~ .. s 11 s'SI Fund In< Grp . LU Cr ,., 10 S1 Nomurf '! "' Truu 10.10 10 .. v-s .. 1 J.tl Alll,,.U S-tf f!L .... n.. ,. L.. NL L I IO.n 11'.n No•Ntl •• NL S.nllfttl G.._ V•lue u .. ftd. Aln\llM u 20 Ht. Dir Cao • 11 •.56 .. OMm "' •• .. " N """ '. 10 1$ ADI• '61 t.. Y•I ll 1 u I ,. ,lNtGth "' , u 0..8•1 JI I.I HL 111\M<, 1.a •·1• 1. .. A ..... u IM o~. 8 '" 10'0. B•ltn '•' • I~-s'10 i" AOptE• 4 ft U e QodStk IS '' NL Ind Tr tO.O• 10·37 Liie In~ I tr L'2 01\f i:m 1),lt HL. (.om \ 11: ... 1 U 1.1..01 1i" U 7t Anello• G-: p1 .. •11• • )I NL l'llDI Ut NL LI£!''" Nall. C»penMlmt< ,.d Senl"t , 1%,, I IM Sqlllt. ''° 4.,
O•llr i.00 NL °'~l!"t o~f" IUt 8.'n'~ ~ ~~ HL s.l r; 1, ~ ~t 01»1tr1 s 1166 u SM rtlloldt" 0p v.,,u $.1,.,en: ()rWtll t U t ~ L• y 1S.J1 la 7'l Gftll Ind 11 tS NL ~ll Styles ln<8o• t ft t Jt Cm•!' 6 :U t .h ll!Um IUO U t6
IMOl\'I 'j r n r• •;r HL H•"111ton ~II '°"' NL Mollll 100 NI, Et1lrp SOI s .. ,,.,,.,, tq ,,. $pe(lr • 4M ~'•,!.._• L I' HOA J." • lt Miii 11 It NI. Opln n:~ 2S 10 Fltl f d S '1 1 '°"'I" • 10 U7 f'dlll• • 1 .. 1 "H '-} = G II 1131,. ' hfrt 10 46 NL. Harlllr a u wri ""' t ... IOU
Wal l\ ,, 1Uo V.'11'~ u:14 .. LI. ;~"'1 ..,, NI. ~tn~r-'t:i. , " AIM .,,. 10 21 t.t 9•1 •. ,. •• ~ V11119u.,,_ ![' AH Ht9tll4!"1 .,• !Ill lt ,. ~ m N' Ind C10 ti U u'.o Time I.SJ ,,10 1"9<t IJ 1~ U ti e~111t NL ~~ • : ., t '° 1.::.dLJj <C 1t" t7i ~:~~ L~~ 1 !lit I~ ) U J0St OTC ~ IJ.J! l•Al ""'•r•o11 '"""' Flld• ,,. "L l'::r t,, ~ \f!:'& "''1~ ,\; • .. · Ulllllr.n •ro· ::~~"' tn 'N4~ = ~~;: i: =:• ii.ti =t
tLC Ot II t\ 1t,.i r.;• t ~~ =:1,, 1 ·!I~ r=... , :: l1fo ~M Mv ~--Nl lnm t t U lo.I Trvt, t '1 "L ::::Jnr iH ::t 1"= • ts M' c~H-i. tSAO ~r~. i:n l~:u =Cap HJ ,,: t~:~ F 1tri =t ::m! ·~n =~ Ef:~11 Nl.:~m ft .• r~.: 'J.1i f:!t lllJ~=."'*:'?f9t·~ ~~Moi~.at ::; ~~:. '1~ ltt ... ~~· !~ E~
1W . I~~-~I,.. ~ "-tt i~: : t ft liM = tl1i 1t.5j l>lie Jt t UJ Tr"'' I 7e Ut :f111\t 0 6 .• •A} E; d ~ :J. 1 !! ''., 111M1,., .,.. "'U' ir1~• IN9 c H, s~92' •;·" l~f we~ lei »-fl "~ ~ .. l,l! , .. rt"..'' 1#it''e~11 =(:: ... , ~-. ,.111,~ "':1 ho 't0: .. ,~\1111
IU$ Ji. H.J..:A~ 11:~ 1,t~ :r,~·.:-t~ ~NL. ....., t. •"-ff• .. ,.,._ · I c;.v,. ' t " MllS ,..,. I • f'IOMer "-lltlel """" '" 11.,. 1• NL Ne i.. ~Id II q W 1::·~ 1 n ,_.. :: l~k 11. =i:,. ll!ll"O 11 • I • PuM U 01 0 tt S• lftv' I .. U l (\el" , ....... 1
' '
. .
Frtday, O.e»mber 30, 11177 •IN DAIL y "'-OT A•
Hike Teaches
Tough Lesson
BEGINNING IN' lt7t you will
reel lts impact 00 your paycheet.. Bm
long bdore t.beo, in the fl.rtt pa,ydaeck
of 1.978. you wW gel a wt.e d thin&:I to
come. From It will be deducted 1.05 Pa"·
cent for Social Security, up from 5.15
percent ln Wf7. And unU1 )'OU bave paid
no leas than $1.070.85, you 1riU find that
6.0S percent missing each and every
This year lhe government'• take for
Social Security amoun~ to .. only ..
$965.25. based on 5.85 percent for the llrat 11'..SOO. But~.
9n e knows prices rise every year.
In 1979, lbe top take will rile to $1,400. aDd a•1 w: ill
that directioo to $3,°'5 ln 1987, as both UM pa'CHI• _.
the tot.al amount on whlcb it applia cciat.bl..e to rile.
numbers on the dollar bill. One is that cletJtl mmt ....,.
tually be paid lf ftnancial disaster ia to be aY&ted. AMNr
is that the people pay the debts -not ~
The reasons for the bigger blt.e OUl ol ~ii IW
the Social Security system is n.mning out ol 1111GD17. Tk
old age and survivors fUnd was destined to tum boa.tow • in about five years.
The government could not supply lbe IDCIDe'J': It laM •
money except that which you magnanimoullybll'DORFIOIL
And the system does not manage I.be ~ dlidmd,-
either, butlhalisanotherstory.
payer. You are the financier and the recipient. Tiie IJl1"-
ernmeot merely handles the mcmey for you. tnmlferrille it
from donor to recipient.
Making the lesson abundantly clear is lbe i•medil' ..
impact. Within the next few weeks we will be paJiitc for
what we bought. And that will be the New vear·s mesaee
tor years to come -more.
A ND YET TRER E IS STILL more, and this is pata.ps
the most painful bite. It is true, tbough -yoa will be,.,..
ing a lax on inflation. Inflation is tough to stomach. bat a
tax alopitcanmakeoneretch.
The explanation lies in lhe application oru.ededactm:
It is based not on buying poweT but on the value of t.br
paycheck in terms of current dollar&. Current dollars att
a lmost always inflated dollars.
·Assume for the sake of illustration that a worker re-
ceives a 6 percent raise over his urn income of $14.•.
making his 1978 income $14,840.
with no' greater buying power. He still has only $14.00I iD
terms of what be can purchase, but the deduclicm from his
paycheck will be on the basis or $14,840.
It is a tough lesson, but unlike so many otbeTS in lbe
consumer area, the consequences, the impact. the ca~
and effect, are clear to alJ.
Stocks Stand Still
As Investors Wary
NEW YORK (AP) -Stock prices were little chan.gH
today, failing to break the stalemate that bas gripped UK-
market all through the last week of 1m.
The Dow Jones average of 30 induslrials s bowH a
token gain of 0.78 points to 831.17 .
• ~t~lul11Tlae
N EW YOAI( (API• s.lea, 4 p.m. ptl<e eno Ml ,,,... o4 the 1111"11 mou •<llY'& New Yorlt Sto<I< Exch"ft9e luues, ~·:.1:J'1c'::~~lly ... "'1~.~n n .. + ""
Cllry>ltr • • • • • . • • 2'•.lOO Uvt -\lo Kenn.coll . . .• 111,IOO UV. • ~
Howrd John,.. 110,SOO 11 l<o • y, Oow C/I.. • . . . ltl.JOO ,. ..... -"'
s~~:r!AP) FiMt-. ..._ _...,.
lD 11M1 0::11 =t:s ~ ~. ~ ~ Tr11 111.,. 1".AD 111..a r11.•-&4J n u11 nus 111 ... 1-nua ..... .
l>S Slit Xl.14 --m.A1 al.11-._., '"""' ..... ................ 1.,..._ l•ell .•..••.•..•.... -· .11 ... Ullls •• •••• ....••••••• "It.• '5 Slit.. .. ............•• U~-
~fr.Id ::u: 3~~: :-~ .-----------------~~~''C..K :~u: n:! : :~ · What StfWb Oifl
EHi Kod<tti. 17',200 SI'• 'II> T•ndycrfl . ne.AOO u~ ... ~~~~b E.•::::· l!::= ;:'"' = :': C111corp .• , • . 14',JOO lH\ -'• ~n Motors. U0.700 6%\lo -v.
Due to late transmission
today's listing will not
appear in the Daily Pilot.
Advenced 0.CllMO
Uncll11>9.0 TOC•I luun New n11 lllQt>< Now 1'111~
Due to late transmission
today's listing will not
appear In the Daily Pilot.
1110 DAil' f>ILC'f
...... Ula Can Bloom
DEAR PAT: We r~ce1ved a lovely
poinsettia plnnl for Christmas. l 've
beard Lhal these plants can be kept
alive and encouraged to bloom each
Christmas. What care is required?
C.1''., Jrvme Experts advise keeping a polnset.
or1anl.ziQg w1te11. Tbe book •H
prepand for ue la CaWona.la, bot Is
rradUy tnmferabJe a. coacepc and
ovenlew to OCkr lreH, ac~c to
the NaUoaal Housln1 Law ProjecL Jt
aa.o eoet&ID• valuable tnformauoa on
use of Small ClaJm1 Court. bo-.Jlng
discrimination and eommua.lty de·
\lelopment. The primary focus,
however, ls on teaaol orgulllDg "tac-
tics and issues."
This book cu be ordered for $1
from the NaUonal Lawyera' Guild,
Housing Panel, 'U2 S. Gnodvlew St.,
Los Angele., CA 90057.
lt'orw Garden Sprollts
. OCReport
Syphilis Toll
Begins to Fall
A syphilis outbreak that had worried Orange
County health officials is beginning to show signs of
s ubsiding.
Orange County Health Officer Morton Nelson
said this week that while 23 new cases were reporl·
ed during the week of Dec. 10, the number dropped
lo 16 new cases the week of Dec. 17 and lo six new
cases by the end of last week.
"THAT IS VERY encouraging," Nelson said.
''But it is still too soon to tell whether we have really
gotten over the epidemic."
. M e eting Se rles
League Eyes
Use of Land
The Orange Coast Lea.iue of Women Voters will
conduct a aeries of meeUngs about land planning,
development and environmental problems from
Jan. 9to12.
Jan. 9 at 9:15 a .m .. Art Cook, director of En·
vironmental Affairs for the Aliso Viejo Co., will dis·
cuss "Development and the Environment" at Great
Western Savings and Loan, 24100 El Toro Road, Laguna Hills.
.,POLITICS OF COASTAL Planning'' will be
the topic of Judy Rosener, wbo will make two ap-
pearances on Jan. 11.
Ua ·plant In a very light area <not
dlrett 1unllgbt), away from ex·
ceaalve beat or cold drafts. Water
ODce • day and feed monthly with a
water·soluble plant fertJUzer. When
your plant stops rtowerl.ng, cut the
stems so tba& only six Inches of the
plant remains. Keep It among your
otber plants, and pinch off new
shoots that may appear lo Auiust or early September.
Put the poinsettia on a carefully
. Umed ration of Jigbt beginning in
mld·October. It should have about 14
.hours or darkness every night. It can
be kept outdoors during the day, and
in a closet or other totally dark place
at night. When December rolls
around again, let the plant have
more light and U will bloom for
Christmas. Once Ibis poinseUJa ls
established, it can be transplanted
outside during Its dormant season
a fter yo" cut back the stems.
DEAR PAT: I had the unfortunate
experience of dealing with S & R
Worm Garden of Long Beach. I know
there was a court case involving this
firm, but I never beard aboul the out-
come. I 'm interested jusl in case
there may be some restitution for the
people who were bilked.
County health investigators pinpointed the ----------epidemic to a six·square-block area in Santa Ana
and attributed ·the cause to a group of diseased prostitutes .
Judy Roaener Mrs. Rosener, a member of the state Coastal
Commission, will speak at 9: 15 a.m. at the home or
Nell Treseder, 5 Blazing Star, Irvine, and at 12 : 15
p.m . at the home of Myra Brown, 2401 Bamboo St.. Newport Beach.
Over the past few weeks, Nelson said, there has
been an increase in the number or infected people
seeking treatment, in part because of publicity
about Ute epidemic.
Tenan't R ight• Deta iled
DEAR READERS: The National·
Lawye rs' Guild has recently
. p ublis hed a tenant's handbook
higbUgbllni legal rights and tenant
G.T., Huntington Beach
Partial restitution ls ln lbe offing
for customers of S & R Worm Garden
who believe they were ml.sled Into
buylng worms or other ltems. The
pending partlaJ restitution ls the re·
suit of a stipulated judgment entered ·
in Los Angeles Superior Court. You
a nd others who believe they may be
entitled to restltuUoo should write
immediately to: State Attorney
General's Public Inquiry Volt <S & R
Worm Garden), 555 Capitol .Mall,
Sacramento, CA 95814.
AS OF THE END OF October, there were 256
cases of primary syphilis reported to county health
officials, a 184 percent increase over the 90 cases re·
ported during Ute first 10 months of 1976.
As an experiment, county officials soon wlll is-
sue appointment cards to those who are treated for
syphilis and other diseases at county clinics.
The cards may serve as an identification to let
men know whether a prostitute is being treated .
Syphilis is not contagious once treated, county
officials said. De ath No tice11
Nt Wl>O'I 8t<1<h, C... P•\-.ed av.•v Oft
Dectml>er ~. I'll Mr P•llPll Wit\ .t
Cl\•rttr Mtmb .. Of Ill• IOwport
H•rllor Elk\ LOCIC)9 • 11•1 1n No .. p0rl
Buell. C• ~ ''"" •''° .,,,. 01 lhe orio•n•I tound•rt ot tne NIP'woort
Herllor Ar•• -• 50 yur r~iotnl 01
Newport S..K.f\, ~ tie w•\ • r~hrrd
Fi.e Cnlrl of l!w Nt-1 Bf'•ct1 Fir•
Departmt"rit f1e w•\ •lw ,,,. rtf'< ,,,.
< t•n who d•O thf> or1q1oia1 w1t1nq on
l•.1fboa tsl11nd •nd lhf P~n1n\ul•.
f Unttdl "°'r-vtCf"'\ •r• IM'ndlng 61 SmUf\
1 uln111 L•n"O Co.Ill Mnt MOrlulr y
~ ......
llETTV 8AllNC:TT '"'•d<·nl of )101
~uth f •lrv1t·w, \p.acf •4' Sdnlo And
C• Surv1~ Ill' ll\nt>.ono !Aon" llMl>f'll
r _Elsewhere~
P.J . Moriarty, 69, a col.
or ful Manhatt a n
tl'slaurateur for nearly
30 years, dfod Thursday.
•nd O•ughler 0~11~ ~ne M• Cturr. Ants
'on on law Jim MtClurt. lb'> ~toll HOTICETOCllEOITORS Aobln•On. Qr.,•ddAUQnt~r\ Amdntl• No. A·nlU
G•M MtCluro •nd l<lmb,.rly Ann ~UPElllOA COURT Of: TN a
RobtMOn eno Q•..,.d..on Mllllw w Enc STATEOl'CALfl'OAHIAf:Olt
Robln\on. molMr Lorfll~ P"r>Qlt. "~ TN E COUNTY 01' ORANGE
IN Eonn KYI• •no broll>t'r\, Lulnr r In 1no MallH of Ille E\141• of
PanqlP, Tom Panqlo ano 0111 PM>QI~ l~C:RBERT G. FOLLETT, tl\O ~nown
Arranq•mPnl\ l><'lng mAOt ftl Oo•ll •• HERBERT GOROON FOLLETT,
BfoadwAv Mottu.v>; lo httu ot flower'\ O~cea\ed,
l•mlly \UQQe\f\ doMllon• be mild~ lo NOTIC E IS HEREBY Gl \/EH lo ~rln•r• Crlpplf!d CltlldlMS HO•Pll41, cr<HJUors 1Wv1n9 cl•lms •911fr>S I Ill<!
Lonii Buen, Ca •aid de<eoertl 10 Ille w10 <laims in 11 ..
aROWN otllu ol tlWclt!f'k ot the aforesaid court MICHAEL C. !IROWN, ~\ICMnl ol ortoprHenll,..,mtolt..un<Mr~IOM<l•I
Senle An•, ,Ca P•U•d a w•r on the o lllce o l RAMS EY ANO
0.Cemti.r ?I. 1911. SVrvlved by M>fl RASMUSSEN, Allooneyl-lll·U.w, "4
George S•I•• ol NorthrldQ•, C• w. Oc••n 81•d .• Suite 1103, Lonii
SI-Thom.n S.IH ol Salldl Ar•DI•. BH<ll, CA "*2, which l•lt•r office I•
aht•r Ser• Scl\ulU or "'-nl•, Arl10t>e In• pl He o t busln.ss or lh• un·
and Anft Ore1 .. r •'"° of Arl1ona d•r\l9Md In •II "'41tter\ pe11alnini1 lo
SHvlcu will tit ne1e1 Saturday Hid ulele. Su<h clalms •1111 Ille
Oeomti.r JI, 1977 •I II 00 AM •I ,,.C4"Hry -.Chen must .. llled or
Pe<lllc 111"' ~morlel 0...pel lntfr or .. e111ed •• alorowkl within lour
mMI wlll t>P et Pec111c "''•*-mot la I monllt\ •I~ IN tlnl publlc.ilonof lhl6
Perl!. P•<•h< II-MolhiU'f dirt< notice tcws. Oe .. o O«e~rn. 1971.
WILLIAM ARTHUR DAllEY. rfSI E•eclllrlxoftn.w lll
ct.nl of S.nle AAa, C• P•\1o#d aw~f on Of Wld~I !Hcembor 71. 1911 81 l"9 "09 Of llot A RAMSEY ANO RASMUSSEN
Mllft ol ltans.n H• I\ "''"'~Cl Dy"'' AttonMy ... 1M.~• wlle Dorl\ Delley ol ~lit Ana Ct 444 W. 0<..., """··Ste. Ut> . ~···"·"',., son Gery O.ne, ol R1vr,.10.. C• . p Dlh hed 0r-C.oest Oell't Piiot O•ugltler Llncw G• 1110 of s.t\I• Ana u -...... C• •nd 1-9ranc1<n11drt!'1. f une1.i Du.'°· ttn, J-. •, IJ, 20, 1911 S.U1·11
\erv1os were held locley Friday
Oeoml>t'r JO, 1911 •I II 00 II M al
Smlln Tuthill Limb S•nt• Ana PUBLIC NOTICE
Mortuary 0...pel wl1n R ... M1C,,.el -----------1 S1m•v1tl< of C.lvary Cllur<h 111 TU\lln
Olllclalonq lnlerm•nt "'"' II• ~I
f'1lrl\av•n Mo-mo"al P..-k, !>.lnlt An~,
Ce. !>moth lull\111 Llmt> S..nta An•
Morluery dlrecton s-1 ... 1~1.
DOROTHY 8RIC'<ELS, re•ldenl of
Sanl• AM , Ce., DHHd •way on
0.c:tmber 19, 1911 " Ille -Of II. No
torm•I IU<t1tra1 Mr••t• will t>e ll~ld
Cr•m•U"" onCI burl•I at •O<t, conouc I·
l!d by Smith Tulnlll l.Anob S.nl• An•
Morluerr. $47 ... 131.
Colla M•u. Ca. P•l\•d 11wey
December 29, 1911 Survovf'd by ""'
p11renl\ Pedro & Anoru Ron• ol
CCKI& ~.a. C11 Fu.,.ral HrvlOt ere
~lldlnq •t Smit" 1 .. 111111 umt> C~ta
Mew MGrl._y "*-"*· WALLE
FRANCES G. WALLE, ruio.nt of
Or•n9e, C• P••seO •w•y on Dtt•m~' '7, 1'11, 5'/fvl....., t>r Ac.
W•ll• of Meryl-., ... .,, Mery Menn
of Fountain Vel1ev, Ca •nd Tru•
NAME STATEMENT The loll-Ing perSOl'I Is Ooln<i bust·
M•rl,,. A .. -. N•wport 8•Kh, CA
Fr•nk'1 Men.et' le C.lltornle CM·
p0ret1on1, 150 H. Le Brea Avenue,
ll'lolewOOd, CA ~I
Thi\ buslneu II CondUClecl by • C:«•
by· R lci..rd Y esuci., Pr~•loent
This stat-I wn fifed wlll\ ti.
County C.let"11 of Ore~ Counly ""
o.<em~27. 1'77.
CUIOVE R ESCRoW co•P. , ... , ... 11rv1tw•1v11.
T11tU11, CA 92.-
EKl'9W Ne. ~12'1K
"'* Put>ll•hed Or-coesl D•llr Pllol
Oe<.30, 1'77,J.,.,,, U,20, 191~ 54»-77
LtCl•lr 01 MU ••<hUHllS, tour ,__ _________ __,
PUBLIC NOTICE 9 randtlllldrt11 Grnttlde !>arvlct•
wlll be held Friday 0.0mber 30. 1971 I
•I I 00 P.M. 114 Pecllfc V14w ~mor .. I 1-----------.i Par•. lnltr,,,.nt w lll ~ •I P•clllc NOTICETOCltEDITOIU
View Memorlel Perk Pe<lllC Ill•• SUPEltlOttC:OURTOl'TNI!
IHmorlel Per'li Mott....-y atr~ tors STA Tl! OF CALI l'OltNIA FO•
427 E 17th St
· Cost a Mesa • 646-4888
Santa Ana Chapel
518 N. Broadway
Santa Ana • 547-4131
SMlntS' MOltTUARY 627 Main St.
Huntington Beach
7801 Bolsa Ave.
creditors of the -,......., dec:edent
tn.1 •II per-llevlno clelms aqelmt
II• s•ld oec.c1t111 ••• requt!"M to Ille tN!m, w ltlt tlle llK41\Yr'f vouc,.,.rs, In
the ofllu of lhe clel1t ot Ille a~ ..,.
titled court, <>r lo P"wnl them, with Ill• n•cuwry YO<iCMrs, to tri. un-
derslQned et lhe olllce Of ROBERT
PREECE, 107'6 Hollenbe<k Orlv•.
Riverside, CA. Wltlch Is Ute place of
buslnen of the underslQNO In •II met·
ttr& pert•lnlnq to lhe 9".te ot said o..
t•<Mnl, wltllll'I four months •tt•r .,._
llrst Plil>lic.tlanOf tltlsnouc.. 0• tlld Dec:. 13. 1'n
EllKllloroftlWWlllof tlla-... med.~~· •ROBERT PREECE
tt7'6 HMleMl!dl Dtl\119
T .. :j41.4Mf
Att-y ferE-....r
Pvbllslled o-_,. Olftt 0."'1 t>llot
We never stop thinking about your money.
Naturally, we've surrounded ourselves with
smart people. People who come up with capi-
tal ideas.
Ideas to make your capital grow. Financial
programs that flt your finances. Savings plans
that pay more interest Capital ideas. ·
But while we constantly think about your
money, we always keep one thing in mind. It is
your money.
You can be sure that an Allstate Savings
capital idea is ~ sound idea.
Allstate Savings capital ideas
are better than money in the
Park Plan
Wins OK
A $126,700 develop-
ment plan for Stockport
Park in Laguna Hills bas
been approved by
Orange County
The park, off Stockport
Street and west of Alicia
Parkway, will include
two picnic tables, a tot
lol, a sand volleyball
court and a basketball
court, a report to
supervisors said.
Barbara Gellman, an attorney specializing In
cases involving environmental cons1derations, wm
discuss laws affecting air quality at 7:30 p.m. Jan.
11 at the home of Anita Diamond, 26622 Cortina
Drive, Mission Viejo.
JAN. 1Z AT 9: IS A.M., Fern Pirkle, president of
the Friends of lhe lrvlne Coast, will discuss "An
Urban Park in the Coastal Area." Sbe will speak al
the home oC Bobbie Minkin, 490 Myrtle St., Laauna Beach.
"Current Land Use Problems in Newport.
Beach and Costa Mesa" will be the subject or
Jackie Heather, chairman of the Newport Beach
Planning Commission. She will give her talk at 7: 30
p.m. Jan. 12 at the home of Peg EngHsb, 3367
Larkspur St ., Costa Mesa.
All Of the meetines are free and open to the public.
bank. Because we can pay higher interest
rates on insured savings than banks can.
Also, Allstate Savings is a member of the
Sears family.
Our smart people have helped Allstate Sav-
ings become the fastest growing savings and
loan association in California. We now have
$2.1 billion in assets and 83 offices all over the
If you want their kind of thinking on your
money, come to Allstate Savings.
We will be pleased to share
our thoughts with you.
~ ......... .
Cemetery Mor1uary
3500 Pacific View Drive
P UBU C NOTICE SAVI NOS o.c. "·"·'°· 1tn,J ... 4. •m · StU·n
Laguna Be.Ch
494-941 6 LaQuna Hiii•
San Juan Capistrano
• N•ALHOMI COrona del MM 873-8450 Cottt ,..... 048-2 .. 24
OottaM-. 842-91!50 •
llYOIC£ $95
•• Vnomit..a.ct '40-2I07
•~ ~--
A Capital Idea.
120 Newport Centar Ortve, &Ate 138
~. -
• 1NS&DE : •Ann Landers
Fttday, o.e.m1>er 30. 1977 ~~at~-·-·-·~~~
Muriel Siebert Robert.a Karmel
Juanita Kreps Patricia Harris Jacqueline Means
Firsts. • •
.\lun el Siebert became the Jrrst i\'ew York Supemitendent of Banks. Roberta S Karmel was first
woman 011 the SEC. two women 1omed tl1e cabinet -Juariita Kreps became Secretary of Commerce
and Patricia llarris headed llUD . Jacqueline Means became.the first woman regularly ordamed as an
Episcopal priest: Janet Guthrie was the first woman to·qvalijy for the Ind1anapohs 500 : Janelle Com·
m1ssio11~1 beca me the first black Miss Universe. and Rose Bfit/,lledtzme the f irst f emale to serve as Chief
J w1t 1ce of tile Calif orn1a Supreme Court
A Woman's Year
Janet Guthrie .I
Janelle Commissiong Rose Bird
In 1977, there was a National Woman's Conference and women were making gains in employment and sports.
And although the ERA still wasn 't passed, sex barriers continued to fall in small but significant ways. ~
NEW YORK 1AP 1 A flaming "women's
rights" torch was carried by runners in a
2,612-mile relay from Seneca Falls, N . Y . where
the firs t national women's convention was held
tn 1848, to Houston, Tex .. where another na·
l1onal women's convention was held in 1977.
Al the federally funded National Women's
Conference in November 2,000 delegates ap-
proved 25 or the 26 resolutions in a National
Plan of Action. Defeated was a propos al for a
<'Ubinct-lcvel \\Omen's departmenl.
Among the controversial resolutions en·
dorsed ~ere thos e favoring the Equal Rights
Amendme nt, legal abortions and homosexual
rights. The delegates' recommendations will be
fo rwarded to the president and Congress.
A major issue was the ERA, which so far
has been ratified by 35 of the 38 states that must
do so by March 1979 for it to become a part of
th'.? Constitution. A counter·confcrence. oppos·
ing the amendment as well as abortion and
homosexual rights, was led by Phyllis Schlafly.
":!·vear·old Alton. Ill., housewife. Jaw student
aml founder of Stop· ERA.
.f\ mong those at the meeting were Betty
Friednr. credited with giving birth to the
women's movement, and Eleonor Smeal, 37·
y ear-old Pittsburgh, Pa .. housewife and mother
of two. who as new pres ident of the National
Organization for Women vowed to go on the of·
fepsive for ERA.
BELLA ABZUG, former New York con·
gresswoman. presided at the conference and
Rosalynn Carter, Betty Ford and Lady Bird
Johnson, a trio of First Ladies who have long
been vocal in their backing of ERA. spoke in
support of the amendment. ,
In other ways White House women. present
and past, were much In the limelight during
Mrs. Carter, whom her husband has called
his closest adviser and "political partner,"
made a seven-nation tour. meeting with heads
: of Caribbean and Lalin American countries.
: President Carter's mother celebrated her
. 79th 6irthday amidst the hubbub generated by
·the publication or a book of her letters from In-
dia which the president's sister, Gloria Spann,
Earlier In the year "Miss Lillian" had re·
turned to India, where she once worked as a
nurse for the Peace Corps, heading a U.S. del
egatlon to the funeral of India's president
Later she visited Ireland, and during her busy
year she became the firsl woman ever awarded
the Synagogue Council of America's "Covenant
o( Peace" prize.
"FIRST .KID" Amy Carter started making new~ shortly after her father's lnaugurat.ion, on
her fir!'l day at. the 'l'haddeus Stevens Elemen·
tary School, as the first Whlte House child to at·
tend public school ln seven decades. Media at·
tentioo and cameras continued to focus on her
ns she read a book at Stale dinners, played in
her treehouse and celebrated her loth blrthday.
Carter daugh~rs-io-law also got into the
family act. Caron Joined her husband, Chip, to
represent the president at Queen Elliabe\}\ 's
.,Jubilee in Engl'1\d. The couple and their inf ant
son, James Earl Carter 4th, lived for a time ht
the White House, alone With Jell Carter and his
wife, Annette. But later they moved to Plains,
Ga .• where Chip went to work ln the family's
peanut busineas, quleUn1 reports of marital
The third dauihter-in·law. Judy, wire of the
president's oktest son, Jack, became one of the
lead.ins 1pokeapenona for the ERA, as welt aa a
contribuUnc editor of Redl>Ook ma1uiM.
A former retldent of the White House was
alao In the now• aa a writer. JuUe Nlxon
Rosalyn Yalow Marian Anderson
Celebrations. • •
Rosalyn Yalow won a Nobel
Prize: Marian Anderson received
a Medal of H onor: V irginia Wade
won Wimbledon : Queen Elizabeth
ce l ebrated a j ubilee : a rtist
Georgia O'K eefe turned 90: and
Crystal Gayle wa s named a top
f e1nale vocal a r tist. -
Eisenhower's book'l.;(special People,·' profiles ,
among others, her husband's grandmother.
Mamie Doud Eisenhower. who celebrated her
8lst birthday In November.
L ynda Johnson Robb, another young
woman who once called 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
home, helped her husband, Chuck, in his suc-
cessful campaign for lieutenant governor of
Susan Ford, daughter of former President
Gerald Ford, dropped out of the University or
Kanus joumal~m school and worked as a still
photographer during the filming or "Jaws 11 ...
Caroline Kennedy, 19-year-old daughter of
the late President J ohn F. Kennedy, worked as
a summer "copy person" for the New York Dai-
ly News.
late president's m other, was awarded an
honorary Doctor of Humane Letters at
Georgetown University for her work on behalf or
the mentally retarded.
Bess Truman. 92, afff.'ctionately refert'e<I to
as "the Bou .. by her late husband, Pre$ident
Harry S. Truman, .waa briefly hospitalized
followipg a fall in her Independence, Mo., home.
ln the government, in business, in scienUflc
fields, women acquired precedent-setting
honors, acb1evements and jobs.
President. Carter appointed two women to
Ms Cabinet: Juanita M. Kreps as Secretary of
Commerce and Patrkia Roberts Harns as
Secretary or Houslnc and Urban Development.
Margaret "Midge" Costanaa was cboeen
presidential asststant ror publlc liaison and
Esther Peterson was appointed special assls-
tanl lor consumer atralrs.
Vtrginla Wilde Queen E llubeth
G.Orgi.a O'Keefe Crystal Gayle
Other women named lo high government
posts included Anne Cox Chamber s, am ·
bassador to Belgium ; Marie Hernandez. assis-
tant chief of protocol for the United States; Azle
T. Morton, U.S. treasurer: Stella B. Hackel,
director of the mint; Eleanor Holmes Norton,
chairman of the federal Equal Employment Op-
portunity Commission: Dr. Carolyn R. Payton.
head of the Peace Corps ; Lucy Wilson Benson,
Undersecretary or Slate in charge of Security
Roberta Karmel, first woman member or
the Securities and Exchange Commission, ts In
the big.beat. post ever held by a woman in the
agency's 43-year history. Dr. Edithe J . Levlt
was appointed preaident o( the National Board
of Medic.al Examiners, the first woman to head
the board in its 60-year history. Elizabeth El-
lery Bailey became the first woman to serve on
the Civil Aeronautics Board.
Jill Wlne-Volner. 33-year-old lawyer who
served as an assistant special prosecutor at the
Watergate coverup trial, became the first
woman to be appointed general counsel or the
IN OO'HER nBSTS durtnc a year in which
women conUnued to break barriers, Muriel
Siebert, 47, the flrat woman to hold a seat on the
New York Stock Exchange, became the rirat
woman to serve as New Yortt SlJte Superinten-
dent of Banks.
Rose l:Uubeth Bird, chief JuaUce ot \he
Callromia 8'1pnme Court, Dot onlY. ls the ftnt
woman memMr of tbet court but it UM HeOftd
•om an lD the ..UC.'a history to be~ Jultlce
of a atate-au~ court.
Lucille Rose, se, once a wa1trea1 In her
mother's soul-food diner in Brooklyn, became •
New York City's first woman deputy mayor,
named by Mayor Abraham Beame as Deputy
Mayor for Manpower and Planning.
And New York's Mayor·elecl Edward Koch
picked 29-year-old Maureen Connelly as press
secretary, the first woman and the youngest
person ever to hold the job. Koch ulso appointe<t
Ronay Menschel, 35, as· deputy mayor. Carol
Bellamy wac; elected president of New York's
City Council, but Bella Abzug, 56·year -old
former congresswoman who threw one of her
m any haL'i into the rang as a Democratic can·
didate for mayor, lost in the primary.
The Rev. J acqueline Means, 40, in 1t
ceremony al All Saints Church in Indianapolis ,
became the first woman officially to be or,
dained an Episcopal priest. The nurse and
mother or four had been a deacon of the church;
Within the year, about 60 women were ordained.
AND THE REV. Beverly Messenger.Harris,
30. who was ordained an Episcopal priest a few
days later. became the rirst femaJe priest lo be a
full time rector or a parish when she became rec·
tor of the Gethsemane Episcopal Church in Sher·
rill, N.Y.
Dr. Rosalyn S. Yalow, one of three
Americans awarded the 1977 Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine for pioneering research
in the role of hormones in the chemistry of the
huma n body, is tht> second woman ever to win a
Nobel Prize in medicine.
Ann Berk became the first woman statior1
manager of a network-affiliated television sla·
lion when she assumed the post at t.he NBC
flagship station, WN BC. which she joined In
From teen-agers to grandmothers, women
continued lo win ribhons. crowns and lilies in
competitions of varied catc~.,;·;c~
Janelle Penny Commissiong, ;;.1.ycar·old
fas hion designer who competed as Miss
Trinidad-Tobago, became the first black Miss
Universe in the pageant's 26 years. Marie
Stavins. 20. of Sweden. won the Miss World
IN OTHER ANNUAL competitions Susan
Yvonne Perkins, 23. a singer and biology
graduate of Mia mi University of Ohio, waJked
down the runway al Atlantic City as the new Miss
America. Kimberley Louise Tomes. 21, of
Houston, was named Miss USA.
Christina Ellen Moller. 17 , of Jonesboro,
Ark .. was named America's Junior Miss :
Valerie Lynn Dunn, 17, a high school senior
from Washington. D.C .. was crowned Miss
Black Teen-age World: Claire Ford, an 18-year·
ole1 would·be lawyer from Memphis, an English
major al Memphis State University, was
crowned Miss Black America. ·
Leslie Owen Griffiths, 15, of Anchora1e,
Alaska, became Miss Teen-Age America, and
Lavelda Fann, IS.year-old high school senior
from Gadsden, Ala .. Miss National Teen-Ager.
Graci Ann Welsh, 19, a Chemehuivl-Mohave In-
dian from Parker, Ariz., won the Miss Indian
America Pageant.
Rita Reutter, 58. a grandmother and moth~r
of four daughters. who Is s tudying for a
master's degree In guidance counseUn1. was
elected Homecoming Queen al F lorida
Technological University in Orlando.
A queen who has reigned for 25 years, 51·
year-old Queen Elizabeth II or Britain, celebut.
ed her Silver Jubilee.
In the arts, too, women made news during I
1917. l At. a concert at New York's Cvnetie Hall
celebrating her 75th birthday. legendary con-'
tralto Marian Anderson heard Rosalynn Carter (
read a congresalonal resolutJon booorinc her Cor
"her unstinting efforts on bet.all of the
<Se.e WOMAN'S, Pa•• 82)
D DAILY PILOT ~rlday D~rn~ 30. 1977
Actress Joan Crawford died. Feminist Alice Paul died.
• •• Woman's Year
<From Page BO
brotherhood of m an," and became the fi rst
black lo receive a congressional medal.
Famed artis t Georgia O'Keeffe, celebrating
her 90th birthday, was the subject of a Public
Broadcasting Service special.
At a Hollywood celebration of her long
career, Bette Davis. 68, received the Lifetime
Achievement Award of the American Film
Institute. The award has been given only five
times and she is the first woman recipient.
Crystal Gayle was named best female singer
of the year at the Country Music Assodation
awards show In Nashville, Tenn.
Though the ERA didn't make it in 1977, little
by little sex barriers continued to fall in small but
!'>ignificant ways. A Treasury ruling discontinued
the requirement that women co-0wners or U.S.
Savings Bonds, or women beneficiaries of the
honds, be identified as Miss or Mrs.
The Supreme Court ruled that employment
n:qui rcmcnL" for h eight and weight discriminate
11legally against women when employers fail to
show that the tests have some real relation to the
ahility to handle the job. The ruling appeared like·
Jy to opt•n more jobs for women in police, firefight·
1ng and s imila r fields by ending arbitrary
ellgih1hty standurds that served to restrict hiring
to men
Britain's n<.1lional ized railroad system aban·
cloned the lOO·year·ol cl cu:;tom or "Ladies Only"
('Omparlmcnts on tr ains. And in New York City
the City Council Consumer Affairs Committee
voted to lift a 115·ycar-old ban against women
working as waitresses and food vendors at
theaters. hascbull p<.1rks and race tra~ks.
/\long with the gains, there were some set·
backs for women. The Catholic Church, an-
nounced the Vatican. will not ordain women as
priests no matter what other churches do.
because J esus Christ was a man and his
representatives on e arth must bear a "natural
/\nd women were declared still unwelcome
as Rotarians when the Council on Legislation
defeated a constitutional amendment to allow
wom en to become members of the organization.
The veterans of Foreign Wars, at their na-
tional convention, rejected a bylaw change to
<.11low eligible women veterans to join.
A nationwide survey revealed that almost
30 p ercent or 17-year·olds questioned believe
that a woman's place is in the home. An addi·
tiona l 20 percent think women should be allowed
to work only under certain condltions.
Nevertheless, according to new Labor
Department figures, the percentage of work-
ing mothers has risen 7 percentage points since
1970 and 46 percent of American children under
18 had mothers who worked outside the home
last year.
"In company with the first lady ever to
qualify at Indianapolis, gentlemen, start your
The lady whose presence brought about the
change in the traditional starting ritual of the
famous auto race was Janet Guthrie. 39, the
first woman to qualify for the Indianapolis 500.
Earlier in the year she had become the first of
her sex to start the Daytona 500.
In another sport, 4lS·year-old Patty Cox also
chalked up a first. Named as general Manager
of the Oklahoma City 89ers. the AAA farm club
or the Philadelphia Phillies, Mrs. Cox became
the first and onl y female general manager in
AAA baseball.
The younger generation. 1'00. was making
inroads on sports formerly reserved for men on-
ly. Amber "Jim" Hunt, a n ll·year·old from Salt
Lake City, Utah, made her boxing debut against
an 11 ·year-old boy, winning handily in three
rounds. She is tht' first female ever to enter the
Golden Gloves competition in the United Slates.
Though she wasn't making waves by break·
ing a sex barrier, 45·year-old Stella Taylor did
make waves or a sort by breaking a swimming
record by more than fou r hours, swimming the
32·mile length of New York's Lake George in 26
hours, 51 minutes.
Cindy Nicholas, 19-year -old Canadian.
broke the world record for a nonstop, round·trip
swim or the English Channel. Her 19 hours, 55
minutes, was 10 hours better than the previous
record. She was the first woman to complete a
two-way nonstop crossing of the channel.
A new tennis queen was crowned at
Wimbledon, as Virginia Wade or Britain won
the women's singles title by defeating Betty
Stove of The Netherlands. The 31 .year·old Miss
Wade had beaten Chris E vert. the defending
champion, in the semifinals.
Despite this setback, the 22·year-old Miss
Evert continued to rack up court victories dur·
ing the year, including her third consecutive
Amy Carter reigned as First Kid.
U.S. Open women's s ingles crown at Forest
Her teeth in braces and her hair pulled back
with r ibbons, a new tennis star stepped into the
limelight as 'f'r<.1cy Austin became. at 14, the
youngest competitor in Wimbledon's lOO·year
history Though she bowed to Miss Evert in the
third round, the schoolgirl from Rolling Hills.
Calif.. was a favont(' of the press and the crowds.
Kathy Whitworth, 36·year-old Texan, won the
bigges~ prize In women's golf when she took ftrst
place and $36,000 in the sixth annual Colgate·
Dinah Shore Winners Circle tournament. Miss
Whitworth, who has won more money than any
other competitor in the history of the Ladies
Professional Golf Association, also finished first
an the Coca-Cola Classic.
Linda Frallanne. 16, of Northridge, Calif..
won the women's world figure skating cham·
p1onsh1p, succeeding American Olympic gold
medalist Dorothy Hamill, who has turned pro-
fessional, as the world's skating queen. The
20-year·old Miss Hamill, who gave up her
amateur status to tour with the Ice Capades,
was voted the 1977 athlete·of-the·year by
readers of Women Sports magazine.
Hollis Stacy, 23, won the $100,000 Muscular
Dystrophy golf tournament with a 17·under-par
271. a Ladies Professional Golf Association rec·
ord for72holcs.
Deaths during the year included.
Anais Nin, 74, writer noted for her series of
diaries, which she began in her childhood and con·
unucd through her life: Frances Payne Bolton, 92,
Ohi o Congresswoman who served in the House
from 1939 through 1968 : Lela Rogers . 86, editor.
theatrical producer and mother of actress Ginger
Rogers; Marjorie G ateson, 86, an actress for
nearly 60yearson stage, screen and television.
Joan Crawford, 69, superstarof lhescreenfor
decades after Charlestoning her way to stardom
in 1928 in "Our Dancing Daughters"; high fashion
milliner Sally Victor. 83: Ethel Barrymore Colt.
65, actress, singer . daughterotthe late Ethel Bar·
rymore and a member of the ninth generation of
the ramed stagefam ily.
Alice Hughes, 78, syndicated newspaper col-
umnist and foreign correspondent; Geraldine
Brooks, 52, Broadway, Hollywood and television
actress and nature photographer; Sue Kaufman,
50, author of ''The Diary of a Mad Housewife" and
other novels.
Bella Abzug led /WY conference.
Alice Paul. 92, a leader of the women's suf-
frage movement who was called the author of the
proposed Equal R ights Amendment to the
Co!'stitution; Kath~rine Stinson Otero, 86, pioneer
aviator and stunt fhf.'r who ts credited as the first
skywriter and the first woman to fl y at night.
Jean Hagen. 52. radio. stage, movie and TV
star, who appeared in the series, ''Make Room for
~addy": Ethel W~tcrs, 80, blues and gospel
singer and dramatic actress; Maria Callas 53
opera singer; Mary Ford, 53, who with Les Paul·
at that time her husband, rose to fame in the ·~
as a singing duo: M~ria Grigorievna Rasputin, 77,
daughter of Czans t Russia 's "Mad Monk"
~cademy Award Oscars went to Beatrice
Straight, Best Supporting Actress, and Faye
Dunaway, Best Actress. both for roles in
"Network " Tony awards went to Dorothy L~u~on. nam~ best actress in a musical, "An·
nie. and Juhc llarns, best actress in a drama,
"The Belle of Amherst." LilyTomlingotaspecial
Tony for her one.woman show, "Lily Tomlin -
Appearing Nitely.' ·
Nancy Hanks, chairman of the National En-
dowment for the Arts, was natned the 191'7
"Woman of Conscience" by the National Council
of Women. She was cited tor turning "the
performlng arts from an elitist exercise to a mass
The American Academy and Institute of Arts
and Letters for the first lime elected three women
in the same year: Hortense Calisber and
Elizabeth Ha rdwick, novelists and short story
writers, and Ada Louise Huxtable. architecture
In the milit4'ry, women were flying high. or
the 157 women who entered the Air Force
Academy last year, 130 made it to Recognition
Day, theformalendofthefirstyear.
Ten women received silver wings as the first
or their sex to be trained as military pilots by the
Air Force.
For the first time in the history of the Marine
Corps. 22 female 2nd lieutenants. participating In
a 21-week officer training program at the Quan·
tico, Va .. Bas ic School, underwent combat train·
ingin 11simulatedtwo·day war.
The Pentagon announced that the Navy. m ak-
ing its first major changes in uniforms for women
s ince 1943, will include slacks as well as skirts in
the women sailors • and officen1' uniforms.
( Borose':Jpe ) ·Homemakers Angry at 'Seen It'
SATURDAY, DEC. 31 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-LANDERS: 1 just read
Bv SYDNEY OMARR . Nov. 21): Accent on that letter from "Seen It
called is home and wait-taken if and when the Telephone service could to pay damages.
ing. sc heme r s are dis-bedisconnecledandyou Youclidn'taskforany
ARIES (March 21-good times, friends. All" -that damn fool•
April 19): Exchange of fulfillment of desires. who thinks any woman
ideas can be stimulal-Excelle.nt for party· who stays home and pre-
ing, need not deteriorate celebra~on. ~ave de-tends it takes a whole
into argument. Accent lails, ftn~ points for day to clean house and
on knowing where you ~nother tame. Relax. cook and take care or
s tand, reestablishing re-SAGl1TARJUS <Nov. kids ia a "freeloader and
lalionship, communicat· 22-Dec. 21): Pursuit or a parasite." I am so
ing greetings. Celicita· honor , career is mad I can hardly see
tions. spotlighted. You can straight to write this let·
My wife and I think covered and it ba.s been could even end up in advice, but I'm tellJng this is dishonest. Our proven that there was t Off d b ·cousins m ainta1·n that cour · en ers ave you to play It straight l n tent to defraud -been fined and required and pay the rate, Bub. AT&T loses no revenue ----------------------...:.....:.. ___ ;._ __ _
TAURUS (April 20-make favorable im· ter. It's 11:20 at night. I .""--------" May 20): Good Moon pression on those in juat finished the ironing for you. Stay under
aspect coincides now positions or authority. and I waxed the floor wraps for a couple of
with excite ment. You are temporarily because.my ln·laws are months or leave tbe
speculation, variety, restricted. Prestige is on coming tomorrow from country. If anyone finds
pursuit of pleasure. You upswing, despite· possi-California. out who you are, you
could ran madly in love. ble feeling of frustra· I just hope when that won't be safe on the
GEMINI (May 21-lion. moron dies be comes streets.
for this type or call
because their facilities
are available and
almost ever ything is
done by machine these
days. Your comments.
please. -WAITING IN
WAX: According to II·
Jlnols BeU, your one-ring
gimmick ls equivalent to
stealing. This practice ls
f'OL unique -olhen use
ft and tbe telephone
companies are not all
Prompt action ls.
June 20): Stick to CAPRICORN <Dec. back to earth as a D E A R A N N
familiar ground. Home. 22-Jao. 19): Keep com-housewife with five kids, LANDERS: Our cousins
base is best. Avoid munication lines clear. two dog_s._threeharnslers. have a system of using
motoring with inebriat· Long-distance calls are and a 17-room house. I'd l he I on g ·distance
ed persons. featured. Accent on like to hear his story. -telephone to signal their
·CANCER (June 21-travel, resolutions , BEEN THERE AND safe arrival home from Club Calendar run& ~och
July 22): Emphasis on philosophical concepts. STILL AM a trip. They simply dial Wedm?aday in th~ Datl11
short trips, relatives, as· AQUARIUS (Jan. DEAll BEEN: Yoa the number of the Ptlot and contain& notiui
s uming f'inancial 20-Feb. 18>: Feelings. aad Zt,OOt otber telephone,allowthebell 01 women's and iervice
responsibility, being emotions dominate -bomemaken. Tbe mall to rlng once, then bang club meetrngs and ~ts
••responsible" where a · you Jet involved, sen-Is beyoad bellef. I'm up. /or the foUowtng ~~le -
Telatlon1hlp ts con-tlmental and concerned even getting letters Tb e person who Thursday through W~e•·
cerned. about welfare of CamUy. fnm 1a .. uc1s wbo are makes the call sets an day. Send noltc~s lo Club
LEO (July 23 -Aug. . ca11ta1 Illa oaL .. Seen approximate arrival Calendar, Daily Pilot, P.O. 22): How much time PISCES (Feb. 19-It.'' I have a meaa1e time and tbe one being Box 1$60, Coata Mua, CA
energy and money ex: · March 20) : Take it easy ?--~-.a=----m;;;::.--_::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;9;;;;26%6;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ pended becomes more ·-don 't bat t I e . important than us ual. circumstances; go with NO · viaoo (Aug. 23.Sept. the tide. Accent on PIANOS
22): Your creaUvJty ls partnersbl.p, marital
evident _ you make status, ability to know for Sale
new atart.s in new direc· difference between & .Rent
tlona; originality, the· P.ro~lseandactuality.
tun of discovery are all .. -;:;:~====•:;:;;;;..I
~Ht of thla excltln1
ecenarlo. ·
, Lf91tA (~. 2'·0Cl.
·22H Clande1Uoe• COM•
JD•ltta, remark•,
1 f!U .. ._ are featured. '. .
The Garden Announces
Its Fall & Winter Sole
All Merchandise
113-'h Off
&t!• r:/h11¥1i (11/kri
vi. Udo Plaaa
'41S Vte UdO. Nl.llTlbw 1~ , __ .. ...,..... ... ..-
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MISSION VIEJO , .... ~...,.,
211t2 Mileuain NY. ...................... ..... ,... .........
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sur1•10ttcou•TOl'TMlf ITATIOl'~ll'O•NtAl'OA
Estele of GRACE #o. GREENE,
El•-A s.t111111\esfJled"-eln•11eU
ll011 for P.-te of Woll -lor luu•nu
of L.•ll•n Tette-ery to t1w1 "-"
llOMr, refer-• to ""'1<11 It me<Y for
lu.tller pM'llCUl ... t.. -llWI llW ti,.,,. -------------•!Id DIK • of hMrlftll 11-.. -'WI
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M.-rfa'fOCllHt.,.._t ..........
Ill Illa Matlllf' *4 !flt •\lele ol
l'~IEOl!Al (I( H. DtH150H, o.<ee...r,
NOTICE IS HElllllY GtlleN lo
<rfldllon ,..vlllo cl•lms ~Intl Ille
selO ff<-to Ille "'Id <lllmt tn \flt
Otll<e ol lllt '~ ol "'9 elof.-.i. '-Ollrl
or t• preleM tflMI lot tlle ~lfll" 11
Ill• olflce ot "'LL GEN I I( I NO, Wal1tr. W.tMloCll., MMMon & King, • I.•• c;w..,etlell, lt9 C..twy Pe" test. 5111te lllO, l.tt AllCJltltn, CA tOI»/,
wlll<ll ratter offke 11 ttie llMIC• el bus!> "°" of ti.. .,...niOMd Ill •II m.111n peri•tnl"t to Ylid ....... M" cletms .,,.,, .... _y~-.,.
11194 or _._ as ef-.ald within
lour "'°"'"' efltr IM lint Pllbllt•tloft ol tfll1M>llU. D•ttd~U,1'77.
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MAltlOM&IUNO .t.uwcer-..-
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O.c.Jjl,lt71.Ji.n.•,IJ,I0,1971 S42H 1
Friday, O.C.mbet 30, 1Sl77 DAILY' PILOT U
caJCTaM.O•tT••CTCN'CALll•O•Mta .... IJ.121'1 llM
111 Ill• #oetltr of 5AN CLl!Ml!NT• tNVESTM\INTS I, • L.ltnll•lli
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TO CLASS 0 CLAl#oANTS UNOl!lt THI! OillTOlt't MOOlllll!O lllAL
INTERESTIOPAllTIES: llLl!A$E TAKE NOTlt• lllel on lt>e UOI ..., el J--., 1t?t, et 2: ..
e'cloclr ... ltl., e _,,. wfll lie lleld btlort lfle ~ l~y J ..... WI
C:ourt-... -"'-·U.S. c.ou..-.a1t"'4'tfliorl"9 SI ..... LM,.,,.. ....
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.0010; o.v1e1 ' Giii ., o..w11no. Giit. #o!OIMI-• oousa. um Vtlltw• ll~ltll• ... wi. -Shermlll OekJ, C•'"°'"'•· tlfl.SI 9116 YIU• llltllfll!U .. Trust c;o....,,y, IOO Miit\ Slr .. t. S...te ,.,.., C.111.,.,..e, Any M)tctloM ...-
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01' OllOOl'TltvSf
THIS A#oENO#oEN'T AND MODIFICATION It "'99 en4 entef'ecl lrllo ti ot '"" nnn • ., of nttnnn. 1t11, 11y -lit-t?nnnn. t11111e -lltnd. fllrtllllfter <•I ... 8-flci.rt•s. l!ld SAN GLUUHTl INVl!ST#o£HTS
'l,eL.lmlttclPllrl-llllp,-ltaoaJ_..., .. .,_,....,.....,,,...,_lfcllo"'-
11.,. of I .. 09ec1" Tnlit lletelMlter deK rteecl, 4111 tM .,,_. Miid, Mt"tltlttfter <•1194 Trustor.
StL\IE"STONE Jl!WEl..lfY, 316
Cenyon AcrK Or., L"i!lllM lk4Kh, CA.
92•l l
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Dr .. L'"flun• llMcll, CA. fl.St
This bullnou Is conoucted by an in-
Tl!ls Sit t-I Wff filed wll!I lllt
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f'ounteln \1111ev A90ncy tor Commun!.
IY O••etopment Of the City ot f'°""t••n
Velley, C•lllornl•. will receive \Hied
propoHIS 1.11111 lllt l\Our ot 11·JO a ,m.,
Mondey, J.,....ry •. tt78 kl<' con\lruc·
u on ot \H,1111wa1~, on uw w•sl s lM Of
MOunt Hef'"fmfW\l't Cirtl• from Sl•t~r
Avenue to 1117 leel NIO Sieler ,Avenue
in aci:o,d•nc.• wun th~ Pt•rti •ttd
Pror>osah ""'" "" presffltf'd u"°~' \ffled cover •no'""" ti.. actomP•n•ecl by OM ol ltw torm• of 01.-rs 1e<urtly
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Hell, lctZOO Sl•I.,. Avtnut, on or bef0<e
'"" 11our stet•d Al Ille dt!.lg,,.tea tome ell bids received will t><t publocto;
oP~•O, uemoM<! <Ind dectered by the
C1tv ct .. k 81dl)frs end the l>UOll< •••
11w1tlft) lo bt p<e~t •I tne detlAr11ton of \•Id prOOO'Mll•.
All Old\ 10 rect1Vtd. taamlntd .tr\O Gt< oared Wiii be ret.,red by II•• (lly
Cl•r• to , ... City EnvinNr end Ille C•I•
l\llor""Y tor ci.01no and •l'POrl 10 the Founl•ln V1lley A0tno 10< Commu~1
It [)r \f•l~t at th rfQUltlr m"ti"O
on J•nu•ry II, 1971
J.lpor 10 tomment1nQ wor1', the con
tractor tJ"<I <'II \utxuintr,utor\ '""ti Ob
htin • bu\4"""' U<enw tr-om ow C..1lv ot
F"oul'llt•tn V1t1ry tn at<oro~tntf' with
IM City M<inmpel c-No Votumo
1 I 111• s. C~pt~,.) u. ana s OI
Atl bl(I\ ert to ~ comp.artd on tn•
b.ol\ oJ lhf' lotto.•r>Q Kheelul• of won. ......
• P.C.C Sldlwel~ OWltlty
•, 11051'
,,_ dCCord.~' wit" tn. oroYt\lon\ ot
~'-ion 1UO to 1111 1nc.hniv~ of ttw
L•OOr Codt of !"" Stele ot Ct llfor111a,
tn~ Fountoln llall~y AQtncy tor Com·
mun•tv 0.. .. 1.,.,,,_1 of Ille t11y of
f aunt~'" V•Uf"y M\ t>y rnolution •\
,.,,•In.HI tho Ptt•tl11"9 nourty rel• of w•a .. tor UC" u •tt or IVPt ol
wOr,mon or mt<f\afHC\ nHOed to t•· '< utt lf'\~ contr•<t ¥Wh•<I\ wltl he
A#U dtd IQ '"" \U(U .. IUI blGdtr Prfva111nq W"9f i" <l.\"-\Hlc1Unn not
pto•ld<oo tor by ro\Olulion \flfll not bo
lh\ than IM 11\0SI ro<tnl w-In ~·
'"''"'nation for thf Or•f1Qf: Co1i..1nty
•rta •S PllbtulleG by ,,,. U.S.
Dtp.,tment ol UDor, and In no event
•"•II bt teo thin Ille •sltt>thllod
I ...,.rat Monomum Wll'l!P
No bid 'W;ft be Cort\•Ot'red Uftlttu tt ;,
n•Adt on Ille ottlclet blank form
hm•hlled by the City -ts m-on •«ordanco wltll '"' pro•l11on• of 1111~
Nollet ana ""' prOOOiet nqu1rement1 dlld conoltoons wl forth ull<lflf Section
I ol llW! Sp>collc•llon< Each D-r mu\! t><t ilceMtd In eccoroance wllll
oppl1<able St•lf LAW\ PIAn\, 5Pl'Cllitallons ~nd Ollkl•I
proposat torms to bt "'*' tor blddlno
u n be ootalned only el Ille office ol t.,.
City EftialllHt, CIY Hell.
Cost of iald Plen• encl SPtclllc•tlon• I> U.000. ln<llldlng tex. tt 1111 bidder
roq11esls lllitl Ille Ptet\\ •fl<I SpeclflU·
Oons bt Mnl by melt, Ille molting and
"•ndlln11 c11or911 •11•11 .,. •n aodl· tlonetn .oo, Neltr..r tllt cost ot lllt! otans
end S11etlfl<•llOM. "'"tile cost Of mell· •no•ndllendllnqwlllbtrelurldtd
Tiit Ctly ..-ve~ Ille rlOfll to r•lt<I Ally or all Did>.
City~ of Ill• O ty ot
f=autt•tn V•UPY. C•H,orn;"'
Oiled; OK-r2•. ''11
Publttl'MJd Ortn9t Coest Oalty Pitot
• Dec.lO. lf}I
Dated Ooomber21, 1'17 WILUAMlf.StJONN.
06Heti.t...,.1·1 ~,.~~~.:!~•=~" PubllsNd C>MIQI CoHi O•lly Po lot o.,.Jt,J0, 1tnJ.,., S, 1'11
II>• City Council of Ille City ot Fountoln
Valley, Callfoml• wlll receive '~•ltd
proPO,.I• until the rour Of I l .00 a m
on Januery •. 1911 lor IM remov11 ol Ruutan TJllstte, Pohon Ivy ano
nuoHnce w-•fl<I rubbl"' In llM! City ol F0<tnt1111 Valley In K cordtnce wllh .... w s~lflcell°"' Pr-WIS •h•li
C>t PAHnted ...-s.ettd cover •nd
Slllll be K,_led Dy -ol '"" lorms ol bldclet \ sec:urlty. All oro·
oowh shell bt merkta or a.livered •o u to be In Ille Mncb of U.. City Ctuk at
lltr Ofli<e In tho ColY 11111, 10100 Sl•t•r
Avenue. •I or Detore the hoUt st•led,
at wl\lch """'•II bid' rec:tlveo wlll l>f
Pub I ic ty opentd, eK• m ined .tnO
GeClllrtd by tl\e City Cltrlo. Bk!Oer>
.i.ncl Ill• PubhC ere ln.,ted to be preunl el IM de<laratlonol •aldDr-•ts
All bids so reulved, •••mined •nd ci.ctered will be reterred by the Coty
Clerk to lllt City EllOI-' tncl Ille Ct1 r
AttorMY tor ctw<kl119 and reoort 10 IM
Clly Cou~c11 at llt next reou11r1v \(.,.Outed mHllllQ on Ja1u .. ry 17, IUI.
Tl>t Contr~lor to wi.om •••rd ol
Ille Contract I!> m-sllall, 110011 ••·
ecutlon ot 11\41 Contract and el hi• own
UP<tnu, lumhn lo ll'le City Ille foil-·
1119 Oonds wflocn \1\111 be l"Wd by an
edmltttd •uretr compeny w llll •
oollcylloldor's rallno ol A or l><!ller and
lln.onclet r•llllQ of AAAA o< belltr ••
\11-n by ,,.. "'°'t currH!t edition ol
&est'• tnwrence <;uooe. I• l A bor\d In tne prlncfpal tum of
not•~•• I Mn llM! lotat conlroct proco to Oft\ur• Ille l•itlltut perform.,<• ot Ille
Tiie followlno perM!<ls er• CIOlnQ busi· ... .....
Dove. Sult• •U. Newporl •ff<.11. CA GeHGttn l11du\trlH, Ille. la
Cellfornl• cOt'))Oratlon), 1'00 Dove,
Suitt OS, NtwPOt1 a..c11, CA
Tiii• bull-II.,.;,,. condllded by•
Coroor1ll011. GAIL.PEEN INOUSTl!tes. INC.
By: 1111 R. Ltslle,
...... dent
Tiiis si•t...-1 was llltcl wltll Ille
Cou11ty Clerk ol Or•nve Co;;n1y on OecemlMr? I, lf11
Public HMf'lno win be lleld by t,..
AJr11orl Lind u .. Comn\11tton for
Or•nve C-ty on Tl•unoo, Jenuery
1t, lt1f, ti 7:>0 p.m. or as >oon
llletHf\ff • poulble, Ill llMI Con· ferlfl<e Room of llMt Air C•lllornl•
corcoor•ta HeedqtW\or• 811lldlni1. 3636
8lrcll SlrHI, HewllO(I IHCll, CA.
Ra.<n 207, (Sec-F'-l, to <onsldtr
11 Zln•C...,...17·21 <touted ltt t,.. S•n·
te A111 Hel911tt ArM, 100 1 .. 1 M<Jlll of Orcro.rd Ori,.. on Sellta Allfl Avenue,
-roat,.,.tely .4 neutlcel mlltt '°"'" THOMAS WELLS
HtwllOrl Fl-let l'tau MOM • .,,_,, c.<>w Drift
, of tlle or.,. County Al'-1 •!Id noo lee! •Ht ol the n1.not<1 runwey cen· terll11tl IS 111 lllt bell Interest• ol tN
Alrr>orl •!Id ltsonvlr-.
Ntw-thaelt,CAti* 1'17Ut,
Publl111td OrtllQt CoUI Delly Piiot
Oec.30, tt17,Jen.•. ll.l0, me so .. 11
It t1 '"uelltd Ill.II eny wrlllen
rupo11se to 11111 11Ubllc notice llt Sub-m ttttd ft> tlle Airport L.ana Uw Corn·
ml•ue11 tor Of11199 c-ty Pf* to lllt
-------------For t11rthet' •t•ll• rooerdlno .,.. sclled11fed ltearlno. ell l11terasted ,.rue~ •re l9vllecltocellw•hlt ,.,.Of.
-------------flk • of 1M Ai1J1011 Ulld UM Com· SUf'E•IOACOUaTOl'nte mlulO!I »3' alrch SC ..... lffowport
STATll:Ol'c:A.L.ll'Ol'lottA,O• 1 .. c11. it-" t02, T•~ No. 17141 THlCOUNTYO,OllANOll ll>-150$.
He • .--1 Pllblllflttd Or .... Collll Delly Piiot
NOTICIE 0, HEAlllNG 0, Dec.JO,\tn,Je11 .• ,1t7t S41 .. 17
l'ETITIOH f'Ott l'llOUTE 01' WILL
NOfO.Dt< .. -. NOTICE IS HERE&\' GIVEN lllel
Wllllt"I M. Cro\lly llH flltd l>e,.ln • pelltlon lor ..,_teof Wil t end for I.ti·
ltr s T Htal'lltf\C.,Y and AulflOrlH tloll lo
Adml nlster lllldH Ille Adtnlnlstr •lion of
tor lurtlltr pertlcul•"· end tflat ,.,.
11,,,. and piece of 11Mrl1111 Ille SMn• h.os
.,.... set t0<J_, 10, 1m, 11t 10•.m ..
In 111e <"""'-"'of Oetwortmctnt No. J of
wld court, -' 100 Civic Cetlltr Orlv•
Wut, In the City of Sanlf iAna,
C.lltor"I• Oeteo0e<emaert1, 1'177
WIWAMl.St..IONH, CoulllyCtertr
SHlff'HA•D,SHIPAltD&DllHDAS , ... o .... Strwt
All .... tyt ttr: '941l1Mor
Pu1>J1111ed Or-CollSI O•Hy Piiot,
DtctmbetU,14,:I0, 1977 ~11
l'ICTtnous 8 UllH•U
Tiie IOllow\llt pWIM I& dOtl\O 1111•1·
LITEWT ENGINElAIHO, 0 0 HHtl Or.,~ def MM, CA 9"H
Herold WllDw Curll. UO Haret Or.,
Cooon• dtl MM, CA t2US
Tiiis b<a!MH IJ C-ted tty 111 Ill·
dlYlduel •
Hlf'OHW. CUr11
Tltl1 tlet-••t llled Wltll Ille
County Clm o1 Orenoe CouMy on Dtc. .. ""· ..... l
Pvl>ll-Orer191 C.0.SI Otlly Piiot
Oec. 9, ll. 2J, JO, 1911
IOI " bond In Ille prlllCIPat sum OI
not le~\ than the tol•f contr.c:t prR• to
\eture oaymtn\ ot •II unli1lhht'd
<!elm> ot leoor~u •""' mdterlal~n u~r tr.•Contract ·oN•oT,tC:"'! 'c:oN"N"s',",.ou~cTEIAONLa.D0!•1~'. All wrety bon<h >l>all b<' jOonlty u PUBLIC NOTICE ~ "' ~ •
tcutl'd by,,.,. Contr .. lor •nd ,,,.. on INCM 1tl51l•VOI• INTlf•TI£,
t.urer •nd wit be lllbJ«I lo tlle P'lor SUl'E•IOAC:OU~Ol'THlf l'UM,SUH\.YANOl'lltlUNI approve! ol llW City Attorrwy as 10 ltrh torm e1'd 1ulllci.tlcy. In 11.u ot tl>e 1ur. ST ATaOl'CA.1.I lllA f'O• LAOUNA~aACM COUNTY
ety Oon<ls requlrtd flertlfl, e <tSll bond TMICOUMTYOl'r.t.Noa WATll•OtlTltlCT
111 en amount eouel lo tile totel con NOTICE ':·,~:A.ING OF Orlftlttc;..,,.y,Cll-•
1rect prlte ""Y be .. uottd upon e•· 'l!TITION l'Olt f'l'OIATI OI' WILL NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl\llEH IMI t<Ullon llY .,.. Controctor ol 411\ t9rtt• AND ,0. L1n111s Tl5TAMIH• ,,.. Board ol Dlre<\Cltl of ukl Olltrlct m•nl In tho lo<m Ind menner or•· TAltY. lllVllH alld wlll rteel,,. Sffled blclt
Urlbed Cly lllt City E\IAlt Of JENNIE lltt:NE OEltRY. lpropOWIU UD tolllt ,_ .... 10:00 it.m
Prior 10 commencino work, Ille ebJEHHIEl.DElllfY.OeG••-· on Ille 1ottl dty ol J111>uery, lt1t, lor
contrac tor •nd ell 1uD contratlon NOTICE IS HEll!&Y GIVEN tllat l11r11hlll1141 lo \aid Dlstrltl of all
Sll•ll obltln • touslneu lk•M• from GARLAND FREEl!S lies llltdlle,.,,,. lrtlltPOr1•llon, ""'•rltl&, equipment,
,,.. City ol "°""'•In llall•Y In ... petltlo!I tor ..,_,.of Wiil •nd lot L•I· lebW, •llCI iMPP!les IMC_., IO con-cordan<• wllh Ille Fountain lletto tors Tesl~MY. ,.,._to wfllcll slrucl for u kl oltlllcl,. INncll ,..
#ounlcopel C<>de, lllle ~. ClllPl•r S 04 lsmadeforlut't1Wrper1l.,,,endltseltfle -YOlr lritertle, pump Mllll!IY ....i fire
In eccordMG• will\ 1111 pro•hlons ot llm• •nd lllec•ol-lno Ille nm•llK llllt, al wfllell 11,,..llldlwlllbeput>ll<ty
S4"hon 1170 lo 1717 lnclu•I,,., ol tllt tie.II >ti for J.-ry l7, l'7I, •I 10 e.m., ooelMtd •lld read aklUcl •I Ille offk.t of
L.•bor Code of IM Slate of C.tllom le, In 1.,. <our1r_,.,of a.-tment No. lot tr.e Dlslrl<t, .J06 Tlllrd Sir"'· t.e9"'le
I,.. City Courlcll 01 ll'le City ot Fountelfl selcl court, -' 100 Civic Ctnt~ Orl11t llffcll, Ce tllof'lllamst.
V•ll•v hn by rHOIUllDfl ewntalned wut, In tfl• City 01 Sant• Ane, Bid totn1t.. lnJCrucllon lo 81cldtn,
tr.e or•••lllng llou•ly ralt ot ·-•tor C•tltornla. Piaf\\ Ind S.-C.lfleltlolls may be ob-
O c ti trait or type ol wor~ma" or D•ltdO.C~tll, 1'1l lelftocf et CM ..._ llN<ll c.unty m~Chenlc ~°"' 10 e .. Cul• Ille Con· WILU«M IE. SIJOffN, Wiier Ols1rlcl -peymnent Of llS.00
tre<t wflicll wm be •warded lo'"" we County Clerk ,,_r sel,alld$eldl•lsnon·ref""d•l>I•.
cesstul lllddtr Pu"ue11t to the L.abor Codi of IM Prevelllno w-In ct1sslfket~ DAVtO•.t.CMH Stele of Cellfomll tM ~ lttcfl
110t orovl-tor by ..-oon ttwll not ~~=--.Clllfwllt•tlUS '°""'Y w-Olwtct 1111 obtetnoed t>e IMS ,,_ Ille motl rKMI W~ At-ytw: ..... ltltMf' to11i.totlflej)ft¥tlllnoreleolperdletn
DetermlMllon tor Ille Or'anoe County Publlsl'ltcl <>-CO.ti o.tll~ Pilot, w ... llntNslOCAtllyl11Wl\lcf\ll1ls•ot\
aree. a s pu(>lls/ltd by Ille us. D•pert· Oeu11>1>1rn.u ,JO. ,.11 uu.11 Is 10 be PfffOrmtd. H esuiollslltd by
-nt of lAbor, -In ..., •~I te\S , ... Dlt9<tor ol tM Ots>wt-nl ol In. ,,,.n llw ftl.tl>frUled ,,_,,,Minimum duslrlet lttlatl-Collies of U..:ie de·
W•ci•. PUBLIC NOTICE ltrmln•tlonure "111i. lft lllt office 01
Sp.clliutlons end ollitlat pr-• i-------------Ille S.crttMyof Ult Ol•trk t for reYlew lortnl to be uM<I tor boddlftil un be ob by eny lntHttled pet1y -• COCl'I' trill telned only •I , ... office ol Ille Clly STATIMENT OF WITHO•AWAL llt Dtotecl ~ lhe lolUl .. dvt1nQ t ... con. ,llOM f'AltTHIMNlll O,lfltATINO Englneer, Public W0<k• Oepertment, UNOl1t' FICTITIOUS •USIHIH slrucllonperlod. ll Jltlltlltmend•lor'fll CllY Hall. Cos1 Of u ld spe<lllcetlon." "'°" ,,.. Conlrect.or t.o wllom the"""
,2.00lnctuOtnol••· MAMI lrt<t IS ·~ --all'I' suo. No DIO wm toe conslclo..ci unlHs It ls TM ttl'-1"9 Pff'IOll llet wllflclf•-COf\ilrntor ectlno U!ldel" or tt1rwOf1
made Otl lhe olllclal btAnll torm 1' • 9enerll partner from tfl• lllm,topeynollesstltafltllePff••lltno
f11rnlsllea by tllt City ana Is med41 In ,,.,,,..""'" -'•11"9 "*' IM fie· ralu to ell worttmenefftCllOyedby Ultm
K<ord•nu wilfl I.fie previsions of 1111, Htlous """""'' neme Of Fl..EEl'WOOD In lllee.-c:utlonoftNcontract.
Notice ond Pr-I R~ulremenls MAI NTEHANCE, .. l2 CN-A..... 81ch must be 111bmllted ellO <AHif...,, .,,a Conolllons wt torlll una.r Section GerdenGrove,CA'1..0_ to Ille ttootrMllll-dOCumfllh . The
l ol the "Genoret Pro•l•loM Con-The fictitious M lntiS name lllle· succu1tul blddff win lie ,.QUlrtd lo
trKI" Ea<.11 ~ mu~I be """M'd ,,,.,., ,or llW fl"'IJlers/\lp wa• llltcl on 1 .... n11t1 11'wfor'mencelklflcla11C11Pay-
I" .ccoroance wltll llllPll<Mlt Sl•lt O.cember 4• 1'T• In Ille Covnty trf mtnl 80fld botfl In UIS •-t equal to
tews. Or•no• 100%oftlltc0f\tr.cte-I. Tll• Clly rewrves llW right t.o rtlt<I Full Name-Addrntofl ... ,._non 8V ORDER OF THE BOARD OF
enyor,,fl>ld) Wltlli:~::.'.i'~ "*""· 191 Center OllU:CTO"S OF THE LAGUNA l!wetynH. GtlPPO IEACHCOVNTYWATlllOISTRICT, City Clerk of trte St., Costa#olW. CAmll Oettcl Oeclmber 20, "71,
CllV of Fountain \latlty, CA M. TI'lorM\ l'Jt2tf JOl49fl R. S-111,
Dal•d Ot<tmoer 11, 1911 S«,.llrf PubllSlltd Or1n9t Coe" DIMiy Piiot. Pubtlsl'ltcl Or-C•esl Deity Pilot PubllSlltd Or ... CNsl Oallr Piiot O.C.mb« JO. 1'77 S.-17 O.c )0, 1t77, Jan .•• IJ. 20 ... ,. ~ll-T7 DIC. >O, )I, lt71 SOS.77
O•OtNANCE NO. *4 of or-'-'"· Cellfomt• !TAlE OF CALIFORNIA ) AN o•DtHAMCIE 01' THI( COUNTY o .. o•ANOI, c:ALlllO•HIA, ADO"
TINO A Plll!CISI f'UN Of' HIGNW.t.Y ALIOHMaNT ,0. 111001 llOUTE
LAOUNA HIU.S AlllEA. TIM 84*'d al .supwv'-t of tllt CollntY tf Orenot. Clllfornla. does or«Nln
H ·~~~:;ON I. Socllon 7.9.41 Of IM Cclalflecl Ordlnan<1JS of Ille c.unty 61
Ore..-Is 11en11¥ _.......,..., b¥ ectcll119 ....,.._, ""9<11t PIM ol Hlgllway Alltfl•
ment 1« Aldtl "°"It 0r1 ... el A-l«M ell L.a ~tot•. Ellfllblt n .1.
SECTION t. Tll s ordinance IMll take efl«t -be 111 full tore• llllrty ()01
cllYI Item -el•• lls ~. Md btfore tM •!IPlntlltn 61 flt'"" IUI daYS efw• tM peuaoe u..reol 111111 bt CMA>ll"'91:1 111 lllt Oref\19 CoaR Dally l'lkll, •
Mon-P\ltllllflld 111 ttte COVl!ty el Orenot, SI.tie of C.tlfornll, '-lltff *"" 111• nemet OI tlle membefl Of Ille eoera of 5-NI-• votlno tor •nd ao1tnst
• IH. COU.NTYOFORANGE l • I, JUHfl ALl!XAl'OCA, Cllnt of tfle IOtf'd 9f SUplfvlllln. • lltl"ltly
c.f'tlly thtt •t • ,..,.,. "'""""Of tfle eo.trd ol SUpervlsors of Or.,... Ce\llllY,
Cetlfloftlle, lleld cwt~ f1M Clley of Douff!Off "17, IM..,........ Wdl~ COflo
t•lnlM lwo Q) ttk'tlef9 WM"'-" ellll ....-by t"9 follOwlfto ,,,...,
IMUmt. TH01tt'A5 F, RILEY
IN WITNl!SS~l!REOF, I fl•,,. t.revMO .. I my lllMelldeltlUd l"'ol.'
tlelel llffl of Ult ... ,d of S\ltlefvlton of tltl '-'ly el Or91911. It ... of
C.lllornlt.1Nt 11st dly ol Oecemllff, 1tn. (SEAL) c;htlrm.,. of tile eoani of,.....,,,,_,
of Orenll" Counly, Callloml•
A f'TEST ·
JUNe AL.IXANOl" ' Cltf1l .. Ull ._.,.cf 51111e,..,1sors
EXHIBIT 71-1 ---· ., , .. , .~ ... "-ft~·-·-........... ,
_,.. n l•C HOt .. -·""'·' ~CIMft •1,IOt•
... -
T•..,.._ 12m-.••
Att-relwl'M!Hy"-._.~ .. ••c.
.... 1,.u1.,•~
t11tk,,..._.. )Af'l'l..ICATlONl'OllottOe•
SANCLIMlllT&llotVllTMIHfll, I (t) Af' .. •OYIMOOIUltllUTIOH
1L1.i ... .....,.,.. I Ol'l'UtlOSTOC\.AllO
I MOTEAHOMOOl'9aoo11001'
Sin C-..te t""'tllnlfnls I, • L.lm!Wd P~p t0e4llo"' tlld Tille
tnwr111u' Tl'VSteem.any IOlsburslftilA-t) refl'9tenlencl11.._11 lolt-1; 1. Appllcants ere tl\e ,._u.,. OtOlor4~PotMuloll elld DllbWsl119
Aqent tn lheMIOW-< .. lloMd Cllepttr J( II jlf'ecwdlflll,
2. On Sei>I_,._ JO, 1917, ltll Of-WM ..-..i by tht Cow1 <ellfltnllfto Ille
0.Dlor'' Modlfi.ol l'HI Preperty 1'1111 ol A,,., ... .,., .. ft lllNllCIN (PIMll.
Slmllerly, 011 Se9tem~ 30, ttn. 1,.. Co"'1eMlf"ede1111111er order fl1t1119 IN
O.btor's Otposlt end CIKIOMllllll TIU• t11wr-• & TruJI c;.,,,...,,y H Olslrlbul·
·Int A99flf, .,....._,. to Wltkll IM Dftolor ••• NCNI~ lo clt1!0$11 cenel11 ltt .. r ot
u Mll. te tie flelcl wo ecc.et ol crecillon lnctlldlftt Cla s D <lelmMts ~IM
Delltor'I Plan....,. c-lst of 11Umer-~ lloldlflll.,. llllHHC Ill• certeln
1U·lt1ch1ttw PfO'TllNorY n•I• and ~ ot trust In c~ le<• •1N1Unt of
$6.tS0,000.00. __ ..L J. Tiw DIM«"• ,...,, ••PNUl'f or.vldls Ill,....., ... , CllM D clalfftll'llJ .,. to llt provl90tor, 1Mwalla, by Ill Ille pe.,....,.of U00,000.000ft~lof ac-
curtdend pestdlletnUrist;,ena Wl ttwt•-1-1-•1.-v111111tve0<0ro1
• ,..., promluory 110te In Ille f«t emotlflt of tt,JOO,OOOAll, encl Ille ce11<elletlOll Of
Ille OUIJt~no l ll·ll'ChlllW ll'O""IJJOr'f ..... of '6-ttll.OOOAO; .... Olll -
mtftlol lhe.-edof tr'8tM<Uti119the -note•~fof 111t.-rtlal '9lffte
ol tM tlln ot "" dHd ol '""' '" • men1Wr COMl•tellt wltll end ~lJllly tlmlltr to.,,., 11111111 , • .._ .. provlslOlls ot tM lli'M died ol lnlll, lleld DY tlle
Ct.U CCleimMC, • 4. Tiie Oelllow'S 1>1111 rurtlwr DfOYldn tot, .. eo.wt't r~lc•ll of lurltdk· llOll lo permit tflt etlt ry Of fwlfler .Pf dtrS "es mey be,,.. .. ..,.., or e"'"9f ltlt lo
effect ield Pl1W1-ltsconllrma110n an4conwtNMtlOll." s. A#tklf>ls ero 110W P".,,.rea to procetd wlUI ....,. • .istrlblltlon of t"-s100.ooo.OO~lted for t11t -1t10f Ci.u o c1111TW1ts teett• ••t11 t1• •ae< ...
tlOll end dell_., ot 1 ... -prOft\IUMV not• Ill tfte 11(111('"' -· Of
"·300.000.00 end mocllfltd dHd ol trusl .. curlno -... N!Wlf Of 0.M D ct.ti·
""""· •· Altlldwtd hereto, 1*'-" Ealllblt "A", end lltrfty lnc~ecl by,..
torence. '' • "ProcieMd Dlslrlbutlon" of Ille siao,aoo.OO!leld.,, ec~ ol C,.u
O cl•lmants Wllldl lclemlfln llle -of eedl Cl.SS 0 ctetlNllC i.tlff llPOll ,,..
Pllbllc re<ordlmelllt.aMCI by tM Office of Ille Courlty "ec.orclwtor Ille County of Oran.-. $1 ... of c.lltorllle, togett>er wt111 NCll clelnwf!t'• r~ll•• Slwtr• of
Ille P"Opoteel cllstrtbutlon. H-. !tie.,,_... dlstrll>llllons to l•I Hllolt 5"'1111, ••Trustee. or olOO
Acre Dev1crs Hol•, or Soul.,.,,, COUflliH Escrow;""' tbl c°""""nllY C/lllrclwts
Of Amerke or H•I'°""' Getler•• Wtsl •r• set l<Wtlt In Ille tllttNttn tleUllM Of
POtentl•l """'ktlnocl•lmus between uldclet~U. 1. AHetlltd 11t11110, 1aoe1..a Eallll>ll "8 ". end IWrtOY lncorporaoted by re-
fortflc•, Is a true alldcor...ctcopyof tllenew promlnory llOl•ln ti.t-emo;;nt
01 Sl,J00.000.00"""cfl llW °"'°' lnltf\ds to •-10 "'" OclallnMllS lftClftCtlla" tlon of , ... elt·lllClllSI ... D(OITUHOry note of s.,tso,000.00, lotMflff wllfl .,..
modlllotlonl to llW-ol lrust ~curlno stidt1romls1«y-•wllk11111t O.btor
•t'o Intends lo ls-to Clan (>c talment,, 1. 111 ordl!r lo cerrv out tlll termt of IN pr-ltd dl,trlbllllon of""' end
Ill• luu1nc.e of thP new promissory 110t• -modlllH dHd of Irv'\ to Cl•H D
<lelmellll, A#fl<Mili l'ftWSI -lllt c-1 llold • ....,1119 -wrltlefl Mid l>Ul>llt.,.O not!« toCl•n <telmant\ and lntoreilto pert le' tor,.,. P•ff"°" of •Po
orovlno tills "PPll<etlon tnctU<flno the pr~ dlstrlbull°" of ceill .,.d llW l11-
te11clt!d 11~ ol IM,..., promissory note tllO _,_ -ol trust to Clew O
cte1menl1. ,.,.,kt11tt turowr req"ftl 11\al tllt-l<e of""" .. "'"' be fl...., In
Ille lorm etllelltd!Wr•tots £•f\lblt "C" -llllla<09Yof sucllnoUcebtwrved
by melt upo11 eoc" know11 Clau 0 clalment or eoe11l ll'lereof -by Plll>llSl!lno • <ot>ytM.Wln•......_...rof...,.rel clrcutet...,l11t,..c:-.elft.,&.ftA,,..i..
and~•llOt tlOC ~t INll l•k•-ne lalff tMfl tell !IOI dtY$Pf10(lalflt4eleOf seld fleert1111euvtflOrludbY8aftkruptcy RuletOI. t. APCllicenO tur1Mr req.,.~t tllat eny Cl•ta O cllllmant l•lllllO to lilt 9ftd wrv• •written otlle<llon lo I~ prOj)C)Md dlftrleullon of teill and Of Ille lntllldtd
luuance of Ille new orom1.-y note end arnendecl 4INI of """ et kMt •-111 day.: prior to lllt sclltdldeo IW•••no sNll be~ w.-,,_ •••rtl"O _,,
WHe•EFOAE. AJopttcen•• prey 11\11 Ille Cowt ~. ,...,.,,,. Ol lfle pro-
-a co111tnts o1 "''' A$11)t1u11on. ""' tNJ MllOWlfll -",...,,no tlw '-' Mltr lb orotr _.,v1n9 1111 pt"opot.td dlSITIMkwt to ClaH 0 clel,,.....I~ M!4 llw
lnt•llCMd ••-•of the M w IH'oml.-y llOI• 4"ld MNftelecl-ol ltillll to •uell
Clan D cletments.
OATEO: O.C.-r , 1'11
OATEO: OK•mt>e•?•. 1917
Altornevs '°' Otalor
Attornot lor iremlly Honw
Builders, Int:
TNIOOO•lf 8. ITO&.M&N, e M""'9ref
STUTMAH, T•11naa &OLATT ........ ..,c.r.,..._
AMall ... CoMWIMI ..........
Vtt Wlli!Mn ....,.HI
I.ft A11tetea. c:.tl...,..1 .. 10
Tel ........ !tUl-.Ultl
AIWM.,.._ f'elllllY M-hll4tfs, l11c.
DATID: ~tt, 1'11
8y1 Cl\ert.s e . ~rd
UPO'I tltt fHlno of tM l0t090l119 ADPll<•lloro, lfle Court bt1119 OllletwlM ecl-
1115". I
IT IS Hl!llllY O"Ol"EO, ltlat Ille A#tlctllon Is·---a copy ol
lllt Nollce Md°'*' •llklltd lwtreto stltll be-"""_. Cits. o Clel,,,..,ls Dy
IT IS P'URTHl!R OftDEAED, 11111 Mn'ke of tuell Holla •ncl O.Wt upon
CIH • O ttetmanb not reu1v1no • COl>Y thffeOf I• alllllorittd w Pllbll<~lon llOI
lets tMll twice, In ~· of O-ner'el cl«ult llcN'I hi .,.. counties of Les
AnOel•endOrMQOt, Cllltomte.nolal•r t'*1ten 1101 deys~lorlo IMd•t11ot Ille ..........
C11lme111 ltlt-1 Olstr...,.lell 51., Cllm•nl• 1tenc11. ..... ,,,.,"",, 11.11111~ nz.m.n
&en Ct•-• Ul'llllH, .... ,..,."""' "·'"""' SlUU.2' Sen Clement• p.n...,,,
Cornell 114•,
II 1tll1% "2.22U2 .... ,,,..""'" RelptlW. Hombeek, 111<., 12~ $4t,4'4,'4
• C•lltorntecorporetlon ll.1'""6 $tt.t21M NelfKe~. emarrlHJNll J.SUSN "'·"''°' lllrebetll M<Doneld 2.1'""4 I S,»U• lt~rtWllllan'tl.
• ,...,,. ... INtn 1.11111 .. s s,s».s.
SoutlwNI c.w.tlcla ilKrtW,
MTPll&tto , ...... ,,. U1,UJ.14
Hytl\Sftltll\.UTr1.9 ... ,or eoo Am Otwff'• Mote, oo SevtMftl Cowltles E'KnW,
HT"'''"·°' NIU-I GeMrel West 1 1111.,. ' S.SJS.5' CtmMWlllYClwrdlMOf A,,,.,,, •• .,Seuf,,.,,,
CoulltlM EK,_, ts
TrustH tw ,...,,.,.,Oen•••' w .. t t111~ • s.m.5' TOTAU· ,.. ....
WHEREAS, on or --AYQUSI .. ttn. 'TYWW•.QC.,.,.. •11 "All IMMi ..
O.Od el Trvst" lllttrelMllff cell.a "the OM .. nvst"I Ill feYW ot N•ltonet ~•I WKI. l11t,. • C.lllomt• corpor•tlon. 1tbelltf1<.....,, wl"' lowtlwrn Coull-
"" El<IO'#, a r:.tltomle C«POflllOn, H ll'VSIH, wNdl -of lrll't wes r•
<orcllcl Oii ,..._. u. ""· 1n loOll 1oen, ,,_ !00. of IN Ottlctac ._ ot lflt Co;;nty It..., OfOt-. C-.ty; a!ld
. WHEREAS. !tie Oeecl"' Trutt WH HICUltd ., M<lll'tty IOf'. -•uor~
not• In tfle ti.ct •mount of S6,tSo.ooo.oo In levor of Nlllonet 0-11 west, tllC
lfler•lflallwCtllecl"I,.. Promtuory No•"I;.,.,
WHIE"IEAS, IM Dted of T•u•I Is I sec-dltlecl of ll'\lft NI ltlt ~ tll
Clllftlltreel llW..Oy •ubl«I to• ""' dHd of trlAI dated MArtfl Sl, ttn. tn Wiiier.
e . Joe Glllltm, Trui ... under llW Rov 1111-Mernoflal Trvst aftd tlttt """''"' tac. LN ~ Trwc, ls 111..,.d n """''lcllry, Tltle l11Mit_. ~ TNtl Ce. ls
rwlTMICI ., t"""" -Sall Clement• '""°'lmtnlt Ii. Mfftecl • trvMer, -
wlltclt IS ,_.., fl\ llOOll 1011•, et oege '"· ol the Oftlcl•I "etlOtOs ol llw Count., ~e<orclttOfOr-C:-ly (ller~lne1teooc1lltc1"111t f'lrtt Oeedol TNM"I: 11\d
Wl'IE"l!AS, by,..., of certain 1Jsl.,,,,.11CS ol Mlt'-1 O-•I West,
lnc.'a l11tertt$ l11 tM "'°"'''-.,Note •NI t.,. beM!lclal IM_,... llftdlr h OMO
of Tn""· tlll '°'~"' ~-.,.now Ille 8-liclMlnOf ..... Hott ... Ottcl OI
a..ctfklMY ... c...-
(To llt completed ~110 ~of tllt llri~ Court. Ullltlcl Matu 011trlc1~.5olltMm Oltlrk t ol Cet1tor11lel.
WHEREAS, SAN CLEMENTE IN\16STMEHTS I .... flledeweceecllftt..,,.
tier Cl\al>lef' )(II of -...,.,kNOf<y Act In U. U..llH S&MH Dlsltk l c..urt. c.e,..
trel O!Strkt llf Clllfornla, PfO<ffdlll9 l\O. 7S.n117 ll'#o), Md tft ~JO.
lt11, tlw Court,,,_ ltsordef' conllrmlno • Modllltd RMI 1''-9rty,...., of Ar-
rano-ment lflet provides for certeln emelldmerth alld medlflcat,... 10 Ille
Promlstory -end, 111 Mclltlon, provldel tflet Ille OWd of True# Mtwlnt ,.,. Promlst«y Hole_.,.,. -.i to provide tor tlW Plf\lll ...-ef ltlt llerl of t.,.OffdofTt..slb1lllcwPor•llnott1eretn lllls"~afldMedlfkllltonof
pertlel r•'-provlslOM ot Ille First OHd ol Trust,. a\ ametlded lrom time lo
WHE•EAS. o n or abo111 Nov .. ""' • 1'71, SAN Cl..l#oENTE
INlll!STMENTS 1 And E • .Joe GIHIAm, Trusteellndotr llW Roy Ill~ ~tnorlel
Trust end t,.,. Hef\rlet,. C. LH Me,,_111 lr~. H IMMflclAry under,.,. First
DHd ol Trust, entl!rtd Into an ''A-menl IO tnd Modification of o.d ol Tnnl
•llCI Hot• s.<""4 TlltrtOy" PfOllldlno for u. modllklliell end •l'Nlldmeftl to
.,,. relHHptOVl~of ltw Flrit DeedofTNtt;.,,,..
WHEREAS, 1111 ~les dtslr• to modlty ena.-111t OHdof Trust to pro.
wldl tor llW l*'!l•l 111Mlese ot ,,.. 11111 oft,.. Ooecl of TNSI -Ille -tlat recon
11eyance of Ille -'Y --red \heft4'y ltl •-tlllt IJ~-lllell( Wltll
Ille retHwprovlslofls pr°"lded l~undtr I.he First o.edot Trvtt.
NOW, THEREFORE, ln<Olltlderellonof °"ll're"\l..S-of Ole<......_.,h end eor"mlflf' flereln colltelMCI, tM oertlH lwlrellD _..,,modify ...a 1nMne1
I ... Offd ol Trust In a ,.........., <onS11tenl W•lll -llllltlMltllllY llJ!lli.r k> IM
Offcl of Tnljt.'' too-..Ovlw •• •ot-s. l'artlal l'ec-yeMff
So lono •s Trustor ltnol lndeleult IH>lkr111etermsof 111lsOeeoof Trustor llle
oromlstory rot• SCK"'td hereby, upon wrtti... r..,.stof TruilOI' al Miy time M>O
from ti-lo lime, 8-fldery sllilll uuse Ille ptrtlel ·-,..•-''°"' Ille lltn ........ ol • POrtlon or _, ..... of UM fHl Pf-1Y -I«• to Ille,..,......_,
PIOVlde<I tflet any Mid .... ,.., Suell···-\f\•11 be _,Kl lo, ... following CCl!IOf·
ll011s prectdt!ll tfllreto:
111 For llW -!>OW ol 0t1trmlnl119 <-""tretlon for tile,., .... -ro
con•O Ml<t et Hell ecr• SUO}t< 110 tM tten llettol, ll'le...,,, of .. S0.00111ett be -
lie _.....a lobe Ille •-tot 1111 "OHie -en<•'' per e<re.
IJl Prloo lo any reQ.,...I by TrustOI' for• relHH•nd recon•ey•nc• of eroy
oortlon ot tllt pr-ty wble<t 10 tilt lien ,..rtol lrom Ille lit" .,.rtol, • M .. ter
Pta11 tor tllt et1tlre _,,,or eny por1IOll UWrtaf -I«• to llW lit<I ,,.,... tNlll
11t eopro-b'( t11e ~11y Of s... ci.meni..
IJI l'oti-lno .,,.,roval Of 1 M•tler "'"' Dr"*'ed llld submllltd p11nuan1 to (21 abo .. , 111 Krtfilt within border>ot MOid MtJt.r Pltt1 -i-c• to resldentlet e..-com~lll -~ sNll bt cleMllled • .. .,. .. ...,._, ecrft". All ecreeoe Mlllf«t to Ille llOll .,...... outs..,..,.. llordln ot Ille clt.....,._t ecr .. s'1atl be cteslfliHH .. ,_4t,,.topment •<f9t~.
C4l EKll ~~I by Tr11ttor for the rtlfase -rKonWVWICtl ol -0.-
nl-nl ecre N II be ecc:~led l>y I tlmlll'-'--'~ tfle rtlffjt
•nd r~on .. yen<eol """'*'-lotlflltfltllCTOL ~---~ ,. ..... •lllllCOlll•lnnoltess '""" IOOac:rMtol•t.
UI Tiie ,., ... price per ac:rt ""Ilk".,... llt oeld • tlelletlclln' on 4K·
count of -td orln<1'1el of IM Olllloallell ~by tM ~ notp
MCuntd by CM lltll .,.rool sNll be Ille o.ilc ~lft<t 11tle• per acre time•
Its". Said_,, tllelf bt N ld Ml <4Nldltloll~ .. Mdltuell r•1-e. ltl Eecflpercet ,. ... sea 111a11 beleUlletllM1"1tollf911Atlo1uUd'tt.,.11t1
relHM wlll llol eclW,,.ly effect lflt value of tllt ,...,..,..,ff ttw .W!Kt .,.._.
ty lor Wbdl¥1slon -; provided, """""'9r, Ulllt In U. tWlll 1rvslor .,,_II
request retHtet of• PM"Cel or Dlf'Hll of Mid"'°""'' lr'OC'l'I Hie I,... llef'Nf ftOt In c011formlty Wltll tlle rolNl11 provisions HI lor111t1erel11es10 <entfOlllry, lllcl '11111
fur111111 •nol~ng end ollWr ftKtuet melerlalt..-U..tletlnl llleftcl \tlll SllCll ,.., .... or ,..,._ .,.11 ...,, ..... 1.na11, end 11111s1A1t11lelly ___,r lfN(I 1,..
111l11toftM..-lldlrofl11t-lecl~yfOtlllW!Vl!Mft""°""'IWI~ In a11y tu<ll ev9nt 80lleflclary """ flot ......_...,.. wlfNIOld lb __ , 10
•u<JI • release or rtlNMIS, or If '"'" conte11t ls •ltltlle\lfl, tllell ""°" tN .,..,_, oft~ ol Ille ''btslc encumbraft<t" end <Ollformlly ,.ell r94111fw,,..q .__
l s lo CAHlll.,..tlV -vahoe ol rom•lllclef T rwtor ffllll lie tlltlttod .. tllt ,_...,
rtlffM end _.,,.YlllCe "'"'"ltltleu.
171 E.ctl --1 nlNse parcel •'*'I,. r9leA9 of tt.. first .Q 111•11beconltouous10 • prevtouil ~ rel .. sed pet(ltl end !fie reftWfnlftt-
oarcet et•-" reie.w SNll ,..,.. edtq...atetlld IMtlble 11<<H1 et tts ~
to roed'#eys Mtd ltr..U end to ell utltltle$ requl<H for 1 <oMl-!ICO Of tllbo
dlYltlon, but hi 111\'f event eu 111 compll•nc• wllfl '"" 11111,...tety ~°""'Mester
Pl•ll, llfOV~ Nwcwr, !Ml Ill IU~I , .. ~ ....... ~ 11<rft-
be conll~ °"'' to ornlou"y retealted .. .,...,,.,_, •t rft and "°"
a.v•>Ol><NM ecns ,_. lie <Oflllt-onr, to pre"'-ty reteelld "°""
(11 111 lllt •Wiii • controwny sfllll 1'111 bet-Trvllor •llCI hNtlclaty
1Mrl•lnl1141 to 111t 11tovlslon& Mt forth "'""' fer tlle rei-IN pet11el ,_
wyence of Ille ~r1y fn>m llW o.eclof Tr"'t, endllleP«l'-•.,.retot..-t r•
eel! wm•"""'' of well dispute, It•• eQtHd lllll, -the ,..,._,of •llllef Pfll'IY In wrlllno to llW otller oarty, sue.fl unrnolwddlaputeor~_,,, IMll loetlllt-
mltled to• Boaro of Arbitrators for .arbitration. S.ld 8oaro of Artlltr-s .,,_II
(1)1\S(\t Of llW'ee ,....,...,.,"•II of wtiorn Sl\tll ... rf9istered tft411.-n llCONM In
1 ... s111eolC.llfOtnl•,•-lenctc1•nafemlllerw1t111_c1e......,_1Md1&11>-
41•lslDfl, -ol WllOm melt bt appointed by Tru11or, o,.. Of"'"°"' wll be •Po POl"ledby lltnetl<tery, end Ille tlllrdsl\ell DotlleCllV Entl-Of tlltCllYofW
Oemenlt, lltWIOed. ._....,, tlsel 111 the ....... Mid OIV E...,_ SllMI lie -
blf!or ""w11111111tow11<t, llM!n tlllmayoo of llwCltYOI s.ncwltlMtelNN-..· end de\lgnete t,.. llllrd arbltrelor. In Ille t •enl Miki meyor ttl•ll lell, "99ted.,..
refuse lo ~nt such lhord .,bltra(or, lllln elrner -'' may !Niltlefl t• SU-lor Court of Or'al\Ofl Couflty for well •llPOlnl"-t. TlllarltlltAllon procee4
•no'"'" bt Wlbject lo end <ondu<le<l In a<<...0.n<• wlllt TllMI t ot tlW Callfomle
C.-of Clvlt Procedure 5"!cllon IDO,flseq.,1strornllmetotlmeemtllldtd.
111IMwent11>11 al thf time•"'"" .. ' is mede fllr-.der for erb4tretlof\,
Ille .,,,,. or ~l!lll•lll' IM .. ,.,., contr~y that led lo -·h r""'1t !let'
arlM11 ~ Thlltor lllld -or man of 11>1 .. Mfl<l•rlH ......,. OMdt el TfUSI Wlllor tollli~o.HotTr<nl, -•n ,.,. • ..,,. t ... more Mnlor Oetdor OHO.>.
ol Trust Gonleln prevlsldlls for er1>1trallon to reiolve cont-ties c-.mlflo
I.,. P11r1lal r.iHse provtslont IMreol, wllh~eB!lrMlon to lie llMdlMlt\I • '""" -~..,.,..,of Al'lltttret.on Mll<led 111 lllt..,,.. or JllbSl.,.tillly ttw
der lllls Dtodol TNff '1\lll lie mede up of llle,..,..ftlf'mbers H lllell be ....,011\1·
ed to ff<lde Ille <Qnlrowrsy tt>at lies •ri..n _, ,.,. ~• 11nlor DHcl or 0...
Of Trusl '°IMC "" ,..,.."''°"" , ... -or ~lelly lllt ...... COlll.-.SV \flell, "'With---.. be uJ\llonn ana Gtf!Mlllellt. tn llW•....,, ltlet et tlle tline • roqw•I 11 meclt ~for ••bltr1tlon, tllt .,._.,.. sut>M1n11111y the MITll'
contro ... ray tllat led to wch N«!uetl llft •r•ttn ~ Tnni-•llCI-., mo~ •
ol IM llet•flcl« ... ......, OeM of lront......, ltt tllls Deoct ol Tnn4. aM.fll tt.
_,.. • .._,... ol "'111tr.._, llM not y~ -........,,ltd lllldtr -., ,,.. .. Ille
W!llOf' Oeetla of Tl'lnl \o ,.tolve well contr-•Y· • -e.M of At0ltr•tora 11111111e Mtected I• rewlw ,,.. corotr.....,lesurwltr t,.. .,.,,_...,.
of '"'''·Md Ille a.n.11<1.,.., una.f tltls 0.0 fl Trust 111111 c-..1 •1111 U.
lefteflcl.,.., er &enefklMlel ulldltr IN mol'e Mfllor Deeds ol Tflllt I« tlw
Pll'llOM Of "'"41141 on IM 111M1ntment of'• ,..,.,,.,_ •r11itnotor tw ti•
8-flcl•r'lft lo Ille eo.ra ot Arllll,•IOtl Ind, Ill .... e11tnl _,, kntfltlerl ... <-' .. ,.. on IN 9'"'nll'IMtllt" 1com"*'1rbllrator, '"" lt<Kflclery ~ Ultt -t Miiier ..... of lr\ftt lfl.tll .,......, .,.....,,,_.
It I E•-•.,.., dedl<elecl rlQfltl of way ~II.ell be reltlttd ._. reitllltt
Here M<K .. ry lor tllt oraertr °""''--t ol Ille ...-rty. S11<!1 ••Mfiwtnlt'
end dtdl<llH rtoMt 01 way Hart out tide ot aevelopment 4Krtnlltll be, .... ,..
~,.. ... ,_,.of "belle 011CIMftltre11C•" enty, wll-.._,d te retlo ~ 111
~·-14). Tnttloo may,...,._ rel-ffWft U. lltftfler"4 ~1"0 tit tfle ..,.,..,.,,, oortlon or 111 IM W.fltflr ""'lelltlf U. ~'Ill tM vklnht
l>tMla fT"A" ol A-Ide 1>1cowejO(t10111t 11e11,_....,.,111111oeeu1t-slm11ll--"t,••-' l111-U1tn Ml f'oftll htrol11 en INM ..-it.._ ,..le,_. !Nllltl.elfl.M verl-tlmft. flW 11...t refelle leeadl ef IM--11111...,... tttte I ~·
"' -Ofll<e tA IM Collntf ~ jer .. CeliMy Of Or ... , It* ot YloutlY ........ llWCelelllllt•Jtoi..-t,.....~'91*dlO.tlly~i... ~,..., Nlf l'Mllen,...... ..... .,,...... _, ....... ,...,.loll.... ...-.,.~-It Ill~ ..... "''*"""-·"''"' 111 .owe.
911111 ......... unOff tlllt«l'tllll I"_ ......... of CrtdltHe. ,,,.,,,I~ t101 Tt'\IMor \hall peyall tott•ende.....-lflt.wrllll•IUI"""'' '•• ... • _..,,~..,.ot~••Tltlel--tlMT,,.,~rf.,ac:· <t11veyence l'Nllt~l10lllls••-"' _.., ~lllllW.....,.. ._...,Inc.~ ••lofWWeM l'ft'¥1iltMef "'9 , ............ l'tftto.ecl .. ,,.._ ~pt ........... °""""""~ ........ .,............,_. ·-""""'~~ ..... Ollltllel .... otu..O...ef1rwtll .... "'7~ ...... ~flllfW• AMI ~Arr""8!Nlll. GHll'tl•, J\lllltl'• ~t to the f!Jttt 0.. .. Tf\111, es tr'lllfldM, Mid 'llllHlll n9..,..,_..1111•1--_ ,,.... .. _,.. .,._"""""......... tellldl...,_l!e,,..._of tle"AIM...,.,IC IUndltt'ocllfketlcwtOf Deed fl W ...... t......,,_.k ;ec.,.._..... ...... ~ ......... ..., Trwt end,.... ...... T'IMf'eb\'",............... , 1tn, •'«lltecl tty S.•~
...... ._.. ....... cen.et11 llloti.-lf,.,.. .. _ .. I ............ lt lll•Wll••• 1...;tMllMtflclerr ..... ttw Flf11 De.a of Trw ~~t '"' ''11, Ill ... --........ tllt°"lclal ll.llECUTaC>ASOl'ttcaDATlll'llUt.UOVaWRlnl N, l tl Qwit.,,._.,_,.,._~efONflti,.._el~e~ TAU$TOA; Ne.-.lllftlflltl ...... loee•w"ill .......... lllotMflUMlifM JAHCl. ... HTI tHVEITMEHn , 1, ........ ti_,...,, Ill .. l'Nll"(tl.e--., lllW~ W ...... efl el.lftll914f ....... IP
..................... Mlktl~lll1111~---.. ..WC...yl e,:Ulll!M~Cerp, •~• ...... Ill~ Of •~,,..._. fft tie Nld 0.-•t ,.,._ ~s1~....::::;...,._ ... _., .. ,,..__, .. M,.1 ~
...... ~~I•-·• c:.M-"•Olwd!Mof a-ICI,, .......... •ClrwlltC:..Jl O.tl, ~ D....w•. H7'_J..,.....,1-:::.,, ............ W!t .. _ ... '*'"''""" .............. ltt<_ .. ,Mtrfrl ... ...... ti .. """l<MI'-.. ..,. ,.._,......,.Ill Cllllflkllfll clltfM • ..
._.__....;..-., _________________ _
.. I .................... ,,..,, .... .._ .... ~ ... ..,. ... .. . f'tl0Mt~1~r..a:-0 •" our. team ........ """">~. scores .......... ,......_."-II""-"',... ....... I tt1•lff1M ~ ""· ......... JI ..... , ............... """"·" AGAIN ae;E .. ,.,...,.,. , ... ,..,...... ... ~
• ,., • • ""· .... .,... .... Dttlftlto....i . fl ................ ....,,~:r.& ... ==:-.:'b:~.:=.'='-~·-:::=" ... .::-.:i ml =:".7ii~ =~-::=..~~.=",:...~; 1•tilt(l(t)j ... ,_.., '· ............................ , ........ .,... . -··--·· ·-..... .,., ,.,,.,.., ....... ..,., ................ ..,........ -&111 ,, ...... , ,., "" ........... 11\....... .... .. ........ a,.._ ________ ;... ____ ,...1111.,;;:.:::· :::..:..._..;... __ ~
.... CAIL Y PILOT rnct.ty. 09Gembet '°· tt77 Television TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS
~~ ..... ------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* end SIMM PetltlM, MIN t:ao t11 .,._
-iE::,_ Evil Toymaker
A nutr~ dtddea thAI
the man at flfetiouM st
... •ling .,, unMa/lhy
dl9t fl 0 GATOf\ IOWL
PtttlbufVh and Clem.on
w11 ~ at Jac;kaonllllle,
P:lorida. D MOVIE
• • • "Tl\e Proud Onea"
( 1951) Robart Ryan, Vlr·
genii Mayo. Gunmen lll'ld
gambling equipment arrive
In Flat Rock and C&UM
trouble tor the marlhal. (2
hrt.) «8 THE SRAOY &UNCH
il.11C41. the houMkeeper,
!Mia Ille Is no longer
'-Clad by the Brady lamio-
Having IPllfll 18 yelll'a 1n
prlaon tor e etlma he did
not commit, a man Mii
out to find the men who
framed him
6i) ZOOM
"Basic Egg Prapar11t1on"
Ernie develops an allergy
to Tramp end the doctor
ll)'t that the dog wlll heve
to go. flll OVEfl EASY
Beve<ly Siiia; crime pre-
vention 5; herb gardens W FAMILY PORTRAIT
"Communication And Seti·
Gueat: Madeline Kahn
"Ricky Aaka For A Raise"
Cl) AOAM-12
Oltlcier Melloy, with hos
gltltrlend, and Oltklet Reed
w11h hll pregnant wile. ere
attacked by a motorcyc;te Q!no wt111e on a picnic; W MACNEIL I LEHRER
The crart~. e\'il loymaker is Frank
Gorshin. appearing on lonight's episode of
"The New Adventures of Wonderland"
with Lynda Carter . IL airs at 8 on Chan-
nel 2.
"General Hoapltal" VI
"One Day Al A Time" 0 YOUNO PEOPLE'S
"The Little Maleh Girt" 0 NEWLYWED GAME
The Brady clllldr9n'1 plan
lor a llllTl<ty musk:al group
1s ruined wtMln Peter's
V()l(;fl changes.
''Informed Souroea"
H1ghllgM1 from the Blx
Beiderbecke Memorlal
Jazz festival are pre&ent•
Guest· Zero Mostel
The remote-controlled
playthings end amazingly
humanistic androids ot a
oev1ous toymaker (Fren~
Gorlhlnl abeoOnd with !tie
ultra•Meret pl-of thll
"Barra<:t<s Baby" A tough
anU·N•vy corigr-
(Pll Carroll) embartta on •
base ln1pecllon tour .,
Sharkey'• barTllClll are
being turned Into • metflf·
nlty w1td tor • pregnant
Mexican atowaway (Ed11h
011Z) In labor. D MOVIE
• • •,; "T alee Of Terror"
( 1962) Vincent Price, Peter
Lorre. Based on storiet by
Edgar Allan Poe, thil; la
eomprlMd of thr .. horror
ta lea, "Morella." "The
Bleck Cal," and "The CaM
Of M Valdemar " 0 JOKER'S WILD
Guest: Roddy McDowell. ID lllJE.GRAY 80WL
Norlhern All-Stara vi
Southern An-Star•
Channel Listing•
1J KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles
"Ed's Team" Ed, talked
Into 1ponsorlng a local
buketbmll team, plott 10
mike • reluctant Reul the
a tar player.
Q KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles 8 KTLA (Ind) Los Angeles U KABC-TV (ABC) Los Angeles
(I) KFMB (CBS) San Diego 0 KHJ·TV (Ind) Los Angeles ®l KCST (NBC) San Diego
(D KTIV (Ind ) Los Anqeles
Q) KCOP·TV (Ind) Los Angeles
fD KCET·TV (PBS) Los Angeles
ml KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntington Beach
8:46 0 DONNY & MARIE
Gueats Robert Young.
Paul Lynde, Neil Slda1t1
Zorro Returns
The legendary• hero of the Old West, Zorro, is portrayed by Alain
Delpn, left, as he crosses swords with Col. Huerta, played by
Stanley Baker. "Zorro·· will he broadcast at 9 o'clock tonight on
Channel 2.
London Mulls
'Tramp' Honor
don 's city councilmen
are being asked to ap-
prove a me.size statue
d e pic ting C h a rli e
Chaplin in the tramp's
costume the British·born
comedian made famous
'Saturday Night'
Bids for Powell
NEW YORK <AP> -White House press
secretary Jody Powell has been offered a chance to
host NBC·TV's •·Saturday Night Live·· show, the
New York Daily News says.
The News said Thursday that Lorne Mi chaels,
producer or the show, went lo Washington to extend
the invitation to Powell. So far, the News quoted
Michaels as saying Powell is "thinking it over."
and has not responded to the invitation.
A~.(RJ TUBE TO Wtnted To Uve Fat_.' •• •• ,,,. ..... ~,. t:OO B CJ) CUMOVIE • ~PERS (19?0) Stuart WlllllMll, GOO.t"(UM3)Lon Cll..wy,
• •'-' "ZOffo" I 1975) Alain Sandy Denl>la. A hMrt aur· John CarrldlM. A nwmmy
Delon. Stanley Baker. Tiie geon dlleovert that 1~ • kec>t .,.... 1or 3,000
00-llO< of. amalt colony CBSf)7:00 Madeline Kahn IS guest I . ,_,ell center wlWW•,.. ~In orcs.t to s>fO~
terrortteo by th• detpolio star on The Mup11el~ WO(lla le llC1~ a labor•· '"-_,. "' an Egyptian Colonel Huerta, auumea tory tor alnllter eioper1. ptl-~ h8S ~
,,.. Identity of tne mMMO KTLA 0 8:00 Vincent Price and manta. 11hr.,20 min.I relt><*n11ee1 In an Amen.
rider, Zorro, and Peter Lorre ~tar in "Tales of Terror," a l:OO D MIDMOHTSPECtAl canglrt(lhr .• 30rnln.)
encourao-the poor to tr'log b d l b Ed Hoeta: Marilyn MoCoo ano * • "The Mu"'my'• rebel. 1 y use on s on es y gar Allan llllly Davie Jr. Questa: c-i,.. .. (11M4) Lon~.
D .-OCKFON>FILES Poe. Dav• Meson fe1turlng Pet• coe. A aecr.t fonr
"Jull Another Pollah KCET fill• 9 ~ "V' ·• A Mike Finnigan and Jim rnula .... ~.two __ _,__ WecklloQ" A pn_.. etony ... : 1s1ons: young Ktuegw, Bol 8caggs. Ota· ro 11i;ft~'" di;~~~=
(1 .. __ ,, 1 Jim' bride grows up uickly as she travels to c1ys KnlQM and thl P1p1. -·-i-• 1 h O HMt1 and Frid 'trevatena. reeulls. <1 hr.) IUQOelllon, ooee to "'°"' t .e regon Territory in a wagon train _ 4.~wov1e ,
for 1 former parote Offtoer· Wlth her husband and his family. -ll#'Y "Moon 0-Mlaml" turned detective (Lou A atunnlng but low-prlori!y (194 Don Amecne, Betty
GoaNtt).(Rl KOCE EA 10 :00 -Marlene D1'etr1ch torelgn embuly ~ 1" Or•ble. Two .. ,,.,.Mel< D 1"°"81De ~Y Gr99CI beCOfl'\M 1'"' key millionalfe hUSband• Wfllle
"Act Of vengeence" and Emil JannJngs slar in the 1930 movie. •Jout• In• a.adty game 01 1n Miami. 11 hr., &sm1n.)
«D MERVORlmN "The Blue Angel." MPlon•· 4:30 . MOVIE G~ H~I: J<WJ 819hoc>. «8 MOVIE * * •,; "S11nd" ( 1949) Mwll
Ouee11: JICIC Klug1N11, ~HJ f) 10 : JO Peggy Ca~s and • *"' "All•lr With A. Stevena. Coteen Grey.
Arnold Scnw~ger. Kevin McCarthy d l ' r h Sllanger" (1953) JHn ., ....................... Mtyd·-· Ter-81-. Or.~ ram a 1ze some o t e s1mmon1, v1c1or Matur•. ;;;:-;-;;;;-hofM ~.
Brotherl, Tom 0r-. reasons why alcohol contributes to auto Olvorce __,.,, the onty ~ to hla wtld •••••· 11 m Vl8tONs accidentson''Underthe lnfluence ." a1temet1Y1 1or •young ht ,30mln>
"l.t.za'1 ~ Diary'' A couple untll they adopt •
YoUno bride comN of• NBC f:) 1 a . m . '·Mid night cN!d.l2 hrl.J while tr!Mlllng to the Of• s . I . 1:15 e TALKABOUT gon TenhllfY In , wagon pec1a : .. Marilyn Mccoo and Billy Davis oue111: Lynda Obit. S:\ll ~DA'
trmn with her mi.band anc1 Jr. host this pop music special. author ot "Th• Statlel"
""' tarNly. (R) •nd Or. M. Ron Kareng1, MO.....a
~ FIRING U~ r prof-of IOCial Chenge "What Hew W• Learned 11:00 e D CJ) 0 HEWS hllrnan. hltad by the lather loolt It lhe lllf0'1. 7:00, SKATHIROS C.8.BEAAS
From The Flllur9 Ol Bntleh • LOVl.AMEAICAN (R) 1:30 G) MOVIE
Sodalt.m?" Guett: Mar-8TYlE «D NEWS * * "The Phenix City
ELEMENTARY N£W8 gwet Thatch«. (R) "The l.Mng Door" g) QET SMART Story" ( 1955) Richard
A-ill DOHNY & MANE Cl M0\'18 Srnar1 dedptlerl hll flrat Kiiey, Kathryn Grant. A ti) SAM 'YOATY
\:JO * leed u KAOS atatta ......._ •~ --· Ir Questa: Robert Young, * * "The Proud Onee" .,.,..."' young __ ,_ .......... om ~Ille United StatM. he Mfvlce find 1119 8) YOOAFOAHEALTH
CJ) HUMAN SDUAUTY • Paul Lynde. Nell Sadak& (195e) Robert Ryan. Vlt-St CAPTIONEOABC t to
and Suaan Perillna, MIM glnla M8)'0. Gunmen and NEWS hOrn4I town helltng a rec>u-7:SO 0 PACUETT£A8 ~(RI gambling 9QUlpment •rrlv. 6i> MACNEIL I LEHRER llllon Of being "Sln City, t:4' fJ SUMTHIN' 0000 In Flat Rode and ca.. REPORT U.S.A.'' (1 hr., 30 mk't I
Host; Larry MCCormlc:ll.
Guest: Jenelle Commla-
along, Miu Universe,
Guesta: Kelly Garrett, The trouble for the matehal. (2 1:37 fJ NEWS
Lochl'I, P. Austin, Kote hrs.) MOANINO 1:551 NEWS
and Partla"', Mal z • THEOOOOOVPLE 2;00 MOVIE
Liwrence. Fellx It corw"-d that tie 12:00 G TWILIGHT ZONE * * "The Mummy's
"Vlllleylllew" When two
helplH• and terminal
patient• at va11eyvi.w San-
ttarlum meet ... th prwn ...
ture death•, Quincy
IU&peell the attending
phyMclan (Robert Webber)
ol being Involved In
autlulnulL (R) ea NEWS
61!) MOYIE
• • • • "The Blue Angel"
(11130) Manene Ot«rld'I.
Emit Jannlng1. A "'lddle-
agad profeu«'• love for •
t>e&Ulilul cafe 11riger i.ecs1
him to degradation and
"Julie Andr-and Rober1
Stars Peggy Casa and
Kevin McCarthy wttl dram·
ellze aome of thl reuona
wtiy alcohol contributM to
25,000 lllltO accldenll
"Juan Serrano"
t0:46 fJ NEWS
The Metropolitan Opera
presented its first "II
Trovalore" of the season
with the debut or a good
Italian tenor, a villain
who triumphed vocally
and a · mezzo-soprano
who looked young and
beautiful but definitely
isn tsupposedto.
T e n or Giorgio
Merighi, born in F er-
rara, Italy, has s ung in
important E uro pean
opera houses -London,
Hamb'urg , Berlin and
Vienna -and in San
Francisco. In his first
Met appearance Wed -
nesday night as Manrico,
he had the lightly
• focused sound or a good.
in some moments very
f?OOd, Italian tenor .
HE IS TALL, unusual
but desirable for an
Jlalian tenor, and moves
well on stage.
Ingvar Wixell of
Sweden, as the villain
Count di Luna, gave the
e vening's most satlsrac·
tory performance, his
to n es b eautifull y
rounded and consistently
and 0ecw .,, lharlng "From Agnee with LCM!" Tomb" (1942) Lon Chaney,
their apartment with the «D FOAEV£R Dick Fonin. A mummy
Q_llOlt of 1 prevloua tW111nl. ~NWOOD c-to Ml• and 111r1s ., HONEYMOOHER8 Cl) MOVIE kllNng archuotoglsta, one * *'"-"P"""""'" (1"50) "'"•. (1 '-25-' I Tllklng -the janltor'a " ...,., • .,,. ~one '"·• ,. .. n. lob In hi• building, Ralph na Lynn. Charlfll Coburn li'J MOVIE
find• thllt 11·1 ....., 10 Two alat81'1 compete to be • • • "Blood And Sand"
meke compllllnta than to crowned OUNtl of tile (UM I) Tyrone P-.. Rita
reoelYlthem. Tournament of Roeee. (1 Hayworth. A butltlghter
• DICK CAVETT hr., 30 min.) ca... his own o.tructlon
Gu.le: Pet81' Beard, wlld-12:0I 8 CJ) C8S LATE MOVIE wtien he •bandorl• hit wife
Ill• photographer and **'-' "Blua" (11168) toranottlerwoman.C2hl'I.,
autl'IOr; Boyce Reu•beroer. Terence Stamp, Kut 4 min.)
8derlCe writer and ~-Malderl. A young Amert· 2:30 D HEWS
v•tlonltt. can, ralMc:I by Mex1c;an 2:45 8 NEWS
11:308 ()) M"A"S"H
When the usually on-the-
ball Rader aullera a
strange Iola Of efflclency,
Col. Btlllle ordera a p/lyal-
cal wtik:n r-11 that
Radar'• problem 11 not •
mecllcal one. (R)
Hoat: Johnny Caraon.
Guella: Suzanne
Plellhette, Beau Brldg ...
Merle Earle.
"Open Seaton" Bar1111
muat IOcat• the poahe<
retp0nslble IOf' the death
ol e prominent banleer's
daughter betore the
bandlb, It woundecl durlog 3:00 «8 MOVIE
a raid In Texu. When he 11 * • "Baul From Tne
nurMCI back to hMlth by Haunted Cave" ( 1959)
Ameflcans. he II oaught In Micheal Forut, Shella
e conn1c;1 of loyaltlH. Carol A gangater, pi.n.
12:30 G MOVIE n1ng to rob• gold mine. II
• • •,i, "The Mummy" lorcad by a bUnard to
( 19321 Bona Kat101t, David M9k refuge In I CIYI
Mannera. The men of an wtlictl la the i.r for a leg·
arctlaeologlcal expedition endary bMll. (1 hr., 30'
stumble upon an ancient mtn.)
Egyptian mummy with G) NEWS
eternal Nie. ( 1 ht., 25 min ) 3:20 8 MOVIE
«8 NfLOA.MEOFTliE **'-'."Now You See It,
WEEK Now You Don't" (1967)
1"7 fJ STAATIME Jona"'-n Wint.,.., Luciana
"Marctl f rom C1m9 Tyler" Pakazl. All ar1 flJCpert Miit
Peter Lawtord, Bethel a !Ille Rernbrlll'ldt to •
l8111e prince wtlO la llllo an 1r1
12:40 ®l MOVt~ swlndler. (2 hra.) * * ·~ "The Man WhO 3:25 8 NEWS
'* * * "Mother la A ftNll-
man" ( 1g4g) Loretta
Young, Van John1on.
Relumlng to college attar
ralWlg a femlly, a woman
~ • rtvat of ,..,
daughter'• for ttle •lfec..
tiona of • llaodaome young
pr'Ofelaor. ( 1 tw .. 30 min.) flt EARTH, SEA AHO
t:OO 8 8UGS 8UNHY I ROAO RUNNER D SPACE $ENTINEL.8 D MOVIE • • * "f'.or The love Of
Mike" ( 1960) Rex Allen,
Ald\ard BaMhar1. A 12·
year-old lndllll'I boy hell•
an lnjcleel (jOl1 and train•
him to r-. l 1 114' .. 30 min.)
fJ 0 LAFF-A·LYMPtCS • Cl MOVIE • * * 0 Actlon Man" (1967) Jean Gabln, Rober1 Stlldt.
A etlmlnal'a wife II kid·
NIPClfld end the ran.om II
tha loot from hla latest
caper. (2 h,..)
Critic Vows ·'Refon11s'
Dump 'Soap,' Boycott Games, Return 'Stalker'
LOS ANGELES IAP> --By neddies. it's almost
1978. Which means it's time for New Year's resolu·
lions. Which means, no kidding, that in 1978 we real-
ly vow to:
-Join a pressure group de manding that
"Soap" be kept on. That way. ABC will become
alarmed and take it off.
-AVOID ALL TELEVISED bowl games, be
they Cotton, Sugar, Orange, Rose. Super or Pro.
Use the lime for an intelligent endeavor, like read-
. ing the collected sayings of MilJard Fillmore
-Boycott all the bogus sports shows the
networks dream up, such as ABC's "Superstars ··
Everyone on them looks like Gabe Kaplan. Come to
think oC it, everyone on them is Gabe Kaplan.
-SJcip NBC's "Tonight" when it has a guest
host, which seems to be always. All the guest hosts
look like John Davidson. Come to think of it, all the
guest hosts are John Davidson.
-FIGURE A WAY TO tell a friend, Cote
Pleas ant of Memphis, Tenn., that no radio station
anywhere is playing his new song, "How Can I Say
'I Love You' with a Mouth Full of Red Hots?"
-Demand that ABC bring back Darren
McGavin's "Kolchak: The Night Stalker " Make
this a hlgh·priority item.
-Regularly watch the "ABC Evening News ..
to see if \be co-anchors. Harry Reasoner and
Barbar a Walters, ever collectively exceed one
minute per night on the show when Anwar Sadat
isn't available.
see if the frequent announcements of coming at-
tractions r egularly exceed two hours per show.
-Find al least three people who will swear, in
a roomful of witnesses. that they've actually seen a
complete "Love Boat."
· -Exhaustively study the question of whether
intelligent life exists on "Laverne and Shirley.··
-CHECK THE RUMOR THAT there's been a
horrible misunderstanding, that In reality the Mobil
Oil Corp. has been brought to you by a grant from
-Ask CBS if, at the end of "60 Minutes,·· Shana
Alexander and James Kilpatrick can be told to slop
fussing al each other and just settle the argument
with cream pies at 10 paces.
-Finally, join the new pressure group,
"Friends of Caligula," to loudly protest the slander
done him in "l, Claudius."
And now, the networks' New Year's Eve wares
at 11:30p.m.:
A BC rocks and rolls in 1978 with festivities host·
ed by Robert Hegyes and Suzanne Somers. It
features various rock bands and reports by Dick
Clark on whatever it is they do in Times Square
<Channel 7)
CBS REMAINS TRADmONAL. heralding "78
with the band of the late Guy Lombardo, who start-
ed New Year 's Eve broadcasts on r adio in 1929.
Paul Williams and Leslie Uggams will join the pro-
ceedings. <Channel2)
NBC may s uspect everyone will be drink-
addled New Year's Eve. It's airing a repeat of a
"Saturday Night" s how taped at the Mardi Gras in
New Orleans, which was last February. <Channel
Malckn in 'Meteor'
LOS ANGELES <AP) -Karl Malden plays a
NASA official in "Meteor," the science fiction
thriller starring Sean Connery,· NataUe Wood,
Henry Fonda and Trevor Howard.
• Fn_dty_.o.t.. __ mcw __ ~_._,,,_, ________ o~.LY_~_LO·T ---------------------------------------~ ... ~~~~ . ..
20 Years? Texas Best College Team • m
DALLAS IAP > Notre Dame
c:oach Dan D1:vmc !>ays the Tex
as Longhorns are the best bowl
team he's ever coached against
and may well be the best foot
ball team in two decades.
"Even though they're ranked
No. 1, l trunk they're underrat·
ed." Devine said Thursday as
the Fighting Iris h prepared for
Monday's Cotton Bowl duel.
"Texas may be one o( the best
football tt>ams to come along in
the last 10 or 20 years," he said.
"The reason I say that 1s they
have no WNtknesses."
On offense, Devine said.
there 's Earl Campbell, the
Jleisman Trophy wanner who is
"the fastest big back I've ever
If a team concentrates on
stopping the run, Texas will kill
·em with the pass, he said.
"And then they've got a guy
who kicks field goals ~7 yards
too, Russell Erxleben. That
means every time they gel to the
50 they're in field goal range.
And he·s the same guy who led
the nation in punting last year."
Defensively, h e said , the
Steers are "quick, agile and ex·
cellent athletes ... I've never
seen a team go through an entire
season and keep the opposition
backed up like they did."
Devine pointed out that
neithe r Oklahoma nor Arkansas.
the Orange Bowl opponents.
scored a touchdown against the
undefeated Longhorns. adding:
"Neither one really threatened
when you get down to it."
Appa rently. then, the fifth-
r an k ed Irish don't h ave a
chance, someone suggested.
"I haven't gone into a ga me
yet that I djdn't feel we could
win," Devine shot back. He said
all coaches "feel " they're going
to win and he never saw a team
that didn't "know" it was going
to win.
Versatile Gaines
Husky's Goal:
Olympic Games
Of the D•lly Pilot Si.fl
practice, so it will come natural
in a game situation," Gaines
says. "I try lo catch everything,
wheth er it's in practice or
"We need to play our best
game," he said. "I don't think
we could oul!>core them . so we
need to stop them . . We need
to control the football, move it
on the ground. And we can 't
have any turnovers.
"We have lo defense what
they do best." 'l'hat means slop·
ping Campbell, which is no
s mall task. He sained 1,722
yards rushing ag1unsl the 11
Longhorn victims.
Devine, who has coached at
Arizona State and M1i.souri as
well as four years with the Na-
tional Football League Green
Bay Packers. said the Texas-
Notre Dame game is the bleeest
contest In which he's been in-
"Tho bi&B~ the better," he
sm lied But he re{used to oo
lured into a debate over the nu·
tional championship, which t\1R
players intend to lny claim to Ir
they beat Texas,
Asked lf he fe lt an Irish vlc·
tory would justify the national ti·
tie, Devine said:
"I 'll have to answer that after
the game . . . After the results
are in from Pasadena. Miami
and New Orleans . . . I don't
want to get in any cross country
verbal exchanges now," he said.
Stolen ,
AZUSA -Nearly $2,700 worth
or football equipment, most of lt
belonging to the University of
Michigan team, has been stolen
from Citrus College gymnasium
where the Wolverines are pre-.
paring for their Rose Bowl game
against Washington.
However, sheriff's depuliu
said they were told the burglary;
which apparently occurred earl)'
Thursday. won't hamper the ap-
pearance of the Michigan team in
The break-in. throuf h some
meta l double doors into th&
gym 's football storage room;
was discovered by a custodian :
Assorted football shoes;
he lme ts , jerseys and othez:
equipment were ta.ken. some
belonging to the Citrus College
Kings Tled, 2· 2
Robert "Spider" Gaines made
onl' of the most s pectacular
ca t <:hes you 'll ever see
anywhere last wct>k, but the only
peop le cheering w e re hi!>
University of Washington team·
Several of his teammates have
aspirations lo play pro football,
but Gaines' desires lie in a dif-
ferent direction. He wants to run
hurdles in the Olympic Games.
DENVER -Andy Spruce
scored mid way in the thir4
period Thursday night as the
Colorado Rockies withstood twe
Los Angeles Kings goals wltruii
14 seconds lo post a 2·2 tie lo
' National Hockey League action.
He made the diving, over·the·
s houlder reception during foot·
ball practice at Orange Coast
College, where the Huskies are
prep aring for their Rose Bowl
!\howdown with the Univers ity of
A handful of the curious tame
out to watch pract ice and they
gave Gaines a modest applause.
Had he made the same catch on
J an. 2. it might have been re·
membered as one of the greatest
in Rose Bowl history.
But on that particular day, it
served only to fire up the
Huskies in thl'ir workout.
Gaines' acrobatic talents have a
wn.v of doing that.
"You ~Olla make lhl· diving
l'atchcs all the tinll', Hen in
Broncos' Scholtz
Lack of Attention
Doesn't Bother Him
OE:'\\'l':H 1/\P l J ohn
St:hull1. 1s a reserve wide rc-
te1 ver "'ho has n't caught a pass
:all season. labors inconspicuous·
ly on lh<' special teums and oc-
l·as10nallv returns a kickoff. You
can·l gel muc h more obscure
than that.
Schultz, whom autograph
hounds push aside to get to the
Craig Morton and Lyle Alzados,
Is startled when someone from
the media asks Cor an Interview
or when a ran recogni1.es hlm on
the street. The lack or attention
doesn't bother him; he ·s just
happy to oo a part or the Denver
But Schultz won't be saddled
with his Jm•isible Man reputa-
tion for long 1f he makes many
more plays like his blocked punt
m Dcnver·s first playoff game
UCI Tests
Cal Tonight
BERK ELEY -UC Irvine's
basketball team tangles with Its
second PacUic·8 Conferftlce foe
in eight days when the Anteaters
take on UC Berkeley here
UCI <H > fell to Oregon, 77-62,
in its last outing and Anteaters
coach Tim Tift expects another
tough outing against the Bears.
Cal. led by 5.9 guard Gene
Ransom and 6·11 center Tom
Schnelderjohn, has posted a 5-4
r ecord thus far-but all four
losses were by narrow margins.
against Pittsburgh last week.
Early in t he game, Schultz
stormed in and blocked a punt
by the Steelers· Rick Engles.
then recovered the ball at the
Pittsburgh 17 -yard line. Denver
promptly ~cored a nd never
trailed in winning 34-21.
"We've worked on different
types of block~ all year, but for
one reason or another they
didn't work," sa ys Schultz, a 5·
root· 10, 183-pound second-year
pro from Maryla nd. ''This one
jus t worked. I came Crom the
end-tackle gap. The fullback
should have picked m e up but he
looked at somebody else. l just
went by and got the punt.
"ll came at a great lime. for
sure. Naturally, I felt good. It
gave us good field position. We
wanted lo score first. You get a
lot of satisfaction when you
come through with a play like
that, helping out the offense.
"I don't feel I've contributed
anything as a receiver this year.
so it was especially gratifying to
help out on the special teams."
Schultz admits it has been a
"frustrating" season for him
because of his lac k or playin~
time at wide receiver. He notes
that only five passes ha ve been
thrown his way all season.
"One was dropped. one was
intercepted and the other three
just weren't on target,·· he re ·
calls. "lt takes a while, I guess.
to gain the confidence of the
coaches a nd of the quarter-
All season long, coach Red
Miller has asked for contribu-
tions from every member or hJs
squad , and Schult7. is a
testimony lo that belief.
ft 's not an unreasonable goal.
Gaines was a prep All-American
in the hurdles while attending
Ke nnedy High in Richmond, and
won the Pac-8 110-meter hurdles
championship for Washington as
a freshman.
He clocked 13.6 lo win the
110-meter event in a dual meet
with the Soviet Union and was
ranked No. 12 in the world and
No. 6 in the U.S. as a hurdler,
but missed the standard to make
the Olympic team during trials
at Modesto in 1976.
"I think I could play pro foot-
ball someday, but I'm just a
junior now and I'm definitely
shooting for the 1980 Olympic
team ," Gaines says.
Jn football, he was tabbed as a
potential great after a brief but
explosive debut in his fres hman
year. Gaines' assignment. was
the special teams. and he made
the most of it.
In just seven minutes total
playing time for the season,
Games blocked two punts that
were converted into touchdowns
!Stanford >. blocked a field goal
attempt <Oregon Statel. deflect -
ed a field goal <UCLA l , tackled
a punte r in the end zone for a
bafety CUSC l and caught two
touchdown passes in the final
game agai ns t Was hington
The second catch in that
Washington State game was a
73-ya rd play which gave the
Huskies a 28-27 victory in the
final moments. He rates it as his
bigge11t thrill in college football,
outs ide or the mome nt he
learned he would be going to the
Rose Bowl.
Gaines has emerged as the
primary target for Washington's
celebrated quarterback, Warren
Moon. This season he made 30
receptions for 660 yards and six
Gaines also returned three
kickoffs for 70 yards and ran the
ball on end-around plays four
tlmes for a 6.8 average per
If Washington falls behind
against powerful, rourth·ranked
Michigan, the Huskies will rely
on Gaines to help put them back
in the gam e quickly. It's a
res ponsibility he enjoys.
"I wouldn't mind the pressure
ut all. I know I can handle it,"
Gaines says. "In fact, I'm look-
ing forward to It."
Sports on TV
On TV Tonight
6 p.m . <i> -GATOR BOWL -
The Pittsburgh Panthers face
the Clemson Tigers in the Gator
Bowl at Jacksonville, Fla.
8 p.m. (13) -BLUE-GRAY·
GAME -The .coth Blue·Gray
game, taped at Montgomery,
Ala. earlier today.
Bruins Rip Arizona;
USC Downs Auburn
UCLA . led by J:uard Roy
Ha milton's 20 points, outscored
Arizona. 16·4. early in t he second
half to break open the game and
roll to an 85·63 non-eonference
college basketball victory over
the Wildcats Thursday night.
The eighth-ranked Bruins.
leading 36·30 two minutes into
the second half, scored eight
straight poinLc; to start their blitz
which UCLA finished with an in-
s urmountable 52-34 advantage.
The victory was the fifth In a
row for the winners and their
ninth in 10 decisions this season.
It was the final game for UCLA
before the Bruins open play in
the Paciflc·8 Conference at
Washington Jan. 6.
The game marked the return
of guard Raymond Townsend.
who sutlered a broken upper
jawbone when struck by San
Jose State's Ron Lowe Dec. 22.
Doctors had originally expected
Townsend to be side lined for
about a month but the 6-foot-3
senior was in the starling line-up
Thurs day night.
Townsend missed his first five
shots but finished the game with
eight points. He m ade four of his
10 field goal attempts.
ARIZONA WI-°""'' 16, hytor 11, BrOMt I, H•"" 13, O.mlc6,Jon<113. tot.il27•·11U UCLA 11$1 -GrHnWOOd 1l, Venelf'•~ U.
Sin" 4, T-nd 8. •41mlllon 10. Holl-I,
Wiik•• 8, AlllllM 6. 1'1\0m.» 2 Tot"" 34 11-14 IS
Hattlll'I'"' -UCLA J1, Arltona 11. Fouled out -
Oo\ly, T•ylO.-, N•lll\, V~Wl!Q"4!. Sims. TOl•I
touls -Aruona 2S. UCLA 20 T•c~nlceh -
Arl1on• CooKft Frfd Sno-n 1 A -12.W
USC Wins, 8S· 14
Forward Cliff Robinson poured
in 22 points to turn a close game
into a runaway as Southern
Cali fornia beat Auburn 85·74 in
the opening round of the SuAar
Bowl basketball tournament
Thursday night.
In an earlier tournament
gam e . 16th-ranked Virginia
ove r ca me nine scoreless
minutes at the start or the game
to whip previously undefeated
Temple, 66-55.
Virginia and Southern Cal
meet in the title game tonight. The Bears fell to Nevada
(Reno 1. 88-81. in overUme and
lost to Fresno State (80·55>. lows
(75-70) and San Jose State
C76·74 ). One of Cal's wins was a
90·89 victory over USF.
Ransom. a J\lnior. averaged
t•.2 points per game last season.
earning se<:ond team AU-Pac.a.
He's httUng at a 19.7 average
thls yea,r.
Clemson, Pitt Tangle
use held what appeared to be
com mandiog leads several
times, but each time Auburn
roared back.
The Southeastern Conference
team, now 3·3, took a one·polnl
lead over the Trojans at half-
time on a·2().foot jumper by Stan
Schneiderjohn , a Junior,.
prepped al Los Amigos Hljh in
Fountain Valley. He's scorint at
1 12.9 cllp and la avoraalng
nearly 11 rebounds a game.
With Sehnetderjohn, Dou1
True C6·7' and Doug Vtlottt
(6·7), the Bel\J'R llgure to
dominato the board" against \h•
smaller Anteater11.
OCI hH Juat two playen .averaalns Jn double tJ•una-
Wayne &nlt.h UT.t) and Steve
McGuire 00.0). Smith has been
auspendtd for one ••me for mW.. ·tng pracUce.
The Anteaten hue one other
non·con/c:rence 11m1 <Jan. 7 at
Northern Colorado.
-Coaches Jaekle Sherrill of
Pittsburgh ad Charley Pell ot
Clemson are um •oping victoey
ln toniaht'I Gator nowl football game wtll boo3t t\ls team's na·,
tional 1tandlng.
Pitt's PAnlhers are ranked
10th and OlemliOn'I Tigers 11th \
pendtne tbe flaal post·ho1Jda1 games ,o\asociated Pr.., poll.
Both have S.2-1 recordt.
"l think the winner could end up anywhere from 1'1cth to
eighth, dependbla op how the
other bowl• go,•' Sherrill ~
dieted. "We're evtnly matcbtd.
but I don't cxpec:t a lie."
PlU h ravored by •
touchdown. wttb quarterback
Matt Cannaqb hnprovlnJ hll
boll handling daily despite a pin
In hie left wrist, broken In the
season opener against Notre
Dame. "J wore a pad on lt through
the PeM St.ate game, and I'm
Ott Tl' Ton .. ht
a.. ..... 7•••
not aure wbetber l wm put lt Oft
Friday," the t-root.a major pro
Pl'OIJ>eC# takl. • lberll1I and Pell, t.eammat..
lD i• at A.labiama1 are ln tbttr nnt. ,..., .-held coecbel at
lhetr eUl'T'Mt achooll.
A former ... 11t.aftt to Johnny,
M aJcm It PIU. Sb~rrm co•ched VI aabintton State In 1978. Re
took over the defendlng national
ehampfao Pitt team when Ma·
jols left for his olma mater . Ten·
nusee. Pell built a winner at Jackson·
ville Stale ln Alabama in the
early 1970S. lie was an assistant
at Clemson when Red Parker re-
al1ned last year.
Clemaon'8 Steve Fuller. the
6-foot·• Junior quJrtcrback, was
Atl a ntic coast Conttrence
player ot th year. Top runner
Warren Ratchford was left off
the bowl trip for what P~ll aaJd
was "aoroethlni he failed to
do." but replacement Lester
Brown waa top 1eorer with 54
points and leCOtld beat rusher.
Pitt'• runninf Hader, IUUback
Elliott Walk.er, 1alned 972 yard1
SOUTH£RH CAI. llSI -H~ 11, Miii.,
•2, Ro&I"'°" 26. Clirllno i., Brigham t. Grfff •.
O. $'711111 1. Tot•IJ 36 IJ. llS.
AV9UllN 0•1 -P•t•k k 10, Mlt~~ll l2. C.I te~ U, Bt.c-yt, PlelUVWICI 6, BM~$ J, Price 4
loteh 7• IWI '4.
Hlllllnw -A\lbUl"ft 11, Soulller'l C:•I ~· Fo111tld
0111 BMll• Total loult UIA!Mr11 CM 11
Allbur11 II A 4,.SOO.
Stalder Advances
Stalder of! UC lrvlne, won hJs
MCOnd round match In the USTA
n1llonal 21·an.d·undcr Indoor
tennis champlonshlp• aat Van-d~rbilt University here ThUf'I•
doy by defeating Jetr Waters or
the Uolvtrlity of Tenneaaee
(Ctaattanooaa >. 7·5. 6·1.
The Kings' Marcel Dionne and
Butch Goring scored at 4 : 12 and
4: 26 of the second period, but re-
c en tl y ·rec a 11 e d goalie Bill
McKentie withstood 32 other Los
Angeles shots to preserve the
Gendaltl• 1t'ln•
MELBOURNE. Australia -
Vitas Gerulaitis and John Lloyd
advanced to the finals of the
Australian Open tennis tourney
today. ~
Gerulailis defeated John Alex.-
ander, 6·1, 6-2, 6 ·4 in just 80 ;
minutes, while Lloyd thrash~
Bob Glltinan. 6-4. 6·2, 6·0.
· In women's s ingles, Evonne
Goolagong continued her win-
ning form with a 6-3, 6-1 victory
over Judy Dalton, while Kerry
Reid defeated Kathy Harter . 6-l .
Plqers Oil'e llp
LITTLE ROCK -Three au.s-
pended University of Arkansas
football =yera Thursday gave
up thetr court bid to pla.'
in the Orange Bowl, three days
before.the game.
U.S. District Court Judge
Terry L. Shell 11igned an order
Thursday aflJrnoon dis missing
a motion that sought to have
running baclrs Ben Cowins and
Mlchael Forres t and flanker
Donny Bobo reinstated to the
team tor the Monday night game
against Oklahoma in Miami.
FcdrchUd to MSIJ
S A N D J E G 0 -S t e V'.e _
Fairchild, the first Junior college:.
quarterback in history to paal·
for more than 5,000 yards in two
years, says h e will attend
Michigan State in January. The
6·foot-1, 190-pound San Diego
Meea College star led his team .
to a 9·1 record.
DfGregorio Out
Angeles Lakers have placed
guard Emie DiOregorio, who is
s uffering from an acute case of
bronchitis. on the injured list.
the National Basketball Associa
lion team announced Thursday
Golt Leaders
MONTCREV -Third '°'1fld l••d••s Thuri.d.V
1n ti.. $'11,000 Montttey lnvlt~lion.ol Pro.Am oot•
tourMV on""" MOlllorev arM ">urW•. ROd F11,,uln O·•l·lt-104 Alen hp•• 10..,_., _ _,,
Bol> Rl\tll b9·6'-69-ZO.
Ml~t Morloy 11'66·71-709
Bob Zender n-t1-n-10t
Cfl>rQt (Adi< U-t6-IJ-20l
Mil<• RtHor 11·69·"4 t09
Dive Shlplry 61·72_.9-209
Ptot~ Brown IHl-/t-20t
J1,n LenQley ••·1>·'8-210
Merk LY• H·&•-'1-410
C.oro• ""'"' n-10~-a•o
Vanguards Outlast
Westminster, 89-86
Southern California College's
Va nguards meet the host school
at the Southern Utah State Color
Classic tonight following an 89-86
ove rt i m e victory o ve r
Westminster <Salt Lake City) in
college basketball Thursday
The Vanguards trailed, 82-79.
wllh 3S seconds left in overtime
Westm inster had the ball. but
with 10 seconds to go the Sall
Lake City quintet sent in a sub
who didn 't r eport to the
scorqkeepcr nnd a technical foul
wns levied.
Warren Ooody hit the free
throw, the Vang u ~rds gol
possession, and Paul Warner
grabbed a rubound and hit from
inside with no Ume l~ft in r'gula·
Uon. ·
SCCCltl .... ,.. .. .. ,..
10 S J U Wt'"" e I 4 11
I 0 $ " Htll ... 1*f t A 1 t
• t S • M<H"4 t 0 0 J
•SJU ~ >1 11
Ht• .. lnl 2 ) I t
''"•" )I " ,. .. Hllftll'I'\• Soc.I C.1 ... , J>.ij Ellf ot "f9IOl•Ueft t.J.;iu.
Vikes Seek Title Tonight
8y a Oallt PUo& Writer
To reach tonight's (8;30 1
l'hampions hip fin a l of the
Orange basketball tournament.
Marina High o r llunt ington
Beach had to overcome a severe
case oC..heal spells before taming
the host school, 88·54, in Thur:;-
day night's semis.
But the Vikings are going lo
need a lot better perrormance ,
tonight if they are to get by a
mu c h tougher El Moden1.1
<Orange), an 80·71 winner over
Servile (Anaheim l in the other
Specifically, Marina needs t\\o
things: consistency a nd a way lo
stop El Modena 's 6-7 Stevt'
Trumbo, who has scored 58 •
points 11f his last two outings
Marina coach Steve Popovich
says Trumbo just m:i:ht be the
best player in Orange County.
Leads FV
To Victory
Ol 1._ D•llY Pilot 51•11
Scoring from anywhere and
everywhere, Ho ger H olmes
established a Fountain Valley
High single i:ame scoring record
T hursday afternoon when he
tossed in 36 points lo lead the
Aarons to a one-sided 96·60 vic-
tory over Bolsa Grande l1 1gh of
Garden Grove. •
The win advanced tht' Barons
to the consolation finals of th<•
S antiago <Garden G r ovc 1
tournament. where thcv met>!
Wt'stminstcr today at 5 · llolmcs, a 6--1 senior S\\ 1n~
man, dicked on 16 of his 2;,
fit'ld goals, a sizzling 64 per
t·t•nt. to c•rasc the old record of
:J I held JOintly by Dan 1\lalanc
and John Lo<lcstC'tn. The mark
had stood for five years
!'\ot surpris ingly. F'ounta1n
\'alley also established a team
record for most points in a game
\'ia some siz:din~ shooting. Th<'
Barons as a group hit on 42 of fi!J
attempts from the field. a 61'
percent mark.
But the show belonged to
Jlolmcs. who started orr strongly
with a 10-point first quarter that
helped F'ountain Valley lo a
22·9 lead tha t \\a~ never
Holmes lied the record wi th
2 · J 2 left to play when h~ scored
underneiteb on an 'Ui;st from
David Es\Jlno.za. A mfnute later.
Hol m es toOk a long pass al mid·
cou rt . dribbled twice. and
banked in 1 an 18-footer that
brought the Barot"¥ti:bench to its
feel. """ flis fanciest shot came in the
closing moment or the opening
frame when he retrieved a loose
ball in front of his team's bench.
turned and swished in a 30-footer
that just beat the buzzer
He also sani a 20-footer at the
third quarter buzzer.
~1p1nou 1\fHIOy Simon Wt HI non R•olf
"°""'•'""•"rt t'61 It ft Jlf lit EppelhetrTWrl O S "
S 0 1 10 M<Carthy I 0 0 l 1 1 l J $111i..t• I 4 1 l > 0 S 6 Htodd 1 I • I
O O 1 O HOlmu 1• • 2 ,. S 2 4 11 Tot•ls 42 12 U '6
kw• lly Ou•r1•" F9U<'llln V•lley ll H 10 ,. " BOI\• Grano. ' ti lt lf-.0
Bares, GWC Lose
l n ~pot~ Thursday nit:ht, the
V1kmgs Wt>re hot In stretches,
they were cold In th~ end, they
were torrid
It wasn't until the hnal venod
that Mtmna finally put it all
togethl'r, out:-.coring the Pun
thers 33-7 to cinch its ninth win
m 12 starts
F'rcc throws helped immense
ly. The Vikings were 2·1 of 28
from the line. including an in·
credible 14-for·l4 performance
by David Ticzz1 who led all
scorers with 22 points. Jtis shoot
ang was the only consistent fat•
tor for the Vikings.
Consider Marina's ro ll ~r
eoaster night. The Vikings went
the first 4:35 without a field goal
and had just two buckets in the
first seven minutes. <tl which
point they trailed 15·10
Then, in the next four und a
half minutes, they scored on 14
ot their 16 trips down the court,
mounting a 37·21 lead.
J usl as :;uddenly, they went
cold, allowing Orange to creep
to within 39·28 at half.
The third quarter was much
the same. Mid way through the
period. just when it looked as if
they had regained their touch.
the Vikings had four turnovers
and fi ve missed shots in 12
possessions and once again,
Orange was back in it, 55·47.
Then came the final Marina
streak. sparked by the Vikings'
"press offense". Fortunately,
this one lasted all quarter.
AO•IM 1111 l9ftpf ..
&rutt' s ' 2 II Mlelkt I 0 l 1 Halton • 1 1 1' oawton 1 , 0 • HtlOenr•ltll I 1 2 0 OIMMI l • I 10
T1•ut 4 .. 1 1' Bollm I 0 1 1
So1v~y • 0 ) • Tol•I• U l4 IS.
$<-• ., °"""'" M•r1na lO .. •• JJ-tl Or•noe 11 II l• 1--i4
El Toro Tramples
Pacifica, 88-MJ
Ol llW D•llY Piiot Sl•ll
Whal a difference a month's
work can make. That's what El
Toro High coach Ed Felix must
have been saying to himself to
day as hjs Chargers dueled Troy
<Fullerton ) High in a battle for
fifth place at the Brea High In·
vitational basketball tourna·
ment. Felix's El Toro quintet
qualified for a shot :.it Troy
following a n 88-68 rout of
Pacifica (Garden Grovel High in
a game that was not as close as
the score ind\cates.
El Toro had lost to this same
Pac1f1ca outfit in its ~eason
opener, 43 -42. But Thursday's
rout was far from thM sort of re
s uit. The Chargers sprinted to a
38·19 lead and coasted with re·
serves s huffling in and out at a
s teady pace. llad they had a
mind to do il the Chargers could
easily have scored JOO points on a
Pacifica team which stumbled al
a consistent rate.
El Toro's major weapon was
6·4 sophomore Ron Holmes. who
scored 24 points. Also ins trumen·
tal in the easy win was 6·5
freshman Wayne Carlander, who
scored 10 points.
El Toro·s half court pressure
and zone defense played havoc
with Pacifica, which couldn't
shoot nor play defense without
With 4 : 51 still lert in the second
period the El Toro quintet had
connected on 14 or 21 free throws
and for the game, Pacifica was
whistled for 37 personal fouls.
Pacifica shooters? They mis·
-;ed 13 of their fi rst 15 from the
free throw line and managed 2 of
18 from the field in the third
~ Hotmo M Holmu
tarl•nd•• lo
El Toro (M l ,, ti pl Ip
I I • 14
4 " 3 .. J • J 10
0 J 2 J
7 V I ll
Quigley Wal Ur Wiison George SlmPSon Tol•ls S<orr"" 0...rtan
., It pl Ip
1 0 I 2
7 ' 2 s , 0 , •
1 1 • •
3 3 0 •
Ml6 22 M
11 10 10 u-..
23 7J 10 12-4f
47 42 Loss for Mission Viejo
By a Daily Pilot Writer
Mission Vi~jo \~ligh's Diablos
"ere JOited twice Thursday
night ;it the Brea High lnv1ta
t ional basketball tournament
they lost a 47·42 decision to Tor·
ra nee's Bis hop Montgomery
High and they may have lost thC'
ser vices of ace Pete Decasas.
The loss puts the Di ablos of
coach Bob Mlnier into a collision
with the La Ha b ra High
I lighlandcrs for third place at
fi: 30 ... a nd ii will probably be
without Decasas. who went out
of the game with 7:03 remaining
with what appeared to be :ci
severely twisted right ankle.
The Oiablos were trying to
catch Bishop Montgomery at the
time, which had raced to a 10·0
and 23·7 lead in the early going.
When DeCasas departed it left
a void in the• Diablos attack. but
.Jim l''eicht. Mike Roberts and
Bryan Zahn chipped in with
buckets lo keep Mission Viejo
wilhin r;inge al 43.37 with 3:32
J im Cumming hit a free throw
and Feicht took Cumming's mis
~ed second attempt and connect·
ed to make it 43·40 with 1 :45 lert.
But that's when Mission Vie·
jo's r ally ran out of gas as the
winners got inside for an easy
bucket, then Mission Viejo lost
the ball twice on turnovers lo
snuH out the rally
The Di ablo~. s mall and
without a solid fast break. rely
on out.side shooting and an early
cold spell was loo much lo over·
ll•h F•ltl\1 Z•hn
M IHIOll Ylelo U JI ,, ft ,,. "' 3 1 l 1 Roberts 1 2 1 • 1treurer
7 O O • Ale .. nder
1 1 l J Bosler
0 I 0 I
7 I 3 S
• 0 7 8
I 0 0 ,
• 0 1 R
Tol•ls II l 11 •1 Stor• by OU.r1tr\ B"nop Mon190mery 11 I 17 10 41 M1s,1on Vleio I 8 U 11· 41
Gauchos RaDlhling Girls Volleyball
ANYA TOURNAMENT CMmtti.,llllp l'IMI\ TanltM
Al~ ....... INcll Hl9fo SC-
s ddl b k C 11 • h'gh n•'nl \\llh four plu.yer!> 6·7 or •pm. Jurolor Dl•lllon 1ocvec Whitt tt•m • a e ac 0 ege S I . ~ vs Stmlllnalswinner,dtlermlne<1.,.r1ltrloday l flyi ng Gauchos raced lo an 83·76 taller 1Pm.-Senkl<'Dlvl•lon cocvec B1 ... 1eam •s ,.,· ctor y over Oxnard College Ft ve turnO\'l'rS 10 the last 2 :21 semllln•ll wlmer. determined ur1i.r lod•Y I Tll,,....._.y•s llnulb Thursday night at the College or killed OCC. which had a 77.71 S1EN101101111s10N
lh D l b k lb 11 ·n,•i'ta lead. Glendale won it with a tip· B•1-e.ydel A11...ca 1s-•.1s • e eser as e a 1 Ho111eS11orUc1e1ocvBc001d1s-10,1H tional. qualifying Bill Mulligan's in with fi ve seconds left. B•tl)oa 11.ty1p01w111\0CVBCGo•d ... u. 1s.s
s lick crew for a title showdown Todd Zirbel scored 22 points Potu'"'d \Olll with wtncsy cnv North 1w. s-14.
G Id Porllend SPiii with 0.kland l.,lf, 14·1' with Wes t Coast Marines andhadllreboundsfor o en w1ne1yc11.,wor1110etBro11s11co1umb1•nJ,
tonight. West, which never led, com· •s-t The tiff is billed for 8: 15, but m itted 24 turnovers and hil 34 of .. ~vBc OOld 591'1 wllh w.ne1., C•IY Sou111 u 1•
the toumarnent has been run· 73 from the field. ocvBc Go1<1defAt1an1e1s.4, 1s-J.
d W Indy City So.i\11 def Oeklanc:I U·•, I S·8. ning nearly an hour late ue to ocvBc B1uec1o1 Ba111aa Bay 1s-12 u e scheduling problems w1ncsy c11y "'°"" •Piii w1t11 HoOie s_.is ~•s.
In other JC l1rfs. Orange Coast is-~~·Bvc Blue dtf w1ne1y c1tySo11111is.1,1s-1.
College's Bucs were sent home aa111oe e.tydtf British eo1umbt• IW, t$.• wi'th an 80-77 Joss to Glendale in ocBvc Blue 0.1 w1n11y Clly Nonr. 1 .. u.1s-•. Windy City South clef Allanta 1S·J, ls-I. the Palomar tourney a nd Golden JuN1011 01v1s10M
W t C U e 100 83 . t ' Long 8ffth del Cent ... A U-4. 1S-12. es o . eg was a · vic tm ocBvcw11UedtfCe11tera 1s-1, 1s-o. •
to Long Beach City College al OCBVC RIO split wllh C.."I« A IS-9. 10-IS. the Fullerton Invitational. Windy CHY EHi 0.1 eencor e is .... 1s-s. Manh•ll .. Beacl\ ll)lll with Long BHCI\ IS-11, Saddleback s napped a 11.u
halftime tie with 11 straight ~t~~":.ii::=:'~~~~;,::,~~1i1'.~!·1 ... points with Rodney Muter and s..oo.n1UM1top Tlna Knight leading the way. • oc a1ue 111-11: 2. HoC>M Spor1s m.31; a. 111e1
Knlght and Craig Stahl con· ocGoid m ... 1T'...i8:.~
S.<ldl-ll CUI
It ft pf Ip B•con • 1 J 10
~tehl s • 1 14 Lloy 1 1 1 • Miiier 1 0 0 u vanderH 1 0 0 • C,reen s J 7 1l Toi-" 34 IS • IJ l(nloM s • 0 I• Shaw s 0 , 10 H•llllM• 41·•11
O•a1199CN11!771 0.-11'#..C llll
It II pf 'P ,, ft,,."' Holland 8 1 1 11 Sander\ 1 1 0 s Brush 1 0 ' 14 L.uar 0 3 I ,
Neum•nn 6 0 • 17 Zlrllel • • •n Oman 1 , 10 Strlcklln I 0 2 2 IOtlllll 0 l , Rod9tr\ • 0 1 • Or gm • 1 J ' Flttcl\er • 0 J • Akl11 I 0 0 1 (llambllH • 1 2U RoO , 0 , • G•"•''°" 0 0 1 0
Vardl•Y 0 0 I 0 Pell I• 1 0 1 I• Btll 0 .l 2 Reed 1 0 1 1 Getty 0 ' 4 Leed• 1 0 I 4
Tota It l6 j 1• 11 Tol•ls J4 u 21 u
AI~tos Cougars Claim '~rown;
Racing Goorjian Rips Estancia
Results Cap istrano Valley semifinals b y Greg both
were beaten on the
IJigh and Maler Del Goorjian and bi s road.
<Santa Ana) High were Crescenta Valley team· Un Ive r s It y HI g b
victorious in tournament mates, 109·63. with (Irvine> was a '14·5•
basketball action Thurs· Goorjian running wlld loser at Saddleback
day night and for the with 38 points. CSanta Anal High as the
,...,__ .... y
11"'"11,Tracll-• Fl11$T llAC• -l50 v•rO•. 1 Y••r olds. Claiming. ""'' ,.,.ldlln•. Pur~ U,100 l!•er Selling c0om1no11111 s oo t<lllYbllO Moot> CWatd l Third Try (Mllrl
~;: ! : · Cougars of Capistrano The loss puts Estancia Trojans ran into foul
uo Valley it meant a cham-in a third place game trouble w l th three
Tlme -11.u Alto r•n ---, lo Burn, CllM•
0..., 8emlty Doo. Jets UIU• Witch, Wiiow Cui.. Tony CN<llan. Klpleo Scratched -Oevll FIQflltr, z ..
pionship. tonight at 7 against host starters fouling out.
The Cougars belted Las VegnRancho High. Dana Hills Hlg~Js
ZH TOI>. MllY Tutt, Fr-Plun911" n t:ucta •·•••r s.111111 a 2· ltlltyMf MMll. ..... ,,._ ..
Ontario Christian High. Among Estancia 's Dolphins traveled to
84 -51, to capture the woes Thursday was a 7 Torrey Pin~ and were
Elsinore High tourney for 19 performance from 68·61 losers. Leadinr
as Bob Charles led the the free throw line and a Dana Hills scoring was
nc.oNo oc• --o•ds. 1 assault with 27 points. 34·6 pasting from the Mike Samuels with 11 ~·:;:.:~;•ng. PurMu.eoo Ch a rles was chosen Falcons in the second points, while Dick Jel-
ccerdoHl 10.10 ,.tO •. .., most valuable player in quarter. fers and Chris Goller
Tm Moon <Tr.-ure1 • 10 uo the tourney. Mater Dei destroyed chipped in with 13 points "~~,.!~c~n19"11 5M> Also in the Elsinore Palos. Verdes High on each.
"1'° ,.,. -Go Th•• A<•••· R•o Invitational was Irvine t b e boards and v:0~~~=nJesw.oeno1Froti., High, which lost a 77·69 Steve McCrea scored 23
declsion to San Jacinto points to pace an 82-67 THIRD 11AcE -...o Y••d•. l yur High for third place. An· victory. olds Cl•fmlng Pun• U ,400 .... 1·•m• K11>1noo dy Odden led Irvine The win puts mater
~~":.'!rh.:. !Adtlrl 1uo 1~: ; :g High with 22 points. Del against Las Vegas
Y• 0o1 e1ue cciertu•l • 10 In the Las Vegas In· Valley at 5:15 at Rancho Time -n.t9 vilational the Eagles of HJgbtonight. Also ,.n -Mt 111.iddte, WHI v1rglnl•. Rull.it Rocket, sc•rt•"""'P· Estancia <Costa Mesa > In non-league action
Lu<ky 1•. Lot o1 Jet High were beaten in lhe two Orange Coast area ~to :c:::~~l'm a l(lptY TIM a S• C h a ffi p j 0 n S h i p teams Were 8CtiVe ana
l'ltu•ro•. P•ltl '°'·so
l'OUllTH llACIE -.).SO varch. , year old\. Cl••m•"9· F~ malcttn> Pur\e U .100. L•l Armlul IMylesl 10 eo 12 10 u oo Roy•I Toddy CWelM>fl ) •• :IO • 60 Cher Super SI Ar (~rdo1• I S 00 Tim• -ltU
AllO rttn La Oof\I•, SatlOt~ C1n av. Oec•nt. limits B•rredsl•r.
N•l~>ll• Jon, Rhody RoO.tl. M•rh•I Rut• Scral<toed Only F•I•, ltln~y Sone, Mrs. Sllady Lady, Rock\ Bu\y Wiiiow .
"''™ llACE -400 yards 3 ... r Old• & up. Cl/timing. Fl)f" 11111•• & mar.s. Purse M.200 P•bblH IClll<lft IH•rll S IO 4 IO l.:IO Sh•mmy S/llmmy IL•P'><tm" lO S 00 Long• Go IRoughl • lO Time -1101
AIM» t4" -~Ii Zena, P•l'lt1mero1 Valley, Aprllt!N Chit, Hly& 0•0, \.•I
11• Reploca,MownM• No screlCl-.s
U Eucu t-Pelll>ln ICllUft a I· Sfttmmy Slllmm1. P•ld lltl.00
SIXTH RACE 400 yard\ 1 y .. r Old\. AllOwM><e Purse M.SOO G•llop•n11 Oom4no IW•rd l Otondu Reb (H•rl I Ala Go Go (A<Molrl T•me -10 74
•JO llO 7.tO
JOO 140
1 .tO
Al\o r•n Mr T t l t •tdtl
Cn•r9e, E•sv C.rr•• Ann NO SC',\lthU
SEVENTH RACE -110 yards J yur olds & up Clalmtno Purse n.soo c.oi..r Too
IRougnl 810 HO 1110 Atd Rtd Wont ITrt"a•u<t) l 10 2.6'0 Idaho Go IBr-110101 • 70 Time 08' StraltN<I On HM' Hou.., Bar
""° U EU<U ).~r Tao 6 1-11 ... Rtd WIM, PaldU..W
t1ear-oldi. AlfOWMl<e Pun.fl'' SOO
Sir CnlC• Mor
Basketball Scores
SI Fune ls. Pe . .,. Lehigh 11 Ar Un>~ '7, LSU 62 Ouk• 74, SI. J~·s, P• ., N Cuollne SI lOS. Duque-80 V•INt•l'I04'2, Navy 6oO lndl•na SI 11, Ball St SO St. Louis 80. T111w 11 Westmont 91, Wlll..,,.llt IJ Wlsconwn 11. lo'IOI•. 111 10
P•col o< 11. Columola SI Pt. \.oma 61, Chico SI n StanlSllU) St M, FrHM Pac S• UCL.A IS. ArllON 43 S•n Franc;osco 91, Mo am I, Qnlo '8 Ar11on• SI 10S, ~Ion Col 911 Ausllt1Peay1•, Tuo A&M 10 Onl Roller1s 80. Olcll City•)
LoM lnvll•U.,..t Ntw M .. lc.o 104, Vermonl II
llt l(IH\k OC:ansas SI•• Nebr•'*• 60
I( •nsas 1', Ol<l•tioma 16 Oklatooma St 11, Col0<"-0 Mll\ourl 66. Iowa St 62 CMrlllo Clank Purd"" '1, Pllhburgll IO S.n Oie90 SI 104, For~m 7•
F•rw"t CIHsk Oreoon St SI. 11111....,va SI, OT Color•do SI 0 , W.Jsl\lnglon SI 46 Wa.htngton 10. Alce 51
~-OtyClauk Tol.Oo 100. Wy0mlng 7t
CS Long Bee.th 106. VMI ti Hollday ClaHk Gtorgo• 73, L.oulsvlll• 10. 01 Ohio St '6, L.S•lle 83
HollcMyl'HtlHI G.aro-town al, Alal»m4! t J Holy Crou61, Princeton 5' K..WkCl•Hk OtPaul100, Yale S2
U\l/t<)ll\Cl .. 11< UNlV ••.UCSBU S.-•llle 44, Gom~ •9 L.-Clnsk Syracuw "· MtUl•Slpj)O SI •• Ntw Multo 104. Vermot1I 81 Mnyl-lnvllat'-1 Mtr yt-'5. Georg•• Tech •l 51 J011t1's, H. Y llO, W ICenluCky 6l
Ol<I Oemin-Ciani<
Sunny Hill• M . AlllMlm SI ltATELl..A TOURNAMENT IC• ••II• u . l.o•ra 71 l<h•M· 1><on"1lpl SI. #,nll"1nv ll, L8 Wlhon lS (lhlrdl Rolllno Hiiis u. 9ewrly Hiii\ 41 lconsolalionl LOWELL TOUlllNAMENT C•lllomle ... Lo. Mir_,.~ Lowell 70, Sl•rr• SS Esll9r1tnu SI, Gllflfl SS
Sent• An<1 S4, We.tern S7 SANTIAGOTOUllNAMINT Buena P•r1114. K-v SI Wtslmll\St.,. 4S. Tustin JT El Dor-s•. Sent11ge1 SJ OllANOETOURNAMENT EI MOClena ID, S.r•ile 11 Garey ... s..,.,,,,. 63
Mesans Lose
Cold s hooting sent
Costa Mesa High down to
its eighth defeat witttout
a victory Thurs day
night, 74-62 at the hands
of Foothill High <Santa
An a> in consolation
round action of the
O r ange bas ketball
The Mustangs hit oa
j ust 27 or 71 shots from
.the field , 38 percent,
though they pulled down
4t rebounds, one less
than the much taller
C••I• MtM CU I '• ti "' ,. • 0 ) .,
• ....... i.. 16.11 .... .,~ C.rrlclD a l • • Cooptr 4 I S e ROHCh 0 1 0 1
Mtdclo<k 2 0 , • Camp I 0 1 •
L.tflm... 0010
9flun.-t I 0 S I Prke t l a 11 J•rdlne S 1 2 11
Mallone, 3 0 0 .. Keremanos 1 o 1 J Totals lt 1 u ~ sc _ __,o...m..s
Esi.ncla 21 • ct 1•-., CrHCtl'll• V•lt.¥ lS 34 11 :n-toe
MatwOel CU) 19 ft ~ ,.
G••d a J S S 13 Meer.. 10 J o 13 sc.e1e a • , 10 Cook S 1 1 11 Mt•cllam • 0 O s O Saunders 1 2 e Sc:l\ulll 0 I 4 TolAI~ U 12 11 t1
~llYOller\en P•los Verdft -10 14 IS ,. _., Mater Dtl 1t 19 20 24-t1
c.i•-va11ey <M•
.. It "'' .. A Ch.,IH 3 0 l • 8. Cllarl-s 9 9 4 11 Feneng• I o 1 2 O'Hllloran J 2 7 t Bryant • 0 3 11
Silll•• s 0 3 10 Ellh J O l • Strl<klon 2 l I • McKtl'll•t 0 0 I 0 Ounlvln I l J J Br•un 2 o o • Tot.I> JS .. 12 t•
Sew• "' Ouarten C•Pl"r•no Vall.-; ,. It " 10 tJ Ont•rlo Cllrlstllr\ • I? 15 II I ,,,, .... , .. ,
It II " llt Oeldon • • s 11 Rudy 1 O 4 u Montherctt • J 1 11 WtlM 1 l J S Mlll•r I I 5 lS CaPO'UKIO 0 , J , Tot•ls n " 1> ••
Seen •Y OIMl"Un Irvin• 1S 11 IS 11_.t San J•c1nto 20 11 10 "-11
J~lltrt Olsen Smylll Samuels Goller
WllSOtl B1ur Thornton Tol•la
0-Hlllt '611 ft II pf Ip
• l ' 1J 1 I 0 S
Q 0 I 0
• 1 t 11
1 • u
0 0 •
• 0 • •
0 I t I
,. 5 " .. S<trtllyO...nen ••t1a Miii' 16 • 10 1' -61 lo•ny "i~ u WI 23 21-61 UN .. nilvH~ IM) ,, H pf ,.
Po1r1er • • • n CHarll 8 .0 S IO l IO Mr Glory°" (Uprwm I • 60 • eo Soulnern Stroker CNICod"mus 1 3 00 N•w Ha~rt 11. Oto Oom•n•on .. Sl•vr!co• Bhs.11 Miiier Rlthardson Sulltrlltld Wllllng.,.m Edson
• , l "
1 0 J • Kullas ' 0 s l
Time -11 •2 S<r•lt""<I D®l>I• h
NINTH RACE 3SO v•rd\ l vur Old\ & up Cla•mlng Puru n 100 Ap.Jclle C~rgco IL1pllam I Al Boy IC•rcl01•l 37 40 11 10 & 00
I IO S.40
] 60 Jo Burreu (Nltocltmus I Tim• -11 SI S<rattlled Htt Foolln. Tnrtt For Surf", Yoq1e Lin. Papa lndoa u Eucla 10-APKIW Cllartt a •·Al
loY. Paid '414.SO Allondanc:e •.sn
M lclllgan SI 9S. SMU 69 R•l-CIH1k N Caroll ...... TtaH TKh 1• s1.-.1ord 76, Pro•i<!Mtt •• Lal•vett• 0 , Haw•ll 61 RhO<lt tsllnd97. Brl!INm Yo""911 5eniw8ewl
~ Alab•ma "· F>epperdlne •• Mid TenneJ\H SI 11. Bucknell lS
Brea IS. Uo H•br• S6 Troy 11, Garden Grow 6S L.• Quinta SI, Los Alamllo. s l
Edison Eyes Title
Ed ison (Huntington
Beach> High ·s Chargers
go for the St. Francis
!Mountain View ) High
Invitational basketball
championship tonight
against James Lick (San
Jose> or St. Francis High
following Thurs day's
56·50 victory over 1977
C l F Central Section
champion Monte Vista
<C upertino).
The Chargers of coach
Don Leavy s hocked
Monte Visla with Mike
M cCourt (26 points >.
Steve Davis ( 11 r e -
bounds > and Glenn Gar·
victimized by the scor·
ing of Downey High
guard Mike Chavez, who
scored 15 or his 23 points
in the third quarter as
Downey rallied to stop
the Oilers, 62·56.
Hu n tington Beach
meets Kearney High at 6
tonight for thlrd place.
""""""' ... heel! (Ml
Thompson Slolnllau• P.slolttl Wooten
-"'°"~ P~nantlll Ayala C1se
It II pl lit
, 0 ] •
5 • 4 " l s 1
1 1 J •
I 0 0 2
6 0 1 12
1 • 1 8
0 0 l 0 Tol•IS 1• " 11 5-kenloyOuarlen
rily (seven assists) lead· Downey lng the way. Also, 6·6 Hlillllllgtone..och
• " 11 ,,_.1
IS I• 9 11-56
f1~~~enA~:Js~es~~~3. ~h~ ~~:, : ~ ~ ,~
Central Section's player. ~0W.:~ ' , 1 •
of the year last season, M!'l0Jr1y 1~ ! i ,:
lo 12 points. 'Tutton 1 3 1 1
M h · l · S l<•nem•ru o 1 2 1 ea n w t e 1 n an Totals 11 11 11 5,
Diego the Huntington E su...11y°"'"'9rs
h Hi-Qi} dllOfl I• 11 I lt-54 Beac . ... ers were Monitvlsbt u 10 1 "-iO
1978 CAPRICE .........
o ..... Beasley
0 0 )
0 0 3
' 0 ) l
5 0
HIKock O 0 1
Tol•I~ 21 8 11 ScenltyQuarttN
o s1ohofl o Ctoolflt1
2 Begley
8 Tiii., 10 Hooper
11 Bonuk
0 Cllemplin 61 · TOl•IS
I I S l
A 0 2 I
l 7 s -2 l S I
0 0 1 0
I 1 I ;
0 0 l 0
CO$I• MtW & :IO 11 14-t2
11 12 31 S• S-• lly Olillrten Unlver,lly 13 15 1J 1l-s• l'oolhlll 1S 22 11 1S-14 s.odl-11 lO 11 1S 21-14
trtbuted 11 rebounds apiece for l oc Wiii .. ow1: 1. w11>Cty City h-1 <iwl: ,,
the Gauchos against an ..:o::!p:!po::.:..· ________ .:::.::..:.:..------Men11--•-11_tn_e.ct1 __ 0_.,_,~_,_oc_111_"_u._1>_·~~-H•lltl~endaleJt.•. Halftime: LBCC,
Pro Scores
1 155
.-0. _.."°"' ' ••wa•"W CAU.
For personalized service ••. c,,, •MOI. ""· U004. Oep I HOt. TClll, obllf. 191124_,. 341 :f".;r" - -e. 101'AO
. . ____ ,_ _____ _ . -.. . ,,,; ........ . . . . . .
t lNSIDE: •Movies •lceShowRevlew
•Restaurants •Records
Fflday Oec;embttr ~. 1977 DAILY PILOT eeken •I Cl
t . t I
J .
I • '
1 I I
MUSH you '""'usK\~s1
No Blue Monday in Pasadena
j Traditional Tournament of Roses Never on Swu/.ay
Of IM D•ily Pilol St•ll
Nl•w Year's Dav wilhoul the Rose Piffade is
hkl· Amt•rica without apple pie. Disneyland minus
l\f ick<'y Mouse. The Lone Hanger without Tonto.
But Sund<iy will t'Ornc and go without so much
~•s a rose petal railing onto Pasuden1.1's Color<Jdo
Boulevard The 1978 Tourna-
ffil•nt or Roses Parade and Rose
Howl football game arc Monday
"This is th<' 13th time tn his
tory that the Rose Parade has
not been held on January I
because the date Calls on a Sun·
dav." Harrison R. Baker Jr
sa;d Raker is president of the
sponsoring Pasadena Tourna-
ment of Roses Association ,-_
The event 1s delayed a day ,.o.1>
when the first falls on Sunday because Colorado
Boulevard. the major parade route, 1s lined with a
number o( churches
SP ONSORS O F Tll E PAGEANT postpone the
parade in deference Lo church-goers, Baker i.a1d .
So on Monday the parade with the theme. ··on
the Road to Happiness," will step off at its usual
starling lime of 8:30 a.m
The game pits Pacific 8 champion Washington
tn its first-ever Rose Bowl meeting with Big 10 litlist
Michigan at 2 p.m . in the ArroyoSeco stadium The
teams last met in the rl'.'gular 1970 season with
Michigan winning, 17-3.
Orange County has generally had some part in
the parade in recent years and this lime is no excep
MISSION VIEJO HAS entered a noat for the
set'ond straight year.
Debbie Jacobson. Rhonda Shook and Christy
Long will ride on the 1978 entry, "The Day of the
Fiesta." The three young women are homecoming
queens of Mission Viejo, Capistrano Valley and El
Toro high schools respect1 vely
They will be serenaded by the Los Con-
quistadores Mariachi's. directed by Sal Azar
Three large columns fore and aft of the float
will support two striped serapes which will
transmit an "endless" frame or color in 16 shades or
carnations. calendulas. stock, lemon leaf, belles or
I re land and Chinese lentil seed.
carved out of huge blocks of Styrofoam , will perch
on vines.
The float will follow the Colton High School
band and precede an equestrian unit of chestnut
horses. It is the 33rd unit rn the line of march.
The Third Marine Aircraft Wing from the
Marine Corps Air Station. El Toro, will march in
the parade <1s part of the United States Madne
Corps Band. •
Thirty-eight members from El Torq will join
wing bands from Marine commands at San Diego,
Camp Pendleton and Twentynine Palms.
Most of those from El Toro have marched in
previous Rose Parades as military personnel or
ca viii ans
Gerald R Ford. 38th President of the Unit·
cd States. will preside as Grand Marshal or this 89th
Tournament of Roses.
<See ROSE, P age('J>
Traffic Jams
The best route from the Orange Coast area to
the Tournament or Roses Parade sate IS the Santa
Ana Freeway, Route 5. lo the Glendale Freeway.
Route 2. to the Pasadena exit onto the Ventura Free way, Route 134.
AN EARLY START IS. or course, recom
m ended but for those with reserved seating and
lucky e~ough to have reserved parking liming your
ar rival for around 7 a m. in Pasadena works well
For those without reserved parking. but who
have seats near Orange Grove a nd Colorado
boulevards here's a tip.
Park near lhe Rose Bowl in Arroyo Seco. It's a
short hike up the hill to Orange Grove a nd Colorado
U you are attending the parade only, you will be
leaving Just as traffic for the game 1s beginning to
build up so will be going against the flow
Exitin~ immediately after the game is an ex-
ercise in futility. It ·s best to wait some two hours.
then leave. ll 's less trouble getting back onto the
main arteries and you'll probably arrive back on
the Oraflge Coast just as qwckly as if YOU1 get
caught in the traditional post-game traffic jam.
FOR THOSE WHO DON'T want to hassle the
road traffic. check wilh some of the Tour Operators
in the yellow pages of the phone book or call the
Southern California Rapid Transit District,
For those without reserved parade seals It's
every man, woman and child for the mselves.
New Year's
Eve 'Blast'
At 2 Parks
It will be a bang up New
Year's Eve at two of Orange County's m ajor
amusement parks, Dis·
neyland and Knott 's Berry
Disneyland 1s planning a
.. Midnight Spectacular" at
Sleeping Beauty Cusllt·
featuring an array Of
The celebration 1s
scheduled from 8 : 30 p. m .
Saturday lo 2:30 a.m Sun-
day and will reature lht
music of Minnie Riperton,
Meco, the Roy Ayers Ub1
qu1ty and Louie Bellson
and the Big Band Ex ·
popular pop-soul recording
artist. will perform at 9
and 10:30 p.m . and 12: IS
a.m . on Tomorrowland's
new Space Stage.
The jazz. and rhythm
and blues sounds of the
Roy Ayers Ubiquity will be
s howcased from 9 p.m. to 2
a .m . on t he Tomorrow-
land Terrace stage. Dis·
neyland's own Sunshine
Balloon will perform in
alternating sets with Ubi-
Louie Bellson a nd the Big
Band Explosion will be on
stage from 9 a .m . to 2 p.m.
at Plaza Gardens,
featured artists at Knoll's
Berry Farm with 8 ;30,
10:30 p.m. a nd 12:30 a.m.
shows in the Good Time
T heater. The comic unties
or Skiles and Henderson
wjll precede each
perfor mance.
Ope of the m ore pop ular
attractions, however. may
prove to be 18-year-oid
Michael Winn. Winn, at ap-
prox itnately 11:30 p .m .
will at~mpl to walk a high
wire from atop the Good
Times Tbeater to the top of
the puraet;iute drop.
TH E P'ARAC ll U T J::
tower 1s 245-feel high. Winn
will be attempting the walk
al a 30-degree angle.
A fireworq display Is
scheduled for midnjght.
Music by the University
of Michigan marching
ban d will usher In 1978. The
Wolverines musicians are
st"h cduled to play im-
med iately follow1ng the
C2 OAll. v Pll.Of
Road Trip Tracks Well
Jackson Bro~'s 'Rwuung on Empty'
Ol llw O•llf f'llM ltaH
There 1s a d1stmct lel·down
following period:; of bl&h eneray
and excitement. Jt's a sense of
floundering, or uselessness jux
taposed against a high degree of
self -actualization
It is much like the feeling or
void following abundance.
And Jackson Browne has cap-
tured it in abundant doses on his
oew disc, Running On Empty.
IL is undoubtedly the finei.t
statement about perform ing on
the road to be released in several
years. And It Is Browne'' best ef.
fort since lhe phenomenal Late
For TbeSky album in 1974.
To add to the feeling of spon
ta neity associated with road
s hows . the disc features 10 songs
recorded live but never Included
on any of Browne's previous
a lbums.
The recording locations ali.o
add to the album's uniquenesb.
Some or the tracks we re recorded
on busses and in backstage dress·
ing r ooms and Holiday Inn
retreats (?).
Surprisingly. the recording
locations don't deter the quality
of the record itself. ll is not the
over -produce d s pectre of
Browne's lCJs l a l bum, The
Jon Landau, former Rolling
Slone magazine s taffe r and
culprit on Bruce Springsteen's
over-produced Born To Run
a lbum. has fl ed the association
with Browne .. or possibty was
ai.ked to leave.
The result is a return to the
more earthy and open sounds of
previous efforts.
The new album's sequence of
tunes also adds to the theme of
the road. It rises and recedes in
tempo: upbeat songs followed by
s low-moving ballads or blues
numbers, much like the peaks
and crevasses of touring.
The disc begins with the title
I une. a song in the musical vein
of Lale For The Sky that's being
played to deat h on local radio
s tations. lt is one or only two
songs on the album penned solely
by Browne.
"Running On Empty" sets a
perfect stage for the theme that
follows. But it also exudes much
of disillusionment experienced in
Browne's life and, by implica·
lion, this decade.
The best cul on side one 1s a
great rend ition o f Danny
O'Keefe's "The Road ... It recalls
much of Browne's ponderous.
refl ective style, particularly as il
came through on his first album,
Saturate Before Using.
ll abo features some fine fid-
dle work by David Lindley.
The first side a lso Includes the
other song written by Browne
alone. "You Love The Thunder"
is a high-energy effort recorded'
It ve in a concert ha II
l And though 1t doesn't measure
up to some of Browne':; previous
poetry, il does include some re-
Side two's high point --and
perhaps the tune that encom-
passes the album's major theme
-is "The Load·Out."
Penned by Browne and Bryan
Garofalo, the tune pays homage
lo the Jone strokes or touring:
The Audience and performing.
The realization of this fulfiilment
is communicated <1gainst the
background of the road crew
packin~ up the stage :.et and in·
The song pleads with the au-
dience to join In and provides a
chilling portrait or the traveling
Rock concert fans never knew
their impact on musicians.
Running On Empt y is a
worthwhile addition to anv
Browne aficionado's collect1ori
It is a n imPorlant statement by a
man on the fringe of ha ppinei>s
for far too long.
• o Holiday for Spirited Dancing
·one of the jew~ls of the forth coming
: Ameri~an BalJet Theatre engagement at the
~Los Angeles Music Center's Pavilion will be
IO performance& of Mil(bail Baryshnikov's
"The Nutcracker.'' Curtain times will be
~· 30 p .m . on Jan.~. l 1. 13-17 and 2:30 p.m . on
Jan. 11. 14 and 17. Tickets al varied price~
are s till available for most of these produl'
tion s which will alte rnate with othel'
' classics.
....... ,...,.~._... ' .. ,.,.
"Magdalen With the Smoking Flame"
Masterpiece in U
"Magdalen with the Smoking Flam e," a
masterpiece by the great French artist Georges
de La Tour 0593-1652 ), has been given to the Los
Angele:, Count y Museum of Art by The
Ahmanson Foundalion
"This as one of the dozen most important
paintings on the West Coast," said Museum
Director Kenneth Donahue in making the an-
nouncement. "With t h e addition of the
Ahmanson gift to the museum's collection, and
with the "Old Man" and "Old Woman" in T he
Fine Arts Museum in San Francisco and "Beg-
$!ars' Brawl" in the J . Paul Getty Museum al
Malibu. it is now possible to study the develop·
ment of this extraordinary artist without leaving
"Magdalen with the Smoking Flame'' will be
on view through Jan. 30 in the Recent Ac-
quisitions Gallery on the Plaza Level of the
mu:;eum'sAhmanson Callery.
The "Magdalen," painted in the 1630s. will
be ins talled with the "Old Man" and "Old
Woman," until recently thought lo be the earliest
works of the ma!>ter, and "Beggars· Brawl." The
latte r is the culmination of La Tour's "daylight
pictures," which seem, according lo experts, to
have preceded the "night pictures," of which the
Ahmanson "Magdalen " is a typical example.
La Tour painted ·four versions of the
"Magdalen." ThC' other three are in the Louvre
an Paris. the Nat ional Gallery m Washington.
D.C .. and the Wrightsman Collect1on in New
Since. according to experts. La Tour's style
!--Cems to have aeveloped Crom realism to
abstraction. Donahue believes the Ahm anson
"Magdalen," with the highest degree of realism
IO be the earliest Of the fc:AJr. '
or the fewer than 40 known works by
Geor ges de La Tour, the Ahmanson "Magdalen"
is one of lhe mos t recently discovered .
Coast Views
Canvass ea
COAsr IANDSCAPIST Na1d11 Schorg of
Laguna Beach abowa oil and acrylic paintings of,
the Orani41 Coast area at Portraits by Juanita
Gallery. 3'9"2 North Newport Blvd., Newport
Beach. Hours, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m .-4 p.m .
GOLDEN IMAGES -Phototrapber Judith
Golden, UCLA fhotography instructor. shows
several years o self-portraits al Orange Coast
College Photo Gallery. Open Monday-Friday, 8
.a.m . toSp.m .
EXIUBIT EXT ENDE D -Susan Spirilus
Gallery has extended the show of George Tice
and Ansel Adams photographs by two weeks.
Gallery at 3336 Via Lido, Newport Beach. Hours u a .m. tosp .m.
women painters from the southland exhibit
works at the Muckenthaler Cultural Center. 1201
W. Malvem, Fullerton. Opens Tuesday. Hours.
Tueaday-8unday, noon to s p.m .
MIXED BAG-A mixture of media by five
arUsts opens Wednesday at Designs Recycled
Gallery, 619 N. Harbor Blvd .. Fullerton. Hours,
Monday-Satur day. 10 a.m. to 6p.m.
Galleries I Exhibits
GRANDMA'S KITCHEN -Display <0f old·
time kitchen and hous ehold items at Museum or
North Orange C Qunty. 801 No. Pomona.
F ullerton. Houri, Tuesday and, Thursday. 10
a .IJ).·2 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m.-$ p.m. and. Sun·
day, noon to 5 p.m. Throu gh Marc6.
WATEll·OIL BLEND -Watercolorist Nan-
cy Williams, oils and acrylics by Virginia Kling
on display at Glendale Federal Savings, 100
Newport ~enter Dr .. Newport Beach. Weekdays
9 a .m .-4 p.m. Through January.
works of laser lig ht through Jan. 14 at the
Newport Harbor Art Museum, noon to 4 p.m.
Tuesday through Sunday, Friday 6 to 9 p. m
I\ RT CHEMl.STRY -Works produced by ac·
tion or chemicals on meta l surfaces at California
Museum or Science and Industry. EXPoSltion
Park, Los Angeles, opens Saturday. Open 9:30
a.m. to5p.m.daily. Through Feb. 8.
Art Fil.ins Slated
A pair of films about artists Jan van Eyck
and Peter Paul Rubens will be screened Tues·
day, Jan. 10 at noon in Orange Coast College's
Fine Arts Hall 116
The films arc part or OCC's Art Lecture
Ser ies. Admission is free and the public is In-
Van Eyck, the rather of Flemish painting.
s trove to free p:tinting from the conventions and
restrictions or manuscript Ulumination of the
ear ly 15th century. He developed a personal style
on which the entire Flemish School of painting
was built.
Arter leaving the cour t of Spain, Rubens
began to e xperiment with such subjects as
landscapes. festivities. and dancers. He was the
master for m any artists who followed in the
Rom antic and Impressionist movements.
Cantonese Food t t
eat here or
teke home
111 21st Pl., Newport Bt1ch ORiole 3-9S.O
MMe to MlcMMJM D..,_W..ai-ts Ufttil 1:00 o.11\. · o••n-• .. --.,..,.
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Selling anything wtth a
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Invites you to Join us for
MAKI RUBY ATIONS ... ,..,....
Includes. after 1 :30 a.m.
Complimentary Continental Breal<faat
t t f NEW YEAR'S EVE t
t t f Open at 4:30 p.m. t f December 31 t
: 11amat11 t
Find Us on the North Side or f Fashion Island, Newport Center t f Reservations honored: 644-4811 t
3439 Vie Udo, ""·'· 673-5430
We , at Old World Art,
would like to thank all our
customers for their pat ronage
and wish them a ver y
Happy New Year'
New Years Eve Gala
"Special Menu
Seatings at
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dancing to Jimmie Boggio Fiascos
reservations ... 833-2770
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the Management ~ Staff ~f
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Wot el
• Wishes you a
Happy Holiday Season
18700 MacArthur, Irvine.
(acro11 from Orange County Airport}
. f
• DAIL V PILOT C3 Frldey, O.C.mber 30, 1977
'Best' ICe Show Co1t1eth
Holiday 01i Ice Antics
Worth Cheering About
I From Pa ice Cl)
"The theme 1s ·on the Road to Happiness.· und Ford certain·
ly put our nation back on that road." Baker said.
Two other formt•r chief executi\'eS served as Grand Marshal.
Dwight D. E1!'tenhowl•r 1n 19&1 und Her~rt Hoover in 1945
Ford played center uni! hncb<sC"kcr on the 1932 and '33 un·
ddcated University of :'\ltch1gJn football tt'am!'t and was n<smed
most ''aluablc player in 1931
!'>ONI:: OF THE MlClllGA~ teams for "ht ch Ford played
made it to Pasadena Ford, howc\'er. "as a spectator at :'\lichigan·s 49·0 trouncing
or use in 1948.
His attendance at :'ltonday's &Ith Rose Bowl game will be his
first return to the stadium in JO years.
Michigan, led hy !'ttalwarl quarterback Rick Leach. has a 4-3
Rose Bo\\ I rl'cord. The \\'ol\t.•rines lost last January. 14-6 to lJSC
Their lust \'ictory wus :H 7 cwt!r Oregon Stall' in 1965
\\'ashinglon·:. IJ">t lnp tu Pa:.adcna was in 196-l "hen it lost to
Illinois, 17-7. The l lu!'tklt•s, "ho have bt·en drilling at Orange Co&st
College in Costu :'\k!'ta, last won in the Rose Bowl in 1961. upending
Minnesota, 17·7 Washington s bowl record is2·4·1
Maria J..ynn C.iron. an 18-ycar-old brunette and student al La
Canada lliJth School und Pa!>adena City College, will reign as the
59th Rose queen
T HE H F.A \'ENS SF.E~1 to l>m1le upon Pasadena for the
parade and game. It's rained only seven times, the last precipita
lion fallin~ in 1955.
A million <1nd hulf or more hne the parade route that begin!'.
ul Elh!'t Street and Orange Gro\'e Boule\'ard. proceeds down
Colorado Boulc\'urd to Sierrn Madre Boule\'ard, and ends at Vic
Lory P<trk.
It w1ll t<1kc t"o hours for the 61floats.33 equestram units and
:!2 hands to tr J\ l'r!'tl' thC' 51 ~-mi le route.
T llF. TELF.VISIOl'\ VIEWER has a wide choice of channels
from which to "atch colorca'>ts of the parade. The networks or ;-.me. CBS, Ml'tromed1.1. Golden Wel>l and Spanish lnternat1onal.
as ''ell us Los An~elt·!'t Chanm:I 5. KTLA. and 13. KCOP. will
Ll·lcv1M: the pan.1dc hvt• bf;'g111ning al 8:30 a.m . :\tonday
Thl' Ho!'te llowl i.:aml' "ill be telecast on t\BC-TV. Channcl 4,
Hobert Conrud. star of "The Black Sheep Squadron." will
narrate a preview of lhc pan.Hie, "The Rose Bowl: Blood. Sweat
:md Chf'l'rs" al 3.30 p.m. Sundav on :\BC.
lkl'reational n •hi<:le parking is on a first-come. first-ser\'ed
b:i!'ti!'t, cH'COrdmg to lourn:iml'nl offic'1als
Parking is availuhlc on pul.Jhc thoroughfares as long as it's
''ell bcfor(' ouradc time.
SPACES AUE 1\LSO a\·;dl:ible in Brook:>icle Park ncur the
HnSl' Bowl llundrl'Cls of RVs <H'C U!'tually parked in a field JU!'tl
tll•h1nd thl• tt·nnt!'t l'Ollrt:. a11d lots two and three off Arro)o
Boule' :1nl 011 lhl·11111·1hcrly approach to the stadium off Route 134
,1n• rc:-t'l'\'l'cl for su('h 't>h1C'les. offiC'ials said.
With a curious absence of fan·
fare. the 1978 edition of Holiday
on Ice has arrived for its brief
midwinter visit to the Anaheim
Convention Center with what
may very well be its most exelt·
ing entertainment package to
Just when you begin to think
that if you've seen one ice s how
Tom Titus
you've seen 'em all. along comes
i.omethlng that makes you sil up
and take notice once again.
AND. APART from a generally
top.notch O\'crall program. the
latest extravul!anza. this year
titled "Rcflect1ons on lee ... has
!'tomcthing that should m ake you
stand up and cheer.
That extra something is the
brilliant daredevil artistry of
young David Comb. making his
first tour with Holiday on lee.
Comb literally burns up the ice
I with fire-breathing s kates) and
performs some incredibly
dangerous feats. topped off by a
routine that will leave you talk-
ing lo yourself.
After a succession of his high
Jumps over progrcssi\'ely eleval·
ed st:icks of crates. Comb wheels
out the hea\'v artillerv an "iron
muiden " lh<tl automatically
opl'ns and closes its m enacing
pa~"e!'t to perfect his tim ing,
Comb \'Oull!'t through the narrow
opening scant seconds before it
snaps t.hut. You'll have to see
thut one to belie\'c it.
But lx'yond Comb's cir cus-like
kem anship. the new J loliday on
Ice is a stellar prograrp from
sturt to finish.
llcadliner Jimmy Crockett
now in his 15th year with lhe
show 1s lhC' solo d;:.izzler of the
evening in two routines backed
by :i song from "/\Chorus Line"
with us this
N e w Y ea r's
,, New Year's
Olly. Clo~cd
January 2nd tu
ADULTS 'U". CHILDREN 11 o< under '900
OOOIS Of'tN Sp m .. OINNtl flOM ~CVIT AIN 7:'0
Cnll (7 14) 492-9950, or ot the box office
Fabulous 6 Course
Gourmet Dinner
Complimentary Champagne
Favors -Noise Makers
Dancing all evening to the
Sl9.!Kl Per Person
No Cover Cttarae for Lounae Oantrln•
lJictor •ugo inn ·
c"sk ·n
Newport Beac h, i52 640<>
1660 Dov~ St. behind 1fi> ... 1rs
T n.mgle ne.:1r 0 C Airport
~ #l"~NOs
Now Under New
P..ty Fnon. ...............
..... -Loh .. ,_ For Al
Includes one eptlt or champ-one per eoupte plus ch0tce
of biked QOteto or rice. soup or salad bread & bUtter
.....a1•0P ... ·1Cint10\ll •• , •••••••••••••••••••• SI.JI~
• ..--. • OV.11 •.... .. ..... ·~ ............ , ••••
MIW'YOal m••1w•·~ m..it...,,. •• .,., ................ st.ti
....., 11111••ICM41 ........... ~'········· ••••••••••••••••• 9AICm CMtC ... lottDILAlll ••••...•••••••...•.. ''·" Mee&,ILOllmtAILt*-~I ••·•••••••••••••••Sl.21 IOAITIUC ..... l•MAaDI •••••...••.••••••• SUI
and the score of "Wes t Side
Veteran comics Hlddy and
Baddy (Steve Pedley and Gigi
Percelly) are back with one new
routine and one old one to keep
the audlence laughing -and a
large measure or the credit for
their effectiveness soes to the
company's orchestra under the
baton of Ben Stabler .
ANOTH ER WELL-executed
com edy spot 1s conducted by Jim
and Randa Peterson and their
"ballet school " spoor.
Familiar fa ces from ice
holidays past are back to
perform their ent<•rtainlng spots
-the smooth Jackie Davis, the
frenetic Patrick McKilligan and
the graceful U1annc deLeeuw.
And the Swing Wultt again
spotlights the show's ensemble
talents. as do the intricate produc·
tion numbers . llawa11<1n Loa and
1-'loradorn Duvs
But. second only to Comb's
heroics. the mo!'tl memorable
number on the program is
performed by the Haker Fa mily
College Gymnatt BecomH Acrobat on Skates
parents Sandra and Parley
with their offs pring. ages 12. 11.
9, 7. and 4 <yes. 4 1 to the made·
to-order score of "The Sound of
AND TUERE are nearly as
many Bakers as there were Von
Trapps. with another little l.od·
dler along for the ride and just
about ready to break into the act.
For the younger set. the
Sesame Street characters are
back for their third year and
make a group of lucky kids part
of the show for a few moments.
This year Bi~ Bird 1s joined by a
prote~e. Small Bird 17 -yc<1r-0ld
Adam Baker> in a most engaging
Three more performances of
Holiday on Ice rem ain. tonight
through Sunday. at the Anaheim
Convention Center. If you've
never seen it, this is th<: ~·ear to
start; if you h nve, you 11 pro·
bably agree that thiK one is the
best yet.
Come To
JAN. I & JAN. 2
I 0 .4.M. Until 777
Special Brunch Menu
Steak Sandwiches • Oyster Bar
4248 Martingale W "Y
Newport IHCh
•l~•··•o~~ .-v•-u ... D AEST:URANfS
V\tl11beOpenJan.1and2 for
New "bis Breakfast
We'll also f aature complete Lunch and
Dinner· menus
Mbae ,_. Lont Belld1 _..,.
203 Marirnt Ave SeeDort Village Jen.1-'T:OO AM • 9:00 PM 168 Marina Or.
Jen. 2-1:00 AM • 1.-00 PM Jen. 1-7 :00 AM • 2:00 AM Cotle Mell Jen. 2-T:OO AM • 10:00 PM
2300 Harbor Btlld. t Newport B98Ch Jen: 1 end 2 I 3333 W. Coast Hwy. l:OOAM ·~PM I Jen.1-9:00AM·2:00AM
Jen. 2-t:OO AM · 10:00 PM O.,.~MlrlN
25100 Del Prado
Jen. hndl
1:00AM ·10:00 PM
8378 la Palml Ave. .-1w2
-.00AM·10:00 N
22173 U11ce FOMlt Or.
. ~~l&US ~ "You're gonna
"" feel good inside.'!
Pi= DIB ~ and DANCE
In Our Lounge
Gompllte steak dbuaers: s5s5
(Ala,..._,. .. alwQI <d.)
MON. THAU SAT. 8:30 p.m. 'tll 1 :30 a.m.
17920 Brookhurst
,fidaV, Dec:.mber 30. 1117
~ill Message Soak In? Al'W~
Arts Hearings Start Tuesday
John Brademas : 0 -l nd .,
chairman of the S'1bcommlttee
on Select Education. has an·
nounced that hearings wlll be
held ln Los Angeles and Berkeley
on leglalaUon he has Introduced
calltng Cor White House Con-
ferences on the Arts and
The hearings, which are open
to the public, will take place in
Los Angeles on Tuesday, Jan. 3,
beginning al 9 a .m . at the
Dickson Auditorium at UCLA.
The afternoon session wilt be
held at the..t.os Ane~les ~ounty
Museum of Art, beginning at l
o'clock. On Wednesday, Jan. 4,
hearings will be held al Barrows
Hall o n the Univers ity of
California campus in Berkeley,
beginning at 9: 30 a. m.
Brademas sa id that the
sessions he proposes would focus
attention on the major Issues in
arts and h,umanilies policy in the
United States.
·'These conferences,"
Brademas explained. "wUI give
concerned persons from the arts,
education, the humanities, busi·
Orange Coast
College's music depart·
ment will host a concert
by the Irvine Chamber
Players at 8 p.m. Satur-
··Newport· s Finest ··
10:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Pacific Coast Hwy. At Newport Blvd.
ness and labor, foundations and
government at every level the
opportunity to exchange ldeu
and propose new solutions to
these issues."
Witnesses testi!yine at the two
days of hearings, each ot which
will cover both the arts •nd the
humanities, include educators
and scholars, members or state
and community arl aeencies,
museum directors, wrltera, vb·
ual artists, dancers, musicians,
theater directors and individuals
from community cultural or·
day, Jan. 7 ln OCC's Fine ------------------~ STEAK HOUSE
OF HAWAII Arts Hall 119.
P up p e teer Jo s e R a mos s hows off
·Panchito, the alcoholic puppet, and Raton-
cito, the mouse in the puppet's pocket that
is his conscience. Ramos of Sacramento
won one of 93 grants totaling S333,047 for
special projects from the California Arts
Council. Ramos will use his S2.000 to take
the bilingual anti-alcoholism message of
his puppets to schools in the community.
The free concert is the
second in a series of
three co-sponsored by
the Irvine Conservatory
of M uslc and conducted
in cooperation with
Local 7, American
Federation of Musicians
Performance Trust
G;olden ~~~~ -~,,Yj .. . ~ ~
ragon ·--I
2JJ2 w. Coast Hwy.
:t Fund.
Specializing In Chinese A Lo Corte Dishes NIWPORT llACH
flays, Whales ,
• m Offing Members include Alayne Armstrong and LUNCH•Olf'tNER DAIL v JIU ...........
E lien Bork ' cello ; FoodtOTakeOut COSTA MIU
Ch 11 :30 AM. to 10 P.M. 642-7162 • 646-H If
arl es Atkinson,~~~~~========================~::.:._ clarinet; Kay ---------
Brightman, oboe; San<li rel"t ~uar,81"tr "'-ce
• 642-0130.
IHAW'S "TWE DEVIL 'S Ol'S< lple" v<>e• on lh<t Ahm•n>on
T'Wll•r's boards slartlng Sund•V
Sturino At• Harrl'IOn, lht show runs
tt\rouoh Jan. I TICktl Information
throuQh the Music C.nt•r Bo• Office
l?lll '77-7111
··s1reamers, ·• •e•turlno Rich•rd
Tlloma>. O..rle• Durning, Ol)ltnS at
, ... West-Playhou... 10886 1.e
Contt Ave., LO\ Anotl••. Monday
"'ktl prl«• vary by dal• from U.50
to U .50 lr>l,,,,.,..tlo<I •t 11111 •7Ml ...
<N'.from Mu1UAl4>90n<lt•
ntw show with Si<lp Stt~nson, Pap
PU and Olodo!rlth and Sieve Turn"' ri..soo at t ·)Op m, woeken<h •tart.
1'19 at tO JO p m For Information, ult
lf1·7110 llocated at 1111 S E
OnKOCE ~''An Evening of Cham,
tlonship Skating," an in-
~n at1onal skating ex-
titbition held In th Unlt·
ed States, airs Sat.urday
., 8 p.m. on KOCE-'I'V,
9hannel 50.
The hour-long figure
aling exposition brings
ether skaters from
ly, Hungary, Canada,
gland, and the United
tes. many or whom
II compete in the 1980
l y mpi cs in Lake
acid, N.Y.
iversity's Watson
nk is the setting for the
lent, which Includes
hules Tickner. U.S.
atlonal Men's Cham-
lon : Robin Cousins.
itlsh National Men's
!a mpio n ; Susan
iano, Italian National
dies' Ch a mpi on...:
lstina Regoczy and
Aodra s Sa ll ay, iungarian Na tio nal
an ce Champions:
rna Wlghton and John
~wding, Canadian Na-
n al Dance Silver
John Powers is host for
fifth annual event.
The program has been
C.hcUoned by the United
elates Figure Skating
"An Evening of Cham-
onshlp Skating" Is a
roductlon bf WGBH,
ade possible in part by
grant from Champion
ark Plug Company.
under cllor909r1pt1., Ellot Feld,
formerly with the ~011 B•llet
company. Emotlaft -1 .. 11r19s, net stories, dOmlNtt hi• ,..,, ... Openlno Tue$day at 1:.10 p.m., call the Shubert
ThHltr boa office fer prlcu 1nc1 limes 12tll 5JJ·W8. Ticket\ also
1t1rouo11 Mlllual and Tlcktlron.
le1t1,1re Dr Geo<91 Fllhci.O lr111s.lal·
l1>t t.,. Hetw.w ,.,., Of lhe wotll one
hour belote curt.in 11,.,. !Curtain at
l:lO p.m . I Scle<l•I rates tor cllolr aM choral o•OuPS and tor Uudenl• and
wnlor citizens. Call the Mutlc Center
bo• olllu tor details, 12131.S•·Slll.
A CHO•AL, SYMl'HONIC ""M aiada/' ,..,,•tad by Leonard
Nlmov open• Wednesday at The
Mu1lc Center. The prod\>Cllon by tne
Los Anotln Master Cllo,.le will
lhrOUQh "'"' INVll'IQ from Davey'• Locker, nur the Balboe Pavlllo<I.
runnlno through Ma"" C•ll •7l·S10 lor arren91..-ts.
.. lllDAY,JANUAllY•
Dine In Qur Romantic Cellar ~ ~ Reservations Still Available
New Years Eve Dinner! .
Serving From 5:00 to 12:00 ~ The Very Beat Prtme Rib, ·: .. ~ Steaks, Lobater, Shrimp, Crab .. . 646-7944 ..
.. 4 . . -
,1695112 Irvine COSTA MESA
Daily Lunch • ~Ii And Dinner ~
y_.Hottmd~ostes·-• ........... C"'-1 la (Former Chef of the
Twin Oragons-Anal'leimJ
1500 ADAMS AVE. t•t ...,._ .,..._,
COSTAMISA 140.1937
llighesl Quality
:O.at1ve .Mexican Foods
Upen 7 Oeys
Mon.· Thur. 11 :30 o.m. lo 10 p.m .
Fri. & !>at. 11 :30 o.m. to 11 p.m.
~Undoy 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Edward Albee, opens neat Friday •I I
pm. In th<t C.St Th .. ltr, IOO North EI
C.ntro, wo11...-The lfny !healer
ltat\lres nol-'hY W-1il'IQ·rOle tllm actors. For rnervatlons, call
12131 874·22tS tietwe..., S end 1 p.m dally,
Fukunaga, Sharon n~ \;ii I~ ~ Ii
Holland, Peter Odegard ~ E p• •CE TO BRl.._.G and Rosa Lee McKay, 1n I.A ""
"ASl,.AN" IN l'llEI! CONClll.T at
c e1vary C'-I ol o.,.. Point, 13112
Bio Sur. 49:1·21a "-rtonnMCeat 1 JO
violin ; Micha Levy , OR MEET A .._.EW FRIE.._.D horn ; Marianne Whit-"" ""
myer , nute and Arnold Wednesday-Open Mlb Mite Juda, piano.
32802 COAST HWY.
1•1 c,_ v-., ,...,...,,
499-2626 4K-5n3
South Coaet'• Fine•I Cui1ine •
384 FOAEsf A~
Join the Foxhunter
on New Year's Eve
Celebration includes botUe
of champagne pet person-,
flats. noisemakers. confetti
and parry favors.
SfH'nd the New Year'• Eve
Partying ond Danclnl(
6 p.m. to 2 a .m.
$10 Per Person
$15 Per Couple
ReHrlStfOl'IS ~~111.qi. 549-8 728
DANCING 9 to I :30
Join Us Hew Y Hr'• 1 ..
Mo Co•ff ChGnJ•
2530 W. Coo st Hwy.,
Newport Beach
FOR A ..
Try SupTiemely Beautiful
R eser\'alions Accepted
KAM'S Corona del Mar
2121 E. Coaat Hwy. -673-9911
KAM'S Santa Ana
1421E.17th Street -558-9818
New Year's Eve Party I
Satwday. D.c1111ber 31
,o/Je<µ>/i ~nn -k
$ 4 0 °0 per couple
DINNER (tax & gratuity}
Served 8:00 to 11 :00 p.m.
For each two people
& CLEAR DA VS 9:00 to 1 :30 a.m.
Friday, December 30, 1977 DAILY PILOT
'Equus' Duplicates Drama
"£QUU " faathrully
taptures the Peter
nlll• to 00 -· I -." q,..r IN lol~M -c.uM notmil Cllltefll lo blow yp clelenM IMtallatlol\\ ll
P.rt of .,. Ob>Otete RIAS-plot. ICG8
•Qent Lee Remk .. .,.. l'1 St'111 ltlm 1>ttor1 • nuc•••' ••r st•rO Un~
... t .. ••bit) ~... And yet Don $1e9fl
UttpS Ill• ,,_. l>rl> .. •nd BrOMOn
11111 wlll lclore It PG
CHAN Cl" '"'" <!ft unu..,al look •I
:='="'~·: ~ .'°tt'':1, ~~· ,,.~· ro~
"808eY Dl•llFllLD" com1>1""1
• blU•' ,_, IO¥t MOf'Y wltll •uto r1cl119 ...., tr. blend •• IU•Pfl•lllQIY tllecllw. Al ,.«lno 11 .., Atnf'rlun
race driver -hi• i-come •n emo-
"""•' •111on-.I001 In°'°"' 10 t1>cv1.,. Ht •l•lt• a -••y1t111 comr-lft • Swlll Mnll.,lum -encOUMtrl •
wa.i lltautv -"''""'"· tl>efl In. ,,,,..,., "'"'· .. f•led romlftc• de·
v•fop•. Alvlll S.r11911t'• script h
repltl• wllll .,..,_Y aurp<"lse•. elld
'>T,d"'Y Poll«k directs wltll I llM P CICN'ill e~; a Nlloofl eK•.,.loft 11
11u,.,.ln9. lite relatl°""'lp llel-
Paclno and Mt'11oe l(•ll•r -••; nellher •-•reel JO 11t1ra<lhtly
VUIMr able. Rtled PG, bUt Ille lllm
llH aome nllelltY, ... a nd rovoh ••nou•oe.
harrer hat play -
perhaps too taithfully.
Director Sidney Lumel
retains the intellectuali·
ty Of a psychiatrist's
quest lnto the mind
Q( an Englis h
bo y who bl inds
engaging on the· stitge
1MOWS talky in the film.
the OICI "'"' lll(Outll ll'le 9Yfl ol 1 -jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;-Fr•ncllmlM\. Olre<tOf'·•rller Cl•-Ltlouche, t.e.t known for Ill• "A M•n
}!bt. as the ri Im pro· cresses, the uction
'ltecomcs !.lartingly
cln emat1c. Ri c hard ·~Urton dis plays an old-
ufne vigor as the doctor,
Pete r Firth is utterly
compelling as the boy
Oscar material. Rated R.
the film 's frontal nudi-
ty seems appropriate
and inoffensive.
"SATUaDAY NIGHT FIYlla" m•rk• Ille emergence of Joltn
""'• ... II• •• • fllm , .. , '" mu<l'I Ille """°• ,.,...., •• Sytvnt•r Sl•llone 4l!d ''Ao<kV " Btrbtrlno, o t ~tlfel,ome ~k, ICOllM" emerou H
..-~ of c-k vlUllly end lie'• ~ tlectrltylft9 OMl<er M well He
•no • w-... b""V' "'• specl•I <ll•rm to lllh 111tr19u1119 t•I• Of t""'
pl<inHn. ~ ... ,,. 8ulold 11 • r ..
btlll<iua '""'" beauty wflo '""' oft 10 Amerka wllll lier Pl>OIJ>ll<.,...r· lover T l'ley marry end oo wnl by
••11011 treln, bur ••Olene• •irr-• 111ead. Jtme. C.a n 11 • aenlle vtterln.,1.,, .....,. wti. 1' brlltelly
rti>ed encl murck•ed 1uvl119 Ill,.,.
wllll I Sm•ll 'IOfl. Bujold Ind CHn evt11luelly croH Miits. DUI tNt r..-CI
'"-'• h -•inH lecloou~ n..re I• &plenclkl QOlden l)llo409rtpt>y of l"9
"""'Y We>I ""' "'~ 01 orllt'( r .. ali1m '"" create • convincing -tr•lt ol IN tr•. RM.O a . I
"LOOKING ,oa Ma. GOOoa.fl"
c1plurts wl!ll ltrrilying .ccurtcv Ille
vaunt "'°"" OI Iffy~ lftd ,,. .. ,
St• I" Ille 1110 cl!y. Oi-ICMtOft 11 IOtally b91 .. VMllt M Ille dlHllcMed
IHCIMr by dly -11141 SffrCller for quick pl .. IUtet •II•• nlQlllftll Tiie l•Je Is ~Md on .,. «h,,,_I , .. ~ f'\o t neither Ille Juolllt ROS&Mr no•el ,_
lllcllard Brook.-otriPI eoplaons O ·
telly Why lht !I•'' loo« • COi<~ to In. nlleble trtQldr. A HllW ot _,,
perv•ck1 Ille 111,.,., -Ille b<ul•I ttlm•• wlll turn t.ctt •• ...ii u
\lom~cl\S OireCIOf' Broo«s ~I dolle
... 11 w •lll d1Hlcu11 materl•I, •nd
""Ion 1$ lull •bout pert.ct -• Cln<ll D•~er llOmlNtlon. Atled II ll'le ~V\ • p.1111 """' '-le&mlll '""°" FtYOIWft ff-llb dl!>CO nl91\li. mui.lc I\ loud, the l•I• ,....,Chy,
M• "''"*'•lie. Olre<tor Jof\n a.dlt•m ,,.. Cec>lurecl Ille DH! 1nd tM millN, " Ille Y0U"9 cr-d ..... -------------~~~!~ •• ~: = ~!."'.n'l'~t tMm , .,
jl,"SIEMl·TOUGH" i1Jtl•" tro"1 1 .•11l1t Penonelity, •tlempt111Q lo ~lrltt Ille jock Ill• •no oncounlor
.fll(luP• In """ '"""""' p.JCh•oe 11 ffciit1n•t work Thtrtt l\ ct h•rd
,.,,,.1hln9 e t1or1 lo wrench ldugl\1 1.' ''''.Sm tour·letler pynct111,,., and out tt9tou• .i1u<11ton1, wch u a church :~~. :!~·;,.,~ ~~,:~. :-or-:'::~in!'.
•It 11 cool Burl ReytlOld•. Bui 1ve11
l,14rt un'I rise 1bo11e Ille crudity ot Ille rntlerl••· Eumpte A Nun·
•rtltll lll"'<Nln lh<Hlt ns IO dr°" I 1<rt from • roofloo, "" 11 d•Uutded llul llOt 0~11 <hided lo< Ille netr•
murder. R.Ct<I R
"~ITl'S o•AOOH" ,, t ... m .......
PtO•O• lor the llohdly\, •nd •n iftH•bl• glll II h ,,,. (Ul I\ !•lent· 94 •nd frolic-MoC"'tV Rooney Helen R~Y. Red But!OM J,m O.tl• Sllelley Wlnlen, Jim BKt.uund SeM>
Milrs.lltll, -ii ~It Tne rtll 11ar i\ Ellloll, I "'INhnQ, IS 1001 K IO<
with MC1tn, •••· long 1111 •no l\Ol ..... ,.. Ht 11 • <ll U•C 01\ney <ro
tit<t, "" •Pl)H1'lntUOmPH1Ullllg lor
-.rro Ptl<lle\ l11111e tum At Ka~ ano ~oel HtrUP'lhorn tontrlbutf lhe
ro»ocklnlJM:ott R11o<1G
" 0 TE.LIPOH .. * n Jame, Bond
Pl•V•d wltlloul lonou• '" clleU (;Mrltt Branton <tn'l<t•ns s1r.,11n1
or ratller \tony lkeel througn Ille l1r
l•tclted \PY eownlure. We are H AM
•o bell••• lh•I loony Oon•ICI
PIHS•nct (Ill •Kiii! Rooerl Frotl
1M ot..cr4't'e '' ,,., ,.,,,.ps •t lo'"'°'"' "'Mt• •tou' ,,... hi'''""''' o• ""°"' 10/tlWW '°' ., •• ;ltf .., ,,.." t"~M.
All M:U AOll• lllCI
"""'' Ali4•tftCCI :..:··
All Ull AOtlltllD
,.,...,,, "--· $vftt1' ..
®If .. f UllClfl 11 AMllllO
,~ ..... ,....,...., .,.,..,.,..,.nl
... ~ ·°' ..... f-j,tio ... (Al.4
l•IM ... CJll'~M
.... """"' COOi .. 'Ml'~~ ... ,, ....
-l\flf~ (R)
Lonelle ~Kee M1r~I Avery A ~ Kianlz f1txi£1Kr.. ~i by Call ~1'8l am
frol &own Mu<.11 Store Paul Riser and Mark ~1s 01roc!al l1f Mdlael Sctdtz PrlXited bv Slew KraiiZ
Dally at Bristol Dally at
1:30, 3:20, 5:10 1:00, 2:45, 4:30
7:00, 8:50, 10:45 6:20, 8:15, 10:05
MAllLO lHOtl!AI IN "tHllVU" ~US 1'01
fl ELD
llESI' PICTlllf.S
Of 1HE \'EAR."
Deity at 2:00. •:oo, 1:00. 1:00. to: ts
1 edwa rds MESA CINEMA . 1 I MEWPO l!IRl•011t11TH'>T I
COSTA Mf'>A b46·'i>02S '
............ ~ ....... .... ........... ..., ............. Ntl ......... ......., .... , . .... ~::A~!~
, .. ~~
\•(1 (PO)
OoMy It I .,. ) to
5.00. 1:00, 10 00
-.• ~.,. .. (',11
e •I.',
Detlwot t•e:.. ''·"""""'' t1i.v.,..._. OI , .......... ..
DAI ., ll'flOT
Year Spins By in Pop
By MARV CAMPBELL .~ .............. .,. ...
T"' o belo\'ed i•<lnls or pe>puJar music died in
1977 Eh'lS Presley , 42, lhe father of rock 'n' roll,
considered by tus fans the king. died in bis mansion
tn Memphis Biog Crosby, 73. the crooner, with the
ca~ual , fnendly air und btauliful baritone, died on a
golf course m Spam
And it was the year of Fleetwood Mac. The
· group's LP. "Rumours," i.taycd No. 1 on the best-
; selling charts for 29 weeks, longer lhan one LP ever '! had done before, beating out Peter Frampton's
' 17-week ··Frampton Comes Alive!"
IT WAS TUE YEAR disco was in. And every-
.' body talked about punk rock but didn't buy so
• many punk rock records.
Debby Boone. daughter of Put, ended the year
• with a platinum single, "You Light Up My Life." t Sl)e didn't make U11ll>oard 's compilation of best·
; selling records for the year because that magazine
. ', counted them up ul the end or November In order 1 of sales. bcst-i-.clling 1977 singles were • "Tomght':. thl' Night," Rod Stewart. "I Just
Want To Ile Your Everything," Andy Gibb ; "Best
or My Love," Emotions :
"Evergreen ," Barbra
Streisand . ··Angel in Your
Lift:" us LP of the year Best pop vocalists were
Wonder and Linda Ronstadt
OSCA&S FOR BEST song in a movie went to
"Evergreen" from "A Star Is Born." "The Omen"
won for best original soundtrack and "Bound for
Glory" for best compiled soundtrack.
Tho Country Music Association or America
named Ronnie Milsap entertainer or lhe year and
Milsap and Crystal Gayle best vocalists. Kenny
Rogers' "Lucille" was bes t country single.
The price of records went up.
A lot of people in pop mllSic toured. made TV
specials, movies, appeared on Broadway and in Las
Vegas .
The Dirt Band was the first American rock
band to tour Russia, doing 24 shows in 28 days.
FLUTIST PAUL HORN issued an LP he re-
corded lqside a pyramid near Cairo. UFO guitarist
Michael Shenker disappeared, was found a month
later in Munich and res umed louring. The unpredic·
table David Bowie played keyboards on Iggy Pop's
U S. tour and appeared on Bmg Crosby's Christmas
special. Anot her unus ual f.airing was
Phil Spector producing a wall-o -sound album
with introspective poet Leonard Cohen.
Ar ms," H~. ·· Like Drea~in'," ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kenny Nolan; "Don 't Leave Me 1 this Way." Thelma Houston:
' ~ -l! .·• N, ~ STl!WAllT
"Your Love Has Lifted Me
llii:iher and Higher," Rita
CoolidJtC. "Undercover Angel."
Alan 0 '0 ;.1y : "Torn Between
Two Lovers," Mary MacGregor. •
.i BEST-SELLING l.PSoCthe year, tn order:
' "11umours," Fleetwood Muc ; "Songs in the
f Key or Life," Stevie Wonder: '·A Star Is Born,"
: soundtrack, "llotcl California." Eagles; "Boston,"
Boston. "A New World Record," Electric Light
Orchestra. "Part 3." KC and the Sunshine Band;
··Silk Degree~." Boz Scaggs ; "Night Moves," Bob
·Seger und the Silver Bullet Band ; "Fleetwood
~t ac.·· Fleetwood Mac
Tor·sclling country :single of the year was
··1.uckcnbach. Tex." :rnd lop-selling country LP
\\as "01' Waylon," both by Waylon Jennings. Don-
na Summer was named disco artist of the year.
Grammy Award:.. given by the National
Academy or Recording Arts and Sciences, went to
Ceorgc Henson's "This Masquerade" as record of
the year und Stevie Wonder's "Songs in the Key of
~l'Y l'(TCR SHMFtA ~-tt!l1'~11r POU SHAflU
' ,,_ 1>VaJCHMD«JOMYK'-\t". ~""~ usm l'lRSKY""' uuonKASTNE.ll
• AO-,,V!I ,.....,) "t'Nf~ !Pt' °'""°Ill-SIO"l(Y lUMU T United Alt1lts ·-c.-.-
MANN'S "SEMI TOU&H11 t11 .
SO. COAST PLAZA DJ.IL Y e11111m 1'111t11tll I SOMT t I :JO-J:JO.l:lO
Stf-1111 . MO f'oU'81 ' 7:J0-9:30
hiU llm ICMIH DJ.It. f JI=--~ MOPAIMI • • h41-l:41-l:IM:Of.lf:t0
CIMEIAUNO ""'Sf,.,,... ., .. tJ$.l"1
A moving story. A romantic story.
A story bf envy, hatred, friendship, triumph, and love.
'SHm.LEY t
11\"f:N fl ET/I e>-:NTU RU'OX ,,,. " A Ji Sil BERT RU:-JS PILM
ltM\//o: BJ.J!;CR01'1 SlllRt6Y M111 LAINE "TllE 7V ltNlNO POINr" 7YJ/tl SKe'ft}(ITT
r WKIWl. 0Aiirs11.:;,;;.,,: r:; LiihRoiVNi •
'.w.m HA scprr. MAR.'>11.ALL TllOAll'SON:;ANr#Jo~8e-:-;w'inicAN BJ.U#'"T THH.ATHE
Dally at
2:00, 4:30,
7:00, 9:30
847-9608 847-6017
"'The Goodbye Gkl'
is a joyous comedy-
just what the
doctor ordered.
Nell Simon makes
feeling good legal .. :'
The 'King,' Elvis Presley, passed from
the rock scene during 19n. Also gone
wa.s Bing Crosby whose crooning had
entertained for decades. But the year
also held brighter popular music news:
record sales figures and the ap-
pearance of both new and renewed
superstars and groups.
If He could' do
His riumber
on the Red Sea •••
and bring the .
championship to
the '69 Mets •••
why 'hould it be
so Hard to believe
He's ·back again?
• r
Hum lntton BNd\ • 14'7 ·9608
Show Colors
Actress's Life
BOSTON <AP I For Beverly Anne. the
Lady in Pink m "For Colored Girls Who Have
Considered Suicide When The Rainbow Is Enuf,"
the show i:. nearly u religious experience she
Jro'1lqts to pass on to other:.
I~ "When I saw 1t. it was the most msp1rational
xpericncc I ever i.11w," the aclre:.s :.aid an a re
·ent mtervil'w
"AT SOMF. POINT an my 20s;l lost my iden·
1ty. my love for myself. After I s aw the play, I
ot back my confidence
"I saw it almost as a going-to-church thing
hey JUSt opened up a whole new world for me."
he said .
As a result, she declined to s tay in California
o try out for roles in pilot shows as her agent
anted. <'hoosing instead to Join the national
uring <'Ompany of "Colored Garis "
"I needed to continue the expN1cncc, to do
he show I need to reel how I feel at the end or the
• how for ai-. long as I can. and I would try lo
pre ad it. bring it to somebody else." she said .
T U E TOl'R WILL bu1h.l her craft but not her
arccr, she said. "I'm not intercstecl 1n being a
tar right no". I want lo create something that
ignifies :.omething to people."
Thl· show, com baning dance with the poetry
r Ntoznkc Shangt" is described as a
' horcopoem. It was arranged and directed by Oz
"It s the hottl·st thing that's happened for
• hicks, and n•rtamly black women, .. Miss Anne
aid. "It 's rare we ha\'l' un opportunity to pre·
enl nursd vc•s on slagl'
"Tht· show is not uhout black men and black
omen It's about m;m 's inhumanity to man. for
c. I fot•I the sho" ~Ill's far beyond men and tomL·n "hat people: do to c:ach other
"UNTii. WE f'i\N lo\ t: ou rselves, we might es well for~el ahoul loving others ... she said.
Each and l'Vcry ont· of us has something to of-
'er. Wt• can't hvl' an soml'1>0dy else 's :.hadow."
l M ISS l\nnC', <I natl\'(' or Bridgeport. Conn ..
nd a dC'an's li st grn<luatc of the University of
onnect1cut. said thl• Jargon and humor may
C-A ....
AMAH-C ... flltf JI OU ... t ou ... 1 .... u.
ake 1t C'asicr fur blaC'ks lo identify with the
how, but whites can. loo CIMINA ............... 11 .. •tM
A ,, "OH GOD" V "(;UMIAU. U.UY" IP(;I
In a world gone mad ... who needs a
funny, fabulous lo ve story? YOU DO!
m-u-:-a · ·r:---
WHTM .. Srlm
c-· wnT.. Ul-4HI
ltAllOI ,.._."I u.-.o .. ........... . . '" .. .,,
AM.ul-ITAIDllMDL.. ,., U t.7fH
llOHMOU ........ 11111 oe.a•tt
Friday. December 30. 1977 DAIL y PILOT C7
Stardom can wait. Beverly Anne. tlJe
Lady m Pink in "Col0ted Girls" says.
She sees her role as an ex-
pressive one and an opportunity to
"create something that signifies some-
thing to people. •·
c1neoome ~ scAeen
6342553 CICOmPLEX
CIUPman Ao & Jani• An~ "•nw•y
II U.130-&·IM0&-104~
"1900" (R}
STAOIUm 5 sc:AEen
639 -7 860 DAIVE·ln
~1•11• Nor
The operation
that can trigger
51 human
The most explosive picture
of the year!
I,'! h l <.'.\.0.\HI, ','Att>lpr-.._~
R WA(;t.~ ~II\' UllO 6CHfRfll ........_,.. Molroc:Cllr
ounMIOUI II_....,.
THI CHOtltlOY'IN ,....,,.... _ ......
... ~~ 1-1=~=== liUUWiii~
Dlliff;~I ..... fU\IO&fA
IAfUIDAY HIGM'r f'lfD C-1 '"'" rurnNITY IOWtM> .. =::.1 _,. ........ IMlY ..... I
Nl1IOllCMI NII 127·22n CllrHa ... OfMrN1M1
01MW '"-=mull ........ _
'"' Cttae 1111 I ·-NII ,,,,.,, . ...,,
TMICMINJ ......, ....
1. ""'°""' '·'*~ a. IWAIM
a.:~:=1 OIMl.a ........ "' II.al flUIONCMJ ...,. -
... ,.. ........ , .. 1
,, .. -.a.
Nfl ---·~l"I ..
IN-~:i1I ........
ANNll NALL ... .... ... ,.,.. ........ ,...
•• (1J OAn V PILOT Frid y December 30 1en ROCK TALK
Bob Dylan Back on Stage and Movie Screens
Thl• ne" year will be a busy one for Bob
D~ Ian. Aftt!r a two-year rest from recording and
performing, Dylan takes to the road again
bt.-gin n 1ng Feb. 20 in Japan , followed b>
Austr alia, then probably the U.S. and Europe
He hasn't exactly been idle these past two
} eari. and we'll i.cc the results of his work
"hen his first movie, .. Renaldo and Clara,"
ope ni; an New York, Lo:. Angeles and Min·
nt•apolis on Jan. 25.
Dylan wrote. d 1rHtcd. produced and
starred an the film, dc:.cn bed as u ··non-linear"
drama, part or which was shot on his recent
Rolling Thunder Re\Ut' tour
DVLAN WILi. C\'<'n distribute the fil m
through his own Circuil Film:., Inc. <Several
major eompanu.·:. "anted lo buy the movie for
dis tribution. l1tll nob set up the company
himself ~o he could maintain total co:ltrol over
the project 1
Following his various tours, he'll record
another alhum, <he's already written some
songs for 111 this lime, he may record in Los
Angeles instead of New York
Pcrh•!l>S the.; reuson he's going v1sibl~ a~a1n
1s that he s anxious to really promote this film
In acl d1t1on to his l'rcat1 vc efforts, hc"s got S3
millwn uf his own money invested in 1t
NONE OF UIS U.S tour plans arc fina lized.
nor a r<' the mus1cwns he 'II take on the road
"1th him ullhou~h both Rob Stoner and Da\'1d
:\1 ansf1l'ld tboth of ''horn backed Boh on the
Rolhng Thunder Hevuc lour> have been men·
l1oncd as possible s idemen
Apparently, there 1s a strong poss1b1hty that
Oylan will tour up until Labor Day. and then
the third Monday an September he 'll begrn a
i.econd film. , • • •
WITII IUS manic, robot-lake stage presence.
and a wtiquc. rock-blues influenced guitar style.
Wilko Johnson was easily the most interesting
thing visually and musically 1n Dr.
When he left the band last year he was
replaced by guitarist Doi> Mayo. but for us
diehard Wilko fans, f''eelgood never was quite
the same.
A few w"eeks ago 1n London. at the uny. hot
and sweaty Hope ancl Anchor pub an Islington. I
saw W1lko's new band simply called <well.
why not'!> Wilko.
I CAN REPORT that he looks as ama:ung
onslage as ever: he s till races around las much
as he could on a tiny stage 1 and mach1oeguns
the audience with his gu1tur llis voice 1s in fine
shape, and his new band shows promise
Wilko plays many of the songs tha t he wrote
for Feclgood. 1>lus quite a few new one s
Perhaps tht! only prolJlem with Wilko's new
band land remember, lh1s was a very early
date and he was obvious ly ner\'OUS l 1s that
once again, he 1s not only the most interesting
thing vi sually apd musically in the band,
he is the only visually intC'rcsting thing in this
Al least when he "<is onstage with \'O<:ahsl
Lee Brillcuux I a powerful slage presence 1n his
own right l m the original Dr. Feelgood. they
could divide the chores.
Now Wilko is definitely the front man, and
9AD~'f!!9 ... ~<{~ ~~AZA nf09Ueii»••'"'"'••••• u ,....., •' l QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT
I ••• , )1-•0
J Jl.741
··1 t4lYll rlOMIUO
I lO·l:lO
W AU CH\Hn·i
11~ 1 JO \00
1 IC IC Cl
J:OO·S.lS·':I 5
"mt:y[S" • " , ~ an $1.50 ANY TIME PLUS
$2.50 ANY TIME
tli'll WINKLER
FIELD ~ HF.ReJ:S,~~~
\\'httn In Soul horn Callfornlu visit u~·~mz~.1-v aTUDIOB TOUR
From the outrageous
No.1 Best-Seller
-.J .. ~· " ' '-
Ol•Hf ~(ATEN
he e\'en chats between numbers ... a role he
does n 't seem totally co mfortable with
llowever. it's still early days, and Wilko, as
always. 1s worth watchmg.
Calvadosl. and d1dn t ~t art recording until
a m each night
And tho!>e rumors that Mick was seen an
Par is in the company of Bryan Perr y's
1(1rlfr1end, model J e rry Hall. a re confirmed. • • •
THE ROLLING Stones look two weeks off
for Christmas. then return to the Bologne (out·
side Pans> Pathe-Ma rconi recording studio to
finish that album.
• • •
FOLLOWING ARISTA Records' third an·
niversar y party at NY 's Studio 54, Elton John's
manager John Reid was held up by a man with
a gun and then handc uffed along with others In
the lobby of the Carly le Hotel <while Cat'
Stevens, a lso sta yin g at the Carly le , s lept
through the whole incident l ..
While an Paris. Mick and Keith have
separate private apartments, and the res t of the
band stay in hotels. They all had plenty of time
to enjoy Paris nightlife ( Regines, Alcazar.
~ I
"Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave are close to perfection.
'Julia' is moving in its glowing commitment to the power
Of friendship. 11
-Newswook Magazine
"'Julia' is a movie that has everything. Jane Fonda gives
an impassioned, complex and almost ago nizingly
dedicated performance. Vanessa Redgrave seizes the
screen with her vibrant performance. 'Julia ' is
Wonderful. 11
-Hex ReeJ. Syod1ca1ed Columnist
20rh etNIUllY FOX Presents A RICHARD ROTH Presenlallon ol A FRED ZINNEMANN f 111
Newport center
between McARTt*UR & JAMBOREE
... Catch it
Screenplay by NORMAN WEXLER Directed by JOHN BADHAM
Executive Producer KEVIN McCORMICK Produced by ROBERT STIGWOOD
Original music written and performed by the Bee Gees
Soundtrack album available on RSO Records ....-----.
,,.l!J_!m_· .-:-: .. -' ... I..-,...._--~-.-, (I]( DO.BY SYSTCM 1• ~Ud lh• &.\n1~m r11p<erW.ck .• ~":~:;:,".'.':::~~
. t
P'1BUC NO'rlC& ·-llOnc:.TOc••oeTOttt
"" ...... co.I'" OI' nt• UA'rae»CAU~NIANa
THI eovtl'n'0-0...1tO•
111 '"' Mel~ ., , ... ~ ....... L0WllLK. llOU<$, De<-~. '•......, ---le c,....,..
... y .... <""-~· -..... -_, le Ill• tOict <W-I" Ille lfflea fl
Ille Cler1L of Ille ........... C-1 • lo or.--1 ,...., •.,...,.."...,.Al aw
Off Ke Of ERIC.A.. NEL.SC»4, Allor,,.~ ti
u w. ~ _,,, a,.ncl e1ve1 , Suite Jiii,
GIMOale, ColltOrftla flJOl, wlll<h 1.u.,
Offlco It 911fl(aeal1111\1"'" M 111o..,... -.i....o In 8'1 -.1an perte1n1119 to
Hid •11•1•. S..Ch ctelm• wllh Ille
neceu.ery -.ctwro mu" be lllld or
Pf•Hntecl •• "°'"'kl wllllln lour "*'t"-•IL« a. llrw 11U01 k•HGft or lllU
Dated December 1, 1m
IE rlc A. Ntli.on Adl'nlftlttralo< of the
E•t.Wof r.ala DKlldent
a111c A. NIEL.ION, ..... ,._
Att-.-uw ........................ ...-.i., CllltwNeetm
l'\lllllllled Ol'Mgt Coall Dally Piiot,
0.C.mbert, I•, J:a. S>, tf1' jtl0.71
&u NIUClltCIOUaY ff TM I fl ATIOfl CAU il'04t141A "Oil rN• eotMTYOt'o.MOa ........
NOTtC• 0, M•A•t110 0,
'ITITIOllt "WI Noe.Tl 01' WILL
AllO ,-0. t.anl•I YUTAMIN·
TAllY AMO Mr'l'MOltlU. YtON ro AD-
E•tate of IEYTI• 0, COi.LiS,
OocHMd.. NOTICE IS Hl!RIEIY GIVEN ltwtl ••nw Coltb6,,.lt_IC_f_
llltel hof 9'1\ •petition for Probe1a Of Wiii
ano tot Lal'9'l THtamenlAt'y end
Authofltatlon to Mlmlntstor -r tne
Mmlnhlr•tlon of £.ttm• Mt, rt· ltronct lO wN<;ll la ,._ lof ,..,_,
pertl<ulen. -11\81 ttw time allO o•aa
ot -·ng I .... ,... ..... -Mt for J•,,...ry 10, lf1t, et 10 •.m .. 111 -
courtroom OI ~'"""' Na. > ot .aid
c.ovn, •• IOOClvl< Cantor 0t1 ... w .. 1, In Ille City of Sllnla N\A, Calltornl ..
Dated OocefnllerJl, 1'71
WILLIAME.IUOMN, County°""' MO• •tsOtH 'OtUTl!a LMA•TIHa&..AHli
'8• FtAltCba, ~--..NIH -~----~~-----IA!tor11ey• ... :~
PUBUC NOTICE Tel:ltUlm...a
f'lot>llllWd Otanoit Coe9t 09ily Piiot, -------------4 Dttcem-ia.u .JO, ltll "61-11
PUB.UC NOTICE ..... ar•Tll.....,,Of' AMltDONMaNT
'ICTITIOUS•USINIUNAMe ,,._........,.,__M .. -_,. n.. -ti , .. htUttout bu,l,,.M
11•me F000.•1011 COltl'O .. ATIOH
.. 42AO A ................... ,uller10n.
<:.ilfw11ta. Tllefk1iue..~-morwf...-.d
.. ....... -Iii.ti In llw COW\ly of °"~oo ENOINf.:EAING ANO
Pl!"ONEO SYST£"'$• INC,. e
C:...ltol'"'•~.CIOn. Tiii• IM!sl...U WM (A)ndU(ttld Dy ,_
1!11t1t1Hrlng and DeliOMd Sy•llms, lllC.,a Calltotftlecorpor .. lon.
J-A 8ef'9,
Thl.s •let-.... llltO Wiii\ lllO Cou11ty Clerlc of Ot•n(lt (.ounly cm
NOvemller JO, 1tn.
OILall•TWOOLWAY ........ , .., ...... .._._ ........ we-...._Qllflnll•,...
....... caToa.eo1TO•S "CTITIOUS•USI NUI
ITATIOf'CAU'°"NIA.-0. ~lie fol'-"'e ,_....It dtlnt bull•
TM•COUNTYOPOtlANOI neaH: .... .a.-ul.. 111 Tlll'T'Off ENTl!R,.llSU; l9l
Ell•IUflOAMANOfLL,OecMMd TltlTON OIVRlll. ISl6 , fill!-.
(rtelllon d 11• -nemecl dlK-1 Wllllem CteM 8vckl,..,._, 7111
1i..t all per>Oni hev1ne <101m• ~lnl f'ull'on Wey,$tanlon. CA'OMO Ille Hid OK"°"'I •ro r-lr..t IO Ille Tiii' tH;s.I,_ b C.ClllOw<IAll Dy en Ill
ltwm, wllll lht nK9"'9ry -.clltu, In vldual •
'"' office OI tr. c1.,11 ol -abOW .,.. wun-~ Bucklnohem
1111..0 (OUr'I, a< lo P<Htnllhem, with llW T'llli •IAl.......t w•l lltecl wllll lht
rw<•U••Y VOUC-\, 1011\0 u•-nl9ftecl CounlY Clttll al Otanoe C:.O..nly on Doc.
11 lhe olll<e of JOl~N A DUNCAN, Al· 13, U71,
tornoy •I LAW, •tO No.._t centot PMUI
Ort••· !>ull• U>O. N••POtl BHCll. P..Ollshecl Or-Coa\I DAiiy Pilot,
Ctlltornt11,-l<hl\lheplKeotbull,,.u O.C.1•,U,30, 1tll,Jat1.•, .. ,.
01 Ill• under \IQl\ld In all rNllten ,,.r.
1Alnl119 to thll ~late of WICI -t.
within lour monlllS •fl•r the llr•I 1 pubtlc.ltonOl tNUlOllC•
0• ltO Oocomtlot 20, If 11
PameleAllM MarlCltll
!>lmonAvrumM•ncltll Co-.oc.utonolllWWlllOf
1111-ve "'"*' O.C.O.nl T"e toll9W1w.o pel'IOl'I It dell119 IN•I•
F·SH70 JOHN A DUNCAN Pwlllllllecl Ol'ange CA>tlt 0.11, Pilot, Altornoy•IL.OW
MAINTENANCE, 2111 Wnt Her .. rd
Sl~ S•111a ,.,., CA '2104
P"lllCI ~rel, 2111 W. HeNtl'O $1 ..
S...la Ana, CA t21CM
Ol<eMoort. 1~. ts.JD. nn s1.i.11 •l•H••"'1C..-Df'I,..
Hewpor1 -II. c..llw••t*"' PUBUC NOTICE
Tel Oull•tm Tllll bvllMH I• (OfHkKl.O by &II In •1,... • S I • At-MytwC..-..ton dlvlOUel ...... TIOU .. au IN h Puollslle<S o.anoe Clwll Delly POOi, p' 1111•-Ferrt4 NAMaSTATEMENT ti ,.. The fOllowlllg --,, dolt'IQ ...... Ou. U,lO, 1tn-..dJM.6, ll·' • This .... _, w~• llltcl •ltll '"'
-H : -----------"'-''-111 County a-a1 Ot1tnoe COunty on Ott<
COLLMORA AGENCY, ICO PUBIJC NOTICE 2,ltll, $U,.llllOltCOUllTOf'THI McCormick A"" ,Co'.\le~U.CA'268 F .. >61
STATI Of'CALlfOllNIA 1'011 PVBUC NOTICE COllHn Ann Morri.,oo, 1n1 ,.ullllll*' Otano-CDett Dally Pllol,
TMICIOUNTTOFOllA..01 Pe<lllc Coul HIQllway, Apl. )IS, SU .. llllOllCOUllTOFTNI! DK. f, 16,U.JO, l"I
MO.AtJt19 -------------1 Mewp0rl&Ndl,CA~ STATEOl'CALlfOllNIAl'O•
AMl!NOEO SU .. ElllOllCOUllTOl'TNE lftll lluSl~u h conouct9d by • THl!COUNTYOl'OllANCE O•DellTOSMOWCAUSE STATEOFCALlfOltNIAl'Oll ge,,.rel~rt,.rsnp1p -A-7S
IC.C .... t 1Z77) THECOUHTYOl'OllMIOE COll ... A Morrlvoe> HOTICI! OP HEA•tNO OP
In Ro Torin Deon Vonnelll. e minor, Ne.A ... ,. This SIA(-WU llltld with Ille P•O•ATE OF WILL AND"°" LET·•------------
by Philip JoMpll van ... 111 -re..... NOT I Cl! 0 1' "I! A• ING OF County CterllalOtM1119 CounlJOfl Doc. TEltSTESTAMl!NTAllY. ,ICT1T10USaUSINEU
Neme. LETTUIS TESTAMENTAltY ANO ... ,.67'1 GllEEH, •• TMEAESA B, GAEEN, Tllelol~--Medol1191Mitl· WHeAEAS, Ptlillp Jotoph Vannelli FOii tlUTHOltllATION TO AO· Pllblllhe40tMQt eo.slb.u, P110t, Ott<u.ecs. ..,
end Terew Anll Vannelll, l'oellll-rs, M I NI S T E II U ND E It TH II Dec. 16,ll,JO, ltn,hft •• , lt11 u ... n NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN INI SNEAKY PETES PIZZA, :JUll
.. .,,. ,.,~ -motl'IK, r-tlvely, INOl .. 8 NOENT AOMINISTaATICMI JOHN c GILLHAM .... 111.S ll«•ln. em I no Ceplil••no, 5 •11 Juen
ot Appll<•nl TERIN DEON VAN· Ol'l!STATIESACT. PUBUC NOTICE pellllonlwProllateofWlllendtorl.et• lslr•no.c:.tlloml•
NELLI,• _ _, -elOlll•n 1111 Esl•I• of LILLA MAE SMITH, lers THIAlrMnl¥Y, r•rence to whlcll Pe«er P.Ebel,J70t5Hsllore OtlW, YMr1 of 891, ,,.,.. tlled • Fltllllon wllll Oo<uM!d. -------------1" med• tor IUl'lllK PMllcu!MS. and pon 8Mcll, CAlllomlatMJ
-Cler1o. of 1114l C.our1 tor •n oroor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN INI Public ll9ilrll>Qs will .,. llold tty lhO IMI ,,... time wld pl.Ce of he.rlno IM Corrine Elle!. JJ09 s...,,.,,.. ort¥t,
<hanQlnQAoc>tkanl's nemttromTtrln HAINES FIN LEY haS llltld heroin a CoflA M.-Plannlnv Commlu-•I ~mehu-wttwJ-yl0,1'11, N•wPortBNCll.~lllornletMJ ~ VanNlll loJon Tertn V•nnelll. pe1H1on tor Lo\! Wiii -lssuence ol the City Hall, 77 Fair Ortve, COii• •I 10 e.m., In Ille courtroom of Depart· This bvllMU ls -...Cled Oy an In· IT IS OllOEREO tlwl •II C>ertoni In-Loiters Tto\tametlUry end aulllorlz.e-MtM, ~lllornlt, at o JO o.m. or U monl No. 3 of uld court, •I 700 Civic ¥IOI.tel.
teresled In Ille •bov....,llllecl m•llar llon 10 aominlsllf -tho lnclepenJ _, u poMfbl• llwrHllor on M0nd41Y, canter OrlV9 'Mst, In the City of Sa111A Peter P. Ellel
-•r before lllh Court In Oepar1..-1 dent ..imlnlstretlon al ESC.lft Act,,... J•1111•rv t1 1918, r9941rOl119 IM follow· Ana, C•llloml•. This state....m w• flled with Ille
l •I the CounlY Courthouse, 700 Civic l•rence lo whl<h It m-for lurlhor Ing appllcetlons: Detect o.cem11er21, 1911. ount., Clwk of Or•not County on Center Ori"' WeSI, City of !>ante Anll, ~rtl<ulers, -llwl thellmeendplKe I. Rtz-,.iltlon R 11-0t for COllt WI LLIAME.>,.JOHN, Oecembe0, 19t7
C.llfornl• on J-y 10, t91t. •I lllO ol llHrl1>9 the wme hM been Mt lot Me•• City Co<lncll, P.O. Ooa 1200, C:OUlllYClerll
hour of 11 :OOa.m .,encl lllen •nd Iller• to Janu.,y 11, 1911, .i 10:00 11.m., In tllo cost• Mew, C.lllwnle, tor Pttrmlnlon JOHN c . GILLHAM
5how celiH,llany,w11,1twF1tllllon tor covrtroomof~1 No.3of .. ld to r .. ono 11<-rly located ti IOOI, noeA ... MIM5tM'sllH60 CNnooolN•~llOlll41 nolllegrentOKI, court •1100Clvl<OtfltarDtlYOWHl,ln lOU, lOlS, -JOO Br~tol $1r•l •nd LHA_I ... ~._,
IT IS FURTHER OAOEREO tlwl e uwcityolSanlaAne,C.llfwnle, 722 811ker Slr .. I from Cl It Cl<P; •I Tel: SJJ.»f:J
ll'u0115"'d Ol'MIQllt CO.sl D•lly Piiot. em ber 9, ~ :U, 30, lf11 S U1·11
COl>Y of '"'' ... .,_ be pullllMwCI In 1"' Otl•d oec:ember27, ltn 740, 7SO, lllO, 710, 780 end 110 eeur Pelltlonor 111,.,.,..........
Oronoo ~I Dally Piiot. Pl>•t OlflGe WILUAMl!.St.IOHN, Stt .. t trom Cl to R•; Al 73' On11r Publi•twd Orange C:O.St o.lly Pllo«,1--------------1 PUBUC NOTICE
Box u.a. eosi. Mete, C.lltornla •••. councyo.n: Street trom At to Al , and at IOO oner 0ocem11or». l•,JO, ttn ""'-11 PICTlnous •us ... •u
once ...... '°' '°"' succ0'6iv• Wff«I, MITCHELL. sn.••••••o & ICNU .. i-Stnet from Ct lo I & " Envlronm~n· NAMS STATeMaNT
•I'd tllel Mid puC>tl<Jlllon oe completed AtlwtMytet Law tal Clelarcml,,.11on ICEOA 1: Neo•ttve PVBUC NOTICE Tllo foOowtnv a--wodol119 IMI· "''°'to lht-lnvof this Order. , ... CHllffl ,.llltt .... Ot<IAtatlon ror GP 11 lJ IC.... 21 rwu u :
DATED Oe<.-rl,lt11 UtA .... fe.~,.., 2.A••-P9llllonR1~torca.1e BIENVENU E, 70t C•me Lester Van T.-... Tel: UUIUJ.-Mou City Councll, p 0 Bolt 1100, ~ICTITIOUS•UllNESS Hlghlend~ Dtlvo, Cwon• dol Mer.
JlidOltof the Alto,....y•lw,.edlHMr c.o.te MH.1, CeHfornla lor perm1u1on NAMESTAT£MENT C.lltornle.-Z.JS
5-klrCoun Publlsl>edO.-~OallyPllO\, to rotoM ~r118S located 11 Ull ThelollowlllG~.,edolnebusJ. Lyn11 Wallen, IOt c em1
•F•UCLMOA,.11• ~!·~~ot. Tl• Oec.2t,30, 1tn-J ..... S, ltl1 UVougll JS71 la¥eo ....,...,.,,, NewpO<I nouu. HIQ!\IMdl, c.ar-del Mat, C.llfoml
•U1tNsa*Kina1ac W•n Boul•v•rd lrwn a IO Cl CP •no 1n DESIGNS. IS.S WHt 9roedwey, mu -1-V1"9 A-from O lo IU AIWllOlm, Call_•,,_,, Carolyn ,.utore, UI Came AU•~...... -------------t Envir onmental Clelerml AalloA CALIFORNIA DESIGNS IN HIQMeNb, c:er-del MM, Calllotnl
l"elOffk •-ZIM C OT CE ICEQAI: ~11.,.-.!•rAClon. DECOR, INC.,• Calllofnl• cotpor• t3IU5 41 .. M~ ...... vaN PUBU N I 3. Auone oetlllOtl A·I~ for urry lion, IS.5 Weil Br-11. AMNIM. Tiii• IHll.l,,.u 11 COllOU<lecl lly ~--....Get....,,..tMJ -------------i M. Giiiion, 8'11'-llecl -nl tor Aoy CA1lloral1..it ..,..r1lpe~.
Tel: 111411~ CP.5'1S N. M•Y•"""'·· 18021 LH•-une Thi•"""-It COtlOU<lecl oY . ""' ~Key Pa,lore Atl:-yater_,U-SU .. EltlOllCOU•TOFTMe Tustin, C.llloml•. tor permlulon 10 pOf'AllCH't. Tiiis stai.n-1 ... IHed wltll tho
Pullllltled Oranve (OHi Dally Piiot ST ATE 01' CAUl'OllNIA "°" ,.._ ~ny, IOC•led .. 110 e.~., C.lllornl• OeslQn• c-.1y CleR al OrM91 c-ty °"Do<
Oocombfft, t•,2l.JD, 1'11 51.._, TN8 COUHTYOl'OaAJIGE Streol from Cl 10 llt Envlronmont&l In Oocor, Int It, 1tn.
............ delerMlnatlon ICEOA I N•o•llve Mertie Rk!W<cbon, Fiil
NOTI c:• OP .. •••IN 0 01' cllclM•lloneclOpttld '°' R·ll • Pres!dent Publl-er-. eo.sc Dally Pllol .
.. l!TITION l>Dll .. llOeATa 01" WILL '· hntatl .. percet ,.,.p s ""°' tor Tr>ls ll•-1 ... llltld Wllh II• OK.D,JO. ttn-JM.6, IJ, It/I PUBLIC NOTICE AND l'O• UETTSJll T91TAMIN· lll~n Boin, Wllllam Fr051, ano A~ County Cl•fll ot Ora1199 Counly 011 52 .. -------------i TAllYAltDAUTNOIUZATIONTOAJ>. to<lato, ~hotlHO -oent tor Oevia Oocemborl,ttn. 1-------------t
M r HI t TI It V ND IE a TH• G.,dner, 12• MllOclY Lane, Co111 UwOHlus PUBUC NOTICE
INOlll"INOENT AOMl .. ltnlATION M oe, Ctlll0<nla, for permlnlon 10 JOHN F, ICl!ATINO
01' ISTATISACT. dlvlelo property Into two 121 parcel>. A Profos.i..t ~allett
Estate o4 LUTHE• ~l!LLYN being e portion of lllO soulhweslAlrly Swlle ttJll l'ICTITIOUSaUSINUS
GRU88,111ALUTHEAL.GRU88,.U Ill IHI ol lol 221 Of Newport Helglll\ lttoAvo-MllWSUn NAMeSTATIMINT
LEWGllUB8,0oce11sec1. Traci, IOCllled •I 1112• & 2028 Newport .... A ... lft,C..lltoenlla*'1 TilefollOWITID---dOlnobull
NOTICE IS HEREOY GIVEN tNf Bo<ileverO, In 11 C2 .-. E•vlronmon· IFMW •UH:
JANICE $.GRUBB lies filed i-ein. l•I cletermlMllon ICEQAI: l'leo•ll•• PublllNd 0rMQ!lt C.oa$1 Del~ PlloL VILLA VALLEYVIEW, U21
oelltlOI\ tor Probeta of Wiii anc1 '°' 11-de<leratio... Ott<e,..bor '· '•· n. ». ttn s1 ... n CMM>t R-. s..11e J01, '"-'9 Hiiis,
-nee of Le1'9n TH._._,.., lo ttw s. T011tallV9 PMCll map SjlMI tor CA. mS>
Potlllonor wld eulllOrlHtlon lo •cJ. RNcl •nd F-.S 0ew1opme111 c:o.. PUBUC NOTICE ROBERT LINCOLN BROWN,
mlntJter lfte MIAll• ,,,_,Ille 1...._. M S Eest tltd Strool, c~•• Mn1, • ,. • ..., ~metlon, CO.one dol -. CA
dttll AdmlnhlraUon of Est.et• Act,,.... Calllomle, lot oermlulon 10 \UOdl•ldt t?tJS forenco to wNcll 1,......,. for rwlller en Hl•llntl Ptrol Into IWO IU lm•ller STATEMtEf.!01' AaANDONMENT P.K. ConitructlGll Compeny, 7•t ~rtlculen., --llw llme8nd pl.co patcels, located al 2016 Or•n9e 01' U IEOF l'ICTI TICllJS Clal,_onl ~Blvd., San O'-• CA.
of -!Ito,,_ -.... .,._ WI IOr A.,.nue, IA tn Rl IOIW Erw,ronfMnl<tl aUSINIESSNAMI • '2111
January 10, 1'11. 8t 10:00a.ll"~ In IN delermlnallon ICEOAI: N•O•llv• Tho foltowlno persons 111,.. eben• K•lhl••" 0, Sll.,me"· 2'1 '°"rtroom el Otpwtment No.> of Mid m<IM•llon. cloned IM -of -tklltlow °'IS!nes• Bucke.,.,~ llNch, CA..,...,
covrt.•t l'll00¥1CC11114WO.l ... west.I" 6.Tentau ... .._o1 .. ectTIIOt .. lof ........ s. 0 T$ Tl I 0 .. Thi• bullnHS Is CCMIClutl•d.,..,. tlleCltyolSeni.-.c .. n1om1.. Ptltr N ""' °""" Drive SVll• p A M N .. ...-ralpertnenlllp. O.IH~r20.1m 1\0 .. OWN, IPctl ~ II ..... TECHNOLOGY, •ll w. -..r11ur R08EltTL.8AOWH
WILUAMl.SUOttN, croet :~, ~ wb..i:~~n ~-Blvd.,e110,s.m. .... CAt7IO. This suternen4 WM filed w llll t
.. ILLl .. ~v.~..L fu11cll011 wltll • ti• l6l unit un· Ttw ~lctlt-..,.,_, -,.... Coufttyc.-o10r-eountyon Doc .,_ .....,_17T I I I 2•11 .. ,.,., to --flled In~ l,1'17. domlnlum Pt'll occ. oceted • , c:-tyonJ-~2t, l'7I. ELUwo~a•wul"I! MS.•M ..... Dr,.s.lta• El4enA-.lnan Alnne.Envlr-,. --• 0 p "'" "" ... _..,._,CAfMM me111AI determlnet1011 ICEOAI veoroe A. Welson, ttl Ort ISm~ ......... S...ltJll
Toi: (1141M4-a:D N'9<111¥tdf!CW8tlonadoe>t9d.11,,St77 Pr.wnce,N-18Mcll,CAt1'60 ~M-CA.t1'SJ
Alt_,,_,,..._ I, z-eacfll'(lon permit ZE·112S. Ph!llPM."°"5«,ltt2tSanl•O••
PubllllwO Or-co.st Delly PllOI, t04" Loul .. Scott, J2 WHl<lilf VIiia Clrcle, FOl#llaln Valley, CA '210I
0o<•m110tD,2A,J0, 1m no.11 aucu119,._ ...,,., H _ _, a .. c:... This _.,.._ w• <ond1K\ed _, •
P\ittllslled 0nnoo Coast Dally Pilot, Dec.,., u. 30, ltn, Jen. 6, 1971
Celllorole, for "•rlenc:.e~ 1ro,,. re· llllllttcl pertnanlllp.
qwlre4 •-Md side Mlbe<U, ,., Tllls ~:!t ~led wllll tllt PUBLIC NOTICE qvlred 1.....,,no In perking Art•, ,._~ Clar1I °"
requlrod per1d119 11All dt~on. encl ,.._,ty al M99 Gouftty on O.C. 1--------------l to PW"lltp.rtlll\t In Ille •-Ired tronl 2. lfll, NIW ....
MlbKk.. Erwl-UlldetarlftlMllOll IACllCSO• llCIDDl•&MITCNIELL I U P •• I 0" C 0 V • T 0, (Cl!OAI: fM91UftO.lc-tlo••• ' CALlflOlllUA
I. z-9IK4lltlen _,.,11 ZE·~I =11N;;::' C-Dr. COUNTY Of' L.01 ANO•L•t
for Franlt Otoe-. 401 Mamll1011 Nowporteeedl,CAnwt 11111....,... ......,.,..
SlrHI, Cotta M9H, C.lllof'11le, '°' ----. CA .... v•rl•nc• from req11lrod °"'" 1pece hi: 11141...._ c.. .... SI0411 .. end trom ,.qulrod sldll MCbOcll to con-"'-iOllM!M Oranoe Olelt Dally Pl'°'-SUMMOMI INIAltlllAGl t
stNc:l two Q) lllllU In (.ClflfUl'ICl19'" wit" Dec.'·"· ••. tm In ro the ,,_rleot of
en Histing unll, loulecl e t Ille abOw '15'-17 Pelllloner: JOAN ELIZABETH
ilddre6:1, In M R2·CP •-· E"vlron· PUBUC NOTICE STl!ARNS mental ......,,..Mlloit ICEOAI: E•· 11M
M1pt. •11polldlntl ROGI!• WAllRSN t. z-~Ion permit ZE·11"°2 lld21 ST~RNS
for ICe-0. J , MHler, 3'S Vlelori. l'ICTIT10US aUStNESI NOTICU Y• ""9 .... ..... Street, C.te Mesa, Ce lllornla, lor NAMll STATEMENT c:wTt -y _,.. ...... , YM .. ....
verlence trom required 4lrlv1wey Tll9follewlngpo..-•redOlngbll1!• .,..,. Miiie...,... -'"• °"" ,.......,..
width lo construcl.,. ~nmo11t unit IW'ISH: Wltlll" • ...,._ ...... ..,._"'°""'
... C:OllJVMllon With en exlsllnv unit, LAOYSLIPPl!R Of C0tOflO del ·-· louted ti the a!IOW llCldreu. I" en AZ· Mar, 615..., 9e9on1o. Carone de! Miit, AVllOI V... .. .,-. "'9111'111111.
CP 1.-. Ellvlronmental e.ter111IM> Colllomletazs 11 "1.._.. ,_. -.:i.w ~· "'-
Uon ICEOA> Eumpt. Beverly J . 'ThomaJ, 1111 tndlYlduM, tll ....._ .. • -... u .. ,......
10. z-eac-i>1lon permit ZE·7Ml •UYt Btoonl•, coron1 do• Mer, u ... t,. • » tllM. MM It .....,.__
tor JOlln Peul Htrrl<k. aulhorlnd c.titomle tllUS cllfl ... sltllL
eqe11t for Virginia L. Akins 111<1 Dorl K.._,.,., lndlvlduet, ~ 1. To the A-*"':
Mersll• A. Hemlllon, m Hamlllon Nercluus, c:ar-c1e4 Mar. Colllomlo e. TIM petlllor-hM tli.d I Ptllllon
Slrffl, Coste Mesa, C1111lornle, lor mu Ctne:OnllnQ '°"' morr&aot, You may
v•rl•ncH h'Om roou•""' front Mlbe<k Tiii$ buslneis ts cOftductod lly • tti. o wrlllall ...,..._ wllllln JD *"
•ncl • S.2' dllnlllY OO!YIAllO<I ,,... • oenotAI Pt.-io. . Of tfl• d•I• tllet this 1u-n1 ..
Mi. fl,tllnltl lo con\lru<l A lrlPIH, 8-rly J. n.omM Mfwd Oii l'DU>
IOUleel •I "' Alllerl PIK•. In •n Al Tiiis .,_, wes llltd wllll "" I>. If YOU 1•11 ,. flle • wrltlefl
'--· EnVl.-•t•I 001er,,.l11ell011 county c1.,1e o1 Or•ll09 CouMy °" ~ wllllln well lime, .,_
ICEQAI: ~. OaceMbff .. Im. t11111t m•r ... •!Mred Mid llw coun
lt. z-•xucitlon permit ZEJ'lt-05 ""''' rnay ,,,. • 1..-com.1n1no In-for ROA•ld 0.SlefeflO, ll» Samoa Pvbllshod 0r8'1Qe Coed Delly Pl'°'-functl .... er oCher ~ conumt"9
Plou, Cost• MeU, C:•lllom1•. '°' 0.C...Dott.1'.n.J0,1"7 Sl6f.n CIMSIOn of -1'1. _. ~.
vwlanc.e to eACro«h Into ltw requlr.d chlld custody, <hUd 1uppon, et·
t.-1 yard .. lbeell., IOC..lecl II IM -y't i... Ctll!ltl, end Mitll olher f'
.OOft eclclRss, In en IU z.one Environ· PUBUC NOTICE lief es lnlY i. erenled tty ,,. '°""·
men\11 •tw'"'NI'"" (~QAI: E•· w111c11 ~,_,.I In the oem1....,_1
empt. Wtt el waoe•. Ullll119 o4 _, er Pf'Of*'· U. 1-111UC1Clon permit ZIE·7Mlt NOTICSOPTRUITl•'llAl.8 ty, 0, OClltr rotlel.
for Jemfl I!, DunQtlr, euthot1ted 809ftl T.S. .... ,,.. c. 11 .,._ W11i11 t. Mell ... MYICO
for Je,.,.. Ind ~ M1KOonalCI, DnJ11t1uar,6,1'111,A19:00a.m,.CAL HottonwylA•-k,.,..
)0'62 Lwcl• L• .... Laoune Nlouel. ,liO ENTERPRISE5, • QlllOl'lll• .... ,,....." .. IMt .,_ Wtt
c .. moml•. tor• coocllti-1 Uta permll CotporaUon et dllfy •Pl)Olnted TnlltM ,........, H ...,, _, ._ f ...... "'"'
to con .... rt.,. ••1Mlfl9 -171 unn Ul'dltrenc1_._ttol>MdofTrvst,.. '·
IC*'l-t comole• Into teVJn 11> COfl-cordecl June 7, 1972, u Inst. Ho. 6232, I" O•ted A119-ll, ""· dontl11lwm1 1oc.io0 et 24•• l!lden book 101<>0, o•oe 01, of Olflc:.l•I Jo11nJ.Corc01'1tn,Clff11
AVefl\19, 111 M IU i-. l!llvlronmental RKords In IN office of Ille County N. TNmtOll, Deputy
cs.teM'llftltlOll ICl!OAI: 1!1<em1tt. APC.Order of °"'"99 Courrty, State ef !'SEAL)
tS. %-eJ1Ct114lon permit ZE·t..07 ~lllQrnle. NIX •MIX
Ind r"4t~nt tc:.llon ltA·fMI, WILL Sl!LL AT PUBLIC AUCTIOfl 4U W. rttl k.1111 ...
for flAllllOll Patrl<a Sl11P1k'f, llt4t TO HIGHEST 8100£R FOR (ASH ... l"Mr9, CA 111tt
P11etN1, o.rWn ~. eo111wn1e, tor lpayalllo •t """ OI wt• In lawful QUI a..szn rfflv~ pt0Jtcl ejlp(OYll alld ,_,., of Ille Uftlled Stlltet) el die I YI MA•Y NIX CMILAl>UM• verla M• to Her-II lnlo '""lrH South llr'OllCl enl~-.tolheoldCounty At*HMyhr: ,......_
tide ytnl .a.ell lor IN c-lrv«IOll COur1hovM, In Ille City of Senlo Mt, Pllllll~ ONn9t Coelt Dally l"llot
of an Mtlll*' "" ... e•ltllt19 resldlllllltl CA •II r'911t, tlllUncl ltllWMt C911 ... 'f94 o.c. D. •• 1m. ,,_ .. U, "" "'"'l. tee•• lit t~ floellttttr Slrftt, IO and now 11e10 llY It -Mid Deed of \.
111 Oft •t -· 1!1Nlronmtnlal Cle-Trutl In 11'1 Pl"OCl'rtv llWllled Ill..,,_ ----------.:::::Z~.14
tarml1141tlon 1c;110A1: I!.~ c-1ye110SCM1d1Krlbedet: Pl1BUC NOTICE
14. i-•~IOll pem1lt zg,.7we \At 1s ot Trtct No. T11t, • si-n on, ------------t tw Wllllalft L 1"91111, eutllorltecl eoent e mapreconiellltl.,,.•peonntoi.•· C:~I
-.. .., A. It ...... 765 ...... Stnet. lilclw.tl,,. lfMltcal'-"'--l"tlle SVP•••oaC:OU111'0flTN• c..1a iMM, c.lflfomlo, tor • <OftCll· vlflo of IN C/llullty ~ Of '81111 11.,111 VM parlTllt to operete a n County. ITAftCWCAU'°"IOA P'Oll ~hoe~_,.... lee:.•~ at TI1t1tnetllldr-ltftdoti.rc--TM&cou..::."..:..°"""'•• W MCI M....., SINlt, I"• Ml ..,_....,N....,,ofttwf'Ml,,_rty -· 1.mt-14"91 .... rlftl,..llOOI .. ¥rlbtd ...... 1Uur'*11dl0i.stst MOTtC• OP M•A•l .. O 0 1' (CS~I: ~ UMllll l"iec. Q11U MeM, CA. l"•TtTIO .. l'Ott CVllM TO •• tS. z... ..... Plf'l'll t&-JMt Tiie 11~ Trvt!W ~ ~ .... rt Mti.O eY DtlCtlD• ..
tw Klfrt o.Nt. .... ,... ...,... tor .,.., """""' ror ,,,.., *•,.,_., <,.......l•t•t•°':..._o•o••o'c'" 1101•" Otta...,..., • .._Ml Slr'M(, Ila t11'Ml ..,_ 1M1 ..,_ -C.. Mite.~.., ¥.,l_M *"~11....,,.,_..Mftffl. OAVll, •l• Ol!O•OI! ROB•• ,,_ ,...,.,... ,.. ,.,. .... *" 111\j s.MI ......... ~ ,_.., 11111 WftMut DAVll, ....... o•o..o• lit. DAVll, a 1•11• M .. ,..,.. ~•no u ,,,_t w ~ --•-. o.c...-. •Ide .. tMdl .. c-ITVCt t1wtt ca> IM.._"98 .... fllle ........ .,_ NOTIC• It H•lll!IV GIVl!N ht
............ "'wnlunctlool wllll... CUll\Of ~ lltlll!Y .... rMIMnlni 111'1fto J ..... ,. JON4 WALK•rt. ftrl'llOfly ...__....... ·~ ~...... ........... •·> --__ .... JlnY AM,,..._,,,_ Iii.. ._,.Ill• eatt«IOl-toc .. _ .. .,,.a~., <llltfliimtfll9,_e,. -·-·•-.. ltlell•MONlrtlltlNCtlftttlltft· ...,_, 111• "2-. 8nlf"--1•1 OeW ot Trwt. ....,.,, '22,6ttA, Wiii! ~ ..,.,...,.._. ... ..,___. ..-mlflMltll{caQt.)· l.,.i ....., .. , .,.._, .. ,,..... • .... • -·-
, .. i-....._. '"""'' 1ii.n.10 1111t1<a) _.--.,If any Uftllilr .. '""NMllMfllllllt~'U• ...
-"· •• Cllo#k"f, Jr •• 1214 ......,, ""'" .. .... 0..0 of frut1, ..... :. -=..":::.. "'=· r~ ~~.!*'.:'Ill ............ ~ .... c.llflrlll-. '°' ..,,... ............ y,..... • verl•llffl .. MCl'Mdl 11111 Ille rt• ...... .,,_,,.....lly .... o.lflll..,.. .. "!'_..._ Y ..... In Ult 4111rM fttlll Md ,_ YI,_ W!Mclll, Y,.. CilulltY flll _. "'-'dlnD, be flll
Wfl'lll'l .. ....,!11(11"" ~.-TM ~llMY..,.., .... .,.... .. ~--.-::di~,,!.""~'.:;
411 Ille ............. Ill A C:1 -· II-Tr111t llel'lttfttl lllltClltM ..,_ ... ""kllfart.•tlllt ... tl!Mllllll pj«a 111~ tlMlr""-""" CC•GAh If~ \o"" 111.,....,_ e wfftltll of..._ .... ..,. .... -.. .. "?:="'=°"---=.1·~-::,,c:-~-:.0:::::: ,,_..,. .. ""lit.! ........ Ill ... '"'IC.I'*' uwwerc111 ""'&1ecttan .. .,..,, nie ~._. ~,.:'cf.J0::~*;.~~1Nldt.111 et -lf"'9 tf ... "'-~ 0--&. c..-d '9hl Motlcatl DINMt-ft«• ........ • meM.. ,__.. 11111.17,.,, Ofh9, ~ ttM ........ _...," ... c-'Y -CJIY ....... ""9.ClillflrllNI.
....... CllllllWN4I. ..,. ... ,...'"""'lj...... ~~'" "" COITAM€1A o.t.: °'°"'1111W1, ttn • WIUJAMLa"°""-
C.C.OllM,ClwlnMll •Clll.....,...C:..... "*' .... ..... Olwtll~'!...04nc-==-...... CA.. I .. ......._ ·' _.,._......, , trMI~
6 .
4 .
O ·
A ·s
I .. s
Friday. Oeoembet 30. tm DAil y PILOT D J
Tha llCPtt Mlrbtplaet
on the Or-.. eo.t
Yeu c.i W It, And It,
T rode II With a WCll'lf M
(642-5878 )
One Col S.vlc.t
Fait Credit Aflpfoval
Hauset fOf' SCllt
········~·············· ~al 1002
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
"A" FRAME$~/Yrly
Peg Broms, Agt. 645-1:>31
1001 G••r• 1002 .............................................. . .
Thruout our 28 years of continuous
real e8late service i.D the HARBOR
AREA, we have r~ognb:ed that there
is something· s pecial about our
community. Even the' breezes or
Balboa Bay & the blue Pacific speak a
language that strangers would not
understand. Not m a n y
"HARBORlTES" leave this area by
choice ... but if you must go, at least
enjoy the sale of your home by
enlisting the services of Boy & Beacb
On Shell St .. Corona del
Mar; n e wly , pro·
ressiooaJly decorated, 2
bdrm. + den · 3 baths • 3
story home w I elev a tor; I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
gourmet kitch • all teak
cabinets & floor, wet bar,
frplc. Some bay view,
too! Steps to beacb &
bay. $299,500
ba., all elec. bit-Ins.
brick frplc., upgraded
carpets, 2 landscaped
patios, pool area.
SleJl8 to ocean; deluxe
duplex, 4 & 2 bdrm. units.
Park 3 cars. $1811,000!
Will trale for home aear
Hop, skip or jump to
ocean; like n e w 3
bdrms., 2 baths, used
briek frplc., new kitchen
& all appli a.nces,
carpets, drapes. Only
Ocean side of 1twy, de· li&htrully ebarming Z
BR. home + near new 4
BR. apt. car garage.
lal»oa lay Prop.
•675-7060 *
Rancho California.
Prime avocado coun·
try!! Great i ncome
potential. Good terms
avail. Consider ex·
change. $50,000. Call
~.p,,.. HERITAGE
Country English I
beaubfuJ Irvine Grov
3 Bdrms. Family roo .
Formal d i nio
1ooi :o ... ,111 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
A prime opportunity with an outstand·
ing real estate organization + high
earnings! Experience is a must.
Prestigious location. All applications
held in strictest confidence. Please
reply to Ad #SS, l>aily Pilot, P.O. pox
1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
GaMc.. 1002 Gaarill IOOZ ..............................................
MONACO Colt. Mesa-Irvine
Call us about this Im· Huntington Beacb
maculate one owner, 2 Newport Beach
bedroom, cooverllble1~~~~~~~~~~ den home in Harborl·
Vlew Home•. Ttrei-•-------lmmed.
·Gorgeously upgra
with stately Eng
charm · shows Ji MODEL HO Secured t.ownhome
munity with p Jacuzzi. $105,500.
preview now 673
O/lfN Ill 0 • ll~S"RJNili!iil"11il
owner's meticulous care
to eveey maintenance
need wU.l impresa ~-• And the highly eom·
petiUve price of $136,500. tH will please y~nu·
c,11644-721 I
Mn<port Shores
3· Bed r m , 2 bath,
breakfast nook, dble
• gar., newly painted, new
carpets le drapes. Under
1110,000. L..-aleac• -====~-"-----• Above Laguna with 180 4 II + POOL deg. view. One year new,
"1n N 1(1£.L
Ul'\ll.[Y f,,
A55lllll'\f [5
SSS 000 2 bedrm. a bath. A &oocl
Blke to beia::b rrom this buy at$ll2,000.
beautifUI garden home. 400L.JrdtliRMI~
Best buy in Huot.lqton CJI. • .zn:.-...
Beach. $2300 down or &S· 41§~
au.me sato monthlJ pa)'-• ·~-ments. Burry l c.&11
~rJo. rts r1JHro'el"N1Cr• _TI_W __ O_&_A_VIEW __ _
~flfi14 Sp.aclous 2 story with
tE =·rei:~=!: 1=~1JJ~~~~~j .!::::==~~=====::.1 We entry, plush carpet-IEST IUY tng & central air c:oadi· ~IOR VIEW 3 Bedroom with massive tioolnc are only a few of
HILLS StolHI fireplace " ex-the r .. tures of this fme
J>roO.afonally deeorated panded ll vin1 room, home. Priced for quick
Hupor Vlew Hilla re-formal dlnlng room, sale at $69,SOO. CALL sid~ce. Gorgeous ocean warm country kitchen. 7Sl:319L ~reenbelt views! 3 Located on a large lot •• SELECT '
ms, family rm & with RV access. Close to PR"'°ERTIES uti.ful, secluded free shopping, & Newport-1 ____ .,..,_r:. ___ _
l m pool! Deluxe ap· Mesa Schools. Priced at•-------• !f_i1~~~;nts throughout. a low $6',900. CALL INCOMIU ~235,000. Call now .~ELECT' . . Balboa Penin. Jiast re-
Ol'fN ,,10 •11HVN1011 MCI' ducecll 6 Units, five 2
I PROPERTIES bdrms. & one l ·bdrm. on {<9Jlt1!UiJ 1·--·s·s·o·.·,·,·0---i U:!:G~•t o'~P: 0 tc;
2 Bedrm, 1 ~ bath Condo. 173-361113 "2-2253 Eves THI ILUHS New earpets & paint.
CHOICI OF Z F.ncl unit racing 1reen
Immediate occupancy of area. Huny, won't luL
this totally redecorated ~ associated
E " 'l • f IJ ... IJ E f ••• (', " '>
--~ ~ HERITAGE •' :• .,,., t I• J "'• •II I
''Trina'' Model. 'Cheery
& bright as new.
Features 3 bdrms,
rormal d ining r m &
eec1uded patio. See u ~I~~~~~~~
da)'. onl1 '154.5001
100% • ••••••••••••••••••••••
.()I. Ga,_ D 'Plu 'boab
ma 1arse llvlnl rm. 3 Femlly ailed odrms. Greenbalt vlaw I QuJet
location. A muat to aee .
Jun $1.Slil,SOO. Call toda1
i"F'.:'3'if THE REAL '
and ready to move Into. Like new
condition inside and out. 3 spacious.
bedrooms, 2 baths. plus
kitchen-fam ily room; on quiet
Eastblu!f Cul-de-Sac. This could be
your finest New Year's gilt.. Sl.39.SOO,
ltlt :==:t" MR.LI a. ... CIWTa ,......_ ar-. Cllllt DellY ,..... ......,.. Or-.. C..-OllM¥..., "=1...._a..DlllJ . ~ ... ,.,, '44W7 -.. ....... 1#7 r»c....., .. .,°'.z ~L.L_;;.EZ:Z::::z:!!::::~!1~!!i•i!1!11111!!!!11!!!!!~!!!!1!!!!~
l ·
.. . "
•2 DAI V PflOT ,,....,_, 0.C:.mbet 30 1171 H.1e• For SClll4t ••••••••••••••••••••••• r::~~ .. ;~~it;::~~·;~~;· ;;;;;.::.··;;;;~;,=~~··;;;~ ..._..,.,.,. ..._..,....~ .. MIHfCM'Sde Hoei.ea,ForS• C...cW ... cr 1022 ............................................................ , ........ ·················•··•·· ...................... . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ca..... . too 1002 ~ IOOJ·G......a IOOZ lblM + 11epllrl!lte apt.
Comer l\la lots. 2 Dbl
carasee. Apt has IOWt!r
ho<'h unit. 1169,500.
<>wner. ti40·7588
Extensive (and expensive!> use of
used brick anti wood siding on all
three deli~htful patios surroundin~
lhis 4 bedroom Woodbrid gL•
Broaclmoor home th.it re<•ks of Old
E nglis h charm. Professionally
decorated and landscaped (bonus size
lot> near the 30 acre lake. Priced at
Just $125,000. <Owner is a licensee.)
U~l()UI: liVMl:S
REAL TORS'; 676·6000
2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mdr
also in Me~a Verdr, at 546·5990
GeMt'ol I 002 Genet"al 1002
old duplex. Esper1ally
large 4 Bdrm & 3 lidrm
uruts. Balconies & patios.
Walk to 2 Bayrronts.
RiftCJ In The Mew
and have the original
too! Custom·buill duplex
in <.1iff Haven. Lovely 3
lredrm or 2 & d1n1ng
room home, panelled in
natural woods with open
ht.>ams. plus new 2 bedrm
unit. Each has private WALKTOWATER
pat..o. and is located in $275,000
\V 1-:S I. 1-: Y N
1\YLOR CO CostaMffo 1024
HEA l.TOHS ~1m·t· HM( •••••••••••••••••••••••
N•-w Condos, 2 Br, 2~2 Ba.
:! lrplc's, ceramic Ille
l..ALIOA ISLAND-$ 189,500 k1tch~ns & bath. Pool & \\'.ilk lo be3ch, s hops & hoalmg from spa.&75-4912Broker
lht:, mvttmt.t 3 bdrm 3 bath 2·s lory PRICE IS RIGHT horn~ mcluding lge mstr suite with ad Pvt party, must sell one
JOmmg ~unny s tudy. Ov~r:>tzcd double or two propert1~s on
..:arage, nice south patio. . Flower Sl. in East C.M. l
WESLEY H. TAYLOR CO •• REALTORS duplex or 1 lot w/2
2111 San Joaquin Hiiia Rood · _howl __ es_._67_3-_637_2 __ _
Fantastic opportunity
for the handyman i.eek·
ing a large workshop at
Three Arch Bay
Pvt ltoch-Tennia-Guardtd Community
4 ..,.,, 2 bath. family rOOM.
2 Frpk:a. 2500 sq. ft. Hew Cph.
Redwood exterior w /newly ~nted trim
Ocean View -Etc. -Etc.
S219,950 l'vt Pty.
l'h: 49'0 1915 e•tl 13_.:394 I wlcdaya
-dftlrable "H.. model wftta addffl0ttal
family ~ Clow to coaunaafty c...ter
with pool. •-a. locunl, ..d .....,, cowb.
PLU$ wc6totMbeoch ... s128,500.
ColtaMft• 1024 ,,..,... 1044 . 493-8812
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LAGUNA SOUTH ALL TERMS, VA/FHA UNIVERSITY PARK Ox· NIGUF.L LAG UN,\
Sharp 3 Dr, new roof. ford. 3 Br. 2\'J Ba. bonus 495 1720 499·4551
BEACH 497.3331
fresh paint in & out. Just rm. 2200 sqCt. New cpl•;.
be<' u me u vu 11 ab I e. drps, steps Crom ma,J . lrtine I 044 LOCJ119M1 hacfl I 048
$65 000 greenbelt & pool. Owner. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
. . ~~~med. $112.000. IRVINES fl NEST NORTH IND
home. Big separate •OAO.Al-s
building in back suitable ~ ON .. HOUSE lllAlH
Immaculate h ome.
3 Bedroom pool home. ocean side: sbort walk l1.•
Close to park with tennls Crescent Bay & Shaws
<'<>Urt.5. Priced rlghl al C o v e b e a c h e s 1
$98.500. Redecorated thruou l,
4 Bdrm., 2 ba. home. All amenities.
Lovely area, few s teps to bcal'h.
Newly remodeled 4 bdrm .. den. 4
halhs, living rm. w/cathcdral ceiling.
Lge. master bdrm. s uite. S224,950
4 BR, fam. rm., 3 baths. Beautifolly
decorated Broaclmoor Plan 3, on extra
large lot. $325,000
341 Boy\1de 011vc. N B 675· 6 161
for mechanic, wood 1793o..1111.,c.,..__
worker, electrician, or 645_9161 .
'>?? Better hurry! Call ---------Ttus pretty 2 BR !ltu<l 10
type condo needs an
owner. Terrific Irvine
location. Priced Cor fust
,,...,, Ut Ao ft"•~ , .. c-_.._.
Mesa Verde Golf Club
5 Br, Cantastic view. 'I.!
Acre. $295,000. Shown by
appl. only, J790 Panay
Fireplaces :.ale. $76, 750.
VAWY 640-9900 One in the living room &
one in the dirung room.
Includes 3 bedrooms, r...~-....... """'=====~I
family room. plenty of ~ P\OC~ RANCH REALTY
cupboard & stor age ~\Es~ 551·2000 space. Gas BBQ & Cire· ~ ring out bock. $89,950, ~~~~~~~~~·1----------
Agt. 54()-0608 TIRBE" I I .
·ONLY$l34,950 Quiet cul-de-sac. Warm
& cozy living room One block to btO lake. w/brick Crplc. Sunkist
Thls brand new Wood· country kitchen w/wu.11
bndge home bas 4 big of glass. Tuck away HOME MR bdrms, 2 baths. rrml din . J rm, 2 overslzed frplcs • muster swte. l ~on 't
with 3extra large bdrm,.
& 3 baths. Great Cam1ly
home! $199,500
Sec forever white water
Vlew! This 3 bdrm. urul
has been highly up ·
graded, with 2~ tiled
baths. microwave. trash
compactor; see this
popular model. $169,500
pri mt Newport Bcacb Across the street to
neighborhood. $190,000. Perunsula Bayfront and Gettttal I 002 Geeeral I 002 PET'E BARRETI just steps to best Ocean· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••••••
See this gorgeous 2 story
beauty w/fmly rm &
fnnl din rm. Fabulous
side yrd & pool area that
flows from 11 v rm
w/vaulted ceilings &
Attractive 3Br+den. Ml
to bch. New landscaping,
cpt/drps. Ofr. 557·2005.
"7,500 worth or uporadt18. last at only $82,500. cau ... .. 75.2·1700 759-1501. Ol'f.N 1119• '' s fl.IN ro11 N~1 ••
Ocean view; this one h at>
it all! Charm, view.
spaciousness & clean!
Partially remodeled,
completely charmmg: room for expansion. 2
Bdrms., H~ baths.
Re~ FA~te l•lfltdM
WOODBRIDGE VIEW+ 110.SN.CoonHwy .. Logvna
CROSSlNG 494•1177
~ Walker & lee -REALTY--front. T!~~s~c:;~:~~~~E! SIX UNITS WATERFRONT 642·S20t HOMI s Seller is very anxious. In xJnt rental locauon in
· RE L t;ood area with some N . Costa Mesa. Blfl ~~~ 6~1-~~b~E ruce extras. This 1s un layout with lge. pool as 1---------1 after Christmas sale added attraction. Close
lotchen. Call today to in-Follntaift Valley I 0 34
spect. 545-9491. •••••••••••••• •••• ••. ••
SPACIOUS ---------1 item! 546-2313 lo major shopping & bus The VHlage or Wood· PRESTIGE 31601 Coost Hwy .. s.~ bndge. The best or both 2 Sty. formal dining rm, 499 4591 41DRM
Magnificent Mesa Verde
location. Super size lot.
006e to Country Club &
bike trail to the beach.
5120,000 can get you a
magnincent location and
a highly upi,:raded home.
We enthusiastically in·
v1tc you lo see th11; pro·
perty. 546--2313
Of'fN Ill Q •II~ IUN 1011( tJ<(•
1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Sunw00<. · great buy •
ch..irrrunR4 HR + family
rm. horn\ w/beauhful
new gatet, lg. yard
w/frwt lrets, garden.
huge sandbCI"< & prof.
landscaping, S86,500
Harriett Perry bU-8235
~IL ·rnacnab /Irvine
~ reeltg
FROM SS0,500 TO $895,000
Ileautifuf 4 BR + family rm home·
w/l~. pool. Pricert for immediate
sale at Sl74,950. OPEN FRI & SAT 1·5
Panoramic ocean view & steps to
private beach. Beautiful single
s tory 4 o r 5 BR wis unken
conversation area in living rm ..
Free flow poo l in enclosed.
courtyard. $349,000. Appt. only.
Donna Godshall 64·H i200. (C-12) ·
to buy a beautifully decorated "E".
plan in The Bluffs. on wide
greenbelt. 3 BRs + family rm as Jg.
as the living rm. Many extras &
upgrades. Eating area in kjtchen -·
2 patios -approx. 2200 sq.ft. of
country charm! Owner bought
another -hurry! 5157,500. J ean
Dales 642-8235. <C-13)
"Better-than-new" -beautiful &
spacious 3 or 4 BR on handsome
tree-lined street -perfect for you &
your family in '78 & many future
years. Garden entry, soaring
ceilings, formal dining, garden
kitchen & brkfst rm overlooking lg.
pool & jacuzzi. 2 fireplaces;
oversized Jiving & family rms.
S250,000 fee. Barbara Aune 642-8235.
PLUS waterfall & view of Big
Canyon. Npt. Center & breathtaking
night lights! Customized Portofino
w/llnisbed ))onus rm, custom
landscaping + too many extras to
mention! A MUST SEE at $212,000!
Helen Wood 644-6200. (C-15)
View of city lights Crom this
splendid 3 BR, formal dining rm
borne w/dramatic master BR &
bath on lower level. Brk garden
patios w/reflection pool Tastefully
upgraded w /every amenity ..
1298,500. Jeri Hunt 642-8235. (C·l6)
Oversized lot in exclusive CdM1•
comer of Femleaf & Way Ln. Duila your dream home & enjoy view of
Catalina. $240,000 lee. Cathy
Schweickert 6'2-82M. (C·l7 >
• "" '"., • ,, 1 ,, r·, ~r Ni<1 • l.ines. Just introduced t.o [\fl'. li~ftH1I w. _ .... -7711
CATALINA 3 Hdrm., 1 ba., kitchen. 1---------dinclte cottage on level
lot. JUSl 4 blks. from
downtown Avalon. Vaca-
llon run spot! $75,000
REALTOR 675·6161
-in the heart of Corona
del Mar. Approximately
4000 square feet on
ground floor plm 2 small
spartmenta. Parking for
1p t.o JO automobiles. 65'
i'cr square Coot.
"HANG 10
3 Br. 1 ba furnished
house nr W. Oceanfront.
Dbl gar. $125,000.
Burr White Realt~r
2901 Newj1orl Blvd N B
(7141 67!'1·4630
•. Beach 1s one house
away from this spacious
family home on TW 0 lots
in Corona del Mar. 5
Bdrms.. each with own
bath; family rm. with
frplc., m agnificent
mahogany paneling
thruout. Owners moving
out of area & pnced this
lovely home hclow
replacement al$330,000
. A 'Division or
Harbor Investment Co.
Ma~1c1ent while wuler
view . LltUe Canyon in
Old na del Ma.r ·So.
oC H~/! This artistic gem~tures 3 bdrms, ---------den & .ozy Cireplace. •a ....... D .... EW
Loads charm • re--" "" alistical priced! Call $64,900
oaw to see!! Towering, mature tree
OPtN1110-1 s 1uNTOACN1Cfl lmed street. Huge sun
Sot/S..l\"Mon I 0°4
204 Wab Forest Rd
Lovely 3 bedrm home. ---------$78,500.
worlds. Architecturally lrg. family room w/cozy 1-----------
unique 2&3 bdrm at· Crplc. 4 Lrg. B~'s. Your LGrJiU1C1 leach I 048
teched & detached re· choice of carpeting. Best •••••••••••••••••• •. • ••
· sidences from $96,990. Turtle Rock loca,tion. Branifnew 3 bed.rm home
·559-U6l Make your of er. w/spectacular ocean
WOODBRIDGE siss.oooy '40·'900 View in prime N. Laguna
BROADMOOR, 4 BR. V.AW loc. Plus additional
Roy McCcrdle
1810 Newport Blvd.
CostoMesa 548-7729
Cam. rm., pool & spa, all Ill I house to help w/pymnt.s. lndscpg., decking, fenc· ~~ ~er motivated. Sub. EXEC TOWNHOME ing, gorgeous improve--~\ EstOt~ m1t all offers. World Upgraded. ideally local· ments, model home ~ . WldeBroken,6734545.
ed. 3 br, 2"41 ba in Foun· cond Move in ready lain Valley. Convenient · · · Owner. 3br, 2ba. Top t.o shopping & schools. Agent 64().5560 l.alJllta hacfl I 048 cond. Nu crpts, open
••••••••••••••••••••••• beam, ocean vu. Prin on· Conv. ~A or VA terms. Lge 2br home. Beaut. A_bargam! Call for de-landscaping. Ready to lypls.$127,000.49'·1207
Fastidiously clean &
completely redecorated.
Featuring new cpts, drps
tails. move·in. sao.ooo. sss.sa12 Smosh·in!! 531-Sll>O. eves.963-0391
lnt1 RE M.tworlc A BARGAIN! Your fu.mlture w1 glow
& appl. Spacious bdrms HwiliaagtOft leach I 040
& formal dining. Ex· •••••••••••••••••••••••
pansive lush ground Incl. S.ALE IY OWNER
fanu.ly orchard & latllce 3 Br, tYJ ba Condo. Liv
greenhouse. All this + rm, din rm & inside
VA terms. Call today laund rm. Pvt. patio,
646-7171 ~ & gar. Upgraded.
· """' '110·irsrUNro8fMC"f• Nocommoowall. 2story. [ •lftbll\ll t-:-y_G_:-~-:-hR-,-9~-·~-r-2-:-~-.
Lge 2 Br home. Beaut
landscaping & paUo. lm·
mac. $80,000. Ph 559-8312
•. can you find a 4 bdrm.,
2~ bath home wilb Mt. &
golf course views, com·
munlty pool & jacuzzi,
tenrus, bike tra.ila .. you
name it • this home has
it. Fee land, too! $109,950
cov'd patio, newly de· Fix & Save$$$ cor'd, in nice S.E. sec-
Use your 1 maginallon? ,_u_· on_. s_79_._900_. 968-_· _59_3_s __ 1 ________ _
Wlth paint, carpet and DOtorT READ
rt1I 833-9781
Hester-Brown AtAllOAS
some fixin' you can turn THIS "'D th1a large 4 bedrm, fam1-•
Prime loc. 3 BR. 2 Ba,
Cam.rm, formal dln·rm,
unless your looting for a atrium, patios & more.
4 BR. 2 BA home that is $1.34,500. 833·1193
ly b orne into a
showplace. Big famlly
room, pool size back
yard, 3 car garage, &
much more!! This won't
last! Call now 645--0303.
immac! Super H.B. loca· 1---""-------
tion. (( you can find a
home equal to this one, at
a better price. buy it.
V.AU.EY 640°9900
in this 3 bdrm. view
home at the apex of Alta
Vista. Hard lo find, large
level lot. too! $245-.000
fl, • I I " I' .
IJ(I J 1 l I I '' ,•1 ',f •Ir
4<14 '!4 l '· '>·l " l!Jlb
E.AS Y LIVING Laguna Hllt I 050
in this easy-care 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Bdrm., 2 bath O·Y·O; an Townhome. 3 Br. din rm, easy walk to r.t aln llv, rm, 2ba. 1600 sq ft.
Beach. Easy terms with $75,000. SSl-1.234
private Cinanc:ing; it's Immed tranarer forces
easy to see this vacant seller to reduce this
property.Only$85,500. sharp A/C, 3Br, 2ba to
HOUSE ALONE $62,500, 2~ pts for FHA fin&n'g. Agt 768-5008 is worth this price. But i....;..~~~:.;;._;___;___
you can Jive near the &.o,.aMic)MI 1052
beach in Corona del Mar ••••••••••••••••••• ••• •
and have rear tenants r---------help pay. $175,000. OCEAN VIEW FORESTE
·-l'•t Ao.,,._., [
tifis'.tilll spark 11 ng family ~:;ftl~ilJ*I ~t~f!n~~~:~~~d~~~I~-·-·--__ -_-..;.._ __
wait, call 752·1700 [!:rliii]
A gorgeous 4 bedroom
home with separate
family room, covered
patio, TIIREE communi·
ty pools and convenient t.o parks, schools, shop-
ping & Creeway access.
Old Spanis h mans ion
wilb an ocean view. 3 un-
its one mile to Dana Poin1Marina. $215,000.
2 BR & den townbome ln
guard gate community
with recreation center.
swimming pool &private
parking for white sand
beach. Just reduced to
WILLTRAtEFOR C'H'fNlltO •ll Sl\JNIOllNJ((• P.~:.!!:.~ ~? c.~t.: [ ®'lft&llll
$64.500. ' -
San Clemente. ~bulous
golf & ocean vie'\'. 2000
sq. n. home. vacalt. Will
trade. $164,500.
Close lo Dana !oint
harbor, build your
dream home. Zoned for
horses. $139,995.
in Treasure I s l and.
Laguna Beach. Lovdy
ocean view. 2 Bl.---~----
$27,000. 1022 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Sl'ECIAL MESA VERDE VILLA 4 BR. frplc, very clean.
V_.., sharp 2 bdrm condo $TI, 795· Approx lSSO sq ft. -~ Owner out. of stale. in Mesa Verde, Costa
Mesa's best area. Sharp· 1-96041--44-· ------i
ly upgraded unit
w/warm earthtone col·
ora, private patio.
Motivated sellers bought
a home. Submit your
FHA or VA oUer.
Needs T.LCcre
3 Bdrm, 2 Ba-$65,000
Close lo Golden West
C.OUege & shopping cen·
Resale Specialists. MARQUETTE
3.4 o.r 5 bdrm models T lt E H 1 G H L y EHJOYTHE avail, some w/pools. D ES I R A B L E
HOUD·Y 96M602 TOWNHOUSE OF "' PenniogtooProperties UNIVERSITY PARK.
West Coast Paclflc
Real Estate
831-2600 496.asl Rustic architecture with • $ll,4SODOWM ProCesslooallydecorated abundant glass. Heavy MICROWAVE OVEN, & beaut. park·like yard. CENTRAL AIR CON·
CORONA CORONA DELMAR Vacant&ready for you! · shake rool, vaulted ceil· DITIONING, PLUSH
2 BR, 1 BA home on R·2 540-3666 ings, sweeping master C A R p E T I N G • DB.MAR lot. Live in front unit and children's wing. DECORATORDRAPES,
while building 2nd unit Open hearth fireplace. V A N L U I T 3 Huge BR. 3 tile BA,
den. dinlne rm. 2 sty
w/26' open beam ceiJ·
lngs, We entry, frplc.,
wet bar, laundry rm,
oversized dbl gar. 3000
Sq. n. ol very uruque Jly.
on rear oC lot. Out.stand· Magazine perfect WALLPAPtR. THE
lng Investment... Only ldtcben. Multi·purpose LIST GOES ON ANO .,34 500 area. In the S70's. One of .,. ' · . our newer homes. Bier O N • 1 NTT • S
Ing apace.
CALI. 955-0350
I t ,, , 1 f Ill I I I'\.~ J1/, "I 'I'
lit , ' II I I, 1 I'' 1'°
I WANTED WOODIRIDGE Hoine ln Sputass. BARGAIN So~th port Model
S II Z,SOO w/ tallna vlew. Will ~ dollar. can Nlck Financially troubled Vt Agt 752-6521 buaineaaman muat1-.;..:;..;,c.~:...,_;;,::.....:..:...,_;;, __
aacriflce tastefully UP·
graded house. Priced
aublta.aUall.1 below other
bousel on 1ame street. Qulclt aale a neceulty.
Hurry. t.ako adv.antaae
call 962· 7188.
,Q.. K€Y ••
Uae the D•lll Pilot ''faat WANr to boy J11rn1ne
R•• 1a It' Set y I c• Qteek U Wav~e,..st OR
Dtnctory. Your aervlde QtM, 2300 aq. ft. S BR
.. CHU' •Pfftlt\)'. Clll J\ome 0'WHU only. ~11LSZI. _tM~·llll __ -'----~
Uke new, by owner. 438 MAGNIFICE , IT'S Princeton. 4Br, 2ba, ,_536-__ 93U_. ______ , SUPERB, IT'S PRICED
pool. $119,900. 64.2-3729 ell $54,000 AT Sl22l.500. CALL 5. TODAY FuRAPP"T.
Fantasilc opp to own lg 2 TlJPLEX Br condo w/central air, red hill AL
IN MISA VHDE • bltn appliances, inchxl·
These unlta are freshly log dshwsbr. ChUdren
painted Inside & out &c welcome. Short walk to
are located in a auper clubbouae, pool, and 1•--------area. Private patloe & &bopplng. Seller to pay ~ate Jaundr)' rma lo for l yr home warranty
all apts. Walk to ahop· +11,000 cpt & drp al· N~ ~:.."~'!:~ lowanc;·,._.1100
~ Walkt!r C lee
Plan 42 in Culverdale. 3
Bdrm., 2 ba., large coun·
try kitchen. Freshly
painted -new carpets
and drapes. Larae well
landacaped back yard.
1042 .. .......................
OM year fV'mg. Uve in 1D1Nat ruce waterfront
aoeoftbetedl12Brunlta -• -1 .. 199 500 Call t ~ renl the other two. Bet· .. ~.., • · · · °'
th l ... _ da,y. t.er an money n """ PURCELL REALTY bank! jll5,000. Ait. Me-2M8 e.s:i~ or 553-0507 evw. 1--------·
*494-8057 *
Red tile roof, arched
Logma MICJINI Realty
496-2413 493.9494
4ts.5220 110.soso
porUco entry; 2 BR., Uv. Unobstructed ocean view.
rm. w/bay window & Monarch Summit. 3br or
frpl. Dining rm. Spacious 2 & den, a ale or lse. rear grounds. See today $135,000. Ownr.496-1177
atSl~.000. Hurry!
Mission Realty 494-0731
bdrms. & den. fantastic ocean & city views! XJnl
neighborhood, close to
schools. Seo today at
Only 2 short blks. to
ocean. 3 Bedrooms &:
guest quart.era, located
on large lot. Open beams
and more. A must see
home.$188,000 (4.1)
I lf J ' I 1
('t 4
, 1 1 11 I f 1 ~ f) I I, , I
1.h1 111,~ i·. II Yillll
Units, downtown Laguna
Beach. 3 Commercial, 3
resldenUal. Fantastic MllllclltVJeto 1067
ocean views.$595,000 •••••••••••••••••••••••
3 Bdrm. 2 ba, carpet,
OPPORTUNITY OF A cttpa,· patio, landscaped.
IJFETIMEI Oceanfront fncd, beautiful view.
restaur ant. heart. of 547·5550or830-3725
Laguna Beach. All new
equipmenL $&50,000 ~rwDDrt IHch I 069
Overlooking Laguna,
3,000 sq. Cl. Chris Abel
designed 5 bdrm. home.
A rare opportunity at
MAGNIFICENT 3200 sq. n., " bdrm., 4~ bath
home. Finest oceanfront
community. Loads of flX· traa. $3:i0,000
V.. Block to Weatcll((
Plaza. Cozy 2 Bedrm
home with pool. XJnl.
buy. Call now. 845-7221 s-· • .-...-.
~· BUILDER'S attention:
two R·2 lot.a, heart or
Dana Point. Both for
Wntdff RHlty INVESTMENT op·-------:..-
portunity: a beautiful MIWPORTHTS
motel, be.rt or Laauna 1bree Bdrm, 2 ba home
Heach. Close to beaches 00 trOplcally planted lot •
&. parks. Xlnt cond. One o( a kind. Walt.ltll
$750,000 ror • special porson.
B "· ,._ Designed. for f\m Uv1n1. µ.~ ~ua& 675-t8$1. ~ THICAWSOMCO.
499·1100 2:1119 Newport Blvd, N.B.
I ·
Ft•dly, December 30. 1977 OAll Y PILOT 03 ....._., fer S. Ho.n.n F~ ~ 1 1 Ho.Me• P'Of' S• Ott.-bat &tote HolllH U'l\flU'ftl,htd Ho.HH tMNl'nl1hed •··••··•·······•····•·· ···············•······• ...........•........••...•..••..•.••...•.....• ········•·•············ .....................•. ~':!!~~.~~ ... ~!.·.~ ~~-.. !~~.~ ~!!'!.: .. ,::; ...... ~~!.~ =!:-:c:~ .. ~~.~~ ~~ .......... !~.~~ ~~~!:~ ....... !~~~ ~::.~=~~ .... ~.~~~ .... ~~~.~~-~~ ..
•t.....-YlewHe-Ofl&IHOUSISUH ffERE'S VOUllCH.\ CE l~ 7 Unit., Stepe to 3br l~ba 11e b c.t ,Yd lnille 3244 Ml..,..tle•• l26' ...... l75Z
t &Jrm ~.. n 1"" j 17Ulf>urt Wcatboum•· Beaut 3 BR borot". 52500 bch. uu 2 !)((Ii. ' bac:b. Fer Rtllt ar L.... fruh tree•, t4~5/ mo'. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
8*111..1 and• hal.h boml: 1 p" Ull Owll dn C11ll now, 24 hr Pobl. "50.000 Dy Owner, I BR, $17S/mo. GIU1Sentr & wi.Ulr Incl. Unlv Pk 111. 3 Br 2"' 8a, • bt. S bA. ram rm. 3200 ~l'tnlc ''"w•. luxury
It &u tilt' '0 !"nlr) 4. IL\ROORVIEWJIOKE .crvitt~•Kt ~ Oowo ~1 5.$Acacit TreeL;i. tsl & last. Refrli: Ii + bonus r~. Oxford, aq.ft.l"'4SanUaao. N.B. aduJt aJXS, furn (& unr ~ll<"ht'n IJ:IG.oiuu lh :rn ZB• Ith °' 281\ vie• $52S/mo wshr/dryer M.2-1516 125.547-7044.~15 $1000mo.Ntenl,~l-5032 Near Rt&1orual Shopplni: ""1'11tf' Pnoc1p 1 uni> r • w m ny • • • • Cill 11_.0 upJX6, f'I•~ to add 2 Ollitl' letl 1st• . 2 ~-I Loto-CM 428~ Oegorua ----Univ. Park area. Conve-SPICIAL Center Heated pool.
2 UH l UA. dbl v. 1tle
mobllt!, atlult park
more bdrm Mo=.t de ••••••••••••••••••• •••• .._td SI O OOO 2 BJ\., den, $6251 mo olently located nr Irv. ln· s Br 3~ Ba condo, newly JllCUUI. Nr corner Alicia
1ttriAtile art'-. 0 1\ly ....... .._. ""'·-~-~··'d ""'EL.LIT" l!M7PortCardaff &Toro 3232 dustria1Park.38r.2ba, decor'd.Opt avalJ,Jant. Pkwy&Pa~dcValcn
>l:Al,5'JO F..s.ie 1100 vwnu uiU "' 3 B'R.den,v1ew,$97S ••••••••••••••••••••••• frplc , fncd patio, $52Smo.&t0-.2981 l'I•
••••••••••••••••••••••• 41 s pacao u" 3 Bdrm 212S YaebtRadJant ~per, lovely 3 br, 2 b1t, $.500/mo.SSZ.9'73 A(.t(;I,\ PLAZA
675 .. 3'2
~ AHH.ots, Est. lt07
S:m t1emcnte 11ruf. bltl.i. Xlnt 1ov1i:1tmt:nl op. 0Cr1c" s uitus avail. 1-8
JX>rtunity. Bluffs Plaiu, <t ftooms I.urge parking
BR, new cpl. Best poss1 nrc11 Hcnt at ~'\< per sq.
hie financing. Call for ft. Consic.lt'r tr ades &
sh<Ming. $1111.500. term'> S252.500. 493·0233.
VAWY 640-900 ~-q01Estat«P\C]CQ! ~~~to. -J"" ~ . .'2.'l.'l1
M.I . 11!.A)A99
OHL Y $92.000 ---
"2 rrule to bcath, blCI l'On
do profei.a.1onally d e
t'Ol'ated. 2 big bdrm:; 2
buths closti to pool.
:.auna & 1acuu1 or walk
tiown to beach. 75'J-1501.
Heat E&tatc
I l:JR t•on<.111 an tbc IJr••
slJgaous Bluffo; Clo:.11 tu
Hack Dav & F'ai.hion
l:>land. P r1vult• l1wat111n
Corner condo umt watb
O<"ean view from patio. 2
Bil. 2 Ba with cathedral
ceahni:s Close to golf
couri.e & commun11 y
pool S74.!l00
496-2413 493-9494
495-5220 830-5050
from tlus 2 Bit c harmer.
640·9900 locatl'd on cawel rcsidcn
llal street that leads to
~ popular T-Strect beach.
bousb 1''rplc:., beamed 2 BR.den, view. $600. fpll'. crpt, fenced yd, ..... HVll " Br, Fam Rm, &VILLAGE
Trailer •P•« 8JIJ6 udult c e 1 I 'g !\ & M 0 R E ' 27 Mon urn as Es te lo<W pet.s welcome. $425 . .cinarp 3 br. 2 ba, fplc, DW. clean. up&raded, park ~Hll51 581-6130
perk. s.&11 6173 $99,500-Sulintat olfer 5 Bil S7801 mo 963-4567, Agent. no ree. fncd yard. super area . view. Xlnt cond. S67S mo. ~ny. no pel.a.
wper1 lul lslllt ~12 Port Weybnd.:1.1 $41!. 963-4567, Agent, no 644·2185 7 Ass.aalls 4 BR. Cam rm, din rm. Twnbse custom 2.Br, 2Ba. fee. • • Mlwporl a..a. 3 '-' I 0 x 40' r.-odeled, View, S97S/ mo wr, attach gar. spacious, BAYSHORt:S, cbarmine •••••••••••••••••••••••
xtr• clean. $7100. (1141'45-WS 20l9 Yacht Ret1oJute »Wmo.544·1041 / 3bf, 2ba. f'rt!Sldent Home 3 Br. 2 ea home. bltns,i--------•
fwa. Acron from I(. In Turtle Rock llills. dsbws br . tpk, beam •
Mwt shop'n center. 4.PLEXES '°"""""Valley 3214 $600.~-2088 clgs, 1 blk buy, $560. b · '31 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2l3-.545s2708 I
646-6911 ow•er. Hunt Bc h, <..:ovangtons. Lee 3br , Westmont. Woodbrtdge New 3Br , dln . ~e 2191 Hwbor. Sp 34. pnme location. lmmac. Beaut. yrd, refrte. rm, tam rm, atrium. Sharp <&br, 2ba, lormlll
CM.AdlhOftty H igh in('ome Pvt wshr/dryr lncl'd. Avail SSOO.Ph (714)494·2458 din. r m . rumtua rm.,
Colta~wptlch Jt.,........., HOMEFINDERS 997-76119_ _ _ Twnhm a Br 2,,. Ba, rec ~-~7 mme · · ~~/A~.~~nt $185,000each. l/l/78. $450 mo. 538·3824. Nr n e w, Woodbridge ~.f\, bacltd aysa::~· BIG'
f?8~Jk~ :6~~ o.Luxe 2 Bdrm Ho,. ~a:= :i :~~~Is 3 Br 2 Ba, cpts, drps, fplc. priv pd. SS2S mo. 833-2265 - --
Lovely 2 Or & b11Lh an walh t wo t R r un1t1. Sample · S400per mo. NewlBRcondo,aircond. ~~!sfrs~~t\e:!0:',.:t· · •
adult pet park. Gorgeous Ularuuni: Tri-plex. rare· S95 l Br, rum, ul.11 pd 1-213-947·32().$ _ _ pool, jac, sauna, tennis. Yrly ise'. 2 Br. 1 b~. "ar:
corner lot w/beautiful ly on the market. Nr 0 .C. $2722 Br. tree uuJ Ht llaCJI •-h 3l40 clbhse $295 mo Owner/ • GREAT RECREATION• • L',.aruroonds •·Caty J-lall _,,. 3 Bdr k d & " •~ _. Oft -ac · t ·ILI6-0785 · tl7S-2537 or Cl> 784-0869. Sw1mm1'ng saunas 2 lodsl'p g. Vcry private .-.. .. · "" . · ~ m, 1 :. ... ~ .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ogen .'" • • poccb & pauo w/plenty of 131 Clearbrook Lane, CM s Br spacious w/pool lo health clubs, billiards , r1uwen1. roses, climbers, CM. Sl 25.000. Agnt UFETIMESERVJCF. POOLUOMF. Deerfield Townhme, 2 Br. rrudnt yard Will reoi to n1ghl·lighted t en nii.
humm1ngb1rd reeder:.. _04~523~ 557..0822 4 Bedroom, ia.. bath, 2'h ba. Patio, lrplc, gar family or ~n&I m ature courts. Pro & pro s hop, ~.ra~~~.~'h:it":i':b:'<t~ luildef'doH·out a.oa1s1anc1 3206 ~~~.c~~i ~~~t ~:oo~:~·a~:i,r~!~: adlta.$900mo.556-0975 ~:"vmgrange,party
social actjv1l1es i:alore• 1beonly41ert. Duplexes ....................... at962·7788 5.5l-6<M6or552-8486 Newport Shores FUN ACTI VITI ES:
0 n I y S 2 l . 90 0 . Lt l' n r S C · Pl aza Bk r With option to buy, 2 sty, 2 310 Proeped. 3-4 Br, 2 f\alltlme director. free
HD9328·29 557-9710 Br. 2 Ba, LltUe Island. HAPPY Ba. nr clubhouse. pools, Sunday brunch, BBQ's,"-
CAU 1"0RNIA PACWlC Call Bill, 675·3859 or ocean & tennis. No pelS. trips, parties. sport.
.Mobile Home Realty HOME & INCOME 962-8847 8~· NEW YEAR Ideal ror family. $510 mo. tournaments & more!
2706 Harbor.Suite 208 Lurge 2 bedrm duplex lcAooPenimula 3207 lease. avl 113. Schworer. BEAUTIFUL AM'S: CALLS.&0·5937 Spend 1978 an a brand n 4-673 2654 bed w1lh oversaicd gara~c. ••••••••••••• ••••• • ••• • ne w be a c h h 0 m c. · · " Sangi es, 1&2 rooms.
$I 00/Mo. Rental
1978 Skyline. 2Br. 2 bu.
plush putlo porch for th»L
sJ)t!Cutl couple or person
who enjoys luxury. Love·
ly localaon, swimming
JJOOI, etc. (S0813) $23.llOO.
Mobile Home Realty
2706 Hurbor, Su Ile 208
CALL :>40·5937
Loh for Sal•
Qwct & private. near 3 Br. 2 Ba. dbl gar. over Spacious. upgraded thru-Westcllrf 3 Bdr m, 2 ba l'Urn. & unfurn. Models
mu1oc shoppmg. Perfect 1m.ed lot. lmmae no out. frplc., dbl. garage, SUPHI w/pool. patio, wate r open daily 10to1. Room-
~tarter or re tirement pets. Lease $5251 mo. pvt. yard Children & Largest Orange Tree paid. $650/m o. S48-«f95 mat.e service avail. N<>
home.CallS<S0-1151 C2131447-:1Al0 pets welcome. Only condo w /m any u p -lease required. Sorry. ,.~_ ... _.Mor $52.Sf mo. See dally 1·5. grades. Air cond .. good Olannel front 2 stry. 3 .+ adult.sonly. no pets. ~-3222 513 17th St. Agt. 960-6161 locution, near pool & ten· st~y, !rplc, huge pauo. Oakwood ••••••••••••••••••••••• · 0n1 "'°"' I c U t 1 l p d 6 7 3 . s 18 7 or ~1311. rus. Y ._,.5 mo. ( -19) · ' Ga rden Apar tments This is a charmer ! Gil Ide 752.1414 213·789·8768 N•.,.... leecWMerttl
3 BR. 2 ba., den, 3 frplcs. L"'A"'E 2 B 2 b Co d I . t l7Lh> Patio. SS25 Mo .. yearly. 3 BR, 2 BA.. pool, renced ---------"""" r, a n o 880 rvme <a 2200 PaulMartmRltr yard.2cargar .. close to ...,...leach 3241 nr Hoag H osp . Jo'P, &45-0550
••••••••••••••••••••••• 644-738:! IJ75·562l schls & shps. $395/m o. ••••••••••••••••••••••• dshwshr, encl 2 car gar Mt.,.... lhech/Sowffl
---lst&last.673-4545. 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. atrium. (elec>.S395.84S-8294evcs t700 16lh~t ~-~a\ r:.s'o'<Z p p\OC~~q Large tencl'd y ard & ~... t. hardwood floors $78,300. ---------•I HAWAII Spac.3br,2bu.Cathedral frplc completely Bluff 3 BR 2 B Cod i l)over at 16thl
Cho1tc acreage overlook· beamed ceilings, (pie, 2 br w/gar. $250. ~p'-l!., remdld'. Walk lo beach & co~etely' red:cora~~: 642·8170 -.t ANCHORAGE llVH MONTl-~GO 4hr. 2ba. INVESTMENTS
fam rm. Ownr. 2015 Purl 17141 49.._7711 Chelsea. &10·1981 -
•Al Ft. bayfront. 1 IJH. <lcn. San Clement• I 07 6
p1tr. on Pentnsula ••••••••• •• ••••••••• •••
\l.m.hu:t IUtr IH5 11;oo EXECUTIVE HOME
I l'lcx. 100 fl from ol·can. Only once an awhile do
~:! 18,000 W I anti ' ~ou find a qualJty home
\Ian.hall Hit) bi:i 4tiOll rom(' 1111 the market that
OC-E,....,, VIEW 1s PRICED RIGHT. al '""" $154,500. You will find a CONDO, REDUCED lari;:e. 4 BR. 1-~AMILY
$THOUSANDS$ home. loaded with ex-
ltedw.;l•d for a (.1st sale trus. llui:e YllJ'd , patio.
\'<H':JOt & sl'llt•r 1:. :mx l1rcpl:.H·e. fru1l trees,
lllUS. lk'Jlllllul 2 hr l'O OCEAN VfEW. Enjoy
unil w/fpk Communll) l'ooktni: thoM! steaks on
IJOVI. :;uuna & J01l'U1.1.i. At the pauo i:as 1.HiQ. while th1~ prirc 1t won't 1.ist• lhc kids pluy basketball
flurry' Cull 645-0:JO:s. or vulll'yball on the
flrlH'<J C'ourts THU L Y ,\
F,\~llLY llOMf: ••
''" l'ly l>ovC'r \'111111:1• I
ltlk to Wl'Sldaff f'L11a
c '01y 2hr home w 1I11>1
L.: r<'l' rm pool. ,,1una.
dbl R.t!:_Appt 645 lltPH
:.!1!'1 L>d Mur •1!~2 ·11 21
SC91 JuClft
CGpistrano 1078 ...................•..•
Extra hirgc hwldmg sate
1n Jn c1Ctremcly dcsar n
tile custom c.itate area or
San J uan Capistrano
Hur al atmosphere. "aew:s
Jcrus:. I he <..:a pasl rano
Valley $124,500
J :'\lonarch Ray Plaza
La1oiuna Nig uel
496-7222 831-0836
One or the mo'l diarm
•nl! home' wnh l:in.:1· hv
111.: rm. rormul tJ111111.:
t m, hhrary, lam rm :)
llr, 40110 ''I It. ll .1,
i:uri;eous Ol'can \ ll'"-
Pnol & Jfll'. Shown da1l v
14 f'M . <163.'l l'l•rham Ur
•'41>·7<1 M Okr. or 615·2)W81---------•
.ll!k for Louise 8akt•r
mg the Pacahc. S8500 per dbl gar .. yard. $525. Water pd. 2710 A town $800/ mo P b Pool. park-Uke setting, i---------.. .it•r..:. One & three acre 6T.1·871Il.710Goldenrod. Delaw are. 636·<&120 64().702o • $525.yearly.644-1667 parrcls a,·aalable. Hurry . l·Spm.
tor best selection Spyglas.<> HJll View JBr, 2 Br1112 Ba Cplc view nr WATERFRONTllOME BACHELOR APT. ESTATE SALE 89 . .,785·5 fam rm. $1000/mo a.ncl'g 2br, l l!aba. Frplc, fnc'd to bch & sbops.' No n:t.s. o-gardener. 644-8184 yrd. $365 mo. 962-7787 ask Adults .,,,10 4,,..3223..... 2 Br . encl gur.. boat ALLUTlL.S PD! 1!173 Skyline 20x44. 2Br.
IS1163U.X) Adult park.
Orange. r..:nl $95 Im
m11cuJatc ,1ttract1\C' 1n
arl'a S<x' tuday s2:1 !l'J5 lkacly to bwl<.I on Int. f,111.
La:.tll' Ol'l'JO \ ll'W & .. alk
HELP! Lu bcal'h, La~una
Owner must sell 1m mt'<'I. Owner1ai:cnt ti7:l·i2Hti
has moved to nt!W homt• Out of C Best pnl'c. 3lir. 2B:i an 5• ounty
lanuly pct park, 1::1 Toro, Property 2550
:Mx.52. Sunny brook, 1972 ••••••••••••••••••••• ••
(l79lX·U 1 Mini Ranch w /View
MAKBOFFF;lt Sml home on 5 al'.
SLASHED T0$9,750.
Was a:.kani: S t :1,su o.
Similar homl!S pril'ed
tills much & more U!n
tral Uran){<: County IOl':J·
Lion (;ood cond. xlnt
Swl'<lash frplc. lg porch,
rose g.1rdl'n Fru1 l ,
Almond tn·1·" Corr~al.
daickt•n h ousl' Only
S38,!1801 tcrm" <'all l\t'r
Fr,·y 5 12 3-t 5ti lh-11
llankle It t-:
park. Only Sl02 50 rent. RHI Estat~
Lei us l>how you toduy. Want.d 2900
wlll hclL fast 1Ux!i5 Grl•al ••••••••••••••••. •••••• Lake Ultil. IDN·l\158> PACIFI C C OAST OW"l Pr operly in
Rf.SALES. INC 991-8660 ln!!_lcwoud ll ~wthurnl· ---------•I orSo Ba}' area' WILL PAY CASH!!
3 Beautiful Mobile home"
hsled in this 5• family
pet park m t:I Toro ~l'I!
l'h Tom l)'Alles1.andro
C:!l:Jt674 tiUlli or lil4 1
j.tt; 6201 an) l ime ur
(714 >IWti 5221 ult tipm us beforl! you bu.)
PACll-'I C COt\~T
HESALES. INC. 991-11660 Rentals --------...................... . Acnoge far Sale 1200 Homes Furnish.o ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••.••..................
I. I \I •
• '' I
Rare opportumty -2 BR + den & formal dining
rm. 2 F1 r c pt aces ·
beautiful l'pU.. & drps
Tl!nnis. pool. ,::uuded
i::ate. S7501 Mo. (<..:-20>
Barbara Wnght 644·6200
CostaMna 3224 ........•......•.......
:1 BH. 2 DA. bl){ ICnl'ed
vu rd . 1 \rs old
S525/month C/\1.1
4 BR. 2 BA. fenced yard,
new pamt & l'arpeting.
$525/m o nth. CALI.
556-2600 c:;:: S ELECT
!'> Hr 3 Ba homt· un ROif
course. Opt a\'J il now
~mo. &10·29!11
FIVE ACRES a.oa PMinsula 3107 3 br c<>ttai;e. pool. Jlll'uz1.1,
••••••••••••••••••••••• d1Shwasher. adults only Hard to find horse pro OCEANFRONT b 2 b 645·24!l8 perty Brand new 3 BR, 2 • 4 r. a ----
for Mac:: 546·8609 .... mo. ""' dock. Winter rental,
-move 1n 2/78 $360.
V ..J I 3 bed 2 2 Br. den. l'.2 bath. acant an · rm, panoranuc ocean view. b'T.J-4790
ba, l'rpts. drps. fenced $450 497-2370 SEAVIEW-38r, 2Ba. ocn yard. $395 963 4567 --· ---
Agent. norct' 2 Br 2 Ba gardens. 2 non & bay view, guarded
100' Crom the ocean.
Scml-Cur01s hed. Av a1 l
now' 201 E Balboa Bh·d.
Yrly. $225 J>('r mo. N()
1-'EE. C all Sue al
556-77'17 anyll me -'mkrs no pe'6 $400. Avl i;ate. pr1val'y + com.
Townhouse. 2 br. 2 ba. ~/ 15. 494.8375 muruty pool, jacu21:1, ten· e~~~~~~~~~
new end unit. Adult over --nis, S900 mo. &-10-0327
40. 968-5430 or 962·4 154 &,_,... Hll1 3250
••••••••••••••••••••••• A·Frame-3Br, 2ba,. 2 car 2 Br, JI/• ba, cpl!!. drps. 2 . gar. Be am c calan gs, car gar.. lgc fnred yd, Attractive 3 BR. 2 BA pool plw.h cpt.s. Club, tenm~.
c ul-de-sar S3501 m o. hm. w/frpl & A/C. Nr. pools, +walk to beaC'h.
(213)797-3426 new.Call4S.a.86ll $550 yrly 645·04 23.
lAgl.wMI Hi9MI 3252 &i&-3666 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Attrat'tavc. l'lean. 2 Br l'~
ba condo. S295. Pools, play arcus. tl73-94&1 Lovely 3Br, 2ba. fncd yd,
sprinltlus. gar opener ,
nodogs$450/mo. 497-3146
San JMClft
Capistrano 3278
2 Br, 112 ha <..:ondo 2 y rs
old Pool. laundry. i::ar
s:Jr,01 mo !lti:l.0250
3 BR. 2 ba. yrly. $595
2 Br. bousc unf. $375
3 BR. 2 ba, unf. $425
l01~ w 81lboo ol l Jobi
Spat· l:Jrook' at•w Cundo.
end un11 :Jllr 2 1 ~ bu.
fqllt . :! pJt1os Nr
3 Br. 2 bu condo. VIiiage
Beautiful Sea Terrac e San Juan. nr lake. pool. 2
home.3 Bdrm,2ba.fum rar gar $J8~/mo
rm . frml dming & laving. 495-5760 Nwpt El Bluff. 2 straight
Pvt commumty w/pool, prof men seek 3rd to
pool tenn1 lo S ~!.1 5
1acuzz1. tenrus & beach. 2br, 2ba duplex Crpli., share lge ocn vu home •
S7251mo. Poss. lse/opt drps, range. dshws hr. wl pool $300/mo. incl
752-!rl2Jor499-4611 dblgar,$325mo.493-4268 Ulll . mu1d & e r d n r
Mi--t~ VJ..&... ~267 SClltta Alto 3280 SW~ _ _ Nice 2 lir Condo I ' 2 DfVn '"r" ~ bat.tu. frplc \\' o. patio. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I BR Winter rental. on the
{'arport (.'pts drp!i 38r28a new home ran· ~per value, 3 br. ~bu. beach S225
$365 mo Ph !lti3·2827. t st1c ~aew mirr'ored lplc, OW, carpets Kids & 675-8221 t>l.2-0006 a · , pet OK. $395 963·4567 doors, lplc, bltns. a\ I 1~-Agent. no fee Sub-let J Br apt unlit !I'm.
Sparaous 4 bdrm. family med. $485 mo. 1st & lai;t, -78 Park Newport ,\.,t<..
home w1pool. Lse or mo S200 ~.Nancy, s.is.as.io WHhNMtw 3298 S350 mo S.W-70!l7
R . M or 675--1853 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • to mo S475 ala yers -----I\!.~. 5J9-05SO or 49-1·5420 Lg nu 4 or Jbr, Jba + Almost new. 4 bedrm. 2 ba ~nts
----bonus rm. 1900 sq ft. Up-w l fplc, OW & l'Pt !> Unfurnish.o
I l~'<iroom condo, pool, grades thruout. s420 P . r e s t 1 g 1 o u s ••••••••••••••••••• •• •• te1101s. :.upcr loc11tlon. S81·:1A93 neighborhood. A s teal al • ......._ ,_, •.. 1 3807 $250. 962·7788 $150. 91i3-4567. Auent. no .._a nnn-.a fee. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Super 31Jr. J'•b11. frplc. Newport let1eh 3269
bltn.<;, putlo. nr schools. •••••••••••••••••••••••
~t·w twnhsc, J Rr, 21 2 ba
C'hooi;e rulor~. f'urk .
pool, 1aruu 1 lie low mkl
-: KI , 90 O. 5 5 7 · l 0 4 ti •JI'
BA home. lluge famLl y home avail. I' cb. thru Ju-3 BR. 2 Ba. rrpk. bltni<.
room. wet bar. frpll'. 3 ly. Frpll'. was h/dry, 885 Senate St. S425 mo
CAPT AIMS HILL car garal(c. Won't lus t' dshwbr 2 car gar .• No L'lt & last +sec 83:1-0305
ldc,al .. orncr location BL'R pcL'i $750/mo 644·9582
15532 Pehl' an s.iist mo. UVE ON
I 7 14 ) 5:Jti 117 5 4 o r nfEGOLFCOURSE!
Nice hal'h Sl 90 nc:i;p
Real ruce, 3 br. 2 ba. rpll'. adlt. VIII. pd No P.£'l:> JOO
crpts. kids/ pel OK, $395 E. Bay Ave, apt 9
9634567, Agent, no fe1• ---- --
. " · -· --· -tBr. 0 as & water pd. "''"0. near Uana Ma ra n a (7lA)677 ux01 ~ ...,... .. ..,,,., 2 Br. pal10. s:125 per mo Adults. no pets. 548-4l:J5 Brand new :1 rm. 2 BA OR 522 OS.10 with uµl(radcd carpets. ~nts . ~~ly l. I 819-0957 or ~v_e_s IW2_' ·08:!_5. 646-6423
Vu llcy. mountain & ~·~---NEWJb 2b r mrm 2
9UAUTYDUPLEXES ocean vaews.Owneranx-•• ~.~!'!~ ........ ~?~~ CostaMHa 3124 sly. ·q:.·el. 3~/ !>C his, ~ Nl'w duvlexes from 10011. Make offer. S97.500. . •••••••••••••••••••••• • mi cro w a v c. d a y i.
S 179.000. Pr1 me Nwpt LCllJll"G Higu~ R.Gty Slud 10 apt. Ros!>moor l.ge Bach urut. $220. Pvl ltl.5-J..137, e\·es 673·8484
lli::ts location . All :1 496-24 ll 493.9494 Towen<. Leasure World pal.lo. bltns. no t·hildn•n lid rm, 21"1 bath un1t1> 495-5220 830•5050 For s a I e Es la l t! or pets 1110 Vi ctoria 2 BR. den, Country Club
1"..-st user dcprl•C111L1on sacrifice.494-3167 646-3l97 · Villa condo in Mesa
Topquuh&y con:.tructmn !-~~~~·--·------• Verde D~ gar. patio, ~~~~e~Yi~1~/·1,gut~t~~ SarttaAna 1080 ~1a1~ 1100 •w=:n 31 42 ~bi~~~hl{o~~~· ~c" port Beach. C..111 to ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •• • • • • • ••••••••••••••• ••••• ••• ~
(213 )438·201 R Big Canyon Townbom e, 2
~°" br, 2 ba $700 per mo.
HwbOur 3242 640-5274
HARBOUR Sea Gate end
unit twnhse 4 Br on
lagoon. 30' slip. I yr lse,
no pets. 840 1042
lnlne 3244 ••••••••••••••••••••••••
BIG CANYON. Absolute·
ly s mashing Augusta
Plan. A masterpiece of
dramatic design with un·
surpassed golf course
view! 3 BR & den.
$'19oV Month
&1l·hclor. I Blk to bcarh.
all util pd Sl85/mo
3425 675·10S8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LANDMARK Magnoli a $210 Bar hclor, rcfr1~.
Atlanta He.' Adu IL.; only. Pl US~ l'Pl, .. I' !I blk1. bdl
over 40. Milllon s rec 615·6775or67S-80l8 _
faCJJ . Secunty. all a pphe. Cor'OIMI Mt Mor 3822 ~1366 eves. •••••••••••••••••••••••
Apcrhfttnh Fumishtd •••••••••••••••••••••••
l6oCI Isled 37 06 •••••••••••••••••••••••
c1ay for appt. &rn 7171 ATT!KTIOH FHA New La~ishly furms hed & Exec Home nr SO.-.~a,sl '''"" . ., '"'''>t"' ,, &VABUYERS 2On1 decorated 2 Br. dentof· Plaza. Lge J Br . '2'ba
l ~ I READY FOR YOU fil•e 212 ba townhouse on Garden katchen/fam rm IJ.ij,l:}~i~ Builder must sell 2 :;hurp wal~ wt boat shp ten Cpts1 drps. laund rm, izar
2 BR.1 Ba ..
2 BR+ D,2ba
3 BR.28a.
J BR,212ba
UALTORS 640·5560 Nice hte, cheery 2br. i.un
NO FEE! Houses. condos, dck. quiet adults no
duplexes . Renta l pets.$3756734394
i1M0Jf ~:::;1:~vi:~~~~e.~;~ ~~~\11':~:~~~~~~~ n 1 ~. pool. 1a c ~ll.1 ;1arndos~;;ed ~~ri~J 4 BR. 21t ba .
4 BR,3 Ba
~"_P_o_v_ill_o_n_._67_5_--4_9_12_B_k_r_. -Studio Apt. near bearh 2 Br Townhouse, frpk
Pool. Lennis Some ocean
& Cat.llana vae~s Cl<>!>e
to F'ru.h11m Island &. fine
beuch Alsol Br.644·2611
nice c pts JUSl s ham· rebuilt Sobmat all (ff. Comple te & m<Jd e l bkvrd 2 patios Buses to 5 BR. 3 Ba $87 Luxury Condo, 3 bedrm, 3 0111between6·10 P:'\1
bath. den. walk to beach. __ 67_5_~_ 2 ---------91 pooed. Good area· many YERS Callnow645·7221 perfect $900 P?r mo. Al At'I Newport/Me,,a
NEWPORT HEIGHTS trees OHered at VA ap· S • G ti Johnson..:. 840·4724 schools incl i:dnr Avail
Charrrung 3hr. 2ha home vrmsaJ pnre of $62,SOO. ecnon 1 rH "9' ~leach 3148 Jan lsl. $6501 mo lse.
3 Rll21, ha HVltms S Pool. tenni11. S-050/mo .• ......_ ,....-1-_.a 3707 Avail 18 mos. lease. Ask -• '""'"-a .......... .... .. . . . . . . . _________ .,
1n r hoacc ltl<'allon. at Call now to ms pcct your ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 531-7344
I I future home. 545·9491. · --1rart1ve ru-< e i,,1 1· CHARMER, lbr w/gucst 3 Br 2 Ba, dbl gar, encl ~trect $135.000 hse. $350 first & last + patio, cpts, drps, bltns. 00?ri~~~~~~lhl:!1~v. . dep. Avail. l t l S/78 pool. kid s ok . No
Joan Unfy, Rltr Wntc:!l~ ~ealty 49-l-BL'Jl --pets.$365 mo. 644-4486
642·4791J ----~ Hl911tl 3152 3 Br l 'h Ba, 1500 sq .ft .. on FIXER-VA lncomt Property 2000 ....................... Gibraltar. Yard maint,
NocJown, low ctosin n cos ••••••••••••••••••••••• New 3br, den, 3ba, s hort incld. No pel~. 751·9662 .. ~RT HEIGHTS Wive Sea. fwy, Nr lake for info. ts. spacious 4 Br w/air """'...., .. .., $550/mo.831 -31211
for J ay. Agent. 644-7270
& tennis. E xciting 2
Story, 4 bdrms. 3 ba, SUD·
deck & atrium. $6251 mo
lse. ·
L AR GE home on
'+523 CAMPU5l>a~IRVl"E WATER with boot dock,
2 Story w/4 bdrms, lam Want a REALLY CLl::AN
llOVSE" Call Ginithum
<;irt f'rt•t• c:.l 1145-5123
Uass1f1lod r\Cis 642-.5678
S Ci;t P~aza area & DUPLEX
Stll,950 Hurry & call• a sharp :l HR Wll&S.
Turtlerock 4 br. ram rm . rm. din rm & prival'y 3l69 3 Br . gur. cpts. drps . dlnrm,2ba,vicwof UCI $1200/mol<>e. ~~~.~~ ........ :O~~~ mo. 642·5466 Avail J un 3rd. Lse UDO NORD best loca-Agent. ~646 wt private patioi.
Mr-port leach I 069 MrNport hoch I 069 Owner will help fmancti.
Cad '5S.Oi50
0eautlrut West Newport Grdnr. water . as!lon tion. Exec 2 Bdrm. den.
beachfronl home 5-6 Br, 3 Br, 2 Ba. Cam rm. pool dues pd by owner. $575 dining rm. New In & out
2 ba. Spcl'aal low rate ror tnble, dbl gar. beaut _/\¥).. 54~ S700/mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
110111 ILllff S aa.
• 1 l f , • l I 11 r ,_.,, ''' "' ti mo tse. May consider yard. $425. 642-5466 or Orancetree Condo. new ON LIDO. S pecial 2
yrly. (7141956·5871 ~--bdrm w/loft. Brown cpl, ~rm++. Glamorous
NEAR BE"CH 2 br. 2 ba. 3Br, J ba. New cpt.s/drps. sell-cleaning oven. hideaway. $850/mo
n Avail. now.Sm /mo. ON WATER. Fabuloua TRIPI.IX. C.M. garajle & yrd. $650 per Frplc. 458 Broadway. 552.7552 VIEW 2 8t w/beaut cle·
l-11 "' •1111· I f ;t I CH I i-1'•
Gr-eal Eastside loc. mo. 645--8914 • $400. Ph 645-446l bn c.uSiSO/mobe.
newer3br, 2ba. frplc. yd. BLUFFS CONDO. •Br. EXECUTIVE the Laite. Woodbridge
C2)2br.lba,pallot.encl 2ba "Z" P l an . Nr POOL HOME -North Croasln g. 2 Br. Nr. W••hONtHws
gar.$165.000. schools. sh~ & boy's Collta Meu. 2 Sly, 2600 Beach Club. $600/mo C4 HI 1400
TumLec, Rlt.r. 1\42 1003 club. Avail. Feb·Sept ~.ft.. 4 BR. 3 ba. form CaU 551-1234 •
5 U .... ITS S~/mo. 644-1755 din .. pool serv. Ind. $650 University Park 1'errace " - - -Mo. 5'5·'1508 Dave twnhme, 38r, Zbn. frpk.
COST A MESA ...._.. u..tur.llhtd "'-··d 3br 2b __ ... d b I a a r . S 4 7 5 / m o .. ••••••••••••••••••••• .,...,..,1 e , a Cvu..,o. ssz,.7896
Seavlew. 3 Br, 2 ba .
P ool. t e nnis. h c .
5875/mo. yrty 875-MQ Two 2 bedroom. three l GIMl"al UOZ Frplc. dbJ car. $400 mo.
bodroom 1.mllt1 in ,ood 646""380 "--i or• Aase. New 2 Br. h arp H arb or View I ., l ••••••••••••• •• •• • •• ••• ------0491 ...... r ont ll 111•e3. ~c or1_________ 2'h bA. llerit.afe Prk. of( Monaco s Br. nr poot, ln.-
mottvnted. FREE 1•--1•1•1·.-1·.·.--· Wa lnut . U p g r a d es, cl flrdnr . Avail now.
• ..... house. large yard. AvaJl. U U / m o . 752·U U now. $350 per mo. W t Own/ Alt b-lease, no deposit re· ~ RENTAL LIST St<fe C.M. Call Su•: · quired. avail. lmmed.
!4e 4 br upper, all uppl
Across from bch. Winter
only. $525/ mo. 962-1904
Spotles'\ Wa lk to bch.
40r JBa Fm rm 2100sqft.
Vrly, 50'.l Acacia 645-7G-1l!..
BEACH. View. Pier. 2 Rr, 2 Br 2 Ba. hke new, 2 l'ar
$450. 1 Br $325. Adults, gar, washer /dryr. S445
u t i I. pd . 3 0 3 IL 759 l l:Jl '194 2966 Edgewater. (1 )871-2866 -~· .:. _:_ -·---
Corona det M 3722 BIG cozy lbr. frpl. pool.
•••••••••••••!'•••••••,• Snglt marr1e d cpl. No
lBr Studio furn. 5 blocks ~/child S350 fl40·7030
from beach. $275 mo Luxury lbr w mtru oce an
67S.9oll 7 & Jl'tly \11!1' s. only steps
CostaMftCI to Ouna CO\ I' $450 m1),
3724 675-253.'> •••••••••••••••••••••••
Studio, 1 bedroom
Maid service, pool
2376Newporl Bl. C.M.
548-9755 or 645-3967
Wiiia. Y IA ns
~u lCJtchen & TV
U ne.ns le Utlllties
CLOSE TO OCEAN llov_. S.ltn Mohl
DIG Newport Blvd, CM
Nicely furn. large &
11mall l br . .\dulll. only, ;vru. 2110 Newport
~ ..... 1741 •••••••••••••••••••••••
LR 2Br. ll:J•L fre~hly
palnted. stove & refr1g .•
!>OUth of hwy, adults, no
pets. S325 mo. 675-5695
l. 2 & 3 bdrms. $295. to
$495. per mo. 675·2311
AGT. Days. NO FEE. -2 BR. 21;, ba .. dbl. gar.
View or ocean. U50.
Wilham Winton
Real Ell tate 615-3.1at
AUrat.1-1ve, clean. conv~·
nlent 2br. Pool, lndry.
752.5065, 646-3176
).luny 1'"um1l ie~ Do. Ilca·u ·s ;\One Of
A Kind . JJcuutiful, Custom Built. 3
Ur llome On A 'Spuc1ous Street Tu
Stt'atla Lnc:~1t1nn, Hri~ht. Cheerful
Decor. 1.1·ge. l~1 v . Rm . With
Fireplace. J .. <:.>vcly Sun Room. Plus
An Attroc::tavo Pntio With Southern
Ex posure. Priced a t $235,000 A
"Joy Of Newport•· Listing.
I' 1Q-~1I ~ popular eorth\on es. 64+-4728
11 •lftO SS.1707 .. YOU ITM912 Btr.
2Br, 3Br. apt for lse. Open
~e SaVSun lM , 42:2
1.M'ltapu.r. CdM .._ OUMH. Nlwrotn 1tACl4 We have home1 lo every ~~~~~~~~~ 1----------11.AOUNA BE ACH MTR. au1. VlllalO Re•l -have a Ml'Vl~tootreroc WISTCUllP JNN. MS/wk. $250/mo. GARAGE SALE ads tn 8alboe. 7 UftJu. St~ to
bch CG> 2 bods, \ bach
Pool."50.000. 81 Owner. ~ 00Wn 145-3051.
~latt. 10012 GarCleld Hardwood Floon, fplc, a:ioda to tell. place an ad 4 IJl.1 BA. fplc. fenced Maid serv. tolor TV. thU>ally P llotbriqhap.
Ave. H.B. 98M5i7. No huge matrbedroo.:01 81' fn the Dally Piiot yard, fnllt treee. 2 car bu ted p ool. (7l&l pyrtllulta.To pla~yoot
Fee 2 8a. filed yard. mo. OM1tn4ld Sec'llon • • 1ar., 1paeiwa, MOO/mo. 4M·A9C. 985 N. CoA1t dra wlne card, phone
8'7W.'13G:M2.om PhoMM2·5611. ~•l•~-Hwy. 6G56'78l0day. I
l I• .
. -· ............ ~..., . .,., .•
Add 1t ••• 8u1td 1t .Diaper ll ... H mmer It. . Carpe SERVICE 1t ... C ment 1t •.. W1re 1t.,.Hoe tt ... Clean 1t ••• Move
lt. •• Pri s~ fl .• Paint ii Nat it. .. Plct~ter lt...Flx It... · DIRECTORY ........... ......................
&•J Appltanct'
M ain.SA
ew.t1c..cr... ..,,.~ • 0 ' H:••id•••t ,....,,.,.,."9 ,~,.,.,..., ...... , ... ••••..•.•.•••.......... ..•..•.............•... .............•.••••.••. ....................... ...•................... ........••......•...•.• ..•.................... ········•·••········••·
lilou. bno. 11ump" right-frff lhaate on Haut1n1. tree work, C.116'.5-74.M Eicpr'd. Reas Rates ex1 ,houae1 & comm. All iypea. Free ~l~:utRln r•~ss~
roncrele wall.I St!curtty largeorsmaUjobt 1radln1. d e mo •le Free Est. Call Gene bklJl1.675-Sl41alt.Spm. esllout.es.Clll~ ~C:· eas. e ·
liWden. 11)4 911K LlcerMd '1J-035G 831-12$7 SUMSHIMI GllLS ~ ... ..
a.Id c;;.---sPec1AL OFFiil H .... g All types ot home and of· PROFESSIONAL PaU\t· , .. y_. Cash :!':': .... ~ .............. Leak Repair Specialist.
••••••••••••••••••••••• Po&t Ucbt ln.taUed ••••••••••••••••••••••• fire cleaning packages. lng. Inter/Exler. Reaa. Average Extr 1 Slr)' $395 HOMESAVERS Plumb· All roots. tree eat.
DOORS, w1nd o w ,,N4JwYur'sEve.Famtly S60orles111'73·50lS OCCSTUOENT. Big a 4 Special Apts & R ',E. workauar642-0386 2Story$54.5.Inlr$4Srm ina"Hval!ftl .. i"re.est, Woodward Rootlna
cabinets sh c Iv cs w ~atrh )our children. l.00 truck. Trash. trim, work. Bonded/insur.ed. Pnceaincl ma\rlllabor $10 hr. Honest &s reliable Maintenanc. M2·1403 24
Rough/finish. Pickup nc"t day pkup OK. S. Ci.t G_.""9 ttc. Randy M2 5703 Free ests & 2'br service. Painting. Extr/lntr. Ex Guar/lnsr-Free est. aervke. BorA. MIC OK. ,_hr_•_·-------
•'Oft. M2~ Plaza are11 ~6·5d58 ••••••••••••••••• ••• • •• ~9625 pr'd, hon~t. neat, re as. Uc320881, Ted 636-7085 151-3150 or &47-0383 s.wlnct Att~.tlM• r~s.r.lce ,.~-WE.EDING-~EANUPS ...__a....-i-M••Y Uc'd964-1045Dave CulfomPai~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• -,..... ~·or Weekly Ma.U\tenanc~ ·---... .., ,.•••••••••••••••••••••• . Plumblo,·Falr prices. 1 •-al ••••~•••••••••••••••••• .. •••••••••••••••••••••• Freee:1l 842_9907 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Interior, exten or paint bttriorSptelalla Repairs. water heat.era, tom sew ng "' ~era-
Carpiet Man wiU lay your:_. R.J.llulfman & Son, Gen --Want a REALLY CLEAN BriclcWork. Small Jobs. I n " . S u p r e m e 15yra local refs. Llc'd re p l pea . Kenmore tions, Reasonable pr1ce11.
or m ine. Repairs & Conlr. Cuslom Alt & Add, Dig 1t Landscape Maln· HOOSE? Call Gingham ~S.~~~v~~a & workmanship. C11ll Jack bonded. lnsrd & guar was hing machine, &d Unda~
cle8JUng too! Guar work put 1 0 s, c 3 b 1 n ets , tenance: Mow & Edee. Girl. Free eat MS-5123 988-7894 work. Fr" est.s. Won't be condJ&S. ~-831M Jim. ,... Senlce
\It tQger savings. Free formlra. New const. Res Full malnt. hauling, u....t.... po·OFESSIONAL PREP underbid. 838·1""'1 Roofing • L r.,,,. I l till' Alicea Housecleaning. ........... n UV es ....... -.6 & corpm'I. 645-4644 or c ean·ups, ro o ing. R II bl f O ••••••••••••••••••••••• &PAJNTJNG EXTER I t I I • --'"'"Aul Ur&bo ded Freeeslimat.e675·SS16 eas, re a e. res. wn Re"•/l"cr, Lie. 2367:1. lndepe nd .. nt Pap"'r ••••••••••••••••••••••• emova II. r mm n.~· Steam Clean·lloliday ~00.....,. • _ "--·--trans.642-7207or646-4871 ''Two Men Will Move '"" ·~ .. Hanger. The flne~t ROOFS FOR LESS . Pnlnlnc. Free est. Llc d. Special. Cpt & Uµhol a......a....i ~ General Strtlces You" We handle big Free est. 638·7394 rraCts mansbtp avail. All types, Clnan ,av11;1t. Mlylnsured.968·929$
Lic/lnsrd/guar. 3 rm, no ~c.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUNSHINE GIRLS m o ves · o Cf I c e & Uc/lnsrd. Refs & free ... t Free est, lie/bond d. in· i;z limit S25.9S. h11lll; & ....................... HANDYMAN: Carpentry, Housecleanln11 & omre household. Distance & ~~~1~tv1:~1~rs ;:~~ 6'73-.3658 """ • sr. Senior cJUzens discnt. W......_•
bathrm free. L·l· .. '·E ELECTRICAL SERVICE electrical. plumbing & specialists. We welcome local. also packing. est.s.~76 Andy --ID&-04Zlan,ytime •••••••••••••••••••••••
Sys tems 631 5350, CALLS$1S hr,&SMALL Ooor.;.&t7-2787,557_.so.t R E.accounts.Specials: Lowest legal rate. ,._.../Repair Pine & Solid Oak
fHS..:ll39aft6. JOBS842·8233 ---Apts & Condob. Day, Lac/insrd. Cal T 111·944 . Profpa!nt'g&papcrhana· •••••••••••••••••••••r• ROOF~ installed ractory waterbeds Complete line ~ard a--"ri -Havesomelhingyouwant wee~ormonth. Bonded, PhM7-7278 Ing. Clean. work 1uar. VERYNEATPATCR direct:estab35 yrs.Call & acc. Reasonabl e.
Sell thlngsfastw11hUa1I) ~ ~ c tosell!Classu1edadsdo ltc'd . 1ns r d. R ef:.. Find what you want 10 Free est 957 ·0941 , JOBS&TEXTURE HaroldGunnM9·2961 Terry's Nwpt·Ba y
P1Jot Want Ads Uc 327138 64S-6974 it well. 642-5678. S40-952.S Dally Pilot Classifieds. 536-438.1 Free est. 193.1439 Want Ad Help? &&2·567 642--0161
~11ts u..fwft. Aparfmuta Uftfwft. Apcw IHHritb Ullfunt. Apa lwww.tt ......_ Office R...W 4400 Office RMt.t 4400 IHdllltrid l..t.t 4500 Allrlw...ts SI 00 Am • c._... 5100 ·····••••·•·••·•·····························• ............•••.•.•••.. ····~·················· ...........................................................................................••••.••••.••••••••.....•
Costa Mesa 3124 Costa~ 3124 Colt. MeM 312' ~-leach 3840 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •·•·u.;·11i11~ililil~Ml1&1iW.11i11i1111iu.;11i1iu.;1Uiu.J1aUi1111i~sii;·i·t;:.·:·;;~~~t~: EXECUTIVE ROW, Inc. 3d~u°co!~/ ~52 ~!,:
Adult 2 Bedroom, super drapes. refng. & washer dolpb Ave, CM Call location, n o pets, ~-----------. t ~"""M 9631"•2 ""'l"c"
On Mew Years Eve
Party Boat!
$250/ m ont h 568 w. SMftS"'ln(it urn._.,., o. . "" Prestigious office a pace In Newport _.,..,. __ ...... .::.;__· ____ _
Wilson, inq. apt I!:. ~I I • IRA.HD HEW Sch/Airport area. Tasteful reception lob· l 3 o o sq . ft . u n i t .
A winning Comblnollon 1. 2. 3 br units. F/ P, hit· by. telephone menage service, con-Sprinklered, E-2 fire rat· 2 BR, 1 Ba duplex. Cpl!I, Fr $270 a A ed fl"--I
d f · r d tt in, gar. om · terence rooms, kitchen, beverage, In· in,.. pprov """'ass rps, re ng, stv., encl o o u oportmenthomes 9627787 booth. $455/mo gross. A Formal • 5 0 '1 Disco
"" Champa911• -Hon ct'o•nH gar. No pets 1210 mo. with luxury appointments and · outgoing mall service, dictating & copy C.M. OwnertW0-1360
646-12A6 supefb recreol1on at a premium AcMt Qul ... Clee machines, travel conaultanta, com-
f:oxhollow VlllCMJ• locotlon. Tennis •gym•fheropy 2 Br2Ba,newcpts/drps, puterlzed· typesetting. Complete R_...aWanhd 4600 621W.Wilson646·2010 . spa •swtmmlng•bllllords. gar, patio, nr beach & secretarial services available as ••••••••••••••••••••••• For Re1..-vaffon1 •
Call 673-4060 aft 7PM FURNORUNFURN One&TWoBedrooms,OneBoth II" s hopping, SJJO mo. · .needed.From$290permo. Di vor ced man 32 . Lg•2brto~~omew/Crpl :,.....•....:.....:..:.....· .. P;NMA~ \fibs IJ60.l2'19 C• (7 I 4J 752-1170 employed, dependable & • e patlocx enc. garage ar .....-.._ tJ -•••• ...,_,,. ••• Q" 1 Br , bltns, 1-:ar , nr quiet nds sleeping room Pooii~~l~:~'!~all &s01au1a71noAvt .• CosfaM110 751-tHS Beach/Garfield. s2ss •-to$120/mo.call 64e"'87l Lost&Fo.d 5300 Lo.t&Found 5300 --·-·.., mo. 554·7210 -PC lmellfs u..t..ra. llllhh to Sttwe 4300 Mature cpl would lllte to ............................................ ..
W READY HOW! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• house sit for months of Losl: Mon. 11/28. Seal LOST: Male black Lab, oodland Village Costa Mesa 3824 Costa Mesa 3124 2Br, pnted. cpts. drps. ~~.~~ ••• !!.~~ HHd a Roommate? Feb & Mar. Local refs. Point Siamese cat, 1 yr. ~c Bayside Or & Carna-
845 Paulanno •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lba Gasi.tv Adlts no ToProfessionallyFlnd Non-smoking.Nopets or old, female, s payed. tton. CdM. Ans: to Beautiful, new. ad ult . . pet.$. SZSO/m~. 425 :.A'' Beautilul 1 BR, Balboa THAT RIGHT PERSON children. 646-2607 wearing nea collar. Vic. "Jumper", 12129. Wear-apts. Great location. 2 lBr apt. hte liv. rm. & kit. lBr , pvt patio, q1uel elder· 12th St Bay Club. view, sub-Rockledge and Victoria ing red scarf & silver
pools, 2;acuuis. &din. area. Pool. ly adlt. Xlnl E1s1de loc. __ · lease. $600mo. 646·S98S ~t·OlMu tfHw.uTw Dr. Laauoa Beach. choke chain. 675-4044 ask
Moveinimmed1atcly S235/mo. S48-7924 675-3335 __ Bach apt downtown HB. 1 Newport Hgts 2 Br 1 Ba, Uk-~~~-~~·••st/ Reward!! 494-9466 or _r_or_Bo_b __ , ___ _
2 & 3 Bdrm apts, dose to On
e S&tudOnio ApBt $1A65, 1$st & person. n~~~l3S. patio, gar, new cpls, co ~5>ivu1 l'fWQ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4!M.:Ml7 al\ 5:30.PM Lost. grey Cat . female.
Bachelor S225·$245 s hop p 1 ~ g. po o I & ast e 2 r pt 250. __ _ _ d:rps, mature adlta. $295 832-4134 nee 1971 lutlMsi Found Cocker Spaniel, shorthrur. Vic. San Joa ~ =~~:f~ rhilrl~en s ~lay a rea. Isl & last. Pets & kids 2 Br unlurn apts. StarUng yrly. 548·5306 Rmmate needed. female. OpportwWty 5005 vie Mission Glen. SJC. quin Hills & San Miguel
Rental OHu.·e
Open Daily 9 6
TSL Managemcont
7M-0081 or642·1603
1 Br From $280.
2 Br From $305.
3 Dr, 2 Ba From S39S.
6'2·9760or64~·3850Agt OK..Loc.OelMar /Nw pL at S2<1S. Chi ldren Sbare2 Bdrm 2 Ba apt,•••••••••••••••••~••••• Ca.11496-9338 Dr.CdM.640-6065
Coiy bach. qwel, no pets, 5-l2-ll4l welcome. no pets . 2 Br._ Park Newport. ~r~ CM. Must be neat. Reha· SAMQ.EMEMn -==-::.::...:.:::=.:...· ----t---------
·1 ~7 &636-0891 arvmailm. Ala sot e seekJ( h ongu s e') ble. ~c.t! '""0 bef llAM. & Pet Shop •-Groomm· g. Found Womens Creeo 3 Lost Dec 28. 7 mo Fem adlts. u11 incl. $135. .,.,.,.~ "" spd, bike. vk Tustin nr. :;hepherd, blond cir, blk
64&-9'.!49 after 6PM 3 BR, 3 ba 2 story, frpl., 640-4232, 581 -9507 aft 6PM . Gene Retiring after 7 good Zlnd. St. 6S'-169S. no6e. Call 545·0150.
FOUR SEASONS APTS cpts. drps. Nr. golf crse. Yearly; 2 BR. frplc., close Quiet roommate wanted ~~~~h~'ine locaUon &
Spac1ous2brtwnh!>e. l 'h $395. per mo. No pets. to beach. No pets. Ss:JO to share beautifully furn B m HENRY FOUND: Small black Ptr'IOftds 5350
ba, pool, pvt patio. s m 846-1190, 536-4668 Mo. 1·213:447-1934 3 BR, 2 ba N.B. condo. E:EA~TORS Fem. Spaniel, OCC area. •••••••••••••••••••••••
h Id 0 K N t $275 U of Car ae & lo dry 557·2719dys, M7·3418evs. Ori kl bl ., <' 1 · 0 pc s. · 2 Units, each 2 Br, 2 lia, I se a., un 21.5 Del Mar 492·4121 n ng pro em· 7J5 J oannti46·7483 near beach. 1 nr Jn· Easlbluff2BR.2Ba,pool, rm.NopeL'1.S200mo. lsl Found lrlsh Setter pup, CallAlcoholHelpline
terco mmunlly ll osp. adults.nopets.$375.mo. & last+ ultlities. ForSalePacific Heatlng fem . vie Yorktown & 2.1hrs'aday835·3830 LRO l nr, pool, nr shops, 6<W4767 .,.,1 3332 · B h BI d H B milts/no pets. Ulil. pd. Fplc & gar incld. 847-3241 _...,_.__ ~~~;:•15~;~.~tness. ~~ v . . . PREGNANT?
lllll4Monrov1a.S48-0336 N1CENEW2Br.2 Ba.~as l Bdrm apt. l ba, kitchen Carlng contldentla l
ltvo ofOrongeCount(s frplr, e ncl •'ar. di~-&living, new cpl. ~ Lady or ladies to operate Lost: Fem. Pltball dog, rounsehng & referral. Beautiful new 3 unit • "c nach unJl. S220. Pvt b ·"'ful " " $300/mo 673 "'"22 for --£ ""350 ....,. most eouu apartment hwasher.2 blksto beach. · . ..., '"" "' lun\:b counter in a very lite brwn hair . Vic. Abortion, adoption & buildings. Xl nt location patlO, hltn.'I , no t•h1ldren "" A elo . ••••••••••••••••••••••• nice health food store In Truburo & Los Alisos. keeplna. near So. Coast Pia.ta. or 11cb. 1110 Victoria. commun.,es. r xing S~. Call 960-5260 BIG CANYON EAST SINGLE GARAGE • seltingwiltlslreoms L I 3 B If Costa Mesa as a con-MY. REWARD $7S. _APC __ AR __ E ___ 54_7·_2563_ Children wekome. No 6-163197 · · BEAUTffULBRAND ove Y r on go CarOf'storage Good c-. pets. Rental office open --- -wor9ffalls. and majeS11c Ni:;W f'OURPLEX cour se. S 7 5 0 I mo· cession. oppty lo 768-_... UMDA & VICKI
daily 10-5. MO Bak~r St. I Clean 2 Br Townhse. 1 '~ trees. Fea!Uling poolS, 3Br, 2''7ba, frplr $42S 6<W-6:M9. 644-0509 S351mo 962·3S33 ~:i~;kour own business. _F_o_Ll_o_d_: _G_e_r _m-.1 <Meal M~
hl k w. of Bnslol. bu. adlts, no pets, 1M3·B, Jocuzzt.souna. bYUords, 28r. ir,,, ba$3SO S-Cl.,.wh 3176 3 car garaee for rent. ---------Shep/blck/t an, male. 557-5215 l'omona.S27S.S48·6357 ~.......,-A B SOOtmo.Costa Meaa. -.. YEL ...... E ... CY chainonneck .Ham11ion· FertlM,_of !
---------1Eosts1de of Newport.
LA CASA tLAMCA Townhouse 2 br, l ""2 ba,
loch. llr-A...t Mow FA. gar , Cplc, vacant, Agent 548-1168. All utJls pd .. cpts, drps, --'"--------
pool. lndry. fac's. Adults Several 2 br. 1 ba, Vacant,
over JS, no pets or 1 child OK. bltn RI O.
c hildr en. Call Sue: $250/mo. AgtS48·1168.
556·7707 or Henry:
642.9137 l..fle Jbr. 2ba, Bltns, nu
---------crpt.s. No pets. 557-8177
2 Br. 2 ba. all bltns. frplc,
encl. gar., balcony. Quiet 2br hse in tri-pleit.
Laundry rm. $325. Respon. adlts, no pets,
TSLMgmt 642-1603 noo·&mkr.SZS0.646·2323
andexcillngc"""'""'""' 2 r, 1 baS325 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 979-\24& 645-6414 •-A-" Ser\'ingallOrangeC.O. W1ltl SOCIOI events. Tennis, l Br, l ba $275 1 Br. $l8S mo. Ulll pd. Let. us show you how to /Bushrd 962-4562 835-7ll3 gym. and voDeybOI at All Encl iiar ages W a I k to every th Ing. Office ....... 4400 st.art an agency. Travel _F_ou.nd __ :_M_inl-at_u_r_e_(_T_in_y_> ---------
The Vlloge More ol CALL960·5260 498-1709.211Granada. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ex:p.notnecessary.Tolal Poodle. Bermuda/ •MICHELU'S* ..-Cl'\ FT st artup & operating eveiyltlilg you're looldog l.alJllna leach 3141 Tmtin 3890 6 5• n1;ft .....,. capital reqw red $30,000. Gisler. CM. 548·3602 OUt.caJI M usage tor. Fumllure IS ovoloble. •••••••••••• •• • • ••• •••• ••••••••••• ••••• ••• • • • • 1617 WESTCLl FF-NB (n4 )838·9242 ound SJ Mal 10AM-2AM 731-4462
One and Two Bedroom
Offices open 9.00 to 6:00.
Now ren!lng.
Luxury penthouse. 2 br, 2 AGT. ~1·5032 F : C, 12124. e ba. din rm, frpk. big $240. UTIL IHCLD ............... wbite/1ray Cockapoo. St*fhtal Reodtr
vie w . Bl oc k to Water, gas, electricity. ISOIWntcliffDr. Oppwlwtlty 5015 Catar ack le rt eye, 18USo.EICamlnoReal
downtown. $475 m o. Unique 1 & 2 Br . NewportfinanciaJClt ••••••••••••••••••••••• cUpped.499-3()97. SanClemenle.Fullylir.
.s4·2379 eves; 957 -0282 f ~r71f J:~~ ~~';.~: t ~on~~~ L..eal"'9 Of flee Spoce tr you 're not geUJ ng 13.8% Reward S400 for s to I en 2 __ F_or__.awt;..:..._· 4_9_2·_7_296 __
Sorey, no pets. Callon Site Manager return on your' Invest· moold SanyoT.V .. touch DANCE OF FUN Super I br, lrg, unique
features, ocean view. blk
to bch. Adlts. No peta.
$350. 4.94·3280 499.3900,
Ccilfof'fti• Apts (714 l 642·3111 ext 246 rnent. call Sandy Ross, tuning 116&04S82. call BUl nude girls dance &
14932NewportAve. 1HEEFFICl~T AjaxCo.83'7-37'4 84.2-5634 ' rap session. lOAM t o
TusUn.catttoday: ii:n MoMytol.o9t 5025 LOST:' Male s mos, 2AM Mon-Sat 62S N .
832 6122 ••'Pelt ... •tlVE ••••••••••••••••••••••• German Shep. Ans ·. Euclid Anah 559·6150 2 B ma b t ho s 2 Br unfurn, adults, nr Bdr Q . ~'-"""" FREES""'"IONW/AD r, a own u c Harbor/Wilson. Avail 1 mApt. Patio. wet. Mo. to mo. rent Incl: It 2ftd&lrdTD's "Smokey", Jlomllton & """"'
w/patio. 610 Joann St. 117/78. $200 mo. 631·tf1Sl $300/ mo. 794·8943, Weslw•ester 3891 R ec e Pt . s e r v. • . ~ANS AVAILABLE Meyer St. CM. IC found Small pets. 548-7638 "193-3144, 784-2236 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'"""""alized phone cov-Cr call. 646-5307
b -aft_6..:.p_m_.______ LGE Attractive 2Br, .-~g ,,,. r r 'I edjt'not lmportant.
BobJames·Llc Masseur
2 bf' townhse. 2 r apt Northend-Ocean view w i re fr 1 g. b 1 t 0 5 , era e. wn · m. mat lroktr, 493·31 OZ
w/pbol &jacuzzi. L(. lBr, 734-D Shalimar. trlplex. Walk to Shaws ,.....,,. ....... ' in quiet adlt ~mor" eunda·n Neregwrpoourtnd. prkg ___ _.:.. ____ _
645-2498 1:Jew. paint,
S215 mo. -r-J.J. ll26 Cove 2 Br 1 Ba F/A ... .,...,, ... ..., "" Money Available. many ---------1 642-3288 5541 6 --new 'drps, cJi'· '•-ap'. bldg. no. pets. S230 mo. THE EXECUTIVE sources, all proJ'ects. VII A . . •••••••••-•••••••••••• ... "' utll I I d 897 1705 o Vlato ph Redec. 2 Br 1 ~ Ba. aar, 1 Bedroom apt, garage, pile's. S39s. u l pd. (714) nc . SUITE. 640-M70 S50K min. 752·6052
Brand ~~~~:e 2 br, patio, adults, no pet.a. 1 mile to beach. At Dana $7497 or (213) 797·2165 Apca laallh "'""'"1,o SINGLE to 3 room suites Morfgl!!fH, T,.at
1,,_ ba •-·-.. -·se w/fam Avail. now. S27S. 559-6588 Polnt493-007S 2Br s pacious ocean or u.t.n.lllMd 39 avail. Nr OC Airport. Deid5 5035 ,.., IAIWW..... • .. •••••••••••••••••• ••••• FuU I i) I room Xlntarea $350 · E 1 n.. Ba 1 /vi N view 2607 Solano Way serv ces ava · n· ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · · EASl'SID g 2 a~ 2 • 2 Br dup ex w ew. ew· a11.97..a.9S • THE EXCITING dud recept. to answer
TSLMgmt 6'2·l603 fplc,lndry.$tn5mo.Agt. ly redec., crpts & drps. c PALMMlSAAPTS. phones. Con rerence LOWEST
NEW2BEDROOM S52-0434 evs;552-0507 $300/mo.6(.S.OllOdayaor LerJ-aHICjllttl 3152 Ml.NUT~TONPT room. Xerox mach. Full
2 Br. garage. A/C. $315. $270. 2.Br, pvt patio, cpts, 49!M21.Sevea. ••••••••••••••••••••••• BCH. secy serv. for lnfo. pleas .....,.... Ratet
mo. 64S-46SS drps, reCrtg. stv, 724 B SPARKLING 2 br, den, 2 Nice 1 & 2 Br, $265 & up, Bach, 1&2 BR. call n•/83J..3640. ht T .D.'t. Ibo
Large 3 Br Townhouse James St. 673-7787 ba twnbse, ocean vu, dbl pool & rec room, quiet fromS220. & up. Best downtown Laguna 2ftd T.D. Lo.ta.
' ~ ~ s rd o Outcatl 9..9, 494·5111 u.wt: . atu ay. 1 ------'-----
lbs. SI ky Terrier. u•c:s•GE spayed, nds medication. ~ ~
Reward, Ptease pleas FIGURE MODELS
call m.1208 ESCORTS
Info or relum of long
631·311 I haired white ma.le cat.•---------
Lost 12J 15. 64&·5908. &5CORT SERVICE
MODEUNG OUTCALL Lost: Fem. spayed lone 21 Houn M'-6520 baired Calico cat. Vlc•---------
Dana V'11ta Dr, Dana Pl.
'483-6.118. REWARD!
·with patio, garage + . . . gar $375. Cheri 661·1811. area.831·7766 Adults, No Pets location. Luxurious Ex· FalrestTermssince1949
Pool. Quiet complex. 2!;. ~~~.ma830mCta:einot.ered,'snt.o ~75 Hew-rt ltoch 316' (S Blt~EasMtesofaNDrew' port ecullve Suites, wood Sattler Mtg. Co. FOUND: Puppy, l7th & ~ 50 ~ .... -r--..., paneled & I h crpta L""-92171 S""S-0611 Placentia, CM. Collar, Outrageous, autonomous Adulta, no pets . •3 • 675-6125 Ocean view deluxe ••••••••••••••••••••••• Blvd.) $350. pus · .,,.,. "' Bug)etype.5411-lOlSdys female 48, 5'10", lSOf ~l or 675-59'9 · $300 1 Br 1 b loft t 1 duplex. 2 Br, 2 ba, uUl pd. PAllK MIWPOIT 546-9880 . tloni~: ~S:~:e~·a':f:~. Retired couple bas money wanu nite owl coun-EASl'SIDE sunny 2 br fl. ~•.:ti a. allsTSy!: $400/mo. 541·9219 or Bacbelore , 1 or 2 .. ~ .. 000 answering service. tolend.1at&2ndT,D.'s Found cute blk pupple terpart. P.O. Box 276
l bit • rpc. ....... oc.nr • ~1919 BedrooDll&Townhouses -, "'" ... 837 ..... .u w/collar, Atlanta & ,.. .. ..........,. ' pat. o, gara~e, ns. Mgmt 642-l603 Fro $274 50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Xerox 3100 LDC. con· "6e...., . .,,.., Magnolia. H.B. 962·22l8 "'" """""''
J275. l60~t.S · 548"2127 , "e 2Br sba nr sho • Hmillgl• ltoclt 3140 Spectacul:r apa. total Room w/ kitchenette ference room, also avail. Sold my home In Laguna Ptr"IOll.t SWYlcet 5360
MISAPIMES ~ adi g, ~sf· ••••••••••••••••••••••• recreation program $50week&up. 497'1795 Beach. Wiii sell my Found fem bnrn/wblto •••••••••••••••••••••••
Newaludloapt$230.lBr ~:~~:· · SHARP3BrdelLlxebeacb IOdalproa.ram.7pools.8 548·9755 Executive suites. You $29,550 2nd T.D. for m_::,~n Got.bard Gu.ys! Haircuts, beard
$Z8S. Avail. Jan, tat. unit. D/W, frplc, paUo, tennla courta. Al Fublon Ambassador lnn in C.Osta need an orfice? We need $23,000. cash. CaU Ken, t rt ms or moustache
Pool, JacU1zi le laundry 2 Br. Just r edec. Pvt gar.Avall960-2358 Island, J ad2bore.e Is San Mesa. 2ZT7 Harbor Cen· a tenant. Your offer t 673-4545 FOUND: Beige & white shaped? Call 631·9774.
rm. Adults. no pet.I. Open gar/paUo. Adi ts, no pet.a. II.AMO MIW Joaquin Hilla Road. tr ally located, 235 rooms. us; frolh $225 per mo. We male doe. Nr Geronimo Ask for Marolyn.
dally. 2650 Harla Ave, $290/mo.644-1547 a Br ... , nd-(7141644-1900 MANY wltb kitchen offer to you: luxurious AM-c11•,m/ & Montilll, Mlasion Vie·
CM ru v.-...a D-' a.,.. co ""'' conve-I otn ti • p--~a1 jo aae1319 •• , ..... oi:TU8 n ve nientloc Sunit.savl $400 phone & TV. Swimming ce, execu ve soc y, ._ ._. ... twt•
i,ut off Harbor Blvd). ICIDS OK up. 9&1·llm, 640-175i BACHROR APT. pool, jacuui, and rec. personal ptlpbo.!f! cov· Lost & FoillMI Found: DOG. Mixed .;;::r-..--· SG-3'47. ....,., room. Daily & weekly erage. rece 01UJ1t, con· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,,.__ Sb b rd t ,_.. ...::.:::..:;;:._~------I 2Br1 Ba. av all D01r --f uw UI• ep e ype. •··~··••••H•••••••••• ,~at Slde-tBr, bltnai ~ mo. No pets.' 2186 NewdelUJi.etwnbl apta lg .. r"UTILSPD! ratesatartl.og from $48 a erenc~ room, xerox, Au a•c........ 1100 Blk It brown. Approx I ~Ir
l I C 11 S 8br 2ba ,...,. bllnl WD """""' week notar)t. Near So. C.Oaa ••••••••••••••••••••••• H t n-h I ,,.._ t ..a-7005 rps. '22S mo. ava lacent a. a ue: ,,._ 100' from tbe ocea n. · 6'5-CMO Plaza, euy freeway ac· yn. tm ""' nn, """ lllltnlcnvw
1·1·11 591 Hamilton. 556-7707 hbappaliodblattacbaar Strnl·furnlsbed. Av•U cesa. Tell WI your needs SCRAM 'EJS H•Y· Contact Chrla •••• .. •••••••••••••••••
5t8-'7313 $395. 5'$-S&M, 96M21S oowl 201 E. Balboa Blvd. Seeplna nns $75-5105 mo. we will supply It. ca1l "L 536-1'21 Prtvate G\<ar Lessons.
New 2 br, &ardeo patio, $Z2S. Lte atttaet 1 Br. 1 BR. pet OK. ~mo. 328 Yrly. $225 ~ mo. NO All $50. wk. Share klV • 1719-2161 ANSWERS F<amd Ledfea wat.eh vie rock. blues, ctualcal. lit ~.!:t:;~~~ ~t.' ~:rit.~aJ~i~ 13tbSt.~.30 ~~~.;,_sue at. ~ r=~n~!!: IJ 1' utl_... 4450 Pre.cb-Ou•t-=~·on 12/21. =-tree. cau Bob at
-,,... ~ ..... •••••••••••••••••• Glant-Permlt-U MAMCHA Am Place. UAK. ~-iad Vil'I 4DILUXIOflC'S GARAGE FOOND· lie furry male HlfpW_.. 7IOO J.celbr •arden •r: lc3 1 BR '1uplu Eaat.alde .W I I SGO. IBr, 2 ba.-rc1· aar. LONESOME ROOM I Cont rm •Mt 25 all NowldaYI proepertt1 la cSaC.o7twbt. Vlc.Beil6 .. _ ............... ..
"'• •we"'••· Da whr, amall but cute inside. New lfa bdna 1 :1.UIT 8'ktobeach. Bt eoDJ, DO Need• •tn1te ladJ to ·--i-iin. wt.e hi r• two ulea io ever1 Newl.S.B.B. .147-3340 .-• a -•-adult apta lo 1' plans peg. warm lt up. ()([era kit • -GARAGE. Acdlll Blcqol bltlll,md.pr,l:Jbcl· Adulta._,,lltlclutmo '"1mUIS+DOOle t.... TSLllplt ea.tem bath prlv. Close to at.1cr2yr.lew.Lake L06T:MaleArchan,vlc ~y
J1Ga1011pl.;1'1 Pl. +$50dep,$210mo.Avl -•--·-.U-i. p.' 4-I acbooll•tbopptn&.C&ll Forest aref. Kent.11ousea1tUng wblle your WeatcUff, Jlr Dover. v-c ... _.,,... ... towork
tOeml J•nl.Drivebyflrstthen ~-~~o~ XTIALAl•IZll Teri652-7703 JJarkim a'flay. No Qii, elderb' PleaseeAll631-0394 ._OllvariOU:~wR•as
c.U.mE.211t&.Apt.2. d:rtve Nartb OQ 1e:Cb'"~ :::C., to beach, up-n.....-cple. Rera H2·1583, ......
se..sm McF~ then W•t.1~ bltnl. Gl.otl7 ~:;,~~~~Jc:: ~. 400 IC). ft. C·Z. 548-3289 ~=~~c B~~.re:: =t!.'t:!:: c~::~·~~
McF-en to S.aw uu w. Nwpt Jldt.Ulr. aa. wom.an. Reot reduct. in A/C, at 130 E. 17th St, ....,.,_. HOO Yorktown/Garfield, l1B your homt. Flaur~
Village. (714~ partly !urn, blto•. exchtoee for ~ SUO/mo.J)oy1t5'8·11118 ... _ • ..-.Ml; ... •••••••• 8l2.eoot Clerb to Sr. Accoua·
IJVEN..-Tbe8 .. cbl dltrnllr,1100.qft •• cpbt d utlea. 652·16'1 or $280 lit. Store.()fflce. Larr: brown paper bU ttntl needed thruo11i
C.. .. W ~yrl~~aao mo. 11W97SBarbara. IDCI ft andll' '°'· *11 w/ttlltteethtn bluoeon· J.osr: MaJe7mo. Boxer, Orani~Hal!'•
DelU1ltulAdcallApts ell .,__..__. •• 4110 BuchBi.HB.IMWlll4 talner. Vlc. Ut1' • Bewarcll Medhun brown AttOUD\e.tQPI
G .. ·•·WaterPald. ..._ u .. -.._......I Br .--JU · Harbor, C'.M. PleH• ....._ -~-• -s Main .... --· · ..... .,.. ·-,,.,.._, • ....................... ~aoeo£.co..tBw7 .• l•v•n•W.JIUIU.8$. -·--· ....., · ,»W.,., ... 2leG~un,t,KB MW cPCa. DO pMa. '* 01bln.8'J::ar,ll&ll4·11. ·Carooa&iUlar;llliOper C.M. ot c .. IG"'800 ot F.und:SmallBlaclcDot No.Tonr,UnloaBut
COSTA MEIA-UO t6..-I JD0.4&Wmor54l.aot S»ap.. tbl. cLr &T, ·mo.PavJJbntD.IUtr. --a.wttd btwaTalbtrt4'1 Ellla, ht lll~Z'~~..,_ ~;..;::;;;;;.;;._----~ narta Sttfft, Braad z BilnD wttb 1.,.,.. Hr lt'Hoq, 1lr7U11~ _.amt, dlllbl...-U. •7m '7WID b Joeahln V aUtY ·I~~~~~~~~ MW .... a bedl'oolll bwli. _,...,. 2 b9, fam re, 21e, ma .......... 4HI • I 1 W...., 4IOO !Mt mate Chlbd• ua,1.;;.;•=3';.;;.;U....._ ____ 1: ~!'::'i1~ Call--~ ~w ... Do --···-.. ···-~ ........... -·--·-·· ~=· ~-"~~ LOST: "•"1 SllveT ~ 4'tlUALHOW. ~..,._....._._~~-:":"-:1 ,..-, rooma. mo. He• 41& 4Plex. llr. llllllllelllrte--.lldl talqftOf~al~ 12121, approa. CPll cl•· "'*8.._..tn cat. male, Allht.•lntM Qu6l Place PrOPett1ta. l'rple.j b1111i1. wld M1p, *"' ~ .. b1otk to ~·Bell IP& tin mo. ,_., w/UOO aq n Of air a.. ec:cldlDt cm ........ ., 12/U, o..fleJd, Jn. 0-. MeM • .utat;
lac. A1k tor 1'edd7. 1• ut ~ ....... ~ Ill', IM, ..... ~ ..... •~ JltJ .. a.di ota; .. •ta 2111 If SoaUa. U4·1111. Jlenrd. C.U C&tbF at .... Jem dQi, ITWTU
,..._ _.. ~ •.u11.-.-.1m ..,..,., · ""·Cll ....._.. -.auiorta.7... eYe1.
• I I
.. • p -
• Mila~~_:-~ .: )II' ... W..... 71M tw.W.... 71H MlfpW_... 7100 ... W.... 7110 .W,W..... 7100 Ftid!f.O.C.mber30. 1977 OAJLYN.01" 81
.......................................... .-............................................ " ....................... ........................ 4 •
Aitv.:· ... .....J. DalnlYINllYM QIBLftIDAY, for CPA L•tal Secreta1'J, HelpW..-.4 7100 M.lpw.... 7100 ...,w..... 7100 •tr&:.-.. ~•dt· \~.JGGJm w AUTO PAITS de In C411. a.eeot..,. Crtmlnal • dvU 1IU1a· ............ "" ......................................................... .
D'OM4 for IS u.mt COCll• :c~SUYGETS'l'OP PAY ..... ra1 M°Metll' ftmale. Gd drfy. 110 t D. c. 8 k k p •• tlon.. Ol.artnlOI ottico in OFACE plu S. o. • (IU) Pwtn.•-CM . W..IA-lat r ecord. Apply ~ b .. pM, flui· lA1una Bea,cb . Mual --r;· ,, · cw· Beeeoo Auto Paru. -480 bMboun.175-2070 havexmtaecy aldlla IJ
... --~ • CIOGb for $l I No. Newport Blvd NB . . •. ---~ ab 1 • t o a • • u m e CLERKS ______ .__. Slaah1'• Plua, C.M. ' ----rwpocwibUJty. PJeulna
~YUAD DH~ 8lv._«!. CM. &Cl£11CIL ASST Mftry/Mew......-. pereonallt)' a muet. An~y Clfsmall el~· ••S.(QQhrlU:aoP-Varied job• wltb " P.-manintpa.rt.fioiojob • Salaryopeo.497-1729 IMMJ:U>lATE tro.mechamul dcncea _,.._ deilverin& early mornlna • • -IC ~IONKENT Req'aU}ICr.ladlrect!at -••ASSIST. without upu. lD lood LA 1\me& lo bomea In LEGALS Y Chfllllftftftlle work of \lP lO lO H · Full Gr '1t w/future. Top olc aurrouodlnp. C-ll lrvine/NB areu. Mutt ' Sm. business llUgaUon -·-r-'7""
semblen. Waau. HT·'250 or Today&MA.._ betellable&bavedepen· firm in Npt. Cntr seeks Te11.,ornrv
STAC.OSWrTCH IMC &!7-11'19. ._, .-... dable lraoaporlatlon. eicper. legal aecy. Muat -'
ci. ... , ...... .....,,, ..... """'"' • • • b ave x 1 n t a le l I l 1 . Help J.U&Baterto.taMen ~Aulsf•t ~Q~ office • _,_,.,mo. .... ....-... Sbortb&Dd ~Submit •-···•~~4mlpl-e•' P/Tlme. Macblne ac· 0 overload DeliverymanLATlmestn '~P!_H~DAAYS resume ln dence t.o .::r:'a.r.:::h ~ .... """""'.., -.. • coundlll •YBt.em. 10 key NewpOrt Beach, 3 daya u-Y .. .., ~ 'letSCy A4 #987, Daily PJlot, ~~~~~~~~~ adder & lypin1. Erpr SS7.G061 ~r week. 646·1'13 or 488El1tbCOlt&Neaa P .O. Box 1510, Coata I 0.7145 ----------.i pref. Wll1traln.6'2·1912 !m38irchSt,NB ~. ~~ --~1:> Mega.CA.'2626 Opht.balmolOlistseebex. IHrUBLfR lOamto2 pm. DEUVERYMANforear· ~ LEGALSECRETARY per'd front olc recept. ~ Boat carpenter, capable CLBIC/TYfttST ly AM 'limes Rte. No. , lo wock in quiet olc ln Mt1.1t know bllllna & bk TRAlurr~ or detail worlr oo cust.om ~wpm, accurate lYP· C.M./ H.B. area. Call HOSTISS & 1\lstJn. Gd typlo1 sldlla, kpng. Somo typing. Call n~ yachts. Good benem11. ing. Duties to Include MM481. DISHWASHllt receptexp. &Ut.ebkkP'I· 55M553. u~...iedlmmedl t I The Willard C.O. E.O.E. . h -~Person Lelalseeretaryexppre----------·~ a e Y 13 00 L "a c M answering P ones, DEUYEltY f 'd. Call for appc.. PBX operator for tele. l.aog & short term as-0 " n • · · xeroxing & tn11c office Messenaer/C.Ourier a Plil tm.731l. an1'1 aerv. Varied shifts
s1gnme11ts. Holiday & 714:~. duties. F/Ume, 8:30 to s Sday wk. P/tim• am or •A.c:l.tM.IHr opeo, full & p/t. Will
vacation pay ·l•--------1 PM. $3.SO hr. Village pm. Know Ora Co. 211l(r7W.C.OastHwy,NB IJQUOR CLERK. Tue, train right peraon. Call
Jlospihhut1on plan Bookkeeping machine Way Mana1e.meot. 8:JS.3l4ibtwn8 &lOAM 'lbuns. Fri nJ&bt.s, '2.65 5(1-3395
available..Startt.odail. to 1 • d ~1876 hr"""' -7530 ---------
_ opera r or au.o e· Houseeleanen Needed. · ~. v•..-~~.l= alerahlp. Xlnt fringe a..akTYPIST Deotaluaiatanl Mature·Top $-car nee. LOAM-OCISSOl P!aatic'"'oction b. benef11& & working con-Huntingtoo Beacb 642-!403 M$-3439 .-" ...., I dltlons Call Gordon Trainee PQ&.lUoa for Bill· M7·541J · FHA·VA-Conv. exper. Molding F:JVi ~ . in& Qerk an Insurance H l I 1 req'd. Contact Cyndie SET..ut' MAM 3141 c-Drhe Ta YI 0 r lo r a PP t. Co. . Nwpt Bch Good DENTAL SECRETARY ouaec ean ng serv ce LaNler, (714) 835-0588, Exper'd. 2nd Shift.
S4M1'41 714 :~7tn0 ~ skills. Saiary to RECEPTIONIST for ~c~!~~~~:~· MuooMcDuffieC:O. FORIMAM
IBM SELECTRIC II Experienced accurate Typist needed
immediately. 70 wpm (must)
Thur1dll.Y & Friday Day ShUt.
Saturday Nl1btShl!t ,
Experienced. Day ablft position
· Excellent Working Conditions
Apply in Person
Orange Coast Daily Pilot
330 Wnt loy St., Coit• Mete
Ask for Paul Ward
An Equal Opportunity Employer
(Acl'OIB Fl-om $500 & good company Newport Bcb orthodon· SSl-0600 • • y ,_ATTENDANT Exper'd. 3rd Shift. Or c:o..&1~ Bookkeeper/Typist, _bendl __ 1_ts_._833_-M_so ___ llSt. salary open. Write---·------~· MAIMT.HELPIR ange '""'""rt) P/timeocF/tJmeAcctng OL'l&lfled Ad#l03, Dally Housekeeper live lo/out. Part&fuUUme M.laW..tH 7100 .....,W..ttcl 7100
Equal Oppor Employer office Balboa l s l and. COCIT AIL Pilot. PO Box 1560, C.Oata ~a Beach. Mon·Frl, SS7-0520 1st Shift ~~;r••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------1 673-3884 W AJTRISS Mesa. Ca. 92628 7am-tpm. -494·1l28 LUMlll SAUSMA.M OPMATORS RESTAURANT
ASSEMBLY & DRILL Learn in 40 hrs the most D"',.,.,.AL/OR""•o recep u-·-·'-E:vnr'd 1,., re'·'! lumber. AllShJft.s MatureP•-""'f"" Lun"'h Pn~eowORKERS a IOO«KEEPER ·t· g glamorou" """"4 •n • nuuacaeeper, perm. once -... "" YU Apply '"'""" v• " ~ • Pp· e~c1 m ! •• tionist. Nwpt. Benefits, aweek.Needapicnspan LagunaBchLumberCo. OrangeO>astPlast1cs Buffet service In dining Jy in person 18170 Euclid COMMISSIOMS highly paid J.>rofessp.1oa~ dental expr req : Ortho lady to keep our home 494~or54().3267 8.'iOW 18th St C.M room. Approx 8-4 hrs per
St. Fountain Valley. Nfit lich Invest f'irm. or eve ~ess1ons. ace exprprcf. 642·2626 the Cou 1 E t ---------·---· --·· -··-day. Apply to Food Mir.
F char"e commsn·s bk ment assist. Good job OP· same. P e. as L-..'• 7.3 Hotel Laguna, 425 S . .USIMILH kp'r. a"cq exp in peg brd. por. DENT"' ""'SIS"". E"""'r. C.M. 752-o893or646-5l38. .,,.. tu.~ ,.. ""'v P/time. Medications. PRACTICAL NURSE Coast Hwy, .Laauna Sm farm in OranAe Co . .sys, knowledge in read· C411714/7Sl·9l 94 nee. F/Ume. X-ray cert. HOUSS<HPERS lt-7 Fftime Charge duty. HELPER wanted for Beach. 494-1151. =c~~~:~~«!:: ing computer reports. So. Calif. Cocktai l CaJIS4s.MS3. No exper. nee. Xlnt Good sal & fringe bena. blind woman & ill
Secret.-fel/G. Ofc
We will reopen on .1 an
3rd to start you In your
New Year's Career •
Employers Pay All ll'ees Lb Reinders Agency
Newport Beach 833-IUIO
bl 640-0123. Waitresses, Jnc. 17922 ... ~ •--' t-A benefits i.nclud. sick pay. Mesa Verde Conv. Hosp, husband, 6 or 8 hrs daily. Restaurant help for Jack· sem er for prec in· ---------1 Sky Park Bl, Ste c, .,._.--. ... 1.... 8 1 C 2055 C S CM ~S57lCM Jn·The·Box, immediate strumentation. Exp re-IOYS. GIRLS Irvine, Ca 92714 E)Cper endodonuc chair ayv ew on v · ::S~ssase n t er t • · opeoings on 4)hhirts at 3-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
q'd, t.op pay for right 12·16 years or age. Even· side asst needed FIT ror 'Iburin, CM 642•3505• Printing C.Ollater, p/Ume. Costa Mesa stores Please
person, fringe benefits, mg work. Obtain new C?mpanlan n~ed, re· very busy Npt Bch prac· HOUSEKEEPER. very Now accepung applica· apply in person:
ph Hoo Adams for appt. subecriptlona for the Dai· tired f~m over 60 w/car. lice. Xlntopportfor rtght tiiht work lo exchange Machinist tiona for Mon & Tues 385 E.17th St.,
557-9061 E.O.E. ly Pilot woridng with an Must IJke to ahop &. eat person, non-smoker. Call for rent & uUl. 8 Hrs MOLD MAKER nlghl shills. Apply 9am· 1205 Baker St.
ASSEMILUS adult supervisor. Earn out. Room & ~ard incl. 644-0595. p/wk.t!M-8131 Des.ign&bulldsmallpre· 4pm, Pennyaaver, 166C 213SHarborBlvd.
$20 to $30 per week or Sm. salary to right lady. clslon single & multi Placentia Costa Mesa.
Xlnt benefits. Small Mfg more. Call <213) 596-0296,_54().-0094 ________ DENTAL ASSISTANT Housemen & maids cavl• .. molds for transfer ·--------co. Small components. 5 (2lJ) Partume,approx.2S hrs needed. Apply Ben ..., Good manual dextenty & noon to Pm · COOKS pf wk. Must be ex per· in Brown 'Ii Motel, 31106 & 1 n J e ct i 0 n m 0 Id
eyesight. 1 Yr. min ex-498-2473· Spm·9pm. Call Breakfast, Lunch. din· all phases of denlstry. Coast Hwy, South machines. Small sbop.
per. Call LI.Wan 581.J830, Collect. ner. Exper'd. Apply in 54~6 Laguna. Good working condli.
Cit)' of Newport Beach
2 Secretaries tOr
Newport <:enter Law Of-
fice. Typln1 60 wpm,
legal expr not nee.
Salary commeoaurate
w/ability. Call6"·7600
$ecretaria1/olfice clerk ' bra per day. aflernooaa, M.V.area. _______ _,person, Ma Barker's D k 1 .. k d _.;;;.__ ______ DaST~ConlOyS.WITCHl11o.1C
IUILDIMG Restaurant. 212 E. 171.b es c er ... wee en Housewives: Part time, n A ,.. ASSEMILERS St. C.M. days. Am~assador Inn, time. Fun. Entertaining. 1139 Baker Costa Mesa
Exper. soldering & PCB. IMSrECTOl I 2!m So. Bnst.ol, SA .Educatiooal. lmmed. in· 549·3041
$1.2.84-$1560 Per Mo
Filing deadline 1/9/78.
Req's 4 yrs exper. in
public work' construe·
lion oc Inspection. For in·
formallon & applications
conlact Personnel or c,
3300 Newport Blvd, N.B.
640-2101 .
UTOTEM ~ud~.?.Shr.
Coft•tfti...ce M .. tr.h ..--~---.-._--... -,--
IOMQIRS Ci~ tJ!..i~r~~~h OONtIT SHOP IR VINE. come. 498-3990 F.qual Opp« Employer Help Wanted ~"&•A
1st, 2nd & 3ni Shifts Top night sttt'etary. 20 Muslhaveexp. w/scope. Req's 2 yrs journeyman COOK exper·d counter he.Ip, Immediate openings run --------
Sports T 1 m I n g & level ex per. in electrical Days Only part·llme, urly morning or pl time. No ex per. nee. MainteoA11ce Man. South
Technology, 3621 W. construction. Filing de· AppAftly In3Ppe~!0" hrs. 552·14.U. Ages lT thru 28. 540-4448. O. C. area, plumbing lite
Noexper. req'd. W&train Hrs per wk. Reply to box
those hired. Applicants 1m. J.rvine, Ca 92713.
.Macl\rtbur, Suite 110 adline Jan 9th 1978. For ..... _ •--eri ......... M··~ DRIVERS Marine Corp. carpentry. Own tools &
apply at Ut.otem Stores ________ ..
located al: "--·-An Info & application, con· ,.,._""" 111nftff F 11 ·
.:>UllUI a. _,.,,W"-tH NB "'--1 AM 3" dell e y •--------tra nsp. u time . ""'...aty •---c· u7 ..,...., tact Personnel Dept, 3300 : &AAJ• ...... as wy • """ Y , .,, v r TW---..-_. ...
.,., •JilUQ LA TI C M & S 1 .... ..-,·on 5"4.-0933 'ftU'Ou11o.11c1•11..11 Newport Blvd, N.8 . ---------mes, · · o. • ... ,....~. '"""""" A,.. A.5SISTANTMANAGEH f>l().2101. S.A. $350 mo. Call RECEIVIMG MANAOK.MENT. Electronic background
Part..trmc, 2 days/wk, at --------•I COOK 545-07708ob. INSPECTOR / PEOPLE PERSON req'd. No degree nee.
111 Del Mar Av e, C.M .
1390 N. Pacuic Cst llwy
Laguna Beach We are an equal
opportunity employer attractive apt property. E.xper'd only. All shirts. s ma 11 pre c i s i o n Exec. needs pf time as· Age open. l m med
<Xfice & minor main IUSIOY Goodpay&benerits.Ap· DRIVERS/l'·TI,_ machined & molded soc.lnwholesalesupply. availabi lity, good ---.------
tcnance. Anza Mgml mustbe18.ApplyTues& ply,JollyRoger,400S. to deliver L.A Times. parts for electro-Fully ca pitalized . benefits, MUlalon Viejo Sallmak!ng, ~lnlopport.
152·l583 Thurs. 3·4PM. Charley Coast Hwy, Laguna Stores & &lreet racks. mechanical devices. ""2·1634. Mfg, Co. Call Lillian. for sa1lmakmg co~eer
. ASSISTANT COOK-: Brown's, 16160 Beach _Be_a_ch _______ ~~t o~ ;7~~u1:: ~T:~ Working knowledge of MEDICAL Rt.:CPT . 581·3830. ~~~establtshed farm .
Exper not nccc!-sary, _Bl_vd_._.l_l._B_. _____ ,COOKforcrewol4sarling liability ins urance. Yl4 .. 5 true. l?ositioning Salary open. fringe -------
neat appearance. some CARUR to Acapulco Jan 15. Ex· ~19·8548. E .O E. Apply pref d. profi~aent use of benefits. Sparush helpful. Sales Ald Hourly Pay &
background. s alary SALESMEHMEEDED penses & air fare home betwe\!n8:30&5~M . me~.unng mstruments Briuol Park Med . Quality COntfOI bonuses Newport Pools
open. The Fish Buckel Jan 1. 'nlree Yr Training paid. Reply lo Classified --------~--1 reqST"C. OSWITCH i11o.1c Group, 722 Baker. CM. OrangcCounly&\4..,194 Restaurant. Cal I Scolt Ad ~. c/o Daily Pilot. EL E c TR 0 NI c As . "" ,.. Manage'r ff7J.7420btwn3&4PM Program. Salary + PO Box 1560, Costa SEMBLY & WIRING. ll39BakerCostaMesa MEOTRANSCRIBER Sales. Fine Quality -comm. Start up to Mesa.CA92:626 Sm rnendly company. 549·3041 for profe ss ional AerOlpace ~rOducts co. Retailing hrm, needs
Automotive S3000/mo. Contact Mr.---------new fac1hlies, good EquaJ OpporEmployer secretarial service In needsexperdpersonfor woman w/good tas te,
New DelaU Shop needs Bradley 835..SSSO wkdys, COOKF/TIME benefits.LocatedinC.M. ---------Newport Beach. P/T, non·destructive testing. fashion&peopleonented help. 66l-022Swknd/eve1M/F, Sat & Sun 6am·2:30pm. Call Chuck for appt. at F /T , days. Must. be dunenslonallnspecuon& to sell, P/lime. Call
Order Coordlnator
Regional sales ofc for
this world wide manul:-
has an opening for a
sales secy/ coordinator.
PO&. req's accurate typ.
Ing & good lelepbone
communication skills .
Exper. pre('d, but we
wlll train the right
person. Good sal &
benefits. For appt. call
493-4503 9am-5pm
Potter&Brumlield Div
2111L81 Avenlda
San Juan Ca~o
F.qual Oppor E°'pk>yer
Top wages paid. F.ng1ne E.O.E. Wed lhru Fri lOam · Newport Marine &gin· JANITORIAL, resid. & knowledgeable In all wtrk.ing to MJL·Q 9858A Beclcy,846-1666 Steamers, eng painters, --------~i 6:30pm. Mesa Verde neenno6Cs.J632 comnl"I. Day or nite. Ex· medical specialties. procedures. Send rj· .,......,.,B.,..L'P'R, ••p ... _. '-·"f •. uh Cashier P/T, Thurs-Sun. .. PO 8 ~··---so11o.11 s ........ .,,~., n.n -..... .. .,... ers .,. po s ers, up Conv. Hosp. 861 Center per. pref. Nd potential Rapid typing le accurate s ume to ox · ---,.. .......... trial b&I. Client contact
holstery shampooers. Call Bar~~~ appt, St. CM 548-5585. WCTRICIA.N suprvsr. Western C.Oun· spellin g mandatory. Newport Beach, Ca Men & Women's YHbion assume respon lo meet
check out. pick·up & de· ---------1---------1 Sml co. needs 5 yr expr·d ties Maint. Bef noon SaJary commensurate 93660. Sla'e. So. Coast Plaia. deadllnea, sal open.
livery.Applyat CIVIL electrician Top wages &.n-07ZJor673-4356 with abilities, ex· Dana540-6129 7""1 ..... d.,..,'u."1"0 .. evs.
2009llarbor Bl. CM COOK Woodc os.s Electric 1---------perienced only need •PP· 8 11 R Hr ""'" '"~ ~v '""""°"
645-1030 EHGIMHRIMG NoExper.Ne4:easary 545-0487 KEHNRHELP ly. Call 644-0504, ask for Racquet a ecept. s. SALES/RECEl'T. SecwityOtncer ----------i DHIGMH Ap•plyin person Wkbdlive-ln. Somewkdy Jill Henderson. 6AM-3PM. Racquetrun Fas hion orie nted Applications being t.aken
--------"1 Exper'd in sub division Afler3PM work.54(M.234 9872 Hamilton, HB. woman: a beginning for mature securily of·
AVON work. Apply in person. to Ttw Anc:ltwt Marin4"" EHGIMllRIMG Models, (2) needed for !l63-<Ml64 r position with a future, If rioon So. C:Oaal Plaza. '0
Mr. Fuentes, Robert, AIDEll color brochure. $100/per REALESTAll you are s harp. a1· Hr; week Varlooatihifls.
~ ..... Mow
Best time to establish
cuatomers. Interested?
Call SW-70U or Zenith
Sein, William Frost & 2607W. C.Oast Hwy, NB City of Newport Beach KEY nasc hr. J.W. Lau Londscap· Profeasional, licensed gressive & willing t.o Exper. pref. Full com·
Assoc.,1401Qual1St,NB. ---------SllJ6..Sl38lPerMo -UI in&67S-8459after5PM salespeople wanted. learnopticalaalea&con· pany benefits. Call
C-Filing deadline 119/78. OPERATOR ,....OTHER'S HELPER · · tact lens work. One part 548--6682 """" iu generous comnu.ss1ons. time&onefulltimeposi-1---------Part time. Some exper. For Information & ap. Uve In. Newborn & 5 yr Advance training. tion. The Optical Market, •SECURITY OFCIS•
nee. Applylnpenon. The ~~r~!~~~~s ofc~~ t3~~~ 2 Positions old. Own room & salary. 642·5062 ~San Mlguet Dr., NB. F.atab'I security firm Cl~Hif.lld Derby • .12628.E. Bristol, Newport Blvd, N.B. EnaJ.1plt'g.SS7·9797 c-tury21 Crodcer 64().4363 needs reliable men &
ClliNt S.A. &60-2101. Occldental·Research MOTOlllOUTE 621 W .19th.,CM women for uniformed
C CorporaUon located in D 11 Pll t l i Seam.stress needed for security posltlone in 0URt8f COOK Gardener needed for apt the Irvine Industrial a y o rou e n Real Estate Sales People sail maldng and canvu Costa Mes a. Full or p/l
Raleigh Hilla Hosp complex ln Costa Meaa. C.Omplex has need for Newport Beach. After· wanted. Up to 90/10% products. 642-7238 schedules avail. Retirees ~.JBS & 150lE.16lbSt.N.B. (213)865-3851 twokey·~operat.ors nooo.sFrid Mlondasy•·~ou&~ comm. split. Nw11t. Bcb Secretary-Purchasing welcome. PbOQe collect. Bab)'sittel' far 17 mo. old ~ Call&&S-5707 due lo ettt>• .. tlon and ay Pua a ...... ay "' 631.0000 main olc (OC' appt (213) strt. My home or yours. • y .. A b w·· ......._...,ODl~r •. --u "OU have &today mornings. Gross Cor prominent Orange 2SS-O~. • Mature with references. Reception COOK. ....we .. tress, .,..,..,..... " $400per month. sso cash RECEPT·WEEKEND Coast Building flrm1---------
Jryine or Costa Mesa Bartender, all p/Ume. GENERAL one year plus experience deposit required. Good Reotal office, l\cense I oc ated in Tu stf n . Sec'y/aen ofc. Klsa the
area only. Call 559·5387 "'-· Dally Pilot bu an Apply, S~ Franciscan, • working on ke)'·to-disc rorcdle&e student or 2nd helpM, Judy or Margie Previous construction •-.. -e "-.world good-
"IV 1617WestclilCDr NB LABORERS machines, you wUI enjoy c I 2 l d T .u•m ""'"' evenings oc 67s.-3736 and opentn1 at I.be main of· • the promotional OP· Income. al 642·•3 1. 494.9424 exper. r~u re . ype bye for qwet CdM Ioca.
leave message. fice fronl counter. Duties Cosmetic Sal ea, ex per. Needed lmmecllately port.unities at OXY Ask foe Circulalloo. n~n1.oru'sUOrd-n~k. ~~ p. no s2.,o"'~lnd. M!gr rep. needs pleasant. conslst cl classlfled ad "'"' t · """""""'.. ..... u= VJl'ta"~ eggy .,...,._.,., •-lephone personaU• .. for Babysitter, Fri & Sat. ' ..,~me permanen pos. Long & short term as· MOTOll ROUTI Good wt numbers, peo· -----------"" '"'
!. hls. So me w e ek sales, recepUon for tbe Prestige Drug St.ore, bch slgnments. Holiday & For confidential con· DIUVBY pie, phone contact, typ· l girl oCc. Lite t.)'pi:i\ m-
ts. 15< pfhr. $1. aft. ccloerimpalany k& M1ent.~ral area. Mr. Elwood. v a cat lo n Pa Y . slderationsendareaume "' dellV""' ,,...,,e motor iM Needs to be neat & Secretary ltngb& lin~eresptrlnducltgbs i.• M c woe • us .ype 6T~lSO Hoapltalhatlon plan to: ... o ... .... ...,. ec no o.y o · QW.lbl. Costa esa 45 wpm on etectric and ...... , Start Tod ... 1 route lo S. Luuna and pleasanL 540-114-4. 67S-5090
area. 644"'360 ext.. 325 or be capable of dealing C R E D J T U N 1 0 N av ... aute. 81 · t..1una Nlauel. Must llecepCJooi.t. We need gl.rl SENIOR ---------
55&3199aft..6 with tbe public. Op· C&shier-Olerk, Orance ~ OCCIDENT AL have1ooddrlvingrecot'd Friday who likes people Service Sta. Attend.at,
Babysitter for 16 month portunity (or advance· C:O. Credit Union. Lot RES£ •RCH and depend~ble auto. $50 & wants to work in SECRETARY exper'd. 1'\111 or p/time.
old boy. P/t.ime Mon· ment. Excellent com · Alamitos area. Needa &A cash deposit required. ·pleaunt aurroundiogs Apply Arco Station, 11th
Wed & Thun. Noon to panybenefila. staff member, 35 bra per CORPORATION For information call for busy, a<:tlve ex· Research and Develop· •lrvine,C.M. 10:30PM, My home or Forlnterviewpteuecall week, Tue thru Sat.•Ac· ....... ~.741 • 8C-4321, ask few Harry ecuUvea.Call9'79·ZlGl mentorganizotion locat· l S 1 KJd8 OK Rt PenonnelOfftce cutJcyllabillJ,ytQ.han· -Box310,f)ept.Z.2 SeeleyorDonWUUams ed in the Irvine Jn.Servce tat.on Alten· ~7 or M8·1B14 e s. 642-4321, ext278 dJe money most ti'npor· (ACl'Oll l'rom La Verne, CA. 91750 Receptioni.t & telephone. dwstrtal Complex has an dant, ex per d. Day & t•nt. Full emplo)'ee OraqeCo. Airport) .....,.,.,. Dtl•ery Pleasant appearance & opening for a Senior Eves. 1'uU & ~/time. AP·
BABYSITTER for School OltAMGI COAST benent.. Write: .E. J . Equal 0ppor Employer An Equal Mature resp. edult for personality, Real Est.ate Secretary fi1Y· Shell Station, 17°' &
age children. l :'5 lo' :30 DAILY PILOT Mets Cb. Gener a I Opportunity Employer early Al\t deli v. )lu•t offices, Airport area. · _rvi_ne_.;..., N_B_. ____ _
PM. Mon tbru Fri. 330W.BaySt. 'Man:&ger,Box2248,Seal GENERALOFC/BKPNG M/F havetrans.840-2756. Utetyplng.833.2237 Successful candidatesServiceSta.NightAtlend
Irvine.83>.lSU Costallesa Be~,C..fl0740 a»erreq'd,lOkeyadd1 NIGHT AUDITOR· will have entineerlng 20rSnitesawk.Apply.
BABYSJrJ.'EB Needed. ~ual=uolly CREW MEMBERS (2) typlnl ao wpm, •ooo .,. • ..._ •-c-· .. •·r H•lp E'-'d, part·time. APP· lllCWTIOMIST knowlegdge, shorthand Shell, t7th•lrvtne, NB E ........ _.. f ......._. -"""'"" ... ~~ Small Klalioo Viejo Mfl · speed of 100 wpm, and . Puf my home. Sao m oyer needed for 75' Sailboat CGa?PaAY ~.ta. re'• exper'd. for buffet ly Ben Brown'• Motel Coneedaneat~pearing t1Jiingspeedof60wpm. Service stauoo attendant
Qemmt.e. 5 dya, 7:30 lo leaving Ulla aprlo g. req d . Newport Beacl1. reataurant opening lo 2 31106 Coast Hwy, So. courteous exper person'. Quallffed applicants ror day tbift. 4678 Cam·
5PM.493-2857Bobbie 494-8131 F/tlme & P/Ume.K. wka al Fashion bland. Laguna. Bkkp'& exp helpful but abould send a resume In· pus Dr., N.B. Coroer
.BABYSITTER needed. DELIVERY PERSON .Hyder,843-Z>.U Ji\ill&aP/tlmeFotCooks, MUISISAIDIS notnec: typ1ncreq'd min eluding salary his tory Campus&MacArthur
P/tlme. my home. Mon CLEAMIMG LAolDY !or QI area. muat u1e G8BAl.OfftCI ~alhJ'..'• t•":>Yb. 1'/time, all ahifta. Park 50 wpm. Call Lillian Wao,,dvnreequairrriems eonrtscatlol Service Station Attead . • .._.~ 1·""'to5·30 SE oeeded to clean fi~es O"'n #Oar -•nt hours. J H-bert ...,.....er ~P· us e Ud Co Hop ••6 511-3830 ~ .. H "'·ll&P/T •~ .. 1 .... , ... ,,, ·-.. • 9"1dnp Moo t.llru l'ri· .. " • "'"' . ... over 18. Plea1e call o nv. al ... ., (714)957·7000 ru ,exp111ovr •. Munt Bdl .. 2 cblldrco. clq Muetbellardworlt· tc1-G106 1 HallJewellera 6'1HT79ortrn-0333. Flaga .. lp Rd, N .B. R.E.Salm • Sal open• uniform
Oallatte.•m q;...trmtwonby Call rbd what ,.oa want 1D lnSo.eo.tPlua IGtOM. cnbu721Adameisnott OCCID~.._.... •L 'nurJnCtshJ'd.PAppllyc aEt ~ 1'* •Fri 11 m.-• . lJei1J PUota...uteda. = t! ~~e~ ~!~IY NURSD =~~~:U.'::d~~! '°" 1 ~ OIEVR~. m~ Cabot
to yr old boy. My :~ ddulle$. Expel'. helpful, ~-LV.N. In Alicia Town Cent.er, RESEARCH RdatLaPu.LagHllll. ~==-own tr an a . , .a 111.TAll GAZBKtc~l i.twilltrain.CallBe&17, L.\t.N.e1ra.N. or TECH _,,.. tbe ttreet from RATION "' ....,. -·• ,._ ·-·~ full /U CORPO Service StatJon atten· _.. _,Q.AY' .. PQU.A ""' _. .. ,.,. wanwu « P me. l'ull•PartTlm• Gelnco. Fot al)pt. call danta F/T Is P/T. Hrs
BABYSITTING for ~ ..,...,. II-~~AllWl'i .. .!.~ ~ •·•!'t-o. --~-· Veoi~ Upt. CaU "'-Pomlble • d70amlc M-.el Adame. Bria. or %100S.E. NalnStHet ...... •10 ""P1J 2lf0 ,...._. tn "" horn.. ~if.'~; r ..... --;;; ... kit 5;iu'4ey, ~~ _ _.. vrnv for~ -.0140 tn:IMdual ntedtd to tab Loulse Juteau, »•r. Irvine, CA. tnU ...... : •' ' ,..
NB.T:aGAMto,PM,lit. .. , It ~--(ift .... .,. .......... ~....... g~f1 llf~?fu~ r::,;:~ LIADPllSOH tbqellltmall,moden, 111.-o Harbor,C.11. =-::J..:.~~= AT:: •~llocEl~tloft. ,_ _. t.ervt.-.·Newl*t rtoer ......... =-~~:::~.::~itJ. RESTAUBAl'T lm· AoF,qual SerY.SUJlelpDeededlal· ~~· re;f1. Cal' ~~ ~ llf;" , p.. =.!:fil& OoY_., • hr ft ......... • ruin o.fteldConYaleee.t .Wiatt oPtDhlll for ()ppot(WU~l'mplo)'et ~~i:'it~.A&~i .. , . .., I~ J -.. -~• tompn..ioe_moldmi. lf<lllP !~lt~uranlt "',.•o~lnel. ti. · -.r.y-y:•-_., ~ f)Cber poc&t• TlllOarfl_.Ave,HB • c.or a ••• on IAKD-'d~aPllC'tn· ~,flllf111• .•~ a. ,,· i-.,,.u.iJ.a Sm-11 tleeUoelee tem• t1a111 awall. •lAll Is 2nd ('114)9C1#71 ~taurut, (lormerb SIC'UTAIT MlSTOkE. 1\tll or Part J.._ Call kn. 84ll • l'~tf111tll.. ,_.... ~ 11 alln p~ w/xlo' benefits abltt. ADDlfta~on Bell • Crown) 14041 For Const.ruction co. Time Olerlt. Apply >n --.•u10 J)ff.#G.i! l' :::-U ~for capeble ID· CAlclloMJ'O • ...... AIDIS Be a eh Bl• C ., Near Brookhurat & p_eraon. 28983 Crown -~~ c.-. • z • ~ !\tlif. 11:Mi.:~..: •O.Aft.ll.B.<1t0f &OllmL8 W-C • ..,,. Adama,H.D.Callbtwn9 Valley Prkwy, Lat. _......,!IL~ ,. ~""*' I ., :=--... ••All •wpm. eeocti110.'AnlJ 1·1 -.....a.;-tfO.rw4l lDa\ bnlfita. lDclad. a.tarald-coot. d•· AM•SPM.~ 1_Nl__...cu_tt_. ____ _ .-nm-•---.W-" • ~ • -:;..... ~-.·· I.toll-. .~· : ee>B 'M ,.;. Buvlew Oonv. U.et7 4rivsra. Piume ~ for R.E. Mar. S1\lalMl ' :ili--!f:"'~"'H" , __ ;;-;; ..,. ..... _ ~" .'.f!li.,_" __ cw ... _ -,.. -•_..,. .......... Pl--t• tlce.~t· Ml:. ·...--~ I'" ~· 1~ •W. tallle&;"I~ s 1'rw: •·•· ofnc•. lN'...., 'alide • tom• •en~:: :'!.'l,,0~• .,.. llorirW t.o new yrs+ f~Hlies fl cal ~'!-M r:'· ·' ., • '•' c.'11a.&I..,... " lilli .ammam • .....,.,._....,.bWrea' F•u.lrWort °",; fac.1AtmM.Gd.11larJ waell1 ... ARO,Part:F 14 _ .;.~~ '~-; ·~ ....._ ___ ..._ ... ~F .., ...,.•.-& ;1..rd but•,.: ........... --~ •benefits. ~pply to Worid.:DS'N~al. _.._._. 41.· tJort ID_. ---· ....._ TeD1p.oftke:,,.Sln1_. ea.taM--. :=,\~-, =. ~"' ~ o.,_.. .. w1 04& • .,,, ....., a10a '° .wt.. ~>' 0a. • .-111cWson •w. " =-SI II:.-' --~ ~~ ~ I= ,i:,::·.~ "=~~~~~~.:et rEa.t~~,4l: W~:= 142~8 S=~.w~-=-
" .
l IT
( .-
.. c.
I ~ f t • . ,._
t i
·~· . i
• I •
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• • ~ J . . ~ • .. • • .
... .. . . . . . . . . ,.. . .
BG O \ILY P1Lor 1060 MIKetlaneoua 8080 loots, ,.ower '040 Motor M~t. S~e/ V-'570 v... '570
••••••••••••••••••••••• l...t/Stor... t 160 •••••• •••••• ••••••••••• •••••••••• ••• •• •• ••• • ••
frrc:t,1~ O , mo.1 :JO I 1 ~ 1 ......... . ••••••.......•......•..•.•.••................
• .....,W.tM 7100 t<i 11 1001--.. .. ., 10 .. 5 •~-• ... .., .. 11,.....~ ... 1 •• Yl"I, Mink Jacket, iiWtt cund. • .............. •• • • •• ••• ••••••• ~ -nvvw..,,,.,.. -0~ .. • A.!IJuno $300
•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• rriust 11ell SW. ~-:!Oll'J. •
26 n. h1.1nderbtrd ft"'ormula •••••••••••••••••••••••
lolfabore). 351 V8'a, all Reot a 19'77 Excutlve
uuvlgallonal gear & Molorhome or Mini
around tackle. Sleeps motorbome from ll•rb
four. Under 50 hours (t)·1edla.oder. call IJ\.Y of
l1CHMICIAHS 1131 IMS m 2tAA t4J5'C IOX•S Mixed Bour puppy.
11\JI "" d<>& h.'e GOOd "' .-n 1 c d I m C&.OCKS ht'allh. ull sbot.. t;.31 2339 rnunolo&> Serolo11> Ski! Machlnt:ll Naclwlu --HouuhoW Goocb 1065
Babylane Ure in•r &
bu~h. 2 ouk lbls. lutch
tbld2 chr&. Qn Sofa bed.
16" Schwinn buv's bike
Tools. Toy box~ MUCll
MORE 96.'i-5891
used smce new. 6 wheel thesenumben
11:'\:hnlcean fol' young lho deoo11• phooo1tr11 phs l"n111 to~ home 'f11sha ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11\oUdlcll.ll·IJf'l) Dutle1>w1ll World'i. luq:c1>I i.clcc <!yr tild spayt'd (crnale New b e i ge drap.,.!> trailer lncluded·also full ltW777
\m~lude _.,,..1st.u1g 1n pro t 1 on A I I o g 1 f 1 Ii llX'O l\se brkn 1;46 5~51i WI blll'<Jware. 4 Bluffs U
ducttou procci.s•hll. • (u._rnllurl' .1nllqucli model <! pr window
canvus. Call Johft feller 537.7777
ut 642-0010 or 540-3211 12Mlll
c·hanctl!ll.t1ng dOUHro A1J.1ct1cun lnlcrnauon.d foh~· Lu lovmg bome 1 >' li>n)lth. J pr noor. $100 Investors hund s•i:ncd 211 ft Unilble Sportflabe~. RENT F'ireball 2.:1 · Seit
10 drui.& & b1oloi;1cal 180Z Kellenoi. Irvine uld ft>m yellow Lab""' c ... 11 9 A M o o on htbogruph:i; Chui:all I owner, an mint co~t· cont. Auto/a.Ir. CC, CB.
m .. tena.h. BS m l.1fc 754.1m .OpenWed ·Sat ~ruomt.orun G31·S9HI 7t4t>WS<Sm Maro Dah, C.:aldt•r & l.lon&loaded!CUstoman· slel"eo.alps6 g.u..2283 Scaenct"• & l'llP. 1n uthcr-.. Lo~ prrl'l·:. ler1or. pilot. A.D.F . -
St>rotogy net· ----GftEAT DANt.:. t-'11wn 1 752-500!) V.H.F .. sunlog. outrie· 29 n. Apollo motorhome 1---------• }rs. Heg, spayed t.ovl.':s Jewelry 8070 gcrs. AC/DC nutural gas Must see w appreciate!
Wan l "' d 1t t•, ... u r ~ h WHO LESA LE ctuldren. 833-0351 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gol~ Clubs'\ Northwestern r·efrigeraUon & cooking, Call J oho Felter at
Techn1l·111n for )oung TO THE TRADE X-stalr. X·long. 2 9, PW, btmlnl lop w/enclosure, M2.00LOorS40-82U. B10-mcd1cdl corp. CAT Whi~e male. part WANTED 0 ·2 3.4 woods, $1 0U oewehr)'l>ler manifolds, s...dowtt Altfi•" Ltd. S1urnese. Hou.'lebrokl•n l* 5-t9-l().t7 ..._.........__......___ .......... Knowledge l)f I i.otopc 1 52,2 loba Chico mos 64G--8705 TO p CASH , oo L LA It nsers & elbows plus ex. --,,_ •
lube l111.:. Elc.>c _ _ PAIU FOlt YOUH 25 .. Color TV Console. tra fuel. Call Dale al lll/ito32'
lrophorci.1i.. Spl'c· M.I. 1714) 191·7509 1-·ree t o good homl' JE."W~LRY, WATCHES. Plays good $145. B/W 4~2709. l"ullysellconlamed
trophotomct r y. &t-_•_-_•_•_-_______ English Rull Do~. ART OBJECTS. COLO. PortTV S32.646·1525 l94l l7' CHRIS Spdbo Reservenowror
ChromutoKraphy dcs1ra· purebred f e in a I c SI L V ~ H SER V f C t:. · at, Holidays & weekends . bl MS BS 12 STEWART ROTH Pets 8017 new ~hol, new tank & e. or w yr-. """ll'\Uir.S G4S-3138 _ FIN"; FUKN & AN ••••••••••••••••••••••• trlr REGENCYMO'J'OR exp pr('f'd .A"'..., '" ~ 1050 TIQUf:S 645·2'.ro<l 1949 CENTURY "Sea HOME RENTALS
P T Techn1c1u11 fur
)<>Ung Jho-m1.'tlical l·orp.
Dulle:. include preparing
Reagent.i; & matenuls an
research tub Basic i.kalb
1n Gravimetri c &
Volumttnc methods Jrc
nee I yr co ll l'~c
t'heaui.try nt'i:.
,\shipment of Amcncun ••••••••••••••••••••••• Li•estock 1075 Hubb1t hutch. lge. auto Mate" Spdboat 160 bp. 92SN Harbor Blvd. s A Oakantiquc11hmquslar wal~syi.$25 535-41-12 new trlr. Bolh Mint ! ••531·2503•• raved from the i':<J s l ~'1'0R£WIOl-:SAL,.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rabb1t.s, Cheap• $ Coa~l. Opl'll 1 O Iii' ~1 New & used furn. <1ppl'~. Re~ Morf(an mare, broke • 5000ea. <213> S92·3~ '72 23' Mani-Mot.or Home.
Jaily rnJsr Wilson's Bur~1Hn to ride & dra,e. blk Ptanos&OrcJans 8090 loafs.Sail 9060 ITChcvyCh.assi.smounl
7~ I': UY J!:ll HD. !'llook 545 & 814 W 19th. parade ~Jorgan gcldini::. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/clean cpt'd Open Road
SANTAANA C.:M fit27930&54832ti2 F.ng Wei.tern 1714 1 NewBrandName Pianos WANTIESULTS? s i r lntr 49.000 m1 .
lat the Ncwport,i"wy , :JJl:l.101 t 10'' O\ er rost. S6SOO/bsl. Call 494.7039
751.,922 5l., rt. loo~ custom puddw Belll'h Mui.ac Center Sell your boat t.hru
purl a blc bar w 1tb MiKttlmteOUs 8080 l71()i Hearh l-llvd, H H. SOUTHWESTIRM .AMtos...ke, Pcrtl
multiplex tunl.'r. ti track ••••••••••••• ••• • •• • •• • M7 tl536 YACHT SALES & Accnsoriff 9400
20 1977 VAN
A LIFETIME SAVINGS! JO;xl·ellcnl liencfilS.
N.B. 63l·1881
I oC a Kind <.:ONVER
Toalcl in l'htlbl. Pnceh::.s
t;em Nds :.omc re
(arushinl(. tr you think
you havt• l•:vcrytbing &
money 1i. no ol>Ject. Must
Sell-Emergency at Ohio
home. SlOOO. Call 549-8590
& turntabll.'·all ure IJUall WA ... TE. D FUJVMIWPORT •••••••••••••••••••••• • ans -plus two custom ~ l.ialdw1n Compa rt 0.,, ... 1 ... S '64·'77 Used Mustang HEAE'SANEXAMPLE· ~rought iron bar stool-.. TOI' C.:AS H OOLLA H Th~uter or~an, Mod. CT ~ Parts 990 No. Parker.
Tired of the rouUnc"
Thh JOb IS for you !
Sharp' 51H-744t> PA ID t" OR Y 0 U H :m. Lt.-:.he ~pkri.. antaqut• <TI4> 673·9211 Orange. Call 997-2000 1977 FORD BUBBLETOP JEWELRY. WATCllE~. wlult'. gold tram, Sl200
ART OBJECTS. i;ou>. t>l2-5733 Must Sell 23' sloop w/shp. 'f;7 Camaro 327 V-8 3 spd VAN CONVERSION ••I BUY** S I L V EH S E R V J <: E . Moving lo Denver Ask A 11 parts + bod y Call Us Now At
Equal Opp Emplyr m f
tiwd used l-'Urn1tun• &
1\pphanccs-OR J will
sell or SELL for You
6~616 & lll-9625
l"INE FURN. & AN SewincJMachinH 8093 forBlll645-708l (';verything goes. Call
TIQUES. ll45·2200 •••••••••• ••• •• • •• • • • • • 839·0730
~ Jet pwr'd !.Urf Urd'
Great ,hallo~ ~ .itt-r
\.' 1· " ' ._. I S C v B 1\ ~
s norkel1ni:. S75U ""'
2l3 435 2255
Kenmore sewing mat'hine lioble 16, new Jib. race
and wood tub Wll'ams & ri1JRed. lrir & harnesses 4 USA Mag Wheeli. 14 "x7"
attachment $250 IU0-4403 meld $l650 Bob. 95S-l097 bole pattern 5.4v. ". Lu~
Complete with 460 V8. au1omat1c trans . air cond .
power steering. speed control. dual tanks. sink
stove. icebox. polly, dinelle area & sleeps 6 Low
mileage rental (068SXA) ----SportincJGoocb 8094 a.t' lslander Bahama. nutsmcl.645-9336
••••••••••••••••....... 1970, 6 HP Evlnrude. Getral 9 510
Fast'her Su pl.'r1tlu :.~ <714)646·7055 _ •••••••••••••••••••••••
------Tel h S I <.:ASH PAIU eD 00e 3 es r\J~t'an Ouk Secr~~ary , ~·or ..id used rum, anll
We ~fll train. Earn exrepllona1$750. llUl'S&clrTV's,9578133
LIST PRICE -$12,377
LUGGAGE TAGS snowsk1:., 1!15 c·m w/o 25' Coronudo 112 Boatl ________ _
from your business rurd Wniu> ..$75 M K-500 Wood owners. Wants 1mmed. Prhah Auto Sale
Send Ml' t•ard tor t•arh 17Uc:m w Et·kel bind s a I c Trans pa c 300 SL MBZ. Yellow l~ plu., one i.purt• Wt· mgs·S45 Sl.1 bool'>·!>llC~ 714-64S-0222 roadster. $29.000.
Chris tmas m onl.'y 536·1066 -
Salary and commission Ulond dan'g rm !>et. ilC·
Call AppliancH 8010 nuane wood Includes
631--0337. ask for Don •• ••••••••• •• •••• •••••• uurr~t. table & 6 l'huars
-----FRGllT DJ\MAG EU K-174066 11'\.US TAX & LIClNSC return pcrmuncntly "'~. 7. ll'~. JO. S7.50, S25. 300 SL Blat'k Road:.ter.
i.ealt.'d .. uractave la~ & S35 & S45 Girl's ire loab. Slips/ $25,000
:.lrup, mectan~ :.11rlrnc ~katesS11.c5:'-i,i.kateba~ Docks 9070 D>SEL6.3MBZS8500
J U rcquircmcnlii Pre & skate• d re!t!>·sn:L· l O ••••••••••••••••••••••• '67 Corvette Fastback
vent loss & theft' For a <duld)·all tor SSO. Call Wanted Sailboat berth $&lOO
Tow Truck Dnvers ex· ll<Yrl'OIN'r SALE 3308 -
per'd. Top pay· Apply. w. Warner nr II ,;ruor. Twtn Med. sofas. both $85
G&WTowmg, 1000 Irvine• Santa Ana 979.2921 l.j(e Med Cocktail lbl
Ave. NB642·1252 --$40. 552·&!711 aft lipm
$500 CASH OR TR.ADE will finance with
vour good credit
Needed. exp only. Mui.t ~orkingornot957-8133 lncld'gDimngRm
personali1.L'<.I la~ enl'lost.' &l2-0t38 Newport preferred. '61 Corvette $8500 CALL
wallpaper fabnt· or T . ., 642-7712 640-0019 eves. or 640·1850
Closed Sunday. Jan 1 --Open Monday Jan 2
Offer ends 48 hours afler pubhca11on
"Day Glo" paper & "l' ~a1lmBSll'r ~OO s with da,ys.S<.'OU
will l.iat·k & tram ,our Salamon banding!> & ~J, Sale/ Pnces subject lo ch11nge ta~!t Or try two c"1nb IJ0~.$75 Call61.1t 74t6 RMt 9120 wilhoulnollce.
bat·k to hack .,._ .. TY, Radio. ••••••••••• ••• • • •• ••••• ---------•
PHICt'.S MiR Steno S098 6' Jllllf Cab over c11mper,
S2 c.1 vr 31 S5 •••• •• ; ••. • ••.......... beaut cust. inter. $550. ~/
live in Costa Mesa. g 5. ----&Bedroom
Mon-Fri 646·9638. Sets. 993·0570
------H c (' 0 n d I l I II n (' d -
Tl'Cn'el Afj to $1 000 Hefragt•ruter:.. ~ ash ... rs Coffee tbl. i.q, pcl'an. S50
Free.lfyou've had3yrs & dryer!> ~·rl'lj.lhl 2 end t•hest ~. s:15 l'a
expcr. an domestic & anl 'l damaged & Model llCtml· 96.14090 9520
~~.,.Jk,; "'-...;;~. -e.-761·1111 F()l{b
travel this 1s the "lnp" returns Go;1r del Abo Complete bdrm ,et ~1 k
foe )'OU. llelp mana~c 5 new apphance1oo al cut.I + 11'11? st bed & ••II ac
person ore m thi~ fun 10•,: •. DUNLAP'S 109HO t'l'!>Sones. complell• din
filled agency· Xlnl bcns Talbert (al i!:uc:hd) FV rm set w/bulfct. tbl & ti & growth Potent. l\lsu
1 :.1 a~~ SI fiO e:i Aft. 6 PM 979-2133 • cs fi 'Hag., Sl 50 ca \lui.t .. ell hcforc the 1 SI. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 AUTO CIMTa HIVE, llV ... f
Hlormore$l.4Ul'd l~aul '>Oh tl mahog ti' ~~=-/. l924CHRYSLER
Sall':> Tux lncludt•1I :\ledJl cahanct. C.:arved. 91 SO Nds comp! reslorataon T .... _
'JO <.:AH o~ -.hclvt-s. can tX' used for ••••••••••••••••••••••• Engmes runs. 492.2588 rue .. 9560 ..._w..ted 95'0
l''ee Jobs. Call Connie \JG3-0721Opn7 day)',. 1•hr:.. club chr & rct'liner . 1----------1 llimpt; & decorator uc :>\0-roSS, Coastal Pcr1>on· ---c·essories. Consoll.' C'lr
l>ruw your own or '>l'Otl Sl<'rt.'O components. re 1974 250 Yamaha MX· -•••••••••••••••••••••••
name, ..iddress. phon~· & l'Ords. 'im TV & bar Terry kit front Cork, Bog '64 Sunbeam Alpine '75 Toyota True"' 4 spd
wt>llmak,•onl.'r;irdpt•r Sacrafin Sl:IS. C;ill shocks. etc. $500. Call w/Buick V-6 eng. $950 Radiolbtr Good cond neJ As;:ency.2790 llaroor Wharlpuol W,1..,hl'r & ·iv. remote l·Onlrol "io
C-'I Dryer t yr old Xlnt items over SIOO ti75 :1508 tug \dd :!5' t'at·h 645-7857 aft 5pm !162-9898 after 7 p. m. cash. 4 9 7 · 197 2 a ( t Call 842-01110 afl 5 pm
7PM/wknds T~1~t R;~epUO~lSt. NH t'ond. SJOO'IJolh 993-u57o llf'lri0-~7 S4.·1ld t'hl•1·k 11r mun1•\ 11r HC.\Colorl'\', tu yr~ old. ·74 YAMAHA RD350B. ·~International P U . t
tier to ,·onsole "'ork1111? 1·1rnd1 show rm l'Ond. 1600 mi. Recreatiottd spd. ou wide ures on re
PILOT PRlHTIHG 11on. 20 in SJO Ca 11 Must sec to a pp rec . V.Wdn 9510 ar.$5.50/oHcr. 495--4298
I' o Uox 15tiU ••i-.·t829 $750/ofr. Dan 642·8560
arf'a. J>/llme. l\pprox JO Wa~her & clryer, S50 Bdrm set ; Bed. drci.srr.
hr perwk.&l().544fi r.ood 1·onrl1t 10n Mus t two n1 ghts lunds S75 ·r--.--~ell. 497·22:!5 "·t•·h0 nelln$5 ."" """'
....................... --
yp1st. e'(per d xerox 1100 -l"\.J , ~ ... '"° ,,.,,,..
dual lupt.• system Mu .. t •:'ltlCHOW.\ V r-:. 1>h.ir11 If SOFA loose plll••"
L'<Jto.t.1 Mt•sa. Ca 9:!t1Jli
\I.\.'\')' ITD1S OF flN1':
St·vernl b<'iJUl n 1lur T\"~ 1973 Kawasaki 7Scc M1n1·
::>!19 up S&S T\' t>-il·S.1-10 Trail. Like new $225
C-Onvt 4 scat slreet legal '72 Courier w/c mpr shell.
dune b~gy. S800 Cull g~ mtr & trans , 57.000
529 ~ nu~ S!400 646-0697 he (ru,t & act'uralc & hkt• L'arousl•I mocfrl 1 .. '.k .,.,I.Ji h 1-olor 'tf~I ,,anely lleavy gen 'I or S2'.!.'> i:\!1 18011 u~(. • .,., i. "
"pccaahz.ed oft· bad. !lti:l-29ll EST,\TE .JEWELllY.
J\ltT 0 11.J El"TS ,\ N
TH>Ul-:S. 1-·1~t-: f'l'ltN
ETC l'llO:"'E f<'Oll t~
FO &. BHIH.'11\'ltE
~ :-.lt•wport HI\ d. C:\I iSl-.3006
'75 Suzuki 125 RM. xtra!> ~rounct. Airport .1r1·a Wa!>hcr . 1l q1•r da" GarogeSale 8055
Th('Offat>e. 752-0S!l:i hwashcr. i:ai. ran~t·. Si:! ••••••••••••••••••••••• loClh, Marine for racing . Gd l'Ond.
1-'iberblass street legal •••••••••••••• •••••• •• •
549--8759 1976 Dodge Bubble To1>
ca 646·:.H4R
:'\lature person,,, ,,dull ~.f°' t 8030
F:ST1\TE J t-:W t-:LH Y
t\ltT OBJ 1-:CTS. ,\.'I
·nQUES. l"l.'IE l"Ul-<N .
1-:'l'C PHONE i"Olt IN·
Ft> & BROCll U HE
Ecppmtnt 9030 S400/b8t ofr. 32.1'~ Crest.
••••••••••••••••••••••• Ave 118
•ZODIAC '68 11.D. Shovel Head, fol
Van, fully converted. 4 Wheet Drhff 9550 many xlras. must !lee
• • •• • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • S9.875. 552 .. 5149
resident care rt r t.cl .. .,_pmrn
hencf1L'i. 631 .. 3555 •••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • •
Weekends only. lu11d1.
breakfast $3 50 hr
Penta.'( SPolmrillc 55mm.
Fl 8 $150. 200mm 1-'4 .l
$00. 5.56·8.'\58
Cob 8035 ...•.••.............••• MOVING S.ALE!
Man·., diam.,nd rm~. S22:\
Small p11·kup shl'll ~1th
hool 1;.t6 70M
Supl'r Howl Tac k el~
Port·A Manne
lnOalablc Boal:>
&~College. C.M
2 Tlckt·l~ plane rare· 'I Cor onado 28 l'UShaom •.
day hutl'I & meal:. complet~ !>el never
73 llonda 350 with helmet
<;ood cond.
$500. 768-0093
SIOW orotfcr 1;.i5 I 12t. "!>.~•. rc:d wht blu-plald. l9'76 RD400 Yamaha. fully W•JTRESS IU ~·ks Seal Po111t Mah• :llust sell eVt•rythan~ ""'""' dr-sed AM FM rad1'0 ~ S125 546-6023 after 2pm .. .., · ' Part lime, over 21 111 ma I a ya n Cran d Wrought iron gla-;i. ll>I On)(anal t·arbon cup~ 01 __ including extra parts . ~taMesa.642·9764 l'hamp.blood hne:. Tup s7s Furn llnl·n. du,. tlw ti1rok "Bt\TTLJ-:Sacnfice-IGruyMarinc Only3500miles.S2500or
---show quality K30 911!!1 or hwarc. appl . l'tl' All an CHY" b\' Ll·ou :\I Uri-. £ng V8; l'Omp w/Uorg best offer Also 1970
WAREHOUS EMAN fnr 837 1475 1:110<1 l'onc1 Salurda). ,\!.ktn~ s;oo c;.,11 Erik. Warner velvet drive & Suzuki 50cc only 250
d r apery fa bra r --::s:1e11 Tuna l>:ina l't 7!'*HO!!O.ti75 8g.w barrconv,$400 Clcan25 miles 10 new condition
wholesaler, t>xper an t!Jl;-4193 hr smce Olf. 1 Chrysler S2.'i0 631-3474
shipping & ret'etvang DocJS 8040 , !land l'Uf\ l><l 1vor) 1·hl''' c t 957-1~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• (,!Ml GAHAGt-: S/\Lt': i.L'l (rum lndi<t \l'n s.I'i~~ comp w runi. '73 YAMAHA 125 MX Ex
--DOGTRAINING AppllaOl't'I> hH· & Omall'.S81;5 213.,1352255 t.>el. cond. S37S bst oHer
'Voungma.a3hrswork ea YourPlat'eorMine irnr:.igc masr 71191., W -----loots.Power 9040 548-0796
SUnday morning 2:30am John Martan 54s.oos9 :.M.h St CM. torr l'lal·<-r1 Boy , ~' .,pd St'hwann. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----to 5:30 am, about $5 per - --tau Ave.> Fri & Sat good :.hapc. SfiO, bai.i. fad '75-Triumph 850, good con·
hr.646-1413or67S-2515 Spranger Spanil'I Ulk & . --cUc. Gt·rman mad1•. t'lll>l' SEA RAY'S dJtionSSOO/bslo(r. -·-------white. L2 wk:.. A KC $200 Si\TISvN 9·5 300 l\lllJ?lo and S275. r1rm. 6i5 HSl:ll 847-0407 ~'~ l'h64!>-5764 Place. NB Wai.h1·r. __ _
JEEPS 0 77"
C J -S 's, C J ·7 's .
Cherokees. Wagoneers.
Pick-ups. up to $1,200 dis·
rounts. 5 yr 50,000 mile
warranlys available.
Copetand Mtn Inc
2001 E Lsl. SA S58·8000
Please Call ·
Costa Mesa ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---waterbed, ll1lrrn '>Cl. ;i(l (,'\Jst remote control Al 1971 Models 72 Yamaha 175, Enduro. ~ 8005 PUPPn:s. \u,trahan dothe~ MOR";· ,a.al bo;Jt. melds s rhan 19•.30• dart bike. xlnt cood. runs TNCks 9560
••••••••••••••••••••••• CatUe Uoi::" t; Wks olrl nl'I t·raft trans mitter grcal. many xtrns. $325. •••••••••••••••••••••••
PUIUC •ucTIO.._. C<lll s.57·1255 MANY 1-urmtur" llc•m i. StlR.5 213 135·2255 HARRISON'S Al.SO.Sofa,642-2698 '64 Chevy PU. 3~ ton. rbll
A " 1111· I ·I! 13 a by G r 3 n d · & t · I Gd
MANY ITEMS OF F I NE Paa no Chcrr~ 01nanl{ I B 1\1 Se I e ctr 1 r I I SEA RAY ·71 Suzuki TC 125. xlnl ~~~~s . rIT2~~~ o:'v es
ESTATE JEWELRY. Fore.to You 8045 Hm l'anJ! pon~ lhl. 11at10 TYPl-'""nter. S650 <>Hare 2327So. Matn,S A. ' cond. UOOma. $375 SSl-4289 dyc6J1.2205 ART OBJECTS I\ N · ••••••••••••••••••••••• !>\!l <>thl'r alt·m-. lndudc Dc:.k J4"'(60 .. S35 Oil· 540·6555 586-2917 _ ----· ___ ,. ___ _
TIQUES, FINE-FURN. 3 yr old Germ Shep toyi.. book:., tool~. ap Ch ear. S25 Dre1.:.er '' JlOl Coast llwy, N.B. MotorHolnu. Sale/ '75 Ford Courier, 27,000 ETC. PHONE FOR IN t.:ollte, heallhy. ~uaet. 1o:d pla <am· .. ~. fo'ran<·1-.l·an dwr. S:!5 S ideboard 631•2547 Rent/S..... 9160 miles. FM/la~e d eck.
FO. & BROCHURE . w/klds. nets J.td homr W<U-l' & MUCll MORI-: 1t-1epplcwhitc1 S200 Sm ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~5n7828t cond. 556·0975 or ~-----··· ___ 63_1_-ss.58_.IWS·OlOt KJJ.O:J51 _ C.OfrccTbl S25.556·0525 '330wcns,butlt1947.good MOTORHOMES ~-·--__
HOO Auto1, New 9100 Auto1, Mew 9100 live.aboard. $6000. best FOR RENT A.to1 Mew HOO
offer. 545-4729 afl. 5 F'rom $100. wk. 770.0644 ••••• : ••••• •••••••••••• HOO Autos. Mew
'73 Dodge Van 6 r~I.
'76 GMC Cus tom Vun.
Very clean. SZOUO dn
T.O.P 546-6368
9590 . ..••.•.•.•••..........
We're the new Chevrolet
dealership an the Irvine
Auto Center. We need
your used car!
21 Auto Center Ora ve
"·'ti I ii 'fl ' IP·''' .11111 831-137~ 493.3375
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2828 Harbor Blvd.
1883S A£ AC.11Bl110
114 ..> 7781 ~~() vH{
540 -5630
If your car is extr11 clettn
Sl'i! US (irst.
2925 Harbor Blvd.
Costa M~a 979·2500
at •••
: ~ I . __ ,_
e e e e e .. e et tt e e tt 99 e -------. --.... . . ----------
• .l •"'19. .. t
A-...._,...W .._,l•.-•W ................ . A.fot.t.,orW Allfet,UM4 A.tet.Uwd ••······•····••········ ·············~········· ....................... ................•...... ....................... ....................... . . ~ • I .. . t11J o.t.. t 7JO Rois Royu . 't7H MC ttos ,... t940 ~~-~~-....... ~·-~~~ ........... ~-~~ ......... . ...................... ....................... ....................... ······•··········•••••• ....................... ....................... .
'rt ' do«, lOILS, al # 1 DEALER IN U.S.A. '1$· AMC Boraet Cpe. 75 Ford Guo Torlno Mliicw f 9950 Ollk..... '955 "' ia H40
DAll.YPtLOT •7
llOlld.. iumrool, AMI YM 11.000 ml, air, loaded, Brouaham. VS, alr, P/S. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• --• .. •••••••••••••••• 'ta~ dt>dr, slnl l'OntJ ~ ROY $2.fBS. CalU7S-7117. P/B, All/ YM stereo ORANGE COUNTY'S 4WO STATION W1n. RI.LO· '74 Gold D\llter, fully
.... .ti«a lt;,Ml 77Chaw. CARVER ~...a. ttlO ~.loaded..$.3100!olfer. MIWIST -CGDd.<Wf•. eqlllp~d. abao1utely ~•executive aalo ROLLS·ROYCE = .. •••••••••••••••• 112-4785 LINCOLN·KEBCURY ... TIQ J*fect--..15$.za& ~-=·••••••••••• naw&o'QIClft--bunyl ~=-::. ''1J Estate Sta. Wr o, "10 Torino Wa1on., Veey Dealwab!pluowOPEN um CuUua Supreme, tt65
Alla Romeo '76 (.; r. •DOVESTREET .......... ste.reo/\ape, all pwr ct.n. &U', all pwr, radio, RA y R.ADllOI loeded. very cJeu, rant ·-.................. .
}lerfect R~awoJble. <NarMac.ArthW'Blvd. CLOSlDSUNDAYS eqpt.$1800.MS-SOl9 &d t ires, l o m iles, 1JNC()LN.J4.ERCURY '1500 bu1• tb• ear. '77CANAM.L&4.Edltlon.
4lM uoo •Ja~Road) S995/bestolfer.5'6-819S 18-llAutoCoenterDr. ~ • Lo ml. rood eq\lipmeot ---- -NEWMRTBEACH Cassie Riviera, 'M. Xlnt SDFw)'·LakeFore:stex.lt lDc.ll allDl'OOt Mu.at Id.I, ~ 9707 133-1300 '67 Mulllner/Partc Ward mech cood, many new '12Tortno SquireV8, auto. IRVINE '73 Oltla.u 40, ISO CGI. all often could ered.
••••••••••••••••••••••• C.oupe RHO. Beaut cond. parts, new tires. Beyond PS/ P B, u 1r, AM/ FM 130.7000 well eq~ppec1, Jllnt coad, ('11')07.aTlt 1973 AUDI BMW RESALES '7421110Z-DATSUN $17,~. (J08ETB> depreclallon, &t over stereo. Top cond. 47M. 54,000mi,$I000.6Q-4818
I OOLS .. DOOlt LOADED 4300 Sl~. 6'2·9224 Wile'i; car. 968-2788 1975 Monarch, air, vin t op, ........_ 9tl'7 •e BooftevWe 9 pass Wfn. .. 1973~002 m.~ask for Fred • B T S2 XI t etc ood nd $3450 p p ,-~ New u,.. paint. batL New ~naine, uutomutir .. 61 EN LY · · 0._ Cadillac 9915 '76 Grab T orioo. Blue .,,.,,·1~A"or~ .. ,.· ... .:,A • • •••••-•••••••••••••••• ..,,. .... ~-... · 4 spt!t!d witb auoroot. '78.821 H b .. cond. New brakes ~ 1 .....,. ....., .....,...,"""' --..-.. --t r ans ., &1r t·ond., <™>· 0. atch aca, a1r,4 trans.$9500. <205TCS> ....................... w/wht v nyl top. Stereo, '74 PintoSq-...•.,Oll -th
AM/FM ater~ & i;un-1 73 •v"•t'... spd, lo ml. Xlnt cond. -· 8 tr, AM/FM. fa:iOO/bel '74 eou,. ar XR7, loaded & L uua&e raet. ma1 n j -41 9970 root. Pri. pty. $3,300. Call 9 '"" -A • $3200/o&. Call 581·5260 Call 642·7978 Agt . 731'""33 in xlnt cond. lo miles, 1 wheel• (wide). tape -••• .. •••••••••••••
494-6618eveninas. 4 SJ>t.'ed, sunroof & All' Flat 9725 , Owner $3250. 55.241878 aft deck/radio, auto, !ow tt74FOaD
cond. (3.2.JPS). 30 201.,r W"" Op '72 LTD Brougha~, 4 dr, epm mlles. $1995 or otrer. Can __ ......., ... 11RD ·1~ "UDI I OOLS 1973 I "V "RI... ••••••••••••••••••••••• c..1. ll&en.soo en v'ft"l top low ..... P/S '~"" ~"" "" "" "" Tounng Car. Twin side· ....,, • .... , • be seen in Costa Me.a F\lll Aul-Omatic tram.&. only AutomatJc, a1!6..cond. & 1976FtATXl/9 mounts, wtre wbls, r e· • P/B, air. tape, $1850......... 9952 Call8'10-4S64Cor inlo. power, Landuu sun·
47,000 o rig111al mll ~s. sunroof <OOJNu z >. With stereo casselte & °'s:t,,.._.....,5 833-8:M6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• roal, leal.bcr interior & (610GWX) Sell lJ 1973 3 OCS built eng. Polished Alum -·1 igro Mach I Mustang, 351 '73 Pinto Ruo1tbout. 2000 only 32,000 ori l{tnal
bluebookat iogu ow 4 speed w1lh Luoroof. ~~~F:>~,000 mt!es. hood. F.lC cond. $19,500. Ceetft" U..CO.. 9945 HP ene. Xlnt cond. cc,di.sc,4spd,newUres, mU es. ('10JPV>. A
OHLYS21SO G!61.MCG>. ,, SA.DDLHACK (VX8822) Pb; 64.2·7878 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• $1800/bat o f r. Call lug r ack.48.000mi,ireat iacrllkeat
New-tet 11 Mfrs 1974 IAVARJ.4 VAWY IMPORTS Agt.. 1976 CADILLAC "7611ARKIV. tm.'12Z1 shape s1soo. 645·69'0 ONLY$3f95 r---y--.. 9765 SEVIW Loaded, low mlleaJe. eves/earlyAM 5 ... -11 ... _ l!lmHarbor,C:Osta.Mesa Automauc, air cond. & 831-2040 495-4949 .:.'.:::•••••••••••••••• Pwd$15,400new, Aslung '66 M us t a ng . H igh , . t VAUffl::;~TS 642-0795 • only 2 2,000 mde.s . IEFOREYOU AJI leather, stereo tape, $9000. Car garaged from performance parts. Lo 71 Pinto. Xlnt ransp. ~ --------1 t741KYQ). Honda 9727 dcnnse·leu cooxetrolex&talrlatshe. purchase date. 831·'10&5, mi,$1200.Ph546-~ Rblt eng. PP. $850/bst 131~0495-4949 '72 AUDI l OOLS, Auto, 1974 3.0Sa ••••••••••••••••••••••• SELL YOUR 8319'°'7 olr S4&-296a
N C, s~nrl. $1995 make Automatic. :.air cond. & (629NR0). · adlnDbUe 9955-.. --·-----
---t "131buoderbird
otr.49'H458. swi.roof.(38HKLF>. ~Mew'77 TOYOTA. $9888 Mcrreridr 9947 ....................... rqwmllth 960 Loeded S3200
IMW 971 2 1974 3.0Csa HONDA Cars Seeus for a lop dollur ••••••••••••••••••••••• '72 Delta 882drH/T.AT, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ukforFred
••••••••••••••••••••••• Autom atic, s unr oof & MANY ~~~U! IS TOYOT" • <5.J.~-=~~!!ies '75 4 Door, brown; radio, AC, xlra clean. $1300. 1974 Ply. Satellite Sta. V... 9974 I h · · ,..._..,. "' htr., air, p wr. s teer., Dys ~,evs 833-8719 Wag. 9 pass .. P/S, P/B, eat e r Inte r i or. ToCltooseFrolft! MJSSIONVJEJO . pwr. br ks. Low miles. Air, Gd. lires, tra ns •••-•••-•••••••••• (.J88~l75530ia UNIVERSITY 831-2880495·1210 Nabers $2,795.673·'7794 Olds70CuUass,2 dr,auto, Cooler , a ir s h ocks, '76 Ve1a w ag on, 6300
air, radio, PS, PB, VB, trailer bitch, CB Radio miles. Showroom C!lean. 4 s pl•ed with sunroof. Olda-.bile '77 Celka GT Liflback, • SDELLall pl~lle 1Ct1ems with a good cond. $1100 PIP. incl. Good Coad. $197$. RIH S.spd. P/P i 3ooo. CEHIN D). 2 to choose HClftda Can • GMC s-spd, radials, air. AM· CadiJJac Y iot a.sslliedAd. ~1484 ~ 5.56-1'3T
from. Trucks 1''M cass tape. Extr eme· Autos, Ua~ ---------
.,.,""Harbor Blvd. ly lo rru. Like nu. 559·6825 :?600 H,1rhor Bl11tl. Aaltol, Used ...... Us~ Allfoa. UHd
131-2040 49 5.4949 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Costa Mesa 540.9640 '77 Corolla. Standard int, CoslJ Mcs,i s.io.9100
1975 BMW 5301 Jenaa 9732 deluxe ext. Make ofr orj_!~~~!!~~~ P•••••••lilll•••••••llll•••••••ml••••••• ..
Arri.Jc blue with brown ••••••••••••••••••••••• t.o.p. 546·5744 art 6 1973 CA.Oii.LAC COMPLETE
leather lnleri~r. Sunroof, 73 J ensen He aly• new •n Corolla Sta. Wgn. Nu COUPE DI VIW auto~.utlc & ~n excellent motor, int xlnt.. mustseU. auto transmission. $1000 F)Jll power ck is in nice
condiuon. (50207S9). $3200/bst 631·3339 orbest 673-4031 condition. (979HEW ). OHLYS9895 1-'-~-·~~~-1-~~~~~-
EXCELLEHT ROY CARVER BMW Mada 9738 '76 Corona Wgn, s spd, a ir Now reduced to
SELECTION OF lS.WJamborcc Hoad ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond, AM/FM 8 tr.le, lo ONLY $2395
N PO T '"', CH nu , xlnt cond, $4800/&t. S" ... DLll"'"" BMW RESALES EW R u EA ffl8.7225 """ ""-
We may have your n<•\t 640-6444 'Jio.H--a.-----9-7-6-7 VAWY IMPORTS
(.' II -,,_,"'" 831-2040495-4949 ~ar~~u,r inventory. ·• ·1 1 BMW 2002. Re d , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------
83 Jo AM F M s tere o, air, 1975 Triumph Spitfire. '72 El Do. Blue w/wht I· 40 495.4949 ~IJC('tal mai:s. Xtra cln. 2150 H.t.or ll•d. Mecharucally excellent, vinyl top. all xtras. XJot
WANTEDTO BUY a ... t otr .\Ju..,t:.cll.&i0--0944 CodaMfto64S..5700 stereo t a pe & s upe r eood.$2,995.673-4743
l ... 1 W hetween!J 5. 1---------1 s harp1ntenor&exterior . <)11.1 lly u.""" UM s. ------9-7_1 _5 Mwudn lem 9740 Pri. ply. $3,495. Call Don '76 Coupe De Ville, blue,
ROY CARVER BMW CGpri ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.f.F at 64o.2soo; even· ~ xtras, only 17,000 1540J ambor1•c ftq,1d ••••••••••••••••••••••• inl(s afler 6 pm, call m1, $7,000 by own er NEWl'OHT HF:M'll ·71 Cap ri. 4 s pd , nu 1970MIZ250 5-ia.5163 _546-4423 _______ _
4illr; · lllfllKa.~ ..
low Blue Book SALE!
640·6444 rad1ah. tape dck. runs Automatic. mr cond. & :: -=-== gd. $7501bci,L675··7013 stereo. (479G BZ). '75 SpiHlre $3100
979.5345 ask for Fred.
Eldo '74. Xlnt cond. Fully
eq uip'd . 52,000 m i.
CREV.IER ,. 1975MIZ280
Datsun 9720 SEDAN. Automat1r, air Volcswagen 977f1 •72 El Dorado blk w/vinyl
•••• ••• •• •• •••••••••••• cond. &c cruise control. ••••••••••••••••••••• •• top, all xtras. Xint cood & , s1 , u o ,,owAv E cnu.NDM> s * DRIV A* ....... S ...... D.LEl"CK HUGE ELECTION S2600.Call645-2053. SAN IA ANA -"" NEW & USED CARS ,...____._... 9920 8 35·3171 *LITTLE .•• * VAWYIMPORTS _._..f"Ullrr
lHl u• 11MArt omv1No MACHINE SAVE A LOT 831 •2040 495•4949 Top cash SS for your VW. ••••••••••••••••••••••• *USED BMW's* Paid for or not. Call • It
'742002A 710uu<.: SllOP&COMPARE Mercedes Benz, •73 280 Keith or Jerry. .S ,._
'75200'.!J\Scr .:!4!36 S EL, mi n t, l o m i, BOBWJTHAMVW 1,..
'76 2002 4.spd S/ R 40! PD p 556-0975 7600 Westminster Ave, I
893-7551or 638-7880 • * '76530IAS/ll 712PQM O a.ssic red •72 350SL, 2 --it lt
'77 320lA S/H 177RSK t.ops. Sll,750. Ph 846.0291 '72 VW pop lop ca mper; it Jt
aoa.d Ow Sundays Call tiJ SPM fully eqwp,, low mile., •. .,i · -NEWPORTDATSUM s uper co nd. $3, 795. lt .,: OR.AMGE COUNTY'S for the best buy in 8 new "73450SE. Xlnt cond. New 631·~ Eves. ! J ~ ,..
OLDEST or used Datsun! tires. 45M mi, Brown. 1973 VW ~ f Jt-'.
~-$, __ 8~-1300 .;:::::::~?~~ ~.·=aro.,., .. ,!l.000 ~=~~=~~~
The '781 Are Here ,74 MGB. Xlnt rond. 30.000 1970 VW Sqrbck, Salcs·Svn ·1cc Lc.1'.'ii11~ ?: Roy Cc:rYer,lnc. Afl models &colors. mi, AMJFM, must sell Clean.$1600. 494-llll 546-9967'
Immediate 892-2474 aft 6pm. 642 6S06 or 559· 7279 ~ Rolls rt(I\ 1 c R:"ll W Deli•ery Today! '77 MGB 6 000 m 8 track '68 Westphalia Camper.
--' • • 1• • Nu fact. eng. Xtra cln. Last <'hance for fantastic ~11 FM sten~o. lug rack. 65M. $1995/bsl. 4"4·2130 "CL ""'SIC" s,1, in~s on all rcmaming hke new 548·1239 or _ ~ '77 models1n stock. 642·5334 aft5PM '65 BaJa Bug. New eng,
1 97 fl B .MW :! >Io o CS 01 MGB, must sell. Wire 6000 m1 warr. New Baja
,.: l~IUJ.imbo1cc ~ ~cwporl lk•.ilh MU 1;.111
COL l>J-: I :.µl'l'•I. :.un w .. --•~. new rubber. FM, ~t. New brks. Xlnt r un·
roof. l.1t·lol\ a ir cont.I. "~ n" rond $900/b s t ======~=~=~I good cond. $1100. 673·2072 .~1., ~=c. """··5824 • RL1u)Ju11k l /\M l l<'M ,.....,...,.,,, ""°
:-.tert'O, t•lt•1•1nr w111d11ws. 2!14511AHBOR BLVD.. Ope4 9746
l1J!h l alloy whN•I.; & 540.6410540.0213 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '66h Raja Bug, clean & N11d1 thlau hlu1: w/tan in· ---, s arp.
tenor In l'\l·l'll1•t1tl'ondi· '74 2llOZ 2+2. Auto, air, * 76 Opel C.pe, Aut ~, Call 499·37S5
lion thruoul & 11nly 63,000 AJ\l .ft'M c a ss. m ags. AM/FM, radials •. lo m1, ----
mill''4! S1tl.!l!l'J or twst of· Rronze/Saddle int.$4700. $2695/o fr. 846·5848, '70 Bug Auto, Nu paint,
fer l'ri ply. C.ill owner Uys 494·7147, a ft 6 213/648-6232 'fires, AM/FM, 8 trk,
•MEW '77 CHEV.
Full Power. leather inte rior, power sunf:!>Of. [~JDYJ
'74 UMCOlH 4 Dlt. COHTIMlM'fAL
Full power, leathe r lnt&ftor, extra clean. (350LUV}
'76 UMCOlH MAii IY
Full power. leather Interior, S 0 LDeats. (084NXN)
'71 UMColM MAD Y
Bill Blass Designer Model. Full power & even a Power
moonroof. (729RSCJ .
Full t,ower Including split power aee.ts & cloth Interior. [064 VE)
74 CAOIWtC Cf'I. DIYIW SOLD Full power, exceptionally cte. JS. (424NXN)
7) CADll.LAC Cf'I. DIYLlll
Full power, elCtra clean Interior & a one owner car. (632GYO)
'1' CADtU.AC C"l. DEYUJ,i .
Full power including s plit powet seats & cloth interior
Full Power. AM/FM stereo radio and Landau toP. (701 315)
V-8. auto. trans., factory air conditioning, Powet steering,
powr disc brakes, Power windows, AM/FM w/tape, (528454)
'7J MHCWY MAIQUIS 4 DI. v.a. auto. trans.. factory air conditioning, power steering,
p0wer disc brakes. AM/FM w/tape. (081GLV)
Xlnl r un 'g c ond. •· al t.I:! ltl:J8. 673·262S Pone'-9750 $1.500/ofr, &16·2086
Auto. trans., alr cond .,
pwr. steering & brakes,
radio, special new paint
job & m uc h m o re ! 025422).
Factory air conditioning, AM radio w/tape, heater. Vinyl roof. (651GXB)
76 WHCWY MONARCH 4 DI. 9 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ : ·Autos, New 9800Auto1, Hew 80 'fi6SUNDIAL CAMPER
·! •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• 1965 PORSCHE HUNS GOO D Nowo.ly$4998
HOWARD Clle•rolet
Dove & Quail Sts.
V'-8, auto. trans., factory air conditioning, power steering,
p0wer disc brakes, AM/FM w/tape, (919SLS)
·. . .. ... . .,, ·. '•
356 COUPE 642·1730
In excellent condition ---------
with factory c hrom e
wheels. (0624) • .MUST
SEE i!!
131-2040 49M949
NEWPORT BEACH 'fi6 Bug. Sunroof, AM/FM 83J..455513l-01I6
c assette deck, Good ---------
cood. Must sell. A steal '64 Malibu, V·S, One
at$950. 494-7895 owner, 79,000 m iles, gd
'64 V W BU G . Ne w _cond.. __ S7_50_._64_S._!H20 ____ 1 motor/brakes, AM/FM, 19m Olevy Impala 2dr,
V-8, auto. trans.. factory air conditioning, pewer steering,
p0wer diac brakes, Power windows. power aeats, radio,
heater. vinyl roof, sunroof. (126035)
'71 FOID T'HUt4DIUllD gd rntr, Very clean. air PS Pwr .. ,_c bri..-77 924, factory s unroof, • • ,,.... ...... ..... ,FM ts b _979-41.l __ s _______ 1 vin. top, nu tires, lo mi. 1
V-8. auto. trans., factory air conditioning, fUll power, vinyl roof. (706NPO)
tun 1 cass, ma • ra. ownr Good cood thruout
rover, assume balance of '70 VW BUG. New intr, $908. s.is.2473 ·
xlnt lse. Call Te rry, paint & chrome. Call aft ...:...--------1
V-8, auto. trans., factory air conditioning, vinyl root (587NPf) '14 FOID .,Tl 213-973·2571 X36 days; 6 PM. OOJ.2854 '74 Laguna, ' spd, 454.
751·5006 eves. VolYo 9772 Stereo, new wide radials. Y·8 , auto. trans., factory air conditioning, Landau top. (088KXZ)
rsche '74 911 Targa.
«K mi, India red/blk
trim, leather. Immac
fM"'510 •
lt77'12 911 s
Under 3,000 ml. Has
eveo1hlnl, w/fac. wm ·
ty. Must sell. 631·1304
1974 Panche 914
5 speed, AM/FM 8 track,
alloy wheels, lowered.
Only 26,000 m il es.
1540Jamboc'ee Road
:D MBZ UO, ' cir, sedan,
Ute new, tl'11t Ir clean.
M.275 Bob at 955-1097
'74 FOID LTD 4 DI.
Power windows. AM/FM radio w/lape. vfnyt roof. (786KYI) ~---~~---1• If.FORE YOU
••••••••••••••••••••••• 37,000 mi. $2800/ ofr. 830-2789
SB.L YOUll '59 <lMlvY station Wagon.
VOLVO Runs. S200/best offer. OTHERS • 675-4265 aft 6 PM
See us foe a /op dollar ,...__1_ 9925 · 71 OLDS o..e.A or ""OM -
estimate I _ ,_ -SOLD MAR9UIS VOLVO •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• V-8, auto. trans., power dlt 1M/FM stereo radio.
MlSSIONVlEJO 1976 Cordoba, silver & .vlnyt roof. (888MVI)
131 ~110 49r 121 O white, vin top, leather 76 AMC MAJADOa
·• ~ bucket seats, center con· V-8, auto. trans .• power dlec brakes, vinyl root. (339PFB>
sole. Chdse control, e~. 71'CHaYllMCOIDOIA
xlnt cond. $4.9l50. 846·1'40 V-8, a uto. trans., t.:fory air conditioning, ex>wer steetfng,
or540-926' poW9r .diac brakes. ~r windows. AM/FM l'ldio w/tape. ---------1• Landau top. (522NLO) 9930 '71 PLTMOUnf DUSTH . ••••••••••••••H•• •• ••.• ~ Green. 6 cy!.. auto. tr&M.. factory air conditioning,
power steering, power dlac brakes, radio. (588NDP)
'7S Corvette, silver/ red,
T·top, .u,ooo mi, loaded. S7•50. offer. 752·1111
'71 00~ DilJ 4 DI.
8 cyl., auto. trans., power steering, power dllO l>fakM, vinyl roof. (801NIL)
I DAnc.t IJfO 4 DL
4 cyl .. 4 apeed, radio, heeter. wtiltewlf1 tlr8I. (807NBW)
'71 CHaYam Ml~f
v.a, auto. trans., facio~ s· o· ··~nlnq, power steering.
power dllc ~ rlldio, vi • ...,ieoi) . '76PMT.lft .
4 ~ •• •.,..S. dl9o ~AM/FM rmlo W/081Mtte, Metw. (04)'904)
(. 0 U (, Cl H
5 1735
Mf fU.IJA'i
I ;.d HI
5 1840
l I
1.8 11 tre trantverae mounted engine,
.. speed fully synchronized manual trans..
front wheel dri11e. front wspenslon. radt &
pinion steering. front disc brakes. Michelin
steel-belt radial tires, bright aluminum
bupipers. bucket seats. f~d-down rear
seat. carpeting, heavy duty pact<ege. AM
radio. tinted glass. vlnyt lnsttrt bodyslde
molding. Ser. #GCFBTK27505 Stk. #604
4-speed manual transmission. contoured
bucket seats. can>eling. tachometer. afTll) I
temp. gauges, vinyl roof, 2.8 litre V-8
engine·2V, pin stripes, wsw radial tires,
digital Quartz crystal clock. pawer rack and
pinion steering, pawer front dlac brakes.
tinted glass-complete, dual apart mirrors.
Ser. # 118899 St.k. 1413
MEW '77
106.9 inch wheelbase, 1800 cc engine,
power Iron! disc brakes. bright front
bumper. 6-lt. pickup box. 4-spd r.l&nual
trans.. 14()()..pound capacity, tinted glass
complete. western mirror LH·RH swing lk.
wsw ltres.Ser. ;;P21211 Stk. #5512
Front disc brakes. duraspark Ignition
system. wheel covers, opera windows, •
carpeting, woodtone Inst. panel eppllque. $4699 all-vinyl, 4.1U250·1V/englne, selectshlft
cruise-o-matic. bsw radial tires, pawer
steering, deluxe bumper group. tinted
glass. Ser. t8W81L 133702 Stk. 1511
V-8 engine. ot&M-flxed rear door custom trim option and bucket seats
driver & pass, 7550 lb GVW pcakage. transmisalon cruise-o-matic,
mirrors-bright low mount west.. glass-tinted, door-sliding aide cargo,
super cooling package, fuel tank auxiliary w/std tank. speed cont~.
pawer steenng. bumpel"S-Chrome front & rear, grille-bright surround.
Ser. JAJ4753 Stk. #230
WIMDOW STICKS PllCE •••••••••••••••••••••• $1017.45
SALE PltlCI ................................... $6717.45
DISCOUNT 5 1300°0
GT .
Y ... auto, llw., laclcwy * **'"'°'*•· ......, """llO· -ClllC tir-. .-. --·......, ...... Vinyl 1n19roor. o.i Md .,.... Ue. f 1Dltl11
4 cyt.llllO......_._,_....__ SEDAM
4 cyL, --· llclQtY M ,.,,-...,-~llno."" -
1-.nQ. --......... -· '-*· --. i.nteo ei-.--Lia. 11:12SOE
'77 FORD
e cyl., 11t condllOi•U. -~ -"'--illldoo. "91ler. a-~ & ~Uc. ll6380£
Y ... IUIO. "-. W. -It..,..., --.C
-" ·----...-.. ...... _ Cillell _. UC. 11521(1.H
Loe lnvltlmo9 a Esta •u ceslta
Dunton Ford. P.. aervllee con
gusto en todla IU repat'8Ctonet ya
sea en .-nu8Y08 o uudO. v
para todas aus neceldades an
todas reperaciones de seNtclo.
SU Amigo Y Consejero; Frank
cov•ra. vlnyl ~. """ ~ .. "''-Uo. f710l<YU 52399
SHOITII PICIUP v•.--....-. .... a •wi.-tWlltt
llncl. L.c. •118481Z
'75 FORD
Auto. WW.., w _,.._ _., ·~ -~ tlldlO • ....,. IOOI. ~ 11.000 ........ Uc. •8 73f'DG
4 cyt.. ...,_ -. w cono., r-. LIO _., "a-
llWP pWll.. UC. '647...C
ArOl.10 4 Dl .
.Aulo. -'* cond .. -•'-•"0· poMr -... ,_ "Ntcec:a1' I.Iii M21U'l
175 FORD FI 00
PICKUP v.a. .._ -..-~ _ ._._ rlllll.
..... ""¥-. Oii 111 -UC. IU432Y
ol IC)Md, '9dlo, -IH'tll, pin 1111~ .,. WC-.,...,,.,, -Uc. l<t71NP\.
4 cvt .. 4 --'· alt ~. IWllo. ._,
""'--"fir-. -------Md-~ -UG. l&MHLC
4 cyl. 11U10. .,._, * oondlllooir'I-AM/fM ......
-r9dlO. llW!daw. If -c.. .................. °"' Ill UC. l3l4RIU) s5799
v ... --.--.-~~ bnQe. _ _...... --. AM/FM.......,
19dl0, Whi!Wlll ..... ~ IOCI. • .,_ &Muly. -Uo.
t4MSTH s3399
'61 FORD
PAllLAHI ., ... ....,, ..... *· --..no. Miio. ........ ""*""" lit-. -... _ ·-I.lo. twooetl
Front dlac brakes, racl< and pinion steering,
coolant recovery system. bright and vinyl
bodyside mldg, bright exterior moldings, $4699 carpeting, deluxe wheel covera, bright LH
style mounted mirror. accent paint stripes,
3.3L/200-1 V/englne. s elect·shlft
crulse-o-matlc, wsw radial tires. front and
rear bumper guards, AM radio. Ser.
11-49925 Stk. 10582
HEW 178 FORD F-250
Chro"!le front bumper, full foam seat. folding seat back. dome tamp,
headliner. 6800 GVW package. V-8 engine. gauges-ammeter & oil
Press.. transmisalon cruise-o·matlc. pawer steering, mirrors-low
mount-bnght. glass tinted-all around, allernator 60 amp, extra cooing
peckage, bun1)8r-<ear step painted. Ser. fBB0610 Stk. •05e7
WIMDOW snc1a Pate• •••••••••••••••••••••• $7551.62
SALi NICE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $6251.62
DISCOUNT s 1300°0
'76 FORD
I qt.. auto. nr..... * ccns.. -l!Mring. AM/FM _ ,__.....,.....,.IOOl,lonlon-. L.o.
l"i f;ll" f g,.tJl'S
Vlnyf roof. 6.8 fttre1<400 ODN-8 engine,
dual ac:cent paint stripes, wsw radial Uree.
deluxe bumper group, AM radio, tinted
glass-complete. light group. full wheel
covens. Ser. 1104620 Stk. 1076
4--speed manual transmission. front disc
brakes. rack and pinion ateerlng. bucket
seats. carpeting, mini-console. electric rear
window defroeter, atttel-belted radial ply
tires. wheel cowrs, ~.3 Iller 2V engine.
deluxe bull'1*' group. Ser. 1406728 Stk.
FORD F-100
Chrome front bumper, full foam eeat,
folding seat i.ck, dome lamp, headllner.
302 8 cyf, gauge&•mmeter a oil preaa..
power steering, glass tlnted•ll around,
cigar lighter. extra cooling package,
bqmper-<eer painted. Ser. tBA18"1 Stk. tUO
4 oyl, --. .-. -· ~ flOOC. ...... lntetlof. ,,_ _,. & pln-..S, IMIUC211111
4 cyt.. --·AM/FM ,_, fN111 -.. -
--. iow ..--... ·~1t y .. ellel< IHI.--.........,. in.lot._, ...
locl<i"O -._~UC. I IOllMa
Y .. , etlclc IHtt. r8dlQ. --Iha. bc1oa1 ...... lllecll vin,4 .,_,--.Uc. MltUU
4 ........ tdll. --vinyl root, pM lllrlpeO. "UoN -°'*'.UC. I061f'£Y
'74 DATSUN 12'10
4 °"" 4 ............ UC. 90IZLJIU
4 eyL, 4 ..-d. r9dlO. -·-...it lltA "*"'IO Q;.d ~·Uc, ffW!H
.. ZIOJDOOtl •cYl. ""'°' ..... l'lldlO. ---..-.---. ......,. In-. """ uoo ....... Economy ......... Uc. tll6~T . s3799
'77 FORD F-250
• cyl. allcll-. -_..... ... -.-.... "*' eoo ,,....._ L.c. • tOtlaOll
ZDOOR 8 cyl., Iulo.-· ... UC. t•711El.
4 cyl.. 5 ..-1. •. -· -...... cai..., -1. "~--.~ t420011lLUc.llE62310
'76 FORD . couat• PU
AUIO lrwa. • cond.. ._, ~. tide .......... :i:r.:e: -CllOor, Uftder 11.000 ....... Uc:
El vendedot de camiones Rudy
Moreno es un eapecialista en su
ra m o . Tiene 3 anot d e
experlencla en como ordenar
camiones hechos al gusto def
cllente, para determlnado P8IO
de mercancla y al gusto personal
del comi>rad<>r.
Dt•ntington Beach
Fo1•ntain Valley
OL. 70, NO. 364, 4 SECTIONS, 32 PAGES
Afternoon .
' • ~ I ------~----4-month Jury Probe----------....._.
Die ·ch, Rose Emerge at Top
Of U. O.llly PtMt Su"
Grand Jury transcripts show a briMry probe of
Orange County officials began last August with
Supervisor Ralph Die drich, former supetvisor
Robert Battin and Fullerton attorney Michael R em-
ington as the prime suspects.
By the time the four.month investigation entered
its final stages early this .month, however, Battin
hud fizzled out as a suspect, Remington was ~ufeguardcd by immunity and Anaheim architect
LeRoy Rose had vaulted to the top of the suspect
WHEN IT CAME lime for the Grand Jury to ad,
it was Diedrich who was indicted Dec. 15 on the
bribery charges as well as a bribery conspiracy
And it was his long-time friend Rose who was
named with Diedrich in the conspiracy allegation.
THREADING ITS WAY through 638 pages of
Grand Jury testimony leading to the indictment is a
tale of hard-pressed business executives hoping in
1973 and 1974 for a favorable nod by the Board of
Supervisors on a pending land use decis ion.
Those hopes for a favorable decision were re·
warded in March, 1974 when Diedrich led a 3 to 2
Hoard of Supervisors' decision in favor of the cor-
porate landowners.
And woven into the story revealed by transcripts
of the testimony are echoes from Orange County's
immediate political past.
ONE OF THOSE echoes sounded about the head
oC the late Fred Harber, then a not loo far be hind the
scenes politi~al powerhouse in Orange County.
Harber, for example, is depicted by witnesses as
being in the forefront of battle by Anaheim Hills,
Inc., and its parent company, the Robert H. Grant
Co., to h ave undeveloped land freed from
agricultural preserve agreements.
(See BRmERY, Page AZ)
To Cops
Bonf G-O'Connor T~sle
before officials were to release
com pos1te sketches of possible
Hi ll s idc St rangler suspects, a
com pltcaled comedy of errors
un f o l ded a nd ofricials
acknowl<.'Clged that the sketches
v. ere Ii kenesses of two police
vice offiC'crs.
Assistant Police Chief Daryl
Gates v.as to have released the
$.ketches at a news conference
Thursday, but the officers rec·
ognized themselves and the draw·
ings were withheld. •1 Galt's. al the news conference,
said only that lhe men depicted
had been contacted and were not
involved in the case.
The Associated Press later
learned that the men ln the
drawings were offi cers. When
asked why the men were not
kienl1fied as such al the news
conference, Lt. Dan Cooke. a
police spokes man, said,
"Nobody asked."
The l wo un identified officers
had stopped a woman for dnv·
(See STRANGL E, Page A2)
Headon Crash
lnjilres· Eight
Two persons are hospitalized
tod ay with critical injuries after
a headon traffic collision in
Westminster that in jured all
eight persons in the two cars.
Officer Earl Graham said that
the crash occurred in the rain
Wednesday night when one car
crossed over the center divider
;1nd struck the other on Beach
Boulevard. south of the Garden
Grove Freeway.
One of the drivers, Ralph S.
'lesbilt, 72. of Santa Monica,
was trapped in the wreckage for
an hour.
He was li sted in guarded but
;table condition today at Hunt·
1n gton lnterco mmunity
The second driver, J etfrey
Rucker, 19. of Buena Park was
n stable con dition a t
West min s t er Community
Hospital today.
Considerable cloudiness
through Saturday with 30
p e rcent chance of
·measurable rain tonight
decreasing to 10 percent
Saturday. Lows tonight
mid to upper 50s. Highs
Saturday in low to mld
Orange Coad r•efdenta
planning to ;om Ill« millioni
.along the To1'ntoment of
KoH• pa10dc route con get a
prcvf'1D of Minion Viejo'• "/IOoJ on PoQf Cl. ... .,.
M ....
CM ....
CN M M a-.
Dally Piiot p-.. , Rlcllar4 l(oel\ltt
HE DUCKED OUT -This ostrich at Lion Country Safari
wasn't pretendiRg to be the headless horseman. he ap-
µarcntly thought the rainy weather was not for the birds
and decided he.: didn 'l have to face it.
It Looks Like Sun
At Rose Bowl Game
Occasional sprinkles should
continue through the weekend
but clear up Monday in time for
the Rose Parade, the National
Weather Service said today.
They're pretlicling a 3Q per·
cent chance of showers tonight,
10 percent on Saturday, and 30
percent again on Sunday.
"It's going to kind of be a little
bit of ever ything," said a
spokesman . He said te rn·
peratures should reach highs in
the mid·60s and lows m the
No rain damage from Thurs·
day night's sprinkles was report·
2 Shots Kill
Suburbanite; ·
Motive Sought
Ambrose Griffin was unloading
groceries outside his house in
suburban Carmichae l, a car
sped by and there were two pop-
ping sounds.
Griffin, 56, a government
engineer, turned to his wife
Thursday nigbt and said, "My
God, I've been shot.·•
He fell to the ground, bleeding
from a bullet wound ln the chest.
He died a short time later at
American River Hospital.
Jlfs neighbor, lames Turnbow,
aald 1l must havt been a wild
s hot fired by joy-riding
"No one in· the .world would
want to shoot M.r. GrUlin;• he
Turnbow said be was ln hJs
gara1e when he heard the 1hots,
bu\ didn't pay niu~b attention
because they've been common in tbe nelpborhood recently.
••A nelJhbor h11 had her porch
llfhtl •hot out four times
already. Wlndlble~ haft been.
1hot out. We've reported au this, .
but no one aetmecl to do
ed along the coast.
However, Newport Beach
lifeguards reported sighting a
water spout this morning about
seven miles off Scotchman's
Cove, north or Laguna Beach.
· Logan Lockabey of th e
Newport Beach Marine Safety
Department noted the clouds
were between 500 and 1,000 feet
high at the lime. A water spout
is a funnel cloud like a tornado
that appears at sea.
Lockabey said no damage was
reported. I le said water spouts
are sighted sever al limes a year
·and rarely cause any damage.
However, he said, about 15
years ago one hit the Newport
Pier , pickinJ up a lifeguard
tower and inj uring a liCeguard.
The Orange County Harbor
Department in Newport Beach
today reported .28 ot an inch in
rain over Wednesday night,
bringing the season total to 3.45
compared to 3.01 at the same
time last year.
The Orange County Fire
Department staUon in Laguna
Niguel recorded .13 of an inch to-
d ay, fdr a season total of 4.43.
Last year at this time they'd re·
corded 2.85 inches.
Jury Reports
Drug Mistrial
LOS ANGELES CAP> -A mistrial has been declared in the
. drug-peddling trial ot alleged
heroin kingpin Thomas Reese
and two otbera after Jurors said·
ror the lb1rd time they were
hopelessly deadlocked.
Jtrt'ors s•ld Tburaday they
found none of tbe govemment's
wltne1~ -mo1tly dru1 USJ'l'S
or dlttributon who were given
immunity fM tbe1r tettJmOAY ;-
"Many oC "°" people are not te1Un1 tb8 truth tor lhelr own
purpos•, .. ape Juror 11ld after
the panel wu released by the Juqo.
DA Won't PrOhe
Huntington Battle
By ROBERT BARKER Ot .... o.llY PMet , ....
If Huntington Beach City ot·
ficials ever find out who was the
aggressor in the Don Bonfa
versus John O'Connor alterca·
lion, it will be without help from
the Orange County District Al·
toroey's Office.
Deputy District Attorney Carl
Ilg said that his office will not
get involved in the imbroglio con·
ceroing the two feuding at·
tomeys in the Huntington Beach
legal department.
HThis is not a bll thing, .. nc
aald today.
Bonfa, who ls the city attorney
a nd department head , and
O'Connor, a deputy city at·
torney, each claimed they were
a ttacked by the other in a
skirmish on the fourth floor or
the city hall Tuesday. There
were no witnesses.
Each man filed reports of as-
sault and battery against the
other following the incident. ·
Hg said that there is no cor-
roboration and lbal both parties
are telling essentially the same
story although from different
I lg also said that the District
Attorney's Office will not give
lie detector tests which both
men say they have requested.
Ilg said that it ls not the policy
lo administer the tests lo both
sides or a conflicting story.
"lf both passed, where would
you be?" be asked.
llg also added that he does not
have a great deal of faith il'l the
accuracy of lie detector tests.
O'Connor was suspended im·
mediately from bis $32,256 job
without pay by Bonfa following
the incident.
In the suspension notice, Bon·
fa charged assault and batte)"f
and false im.prisonment of a de·
partment head in O'Connor's of-
Bonta claims that O'Connor
sla mmed O'Connor's omce door
during the dispute and at first
refused to let Bonfa leave.
Bonfa also charged that
O'Connor engaged ln a
m alfciOUJ course of bad conduct
and harassment of Bonfa over a
The suspension notice also
was signed by Cl ty Ad·
ministrator Bud Belsito and
I :0 ·1 ONTV
Ch1nnel 7, 8 p.m.
Plttaburgh (9-2-1)
VI. Cl1"'80ft .2-1)
C~innet 13, I p.m. . cr.-.. •v> -Plttsburab doesn't hue
Tony Donett this time,
but J1 fa90l'ed to beat the
Ttaen. '1'be teams dktn 't
receive lM publlclty of a
Notre Dame or Oklahoma,
but th• 1ame could be tbe
hardftl hlttlnl ol the bowl 1amu. Both have aometldM to prOYe. .........
..~ ... --
Personnel Director Edward Thompson.
O'Connor has claimed that he
asked Bon!a about a criminal
prosecution policy when Bonfa
allegedly grabbed him by the
Meanwhile, Lorraine Faber. a
member of the HOME Council,
said today that she has been in
touch with several other citizens
who wish to stave off possible
costly legal action that may
follow lhe incident.
Mrs. Faber said that she is
hopeful that the city council act
to request both men to file pr~
(See FEUD, Page A2)
APWI .........
First Family Stand In Snow Outside Tomb of Unknown Soldier •
Carter May Visit
Egypt. During Tour
WARSAW, Poland CAP ) -
President Carter left open today
the possibility he might go to
Egypt during his current over·
seas mission, expressed hope for
agreements with the Soviet
Union on strategic arms and
other issues during 1978, and an·
nounced a S200 million food deal
with Poland.
He spoke at a news conference
in a Warsaw hotel, broadcast
and televised to the United
States. In large measure, what
be bad to say was a review of
past statements on negotiations
with the Soviet Union and on
peace efforts in the Middle East.
A White House spokesman in
Washington, Mark Henderson,
said Carter beard the same
translations of questions asked
by Polish reporters as did
mllllona of AmerJcans watcbing
the news conference on television.
Once again, Carter said the
United Stat.es is not trying to
Impose a Middle East aellle·
meot, but to help Israel and the
Arab atate~ reach tbeir own
The $200 mttlion food and feed
1r'lnt carter offered to Poland,
ln addition to $300 million already
arransed, would help the Poles
withstand four yean of crop
faUUl'M, the president aaid. dent 1a1ci.
States who want to be reunited
wilh relatives now in Poland. The
l e ad e rs gave a ss urances
"that our concern would be al·
leviated," be said.
The president dealt cautiously
with questions or human rights
and Soviet troops In Poland. He
said the Amer1can concept of
human rights is more honored in
Poland than in some other Euro-
pean nations. And as for the
Russian troops stationed in
Poland, Carter said that was an
issue to be handled by the Poles
and their leaders.
Carter said he hopes that after
a SALT agreement is reached
with the Soviets, Moscow and
Washington can move to discuss
tactical nuclear weapons con·
trot. That would inolude the
neutron bomb, which is designed
to kW through radiation without
devastatinc the tartet area.
The president sald new Soviet
WOlJ>ODI like t.be SS20, a land-
based mobile mlu il,, are much
more destabillnnr to \he curtent
military balance than is the pro-
• jected neutron bomb, whlctl
Moscow bu assailed.
Carter said tht United states
Carter al.lo safd be dllcuased would qot deploy. neutron ".'th PoUah leaden \be plicbt Of w~apga.1 ex~pt by agreement
about 250 famlliea ID tbo United· • walh NATO allles.
, ..
~-·-·-. .... .. ......... .
Held in
A 100-mile per hour chase
along Pacific Coast Highway
from Huntington Beach to
Newport Beach Thursday night
ended with the arrest or two
teenagers, one on assault, resist-
ing arrest and drunken driving
charges, police reported.
Arrested and booked into Hun-
tington Beach Jail were driver
Michael Barrowcllff, 18, or
Orange, and passenger Daryl
Lyn Maddox, 18, of Redondo
Barrowcliff, charged with as-
s ault with a deadly weapon, re-
sisting arrest and drunken driv-
ing, remains In jail in lieu or
$10,000 bail. Maddox. was re.
leased on S35 bail on a single
drunk in public charge.
Back at Work
K ia"loa F i nishes First
Huntington Beach police Of-
ficer Patrick Gildea reported
Barrowcliff's foreign sports car
traveling at a high rate of speed
at 32nd Street in Huntington
Beach at 7:30 p.m.
Kath ryn Crosby, widow pf t he late crooner Bing Crosby.
arrives at New York's Brooks Atkinson Theater _Thursday
to begin rehearsals for he r leading rol~ in :·same Tim~,
Next Year." The show, which begins m mid-January 111
Greensboro, N.C .. is the first performance for Mrs. Crosby
since the.death of her husband.
The 79-foot ketch Kialoa was the first
yacht to complete the 650-mile Sydney lo
1 Ho bart race in Australia T hursday.
two hours and 25 minutes in front of her
rival American yacht, Windward Passage.
Both craft were in volved in a collision in
another race off Sydney before Christmas. Owned by John Kilroy, Kialoa finished
5 1nch es
Of Rain;
Mo re D ue
Nearly fi\'C inches of rain was
dropped on drought-stricken
Southern California this week,
and more off-and·on showers
were prl'd1cted throughout the
weekend. .
But water offl dals warned
',' 'fhursday against premature
·~cele brations of the drought's
: end. l'Vcn thoui:h the s torm ~t hroughl tlw !-.L·ason ·s total for
) Soulhl·rn California rainfall to
• '' t•ll above normal. ··A ny rain we do get 1s
hl•lpful. .. sau.I Joel Schwarz of
the Metropolitan Water District.
.. nut 1t would have been a heck
of a lot better 1f it had been the
normal kmd of storm we get m
winter in California, a storm
from up north rather than from
the tropics.
.. The rain thaj, W<l l~t~;r,: in
Southerti' Califolirlla lie'1' us a
Jillie bit as faf 11:t ~ ing the
drought;" Sch~rt ~aid, "but
the key area where we need the
rainfall is the northern two·
thirds of the s tate ...
Some rain was falling there to-
Normally Southern California
i::ets water from s nows melting
1n the northern mountains.
Schwarz explained. The warm
tropical air that came with this
week's storm melted snow, but
1t melted it loo quickly to be
gathered ('fficiently.
"We can't pump it out of the
S:.icrarnento.San J oaquin River
Delta fas t e nou g h ." s aid
Schwarz. ''The farmers can't
ui:.e the water now."
'Schwarz said 7.04 inches or
r_f in have fallen in Los Angeles
1q1s season . compar ed to an
<t~erage 4.49 inches. But he not. c<t that some northern res·
c6'oirs, which supply the
!-.<ltthern part or the state, are s till
gd\ting lc:'ss tha n their usual
<11bount of rain. iA second storm . from the
ntrthwest. edged its way south
tqday. creating a 30 percent
duin"e of rain. However , that
pa ccnta({e was forecast to drop
tr'10 percent Saturday with high
tctriperatures in the .60S and con-
siarabte cloudiness.
•or New Year's Day and Mon·
d , the legal holiday and Rose
B I day, fair weather is likely,
N i onal Weather S~rvice
fo caster Craig Ellis said tod~.
gh pressure is e:icpccted to
into the Gui! ot Alaska over
weekend, causing a
we3terly flow of dry air
Southern California by Mon·
he said.
• • •
F ,....Page AI
As a matter of fact. former
Anaheim Hills president John
Sickler testifi ed. Harber was
p:.iid St,000 to conduct a survey
:.11med at fi nding out how people
felt about the agreements.
Those agreements give land-
owners a property tax break m
return for their holding land for
"agricultural purposes" rather
than use of the land for develop·
WHE N ASKE D what Harber
proposed. former Gr ant Co.
pres ident Richard Ow e n
··1 think he · wanted money.
Well. he was always --I say
always -he was very likely
selling political influence.··
But the S4,000 Harber alleged-
ly got for the opinion s urvey that
was intended to be used to sway
county supervisors' minds was
peanuts compared to what Rose
a nd Remington were paid by the
land development company.
Witnesses testif ied a n d
evidence indicated Remington
was paid S74.~'5 for what was
described as perhaps a file
drawer full of legal work, some
of it done by legal interns in his
And Remington himselr told
the Grand Jur y he loaned
Diedrich $25,000 of his fee. a loan
that has not yet been repaid.
T he Fullerton attorney also
said he paid William Moore, a
San Clemente resident, $30.000
Diedrich said he borrowed from
Moore in 1972.
chalked that loan payment up as
another loan to Diedrich that re·
mains unpaid.
Before testifying, Re mington
was glven i mmunity. Also,
multiple political conspiracy
charges brought against him in
a July 1 indictment werd re·
duced to a single misdemeanor
Rose, though, had nothing to
say to the Grand Jury.
AccOTding to the transcripts.
Assis tant Dist. A Uy. Michael
Capizzi said Rose's lawyer told
bitn he felt Rose "could con-
vince the District Atiorney's Of·
fice there was no wrongdoing on
his part:· .
. "However,'' Capizzi said,
"Mr. (Sylvan l Aronson said be
would advise his client not to
testify before the Grand J ury."
Capizzi also gave the jury hJa
written invitation to Diedrich to
appear before the j ury, an in·
vitaLio'l that included a n otrer to
Jet DieClrich present witnetses
a nd evidence that m ight tend to
clear bi,m of suspicion.
· HE ALSO GAVE the Grand
Jury • copy or Dledr1cb's writ·
ten rejection or bis Dec.Soffer.
F ro.a Page A J
FElJD •••
dated resignaUons and agree to
lie detector test.a at city expense.
And to make certain the jury
k n ew o f Diedric b 's pre -
indictment denial of wrongdo-
1 n g. he gave the j uro~~ a
videotape copy of a t elev1s1on
program that featured Diedrich
denying wrongdoing.
T hose efforts bv Capizzi to give both sides of the story lo the
Grand J ury notwithstanding,
testimony conlaine_d in the eight
vol umes of t r anscripts is
generally one-sided.
As is the case In all SU('h jury
inquiries. the witnesses were not
c ross-exa m i n ed . And t he
hars h est Diedric h accuser
testified only to what others had·
told him and not his own first·
hand knowledge.
Thal witness was Santa Ana
attorney Fred McBrien.
told him in early 1973 that
Diedrich "wanted $50,000 to take
the Nohl Ranch out of the
agriculture preserve." ·
"He <Owen l told me that he
met Ralph Diedrich again on the
following Sunday and that the
price tag ....... had gone up to
$150,000, ··Mc Brien testified.
Battin was implicated in the
a lle ged bribery plot when
Mc Br ien said. "He <Owen l men-
tioned that Diedrich told him
that Battin, Robert Ballin, had
gotten into the act and needed
money too.··
McBrien ~lso told the jury that
he unders tood from lawyer
Marshall Morgan that Anaheim
Hills was paying Morgan legal
fees to d efend Remington
ag ains t mu rder conspiracy
charges brought against him in
nied t he a llegation in his
testimony. Money he received
from the company was for legal
services he performed on the
a,rlcultural preserve issue after
Remington was jailed, Morgan
In two trjps to the Grand Jury
wit.ness stand during the four·
month probe, Owen was not
asked to either confirm or deny
making the remarks attributed
to him by McBrien.
The transcripts show Capizzi
asked McBrien, the leadoff wit·
ness, why he waited four years
before tellins DeP,uty Dist. Atty.
Wl lliam Ev~na "'Ol his 1973 con·
vecsations with OWen.
MeBrien said he was dlsap.
pointed in the July 1 indictments
that charged Djedrich, Rem·
ington, Supervisor Phllip An·
th'bny and two others only with
violations of state political cam·
plJign regulations.
Aha h e lm Hills p r esid ent
testified that he bad little faith
in both the development and the
political macblnationa hovering
a bout ll
"Anaheim Hills would never
make a dime and I didn't want
to be uaocia!ed with a loser,''
William Stark said when asked
why he left the company in early
Sile s aid that both parUes
should be asked identical ques·
lions and that the city council
acc•I?ts t be resignation of
wboe~ fails the teats.
Sl1lrk also said be left the din-
ner t ab1e at a res~aurant in
Corona when the talk turned to
polltlcs and campaign funds.
"What dld you discuss with
Mr. Rote. wblle at the bar?'' he
..$he ·eJ,ld . that if the r~ulta was ask.Cid. ,
. were Jnoonclusive, both should "Probab~ M1r andu sports 1n
go buk 40 wbrk. thatol'det.' Startt~_!) ed.
• Llkt oOier wttftald, ~· bad • "1.t. ll D0t falr for 0 ~r to . d't fl,Ult)' rememberln. tbe
be .. ~ without pay and bam~ ~•th• 'restaurant where
take ~runt of the cou• DJtdrl'9t· and ftose all•Cedly
quence1 -when tt'1 Ill• ..,9rd n.;.-. ~b.d tbe i*aibWlY ot qalnlt Bonf a 'a," Ille aald. : eq1t1 bethl auodated with •
•onfa said todtY u..l .he ha1. raverable Board ot SUpenlton
offeNd to tako Uo detector teetl deetskin.
Gildea asserted that Bar -
rowcliff refused to stop when the
policeman turned his siren and
red lights on.
Bar rowcliff assertedty ran
t hrough two red lights and
rammed two other autos off the
road, according to police Lt.
George Renek.
T h e sports car a llegedly
forced a blue station wagon Into
a telephone pole and then rear-
ended a white sedan, Rellek
said. No injuries were reported.
The suspected vehicle was ob-
served leaking som e t y pe of
fluid after the two collisions.
V~ey .Filing Date
Extended by Law
The two suspects reportedly
left the vehicle near 32nd Street
a n d Newport Boul evar d i n
Newport Beach, police said.
Gildea c h ased Barrow cJif(
over several fences and through
back yards be fore struggling
with the suspect and making the
arrest, Renek s aid.
Witnesses grabbed Maddox
and turned him over to police at
the scene, Renek said.
In N ew Zealand
The filing period for Fountain.
Valley City Council candidates
has been extended unUI noon
next Tuesday, City Clerk Evelyn
McClendon announced today.
Tbe extension was yequired by
st ate l aw when CouncHman
George Scott did not tile for re·
elecUon by Uie Dec. 28 deadline,
Mrs .. McClendon said.
Scott announced earlier this
year he would not seek a third
term on the council. He said last
week he is considering whether
2 Laguna Guards .
Save Girl in Surf
Two seasoned Laguna Beach
l ifeguard s s tudying r escue
techniques in New Zealand were
credited Thursday with saving
the life of a 13·year·old girl in a
fi erce surf at Muriwa1 Beach
north of Auckland.
Tom R edwitz a nd Mark
Klosterman. both 23·year-old
residents of Three Arch Bay in
South Laguna, were sleeping on
the beach in a van when they were
awakened about 7 a.m. by shouts
that a girl was drowning.
They drove about a mile along
the beach and found a distressed
father struggling toward his
daughter who was swept out to
sea in the turbulent surf.
Redwitz and Klosterman
charged into the water. Redwitz
caught sight of the girl's black
hair and was the first to reach
the unconscious girl, identified
as Lery Tuai Williams.
She was rushed to a hospital,
where s he recovered. Her
father. Robert, called the two
lifeguards "very brave."
•'That girl was very lucky our
two guards were there," said
Capt. Jim Stauffer of the
Laguna Beach lifeguard depart·
Stauffer said New Zealand
lifeguards have not had the
sophisticated t raining of South
Coast guards.
"For the m it's m o re a
fraternity," Stauffer said.
He described Redwitz and
Klosterman as "very strong"
lifeguards, who· have r eached
the most senior level of seasonal
lifeguar ds in Laguna Beach.
They have been members of the
city's cha mpionship paddl e
team . Stauffer said.
Both m en are graduates of
Lagun a Beach High School.
Redwitz was gr aduated from UC
Berkeley in December with a
major in architecture. He is
wor king as a paid lireguard in
New Zealand on an exchange
Klosterman is a graduate of
UC San Diego, with a degree in
physical education. He Is work·
ing informally with New
Zealand lireguards, said Stauf-
The two guards plan to return
to the South Coast in the spring.
to seek the GOP nomination in
the 36th state senatorial district.
Scott could not be reached for
comment today.
Tbus far, ll Fountain Valley
residents bave taken out papel'5
for the March city council elec-
tion. Filing opened Dec. 8.
But two ot those residents said
they have decided not to file and
have withdrawn from the race.
Michaela Barker and Thomas
Wallslrom said they have de-
cided to drop thei r plans to run
fo r the three open council seats.
Mayor Roger Stanton and
Councilman Al Hollinden, the
two incumbents in the race,
h ave both filed for re-election.
Ot her council hopefuls who
have filed with t he city cleric
are: Phil Johnson, an elemen·
tary school teacher; Walt Ham•
mond, a city pla nning com·
m issioner : Carlos Galindo, a
Long Beach executive assistant
to the mayor; Chuck T homas. a ·
te lephone company e mployee;
Manuel Alarcon, a former city
parks a nd rec r eation com-
missioner; Raymond J . Irvin. a
McDonnell Douglas foreman;
and Barton Shigemura, an ajde
to A ssemblyman Dennis
Mangers and college stude nt.
From Page AI
ing erratically. not realizing she
was a police officer, Cooke ex-
The woman officer gave the
s peci:il task force working on
the ('ase the officers' descrip-
tions because one theory in the
case has been that the killer or
killers of J 1 women may have
stopped people on the pret ense
of conducting police business. ·
Gates s aid the woman of·
ficer·s description matched
othe r d es('riptions received
ear lier by the 65-member task
force. But he added that the two
officers were telling the truth
a bout doing a routine traffic
"R U G" ---0LUTl0 NS!!
An occasional play on words is one t~ing, but yot.(11 never find Al~e.n's
playing the game of breaking resolutions where 1t concerns servicing·
our customers. WE RESOLVE ••• come '78 ••. we'll bend every effort
to excel our efforts of '77.
DEN'S ••••••••••••••••• • ~ Ullt he hu no lDt.entlon of 8tm Aid tht r..Uurant wu
aubmilt.int • ~tecl re.alp•· .. the Blue Boar or Red !'ox or • .installation· custom draperies
tlon. • one Of tbGle cute~." '
• •1M tGr o:coaa-, t dOiD't cue Other wttnaMS tr7tP1 to re·
J(. ~-·--..... ilaUl& C!all tM. dlDlq .. ol almoll " to tM!ftrtll'ifltway," lie said~~~ flvo yean ago ldenUrled the o·eonnar Cc)uldn't bt reac-· re1tau~ u The Jolt1 Ox, Tbe
for eom~ todaf. Crow'a RUD or n.1oll1 Fox. •
linoleuni • vlOOd floor
PHONE 6"46·•838 -6•6·2355
UC.NO 2lQ+12
f ..
Today's Closin g
N.Y. St oeks
-----------4-month Jury Probe----------...._.
Die ·ch, Rose Emerge at Top
Of llle D•llf Pllol S .. H
Grand Jury transcripts show a bribe ry probe of
· Orange County officials began last August with
Supervisor Ra lph Diedric h. former supervisor
Robert Battin and Fullerton attorney Michael Rem-
ington as the prime s uspects.
By the time the fou r-month investigation e ntered
its final stages early this month, however, Battin
h ad fizzled out as a suspcet , Remington was
safeguarded by immunily and Anaheim arc:hitect
LeRoy Hose had vaulted to the top of the suspect
WHEN IT CA!\1E time for the Grand Jury lo act,
it was Diedrich who was indicted Dec. 15 on the
bribery charges as well as a bribery conspiracy
And it was his long-time friend Rose who was
named with Diedrich in the conspiracy a llegation.
THREADING ITS WAV through 638 pages of
Grand Jury testimony leading lo the indictment is a
tale of hard.pressed business executives hoping in
1973 and 1974 for a favorable nod by the Board of
Supervisors on a pending land use decision.
Those hopc.•s for a favorable decision were re-
warded in March, 1974 whe n Diedrich led a 3 to 2
Board of Supervisors' decision in favor of the cor-
porate landowners.
Anti woven into the story revealed by transcripts
of the testimony are echoes from Orange County's
immediate political past.
ONE OF THOSE echoes sounded about the head or tbc late l''rcd Harber, then a not too far behind the
scenes polili~al powerhouse in Oi:ange County.
Harber, for example, is depicted by witnesses os
being in the forefront of battle by Anaheim Hills,
Inc., and its p arent company, the Robert H. Grant
Co., to have undeveloped land freed from
ug n cultural preserve agreements.
<See BRIBERY, Page AZ)
Patrols Alerte d
: Cliff Rescue
A Laguna Beach man was lifted to safety
I by a Marine Corps helicopter Thursday_
after he fell down a cliff at his home, 102
McKnight Drive. Ernest Helm, Jr., was
gardening when he tumbled to the sand al i the Crescent Ray Beach just after noon.
he licopter res cue crew was called in
because of the difficulty of carrying the
injured man over the rough terrain. Helm.
56, was tra nsported to Hoag Memorial
Hospital, where he was to be r eleased to-
day. ·
--------I Lag un a Beach paramedics said the
'Lucky' Worker Saved
Collins Employee F al/,s Onto Tr~/ormer
Don Thayer is a very lucky
man, say the Newport Beach
firemen called to aid the Tustin
resident after he fell onto a
12 .000-volt e l ectr i ca l I transformer this morning.
I Thayer, 46, was listed in stable
condition al Costa Mesa
Memorial Hospital where he
was undergoing treatment for
burn'S and facial injuries suffered
in the mishap at Rockwell In-
ternational 's Colhns Radio Group
plant. Fire Capt. John Brannon said
Thayer was one of four men who
were cleaning the electrical
vaults at the plant al 4311 Jam-
boree Road at about 8 a.m.
The other three men, George
Smith, Walter Gurnick and
Jerry Christianson, completed
t.heir work and left wh en the mis-
We athe r
Considerable cloudiness
through Saturday with 30
percent chance of
measurable rain tonight
decreasing to 10 percent
Saturday. Lows tonight
mid to upper 50s. Highs
Saturday in low to mid .
Orange Coaat rtlident•
.Planning to join thl! nrilUona
along the Tournament of
R01e1 porodAt route can get o
preview of Mf,.i<m Viejo's
/loot on Pagw CJ,
MY-~ Att Me'fttt CM &..M.-..,. M ............ M
.......................... M ~ AIOr ... ~ Att ~ DM....__. CM ~ ,.,...,.. ....
O a•a•:• A7 ._._....... ..,. = ........ ,.......... ..
' .... M ,,.....,. o.t
klWlllt CH ~ ' A• .......... 8 1·1 .,....,._ A•
... 111,1 81 WIJI I 116 a .. AMu.wt •
hap occurred, Brannon reported. ·
Details or the accident were
not clear because Thayer was
incoherent when firemen ar-
rived at the scene but Smith,
Gurnick and Christianson said
they had walked around the cor-
ner of the building from the
vaults when they beard what
sounded like an explosion.
Racing back to the room, they
found Thayer sprawled across
the equipment.
In Nem Zealand
They tried to roll him off using
a broom handle, but when that
effort failed, Smith and Gurnick
took a chance and pulled Thayer
free with their bare hands.
Brannon said neither man re-
ceived an electrical shock in the
The fire captain theorized that
Thayer s urvived and bis
r escuers were unharmed
because the current was just
flowing through one arm, rather
than through his entire body.
2 Laguna Guards
Save Girl in Surf
Two seasoned Laguna Beach
lifeguards studying rescue
techniques in New Zealand were
credited Thursday with saving
the life of a 13-year-old girl in a
Of Flu-like
Illness Hit
Widespread outbreaks of In-
fluenza-like illnesses have been
reported in four states -t.he
first such reports in the United
States this winter, the national
Center tor Disease Control said today. ·
The CDC said such outbreaks
have been reported In
Wisconaln, t;ew Jeney, Penn·
sylvanla and Tennessee.
Sporadic caaet have been re-
ported ln Mlchlun. Arlaona,
Geot1la and Haw all.
Several atralm ot Innuenia A
Ylrua ban bMD llolated, but
<See n.c avo. •ac• Al>
fierce surf at Muriwai Beach
north of Auckland.
Tom Redwitz and Mark
Klosterman, both 23-year-old
residents of Three Arch Bay in
South Laguna, were sleeping on
the beach in a van when they werp
awakened about 7 a .m. by shouts
that a girl was drownlne. They drove about. a mile along
the beach and found a distressed
father struggling toward his
daughter who was swept out t.o
sea in the turbulent. surf.
Redwit.z and Klosterman
charted into the water. Redwitz
caught sight of the girl's black
hair and was the first to reach
the unconscious girl, identified
as Lefy Tuai Williams.
S~ Wal rushed to a hospital,
where sbe recovered. Her
father, Robert, called the two.
Uf eguards "very brave."
"That eirl was very lucky our
two 1uardl were there," said
Capt. Jim Stauffer of the
La1una Beech Uteruard depart.
Staufter aald New Zealand
llfe1uard1 hne not had the
1ophl1Ucatecl t.rain•ne of South
Coaat fUU'dl.
<lee M VED, Pal• ,\2)
Will 'Strangler'
Visit Rose Parade?
people come to Pasadena in
packs each New Year's to spend
the night in s leeping bags along
the Rose Parade route, cruise
Colorado Boulevard and make
new friends. This year, police
fear the Hillside Strangler may
be among them.
About 1,300 oHicers rrom
Pasadena and Los Angeles
Shy Away
Froni Vote
There will be no incumbents
on the ballot in the March 7
Irvine councilmani c election.
By the noon filing deadline for
Incumbents Thursday, neither
counell member whose term ex-
pires, Gabrielle Pryor nor John
Burton, filed nomination papers.
Mrs. Pryor announced early in
the filing period that she would
not seek re-election. Burton, for
reasons be bas not disclosed, re-
fused to discuss his re-election
His potential candidacy was a
question mark until the filing
"period closed.
He and Mrs. Pryor are round-
ing members of the City Council,
organized when the city in-
corporated in 1971.
The field of fresh candidates,
meantime, has inc reased to
seven with the filing of three
·more sets of nomination papers
at. City Hall Thursday.
Latest to. make their can-
didacies official were attorneys
Larry Agran and David Warren,
and private investigator Carol
Already med for the contest are
former Irvine mayor Art An-
th<>ny, planning commissioners
Ellen Freund and Larry Hof-
fman, and high school teacher Vi-
vian Hall, a one-time national of·
flee contender.
Prospective candidates who
have taken out n omin ation
papers but have yet to me them
include biologist Don Murphy,
UC Irvine student Pamela
Davidson, community services
commissioner Robert. Moore and
attorney Jerry Shaw.
Filing deadline for non-
Irvine Thief Ge ts
Tools Worth 8533
An Orange County Transll
District mechanic Thursday r~
ported the theft or his red metal
toolbox and tools from a district
workshop at 1'736 Sand Canyon
Ave. in Irvine.
Kenneth Hook, 24, told Irvine police the box of tools, which-
had been left unsecured at the
24-bour ahop buildioe, was worth
an eslim.cecl .,.
Quakes Recorded
MADERA <Ae> -A Mries of
1mall Mrtbqudes rumbled un.
der tbe cntral Sa.IL Joaquin
Valle;, 'lbunda)'.
police, the county sheriff's de-
partment and the state highway
patrol will be watching the
crowds of up to two million fans
expected here for Monday·s
parade and footba ll game
he tw ee n Was hington and
But authorities say they are
unsure just what to watch for.
"They're aware there Is a
strangler,•• said Pasadena
police spokesman John
Mc A lister. "But we h ave
nothing really physical to go
Most or the 11 young women killed by the strangler since Oct.
18 have been found within a few
miles oC Pasadena. A woman
whose body was dumped near
<See SIBANGLE, Page A2)
o.ilf ...... ,._. ~Y.Rk ...... ~
HE DUCKED OUT -This ostrich at Lion Country Safari
was n't pretending to be the headless horseman, he ap·
par e ntly thought the rainy weather was not for lhe birds
and decided he didn't have to face it.
Looks Like Rain
Through Weekend
Occasional sprinkles should
continue through the weekend
but clear up Monday in time for
the Rose Parade, the National
Weather Service s aid today.
They're predicUng a 30 per-
cent chance of showers tonight,
10 percent on Saturday, and 30
percent again on Sunday.
"It's going to kind of be a little
bit. ol everything," said a
spokesman. He said tem-
peratures should reach highs in
the mid-60s and lows in the
No rain damage from Thurs·
day night's sprinkles was report.
ed along the coast.
However, Newport Beach
llfe1uards reported sighting a
water spout this mornlng about
seven miles off Scotchman's
Cove, north of LaiUDa Beach.
Logan Lockabey of the
Newport. Beach Marine Safety
Department noted the clouds
wera between 500 and 1,000 feet
blah at the time. A water spout.
ls , tunnel cloud llke a tornado
(See BAIN, Page AZ)
Channel 7, 8 p.m.
Ptttaburgh (1-2· 1)
ve. a.m.on (1-2· 1)
Channel 13, 8 p.m.
{f•pe ctetar>
Pittsburgh doesn't have
Tony Dorsett this time,
but Is favored to beat the
Tigers. The teams didn't
receive the publicity of a
Notre Dame or Oklahoma,
but t.he game could be the
hardest hilling of t.ho bowl
eames. Both have
aomething to prove.
See Detall• ta s,.ta Sectloll
12 OAILY PILOf F'r•cl!r. O.C.mw 30. 1177
Carter ·in W&rsaw
May Visit Egypt During This Tour
\\AftSAW, Poland <AP) -
'President Carter left open today
the pos!->1b1llty he might go to
.Egypt during his current over·
:-.cas m1ss1on, expressed hope for
agreem ents with the Soviet
Union on blrategic arms und
other issues during 1978, and an-
nounced a $200 million food deal
with Poland.
He spoke at a news conrcrence
in a Warsaw hotel, broadcast
and televised to the United
States. In large measure, what
he had to say was a review of
past statements on negotiations
w1th the Soviet Union and on
peace efforts in the Middle East.
A Wh.ite House spokesman in
WJ~hington, Mark Henderson.
said Carter heard the same
translations of questions asked
by Polish reporters as did
millions of Americans watching
the news conference on television.
Once again, Carter said the
United States is not trying to
·impose a Middle East settle·
menl, but to help Israel and the
Arab states reach their own
The $200 million food and feed
grains Carter offered to Poland,
Frqpa Page Al
As a matter or fact, former
Anaheim J111ls president John
Sickler testified, Harber was
paid S4,000 to conduct a survey
aimed at finding out how people
fcl~ about the agreements.
Those agreements give land·
owners a property tax break in
return for their holding land for
••agriculturul purposes" rather
t han use of the land for develop-
WllEN ASKED what Harber
vroposcd, former Grant Co.
pres ide nt Jt1ch:ird Owe n
"l think he wanted money.
Well , he was always -l say
;.ilways -he w ao; very likely
:.clling political mfluC'nce."
Dul lhc $4 ,000 Harber alle~ed
ly got fo r the upinum survey that
was i ntcndl'CI to he used to sway
county supN·v1sors' minds was
peanuts compared to what Rose
and Remington were paid by the
Jand development company.
Witnesses testifi e d a nd
t.•\'1denrl' indicated Remington
was paid S'M,485 for what was
clescrib<'d as perhaps a file·
drawer fu ll of lc~a l work, some
of it done by legal interns in his
And Hcmington himsC'lf told
I h e Grand Jury he loaned
f>i<'drirh $25,000 of his fee, :t loan
that has not yet been repaid.
The Fullerton attorney also
said he paid William Moore, a
San Clemente resident, S30,000
Diedrich said he borrowed from
J\toore m 1972.
chalked that loan payment up as
;.mother loan to Diedrich that re-
mains unpaid.
Before testifying, Remington
was given immunity. Als o,
multiple political conspiracy
charges brouJ:ht against him in
a July 1 indictment were re-
<luced to a single misdemeanor charge.
Rose, though, had nothing to
:-.;iy Lo Lhc Grand Jury.
According to the transcripts,
/\ssist ant Dist. Atty. Michael
Capizzi said Rose's lawyer told
him he felt Rose ''could con-
vince the Dis trict Attorney's Of·
fice t here was no wrongdoing on
his part." .
.. However," Capizzi said,
"Mr. (Sylvan) Aronson said he
would advise his client not to
testify before the Grand Jury."
Capizzi also gave the jury his
written invitation to Diedrich to
appear before the jury, an in-
vitation that included an offer to
let Diedrich present witnesses
and evidence that might tend to
dear him of suspicion.
llE ·ALSO GAVE the Grand
.Jury a copy of Diedrich's writ·
ten rejection of his Dec.Soffer.
And to make certain lhe jury
kne w of Diedri c h's pre-
mdictment denial of wrongdo-
j n g, he gave the jurors a
vi deotape copy or a television
program that reatured Diedrfoh
dcnylngwrongdoing. • ··
Those efforts bv Capizzi lo
give both sides or the story to.the
Grand Jury notwithstanding',
testimony contained in the eight.
volumes of tranacripts is
generally one-sjded.
As is the case in all such jury
inquiries, the witnesses were not
"TM~ C.0.'1 O.lly "'-!}.-~It CO•"· .,,_, ... i.. .......... , ....... ,_...,O.Or-
GN\.t _l ... l"QC.-••f 5ollw•-........ =~"".:.~~~:.,:'~~~
l•lrt V•lltY. trv1~e. Sfecl190ec'-V•I'-' ~ ~=~~~ .. "::-~;: =:;c.~::~~~'.1.~:.~~UI ~ .. f ·-·-.. -·-·---J•Olt.C.., \/t(I ,........., tftO ~ti~"""'
ne.a .........
. ·--
• '
cross-examined . And the
hars hes t D iedrich accuser
testified only to what others had
told him and not his own first-
hand knowledge.
That witness was Santa Ana
atloroey Fred McBrien.
told him in early 1973 that
Diedrich "wanted $50.000 to take
the Nohl Ranch out of the
agriculture preserve."
"lie (Owen ) told me that he
m et Ralph Diedrich again on the
following Sunday ;rnd that the
price tag ....... had gone up to
$150,000," Mc Brien testified.
Ballin was implicated in the
alleged bribery p lot whe n
Mc Brien said, ''He <Owen) men-
tioned that Diedrich told him
that Battin, Robert Battin, had
gotten inlo the act and needed
money too."
Mc Brien also told the jury that
he understood from la wyer
Marshall Morgan that Anaheim
Hills was paying Morgan legal
f ees to defend R e mington
:igainst murde r conspiracy
charges brought against him in
nie d the allegatio n in his
testimony. Money he received
from the company was for legal
services he performed on the
agricultural preserve issue after
Remington was jailed, Morgan
In two trips to the Grand Jury
witness stand during the four-
month probe, Owen was not
asked to either confirm or deny
making the r emarks attributed
to him by McBrien.
The transcripts show Capizzi
asked McBrien, the leadoff wit·
n ess, why he waited four years
before telling Deputy Dist. Atty.
William Evans of his 1973 con-
versations with Owen.
McBrien said he was disap-
pointed in the July 1 Indictments
that charged Diedrich, Rem-
ington, Supervisor Philip An-
thony and two others only with
violations of state political cam·
paign regulations.
Anaheim Hills pres ide nt
testified that he had little faith
in both the development and the
political machinations hovering
about it.
"Anaheim Hills would never
make a dime and I dldn't want
to be associated with a Jnser,"
William Stark said when asked
why he left the company in early
Stark also said he lert the din·
ner table at ·a restaurant in
Corona when tJte talk turned lo
politics and campaign funds.
':What did you discuss ~ith
Mr. Rose while at the bar?" he
was asked. ,
"Probably sex and sp0rts In
that order, "Stark.replied. _
Like other wimesses. he had
difficulty remembering the
name or the restaurant where
J?iedrich and Rose allegedly
first broached the possibility ot
. costs being associated with a
favor able Bpard of Supervisors
Stark said the restaurant wq
"the Blue Boar or Red Fox or
one of those cute names."
Other witnesses trying to re-
call the dining sP<>t of almojt
five years ago identified the
restaurant as The Jolly Oie, The
Crow's Run or The Jolly Fo>C.
••For them tt•a tnore 8
fraternity,•• Stauffer said.
He described Re.dwilz and
Klosterman as "veey strong'•
lifeguards, w'1o have reached
the most senior level of SJUODal
lifeguards in iaglHla Beath •
They he~ 'been members of the
· ctty·s champlonsbip piddle
tl:am, Sta"fe.c.aaJd.
Both men are graduate• ot
Laruna Beach Jlich Scihool.
Jtedwitz was .-r:aduated from UC
Berkeley tn Decembet' with a
major in architecture. He 1-,
• working •· a ~afd lifeguard Ju • New ZealaM dn an ucbq• "'M:t'!m~ ~ .... sraauate ot
UC 'San Dle,o. with • dear-1n ,
pbyllcal ecb.ICatlon. He ta Mlk·. .ta1 tnformau,. wltb New
Z.aland li!fC\IU'da. aald Stauf.
TM two pardl plan to return to the ScNth Ooaat in UMt aprlQa.
Jn addition lo $300 mWion already
arranged, would help the Poles
wi_thsland four. years or crop
failures, thepresadeoLsaid.
dent saa<l.
Carter also apld he discussed
with Polish leaders the plight or
about 250 families in the United
Stales who want to be reunited
with relatives now in Poland. The
l eaders gave assurances
.. that our concern would be al-
leviated,•• he said.
The president dealt cautiously
with questions of human rights
and Soviet troops in Poland. He
said the American concept o(
human rights is more honored in
Poland than in some other Euro-
pean nations. And as for the
Russian troops stationed in
Poland, Carter said that was an
issue to be handled by the Poles
and their leaders.
Carter said he hopes that after
a SALT agreement is reached
with the Soviets, Moscow and
Washington can move to discuss
tactical nuclear w.eapons con-
trol. That would include the
neutron bomb, which is designed
to kill through radiation without
devastating the target area.
The president said new Soviet
weapons like the SS20, a land-
based mobile missile, are much
more destabilizing to the current
military balance than is the pro-
jected neutron bomb, which
Moscow has assailed.
Carter said the United States
.would not de ploy neutron
weapons except by agreement
with NATO allies.
Kialoa Finishes First
The 79-foot ketch Kialoa was the first
yacht to complete the 650-mile Sydney to
Hobart race in Aus tralia Thursday.
Owned by J ohn Kilroy, Kialoa finis hed
two hours and 25 minutes in front of hc•l'
rival Am erican yacht. Windward P assagt·.
Both craft were involved in u collision in
another race off ~ydney before Christmas.
5 Inches of Rain Fall
More Showers Predicted Over Weekend
Nearly five inches of rain was
dropped on drougbt·stricken
Southern Callrornia this week,
and more off-and-on showers
were p~edictcd throughout the
weekend. · But water officials warned it melted it loo quickly to be
Thursday against premature gathered erticienUy.
26 Stitehes in Face
celebrations of the drought's
e nd, even though the storm
brought the season's total for
Southern California rainfall to
well above normal.
.. We can't pump it out or the
Sacramento-San J oaquin River
D e lla fns t enough," said
Schwarz ... The farmers can't
use the water now."
Mesa Woman Flees
From Sex Assault
'•Any rain we do get is .
helpful," said Joel Schwarz or
the Metropolitan Water District.
"But it would have been a heck
or a lot better if lt bad been the
normal kind of storm we get in
winter in Californ!a, a storm
from up north rather than from the tropics.
.. The ratn that we get here in
Southern California helps us a
little bit as far as ending the
drought,·· Schwarz said, "but
the key area where we need the
rainfall is the northern two-
Schwarz said 7.04 inches or
rain have fallen in Los Angeles
this season, compared to an
average 4.49 inches. But he not-
ed that some northern res-
e rvoirs, whic h supply the
southern part of the s tate, a re stil I
getting less than their usual
amount of rain. A 24-year-old Costa Mesa
woman who decided to hitchhike
to work Thursday evening ended
up with 26 stitches in her face as
the Rose Bowl the day before
Christmas is thought to have
been killed by someone imitat-
ing the mass slayer.
There have been vague
descriptions of a man and a car,
but no one· knows if either is con-
nected with the case. Composite
sketches or two men police
thought might be s uspects
proved to be based on Los Angeles
vice orficers who police say had
"You've got a Caucasian ap·
parently with Latin features.
You've got the tan van or the
white car,•• McAliiJter said.
"They'll be aware but whether
they're going to stop everybody
who fits that description -
maybe 300,000 people -that's
another maUer."
The man and the van were
seen near the hilltop where the
nude and strangled body of the
11th victim, Kimberly Diane
Martin, a 17-year-old prostitute
from Hollywood, was dumped
from a car •
McAlister said investigators
don't know bow the strangler
selects or traps bis victims, but
they say some or the women
were hitchhikers who may have
11one with the strangler volun-
. "we•re not anticipating a lot
oC Isolated or single girls along
the parade J'Otlte simply because
or the publlcity about the
s trangler;• McAiister said. "It
would be toollsb for ·any mother
to let Mr' daughter C:ODle to the
parade'route unehaperoned. or
tours• lt \tould be foo11sh In any "' ... ., year.
Pasadena Police Chief Robert
)f cGo,..et.n 11aid that 54 two-man
patrol teams will walk the
·parade route Sunday night,
keeping a ••hhcb visibility ... ·
Panel Mulls
Bicycle Path
The Jnine Planning Com-
miaaion wlll mull a proposed
agreement between the city and
the co~y, to conatruct a blcy-
cle •ftb in Mason Regloaal
Park:.. When lt meet& at 7:30 p.m. Tuesclu at City Jlall.
Clt1 J>llimm · .. ;·the path 1s.· needed for access to a teen·
centu ncrutlon bui1"1nc being
developed at lbe par•, an
Uo lven.Jtt Drive neat 'UC
Other Items on the eom• ml11tcna .. enda laclud• p~·
po.eel amend!IWPCll to tb• dty
IOlllnl ~ dednf With
re1ldentlal d•••lopment
permlll, and • 1erle1 of minor aontni daaftles m u.e Bancbo Sa.n'~atu.. .
she attempted to escape a driver
who tried to rape her, police re-
The woman was struck below
the right eye in a scuffle at
Newport Boulevard and Flower
Street at about 8:30 p.m., in full
view of other motorists. police
The attack came after the
woman was picked up by a
husky male between 30 and 40·
years-old with wavy. s houlder·
length brown hair. Police said
the man had only driven the
woman about 100 yards before
he tried to fondle her and sexually
assault her.
She left the stopped vehicle bul
the m an gave chase, slruck her
and tried to drag her back to the
car. He eventually gave up and
escaped in a two-door sedan.
The victim was treated at
Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital
and later released.
"Considering the situation in
Los Angeles (Th e Hillside
Strangler), hitchhiking would
not be the most appropriate
thing to be doing," said Costa
Mesa police Sgt. Tom Lazar. "It
would be safer for young ladies to
take the bus,•· he added.
Volcano Erupts
CATANIA, Sicily (AP > -Mt.
Etna shot rocks and ashes hun-
dreds or yards into the air from
its northeast crater Thursday
a nd blew dense clouds or white
smoke from its central crater.
thirds of the state1 ..
·some rain was falling there to-day.
Normally Southern California
A second storm, from the
northwest, edged its way south
today , creating a 30 p ercent
chance or rain.
From Page AI
~els water from snows melting FLU BUG
in the northern mountains, • •
Schwarz explained. The warm •
tropical air that came with this none of the strain currently
week's storm melted snow, but causing widespread outbreaks in * * · * Russia has been identified in the United States, the CDC said. Frora Page Al Public health officials and
' representatives of the medical
RAlN field met in Atlanta on Dec. 22 to
• ~ • consider recommending a nl!w
vaccination program because of
the Russian Virus. No dec1s1on that appears at sea.
Lockabey said no damage was
reported. He said water s pouts
are sighted several times a year
and rarely cause any damage.
However, he said, about 15
years ago one hit the Newport
Pier, picking up a lifeguardi
tower and injuring a lifeguard.
The Orange County Harbor
Department in Newport Beach
today reported .26 of an inch in
rain over Wednesday night,
bringing the season total to 3.45
compared to 3.01 at the s ame
time last year.
The Orange County Fire
Department station in Laguna
Niguel recorded .13 of an inch lo·
day, for a season total of 4.43.
Last year nt this time they'd re-
corded 2.8.5 inches.
was made.
T he Hussian Virus, identified
only as JIIN I. has been reporled
only in the Soviet Union and in
Hong Kong. It is similar to a
virus which caused moderate
epidemics in the United States in
Flu viruses have a unique ten·
dency to rearrange the proteins
whic h make the m up and
become another virus. This is
the reason drug manufacturers
have to keep changing the vac-
No matter which strain affect~
a person, most patients ·feel
roughly the same symplioms -
headache, rising temperature,
achin g muscles •rnd a sore-
• •
An occasional play on words is one thing, but you'll never find Alden's
playing the game of breaking resolutions where it concerns servicing
our customers. WE RESOLVE ••• come '78 ••• we'll bend every effort
to excel our efforts of '77.
:iiisialiatiiia:·custom draperies
uc.N0.1J04n linoleum• wood floor
16~~ PLACENTIA AVENUE COSTA MESA, CAUF. 92627 • PHONE 6.C6·.C838 -646·235.5
., ..
' \
Laguna/So~th Co8st
N.Y. Stoeks
' . ' I
-----------4-rrwnth Jury Probe----------..........
Diedrich, Rose Eillerge at Top
Of 1M 0 •11, PllOI Swff
Grand .Jury trunsrripts s how a bribery probe o f
Orange County ol ficia ls began last August with
Supl'rvisor Rulph Diedrich. former supervisor
Hobert Bullin and Fullerton attornC'y Michael Hem·
mgton as th<' prime s us pects
By lhe time the four-month 11l\'estigution cnten•cl
its final s t:.i gl'::-. early lhb munth. h1)\H'\l'f . Buttin
had f'1 a led out a s u su:-ipecl. Remington was
safeguarded hy immunity and Anaheim <Jr<:hit l•<:l
Ll'Huy Hose h:.id vaultt•d to lhl' top of lhl· suspl'<:t
li st.
WHEN IT CAME time for the Grand Jury lo act,
it was Diedrich who was indicted Dec. 15 on the
hribery charges as well as a bribery cons piracy
And it was his lon{!-time friend Rose who was
named with Diedric h in the conspiracy allegation.
THREADING ITS WAY through 638 pages of
Grand Jurv tl'c;timonv leading lo the indictment is a
I alt.• of hai·d -pn·ssed ·business cxeculives hoping Ill
rnn and l !J7 I for a f;.ivorable nod by the lloard of
Supt'n 1sors on a µe nding land use dec:1s1on.
Thost• hopt·s for a favorable dC't1s1011 w1.•re n •-
" anlNI in ~lar<:h. 1!:17.t when D1~drich kd a 3 lo 2
Board of Supervisors' decision in favor of the ror-
poralc landowners.
And woven into the story re\'ealed by transcripts
of the testimony arc ech()('S from Orange County's
immediate political past.
ONE OF THOS E echoes sounded about the h<'ad
of the late Fred Harber, then a not too far behind lhc.:
scenes politi~al powerhouse in Orange County.
llarbt'r, for example. is depicted by witnesses as
heing in the forefront of battle by Ana heim llills.
Int·., and ils parent company, the Robert H . Grant
Co., to have un developed la n d freed from
agr icultural preser ve agreements.
(See BRIBERY, Page A2)
New Zealand Rescue
CU.ff Rescue
A Laguna Beach m an was lifted to safety
by a l\1;.irinc Corps helicopter Thursday
a ltc•r ht• f<'ll down a c liff at his home, 102
~TcKni ght Dnve Ernes t Jlel m. Jr .• was
i;:ardcmn~ ''lwn ht' lumbled lo the sand at
the Cn•scl'nt Bay Reach .1ust after noon.
I. ;1 gun a Bl' a ch par a m c d 1 cs said the
LB Visitor
Assaulted in
Parking Lot
.'\ 22·ycar·oltl v1:-1tor to Laguna
BcaC'h told Polle<' a s tranger who
accostl'd hl'r ;1l Di<imond Street
Beach Thursd;1 v followed hl'r to
a p:i rking lot. ~·hl•re he assault·
ed her.
The On:gon woman said she
was rC'ad1ns:: on th<' beach when
a man \\ho \~as reading nearby
ac;ked h<'r for a cigarette They
lalk<'d \'l'ry bn<'n y. she said.
helicopter r escue crew was called in
because of the difficulty of carrying the
injured man O\'l•r the rough terrain. ll<'lm.
56, was t rans po rted lo 1 loag Memorial
Hospital, where he "as to be releas ed to-
2 Laguna Guards
Save Girl • m
T wo seasoned Laguna Beach
lif('~uards s tudying rescue
techn1qut•s in New 7.<«u lantl were
erechted Thursday wilh savin~
the life of a l:i-yNir-old ~1rl in a
fi er ce surr at M uriw<ii Beach
north of Auckland.
Tom Jt c d wi tz a nd Ma r k
Klosterman. both 23-ycar-old
residents of Three Arch Ray in
South Laguna. were sleeping on
the beach in a van when they were
Bug Hits
Widespread outbreaks or in·
fluenza-like illnesses have been
reported in four states -the
first such reports in the United
States this wi nter, the national
Center for Disease Control said
The CDC said suet. outbreaks
ha ve b ee n reporte d i n
Wisconsin. New J ersey, Penn-
sylvania a nd Ten nessee.
Sporadic cases have been re-
ported in M1 chh~an . Arizona,
Georgia and llawaii.
Several strains of Influenza A
virus have be<'n Isolated. but
non e of the s tr ain currently
causing widespread outbreaks in
Russia has been identified in the
United States. the CDC said.
Public health officials and
representatives of the medical
field met in Atlanta on Dec. 22 to
consider recommending a new
vaccination program because of
awakened about 7 a.m. by shouts
that a girl was drowning.
They dro"e about a mile along
the beach and found a d1stressl'd
father struggling toward his
daughter who was swept out to
~ca in the turbulent surf.
R edwitz and Klos term an
charged into the water . Redwitz
1 caught sight of the girl's black
hair and was lhe first to reach
the unconscious girl, identified
as Lefy Tuai Willi ams .
She was nJshed to a hospi tal,
where s he recovered. Her
fother, Rolx'rt, tailed the lwo
lift.>~uards "very brave."
"Thal ~irl w:.as very lucky our
two guards were there." said
Ca p t. J im Stauffer of the
Laguna Beach lifeguard depart·
m ent. ·."
Sta uffer said New Zealand
<See SAVED, Page A2)
When sh(' ~uthl'r<'d hl'r belong·
ings to lt•avc the beach half an
hour later, the man asked to ac·
com pany her. She said she re-
fused. lie followed her up the
s steps to a nearby parking lot.
where he came up rrom behind
her a nd slipped his hand into her
bathing suit.
(See FLU BUG. Paie A2)
Marine Held
O.MI' Pll .. l'hola by IU<Mrd KMlll•'
HE DUCKED OUT -This os trich at Lion Country Safari
was n't prete nding to be the headless horseman. he ap·
parently thoug ht the rainy weather was nol for the birds
and decided he didn 't have to face it. The woman s truck her as·
sailant in the face. s he told
or:::a _coast
Considerable cloudiness
through Saturday with 30
p ercen t c h a n ce o f
measur:tble rain tonight
decreasing lo 10 percent
Saturday. Lows tonight
m id to upper sos. Highs
Saturday in low to mid
Orange Coad rHidenta
planning to join tM miltioiu
.along the Tournament of
Roae1 parade route can get a
prev iew of Mission Viejo'•
/loot on Page CI.
Aid Given
Paramedics work over Ernest Helm Jr. on Crescent
Bay Beach after he fell from his yard above. White ar-
.rows simulate probable line of descent to beach. ·
Recreation Complex Opposed
A laws uit aimed at haltfu1
co nstruction Of an ll•aCre
r43creation complex north of San
Juan Capistrano d\y Umtts bas
been filed In Oran1e County
Soperlor Court by cJt.y otrlciala.
1 ..
Tho ault, JUed Thursday, seeks
an Injunction to prevent the
county from ls1uln1 permits that
would allow construction of the
bowlina alley and otber f acUlUea
on Marsuerlte Parkway 1outh of
.Via Eacolar. ;
·I •
In Cle11Wnle •
AssOlllt Charge It Looks Like Sun
A San Clemente police officer
was treated for a bite at San
Cle m ente Gen er a l Hospital
Thursday after police broke up a
fight which resulted in the arrest
of a Camp Pendleton Marine for
assault and battery.
J a mes Richard Conley, 20,
was arrested with his brother.
Ala n Lee Conley. )8, of El
Monte, following a right involv·
ing the two men in downtown
San Clemente. Police said they
would not"ask that charges be
pressed against the younger
Officer Russell Lane was bit·
ten on the left hand and pulled
tendons in his right wrlst when
he and lellow officers res ponded
to a report or 8 light ln front or
Jim's Delta Tire at 603 S. El
Ca mino Real. ·
A scuffle ens ued, according to
a police report, in which Lane
was injured.
James Kehoe told police he
bad asked the two brothers to
leave the tlre •tore, when James
Conley bit him ln the race with
· hJs rtst which contalntd a rock.
Kehoe, 16, wu tteated at the
scene for m1not facial injuries
by city firemen.
At. Rose Bowl Game
Occasional sprinkles should
continue through the weekend
but clear up Monday in time for
the Rose Parade . the National
Weather Service said today.
They're predicting a 30 per-
cent chance of s howers tonight.
10 percent on Saturday, and 30
percent again on Sunday.
"It's going to kind of be a little
bit of everything," said a
s p ok es·man. He s aid t em ·
peratures should reach bigbs in
the mid·60s and lows in the
m id·SOs. ·
No rain damage from Thurs-
day nigbt.'s sprinkles was re port-
ed along the coast.
Howe ver , N ewpo rt Beach
lifeguards reported sighting a
water spout this morning about
aeven miles off Scotchman's
Cove, north of Laguna Beach.
L o gan Loc k a be y o r the
Newport Beach Marine Safety
Department noted the clouds
were between 500 and 1,000 feet
biJh at the time. A water spouL
is a fuMel cloud llke a tornado
(See BA.IN, •• ,. ~)
Channel 7, 6 p.m.
PlttabUrgh (8-2·1)
va. Clemson (8-2·1)
Chennel 13, 8 p .m.
(T8pe delay)
Pitts burgh doesn't have
Tony Dorsett this time,
but ls lavored to beat the
Tigers. The teams didn •t
receive the publicity or a
Notre Dame or Oklahoma.
but the game could be the
hardest tUtUng of the bowl
gam e s . B o th hav e
someth.ing to prove. t
See .DetaU. 'f
Jn SporU Secllotl ,
' I
. a: •• '., • DAILY P•LO r l SC f rid!y, o.c.rnbef 30. 1971
_Fmallv Pres•ure 'Clues'
To Cops·
-SJC Mayor
Declines Race
San J uan Capistrano Mayor
Yvon llt:ckschl·r will nol 1>cck re·
t·lcclion to a :.ccond term on lhe
C1lyCound l.
llec kschl'r f:.i ilcd to f ill'
nomina ti on paper:> by
Th ur sday's deadlin e &net
became the second San J uan in-
cumbent to decide ai:aln1>l scl·k·
ing r e-election. Council man
Dol!glas Nash announced his de-
cision not lo run on Tuesdav.
Contac ted Thursdav uftcr-
noon, llccksl'hl•r s;ud tic dwsl·
not to run because "I think that
there arc candidates who will be
running who would do the !'>Jmc
things I would do."
. ,
Ile said prt'!'>!'>Url' from hi-.
fom1ly also contributed lo his de·
lleckschcr's decis ion mc<.1ns
two members of lhe C1tv Coun-
nl 's m ajority votes on con-
troversial growth man<i~emcnl
and agricultural preservation is-
s ues will leave the governing
board next Mar ch. K enneth
Friess. the third m ember of the
majority group, is not up for re·
election until 1980.
MC'anwhile, .John Swccn<'y, the
third 111cumbc nt up for rr-
<'lcction next yl·ar, filed his
papt•rs with the <.:1ly Clerk 's of·
fil'C Thur!-.dy.
A ho r ct urn 1 n J.! t' .irl d ICI al' y
papers WNC Su!'>an L . Cum-
mings. 3ll!H Calle Oct Campo;
.Jimmy Larsen. 32031 Paseo de
\llcsandro; Charles JI. Ward.
:!6 132 Pepper wood Lane; and
:\larilyn W1llta m:s, 29931 Camino
2 Shots Kill
Motive Sought
J\mbrosc Griffin was unloading
groceries outside his house in
!'>uhurban Carmic hae l, a car
s ped by and there were two pop-
ping SOWlds.
Griffin, 56, :i government
<'n gineer, turned to his wife
Thursday night and said ''My
God, l've been shot." '
He fell to the ground, bleeding
from a bullet wound in the chest.
1 le died a short time later at
American River Hospital.
His neighbor, James Turnbow.
said it must have been a wild
:-.hot fire d b y joy-riding
.. No one in the world would
want to shoot Mr. Griffin," he
~aid. ·
Turnbow said he was in his
..:arage when he heard the shots
hut didn't pay much a ltentio~
hccause they've been common
1n the neighborhood recently.
. ''A neighbor has had her porch
lights s hot out four times
already. Windshields have been
shot out. We've reported all this,
but no o n e seem ed to do
anything," he said.
Oemente Burglar
1 Gets ltecorder, TV
Two fur blankets, a portable
color television, a tape recorder
.ind a record turntable were re-
ported. missing for an estimated
Sl ,580 loss in a San Clemente res-
idential burglary reported Thurs-
Gordon Bundy, of 414 Ave.
Salvador, told police a burglarre.
moved louvers from a bathroom
1 door to enter his home between
nee. 22 and 29.
· Crown Ponder~d
A federal judge is pondering
w~ethe~ to issue a preliminary
• rn1unclton lo prevent delivery of
the Huns.!arian crown to ofticials ~ of that countfl' next week.
Al Arps, :1:!80:! Valh• Ho:ul.
Sp;1 t•c !15 ; :ind Bn\ln E . "J erry"
Orakt!. 31151 V1u Cordovu, had
ftled tht·ir· r111nllnat1on papers
l'drlier this month.
With two 1111·11111bents nol run
ntn~ 1n th1• March elect10n, the
flling dcudline f o r non -
mcumbent (•and1dates has been
extended to noon, J an. 3.
Those who s till have papers
tht•y have nol rl'lurned arc
\J 1(·hal'I Hern'>, 26921 Canyon
Crest Hoad; Hobert Davu~s. 293
Edgewood Drive ; J a mes F.
Thorpe, 27952 Calle Santa Ynct; (;eor~e R. Vraney, 32742 Al1pd~
St., Space 10!1 . Edward P,
Wendkos, 25921 Ave. Cabnllo.
Dee Tyler. 26982 Via Banderas:
and G Jry Hausdorfer, 26851 Calle
o.i1v l"liee ......_.,, IU<_ ll_
Sun Makes Sliver Lining In View From Corona del Mar Freeway In Cotta Mesa
before officials wt!r~ to release
composite sketches of possible
Hills ide Strangler s uspects, a .
complicated comedy of errors
unf o lde d and offlctal s
acknowledged that the sketches
were likenesses of two police
vice officers.
Assistant Police Chief Daryl
Gates was to have released the
s ketches at a news conference
Thursday, but the offi cers rec-
ognized themselves and thedrav. ·
ings were withheld.
Ga tes. at the news conference,
said only lhat the men depicted
had been contacted and were not
involved in tbe case.
Front Page Al 5 Inches Fro• Page Al
The Associ~ted Press later
learned that the m en in the
drawings were ofCicers. When
asked why the men were not
identified as s uch at the news
conf~rence, Lt. Dan Cooke. a
police spokesman, said,
"Nobody asked." ·
More Due
RAIN •.• The two unidentified officers
had stopped a wom an for driv·
mg erratically, not realizing she
was a police officer, Cooke ex-
plained. As a matter of fact, former
Ana heim Hills prcsidcnl J ohn
Sickler testified, Ha rber was
paid s.t.000 to conduct a sur vey
aim ed <Jt finding out how people
tclt about the agreements.
'fhosc agreements give land-
owners <J property lox break in
return for their holdtng land for
·· :.igricultural purposes·• rather
than us e of the land for develo1>·
. WHEN ASKED what Harber
proposed, former Granl Co.
pres ident Richard Owen
"1 think he wanted m oney,
Well, he w:.1s always -1 say
olways -he was ver y likely
:;el ling poliLical inrtucncc."
But the ::;:t ,000 I larber <11legcd-
ly got for the opinion survey that
"'<1s intended to be used to sway
counly supervisors· minds was
peanuts compared lo what Rose
· ;md Remington were paid by the
land development company.
Wi tnesses tes tifie d and
evidence indicated Remington
was paid $74,485 for what was
desc ribed as perhaps a file·
drawer full of legal work, some'
of it done by legal interns in his
And Remington himself told.
the Grand Jury he loaned
Diedrich $25,000 of his fee, a loan
that has not yet been repaid.
The Fullerton attorney also
said he paid William Moore, a
San Clemente resident. $.10.000
Diedrich said he borrowed from
Moore in 1972.
chalked that loan payment up as
another loan to Diedrich that re·
mains unpaid.
Before testifying, R emington
was given immunit y. Also,
multiple politica l con spiracy
charges brought against him in
a July 1 indictment were re-
duced to a single misdemeanor
Rose, though, had nothing to
say to the Grand Jury.
According to the transcripts.
Assistant Dist. Atty. Michael
Capizzi said Rose's lawyer told
him he felt Rose "could con-
v.ince the District Attorney's Of-
fice there was no wrongdoing on
his part."
"However," Capizzi s aid,
"Mr. (Sylvan) Aronson said he
would advise his client not to
testify before the Grand Jury."
Capizzi also gave the jury his
written invitation to Diedrich to
appear before the jury, an in-
vitation that included an offc,r to
lifeguards have not h ad the
sophisticated training of South
Coast guards.
"For them it's more a
fraternity," Stauffer said .
He described Redwitz and
Klosterman as ''very strong"
lifeguards, who have reached
the most senior level of seasonal
lifeguards in Laguna Beach.
They have been members of the
city's champions hip paddle
team, Stauffer said.
Both men are graduates of
Laguna Beach Hig h School.
Rcdwitz was graduated from UC
Berkeley in December with a
major in architecture. He ls
working as a paid lifeguard in
New Zealand on an exchange
progr am.
Klosterman is a graduate or
UC San Diego, with a degree in
physical education. lte la work·
1n g l nfornially wlth New
Zealand llf e1uarc:ls, seld Stauf.
let Diedri<.'h presenl witnesses
;md evidence that might tend to
clear him of suspicion.
Jury a copy of Diedrich's writ-ten re1ection of his Dec. 5 offer. Nearly five inches of rain was d dropped on drought-s tricken An to make certain the jury Southern California this week,
knew o f Die dricb's pre· indictment denial of wrongdo-and more off-and-on s howers
ing, he gave the J·urors a were predicted th,rougbout the weekend. v1deotape copy of a television B program that featured Diedrich ut waler officials warned Thursday against premature
dcnying wrongdoing. celebrations of the drought's
T hose efforts bv Caoizzi to end, even though the storm
give both sides of the story to the brought the season's total for
Gr<.1nd Jury notwithstanding. Southern California rainfall to
testimony contained in the eight well above normal.
volumes o f transcripts is "Any rain we do get is
generally one-sided. helpful,·• said J oel Schwarz of
t hat a ppears at sea.
Lockabey said no d amage was
reported. He said water spouts
arc s ighted several times a yl'ar
and rarely cause any damage.
However, he said, aboul IS
y~a rs a~o ~me hit the Newport
Pier, picking up a lifeguard
tower and injuring a lifeguard.
The Orange County Harbor
Department in NeWl)Ort Beach
today reported .26 of an inch in
rain over Wednesday night
bringing the season total to J.4S
compared lo 3.01 at the same
time last year.
The Orange County Fire
Department station in Laguna
Niguel recorded .13 of an inch to-
day , for a se8Son total of 4.43.
Last year at this time they'd r e·
corded 2.85 inches.
The woman officer gave the
special task force working on
the case the officers' descrip·
lions because one theory in the
case hns been that the kille r or
killers of 11 women may have
stopped people on the pretense
of conduclin~ poliee business.
Gates said the woman of-
ficer 's description matched
other descriptions received
earlier by the SS-member task
force. But be added that the two
officers were te~ling the truth
about doing '' a'"'·routine traffic
As is the case in all such jury the Metropolitan Water District.
inquiries, the witnesses were not "But it would have been a heck
c ross-examined . And the of a lot better if It had been the
harshest Diedrich accuser norma l kind of storm we get in
testified only to what others had winter in California, a s torm told him and not his own first· from up north rather than from the Russian Virus. No decision
hand knowledge. the tropics. waR made.
Thal witness was Santa Ana •'The rain that we get here in Thug Leaves The Russ ian Virus, identified
attorney Fred McBrien. Southern California helps us a only us UlNl, has been reported
little bit as far as e nding the only in the Soviet Union and in
UE TESTIFIED that Owen drought," Schwarz said, "but 'I;'. • 'Ml k Hong Kong. It is similar to a
told him in early 1973 that the key area where we need the ... rruty 1ri.aT. virus which caused moderate
Diedrich "wanted $50,000 to lake rainfall is the northern two· epidemics in the United States in
the Nohl Ranch o ut of the thirds of the state." SAN FRANCISCO <AP> 1947.
agriculture preserve." Some rain was falling there to-~The FBI says it's look-Flu viruses have a unique ten·
"He (Owen ) told me that he day. 'ing for a middle-age man dency to rearrange the proteins
m et Ralph Diedrich again on the Normally Southern California who dresses like a woman w hi c h make them up and
fo ll owing Sunday and that the gets water from snows melting and politely gives bank become another virus. This is
price tag ....... had gone up to in the northe rn mountains, clerks shiny red apples -the reason drug manUfacturers •
$150,000," Mc Brien t estified. Schwarz explained. The warm c.tfter he robs them. h!ive to keep changing the vac·
Battin was implicated in the t ropical air that came with this Agents said the strange cme.
nllcged bribe r y p lot whe n week's storm melted snow. but crook hit two San Jose N i McDricn said. ''He (Owen) men-it m elted it too quickly lo be banks withm 20 minu~s 0 matter wh ch strain affects
tioned that Diedrich told him gathered efficiently. on the same day. He left 3 person. most patients feel that Battin, Robert Battin, had his fruity mark each time roughly the same symptioms -
gotten mto the act and needed and escaped with un-headache. r ising temperature.
money too." disclosed amounts or cash. aching mus cles and a sort!
Mc Brien also told the jury that 2 Solons B·ack ''The apples are now be-throat. · he unders tood from lawyer in g processed in A virus similar t o A-Victoria •
Marshall Morgan that Anaheim Washington for prints," an JIJN2. is causing outbreaks in
Hills was paying Morgan legal Keepino Cana' I agent said Thursday. Pennsylvania and Tennessee,
f ees to defe nd Remington ~ the CDC said . agains t murder conspiracy • This is a virus that has caused
charges brought against him in MIRAFLORES LOCKS, N outbreaks in the United States
1973. Panama Canal (AP) -Sens. ewspaper Pickup for several years. A-Texas, the
Robert Dole and Paul Laxalt, most frequently found virus this
MORGAN REPEATEDLY de· leading critics of the Panama Slated. in Laguna winter, is an offshoot of H3N2, a ni e~ the alleJJation in his Cana l treaties, took a walk along spokesman said.
testimony. Money he received this American·built waterway Bundled or b agged H3N2 virus also is responsible
from the company was for legal and said they didn't want the newspapers will be picked up in tor increased school abscn-
services he performed on the United States to give it up. Laguna Beach tbe firs t week of teelsm at Albany and in Suffolk
agricultural preserve issue after "I feel a certain sense of pride every month by the Laguna County, N. Y., and outbreaks of
Re mington was jailed, Morgan in the fact that we have the Beach Recycling Center when it have been ·reported in three
s aid. c anal," Dole, a K a n sas the papers are placed curbside counties inMichi~an.
Jn two trips to the Grand Jury Republican, said Thursday as he n~ar trash cans on regular trash Al Brighton, Colo., 50 of 125
witness stand during the four· stood by the canal for the first pickup days. residents of a nursing home were
m onth probe, Owen was not time. stricken with an influenza-like ii·
asked to either confirm or deny "And (pride> that working In January, papers will be col· lness and five died, the CDC said.
making the remarks attributed together, with the Panamanian lected Jan. 2-6. Additional in-Several isolates from out-
to him by McBrien. · people, we make it operate and formation on the service is breaks in New Jersey, Penn·
The transcripts show Capizzi that's what we seek to do in the ~vailable by caJling the recycl-sylvania and Tennessee resem·
nsked McBrien, the leadofC wit-future. 10g center, 494·2535. nsylvania and Tennessee resem·
ness, whyhewaUedfour~Ms ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
before telling Deputy Dist. Atty.
William Evans of his 1973 con·
versations with Owen.
McBrien said he was disap-
pointed in the July 1 indictments
th a t charged Dledrich, Rem-
ington, Supervisor Phtlip An·
Lhony and two others only with
violations of ~tale political cam·
paign regulations.
Anaheim Hills /resident
tes tified that he ha UtUe faith ln both the development and the
political machinaUons hovering
• about it. "Anaheim Hills would never
make a dime and I dldn 't want
to be ~lated with a loser,"
William Stark said when asked
why be left the company in early
1973. Stark also said he lcfl the din-
rter table at a restaurant ln
Corona when the talk turned to
politics and campaign funds.
•'What did you discuss with
Mr. Roso whllc at the bar?" he
\IVAI Hked. "Probab~ sex and •Porta in that order, .. Stark rtplled.
An occasibnal play on wor~s is one thing, but you'll never find Alden·s
playing the game of breaking resolutions where it concerns servicing
our customers. WE RESOLVE ••• come '78 ••• we'll bend every effort
to excel our efforts of '77.
' ' I
. The two guards plan to ~tum
. • to the South Coast in the spr1na.
Like other witnesses, he had
difficulty remembering the · n•me of the restaurant where
Dledrlcb and Rose alle1edly nnt bl'Offhed the posslblUt.)' ot
-eotta being as90Clated W\tb 1i
favorable Board of Supemsora
' • I NJ Drops Suit
TRf;NTON, N.J . (AP > -N .,,
Jertey has ag~ lo put ott a
suit afainst hnnsylvanl1, the
city o Pblladetph\a. the U.S.
Environmental Protection A.cert -
• cy and 7' alleced ltldultrlal· polluter• in -cona.cUon with
poJ1utfon t.blt New .{eraey 1aya
drifts acrou tbo Delaware
deel1lon. : Stark aald the restaurant WU
'"the Blue Boar or B~ J'OS ,or one or thole cute namea." ·
Other wttMIHI U,lnt to r&-
eall tM cUnlq sPC>t el 'almoet
OYe years aio.,.fdentified the rataurant u The Jolt,, Ox, TH
Crow'• Bun or Tblt Jolb' FoL •
1663_ PLACENT!A AVENUE • COSTA MESA, CALIF. 92627 • PHONE 646-.4838 -646·2355
Orange Coast
Today's Closing j
N.Y. Stoeks
. I
,------------4-month Jury Probe-----------
Die • ch, Rose Emerge at Top
Of ,.,. oaur f'llol s .. "
Grand Jury transcripts show a bribery probe of
Orange County officia ls began las t August with
Supervisor Ralph Diedrich. former s upervisor
Robert Battin and Fullerton attorney Michael Rem·
ington as the prime s us pects.
By the time the four-month investigation entered
its final stages early this month, however. Ballin
had fizzled out as a s uspect, Re mington was
safc~uardcd by immunity and Anaheim architect
l:cHoy Rose had vaulted to the top of the suspect
WHEN IT CAME time for the Grand Jury to act,
people come to Pasadena in
packs each New Year's to spend
the night in sleeping bags along
th e Hose Parade route, cruise
Colorado Boulevard and make
new friends. This year. pql1ce
fear the ll11lsidt· Strangler may
bl' among th(•m.
it was Diedrich who was indicted Dec. 15 on the
bribery charges as well as a bribery conspiracy
And it was his long-time friend Rose who w as
named with Diedrich in the conspiracy a llegation.
TlffiEADING ITS WAY through 638 pages of
Grand Jury testimony leading to the indictment is a
tale of hard-pressed business executives hoping in
1973 and 1974 for a favorable nod by the Board of
Supervisors on a pending land use decision.
Those hopes for a favorable d ecision were re·
warded in March. 1974 when Diedrich led a 3 to 2
Board of Supervisors' decision in favor of the cor·
porale la ndowners.
And woven into the story revealed by transcripts
of the testimony are echoes from Orange County's
jmmediate political past.
ONE OF THOSE echoes sounded about the head
of the late Fred Harber, then a not too far behind the
scenes politi~al powerhouse in Orange County.
Harber, for example. is depicted by witnesses as
being in the forefront of battle by Anaheim Hills.
Jnc., and its parent company, the Robe rt H. Gra nt
Co .• to have undevelope d land freed from
agricultural preserve agreements.
(See BRIBERY, Page A2)
5 Inches So Far
More Showers Due
Before Monday·
By the Associated Press
Nearly five inches of rain was
dropped on drought-stricken
Southern California this week.
and more off-and-on s howers
were predicted .
National Weather Service
forecaster Craig Ellis said today.
High pressure is cxpectt'<l to
build into the Gulf of Alaska over
th e we e kend, caus in g a
northwesterly flow of dry air
over Southern California by Mon-
d ay, he said .
highways in the Big· Bear area
and one highway bet ween Islip
Saddle and SL. Vincent. All had
been c lose d b eca u se of
rocksli des and washouts.
Northern California today was
given another dose of.its favorite
medicine -rain.
Predawn s howe r s fell
throughout the region and more
was expected later today.
A bout I .:JOO officers from
Pasadena a nd Los Angeles
policl'. the county sheriff's de·
partmenl and.the· s tate highway
patrol will be watching the
crowds of up to two million fans
expected here for Monday's
para de and football game
between Wa s hington and
Mi chigan.
But authorities say they are
unsure just what to watch for.
But water officials warned
Thursday aga:.1st premature
celebrations of the drought's
e nd, even though the storm
brought the season's total for
Southern California rainfall to
well above normal.
"Any r ain we do get is
helpful." said Joel Schwarz of
the Metropolitan Water District.
"But it would have been a heck
of a lot better if it had been the
normal kind of storm we gel in
winter in California, a storm
from up north rather than from
the tropics.
Temperatures in Pasadena,
s ite of the Rose Parade and
Bowl, should be in the mid-40s at
sunrise, rising into the mid·60s
by kickoff.
The Ca lifornia Highway
Patrol r eported all roads r~
opened with the exception of two
The National Weather Service
said Crescent City was soaked
with an inch of r ainfall during
the 24-hour period ending at 4 •
"They're aware there is a
str a ng ler," said Pasadena
police s pok es man John
McA l1 s t cr. "But we have
nothing really physical lo go on.··
Most of the 11 youn l( women
killed by lhl' stranRler since Ocl.
18 ha ve b<.ocn found within a few
miles of J'asadl•na. A woman
"hose body was dumped near
the Rose Bowl the day before
Christmas is thought to have
been killed by someone imilat·
ing the mass slayer.
There have been vague
descriptions of a man and a car,
b ut no one knows if either is con·
nected wilh the case. Composite
sketches of two men police
thought might be s uspects
proved to be based on Los Angeles
vi ce officers who police say had
nothing to do with the case.
"You've got a Caucasian ap·
pa rcnlly with Latin features.
You 've got the tan van or the
white car," McAlister said.
"They'll be aware but whether
they're going to stop everybody
who fits that descr iption -
maybe 300.000 people -that's
another matter."
The man and the van were
seen near the hilltop where the
nude al}d strangled body of the
11th vfclim, Kimberly Diane
Marti n , a 17-ycar-old prostitute
from Hollywood, was dumped
from a car.
McAJister said investigators
don 'l know how the str angler
selects or traps his victims. but
they say some of the women
were hitchhikers who may have
gone with the strangler volun·
''We're not antlcipaUng a lot
of isolated or single g irls along
(See STRANGLE, P1ge A2)
Ch•nnel 7, 8 p.m.
Plttlburgh (8-2-1)
va. Ctemeon (8-2·1)
Ch•nnel 13, a p.m.
(Tepe delay)
PIUsbursb doean•t have
Tony Dorseu tbla time,
but is favored to beat tho
Tigers. The teams didn't
receive tM publicity of a
Notre Dame or Oklahoma,
but tho 1ame could bt the
hardest biUlnc of the bowl
e1me1. Botb have
aometbint to JWOft.
la 8f«tll 8ectllll
D-11Y f'IMt ,,_.-,It~ It-I«
HE DUCKED OUT -This ostrich at Lion Country Safari
wasn 't pretending lo be the headless horseman, he ap-
parently thought the rainy weather was not for the birds
<rnd decided he didn't have lo fuce it.
It Looks Like Sun
At Rose Bowl Game
Occasional sprinkles should
continue through the weekend
but clear up Monday in lime for
the Rose Parade, the National
Weather Service said today.
They're predicting a 30 per·
cent chance of showers tonight,
10 percent on Saturday, and 30
percent again on Sunday.
"ll 's going to kind of be a little
bit of everything,·• s aid a
spokesman. He said t em-
peratures should reach highs in
the mid-60s and lows in the mid-sos.
No rain damage from Thurs·
day night's sprinkles was report·
ed along the coast.
However, Newport Beach
lifeguards reported sighting a
water spout this morning about
seven miles off Scotchman's
Cove. north of Laguna Beach.
Logan Loc k a b ey of the
Newport Beach Marine Safety
Department. noted the clouds
were between 500 and 1,000 feet
high at the time. A water spout
is a funnel cloud like a tornado
that appears at sea.
Lock;lbey said no damage was
reported. He said water spouts
are sighted several times a year
and rarely cause any damage.
However, he said, about IS
years ago one hit the Newport
Pier, picking up a lifeguardl to~er a nd injuring a lifeguard.
The Orange County Harbor
Department in Newport Beach
today reported .26 of an inch in
rain over Wednesd ay night,
bringing the season total lo 3.4S
compared to 3.0l at the same
time last year.
The Orange County Fire
Department station in Laguna
Niguel recorded .l3 of an inch to-
day. for a season total of 4.43.
Last year at this time they'd re·
corded 2.85 inches.
"The rain that we get here in
Southern California helps us a
little bit as far as ending the
drought," Schwarz said. "but
the key area where we need the
r ainfall i~ the northern two.
thirds of the slate."
Some rain was falling there to-
day. ·
Normally Southern California
gets water from snows melting
in the northern mountains.
Schwarz explained. The warm
tropical air that came with this
week's storm melted snow. but
it melted it loo quickly lo be
gathered efficiently.
"We can't pump it out of the
Sacr amento-San Joaquin River
Delta fas t enoug h, .. said
Schwarz. "The farmers can't use the water now.··
Schwarz said 7.04 inches or
rain have fallen in Los Angeles
this season, compared lo an
average 4.49 inches. But he not·
ed that some northern r es·
ervoirs, whic h s upply the
southern part of the state, are still
getting less· than their usual
A second storm, from the
northwest, edged its way south
today, creating a 30 percent
chance of rain. However, that
percentage was forecast to drop
to 10 percent Saturday with high
temperatures in the 60s and con·
sidera ble cloudiness.
For New Year's Day and Mon·
day, the legal holiday and Rose
Bowl day, fair weather is likely,
Chief 'Pere' Pellett
Mr. Pellett
Final Rites
Set Tuesday
Funeral services will be held
Tuesday for former· Newport
Beach Fire Department official
Percy "Pere" Pellett who died
Thursday at the age or 80.
Funeral Held
'A Lweky Man'
A long-time r eside nt of
Newport, Mr. P ellett was a
charter member of the Newport
Harbor Elks Lodge 1767. His
brother Elks will conduct a
funeral service at 10 a .m . at the
Smith Tuthill Lamb Westcllff
Chapel, 427 E . 17th St., Costa
Funeral services were held to-
day In Costa Mesa for Dorothy
Edith Phllllps, a long-time area
resident and rormer Fairview
State Hospital e mployee who
died Tuesday of natural causes.
She was61.
For part of her 30 years tn
Costa Mesa Mn. Phillips served
81 a aec:retary for the Orance
County Vegetable Growers As·
aoclaUon. In 1956, she became
one or Fairview State Hospital's
flrst non·medJcaJ employees.
She retired in 1972 u the
hospital's medical records
supervisor. She then moved to
lrvlne and later to Pomona.
Mrs . PbllUps Is survived by
her buaband, Joe: aon, Charla
of Santa Ana : and three
dauthten, Kathryn Ann 'Nsiler
of Costa Meaa, Mar1 ltlltn
Thoennes or San Dl•to and
Ctil1Ua Mme Lux of Cyprea.
Sh e a110 rea•e• 12
He Survives 12,0<KJ Volts A second service will be con-
ducted at 1 p.m. that day at
Christ Chruch by the Sea. 1400
not clear because Thayer was W. Balboa Blvd. Entombment
incoherent when firemen ar· will follow at Pacific View
rived at the scene but Smith, Memorial Park.
Don Thayer is a very lucky
man. say the Newport Beach
firemen called to aid the Tustin
resid ent after be fell onto a
12 .000·volt electrical
transformer this morning.
Thayer, 46, was listed ln stable
condition at Costa Mesa
Memorial Hoapjtal where he
was undtriolna treatment for
burns and facial lnjurlea 1uffered
In the rnlshap at Rockwell In·
temalioaa1'1 Colllna RadJo Group
plant. · Fire Capt. John Brannon 11td
Thayer wu one or four men wbo
were cleanlrlJ the elcctrlc•I
vaulta at the plant at 4311 Jam·
botte Road at about 8 a.m.
Tbe other three men, Georae
Smltb, Watter Gurnick and
Jerey Cbri1ttanson, completed
the•r wot* and let't wbeo the ml•·
hapoccurnd, Brannon r Ported.
Oetllll ot the accident wen
Gurnick and Christianson said Mr. Pellett came to Newport
they had walked around the cor· Beach in 1929. While working for
ner of the building from the E ldridge Electric Company, he
vaults when they heard what enlisted u a volunteer fireman.
sounded llke an explosion. 'the electric firm supplied the
Racing back to the room, they original city wiring for the
found Thayer sprawled across Balboa Peninsula and Balboa
the equipment. Island.
Tbey tried to 1"011 hlm off using Mr. Pellett later became •
a broom handle, bu' when that full·time fireman and wu pro-
elrorl fai&ed, Smith and o umlck moted to the posiUon of asslatanl
toolr a cbance and pulled Tbayer · fare cblt! in lMZ. He served In
tree with lhelr ~ handt. that pott until N• reUrement in
Brannon aakt neither man re• 1981. ceived an dedrtcal 1hock in the For tho put years, he was a
process. real dent of Newport Villas, a res-
Tbe fire captain tMorized that jd ence for se.nlot clUze111. Re
Tb ayer aurvl'ltd and bl• dted at Holl Memorial Hospital. rescu•ra were unharmed Survlvort lnclude a brother
becaust &be cuttent ••• Ju.at and two d.augbwn. Mortuary ol· nowm, t.hrwP one 1rm. rat.bet fktals Mid thelr n•ma were not
than ~hill entire body. lmmedJ.ateJyavaJJable. ·
May Visit
In Egypt
WARSAW, Poland CAP> President Carter left open today
the possibility he m ight go to
Egypt during his current over-
seas mission, expressed hope for-
agr ee me n ts with the Soviet
Union on strategic arms and
other issues during 1978, and a n-
nounced a S200 million food deal
with Poland.
He spoke at a news conference
tn a Warsaw hotel, broadcast
and televised to the United
States. In large measure, what
he had to say was a review of
past statements on negoti ations
with the Soviet Union and on
peace efforts in the Middle East.
A White House spokesman in
Was hington, Mark Henderson
said Carter heard the sam;
translations or questions asked
by Polish reporters as did
<See CARTER, Page AZ)
Considerable cloudiness
through Saturday wilh 30
percent c h ance of
measurable rain tonight
decreasing to 10 pereenl
Saturday. Lows tonight
mid lo upper 50s. Highs
Saturday in low lo mid
Orange Coast resider.t s
planning to jofn the mlllioiu
along tM Tournament of
Roios f)Q10de ro1Ale con get a
preview of Miuion Viejo'•
jloat on Page Cl.
CH ... ... Alt a .. •1-t AM •• a.. . ,,.
Birek a t W ork
Kathryn 'rosby, widow of thl' late crooner Bmg Crosby,
arrives at New York's Bt'OOks Atkinson Theater Thursday
to be~in n ·hearsals for' her leading roJ(' in "Same Time,
Next Yt•;ff," The s how, which begins in mid-January in
Grecn!>bom. N.C .. is the first performance for Mrs. Crosby
since the death of ht>r hu~band.
E'rom Page Al
,\s .1 m.1l11•r of fo<·I , for m1 ·r
Anaheim ll11ls lffl'Sltknt John
Sickler tcsl1hell. 11 <1 1 hl•r wa"
paid St,000 t11 condurt J :-.urvey
;i1mt•d ;1t finding out hm\-pt·<>r,Jc
felt a bout the a~n'l'mcnls.
Tho:.e agreement:-. ~I\ e land·
• • owners a property t ax break in
return for their holdin& land for
"a gncullUral purposes" rather
than use of the IJnd for develop·
Wll EN ASKE IJ '' h.it llarh<·r
pro posed. form<'r U ran I Co
p r e s 1 de n t H 1 t· h a r <I <I \\ l' n
IC'SIJfied ·
· I think ht• \\ :inll'd 111on1•v
1 • \\'l•ll. he \\as ul\\ a'd I "·"
;ti wa rs h<.· WilS \ t•rv llkl•I\
sl'lhng polit1<'al 1nrtut•nn:" ·
But the S..1,000 I larlwr ullegc•cl-
ly got for the opinion s urvey that
was rntended to bt• used to sway
county supervisors' minds was
peanuts compared to what n ose
;.ind Remmgton were paid by the
land development company.
Witnesses t estified and
evidence indicated Remington
w as paid SM .485 for .,.. hat was
<l l'sc ribcd ::is pl.'rha ps a file
draY. t•r full of legal \\Ork. some
of 1l done by It-gal intc·rns m his
of h<'l'
,\nd Hl•m1ni,:to11 h1mo.,c·lf tolcl
th1· <:re.i nd .Jury h l' loaned
Dwcl rH·h S25.000 of hi... fee. a loan
I h:il It.is not\ c•I ht•1•n 1 l·pa1d.
l'hl· Full1·rton attonwy also
s;11d hc· paid \\1ll wm Moore, a
San Cll·mc·nle n·~1<lent , s..10.000
1>1Nlril'h s.11d he horro\\ c·d from
:\l oon~ 111 1972
chalked that loan payment up as
:inothcr loan to Diedrich that r e-
mains unpaid.
Heforc testifyin~. Remington
was g iven immunity . Also.
multiple political l'ons pirary
charges brought against him 1n
a .July 1 ind1t·lmcnt were re-
duced lo a i.1nglc m isde meanor
cha r i: ('.
Ro:-.c. though. had nothing to
s a v to the C rnnd Jury.
;\ccord•ni:: to the transcript•.
As::.ista nl Dist Atty. Michael
Ca pizzi said Rose's lawyer told
him he fell Rose "could con-
,·ince the District Attorney's Of-
fi ce there was no wrongdoing on
his part."
··However," Capizzi s aid.
"Mr. <Sylvan) Aronson said he
would advise his client not to
tesli[y before lhc Grand Jury."
Capizzi also gave 1the jury his
written invitation to Diedrich to
appear before the jury , an In·
vitation that included an offer to
let Diedrich present witnesses
and evidence that might tend to
clear him of suspicion.
HE ALSO GAVE the Grana
Jury a copy of Dledrich's writ·
ten rejection of his Dec. 5 offer.
Vk• Pruh•ftt •"" Ge-MflM..._
• n-tt.-.11 !tllOt
T-tA.-...0. Mtft•tt,. l\llw -
• QnlftN,l.ffo -~ ... Nill! A"l•IMll IMflttl .. lt"ll*\
And to make· ('l'flam lhe JUry
k n e w of U1l'dr1c h 's pre·
indictment denial of wrongdo·
1ng, he g ave th e jurors a
'1dl·Ot:.ipe eopy of a television
progra m that featured Diedrich
deny 1ng wrongdoing.
Those efforts bv Caoizzi to
give both sides of the story to the
Grand Jury notwithstanding,
tc:-.timony contained in the eight
\O l\l ml'S of transcripts 1s
gcnt.'r;.illy one-sided.
A:-. 1s the case m all such j ury
inquiries. the witnesses were nol
1· r o s s • l' x am 1 n e rl . An cl l h c•
ha rs ht· s t lJ i N I ri c h u e cu b c r
tt·slifil·d onl v to what uthcr!-> h<id
told him arid not his own first ·
lrn nd knowledgl'.
Tha t witnC's:-. was Santa Ana
<•llOrnl'Y Fred McBrien.
llE TESTIFIED that Owen
tuld him in early 1973 that
Diedrich "wanted $.50,000 to lake
the Nohl Ranch out of the
agriculture preserve."
"He !Owen> told me that he
met Ralph Diedrich again on the
following Sunday and that the
pncl' tag ..... had gone up to
$150,000, .. McBnen testified.
Ballin was implicated m the
a ll eged bribery plot when
:\le Brien said. "He <Owen 1 men·
lioned that Diedrich told him
that Battin. Robert Battin. had
gotten into the act and needed
money loo."
;\icBrien also told the jury that
h e unders tood from lawyer
Marshall Morgan that Anaheim
Hills was paying Morgan legal
fees to defend Remington
against murder conspi r acy
charges brought against him in
nied the allegation in his
testimony. Money he received
from the company was for legal
s ervices he performed on the
agricultural preserve issue after
R<'m ington was jailed, Morgan
In two trips to the Grand Jury
"1tness stand during t he four·
r.,innnth probe. Owen was not ~ed to either confirm or deny
making the re marks attributed
lo him by McBrien.
The transcripts s how Capizzi
asked McBrien, the leadoCf wit-
ness, why he waited four year s
before telling Deputy Dist. Att..y.
William Evans of his 1973 con·
versations with Owen.
McDrien said he was disap-
pointed in the July 1 indictments
that charged Diedrich. Rem-
ingtqn, Supervisor Philip An·
thony and two others only with
violations of state political cam·
paign regulations.
An a t?e im Hills president
testified that he had little faith
in both the development and the
political machinations hovering
about It.
"Anaheim HHls would never
make a dime and I didn't want
to be associated with a loser /'
William Stark ~aid when asked
why he left the company in early
Stark also sajd he Jett the din-
ner table al a restaurant in
Corona when the talk turned to
politics and campaign funds.
"What did you discuss witb
Mr. Rose while at the bar?" he
was asked.· • • •
''Ptobab~ '&ex and s"ports \n
thatorder .. • Stark ~el)lied. ~
Like other wttneases h• bad
· dlfffelllty rememb&ilng th• name ot the restaurant where
Oledrtcf\ and Rose ai\egedly
first br04ched tbe posslbtUtY Cit
costs being associated wlth a
favorable Bo~rd of Su_pervl!ors
Stark said tbe rmitaurant was
"the .81\Je Boar or Red Fb~ or u-'t: :,!. o:,•::t: .... 9::.:.C...~ on1 of 1.hose cute namts. •' :T1tt r. ••r••r. ........ t.1iw••"' .,.., .. Oth•r witnesua tryi.11"' to re;
,..., .... t• •ll"O~I ,_la -~ ...... el ,. • ~.,,..-. call tile dlnJ.nt aoot oC almo.t ~~~"'a!::!~11:_1o1.,: <~::. ~':. five )'ears 110 lden\lned the ,....,111L:i:& ... ~. ,. -'"''' "'""•'' • restaurant d The Jolly Ox, The
--• ""· . • Crow,'s/un ~r Th Jolly Fo.x.
Held in
A 100·mi1e per hour chase
along Pacific Coast Highway
from Huntington Beach to
Newport Beach Thursday night
ended with the arrest of two
teenagers , one on assault, resist·
ing arre:;t and drunken driving
charges, police reported.
Arrested and booked into Hun·
tlngton Beach Jail were driver
Mtc hael Barrowcliff, 18, of
Orange, and passenger Daryl
Lyn Maddox. 18, or Redondo
Barrowcliff, charged with as-
sault with a deadly weapon, re-
sisting arrest and drunken driv-
ing, remains in jail in lieu of
SI0.000 ball. Maddox was re-
leai.ed on $.1S bail on a single
drunk in public charge.
Huntington Beach police Of-
fi cer Patrick Gildea reported
Barrowcliff's foreign sports car
traveling at a high rate of speed
at 32nd Street in Huntington
Hcach at 7:30 p.m. Kia'loa Finishe s First
Gildea asserted that Bar-
rowcliff refused to slop when the
policeman turned his siren and
red lights on.
Barrowclitf assertedly ran
through two r ed lights and
rammed two other autos off the
road, according to police Lt.
George Renek.
The sports car allegedly
forced a blue station wagon into
a telephone pole and then rear-
endcd a white s edan, Renek
s aid. No injuries were reported
The suspected vehicle was ob-
served leaking some type of
fluid after the two collisions.
The two suspects reportedly
left the vehicle near 32nd Street
and Newport Boulevard in
Newport Beach, police said.
Gildea chased Barrowclirr
over several fences and through
backyards before strugglin ~
with the suspect and making the
arrest, Renck said.
Witnesses grabbed Maddox
and turned him over to polke at
the S<'l'ne. Rcnck said.
F r o nt P a g e A I .,
m illions of Americans watching
the news conference on television.
Once again, Carter said the
United States is not trying lo
impose a Middle East settle·
ment, but to help Israel and the
Arab s lates reac h their own
The S'200 million food and feed
gr ains Carter offered to Poland.
in addition lo SJOO million already
arr<1ngcd. would help the Poles
w1th::.tand four years of crop
failures. the president said.
aent sa1a .
The 79-foot ketch Kialoa was the first
yacht to complete the 650·mile Sydney to
Hobart race in Australia Thursday.
Owned by J ohn Kilroy, Kialoa finished
two hours and 25 minutes in front of her
rival American yacht, Windward Passage.
Both craft were involved in a collision in
another race off Sydney before Christmas.
Bug Hits
8 States
Widespread ou breaks of in·
fluenza-like illn ses have been
reported in r states -the
first such re rts in the United
States Olis inter. the national
Center for isease Control said
The CDC said such outbreaks
have b ee n reported in
Wisconsin, Nt•\\' .Jc·rscy. Penn-
s y 1 van i a and T c nness <>e
Sporad1t· cases have hel•n re.
ported in Michigan. Arizona,
Georgia :.tnd Hawaii .
Several strains of Jntluenza A
virus have been Isolated, but
none of the s train currently
causing widespread outbreaks in
Russia has been Identified in the
United States, the CDC said.
Public health officials and
representatives of the medical
field met in AUanta on Dec. 22 to
cons ider recommending a new
vaccination program because of
the Russian Virus. No decision
was made.
The Russian Virus. 1dent1ftcd
only as ll!Nl. hai. been reported
only in lhe Soviet Union and m
!long Kong It 1s s imilar to a
nrus which <·auc;c•d moderat('
('p1dt•m1cs 1n the t:n1t<·d States 1n
Flu viruses have a unique ten-
de n('y to rearran~e the proteins
whi c h make them up and
become :mother virus. This is
DA Will Not PrObe
Huntington Hassle
By ROBERT BARKER Of Ule O.Uy ...... SCMf
If Huntington Beach City of-
ficials ever find out who was the
aggressor in the Don Bonfa
versus John O'Connor aJterca·
lion, it will be without belp from
the Orange Count)" District At·
torney's Office.
Deputy District Attorney Carl
Ilg said that his office will not
get involved in the imbro~lio con·
cerning the two feuding at·
torneys in the Huntington Beach
legal department.
''This is not a big thing, ... Ilg
s aid today.
Bont-a, who is the city attorney
a nd department head, and
O'Connor, a deputy clty at-
torney, each cl-aimed they were
attacked by the other In a
skirmish on the fourth noor or
the city hall Tuesday. Tbere
wt!re no witnesses.
Each man filed reports of as·
sault and battery against the
othe r following the incident.
Ilg said that there Is no cor-
roboration and that both parties
::ire telling essentially the same
story although from different
I lg also said that the District
Attorney's Office will not gi\ c
lie detector t~ts which both
m en 5ay they ha\re requested.
Ilg said that it js !'lot the policy
to administer the tests to both
s ides of a conflicting story.
''H both p·assed, where would
you be?" he asked.
and harassment of Bonfa over a
The s uspension notice also
was s ig ned by City Ad·
minis trator Bud Belsito and
Personnel Direc tor Edward
O'Conoor has claimed that h e
asked Bonfa about a criminal
prosecution policy when Borua
allegedly grubbed him by the
nt'Ck .
Meanwhile. Lorr::iinc Faber: a
memb<.·r of the HOME Council .
s~ud today that s he has been tn
touch with several other citizens
who wish to stave off possible
cos tly legal action that may
follow the incident.
Mrs. Faber said that she is
hopeful that the city council act
to request both m en to file pre·
dated resignations and agree to
lie detector tests at city expense.
She said that both parties
should be asked identical ques-
tions and that the city council
accepts the resignation of
whoever fails the tests.
She said that if the result$.
were inconclusive, both shouta.
go back to \\Ork.
2 Solons Back
Keeping Canal
Carter also said he discussed
with Polish leaders the plight of
about 250 families in the United
States who want to be reunited
with relatives now in Poland. The
leaders gave assurances
"that our concern would be al-
leviated," he said.
· the reason drug manufacturers
have to keep changing the vac·
Ilg also added that he does not
have a great deal of faith in the
accuracy of lie detector tests.
Panama Canal CAP) -Sens.
Robert Dole and Paul Laxalt.
leading critics or the Panama
Canal treaties, took a walk aloof!
this American-built waterway
and said they didn't want the
United Stales to give it up.
The president dealt cautiously
with questions or human rights
and Soviet troops in Poland. He
said the American concept of
h\Jman rights is more honored in
Poland than in some other Euro-
pean nations. And as for the
Russian troops station ed in
Poland, Carter said that was an
issue to be handled by the Poles
and their leaders.
Carter said he hopes that after
a SALT agreement is reached
with tbe Soviets, Moscow and
Washington can move to discuss
tactical nuclear we apons con-
trol. That would include the
neutron bomb, which is designed
to kill through radiation )Yilhout
devastating the target area.
Fro• Page A J
the parade route simply because
of the publl~ity about the
strangler,.. McAliBter said. "It
would be foolish for any mother · '
to let her daughter come to the
· parade route unchaperoned. Of
course it would be foolish in any
Pasadena Police Chief Robert
McGowan said that S4 two·man
patrol teams will walk the
parade route Sunday night.
keeping a ''hif(h vislbilitv."
CM Coffee Shop
Bobbed of 8~,100
A Coata Mesa coltee shop
emplo18e handed over $2,100 in
c11h Thu:rtday•efter'be was ap-·p~ached "1 a mu ln a parkiog
'lot who eald hl• compaalon, att·
,Unf In a ntarb1 ~ar, bad a gun,
The robbery occurred u ~..5.S
p.m. in 1ba parJtinf lot of Spires
Rutaur•nt, 3 25 Harbor
Boulevltd. PoUce sa.ld employee
Ronald Dean Carlton, 26, of
.... F\allertdn. waa "°'injured.
"' No c-·•M ff91'11 and the two mf!n d'rov• off al\er teklnl the
HJb b-C lrorn Carlton, police . .. ,,
No matter which s train affects
a person, most patients feel
roughly the same symptioms -
headache. rising te mperature,
a ching muscles and a sore
A virus similar to A·Victoria,
H3N2, is caus ing outbreaks in
Pe nnsylvania a nd Tennessee,
the CDC said.
This is a virus that has caused
outbreaks in the United States
for several years. A-Texas, the
mos l frequently found virus this
winter , is an offshoot of H3N2, a
spokesman said.
O'Connor was suspended im-
mediately from his $32,256 job
without pay by Bonfa following
the incident.
In the suspension notice, Bon·
fa charged assault and battery
and false imprisonment of a de·
parlment head in O'Connor's of·
Bonfa claims that O'Connor
s lammed O'Connor's office door
during the dispute and at first
refused to let Bonfa leave.
Bonfa also c harged that
O'Connor engaged in a
malicious course of bad conduct
··1 feel a certain sense of pride
in the fac t that we have the
canal ." Dol e , a Kansas
Republican, said Thursday as he
stood by the canal for the first
"And (pride ) that working·
together, with the Panam anian
people, we make it operate and
that's what we seek to do in lbe
.. '
An occasional play on words is one thing, but you'll neyer find Alden's
playing the game of breaking resolutions where it concerns servicing
our customers. WE RESOLVE ._. come '78 ... we'll bend every effort
to excel our efforts of 77.
' . ' DEN~S
r ::... ... ~: insiiilition: ·custom draperies
linoleum • wood floor
1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • C0$TA MESA, CALIF. 92627 • PHONE 6~6.4838 -646·23SS
. . ----.
·' t
. N. Y. StOt!ks
----------4-month]ury Probe----------
Die ·ch, Rose Emerge at Top
Oi IM O•ilf Pll04 Si.ff
Grand Jury trnnscripls show a bribery probe of
Orange Counly off1c1als bt·gan last August with
~uperv isor Halph D1ccJrich. former ~upcr\'lsor
Hubert Ballin und FullL•rlon attorney i\Iirhuel HL·m·
mgwn as thl' prime su~pcth.
lly the time lhl' four-month im cstigation entered
its final stages L·arly this month, howevl·r. Battin
had fizzled out as a suspL·tt, Remrngton was
safeguarded by immunity and Anaheim architl'et
LeRoy llosc had vaulted lo the top of the suspect
li st.
WHEN IT CAME time for lhl' Grand .1t11·y to :1ct,
it was Diedrich who was indicted Dec. 15 on the
bribery charges as well as a bribery conspiracy
And it was his long.time friend Rose who was
named w1lh Oil'dnch in the conspiracy allegation.
TllR£AUl~G ITS WAY through 638 pages of
Grand Jury tc~limony leading to the indictment is~·
tale of hard-pressed business executives hopin~ Ill
1!173 and 1~74 for a fa\'orablc nod by the Board of
SupNv1sors on a pending land use decision.
Those hopes for a fa\'orable dL•cision wt•rt• n·-
wardc.•d in i\lareh, 1974 when Diedrich led a 3 lo 2
Hoa rd of Supervisors· decision in favor of the cor-
porate landowners.
And woven into the story revealed by transcripts;
of thl.! testimony are echoes from Orange County's
lmmcdialc political past.
O:'\E OF THOSE cchocs sound<'d ~bout the h e:i<l
ol the lale Fred Ilarbcr, then a not too far behind the
:-<..:l'ncs pulili<:al powerhoul>c in Orange County.
llarbcr, for t>xample. is dcpiclt•d by witnesses as
hcing Ill the forefront of battle by Anaheim lli lls.
Inc., and its parent comp;rny, the Robert II . Grant
Co., to ha \'e unclevelopcd I and Creed fro m
ugricultural preserve agreements.
<See BRIBERY, Page A2)
Carter to Egypt?
Cliff Rescue
A Laguna Beach man was Jlfled to safety
by a Marine Corps helicopter Thursday
after he fell down a cliff at his home, 102
l\lcK111ght Vnvc. Ernes t Helm . .Jr., was
~ardt•nmg ,.,,hen he tumbkd to the sand at
the Crescent Bay Jkach just after noon.
L a g u n a I h• a l' h p a r :i m e d 1 ts s <i i d t h c
helicopte r rescue crew was called in
because of thl' difficulty of carrying the
injured man ovrr lhc rough terrain. Helm.
Sli, \\as tr:rnsportl'<I lo lloag '.\kmorie>I
Hospit<.il, ''here he "~Js lo he rd eased lo·
Two Strangler
Sketch Clues
Mirror Cops
LOS ANGELES (i\Pl -.Just
bcfor<' officials were to release
com pos1te skctchN; of possible
Jlillsidc Strangler suspects. a
complicated c-omedy or errors
unfolded and orficials
acknowled~ed that the sketches
were hkcneSSl'S or two police
vice officers.
Assistant l'olicc Chief Daryl
Gates was to have released the
sk<'lches at a news ('Onferencc
Thursday, but the ofricers rec·
ogn1zed themselves and thedraw-
in~s werew1thhE?ld.
Gates. al the news conference,
said only that the men depicted
had been contacted and were not
involved In the cai;c.
The Associated Press later
learned that the men in the
drawings w('re officers. When
asked why the m en were not
identified as s uch at the news
(See STRANGLE, Page A2>
Considerable cloudiness
through Saturday with 30
percent chance or
measurable rain tonight
decreuing to 10 percent
Saturday. Lows tonight ·
mid to upper SOs. Highs
Saturday in low to mid
Orangt Coad rtaident1
planning to totn tht mtlllon1
along the Tournament of
Ro1e11 parade rOt.lte con get a
preview of 'Mtstion Vtejo's
]loo.ton Paoe Cl.
4'tY_..,... .A'9 *"'" CM &.. M, ...... A4 M4111 ... ,,_. M e-1-..... Ne"-t-M
Cellftnlll AJ OH .. c..tJ A1t O..tlfl.. 01 .. .....__.. CM
C-.k• ., ._..... .... CW........ Al ... ...__ AM ...... .,_ '°" ,......._ M .............. ,.,..,._. CH
•~--a•.....,• ,.. ......... ...,. ........ ,..
.... lltlfe at WI I flf C1-t A9&.eMll'I •
MA.C's Dodge Nixes
Bid for Re-election
1\1 ission Viejo Municipal Ad-
visor.v Council incumbenl•Jaml's
DorlS?e has decided not to seek
n•·eleclion next l\l arch.
Dodge's decision came to light
when he failed to file candidacy
papers by Thursday's deadline.
"I've decided my business tire
is going lo be taking too much or
my lime over the next year to 18
months," Dodge said late Thurs·
d;iy. "I've given it some serious
I hought and I don't think I'll
have enough time to serve on the
His decision m e:ms the riling
deadline for nonmcumbent can-
didates will be extended lo noon,
. Jan. 3. Candidacy papers must
be r eturned to the county
Registrar of Voters in Santa
In New Zealand
Two other lncumbents -
K athl een Kell y and Gary
Stoney-filed their papers prior
to the deadline. Stoney is run.
ning for re-election to a two-year
unexpired term while Mrs. Ketty
is runnning for another full four·
year term.
Other candid ates who have
filed papers for the Mar. 7
council election are John Butler,
26822 Ma~dalcna Lane; L.G.
'Gerry" West, 22612 La Vina Dr.;
Frank Wood, 27072 Marisgal
Lane; Charles Kenney, 26581
Fresno Dr.; Ray Crinsky, 23542
Via Benavente; and George J.
Simons, 27864 ViaSarasate .
Simons will opPQse Stoney for
the unexpired two-year term.
2 Laguna Guards
Save Girl in Surf
Hopes Raised With Soviets
\\' i\ RSA W, Pol<1nd CA J'I -
President Carter left opl.'n lex.hi)
the poss1b1hty he m1~hl 1::0 to
Egypt during his current ov1·r-
seas mission, expressed hope for
agreements wilh the ~ovil'l
Un ion on slratcg1c <irms und
nther issues durin~ 1!)7R, and an·
nounccd a S200 m1lhon food dc:il
with Poland.
lie s poke at a news cf>nfercncc
in ;1 Warsaw holt•I, hrcad('ust
an d tclcvi:.cd lo lhc L'nit<.•tl
Bug Hits
\\'idesprcad outbreaks of in-
fluenza-like illnesses have been
reportl'd in four states -the
first such r<'ports in the United
States this winter, the national
Center for Disease Control said
The CDC said such outbreaks
have be e n report e d in
Wisconsin, New J ersey, Penn-
sylvania and Tennessee.
Sporadic cases hav..? hcen re-
ported in Michigan, Arizona,
Georgia and Hawaii.
Several strains of Influenza A
virus have been isolated, but
none or the strain currently
causin(; widl'spread outbrl.'aks in
Russia has ~en identified in the
United States, the CDC said.
Public health officials and
r epresentatives or the medical
field met in Atlanta on Dec. 22 to
consider rccommcndin~ a new
vaccination program because of
the Russian Virus. No decision
was made.
The Russian Virus, Identified
only as HlNl, has been rePQrtcd
only in the Soviet Union and in
Hong Kong. It is similar to a
virus which caused moderate
epidemics in the United States in
Flu viruses have a unique ten·
(See FLU Bt:G, Pal(e A2)
Suit Opposes
Complex Plan
Near San Juan
A 1awsuit aimed at halting
construction of an ll·ac re
recreation complex north of San
Juan Capistrano city limits has
been filed in Orange County
Superior Court by city orcicials.
The suit, filed Thursday, seeks
an injunction to prevent the
county from Jssuing permits that
would allow construction of the
bowling alley and other facilities
on Marguerite Parkway south of
Via Eseolar.
In addition, city officials are
asking that an environmental
impact re1>0rt prepared for the
project be declared inadequate.
County supervtsora o•erturncd
on July 13 a planning com·
mlHJon deolsion llndlng against
the proJeeL
The U-acre site ls outside c:ity
llmltl but ls wltbln the city's
sphere o< lnfluence, which in·
dlcates it may one da1 be an· used to u. clt.1. Saa Juan cft.y officials and
nelgbborlnt residents 09posod
&he~j«t. •
Stall's. In large mea:-.urc. what
ht• h.1d lo :-.ay Wa:. a rc\'ICW or
past st<.ttl'ml'nts on nl•got1at1ons
with the Soviet Union and on
J>l'aCl' l'ffort o; in the M 1ddlc East.
J\ \\'h1tC' I lou1'c s pokesman in
Was hing ton, Mark llC'ntlerson,
:-aid C.1rtcr heard the same
tr:in~lation~ of questions asked
by Polish reporlcrs as did
m1lltons of Americans watching
I he m•ws conference on lclev is ion.
Once a~ain. Carter said the
United Slates is not trying to
· 1mposl' a Middle East settle·
men I, but to help Is rael and \he
Arab stales reach their own
The $200 million rood and feed
grams Carter offcrl'Ci lo Poland,
(Sec CARTER, Page A2)
O•llY ,Hot , ..... •f l•<ft.,.O ICMfllff'
HE DUCKED OUT -This ostrich at Lion Country Safari
wasn't pretending to be the headless horseman he ap·
parently thought the rainy weather was not for the birds
and decided he tlidn 't have to face it.
It Looks Like Sun
At Rose Bowl Game
Occasional sprinkles should
continue through the weekend
but clear up :Vlonday in time for
the Rose Parade, the National
Weather Service said today.
They're predicting a 30 per-
cent chance of showers tonight,
!O percent on Saturday, and 30
percent again on Sunday.
"It's going to kind of be a little
bit or everything," said a
spokesman. He said tem·
peralures should reach highs in
the mid-60s and lows in the
No rain damage from Thurs·
day night's sprinkles was report-
ed a long the coast.
However, Newport Beach
Jlreguards reported sighting a
water spout this morning about
se,ven miles ort Scotchman's
C6ve, north or Laguna Beach.
Logan Lockabey of lhe
Newport Beach Marine Safety
Department. noted the clouds
were between 500 end 1,000 f~t.
high at. the Urne. A water spout
ls a luMel cloud like a t.om1do
that appears at sea.
Lockabey said no damage was
reported. He said water apout.s
are sighted several time.. a year
and rare.l,y cause &Q)' damage.
However, he said, about 15
years ago one hit the Newport
Pier, picking up a lifeguard.
<See RAIN, Pa1te A2)
Channel 7, 6 p.m.
Plttsbtlrgh (8-2·1)
va. Clemson (8-2-1 )
Channel 13, 8 p.m.
CT•pe del•y)
Pittsburgh doesn't have
Tony Dorseu th.is lime,
but ls favol'ed lo beat t.be
Tl~crs. The teams didn't
receive tl\e publicl~y or a
Notre Dame or Oklahoma,
but the game could be the
hardest bitUnr or th bowl
games. Both have
sorn t.hlng to prove •
See Details la Spana Seclloa
J11ry Awards
$1.3 Million
2 Shots
Kill Man
In Road
JUry has awarded $1,394,000 to
un 8-year-old boy injured in an
<.1Cc1dl•nt al a roller coastcr <1l
the Worlds of Fun amusement
park here.
Thl' Jury of nine men and
I hrt·l· women Thursday found
l\1 id America Ente rprises Inc ,
owm·r and op<.'ralor or the park.
~olcly respons1blt• for the acC1·
denl. The park an·hitccts and
the firm that built the rade, both
uf '' h1ch were charged in the
J,H\Sllll, \H.'l'C ('XOncratcd.
t\ n•rdu:t was n·turnl·d ;.ifter
the 1ury dehb<!rated nearly three
hours 1n the lraal thul began
l~ec:. 12
Lanlt Welch, attorney for
Robbie J\f. l\l1·ycrs of Pleasan-
lun, Kan., ~.tid in his opening
From Page Al
111 addition lo S.100 million ulre11dy
.1 rranged . '' 1111Jd help the Pol C's
withstand four yeurs of trop
I :11 lures. thc president said.
th.'nt sa1t1.
('urler also said he discussed.
''1th Polish leade rs llw plight of
;1houl 2~1 J;urnlil's in the United
~.t~11 c'. "ho want to ht· n·unit('(I
'"1th rt.'l<1t1\'es now 111 Pol.ind. The
I "1 d 1• ,. s g u v t• u s ~ u r :.i n c· es
d .. 1t our l'Onccrn would be al-
11 \ IJlt•d, •• ht• S.11<1
Tnc pre•.itknt <.k:ilt t·aul1ously
"1th 1pll'stmns of human rii:hts
:111d Sovit•l Lroops 111 Poland. lie
"•lid the Ameriran ronccpl of
h11mun n ghts 1:. morl' honored in
l'llland than 1n soml· othC'r Euro-
JIC'an nations. And as for the
Hussi an troops stalioncd in
· Poland, C;.irter suid that was a n
issue to be h~1nrllrd hy the Poles
•.ind thl'ir lC':.ukrs.
Carter said he hopt•s lhal <1fler
a SA LT ;.1greemcnl ts r<•achN1
"'1th th<' SoviPts. l\tns<·ow and
\\'ac;hin~ton ran movl' tn 1liscuss
lat'l1tal nul'lt·.ir "l'JIH)ns ton
t rol. Thal would include thl'
nt·utron bom b, which 1s designed
lo kill through radiation without
devastating the target area.
The president said new Soviet
weapons like the SS20, a land·
based mobile missile, arc much
more destabilizing to the current
military balance than is the pro-
it·ctcd neutron bomb, which
\Joscow has assailed.
C<i rlcr said the United Stales
"ould not depl oy neutron
"c•apons 1'Xt:cpt by agreement
"1th NATO allic!).
2 Gunmen Flee
After Killing
Vista Ma"' 68
VISTA <A P> -A 68·year-old
\'ista man was s hot to death as
he tried to prevent two gunmen
from forcing their way into the
front door of his home.
George F. Mollino was struck
hy three bullets, one in the chest
;ind two in his left arm , as he
tried to s top attacker s from
breaking in, officers said today.
~totlino died en route to Tri-City
Police speculate the same ski-
m asked hooligans broke mto a
home in another part of Vista
l<·~s than 30 minutes later, ter·
rorizing a family and fleeing
''1th undeterm ined loot.
The two assailants may also
he tht• ones, officers said. who
torced their way Into a Vista
home Dec. 3, raped a 16-yeur·old
girl a nd shot her father In the
leg when he tried Lo hall the at-
tack, and on Dec. 16 entered a
Bonsull home a nd robbed the
lone woman occupant.
Police said the two gunmen
who killed Mottino fled after
firing the fatal s hots.
1,.. ,,__ CN\I O.lly ~!GI •lfl-C~ '"-
btl'W'd '""" NrfW'\ Prfl'\\, I\ eveittv-.r t'f ""'°'-'" ~~':\~l=~~~:::Oh~·f-:,~~·:
IN'W ... ..,..,.. .. M"1 H'lf'f~ llt«'-"°"""" f•ll'I YtU•f hvl,.., ..... ,.._, V•t .. f •"'f
~=~~;~~·::-~·~ D't'WINI .,_,,,,h ,..fftq ,,,_.,, tt lit llO ..... ,
'" .. ' (Aot• ,... ••• (Alll~•"'i.. ._.. .. _ ,...,,.. .. , _ -·-
Joe••.~ v,. • .,,.,.,..,.._oe_.,~ .,,__.,ll ..... ......
T ... _tAM .....
Mt,,.Ol"t lflMt
u.. .... "· '--""'-~" .. "''''"-""'"'"''"'14111W11
argument that the Jury would
huve to decide which of the three
fi rms would b(' responsible for
pa) ing past and future hospital
l'Xpenses for th(' boy.
liul allorncys fur each of the
three firms argued that their
dients sh ould not be held
responsible for the accident.
The accident occurred In June
1976 when Hobbie was struck on
tht• heud by the roller coa~ter.
the Screamroller, when he was
standing m a restricted area
next to a low pomt on the ride.
Welch said proper precaution:-
werc not taken to warn c hildren
<rn av or to c•ns urc that a ~mall
child could not slap through a
rail fence at the ride. ~II• ,.1194 ,._.Ill .,,,._,., K-l•r
~ACltAMI::NTO (Al» -Ai.
Ambrose Griffin was unloading
groceries outside his house in
suburban Carmic h ael. a car
sped by •md thl•n.• wen: two pop-
ping sounds.
G rirl1n. 51.i. a ~overn ment
<.•nglnccr, turned to his wire
T hursd uy night and said, "My
God, l 've been shot."
He fell to the ground, bleeding
from H bullN "·ound tn the chest.
lll· dtt-d a short tame later at
Amt•rt<·un Haver Hospital.
His neighbor, Jame:. Turnbow,
s11 1d it must ha\'c bet·n a wild
~hot fired by JOY -ridin g
The boy JS II vrng at the
Institute of Lugopedics in
Sun Makes Silver Lining In View From Corona del Mar Freeway In Costa Mesa
"No one an tlw world would
\\ant Lo shoot Mr. Griffin," he
Turnbow said he was in his
garatlc when he heurd the shots.
but didn't pay much attention
bN•aust.• the) 'vc been common
m the neighborhood recently. Fro• Page Al
As a matl('r of fact, former
Anaheim Hi lls president John
Sickler testified. Harber was
paid S4,000 lo conduct a survey
aimed at finding out how people
fell about the agreements.
Those agreements give land·
owners a property tax break m
return for their holding land for
''<tJ:ricultural purpo!>CS" rut her
than use of the land for develop·
WHEN ASKED what Jlarher
proposed. forml'r Grant C'u
president R ichard l>wen
"I t hink h e wanted money.
Well. he was always -J l!ay
always -he was very likely
selling political influence."
Hut the S4.000 Harber alleged-
ly got for the opinion survey that
was intended to be used lo sway
county super visor s' minds was
peanuts compared to what Rost'
and Remington were paid hy the
land development company.
Witnesses lcslificd ;.ind
1•v1dcncc indicated Hl'mington
w.is paid S7-1,485 for what w<.is
desc ribed as perhaps a file
drawer full of legal work, some
of it done by legal interns in his
And Remington himself told
the Grand Jury he l oaned
Diedrich S25,000 of his fe e, a loan
that has not yet been repaid.
The Fullerton a ttorney also
said he paid William Moore. a
San Clemente resident, SJ0.000
Diedrich said he borrowed from
Moore in 1972.
chalked that loa n p ayment up as
another loan to Diedrich that re·
mains unpaid.
Before testifying, Rem ington
was g iven immunity. Also,
multiple political cons piracy
charges brought against him in
a July 1 indictment were re-
duced to a single misdemeanor
Rose, though, had nothing to
say to the Grand Jury.
According to the transcripts.
Assistant Dist. Atty. Michael
Capizzi said Rose's lawye r told
him he felt Rose "could con-
vince the District Attorney's Of-
fice there was no wrongdoing on
his part."
"However," Capizzi said .
'•Mr. <Sylvan ) Aronson said he
would advise his client not to
testify before the Grand Jury."
Capizzi also gave the jury his
written invitation to Diedrich to
appear before the jury, an in·
vJtaUon that included an offer to
let Dtcdrich present witnesses
and evidence that might tend to
clear him of suspicion.
11 E A~O GA VE the Grand
J ury a copy of Diedrich 's writ-
ten rejection of his Dec. 5 offer.
And to make certain the jury
knew of Di edrlch's pre ·
indictm ent denial of wrongdo·
ing, he gave the jurors a
videotape copy of a television
program that featured Diedrich
denying wrongdoing.
Those efforts bv Caoizzi to
give both sides of the storr to the
Fro.Page Al
dency lo rearrange the proteins
which make them up and
become another virus. This Is
the reason drug manutac ture,rs· .
hove to k~p changlni tho vac-· cine.
No matter which strain afrectl .a . per•on, most patlents feel
roui bly the aame 1ympUorn1 -
hu.dathe, dam, t.em')>trature,
n hln1 1Dutclea a.od ~ sore ~roat. . · •
' A 'fir\ls &imUat to A·Vfdbfta,
HIN'9 ls ~8\111.nc outbNakl In
P•mMYlvanla end Tenaeuee. · lhe CDC uJd.
TbJ1 JJ • vt.rut lhat bu caUMd
QQtbreakl bt the UbJted S\a"9 ·for "vtral Jean. A·Tuas. lbe mCMtt tniquent.ly fouad vlru.1 U\1J
wlnta". bl an ott.boot of JUNt, 1
Grnncl Jury notwithstanclin~.
ll-sl1mnny rnntaim·d in the l'ight
volumt.·:. of tr<ins l·r1pls is
gt.'nt·rally onc-~1dcd.
As 1s the case an all such jury
inquiries, the witnesses were not
cross -examin ed. And the
hars hest DiC'dric h accuser
lcstaflt.'d onlv lo "'hat olht•rs had
told him and not his own first-
hand knoY. ll•dgc.
That w1tncs:. ~as SanLJ ,\na
attorney Fred Mclirien.
111>; Tt:STIFIEU that U\\cn
told him 1n earl\' 1!173 that
Diedrich "wanted s.50.000 to take
the Nohl Hunch out of the
agriculture preserve."
"lie <Owen l told me that he
met Ralph Diedrich again on the
followin~ Sunday and that the
price tag ....... ha d gone up to
~150.000," Mc Brien testified.
Ballin was imµliculcd in lhl'
a 11 cg<· <I b I' i her y p Io t w h c n
;'\kHricn said. "l k (()wen l men-
tion('d that DiC"drich told him
that Battin. llolierl Battin. had
i,.:ntlt•n into the ucl anti needed
m11111•v llw1 ··
:'\l c i~rico also told the jury that
ht· uncler!-.lood from lawver
J\litr!>hall Morgan th<1 t An<1hc1m
ll1lls \\as paying Mor gan legal
fct•s to defend R em ing t on
aguinst murder consp iracy
t•h;1rgl'S brought again:,t htm in w1:1 .
n1ed the allegation in hh
tc!>l1mon}'. l\1oncy he received
from t he company was for legal
service:. he performed on the
agricultural preserve issue after
Remington was jailed. Morf,lan ~aid.
In two triµs to the Grand J ury
witness !>Land during the four.
month probe, Owen was not
asked to either confirm or deny
making the remarks ttltributed
to him by McBrien.
T he transcripts show Capizzi
asked McBncn. the leadoff wit·
nel:>s, why he waited four years
before telling Deputy Dist. Ally.
William Evans of his 1973 con-
versat ions with Owen.
Mc8ncn said he was disap-
pointed in the July l indictments
that c harged Diedrich, Rem-
ington. Supervisor Philip An-
thony ;ind two others only with
violations of state political cam.
pa1gn regulallons.
A n a h eim Hill s president
testified that h e had little faith
in both the development and the
political machinations hovering
about it.
"Anaheim Hills would never
make a dime and I didn 't want
to be associated with a loser,"
William Stark s11Jd when asked
why he left the company In early
Stark also said he left the din-
ner table al a restaurant in
Corona when the talk turned to
politics and campaign runds.
"What did you discuss with
Mr. Rost while at the bar?" he
was asked.
"Probably sex and sPOrls in
tha ~order.·· Stork replied.
Like other witnesses, he had
d ifficulty remembering the
name of the restaurant where
Dledrich and Rose allegedly .
first broached the possibility ot
costs being associated with a
favorable Board of Supervisors
Stark said the r estaurant was
"the Blue Boar or Red Fox or
one of lh<X"e cute names."
OLMr witnesses trying to re· call tho dining spot of almost
five years ago identlfled the
restaurant aa The-Jolly Ox, The
Crow's RWl or The JoJly Fox.
F ..... PageAJ
SAVEi> •••
prou•m. kJe>1terma11 ts a iredutte ol
UC Slln DleltQ, with a degree In .
pbJ11Cal edutltlon. He ts work-
t a 1 lnformaUr with N.ew Z.1~od Jlft,Ua.i'Cll, iaJd Staul-
5 Inches
Of Rain;
More Due
Nearly five inches of rain was
dropped on drought stricken
Southern CiJlifornaa this week.
:.ind more off-and-on showers
\\ere predicted throughout the
But water officials warned
Thursday against prcm&lure
cclcbrations of the drought's
1·nd. even though the storm
brought the season's total for
~outhern California r~11nfall t<1
"ell abovt! normal.
"Any rain we do get is
helpful," said Joel Schwarz of
the Metropolitan Water Distrlcl.
"But it would have been a heck
of a lot better if it had been the
normal kind o f storm we get in
winter in California, <i storm
from up north rather thun from
the tropics.
County Auto
Crash Victim
/\ 2l·vcar-o ld La llahra
v. om an dic1l Thur:-.day nag ht of
1111uncs Mtffcrrd 111 a Tucscli1y
1·,·c·ning auto t·rash. Bn•a police
1·1·portcd lo<l;1y
Lon lka \\"111>1bmall. 11f :l:!O i:-:
C:ipclla A\'t'. tl11 ·d at Bn .. 1 ('om
rnunit~· llospal:tl \\here• ~he h;ul
hl•t•n in l'l ltic·~il t·ontl1t11111 Y.tlh
hl•ad inJurics .since th1• 7.JO 11 111
Tuesday n1 u h t ac('Hlcnt al
;o.;orthwood t\vt•n11c and
\\'ardman Drive. pohl't' s aid.
i\ltss Woorlsmt.111 wus ;1
passenger in a com pact car al
lcgcdly struck hy a pickup truck
driven hy Jeffrcy Keith Wuldcn.
:!4, of 572 Avocado Crc•st t>rivt'.
L;1 lluhru lll'ights. police said.
Walden was arr ested al tht·
i-.cene on chari:?es of felony drunk
driving. police said, and the
complaint now wall be amended
to vehicular manslaughter.
Driver of the car in w hich
;\tiss Woodsmall was ridinJ.( wa~
identified as Stc•vcn Richard
. Johnson. 1107 Dorothy Drive,
Brea. He suffered minor an1une~.
police said.
Walden and a pnssenger in his
pickup truck, Mark Wel.!iy Clark.
of Fullerton. also suffered mlnor
injuries. police said.
f 'rona Pa§4! 11 l
RAIN ...
lower and injuring a lifegua rd.
The Ornnge County llarhur
Department in Newport Hc<i<'h
today rcp-0t'led .:w of an inch 111
rain over Wednesday night,
bringing tho season total to 345
compared lo 3.0l at the same
time last year.
T h e Orange County Fire
Department station in Laguna
Niguel recorded .13 or an inch to·
dav, for a season tota l of 4 -13.
La.st year at this lime they'd n•
corded 2.85 inches.
2 Solons Back
Keeping Canal
Panama Canal <AP > -Sens.
Robert· Dole and Paul L axalt,
leading critics of the Pnnama
Cunul treaties, took a walk a long
this American-built waterw~1y
and suid they didn't want the
United States Lo give it u p.
"l feel a certain sense of pride
1n the fact that we have the
ca n al." Dole, a Kansa s
R~ublican, said Thursday as he
-.tood by the canal for the firs t
: · /\nd <pride: l that work in).!
t<>#!Cther, with the Panamanum
people, we make it operate and
that's what we sct•k to do in the
·•A neig hbor has had her porch
l iS?hts s hot out rour times
ah·l'ad y. Windshields have been
shot out. We've reported all this.
but n o Ollt.' seemed to d o
anyllung," he ~u1d.
f 'roM Page Al
conference, Lt. Dan Cooke, a
po li ce spokesman, said,
"Nobody asked."
The two unidentified officers
had stopped a woman for driv-
ing erratacally, not realizing she
\\'US a police officer, Cooke ex-
The woman ofticcr gave the
special task force working on
the case the officers' descrip-
tions because one theory in the
case has been that the killer or
killers or 11 wom en m ay have
;;topped people on the pretense
of conducting pol ice business.
Gates said the woman of-
fi l'er's description matc hed
other d <-sc r iptions r eceived
Nlrlicr by the li5·member task
for ce. nut he added that the two
officers were telling the truth
about doing a routine tramc·
Meanwhile, c harges or
murdt:r, illt·~.il possession of a
gun and possession or a con·
trolled substance wer e filed .by
the district attorney's office
ogalnst Stephen Devetin, 40, in.
the strangulation or two young -
women lai.l weekend.
26 Stitches in Faee
Mesa Woman Flees
From Sex Assault
A 24-\'ear-old Costa Mesa
woman ,\.ho decided to h1tchh1k1·
to "'ork Thursday C\"Clling cnd1•cl
up with 26 stitches in her face us
she <.illcmpted Lo escape a dr1vl'r
who tried to rape her. police re-
The woman was s truck below
the right eye in u scuffle: at
1'\cwport Boulevard and Flo"er
SLreel al about 8:30 p.m., in full
'1cw or other motorists, policl'
said .
The attack came after the
"om an was picked up hy a
husky male between 30 and 40·
·' eurs-old with wa\'y, t.houldcr-
l(•nglh brown hair. Police s111<1
the man had only driven tht•
\\omnn ahm1t 100 yards before·
he tried to fondle her and sexually
.i:.:-;aullhc r.
She lcfl the stopped vehicle hut
the man gave chase, struck hei·
a nd tried to drag her back Lo the
t•ar. lie evcnL4.illy gave up and
l'SC<ipcd in n tw•-door sedan. ·
The n clim was tr eated at
Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital
and later rel(•ascd.
"Consiclt'rin~ lhl~ situation in
Los An~clci-. CThe Hillside
Strangler>. h1tchh1king would
not !Jc the most appropr iate
thing to be doing," s.iid Costa •
.'\I csu police Sgt. Tom Lazar. "lt
would b<.• saft•r for young ladies to
take the bus, .. he added.
An occasional play on words is one thing. but you'll never find Alden's
playing the game of breaking resolutions wh ere it concerns servicing
our customers. WE RESOLVE ... come '78 ... we'll bend every effort
to excel our efforts o f '77.
: iiista11atioii: ·custom draperies
linoleum • wood floor
COSTA ME$A, CALIF. 9'2627 PHONE 6~6·038 -6~6 -2355
• apokes~ aald. . Tlle ~rd• pl~J to retorn .~lbe Coutm~IPrlnl-...................... ._ ........... _._. ................................... ..__, .. .. . . . •
"*' lwt
p ' \hdol (lole Cr-11 avNM tMIO IS 1'1~ \, veo '·" 1 121 2'' •••• l!C Pll . .O .. • 16~+ I• PSEG pU ll .. 11000 ..... '• PSEGpnOS •• dO Sl\r .. . PSEGpll ti ,. I UI•+ t\ PSfOpfl IO •• I«> H 'lr-1\olt 11'$EG pl7,U .. a110 e1V)-1 PWl~-tr .J21..i• ii t\olt+ "" P.,.blo n H 4 -~ ~:s~t"' 1,40 ~ H ,; +·" P\lllmft 1 . .0 t 7J 21~+ .....
,. .. ,.. 1.oe • :n u-"' Purllnl"a 4 100 2""-\olt Puroltr 1.20 9 JO 21'1111.,,., ow~o 1.cw • .. u ..... Ou•OHt.56 .. alOO 11' + ~
OU•-SIO ... t •2 u~+ Vt Quanu 1.ll I t 2t -\olt 0uu1w .»IS n s..,_ ~ -·--RCA 1 lO f lSJ 2'\o') .... , RCAOI J.SO •• 14'0 0 .... .
RCApf •·· JO ~ .... . R'ff; . .0 t 12 I)~+ Vo R•ltf'ur .SOii 20t IW•+ Vt Remed .ne1> 21• •10 ..... Ren<O 1.04 1 IJ ~ \olt
RepldAm S 1.. )"'°'· .... Aeybl I.~ ' 10 311-\olt :m::~ !.~~ ~""+·" ::o~~~t 1 ~ ~ 2!V.+'ti
11 .. ucp .60 1 24 •~ ..... Ael<llCh ,I• I • 1W.-Vt
FlellabSt.Mle 1 16 '''4+ 1<11 Rtlnl!I I.SI I 10 ~) • V1 Reln(ip .60 s 11 2511) + Vo
AelG pt 7.20.. I '1 + Ill AelGpl '60 . ~ 204-1~ Reltl\pf 2M ,. U 11-.+ ~ RtpubCp S 27 11 -V. RtpFnS I 20 • 11 24~ \olt RepMIQ • 3J 1', .•... RtpSll I 6010 l02 71"1 .. , RepTu 1 lO I 21 ~-'4'
RHvOll .2011 JU UVt-•,. :::~!If' ...o io ,~ ~~~·~ 11 .. e,. 7 1)9 1)\.,., ••
Revlon 1.101• l)t "i'+"' 11 .. 11.m .JOll 111 141't>+ "" Rtwnrd .IO 1 ~ 17"tt , • •
Rey,. In 2 JO 7 1°"5t"tt • "'
Rey Ill pl2.U., 1 """ + \'<
R1. y ,''U I : 21. ... ':. s J
ReyM p!4.50.. 6 10111 .....
ReynSe .~ 9 5S 714 + '' Rlc11Co 1.10 s 11 ,....,_ •,
RICllMtr JIO 9 it 21\o + '• :1:ge.i:n1.~: ~' m.:.:.~: RloGr pl .80 :IO ll' I •
RlleAld .2211 103 1'~, + .. AolKh# I 10 9 7J :IO ••• Robhn 1 10 10 U ult + ~ ROOln• )2 10 111 10 -h RO<hG I 4IO 9 I? 2 I'• .. , R0<llGjlf 11 .. 140 111'~ + \I) RO<hTI I U e .5 tt-. ... ..
R0<-owr • • JI 11'• ... . RoOwl ' :IO 1 el ,..,.,,_ • • =::.~~I::~ 10 57~ ~~ .... ·1
Rohrlnd 2S o •-"• Roi Un• ,JOIO 32 ""'+ •, Ron\on • • •o l' .-1.
Roper 1 60 S IS 1S'•-"' Rorftr 66 U 1A1 tl l• •• .
Ros,.r10 .SO. 1J 189 tl\• .. '• Ro,.•n • n 17 ot JOt. -" RoyCCol I I 0 114• • ', =m~m'·~~'~ '~! ~~:! :; Run T0g .70 • 56 121 ...... -s......g -SCA I) as S\1 ..
SCM 1 S ICM 11 V. sos .50. ' 10~. v. 5al>IM ,5611 t J I ... • V. S•IQdln .It t 2l 11, .. ..
Salewy '·'°" m 41 .... .. Sao-Cp l6 1 U 11 -V. ~1~i : rJ:g ·: m:: :z
Sll.S4F 7 JO 7 t ""-• V. SPeul 1.01'!. n 12•~ + Ill StRe11P I n 9 ., ~ ... ..
S.18111 ·'° s 01 ....... .. Sembo• .o a ~'.le n•··-'" SOltGE I lO I w. H">-\, SJuenR .9'111& 8 9' !Htnf::Jt,~ A) 111 *.1
~F•ln<I 1 20 I 17 J9"° '• SFtlnln ,.cl I HI 18 .. • '•
SglWel 60 1 ' I"• ~. S.ulllE 11 4~ t:~~lf .1t 1f ~= :~. '. S.vEIP 11) I • ll •
S•v E A I :M 11 U ' • Sh BM .tO ' 14' uv, • • Suon I 1'1 W• -'• S<llHltf 11 ., •"'-. '. SCltrPlo I.It t )ti ~ ... • \.. 5<111111 MU 4'1 10h ....
5<11111\b 1.10 II UI 12 ... • •~ SCOAln I • tt , ... • •~ SOCLecl .)617 »1 J~ + ~
koll'itl 1.40 I 0 J7V. + '"'
ScollFor 1 I II JI~• ·~ SoHP ,76 8 06 1• , • • SCOll'fl .74 11 IJ 1'vt-\19 Scov• II I "° • II 2H• • • .. Scovll pll.!O 1 ~· ,,,,
Scuaaor 1J ll t>'•. '" Scud pt 71• I q1, • •1
!M!•COl\I .JO ' II• ,. ••• I. s .. bCL 2.lO S Ill Jf', • »
SubWA o lib •'• '> Se•hl 1 ,. • ,. J~· ·-'.
Su9rm .'1 • 1'1 n • '• S••orv IOI• s 101 •• '• S..,ltG .n IJ 1'0 11' .-'" S.••~ ... 10 1U ll , •.
Su lraln I 1>1> 'I • • s..JtolR( ,f2 I 1\ )• • I t~i1~11 ~i 2! 1:~~ ·:
Servml I JO I JI 7l • .._ Sltowr .00 I M 9 • •,
Slt.-1 .. .JOIO 0 ~•'• + ~ $/lwpell ,10
' 1 1 • 1 1 \• • '• SM.,H .:IOe 3 71 •' • • •• 5114111011 I to 7 54 3J» • ~ ShllrGI 10 S 0 17"-•.. Sl111GI pll,JS.. w 19~-I . 51111 GI pll 41() • 2 17 -.,_ Shrwln 2 :IO .. •1 71>\ • •,
Shrwpf • ..0 •• 1330 }'\' -'• Sl~rP•c 1.10 8 1~ ,..,, -·~
Slon•I 1 3& 7 16 J11't>• '• Signode 1,)2 9 • JI , 1, Sim Pree 2010 1>t 9 + • • S•mm I 17 fb 11 10•~ .•.
SlmpPet .!O 11 sn 11 •• S4no .. ,. .60 s 711 10''if... ""
S.norpfJ!O Ult'••'• ~:r.9l~ .,:11 ,: n::: .. ~ si.v11,.. .oo 11 1Jt u-. .... SmllllA 1 f lt Utt+ ~ Smllllllll .n10 41 3S\.11+ '>II Smlln 1.1' II I .. '9\o-V+
Sm1111Tr .10 s 1 10 ..... Smucker .90 I 3 11Vt-V. SonHle 7 IS Ill) .. " SonyCP .07e 10 Sll 7 .... Soo~I" J,I,. 1 A 11' 46l4 • .....
S,CrEG 1 S6 I " 11-.-\'o Souldwn .60.. l8 11°11 .... . Sd#n Pl I llO t) 311-1 .... . S....IBk 40 9 2Jjl 10'" . ~IPS I.Sii ~ II 7"" + ''• YoCelE 2 H
7 1,t 26~-I~ SoulllCO l,M t 321 11~ ••••• SolnGE 1 ll 6 II It .....
SoN AH 1.0S I 1'1 ulJl\ + 1 SoNITel l I S JI~"'
So\IP•c IA> 7 7' 34 ... ,.
SouAy HO 7 ' ~~ t:~~~~,·:11 ,~ ~~::::: Soulll'd .-II U 1S»• ~ SouAoyl •• 11 21 "t9 • 1~ SW1Alr .lt I 111 241._+ 'Ii
SwlBUI 1.10 t •1 lo°"'• 11> Sw1tl'or ,to .s I' •~+ V. Swll'I pf I.SO .. 1 >0111 ... ,. swPbSY 1.10 • ,, Ullt .... . S9•r1F .J.O f 7• 16~• + 'II> So•rton ,'8 • 2 1111.-'A t:~~f.HPI t~ 11 ~~; ~
SprfyA 1.12 I 10 Jtlft-"' ~~~",'\,''\:&I' '~ ~:~ ~ Squlbll 1.0210 ttl U..,_ II<
Steley I t 21 20 -I
SIBrl'CI I.ft 11 .. is-.-"' $18Ptll •• 1' '1 JI + 14 SidMotA .oo 1 U U ..... StOllCI 1 «> t 1U2 *8'41-lo\ llOlllCI 1...0 1 n1 -..... IOflOlt 1.a1e UI ~+ V.
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SlotnW U • I S ll\olt-'h SleMut Inv • • It J'N-le SleMSe 1.0$.. 22 11¥.-'11 SlaufCh 1.IO 1 61 ,._ 1.i.
Slerl09 ,1010 •54 IAV,+ 14 SttrPre .ltb I ,. a ........
Sl.mdnt .JO.. 18 U 14+ "' s ...... ..., 1JQ s "* 1~ t .... StewWe 2.10 1 JI JOV)-1$
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Storer& I t JI ~-I\ StrlclRll .'7 I I 1'1'o-~ SlllWor I .. t ,. 46\o\ + 'Ill :::: .. ~, .. ~; 1: ,f:!. ~ "'"°"" '° s 11 20't ..... ~Co J.S1 ' 00 41'4.t v. 5vf!Cjlf 2 2S. I ~v ...... S<l11bn! I 20 I .. 20'h-~
Sulldtlr 1.10 I 10 Jt -YI Svnd\ p12.JO .. 2• S7 + 1 SuntM ,JOtlA 2J Ill'-Vo $41t>l'V~I , .. 10 ,, ~ .....
SllPl'Oll 2.11• !1 W • 2 SvPmkO • s 27 t~ .....
S<lllft\pl ~' ·1 s1 n..,,·.:-v: ~_& ,A:i.tt S .-.+ ~ iili' , •• 11 ;.-... tJ
Oft ... 1 1M 1\AI-n ~ tf'JA It JS*-YI
s;cor ii "° '"'" ... S.,,I"'°" -T-T1~ ,.,_ '-
Tl=i 1l:'J .J m:: ~
•"•..-I 1 U Jfl.~+ 14 •1can . . 1• j\l + la 1:1:~ Df ., ! ~ !.!~= ~ =:1uol; ,~1 ~i'::::~ :r :t"" m ""! ~ l~~ :21 'fi '+'"-ti;: :1 'l 'I ~ :::i.
~ .... Pl l,.J OM Cho
Teled11 U SI S 11• 62'h-... T•ltirml 22 SJt t "1+ V. 'hlu I 17> J .... T_,.l'CO 2 1 •t ~-"II t:=~2:ll::1~ 1~~~ ,.... 2 • toJ 27't+ .... TuCm 1.2211 H ~ .... Tu•tt 1 10 t 21 _.. + Vt T•ETPl2 00,. I ,..,. t ~ T•"r 2.•1.. i JO ..... TuO 2,00 e 107 dli't + ~
'THll'd lb t 22 21\.o l't
Tu1Mt u•u 216 1~ '~ Tulnl 10 121 • ....._ ~. ~=~~~:.i:;~ n ~t::.:·~ l uUtlf 1 00 t 151 t'l .... . leuou 1.20u ,.. 191\., .. . Tox11ilpl 2 .... ~ .••• Tt10 Incl ,. ):J 2t.+ V. Teatrot\ 1,.0 1 20I U lll+ Yo Te~lrpl tot,. 7 30'4-~
Teatrpf1.«1 •• S 1"'"" Tlllokol I 20 7 s JI~+ ~ ThomBel 11' 2 JI"+ ~ TllO<nln .411> I 1' llYo ..... 'ThmJW 1.2!0 t 1.0IO.S'•+1~ T11tilly • t 71 I~+ Yo Tlcor 1.10 S 71 19 -ol\ Tklw•tr AO 7 )4 20.,,_. ~.
T1oer1n1 .JO t ,,. ""' ..... Tlmeln UO t 2t3 u»1ot+ -. ~1:;::U>11~"2s1 ~::.~
Tlmln 2.204! I 11 SI + Yo Tlshrnan lie l1 " H't + Vt Tobl"P .. 12 Sollt+ 14 TOCIOSh .. 1 U ..... TolEdlt ,,12 I •JS ,.~+ V.
Toi Eel pf2.21 • • 2 2S + V• TonUCp .41 20 3' 10 ", .. Too1Rol.t0o10 ~ ,.,_ '"' Tr•cor .:it 1 11• ul••• + '-
Tr•n• 1.3' t JI lo''•+ '•
lWA •'1)d Ibo/lo + .... i:~r, 1.~:: u :;:;-;·~
Tr•n>m .IO 1 l03 u ........ Trel\IN: I..... 7 nv.+ "" Tr•n.co 1.10 I S4 21 .. + "" Tton.cn .n t 52 10 .....
TrGPpf 2 JO,. I UV.-i\
Tr•nw!\ .J2 ' 20 I~~Tral\wY uo 1 S4 2JV.-~ Travlrs 1.2' • lll lO''t ..... Tr•vetrpf 2 •• 21 l6V•-V. Tri Con f, I .. ,. 70 10"1,. ... TrlSoM •• .., 11'2 ••••• Trio Ind .1111.. 2• 1v ...... TrlaPa1: .IO 6 114 7"'t-'• Trinlyln 1 6 11 12\0-h T roplcen 1 U Ill U + \,
Tuc.nG 1.16 I 111 1S''I ....
TwrnCn ,10 4 311 21'•-'• TwlnO~ .90 7 I 1t11 • ~.
Tycolab '° 1 6' U.\. -'>II TytuCp .00 I US 117S • '' Tym\hr 12 12 nt.-1.
-u~-UA~ .tO • , .. ~+"" UGI 1 41 9 i. 1l -'• UMC 110 I U 11'1. ..... UMETlr • >1 1'\.,. UOP J O . ., IS'.•+ ...
UY Ind 1 S tJ 20 t 1 • ~~:;'t6 ~.:, ~ w·~-~~ Unar<o IO • S 10~ t ~ Uni NV l •'Ill • l? ))°"'-\' UnBncp 84 q 78 U • •
UC•n•P I 8010 101 <&"• 1 • • UnCarb 1 IO 7 )19 Al'•• '• UnCmrce 11 U o'I•-1 • UnlonCp t 17' S -..., UnEIK I J6 t 1SI U._+ Vt U11Elpf 3 JO .. r50 .0 +1 UnElpf • )()., 1100 SI'.\+ '1'1 Un El pl 2.13.. 1 2•1•-\lo Un El pl 2.11.. • 2n.-~ .. ~~~I 2.~'6 s! ~"-;-~ voe. pfl,)O . • 1 " + VI UPKC 111 U1 41~ 0,..
Unlroyel .JO 4 m I -"" Unlry•I pf t .. 11.JO 17111+ 14 UnBrencl 1 7• 7"o-v. Un8rd pl •• l ll~ I~ Unll(9 OI.. ttJ 10-.. + Vo UE,.Rl 1.n .S SI J1Mt ..... UFlnCal .to 5 n 1'\lo+ V.
UnGrty .Ue S ~ u i.-~ Ulllum 1 56 7 U 78•+ • \,
Ulllupl 1 20 1400 1• UnHlncl 800 1 ) 11.. 1 • untttnpt 0 1 1,. ...
Vlltllnn , 18 8 11 10' UJt1118t. 1 CW 8 •I U • •• VNu(I 1101 I 10 11' • 1 • UnP~"'" 11 I •
UnRrtg &<f 4 \ "'· • 1,. USFoS I l1~ 6 I• h VSfoOG I 84 \ 31 31'• .... VSC.yp• I Ml 8 I)) 11h • USGypf 1 IO " ,. 'A USHom .14 s ,.. 1111 + '• USll\d .S2 I 41l 1° ·-'• VSLe .. \Q,., .s ,. ni,, -••
VS Rly •• 15 •'• + h USS-I 10 I • ?•\to1,., VSSINI 110 It Sll ll' .. + ... USTDIX 1 4'011 5 Jtt•+ •~ UnTe<ll 1,80 1 161 ))\/, • ~. Unlhl I '11 8 'l\l If'•-~ Unllrod .1010 119ull'•+ •• Unlvar S4 I 3& 91,-'• Unl'-'Fd 1 21 • 9 ,,, >· '• Un Ledl I 98 1 • ll'1o. '. ~~LWE 1·~ 1~ 1;: ~:~:-:: V•lll~F .96.t 11 11 ·o , U••PL 15611 )I I•-·· UIPI pl 1 80 f> ll'o ..... v y
~~.l'p •.: ~ ~ u~. ::
Yat1•1lt1 41()11 •' 7 • V•rian 40 t1 166 >O • '• varo .io. 4 l\ 10' • • •
Vt>,H10 ?• 6 "' ' • v • .,.,~ n1 11 '"'· • '. VMIS. 1 ~ . xU II • •
V1ecom 10U U 19 '·
VaEPw 11• I 764 U " '• Y•EP pl• 80. 1200 )9 ...... VaEP pf7 n .. 180 .. ,. ••
VAEPpll..O •• 14 1•'• .... ~:~~·~,:.~~ : ·;~ ;;,,.. .
Vorn•do • IOJ •', • • • VulcnM I 10 I ,. 1J 1 ~> -w--W•ba•ll .~ o 11 11'•-\+ WabR pl4.!0, 110 )I•• •. W•chov .60 8 JI> 16' 1-1 t ::~~~~.;~10 .: ~ '!! ;: : ;
W•IM••I 1815 • 10·~-I. W•IQrl\ I 10 e 32 II~• \o Wl~r A 1 '°8 8 lb 170, ....
Wall Bu\ .I• • I 10\oo •• WellMV I 70 J 17 ll • I •
W•ltJtn 1 .tC> 1 119 30'• + ', ::::t tJ I .to:: ;! ~r" ~ ~ w .. n•co •• :lS ,,_ ••••• ~~~f' : !h I~ ~!~·:::: WrnCom .IO 7 ti J)ll. ..... WarrirL I 1012 611 ,. ..... t ....
W•$11G• l.OI 6 17 74 -'• WullN•I I 1 1 n -'. ::~~sftU~ · • ; ~: r: W\llWI 1.1610 17 2lw-\• Wu teM .4'01' 11 1' ..... WalklnJ .:n 11 j 70\'·. "• W•yGos ... 10 ~ l"o .....
WHnUn .20 J I J••+ "" ::~&' ~i~ii 11: h~ ~ Well'I' 1.U I t » ..... ,. Wei FM l.17el2 SO 1"'-+ ~ wtPIPt 2 • .0 6 U $6"'1 ..... WllUTr 210 ) )1 "" WnAlrL .AO 1 Jt2 11i't+ ~ WAlr pf 2.. 12 2)"° + V. WnBnc I 1'0 1 lt6 Jl~-Ii•
WnNoA .fOO • 111 ,, + \It
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W"llC 1,10. S .. 21-'-Wftlt<:llfC 3,, I '2~ Vt
WlllleMI 1 13' I'-111 =:::~.' '°'J ·~ ~~: :: Wl<U • .IO 7 70 11°11-\<II Wltbldl ,26 I 1 1\\-''t
WllllAmi I 7 SJ• 11''>-~ w11~ro .nu " ~. v. WlnnO 1.6811 .. 3Sto+ '• WllWtbQO U ... 3'111 + Iii! Wll'l•r J 1 s u u~ + \\ W •EP 2.1210 10 )! -\lo WliEpl UO .. 160 10™····· :1:~:! ~:~h '':~ t~"'+·i~ :l~I~ ~.ssio 2 r.11o: ::
WIKPS 1.Z: 10 , lt'ltt.,..
WlkO I U 1 21 ,I\&+'" WlltrO ,tOe S SI U'4-\.; Wotvrw .1' 1 1>1 ~ .....
Womelc .st I ti " ...• w-~ .40 1 mu t t v. ~pt .)010 6J J1Mt ..... WOIWllt 1.'0 6 220 11~-~ ::i'~1l''°·• ,l ~::.'.~ :~~,:r,1.~1: ~ ':~.~. \'t
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Wyly Cp .. * 1>1t-1-1t ---Y-Z. >tero• lAOlo s1• •714--'tt
XTRA ... J SO ""°-V. Z•l.C' .'2 1 U U'h-w
Z•l•PfA .. ~ 11 + ~ hoale .Dil -. ..... er.CD • i -"'+ "' .... .J" , 14*-Vt · lllM t to 1'\'t+-.
[ ·IU·4U1)
Dirwct or coU.c_t.
Friday, December ~· 1977 s DAILY PILOT AB
·Soelal Seeurltt1
Hike Teaches
Tough Lesson
By JORN CUNNIFF " ........ ......,..
Tbe funding dlfrtcuJty of tho Social ~urlty ayatem
hns been settled for a few yelU'S al leut, and lhe question
now turns to the condit.lon of tho IUnder's finances -
yours, specilico.Jly.
Security comes 1t a price, and the price or the newest
version passed by Congress is huge. ll is one of the biggest
tax increases ever voted.
BEGINNING IN 1979 you wm
feel Its impact on your paycheck. But
long before then, in the first paycheck
of 1978, you will get a taste ot thlngs to
come. From It will be deducted 6.05 per·
cent for Social Security, up from ~.85
percent In 1977. And until you have paid
no less than $1,070.SS. you will find that
6.05 percent missing each and every
This year the government's take for cu""'""
Social Security amounted to .. only"
$965.25, based on 5.85 percent tor the first $16,SOO. But every.
one knows prices rise every year.
· In 1979, the top take will rise to $1,400, and continue in
that direction to $3,045 in 1987. as both the percentage and
the total amount on which it applies continue to rise.
IS THERE A LESSON? SEVERAL. clear as the serial
numbers on the dollar bill. One is that debts must·even-
tually be paid if financial disaster is to be averted. Another
is that the people pay the debts -not government.
The reasons for the bigger bite out of paychecks is that
the SociaJ Security system is running out of money. The
old age and survivors fund was destined to turn bottoms up
Jn about five years.
The government could not supply the money; it bas no
money except that which you magnanimously turn over to 1t..
And the system does not manage the money efficiently
either, but that is another story.
THE MONEY OBVIOUSLY COMES from you, the tax·
p ayer. You are the financier and the recipient. The gov-
ernment merely handles the money for you, transferring it
from donor to recipient.
This is the way of all consumer demands; they are
paid for by the consumer, not by government or business
or any other intermediary. Clean air and water, product
r ecalls, safety, improved health care ••• Social Security.
Making the lesson abundanUy clear is the immediate
impact. Within the next few weeks we will be paying for
what we bought. And that will be the New Year's message
for years to come -more.
A.ND YET THERE IS STILL more, and this is perhaps
the most painful bite. Jt is true, though -you will be pay·
ing a tax on inflation. Inflation is tough to stomach, but a
tax atopitcan make one retch.
The explanation lies in the application of the deduction:
It ts based not on buying power but on the value of the
paych~k in terms of current dollars. Current dollars are
~1lmost always inflated dollars.
·Assume for the sake of illustration that a worker re-
ceives a 6 percent raise over his 19Tl income of $14.000,
mald.ng hia 1978 income $14,840.
with no greater buying power. He still has only $14,000 in
terms of what he can purtbase, but the deduction from his
paycheck will be on the basis of $14,840.
It is a tough lesson, but unlike so many others in the
<·onsumer area, the consequences, the impact, the cause
<ind ertect, are clear to all.
'Stars' Foretell
Year of Growth
LONDON CAP) -Some economists may he gloomy
about America's financial heallh and the sliding value or
the dollar, but Old Moore, armed with astrological predic-
tions. says 1978 is going to be a very good year.
The latest edition of the world's oldest annually
published almanac predicts that next year the United
States "will sustain a basic policy of growth, despite her
problems and involvements and sense of anti·inflationary
worldwide forecast in Old Moore's Almanack. The 64·page
booklet, issued by the W. Foulsham Co., bases its predic·
tions on astrological data. The almanac began publishing_
in 1697.
"The United States begins a major new 29-year cycle
in March and this augurs well for her commitment to a re-
newed and vigorous participation in world affairs as the
champion of free enterprise as much for the developing
world as the industrlaUzed one," it said.
"Nonetheless the U.S. will face testing situations in
Aprjl and August when she will be Ukely to be forced to
choose between abandoning further African and other ter-
ritories to Marxism or standini firm and facing a barrage
oC world crlUcism.''
OLD MOORE CALLED 1978 "The Year or Common
Enterprise .. and says it will be a good year for the world in
general, because the planet Jupiter is dominant and
Jupiter "expands an ardent desire for justice.•·
The Paris·based Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development predicted in its semi-
annual forecast this week a grim economic year for
Western industrialized nationa in 1978.
Retired Executive
Opens Viejo Office
Dr. Ernest R. RoberL'J, recently reUred group vice
pre!lidentof AcroJel·Gencral Corp.1 has formed the manage-
ment cODBulUn1 flrm or Roberts and Sellers, lnc., bead·
quartered in Mission Viejo.
. The nrm wlll specialize ln\Ually in executive man··
power H.arch. Plans are under way for addlUonal ortlces
in the Midwest and on the East Coast. .
Roberta Jolnecl AeroJet 1n l~T 11 a development
engineer and cootrlbuted to the Polarts. Mtnutesnao and
other ~or rocket sya~ms.
ln 1962 be became • corporate vice president and sub-
sequently served J.s president of £nv1r01enlc1 Systen:is
Co.1 an Aerojet dlvlsloo.
Jn 1974 he was named lfOUP vice pte1ldant and as-
sumed ra.~lbllll1 for Aerojet'a Chemical Comtrucilon
Corp. Gr~.1'.U 4' Manutactu.rtna ~. and Barnard
·and iuek. lnc., all engaged primarl\)' iu tho eoera, am.lcal~• and pollut.loD ~troltlel~ ~
1\ JO oa. l.' f'llOT
Poluttlda Can Bloo•
DEAR PAT. We r eceived a JoveJy
poinsettia plant for Christmas. I've
heard lhat lhe!>e plants can be kept
alive and encouraged to bloom each
Christmas. Wh&t care is required?
C.F., In-inc
"G..r e ""*"""' 'Nwll !Oftt• jf Ptl 0.-. f>OI .ii
,.., t'4 qar, ffllUIQ ,,.. --·-.C• 1111" M.cl
lo MLc ~is• a. ll'IW"'IMlll Giid ....,_., Mall
111'''"' ,,_,_IOPfll OwlJI Al Yow~.~
Cucut l>IMlw f"Jl(A. P () lfo.1 '* C'olta M~.o. CA
!l'lli111 A4 mu1111 ktln• cu ~ liil/.I 0.'.11-rcd.
tiw ,Jlurw'd piqv11We or i<'lllft Mil P1Cllldmj/ IM
r~rt • /lllll IOIM. Gddffu ulld ~ holofl' pftoM ""'"'-('CllPIMI --~rtd Tlalcolltlftll~ ... "-"'",x ~u•dcJ111 ••
organW.c atratecy. The book was
prepafed for ue lb Callfomla, but Is
readily transferable lD coacept and
overview to othr areas, aceord.lng to
the NatJoaaJ Houslag Law Project. It
also cootalu valuable Information on
use of Small Claims Court, boul.bg
dlscrlmlaatloo aad community de-
velopment. The primary focus,
however, is oa tenant organbl.bg .. tac-
Ucs and issues."
This book can be ordered for $1
from the National Lawyers• Guild,
Housing Panel, 712 S. Grandview St.,
Los Angeles, CA 90057.
wo .... Garden Sprout•
' .
Syphilis Toll
Begins to Fall
A syphl\ls outbreak that had worried Orange
County health officials is beginning to show signs or
s ubsiding.
Orange County Health Officer Morton Nelson
said this week tha t whilQ 23 new cases were report·
ed during the week of Dec. 10. the number dropped
to 16 new cases the week of.Dec. 17 and to six new
cases by the end of last week.
'•THAT JS VERY encouraging," Nelson said.
''But it is still too soon to tell whether we have really
gotten over tbe epidemic.''
Meeting Serles _,/,,.-"
JUdy Roaener
League Eyes
Use of Land
The Orange Coast League of Women Voters will
conduct a series of meetinas about land planmn,g,
development and environmental problema from
Jan. 9 at 9: 15 a .m ., Art Cook, director of En·
vironmental Affairs for the Aliso Viejo Co .. will dis-
cuss .. Development a.nd the Environment" at Great
Western Savings and Loan, 24100 El Toro Road,
Laguna Hills.
.. POUTICS OF COASTAL Plannmg"' wlll be
the topic of Judy Rosener, who will make two IP·
pearances on Jan. 11 .
Experts advl~e ket>pin g a poinset·
Ua plant ln a very light area (not
direct s unlight), away from ex-
cessive heal or cold drafts. Waler
once a day and reed monthly with a
water·soluble plant rertiliier. When
your plant stops flowering, cut the
stems so that only six inches or the
plant remains. Keep it among your
other plants, and pinch orr new
shoots that may appear in August or
early September.
DEAR PAT: I had the unfortunate
experience or dealing with S & R
Worm Garden of Long Beach. I know
there was a court case involving this
firm, but 1 never heard about Lhe out-
come. I'm interested just in case
there m~y be some rei.titution for the
people who were bilked.
County health inves tigators pinpointed the ----------epidemic to a six.square-block area in Santa Ana
Mrs. Rosener, a member of the $\.ale Coastal
Commission. will speak at 9: 15 a.m. -at ,\be bome or
Nell Treseder. S Blaiing Star, Irvine, and at 12: 15
p.m . at the home of Myra Brown, 2401 Bamboo St.,
Newport Beach.
G.T., Hwilington Beach
and attributed the cause to a group of diseased prostitutes.
Over the past few weeks, Nelson said, there has
been an increase in the number of infected people
seeking treatment, in part because of publicity
about the epidemic.
Put lbe poin~eltla on a carefully
timed ration or light beginning In
mld·Ocwber. It should have about 1-'
hours of darkness every night. It can
be kept outdoors during the day, and
In a closet or other totally dark place
a t night. When IJecember rolls
around again, let the plant have
more light and it will bloom for
Christmas. Once this poinsettia ls
established, it can be transplanted
outside during its dormant season
after yo~ cut back the stems.
Tnaan't Righl• Delaired
DEAR READERS· The National·
Lawyers' Guild has recentl y
.published a tenant's handbook
highlighting legal rights and tenant
Partial restitution ls ln the offing
for customers of S & R Worm Garden
who believe they were misled into
buying worms or otber Jtems. The
pending partial restitution Is tbe re·
suit of a stipulated judgment entered·
In Los Angeles Su-pertor Court. Vou
and others who believe they may be
entitled w restitution should write
immediately to: State Attorney
General's PubUc Inquiry Unit <S & R
Worm Garden), SSS Capitol .Mall,
Sacramento, CA 95814.
AS OF THE END OF October, there were 256
cases of primary syphilis reported to county health
officials, a 184 percent increase over the 90 cases r~
ported during the first 10 months of 1976.
As an experiment, county officials soon will ls·
sue a ppointment cards to those who are treated for
syphilis and other diseases at county clinics.
The cards may serve as an identification lo let
men know whether a prostitute is being treated.
Syphilis is not contagious once treated, county
officials said.
Death Notices
Nrwp0rt BH<ll. C... Pas~ •wo on ~cemtMr 7', 1917. Mr Pellell w•s •
Cn•r-ler Member ot tne N~wporl
Haroor Elles LOOQe 1111•1 In New1><>rl
8•4Cf\, C.• He ••'I tlf\O o~ flf 1N'
or11inal founder~ ot lh• H~wpotl
H•rbOr Arr• and • ~ yr1tr u •\•Of'ot of
Newl>Orl 6"1Kll, C... Hr .,.,, J r~l1rltd
Fire Clll•I of lllle NewPOrt Buell Fore
0e,..rlment ~ was .. 1,,., ll>P t·lt<tn·
< ••f'I w f\O did the or101nat wir tnQ or\
041fbo• ''''rna and thf' Pen1n\ula. f uMral ~rvl<.e\ art' prndln9 "' «;mntt
Tullllll LemD Co<t• Ml'Sd Mortuary
BE TTY BARNETT. <'\•<Wnl of J101
SoYlh Fd1rlf1t w, Spdc.r •'I. Sain\• An•
C• Sur vlvl'd by hu,lwl\d Con• 8M,,..1t
. '£lsewhere
P.J. Moriarty, 69. a col
orfu l Manhattan
rt'Stauratcur for nearl}
30 years, died Thursduy.
end <J•uQhltr 8"th """" MtClurr 11?2'5 •On·ln·I•• J•m MtClur~. •on ~<oil NOTICE TOCAEDITOAS
Rooln\on. orandcJdu•~P,ltrs Amdl"l0d No. A·•>lll
Gene McClurt• .1nd 0<on'b~1ly Ann SUPEAIOACOUllTOFTHE
Robln"°n .,,.i qr...wl"°" M.llln•·w Eroc STllTEOt'CALIFOAHIAFOR
Aob•nson, "'°'°"'' l.O" "" P•nQlf' '" THEGOONTYOl'ORANGE t•r Edit" Kvtf' an<t b•<Mt""-•''· lulhf'r '" 0 1tt M•Her ot tnf' E:.,t•I.-ot PanQI~. lom P•nqlr ''""Boll f'•rtQlr HERBERT Ci FOUETT, dl\O known
A,,4n9emonl\ b••na macie M ll~ll as HERBERT CiOROON FOLLE fl.
8road¥ti1Y MOrtuary '" lie"' of t IOwf,-s Ot<,...tSf"O family \UQCl'\l~_,,.,...,~ be m4'CI• lo NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo
!>f\rin~..-s (nppled (J\ddrmi Hotr.p1t•I. c1ro,tors """'"'9 <l•mn iao•1nst ,,,,.
Lollll Buell, Ca !MllCI OtcoOmt 10 Ille wld claims In tile
BROWN otllce ol ti..-cll'rk 01111 .. etorewld court
MICHAEL C. BROWN, ,...,10.nt ol or topr•\ent tr.m tolneunOe~l-dat
S•nt• An•. C• P•ssrd ...... ,on ,,,. Olltce ol RA M SEY ANO
Oe<emlM• 21. 1'17. Sur••••d by _, RASMUSSli.N. Allor ... ,..-.. I.AW, ...
G•or9e Sal•• ot NortnrldQe, ca. IN. 0<••" Bl¥d., Suite 1103. Long
"-Thomes 5'\IH of S..u<Jj Arabia. BHCll, CA ~. •l'llcll tatter office Is
iltter ~r• Sclwlll or ~nia. ArltO<Y 111• OI•<• ol 011stnos ol Ille ur ..
e11d A11n Dreher etso 01 Ariton• dertlQrwd In ell rnMlen per1•lnlt111 lo
Servlcu w•ll a. held S•lu•O•• said estate. Such cleoms wllh tile ~um.,., JI, 1tn el 11 00 "M . .,1 ncu!\ary voucners mu\I IM llled or
Pectllc View Me"*'IAI Cll4pel lnler presenled H elortuld wllllln lour
me111 woll ~ •t Pecillc View Me"'°""' montns ••..,. 111e 11n1 P\11111<.etlon of 1111s
P•rk. P•c•IK v1 .... Morluery dlrec no~~:-.,dO«e~r17,1'11.
WILLl.t.M ll"THUR DAILEY, '"" !~~~=will
Cl•nt ol Sant~ ANJ, CA P•\\ed ""'"~on RllMSEY AND RASMUSSEN 0.r•mbrr 11. It/I di IN' -ot .. A
nctt1vt" of te.&M.i\ He " \urv1vt-d b't' nu. "''t Oorl; Oaoey ut !..tnla An•. CA .
~n CiHY O••teiy ol R1ver\1df', C•
ddUCJhlf'' l•rcs..t c;., 1t10 ot S.,,nt• Ana.
(d and t-o 9randth1tdrH1 f=UNirail
, .. ,..,., .. , wf'rP hPtd 1oa~1y I fldttY
D•c.mbN )0, 1911 Al 11 00 A M di
~n·+ln Tu1nttt Lamb ScttUJ And
o• W. O<Nn Blvd., Slt. I IOJ
l.on9 Bu< h, CA '°802
Publl•hf'<I Or-Coast O•llY P•lot
Dec >O, 1tll,J"'1 &, ll, 20, 1911 ~11 /1
Mo•lutlry Cl\aprt with Af"'v MICM~t -----------1
s.1mh•<-of C..l•MY C.llurcn In Tustin FICTITIOUSBUSIHESS
Otl•rtal1~0 lnt .. m•nl Wtll be di NAMEST.llTEMEHT
I •orh,1vrn Memort•I P•rk, S..nln Ana, TM fo1tow11111 person Ii clol"4 bUM·
t.a Sn .. 111 Tullllll t..emb s.tnte An•
Mortu4ry cllreCI"" ~" 41JI
DOROTHY ORICKlLS, rttodrnl 01
s,,nttt A,,a, Ca , P•\\t!d &way on o-.. mllfr 11, 1911 al Ille -ot II No
ff)rM.JI fl.lnff'AI set'Wl(f'\ Wlftll be Mid
Crt'mat•on 4H"tO burl•I At sea~ <Of'Cl"cl·
t'O nv ~mlth Tuthill Li!mb !'oan1a Ana
Morlu•ry S4l-41J1
J.t.COUELINE qEYNA. •Hld<'nl ol
Co\ta Mesa, Ci!. PaHeO away
0.cl'mb< r 2'1, 1917, !>ur11ived by lier
pMPnh ~ro • AnOrf'a Ron• ol
CO\lcl M•w, C. Fu~rat sient1ch ar•
Jl"nd•nQ •I Smltll Tut111ll i...mo Colla
Mf\<t MortUMy. ~.
f'RANC:!.S G. WALLE. r~ldent of
Marone A .. nue, N•wPOrl Buell, C:A n .. 2
Fr41nk's Marloets I• Calllorni. cor·
por.,,llonl, 2~ N. LA Bree .A.,.n...,,
•~Qlf!Woocl, C.A 'l0301
Tiiis b11$1nen Ii conducted by• tor·.
por•tion. Frenl<'\M;ortiet.
• C..tlfomiecorp.
by RkllMdYe\ucl<I>,
Thi• ll.t1•"*11 .... fli.d wlln IM
County Clerk of Oren~ County on
December 27, "17.
GltOVElt £SCRoWCOltl'. 18002 Eett ,,.,, .... alvtl.
EM.-w H._ ).UllJ).C
Or.t"Qf', C•. Puud ew•y on Fl net
llf'<•mbf'r 21, 1977. Surv1v .. d by 11 C. Publl\Md 0.-anQe Coail Dally Piiot
Wdlh• at M•rvl•nd. slslf'r\ MMy Mann Oec. 30, 1971, J.,,.6, IJ, 20, 191~ 5431>-11
01 F ountaln Valley, Ce ano Tr•.,.
l eClalr ol Mus.cllu\ .. tt\ lour 1------------,
PUBLIC NOTICE oranachlldr•n. Gr•~Psl~ Servic~\
will be h•ld Frid.Iv Otocember 30, ltll I
Ill I 00 P,M. 111 Pacific View M•morlAI r--,.-0-T-IC_lt_T_O_C_ll_t:_Ol_TO.....,...RS,,.--"1
P.trk. Interment wlll ~ at P.tcltic 5UPERIO..COURTOFTH•
Vltw M•morl.i Par•. P.telllC V••• ST A TIE 01' CALI FOllNIA FOR
tmorlel Perk Mortuary dortelO•\. THE COUNTYOl'OltANO•
427 E. 17th St.
·Costa Mesa • 646-4888
Santa Ana Chapel
518 N. Broadway
Santa Ana• 547-4131
627 Main Sr.
Huntington Beach
P'lllt FAMll Y
7801 Botaa Ave.
Eslate al OSCAR Al.I.EN MILLER, o.c .. wd.
creditor• al ti• Mlove Nmecl Otceoenl
'""' all pe~ llAYlnQ clelms egalnst IN Slid Otc-nt an •-Ired to Ille
them, wilt! I"" M<KM<y voucl'ter~ In
Ille office al IN Clef'll of Ille 4111o,,. en
lllled court Of' 10 pret1nl them, wlll'I
lhe necnwry' llOUCIMlrS, 10 Ille Un·
Oenlgned ., ,,,. ofllc• of ROBERT
PREECE, 101 .. Hot1e1111e<k Orlv•,
Rlnr1idll. ~ wlll<ll Is llw plKe ol
businen ol lhe undenionecl In ell m•I·
lffl i-rl.inlnQ 10 llW HI.tie of Hid de·
ue1e11t. •ltllln lcow montlls •ll•r Ille
first puollcatlonof Utlinoll< ..
Deted Dec. IJ, 1'17
C'1e .-111cned.dll~l
111 .. Hell.-ll Orf.,.
Rtv....i•,CA...-S Tel:~
We never stop thinking about your money.
Naturally, we've surrounded ourselves with
smart people. People who come up with capi-
tal ideas.
Ideas to make your capital grow. Financial
programs that fit your finances. Savings plans
that pay more interest. Capital ideas.
But while we constantly thjnk about your
money, we always keep one thing in mind. It is
your money.
You can be sure that an Allstate Savings
capital idea is ~ sound idea.
Allstate Savings capital ideas
are better than money in the
Park Plan
Wins OK
A $126, 700 develop.
ment plan for Stockport
Park in Laguna Hills has
been approved by
Orange County
The park, off Stockport
Street and west or Alicia
Parkway, will include
two picnic tables. a tot
lot, a sand volleyball
court and a basketball
court. a r eport to
supervisors said.
Barbara Gellman, an attorney speelallzing In
cases involving environmental considerations, will
discuss laws affecting air quality at 7:30 p.m. Jan.
11 at the home of Anita Diamond, 26622 Cortina
Drive, Mission Viejo.
JAN. IZ AT 9: 15 A.M., Fern Pirkle, president of
the Friends or the Irvine Coast, will discuss "An
Urban Park in the Coastal Area." She will speak at
the home of Bobbie Minkin, 490 Myrtle St., Laguna
"Current Land Use Problems In Newport
Beach and Costa Mesa .. will be the subject of
Jackie Heather, chairman of the Newport Beach
Planning Commission. She will give her talk at 7: 30
p .m. Jan. 12 at the home of Peg English, 3367
Larkspur St.. Costa Mesa. '
All or the meetines are Cree and open to the
bank. Because we can pay higher interest
rates on insured savings than banks can.
Also, Allstate Savings is a member of the
Sears family.
Our smart people have helped Allstate Sav-
ings become the fastest growing savings and
loan association in California. We now have
$2.1 billion in assets and 83 offices all over the
If you want their kind of thinking on your
money, come to Allstate Savings.
We will be pleased to share
our thoughts with you.
Cemetef)' Mortuary
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