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Bobbles 'J11st Sex Questions
A Box of Bones' To Welfare Moms
At LA Museom Anger Legislators
. DAILY PILOT . . . .
,"II. I ' •
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VOL 71, NO ... 4 Sl!CTIOH5, '4 "AOU Nixe
Bitting the Bof;lb
E. B. Smith, .a University of Illinois graduate assistant,
carefully carries a new addition to his persGnal library.
The school's bookstore was selling 23,000 used, outdated
and leftover textbooks at $10 per armload. Smith's
armload contained 75 books.
BOnes at
researcher al the Los Angeles
County Museum of Natural His·
tory, which received Bubbles'
body after her death March 10,
says the hippo "is just a box of
bones now."
Or. James Smith, a biology
professor from Cal State
Fullerton, said Tuesday that it
was he who persuaded Lion
Country Safari, the park from
which Bubbles escaped, to
donate the animal's bones lo the
The professor said Bubbles•
body will be used for research .
and not for public display.
''She's not going to be stuffed -
lhe skin wasn't preserved," he
"I was following the Bubbles
forte, and we needed a specimen
of a hippopotamus, so I felt that
using her was better than letting
her rot or going to Africa and
killing another hippo," Smith.
Bubbles died after she lum-
bered out of a pond where she
had taken refuge for 19 days
following her escape and was
shot by tranquilizer darts. She
fell in a position which led to suf-
Meanwhile, by a nearly 2-to-1
vote, the students at Van Nuys
Junior High School indicated
they would rather have a horse
than a hippopotamus as their
School secretary Rita Levine
(See JDPPO, Page AZ)
Penalty Plea
Sown Cites Jesus' Death
ALBANY, N.Y. CAP) -A s tate senator who sup-
ports the death penalty has told a church group lhal
Christianity would not exist if "Jesus got eighl to 15
years, with time orr for good behavior ..•
Republican James Donovan acknowledged Tues-·
day that he made the comment in a letter to the
Council of Churches of the Mohwak Valley Area. The
group says it-Opposes the death penalty as "a matter
of faith."
Copies of Donovan's letter were sent to news or-
ganizations, along with a handwritten note saying
•·Jocal churches are shocked at Donovan's logic."
The note was not signed.
.. There would be no Christianity if it were not for
the death penalty, which gave us the cross and the
resurrection," Donovan wrote.
Donovan said most of his two-page letter was de-
voted. to other arguments for the death penalty --
that· it may serve as a deterrent to crime and as
punishment for criminals who cannot be rehabllitat-
Bovan Slaying
Defendant Raps
Drug-tle'ath .Link
Lawyers for murder trial de·
f endant Alexander Kulik con-
tinued today to pl'Otest police ac·
lions during a drug arrest that,
they claim, led to his being
linked to the kiWng of stephen
John Bovan of Fountain Valley.
They told Judge Robert P.
Kneeland Tuesday during
Ora11ge County Superior Court
pretrial action on the grand jury's murder indictment of
Kulik and six co-defendants that
evidence taken by police during
his drug arrest was illegally ob-
Kulik, 28, of Linda Isle,
Newport Beach, was found
sleeping in a vintage Stutz
Blackhawk that he parked in the
parking Jot of a Mission Viejo
shopping center Oct. 23.
-Weliare Sex QuestiQ~s .Fiayed Defense lawyers claim that
the search, which allegedly pro-
duced a quantity of "China
white" heroin valued by
sheriff's officers at more than $1
million was illegal In the sense
that it sparked Kullk's prosecu-
tion on the Bovan charges. Alaska (AP) -stopped.
Phil Nub of Anchorage, di.rec ...
tor of the a1ency involved, de·
fended tho fdl'IJl '• use but said it
was belni mocllfied because of
objections. He 1aJd It wu pre-
pared with advice from the atete
1Deputment of Law because •:o.e n .a straps cue to prove pat.Unll1 ln cO\il't.. ,,
Nt1b'• agoc1 wu created
uv l'r"al f**l'S aao because of a
ebaoJ• lo the Social Security
Act. whlcll required 1tatee to try
to eetabllth paternit1 ud aQPport lor dllldre.n bol'1l
•edloclc, ·~b feds 1ald we hid to do
thla to ftCici {ed~ral funds, but c sn ••• ,. Ai>
It was asserted during the
hearing Tuesday that other de-
fendants may have been prej-
udiced by the evidence obtained
irom Kullk'a car.
All seven defendants were io-
(See BOVAN, Pace AZ)
Pilot 'Stable'
SAN DlEGO (AP) -The pllot
of an F-14 attack plane that
crashed onto a busy freeway
Monday, kllllng its radar olftcer,
ts ll1ted in stable condition
follow~ surrery at San Dleao
Naval ffQJpttal.
OI U. D•llY "lloC Si.ft A judge's dismissal of indict·
m ents that charged Orange
County Supervisors Philip An·
thony, Ralph Diedrich and their
co·defendants with violations of
state political campaign regula-
tions will be appealed to a
higher court.
That was the word out of San
Diego today as deputy Attorney
. General Jeffrey Joseph said,
"This case isn't going to go
away that easy."
It appeared that easy for de·
fendants remaining m the case
when Superior Court Judge
Philip Schwab dismissed all but
a single charge contained in
three indictments.
Judge Schwab based his dis·
missal on the fact that only eight
grand jurors heard all the
evidence and testimony during
the eight-month 1nvesligat1on
leading to the July 1, 1977, in-
According to his interpretation
of the law it is necessary for at
least 12 jurors to vote an indict-
ment and to have heard all the
testimony leading to the filing o(
: Mostly cloudy tonight
·and Thursday with in·
creasing chance of
showers by late tonight.
Forty percent ch.a.nee of
showers Thursday. Lows
'tonight in the sos. Highs
Thursday in the 60s.
..L •• I
________ .,... ____________ _.." .• ~
A2, DAILY PILOT S Wednnd1y. M1rch 29. 1178 t~er~~ks N8tions·
To Baitle· fnflation
CARACAs, Venezuela (AP) -Presi~ent Carter urged poor
countnes today to joi.n rich in
du!ilrial nations in a five-step
drive to light inflation create
jobs and raise livtn1 standards
because rich nations "cannot.by
U.S. Steel
Price Hike
Steel. the nation's Jarsest steel
vroducer, announced today a
$10.50 per ton price increase on
its basic product lines to recover
the cost of the new soft coal con-
The increase, effective with
April 1 shipments, will boost rev-
enues 2.2 percent, but the effect
on individual products w111 vary
according to their buse price. the
company said.
Sh{'et s teels. s tructural
shapes. plates, tin plate and tube
products were among products
acrected by the announcement, a
spokesman said.
The price hike would be the
second trus year ror some 1mpor
tant products. including hot and
cold rolled sheets widely used in
the auto and appliance in
Steelmakcrs announced in
creases on sheets, structural
:-.hapes and tm mill proqucts,
<i veragiug 5.5 percent in
Dt•cember. The increases took
c·ffcct in February and March.
"Coal is a primary source for
much of lht• energy required in
lhc mtlt1ng. form1nA and
finishing of slel'l mtllproducts,"
U.S. Steel. a leading coal pro·
ducer, said 'The hight•r costs
now being encountered apply to
both the company 's own-
produced and purchased coal
and abo other forms of energy."
All U.S. Steel's coal mines are
operated hy members of the
United Mine Workers union, who
voted Fnday to accept a con-
trac t and end the nalion's
longest soft coal strike.
The contract increased
miners' wages by $2.40 an hour
over three years. Miners re·
cc1 ved an average of $7 .80 an
hour when they walked out Dec.
l: .s. Steel has announced 1t
will report a first-quarter loss as
:i result of the coal strike. It said
jt was forced to incur abnormal
costs lo minimize production
cuts and layoffs.
In Washington, officials of the
Council on Wage and Price
Stability, the government's in·
flation-moniloring "agency,
dec lined to comment im·
mediately on the price rise.
Gypsies Held
In Burglaries
SAN DIEGO <AP) -Sheriff's
deputies say a band of nine
women at)d four men identified
as gypsie have been arrested
for in~estig~lion of burglary and
conspiracy in rural Sain Diego County.
Bail for each ol the group was
set Tuesday at $250,000. Ten
children with the gypsy band
were placed in the Hillcrest
Receiving Home.
SEX •••
we never thought anythlng like
this would happen," said
Democratic slat.e Rep. Charles
Parr. . .
Nash s&Jd the agency's case
load during the current fiscal
year involved 835 welfare cases
and nine non-welfare cases.
themselves bring about wor1a
economic recovery."
"We need to share a
responaibillty for solvmg prob-
· }ems -not to divide the blame
for ignoring them,·' Carter
declared in a major address to
Rapist Makes
32nJ, Attack
A mother of two children
was raped in her suburban
home early today by the
masked "east area
rapist" in his 32nd known
attack, sheriff's deputies
satd. .
Chief Deputy Robert
Radford said the man got
into the Rancho Cordova
house about 3:20 a.m. by
temoving a glass pane
from a side door which
was locked with a dead-
bolt lock
Armed with a knife, he
tied up the woman and
ransacked the house
before raping her.
"We disagree with that con-
clusion," J effrey said.
He argued that evidence and
testimony taken into considera-
tion by the grand jury before
February 1977, ''was not related
to the charges.
J effrey also noted that Schwab
had commented in bis decision
that · 'lbe charges aren't ground·
less · ·
"We therefore feel we have no
alternative but to appeal the de·
c1s1on and, if that fails, we will
file an information and reinstate
the charges." the Deputy Al·
torney General said.
Al least temporarily cleared
by the charges were Anthony,
Anaheim City Councilman
William Kott and former finan·
cier Gene Conrad. •
Cleared of all but one charge
"as Diedrich.
Initially. those four along with
Fullerton attor9ey Michael
Remington and Calabasas
jeweler Martin Kirshner were
charged wtth multiple violations
of state political campaign reg.
The charges dealt mainly with
attempts to disguise the true
source or funds filtered into An·
thony and Knott campaigns in
Today, Diedrich said he was
n ot s urprised the Attorney
General had decided to appeal
Judge Schwab's ruling.
Anthony predicted last wei!k
there would be further action on
the charges lodged against h.im
and. like Diedrich, insisted he
was innocent.
Whatever way the appeal
goes, Diedrich's troubles are not
Along with Anaheim architect
Leroy Rose, be was named in an
indictment handed down Dec. lS
that charges him and Rose with
complicity in an alleged bribery
Joseph said the notice or ap-
peal wi.Jl be filed in Superior
Courl this week.
He said as soon as the
tran~cripts or the hearing lead-
ing to Judge Schwab's dismissal
decision are prepared the case
will be taken to ab appellate
court , probably the Fourth Dis-
trict Court of Appeal, San
WPPO ••.•
&aid the students held an elec·
tion to declde whether to change
the school nickname from
Muatanp to Bubbles.
But therewereqnly 289 voteSfor
Bubbles, whtle Mustanp re-
ceived "8. said Miu Levine, add· in' oaly about half the ltu4ent bodvvoted.
. The resultl were much closer ln
an election •bouttwo weekJapto
bal'e t oamo of the 1c:bool
chang Bubble. Junior ~ SchooJ-t.h~btppo'°'tbyJUiU1ve votes. · "
But even ~Bubbles b•tl won,
tbe election Woul4 tiave bee2l
moot 1::,tUiO Of a Loa An&eles cl~y •c board re1U11tlon.
1 'Th ·a "Board of Education rule that aay1 a acbool mi.t
either be named atte.r a com-
mul11t,y or a prom!Dent ptrson
who ta deceued, ., the~
aald. .
Venezuela's national congress on
the second day of his week-long
lour of Lalin America and
•'Only by acting totetber can
we expand trade a.n41nvestment
J.n order to creete more jobs, to
curb infiatioo and raise the
standard of living of our
peoples," the prealdeo• said.
.. The industrial nations share lbe
same problems and-cannot by
themselves bring about world
economic recovery."
Carter urged rich and pool' na·
lions to take these steps
-Increase the flow of capital
.to developing naUons.
-Build a more open system
of world trade.
-Moderate disruptive pnce
movements in ba:s 1c com-
modities. .
-Conserve and develop
-St r e n g t h e n t h.e
technological base .in the poo~
In addition, Carter said he was
proposing "a U.S. foundation for
technological collaborat1on "
Beyond pledging that .. we in
the United Stales will do our
part," Carter did not elaborate.
But be noted that he has asked.
Congress to increase economic
assistance funds by 28 percent
and that his admimstrallon is
prepared to increase American
contributions to the lnterna·
bonal Monetary Fund.
Carter s poke from a lofty, or-
nate dais to a packed chamber
of legislators who gave him a
standing ovation when he ar-
rived. And for the third time in
two days, he complimented
thel'l\ by speaking in Spanish,
giving his introductory remarks
in that language Bul he
switched lo English for the re-
mainder of his address
After his speech, Carter met
again with Venezuelan Presi-
dent Carlos Andres Perez. They
met for two hours Tuesday, but ~eft touchy questions for today.
includtng the price or oil.
Venezuela is the third largest
supplier of otl to the Unned
. Following today s talks , Carter, his wife Rosalynn, 10-
year·old daughter Amy and top
U.S. otricials including national
security adviser Zbign1ew
Brezezinski and Secretary of
State Cyrus R. Vance, left for a
four hour flight lo the Brazilian
capital of Brasilia.
Carter and Perez briefly re-
v 1 ewe d white -uniformed
Venezuelan naval cadets and
walked arm in arm for a fow
steps before Carter boarded Air
Force One. He made no de parture remarks Cannons
boomed a 21-gun salute as the
engines revved up.
The 22-hour s topover was
Carter's first slate v1s1t to Latin
Prejudice Charged
Mexican-American groups have
charged that investigation of a
January slabbing al Buena lligh
School has revealed widespread
prejudice against Mexican
Americans in the Ventura
Unified School District
.,. . ......._
Par,e • Aif'eeted, Charged' With Endangerh\g the Ute of • Child
Kansas Boy, 16, Found in Filth
The parents of a 16-year-old boy
found encrusted with human
waste and hving in a filthy, unht
room have been charged with
t.'ndangeriog the life of a child, a
Authorities said the teen-ager
has the mentallty of an infant
and the physical appearance of
a 9-or 10-year-old. He has spoken
only two words -"apple" and
··ca r " -since he was taken
from his parents' home Friday.
ths name has nol been released.
On Tuesday, the parents,
Dolph and Etiiabelh Hagerman.
signed a letter of consent allow-
ing the boy to be taken to the
Kansas Neurological Institute at
Topeka for 90 days of tests
Hae:erman and his wife have
been released on $5,000 bond,
pendlDg a preliminary hearing
A custody hearing has been set
April 5 to determine if the coun· ty. which has temporary custody
of the boy, should continue to
care for him.
If convicted, the Hagermans
face manmum sentences of one
year in jail and a $2,SOO nne.
.luvenUe det~tlve Ben Muci
said that wben o.tticera found the
boy, his body was covered with
numerous sores. Otherwise, he said, the boy apparently was in
good physical condition. J le was
"in good spirits" Tuesday, Muci
Muci said he went to the
Hagerman home Friday night
aft~r bemg told about the boy's
condition by an acquaintance oC
the family.
When he entered th«.' home,
Mut·i said he noticed the stench
of human waste and heard
scratching and banging on a ··
door. He returned with a search
warrant <ind other officers as
witnesses, and. found the boy
Jocked away.
Police said the boy's parents
adrtfitted keeping him locked in
a seven by eight-foot room of(
and on for three or four years.
Hagerman, 45, reportedly told
·officers he was glad that the
situation had been discovered.
$225 Mi11ion GroSsed
lroine Company Revenue Up (JO Percent
Of ti• O•llY ,.119' Sl•lf
Irvine Company officials re·
ported today that the land com·
pany is expected to gross $225
million in its first year under
new management.
That revenue figure, whi c·h is
up 60 percent over lbe previous
} ear, is the result of increased
prices of land. company
spokesman Martin Brower said.
Accord.mg to Brower, the com·
pany·~ land sales have been
"very close" to the acreage an·
t1cipated for sale under the
former management
·'The basic reason revenues
arc up so dramatically is that
the market has been strong,
especially in the industrial area,
and prices have gone up."
Since the co mpany's takeover
• hy new management last July
there has been little djscussion
of its financial status.
However, in an interview with
The Associated Press, company
President Peter Kre mer re·
leased the gross earnings
figures. He said the first year's
earnings under the new manage-
ment would be enough to repay
all but $50 million of the $240
million loan used to buy the
company last summer.
Kremer's statement did not in·
elude reference to the $100
million long-term loan the com-
pany arranged with the Pruden-
tial Insurance Company this
fall. That loa~, whicl was used
to retire a pottion of the short·
term $240 milli<Sn loan used in
buying the company, is secured
by about 4,500 of the company's
ground leases.
Kremer went on to say the
record performance was ac·
complished without selling o((
any income properties or raw
land -two things predicted
when the new owners paid $337 4
million ror the company.
Brower explained today that
Kremer's remark 1did not in·
elude two major sales recently
announced by the company -
the 120,000-acre i''lying D Ranch
in Montana and the 30.2 acres in
the industrial complex.
The company made about $15
million on the sale or the cattle
ranch to Texas rancher Robert
Shelton late last year.
The industrial sale to the
Canadian-based Daon Corp. was
announced Friday. The com-
pany reported the sale of ready·
to-develop parcels near the San
Diego Freeway and Jamboree
Road for $.5.8 million, "one of
the largest (sales) in the history
of the Irvine Company," acco~
ing to Brower.
He said today that neither lh!?'
Flying l> nor the industrial com·
Boy's 'Joke'
To Teacher
Brings Ban
year-old fifth grader at Park
Dale Lane School has been SUS·
pended over an off-the-cure joke
about his teacher and con·
troversial Jarvis-Gann property
tax initiative.
Eric Meister asked County
Supervisor Lee Taylor during a
question-and-answer period on a.
field trip to the supervisors• of-
fices Tuesday if his teacher,
Debra A. Nolan, would be fired
if the initiative passes June 6.
Taylor t.wice said he didn't
.. Dam it." replied Eric. im·
plying joklnaly that he wished
ahe woaldbefired. • •
The teacher took oCteose at the
remark. howevcu-. and told Prin·
clpal Jamu L. O'Oonnell that
she h•d beer\ hurt and em-barrused.
.. , wao Jokinc." said an
•polo otlc Ede.
But. it waan•t ap.olofetic
ttOQlh and O'Connell lowered Ute boom and ban.ned Erle from
acbool for th rest ot \be week.
... think three d•Y•' SUI·
pen11011 for. thla . 11 a Utt.to
eve re," Pld Krs. Mettler. ••
!'aylor HYI be d dn't hear
Eric'• lmt reai.ark but sald it.
.eoWlded Uk• u w a.ll a jQ to
film . Tho teacher couldn't. be ieachodforcomm t. · .
plcx land was considered in·
come property or raw land.
''Our results in this first year
have been far beyond even our
wildest expectations," Kremer
told The Associated Press. "It
has shown beyond any doubt
that the financing, even with a •
$240 million, nine-bank term
loan, wru> not onJy well advised
but was a very proper and very
appropnate financing fOt" this
E'roJ1t Page Al
dieted on murder charges after
the grand jury was told that they
were lt.nked to a murder plot
that led to the shooting or Bovan
outside a Newport Beach
resta urant Oct. 22. the day
he fore Kullk 's arrest on drug
The Bovan killing brought into
public view what police claim
was a multimillion dollar drug
• smuggling ring which concealed
revenues in the assets or out-
wardly respectable business
firms in Orange County.
ll is alleged that Kulik and
other principals in Prasadam
Distributing Inc. hired three
men to dispose or Bovan.
Jerry Peter Fiori, 41, of Hunt·
ington Beach races the death
penalty for his alleged slaying o{
Pohce claim that be is the
man who pumped nine shots into
Bovan during a confrontation
outside the El Rancbito
restaurant Newport Beach.
. Defense attorney Philip
DeMassa argued for Kulik Tues-
day that his client's arrest was
illegal because it was based on
the evidence obtained inside the
car and police had no warrant
Justifying the search.
Other motions scheduled for
arguing before Judge Kneeland
include demands for chanaes or
venue, separate trials for
several defendants, dismissal of
charges and suppression o(
All Not Gold.
That Glitters?
AKRON, Ohio (P) -
lll'oring a neat bos pre-
pared f01' her, GotdJe the
&olden ngle has laJd an
egg on the IP"Ound •t the
Akron <lilldren's 1.oo and
has perched atop it.
Zoo director Mike 1anis said Tuesdat It. will be a
mooth betoro omcl~ can
determine whether tbe
J11bt bro•n •as with
chestnut mart1n11 11 fertile •
He added t.hlt tho 100 ta rt had not not.Iced any
outward •t-of art Uon
b lwe o Goldie and the
100 'I SUI.le 10ld4".n t a1Je.
Gold e, 21, has laid eua
before, but. non ha.• t>Hn • r~rtue.
. -"'f
Orange £oast
Today's Cl~ing
N.Y. Stoeks
o.111 ...... ~ lry Ille ... ,.. IC~
It Was Up, Up and Away and Into the Bay Early Today
Wheels Dive
Tiro Held/or Newport Swim
Two Newport Beach men went to jail after going for a swim
bear the Cannery restaurant.
early today.
Harbor Patrolmen explained
that Robert Pagel and John
Quigg, both 20 and both of 120~
23rd St.. ran into trouble when ~they went for a dip with their
car. Patrolmen Bob Singer and f Ron Thompson said they were
checking the docks at about I
a.m. m the Rhine Channel near
the r estaurant when they spotted
Pagel's 1968 Chevy accelerating
in the parking lot.
The said it was accelerating
backwards, straight for the bay.
When the car er.abed ~h
the parking lot guard ra11.
bounced off the adjacent dock
. and landed upright in the water,
Singer and 'Ibpmpson were on the
spol and assuted Pagel and Quigg
from thevetticle. The car sank and the two men
were handed over lo police who
booked Pagel on suspicion of
drunken driving and his
passenger on suspicion of being
drunk in public.
Most, NB Candidates
Back CM on Freeway
Moat candidates for the
Newport Beach City Council
said Tuesday that, if elected,
they would work with the City of
Costa Mesa to seek completion
ot tbe Co6ta Mesa Freeway.
No candidate opposed the
freeway, but several didn't com·
ment when the question was
raised at a candidates' forum at
Newport Height.! School.
.. The real traffic problem isn't
in Newport Beach, it's in Costa
Mesa and the freeway," said
Course Buy
Costa Mesa City Manager
Fred Sorsabal was in Saeramen·
to Tuesday lo lay the
groundwork for the p<>tenlial ci·
ty purchase of the Costa Mesa
Golf and Country Club.
The city currently leases the
23'4·acre course behind Fairview
State Hospital from the state.
but Sorsabal today noted that
the lease expires in 1986.
The land is worth as high as
$24 million, and the way the
lease agreement is drawn up,
there could be open bidding on
the acreage when the lease ex-
Sorsabal said Assemblyman
Dennis Mqers, D-Jtuntlngton
Beaeb, baa 1ubm1Ued a resolu·
lion to the state Jeg(sJature that,
in essence, would give the city a
first option on buying the goU
course at a reduced price.
Approval of Mangers' resolu·
lion could mean the city would
have first crack at buying the
golf course for about $12 million
when the lease expires, Sorsabal
explained, adding that the price
tag is not firm.
<See GOLF. Page A2)
8111 von Esch, a candidate an
Newport's First Counctlmamc
Jackie Heather, city Planning
Commission chairman who is
running in District 4, said she
has been meeting with some
representatives of Costa Mesa's
city government and they are
seeking i.>,000 signatures on a
finish the freeway, Mrs. Heather
said. The freeway currently
ends in the northern part of the
city at Mesa Drive, pouring traf-
fic onto Newport Boulevard.
About 3>,000 signatures have
been collected so far on the peti-
tion to urge state oCCicials to
Lucille Kuehn, District 6, the
only incumbent in the campaign.
said she also would like to see
Newport Beach and Costa Mesa
work together on their
paramedic and police helicopter
programs to cut costs and im-
prove quality.
Also speaking in favor of in-
Golden 'Gafe'
CIWmber Jabs lroine Council
The Irvine City Council has won an unusual award re-
lated to its approval earlier this month of the Northwood
Plaza commercial center.
THE NEWPORT Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce
has bestowed upon the council its Golden Gafe (Go Away
Free Enterprise) award. ·
Chamber President Rudy Baron said the Irvine Coun·
cil was cited as tbe single organization in the
Newport/Irvine area least supportive of free enterprise.
The council is the first recipient of the honor.
IN A PRE~ release, Baron said the chamber was
irked because, while the Irvine Council approved the
center March 15, it stipulated that no food operation be in·
eluded, and placed a 10 p.m. curfew on the center.
"Nowhere else in the city is a center as severely
restricted as to uses or time of operation," be said.
Irvine City Council members could not be reached this
mornin& in regard to possible acceptance speeches.
Potential School
Cutbacks Outlined
. .,
Sharp reductions in summer Likewise, the district would
have lo tighten its belt when it
comes to the adult education
program that operates on about
tercity cooperation were Hap
Byers, Don Strauss and Joh.a
Tucker of District l • and Mike
Gering and Frank Ivens of Dis-
trict 3.
Traffic problems were also ad--
dressed by Evel.)ID Hart of Dis--
tri ct 3, who said that .. One
man's profit beeomes 81Wher
man's penalty:• Qd by Peg
Forgit of District 1, who pointed
out that all Di$ict 1 candidates
live within halC a mile of each
other yet drive separately to
candidate forums.
NB Group
Seeks Vote
On Growth
Of •o.lly NII SUH
Ao initiative measure that
would tie future development in
Newport Beach to improve-
ments in the city's traffic
system was wiveiled Tuesday.
Its authors said they want the
measure oo a special fall ballot.
The so-called traffic phasing
ordinance was discussed during
a noon·hour press conference at
city hall by leaders of the Legal
Environmental Analysis F\md
LEAF organizer Jean W.att
said member9 of ber group will
begin circulaUnC petitiOQ.S AJiril
14. Their goal is 6,000 si&natmes
needed to quallfY the Uleasunt
!or a special election In Sep. •
tember or October .
LEAF. according to Mrs.
Watt. is made up of about 100
N .se.dl res~. Most
ot Ute ~berl di bother
organmtiou 1be h••d•, Stop
. Pollutlnl Our Newport ($PON>. llrs.\Vattadded.
LEAF members Dan Emory,
Calvin McLaughlin, Ed Siebel
and Mrs. Watt said the measure
$225 Million Gross?
·school and adult education pro·
grams may be in store for the
Newport-Mesa Unified School District if the Jarvis-Gann
.Property tax initiative passes,
district Superintendent John
'Nicoll Lold school trustees Tues·
day. ·
Nicoll also predicted cutbacks
in personnel and the elimination
of school facilities currently
available for recreation pro-
<See CUTS, Page A?) · (SeeTRAFFIC, Pafe A%>
Irvine Company Revenue Up {J() Percent
Irvine Company officials re-
ported today that the land com·
pany is expected to gross $225
million in its first year under
new management.
That revenue figure, which is.
up 60 percent over the previous
year •. is the result or increased
prices of land, company
apokuman Martin Brower said.
According to Brower, the com-
P.any's land sales have been
'yery close" to the acreage an-
ticipated for sale under the
!ormer management.
"The basic reason revenues
are up so dramatically is that
the market has been strong,
~specially in the industrial area,
and prices bave gone up."
Since the company's takeover
Mostly cloudy tonight'.
and Thursday with in-
c re as Ing chance of
showert by late tonight..
Forty percent chance of
showers Thursday. Lows
tonigbt in the ~. Highs
'l'bursday in tho 60I. ·
~ ci>Jumn1d SJIJvicz
PtnUr •• Cl loo.\ at /urrn
ilnu and lro1D they alf~t
~ * ~lrJI bllb. A Nttn ltcrtt
UifilloaPapt IJT*
by new management last July
there has been little discussion
of it.a financial status.
However, in an interview with
The Associated Press, company
President Peter Kremer re-
leased the gross earnings
figures. He said the first year's
earnings under the new manage·
ment would be enough to repay
all but $60 million or the $240
milJlon loan used to buy the
company lrust summer.
Kremer's statement did not ln·
elude reference to the $100
million long.term loan the com-
pany arranged with the Pruden·
tial Insurance Company this
fall. That loan, which was used
to retire a portion of the short-
term $240 million loan used in
buy mg the company, is secured
i>y about 4,500 o( the company's
.ground leases.
Kremer went on to say the
record performance was ac·
compllabed without seJllng oft
any Income propertiu or raw
lend -two thlbgl predict~d
when the new owners paid $317.4
miWoa Jor the company.
Brower explained today that
Kremer.,s remark did not jn ..
elude two major sales recently
r.nnounced by the company -
the 120,000-aere 1'1ying D Ranch
in Montana and the 30.2 acres in
the industrial complex.
The company made a bout $15
million on the sale of the cattle
decomposed bOdies fo\llld out·
side Bltsto• bllve been Jelen·
tified as a Canoaa Park brother
and 5iaier who disappeared
while bitchhlkinc home Crom
Las Veiiu authorities aay.
Tha vicums were Identified by
l.he San 8ernardlao Couql.y
Sheriff'• depaitment Tuetday at
.Jac:cjueU•. B~,.r, 11. and ,berp~ lQlf 17.
l .
ranch to Texas rancher Robert
Shelton late last year.
The industrial sa}e .. to the
Canadian·based Daon Corp. was
announced Friday. The com-
pany reported the sale of ready-
to·develop parcels near the San
Diego Freeway and Jamboree
Road (or $.5.8 million, "one of
the largest (sales) in the history
o( the Irvine Company.'' accord-
ing to Brower.
He said today that neither the
Flying D nor the industrial com·
plex land was considered in·
come property or raw land.
"Our results in this firsl year
have been far beyond even our
wildest expectations," Kremer
told The Associated Press. "It
bas shown beyond any doubt
that lhe financing, even wilb a
$240 million, nine·bank term
Joan. wu not only well advised
but wu a very proper and very
appropriate financing for this·
company ...
••We may have to get out of
the civic center business and not.
have our facilities available
after school and on weekends,"
Nicoll said today.
He said he was not "propagan-
dizing" against Jarvis, "but
operating under the belief it will
The district currently bas
$545,000 in its budget for opera~
tion of the summer school pro·
gram that serves about. 10,000
students each summer.
Nlcoll said summer school
programs are not. mandatory
and said the programs for
elementary and middle schools
"may be eliminated."
He said the district will con-
duct a study to determine how
many ttigh school students re-
quire summer school units for
Reductions in summer school
for bieb school students would
come only after cutbacks in the
lower grades. said Nicoll.
~ .. * * *
Newport Survey
Chamber Majority
Favors Jarvis Plan
A majority of businessmen
who responded to a Newport
Harbor Area O>amber of Com-
merce survey ••Y they 9'lll vote tor the Jarvia-OUUl property tax
llmltatlcm tnitlattve.
Complete resUlt.a of tbe survey
have not been tabulated, but
chamber Executive Director
Dan Rosen said today l.hat
rnore than 60 percent of the
respondent.a saJd they ate In
favor ol Prop. 13.
Rof•r• '•ld 1,$00 survey1 waro aent. to chamber membef'9
and lbat tnoro than 300 haYO
been murnN ln lb pall ''° •.. .. ,.:., no taneJ, wblcb;,~?'!~
que&tlons about the chamber•s
stand on a variety of local is-
1uea1 WJS. made u part of a re-
1s1essmt1Dt ot chamber poUcles,
Roten explained.
He aald the result• showed
sll'ong membenbip backlq cl
the chamber posiUon in opPoel·
lion to a buildlng moratorium
and tor construction of roads in
tbe Harbor Area. He said lt also
backed the chamber poslUon
against expansion ot Oranlfe
County, Airport.
llO'latd the qu Uoa. on Jama
•. WH Included to aid cbatnber
dl.rect.on In decldlDJ wbothe.t to
.~all•ta:·.J>O'lUo• on tll1e con-~.awe blllo& mauure.
Soanad of 1'.iudc
.Junior Hlll 23. a Laguna Beach irnprovisatlonal musJclan,
plays his lrumpet lo the accompaniment of a port~
FM radio in a South L guna l"1'1Jel. The musician ll the resonance of hl$ notes bouncing oU tbe cement walls
or the tunnel. It p d W>der South Coa,,t Hl&hWa1 to
Aliso Beocb. JuDlor'a not botherill& Ute nel&hbotsii eltbCt.., ~
I •
M DAJLY.-.LOT e Wedn!'"X, Marctt_21. 'm
.. .
~ ... Carter in B~azil . ... ..
&nunon Interests Strressed
President Carter was ereeted
bent today by President Ernesto
Ge1ae1 en tbe aecond stop of his four-natton tour. and stressed
common interests between Brazil
Gild the United States.
Hu opentng remarks men•
tloned human riabta and nuclear
llonprolif eraUon, two touchy
subjecta between the United
State& and Brull's mll.ltary gov-
ernment. Controversies over
Brazil's human rights policies
and its move toward nuclear
power have chilled relations re.
cenU, between the two lon&·
time allies.
Carter said the ••worldwide
struggle to advance the cause of
human freedom and the rule of
Jaw•• will succeed "only when
we ••• speak to each other
frankl$ and with understand· •nc ...
Carter said both nations
believe the peaceful use of
etomtc energy .. ls not incom·
pat.ible with the need to prevent
nuclear proll!eraUon."
He arrived in warm, muggy
weather at ceremonies attended
by a handful of dignitaries and•
guarded by tight aecurity. He
will a pend about 20 houn beN •
before going to Rio de Janeiro
for a rest, then on to Africa.
Earlier, ln Caraca1,
Venezuela. Carter uraed poor
countries to join rich industrial
nations in a five-step drive to
fight inflation, create jobs and
.raise living atandarda because
rich naUona ••cannot by
tbemselvea bring about world
economic recovery.
.. We need to s hare a
responsibility for solVtOg proo-
Jems -not to divide the blame
for ignoring them, .. Carter
declared in a major address to
Venezuela's national conaresa on
the second day of bis week-long
tour of Latin America and.
•·Only by acting together can
we expand trade and investment
in order to create more jobs, to
curb inflation a nd raise the
standard of living of our
peoples," the president said.
"The industrial nations share the
same problems and cannot by
themselves bring about world
economic recovery.'· Carter urged rich and poor na·
lions to take these steps
together :
-Increase the flow of capital
Penalty Plea
: Solon Cites Jesus' Death
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP> -A state senator who sup-
ports the death penalty has told a church group that
Christianity would not exist if ··Jesus got eight to 15
years, with time off for good behavior."
Republican J ames Donovan acknowledged Tues-
day that he made the comment in a letter to the
Council of Churches of the Mohwak Valley Area. The
group says it opposes the death penalty as "a matter
of faith."
Copies of Donovan's letter were sent to news or-
ganizations, along with a handwritten n ote saying
"local churches are shocked at Donovan's logic."
The note was not signed.
"There would be no Christianity if it were not for
the death penalty, which gave us the cross and the
resurrection," Donovan wrote.
Donovan said most of his two-page letter was de-
voted to other arguments for the death penalty -
that it may serve as a deterrent t o crime and as
punishment for criminals who cannot be rehabilitat·
tf developlnf natlou.
-Build a more open aystell\
of world trade.
-Moderate dJ.srvpUve Price .movements ha ba1lc com•
modi ties.
-Conaerve and de'Hlop
-Strenathen the
technological buo in the poorer
In addition, Carter said be WU
proposing "a U.S. foundation for
technological collaboration."
Beyond pledgtna that "we 1n
the United States wtll do our
part," Carter did not elaborate.
But he noted that be bas asked
Congress to increase ecooomlc
assistance funds by 28 percent
and that hla administration is
prepared to increase American
cootributioos to the Intema·
tional Maoetary ,Fund.
Prnldent carter In VenezUtta, U119~ World Effort to Fight Inflation
Appeal of Dismissais Planned
Case A.gaimt D~drich, Anthony 'Won't Go .Auny'
By GARY GRANVILLE evidence and t.eatimony during file an lnfonnaUon and reinstate General had decided to appea1
OflMDeHy,........, the elgbt·montb lnvesUgat1on the charges,. the Deputy At-Judge Schwab's rulinf.
A judge's dismissal of Indict-leading to the July 1. 1911, in· torney~said. Anthony predicted last week
Jn en ts that charged Orange dictments. At least temporarily cleared there would be further actloa 00 County Supervisors Philip An-According to his interpretation by the charges were Anthony the charges 1odged &aainst lJ.lm
thony, Ralph Diedrich and their of the law it is necessary for at Anaheim City Councilmai:. and, like Diedrich. Insisted bo
co·defendants with violations or least 12 Jurors to vote an lnc:Uct-William Kott and former finan. was innocent.
state pollUcal campaien regula-ment and to have beard all the cier Gene Conrad. Whatever way the appeal
U.ons will be appealed to a testimony leading to the fi.lini of Cleared of all but Ol)e charge goes, Diedrich's troubles area
higher court. charges. was Diedrich. over.
That was the word out of San ''We diaatree with that ~ Initially those four alona with Along with An.ah tm arddteet
Diego today., deputy Attorn:er clusion," Jeffrey said: Fullerto~ attorney Michael Leroy Rose, be wue named ma
General Jeffrey Joseph aaid, He ariue<l that evidence and· Remington and Calabasas indictment banded dowu Dec.15
"This case isn't going to go tesUmOQY taken into conaidera-jeweler Martin Klrsbner were that charges him and Rose wltb
away that easy." tion by the grand Jury before cha.reed With multiple violations compli .... · alle eel ,....,._ It appeared that easy for de-February 1977, "was not related ot slate poliUcal campalp reg• scbem~...,. lD an I __ ,
fendants remaining ln the case to the charges. ulations. Joseph said the notice of ap.
when Superior Court Judge Jeffrey al.so noted that Schwab 'l'he charges dealt mlllllJy Wltll peal will be filed in Superior Phi~ip Schwab dismissed all but bad ~ommented in hi~ decision attempts to disguise the true Court this week.
a sm~le. charge contained in tbat,,thechargesarentaround-sourceoffun~filteredintoAn· H e said as soon as the.
three indictments. less. thony and Knott campaigns in tran~cripts of the hearing lead· Judge Schwab based his cfu· "W~ therefore reel we have no 1976. ing to Judge Schwab's dismissal
missal o~ the fact that only eight alt!rnative but to ar/~eal the de· Today. Diedrich said he was decision are prepared the cue
J(rand Juro~s he_ard al.I ~he ciuo11 and. if that Bila, we will not surprised the Attorney will be taken to an appellate
Kulik Lawyers Protest
that led to the shoollne or Bovan-
outs l de a Newport Beach
restaurant Oct. 22, the day
bewre Kullk's arreat on drug
Jerry Peter Fiori, 41, or Hunt·
ington Beach faces the death
penalty for his alleged slaying or
court, probably the Fourth Dis·
trict Court of Appeal, San
CUTS ••• ·
$200,000 per year.
'TRAfFIC'~;;;;. • •
Lawyers for murder trial de-
fendant Alexander Kulik con·
tinued today to protest police ac-
tions during a drug arrest that,
they claim, led to his being
hnked to the killing of Stephen
John Bovan of Fountain Valfey.
They told Judge Robert P.
Kneeland Tuesday during
Orange County Superior Court
pretrial acUon on the irand Jury 's murder indictment of
The Bovan Jdlllne brought into
public view what police claim
was a multimillioo dollar drug
smugclln& riDI which concealed
reveQues in the useta of out·
Jiardly respectable buaineas
firms in Orange County.
Pollce claim that be is the
man who pumped Dine shots into
Eovan during a confrontation
outside the El Ranchito
restaurant Newport Beach.
Defense attorney Philip
DeMassa argued for Kulik Tues· day that his client's arrest was
'illegal because it was based on
the evidence obtained inside the
car and police had no warrant
justifying the search.
Passage of ProposiUon 13 m
the s tatewide ballot in Jane
would wipe out the district's
Community Service Tax. a six·
cent fee Lacked on the regular
school tax.
This lax raises about $800.000
annually tc:> provide school
f Pcilities for Coastline Com·
munity College and city recrea·
lion programs in Newport Beadl
and Costa Mesa.
will not come to a vote until
a fter the current analysis of the
city's general plan Is completed.
LEAF members, who have
sought a decrease in the amount
of future building allowed in the
city, have been pushing for a
building moratorium until the
city's traffic problems could be
Their requests have been
turned down by city councilmen
who instead have launched the
general plan review.
That review. still in progress.
so far has produced a pledfe of a
20 percent reduction 1n uture
residential building from the
Irvine Co •• the city's largest lan-
downer'--• Asked lf LEAF members were
saUafled with that reduction,
Mrs. Watt noted .. there's no way
to know ;r__et lf the 20 J>ercent is
enoaitt. Tbe point of the ordi· .YD~ ii to put Mure buildin~
Snto relationship with the roads.••
Accordini to a summary pre-
pared by Emory, the ordinance
would apply only to projects of
more than 10 residential units
and commercial and industrial
projecta ot more than 10,000
square feet.
.Building permits for projects
larser than that could only be is· isued under three circumstances:
-Jf tbe project'• traftlc Im·
pad fl 1eu thap oae .,Peft_eat on
a street witb an lllreadJ m-
satisfactory level or service.
-If the project's traffic im-
pact will not create an un-
satisfactory level of service on
the city's four and s ix-lane
-If the project's benems or
traffic mitigation measures are
sufficient to gather s ix out or
s even favorable votes from both
the Planning Commission and the City Council.
The unsatisfactory level or
service, as defined by the ln-
iti a ti ve, is 90 percent of a
primary (four lanes divided) or
major ·csix lanes divided)
highway's capacity.
The authority for detennlnlng
when a road is at the un.saUsfac·
tory level would be left with the
city traffic enJti,neer.
The LEAF members said they
consider the ordinance flexible
and Mrs. Watt pointed out that if
the current aeneral plan review·
produces the density reductto~
and phasing of development she
thinks are needed, "then the in-
itiative won't pass."
Boy's 'Joke'
To Teacher
Jtr.ii!8• Ban
ENCINITAS (AP) -A 10. year-old (lfth 1ttder at Park
Dale Lane School bu been am-
pended over an off-the.cuU Joke
about llU teacher and con·
ttd.en.tal Jirvll.Gann property
tax lnitlatlve.
Eric Mellter aaked Coa:nty
SQPervllor Lee TaJlor dw:lq a questiOiw.nd-answer period ai a
field trip to tbe 1uptniilors• ~·
'ffcea Tueada1 if bl1 teacher.
Debra A. Nolan. "°1d be ft.red U tbe bdtlatlft paaaes June&..
TQlor twice aald he c1ldn"t b»W ..
uoarn n," iil>lltd Brl:t~ pl.j'lD.p · JokiDldy l.bat he
ab9 wOuld bi llNcL
Tbe .Cher took Olfome It the
remark,~. ud tolcl PriA-
ctpal Jamee ~ O'Connell that
1he had been hurt aad e1n-
barr1ssed. .. I ._., jottni ... ••tel an
apoloaetic Eric.
But lt waan_•t apolo1ettc
enoqh and O'CClanell lowered
tbe booDi D4 bailned Ertc from
achool fott r.t of the
.. l thlnlt tbree ctar1' •us·
penalon for till• I• • little
AYCl'et" u1d 1111. llelJler.
Kulik and six co-defendants that
evidence taken by police during
his drug arrest was illegally ob-
Kulik, 28, or Linda Isle,
Newport Beach, was found
s leeping in a vintage Stutz
Blackhawk that he parked in the
parking lot of a Mission Viejo
shopping center Oct. 23.
Defense lawyers claim that
the search, which allegedly pro·
duced a quantity of "Cb1na
white" heroin valued by sheriff's officers al more than $1
million was illegal in the sense
that lt sparked Kullk's prosecu-
tion on the Bovan charges.
It was asserted during the
hearing Tuesday that other de-
fendants may have been prej·
udiced by the evidence obtained
l.rorn Kullk's car. •
All seven defendants were i,n.
dieted on murder charleG after
the arand jury was told that they
were linked to a murder plot
Kredell, Weir
Win Ekction
In Seal, Beach
Incumbent Seal Beach City
Councilmen Ronald Kredetl and
Proctor Weir were ~ to
four-year tenm in cltr electlou
Mayor Tom Blaabnan tecl lala .
opponents ln Distrtct 'lbree but
faces a May 9 runotr election
because.be failed to win SO per-
cent of the votes cast.
The results are:
It is alleged that Kulik and
other principala in Praaadam
, Distrlbutlng Inc. hired three
men t-0 dispose or Bovan.
Nicoll said there would be no
immediate c utbacks in district
personnel if the initiative,
passes. But be said the district
would be "gearing up for major
changes" when staffing require·
ments are considered next
District officials say about 60
County Water District, said a teachers will lose their jobs at
Reservoir Cleaning
Clouds Mesa Water
Murky tap water that drew·
two complaints from Costa Mesa
·consumen Tuesday was caused
by the shutdown of the San
Joaquin Reservoir for cleaning,
Karl Kemp. asalatant general
mana1er. for the Costa Mesa
OCC LECTUllE -.. Wbat•s
New In }\lutritlon," Student
Center, 7 :30 p.m.
.. VOLPONE" -South Coast
Repertory Theate~1 Tuesday•
&mda1 tbrou&h Apru 23, 8 p.m.
OCC LBCTURES-••Encoun• ten with Nature," Sctmce Lee·
tut'e 2, 2:39 p.m .... CruiaJ..ng:•
Fine Arts 119, 7:30 p.m.
temporary reverse flow was the end of t~i ~ school year
created Tuesday morning as the· because o! declining enrollm~ distric~ switched to other pipe but those JOb losses have nothing
lines. • to do with the Jarvis.Gann in-
This caused complaints from iliative.
two consumers on Newport
Boulevard when brackish waler
began flowing from taps.
Kemp said the reverse flo~
was related to the pipeline structure in this area. and that
the brownish water posed no
health hazard of any kind.
The now from the reservoir is
still cut off and Kemp said there
is potential for other reports of
murky water.
The reverse now Tuesday last-
ed only a few hours and was cleared up ahortlv after noon .
39 Jobe Slashed
SACRAMENTO (AP> -An Assembl,y Ways and Means sutr
committee bas trimmed 39 atall
positions from GQv. Edmund
Brown Jr.'s fiscal 1978-79 re.
que-st fbr the Amcuhura.l Labor
Re.l&ttODI Board.
Six Treated
For Bad Pot
SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -At least six men in Northern
California have been treated for
symptoms of Paraquat poison·
ing caused by s moking Mexican
mariJuana <'ontaminated with
hcrb1c1dcs. health oCCicials re-1
•·we may never be absolutely
certain their ailments were
caused by a herbicide in the
marijuana, but it is certainly
cause Cor worry and concern,'•
Dr. Mervyn Silverman, city
health director, said Tuesc:lay.
His orrice was wortin1 with the Haight-Asbbury clllllc.
where three men showed up with
symptoms ol possible Paraquat
RonJ!d Kndell, 118 ri.J. Ho~~ton. 216 ~ ~
'.Just a Box of Bones'
lA Mmeum w Use Bubbks for Research Tom Bladmu. S!4
Kent Seit&. 365
Gordon Sllankt, 3.f.O
Prod« Weir, 512
Lester M&rlhal.l. 383 TwentJ-Mftll pereellt of U.
clty•e u,130 re&iltered YOtera
turned auL Mmild.P&I electiaDa
are aet tar the lut·~ ID
1a1ardl by ell.)'~-
r...tP ... AJ
GOLF •••
Corte. aod we needed a 1peclmen
of a hippopotamus, so I felt that
using her was better than letting
her rot or going to Africa and
killlaa another blppo." Smith
aald. .
Bubbles died after 'abo lum·
bend eut d a popd WMN lhe
had tann ~ for lt ~
followlnl her lllC'llP9 and wu
abot by traDiqWllser d.arta. Sbo fell ln a pot.lUon which led to suf-
f ocaUon.
Meanwhile, by a nearly i.to-t :i
vote, tbe student. at Van NQYS
Junior Hl&h Sebool Indicated
they woulcf ratber have a bone
thu a b;l.Ppopotam u lbeSr
Setaool ~ lllta IAYtne
aaid tbe du~ betel an elec·
Uon lo decide to cbuao
the school nickname fro1D
Mus tangs to Bubbles.
But there were only 289fttelfaft
Bubbles, while Mustanp re--
ceived 448. said Miss~ add-
lng only about halt the lt1Mknt
bodfvoted. The results were much elmerln
an election aboutlwoweeb qioto
have the name of the aehool
chanaed to BubblH Junior IUJh
School -the blppo lost by Juatftw
votes. · .,
But even lf Bubbles had won.
tbe election would have Men .
moot because ()( a Los Anpm
city school board nl\llat.lon.
"Th 11 a Board of Jtdueatloft rule tb t •aJS a acbool
ellber be named after.. eom-
munlty « a promtneor ..-
who ls doceasoa. •• tbe ~
.. id.
f. PrrrsBURQH CAP) -U.S.
Steel, the nat.lon'• lar1eat at.eel
ltroducer, announced today a
$10.50 per tan price increase on
tta bulc product lines to ~ver
the coat ~ the new eott coal con-
The Increase, eff ectlve with
Aprll l lhlpments, Will boost rev· · enue. 2.2 percent, but tbe effect
OD ia41Yldual productl will vary
1aceordlnc to tbe1r b&le price, the
eompan,y uJcL
Stieet steels, structural
shapes, plates, tin plate and tube
products were amon1 products
affected by the announcement, a
spokesman said.
The price hike would be the
,second lhls year for some impor-
tant products, including bot and
cold rolled sheets widely used in
tbe auto and appliance in·
Steelmakers announced in·
creases on sheets, structural
shapes and tin mill products,
averaging 5.5 percent in
December. The increases took
effect in February and March.
' "Coal 1s a primary source for
much or the energy required in
the melting, forming and
finishing of s teel m1llproduct.s,"
U.S. Steel, a lcacting coal pro·
ducer, said. "The hlgher costs
. now being encountered apply to
'both the company's own
'')lroduced and purchased coal
and also other forms of energy.''
All U.S. Steel's coal mines are
·operated by members of the
United Mine Workers union. who
voted Friday to accept a con-·
'tract and end the nation's
longest soft coal strike.
The contract increased
miners' wages by $2.40 an hour
over three years. Miners re-
ceived an avera~e of $7.80 an
'hour "'hen they walked out Dec.
I 6
! U S. Steel has announced 1t
·will report a first quarter loss as
a result of the coal strike. ll said
I it was forced to incur abnormal·
costs to minimize production
cuts and layoffs.
In Washington, officials of the
Council on Wage and Price
'~1Slability, the government's in-(~flation-monitoring agency,
declined to comment im·
m~1ately on the price rise.
Nelson Named
To Top Post
ln Probation
Nancy Nelson, chief deputy
Orange County probation of·
ficer, was named as interim
chief probation officer by
supervisors Tuesday.
' Miss Nelson 1s Lo serve in the
Probation Department's top job
for the next 11 months to replace
.Margaret Grier, who was select·
· ed last week as interim direct.or
• of the county Human Services
. Miss Nelson is to r eceive a
$36,816 annual salary in her new
Al the end or 11 months both
l\1 iss Nelson and .Miss Grier
have the riJlht lo resume their
former positions.
Burbank Joins
Burbank City Council has voted
to Join Glendale and Pasadena
~ in alt.empting to buy Hollywood·
··Burbank Airport from the
Lockheed Corp.
Hitting the Books
.E. B. Smith, a University of Illinois graduate assistant,
carefully carries a new addition to his personal library.
The school's bookstore was selling 23,000 used, outdated.
and leftover textbooks at $10 per armload. Smith's
armload contained 75 books.
Security Tightened
On Nixon Memoirs
Security precautions surround·
ing the printing of Richard Nix-
on's memoirs are "a bit less
than for the atomic bomb, .. says
the book's publisher, who flew
here for a pre-publication meet-
ing with the reclusive ex-
Harold Roth, president of
Grossett & Dunlap, saJd be is de·
termuted that there be no leaks.
''The printer has had ex-
perience dealing with conflden-
ll al material -not only Wllh
books but also with corporate re·
ports," he said. "It's not an
armed camp, but I 'm assured
reasonable precautions are be-
ing taken."
Last month, "The Ends of
Power" by H.R. Haldeman was
leaked before lt could reach the
bookstores, despite precautions
taken by its publisher, Times
Roth emphasized that Nixott
will take no active role in pro-
moting the 1,200-page book titled
"He's not going to go on tour
or go to department stores and
sign autographs," said Roth.
.. He's not going lo do anything
like that."
Roth describes the mood at
the Nixon compound as "really
isolated, out of it, not loo many
people calling.
"The impression I kept getting
was or Napoleon at St. Helena,"
said Roth ... Tb06e who felt he
s hould be punished would be
very pleased."
Altho\Uth careful not to reveal
too much-. the publisher dropped
these tidbits about the secret
-The book, which will sell for
$19.95, runs 500,000 words -half
the original million·word
manuscript submitted by Nixon.
It took one year to edit.
-There are no plaM for a se-
quel because "this book cov~
everything. It goes from his
birth to the time be left the
White House."
-Roughly one-third of the
book is devoted to the Watergate
scandal which drove Nixon from
office, but the author bas no de·
lusions that it will C'hange bis
public image.
"l think he's quite realistic
with regard to his evaluation or
how the book wUl be received,"
said Roth. "He suspects that
those who opposed him be!ore
will retain that position.
"! don't thlnk he ·believes
there's going to be any large
sea le shift ln thinkini about
him," said Roth, who suggested
there would be sot:ne "sur·
prises" in the book. He did pot.
Jn the publishing world, the
whispers are that Grossett and
Dunlap, owned by Fllmways en-
tertainment con1lomerate,
could take a financial loss if the
book !ails to become a best-
seller. It bu been reported that
Nixon was paid as much as $2
million for his s\ory.
Roth dismisses predJction.s of
the book's failure, saying:
"Everyone will want to read it.
:·World Poverty Detailed
\ Notre Dame President Speala in Newport
• QI -Delly ...... ...,.
The acute problems of world ~verty could be wiped out by
the year 2000 by tbe use or
modem sdence and technology,
the pl9fdent of tbe Unlveraily
or Notre Dame said Tuesday in
Newport Beach.
The Hev Theodore M
Hesburgh, who will head the
U.S. delegation to the 1979 Unit·
ed Nations Conference on
Science and Tecbnoloay for
·oevelopment, said at a press
.,conference that .coal could be·
-reached if two Ullnls were ac-
, One A.a for naUona lite tbe U.S. ·and Rullla to double thelr ex· ~dltunl of $12 1o $15 billion
tannually ln aid to un· ~ dercteveloped nations. ~ Tb• Hcond ls for the .de··
nlqped and undo.eloped na-
suons to ptnpolnt their coals, a ' taak B•burlb uld be hope1 will
~ furthered by the 1979 con·
· Jerenct lD Vienna.
' Th• amHinl thing is that
most of the technoto1Y that
eould wipe out bun1er. disease
and Uliter•CJ wu unknown 25 ·:~ .. o. .aid Ht1bur.b, bo
"YU ~foe • Notn Dame .A&b.iDllt 'aDI> of Oraqe Cou:cty
ttlaDerml U..M~Botel
l JaU.6114of ~ho
...... ~ ..... ,_
Notre Deme'• He1burgh
cited the so-called Green
Revolution, which bas aeen the
developl!leol of new 1tra.iDI ol
rice and other: crops that yteld
much sruwr barn1ta than.
ea.rUer ltrainl.
lllitency. wblcb H••but'ah . .
said "is like being blind," could
be eliminated by the usa of
satellite-broadcast television.
"You could get the best
teacher in the world and have
hJm teach every00d7," be said,·
citing the success of e;11:peri· ·
mepts lo remote India villages.
Only four or five languages need
be used to reach most of the
world's populatl011, he said.
ln the area or medicine ,
llesburgh said, he believes we
need to focus on about six
tropicaJ diseases that have been
gl ven low research priority
because they don't affect most
developed natJons.
lrrl1aUon, wblcb He.burgh
11aJd can be achieved throuab modern eqineerillg, ll alao vttal
to lnc.reasing tbe world'• food
crops, and blrt.h control ls euen--tl a I to cutUni tho population
Heaburah said he believes
more reseatth Into a v a riet:y <11
birth control means ia needed to
assure that there are enough
methods so that no one'• re-
ligious belle(• are offended. lie aald be doeln ., ... tbo area
or blrtb ccmtrol as eontro•eraial
becau.M ho beUoves tta uraut1
11 overwJitlmh:l1.;-~'Yo~ cu•t
ba•• an lnrtnlte 1rotrth ln
populatlm ml adl1 feed ma.'' lleaald.
... --
Wed~. Maren 29. 1978 DAILY PILOT
.ll{mkruptcy F earedr
Waddill Financial ....
Solvency Rebutted
Dr. Wllllam Baxter Waddill's
tesUaiony that be WU flnanclal·
.lY 1olvent aod under oo
econolnic pressure at the Ume
be performed an abortion at
Westminster Community
Hospital was challenged Tues·
day by the proeecuUon in his
murd,er cue.
Deputy District Attorney
Robert Chatterton asked for and
iot penniasion to play a tape re·
cordipg of a telephone conversa-
tion in wtucb Waddill allegedly
told District Attorney Cecil
Hicks that he raced bankruptcy
and was the victim of a swindle.
Chatterton told Ora.nae County
SUperior Court Judge James K.
TUmer that the tape will direct·
ly contradict Waddill's ari\1·
ment that be never mentioned
costly laW11uits because be bad
no such ftnanclal problems.
Waddill told the jury when he
was on the witness stand that he
headed one of the largest
medical practices in Orange
County and was making at least
$400,000 a year.
Chatterton said the tape w111
show that Waddill told Hicks in
February of 1977, that he was
"working myself to death" to re·
pay a $150,000 bank loan and $1.5
lllillion be owed a company iden·
tified u the ChnsUana Corpora·
lion. The prosecutor sald the tape
includes Waddill's statement
that be lost su~tantial sums of
money when unidentified
persons embeuled funds from
the Huni,ingt.on Harbour Beach
Club. Waddill was an investor in
and a member of the club.
It is alleged by the proseeubon
that Waddill, 42, of Huntington
Harbour, strangled a newborn
baby to death in the
Westminster Hospital nursery
on March 2, 1977, after his
earlier attempt to abort the m·
fant failed.
are vital to their case and which
have not been offered to them.
They said evidence in the form
of a letter from Dr. Terrence
Moran, in which the X·ray
speciallat puts the gestational
age of the allegedly murdered
baby at between 26 and 30
weeks. 1a held by Chatterton.
Defense attorney Charles
Weedman angrily told Judge
Turner that Chatterton is guilty
of withholding evidence and that
he will now be compelled to re-
open the defense he planned to
close Tuesday.
Chatterton and defense
Jawyen then became involved ill
a sboutlna match wbJcb leaturecJ
Chatterton declarln• ln towia
crier l<Jnel: "I'm oot 1e>Jng to be
a nuraemald to the defense."
Tbe tncrea1ln1 friction
between Cbatterton and bis two
opponents la obviously disturb-
ln& Judge Turner. .
He described the animosity
Tuesday as "a horrible slate QI
affairs" and uraed au thr~
lawyers lo resolve their dif-
ferences dwin& the final pbue
of the murder triaL
Ford Protesting
Judge Eyes Appeal.
On Pinto Lawsziit
Orange County Superior Court
Judge Leonard Goldstein is
studying arguments lo which
lawyers for the Ford Motor
Company urge the rejection of a
JUry verdict which gave the
rescued occupant of a burning
Ford Pinto $127.8 million in
He toolt the cue under tub-
mission late Tuesday after a clay
long hearing in which Ford at-
torney Richard Doty condemned
the massive award last month
as "a monstrous verdict."
"ll was miscarriage of jU!tice
hE'fore a tainted jury," Doty
.irg ued. "I hate to see siic
months of time and trial wasted
hut time and effort aren 't as im·
portant as justice."
Doty claimed that lawyers fot'
plaintiff Richard Grimshaw, 19.
and the next of kin or a womaJJ
who died in the blazing Pinto
were IUllty of misconduct dur·
inl the trial. Doty aald oppo.&ng lawyers m.
eluded certalD trial testimony as wuea ot fact duriPI their clOSt
in& arcummta even though no
supportinl evidence was pro-
vided by them dwiD.a the trial.
Grlm1haw1 then 13, was
severelY burned over most of h1s
body in l1J72 when a Pinto driven
by Mrs. Li.WebeUe Gray. 52, of
Anaheim, was struck in the rear
on Interstate 15 near Sao
Grimshaw was pulled from
the car. Mrs. Gray died in the
It was successfully alleged
durlnt the trial that faulty
placement ot the Pinto's gas
tank dlredly contributed to the
fire that followed tbe collision.
A pr06eCution witness told the
jury that Waddill diacussed hls
crucial financial situation while
be was sugge,sting ways in wblch
he could dispose of a baby that
he felt might add lo his prob-
Vigorous protests by two de-
fense lawyers failed to budge
Judge Turner from his ruling
that Chatterton bas every right
to play what is expected to be an
edited version or the tape to the
Brown Plans
In Huntington
California Gov. Edmund G.
The next of tin of Mrs. Gr&J'
were awarded $1186,000 in COllt
pensatory damages. They dill J'
not seek the punitive damagqs
successfully demanded by
Gr1mshaw's lawyers. ' ~
jury. ,
Brown Jr. LS scheduled lo testify
Thursday morning in the Hunt·
rngton Beach City Council cbam·
bers before a panel of federal
enerJ(y officials conducting
hearings on oU pricing prob·
Santa Ana attorney Arthur~
Hews, who represented•
Gr1a\shaw, told J~ Goldst.em tha~ the total $1%8.5 million
award was !air and valid.
Judge Turner pointed out to
both defense attorneys that they
introduced the financial element
. into the case and that they can·
not prevent the prosecution Crom
pursuing the issue.
"It's as clear as a bell lo me
that it (the tape) is admissible
and relevant,'• the judge said.
"At the same time, I can't help
but agree that it's damadng to
the defense."
Chatterton said the tape will
further contradict Waddill's
courtroom testimony that he 1s
delivering 74 babies a month al
the Westminster hospital
He said the jury will hear
·waddm complain that he is
sleeping at home only two nights
a month, is simply "treading
water" in. financial terms and 1s
delivering 80 babies a week.
Angry defense lawyers
became even more angry during
a stormy day in court Tuesday
when they learned that Chat·
terton has in his pos11esslon
documents that they claim
The governor 11 scheduled to
speak at 10:25 a.m. at 2000 Main
St., officials in Sacramento said
The U.S. Energy Department
officials originally planned the
California oil pricing bearings to
be held at the Long Beach Con·
vention Center. But the hearings
were relocated due to scheduling
problems, officials in
Washington D.C. said.
Energy department officials
have asked oil producers and re·
frners for comments on a series
of proposals intended to
stimulate production of heavy
c-rude oil in CaliCornia by chang.
mg the federal government's en
tilJemenl program
The entilJemenl program, 1n·
st1tuted after the 1973 Arab oil
embargo. was initially designed
to equalize the cost of petroleum
products to the consumer.
But California oil producers
and refiners have attacked the
program as unfair to them and
Hews said such awards are
necessary H American car
manufacturers are lo be pre·
vented from putting dangerous
prod uct.s oo the market.
Hews and lawyers for the
Gray family argued that there
had been no misconduct or any
kind during the trial and the
jury had reached its verdict on
the basis of fairly presented
The $128 5 million award is
h<'hcH>d to be the largest in his·
Lory in the field or personal in·
Jury .
Body Discovered
body o! a young woman who
police said had been strangled
has been found orr a jogging
t rail 10 Sutro Park here.
Homicide inspectors saJd the Wl·
identified woman was about
f1ve·feet five-inches tall. in her
late teens or early twenties.
&fn ~~ fm, lwr.u!!f
In the mountoiru o/ Idaho
The people of Idaho call their
state the "Gem of the Mountains,"
and for more than one reason.
Jewelers have long known Idaho
•s a source of <>pals. Now comes
the discovery of something new •
precious star opals. The "star"
ideslgnatlon, whether 1t refers to
sapphires or other precious gems,
means that a stone has small
lnbedded crystal Impurities thet
cause tight to be detracted and
scattered In rays that glw the
gem the quality of a shining star.
But, the rHllY unusual thing about
the star opals Just found In Idaho,
Is that they are bellevtd to be the
first opals ever seen that have ttds
.1•star" quality. The transparent
silica oartlcles are packed In a
unique way that causes optical
detrec:tJon never before seen In
opals thus producing the star-t>nght spec:lal effect. PreckM.ls
opals were first discover.a In
Idaho In about 1890. This new
Woman's 14K yellow ot Woman'• 14K yellow oc
white gold textured white go1d textu.red
bracelet watch with 28 bracelet wntch wit.h 6
diamonds on the bezel. 60 diamonds .. '
diamonds on the dial.
M l
J. C fiump~r"14 Jewe/m
. . ·. ... ...
dllCOV'lry of star opels Is anothtr 1823NEWPORTBL.VD.,COSTAMESA _gem ln"bAutlful Idaho's crown. :tTill& lowly state II certainty more CONVENIENT TE RMS S.nkAmtr1c.ard--Masm'CMrve·
"th• Just the ttom• of famous 30YEA~INTHE~ELOCATION !>MONI!~. ~... a. ................................. ...
I .
' ~ I •
ti .1 o ;
I• '·
' . . • 1
' 11
• ..
.. . ~
• # • • ~ ,, . , . .
:· .. .. ... -
' I
I ~ t
I l t ~ ~
> I
r: ~ ~ ..
. -~-
with ,.~: Tom ~~~\'
·,r Jost
Far Out Postal Service
SNOW, SLEET & OUTER S PACF;: Word has just
leaked out of Washington that the United Stales Postal·
Service is about to streamline the way the mail goes
through. Cynics may shudder, but it's true.
Wrong Thinkers might suggest that they really don't
want to see any more postal streamlirung.
They pcnnt out, for example, that you used to be able to
send a letter all the way from Costa Mesa to Newport
Beach and at wouJd get delivered pretty fast. Now it is
Tumored that this ma1l 1s routed via Santa Ana. At the rate.
of delivery. some Wrong Thinkers allege it went by way of
New MelClco
Further. anti streamlining factions allege in the gl>Od
Q)d days, you could look at the postmark on an envelope
and tell the missive's point of origin. Mall earned post
marks like Newport .Beach or Laguna or Huntington Beach
or Balboa
NOW EVERYTHING gels postmarked Santa Ana.
When you receive those scurrilous political broadsides in
your mailbox, you don't even know what city to blame.
Despite these· criticisms, the postal service is doggedly
moving ahcad, preparing to hurl itself into the 20th Cen·
tury. Postmaster General William F . Bolger announced
'ft>rhninan Prepares New Postal Satellltr
thijl thc postal sen ice 1s going to experiment with a new
:wst<'m for dclt\ l'ring the mail.
Th<''. rt' going to try 1t b)' satellite
The mall 1s going to orh1t in outer space
Postal offte1ah havr inked an $895,000 contract for this
trsl. They'll try 1t about a year from now The way it's
suppost'd to work 1s that messages will be shot off into
.,pace tn d1g1tal form. hounce orr the satellite in space and
h1l thr rccc1v1ng enci as ..., ntten words again
J'M NOT SllRE I understand all that but I sure hope
the postal office P<'Ople do
You su.,pel'l th;il the postman won't go out on his ap
po1ntc•d rounds anymor<' He'll go to his appointed
launching pad
H 11:~ht no". when your mall gels fouled up, you get lit
til• purpl(• c;tampt•d messages on the envelope. Words hke,
Postage D1w. or ma) bl' RC'turn lo Sender, or possibly Lost
1n M achincry
Bl'T WHE1' THE POSTAL service starts launching
mall hy spat•e satl·lhtrs tht>y 'll have to come up with a
v. holc nt..., sl't o( messages to tell you what went wrong
M essagcs hke
.. M atl !-ihort C'1rru1tC'd to :\1ars
" .. tcssal-(e Failed to Compute
·•Lost in Spacr
"We Havr Temporarily Lost Your Satelltte Signal -
Please Stand Bv
Or. "Mail Launl'h Dela~rd \our Letter 1s at T minus
SC'ven and lh>lding ·
Satellitr mail 1s S!oing to be fun
Hotel FirelJotnhed
·Airport Batt~e
Rages in Japan
NARITA. Japari (AP> -Helm eted m1Jttants threw about 20
firebombs into Japan Air Lines' new Marita airport hotel early to-
day, smublng windows and damaaing lobby furniture in the con-
tinuing fieht against Tokyo's new internationa l airpoft.
Police said 10 men drove a small truck up to lhe hotel, hurl~ the
bombs and fied. A private guard
was &lightly injured.
The opening of the billion-STUDENT R~DICALS appear
dollar airport 41 miles north of tc;> roam freely tn the area out
Tokyo has been delayed again side the 1,300-acre airport, un-
because the control tower was bothered by the 14,000 riot police
wrecked during a mob attack inside. The leader or the largest
Sunday and the foes of the in-of the four Marxist student
stallation have promised more groups gave a tour of the "bat
violence. tlefront" although ht' would not
let his name be used
T H E OP ENI NG, postponed
from Thursday, is now six years
behind schedule. The cabinet 1s
to meet Friday to set a new
date, with one in May predicted
The airport is opposed by a
coalition of local farmers who
were forced to sell their land for
. the airport, environmentalists
and yoWlg radicals opposed to
the government who charge that
the field may be used for military
Fke Blast
Of Liquid
freight train carrying hqu1d
vinyl chloride derailed early to
day and at least one car ex
ploded, forcing authorities to
l'Vacuate most of the 2.500 res1
dents of this southwest Arkansas
Three crewmen were
hospitalized with minor inJurie~
IT WAS NOT 1mmed1atelv
known how many car!> were on
the Cotton Bell Hailroad tram,
which was en route from
Shreveport, La . to Pine Bluff.
Ark Authorities said as many a!>
five cars were loaded with the
highly flammable liquid
Cause of the derailment wa!>
not 1mmed1ately determined
By 5 a m only law enfortc
menl officers. firefighters and
some staffers from the
Lafayette County llosp1tal rt'
mained in Lew1sv11lc
"IT'S l.JKE a ghost town here
now." said Lafayette County
llosp1tal Admini:.trator Frank
Arkansas Stale Police Capt
Milton Mosier said the burning
railroad car was near facilities
of the J &P. Petroleum Co
whert> tanks of liquid petroleum
Wl•rc stored He said fire of
flcials could do little but hope
that the flames would not reach
the tanks
"TH EY TELL US not lo put
anv water on it Cthc vinyl
chloride)," he sajd. "We're JUSt
walling for daylighl. now."
·'Th as 1s hilly country.·· he
said as the driver guided the
small Toyota over the rough ter·
rain. "The police don't dare
come here at night "
T HE CAR PASSED in front or
a small wooden hut with a sign
that read "field hospital.·•
"This is where we treat our
wounded after clashes with the
police." he said
In seven years of battles
between poltce and foes of the
airport, four policemen and a
student have been killed, and
8,000 pe<>ple have been 1nJured.
Yokobor1 read · unlimited J,!uer
nlla warfan· against airport."
;ind 11sl' forcl' to pn•vent planes
from Jandinc ··
The car passed through a
\ .1lley C'ut in two hy barbed
·Those are th<' riot police bar-
racks." the guide pointed out
Farther ciown the valley, a
pa\iC'd road appeared to go
· The police hutlt this road
especially to accommodate
hea vv crant's and armored cars
Thev· had to use• thl'm to break
dow·n the first of our towers "
lowl•r:. at one• end of the only
runwa) to prc•n•nt takeoffs and
landings Thl'Y also have
destro~ed t'll'l'trontl' l'QU1pmenl
guiding plant's lo the runway
You S('C those concrete
lowers·> ' lhl' driver said. potnt
1ng to four s tructures rising
from lht.• \ialll'Y There should
be ~O of them to guide planes to
the runwa)-W< II. the govern
ment cannot build the other 36
because the\ do not control tht•
property ·· ·
The car pass<'d in front of a
hastily con<,lructC'ci two slor) hut
co\ e red "'1th slogans
"Thc!>C ;ire our head·
quarters · thl• radical leader
!>aid "The \iillagero; have made
us 1.1<elrome h<·rt• ··
U.N. Hit
By First
.Stunned and Subdued
A man identified as Eugene Lipscomb \\ances in pain as
rubber balls fired from "stun guns" U!>cd by Allanta
police bounce off of him Lipscomb held pohce at bay
with a knife and sharpened screwdriver for over two
hours before he was subdued by the stun gun balls and
Jets of water from a high pressure hose.
Psychic Aids Cops
lit Hunt for Body
NEWARK.NJ IAP> Dorothy Allison had a v1s1on and she
shared it with poltce They found the body of a missing teen-ager.
She had another vision. and once again the police round a body
"l would stake my life on her," said the mother of a Lodi teen-
ager whose body was found Tuesday m a shallow grave in
Moonachie. almost exactly where Mrs Allison said 1l would be.
NANCY LOCASCIO'S SON. Ronald Sttca. 17. had been m1ss1ng
since Sept. 22, she said in a telephone interview. Mrs. Allison
pointed out the exact area," she said
David Menicola, 19. of Lodi, was arrested and charged with
the murder Tuesday. after St1ca 's body was found
TWO YEARS AGO Mrs. Alhson told police from the New York
Caty borough of Staten Island that the body of 14-year-0ld Susan
Jacobson was located in a marshy area, in sight of two bndges and
an abandoned car, and nrar the letters "M," "A" and "R "
The girl's skeleton was found Saturday by three boys who wer<'
muskrat hunting in a marsh al ;.i Staten Island shipyard The body
was found in a 55-gallon oil drum at the bottom of a 12-foot shaft in
an area that fit the psychic's dcscnphon About 200 feet from the
shaft. high on a rock. were the red painted letters "MAR.
STATEN ISLAND poli<-e could not explain how the leltenn g
got there or what 1t meant
Lodi police detective John P111.uro said Mrs Allison provided
1n1t1al leads in the St.lea case and localed the · gt·neral area where
the body was eventuaJJy found "But the \;!Clim was found because
of a tip from another person connected with the case. he said
!\I RS. ALLISO~, 53. who has worked with poltce for 10 ~ears
and claims she has located 20 bodies said c;he had been a"Aare of
her ps) chic powers since childhood
'When I was little. I would trll l)<'Opll' different thrngs and t.Jley
1·allcd me a witch." she said
Iler psychic power 1s Ith turning on a television set in m~
mind." she said 'I really don't know how 1t comes to me. but 1t s
~pontaneous I don't gn into a tr;.ince or any nonsense hke that ..
Paid Pol1t1cal Advertisement
"Paul Hummel has intelligence. integrity,
experience. ta rne, cind o real ded1cat1on
to prescrv1nq our finp rcs1rlent1al com
munity He thcreforr has niy votpl"
The Lafayette County
Hospital's 28 patients, including
two newborn infants. v.erc
transferred by ambulance to
l\l agnolla Hospital about 25
males away
BEIRUT. Lebanon
IAP J Thi' UN peac<•
force m Lebanon report
ed ils first casualties lo-
da r as Yasser Arafat's
authority over the
Palestinian movement
face<! :i crucial tcst
lillll':I• .... 1
f'1td 10' by P•u• Humrnt' E-.c:tt0n ~ 2900 ,.,. Aft ~GM fri&al .....,won c..._c--n
Aprll 11
Most of the other c1t1zens of
Lewisville went to stay with re1
at1ves and friends out of town.
or were moved to Stamps Hi~h
School to wait unlll the dan~<'r
was over
L' N headquurtrrs in
.Jerusalem said a
Swed 1sh soldier "'as
k1llC'd and anolh<>r one
rnJured in a mine ex
plos1on near a hnd~c nver the L1tan1 Rn l'r --------------------------------
Most of Nation Sunny
further dctmls wrrl' not
available. Israeli sap
pers had cleared mines
Tuesday from the road
to the Kharduli nndge,
two miles west o( Mar·
Jayoun, so the Swedish
platoon could take posi-
t 1 on s at the bridge
Palestinians on the
heights above the bridge
shelled the Israelis, but
the Israelis said they
"cleared the area of
saboteurs" and the
Swedes could move in
OUertail Overflmat; Great Lakea Get Snow
8ull8IO ClllC.OO
O.nver Detroit Diii•
f'•lrb.lftb .....,..
Holni..i _,_ ...
K•n'a CllV usv.,..,
LoSA•I• Mlem4 MlhHllU o
Mltlt·SI P. N•sl\11111• ,..wor1-NtwY~
!.oulnern c.llloml• WMlller wlll tw
cloudJ wltl\ fot 8nd tome drlul ..
111•1 wlll clHr only •llOlllly c1url1>9
tlle•fi.r-Th• N•llONI W.8tller S.rvlct Hlcl
Tuetdey l...:rMSl1'19 reon I\ ni>«lod
In 111011nt•ln •re•• l>eQIMir>Q ••I• tonlOlll l'orecHl•n Mid 11111"' ecro1>
SoullMrn C.lllbrnlo will be cooler
wllll the 111011 In oownlown Lo•
AngelH .,.,,_nQ 10 , ... mid 60& eller
reeclll,.. 73 T-y.
Elww,,...., ll'QM •re ••POClod to
lie In 1114 1-50S In Ille "'°"""'Ins
•ncl from ~ to 12 In 1111 -· and lower du~.
~nltflt-wlll r~ ,....., ,,,.
""'4M'f' 80t et ttw ~ '° 1"9 -30I and I-411& lfl Ille moulllalM
Coastal Weatlt~r
~llf Chllldy lGllltflt and TlliiN·
d•V wltll lll<f .. Htl cll•net or
alloWen. Ginty wind• Thund•y. Hlolls
Thun4r; '" "" '°'· c ... 1.1 """"'11"'" wi11 r•"" 'otwttn .S. •nd ... lnlend t•m-
,..-e~t wlll r"MOI betwwn Si MCI "·TM ..-~--Wftt .. •t.
&.<and lew •·1$11 m 1 O t NUaJOAY
""' ...... 12:9'. "'· 4 ' t<lnll..., I. 148.m o J
S.CIM 1119'1 ~ 1011 fft l I
S.C.,.4 low 7·U~m J 4
"""rt-s:+1e.m.,vta•:tJ11m ·~ t-II '1 •.m., MO• '1 •m
Suri Report
"Wltlllf*\ 9Ncll: w ..... -,.
""" .... """"' ~ -''· c ... • ,._....,,......,..._,.:Wew•
I .. le lllf ... ffft wllll MV!llwetl
... 11, c.-.dlti.... ..
Lebanon's Christian
radio station reported
intermittent machine
gun volleys during the
ni~ht al several points m
the south and said the
Israeli air force re
sumed reconnaissance
flights over the area at
A R AFAT 'S nu-
t ho r it y was
challeneed by radical
!actions in the Palestine
Liberation Oreanlzation
who defied hls pledge
that the PLO woµld do
oll lt could to belp the
peacekeepers establJsh
a buffet' zone between
the lsuells and the
"There's no cease.fire
"A Most Unique Place to Shop"
• J.J. a co.
as rar 1s we're con-• c 1 MAMOM-STICI • Atoa
cerned." 1aid a 1uerrilla \~A , , ·
commander rrom the ;r• -:
Popular Front ror the (.~·· 2630 A•c.HeWDOl't ..._ 1125' Gol•w"t-W..._.,~ UberaUon of Palutlne ~, ,l9ehtnct Martrwa Mlle SQuarel (In F1111oe Shopping C.nter) r ..
at the village of Amoun. «.."-...:.I -714-646-3545 714-8tM431-,~~ ~·;;,hdou~!~b~n1~·~t~~~ '11 ., Op: 7 -,S • ...... r a-.
one of hia men
.. ·~ . . , . ... .. . ..
" ..
' CALIFORNIA Witdne.day, Match 29, 1978
~ . .
. ·
t Closed
Man Dead, 1
Hurt in Blast
Sale Set?,~
\ ••
• l>ESERT CENTER (AP> -The Colorado :~ River Aqueduct. Southern California•s main water
=' source, remained shut down today after ~ elec-
•. trical explosion that killed one man and critically
injured a co-worker. authorities said.
LONG BEACH <AP> -Chicago botelilu.• ·I
Abraham N Pritzker was the only one of tbrto
parties to upress an mterest m buying the Ona)l •
c1ally aihng Queen Mary. a permanently moorcM.
Long Beach tourist attraclton, city officials said.
Randall J Verue, director or t he city's
Tidelands Agency, said Tuesday that ABC-TV anll
Taft Broadcasting Corp. were the other two agen·
cies with whom preliminary talks were held cm Shortly after the explosion ripped through II
switch room at Eagle Mountain Pumping StaUoo
on Tuesday, of!ic1uJ.s of the Metropolitan Water
DJstrlct closed the aqueduct as a precautionary
measure. They said it would probably be reopened ioa~wdays.
b Officials said no water shortage was expected eeause there was plenty of water· in area
to the SWllch room could run as high as $250,000.
• One of two electrical gearswitch banks at the
Eagle Mountain plant, about 200 miles east of Los
Angeles, was h<•avilv damaged m the fire, officials
Jarvis Initiative
School Role
OK'd by Judge
••t..~ i ~el ling the Cunard Lines flagship.
Botarg Showdown APWl...,,...le
.. We are gomg lo keep our women even ii
we go down fighting," said Richard Ke).
left. pre~ident of the Duarte Rotary Club
Tuesday after the chapter was ousted from
Rotan lnternat10nal becau!>e il had violat-
ed a ·prohibition against women. Female
members art'. left lo right. Donna Bog.1rt,
Mary Lou Elliott, Rosemary Frietag.
nronmcntalist rally drew about 200
opponents of the proposed Sundesert
nuclear plant includrng two
members of the leg1slat1ve subcom
m1Uce that 1s to vote on at today
While anti-nuclear speeches were
being made on the Capitol lawn Tues
day, the San Diego Gas & EJeclnc
Co. issued a statement reiterating its
accusation lhal the state Energy
Comm1ltct' once favored, then op
posed the plant. (Related story. A 71
• The stale Energy Comm1ss1on de ,.
c1ded in January that no safe method ,.
has been found, and that Southern ,.
California energy needs could be met ,.
through conservation and a coal·f1rcd ,.
power plant. ..
T HE SUNDESERT nuclear power •
plant would be built by SDG&E and •
its partners near Blythe 10 Riverside •
County • or FREE
• .. • • .. • • • .. .. • •
VERUE REFUSED to discuss the proposed
hale price, saying, "No dollar amount has been
:.et. there are no commitments. Negotiations ate
;;il a very prehmmary stage "
The city or Long Beach bought the Qu~n
Mary an 1967 for $3 mllhon and has since spe•t.
another $61 million on renovating it as a tourist al~
THE QUEEN MARY also drained the city or
Sl.8 million annually, the money coming from the
t 1delands 011 fields, which the city operates in trust.
for the state.
. '-----::-----LOS ANGELES <AP I ·· Jn a defeat for
Howard .JJn·1~ •• Superior Court judge has ruled
that the Los Angc·lt•s l'nified School District should T UE VOTE IS to be by the seven
d istribute mformat1on on .Jarvis' property tax in-member energy subcommittee of th1;:
1t1at1vl· 15-member Assembly Resources,
Among the anli-Sundeserl rally •
speakers were three members of the •
full committee, Democratic As-•
semblymen Tom Bates of Oakland, it-
llenry Mello of Watsonville. and •
Harry Keene of Eureka :
0 11 ('II \'(;t;:-, ,. • \' n·1·11m ""'mfrcl tn 1 "" It •
Sup<.•rior Court .J11dgt' <;c·ori::e Dell said Tues Land tlsc and Energy Committee:
day thut informing parents of the 1mtiative's effect The subcommittee is to mform the /\nothcr speaker was Tom Hayden.
on the schools 1s an appropnute ac:t1on for the dis full comm1tll:c of its recommenda tormer U.S St-nate candidate and
lrtct. and t.•ven its rcspons1bilttv t10n Thursday Chicago 7 member He said his
.J a r v 1 s and l h l' The bill is SH 1015 b;. Sen Newton public interest ~roup, Campaign for
f.11lt1n fur a' l•mi.: J• • •
\!Ill II\\ 11\11111 l'JI • It . ..
• ...
************************************** • LE "SING \II :\lak1•-; t"orc!Kn & Domf'~tk. • • • .L'-1 • tor \ 81•tt1•r l.caM',St'e P~te Neuer •
• or t'11ll 537.7717 E).t. 600 • ******************~*******************• C1t1zeos Legal Ddensc( ) Hussell, tl-Glendale. to exempt Sun Economic Democra cy. 1s "not
All1anct' had sought an .~IT·~ desert from the 1976 laws which against nuclear power per se." but~[~~~~~~~~~~~~]------------~---~,
injunction proh1b1tmg the '' t: forbid new nuclear plants unless wants consumers' best interests in the ,
district from sl•ndmg out -------~ there 1s a safe method of disposing or CED 1s backing a proposal for state ..... ___ '_1_A_l_L_H_(_)_\____ ST/MULA TES p q
mformalaon on Propos1 \q1stes The hill ha:. e1lready passed grants and Joans to get a solar m-_ . l•JJl9'lj4J{t}
lion 13 on the June ballot The ml•asure would h mil the Sc•nate. ------~d~u~s~tr~y'.'._s~t~a~rt~c~d~--------1=~~~~~~~;;-;~~~~================~·~-~·~·~-~-~·~·~·~-property laxes lo one percent of market value
IJAW Meet ing Cafr,d
LONG REACH <AP 1 Amid reports of prog
rc·ss toward sl'llltni; the :'ltc.:Donnell Douglas
c.terospu<'c strike. the t:n1tcd Aulo Workers says 11
"111 hold a special membership m~tmg Thursda}
"Tht• fact that the UAW called a meetmp; for
Thursday c:crt<11nly JS a development or cons1dera
hie mtcrest, ·· McDonnell Douglas spokesman Don
Hansen said TuC'sday He said talks m the two
month old strakC' arc·· progressing wC'll ·
IJC Pay B ik<>
SACRAMENTO <AP 1 Un1ver::i1ty of
California President David Saxon is requesting a
!J 7 percent faculty pay raise de!;p1te Gov. Edmund
Brown Jr. 's S J')('rcc•nt proposal
Thi' ll(' rl'genls nsk(•d the state last October
for a 9 3 percent raise £or teachers in fiscal 1978-79,
but Brown 1s offering them the same 5 percent he
proposes for other slate employees
BJles Mfdu.s Ballot
SA CRAM E:"lTO <AP l State schools chief
Wilson H1ks says a s tale Supreme Court order
placmg his name on the June 6 primary ballot 1s a
victory of "substance over form ..
But Secretary of Stale March Fong Eu said the
decision could cause future problems for state
<'lcction off1c1als and implied that Riles had gotten
special trealm<'nl from the <'Ourt
,tf.,,..,...11uic ide Probed
LOS ANGELES <AP i Authont1es today
You Loved
the Prints!
You'll Love
the Book! !?0 ryFleet
I -
were trying to determine why a UCLA Jaw student
apparently shot holh his parents to death at their
suburban Chatsworth home and then took his own
Police said Scott Rubenstein, 23, was found
dead Tuesday, apparently after he fatally shot his
lather. Hershel Rubenstein, 63, and mother,
Bernice, 59. The father's body was found in the
yard, and the mother's and son's in the home, of·
ficials said .
Here are the Landmarks of your
community and the surrounding area,
depicted in beautiful pen and ink drawings.
Each is accompanied by interesting and
historical comments. This 1s a collector's
item and will be available free to you for
only a limited time.
·: .. : ... ~: ... ..
. • • .
Paid Pollhcal Advertisement
''We aro voting for Paul Hummel because we
want to preserve and protect the remaining
open space In our City from irresponsible
. Aprll 11
Come to Mariners today and pick up your
exclusive copy of "The Landmark Serles,"
a book you'll be proud to have or to give
to friends or relatives!
It is our phifosophy to be a productive
part of each community we serve. Each is
unique. Our high Interest savings accounts
are only a part of the many services we
offer. If you don't already save with Manners.
now 1s the time to visit us and take home
this excitlrfg book. It's about your hometown
and it's FREE!
This Book Is Only Available at Mariners Savings 1--• ..
Yours Free From March 30ThtoughAprll 10
• Mariners~ and Loait .AssociaDOn
NnportB11ch Newport Beach l.lgu"' Beach Irvine
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151 s Wtstctlll Or1vo 1024 Bayside Dnve 310 Gl8nnoyra Slreet Lake and Barranca
• (714) 642·4000 (714) 642·4000 (714) 494-7506 (714) 559-7007
FSJ)c ---..................
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Orange Coast Da•ly p,101 Editorial p ag.e ________ W·9d·need····y .• M.w_ci\_29 ••• ·.97·1·------·R·o·~-r1_: •.• :_~ •.• ~.:.:.~b.':.:h.h ·.,~.d.l.tot·T·'~.·.P·aQe·'·l(·;·d·;·t~.1:.E.d.•l.OI
;;;Marina Proposal
•' ·Once More Mloat .•
Discussion has resurfaced over the pretty muc·h
forgotten phrn to construct u public murina along the
·Santa Ana River to serve re::iidentl> of Costa Mesa,
Newport and 1 luntington Beach.
Costa Mesa Councilman Dominic Raciti has called
for formation of a committee made up of city officials
and county rcprc:;entall vcs to discuss the proposed
gateway to the sea.
This could be a step to gauge community interest in
the plan last discussed and declared financially
inf ea~1ble in an independent report in 1974.
The $39 m11hon pnc:e tag listed al that time has most
hkC'ly doubled now, accordmg to Costa Mesa officiab,
and there ::.till are many question~ v.1thout an'>wers as to
\\ h~1l agencies would pay the tal>
ll<mt'H'r, tlw \.·ounty ~ n•n•nt pun ha~e of about l:!O
J\.'t e::. ut undcH.•lopt>d land on the Costa l\Iesa stclf' of lht•
.. rivel between Vlctona and 19th Streets rem•ws the
possibility of a manna.
. The marina remams a county option for the laud <tn<I
1t 's now up to local residents and city officials to c.lcc1de 1f
• a push should be made in this direction.
A great deal of interest and cooperation would be
h eeded to revive this costly proposition. It could be worth
the effort.
: Mesa Ignores Trend
: A national pull cc.~ t rttnd lov.'ard sma1lt•r and morl•
:. ec·onomical patrol l'a rs ha.., 't.:t t n ta kt· hold in Costa
: 1\lc· ... a
: The cit\' \\ 111 ..,pend mun• than $172,000 O\'er the next
: 18 months to ll'ase 2-l Ford LTD Ils as police units
~ These aren't the full-sized Fords, but a management ~ consulting firm report -not before the city councll when it
~ approved the lease expenditure -lists savings as high as
; 18 percent by using compact cars instead of intermediate
; n1odels.
-Cities like Ne'' port Beach have switched to buying " : ;ind servicing their own compact police cars, reportedly
~ v.1lh no major µrnbleml>.
' I lowevcr, Costa Mesa officials say they arc still
; rt•scarchmg such a S\\ itch and are reluctant bC'cause 1t
: \\ct1tld mean h1nng l111l t1ml' mechanics.
• c;ranlt><I. tilt' po"':-.ililt• passage of lht· .Jan IS·Gann
' prn1wrt y· la' i111t 1nt 1\1• wo11ld not put the city in a pos1t10n
~ In t111 •' 1H•\\ t•n1plo\ ('l'S
llcm1·\1·r. pas..,ag1· ol lhl· 1nittall\l' would forcC'
~ . IH"l1 t 1ghkn111g l'\ en \\ hl'll tl l'Omes to leasing vehicles.
Cit v 11ll1t·1ab should :.t·riously rnns1der a switch lo more
ct onom1cal police cars.
~ Caution in Order .
~ An important Costa Mesa Planning Department ~ proposal to place a one-year moratorium on general plan
~. amendments will c:ome before the City Council Monday
_. rnght
ThP moratcrrium on g<'ncral pl:.in amendment
rf'q11l'sls \\Ould l;J:-.t one year. hegrnning this June l
i\ppl1t·.it111ns :-uhm1ttt'ci hl'forl' this lime would be acted
on tl11nn~ t lw n•gular fall <·ons1dcrat1on of amendments.
I' I.inning st afl<'r s st rt''" that the moratorium would
not hall bullcl1ng in the e1ty Building permits would sllll
ht• ,...,stwd and rNone requests consistent with the existing
general plan would not he· clrft'ctccl.
It would. hO\\C\·cr. block moves such as changing
zon111~ from ('Omml'rc·1al tn residential on a parcel that is
now listed as commercial in the general plan.
1 he plann111g department claims the one-year break
would allow al to takc a better took at the future
dt•,·elopment of the city and to prepare two documents -
one a more simplified "luyman's" guide to the general
plan process.
Pl:inn1ng ~t;iffprs nclmit that the current process
11ltt·n n·~11lts in pa·c·emeal /lining changes that n1 t•n't the
lw~l nwthod tor gctt111g an overall look al thr c·1ty':-
Thi~ makt·s st•no.;c. hut th<' propo~al 5hould b(•
:1pp1·11ad1cd \\ ith <·aution ;ind some guarantee ~1ven that
llw e11w H·ar clt·l:1\ would truly be rn the cit'·::. be't
111lt•1 e~h
• Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot.
OthPr vtews expressed on this page are those of their authors and
artists Reader comment ts invited. Address The Daily Pilot, PO.
Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321.
Boyd I Picasso
Ry l..M. BOYD
Cunning artist, that
Picasso. lie painted a
portrait in 1906 of Gertrude
Stein, the queen bee of the
expatriate literary hive io
Fran<'e. Friends said it dldn•t
look like her. Picasso said,
never mind, lD time, she'll
look like iL
Do you gel a transportation
allowance, sir? If 10, how
much? Christopher Colum-
hus received $6 a mile. Had
ht> divided it among 120
satlors, which be didn't, lhal
would've been a nickel a
mile ea<'h. which It wasn't.
<iot that.,
y tompllm@nts to the
Costa Mesa Water Dla-
tritl on lho new Pl1·
ment envelopts that
Won't take I .standard
size check without rotd-
la&. Who pa)'S to unrold
theJD all! Z.A.P,
G'-"'Y 0.. ~· -.... "''"•' •Y ,.,...n ... ff ••• _"' ......... -.. .. ~9&:,'=r ...... ..
Add tlus. please, to that
lengthening list of witticisms
so bad they're something
else: A Scotsman crossed his
overcoat with a parrot. Now
if anybody else ever touches
the garment, a pocket opem
up and yells "Hoot, monl
M~cTavisb, soi:oebod)'•a
swjplng yerrr coat!"
A study of Tokyo savings
Institutions lndicates about
two out of every five
Japanese wives keep secret
bank accounts unknown to
their husbands.
"Give me liberty or give
me death!" cried that great
American patriot Patrick
Henry, owner of 6S slnvea. 11.o
Here's to the Gerber babJ
-clink I -now ~ 1eara old.
Q. ..What'• the diffe~ce
between a bog. a swamp and
a marsh?"
A. Has to do with how
much water is therein. A bog
ts usually damp with lota of
ngetation, but you could
probably walk throu1.b tt
without ,eWng your ankles
wet. A 1wamp I• w~tter. We wJJe c.'Ovel'ed with a fair
amount or veaetation, and
you wouldn't want to walk
throulb it Mt.boot wadtr'I. A
m an6 la downrtgbt wat.tty,
so much IO >'O'I could mOlt
llttlJ • canoe lbrouab 11.
Jack Anderson~
Radiation Concerns Increase
W ASUlNGTON -A recent TV
dramali:utlon1 starrtnJ Ed Asner as clty eaitor Lou Grant,
pilled bis rep0rten again.st a
powerful, unscrupulous nuclear
com blne whose deadly, invisible
emis.siont were menacing the
local populace. The episode was
all too familiar. We have also
encountered powerful opposition
when we have tried to expose
the danger of low-level radiation.
The stakes are enormously
high Both the rederal govern-
ment and the
nu <'IC'ar in
dustrv art'
l'Ommtlled to
power. Too
many un -
stories could
the Industry's
mullibillion-dollar investment in
nuclear power.
Government officials have
also staked their careers on the
development of nuclear power.
They would look foolish if their
massivt• efforts had to be
scrapped because they un-
dcre~t1mated the danger of low-
I<'\ el radial1on. Not only would
tht> b11l1ons <,pent on nuclear pro·
1ccts have lo be written off, but
addltlonal billions might have to
be paid in compensation lo those
whose health has been impaired.
Prealdent Carter's political
neck may also be exposed. His
most likely Democratic
challenger, California's Gov.
Jerry Brown, has come out
against nuclear power. He pre·
diets that within two years the
public backlash against nuclear
pollution will rival the anti-
Vietnam War movement in tn·
tl:.ts "ho have stood up to the
n u c I t• :.i r t• s l a b I 1 s h m e n l --
Thom as Man<'uso. John Gor-
man , Ahce Stewart, George
Kneale, Samuel Milham, Arthur
Tamplin, Ernest Sternglass and
Irwin Bross -have come under
malicious attack reminiscent or
the former campaign against
Hollywood and Broadway
liberals durrne the antl-
com munisl hysteria.
We have tried lo tell the story
of these scientists, whose
cautious warnings have been as-
s a 11 ed and belittled, whose
personal reputations have been
besm 1rched We havl' written.
for example, about Mancuso, the
University of P1tbburgh pro-
fc~sor, who condu<'lcd a 12 year
government study of low-level
radiation. When he produced
disagreeable evidence 1ink1nK
radiation with cancer, the atudy
was taken out of his hands.
A dozen years ago, ht' sought
lo expand his research project to
a number of government
nuclear plants. He was re-
peatedly lumed down; his re·
quests were called "coun·
terproductlve." Finally, this
was the excuse given for taking
the project away from him.
But the government could not
s uppress the d1sturb1ng
evidence. Now the Energy
Department has been compelled
to broaden its investigation of
low·level radiation to 40 nuclear
facilities, including those Man·
cuso wanted to study.
ONE IS located at Rocky
Flats, Colo .. in the shadow ol the
Rocky Mountains. More than 200
plutonium f'ares have broken out
al the plant. Downwind, Denver
has had an increase in con-
Stemglass has concluded from
his studies that Rocky Flats is
responsible for rises 1n
respiratory <'&ncer 1n the
Denver environs Dr Carl
Johnson, director of the hoard or
health m neighboring Jcfrer:.on
County. has found significant
rlscs in l~ukemla ln the con·
laminated area. In the nearby
town of Golden, accordtne to
Johnson. residents between the
ages or 4S and 64 have double the
rate of Jung cancer found in un-
contaminated areas.
Dr. F..dward Martell olthe Na-
tional Center for Atmoapheric
Research claims that
''plutonium ln fallout ls one of
the factors responsible for in·
creased can<'er in the population
1n general. ..
But Jim Kelly, the strapping
union president who oversees
1,500 steelworkers at Rocky
Flats. di!'.>a&ree!> w1lh most of the
sc 1ent1s~ · chums. He says "the
thing:. that need to be done here
are attainable. Tbe problems
are man·made." Questions of
safety, nevertheless, trouble
him. "ll enters every guy's
mind that works here," Kelly
told our reporter Eileen
Canzian. "But we're not going lo
be a bunch or human guinea pigs
al least not knowingly."
ROCKWELL International ex·
ecutlves. who took over the
plant's operation In 197S, point to
the improvements that ha\e
been madt.> since 1969 when
Rotkv Fl<1ts was the scene of the
st•con'd largc:.t industrial fire 111
U.S. hi:.lory. Union president
Kelly also commends Rockwell
for the changes that have been
made since the <'ompany took
over from Dow Chem1caJ. Com-
munity leaders agree.
But only two weeks a~o.
another fire in a beryllium filter
plant at Rocky Flats put a build
mg out of operation for two
days. Declares Dr. Tony Rob·
h1ns of the Colorado Department
of lll'alth. "l-'rom (I public
ht•alth point or \'le\\, there's no
l''<<'USl' for a facility llkt! Rocky
Fl~1ts lo be opt•rallng anywht'rt?
Ol·.ir a populatl'd .ire a ."
There's a 6,500-acre \iufft..r
zone surroundJng the plant. Roh·
bins and other health officials
a re worried because new
guidelines, proposed by the En·
vironmental Protection Agency,
would allow commercial res·
1denlial development of this no·
man's·land up to the fence. Rob·
bins glumly told our associate
Howard Rosenberg: ''The stand-
ards that have been adopted
for radiation exposure are turn-
ing out to be not nearly con
~er v alive enough."
The story of Rocky Flats. on
this scrub brush-covered mesa
near Denver, could determmc
the future of nuclear power.
Why Should State Oust Mobilehomes?
To the F.ditor:
I am writing to beg your
coop(•ration m savinJ: my home
and th<' homt.•s of other residents
of El Morro Mob1lehome Park in
Orangt' County. The state is
moving to a<'quire from the
Irvine Company the beachland
bc.'t \lo C'en Corona del Mar and
Irvine C'ove, as well as acreage
in El Morro Canyon, to be used
as a public park and facility for
recreatlonal vehicles.
I am hving at El Morro
Mob1lehome Park and making a
home here for my two sons
because, as a low-income
person, there is no other place l
('ould fXN>1bly afford to live in
Orange C'ounty. My work as a
1'alesperson is in the Newport
Beach area, and 1f I am forced
out of El Morro, where can my
family live for rent of $170 a
month? As you must know, the
lack of low-income housing is a
great problem in this county,
and it does seem ludicrous to
swell lhe ranks of those who
need such housing by forcing
me, and those like me (people
livlne on retirement aod on
Social Security) out of this
mobllehome park.
WRY MUST I lose my home
so that someone may park a
re<'reational vehicle on thi!i
spa<'e? There are a<'res and
acres of undeveloped land all
around that could be put to this
As to relocating me. everyone
knGWS there are no vacancies in
mobilehome parks in Orange
County, and that even lf there
were available spaces. parka will
not allow a mobllehome to be moved In U It ls more than two
JHrl old. The alt.emotive ot the
1tato purchaainl the homes in
thJs park (294 at an averqe cur.
rent market value of about
$40,000·$45.000) would seem a
aroat extrava1ance or tax· payers' money for the •o acres it
would ocqwre of this park land.
S,....C ... 1
To the Editor:
The Bot.rd of Supervisors, un-
der tbe threat of a joint lawauil
bJ thOM candldalel wbo a.N
cballlDODa tbcm 1n tho upcofn·
--I •
ing June elections, have now de·
cided not lo impose the $1,000
limitation on either themselves
or the challengers, until ijfter
the June elections. Now isn't
that sporting of them~
Since they each have over
Sl00,000 in their campaign col·
fers, wouldn't 1t have made
more sense Cif they really want-
ed to be fair to the challengers)
for them lo have restricted
themselve~ from accepting
another $1,000 from those who
have already ~lven over the
$1,000 limitation?
Of course, 1t really doesn't
make mU<'h difference anyway
SUl<'e the purported limitation 1s
so full of gaping loopholes that
any enterprising <'Orporation or
group of individuals can easily
contribute many limes the Sl,oOO
limitation. For instance. the of-
ficers of a corporation can each
give $1,000 and colleetively that
corporation gains considerable
monetary clout with the supervisors.
IN FACT, the larger develop..
ment corporations ln Orange
County can easily muster up at
least $10,000·$20,000 in this
fashion. Fortunately, the
Pu ta eh
Grassroots Cillzens (TIN CUP)
Campaign Reform Ordinancc
plugs this loophole and makes it
Illegal for any one corporation
or group of indiv1duab to <'Ollec
lively han together and give
over a $1,000 w1thm a 48 -month
If you think the Board of
Supervisors pulled a fast one
with the above, listen lo this
one: The limit of Sl.000 per in-
d1 vidual is supposed lo be per
election. But, what that really
means is that between now and
the middle of November, as
mu<'h as SJ,000 can be <'Olleeted
hy each supervisor from each in
d1v1dual <'Ontribulor This 1s how
1l works -Sl.000 can bC' g1vPn
now for the Jun<> elections
/\nother $1,000 <'an be given
between June and November for
the November elections. Shortly
after the November elections
another $1,000 can be given for
the candidates next election.
Thus, in less than six months a
supervisor can collect $3,000
from one individual -doesn't
sound much lite a $1,000 Um.Ila·
lion, does it?
If the citirens or Oranre Coun-
ty are serious about campaign
.. You mustn't feol your life 11 pointless-the
atreeta are much afer since they put you In
reform. instead oC campaign de
form that is being fostered b\·
the incumbent Board of
Supervtsors. tbcn Join in the c-f.
Cort to place th(' TIN CUP Cam-
paq~n Reform Ordinan<'c on thi'
November ballot
To the EdJlor,
In last week's Daily Pilot a
front page news item particular·
ly struck me as ludicrous, i e
"Carter Threat Flayed, Plan to
Cut Miners' Food Stamps
'Outrag<'' "
The only outrage in this ca"<'
i<; that slrtkNs (.'\ cn gC"t fnoci
:.tamps, a!'> they are out of work
from i:ho1ce. I am pNsonall\
out ra~<'d that a portion of m\
ta'l.<'S are paying for their food
slam pi..
To the Ed.Jtor:
Amy Lilzel's letter, March 19
expressing her concern for the
loss of "music, athletic~.
driver's training and other non-
academic classes" if the Jarvi.;
Amendment, Prop. 13. passes
was heart rending. However, 1f
her parents can sa\e the ta'
money the Jnr\'ic; Amendmen1
proposes on lh<'ir home or rental
they would probably gladly pn•
v1de lhC'sc lessons Cor her
prl v ately.
There arc many excellent
music and driver education
teacher.. and education in sports
is .provided by the Parks and
Recreation Department at
nominal reb. She can then 1et
more of her credits in acadeqilc
courses that may serve her bet-
l<'r throui.th lire. It won't "tum
out flabby, uncultured people"
or bo the disaster she envisages.
• (,ctlns from r~odn1 a~ wtlcomf'
T~ nght to corid#na, &nteou to fll
'PO"• or thmanott l1brl u rnnwd
WftfT• o/ 300 u.ior.S.. or ~ will ,,_
~ prtf nniu. A 11 lttttri mud Ut-
clam ftgnolureo alld m°'1ing addrn.s
bW nom.t• mar ~ wUMcld 09 r ..
qwit •I ~1/tekal rcoa:n•cwa-. /'odJJI .UJIOC bt l*Mialt& ,, . 4
' • ' '
.. ... .. .... . ..
' '\ '\
~ \ ' ' l ' .. • .
~ ..
. . .
~ ____ F_O_R_N~l~A~/~N~A~T~l~O~N~A~L:_ __________________________________________________ ~------------------w~·~...,..:.::.::d~:·~M:ate:~~~=·~1~w=e----~--~D~LV~LOT A1
Judges Said Immune
Supreme Court Rules on St,erilization Latalui111 ·
Despite ana.ry dlaaireement by
three members, the U.S.
Supreme Court said Lhal judges
virtually are immune from
lawaulta by women Lhey have or-
dered sterilized -even when
such orders are mistakes.
Votlnc 5-3 1n a major decision
on Judicial immunity. the court
said Tuesday an Indiana judge
who approved a mother's re-
quest that her unsuspecting
teen-aee daughter be stenhzed
was not subject to damages
ror damages unless they act an
"a clear absence of all junsd1c-
Uon," Lhe court srud in adhering
to a judicial immunJty doctnne
fashioned in an 1871 decision.
Jud~es • mistakes -even
m allc1ous mistakes -are
shielded by immunity. that doc-
trine says, so judges facing d1f·
hcult decisions remain un-
influenced by fear of personal
Over Smoking
SYDNEY. Australia (AP> -
Brian McBride, leader of an anti·
smoking group, brought assault
charges against Calgera
Filipazzo. claiming the man blew
smoke in tus face while they were
riding on a bus.
Filipauo admitted he was
smoking but denied blowing
smoke in McBride's face.
"This is a test case, and we
want tobacco smoke to be legally.
defined as a form of assauJl,"
Mc Brade declared.
,.,.,,, ........
Justice Potter Stewart
Tuesday's decision reversed a
federal appeals court ruling Lhat
said DeKalb County, Ind.,
Circuit Judge Harold l>. Stump
could be sued for his stcriLiza.
lion order.
THE ml U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals ruled that Stump's or
dcr was not a judic111l act
''because or his failure to comp·
ty with elementary prmciples"
of constitution:il law
An opinion by Justice Byron
R. While srud thnl Stump had
the jurisdiction to issue the or-
der and therefore any possible
misuse of authority was beyond
legal challenge.
J uslices Polter Stewart,
Thurgood Marshall and Lewis F.
Powell Jr. dissented, calling
Stump's order "lawless conduct
Paid Political Advertisement
Stump did July 9, 1971, was
beyond the pale of anything lbat
could sensibly be called a
Judicial act," Stewart said in an
opinion for lhe three.
Taking the rarely used
privilege or reading his dissent
from the bench, Stewart said,
"A judge is not free, like a loose
cannon, to inflict lodiscrimlnate
damage whenever he announces
that he lS acting in his Judicial
Linda Kay and Leo Sparkman
of Kendallville. Ind • sued in
1975 seeking damages for the
tubal hgahon performed on Mrs.
Spark man four years pre·
Auburn, Ind , Mrs Sparkman
was 15 when her mother dedded
she had to undergo the opera-
lloo Her mother, Ora Spiller
Mcf'arhn, presented a legal
document to Judge Stump seek·
ing permission for Lhe steriliza-
According Lo Mrs. Mcfarlin,
her daughter was "somewhat
retarded" and had begun dating
and staying overnight with older
youths and men. Judge Stump
approved the mother's request
without holding a bearing or in-
forming the teen-ager or bis ac·
THE GIRL WAS told she was
to have her appendix removed.
She did not learn or her tubal
ligation until two years after her
1973 marriage. She is now 22.
She sued, charging she had
been denied her constitutional
rights to due process. that her
privacy had been invaded and
that she was subjected to cruel
and unusual pun.U;hrnent.
An Open Letter From
Mayor Milan Dostal To The
Citizens Of Newport Beach
f(uehn for~ , S21 ~vocedO. Corone def Mar,
CA 9262S. Torn c.sev. campelgn Chairman
CB Imports Diked
Carter Acts to Protect Americmi Jobs
WASHINGTON (AP) -President
Carter has decided to raise Import
duties for CB radios by l~ percent,
putLing upward pressure on the price
' or 92 percent or the sets now sold in
the United States, the White House
; announced.
The president acted to protect
American jobs. CB aeta imported
from the Far East and elsewhere
have cut the number of Americans
employed 1n their manufac~ by 75
percent in two years, to about 800, ac·
phased back lo 6 percent over two
years The commission urged a flve-
year phase-out
A spokesman ror the commission,
Steve Falken, said tbe U.S. planta
manufacturtng CB radios are coocen·
trated an Lhe Midwest.
They are plants operated by Lhe E.
N ~ cording to figures supplied by the
ell' U .S. International Trade Com·
F. Johnson Co. 1n Clear Lake, Iowa,
Waseca. Minn., and Gamer City,
Iowa; HyGain Ele<:tronlcs in Lincoln,
Neb. and Puerto Rico; Motorola. Ine.
m Sehaumburg, Ill and Seguin, Tex-
as. and Palhcom Inc in Harbor City,
Calif. Dr Thomas B Day. mission.
vice chancellor of CARTER REJECTED a recom-
the University of mendation by Lhe trade commiaaion. MIDDLE-A.GE
Maryland has been which urged rum to boost CB duttes
named president of by twice as much. He said Lhat would J14NDIT STRIKES
San Dit>go State "substantially boost cost to con-
Umversity. sumers.". NEWTON. Masb. CAP> -This -----=------Roughly 13 million Americans own town's rruddle-age "bomb lady," who
CB radios. has a modest appetite for bank money
Rates Upped The present duty on imported CBs und a oo-oonsense way of demanding
is 6 percent. The president's action, it, has struck again. police say, rob· , OAKLAND CAP) -
Directors of the East
Bay Municipal Utilities
District have voted to
raise customers' rates
5 cents per 100 cubic feel.
which won't become effective until bing a bank of $400.
he formally issttt!S some paperwork For the second time in less than two
that is being prepared for his weeks, "the bomb lady" held up the
siinature, will rai.H Lbe tot.al duty to Baybank Newton Waltham Trust Co.
21 oercent. branch in Newton Comer. police said
THE DUTY INCBEAS:;;;;.Erwoul;;;;;;d;;be;;;;;;;;T;;;;;u;;;;;e;;;;;a;;;;;da;;y;;;;;. ------· ---.
Nuclear Interests
Donate $670,000
SACRAMENTO< AP) -Two dozen companies
and groups wilh interests in nuclear power donat-
ed $670,000 to state legislators and the two major
political parties in 1976 and 1977, says Common
The citizen action group released a report HY·
ine the 21 senators who voted to allow the proposed
Sundesert nuclear power plant to t>e built received
average contribuuons of $4,420 from tbe 24 firms.
desert received an average of $603.
The 15 members or the Assembly Resources,
Land Use and Energy Committee, whlcb is con·
sidering the proposed Sundesert exemption this ·
week, received an average or $2,542 from them,
the report said.
The report did not include contributions by an-
ti-nuclear groups.
site near Lhe Arizona border by a group beaded by
San Diego Gas & Electric.
The report said the largest contributors were
the State and Local Citizenship Responsibility
Group, composed of Sout.bem California Edison
Co. employees. $83,255; Atiaotic Richfield Co .•
$76,230; United for California, funded by California
Corporations, $68,500; Bank of Amerie' $60,575,
and Standard Oll or California, $59,855.
Paid Polltlcal Advertisement
"We are voting for Paul Hummel in order to
preserve Newport's best assets -clean air, a
better Bay, and open space."
Aprll 11
Bow can I earn the
highest Interest and
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Here are the facts. Savers who have certificate
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EXAMPLE: You have a certificate with us earning at
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A need arises-vacation, new car, emergency, what-
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while the account continues to eam at 7~%. A differ-
ence of only 1 %. Similar arrangements can be
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The advantage is obvious. You can afford to put your
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Naturally, Mutual Savings accounts are insured to
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Compare where you presently save. All savings
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open an account at Mutual Savings since we can
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located. Call or visit any of
our 16 Southern California
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•ep.n Sa~ 10AM lo 2 PM
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• ., .,
. ,
':la DAILY PllOT Wednnday, March 20, 1178 ORANGE COUNTY I OBITUARIES
By llil Kenne $3.6 Million Approved Pl'BUC' NOTIC't: PUBLIC' NOTICE
"Mommy's letting the plonh out."
For the Record
FllH -rch 10
PORTE"· JOl\n M -P•m•I• A OilN~ORO, Jo~ A M1d Herm•n 0 MILlER, O•rlen• M •nd CftHIU B ; l<IRCHGESTNl:R MotllHI Ole<>n ...0 -ry .,,.mbrOll•. ANOERSON, Vernon l<•nt •nd Non ct E , HAlOIN, B•rl>er• G •nd l>ol>erl, OALESSI, Mike J •nd J•11e1 M , BOll;KES Judllh M M\d C•ref H , Mc1NTlflE. Lino• Ann dnO MtChHI Loo; HARRELSON AollfOrt S dnd C•rolrn L
K INSE y Juo•I" "' •nd Jan l
'T AYlOR. -rq.thtl\ 0 ""°John C.
SIERENS,J~R -Oolor••D CASINO, R•cl\eo Slluento eno Oon•ld J•-· PATRICK, N•n<Y
/Inn al\d Prf.\••Y EO••rO. BODNAR
~ot'ln M•r'u' •nd 01 .. nt-P•lrlC •• CARLSON, S<o(t N •nO o.t>ra l
PA ROE, EarlOton L°"'" M\d Hen" KOTCH, lrl• -M1cl\HI DISCH Tr.elm• J. _J.,....\ L
GALVIN A-P -M•"• H 8•GGEAS Toro l •nd Slev•n w-•ley. M/o.2.ZA, Cynlhl• IC••••I •"" l•on PEAEZ R-oooilo Jr •no
ll•oecc a A BUTLER, ~ M•"• T •nO ThO<'l\A\ £ SARGENT G•vle
•nd Frea.rr<k WOHLE fN p_,lttt1• Lynne •nd O..n•el C..rroll, SCOTT.
Wtlh.," M1ttwtl lfnd J•<OUt'"IYfl A. t<OSTU AtK. Jo-M " ~ti Jr dnd
.J"•nttftf' Ann \TINSON N,.v'
l-OUt\f' •nd JamH E
(ROOK W1114.tm R ~ ' rnn l PIC.GLE. K.,on J•n" •nd D•••d Al l•n • TAOlllN T•.,,,•• "•Y •no 01
lo K•nell\ HARK£ A. ll•\IPy C. "'1d
C.• oro• p 0 C.AACIY R .. ""'d K
•f't1 D••nt W' RAFF-N•om1 /4 .tnd M l\,1el P 'TOl<ES. MMQ41fei A ••"Cl L •wrontt I MENl(lJS
M"'O·•rtt A And Jo.I A , Gl.CA 11..tl y G end Revmono P
~'HILLIPS Norm•n O w.tin IJ,,d
( rtrolyn Mir•f'
I f' N ~ f Re,, (Ollt"fl'n M t•t'\'1 ht 11t f'
L L """ACK$, Vtnw G.trlrey •no Glori• l"ay, FER NANOE Z Merceoes .,, .. Mlou•I ; KOSTEN BADER, Gloria J, •nO A•<ll•rO Claylon • WAL TEAS, AOllert v •nd K•ren, SILVERS Aochard C ond
Phylh~ A SEP£ K.ar•n M .,no
M1<h•f't J ,,,, ... ,....,. .. .,
HA¥t:.L.. LtW ~-oht~ And Vine~
J BAANAAO, Stephon W end
(Ol'l\Uelo HALL.. P•tr1( •• A and
Oani•I R SADLER, June C..rol ano
f •ovo M~ll>urn BELL. Aoborl HUI •nd L1llt•n El•tnt OeVAIES
P1tr1(tl Mid John Junlot, WALL Bonn•• S ...., 1.4',_. J, OSOWSte;t Anne D -Ml<Nel W. MAATIN
~u~•n Lyf"ln •nd Steven Atberl
CAM ENZIND, Jutif' l.Ot,.•tM •nd
M•Ch .. I~ Al/ERV. P•lr1C1• ~"• -A•n-Oy Warren; HANLEY. Rl!<I Kev •nd J•m•\ lH AUOOl.Pl-4, ~'9•• MllV -Thoma• O.•tO l'UCHSEA. Fre4 J •nd M•rolyn F PEAAEIAA
l•ura Fay~ ~ G1l~f' OeM•\, THOMPSON, M•"•'" J•nls 01tc11
•nO G1ry ~r-hn LYNCH, Hflf'f'
J .. n •ncl EOWerd LtrOY FOSTER,
~ull\ M -FloYd H SAFKO C•rol Ann •nd Ml<....,I Sle-n; BEAL
M•tV J1ne •ncl Al~t ANOAEA. Pltlrt<e D •nd 0.vrO
~ CA ATER, RulhA and Roborl C GARAIGAl'I M1<N•I P •ncl Kett, KENRICH, W411tr Fr-rtCk •n4 V1•o•n•• ) . SALMERON, (.oncll• •"" Antonio p WINTHER. ROl>erl
I< •nO Nena G ,..OFFMAN, Emily W •nd H•rold C ROBERTS, G•yl Ellan •nd Wiiiiam, 111. MlJA,HV
M•rd• e<.un1ko •nG Robert O'f.
MOLINE, H•te• M•rle •no Rlcl'l••d Elmer . ANDERSON . Wlll1•m AIWI •nd Ell"n Elll•l>etl\, HOLLE v Norm.on H. and Jert J,
o .. aih Noti«"fl>~
')' (O\IA Mr.<I p.tt\.\t"d •••• Mc)t( r. )1 ••df *'UdOfrinlf on Mar(" l'J. 1'l11 tn
11111 H• n. \"''"""° oit • d6U19f\tf'f & Pf'n\•cot• Flor ICU ~ Ottowo •••• ot •" •n l•w """'to<••-E•rl OwlHI\ ol Male>< o.n. .. E CAIGWett. '5<, USAF "4f'wjlor1 ••ach, > •l•lnt Der• rellr-cl, 1-t""I mo-fl/I 0.-W E Ja<ot»on -l!tt\9\e Srnu,. l>Cllft (1f C•ldw•ll Jr °""91 .. and Da .. 10
nw.t > Qf'anckfuklrrn frf'd f ~om C•tdwrll 4h,tf'f ot J•tnf'1. l.JngH\teU.-r
d M t-..•on V1f"to MMt (•'~'"Corbin ot 4tnO Mary Anft W f"b\lf'r of tn
1 .J\l1n Pr1v•f•" 1.lmtl'I' ~H'tfl(fl\ Wttl 0.-01MHtOOh\,. ll"di.,,. Funtftll Sifrvl<t\
~,.td •Uft tntf'r~t •I h.trbor t..•wn lf"lv,...Ot1Y ~"<" lO. "'• 4l lPM •t
1\•h·mo,l•I P•r1t.. Frtf"f'MJ\ m•v <~II •• O Conf\O' ~ Hiiis Mortu¥y tn
f•f"lt Br~•• ~V for v 1\1\t• tf'rm.-nl Et Tor-o Umettty Et To,.o
... I\ on Thuncl.ly, -<h lO ''°"" 11 00 C• o·connor l•-· Hiii• Mo<tu••• ..,,1on to • JO PM 8•U 9roctO••• Olr•CfOf\ Mo<1u•r1 dire<!~ SYl.YAI" B~CINO AOGER C SYl.VAN rnldenl •I • AEDEPICll PAUL BUCCINO,,. (0'1• MM.JI, --.11way ~rel\ u. '•rl•nl of c ... te ~. C• P••>IPCI •••1 1911 Borft August I. ltf3 lie Is s"vlwd
"" M•tch ,., "" •l ~ ~ •I SI. l>y "'' wife Ectn.. daught-. °'*"~ h•IO• .. ,,.,,,b.tt>d of Martt>n BUCCIPIO, llro•n '"'° _ .... ,.w MK'-1 BrPWn,
•nvonq lathH DI Conn,. Buctina of S-qr•ndd•u!lfll•rs w-y & Mic.Mii•
<•wl>fl .. VaUeyt C:.., Iller.,. V ... ny Of Bt-" ell .. ........,. .. ad\, tlr-Mt '~" Arlrona, l>rOfher of Anthony Or G~reld Sytvlln Of US v..K, Nev l;ucctl')O ol Lon9 aucll, Ca .• ,,., FuMral MHt. will ti. llltld TllUrsd•y Pnyll1\ Bi.c:• .. ou ..... ~,,.., •. •Ito Marci! JO. ".,. 10 AM at SL JOfln ,,,. .,r•••ed bv -ot•l)O(lllid. Mr •uc 111p1h1 catllollc Cl\<1r<ft 111 cost• ••no wu en •<ti,.. -m~r of Ille Mew. Int~ wtll w 111 Paclll< rtrdor Of TM Soll$ ol lla4y ol Amerlu, VI-Memon.-,_.,. ~ Ilea!>. "' ·o " former Olsplay advorll&1n9 PK•ll< Vlew~tuarv dlrec~ •ieHIUft for lhe Dally Brtelt WINYAllll>
n1 w•p•~ In Torr•nc• Ca. •!\Cl I~ OONALO Gt!ORGE WINYAAO, re-'.,•ddldU<k Vallty N•w•, La9un• ••dent of Wontmlnster, C.. Pauffl Holl\ Ca Rotary will M rMlttd on eway on M9rcll 14. 1'71 at IN ... of W•Onudey Mitrch 2'. 1'71 •t I 00 PM ll !>u1•lwd b¥ ht\ •i'-Ann Wlnyaro,
Al Smith Tu1n111 L•mb W•ttclf•I hi• par•"'' O.or9• •nd \/elm•
< n•~· . .,, E 17111 !>t C~te Me~. Wlny.,d F...., .. >«Wkn wtll be llPld '• FuMr•I "'""ICH ........ ...,,don ""Wff_..,. Marth"· 1t71.i1 00 lr•ul\dAV ,.,..,Ch 30, .. ,. •I , 00 p M p M •I SmHJI TutnHI !Arnb Wettchll ... Sm it" Tut hi II L•mb w .. ltllll CIY~I '11 E. lnh St. Cc&i. Mna, c.
'~•Pf'I wolh F•ll'ltr ~11>!1 M<E,...ony wllft "•• Ooneld ShnOfftl olltcl•t"'9 ""'< •lll ln9 lnt,.rmonl wlll l>• at Cremall"" ..-burial M s.e to fol._ W~•lmlMler ,,,..,,._, .. , P•r-!.mol,. Smolh Tuthill L•ml> Co•I• Me••
Tul~•ll !AMO Colt• "'"H -•tu.ry Mortuanr Otre<tor\. ~
o "cton ---Nll"KEa TYU:lt MARTHA C. HAAKEa, res._ of ,.OBERT R TYl ER rn•~ ot Cost• Mew. C.t Posed •••r on
"'"""~'°" -· c. Pnsacl •••Y Marc" 2'. 1911. SuNlved l>V llUs-"" March 17, lt11 S.Wv1W<S l>V "" Au R. Han.er ....._..... JoMlt• t. w•I~ 0.lor.S, l•lhtf' O'f LltlO.t C-. NHIY Di Huntl"910ft &.«fl. Ca .. "°"
<,uwl\ Wll-..,., R-1 Tvl•r fl. \on 0.vld H CrlcMon of Flot""'-slst .. "' G•rfl@ld TYlff, alto _...,_ D'I' • Mn Mary ~ICMOn of HOrt!t ""'Ina. or•ndd,.loron S..NI~...., 1n1........,.t l 9rancklli~ 5er"1C. will be held ... 11 tM> on Thund•Y Marc" JO, "71 •I on Wed"9iclrf M.Jnh 29. 1'11 at 1 00 " JO A.M on lt'e O\AP!'I ot R_,., PM •I Ow Ftrst Sovlhern ll~lst WP\tmlMI .. -••I PAn Mor1ullrY Church of Foumt.01" V.tli.v. CA. Int.-
lo (•malffY ..,,..,.l •t -.:.llewn -.-1e1 P..,., Ourl'l.tm Nort?I C...Pllna I,. llt<I 01 now•rs l•mlly 1u119Hts memorial -------------contributions lo Hoag Memorlal
110 Broadway
Costa Mesa
WHTCUff eHAl'll
~27 E. 17th SL
Cost a Mesa • &46-4888
Santa Ana Chapel
618 N. Broedwav
Santa Ana• S47-4131
P'llll'CI lllOTMRS SMITHS' MOtn\l.H1'
627Ma1n St
t-lunllnqton Bea<:h
~ 536-6539
'7801 Botsa Ave
Cern•tery Mortuary
3~clflc View Onve
C.lifotn~• • M4-~700
H~Pllal, ~ 8-A(f>. C.. Oln!el •d bV Diiday 8rol~rl Morlu.,y 8oach & Tali.rt. Hllflfl,.i-S.e<I\,
C• QUIN1t LI NOA JEAN QUINN, ~ 1'. ot Nowport 9Mch, Ca. ,.MWd away on M•rch 26. 1'71. SM Is wnriW<I by Mt" '"lier AlcNf'd J, Ollnn M4 ft!Ot,..r Mr\. H••rv UtyY. ~lat -YkH
win be htlll et tot91 A.M. °" 'f'hun41y
Merell 30, t'7t, a PKlll< View°'""'· ,.Kiiie V-___.., dlr-.cton
-810 Gllmore. 38, co-
author or the million-
seller record "Cherry fftll Part:• died ltfonday
of an apparent ~elf
inntc:tec1 gunstwt wound.
police said.
-lobD H. Hanon, 74.
former special agent in
charge of the FBI office
lo Loa Angeles Imel cblcf
lnvestliator in UM7 f o,.
then-Gov. Earl Warren's
Commlaslon on Ortanl-1 Crime. died
Frtday Jn HuntlnJton
Ill morlal Hosott.al.
OC Flood Control Project to Be Completed
Of .. o.lly f'llM SI.aft
An $8 million Interim Clood
control yrogram for lower I reaches o the Santa Ana River
may have to protect Orange
County residents longer than the
eight years once expected.
County Supervisors have ap·
proved plans for the final $3.6
million segment of interim chan
nel improvements designed to
incr ease the nvcr's capuc1ly
and building another Santa Ana
River dam at Mentone near
Redland s along with
downstream channel work
But county officials said there
has been "no discermble pro
gress" on the federal project
since a 1975 Corps of Engineers
report outlining the work
·'Realization of the project
now appears more distant lh<tn
previously anl1c1pated, • i:I re
r><>rt to supervisors noted
The work will include
modtricalions to the Hamilton
Avenue· Victoria Street bridge
foundations, levy r econstruction,
con crete slope lining, sediment
removal and i.ome bike lane re-
t:A RLIER portions of the
eounly program provided chan
nl'.'I improvements upstream to
the San Diego Freeway as well
J::. n .•placement of the Adams
,\q:nue bridge between Costa
Mesa and Huntington Beach
County off1c1als satd they
llOTICll w caio1 TD•$ SUl'.alOll COYllT 0' THI n ATI 01' CALI l'Olt,.tA '0• fNE COUNTY 01' OltANOI ...... ..,..,
t •lett ol R08CRl PAVL MA Ill IN SA •ho knO•ll .. "OllfltT p MA"TIN OllC .. Md NOTICE IS MIRlllY GIV(H IO Ille croollon ol tr. .00•• ,,.,.,.., c10teoen1
ll'lel •II pe,,_ """'"9 tl••m> '"9•111\I '"" WIO _..,,. .,. , ... ., ... IO Ille tr.m, •llh ,,_ _,..,.., voucNn In Ille ollltt ol Ille UW\ o1 Iha tbevo on
llti.tl cowl. "' 10 Df-1 nwm •.Uh Ill• ftOCOHMY YOliChtrt lo ,,,....Ull det\IQMd II l'aul M Kon.tpelt~Y. "lr
Attor~y •• U• llUI Irvine 81\tO . Sulle F Tu\lln, C•lllorl'I•• o .. o. ,.l\ICh •• the piece of bw>lne\\ ol the u!\Cl•lll9ned In •ii ,...tier\ pert•lllil'lll
lo IN utatt ol •tlCI CM<-nl ••ll•ln lour months eller u,. Uni pyl>ltC•tl°"
of Ill" nollet O•t•d ,..,..((,, I] "" "-rt Paul Maritn Jr E•e<ulor ot nw w111 ot ,,. *'" ~meo O.< .,.,.,.., PAVL M KOHAl'ILJICY, Jr
Att .. MyalUw
llUI lrWIM at.._ s..!t•,
Tlntl•, C.1-• ,_.. .. ._, ... 1:-.-
PuOll\,..., Qr ... ~ D41ily ~dOI M•rCI\ IS 11 it""" A!N'ol I lt71 IOll II
l'ICTITIOUt auMM•U ~IT&T~MallT ,,.. lal'-lnt .....-........ ._, MU•• fUfHAotAtll COMPAHY, lual
•ob•'' Lenta Hu"Un9teft I••<"· • C.tllfornoa~ 51•Ph911 s .. nur hlO't. UHi Aohr 1 L•n• Hunllfltlell aoacll C•llfornl• n.tl
T~1• Ow••n .. Cendrtlct .... , ... .... • dl•od .. el
~I .... ~., ... ..,
TM\ >let.._..i Wel IU..S wltll U. co,,,,ty Cl., k 01 Or•ntt C_t, 9'I
Morell 11 ltlt
""" Pwbli./led Or-C.0.11 Qa11y Pllet, Morch u.n . 1'.,,.. A~I s. 1tJt t0.11
FICTITIOI» IUSIN•U NAMI STATIM9NT Thi roll-•"9 Hrwnt are .......
t>u\.lft•U ., SWANS<>t<'S WORlO OF D.4NCE
1'°42 Ma9ft011• A.,. 1'1u,,,1a1" Valley C•lllOrllle t7IOI Cher1011e """SU• ?OUI ,.,.,.. ...
$1 ~"'. ,,,.., ClllfW.i. tt10J Jtlltry !uQtn• 0.1e. U•>• C >OIUI Sc '>af\IO Arla, C.llfor .. la
At the same time. county of
flc1ab noted that htlle progress
has been made on a long
awaited U S Army Corps ol
Engineers flood control pro1ect
for the nver
THE $3.6 MILLION county
prpject approved Tuesday calls
for increasing the river channel
capacity from 25,000 cubic feet
per second tQ 40,000 cubic reet
per second from south of Adams
A\•enue to JU.St norU1 of Pac1f1l'
Coast Highway
would ell~ct channel construe· PUBLIC NOTICE
uon to begin m May and be com· -'-·----------
fhl\ o .. t•neu" <-1 .. w • Qlfl<lrel -1nerSl\lp C ... r .... Allll St.M
THE $800 rrullton federal pro
Ject calls for rwsmg Prado Dam
Advisory Group
pleted before the start or the
rainy season next November
Tri• 101-."ll .,..._ i> 00•"<1 .,, .. , "•Si ., AUTOMA TIC EfFICl[NCY ,::;::;m;;::;:;:;::;jj;jn;;r====t1 woaw,s~. ~' ') ~•ir•••• So.In" , I A11.t, C•lllc.ni. t'2704 Kurt A GllDorl, not w S..11flo•er. Silo\IA An•. C.lltorno• '11~ Tiii• l>UMlle'lS ll c-uc•eoo l>y ... '" .,,.,_,
tru\ \t•t.,...M W.-' tll.O wit" tftw. Counly Clerk ol 0r•"9t Co\lnty "" M<H(I\). ltTI
,..tlnl PubllsNd Or•t\91 to.I>! 0.oly Ptlol, "'•t<h I IS, tt, 2' ltll l»-11
New Veterans Council Kun A Vll•r1 Thil ii.tamont -• lfi•O wnh 1r. County Clerk of Ort~OO Count• o•o
Fet>t.,.rv 16. ""
I.IP• MIO ACCIOatn ANDMIEAL.TN SY*>PSISOP THE A!t!fUAI. $TAT.MINT Yl:Allt f.NDIO OECllllBlllt JI, 1'77 ,.,.,. of
P"bll•htd Or-Co." LJ••lt P1101.
OK'd by Supervisors •n• N•w-1 •1vo
MIUIOfC \llLI049S-0401
1..U ~mlllt ~rtr-•S•n 0 ,.,.. •t Avw Pllw J
M•rch I. 15. 11, 29 It/I ii< II PACIFIC MUTUAL Ll"I llOUlltANC. COMl'ANY
IOI ~ cow..°"" l'.O ........
PUBLlC NOTICE "'"'"" a..c11, c.111ent1••--T Olel •dmllltd .,,." s T 9Sl .S70,U•
11 1_.,, 1011111•1>11111~ •.&H ..... ase
With some reluc tance, Orange
County Supervisors voled Tuesday lo
create anot"er Veterans Advisory
However. supervisor s made no
<'omm1tmenl to continue the council
beyond the end of the current fiscal
year and said it should operate for
now with minimum clerical help
from the county Veteran~ Service of·
An tll·fated veterans advisory
panel was disbanded by supervisors
m 1976 arrud controversy and charges
from some that it had failed to
represent the views of all velerans
THE NEW C.'OUNCIL, as proposed
by Supervisor Philip Anthony, will be
made up of nine representatives
from chartered or "nationally re-
cognized" veterans organizations.
It 1s to advise supervisors on
veterans matters, but not become in·
volved in the day-to-day functions of
the county Veterans Service Office
Supervisor Ralph Diedrich abs-
tained from voting on the council's
creation saymg he needed more lime
to study the issue.
H F. SA.ID he wa~n·t convmced peo·
pie really wanted such a panel or
OC Panel
Sets First
that past controversy between
veterans groups had been resolved
But Ray Krmsky of the United
Veterans Council of Orange County
c;ai d the differences have been
worked out and the organiiat1ons
want to work together to advise
Supervisor Ralph Clark said he
reared the council might become a
political football among splinter
groups of veterans organizations.
fu f't-itMI
Martin I Sctineyer
Attorney at Law C•itOP..,,,.,
-t••..o PiJohc. Ai:.co..,,n•~, ~B~ '•••Ion
U&'tfl' ~ l4WS l •• .. , U"' ~'MiaOt 01 f •• l•• l •_,..._,.,.jbftf'.lf"eUS I•• C ~,,
""°US SvDt'~ CO\.•~
•aoo "'• ,.., • .,Pt A.I ·~ ....,.o ,, a.-.., CA 1 .. ,
NOTICI TO c;•IDI TO•S S-1•1 S<lrplus Fund• 4',7J4,.U2 Unf\\IQMd 1...0\ Sl, ... ,'11 \Ul'Ea1CNl COUltT O" THI G41n ltom OC>'r•t•M\ 1•.0l,Ul HATI Of' CAl.IFCNINIA fO" ln<r .. M !> .. rplu• THE COUNTY 0, OllANOf durollQ 1tl1
In '"' m:::•,,~::~.-( ,,.,. of in~";.:!!:.~'"'
EDWARD WEBSTER ORUHI! Atcld4'nlencltw••ttl
O.cu .. o premium• NOTICE •!> HERt:BY GIV t'N to '"'"'•nc• •n Foro
13 '"·°''
crtd1t0f't havtnv c1a1m' llt94~"'' ttw C•lilortu• 8\l\4nt'\) •.•5i'.t22."'41 ~1• dKtOf'f'H lo ,,, .. ~··d <••·m~ '" '""' A(( •Ofot\t ~ ,....,,,, P'•""""''
otft<f' of t'-clef"\ of t~ ••ortt\••d C•l•forn•• 8uMf'Wtt U$,O)t,tl1 court or to pr.wnl 11\tm to IM un Wt l'l•t•l>Y cMlly 1r..t 1111 •l>evt O.r>1gned •I 11>e office O'f FAEOE .. IC •t•m• e•t 1n oc~onlenc.• wottl Ille An G MARotS. INC, A PAOFESSIONAl ftuel !>l•tomelll !or ltw ve•r ·-CORPORATION. ltOO AVENUE OF Otttmt>•r 31, 101 m1de to II\• THE ST AR S. SUITE 1720 LOS tnwr•n<• COmm•Mooner of Ille Stal• ANGElE5. CA 'IOOlll wht<ll i•tl•r ol ol C•l•lorn1• pur-nl 10 I•.,.
hu " 1111! place ol l><t\1"9H o• uw un H T JoaN\11'19 der119ned '" •It ,,,.II.,.• perl••n•l'lll 10 voo Pr~Klent 833 1164 •••d est•I• Such <l•1m1 wolh 1111 •ncl c.on1ro11tr
ST SEEMS h • NU\Ury wucher\ mun l>O lot.a o• ~1-T o· .... ,.
"IT JU there IS SO muc !:::::=========~! prHtni.o es .,1oreu10 ''"'"'" lour ~'"'"'" internal bickering and dissatisfaction monthl •lier 11\r ftr~I .... bllUllon 01 Pub'"""° Or-CNSI O•ily Pllol
w1· th these things, I am reluctant," 1111' "°11'' M••<" u . ~ )(), 31 -llprH 1. ,.,, NEED A LAWYER? Dlte4 t.Uru. 13 1"1 1109-11 he said . MARGO I( OAUHt: E'le<Ulrl• Of 11\e Will o•
A t t f l Lo• Legit Fee ••10 oecN1on1 recen coun y survey o ve erans FREoiatc• o. MA""'· iNc organizations showed that 73 percent • Divorce .aP ... 1eu1 ... 1c~
favored creating a council, seven • Bankruptcy 1ttuvENUEOFTHESTAU
d.d d 20 t d'd 't • Criminal svin tno percent 1 not an per<'en i n 1.os ANGELES. cA '°°'' know. • Wills-Probate Pu1111s...a oranve C-Pas• D•t1• P1101
,ICTITIOUl IUSINUS NAMI: STATEMENT T n• followt119 penon ~ ..,1"9 1>u\I
nt11\\ •t. AUTOM081LIA, IO'IO (81 Pl•<e<1·
I•• CPll• -·· C.. 9a2' • Incorporation M•rch 1s. n ,,, Aprll s 1•11
• Accident-Injury 107b II Mor vvn Wright 19811 Wetnul Sr , I ounldln V•ll~y C.• 91109 HOWEV ER, a report t o
superVIsors said surveys were r e
turned by only 30 of 90 organizations
contacted so "the results. • may not
represent Orange County veterans'
organizations in general ..
Ev1ct1on ~ '"'" b\i\lnflo~\ 1\ <ondu<:tea by •n 1f'\ PUBLI(' NOTl('E • Collection'>
r "'• toUOllltf"Q pP<\On •to do11t9 tiu\1
ne\\ tlS
A companion surve} taken of 99
veterans at the county Veterans
Service Office showed 47 percenl
favored creating the council, 15 per·
l·ent did not, 34 percent dutn't know,
and four pet"cent dtdn 't answer
)111 SOUit\ H.tflAd.llf \,,.f\fA An• --------------! c..111orn•.t 97/0S
Clllt 642-6678.
• Spiral sliced for easy serving
Put a fe)IW words
to work for ou.
• Honey ·n Spice Glaze •Cooked 30 hours
• Nat1onw1de shipping service
• F utl ,erv1ce Delicatessen
• Old World Cheese Shop
• Sandwiches to go
Does Or. Flanzer offer a
complete denture for less
than $200? To find out. call
him at (714) 642-0112.
Dr. ·Arnold H. Flanzer
370 L 11'11 StrMt
Costa Mesa
Slf'vt'n 0 M•u\1¥1 l,1n"r4
P•rtner. )1'} !.outn ... UHey S.~t4 Alla, c ............ t11t>S I,
Tr.is tiu11f"11Pss ts c..,o.ct .. o tt-,. •
hm•lad PM1'W'nhlp Sl""""O Mwt.nt
Thi\ stalamPnl w•s fll• ''"'" trw Ct>UMY Cieri! ol Or._ CO<lr\IY 011
""""" 20 lt71 ""f .. 'ub1t\"td Or-C.,.\I O•llY Pilot
M•• 12 lt, A'1' ). 12 1978 I l)t 11
.. " . . . . -.......... .. . . . . .
DAILY PILOT ,49 .i.;.
. 8i~e Straightened:.Heada~he Vani-shes ·~·1
BUDGn A unt SHOP &
Pritta Ciffd thr11
T11t1., April 4th
f'f'Kn~ltn ..... ''"'•th wt1;1. \1o<h l•••• ... .,......,.,._;i;..
t u en• iht 1.,h1 lo U•"' •'
..... 1111u 1 Mo Selu le o .. ,.,,,
fneme ltd oh111irwm in Wkitt '"°""
Ttllow, flame. (osy-pour' spout:
il11uloted ~... cord. U.l. lstt4.
Dear Dr. SteJaeroJla: Let's
play 1ueuuw camea. Suppose 1
told you that I've bad bad ht•dactaes IOI over a ye r. Now th~~:re £OM. And wit.bout taklna mecuclne ror them.
No, 1 didn't try bypnoUam.
They weren't tension headaches,
because I've always been re·
Jaxed and euygolng. No, they
wer en't due to allergy. Doctors
wer e also certain that they
weren't migraine.
9x11" PHOTO
INSERT ALBUM ~T ywr fHoritt s•p• Oft the
IMtrt cover! ln1141, protect tll tlM
,.11 tfl self adhesive pogul
. I
T bad a bad "b1t&'' and needed
something to correct It. la this a
~mroon cause ol head.acbea? -Mrt. N.
1 COMMENT: Bad ''bites" an· common. but they do not ln· variably cause headaches. la
patlonta Uke yourself, they will
occuiooally produce what we
call a temperomandlbular Joint
syndrome. Tb.la is in the binge
jolnt that opens and closes the
lower jaw.
Sometimes the Jaw is lhrowo
fS.AYfl LE!}
"1.58 VALUE
9ut of balance for some l"e8$00
or other <faulty chewing, &rind
int ot teeth, faulty tooth 1U1n·
rnent). This causes a main on
the joint which produces spurns
in tbo muscles of the neck.
abouldert and bead -1ufficient
to c;uae cllrqnlc headache.
. \Vb yout caae-~eport ln-
dlcatea, M.n. N .• ls tbat the
dia1aoai1 and treatment of
headaches la often more difficult
than many realize.
Dear Dr. StefacrobD: J have
been bothered for the past
StrMg, ;.reWt ••• In,.,., Awt·
-. c.Jor. D--4 ,.,, .... •·
• •• Wt-ill .... lecb .•• u.
~•~r•l monlh.i wllh my 1-..
and. feet iotnc to sleep and Un~· lift«. down to my to.a. They ,.t
quite cold aometim•.
My doctor says it'• probe~
due to l)OOr' el.rculaUoo. lie c me pUJtiwtdcb have bad '1lO ill· feet.
I am80andheatlributesevery-
tblng to my age. However, I
am active and Uve a buay,
normal life. Do you have any
suegestloos? -Mn. E.
COMMENT: X rays o( YoUr
le' a.r1etles as part of a com:
ph:1te circuJaUon checkup wW re-
veal whether or not most of your
trouble-)a due to poor clrcula·
tioo, u YOW' doctor SUH.U.
Meanwhile, be sure to cheek on \
your bloo d 1 u1ar an4\"
hemaelobin . Sometlmu ,.
dlabetu or anemia cause • \ symptoms like yours. : •
If allowed but one aueaa. I'd : ~
arree with your doctor'• su1ces· : •
tlon that tbe trouble ls poor : :
drculaUon. But I don't acree ; •
that everything should be "at·· . ·
tributed to age."
IEG. 6.00 3 99
& 1.00 ea.
2FOR ~~~: 69c 17!~ •PlNN
1.75 799 tt~~:l. FOSTER GRANT
........ rt*itll, lltlrt & .... ,, '-Tilt ............. ,...., ,, ..,..., ..... 2 ._ ,,....,,_
,l:1 µ,
-~·-"x , .. \~ .,11"""'\• \ •• ~
I I~) r :.., \..
I ~ ~: \ t !!!.iii ) • i.. ~· ~; ,\_-~Jr
FINE CHAINS ltwtiftf Meck Wtlll ,.......,,
•• ,.u,llte4 ---.... lty II.,. P"'f• S.,., price•
\: . SAU N ICI . ' Q$t:. &Sc
•• •lo C-lillt .......... '' ... n..,a..tw cw,
FILM TO ii~.!.'
''Dl ft·A·PllNr' O. IVC.f aMOI PJIOTO-
we put , ... MOftlh 9l'd yeor Oft lhti bOclo: o1 every
color tttnt 10 vo.·111o:-w"-" It WOi loktn,
fAUlT·flH GUAUNnl Ynu must loke when you'" when you
ptrll ..,, .,,,,.,, prtnh II "01 ret11r11 ony P''"' mCMft ltom yO\lf M qo
1-wllll Offg 1,,t l 1t1tvtl~ & rt <t •pl We II rtfwnd lull P""' proce
ill ....
f0t t 9ood fool< I ()\if ''""hrng ptOCtU
01'"'" b.CJUtolul roton a hfel1ke ""' '°"''
Write •-"'· Int ltflt. '*' m ce, .... , "* fruh. '" ..... .. .. -ywr"" P" IJ.ft
'Mfl.i ICTlll VAlUt
H t ""'-tidu & fleea .,.
"91 & tell. ftf ltMtl Viti
G.1 .. , ••,... flM ..,.,., s ..
Sitt! ctnl <Hier •• tr•u
eHMtl/•hllt lri•. ltllHHf
.... fN4 trey ..... ., "'''
Pn• ,. ... , lhl1,. wn... & s,.w.... iefN Dwty a-, ....
a~i. I• HIJ lt ·•J•I ftllt•
GRAHAM CRACKERS " ••. cw. tf ..... ,. ~ .
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ovERStZE mEL /
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~~~~~:-~.t:C·v·: ... :.~_:_~.~.:_,~.n ......... ~ ............. ml!! ............................ ~ .... i,.-.O~ts -:-:: Wednesday,March29, 1978 OAILYPILOT r-• •I
\ I
' \Oose Pmfl at Second Base
Westminster High's Bill Coopman dives for second base as Edison High prep baseball action Tuesday. Coopman was safe on the play. Edison won
the game, 6-2, the Cb.argers' sixth victory in a row. See story, page B-2. ' (Huntington Beach) infielder Mike Vandeveer waits for the throw during
Fairly Still Going Strong at 39.
~ear is 1958. The Dodgers are new f n Los Angeles, playing at
tbe Memorial Coliseum. Dwight
· D. Eisenhower is President of
the United Stat.es.
There are no major league
teams in Anaheim, San Diego,
Oakland, Houston, Montreal and
Seattle. The New York Mets
have not yet beeo established.
That was the year that Ron
Fairly came to the big leagues to stay. And he's still going
stl"ODg as he approaches bis ~
.. They say the legs are the
first thing to go," said Fairly.
now a member of the California
Angels. "I've never been able to
run fast enough to hurt myself.
Get Boost
NEW YORK CAP) -Fulltime
national coaches, subsidized
athletes and paid leaves of
absence to compete in interna-
tional sports competitions.
It sounds like a model for
sports programs in Russia or
East Germany, but actually it
could be the wave of the future
for amateur athletics jn the
United States.
A first step was taken in that
direction Tuesday with the an-
nouncement or a grant to
finance a national wrestling
coach and staff.
Sun Co. of Radnor, Pa., will
present an initial check for
$75,000 to the AAU this weekend
at the World Cup Wrestling
tournament at Toledo, Ohio. A
total or $225,000 has been
pledged by the firm to pay the
coach and his staff for three
The staff will be sele.cted by
the national AAU wrestling com-
mittee, hopefully by this sum-
"I see this development as a
breakthrough in our handling of
Olympic sports in the United
States," said Joseph Scalzo, im-
mediate put presldeQt of the
A.AU 'and its national industrial
chairman. .. rm convinced that wrestnnc will impnve almost
overnicb1" from bavlna a -coach.
1f the 'tJl'Mtling coach pro.·
gram proves successful, ScaJzo
said, a sponsorship will be
sought from other companies for
national coaches in other Olym-
pic sports, such as track, gym-
nastic~\e!!1_mming, boxing and weiJbwn•~·
Another project or a special
AAU task force is to convince ~orporatlona to grant paid
leavea ol ablence to employees
who are leleded to-represent
tlae United States ln Intern•·
tlonal compettUons; lncludlng
tbe OJymidcs. The Su1l Co. was
the fillt to subscribe to the pro-sr•m.
Jn acldltton. three states -
Ohio, Pennsylvania and Min-
nesota -allow paid leaves for
s tate employees, and a bill is
pendlne in Coa1reaa to pay
.federal government employees
tJletr reealar salaries while tralD.lniaod-~
"That's why they called me
the mule," continued Fairly,
who figures to be platooned at
first base by the Angels this
season. "Sometimes mules last
along time." ·
After 18 full seasons. Fairly's
hits, runs. and home runs have
become an jmpressive set or
"My individual numbers over
the years aren't that outstand-
ing," said Fairly. "But if you
put my funny little numbers
together they are starting to pile
"I need 138 hits fO!' 2,000," he
added. "U I don't get them this
year I will in 1979 for sure. I've
passed the 200 home run mark
with 205. And last season I
became the 96th player to drive
in over 1,000 runs.
•·1 need 92 runs for 1,000. I'm
going to play three more years
so I'll reach that goal. The thing
I'm proudest of is that I have
one rbi for every lwo hits. l 've
always been able to hit late an a
As far as his longevity is con-
cerned, Fairly remarked, .. Roy
Campanella said it a long time
ago, you have to have a lot of
boy in you to play basebaJI. 1
have enough boy in me to play
another three years.
.. You stay young mentalJy
playing this game. Just because
I 'm 39 doesn't mean I'm getting
If he makes it until 1980, Fair·
Jy will become the Mh player In
modem major league history to
play in part of four decades. The
olh ers are Mickey Vernon
(1939-60), Ted Williams
(1939-60), Early Wynn (1939-63>
.ind Minnie Minoso (1949·64,
"I've never been great al one
thing," said Fairly. "l teamed
the basics of the game from my
father. My fundamentals are
~till better than 8S percent or the
•'The real secret is bow much
talent you have," he continued.
.. I've seen players who were in
the greatest condition possible.
They lasted three years because they didn't have the basic talent" ____ R_O_N__;_f_A_IR_L Y ___ _
Says Councilman
Angels Costing
Holtville Money
llOLTVILLE <AP> -As far · c ensed recently wh~n some
as the city or Holtville 1s con· Angels' playef'S criticized the ci-
cerned. the California Angels t y in a television interview.
can take a powder. Among other Some residents were angry
things, a member of the city enough to wear T-shirts saying,
council says the American •Angels Go Home."
League baseball team is costing There are four baseball fields
the farming community money. ror the Angels to use even
The Angels open their spring though the maJOr league team
training in Holtville before mov-was here for only 11 days at the
ing to Palm Springs for most of start of spring training. The
·their preseason work. Then their team played only one exhibition
minor league affiliates take over game here.
here. "I don't think more games
The arrangement began in '4ould be of any help." said
1966 when the Angels came to Clark. "But we should be on a
Holtville for the first time. A break-even basis. We would be
lease was signed that has two willing to listen lo any sugges·
years remaining. t1ons from the ballclub "
"It is c05ting the city money Meanwhile. the Angels' start·
for the Angels to be here and ing pitchers haven't brought
there ought to be room for many smiles recently with their
negotiation or renegotiation,'' spring training performances.
said city councilman Richard hut a prospective member of the
Clark. "We have about $15,000 rotation provided a bright spot
out-of-pocket expense each year Tu<'sday
and the Angels don't contribute Chris Knapp, who is being
to our economy. rounted on as California's No. 3
·'They don't stay here and starter behind Nolan Ryan and
they don't eat here," added Frank Tanana, threw on the
Clark. "The problem is primari· s1dclmes for the first time since
ly business but it has also hemg hit on the right thumb by a
become emotional. I think it line drive March 20.
s hould be approached strictly on ··a felt real good," said
a business basis. Knapp, who came to the Angels
"If they want to end the lease, m an off-season trade from the
that's their prerogative. They'll Chicago While Sox.
have to decide how to do it."
Some townspeople became in· •
Lakers' Rally Falls Short
Atlanta Holds On/or 105-104 Jlicwry
The victory moved Atlanta in-
to a tltJ for fourth place with
New Orleans jn the Central
Division, 1~ games behind
The Lakers, 41-34 with seven
games left duTing the re&ular
season. return to action tonight
at New Orleans against the Jazz.
It was the ninth straight home
noor triumph for the Hawks and
their 12th In l3 games.
"It's a pity we don't have an
our games here," said Brown.
l.01 ANGtll..U (104)-0..ll•Y 16, Fo<d 4, Ab-
d\lt.Jellbar JO. Hudlori '• NI'<°" 71, Cerr 17, Scott
1, Abernelfl12, llob!Kh 2, O.vls 4. Tolets l7 3CMl
ATLANTA (11$) -Orew lO, McMlll•n 17,
)!awe~ 16, Hiit IS, E'. JoM""' 7, 8r-n 2, Crin I.
Roltlns a. 0 .JollntDn 4, 1100.rlson 6. Total~ U
1 .. 14 IOS
Lai An9•lt'lo 71 74 27 3'2-104
J'llanl• 71 n u 21-1~
Fouled .wt -De"llt'f, Total lout\ -Lo•
11"911 .. U, Alla/Ila 21. A -f,ll1, CHRIS KNAPP
MILAN, Italy -Ston SmtUt
upset Wojtek Fibak 6-2, 2-6, 8-3.
today in the openln1 second
round match of the $175,000
World CbampioMbip Telllli•
Meanwhile, San Clement.e's
Bob Lutz defeated Ille Nastase.
1·5, 6-4. 1 The 31-year~old Lutz rallied
from a 3-5 deficit in the first set
and bad to withstand the Roman·
ian 's comeback attempt in the.
second when Nastase wiped out
a 1-4 disadvantage to pull even.
Dick Stockton· a nd Sandy
Mayer also won. j
Stockton breezed past TQm
Leonard, 6-1, 6·2. I In other action, Jose mgueras
defeated Cliff Drysdale, S•l, 4-6.
6-1 and Adriano Panatta downed
Mike MacbeU~, 2-6, 1·5, 6-4. I
Gottfried RalHe.
DAYTON, Ohio-Brian Gott.,
fried was within two points of be.1
mg eliminated from the Dayton
Pro Tennis Classic Tuesday night
before he rallied to defeat Pat I
DuPre4-6, 7-6,6·2 .
In other matches, Tim
Gullickson defeated Bernie Mit-
ton, 6-1,6-1.
Ashok Amritraj, who is rated
No. 260 in the world scored his 1 biggest victory of the 1978 toul" I
as he eliminated his brother, Vi·
jay, 6-2, 6-1. Vijay is ranked No.
Other rlJ'St round matches sawj
Terry Moor eliminate George
Hardie, 6-3, 7-6; Gene Mayer de-1 feated Ross Case, 6-4, 6-~ and
John YullltoppledGoeffMasters.1
NBA Supnsdons
NEW \"ORK -Larry Brown,
roach of the Denver Nuggets,
and Earl Monroe, captain of the
New York Knicks, are the latest
to pay the price for criticizing
the officiating in the National
Basketball Association.
Both were suspended without
pay for one game and Brown
was also fined $1,000 Tuesday in
the latest of a series or actions
taken by NBA commissioqer Larry O'Brien against players
and coaches around the leagucr-
following criticism of or inci·
dents Involving referees.
Sriarra A~qllir~d
Philadelphia Eagles say they
have acquired rights to former
UCLA quarterback John Sciarra
from the Tampa Bay Bue·
caneers in exchange for an un-
disclosed future draft choice.
Pirat.n Tracie
Pittsburgh Pirates announced
Tuesday they acquired left·
handed relief pitcher Will
McEnaney from the Montreal,
Expos in return for rookie right·
hander Tim Jones.
Lu.:buld Lauded
Philadelphia Phillies outfielder ·Greg Lu1Jnski was chosen Tues-
day as the winner of the eigbtlt
Roberto Clemente Award.
Luzinski was selected Crom a·
group of 18 nominees for his con-
tributions to the community.
Prior to last season hc1 purchased more than $20,000
worth of Phillies tickets for dis-1 tr1bution to underprivileged
Angrb TUMfJfe
TEMPE -Dick Pole, Enrique
Romo and John Montague com-1
bmed to throw a two-hitter asl
Seattle shut oul California 8-0 in1 an exhibition baseball game1 Tuesday. ,
Pole pitched the first six in~ nings, ~ielding only a double t
Ron Fairly and a scratch sillgl
to Dave Chalk. Romo and Mon
tague retired the last nin
Angels in a row.
'IV Sports Menu
Tonight on Television
6 p.m. (9> -NHL HOCKEY-·
The Kings m eet the Blac
Uawks in a game played eulle
tonight in Chicago.
lieds., Home Rana
• Ota power Salton ·cheering Fans Fete Kentucky
esUm•tecl 18,000 fans packed in-to Memorial COUseum here and
hundreds more clamored out-a id e as Kentucky's NCAA
baaketball champions were fet·
ed with cheers, chants and of-
ficial proclamations Tuesday ma ht.
"TbJs la the pretuest slaht I've
ver seen," aald athleUc ~
tor CUit H•a•n. wbo, as • mm « cty•1 1m.-
ttoaal champtoa., enjoy~d •
almitar reeopUon Jn the 1amo
areoa. •
• e.nlls basketball team wtJJ tt·
member this for the rest or their
live•," Hagan aaid. ••1 would
JIJta to welcome you to the
basketball capital or the world
and home of the 1978 NCAA champions."
A hute paper banner readinr
"NCAA Champions 1978" huna
lroro tho cellln&. U was modeled
after lour permanent blue felt. banners ban&b21 in tho Coll.sewn anct lD R~p Arena, where the
Wlldc1ta oow pl~ their bOme
aamea, to mark Kentucky's pre-
vl~lll cbamploosb.lp.s.
"We didn't have much time to
~et that ready," Hagan said,
poiJJUng to the banner. "but It's
~onna look awfully good hanfing
in Rupp Arena."
Gov. Julian M. Carroll led a
parade or dignitaries retding
resolutions and proclamations.
"Today, we declared th1s day
as Thanksllvinl Day," Carroll
said. "Where else would a team
arrlfO al an airport at fow-in
tho mornln and bo areeted by
10.000 fans. 0
He then proclaimed Marci! 28
to April 4 as Wildcat Week i
Coach Joo Hall drew a stand
ing ovation as he remarked
the tournament in St. Louil'l
where the Wildcats defeat
Duke 94 88 the ni&bt before..
·'It's been tremendous lfOrl(
ing With these YOUlll cuya," .hal
nid, before inlrodocina ach «
the 14 plaren.
"lf you ve 1rown up Iii' Xt:I\
lucky and know what JteGlll~
basketball is. you cau Ull
· dorstn.nd lhe ptes1urea.0 '-'
. , .. , ..... , , ' . ~ .
. .
Black Day for Area JCs
OUT AT SECOND-Westminster High's
!\lark Richards (12) lies on the ground
:tftcr being picked off second base by
Edison pitcher Wayne Justl. Edison's Mike
Delly ...... .._.., G«Y • ..._
Vandeveer <with ball) made the tag.
Richards was shaken up on the play, but
later walked off the field.
Sunset Bmeball Roundup
·,FV, Edison, Oilers Win
Two·sport star Kevan Romine
blasted a grand·slom home run
kl back up Jim Connor's four·hit
pitching as Fountain Valley
downed vi s 1tln~ Newport
Harbor, 6-1, in a Sunset League
'..baseball game at Mile Square
Park Tuesday.
• In other league acllon, Wayne
Justl of Edison (Huntington
Beach> continued his masterful
pitching as the Chargers
clubbed v1s1ting Westminster.
6 2, while Huntington Beach ex
ploded for eight runs in the
second inning to defeat city rival
• Marina High. 12·4.
Romine tagged the first pitch
after Make Lung was intenllonal·
lv walked to load the bases in
the fifth inning following singles
hy Jerry Girvin and Connor
Earlier the Barons of Fountain
Valley got a pair of runs on a
bascs·loaded squeele bunt by
Lung and an rbi single by
Connor has now pitched 14 In
nings of Sunset League action
without giving up an earned run.
26-naan Roster
He struck out five and allowed
four hits Tue!>day
Justl struck out nine to run has
season record to 5 0 as Erl1son
dl'feated Westminster for ils
s1:<th victory an <1 row
The Chargers. 9-1 overall and
:J I in league, were down 2·1 in
the fifth inning before a three
run burst put 1t away
Don Ifill sin~led, stole second
base and scored on Doug Mitten
dorf 's single. Bob Smart
followed Wlth a single and after
an error on Justl's ~round ball.
Mittendorf scored. Smart stole
home on a double steal to cap
the rally.
Huntington Beach iced things
early w1th a wild second Inning
to defeat Marana and keep pace
with Edison for the loop lead
Cory Funk started things off
when he was hit by a pitch and
after Rod Stultz and Steve
Lawrence walked. an error on
Jim Thomas' grounder produced
two runs Jn succession. Joe
Gie!'l, Shawn Cisco, Tom Sam
pen and Shawn Gill s ingled
Depth Paying Off
For Edison Nine
Assuming Edison C Huntington
Beach> High's Chargers con
tinue their winning ways and
qualify for the Cl F 4·A baseball
playoffs. they'll surely be the
toughest team m the elimina
lions for an opponent to obtain a
valid scouting report.
Coach Ron LaRuffa. wh<
came to E<hson a couple ol
years n~o after success al
Colton High, has a squad of 26 or
. his varsity and u!>ually he ha~
Jtt least 20 running around doini: i!tings each time out.
Against Lennox High, LaRuffa
played every one or his 26 io a
'10·3 victory one of Edison·~
o\ne trlumph!I in 10 decisions.
Marching a herd of 2e out or 1
, ~bus and stashing them on the
, bench has to be a sight tc
behold. Actually using that
' many il"I a seven inning game '·~rukes LaRuffa a juggler
wit.bout peer.
• . ..I cbanaed my phllosopby t when I got here al Edlaon,'' 1ays ~ LaRuffa. ''With a school of ~1000 ; to draw from , if I st.art cutung,
• 1l means a lot of good kids are
being cul that could be starting
at 2·A and 3·A schools."
Keeplna h1s mind on the game
at hand and ju11lln1 his
!ICorecard Is toueh. admits
• LaRutra. but he adda: "Yea, ll
; : wou Id be easier to carry n
!!lmoller roster. But It's hard to
•. cut kids who have put ln nl.nt :! inooths or work. We could wlo a
.. Jot of Rames with our aecood and
1 thJr;I playr.ra f "Our team knowa that about a .
6or "' l(()lni to lff most of
tho nrtlon, four or five otherl -.--. ,
will see a lot of action and the
rest are there basically in a
learning situallon
· We lost seven starters to
~raduation, but our present rt"
cord is because of the replace·
ments from last year and they
know our system Too, It makrs
for good practicf's They know
they have to work hard and
everyone on the team feels he's
The bottom line of Lafiuffa's
reasoning for carrying such a
large squad: "It m eans
something to them." says the
Edison coach.
Hot baseball sticks through
Monday aloag the Orange Coast
area prep beat: Hunllngton
Buch Hlgb's Shawn Clsco (11
hits In 29 at·bats for a .517
average): Mission Vlejo's J~lf
Newton (11·19 for a .579
average); Fountain Valley's
Kevin Romine ( ll ·23 for a .478
average); and Edison's Doug
Mittendorf < l3·Z9, Including 13
rbi and an eight.game bitting
streak for a .448 average) lead
tbe way.
Also, Capistran4r Valley's
Brad Parker (.43.5); t'ountaln
Valley's Mike Empting and
'St•art MUM (each at .4M); Hao·
tlnaton Beach'• Sbaw'n Gill
(.UJ); Corona del Mar'• Jeff
Cole (.500), Dana HUis' Wayne
Johnson < .421); and Unlventty
HlCb Urvtne> ace Steve 111let
(.4") have been swtn1ln1 well.
The Muina < Huntln1ton
'Beach) High baskttb1ll touma·
ment Dec. 5·8 wUl include HWlt·
tneton Beach, Fountaln Valley,
Corona del Mar, Loni Beach
M llllkan, Compton, Carson.
Lyowood and the ha1t Vlklnas.
6oHY coodltkNlt at CtrrltoA
Colleie may .f~ the CIF 4·A
tnei aad field pr6llm1 to
Arcadia 11.lgh, u well •• Ua 4·A,
3-·A, 2•.\ anc1 l·A fblatt a ltat.e
After a strik('()ul. Stultz emptied
tht• b~st-s with a triple
Samp<>r1 and Marina's Eric
Irwin and Mark DaPello went
thrcc·for-four in the game
lb r ~ rl>t Ju•tt. o 1 0 0 O
Slo ... t,Cf l I 0 0 Vaft"'°V.,, lb ) 0 0 0
!<Ill \l
Molt•ftdorf 311
J Jon"' Pf '>m•'1. lb l•""· dh Cl-n,pt>
4 I 2 I CwltU, rl l 0 0 0
2 I 2 I SwnQ II l 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 v JOM' C 0 0 0 0
1111 F•url•,P'I 1000
I 0 0 0 Lollll"#l>tl11, c 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 l 0111) 2) 6 • ]
5< ... ..,1~
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Ntwpen 111 ........
•• ,, 0 l 0 I 0
Ntl\on. O 0000
c,...,.,os " l 0 I 1 ... OQ.,"' ,, 4 0 0 0
P••\,OW\••. Jb 1 , 0 Q
\tnll"' tt JOOO
f-'ff'"•" tb l 0 I 0
l [cluM Otl 1 0 0 0
O•n•e-t pn I 0 0 0
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8ulll"91on. II l 1 0 0
8•,m•" lb 1 0 0 0
Tol•I~ a 1 4 I
, " . 000 OX> 0-2 ' I
HIO Dll .__. I 7
'" ~t ... v.1..,-..... ~
S.ckm"" 1" 7 0 0 0
luno ll> 1 1 0 I
Aomin~. <.I l 1 2 s
M10tt.lb ) 0 I 0 c-•n, lb 0000
Empll"9 c ] 0 0 0
5.h•llltt rl l 0 I 0
Sr-i1o.1t•. It ) 0 0 0
Cr1 rvln ss 2 ) I 0
C°""or,O I 1 I 0
PP,111t&n pn I 0 I 0
Tolal\ 14 • I •
Socou by IM1lft9l
Nrowoort Harbnf'
F-ount•tf"I V•fl~v
Hie. l•e<ll 112) ..........
fl\QmO, \\ S 1 I 0
lnomp~n. II s 1 I O
Gl•\,dll •711
(.1)t01 rt 4 1 I 1
'>;oM~rl, lb • I l 1
!;Ill c l I 0 I
f u"~, I II l I 0 0
0 1•mo,.11, pl\ 1 O O 0
\lulu, lll l 1 I 3
'i> Law•tn<• cl 1 1 I I
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, " • 000 010 0-1 4 1
001 040 • -4 T 2
l•l Mal'IM ... ,""" Da•I,, II l 0 0 0
C.rot\I II 1 0 0 0
Coy. cl 4 o O O
O•P~llo. 2b 4 I ) 0
ltwln. lb 4 I l I
Sprl~•. ll • I I I
Moe•••. rt l 1 1 o
Por•th, c. l O ' 1
Rlllttwncrutd, lbl 0 l O
Ma\jo.n, dll l 0 1 l
01"'" p 0 0 0 0 F ~rot• p 0 O O 0
80r\. 0 0 0 0 0
lolelS )1 • U •
Munt1n1ton lW11< n M., ,..
, " f ,.. 100 0-12. • !
01) 000 0-"I II 2
Anteaters Nine
In 5-4 Setback
Cal Stale <Fullerton), held in
check for seven scoreless
innings by UC Irvine pitcher
Bob Frashette. rallied for a ~4
\'ICtory over thf' host Anteaters
1n a Southern California
HaSt'hall Assn. ({am<' Tuesday .
Tht.' Titans, who had managed
just four base hits through seven
frames, bunched together a
wa I k . two singles and two
doubles lo tie the game at 4-4 io
the eighth and then produced the
winning tally In the ninth on a
walk, single and sacrifice fly.
The Anteaters scored three
unearned runs In the fourth
inning on three Fullerton errors.
a walk and Ken Munger's
sacrifice fly .
UC lf'fl ... 14)
HlrAl>O (I • 0 I I MUf'9U, U
Mey•U• rl • I I 0 JtNl) .. ft, lb
l'roteNMf.,., 4 0 0 0 H19le. II
W•\lllft<11on, Oii 4 1 q 0 ,Otl\Mll•. p
Dew'°" 111 l I 0 0 8~lan4er0 p
WIO, C l 0 0 I To111, Sc-.., ''"'' ....
l 0 I I
) I I 0
4 0 1 0
J2. 'J
C•• SI•'• c-=u11.non1
' ...
000 000 CM1-S t 4
000 * 100-.0 • 0
Red Sox Release
Veteran Doyle
Veteran second baseman Denny
Doyle, who helped the Boston
Rtd Sox to the American League
pennant in .1975, was given Ma
unconditional release Tuesday
as the club trimmed lta training
roster to 2$ players, Jt11l four
over the regular aeaaon limit.
The 34-year-otd Doyle became
exJ)cndftble as the Red Sox
1lgnt!d Huntlnston Beach's Jack
Brohamer aa a free acent and
then acqulnd veteran aecond
baseman Jerry Remy ln a trade
with the CaUromla Angels
Pirates, Rwtlen, Gauclwa Dumped
Orange Coast area community.
college baseball absorbed a
beating Tuesday as Golden West
College. Oran&e Coast College
and Saddleback College dropped
conference decisions.
The Pirates of Orange Coast
saw their pitching rants shelled
for the second time in two days
as Fullerton College's host
Hornets waded through six
pitchers for 13 runs on 18 hits en
route to a 13·12 South Coast
Conference decision. Golden West saw a 2-0 lead
evaporate in the seventh inning
when visiting Rio Hondo picked
up four of its eight bits and
parlayed It into four runs lo
highlight a 6-3 Southern
Ca ltfornia Conference verdict.
Saddleback College,
meanwhile, dropped an
11-l.nning decision at
Southwestern College lo Mission
Conference warfare as the
winners held off a late
Saddleback rally.
For Orange Coast, It was the
Pirates' fourth straight loss
(Including a pair of
non-conference games) as the
pitching corps surrendered 11
walks to go along with
Fullerton's 18 hits. Only one
Fullerton batter went down on
strikes. Glenn Robertson was the
bright spot in OCC's attack with
two doubles and a single 1Mng
him six hits in two days. Guy
Krikorian made a spectacular
catch to rob Fullerton of a
three-run double lo stop one
CV Edges Yucca
Estancia Nine Dealt Loss
Mike Schwan pitched a com·
plete game. backed by the hit·
ting of Bob Wilkinson, as
Capistrano Valley High nipped
visiting Yucca Valley. 2·1, in a
non·lcague baseball game Tues·
In Century League action,
Estancia blew a 3·0 lead and fell
to host Santa Ana, 5-4
Schwan struck out sax and left
a pair of Yucca Valley runners
stranded in lhe seventh inning
when the visitors rallied for
their one marker
Estancia is still seeking its first
league victory.
F1w<tll, If
Cl>etlf\, \S
S•la~. cl
P1tk.1t. rt
Hay.,,, Ill
c.,lflr-V•lln en ........ 2 I 0 0 Wllklnton, 'lb
3 0 '0 TaylO(, 31>
l 0 0 I Ouftl~ln, <
O 1 0 o Sd,.,an, P
3000 Tolels So<-.., i-1"91
3 0,' 1 0, 0
2 0 0 0
21 2 4 1
'rucu V~llt'Y
C•pl\t•el\O V•ll"Y
r II •
000 ODO 1-1 ' 2
100 001 x-2 • 4
•, 111111 p..,..,, lb 2 o 0 0
S.nl•M.,la. 3b 4 I 1 0 F,.,-l, 111>.P 1 0 0 o
AOOl>IN u 3 l l 0 lrewft, 11 2 0 0 0
Wllheml,dll 2 l lo llleia,11 • o o o Plw~•o.C J 0 I 2 11 ...... lt.21» 3 0 0 0 8t1t•l0<d,~llt 4 0 I 0 Pococ-.d 0 0 0 0
~~r.rl l 1 0 0 To~ll 2ll • S 2
Soc ... .., ......
r " • 0'2 010 o-• s •
000 J01 x-S • l
rally, but Fullerton came b&ck
with two runs ln the el&bth and
ninth lnn1np to put the pmo
John Moses• run·1corln•
double and a aacrillce flY by
Frank Meraz bad Golden -West
atop, 2·0, but Rio Hondo's
four-nm seventh undid the GWC
Howle Houk bad a two-nm
double in the el&hth lnnlns and a
sacrifice fly for anothef' rbl ln
the fourth lnnlnc.
A late rally, sparked by rbl
singles from Jake Hill and Steve
Carroll tied the game at 8, but
Southwestern bung on, then put
the wlnnlng run acrou in the
11th frame.
Woolen!, !Miii
Solo. c
frlc-. It
0.....,. CINM 1•n .. ," ... • 1 I 0 H.-111. 11111 3 I ' :t
• I I I 9-tt. a a 0 0 0
S 2 t t Kr"ori.ft,211 2 0 0 O
4 ., , -.p 0000
SI 2 O Aleltf, • IO o O e I 0 O FllZllUefl. P e 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 C..m,Mll. p • 0 0 0
4 l 1 2 "°"""'' .. ·• • 0 0 0 4 0 J 4 T-li » 12 1' IO
se..11r1 ......
• no
-01.1 .......... ,.,
r II e
10>-12 14 s
022-13 la I .. , .. ,..
4 0 I I Mosft, cl
Nt-Ul,lll ~"5011 .... a
St\ttirln, dtit
JIKki«t,dll 2 0 0 0
Pltflfo!d. If l l J 0•
l l 1 0
4 I 2 0
• 0 I 0 I 0 0 I
-.11 .... "" '0 0 0 Edwantt, c :t O 0 O
Scll!Wcl. p 0 0 0 0
~ ........ 0000
r.111ort. p 0 0 0 0
Total~ l2 J 1 2 SC.-..., .......
r " • 000 000 .11....... • l
001 100 001-l 1 l
M ' " nl w.tr, c 2 o O O
HHl9(, 1'tt
c.a<rell, 11
Houk, Sb-<
Vr~ll.ct --··' s1-.11.1b
4 0 0 0 Holl, C 2 0 I t
0 0 0 0 Hut .... ?It t 0 O 0
0 0 0 0 Ul"Q\>hen, ts t 0 0 0
• 2 , ' ""'""· "' 0 0 0 0 • I 1 l ~1¥t.. U 2 I 0 0
S 0 2 0 Cletnefll>,p 0 0 O 0
S 0 0 0 E"91•, p 0 0 0 0
S I 3 0 Hl9•0. p 0 0 O 0
S I I 0 Tol•I~ ..0 6 t S Soc_...,,..__
r " • ooo 100 cm ~ • • 000 021 JOO 01-7 , 1
Allen Fawcett was tough when
the chips were on the table as
Yucca Valley. despite nine hats
and the aad of four Capo Valley
errors, couJd manage Just one
Fawcett scored Capo':; first
run in tht: first inning when he
walked and eventually scored on
a sacrifice fl y by Fernando
l.agunans Topple CdM
ln the sixth frame it was Brad
Parker nursing a free pass,
stealing a pair of bases. then
scoring on Wilkinson's double to
right field. Santa Ana, after lying the
game with three runs in the
fourth inrung. defeated Estancia
by combining two hits and two
errors for a pair of runs in the
bottom of the sixth Inning.
David Pisarski drove In two
Estancia runs with a third IO·
ning double after Brian Soper
walked and stole three con·
secultve bases for the Eagles'
first run in the second frame
Laguna Beach High, behind
the back row play of defensl vc
specialist Curtis Lee, held off a
late rally by visiting Corona del
Mar lo post a 15·7, 15·8, 16·14
volleyball victory in a key South
Coast League match Tuesday
The win left the defending CIF
champions unbeaten after three
league outings.
ln other South Coast clashes.
San Clemente used all 10 players
equally to wear down visiting
Mission Viejo in four seLc;. John
Lombardi sparkled in both the
setting and hitting departments
to lead El Toro past visiting
Costa Mesa in four sets; and
L'nivers1ty High Urvine) rallied
from a 2·1 games deficit to stop
host Dana Hills.
LaQUlll a..c11 .,.._ c,o..,,.. del Mar 1S·7, 1H.
.. 14
Un.,•t•llly def. Dena Hil~ 1W, 10-U, 10.U
I~ 4, IMO
S•n Cl-le ""' Mission Vltlo H -7, 1>7,
11 0. IS I
El Toro O-f CMt.t Mo>U 1>4, U-IS, l>t, 1>1J.
E \lel\C•I dol Col!Ofl I>~ U-J, tS-7
ltYlnt> Oil -•lmlMI~< IS-11, IS-II
... ,, Mar<()(> c»I. Fount'"'" V•ll•r ls-.1. I>-'. uu .-...v-fY
L•Qun41 8e¥h Otl c.o....-. del Mar l>S. t».
D•n• H1ll\MI UnlW1'\lly II IS IS-I. ls-11 '>•" Clt"'"'4~ 0.' ""'"""' VieJO IS-13, l>l llTorodel C.o\U.~WIS-U •>• f •l•M •• .,., Colton IS), 11 i.
ltVIM .,., """'S'"""''~' IH, lS-10. ~" Nl•r<OS dol f°""le1n Vell•y IS.10, ll IS.
. . . .. . '
drive a b•'!~~~2:
·r en\ Pontiac sedan wa~I alue
\n 1928. the mhag~~:~o find a good automo~~=r~ new. ~~r bargain ...
Today it's a lot ar Newport otters them
That's whY Bank ?t rogram. 1most a\ways 1ower
a personaliz.ed leasing~ monthly payments are; leasing direct ~t
Initial cash do.~~'::af financing optio_ns:. ~~~~e ~llminated by going
than other tra t ' I man's comm1ss10 k of Newport, sa es men but ?ia~t to the money source~ have been just tor bus~n::! car. 'orive a
gTradlt\ona\\y, \~as,1~ga~fi a\rnos\ anyone\\\~ (~ay abOU\ your
today it's a pract1c: LeaslOQ Centre specla s
bargain by cal\\ng\easlng program.
personal new car
Bank of Newport
, ••• , •• 67&9840
. . . 1 • , ... • • r
... r •
Wednesday. Mercl'l 29. 1978 DAILY PILOT 83
Soccer Stars Honored
Sunset Leaeue champion
Edison <Huntington Beach >
High garnered four All CIF MX'
cer selections as chosen by the
Southern California High School
Soccer Coaches Assoc1at1on. led
b y first team stars Brall
Webster. llerb Boehm and Steve
Calendar Los Alamitos Racing Entries ,,,_.....y ,_,.. .. ,.,
Alf.Cit' ._A S.Ccer "'"'' TtaM Forwerd1 Andy 8onchon .. y lWUI for
r•nca>. O....r C..-C8•1dwtn P•r~I )•••••
Ou•rte '(S.n Gabriell ltmHI Garc1• (!Monte
B•rb .. •I. Paul J-· lWHt Torr•n<•I A•y
Overw19 ( Rtdl-1). ICelly Tru•..,•11 (S1m1 Valley>
Mldllth:l.-Al<IWlrd Heredl• lEI Monl•I 8r~
1. .. I Sou tr> TonM1C•I. 01.,,coro M•ctH tG•rovl.
Jaime lhmlru IChallol Ira• Wtlhter
C ••IM11J ; Mlu H...,t.,. I O.m1en1
Otlen .. -J••ler Aoull•r I MOUlll•ln Vtowl.
H...-........ IE411-I; Paul Marlin lNOllll Tor ••nee)
Goalie-~ -mtcll Cl41iMA)
Forward Cllrn tret• 1••1-1, (Ml OIC.11111•
IMl,.IUt•I Ton., 0•1t9• CNot••••I ,,..... It•••• t N"'111 T11..,ancal , .iu .. ~llt•M CO•nerctl. Nocenor VAMl.,.I C o\lt-.mbUI; 1(11 Y-YI IS.ml
V•lleyl, JOIV> 1'11.nJm,_,, (St.John BOKol
Mldllald Harvev •u•ll I Pa .. de,..) &leva
Ha11erd tWt\I fort•ncel Oout Jotly"'°"r
ICl•ttmOftll C.reo 1.-n I Totr•n<•I, Tony z..,..
<MIH (C111,..,1
O•len,,. Otto. Blwn I CIWfl•yl. 8rtMI t.on
nor\ t!.oulll T0tr.,.ul C.,10\ J ... ,., C~lllA
MontC•I C-r99 Kono·••ov CN~1 .. 1
C.oellt °""'11\ '""""'"' IS.n GAl>fiell Tlllt41Tu m
Forward-fr""~ C.mplS CWeU TotreMel
6tove Gulyrw< t NO<tll Torr•ncel , ,._,.,. HY.-1
Cl.oyolel, .... , Le'-"«11 IH-t,..--Ill,
5•1••dOr Muhnu (El Montel, Youn9 Pro
t Nortn T0tr11n<e1 Todd !.aldellA (So<itll Tor
M1dt1•ld C.rtot Gerti• !Mart. K•PC>ell. S.roio
G•r<I• (SI mt vaitol ; 8r11ce Sllorm•" tH••-• Ha..-1; Mike V•n Demme (Ct-.lleyl
Petor Young CNa,.burv Part.I
OellHIW Tam BreNMr CA-rel, P•I l'-y
COamlen); Ste•• fuhn•r lPAIOl Verdul,
R<llHI G•r<U (!.eddlel>AOI
Go.altt Sol'ncer Her-U•r ( P•tos Verde~).
luoblll-PalemAr at S.041•b•<k Coll•Ot
Ct:JO), SaftleA,..et ()f-C.0.lll c.11-11 JOI.
Sprlllt Ar-at Soult>•"' C.lllor nl• Collev-U JO)
Track N.--t HarllOr et W•1tm1ntltr, """' 111910" llaacll el f-l•ln V•ll•• £411...,., •l
"lerln•. Car..-. c»I W..r •t Oen• Hllll. MiOI"" Yle)O at ~ BNcll. Unlwr\tly •I El Toro,
!>an Clen.nla •t C.ta Mau, E1tancl• •I S..11•
"n•, Fr•ncl1 Parker end Army·N••Y •I
Caplltreno Vall.., (ell •I) UI
Gymnettiu-....111191an BNcll •t MMIM (" • NewPOrt HarbOr at l"ourll•ln Valley (7)
Volleybalt-~•tr-V•lleY •t l!dl""' Ill
Ttnnlt ·s.ntA ~·• at c.or-Ciel Mar 111
G~umont COl19Qlt .t ()f_,. Ca.it UI Gol<IM w I Coll-at 1.os ~ cc m !>eoot-k
C at Otru• Ul Glrll baSILelbell-Soan C'-1• •t Unl"4tOllY,
L-"• BNcll al Dana Hiiis, El Toro at c;o,...,. 1'1 Mer MIUloft vi.Jo ac C.oote Me1a £01--. at .Vutm11,.1er, Fountain Valley •I Huntlnoton
&each. W..rlN at Newport H•rllOr 1•11 •l /).
Foothill •t E1tanc1a II lO). Bolt• Gr.,_ at
Ocean View C~ JOI
Girts TaMI> C'\'1><'9U el Gol<Mn Wnt C.011-
111; Cltrut Coll• •I S.001.0.<k 111, Ot-
CN•l •t G.-Ul
Ta .. IWa HafMU l!MM\ """ '""' , . ., llllUT UCI! Ofte mile P.ace
Cl•tm1n9 ~,.e UJ.OO Cl•lmlnq !'rice $3000 MarH 20 i-rc"" H•wtl>Otno Volo (Sllorll s ... ca
Ve11tute (Sherren>. Wiid Sky
( L.aCi»te), PrlMt s.m te.1111cn)
Vemboo1 I Retchlorcu; f!uy C•I (Greoory), Plum Rum C-ea11ull
IMcGonatlfl. Local Prl11<• lsi..tlnl
HCOND llACa Ona mlla. Pac:e
S yUr .. dJ t. ---f'; llOn·w1-Of
~""'money-· ~-'2700 J A Mc ltOfl ( T odlll , Ru•• lt119M>
<"llerrtnl ; 8tft Gllll•ele < Ratchlordl; I! o Petti\ II.arson);
Re ... at CWa-ltrl, $11$191 Y..ntk
CSllorll. Oii Hlill\ (A<kam..111 T•,,..
pall Pride N IClllH
THI RO llACt: One mile. Pace
C•l·br•O s "'"' Oldt .. under Non wlnnt• HOO Flftl money twice
lm•re., 3 rKel Purtt '3SOO
Miu 5.<oot tCr•ntl ; K•leenkt
10 .. omto; levarHltd 1'1•11•1141•
1.......,.1, NWv •MerlftO(T-1; M-dy'\ 11 ... , IMltr..,..l, ,.,... G••-
C8ennell), °""91Y Anne 18ey1Hal;
S.n AllOrMU Llllllt"llll •
,OUllTH lto\CI One mll• Pao
Cl•lmlno -rn to Dtrttftt 4 , .. ,
old mares U pare.ant, PurM U200.
Cltl"11"11 price U100
SM11lilll Mou C1*0oNolal, Wiiiie T ICftl9llt IVt llandt ..... I; S.119A
LU• (Perry). v., ..... Jim CGr•nt).
Count P•r" 1Sprl9QJI, Oulff ltoay o· Grady Cl(t1rnelerl TuHdO I
M•rll I A•tclllorcll, C•"•"•" CRlt<lllel
l'll'TH llACE Ont mll• Pace. 5
.,.., old• I. ..-, ••NW"•\ of -but
not more IMft l rac.1 Ille tor $t00.
llrsl "1onev-c.1 bracb I. mares, •
rn11 Pur .. MIOO
PodetOIO IRIClllTIOn'fl Hertt•O•
Tootle Cit.ckenna"I; Rt<klau Rod
CUCotlel; AO'(al AV•SM 151\ortt,
SJM<l•l Ewnt (CnllM Jr>. Hollltter
IVe llencll1>0"-MI MOlllefty 0•11
( R•l<.hlOtdl. H•lllt Mc Cola (1.IOIHhllll
SIXTH lto\CI! _qnt '"llt Pao.
Clalmlnt HenOl<Ail' Marn N oer-
u111 Pu"" U400 Ollimllll P<ket MOOO-•\GO
Mtater IN euu u;r-yl. L H•I
(Lt Cotltl; """''' Vblton (8eerl,
NeUwe °'""• ITrOPPI; l•ll•ll• I R•l<Utr411 . t'" •• ,. M l11bar
I li'era9lnel, (aot Ntctl•Y I Vtlltnel-
11191\eml . Tot.-itoNCGrunctyl
SIVINTM RAC• -0,.. mlle.
Pace. c1atml119 lltndl<alt C-vrn
S.000. Ct•lmlng prkatSIS,ooe>-1•.000
0.MOfta <>roi-llaby (ElaMIMll
GYP'Y S.rn Cwt"'91'1fl; G\111& Jemea
AllYlhm IGrogll•nl, Ev' C-et
IVell.,.dlngr,.m), Tit..,. lrlsn C 8ay·
ltUI. Kl119 Jen" (AllOlnl; Gr ... n<Y
lOetomarl, Tll,..SltOILllll\11\1111
llGHTH aACI One mlle Pace
C1a1m1no ~l<at> M<lr•• 10 per-
ce11t. Pur .. UCIOO Cleimlll(I "ku ~s~ Star 01nl &.tu I ••v•••tl, llr•
GollOfllly (1(•1 ....... 1. "-e-4• 18fflby), !.1-y llrown tHa""'I.
Plult ~l•• < Ve11eno1,..,..,.,,1,
lllcherd lltll<.hltl, ~uft'lbtr
( "-'rWI, e.t..,y IAubllll
NINTM RAC. 0.... mile ~I•
CletmlllCI ~•P Mar" ff
UM 4 ye..-~ U •IC.Ill
... 100 Cl aiming "'let MllOO-UOO S11111 Pe• (Aub1,.1 , Tyo 11
CC••fttl; Edo•*OOd Ar ,.
CMar•••ll l Jim Tiie 80••
IP•rkln\I ~.,, ... , 'ri Kiwi Amber CWllllam•I tn
WHttrn t&ayteu> Lar-Ml •t
There have been 19
World Ser ies garqes
played in New York's
Yankee Stadium.
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,., ... , ....... , ........ 28" 29" 30'' .................. .,...Jt ,,... ~·· ...... ~ ...... , .. ~
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OPEN MON . THRU FRI. 8 A.M.-9 P.M./SAT. 8 A.M.-6 P.M./SUN. 9 A.M.-5 P.M.
"'fl' ,~ 'Preslone
22 139 ' flUID
~SnllUll ~ C~NSRUCflON ----~~
o .• coo-d •••• 1 t.... aoked bloc\ .-11n .. h Foo .... d 988 11oel l.o• w•lh •-od non· ll'IQr\1"9 rubbeo <Ylhloon od1"' GtlfAT
10 roof '°"'°"' Ny""-'"Of'' ofld ce>o'.d QV<•er hoot.• 01 fOll t0<h 10 hp of «>• rool, wlfh °' ,.iftlou1 roon QWll•f1 Stool TllPS ft•ta \iodeo• odJll'I ny\o<l lcnh•no ""'I" to occommoclcr•• lood .,,. ..
lQ W••o h• ~i..11 44
dc••'O•"' ~t = I ~ 100 •• " h·~" c
100 OvOlo•y QT.
t ~~ ~ X-100 ~ 8 I MULTI-GRADE
OH[ ~ A.II ... cothe,. protect•o"' QT. CANS X-100 ond .. u llt n l •no••• uu1t• -"'° ti.oni ...... 1 ow 40 lM1 ~ ~~ • ~ .... ~~:.~o J 49c r--r-~ OT, s I SHELL'S BEST
e IE.U Hvt Sl'OKt l
..,...,,_,,_,. GEAll l'llOllClOll
• 27 INCH It 1 '" INCH
• Qvleu nolay volv•• & lifter•
• le1tor•• Iott compreulon
•Quicker Storti 98 •Smoother (
engine llMIT •
• Owtlo1t\ ott-.~,
pol1\ht'1 up 1 • t11 1p1 • f(,.,.,~, bu9 ac•d'
fOI lfl" .. \Op & lolh
• ( ton' .&. pol•1he~
n O,,t" \ltp 2~~z.
~ : ~~·~:I:~~~It~~~r
9osol1"'•• 1,.od-d & unl,.ode~
• JCeep cnrbu,ttfor cleon
• K•ep lntoli:~ ¥0"""'• &. into~•
manifold' cff'on 'f;";'''
1 ~!:49~ • u .
• !:::, :.W;m. 99c • Eo5y to lhel
WUT. u oz. SIZE
15,000 MUS of prottctien
betwMn chaages
,Jo:;:., 79c PIOTtCTIOlt
lUlllT 12
, 1S4 DAILY PILOT W9dneeday. Mateh 29. 1979
. . . , . .. " . . .. . . . ..
For Colleges, Preps
Net Summaries
Cy~ (ti It)~ Wftl lllll+M
P•rll•m (GI clitl (.onrM .. 1, •.O. Meo. IG) oef ., .... , •4 ...... .
Lynott (GI def Fl<l'tt ..o .•. ,. u111 ..
(GI otl H•Y .. ,, .. I, 8"11 IGI IHI
WOflO •I •.. 1, , .. , WlnlWfowd (GI
def Ver•l•W,._. ~
I( l ynolH•.mtm IOI o.t Cor.,.•d Ha~ .. 1. M ; MMll·O. Lyr>Otl (GI Clel FIOt0·8-...... 1; llell•U1$1er
IGI Clef w._.floulllb .. ),•~
0.""9 (Nie Ill Ill flM. SAC ........ FeclderlY 101 Clef 8ev.,.d ... 2, •.O;
Tom•• 10) ci.t Ketwr..-... ,, M ;
Md)eMld 10) Clef C-ler .. 1. •.O;
HarrlS <01 Clef Peolllft 1·S, 4.0< A.ob
IOI oef Vall• .. ,. •·1. --10) Off
MC1n1..n...a,w ~ FaOd•rly Tom•I IOI d•t
Bavard·K•lt•rltlan •I, 4 1. P~oplt• Valle I M I <1•1
C•trOll·M<Oon•ld ••••••••
AaDO •SwtOlund 101 def
c.oun•.,·M<lnlo<fl .. ,, 1 ..
~•--010>"•SI .....
F•llfr ....... r ISi oel ADNM • ?, 3 6.
•? ... oorelt IPI oef ()1..-n ••.I .. ,
Fromm• IPI del Fln1t1 • J, • 7,
Jonu ISi def Fen1u •1 I•· •·1.
Bua ton I Pl Clef Fut~ .. l. CM, •.O,
Hotn ISi d9f Hell_g .. 2,• I.
~ Falt.nnelff~ CSI def A~
Hoqrett M .... 2; Ol-Flnte1 (SI oet
Fromme·F•M«• 4-l, 1·•: 8uaton•
Ht11W11 (Pl def Futlef'.ffonl •O, ''°·
AodlJert •.O. H ; -~,..H•ln ICI .. f
Megen-NHl I ... •·1, I ..
Ca .. \faff.., (C) (11 l..t. Hlell
$1 .....
MCCleM> ICI O.f J"" t-4, 64; Leen·
ctenon ICI -Ao_r_ >C>llt .. J.
S·I. Bau CCI def 0.98S 6·2, •·l ,
$milt\ IC) Olf JOl'lti t-4. M . ~
Weber lon'9f• (C) clef Costell•
Fotler 6 I,..,, H-•-IC) mt t.o L•ltlw•Wrolc.lt W, ,.._
Vtntt'f "'•· v.-,nv.1 c~.....,... Silltlet Gracia INHI def 14emll-M ; d9f
....... 111 i.-l; def ~...o: ... Sii-
.... O.mpwy (NH) -4-0. 4-0, .. !,
...O: 0.-1 (NHI -M, M , 4-0, ..O; HOii-(NHI -.. t. 1•, 1 ... ....
~-Plrovml-.Ke.....S (NH) def U.· 8<><110 6.0, ..0, Ott $ug\lt...,. K...oro
• I,• 4 Bl .. Mr-NUNS (NH) -.. 0,
.. ,, •Piii W.61 -'-•*"'" "'• v.11., 1 MY>I I llh.I N..,..-t Sl .....
Sktllof\9 INHI IO\I to ~" 4 ..
clf'I Jonn'°" 6 J Ott E•.-.s .. J. "'" 10
T •no 0 •• O.Woldlt INHI -"'°· 6 I,
6 I, 6--0; Boyle INH) IOSI 4 ... , •·1, 1_.
4•. oowty INHI _ .. 1 • ...0 ... 1,w.
0.... t<ollma Ftanc:o INH) def G<iyot•
Oeder W, t.-3; dt4 Ttrales·NOCll• ..o,
4·1; Hal)d•l<---Ptroumlan (NHI
i.ts-1. 3 .. : wiiu .... t-.>.
V ..... IY
Oto*" Jof\nM!ft-Joflnllo.,. O•lltl \Piil wllh
£1.,,,. Plqeon '•. 1 s. 10.1 to Sal"
SextOll 2 '· , ... l'tKOt Shum.on (HIU
loot I·•· 4 .. ; ""'2 .. ...
.....,..,v .... 11y
Marl• 1211 (I) HWll .... ,. .. ...-
H•lfmen IHI> def Clifton 14, lo~I
to EncUley 4-6; dltf Plott! •·2, dltt Clrn
m•rrwstl .. 2; Pooley (Hiii '°'' 2 •, 2·•, 4 .. , l•7, Leith IH81 lo•I l .. , 2 4,
S-1, 4-41 -(Hiii Iott J-6, M ; wonW; ... u ... Otl!Mft
Halftll,...Yff IHll del MotlMM\-
•ou ,_.., M ; IDM too Wr-'·T-hkla
'-'· I .. ; H.,,....·111Oil)ICllt2 .. , ... ;
IDM I•, >4.
S..Ota ilN (T) Ull •IUMlt
Snyder Ii.I dltf Lee t-0. dolt v-..
Patten 4-0. at ...,,.y ..0, Ott Krot ..o. Ouutat tEl -w H , •.0. •?,
1(1 ... IE) -.. ?, •1 •.O. • t. VllH
tEl loil I• -i.-2.• l. o-0
Pl•H•ll<•• B•c-(El loU lo WuHIU Struval 3 • s 1. d•I
H••dlencl Tll<r ..... 1, IMUr-0.IOO<e
<El los.I 2-4.o.6, -· 2.•.0 ' J..._Vanlly ·~ l»'"I 11¥&) SaMa NM ~
8rl1r11• I El Clef l11tlar •·2; det
Sl9ll• •·l/ def Smltll W; Ott Morgan i..o: Mouv.., IE> won ... ,.'"'· 7.s. • >.
Houk IEI -).4, 2 ....... won•>; Oemato(i.)_.1 S;i.tl-4,...._H.
For Mesa
John Gerhardt turned
in a sizzling distance
double Tuesday
afternoon to lead Costa
Mesa to a South Coast
League track and field
victory over host Dana
Hilla High.
Gerhardt ran the mile
in 4 : 23.1, lowering his
season best by seven
seconds. and came back
to run the two-mile in
9:31.5 •
Cfft• -11•1 (Ml .,.. Milts
100 1. Ohon IOl 10 s 1. ao..rve
IOI 10.•, l.MwHlOI lf.t. 220-,._, iN<llatf«d (C) l' O; Z.
luMtOltU:I 8-•10114.r. u o 1 Slla<bllord ICI Sl,7 l •
01\0fl IOI SS O, l. ~ tOl SS 1
--1. E•-10 2 M 4; 1. Youn11
ICI 1 ot 4, J ""41 IOI t · tl.S .Mii~ I. 0--fl ICI 4 11 I; 1.
8r1199eman 10) 4 2' I J Ev-ICI
.. 41 2 1 mlltt I Gert>Ardt ICJ '31.S· 7.
Yown11 IC) IO;OI 0, 3. P•ll tO>
10 14 2. u o reley-tlotf\tNmsdl~lled.
Mil• relay-Gaata ~ 3 ·41..J..
HJ-I. Smytr. IOI .. 2; 2. ~
(Cl H; >. .-(0) M . LJ-1. L•,_,., (DI IM; 2.Mloofle9
(Cl 1 .. J ; 3 . ......,_ 10 11 ... TJ-1. HUQUS (Cl H ·O; 2.
~IB~UNG OILER-Huntington Beach
Jltgh s Janene Watson dribbles past
Manna foes during basketball action Tues·
day night. Others in photo include HB's
Deify ........... ..,"" .. _
K~lli Lockhart (25) and Kathy Doyle along
with Marina's Jill Gillingham <33) and
Jeanette West.on (22>.
C.. VM!ty (41 (JI IM.,. Hlt'I
Sl .... 91
Sebtl CCI del Glt1ti..m •.o, 6 o:
J•nkenS IC) Iott lo Jen.-i .. ,. •I; Wll~lnl IC) IOll lo T ... , ... H1, , .. ;
Romero 10 dt4 Mlli.<•l. , ..
Oeo*I• 0 '8rl..,.t.oclleraff CCI Clef Nt_,.,,.
l!.._(M)llD~"' ....... Sain•• IEl def siwrmls 6-2; Clef
Walur .. ,; dt4 DllnlllP ... 2; def Felt
.. I; FalUI IE) IOtt U; -M, •·1,
.. 2; Barrie IEI lost 4-4; -...0, i.-1, .. I; Pow..-. IE) Iott H, H, ... 7, I•.
SUl'pt>-NlcN>I• un def R.O.ro Nvuven w. •.O; oat To-Frott • o.
... 2; c.nnon-HMt (El -~ .. 2;
SlllltU,M . ,,_,_
••'-Ua\'11 11\'t) Wfttmltltl ...
HawlhOrM (Cit~ l. ~ (Ot
31 sv.. PV-t. LHtWl"I (D) tW: ·2,
AndffWI CO) IM
SP -I . Mall'll-(Cl U-M: 2. Barton (C) •MO; 3. Sc:ertett 10 '2~.
OT-1. S<erlett (C) ttMOV.; 2.
Berton (C) 1.ZJ.l\lo; l. ~· (0) no
Doyle Seores 37
Oilers Claim
Sunset Crmvn
Kalhy Doyle scored 37 points for the second
time this season t.o lead the Huntington Beach
High School girls basketball team to a 70·50
victory over visiting Marina High (Huntington
Beach) Tuesday night. The vtctory gives coach JoAnne Kellogg's
defending Cl f<' 4-A champions the Sunset League
title with one game remaining Thursday night.
Dc bhte Durrows had 19 rebounds and 13 points
for the victor.1 with Doyle grabbing nine rebounds.
Despite the loss, Manna will finish m second
place m the final league standmgs, the only two
lossrs coming at the hands of Huntington Beach.
Jn South Coast League action, Mission Viejo
routed Uruversity High (Irvine), 87-8, to cinch at
least a tie for the title. A win Thursday night at
Costa Mesa will give the Diablos an outright
* * * * * * 5-'Le..... SOUTHCOlolTUAOUE
V.,..ly Pt ... v-., I Ml (J'S} IE .. _ Yanity • • • •
F-tei.. V.O.V Jody 81nln 11, Cf» tnl tt•) ._ ~
J ollwllnln J. l.OftQl•ll-II, .. ,..., s.wo Cl••**' ~ 1, ,,.,.._ 10, YCl.-14, H.vl_.., 2, -1. 6, Uribe u , IC .... ••....._ 2. 11!:-
(dl\on R..-.d"'I S. $.tndvl~•n 4, 2 O•Yl<h.otl J.
M•ytr 11 . ..,., .... 1 ... 10, AOl>ln\On •• c:oroM clll M.r-T""" 20, Goe9-
H•lfllm• ~In V•lltV 2).tt, 0-1 13 C:O.H 2. Rowell 10, Kork '•
Ne-..rt 11•1 t•I WHlmlMtff'
Nt .. porl H-Ecntfff\8(1\ "·
f\ur,,.n• 4, ~l•r 14, WOii• 2l, H~r n 17. C41111Cart 4 Au"' 1 J
"•lllome NewilOft, SI 19
llwnt INcll 1101 UOI -Ina
M•rlM Anditf\On 1, Br•tfteY' 1S,
<.olllnQhem $, lrvln •. Nuller 12,
S<.llllHtll• 2, Wftlon I, Wllll""m l,
Hunllno1ons8a•<h-Oo1tt 37,
Palmltrl 2. Cady I , Tonti 1,
Lockhart•. Burrow\ ll. W•t"'" '· ttallllm~; H...,t. e .. cll, l6 U.
"'"-Vallt't 1411 CUI 1..i-1 oun111n \/allay &olln I, Oollon 10,
M.rotrum IS -Koe 2, Armour '·
• ""~ 2 Po'1~1. Joyce 1, Toml>ltln• 1
f 0•\01\ -0\ll'f~.amp 2, C..•11110 10.
t trroll • R:1c.,...,o"°" 2. CAv•lltf'O •, l.Jor!lam l McDonald 7. Broo""41r12.
Helltlma f~n Vallty U•.
tit~ US) IJll Wft""lfttl.r
'"•wporl HarOor Perk•• '· '>•anion 4, Gr•nger 6, Smllll l,
/wl<Gr.tU 2. McGavren 2 Miiier 7.
H.tlttf"" ~lt-14.
Mar!M 14'1 (151 tf.t. IHCll
M• rlM-8«TV 11, 8olWl'I tl, 8"lrr\s
I. FurlllO I, Hewl'l'f 1. Vein!•.
Huntlnqton ... C11-Hemtl•'f 10,
Ortega I, IU--. '• Bl"OOk1 2, Wlllta S, Rall\tn 4,
Halftime: MMiu, t,_IS,
Area Prep
H•llloan 13
Helftlmt CdM. •11
M ini.,. VWje 111) (II Utll..,...ly
Untvtrsltv-Urrtarllelter l, 5"'1111 I,
<;oroon I, 8ater 2, Klr111and 2.
MIUIOI\ VltJo-H•rsllbergPt 10,
!.almon 12, e.auprey "1, Orrell ll,
M.,•11811 1, Hick~ •, Ahl"•' 4.
Roiwnko I, Welw 4, Rfdlttm I.
Half time: Ml141on Viejo, SO-l.
II T-Utl UO) ~ .. acll El Toro-Lektr I, Younq 2, 8atH
,,, W-1 4, Ak.Mbeu9" I, Amell I,
Morrl• 2. L•11una 8e•<ll-Ml,._ln 4 ,
RobertM>n 10, 8"mtll 4, WettQNrd •·
PaulS41n 4, Wf'trtl •. Hln•ood •.
Erlcuon 6. H-.lltrV 11.
Halfllme. LaQuN lleKll, Jo-IS 0•"• Hllll (6'1 I.SI C..U ~
C:O•la Mtse-0.yOtn 2, Y•ll<ll It,
krlkorl•" 14, ~Y 1, OleUti J.
"'n<lerson 1. Oal\a Htli.-8111• II, P.ttenon 12.
FIMr 8 NI..,._. 6, H11$M'V t.
H•llllma: C:C.ta Mew, 2•17. .,_..,el'Wty
UM 1•11 IU) S... ~ 5-n Cl..neoM-ICUl>r t, A<>IUmp 4,
Wtber lt.c.nw-L
Coron• d•I Mar-Spin" 2 .
Thom-S. 81 ......... I, St-Mon
12, Ood.,. •. Oe111s '• l!ittnotr 2, Oof'lallue 2, Hat119M t.
Hallt-1C-... 11Mrl>17.
•IT-00 Ulfl L....-Be«• £1To-'....,6, SllYI 2, (4lolla $,
{;eftralM 1'.::r 2, £dly S.
ltOUfte -A-110ft It,
Conowloe., H~ t. ~ 1,
Redwll&3. HalfUIM: i.-iN llMdl, 2t-IO.
u,,.__., nt> en> Mm• vi.to
University-Col• *• Grlffltt1 •• Mlll.,.2,~1.
MIUIOll VltJ<>-$1Mr 2, Mllri>trl 2,
l.upo 3, ~ t, L.lr!IJI\ 1>, Redder
Hall!llMI Ml•lotl Vltlo, 22-2.
c:i..wy LMlllll
T .... WIU1)1111Mda
l!ateac:l-l"ra«Y ~. HYMH t, ""°"',_ "· ........ "· Dadlllll l. rra~i..
H.ifl'-: 'nlllll»CI.
,.,,. lllnlty
..... (Ml(.Bt,.....
1£9'e1Kla 1'1111181 I M. 81._. •• ""'-,., ..... ,, ~ .. ........... c.-.. .. -...i.
H•lft.._1 E-.Mor,
Es-.cklt_ ...
,.....,L.Mlll9 ......,
UMtr QI..,., (11) _....,
AmUl•f &.~Of'.
~ llDO ..... ,o t
tol ..,, ,,_. • 4
l.IMrty Clwhlla•-AUrtlll 2,
Sltdledll t, t...ocllllftlte 12, ..., "·
MMl!lll '· Antdl "·Reiff .. l'rMCI• 14, Oryer t, om.n 10.
Halltll'MI umr1y Ol.,U.S.
v ..... C:..-Y ..... Ull (f) ..... Q,
Ceplttrar.o Va llay-i-tat 4.
"~ .s,. l'W'll 14, Wiiii.-7, ---"'*"' tt. O'MltM 1S.
HtlfttlM: Qipe \'11119¥, 2fo.s.
Pro Scores
TWO-POINTER -Huntington's Kathy Doyle (right) scores two of
her 37 points Tuesday night as Kim Nutter (20) and Debbie
Schlueter (30) defend.
Oeo*I• oavlt·N........., (El io.t to Hard·
1"11 Ko .. I U , U; dt4 McF•rland· Mou•moul•s •·O, •·1; Campoell·
NitllOls.on IE) J.O(ol J..t, 6 .. ; SPiii I •• . ..
J ........ Vanlly E•I-11'1 Ill_...,.,.~,.,
~ 8•1antlne (El Clef YOUl>O W . lost lo
Fwll0toonl 2 ... oet Strwler M ; def Lew• I.°'-' IEI won W , M , •·1,
• I, O.rnulh IEI _, .. 2; !<Kt W,
won 7-S, W; JtnklM tEI "'°" W, "''• 1-S ... ,.
~ ll•ot~ IEI °"4 Franc~
EKUOtro 1·S, w ; d04 Franco-Kirt,...
M ... I; Cor1>o-V., StU"91t (EJ -, ...... ,; _ ... 1 ... t.
M8rtM (11\'l) lltV!il H•L lea<•
~ French IH8) Iott loo 1(-.f..-2-6. dl!f
Crtw •.O; def Ftyy t-4; dl!f Woll M ; Barnard (H81 -"-2, 6 .. , .. ,, ~-1;
F-rly IH81 1°'1 l-6, S-1; "'°" l J,
1 6, 8onta IH81 lo.I•·•· S·7. S·7, 4 ...
Audd I El Olf L.11"9 4-l, .,., l.eecll
•·2, def Park ... '· def FUI • I,
Famulle" IEI -t-4, WOI\ 7·S, .... .. 1. AomerolEl won 7 ... 4·2.• 1,4-l •
Trujlllo I El_, ...0, •·I, •.O, • J.
Mo<ltUon Sapuhtd• !El <1et ICa llm•n·Wllson •·I , •·•,Clef
P..,t.,.._w.,. ..o. .. ,; Faluct1-B.-s
<El IC>lltM ... 1.-.. 2 ... J .. ..-s..,.aT-
Eol-. 1241 (., WeWn!Mlat .........
.. _,.,.(JS) (JI l"'bL Valle'f
""'* Herre IHt4) Clef OorWY M; *'
Pukullft .... ; Oef Meyers •-4; dflt
Ramos M ; llrd (NH) -, .. ; loot
1 .. ; -... 2. ~I; Godber INHI won ... ,; lost 0-4; -.. 2 .... J; Browo
INHI tott .. 1;-w .... 1.u.
Del*• Ausstll·Bef'Nrd (NH) cWf H_,.
Merrel t-4, W . dt4 Jec:koon l(alwl .. ,,
6·0: Aslllev·WorlltlCI won • l. 1 s;
won .. l,t.2.
...... V8""" c .. t. Masa 09) CUI 0.. tffHs
100 t. Swift tCMI 11A; no 1.
P11<1rson (CMI 77.S; 440-1. -son
ICMl S1 • MO I Ollv.,n (OHi
2 ll 6. Mlle-1 Sot~ (CMI 4:S2 I;
, mlltt I V~n•OI• I CMI 11 .00 0
IJOHH -1. ""her <CM) J3 I
lJOLN 1. VlgMl IOHI S1.0; UO
r~l•'f 1. Costa M<Js• •• •; M•I•
rtl••-1-c.t. -• 01.0. U -t. ~marell IOHI tW; T.J-1. Swift
ICMI 34-J; SP-I. Olson <CM) 40-4;
Ol OISOI\ ICM> IOM!l~ • ....-s..-c.t• Mee ~I (.,I DMI ""1s
IOl>-1, ~ IOH) 10.t; 2. PlaCU
(OHi l . S-CCMI. 210-1 W~ IOHI 2'.I; I. Rlee
lCMI l GunNnlOHl.
440-1. lwrson (CMI 1:02.S; 2.
Jol>f\SOI\ (OH) l. Ono ICM).
UO l H"'•••• ICM) 2·10.t; 2.
M4oncantro ICMI J. PMIPS I OHi.
Miit 1 Crack" ((Ml • Sl.•; 7,
Koller <OHi J. Gonz.al6 IOHI.
1 mll• 1 Herre .. ICM) 10.JS 0 1.
Cracker <CMI l. l..a.Hlvntue (CMI
120HH I M<Cloud ICMI 1'.J, 1.
Elloou...-ICMI J. Cowr1 <OHi.
Girls' Softball .l'IOLH -1. Mc:CIOUO ICMI 46.•, l.
l(ollara ICM> 3 Hor10r> IOHI. uo relav I. Costa-.,.J.
Mllerelay I Costat.M .. l.S.•
HJ-I. Hencler-IOH) J.(I 1.
Ttntlll 121 ti I Ulll venlty
Unlwrtlty-~. SS J.()-1-1; O'Le.,y. rt 2·l>40; Twn.iall. rf
24-0-0; eonnot11, cf~; Wiiiiams, lb~; Sc>eret, a~; Ao4lblns,
111 ).144; IC.,.., c J..4HMI; Goll!, p
3·1+0; .Mlstn, If J·0-4.0... Totals
p ...
T"'h" 200 000 l>-2 S 3
Uftlvertlty 000 000 1-1 2 I
JIMitr V..Mtr u111~mmTW1t1ot
U"lv•nll.,-WallS, c •·l·l·O;
Toltln, Jtl •l·H '"'°"'PS""• 11>-20
•·l·J·I; Jonet, ~1b 4-0-t-t; Oa.._,,
lb l.o+-11, Hert, Jb).1·2.0, (;«IUlt, SS
4 J-1.0; W•l<W, cl J.1 1.0· Nanra, r1
l>-0-0-4, Tvtllt, II ICU?wl, 11
2.0-1·2. C-, rl 1-040, Patton rt-cf
2 0-0.0. Totall U-1-IG-S S< .... ..., .... ,_ , " . 102 100 24 9 1 000 2l2 __ , 10 0
lrvlM Hlllt UI (2) FtlL VIII..,
INlne-<>vtnon. ct, J.0.0-0; 8\ld-
man, If, 4.0-1-4; illoggHll, lb, 4-0-2.0;
Ric Wicker. s.s, )40.(). O\lrl<M, Jb,
l· 1 2 O; Velo-, c, .. 1-1.0, Oary, JI>,
2·1..0.0; UK.tit, "· 2·1.0.0; Roberts, p, H.0-1; L.a91y,rt, l.O.O.O. Fountal" Valley-Ramser. If,; Wai--.. ss,; l(av. c.
•·l·J.I; Hart, p, ~; W•llace, lb,
J.0.0-0; HOU\IOfl, 11>. 2-1..0.0; Slalllno•.
cl. ?·G-1·0. Saunde<S. rt, J40.t; ~·· roll, Jo,· sc.en lily 1"""'91 , ...
lr,,lne Hl9" 010 003 0-S • 1
Fin, Valley 011 000 0-2 • •
""""' • .,_ (ll II I Miiii• Viele
Mlulon vi.to-Elliot, 2b )-0-0.0;
G•llrle l. ss 4-0 l·O; L••nce, lf·c 3~2~; OfM~ If 1-0.0-.0; Sewalli. lb
3·0· I ·O; Hend• .. on, I b 3 0 I 0
Tak•uclll, lb 3 O·O·O. M1l•1>, t i
3 0-0-0; llatlM, II ).I 1.0; tfokul p
0.0-0-0; S<rauU, < 111 I, Holm<ll\, rt
2-0-M. Toleh n-1+1 1e .... ...,1 ......
,. II •
Mission Vltlo 000 010 0-1 s J
Edi.on 020 000 a-2 b 2
JIMler Vanll r
Edison 7, Mlalan vi.to•
EstM<MT__.,. estM<U mm o-a Hiiis
Esta"cla -Buvor. lb• 1-1 ;
(!lurch, " ~O; Hl\IM'I. < 4 I I,
Wallord. rf •1-1; J-, cf 1 l ·I;
Stoett, 3b 3-1 2; W•I"', pl\ 0 l·O
8ruell, ID >41. Oonillan, p11 1.0.1
MUrPllY. II >4-0, Erlco.-., .,.. G-0-4)
BO<Jl•Y p 2 1.0 l otal• 11 ~· O•n• HlllS M<K~n•. Ill s 1 '· Wini.. cf l 1.0 Sclllltz, p 4~1. l
Mtrryllam. c ).t I, l. Merryi..m, n
l·0-1, Mete...,,,., JD 1.0.0, eoi-.an, 11
1 G-1, 81oun1, rt )-0.1, H°'teo•er, Jb
2 0-0. Tot•ls 11-1 ...
Sc-WI ......
OitN Hiiis
r • 010 101 s ••
100 020 0--J •
lh&M<la ,_....,....t
La Ollil!Ca 1121 (I) CdM
CdM box ~or• ......,,•ll•bl~.
ltmple (CMI; l no third.
lJ I. Weyne ICM) 11-5; 2. Kohltr
TJ I. H__, (OH) 32-4; 2,
Rice <CM> l. lwnoft ICMJ.
PV-1. Sta,.,.ltlen ICM) M; 2.
£1b0Urrw (CMI :a. "" 8'1nl. SP-I. RMnlrtz (OH) '°"< 2. Hyde
lCMI 3 no tNrd.
OT-I. Ban_., tOtO tlt-2; 2.
SUlllVM 10.0 l. ~ (OHi.
l ,o+I, • Miller, lb 1-0-Mi ~'*• c c.l fer~ ..... Afip&.
J.04.o; o.twwrt. c1 ~·~:°"*·rt 714/14'"222 I 2U/5t2-1463
W Baseb ll Sta ;nu~ 2+1.o:Tr--.rt144-0;HodQI. 111n1eoc111a.ct..Hulk;t•.._. omen's a .,.-e_.,-=p~=dl~=T~~·:~'~i~.o;a..m~.~2:11 ================-
S . . wamm1ng
Ml~<* CIONP1!1tll"ICI! SW_OI.._
W L Ga
~hw.stern s 1
Palom•r l • 1' •
S.ddltlMCk 2 A l
S-OleQO ~ .S l ' • N~Oh1sl.,
CUrus s 2 s. .. 8erllardl"" s 2
Olall•'f 3 • 7 Alv•&lde l S l
T•W'f'•~ Soullt-n 1, S.tdo:llt~Clt 6 Ill
citrus 10, s... Oll!90 • S.e ~IO, Al,,.r~ldeJ ........... ,.0......
t.AH__. 8 O c""°'"' s , 3 ,..... Moiok8 A J 3\ot
Ah>H-S • l 'lo
GotdlflW..C 4 s 4~ w...,....cc 1 ' ...... LA llelll.,_. 1 1 1 ,....... . ._._
R1e ........ Go'*"-J
LA Seu!,__ 22. Llla""9t ... CC 3
s.M• MollkA .. ~ 1 ,,..,...., 0.-
Los A~CC.i~·
LA H•,.._ .. Santa -.lea
L.A Sout-.il et Alo-
r..-rtitos 3 o
Ml .... ilfllGnlo 2 2 11'>
fllif....,.,,. 7 2 t \"t
'8ft01tgDMaM 2 , 1111 ..... ,.... 1, 'l
0.-t 122
...... ONlll 1 . 2 ................
,, ... ..,,. ... Ol'Wllt Qlell ft Cln1tll 11, Mt. ... ,.,.,..,.,. •• s.. ... M.-tl, ..,,.. ,.,.. • TI , ,...._
... AM •Or910t CloMt o,_.....•""'*'-" Gallfftaa .. '911 .,.... ....
CSJmlltY UIAOU• 11 ~1141 •i ~ o•
VIII•,_.,_ I O
Oranf' 2 1 I
Tt1•tlt1 1 1 I
l'Mtlllll t 1 1
.. lltt AM I 1 1 •. ~~=-Yellt't : : !
ll'lt• A,. I, b8M'9 ' II~ ............ ,
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'VIiie ,._.-. 8 ...... ll Mlll't
, •• C1 -.'IL) , .............
l I
o• Edison
Hunll"11IClft Buel\
Mer Ina
Fovn1a1n Valleoy
, ? ' 1 2 I
7 l I
N•w~Har~ O • J
T ..... 'ISc-Hunt. lltedl t2, Marin• J
Fnunt•ln Valley 6, N-port t
Edl\On •. W.itmlnster l
l&Ml'IAI: Lt:ilOUI: w t. 01
l o< illamlloct 3 o
l(atella l 1 I
kf'Mtdy 2 I I
Lo .. a 211 C:y~I 0 l J Sacldlebkll 0 J ~ .,,...,..y, tc..
Loan1 6, Solddl-" 4
OUNOa &.&MU• w L 08
1"1111-.1• J O C...yon J 0
El OorMc> ? I I
Softore 2 I t
8ru 1 2 2
Va!..w:la l 2 2
L• Habra o J J Et.,..._ o l ) ,......., .. ~
£1Oor-7, E1119'tnta t
Sono<"a r, LA Hffo'a I
Fulltr1an IJ, Vee.Kia J
Can'rOf\ 1, lrN 2
....... ., &i.ACW•
W L 08
Lowtll 3 0
SllnnY Hll19 7 t t S.va!Wla 1 I I T,..., 2 t t
ll-PMtl 2 1 I Wt.._ I 2 t M~le 1 l l ~ 011 ,......,.. ....
MepO!t.1 'f\'WI ll-P--t,....,.1
S.Vaftfla *1~HIHI0
•JoetktluUiy. . ,.., ...... -.. ,..
Boat BUilder
Reorganizing . .....
Directors or Down East Yachts have an·
nounced a major reoraanltallon of the firm lnclud·
in& lbe appointment of Robert M. McCafferty 4'.S
president of U>e Santa Ana based firm.
McCafferty, who has ~n serving as vice
1>res1dent in charge of manufacturing or Down East,
r eplaces Bob Poole, fo\.lnd er of the firm, who has
s tepped down from the postlor reasons of health.
AT THE SAME TIME, the board of directors
announced lbe election of Charles Thomas to the
board. 1bomu formerly was president of Jensen
Marine and currently Is chief eitecullve of Balboa
Boal Builders of Costa Mesa.
McCaiferty is well known throughout the
m arine ind\JStry. Prior to joining Down East he
was associated with both the eastern and western
divisions of Columbia Yachts for four years. serv-
ing as vice president and general manager of the
eastern dtv1s1on
Down East, under the leadership of Poole.
manufactures the classic line of cruising sailboats
of the same name and recently purchased the
rights and molds for the Passagemaker line of
power boats from Jensen Marine.
THOMAS HAS RECENTLY returned from an
18-rnonth cruise aboard his Cal 2-46 ketch
Vagabundo. The cruise took him from Newport
through the Panama Canal, the islands or the
Caribbean and on to Florida.
McCafferty 1-. a resident of Mission V1t•JO and
Thomas lives in Newport Heuc·h
. .
Robert McCaHerty
IP • ~ f
Charles Thomas
Lenrer Appointed
Yacht Sales Chief
Buster Hammond. president or Islander
Yachts in Irvme. has announced the appointm~nt
of Malt Lerner as the new eastern sales manager
for the firm.
Although a native New Yorker, Lerner now
lives aboard his Frecport -41 yacht, Possible
Dream. at Long Beach Mann.a and will make his
sales headquarters al the Irvine factory for
l.ern(•r said ht> frll he c-oul<1 give eastern
dealers b<>tter and mm t e"<red1cnt !->en ice d1recllv
from lhelal'lury
First Yachts Finish
14 Vie in Whitebread Round,.the-Wor/,d Race
PORTSMOUTH, England (AP) With 27.500
miles of ocean sailing behind them and nearly
seven months at sea. the first yachtsmen have
crossed the finish I.me tn the Whitbread Round·the-
World yacht r:.icc.
Latest to arrl\e at the Royal Navy base here
was 31-year-old Englishman Roh J ames of Dernn
and his crew of lfl in Gn'al Bntam II
THE\' Ci\'1E HOME TO a champagne
\Hkoml· onl) a fl'" hours after the arrival of
J•;nglt:.hm;m Hobin Knox Johnson and his crew
a boa rd Condor. followed ·J by French naval heuten-
on Alll'l"''l~G ant Eric Tabarly In the
.IJ(.JJ'Ai' l 'f ketch Pen Dulek VI.
----------Knox Joh n s ton claiml'd line honors for
the fastest aggregate time for the journey. Four-
t een yachts set out last fall from Portsmouth. Pen
Duick VI was racing unofficially and not in hne for
<rny race honors
It will take several days after all the yachts
arrive to determine final handicap positions and
declare the overall winner.
stifled by concun tor his \\lie, :-.aom1. lr/tng to
beat the world record time for a single-handed,
round·lhc worl<l sailing as WPll as attemptmg to
hecome the first .... oman lo complete the tnp.
"It's 30 davs now since anyone heard from
her," said J ames
She ts believed to be somewhere in the South
Atlantic in her SS·(oot yacht Crusader after round·
ing Cape llorn
Tll• lc>llow1no P<fr\On\ ue du1no SuPERIOll COU RT 0 1' THE
bu .. ntu •• STATE OF CALIFOltNIA POil
S•••nlfenlll St • Co>I• M•U ... ,._t47M
C•hlornl•'1•7' E•UI• of EMMA R JENSEN
JoM W M.olli.r, 110 , Hiii SI'"'· Oecu...t
N-porl 8e4M;h. Olllorn1• '2661 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 10 '""
H. T-• Hotlom Jr. 116 lllll cr..ilfoHoll,,..•bo••n.m..iMc..,.,nl
Street. M~wPorC 8t"1tcn Callfor,.;1 lMl •II o.rson' twv1nq tf•lm' a9<11n\t
91 .. l ti>« H•cl cllt~rtl a<e requlrf<! to Ille
Robert M<inoz, 410 Otn,,.,. Club u-.m. will! '"" ntCe1Wty •OU<""''· '"
8100 .. O•nver, tolOf•OO 90201 the ofllct Of I,... cl•rt ol '"" •t>o•t
Tiiis bu>lntU i\ conducttd by • tnlllltd court O< lopr~nt tlltm, wltl'I
V•Mr •I °'6ftntr\twp the nf'Cf't.S•rv "oucturi. to tf\r
Jotw'\W ~~lf'r uno~r,f9r'f•d •l IPH l•w Ofh<f" ot
This •l•t-nt w .. llltd wllll tM EDWIN W CHAFF'EE. 16'1 A.,.nl<M
County Cl••'< ot Oran0t C!>unly on Gr•Md<l, Po\I Ollie• Bo• S., ~" M•rcll 11, 1'11 Clom•nlr C...lllornl• •1'72 wlllcl't It
l'tt07 Ille ol•<• of bu•lnt H ol Ille
AlltroleJ al LAw
Suitt HI
MTkflNl~on ..
Newpe'1 -II, C. •1Mot
Publl""d 0-•"9' ""''' D••IY Pllol M•r n. 29, A~ s 12. 1'71 113' II
\lrw:f•r'\IQned 1n •ti rnllllflf'\ rwrtaln1"9
lo ll'tt t\l~t OI \Aid <IKtO.f\1. Wltllln
tour month~ •rtrr I~ ''"' t>Vbtt<•h°"
ot lh" noll<t.
Oeted M••Cll n t•?I
Evtcutrl• ot ,,.. Wiii of
the .aow n•mtddocedont
----------EOWIN W. CMAl'l'EIE
P UBLIC NOTICE 1.0AvtttluOr-"0 ... ,.. -----------s.... c1-•.t.t. m n (1141 OH11t
"W~:::1.: ~~t.....1 o.ur ,. .. ot.
~rcn 11, lt, Al><ll J, 12. 1t11
PICTITIOUS 94nl ... I .. ft.AMC IT ARMllNT T,,. .. 1._. .. ,.,_ .,.. Wlllt .., __ .
HCX..f'AC; Dl$TIUIWTOAI. '"" l!:l1t1tfo"4 1.n •• H1111t111ttffl 9H<ll,
CAit1tor11f1.,.. -----------1'1111111 ... 1 ..... 1tdt ., .......... PUBUC NOTICE Lfl., Hll'1tl"91en .. 1<11, C..lll••nl•
--~--------.... lll'lc:TITIOUlaUllNIU ltue111er'f "•le<I••• IOU
NAM911'ATl•CNT t1111tter9 '-"·• Hllfltl,..1•11 aNc,., '"° 101-1111 _._ •• ,.."' wtl· Cell'-"11•.,..
sailed around the Cape of Good Hope. South
Africa. then across to New Zealand, around South
America to Rio and finally back to England in a
last leg that began fo'eb 22
Current favori1<' to wm the race on handicap 1s
the French yacht Gaulotse 11. k1ppt•rcd by f.nr
Lo11cau, \.\ h1ch \.\as P1ghth 1ntn H10 but placed f1rc.t
on hancticap. Lying sN·ond at th1· mom~nt i<, the
Europ<'Jn Common \1 arl-.l'l enln Traill' dt· Hc1me
folio.,., cd b) D1squ<.' l>'Or. 33 Ex[J(Jrt, and Flyer
Orthodox Bishops
Hit Gay Teachers
NEW YORK CAPl -The Standing Conference
of Orthodox Bishops says "persons who embrace
homosexual lifestyles are not qualified to teach
children or act as spiritual leaders "
In a resolution ad~pted al their spring meet-
ing, bishops heading Eastern Orthodox churches
totalling~ million American members said secular
pressurcs s~k to estabJ1c;h homosexual lifestyles
as bemg of equal .,.,orth t11 marnage.
Althou~h offc:nni:: sympathy and pastoral as-
sistance to those with homosexual conditions
beyond their control. the bishops sa1ct Scripture
and church trad1t1on condemn "voluntary
homosexual acts as sinful and forbidden and
detrimental to existence of the Christian home "
QUEENIE By Phil lnterlandi
Saddleback Community College wtll host 60 in
strum enlallsts from We~tern state community col·
leges at 7 30 p.m Saturday when the Western
Division Community College Honor Band convenes
for its annual band festival.
Guest conductor Col. Arald Gabriel of the Air
F orce Band and Symphony Orchestra or
Washington, D.C. will preside.
HIGHLIGHTING THE ~IA 'tthe Wind and The Llon" by Academy award-winning com-
poser Jerry Goldsmith, and ''La Belle Helene" by
Oflenbach·Odom. Other selections include "Roll
ln1 Thunder" by Fillmore, "Corsican Litany" by
Nclhybel and "Caccia and Chorale" by Wlltiams.
The public is invltf'd to attend judging sessions
scheduled at t ·30 pm. Friday.
.,.u ... M•llWI .....,,!\. i116 1ta..4lj,A MA1t10•1 .. ,.,.1.1AHC•s ...... LM.......,c.i....,.. • ..aa G ""'N..,. &HVIC•. ,~ w .... It., '-'-ll•M Le.,. ~fillll, "" ~ef'· .1~11:; vALF. (ARIZ.) COMMUNITY College -..a, ea. taD = A ..... ~ ...,...... c..11111m1.. conctrt band ind Chaffey College's Concert Band CM::~:..~·.:,,....,. w. "'" 11·•· T11111 ~I• ceft4hlc...,.., • and Jui EnHmble also will offer a free concert at n1.-...-1a~.-•ren~ __.. • ......,... 7:*0p.ro.Frlda1lnSaddJeback:A theatre .......... ~ ..... ..
,.....__.. .,...., .....,.,,.. -,. ... ..,.. "'. 'ttckees ror·tbe Saturday concert a,. $2 and C::::, ·~-= ;,-,.:-~ ': =~" 0r .... c-ty • can be ob&alned throuth Fr1day from 10 a .m. to 2
-.ct'7,t""' ~.,.. MtttMieer..tc..tDll""= p .m . and thi'ouab Thunday Crom S to 7 p.m . ln lhe
......., ~ Oed ow,. ,.. ... '9Wca u.-.., .. ..._..,._ ma~-box otnce. AdmlaaJon 11 free lt> fludenta and aold ...... _,...a.Ui ...,.,. ..,.,. card boldcrl.
Wedneedly, Minh 29, \9711 DAIL v PILOT as
Queen .of the Turkeys
Woman Ootgobbles Men in South Carolina
From AP Dl1patcbes
M nke room for Tweedle Nlebols, you turkey
The 24-yeJr·old kindergarten teacher from
Union. S.C. out-gobbled 2S men 1n the state conlellt to
become the 1978 South Carolina turkey call1ng
Misll Nichols says she was a little uneasy
about out-calling so many men, but, "they've been
good sports, fine fellows, gentlemen about It."
For the uninitiated, turkey callers Imitate the
mating call of herus to lure gobblers wilhln shool-
ing range.
* Anheuser.Busch Inc. announ~ Maj. Gen.
Thomas A. Aldrich has been appointed vtce presi·
dent and eorporate representative to represent the
company m the western part of the United States.
Seventy bun" t'd the disaster, the worst In
av1at1on h1:fl0t} which tool.'. 581 hves a }Car a&:o
Monday •
St'cretary or State ('yru"' R. \'ancl" ~net White
House fore ign policy allvi~er Zbignjt'w Buezlordd
celebrat<'d birthdays as tht>y ~
flew to Caraca~ with President
Carter on Air Force One.
The president, wife
Roaalynn and 10-year old
daughter Amy saluted the two,
"'ho marked lbe occasion with
cake, candles and champagne.
Brzezinski turned SO Tues-
day and Vance was 61 on Mon·
Aldrick retires on April I as commander of lhe
22nd Air Force, headquartered al Travis Air Force Louis Cottrell Jr., one of the last of the last of
Base, California the old lime mui-1cians who sitw Jall come of a~w
Aldrich. 54 . 1s a in the honkylonks and sporting houses or New
native Texan, who en ( J Orleans. got a toned-down Dixieland sendoff to
tered the Army Air Force PEOPJ.f ; reflect lhc quiet nature of the man
in December 1942. -· ---------R elatives fell that the traditional Jazz funeral * unique to New Orleans would be too much or a
American country street circus for Cottrell. The clarinetist died at
music star Roy Orbison offered hope to one of his home lnllt week at age 67.
fans, 15-year-old Michelle Booth who has been in a Epipahany Catholic Church was packed for
coma since s he was thrown from a speeding train the services for Cottrell. About 1.500 people and
by an attacker 10 days ago four television camera crews stood in the bright
Orbison sent a specially recorded message by s unshine outside watting for the funeral pro-
plane from his home in Nashville, Tenn. Doctors cession.
at London's West Middlesex
hospital said they believed the
voice or her idol might help
IJring M1cheUeout oflhe coma
The phys1r1ans said they
made a possible breakthrough
by pla~ing la1>es of Orbison's
:.ongs to ht>r in the hospital ·s tn·
tl'ns1ve care unit
"She opened her eyes brief·
ly and moved her right arm a
ouiso14 little while we played the
tapes,'' a hospital spokesman reported. •
Dennis Kuclnlch, Cleveland's 31-year-old
mayor who won election with a campaign of youth
and reform. is under fire for what cntics see as
a style of pohl1ckmg he promised to remove from
C1ly 11 all.
The contrO\'t'rw -whir.h surfaced most vis-
1hly "lwn hl· fired his n<'w police chief. Richard
llon ~ii.to ha~ n·i-ullf·d 1n
rumbhngi-of a n·(a!I l'ffnrl and
promptld llong1sto lo ~a~ he
"ould not rult:> out running
ag<1in .. t thr ma) nr
Som<' fl:l"I the 1·ontro\PrSV
also ha~ di\ t'rlrd Kuc1n1ch s at
ll'nt1on from the urgent pro·
blems of a c1ly of nearly 700,000
h<'ste~ed by an unemployment
rate of more than 13 percent,
the <'"<odus of the white middle
clas~ and def1c1t budgeting •
An airline stewardess aboard one or the two
jumbo Jets thal collided in the Canary Islands last
year is the first person to receive the Transporta·
lion Departmt•nt's highest bravery citation
Oorothy Kell)• of Dalesville Ala . was given
the a" <trd by Transportation Secrt>lary BrO<'k
Adami.. who <;a1d lhal despite heart inJMnes and a
broken arm. Mis~ Kelly hraved fiery explosions
a nd flying del>ns lfl guide passengers and crew to
Police Chief Leo Callahan has two "Angt'ls" o(
his own. but unlike TV's Charlie. Call:.ihan 1s not II kc
ly to send his winsome orflccrs fhlling off on perilous
Carole, a 2-t :.ear old hurnctlc. and Viki, an
18 ) ear-old blonde. h&pprn to be Callahan s
Carole, a former dispatcher
f or the Rroward Count y
sheriff's office. is on regular
patrol, and her sister is as-
signed to the fingerprint lab
"J catch a lot or ribbing
about them being my angels,"
Callahan says. • Thirteen voters who showed
up at lhe annual town meeting v1K1CALL.AHAN
l"ashv11le Plantation. Main" mav haH had a
message• for Hon aid Onnen an Molh<.'r kno.,., s besl
Town Clt'rk Shirl .. v Prue '>Cl\" Erne'>tlnt•
Donovan, \\hO s<mi.:ht rf' clcd1on outpolkd her '>011
Ronald, 13 to 8, in \C>l111g for J sclcctmJn
• ~formon church leacl<.'r Spencf.'r W. Kimball
eelebrated his KJrd b1rthdav with a full work
schcdulc and a dinnrr at home·
The Church of Jesus Chnst
or Latter dav Saints CMormoni
public communication<; office
said church president Kimball's
schedule included ded1cat1on or
a museum at Provo
* Thr California StatC'
l'ni\'crS1t~ and Collcg('c, ho<ml
ot lruslt'C" naml·d a (Jrcs1dt>nt
KtMIALL for Cal Polv Pomona
lie 1s Or Hugh O. LaRounty .Ir. 50, ~ho h;,tl
been acting president of thr 14,000 ~tudcnt <'ampus
since last .Julv. wh<'n Robt>rt C. Kramer r1· ... 1J,!nNl
to accept a pc)..,1lwn \.\ tlh lhc· \\ h l\rllo~~ Founrl.1
llOn tn M1ch1gan
Glomar Drilling Begins
Exxon lni.tiates Search for ·oil off East Coast
aboard Exxon's Glomar PJc•1fic began drilling the
hrst oil wf'JI nff tht• Easl Coasl loday, launching
the exploration of an undersea tract that could
yield hugl' reserves of 011 and natural Ji(as.
"We've waited for this moment for a long
time.·· said Crandall Jones. Exxon's manager ol
offshore cxplor:.it1ons.
"(;nt a prohlem" Thi.'n u nt•• tn /'at l>t.mn /'at u 111
< ur rl'd tape qetlmq 1111' am111'f•rs and oct1011 t//)tl nf'ed
to .mli'f' m1•qu111es rn qn1 ernme11t and Ousinr~s M01I
your qu.rslum .. ~ In f'al Vunn At Ynur Sen'ICt'. Uru.nqr
Coa&t Daily Ptlot. PO Bo.r 15fr0 Costa Mesa CA
92626 As mantJ leltrr11 as posmhle will be ansu.'ered.
but phoned mqwnr.~ or lt>llers not including the
reader's full name. address and business hours' phone
numht'TcanMt he conndered Thl$COlumnappearsdru·
ly exapt Saturdays "
Getting Aro.,..d Tire Na• ..
DEAR PAT. Will you please explain the dif-
ferences between bias, belted bias and radial
tires? I just know radial tares arc more expensive
than the bias typei;
R G . Huntington Beach
Blas tires may have two, four or more bod)'
plies, made of rayon, n)'lon, polyester or other
material which cross at an an&Je of approximately
35 degrees to the center Une ot ttre. 1tvtn1 strenitb
to botb stde1wall abd tread. Alternate plies extend
ln opposite dJredlOH. Belted bias tires have a
body slmUar to that of bilaa Ures, plus two or more
"belt•" under lbe tread. ThJs give• Hl'engtb to the
aldewall ud greater tread stability.
Betti redace motion and improve tread Ufe.
Radlal Uree have body cords wb.lc• extend from
bead to ~ad at an angle of about IO de1r~es
"radial" to the tire drcumferenUal center line,
plus two or more layers of belts under tht tread.
Tbls eoutructloo alto lht" .iren1tb to the trud
area and sfftwatl fle1llblllty. As with belted blas
tire., It ~trtcts trod motion and utf'nd tlr.-llfe.
~ Brftllu BU•d D•tn
D!:AR PAT. Can you l«-11 me an address to 1et
Information on hreaklnl dattni rode~ on blind·
dated canned food"
T.tr., Corona del Mar
Send a eelf·addreued, stamped enveloPe wkJa 7oar reqae1t to: "BUD4 Dates." New York State
C.Oatamtt PIGWdlon Board. "w~ Aft ••
AJbaay, N.V.1zi11 .
The 452-foot Glomar Pol·1flc 1s anrhor(·d 111 391!
feet of water at a pomt 101 mile!-. t•ast of this rr
sort city. Exxon off1C·1als ( J
plan to lake 90 da)~. Jt a /'' '-'//(JRT cost or $110,000 d day' to ,' ~ ,..,
drill the exploratory well ---------J
lo a depth of 14,000 feet twlow the sc-a bottom
Rough seas had delayed drtlhng.
l'acd1te Controb Birth?
KNOXVILLE. TC'nn t A.P > -Anllbod1<'s for a
h1rth eontrol vaccin<' that could immunize \\Om<'n
from pre~nan('y for up to 21? Y<'M'-with a sin~lt·
1nJect1on ha\•e been develop('(! b'.\' a l"nl\crs1ty of
Tennessee zoolo~ist
The univers1tv announ<'l'rl tod:iv the :inllhorlu•s
produced by Dr Alex Shi\'ers ma\ h.· ,1t.l1• 111 lilnrk
ferlihzalton of the human C'g,:: Thl· a1111hod1~'" ha\ 1•
not been tcstC'd on humans.
lkfli" ~rea,. l'.S. Plea
J ER USA LEM <AP I Pram1· '11n1strr
Menachem Begin told the Israeli Parliament toda\'
that the United States wants lsraE'h forces to ~t :l\
on the West Bank or the Jordan River after an
Arab-Israeli peace agreement.
Be~m also said the Unaled Stales proposes -·
and Israel rejects -a referendum in \\h1ch lhe
Arabs of the West Bank a nd the Gau Strip would
have three choices: an autonomous adm1n1strat1on
under Israeli protection, frderatton with Jordan or
fcderaLion with lsra<'I.
1'D Baits Bors .. Br .. t»dlng
FRANKFORT. K} cAPl PromplE'd by <tn
outbreak of venereal d1sea5e among hors<'c;. Kt•n
lucky has ordered that anv thorou1J?hhred breed1n.c
Lake place by artif1c1al mst>m1nat1on. ThP or<kr
<'Ould shut down a se~m<'nl of the stat1' s
mult1million dollar breedtn~ 1noustr)
The disease has halted breeding at 13 or Ken
tucky's approxlmately 400 thoroughbred farms.
F-4 Sal'fnp A••al~ .
WASHINGTON (AP) -Surplus funds earned
by military post exchanges should be deposited ln
the U.S. Treasury, the General Accounting 01!1ce
The congressional auditing agency said about
$813 mlllion of suC'h funds are depos1kd 1n hun
dreds of commercial banks and much of It•~ earn-
ing less return than C'ould be obtained.
~ Boi .. 1 to R~JWfl
PHILADELPHIA <AP> The landmark
Philadelphia hotel that closed bet'•u~t-of poor
bwdness stemming from iu ossoc11t1on with th~
first outbreak or whnt camf' to be known as
"Leilonnalre'a disease" is reop('n1n& under a new
Rubin klsociates said Tuesday tbat •artt·
ment had been reached on a S26 7 rnllllon financing
packace to pay tor ren<>vllUns the 72·yur-otd
Bellevue-StraUord Hotf'I end ~r.ntns it 1n Stp.
tcmber im as lhe Fnlnnoat Hote .
"CltTIOllS •U\tH•U
Ti.t 1011-tne IMf""' I> d.HnQ lt<l\I '"'' ., All PllO PAINTINc; ''" t<0<' ... lnl, ti .. nllnQICltl ..... ,, (•lllOtl\I• ., ....
P•ut 1111\WY•Qt ·~~I Ro(IP. l>foont
H"nt1n9ton Be•cl\ (ftihfotnid •it,.. '
Tl111 b ... i .. u I• <onclu< t.0 bV .,, In <ll•IOu•t
..... , llun~••Go-
Thl• \l•ltmenl W4> till'Cj .... ,, Ir.
<•un1y Cl••• of Or•n119 Co""'V on ,.,_.,,,, 3, 1911
.... ,u
Publll'*I Or•"Ot' Co.\I O•llv Piiot,
M•"n I, U, 22, 1'. It/I U S 11
PUBLIC N01'1<· t-:
"")4' NOTICI! TO Clll!OITOllS
H•.A· ....
$UPt'.at()ft COUllT 0" THE
$TATI 01' CALll"OllNIA 11'011 ~t'. COUNTY OF ORANGE
In .,,. MAI H r Of 111~ I.., •••• of
JO!>E PH C CAI 0..<,..,.o
NOlt<t I\ Mrf'bY Q1w~n to \ rrO•tor\
h•v1no c•••m~ ~1"'' 1,.,.. , •• n Ck"c.• .,,.f'\t to fife W•O <•••m~ '" tht' otflc-r ot
'"' <ltrk of thf •fMf'"\A1d court or to
orf'\ent ltwm 'o tne und«r\.u~nt"d •I tM
Oll•C• Of EL TOH D BOONl, •llo•no Al l•w. •07 ~ l• Bru A .. .,,. P 0
llO• 9'2, lr\QltWOOd C•lllOrnl• !fO'IOI,
Wht(h tAtter Oftl(.f' I\ In. Ql•<f' OI butt
f'lt\S or lhc undt'r\rlQf'Wd tn •If tn4tttr\
Qtl'rt•lnlno to '\.I'd f"\l•tt ~h tt•tmt
WI Ch th• Mthwry lt'OtJ< ,...,, mu-\t be
ftl.0 or pre~tl'd 6\ •tort\•td within
four mo"ths •frer tn~ tir)t ouoht.•tioo
01 thl\ noll<•
O•t•O M•f<h ti t91•
V1v1•n V (n11d
Wiii Of \•100\!'lt"\)fH,.
Allwl\ey •I I.Aw
401 S. L• •rH Ave,.,,.
P 0 . ln .. 2
'"•l•wood, C.tol.,.,.I• tO>O/
Publi\hl'O Oritn(JP" (o.iHt r"'"' J'i101
Mor<h12 2~""<1 "'P"I~ 111'111
t 114 ,.
Pl'IU.IC ,..:oTI('E
lllUOl.VTIONNO 112·11
DI 11 £CT O II S 0' i ANTA
WOllK' 11'011 A ,-OllTION 011' THI'.
WHEREA~ by Rf\olul•on No
1121 1rw &Mui of Otrf'<lor5t ot ,,._.
fU\ltlCI Of'<l•rf'd 1l5t 1nlf!'f"ll1on lo form
lmprovt,,,..nt 01\lrl(t No I tor flw ''
'\ut1n<• of bOnil;t\ •or thf" •• Qu1\1tron •nd
'onttru<-t•on cl# w O<k\ f0< ow prOCW<
ton lrln\.m'\~M \ICW'ttf~ •nd d1t
t11bvt1on of Wftf,.r fl')r •"•9•1•on.
nomf'\fl( '"''hJ\tr•.A• dl'KI mun1c1p•I
uurPO\tt~ f()f' ow titnO' .t'1d tnhttO•t•nh
... 1tt'l1n fhf' f"•t,.rlf)f bOuf\G,ttlP\ Of \.Jld
.mpro••rnf'nt d•\trlc t •nd tf'W-It• tJ1,.11\t
l ''" •nf! con\trvt10t1 o' wor~' fo, ,,,,,.
t. llll,., unn ,,,..,~,,, llf"ld dt\00'-'' ot
.,..,.,.,t!IO,. ,,..,.,,,. AM \lorm _...,,, 1n
loctinfJ trunll \fWf'r\ \PWdQt" trrat
'",.,,, ...,.,,., '"'"•m•l1un fh<il•flf'\.
pump1nQ ''"t1~r.. otnd 1n.c:IUO•nQ dU
14H'~d f'A\erl'Wfll\ •nd ot~r propt"rly
ntt t tt•r y Uwrf'tor tor t~ ,..,<h '1nd
1nh.tb1t•nl\ w11n1n th,. t1Wtl'r1or boun
d•r•P\ ot Mid improw-mrnt dl\frf<t .,.,.o •or t~ MQU•\•hOt'I of <1111 of°' ~rl
"' lh~ o~'"""" IUllO• of Wld ,,., (lro1temenl ootri<t fC>fOVtO.d th•t thf'
tot•I •mount ot \UCh fund\"° tKQu1r1d
'Pi•tl not ••<..-d .n •mourtt f'Qu•I to
lne total OC)er•tlnq <MU or s.•td 1m
orov•m•nt dhtrict for • t•o v~•r
CM"r 1od •\ 1\tlrn.tlf'd by 11'14' 8o.aro ot
01rt c'Or\ of w1d Oi\tr•CU •nd lund\
tor the p.t'(f'fWlflt of t ¥f'r1 Pc~n\f' o f
'•1d 1mprowrnrnt Oi\tr1ct 'tllth•C" •t '' oro~bl• w1H Ot 1nturrtd •nd bP<orne
, .. ,,.bit' bPtor. trw t•Pn •t'°n of Onit
., •• , from thP <omplf'hon of \••d
.-or~\ Hn<lud1niQ I~ 1nterf'\t Of\ '"'d
4bond\ •"''" '' d.,.. •no ~Y•bte pr1of'
,. ,,.. •• d•I• M"3i tor Wf'llC" MOf'lil!Y\ of
tttr 1mprovrm•"I d1\hH t tn thP ,, •• 1"'"' of W•" 01\lrttl ~ ,,..,.,,..,, .. ,
tt M rtt•iWd by W•O 1m0f'ow•me-nt
d1\lrt< t from an a\w"tnf'nt pr•v1ou\ly t•v' f'd .,,. lnAOf'Qu•l ,.I, and 11\f'
r\tlbll\l\~t Of •O Of ln.t bond rf'
• • r .,,. fu""3 out of lf'lit procf'f"d\ of tn.
·•'• of \aid bonch. ~!lit••~\#\ 1n
c onnt ct1on .,,,. '"" "'-''P"O'Jl•t•Of'\ .no
•Uu•n<f ()f Wid bOnO\ •M
WH( REAS,"'" &o.ro ot Olrftlor•
Nnd• 'I I\ II\ the ~sl 11\lrrMh of lht
01stro<t t,...1 • Pl"" 01 wo ... \ tor w lo
•morov•m~"'" •~ ••Pff'\.f'\ bit 4'doot
•d Pll"Ual\I lo""'"""' 36U1 ., ... Q ot
lh• WAttr Coo' ot Ill• !tlelt Of
NOW, THEREFORE, llw 8oard ot
Direc tor\ ot th• S•nta Maro•rlta
Wator Oostrl<I OOlS HfREBY
SECTIO~ 1 TNt II I\ 1rw •nt~ntlon
'' t~I• B<Mrd of D•rt•<lor• lo lldOpl • PO•n of WOO\ ,.,. S.~I• -•941•11•
N•ter 01-.1r1tt tor lmP<o,,fmtnt 01,.~
tr1t1 No 1 S.oo PIM> ot Wor~• Pt• ·.,.,..d by R-rl Be111. w 1111am F•O\I
""" Auo<••IM, 0.1.0 F_ ... ,,. 1UI,
tnlllltO ' S."1e Mar941rll• W•lor Dl1
u ltl Pl•" of Wor•• tor W•t•r •"<I 'W•\tewattr tmprove~nh tor Im
erowtm•"' Ohtrln No 1' No\ been pr•
\'Mllfll lo 1111\ lloMO -" on Me '" 111e olhu of uw SetteLory oi u.. Do ..
• SIECTIO.. 1 Tiwol ltw ttlom.ttM U ·
~nse ol <•rrvt"9 out 111e Pla11 ot
"Worltc ls Hit""'"' totwi~.000.000.
SSCTIOM J Ttwol ,,.. •''"""•nlS tor urrytftQ out w ld Ptan ot w.,.~,
•11811 IM levlf<I ~ all o! '"" 1-• •lllltn pr_...i lmprow"""nl 01\trltl
SIECTIOH 4 lhel a l'NP o! lhfo \'<•
l~rlor bO-•~ Of lmprow....m Do ..
lro< I ~o 1. ''on rote In t"" o!flo ot ,,..
S.cr•l••Y al ltw D•slro<I and h •v•ll•
bl• for Inspection by eny """"" or ptr\Ot\I lnltrHl..i
SECTION S Tn•t 1111\ Roerd ol
Director• -,,.,....., un • hHrlno 9ft Ille propoaacl Plan of Woru for 111e 6our of J :JO o'cloc:ll pm .. March 70,
1'71, •I tllt f'W9UI• ~•no PIK• of )h• Boerd ol Dltectora, HS11
M•ro-rl .. P""11wey, Mtulon 'iltlo,
CallfOlnl•: -INI the Se<ret•rv of >toe Otstrlct ll her«IO't PlltllorUad and
directed IO publlll\, post -m•ll • notice of Mid ht.,.lnt Al Pf"OYlde<I In
!Sect'°"' M2W °' 1t1e w.r... Code. ADOPTED, SIGNED ANO AP·
PllOVlD l"li till Mv Of Ftt.rwry, ,., ...
THOllMS C. 81.UM
Prffl-1 ol llW tio.rd
of Olrt!Ocn of S....•
MM"tPrllaW•i.r Ol"'lcl
-..C,.~8f'I' of IN 8oard ol
l>tN<l•n fll Strlt•
Ma ... f'lla WMer OIJlrl<I
" $TATE 01' CALIFORNIA ) > ....
I, l"atTZ ~ STRADUNO, S.Cretltl
of 11111 aoera " Olrteton of tllt s..tle M•r....,w w.ew Dlltrlct, * ,,.r..,,.,
Uflll'Y lllM Ille ~"9 ..-ullotl
....... , Mtp4td l>y , .. ...., ....
.otN<I.,.. l'f Nld OIJ1rk1 tit e ._..,.
1-41118 " .... ...,.d -.. -2111 ... , f//f tr~. 1"9, lllld INl1 It WM
............. ttw~ftte; 4 ya11 DllU[CTOltS. aLUM,
A81fNT; Ot ltllCTOM' NONI
"9n f/11 SM!t• Mat91rlla Weter
.i'tATI 01" CAlll'OllNIA
Wedns904J, Match 29, 1~70 Business
Tl1• lotl-lnQ _ _. I\ doin9 bu\I
M\\ •" PAl I''( ~k 1 I tvHl~ tel\
.... rllet•\I 0t CO'\t•Mie•• fA9, •. 0
M•rto AnOrtt•" ti•ll•u 11/)
P•"C,.\t Ot . Cost•~--CA VIAii
r hi\ bU\llW'U ,, Cond\K led by •n '"
M AHO 6al i&u
ftu\ \t•ttment w•\ f1l.cl w ith ow
C.ounlf Clfr~ ot Or•n\141 t:uu11t y on
M~r<t\ ), t919 Hons
Publl\hrir<I 0tdft9U (04)1 OJ1lv P1IOT
M., I. I!, 17. 1' t•18 16• 11
SUl'IElllOA COUllT 01'" THE
Ho. A-1
f\t••• o• GEOllC..E AOOlflT
RAUllN .1~a C.EORGE RDOt:ICI RAWl IN'>. C•t•Ho,,.d
NOTICE I~ H(HEOY G!VE •• 10 '"'
ttnJ1lor-. Of lnr .d)l)vf f\dm~ Qr\t"41tf'fit
to.st •II ~f\OnS h•Ylr'HJ Cl••m\ .JQ.tin\1
tht-\ttld Ot"ct°'Ck"nt tiff' •t-0u1rt"d 10 t1 c
tn .. m 'N1tn ttw' nrcrs\arv .;oucrw,., 1n
'"'" """. hf '"'" lh.•111. ('If ow db0¥f" f'nt1tff'd court Of' to fJrfltit"nt tt-.m .,.,,,n
ft\f" ,,,., .. ,,,,,, vou ,,,,~. ltt ,,, ..
und"''-•Qn•d Al In.: o t fHt.' or
BU1<tlAl)M ~ (.HA KMAto. 4
Ptotf'\\lon•I Law Cor0i0ra11on t .eJ1
0o'lf Stre-f't Su•I• b90 Nr'fllrfport 8e~r\
C411for1u4 <nb&O wn1<P\ is tht-p14, .. Qf
bu\•tHP\\ ot the unoen19nt-d 1n •II
m•I ter;, prrt"'"""l9 to file f'\lt1I• ot -..ud
•lV,~d@nt within four mot'IO'ti attn th•
fU\t pUbliCAhon Of tl'U\ AOllC.t'
Oaltd M•rtt\ I~. Hll
Adm,nhtr•trt~ ot t~ .,,,,.,,.
of '"-~ natneta Ck'C t.>O•nl.
8y D•V•d A Bu•l>.um
1401 Don U , Suole UO
N•._POrl 8ti<"t CA tlw.4
tllO t.ll 1101
Attorn•'' tOf Adm1nu1r•tru
Put>l1\~d Qr Jn<)'• l.O .. '\t r1,•dy l'dClt
Mdr<,, 11 19 Apt ti S 11 1'ild
f I~ Ill
Pl HI.IC '\lOTIC' t:
R Es.C>l.UTIOH NO 1 .. 1 U
WOall' 1'011 A ,-OllTION OF THC
WHEREAS, by R~>0•u•1on No
ie J 1> uw 8oa,.d O' 01r~c '°'" ot ,,.... V•\lt•C t M<.latf'd 11\ 1nt.nt1on lo torm
lmor···.;f'mf"fll Ot\lr"ff No ti fOf" trw-•~
\v•nct: Of bonc:h tOf tnt-acou1\1f11Jn dnd
C.CH"\\lrucllon of wor~' ro,. ,,... C"JfOduc.
OOt't. t riin\ml\\.1.-,n .. tor.,q.f' And dt'
1r1but~on of #1Hf' for •rt•Q.tt10t'I
dom~\UC. 1n.du-.tra•t and m\JntC' Ip••
purpe>\F'\ for fh!P Jjlti(\d\ Mlcl 1f"'lhar>11·•'''~
w1t,.un th4" P.ft~nor C>Ovf"'<)•r11111,. ol '°""
1mpr01t"m.-nl d1\ln( t ano th~ tJ(QUl'j
t1on and con\lruthon of •Ork \ tor IM
«.Ollf'Cl•on ''""4tl'T'W'nl ""° d''"°'"1 of
'"'•dQ~. 'Nd\lt: •nd storm w..-1f'' 1n
c luCIHlQ trunk ""wf'r\. 'e'W•Of' Hftdt
mtnt, t1t•ter rPcl•matiort fac.lltlf"~
pump1n9 \talion\, and 1ncl1.XS•no ttli
tand. e>a\irtnPnts •nc:J otMr orooPrty
~cr-\\•r1 ther@tor few t~ land\ end
1nn..tb1l•nl1 within l~ ••l•rkJr bourl
der11t\ of \.!lid IMPt"O~rntnt d•sttic.t
•NJ tor the a<,QUl'\H.on of allot Of p;Ht
Of ·~ ooer•t1n; funds of Wld '"'PfOY~
m•nl <ll\lrKI l1><ov10tO Ill.ti 1M tot•I
•mount of such f'61dS so ac.quired ~II
not t-•<t-f'd an amount equ.I to tM
tot.i ooer•ll"'9 CMIS. of s..1d •moro,.e
ment di\lrKt '°'"•two-year Pl'flOCli, •\
utom•le<I by the &o.rd o! Dor•<lor• or
Wl<I o .. trkll -I-tor ll1e PO
mtnt of f''flery ••P«tn,.. ot ~lcl '"'
prov•mPt'lt OIW l<t -"•Cf\ •t •1 l)rO(:trr.8blf'
•ltt bit incurred and bfo<.o,...... ~v•btr
blftor• lht-f'•~r.tt10t\ of or.e ~·' from
,,,. comoo••••on ol W•d wrrOf'k~ 0nc1uo
1n9 ti\~ 1nt,.,~I on ~•d bonOs ..,.;n1<n f\
du• •nO PiY•bft Ot•or lo trwJt CS..lf' and
for •Pt•<" montvs of thiP tmPfov•~nl dutrtc.I 1n thf trNsurv of W•G 011tr1c1
~ th1trtafler •o be re<t>•V.O bV s~•d Im
provtmtnt dl,tr1ct from •n •Uf''
ment prpv1ous1y lftY•fd air~ •n•d~
Qvttt•J. •nd tht> ttl•tM•Sl'\l'Mnt ot •II of
tl>e bofld ,...,,,.,, '""" out of lh• pro
c.e.ds of ttw Mlf' ot W•O oonos • .-no •II
f'aOtns~s "' c.onnt<t1on wit~ th~
•uthontahon •nd t\.su•n<.e of s•1ct
bonO• •ncl
WHEAE ... S, 1111• &o.rd of OirKTor\
llllCI• 1t iS II\ IN be\I ll\ltrMI\ ol lht
Ol•lrlcl 11,.1 • Plan of Work• tor '4110
lmpro••,,,..,h -••~'I<'\~ -pl td PVr\Ual\I to 5e<llM• 36211 ti~ Of
the Weier Codt ol lhe Stele ot
Dir•clor\ of 1he Sain1• M•rg•'•'• W•ter Dl\lrlcl DOES HE AEBY
OROE R •• •011ows St'.CTION 1 Tllal 11 I>~ ll\l•11llM
of ""' Ba.rd of 01rrctors to .OOpl •
Pian of Work.I for S.nt• M.r~r1t•
W•ter Oo>lrtcl for lmprowrnftll Dis
lrl<I No b ~l<I Pl"" o! Worl<s pr•
iMrtO by A-rt 6ttl\, Wllllam Frost
end A\\OC:l•IH, 0.tf!CI Ftt>r,..ry, 1•11.
enlltl.O •·59.,1a Ma~rll• W•ler 01>·
lrlcl Plan of Work• lor W•ltr •nd
Wast1••tf'f" tmoir~f\lor l'Y\Pfov
...,...,, 01\lrlcl No.•·· N• bee<I pre...-1
..i tott\t• 8-'dan<I ll(lt> flit In 'Uleotlou
Of Ille Se<rtlM)'o! U. District.
SECTIO.. l. TI\at tht r>llmalt'Cf u
~"•• of <•rrYl"9 ou1 11\e Pie" ot
Wor~ sh n~ma1oc1 tol>t Sll0.000.000
SECTION l. Thet tt.. ••~11h
lor urryl"lj out w 1d Plan of WoO•
sNotl t.. t.-r...i uoon •II ot tr. '•""' wllhll\ pr_.s lmpr.,,,.....,..,t 01\trlcl
No 6 St'.C;TION • l,_.t ~ map ot Ill-t•
l•rlor l>oundMltt oi lmprowm•ftl o ..
lro<1 No 4, •S on Ill• In lhl' olt'<r ot '"'°
Greeting Card Business Thrives •,
111 t\H)I;, a 22 ycur old youth, Jacob
S:ip11:0-tt•in, \\1:nt into businesi. in
C'll•vt•l.ind as a Jobber of poslc~rds. It
w!.ls ltw <·ra of the penny postcard
rraH' Many of the <.•ards celebrated
patnotw hol1d.Jys Many were im
portt-d from (;t.trmany
become American Greetingb Corp .• 1
<.·ompany with u net worth ot $150
million Hall'b business arew to
become Hallmark Cards, one or the
largest privately held comparues in
the nation
Four yeari. lall•r, an 18 year-old
youth, ,Joyce C Hall. stepped off a
train tn Kansa:. City, Mo , carrying
two shu<.•boxt.•s filled with p1cturf
postC'ards lie had come from
Nurfoll-., Nc•b. <Johnny Carson'!'>
homt•lown 1 'Ah~rt! hl· ::tnd has two
uldl·r brothers ran J small gift shop
Of the two, Hallmark i~ clearly lhc
larger. As a private firm it need not
disclose its financial tigure~ but the
company doesn't cavil at estimates
placing its anoual sales at more than
$600 million. American Greeltogs has
sales slightly in cxcei.s of $300 million
a year.
Cit•\ d.rnd II all slaved in Kansas
Ctl) \ml tod,1v tht.• bu!>messes they
:-.l<1rt1·cl rank '\11 I <•nd :'\o 2 an the
gn•l'l ing t·anl 1ndu..,tr)
"'·•1>1r:-.ll·111 :-, hus anl'SS ~rew to
account for 40 percent of the balhons
of greeting cards <;ent every year
How many are al'lualh sent'' No Onl'
really kno>A s But Hailmark reports
proudly that its C.actones turn out 10
million greeting cards a day Thal s
2 6 billion a year
Rapp!f fo Work A,. .. ,,..... ••
l>1•...,p1t1• .1 sm 11d~·<· ol gnmc on 111..., nose. Rog<•r lbll ol Ho('kport .
h. \ . .ippt·.ir" h.1pp\ Ill Ill' lwt·k 111 the mine.., With ~1 1·1intnl<'t agrp.-
rTll'lll l1k1·lv to l'tld .i constn1<:t1011 strikt'. thl•reh y rcmo\'lng p1c kt•h
I r11m 1111111••., m1111• miners rt.•lurned Tuesda~· alte r thl· rt'('ord 1111
<111 \ n1;tl st I lkl'
County Faces
Higher Costs
LOS ANG f<:LES <AP l Higher food and bous·
1ng 1·o~h pushed the price index for urban con
!>Uml•rs 1n the Los An~elcs Orange County area up
~, Jll'lt'l·nt in February, the Bureau of Labor
~tal1sl1cs reported tcxl<.1)
Thi• pru·(' rise for ~age earners and clerical
'Aorkns t; J>rrccnt. said Jim Wurth. chief of the
Soutlu•m l'.tl1forn1<1 oHtrc of the Bureau of Labor
TllE Kist-; IN THE INDEX for consumers
brought the local price scale to 186.5, up 5.8 per·
cent from a ~t·ar ago The figure means that goods
selling for $100 m 1967 had risen an price to $186.50
last month Nalwnally the scale is 188.4.
This is only the second time the Southern
California office of the bureau has issued a price
index for all urban consumers. The new index cov·
ers a bout RO pl'rcent of the non-institutional
populatton thOSl' not in hospitals, nursing
homt•s. prisons Jnd the hke The other 20 percent
are rural residents
Prcv1v111usly, only the index of urban wage
earners and clerical workers was issued. This cov·
ercd about 40 percent of the non-institutional
,\80l'T 60 PERCENT of the February in-
crease ~as attributed to food and housing, with
rents climbing .7 percent from January. The cost of.
owning a home edged up .l percent. Fuel bills went
up 1 6 percent and furniture and linen prices rose .6
1 ransportatwn costs were up .6 percent in the
all consumers categor), with higher prices for new
cars. ~asnhm· and auto repairs leading the list.
.. t: .. TUl<I( t"'P)IComCIH Tl>e lol'-l"t 11\I CmlShr " • H IKlf!CI •• ~mwlol
,.,,.., S«\lfol•" °""Ci<!" Dea•«~ Ann . OW>t Col\P•P .... countt< !Ian~. Crewto tn\u,.•nctit &. '"""'' CrouCo al \IOC:h CullrF•<I •EL Ina ' . ... &:r~r>'i\ AFAProl s•. .... AtO Inc 11 • 1•· . 0.1• 100 AVM (p , .. 1 •• 0.~lM•t
AOdl\llW ••• .... 0.<0rll\ "'dvRon 2i.. 3·., O.lltl>A9 .AdvM•cr " ,.., 0.Lu•C Attwrl\ .... 10"-0.IC•nl
Alf'aAI~• ... 1. ,, ,.,,. O.llntB
Allcotn< 11'-11 • 0.wty(I APlynB '3" u Ot•Cry\ AF1n(p 11\0o 11 • OlanCru
AFurn•I , ... ) Oo<u1tl AC.reel t1\1 11'• OollrGn
AMttro' 11'. ··~ Donld1n
ATvCom .. ,,., .. , .. ., Oorcl\C" "'Welon9 10'. '"·· Oorl•DB Amt•rr,. , .... ,~ .. Oul\klnD An•Oltr ~ s .. Durlron
Anlleu\8 10\t 21'' E.,.,11,,..
AnlaCp ..... ••• EtonL•b ArdMay 1 21u EIPe•EI ArkWG\ ,,,.., ,. ... El~rBe
"''°Col• 70•') 211·4 EleNuct AllG.ull IS'4t 1& EIModul ::~:~~ 11" ..... Enro ..
1S' • tS ... Enlwh1t BkemRt 111 ' 11 ~:\:~~Al 8 .. lt A• S"• 4'1o Bn .. uF , ..... 11'''1 Febrll
B•Yl•Mk ..... 1011, FldUl\LI
8ttt1M I I'°' ~:iw~~ 8etrL•b ,,~. ,.. ,
BlllbCo . ··~ Ft8Mln
Bird Son 71'') :IO ~:~~n~ 81rl<llr '"' 1 BlllH1t1P ,,.,. 13'\ FlttkQr
8MAnla 4 t .. , .. FllW•IU
8rH'lkS I 11 > For .. 10
BrookS u•, n•• =~~::'~~~ 8rwTom 1)\,, , .....
erwnlrwJ 10 12 Fr•"""' Bu<kl>tt .. , ..... Fmdlo
Buc:llev• , .. ••• OnRtEst
~~.~,~~ '• .... Gnll•'"' 31•'> 3J ~vEFn
C•mpbCh ,.~ • Grt•""'' C..nr•dH 1'• 2~ (;nyAdv
c.tlSwCp •• ' GlllnUI
CaplnA•f' , .. , ... GyroclY"
C•PtKh ·~~ 1 HrpAow
g~t.~h 1 I H•r11NI IS"• 15~ Hel\l't'<IP
c"mLu 1''· 10·-HOIOl>m
(MSUll 10•. 11 HOO.,..r
Corcl•F I'• •'· HorlrR•
CllZUlll 34'> JS HllCl•P•P C•lrUIB ll'' ll HYellCP
CtarkJL l1'.1 ll Hy•lll"I coo .. cp 17 11\oJ tllCINUtl
ColuVent \1 '' • 1111ral11C1
Aller Hallm~rk and American
Greellngs come four other volume
producers· Gibson, part of New
York-headquartered C.I.T. Financial
Corp . Rust Craft. about to be ac
quired by the privately held Ziff
Davis publishing company of New
York; Norcross, another private
company, based in Westchester, Pa.
and an up·and-c::omlng Dallas firm.
the Drawmg Board.
The fortunes ot these companies
rest solidly on the inertia of people
who can't -or won't -express by
th~mselves the sentiments they feel
That's why the bu s inf'Ss 1s
euphemisllcally called the "social
l"<press1on indu::.try ··
ducer, having made its way on Joycr
ll:1ll"s premise that "good ta:.te 1::.
good business ' It's a philosophy em·
lll'dded in its well·advertised slogan.
"When you care enough to send the
'NV best · ·
Its a slogan that ma> be directed
at its principal competitor, Amencan
Greetings, which spends virtually
nothing to advertise a host of hnes.
among wtuch arc American Greet
ings. For~et·Me·Not, Worldwide Arb.
and Laurel.
Ha\lmark supplies 25 ,000 outlets
i\mencan Greetings sells lo 46.000
...,tores. Both companies employ
.1rin1es of sales people to stock the
1 ucl-.i. they provide griillS to retailers.
BOTH COl\tPANIES have moved
mto related fields Et1ch makci gift
~rapping::., paper party goods, sta-
l1on<.•ry. candles and other novelties.
llallmark 1s expanding into bath pro·
ducts and Jewelr>
There's something about the greet·
ing card business that seems to
l.'ngender longevity Joyce Hall as 86
'('ar!> old and still holds the position
of chairman of the board, although
the company 1s run by his son.
Don::ild J Hall. Jacob Sap1rstem is 94
,·ears old and holds the title of foun·
der·chatrman of American Greet·
mgs, although the company is run by
his 69-year-old son, Jrvmg I. Stone.
Two other sons. Morris S. Stone and
ti arry JI Stone, serve as chairman
and vice chairman, respectively.
The next chief executive officer of
.\ml'rtCJn Greetings is slated to be
group vie<.> president Morry Weiss .
lie 1s a i.on·ln·law of Irving Stone
Gas CGsts Rise
motorists are forced by env1ronmen·
Lal regulations to use unleaded
i:asohne. retailers are charging pro
port1onately higher prices for the
wet, accord.mg to an industry survey
The Lundberg Letter, a respected
sun c\ of 15,400 service stations
around the country, reported that lhl'
pncl' diffe rence betwcl'n regular
ll·aded gasoline and unleaded m1rl
grade fuel has increased by about 40
pt•rccnl in the past 15 months
1 n J anuan 1977. the national
a\'t'ragl' price of unleaded gasoline
"a ... fiO 75 nmts a gallon, 2 85 cents .i
gallon tugher than the price or reg-
ular. leaded gasohne. By the begin·
n1ng or lhas month, the average price
or unleaded gasoline was 63.79 cents ~• gallon. 4.03 cents higher than re·
gular gasohne.
At the same tame. sales of un·
h>Jded gasoline rose from 19 5 per·
t·ent of total gasoline sales in
January 1977 to more than 26 percent
t·urrcntly f'or the past several
.\ l'<irs. most new cars sold in lh<'
l tn1ll'rl Malt:'> h;J\e n•quired use of
11nlNckd Aasohn<.> lo reduce pollu
()ver 1 'he Count•~r
MASO Listinqs
~~ · j~~I :~:~~et,,r ., .,.,., Oll•rTP ~~ 11 Sw<hCp ,, .. , 1 t' ~
8 9 Ovtr\Air s 51;, SwEtSv .. , .... lJp• and Do1Dn.s ,. • ., JO'> '"'~m~ s .. }"'o PCA IM 10"' 11'. Sla.,Oyn )4t~ u
•\ ... ·~"'-lftlmlC.\ ' 1S • 15"' Pab$1B :IO'• 11~ ~::~~.,,., 1l 'l•'. H :W. tnB~W>ll I I~ PecC.•R :IO :I0"'4 11 II ~EW YORIC (Al'I -n.. tott-•na .... U'.., 1•1 .. tweSoUt 16') 17 ~:~i SV> •• SlfrlSI ... s ... ~hO•\ lhe ~· -(Ouftltf
J4\t1 JS•. JamWPr s·.. v-. 10 1~. StrawCI 7t 1' •lot"> •nd wMr ... IS 1,_.I ll•W 90'W UP "' , . Jam•br l.t' • 1S PenaEn1 I•'• , •• ,. ~¥t'£"bc ...... tr. mo•t --tr. mo•t ba~d .,,. ., .. , 18 J JotlyFd ~ .. ,,. PtttrHH ,. ..... " • ,, J ptrt tnl Of <han9e rt9'1f<ll~\ o! \'GI...,,.. . ... , .... JO>tynM tS t)\. Ptlro11t "" J.6"-T.c:oBftlh » » ' tor t...-..i.,
11 • 11" IC•1\Sll pl ,. 1h• P•lllbon 10;. 11 • T •m1>•• ssa ... 16•· No M'<UllbH trad•"9 -~ U •r-• 1f'\(.I 12 2• fCalv~r ..... .. Pl.OAvt •• 9 l •lumP S1 5S udf>d Hflt ~ Pt"f(~l~ ctt•nq.rs •'t thf. , .. ,.., K•m•nA lOl. )1'-i p,.rctSS • • l•l'ln•nt
)() '" O•ffttPnt• bft.,...n ll'W pt.I/IOU~ ClOMnQ
11 .. "' ... e<•mpArn •.. .... P+nkrtn 24'• 1S T1ff•n1 1J•• 1] • PIO prot f MIO locNY \ 1 .. 1 b<cl PtKP , .. ,, t(altC.rt ... I•• P1onH18 ,. • ll\· l1pr•ry I) e tl'-UPS
\) I 14• J K•Y\•m 1'' J , Plutt~ l • •• i~c<,,0~f ) . •'. N•,.,,. U \I (l>q p" 1l ll•• K4l•rnyT 1J'. 1)-..i Pogo Pd I] 1l'~ " ., . ... •IM>OC. 2 Up 1S 0 ,..,. "' ~=~,,~~ 11 11 1 POUi\ I • 1" TntnOC. . ' ) SMC Ind • I . Up 20 0 19 ... 19 , 11' I IJ' > Pr-OQrp t . 1" Ty\onFd 1J .. , .... Land Rn 1 .. . .,, UP ti A n , ... , t(•ytF1t1 ...... , ..... PbS1tNC 11 11\o Ul\MCC.•I • • Ball BF ''• . . Up 1 SI
J • l'-l<tYCU\F • . : PurtBrn ,, 11 ... ~~ ~~~~ 1l'• u • .. CmpC;om .. I • Up 1'-9· .. 10 t(eySll\I ,,#. ·~ PutOC.IP •.. 1 1S ' 1• lnlrtDyn 1 Up U I ,. • is•. f<H'llll\I ~ s"' °""""'" J•. l'-V.tl\\ll 10'• 10'-PrctnEt ' . l)p U I
tOJ.. II l<n•~V 10 11 Ra<,)'P11Pr S'• ... UPPtnP 1• ""' S•"Bar 1 Up 14 )
20 20• 1 t(ralot .. .. R•l'l•ll 1• 20 vaovc;,., 10 10' '.I ' Q\>allnn• '" . • Up ll 0
''''-,,, 1 L•nc4'1" , •.. ,, R•YCllm 4/t, .... ') V•nOu\n 10'< 11' 10 ~:!"t~ 1 • • '• llp 11 ' ,,, 1 201 } LellCIRu '"' ,,.. Aaymlld 1• 2S V4nvSn \ s It v.,,8yH~ • .. UP 10 a
I'• si. ll>MCO ,. 10 ~~~~v Vf ttro • ._ 11 )'. '" .. Up 10' :IO :IO'r LldSlor :IO :IOli, 1S ,. V•NB\h 10 7t 1J C•monll1 • . ... Up 10 l
111.. 11~ Lll\BU I ""' :ie~. Ro\el"" 111.0 l''> ~:g~~: 1}''o 1S" ,, ~!~~c,y,_ •,1.. . . Up . ' 8 91, l.091Jlrn I 1>.o. ROul« ••• 9'. 111 . l) 1S I • . .. Up . \
~ ••• M•<l•C.£ Wit 1'~ Ru.Sto~ tl1,. 141,. WQMW• 11'• 1)'1o I& Alwd()c11 • . .. Up '' "' l 51} M•J<>'RI S.dller 1 • )'. W~ldtrn 1 ''· 17 PeyLOQ 10"' . Up 9 0 n v i.. 23-142114 ScanD•t ''"• ,,, ~~~:~i.11 , .. ..... Luer•k 101 .. . . UP 8 ~ ,, 1 311, M•llkrt lO 31 ScroppH 3S >s .. ,, '*"'• " (,UAr Nat IS'• • ' . lip ,.
ft'• 101 ... M1,1lAS\I "''• 11'1.. S.lsDelt J'l ..... ~~~~~~' ' . ) .... 10 Kruff••I ti 1 lip 8 1
u• 1 "'· Maui LP 11!!1 • ,,t,,,, Svc ms Ir 2<I lO >o , 111 .. n ~UfYT"'< ' . . \Ip 8 I
1 t. Mc Corm U l IS SeYOl\Up 1s•. u. WOO<ll 01 )&'. 11 n l annPI a . (IP I'
7J"' 7•' • Mc Quo ,. lb\+ Snewml 78 ., ,. •• l ~~aEh~~ •'. I> 73 Pl1t\tlt'W"" 1 . .. VP • l • ·~ M~rdln.., , 3 SolldStS "t 'l S'' ,, . 1 " B"''•""r \ .. Up I ' l\"• 14', MldUW 21' .. 22 .. !,(el Wit " .. u ZtOl\Vlol ,. ,, H E lctmaS J"1o . '• Up 1 0
It , ..... Mdld(ap .... s OOWNS ., .• ,()lilt M1dlAO\ ~ .. 1S 1& ,., •mi!!' U\I CP,~ P~t )"' l'• MldlB•s 23 ,. Volttn•o ... . Oft II 1 10 ... ,, ... ~:~e';c; 14\.\ 1~'. ~:::.\~?~,, I Off 1: s .. ' " 18 .~1tSD.tfl S1unmury 1 .. Off 111
l S' I \414 Mo"ICol .... I • Pi><FE\I 1 • . Ort 10 r , .. 3~ Moores ua.,. 1)11 s Brghm un ~ . '• 011 • I , ... a•. Moor•Pd 1•'• 11'. NEW YORI( (AP) Mo\I •<llv• ov~r • lulon. , , .. Oii • I
14'' ts =r.~u ,,, , ... lhe·~OUlllW •toe:~' •Ulll>h.., by NA!.D , V1con ) " Ott . ' 11 u• · IS > IS ... N•me Votqme B•O A111f<I (llQ • J•ftO• ) , ()II t) 1 ,.., MOttllM .; .. 101.!it 0.B"r •• 40'.IOO "' • ••• • S~cCmo ]&. .. Oft f I "' ,.. MolCJUO I S'> N-pP" 17'1,100 " '"' + •• 10 ComnAm ' .. 011 I' 11\4 UV> M ... tltr :IO ,, UWOG 113,'IOO , .. , J 11 ,. + ., 11 Fl•tty un l '• Oii 1 I u v. 1l ~:;ti~r ?Ol-• n\:. C•liSoG• UJ.'IOO s • • • . '• 1J r~~~~vr. . " • Oii I 1 l2 .n U , U'., AnhN•B. 100 100 :io•. 71 • . ,. fl ) . -J ., Oii , ,
IS 11>'~ NelLlbly .... '"' .SUO.ru ,.. 12 JOO • . ... + ... ,, To<toCp l • . ()II • I l'• 44\ NSe<R•h S'• S14 0.ylll\ 'J6; ,,. , .. t 1t IS M,.d~orn , Ott sq
1)'1 •• NWlcMRE 1i... ai_. PogoP<I • •J ,, .. + .. 16 BurnooS . , -.. Oii ,.
1•1'> 15 NJNG•s lS,.._ 16' ti All\tC.p • 65.SOO le " ... t1 lnlr•lno 1 • -'• Otf S• 19 1•>4 No~li.n A 27'0> n•. Svc.Mer AS.COO U'• u-. • h ,, NIO•l•C. ,,. '. 011 s .. 1 , ,., Nltl"' B 21\0o l2'• " RHhll\CI II 1 OH s~ 1J 1JY. NoC.,C.• 10"" •1 Adw•nvd ~:IO M1dALin ... .. Of• s • , 1 No601 "" (9 50 Oe<llMd '" 11 H•mlOQ 1. .. 011 , I II 2<I NwtNC.\ 10 10\o Unth•"9"d 11!.) 11 .... , .. ,.,,, • .. 011 ) )
\)I• 1J1l4 Nw•IPS 18"• ,, .. Totel IJ~\ 7 Ht 1l 0\MMI< • .. ()II S I •• • .... Noult 11•. ,,.,.. New hlQM IOI H Sotody"' 1 • . O•I \ 1 J .. l'• ~llvyM 4J.l.4 4f' I N•w low\ • 1S R•v(•nr ... '• Oii ~o 1'• n . F•rro •.. ~·. Tol•I ••ltt • 410 300 7& Rovac (p • 0 11 )O
S.<r .. tery of ~ 01\tr.ct •nd o •Valla
bl• tor ln'IOP.<loon by ony IW<\on Or 1-:'jj•liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--~· Airline per\O"I ln1H'Hlf<I I
SECTION S. Tll•t lhlS Soard of
DI roe tors clots hereby ,.11 • hut1n9
on tM pr_.i P1.n of WorllJ lo.-the
hour of 2 :lO o'ctocl< pm .. Ml>r<h 20,
1'11, •• the ,_. .. ..-1"9 ...... of
lh• Board ol Cllreclors, HSI!
Mar9.,.rlle Pe111w•y, Mission VleJo,
Calllornl•: -11\111 IM S.CrHary of
tlM Olltrl<t Is he(wb'f •-11..S •nd
<llrecl..t lo pub4~. poal -m•ll •
tlOll<t l'f Mk! ,,._.Inv H provided In
S.Ctlon ~of tlla w .... <Ade.
PROVED IMl 2111 day of F•llNary,
Pres!Otnt ol llW tio.f'd
of OI rec Ion of Sant• ~rllaW•ter Ol•l•kt
S.c,..1•ry o! uw Board o!
Dlf'e< tor• of s..ta
Maroer11a W•tw Olstrlcl
'· FlllTZ R. STRAOLING, SKrtl•ry of lllt llO#d al Dlf'eCIOn Of IN Setlte
Ma,...rll• W.t• Olslrkt. do her'\lfJy
orllfy lllM U. l.,..otllO Nt01t.1ll011 wu eulv ..-..a 11y tr. tloef'd 01
01-.ctert .. !Alo Olwtct "' • r-.il•
-11 ... .,, Mid ..... d ..... °"ti. 2hl
fay ol ll'etwwry, 191'1, ..-tl\et 11 wn
to H9Pt..t by 111t tonowtne "":
AVIS: OlllfCTOa\: llLUM,
S.CNIM'y Ol U. 80tlr1'
ot Off'eCton Of'-"'• ~rlteWatw OlatrlCt
St A Tl 01" CAU,OaHtlll
"""'u_,St 0i;o111lYIOl'IOc ,n e...i
r·1u """'" • rwnmi1t l'W c-t,.... urrt(Wo!t
CM,, fl)< tw ""' "'' <APllO\. t<()Ul lOAN •n •nott to c •ottohr• ynuf'
..,... •• '""' • c.to ..,.,, ... 111 '""' ..... h••!"'Cfly~
Home Loan
°"' nf Ollll'I U.ueet l~...__, .. _
(111 fl'l•M "1t-t-~111
_ • .., oltk• '"' .,.. ........
Really hke to help
>t'CIHerWIM 71'41°~1:1
ANAHEIM n:u w Urw1110 " 1•
LONQBEACH .. ,•LOllAim .... ·~t3/421-8333
Fare Cut
Alaska Airlines has
asked the Civil
Aeronautics Board for
permission to offer
"Super·Duper Saver"
(ares on flights between
lts Alaska cities and 10
lower·48 destinations.
The lower fares, dis
counted up to 40 percent.
are not to be confused
with "Freedom Fares,"
Information oHicer
Davld Marriott said
atter the airline flied
with the CAB.
The ··super-Duper
iaver" fares could go
into effect by May 15.
with approval of the
CAB. 'I12e gpeclal fare ls
subject to sev.era I
restricUona, including
30·day reservaUon and
ticket pure.base, and a
return belwMJn seven
and 45 days after de· parture.
The destinations tn·
elude Sc&Ulo, Portland,
LH VetaioJ, Reno, Lo&
Anae1a, San Franclaco,
Palm Sprlnia, San
Di 10, Pbocn1.s aod Salt
Lake 'Cl~, Uld lke Ryan, Al a AtrJlou
vlce president.
NEW YORI( (API NlWS tin.' 9' Optn u" 100 Inv C.uld llS NL MFD 1101 1JOI PtonHr FunO TrltSI 159 • )<I Th• followfno quo NYVn 11 Sil 12.4'> T•Fr• 13.70 NL '"" '"°" 11' NL MCO IS II 16" Fund 13 70 14.Q V•nl 14 SI 1S., l•llOllS, l"l)plled by CGFuncl 9.oa t .12 Fleltllly Groul>: '"" Bo• e .. t.)I MFB 1S 71 1t «> II ll.S4 "11 se E«1IV ''5 '9\ 111e Nellon.ti Al-t CGlntm I 17 I 13 A91es 10.0ll NL Inv Counsel: MMB t 10 10 ti Plan ln1' 11.)1 12 l3 SB l&G• 11.35 13.00 ~"!"~,1~·::r<~ ffir$ ,i~ 11~0~ 5:d rn ·:~ ln~fl[~ Ja,,t~ ~~J!:~'L~~~ I;~ ~~:.~~r~:u :g: ~fnct '!:ij 1rn
1NM 54<\Klllft CllallftY '., 10,. Dally I 1 00 NL IDS 8d s.n 5.'3 C•pll n 42 11 ts Grw1h 'S4 NL So .... r tn 10.7S II IS
could 11814 bM1> CIMorlFd 1'QSU:it lhl11y 1&7..... IDS Grt S.74... Eqv18 t,!? 11000117 Nln<Eomr• ',.u .. ~LL ~P!,<.lrB•.!,.)3_ INL a.olO I Net .,,_ CNM c.r BO>· Eq tnc ISM NL IOS ndl 'u s 03 MUl\I -" ~1.i1 __,,,.... valu.I or ~ Fulld s '° .... ~· 1' 11.. Mull ... t J9 ROA\I 1 00 NL N Hori& I 1t NL Com F l 11 •.u !:~;, ~~" ~! rn n~ ~:18d11.~UN6~ ~~'!\x 3s0:,H: =t~t ~:SN~~·~~~ 1:~ =t ~~F= rn :~ S.11 Buy SIM<l S.0 Sn HI Yid 1S.00 Nl. Stoca 16 S1 11.01 MONY F I 1J I" Prolnc; 10lJ NL SIFrm Gt SM NL AC.EFd 5.SI } '9 OltapO 1062 NL LIMtm 9 '9 NL S.1..:1 913 t .12 MSB FO 1111 NL Prov Glh -..11 SFrm 8• t • NL AcornF H• NL a..mFd • .., , 03 Purlt11 100610." Ver Py •Ot • ., Mui B•n • " ... Pru SIP ll2 t .Ot Sl•l• St ~.J7 ~..,
Ad•nln" • ll NL (NA Mot Fen Salem ~.. 5 °' Inv At"' S.ll } ll Ml r Fd I • , .. Pu1 ... m "-" 'f F ...... 11 AlulUre t '6 N Llbr1y J '6 4 J:I Tftrlll 10.16 NL IJltl 11 . .W ft 01 Ml F Gth 3 1' • 10 CO<lv 11 1t 1710 Ttmp GI II 23 IS SS !:~:': 1~ ~ =t ~'::!1' :·: rn Fl~., ~ Jl.5'1 ~"I Gr1n U"t ,:~ M~~:~01 ~' 03 iq .. tt :~ ~ :rn ~~~pc~": ~·~ r:.
A81rlt\f • .., 10" Cblotol•I F-Oyn• s 16 NL J ...... F 1111 NL "'"''" ) 10 • 02 c.::'1t 10 CQ 10 '5 '"' ll\WS .. ., •.H ·e:~:.~:n F,"':' • '° ~~~· : !; : ~ :~~ ~ ~ ~t Jo~z1!•"'0:~2 • n ~".<r:; .~ ~ .: ~ ~~:~ ;•at1 ·,,.. ~~~ ~~ .~~ 10N~
Am<P • .. 1 04 Grwlft • 1, ''1 FU lnWHtors 8orld 11 II :IO 0 M~ISIV•:IO u lnW\I • 0 I 0$ T-c C.I '.. NL Mull 'lJ 10 lncom I s.1 t n Dl>eo S 0 5.'3 Grwth ' .. 5 3' N L OPtl\ 1l ~ 14 .ft hmC Inc 111 "l 8-14J7 IU ()ptl\ 10J3II1' Grwth tU 7U JollMll\ 11.fJ NL NEA Mui 1 5' NL h(•I 1•1'Uil! USAA Gt 7.14 NI
C.,11 • n , Cotu Glll u 0$ NL tncom • " 9.JI K•m~· Fun<I\. Nell Ind 10 10 Nl. "·~·· 10 n 11 17 U~A Inc 11 :11 NI C.rwth Sn t 1' Cwlll\ A8 •1 1 ~ !>toclt I 01 f IS lncm 10 6oO II II ~el S.tur S-.-Vor•O 11 4' 11 ii! US G<lv t Q t St
ln<om 111 I CWlll\ C 1 •2 1 s.1 l">IMll A '" Nl C.r•w 7.10 I 1• lelan '10 911 R•lftbw t n NL Vnll "'"' IC!> H I ICA IJ IJ 1' Co<flp Id f 11 I.to FIMllDI 1000 NL Ho VIII 11 '7 ll '4 Bon<! • M 4 .. lltwtve 1 00 Nl. U"lon Sv( Gfa NP•r1 IS,. 11 Comp Fd I 21 111 4' W•ll If• NL MonM 1.00 NL 0 11110 • e» • • Atff•• S 01 NL &.-11. .. tots
W"'M' • It • ,, Coft<ord 11 ~ Nl """ C.th 3'1 3.. M...,8 10 n 11 11 G""''" s 1) SI ~ ~~ GEqlt t 1, !? 10' s.n Hu•c.• .•.n11 IUl1.'6 I~.!~ ~ 0-al: Cofts ""' llS t U F-0.'5 ~:. Oplm 11 .. Ut,j Pl Slk 7~ -,..,.,, 111 .., ·-Ceoed •. n •. COtl•t .. 0 s,, NL G""'" •n • n $<.mm 11 .. I) OS ln<On'I 5 .:J s IS StPC•P , J1 I.OS Ulllon II sa IZA> C.PGll' I.Cl• l Cont Mut S • Nl. I-11 .. 12.74 TKll 6 • 1.S1 Stock I .. f CQ StPGwt 1 » U6 Unltte ~·
111<,d &.1' •.ii Clry C.P lO 11 11 SI Mula! 1.n a.oo TotR '·"to.ff l!Lll• ,_ ~-' ~'-'' A<cm , .. &•S Ventt 15.IO 11.0S l>IYIMlft 1 00 INL ~I t.111 10.IS Keysi-fund>: Eriult U .7' 17 IS Com SI 'ot Hl. 8-1 .. 1 SJ [qtGll\ ••&.'70.1 ... •re~ Fr•""ll" ~: Cul 8111 . .i1111 Grwlt\ flll Ht lr.<om U• NL c..i ~ e.a tor l"dAm ',, • /1 o.<•l 1140 11.. 9,_., l~ ,... Cul 82 1t" 11 ,, I Mom 1l Ml,.,. Intl Fd I) Sol NL COii ltM: ....... Provld J 1' • Oelaw 10 .. 11 ti ONTC 7.IR 7.t2 Cut 84 UI Ue Rel~q 12.72 U U Man R 10 CO NL ln<Otn t.11 t"
AOtltl"d U) 6 Oetcll t.G .... Of•ll\ $,)6 S 11 Cus Kl 71' 907 fl•'*-r9"f' 8M'm MM8 10• NL MIM\I tllc\4 11.Ja Allllllll"f •·• J '7 T•I",.. t 49 t... UIW\ 4 1' S.13 Cul Kt .... U1 En'9Y 13 44 Nl 5'>«1 2S n Hl. Scleft $,Jt S.90 ..,.lt'IWtl S.64 N 0.1111 S.ltu.'1 IM•m Ue U2 0.t SI 1'0t 17f• G~ UM NL SKutlty l"""Cbt.lt .IO"' ,,:!1.n1 >9v-S.-«P ~ ..
Al11"'lf1C U .Jt NL Dlf Cu 4 OI 4. V' Gov tA ICl.16 Cus S3 1 Sol I>• P•rlllr t-' Nl 8ond -"" 5"1'" U1 NL ANIO"' S 0\ a 11 E{ 10.CI> HL C.1111 a.GO UJ Cus SI • 06 •.4' N•w Wld 1D 16 NL Eci"IY US 4.b 'tel .. 1. .... F'<91 AO.,tE'I ··~ J.Oll I 14.lJ INt ltQ.ult J.)6 ,., PotAf' 3.ll 3 •• NtwtCI 11 61 NL lnvnt 7 ll 7 It Vel LI J'A> tSJ All<h« 01'111111< •• eur Ul N l'lll'dlllc U7 l.lO LA•lf'lllM Gfp· NtWI Inc "' NL Uttr• 10.11 II.OJ IMom s.°' 11 • ?,tllJ UO NL Y"4\ Orp· Funtl Inc 0.-.: Cp ldr 11.Sf 17'6 Nlchl,.d 11111 NL S.l«ltd Funos. L•vOI ~p 13 S7
rwlh •. 1, • ~ Orayf 11.0t ti. Cenlm t 111 NL LU Gr 10 U II II Homul• 11 i7 n U Arn~"' t JI NI., s.JSll ~91 S 04 Mom • ti 7.0 a...11.. IS .. I• lmjMC , • UD . Lu In 1009 "Ol NorHU u .• NL 'pliM II .. HI. V-• ~·
'IMctr • lf ua Liii Al t.. N 1114 Tr t 7S 10.00 LU II U t4 "•i Nuw,..n • ... 10.ot s.nt111tl P'lll'llb• tit(..., IUI M SS r'olln"' •It •ti NHI,,. • OI NI., Piiot 7.7l NI. life Ins 7.IO I" Om<toa 'JO 9 n Orwtll I.st US lth'HI 64' 7 ~
Wuh t.n 10 .lt ~· Ill< t" NL~" s U.Ji .•• L.eoml• SA~" Ont Wm u &2 NL lru\I -V•ll C'omtn s •• ,.
Au HoutMen '"'"' IS.a N n s.c I,. NL C.Pll ., Nl o.... ..... ,,.,., ,, S.nllnel o..i.... ~· H> '°'° , lld I 1 .. e U Tll .. C. It rt N tl"ltl Ind 17 .. NL Mui I U NL 0-S Ill • 01 A .. t J 44 J It V~......S Of-. '"'°'" ' .. 11• , .... Gf' ' .. IO l4 He ..... 111... L.erd A""11. IMto\ I,,,. •O •• ,.., 1 ..• u c.... n.u-.Hl
StKIC i • >.to hie!\&.._,. f HOA US •.10 Allllld 1 ff '5 MOfll 1 Oii Nl C:-S 11 ... 12 07 f'H1h1 1tJI Nl l§Gt '° n II,, ...... , ,, • t Orw11\ • .. 1 t1 8nd .. 10 11 Ottlft n u H • \entry ,. u., 11 .. " '""' 1 A foCL ' Ille ljf 'fl. ,Wtl 1 » HL IM-'-'1 NI. l11<4ltn S. 1 i. h~ft 10 SI HL iMl'WM._,.. 0. ~ 11 '1 NL I"" I. HL Orwl" t n t Hart Git! U.c2 HL lllflltrMI ..... AIM t It 10 °' tmstk t 411 1.. Trll\l I~ Nl Gift. Nl i..., ,., .... HMiln ISi HL rllftd tU1044 Tim• 11'•11 J11tro U>1.• W.11•1 llM H~ MIU •R HI. Cl U1 teJHtftlt9 IJ),l .. 111<....,tlS OTCS« 1''11\111 H•rbr t1' tl4 W!Mllll t• NL .. F, ~. «'-. UJ .... ,.~ Ullilt1• 1 0 • 0 • ,.,_ M ...... , L ... t HI t" W..t .... NL
1 '141 7;,f N\. ~· ~ "• Nl Tr I 00 Ht.. Mll"I t0 11 11 Jla f'NMI '4 1 • Hl ~· IJ tl I J2 WI,,,., t 1' Nl 10 flf .. , NI. d-o t!" NL ~s u., 11.11 UI o .... " 10. ,,._ Mu .... NL s-.._ ........ H Vat!" ii' 1* ..... CM t,W 1 tnt P &11 I I 0,_,,. Matvt_, Cll. 11'1111• 1 0. l n _,.... "-111 11 D W.1154 0 '-41 ~,,,, • ,, ... 11 ... ,, u . T . ~ti\ .. ,4 s.e E"' , ,. , • l'Mt c:.. , ,. .. , •11<-141 ",. ... -. ... ,. , NL ~ t fC t. •~114 t " I~ U ). Ne~ 1 ,. ft ~ 'f I IJ t.. 111 .... ft t • ti I& W.Uf Of't ~
II luaellll . r•I• ,._, frtt t'-"'-U 11 t '16.CIS t0• •t)9rl'91 ~· ~O IP Hl llrltc ttOC ... NL ~ It 11 It Am \.dr 1 • 1" ,.,,.."' fi;a . .., Mt~• 1-1 ,.II l"I U • IHS 0 a.aa NI. WGef S~·
If H: 1=r· ,f;t::~ :=':!"' I 0N" =lg' '~ at :·~ ~· rn ;~ ... ..,. .. t :.~ 2tlf =L ,,..,,, ... '411 HllCl'll IOJht.ll11t ll'lnt t ttM ,Ml U.•U09 ~ 111 •.a, .. ~t tAltt.ll l"1 ..... t
edne day'•
Closing Prices
s.c.. '"' '' '~ ClaA ,.,.. -·-· -"fl ' • ,, li""-14 ~~~ u: t '!!. t'A ! ~ ~:.: ,.., i i7 "• "' ATO .llO . UI l!V. ...... 40 • )1 ~ •• ,._11,b 1M 14 111 Ul.o+ \6
Mf'MC .• 10 4IJ 111'V.+ ._
Adftl!>g CM 4 111 • ..... "41E• I 11 ~ 11-1't _.,.,,,_, ..... .-. ..... ·~ .o.. ttJ 11 ... " •• , ... 1:1 J '° • Sl• l.Pli + ~ A•INLI ,. 2 • t lJ + tl't ·~·"· , , ......... A m•n• .Ill d 211 lit\ • l't • ._ .. 2~+ .... ···~ 40 1 \G ,. ..... ..... ,.,, .. u u '"" .....
Alrco 'j t 42:Tt ~+ ll'o .o,_ u it 1n.. I\
AtoGet 1. 6 1 '1"' t I\ Ali!P dof ,p , U 91.\ .... AloP pl t .. 112'0 tS\.o + 214 AloP,. t.+4 •• 11160 100 t Vi •.• ,.!If ... .. 110 '7 + Vi Alotllln M lt 160 ~ ....
Albe11,. .ft 4 t1 ult'>\+ ~ Albtrto .)5 IJ S f l(o-\.It
Albtrlin .• t 20 21~.'" "• Al<a11A I «I S 321 U14 .
Al<tStd I 16 S 10 21 •.. I\ ,_IO'ldf «I t Ill 7~ + 1't
AHOCt> IOo s I U '• Alltld I JI 7 4' 111,
AllgL pl 3 • ,., •• I.
Allgl pr 2.lt, II 211"-.... A119Pw I 72 I 102 11~
All..,c;p • • 10 1µ. + I• ~:::ti•" ·~ 1~ I~ r,~. ~
AlldMnl n I SS u-.. AlhlPd .60 20 1 U\.
Alld$1r 1.lO S l'IS 20° • 1.-. AlldSul> It , .. t •" All~Cll 110 S 1'0 2'1'& • '• AllrAu .60b s 1 10>-. AlphPr 720 S U 17\lo \lo
AltOO l.IO 1 4n .0 .. AmlS<19 I '9 S lP.. ....
Amu I 1S 22 1" l.S.... ....
AMew pU.JS •• I .. "" •me• Of > . s •-""' AMBAC UO 11 m 4)1 I\ AM<ord AO • 44 13\~ ...
Amrct 1 20 • 1l )I... 1. Amrc pl 2 60 1 ,,..,
AHtn liDI> • m ti'•• Vi AHH pl J 50 27 S.•-.. "' AAlrFlll M l6 It • 11' AMAlr '68 10 ....
.AmA1r wl l21 )' 1 AAlt pl 2 II J7 111..
A80ker I 20 ~ ' 1• • A8rnds l SO a 8' H"-• • 1 •&rd pf I 70 4 U + ..
A8dul I 40 tSI l8 ~ • A81c!M 60 9 Ul;o+ \.o
Am(•n 1 50 MIJ ll\'o• 1 A Con pl I H 1 21 ...
ACtnlry J4 ,.._ '"' A(redt I.JO S SI ll'lt • 1'• A(yen 1.50 I Ill 24~ • t{o
AmDlsU 22 ...... AOT .• 10 !O J~+ 11'
ADw•IVI 1J 7~• _.,
ADul pf ,Mo . • U-'• AEIPw t.t2 10 '11 n~. i• !F'.e..::r. .l: ~ m ~~~:
Aml'nSys 10 734 I''>. AFnSy pl , 1.00 U AGl8d I 9'e ?2 2J'lo + 't AG"Cv 1 J:2 . 11 1r .. • '• AGenlM '° S 104 J41•-Yo AOfn pf t.IO .. t JOYt-\lo AlffrllLI l6 I n ul~ • ..,
AmH•lst 1 • '° 17.,.. + Yt AHOm• I JO IS 1611 2'\.'I t I,\ A Horne pl 2 2 UI,,. +I'\ AmHo>CI S6 11 15' U~ • •
AmlnY\t .JO 14 U$ ···-,, AMI IO '12JI 1111"'-< \. AMdc O ~ II 103 24 AmMorrs JI ll7 .t t
AN1IR l I 10\ •1 •
ASMP 60b ' 11 I&',. '• A"t•nd 1 • ..00 )it•,.• •
A ~Id pl 4.1S l '1 • I > ASltrll )0 ll I• 1° .,
AmSlfl 110 1 S ]I
A TT 4 60 9 1m 41°'
TT t>f • ' M'' t l, A TT pl ) t.4 10 '1'"1 I •
.A Tl pl l 7• . 1003 ""'. '" •WalW~ 64 S 4 11 .. • '• AWol pl1 2S 140 IJ• 1-'r
.Am~ron 1 10 1~ \1
AlnuD 40 .. 13 • Amtlet< 1 60 ' 23 )I + «\ Ami•< I 11 to 141'> AMI( 70 4 n 11 ... ~~~~c 28 1J , u~: '."
::::~;Cp 12 m ·1~ " Am•l•r I JS 10 50 11'-\+ I~ Am\I pl ... , I 7• ...
Am\I"" 2 60 1 11 ST Ancl>rH 1.60 6 14 ls.at.
AftdCl•Y I I \ 11'" •... !~P:1';~· ·ri ~ ,~~ t~~: ~
A"'ulCo Sll 1 1S a• 1+ '"' Ap.t<M .70 U 33 l4'iJ • '• Ape;o011 2l 4''• • 1-Apldg10 14 110 ll'o .l\pld lo pl I 11 JI'• ... :~!~t 1• •: ~ 1:0 ~ • Ar<alN pl 2 , I ll 1,,
A<thrD 10b 1 141 13' • I;
ArcOc:Enl I '9 S~• "•
Ari\l•r • ZS ~ 1 Aro rPS I 64 1 IJO lO~ v.
AriPpl 10 10 llSO 11]
Ari< &st 60 \ ll 10"• . ,
Ar•lGS 2 a 11 l2 '• ArlenRly 114 J"• • 1\ ArmN• 11 11 I Ar Meo 1.llO I .64) 21 • '' Arm pl 7 10 t 17''> .•
Arm• pt 4 7S tlO 54' • "' ArmstC• 1 10 1•1 1 S't + t11 ArmRu I 10 J :i. 70 • AroCorp It> 1 I 14.. "• Arvin I 4 •s II 1 ,
Arvin pf 2 lS ?f' . ..,.. • A~rc:o 40 lt42 20~•tll.-A•l>IOll I S ., ,. ...
Aw:IOG I SO 1 1l1 11 Alhlon• I S U ll,.. . ::fl.~~ ;·~ 1: ~ ~. :~
All Ac pl UO 51 55->4 + .. All.SCI> l1 6 ll''i t ~ AuloDfo 40 17 101 7'1'1 • liJ
Autmln Cl 9 1'1 11~ .....
A¥COCI> .60 l 3'7 21" • 14
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Avon 14014 lll .. .,,. ~.
-·-· -BT Mtg . 14 ll't, ... B•bek 1 500 12 1' St llocN 0 10 S\9-1 ... 81krlnll .44 10 311 •>-. .. .. B•ldWU 80 s 14 ,.,,. .. .. 8oldU pt2.0. 4 1~. . BollC~ 1 • 11 un .. • '> :::~El tl~ I~ = n~ 1~ BonC•I .n l ZS 11-.. l'o llonC•I rl 2t• 5 ,.
8•11<1•0 .50 to " " .. " ::::1t;t d~ s l:~ ~ .. : 1~
Bol'P pt 2 • l 7tV,+ 1'4
Bn•NY 7 XI 6 121 JI','>+ 1 ..
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~ --~ . :, ~"~ ...
-c-c -•• , nt ..._."
. ..,
Parltt1 Pleas
Farmers Want
'Golden Years'
By SYLV1A PORTE& Pl~lft• ......
"We Want 100 Percent of Parity Plus a Falr Profit!"
"Faime11toFarmers11 All We Ask !"
"Why Force Your Farmer Into the Worsl. Squeeze of
All Americana Between Soertng Costa and Falling
WHAT 00 THESE ffANf).LET1'£RED liens mean?
What's parity? With food prices cllmbJn« acaln. who's
In the "worat. squeeze?" What a.re these demonstrations all
The vast m-.Jorlty of Americans work outside of
farms, and \0 most consumers, demands of lhe American
Agrlcultu.re Movement might as well be written In Greek.
(The average American never beard the word "pari-
ty" before. The average
cit I zen does not re·
member the so·called
eolden age of
agri cu ltur e i n
1910· 1914.)
That "eolden aae"
ls al the core of today's
(arm p?'Otests. For although the use of parity bas been
largely replaced in today's government farm proaram,
"parity" represents what the demonstraUn1 farmer,_
IT MEANS A GOVERNMENT guarantee through sub-
sidies ot some kind that the prices they receive for their
commodities be adjusted up to the level that would return
to the farmer lhe same standard of living as in 1910·1914.
Jn the simplest of words, the protesting farmers feel that if
a bushel of wheat sold for enough to buy them a certain
marketbasket. of city goods and services back then. thal
bushel should be able to pu«:hase the equivalent market·
basket !Of' the farmer In 1978.
ln dollars and cents, 100 percent of parity would hike
prices to farmers substantially above today's levels.
For consumers, it would mean skyrocketing food
prices. The U.S. Department ot Agriculture eetimat.es the.
upsurge at 20 to 25 percent within a year.
FOOD RANKS THIRD IN the spending budget for the
typical U.S. family, behind only housing and transport.a·
Uon. Ironically, though, these crisis times are when con·
sumers have the least chance of influencing events.
American agriculture is diverse and complex. What
may be good for catUe feeders in the West may not benefit
corn growers in Iowa. Farming practices, soil and weather
conditions, costs and Income -even fed eral subsidies -
differ widely.
There are only about 2.7 million farms in the United
States. down from about 4 mlllton in 1960 The key point is
that they are larger. The average farm consists of nearly
400 acres today, compared with about300 acres in 1960 .
Nearly 99 percent are family-owned, family.controlled
and family-operated, with the remainder owned and
operated by non·farm corporations.
Nttt: Porl·hme /onnmg.
Market Advances
2nd Consecutive Day
NEW YORK CAP> -The stock market pushed ahead
today, continuing to benefit from Tuesday's news of a
smaller·than-expected Mse in the consumer price index
last month.
The Dow Jooes average of 30 induslnals, up 5.63 Tues·
day, wasaheadanolher2.94to761.78.
Gainers outpaced losers by better than an 8-5 marein
among New York Stock Exchange.listed issues.
Analysts said the market seemed to have been ripe for
some caut.iou,, buying after a week-long decline of more
than 20 points in the Dow Jones industrial average through
Monday's session. They also noted that investors appeared to be general·
ly relieved over the lat.est government statistics on infla·
-' .. . . . .
.. DAILY PILOT Wednesday M.,-ch 29. 1978 ' ENTERTAINMENT I MUSIC BOX
(\"---.-UBLJC--NOTJ_c_E ___ P_ua_u_c_N_OT_1c_s_1 C~ft9 Conduets
. . .
'Child' Moving Work
This writer was a member of the war-weary
audience in a British concert hall 34 _years ago
when a dillgent and insplred Royal Pbilbarmomc
Orchestra gave the first public offering of Sir
Michael Tlppett'a "A Child ol Our Time."
Sir Michael was not on the podium for that
memorable occasion as he was last weekend with t the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in a Music
Center that, understandably perhaps, failed to at·
tract a capacity audience.
1944; Sir Thomas Beecham had the deeply mov·
ing, orten paasiooate score before him on that OC·
casion and it can be safely said that no conductor
has ever improved on the Beecham analysis.
But Sir Thomas has long since gone to his reward
in a more august and elevated auditorium and it fell
to Sir Michael -looking anything but 73 -to unfold
his oratorio on a sunny East.er Sunday that must
have helped to play havoc with the attendance.
Let those who missed the concert know that
Tippett led the LAPO and the Los Angeles Master
Chor ale In a "Child" of such power and persuasion
that more than one onlooker was reduced to tears
by the very eloquence and grandeur of the com·
pose r's thrusting, forceful outcry against in·
Music Box
porary sienificance in 1944, it 1s no less fresh and
c lear toJJS today.
in an art form that has produced so many of them,
gave WI a score that will serve mankind for as long
as men -or at least m06t. men -will reach for
sword, pen or music sheet lo the face ol arrogance
and atrodty
Hl11 work is essentially British in context and
construction. Beecham always thought tbat there
was anueb ol Delius in the fiOWl.Dg. almost pastoral
passaae. that iUumtne the respites we need from
the rerwroltao.e magmficentchoruses.
Certainly, It hos the nobility of Elgar. the
crystal elear tone utilif.ed by Gustav Holst and the
utter spi.rituallty of Ralph VaU&)u\ Williams.
BUT IT IS A WORK or international
significance; Tippett turned to the American
spiritual Co.· Jk>riously eloquent passaees that con·
ta in the heart .t thl11 majestic work
Sir Michael Tippett's aeart was moved hy lhe
plight of a child of hie Ume. Rb tribute has
become a monument tor all time. a massive, mov-
ang expression of an emotion that is the cor·
nerstone of l.hle superb eratcnio -compassion.
lndudlng BHt Plc1ure
Beat Aotreu • Anne Bancrott
Beat ActreH • Shirley M1clalne
Best SUpporting Actor •
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Beat Director • Herbert Ao11
· MCA l'r • ' ~ '"""'" , u
.. A thoroughly infectious comedy:
-Ke'Vin Thoma..
Los Angeln Tim&
.......... ....,,.
NOTIC• TO allEDITOaS I::. I Ul CITI z HAMUM OlllWl·lll., su~uu<M cou11T ol' ™• ll~~~~~~~~~@f~~~§~§§~;~~~~~I ouaoe lilC1~11 Ar "' "'~', <18~
llllSfOL Cllllllll
STATE 01' CAUfOtlNIA 1'011 OltlllCil Mill fl SIODllllCI •I ~"IJ .t.n.i !>' l , ...
THR COU..:.T=UltGIE 01"1Qt bll 0340 1 I fOIO ~I ~81
E\l•IW of "'ILTON WlNDEAMAM, '--CJ-lll_ .. _._L_a_11_o_•_J_w_,,._un_o_1~_;o0_1 ___________ __.
"1•oen GtO\'e S30 4401
c-.dltors al I'--• Mmed dee-
,,,., all pe.-.s ,,.,,,no c1.ims ev .. ,,u
OW S.ld --., • ._i,..., 10 Ille
'"-""· wltfl .,. nKftwr'f """'"""· In
Ille office flf 9'e tlt<'lt of nw •-..,. 11119<1 co"'1, or 10 rw.-.t !Mm, w1tll
,,.. necuwrv vouch••s. to Ill• un·
ClertlOMd a1 IN otflce of Reedy, laM
and Cr o<kell, 610 HtwPOrt Centtr
O•l•e, Sulle "O. H••PO•t Su ell.
'4lllorn1a. Wiiien 15 the pl.oce of Dusi
Mn of Ille uncterslgined In •II m•neo
~rt•lnlnQ to IN ttt••• of >w1d cit<•· Clenl. wttl'lln four montns ., .. , tlltt first
publlcatlOft of this notice.
Oeted MMcll ), 1'1t El..SIE WINOERMAN
E .-cutrla of the Wiii of
ttw.....,,. named 0.cedent
610 M•w-' C:..0W Oriw
~··~ llMOI. C.atitehNf-
T .. :-...-
AIW...-, fer IE..wltf•
Put>llt-O'anot Coast O.lly Piiot, ~rcll I, IS, ZZ.19, 1971 '20-11
Med Phlllp Marlowe. The toughest private eye
who~ wore a tmK.h coat. slapped a dame
and spftt his kn.lckles on a jawbone
l'll .... 11
8T9 9850 _ .. .........
fHI 00009YI OIRl(POI
" lO • J >O • •·4J ••• u ......
r11 I SAJ l l:IS
allrtH MOffMAN
STUIOHr rtMI I'll ~
THI llflrtt
I otcAA -nows
•'Tlit Go<>ODIH filll" CNI
WUAfl-7111 a t:I l
\Af/--1. I l-J.l l-&:I ~1Jt.t:•
WDAfl-1.1 S. .. -H SAf/~l.IS.J.J .. 5t4S.7t•S.I-
"MlW Yottk MEW YOU"
""'' fW().MINUU WAIN1NG /fOl
--------CNOeot M.1110 e JC)NN DCHVl•
OH 000! ll'GI
10111t JO & fHf OUTLAW fl'OI
.10t4N fUVOUA
llUSfl N lfOfJllllAN
STllAIOHr flMI (I)
""'' f AJC:I DllVH fll
t.OV1 a DUfMtNt
----,.._ ,.. ... ---~ . .-. ...... ~ ... ~-
. . . . . . ' .. . . .
TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS Television ~..say. Man:h 29, 1971 DAILY Pit.OT 89
B• tmtctONE '°"• P8'•11t•dlo1 1 r1
........ -~ l600 from ..... lttadl lllotlrn.
Cflloloo ..... Hewtl• 119,
Loe AngeMa KinOI
• THI MNN ltWCtf
..... ftnd9 the OOkwnn he .. wtlltno lor the IChool
~ • prontao+e
All oPefl end llhut matl· ~c-..-~ cated ~ ltoe ..._ ..
found to be r.-d9d. I ELliCTNC COMPANY
"1'4ma "' EMrope"
111 thl• tut lhOw of the
--. Carol Ill joined by
the regulata 11'1 watCNng
l\lgnHghtl from pievloua
ahows a ORIZZl Y ADAMS
.. W_ In The Wilder
,_ •• Ademt muat atop •
woman (Tl"any 8olhng)
determined to klM • blacll
beat In an attempt to
eV9n09 her lather' a death
0 MOVIE * * * "Marrtege On The
Roeka" ( 1"6) Frenll Sin•·
Ha, Deen Martin A
woman, rebelling agaJnlt
the monotony o t her
manlage. pertoee*I her
husbend to take a wp to
Mexico wh«• tti.y quarrlll
end OM>rce. (2 ho• I 0 9 EIQHTl8
0 MOH£W8 uoe MOYIE -; j!
"Trtangtea" When o~o·a
roomm111 (Jonn Shea)
begin• dellng both Jo.n-
n"9 and Susan, he leama
ti'• true meaning ol hell
hath no tvry llke • woman
and her 1111tet When they
compare notea (RI
• *"' "Nfght And 0.y"
(Part 2) (1948) Cely Grant, ~ •: >' t e... Alden. The iw. eno
muelc of Cole Porter I•
brought IO Ille ~ I 1
Oen1n c:an't be hllld '°' theft wtlert tM .vtdenee
tlA"IW out to be .,, old
IWne of Serer\1' L 8 OVER EASY
Buddy Ebst•11 I standing) joins Cicely
Tyson and Danny Kaye as hosts for
tonight's ed1t1on of CBS: On the Air,
celebrating the n etwork's 50th an
niversary. <Channel 2, 10 p.m .)
Guest: Vincent Price
Q) MOVIE * * * "Huk" ( t966)
George Montgomery,
MON F-M. AlrMng ln
the P11ll~ to NII llts
e1111e, an American
becOnMS lnvotved In e
fight aoatnat mateudlng
e.1 Wright.on and L()ja
Hunt penorm "Sing":
hou1lng for eenlora.
1tr01t .. ; anJoytog IMMlng.
tul WOftc and fwnlly atter
hMt'f att8dl.
D AllCHEWS CD I LOVE LUCY atrates the outltne atltefl,
the aJtemetlng Item llltefl,
tile turkey knot and COUGh·
Ing alltch.
Lucy lrlel to get T~
-Ernie to go homu by
pleedlng poverty. Cl) JOKER'S WILO till NOVA
• learua' Children.. The
struggle to ny with nothing
but manpowM la exemptl-
lled by one men. wflO auc-
c..oed w4th .,, elrcral1 of
card bOltd, illumlnu"' tul>·
1!!9 and piano Wire
"Etrpoii08IC* F~k"
Cl) AOAM·12 7:30 0 WHEN HAVOC
M&llOy af\d Reed pur-a
"rustle!'" When a riding
acldllmy owner ts accused
or h<lf .. steellng
"EarthquakH" A loo« II
the waya thlt men haa
O•Vlaed to .. ve hvea end
proper1y wt\en terra tlrma
Guetts: Jay Leno, Marl)'
Robblnl, Jim Samuel•.
7:00 8 NBC NEWS 0 UARScwa
Ar1llltllnltrUC1or Eleanor
vatl de Water demon-
Guesll Edgar Befgen and
Chatl~ McCarthy
Marcia want• to enter i-
ltepfllher In a "F 1111« Of
The Year" c:oot .. t.
a:30 CD CA088-Wl'TS
Earl WrlgMaoo encl LOls
Hunt ~form 'Sino '.
houalng lor seniors,
attolce.; en)oying rneantng.
IVI wort< and family alter
Oaa1111~f Listing•
1J KNXT (CBS) Los Angele~
0 KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles g KTLA (Ind) Los Angeles G KABC·TV (ABC) Los Angeles
(I) KFMB (CBS) San Diego
G KHJ-TV (Ind) Los Angeles
®) KCST (ABC) San Diego
G) KTTV (Ind I Los Ange111~
m ADAM-12
MaJIOy and Reed ~ 8
wredtlng yatd ol 1teallng
Old care 10< OV91'1e81 ICl'IP
metJll. fl9 LA. INTEROWroE
9:00 0 N8C MOVIE
Q) KCOP 1V (Ind) Los Angele~ fBI KCET· TV (PBSI Los Angeles
61) KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntington Beach
(() $128,000 OOESTION
8.00 8 (I) CAAOl. BURNETT
"Crtlla Al Sun \/alley"
(Premiere) 01118 Roblnetle,
T8Ylor LacNr. A toP !Ntller,
turned ltlerlfl. tries to di.
auade lnexpetienoed t~
aoetl from ctlmblng • dan-
gerous mountain and
at111mp1' to meke peace
~ a con_...11tonun
ABC Holds Lead
Reruns Ruling Ratings
NEW YORK (AP> -Six re·
runs were among the 11 most-
• watched programs during the
week ending March 26, A.C.
..Nielsen Company figures show.
And for the 10th week in a row,
It was ABC in first place in the
networks' battle for the prime
time television viewer.
A repeat episode of ABC's
"Three's Company" registered
a greater audience than any
other program during the week,
followed by a new installment of
••Laverne and Shirley." Renms
of "M·A·S·H" on CBS and
•·charlie's Angels" on ABC
finished third and fourth.
The rating for "Three's Com-
pany" was 30. Nielsen says that
means of all t.h4' homes in the
country with television, 30 per·
cent watched at least part or the
A REPEAT installment or
"Little House on the Prairie"
was NBC's best for the week,
No. 6 in the ratings.
The "Happy D~ Fourth An·
niversary Show" suffered in the
ratings, apparently due in part
to a shift from its normal time
slot. Tbe show, generally amoog
the top half-dollea in the ratings
on Tuesday evenings, was aired
Tbursda,y night during the latest
week checked. It fl.Dished No. 19.
A rerun OD CBS of the highly
acclaimed Judy Garland film,
"The Wizard of Oz," was 13th m
the weeks's ratings.
CBS AND NBC divided the
shows at the lower level of the
ratings. CBS' "Shields and
Yarnell Show" and "The Return
or Captain Nemo" were No. 61
and 62, "Chuck Barris Rab
Rabe' on NBC was 63rd, a rerun
or "Kojak" on CBS No. 64 and
an NBC Movie, "AJl You Need is
Cash," No. 65.
ABC's No. 1 finish in the
network standings was its 26th
in 29 weeks this season. The
network's rating for the week
was 20.2, followed by CBS at 18
Janssen Set
For TY 'Word'
Janssen will star in the eight·
hour dramatization of Irving
Wallace's best-selltng novel
"The Word" for CBS.
The mini series will be filed in
Los Angeles, New York, London.
Amsterdam and Rome.
Richard Lang will direct for
producer David Manson and ex·
ecutive producers Dick Berg
and Charles Fries.
A hondsomelV crofted. ln.ISUOllY
tontaUzlng movie." ~ eano1. ttv. N9wl
and NBC al 16.2.
The networks say that means
in a n average prime time
minute during the week, 20.2
percent of the homes in the
country with television were
watching ABC.
HERE ARE THE week's Top
11 shows:
"Three's Company," with a 30
rating representing 21.9 million
homes, and "Laverne and
Shirley," 26.8 or 19.S million,
both ABC; "M·A..S.H," 25.3 or
lB.4 million, CBS; "Charlie's
Angels," 24.4 or 17.8 million, and
"Eight is Enough," 24 or 17.S
million, both ABC; "Lillie
House on t.he Prairie," 23.6 or
17.2 m illion, NBC; "Perry Como
Easter Special,'' 23.5 or 17.1
million, "Soap, .. 23 or 16. 7
million, and Sunday Night Mov·
ie-"ssr: Disaster in the Sky,"
22.6 or 16.S million, aJI ABC; and
"Quincy, M.E.," NBC, and
"CBS: On the ~r.'' Sunday, both
22.S or 16.4 million.
The rest of the Top 20:
"One Day at a Time'' and
"The Wizard or Oz," both CBS;
"Fantasy Island," "Love Boat"
and "Bar0:,ey Mll~er,". '!H
ABC: "Incredible Hulk" and
.. The Waltons," both CBS,
"Happy Days Fourth An·
nlveraary Show" and "A.E.S.
Hu<tson Street," both ABC.
• . ,.
NBC EJ 9 00 "Crisis at Sun
Valley "The premiere episode of a new
m ovie f eatunng Dale Robinette as a
skier lurncd sheriff of a resort communi·
ty <see photo below>.
KCET 9 9:00 -"The Consul."
Christopher Keene conducts this
pe rformance of Gian Carlo Menotti's
opera with Marvelee Cariaga and San·
dra Walker singing the leading roles.
KHJ 0 11 :00 -"Brewster
M cCloud." This 1970 movie comedy
fo<.'uses on a young man <Bud Cort)
who's convinced that be can fly. Sally
Kellerman is featured.
and a conatrucnlOn boae.
"Circ:ua Of TerTor" Sabrina
becomM a clown, Ketty a
datecMMI mot0<c:yct111 and
Kris 1 knife thtow9f" a
Ullltlnt wn.n tti.y go
~to find out who
II C«lalng accldenta to
h1ppan among dlrcua
perlormera. (RI
"Where The Money la" ID MERI/ ORIFY'IN
G.-ts Jay Leno, Merty
Robblfla, Jim Samuels,
Go1h1m, Pepp11 and
Oledwlc:f\ Bobby Avron flJ OREAT
.. The Coneul" Marvetee
Cariaga llld Sand11 Walk·
., are INtUUld In • M•v
11177 l)tN'lormanoe of G1t1n
Certo Menotti's opera.
condUcled by CMttoe>t>et K_,.
"Doc arid Mflf1e Watson I
GoYll Scr1ven0<" Tile Wet·
ions app1er with
Scrlvenor. performing
country c:IU8ic:a lnciudlog
"Rein Crow BIN." "'Wiii The
Circle 811 Unbroken ••
"Poor Howard.. and
"Ch&nga P1111nera."
10:00 t) (I) C88: ON THE AIA
Chat1ea M Sc:hulz' a Pea.
n1111 Cl\arecters ,..,,.. uo
wtth • human co-111r, Dick
\Ian Oylce. 10< the first llrne
since their CfeatlOn Cicely
1yeon, 8u0dy Eb11n, Dan-
ny K~ guest atar
"Murder Wwd" When •
..,... of petlenta die. Stat·
llty QOM undetcover N an
lnrnete In a "'81\tll lnalltv-
tlon to find out ...ny and
how. Suzanne Somera
~tat.,. (R)
Ralph and Ed atatt t.....,
own business, and 1t
ePpear9 dOOll'*I to faltufe,
untll lhey get an unexpect·
eel wtndfall m SOUNOSTAGE
"9 B. King And Bobby
Blue Bland • T ogetll« In
The IM\Jes" The !Y.-o maa·
le<• of the bluea perform
cl-IC alow bluee. boog.e
end lazz.
10-.30 m m NtWS
t 1:00 8 8 0 ()) ®J NEWS 0 LOllE. AMERICAH
.. Love And The Tll
Weeilend"' A mlddfe.lged
man otana to aow Wiid
oats 0 MOVIE
• • • ·Brewster
McCloud" ( 1970) Bud
Co<t, Salty Kellerman. A
young man. wflO fives In a
laJlout sN!lter In the Hous-
ton Altrodome, la oon·
\lonoed by • young lady
that he can l1y (2 hrs I CD THE 000 COUPLE
.. PUIWO<d"
Guest· Maya Angelou ~ MACHEIL I LEHREA
11:30 tJ (I) HAWAII Fl\IE-0
McGam111 has 01ttocur1y
uncoverrtiQ en etat>o<ate
War and Peacemaker
se m1111on Mitt ptanneo oy
five r4Mlngef\.ll, uc>·•tend·
Ing crti.na (RI CJ TONIOtiT
Heat Johnny Caraon
OUMtl. 8uCldy Hackatt.
"Lo\08 Altd The L~v
Couple" A married men la
the motel's 1 mllllonth
gueat .. Lo.,. Al\d Tf\e
FamUy Hour" A aold1er 11
lboot to ""'9 out O¥er'8U 0 9 POLICE STORY
"Eamon Kln ... ta ~' A
.,.t.,.,, detect..,. (Jecl< ..
Cooper) mull chooH
between hi• tuc:r1t1v1
moonllghtlng lnvHt~•-
11001 and hie r90utar job
on Ille loro.. (R)
ID Tl4AT01At.
"A T_..a l..cwlng Cate ..
0.VICS Elllngton com ..
upon an Old monaatety
ooeuOied by a .. T rul h"
0<der whletl Is hOldlng a
IJllnlgn old man Pfltoner. m MOVIE * • .. The Gemma P80l)le" I 1956) P•ul Oouglu Eva
Bartok. A toet1t11t In an
Iron Cutt.in oounlfY u-
Garnme 'IYI to create
robot-Ilka pec)pte. (2 lw'a )
• M<ME * * • "Frontier Gel '
(1~51 v-Deelr1o.
Rod Clmeton. A beautttvt
aaloofl a-11111 In lovo
wtlh • hunted fuglt.... (1
hr , 30 min )
12:30 0 MOVIE
• • • ··caunova 10 •
(11MS5) MatClllO Mastr0tan-
nt, Vem1 UaJ An e11rac:t1Yll
playboy encountws psy·
chOIOglCal problema In hll
romantic: enoeavora. ( 1 hr,
5Sm1n) fD DO< CAVETT
GuMt: Jll\'lel Weet, a 10<·
mer Detroit narco11c1
~I (P1111 2 of 2)
12:.37 U 9 A/JC MYSTERY
MOVIE * * "Allefl Lo..." (19751
Pernell ~ta, Susan
Brown A teeria{llld orphan
becomes atlac:hed to a
te1ev111on lmege lrom
another dlm1n11on but
find• 111 1ntMt1on1 .,.,,.
1240" &j KOJAJ<
CloH Cover Bator•
Kllltng" Kolell le llUmped
tl')llnO to IOIY9 the uddll Of
wfl~ I ~IM bUllnela-
m.811 woold 11111 Illa parlnef
and 0<der toe bulldlntl
burned (R)
Lyle Engel, I pedl1~ OI
l>Ool\a rec0<d• •nd entw-
talrlfntnt, t.al~• abOut hll
care« G ISPY
"Fllher At>reham" uoi NEWS 1:50 NEWS
2.00 0 NEWS G MOVIE * • "The Golder'\
Selamll\d«' I t9~) r,..
vor Howard, Herben Lom,
m M0"1E * • * "81tlle Hell" ( Ul5e)
Richard Todd, Akim
Tamlrofl U08 M0\11E * • • > Wln(:he•te< 73"'
(111e7) 1om Tryon, Jolln
Suon. •
2:260 NEWS
2.30 Q MO\llE *I* "Juliet Of The
Sp1r1ta" I 1966) Giulelta
Ma94t\8, Matlo P1au
3:300 MO\llE * * '> The Blue Legoon ..
(1949) Jean Slmmona,
Donald Houston.
4:00 m MOlllE * * ''t "The Sniper .. ( 11152)
Ar1hUr Franz.. M-Wind·
4:36U NEWS
4·40 8 MO\llE * • ,,. ··Mystllf)' Of The
While Room ( 19391 Brue:~
Cabot Joan WOOdbury.
Daytime Morie•
1 1:30 CD • * * .. The Ooc1or
TakH A Wtle" (11MO)
Lorett• Young, Ray
12:00 0 * * "The Treuure Of
Mecuba" I 1965) C&meron
Mllchelt, Felix Noble.
3:00@) * * * "Talk Of Thll 1own" (1942) Caty Grant,
Jflan Arthur
3 30 O • • ''\ ··oay Of Thi E\111
Gun (1968) Glenn F0<d,
Arthur Kennedy
Cast Set
Piper Laurie will join
previously announced
Rod Steiger and Macke}
Rooney as a presenter
on KHJ-TV's 13th an
nual "Your Choice For
The Oscars" Awards
Miss Laurie received
an Academy Award
nomination lac;t year a..,
best actr~ss for h~r
performance in
"Carne." She also wai;
nominated in 1961 for
Best Actress for her co·
sta rrin ~ role in "The
John Mcintyre (left) plays a fanatical nature lover and Dale
Robinette is the sheriff of a resort town who tries to keep the
peace in "Crisis in Sun Valley," airing tonight at 9 on NBC, Chan·
nel 4.
"Your Choice For The
Oscars" will be hosted
by George Hamilton anct
Brenda Vaccaro and
will be telecast in Los
Angeles on Sunday
night, April 2, from S to
7 p .m., with a repeat
showing at 11 p. m. over
KHJ-TV, Channel 9
Best Picture
Best Speclal Effects
Best Sound Best Director
-George Lucas
....... ... .. --
&;GO, 7':IO,
_...._1»•0•' llAl~l<X>-4 06-1 JOIO I~
SJIT-2 1~ 1$4 1W 1.,_10 tS
SIM-2 I~ IW 15"4 15
~l-1.3&-ffO 8AT&JN-1'CJC>.1-I~ ~-1»1020 5 -1)0.10.20
"THE FURY" (R) .
-rf1E f!E!~~T'°" OF PETER PROUD~
AU. OfUVa.INS OHflf '1.JitPM. ... Hn.Y
CN• U.-., 'I ...... Ue._. • lll'WCll ... .,.,. .....
• f ~
' I .
-.·re..-..-a no , r .,...,... .... •-•• 4 e • < .,......
IJJO DAILY PILOT Wednaday, Mwch 29. 1171
•! 'Coming Home' wlll rematn one of the beat
•nd moat Important of •ll fllrM of 1171 • • • '
-41emard °"9• Gennett~
J01i~ ~'l>f/tA
~11(/)11.e'' (RI
D•lfy 7:15, 9:15
Sat/Sun 1 :15, 3:45, 8:15, 8:45, 11 :00
"'House Calls' has an incurable
case of infectious laughter!"
-Cene Sh~l1t. NBC· TV
Orange 639·8770 Orange 634·2553
Costa Mesa 546·3102 ~tci ·'iun OO ·• 00 ·600 ·SOO ·IOOO
Man of Many Melodies
Sammy Fain Nominated for Oscar 10th Time
HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Sammy Fain arrived tardily foe an interview and sane a few ban of
.. I'm Late, I'm Late, for a Very Important Date."
He had every right to do ao, havlnc written the
· unforeett.able song from Disney's "Alic• lb ~n.
derlaod." In fact, Fain could reach into bis
catalogue fOl' remarks on a variety of occUJons:
''I'll Be Seeing You," "I Can Dream, Can't (?"
"Are You Havin' Any Fun?" "Please Don't Say
No, Say Maybe," "Let a Smile Be your Um-
brella," etc., etc.
He looks surprisingly youtb.CUI for a man wbo
has been turning out song hits for more than a
hall-century. And he isn't slowing down. Last
month he recieved his lotb Academy Award
nomination -for writil;ig the music to "Someone's
Wailing for You" from "The Rescuers," lyrics by
Carol Connors and Ayn Robbins
HIS nRST NOMINATION came just 40 years
ago, for "That Old Feeling" from "Vogues of
1938." He bas won the Oscar twice: "Secret Love"
from Calamity Jane'' (1953) and "Love Is A Many
SplendoredThlng" <1955).
•~wi,.,.... Born in New York lo a theatrical family -
TUNESMITH SAMMY FAIN WITH HIS OSCARS comedians Willie and Eugene Howard were
He's Up for Another One Thi• Year cousins -Fain grew up in the Catskills and
-------------------took naturally to music. A Cam.Uy friend was
George Gershwin, whom Fain asked, ''Don't you
think I should study harmoruca so I coulu write
better music?" LA Nixes Contract
With Rep Theater
LOS ANGELES <AP) -City officials have
s uspended a $266,000 contract with Twelfth Night
Repertory Company and City Controller Ira
Reiner has ordered his staff to audit the free
theater group's finances
Citv Council members mentioned accounting
problems as one reason for suspending the federal·
Jy funded contract to train unemployed actors and
actresses to present programs in schools, clubs
and parks.
Reiner said in letters to the Actors °Equity As·
sociaUoo and the Bank of America, holder of some
of the project's federal funding, that there is a
possibility federal and corporate monies may have
been commingled.
• .. Is that your song - 'Those Wedding Bells are
Breaking Up That Old Gang of Mine'?" Gershwin
""FAIN NEVER DID. HE possessed a natural
skill for turning out melodies on order. hence he
has been indispensible to the film studios. He
started in New York with lyncist Irvmg Kahal,
writing "You Brought a New Kind of Love to Me"
for Paramount's Maurice Chevalier. ··our first Hollywood movie was · Foollight
Parade' in 1933," Fam recalled. ''Bushy Berkeley
was king then, and Warner Brothers gave him
anyth ing he wanted.
"He was looking for a sorig to go with a water
ballet. and be turned down several that were of·
!erect. When he beard our 'By a Waterfall,• he
said, 'That's Ill"'
A 52-YEAR VETERAN of A.scap, Fain in re-
cent years bas often worked with lyrlclat Paul
Francis Webster, turning out songs and title tunes
for such films as "Peter Pan," and "Tender Is the
.. It'• true. People have trouble
remetnberlftl My W.d1. Mo ... had
1udl a bad llMMOt y I had to
Sometimes he produces the melody first, as
with "Secret Love." Occasionally he will work
hand in hand with the lyric writer Or Fam may
create a tune lo match a title .
For the 1955 movie, he turned out a slightly
oriental melody titled'' AM a ny Splendored Thing -
Love." When the title was changed, so was the song,
and it started the trend to title songs for movies.
Mon-Frt 8:50
Sat/Sun 1 :30,
5:15, 9:05
stY• him tabMt1."
~ 'Go&"
edwards LIDO CINEMA ~
~,. ...... ,. .. . . --
' ..
Mon.Fri 7:00, 10:45
Sat/Sun 3:30,
7:15, 11:00
..... -.,...--=-.-r;.-.-, .. -.,..-........ 'Anterican Graffiti'
• :;.,-:-._~~-Sequel Prepared
OF ·
RAIN'~ ti)
LOS ANGELES (AP> -"More American
Graffiti" is being readied for production this sum·
mer by Universal Pictures as a sequel to the hit
film "American Graffiti."
P aul Le Mat, Cindy Williams, Ron Howard,
Candy Clark and Charlie Martin Smith will
recreate their roles. George Lucas, co-writer and
director of the first film, wrote the original story
and will oversee the production.
Best Picture
Best Actor -Richard Dreyfuss
Best Actress -Marsha Mason
Best Supporting Actreu -Quinn Cummings
Best Orfglnal Scteenpley -Nell Simon
'' ... Ned Simon make,
feeling good legal_.
. (PG)
INDEX: •Ann Landers •Recipes
•Club calendar •Lifestyle
The origin or AU Fool's Day is somewhat
obscure, however, many folklorists believe that
the custom of "playing someone for a fool"
began in France in 1564.
Join the fun of celebrallng this April Fool's
Day by serving dinner wilb a surprise endin& -
.a delicioua·tastine "Surprise Pound Cake."
You will find that making this Surprise
Cake is relatively easy, just read the directions
carefully. Here is the procedure for assem·
bling the cake: Once lbe cake is baked and
cooled, then cut off lbe top layer of the cake
about W' margin from the very top edge. Next,
you will want to hollow out the i.ftsWe of the cake
leaving a W' margin all around the inside and
outside edges. Cul the hollowed-out cake piece
into ~" cubes and fold into the whipped cream
filling. Spoon ftlUne into the hollowed out sec·
lion of the cake. Cover the bottom half of cake
with the top and drizzle lop with a glaze made
with semi.sweet real chocolate morsels.
Imagine the surprise on everyone's, face
when lbey cut into what they expect to be a
solid cake and instead, fmd a delicious creamy
center of filling Inside the cake.
1 6-oz. pkg. U cup> semi-sweet real
chocolate morsels
1 '>it cups milk, divided
3 cups Unsifted flour
2 measuring teaspoons baking powder
"2 cup measuring teaspoon salt
1 cup butter, softened
2 cups sugar
U~ measuring teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup heavy cream
2 measunng tablespoons confectioners'
1 measuring teaspoon vanilla extract
1 6 oz pkg '1 cup) semi-sweet real
chocolate morsels
2 measuring tablespoons corn syrup
2 measuring tablespoons water
CAKE· Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Com·
For All Fool's Day, serve a cake with s surprise of its OM'? tSeeCARE. PageC10)
Asparagus and strawberries are forenm·
ners of spring. We harvest them here in
Southern California months abe8d of most of lbe
other stat.es. This year with the raln playing havoc with
local crops, the price of both fresh asparagus
and strawberries ls higher than usual.
The rain damaged most strawberry and
asparagus crops in California and this has re-
sulted in short supplies and reduced quality. But
the recent bot, dry spell may help improve pro-
California is the place for asparagus. Our
growen supply half of the naliOP'• tetal crop
and 70 percent of the fresh-market aaparaps.
You may find the fresh asparagus baa mere
sand or dirt in the tips than psua1 this rear. This
too is a result of the rain.
You'll need to wash it very thoroughly, UD·
der running water, to get the sand out. There's
nothing worse than grinding grit between your
teeth wbeo chewing asparagus I
However, don't wash the asparagus witil
you're ready to cook it. Or if you wash it, dry
lbe tips carefully before refrigerating it. The
damp tips tend to soften and rot when stored.
The flavor of fresh asparagus is so delicate
that lt needs to be preserved by careful cooking.
Don't overcook I Start the asparagus cooldlle in
boiling water and cook until Just tmder. .
Tbe short cooking Ume helps to retain the
bright green color and eood texture too. u you
cook asparagus too lone. the green turDa drab
and the texture becomes maby.
Aootber belp for retalnlng the giieen color ls to leave the lid off the pan for the first minute or
two of cooking. This allows the acids naturally
present tn the cooking water to volatize (change
to gas) and be carried olf ln the steam. The acid
r I
Guess Whats
April Fool's Day ls almost here,
and as everyone knows, this is the
day when llllY tricks are played.
Why not add to the fun of lb.ls
frolicsome day by making "Guess
Wh als "-delicious tasting cupcakes
given special ling with grapefruit
juice 8N grated grapefruit rind in
bolb the cupcake and lbe frosting.
Decorate the WI> of the frosting'
with butterscotch morsels ar-
ranged in a question mark, and
when your family and friends ask
what it's all about, see if they can
guess the secret ingredient.
g·-······l, used making these cup-
cake treats.
1 8 oz. pte. (1 cup) bat· teracotcb morsels 2 Cupl aslftecl flout ,,,. cup comstarcb
3 measuring teaspoons baking
lh measuring teaspoon
nutmeg ~ cua>measurlng teaspoennU
~cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 measuring teaspoon vanilla
i,; a:neasuring teaspoon grated
grapefruit rind
l cup grapefruit juice
lr:s cup honey
~ cup chopped nuts
1h cup butter
3~ cups slft.ed confectioners•
l IA measuring tea.spooDS crated
.grapefruit rind
5 drops yellow feod eoJortng
~ measuring teaspoon salt 3·' measurhlg tablespoons
grapefruit juice
DECOKADON: (Optional)
Surprise ingredient starts with a "G ... 1 measuring teaspoon allspfce
~ measuring teaspoon m•ce
1 6-oz. pkg. (1 cup) but·
terscotcb morsels
SeeGU~. PageC5)
Service by
Trig ere
Her new plexinglass pieces
make entertaining easier.
Of ,,_ Dally f'Dot SUff
Pauline Trigere was the special guest at a
fashion show at Bullock's, South Coast Plasa re-
cently. But none at JOg Trieere•s designs were ln
tbe •~ ad ahe seemed a little put out. ''This
la DOt aaetly my speed, seeiDI 601lleoDe else'a
fashlou," abe muttered.
Tile abow, put on by tbe department store,
featured d.uolal models who paraded on the
ramp to rouaing music ... J41 eirls don't dance,"
Mi&s Trteure added ... I won't let them."
After the ahow a member of tbe audience
came to the deelener and complemented her on
the abow. "I just love your clothes," ahe said.
Tbe deeilner winced.
But tbe rest of the event, which wu a
brunch bolted bJ the Newport Harbor Area
Council ~ Beta Sigma Phi. wu a hit with the
datper. Her aew liDe of ..-vina piecel, Tbe
o~ Ooll8"tm, was tbe c:em.-attraetloll.
lltaa Trtlere, a.wn aa a paclous ~ ..
• entwtai.u wltb amall dtllQer patties ln her New
York apa.rtaM!nl and her Westclater eeuntrJ
ltome. Designer Pauline Trlgere ls ntJW dtft6slng tables as welas M'Jn'Ja1e
daG 'tallotch. I eut.cllrectl1 from thefabric.
''Tbe fabric ls my dlotakll'," aM uJ>l**L
She NAd thlt "dothes are rema•atn1 left heca
w.men travel mo.-e. Women all ove!" tbe world
''WB 11UE very good tlcllUWil In tM belt
Hallable fabrics," she natal. And they ar.
made to be worn at least five )'earl. 0 tt•1 toulh
to acb.teft ftatl do but we try."
Tri en Ibo d ipS ICG'"fes (Me WU
weartng Clhe Of ber collec:t.loD at Bullock'•>. j..-elr;y cutmn tor tho JrieJey), eyetiuses
IDdm•'•U& ••rm 1enchln-& l.n a ~ ol ~ a Une ol ~. fP abe adcSed..
llmTripft aald WPDlllODlrrr ot Ille ls to
• • • • t
DM.VPtLOT CluiJ Calendar . ..
LAGUNA £Al:R DA•: "Law and
Order -Vlllltntft Strenith" wtU be the
topic of a speech elven by Dr. Jam• Utt.er
Jr. of Chapman Colleae at noon, 'hesday,
April 4 in the Capri Room ol the Hotel
"' Laauna, La&"11• Beach.
For lnfOrmaUoo COD rD1DI t.be meetinC,
call Sara A. Slemlnstl at lt141ei1.
Ala: Fairview St.ate H~pital ll now ac·
cepUn1 donations for Ila aMual baaaar at the
Volunteer Services otnce, 2.'501 Harbor Blvd.,
Cotta M•a between Uae hours ol 9 a.m . and 4
p.tn., Monday ~ friday. Tbe buaar is
a lated for MaJ6. ...
80trl'll'<l0Aft AUDUBON 80CIBTY:
The San J"80 lAop Trip bas been flooded out,
but the meettna will go on 11 Planned with
Ano Weltllna of the Forest Service Office
actinc u a euJcte bealnnin1 at 7:30 a .m .,
SaturdaJ, Aprill.
For information call the A~bon-Sociecy
at 492·2598.
EDELL ci..uB: The Americaa Lesion
Auxiliary, ~ Ebell and the Junior Ebell
Clubs ol Newport Beach. in ~~th the NeWJllOI'\ Mete Unllied School ct,
will hold li~Uet for the wlnnen the
American Les* Enay Contest at t p.m ..
Wednesday, April S •t the American Leeioo
Hall, 'Newport Beach.
For further informattOIJ and reservations
for the dinner, contact Glady• TbomP'()n,
TY : John Robinson, USC bead football coach,
will be the special guest of hooor at a wine
and cheese reception to be held at the home of
Mrs. Daniel Sweet of Corona del Mar beginning
at8 p.m., Thursday, Marcb30.
Coast junior alumnae will have a final meet·
ine beginning at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 4.
For Information, call Sandy Zook at 646·37!56.
or officers will be the focal point of the March
meeting beginnine at 10 a.m ., Thursday,
March 30 at the Ebell Clubhouse.
neyland Park Fantasy Meeting" will begin al
11 :30 a.m .. Thursday, March 30 at the
Anaheim amusement park. Disneyland Am·
bassador Raellen Lescault will present the
program for the luncheon. For inJormalion,
contact Dorene Parsons at 774-9257.
HIGH HOPES: Volunteers are needed to
staff refreshment stands at the Long Beach
Grand Pnx between the hours oC 7 a.m. and 3
pm .. Fnday. Ma.rch 31.
Those interested may contact High
Hopes by calling 646-0278.
AMERICA: The Past Grand Regents' Club of
the Orange Diocese will have a luncheon on
March 31 at the Mercury Savings and Loan
Association in Huntington Beach
COUPLES: The Orange County club ls hav-
ing a diMer party beginning at 7 p.m., .l,.n·
day, March 31 at lhe Balboa Pavillion,
Newport Beach.
Gabriel Valley Chapter will meet al the
Newport Beach Marriott Hotel March 31
through April 2
Politlca" will be the topic of a panel dis·
~ •oSIMi. 41•-COAST '"1ff.
laACM •
Start Being
CUlllOD beginn1q at. 10 a .m ., Saturday, April
1 al the Presbyterian Church of the Maater in
Mi11lon Viejo.
A .. syrtn1 '11lln1" wlll be bel<l in the parking
lot o the Harbor Christ&an Church at 3'01
Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach beeiPoina at t
a. m., Saturday. April 1. Proceeds trom the
bake sale, car wash and other events
will "o toward expandin1 CWF pbtl•n·
thropic activities.
JUNIOR EBEU.S: An April Fool'1 Day
evening of run will begin al 7 p.m., S4turday,
April 1 at the clubhouse at Promctltt>l")' Polot .
hold its next. meeting beginning al 10 a .m .,
Saturday, April 1 at the Mer<:ury Savinp and
Loan Communjty Room in Hunililaton "Beach.
Nightingale Chapter will bold. it. ann}lal
luncheon meeling at the Shatk 11Jand. Yadi\
Club on Aprtl 4 to install newly eleet.ed of..
The Sculpt\U!le Gardell. Cafe will open bt11.m· '
ning at 11 :30 a.m., tuesday, April ' oft 16e
terrace of the r.nuseum.
EBONY FASWON FAIR: Will ~pear at
the Sheraton Anaheim Hold beclnnln& at
7:30 p.Ql., Tuesday, April 4. PlWOedl frJ>P>
the show will benefit the United Necro
College Fund. 1lckets may be purchased by
calling 879-2271.
bership tea will be held at 10 am .. Tuesday,
April 4 in Westminster. Call 898-6168 . for
further information. \)
board meeting will be held at the home or
Cheryl Scott. It is scheduled to ~gin ~:30
a. m , Tuesday. April 4 \_/
CLUB : Mr. Mlke·s Restaurant in Santa Ana
will be the scene of an installation dinner
beginning at 7 p.m., Saturday, April 1. For
further information call: 751·7040.
HAIR AFFAIR: Orange County hair
styhsts will cul and style custo01ers to
benefit Easter Seals on April 1 and 2 at ~
N. Grand Ave . Santa Ana.
Fashion Benefit "Set• for car, i.ome, life, btaJtk ud busiDCSI
)c>IJn Robert
Powers PERSONAL~EHT Las Marlneras Aux4 show at 11 a.m. Wed·
& MOOELINGsatoOl.S Wary of Family ~ce ·nesday. April S, ln the ..... .... ORAHCJE of Oranie County will home of Mn. Harris A 3TonaCcMMtrr bold a champagne McCormick. Donations ... ·-··t .:;;·a:;:.-··~ f714lM7-G21 luncheon a nd fa~blon go to the battered and £::==::::=:=:===:::::=:_ii=~~~~~~'..-__:::::::::.-=::_=:=::_ abused child program
I Utlt U' ti i"' f'
I · IC I I II I I I \ I . IC \
at Family Service.
Above are Mrs. Jack
Sparks and Mrs. Robert
Basmajian m odeling
fuhlon show outfits
from Gimone•a dress
Mus.lea/ Revue Round-up Time
Showboat '?8 i~ the theme of the musical revue,
sponsored 6y the Bahia Connth1an Yacht Club,
which "f'Ul take place beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday\hrougb Saturday. April 6 through April
8. al the Yacht Club. A~e. in their costumes. are
(from t~ Carole Arnold, Terry Mulligan aod
¥arbar Iaullig~. For information call 644-9530.
.'[he USC Town and Gown Junior Auxiliary ot
Orange County will hold its annual scholarship
benefit at 7 p .m. Saturday, April 1, at the South
Coast Plaza Hotel. In keeping with the western
round-up theme are Beverly Wlllgeroth and
Rosalind W"tlllams. Tickets will be available at tbe
For Funds
The Huntington Beach
Auxiliary to the Family
Service J\ssociatlon of 1
Orange County will bold
its annual sp r i ng
luncheon.fashion show
fund raiser at 11 a.m.
Monday, April 17, at the
Lindborg Racquet Club,
H un tington Beach.
Above is Pat Balen
<tell), owner of Shirleys
F-ash lons, who will
s how her new spr·
ing/summer collection.
Rummage Sale
Sue Bithell Cleftl and Nancy OlJver, aort Items
for an April Fool's Day Special rummaee sale.
sponsored by the Ebell Club of Laguna Beach
and planned for 9 a .m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April
t. at the Woman's Club in Laguna Beach
Proceeds will be used to support community
At right is Jessica •~t-------------------------------------------------1 Upiack, chair"1an o?i l!.J,._ ______ ..... o._ ... _.1 ... oo __ o_D_ec_orator-_____ _. ___ •_c_c_..-_..__ ___________ -t:J
the event. F(>r' reserva· tIW z SHOWROOMS ro SBYI YOU
Uons for the Egyptian-COST MES themed luncneon, call A ORANGE
Sarah Wi15oo, 848-BM3. 2959 Fairview Rd. 140 M. rusm.
If> Nie hlMI ef S.. INep ,_,, le'-...... AC¢;
556-9151 639-5724
Now Is the time to slpn up for iro skating lessons at the Ice
Cepedes Chalet VJherher you've 1ee skated before or never
Ice skated In yoor rde. one ol these classes is for you
Qsssas ftll Ut> fast so call today for all the Information
fot the Whole famfty
led C8rX!des Chalet 1S a grent place for private Of
lnstltuliOnol grovp1unrt1ons C!lll now for reservations
Call now for advance reg1str8'1on and add1Uonal lnformahon
· Costa Mees
Barbor &: Adame
Costa Meea
Bristol & Paularino
Couples Share Ideas
Of .. Detty f'!lllt '""' YoW" flrsl marriage
faUed -you don'l want
it to happen again.
Now that you have
married a1aln, you rec·
ognhe the potential
problems that can come
up with remarriage.
on enr1chlna our mar-
ria1es, and we provide
counseling for ~ons
contemplating a remar-
ri a e e," she says.
Speakers include doc-
tors , lawyers and
psycholQgists, to name a
You're aware that It
might take some lime to
adjust to each other's
ways, you see that this
new marriage is def·
inltely not an extension
or the old one and you
don't want to make the
same mistakes twice,
you know that you may
face trying times coping
with .. bis and her
Where can you find
companionship with
other remarried couples
who face similar situa-
tions and who un-
derstand the possible
One place is the
newly-forming chapter
or Remarrieds Inc. in
Southern Orange Coun-
ty. Designed to serve
~esidents Iron Laguna
Hills lo San Clemente,
the new chapter is open
to divorced or widowed
people who have mar·
ried aeain. An organizational
meeting and potluck
party for interested
persons is planned for ..
6:30 p.m . Saturday,
April 1. m the San Juan
Capistrano home of
Jerry and Lola Drake.
More tnformalion is
available from the
Drakes by calling
Remarrieda Inc •
founded ln 1968 in Santa
Ana, la a non-profit, tax
exempt, non-sectarian
organization, which baa
as its goals initiating
and conducting educa-
tion al and social pro-
grams and projects per
tainlng to marriage and
family Ute among re·
married men and
women and their
children, according to
June Waddell, a Laguna
Niguel resident who bas
been instrumental in
forming the new
·•We have discussions
The educational por·
lion of the organization
ls beneficial because
"all of us are anxious to
do well on second mar-
riages. We have prob-
lems that people who
haven't been remarried
don't have. We devote a
lot of lime to discussions
involving children
..We want to help
establish a more stable
family life, and m the
process we have a lot of
fun," she says, citing
socia l activities such as
picnics. dances, bridge
parties and going to
plays and restaurants
"We try to get every-
body as active as they
can be."
The Name of the G8ine
Aftcr oil 1s said and
LANDERS These days
when so many young
people are doing their
o wn thing.·· t was
touched by a poem that
appeared in our bulletin
Please print 1t and tell
me where it came from
You II be glad the
name ts spotless
When ~ou J?IVe 1\ lo
your son
ll came from your
It was all he had to
So it's youri. lo use
and cherish
As Ion~ as you may
If you lose th.-watch
he gave you
It can alwav:-. be
replaced. ·
But a black mark on
'our namt.'. ~on
Can never be erased
It was clt>an tht" da~
,·ou took tt
And a worthy name to
When I got 1f frnm my
There wa:-. no chshonor
So make o;urc• \OU
guard 1l w1scl}
DEAR N.\".: That
poem appeared in my column in 1959. Some
readers have long
memories or good scrap-
books. Thanks for send·
ing it. It was worth run·
nlng again ..
DEAR ANN I'm 47.
married my college
sweetheart. had three
kids and a successful
career. During our 17·
year marriage my wife
complained that I was
.. non-communicative.•·
disinterested in our sex
life. our friends, the
children and her We
started counseling but I
dropped out. She filed
for divorce
I "batched'. for four
lonely, depressing years
and met mainly other
divorced people I
discovered that the
women I liked were the
ones who'd gotten out of
their marriages because
( Horoscope ]
TlnJRSDA \",
should not be regarded
a.s final.
Nov. 21): Short trip is on
ARIES (March 21 your schedule Relative
April 19): Emphasis on makes inquiry. Pay at-
career, independence. tcntion but don't get in-
opportunity for advance· extricably involved. Dis·
ment. Be open to sug-play humor, versatility
gestions; express your -your horizons are ex-
self in writing. Gemini, panding and that 1s
Virgo persons fi gu re good.
prominentlv SAGITARJUS CNov
TAURUS (April 20 22-Dec. 21>. Accent on
May 20) Good lunar personal possessions.
aspect coincides now protecting valuables and
with Journey, education. rights Refuse to be
ability lo adjust to dis pushed, chided or in-
tanc e and language tim1dated. You're going
Libra is involved and lo break free from
their spou!>l'~ couldn t
.. communicate ·· <That
word again l I also re
a lized the .. co m
municators .. weren't at-
tracted to me, so I would
have to cha nge . I
worked at it -reading,
group therapy, etc
Eventually I m et a
wonderful lady. She was
wary about my non·
com municatlon, so I
worked harder al it and
LET II ER help me
After three years of
marriage we are still
part of a mar
nage family d1scuss1on
group We've worked
out a good hrc. sexually
a nd sociall y, and verbal
ly share our feelings, pro
So why am I writmg '>
Because I'm sure I was
pretty typical in seeing
my family role as sim
ply the breadwinner I'm
helping to rai se
stepchildren now and re·
a lize how much my own
first family needed me
and how much I cheated
rQyself. I hope this letter
will wise up other
"deadheads." You ain •t
gonna make it without
changing your act, bud·
dy. so wake up and save
yourself and everybody
a round you a lot of
heartache. -JUST ME
DEAR YOU: What a
testimonial! I'm sure
thousands or non·
commonicators wUI rec·
ognize themselves today.
Let's hope they do
something about It.
LANDERS· I have been
married for 13 years to a
transvestite and it's not
all peaches and cream I
understand his prob ~
l em and accept 1t
because he had been a
faithful husband and a
good father lo our
children. It bas been a
comfort, too, that he
does not look for other
men to dress up with
because J have been
non-critical and let him
qress up for ,me.
But when I go to put
on a pair of new shoes
and discover they are
stretched out of shape
because he thought they
were pretty or put on
a shirt and find it ripped
m the seams. for the
same reason it makes
me furious
On occasion when the
children get up during
the night 1 have to run
and see if their father
has fallen asleep on the
couch rn full drag.
Another problem: I
don't particularly relish
visiting new cities for
the weekend because he
enjoys going down the
main street in drag to
see how many heads he
can turn.
It's a strange thing ·
he has the problem, but
I'm the one who needs
the counseling so I can
handle the situation. -
DEAR UFE: It sure
Is, honey. Obviously
your husband is cem·
fortable with bis
"peculiarity" and you
are not. Tbe o•e who
1eeds the help should
iet lt.
so is another Taurean restriction s an
GEMINI (May 21 Aquarian aids your
June 20). Mystery, m cause
lrigue, the occult appear ('A PRICORN (Dec
Try Party Pie
t 0 be part 0 r y 0 u r 22· Jan. 19): Consolidate
personal scenario. Some form policy and re
basic issues could be fuse to be budged by
clouded by rhet.ortc. Be those of little faith.
pallent. Dig through in· Moon position is such
tentional attemfts to that original ideas pay
hide the heart 0 mat· orr in handsome way.
ters. Gemini, Sagittarius tA NCER CJ une 21 -persons play roles in
July 22): Spotlight on or· your scenario.
ganlzalion1 contractual AQUARIUS (Jan.
obligations. 11 single, 20-Feb. 18): What is hid-
marital status ls subject den reveals more now
to c hanao and you t han what migbl ap·
become very aware of parently be ln plain
1t. Married or single, sight. Family, home,
-you are involved, Invest· art. beauty, rough-and·
uig. testina and timine ready ddenae ol what is
crucial moves dear -these are em-
LEO (July 23-Aua pbasizeclror you.
t2): Finish job -don't PISCES (Feb 19·
be tempted toward ap· March ~>: You may be
parent short cuts. Aries. attributing qualities to a
Libra figure promlnent· friend wbo can't live up ly, ln matters of lo the idealiuUon.
•P!ff:ulatton, stick with Relieve loved one or bumber 9. Steady pace, pressure -stop expect
u111 HDHtlonallam , ins more than can be de·
brtng1de8lredrwulls. livered. You are the
VIBGO <Aua. 23-Sept. master.
The hearty vegetable
cheese pie is one or
those special oae-dish
dinners that lends itself
to convenient· cooking,
simple service and ex-
cellent eating. It can
also be a perfect party
While it's easy to pre·
pare, the vegetable-
c he es e pie is
economical, nutritious and surprisingly dif·
ferent t.o taste. One of
lbe main ingredients is
Norvegia, a mild mellow
Norwegian c heese.
Blended together with
the other inaredients.
this one-meal dish is
certain t.o please both
family and friends.
1 cup milk
'A cup unsifted nour
l ~ teupooas 1alt
\4 teaspoon cracked
14 teaspoon nutmeg
3 cups sliced (3·4.
medium) parboiled
1 cup sliced onions
One 10 oz. pkg.
frozen chopped broccoll,
thawed and drained
1 cup (4 oz.)
shredded Norvegia
One 9" unbaked pie
Preheat oven to 350
degrees. In small bowl,
combine milk, eggs,
flour, ult, pepper and
nutmeg; mix well; set
ulde. Alternately place
2 layers of potatoes,
onions, broccbli and
Norvegia cheese in pie
sbell~Pour egg m~
over vegetable-cheese
layers. Place on cookie
sheet. Bake at 350
de1rees for 60·6S
mlnut.es. Let pie stand
10 mloutea before cut.
Una. Makes: 8serribp.
t2): Emphasis on If Marcb 30 I• yoar
i!hlldren, apeculattve bhthda7 you are
hntures, quick change creat1ve1 artlstJc, fond
of scenery. Tako load. of lravei, food and lux•
6tl'e11 ortlin.Uty. Lovel ury. You u. more COD· ~ Hl'Y much a part o acloua or appearance
honano. IC p guard than the avera•• bp. but do xprua person. Wetlbt COuld., at
~ountlf. times, bo a problem,
Personol Appearance By
UBllA (Sept. 23-0ct. Oemlnl, Saatttarlu P>: You are lnvolved, peraona play Important ti••• reapontlblUtiea1 rot ln fOQI' life. April'" frt bulldlDI a 1olla 1hould be your moaL
llltUCtun. Key now 1to 1i1nlflcant moJltb of P1Je Md· a. w th im. a year which ·
~ life. AguafiUI, ,you putUa1 toaetbtr
r aDd !Ao nave lll varto fact.orl and ••t·
11 t•llve more d foot• • ••er
James Beard
Wedneeday, March 29. 1978 DA.IL V PILOT
• Stir-fry Oriental meals pave the way to shortcut cooking time.
Cook Up Fast Skillets
When tJme 1s short, look to flavorful, col·
orful stir-fry skillet meals to make great tasting
meals. The cooking technique was developed
by Oriental cooks to make the most of scarce
fuel but 1t serves equ~lly well to shortcut cook
ing time as well
l~ cups water
1 tablespoon butler or margarine
t teaspoon salt
1 package (6 ounces) pea pods (optional >
2 tablespoons oil
l pound boneless pork, cut in 1h ·• x 2"
1 2 cup diagonally sliced celery
''1 cup sliced green onion
1 can <A ounces l waler chestnuts, drained
and sliced
1 1 cup soy sauce
I can ( 10L'2 ounces) beef broth
2 tablespoons pimiento. chopped
2 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons cold waler
Cook rice with water, butter and salt ac·
cordm& to package directions. adding pea pods
I j
gl ;c
with rice af desired Meaowhtle, heal 011 in 10·
inch skillet Add pork straps and sltr·frY 2 to 3
mmut~ Add celery. gret!n muon and water
chestnuts. conltnue to cook until porl< loses pmk
color. Add M>Y sauce. broth and pimiento. Stir
together cornstarch and water. add to pork
mixture. Cook over moderate heat, sltrring, un
l11 thickened. Serve over nee Makes '4 servings
1 pound cooked ham. cut an 1 2-inch cubes
2 tablespoons butter or marganne
I can (8 ounces> pineapple t1db1ts or
<'hunks in natural 1uict·
2 cups quick n <'e
1 medium green pepper, diced
1 , cup rhopped green oruon
1 ~ teaspoon salt
1 iar <2 ounces I p1m1ento. chopped
Brown ham an butter Orau> pmeapple, re·
serving Juice Add water lo 1u1ce to make P·:i
cups liquid Add nn· hqwd green ptpper
green onions and salt to ham stir Bring to a
boil. Reduce heat. t·ovcr and simmer 5 minutes
or until liquid 1s ab!>orbed Stir in pineapple and
p1m1ento Makes 4 to 5 servings
!Vow tliet; '// tllt!lt f
tosq~it even more //
.•. ! . I
... , .
I _J
-. . . ' . .. ·. . ' ' .....
C4 IWL Y PILOT WGdneecs.y, M8rCl'I M. 1111 FOOO
Versatile Batch of Broccoli: Low in Calories-
11-.tllaa JOU care to bow .. bnceollJ n•1 a llblln.I ot eaba
.... llDd eauUnower.
mQeJa lo¥'4 ln naq but ~~=
Propooenta of hip.fat
·c· wck ... dleta often t to tbe ZUimo diet
But partial 1uh1Ututlon
showed 'fW1 liUlo elfecL
And tMIOM!aJ DMal COS·
ta nearlJlwiceuDWdl.
· eell com•• from
IUPPCll't the wtJdom ol UMlr nductian rest.mm.
Aetaalb'. £aktmo-are
fatter thin other Cana· d.iau, 9CCOl'd.1nl to a re·
port lD the American
Joarnal of Cllnlcal Nutrition. Height, weight and 1tlofold
tbJctne.. measurements
were taken for more
SHORT PEOPLE OK searchers checked back
-ShOrt men load aa on the atay·sllm succ.a
mucb 1upr cu. u tall of 1.21 patient. wbo bad
men, aceordtna to a been extremely obeH
study drum wmken tn and bad llbied their ex·
Colombia. Helaht had cesa potlllda tbroa«b
bOthinS to do 1'ttb the f astlnJ. Alter sevea
amount ot produce a years only 1tven re•
wMter coal4 lOlld ln • mained at their reducect
day, but f atneu did. The welcht Ralf cl t.be pa·
leaner the worker. the tientl bad ngalDed all
.1Pore be could loed. they bad Jost wit.bin two
Australia, where both
meat comnmplion and
ehoJ..ierol eoanta are
hlch. By fffdlna the
anlmala a cbOltaterol·
Jowertni diet, they've
chanced the nalare of tbe animals' own fat. In
clinical trials where
bumant ate only the new
meats, instead of regular meat, the humans
lowered their own
cholesterol counts by an
aveuce ot 10 percent.
another view on the fat
1eoe1-tat uvironmeet contro•ersy. Acf.GJ'dial
to a atudy of 2,1$•
natural dllldren ud K7
adopted children, both
pous-... 11bly to be
Call.fotnla. althoqb lt
Wal flrlt lfOWD OD
QmeJ lalaad.
See BUii GoutlD"I'
What JUQ nall7 want to boW ta lta calorie eGCmt: aceed.lnalY low,
cme ol tbe least f attealng
fooda u.e la. Broceoll u oot, w calories a ~===z:::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
SO MUCH FOR t.othreeyears.
.FASTS-According to a PUT THE SfEER ON
report 1.n the ArehlWI of A DIET -Tbat'a what
Internal Medicine. re· t h e '1 ' v • d o n e 1 n
poan4. 211 per lel'Ving.
8omltblq ebe worth lmowlu~ Titamln·wtae. broccoli l1 a double·
whammy vegetable,
chockful ot both vitamin
C and vitamin A. Broc-
eoll only pnitends to be
ll'MD· Where nutrients
.,. (.'CJDCel ned broceoll
ta more like vitam.ln A· packed yellow
veaetablee Cbut broceoll la much IMI fattening
than most 1ouraea of
vitamin A).
Molt Important: Im»
coll taatea terrific.
cooked or raw. Hot or
To cook broccoli: cut
through thick stalks
vertically. Stand broc·
coll heads·up in a tall
skinny pot (like a double
boiler top without its
bottom). Add one inch
chicken broth or water.
Cover and simmer until
tender-crisp < 10
minutes) or tender-soft
US minutes). The beads--
up way of cooking COD·
centrates heat on the'
thicker stalks. Then
simmer down the broth
and pour over cooked
broccoli <no butler
needed). Or dress broc·
coll with a aenerous dab
of low-fat mayonnaise or
a squirt ot lemon juice.
Or dress with low-fat
Italian salad dressing
and serve il hot or cold.
Another way to cook
broccoli: break of( the
florets, cut the stems in
same·sir.e chunks. Com·
blne with halt-cup fat-
skimmed chicken broth
and simmer, uncovered,
in a shallow nonstick
Or, combine it with
steak in this Korean·
inspired one-pan dinner
for two:
1 tablcsp<>on sesame
8 ounces Jean beef
round steak
l large Spanish
onion, peeled, halved,
thinly sliced
l clove garlic,
minced 3• cupwater
1 small red or green
be 11 pepper, seeded and
Y.t pound fresh broc·
coli. cut up, or a 10-
·ounce package, frozen
broccoli spears, defrost-
ed and sliced
Y.t cup sherry wine
Optional: '1\ tea•
spoon MSG
Optional: l table-
Sprinkle sesame seeds
on a large non-stick
skilJet over high heat.
Shake th<' skillet gently,
until seeds are browned
Cbe careful they don't
burn). Remove and set
Sear the steak quickly
·on both sides. Remove
to a cutting board (will
be raw in the mJddJe).
Combine onion. garlic
and one·quarter cup
water in the sldll~t over
bl&b beat. Cook and aUr
unW onioos are browned
Add to the skillet the
bell pepper, broccoli,
w1ne. MSG and oysUir sau~e. Add aae-balf cup
water. Cook over
medium name. lt1trl.na
occasionally, about ftv•
to eight aililut.a, only
unUl ve1etabl• are tell'-
der-crtsp. Mean~ allce the browned Jnto very
tb1n 1trip1.
Combine arroWl"OOt
with 1111 Ndee ad ltir
Into aimlpll'lDI 11dllet, unW pall Jlqukl simmers
and tblck••• and
vegetabMI are coated.
SUr lD aelk~; coot
aDd ltlr UQtl1 dealred ptnme. OI' dOneMt1 la
achieved. Sprinkle with
naervect eeumo leeds
and. .-ve lmmodlately. Mates two Mn1.DP. 315
calorl• eacb. <ll•clpe
may be doubled to""' (our. Uso a •erJ larf• aUllei or eJeetr c
ft'Jpan.) faett about . !:.~from nceaJ ~llfd lcnll
HAl'DU• . ....-rUCll
............. ,"" lllAft .-mna-
ZIP"t:•~ BURRITOS 10.01 ,.r.
SfATDl-•Oil&I04' 39• BIEF WIURRS lHll P•G .... lA.
STATVl~•fVAltl(TIU•~IClO 99• LUNCHEON MEATS ~g' ... c,.,
H04'fV•ME.AlOtl $119 BHF WIENERS H.I P• G ••.••• 0
u $149
SDAGRADIA ... ....
YING ::1\~ L=~ KENS BUDE-OUT WCED ~ ~~i~E 79c 79c
·JI': LB. LB. c
IElflOASI ••u. $1 I' •• U40 ••..• l8.
TURKEY, OR PASTRAMI• ><lZ. PKG. $ 39~ 1 4 !
CllUCK SnAK ~~" ~ID IKU•llOUICl•IONI.... • 1 •• -·o.Je••ll'()f . • 1" -·l..UIOaUlll .• llUMlt •OAST. -· l8. A1tM .. AST... ...l1. ... SnAK
--• IOHnU& • 1 •• llO' CMlaC • 11 • MU• CHUCIC • IONllUI
•• ll •••
l l ., •• ll., .,.
Fll(aH"'OZVI $ 49 SftWMIAT ...... -.ll. ,, ....... UT. ll. ......... •ft.AX
TURBOT Fllln 1 WU•llOUICl•IONEUU • 189 _,.,.._ • , .... ., -•-.AU.nel
· • •••.. l.. na-•OAST ........ l8 ..,_ sn.&K 1• • • ma snAK.
,.,.pt"R"c"'°Hlf.JjflU· ic~NDIC $1 S 9 DVIUOU£ .... -• CNllCll • IOMllue • 1 •• -'~.-nus
&;I .. . •••• l l $ 29 CAii-HAM .~.. SllCMWll wn. l& n••nAK
.... • • ...... Lao 2 t-1.• t9n --SRAK l8. 11 79 cum STUK
fSYLYANIA .. ~':?~"
l l 'I" .
l• 'I"
LI 'I"
. . . . . . . . . . .
FOOD w.cin.day. March 29, 1978 OArLY PILOT C:J
Veggies Colorful
Entertaining while
you are oo 1 diet doesn't
mean that your guests
have to sul!er or that
you have to be tempted
Low calorie meals can
be exciting even to the
non·welgbt conscious
when you begin with
frozen vegetables.
Nutritious frozen
chopped spinach
seasoned with garlic,
Parmesan cheese, basil
and dill makes a
beautiful filling for
mushroom caps.
1 package ( 12
ounces) frozen chopped
8 large mushrooms
(about 2 1 a 10ches in
diameter) (about 13
1 chicken bouillon
112 cup water
112 teupoon.aaJt
'Al teaspoon basil,
"i teaspoon dill
1 • teaspoon garhc
Dash pepper
1 tablespoon grated
Parmesan cheese ( 1 .•
saucepan with bouillon
cube and water. Sim·
mer, covered, about 5
minutes. Drain llquJd in·
to 8·lnch round baking
dish (or pie pan}. Mix
stems with spinach, salt
herbs, garlic powder
and p~pper. Place caps,
stem side up, in lhe bak·
Ing dish. Divide spinach
mixture into 8 portions,
and mound on
mushroom caps. Top
each with a sprlnklinC of
cheese. Bake In
moderate oven (350
degrees) about 25
minutes. Serve at once.
M•kea 8 stuffed
Vinaigrette, a beautiful
combination of cherry
tom a toes, red onion,
frozen cauliflower •nd
low calorie Jta!len
dressing, makes an ex·
cellent flavor contrast to
any entree. The secret
to this dish is making
aure that the cauUflower
ls not over-cooked. 1'hb
vegetable has ao del•
icate a texture that
even a minute too long
on the stove can destroy
its fine crispness and
snowy white color.
2 packages < 10
ounces> frozen
tomatoes, halved
1 tablespoon capers
2 tablespoons
chopped parsley
h ~ onion, sliced
Cook caulHlower tn
b9Ulng salted water un·
tit tender; drain and let
cool. Pour low.calorie
Italian dressing over
caullfiower, turning to
coat well. ChUl at least
one hour. Spoon onto a
bed of w~cress on a
shallow platter; garnish
with tomatoes, capers,
olives, onions, and
parsley. Makes a serv·
1n1s. .
Chicken Vecetable
Ding makes the perfect
low calorie, high in·
terest entree. Frozen
broccoli s pears and
Brussels sprouts are
quickly stir-fried with
chicken and seasoned
with onion, soy sauce,
garlic and ginger. The
crisp texture and bright
color of the vegetables
make Chicken Vegeta-
ble Ding a superb com-
pany dish.
1 can (13~ ounces)
chicken broth
1 package (10
ounces) frozen broccoli
1 package (10
ounce$) frozen Brussels
3 tablespoons soy
1 teaspoon ground
l med1um ·sizc
onlon, coarsely diced
1 clove garlit",
minced ( 1 teaspoon}
1 ~ ta blespooni;
1 can (8 ounces}
water chestnuts, drained
and sliced
Chltl chicken broth
thoroughly. Spoon off
and discard any fat.
Thaw broccoli and
Brussels sprouts. Cut
broccoli spears into
thirds. Remove skin and
bones from chicken, and
cut meat into bite-size
pieces. In a wok or elec·
trlc frying pan, heat •,-:i
cup broth with soy sauce
and ginger. Add
chicken, and sUr over
high heat until chicken
is no longer pink. Add
Keep cc/orful vegetables handy for appetizers or quick snacks.
Cook spinach a11
package directs. Drain
well, pressing out all ex·
cess liquid. Break off
and chop mushroom
stems finely. Place
stems and caps In
v. cup low-calorie
Italian dressing
2 cups cherry
3 half breasts of
chicken (about lY•
. onion and garlic, and
cook until soft. SUr corn.
starch Into 2 table·
spoons broth, and set
aside. Add remaining
brolh. broccoli, Brussels
sprouts and water
chestnuts to skillet. Cook
over h1gh heat about 5
minutes, just until
vegetables are tender.
Stir cornstarch mixture
into liquid in skillet, and
cook a minute longer, un-
til liquid comes to a boil,
stirring constantly.
Serve at once. Makes 4 to
6servlngs (7cups).
• • • Guess What's
(From Page Cl)
Cl PC'AKt:S: Prehl·al oven to
:175 rlegrets fo' \1elt over hot (not
bo1l1nJ.!l "att•r. butterscotch
morst•ls, remo\·e from heat and
M~l as1dt' In small bowl, combine
flour, cornstarch, bakmg powder,
allspice, mace, nutmeg and salt,
set aside. In large bowl, combine
butter, s ugar, melted but·
terscotch, van ilia extract and
gra pefrult rind; beat until
creamy. Add eggs, one at a time,
beating well after each addition.
Jn large measuring cup, combine
grapefruit julce and honey.
Alternately blend in flour mixture
~1th grapefru1t·honey mixture.
Stir in nuts Fill 32 paper-lined
muffin cups om• half full.
Bake at 375 degrees for 20
minutes Remove from muffin
oans: COQI COf?\Plelelv. Frost each
< upcake with l measuring table·
spoon Tangy GrapefruJt Frosting.
FROSTING: In small bowl, com·
bine butter, confectioners• sugar,
grapefruit rind, yellow food color.
ing and aalt; beat until creamy.
Blend in grapefruit jWce and beat
until smooth.
DECORATION: Decorate with
question mark design OY other de·
sired design using morsels.
• • • Asparagus
<From Page CU
dissolved 10 the cooking
water speeds up the
lf you prefer to cook
asparagus as spears in·
stead of pieces, it's best
to cook the spears stand·
ing upright wih the tips
above the water so they
don't overcook while the
s talk s are getting
tender An old coffoc pol
works well as a cookang
container since it's tall
and narrow
While the asparagus is
cooking you can get the
strawberries ready for
eating. They too will
need extra careful
washing this year. And
like asparagus,
straw berries shouldn't
be washed until you're
ready to use them
Damp strawberries get
moldy easily.
Roth asparagus and
stra wherries are highly
perishable, so try to us6
them the day you buy
them. If you keep them
a day or two longer, be
sure to store them in the
Q. I boQght some very
expensive fresb
asparagus and then Wat
disappoint~ bttause It
was tough. What caused
it to be 80 tough?
A Tough asparagus
usually results from it
having been stored at
warm temperatures or
having been stored too
long. It could be that the
asparagus didn't sell
well because or its high
price and so it had simp·
ly been around the store
too long.
*** Q. How much of
vitamins added to
breakfast cereals re·
main, or how macb are
destroyed after the
cereab are pl'Ot'elllledf
la other words, wbat
proportion of Ute
vitamins lllW oa .the
label are atlU there
wbea we eat tile cereal?
A. The level of
'Vitamins tn breakfast
·cereals should be the
same or more than that
·1'sted on the label.
Labels an required by
federal regulation to be
accurate about the in·
gredienls and nutncnta
in foods. While the toast·
ing and processing of
.the prepared cereals
may cause some loss or
change in the protein
and B·vitamiD.s present
in the cereal &rain, the
extra nutrients -listed
on ·ingredient list on the
label -are added after
processing and will he
present when you eat
the cereal.
• • • Slim Gourmet
(From Pqe C()
fat ti they lived with fat'
calorie intake. Then.
without the paUenta
knowlDI lt, the re·
searchers substituted
Aspartame for suear in
BEST MEDICINE the sam& variety or
FOR Mosr DIABETICS foods. Without knowing
it, the patients
-is sUmminl down, ac· a u tom at l c a 11 y c u t
cording to Dr. Martin M. calorie intake by 2S per·
Hoffman of McGill cent. (Aspartame is the
·University in Montreal. new no-aftertast& low-
Speaklng 'to the Idaho calorie sugar substitute
,Academy of Fam~ly atlll awaiUng goveT'n·
Pbyaiclans, Dr. Hoffman znent approval.)
noted that Jetting rid of a
w e 1 i b t p r o b 1 e m·
eliminates diabetic. AMERICAN FOOD ~mptocu ln80 ~eflt: FOSTBBS rAT -a& of adult-onset obea• least. lllDOlll laboratory
dlabettca. miee. ID tbe nnt •tud.r
SBCRET CALORJJ!! ~.·~c: :=:' u!:
CUTTING -You can Nutrition. three croups
cut the calorie intake of of mice wore fed dlf·
fat people simply by forent dleta: ordinary
ateallng calories from Jab chow, an unrefl.ned
the food they normally "natural foods" diet eat. T-at was dem and a diet of typleai
pn1tratGd in a re American foods. Mice
March project recently fed a menu or all·
report•d ln tbt ·American ravorttH.
America loarnal of. 1rew COJHl4erabl1 Cllnlc1I 1'fUtrltton. 11r1er UC! fltw'. 1'blt
Btsearcha'I Mci-etl1 re· diet also Homed to
eOtded tbe foods eboe n fo1ter overeaUn1. ao·
b1 etabt Obeili ,.Uenu. 'eordln• to tb• r•· ·"tor 15 dQS, caloalatlac Narcbtn'ObMna ona: . .
TUBBY TYKl!S -Ac· cordl.ng to a report in
lhe American Journal of
Public Healtll, the odds
are two and one·balf to
one that an extremely
fat woman wu also a
fat child. This intorma·
tlon resulted from
querying 73,532 mem·
bers of TOPS (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly).·
ArcblvH of Internal
Medicine. a prof.W001J' JounW. nporta that u · inaut., .......... wen ~an a 500-ealorte cllet tor 30 dgl. Sbt of tbe •mm....-at<r• dalli lnjeetlob1 of HCQ (buman cborlonic
1ooadotropln). The other
ftve were lDoculated with
a harmlea sterile sub-
stance. Nett.her the p1~
tlents nor the doctort
knew wtdcb wu which.
At Ule end Of the period,
the welpt loll for both
troCJP9 avtra ed aroun4 nine and one-tblrcf
pounds, •ltb no dlf •
ftr nc• In •kln fold
V&111un1;1111mtl or hUDJ r
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' _;4; .• DAIL. Y PIL.OT Wedneeday. Match 29, 1178 FOOD
Omelet Tastes· Spicy
Dry Days
A few days oC fair
weather allowed the
produce industry lo dry
out before the rain
-returned. The situation
with many crops runges
o n the weather. so
predictions are sketchy.
Generally, most crops
will improve in quality
and volume if the
wealher cooperates
Strawberries are one
crop directly affected by
rain The growers had
s tarled picking again
after the heavy rains
when another storm hit.
Ir the rain 1s light,
volume will increase
after Easter and quality
should improve Prices
should come down
Melons from Mexico
continue in good supply.
Prices are realistic and
quality is excellent.
Bananas are in limited
supply with prices
·steady. The bananas are
scarred on the outside
due to wind : eating
remains fair
The fair weather
mproved the avocados.
~rices are down and
'liupplics look good.
The situ.alion with
oranges continues the
l5 am e with outside
quality poor due to rain.
Picking was hampered
by the rain. Grapefruit
is arriving from several
areas. Supplies are good
and prices r e main
As previously
',reported, papayas were
damaged in a storm.
Supplies are s hort
ausing high prices.
This situation may
1,eontinue until May when
:,1>roduclion increases.
)\pples, pears and
-Chilean fruit are holdinat
with little change.
Iceberg lettuce ls rugh
due to completion of
production in several
growing areas. Easler
demands helped
diminish supplies. Red,
butter and salad bowl
varieties are in good
11upply with prices
average. Earlier rains ln Oxnard caused
'dam-.e to the Romaine
erop, IO prices continue
Tomatoes are a 1ood
uy for tbe consumer.
f rlces are down due to a
arge lrlexican
4>roduction. Quality
reroaioa good. Other
M exlcan ve1etablea
1uch as bell peppers,
squash anc1 cucumbers
ere bJ&ber. The Mexican
eason ls ending causinl
bort 1upplies.
Celery and ~aullfiower
both suffered rain
ama1e. Prlces are
l1b, 1upplie1 limited.
ain hampered
set aside. For each
omelet, mix toaether
wltb a fork 2 eggs, 2
tablespoona water, l
tablespoon ereen cbUea,
salt and pepper. Heat l
tablespoQQ butter in 6 or I-inch omelet pan or
aldllet unlil just bot
enou1b to siule a drop
of water. Pour ia esg
mixture (mixture should
set at ed&ea at once).
Witb a pancake turner.
carefully draw cooke<l
portions at edges toward
center ao uncooked por·
tioas now to the bottom.
Till pan as necessary to
buten now of uncooked
eeis. SUde pan rapidly
back and forth over beat
to keep mixture aHdlng
freely. When omelet is
set but top is sWl molal,
spread guacomoJe over
one half. Sprinkle 2
tablespoons cheese over
guacamole. Fold other
half over filling. Slide
onto warm plate for
l medium sbed ripe
avocado, peeled
1 tablespoon lemon
Julee v.. cup (ball or 4 oz.
can) Diced Green Chiles
2 tablespoons finely
chopped on.ion
1 teaap00n botUed Hot Sauce
1A teaspoon salt
lo small bowl, mash
avocado with lemon
juice. Mix in remaining
Fresh Meats
Fresh Meats
00M0a> IRf l() N. • • •• LO 2.28
, I 2.28
Canned& Packaged
b ~~~ 170Z.CAN .22 OON{LE~ IQND£0 &tr
OQp.;OfO OHr
\1111.0•N ('Ill AIK. VI .) l.O)
II 'II I ..0 IOb I.QIN COUHlll .. ~f
PORK P.10 OfO~
.~ 1.26
1n 1.28
10 1.78
LO 1. 98
JIMMY DEAN S.AUSAG.E 1 49 "°"" ' ) Ol ,,.c; •
SUC£00ttfllV£P. 88 -[U \!I •
fTAUA9' STY1.E SAUSAG£ 1 68 fl\ISM 10 •
OSCA" MA Y~-GACON ~octDolWllUOl i 7A l\.O 1.78
··~~ 1.48
DOOolU:.$ OOtl()(D OU•'°"'
llOO<llWOOO<OfOOJU , f• lO 1. 98
OOHDfDQ([I • •• • •• l.t .88
llPIN< tn!OO>ICU>>
1vin '"441[ '""-'
ill 'IMlf l C. 0..A>I M(A I
3 1.98
• 1.78
lU 2.88
M 3.98
. 3.49
b ~~~~~6~~:!. 21
PLADYLEE 6~~~~~~cAN .45
b CUP 0 NOODLES 1()1>1\AMlHC.lVA~•(l!HI 7"• Ol.<.hl .49
L LADY LEE SPINACH •. Ol c .... 41
L ~~~':!.RICE MIXES •OZ 00\ • 3.5
r NOODLES P.OMAHOFF ~9 0 .. ""OIOCJ<D\ c 00~ • ~ r OP.TEGA "IFP.fEl> DEANS 0 f\t<,IA.6~0ll"91(V ;.DOJ OH ,49
0 1ow.10 •..• oroozr•• .69 L Pl.ANTER."S MIXED Nim "\ V/~Vli • ..120l (All 1,6\J I DETIYCP.OOOR POTATOES
JCAl.lo-10 •UGll•'"' ""Of 'O< , 55 L KP.AFT SALAD DRESSING
llOAA IUUCl!ll • ••• IOOI 0 1 . 19 A lADYLEECAKEMIX
(4 V•Nflfl~I • • . , i?Ol 00• • 4 9 L D&M OAKEO DEANS , ,. ... 45 L FR.OSTING MIX
~II[ (llr....,.e>«o••r 59 b OR~Y-11 u01 rit:. • •
STAAWOEJ\P.Y JAM p IMl\YCUP< • • .. 1&01 r•n • 89
b KP.AFT MAR.St!MAUOWS b Ill IVITOl\MIHIAHJllC • •oOl no.c •• 51
p GOLDOI OV.W SM.IC. 2 9 O "WHOU~ .......... n oz c•"' •
p MOUNTAIN DJ:W 6 ~ . • , 0 •20l.(AN) 1 , 25
.l2 Ol.All. • 6 9
DOl\O(N s sucro
160l. PKG
ftll> "'"" 1.59
L SCHIR.M£P.'S KIEL~AS~ -. 1 . 29
r SHRIMP COCKTAIL 0 i.<I 0 • .55
HOF'FY OEEF FRANKS 1 .27 I I I r BOD'S TAP.TAP. SAUCE 49 6 6• '1'C. •
Health & Beauty Aids
b ~~ICKOl.ADES I • J 1.67
b CO·TYLENOL TAO~EH ·• 1 .29
b ~ISl~E ~£.DROPS 1 oz ,.11 1 •59
Household & Pet
.;TOILET ~~~~~~405'PKG. e 5 9
P GLAD LAWt4 GAGS b PA\lt' •O(l "C. 1 .69
r PINE SOL CLEANEP. 0 lO 1> ,,o 1 .39
I' KAl KAt4 DOG FOOD b CHU"•cn1rv 7a,.o· , .... 5:3
• FR.ISKIES DOG FOOD b "l1U[N(l(ov1n 10\0 O• > 2 .45
"""•""-fllCt"''\Pd.fV~'"' ,.,,..,."'
, ...... fll('l.t't()'TI~,,, .. 9':9
f'Wtt._,,.,..lto.~' *'II'•'"°' ~Olli
(C"C'.tY'q"' ,QJf'tif'h • lli0'9'\ ffv Ort'()', "'"'"..., Jk4,.., •ff!Vl')V'W•df'"""0'0"''1"'·"'~,. ,.
,..._, 1-f\41lf\f """""•i.10""(~,.,o "'"
Whip up a fluffy
omelet for brunch,
lunch, or even
supper. It's
flavored wfth
green chi/es.
r GO. RDOt·n Gl,N 6 '" 10.99
I ••• 1)01°l 011 4 .19
l tA'w hlflc.11•.ro•:.
'"' 11 l 1"u •ff ~·parrrr Pf"IJJ.
Dairy & Frozen
r ROD"S TOPPING 0 -•O(i\EAM I 01 • .54
.r. ~~~~.R~INK • ,., .79
•• -•O.. ('' • < .69
L SAl.UTOPARTY~~~"'" 2.79
r DUTCH APPLE PIE 6 .. n~ !M'I" "601 f'' 1.59
rxmAFANCY . • LO
SPINACH .29 , uru. Y c, Cl\t r
RUDY RED Gft.APEFP.UIT ... 19 ·.C"'I "~'"" I
Druoous APPlES , .39 ("!:\ IOt.OC'•lt:''"''
RUSSET POTATOES .. 19 I rM) • lllfll:t(
•P•rasus plckina. Good
•"tber •lll bl'ln1
i1her voiume •nd
tter prices.. I ... what discount is all about.
Corn ta more plentlM
nd prices remain
t•ady. Supplies of
rtlchoke1 are
provina and ahould be
oOd for 10 dey1. They
11\aln a cood value for
DIUtnen. Brown oaloo •
uppllea from 1tora1e
N d.linlftltblril caustn1
r Increase. New
piles trc>m :ruu are Jn d·.i\ aad
1bo'\lld ease the
ahol'l •LA MlllADA
LA till!W)A &MMl'tNO CINTO
-•'r -_ _...., .. ~
•ANAHll ....
•IANTA ANA ittt tot ... TOL.lnl T
120 ,.0. ,_AYOMOHD
• OA•Dllt QlllOVI
•QAlllDIN OtlOVl
•HUNT1NQTON 11'.AClf , .... 9CK..IA CHICA AffJtUI
13011 l~"INODALI ITlllHf
.... . ..
••• Trigere
(Froaa Pa&e CU
way,•• 'She 1ald. Becauae ol her rotaUon ·of sue.u lt'• unllkely that a penoo would eat tM
1ame meal twlce ln a row at her bouae,
''J always 1ta11er my suesta, .. she added.
.,I mvJte fOIDe for 8, some foe 8: lS, and I always
Mr•• at t. No one get.I to your place until at
leut a:ao. thou1b."
Tbe dealper'a plexlglua pleces are in-1~ by one her ol her favorite bobbles, col-lec~• l\atle1. She joked, however. tJaat sbt "doean•t collect turtles anymore. but
She really does have an eye for turtlel,
though, and has even named ber country house
La Tortue, or "The Turtle."
One or &..be pieces ls a combination
placemat, bed tray and •ervin& tray, abaped
like a turtle.
Another popular item ls a skutet Ot can be
used in the microwave oven) which i.s good for
serving a small breakfast or popcorn. a quiche
d!sb, buffet tray with many "pocketa" for food
and a line of salad bowls.
Mias Trigere shared another of her tips for
beautiful entertaining. "I like to mlx my
porcelain patterns and mix beautiful crystal
with more ordinary wine decanters. l love to
make it pretty.''
Here are some recipes from the kitchen of
Pauline Trtgere:
2 slices bolled Polish ham, cut in small
12 strips lean bacon, fried
12 cup Swiss cheese, grated
~ cup Parmesan cheese
2 cups cream ~ teupoon Salt
Pinch of sugar
Ploch of nutmeg
Black pepper, freshly ground
Large pepper. freshly ground
Large unbaked pie shell
Beal eggs, cream and seasoning just long
enough to mix thoroughly. Rub a little son but-
ter over surface of ple shell and sprinkle bacon,
broken lnto small pieces and ham, over the bot·
tom. Cover with the cheese and pour egg mix·
ture over all.
Preheat oven to 430 degrees and bake ten to
fifteen minutes. Reduce beat to 300 degnes and
continue baking until custard bu set (25-30
1 lb. crabmeat (frozen or fresh)
2 cans celery soup (any brand will do)
1h cari water or chicken bouillon
l large onion
White l>'Pper Nutmeg
l pint h~avy cream or cream
l cup light Sherry
Put celery soup, water or bouillon, and the
very fme grated onion to warm. Add white pep-
per, salt, nutmeg. When warm add the cream
and crab, and l cup Sherry. DO NOT BOIL. Cor·
rect seasoning. Serve In small bowls. Trim with
fresh chopped parsley if you have some .and if
you bave llme to cb.:>p it.
3 large onions
4 tablespoons butter
1-2 teaspoons s~l Clo taste)
Freshly ground pepper
2 lbs. fresh mushrooms
. .
1 pt. (2c:upa) beavyl_ .. _
I>ah ol nutme1 P~Sp=ce "-'1 thl». ln a black
ltuD fiyiaC pall U1 other' heaq lkWet. aim·
mer tho ooi• slow~ lD a ~blelpooal melted
b\ltt.r. A44 .alt, per Cpriferably while pep-
per) aod ltatCd lnl nutm~t<t. Saute the OD.iona uaW they are •npt e.' They lhould
aet 'mushy' an4 never pt . Tiu. will take
about u hour 11.oce tbf oDlGDt be cooked
very, very slowly. ID another pan, add remaln-1.ot butt.er and aaute tbe ..Uced mushrooms unW
cQOked (taste wilb a fork). Tbll takes •bout 10
minutes. Now, combine tbe onions With the
sauteed mushrooms -and check aeasoniD1.
(The abovo c.ao be done and ttored lD the
refrlterator one or two days lD advance • • • it
keeps! I!).
Cook spagbetU 'al dente' in lots of salted,
botUn1 water -about 9 minutes. Drain, keep
bot. While spagbelU ls cooking, poor tbe ueam
ov r onlooa and musbrooma and warm
tb.roUlh)y. It should be very bot but not bolling
or tbe cream will curdle. Mix the dellcloua
sauce thoroughly wltb the spaghetti lo the aerv·
lng dish.
1 roasting ctucken
1 large lobster or 3 African lobster tails
2 cups long grain rice
2 carrota
3 medium onions
Bouquet 1arni
Salt and pepper
1 bouillon cube <optional) or chicken
1 cup sweet heavy cream
Dash of nutme~
Put chicken, onions, bouquet garnl lo pot.
with enough water to cover. Add salt, pepper
and boulllon cube or chicken bouillon. Let sim·
mer about~ of an hour or unW done.
Remove chicken to platter -reserve stock.
Place live lobster or lobster tall.s lo the chicken
stock and cook unW done. Reserve. Thia can be
done ahead of time.
Cook rice using chicken and lobster stock,
adding more liquid 11 necessary.
Cut chicken and lobster in bite-size pieces.
Warm slowly in melted butter-and add to
cooked rice. Mix carefully and add sweet
cream, warm thru and serve at once. One glass
of dry white wme may be added if so desired.
Or sherry or cognac. Do not 'mush' iL
Peel 8 seedless eating orange and slice v.
Inch. Arrange in layers ln servinl dish, each
layer covered with the Collowlng mixtures:
1 heaping tablespoon honey or 1 tables-
poon sugar
1 tablespoon bitter oraqe marmalade
1 teaspoon Grand Marnler
1 teaspoon Brandy or Scotch
1 teaspoon lemon juice
If juice Is not sufficient, you can always add
a tablespoon of cold waler. Let it rest overnight
in refrigerator. Correct sweetness, if nec-
cessaryr Some oranges require more or less
sweeteriing. Serve lt very cold. I serve it topped
with grated almond or shredded coconut.
Best Idea Since
Shopping Carts
J ~ow you can do a week's shopping r without forgetting a single
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140 H~flt• pnnted Item•.
plu1 eddltlonal •P•fH you
can flll In yourHlf.
34 9tapl ..
21 Yeg•t•blH
14 Fruita
6 8ekery ftema
6 Beverq•• 1t Mea1 end
nah •ntr1H
11 O.lry ltiam•
20 Mlac:ell1~ua
~.Maleh 21, 1971 DAILY PILOT C7
One Potato, Two :Potato
Children often tend to
be finicky about food,
but the potato is one
vegetable that even
youngsters l ike.
Fortunately, It's easy to
give adult approval to
lbls children's favorite
because potatoes are a
good sourceofnutrition.
1 slice bacon, diced
~ cup each vinegar,
light molasses and
packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon each dry
mustard and salt
1 medium onion,
8 medium potatoes
(about 2 pounds). peeled
and sliced.
Combine all ingre-
dients in 2 quart glass
casserole <rectangular
or round). Cover with
plastic warp. Cook in
microwave 10 minutes.
Remove and stir. Cover
and cook S minutes.
. Remove and stir a1aln.
Cook uncovered s
minutes more. Let stand
5 minutes before ~erv
Makes 61h -cup serv-
large saucepan, brown
bacon. Io same pan,
com b ine vinegar,
molasses, brown sugar,
dry mustard, salt and
onion. Bring to boll. Stir
in potatoes. Cover pan
and almmer 10 minutes.
Tum potatoes and aau('J!
into 2 quart cuset"ole.
Bake at 400 degrees 40
minutes stirring twice
during baking.
''5aVeU ta. ,,
II an r1D1®
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Tender Bunches
Fresh .
Adds Flavor To
Safeway Steaks
and Roasts! . DC
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Fresh Pork
Picnic Roast
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Beef . ~
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~~~c~sai:'!oo~ess .. lb~1 99
Sliced Salami 1-1b. s12s
or Bologna. Safeway . . . . Pkg.
~~~o~:!~~~.~~-1-1b. Pkg. 99c
~~~:~~hts ... lb. ggc
Lamb Chops '1 '' Shoulder Blade Cut. lb.
t~~~.Lc~1!c~~~r~can 1b. $2 99
~~~~~ ...... lb. s111
Safeway Baton s1 ss
Sliced. Regular or Thick 1 ·lb. Pkg.
Cold:~ook 49 C .. ., ... ~
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~~~tte 3 s1 ~ Pkgs. ~ ot2
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~ Celeste Pizza Frozen ~-~~: 89° • cerne Yogurt ~~~ Ouart79c
l:arge ~u" Eggs L~~ne 1-dozen 750 Carton
Chocolate Milk ~'=F'!~ (3allon s1•• Carton
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Whole Pork Shoulder Arm
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f a~~!'a~~~~ .................. lb. s1°9
Flshsticks 14-oz. s111
Captain's Choice. Frozen .. Pkg ..
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Due to overwhefmlng play and ICC8P·
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BeglMlng January 18 and scheduled to end
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7 DAYS .-. ... 11 ... ,...,.,, ... 1111
....... c.tl ... (bolfit Clellllla. ................. c..llllt.
(; ' You can even
bring home last
m/ftute guests after
work to enjoy
these Deviled
Cheese Baskets.
Creamy Yogurt Chicken Curry takes just six minutes
in the microwave for a dinner you're bound to try again.
Here's .a special en-
tree made 'With yoeurt
that bas just about
everything going for 1t.
The cooking time is six
minutes in a microwave
oven . . • which makes
it perfect for impromptu
parties. It's nutritious
AND ~ioos yet very
moderato 1n calories.
And it won't strain the
budget either. Make this
yogurt chicken curry re-
cipe once and we're sure
you'll serve it again and
(Mlctcnrave Metbod)
! wbote chicken
¥.a cupwater
2 tablespoons com·
2 tablespoons butter
1 green onion,
1 ~ teaspoons curry
powder ~ teaspoon chm
powder ~ teaspoon cin·
t,i teaq)OOG talt
1 &'ay aeat. crumbled
IA cup f1abd eoconut
Yogurt • m
1 (8·ounce) carton
plain yogurt
Halve, skin and bone
chicken breasts. Cut
chicken into ~-inch
cubes. Combine water,
cornstarch, butter and
onion in l'rit-quart oven·
proof glass baking dish
with lid. Cover and cook
with full power in
microwave oven 2
minutes, stirring once
Add chicken, curry
powder, chili powder,
cinnamon, salt and bay
leaf. Cover and cook 4
minutes longer, stirring
twice. Stir in coconut
and yogurt. Serve with
rice and a condiment
plate of sliced fruit,
flaked coconut. peanuts,
wine-soaked raisins,
steamed julienne green
beans and chutney, as
desirecl. Makes 4 serv·
(Conveatloaal Method)
2 whole thicke n
~ cupwater
2 tablespoons corn·
1 teaspoon curry
1h teaspoon chill
lh teaspoon cin·
~ teaspoon &alt
l bay teal, crumbled
2 tablespoons butter
1 green onion,
114 cup flaked
1 (8.iOunce) carton
plain yogurt
Halve, skin and bone
chicken breast.$. Cut
chickell into ~-inch
cubes. Mix 2 tablespoons
water with cornstarch,
·curry powder, chill
powder, clnnamoa. salt
and bay leaf. Add
chicken and toss to coat.
Saute cbi,clbn 1n butter a
minutes. Add onion,
coconut ad remaining 2
tablespoons water. Cook
3 to 5. minutes longer or'
uutil chicken is tender.
Stir in yogurt. Serve
with rice and a condi·
ment plate of sliced
fruit, flaked coconut,
peanuts, wine-soaked
r a is ins, s t.e a med
julienne areen beans
and chutney, u desired.
Makes 'aerviql.
, w.dne9day, Marett 29, 1178 DAILY PILOT
Dinner1in Ball an Ho ___
It you're now part of a "everyoM't wor~
inc" household, you're learnJ.na to oepe with
some new reallttes. For ofte wni. tt•a usually
well after ~ p,m. before ~ iota home to start dlnner.
Make l,il4' easier by It~ most week4ay
meals short and simple. lf1• You stock your
kitchen with ready t9 10 fOOd.s such as canned
meat aprettda, cheeses, refrigera od douah ind
an assortment of seasonln&a, dloner can be on
the table in half an hour.
Temptinc Deviled Cb~ Basket.a won't tax
your enrro after a long, busy day. Line muffin
Una with strips of refrigerated dough -the
clever tooeh that makea these basketa more
elegant than a sandwich. Fill each "basket"
with spicy deviled bam seasoned with minced
onion and top with shredded Cheddar cheese.
While they bake, prepare a quick toned salad
or au fnterestina frozen veeetable combination..
1 packaee c 4 ounces) refrigerated dough
ror wieiiers (cheese flavor or plain)
l can (4~ ounces) deviled ham
2 tablespoons minced onion
~ cup ahredded Cheddar cheese
Prebeat oven to ~ degrees. Une each cup
of an Wl&Ceaaed mu.ma l.1D with a alngle slrlp of
dough. 1n • small bowl, mix deviled ham and
chopped oruon. Spoon about 'Ai cup ol deviled
ham mixture 1oto e•ch lined muffin cup.
Sprinkle cheese on top of de.viled ham and bake
for about 12 minutes. ~kes 2·3 servlnJS.
II.a cup creamed cheese wlth chives
2 bagels, split and touted
1 can <4"" OWlcea) chunky chicken spread ~teaspoon onion salt
V. cup chopped lettuce
V. cup chopped ripe olives
Spread cream cheese on each bagel half.
Top with chicken spread, and spnnkle with
onion salt, lettuce -..it1 olives. Makes 2 servings.
1 packaee (1 ~ os. > cbill. ~uorun1 mix
1 can (16 ot".) red ki~) beana, drained
lean (1411.aoi.) whole tomatoes
1 can C 41'4 oi.) roast bed spread
In a large saucepan, mix together all lntre-
dients. Sammer uncovered for 15 minutes.
Makes: 2 servings.
YOUNG ...... TE:NDll SWEET ...... JUICY
•GES sus.
' ~ lOW£Sl Pll\(£S
RIBS ~1~~ SJ~.»
ti OZ. ,. •. ... ..
CUT ....
24 oz. bottle
...... ~ ... ..a., .............. ~ ...... ._ .. ,_ ___ , .......... -..................... _. __ _
.. . -
CJ8 DAILY Ptt..OT w~. March a . t~
By June Roth
How Foods
'J Affect Kids
Several million cblldren ln thiJ country
have been diagnosed as hyperactive -suffering
from a cond.tUoo known u byperldnes.is. These
are not just spunky younisters with mis·
cbievous grins, but rather unhappy children
with poor attentJon apaoa and COQltant physical
activity they cannot control. They an lo creat
dancer ot becoming learning disabled U not
diagnosed and treated with methoda to calm
.their disruptive behavior.
· Many docton are reaea.rchlq wqa to help
these children and have bad encourqinc sue·
ceas by using dietary ~t.ral.Dta. Some recom·
mend the removal or all artlficlal colors,
artiflcial additives, and "junk !oodl0 from the
child's meals. Others say it'• also imperative to
. restrict sweets, particularly tboee made from
wblte refined sugar.
Pioneering pbysiciaoa In this field claim
that many of these children suffer from silent
cerebral allergies to certain foods. These al·
lerglea do not cause rashes, bives,.or NthmaUc
attacu, but insidiously affect tbe1r emotional
To find out what foods may be triUerioJ of!
the disturbances, some allergists are now u&lnc
intra-dermal or sub-lingual tests. Others use an
elimination method to try to find the food
culprit that may be causing the dlarupUona.
Many times it turns out to be a common food
that the child has every day. -like milk, eggs,
wheat, com, rice, or sugar. When eliminated
from the ctiet, the chiJd is often relieved or ag-
gressive actions.
It's moot Important to take the child into
your confidence and to teach him how to read
food labe.15. It ta.Ices some tra~ to help him
to avoid the foods that your doctor bu de-
termined to be the ones to trigger him off.
Parents across the country have reported re-
sults that make the effort worthwhile.
· Here are some natural foods recipes that
the whole family can enjoy. If you bave a
special diet problem, write to June Roth c/o this
newspaper. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed
envelope for a personal reply.
11h pounds ground beef
11'1 cups bread crumbs (no art11lc1al ad-
1 teaspoon minced onion
1 teaspoon salt '2 teaspoon dry mustard
1 cup applesauce (no artificial additives)
3 slices white cheddar cheese, cut in
Combine ground beef, bread crumbs, onJon,
sail, and mustard in a large bowl. Add the ap-
plesauce and mix thoroughly with a wooden
spoon. Let stand unUl the applesauce bas
moistened the ingredients thoroughly. Divide
the meat mixture Into 12 equal portlooa and
pack into ungreased muffm cups. Bake in a pre-
heated 350 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes. Top
each muffin burger with a cheese wedge.
Return to oven until cheese is sllghUy melted.
Makes 12 burgers.
1 lf.t pounds halibut fillets
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1_4 teaspoon salt
lh teaspoon dried dlllweed
~ cup dairy sour cream
~ teaspoon paprika
Arrange fillets in a single layer in a brol~
pan. Sprinkle fish with lemon juice, salt, aoa
ctillweed. Spread a thin coating ol sour cream
over the top or each piece of fl.Sb. Sprinkle with
papri\ta. Broll for about 15 minutes, or unW the
fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. (No
need to tum fish over during broiling.) Makes'
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
2J2 teaspoon salt
Vt teaspoon pepper
2 cups m.lllc a cups 4lced white Cheddar or Swiss
oheeae (DO artlflclal color)
1 pound macaroni (no artlfictal additives) In a saucepan, melt butter aod stir in flour,
salt, and pepper. Stir constantly until mixture ls
smooth and thick. Remove from beat; 1Ur in
milk until smooth. Return to beat and coot, ltlr· rtns C<11J1tanUy. tintil 1auce la bubbllq and
thickened. Add cbt:eae and ltir unW melted.
Meanwhile, cook macai'Gat "u directed oa
package. Drain well. Llahtly creae. ca.uerol•
and pour hot sauce Into tt. Stir in cooked
.macarml. Bake for 20 minutes 1D a 350" onn . .:i-.V.ebot. Make18tervin•1. ~. 1t1('.1u11e11101
••• Cake
<From Pale Cl)
... . . . ........... .
, -
.... ---...... t .... ,,t_ ................... _
. ..... ' .. T •
Serve Frozen Dessert
Plan your company PEAMJTIHJTl'E.ll inch graham creoker
meala so that you can ICE CREAM crust. Add sprmkle or
relax with your peat.a PIE FILLING graham cracker crumbs
aa mucb as possible. and chopped roasted
One euy way to do tbla l quart vanilla ice peanuts on top. Place In
la to prepare u many cream freezer to harden.
make·abtad dlabea as 1 cup pe:inut butter MakH ooe 9-anch pit.
you can. Here's where 1 cup ( 1.2 plnt) CRUST
your freezer can be a heavy cream, whipped 1 '-2 cups 1rabam
big help , .. especially Let lee cream aoften cracker crumbs
with temptlng deaaerts. so that it can be stirred "4 cup suear
wlth a spoon. SUr in 11 cup b lt Peanut Butter Jee u er or peanut butter. Fold in marearine, melted Cream Pie 11 an elegant, whipped cream until Combine all lngre-
deUclous frozen deaurt mlxture 11 well blended. dieot.a. Presa into 9·1ncb
a hoalesl can serve with Pour tnto unbaked 9-l late d hill pride. The fl11inc re----....;..;.-;.:...;;.;;;.;.;..;;..;;;_..;,_...J,P~•;..P~~an=:..::c:.:::.:.::.·--
quires juat three inere· HIGH PROTEIN dienta -vanilla lee
cream, peanut butter
and heavy cream,
whipped. No cooldne or
baklD.f __ la required for
the fllllng. The peanut
butter and whipped
cream blend eaaUy Into
lee cream wblcb bu sof-
tened. Pour the mixture
into a homemade or
store-bought 1raham
cracker crust, freeze lhe
pie, and you are all
through until servlna,
time .
PllCIS lfRCTtVI WID., MAit. 29 TMltU
TUES., APR. 4, 1971
O If YO&& are like moat
r busy, women of today.
)'RllO"'°"bt have fouod you rself involved 1n ~lnnlq, preparing, or
serving meals. These oc-
culons always seem to
preseot problems when
it comes to finding an
t!ntree to serve that 1s
'1l nteresUnc and dir·
ferent, yet practical
esr;ctally when the ar-
ra b a breakfast or
King Crab Newbur1
and Tuna Scramble are
lwo recipes to help. The
first features fresh or
froaon king crab meat,
in a. thick rich newburg
sauce made with melted
bu~ter. milk, flour, and
sea1ontngs. The crab
. meat ts then added to
.the piping hot sauce
with sherry. and the
newburg is served over
toast points -an
elt&ant entree with
built-in appeal that will
impr ess any group.
T una Scramble 1s a
hearty mom4Jig treat de
signed with the budeet
ih m ind. Flavor-rich
chunks of tuna are
added to an egg scram
ble mixture already
made tantalizing with
melted butter, paprika.
snlt, whi~ pepper, and
milk. Easily prepared,
t h is morning entree
leaves nothing to luck.
1 pound crab meat
1:. cup butter or
3 tablespoons flour
1 :.! teaspoon salt
1: teaspoon paprika
Dash cayenne pep
11 2 cups cream
3 eggs yolks. beaten
2 tablespoons sherry
Toast points
Remove any ~hell or
cartilage from crab
meat, being careful not
to break the meat into
small pieres Melt but
ter; blend 10 flour and
seasonings. Add cream
gradually and cook until
thick and smooth. stir-
ring constantly. Stir a
hllle of lhe hot sauce m-
to egg yolk : add to re
maming sauce. stlrrm~
constantly Add' crab
meat . heat Removl·
from heat and slo.,., ly
stir in sherrv Serve 1m
medi ately on toas t
points. Serve!> 6
On The
1 ran < 6' 2 or 7 ot )
·~ cup chopped
3 tablespoons butter
or mareartne. melted
7 ew, beaten
Y.t cup nulk
1 tablespoon lemon
1 teaspoon
Worcestershire sauce
1 2 teaspoon sail
Dal>h cayenne pep-
Toast points
Chopped parsley
Drain tuna. Break into
large pieces. Cook onion
in butter until tender.
Combine eggs, milk,
l e mon juice,
Worcestershire sauce,
salt, cayenne pepper
and tuna. Add onion mix-
ture and cook until eggs
are firm, stirring oc·
cas ionally. Serve on toast
points, garnis h with
parsley sprinkled over
the top. Serves 6
Wedneeday. MMoh 29, 1978
PtP..••rl! 'hllt. 't: !'\lt!Ct,...qVttf'IUf'YOnt'md""'"~h,1 rt._ . ' '~ or ~"'<2 Qt" t! .: • '"ct t..: .-'•\ •,o• 1
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= 23(
f1avorful Springfield in 16 oz can
Tomato Sauce •• 15c
Hunt'1 .•• rich and thick! 8 oz can
Rice Mixes • • • • • 49c
Choice or MJB varieties in 6 oz p!(i
Potatoes ~-.. 59c
Au Gratin, Creamed or Scalloped
C'hiffnn-ec;~nrtl'd coin,-.; 20<1 rt
Cereal ~~ ••• 59c
Your choice of four ltlnds-16 0:1
Noodles Ul ... • •• _49c
Fine, Medium, Wide, Dutch· 12 oz
Root Beer sarACX •• s1 19
Mug, for old time taste! 12 oz rans
It ha• "Wttt.•mn·allty". :14 oz btle
Dressing :~ • • &9c
Cl)0011a ltolian or Rusi111n. 12 01 btla
Meat Spreads:· 59c
Deviled Ham or Roast Beef .. 4 11 oz
Preserves STRAWBERRY s 129
Kern's heavy with heme"' '.l2 nt Jar
Total Cereal . . . 65 c
It nffns tot al i:ood nl.'~.,' x nz pki:
White King D .. s l 89
Oeteri:<'nt in RI nz "king c;i1.e" ctn
Palmolive LQID ••• s1°9
fqr di-.hes-and hands! 32 ot (20c off)
F ab ornRcoo ••••••• s219
The kini: c;11e la .. t" and la~t s' (JOc off)
Bowl Cleaner . . . 39c
, L\c;ol liquid-en<•) to 1111e! 16 01
PAnY 89 HOSE ~
Happy Lep, by lronweve-all ehadea
' ~
' -
• caa lie .. that ,.t "-D ._. Is llat Olest· fresh-tnd
._ tM 11..t tf Ille .. Wt ..try! Tiit lettlr Wat,
CltAS of Pork um ••••••••••• s219.
P.""' S..C. •n• Sour, Cbop Suey or Chow Mein!
'ork Loin Roast .... ., ... 5129•
~ srain·fed pork (or a rout they'll welcome
Pork Loin Roast ama• •••••• s1 s9.
The heart or the sraln-fed frt!8h Eastern pork loin
Pork Loin Roast--....... s249.
Freeh and grain.fedf Here's a roast for oven or rotiaeerie!
Pork Lnililaa11i LOINEND •••••
Porik S usage • F-••••••• s 1°9•
OaodnlN 1 b &I remember from the old days! . s 59 Pork Sausage rr.u.mu •••••••• 1 •
We makt ll, to bt t\lrt W• authentic as can be -no nilritf'!I!
Sliced Bacon a uan ••••••••• 5149•
Cured for u'~ aqd you! Sliced a little thicker-"ranch style"
Fre11h Spare libsf~STYLE '/.Ill
fresh' and meaty! ... & .. t•rn pork with that ~r•ln·h!d nllvor th11t mn~e· fnr rtal fin•er·lleltin Ji:oodness!
Pork Loin Chops .USS ••••• ~. 5249 •
More valu• with our eloser trimmed fresh Eastern pork!
Pork Loin Chops macwr •••••• s1 ss.
Thei.e will he fine for the oven-the broiler-or the barbecue
f!r~ .. ~e!~ .. ,~~ .. ~e!.:.:.h·.;.:.-~:..: s 1 s9.
Pork Lain ChopS ~~r.~~ ..... 'lit
1 he' 'II he .. n drlinn11., hrntltd, hecau"e \111t"re ac;~urtd of tendernf'~". fla,11r anrl ~.1t1~lart111n fr11m our fre.,h mid-west pork~
Super Fresh Produce
AFfichokesB: ........ 41!
Califomia'11 finest. .. really fteehl And a elze that affords you more goodne88 to enJOy'
Valencia 5 t.11 Oranges r
Sweet! Juicy! •.. and larse 1ize
EXTRA FANCY :,;us 39~
Crunchy, crilp1 fJ'om Wahlnrton
Criep, tender ... l lb. pliofilm bag
Bratwurst a--. s11•~·
Pork, veal and eeasoning· no nltritee
Ground Beef ~s1n_
Lean· doee not exceed 22% fat
The real thine •• compare the difference
Split 69c.: Broilers
Meaty Gr "A" {ryen w/sfblm --------··
Chuck Steak ••• 99c.
U.S.D.A. Choice beef, to be ewe ~
Beef Roast gm 5111• ~
Chuck cut. •. Choice ahouldw clod
N.Y. Steak ••••• s37~
Loin cut lf.S.D.A. Choice beef
New York s349
Loin cut U.S.D.A. Choice beef ·
Freeh! ... and filleted for valut!
Perch c:aao ••••• s l 59•
Whole, pan ready and tut.y!
Fillet of Sole •• s211•
Mild f111vored English sole . . fresh!
Halibut Steak •• s3s•.
Center cut ... fine for broilin1t
100% leg meat-Alukan Snow crab
Liquor Dep 't.
VODKA $6''
Bottled for El RanC'hn! I 75 liter~ --------· ·: J I B Scotch. s13•5 ;
Save I 50 on the half.gallon ~
R • R s4s9 onr1co um... .
ChOOM white or dark .•. fifth
Scotch aRMCHO'S ••• $6 38
Bottled m Srotland to bl' r-ure! fifth
B & G Bordeaux s349
Pon let Latour Whttl' or Rerl · ftlt h
Crackling Wines s341
Paul \1ac:,,nn Rose, Chablis ... fifth
Sparkling s239
And~ Extra Dry, Cold Duck .•. fifth
Frozen Food
Pri.ct1 in elfttt Thur Mnrrh .'t() throu.&h W•d. April .S
O(Hn daH,y 9 to 9 Sunday I() '" i No ~aln-to dealerN
Orange Jui<e &OZCAN ••• 39~ Franks FARMER JOHN •••••••••••••• 98~
Treei;wt>et· from Florida's fomous lndi11n River countrv. For real Oavor Juicy meat franks they'll welcome ... or lry the "he-er· frnnkc; for rewarrlin~ 011rnr'
Lasagne wmt ET • • sgc
Buitoni makes it Italian 1, 14 oz
Pea Pods Clll$[ ••• _59c Sliced Ham ••••• 79c
Another Fanner John treat! ... 5 oz. C & W Reit or w/woter chestnul.8· 6 oz
Cheese Spread &9e
Great wtt from Laughinc Cow! 6 os.
Waffles • ••••• 59e
Jf \ u1 tn the toitttrl J1 01
Pizza =tn • • • • • • • 39c .
ChHN. Ptpperonl, OeLuxt, 81u11r•
Sliced Swiss .•• gge
• From Kraft, the cheettc people' 6 o7,
Mozzarella Hw.w. 5179
Prt'rioul' ... (U tz ... l.49) (I • .•. lk) • :::L 99c
Or Babybel, Bonblno, Cbtdclarl I oa.
a.. fR££ .................... $2.19
C•ll'lft fabric IOltonet-64 lbaeta (a5tl8)
-...... -.. ... ,,. -.. . . .... ..._
~... . ...
If your family loves
bocolate pudding as
• ucb as lhe "Three ;Bears" family loved
~orrtdge, h ere are
everal recipes to lend
ariety to this much-
• oved dessert classic.
IA cup Cocoa
~cup sugar
3 tablespoons corn-
¥.. teaspoon salt
21/4 cups milk
2 tablespoonS butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combine cocoa, suiar,
~ornstarcb and sail in
m e dium sau cepan .
gradually blend milk in-
to dry ingredients. Cook
over medium heal. stir-
ring constantly, unlit
• mixture boils; boil and
stir one minute. Remove
• from heal; blend in but-
ter and vanilla. Pour in-
to individual serving
• • dishes. Chill. Garnish
with whipped topping and
strawberries or as de-
sired. .. ~ c Microwave <tirec-t. lions: Combine lngre-
;r. dienls as directed in ~1 glass bowl; microwave
!I _, on high for S to 6
minutes. Sti r ;
., microwave 1 additional
~ minute or until cooked
~ , and thickened. Blend in
butter and vanilla; pour
. . . . . ,
s •
Into lndlvtdual sent.of
dllbe&, Qd.U. Garn.Lsh u
deal.reel. QUlaDE COCOA
l/4 cup cold milk
1 envelop e un·
flavored gelatin
~ cup very hot milk.
% cup sugar
,,,. cup cocoa
1 teaspoon vanilla
1~ c up whipping
'U cup crushed lee•
Sweetened whipped
creasi (optional)
Sllced bananas (op.
Pour cold milk into
blender container ;
s prinkle gelatin onto
milk and allow to sorten
a few minutes. Add hot
milk; illend o n low
speed until gelatin is d1s-
s o Iv ed. Add s ugar ,
cocoa and vanilla; blend
well. Add whipping
cream and crusb ... 'd ice
or ice cubes; continue
processing until ice is liq·
uified. Allow to stand 1
minute to begin setting;
pour into individual·
ser ving dishes. Top with
sweet ened whipped
c r ea m a nd s liced
bananas, if desired. •or.
if blender manufacturer
indicates that you r
blender will crush ice,
use 7 to 8 ice cubes.
. -
l'llddld.s '1i cupcocoa
1 ~ Cupl IU,ar
~cup cornstarch
14 tea.spoon salt
3 cups milk
3 tablespoons butter
I/• cuprum
Rum Wblpfed
~ cup whipping
creatn or l cup non.
dair)l whipped topping•
2 tablespoons COD·
feclloners'a sugar
1 to ! tea.spoons rum
Chocolate shavings
Combine cocoa. aupr.
cornstarch and salt in
medium saucepan.
Gradually blend milk in-
to dry ingredients, stir-
ring unW smoot.b. Cook
over medium heat, stir-
n n g constantly, until
mixture boils; boil and
stir 1 minute. Remove
from heat; blend In but-
ler and rum. Pour into
individual serving
dishes. ChilJ until firm.
To make Rum Whipped
Cream, whip cream
with confec tioners ' sugar. Add rum ; beat
unlil stiff peaks form.
•when using non-dairy
whipped topping, omit
confectioners' su1ar and
blend in rum
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, so why
not live it up with a simple lamb dinner.
· Lamb Dish: Easy
Spring supper can be
so simple when you just
pan-broil a tasty piece or
meat, and serve it with
a good bottle of wine and
~ p er haps sa l ad and
Spring lamb -in the
form of tender, flavorful
sirloin steaks -is the
meat choice for this sup·
' per. The wine choice ls
rich red dry table wine.
You use a little of the
wine in the seasorune of
the meal before you
pour the rest to drink
1 teaspoon salt
1 l teaspoon dried
1/4 teaspoon earlic
Deviled eggs
Using 1 slice of lamb
and 2 asparagus spears,
wrap lamb around
asparagus and secure
with picks. Repeal,
makin1 a total of 8
bundles. Place lamb
bundles in shallow dish.
111 l·quart bowl, com·
blne salad dressing,
lemon Julee, omon. salt,
thyme and earllc; pour
over lamb. Refrigerate
lamb bundles for
several hours, or until
tborougbly cbllled.
Remo•e lamb from
m arlnade and arranse
on platter. GamiJb wit.b
deviled p I.lid serve.
brown steaks well on
one side in about 'h
tablespoon each olive oil
and butter. Turn, brown
on second side; then, if
necessary, reduce heat
and cook to doneness
you desire (make a
small cut in meat to test
doneness). Remove
steaks to a warm plat·
ter; season generously
with salt and pepper;
keep warm. Add l
tablespoon butter to fry·
ing pan; add pineapple
and bananas, and tum
just to coal wiUi butt.er
and beat through; ar-
range alongside meat on
platter. Add 2 tables-
po0ns of the onions and
remaining ingredients to
frying pan and cook
over hi~ beat, stirring,
unUI reduced at leiut by
half -to a thin glaze
-=~nalltency. Pour over
steaks. Sprinkle wttb ~ • l~on~·:...: ·}llall\lna onions. Mikes 2 .tUIU llB
Mrvi.Dp. •
. . . .... !~ • • " • • . . • -. ' ... . ...... -. . " . .. . ... . . . t 't e •• I
Offer gges great
ground~ flav~.
12-pieCe coffee & dessert service for orily ~
_. -. ,.
This complete d~rt service for four, in
sparklin8 gl~e from Fideru:a Yetraria
of Italy, 1s a regular 515 value. But you
can enjoy it for just 59.95 when you send
in the 1Mer seals from 8 ounces of
Taster's Choice• 100% Freeze-Dried
Coffee, Regufar or Decaffeinated. CSee
order fonn below.) It s a great way LO
serve up our delicious ground roast flavor ~~~ and to make tempting d~rts look' even
more tempting. ..
. .. -.. ... ....
# ••
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'74 FORD
f. I 00 PICllUP
6 cyf .. 3 speed, radio. heatsr. camper mirron.
clean truck. Uc. t43874V.
4 cyl •• 4 epeed. sunroof. Surfeu
Tranapoftlllon Special. Runt Great! Uc.
1421BOH St1<. 13289AT.
V-8. auto. trane •• tactory arr conditioning,
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•75 RAT
X·lt lOADSna
4 cyl .. 4 speed, AM/FM stereo rad1Cl)V1th
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Low miles Lie. 1t494T JH Stk. #P321T
USIDCAIS EftfY UMdCtrWrW Mat HcW. , .... ,..... ...... ,. .... ~
RecomdlHomag DlpGI lawe~t
Uni .. Power Syatt.s
Hona. Utltfs, lgilitf•
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Lllbe. OH Cll•g1.
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• '75 TOYOTA
4 cyl .• 4 speecl trans .. air conditioning, rneg
wheels. custom striping. radio. heater. Lie.
#5'4512Y Stk. #1682AT.
4 cyf . 5 speed transmission. sport package.
AM/FM radio. heater, rallye wheels. Ltc.
#477POU Stk. J966A
'71 FORD
4 cyl., automatic transmission, radio.
heater. whitewall tires. wheel covers. body
side molding. Uc. to88COS Stk. •SMA.
IAllrf 2 Dl.
4 cyt., automattc transml8Sion. tinted glass.
radial tires. heater. Low Miles! Ltc.
1038NIA Stk. #971A.
'73 AUDI
IOOUZDl. 4 cyt., Wtomatic trans.. factory air cond .•
f1ctorv sunroof, AMJFM stereo radio,
whltewall tires. wheel covers. lie:
to04HND Stk. f1705A.
@j;J ,...,... .. , ....... ..._ .......... ...,_
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•Md DSPT. HOU1tS •
~ ........... Ill. a.e: ............ .. .-:, ............. .
• toNtCC a PAATI • ~:7A.M..•tftM. ~ ............. .,.
.IA. t9 .......
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DZ OAJI. v P11.0T
l\IPllttOll COU•T OP tMI HAftOP<M.JNtl•~N• TMI COWfn'"NAQa ...... _
"OTIC• 0" ••A•lff• ... PITITIO!lt IY •OMIMllT•ATO• "UllSUANT TO llCTION ., .. 0111 TMI! P•OMTa C100e
Ill Ille _.., .. ,.el IM (tlele t4
CHA•Lone G HAYU. o.c...-
NOTICE IS HE"E8'1" OIVRH lt\tl JAME~ E HllM, "'ubll( A41
Mlnhl•el .. of Or-c-1,, ..... mlnhl•elor ol llV nt.tlt Of ,,,. .....,..
ll•Med ~ .... I, ~ filed l)trwill •
THE PROtlATE COOE -etwl the
ti--,.._. el -11'9 t,_ SMN IWS .._,, WI flw M.l>y •. lt1'.M t ·to
AM .• 111 "'9 ~ ol 0.-t-
Ne l of ~ <ourl •I ""' ~
111 lhe City 111 s.nte """· c;..,1i.tftl•.
Tiie .,.,_. -1'1' tmld1 I• '"-
WbJt<I te Wfll<J'I teiO .... UU.. .,..Ull\1 h dnu•-as 1911ows,
0... TrO'IOUM•t<Mdwefer.
One Grw11 ledy's ••left, wlllle ,. met•lwllll,....,_,
OM Na"" '19llow ,,,..tel btec•i.t One Ilea..., ..,..,_ Mel6l br.cei.t
w1111 M•r<I•• wetcl\.
011e 'l'•llow mellll rl"O with -<•n
•••I ••d \lone IMrrOunded 1>y e•Qfll c.le•r stone-i.
One 't'tllow lft!lal ~•• r1119 with it cte.tr StOftff..
O•led ~rcrt 14 tt1t
County C~n.
County '°"""'' and JULEE A SAMS, Oel>Vty
6y J.-II Semi
"'-"'"°'""~"-P.O. lea IJl't
S.11ta AM, CA 917W2
Tel . (I U l a..1'llS
Publls-Or-. C.0.\1 O.lly Pilot,
MafCll tt, Ai>tll S, 11, 19fl
Tl\e to1tow1no o•rSOn\ •rf do•no
bu.,,1nt\\ d\
1 .. 001 J.ltC1• P•rkwav ~ 10). M1\'\f0n
\/wJo. Calllo.-ni. YJ•I)
C.lrcl• V••w Af'•llo; Inc. •
C~t1torn1A <MPM•tlOf"I ).tO()t A l1<14
Pdrkw•r. # tOS. MIS\tOn VlttJO, Cat11ornl• mis
Th•s bu!>IMU" conducted 1>1 • cor oor•ll01'.
Clrtl~ V-Aulty, Inc.
Bn1'1 C. A-lund,
""' si.1-1 w.s lllect wUh lhe Counly Cler-ol 0r•"9l' C-ty on
F~l>ru•rv •. 1911,
. . .. . ... .
• ~.~a.1•11
"'".._ couet ~ ••• nn• w~lllOllNta N• T••C*IWTYW...,.._ Mt.. ...... ...... 9f •tLUI J, "llD • .U JACl( .. llQ.~
HOTIU 1$ ,.IUaV OIVSH lit t11e (,..It.,.""" ...... _....__,,.
!Ml •II "'-....,,,,. <1<11"" ........ uw-...~-,........... .. 111. tNM, wllll IW ~Y~I. In
.... eflk• .... c..,. .. Ille .........
llllM ~ w .. ..-& ~. "'"' 1114 _......., ·-Mn. .. 1116 ..... ~ail IN'-tHlce f/I fMOMAJ t. LO" D, Ustl P•-411 v ... ,,.
~le,Sult• >1a, "-"'6 Hill\, CA mu.
wlll<ll 11 '"' tie<• of -...ineu el llW
-··--...... --· H<1.•"'1"9 lo tlle Hlate af ..;., OK9deft\, wll~l11 looH ..-11 .. a.II• llle 11•11 putlffcar..,,
Of 1111• notl<a.
O•ted M..-c~ 71, ttrt.
E..cwla Of int Wiii
OllM-Nt'Nd~ l ltOMA S L. LOttO mtt ... _ .. ..,_,,., .. _,.,
U.-HI"' CA tau
Tel Oltl ltl•I* . ..._,.._, __ _
Pvl>ll•lled Or-<:ust O.lly "11•1,
""""" 1', Alwll ), ,, "· 1•11 Ut>·71
CAH lllO.A .. 11 o•Ma TO SHOW CAUH
In I~• NWll\ff of the Apt>llc•llon OI
A•d• Ell&Mle4tl OllUwn tor a..,. 04 N•rM
wHE A eA$ .... Ell~ OlllMI,
pet111C>Mt, 1196 filed • ,.u11e11 w1111 ...
Clef't. ot tNI ~!Of ........ CM119-ln9 ,.1111-r•s ... _ 1..-AM•
Elltebetlt CH"""' to RoM &11 ..... tll
IT IS OAOl!lttD t11M eH ~I~
''"''" '" .... ~lllM -ttff -•• batore thl• Oour1 al 11 00 A M ,
on M•Y '· ~. '" ,,.. COUf1foom ., 0.part-i.e. 3, M 100 CM< CtlltH
!>five Wtit. Or .... c.lllwnl•, -
sttow <•v••· II Mly, wlly ti. 091111on tor cr..r.ee ol ,,._ thould not be ouftlrd
IT IS l<UATHEA OllOUll!O t ... I •
coov of "'" -. 10 t1-,_ .,.
oul>lh~•d 1n Oranee C-ty O•ll'f Pllol, • ,..._ ol .._., clrcul•
llon Prlnl•d 1n Or•nt• Cou11ty. C•lltorf\la. ono • ....... for lour &«•
us-•ve ·-• poo• ro llle <Mte set IOr ~·~r1n9 on IN p.111-
DA TE 0 Me,,;11U.1'1'
JVOQe ol lt\t S-oor Covr\
MAUltlCE A. llNS<*
. , .... -•• ..p .... .........
••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
,... ...... Motl~:
AU ....i mlate tdvert&.Sed
ID tMa newspaper la 1ub·
ject to the Federal Falr
Houalog Act ol UH
Milch makes It Illegal lo
advertise "any pre·
rereoce, llmltat1on, or
dbicria:Unallon bued oo
race, color, religion, sex,
or na&oal origin, or an
tat.atioo to make any
aucb prel~e. Umlta·
lion, or dil<?rim1naUon "
1lus newspaper Will not
knowingly acc~pt an)'
advert1sio1 for real
1 Yr old £Ht Coeta
ha, 4eiuu u.olta. ea
W/2 bdrma., 2 ba., dining
..... la\IDd.ry & frplc 1;if1t,000
UALTOll &52-004
SUDDJ' aad brl&bt 3
bedroom bome wHh
fcnnal dioiq room and
private patio. Just
enough yard lo plant
your paru1es ~hmd the
picket fence! This home
o(fen lbe opportunity to
palot, carpet and
wallpaper • thc-n you'll
have a dollhouae. sim.soo
B.llboa •~land
est.ale which ls an vlola·1~~~~~~~~~I Ucnaflbelaw. 1-
Hard to find one atory
coodo w /2 bdrm + den. 2
ba w/comm pool, j 1cuui
& s1una. Walk to th
beach. Our exclualve.
Flr..t lime on matket.
....................... , __________ ,
~ 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••
ASSUME $50,000
OutstancUng income pro.
pert)' in an established
wtnt.crtaummer location.
Across the street to
beach. sea and 11 urr1
R edecora t ed and
beautlrully furnished
lower z bedroom unit va
rant and waiti.o1. Upper
Spectacular water view from most
rooms. 'np of the island with 113'
frontage on leh big bay. Approx. 6,900
sq rt offers the ultimate in luxury
living. Jmpresslve entrance with
drama.Uc pool & Jacuzzi. Abundant
We, marble & band carved woods. 4
Bdrm suites + maids q~1 formal
dining rm, famUy rm, buuard rm.
den. elevator, sauna + slip for lg
yacht. $1,375,000 including the land
Call for appointment
2111 S. J11, In Hiib ltoed
NIWPOIT CIN'fll. M.L '44-4t I 0
G_,.. 1002,GetMt"ol 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
4 BR, fam. rm .. 3 baths. Beautifully
decorated family home with patio
views from each room. $l35,000
Newly remodeled 4 bdrm., den, 4
baths, living rm. w /cathedral ceihng.
Lge. master bdrm. suite .
Several fine bayfront homes
with pi er & slips
341 Roy'>•d{'Orn1t· NB 675 ·6161
s..11• '"' L.atot laadl. CA "92
Te1:ui.-. ....._., ..,,...,.._
3 Bedrooma. L ocated
next to central park and
beautiful lake, great ro r
flShl.ng and sailing, sur·
roundaed by $100,000
homes. Make tJUa home a
p-eat buyt Won't la.at Y . ... Call98U767
rN Ill~• II SIVN 101( NK I• •
2 bdrm unJt occupied by G1•1" I 002 ChMrol I 002
immaculate ten•nt•. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
$173,950. MEAi 1141 OCIAM CA.Pl COD
WATERFRONT Affordable view home $5S,OOO
Put>lltfttd Or-C-1 Delly l"llol, ~rtll 1', Aclrll 1, 11. "· tt7' HOMES can be yours. Dramatic sz,550 ~ P\IDllsi..cl 0r.....,. cont o..ry P11ot _________ ... n---..cn11 !WlllliN REAL ESTATE living with step down llv TOT•• DOW .... in& room. Formal dinmg ~ "' 631-1400 aru. Stairway to buge Winding roadway to M4r I, IS, 22,2', 1'11 •17·79
4401 ,,._ .. "-"·~ llff<~. CA SUMMONS
ea .... --P1•1"1.11 l:.LSIE PERTIEAAA
Otftn<l•ol Wll..UAM l S•HELOS
HOTI CE I You ~w _,, -n..
<c>urt m•y dKlde ... 1 ... 1 .,... wl"'-<it
, ... , ....... -....... ,.... r"tt-4! wllhlft )0 .. .,,. llN41 Ille I....,_..,. ... ,_
AlllSOI lhW ... °* -d-
EI Trl-.4 ,.. .. --c••• tH..
"" ·~· .... i.. ---""._. de_,,..*•~ L .. la Ill,__. <_.,..,_.
•-o•••nl lies -llltd l>y tlle p1e1,.. ou ee••~1 rou.
•· II '°""""'to do!f""' ltll' 1.-sutt, yov mu\l, •llhl11 lO den .,...,. tlll\
•ummons Is se.-on you. Ille •lltl
lllls court • •tlllefl plHdlfOO In fUPOnsa lo ,,.. ce..._iatftt. c II •
Jusll<.• c-t. ""'mun lffe wilt\ t"9 court • written p!Md\"9 ~ ,..,.. .,,
oral pleadlf19 to .,. ·~ i.. t"9 <IO<~tt). U~roudoto, 'rOU"•-1
Wiii ti. .,,_ -..-IUtJoll .. U..
plalntlll. -""' <_, "'*" enC« • j\1d9Mefll eoe!Mt.,.,., tor"" r.llef ..
mended lt1 h completf'li. """di ~
rrsull In ..,_,..,I of W99ff, 1Mdf19
ol mOMy or,,._,., or at-Allef •• qveUed In h COfl'll)lalnt
b II 'fff whfl ....... 9e .nice ..
'" .11...,,.., Ill ~ INltltr, Yell .,.,,..
de .. 11.......-iy ..... .,_ _,"'"' """-·II ""J,,.,...., • BtM Mu-. O•led Jun-7, 1'71.
M .._.,,,Cleft<
Ke"" Wood, Df9Uty
MICHAEL GALASSI ,,. ........ ._. .... , ..
...._.M,CA"9f ""-, ... ~ Publl"'9Ct Or-. Co.Ht D.111¥ Pllet,
Ma"ll tt, AclrM S, 12. It, l"t
surE"IOlll COUltT o .. THI
"'"AHltt 011 OE It TO SffOW CAUllE
IC.C.P SK. 11111
tn '"° Meller of ~ Aoollullon• of PETER 041110 WILDER and
0.."9*ot Heme.
LUCILLE WILOEA, ... ,.. lli.d a pell·
lloft w1111 ll>t ~ti tllls Cou<'t '°' .,.. Ofdff C "4W>Oi"I "'9 Nme el Pel.,
OA•ld Wiider lo PETER OAVIO
KELLEWAY, for .., Of1H'r Cl\9"91"9
tt\t neme ol ~ L..udll~ WI-to
SHARON LUOU.E ICEU.EWAY,-lor an .,._. Cl\enoll'Q ,,.. ,,_ of
11\elf ,..,_ Cllild, Kefly $1>.won WI-
IT IS OAO£AEO that all ~' ~ \H~i.ct In llW -.,.llUed matter ~·(""" 1111• Otur1. 11:00 .. ,,,.
Oii ,,,..., '· ~ Ill u. ~ Of ~ .... , .... c-tHouM
of ... Or ... °""""'~°""" .. 100 Civl< O!tlter Oflve w..t, Seft1•
AM, c.111.,_. '7701, atMI Ww c-.
II 61'1y, wlly t,_ S-llllofl 1 ... <'-ti el ,..m.., ~,_.l>e9'8Mitcl
Cllll"t of INS Order le sr-C-tie
!Mlfl-.1 In TN o.-. CO.SI Dally
Piiot, a -of 9'Mfel Cfttvte-11011 prlftted In O••llt• C•ullly,
C.U..,..nla, ~ • WM4t for ,_ tuc•
<~\IW -ptlOr IO!Nelel9N( IW
llH rl119 on !he i-1111on.
Daled ~1121, .,,.._
Bn.c.W S...-Jwc19tolllw
Superior c.ourt
SYENSOH -OAllVUI ..............
V• ..,,.., CA. fWff
'"'.,, ..... ms.~ ~ •1 """*-•
"'*41tfllld 0....,.. l:.offt o.lly "'""'· INn" 1', Afrll S. n. "· 1m
Steps to beach, 2 BR 1 BA
each untt. Otder, but well
cand ror. $185,000.
Try our Weetdiff Beau-
ty. 4 BR+ denorS BR. 4
BA. 2 fplc'a, cozy family
bome.1'36 D§teUe Ln.
~~~~~~~~~~ master bedroom with &Oaring 2 story retreat! walk-In closet. Tb1s uoi· Private grounds protect A HAPPY HOME que 4 bedroom home is secluded entry to I av1sb
Would • spotless house priced to sell. Call living room! Gourmet
make you happy? Well 546-2313. kitchen overlooks sun·
this ll bedrooa'l charme <'ll'lri ~, 1 ·"' "'""" ttr ., • shU>e courtyard! Wind-;,;~~~~;~~ [ ~.lfildl ~l:.&f :~i~~ [ ~iPIUlt R-~-~~.'~"''."'
OT ;Jtl~
Balboa Island Realty
==·=~ 3 ~~~c~t. lt···~·;:;;~l~f~~!!!!!l~·'~l~l·~J~I~ 1ME RUMOltS... OWner will exchange for .= · ~
there's nothing Jen at Arizon(l property .
this price of $40,500, Sl'7UOO EXCEPI' tJUa ooe. Thla 3 6'13-386.l 833-0523 Evet
BR bome N<n' A wan 'Uast! HUIT)'. call us
tDday. associated
New ~ .. pegged oak
floor in kitchen . .New
d 1 8 h
A s s
Hl1bly upiraded, 3
bdrm. f aml.17 & dining
rooms. new brown plush
carpets, 1parkling pool
and lots ol extras. Of·
fend at oo1y $128,SOO.
Call M0-1151
Sharp, apacloua fmly condo wtth cbeerf ul l rplc
& xtra larle room sizes
Ul.naout. Xlot locaUoa.
Beautiful grounds create
park like Mt.ting. Just
put on market· better
t.alte a look I 846-'m 1.
DllOt<fll<, "~l\llCJPS
202'1 ,., C.r11tir•<l •rt J,.,.. \
wJllher & trash compac·
tor. Large family room
plus big den. 3
Bedrooms. Sparkling
pool wit.la '12IO aq. ft. d~k· ~ _ ins. Cool cabana for
......-1 summer fun. Don't wait
Owner baa painted lft & ror IWftlDer, set ln t~
out, lnatalled NEW mm roe only $91,500.
carpetlna thna-out A.ND Call *-Zill
reduced to 969.950! I Va· O"!N •• • • ., 1 '""'toll NtCI'
cant 4 Bdrm .. SOL 111· , }! I =~ntu~'v~: \ ;lt~ftH;l
submit your offer! 1.~· ;"~~:,,.;.,~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~~~ SD-SIOO open eves. .!
You Won't lleUeve. T'hhl!
MC>Vfl DOW lo thla luxury YAMODOWH
Circular drive. Large
family 1i.r.ed living room
Country kitchen. Dine.
Wall ol glass view of. COV·
ered pavilion & lush
ground• surrounding H61' Freerorm pool.
Separate wing for hide· •••1 Master Suite & children'• quarters.
Huny for this unique
b&rlalo I NS-7881
---------1 twnbse for SJOOO down +
Garage fully insulated.
Built in work beocb.
Large lot with RV BC• cesa. Newly painted,
pending and wallpaper.
Four Bedroom Home in
Men North. Truly a
Great Buy for $76,000.
1 Blk to beach, Jess than 4
yrs. old. like new, bltas,
nice crpl'g & drps,
t.rptca. 4 car /gar.
closing cost11 . Near
freeway &r OCC. Fully
decor. 2 bd 2 ba, end unit
w/aU&cbed 2 car gar.
$711000. 646·S945.
oPfN m e • II ' flJN IO Ill AllCI •
Ol'rN 111 o •" s 'Vt• ro 11r .,l!'r '
Doo 't drop the bell r Get a
job wt1.b a low-coat Daily
Pilot Claulfled Ad. ---------· Phone 642-5671. llllR"ftl • CLEAN
Bring )'OW' mop and pall!
3 Bedroom. 2 bath only 6
years old I Great Afta !
Vacanti A Steal! $73.000.
RED CARPET 754-1202
$1.62 per DAY
That's AU. you pay
..... •. .;....._ ., ....... ". ,:zsi~ 4fld t.,.:
IN,, ftM09f1 Btngladtsh ~
IatN BotsweN Ho Cht M1nll Cfb' ~
Btlfie Sri Lank• Ltntngrad •
Gdansk nitfllftd ?ubta
TClllOtrollrt f~tt.y MtuPtl1ed
Tltal /n#fi9uin9 Word Gome with a CliucHe
------..... ..,, CU.'f L f'Ot&MI
O~ ""*' of ....
lour ...-bled ~ i... .......... ..,..,~ ...
I I' r I I •
I NORED t • ' I I r I i
, .... -f,......l-"..,1,..T-1~1 ; .:.. O:'*O:.~ H::!!
... ---•·-""· ----.. rlett. T•I• abOUt ~O.nc41.
l 0 A M N £ T I E.achgravehMlttown -.
I' I I I r~n.~~~F1
_,. .. ,.. ... -.... .,.. ... -.... -., -.... ,, • -...... <#' .... ---.. -.......
macneb I lrvtna
FIOM Mt.too ro $1,IOO.~
Very special SBR home in Newport
Helahta. Olarmlng brick patio &
viewing deek for your enjoyment of
the ocean. Avail. for a perfect
summer near the sea. $159,950.
Jeanne Newman 6'2·8235. (SlOl)
...... THI IUDS!
They'll love the pool! Conveniently
located 4BR, 2~ bath home
w/ranch style kitchen, family room
complete w /f pl.· BBQ & walk ·ln
pantry + formal living rm. w/2nd
tpl. $169,500. John Granath 642-8235.
A rare opportunity to purchase a
4BR custom home In beautiful
community & lovely family area.
Casual beach living in a home
designed for entertaining. Spacious
1J ving room & formal dininl
surrounded by patios & lush
planting + a fabulous bay view.
$495,000 leasehold. Beverly Morphy
642·8235 (Sl04)
Immaculate 3BR, 2 bath home
w / 18' x 20' bonus room. Lovely
kitchen w/oak cabinets & ceramic
tlle. Brick, wood·burning fpl.
Free.form pool w/heater. filter &
pool slide. Near So. Coast PlatL ·
$89,500. Lois Egan 644-6200. (SlOS)
Light & airy front 2BR unit w /beam
ceilings & tile kticben w/bullt-ins.
Rear garage apt. also has 2 BRa.
Patio • 2 garages. Walle to beac~
s hops & school. Great investment.
Flexible terms. $1~.ooo. Barbara Wright 644-6200 (5106)
Catalina & Blue Pacific! Rare
opportunity in Spyglass Hill!
Smashing ctBR, family room home.
$255,000. Laszlo Sharkany 752-141(.
Plan 3 Broadmoor w /beautiful view
of Spyglass Hill! Carved wood door
opening to teak entry. Flower
gardens surround this 4BR home.
Lg. corner lot & pool. Priced right
at $369,500. Lynne Valentine
M4·6200 ($108)
Custom·built bayfront home
w/superb view of Big Bay. 6BRs,
6lh baths, f amlly room, formal
dinin~ & gourmet kltchen. Quality
appointments -imported tiles,
stained glass windows + French
doors. Pier & slip. $695,000. Appl.
only Cathryn Tennille 644·6200.
$179,000! "Super Buy"!! Attractive
4BR, 21h bath w/Jg. ram.Uy room,
stone fp!. & new ldtcheo w/eat.f.o
area. Pool! Good location! Mary
Lou Marioo 6'2-8235. (5110)
BeauUCully done In neutral tones &
decorator wallpapers! Spacious
3BR + family room home located
on extra lg. comer lot. A paradise
for entertaining! $285,000. Jane
Paquin 64.2-8235. (Slll)
Plan 6 Jasmine Creek home. Private gated entry to spacious,
immaculate home w /3BRs, f amllr.
room, master suite & library w /f p . + many upgrades in cpts. & drps.
$259,950. Marion Frizzell 752-14.H.
Wildlire &c water view from every
wf.odow. Bluffs "E" Plan w/approx.
2895 aq. ft. of prof. d~cor •
landscaping + 3 BRs, 31h baths,
family room w/wet bar, 2 (pies. &
lg. enclosed patio w/automatic soft
lighting. $28.S,OOO fee. Jean Dales
642·823.S. (511.3)
Beautiful 4BR family room home-
ready for 11move·in!" Lg. pool!
Priced for immediate sale at
$169,900. Roy Romey 842-8235.
Approx. 2.000 sq.ft. home w/3BRa1 dining nn. f amlly t1Jl + heatea
pool. Tustln schools.
For ••• S88,0001 Natalie Beojamla
752·1UC. (SUS)
Moreno Valley. Land ln beauUl\al
valley. 208+ Ac. fiat land w/waler
o_n _ property. Near Lako Perrl1.
$3500 /Ac. Cathryn Tennille 642-8235 .
. '~~-...... ..-....;., f 4'>+~ v-+-~..._ ... I .............. -·-.... ., .... -.-
Yt~y. March 29. 1978 PILOT ADVERTISER 113 Ho.Ht,..,. Sal. ~°""·Fors. w.dnelday. March 29. 1978 DAIL y PILOT 03 ···•••·•···········••• ..................... . ~-~~ ...... ~~.r:c:~.~ ....... ~.~~ ...... ~. ~!!!.~~ ........ ~:~~~ .......... !~!~ ~~ ..... -~ .. !!!! .~:.~~ ...... ~~:.~~ ....... ~!!!.~~--·
G1•r• 1002 G......... 100 GtMf"GI tooa .... r.. 1002 GtMnl 1002 Corwdel M.-IOJl Ccww .. M .. IOU ...•....••..••.••••.•.. ....•.•••.••........... ....................... ....................... ····•····•··········•·· ···••···•······••····•· ·········•·•••·········
This is the finest custom bum home
we have seen in Corona del
Mar •.. there is nothing else like it!
An xlnt family home as well as great
ror entertaining. Large twin kitchen,
accommodates the big, raised formal
dining rm. & very large, sunken
family rm. Modern elevator services J
car garage & two upper living levels.
fiuf ~
Glut W ~t.eiut B~.
1002 GeMrol 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
SUIMIT OFFERS -VA loan currently
on this home can be assumed by
virtually anyone. One of Costa Mesa's
finest areas. Light and airy family
room, 3 bdrm. block wall fence, and
only 4 yrs old Only $95,500. Call
MESA VBOE-$75,000. -1Lovely 3
bdrm home. Walk to school , shops.
churches. Now vacant and ready for a
family. Priced at only $75,000. Call
· Serving Costa Mesa-Irvine
Huntington Beach·Newport Beach
~~~~~~! .......... !?~~!~~~~~! .......... !?.~~ I
ExcMIY~ Condo
For the d1scnmmatmg
<'ouple. Lariw mn,lt·r
-;u1h'. formal t~1n1ni:.
i:ut q bdrm & h.Hh
\.ourmet k1trhcn. tn\ 1t
1ng largt• living room
"'1th (lrl'at f1rf'plc11·t!
~moping Secluded and
Custom buJlt -3b<1rm. 2
hath. family room .
fiN'plare F'ully 1n~ul;tl
Pd, double i::ara)!•
East:-.1de Costa Mt·~.,
Roy Mc Cordi•
1810 Newport llvd.
Costa MHa 548-7729
quiet. 1n~1de .,ccur1tvl---------1
Ril let; Pool & rel'. hall
For appt. <·all
fhrC't' bedroom Nl'v. port
Rtnl!ra two stor}. HUR<'
dLnin~ room or fo m lly
room Giitant1c patio
llR + DEH
Gorgeous ~ 1 at· rt• hor..t•
properly' II Ul?C It v tnl?
room & den "'1th
(Ir c p I •• ( l' I n I' a ch •
F.normous f<tm1I~ room
Wet bar Rambltn.:
ranch kitchen Spac1ou:-.
bedroom S1>itrklang blu1•
pool. Ram Tack Room &
('Qrrals This one ha., 1t
all for only Sl70 ,0()()'
Don 't rlclay -Call no""
An immaculate, tastefully decorated.
3 bedroom condominium in the
popular Blurrs development, "a real
nice borna on Vista Roma". Th.is is a
popular V plan, with Jevelor shades,
tile entry. track lighting, newer
carpeting and neutral tones
throughout. The location is close to
schools, shops, tennis and pool. All
this for just $125,000.
U~l()UI: li()Ml:S
RFAL TORS~. 675-6000
2443 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar
ol~o 1n Mes.i Verde, at 546 ·5990
G~al 1002.GeMrot 1002 ....................... ·········•·······•··•••
Three bedroom condo ... lrvine
Two bedroom condo . .Irvine
Four bcrlroon SOL01c ... Santa Ana
Three bedroom condo .. Fullerton
Three bedrocsoLP>me ... Anaheim
Three bedroom home ... Anaheim
Three bedroom home ..
1',ountam Valley
Three bedroom home ... Brea
F'our bedroom home ... Anahetm
Three bedroom home ... Yorba Linda
Four bedroom home ... Anaheim
__ 752-1920 Ina.
Geftfl'al 1002 G~raf 1002 ..............................................
,..._. WS.. & Smtdwlcla thop la cftltral
L-i-o w /Htablf1,•d trade. Eacluslv.
wifft. Xl•t ator• for owau-o,.rotor
w/..c.t. profit pot..tfa(. lllYftltory It fix.
twes ~ $34,000.
lilfoy ... lllOOem pool & iocllDI. Ir n •• in
.. _.. while the other hflps ,,..Ile th. pay·
.............. CCMIYeNftltfy located C41f'Ofta
....... ~ $189,500.
Qualty ooiilif1«tioe, 2 BR, I IA, w/tr,Jc.
bp1iillf;re wal~opus tt.ro.ghout, "'*" hb. MW carpeffnc), fotr skytfghh. All MW
W1Ma .,ac.c.s + 119 ilt k.ltchN. ham
c..llhtcJs, rcNCJh sown cedar th"°"')hottt •
Fr.di doors opettittcj to ..c:loMd ~k.
Steps 1rom your c1oor toracJt. u 1 s.ooo.
SpKtaa.lcr Ylew1 from this Chris .A.JM.I de-
signed wood & «Jfass, 3 IR. + family room
or 4 IR home. Y°"11 ffft tM wal'1llttl &
claa"" of a motlntaan retreat, W eaioY tfte
sic)Jlt I: sound of ~ powtdlftl) Pacific Mrf.
Spadom 3 IR honw w /oc•Gft Yiews from
.v1ry rootn. Thl1 ftew fto..e 11 q11allty
coutr.dtd w /alJ tM __... .. • bwyer
de ..... ck. $237,500.
Just c~ted twettty·two 2 IR, 2 IA un-
its. I OO°lo Occupied. Xlnt, opportuRlty for
professlOftal Investor. OuhtadincJ toe .•
qNClllity thnt-out. Phone now to ittsped this
property & to reuiv• a detoited purchase
mdysis. S9 t 2.500.
NEWPORT IEACH Repossessed by VA
t bdrm. 2 ba t;xtr<>mdy Needs care. $5600 down,
popular CAM f:LOT mdl $900 on cost. 9% in ,
1lus love!~ hume ICK'al<'d terf'St 30 year SS0.4oo Geftft'al I 002 IG~ol I 002
on a <.·ul de Sl1C' w1th1n Joan $479 mo. pays alJ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
ea.,y ~alkm~ dt!>tanll' to HURRY.' c.~~7S2~:oo SOUTHPORT VIEW! VIEW!
So Coast Pla1.1. tht•atrri. [ I SPECIAL l.Jfl:l' Newport Jk1Rht~ ~~':J~~~J~~~.it'~:~: 0,u; ~ ,.~~l!jYI HEW CARPETS ~:~~~ ~·~r~~; ~~~: .. "
elude ~ -~~!~1!_ Sharp 3 bdrm fml~ rm :i 1 .. u-J:aragc ~1anl <kn (\i.-;tom Drapen<·~ (rml din arl'a \1ot1valt'<I S!IS.OOO
Covered pat111 seller is prov1dmi: nt'"' MA.RIHUS COVE l>t-coratorWallpapers MESA VERDE cpts & fr<>sh pa 1n1 thro~hout POOL Towerin~ Cathl'dr:1l t•f'll REALTY 646-4463
Outdoor 11ac; RllQ F.xc1•pbonally fin<' home ings Appr<"' 1 mtl1• to --AutoGarI>oorOn.•nt•r d bt'arh rloc;e to bike-"" on ~hady CUI· e ~ar I 'I ,... II od Skylight in Fam Rm strf'ct 4 Bedroom. 2 bath tra.t • urry• ... a t a~
RYOWNF.R979·A l?..1 "'llh crackling brick f>1S-949J
Pnn Only SlO'J,900 f 1 rep I ace & a big ,--.,...,-_. .. _, Walk lo pnv:'ltc tf'nn1:. [~ •. ~ rourt' C<i 11 646 4,i77 ' 4'e KEY REAL TOR.5 ii - ---enclO!led p3lio. Full pncl'
583.500 CALL 556-2600 Real E6tale
Total Harbor View
I..1vc on the BluHs of CUff
Haven 3 Bdrm. family
room home with SJ><'<'
t.tcular ba> & ocean
\ iew. Includes plani. lo
t•nlarRt• $249.500 f('t'
-----Tr) ,1 D a 1 I \ pi t 0 t SELL idle item' v.1th a
I-ind what you want m Classified \d to huy. !!<'II Daily Pilot Clasi.1f1NI Ad
Dail) Pilot Classifieds or rent wmNhmll 642~7_8 __
This beaul1fulh up
graded BUC'C'ola 110011 '
Spacious L1vmi:t Room
with big FiHplan•
Large Master 13<-droom
highly upgraded with
private cntranr<' to
garden area Slump
i;tone plant.crs h1J:hhl{hl
the room-backyard
Mesa Verdf' Living al th.
Best' $139,000. Call
CY'f.N fll? •Ir\ llJN rr:> ~! N.:f'
Owner say& •·:)ell" Sur-
rounded by lowering
trees with privacy Tiled
enlry. forma l d1n1nJ:
room. 4 massive
bedrooms, huge fam
rm . Swedish fireplace•
Wall of glass to enter
tmrung patio aU on over
smxl ground~. Btk<' t11
bt>a<'h only $90,500 Call
... ,. J 1 ~ H (, fljf f ;. I f
Highly upgraded beauty
w /kU of eye appeallng
wood panelling. Spacious 1--------...i J bdrm z t>a, tmty home HEW HOME
w /modern kitchen for Eostsl~ C. M.
the ladies delight. Pool Bwlder JUSt completed
sUed yl'd w /rm for boat this 2 story 4 bdrm home.
or trailer. New on Featur~ indude; vault-
market. &M>-m 1. ed ceilmRs. a car garage
~ Walker & lee
Real Estate
& RV storal[e. Hurry,
choose your own carpets
Call 54&-5880.
Th•H tpeelal pa;H will "°"°' Private Pro~rty Week and will be dellvtr•d to ovtr
81,000 home• vi• the Dally Ptlot and Piiot AdvertlMr. NotlcH wlll be ont column by
tour lnohea each, •llowtng room fot • photo and deaca1ptlv• copy. Coat of ••cl't
nottc• fa only t11, With • photo you provide.
the Dally Pilot bring hap-
py results To place your
An equity! Low down dJ'awing car d. pbone payment! VA & FHA 9'2·5678 today term•! 3 Bedrooms! --
tsl,.500. RED CAtlPET,• Ga•r.. 1002
754-lD ···········-"-······
Thlt hhlt• to RMI Elt•t• Proteaalon1l1 l1 an exoeptJonal opportunity to Introduce
new or.eongUJM aaocl .... to the people of u.. Ortnoe Coa1t. or to honor
OUlallndlng UIH Ol ltrvM aohleve,..,t1.
O~n'l."! being part of tt\la spilCJ t *fv.rtlafng opportvttlty. DHdlln• tor , .. .mng
~co .. 6 p.m •• Aprll 11. C.tt t~•vt
Or, yo-a mey min ~ur photo and• ti"*' arttcf• Of •bout 71 WDrda deecrtblng your
bee~. education, profal9ldt'lll lnrtnlftt, awardt or othtr hol\ON. Melt your
1t0ry and pho to th• CtH f td Oipt., D•lly Plto1. 330 W. lay 8ttett, Boa 1110,
C.tl-Meea, CA ta2t.
ColdweD Banker
RtSaNTIAl flAO(t~~
WNil WATa YllW Magnlfl~t ocean & canyon views
from this a bed.room, den, IOrmal
dining room on large irregular lot.
Room to expand. $289,500. '
A cmawaL IA&«ll CO.
5 Bdnn Penlnaula Pt. St.es-to beath. $188.000.
Newer Oeean view
duplex, Dana Pl .,
5 Bdrm, private bearh,
Coron a IU1bland1
PS9.000. World Wide
Broilers rTMSU
701f ........
A beautifully updated 2 bedroom with
room lo add 2nd unit ror only $135,500.
332,. ......
South of Hwy. An absolutely charmUlg
2 Bdrm cottage with gleaming
hardwood floors and TWO separate
garages. Reduced to only $134,500. c• 644-7211 tor..._
/Jn NIG[L /Jn NIGf.L DAll:[Y & DA1L£Y &
Outlltand.tng pool home
with 6' spa olC master
bedroom. ¥N fed bnck
firep1t, solid oak dinmg '!~!!~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!'!! room china cabinets --::
gour~et kitchen It G.....S 1002 P11•as1M 1007
!I t y I 1 s h d c c o r . 3 •• • • • • ••••••-•••• •• ••••••••••••••••• ••• •• • Bedroom. d~n. dining ••
room, & a grul location. 3 IO~ ARTER IYOWMER
CALL7SJ-3191. f;ittra large hv. room . 40' From back door to
bearh, pres tiglou ...
Ptnu:asula Point. New!)
remodeled 5 Bdrm. 2
bath. Fee land. Sl&S,000
Agt/Owner. 673-3620
S ELECT Gourmet kit & large din-ing area. Joe lo the PROPERTIES beach from this great
&tarter home priced at
OCm.a.ueno1o..1y only S77.900. VA. buyer
. .-n"' " welcome. Call96J..7881 Charmjng 2 BR home: 2 m., ,,, ? • ,, 'fl"''"' · . 1 FERNANDO'S
car aarage. Be&t swim-I I I E~::r:~E~~~~if8~·~t~Pdll)
latboa lcry ,.,op.
a Bdrm. 1 bath house on
qwet Peninsula St. \st
tame on market in 17
Realtors * 67S-7060 *
Yes. no down payml.'nt
required to buy this
beautiful 3 bedroom
home. gourmet lutchen.
large laving room.
fireplace, covered pabo.
Located near the harbor
1--------•1 yean. Agt. 642-3338 __
IMVESTOI S Capistr.o hacft IO 18
ASSUME LOAM ••••••••••••••••••••~··
No quall£ying. 3 BDRM. Spectacular Bluffs, ol'n
A.'ISUme S39.000 loan. 9'l-, harbor view 3 Br :?' ..! Ba
$314 per mo. Seller will pool, Jae, sauna. tenni:-
f1 nancc. Take advan-$235.000. OMNl
tage Call !).&().9922 71Hi61 1001
DUPLEX $110,000
and Huntmg\on manna! ---------1 Nr RMe Garden .... w<1l~
to beach. °"'nr anxious
sell or trade. !REN Potnt
R E. 7141496-SliOO ---l mile to beach. Pnced Corolla .. Mar I 022
for quhk sale $69,900. lc6oaPtliies8'11 1007 ..................... ..
Take advantage. Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• Coronodel Mar
963-6767 Nice 3 Br, 2 ba. on Mon-2 Bdrm., 1 bath homt·
Oi'f'• f•t? 111 HVf'l '0111 Nf<f • ten>. Sl95,000 with two rear units. Well [@H&Hil Monhallruty 11~ 5f:•l~:;~'
South of HiCJhwcry
Corona def Mar
Newly remodeled Split
level. 4 bdrms, 3 balhs.
Oversized lot wtth poten·
ual to bwld larite addt·
uonal uruts with swtm·
ming pool to boot!
$167,500 544-7270
SIZES 8-20
""1fTMi-1lft...\T .....
2 BR 1 Ba. nr best bay
swimming beach. Quiet
street, pleasant
neighborhood. S1 10. 000.
Burr Whit~ li\'alt~r
2901 Newport Blvd N 8 .
Beautiful large rornf'r
lot Corona Highlands ~
bdrm.o;, 2 baths. fencf'ri
yard. fixer. Fee land
$155,000. Agt. /Owner
67~3620 -----•NEW LISTING•
2 sty, remodeled, upJ:rd
exee home. 3 BR 2 Ba
den. & deck w /vie"'
towards Catahna in olrt
CdM. $214,900. Brier
799-)2118 ---
CostaMna 1024
Here is a one time om•r ror you to purcha!le 8 61
yr old. 3br, fam rm, 2b:1
Mesa Woods home for
approx S8200 down & ap
prox $7116 per mo Great
opport for ronv<>ntaonJI
buyers too. Call now.
Please. Prtn only
s.5&6885 ___ L_i<' Agt_. __
E .S1de Jbr. 1•1b:i
o,·ers1z<'d rorner Lof
RV aCCl'SS Nu roof &.. nrt. Very clf'an. Close to
srhli;. Prlred to sell sn .500 64G-S025
F'or the dtsCriminating
roupl(", lrg mslr swtl•
formal dm rom. gu1•st hr + ba, lrg liv rm w I (rplr
group1ni?. iiecluded &
quiet. 1nsid~ sec galt'.
pool & rec hall. nr S. Cst
Plaza. For app't call
~7001 aft 3 30 ---
Rft«'V~ YCMll"S How!
8 Min. to IEACH
Beautiful 2Br. 2ba, :.'
story townhomell near
ing rompleUon. with ;, l J 84 long lull of amenities m
eluding fireplaces and
L •. ("\,., <O n air cond, garage door V!f t-fUd. OAbeitU <>pentt"S, inttM"com /FM
etc, etc. $76.900. 10'.
Use two WfYS-" a beJu down. Dnv~ by 2184 Can
llful spre.ld ind ..s •fghan• yon Dr-then rail Mal
EASY• Crochet pineapple dia· (Agt) for information
monds oi kn11t1~1 wor~led in 2 and ~rvallon. 751·2Z23
shades of a color to harmonize 1~~~~~~~~~ .,1th you1 bedroom sctwme. 1-
toin inti) atah•n ~r~ Patttfn 1---------7184 direction$ COLLIGI PARK
Sl.SO fllf e~h paltMn Add '1.US POOL
JSt eA<.h pattern Im lust cins Just reduced $5000. 4
11tma1I and halldhnR Seltd tt: HDRM. 2 BA poot homr SHEK IN FRONT. no...inii in Nffd~raft Dept. 105 Absolutely the be!lt bu'
back thanks to tht drama ol the Daily Pilot m area. $84,950. ('all to
Ion& 1athered panel He II C3lch (11\Seft """' ot rour Pit"' 1 540-9922
his b,,ath ·~ y~u wal~ into loll '3. Ol4 Ottlsu sea.. .... !.N'
tilt room 1n this da11le1 YIR, MY 10011. Poat Katnt, ~ Punted Pattein 9446. Mis~ Mdfm, zi, Pattin! llDWtlllr
Sires 8, JO. 12, 14. 16. 18, 20 VALUE J>X~. 19711 NHOlE: -·~
Silt 12 (bu$1 34) lalles i pids CJW1 catalog Choow liom ..,._
60 111Ch la bot 2~ desrans. 3 flee 1nSIC!e. All ~~~~~~~~~
SeM $1.50 .. -....... CTalts. KM. Cniehet. Stnd 754 I· Ml ls. let _. ,._ lw C., Gifts 'ti' OnlaMtllts. $1.50 GREEN8ROOK
inkt.-............ Pilll'! Show.offs ·······11.50 BY OWNER-4 bdrm s-4 ti: Stuff 'n' Puff Quiha ..... 11' ca melot. $110. ooo.
llAltlM MAITI~ Stttdl '1' Pltdi Qlllb ..... 1.i5 m..oon C.llltwfftt ....... l.00 ·--------·
Patttrn ~. 442 c.lMt • W .......... 11.00 IY OWNER
D.Mly PllQt lllftrfl'g::' ......... l.OO 2 Cldn 1 story 4 Bdrm "'* ........ UO homes in Costa ..... 1 2lZ ht llQ St., ..._ 'Yert.. SW & bit ... . .. .. . SU$ .,._ Id w , ·id llT 10011. Prilit twlL Al). 1111111""'1 W • $UO 09tts •· 1 et... r O.£SS. ZIP, sm 11\4 STYll flew« CtteJttt a.. .. $1.00 "7,7SO • 112.1so Call for
11ta. t1akJ1ft Cltch\ W .... Sl.00 appt M6-till. 3. no aaenti.
LOOK RICH. 'fOONC, SMAil lllltM!t Cloe ... W $1.00 ~ °" a budlft! Sew new soft lllStMt =:" a. $1 00 clrtSH&. too\. 1~1rtJ, pa11b ,..... ... $1.00
-•II 11 NLW SPRINC SUM ~ Qft W Sl.00
MU PAnrRN CATAl.OC r .. c-;w.i 114 Sl.00 petttr11 COll1)0ll Seftd 7~ U Mn A #U 7Sf .. ,__,,. Jli ..,.,.. m . "' •• , ..... u ..... w . .IO ........ ... fl.. ... .75' 1--.. Clld!ll ..... t H Oil* T .. IL ..... 75' ··~·"""' ..... Will ll Jlftr ......... ~
POOi.~ Btaut a Bi, 2 ba, fam rm
w/frple. New kltr.h.
enc:lOMd boal •~c-e~"'·
251T W tmlall A. V9
Sl'l,800. Pb 641 .. It
. .. .., .. . .
.. , ... _ '
.Jtl D41LYPl..OT * Wedi..,,~. t111 ~.~.~ ..... ,..]~.'!-!.~ .. ••••• ~::.~.s.:••••••• ~!!.~.~••••••• ~.~~ ....... ~:.~~•••-~ ........ ~~ ....... ~!.~.~ ....... ~.'!'!':~ .•••••• "-'-.._. 1041 =~-... t~ ~ •.... ~~ ... !~.'.!•"wpeutlNda '°" !~~~ ... !!~~ •c=-••-••-•····•·•••••··••·····•· . ···••••···············• ~ .... -~ ,. ,~W... 1024 •Toro ltJZ '"'-1044 "°"Sale By Owaw a BR l'llCllt8»UCTIOHl ••-•••••••••••• .... •-j •••••••••••••••••• ............. •••••••••• •••••••••••••-•••••••• 1~ Ba. l>f"Lced foe tut Now ooe of lbe be1t LIDO
,• ti4Us'TSIUMOW VACA.Mr ~· e&Je '83.500. 2S2.1.2 Vii duplex b\lYI on fee land * * * * * * * ~e Part s br " din Ptuse aubmtt olhr. on I 8ll I Ba Bl'olMlmoor, L• Piedra Blanca, ~una la Newport Buch Two ' S2Jn ODO .. ~ t ~ nn, CO\'er.d patio. t.baH bl' now. Aakinc 00 W/(UD rm, dia 1'11l, Ur. 1ngo N1guel.~-440l; ~ uaita Oii 2S.ltl02 lot, stept W -·~ to aull •.JOO. 1Y'74,000.NH3'1l. L~:OO t:~1!smgi:n,_j -WOULDN'T YOU from beach. SlZS,000. Super 3 .: den, re· ~~:d:~"!'"':;c>: ~ (--1\Mj@iliif!i ..._ \.0:1211 . lllAl&un ,...., .. ,,.,.,,, =·PROPERTIES, ~~~.;, d= t l•ln/ .. wnot•lra co•· ~-..., .... -.....,.illWli• See clasatllcauoo 9080 ~ \"a blk from clubMe domlnMam. S Bdnns., 1 ~ BACK Beal flstat.e OWNER w·~ ll <'an be. reality I IOAT sur " bCJ . Batbhouae " ba1ba, ratpctbaa, wbldtnr
EMO UMrr ""I '1 UMIOUI WOODS COY! HOME • • • • • • + VIEW J•c:uzzf ·c.utor appt ~ ~=-~ BAY Super up g r a d e d Qrft'Dt'll hfwlor 11 ~ ~ ~ •• ..., LEASE Of'TtOM From tlus elegant 2 BR owner. Mon. tbn 'l'lhlr6. townbome w/covered rr"'1-'•• -ef • HO AY ENT condo. So cto, you'll <dan>. uu ~·lt5a; patio. clubbae, temJis, rooa DtlgfltM .. :dlltl .._. r M S think ila oew ! Agt J'rt. tllr'u Sw. (clQI) •
i !«e 1 Bedn>om, 2'-' weilbt room. aauna, PoOI f:>:'~t be: ~f...!.~~l~ye~ •few tro. ...... Szzt, OM lqUl'lYI ~7S. e .. nla11, eaJl nu> I· I Juat Off Jrvtoe· tbls, pi.Q& pone & more. .,.,. • 497 JJJ I ThJa la one of-the most -...
Priced ucbellev&bl1 at alea law ully. New • taatefu! and 1ma1U>aUve "IWPOat-!~~~~~~~~~ a~ Newpon•a Baek '8$.000. Woodbdqe Bro.dmoot SOUTH LAGUNA. DANA bomea in the area. ..UC8>
CARPET 714-7100 "E" Plan. WUJ co lease LACUNA NIGUEL POINT Ckadousl.Mn(lsoffered Owneru,yaaeU!I Thret
.. '15'·1202 optjon, .... mable VIR 49t-~l 49$-1720 -..U in this beautiful ex. b~e ~~--pin• ..,.,J HAUott VIEW 1080 ,,. \ _. oar_ l ...... , t ~UUIAIJ """" ~ ~ ••••••••• ...... •••••••• '· sa&.NOW ...... ,,., mm ..... aemove-ecuUve home. Extra an waterfall Won't ,..~,..._ •t.• .......... u 3 b .. ba ""~"'Ill in. lnchadee 181\dscaplna larre master aulte, 2 ....... "-U"' •• 7171 Prot ---•led • BR 19,908 • ._ .. .,. r, .. · ~ ~; dra all Su"' ._.__._ 1041 I b ....,~ ..._. . ~ ' . edroiaor.Termato __..._ or pe ow~e . .,.. Int.. _,,__,. pe&1ant drms , 2Ba, O"f'''1'1•t 10·1.00111.·1 familyrm.kltaotwood& ~'19.900.&3l·90ll ~ , mil your offer on this ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• den (rplc, gourmet r-;;:::-ii!ii.!1iii!iii1iii.titNil brick. Spantab tit LOOds
-2100 sq. ft. executive CULV&OALl OWN YOUR OWN kitchen and many e?C· kktbeo. Slet,500. I!....
NewCoodos, Z Br, 2~ Ba, ~ . '(...._. ao~.11 home.CaUSSJ-3000 -.. ,tOO l.arse2Bdrm., 2beth O· tns The paUo & pool c.1640..SllZ of Cilf GS 2 frplc'a, ceramic tile ~---r ~.. ~.. Y-0 ~ block to Mam area5 are fde<AI for eoter. h~~;d~~~~~
sp& f7S4U Broter TRADE YOUR RV living room, aunfllle J.ac av.U.ble. R 8 i. BBQ 8 n d lush \ ~ cl A«•i• ht Ulit
kit~ Cr bath. Pool & ••••••••••••••••••••••• UJ~ Warm and aumptuou Beach. •.soo. Fiunc-ta!nlng with an outd :::l Wood~ tblu out:
For this 3 br Jvly home in ~ c 0 u n try le I t ch en • ~ ..... 111: .. LTY laodscaplQ&. $139.000. IL'~? ""*' a .. ·-.... FV. AsJo.og only fTS,750. separate master, bu~ nvtU"~ 11;A STANALAND vrr~ w l th d l D l n ~a• d
•. ~~~•II .....,,,. ;:.~""i>!~a<t. * 4944057 * MEGARGEEREALTY DO YOU UKE. '"·°"'""'""'"8Rbe ... ::::r~.1::."-1!lo'" -~Ir Nub about a re· Call&t&-7171 CozyCapeCod m4>f97-l7'4 OUParqueU1oon? howe.'296.000 ~Qllltdini can.-ln real WOOOIRIDGI Ol'f1t1119.,rptJN 10MN>tf ' Thia ls wbat Laiv:na i:a ****** u.edBrickFit'eplace! MarahallR.lty ~ :::-...::-~~q d LO::Y'::c1 Turtle =:m ..• , [Cllllil e~:~~:;~~? ~~A,f:iA ~~r ~="":.~ --------
E/Side c uatom home. ll aeller ia desperate. owner,3BR,%ba, fordll\ &kJtit COQntry kit.chen & 2 Be<troocna. 2 batba. Sl36.900w/103Dn? Y~.•5 aunahlne8R r .1.nobriEf,ht. ,.... leto •a-....... c 3 New bome ia ready. 3 br, rm. fam rm, pool & jac. -... t.e artist'• ltadto. fam.ib room, formal din· , 'We've Got TbeAna'"'rl a..nn rtr.~: R.12r1':t.: A~ prime area for only $134.SOO. Prin only. Bef JUST REDUCED'.! ~;.alktobeecbllU· hulrm. PaUo~ome. Ex· VAU.EY 640.9900 E le1ant'1y decor 'd ············= .. ··· S.7171 f1'7,91SO. ~bmlt. 9M-3371. epm; 5*-0110, Aft lpm: cellent ocean views. ceilenl loc:at1on oear --------throout, for movie· star 3 br, l~ ba tllOOd
752-8259 $l&9,500. clubhouse, community BY o~EI entertaining• Uvin~. townbome. Pully up. (0 1hM1 \I A Chancellor 4 bedroom ai..&fl'Mll~ pool, J•clW::i. Close to "'" "38RCONOO' araded, air cond. By GRIEINIROOK
£' j'HlgrJHil WOODBRIDGE New home in Unluraity """"'"SRULTY shopping ceatera and Spacious Exec utive Exec home, European owner $CJl .to0 Call
Real F.state Aspen wood._ Lowest Pan. HilhJy moUvated * 494-1057 * beaches. 118,000 home. S Bdrm, 4 b
ath decor'd, lmpres.slve. For 132-0197orl33-3tll ':( priced 4Br 10 Wood· and UlOOUI aellers have--~,,...,..,,....,,,..~~=--HILLTOP w/vlew in prest1g ou1 detail!: Property House, bdrm, 2 ha. Extremelr. ....... Oltie«h 1040 bridee. Upgraded. Just reduced this UGUMAll4CH 0-,oW CORdo DrDov.!!,, ~res oo Galaxy Patrtck Tenore, SS2~4 °"*'RHI ..... ·
popular CA.MELOT md . ••••••••••••••••••••••• Owoei musl sell lmmed. beautiful • bedroom IS ... _.._... noeot
..... ,_I -• bo I •--' "" Beautif .. •, nearly new a ---------• ._ · ••••••••••-•••• ... ••• ...... ov.,..y me oca~ 2 STORY $102,000. 1 Elmwood, home with spa to W"'Y~L•a: "' ~....___
an a cw-de·sac w1lb1n turn left off Yale at $lOl,OOO. Thla la lbe ~ -bdrma., ZlfJ baths. 2· Newport Crest Twnhse,1--------·1-~a
easy walking d.lltance to WITH IONUS Woodbollow7SZ-5368 ·lowest priced like home <WffATA story model. Wood bum· walk to beach, ten crts, WESTCUff ,_.'* 1100
So. CoutPlua, theatres Quiet home in Family in the area . Newly WAYTOLIVE) in& fireplace, pool, pool, jac uzu. Agt. Prtvacyretgnseupremel ....... •••••••••••••••• lc~urant.s.Manyout· homelnquietresidenUal WBOO.RO~~DGOORE carpeted~ainted and 1. UP AT A VILLA: sauna, jacuul, lovely IMS-nn. Elegant llvlar at af . ...._..._u.t.g
.tandln• features In· ded ......,_ dra....t. -t Located hilb up on ocean bree1es. Hurry! fordable prt-•. Gracious ..t.aLo.-.---....,t ,.. • <> area. Lovely upgra 3 B r , a t r i u m , .-.. ,._,.,. r ~---· r _.. ru -"""' "BLUFFS'' Twnbse, 4 br, "" -.-11111~ dude. _.. ... __, __ .. ,..;_. , __ _._ ped -"' ~-a am...., vlera ,,,,.,,.,.,,, 1 • .,.ift8 ....,.m Witb Vlew of W h •. cu.tom Draperies :~UJYliib~ ...... f.u::"...:.-ve"r ....uaca ' apnualers, coastline. Detailed (am rm, xlot cond, quiet c"YUA6 ·-.... I P--1 ...!... ..... r'...• ft\Ulle~ & __.. _., .,. ..-. " ..... q u 1· el cul de t1 a c I M-"•----·-"'"--~ Agt "'~·n11 a..num .,. ..._ --.uw IDObUe -es Cove • .,.. P•uO n n d we l • a r. ca I J • • • ..........,.. I_.... ...... u._, a ... -.;. ....... . 2 custom 'Ti .• ·--LH..
n--. WaU .. ..,...000.n...--c:c:n.--. ture w/cbaJ'-white rm. c · fO(' aale uo •-"ed ~,...tor papen 546-SllllO AgeoL ~-..,..._ _, ~ a 3 Mooarch Bay Plua IWFfS Lavhb lf'OUnds. ucb Dab bl CM, N1'pt kb,
tb.rouchout . . BEST BUY ln Wood-~i •red We11 roofllnes , -~-a Niguel 3 n.1-''Bonita" plan. nae. Owner I.a packllls. lluntl n gt on Beb, Outdocr1uBBQ S&S Resale Specialis ts. bridge 4 bdr a ba. form ... ron Sri 1atea. 2 496-mJ Ill.Oil' &:ll'IMu• Price will aurprtse you! Lacuna. Et Toro. l"tn
AutoGarDoorOpeoer 3,4 or 5 bdrm modeb dla, atrium. ONLY ~uE~~.~lNG :f!o~~eV:\"tie~t~~~'. ffunylCaJl6'S-03QJ Vl y, Aoabeim 4" "' Skyll&htlllFam.Rm. avail. some •/pools. Sll3,950. 28 Oakdale. HO .. S"'-INCO .. E si~s.ooo . Own/Ag t WeatmJoster. Jo Ptlce
·'BY OWNER 979-81.23 968-4602 0pm Home Sal/Su.o 1-1 RAMCH REALTY 2. -• .. ; in .. ranees to fit moat Prln. Only $109,900 Peno.lnglon Propertie& ~ · this Dana Pt. duplex, Besf V afue! ~1 or &U-2141 eves, peopt.·a pocketbooka,
55 l·ZOOO main unit baa 3 BDIU!S. bdr ... _ $lOJIQO &o M0,000. We are &2 BATHS Lee llv rm 'Ibis 3 ru., 2 ...... paUo NEW . LOOK
Eastside $75,000
3 BR, hardwood noors,
tpk, lge yard. Won't ·~!
Village 3 bedroom, 2~ bStb Townhomel Just off
Tust.ui near Newport's Back Bay! Call now I
RED CARPET. 754-1202 .
Wooclarldv* Ha..1
We ha•e an excellent
aelect1on ot homes and
townbou8es lJJ most de· ~meota of Irvine's
exciUng new vtllage. C.11
us ~Y and let ua belp [;~Ind yoar dr~a~
WOODlllDGE 1 ... __ ,...:.. 1 · ~t · · home shows like a 2-sto-SeaViewhome uoearaayourpbooe .
IEAUTY ~t; PL~·~sD'ilii( model. With vaulted ceU· '"s15,000 DN '"~---c=~PR~~wc ONLY $15,500 APT · RENTAL , ings, levelor blinds. Lov· 4 bnn 3 ba, A! f11>ls, pool, 2706Harbor,Ste201
Nearly new townhouse. SEP A.RATE. RM . elY pat.ao are." much Jacuzzi, teonte, grd • THllLUFfS *' S4()..5ll37 Elegantendunllw/up-W /F IREPLA CE . more. Comm . poo l. gat.es.VERYpriv.VAC. PopularQ-plan;3BR,2
graded cptlng & many NEEDS PA JN T & jacuzzi. $97,SOO (S6) Owner to carry ba.l. No ba, oooversat.ion pit with rAIUC UNT $97.SO
other extras. a big a.EANUPI ReaJ value c redit . Full pric e Crpl. Drive by~ Vista Hunt.ingtonBcbaduJtpet ~--2ba•'--f 1 atSUS,000 $265,000. 7 51 -8775; Trueba; call to see. ~1blabMuti!uldou-h:h:t1 belt. 5~~m, 3. STANDING ON THE 640-7778 $1'5,000 b1e wide hrn17 home.
CORNER ; in prime CAYWOOD REALTY 2Br ZBa w~ 6 cold North Laguna locaUoo. ~..._~ JNC. 548-1290 ~ Euter Jklmdes ~ Walker & lee Older 2·•tory home •JUMIO VA• can be yams, BeeUi is
Real Flltate w/LGE. BAY WINDOWS I "°1'tt with Ora.age Co. •..-Y. HTS• betie9iq, but be awe to
GL&CMAa ai SCE~lC OCEAN ..._Vlefo 1067 Veu only. Homes to ~2br•denor3br1 bring )'OW' Easter Bon· IESTVAWE! l'UIU811'N£ VIEW. liv. rm. •Ired••••••••••••••••••••••• $17S.OOO.Forinlo call: ba,lgbvrm,sepdha,re-net.(J(F~)
LOWEST PIJC& "RMll"MI ~~;.~Bdnoplans.. . * • IEST * * Vet Agt. 541-0800 modkl kit .• llt&lned bdwd CAUlORNIA PACIFIC
red hill ~ ..
55 2-7500
-1::00 • ·--'~ "' floors tbr11out, lOslS MoliiJel:lome~ _ll'.., t•"E sem b7 2 baths "AN llG HOUSE IUY c..-<FuJJy aJr-cooo.) DONT Ml OL DE LA GUN A SEAVIEW Port Royal 2 .deck overhang, rront Z10tllartlor,._.219 Jast~wbatroa1etl A CHARMER''Cor$129,500 4 Bedroooma and formal c.~. 4 Br, 3 Ba., beaut. prof. ldacpd w/sprtnk. s.o.5837 sba • bdrm + MISS BEER dloJnd Ill clubr m+ __,., ••2 El Modena, By · • W!l'Y rp · ._ WOODED ESTATE, • 00 view, landlcaping, finest Owner. 642•905s o r Coat• Mesa. 1ZX·4' den, 2·•tory home on .. thia upgraded "B" Pian PONEJBQQ1tf. NESTLED BENEATH bonus room. Great loca· upgrades. Best buy-By 6'5-433S. Opeo llouae Skyline, 1 ~ 1rs old,
poolabed lot. Move in in U ni v . Park "" ft TALL SHADE TREES. lion, nr La Paz & Owner.$279,000.640-6690. Sat/Sun U.S Daily call cabana, Ulre new, Lo oowl Short escrow. Va-Townhomes. 2 Bdrms., ln a aeclud.ed aectiou of Marguerite, • • -*tcooo n..----.. ..
cant I& walling for )'OU 2~ ba. +den. Ebd unit. We hue a Plan 2 and tbe village. Detai..led all RlGRTRULTY IAYVIEW afl. s PM lo show. ~-' --...
lucky buyer! Sll9.900 -Pnce includes Plan a tn Orangetree. wood exterior w/ex. t7MSll Le2brZba moblJebome --'$l_l9......;...,ooo_. ______ ,
AGENT ~ theland. Both located ON THE lensh•e use of glaas. in exclu. Bayside Viii. NEWHOUS&BAYVJEW 30'Terrytnner.queeo·n * $f1 lffS * DO~owu WATER. TotalJy up-Spacious 3 BDRM. &c ~..... 1069 Cluhhse, pool, Jae .• pnv. lnveator'a, prospective bed, abad,y spot ht C.K •
.LlvinglJJNevadaoow ""' "" ll"8ded wttb many 9ddJ. DEN floor plaraL Es· --···•-••••••••••••• bch, poss. boat sltp. ~. 1 wt left, wt park. tl5QO. Aft 'Pal; lnescrowlnNevada 2UNITS-2L0TS IJ. t1ma1 feeturea. Temm, temi\'e u.ae .of nan· B.ESTO'THECRESI' $S7.S00.~790367J.7848 June's option purchase _KS-4562 _______ _
Tenaotmovln&°"tnow CJOMt4beadLGoodren-c..tD.. 11m. pool, spa and cilt!an We noon, ced.ar Newexclu..ivell.IUngl UDOISLE prtce.Sl'l9,900.MyJossls COST .__
3BR,2ba.Culdesac ta l area. 30% down /?i f)ot{J'or aaunas. Under$S3,000. paneled waUa. wood Newport Crest Condo your gain. z sty,• BR. 3 •~•
MeaaVerde. SBS.000 equala no ~ve. Eve ~;il,'1-_ beamed ceUinga w/n · El antZB fl Ex·lg 4 brm 3 ba, mod ba dlnrm.• 3frplc'a flNhS.
A. Jobneon Bu 9TM964 caD 11611-7'125 Agl. · 'J' ~ posed Umben. J Uli'r + ~-ocn ":: O:U ki;t. HUot. patio. ar tell· ~.11 lot. xt'raa. 2317 6 Me.,,.. .... WOODSTREA.MCONDO 022.8600 ~ LISTEDAT$1T1,000 ,.... ..... _ .... __ . __ .. .:;.;._,., n1s & priv. beach. lrvioe. 645-07S8 $1S,OOO 4 ......... -~,M..-3 Br d.in·rm. fam-rm 2 ~ MISSIOMIEALTY '-Oll .. MUWUUU-.t SM95000wner87s-QS9 _.., -...1-nuw~_.. ....... _ Nr et Bay, spit level, 3 ba, ~who pool 4r jac~i. Feriraeoa Realton ' _,,.avail, tr....,, 2Br, Zita, Welt bl
Br,2Ba,3cargar.auper Sl.38.500.1S%Dn noclos-9855.Cat.Hwy,Laguna lNHomes,CarmelJBR By owner, StO,OOO down, one of Costa Meaa's decor, $94 ,900 . i~..--·wUlc•rPV 'f523CAJitflUS~fRvlME .... 494-0731 NEWPORTHEJGHTS +Fam Rm, pvt yard, $ll70moathly.3BR,den fineat p a rks. Nice
Owner/agt.5'8-7933. ~~"c;i1 for ap.pt" 370 MOUNTAIN RD. Spic •n Span, ready for $139 ,900. 752·0617 btd pool, a.car f'ar, ad Janda~apU.c . corner B 0 W I occupaocy. 2 br .ti den, 2 ownr/agt ..... ~. J'U fmanee, aoc.oc..~mlngpool, IYOWNH ~. Y •ner. a nut RAMCHRIA.LTY Steps t o beacb, re· ba, 2 car garage, frplc, .....
d d JllC\ml, IOCial actMUea ~ dall B ~ Plan C •ooo 5.,l·,.000 modeled Laguna claann banlwood Oooni, drapes Npt Shores, By Owntt, no cre7 t nee e , • ....._. i•-*). """"" 1.
3 R+temn••W• forcauteknletCaJlFran ..... bome.ZBR+loft4frl>tc ~st-ms _..,.v.a,. ...... rm. Gate for ~tor trlr. ,......_ f 042 dy•: B30-UOO; eves " ,...,,, .. guest'' ctudJo. ~or mo to mo. 6'2·1334 4br, Zba., 2 car gar. Dys • CAUn>RNIA PACIP'lC -.soo. za Princetoa Dr. •-•••••••••••••• .. •-6151.QUll °" ~ Logii.e .._. I 041 A.skl~ $.Ut,500? Agt, .......,. .. , 642.es78 eves. 973-037S. eva 631.5483 0,. Dair Moeitle Home ReaJt7
WATERFRONT -"••••••••••••••••••• ~ FAMILYLMNG IEACHHOUSE Harbor View ffomes. 271Sllarbor.Ste20I
BYOWNZR·SEAGATE UMIV.... IUYIEI>. TIAJ>l-.SllL at its best lo thh l·Blk. to ocean; 1 bdrm. hmll' model. llC7 Pon 540-Sl1 ~>.TIOM Qll&cml We Or• patio, llAUTY IXCLUSIVIS spacioua WNtcUrt home home, offered at Jo Shemeld. No. Hmttlqtoo lkb ar ......... _ to "eate-ear. rrp1c, ao• ~.water view ODl7 ltilp9 boom pool, 5 BDn .. s b ........ Uppaded 2 BR condo El wrtb 3 large bdnna., COIY -•·--.0001 IOO M>-IOll -20'x.50', 2 -.. -
._... # ., fnll " bet. •• 3ba, 3 brullt., pUb. Kbool.s. -.. a"' aUlll: Toro.. far 1.a«una Buch d I ·---• -300' Drive way leada to "'-&... pool, Jae·--', t-. ha&Mtlc vk--ol mts. Clu11 Abel designed home or Income. $.10,000 en, Cami Y rm., 3 ~ MEWPORTIEACH comp). repainted. S •
)J'tvete Vlctcrian llriq! --... l&.(;U ~.. •iv"' home wW> white water ~OOOl'P bath&, cheery laundry II.Al.TY 675-1642 S.CI•• ... • 107' park, lo rent. '38.500. l'Ulared Pol'Ch. ~ Uv· Illa, dbl iar. · S2Sf.OOO. lloUnteit aeUera have ftews. -s.ooo • • iH 'Tl rm., 2 brick hpks .. lot! ••••••••••••••••••••••• *7311 n•~. :U/59'7·$553 priced .... market. .... -d __.... & -11.......... v~ ---------rm wttJ» maotJed hl>lcr bdnna, 3 be, DIO aq ft. 494-161 I $170.ooo ............ '"".g, BLUFFS ''"" + .--vot. Aaw,tfwS. t200 'B'IOe· uway parlour! .............._ I",.,. Frml din rm s ep 4 BDRMS .• 4~ bath&. In •-™= ..__ ... ,,...... PUa for all t.be family ............... -... ._. ·WOrtabopl Huie Jot! ......_ ~ :::f ........ -=.. n1 private oceanfront com--......~ 1050 .,....,. .... _, •-"-" -. ... .aN Spacious4BR dJnin«rm
Would 109 believe only "••••-• .. ••• .. ••••• en .. --· 0 Y ~ SISOOOO ••••••-••••--•••••• REALTY • ..-..._ Ir f ' /f RVl>.caES ~,,_fl n...u-bUPPV1• •n-wu•--. · pn fOI' actlan •only • ' Specioaa Lacuo.a VUla~e 3 bedrooms, z~ bath. & a~ ... ~~-orever Hard to find bone raneb -u•:n.... • • ., .-.---..-11 SlU,OOILseMl. Condo lbr 2ba i 67S.1'4Z 54S.l261 ocean .. ..,.,.,. vwutt anx· wttb fi bouse
"54303 WOODBIUDGE 3 BR I BDllllS., 2~ bath9: • • • v ew. lirepJace. Separate fanu· iouS, bu boucbt another. Pri--'Ulerbelupperow m ........ • ctnm.tic EA.STQN, Jll'Of tee. yard •/mature A/C.Becfac.48'1-11'26 ly room o•erloolts hang. $1.56.500. n~'""' ..... ...
hmcpd A QHJ'd, prt Joe. trees. '81.500 ~...... I 012 DREAM HOUSE ing ~ardens. Model home BERTHA HENRY ~ FO~ESTE
OLSON 7 Clearwater, Sl•.960. 8-1 mrtae • Your own beach house at mosphere with pro-REALTORS w:~= ..
•.,· TUR'tt.EROCK. charm-R.J LOT, oee.n \'fe•. -....... IU with all UM ameoJties feuional decorator's ,zu~Del~.!M~ar~-~'92~-4!_:121~!--~:":":~==---i.• I.DI a BR. w/atrt11111 " WOODBJUDOl!PLACE clot• to hl&b 1ehooJ. "..-TA yt Close to auperb beach. touch. Just listed It -llATBt ,,...., •.1.~-~ xtna. 31 Bethany, Special oftertn1. 8· tll5,000 This beautlfulNorUlvi Fee land. 3 huge bdnna prime for fut sale at Jllrbome, wlt~d~ta.nee TAX ~~~~~~~~ $111,900. GREENTREE, bdrm. Caa&emparU'J ~~~~~:;me br1~~ frplc, 2 Jov~ly $123,500. 6'$-~l ~cb, aclil, park. = i~:OO ~etif:e..:.
..... , ........ ,u ••
DUPLIX 4 BR HAMPTON w/aun. tacbed famUr llom• in TWO R·Z lua, been ol uclUng feat ores. bat-, dbl gar, pat o. ~ but plan for "18! ~ deck. 4331 Brookahje, opea, wood11 deslp. l>ana Point. Both for Profe-bt•ll)rcteeora Beamed ceilinp. &.!per VIP nm u1er"t1 tu break Oft a.AaeJ!ewa!°'I~ Rellbu Sl0&,195. For preview, Jmhbort..ittol.te •CIC» w/Wge patio• under· cond.Aaklng$U8,000
21 4
BR. famJJy home lo uu...., dupMx.. Great · .,_,-. ·• -.1arqe Patrick Tenore. A&t. PGblDWlqeotWflod. ---~ '"--• fW ii ~ "~~-·-I"*"•· -...S for 2nd ltorJ. Ea"IL.Uu brid -... 000 .. _...., vuua ~ prestleious "Can-....... .,..... -...... --ce. .. UAU .. 15. . Awb~ = .........;pcm tamar". A IHI prld• ot Uoo, 311 Lahrie Pl., at '-w-------i 15MJ.Q1 ,..,__n.n.-Prt to--" ... ~IOO ., • w •~ "' bl b Taatla. Rednced to .:m,,.. SWllPllCE 8ma61etr.Tnbm. 3 Br ~., i.e.-Ni;i.'.r' . J:r&:Ullll __,.. ..... __ ., :::::·1o: .r:::d.~~ 1188,500. Su~iL JOV
M.;;i;..,;o.;.__...;._..;......;._.;,.i 1.t listed t1U a bdrm 2"'Ba,afrD!ca,.bM11tde· . 4tS.5220 4t~-:T: 2005&.fbo.BMt. GOINGOVS~ aaleto$1•.soo. la'1m.
' . 4SS1M•• I LOAM home in Unlnnlty Park c-ora~ f>ool, Jacuul, lkt9 aoawblq to MU? 4t3-Mt4 130-505 ....,_. Bd\. 6'B-2068 Moatqo HVH. 4 Br, 2 ba, BER'IllA HENRY CA.. , 1 ~ ,# . U.. CJOOO llCI fl) 3br ~I Eltcellent loca-clllille. Owmr59457l. 0...Wadll dolt well. tam rm, near new crpts. REALTORS ~ a6IJ eAfat Jw,,....,. VA MJUmable tloo, l•r1eat pl.a in . 1« )'d. wood deck. BY 21SDe1Mar -..W ~~
· 111-. SD.Oii> dWD 6 DO tnd. Wet bar and mDCb Truaferred-must Hll ....... INdt I 041 ...,... IMdt I 041 Wt, 2~, Yiew-.. 2 story OWNER, 7»CM SAN CLDIENTB c.tm W!!J ~llallf)ins. Loca. Jut ~I Prhu patio, t.-Woodbridat 2 Bit 4 dea, .. _• .. ••• .. ••••••••••• ••-•• .. --.... -... condo, cunom mterior, BiDUda home. Neutq ~ ...... tram So. CA Pl• acb'now! Call era BR. twm diD'I rm. drps, wal.lpeper & palnt tase.eoa.t..., .. c., ~ 800 .za. llJ.lllO atrtam. upcraded, $1~000. BAL wrnr completJon, Z.OOOsq. ft. 3 ---------. 714-7 .___= IDdkpd...R«fac.d f:IDOO. CE c;..._, 21 ......_ ftl.U\ bdrm, 2 ba, lam rm, ~"""9•
.. ....-.-..-Jbeat0fr.15l.o1115 75U521 is tbla week for breathat oook, '"•~•~ (~?.A~
·~*·••••••rfrot -
tbouHnds wbo W01Jfd ftfttllace. Wft bar, IUD Dim'\ mla tblal GN&t. NEW>STOllY aao.ooo lib to live on bauUtu.1 deck. 2~ ear 1ara1e. BR.• 8A-.... Bua. llDlll ILlll@ "D Lotadkidsltcan? Balboa bland. It couad $115,000. No a1enta. tnes. f4llk'*I. lust ,... iJ U 1 Teoola=scbool =:~~<iif=:i ~·•t?C or =:t.J:IOeeiler911-
Immaculate "C" Plan 'J'oiwnbame.
Oecora&ed In Yellowa f& Greens. Gracique 2 Story .Entry W /Seoarate
Guest! .Suite. Wlndlnt Stalrwa,
wda To B1&h lnled Uv. Room•
Spot! Modern kitchen w /Lr1e.
Cheerful Breakfast Area
OverJook1n1 Spacious &m..Deck.
f{allw~y Leads To r Suite + a btra Bedrooms. $139,500
ELITEOOVERSllOR~ tbie pr.eat1.lo11t1 4 a.-»•-(TM)"""'7
bedroom DoaMl.Jlalt atepu -w• OllSDW Ll1bt. •lrfin a•ard-lrOQ)t.bebC'llch. Waltto1 4Ja&nee to __ ..;...;;.;....;.;;~;.;;..;.-......,
DsUnit_Mytnp. r. f. "°''°°· -...--.... ~ .... ~P~•c;.."°;;~ ~ ~==~ c;:: i=' ,.,.
.. UC .. St4,000 ANCHOIAGI MIDICALKM aale can 132-6782, OW'l'lr. 21 ~
Mu1t toll Uda •Ht I .. MYllTMINTS <Dahnta.Olmci.)
Beaut. «lftdo.b1·ch•d On, ......_'-1st.le C7t4J 4t'-77tt ,~b.J!i=
2 br 2"' ba. den +l\udlo 640.SJSJ .!========::::::11 IRelledleal ts. .. library. Sid• OCHft PR.EE. 5~nc oceu
view. Owner. Ma-1242 or vu 1oes wJapao 3 Bit J.IW. Y .... C.
tcU1Ul BirVWOU'melJnoffl, C9tm .._..a Jn .... 4...Wt 4tNIJ7
St1!'1 la.11uib. bnh~d nra, ~.a.. ..-. <>wn.r-•lllft •IUOI
,:. .... totu Opeo llouae :J.'-h.J•lp tinaau. ft Cl l..t.. XJiit ~
c:ouat. SllO, AIUt fllMNSULA rotMT OK Y I~ DOWN __.,, l BJ oener. J ar. paUo. a 1 1 ~ ,.._Ula ooo·
lrple. SllS,000. Prio· do. lMl ort1 -., H9' aM&1fitd Ads ..0 1M.i
dpah onl)'. BJ appt. doile laJwb. •.ooo Pia lt.ms, •mall lte• w
'7WZll --·Dl·1'20t .., .............
T • •
W~ay. March 29, 1978 DAILY PILOT
PILOT A.OVIATISEA ., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
ott.r.._.latet• , <*iera..l tale "°91HU ...... 1Md ~lagt•lffch3240 MewporilMdt 326tlalMNIPaMllllla 3707~.,....._ ApwlMl•h.,......_ .......•...•........ , ........ ,.~~ ....•......•..•••..••••...••.•.•....•..•.........••.•...... •····•········•••·•·••• ..................................................................... ···•···•······• . ........ J. Codtl ...._ 3224 REAL FIND 4 BR 2 Ba NO:YEEI u:ous-.~ 2 81', atei-lobe•ch, pool, ColtaMIM JIZ4 .............. 1140 t•wportleodi .Wt .0...S.,.. 1100 LAtsWSGlt ZJt ••••••••••••••••••••••• pl.I D/W 'r d rd. dupJt'xt'a R•nt•i $.125. pr mo. 'Ol Jun~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••~-... •••••,•••••,,••,••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• $.is·~ ::i n~;ee Pavilion, s1s..4912 Bkr. Dh. ~21 LA MAMCHA Al'TS SHARP, bearb, 2 Its RR, -~·· OfftCllLDGSITE New2broando. Pool.apa ' ' . Cod Mn 3724 Larae z•s bedroom frpl, du b waahu, Dix Sepacat.e 1J t.
llUDl.lfttton Beach ~~~da 41 pt:tt-GRRREAT 4 br, 2 ba HEW SEA.VIEW •••••~••••~•••••••••••• carden apt.s. Dsbwhr. caraae. paU06,9fiO.%U8 l"n,acy. Block to beath
tf.000 1q fl. lot n~ar """"' r w/ci>tS, fn<'d yd. Movt' in 3 Br 2 Ba. poo1:tcnn1s, bltns. ~cl. gar.1a1 bbq UVENt'arTbe Jl(' .. 4'1\' 2llr, 2b;a, t'ncl 111r, tl\l.i».
Puah ca l1 01p1ta I. today. $395. 1*63·4567 Jae. $&t5yrly. 675 0562 Pool. Gas Pd. 778 Scott · hum et'1l '1. wa!J' In
Punt.sShop Cntr & C1vi a Br. 2 ba, frplc, 2 car gar. Atenl, no ftt $50 WHIC & UP Pl 642-5073 Caso .. Sol hsht~ cl0ttt'\I. U •ties -_ • Center. $1~.ooo Encl. yd. K.id.I ok. sos. SEAVlEW. 3 Br PoPUJur Studio, 1 bt'droom B.-.uUful Adult Aph palt.I 1tduha NO ftb EASTSlDI DavidBourlteRltr 6'.S-2274 3 Br, 2 b11, lfe yard. BarHarborprimeocn\u Miudurvice.pool Adult 2 bedroom. supe Gasf&Watei-P1ud w iNt>wport Ava)lo'ap-~995() ~~·lut+clean ~ 547-7044:833-3215 23'7&Newport81.C.M. location. No pch 21661Broc*llunt.UB ~ Apnl 1oUi $500/mo
J ufTOSJ~v~15fT A ------N;~~!it'':.~~:fn~~! -" ---4br. 3ba pool ho,;; ~~~ 3967 ~~~~~~.~~.8E w. '62-6653 yrtylease.CallSJS-7711
TiiOUGHT A DUPLEX Outof C~ Bdr~. 3Ba, frplc, patio, M11rui:J~~::paBa Gardening, pool serv in SUS CASITAS 2Br, chlldren welcome. no withall lheextru,usual Property 2550 balcony, d ishwasher. ~I • atlo cl'd.180Q.549-06M Nlcelyluml.ahed l bdrm. E/Side, airy 3 Br. 2 Ba. pl!U,startingat~mo SOlllh~ 3116
l.Y" Included In a homt! ••••••••••••••••••••••• tr.sh <'omp., 2 car ear Huae Frpl $525 l4315> BIG CANYON. Luxunoua Closed gar . $230. up bllnl, new cpts, dr~. ll46-«X>7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Woodburnio.& fireplaces. w/opor Beaut crpt. Adults, no peh. 2110 paint. $350. 552·4201, ASlOtrl'TOSZE
bui l t -in k itchen, J p....a.--~ "--~•...a... drps. Children OK. $550, ~eousl ul2!,r 2S.1 S375 2d Brl, 2, bathh con· N.....,..,,. .. Jjtvd. ~M2'1 Seawind Village Rent tbl• 2 BR AJ>L ..,....~ 1 ki · ..-.. ...-.-~.--.-.-1 .,.,aut l r 1rep ace! o m n um o m e . ...::..;,":..;;..; .. ...,.~...:....:; ·--------• ._...,.,m, ne·s1ze up ne,.,,, .. able.1163-9784 N h •-( ) N"wtnever lived ln. Wet MES• Pl ..... ES w/sor g.ous oceaa~u. per unit . 2 Bedroom 2 6:3BEDROOM earsc oo... 9627 "' lt...tcihGllllorel! "' " New 1"2 bdrm luxury pvtbcb,oceanalde ~11l
lowel", encJoeed privaw VA·FHA Ea5t.sideextrasharp3br, RlftttMts 1>11·4555 b11r/f rplc. '675 . We havel OOO'sofbouses, Bac h , $230. Som e adul\ apt.a in 1' plans HtJY. $UC). U9-t6' .or
patio In yal'd. Will ex-GARDENTOWNHOME. 2 ba, trplc, microwave, Salisbury R.E.67~-6900 dplu. apt s now. all w /c•r agu. Poo l , from $210 +pools, ten .t96-7161 ;
Chlll\ge for 6-8 units. Call 2 cu garages. wet bar, eJec garage dr Immaculate 3 br condo. areu, all prices. Save on jacuzzi. Adults. no pets. . terf lls. d 1 ~
tor appointment . h" 1·757-1623 opnr . Gardener Incl. 2\'I ba, $t2.S lse. 962·7463 ~UDO ISLE fee Open daily. 2l8SO Harla ms, wa 8
•· po~ 11
• AjNah1wllh Fwwl COLE Of NEWPORT $.m. mo. 548--0063 after SP~ "'" 6 .. 1149oo .. ..t Ave, C.M. (M~a Veroe From San Dle11o wy or Ullfwftlthecl 00 Owner will lea11e "'Ill"' ,...,, "'-E off H """-Bl d) driveNorthonBeach to •••••••••••••••••• 1r••
REAL TORS C .& ~IVE •Westside Costa Mesa. HOiilleagton FURNISHED OR UN -0-~ ,. .. · .. 7 aruva v . McFadden then West on lNO • 675-551 I AT 1 Harbour 3242 • : t'-wlhiC)ton leach 374 ~""" McFadden to Suw1nd THE EXCIT 2br.tba.,enclgar,patao, l'URNISJfED· MAKE ••••••••••••••••••••••• VlU• .. e.(7l .. )"'°"'·"'l""" p••LIMR.r• ... -.. ltEHTA.L MARKET wash tdryer area nu ••••••••••••••••••••••• AN OFFER You huve a HEW IE-·SIDE -... .. __,_.,, "" -~"' ,.,.-r• •--__..., ~ooo 54 UNl'J"S.all rented CilJll/drp1, freshly paint L.'<t ume ava.11 Prestigious choice · Large 2 Br +den STUDIO 3br, 2ba. Townhouse. Up· a•" ....,0 ._.EW MINUT8~;ro NPP,, ~ .-.-.........-ni 6 46 Furn+ 8 rented ed Move 1n t•und Weatherly Bay i.pac and patio. $750. mo or 2 "Weetdvlatn" g raded. Lge patio ""'" " ••••••••••••••••••••••• garages. Most umts havt $325 f mo No pet' t wnhi.e Boal slap, 5 Br 2 Ba. large deck and f\lll lutdien &TV Children ok. 645-9543 3 BR studio apts, huge Bach. l&2 BR
CdM View Lot $33.S,000
2 Units + Hse CM
Z Units C.M .... $225,000
Lot3 C.M ... $750,000
J QUJUt, m
J"L A C l!l
PROP~t.JCH ~ 752-1920 Irv•
1~ QUAil. IT NI~ eEAQt
Open Tiii 8:30
new paint and carpet..~ ~ 1m bdrmi.. 3 ba, k1trht'n \'IEW. $650( mh1o Both un-Llnt'nll&Utilltlh eves,646-4262days. back yard, children OK ~~~~~~~~,
All havt' new roofs Call --comph•tt>. frpk. patio. its are res Y pamt1'<1. MILETOOCEAN --~. l)ys. 848·26M. l'\l> •
GeoFreyat 2stycondo.3RH.2°'.rba, balcony.gatt"dcourtyard and carpeted. DRIVt; RoyalS..itnMot.I $4ZS.New3br,2ba, E-53MS'l3 (SB~i:!~~~;~
542·3456 r r P t '> d r P " • entr, pvt ydrd. pool, ten BY stde, deluxe, encl. gar.
BF.NRINKLER.E. washr/dryer , rdnJL lll.ll~.dblelec J?ar L.se 111V1aLldoNord 727YorlctownBlvd frplc,yard. HEARIEACH Blvd)
--dsh'*sr. air t·ond. P\t S875 Refs 846-0177 01 andcall BeachBlvdatYorktown TSLM.gmt 642·1603 &.CIYICCEHTER _ 546-9860
Real Estate patio +atnum, 2 car .:ar 759-1131 Waterfr'Oftt Homes 536-041 I BRAND NEW. Spacious ROCMM •OOO
Wmthd 2900 w Id o or o Pen er 631 1400 New, 2 Br, 2 ba, all bltns, deluxe 2. 3 & 4 Br. All ••••••••••••••••••t•t••
••••••••••••••••••••••• Clubhouses, poo Is, Irvine 3244 • LocJ-o hoch 3741 frplc • encl. garage, bltns, frplcs, gar. lee yd Room w/ldtcheneHie
Wanted:howeor duplex, jacuzd's. tennis crts ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• palio,lndryrm,$325. 502Yorktown·J ustWest S5()weeklrup •
owner fm .. fixer-upper. 5'50 lse. Adlt.s. no pets TURTLEROCK BIG CANYON TOWNHSE LAGUNA BEACH MTR. TSLMgml 642-l60J of Beach Blvd. 536-1718 548_97M • -
6.11--M&O Pvt.Ply. 754·1300 Ne~2BR,2ba.crpt'd& INN '6-5/wkltup. Maid Large3Brtownbouseapt, -
Beacbfront. duplex. 2 Br D u p le11; w /gar. GLEN drl> d, spectacular Golf serv. color TV. heated 2ba. lrplc. patio, garage. r:~~Jd~~~nB. Ambassador Inn in CC.b
triplex. urgent. Nwpt to mature coople only, $15() TOWNHOUSE c.ourse & lake vi .. w. Sep poo6, <714> 494-52$4, MS Qwet complex. Adults. 963-8300or963-7866 Mesa. 'lZl1 Harbo~n
San Clem . Omni ,+ rent col lel't1on. View, four bedroom:i, gar., tenOJs & pool. N a1!tllwy_ --nopet11.$375.64S-3381or--------trallylocalcd,235~~';:~
714-661·1001 532 59~ ~.200 square feet. Im· L~e1opuor::_ ~-2416 Studio apt, marvelous 675-5949 2br. 110'.lba. Condo MANY wit h kite en
----maculalcly upgraded Rentals Galore!! oct>an view, i.paclous Pool. adults only phone & TV. Swimmini.:
1 UNITS C .M. Rentals \~~· ~::i:.'~U'J~~~~~. ~~~ 0~\in!';>\!tnt~r We ha\'e JOOO's or houses. wifrplc. 497 1303 2g:~·a~·:. 8:att:.nh:~~T; $3l0. 955 :!09
7 !.':~. J~:.~~i. &an:e:~;~.
Beaut1ru1 br nnd new.\ I .... ,•••••••••••••••••• 642.6500 Wknds : Mr J 0 11 N S 11 fo: /\ dplxs. apts now, all Newporileoch 3769 jacuzzi. Adults only. CoolOc.-lreeie rates 5tartingfrom_.a
br,lort.f1p.3-2br,l':iba HousnFuntbhed Willlt~ 552 713R ur '\VA I LARLt" IM areas,allpnces Suveon ••••••••••••••••••••••• $375.mo.646-2010 2&3 B r & 1&2 Ba. week . :
townhouse. all bltns. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ · Ml-~OIATELY' f~. -garages, laundry fat•1I sis 4840 · . rrpL.,, d~. llurry. buy lalM>a l"-d 3106 -645-4900 A.gt IAYFROMT R...tal1 Galore!! Ready now Adu lb. no --"
now. Tom l.Cl'. RI tr. ••••••••••••••••••••• •• 3Br French Quarter Cun d QUA 1 L Ill We have lOOO's of houses. pets. $250 & $340. 425 A Sunny room, EastbhJ!fi..
642·1603· Bayfront house avail now do. $395 mo PLA.O&: SSOO. 4 br. 2'' ba, F R • 3 DR. 2 bath.s.OY~y.~ dplxs. apts now. all l2th St St5i0 • thru J wie 17• 28r, $300 546 2018 PROPERTIES pool. tenrus. gardencr ADULT C "DO areas, all pnces. Sa \'eon 640·2810 SEVEN DUPLEX IS
673 15 8 _ 1u-1t20 l m . Owner, 640-0008 2 BR. 2 ba, yrly. $425 fee. SHARP 1 Br apt, walk to ~
SAMCLEMENTE mo. · 1 ____ JBr,2baCollei:ePk Stv, 1-0UA1LST.HEWPOWTIUCH STS'STOIEACH 645-4900 A,. beach. $220 mo. Ca11Lgesunnyroom •. h~e~ch
Ocean vlt'ws. all 2 BR. CostaMHa 3124 refrig, frplc Cov'd pat __ OpenTi118 JOPM ILUFFSCOHDO 3BR.2ba,bayvuSl050 '!II' 53fr7330 & laundry pnv1Jegc1, l~, BA. Less then 1 "r ••••••••••••• • ••• •• • • •• dbl gar. S4SO 641>-7528 Rr.a.JoT •Ls l Story 3 bdrm. Close to 2 BR 2 Ba yrly '"A"" .,._ Iba """"'"' New paint --Refs req. 548-1372
J g, 1 A • •• · .,..,.,.,, '" • • ......,. • 2 Bachelor apts. both nr , old Walk lo state beach R...tals Gaiott!! For Lease 68r. 3Ba, pool, 2 BR. 2 Ba..... S43S school & shoppmg. No l..ndry fac, no pets. 2E9·B bear h. $145 & St 80 Slp'f? only, no cook t. for
& park Asking only WehavelOOO'sorhouses. S600 mo. S.SS-9799 W(•d 3BR.2Ba. ... ~so pets.$6SO.Af?t.6«7Z70 E.16thPl.644-<MS2 9623533. older empJ'd, non
$118.000earh Offer on all dplx<;, apts now. all 12~ Thur96 or an) time 3 BR. 2•-i ba s.i95,525 dnnk"r /smok'r $55 mu.
or part
;,reas. all pnl'es. Save on t~9-fJ607 4 BR 2~., ba Si5i0 Si!40. lbr, ref rig, st v. C&D. Beaut $2151 Br Duplex 1S430ran CM f - - - -· 1 FOR LEASE patio. AciJls. no pets. 724 Walk to Beach' -=-ge __ _
215 D<>I \1ar. 492 4121 67s..4900 A.qt 4 bdrm 2 ba t'am Room Lovely 2 bdrm. 2 ba up· C James. 673-7787pm Secluded Ytird • 15363) Vocatioft Re..tals 4250
------t• P $460 mo 539 2424 or per Apt for renl at ~25 1920 Meyer Pl.. nr new •••••••••••••••••••••• •
Me---' leoch 3169 S42-3S75 mo lol'ated at 428 ' R--" G....1-t··-.. -t ., BR l ' B Charmlng2Br °"'den S260 * •LOH.& *
12 U.._.ITS -....-· '""ah _...!! .. ,u..,,e ap ' -~ a. Part Ut1l Pd· L'1"· OK "" "" " ••••••••••••••••••••••• JBR f h ... Be0 orua f d at o gar ...,25 "'...., EH VE CONDOS . am-rm omc 1n ,.11 " We ha\'e lOOO's of hou!>eS. ..~~ .. .,,!! 1 • • ..., Dishwasher Gar (536J l W A • ,. mile to buch Tht.•se Rental1Galore!! CM Crt)rd l'ntrc, frpl 3 Bdrm, fam rm \1ew dpl"'~· apts now. all .,..,,........, ___ -R--1.1-.. 631 -4555 IN HAWAII
won 't lai.t at only WehavelOOO'sofho"•se• cul·de-sac A\.all 4/17 home, lot·ated 1n a II s '""'"-'"' Inlm'IR.E.Netw--L "" 000 G ~ ~ d areas. a pncei.. a\'e on 2 BR. l ba, encl oar & ""' $J2u, real income dplxs. apt:. now, all $475 540-7730 private guarde urt•n f""' ... •---h 3848 Neurrvvot Heights 0 •,
l d ( 0 h · r ""'· patio . .., .. "' mo. :>.210 11B, • -~ -....,. • ~ ra e ·up rm your areas,allprtces Sa\'eon wit manyamenllll'S or 64r4,00 ...... __. --r--645-5044 duplex or 4 pie". Watrh ree. l br, ft'nced yrd, ne°"' lease at $950 mo 212.'> "' ~.,. Rutgers.Call846-7129_ •••••••••••••••••••••••
empire J.!row. Call now 64S-4900 A ... kitchen $275mo. 1+523 CAMPC.ISJ>t·IR\ll"E Yacht Radiant 2 BR, monthly thru June 2Br, 2ba. dishwasher LaUrtg1·1ePlaB1dr~~laenxV-R1~ws Rtfttals t;~ WO
lormore1nfo ---"=-' -~--64_2·263-q 3Bdrm.denhome,locat Horwnaltly lhsefr '--b M v d *"""/ """ .-••••••••••••••••••;;-ff •• .., ,,.,, . "" . esa er e. ~ mo. $290Sleals (4945) 540-3666 L100 JSLE, 3 Br, den. 4 br 2 bu. newly decorated 3br 2ba condo 10 Terrace. ed in Spyglass. $900 mo 213-446-4750; 4~ 9220 Call 75Hl888or 979-8533 Bark Bay area TlliM'
wetbar. patio, ':i blk LO $450 mo lse. No pt•ls palm. comm pooL Nr El JG Drakes Bay. Unfum bdrm, P ri h,1 beach.$800mo.Lsc.Lvc ~.SS27IJ8 Rancho $450 mo . 2 BR w/pat10, steps lo Newdecor 2BR.1 Ba,in J8rPat10Apt,ITldPool Non smoker $1 o. Wltela11 msg w/IPR675-6520 673 2252 beach. monthly or week-quiet complex, stv. garb A/C Enclosed Yd Dwshr 548-7223 ,
RENTTOOWN$475 Jy 111 45th St. Nll. dspsl, lndry fac, xtra NrShops,$280 (5816) --
RE~l ESTATE House-s Unfumtshed Sprawlin~ 3Bdrm 21b In Umv Pk. 2 houses now 546 5684 pkng. 1970 Wallace. Ad Its Renffnws 63 I .4555 Master Br w /ba, Me!. a
••••••••••••••••••••••• F.nclosed Yard-Garrlen 4 BH + f''am Rm. $700 onl y. no pel!'L $290. Verde pool home. nu Wl11ts1de. lJOOsq rt house General 3202 Playhouse for t..ht• Kicts per mo AND J BR + _ _ _ On ocean. bach · uttl 646-1850; 545-SlM ..Wwpori leoch 3869 O\'enule visitors. drink ~ f 2 r R ,...75 paid. S250 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i n g or d r u gs Fu I I + zone or more ••••••••••••••••••••••• Near Schools 154501 ••m m . ..., per mo lMlomes. C"rmel. 3 BR 968 .,c:c:o Qui"' 2 b '---· '""' I h (
P k IJk $74 950 7c:.,0617 u .....,., ~ r U<OC tn .,,p x, P"RK ..... EWPORT kite en. washer al'1I
ar e arca ·· One story Callforn1a ,_. agt + f"am Rm. pvt yard ..... ,.. pets N "" " I h 1 Pnnr Only A ... 642 ...,.,,., Be t 2B ..,"" < ""7) STEJ><> TO B"'ACJ' 2 b resp .... '""• no · on· Bache Io rs • 1 or 2 wil ave to sign rent.•
-"'' '"""' Ranch Sharp. vacant. au. r....,., ...... OEERFIELDTW ... ' HSE 2 $650 mo 752 ·0617 -., ... ' r -" .-Kil """"2323 $235 a..-....: 631 4555 · '" f t 1 J I Smar._,.,.'""' 0,...~m·. &Townhou··~ agreement, mu
8 UNITS dean, Jarge 4 bedrooms, """'1tlnrS • "-.den. 2 ba, wood duck OWOC 8"' um, garage, now I U 'J °""""" ·' o<-> 833 0070 t 221 '" ~ ,.. l.....,,.. mo 6736640 STUNNI NG lg0 3br "'---m......,'950 · ex or
Best CM area :o;elhnii
for less than compara
bll' Agent 645-1103
$495 per month Call --I h I --_,., -~ '""' ....,.. ~5105aft5 :30.
962.7788 or s.i9-9568 College Park 3 Br. 2 bJ. Pus rrpt, e ec 1:ar opn~ 3 Rr. 2 bath house l blk Lo garden apt. Pool. rec Spectacular spa. total
--· see·t.h.ru frplt'. no peti. ~r pooli.. parks. schls bclL $475/mo mcl tennis 8eaut2Bronthe8e1tch area.$315.110W.l8thSt. recreation pr ogram. AVOIOJNCOMPATiiLE
HOMEFlNDERS $450/mo Ph 5457318 ~1~0~~~2$465 mo & swim club. Call GCluld~~-~elcomeS450) -c;oc1alprogram.7pools.8 ROOMMATES!
'Thousands o( Rentals ----. 6.11-:ll98. Refs req reJtt ~a e' (5465 Mesa Verde 2 bd. nu crpt. teruus courts. At Fashion House-Motes 8J2-"4 I~
SMAU MOTEL All areas all pnces 2 BR house. nu pamt & Le ~ G rd drapes & paint. Qt. cul Island, Jambo""" & San
h I b k d *""" a.<;e ~ a encr m-NEWPORT TERRACE 3 Be hf t tB ..,.,,. d t pd '"""" ·~.. TakesTheGuesswolil Long Beac area Sample: crpt. enc ar y . _.... ludcd 4 BR 2, B ac ron r,,.,..,,., e-sac. wa er . ......, Joaqwn lblls Road
C II f f ,..., w II S c • 2 a . air Br 21-Ba. Fam Rm. N Pl h Ca •~ R&S 4""1936 Outol ""-·"ng a ori.normat1on $140Barhfumulilpd ....,,5 a ace.t d 1 • ew us rpe..... mo .,.... l714tl>4 .. l'OO TilATRIGHT.-mPUJERSO'
•_,...S,.....&l•ow...., con· 2 sty. Avai ·now. $475 67S-074SorSS7-1046 BayWUldowVu (9634) " R~"" 93 .. 3979"1 ~~~fncdrrded 2 BR house, Nu crpt & New home,Woodbndge. Ret'ltiwtes 631·4555 2Br,18a,c/d.bltins, R.-..-a.....tiGalore!I SanSSbyShartft9 ~ • ~ r pets enc paant, encl backyd, $300 Comm pool & lake. Kids llG CA.HYON gar, $2.50/mo. Af?t . ~ U1''ETIME SERVICE 2177~'2 Miner St & pet OK. Owner tAKt. 2 Story townhome, 2 Br. 838-8081. We have lOOO's or houses. * 16 UHITS * 557-0822 5S!Hi22l 2 ,2 Ba. den w /bar. dplxs, apts now, all
6MONTHSNEW' 3206 2 Br. sml fncd yd, oldt'r separate dinmK room. 2015Thurin areas,allpnccs Save on
FULLYOCCUPlED lc6oal9'clttd child. sml pct ok. S300 New3br2bahousc. Frplc beauuful upgraded rrpts ••••••••••••••••••••••• Brand new 2 Br. 2 Ba, r~.
Under $41,000 per unit ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo. 642-0857 aft 4. A/C. tennis. Jae· i.auna & draperies. Spectacular Gen.rd 3102 Crpl, prv patio or bale. 1>4S-4900
STUART FINE NEW 3 BR, den 3 BA. B • P ~mo 640~ ~ -view. SWlmmmg & t<'n · ••••••••••••••••••••••• adults, no pets, xlnt Joe, ---country c h armer 4Brorden,2 a I' .• nu . $S"O ......,""",.67., .. oc:., OCEANVIEW yrly28R REALTOR 631-5454 w/beams&leadedglai;s. on & out, $450 mo. 348 3 br 2 ba twnhse. Univ ~:~tc, etc. '' · 121121 Flower Street .,,,..........,, ~· lBA.dplx.'$15omo
F. to share 2Br, 2.Bil-Pk
Nwpt Apl. nicely furn
$195 + •,"2 util 640-5342
Gain a reliable' , '
•SHARE/\ llOM~ C -:-gt -4-1-
1 1 ft SB50 mo yrly lse. 675-53<>4 Hamilton. CM 642 7743 Prk, frpl. wet bar. db' <Garden Grove) Large 1 2 Bdrm condo, nr. Harbor 644~80 or 642·3639
(o)cvm ond ·P e65x. ()()(cl 1!" . -gar $495 840-4796 SEAVIEW, 3 br, + fam bedroom. apts. close to Blvd & San Diego Fwry. ea~1 e. $1 • >Y Attractive 3br, 2ba. den. D p "nt 3226 ---rm. Oc<'an view, shopping. L a undry Avail. April 151.b. $285 Nwpt Hgts 2 BR 1 BA. Gay rmmt wanted 111 Owner /Bkr 968·3270 frpl adlls $625 yrlv cna °' 1 t -s87 5 fac1lilles. no children. no mo. Kids ok. No pets. beam clgs, pnt10. gar. no share N.B. home, w••b ~
671< ~ .. (213.) 367-0177 .. ••••••••••••••••··~··•• 1 --leach 3248 poo 1 en n 1 s · · $250 h kl.... ...,,.It 645 682 ••
U"•ITS ,..,,_. -. _,,..... 213/430-3629 pets. $195/ /mont . CaUSueSS6-7707 ~·pets~ ·1 -guys. 752·1100 '"' --WHITEWATER Vl t,W. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----Utihtil'S paid. Call Deb--------"
Sm & la..-ge umls. Very CoronadetMar 3222 Br. 212 Ba. patio deck, Ocean vu home. 3br. IAYCREST bieal(714)6JE.-7343. 2 Brapt,urwtrs, enc gar, Charmmg2BR1BA.gar. ~an!ront NB. shr 1}1t lar~e inventory. Long ••••••••••••••••••••••• frpl, gar, 5 min wlk lo 2•,,ba. 1n prest1g1ous Finest location; 3 BR, 2 laun, bltins. nice ocean view. Steps to Ilse pvt bdrm & b)ltt
Reach&OrangeCounty Spotless.Walktobch. bch & harbor, $485. no Pottafina$'1504994820 bar 1 f Id •IRAHDNEW+ grounds, adlts. S250. ~~~~27~~~1Y·6731503 $250+.673-0078 -.-. Pnnonly Agt. ~9070 4Br 3Ba Fm rm 2100sqft peL'I please. 714-661-6581, ---. -·• rp • odsnna '"·rm • Cherry Creek Ad ult 751 7522 dys 673 8..,,,.. ...,. .. .,,.,., ~ Yrly, 509 Acacia645·7°"8 aftS. 3 BR. 3 ba, fantastic view beaut. Ian capmg; cov A ts 1 & 2 BR Cplc's we · ' · · "'"• --Fem. to shr w/same: t hr •2TripliaxH• -home, new sros Nopet.s. ered patio. greenhouse. P · • • eves. Bachelor units, 1 block a"' $1.SO 848_1414 .-.......1
a. p k 3 BR den 2•, Ba o<'ean c.,.,.57cc -7897 courtyard·, "ardener. have lakes, sauna, from beach. All ut1I 0 :-:;-_·2381 · ' .... """',, • Near !Aae ar • Mm. to · · · •. .x.;r .,.,,..x.;,· " Jacuni & pool. Located Spacious 2 br l'h ba pnv pa.i·d. Nope•-. .,...,", mo. _D'I"' ___ • _____ _ bcb. l-4 BR. 3 ba. 1 3 BR, H!W!!! VlCW Pool. Jacuw. t62S ---3-2-5-0 wshr, dryer. ref rig. incl S F 1 . J ti 1 $275 .., ~
ba· 1 3 BR 2 ba 5 Ocean view home 1ust a mo. Omni. 714·ti61-1001 LOIJlllMI HIRs New carp. & paint. $790 at 2701 · a l"Vtew. ust pa 0• enl._: ·gar. mo. 201 E Balboa Blvd. Call 2 roommates to shart""ii:: ' ' · 1f bl k th be h 3 -••••••••••••••••••••••• Mo. on leasD Owner S. of Warner. N. of SO 3038 F'i , ... ore SueSS6·770'7 3 BR.oldAr, char..:!"nn garages. Crplcs. SlSS.000 ha oc to e ac · Fountain Valley 3234 ~POOLHOME~ "" Fwy c:""' 1991 N t "' '"' ..
h 7 3 Al b Bdr + conv den 3 ~ ~ fi44-422'7 ~_;__ 0 pe s. Small t t St & Newport Hts hse. 1 -1,fd
l'IK' • 1709 l 1 a ama. ms '. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sensational 4 BR 2 Ba ,......._ __ lslcmd 3106 Refrlg~u ~pp. /m~~eNo layfrOflt/Udo llM Quiet area. $145. 64"t-.>t ~~~;: Bch. 536 1718 ~~·~c!~'~f~~~a~~~ Unique3b~.3ba,$.i50 ~air cond. Cplc. 0 1w : Stunmng28r28a S42S ~•••••••••••••••• pets Agent 7519999 2 Br w/frplc Sandy aft5
decks encl pallo&wait SunkenLhm11Rmllu~e !iuper area . $485 MasterSte-HeatedPool -· · beach $600 673-0770 --
'til yi,u see t.he master Frplc, Fncd Yd <9633 > ~'i67. a11ent._nofee Seduded Yd l6733> Brand new 1 br w/rrpt, btwn J..6 pm. Fem. rmmt wanted. O..n parking, bit-ms. lg. $4.25 Dana Point 3826 . bdrm & bath. Non DUPLEX-CM
2 Ea.,t.s1de 3 Brs. 11:ars
$115,000. Realtor
~~·wow' $1200 Per MustSceToReheve• 3 BR. 2 ba condo Park AllUl1IPa1d3Rt2Ra ~t' 213/36().0773 --•••••••••••••·~··•••••• Huge2Br2BaV1ewApt smoker. $147/mo .
Huge4+2 Hld Pool $395 hke pnvacy $375 leai.e Captivating View·SSOO' 1 Br new, top loc & quah-Dup4ex, ocean view; New Heated Pool. R&.S $430 64.5-25S6
2Car Gar·Nr All (002.3) No pets_?'0-12.'iG Jacuzzi-Plus! (6405) ty. $400. yrly Park mg l.5SO sq.ft. 2 br, 2 !r ba. Must See' (6441)
RtfltiMes 631-4555 Rentimes 1>31·4555 67s-4857 $450 mo.759·0706 YngRespProfeswmnndc; LookingbythcBcach' same to share Delux ----4 Olt I UHITS
\rea of Beach Blvd. & Lov I p ksid Est t 4 Lab Fonst 3255 We• Un In at f! r BI v d . e Y ur e a es •••••••••••• ••••• ••• •••
CANALFRONT 3 Br. 2 lalM>a Peninsula 3107 2 BR, 2 ba, ocean vu, gar.. SaveTime·Gas & Money duplx BI $225. 615-1579
Ba, watk to bch. $695. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $350. .,An 7309 CallTheProsToday' eve640-3863da • .._
... ,, 0 "c:" ., .. ., "'"'"l •190 NI b h t V'OV" Rentfftws 631·4555 . .....,_,.,,,,or.,_. ..... ~ • · ce sc · a p · Casual sell-supporting
San JUCllt Resp. adults. Util pd. No 2br lower. Completely re· 2 Br, 2 ba, lower dplx. non..gmoker to sh ~t
br, 2 ba. Crplc, bltns, u p -··-"-11 .. Reduced $8,000. All 2 graded. Nr. ahops, Mile 3 br lwm ... e, a amenities,
bdJrms., l \.'a ba. studio A Division or Square Park & golf. $435. tem porary rental i,2
apt.I. I l.1 rhor lnvc:1tment Co. 759-1930 pn ce. $275. 546-046'9
MURCHISON DOMTFOlGET! tlwitlngtonhodt 3240 <Oaks> 3 br new home,
ec.ktn-o 3271 ru· 106 E. Bay Ave, apt =~i~!:x,94~:0, Mature cpl only. $330/mo hme w I 39 yr sifrw}t•
••••••••••••••••••••••• · · · yrly. Call 548-8912. AJ{t. male. S48-8300/S56-<9'1 llttlf'prilff VOTIAPllL I Ith ....................... frpl,club-(emPoraryren-
644-5046 645·24 I I R U N T I N G T O N tal Yi price. $325. Details. Av all. 4/1 d)'llamite 4br CoroH dee Mar 3122 Sell things fast witb Daily Female roommate ~ill 2ba w/the works. Super ••••••••••••••••••••••• PUotWanl Ads. Classlned Ads 64.2·5678 edtoshare2brdu~jn
Jla.lse With 3 other units. _._...._...._.~-3224 HARBOUR brand new ..:546-(M69_,_ ______ _
I •-....._.... ,__ • end 1 story S Bdrm. 2 ba. MlukM VM'-326 7 areaMSO ,.__.._ , CdM. $190 + t,.1J 1.1111 963-45i;r A.gt no fee I '--'11 MHa 312 ... Costa Mfta 3124 Dt>borab 673-3823 ot owner anx oul ... can ••••••••••••••••••••••• all built·i jac pool "'tc r' he'IP fin an ce. Just . n, • •.. •••••••••••••••••••••••
$120,0llO. SI& call Wallace AT LAST Privacy. $SSO.S46-4408 3Br, ram. rm .. frplc. crpt, Coftdanllinl .. s t O.. Realtonl, 729-5966. New·elettant-2 bedroom d.fl). beaut. view cul·de-'-"lshtd 3400 • 1t__.._. ~-1 (S550) or 2 bedroom + sac street. Lease $425 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lola_. Sde 220 "" .,,.... .......,. Ce den C$S75). Cedar&. win· 8»001 Resp. person to rent in ex
•••-•••••••••••••••••• Y~ C• h..t dow home. 5 Blocks to -cl NB loe. Nr bch. Pool.
W£ PAY CASJI 1t·oa At.._ Witfli beach. P rivate 2 car jac,sauna. 213-703~
ORANGE COUNTY --GU•••....,.. earace. Fully main· Hewporileoc.h 3269 CM"'di:i+'lftl LOTS C.ll'40-~11.2. n1: "'-"A"'~ •·•-..t rd Ad Its N ••••••••••••••••••••••• -w-l .. ~s ~ . •Wldestldectlonpoa. ....,IQI Y• ' u . o UnfwnlslMd ,,.
60' OCIAM ,.MT •In house computer ays. pets. Inquire 525 18th St. Walk to tK>ach 3 br A ••••••••••••••••••••• ••
2 Br TownhoW1e, frplc.
Poot tenn.1.1 Some C>Ci!an
It Cat.all.na vieW11. Cl
to Fuhlon Island & fin
beach. Al.so l Br. 644-2811 t rm adjllldftt 30• lob. •Dally\.elepboaetttVlce crH )t«Ml331 Frame tllOO. mo. New Runt. RarbOa:r area, 2 br, R-a .-.1 •elusive uea. •V•~ wri.l*l d~I)' Lovely 3 br 2 ba home, nr C1'11U· &C-331151 or 842•3850 full.size patio, nr beach. sno,ooo for both. <>bu-•f\illaaffofcounsclorl beach . super y r d Aat sbollS. achll, n an April 2Br,earace,laUndr)',,u
Int mt)'. Oceamado CA. •P°l'eetoqed&Sfcover w/,..,mr. 9500 mo. (213) Newport Hfta,bta s br, 2 1. $325/mO. ~-pe.id. S380. mo. f'l).35M
1·'722CllllM =~~~I •W 4,IS6981 Ba 'bse. Aller accesa a. To.,.a•• ...;or;.__642-_21_u ____ _
a.OSITO IEACH trtonge +tar. New1clt~h Uwfwttlmd 3525 MaosJOcent Vlewt R£NT1MEr 2 BR. formal Din Rm, l ;.:at.b. ~!' .. t:,~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plush l&et br duplex. ~ atT. patio bme, fJ>k, wet· MWIT 531"\M1' BIO CANYON S. ~ Hwf. t'rpl. W {D. •lServlc. be.r, tetm.IJ, pooa & Jae, • 2 br, dea, 2~ b•. lse or $415Vtll lnc.m-G004 av t lorae . $400. 9T22 p EN t N s u L A \p T . laeoptioa. ST:IO. 6'4-5702
Verde Mar (Broollhural/ OCEANFRONT NF.AR ~. ,_. 3550 Cothl MeM 3124
Hamilton)M.5-3358 J ETT Y. 3 t\DRM. 3 ~-" ••••••••••,•••••••••••• BATH PARTI ALLY ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• PYNAM'ITP.: ' BR Z Ba, FURN.' t YR LF.ASE. lbr with vlf!W of l•rdf'n. 2 Br duplex, au., new
fplc, DIW. convenl~nt s 1 ., 5 o p / m o near Woods Cove. Nu J)&lnt ls crpl. llts C.n------------1 tr••· $4U. 9U·Oll1. INci...UDtNO WATER i,, paint le c rpt•. '290. )'On.SfTS.mo.l'TMUI
Acentoolee. OARDEN£R. AGENT. GM40t;G&....mz l Br our So. Cat Plua
I Br, 1 ba, tlua• l it, 612-2200 • D4l 1 as u.fst. HOO $a40. Noe'.;-
tmmlc. Nr Sctach • El· eoalJtlf\1.l •Dl'". t8a W/f•m ·······-····-·-· .. •• ____ ---..;.....;;..;.;...;.._ __ _
llJ; IW LI Palma Cr, no, D ar part. pool ~ :r.ASTSn>SCll LIUU Br, po01, ll1". • 5al'Q llOdoa*l •Chi )I. v .H. "50 mo. 3 Br J)pb, w ...... .. edit.I/DO ..... .:uw~ Oeri111Ulealty,~ .. 9e:t2 M0-1440 t Al!Lttll ._.. UIUIOftrOHa~ ~
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 640-2470
--~----~-Offlu R ...tal 0 .......................
.. .. , . . .
., DAILY PM.Or * W~.Men:ll29, t'71 tWi,W..._.. 7100 HelpWWed 7100 .... W..t.cl HMpW fed
•--a....a ••· • • • • ___. •--... lloo -·-················ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• !!!.~ ........ ~ .•...... ~!.~~ ~~.~ ..... ?!.oo •• ...,, W..tN 7 too ....,.. • -• -......,. r...,... ~c:~~ ...................... . ••••••••••••••• 1"' • ....., IOO ·····-········· .. ••••• LA'! d A Baokltli AA ... &V ...... -.. I f'OOal •utle -----.......... Lan': .. , llttl• Ch'l Bh• OYllLOAD -----"11 Cl8M amai ..... _.._. ~ Cettal Shop machl.n1o
'2l Aa11...,1ce bla. SAMCl.lt•ITI • Cold llc:Caw Parrot. orr .. &op nav,. v ... •l.o.6-DMIJ lf/Druft1 . • lrvbMNUJouJ Bank 100% FREE ~ ... N•WPorter·Meu aaae-rnbly • .. j •• •
--_. __ ,_., r---~--•-~ --.,, &mUer n....-PJ.au of New a. ......tft. aJmoat •
8 11
11> •I• .... _ Z.'::..".:.~ ~· .............. 4 Pet &bop, Vic: 8outbeaat Hunt· Of 111ter•tia1 autco· n H B.,_..P -COl:ilactSh.lrleySaW7« ._._ ... ':" .. --:r:e ·-a It •mall co. Good adf'1l.G~ ---.u-v .,. .... ,_._, _,,. 1 ~ l .. n-"' ..,. _.. ·~ ,..._ "-c:e, . • erm. poai. -....... • 0 ,... i-..c1 ...,_. .,.... .. " ......,. I r1""' ----....;._..;_;.~.;..· -~ ncu • .., •uer ,..,..... a ... oa -ac-. _., re -. -"•...,. eo .... ., tioa.. Sboppiai c:~. ~'""· c.. ·""· ltt'\o•. u ,you h.-ve ex .....,.... Cl' ...,1 people. SJ .. mcunve ,..,., io. louUoa • ward.m.aolorla ..... l ar.n,. County..,... and banb. aptt, rwldentiaJ Banki.n« ~L $650 -er>c'e ID dlaplay ad tost&rt.~.
SU"1S ~~RY l.clat: Fem Alnlale, Am. =:::~~ ~·Im.med opm-PaooPOP&ATOtl Srrice...... $700 ¥Wt.a&kle,caJJTvrytor l.axwi~ owa offices, ea· REALTORS tohoolKeefa'....~lPauladno P9nCl&Del at aJI J.vet.. NN161. NCR 775 aper pnl'd ~~ ~ lo ~500 tn appt. "MUI G98AL CFC.
e tl v o u ere tar y , W Del Illar G:Ht21 ~ · .-.-Oall today aod let u. tell Hra 11"7. Contact penoo !l;Kl'V1lf .-, -' CLER!CAL. Bltltp'f ex·
•oaal pbonc COY lAS M TOG bow t.o becoino a nrldftit. Acct.Jae.ti seoo pr. helpful Good pay.
nqe, ~t. roa Newport 2exlstini ocean I t:sJ: morn, 9-~blk .,._,,well paid Accoun. S8f SANTIAGO IAMIC Cc1 ftf 0pr$fS~ Donut Sbop-Oravryard. <'OmJ>&D.Y beoetlt.t Apply
Wence room, xerox, front ~e-out sit em auzetpUp. un lailt• Ovorload pro AS Bl£RS 53.SE.lJltSt,Tus••-.. ,,·.
c•• .~7 itrl
..... PSt/U.~.Apply,WE at Stor., Cable T.V ~. LeNe ~ month restauranta. Owner wU ~ ~ .. ~h. St 14· f•:!zd. u.u - -·--,... """" 2 • th.
._....an1 ----!iOTr&lneeAAMlllblen '32.s200. EOE. S.C.-et• J SI IOO 7 • 9 2 Ca m i n o O Near So. Cout finance. A. Johnsoo, Bkr. · 147-7'J I Needod lmlDCldiately A......L.... a......a. ••so Driver for courtesy car, 9-P'atrano, Ste•. ult for au •. c . ..\lrport" 91'1M9S4 Fouad:Cat,cbocolatebrn JQSSNo.aratn,Sultcl0.18, LoatltSbortTcrm BatiJd.n& ~Ive. l.n-__..._ -experpm'd. Mustbe21. nan.
heewa)lll. C.Um21e1. Siamese, adlt. Vic. SaataAna Auipmeot.t dependent bank, aoeklng .._.Secy Asst to $1515 f.14 /844·1100. conlactn -_-
-...1-r_c_f_u_lJ_ti_m ___ T_u_ a..-estwllf Harbor View homH. ~ -"'U .. _ •CCo11.1a..: I benkexper'd .. S700 uqi .. • "' e D ~lull e o 11 ices 0,,01 lwJl'f 5015 Fod earl y M ucb. ~a,,,...., e acc:oun..,., ~.....uvAvallab e. tr.cit '"° Oiuclt Undley. E.0 .E. le Thur apllt •hiit tll ~~~.~~ N< ....................... ..._ ~T~~ffl'.."'i'lii o.c. -~t ~-,.~foSS7110l70 Electronlca RecootJy 10pm.S3S-Aaa
• ·-.,..... ---.i:u Want lnvestof for beg. lJlt beoet. C.IJ or apply _. • c para t e d veterans Gen
ot.r trablee Diil l"Wa--= Coemetoloiy Salon in LOST: Grey U,er male AecouDt1nt ~ .. ,~ ... ~,•;!'lay 54MTIAGO •AMk COAST Al (iradt E-5 and below> Ill( skit~ 1r1--a.! /Mlyf' ~ e bu.sy Joca. H.B. Good cat. appro.c 1 yr. btllll PAYROLLCLK '' " -E p....,•ll~y veneedecUofill CWTflit O> 98CPI·~..., & -· Call3J·9 SO prcfrefl.00er,5%com-rQarltlo11, vie Copper Elcpcr'd lndlv. 11ee'ldod Slnket 535 FlntSt.TusUn 21'90Harbor.C.M. part·tJme vaeanela lo ·•1 •~Ua.C.M
m.oo $20,000. Good xtra Lantern, D.P. Call for nualtl·atate com. DlvWa.1t«KiddU1Co ll~S200 54°"6055 ~~Gu-~eaa. W~rn~ Gen'lOtneefor ()(fice apace for rent In 1Mome.6tf>.867s art-Gelaft8pm. puterfzed payroll. Req'a 20S2S.E.Brtstol EqWll()pportEmplo)'er ....._. -'-' ., .,.,.,... ArtGalJery
C«ona del Mar. Call JOlteybytoucb&Utet"""-St.e10 NeWport.Beacb -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;::;;;;;;j[~~~~~~~~~ meo and women ex· e
0 0
.. Ire e Pi
.. , 644-M&4. MOMytoLo. 5025 FOUND: Medium wtute la«. Mu.st epJoy detallar <c.omerolBriatoU, •BanJct,.. pen~ In efertronlct tel~, Sood typi.:,g
Be ••••••••••••••••••••••• German Shep. vie CdM busy atmosphere. Xlnt Campuabehind TEU.Str-/TIME repair. telephone / necessary, ahortband N~~~i~~~.6~0~1!f lst,lftd&lrdT.D.•1 onlhebeacbS38-83.12 ~ COOds & beoa. ~~~C~ar~t~·a~J~r)~~~ BranchofcSffksbondll Clencal t.eletypei.natallaUonand helpful. Intelligent,
67S 3471 LOANS AVAILABLE Rewant, loet "Sadae'' fem App{y NaUonal Systems -ble p /tlme t«!ll~r. Exper SR. TYPIST ~. meuage center creallve, rast Jurner Credit no Problem. Golden Retriever, ltbr Corp., 4381 Birch St, N.B. ________ _, prel'd. Contact Hilda ~a:1 .. o:!:'.: ~d Well.her needed for busy, irow1ng
prime N . B . 0 r r I (' e ~ .... .,.. 7 5~5fOJ cl 'r 548-1053; .C9a-4369. (Near oc Airport) EOE. Assembly TftTanoVe (714 ) 644. 725.5. "Dlctapbone ~......... ere IS your art gallery In So. Coast
w11.-ommoo recept area w 1 F--' 1 ISUt opportunity to earn a Plua. 5'9-9191
p., .. ilnt .... 'a. 3 orr1ce
0 + ' -t al ln*b s tt TD If NEE es ern .,.,era llBM ExecUtlve subat.antiaJ moatbly in· ---------lut~~ froo mo. Au~n QUICK CASH ~ti:' c:J1ar & lie l'la!.!': ~ IM Savings ,.tRepro come, retJrement 01.ogMm Girl bouseclng
area. 7SU282, S52.-4518 Golden West & Ed!Dger A/RICBYAILE ASSEMBLERS ~4!! ~ ~';i,;i~~ .'Technical benefita, hue exchange service 00. won:ien P rr. 1st Ir tnd Trust Deed ~a. 8'8·1234 X 21S d)lll, Jnterestlni poelUon re-NEEDED Pl"lvtleg•, and MORE! top S. CU MC. 84$.SJ.23 Deluxe offices & loans arrange>d for any 8C7·9579evs conc:lllnc A/Rec ac-& prl..W(RS IMMEDIATELY rcrlnfonnadon on Open· GI
1 ware b o us e ~ P • c e. reason. Credit no pro-cowats. Ute typi.Qi & 10 ftt1ft Baoldng Loni 4c Sbort Term AJ. l.nas and quallfleatioos r Frl'!!f Newport
11006000 sq. ft. Full bJem.. Borrowoatbein· LOST: Mlnlalure kt!l)'exper.Xlotworki.Dg NEEDED COMMERCIAL sagnments. Holiday f, call Sgt Arrollo, Beach R Eat.ate of-security. 642·4463 or cre.,e>d value of your SdinaUztt, VJe Bayside conda "benefits. Apply IMMEDIATELY!! A v a cat i o o .Pa Y. TI<&-979-7363 or apply at fice. Pref exper, or Will ~·7604 bome.ca~todaytor fast. Dr, NB. Eare n,ol Nallonal S)llltema Corp, TOPPAYI!! HOTETBIER Hosf.ltalizatlon pJao 26SlNewportBlvd,CM. Jra,in.6'B-90f0 L aw o(fic Ne t COW1eousinformaUon. cUpped,nocoJlar.Friu. 4al18ircbStNB (Near Allahilla,d~.swtn•& Min.2yrs~pneededfor aval . El--·-.......... mbly i . GIRLAllDAY: e.. wpor . 67c: c:........ OC u~ .. E' OE. • '" 11ml 'od•naodant ba '--.""""'""' -.. '"' Center. Spacious, ocean ·-• .,........., "",,... •> · graveyard Includes ' '""" n., wire prep poeltJona open P /Ume. Varied oCe ""ork
view. Secret.anal space, 6,'A~iax CO. Disappeared Mar 27, wlrnda. Long Ir short ~t~e=~e w/~;~ Small fnendJy company w/small mrr of math ~ary & <'Opler In 3att n~'*-A1.fs~1t.1.0A"s ~ed Siamese male, Acctng Bltkpng ::rm ::sisnmf"u. Hou. Tellers w/mm. exp. in C.M. Good beneflta. ~a~nl machines. ~te._?>Omo. 640~ Licensed Home Loan wear g ID tags, from 700 ~--"'ltY ay vaca ion pay needed al!lo. Call M11rty 3148 c.....-DriYe WUl train. Call Chuck for --·-------~s R9fttal 4450 Brokers serving So. blk. Summit Ur, Laguna ,_.'-"\A Hoaf.iUJizatlon plan forapr>t.640-5100 546-4741 appt.645-3632____ GIRlftllDAY
•-.u••••••••••••••••••• CalH. for 17 yrg. Call our Och. Reward. 4!M-8986 1:;:'e:~~~~ou::~k aval . ---<Across Fr-om &crow Se-cr...tary Heavy acc:tng & lite typ·
...,. DELUXE OFC•s n care s t
ff ice · Lo8t: Sml Sealpoint cat, 4 bookkeeping assign. BANK Orange Co. Alrport) MARINERS SAVINGS mg. F/time. Xlnt advan·
yrs, no collar. Rew. Lac ments. Work close to Equal Oppor Employer ls JA ... ldng .. quallfiod cement w /co moving ""' . rm . St' at 2.5. :i II -0-b. ...... l"""' "" .. ... f E l h . paneled, sm. wh!lt' in re· Speculators. investors & ""' •"1
• -· your home. Figure S.or TeR.r ~crow Secy for ita N .B . rom ast, rg c a1n
JJ' 1 or 2 yr_ lease Lake owners shrt term U ---------i Clerks to Sr. Accoun· 3841 C~ Drhe ofe. Min 6 mo·
~crow Call Mon & Tues 9-12,
Fores t area hent avail. fast. Bill Daven-p .Ja taots needed lhruout 546-4741 LOCJ11mGHHl1 ClBt.ICAL attretanaJ exper. req'd _963--0056 _______ _
Harkins Port 549-9803 ~ SlSO Orange Co. <Across From Temporary pos. now Xlnt sal working conds Gf1H M~ -714·581 9393 ....................... Robert Half's Oran= Airport) Immediate opportunity thru JuJ M & benefits including den· ..., """""''
c.J..M....a ~ ACCOWltemps Equal Employer for an Individual with Hr 8 ..,.Y. Must.~~ SO, taJ. A-'y at main ofc Combination cu~tomer _,... ,._ '"""S ..., · .,.. SO ,..,__ . S :~s. Oil UU'U Frt. YI" .,_., tu..w (j•-b'-131.SSo. E'J Camino Real ..._ .... a.in ..... e 1 pre • ..,...expenenceQa Please cal! for appl. lSlSWestc.llffDrNB ..., .... ce, ,,.,.og, ""' •·
LEASE Pn me business
rent.al, Beach Dlvd, H 8.
1650'. &c7 2547 WHEN YOU
NEED CASH, San Clemente. 11\tlly lie. No. Tower, Un.loo Bank .urs&•llaS teller prefenably in new ~ ext520 Or call Penonnd for tp•c. Wotk In a medium
lo'JheCttyolOrace ---•--•~ts. DuUes include ---·---·---a"""''RtmeotM2 .. ,,,.,,. siud. (dynamic) growth For appt. 492·'1296 71 -.. We w i J J t r a I b • .,...,.... ....,.,., ·~
t,....,_JQ3 tral.nl.ng tel.Jen, handling Equal 0ppor Employer onea~ company. Call
----CdM, C!lt. Jlwy, approx
• 1SOO' sq fl. .imple p:irk
ing, 759 9a. CONTACT
REI..AXJNG MASSAGE j~~~~~~~~~I MacGttgar Yacht Corp, customer transactions.------------''-----=-=----=--='--Bl.tat~i'IOOS.S Bob James.Uc Masseur 1631 Placeuda. CM new account.sand collec· CLER"S Escrow Offlcw
__ Out_c_aJ_l_~_9_, 494_._s_11_1_1 ~I Aas't Branch Coordinator tJoos In add.lijoo to assist· I\ Progressive tndependent GlllLS MllDB> IARIEtt OR
"'-tt·<'~!>ful lo<'at1on on Jo:
17th St, Coc>t:i Mt•!>a
trruon Home Loan5 ar
range loans for home or
property owners of $1 ,000
A/PClERI( A gro•th ·Orlen l e d Inc uv1op manager File Clerks bank baa open.Ing tor ex-Sandwich delivery. s
E 'd 1 Mortg. Bkng firm in Qualified applm ints call SUtClerks per'd Escrow Officer da)'ll wk, 4 hn day. Own xper ndlv needed N-rt Beach aeeks nn (7141768-Tnl Accountin,gClerks w/PR ability. Contact transp. Earn ovr S3 ~ -/een'I accounting or --""' Long & short term as· personnel dept hr. Call Bam-lpm, AfP exper. EDP back-experienced person well Gl~e Fedffal s1gnments. Holiday & S .. HTIAGO IANM S4()..IJ39 ground helpful, but wrll vened in all aspects or l · "" --· S1600 Mo Rkr ti7S ti700 ESCORTS
to Sl00.000 or more. And OUTC4U OHL Y
lrdistriaf Rfttfaf 4500 ·····•••···············
through Union Home l>ll·lll t L oans y ou get ___ _
Homeowner Terms,
which are generally
much better than finance
Mt BR .. _ s-!:ra v a c a I 0 n p a y -1:-U E --t St, Tu•trn Girls, Sandwich shop, nr train bright ind1v. Req ·s g ..... ,g to coordinate ... , ff · t Ii t l ....., ,. ".. '"' oc
llte lYJ>lllf Ir 10 key skills. opening of new branches. 24221 Calle de a Louisa 0~f.1 a 23 ton P an 832·5200 Airport. Mon thru
Xlnt working cond11 & provide initial & recur Laguna Hllls, CA avaJ · Equa10pport Employer F'h. l0am-2pm. SS6-06'70 BUILD TO SUIT
.1.000 20,00 0 Sq ft
Plarenua Ave C M.
Outcall Massage
benefil.3. Apply NationaJ rent training & trouble --for appt.
SY!k'ms Corp, 43111 Birch shoot Problems. Equal opportunity bee S.Cy/Adm AHf Girl to an5wer phones.
company terms.
ChooM The Tenns
that flt your
St, N B. <Near OC JdeaJcandidatewiUhave employerM/F/H Beaut. ore. Brg name co P /tlme. 10am-3pm 5
Airport) EOE. several years experlencej~~~~~~~~~I 3841 c..,. Terrific boss. Rush!! days. H.B. area. Call •SHERI LEE• ~~~~~~~~~' in SHA, VA & Conv. pro-.,_ ut Sal 54M741 Sl0,200 549-21666. " ·o~r1ce, 12,000', fenred
yard. All or part or Irvine. 631 2440
Certified Masseuse I-ces11ing procedures & ~a Y ons . Ellie O'Brien 540.5001 ---------House Calls . By appt. ACCOUHTIHG CLI( policies & prior ex per. In The Hair Handlers 1n (Across From Snelling & Snelling of
838-6838 Reputable ft.rm la ideal training methods & &d· Newport Beach nef'ds Orange Co. Airport) Newport Beach Agency RILL y AMOllJtllD ---------r Joe. seeks dedicated min. Requires travel in shampoo IJS31l. 642-8484 F.qual Oppor Employer 43t0Campua Drive
PARTLY AMORTIZED FOXY LADY person now! $750. Western states. Salary llCXPR/OFC MG 7,500 sq ft wart•house Oukal Mos~ Michele Kuhn St0-5001 commensurate w /ex. R. ClEaw TValST .Eqierienced maolcunsl. space, xlnt location. IHTBEST ONLY -~-Snelling &Snelling of perience. Call personnel Small trade shop. Vane-IOftA • • r-knowledge of sculptured
... 541).7063 7l l·l561 Newport Beach Agency dept for appt, fM0...4580. l y plus. Take charge Progressive S&L seeka ·Dads. 675-7888
Rffttafs Wanted 4&00 rwpaytlaNI plans in OC• PREGNANT? Caring. 4340Campu.s Drive E.O.E. m:r.:nu~ 540-500I ~~~yap~;~ 1°&311 {~:-. Fa.51 Food
........... •• •••
..... cordaltc:e wlfft state confidentJ.aJ counseling & Accc•llMJ to $100 At.rro RENTAL AG ENT Snelhng & Snelling of municauon skills. Detail Mature adults. tl'tJrN's.
\Jlt wanted for quiet. late law. refernJ. Abortion, adop-Pa)'n>U clerk pos. avail Expenencec:f. Apply. Newport Beach Agency oriented person req 'd Sr clhiens ! Apphcation~ ~ddle :JR<' cpl MUST bt' Ir for any reason Wf' can-tJon & keepUlg to resp. lndlv. seeking 2024 Quall St. Nwpt Bch 4340Campus Dnve Xlnt co. benefits & ad oow being accepted for rfnwn.starr'i. walk 'g dt'!· not arrange a loan for APCARE -~7-2563 major ro Call Kay, vancemenl oppor Con· full & Prr pos1t1ons on
l<tne" to ~tore.'>. $2-10 max you there will be no cost UND _. & y1,..,1 83.l-2700. Denn.ls & . Den· Atrr0MOT1VE lldlpr Sec'y SI 2.000 tact Jan Hess. (7 J4) day & evening shifts at
'16J 2105 orobligalton. I'\...&...~ -rus Personnel Service of IMC TedWdans Ve ry s p ee 1 a I spot 8J3.8383. Naugles Ori ve·Th ru ~MCl:llGC)e Irvine, 2082 Michelson We have immediate W/magneuc firm seek-State MutuaJS&L Restaurant Good start fteurt'd<'~tt&w1fedt•-.irr Fortt..Fw.offf! Dr openings ! Excellent ing vanety lover Call 4001MacArtbur.N.B iog wage. holiday &
Br Xlnt cr<'dit & UNION ~.. 11 Or Co ---------working condltJons & full Manon, &13-Z700 Dennis Equal Oppor Employer vacation benefits, op-~k 'g ref'~ $500 S600 ~rvmg~731;nge · AcHYfffesl>fr.ctor company benefits. We & Dennis Personnel porturuty for advance
N,B , pref'd Bluffs arl!a HOME C«ti.raed, fltime. Mesa also need Lincoln· Service or Jrv1oe, 2082 CoditaiJWaffress rnenl Apply in person
• SUSIE"S * Verde Conv. Hosp, 661 Mercury technicians & Michelson Dr ScJ1oo1 Mon· Fri 9 AM· 11 AM , Jteib-f'd rpl want spae< a OutcallMusage CentttSt..CM548·S58S lotmen (front Is rear). ---.t'Wt--.,_--.. --Earn up to $000 per wk 2PM.SPM. 7PM-12PM f ...... trvl lra1'l•r w/h--L ! : ~OANS lOAM ZAM 1a1~~-Apply to Bill Li&bl or ~O""'-'UCSTal Low twUoo. Placement l729S Brookhurst Avr,
•G'J "' "'"' • """"" ~~~ Howard McAlee. FanuUar w/A/R. A/P, wUt. 7S1.gl9(. _FV ________ , UJl.f~y &Aug.
646 7~ DANCE OF FUN AdmAutint'I Bua. UY FlAOBOI bllling, P•)'fOll. Must be
Hou.sc wanted May 1st in Nation'i1 Largest Rome Beaut. nude girls dance Travel, trilincuaJ SUK U..C• M accur. typlst. Min exper. Companion-Aid needed Female wanted for aomt•
lfunt.mgton Reach area Loan Brokerage Firm & rap session. lOAM to Elcrow Secy to U2Kerc._., J.2 yn. ,Fast expanding for alert Jady, s dys wk. light secretarial & pro·
"hr or more w/pool Lst B Toro 770-3031 3AM Mon.Sat. 12PM to ExecSecreUiry to SJ.2K Honda & IMC electronics mrg. 0Her11 Bal. Penin. Refs re· duction work. Apply al v.ttoption, l~e or r<'nl b) H!Mtlch 841-2225 8PM Sun. 6'2:5 N. EucUd, lrvinf'Person.nelAgency 16-18Auto~nterDr. good pay, benems. con-quired. Live-in. Sat & Sea Lancers, 201 E
(. ram 1
I" 1~~~~~~~~~ Anah.559~150 t88El7thCostaMesa IRVINE genial atmosphere . Sunoff. PboneB7J-307S. Coast Hwy, NB 675·7994 t 2 13 )3f!O RJOll o rl FREESESSIONW/AO Su.ite224 642.1470 ___ l_l_0-_7_00_0 ___ EOE Callforintervw bwtn8·J0..9;30AM. {Bet
•<?13 )278 64H J bk f01 ~. Tl'Ult DECC Cook. exper lst cook for Reuben's & Reuben E ~e Vaughn ~ 50l5 lal room DClltChtcJ ~--"-...__,_ AUTOMOTIVE Irvine 546·4731 nites, pt-lime or full Lee Rest )
& N"'POf'f leocl1
•Shopping Centers
•lndiutrial Factories
Take Uli5 opportunity to
become involved Mt.h an up and growing com-
pany, We provide full
company benefil:s, un
Uorms, insurance. boh· day" vacatloo pay,
Wed Mar. 29, 9am-tpm
OneClty Blvd. West (BaaetnentSecurity
Anaheim (714 I 6JO.J92S
••••••••••••••••••••••• Partner needed for Air National H you're IOOIOCIEIPER ---time. Ask for Bill or Ran -.
Singles Dances 6'8·2S98 havtng a bard time find· Im.media le opening lor Bookkeeper. Yng, rapidly dy, 00·9434 "' HT OFACE LOWEST In" wort and are In· experienced General growing C-0. neea, exp'd ---------Top quality firm needs
•TOUCH OfCL4SS• lerested ln a career in Motors bookkeeper bldtprp/t. $4hr. COOK F/TIME vibrant indJv. Oppor. toj~~~~~~~~~ ;;;.::;;••••••••••••••• ............. ESCORT I< MOOEL el•cl<on•<o, ••athe< handling •""'"'ts paya. Call'31-01Zl, .. I E'P«'d "' w;u tca•n odvao<e.Starttol650 0......
"'----""' 5005 ht T .D.'a. aho SERVICE OuUall by Ap-fore c as t in g 0 r ble & dispursements. --------~ Mesa Verde Conv. Hosp, Michele Kuhn 5'41).5001 -~ ...... , 2RdT.D LOClftS. Pohrtment646-71U telepboae/teletyp~ 10. Must be able to a.oatne Bookkeeper, full chari;te, 661 Center St, CM SoelJ.inc&Snelllngof SECURITY
EquaJ Opportunity
Employer M tF
........... •••••••••••• • 1---------1 st&llaUoo and repair aee MlOO!mt&. Koowledce or full or part time for up-St8-SS8S Newport Beach Arency OffE rN A MILLION. A Fairest Tenna since UM9 OUTCAU. MASSAGE YoUr Air National G~ard computer helpful. Coo-holst.erY decoratillg co. ---------1 '340Campus Drive
dksslc, in cool, clean SattlerMfCJ.Co. •7ll"°'31• Recruiter w need tact.Mra.Hauser. &f.2.8400 Cooks , day shift. ----~----1 AGENTS ~thoe, S acres, 4 64~2171 5'45-0611 · e men CONNELL Reuben's. lSSS Adams Gal Friday. organize>d
w.dJ,s, lOO's of pines, or· --------If Corvair UnlJmlted re· -.Jd women aged lT-%7.ln· CHEVROLET IOYS ·GIRLS Ave. Apiaf. accepted dlli· A I R . A I P, l y pl n g
chard, 7 lovely rentab R&redcouplehasmooey pairhasgivenyouabad ~~tettloga~~d 2828HarborBl .• C.M. l2·18ye&raoface. Even· lybwtn&-lOAM"2°"PM. Challenging ofc, N.8 . Full·llme positions at stables lot 20 horse$, bar'. to lend. lat & 2r>d TD's deal call Yvonne 631·2S70 ~today a compeUUve 546-1200 lof,_, wort. Obtain new. c:..n...,.... Ca 11 Jerry Harris Orange Co. Airport & A"-t l • .,,.. 37.... ,.,., market. You can get ---------.....,....,,, ., .... Coftla Mesa l<><:allons rest bit around swim-,., .... • ...,,,,. .... We have something tn l Uonal tr · · su crtpt.lons for the DAJ. ---------1Sl-o;:rlO
ming pool. 1 mi . from ~~, common ,:: :!uent p amrg Auto Parts stock clerk ly Pilot working wtth an COOKS. EXPEll"D Gard•ner. ewp'd. ror c:c ~p~:tt ~av~i.fcoa~m&s Leke Gregory. 8 nu from '""'"'" -----ay Pus M/F, F\a.ll time. Willing adult supervllor. Earn ONLY. Breakfast Jolly " " ..,,, Lllk SI ood l t rr '~J Wanted' 3 GORGEOUS free medical coverage totnin right person FuU S20 urut apt. complex tn C M telephone Call or appl} H e
3ve8rw2 u2
2 ° Lost & FoUnd male escorts for N.H. and travel. For more lo· comp. benefits. A ply lo S30 ~ we<>k o r ~er. 400 5· Coast Hwy, (213)865-JSSl tn person,
w y l 44 IR' Pro formation .on onanlngs South,.. ___ Auto Supply more. Call (213) 59'7·0096 Lal{Una Beach 1unu5 ~ 1011 B 0 ••••••••••••0 •••••• ••• m. J F QUALIFIED .--~' ""
· Y wner ~.,,.fth 5100 Sue,alt5.4!M-8186. and qualifications call 888 Baker St. CM. ~~7i,05:~~m<2~;1: COOKS IMT'LS!CURITY
'f1tAYB.ACiEHCY ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sari~eanl Arrollo S45-&408JlmWaJter Collect Full & P /Ume. Exper'd. GEHERALOFACE 177SE.CenterSt
OUTCAU. 714·979-7363 or apply al . Good benefit.s. Bayview LonR & abort term as Anaheim~ FRANCHISE AtlracgirlsdelllOtlstrale Sl Newport Blvd, Costa Auto Pam CARPEHTERS Manor & Conv. Hosp, lignmeota. Type approx. --------
The new way to own a ADULT FILMS Mesa. Delivery girl full time Exclusive custom build· 642-350:5. »eo wpm. Top pay. NOl•--------tra1'el agency. Travel 64.>8Sf645.7S20 AmbiUous Couple Want«! CM area. Apply ln Ing contractor seeks top· C __ O_S______ FEE. Ha.PERS
Networtt.Startyourown. to manaie a •mall bual· person, 1990 Harbor noteb finish carpenters 0 K • Bartenders, Mc.power, Inc. Temporary aulgn-bp. not required. Physical ld'aaaage by neasp/tiftbe, WW not Jn. Blvd.CM (2)0DI hi .... , r Dell very Drivers. 448W.19thStn>et menu.Jl1elt.lblehrs.llon
<Milplete support ti& lonlJ Therapist. Appointment t.erfere w/ )'OUJ"~ Y "'"1 qua tfi P /tlme opeoinss for CoBtaMesa &t.S-20«3 thru Fri. Need car & tertn aervtce J>rovtded. a 30-9PH.St 548-2817 need apply. Cntact Mr. women & mea w/outgo-u-......._ ...... St h c...,... ~'all Mr. Charles : eve, 1:-u.Mlalt be I to AVON ~da)lll640-l391. irJlpenooaJJties.Over21 ....., ...... /llJ\.O reet Pone. .,.,.. pay. NO ~ SoddCW. 1400 llr.ffall.MZ-lGI. TllfE 'VON CASHIERS &r able to work eves. I~~~~~~~ P'EP'.s~. IK. 7:1: ....................... APARTMENT IM ft S2 ?().'3 to start Appl"'"
Jaeai 09P0rtunlly for am TheSiogle'•SoMJon MANAGERS GP'ltime. Goodl P~y. after Spm dalJ.r: Me /J GfHERAI. OA=ICI tt3 .1.9lh&reet
bWoua4rcreaUvestylist DatebyCbolc. FAM'.lLY TO LUNCH rowlb~.5 ocaUon!I F.ds Pina Parlor, 4.10 E. U YoU have good figu~ O>slaMesa '4S-ZllM3 Jl'«per. In conventional NotChance. 48 bt/ul unJta In F V. Sell to (ticftda and co-We train. Co. Beneftt!I l7\hSt CM aptitude & can type "5 Harbor/lllthStreet <Wildol a muat. Crickeu. ,.._,1,_._ .. _7r .. ul 1 *'I-' / .• _ .... _... . METRO CAR WASH ' wpm, ll'e have an in '!~~~~~~~~~ Hair Deti"n, Laguoa \AU "' .. v.,.., ... _.'" •u.,.. w q.......,,cu reu-W'OC'tlers lo your olfice; 291:50ff&rbor Bl, CM ""~-· I· 494 JGOo dents, nds Mml·retlred make about 9'0 00 every - -""'9U~ogist looking for terestlng pois. scheduling Hos ... 1 & -......,....._ __ .__ t'mQ>MWholovechildren. $100rousell. You11 have Cashlrrs/counter help an ...Wat.ant, 2 dys orily. producUon In our pnnt Potw .....
vtCEIUstHl!SS OwnerabJp aWtude. Re-your own buslneu Frr tune poe1t1on avail. 53S-2078fS36..3829 shop. Xlntworldngconds Night~. StuCI Noodle
lf)t'l co wlll aelect a qo0JrPA rood rentter. WUbout jobctvinlt ~ 1our t-5 ~~-FriA' A
p t day ~~!'~m~~~. ~.,!1 Re6taurant. sca.
7418 5M'l'IOO who likes to work We love Ya•.'· ,,.... Wtllhd. 7075 s r r 'Y t D 0 p e • . rqular . To uod O\Jt J)C:*-..A. PP y 1n person "'""~ . " ....., ~baoda to be it.t eit· ......_ ,._._ ... A....t...• ••••-• .. •••••••••••••• ~!_3S,;.~OO~;.,,. 5055 ~-· more, call 540 70tl or btwu 2-4PM Long John Birch St, N.8 . <Near OC HOSTESS, mature, over ~veMr'TlcedeaJerfOI' •--1-BabyakUr for WOttias ~· .xe . ..-, aa... ZeaHh MJSe. SUves"s Restaurant. 3095 Airport) EOE. 30, reat.aur•nt exper, ~ *"-.,..._ Autolnollve a PAtaL U\'o out, own · AW. r.-..cts. a.c Harbor Blvd. CM. AcroH days, cootact StO.JMo.
coauo'1. ~ U · ...... .._.. llOO traoeport.atlon. Rofa. AlltMcr,coupa.pn1 .. -. meeUromFedco. .,........._. G88AJ.Ol'flCI Tho JUviera Rataurut =1rttJ t 't· --••-••••••••••••• •41N e OOb', ln maint. 6 bk-BabJsittel' my hom-. IO ctaaatreurw waatod for Ortbool.lc. IC2>77'7J Nat 'I corp. Pluaant Jaa3 S. Bristol. Costa .-:.S."~C i!~t~ Aot':.!:-t.:r.:~~:'~ Qrtlllanl1 Selntlfte Cl'. :.=:•lox, ::.:::.atii. I d1o a wt. =~..'.'.:::~ Onhl Au la hot, ~~tor ...... .::.......
.-MCand b1 litftn. l.eat\le5J7·2271, ootee. •Otilia, ••all ••11, respooalble, c:l .. n-eut, cba1rDdit. 1:·n1 ncenae. e Kuhn U0-5ooJ lmmed. opentoi. ea. -• eqQf,. Cell Mr. wbda .. eomputq. APrMAMAaa IAIYSnTa abletowcr11dayaoapart C.M.vea.MNOOO SatWn1•~t1t 8•~kh&i1 ""3"r1 to l.Olft': Oermoa-balr altle for onlor ladr. lztJ>Jt -.1 l>llt to tar 1 rr a11L 1.1 .. JD .. u..,. 0. on <•II boolo. -.J ~ Allla\. ": Boodl t.f•••>r r.::~ ";;,~ .. ":!':; =::.., b'::. <u21~! =toth:'e~le Lat ynl .,otd.h ~'!}_ul.mo~•rP&Woo/drt ~.te. ~b. ..-tau H.B. Joca· sired. R~a Hq. CdM ~ bwtn 10-3. Moo-fJJ N.B. Pleuant P'OUP Can:tPQI' v~ iuu. hrs, OW'l.'I uau .•
4S.sm ...... . ac . ., ... 4'..n ••• '· UoQ, Aot. + •alar7. Cao area.t45-815 rn. prac. Ex per. n•c. ~om~ XIQl •ace•. ~o.tsu.
' . .aat. tor loto SCO.UIS. Cpl BABYSITTER, f/tlme, ClerfcaJ lncJaclet altemate Sat. hpaillag $700 TH K SUNS ll JN E B¥t ~ 6
Tennlt bual· Found. Black Male !)ox, ...., Weat.d 7100 ....rd. needed Immediately I l'L41M11 AM'a."°'1122· Round the Mirld ext%~-_G_l_RLS_. ____ _
=:Joor ..... SU,000 .... rouo:.:::..~··, ...................... ARCHJTEC'l'URAL JR. Mat1are, ••P~l'. •lttu Vutoua duUee lnchadtna DontaJ ~for 2 ~t vl• d)'l)arntc: ro Of· JlOUHcl.uoera, lull •
-\'ldnlt7. DAAFTSMAN Yount Jnf"d.NB. 8"-a071 ftJ1q a Ut.e typtq. Xlot 1iJ1fi.tdlJ~,1 yr np. fcrlol key pos. Call P/f'. s:t SO.M.00 br. Mlllt Women'• Wear Store, Pound : lhh/lllx ~· . ~ H.& nrm,,. ~In Npltt worlll12• cooda It ~m.u..ao.,_ :"-·F:lf,oo. Dcnrua~ baY9owntram.O.aa6
.LQca&Jon Is J'bturea Otrmaa l!ibe:pberd, 1124 COUIC'fOI ~t1PIV.•taz. llloru .,0 after r.n.rua. Otnc. louted OCSHW ..........
S:,:.0 'or
::i::n• OJMm..stl-nat + br ~. Onmdltlfth.SamaAna. 8a.latted pell. la Oaata ._.... IK!boa&.WJepm.G-5&'M b> ec.ta 11 ... A-'pl7, ~ Ml~Dr • Hoa.tel.eteer Ir..
.,,...,,,. ama. llf.ilaGfc.lllolrruper. Natk1DaJ ~1.qv corp., Ptume. ~ Coav. • 'd.
l>a>'. f;.:·
-... 7Dl.l:IO' ....... ,_ ·~,!:,I• Call 8111 Clualfted NI NU bit Blrdl ,!(a, CNea.r llame.tal50S 0 _,_ .. OPC t*-c ~ ,,,,,.laabJtd l d • 111119• :JJrhlJ'C19 ·-·II*,_, --Wi ('DA) le GOO. lteml.. •J:DalJ J&.m. or OCAtr,ert> L ....... ~ . ...... ,..... iv a 7. ~ ~ 8da Clo ~ ........ J'alnitw llO& 1a7 Item. J111& ••II P'IDd wbt ,.,., •ant ln ::-io.~ ~ -•-111a1 _____ _
!i!!!: C.-.. ta.a71 Olli PlliCl.Mallledf, m.1 WantACla Call141m --
Art • ..,..., s.mc:. I Ho.1d9L21111 11 L..dlc .. 1•1 r-.....yr.-rhtg Ptlllot llooftR; -•• .-i; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
Has ram damajed you Carpet MaQ will 1_, ~rs DUI W. PlillU119 Cement. Prof Jap&nclM Landtcap· Want a REALLY CLEAN LANDSCAPING P.£TERS PAl.NTlNG Patio <"OVtrt, r dwood Hunsry roofua DHd
upllalt? Call tll-JHO or mine ftepaln " No Job too 1mall. t.ni • 1a.rdea.i.ng. Matnl. HOUSE? Call Gln1h1m Re8$008blt-prict!t Expr'd Rua Rates. decU •Mllftf L.andkap work. Spcclallzlnl in
Boclded, lie., lmured. <'leanlnl Looi Guat work Uc' /Bonded. $U-21 incl. mowtn1. trimmln1. GlJ'I Fr-ee est ~SW 988 87&1 Free F.et. Call Gene lncacrv &U-2333__ wood. shake • compo.;
....._.,... & at biHer tavtnaa. Free al\&. aprayt111. weedln,. Free ••ffou.teclearuns done by J..an(bcaplns. Tree tnm· 552~ Out.door Eovlroomental sbin1Jes. Dave. S'TS-4790 U'fll'-"lut est,~3161 ~ ftltlmatee.545-70'12 rehable couple. Refs. rnln«i. Cleanup 9 yrs Alt PROJi'ESSlONAL Systema.Addllvtnaarea T""s.t-Ylc• .
•••••••••••••••••••••• eatwt.g ••••••••••••••••••••••• O.EAN·UPS/HAUUNG ~1'193 exp. free !!:at Jay Painting. Inter/Exler. t.o your home. Al&o com· •••••••••••••••••••••••
Un contested Olvorc ••••••••••••••••••••••• !LECTIUCAL SERVICE Prunl.nt·Plant.lng u---..1n 1 Noboru 8'9·4043 or Reati,workguarW-0386 plementyourpoolorapa Removala trJmmln~
, ... , , ., .............. ..-.~ .. """""" flUUD'C or VI ce <' earunc -..2111112 Llc'd • bonded. Bob prunin. ....:.. u • · from llliDI to llnal "°· Decoral~ cakes of al' ~ SLS hr, •SMALL ,..,VD",..~. ...,.. . .....,, Day or Eve. Reference -· Pal.allq. Extr/lotr. Ex· Bf'ngle.S73-7808 m.~'· nee .-.. t . c •
Other leaal typin1 kinda. Doll, clown etc. JOBS&GCU JOHNTH.EGARDENER $C.hrJoan55l).()193 Mau 'I pr'd, hooeet, neat, reaa. ured.N2·2'M
servtc:a al.so avail. Ac 7S.1MJ t.L..L ....._ n......1 ............... ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• Uc'd98t-1065Dave l'lastw/ll.,.mr ~-.,_ i Tr l!2~.~e1al Typln1. ,,..__.,,.,,.~ mi•.-da.ctrtc .rw .rnlll .............. care Jiouae/Apt.CleanJoc ......................... ..,., """'" ee. ee prun·
....,.........., _.,_.,... Uc3271.31 N1-41974 call Jobo. 25 yrs exp. 2 Contact Pam. Brlc.-kwork. Small job&. flne Ext.er PalnU.Ot by NeatpatcM:sarte:ature:1 Ing, removal. topping, ----------t••••••••••••••••••••••• Hort. degree1, former .,.,It. n...179. Newport, Cc.ta Meea & R. .,, __ St. ll •-· Try Uc Ins. 8*4171 All pb " ELECTRICJAN-Priced White House Gardener. v........ 1rvtne.e75-llnevee. .,.._., • c.,u.... AtllEST. ltl-1439 --'-'-------
•••••••••••••••••••••• ~·~tcoo~ete ~ rigbt·rrff esUm.at.e on Penonaherv.M.S-1446 me.&18-55.5.524bn. Wlllclow de ....
• 'AO m wawor.,. large or small jobs. Miyako Housecleaning MoYing Prof pain• 'I •-paper PATCH PLASTERING .,••••••••••••••••••••• C • r Pe at• r • Free Ue'd/Booded. 64!-6894 Ucemed ~ VERY LOW PRICES bouseis ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • A 11 t Y Pe• • Free Window• cleaned, N · esUmatet,A.nyelaejobs. ~ On Gardenln& Main· Service, 'yachts, "Two Men W111 Move han1iai. wort ~uar . ftltlmates.CallS.<»8825 aaonable. bualneasea,
TOQY,Ml-'866\ •••••••••~•••••••••••• B.ICTaJ.SBY! tenaaceGeorje 549-2015 ~.s!opartiea. 16·00 Hr. You" We handle lr1 " Free est. ~35• 780• homes•apta.147-4441 M-th· ..... I_,.. . I aml move1-offlce ar S3M3ll3 Patching, lnt/ed./ round CAlPENTIY R.J.Huf!man le Soa. Gen .. '"""'97 ... 9 :, .... ,~Jnc am Home cardenini rototill howiebold. Dlatance " rpr. Bonded, Uc'd 140607 Patio. decU .. covers, Cootr. Cuat.om Alt & Add, .... ' . ,...&...£ Y-c-..._ 88'Z..-.e
ti b . lng. reason. rates. lncollltTca local, also packln1. .....-- _ ... ---------1 panelJng, siding, int. pa os, c a 1oets , "'°"9lko 543-&49S Lowest legal ute. Spedali&inC in reslden·
ftnlsh, appliance wt.all. fonnlca. New const. Res ....................... ....................... Uc/lmlrd. Cal T 111-944. tial homes, Int. le ext .......... $1.62 per DAY
Some elec. & plumbin& & comm'I. 645-4644. or GaMral SerYlc" Wouldn't you rather have PhM7.7279 Please check our re ..................... ..
Freeest. R«a. 64.2-17311 548-4541. Lie 6 bonded Formica Counter Tope Jn· ••••••••••••••••••••••• a certified public accoun rerences. Uc t 320881 HOMESAVERS Plumb· That's ~ you P•>' for a -. =~t~t!~J=~d!: HANDYMAN. Hom~s & ~:e f!:Pr![!,0°~~r 1~ Prof. serv. w/Atlas cost& Guar., insrd, free est Ing & Heating Free est, ~ S..-.tc. REMOOB.IHG si"""'. Free est. 67S-JllS apta. Consc1ent1ous no more. Free eaL for Ted. 63&-7085 110 hr Honeal & reliable
30day ad
lnlbe •••••••••••••••••••••• Custom Room Adds •·-Craftsman Call 645-0302 appl In your home <"all local & ln1 dlsL Or. Cty ---------• t.ervice BoCA, M/C OK
Shampoo & steam clean. Cabinet.sCountertops Roon 968-$l82 Van• SU>raae. PUC Lie YOONG MANS yrs expr mQ.Sor847·0383
Color brighteners; wbt Apt-Qfice-Comm·All. Gfoclnig RiJey'sTuService T111.01S. S37 ·3160 or lo wallcovering. Free "'-t.o Ho •-U •ts ••••••••••• •••••••••• • • •••••••••••••••••••••• • ~ ,, 6 __. •~c •1<'76 And CpU 10 min bleach. Clea "".., m mes... DI 28 Years Experience ...,,...,1 l .... ~. _,_,, Y ltooflRg
llv, din rm, baU $1.S. Av Quality not Quantity F1oorsl I: Wood, ceramic, Haul, sklploader dump Call~ ''""""'-" ~--'-Bob Foad pal ntln g ••••••••••••••••••••••• f7 50 b $10 WmB Anderson Builder v ny & cpls. 27 yrs trt. g:radu>.g, tree wrk, _ _,, • ..,.....~ rm · • couc • c--~. • ...... ,...,,l licensed <'ODlractor. demoUUooaetc.931·12S7 Able service & reason.••••••••••••••••••••••• Cor:nm'l, i..ndua., & res. ROOFS Installed factory •. Guar el.Im pet odor. c.-.... .,.~. _.&._ "'--lo' ....... on 1t.'>1 •~~" I E bo d d f .. ,......,... t b-"-II :::_ air """"""""' ,_, .... ~ rates. Se Habla Espanol. Uyn. Palntine O.C. nl/ xt. n e • ull wn>\.,,; es a -yrs . ...-~rep • 15 yrs e:apr. Room Additions • Hm6MJ Manuel J . Murillo. Res/Comm Apt loralea. llab.MU·l001Llc345218 HaroklGunnSd-2911
Do work myself. Ref Remodel, New constr'. Sell.lot •nythi.nl with • ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7519-2709of(.,64S-4896 Lac/lns8J&.Ul86/499-2901 i---------
531-0101. Lic'd. Call Spiro. 548-8250 0,.Uy Pilot Claasilled Ad occ Student. 1 Ton truck. PAPEAHAHGIHG RMOOf FOR LISS
Comp. 1hlngle & hot
Free est. Call 894-0421
64Z.567t ia a simple matt.er • • . Trash tree trim Ron Have something to aell? F\nd what you want in 20 yra exp. Anywhere in Want Ad Results &42·5678 Want Ad Help? 642·5678 jlllrt call &f.2·S4'7!. &f.2.5'7Ci1. 979-M89 ' Classified ads do it well. Dally Pilot Cluslfieda. Co. +painting. &U-2161
~~~·:.~ ..... !!~. ~!!~·~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~ ..... !!!~ ~~~~ ..... !!!~ Help WCIRhd 71 00 Http Wallted 7100 .._., W •ted 71 00 Help W C11tt•d 7100 ...., W •ted -7100 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••
Housekeeper live in, LEGAL SEC'Y MAINTENANCE poslton Nurse aide. Must have
mature rem. Pleabanl 3 year exp Req'd work al Dana Point Harbor, car. 8:30AM to 2:30PM
bch home, JIB, Pvt Rm. proces8ing. exp. Salary experpreferred, $3.SObr. Mon·Sat. $3 br. Call
Owntrans,rers.84&-2289 $800. Mrs. Thomas, ~J fringe beoer1t.s ~3953 _______ 1
Sales, pt·lime. Mature. friendly woman. The
Coffee Bean, So. Coast
Plaza. S.9-1766
Telephone Saleti
Housekeeper, live-in, 67S.2999 HUISESAIDES
housework & pt·Ume ail· LEG.AL SECRETARY Maint.enaoc:e man for SS F\ill or p/llme. 7·3:30 or
ung w/2 yr old, Balboa Ex--'eoced.. Peno part· unit apt complex in C.M. 3-ll:30. Park Udo Conv.
2 eal olc. 4 yrs exp. type
ss+. dictaphooe, f700+.
SALESPERSON. Good 664-461.3
Penl.n. e44·23Z3 ~· f (.213)8&S.39S.1 Ume, So. Laguoa o c. Hosp, 4G8 Ftapb.lp Rd, SALES PIRSOMS
An unusual opportunity to join the
bighly successful Macnab-Irvine Real·
ty Company on the expansion of our
Industrial /Commercial Office in
Newport Beach. The ideal candidate
will have had successful experience in
industrial/commercial sales and will
have demonstrated high ethical stan-
opportunity for assert!ve ---------• s&la~ wttb an eye SECRETARY-Trade As·
for decorating. Good IOC. requires versatile
comp a oy benefits. penoo forooe·cirlofflce,
Please call for appoint· ar OC Airport. Accurate
ment. Wood Lighting typing essenUal. Limited
F\:ature eo. 546-290l. ablhnd desirable. Dlc-
Housekeeper. mature.
live-m. no smotin&.
Housekeeper, 3 days wit
for 2 chtldren. CDM .
Salary open. Submit
refs. 673-1293
F.arn xlra cash moms. 5
Day wk. Own trans Sandwich deli very.
Hsekpr companion for
elderly woman aJone on
beach In Balboa, must be
ablet.odnve. 613-7447
I st & 2lld SWfh
Leader in medical device
industry ha.a Immediate
need for-;
1st Shift
INSPECTOR with 1·3
years previous inspec-
l1 oo experience pre
ferably with /laallCl>.
blue pnnls an various
prec1s100 meuunng de-
2MI Shift
months to l year pre-
VIOUS experience. Prefer
('andidate wltb
micro&oope experience.
Excellent company
benefit& and working
Pleue apply in person or
call weekdays.
17600 Giiiette Ave
frvine, CA 92714 ( 714) 979-0500
Equal Opportunity
Send resume to P.O.Box N.B. ~. 566, So. La1una. CA, u ___ .,_.__,_......,
92177 IR4!.WI•-• '-..u~ OfACE TIA.IHH
-te,-.1------1 UTOTEM lndUlt1 firm. Some typ.
PA RAL EGA L, con-Food Stores mi. pbonee. Quick pro-veyanclng asset, in· motk.ns! To '65().
auranei! beneficiary and Are Seeklnc Career Ellie O'Brien 540-5001 Snelling At Snelllng of ownership changes. Minded People For: Newport Beach Agency
Knowledge or trusts. MAHI.Ga TRAINEES o
Deal With clients. Steno· Have openincs for f /time 4340 Campus nve
graphic skills. Airport & p/time clerks on 2nd & Offtce work, some clean·
area, Newport Beach. 3rd ahif\.s. JI interested. ing, pvt room le bath. We offer marketing s upport needed lo
833-9982 contact our nearest Costa Mesa area . achieve results Send resumes in com·
tapbooe • other office Sandwich Maker p/lime macblnea desirable
Hrs. Uam-2pm Mon tbru P.W.C.A. lnc.113.1-3131 Fri. C.U bef 11 or aft 2pm.~. Secretary, 60WPM +,
good spelllng, interestln1
Seamstl'esS for sill loft job wtth exceU. advance-
ExpeP not req'd. Will ment potential. Or. Cty
train.548-3467 Airport complex, NB
752·5301 market or go lo &C!-9760 an. 6 Legal secretary for l:M.421.ampsonG.Grv plete confidence -or call 642·8235. Secretary Secretary wanted for of·
partner in Newport Moothru Fr19am·Spm Orthodontic Receptionist, r.viu-. SECRET"ay nee mgr. In a video Beach law firm. Top pay M t ~ -for top person. Excel. rorintormaUonpbooe a ure, exper not MACNAD 'RYINE REALTY COMPANY The Jolly Rogerlnc. bas service co. Phone atilla,mioimwnSynex-<714>S37-4840 oece.es.callM4-140S 0'1 an opening for an ex· penonality, a<"hedullng,
per., general practice. Equal Oppor Employer Patnten. 3 yn min. ex· John Macnab, President pi«'d sec'y to report t.o book.keeping. 631·1144 ~Laura758-02U --------• perteoce. P.O. lox 1331 tbeV. Pres.In charge of SEC'Y/UCIPT
.---__.-T-r-.-c----57-0-0• )f~~~!-:":.:.~..°.!11aedn-___ cau __ an_.1_001___ Newport hoch, c;A 926'3 .tbe Building Design Need neat sat for small
_.,... --r ~._.. ... ._..,..... A subsidiary of The Irvine Company DMskla. Outst.ar>d.lng sh corporate office near
No ab nee for en· ~--••-er Full or --------•t • typi.ng akilla are req'd o c Al l Ll•bt th·-•--• ~""""'"" r"-C'...... for tbia ...-1uoo. Xln1 · • rpor · • _.......c penon. ea!ter part time avail. Call _._ ..,, ,_ Ill!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~ ,...... phones Is typing to learn a fascmatiog O'eative Coacepta for in· Exper. pm'd on com-;;.. woriling cooda fr benefit shorthand not nee. bui
profession. Call Jenni, terview m.i>l57 puterized cutter. Will .... W•t.d 7100 HefpWClllhd 7100 pkg whlcb Includes ·must be willing t.o learn.
BIG MONEY .............
LcmgDht.U... Ho.tyw.,. lei-" C--'•"-Hat1PrMllct
Work P /flllle
Student.I al.lo Ci.nd it an
Ideal job.
i.Jbr9tes,, Ille.
F.qual Opp Emplyr m If
833-2700. Dennis & Den-• · COlllidm" other ci.rtter ex· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • various group insurance Perwonality a bae plwi.
nia Personnel Service of 11useu9e. J.&.2.8. for top J:;.! Dr~~::.txf:i R£AI. EST AT£ ~et 5750 beoef~ & prolit abartng Starting t.o STOO. can for i-~-----w-00--
Irvine, 2082 Mlchelaon claa1 le< maaaa1e. w or.. n d coo d s .. ~ "' .,~--s""""-' Show your bri1bt amUe Apply m penon, S.Spm._lnt.ervt __ ew_7_54-_7822 __ . --1 p-~ lim• aales work Dr. Salary+ Bonus plan. We .. ., .. ~m:111. """" b rfl 1 1 Mon-Fri. 17062 Glllelli.-~.. ...
will train. Nwprt Bcb. benefits. Apply National We're expanding again & lo ecome o c . a Ave, Irvine. Sec'y, for H.B. law of(t sellinc dasslfied ads. ~---SysUmaC.orp,4361Blrcb looking for top caliber greet.error m_,or corp. Legal exper pret•d. Room fOf' growth fr •d-
ATrENDENT ---------1 St, N. B. (Near OC salespersona wtth high Call Wl.Ua 833-2700. Den· Salary commensurate vancemeot. Call Terry
f\all·Ume. pvt country MATURE WOMAN Airporl)E.O.E. performance records le ru.s le~ Penonnelt---------w/exper.Sendreaumeto ~11
club, xlnlfringebe1lefrta, p /tlme to welcome exper. in local area. Call Service of Irvine, 2012 Secretaries Cluaified ad #182, Dally ---TB.LB------
S3.2Sbr. utr-5787 newcomers & contact for appt. Steve87~2311 Mlc:beboo Dr. TYPISTS Pilot., P.O. Box Box 1S60,
roercbanta. Flexible hrs. p1DT TIME R~I R_.... aiu-_..._~ ....... L Costa Mesa. Cal. 92627 .-W ACCOUNTS Lumber salesman exper N~ lit .. ty g Ml ._., ~'~""'~''._ E 'd I
required. Retail only. scT'__;ar, "' pm · 2737 .Coast Hwy Pt-tlmeEve.s/Wblds & SECRETARIES Sec'y, know mag 11 Will b:.:'e11ts~e~~1i' Jxo:!
Laguna Beach Lumber ---·-------1 EVENINGS CoronadelMar, C&9262S Pleasant, mature, ac-Doyouoeedextn mooey train legal. Your own of· Maraelle 493·5651.
Co. GMS38, 540-8261 MECHANIC Adulta with out.standing, UCBVIHG curate. R«eptioo, typ-& eaJo7 variety. Let the fice In frieodly 2-aecy 3 1i1ut.ua1 Savinp 1r Loan. . . Auto. l .. cGrecor Yacht at.tracth•e penooaUUes IHSPECTOlt ina. lldm.laaioos, varied fr-eedolo & flexibility o1 atty, HuDt Bch firm. 570 Cam.I.no de Est.rel.la.
c.or,,,1B31PlaoeatlaCM who enjoy working witb h1ander Yactita I.a •eek-dcooduUea •• Good working working temporary aa-Noo-emolter,148-1.00 SanC1emen&e.E.O.E .
kids. start at $1SO per slpmeats ot your choice SEC Mlrllmum s yn expl'. MECHAHICAL hr. Phone M2-432l t2SO, Ing 8 receiving Inspector Apply bi penoa: wort ror yoo. cau lm-y JR!CEPT. MACHINIST
Own tools. To manage EHGt..a betweeD3:00.S:OOP.M. wboi.scapableofreading Orangeerove mediat.ely
small shop It malntain Aggressive small In· Ask for Jim blueprints, taking lnven· Rehab Hosp Sharp indiv. w /xlnt typ.
Ing skills. Nice surround·
ings & good beoeflta.
Must be a non-amoker.
TB•• Good spot in Dana Point.
Full Ume • p/time avail.
Call 1.-..-0, ext 168.
tDOllng.Saiaryopen.Call dust'I loatrumeot co. Equal Opportunity tory In the stockroom & 12332GardenGroveBI. ~o~ Office •
540-6833 for appt. Costa needs growth oriented Employer ls able t.o ldenWy good Garden Grove 0 over l 0 ad Mesa area. enatneer who wants ex· UBuable parts. Ex per l blk eutol Harbor Bl. --------1 per.inmanufproduclde-rART-TIME prel'd. Good starting sal E.O.E. · 557.0061
MACHINIST velopment marketing. Counter woman to write & employee benefit pkg. 3723 Bin:h St. NB Call Cathy (714) ~3922. Tow Truck Drivers ex·
N. B. co. needs Class A Salary baaed oo ca pa bill· contra ct 1 in re n la I Apply l9Z2 Barranca Rd, Restaurant s.cy ~
Mach.irustforBridgeport ty. Equal Oppor. cmter. Must have neat Irvine. J..P.MACS For loan orlslnation
per'd. Top pay. Apply.
G4tW Towing. 1000 Irvine
Ave, NB&42-12S2
Mill & Hardioge Lathe. Employer. 894-53:51. handwriting • be able to --------la Now Hi.rlog For A SECRET ARY dept. ol mortgage broker Close tolerance preclsloo . deal w tpublic. No ex per. RECIPTIONIST Day Hostess L 0 n g e 1 t 8 b '1 c 0 • ftrm. Loan backgrouod TIA.IMEES
work. Exper req'd. Top Medical Receptiooi&t, ex-nee. Apply, 1930 Newport Apply betwnUtSpm C ostomer cont a ct. req'd. lo Newport Ctr. Ladies aerlous about im· ben~. ~OA~· SSl-9051 =~mediate IUvd. CM !!:. ~Z:-~ ,.;:~ Moo-Fri. Start $2.75 br Venatile duties. Up to _MUB:M ___ • ______ , provtne your present
IHSURAHCE askfor ams. litetyping.Goodpay.NO 10142AdamaAve,H.B. tim. Sec..._ToSI0,000 standard ol llving thru
Exper'd comm'I lines Maid. live-in, lovely N.B. tietCALJRecept rAYlOU.Q.I FEES. Work where & ltH/LVH lificbeleKuhn 540-5001 Good~•SJHreq'd. concentrated work
ageoc1 underwriter. home •!Private room. S for aUer1t1l'• office. -.__.d lndlv. needed wbenyoawaaL F II ti 11 7 hift SneJlmcaiSaelllugol l'"'-'olfc. 751·2600 wtpeople p /lime. Call 752-905.5 days, winds off. Eng. Sa1G'7 acconlloa to a · ........ .-. Beu ...... ~998• ... ~-~ 1· N9wportBeacbA.geocy -· Dlane Blue~ nt apeaklng preferred. 53).590 tor mulU-atate com-~w, IK. n:..b'i:....u~ f>IU.: 4.'MOCampus Drive Se"iee Stat,loo Allen· _4l_OS.. _______ _ Wtfi« Decorator Housekeeping, cooking, -"pr_. _______ puterhed payroll. Reefs 448 • lSth&reet .,,.... dant exper d Day •
E1tab'l docoraUng need own tram • .Non·MedicalAsa'lllmtbeex-lOkeybyt.oucbarlitetyp. ColtaMesa 645-204.3 ::m~~t,1oodcom ~Of 511400 Eves'.Full•ptUKM.AP. TYPISTJRICIPT
studio, N.B. area needs smkr.6"-0585 perienced lo drawing lnC-lll&St enjoy detail• -·Harbor--•/19lb--Streel---i 1 ln n-vm c: • ply, Shell Statioo, 17th & Front olc appear. 24 brs exper'd decorator. Reply • blood. 6:30AM·l0:30 AM. buay atmosphere. Xlnt A~ penion Never a dull moment in Jnine, NB. week min. Tues/Fri/Sat.
t.o Classified ad no. 140 ~· exper pref d, but Call for appt. Ask for woridog coods & beos. ---------ew;ove vanet1 pos w /classy $3.1S hr start. (710 c/o Daily Pilot. PO Box will train. F/Ume. Apply Debby.M).O!AO Apply National Systems 12332 ~:0~veBl. corp. Call Leslie, Service Sta. Night Au.end 549·0377. Mesa Verde
1560, Costa Mesa, Ca Travelodge, 6208 W, ---------1 C«p,, 4381 Birch St. N.8. RECEPTIONIST Garden Grove s:B-2700. Dennis & Den· 2 Or 5 nit.es a wit. Apply, C.OUOtry Club.
92626 Coast Hwy. N.B. MIDICAL CNear OC Airport) EOE. 1 blk I!:. of Harbor Bl. nia Penonnel Service of Shell, 171.h Ir Irvine, NB
P ti M .. ~ & ~()HIST With the r0Uowln1 TC· E 0 E Irvine, 2082 Michelson .,_.. n.-........ _ TYPIST'CUC Janitor eves, I me. ua · · · Dr ...,.,..ce AT<>r now nuw«. f10 wpm, IO ey belpfu1 tiunt. Bch or Cenitoe. L~ Woriltn f\al1 time. E.xpr'd, only. Payroll Supervisor. Im-quirements: · Factory aervice center for geo'l otc & A/Pay as-cau Alan (1) 6215-SSU. F /time. Holiday Inn. Busy Pediatrician II of-mediate opeoiac payroll Sharp Penon * •R..H. * * seeking personnel exper 11i1tance. Xlnt Joe. &
Laauna Hilla. Contact fice.Call844-0970 aupe"lsor, Huntington Pleasantappearance OperaUn1 room, ex-Secretari ln 110 Is U.2 electrical beoef'lta.6'4-8824. JA.Hl'l'OllAL ____ ,,._5000 M Beadl ~-School Dis-Good telephone ..-ence necees•"', out· * 8$* a111tem1, ~bin", Pltime 4-6 bn nlP.t. 5 .... .,.. _ _. lleo for early A lrict. $1Ge$1298 J>r mo. penonali j;timtsW'letJ,dayson· GenOfc/Lepla $1(1{ carpentry, ft lau .;. TYl'ISTWAMTID
Days wk. 17112 MAIDS• newspaper dellnry lo *'1ot:t 735 14th St. HB Goodtypmg!km. ly. No call, nl1ht1, Emp&oyenP1a7AllPees peirftpaiDtini. oppay P'/Umepos.tnourt:rpiU
Arm1troo1, lnlne. LaundrJ help. APl>IJ in ~.~~':'beba;: PbODeman . Moas.obr weekenda. Outpatlen Ua~Aceney for qualified penoo. A~ dllpt.Xlntwoftinlcoocb
540-'lll.I. pencin. Ali 8abllloW, ilabie: $1SO/$a mo + PISTCOM OL Suraery Center, BB. 4Cl20Bireb.Stel0t p_ly at Landau llotor a: co. beoeflta. llust be
Jd.orial eom-"v needa 2Z50Newport Bl"· CM bonua. 5Cl-l7.0 1 ll Call 11.ra. White far In· MZ·IGS II= Boach 83N1llO Homes. 1850 Sun.Dower, ttat0mbly fut• aear. ,._, SDVICEKAN J'/tlme lervlewappolntment. __;;;-------1 r.-Appt,_tab'65 C.M.betwo1Gam•3J>m. Apply in person, Pea·
experteaced orquallfted llaldl; top wqa paid. MISa"GI_._ So. Orute c~ area· ROBBJ.l!!'SRAOA:MOP -1.,. Plaemtl people. W1D train. Top Appl1: Tbe ho at ~ d-~•5"1 ..-..&llcrm-iD. · Paal Dosier Women needed fo ~~~~~~~~Service Sta. Manager. nyaaver, 1880 • pq. Want med. WOCDeD Lquna. m Ho.. Coast nee peraon or Auoc.IK. bousecleanlDI aerv. SICltETAIY Exper'd. Llc. req'd. _A_ve.....;....c_.;.....M __ . ____ _
ai coup1411. can 111.ona Hwy., 1.apna &ead&. t.eJepbcme • amu work. COST A 11 .... c..., S4l-4'T57 Xlnl ,,._,.. for effldent Chevron, 4 ml'a from ~sorting• band.ti DJ? IT.Ma, or apP\J at 113 Hn '7"', Please call ror .... llttlh s.s ..,_ -..-· bcb. Applications taken mall. efficient, reliable w. 17tb ST. CM, llald wanted, Seaellff appt.6'S-SOOl>at520. 1714155'67075 IOUTISALIS tecretuy. Top akllls, 7-Bpm only March 29 • person. Pt-time. is hrs
9AM·l2:00. Motel, lMl So. Coast McCal n:perimced lroot ~~p_!/~ a! .... Oppof'l .. ID"yet' Up to S200 wk t.o atart. FatpaceR.E.olfc.N.8 . 30. April 3 • S. 192.S min. per wk. Fiexib~
H•'I La1una Bela .._ .. ~ ... __., ·-.. •01 •n•-rvle~a for P '"-avall.Car~'d. XlntopporforabarpgaL CllurcbSt.eo.taMesa. sched ule. Call Jm:lt011ri~ Wettl • . • __. c1~ req~ or uuu • .... -,., .. ~ Call Lila, A3-2900 11~ ....,...·lOOI Pt-time• full time M4m afterDOOD 1blfl. Applt ticmKd real estate sale!! --UC--8'11--0Ml--ST---i Fu l 1 er Br a ah o ---------s.rv1ce Station Allend. _._,_..,. _____ _ ·~uao· ~I.no. 7'55 Beac =i can for appt. Lovely new eailDeerinl _'1S4-6C7 __ 1_·------t SICllTAllY P /tlme eves/wknds. WAITRISS
--------• llallDepmtmmt a.naPrL firm. TJpln'rc,~hone , SlilHM+•r ~C-... U«btmed>1JmowMd1e. Exper'd only. Apply In J1~.rr.,~~·01:::'~ ==~= =~-.:u. =i~ ~ ~,:·:-:~!: rot:iu:':'!'.~ r::i:ri:oh= ~~~-clealllq, 5 d•J• wk. :r-1ra111aio1ectuca-room • $TOO/mo. £1t· SoeDm,Asnemniot s.1pm Aa.nt~ ln· <Geen.I. dvil/balh>eal1_Bhd._'--______ , Beach. ~ .... "::"'"'" A ....... ~'l'~~r ___ _11_-._0tO_'POl_c_'im_ ....... pua __ dl_~_~_:_f:J_, =:s:.;:'"'•· ~all ~~.:.u:.!:s!d· s.r,::.: Sta.,.::.eocla~ -.-alta---.-llc.c--es...--.-
_.. 6 eao-MOfOl IOUTI _;..;..------t Won waned C ' ~ in ba1eoderi. Takt.u ep-':.~9:r':/' .:'° d1. ApMJ' Hal crHl ....,.. DaU1 PUo& roe. Jleeeptionllt, for bo11 ~ • ~· beaaWul ~ ... .,~ pllcatloaa aew \lwa wt.> wut to waft. Small Systems Clll Btftb bi &om.b 1.qana.t.apna Bal lllt.a Sal• ~ awttcbboarcl. Exp. ,... P/Ulnt. 8'1Mnt'I om~ ... • ar1 ~om· StaUcn im HarbCw Bl 4-IPll. Excl•t" al&e U~ 0Jacttt.e .,..._. It. N .8, ur oe NlCQeL Monda1 tb.rouab hDled. '!-' t.o llO(J~ ~ U.. typlq 6 bk· Bd"7, La f'aaa IDIDIUT ... with ability. C11. ' ' dub. 18093 AJaoaqula,
'7IMm -·· Alrpost)EOX. l'rid•J afternooD1, ~m. IPUL Nwpt Bcb k:p'I· 8ooefltl.lUUoca. DimaPLNopboou.U.. MO.ID. • 118. lfllntlntt-llarboar
8atvda1 and Siuad1y 111..cJIOO Apply to pel"l4)a, btwn SAL .. "GIRL, ~1,._bop· • SIC'llTAIY Benlce Station Atten· _M_aJL ______ _ l••iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil IDlllfDhlll-~mate. 1CM,390111acA.rtbvr,Ste ~ •w dant, exper, apply MAIMTIMAMCI ""'°per mmtll srosa morcallElllot'ID-7170 pharmacy, fu I lime. Mature peraon. Good Chevron, 1251 N. Cat. WAIDCLRI
MAN urnblo. sso.oo calb de· ·-..,.ftMtsr lrYlne,55U414 ~at. Non·•=~~· Hwy.,LB &aper'd,, tun.ume. Ilea
pc»ll .,..wNd. Pboee J1&2~r DAY ---··~ a.&•--p...... company I . Verde <:cav. Jbp. Ill IOGZl, e.k lot clttula· •,
-for ST. JOHN KN1T8 nteds ~ ....vPLE SW11QI MlU')' tlOO mo. Sen. Sta Help Medfd 1m CelMr' St. CM SO~ • tlca. Lu" name aod ,-P9J apr'd reeept!Oftbt wtt.b ..._,.._,..._., E.O.E.6'4-0U med. Pull OC' p/t. Apply,
oambtt aa.d male of • aoda1 Mt In Ule ~ appeanac. • _,.Comm loa oil lop, ., 1!:. Cat Hwy, Nwpt waDll
aw.tobeuted e•>ehour DAILY PILOT lood phone m111oer. Jl\IJI «JI/time. Male or SICllT.A•Y Bcti. Arob. Hell Welderr
UllwDlbentanled. • .. VICI !!,_m
t>eftu, 1"1u. Pb fdWe. SDIO~ mo. MlntASyncomtruc.a · ._. bo Op II needed for UtJttiQI 111· ~ ,,_. pomtble. N• •tnlc per. Sia IO. lJ'pinf 70. -·lcb •rd r. Wt mr. co. Applf. J0.11 s. JI;. DlllCTOIY l)r'Od\lct. W• tt • lfmt be ra.m111ar w /C0/11· train. P 1u.m. to .. wt. 111 1m.. a.•i Idle u..m. wkla a Mu.at ban o•• car. tnct6~arderpro. __ N reliable 6 able _......;;..... _ _..... ___ _ DOITN~I Dall1 Pllo\ Cl....Uled Mua1mal poteaUal. eedllf'll, 1a1ar7 nqo. to ••tk .... 1wkada. S.ILL wlh a MJ.167 Ad.~ (TH)._1.... Calllud1.CT14)ISI 1111. MM1l1 DaUfroa&OmUledAd! •
--... .,-,._.._ ...
* W9d~. Match 29. 1'71
tw. Wellllhd 7100 Affill~ 10 I 0 ht... 1010 ~•;-r •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Y'S • °'4&.-woud W•~r•dryer. New '""' teak roll top
•• • SSOeach. dl'!lk. nwrble 1nla1d, top. ·• -vw• 551.31191 No~ h1rao1 1m1llna ---""7"' ••11 ..... • rllt'CI 0.ya Pttlme or Reftiaerator, GE, 1 yr que, ~ ... -• ,,_
• JP/U~. App\lraUOl\I ~ old. 13 t'U ft. $100 s_._aop-'-m ___ --------~·c~ptf'dblotwffnlht' lllll·2!38.8TS7S2J -ANTIQUE lovuut, CARPET REMNANTS,
hnoU-Spm. Gtbaon rdg Crottrree r~ker, & chair, $1~ bedi'Ooms, den.s. boat.II.
!lMOS. Bristol. s A Lldy Kenmore w-shcr Blue " sr~n 8' ora • YUi, etc. S.ve )0•4 129
Window Tinter. wtll train Kmmore dryer, electnr loveseat, xlnt cond, $175 • up Shores Jntenonr,
Must have dependable MB·_l..3t8______ 873-43M 2Ji.50Avon, N.B 64.222:1S
transp 549 2666 Green &de by side 19 cu tl Medlt·alyle couch & love-SCRAM LETS
Woman to clean houi.t•, no refngenitor worlta great Hat in 11ald velvet ..
proff!f>sionals $200 645 !)311 IT\illerilll. bke new $450 •NSW£RS 873-7424 ----Wooden com~e lbl ~ " Westinghouse ~lee Wooden end tbl $25 Chrome Orone •••*** washer & dryer, full si Wooden chJld's desk ~O Mouth -Tandem _ WOt.4EH & MEN Front load, stack or 111de· M=:ion Viejo. call aft DOORMAN
t by·slde, coppertone. $95 5 m . 76&-83116 J , E.irn $3400• moor more both Gd cond Call _ _ ·-_ ust outside Beverly
• iielling mobile homes. 645-CBZI · r-e...1-IOSS JlUllf there's a cemetery
Will train. Call Paul. --------r -r0r the rich. Talk about ~Anaheim. llcyc&.s 8020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• elttravagant"e. Each
-----••••••••••••••••••••••• Moving Sale Wedgewood grave ha11 all! own
Women w/xtra time who llKES a MOPB>S chrome top stove, dlt11ng DOORMAN.
desire lo work pt hmt• N w &: ed b s 11 room table, 2 anti~ -----w/tnleresting people 1n e us · uy, ";e · couches &t <.'hair 9 1 VW CAMPER TENT
an expandanic bus1ne!.s ~!de C~cl~l~dCo.C~ couch. child's b'ed, Xlnt cond L~e wooden
Callforappt.•tc-5168 &t2rit~r • st"raps of lumber & ffhool teacher's desk
-plywood. wheelbarrow & ~ btwn8 5
WOODWORKER Cob 8035 mis<' 5Z1 Centl•r St, C M King ()( the Road tires !: '\1~l be expr'd and able ••••••••••••••••••••••• 548-~ already mounted. fit .. 75 l tu read and undl'r1>tand Himalayan k1u..-ns, c 1-·A . .,,, .• h S 0 8 k 1 DatsUll PU 49.t-7374 ;~ blueprints. Work al R1cadoro lint'. rt..,ene. 4 .x-t Y c · 1 1 es ,
• bench w /m1n1mum wk!. old.21eft 54.0-1760 mans. 1 ladw::.. I girl::. &by cnb w mall Like
•: 'uperv1s1on Gd t•und ft--80 .. 0 stingray, gd cond, S30 ea nu. Hi chr stroller tn
,• & benefL, Call fo' --,. ,. Card tbl, SS . 3505 I 9685.J"" ' .• pay ' . r ••••••••••••••••••••••• Se ho Dr NB eye E>, c.<> :~ appt or apply in pt.•rson • •as re , -----
.• GORDON'S Of.SIGN DOG TRAINING U~spd b1keh, good cond, ·: 250 F'lsher Ave CM. Your Pla<.'e or Mine Yard Sale Everything go ~nbl. Very clean, like
Ph ~O 2860 John Martin S48 0059 mg 717 llellolrope. COM new elec stove $55 ...
S&mdown .,,...,., Ltd
152'2 lolso Chico
H.1.1714) 893-7509
Lar~l'!.l sc.>lect1on
of Amencan Oak
an Orange County
750 E Oyer Rd S. /\
C11~~wpt Fwyl 751-8922
,.reM'ftf the
Saturday only 640 8585 631 4428
Trash To Treasure' 6 lJckets to KING TUT
Nwprt llrbr HPW lor3t31 BestoHer. refri~. clothing, misc 586-5779
Sal. 411, 8·4. 401 K Bay----------
St. CM Jam Beam Bottle Collec:
Garuge Sall' Mar 31st &
Apr Isl. !J 5 !1141 El
Verde ('1r. F V Off
Slater Kit tbl & l'hr!!>, all
wood, end tbl\, dL'>ht•s,
de<' edJl('r. m1s1·
Uon for sale. Approx 65
bottl rs 673·.s990 a ft <t • :io
Glen 548-0281 art 5pm
Pet ca-e, 14x 18x1A. auto
feeder S30 Mamiya·
s<-kor lOOODTL camera
$150 552-8649
~~!d",! I ..,;.tw-_ 9'50 Tncb 9$60 • hnporltd Mfot. l•~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
A powt-r windl~.11.1 for 35
ft power boat t:all 011le
at.i98 Z709.
Boats.Pow..-9040 ..••.....•. , .....•.•...
30' Sport AtlNr
Outrlggera·Vlfl'' radio
Bad tank·dept.h sounclt'r
and Much More
0-loaf. I o.lty
Special Price
3101 Co:ll>L 11'4 \'. N lS
16' Fantasy Hydrocraft
slu boat 75 Hp Evtnrudc.
elec stnh, pwr llCl. tat·h.
hour meter. nu cover,
trlr SJ~. 751-4007 ----18' HORIZON JF.'ITE 4SS
Of<is·Berkley jet 8 lr<ll'k
tape Less than 100 hrs on
boat & eog1ne. New twin
tanks. Cherry cond m
eluding tradt!'r. $4250 or
be11 t Ask for Hick
968-8534 or 962.9824
/4.32• Luhrs. single dt·
isel. 185 Perkins TC ,
radar-A /P + many
xtras. 1714) 4!16·7729
15' Glasspar Avalon w 180
HP Mere Great 1>k1 boat.
xlnt cond. trlr. cruise
tank. xtr as SI 600 f 1 rm
'C9 P~ad. Xlnt running '57 Chevy P U Rt!bu1 It
C'Olld. Slrokerklt, lou ol motor umpu •hell
chrom•. Dys ~'73·017 5. '800 /bst ofr 71045 "2111
WI 631 6413 ----+"
'76 Honda •OO 4 Super
Sport, xlnt cond 9600 m1,
$8.W. 493-9491, 496-5932
'67 FORD 1'7.40. 1.o m1 ·~
gd <.'ond. Newer camper
SIJM 5, $4$00. 645·8322
Vcm 9570 Motor .._.,, Sale I • •• •• •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • l...t/Staroge 9160 '74 Custom Chevy Van
••••••••••••••••••••••• Custom pa1ot, Gold
Rent • urn Executive Velvet interior Wide
Motorhome or M1n1 ~acers $4950~2-3379
motorhome from Herb
Fm>dlander Call any of
lh~t' numtwrs
·n motor hm .,,~ 6 ~elf
l'Onl, air, power, llldO)
xt.ras 1!'Jl 8till3 aft!'..
1977 DIEAMBt
3 left to choose
'T1 Chevy Van, 8 cyl. PS,
PB. cu~tom. cash or
trade TOP 960-2666 -.fl
'73 Dodi:e Tradesman 100
318 eng. Contempo
l'amptr c·on\ erMon. air,
supe r 1lran. $~800
'12 Ford "• ton \an, Cully
camper equ1p'd, 11uto,
P 1S. P /8, V8, stereo. lo
mi's, $39SO. 675·8638.
631·9560 J"or information <-all ----------
Wendell lhch or Bill
Pll'rce onJy al
For Sale 20' Wilhamsaaft
molortiome on Dod)?r J
Ton frarnl'. G<Xxl t·ond.
Below blue bk Wkch>-
call 642 1163, l.'ve:. wkni.1:. 642 8267
Trailers, TrcrY~ 91 70 •....•.........•.......
1977 Tl'1'ry 25'. like nc•v..
owner, air. stereo. mun:,,
eruas StJ6.SO 546 1421
'7S PTowlf'r 111 ~ trailer
Selr contained hke ne'4
Many xtras S4500 Cal I
9590 •••••••••••••••••••••••
S,1u Ju.Jut \•JH~tr J rto
831·1l7S 493-3375
'77 SkipJack, 20· opt·n
wttrlr. b1mm1 lo~. \'HF
teak swim step, 70 hrs
225 V ·8 Volvo I 0
Sll.950/o.b.o. Tom, da)::.
645-1.'ll.S 1963 16' lraH·I trailer
i;tove. 1<·~ box. sl ps 6 9060 ~ 892-1632 Book, Sail
2828 Harbor Blvd
546.1 200 K 1 n ~ K ,1 m p l' r -
Hl'fn&<'rJtor he.ilN WE PAY TOP l>OLl./\k ~tovt• Slc1•ps s1 '< l'all FOR TOP USF.D Ci\HS
631-0425 1-'0REIGN. DOM f':STIC
Auto Ser•ic•, Parts H \'Our car ts ~xtra l'il'<rn
& Acc:.ssoriff 9400 see us first. •••••••••••••••••••••••
Auto accessory. Roll bar
for VW Think $50. firm.
2925 Harbor Blvd
Costa Mesa 979-2SOO Days t1I l PM 494-8038 -------
Eves after 494·7138 Ask TOP
few John DOLLAR
Aaftol for Sol• •....••••..............
~Cl./ OSM~ 9520 .......•...............
We're the new Chevrolet
dealership in thl' lninr
Auto Center. We need
YOW' ll!ed car'
21 Auto Center D"'·e
Good. cS.an low
Cdl Dcrte Sktff.
835·3171 \
Ti. UU'ltllAft IHllll*O --~Ct<IN!
'71ZOOU apd (7S3W
'73 S.varta 4 spd 4!14Jt-'S
'73 2002 u pd 300K RV
"15S30I J\ut" CWMC'V).
'75 2002 A. Ser. 2236 18 saotA All())"l 4S2PQN ,. 2<m Upd 5/R 220PQD
CloMcf 0. S..ftdcJY1
'68 Datsun. needs work.
IMWRlSALIS '72 Pickup, ma1t whli..
We may ha~ your n.t:xt radio/htaler. xlnt cond
car an our UlYeotoey Call $1600 540-1189
Ub tod4ay' Rdt . 97 25
_13 I ·Z040 495.4949 •••••••••••••••••••••••
'74 128, gm. new clutt-h &
val\e1. lo ma $1000
74 Fial 12'1 2 dr ~an
AM FM stereo Gd cond
new tire~ SI 200 bii t Sales-~rv1c~Lea111nR 49t.46J5
Roy Carver ,Inc.. Hoftda 9721
Rolls koyce BMW ••••••••••••••••••••••• l~OJamboree
Newport &>ach 640·6444
'74 2002, air, 1>unrf,
AM FM stereo, eves
lra.d Hew •71
To ChooH From!
••••••••••••••••••••••• C>ldll1110b0e
'73 CaJlri. $1500 Xlnt Honda Can • GMC
cond, auto, AM /FM T..-ks
radio. mr Call Hfl 6pm . 2850 Harbor Blvd
213 592 2519 C011la Mesa 540-96411
'73 01pn. P P . 41.000 ml, Accord '77. silver on blk ~
AM l fo'M t•as.\ , Good spd, 3,000 m1, $5 ,400
rond ~·0035 .s48·9611
Coft 9717 Must sell '75 CVC1
••••••••••••••••••••••• htchbk, 4-0MPG. excel t 972 OOOGl rood. ~16
COlTWACSON ~ 9730 W1thTDaNutom~llc ;rans ••••••••••••••••••••••• <721 I. 1 rea Jlas •7_. XJl2l ::.avl'r for '
O.._.LY $I O 1 S Best bid over $7500 " • Eves. 673-2464 •
.......... n ....... I Kamm• Ghio t7JS
l988Rarbor. Costa M~a ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6"42-07'5 1973 Ghia. 38,000 mi. Coc11
l>m. lmmat". $28501ofr 9720 644 3291, 642.5375 ...•....•..........•...
*UTILE ... *
'.'>.Ill l11.1r, I '.1111~\I .111•1
831-1375 493.3375
540-6410 540-021 3
'73 Karmann Ghia. am·
mac. 34K mi's, radials
auto stick. $3250/ofr
752-0651 or493·1S2.8.
'64 Conv. Ghia, needs
work.~. Call Sid
21 SO H..t>or ll•d.
Costa Mno 645-5700
·74 RX4 sta. w~n. lo m1
good cond1llon Sl90U
9740 ...••..................
77 · 450SL. must S<.'JI no"' . Jo mi. loaded, \ery dea11
under wmty, PP 499·361:1
'16 MBJOOD. sun roof
AM /FM, Jeon Ji!old pnl.
aux tank. xlnt conn
S14.<XX>. 645-9530
'73 280 SE 4.5 a;.,;.;;;,;,;.;..;.;..oiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iill A real beauty! Soft lthr
'76 280Z. AM /FM, air.
!'illVl'I' Ai.km!( $6250 or
ml. snrf & all options
Well cured for. $79511
974-2590, Bernie
ofr Wttl645-ltitil l•---------
Autos, Hew 980 Autos, H•w 9100 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '
. To sell these new
l/Ws at the prices we oo
but we have a lot of cars
to move so you re in the
drivers seat at
All models & colors
New '78 Rabbit
Including fuel Injection, OH engine,
front disc brakes & hatchback.
(03783). Model 1701 .
5 NOW 53995
·11oi...c•_....,... ................... lo\n
•-..i --·--~h ...... l•'1MT1
'711..._-.c...,wtibM ............ lo\YI At90~Ycai,..._1•-(tl1:41 '" ·--.... c., .................... .,. ·---,-YOll--le ....... l•MMI.
l .._. c:Mc.-'7t ... 7• .............. Uffl
14 •M111L tT•11<PYi f'!~6':~~J le"'-<•n41WJ
'72 .,.,, .............................. ··"· ·~·---.-~ la4lllOQI "74 CIM~ WY C-........•••....... QUI ~ .............. 'efli.oi '~
7J o,.._ i.oz ........................ uni
4 .... R , "-It .,"911,• t1111fe.._ 1Wlollnl
'7J J..,_......, · .. · ...... · · .......... Mttl-
• .......................................... (t1tl'()IWI
Brand •• '78 H•DA
Equipment: 1488 C.C. Honda CVCC four cytlnder engine, •·wheel ll'ld~nt 1u1pena1on. 4•peed
•vnctomesh t,.nsmlMlon. reek I pinion steering, bumper guards. 1n11de hOod release, wood gr.In dash,
hinged telt side window&. fold d<Wm r• ..... Whtt• lldewall llr.., wm '"ts, day/night mirror. AM radio.
rear window defroster I manuflldurett -.mbfy llne ttlt tor Cellt.
(9e94 N .. t•• eao ..ee64001
19823 Brown SGC "°°3305) (aei~ INlllte 8QC 490a99• I
(9982 Bille SGG 4'HM98el
!978<4 Red SGC 40007M)
(9111 lbewA &QC 409eilel
( 1881 61her 800 4EIG61!e)
( 10024 Red SOC 4005290)
(9980 Whit• sac 400412&)
(Q030 White sac 4003152)
(Mee ~e eee.ee.1e11
c10002 Red sac 4005310)
lrand Mew 1971 . BRAND NEW '78 CIVIC CIVIC. 5 SPEED1S BrcmdNew 1978
$ 53977
4Ytos.1Mporhd ..... lmporffd Alltos. lmporhd Autol, Us.ct Autos, UHd Autos, Used Autos, UHd ••.....•..•.•......••..•••.••....•............•.•..•..••••••......... ····•···•···•·········· .......... , .••..••••...•.....•................•..•...•.......•••.....
MlftHHa.ta 9740 Ponct.. 9750 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~ ••••.•• !?.5.~ Topt. 9765 ~~::'!r.!' ....... !??.~ ~ .....••...... !!~.~ ~~ ........ !!!.~ ~ ............. !!.~~ ~~ .......... !!.s.~
XLNT Bu y ••••••••••••••••••••••• '69 280SE, 40M m1 nu '71 AMC Sport.about g cyl •
Elegant cond. P S/PR. 73Pondw914 Sharp '66Sllver Shadow. IEFOREYOU Byowner.S1600
Sm 1 YOUR '71 VW, xlnt cond. R~ent tpe dck, A/C etc. $6750 "'1lite with black top & white R. R -Right hand ~ overhaul. New tires & ___ !>48-4327
536-9993 custom mags. Supe r dr. Xlnt cond, Sl4.900 TOYOTA, brits.Sl850.640-7045. •·"'-L 9910 • ah'"""1 I! Private nart.y. Call Patrick ...... 4414 _,,.. M.B. Owneraells person11l u78H.sc>. -y--a.. . ,,_. '765 SEE US! Voho ,772 ••••••••••••••••••••••••
collection: '58 2205, '59 $399 5 .... ,..... u ... _,..,UIS TOYOT... ••• •••••••••• •••••••• •• '71 Centurion. hd top gold. * 219, '77 300 Diesel. Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• """"""" "" Cberry cond. Make ofr for data or demo ; orbestoHer MIS.SIONVJEJO IEFOREYOUIUY PP7S2·-0835
2131691·2:554 975-0453 lll..Jll049S..1210 A.USB>VOlVO, -------
See u s at So uth~rn Coclloc: 9915 '76 MBZ 3000 w /snrf, lo '77 TARGA '72 Corona, 2·dr, A/C, $900 Orange County ·s Volvo •••••••••••••••••••••••
mi. Like new. Can be for~ take over lse at orbestolrer. Headquarters. -· leased or sold. Lie. No. $338 mo or purchase If 847·9891 MAJtQUIS VOLVO
607Rll. Call American you wish. Fully loaded. • 4 FRIE• Ml~IONVJEJO ea __ r_P_la_n_._ 7Sl-89_1_0 ___ ,...;J:..::eff:.:..:B::.ri;.:e:..:ry'...!.'.::6'7S-:.:..:9.::11:.:1 __ , ""' .............. I 811·2180 495-1210 . ----.. ..-.. '72 U. 4-dr, lt blu, Im· 914 Porsch , '76, 2.0 ............. c.. VcAswOIJlft 9770
maculate, serv. regular· w ht / 8 1 k . sh a r p . ••••••••••••••••••• ••.. ORAMGE COUNTY
ly. all power, AM /FM, S7500/ofr. PP. Evs '77TOYOTA ~IUY&SELL VOLVO
air, defo1ger, orig 675-7817 coeou.&um..a "'° EXCLUSIVELYVOLVO owner. P .l>. $6750. Auto,,_ *'CD<>01''°"'"' VOLKSWAGENS r ....... estVolvoDealer o,......,.,., , bl AMi'M l ll<llo &1k •5170 ..,..6 .,......._..., 70 911T. 5·spd1 R t. e.-.i 1o -.,,,., -, Largest Selection in Orange County I
MG 9742 xtras,clean :;:""...,.,.,..,.-•to lnTheArea!" BUYorLEASE
••••••••••••••••••••••• 645 7409 $4295 '68 BUG $699 DIRECT
':.~.~~~.., .. Lo p=:;:,~t~~~~l: ~~~~ 701~:~: $199 [!:rt!l~~
MGI 9744 _e.?_·-71-1-7------~~0,_::~9:.,,..~:::"'9 $45 per "'°""9 2025 S Manchester
••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 914 l.7, Appearance ""~an.. •w. Borrows $I09.0I: 0.A C., Anaheim 750-2011
'77 MGB. Xlnt r ond. Still Group. $4600 A.P.R. Z1.78 percent;
underwarr. $300+T 0 P 6'4 1545 $4495 ~ bacll·l\080.00 In 24
Pb 897-520'. '7S 15 p months. • 91 . eru red, WEST GEIMAN '74~, twin carbs roadster. $13,000. '76 TOYOTA
OVER 100
2600 H.1rhor Blvd
.. LowPrlcnl"
494-11 l 1 S4t..t'61
$700 $2500 531>.9993
'72 Impala De Luxe Xlnt.
Cond A/C As k $1375.
Anx. P fP 673·SU3
'77M8CUIY MOM.u04 119.-. --...... CO"d ,,/&, ,,18 (Lie ...aAI
S4J60 .... Sl24"MO. FOi•-··-. w ~ ' --~ •tOM.'2 •lall<e
1'(11 17-0AC.
'11 FOIDLTD i Alllo •adlO. Mal.,, "'8 . I Pt8 111 oond. Nice c.rl ~Pl
Sll46 • ···'"IO'ftl I ~· ... &llCOA C
99SS •••••••••••••••••••••••
"7S Delta 88 Royale, nu
oond. loaded. must sl•ll,
$299:'5. ~rry. 631-0700
'75 Olds C\ltlas.s Suprem1.
slvr/gray. 2 Dr, blut" int.
S28MXT. $3:500. 640-1127
Pinto 9957 •••••••••••••••••••••••
T.l Pinto Wagon, 4 sp<l
AM /FM ste r eo , xlnt
cond. SW>O. 644-0434 r''
....,,.,,,,9,..,. &.011>, 1971 Pinto. good cond111nn. 161100 &.01h kvl1vo1d l
842-1144 pvt party 846-7181 :;!•-------
• '77 Runabout. P /S, P n.
!78 Fiesta . AM /FM . htr,FM,rearwlndow rle·
orange. Asking $4350 or fogger Extend. warr
offer. W\ll, 645-3661. Gd rond. $(210. 631·09.tl
sharpest in Lown, finely 557·0669_.___ cOllCl&IA....,. IMPOITS
tuned. 3 tops. 33,000 m i's. '75 Porsche 9l1S, perfect = s':':~ °"''°'tlol'"• 1985 Harbor Blvd., C.M.
'72 Volvo Wgn, auto, air,
only 50,000 mi, l owner,
beauUfullJ kept Book
SJ715 Dr. Rilf'y 499 3509 (. 1\IJ f\ll·\,t '> IQ.l) I 00 ----------1 548-0088 'fe Kingswood Est. Wen . '73 LTD Cntry Sq Wgn.•-------
1 van's Forei f?n C ar -'-. --------~ air, xlnt rond $900/ best A/C. P IS, P /B. P /W, xlnl '72 Pinto Runabout, auto.
Pl95.l3l·2880,U>n. cond. Wht w/blk Inter, $3095 714/645-6120
Opel 9746 i\M /FM, ll trk stereo
Repairs now has Mr. '72 EL DORADO Convt o«e-r 847·9891 rond.1133-85teaft.& AfC. needs body ~ork, Mike Sluben to work on R --- ---S800 BO 645-3905.
Your Volvo 1995 Ha rbor Chor < ussett) · bone Corvette 9932 '75 Ford Pinto Runabout ---.--••••••••••••••••••••••• Wayne; 731 ·3911 dys, or '73 VW Squareback, xlnt
U GT ""'0 996-2284 e '11 TOYOTA cond. Newly rebuilt eng., tnl. & top All s pedal op FOR SALE '7 F rd I' Bl, CM. 645-1982 tlon.'I. 645 3269 aft 6PM & ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 ryl • 4 spd . AM /f'M : 6 o m Must se Opel i.., · v~ auc:A st.eel belted radial tires. Good condition. Call · ----Alt c°"dltlOl'llnQ. ••nvt roo1 *CORvrrrES stereo/tape. One own~r. to Runa~t. 1~.000 m1" 1973 1 dr, 16H:. 6 ryl. weekends Yti;t' exrellcnt condition lo~ stCt'I radial tires. h k1• _s.-llM. All 6. 551·2'121 ..... 9755 ·-·-sa. 16111 $2,500. 497·3984
,.... 9750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $3195 leather, P IS, auto '66 Sedan de Ville, nu 19781 miles. $2400 after .6pm n<'W.$26$0/BO 546-1686
'68 VW Bua. Good cood. tran.'lm. air cond. $2995 Aal"t. full power, runs NlCESELECTION! 7Sl-4flM · -
•••••••••••••••••••• ••• TEST DIM OUR ·es ms s spc1 340 MMJ .,_.CAI
New paint new bruea OFn. YIAI"
Ex c e I con d . S s 1 o o Good lnveatorJ ln stock.
_... Hurrywblle~lutl
h an'1 Foreign Car MllAQ.I
Repairs now bas Mr. Bill MAJDA,llBtAULT Keb.b to w«k on Y9UJ' 911 ... _ _...... B d • t14. 1185 Harl)or Bl. 2150n..~ Iv • COSTAllESA QI. M$-lm 641-5700
•1J t14 14,000 mi 's ,---------
AM 1111. s.11500 Mr. 651-2718 hla loyce t7H ---------1 ...................... .
tt~= \I-----....
'71 TOYOT.A. calCA
• •-41 .... C>OMlt ......... --8111.t.SS.
7JflOID c.-....
,..., .,__ -IMllll -.... ... ~-•U41.
Htrd IO A.-d --...... -_.. "'*"° .... •NM.
·1.11-:: .. ,. ..... , .. ..-. ...... ""'""'"*' --... ............ •.. ,.
Nulnt,Ures . .,. orS600&TOP.494·214~ ;; well. $1250 or best. HOWARDClleTI"Otd lJncolR 9945 ~1t'3~tottsrG~e~r:~nd ~12(9 'fe Volvo 142A. auto, A IC. &f.S.2845, 548-2687 DOVE" QUAIL STS. ••••••••••••••••••••••• G7:>-230S
'89 Bug. Complete nu mtr, AM/FM stereo, rad1ala, '73 ~ d S ... d D Ill (Neu MacArthur, Jam· '7t Mark IV Powder Blue ---------map, Sood cood. S120C _Sl;..400_.;..!B_0_._84_~_3905 __ .__ •. r .. e v e, boree&Bristol) velour Interior 17 M "76 Pinto Squire Wag. ~ firm. 04.2130 &ld/Wht HT. New Ures. NEWPORT BEACH • OOO/betol 979-936& Spd, air, xlnt cond. N~w '73 Volvo 144, 4 dr stk, <&SURD) $4000. 640.1127. -r tiru. pp, Desperah• 196SVWB"" S2'T7S or olr. Xlnt rond '76 T·top, 28.000 mi's, ~ 9950 .,,.., ....... ""'5603 -· 963·0254 aft 6pm or '74 Eldo, red w /wht loaded. Askini $8000. .,_ . ....,.or....... · Rum we~-2978 ~s. wtmds. Cabaret top, beaut. Good n4/496-0189, 496-6953 ••••••••••••••• PtywDUftl 9960
'73 SUPER BUG, orange,
$1800/best offer. Hurey !
Pvt Pty 548-MIO
Heavy duty full tensth
~ n ck for VW Van.
'f1 VW, :alnt runnlna
eoiod.. new body fl palot.
Maat HU. Aft 8PM
•70 V I . tires, xlnt cond. Air, ORANOECOUNTY'S ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 vo wagon, air, cruise cntrl, tape deck, Doclg9 9935 NEWEST
11 t I ck • A M I F M • split lthr seats, sentinel ••••••••••••••••••••••• LINCOI..N·MERCURY 1974 Ply. Satelhte SI .!
S2000/BO. s.46-9636. " many other xtras '64 Dodge Dart Dealership is now OPEN ~~~· ~r.S:1·;e~~tr~~'~·
Autol. Used •••••••••••••••••••••••
8'75-J.828 S48.Sl~er5 .30 IAYFl.ADHOE Cooler, air shock!'!.
'71 Cad aedan De Ville,---------LIN<X>LN·MERCURY trailer bitch, CB Radio
perf. shape, everything. '74 Ram Charger, xlnt 16-18Aut.o~ter Dr. mr l. Good Cond. SUIOO
Owner. SltsO. ~1421 ccnd many extru. MSOO. SDFwy·Lake Forest exit fill S. Orange, S.A.
S51.cK58 lRVINE Cs aro 9917 ~ ll0-7000 ,_... 99'5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... 9940 ---------i ...................... .
._SS 381. '.Spd, 4S8 poel, •••••••••••••••••••••••
new tires. SID or besL ••. • PHIL eau MZ-9828. . LONG a...... t920 FORD .......................
... Cb..,, NOTa Wan .
needs work, sooct bod1,
blltotter. 540-S!m "71 .. Curt
WOMMae VI. ... co"4 . ,,, .. ,.,,,
LOoWm (n'OIU4),
.,,,. '!"".,... ... ~·-··-··· ............... ,... m·--··'' ..
l2 Grandville. xlnt cond.
Aaklnt $1200/bst offr .
Weltmlnster 8M-al9
.... 9974 ................... , ...
• 11.
I :-
' ,
j ,
" '·
NEW 1978
-.-.. -... -~ -. .. ...-----.-..-
NEW 1978
·-··. . .. ..
Recllnlng bucket seats.
automatic transmission, vinyl
aide mouldings. radio. trim
rings, wsw radial tires. tinted
glass Ser. #71.24K88100202.
PICKUP . 6 cylinder. automatic, air condit!Qnlng, pawer
Radio. V-8 engine.
automatic tran1m1ssion,
wsw radial tires.
Ser. #FM22H8G237047
4 cylinder, 4 speed, power brakes. heater, moon rool, mags. (64108Y). steering. power brakes, AM/FM stereo rldlo with 4 cylinder. automatic. air condlhomng, power
tape, heater, whitewall tires, (893LlE). brakes. radio, heater. (619LVH).
6 cylinder, AM radio, heater, whitewall -tires. (208KHZ).
V-8. automatic. air oondlllonlng. power steering,
pawar brakes. radio. heater. whitewall tires,
luggage rack. l210FTJ).
s3995 .
4 cylinder. 4 speed, AM/FM radio, luggage rack. (541NIF)
V-8, automatic, power steertna: tedio. heater.
whitewall tirel. (KRA475).
4 cylinder. 4 speed, power brakes. radio. heater.
V-8, automatic. air conditioning. power ateeT1ng,
pawer brakes. power windows. rldlO. he8*.
Whltewall ti~ vinyl roof. ( 114RRX).
V-8. automatic, air conditioning, power steering,
power brakes. radio. heater. whitewall tires,
luggage rack. (RL481<-7A247247}.
V-8. automatic. air cond1lloning. pe>wer steenng.
power brakes, radio, heater. wtulewall tires.
6 cyUnder, automatic. pOW8( steering, power
t>rPes, NA radio, heater. Whttewall ti,._ eo-40
seat, luggage. ractc. (HH<t5C68312288).
Huntington Beach
Fountain Valley
EOl T 1-:0 N
N. Y. StoelL4i
Protests D ·rug-death Link
April JJ Vote.
3 Huntington
Hopefuls Eyed
There art 16 candidates /or four
net• an the Hamtington Beach City
Council. The election u April 11.
In HtmttnaUm Beach, condadale•
for the ~member council ore
elected at "1t'pe. Councilmen don't
npreaent !pttific arN.t of the city.
PoUolDing are bne/ profile. of
three of the council candidates
together 10tth their vsews on some
current mumcrpal 1ut.1e1. S1mtlor
prof1lf!I on the remanung 13 can·
du1atea waU appear in subse~ is-
3Utl o J the Deily Pilot.
Bob Mandie was bom in Hunt·
tngton Beach 36 years ago. He
calls himself the city's home·
grown candidate in the April
Mandie, who resides al 119
17th St. with his wife and
operates the
au lo mobile
repair and
towing busi·
n ess which
was fir st
cs la blished 10
the city in
MAM01c He attended
Huntington Beach schools and
bas a degree in business ad·
ministrat.ion from Loyola
He says that be also is availa·
ble to listen and will consider all
, ideas. He adds that some mem·
bera of the City Council turn peo-
ple off.
M andic outlined his positions
on the following issues:
Growth: He says the city has
been renuss m planning for the
ruture. He says that helter plan·
ning is particularly needed lo
meet sewer n~s.
Jarvls·G•nn: He's having
second thoughts after leaning
towards tax initiative earlier. If
it passes, he says he would cope
as a councilman by cbecldng
spending on capital projects and
would possibly consider user
fees on trash collection and in·
creased parking fees at the
"l would try lo retaln as many
employees as possible," he says.
Central Put: He would like to
see parks orfer more active
recreation ii the Boise Chica
linear park becomes a reality.
He wants to talk lo residents
more before maklng up his mind
about a proposed skateboard
park. "Most residents are op-
poted. to that now." he says.
BolH Ollca: He favors pres·
ervation of marshlands and
supports plans of state to buy m
acres of wildlife habitat. He op-
~ putting a marina there.
.RedeYelopment: He says
private money needs to be en·
tic~d to rehabilitate downtown
area. He says that previous re-
development plans were too
grandiose and would have dis·
placed too many peot>le.
Gott..rd: He uys higher
quaUty lndustries would come in
if •ners didn't ba~e to worry
Kredsl4 Weir
Fm E'lection
In seal Beach
about what kind of zoning is next
to their property. He says tax
base from industry is needed.
Meadowlark Airport: He says
the airport has been there so
long that it has the legal nght to
remain. While raclllty should be
left open. be favors formation of
a committee to study both sides
of the controversy.
Money: He expects to spend
about $3.000 of his own money
for the campaign. He says he 1s
not beholden to others.
Steve "Clthen'' Kane, 66, of
19!>42 Hartsdale Circle. is a 10·
year resident of Huntington
Kane says that be adopted his
substitute name from the Orson
Welles movie when he was active
in Chicago politics during the
He says he is qualified to
serve on the City Council
because or hts
in politics and
Kane says
h e h a s
union con·
tracts in II·
linois and
served on a
.-. union
political action committee that
endorsed candidates.
He is self-employed, dlstribut·
ing plastic products to liquor
Here are his positions on some
of the issues:
Growth: He says a five-year
moratorium should be imposed
on building lo allow services a
chance to catch up with growth.
Janis-Gama: He is in favor of
the tax-limitation initiative.
Kane says that if the Jarvis in·
itiative passes, the fire and
police departments would rate
top priority, but he would ask for
a survey of all departments. "I
feel there is too much overlap-
ping or personnel and ad·
miniatrators," he says.
Centra11Park: He says there is
a need for more entertainment
for youngsters but is undecided
whether a skateboard park
should be put in the park. "The
matter of cosUy equipment, in·
surance and parking concerns
needs to be studied," he says.
Bolsa Olka: He wants to com·
bine a marina with restoration
efforts if marina costs prove to
be acceptable.
BedeveJopmetlt: He would call
for a meeting of business owners
to find out how they would go
about restoring the downtown
area. He wants to avoid a pend·
ing lawsuit filed by downtown
property owners. He ls not in
favor of a mall concept. He
doesn't want the area blocked to
local traffic of residents.
Gothard: The industrial area
should be preserved.
Airport: "If the majority of
the people are against
Meadowlark Ahl>ort. then steps
should be taken to move it to Los
Alamilol with the permission or
the federal govemment and the
Navy," be says.
KNe)': Kane intends to spend
a total of $500 ln the city council
campaign.. He says financing
ahould be blled on arassroots
aupport. Ht qys that builders
and developers who contribute
beavUy are to ~nfllct because
they do bualnesa with the city
"every day of the w~k."
P'ortY·fhe·:rear-old Don
MacAIUster ls a business ex·
ecUUve who bu lived in Hunt·
ington Beach 11 years. He re-
sides wltb bla wile and three
dau,btenl at 1121 Pak St.
MKAlllster la tbe c\lfl'enl p..._,~
ldent of tbe Hontington Beachi Un~on Hilb
School DI•·
tJtct Bmr4 ot
Truataee. a
poaltion he
mu,at ct \lP J.leltc~ He la a
me"mber of
th• Hullt·
ClOD Par-• aDd•' •
R rea oa Commtulou ad
tormed1 the bMrd ol jht Orqp ly ~l'DP
(lie ....
. Begins
WUI Oki Plana be Dredged Up Again? ..
Councilman Eyes
SA River Marina
Ol U. OeilY ~I~
Costa Mesa City Councilman
Dom RaciU wants to revive the
possiblity of a public boat
marina along the Santa Ana
And despite a lack of progress
on the idea, which is at least 20
years old, city officials in
Newport Beach and Costa Mesa
say they're still interested in a
new gateway to the sea.
Raciti bas called for the
formation of a committee made
up of Newport. Beach, Costa
Mesa, Huntington Beach and
county officials lo renew dis·
cussion of the plan.
"The possibilities are still
there if we would pursue them,"
he said.
Last fall the county purchased
1.20 acres of land along the Santa
River between 19th and Victoria
Streets and some west side
Costa Mesans have asked if the
land might be used for the
It remains one of three options
on the land designated as an ex·
tension of the Fairview-Talbert
Regional Park, county officials
said. Other options would be to
leave the land in its natural
state or develop It as a park ex·
Dick Hogan, Newport Beach's
director of community develop-
ment, says the marina is sUll in
the city's general plan.
"It's now within the county's
jurisdiction as far as a local
coastal program and we are
hoping for input to have them
consider the marina as a
possibilitv. "he said
(See MARINA, Page A.2)
'Tape Contradiets'
Prosecutor Queries
Waddill Finances
OI ... o.11\' l't ... IUff
Dr. William )Jaxter Waddill's
testimony that be was financial·
ly solvent and under no
economic pressure at the time
be performed an abortion at
We1tmin1ter CommunHy
He>1pltal was challenged Tues·
day by the pl"OSffution in bis
murder case.
Deputy District Attorney
Robert Chatterton asked for and
got pennisalon to play a tape re·
cording ol a telephone conversa-
tion in which Waddill allegedly
told District Attorney Cecil
Hico that be faced bankruptcy
and was the victim of a swindle.
Chatterton told Orange County
Superior Court Judge James K.
Turner that tha tape will dlrect·
ly contradict Waddlll's argu.
men& that he never mentlooed
costly laWIUlts because be bad
no such ftnuclal problems.
Waddlll told the Jury when be
wu 01> the witnMS stand that be ·
beaded one of the largest
medical practice• In Orange
Count1 and was making at least
$400.000 a yoar.
CbatWrton aaJd the tape Will
1how that Waddill told Hicks in l'cbru~ 'Cf tm, that ht wu
·•wor l.na cnyad_f to dut.b .. to re•
PIJ a $U(),000 bank loan and $1.5
n:1UJlon fted • compan1lden-od u the O:mlUa.lia CoqiOra-
UOn. .
Lawyers for murder tnal de·
fendant Alexander Kulik con-
tinued today to protest police ac·
tions during a drug arrest that,
they claim, led to bis being
linked to the killing of Stephen
John Bovan ol Fountain Valley.
They told Judge Robert P.
Kneeland Tuesday during
Orange County Superior Court
pretrial action on the grand JUry's murder indictment of
Kulik and six co-defendants that
evidence taken by police during
his drug arrest was illegally ot>.
ta in ed.
Kulik. 28, of Linda Isle,
Newport Beach, was found
sleeping in a vintage Stutz
Blackhawk that he parked in lbe
parking lot of a Mission Viejo
shopping center Oct. 23.
Defense lawyers claim that
the search, which allegedly pro-
d uced a quantity of ''China
white•• heroin valued by
sheriff's officers al more than $1
million was illegal in the sense
that it sparked Kulik's prosecu·
tion on the Bovan charges:
It was asserted during the
hearing Tuesday that other de·
fendants may have been prej·
udiced by the evidence obtained
from Kulik's car.
All seven defendants were in·
dieted on murder charges after
the grand jury was told that they
were linked to a murder plot
that led to the shooting of Bovan
outside a Newport BHch
restaurant Oct. 22, tbe day
before Kulik'a arrest on drug
The Bovan killing brought lnto
public view what police claim
was a multimillion dollar drug
smuggling ring which concealed
revenues in the assets of out·
wardly respectable business
firms in Orange County.
It is alleged that Kulik and
other principals m Prasadam
Distributing Inc. hired three
men to dispose of Bovan. ·
Jerry Peter Fiori, 41, of Hunt·
(See BOVAN, Page A%)
Appeal ·Eyed
In 'Dismissal
Of Charges
OI 1119 Delly l'tlet SI_.,
A judge's dismissal of indict·
ments that charged Orange
County Supervisors Philip An·
thony. Ralph Diedrich and their
co-defendants with violations of
state political campaign regula.
tions wlll be appealed to a
higher court.
That was the word out of San
Diego today as deputy Attorney
General Jeffrey Joseph said,
''This case isn't going to go
away that easy."
It appeared that easy tor de·
fendants remaining in the case
when Superior Court Judge
Philip Schwab dismissed all but
a single charge contained in
three indictments.
Judge Schwab based his dis·
missal on UHi !act that only ei1ht
grand jurors heard all the
evidence and testimony during
the eight-month investtgaUon
leading to the July 1, 1977, in·
According to bis interpretation
of the law it is necessary for at
least 12 jurors to vote an indict·
ment and to have beard all the
testimony leading to the filing of
"We disagree with that con·
clusion," Jerfrey said.
He argued that evidence and
testimony taken into conaidera·
lion by the grand jury before
February lJ1l7. "waa not related
to the diaries.
Jelf rey a1ao noted that Schwab
bad copunented lo his deci.Jion
tbat "tho charges attn"t 11'0\lnd· .i..s.•• . ••we therefore feel•• bave no
altemaUve but to appeal the de·
ciaion and, ii tbat fatls, we will
me an Information and reinstate
the cbarses." th Deput., At ..
torney General Mid.
Al least tanpotarU,Y cl
by the dw'I ~ An •
Anabelm City Councllm•n
WWI.am Kott and torm.,.,., an·
clet O:mrad. a.ired of all ( CB,••
o.111 P'llet Sutt l'llo'9
Alexander Kulik
Brown Set
To Testify
On Coo.st
California Gov. Edmund G.
Brown Jr. is scheduled to testify
Thursday morning in the Hunt·
ington Beach City Council cham-
ben before a panel of federal
energy oHicials conducting
hearings on oil pricing prob·
The governor is scheduled to
speak at 10:25 a.m. at 2000 Mam
St., officials in Sacramento said
The U.S. Energy Department
officials originally planned the
California oil pricing hearings to
be held at the Long Beach Con·
vention Center. But the hearings
were relocated due to scheduling
problem s, officials in
Washington D.C. said.
Energy department officials
have asked oil producers and re.
finers for comments on a series
of proposals intended to
· stimulate production of hea''V
crude oil in CalJfomia by chani·
ing the federal government's en-
titlement program.
The entitlement program, in·
stituted after the 1973 Arab 011
embargo, was lnillally designed
to equalize the cost of petroleum
products to the consumer.
But California oil producers
and refiners have attacked the
program as unfair lo them and
Gems. on Victim
SANTA CRUZ (AP) -Several
diamond rings and a diamond
pendant were found on the bod:v
of Thelma Brazil, 60, who had
been beaten a nd sexually
molested, officials report.
Mostly cloudy tonight
and Thursday with in·
creasing chance oC
showers by Jate tonighL
Forty percent chance or
showers Thursday. Lows
tonight in the SOs. Highs
Thursday in the 60s.
~ coltnMiat Sylvia
POTttr tab• o look at farm
f11ii.1 .GJtd hotD they affect
grocny bUlf, A MW tef'iH
stort1 today on Page 87.
Al Y-.....-,. aJ Mati..11 _. ....... • ........... ti ..
&..M...... ... ... !fl -· ..,,..... ... , llllllUc... • ~ ,.. ............
Cl.tttlO.. In·• •tt...i..... M
C-kt cu °"""'.C::· ...... O"'"t-1-1 a-1.,.. CU ,~I 111
Dea9I *"'-' M at .. r==,.. .. 1 ~-.:.: ~ ~ CWT......._ .. ..... OM~ ... ,.
I ... II JI 0 M ,......_. attwtl M.•
j[f DAILY PILOT H/F . Inflation. DOCTOR •••
Aid Eyed t.be deieuo. ••
Cbatt.e"°1l said the tape will rurt er coatradlet Waddlll't
courtioom teetllllOl\1 that. -ta
B C dellv•rtnc 1• babies a moat.Ii at
the Westminster hospital. y arter . He said the jury will hear Waddlll complain that he ts
CARACAS, Venezuel11 CAP)_ 11leeping at _horD;e only t.!"o nl~ts
President Carter urged poor a mo!!t~. is su!'ply treading
countries today lo join rich in· wa~er . m financial terms and ls
dustrtal oat.ioo.s in a five,ftep dehvenn180 babies a week.
drive to fight inflaUon, ~reate Angry defenee lawyers
Jobs and raise living 15tand.ards became even more angry dwtn&
because rich nations "cannot by a stormy day in court Tueada¥
themselves bring about world when they l~arn~d that Chat. economic recovery •• terton has in his possession
.. We need t"o share a docu_ments t~at they claim
re1ponsibillt)' for solvinl prob· are v1taJ to their case and wblch
lema -not to divide the blame have not been offered t.o them.
for igporlng them,•• Carter They said evidence in tJae form
declared in a mirjor address to of a letter from Dr Terrence
Veoeauela's national coniresa on Mor an. in whlch the X-ray
• the eecond day of his week-long spec1ahat put.s tbe gestational
tour of Latin America and age of the allegedly murdered Africa. baby at between 26 and 30
"Only by acting toaether can weeks. is held by Chatterton.
we expand trade and investment
in order to create more jobs to
curb inflation and raise the
standard of living of our
peoples," the president nid
"The industrial nations share the
same problems and cannot by
themselves bring about world
economic recovery.'•
. Carter urged rich and poor na-
tions to take these steps
-Increase the flow of capital
to developing nations.
-Build a more open system
of world trade .
Moderate disruptive pnce
movements in basic com modi ties.
-Conserve and develop
-Strengthen the
te<:hnological base in the poorer
In addltion, Carter said be was
proposing "a U.S. foundation for
technological collaboration ...
Beyond pledalng that "we in
the United States will do our
part," Carter did not elaborate.
But he nol<'d that he has asked
Concrcss to inc:rcase economic
assistance funds by 28 pt•rcent
and that his administration is
pr<'pared to in{'rcase American
conlribut1ons to the Interna-
tional Monetary Fund
Carter spoke from a lofty. or
nate dais to a packed cham~r
of legislators who ga'wc him a
~landin~ ovation when he ar·
rived. And for the third time m
two days. he comp Ii men led
them by speaking in Spanish.
~I\ 1ng b1s introductory remarks
rn that language . But he
!'Witched to Enghsh for the re-
mainder of his address.
Boy's 'Joke'
To Teacher
Brings Ban
year-old !ifth grader at Park
Dale Lane School has been sus-
pended over an off-the-cuff joke
about his teacher and con·
trovcrs1al Jarvis-Gann property
tax initiative.
Eric Meister asked County
Supervisor Lee Taylor during a
question-and-answer period on a
field trip to the supervisors' of·
fices Tuesday 1f his teacher.
Debra A Nolan, would be fired
1f the initiative passes June 6.
Taylor twice said be didn't
"Dam it," replied Eric, im·
plylna jokingly that he wished
she would be fired.
The teacher took oCCense at the
remark, however, and told Prin-
cipal James L. O'Connell that
she had been hurt and em·
"I was joking," said an
apologetic Eric.
But 1t wasn't apologetic
cnouah and O'Connell lowered
the boom and banned Eric from
21chool for the rest of the week.
"I thlnk three days' sus-
pension ror this is a tittle
severe," eaid Mrs. Meister.
Taylor says be didn't hear
Eric's last remark but said it
sounded like it was all a joke lo
.him. The teacher couldn't be
reached for comment.
Defense attorney Charles
Weedman angrily told Judge
Turner that Chatterton is guilty
or withholding evidence and that
he will now be compelled t.o re·
open the defense be planned t.o
close Tuesday.
Chatterton and defense
lawyers then became involved in
a shouting match which featu.red
Chatterton declaring in town
crier tones: "I'm not going t.o be
a nursemaid lo the defense."
The increasing rrictlon
between Chatterton and his two
opponents is obviously disturb·
mg Judge Turner.
He described the animosity
Tuesday as "a horrible state oC
affairs'' and urged all three
lawyers to resolve their dif·
ferences during the final phase
of the murder trial.
Rapist Makes
32ml Attack
A mother of two children
was raped m her suburban
home early today by the
masked "east area
rapist" in his 32nd known
attack, sheriff's depuUea
Chief Deputy Robert
Radford said the man aot
into the Rancho Cordova
house about 3:20 a.m. by
removing a glass pane
from a side door which
was locl<ed with a dead-
bolt lock.
Armed with a knife, ht
tied up the woman and
ransacked the house
before raping her.
Fro. Page Al
was Diedrich.
Initially, those four aloni with
Fullerton attorney Michael
Rem 1ngton and Calabasas
Jt'Weler Martin Kirahner were
char1ed with multiple violations
of state political campaign reg-
The charaes dealt mainly wllh
attempts to disguise the true
source of funds filtered into An·
thony and Knott campaigns in
Today. Diedrich said be was
not surprised the Attorney
General bad declded to appeal
Judge Schwab's ruUnc.
Anthony predicted 1&3t week
there would be further acUon on
the charges lodged a1ain•t him
and, like Diedrich, insisted he
waa innocent.
.Whatever way the appeal
goes, Diedrich's troubles are not
Along with Anaheim architect.
Leroy Rose, he was named in an
Indictment handed down Dec. lS
that charges him and Rose with
complicity in an alleaed bribery
Joseph said the notice of ap-
peal will be n.led lo Superior
Court this week.
He said as soon as tbe
tran~crtpta of the beariq lead·
ins to Judie Schwab'• dlmlblal decision are prepat'ed the case
will be taken to an appellate
co~rt. probably the Fourtb J>is.
trict Court or Appoal San Bernardino. •
P.W to FigJJ.t
OScar Box
1,262 More Jobs
EV ·Factory Plan
Passes First Test
Fountain Valley City Council
members pawcl tbe way 1\aes·
day for conltruc:llon of a
186,000.IQUare toot video tape re·
corder ract.ory that could bring
as many as 1,262 new jobs for
area residents.
Aclinl a.s the city's Communi·
ty Development Agency, council
members approved the first
stage of a plan that mean the
agency would buy a 22.8-acre
allc for *2 million rrooi QB
Propertl•, a Newport Beacb de·
velopment t\rm.
Q 8 Propertld would then buy
back the land, located near
Talbert Avenue and Ward
Street, for SS00.000. The other
$1.5 million would be channeled
to the factory's owner, BASF
Corporation, said Clty
Comptroller Howerd StepheM.
The $1.5 million would be used
I',.... Page Al
lo defray the rent. paid by BASF
ln tbeir H-year lease-option
11reement with QB Propertie1,
Stephens said. QB Propertles
controls the factory site.
The $1.5 million would be re·
turned to the city's Community
Development Agency within
four years through the property
tax revenue generated by the
proposed factory, Stephens said.
Over a six-year period,
Stephens said, about $2.7 ~
in tu revenue .nu be broua')lt
into city colfers due to taxes on
the $29 million factory.
Stephens said tho city would
probably borrow the funds for
the initial )and deal from a
PJelldent Kremer
Bones at
IA. Museum,
However, Hogan admitted
that any public demand {or a
marina could be overc!Ome by
environmentaUat opposition and
, questions over "ho would foot
the bill for construction.
BASF officials in NewpQrt
Beach today declined lo discuss
lhe proposed facility in detail.
A BASF spokesman confirmed
that the firm is sWl neaotJatJng
with QB Properties and Foun·
lain Valley officials for the pro-
posed Talbert-Ward factory slte.
Irvine Co.
researcher at the Los Anieles
County Museum of Natural His-
tory, which received Bubbles'
body after her death March 10,
says the hipPo "1s just a box of
bones now."
Dr. James Smith, a biology
professor from Cal State
Fullerton, said Tuesday that it
was he who persuaded Lion
Country Safari, the park from
which Bubbles escaped, to
donate the animal's bones to the
The professor said Bubbles'
body will be ustd for research
and not for public display.
''She's not goina t.o be stuffed -
the skln wun't preserved," he
said. •
"I wu following the Bubbles
forte, and we needed a specimen
or a hippopotamus. so 1 felt that
using her was better than letting
her rot or going lo Africa and
killing another hippo, .. Smith
Bubbles died after she lum-
bered out of a pond where she
had taken retuge for 19 days
following her escape and was
shot by tranquilizer darts. She
fell in a position which led to suf·
Meanwhlle, by a ~arly 2-to-1
vote. the students at Van Nuys
Junior High School indicated
they would ralher have a bone
than a hippopotamus as their
School secretary Rita Levine
said the students held an elec-
tion to decide whether to change
the school nickname from
Mustangs t.o Bubbles.
But there wer~ only 289 votes for
Bubbles, while Mustangs re·
celved "8, said Miss Levine, add-
inC only about half the student
body voted.
The results were much closer in
an election about two weeks ago to
have the name or the school
changed to Bubbles Junior High
School-the hippo lost by justf1ve
But even if Bubbles had won.
the election would have been
moot because of a Los Angeles
city school board regulation.
•'There's a Board of Education
rule that says a school must
either be named after a com-
m unity or a prominent person
who 1s deceased," the secretary
DiscussJon of the notion waned
in 1974 wheo tbe State Coastal
Com mission opposed the
Plans for the wateTway were·
proposed ln the early 1980s, but
a ptiva\e development firrn's
pursult f:A them bogged down.
An i~dent research re-
port in 19'74 questioned the finan-
cial feaslbillty of the marina.
then estimated to cost $39
million. Costa Mes a City
Manafer Fred Sorsabal figures
the pnce tai now probably bas
A 110 In 1974, former con·
1re11man Andrew H!nlhaw con-
vinced the federal government
to allocate $280.000 for an Army
Corps of Engineers' study of the
marina plan.
However, Sorsabal said the
money was never allocated and
Army Corps spokesman Perry
Davis says his department was
never asked to conduct the sur·
Costa Mesa Councilwoman
Norm a Hertzol? puts the marina
in the "nice to have category,"
but uid she was told 1t would
take all of the county's recrea-
tion funds for the next 13 years
to build it
She a •private moaey.
would be needed, but sbe doesn't
support totally a priva.e facility .
Both Sorsabal and Hogan say
fundma or suctl a proJect re·
mains in doubt. Sortabal sug-
gested that someone would have
lo buy out the leases on tbe oil
producing Banning property
tnat could be involved.
Councilman Raciti fi1ures the
county purchase of river
·lowlands to the north of the San·
ning parcel opens the door for
aome sort ol fundine agreement
between the three cities, the
county and, possibly, the federal
He envisions the marina ex-
tending north loHamlltonSlreet.
Body Discovered
body of a young woman who
police said had been stran1led
has been found off a joaging
trail in Sutro Park here.
Homicide inspect.ors said the un·
identified woman was about
five-feel five-inches tall, in her
late teens or early twenties,
wore blue jeans, a nd shirt and
white shoes and had brown bair
cut Ul page-boy fashion.
Victor H . Boyd, a QB
Properties official, said BASF
olticials want to beiin constnJc·
tion on the factory by October.
Officials said BASF chose the
Fountain Valley aite because of
the decreased rent paymenta or·
fered by the city's Community
Development Agency
BASF orficials had considered
a piece of property between
Harbor Boulevard and Fairview
Road in Costa Mesa owned by
the Segerstrom family.
All five city council members
voted to approve the flrst step In
bringing the factory to Fountam
But Mayor Pro Tem Roger
Stanton questioned the $1.5
million contribution that the
Co mmunity Development A1en·
cy offered to BASF and QB
Properties. ·
"I am totally dissatisfied with
the $1.S million figure's explana·
lion," Stanton said.
But Councilman Al Holllnden
said, "Jt's part of the deal but I
have no doubt lt wlll be a tood
deal for the city."
Price Hike
Announced by
U.S. Steel
Steel, the nation's lar1est steel
producer, announced today a
$10.SO per ton price increase on
its basic product lines to recover
the cost of the new soft coal con·
The increase, effective with
April 1 shipments, wlll boost rev·
enues 2.2 percent, but the effect
on individual products wm vary
according to their base price. the
company said.
Sheet steels. structural
shapes, plates, tin plate and tube
products were among products
affected by the announcement. a
spokesman said.
The price hike would be the
second this year for some impor·
Lant products, including hot and
cold roUed sheets widely used m
the auto and appliance in-
By JOANNE llRYNOLDS Qt, .. o.ttw-.........
Irvine Company otticlalt re·
ported today that Ule land com-
pany is expected to 1rou 1225
million in ita flrs\ year under
oew mana1emeot.
That revenue fiiure. wblcb is up 60 percent ovv the previous
year, is the result of lncreaaed
prices of land, company
spokesman Martin Brower said.
According to Brower, the com·
P.any's land sales have been
'very close" t.o tbe acru.ae an·
tlctpaled for sale wider the
former management.
.. The basic reason revenues
are up so dramaUcally la that
the market has beq 1trong,
especially In the industtlal area.
and prices have MDe up."
Since the cornpeny'1 takeover
by new management last July
there has been Uttle discuaaion
of Its financial status.
However, in an lotervlew .tth
The Associated P~. company
President Peter Kremer re·
leased the gross earnines
figures. He sald tbe first ~ar's
ea m logs under the new nuula&e·
ment would be enough to repay
all but $S0 million of the SUO
million loan used to buy the
company last summer.
Kremer'11talemeat did not ln·
elude reference to the $100
million long-term loan the com-
p_any al'T'anted with the Pruden·
taal Insurance Company this
fall. That Joan. which wu used
to rellre a portion of the abort·
term $240 million loan used in
buying the company, is secuttd
by about 4,500 of the company's
ground leues. .
Kremer went on to HY the
record performance was a c·
com~Ushed without 1ellln1 off
any mcome properties or raw
land -two thln11 predicted whe~ the new OW!\ers paid $.137.4
m1lhon for the company.
F,... Pllfle Al
'BOVAN •••
lnaton Beach faces the dealh
penalty for bis alltted sla,yi.ng of
Police claim that be Is the
man who pumped Dine abota into
Bovan during a confrontaUon
outside the El Ranchito
res ta urantNewport Beach.
Fro. Page A J
Steelmakers announced in·
creases on sheets, structural
shapes and tin mill products,
averaging S.5 percent in
December. The increases took
effect .in February and March.
Defense attorney Pbllip
De Massa argued for Kulik Tues·
day that his client's arrest was
ille1al because il was based on
the evidence obtained inside the
car and police had no warrant
justifylnc the search.
CANDIDATES PROFILED. • • "Coal is a primary source for
much ol the energy i;equired in
the meltine, formtne and
finishing of st.eel miUproducb."
U.S. St.eel, a lea din& coal pro-
ducer, said. "The higher eosLc;
now being encountered apply to
both the company's own·
produced and purchased coal
and also other forms ol enero.''
Girls. He also was active in
parent-teacher aaeocialions.
MacAJllltet' Utt~ hit view·
point.a on tbe followinc c:lty is·
Growtla: He ••Y•• a loni term master plt!l It badly
needed and that all aervices
mut be studied.
Janlt·Gau: MacAlllater
HY• the tu·Umltation meaaure
would be denatatint and be is
a1ain1t tt, but the cit)' could
tlahten spending and cbanse
priorities and adjust to a limited
Ht eo1ttmds that Mrvicea J>C'O·
•tded b,y police, firemen and
puamecllca are malt sentlal.
He would study lMI tor l'ffret·
lion uses and tncreeslnc Ubrll")'
'"'· He 1a11 that •mptoyee
1alarl11 aod beneftta make up 8S
peHent of tht clt.J'• ea
aad lt lt obvloua I.bat 101De
'Dt1"IONMl ~ld ba" to eo. if {be · Jant1-0alln initlaUve
of revenues. lo the city but that
there is a question on insurance
Bolaa Chica: He supports·
preaervation of manb and op-
pose• a marina. He says he
aareea 'With City Council'• stand
t.o support marab preservation
while perm.lutna some reaiden·
tlal development on tbe blulfa.
Redeve107me1tt: He is in
1upport o up1rading the
dowotoWQ are• and would work
wlth property owners. He sup-
ports a amlor citiseo housing
complex oo tbe old clvtc center
site 1f it ls lor selllon only.
H• UJI previous redevelop·
ment plans~ too bit.
Got•ard: He aaye prtrne
1rea 1bould be preserved, but he
taTon otb.el' usee fo.r mU"llnal
laod. "Vaoaat land doesn't
beotflt 8IU' f:A ua. •• ho says.
M•••••lar• Alrpett :"
''I I a vor \be airport and l t.tdn.k 1'
lbat lb city abould protect
prtn&e cnrmnhlp, 11 o a.a.ya.
He 11y1 lbat 11fety and
rupect for ntl&bt>ort of the
airport 1hould be enforced
altbouab1tht cat.J la not the
l'rtDl• autborit.J.
Other mot.ions scheduled for
arguio1 ~ore Judae ¥.neeland
include demanda foe cbana.s of
venue, aeparate trlala for
several deteodants, dismissal ot
charges and suppression of
Penalty Plea
Solon Cita Je.1111' ~
ALBANY, N.Y. <AP> -A state senator wbo sup-
ports the death penalty has told a church group that
Christianity would not exist if "Jesus aot ei&hl to 1S
years, with time off for good behavior.,,.
Republican James Donovan aclcnowledaed Tues·
day that he mada the comment in a letbtr to the
Council of Churches of the Mohwak Valley Alea. The
aroup says it opposes the death penalty u ... matter offattb." i •
Coples of Donovan's letter were sent tO ews o~
·ganlnt\ons, alont with a handwrltut\ aote ~d
"local churches are shocked at Donovan'• c. r:
The not.e was not si,ned.
u'lberc would be no Christianity 1f it llOt for
the death penalty, which gava us tho t
resurrection," Donovan wrote.
Donovan said most or his lwo·p 11e tt
voted to other araum nt.s for the deith
that i~,::{ serve u a d tcrrent to
punla for crlmlnals who cannot be ~~~LU
i I
Aqoeduet Closed
Man Dead, 1
Hurt in Blast
DESERT CENTER tAP> -The Colorado
River Aqueduct, Southern Cali!omia's main water
source, remained s hut down today after an elec-
trical explosion that killed one man and eriUcally
injured a co-worker. authorities said.
Shortly after the explosion ripped tbrou&h a
switch room at Eagle Mountam Pumping Station
oo Tuesday, o!ficials of the Metropolitan Water
District closed the aqueduct as a precautionary
measure. They said 1t would probably be reopened
in a few days.
Officials said no water shortage was expected
because there w<1s plenty oC water · in area
"'IT LOOKS UKE A 500-pound bomb went orr
jn there." said Paul Singer, MWO assistant chief
of operations.
Jerry S<:ofield. 44, died at San Bernardino
Co~nty Medical Center just before midnight, of-
r1cials said. John Boyd, 53, was reported in critical
condition toda~ at the same facility
Rotary Slaowdown
"We are goin~ to keep our women evt•n 1t
we go down fighting, .. said Richard Ke) .
left, president of the Duarte Rotary Club
Tuesday after tht> chapter was ousted from
Hotarv lnternat1onal because 1t had violat-
ed a ·prohibition against women. Female
members are, left to right. Donna Bogart,
Mary Lou Elliott, Rosemary Frietag.
Sale Set?~ . ~
' Queen's Interest Loiv, ~
• i:
LONG BEACH (AP> -Chicaao botelr.f ~
Abraham N. Pritiker was the only one ol th '
parties to upress an interest in buying the fin • •
c1ally·ailing Queen Mary. a permanently moortd,
Long Beach tourist attraction, city officials &aid.
. Randall J . Verue, director of the cllY'!I
Tidelands Agency, said Tuesday that ABC-TV 4114
T_aft B~oadcasting Co!"J>. were the other two agln4
c1es w1lh whom preliminary talks were held bll
selhng lhe Cunard Lines flagship 1
VEllUE REFUSED to discuss the propostd
sale price, saying, "No dollar amount has been
set; there are no commitments. Negotiations ar~
at a very prehmmary stage." •
The city of Long Beach bought the Quetn
Mary in l967 for $3 mlllion and has since SJ)Glt
another $6l million on renovating it as a tourist •t~
traction I
THE QUEEN MARY also drained the city •of'
$1.8 million annually, the money coming from the
tidelands 011 fields, which the city operates in tnlst.
for the state. '
T he two men were working in the switch house-------------------------------·-----------------------------• when the fire involving a 6,900-volt switch ignited.
The cause of the explosion was not unmediate-•
ly determined. Authorities said there was no ExentpttOU 1' Ote
damage to any of the nine huge pumps at the sta· -----""'"---------
to the switch room could run as high as $250,000.
One of two electrical gearswitch banks at the
F.agle Mountain plant, about 200 miles east of Los
Angeles. was ht•av1ly damaged in the fire. officials
Sundesert Opposition
Draws 200 at Rally
Jarvis Initiative
School Role
OK'd by Judge
LOS ANGELES I AP I In a defeat for
Ho\\ ard Jan ts. a Sup('nor Court judge has ruled
v1ronmentalisl rally drew about 200
opponents or the proposed Sundcsert
nuclear plant including two
members of the legislative subcom
m1tlec that 1s to vole on it today.
While anti·nuclear speeches wen•
being made on the Capitol lawn Tues
day, the San Diego Gas & Electm·
Co. issued a statement reiterating 1ls
accu!.atlon that the stale Energy
Committee once favored. then op
posed the plant. <Related swry, A 71
that the Los Angt•lt.•s lJniftC.'d School District should THE VOTE IS to be by the seven
distribute information on Jarvis' property tax JO· member energy subcommittee of the
1t1,1t1 vt• 15 member Assembly Resources,
Among the ant1·Sundesert rally •
speakers were three members of the •
full committee, Democ ratic As •
semblymen Tom Bates of Oakland. •
Henry Mello of Watsonv1lle, and •
Uarry Keene of Eureka !
.. • .. .. .. • • ... .. ,.
011. c11 \,<a-:~ ! HERB :
"n•c uo11n1·»1lc·d h\ th·· • FRIEDl.:\Sllt:R •
fJc l11n for •" loni.: J" It I~ '1 \Kl,C, •
\llUlll'O\OllllJr. It (,f(f-.ATUt-:\1...._ •
... ------.,.---· • ' .. ' ,... .. .. ... • • --------· ....
t •
• • • • • • Sup<: nor Court .J utlg1· Ceorge Dell said Tues-Land Use and Energy Comm1ltc<'
day that informing parents of the initiative's effect The .subcomm1ttee 1s to inform tht.• Another Spt'aker was Tom llaydc·n
. .. ************************************** • LE "SING .\11 )lakt>S t·or\'1~n ~ l>ome!>tiC. • it • .L'-1 e t'or A Better l.ea.,e,See Pf'lf' Seuer •
• or Call 537·7777 t.:~t. 600 •
on thl• sc•hools 1s an approprwte action for the dis full comm1ttce of Jts recommenda lormer U.S. &tnate candidate and
triC't , and ev{•n its responsibility lion Thursday. Chicago 7 member. He said his
J a r vis and l ht.• The bill is S il 1015 by Sen. Newton pubhc interest group, Campaign for
Citizens Legal Defense [ ) Russell, R Glendale, to exempt Sun Econom1c Democracy. is "'not
\lhance had sought an desert from the 1976 laws which against nuclear power per se," but ( J
1n1unction prohibiting the ·'T ITE forbid new nuclear plants unless wants consumers' best interests
d1slric·t from sending out ~----------there 1s a saft> method of d1spos1ng of CED 1s backing a proposal for state .._ ___ "_l_A_l_L_R_<_)_' __ __, STJMULA7"ES 1nform~t1on on Propos1 wastes The bill has already passed grants and Joans to get a solar in· _ _
lion 13 on the June ballot The measure would hmit :t~h~e~S~c:.!:n~a~te=------------~d~u~s~tr~y'...:s~t:a~rl~e~d--------~_b~~~~~~~~~;;;;~=============~~~~~~~~ property truces to one percent of market value -
IJAW Jtleetirag Cal~d
LONG BEACH CJ\Pl-Am1d reports of prog·
ress toward settling the McDonnell Douglas
aero!>pac:c strike, the United Auto Workers says 1t
will hold a special membership meeting Thursday
"The fact thut the UAW called a meeting for
Thursday certainly 1s a development of considern-
hlc interest." McDonnell Douglas spokesman Don
Hansen said Tuesday. lie said talks 10 th~ two-monlh·o~d :;tnke are .-.proRrcs!>ing well ··
SACRAMENTO ! AP l University of
Caltforma President David Saxon 1s requesting a
'l 7 percent faculty pay raise despite Gov. Edmund
Brown Jr 's 5 J)<'rccnt proposal
The UC r!.'gcnts asken the state last October
for a 9 3 per('ent rnist' for teachers in fiscal 1978·79,
hut Brown 1s offcrin~ them the same 5 percent he
propo~es for other stale ~mployc<'s
Riles Mab• Ballot
SACRAMENTO <AP1 State schools chief
Wilson Riles says a state Supreme Court order
placing his name on the June 6 primary ballot is a
victory of "substance O\'er Corm "
But Secretary of State March Fong Eu said the
decision could cause future problems for slate
elcct1on official!' and implied that Riles had gotten
special treatment from the court
Jtfurder-,,,uicide Probed
LOS ANGELES <API Aulborit1es today
were trying lo determine why a UCLA law student
apparently shot both his parents to death at their
suburban Chatsworth home and then look his own
Pouce said Scott Rubenstein, 23. was found
dead Tuesday, apparently after he fatally shot his
fath er, Hers hel Rubenstein, 63, and mother,
Bernice, 59. The father's body was found in the
yard, and the mother's and son's in the home. of·
ficials said.
Paid Politlcal Advertisement
''We are voting for Paul Hummel because we
want to preserve and protect tho remaining
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l. -Ed• t . l .. Robert N Wffd/P\.lbll,Mr ThotNs K .. vllJ Edltor
Orange Coa~r Daily Pilot ~ I ona ~ Bfl..e ________ w • .cs_netda __ y .• Mar_c.h·29-· •'9·7·0·--------·Ba·r·ba-ra_K.re.•.b.IC·h·/E-dl.tor-1•.•.P.-ve •• E.d.lt·o·r··-·
!:ity Sign Policy
;t\.ction Too Late
Thcrl' haven't bl'l'n m.in) mstancl:'~ Ill v.htch Hunt
,.igton Bea<'h city leaders havl' been caughl more off
,uard than they were recently m the handling of political
;&Pmpaign signs. And thank goodness for that.
As the election season approached. it was more or
.!!is assumed that (0and1dates seeking office in the April
I city elect1ons would comport themselves as in past
ampaigns· Residents could expect a few encroachments
_ n telephone poles m public rights-of -way but nothi.l'lg
However, almos t frorn the start, candidates planted
heir signs in goodlv numbers m such public places as
1dewalks. gutters, planter ::ireas &.md in highway medians
.(0th<' pubht• nght·of-way.
,. 1 his turn of t•n·nt-.. ea111t• lwt«tu-.c there w:i-. 110 t'lt·•H
-ut pollc·,> :-l'l dcm 11 '" ol I 1cwls Jg,1m::.L ::.1gn ... 111 publll'
,,laces .
' When the c<Htnt'tl dtd gd around lo 'otmg to t·nlorcl'
he sign onllnanet· n·ecntly. 1t wa-., loo late and too htlh·
Now t hl• <'t1l11 c muddlt' 1-. bl'fon· the Supc110t L'ou rt
·vhich has 1ssu~d a restraining order barring th~ city
.. Jorn enforcing a sign ban until a hearing just four days
''ef ore the election.
~-The city council should have acted long before this.
~ It is not an overwhelming demonstration of good t leadership lo try to enforce a sign policy after the signs -
, and emotions -:.ire up in hot citywide election::. ..
" t Board Replacements
! i llunt111gton Hl'<il"il l '11wn lltt.!h School D1 ... tnet tni...tct'"
~ha\l' SL't about lht• 1 ~1:-k <11 appointing a nl'\\ member lo
~t he s('hool board m lhc t·H:nt one is elected to higher or
;l1ct· lh1sycar.
~ Board President Don :\lacAllister 1s seeking a spat on
: the lluntmgton llcJCh City Councll in the Apnl 11 clcc· i lion. ! Trustee Dons Alkn is scekmg the Republican p;1rty
{nod lortht•7ls l Assembly District in the June primary.
~ h the S(·hool hoard Jllmprng the gun:'
'\ot really. If one• or two of thP trustees docs resign to
,:H·r·<·pt a h1gh<.>r ol I lt"l' ll s pt•nal election m1ghl cost
: ln1sll't'S h.1\ 1 d•·1·11l1·d I•> ,qq111111t a hlw· nbl>o11 p.llld ! lo -.c·l1·1·l an <1ppo111t1·cl lu1:1rd lh,11 th1 \ •di t:all .1).!r<.'t' upon
\ \\h,1t 11 tlw p.1111·11·1·1·11111nHncl .... 1 11,inlt' to lilt' ... t hool
:111 1.ttd .tnd lh1·\ ... 1111 (',Ill.I :t).!l(•t• 1111 .1 Ill'\\ .tpprnnlt'<l
1 tr11·111twr'
~ 'l l11s mav 11111 hapJH"ll Ac lu;ill' \\hat l'i more likely 1s
-11w1 1 ht• t1•adH·r~·» 11111011 rn;1~ IH' 11nh;q1py "'ith the board
11 the lcaehcrs aren't happy, ~ources say, they may
0 j11c;t call for the s pC'cial <.>led10n anyv. ay if they can col·
• kct the needed number of petition signatures.
; The teachers forced a spl'Ctal elecl10n two years a~o
f when the school appointed a member to I tit a "aralt>d
This m;1k<.·" 0111' \\ nnd1·r Ir I ht'l l' (';111 ·1 hi' ;m easier
Marina Plan Revived
lJ 1:-1·11ss11111 Ii.is 11•s111 t.11·1·d o\ 1 1 the prett v much
for,qnllt·n plan lo t•o11st 1111·t a p11liln· marM'la along the
Santa \n,1 H1\t·1 to -.c•np n 1:-;icll1 nts of Costa Mesa,
.:\C\\pcirt <.1nrl Jlunlmgton Bl•ach
< 'osl ,1 :\lt•s.1 Coum•1lman Dominic Raciti has called
fnr format10n of ,1 c·omm1ltcc made up of city officials
;ind eount v I l'prcsc·nt'-llt\"C'S lo discuss the proposed
galt•wuy to lht• sea.
This to11lcl he a !>tcp to gau_ge community interest in
the plan last cl1 seussed and d e clared financially
infC'as1hle in an ind<.'pendcnl report in 1974.
Tht· $.1!) m1lhon pnec tag h!-.led at that time has most
l1ketv clouhll•d 110\\. an·ord1ng to l'o~ta :\Iesa off1«1,1i....
:ind lh1 •11' st ill <11't• nwny qm·st1ons without ans\H•rs .h 10
\\h;it np•ntlC'' would p:1~· thr tab
I lcm1•v1•1 1111' t·o1111l \ ·~ r<'<'t·nt pun h.tst' of ,1hout l::!O
.1r rr•s nl 1tndnl'l11p1"tl land on tit .. ('o...,l.i .'.\les(I s idt' of lht:
rnc·1 hd\\t'l'll \ 1l"1011.1 a11d J~th Stn·ch 11•n1•\\s llw
po .... ...,1htl11~· 111 .i m.11 lll:i
The.· manna 1<·m;.11 n s ;1 <·mmty oplwn lor the l:mri and
1t ·s now up to local n •sulPnt:-: an<l 1•1t \ off 1c1ab lo d t'l'H.le if
a push s hould he made in this tlirt•ct10n.
\ grc•at dl'<ll of inlt'rest and cooprr:ition would be
nc>cdcd to re\:i\'e this co~t ly proposition. II c-<1ulcl he worth
l he cff ort.
• Opinions expressed tn the space above are those of the Dally Pilot.
Othm v1ewc; expressed on this page are those or their authors and
artists Reader comrnf:'nt 1c; 1nv1ted Address The Dally Palol P 0
Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (714) 642·4321
Boyd I Picasso
Cunning artlst. that
Picasso. He painted a
portrait in 1906 of Gertrude
Stein, the qu~n bee of the
expatriate literary hive in
France. Friends said it chdn'l
look hke her. Picasso sald,
never mind, in Ume, $he'll
look like it
Do you i:ct a transportation
allowance. sir' l! so. how
much' Christopher Colum-
bus received $6 a mile. ll•d
De8" I
he divided it among 120
sailors, which be didn't, that
would've been a nickel a
mile each, which it wasn'l-
Got that?
A study of Tokyo savings
Institutions indicates about
two out of every five
Japanese wives keep secret
bnn~ accounts unknown to
their husbands.
· Gt\C me liberty or give
me death!" cried lhal great
American peltriot Patrick
Henry, owner of65 sloves.
Here'n to the Gerber baby
-clink! -now SO years old.
Q. "What's the difference
between a bog, a swamp nod •
a marsh?"
A. Has to do with how
much wnter Is th rein. A holl
1s usuolly damp with lot!'! of
vegetation. but you could
probably walk through It
without getting your ankl~
wet. A •wamp II w tler.
llkew rovered with 1 f alr
amount of .,,itlatlon, and
You wouldn't want to walk
· throufh it without wader8. A
1 mar Ji; la do'Nnrighl watery.
• 110 mucli IO yov could moat
llkel1 pusli a canoe lhrou'1J ll.
Jack Anderson
Radiation Concerns Increase
dram allzation1, starring Ed
Asner a.a city eaitor Lou Grant,
pilled his reporters against a
powerful, unscrupulous nuclear
combine whose deadly. invisible
emissions were menacing tbe
• local populace. The episode was
all too familiar. We have also
encountered powerful opposition
when we b1Ve tried to expose
the dangeroflow-levelradiation.
The stakes are enormously
high. Bot.b the federal govern·
ment and the
nuclear 1n
dustry arc
committed to
power. Too
m.tny un-
stories coul<t
the industry's
mult1billion·dollar Investment in
nuclear power.
Government officials have
also staked their careers on the
development or nuclear power.
They would look foolish 1f their
m ass1ve l'ffort" had to be
st· rap pl•d hec a u:.e they un·
ckn·~t1ma1t·cl the danger of low-
lc\ cl radiat1un. Nol only would
thl· b11l1on.., ~J)<'nt on nuclear pro
Jl't'ls have to be written off. but
addllional blllions might have to
be paid in compensation to those
whose health has been impaired.
President Carter's political
neck may also be exposed. His
most likely Democratlc
challenger, California's Gov.
Jerrs Brown, bas come out
against nuclear power. He pre·
dicta that within two years the
pubUc backlash against nuclear
pollution will rival the anti-
Vietnam War movement 1n in·
tists who have stood up to the
nuclear establishment -
Thomas Mancuso. John Gof-
man . Alice Stewart, George
Kneale, Samuel Milham, Arthur
Tamplin, Ernest Slernglass and
Irwin Bross -have come under
malicious attack reminiscent of
the former campaign against
Hollywood and Broadway
11~erals during tbe anti·
communist hysteria.
We have tried to tell the story
of these scientists, whose
cautious warnings have been as-
sail~ d and belittled, whose
personal reputations have been
bes mirched. We have written,
for example, about Mancuso, the
l'nivers1ty of Pittsburgh pro-
fessor, who conducted a 12·year
government study of low-level
radiation. When he produced
disagreeable evidence linking
radiation with cancer, the study
was taken out ol his hands.
A dozen years ago, he sought
to expand bls research project to
a number or government
nuclear plants. He was re·
peatedly turned down: his re·
quests were called ••coun-
terproductive." Finally, this
was the excuse given for talung
the project away from him.
But the government could not
suppress the d1sturb1n~
evidence. Now the Eneru
Department has been compelled
to broaden its invesllgauon of
low-level radiation to 40 nuclear
facilities, including those Man·
cuso wanted to study.
ONE IS located at Rocky
Flats, Colo., in the shadow o! the
Rocky Mountains. More than 200
plutonium fires have broken out
at the plant. Downwind .• Denver
has had an increase in con·
Sternglass has <'oncluded from
his studies that Rocky Flat.s 1s
responsible for rises in
respiratory cancer 10 the
Denver environs Or Carl
Johnson. director or the board or
health m neighboring JeHerson
County, has found s ignificant
rises m leukemia in the con
taminaled area. ln the nearby
town of Golden, according lo
Johnson. residents between the
ages or 45 and 64 have double the
rate of lung cancer found in un-
contaminated areas.
Dr. Edward Martell of the Na-
tional Center for Atmospheric
Research claims that
.. plutonium an fallout is one or
the factors responsible for in-
creased cancer in the population
m general."
Hut Jim Kelly, the strapping
union president who oversees
1.500 steelworkers at RQcky
Flats. disagrees with most of the
scientists' claims. He says "the
things that need to be done here
are attainable. The probleftls
are man-made" Question~ of
safety, nevertheless. trouble
him. "It enters every guy's
mind that works bere," Kelly
told our reporter Eileen
Canzian. "But we're not going to
be a bunch of human guinea pigs
-at leasl not knowingly."
ROCKWELL International ex-
ec u lives, who took over the
plant's operation in 1975, point to
the improvements that ha\'e
bC'en made since 1969 when
Hot:k} 1''1ats >Aas the scene of the
second largest industrial fire in
U.S. history. Umon president
Kelly also commends Rockwell
for the <'hanftCS that have been
made stnce the company took
over from Dow Chemical. Com·
munity leaders agree.
But only two weeks a~o.
3nother fire in a beryllium filter
plant at Rocky Flats put a bUUd·
ing out of operation for two
days. Declares Dr. Tony Rob·
bins of the Colorado Department
of Health : "From ~ public
health point of view. there's no
excuse for a facility hke Rocky
!-'lats to ht> operating anywhere
near a populated area ...
There's a 6,500·acre buffer
zone :.urrounding the plant. Rob·
bins and olher health officials
arc worried because new
guidelines, proposed by the D'I·
v1ronmenlal Protection Agency,
would allow commercial res-
idential development of this no-
man 's·land up to the fence. Rob-
bins glumly told our associate
Howard Rosenberg: "Tbe stand·
ards that have been •dopted
for radiation exposure are turn-
ing out to be nol nearly con-•
sen atave enough "
The story of Rocky Flats. on
this ~crub brush·covered mesa
nPar Denver, could determine
the future of nuclear power.
Why Should State Oust Mobilehomes?
'Io I he F:d1tor
I •• m \\riling to be~ your
11111p1·riit ion 1n savtnl! m v home
:ind I h(• ho mt .... of other residents
of El \Turro \1 ol11lchome ParlC1n
Or.1nl!e Counl v The stale is
moving to acquire from the
In 1nl' Company the beachland
I.Jct >A t•cn Corona rlc-1 Mar and
Irvine Cove, <ts well as acreage
1n El Morro Canyon, to be used
as a public park and facility for
recreational vehicles.
1 am living at El Morro
Mob1lchome Park and making a
home here for my two sons
brcause. as a low-income
pC'rson, then· 1<; no other place l
could possibly :.iffnrd lo live in
Orange County "\1y work <1s a
salesperson 1:-. m the Newport
Beach .1rt'a, and if I am forced
oul of El Morro. where can my
family IJvc for rent of $170 a
month? As you must know, the
lack of low-income housing is a
great problem m this county,
and it docs seem ludicrous to
swell the ranks of those who
need such housing by forcing
me, and those hke me (people
living on retirement and on
Social Security) out of this
mobtlehome park.
WllV "UST J lose my home
so that someone may park a
recreational vehicle on this
space? There are acres and
acres of undeveloped land all
around that could be put lo this
Arc to relocstin1 me, evoryone
knows there are no vacancies In
mob1l ehome parks in Orange
County. Md that even if there
were available spaces, parks will
not allow Ct mobUebome to be
moved in lt ll ls snore lh1tn two
years old. The alttmatlve or the
atate purcbaalng the homes in
thJs park (294 at an av•raie cur-
.. r Ill Market value of about
M0,000 $45,000) wouJd seem a
great extrava11nce of tu·
p1yera' money for the •o acres lt
would acquire ol this park land.
To th• Zdltor:
Thia ii ln response to In.
M.L. Ahw' I UertotheedJtorot
March 22.
Yea, Mn. Al • tb educatn
of California are opposed to the
Jarvis initiative Others who
share their position include the
governor of this stale and vast
num hers of othrr rec;ponsible
citizens who are concerned
a bout the education of our
ll has bt'cn estimated that the
passage of Propos1t1on 13 would
cause a $2.2 billion minimum
loss in school supporlin~ rev
enue, aggravated by an un-
known Joos in federal revenue
s haring funds There is no
mechanism whati;oever for
replacing as much as a penny of
those lost revenues.
\'OU, as a Jarvis proponent.
argue that "a slash in revenues
for ~chools can hardly create
more of a catastrophe than we
Would doubling the number of
stude nts per classroom and
creating half-day sessions be a
reasonable alternative? Perhaps
the suspension of such activities
as music programs, drama,
athletics and/or counseling will
make the schools more
responsive to students' needs.
Come now, your obvious dis·
daln for teachers should not
cloud your lhinking enough to
believe ttus would be a better
situation for Edison students
T .. l'aaaUU.r
To the Editor·
I attended a Candidates Night
Morch 1, at the library in Hunt
lngton Beal'h. I write the follow·
Ina ln the hope of Illuminating
the dreary Huntington Beacb
politlca.l actnc:
Take lncumbent Ronfa (plen.41n
do>; ho hu quarrelled with the
touncll for many moons, over
his Inflated snlary, for one thing
Now he r.hout~ wllh .rlee over
havln~ ''\llOn 1 landmnrk case"
rt1ardln1 the ~nl1hCed lran.'lfer
tox, which, had It been placl'd
before the votu~ prior to lt~ Im
poslllon. would hive died abom
E••n th slothful i;t le
lo1l1l1ton f•nally, In alow rn(>o
lion, 11ned on a tax relier
rneu e only after adamanUy
rtfua a to Include a ilmilar
duJ,iucb Bonla'aburble.
Th<1l brings the focus on the
t>A o remaining ,1sp1rants Co\ l'l
ing his <hopeful! ... I 'acalc·d 1x1st
.Mrs. C, llut ton and ;\Ir .I
Bame Wh1h· 11 1 ... good nc'>' ... that
two t•lf'g;mt Huntington Bt':Jt h
lad1C'~. pre ... c·ntly ml•mbers of thl·
coun<'il. Jre not sN•king r<'·
elccl1on to that body, throllhng
mv mal<' chau\tnis m . tl·m·
poranly, \fr; Hutton mar be
the best choice. I v1eld to this
cnnclus1on due to my suspicion
that Mr. Bame. being an as-
sociate of Counc1lmo.1n A. COf'n
<both being attorneys). would
lend to aho, riys project I he SJ>('<.'
tre of <'Ollus1on on matters ~real
and small , If Mr Coen is rC'
rlerted lo cnun1 ii, ancl Mr
Bame becomes our n<'xt <'1tv at
tornl!y Huntington Beach should
be spared this possible trauma
AS REGARDS the coun
eilmanic hopefub, 11 would he
an improvement if Mr. Ted
Bartlett, gentleman a nd
patriarch thou~h he is, also
would quietly leave the political
scene, m the same unobtrusive
manner characterizing his coun·
c1l appearances. To bis credit.
he 1s probably the only current
council member known for un
failing and prompt attendance
Thie; can also ht• said of thf'
coum·d chambC'r furn1turr
'JO\\ we have Mr Don
MarAlli s ll.'r, whos<' self.
41ppra1sal includes <quote)
.. unique experience wise USC or
the dollar -responsibility to all
citizens of our city" (end quote). I
ask the question: As president of
~be Huntington Beach Union High
School District, who was
responsible for the construction or
a brand new high school after the
voters overwhelmingly voiced
their opposition7 With hie; rtosc
:1ffinity lo so-called rduc.-tion lll'ld
('ducator!'I, and with a <'OUJ)ll' ot
teacherc; .ilsos~kmg -.,N1t. on thl'
lluntm~tcm Beach Council, what
havc wt• hNt a buddtnJt take
O\.er of the <'tt\ by edycalion
··tnws: "hoha,·cn tb<'en1bltto
get all thl'\ want throu1h usual
means atthepolb"
Our children emeritc Crom
school, sometimes much the
wor_sc for wN•r; do the lC?lcben;,
ur1'ftlo to bring the ctlildrtn'1
eduuUoa up to an acceptabl
le\ cl, fc.·el thev can "educate
thl' parents m ·good. respons1bl1·
c 11v 1· r nm c n l ' J> l' r 1., h l h 1·
fhc•n• an• sc•\ c·ral. morl' 11ll
Jll l'..,:..IH' c.andid.tks for thl' Cit '
Count 11. but not amonJ: thl'
abcn<' cxampk:-. We h<i\e op·
port u n 1 t ,. t o r c p I ace f i "l'
familiar "'fac~~" on the Hunt
ington Reach poltl1cal scen1·.
Lcl us do so "'t.!>ely, toward a
flnurishmg <'ily inst<'ad of an
O\ er grown village.
Tnthe F.<lilnr
He EH• 1-l'e':-. lcttrr of Mar<'h
I in >Ah1rh shi· !'itatcs that lhl'
res1clents aren't <1fra1d of plat11•
<'rashe<. thal thev onlv want to
rats<' thi-valul' of their property.
If gC'ttini:: rirl or an airport
would raise property values then
1t must mean that an airport
lowers property values. Has Eve
Jo'ee heard of lbe Harry Rinker
Court Decision?
She is really saying that th<'
residents have right lo sue th1•
airport for lowering property
"alues. Golly we hadn't even
thou~htorthat •Thanks
To the Editor
In last \\eek s Dally Pilot .1
front pal(c news item particular
ly slruck me as ludicrous, i c
"Carter Threat Flayed, Plan lo
Cut Miners' Food Stamps
The only outrage ln this case
is that strikers even gel food
~tamps. ns they are out of work
from choice. I am personally
outragl'd that a portion of my
taxes are pnyinst, for their food
stamp ...
IAffh'f /mm rt'adt'rl or.-wrkome
T1W rtght to condn..e Int.rt to fl
'PCJC«' or t'ltmtnol• la~l 1$ rettrvfd
IA'ttfn o/ JOO U'Or~ O'f '"" wtll bl ottin P""'ftrmce. All l#ttrri miut tn
cl&dt 11gnot11re and mcnbng oddra:
&!Ml nam•• nia, b« tDIJM.tld on rr
,, ntftkWnl ~tr~
flWtrJI "'"'aoc bf~
Irvine Today'H Clo!ilag
N.Y. Stoeks
~· ...... e Delays Town Center Decision
Of ... Del.tr l'tlet S~ll
Declaring he wan~ more than
mere promises from the Irvine
Company, Irvine Councilman
Arthur Anthony led the City
Council Tuesday to postpone ap·
provaJ of preliminary plans for
the University Town Center.
The proposed project, on 182
acres boxed by Mason Regional
Park and Culver, Campus and
University drives, has been de-
bated and postponed for six
The developer, the Jrvine
Company, nopes eventually lo
build up to 3.100 apartments.
An additional 5S·acre proper-
ty, in the middle of the project,
is not included in the company's
prehminary plans. ·
Though it has been labeled for
commercial development -the
town center -the Irvine Com·
pany has argued that until a
strong residential base Is bullt.
such a center can't be sup·
The city bas taken the po:.1t1on
that until the commercial core 1s
planned in more detail, none of
the project should be built.
City planners originally en-
visioned a town center to com·
plemenl lbe University of
California campus, across the
street on Campus Drive.
It was to have shops for
Inflation Fight
Carter AskS 5-point Drive
CARACAS, Venezuela CAP> -
President Carter urged poor
countries today to join rich in-
dustrial nations in a five-step
drive to fight inflation, create
jobs and raise living standards
because rich nations "cannot by
themselves bring about world
economic recovery.''
"We need to s hare a
responsibility for solving proo·
lems -not to divide the blame
tor ignoring them," Carter
declared in a major address to
Venezuela's national congress on
the second day of bis week-long
tour oC Latin America and
·'Only by acting together can
we expand trade and investment
in order to create more jobs, to
curb inflation and raise the
standard of living or our
peoples," the president said.
"The industrial nations share the
same problems and cannot by
the mselves bring ~bout world
economic recovery.••
Carter urged rich and poor na·
lions to take these s teps
Golden 'Gafe'
Chamber Jabs Irvine Coimcil
The Irvine City Council has won an unusual award re-
lated lo its approval earlier this month of the Northwood
Plaza commercial center.
-Increase the flow of capital
to developing nations.
-Build a more open system
of world trade.
-Moderate disruptive price
movements in basic com-
-Conserve and develop
-Strengthen the
technological base in the poorer
In addition. Carter said he was
(See CARTER, Page A2)
Nlxes Fees ·
THE NEWPORT Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce
has bestowed upon the council its Golden Gare <Go Away
Free Enterprise) award.
Chamber President Rudy Baron a.id the Irvine Coun-c ii was cited as the single organllatlon in the
Newport/Irvine area least supportive of free enterprise.
Five Irvine developers were
excused Tuesday from paying
for undergrounding or overhead
,.. telephone transmission lines
running along thelr properties.
The council is the Cirst rec:ipieal of the honor.
IN A PllESS release, Baron said the chamber was
irked because, while the Irvine Council approved the
center March 15, it stipulated that no food operation be in·
eluded, and placed a 10 p.m. curfew on the center.
•'Nowhere else in the city is a center as severely
restricted as to uses or time of operation," he said.
Irvine City Council members could not be reached this
morning in regard to possible acceptance speeches.
Mwical Written
By J-rvine Strulents
OI Ille Delly PllM Si.ff
Students al Venado Middle
School in Irvine are writing a
musical about the subject they
know best -kids.
"This whole year we've been
talking about
'Kids', 1• said
d r a m a
teacher Trish
w b 0 i s
the project.
A bout 15
ages 13 and -
14, are writ· WIMHOW
ing the acript. a series or
aketcbes about children from
before they're tM>m until they're
The sketches wlll be in-
terwoven with standard songs
aucb as "Baby Face" and the ti-
tle song ''Kids" from "Bye Bye
The authors wtll be among I.be
65 to 70 di&ma students who will
participate in the production,
which Mn. Wimbrow eaUmat.ed
will run. a'1out 90 minutes loot.
In addiUoo to performances
for fellow 1tudeot1 and for nearby Deerfield Elementary
School• two public performallce.s
ol "Kldl .. ft'ID _,. eivn on May
11 and JttW a BM Hid.
Stud«lta deetded they wanted
to write their owu m leal aft.tr
,:amp~ aom1 1hon scenes
and .P•l\tiOmlmtfl for a "Fi.reticle
Performanco·• ln hbru&rJ and
early March. Mn. Wimbrow
• d.
She sa1d they fol Ured of
, J'el'formlnj.extattns worts such
a "Pet.er]> •" whie:h they pre-i.td llil\ )' r. ~
Tbe:ploi WW foUOW' the same
_ldm ~ Lhdr ctdldhoo4
d teeo )'Wrl, Mra. Wimbrow ~aid. .neat accompanlmcnt
CG ~ltar im4 piano Will ~ ~ W lblcleDt:L'
Topics covered in the sketches
include fear of the dark, first
datu and responsibility.
Mrs. Wimbrow said students
were encouraged to be original.
"l've really encouraged it be
unique, not bounced orr what they've seen elsewhere," she
Sketches are created in small
groups, which come up with a
basic idea, then create cbarac-
tets, a setting and possible
"Scriptwriting is something
they don't often get to do," said
Mrs. Wimbrow. "And carrying
something through from nothmg
to a full performance is
sometblng I feel is very reward·
(See MtJSICAL, Paie AZ>
If the lines are to be buried in
·the ground for aesthetic puq>08es.
the City Council decided, the ct·
ty will have to pay.
Undergrounding of the utility
lines normally is th e
responsibility of the developer.
But apparently a former city
employee erred and told the de·
velopers they would not bave to
pay. and subsequent city inspec-
tors missed the error, according
to City Manager William
Woollett Jr , who recommended
that the city absorb production
The misl<lke will cost the city
lens of thousands of dollars. it 1s
estimaled, if the city decides lo
put the lines underground.
The council ordered the prop-
erty owners exempt from the
work, and at the same lime
asked for a study of the de·
sirabiiity of bur ying the
telephone lines.
The General Telephone Com-
pany is prepanng specific cost
estimates. The transmission
trunk lines, stretching along the
Santa Ana Freeway from Jef.
frey Road to Heritage Park. con
nect the Tustin and Laguna
Beach exchanges.
Councilman Larry Agran
alone opposed city payment for
the mistake in a 4 1 vote. ·'These
kinds or things ... are a nsk of
development," he said.
City Attorney James Erickson
said the city was under no
liabitity to assume the cost.
But Councilman Arthur An·
thony countered. ·•we made an
<See WIRES, Page A2)
artisans, artists and craftsmen,
and small cafes, perhaps a mo-
tion picture theater -a kind of
Greenwich Village West
What they fear they'll end up
with, unless it Is well planned,
is a conventional commercial
center or offices.
The Irvine Company repeated·
ly has stated its mlenhon to
build a unique cent~r.
Tuesday, Anthony wanted
more than good intention.
Al his urging, the council or-
dered city slalf lo meet with
Irvine Company planners to de-
vise a way to link preliminary
plans for the commercial core
with the city issuance of use and
occupancy permits for the first
phase of residential building.
The Irvine Company represen-
tatives said they could present a
plan by the end of this year. An·
lhony wants one, however, by
Sept. 1, when the company in·
Bevan Suspect
dicated it would be ready to
build houses.
"l'm no\ ready to take (just) a
promise on the commercial
core,•• Anthony said.
In the meantime, Anthony and
other councilmen expressed
several reservations about the
plans involving the homebuild-
ing, and preparation of the com-
mercial site.
Dick Cannon, Irvine Company
Kulik's Drug
Jjnk Protested
O.lly PHot Sufi-..
Alexander Kulik
Lawyers for murder trial de·
fendant Alexander Kulik con-
tinued today to protest police ac-
tions dunng a drug arrest that,
they claim, led to his being
linked lo the killing of Stephen
John Bovan of Fountain Valley.
They told Judge Robert P.
Kneeland Tues day during
Orange County Superior Court
pretrial action on the grand JUry ·s murder rndictment of
Kulik and sit co-defendants that
evidence taken by police during
his drug arrest was illegally ob·
Kultk , 28. of Linda Isle,
Newport Beach, was found
sleeping in a vintage Stutz
Blackhawk that he parked in the
parking lot of a Mission Viejo
~hopping center Oct. 23.
Defense lawyers claim that
the search. which allegedly pro-
duced a quantity or ·'China
white" heroin valued by
shenH's officers at more than $1
million was illegal in the sense
that it sparked Kulik's prosecu·
Diedrich Dismissal
Will Be Appealed
Of 11111 0.UJ Piiot Staff
A Judge's dismissal of indict·
J'l'l(•nts that charged Orange
County Supervisors Philip An·
lhony, Ralph Diedrtch and their
co defendants with violat1oos of
state pohhcal campaign regula-
t 1ons will b1• appealed to a
higher (•ourt
That was the word out of San
Diego today as deputy Attorney
General JeHrey Joseph said,
"This case isn't going to go
away that eas) "
It appeared that easy for de-
fendants remaining in the case
when Superior Court Judge
Philip Schwab dismissed all but
a single charge contamed in
thn•e ind1ctmcnl.5.
.Judge Schwah based his dis·
missal on the fact lhal only eight
~rand 1urors heard all the
evidence and tl'stimony dunng
the eighl·month invest1gatton
leading to the July 1, 1977. in-
According to his interpretation
of the law it is necessary for cil
least 12 Jurors lo vote an indict-
ment and to have heard all the
testimony leading to the filing of
charges ··we disagree with that con-
clusion ," Jeffrey said.
He argued that evidence and
testimony taken into considera·
t1on by the grand jury before
February 1977, "was not related
to the charges.
Jeffrey also noted that Schwab
had commented in his decision
<See DIEDRICH, Page AZ) .
Irvine Awards
Contract for
Crafts Center
The Irvine City Council voted
4-1 Tuesday to accept the single
bid offered for construction or an
arts and crafts center al
Heritage Park.
The only bidder, at $1.l
mill1on. was the Douglas
Campbell Construction Com·
pany. The bid was $243,000
higher than the city had
On the same vote, the counciJ
made up most of the dericit-
$148,934-from the city capital
amprovements reserve fund.
Bond interest accounted for an
additional $92,000.
Councilman Arthur Anthony
voted against the action. He said
he was worried a bout depleting
reserve funds in the face of the
Jarvis/Gann property tax in·
ilia ti ve, which could cut city
For 'Vetemn11'
Irvine City Councilman David
Sills commented Tuesday about
the new animal control or·
dlnance the council adopted.
wbJch detail• re1.atations for ~eeplnl{ pets and other an.llnala
Jn the city. Ho commended City Attomey
James Erick1on for the
thorouabneu of d uU ot the o~
dlnance, and part.lcularb' called
•ttenUon to °"" acc:Uon.
"l 'm clad to know that "' Inlne," Sllllf Hld. quotiaf the
aectton, "tbat no Uc:eme r.1·
lstratlon wm be requited tor
'Dop b.onot>abb' c:ttarced trom
tbe Armfld f'one1 ol the Unlt.ed SU.tel.'. ..
lion on the Bovan charges.
It was asserted during the
hearing Tuesday that other de·
fendants may have been prej-
udiced by the evidence obtained
from Kullk's car.
All seven defendants were in· dieted on murder charges alter
the grand jury was told that they
were linked to a murder plot
that led to the shooting of Bovan
outside a Newport Beach
restaurant Oct. 22, the day
before Kulik's arrest on drug
The Bovan killing brought into
public view what police claim
was a multimillion dollar drug
smuggling ring which concealed
revenues in the assets of out-
wardly respectable business
firms in Orange County.
It is alleged that Kuhk and
other principals m Prasadam
Dis tributing Inc. hired three
men to dispose of Bovan.
Jerry Peter Fiori, 41, of Hunt·
ington Beach faces the death
(See BOV AN, Page AZ)
Boy's 'Joke'
Brings Ban
year-old fifth grader at Parle
Dale Lane School has been sus-
pended over an ofi'-tbe-cuff joke
about his teacher and con-
troversial Jarvls-Gann property
tax initiative.
Eric Meister asked County
Supervisor Lee Taylor during a
question-and-answer period on a
. field trip to the supervisors' of·
'fices Tuesday if his teacher.
Debra A. Nolan, would be fired
if the initiative passes June 6.
Taylor twice sa~d he didn't
"Dam it," replied Eric, im-
plying jokin\ly that he wished
she would be fired.
The teacher took otrense at the
remark. however, and told Prin·
cipal James L. O'Connell that
she had been hurt and em-
..I was joking." said an
apologetic Eric.
But it wasn't apologetic
enough and O'Connell lowered
the boom and banned Eric from
school for the rest of the week.
•'I thint three days' sus·
pension for this is a little
severe;• said Mrs, Meister.
Mostly cloudy toolght.
1nd Thllt'sday with in·
creasina chance or
showers by late tonlaht.
Forty percent chance of
showers Thursday. Lows
tonight in the 50s. Hi&b.1
Thursday in the t!Os.
co...,,,,., colmnftUt Slth"cl
Pomr CMtt o look at to"" ii,,,.• and ~ Uwzl ofl«t oroc.-rw OIJU, A ..,Wt dark
lod411 OflPQQe Bf. .....
At••llr*-• • .. M ... .. --·I A • ~-.~-~:§ ~ .. ., ..
r=:": ..1: -....... = .......... ~ .. ,. ... ' OM,....,_.. •tt
••111 Cl......, M ........ Cl-·--....
i I
• e
Ol tlle O.lly ...... •••It
Irvine Company officials re·
ported today that the land com
pany is expected to .: roi.s $225
million ln it& first year under
new management
That revenue figure, which is
up 60 percent over the previous
year, ii> Uio result of 1ncrea&ed
prices of hndL company
spoke1man MarUn asrower aaltl
According to Brower, the com·
pany's land sales have been
''very close" to the acreage an·
liclpated for ule under the
former management.
''The baalc reason revenues
proposing "a U.S. roundation for
technolo&ical collaboration."
Beyond pled&ing that "we Ill
the United States will do our
part," Carter did not elaborute
But he noted that he has asked
Congress to increase economic·
assistance funds by 28 percent
a nd that his administration is
prepared to increase Amencan
contributions to the Interna-
tional Mo1'etary Fund.
Carter spoke from a lofty, or
nate dais to a packed chamber
of legislators who gave him a
standing ovation when he ar-·
rived. And for the lhU"d ti me in
two days, be compllmentt:tl
them by speaking in Sparush,
giving his introductory remarks
in that language. But he
switched lo English for lhe re
malnder of his address.
After his speech, Carter met
again with Venezuelan Presi-
dent Carlos Andres Perez The}
met for two hours Tuesday, but
left touchy questions for today.
including lhe pnce of oil
Venezuela is the third largest
supplier of oil lo the United
Following today's talks,
Carter, his wife Rosalynn, 10·
year-old daughter Amy and top
U.S. oflicials including national
secu rlty adviser Zbl ~niew
Brezezinski and Secretary of
State Cyrus R. Vance, left for a
four hour flight to the Brazalian
capital of Brasilia.
Carter and Perez brierly re·
viewed white-uniformed
Venezuelan naval cadets and
walked arm in arm for a few
steps before Carter boarded Air
Force One. He made no de· parture remarks. Cannons
boomed a 21-gun salute as the
engines revved up.
The 22-hour stopover was
Carter's first state VJSit to Lalin
From Brasilia, 'the presiden·
tial party is lo go lo Rio de
Janeiro and lben across the
Atlantic, where Carter will
become lhe first American
president t.o make a slate visit to
black Africa. He wiU confer with
leaders m Nigeria and Liberia.
Frmtt Page A I
penalty for his alleaed slaying of
Police claim that he is the
man who pumped nine shots into
Eov an during a confrontation
outside the El Ranchito restaurant Newport Beach.
Defense attorney Philip
DeMaasa ar(Ued for Kulik Tues·
day that his client's arrest was
illesal because it was based on
the evldence obt.arned inside the
car and polJce had no warrant
justifying the search.
Other motions scheduled for
arauilli before Judge Kneeland
include demands for changes o(
venu e, separate trials for
several defendants, dismiual of
charges and suppression of
39 Jobe Slaehed
AHembly Ways and Means sub·
commJttee has trimmed 39 staff
positions from Gov. Edmund
Brown Jr.'a fiscal llr18·79 re-
quest for the Agricultural Labor
RelaUoas Board.
dr rnaUcally 11 that
th& t boa• beta 1troa1, espeeftlly ln the lndutl'ial area,
and prices have gone up "
Since the company's takt:<>ver
by oew manaeem~nt last July
there has been little dlacuaslon
or its financial status
llowever, 1n an interview with
The Anociated Press, company
Preaident Peter Kremer re·
leased the gross earnlnas
figures. He said the rtrst year's
l'arnings under the new manage.
menl would be enough to repay
all but $50 million of the $240
million loan used to buy the
company last summer.
remer11 1t1temeot diet not ln·
elude r..rerenoe to th• 1100
mllllon long.term loan tlse tom·
pany arranged with the Pruden-
t 1 a I lnsurance Company this
fall Thal loan, which WH used
lo retire a portion of the ahort·
term $240 million loan used in
buy mg the c!ompany, is secured
oy about 4,500 of the company's
~round leuesJ
Kremer went on lo say the
record performance was ac·
com plished without selling off
any income properties or raw
land -two things predicted
when the new owners paid $337.4
inllllon for the company.
Brow.r pt1uned todar that
Krtmtr.' remurk did not 1n
rlud• two major sales recently
&nnounced by the company -
the 120,000-acre l''lymg D Ranch
tn Mont.ana and the 30 2 acres in
the industrial complex.
The company made about $15
million on th@ 1ale of the cattl~
ranch lo Tex.aa rancher Robert
Shelton late la t yeur
The Industrial sule to the
Canadian-based Daon Corp. was
announced Friday. The com-
pany reported the sale of ready
to-develop pa~ela near the San
Diego Freeway and Jamboree
Road for $.S.8 million, "one of
President Carter In Venezuela, Urges World Effort to Fight Inflation
the largest (sales) In the hlstor,
or the Irvine Company," accord·
1ng to Brower
He said today that neither the
Fly mg V nor the Industrial ~m
plex land was conaidered in·
come property Ot raw land.
"Our results in this first year
have been far beyond even our
wildeat expectatlona," Kremer
told The Associated Press. ..U
haa ahown beyond any doubt
that the financln11, even with a
$240 million, nine-bank term
loan, was not only well advised
but waa a very proper and very
appropriate financing for this
Preaident Kremer
Newport Projeet
Building, Traffic
Link Law Proposed
01•1ae11, ..... , ...
An lnitiatJve measure that
would Ue future development in
Newport Beach to Improve·
ments in the city's traffic
system was unveiled Tuesday.
Its authors said they want the
measure on a special fall ballot.
The so-called traffic phasing
ordinance was discussed during
a noon-hour press conference at
city hall by leaders of the Legal
Environmental Analysis Fund
LEAF organizer Jean Witt
said members of her group will
begin circulating petitions April
14. Their goal is 6,000 signatures
needed to qualify the measure
for a special election lo Sep·
tem ber or October.
LEAF. according to Mrs.
"'watt, is made up or about 100
Newport Beach reaidenta. Most
of them are members of another
organization she heads, St.op
Polluting Our Newport <SPON>.
Mrs. Waltadded.
LEAF members Dan Emory,
Calvin McLaughlin, Ed Siebel
and Mrs. Watt said the meuure
wiJI not come lo a vote until
after the current analyala ol the
city's general plan la compleWd.
LEA1', members, who have
souabt a decreue ln the amount
or future buildini allowed ill Ute
city, have been pushin& for a
building moratorium unUl the
city's traffic problems could' be
Welfare Sex Questions Flayed
Their requests have been
turned down by city councilmen
who in1tead have launched the
general plan review.
That revlew, still in progress,
so far has produced a pledge ot a
20 percent reduction tn future
residential 'buildi~ from the
Irvine Co., the city's1argest Ian·
down~r, .•.
.fUNEAU, Alaska (AP> -
Questionnaires thal ask unmar·
ried weUare mothers how often
they've had sex and wllh whom
have a n gered so m e at ate
legislators so much they arc
vowing to slash funding for the
agency that di.!itribules aid for
dependent children
"'J JUst can't believe the ques-
lions they are asking,·· said
state Rep. Steve Cowper, a
Democrat. He said he would
support "defunding" the Child
Support Enforcement Agency,
commonly known here as the
"daddy grabbers. 11
House Speaker Hugh Malone.
also a Democrat, said the ques-
tion n al re violated rights lo
E'ra. Page Al
vice president or commercial
and Industrial division, told
councilmen the company hopes
to grade the commercial site to
level with its bound.ing streets.
G rawng maps of the enUre
proJect show a massive cut-and-
ftll operation erasing all natural
contours. Original city thmkmg
on the project was that it should
retain natural landforms as
much as possible.
"A re you going to level that
whole site?'' Anthony wanted to
know. An Irvine Companv
spokesman conceded that the
apartment projects and the com·
Front Page AJ
that "the charges aren't ground·
··we therefore feel we have no
alternative but lo appeal the de·
c1sion and, 1f that fails. we will
file an information and reinstate
the charges." the Deputy Al·
torney General said.
At least temporarily cleared
by the charges were Anthony,
Anaheim City Counctlman
Wiltiam Kott and former flnan·
cier Gene Conrad.
Cleared of all but one charge
was Diedrich.
Initially, those four along with
Fullerton attorney Michael
Rem in gt on and Calabasas
jeweler Martin Kirshner were • char~ed with multiple violations
of state political campalan reg-
The charges dealt rnatnly with
attempts to dl11uise the true
source of funds filtered inlo An·•
thony and Knott campairns in
1976. Today, Diedrich saJd he was
not surprised the Attorney
General had decided to appeal
Judge Schwab's ruline.
Anthony predicted lut week
there would be further action on
the charges lodged against him.
and, like Diedrich, lnalat.ed he
was lnn«enl.
Whatever fi•Y the appeal
10.1, Dl.edrlcb'a trouble• are not
Along with Anaheim architect
Leroy Role, he wu named tn an
indictment banded down Dec. 15
that charges him and Rose with
compllclty 1n an aUeaed bribery
scheme. .loaeph 1atd tht notice of ap.
peal wUJ be filed 1n Superior,
Court Ullt week.
De 1atd aa 1oon 11 the,
tr•n•crlpte of the htrlnl lead· In• to JudJt Scb b'I dlaltllssal I
deci.lloo are pr pared th• caM
will be talreo to an appellate
court. probebty the Fourth Dts-
t r l ct Court of Appeal, San
mercial area would require
"fairly level pads" as proposed
"That's a beautiful piece of
Irvine," Anthony said, adding he
would rather see only minimal
There were other problem
areas. One involved further city
delay o( the project, which is
becoming more expensive w1lh
time. •
A low-cost housing project and
a retirement home planned as
oart of the first phase or residen·
ti al building could be jeopardized
by further delay.
Fred Gross, director of
Southern California
Presbyterian Homes, which pro·
poses the retirement home, said
senior citizens have pleaded for
a full-care facility.
The university location is
"absolutely ideal for the elder·
ly," he said. "Elderly people
don 'l hke to be put on a shelf,
they don't like to be farmed out.
They bke to be where the action
"They say lo me. Mr. Gross. if
you don't get started on this,
we're au going to be dead."
Gross saJd the average age or
bls clients is over 80. ''They an·
ticipate this will be their last
move, and they want to have
Councilman Larry Agran wor·
ried that such pressures could
nullify city effort to assure an
acceptable commercial center.
If the city tried to withhold oc-
cupancy permits, be said, "a
goodly number of 90·year-old
citizens could be bangine on our
door saying, 'we don't have long
error. We lhoulcl be blf eDOUlh
to admJt that."
The developers are Broad-
moor Homes Jnc .• Baywood
Development Group. Arntt
Denloprnent Company, Praley
Company of Southern Calllornia,
and the Irvine CompaD)'.
~iaHeld '
In Bprglarie1
SAN DIEGO (AP) -Shmtf'a
deputlN IQ a band of nine
women and four men ldenWled
11 tfPllea have bffn arrested
for lnv11u,1uon ot bur1ll.f'1 end
con1plracy In rural San l>teio
Ball I or uch or the group was
aet Tueaday 1\ $250,000, Tt.ti
children wi\h tht IYP J band
were p1ac d In the Hiller 1t
Receivin& Home. •
privacy under the state constilu
The form, given to women ap·
plying for Atd to Dependent
Children, is meant as a means of
establishing paternity for
C'h1ldren born out of wedlock. Jl
includes the following questions:
Were you living with the
c:h1ld's father during th~ 10·
month period prior to lhe birth?
If so. where?
Number of times you had
sex at the above addresses?
Number of times you had sex
with the father In the 10 months
before birth?
-During which incident do
you believe the child was con·
ceived? Give date and place
Did you have sex with any
other person during this 10-
monlh period? If so for each
person state. (a) Name and ad·
dress or the person. <bl The
dales on which intercourse oc-
cur red. Cc> Addresses and
description of place at which the
intercourse occured
-Do you have other children
out of wedlock? Are you now
keeping company with anyone
with whom you are having sexual
All Not Gold
That Glitters?
Ignoring a neat box pre·
pared for her, Goldie the
golden eagle has laid an
egg on the ground at tht>
Akron Children's Zoo and
has perched atop it.
Zoo djrector Mike Janis
said Tuesday It will be a
month before officials can
determine whether the lil{ht brown egg with
c hestnut markings is
He added that the zoo
staff had not noticed any
outward signs of affection
between Goldie and the
zoo's male golden eagle.
Goldie, 21, has lald eggs
before. but none has been
The questionnaire was dis·
dosed after a letter to Gov. Jay
Hammond from the state
chapter of the National Associa·
taon of Social Workers, which
asked that use of the form be
Phil Nash of Anchorage, dlrec·
tor of the agency involved, de·
fended the form's use but said it
was being modified because of
objections. He said it' was pre·
pared with advice from the state
Department of Law because
"we need a stron1 cue to prove
paternity ln court."
Nash's agency was created
several years aeo because or a
change in lhe Social Secunty
Act, which required 1lates to try
lo establish paternity and obtain
support for chJldren born out or
"The feds said we had to do
this lo receive federal funds. but
we never thought anything like
this wo~ld happen," said
·Democratic state Rep. Charles Parr.
Nash said lhe agency's case
load during the current fiscal
year involved ~ welfare cases
and nine non-welfare cases.
Fro. Page AJ
Asked to demonstrate a
sketch, two of the JUthora, Wade
Loewe, 14, and Robbie Hodgson,
13, throw themselves with ob·
vious enjoyment into d·uaJ
roles as babies waiting to 1>e
born and their fathers pacing
nervously nearby.
"l hope l 'm born in Hawatl so
I can get a tan," sighs one baby.
Meanwhile a rather repeats,
"I sure hope it's a boy." On be·
Ing informed he has a dauahter,
he chortles, "I knew It would be
a girl."
The pair flso tackle a sketch
aboul a young boy who's afraid
ol monsters In the dark. while
his brother belittles his fears.
Fellow students stand around
watching deliehtedly.
As Mrs. Wimbrow said, "The
kids have been really en·
Asked if LEAF members were
satisfied with that reduction,
Mrs. Wutt noted "there's no way
to know yet if the 20 percent is enough The point of the ordi-
J.l~n~~ la to put future buildin~
into relationship with tbe
roods." •
According to a summary pre-
pared by Emory, the ordinance
would apply only to projects of
more than 10 r~sidential units
and commercial and industrial
projects of more than 10,000
square feet.
Building permits for pro~ta
larger than t.hat could only be ia-
sued under three
-If the project's traffic im·
pact Is less than one percent on
o street with an already un-
satisfactory level of service.
-If the project's traffic im·
pact will not create an un·
satisfactory level of service on
the city's four a nd six-lane
-If the project's benents or
trafllc mitigation rneuuns are
sufficient to gather six out of
seven favorable votes from both
the Planning Commission and
the City Councll.
The unsatisfactory level of
ser\'1ce, as defined by the in·
illal1ve, is 90 percent of a
primary (foUr lanes divided) or
major (six lanes divided)
highway's capacity.
The authority for determlnJnt
when a road is at lhe unsatiafac-
lory level would be left with the
city traffic eo5(1oeer.
The LEAF members uid they
consider the ordinance flexible
and Mrs. Watt pointed out that il
the current aeneral plan review-
produces lbe density reducdons
and phasln1 of development she
thinks are needed, "then the in-
itiative won't pass.''
Cities Targeted
tJ .S. Supreme. Court ruled today
that cities, unlike states, ma)' be
sued for violations o! federal an-
titrust laws.
'J11st a Box of Bones' ..
IA Mu.eum to U1e Bubbla for Raearch
raearcher at the Loi A.natl ..
County Museum or Natural ffla.
tory, which received Bubbles'
body after bor death March 10
11y1 the hlf'Ji> "I~ J111t a box 'Ci bones now ...
Dr. J~• Smith, a bloJou
profeuor trorn Cal State
Fullerton, 11ld Tu11dey th•t lt
waa he who penuaded Uon
Country Safari, the park from
wbleh BubblH Heaped, to
.. do ate tb wma\'1 bones to the
• m 1eu.m.
he SJl'Qfeuor said Bubbl•' ~1 Will "bo ror rae&rcb d not for public dlapJay.
· Sbo '• not 1run1 lO be atuffed -o akin \¥Un't pr servtd," he
"l wu followins th Bubbles
·forte and we needed a •*lmen of l hippopotamus, IO 1 lelt tbal
ualnt her wu better than lettJn•
her rot Ol' colns to Africa and
kllllnf another hippo,•• Smith
Bubblel dl'4 atter lh1 tum·
berecl out ol a poad where ah~
had tabD refqe ror lt days
followtna lair acape and wu
1bot by tHnqUlU•r dart.I. She
fell-in a pollUon wbtcb led to 1uf·
Meanwhile, b1 a ntarlJ z.to·l
v te, the madenll at Van Nuys
Junior Kllh School lndlcated
they would" rather have a horse
than 1 bippopota1nus as their
Sebool aeeret.i'7 Rlta Levine
sald t atud nt.s held an elec:·
Uon to decide wbelher to chanso
the school nickname from
Mu1tana• to Bubbles.
But there ~ttonly•90t•b'
Bubbles, wbllt K\lltlDCI re-
ceived .W.S, aald Miss LtvhM, Md·
Int only about half Ute &Wdent
body VQtfld.
The rt1uJta weTe mueh c...,.in
an elecUon about two....,a.,to
have the name of the atbool
ehanfed to Bubbles Junior fish
But even tr Bobbld had ~.
the election would bave b9en
mool becauae of a LOI t1
elty achool board au.a.
"Th~n'a a 8oai'd ol Cd&atatloo
rule that ••YI a ac:MOl 8IUlt
either be namtd altar a
munity or a proml i ""°"
who ii deceased." the aa~1.a1.,,
, • f J t f '·
Laguna/So•th Coast Afternoon
N.Y. Stoeks.·
Bovan Suspect Blasts Drug-death Tie
Lawyers ror murder trial de-
fendant Alexander Kulik con-
tinued today to protest police ac-
tions during a drug arrest that,
they claim, led to his being
Jinked to the killing or Stephen
John Bovan of Fountain Valley.
They told Judge Robert P.
Kneeland Tuesday during
Orange County Superior Court
pretrial action on the grand
jury's murder indictment or
Kulik and six co-defendant.a that
evidence taken by police during
his drue arrest was Illegally ob-
Kulik, 28, or Linda Isle,
Newport Beach. was found
s leeping ln a vintage Stutz
Blackhawk that he parked in the
parking lot of a Mission Viejo
~hopping center Oct. 23.
Defense lawyers claim that
the search, whkh allegedly pro-
.Junior I hll. 23, a Laguna Beach improvisational musician.
pla} s his trumpet to the accompaniment of a portable
FM radio in a South Laguna tunnel. The mus1c1an likes
the resonance of his notes bouncin~ off the cement walls
of thl' tunnel It passes under South Coast Highway to
AHso Hr::ich Junior's not bothering the neighbors, either
U.S. Steel Blames
Hike on Coal Costs
Steel, the nation's largest steel
producer, announced today a
$10.50 per ton price increase on
its basic product Jines to recover
the cost of the new soft coal con-
The increase. effective with
April 1 shipments, will boost rev-
enues 2.2 percent, but the effect
on individual products will vary
according to their base price, the
Mostly cloudy tonight'
and Thursday with in
creasing chance of
showers by late tonight.
Forty percent chance of
showers Thursday. Lows
tonl,bt in tbe .SOS. Highs
Thursday In the 60s.
Co""'""" oolumnld S11lufcl
Port•r to1cel o look ot /(Jrm
U.U.1 and hotl thq ol/ect
ffOCO'll fllllt, A MtO ~
.rtl ~on P°'1' B1.
••• JC
company said.
S heet steels, s tructural
shapes. plates, tin plate and lube
products were arnong products
affected by the announcement, a
spokesman said.
The price hike would be the
second this year for some impor-
tant products, including hot and
cold rolled sheets widely used in
the auto and appliance in-
Steelmalters announced in·
crease1 on aheeta, stru~tural
s hapes and tin mill products,
a veraglog s.s pereent in
December. The increases took
eUect in February and March
duced a quantity of "China
while" heroin valued by
sheriff's officers at more than $1
million waa illegal in the sense
that ll sparked Kullk 's prosecu·
lion oo the Bovan charges.
It was asserted during the
hearing Tuesday that other de-
fendants may have been prej.
udiced by the evidence obtained
from Kulik 's car.
All seven defendants were in-
dieted on murder cbaries after
the grand jury was told that they
were linked to a murder plot
that lep lo the shooting or Bovan
outside a Newport Beach
restaurant Oct. 22, the day
before Kulik's arrest on drug
The Bovan killing brought into
public view what police claim
was a multimillion dollar drug
smuggling ring which concealed
revenues in the assets of out-
wardly respectable business
firms in Orange County.
It is alleged that Kulik and
other principals in Prasadam
Distributing Inc. hired three
men to dispose of Bovan.
Jerry Peter Fiori, 41, of HW1t·
ington Beach faces the death
penalty for his alleged slaying or
CSee BOVAN. Page AZ)
Work· Speeded?
LB Flood Studies Approved
Recent flooding in Laguna Can-
yon prompted Orange County
sup ervisors Tuesday to
authorize planning for the area's
next segment of flood control
County officials said they had
expected to begin the planning
work during the 1978-79 fiscal
year but felt it should be
speeded in light of this winter's
Hood damage.
They said they don 't yet know
how much the work might cost
or when actual construction
would begin.
SC Trio
To Answer
Tu:v Critics
Three San Clemente planning
com missioners. under attack
from fJ hm.an councilmen
Howarc ltett and Myrtis
Wagner, •llf expected t-0 defend
thelr actlon5 at an informal joint
meeting of city councilmen and
commissioners tonight.
The meeting is scheduled at
7 .30 p.m. at the San Clemente
Municipal golf cou r se
r estaurant, 150 E . Ave .
"I 've had my say," said
.Mayor William Walker, ''but
(former mayor > Donna
Wtlkinson has asked for a
chance to speak. Also, this is the
first chance some of the com-
missionen have bad to defend
their honor and character m
public since the charges were
made. and I'm sure they wtll
want lo speak."
At a press conference last
Thursday, Mushett accused
planning commissioners
M e lford Morgan , William
Greenwall and James Chase of
misuse o! public funds.
Mushett claims the three com·
missioners cbarsed their wives'
travel, lodging and meals to the
city, when the women accom·
panied their husbands t.o a three·
day Oakland conference in
He said he intends to ask for
the resiiJlallon of the three com-
m lssioners at the April 5 City
Council meeting.
Mayor Walker said earlier,
however, that it has long been
accepted practice in San
Clemente for councilmen and
planning commissioners to
charge Wives' meals and lodging
during city business trips.
Mrs. Wagner called for the
resignation of the same three
commissioners and a fourth-Al·
Jan Wulfeck -at a March 15 City
Council meetlag.
(See ANSWER, Page A2>
Dog Poisoner
Pets in Dana
But they will evaluate in com
ing months what measures arc
most needed, how much righl-0f ·
way should be acquired and
whether Laguna Canyon Road
should be improved along with
the flood control work.
Supervisors also asked county
officials to res tudy long-range
flood control plans for the area
along Laguna Canyon Road.
In November supervisors en-
dorsed an estimated $1 to $8
million plan calling for acqu1s1 ·
tion or floodplain along the road
and build.mg a storm channel
Tools Stolen
able to carry runoff from a so-
called 100-year flood.
But Laguna Beach city council
members recently recom-
m e nded an estimated $9 .6
million plan calhng lor a
smaller channel along with re·
larding basins and dams t.o help
control runoff.
George Osborne, director or
the county Environmental
Management Agency, said a
concrete flood channel now ex-
ists as far inland as the Big
Bend area.
(See FLOODING, Page A%)
O.lly ...... 5~..,,...
Alexander Kulik
Theft Cripples Telonic
Machinists• tools valued at
between '1',000 and $25,000 were
taken from Laguna Beach's
largest manufacturing plant
Monday night, crippling opera-
tions at Telonic Altair beside
Laguna Canyon Road.
Telonlc s upervisor Gary
Crapson said burglars made off
with approximately 15 tool boxes
belonging to employees of the
firm . which manufactures
microwave filters, attenuators.
and television test instruments
at 2825 Laguna Canyon Road.
Police officer Jerry
Linenkugel said the thieves en·
tered the building through a
boarded-up window sometime ·
Monday n!ght or early Tuesday
Operations at the plant were
curtailed Tuesday because there
were not enough tools to con-
tmue work, Crapson said .
"We're back in short-term
operation today." he said, add-
ing that the firm purchased
enough tools to get through the
day sbltt.
He said the tool boxes, which
belong lo employees. are worth
an average or $1,000 a box.
"And that's 1ust what the
emplayees lost," he said. "The
company Is going to lose a lot m
production time."
The loss is particularly rough
on old-timers in the macbiru~t
trade, Crapson said. "Some of
these guys had tools thl'y don't
even make any more.''
Carter Urges 5-step Ii~mry Sets
• Filmed Tour Fight With Inflation Of Tut Show
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -
President Carter urged poor
countries today to JOID rich m·
dust rial nations in a five-step
drive to fight inflation, create
jobs and raise living standards
because rich nations "cannot by
themselves bring about world
economic recovery.•·
"We n eed to share a
responsibility for solvmg proo-
lems -not to divide the blame
for ignoring them," Carter
declared in a major address to
Venezuela's national congress on
the second day of his week-long
to·tr of Latin America and
•'Only by acting together can
we expand trade and Investment
in order to create more jobs, to
curb inflation and raise the
standard of living of our
•peoples." the president said.
"The industrial nations share the
same problems and cannot by
themselves bring about world
~onomic recovery."
Carter urged rich and poor na·
lions to take these steps
~ Increase the now of capital
to developing nations.
-Build a more open system
of world trade.
-Moderate disruptive price
movements in basic com-
modities. .
-Conserve and d evelop
-Strengthen the
technological base in the poorer
In addition, Carter said he was
proposing "a U.S. foundation for
technological collaboration."
Beyond pledging that "we in
the United States will do our
part," Carter did not elaborate.
But he noted that he bas asked
Congress to increase economic
assistance funds by 28 percent
and that his administration is
prepared lo increase American
contributions to the Interna-
tional Monetary .Fund.
Carter spoke rrom a lofty, or-
nate dais t.o a packed chamber
of legislators who gave him a
standing ovation when he ar-
rived. And for the third time in
(See CARTER, Page AZ)
LB Driver Tumbles;
.Her Truck Hits Car
A pickup truck rounding a
curve on Bluebird CanYOQ Drlve
ln Lapua Beach twnl>W ill
driver tmwah an opea door to
tbe pavlUlGDt today and eolUded
wHh a sedan at tbe CretS Street
lntenectloD before careonto1
down a caQJao.
Julia lt"1 J»auey, 18 of 1070 Nona St., t..aiun• BeaCh, told
pollc• the door oo th diiver'&
ald6 of ber pickup truck new
open u the approached Cress.
Street on Bluebird Can1on
t)tlve. WU.o a.he nachad out to
Cloae UM doat.t... &be fell oat. ,...
J".Oftid Oln l:"aw Wol'tman.
Li Beach reaJlOr Ken. • n. Ol Blu bird
Canyon Drive, was driving his
two young children north on
Cl-el1 Street to school when be
saw an empty truck rotll.De down
Bluebird Canyon Drive.
Kelley told police be t11td to
back bis car out of the way, but
WU too late. 'lbe impact ol the
colll1lon spun hia small aerlan
llOde,,_. waa Pan.key wu tre.tecl bJ
paNmedlcs for multlple· minor
cut.a .at the ICCDO of tbo accident
and transported by ambulance
to South Coast Community
Itel.My's 3-year-old ton, Brian.
wu treated (Ol' a bUmp on his
ad. Kelley and bla daqbter
w1ro not lnJuted. Pollet aatd. •
A filmed tour of th e
Tutankhamun exh1b1lion, oar
rated by Orson Welles. will b<'
· screened Tuesday at 3.30 and
7:30 p.m. at the Dana Niguel
Branch Library, 33841 Niguel
Rd • Laguna Ni~uel.
The exh1b1t1on, currently on
display al the Los Angeles
County Art Museum, includes SS
artifacts discovered in the an-
cient Egyptian tomb of Pharaoh
Tutankhamum, sa1d Lrnell
Mathisen, librarian.
No tickets are required for the
showings, she said, but scaling
will be on a f1rsl-come, firsl·
served basis.
Additional information is
available by calling the library,
Body Discovered
body of a y'oung woman who
police said bad been strangled
has been found off a Jogging
trall in Sutro Park here.
Homicide inspectors said the un-
identified woman was about
five-feet five-inches tall, in her
late teens or early twenties.
Rapist Makes
SACRAMENTO P> -A mother of two childrel\
wu raped l.n her suburban
boD'le early today by tbe mawted .. east area
raplat .. in bis 32nd known
attack, aberiU's deputies
said •
Cblet Deputy Robert
Radford sald tho man got
int.o tho Rancho Cordova
bouM about 3.ao a.m. by
removia1 a siaas pano
from a aid door which
was locked. with a dead·
boll lock.
Armod with a bif~ be
tlcd up the woman and ransacked tbe bouae btfore~her.
• ! j
i I
, A.2 OAJL't' PILOT L SC W~.M~l9117a
Roads, Growth Tied
By JOANNE REYNOLDS • .. o.i1, ,..,.. sw"
Aa lftitiative meHure that
would tic future development m
Newport Beach to improve-
ments to the city's traffic
system was unveiled Tu~ay.
1\1 autbors as.id they want the
measu!'e on a special fall ballot.
The so-called traffic phasing
ordinance was discussed during
a noon-hour press conference at
city ball by leaders of the .Leial
Bnvlronmmtal Analysis Fund
LEAF orianizer Jean Watt
aafd members or her group will
beein circulatln& petitloM Apri 1
14. Tbeir pl ls 6,000 signatures
needed to qualify the measure
for a special election 10 Sep-
tember or October.
LEAF. accordma lo Mn.
Watt, lS made up of about 100
Newport Beach residents. Most
of them are members of another
organization she heads, Stop
Polluting Our Newport <SPON>,
Mra. Waltadded.
LEAF membtts Dan Emory,
Calvin McLaughlin, Ed Siebel
and Mrs. Watt said the meU\lrc
will not come to a vote uolll
after the current analysis of the
C'ity's general plan is completed.
LEAF members, wbo have
sought a decrease in the amount
of future building allowed in the
city. have been pushing for a
butldmg moratorium until the
city's traffic problems could be
Their requests have been
turned down by city councilmen
~Tape Coatradiets'
Prosecutor Queries
W aJaill Firwnces
Of -DeHy ,.... S«.-H
Dr. William Baxter Waddill's
testimoay that he was financial ·
Jy solvent and under no
economic pressure al the lime
be performed an abortion at
Westminster Community
Hospital was challenged Tues-
day by the prosecution in lus
murder case.
Deputy District Attorney
Robert 02atterton asked for and
got permission to play a tape re-
cording ol a telephone conversa·
t.Jon in which Waddill alle~edly
told District Attorney Cecil
Hicks that he faced bankruptcy
and was the vi~tim of a :swindle.
Chatterton told Orange County
Superior Court Judge James K.
Turner that the tape will direct-
ly contradict Wadd1ll's argu-
... ment that he never mentioned
costly lawsuits because he had
no such financial problems.
Waddill told the jury when he
was oo the witness &land that he
headed one of the largest
medical practices in Orange
County and was making at least
$400.000 a year.
Boy'I 'Joke'
To Teacher
Brings Ban
year-old fiflb grader at Park
Dale Lane School has been sus-
pended over an off-the·cuff joke
about his teacher and con-
troversial Jarvis-Gann property
tax initiative.
Eric Meister asked County
Supervisor Lee Taylor during a
question-and·answer period on a
.f ieJd trip to the supervisors· of·
fices Tuesday if his teacher,
Debra A. Nolan, would be flt'ed
iH.be initiative passes June 6.
Taylor twice said he didn't
.. Darn it. .. r-eplied Eric, im-
plying jok:ingly that he wiahed
1She would be ftred.
The teacher took orrens.e at the
remark, however. and told Prin·
cipal James L. O'Connell that
!<ihe had been hurt and em-
••[ was joking,•• saad an
apoloJet.ic Eric.
But it wasn't apoloeetic
enou&h aod O'Connell lowered
lb• boom and banned Eric from
school for the rest of the week.
••1 think three days' sus-
pension for this is a little
,seyere,'' said Mrs. Meister.
Ta1tor HP be dldn 't bear
Eric's last remark but said it
eoanW Wte It WU all a joke to
It.lb>. The teaehft' eouldn't be
C'hattC'rton said the tape wilt
<,how that Waddill told Hi cks tn
F"ebruary of 1977, thal he was
"working myself to death" to~
pay a $150,000 bank loan and $1 5
million he owed a companJ iden-
tified as lhe Christiana Corpora-
The prosecutor said the tape
includes Waddtll 's statement
that he lost substantial sums of
money when unidentified
persons embezzled funds from
the Huntington Harbour Beach
Club. Waddill was an mvestor tn
and a member of the club.
It is alleged by the prosecution
that Waddill, 42.. of Huntington
Harbour, strangled a newborn
baby to death in the
Westminster Hospital nursery
on March 2, 1977, after his
earlier attempt to abort the ln-
fant failed.
A prose<:ution wit.nes5 told the
jury that Waddill discussed his
crucial financial situallon while
he was suggesting ways in which
he could dispose oC a baby that
he felt might add to his prob-
Vigorous protests by two de-
fense lawyen railed to budge
Judge Turner from his ruling
that Chatterton has every right
to play what is expected t.o be en
edited version 0( the tape to the
Judge Turner pointed out to
both defense attorneys that they
introduced the financial element
into the case and that they can·
not prevent the prosecution from
pursuing the issue.
"It's as clear as a bell to me
that it (the tape) is admissible
and relevant," the judee said.
"At the same lime, l can't help
but agree thal it's damuing to
the defense."
Chatterton said tbe tape will
further contradict Waddill's
courlroom testimony that he is
delivering 74 babies a month at
the Westminster boepital.
He said the jury will hear
Wad dill complam that he is
sleeping at home only two nights
a month, ls simply "treading
waler" in financial terms and is
delivering 80 babies a week.
Angry defense lawyers
became even more angry during
a stormy day in court Tuesday
when they learned that Chat·
terton has in his pouession
documents that they claim
are vital to their case and which
have not been offered to them.
They said evidence ln the form
of a letter from Dr. Terrence
Moran, in which the X-ray
speclalist puta the gestational
age of the allegedly murdered
baby at be tween 28 and 30
weeks, ls held by Cbatt.ertoa.
Defense attorney Charles
Weedman angrily told lud1e
Turner that Cfiau.ertoo ls guilty
ol wit.b.boldiaa efldeace -.wt that be will llOW be COUJpeiltd to re-
open the defense be planned to
clOM n.day.
who instead have laWlc:bed I.be
general plan review.
Thal review, still in progress,
so far has produced a pledge of a
20 perc:.nt red\lction in future
ruideoUol building from the
Irvine Co .• tbe city's lar•est ~
down~r .. ·--. Asked if LEAF members were
satisfied with that reduction.
Mrs. Walt not~ "there's no way
to know yet if the 20 _perceD1 1s enough. The point or the ordi-.n~.I)~~ is to put futun! building
into relationship with the
roads." According to a summary pre-
pared by Emory, the ordinance
would apply only to projects or
more than 10 residential units
and commercial Uld industrial
projects of more than 10,000
squaN! feet.
Building permits for projects
larger than that could only be is·
sued under three .
-U the project's traffic im·
pact ls leas than one percent on
a street· with an already un·
satisfactory level or service.
-If the project's traffic im·
pact will not create an un-
sausfact.ory level of service on
the city's four and six-lane
-If the project's benefits or
traffic nut.JgatJoo measures are
sumc1ent to gather six out of
seven favorable votes from both
the Planning Commission and
the City Council.
The unsatisfactory level of
service, as defined by the in-
ilia ti ve, is 90 percent of a
primary (four lanes divided) or
major (six lanes d ivided)
highway's capacity.
The authority for determining
when a road ii at the unsatisfac-
tory level would be left with the
city traffic end.Deer.
The LEAF members said they
consider the ordinance flexible
and Mrs. WaU. pointed out that if
the current general plan review
produces the density reductions
and phasing of development she
thinks are needed, .. then the in-
itiative won't pass."
tUlNot Gold
That Glitters?
AKRON. Oblo (P> -
I1nor"'-a neat box pre-
pared lOC' her, Goldie the
tiolden uile bu laid an ege on the ground at the
Akron awdren's Zoo and
bas perched atop iL
Zoo director Mike 1 a.Dis
said Tuesday it will be a
month before officials can
determine whether the
light brown egg with
ch es tnut markings is
He added that the zoo
staff had not noticed any
outward signs of affection
between Goldie and the
zoo's male golden eagle.
Goldie, 21, bas laid eggs
before, but none has been
I',... Page Al
Police claim that he i$ the
nian who pumped nine shots jnto
Boven durini a confrontation
outside lbe El Ranchlto
restaurant Newport Beach.
Defense attorney Phlli p
DeMaasa argued for Kulik Tues·
day that bis client'• arrest was
illegal because it was based on
the evtdeoce obtained Inside the
car and police had no warrant
justifying the eearch.
Other motions scheduled for
ar1\ll.na bcfon Jadge KMetand
lndade demandt ,.. eh•••• of \11n11e. 1eparat• tdala fo r
eneral .,..,.,.s. d.lana.at or
charges aqd auppre11lon of
e compllmuted
1D 5p
uctory remarks
••••uage But he
aw\t ... gUsh for the re·
mainder or his address
After hls speech. Carter met
agala .Uh Venezuelan Presi-
dent Carios A~ PttM. 1"e:r
met for two hours Tuesday, but
left touct>,r questions for today.
includ lo1 tbe prlc• of oil.
Veaeiocl.I lt the third larstt
1uppller of oil to the United
Following today's talks,
Carter, his wire Rosalynn, 10-
year-old daughter Amy aDd t.op
U.S. officials including aaUonal
•ecurll)' advber Zbi1niew
B~ze1inski and Secret.arr of
State Cynaa R. Vantt. lelt for a
four hour flight to lbe Bruili.an
capital al Brasilia.
Carte«' and Peru bridl:y re-
viewed wbite-unlformed
Venezuelan naval cadets aad
walked arm in arm foe a few
steps before Caaur boarded A1r
Force One. He made no de-parture remarks. Cannons
boomed a 2J.gun .aJute u lhe
engines revved up.
The 22~bour ato~nr was
Cntet"s ftnt state vtsit to Latin
From Brasilia, the presiden·
lial party is to go to Rio de
Janeiro and then across the
Atlantic, where Carter will
becom e the flrst American
president to make 8 state visit to
black Africa. He will confer with
leaders in Nigeria and Libena.
Grant Given
For Building
San Juan Capislrtlno city of-
ficiala were given a $10,000 grant
by Orange County supervisors
Tuesday to aid in ~novatlng the
historic Harrison Houae.
The funds will come from the
county's share of federal rev-
enue sharing doll an.
Supervisor Thomas Riley said
the house will be used by the
Capistrano Indian Council of
Orange CoWlty.
City officials earlier obtained
$20,000 for the project and are
seeking $20,000 more throueh a
Historic Preservation Act grant.
The house b lbcat«i on Ortega
Highway inland from the San
Diego freeway.
U,untief~r.1f ate
Vpto Yoien
:ate of a prorio&al lo create two
new counties in the southwest
sector of sprawling Los Angeles
County will be decided in the
June 6 primary election.
The proposed South Bay Coon·
ty would have a populatloo of
277,847 and include the ciUH of
El Segundo, Manhattan Beach,
Hermosa Beach, Redobdo
Beach, Palos Verdes Es&.ates
and Torrance, plus the unin·
corporaled areas of El Porto
and Clifton Heipts.
The proposed Peninsula CoWl-
ty. with a population of about
55,000, would include the cities of
Rolling Hilts, Rolling Hills
Estates and Rancho Palos
Verdes, plus the unincorporated
areas of .Academy HUl aod
I',.... Page Al
But additional wor~ bu been
5lowed by limited funds and
failure by voters to pus flood
control bond measures.
01borne noted Laguna city of·
licials have not asked for any
. county fund.a for flood measures
in the canyoo in either the cur·
rent or comioa fiscal yean.
However. ddpll• what he
·called the cl1y'1 "re.luctanee,"
Osborne said COUDtY officlals were~ flood con.t.rol pl1n-
nlD1IUDdl anyway.
Pre-*nt Kremer
Irvine Co.
BJ .JOANNE REYNOLDS Of_...., .......
Irvine Company officials re-
ported today that the land com-
pany is expected to gross $225
million in its first year under
new managemeol.
That revmue Ogure, which as
up to percent over the previous
year, ii the result of increased
prices of land, company
spokesman 11.artiD Brower said.
Aceontin& to Brower. the com-
pany'• land saJes have been
.. .,,erf ~ .. to the acreage an-
ticipated for sale under lhe
former management. .. Tbe basic reason revenues
are up so dramatically is that
the -market bas been strong,
especially in the lnduslrial area,
·and prices bav~ giaoe up."
Si.Dee the company•s takeover
by new management last July
there has been llttle discussion
of iu financial status.
However, in an inlerview with
The Asaociated Press, company
President Peter Kr~mer re-
leased the gross earnings
fipres. He said tt.e first year's
eaminp und« tbe new man.ce-
me.at would be eooUgh to repay
Ml bUt $50 miWon or the $240
million Joan used t.o buy the
company last S\UDJDCf.
Kremer'• statement did not in--~ lade referuce to ·the $100
'million loD«-tenn loan the com-
pany ammged witb the Prodaa-
li al lmurance Company lbh
fall. "ftLat loan, Which was used
t.o retire a port.loo of the abort·
Lerm $240 million loan used in
buying the company, is secured
by about 4.SOO ol lhe company's
ground leases-
Kremer went on to say the
record performance was ac-
compUsbed without Hlling orr
any income properties or raw
land -two things predicted
when the new owners paid $337.4
million for Ute company.
Brower explained today that
Kremer's remark did not in-
clude two maJor sales recently
announced by the com(>any -
the 120,000·acre J<"lymg D Ranch
m Montana and the 30.2 acres in
the industrial complex
The company made about $15
million on the sale of the cattle
ranch t.o Tex.as rancher Robert
Shelton late last year .
The industrial sale to the
Canadian-based Daon Corp. was
announced Friday.
·Inflatable Boat ..
Taken in Burglary
An inflatable boat valued by
the victim at $1,500 has been
stolen from the beach ln front of
his South Luana home, Orange
County sheriH's omce,.. saiif:
Deputiea said the theft wu re-
parted by advertising executive
Robert Edward Milhous, 41, of
31105 S. Coast Highway. He wa"
inside hl.I home when the boat, a
U-foot Avon, was carried off.
researcher at the Los Angela
County Museum of Natural Hi1t·
lory, which received Bubbles'
bod~ elter her de9&h March 10
h1'1 tbe b.ilP° "is Jmt a box Of
booesaow. Dr. James Smith, a biology
professor from Cal State
Fullerton. aa&d T~y Uult i1
was he who persuaded Liem
Country Safari, the pUk liOID
which Bubbles esc•ped. io
donate the ammal's bone$ lo the
The P.rofessor said Bubbles' body wdl be used fOI' research
and not for public display.
"She's oot eomg t.o be stuffed -
the skin wasn't preservecl..h be
"l was lollowin& ibe Bubblp
forte, and we needed a specimen
of a h1ppopotamus. iO I felt tbat
using her WU beUel' tba leltiq
her rot or gom, to Afttea Ud
killing another hippo.'' 6mltb
Bubbles died aft.er she Ima·
bered out ol a pond where me
had taken ~e {Qr' 1t d.a)-s
following ber escape aDd .,_
shot by tranqulliur dam. She
fell in a position whida lecl to suf.
Meanwhile, by a neartJ 2-t.o-J
vote, the students at Van Na;ys
Junior High School llldicat.ed
they would rather have a bone
than a hippopotamus as their
School S«relary Rita Lnin.e
said the students held an elec-
tion to decide whether to chance
the school nickname from
Mus tangs to Bubbles.
But there were ooly 2119Totalor
Bubbles, while Kustancs re·
ceived 448. said Bliss Levme, lldd-
1ng only about half the atnctrnt
body voled.
The results were much closer In
an elecUonaboullwoweetsa,oto
have lhe oame of lbe sebool
changed to Bubbles Junior Hieh
School-the hippo lost by jastfive
But even If Bubbles bad wan,
the election would have been
moot because of a Los Angeles
city school board reculation.
.. There's a Board of EducMion
rule t.b4t says a school must
· either be named aft.er a eom-
monily or a prominent penoo
who i..s deceased.'' the secretary
F ...... P.,.eAJ
She said tbe dneloJ)lDeal·
related occupations of the four
planning commissioners COil•
stitute a conflict of interest bl
ruling on proposed development.
in the city.
Mrs. Wagner's motion to dig..
miss the commissioners wu de.
fcated 3·2
State Weighs
Sound Curbs
·For Clemente
PIADS to build 1' sound bar-
T' le r s along the San Dleeo
Freeway in San Clemente as
nart of a $20 million ~.
widenlllg pro,Jeet. will be di.s-
cu u ed Monday by S"-te
Transportation Department
The meetine is plaJlned at '1:30
p.m . hr-City Council chambers
at city hall, 100 Ave. Presidio.
CalTrans representatives will
describe proposed localiona for
the concrete sound barriers ..-d
how the walls will les.sen tnmc
roar affecting nearby ruldellts.
said Janel Radford, the d&J'&
represcotati ve to CalTrau.
•'I think lt 's import&Dl for peo.
pie to realize Ulal a wall wbkb
will block an oceao view wW Qllt
ht> built, if every resident fll •
affected neighborhood obj.,.. &o
1t," said Mrs. Radford.
ChaUerlon and defense
lawyers then became Involved in
a shouting match which featured
Chatterton declaring in town
crier tones: "I'm not goiQI to be
a nursemaid to tbe defense. 0
Appeal of ~ismissals Planned
The iacrtatln• friction
between Otatterton and his two
opponents is obviously disturb-
ing Judp Twner.
Ile described the anllll•lt1 Tueectay .. ••a bamble sbte ot
aff alr1" and urged all three la•r•n to resot .. taeir d&f·
feiuces = tM linaJ pbMe °''"~tnal.
Edit e l .. Ro~ N. Weed/Publisher Thon\H K"vll/Edltot
Ont ;e Coast oa&Jy Pilot I ~ _.-!!9..e __ •••••w•e&•n1e1lil•a•"•' March--29•, 1•97•'••••••--•a.-~-ra•K•r•••lb.1c•h•'E•dill•ton.lillll1 Pil••lllliE•d•lto.-•••
bW ater Vote Could. ....
~.Bypass Tax Limit
•• • fl
. A handful of large.scale property owners soon may
·' vote -by mail -on massive issues that would allow
' taxation of property to pay for major water and sewage
facilities into the 21st century.
Directors of lrvine Ranch, Santa Margarita and
Moulton Niguel water districts arc seeking authorizations
that tould allow eventual sale of up to $3.2 billion in
tax·secured general obligation bonds.
_ . .BY. this means, the landowners avoid the taxing
lam1tations that could come with the Jarvis-Gann
initiative should Prop 13 on the June 6 ballot pass.
Irvine Ra~ch }\later District board members say it is
rloubtful they would get m under the Jarvis-Gann wire at
any rate
· The s1tuat1on again fotuses ::.illention on the fact that
• the dee1:-.10n~ on kt•y f!conom1c questions relating to futur<.•
~ • land use arc being made not by residents of the water
districts but by the owners.
In the case of the Irvine Ranch Water District, the
City of Irvine has said the landowner-controlled water
board doesn't have the right to call the election because
selection of the board's directors is not constitutional.
Five or the seven-member board are picked by
landowners and two by the 43,000 residents of the district.
-The city maintains that this violates the one·man,
one-vote principle of the U.S. Constitution.
The IRWD board will be elected by popular \'ote in
1983. But the current act10n of the land owners would
reach to the year 2010
The City of J rvine may be right about the
constitutional isMtt• Certninly the matter should be
:.tJlldicatcd before tht·sc for.reaching decisions are made.
Warrants Attention
The impact of proposed Forster Ranch development
' on San Clemente and its residents justifies special
1 measures lo assure the public's voice is heard at every
i step of the city's planning review process.
i Twelve hours were spent in well-attended publie ~ hearings at the planning commission level in reviewing a
' Forster Ranch use pc·rm1t. It would allow residential,
{ commercial and rndustriul development on 2,200 acres of
~ rolling pnsture l;111tl ·
;' Tlw City Courn 11 'ott.'d 3-2, \\.'tlh Myrtis Wagner and
• ( ,
llow;ird :\htslwtt oppo~t·d . lo approve the use permit
'' 1lhout adclit111n<il public review, based on a ~ommission
1 t•t·u11Hnt·iH.latiu11 for approval.
;\I rs. \\lagncr, acting as a private citizen, appealed
the C ity Couneil action. Her appeal requires that a public
hcunng be scheduled on the use permit.
We hope the citizens of San Clemente will take advan-
tage of Mrs. Wagner's action to inform themselves on this
proposed development and attend the April 19 public
hearing before the City Council.,
Hiring Might Pay
The propo~t·rl hiring of seven new Capistrano Cnified
SC'hool D1stnl'l aclmm1slratl\ e personnel at an addillonul
annu:1l t.•,pt•nSL' of about SliJ,000 1s likely lo encounter 01>-
po•\l l ion among some clistncl residents.
Cap1st rano votC'rs h;n e turned down school construe·
lion bond issues thrt't.' limes in three) ears, risking double
st·ss1ons. \ C'ar-round school and even tent classrooms for
-.,chool ch1lcln·n. ralht.•r than authorizing new district
Public sC'rut111y of sdwol finances ls necessary and
proper. It may be in the case of additional Capistrano ad-
m in istrat1 vc personnel, however, that the proposed
spending increase will pay off in more efficient district
mana~emC'nt. helter run district programs and improved
screening of JOI> applicants.
Whik Capistrano school enrollment has jumped from
fi ,000 st ud1 ·nts to Hi.000 in the past 10 years, only one new
.1clmmi~t1ativc post has bctm added in the same period.
\\ t' hope I he proposal does not become a red flag to
I host' rntiral of ~t.'11001 district spending. The quesl1on is
\\hC'lh<'r nt'\\ aclmm1~trators are needed and whether
lhl'lr addition 1~ \\Orth Sli:J,000 a year.
• Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot
Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and
artists. Reader comment 1s 1n111ted. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O.
Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321.
Boyd I Picasso
Bv L.~t. BOYJ>
Cunn1n~ artist. that
Picasso He painted a
portrait in 1906 or Gertrude
Stein. the queen bee or the
expatriate literary hive in
France. Friends said it didn't
look like her. Picasso said.
never mind, in time, she'll
look like it.
Do you get a tramportatlon
allowance, 1lr? Jf so, how
much? Chri1topber Colum-
bus received M a mile. llad
hP divided lt among 120
sailors. which he didn't, that
would've been a n1C'k<'I a
mile f'ach. which it wao;n l
Got that.,
A ~tudy or Tokyo uvlng&
inslllullons indicates about
two out of every five
.1 apnnese wives keep secn·l
hunk accounts unknown to
their husbands.
Bright minds worldwide
still theorize about how ml·
grating birds unerringly find
their deatlnatlons. But con-
trary to widespread belief,
the eyesllht of those birds
may hive nothing to do with lt. Otherwise, bow do you ex-
plain the fact that they get
where they're going. even
when titted with opaque con-
t a ct lenses to blind them
temporarily . The ex
perimenter have done thul.
"Give me liberty or jive
me death!" cried that areat
American patriot Patrick
Henry. owner or as 11• vea.
Here•1 to the Gerber baby
-cllnkl -now 50 yean old.
Q. "What'• the differenco
between a bo~ a swamp and
a marsh?''
A. Has to do wlth how
mucb wattr l1 therein. A bo8
ls u ual\y damp with lot.a Ol
vt1etatlon, but you could
probably walk tbrouab It
wtthoul tint .)'OUr ankl
wit. A swamp I ·wetter,
.... _. ..... covered wlth a falr
amount ol vegelatlon, and
you wouldn't want to walk
lhrou~ it tritboul wadtn. A
manb ls dOWnri&bt wat.eey, . '° much eo JOU cOuld most
Uke.lJ push ti. canoe lhroulh it, I
Jack Anderson
Radiation Concerns Increase
dromaliulio!'z starring Ed
Asner u city eaitor Lou Grant,
pitted hi.a reporters against a
powerrw, unscrupulous nuclear
combine whose deadly, invisible
emiuiona were menacing the
local populace. The episode was
all too famlUar. We have also
encountered powerful opposition
when we have tried to expose
the dangerorlow-level radiation.
The stakes are enormously
high. Both the federal govern-
ment and the
nuclear 1n
duslry arc
committed tu
power. Too
many un ·
stories could
the Industry's
multtbillion-dollar investment in
nuclear power.
Government officials have
also staked their careers on the
development of nuclear power.
They would look fooli sh if their
massive c•fforts had to be
scrappl•d bc·causc they un·
deresltmated the danger of low·
level radiation Not only would
the b1lhons spent on nuclear pro·
Jeds have to be written off, but
additional billions mlght have to
be paid in compensation to those
whose health has been impaired.
President Carter'• political
neck may also be expe>aed. His
moat likely Democratic
challenger, Callfornla'1 Gov.
Jerry Brown, bas come out
against nuclear power. He pre-
dicts that within two yean lhe
public back.lash against nuclear
pollution will rival the anti·
Vietnam War movement in in·
lists who have stood up to the
nuclear establishment -
Thomas Mancuso, John Gof-
man, Alice Stewart, George
Kneale, Samuel Milham, Arthur
Tamplin, Ernest stemglass and
Jrwin Bross -have come under
malicious attack reminiscent or
the former campaign against
Hollywood and Broadway
liberals during the anti·
communist hysteria.
We have tried to tell the story
or these scientists, whose
cautious wantings have been as-
s a i I ed and belittled, whose
personal reputations have been
besmirched. We have written,
for example, about Mancuso, the
University of Pittsburgh pro-
fessor, who conducted a 12·year
government study of low-level
radiation. When he produced
disagreeable evidence linking
radiation with cancer, the •tudy
was taken out ot his hands.
A dozen years ago, he sought
to expand bis research project to
a number of governinent
nuclear plants. He was re-
peatedly turned down; h1I re.
quests were called "coun·
terproductlve.'' Finally, this
was the excuse given for laking
the project away from him.
But the government could not
~up pres5 the disturbing
evidence. Now the Energy
Department has been compelled
lo broaden its mvestigation of
low·level radiation to 40 nuclear
racilities, including those Man-
cuso wanted to study.
ONE IS located at Rocky
Flats, Colo., in the shadow ol the
Rocky Mountains. More than 200
plutonium fll'es have broken out
at the planl Downwind, Denver
has had an increase in con-
Sternglass has concluded from
his studies that Rocky Flats is
responsible for rises in
respiratory cancer in the
Denver environs. Dr. Carl
Johnson. dlreclor of the board or
health in neighboring Jefferson
County, has found significant
rises In leukernla In the cot\·
laminated area. In the nearby
town of Golden, uccotdlng lo
Johnson, ~ldents between lhe
ogea of 45 and 64 have double the
rate or lung cancer found in un·
contaminated areas..
Dr. Edward Martell of tbe Na·
tional Center for Alm0$phenc
Research claims lbat
"plutonium in fallout is one of
the factors responsible for in·
treased cancer ln the population
in general."
But Jim Kelly, the strapping
union president who oversees
1,500 steelworkers at Rocky
Flats, disagrees with most of the
scientists' claims. He says "the
things thot need lo be done here
are attainable. The problems
are man·made.'' Questions of
safety, nevertheless, trouble
blm. "It enters every auy's
mind that works here.'' Kelly
told our reporter Eileen
Candan. "But we're not going to
be a bunch of human guinea pigs
-at least not knowingly:•
ROCKWELL International ex-
ecutives, who look over the
plant's operation in 1975, pcinl to
the improvements that have
been made since 1969 when
Rocky Flats was the scene or the
:,econd largest mdustnal fire in
U.S. history. Union president
Kelly also commends Rockwell
for the changes that have been
made since the company took
over Crom Dow Chemical. Com·
munlty leaders apee.
But only two weeks a~o.
another fire in a beryllium filter
plant at Rocky Flats put a build·
mg out of operation for two
days. Declares Dr. Tony Rob-
bins of the Colorado Department
t1f Jlealth·._"From a public
health potnl or view~ there's no
excuse for a facility like Rocky
Flats to be operating anywhere
near a populated area."
There's a 6,SOO·acre buffer
~one surrounding the plant. Rob-
bins and other health officials
a re worried because new
~uidelines, proposed by the En·
vironmental Protection Agency,
would allow commercial res-
idential development of this no-
man's-land up to the fence. Rob-
bins glumly told our associate
Howard Rosenberg: '"The stand·
ards that have been adopted
for radiation exposure are turn-
ing out to be not nearly con·
servallvc enough."
The story of Rocky Flats, on
this scrub brush-covered mesa
near Denver, could determine
the Cu lure of nucJear power.
Why Should State Oust Mobilehomes?
To the Editor
I .im writing to beg your
c-ooper<1t1on in saving my horn<'
and the homes of other residents
of El Morro Mobilehome Park in
Orange County The state is
moving to acquire from the
lrvmt• Company the beachland
between Corona de! Mar and
Jrvrne Co\'e, as well as acreage
m El Morro Canyon, to be used
as a public park and facility for
recreational vehicles.
l am living at El Morro
Mobilehome Park and making a
home here for my two sons
because, as a low-income
person, there 1s no other place I
could possibly afford to live in
Orange County. My work as a
salesperson ts in the Newport
fleach area, and 1f I am forced
out of El Morro, where can my
family live for rent of $170 a
month? As you must know, the
lack or low-income housing is a
great problem in this county,
and iL does seem ludicrous to
swell the ranks or those who
net'd such housing by forcing
me. and those like me (people
living on retirement and on
Social Security) out of this
mobilehome park.
WHY Ml'ST I lose my home
so that someone may park a
recreational vehicle on this
space? There arc acres and
acres of undevelopt'd land all
around that could ~ put lo lhii;
As to relocaUne me, everyooe
knows there are no vacancies In
rnobllehome parks in Orange
County, and thaL even ii lhere
were available spaces, parks will
not allow a mobllehome to be
moved ln ii ll ls more than two
years old. The alternative of the
tlat.e purchasing the homes in
this park (21.M at an averase cur·
rent market value ot about
0,000-$45,000) would ~e.-m a
lt•at txtrOVllOnce of tax ~yers' money for the •o acres il ,
would acquire of lhia park Jand.
To the Editor:
The Boa.rd of Supervisors, UD-
der tbo threat of a jolnl laws\Ul
b7 tb o candidates who are
Chall them in tho Ql)<'OID•
ing June elections, have now de·
c1ded not to Impose the $1,000
limitation on e1th<.'r themselves
or the challenger!>, until after
the June clcct1ons. Now Isn't
that sporting of them'
Since they each have over
$100,000 in their campaign cof·
fers, wouldn't it have made
more sense (1f they really want-
ed lo be fair to the challengers>
ror them to have restricted
themselves from accepting
another $1,000 from those who
have already given over the
$1,000 limitation?
Of course, 1t really doesn't
make much difference anyway
since the purported limitation is
~o full of gapinj? loopholes that
any enl<.'rprisin~ corporation or
group of mdividuals can easily
contribute many limes the $1,000
limitation. For instance, the of·
ricers of a corporation can each
give $1,000 and collectively lhal
corporation galn11 conAlderable
monetary clout wlth the
IN FACT, the larger develop-
ment corporations in Orange
County un easilY mu11ter up al
least $10,000·$20,000 1n th1-.
fashion . Fortunately, the
Grassroots Citizens <TIN CUP>
Campaign Reform Ordinance
plugs this loophole and makes 1t
illegal for any one corporation
or group of individuals to collcc
lively ban together and give
over a $1,000 within a 48·month
period .
H you think the Board or
Supervisors pulled a fast one
with the above, listen to this
one: The limit or $1,000 per m·
d1vidual is supposed to be pt'r
election. But, what that really
means is that between now and
the middle of November, as
much as $.1,000 can be collected
by each supervisor from each in·
d1v1dual contributor. This i~ how
1t works -$1,000 can be given
now for the June elections.
Another $1,000 can be given
hetween June and November for
the November elecUons. Shortly
after the November elections
another $1,000 can be given for
the candidates next election.
Thus, in less than six months a
supervisor can collect $3,000
from one individual -doesn't
sound much like a $1,000 limlta·
lion, does it?
If the citizens of Oranae Coun-
ty are serious about camp1ign
"You mustn't f your ltfe ls polnlleis-the
atreetl e much aaf8r since they put you In
reform. instead or campaign de·
form that is being fostered by
the incumbent Board of
~uperv1sors, then join in the ef·
foil to place the TIN CUP Cam·
pa1gn Reform Ordinance on the
No\'ember ballot.
To the Editor:
Jn last week's Daily Pilot a
front page news item particular-
ly struck me as ludicrous, i e.
"Carter Threat Flayed, Plan lo
Cut Miners' Food Stamps
The only nutra~c in this case
1 ~ that strikers even get food
stamps. as they are out of work
from choice. I am personally
outraged that a portioh of my
taxes are paying for their food
C'-.ce1w Mbplaeed
To the Editor:
Amy Lilzel's letter, March 19,
expressing her concern ror the
loss of "music, athletics.
driver's training and other non-
academic classes" iI the Jarvis
Amendment. Prop. 13, passes
was heart rending. However. 1f
her parents can save the ta"<
money the Jarvis Amendment
proposes on their home or rental
they would probably d•dly pro.
vlde these lesson~ for her
There are many excellent
mu1ic and drivM education
teachers and tdocaUon in s]>Ol'ts
is provided by lhe Parkl and
Recreation Department at
nom lnal fees. She can then 51et
more of her credits ln 1c1demlc
<'OUr!lf'!I that may ~rve her bet·
tt>r throuJth hfc. It won't "tum
out flabby, uncultuttd pc?ople"
or hf' tht• dl!\l!lt~r f<he env1sag~.
• IAltl'"I /rom rtadtrt ~ wfcomt.
1M rtgltt to c<mdftt• ~ co /It
tpae• or 1Umrrt01• W rwtotd.
Lift.,, of JOO ll'Ordt "' wa dU be
QiOftl tnJemtU. AU kiters ti.•
dudt tigntJIM" oJld mailbtg ~
but aam11 nwi be ~ oa ,..
.. qllld tt ..,,"*"',... • ..,...,, • flod1w '°"' ftOC be pt.~
·CALIFORNIA Wtd~. March 29 1978 DAILY PILOT .4.:J
1p1eduet Closed
Man Dead, 1
Hurt in Blast
DESERT CENTER (AP) -The Colorado
• River Aqueduct, Southern California's maw waler
•, source, remained abut down today after an elec·
trical explosion that killed one man and critically 1 injured a co-wot'kcr, authorities said.
Shortly after the explosion ripped through a
switch room at Eagle Mountain Pumping station
on Tuesday, officials of the Metropolitan Water
District closed the aqueduct as a precautionary
measure. They said il would probably be reopened
in a few days.
Officials said no water shortage was expected
because there was plenty of waler· in area
Botarg SlaowdotDn ••IT LOOKS UKE A SOO·pound bomb weot off
in there," said Paul Singer, MWD assistant chief·
of operations.
Jerry Scofield. 44, died at San Bernardino
County Medical Center just before midnight, of-
ficials said. John Boyd, 53, was reported in critical
condition today at the same facility.
..We are going to keep our women even if
we go down fighting," said Richard Key.
left , president of the Duarte Rotary Club
Tuesday after the chapter was ousted from
Rotary Intemat1onal because it had viol at·
ed a prohibition against women. Female
members are, left to right, Donna Bogart.
Mary Lou Elliott. Rosema.ry Frietag.
Jarvis Initiative SACRAMENTO <API An en
vironmentahst rally drew about 200
opponents of the proposed Sundesert
nuclear plant including two
members or the legislative subcom
mittee that 1s to vote on 1t today • School Role
OK'd by Judge
While anl.J·nuclcar speeches werl'
being made on the Capitol lawn Tues
day. the San Diego Gas & Electnc
Co. issued a statement reiterating its
accusation that the state Energy
THE SUNDESERT nuclear power ,.
plant would be built by SDG&E and •
its partner;s near Blythe in Riverside ,.
Committee once favored. then op A h s d LOS ANG EI.ES ! A P l -In a defeat for posed the plant. <Related story, A7 > mong t e anti-un esert rally speakers were three members of the llow:lrd Jarvis, a Superior Court judge has ruled full <'Ommittee, Democratic As
that the Los Angeles Unified School District should THE VOTE IS to be by the seven· scmblymen Tom Bates of Oakland.
distribute information on Jarvis' property tax in· member energy subcommittee of the Henry Mello of Watsonville. and
1t1at1v<' 15·membcr Assembly Resources, Harry Keene of Eureka
Superior Court .Judgt' GeorJ.:e Dell said Tues· Land Use nnd Energy Committct'
day that informing parents of the initiative's effect The s ulx·omm1Ucc 1s to inform the· Another speaker was Tom Hayden.
<>n the schools is an appropriate action for the dis· full comm1lle<' of its rccommcnda lormer U.S Senate candidate and
trict. and even its rcsponsib1hly tion Thursday Chicago 7 member. lie said hi s
.J a r v 1 s and th c The bill 1s SB 1015 bv Sen Newton public interest group, Campaign for
Sale Set?
j I
Queen's lntereat Low ' .;
... ' ·t
LONG BEACH (AP> -Chicago hot•llet :
Abraham N. Pritzker was the only one of tbl'ff f
parties lo txpress an interest 1n buyio& the ltn1114
cially·ailing Queen Mary, a permanently mooN:ct1 Long Beach tourist altt'action, city officials sald.
Randall J. Verue, director of the cltr't
Tidelands Agency, said Tuesday that ABC-TV an'
Taft Broadcasting Corp. were Uae other two a1en-.
cies with whom preliminary talks were held oQ
selling the Cunard Lines fla&shiJ>.
. VEllUE REFUSED to discuss tbe proposed
sale price, saying, "No dollar amount has beed
set; there are no commitments. Negotiations ar•
at a very preliminary stage." ,
The city of Long Beach bought the Queell
Mary in 1967 for $3 million and has since spent
another $61 million on renovatmg it as a tourist at-
T~E. QUEEN MARY also drained the city cl
SI .8 million annually, the money comine from the
tidelands oil fields, which the city operates in trust
for the state. ,
('it1zl'ns Legal Dt>fense (---------) Russell, R Glt'ndall'. t~1 l'Xempt Sun Economic Democracy, is .. not
l\lhancc had sought an desert from the 1976 law!> which against nuclear power per se." but ( J
tnJunction prohibiting the • ..,TATE forbid new nuclear plants unless "ants consumers' best interests """-----------STIMULATES d1slricl from sending out -there 1s a safe method of disposing of CED is backing a proposal for slate MA I LIU )X
information on Propos1 wastes Tht' bill has already pass~d grants and loans lo get a solar in-
tion 13 on the June ballot The measure would hm1t the Scnat(' ---~d~u~st~r~y_:s~ta~rt~e~d:._ ________ _1:=:~~~~~~~~~~~===============~~~~~~~~
i I
property taxes to one percent of market value
IJAW Meeting CalWd
LONG BEACH cAPl Amid reports of prog-
rt•ss toward settling lhl' McDonnell Douglas.
aerospace stnkc, the United Auto Workers says il
\\Ill hold a special membership meeting Thursday
.. The fact thut the t;A W called a meeting for
Thursda;. t•t•rhunly 1s a development of cons1dera
hie tnl<:rest. · M('lJonnell Douglas spokesman Don
Hansen s1ud Tuesday He said talks in the two.
month old strike art' .-.pro~ressing well ··
IJC Pay II lk*9
SACRAMl':NTO CA P 1 University of
l'altforn1u Pn•sicll•nt nu, td ~axon 1s requesting a
9 7 p<'rcent faculty pay raise despite Gov Edmund
Brown .Jr. 's 5 pN<'Cnt proposal
The• lf(' n•gt•nts a!'.kt•tl thP '>late last October
for a 9 :l percent rat!'.<' for lPachers in fiscal 1978-79,
but Brown is offcnn~ them the same 5 percent he
proposes for other state employt•es
BJla Male#• Ballot
SACRAMENTO I AP 1 State schools chief
Wilson Riles says a state Supreme Court order
placing his name on the June 6 primary ballot is a
victory of .. substance over form '·
But Secretary of State l\farch Fong Eu said the
decision could cause future problems for state
election officials and 1mphcd lhat Riles had gotten
special treatment from the court
LOS ANGELES <AP> Authont.Jes today
were'trying to determine why a UCLA law student
apparently shot both his parents to death at their
suburban Chatsworth home and then took his own ~ life.
Police said Scott Rubenstein, 23, was found
dead Tuesday, apparently after he fatally shot his
father. Hershet Rubenstein. 63. and mother,
Bernice, 59. The father's body was found in the
yard. and the mother's and son's ill the }\Ome. c>f·
ficials $&id.
Paid Polltlcal Advertisement
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It Was Up, Up and Away and Into the Bay Early Today
Wheels Dive
Tuv Held for Newport Swim
Two Newport Beach men went
to jail alter going for a swim
near the Cannery restaurant
early today.
in the parking lot.
The said it was accelerating
backwards, straight for the bay.
Harbor Patrolmen ellplained
that Robert Pagel and John
Quigg, both 20 and both of 1201 a
II 23rd St .. ran into trouble when
they went for a dip with their
Patrolmen Bob Singer and
Ron Thompson said they were 1 checking the docks at about 1
Wilen Ule car cQSbed through
the parking lot gu ard rail,
bounced off the adjacent dock
and landed upright in the water,
Singer and Thompson were pn the
spot and assisted Pagel and Quigg
from the vehicle. .
The car sank and the two men
were handed over to police who
booked Pagel 90 suspicion of
drunken driving and his
passenger on suspicion of bemg
drunk in public.
a.m. in the Rhine Channel near
the restaurant when they spotted
Pagel's 1968 Chevy accclcratmg
Takes Initiative
NB Group Seeks Growth-traffic Link
Cit• De6tf ~ .....
An initiative measure that
would tie future development in
Newport Beach to improve-
m ents in the city's traffic
system was unveiled Tuesday.
Its authors said they want the
measure on a special fall ballot.
The so-called traffic phasing
ordinance was discussed during
a noon-hour press conference at
city ball by leaders of the Legal
Environmental Analysis Fund (LEAF).
NB Firenien
.Push for
Pay Policy
Newport Beach's firemen say
they want to be paid on the
same basis as the city's policemen.
In February. clty councilmen
adopted a wriUen policy saying
police pay would be comparable
to the highest three salary and
fringe benefit packages paid
elsewhere in the county.
Monday, ~mbers of the
Newport Beach Fire Fighters
Association presented coun-
cilmen with a survey of all other
fire agencies in the county and
asked they be given the same
pay policy as police.
The city's four other employee
groups have indicated they will
seek similar policies.
Firemen asked that the mat·
ter be considered at the April 10
council meetinai, but MafOl'
Mil ._ nc.tal. who ls retirinC
from the council, cot everyone
lo afree t.o IMll it off until after
the pril ll election. The matter
is now April U .
The of the 17 agend• io Ot 1e County showa
Newport &e.ch in 14th place.
paying Its beginning firemen a
sa lary and fringe benefit
package that totals $1,602.47 per
<See POLICY, Page AZ>
LEAF organizer Jean Walt
said members of ber group will
begin circulating petitions April
14. Their goal ls 6,000 signatures
needed to quality the measure
for a special election in Sep.
tember or October.
LEAF, according to Mrs
Watt, ls made up or about 100
Newport Beach residents. Most
of them are member.i of another
organisation she heads, Stop
,Polluting Our Newport (SPON>,
Mrs. Wattadded.
LEAF members Dan Emory,
Calvin McLaughlin, Ed Siebel
and Mrs. Walt said the measure
will not come to a vote until
after the current analysis of the
city's general plan is completed.
LEAF members , who have
sought a decrease in the amount
of future. building allowed in the
city. have been pushing for a
building moratorium unlit the
city's traffic problems could be
Their requests have 'been
turned down by city councilmen
who instead have launched the
Golden 'Gafe'
Chamber Jabs lroine Council
The Irvine City Council has won an unusual award re-
lated to its approval earlier this month of the Northwood
Plaza commercial center.
THE NEWPORT Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce
has bestowed upon the council its Golden Gafe (Go Away
Free Enterprise) award.
Chamber Pre.9ident Rudy Baron said the Irvine Coun~
cit was cited as the single organization in the
Newport/Irvine area least supportive of free enterprise.
The council is the ftrst recipient of the bonor.
IN A PRESS release, Baron said the chamber was
irked because, while the Irvine Council approved the
center March 15, it stipU.lated that no food operation be in·
eluded, and placed a 10 p.m . curfew on the center.
"Nowhere else in the city is a center as severely
restricted as to uses or time of operation," he said.
Irvine City Council members could not be reached this
morning in regard to possible acceptance speeches.
Potential School
Cutbaclis Outlined
Sbarp i-eduetlons in summer
school and adult education pro-
grams may be in store for the
Newport-Mesa Unified School ·District· if the Jarvis-Gann
property tax initiative passes,
district Superintendent John
Nicoll told school trustees Tues·
$200,*"per yur.
Passage of Proposition 13 on
the statewide ballot in June
would wipe out the district's
Community Service Tax, a six-
cent fee tacked on the regular
school tax.
This tax raises about $800,000
<See CUTS, Page AZ)
general plan review.
That review, still in progress,
so far has produced a pledge of a
20 percent reduction in future
residential building from the
Irvine Co., the city's largest lan·
downer~ •..
Asked if LEAF members were
satisfied with that reduction,
Mrs. Wall noted "there's no way
to know ~~t if the 20 percent as enough. The point of the ordi·
nan~~ 1s to put future building
into r elations hip with tbe
<See TRAFFIC, Page A2>
Back Work
On Freeway
Most candidates for the
Newport Beach City Council
said Tuesday that. if elected.
they would work with the City of
Costa Mesa to seek completion
of the Costa Mesa Freeway.
No candidate opposed the
freeway. but several didn't com·
ment when the question was
raised at a candidates' forum at
Newport Heights School.
"The real traffic problem isn't
in Newport Beach, it's 10 Costa
Mesa and the freeway," said
Bill von Esch, a candidate m
Newport's First Counc1lmanac
Jackie Heather, city Planning
Com mission chairman who 1s
running m District 4, said she
has been meeting with some
repre11entatives of Costa Mesa's
city government and they are
seeking 80,000 signatures on a
A bout 20,000 signatures have
been collected so far on the pell-
tion to urge state offac1als to
finish the freeway, Mrs. Heather
said. The freeway currently
ends in the northern part of the
city at Mesa Drive. pounn~ traf-
fic onto Newport Boulevard.
Lucille Kuehn, Dastnct 6, the
only mcumbc'nl in the campa1i:in,
said she also would lake to sec
(Sec FREEWAY, Pagl' A2 >
$225 Million Grossed
Nicoll also predicted cutbacks
in personnel and the elimination
of school facilities currently
available for recreation pro·
lroine Company Reve11lle Vp {J() Percent
•·we may have to get out of
the civic center business and not
have our facilities available
after school and on weekends,"
Nicoll said today. Irvine Company officials re-
ported today that the land com·
pany is expected tQ gross $225
million in als first year under
new management
That revcnur figure, which is
up 60 percent over the previous
year, is the result of an creased
prices of land , company
spokesman Martin Brower said.
According lo Brower, the com·
pany's land sales have been
"very close" to the acreage an·
ticipated for sale under the
former management.
"The basic reason revenues
are up so dramatically 1s thal
the market has been strong,
especially in the industrial area,
and prices have gone up."
Since the company's takeover
Mostly cloudy tonight
and Thursday with in-e re..a sing chance of
showers by late tonight.
Forty percent chance or
• tbowtra 'Jbu.raday. Lows
tonight ln the 505. Highs
Thursday in the 60s.
C~ column.flt Syltna
Pof'Ur Caloi• 4 loolt at /arm
Plue• ond how lhtJI affect
{lf'9C•'11 bU!f. A .m.1 &torta
todoll °" PaQe 87. .....
by new management last July
there has been little discussion
nf its financial status.
However, in an interview with
The Associated Press, company
President Peter Kremer re·
leased the gross earnings
figures He said the first year's
earnings under the new manage·
ment would be enough lo repay
alJ but $50 million of the $240
million loan used lo buy the
company last summer.
Kremer's statement did not in·
dude reference to the $100
million long-term loan the com·
pany arranged with the Pruden-
li a I Insurance Company this
fall. That loan, which was used
to retire a portion of the short·
term $240 million loan used in
buying the company, is secured
oy about 4,500 of the company's
Kremer went on to say the
record performance was. a c-
complished without seOing off
any income properties or raw
land -two things predicted
"hen the new owners paid $337.4
million for the company.
Brower explained today that
Kremer's remark did not in·.
elude two major sales recently
&nnounced by the company -
the 120,000-acre 1''1ymg D Ranch
in Montana and the 30.2 acres in
the industrial complex.
The company made about $15
million on the sale of the catUe
Hitchhikers' ,
~Bodies Found
decomposed bod1 found out•
1lde Barstow have been lden-
tllled as a Cuo&a Park brother
and ai~ter who dluppeal'Cd
while hilchhJk1n1 home from
La V (U, au&horiU I 117.
Xhe vlctJms W•re idenUfled bY \h• San Beroudlno County
Sher ft'• iep.rtmen' TUelday u
Jttcquelloo Brad.sl\aw, 18, and herb~ alcolm, 1.
ranch to Texas rancher Robert
Shelton late last year.
The industrial sale to the
Canadian-based Daon Corp. was
announced Friday. The com·
pany reported the sale of ready·
to-develop parcels near the San
Diego Freeway and Jamboree
Road for $5.8 million, "one of
the largest (sales) in the history
of the Irvine Company." accord·
ing to Brower.
He srud today that neither the
Flymg D nor the mduslrial com-
plex land was considered in·
come property or raw land.
"Our results in this first year
have been far beyond even our
wildest expectations," Kremer
told The Associated Press. "It
has shown beyond any doubt
lhat the financing, even with a
$240 million, nine-bank term
loan, was not only well advised
but was a very proper and very
appropriate financing fM this
He said he was not "propagan·
dizin~" auinst Jarvis, "but
operating under the bchef it will
The district currently has
$545,000 in its budget for opera·
lion of the summer school pro·
gram that serves about 10,000
students each summer.
Nicoll said summe r school
programs a re not mandatory
and said the programs for
elementary and middle schools
"may be eliminated "
He said the district will con·
duct a study to determine how
many high school students re·
quire summer school units for
Reductions in summer school
for high school students would
come only after cutbacks in the
lower grades, said Nicoll.
Likewise, the district would
have to tighten its belt when it
comes to the adult education
program that operates on about
Newport Sarvey
Chamber Majority
Favors Jarvis Plan
A majority or businessmen
who responded to a Newport
Harbor Area Chamber of Com·
merce sdrvey say they will vote
for the Jarvis-Gann property tax
limitation lnltiaUve.
Complete results of the survey
have not been tabulat~. but
chamber Exeeutlve Director
Dan Rosen said today that
more than 60 . percent of the
reapondentl tald they are ln
favoJ' of Prop.~
Ro1ert Hid 1.500 survey1
were sent to chamber memben
and that mo than 300 have
bein MW1Md lll th pest two w ill1. .
Tb• aQ.rVey • which lDchlded
questions about the c:~amber's
stand on a variet.i of local is-
sues, was made a1 part of a re-
adessme11t or chamber policies,
Rogers explained.
Ho said the results showed
strong membenhJp bacldn& oC
the chamber position tn oppoel·
tion to a bulldl.nt moratorium and for construction ot roads in
the ltarbor Area. Ho aakt lt also
becked the chamber J>O•lUon
11aln1t expan1Jon of Oranae Count.Y Airport.
He 1 d the q tion on J'arvta
waa includod to ald e amber
directon 1D dlfta lthet.ber t.o take a ·poeltJon o tbe con~
tronnlal a.to ballot meuure.
Junior JOO. 23, a Laguna Beach improvisabonal musician.
plays his trumpc\ to the accompaniment of a portable
F.M radio in a south Laguna tunnel. The musician hkes
the resonance of his notes bouncing off the cement walls
of the twmel. Jt paues under South Coast Highway to
Aliso Beach. Junior• not bothering the neighbors, either.
.4.,Z OAll Y PILOT N w
Thue are J2 aclaoe cClndidales Jor
/our 1eoll on lhe Newport Bt!och CJ.
ty Council. The election 11 Apnl J l
In Newpori Beach, candadale1 for
ihe aeuen-meml>er councd mu1t re-
al~ in the councllmanac dutrict
they hope to repre1ent. Voler.t
throughout tl1'! cdy c~t ballot1 for
one candidate m eoch dlatnct and
the top vole getter an ta.eh dastnct ii
Followtng are bri•f profi~1 o/
thrH of the floe octh,_ candidotea m
the Far1t Councilmanic Di!trict
together with their an.twers 10 que&·
t1ons about some oj the 11tw•
Similar proJHe• on the two other oc-tave candidotH In the Far1t l>Jltru:t
waU appear m subsequent 11sue1 of
the Daily Pilot
The nanv of o IU'th candlc1ale an
the Fmt Dutrict, I.a Vern t:U la
Cieroa. Will appear on the ballot.
but she hes withdrawn /rom the ,.ace.
Donald Strauss, 101 V1 <1
Venezia, is 61, has llved in
Newport Beach for 20 years, re
ceived a bachelor's degree in
business from Stanford
University and a master's
degree in employee relations
!rom Cornell University and is a
corporate officer for Bechman
Bovan SUJJpect
Battl.es Cops'
Drug-death Tie
Lawyers for murder trial de-
fendant Alexander Kulik con-
t inued today to protest pohce ac-
tions dunng a drug arrest that.
they claim, led to his being
linked to the killing of Stephen
John Bovan of Fountain Valley.
They told Judge Robert P.
Kneeland Tuesday during
Orange County Superior Court
~retrial action on the grand
Jury's murder indictment of
Kulik and six co-defendants that
evidence taken by police dunng
his drug arrest was illegally ob-
Kulik, 28, of Linda Isle,
Newport Beach, was found
s leeping in a vintage Stutz
Blackhawk that he parked in the
parking lot of a Mission Viejo
shopping center Oct. 23.
Defense lawyers claim that
the search, which allegedly pro-
duced a quantity of "China
white" h e roin valued by
sherlrC's officers at more than $1
million was tllegal ln the sense
that 1t sparked Kulik's prosecu-
t10n on the Bovan charges.
It was asserted durin5' the
hearing Tuesday that other de-
fendants may have been prej-
udiced by the evidence obtained
from Kulik's car.
All seven defendants were in-
dicted on murder charges after
the grand jury was told that they
were hnked to a murder plot
that led to the shooting of Bovan
outside a Newport Beach
restaurant Oct 22, the day
before Kullk's arrest on drug
The Bovan killing brouaht Into
public view what police claim
was a multimillion dollar drug
Hmugellng ring which concealed
revenues in the assets of out-
wardly respectable business
firms. in ~:ange County.
It ls alleged that Kulik and
other principals ln Prasadarn
Distributing Inc. hired three
men to d.i5pose or Bovan.
Jerry Peter Flori, 41, of Hunt-
ington Beach faces the death
penalty for bla alleged slaying or
Police clalm that he is the
man who pumped nine shots into
Bovan during a confrontation
outside the El Ranchito
reataurant Newport Beach.
Defense attorney Philip
DeMassa araued for Kulik Tues·
day that bis client's arrest was
illegal because It was based on
the evidence obtained ina1de the car and police had no warrant
juatllyinJ the search.
..... '
"I've dealt with a lot of dollars
all my life. This city needs to
have someone wbo knows you
can't overspend. With the tax
S. H. "Hap" Byers, 401 Via
Lido Soud, la SO, has lived in
Newport Beach for four years,
received a bachelor's degree
from the USC School of Busi-
Dally ,.. ... St.ff .......
Shopping Center Worker1 Enjoy 'Giving Something That Can't Be Bought'
Blood Project Lauded:
A lot of employees or Fashion
Island's six department stores
could be found lying down on the
job Tuesday -with the blessing
of their bosses.
The prone Mleaglrls and stock
clerks were glving blood as part
of a biannual project sponsored
by the shopping centet's stores.
The Orange County Chapter of
the American Red Cross set up
its bloodmobile in the
employees' canteen of the J . C.
Penney Store and when the last
donor left, there were 102 pmts
to add to the county's blood
tr the small sample of donors
who were giving blood at about 2
p.m. was indicative of the rest,
the Red Cross can look forward
to seeing more of these people.
''It made me feel good in·
side," commented Jay Donovan.
The last lime Miss Donovan
gave was in 1969. Would she wait
so long before givina again?
Definitely not.
Tuesday's blood drive waa the
outarowth or a proaram that
first got started at the Broadway
In 1975, accordlna to Aames
Hendrickson, manager of the
•'We had an employee who
needed 13 plnta of blood, .. he ex-
plained. "So we ltarted a con-
certed drive ...
Thieves Hit
NB Apartment
N•WPO:rt Beach police are in-
vt1ti1atll\1 the theft of '31,000
worth ol •Oods taken wblle a local Hi!Alent wa "fl1lUn1 hl1 pareDt. for Uw hollda1 wetkend.
Duane Deane Ooebtl. II, ot 1000 Part Nnport reported the
break-lo early Monday when he
turned fn>m hll trtp. ·
Valuables listed' as atolen ln-
c 1 ad ed Jewelry, elolhinc. cun era equipment. al.rt<>
equipment. appUa.ncu and m
Police said It ar,pea~d th•
f'ront door to Goebel • apartment
bad been pried opH wltb a
Hendrickson, who regularly
gives blood himself, said he has
watched the program grow
because "they find out it's not
hard to do and it makes them
feel good to be giving something
that can't be bought."
From the inltial effort which
<'nlalled a few Broadway
employees going to the Red
Cross blood center in Santa Ana.
the program has grown to the
point that a bloodmobile is set
up an the shopping center twice a
Brian Sewell, personnel
manager of J. C. Penney, also
noted that lhe blood drive pro·
vides a project for employees lo
work on toeether.
Scott Robinson who had just
finished giving his first pint of
blood said he'd probably return
''It can help your family, so why
not," he asked.
As Miss Donovan was leaving
with a group of fellow
employees. she admitted she
was a "little scared at first. But
I figured it's for a worthy cause
so I don't mind 1f I reel sick "
As it turned out, she didn't
feel sick, she said she just felt
good about doing something to
help somebody.
Diedrich Dismissal ·
Will Be Appealed
ClltlleDellY ..........
A Judge's dismlssal of lndict-
JUents that chareed Orange
County Supervisors Philip An-
thony, Ralph Diedrich and their
co-defendants with violations of
state political campaign reiuta·
lions will be appealed to a
higher court.
That was the word out of San
J>le10 today u cleputJ Attorney
General Jettrey Joseph said,
"This case isn't going to go
away that easy."
It appeaNd that euy for de-
fendant. remainl.nt in the ease
when Superior Court Judge
Philip Schwab dlaolisaed all but
a atnclo charge contained in
lhrM lndictmentl.
Judye Schwab based hit dis-miau on the fact thllt onlY eight
.crand jurors heard all the
evldeqco aru! wtlmont durins the elth\·month tJweattaauon
leadln1 to the Julf 1, lt1'1, in-
dldmeni.. ~cordlni to l\11 lnterpr.taUon
of t:he law \t la ntce1nry fw •t
leaat 12 Jutort to \'olt an indkl·
ment and to bnt beard all th
tt Umony teadlPa to th• nuna ot
char au. "Wt HNI w1tb .that ttm·
cl lo "Jeffrtt aaid.
H ~ t t td nee and'
tuUmOQ7. iuen lnto consldcta· . .
lion by the grand jury before
February 1977, "was not related
to the charavs.
JeCfrey alio noted that Schwab
had commented in his decision
that ''the c harges aren't ground-
.. We therefore feel we have no
alternative but to appeal the de-
cision and, if that ftuls, we will
file an .information and reinstate
the ch1t1es." the Deputy At·
lomey General said.
Al least temporarily cleared
by the charges were Anthony.
Anaheim Ctt1 Councilman
WUUam Kott and former finan-
cier Gene Conrad.
Cleand of all but one charge
waa Dledrtch.
JnltlallY. those four alona with
Fullerton attorney Mlchael
Reminston and Calabasas
Jeweler M•rtln Klnhner were
cbarsced with m\llUpto vlolaUona
of atate poUUcal campalp rea· ul!~onl-
'l'ne charaa deatt rnalrUy wttb
llernpu to dla1u..Lso the lru•
sourco of Cuhdi ftlt..rtd lnto Aft.
thony and Knott campalans tn 1m.
"I have worked hard motl of
my Ufe•ao now I could afford the
luxury ol lalting the time to 'pay
my debt' to my community and
society. 1 have no committee,
I've not borrowed money for this
campalp from anybody. My as-
set is my objectivity and falr-
How wlll 1oa vote on the
Jarvb·Gama laltlaUve and nat
would yoa do •• a eouacll
member lf It paaest
"I'm divided on Jarvis-Gann.
I don't like it, but J like Proposi-
tion 8 even less because it was
brou1ht up to stop Jarvis-Gann.
I want to see spendint in
Sacramento stopped.
"If it passes, we will have to
take a long, bard look at the
Newport Beach and Costa Kesa
work toaether on tbelr
paramedic and police bellcopter
programs to cut COltl and (m.
prove quality.
Also speaking in favor of lD-
terc lty cooperation were Hap
Byers, Don Strauss and JObn
Tucker of District 1 and Mike
Gering and Frank Ivens ol Dis·
lrict 3.
Traffic problems were also ad·
dressed by Evelyn Hart of Dia-
t ri ct 3, who sald that .. One
man's profit becomes another
man's penalty," and by Peg
Forglt or District 1, wbo polftted
out that all District 1 candidates
live within 'half a mile of each
other yet drlve 1eparatel1 to
candidate forwna.
Brazilian Leader
Greets President
BRASILIA, Bruil (AP> -
President Carter w~s greeted
here today by President Ernesto
Geisel on the second stop or his
four-nation tour, and stressed
According to a summary pre-
pared by Emory, the· ordinance
would apply only to projects of
more than 10 residential umts
and commercial and industnal
projects of more than 10,000
square feet.
Building permits for projects
larger than that could only be 1s-
s u e d under three
-rr the projed's traffic im-
pact 1s less than one ptrcent on
a street with an a lready un-
satisfactory level of service.
-If the project's traffic im-
pact will not create an un-
satisfactory level of service on•
the city's four and six-lane
-Jf the project's benefits or
traffic mitigation measures are
sufficient to gather six out of
seven favorable votes from both
the Planning Commission and
the City Council.
The unsatisfactory level of
service, as defined by the in·
itiative. is 90 percent of a
primary <four lanes divided> or
major (six lanes di v1dcd)
bigbway's capacity.
The authority for determining
when a road is at the unsatisfac-
tory level would be left with the
city traffic en~ineer.
The LEAF members said they
consider the ordinance flexible
and Mrs. Watt pointed out that tf
the current general plan review
produces the density reductions
and phasing of development she
thinks are needed, "then the in-
itiative won't pass."
Fro.Page Al
The top three paying cities,
Anaheim. Santa Ana and Hunt-
ington Beach, range rromi
$1,885.58 in the beach city to
$2,026.88 in Anaheim for a com-
parable job.
In a report prepared for city
councilmen, City Manager
Robert Wynn noted that the
change ln ~rement, negotiated
last year, which aoes into effe<:t
on July 1 this year, will raise
that package by $'97.25, maltin&
the Newport total Sl,699.72.
According to the statistics in
WyM'I report, that would move
the Newport Beach department
into eighth place, assuming that
none of the other departments
graQttd their ttremen raiaes or
incrcues in their Iring~
The poUce department also
w11 tn Uth place tn a almllar salary atudy -.rhlch 1parked the
pay policy chanae tor Newport
Tt\at turvty ahowed that the
comb\ned Illar)' and benefits of
11,115 eareed by • ~1lnnlnC
Newport Policeman compared to
the $2 CMG to $2,150 pald by the
top tbrt police a1encles.
Anaheim, Irvine and Santa Ana.
common interesta between Brazil
and the United States.
His opening remarks men·
lioned human rights and nuclear
nonprollferatlon, two touchy
subjects between lhe United
States and Brazil's military gov·
ern m ent. Controversies over
Brazil's human rights policies
and its move toward nuclear
power have chilled relations re·
cently between the two long·
time allies.
Carter said the "worldWide
struggle to advance the cause o(
hum an freedom and the rule o(
law" will succeed "only when
we . . • speak to each other
frankly and with understand-
ing ..
Carter said botb nations
believe the peaceful use or
atomic energy "is not incom-
patible with the need to prevent
nuclear proliferation."
He arrived in warm, muggy
weather at ceremonies attended
by a handful of dignitaries and
~ua rded by tight security. He
will spend about 20 hours here
before goinK to Rio de Janeiro
for a rest. then on to Africa.
Earlier. in Caracas,
Venezuela, Carter urged poor
countries to join rich industrial
nations in a five-step drive to
fight inflation, create jobs and
raise living standards.
CUTS •••
annually to provide acllool
f P.cl ht1es for Coastline Com·
munity College and city recrea-
tion programs in Newport Beach
and Costa Mesa.
Nicoll said there would be no
immediate cutbacks In district
personnel tr the initiative
passes. But he said the district
would be "gearing up for major
chan~es" when staffing reqUire--
men ts are considered next
District officials say about 60
teachers will lose their Jobs at
the end of this school year
because of dccllnJng enrollment.
but those job losses have nothing
to do with the Jarvis-Cann ln·
Flat Roofing
Brings Lido
Board Action
Di rectors of the Udo Isle Com·
munity Association took letal
action Tuesday qalnat two
members who alle1edly are
violating architectunl rules by
bulldina a flat roof on their
ll la alleged ln the Oranae
County SUperior Court Jawallit
naming Gilbert W. and Anna J.
Ferguson, 113 Via Waders, u
defendanta. that &.bey bave re-
fused to dJ1cuu their dee'lllon to
replace tM atandard e111 tne roof adolMd by ~ members
of the aaociaUon.
The uaoctation Neb a «>wt
order that would co peJ the
Fer1uton1 to adhere to local
archttectural 1laQdard&. Jl
further Hkl for $11,00 In
d1ma1ea and add!UoDal lqat
. •. . ·.
uedu t Clo ed Sale Set? . • ~ .
I Man Dead, 1
HUrt in Blast
Queen's Interest Low .. ·~ :j
DESERT CENTER <AP) -The Colorado
• River Aqueduct, Southern California '1 main water
source, remained shut down today after an elec-
trical explosion that killed one man and crlUcal.ly
• injured a co-worker, authorities said.
Shortly after the explosion ripped through a
switch room at Eagle Mountain Pumping Station
on Tuesday, officials of the Metropolitan Water
District closed the aqueduct as a precautionary
measure. They said 1t would probably be reopened
in a few days.
Officials said no water shortage was ~ because there was plenty of water' in area
. ..IT LOOKS UKE A 500-pound bomb went off
10 there," srud Paul Singer, MWD assis tant chief
• LONG BEACH (AP> -Cbicaao boteUtr :
Abraham N. Pritiker was the only one of thrte
parties to upress an lntereat. in buying the fiD&a·
cially-alling Queen Mary, a permanently moored
Long Beach tourist attraction, city officials said. '
R ahdall J . Ve rue, director of the city·,
Tidelands A1ency, said Tuesday that ABC-TV and
Taft Broadcastln1 Corp. were the other two aae•
cies with whom preUmtnary talks were held °'
.selling the Cunard Lines fla&ship.
VERVE REFUSED to diacUS9 the proposed
sale price, saying, "No dollar amount has beep
set ; there are no commitments. Negotiations an
at. a very prellmanary stage.''
The city or Lont Beach bought the Qu~
Mary m 1967 for $3 million and has since spent
anothe r $161 million on renovating it as a tourist at-
t raction.
of operations.
J erry Scofield, 44, died <it San Bernardino
County Medical Center just before midnight, of-
ficials said. John Boyd, 53, was reported in critical
condition today al the same facility.
.. We are going to keep our women even 1f
we go down fighting," said Richard Key.
left, president of the Duarte Rotary Club
Tuesday after the chapter was ousted from
Rotary Internallonal becam;e it had violat-
ed a prohibition against women. Female
members are. left to right, Donna Bogart,
Mary LouEJliolt,.Rosem ary Frietag.
THE QUEEN MARY also drained the city or
$1.8 mul.aoo annually. the money coming from the
tidelands oil fields, wh1ch the city operates in trust
for the state.
The two men were working in the switch house>------------------------------·------------------------------when the fire involving a 6,900-volt switch ignited.
The cause of the explosion was not immediate-
ly determined. Authorities said there was no °Exemption "Ote
damage to any of the nine huge pumps at the s ta------=~-------
to the s witch room could run as high as $250,000.
One of two electrical gearswitch banks at the
Eagle Mountain plant. about 200 miles east or Los
Angeles, was heavily d amaged in the fire, officials
Jarvis Initiative
School Role
OK'd by Judge
I.OS ANG ELF.S t /\P J • Jn a defeat for
Howard Jarvis, a Superior Court Judge has ruled
Sundesert Opposition
Draws 200 at Rally
vironmentalist rally drew about 200
opponents of the proposed Sundesert
nuclear plant including two
members or the legislative subcom
mittee that is to vote on it today
While anti-nuclear speeche:. wen•
being made on the Capitol lawn Tues
day. the San Diego Gas & Electnc
Co. 1ss\K'd a statement reiterating its
accusation that the state Energ)
Committee once favored, then op-
posed the plant. <Related story. A 7 1
that the Los Angeles Unified School District s hould THE VOTE IS to be by the seven
distribute information on Jarvis' property tax in· member energy subcommittee of the
1tiat1vc 15-m ember Assembly Resources,
Superior Court Judge G<'Orge Dell said Tues-Land Use and Energy Committee
day that informing parents or the mit1ative·s effect The subcommittee Is to inform tht' Another SJ)t!aker was Tom Hayden.
on the ~l'hOOb is an upr>roprtak action for the dlS· full committee Of its recommcnd;i I or mer U.S. Senate Candidate and
trtcl. and even its rcspons1b11ity lion Thursday Chicago 7 member. lie s aid his
.Jar v 1 s and th c The bill is SB 1015 hv Sen Newton public interest group, Campaign for
OJI. ('Iii\ '\ta:~ •
,\, rt'<omnwnded In lht• •
\•~.,., ....
lt • • •• .. ,. •
1• ,.
t • .• .. • • •
I • .. ..
f .IC lolf\ for "' Jon~ .t' • • , it \tlllfl~ll\Ollrt.iH lt • it • • • ************************************** • LE "SING .\II :'11akt'' Fort•ii:n & Domei.lk. • • • J..'°1 • f'or A BNtt-r l.Ras<>,Se<' Pelc-!"euer •
• or Call 537-7771 t,11:l. 600 • ******~************•******************• l'1tilens Legal l>cfensel J Russell. R -Glcnd<1lc. to cxempl Sun Et·onomic Dcmocra<'Y, 1s "not
Alliance had soughL an desert from the 1976 laws which Jgainst nuclear power per se," but ~(~~~~~~~~~~~~]---------------~~
inJu nction prohibiting the . ..,T,fTE forbid n~w nuclear plants unless wnnts cons ume rs' best interests '-----------STIMULATES district fr-0m sending out --------' there is a i;afe method of d1sposmg of CED is back1hg a proposal for stale ,, A I LBO\.
inform ation on Propos1 wastes. The ball has already passed grants and loans to get a solar tn·
t10n 13 on the June ballot The measure would limit ~t~h~e~s~·e~n~a~te~·-----------~d~u~s~tr~y'...:s~ta~rt=e~d _________ _b~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;~~==============~~~~~~~~
property taxes to one percent of market value.
IJAW Jtf~tlng Cal~d
LONG BEACH tAP> Am1d reports of prog-
ress toward settling the McDonnell Douglas.
aerospace strike, the United Auto Workers says it
wall hold a stx•c1al membership meeting Thursday
.. The rael that the UAW called a meeting for
Thursday l'crt ainly 1s a development of considera ·
hi<' intcrt·st. · McDonnell Douglas spokesman Don
Hansen said Tuesday He said talks in the two-
month old ~lrtkc an• · progressing well ..
IJC Pay ff ilu>
S .\CHI\ :\1 ENTO t ·\ P 1 Uni vers1ty of
California President David Saxon as requesting a
9 7 pc-rc<'nt faculty pay raise despite Gov. Edmund
firown .Jr 's 5 percent proposal.
ThC' UC r<•gents as ked lhe state last October
ror a 9.3 percent raise for teachers in fiscal 1978· 79,
but Brown is offcn ng lhem lhe same 5 percent he
proposes for other state cmployt'es
Riln ltlalu-• Ballof
SACRAMENTO 1 I\ PI State schools chief
Wilson Riles says a state ~upreme Court order
placing his name on the .June 6 primary ballot is a
victory of "subst.u ncc over form ·
But ~r<'tary of State March Fong Eu said the
dec1s1on could cause future problems for slate
election officials and 1mplted that Riles had gotten
special treatment from the court
Jtfm-der-suiride Probed
LOS ANGELES <APl AulhoriUes today
were trying to determine why a UCLA law student
apparently s hot both his parents to death at their
s uburban Chatsworth home and then took his own
'1.J l1
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Police :.aid Scott Rubenstein. 23, was found
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•. A 6 Edit • l p Ro~rt N WH<I Publl~her Thomts KHvll/!dltor
Or ii Coast Daily Pile ~ ag.e ________ w·.di·M*Jay·-··M·w·c·h·29-, .18·71·--------·SA-r·ba-r.s_l(.re.•.b.IC·h·/E-dl.tor-l•.1.P.·-·E·dl·r·-· ~~t
·~-Extremist Views
·:Prolong Dispute ., ..
Is. it ever going le.> be possible lo draw together the
opposing factions in N<•wport Beach's long-standing
dtspute over development~
• Last week's general plan review workshop \\.&s a ~lassie example of narrow mindcdnt•ss th,ll characterizes
1 the extremes tn point of vww.
Th<.' Jn.me Company repr<'M·nt;.1t1H·s lo the weekly
'l'u<•sday sessions rnrvrmcd lhc aud1cnn· that the
company is designing its rcmamrng n.•s1dt•nt1al parcels lo
av~rage a 20 percent decrease from the dcns1t v allowed br the general plan. Partisans in the developm.ent camp
viewed the move as something Just short of divme. ·
Anti-development l'Xtremists, on the other hand,
grumbled about the standard lrvmc Compan} dog and
pony show and said the reductions should have been
, mcluded in the original gt•ncrnl pl;rn They don l sec tht-
1 '20 percent cutback as a t·unn•ssion, l.Jul as thl· \\av things
: should have been to bl· gm with
.~ . The 20 percent n·dudwn on the lr\'lnc Company 's
residential land rl'ally fih rnto rlL'llhc1 v1c\\. It \\as a
, s tart, thJt s all. It 1-. nut thl' solut10n to the prnblem
, There arc oth<:r IJll'CL's of property and other properl)
1 owners from which more concessions will have to come
-.~ The reducllon merely gl•ls things moving 10 the right
direction. r Water Vote Que stioned
I A handful of l<.irgc-scale property owners soon may
~ vote -by mail -on massive issues that would allow
~ taxation of propert) to puy for major water and sewage
~ facilities into the 21st century.
i Directors of Irvine Ranch, Santa Margarita and
Moulton Niguel water districts are seeking authorizations
that could allow <.·ventual sale of up to $3 2 billion in
tax-secured general obligation bonds.
• By this mean!>. the lando\\ners avoid lht• taxing f limitations that could come with the Janis-Gann ~ mil1ativ;:,• should Prop. 13 on the June 6 ballot pass. l In·inc Ram·h Water D1Rtrict board members say it is
• doubtful they would get in under the Jarvis-Gann wire at
{ any rate.
~ The situation agam focuses attention on the fact that
: the decisions on key economic questions relating to future
~ !<incl use arc being made not by residents of the water 1 districts but by the owners.
! In the case of the Irvine Ranch \\rater District, the
:'it v of In inc has ~aid lhe landowner-controlled water
1oard dot•sn't have the nght to call lht• election because
.elect ion of the board's du ectors 1s not tonstitutional.
Ft\'<.' of the scvt·n member board are picked by
andowncrs and two by the 43,000 residents of the district
fhe city maintains that this viol;itcs the one-man.
me-vote principle of the U S. Constitution.
The IRWD board will be elected by populJr \'Ole in
~ '983. But the current action of the land owners would
• ·each to the year 2010.
~ The City of Irvine may be right about the
: ... ·onslitutional issul'. Certainly the matter ~hould be
1judicated before these far-reaching decisions are made.
Marina Plan R e vive d
Discussion ha<; resurfaced ovt·r the pretty much
lrgottcn plan to construct a public marina along the
anla Ana Ht\•er to serve residents of Costa Mesa,
:cwport and Huntington Beach.
Costa l\tesa Councilman Dominic Raciti has called
)f formatwn of a committee made up of city officials
nd county representatives to discuss the proposed
atewav to the sea.
This could be a step to gauge community interest in
1e plan last discussed and declared financially
1feasihle in an independent report in 1974.
The SJ9 million price tng listed at that time has most
kcly doubled now, <.1t•cording to Costa l\tesa officials.
nd lhere ~till are many questions without answers as to
hat agencies would pay the tab.
However, the county's recent purchase of about 120
rres of undeveloped land on the Costa Mesa side of the
· 1ver betwee n Victoria •rntl 19th Streets renews the
ossibihty of a marina.
The marina remains a county option ror the land and
's now up to local r<'sidents and city officials to decide if
push should be made 111 this direction.
A great deal of int C'rest and cooperation would be
eccled to rcnve this co~lly proposition. IL could lw worth
1e effort. • oln1ons expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot
ther views expressed on this page are those of their authors and
t1sts. Reader comment is invited. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O.
ox 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321.
Boyd I Picasso
hus received $6 a mile. Had
he divided it among 120
sailors, which he didn't, that
would've been a nickel a
mile each, which it wasn't.
Got that? ·
C u nning artist. that.
icasso. He paioted a
1rtrait in 1908 of Gertrude
eio, the queen bee of the
'<pat riate liter ary h ive ln
. ranee. Friends said ii didn'l A study' of Tokyo savings
instilutl003 Indicates about
two out or every five
Japanese wives keep secret
bank accounts unknown to
their husbands.
• ok like her. Picasso said,
.wer mind, in ti.me, she'll
ok like it.
Do you get. a t ransportation
Uowance. sir? U so. how
lUCb ? Christopher Colum·
I 'm glad I don't h1v to
redecorate a restaurant.
to give my husband a
h appy b irthday. He ••m• to MJOY beln hom • •1t.b bis family, •v ~n lt lhe party
d ocun 't make lb ct
paper •
Ot"M'/ c<n "''"''flltt .,. '•It· llllll• ., ,. ... ,. ...... ~·t
f'!'UtWrllY nll«I W ·~ If IN .... ,.,....,,..,_ ... ,...,._
~IMMT Go"'-C>llllY PllM.
"Give me liberty or give
me death!" cried th•l rreat
Amerlcon p atriot Patrick
Henry, owner of 65 slaves.
Hero's to the Gerber baby
-clink! -now 50 years old.
Q. "What's the dlrterence
bt!tween a bog, a swamp and
n marsh?"
A. llns to do with how
much wuter is therein. A bog
ls usually damp with lots of
vegetallon, but you could
probably walk throu1b lt.
wltt\out sett.ma )'OW' ankl et. A s wamp 11 wetter,
Ultewl cov ed with a fair
amount or veactation, and
you woul<bt'l want. to walk
through it without waders. A
mArsh Is downrlJht wat ry.
•o much so you could most
likely push 8 canoe lhTou&h
Jack Ande rson
Radiation COncerns Increase
dramallzatioa1• atarrloJI Ed
Atnt!r as city eo..ttoT Lou Grant,
pitted hUI reporters against a
powerful, unscrupulous nuclear
combine ,vbose deadly, invisible
emissions were menacing the
local populace. The episode was
all too famillur. We have also
encountered powerful opposition
when we have tried to expose
thedangeroflow-level radiation.
The stakes are enormously
rugh. Both fhe federal govern·
ment and the
nuclear 1n
dustry art.>
comm1lte<l to
power. Too
many un
stones 1.:ould
the industry's
mullibtlhon·dollar investment in
nuclear po"Wcr
Government 0H1cials have
also staked their careers on the
development of nuclear power.
They would look foolii>h 1f their
massive l.'ffort::. had to be
:>crapped llccause lhey Un ·
derest1mal~ the danger or low·
level n1d1a1ton. Not only would
the b1llwns spent on nuclear pro-
jects have to be wntten off, but
addiUonal billions ml1bt have to
be pald in compensation to those
whose health ba.s been impal~.
President Carter's pollUcal
neck may also be exposed. His
most l ike l y De m ocratic
challenger, CaHtotnla's Gov
Jerry Brown, has come out
agaimst nuclear power. He pre-
dicts that w1thtn two years lhe
public backlash aaainst nuclear
pollution will rival the anli-
Vletnam War movement in in-
t1sls who have stood up to the
nuclear establishment -
Thomas Mancuso. John Gof·
man. Alice Stewar t, George
Kne;ile. Samuel Milham. Arlhur
Tampltn, Ernest Sternglass and
lrwin Bross -have come under
mahcious auack remimscent of
the former campaign against
Hollywood and Broadway
liberals during the anti·
communist hysteria
We have tried to tell the story
of these scientists, whose
cautious warnings have been as·
::.ailed and belittled, whose
personal reputations have been
besmirched. We have written,
for exaoiple, about Mancuso, the
University of Pittsburgh pro-
fessor, who conducted a 12-year
government study of low-level
radiation. When he-produced
disaereeable evidence ltnkmi
radiation wath cancer, the study
was taken out of his hands.
A dozen years ago, he sought
lo expand hi! research project to
a number of government
nuclear plants. He was re
peatedly turned down. his re·
quesls were called .. coun
terproduct.ive.' • 1-'inally. this
was the excuse given for laking
the project away from him
But the government could not
suppress the disturbing
e vidence. Now the Energy
Department has been compelled
lo broaden its invesllgallon or
low-level radiation to 40 nuclear
facilillcs. mcludtng those Man-
cui>o wanted to study
ONE IS located at Rocky
Flats, Colo., in the shadow of the
Rocky Mountams. More than 200
plutonium fires have broken out
at the plant. Downwind, Denver
has had an increase tn con-
Sternglass has concluded from
his studies that Rocky Flats 1s
responsible for rises in
respiratory cancer in lhe
Denver environs Dr. Carl
Johnson, '1rector or the board of
health 11' neighbormg Jefferson
County, has found significant
rtsu in leukemia in the con
laminated area. In the nearby
town of Golden, according to
Johnson, residents between the
ages of 45 and 64 have double the
rate of lung cancer found in un·
contaminated areas.
Dr. Edward MarteU of the Na·
tional Cenler for Atmospben<.-
Res ear(• h claims lhat
"pluton.iwn in fallout 1s one of
the factors responsible for to·
creased cancer in the population
1n general "
But Jim Kelly, the strapping
union president who oversees
1.500 steelworkers at Rocky
Flats. disagrees with most or the
sclenlisl-;' claims. He says "the
things that need to be done here
are attamable. The problem~
are man-made " Questions of
safet~. nevt'rtheless, trouble
him. "Jt enters every guy's
mind that works here,'' Kelly
told our reporter Eileen
Canzian. "But we're not going to
be a bunch of human guinea pigs
-at least not knowingly."
ROCKWELL Jnternaliooal ex
ecutives, who took over the
plant's operation in 1975, point to
the improvements that have
been made since 1969 when
Ro<.-ky Flats was the scene or the
second largest industrial fare in
U.S. history. Union president
Kelly also commends Rockwell
for the changes that have been
made sin<.-e the company took
over from Dow Chemical. Com·
munity leaders agree.
nut only lwo weeks ago,
another fire in a beryllium filter
plant at Rocky Flats put a build·
mg out or operation for two
days. Declart's Dr. Tony Rob·
bins of the Colorado Deparlment
of Heallh: ''From a public
health point of view, there's no
excuse for a facility like Rocky
Flats to be operating anywhere
near a populated area "
There's a 6,500-acrc buffer
zone surrounding the plant Rob-
bins and olhl'r health officials
:1 re worried bee a use new
gu1deltnei>, proposed by lhe En-
\ 1ronmental Protection Agency,
would allow commercial res·
1dential development or this no-
man's-land up to the fence. Rob·
bins glumly told our associate
Howard Rosenberg: "The stand-
ards that have been adopted
ror radiation exposure are tum.
mg out to be not nearly con-
serv at1 vc enough "
The story or Rocky Flals, on
this s<.-rub brush·covered mesa
near Denver, could determine
the future of nuclear power.
Why Should State Oust Mohilehomes?
To the Editor·
l am writing to beg your
cooperation m saving my home
and the homes of other residents
of El Morro Mobilehome Park in
Orange County. The state is
moving to acquire from the
Irvine Company the beachland
between Corona del Mar and
Irvine Cove. as well as acreage
in El Morro Canyon, to be used
as a pubhc park and facility for
recreational vehicles.
I am Jiving at El Morro
Mob1lehomc Park and making a
home here for my two sons
because, as a low-income
person, there is no other place I
could possibly afford to live in
Orange County. My work as a
salesperson is in the Newport
Beach area. and if I am forced
out of El Morro, where can my
family live for rent of $170 a
month? As you must know, the
Jack of low-mcome housing is a
great problem in this county,
and it does seem ludicrous to
swell the ranks or those who
need such housing by forcing
me, and those like me (people
living on retirement and on
Social Security) out or this
inobilehomc park.
WHY MUST 1 lose my home
so that someone may park a
recreational vehicle on this
s p ace? There are acres and
acres of undeveloped land all
around that could be put to this
As to relocatlna m~. every0t1e
knows there are no vacancies In
mobilehome parks in Orange
County, and that even If there
were available spaces, parks will
not allow a mobilehome to be
moved in if it i!I more than two
year s old. The altemnUve of the-
state purchuing the homes in
this pnrk (294 ut an avera1e cur-
rent market. value of about
$40,000-$4S,000) woulcl Sffm a
1rea\ extr avaa•nce of t u·
P•J • money for the 40 acrea It
would acqwre of thLa park land.
c ...........
To the )!;ditor:
I am df'C'ply concerned abnut.
the stature or our Clt..Y Council In
Newport Beach. The reason for
my concern? Tba fact tbat.JOm ..
current counciJmembers are ac·
tlvely campaigning -not for
themselves as their terms are
not up Uus year, but for can·
d1dates in other districts.
As citizens we have the right
to expert from our City Council
objective, intellectually and
economically sound decisions on
matters it has some control
over. 1 do not sec how this can
happen under the current cam-
paign practices of certain con·
tinuing council persons.
JT IS ludicrous to assume that
3 CO\lncil will be able to work
together when these persons are
actively campaigning against
candidates who may soon share
their positions on the council and
with whom tbey may soon be
I would like to see council
persons whose seats are not up
tor election in any given cam-
paign abstain lrom active can·
didate campaigning. This would
in my mind lead to an increased
dignity and respectability in the
office or city countllpersons -a
goal to be desired in this post.
Watergate era of politics.
C..We1 • Mlspl•eell
To the Editor:
Amy Lltz.el's letter. March 19,
expressing her concern for the
loss of "music, athletics,
drivt>r's trainm~ and other non
academic classes" 1f the Jarvis
Amendment. Prop. 13, passes
was heart rending. However. if
her parents can save the tax
money the Jarvis Amendment
proposes on their home or rental
they would probably gladly pro-
v1d e these lessons for her
There arc many excellent
music and drtVl'r educal1on
teachers and edu<.-ation in sports
is provided by the Parks and
Recreation Department at
nominal fees. She can then get
more of her credits in academic
courses that may serve her bet·
ter through life. lt won't "tum
out flabby, uncultured people"
or be the disaster she envisages.
Class C0ttlH~t
To the Editor:
We appreciate the editorial
support of the Daily Pilot
(Classes in Conmct, March JS)
for Coastline Comm u nity
College's efforls to coordinate
class offerings with the Newport.
Beach Parks. Beaches and
Rec rcalion Department. The
heightened public awareness
now being given this subject. is
an aid to the college which bas
"ll'a lnfur1atlng. Acrodynamlcalfy speak1ng. we're
capable of two hundred mu .. per hour."
in the past attempted coordina-
Two points need to be rec·
ognized, however, lest they be
overshadowed by this attention.
First. as the Daily Pilot points
out, our college classes are dif-
ferent in form and content from
those offered by the recreatton de·
partment. Our instructors hold
credentials issued by the state.
Course content has to meet
specified objectives and receive
approval of the college cur-
riculum committee. Students
must meet specific requirements .
Despite a surface appearance of
"duplication,'' differences exist
in the way the classes are taught
and by whom they arc taught. Jlis
as 1f a person receives two
newspapers. the Wall Street
.Journal and the Daily Pilot, simp-
ly because both are newspapers.
Would this constitute "duplica-
t 1on"?
Second, the classes involved
are only a fraction or the col-
lege's offerings. Coastline Com-
munity College has a rull spec-
trum of courses in business,
vocational training a nd
certificate programs, in addition
to the traditional liberal art.~
subjects or English, math.
philosophy, psychology, etc.
College has from its inceplJon
been dedicated to the wise and
careful use of tax funds. We
have no campus and no alt.en·
danl costs for construc .. on,
maintenance, etc. Our classes
ore offered at community
f:tcllities, many times publicly-
owned buildings already bought
:tnd paid for by the taxpayer.
Our use gives the taxpayer a
heil(htened return on the inv~t
ment. Oddly, it is the noncam·
pus concept and its attendant
savings ID lax funds that h&s
caused debate.
Public Information Officer
• Utt«-• from rrodtr1 an wlcoww. nu. right to COl'ldtnse Llftm lo fll
ipoce or fbmfnoff' h~I .. ~.
1.4ttn• of 300 ultlrds or ~ 1DtU Oc
gfom prt/rr~u .AU ~tni m¥lf •· clud~ ligit0l"rt and ma.tlmg oddrm
bul Mm•• ma11 bt unthhdd on r.-.
qwd if svf /tn•ftf ,._GICM it appl21f'l'll.
PodrvvilJ not bt pub&htd.
~fter oon
N.Y'. Stoek!t
Bovan Suspect Blasts Drug-death Tie:
Lawyers for murder trial de-
fendant Alexander Kulik con-
Unued today to protest police ac-
tions during a drug arrest thal,
they claim, led lo his being
llaked to the killing of Stephen
John Bovan of Fountain Valley.
They told Judge Robert P .
Kneeland Tues day during
Orange County Superior Court
pretrial acllon on the grand
jury's murder mdictment or
Sound of Music
Kulik and six co.defehdants that
evidence taken by poHlit during
his drug arrest wu illegally ob·
Kulik, 28, of Linda Isle,
Newport Beach, waa found
sleeping in a vintage Stutz
Blackhawk that he parked in the
parking lot of a Mission VieJO
!>hopping center Ocl. 23.
Defense lawyers claim that
the search, which allegedly pro-
Junior Hill, 23, a La ~una Beach improvisational musician,
plays his trumpet to the accompaniment of a portable
FM radio in a South Laguna tunnel. The musician likes
the resonance of his notes bouncing off the cement walls
of the t unncl. It passes under South Coast Hig hway to
Aliso Bcaeh. Junior'!; not bothering the neighbors. either.
Diedrich Dismissal
Will Be Appealed
OI tM O.Uy l"llot Sl•lf
A judge's d1sm1ssal of ind1cl-
JT1ents lhat charged Orange
County Supervisors Ph1hp An ·
tbony. Ralph Diedrich and their
co-defendants with violations of
slate political campaign regula·
lions will be appealed to a
higher court.
That was the word out or San
Diego today as deputy Attorney
General Jeffrey Joseph said,
•'This case isn't going to go
away that easy."
SAC(: Spells
Out Policies
On Speakers
Saddleback Area Coordinating
Council CSACC) executive board
directors have approved policy
Jimitlng the number of people
appearing before county com-
missions and boards on behalf or
their organization as
, Under po'icy approved Mon-day nllht, memben of the ex-
ecuUve board, chairmen of the
plllnn.lng review committee and
the &onc-ranae plannlna commit-
tee and former lonc·Ume board
n:uunber Alfred Driscoll may
1pe1k tor SACC.
However, spoketmf'n al~o
must be not.llled by the oraaniJ.a· llon's prt1ldcmt that lboy are
autborlud to appear oa
paftfcu1ar uet, tho board de·
It appeared that easy for de-
fendants remaining in the case
when Superior Court Judge
Philip Schwab dismissed all but
a single charge contained m
three indictments.
Judge Schwab based his dis-
missal on the fact that only eight
~ra nd jurors heard all the
evidence and testimony during
the eight-month lnvest1gat1on
leading lo the July 1, 1977, in·
According to his interpretation
of lhe law it is necessary for at
least 12 jurors lo vote an indict·
ment and to have heard all the
testimony leading to the filing of
"We disagree with that con-
clusion," Jeffrey said.
He argued that evidence and
testimony taken into considera-
tion by the grand jury before
February 1977, "was not related
to the charges.
Jeffrey also noted that Schwab
had commented in bis decision
that "the charges aren't ground-
"We therefore feel we have no
alternati\le but to appeal the de·
cislon and, if that falls, we will
file an information and rein.state
the char1es." the Deputy At·
torney ~eraJ aald.
At. least temporarily cleared
by the char1es were Anthony,
Anaheim City Councilman
William Kott and former finan-
cier Gene Conrad.
Cleared ol all but one charge
WH Diedrich.
InlUAlly. t.hole lour aton1 wlth
F'ullerton attorne1 Michael
Re mln1ton and Cal•baaaa
Jeweler Martin Kirsb..ntt • re
cher•ed -ith mulUl>Je vlolaU (8" J>I RICH. Pq Al)
duced a quantity of ''China
white" heroin value d by
sheriCf's officers at more than $1
million was allegal in the sense
that it sparked Kulik's prosecu-
tion on the Bovan charges.
It was asserted during the
hearing Tuesday that other de·
fendants may have been prej-
udiced by the evidence obtained
Crom Kulik's car.
All seven defendants were 10-
dieted on murder charges after
the grand jury was told that they
were linked to a murder plot
that led to the shooting of Bovan
outside a Newport Beach
restaurant Oct. 22, the day
before Kubk's arrest on drug
The Bovan killing brought into
public view what police claim
was a multimillion dollar drug
smuggling ring which concealed
revenues in the assets of out-
wardly respectable business
firms m Orange County.
lt is alleged that Kulik and
other principals in Prasadam
Distribulin& Inc. hired three
men to dispose of Bovan.
Jerry Peter Fiori, 41, of Hunt-
ington Beach faces the death
penalty for has alleged slaying of
(See BOVAN, Page AZ>
Prices Raised
By U.S. Steel
PITTSBURGH (AP) -U.S. Steel, the nation's largest steel
oroducer, announced today a
SI0.50 per ton price increase on
its basic product lines lo recover
the cost of the new soft coal con·
tract The increase. effective with
April 1 shipments, will boost rev-
enues 2 2 percent, but the effect
on individual products will vary
according to their base price, the
company said.
Sheet s teels , s tructural
By TOM BARLEY °' .. ....., .........
Dr. William Baxter Waddill's
testimony that be was financial·
ly solvent and under no
economic pressure at the time
he performed an abortion at
Wes tminster Community
Hospital was challenged Tues-
day by the prosecution in his
murder case.
Deputy District Attorney
Robert Chatterton asked for and
got permission to play a tape re·
cording of a telephone conversa-
tion in which Waddill allegedly
told District Attorney Cecil
Hicks that he raced bankruptcy
and was the victim or a swindle.
Chatterton told Orange County
Superior Court Judge James K.
Turner that the tape will direct-
ly contradict Waddill 's argu-
ment that he never mentioned
costly lawsuits because he had
no such financial problems.
Waddill told the jury when he
was on the witness stand that he
headed one of the larces t
medical -practices in Orange
County and was making at least
$400,000 a year.
Chatterton said the tape w1u
show that Waddill told Hicks in
February of 1977, that he was
"working myself to death" to re·
pay a $150,000 bank loan and $1.5
million he owed a company iden-
tified as the Christiana Corpora-
The prosecutor said the tape
includes Waddill's statement
that he lost substantial sums of
money when unidentified
persons embezzled funds from
.the HunUncton Harbour Beach
Club. Waddill was an investor in
and a member or the club.
It is alleged by the prosecution
that Waddill, 42, of Huntington
Harbour, strangled a newborn
baby to death in the
Westminster Hospital nursery
on March 2, 1977, arter his
earlier attempt to abort the in-
(See DOCl'OR, Page A2)
Rapist Makes
A mother of two children
was raped in her suburban
home early today by the
masked "east area
rapist" in bit 32bd known
attack, aberiff's deputies
Chief Deputy Robert
Radford 1Jld the mu cot
into the 1\ancho Cordova
houH about 8:20 a.m. by
removlnt a 1Jaa1 pane
from a slde door whtcb
was Jodred with a dead-
bolt tock
Armed With a lmlte, bo
tltd up lb woman and
r1n1acked the house
,before rapln• ber.
shapes. plates, tin plate and lube
products were among products
affected by the announcement, a
spokesman said.
The price hike would be the
second this year for some impor-
tant products, including hot and
cold roiled sh~ts widely used m
the auto and applia nce in·
Steelmakers announced in-
creases on sheets, structural
shapes and tin mill products,
averaging 5.5 percent in
necember. The increases look
effect in February and March.
"Coal is a primary source for
much of the energy required in
th e melting, forming and
finish me of steel m1llproduct.s,"
U.S. Steel. a leading coal pro-
ducer, said. ..The higher costs
now being encountered apply to
both the company's own.
produced and purchased coal
and also other forms of energy."
o.lly "''-' St.IH ,_
Alexander Kulik
Principal at Viejo 5th Gr<ider
Takes Cordova Post Suspemled
John Hopkins, principal at
Viejo Elementary School in Mis-
sion Viejo, will assume similar
dutie1 at t.he new Cordova Elementary School, scheduled to
open in September.
Hopkins, 40, came to the
Capistrano Unified School Dis-
tric• in 1960 as an elementary
scho -il teacher, said Robert
Knapi. district personnel dJrec·
tor. He. 95 taught at Ole Hanson
·Elementary in San Clemente,
San Juan Elementary in San
Juan Capistrano and Palisades
E lemenlary in Capistrano
In 1969 he was named prin-
cipal at Crown Valley Elemen-
tary School in Laguna Niguel,
where he stayed until 1974 when"
be became Viejo Elementary
School principal.
Hopkins holds bachelor's and
master's degrees from Cal State
Long Beach and has done addJ-
tional graduate work at Florida
State University and UC Irvine,
said Knapp. He hves with his
wife and three children in Santa
Ana. ·
The new Cordova school is
located at 27252 N4bles in
southeast Mission Viejo. It will
open with an enrollment capaci-
ty of 450 students in permanent
O.lly Pilot Si.ff ......
Vlejo's Hopkin•
buildings, said -Truma n
Benedict, deputy superinten-
dent. Relocatable classrooms at
the site would accommodate an
additional 250 students, he said.
Condominium Plan
Facing Opposition
The Saddleback Area
Coordinating Council's sugges-
tion for denial or plans for the
401 -unit Rancho de Los Alisos
condominium project in El Toro
is to be reiterated before county
supervisors April 5.
However, ·sACC executive
board members decided Monday
night that by reminding
supervisors of objections to the
Pacesetter Homes development,
SACC is not supporting El Toro
Homeowners Association ln its
appeal or a use permit aranled
the project.
A site plan and the use permit
ror the 43-acre project planned
near El Toro Road at Trabuco
Road were approved by the
county Planning Commission
April 27.
El Toro HomeoWJHtrs Associa-
tlon claimed in a MU'Ch 2 letter
to county supervison that the
condominium project ta not,con·
sistent with tlie county 1ene.nl
County plannlnt statf mem·
ber• bad advised acalnat ap-
proval, cit.in& the plan's lack or
·aeatheUcs and poor parldn1
Plaon n also uld moderately
priced condominiums Included
ln the project are aet ulde from
olher unit.I. a IPOV• that could
result 1n a partial ~to.
CommtaJoa n b ed 1ta1r
criticism aside in giving the
project approval, primarily
because Pacesetter officials as-
sured that some units would be
priced petween $49,995 and
$56,500 lh the first 72-unit de·
In her letter of appeal, El Toro
Homeowners• president Kris
Kister took issue with several
project factors.
SACC directors, however, said
they would stand on their plan-
ning review commission's rec-
ommendation that the Paceset·
ter tract be denied only because
of poor auto access and long dis·
lances between parking s paces
and living units.
The directors were careful in
pointing out Ibey do not agree
with some objections raised by
the El Toro group.
.Church Burglar
Get& Sound Gear
A burglar who bft>ke a glass
pane in the side door to aain en-
try look a tape recorder and
microphones from a La1una
Hms church.
Orange County sheriff'• of.
ficera said the theft wu report·
ed by authoriUea at. the
Evan1elical Free CbW'cb, ZS3l2
MacKenzie Ro1d. There was no
one on the premises •L the Umo.
Over 'Joke'
year-old fUth grader at Park:
Dale Lane School has been sus-
pended over an off-the-cuff joke
about his teacher and con-
troversial Jan'b-Gan.n property
tax initiative.
Eric Meister asked County
Supervisor Lee Taylor during a
question-and-answer period on a
field trip to the supervisors' of.
fices Tuesday if his teacher,
Debra A. Nolan, would be fired
if the mitiahve passes June 6.
Taylor lw1ce said he didn't
"Dam it," replied Eric. im-
plying jokmgly that be wlShed
she would be fired.
The teacher took offense at the
remark, however, and told Prin-
cipal James L. O'Connell th.at
she had been hurt and em·
••1 was joking," said an
apologetic Erle.
But it wasn 't apologetic
enough and O'Connell lowered
the boom and banned Eric from
school for the rest of the week.
''I think three days' sus·
pension for this is a little
severe," said Mrs. Meister.
Taylor says he didn't bear
Eric's last remark but said it
sounded like it was all a Joke to
him. The teacher couldn·t be
re ached for comment.
Cities Targeted
U.S. Supreme Court ruled today
that cities, unlike states, may be
sued for violations of federal an·
litrust laws.
Mos tly cloudy tonight
and Thursday with in-
creasing chance of
showers by late tonight.
Forty percent chance of
showers Thursday. Lows
tonight in the SOs. Highs
Thursday ln the 60s.
Slide Stabilizing
Buttress Deaign llontmct OK'd
A dirt 1llde that has blocked
the northbound lanes of
Matfuerite Parkway 10 Mission
Viejo south ot <>so Parkway has
been stabilized temporarily. ac
cording lo county Environmen
tal Man1gement Agency (EMA>
Broun Set
To Testify
On CoWJt
C1UrornJa Gov. Edmund o.
An estimated -400 torui of rain.
saturated soll fell from the
roadside tl()pe Marob 19, and
EMA offlclals predicted then
that the slide would continue in-
Subsequently, a total of ap.
proximately 400,000 tons ba1
fallen or been moved ott th•
slope, an EMA constructlon
division spokesman said.
Whtie the moving slope area Is
owned by the Mission VteJo
Company, the county Is
responsible for correctlnf the
sllde r.roblem becaU!e ot road-
widen ng euements held on the
property. !laid Carl Nelaoh,
EM A aa!i!ltant director tor de-
port fo; Moulton Niguel Water
District bad warned months ago
that the slope area wu moviDM.
Carl Kymla. water dlstrtet
manager. said lbe geoJogy
firm's repon had been sent to
county official• long in advance
al th• Match 18 slope faUur•.
Th• water dtatrict mal6talna a
2.5-Mtllion-gallon steel storage
tank at the slope's summit.
rtfler reviewing Leighton re-
pOrts, the water dlstrlct emptied
th• tank that 11erves aouthem
Mlsalon Viejo water users.
Kymla said.
Kymla aald the tank will not
be used until the slope ts
permanenUy atablliied and that
water for area user! la tem-
porarlly beinf supplied through
lnttrtle sys ems with other
storage tanka. ·
PrHldent C•rtor In Venezuela, UrgH World Effort to Fight Inflation . . Brown Jr. la scht!duled to lt1Wy
'tburaday morttlni ln the Hunt
in&ton Beach City Council cham-
btH before a panel of federal
ener1y ortlclal1 conduoUnt
hearla11 on ofl prlclnl prob-
Tbe 1ovemor la scheduled to apea~ at 10:26 a.m. at aooo Main ~-1 oftlclals in Sacramento saJd
Marguerite Parkway was
widened lo four lane• by the
county two years ago, he said.
Nelson aaid the county Board
or Supervisors has approved a
Sl9,000 contract with Lei,aht.on
and Asaociates1 Inc. oC ItVIne, a
geology Cirm, to dealCn 1 but-
tress nu to permanently h<
earth movement
Carter Asks Joint Inflation Fight
The U.S. Enerty Department
otriclala orlalnally planned the
Calllornla oil prlcln1 hearlngs to
be held al the Lont Beach Con-
vention Centtr. &ut the hearings
were r.Jocated due to scheduling
problem1, officials in
Waahlnston D.C. aald.
"We hope to have their recom-
mendations in about three
weeks." Nelson said. "Then
we'll advertise for bids."
A Leighton and Associates r•·
Tools Stolen
CARACAS, Venezuela <AP) -
President Carter urged poor
countries today to JOin rich in-
dustrial nations in a flve·step
drive to fight inflation, create
jobs and raise livin• standards
because rich natior\I "cannot by
themselves brlnl about world
economic recovery.''
··we need lo share a
responsibility ror Solving proo-
lems -not to divide the blame
for ignoring them," Carter
declared in a major address to
Venezuela's nal.lonal conar•as on
the second day or hi• week-long
lour of Latin America and
"Only by actJ.n• to1eth1r can
we ellpand trade and lnve1tment
In order to create more Jobs, to
curb lnflauon and t'alae the
standard or llvlna of our
r.eoples1" the president said.
'The lnduatrlal nations llhare the
11me problems and cannot by
lhem11lvea brlng .about world
economic recovery."
Carter uratd rich and poor na-
tl on 1 to take tbeae steps
Carter spoke from a Jotty, or.
nate dais to a paakeO chamber
of legislators who 11ve hJm a
lltandlng ovation when h• ar-
rived. And for the lhltd Umt ln
two days, he compUmenled
them by speakln1 tn Spanllh.
giving hla Introductory remarks
In that langua1•. But hf:
switched to En•U•b for the rt·
malnder of his addreaa. Eneray defartment ottlclals
laave aaked ol producers and re·
liners for comments on a aeries
of propouh t ntended to
atlmulate production of heavy
crude oil tn California by chang-
ing the federal government's en·
titlement program.
The enUUement program, In·
21Ututed alter the 1973 Arab oil
embargo, was initially designed
to equallze the cost or petroleum
products to the l'onsumer
Theft Cripples Telonic
-lncrelle the now of capital
to developln1 natlona.
-Build a mote open system
of world trade.
-Moderate disruptive pnce
movements in basic com -
Arter his spee~h. Carter met
again with Venesuelan Preal-
denl Carlos Andrea P1rt1. They
met for two hours Tuesday, bUt
left touchy questions for today.
including the price of oll.
Venewela ls the third lar1ett
supplier of oil lo the United
But Cahforn1a oll producers
and refiners hove attacked the
program 8!1 unfair to them and
M achlnlsts' tool! Olued at
bet ween •ts,ooo and S2~.ooo were
taken from Laguna Beach's
largest manuCacturlng plant
Monday night. crippling opera-
tions at Telonic Altair beside
Laguna Canyon Road
Telon1c supervisor Garv
Crapson said burglars made off
with approximately 15 tool boxes
belongmg to ~mployees or the
fa rm. which manufactures
microwave filters, attenuators,
and television test Instruments
at 2825 Laguna Canyon Road.
Police officer Jerry
Land Swindle Denied
Officer Says He Didn't Try to Mislead
SAN DIEGO <A Pl -Former
Consolidated Mortgage Corp. of·
fleer Robert Gunnison has
testified in U.S. District Court
that he never ordered faked Jm.
provements on the tJrm·a land
developmenta to mislead buyers
and Investors.
Gunnison look tt\e a\an~ In his
own defenae Tuesday tn his trial
with two other former ex-
ecutives of the Phoenix, Al11 .•
based land firm, one a Mi11ton
Viejo resident. They are acouaed
of taking part in an alltltd $18
mllllon swindle o( b1ftke Ind
of state political campaign re1·
The charges dealt mainly with
attempts lo dis~ulse the true
source or funds filleted Into An-
thony and Knott campaigns in
Today, Diedrich said he was
not surprised the Attorney
Geheral had decided lo appeal
Judge Schwab's ruling.
Anthony predicted last week
there would be further action on
the charges lod1ed aJ(alnsl him
and, like Diedrich, tns1aled he
waa Innocent.
. Whatever way the s ppeal
goes, Diedrich'a troubles are not
Alona with Anaheim architect
Leroy Rose, be was named in an
JndJctment handed down Dec. ts
thlt char1es him and Rose with
compUclty In an alleged bribery
Joseph s:ild the notice or ap-
peal will be filed 1n Superior
Court this week.
Burbank Joma In
BURBANK <AP) -The :eurbanJc City Council h11 voted
to join Glendale and Paaadena
in attempting to buy Hollywood-
B U t bl ft Ir Airport ftom the
LOekheed Corp.
He said as soon as the
tran•crlpts of the hearing letd· ·
ing to Judge Schwab's dlamlhal
decision are prepared the case
will be taken to an appellate
court, probably the Fourth f)11
trlct Court of Appeal, San Bernardino
Two SF Teens
Held in Rapes
Two 18-year-olds have been at·
rested on charges of committing
at least seven rapea and at-
tempting one other In the
Potrero Hill area of San Fran
cisco since February 15.
Ricky Jones •nd Kevin Gcorae
were arrested Tuesday tn Jones'
house. where they wet~ hiding In
the attic, officers said.
Police received a tip trom an
anonymous caller about the sus-
pects, whO al .. l&edly ltopped
young women at gunr>olnt and
brought them to Potrero I-tilt
Park or to an abandoned buJld-
lng for the sexual asaautt.8.
PLO to Flg t
Oscar Boycott
Palf1line LlberaUon Or1anlu-
tlon plen.1,to tt•1e a co\&l\itr-
proteat at m• Acadam1 A•U&
ceNntonles here Mobda1 nJtbt
•t•tntt &he Jtwiah Dtfenae
Le1111ut'1 pr1vlOU1ly ann unced
b01eqU to oppose Van•••• fttd· 1u~e·s nomlnatlon tor an oseE. M •• R.edlr•v• WH nomlnated
as 1t 1upportlii1 Ht~•· ao-
tteas for her role in 11J\lll• ... ~' .,,
underaround anU·N•ti In world
War 11.
Bat th, .IDL •• •a••ttd
because lhe llnanced and 6af'-ra,ecl A fttm t.Ued "The PeJ • nlan," ln wblcb PLO ~hletYwer
real estate buyers involving
Arliona and Oklahoma land.
0 unnlso~1 ~51 and Alvln
McCollum, ~. ooth of Phoenix
and Emanuel Sln•er, 52, of Mis-
sion VieJO, are among those
named ln a 22-count federal aran~ jury Indictment returned
In September 1977. one month
after Consolidated was placed
lnto rtcelvershlp.
William Nathan, 41, of
Houston, was also being tried
here, but pleaded guilty lo mall
fraud midway through the trial
and wa~ returned lo Phoenix for
sentencing April 17
Federal Judge Walter Craig
moved the trial here from
Phoenix because of pretrial
news coverage.
Earlier Tuesday. James
Braley, a conti:actor who
worked under Gunnison develop-
ing Consolidated's properties,
supported claims that rounds
were built and waler pipes laid
In at least two of the rirm's rive
devtlopment proJects.
Both Gunruson and Braley re·
butted leallmony by prosecution
witnesses that machinery and
equipment had been left scat-
tered on Consolidated land proj-
ects to Rive customers the im-
pression that extensive improve-
ments were being made.
They said lhey had enough
trouble obtalnlnJ funding from
Consolidated's main office to
spend on meaningful work, "let
alone wasting money on fake
• s,,,,. •••
Lmenkugel said the thleve!I en-
tered the building through a
boarded-up window sometime
Monday niaht or early Tuesday
Operat.Jons at the plant were
curtailed Tuesday because there
were not enough tools to con-
tinue work. Crapson s aid.
"We're back in ihort-term
operation today." he said, add-
ing that the firm purchased
enough toob lo get through lhe
da9 shin.
He said the tool boxes. which
belong to employees. are worth
an average of $1,000 a box.
"And that's Juat whlt the
e:mployees lost." he said "The
company is going to lose a lot in
production lime."
The loss Is particularly rough
on old·timert In the machinist
trade, Crapson Hid "Some of
these guys had tools they don't
even make any more "
E'rotll Page A J
fant failed
A prosecution witness told the
jury lhat Waddill discussed his
crucial financial situation while
he was suggesting ways In which
he could dispose or a baby that
he felt might add to his prob-
Vigorous protests by two de·
fense lawyers failed to hudge
Judge Turner from his rullng
that Chatterton has every right
to play Whal ls expected to be an
edited version of the tape to the
jury •
Judge Turner pointed out to
both defense attorneys that they
Introduced the financial element
Into the case and that they can
not prevent the prosecution from
pu rsulng the issue
"ll 's as clear as a bell to me
that It !the ta~> Is admis!llhle
and relevant,· the Judge said
"At the Hme time. I can't help
but agree that It's damulng to
the defense "
Chatterton 111ld the tape will
further contradict Waddill's
courtroom tesUmony that be 1s
dell verlng 74 babies a month at
the Westminster ho1olt11l.
He said the jury will hear
Waddill complain that he 1s
sleeping at home only two nights a month. ts almply ''\reading
water" in financial t~rms and is
dellverina 13() babies a week
-Conaerve and develop
-Stren1tben the
tecbnoloalcal bitse ln lhe poorer
cC>uh\rles. tn addtUon, Carter said he was
proPo•int "a U.8. foundation for
tec:hnoloaical collaboration."
Beyond pl~atnt that "we In
the United States will do our
part," Carter did not elaborate.
But he noted that he haa asked
Congress lo increaBe economic
assistance funda by 28 r>ercent
and .-.t. h.lJ admlnistrallMI ia ~epated lo lncreaae A merlcan
ntributlon1 to the Intern•·
l Qnal Monetary .Fund.
Seta 'OUver'
A Capistrano Valley Hlah
School production of the musical
"Ollver" ll scheduled to open
Performances are planned at
8 p.m. Thursday, Friday and
Saturday and at 2:30 p.m. on
Sunday. Tickets cost $3 for
adults, $2 for studenl.! and $1 50
for children under 12
. The musical will be presented
in the open mall at the school,
localed at 26301 Via Escolar in
M 1sslon Viejo. Information is
available by phoning 495 6100,
extension 42
All Not Gold
That Glitters?
AKRON. Ohio <P> -
Ignoring a neat box pre-
pared for her, Goldie the
golden eagle has laid an
egg on the ground at the
Akron Childrcn"s Zoo and
has perched atop It
Zoo director Mike Jani!!
1111d Tuesday It will be a
month berore offlcloh1 can
determine whether the
light brown e11g with
chestnut markings '" fertile.
He added that the zoo
staff had not noticed any
outward ttlgns of aUt!ctlon
between Goldie and the
zoo's male golden ea«le.
Goldie, 21, has laid ens
btfore, but none has been
Following today'1 taJh.
Corter. his wife Roa11yno1 1()..
year-old daughter Amy ana top
U.S. ofllcials includln1 naUonll
aecurlty adviser Zbt11nlew
Brezednskl and Secretary or
Stale Cyrus R. Vance. leJt tot a
four hour flight lo U\t l"ralllllb
capital of Srnllla.
Carter and P~res btleny te·
viewed white-uniformed
Venezuelan naval cadets and
walked arm tn tum for a tew
steps before Carter boarded A!r
Force One. lte made no de-
parture remarks. Cannons
boomed a 21-aun nlute a1 \ht
engines revved up.
The 22-hour stopover Wa&
Carter's flrst state visit to LIUn
From BraslUa, the preatden.
llal party Is to 10 lo Rio de
Janeiro and then 1cro11 the
Atlantic, where Carter wUJ
become the first Amerlc&D
president to make a state vlalt to
black Africa. Ha will confer wilh
leaders In Nigeria and Liberia.
Countie1' Fate
Up kJ Voters
fatC' of 11 proposal to create two
nrw counties in the southwest
srrtor of sprawling Los Angeles
Counlv will b<' decided in the
.lune 6 primary election.
Thi' proposed South Bay Coun-
t' \.\ uuld have a population of
:!77 ,R.\7 and include the cities of
El Stgundo, M anhallan Beach,
Hermosa Reach, Redondo
R<>:ich. Palos V<>rdes Estates
;ind Torrance. plus the unin·
corporatl•rl areas or El Porto
and C'h fton Height!.
Th<' proposed Peninsula Coun-1'. "'1th a population of about
S.5 0011, would include the cities of
Holllnl! Hill~. Rolling Hills
Est:ilc'l and Rancho Palos
Verde~ plu~ the unincorporated
ar<>tlll of Arndemy 11111 and
Rain Due in North
By The Assocla~d Preu
Jhgh pressure over Northern
California was weakenlna today
and a large low pressure system
expectNf to develop off the West
Coa!lt may brlnst rain by Thurs-
day. the Nallon:il Weather
Sen·1cc said
'.Jost a Box of Bones'
M Muaeum to U1e Bubbla /or Reaeareh
rarte attd " nffdtd a apeelmen
of a hippopotamus, ao J felt that
u1ln1 her waa boUtr than lelUflg
her rot or gt>lng to Africa and
kllllftt 1noth1r blpPo." Smith utd.
Bubbtts dlad alter lhe lum-
bertd out ol 1 pond whttre Ille
had tllken mu1e tor 19 4ays
followln1 1'er eJC!lpt and WH
&bQt by lranqlilllstr darta. She
fell tn 1 p0tlt1on which led to 1w-lacat1on.
Meanwhile. b)' a '"'''' J·lO·l ¥Oto, tM sludcl\t& It Van Nuys
Junior Htch ~hool lndloaltd
tbt)' woUld ratbar have i horse
lbah 1 hlppopotamua as lMlr
hool tat)' l\tta LcYinf'
Hid t 1t nu held an tltt
uon to dfflde whelhet to chan~c
. '
\ '
the school nickname from
Mustangs to Bubbles
But there weN! only !&9 \totes '6r
Bubbles. whllc Mu1t1n11 ff.
rf'lved 448, !111ld Mlss Levine, adCl-
lna only about half the atudeM
bOdyvoted. •
The N!Sults were ntUcb clottrln
an election about twq WHU l.IOlo
hive the namt C>f lht 1ehoc»
changed tG Bubbles Junior tlljh &:'.tt()()l-tM ttlpp0 lost by jU.Ulve
But nett If Bubblea bid
lht ~lectlon would have
moot bffaUA• of a LOI AlljiJts .
city school board re1ulaUon.
"The"'' • Bo rd at iduc Uon
ruff' that . ays -school m
tither bto n111n\ed after a
munlt1 or 11 'Pf'Oftllft ~
whn •~ dcetasfd." t.ht -~ ....... ,.,,.
urlty precauUona 111rround-
t.he printJq of Richard Nix-
Qll a memolta •1'0 "a bit less
~ for Ute atom.Jc bomb," aays
tile book's publlaber, wh? new ~re for a pre·pubUcatior( meet-
lni with the reclusive ex-
lJJ'eaidenl. ~
J. Harold Roth, president or
~rossett & Dunlap, said he is de-t.rm ined tbattbere be no leaks.
.. The printer has bad eit-
perience dealing With conliden-
tlal material -not only with
lapoks but also with corporate re-
»,orts," he 1aJd. "It's not an
..-med camp. but l'm assured
On Fire
Orange County Superior Court
Judge Leonard Goldstein is
studying arguments in which
lawyers for the Z.'ord Motor
Company urge lhe re1ection of a
j!Jry verdicl which gave the
rescued occupant of a bunting
Ford Pinto $127.8 million in
He took lhe case under sub·
mission late Tuesday after a day
hmg heating m which Ford al·
torney Richard Doty condemned
U]e massive award last month
8£ "a monstrous verdict.'•
.. Jt was miscarriage of justice
before a tainted Jury,"' Doty
argued. "l hate to see SIX
months of hme and trial wasted
but ti me and effort aren't as 1m
portant as Justice."
Doty claimed that lawyers for
plainllff Richard Grimshaw. 19,
and the next o( km or a woman
who died in the blazing Pmto
~ere gwlty of misconduct dur
il)g the trial
Doty said opposing lawyers in·
duded certain trial testimony as
' issues uf fact during their clos·
ing arguments even though no
supporUng evidence was pro·
vlded by them during the trial.
Grimshaw, then 13, was
severely burned over most of his
body in 1972 when a Pinto dnven
by Mrs. Lilliebelle Gray, 52, of
Anaheim, was struck in the rear ·
on Interstate JS near San
Grimshaw was pulled from
the car. Mrs. Gray died in the
It was successfully alleged
during the trial that faulty·
p\acement or the P1nto's gas
tank direcUy contributed to the
fire that followed the coll.is1on.
'The next of kin of Mrs. Gray
·"ere awarded $666,000 1n com-
pensatory damages. They did
not seek the punitive damages
successfully demanded by
Grimshaw's lawyers.
Santa Ana attorney Arthur
Hews, who represe nted
Grimshaw, told Judge (ioldstein
that the total $128.5 million
award was fair and valid.
Hews said such awards are
necessary if American car
manufacturers are to be pre-
vented from puttmg dangerous
products on the market.
Hews and lawyers for the
Gray family argued that there
had been no misconduct oC any
kind during the trial and the
jury had reached its verdict on
tbe basis of fairly presented
The $128.5 million award 1s
believed to be the largest m his-
tory in the field o( personal in·
Six Treated
For Bad Pot
least six men. in Northern
C_,alifomia have been treated for
s}'mptoms of Paraquat poison~
iog caused by smoking Mnican
ivarijuana contaminated with
herbicides, health omcials re-
"We may never be absolutely
certain their ailments were
caused by a herbicide in the
marij ua.na. but it is certainly
cause for ~ and concern." Dr. Mervyn Silverman, city
health director, said Tuesday ..
His office wu work.inf -with
the Haigbt-Aabbury clln\c,
where three men showed up with
s,ymptoma of posalble Paraquat
poisoning. Medical autborilifll ill
Fresno also reported three ca.sea
thought linked to tainted Pot
1Vudiab Cit,ed
"'A COQPI• Yho alleaodb IUD•
baUled nude on a Soulh LafUJla
tt•acb .bave been cll•d .on etlarccs of public nudity by Oraoa Q)tmty 11herilf'1 omcaw.
\l> pull saJd they Is ued th•
Cltatlona to CbarlH Ed•ard
G rJach, 20, of Covina. and
1 Amella Clinard, 11. of rtedl7....,..
• J1lni 11aked on Caia'a Beach b)' apa\rOlJJ..DI alllcu.
W.O~y. March 29, 11113 s
T~htene.d for .Ntton M~tno~
t'easooable ptet'aul.laDj an be-
in{taJtcn. ••
ast month. 1'Tbe Ends of
Power'' by lLR. Haldeman was
leaked before it could nacb tho
bookstonis, despite precautions
taken by its publlsber• Times
Roth empha.sl.ied that Nixon
will take no active roi. lo pro-
mollng tbe.1.~page book.titled ··Memoirs.''
"He's not •oing to go on tour
or go to department stores and
sign autographs,•• a-1d Rot.b.
"He's not going to do anytbin&
like tbal"
. Roth describes the mood at
the Ntxon tompoo4 ·.., ••ftJll.y
isolated, out ol u. not too many
people calllng.
.. The lmpresalon 1 kept getllng
was of Napoleon at St. Helen.a,0
aald Roth. 'Thole wbo felt be
should be p\UUshed would be
very pleased."
Although careful not to reveal
too mueh, the publiaber dropped
these tidbits about the secret
project: ·
-The book, which will sell fo~
$19.95, runs 500,000 words -half
the original million-word
manuscript submitted by Nixon.
1t took one year to edit.
C*ly ~IM Staff .......
-Thu• are no 1)1.an.s for a~
quel because ''this boolc covers
everything. It goes from his
birth to the time he wi the.
White House:• .
-Rouply on•third or the
book ts devoted to the Watergate
'scandal which drove Nixon from
office, but the author bas no d~
luaiona that. it will change hl.4'
public iJilue.
"l tbink-be's quit.e realistic
with regard to hi5 evaluation of
how the book will be received,"
said Roth. "He aaspects that
those who opposed him before
will retain that. position.
"I don't think he believes
there's going to be any large
scale shift 1n thinkine about
him," aaid Roth, who suggested
there would be some "sur-
prises" in the book. He dld oot.
ln the publishing world, the
whispers are that Grossett and
Dunlap. owned by Fitmways en·
tert ainment conglomerate,
could take a financial loss if the
book fails to become a best·
seller. Jt has been repotted that
Nixon was paid as much as $2
million for his story.
Roth dismisses predictions of
• tho l>oo'k's failure. aaylns:
"Everyone will want. to read it.
Wbetber you 're an admlrel' or
detrador l doa't aee ho1f 10'& can iinore tbe boot... ,
He notes that '7 boob about
Watergate have been published.:
"Everyone else has beer\
heard from -teporten. detrac·
tors, palace guards -but not
the chief protagonist.''
He cit.es the aucces• of "'Th~
Enda of Power" and says, "Jl 's
as if Haldeman is Rosencran~
and this is Hamlet. Tbe main
character ls bein& beard from."
. .
World Poverty Detailed
Notre Dame Presllknt Speah in Newport
• Cll llla EMiiy """' ,..,.
The acute problems o! world
poverty could be wiped out by
the year 2000 by the use or
modern science and technology,
the president of the University
of Notre Dame said Tuesday in Newport Beach.
The Kev . Theodore M.
Hesburgh, who will head the
U.S. delegation to the 1979 Unit·
ed Nations Conference on
Science and Technology for
Development, said at a press
conference lhat goal could be
reached if two things were ac-
One IS for naho~ Jike the U.S.
and Russia \o double their ex·
penditures of $12 to $15 billion
annually in aid to un-
derdeveloped nations.
The second is for the de-
veloped and undeveloped na-
tions to pinpaint their goals, a
task Hesburgh sa1d he hopes will
be furthered by the 1979 con·
ference in Vienna.
o.tlr ,.,.. ...,, ,....
Notre Dame's Heaburgh
said "1s like being blind.'' could
be elimmated by the use of
satel11te·broadcast television.
"You could get tbe best
teacher in the world and have
him teach everybody," he said,
citing the success of experi-
ment& in remote India villages.
Only four or five languaaes need
be used to reach most of the
world's population, he said.
In the area of medicine,
Hesburgh said, be believes we
need to focus on about six
tropical diseases that have been
given low research priority•
because they don't af(ect most
developed nations.
Irrigation. wbicb llesburgb
said c:an be achieved through·
modern engineering, is also vital
to lncrea.slng the world's food
crops, and birth control is essen-
tial to cuWng the population
Hesburgb said he believes
more research into a variety ol
birth control means is needed to
assure that there are enough
methods so that no one's re-
ligious beliers are offended.
cited the so·called Green. Hesaidhedoesn'tseethearea
Revolution. which has seen the of birth control as controversial
development or new strains of because he believes its urgency
In Laguna Beach, a Blooming Gift to the People
The amazing thing is that
most of the technology that
could wipe out hunger, disease
and illiteracy was unknown 25
years ago, said Hesburgh, who
was in town for a Notre Dame
Alumni Club of Orange County
dinner at the Marriott Hotel
rice and other crops that yield is oveiwbelmlng. "You can't
much greater harvests than have an infinite growth in
carlit'r strains. population and atill feed them,"
Legacy -looms
Laguna Garden to Live OR
In the field or agriculture, he
Nelson Named
To Top Post
In Probation
lllitcracy, which Hesburgh he said.
Supervisors Delay
Decision on Suit By SfEVE MITCHELL °' 1111 0.111 ~ ... SUff
Hortense Miller moved to
Laguna Beach more than 20
years ago from Chicago,
because she said. "I wanted to
be the mother of a bougain-
Today the retired school
teacher is the matriarch of
between 1,200 and 1,500 native
and exotic plants on her 2.S-acre ·
botanical garden estate over·
looking Boat Canyon and the
Pacific Ocean.
Five years ago Mrs. Miller of-
fered her llL'ih gardens and home
to the city for use as a restricted
park after she dies.
But there was method in Mrs.
Miller's madness.
''The whole place must be
kept as a garden and tlae public
must be allowed to visit," she
said with a smile. "If the city
tries to bwld on it, or sell 1t, the deal'soff and they 105e1t ...
She said her decision to give
the land to the city came a few
)ears ago, after a man ap·
proached her about purchasing
the custom-made home.
"He was really impressed
with the house, but when I asked
him what he thought or the
~arden, he said he didn't really
care about that."
Mrs. Miller could see the ma'l
mapp(ng out subdivisions in his
head. .
"Maybe by the year 2,000
these two acres will be the only
place in Southern California
where people can come to see
Mrs. Miller and bet° late
husband, Oscar, bought the
pristine canyon top land for
He left a successful law prac-
tice in Chicago and she quit
teaching to come to California.
Aller the house was buil1 in lD, Mrs. MilleT started pOk1nc her
trowel into the earth just outside
the two-bedroom home.
"AU my lire I've been planting
seeds and digiing holea," the
white-haired woman said. Pret-
ty soon she couldn't reach the
plants with the hose. so aho bad
a sprinkling system and later, a
drip·irrigation system put in.
"It's a real Rube Goldbers
waterin£ system,,. sh• lauebed:
••1 just kept adding on to it and
addtni oato it.'.
No• she tlp.rae she has about
l,200 dlfferent v~rleUeJ of
plant&. '"l'hat'a what l counted a
few )'eln ago, but I never could
tell ODO f .-n from uatbw.
"Tako 1hl• OD•/' &be Uld. no1ems • lu1b areel\ fem
beside bet:batlO lounle c:billr. "l
have ao WM' Tibat ft la. S.me thln1 wtlh 1ucculent1.•• abe
shruffed ••
But a peraopal tour or tho
Oowcr larcJ and 1reene1"1 OD n. ~wu·1 turf qulck1¥ WI
tbe ob11rver Jiow much tbe ~ umba'd Jmow ••
••1 .lllle.llWo llowul. n.uoas·
and millions or lhem -even if
they only last two weeks," she
says. Mrs. Miller doesn't care
much for big flowers. "Take Nancy Nelson, chie( deputy Orange County supervisors de· · ing Conrock to install measures
dahlias, for example," she says • Orange county probation of-cided Tuesday to wait four more· · to prtteftt future erosion, the
"Theylooklikebedp1llows." ficer. was named as mterim weeks before deciding whether county wou~d be seeking
chief probation ofhcer by or not to sue the sand and gravel paymentfor damage to park pro-. The tour guide points to a supervisorsTuesday. operator alleged to have ~rty.
cluster of Douglas iris growing . Miss Nelson is to serve in the dam aged Caspers Regional
on a hillside at the side of a pine· Probation Department's top JOb Park.
needle covered trail. "See how for the next 11 months lo replace In the meantime. officials or SD "uthon· zes
brown the leaves are," she asks. Margaret Grier, who was select-the Conrock Company will con-/:a
''They aren't dying -they Just ed last week as interim director linue meeting with county of-th:~ .. ~are what you think or of the county Human Services ficials to work out an agreement .Arson Detail
Agency. to repair erosion damage t-0 part
She compares them lo cats. Miss Nelson is to receive a <>r the 5,500-acre wilderness SAN DIEGO (AP) _ While
"If you don't like them, lump it. $36,816 annual salary in ber new park. the possibility is being studied or
That's what they're saying." post. Winter rains carved a ravine putting mounted policemen iA
"Here's a lemonade berry," At the end or 11 monlhs both 200 feet wide in places through Balboa Park, scene or two re-
she says, plucking a handful of Miss Nelson and Miss Grier part of lhe park and also washed cent arson fires, the City Council
s mall green buds from a bush. have the right to resume their out its entrance road. A county has authorized a apecial un·
"Just suck on these and spit former positions. h earing officer has laid the armed rorce.
them out. Bitter, aren't they," blame on Conrock's mining N• I ff · ff •t operation downstream The detail or 29 officers, work· she laughs. 1gue ome I Murray Storm, who served as ing around the clock, was ap-
The informal tour includes a A burglar who entered via the that hearing officer. told proved for the downtown Park
personal look at hundreds of :rear sliding door took property supervisors Tuesday the firm Tuesday. They will undergo a
native plants, from mesquite to valued at $996 from a Laguna ·should have taken measures to f1ve -day crash course in
moss, and watergrubbing sue-. Niguel home. Orange County make sure the mining would not watching for arsonists and deal-
culents. "Now all of these are sheriff's officers said the in· damage the county property. ing with other criminals.
natives," she says, spreading truder at the home of pnnter An attorney for Conrock said No arrests have been made in
her band over the side of a green Clifford Lewis Miller, 24292 Don-the firm has filed an appeal of fires that destroyed the Electric
canyon. ner Court, took a camera, a Storm's decision with the county Bu 1 lding and Aero·Space
television set and an antique Grading Appeals Board. Museum and the Old Globe "Except lhat funny yellow Riley said in addition to ask· Theater. thing That's from the Canary _:c..::1°::..::c~k::· _____________ ~----------------------
Mrs. Miller mixes a little
philosophy with her flora, saying
people don't care about the
natural world.
"They're so indifferent. Man
thinks he's so superior," she·
says, shaking her head. "But,
you know, there are something
Ii ke 1,400 dJfferent kinds of
beans. And you can't mlx one
with the other. But man -man
you can mix with any other
human being. Black, white, you
name it. And you still don't get
much variety."
She says Southern California
ls losing the war to keep open
space. "They save el&ht acres
here, a thousand there, but all
the whlle they're building out
mo rt areas."
.. l 've cot a pretty good
1uarantee they won't mess this
place up, though, don't J. You'll
be able to bring your
grandcblldren up here."
Tben, 1ett1ng back to her
garden, abe ho1dl out a limb
from a lrqrant fiowerinl tree. ''Smelll just lite a Juneral,
Gaerrilla8 Flee
-aboedeilan aecurl~ fOl"Cel
have routed a lOO«rollt force al
naUonallat l'Uefrlllu whlcb ln· flltuted th• eutern fronUer
from Moumb qcie In the lut
'" I 1Ddepen~t Jtbodesi& Herald nnspaper repoitecl to-da1~ Tbe J'IPC)lt. clUAd by ti·
lal cemcn, 1.id the tuemtlk It their two-acre eamp ,. aa c!J.lcovved.. •
In CM mOUftiain.s of Idaho
The people of Idaho call thelr
state the "Gem of the Mountains,"
.and for more than one reason.
·Jewelers haVe le>n<;1 known Idaho
as a source of opals. Now ~s
the discovery of something new •
precious star opals. The "star''
peslgnatfon, whet.Mr It ntfers to
sapphires or other precious gems,
means that a stone has small .fnbedded crystat Impurities that .cause light to be detracted ar\d
scattered In rays that give the gem the quality Of a shining star.
·But, the really unusual thing aboUt
the star opals Just found In tdaho,
. Is that they ant bellevtd to be the
first op,ats ever seen that tMwe this
''star ' quality. The tran:sp1....,t 5lllca pertlcles are peckw In •
unique way that causes aptlc•t def ractlon never befft ... n In
opals, thus producing the
star-t>rlght species effecb Pr.clous
opals were first dlscovtred In
ldeho In about 1890. Thts new
Woman's 14K yellow or Woman'• 14K yedow or • A
braceJot watch with 2.8 bro.ce"let watch with 6 white gold textured -wblto gold texti.lrod 0
d1amo,nds on the beze~ 60 diamonds:.·· · •
diamonds OD 'tbe dial. . J. ~ .JJump/.,U,& !fa;,,i.,4
discovery of star opals ts enother 1G3NEWPORT 8LVD.,COSTA0M!SA0
.. ;em In beautJful Idaho's 'Crown. .,. .IThJs lovely smte Is certainty more CONVENIENTTERMS BlnkArnerfcard-MasterOUU'Vl~li
·.then Just the home of famous 30YEA~SINTHE~ELOC.\TION . PHONE~J .
.eotatoes. ................................. ..,
. .
• -. ..
" ~
~ )If OAIL V PILOT W9dMeday, March 21. ,t7e WORLD I NATION
r •
f oasting.
with~~: Tom ~~~\'
:Morph ine
Far Out Postal Service
SNOW, SLEET & OUTER SPACE: Word bas just
leaked out ol Washington that the United States Postal·
Service is about lo streamline the way the mail aoes
through. Cynics may shudder, but it's true.
Wrong Thinkers might suggest that they really don'\.
want to see any more postal streamlining.
They pomt out, for example. that you used lo be able to
send a letter all the way from Costa Mesa to Newport.
Beach and tt would get delivered pretty fast. Now it is
rumored that this mail is routed via Santa Ana. At the rate.
of delivery. some Wrong Thinkers allege it went by way of
New Mexico.
Further, ant.i·streamhning factions allege in the good
old days, you could look at the postmark on an envelope
and tell the missive's point of origin. Mail carried post
marks like Newport Beach or Laguna or Huntington Beach
or Balboa
NOW EVERYTHING gets postmarked Santa Ana
When you receive those scurrilous political broadsides in
your mailbox, you don't even know what city lo blame
Despite the:,,e criticisms, the postal service as doggedly
movrng ahead, preparing to hurl itself into the 20th Cen·
tury. Postmaster General William F. Bolger announced
Terhruc1on Prepares Ntv.J Postal Satellite
that the postal service is going to experiment with a new
~\"Stem for delivering the mail
The} 're going to tn 1t by satellite
The mail rs goin~ to orb1l in outer space
Postal officials have inked an S895.000 contract for this
lest Thf'y'll Ir) 1t about a year from now. The way it's
supposed l'> v.ork 1 ... that messages will be shot off into
spac<> in d1g1tal form , bounce off the satellite in space and
l11t the recl•1ving end as v. nttcn words again
1'~1 NOT SURE I understand all that but I sure hope
the postal office people do
You su~J><'d that the postman won't go out on his ap·
pointed rounds anymore He'll go to his appointed
launching pad
Hight now. when your mail gets fouled up, you get lit·
tlC' purplt· stamped me11sages on the envelope. Words hke.
Postage Ouc, or maybe Return to Sender, or possibly L-Ost
in 1\1 achinery
BUT WHEN THE POSTAL service starts launching
mail by space satt•lhtes. they'll have to come up with a
whole new set of mcssa,:!cs to tell you what went wrong
Messages hkt•
Mail Short·C1rcuited to Mars ··
Message Failed to Compute
·Lost m .Space
· We Have Temporanh Lost Your Satellite Signal -
Please Stand By · ·
Or, · Mail Launch Delaved. Your Letter as at T·minus Seven and lloldmg . ·
Satellite ma1l 1s going to be fun
Hot el FirehotalJed
·Airport Batt~e
Rages in Japan.
NARITA, .Japan (AP) -Helmeted militants lbrew about 20
firebombs into Japan Air Lines' new Marita airport. hotel early to-
day, smashing windows and damaging lobby fumltUnl in the con-
tinuing fight against. Tokyo's new international airport.
PoJice aald 10 men drove a smalJ truck up to lbe hotel, bµrled the
bombs and fled. A private guard
was slightly injured.
The opening of the biUion-
dollar airport 41 miles north of
Tokyo has been delayed again
because the control tower was
wrecked during a mob attack
Sunday and the foes of the in·
stallaUon have promised more
THE OPENING. postponed
from Thursday, is now six years
behind schedule. The cabinet as
to meet Friday to set a new
dale, with one in May predicted
The airport is opposed by a
coalition of local farmers who
were forced to sell their land for
the airport, environmentalists
and young radicals opposed to
the government who charge that
the Held may be used for military
Flee Blast
Of Liquid
freight train carrying hqu1 d
'myl chloride derailed early to·
day and al least one car ex
ploded. forcing authorities to
evacuate mol>t of the 2,500 res1·
d<.>nts of this southwest Arkansas
Thret• cre wm en were
hosp1lahzed with minor mjuries
IT WAS NOT immediately
known how many cars were on
the Cotton Belt Ha1lroad train.
which was en route from
Shreveport. I.a., to Pine Bluff.
Ark Authorities said as many as
frve cars were loaded with the
highly flammable hquid
Cause of the derailment was
not 1mmed1ately determined.
By 5 a .m. only law enforce
ment officers, firefighters and
some staffers from the
Lafayette County Hospital re
matned m Lewisvalle
"IT'S LIKE a ghost town here
now ." said Lafayette County
Hospital Adm1mslrator Frank
Sc·hv. c1lzer
Arkansas State Police Capt
Malton Mosier said the burning
railroad car was near facilities
of the J .&P. Pe troleum Co.
where tanks of liquid petroleum
were stored. lie said fire of
ficials could do little but hope
that tht' flames would not reach
the tanks
''THEY TELL US not to put
any water on it I the vinyl
t•hloride>." he said "We're Just
waiting for daylight. now."
to roam freely in the area out.
side the 1,300-acre airport, un-
bothered by the H,000 riot poJlce
inside. The leader of the largest ·
ot the four Marxist student
groups eave a lour of the ''bat·
tlefront" althougb he would not.
let his name be used.
"Tfiis is billy country," he
said as the driver guided the ··
s mall Toyota over the tou1b ter-
rain. "The police don't dare
come here at night "
THE CAR PASSED tn front of
~ small wooden hut with a sign
that read "'field hospital "
"This JS where we treat our
wounded after clashes with the
police," he said.
In seven years of battles
between police and foes of the
airport, four policemen and a
student have been killed, and
8,000 people have been injured.
Yokobori read "unlimited auer· rill a warfare against airport,"
and •'use force to prevent planes
from landing · ·
The car passed through a
\alley cut in two by barbed
'Tho~e are the riot police bar·
rCJcks. · lh~ guide pomted out
Farther down the valley, a
paved road appeared to go
"The police built this road
especially to accommodate
heavy cranes and armored cars
They had to use them to break
down the first of our towers."
towers at one end of the only
runway to prevent takeoffs and
landin~s ThC'y also have
de st ro~ l'<I t•lertront<' equipment
guiding plant's to the runway
··You s('(~ those concrete
lowers?" the driver said, point
tni! lo four structures rising
from the valley "There should
be 40 of them to guide planes to
thl' runway Well, the ~overn
ment cannot build the other 36
because lhl'\ do not control the propert) · ·
The car passed 1n front of a
hastily constructed two story hut
cu\ ered v..1th slol!ans
.. These arc our head
riuarters, .. the radical leader
said ·The 'rllagcrs have made
us v. el come here ·
U.N. Hit
By Firs t
REIRUT. Lebanon
I A p) Tht.> LT N p('ace
. .. ..
A man identified as Eugene Lipscomb wmces in pain as
rubber balls fired from •·stun guns'' used by Atlanta
police bounce off of him. Lipscomb held police at bay
with a knife and sharpened srrewdn\ er for over two
• hlturs before he was subdued by the stun gun balls and
Jt!ts of water from a high pressure hose
Psychic Aids Cops·
In Hunt for Body
NEWARK, N.J CAP> Dorothy Allison had a v1s1on and she
shared it with pa lice. They found the body of a missing teen·ager.
She had another vision, and once agam the pohce found a body
"l would stake my bfe on her," said the mother of a Lodi teen
ager whose body was found Tuesday in a shallo"' grave rrt
Moonachie, almost exactly where Mrs Alhson sa1d 1t would be.
NANCY LOCASCIO'S SON, Ronald St1ca. 17 had been missing
since Sept. ~ she said in a telephone interview. Mrs. Allison
"'pointed out the exact area,'' she said
David Menicola, 19, of Lod.1, was arrested and charged with
the murder Tuesday, after Slica's body was found.
TWO YEARS AGO Mrs. Alhson told pohce from the New Yori<
City borough of Staten Island that the body of 14·year-old Susan
Jacobson was located in a marshy area, an sight or two bndges and
an abandoned car, and near the letters "M," "A" and "R ..
The girl's skelet.on was found Saturday by three boys who were
muskrat hunting in a marsh al a Slaten Is land shipyard The body
was found in a 55-gallon oil drum at the bottom of a 12·foot shaft in
an area that fit the psychic's descnpt1on About 200 feet from the
shaft. b.igh on a rock, were the red painted letters "MAR "
STATEN ISLAND pohcl' could not explam how the lettenng
got there or what it meant
Lodi pohce detective John P1zzuro said Mrs Allison provided
in1t1al leads in the Sllca cast.! and located the "general area where
the body was eventually found " But the v1ct1m was found because
of a tip from another person connected with the c<1se. he said
~IRS. ALLISON, SJ, who has worked \\1th police for 10 years
and claims she has located 20 bodies said she had been aware or
her psychic powers since childhood
'When l was little I would tell peoplf' different things and they
c<1Jled me a witch ... she said
Her psychic power 1c; "like turning on a tele' 1s1on set in m~
mind ·· she said 'I really don t know how 1t comes to me. but at s
spontaneous 1 don't go mto a trance or an:y nonsense ltke that"
Pard Polrtrcal Adver11semen1
"Paul Hummel has 1ntell1<Jenc1' integrity,
experience, !Im\?, and ii real ded1cat1on
to preserv1nf) our fine rcs1cJt3 nt1dl r.om
munrty. He thr>reforf' h<1s mv voll''"
The Lafayette County
llosp1tal's 28 patients, including
two newborn infants. were
transferred by ambulance lo
M agnoha Hospital about 25
males away
force an Lebanon report
cd its fi rst casualties to·
day as Vasser Arafat's
aulhor1t} over the
Palestinian movement
faced a crucial test
U N headquarters in
Jerusalem said a
Swl'.'dish soldier wa!i
killed and anothE.'r one
inJured in a mine ex
Most of the other citizens of
l..ew1~v1lle went to stay with ret·
atives and friends out of town,
or were moved to Stamps High
School to wait until the danger
was over.
Aprll 11
plos1on near a bridge ._ ______________________________ .,.
over the L1tan1 River
-------,r-~-~J ..... ----
Most of Nation Sunny
further details were not
available Israeli sap
pers had cleared mines
Tuesday from the road
to the Khardall Bridge,
two miles west of Mar-
Jayoun, so the Swedish
platoon could take po11i-
tio n s at the bt'id1i1e .
Palestinians on the
heights above the bridge
shelled the Israelis, but
the Israelis said ~hey
"cleared the area or
sa boteurs" and the
Swedes could move ln.
Ottertail Overflouw; Great ~ Get Snow
il'llNlllY Albll'q~ .--rlllo
AtlM ..
Boh• · Bnton
9rowft\Vlllo .. .,,, ...
Clll~ ClnclnMH
0.1· .. t,Wlh
Den¥er g:~t
l<elt1lefltt~ ..... . .._. ...
Hovtton J-•11 Ken'•Clty ..... v..,.,
1.ll••A•k u.~·Mlaflll
Htlll.1119 1wor1-•V.,a
SoulMrn C..lltomle _.,,,., will be
ct_., wllll tov --driutu
It.et wltl c-only ttlQMly durlnv ,,,. ., le l'ftOOM
Tllo N•llGM4 WNIMr S.tvlc• •~d
Tuesday lnc.-1"11 rltln Is UPKI._
In movntol11 .,.._. ti.11lnn1no t•••
Forocntan uld 11!9hs ecrosa
Soutll91'ft C.lllOnll• •nr i.. coor ...
with lb• bltll 111 downtown Los
Alle91H ........ lo l,_ lflld 60I eller
rM<llt119 n T"'6dey
••....._.., 111""9 •rw •llP«ted to
M In IM '°"' '°' In , ... -j .... ttW trom U to 12 In ti. ._, •nd
1-rM«U. 0¥9MleN i-a wlll ,._ ,,_ tlW
"""' ,.. Ill tlW llN<llft .. ,,. ..., .. ___ lnltte~nt
Lebanon's Christian
radio station reported
intermittent machine-
gun volleys durtng the
night at several poiµls in
the south and said the
Israeli air force re.
sumed reconnaissance
nights over the-arta at
Cocutal We atlwr ARAFAT'S au
Meany <IOW'I tonltht _, n..... t h o r i t y w a s ••1 with l"v•n•o <Ilene• ol C.. II d b di I .....,.., na enge y ra ca
o"''" w1nc11 T1111•so•r. 1o111111 • factions in the PalesUno T=:. ~='--•Ill reno-Liberation Organi.utlon ,,.,,,. .. " a. •114' ... 1111a11d •• ,.,,. who defied hla pledge _.,...,.. wm ,..,. '-'-" u .thd that the PL<> would do
... 1'-••IM~M'twllt11t••· all Jt could to help the
Sua, /ti .... Tldn pcace.k utabUsb
o butler aone between
1.0 the Jira lls and the
"""""' ....,,, ..,.,.. -to .,_ t..i .......... 1 .... n. CM•
'"-· ,.., ..._, ...,.,_ w .... , I'" lo IJt,_ INt Wllfl .. \it ..... , I ... 11 ,.....,. ..... ,_, ..
"ThetU'' no cease·flnt u fa~ H we'ro COD·
ceroed," said• tuorrilla
-rommander from the
.Pop 'lllar Front ror th
l..lbetatioo ol Palatine
at tho vmai of Araoun.
.. The United Nations
can do nothln " 1aid
one or his men •
"A Most Unique Place t o S hop ..
LAl•t SIUCTIOH 0 , "Sf'OHY ..
I TOPS, 'AMT1. 'm n, JUMl"SUITS Me ~ MOii MIAT ,..._S
,f • CH~ DI Na • CHllllS l • YOUW. ID\iltAADeAH • H.l.S.
·1 • CHI CIMAn • J. HID
• J.J.. co.
-. ...,
\ ·:
tClo ed Sale Set?:. • Queen's Intereat Lot.i
" '
.. Man Dead, 1
Hurt in Blast LONG BEACH (AP> Chlcaco botelJec ~
Abraham N. Pril.ller was the only one ol t.btee ~
parties to upreas an interest in buylna the f\¥D· •
cially-aiting Queen Mary, a permanenUy moored.
Long Beach tourist attraction, city officlala aaicf, DESERT CENTER <AP> -The Colorado
River Aqueduct, Southern California's main water
source, remained sbul down today afler an elec-
trical explosion that kllled one man and ~ritlcally
injured a co-worker, authorities said.
Shortly after the explosion ripped ttm>1.11ll a
switch room at Eagle Mountain Pumping Station
on Tuesday, officials of the Metropolitan Water
District closed the aqueduct as a precautionary
measure. They said it would probably be reopened
i n a few days
Officials said no water shortage was expected because there was plenty of water in area
"IT LOOKS UKE A 500-pound bomb went off-
in there ... scud Paul Singer, MWD assistant chief
of operations.
Jerry Scofield. 44, died at San Bernardino
County Medical Center just before midnight, of-
ficials said. John Boyd, 53, was reported in criUcal
condition today at the same facility.
Rotary SlaotedOtDn
..We are going to keep our women even if
we go down fighting," said Richard Key.
left, president of the Duarte Rotary Club
Tuesday arter the chapter was ousted from
APWI .......
Rotary International beca~e it had violat·
ed a prohibition against women. Female
members are, left to right, Donna Bogru·t,
Mary Lou Elliott. Rosemary Frietag.
Randall J . Verue, director of the c~·,
Tidelands Agency, satd Tuesday that ABC-TV ncl
Taft Broadcasting Corp. were the other two a :
<'ies with whom preliminary talks were bel on
selling the Cunard lJnes flagship.
VERUE REFUSED to discuss the propoeed
::.ale price, saying ... No dollar amount has been
::.et; there are no commitments. Negotiations are
al a very prelimmary stage."
The city or Long Beach bought the Quen
Mary in 1967 for $3 million and bas since spent.
another $61 million on renovating it as a tourist at·
traction ..
Tl~~ QUE MARY also drained the ell)' or
$1.8 milliOf! . ualTy . the money coming from the
tidelands 011 eld.s. which the city operates in lr\&SL
for the state.
The two men were working m the switch house• ------------------------------------------------------------
when the fire mvol vmg a 6,900-volt switch ignited ._ * * "* * * * * * * ,.. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • • * * • • * *
The cause or the explosion was not immediate-• • e 'IOTORH0:\1E s \I.E.")& RE:'\T.\1-"-RESf:RVE ~OW~ e ~
ly determined Authorities said there was no "£xenapt1on Vote • ~
damage to any of the nme huge pumps at the sta-,. e537 · 7777 • EXT. 500 OR 898-6777• • tlon~uTANMwosPoKEswoMAN saiddamage Sundesert Opposition ;·ui:50ititiRG~•.\E.:LA~·o~c~o~u1NtTiY~'si·s·.:••••••••••·;
to the sw1tch room could run as high as $250,000. ~ _, ~
One of two electrical gearswitch banks at the • OF G:\S • •
Jt;agle Mountain plant, about 200 miles east of Los D 200 Rall • ,. IMPORT • • raws at Y. -FREE ... CAR KING'" ...... • -~ Angeles, was heavily damaged in the fire. officials ... . ~ _
said. • 537·5464
Jarvis Initiative
School Role
OK'd by Judge
vironmentalisl rally drew about 200
opponents of the proposed Sundesert
nuclear plant including two
members or the leg1slat1ve subcom
millee that 1s to vote on 1t today
The state Energy Commission de· •
caded in January that no sare method ,.
has been found, and that Southern ,.
California ener~y needs could be mt•t ,.
through conscrvalaon and CJ l'Oal hred ,.
power plant .. Whtie ant1-nuclear spet'ches \\t.•n·
bt>ang made on the Capitol lawn Tue::.
day. the San Diego Gas & Electnc
Co. issued a statement reiterating its
accusation that the state Energy
TUE SUNDESt:RT nuclear powt-r ,.
plant would be built by SDG&E and ,.
al::. partners near Blythe in R1vers1dt-,.
Committee once favored, then op-d LOS ANGELES <AP> -In a de feat for posed tbe plant.<Rela ted story,A7> Among the anti-Sun esert rally 1 speakers were three members of the fo'"ard Jun·1s, :i Suf>{'rior Court judge has ruled full committee, De mocratic As·
that the Los AngPles Unified School District should THE VOTE IS to be by the seven· scmblymen Tom Bates or Oakland.
distribute 1nformat1on on Jarvis' property tax m· m ember energy subcommittee of the Henry Mello of Watsonville, and
1t1at1H' 15-member Assembly Resources, Barry Keene or Eureka.
S11p1:nor Court J uclge George Dell said Tues-Land Use and Energy Committee
dav lh;_il anformang parents of the 1n1liative's effect The subcommittPe is to inform the Another speaker was Tom Hayden.
on the s<·hool::> 1s an appropriate action for the dis· full committee of its recommenda· former U.S. Senate candidate and
ll"l<'l . and even its rcspons1b1lil~ lion Thursday Chicago 7 member He said his
J a r v 1 !\ and th c The bill is S B 1015 by Sen Newton public interest group, Campaign for
• • • .. • • • • •
••• !>lllflh•.""-."'11 ••• • ...
,&Of 14 "'o ..... 'l;I t "'° ~ • • . . ::< ·-·· . :> .. x . . ..
.,531-nn ~ ..
• :;..._ O*'-"'•""'' • ..... <tit --------·
<.'1t11l·ns Legal Ocfrnse( J Russell. H·Glcndale, to exempt Sun Economic De moc racy , 1s "not
All1an<'e had sought an desert fro~ the 1976 la ws which against nuclear power ~r s~·· but ~(~~~~~~~~~~~=]~--~-------------~
10Junct1on proh1bit1ng the .... TATE forbid new nuclear plants unless wants consumers' best interests
district from sendin~ out .._ ________ __. there is a safe method of disposing of CED 1s backing a proposal for state .... ___ ~_1_A_I_l_,_T_U_)_~___ ST/MULA TES
mformatwn on Propos1 wastes The ball bas already passed grants and loans to gel a solar m-_ .
lion 13 on the June ballot The measure would hmit _t~h~e~s~·e~n~a~te:._ __________ ~d~u'.:st~r?'.y~s~la~r~t~ed~--------.1~=~~;;;;~;;;;;;;;~===========~=~~~~~~~~
property Luxes lo one percent of market value
lJAW M~ting Calwd
LONG BEACH tAPl Amid reports of prog-
n·s.., toward settling the McDonnell Douglas
.icrospace strike. the United Auto Workers says it
will hold a sp<>caal membership meeting Thursday
"Tht.' fact that lht.' l ' AW C'alled a meeting for
1'hursda}' certainly 1s a development of cons1dera
hit.' intt•rT:sl." \1cl>onncll Douglas spokesman Don
Hansen said Tuesdu'.>. He said talks m the two.
month old slrak{• Jrc• progressing well "
UC Pay D ilu>
SAC'R/\ :'\t ENTO < \ P 1 Un1 vers1ty or
California Pn•s1dcnl David S<1xon is requesttng a
9 7 p<>n•t•nt faculty pay raise despite Gov. Edmund
Brown .Jr. 's 5 p<-rtenl proposal
Tht> C'C' ri•gt•nts askt:d the stale last October
for a H.:i 1wrcenl raiSl' for h:achcrs an riscal 1978-79.
but Hrown IS orftortn).! them the same 5 percent be
proposes for othe>r st ate t•mployees
lliln Makes B alf4)t
SA CRAM f~N'l'O c AP l State schools ch1ef
Wilson Riles says a state Supreme Court order
placing his nume on the June 6 primary ballot is a
victory of "substance over form "
But Secrt>lar;, of State March Fong Eu said the
decision could caust• future problems for state
e lection off1c1als and 1mpl1ed that Riles had gotten
special treatment from the court
Maarder-•Uif."idr Probed
LOS ANGELES <AP I -Authonhes today
were trying to determine why a UCLA law student
a pparently shot both his parents to death at their
s uburban Chulsworth home and then took his own
Pohcc s~ud Scott H.ubcnstem. 23, was fe>und
dead Tuesday. apparently after he fatally shot his
father. Hershel Rubenstein, 63, and mother,
Bernice. 59 The father's hody was found in the
yard. and thl' mother's and ion's in the home of~
ficials said. '
Paid Polltlcat Advertisement
•we are voting for Paul Hummel because we
want to preserve and protect the ramaining
open space in our City from irresponsible
. ~prll 11
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Orange.Coast Dailv P•Jot
Robtrt N Weed/Publisher Thomas Keevll/Edltor Editorial Page 3 ............................................................ ..
W~.Man:h21, 197S
~ ater Vote Could
~~.Bypass Tax Limit ,,
'J I
I i ' !
l A handful of large-scale pro(H~rly owners soon may
'< \Jolc by mail -on massi vc issues th al would allow ~;taxation of property to pay for major water and sewage .~~facilities mlo the 21st century.
~ I>1n·ctors of Irvine Ranch. S.mta Margarita and ~oulton Niguel water distl'1l'ls an• s1.•(.•king authorizations
1,Jbal could allow eventual sale of up to $.1.2 billion in
t.o. .. secured general obligat1on bonds.
_ By this means, the landowners avoid the taxing
1tmitations that could come with the Jarvis-Gann
initiative should Prop. 13 on the June 6 ballot pass.
Irvine Ranch Water District board members say it is
doubtful they would get m under the Jal'vis·G~mn wire at
;my r<tl<.•.
Ttw situation again fo<'llM.•s allcnt wn on the fad th:.tt
the decisions on key ccononuc questions relating lo future
land use are being made not by residents ol the water
·.districts but by the owners
In the l'a~e of the (1\lllL' Ham·h Water D1s l11ct, lht·
·City of I rvinc hus said I hi• l~tndo,.,ncr-tonlrollccl water
1 board doesn't have the n ght to call the election because'
selection of the board's directors is not C'onstitutional.
Fi~ of the seven-member board a1 c picked by
lando"~(·r~ and two by the 43,000 residents of the district.
'l'he c1 y maintains that this v10lates the one-man,
onc-vo principle of the U.S. Constitution.
T)1c IRWD board will be elected by poruJ,1r vote in
1983. But the C'Urrent action of the land uv .. nt•i s would
reach to lhe year 2010.
The City of Irvine may be right ahout the
constitutional issue. Certainly the matter 5hould be
aJudicated before these far-reaching decbions arc made.
! Kee p Meetings Ope n
f . , -.
' ~ ,
Three years ago, the Saddleback Area Coordinating
Council, an umbrella organization for south Orange Coun·
t y homeown£'r und civic groups, moved out of the
democratic dark ages by opening executive board sessions
to the public.
Now -after:. couple of meetings resulting in verbal
tonflict and some name-calling among members -one
i <lin·ctor is seeking closed session discussions to present a
• · "more united board." . ' ' !
SACC. in n.•prcsenting the valley area before the
r·ounty Planning Comm1sc.,1on and Board of Supervisors .
hJs been granted the !>en.ices of a tax-paid full-time
cm ploycc by llw tounty and has been allocated space in a
rounty-rentcd office complex.
\\ hl'lhcr or nol SACC is a public body governed by
open meeting laws. its dec1s1ons do influence governmen·
tal action in the name of area citizens.
SACC does receive tax-paid benefits and its executive
board makes decisions designed to influence the lives of
persons in lhe valley.
Open debate and discussion often generate better dt··
risions. At the very least, the public has an opportunity to
undrrstand why decisions arc made.
We urge lht! board to abandon any plan for closing its
public srss1ons except for generally accepted rt'asons -
111 tlus case, lht> tltscuss1on of litigation. The only other
legally acccptl'd reason for closed sessions is for con·
sider at ion of 1wrsonnel mutters. SACC has no employees.
Hiring Might Pay
The proposed hirin~ of seven n ew Capistrano Unified
SC'hool District administrative personnel at an additional
annual expense• of about $173,000 is likely to encounter OP·
position among some distnct residents.
Capistrano voters hnvc turned down school construe·
lion bond issues three tim<>s in three years, risking double
sessions. year-round school and even tent classrooms for
school rh1Jdren, rather than authorizing new district
s pend in~.
Public scrutiny of school finances is necessary and
proper. lt may be in the case of additional Capistrano ad-
ministrative personnel, however, that the proposed
spending increase will pay off in more efficient district
management, hcttrr-run district programs and improved
screcnmg of job applicants.
While Capistrano school enrollment has jumped from
l>,000 students to 16,000 in the past 10 years, only one new
adm1mstrativc post has been added m the same period.
We hope the propos al cloes not become a red flag to
lhose critical of school district spending. The question i!-i
whcth<.>r new administrators are needed and whether
their addilton is worth $173,000 a year.
• Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Daily Pilot.
OthP.r views expressed on this page are those of their authors and
artists Reader comment is 1nv1ted. Address The Daily Pilot, p O.
Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321.
Boy d I Picasso
Byl,.M. BOYD
Cunning orllst, that
Picasso. He painted J.
portrait 1n 1906 or Gertrude
Stein. the queen bee of the expatriate literary hive in
France. Friends said U didn't.
look hke her. Picasso said,
never mind, in Ume, she'll
look like 1t..
Do you get a transportation
allowance, sir? U so, how
much 1 Christopher Col um.
I'm alad I doo'l bu to
.redecorate a restau.ran
to civ• my husband a
pp)' blrthday. H
eema to enjoy beinl
home with bl~ farntly,
ev~n If the parh
do irn'l make th
papers M.E .L.
bus received $6 u mile. Had
he divided it amon g 120
sailors, which he didn't, that
would've been a nickel a
mile each, which It wasn't.
Got. lhat7
A study or Tokyo savings
institutions indicates about
two out of every Ii ve
Japane3e wives keep secret
bank account.a unknown to
their husbands.
.. Give me liberty or alve
me death!" cried that great
American patriot Patrick
Henry, owner or ss slave3.
Here's to the Gerber baby
-clink! -now SO years old.
Q. "What's the difference
J,etwttn a bof, •swamp and
a marsh?"
A. Hu to do witb bow
much water is therein. A bog
la usually damp with tou of
ve1et1tion, but you could
probably walk t.hrouab tt.
without getUn1 your ankles
wet. 'A n1amp ts welter,
Ult 1110 covered with a r Ir
11mounl or vegotation, and
you wouldn't want to walk
throuch it without waders. A
manb ls downrl«}>t watt?ry,
so much so you could mo~t
Uktly push a canoe lhroulb
Jack Anderson
Radiation Concerns Increase
dramaUuUon1 starrina Ed
Asner as clty tioltor Lou Grant,
pitted bis reporters against a
powerful. unscrupulous nuclear
com blne whole deadly. lnvi.sible •
emissions were menacing the
local populace. The episode was
all too (amillar. We have also
encountered powerful opposition
when we have tried to ex~e thedangerotlow·level r~diation.
The stakes are enormously
high. Both the federal govern-
ment and the
nuclear in
dustry a rl'
committed to
power. T oo
man y un-
favorabl e
s tories could
the industry's
mult1bilbon dollar rnvcstment in
nuclear power.
(;o.vernment officials have
also staked their careers on the
development or nuclear power.
They would look fooli sh 1( their
massive efforts had lo be
scrapped because they un·
dcreshmated the danger of low·
level radtatJon. Not only would
the billions spent on nuclear pro·
jects have to be written off, but
addltlonat bllllons ml1ht have to
be paid in compen.saUon to those
whose health has been Impaired.
President Carter'• political
neck may also be exposed. His
most likely Democratic
challenger, California's Gov.
Jerry Brown, haa come out
against nuclear power. He pre·
diets that within two years tbe
public backluh against nucleat
pollution wil1 rival the anh·
Vietnam War movement in in·
lists who have stood up to the
nuclear establishment -
Thomas Mancuso, John Gor.
man, Alice Stewart, George
Kneale, Samuel Milham, Arthur
Tamplin, Ernest Stemglass and
lrwm Bross -have come under
malicious attack reminiscent of
the former campaign against
Hollywood and Broadway
liberals during tbe anti·
communist hysteria.
We have tried to tell the story
or these s clentlsts, whose
cautious wamjngs have been as-
s a i I e d and belittled, whose
personal reputations have been
besmirched. We have written,
for example, about Mancuso, tbe
University of Pittsburgh pro·
ressor. who conducted a 12-year
government study of low.level
radiation. When he produced
dJu1reeable evidence Jinkin&
radlatJco with cancer. tho slud,y
was taken out of his han~.
A dozen 1ears aio. be sought
to expand bis research proJ~t to
u number of govcromeol
nuclear plants. He waa re-
peatedly turned down; h1s re-
quests were caJJed .. coun-
terproductive." Finally, this
waa tho excuse given for taking
But the government could not
suppress the duturbiog
evidenee. Now the Energy
Departrnent has been compelled
to broaden its invecligation of
low·level radiation to 40 nuclear
facilities, including lhose Man·
cuso wanted to study.
ONE IS located al Rocky
Flats, Colo., in the shadow of the
Rocky Mountains. More than 200
plutonium fires have broken out
at the plant. Downwlnd, Denver
has had an increase in con·
Sternglass has concluded from
his sluclies that Rocky Flats as
responsible fo r rises In
respiratory cancer in the
Denver environs. Dr. Carl
Johnson, director of the board of
health in neighboring Jefferson
County, has found signilicant
rises lo leukcmi ln the con·
tamlntttod area. In lhe nearby
town of Golden. accordlna to
Johnson, resldmt.i. bolween the
ages of 45 and 64 buve double the
rate of lung cancer found tn un·
contaminated areas.
Dr. Edward Martell of the N.,.
tionaJ Center for Atrnosphuu·
Research clalms that
•·plutonium in fallout is one of
the factors responsible for in-
creased t.•anc& in lhe population 1n general."
But Jim Kelly, the strapping
union president wbo oversees
l ,SOO steelworkers at Rocky
Flats, rusagrees with most of the
scientists' claims. He says "the
things tbat need to be done here
are attainable. The problems
are man-made." Questions or
safety, nevertheless, trouble
him. "It enters every guy's
mind that works here," Kelly
told our r e porter Eileen
Canzian. "But. we're not goLng to
be a bunch of human guinea pigs
-at least not k.nowrngly."
ROCKWELL Jnlernational ex·
ecutlves. who took over the
plant's operauon in 1975, point to
the improvements lbal have
been made since 1969 when
Rocky Flats was the scene of the
second largest industrial fire m
U.S. history. Union president
Kelly also commends Rockwell
for the changes that have been
made since the company took
over from Dow Chemical. Com·
munity leaders agTee.
But only two weeks ago.
another fire in a beryllium fiJter
plant at Rocky f'Jats put a build·
ing out of operation ror lwo
days. Declares Dr. Tony Rob-
bins or the Colorado Department
of Health: "From a public
health point of view, there's no
excuse for a facility like Rocky
Flats to be operating anywhere
near a populated area.••
There's a 6,500-acre buffer
zone surrounding the plant. Rob-
bins and other health officials
are worried because new
guidelines, proposed by the En·
vironmental Proledion Agency,
would allow commercial res-
idential development of this no-
man 's·land up lo the fence. Rob-
bins glwnJy told our associate
Howard Rosenberg: ''The stand·
ards that have been adopted
for radiation exposure are tum-
,ing out lo be not pearly con·
servalive enough."
The story or Rocky Flats. on
this scrub brush-covered mesa
near Denver, could detcnrune
the future of nuclear power.
Why Should State Oust Mobilehomes?
To the Editor:
I am writing to beg your
cooperation in saving my home
and the homes of other residents
of El Morro Mobilehome Park in
Orange County. The state is
moving to acquire from the
Irvine Company the beachland
between Corona del Mar and
Irvine Cove, as welt as acreage
in El Morro Canyon, to be used
as a public park and facility for
recreational vehicles
I a m Ii ving at Et Morro
Mobilehome Park and making a
home here for my two sons
because, as a Jow-income
person, there is no other place I
could possibly afford to live in
Orange County. My work as a
salesperson is in the Newport
Beach area, and if I am forced
out or El Morro, where can my
family live for rent of $170 a
month? As you must know, the
lack of low-income housing is a
l(reat problem in this county,
and it does seem ludicrous to
swell the ranks of those who
need such housing by forcing
me, and those like m e (people
living on retirement and on
Social Security) out of this
mobilehome park.
WHY MUST I lose my home
so lhat someone may park a
recreational vehicle on this
space? There are acres and
acres of undeveloped land all
around lhat could bo put to Ws
As to rol~atin1 me, everyone
knows there ore no vacancies m
mobilehome parks in Orange
County, and that even if there
were available !'!paces, park!'! will
not allow o mobilehome t.o be
moved in ir It is more than t.wo
years old. The allernative or the-
1t.ate purchasing tbe homes ln
tills park (294 at an avcraaa cur-
rent market value of about
$(0,000-$45,000) would seem a
1raat extrav1f{&oce of tax·
payers• money for \be 40 acres it
1"ould acquire or tbls park land.
To the Editor:
Tho Board of Superv1soN, un·
dtr tbe threat or a joint lawsuit
b,y those e1nd1dates who are
cbaUenglna lhem in the upcom-
ing .rune elections, have now de·
c-ided not to impose the $1,000
limitation on either themselves
or the challengers, until after
the June elections. Now isn't
that sporting of them!
Since they each have over
$100,000 in their campaign cof-
fers, wouldn't it have made
more sense (if they really want-
ed lo be fair to the challengers>
for them to have restricted
themselves from accepting
another $1,000 from those who
ha ve already given over the
$1.000 limitation?
Of course. it really doesn't
make much difCerence anyway
since the purported limitation is
so full of gaping loopholes that
any enterprising corporation or
group o( individuals can easily
contribute many limes the $1,000
limitation. For instance, the of-
ficers ot a corporation can each
give $1,000 and collectively that
corporation gains considerable
monetary clout with the
IN FAcr. the larger develop-
ment corporations in Orange
County can easily muster up at
least $10,000·$20,000 in this
fashion. .t•o rtun a tely. the
Grassroots Citizens (TIN CUP)
Campaign Reform Ordinance
plugs this loophole and makes 1t
illegal for any one corporation
or group of individuals to collec·
tively ban together and give
over a $1,000 wilhm a 48·month
H you think the Board of
Supervisors pulled a fast one
with the above, listen to this
one: The limit of Sl,000 per in-
dividual is supposed to be per
election. But, what that really
means is that between now and
the middle of November, as
much as $3,000 can be collected
by each supervisor (rom each Ul·
dividual contributor. This is how
it works -$1,000 can be given
now for the J une elections.
Another $1,000 can be given
between June and November for
the November elections. Shortly
after the Novembt>r elections
another $1.000 can be given for
the candidates next election.
Thus. in less than si)( months a
supervisor can colJecl $3,000
from one individual -doesn't.
sound much like a $1,000 limila·
lion, docs it?
IC the citii.ens or Orange Coon·
ty are serious about campaign
"You mustn't feel your life Is polntJeea-the
atreeta are much aafor since they pt.It you In
reform, instead of campaign de-
form that is being fostered by
the incumbent Boa rd o f
Supervisors, then join in the ef·
fort to place the TIN CUP Cam-
paign Reform Ordinance on the
November ballot.
1.,udfc ro ...
To the Editor:
Jn last week's Daily Pilot a
front page news item particular-
lv struck me as ludicrous. j e.
,;Carter Threat Flayed, Plan to
Cut Miners' Food Stamps
Thi.' only outrage in this case
is that strikers even get food
stamps, as they arc out of work
from choice. ( am personally
outraged that a portion of mv
taxes are p::i ying for their food
C.aeer·• Mup~
To the Editor:
Amy Litiel's letter, March 19.
expressing her concern for the
loss of .. music, athletics,
driver's training and other non·
academic classes" if the Jarvi'>
Amendment, Prop. 13. passt's
was heart rending. However, 1r
her parents can save the tax
money the Jarvis Amendment
proposes on their home or r'l'ntai
they would probably gladly pro-
vi de Lhese lessons (or her
There are many U<'ellent
mus ic and driver education
teachers and l'du<'ation in ~ports
is provided by the Parks and
Recre:1tion Of'pnrtment at
oorninal fees She can then gel
more of her credits in academic
rourses that m•y serve her bet~
ter through llfc·. H won't "tum out flabby, uncultured people"
or be the d.tsaster she envisages.
• lAtln.r ,,..,,,,. rradrr1 Ott torlcomt'. nw right to condni•~ Idlers to fit
rpact or •fimlnol* Ubd it ranwd..
Vtl~u of 300 u·or<U or lr..u icell ~ gtvn prcJnnirr All ltttl'rt mu.« i'I·
elude ngnoturt> and madinq oddf'fU
but nomf!t ma11 M &t>it~ld on rt·
~-•I wffictrnl ROIOIUSClppQr.-nt.
Pottru wfU ""t bf!"" bluhtd.
l I
Wmn•day, Ma~h 29. 197'8 s DAILY PtlO'T E'T
• Paritg Pleas
Farmers Want
'Golden Years'
By S\'&..VIA PORT£&
f'ln1 lfl • wi..
"We Want 100 Percent of Parity Plus a Fair Profit!"
"Fairness to Farmers ls All We Ask!"
"Why Force Your Farmer Into the Worst Squene or
All Amcrlcans Between Soaring Costa and Falling
What's parity! With rood prices climbing again, who's
in the "worst squeez.e?" What are these demonstraUooa au
The vast majority of Americans work out.aide ol
farms, and to most consumers, demands of the American
Agriculture Movement might as well be written in Greek.
(The average American never heard the word "parl·
ty" bef<>f'O. The average
citizen does not re·
fDember tbe so-called
golden age of
agriculture in
That "golden age''
ls at the core of today's
farm protests. For although the use of parity bas been
largely replaced In today's government farm program,
"parity" represents what the demonstrating farmers
IT MEANS A GOVERNMENT guarantee through sub·
sidies of some kind that the prices they receive for their
commodities be adjusted u.p to the level that would return
to the farmer the same standard of living as in 1910.1914.
In the simplest of words, ~e protesting farmers feel that. if
a bushel of wheat sold for enough to buy them a certain
marketbasket of c~ty goods and services back then, thaJ.
bushel should be able to purchase the equivalent market.-
basket for the farmer in 1978.
In dollars and cents, 100 percent of parity would hike
prices to farmers substantially above today's levels.
For consumers, it would mean skyrocketing food
prices. The U.S. Department or Agriculture estimates the
upsurge at 20 to 25 percent within a year.
FOOD RANKS TIURD IN the spending budget for the
typical U.S. family, behind only housing and transporta-
tion. Ironically, though, these crisis times are wben con-
sumers have the least chance of influencing events.
American agriculture is diverse and complex. What
may be good for catUe feeders in the West may not benefit
corn growers in Iowa. Farming practices, soil and weather
conditions, costs and income -even federal subsidies -
differ widely.
There are only about 2.7 million farms in the United
States, down from about 4 million in 1960. The key point is
that they are larger. The average farm consists of nearly
400 acres today, compared with about 300 acres in 1960.
Nearly 99 percent are family·owned, family·controlled
and fam.Jly.operated, with the remainder owned and
operated by non-farm corporations.
N~.rt; Part·hml! farming.
Four direct.ors have been elected to AJ&et! Corp!1
board of directors.
William L. Fowler and Richard A. Gay were elected
by holders of common stock for terms expiring in 1981.
Dr. Eugene C. Haebscbmama and AJvts A. Ward were
re-elected by the holders of Ailee's Series B preferred
stock for terms expiring in 1978.
Tbe board also elected Charles Van IJew as senior
vice president of the company. Van Liew is the general
manager of Altec's sound products division.
* Ronda C. lungkelt, EJ Toro, bas been promoted to as-
st stant manager at Secartty Padflc Baak'a San Clemente
She is former supervisor at the bank's EastbluCf office
and joined the bank as a bookkeeper in 1962.
* Alan ZeU, El Toro, bas been named SoutheMl
California district manager for U.S. Dlltacorp, a Portland,
Ore., service company in the computer output microfilm
field. .
He will direct operations of the company's five area
service centers, including downtown Los Angeles, Mid·
Wilshire, Gardena, City of Commerce and Newport Beach.
The company specializes ln converting data from com-
puter tapes to mJcrofflm, using a photo-optical process
that eliminates the need for intermediate steps.
He joined the firm in 1972 as a sales representative,
following two years with Memorex and six years as an in-
telligence officer for the U.S. Navy • ...
Mark B. Metz:bager, Mission Viejo, has been appointed
as a vice president and corporate banking officer with
Bank of Amerka's Orange County-Los Angeles Coaat re-
Jional headquarters in Orange.
As an officer of the regjonal corporate banking group,
he wtll have responsibility for new buslness develOPmeM
and the bank's credit relationships with major c:orpol'a-
tiona based in the area.
He succeeds ScoU IOstlng, wbo bas been appointed as
assistant manager of the Anaheim main office.
Metzinger bad se"ed at the Santa Ana main office
since 1971. He wu named vice president in March lJT17 and
appointed commercial loan officer in charge of the
branch's commercial loans and business development.
He joined BofA at Orange u a managemeDt credit
trainee in 1965. He advanced to lending positions ol in-
creasing responslbUtty while servtng ln a number or
branches throughout Orange County. was promoted to of-
ficer rank in 1967 and to assistant vice pruident soon after
bis 1971 asslsnment. to Santa Ana as a commercial loan of-
Prices to Go Up
For Dairy Products
.. DAILY PILOT Wednnday. Maron 29, 1178
C~•er C'ond~t• . . . . -PVBUC NOTICE PUllUC NOTICE
'Child' Moving Work
This writer was a member of the war-weary
audience in a British concert ball 34 years aco
when a diligent and inspired Royal Pbllhannoruc
Orchestra eave the first public offerln& of Sir
Michael nppett•s .. A Child of Our Time."
Sir Michael was not on the podium for that
memorable occaaion as be was last weekend with t
PVBUC NOTICE the Los Aneeles Pbllba.rmonlc Orchestra in a MU.lie
MoncacwH,AULT Center that. understandably perhaps, failed to at·
ANO £1.LcnOfC TO HLL MUNIO .. AL C:OUaT Of' tract a capadty audience. UHOIUl otlRD Of' TllUST fotOTI CE I~ HER£8Y OIVE9'· DllANOeCOUWTY
TMI HOME FEDERAL SAV1d~ c•NJ~o:t::~"TY BtJT HIS P&ESENCE SIMPLY wasn't vital in ~~f~?~~;:~r~;~n 1•aw1ec.wro..w• 1944 ; Sir Thomas Beecham had the deeply mov·
o.r a o...s or Trust u•cuted or S..Aaa, CA'2791 ing. often passionate score before him on that OC·
ROBERT GOSttl'!N -w1N1FRED ,u~~ .. ':"°6u casion and it can be safely said that no conductor ~gJ~"d:,s.';~~~:,,:: ~:·.1:~ P1••111111. MAINORANGE coM bas ever improved on the Beecham analysis,
)o1111 te11¥tt~ a..1ea o.c.mll9r 13ni. ~AN v • L To.· c1u Pu 8 L1 ButSirThomashas long since gone to his reward
19'7S, and recorded OK•mcMr 30, 1f7S. 5TORAGE-OltAHGtE d } led udJto . d it ( 11 Fii• P•o• No. 1011', P•o• u, O.tefldeM: JEAN HOU-4HD in a more august an e eva a num an e
e-"607 ol OOk .. 1 Records In -NOTICU \'w ...... --. lo Sir Michael -looking anything but 73 -to unfold
Office Of tNt AKOIVH ol \M C-ty of cewt "'"' .._ ....... -wt E te S d th t t or.,., ,!Ate o1 c.111orn1e _, g1 .. n ,_, "1 .. ...,.. ..._ c.;: his oratorio on a sunny as r un ay a mus
tosecurepevmentohpnln\IS«Yno•• = 1 .,,.. ,.... a.e havehelpedtoplayhavocwllhtheattendance. ~;s~ :U,~.=;-u.e:_. ~ •v1so1 .,.... ... .-........... Let those who missed the concert k.oow that v.ert1n~ 111 '::D~OA~~ !~=:.-*..,_.e.c::r'!.:: Tippett led the LAPO and the Los Angeles Master ~g~TI~~ .. ~ oieoo,: c ..... ,. .. ...,...,..,.._ .. .....,,_..., Chorale in o "Child" or such power and persuasion
porauon. Du~rtrit•an: -11.... that more than one onlooker was reduced to tears bloc t30 t. TO THE DEFENDANT A clvll d d f th .. :::;.c.e.;,1~1! ~~11, ! ~ comPI••"' -'*"' weo .., the p1.in-by the very eloquence an gran eur o e com·
euctt, eountv ot or~911• S•et• of 1111 90•1nst yo... cs.. footflOt•'> po!ier •s thrusting. forceful outcry against in·
C•lltor111e, as s-on a map ,. •· II you wiu. ID~ tt11s IHtSull, humanity. c:orcte• II' 8ooll • pege 13 of ml,.. you midi, wllllin S de~ .. ,., this M1m
celleneoon .._,, In ..,_ oltK• of tM mons Is --"" ....... n1e wltll 11>1\
C-ty RK«cltrof S.ld Goul'IY. court. written p4Mcllng In._ lo IT WAs A TIMEL y and popular protest in 1944 £acept lllesoutl!Ms1M1y 2S.OO!wt Ille complalnl. (It• Justk• Court, vou 1.
P•"•' 2: Tllat POrtlon ol -·Ion 71 "''"' fll• wlln Ille court " wrltttn when we in Europe were just beginning to rea JZe
1o-slllp • SOU(ll ,._ 10 Wttl of llM> Pl ... dlllq or t.uw An orl/A PIHdlllQ to the depraVtly and Utte r ruthlessneSS or the
S.n 8•rllerdl"" -rld1•n Ill the Ct IV ot be tnttrtd In""' docktl Ill re-M to G"'rm an war machine. Ne•port Suell, c.oun.v of Or•nQtr, Ille complelnl, wlllltn Ill• lime "' ..
stat• 01 c..i11om1 •. A<cllt'd"'9 to 1,... )l)e<ifltld-... l>nlHI yovduo. l'OUr Tippett chose well in committing to music the
ofllclelpl .. ofsaldllllldllltld lnllledl• default wlU lie ... ter..S -•OPI~ tale of the Je"'""h boy whose shootino or a NaZJ trlc\ l•lld offk.e,de1Crlbtld Mfoflow\. Oon of IN Pleimlff, -tNsc-lmey .. .., ., 6~111111"9 at lht HS•ly c-r of e11t.r. ,....,. aoelnst you for II• diplomat led the German oppressers to launch a
Lot l In 111oc11 no of..,,. "Utu Treit1·· "11•1 d•,,,_d 111 1111 <-1•1111 proarams against his community. The Germans •s ~ Oii •"""' recorded In 8oolt 4 W!ll<fl could ,....II In 911ml-nt of .,
PA99 13 o1 on!Kell.--m.ps, In ~ weQtrs, Uklng of -y or Pf-r1Y or never neglected SUCh Opportunities
ol1K• ot tile Colf\y Re<o<dtlf' of S.ld otner nllef '"""'tld In the com But for all that the work is based on an inc1· county the"'• -•terl~ •long tne p1.in1 nor11ter(y ,.,. ot .. kl 1o1 "' ""' """'' e . 11 ,_.,. • -1111 attwtoi.. dent that was so clearly a message of contem·
northe rly cor11er tllereot; t,,.no •fl .,__.,Ill tllh ,....., Y'MI .....,.. •-------------nortnusteriy elOllQ '"" ...,,,Mattuly .. M ....,..ay M UYl ,,_ wnttetl prolongAUO<\ol tne nort,,.....lerty lint ,.._,tt_,,....., .. ,...,. .. u_.
ot ••Id 10110 a llne 1n.1 •• o;1r•ll.t wtlh O•IH ""· ZZ. tf11.
Music Box
porary significance in 1944, lt ls no less fresh and
clear to.us today.
in an art form that bas produced so many or them.
gave us a score that will serve mankind for as lone
as men -or at least most men -will reach for
s word, pen or music sheet in the race of arr-0gance
a nd atrocity.
His work is essentially British in context and
construction. Beecham always thought that there
was much of Delius in the flowing, almost pastoral
passages that illumine the respites we need from
the rervoroltl)osemagnlficentchoruses.
Certainly, it bas the nobility of Elgar, the
crystal clear lone ut1Ured by Gustav Hois l and the
utter spirituality or Ralph Vaughn Williams •
BUT IT IS A WORK or internatio nal
s1gntficance ; Tippett turned to the American
s piritual for glorious ly eloquent passages that con
lain the heart of this majestic work.
Sir Michael Tippett 's heart w as moved b y l he
plight of a child of his time. His tnbute has
become a monument for all lime, a massive, m ov
ing expression of an emotion that is the cor
nerst.one of Uus superb oratorio -compassion.
lnoludlft9 Beat Pk:ture
Beat ActreH • Anne BancfOft
B•M Actre .. • lhlrt.y M9d.alne
8Ht SUpportlng Actor·
Mlkhall Baryehnlkov
BHt Dlreolor • Herbert AoH
U NIVERSAi.. STUDIOS TOUR .MCA ...... ·-\• •'ll.• •~110<•· I'•
.. A thoroughly infectious comedy:''.
-Ke\lln Thoma., Los Angela Tim~
The mo'M that dtk• gf(Ntty!
I \1r CBi11l•·lii.i\ • ~GI
Jnd dhtant sout..,rly J0.00 feet from Ooneld L "'"-"·Clerk A1ttt1
!hi' \OUIMrly 11'9 Of th(> Soulhtrn Br INry Kll-O-e, 0.puly NOTICE OF .. U8LIC SALE
Ul CIT'f 2 lll&HllM DfllVC·lll •l lDWl"DS NOTICI! TO Clll!DITORS (Jranne &34 l'lt I 4r tw"' 819 C,8~ l"tSTOl ClllUllll SU~llttO. C:OUltT Ofl' THI' . .,.
STATaOflCAUllOtlHIA FOil II~~~~~~~~§~~;~§§§~§~~~~~~~ OHllGE 1uu 13 s1oou1Ac1t •t ••i.>" • ~~o 144•
P•cilt( R•llro.i '°"""""Y \ Wyr 11«1 "EALJ 0, .. f:llSC>ftAL ,llO .. EllTY
•• me1111oned '" "'" d+td 10 Mll<t llAACOONA.L.D, HALSTED & Noli<• I• ~ given '""' ...-r Or1r9• Et U•, lrom '"" '>outntrn LAY80UllNE ~napurwantt.oS«.1114ofltw e<>drof P•<lll< Railroad Como;1ny rKorci.d lttCttAltDG.OSltOltH CtvU Proodurt 1.-nd S«. 1'U of tn.
June 1• 19ll In Oook 484 p-)JI Of tlOt Wll"'IN 91 .... Shu. Fl-(lvtl CC>CHI ol n.. Statp"' C.hlornla
••c••I rtc:ordi l••••nce ••UPrtY ••on9 ~A"991•,CA•O Tht undtr\19ntd J11domen1 ~td o;tr•l~I lint to tho norllW•\ttrlV Ttl· IJUI 411·1-Credtlor(\I on NE.MA)(, INC v,.. prolongalton Of 1"-soutt•o\ttrly l1n1· At-y t«: l'\tlwtlff HARLAN <,UAOE.Z. dba AMERICAN
.,, uld lot thence \OUlllwHltrlY 'Tiie word "complaint" lnclUdtt 8UALWOOD ~OWCASE Court OW •IMO Hid nortllH\l.,rty profon9<1hon cros,..comj)leint, "pl.ol,.ltft'" lllCIUClei No. A·91ll wlll ~I •t Pullllc Auclton •I
to tht point ot l»il"'"''IO llnt ol Wtd lol crou-toml'I"'....,'· • dtl•11~nl • In· •-porlab4• tiulldttlQ\ tn trw •li.rw•r
tnen<o ~~1r ••ono \<ltd north· ''""" cnK~t. •111QtJI¥ 111-i..h1na t>ulldUIQ loutfd •I tM • E .. 1 u\lttly orol~I""' to ow po1n1 of tludU tile plural 8f>d m1ucullM In-8•11 Ro<ld, In 1,,. (11y of Anenelm,
b<'gln111ng. tll>de• femift4ne -"""'~ A written CountV of Or-. C:.lltornla on trw 7111
l llol " b<edCll of tho. ®"Odhon• '°' pleading, lnclldng.., ..,~,...,. demUf'· dey of AP"ll. tt71, et the "-r of 10 30 wlltell wld De.a of Trusl ,,.., 91~n •• rer, elc., .....,.1119 le> lht form rtqulr..S A.M., the lol'-•"9 t»><rlbfd .-r\Oll•I
)ecurlly II•• occurr .. d 1n lhat '"" '"' ttw CefllorN• Aul~ of Covrl Your prOjWrlY to wtlSly • judgment d.,. to
fot10 .. 1n9 PdY~I\ Out' upon W•<I nol• orlglnet PIHdlng m\i\I be llllO In IN\ t~ un<ler~llt'lfd. 1~1nt" wttll cost) of
wort"°' P<tld """'" dut ""d •hit ,~ c®rl wllll -1111nq 1 .. 1-ptoof ectverllslng a••h~-esot wit
md•n due owing cthCJ 1Jnlhf1d fht" mon tr..11 • COOY (her.of ••~ s.er"'Pd on ~.c" ttrM\ at wte C.,h '" f.,,...\11 monty
'"'' tn\t•lltnef'll ot Pf•'" •041 •"d tn ot••nHff ' •UOt"NY ...w:s on e.-<n D•••~ of th• united ~t .... •t the Ume of wle
1rr~\I d•,. No,,.·m~r IW• HI/. dn<I hit not rf9'.-.tf'CI trr an •Hor,,.y ~Id pro~y mll\t be rwmoWd by
<ti.Ob,,.qut-nt 1n .. ta1 lmtnt\ du• JN't llmf' wtw-n •summon',, 6rem•d purcn•Hr tlt t~ Ume 04" suc.h '-lfe
""''htllf'r fty,rt>by <>t'Clitr1•v~ •~ rn \itfVtd on• party may varv de'Pfndfno S.•d Of"Oc>trt~ '"" OP\crlbed n " ... '°"'' t•rP pr1n( 1p.a1 wt~ .. ot ~'' o> .. l. dur on tht m•l"OCI of ....-vice. For •••m \11es o t burlwoo<J 1um~r •om•
.t"O P•Y .. btt> tOOl"tnitr \111111th 1nl~H·•.t OI• H~(CP·'1) 101hrougft4U 40 ••n1\M'd MKt Sf>m• In thf> IOU(/ft itt
tnerton ''""' Octobo-r tSth IQft ,lf I~ Publt\l'ted °'""99 C:0.•1 DMlr Piiot, <1u•nl11y t.o -0•1mall'ly hll • S Ton rale of~ IS •• """ l.tlP <Mrg.' .i< .... 1 M•r<h H.12.1', Ac>fll J, IUI Tru<k 10110, m•Ht•t•n-ou\ 119111
forth 1n ·.aid d4-f'd of tru.,t, ,1nd too' t,..,.r 1013 18 m1ich1Mry \\IC.h d\ 1 1'0·l0 fiMI corn
W•I" •n1 -•II wms d<l~.+n<f'(I by"'' ------------P"Hso<'S , "'"' P' ....... , I'. b+tl -
Btn•l•<•.,Y .....,.rt,,.. lffm\ •net 1>•<> PUBLIC NOTICE ••-led,,.,,., tot)I\ tit. •II*' per in
V•'S1on\of Wlddeedot lrv-...t. ind de-11n ,.,ntory on fllP tr'I the office ot
ciuent IUe), •Henm~nf\ and tn -----------·tNEMAX. ll'K.. 3111 Frullltltld Ayt.,
sur•ncr Pfeml.,,.,,...11 any l'ICTITIOVS eUSINISS Lo• A~lft. C.lllornle *"1<11 lnven·
Tll•I by rH\Oll trwreot 1r.e un NAME s.T&TEMl!NT tort ,,..y lie 1-locl tawl"' business
Clef\•OM<I Pf....,,I -•><•ory u,,.,..r Tne folloWlllQ ,..,_ •rr do11>9 """"P<tortotrw.,.teofwlehe ... tn
~;ii<! Deed ol Tr!At .... Ht<Ulocl """ llU$lMU e\'. D•led INfdl '· ,,,, d"llvertd ~•aid TrU'\te~ ,. wril\tn PAMSTAN ElfTERPRISES, ekA NEA!IAA,IHC.
O..tlaretl.., of Default -0.m-AFRO-CAL SALES.. tlW 0... Slrwt,, J~er.dilorl
tor Salt. •<Id N\ wn-..-r..., 10 w td "-t•ln Val..,y, CA tt10I ArUHlr Aptel. Atty
1 ru,11 -S<lld DMd ol Tru\I ....., •II Sl~ley All•n 8-ILY. 11 ... 0.IL '414 Wll.,_.re etW , Sle 7tt aoc um~na evldenc•no 01>1•q•1ton' Slrttt, f ounl&ln Valier, CA '1709 .. v..-11 Hltlr.. CA "211
"Mu,,,d llWl'1'br dnc:t ""~ dl"<l••Pd •nil Pam•I• JHn Ouwnslly. 11"6 00 .>ubll•...., ~ ... Ill' CC.HI D•llY Polo• <loo i..retrr de<l•re dll '""" W<ur .. d Str.,el, l'ount•I" V•lley, CA .,108 March H ?• t91t I IOS-11 ,,..,~by tm,....,l•lely du<' olftd IWIY4114e. Tht\ b\l\tnt\\ I\ <ondlJtled ti'( A
drld ""' ... ~led 4nd -· ,....,tO'f rl•c t 09ner•I 1>4""'"''"P Pt BLIC NOTIC' E
10 c•u\t tM c><Ol>frly OPXrtlwd in •••d Tnl• -~~~..::. ~~~~.:, with IM -------------OP~d Of Tr"'t '0 "" '>Old ~o •alisly Ir.. Counly Clerk or Or•n~ Counfr 011 1111054 obt•9•t•t>n\>4'<~~~t y FebruAry 7.1'7' "CT1T10VS aUStNESS
You m•r hlvr ,,,. rtq!ll lo cure '"" ...,m NAMI STAT EMINY
dellull deKrlbed lltre•n and r~"'•'•tt Publl\llf'CI Or9n119 Coest D•llY PilOt Tl!• toll-Jng .,.f\ons ere dolnQ the morl~ or de«! ol lru\I !>e<hon Mtr I, IS, 22. 1', 1'7' •22·7' bllslMU H m 4 ol tr.. Chile c.ooe ~rmll> c•rt•ln MISSION PLACE, lilt4t YOf"bA
aetautts to tiec"'9d -IN payment PUBLIC NOTICE StrMI, Tu\lln. CA•tornl•t16IO Meurer O.wl-"t Co , 14 .. 1 of tnt •mounts rtQUl...i by ,.,., "" 1--------------Yorb• Slr~t. Tu\lln, C.llfornl• •i.eo
hon wttllOut rNJu•r•ng PAYfNftt ot '""1 l'ICTIT10US eUSINall R. I( Ellooll Conslructlon And :i:~:~nn':1~nc.s·::1:: ::.·-;..e:~ .. 71"~" "'""'a STAHMl'.HT .,,..,e,_...... c.in-11v; 11"1 Ga~o.n currtd wtit<e rtl'ISl•l...,,.nt ,, ~SI· TM lollOWillQ --Is doing bU>t· Grovt Ooult••rd, Garden Grove.
Dlt, •I lllP c:ll!eult I\ no\ <urtd w•tllln ,.., •• C..ltlornl• 9''40
THI COUNrf OFOltANOI[ u1a119e 6Jf 0340 fl IOID 5111 )8ij0 lOWlllOS WUTlllOOIC
He. A.,._. ClllUllil.AllD t l AN!lt•m 63~ 7b01 u4ruen Giove !>JO 4401 o!.~~of MILTON WfHDERMAN, '----------------------~-.-1
cr..illor\ of the AlltW<t """""'dot<..,_ tn.1 •II ~~ lla>11ng t1•lm• ..;i•lnll Ille uld deetdent Mt requlrfd lo 11i.
ttwm, with lfle llKftfMWY vou<ners. In
tne office of .,,. cl~-Of '"" abow en-llllltd cour1. or lo pt-I Ille,,., wlln
IM neceuary \oOv<llefs, to tl!A 1111·
Ckrsl-d • tne ofllc• of RM<tv. uns •"d Croc:l<ett, 610 H••por1 C•nttt
Drive, Sull• 9'° N~wPorl 8t•<n.
Celtlornl•, wll<ct, h ttw plKe of DUSI·
nen of Ille ~lgNd fn •II m•ll•rs
.-na1nlng lo Ille ••l•I• of .. Id de<•·
denl. w11111n '°"' mont"' atier""' 1trs1 ttUbltC •tton Of llMS noUt•
Det..s Maren l. 19111 ELSIE WINDEAMAN
E uculrb Of t"" w111 01 ,,__,_......,OH.U.-nt
tit NewpM1 tem« ~l'T
~· .. "° ,.,...,..." ~. CAhfor"'• •-Tel ·...,..
At-.n.eT lw l'a<IAna
Publlsl'ttld ~"llO' Coa\I O•lly Piiot.
M•rcll I, IS. tl. 1', 1m 'n0-78
The lollowlng ~rton$ ••• dOl"9
At•<t• SM>te ""n&.Hel~ts. c.a111orn••llllilllill~lillllmii .,,01
C•na•u We11, P•PP•• 10111 ,,. LEACH HARVEY KQRMAM :1~~~1•· SM1t• Ana Helgnt>. C.tltornla MADELINE KAHN• CLORIS MAN• 11
sup11.., s.e•io. P-.~. J• . 2021t ... ,.. DIC« VAN ~TTEM ROM CAaCY KOWW IAORRJS :,~~I•. ~ .. Ana, H .. ~11. c.111 .... n1• A Mll sms FUH1~ aml Dlzetted bf ~l BllXlkS
r111s 01111Mss ,, con<Nc••d by • Wi'th "Annie Hall'' at general PAl'IMnlllp
Tn1s :i:. W::! p,:"~,,, ,._ Edwards Huntington
County C•-of Or•noe Couflty on And Newport Cinemas
Merell U.1'11. l•--------....,r.= -------..... ,,,21.
Pvbftshed Or.-iot C:O.st Deity PllOI,
Marett 1S, 71, 1' -Aorll s. 1'11 l~l-19
CASIY'S SHADOW 1"411 ""'' YOU UOHT u, MY un (l'OI
111)0 e 2 JO e ••O e •:U e 9iM l
rtl I &Ar llttl
STIAIOHT flMI c-1 "411
THI llflc-1
"lltl GiOODeYl G411,•' tNJ .,....,._, .......
SAT/-...1:1'-)ol.....,._,.,..... ~~;::===~-~---=-ftAJ«TA
S.f~lll'-l>M-"4'-hfl•I ...
PLAZA NEWPORT REAL TY. Tnh C>usl""n t\ conducted by A tnr~I mon1t'" 1011-t'!.'~ n•cor<llng 1000 8rl4IOI St,,•t 'N. NO II Qt1Mral1>Artnef\lllp. ---111~~1m;i!~!!~ WC>C»YAU91•• .. llA10el ot Ill\ no '<f, lh~ ,..,., '" "'n•l•I• Newport lle«ll. Glltforn•• •2MO M...,~ 0.....c-1 Co 0 ICE
"''"' wlll l~m•Mlt •nd lllf< pr<>o-rlY J unn H. P•I•, " Vtsle. lrV•M RObef'I E Ma;;~-·· PUBLIC N T "AHt411 HALL" m;~ ~.s:::;,,1,.., '1 rttMttlemenl ll c:.;~r,"~::.~ I~ conducted by .., ill Th11 :.;~=~ WA> ttled with Ille ----H-0-TICI OF tl••r..,••••••• .. •S • '••1 "t410:. ~ ::!,W,.,:.'!_~J."
bl• .,nd t"' dmo""'
•nv. dlvidua1 co11<1ty C••rlr 01 0renoe Coi'n1,, on ~vaucH1rA1ttHc; , .. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii•••••••iiiii°'i..,..iiii.,i3i4i2i~5i3iiiiill l:~e~~!!~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~; Mte\,arv to curr ow <>-l•vll confacl J-H P.tl• Marci! t), 1,,._ Pun.-1 to~ of '"" C.lllenlla 11 '"" ""nelki•r or mor1Qa91't or nwtr This •••t~ wn flleel wttll Ule Ft1ZJI C:O.st.I Comrrllulon, Notke of Pvblk
•uCte\son lntrrMt. WhOM n"""" end Cou11ly Clerll Of Ot•noe County Oii Putllfsllfd Orange CoHt DAiiy Piiot H•arlllQ Is Hetetry 01 ..... S.ld f)Utlllc :,~:~~::.:~~,:;s0'.!:;'L':!<~• M•rcll 13, tm. Attn Mer. 21. tt. Aol. s, u, 1m 11Jt>.7' ~;~'."~!~:.-:-:;ci.:,:~,t~",;; 1---------------------------
soc••llOll of ~ D~ 101 er........,y, p.,1141,_ 0renve CoeJt Delly Piiot. .,.,.,.11. ",,,,_ •• ,.ms~ 9Ubmlllte1
!>an DteQO. Gollfornia <M••hno Ad-AUr<n u, Z2. lhncl April J, 1m PUBLIC NOTICE bY Artttur Mid ~ Sf\aplro The dru' P.O. 80JC 1010. S.<1 D1~QO, ... ,. -------------1wblKlr ....... ltlO!lfmllt1...ctlollo!
Calttornoa 9211n. ~------------1 P:ICTITlOUS aUSUll!SS • \en'IPCll'ary 1'1114' C91 14. IU '°""'
DAT CD F~..-ry1 1979 pnauc NOTICE HAMan&nMENT .... mu .... ...t..i . ..............i ,1911 -HOME Fl!OERAL \AVINGS ...,. TM loll...--_,IOll Is dolllO Ml-vertlli"11 _._,,,,. ""-"'"• ' It. ANDLO""N A.S!OCIATION -~.,.,....... Alleve 'enter'llne on Fr-~ Rom,
OF ~N OIEGO NOTlca TD CR•otTO'llS neu a~:E w p 0 It r s u HR 0 0 F wltlt cortdllloll. Al 1'S91 Admlr•lly
IS/Lind• A. W<tr,,..r, Me. A-taJJ DISTAi 8UTING COMPANY, 413 W•y, HuntfftQtOll BeA<ll, CAllloml•.
Asst. v•cr Pr .. ld""I SUPt:•io.t COUllT CW TMll A'•<I• Avenue, Corot\• del l't!Ur, S.ld ~-publlC -~ wlll ,...,._ /\/Elt~ll Harr... STATE Cit' CAU P'CMllNIA l'O• C.llfornl• m2S Men<• "' •.OO" "'· on Aprlt a •.. ,. .,
...Ul\tenl Stcrt'1¥y Ttta COUNTY O•OUNGI' peul Tortorlc•. ct3 Auel• Hunlfngt.., 8eKll Clty C.OU..Clf CNm· Pubtl\lled ~-Co<l\I Daily Ptl~, tn tl'le foMttitr ol O.. Es""• of PAUL Avenvt, Cor1llle del Mer, Cell!ornla ti.r,, 2000 Mein Sll'ffl, Huntington """rc11u,22,n.A1W11s,1q1a F AeDD. •Ito know11 u PAUL tlu& euc11. C..ll!Orlll•, .,.,..,llO wnicn .,,,,.
SIHt FRA,.,CIS AEOD. ~ This bu~nftS ,, condUCttd b'f.,. 111-... persona .. .,,.. fevorlf>g ot CIPllOSlnv
-----------Hot•<• ll ,,.,l'l>Y QI,,... lo cred•ton dlvldu•I ,,,. •ll'>lltetlon wlll 119 ,,..,..,
PUBLIC NOTICE holvlfl9 cl.tlm. •9111151 u.e Mild dece· Peul Tortorl(e Publisi.d Or-.oa C.0.st 0.lly Pilot
dent ID Ill• •aid ci.lrns In the office of Tiiis st••-• w•• !lied with ti.. Mercn 21. 19, 30. H11 u:p.;i ,-------------ti.. clerk ol lhe atoreYld c-i or I• c.o..1111 Cleflt of Or•llQll C-ty 011 "ctm~ austNHS Pf•~"',....,,, to,,.. .,,..,.,.lvnH at IN l't!Urcn10.1'1I. PUBLIC NOTICE
NAMI STATt'.Ml!NT ofhc:e of IAVIHG E. ROSEN, Allot,,.,, PuDlls-Or ..... ~ Otlfy ~Hot, ---------------Tll• loll-•llQ perSOll\ Ar• dot"O et I.Aw, 1221 I!. Tlllnl StrW'-k llA eo3, MArd1U,2',.ll5,1l, 197• SU~ltlttOll CO\IRT O, THI! l>u\lnt~ .s· OoWMY, Cellfornl••OHI. -icn latter 111a..n STATE ()fl CALl~NIA ll09'
STERLING SANTA AMA, ?»A E eltlet Is ttw !lleita ol bo.W,,..t el IN""" THR COUNTY OF OlltMfOtl ~r Road. Sen<•.,.., C.tlN<nla 911QI der$1g!Wcl In all tNttt.,., IM'f'tA4nl11g lo PUBLIC NOTICE *· Affln
EYAHS.JOHU. INC., 231).A I!! said H l•I•. SIKll cl•lms "'""the NOTtc• Ofl ... ,..,,.0 Oft Ov~r lt<MCI, ~Ma AM, Olllornl• necu .. ry .oucJ'oe" mldt 119 flled or ~l!TtTION l'Oa ....oeATe Ofl WIU.
'12101 pr .. •fll•d as eforH•ld wltllln four •• ., AND LITTallS TISTAM•NTAaY.
TPtls ~ --~ b'I • C.-months eftltr ttw ff .. pGbllcatiCll\ of NOTIU 10atl!DITOtlS PC>• AUTMOIUIATION TO AO·
pontlOll. tl\ls NMICt. lltO. .... U M t N I IT I! ft U N 0 E It T H a Ell~ lllC Oeted fNr'Cl\6, tf11 1u,e111oa COUi.TOfl TM• INDl! .. •NMHT ACMtllaMlnUTION
ee-1y J . EY-. El.IZA81!TH Mc:CaEIGHT STA Te Ofl CAUl'OtlNU~ l"Oa OF elTATU 1tCf
Se<nLarY E~ ol IN Wiii TMe ClOUNTY CW ottAIM• £st.e1A 01 ADA J.. CAVE, O.C..Nd.
Tltla allUrneflt -lhecl wftn the .t wld ~ ffl 1111 ............ tM Es•e •SUSIE HOTICI! IS HEREBY GIVEN 1twt county c1..-of~ ...... Counly on IR.VINO •• ROS•ll ... 80VCE, ClaciN9M. PAULI Hf: H. GlllONS M • 111 ..
Mer<ll11,1'11 Rl211 A~.... Motke 11.......,., ·-.. Credttwl Mreln e petltiGft for ......... ol Wiii PuOlls-OrMQe Coast o.fly Piiot, llU •• ,....,...., 119111119 cl•-...., .. , .. llAfd ... tnd IUUertc.e .. Lalllln Tes._ ... .,.,
MMtllU,22.zt,Af;tr.S,lf11 S.*tla .,,, le flla uNctalfM Ill ... 9"lca el .. Ole PetlU-8"" IOr M#lattUlllofl
1N1-71 .,.,._., ~W1 .. Cl-ol 0. ..._.. ~ w le Mfl\lllitW -IN It lllJI •01 ------------· ~, ..... 0r..-c-t o.lty ..,., _........,. .. .,...,.....,, .......
P·-· •c NOTICE 1Nrc11 •· u,u. "· '"' ·~" ... '" .. lfYlfto a. --.. MWMY .. • ___ ""_ ..... _______ . f---=:=:-:::-::::==-=--1 Le•, tail •· 1MN ~ ..,. .. • pert1cular11, efl4I tMt tM a-etld
PVBUC NOTICE ~. CllifwW'9f1, ........... 111-llf ...._ .. _ ......... ,.1CTfn011Seu11••• •a1u••• .. ,----.,._ e.r AM11 • tt11a110:•--.. .,.._
MAM9 ITaT'Ula"1' 1--------------t-.,...,.. Ill• ......... """"""' 1e c_,,_ o1 O•J l11•wt wo.a• NH n. ....,.... ,._ ts dOlno !ludo P•CT•nous ausot•u ....... ._. .. S«ti ctallN wttlt ceurt, •t 100 CMc CMI'-ortw w..it. .-~.~fllltBAL~R.TOO~• llAMe.ITATIIMeMT ~ ~""'" ....... .,, .... cov•S.UAM,01 .......... • .. ~............. ..... ""'~ .. -AteM4m, Tiie fol ....... ,.,_ ........ ,...._,_ -~-~"'lfl ._ DMld ,,._..,.,"JI. ,.._.._ --..._ _... ~ """tM flnt -katlefl If WIWAML•~ :c..:.,. °""" w1111---. ,.. Jwo SALO. tt4t °'-.._, ..,.0:."~11,tt11 attuc•~Oertl
• ciwa1to5t .......... C&.tlt0t hl~:..c-:-=-~la, 1014 llvtl'l~AnMtltrout OUllY•Ad~~LCOLM, ~ """....._11 ~"°'-"" .. IMf'l<Orlw C.UMIM.CLfHa l~.rllewtll 04&..Y&M~a
I tlMUl•~-o ..... u•--T~t· .... _,...,:._ 1• ~ .... • .,. .... ...,... tat ... ,,.. ---... -lh•llted~ --..... ............. ......Otffw .. tt,. -n.11 ,....,_,._ _ ftlad wtllt Ille ~w.o.carie. A...,_.~ ............ CA. ..... ~ Colliltr Cltft -' ONlltlt OMH!ty Oft ~ P9l1Mr 11it L' --....... -. ,..._
fMtdt "·""' ""' .................. MCI! Ole ...... ~, .... ~ Ce9ll Ollty ....
: NII..._ OIWlet Cllllt Oaltr ~ C-t~ CMr1l .. 0...... ~ e11 ~ mltc.:.,:a _,. ..,.. ..... --t~ mt tttNt ~ Mtr.D.lf.Mr.,O.nn ian-n .-CU.Tf!L ,.... .,..,.,..Orllletc..to.tly~'"''------------i ...... ..., or.. Qillt °""".,.... ...u 14 a.•-~-. tm PVBUC HOnCK
Mllr ... u, .. ,,,"" .. ,. ....,.·---~=~===-----4
Mttt ~Marlowe The toushe5t private eye
who ewr-wore a~ coat, slapped a dame
and spltt hls kruckles on a Jawbone.
,_,., .,, ...... ,
WOCMIT AlUN e DIA .. llUfOtt
G4lA Y LADY DOWN Cl'Ol l'l\11
O•OllOf IUllU A '°"" D(N'lll OM GOOI ("411
IOlld IO & Tltl OUTL&W f POI
'°'' fAJU DllVlllW!