HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-07-28 - Orange Coast Pilot17
Ba • 1es e ue .3 · Test-tu
.... -... • • '. --· -e ... -
DAILY PILOT I Ora~ge Woman Charge
* * * 1oc * * * .. ' • # • • • In 'Night Club' Fraud
' _/
• • • •
Giant Surf IH1perils Swinnners t---Newport
Pregnanf!ies Told
3 Test-tube
Babies Due
LONDON 1API Three mor{•
women. two of them countesses.
expect t est tube babies this
yt>ar . the Daily Express report
4.!d today
The British tabloid said the
wife of a wealthy Britis h earl
and a West German countess ex·
p ee l th e ir babies around
Christmas and lhl' third woman.
a Scot. l'Xpects hers in No
Nont• of thl' wom en wa~ iden
I ifiE>d
But the Express satd th(•
Britis h t'ountess. hkl· the molht•r
or the world's first test-tube
baby born Tul'sday. b1.•camt.• pn•
ba by born Tuesday. bccam(•
pregnant afte r treatm ent by
gynN•ologist Patrick Steptoe and
physiolg1st Robert Edwards at
tht' gener al hospital in Oldham . a
mill town in northl'rn England 190
miles northwest of London
/\ fourth woman who hopt•s to
become pregnant aft(•r conccp
lion outside the womb i!> under
trc alme nt in Lo ndon 's St
Thom as'!:> Hospital She is in her
30s and 1s being shie lded from
the press. but medical !-.OUrcci.
said it would he i-.o m e t1m t•
before it was known 1f s he wen.•
pregna nt
Medical histor v·s firs t lest
tube baby. Louise Brown, wai:i
moved from a special care unit
Thursday to Join her mother in
the maternity ward at Oldha m
<.1nd District General Hospital.
Or::cJ .Coasl
Som e late night a nd ear·
ly m o rning low clouds.
o th e rwise f a ir toda v
through Saturday. A little
coole r near the coasL
H 1ghs ranging from the
low 70s at the beaches to
the mid 80s inland a reas.
Lows tonight 58 to 68
Summer plays at Orange
Coast College have been a
I rad1tion for year11 but
•· Pac1/1c Overtures .. co uld br
tht' l ast becauu of the
passagP of Proposition 13
Story and ptctures tm Page
Al T•11r s.nr1a Al ll'l•tfftlH-........ '" Allll YftHn
cs .,
L.M ... Y• At _., .. c .. 1.t .... , ..... ..... , M ............. ..
C.1119f'fll• At ll•d•11••11b CM Cl•otflM Of.II ..... , ... _ .,
C.mlu 9J ~Ma~9tt .....
Cf'MtW9"1 •• u DHlllN•lk~ 02 Te .. •lti... Cl
, ...... 1 ....... A• , ..... .,.. , .. , ..
111•~·-Ct .. •••U-• A4
......... 1 ... I M .. , ........ A4 '"""-.,
and a bulletin sa id she was "pro·
gressing very well."
The mother . Lesley Brown.
~ho will be 31 Monday. and her
husband John, 38. a t ruck driver
who has a daughter by a pre-
vious marriage, had been unable
to have children for a lmost 10
years of marriage because an ir·
r e pa r able blockage ii\ Mrs .
Brown's Fa llopian tubes pre·
vented normal conception.
The Steptoe-Edwa rds tech
niqul', cm which the two doctors
worked for 12 years. involved rt"
mov ing an egg fro m Mrs
<See Bi\BIES. Page A2)
Trio Jailed;
Cop Rwt Down
In Himtington
Of U.. O.i1, "II°' Stall
A Huntington Beach motorcy
d e officl'r who fired two shots
:.rt a car whose drive r allegedly
tried t o run him down three
limes in both fo rward a nd re
verst• gear s is alive but
bruised today
Th e m o toris t a nd tw o
passengers are in jail after the
l'pis ode . in whic h Sgt. Carl
V1dano fired two s hots at his al·
leged attack ers a fte r being
knocked to the pavem ent.
Mic hael 0 . DuPont. 20. of
19962 Is thmus Lane. Huntington
Beach. 1s held in lieu of $25 ooo
bail. charged with assault with a
d.eadly weapon on a police of
His a lleged passengers in the
9:50 a.m . Thursday inc ident
Gen e Me ns ik , 19 . o f 19912
l s thm4s L a ne . Hunting t()!"
Beach. and Ernest Gumm . 20, 'of
563 Victoria St., Costa Mesa
were identically booked. •
All th.rec re ma ined in custod~
al Huntington Beach City J ail to· day
P.atroL5gt. La rry Cain s aid a res1d~l'of the ne ighbo,rhood
wh<'re the assault occlh-red,
n ear Ne wl a nd S treet a nd
Yo rktown Avenue. was a lso
nearly run down during the inci
dent ~as he tried to aid Vida no.
<See OFFICER, Page A2)
Crash Kills Two
EL O~RO <AP> -Two
young Snn bernard100 itirls and
their Irish Se tter dog we re
burn e d to d eath a nd the ir
parents injured Thursday when
a moving vun s lammed into
their parked cumpcr and s edan
20 m lies eal!lt of here on In
t erstate 8, the Californ ia
Highway Patrol said
Welcoming Waves
D111y Pilot Stiff Pllo ..
Big Waves Took Toll Among Uninitiated Thursday -Lifeguards) Hauled 424 Out of Water
That's Show Biz?
$50,000 Night, Club Gig a Mirage
Of lllo 01i" .. ilol St.IH
Two obscure nigh t dub ente rtainers struck payroll chlo'ck-, belongm g to tht> "'o rld"·
it rich in Orange recently when an unknown fore most platform 011 dnllin~ firm. SantJ f «
~illionai ~c paid them $50,000 to perform rn lnternat1onal Compa ny
his new mtery Then• \\a:-no m1lhona1n.• And tht• non
But the singer a nd his accompanist grew t•x1slent m1l11ona1rl' !> nt•w night club wa!>
restless when. for on{' reason or another non existent
their debut at the posh cl uh ran into a serie~ There wai-.. hO\\<cvt•r. a bookkeeper at Sant J
of delays. Fe lnternation.il who <ipparently had been
sm 1tll0n by tht• t·nte rtarncr!> · talenb
DON'T WORRY, TllEV were a llegedly
to.Id. by the millionaire's woma n agent. we're
w illing to pay you a retainer to make certain
you'll be on ha nd when the club opens
~ut worry the entertainers did a~ they
wa1tl'd for thl'ir big chance to knock 'em
dead at thl' new nightclub
So worried did they become that this week
they called the m aker of the checks the
wo m a n gave the m o n beha lf of h e r
millionaire boss
THE SINGER AND HIS s1dek1ck quic kly
learned the checks they h ad toted to the bank
over the past two months wer en't those of a
millionaire patron
Instead . t he checks we re once voided
.\CCORDING TO POLICE, ti "a~ the book
keeper. Sht•ryl Ann McGary, 35. of 524 S
Bedford St . Orangt•. "ho h<1d re presented
lht• mythical m1lhona1rP as he contr acted for
the l'ntert:.11ncro;· -,ervtl'e~
And 11 "'as Mr!> McGary who wa). m
Orangt• County J;.111 by Thur~day afternoon
charged with frnud a nd t•m bezilement
Police said they diet not know what prompt
ed the woman to allegedly t>mbezzlc tht'
money paid lo the singer and h1!' pianist
Meanwh1 lt.'. the e nl t>rt a1 ne r., began
searching for a new engagement and lht•ir
chan('t.• to make th e big time that -;eemea to
be their.; at Orangl' County'" newest non
nig ht c lub
Airport May Face Cwsing in San Diego
S AN DIEGO CAP > State of
ricials have thr('ntcned to tuke
ste ps that couJd lead to the even
tual d osing of Lindbergh Field if
~he county Por t Commission
fails to ••xpand the l'Urfcw h y
two hour' on mRht Jlt Ollt'ra
Port attorney<; \\.f'rc• 'lch(lduh'<I
to uppenr hefor\• U ~ D1str1~·t
Jud~t' F.Alwarc! J Schwartz to
11 ,1 y l o " <· t' k ,1 I l! m po r .i r y
:'l'~trai nmg ordt'r to keep the
.,t.Jtt• from revol.1ng the airport·._
\ arianr<> 1>1.•rm1t
Save 424
With tht· big -.urr that hi t
Newport Bc>ach Thurs day ex
peel ed t o l :.r ~t thro u gh th~
w e t' k (' o d . i 1 f c ~ u a 1 d ~ a n d
bodysurfe rs pre pared for action
ThL• bod~surfero:: c heered thf'
urriv<1l of tht• big com bcn in
time for the fi rst annual
Handgun contes t which is set for
Saturday at; a m all 8th St.
A Handgun is a m iniature surf.
board made of plas tic tha t a body
surfer grips with one h<ind to give
him mort> mobility 10 rid1n.g a
Li rC'guard ~ wc•rt• !cs!' {'0.
thusiast1(' a bout thl' bi~ s urf
after they pulled 424 swi mmer'-
out of Lhl• big w;;ves Thursday
A M ~1 r i n t' D t' p a r t m e n t
.,pokesman claimed Thursday·-,
s urf ran al .i cons1~tcnt 15 feel
but had dropped off t<.• eight t11
10 foot s(•Ls today
Th l' -;u rf a ppJ rent ly 1:-.J
by product ot hurricane Hecto1
off lht· l'Oasl 01 Mex ico . tht·
spokesm an said
Tht• lt fcJtuard spol.ci-.man said
75.00~ pcoph. s howt·d up on
'lt.•w porl 's beaches T hursdav
:ind big crowd:-were a nt1c1paled
today a:-\\ol'll
0 f I h l' 4 2 ~ rt• s cues I ht'
lifeguard spokesma" :-aid two
involved serious tnJUrte~ Ont'
was H surfer wh<' s uffered a
b:.it•k 1n1ury wh11£-r 1d1ng the
W:.tH~' al 13th Stree1 a nd tht.>
other was a n ar drowning al
Little Corona beach
No details Of' eithe r of thosl'
c·3se::-wa:-ava1labl1;· this morn
Sadat Barbs
M mis ter Menuchem Begin wa!-.
quo! cri today ::ii; w<'lcominr
Egypt 's w1lhngnes!l to conhnuP
Pre~ident Anwar Sadat· ... pcacf
1n1tia1I\1• despite Sad<1t ·, attack:.
on lht• Israel• ll•adersh1p
In 11 nattona ll't broadcu~t
-,peech Thursday ·Sadat called
J-.r:H 11 leader~ · ttrn~~." dnd
said "thl' day wtll never tome·
whl'n Egypt w1 ll tradP ,\rah lund
for pcact>
Sidewalk Sale
Eyed Today
Tht \4th a nnua l West chH
P la2J s1dcwalk 11<1!1 1s outlined
in ,1 .o(T)agJztnc m today s Daily
.. 'fht· lathl'r of all Ha rbor Area
..,tdl;'w alk !\die~" feature a hu11
.mu JeWl'1ry tash1oni:i. food!'. and
h:>rrlwa rt>
l ntc rvtf'W!-. wit ti West c hlf
Plaz.1 !'llerch.mt~ J.lso <tl)peur In
thl· magazine in today's Outl)'
\2 DAil l PILUI " t .1., Ji;' l& 11 •o ~-~~---=--~--(
Gold P1ice Skyrockets as Dollar Totters
LOND<>!\ r,\P l Tht> µnC't· or
gold soared llOO\ l' ~>oo ttn ounc~.
,, rt•rnrd on th1· m<iJOr Eur Opt' Jn
bullion markt•l tud.n
Tht> pnt't' "J'> fl xe<l <il S201 30
'" h er t u: afll'rnoon t 1 Jdmg on
•he London mar ket il nd rose to
$200.65 in Zurirh, E urope's big·
J(est gold markl't
Oc<ilt•rs her<.' '><11d hulhon ~as
~IVl'n J boost when A ml'racan
huy mg dl'\ dopt>d Jt Lht' start nf
t he b usiness duy in the mtt.'<l
St ates
In 1'l'\\ \'111 k th1· prsn· 11r 1<111<1
PJ.:.:.ed till' $201 JO OUlll'l' lllJf I..
.it t"' o lrudtnf: 11told rt•finer ... md
f.1bnc.•utors E111.wlha1d M111t•rab
& Cht•m1c<Jb ('ur p quutt·ll .:old
hulhon at $201 60 ,111 11un1·t" up
$7.25 from Thurs<lay. while llun
dy & Harman M'I its b ase pncc
for gold ut $201 JO. UI> S7
lnvl•stor:. t rud1t11mallv turn to
gold 10 llffil''> of monct~•l'Y Ill
..,t ab1 lily. and lht· steady decline
of the doll;ir on lhl' world 's
fore ig n t•xch a nl?l'S has caust.'<l u
:I Spoi News Story
:-uq(l' 1r1 llulhon pri~·t•s
Tht· dollar sank to another r ec
ord low in Tokyo against tht'
J.1palll'M' yt•n t od ay und ron ,
t1n0t•d to -.ht.It• ugm nst ma1or
t-:uropt>un c urre nc ies. fa lling
more than 2 pe rce nt against the
Swiss frunt· by early a ftt'rnoon.
Cold hud lwen trading a round
$199 an ouncl' m ost o f thl' day
and t hl•n movl'd highe r following
n.•ports that lhl' pr esiden t of the
Sw1:-.:. nal wna l bank , F ritz
Leutwile r . be lieves that "
I hl'l t \\t 1•·11 t IOI l >alrnatwns .11 lht• .111
1111.tl -.pl·r1,il1~ s ltn\\ of l ht· l<1n11111 ..,
I 1rd1c1U"L' dug in S.inl <.1 Bar bura then •
"<·n· 2:'l<I ol th(:m Tht· dogs s t rl't<:hing
-..n11uts In tlw sk\. \\1·n· tompct1ng from
<l ll O\'l'I' lh<.· country.
Thousands Moved
By ~Train Gas Leak
.1 1\CK~ONVI LL E. F la <AP1
t\ largl' v.h1tl' cloud of toxic
• c hlnnnl' g.1s rost.• from J rup
turt'd r ;.11lro:.<1 l <tnk <'U r <ind
d rr flt·cl OVl'r northwl'Sl ,Jackson
'1111· tnd;1~ tor c·1ng tht· ~·vucuJ·
t 11111 of .1t•vt·r41 I thou:. and rc'>1
tlc•nt s About 25 persons wen·
ho" I' 1lal1z1'<1
l losµ1t ,1I offt<·1,tls -.<11d mo~t of
r hi 1-.<· s1C'k1ml'd \\ h1•n they 1n
h <tl1·d lhl' gu~eous makrwl WC'fl'
J111·nH·11 ''orking to control •md
p1 ui.: I h1· k uk of hydrochlorn:
:w1cl lhJt \\t1:-. hn•aking down 1n·
111 I hi· f.!;tS
I lt1· r .11lro.11l 1 .11 carrll·d 90.000
v •>11111ls ot rllt• .i1·1d and ruptured
..... \\or knwn lwgan to unload 11
.11 1 1'111·1111l-;1l pLlnl. pul1<·(· sa1c1
I lt1~p1t,1I offiC'wls said none• of
lhn...,. su·k1•1wcl app('arcd to bf> 111
:-1 rruus 1·11nchl111n
'-,1•\'1•11 r1rt'llll'll .... ho hild minor
,., p11!-tJrt• \ll·r<· hn:-.c•il down ul
lh• -.n•ttl' .111d 1.rk<•n tn St Vin
1 nl s J111.;;p1 1al v.hl'rt' J
"J111k1·~rn:m SJ1d t h1•y drd not <.1p
111-.r r ..,c·11ou:-.lv harm<•d
1'11 d1ghll't" hegan ho~10~
,111" rr th .. l'iJr to cool it 111
)tri·p;1r,1\1on fot' tr;msfN of 1ht·
.11 ul to .1~t 111 .IJ.?l· lunk
I tw r:11I l <.111k c;ir w.1s IM.'tng
11ril11.1dt•d .it tlw lln11in Camp
1·11rp pl;111t ;ti .1b11ut 7 am
\\ h1•n .1 v.orkt·r illtt•mpted tn
111w11 a door 111 41 c·o11trol valv1•
llll'rl' \\J'> appJrt>ntly a n ex
11l11..,111n 'JHI .lackso nv1lll.'
:-h1·11ff s -.poke~mJn Mtk(' Gould
I lydnwhlonC' at·1d sp1llt•d out.
r 11r nrng tn chlorine gas and
11, dr og1•n <J S 11 mi xed w ith
111111:-.tun• in lhL• air. Gould said
I ht• '" 11t Ol!l'n though pol en
I 1.d h l'\PIO ... I\ l', <1 1 ~s1pat1•d
h.11 mlt·-.-.1-.. lw s a11I Hut Lhc·
.. 1llor11w fiirm <•d " s pcctacular
"h1l1• pl11mt• in lhl' morning air
1 '' 1 llJ.! lo ,1 ht•1ght of 150 to 200
t 1•1•1
rt1• th~"1'Jl"' I U·•'t Ort1ty P•IO\ ..,.t1''111r'l~(nl4t. Ol"f\
h•11•,11"1 ,._.,w P•''-' 1'nuf\l+\hN1nv~hlt()tM'11~
t I I P11hl h•"'q ("1Mu.1n w ¥Pil'f .. lf' • ..,1t1Qft lt•
" "',, M t•, '"' ·uv~ ~,.,,..,.,,. 1,,. Cii. '" ""-• ~.·..-('tll)f• s ... ,." ~· '"'·r.cr"' "'~ ~ ,."""
P • \Mii~" ''"' nt ~' ltfl,.hA• • V t!lfl., ""'°' • •h••n• H,.,., n V.utn Co' t • \tl"l;if 'f'O•'"""' •d•
1 of\ " e>u'>I!''""" "'"'''"'""' Mn \un<!""" fn• -.-,. , '' 1 .. 1n1 "'"<I r11 "'' '' "' \JO w,.,1 O•n• ,.,,.. I ( ~I• AA. t ( t 11-.tl'loA "'n.
... ,., ... w ...
....,.,. 10t•nl '"'' P11bf1,twtr
J•<llt .. c .... , ..... ''" ,...flt·~,.,_,,..,..,.."""",.
,~...,.,••If¥•• f O•UH ,,_.,,..,A MW"'""'
~ .. ,,,,, H LM\ Jlt.C~ .... f' .....
II+ l41""1fMA""')l'ltQ(<IUV
OtflCH ro .. l.tt ~"' llOW•\t A.Iv SI,...,
I A~Ol't,_ "•"t h 11Ht (,f~'j'fta \tr,.,,.t
tt11'1ol ""J'..,., t•··-11\ t lllf\ftiiJl;whf\r"',.._"'.t'<I
\_.,.l'tb• • V\11"" 1\THl.tPAlltr»rJ
•' '•"" Oii-oo' ,.....,_...
Telephone ('114)642-4321
ClaHllled Advertlelng M2·5'TI
\.-Cl'dff'twt .. "•"··,,,_"""()ti•<•
t H\im '"" C ,,.,.....n,.
Pt ~NOrfh~•~ (th,,.,.V(l"''"'"h_,.1tMll'\
~~:'+t~ ::~,0:.::t" (~;!lt~~~~~"l~~I
IT\Atl•r or <tff¥•tt1\•"'•"h f\tt••#\ m •y ~ ••PrO"O\ft.-d witM!lovt \H C ••I t)ttnti\\IOft ti ,,.,.,ilf'lt,,...,
, •. "fl" C'•" lf"'"'''· ni1un •• (tt'\tl\ i\V'" ( t I •"•• ft.,r.\ r10t •fl b• ,.,, \t \0 -.,.'lo,., l'>f' ..-i.tt t \t ~nl,.,, <'n1l1t1uy at·• ~t·~' Cl '° ,.,,.,...0111.
The gas drifted, toward a n
u r l' a o f r e s i d t' n t i et I
nC'1~hborhoods mlersp<.'rst•d with
light industry <iould l'Sl1mated
a IO -squa re mile a r ea was
The <.•vacu<.•t•s were be ing
ta kcn to a command post at
nearby Paxon Hig h School.
Rudy Walke r. who works m
t h (' an•u. :.aid that a n othe r
workman t r ic:<l t o get a t the
"WhenPvcr he ope n('d up t he
J1d, the li ne b u:.tt>d You couldn't
1':11 from wh<1l. 1l happened so
fast "
E'rmtt Page JIJ
l nv<:'sttgator~ s aid Sgt. Viduno
initially pulkd the su:-pecl vch i·
clc ovt·r to 1s!'iut• a spt•(•ding c 1ta ·
lion wh1ll:' on radar duty. caus-
ing the driver to turn o nto a s ide
s t n.•t•l
.. Bcfon• he could dism ou nt
fro m h 1~ motorcyclc , t he car at·
l'l'll'r<.rkd , .. Sgt Cain s:.11d
Ill' t•xpla10t'cl 1l appeared the
vc•h 1clc <lrl\·l'r was trying lo
t•scapl:', but ht> suddenly spun the
<:ar i!l ,, U·turn al Anchoragl·
Dri vt• and W indward L <•Ol'.
lwad1ng f1>r the sergeant.
Hammt•d hnwdsidt> by the on
c·oming l'ar S~t. V1dano ~uf
frn·<I minor lt•g strapes and
hn11st·~ hut pol u.'C' :.illt•gc <is ht•
"'·ramhl1•tl to his fel'l the
mo1on-.t h.r<·kc>d up t1rt•s
~qut·a l rng u 1m in~ }Jl l11m
l>1\'111g -.1tl1•\\ay'> lo s:Jfrty. Sgt
\11dano :-.aid th1· driver the n took
01nolhC'r run ;1t him as he d oclged
.1~1dt• e1nd aimed his :.er vicc re·
\:nl ver st ra1ght at th<' s uspect
T hl' driver stark<! to spf'ed
11\\ .1.v Jnd Sgt V1d.1n11 fired
l WICl' at the c ar's rcur tires. He
J\uthontu•s traced t hl' a uto to
tht• Isthm us Lum· a dd ress an<l
arrested DuPont. Me n sik a nd
<;umm, impounding thl' suspt.'ct
\'l'h tcle as evidence
F,... PCJfl«' AJ
Brown 's ovaries. fcrtilu:lnl( 1t rn
a la boratory d ish with spurm
from her husba nd nnd impl11nt
in~ the dividing cell~ 10 h1·r
utt>rus about 2'1'2 days lutc r
The r('sull w as a blond\'. r huh
by c h ecke d , 5·pound 12 o uoc·o.·
girl born nine d ays prcm uturi•ly.
Som e 5.000 wom e n ar c rt'porl
t•ll to hove sought h elp from thl'
t wo specialist s or fro m others workin~ on s imilar proj ects .
Published est1m ntl's a re tha t in
Antuin alone 10.000 wo m e n ar c
in frr l il<.> b ecause o r blochd
Fullopian tubes
1'he doctors said they would
not writt' thc offirlnl report on
1h1•1r tc.•rhniqtu-until they have
h.1cl J vacut1011
Big Wedding
Singer F ra nk Sin alr<!.
com L•dian Don R ickles and
l h t• f?n t ir c Los Angcl<.•s
D odger b<iseball team
\\ l'l'l' am onJ! the g uests Jl
t h L· wedding of L a u ra
La:-.orda. 24. in F ulle rto n
Thursday night
Th e f o rm er Mi ss
L a s o rda . d a u g hte r o f
D o d ge r m ana~er T om
Lasorda. bccam c M rs.
Sand y T a ndlC'r in the
h orn<.' of J erry Stephenson.
a lo n g time Lasord a
c rony
.. Yl's. everyont• h ad a
g reat tim e ... Skphe nson
s<iid today. "Don Rir kles
c nlt'rta in<.'d a nd he was
great. sim p ly grcut. ..
Amo ng other guests at
tht• L<isorda wedding wer e
act ress Hope La nge. acto r
Tony LoBianco a nd P eter
O 'M a lley. son of Dodger
owne r W~1lter O'Ma lley.
Son Nabbed
In Murder
Of Hi.s Family
S ~LMA <A P > -A Selma m a n
cha rged with the k illings o f his
parents a nd younger brothe r
was a r rested without incide nt in
a coffl'l' s hop here loday . Fresno
County s he riff's deputies re·
.J immy Spiller . 26. was t aken
into C'us t ody the d ay a fte r
fum•ral servic·e:-. for his p arents,
.I o h n D oy I c• S p i 11 er. 50;
Hoscm ary Spille r. 44 : a nd his
hrother. Edgar Albert Spiller .
Each had been s hot m the
head . hundlcd m bl:rnkcts and
bound with rope . Mrs. Spiller 's
hody wa:-. buried in a garden.
Tht• v ictim-. ur c believed lo have
been krllt..'<i about a week before
their bodies were found.
~pit i e r w as a rres te d at
Pt•rko 's Coffel· Shop fo llowing a n
;1nony mous tip, authorities suld
lie had c·lude d a s t atewide
drn~nct sinC'<' Monday whe n the
d t•rom posing bodic~ of his fam1
ly w e re ro und in their home nc ur
Reward Goes Up
The price on the head of a
mun w ho calls hi m self "Un cle or
Sa m .. and is believed to huve set
H r ash or fires in the Lake T ahoe
flasm wl.'nl up by SSOO Thursday
Tht> Nevada Da vis ton of For estry
a dded S500 to the Sl ,500 reward
put up by the U S . F o rest
Ser vice ror informa tion le adlnfe
to the arrest a nd convic'tlon of
lh<' a lleged 1.1r.;onlst or arsonls~
furtht•r <1pprf>r 1at1on of t ht• s"' 1:.:.
fra nc against lht' doll i.11' 1s Ill
ev1ta ble
T h l' p rl'vruus n·t·nrd f•>"ng
v. a s $197 so. re<'orut.•d ll•·r JO,
Tile fix ing 1s tht· prtl't• 1:1tcrct1ll
to h y L o ndon's r1vt• m ujor
bullion dcal('n; for lh•• d uy's
trad tnl( 11ft<•r t•onfrrnu•:. llhUullv
by 1t•lt•pho11t'. on na 111•k1·t t•111111l
T hl' pl t'Vlllll:-0 11•1·111 d l'.111 14' 111 ... 1
a flow 1l11y;o. 11..Son· t•1111.:1 t·:-.·.11m11I
h·.:1:.l.i11on .1llowl·<l Amt•ricun1> to
hu" and st.•11 1:1)ld in 1975 E uro
1w111l ~1>t>cul.1tors h ad l'Xpl'Clt"<I
t h.it the nt•w Am e ri cun law
would CIUISl' u bO(l m tn th<' gold
11111rkl•t n ut tha t boom d id not
m .1tt•rt.1hze a nd gold pr1ct•.,
.:raduully d t•l'lim•d
Th(' dollar dt·~p1h' mass1w
1111rt•hast•:. by t he Hunk or J a pun
to s t t'm ttw drop. d1ppt>d on tht'
Tok yo forl·1~n l'Xch un ge to
•11\\llhl·r rl'Cord low
l'ho.• .11l111g n .11 t'lll') l'lost'<I JI
l!l:.! 125 Jap:mt•:-.1· \'t•n. clown from
Th11rsda) ·.., dn..,t• of 1i:1;1 -t7S )'t'O
.ind at its lo\\ l's( t'losmg level
stnet' trudu~g bt>lo(un ut th~ end of
WM ld W i.1r IJ
It 1s 111 .J.1pan·, intnci.t to k(>ep-
tht• )l'll from 11:.1n~ too r~p1dly
a.:a111 ... 1 lhl' dollur bt·l·~use the
Unllt-11 Sl ut.· ... rs ,, kt·y l'Xport
mar kN tor J.ipan J\ rno n · t•x
Pl'llSlV{' Yen mukes J,1pant>St"
i,!oods id! rom pt't.1t1vt· on thl'
I\ m l'rt<'an m:1tk1•1
Tenn Stayed
W ASlll ~GTOt\ 1 \ P>
Plans to Wed
tJ S Sup rt' m t' < • o u r t
J u1>IH'1· Byrun H Whitt' lo·
d.1y pustpQn1'CI th1• i.11l:n~
or Ni·" Yurk Tun•· .. rt•
lHll'tt•1 Myr on A. l'.itht•r.
\\ho h.t:. r1•fust'<I tn 1urn
m t•r n 111f1dl•nlla l note:. to
;1 N1·v. .ll•rs1.•y 1udg1.• pn··
... 11l1t1.: 11\o'I lh1• 1)1 X '
murdi·r lt 1.11
1\111:--1 ow 11\l'l t:r111•k
11111 11 .. 111111 ,.,.,,, ('Ii• lldll111 011.1:-. ... 111.
1tlk1 ilhtlll""lltg ll1t• ltlt ,1 ,,.., jlt I'
p11'1 lt I 1111 ... 1111 \\t 1•1.11 1111t( lo~l ,1 \1
""'' l\l•ttld 111 .111 v ,1 S 11 v1 1·1
lt ll l t•tllll'I U1 11 1•)\ t Wt•1•k 111
M11111 ow " I• 1 t'111'11 111111 t111ll1ot 11·
llt•I ltt111ll y Ill 1\lltt•flb WIJ!I 11•
11111 l.,tl 1111lt.111p y .ol111ttl If
I 1J111 i;..tl l11g 111 1111 1t•d 1111
Tur1111t1 v flw .'I Yt!IA I ult! Mli,:.
01111 ... hlh \\ ,.,., 'lllt•lt·tl U!> hll\l lllg l1y
t•11•1w h I• l1·v1:111111 11111 r:.11orul1•111
t iulirf•·I M1·11•t1 k wl111 1•1111t1w11·1l
lwr '""Iv lhh 1ttt11 11111g 1 ... 11111·
-.h1• s l1J11wtl 11111 o f l1t t lt••lt•I w .. 11 11110111 .. it ..,,,111 to·-. 11.111
... 1111 1-.1rly 1111 ... 1110111 It 111.11 t 11 ..
d.111i•h l1•1 ol 11 ... lotl t• "'''1'1•11111
111.1.:11.1 !1· /\11 ... t 1>l l1· 01t.l'1'o l 'o
would m .11-rv !-.1·rgt·1 I\ 11111.o v ,,
formt·r ('rllJ1lov1•1• of 1 ll.-1 • .mk•·1
lll\'l..,.on of llw Sov11'1 frl'll(ht
fir m Sovfrakhl.
A Sovic·t cum o r um:.in s u icl
Kauzov picked up M1~., Onass1-.
a t lht• lntourist llot<:I 10 his So
vic t Volga automobill· today a nd
cl r o v l' ht• r a w a y t o .r n u 11
d1~clos<.'<1 location
The c a m e raman d escribed
K au zov us about 40 yea rs old
a nd said he has u g luss l'ye. r<>
portc dly the result of a boyhood
;.ice 1dent Kauzov h as regularly
p1ckl·d u p Miss Onuss1s at tht-
hotc l s inc1.: h e r arr1va l fivt'
weeks ago, the cam er a man said
Re peated telephone calls to
d ay to Miss On assis' s uite a t tht·
Beaten Girl
Still 'Poor'
In Hospital
A teen-age girl who a ppa rent
ly wa!) left to die on a n lrvint'
str<:'el Thursday afte r a n as
sailant fractured he r skull. n •
m a m ed in poor condition today
in th(• intensive care ward of a
local hospital.'
T he c hild. 14. reported ly a
runaway from a North Da kota
India n reservation. w as found
s prawled in the roadway on J ef
frey Road. north of the San
Diego Freeway. at l:30 a .m .
A m ot o ris t drivin g ho m t·
spotted the g irl
P olice said sh<.' was incoherent
and babbling. Thoug h she told
the m she had been struck in lhl'
head and thrown from a m ovtnJ!
car . officers said s he a ppeared
confused by her injuries
They wer e uncerta in tod ay
about what ha ppened
T h e girl was unconscious. un
der m e di cati o n , a nd i n ·
vestigutors have bt•cn unable to
talk to her, police said
I nl 11111 • .,, 111 n1nf1rm th1• mur·
ri Ill-:•' 11•prn I i.:11t no 1111:.wt•r
111 i\llr.·11.., .1 ft lt•ncl who a•,k1·d
11111 111 lw 11k11t 1r1t·tl .... 1111 1h1·
0 11Ubbl:o. 1.11mly wu:. "dl•t•pty nm
1·t·1 ncd .1 ho ul llw m urn ug1•
"Sill''-. .1 :sluhho rn w11111 .111 and
1> h '' o I ti r t' a I 1 / l' w h .1 t r <'
1t•rc·1111:.1oni. h1·1 m a rnug1· to thl'
lt1Mi1Un mtMhl h.1vc," ht· -.aid .
"'"'H' ( i 1 t•ek 111•wspap1·r... have•
hlll'f'Ulul1•d tl1.i t t'Olllflll or lht·
c >11.1,.. ... 1.., 1111 111111 · 1•..,t 1m.1t 1•tl .1t
:i.~lOCI 1r1tlll1111 11111-:lll L ill llllll lh1·
11.tttth 111 lht• ~IVll'l U1111111
Hui -,.1v1H •,1n111•t·s "·'Y lh1·v
1111!11·1 '>l.111tl Mt»" 0 11a:...,1s v.oultl
lllff lllllVt · h1•r UJJl'I altOlb b:.tSl' to
'\111'.111\\ hut f Jth1•1 ll•avt· lh1·
1;i m sly llu:.1ness m lht• hand:. uf
as-.111·iatcs m Euro pt• and New
S1m·t• !\ht• :.1rr1vl·d f1vt· Wl't•ks
ago sh(· hud t•1lht'r n•fused tu
:.pt.,1k w ith th<' prt>!)s or l'<illt·d
tht• reports or he r m arr wg1·
.1bsurd or pre posll'rous
Uut II was s.ltd s h e h a d
traveled to Moscow tu complete
ncc·essary paperwork ror !ht.•
m arriage. including documenta
t 1()n of h t•r two prev ious
d ivorces She said whe n she ur
rl\t•d Junt• 26 s h<· would lcu\t'
.J uly 20
~1 1ss Onass1!> a nd Ka u10''
µost>d for 1-11cturcs in her hott·I
room T hursd ay for tht• British
m·wspap(•r lh<' Dail> Ma ll Its
t•orrespondent wrote a story 1m·
ply ing the marriage was St!l for
next week m a Soviet palact· (tr
we ddings
Whl1t• -.1.1\1•d .111 or!li·1
t111 thl· Jull111~ unttl n1x111
Tt1('Sd 11~
l'ht• lull Suprem l· Cou rt
1s 111 n•tt.'S:. until October
i\n uppe<1l "J td t•nforc1·
m1.·nt of sub1J1~na:-. undt•r
thn•tlt:. of 1a1l1ng an'1 ftnt·-.
"1111lcl 1rrenH:,1bly d Jma~·
111u1 n al1:.t s ab:!:ty t "
..:.it ht·r and rl•porl tho·
111'\\.., JI.II 111 tll.trl\ Ill 1111'
.111 .• 11t ( nnun.tl 11·1101 t
Coast Woman
In Drug Rap
M IA:\11 <AP• -A .;;u,,p1r11lu~
hulgt· on th1• hatk of " '"'>m.ir
arrt\ 10g .it ~11.im1 lntt·rn.,rwn.il
t\1rport le'(] to h••r .1rn•-.: .snt1 tho
'l'l7Url' ot 1 : p<1und .. <1f r<>f'atn ..
\ :tluecl :ii morl· th..in Sl mllli.,n
cu~tom~offtt 1.Jh :.<.tJd
Hobin Diane Linn 22. of Hun•
rngton BParh arrr\ 1n_g frnrn
Huh\IJ Thur;day. "'J:. stopix~
by J t•u:.tom~ 1n :-pl·ct or v. h•
fou nd t hree• pla s tr< p ac i,..ilo!l ...
t•onta1ning c·oca1n1· 1. ped to hl:r
bod\. 11ff1t1<tb -..11d !->ht· v. d'-.ir
11·-.11•c! .1flcl <'li .·r~1.·c1 v.11h
""'"l'':-wn :.ind u!"'l,1"f ul 1m
•)ortat1on of co<-.unl·
GuJf OKs Refund
PITTSBUR<;n <AP> -c;ulf
011 Corp has a~rE·ed to n •fund
S42 ~ million fro m its 'ales d ur 0ng th t• Arab 01! cmhargo
Tot in .Jail
Baby, Mom Both Held
OCEANS I DE { /\ P 1 ThC! :\mt'rtcan Cini
Libl'rlies Umon says a HJ~}cur·old motht·r \\as hetct
in .1ail for four ho urs with h l'I' 6 month·old son m her
a r ms.
/\ :\lun1c 1p~1l Court :udgt· ordl'rcd the rel<.•ase of
R1t<.1 Phyne of Orcan~tcll-aft t•r shen ff"s dt•putu.•s t old
him the county ta ll m S;.in Dil'go CJlsu larks f;:ic11!tie~
for prrsonl'rs' childrt.•n.
A lthough Judge 0 ;1\ 1d W' Walker ordered her to
1·eturn empty.armed tod ay to complete her one day
sente n n• for p l'lty thefl . ~upt:nor Cour t J udgl'
Edward Butle r in San D1t•go ::.tayl·d th· m er pend
ing a hcan ng S<.•pt t nutl0r act C!d a f ·r a c <.1ss <.ic ·
lio n was filed by lht• c 1v1 ! liberties grou
Walker heard th<.· \\Om an·s guill y plt•<.1 Hl' fined
h<.•r SIOO in addition t o t h<.• i<HI sentence.
Recently a customer was comparing our prices with another store. We
were informed our pricing was higher per square yard Upon
questioning. we d iscovered that the other store was furnishing a
considerably cheaper padding than the 64-ounce sponge rubber
padding included with our transaction.
Furthermore. in this case. we were comparing our insta llation against
an installation worth far less. (Many stores contract their labor by the
yard ... to layers of unknown background and skill We have our own
crews. trained and controlled by us, offering you the best quality
installation possi ble}.
So . . . factually -the estimate was not as 1t appeared to be' In
conclusion, whe n comparing prices. make sure you are comparing
equal values!
1663 PLACENTIA A VENUE • COSTA MESA. CALIF 97677 • f'HONf 6J6 4838 646 235.5
I I ( e
i Iii a Br
I t
Orange Coast
Toda~·~s Clusin~
'.". Y. Stuc_-ks
Woul be Stars Flicker; Fraud Damns
Ot Ille Delly Piiot s fl
Two obscure night C'l ub entert;.11n<.'r!'i
..,trueok 1t nth in Orange recently \\ht·n
~rn unknown mil lion a in: p<.1id tht•m
SS0.000 lo perform m ht!:> nt•w nilery
But lhl' smgl'r and his <.1ccompanisl
gre\\ restll's:--w hl'n. for onl' reason ur
.1ROthl·l'. their cl<.·but at lht· posh club ran
into a !'it'rtl'~ of ddu~:-.
l>O'.':"T WORRY. T H E\' \\l'rt' ullegl'd·
h told bv thl· millionall'l''s woman
<.1genl Wl•\t· willing to pa} you <.i re
ta11wr lo mL.tkl· n·rtain \ou'll bl• on hand
\\ hL•n thl' dub npt·n~ ·
Bui ''°''"' tht• t•nterta1m•r:-. dul a-. th1 •\
WJill•d for lhl•1r hig eh ant·t· to k11oek l'ITl
clPud at thv nC'\\ night tluh
So ,,01.,.1c<.J did thcv hl·coml· th<tl th1 ....
'' ct•I\ tht•\ tulll'd lhl· 'makt•1 ol l ht
<.:h ecks thl· \\Oman g<i ' L' thL·m 011 IJd1.1ll
ol hl·r millwna1n· bo::.s
T ll E S l:\'GElt \:\D HI S ,1cl<·k1c k
qu1C'ld,\ lcarrH.·d tht· <.:ht•ck:-. th<.·.' ho.id lot
l'd to lhl' bank o\·cr tht• past l v. o monl h-.
v. ercn 't thosl' of a m1llwna1n· p111 ron
I nslt•ad th<.· <.:ht•tk!> w<.·1 t: one<· '11ul1•d
J>L.t.''rnll dweks hdonging to th1· ''01 Id ....
lon•mo::.t plutform oil dnllrnj.! 111 rn !->.111
I a Ft• lnlt·nwl 1011.ll l '11rnpan,\
Thvrl' \\a:-. nc1 rrnlho1w1n· \nd lht· non
' '1stt•nl 11utlio11.1111·-. Ill'\\ night c·tub ''a-.
nun 1•x1:-.ll'lll
Tht·n· \\ .1 .... ho\\ l'\ l'I .1 hookkl'l'J.ll'I at
Sa11t.1 l"t· ln1vrn;1l111nal "hu appart·ntl,\
had l>L·1•11 -..1111tt1•11 ll\ I tw t·nlerto.i1nl'I'"
l .l ll'llh
\l'(.'Oltl>l;\(, TO POI.ICE. tt "'a:. lh<
hookkl'l'IH'I Sht•1 ~ l \nn ~k(;Jn . 35. ol
:>~~ .S lkdfrn d !"I OrL.tnge who had
l'l'J}f'l'M'llll'd t hl' nn t h1eal mtlhona1n· Lt~
h1 lOllt1,11ft·d lut Lht l'llll'rl.tlllt'f:-
'l I'\ l('l ...
And 1t \A LI!:> ~Ir:-~l<:C ary who was in
Oraniw Count.'-.J:.itl b.' Thur::,day after·
nor>n <·hart.!t•cl with fr<iucl and embezzle·
l'ollt·v :-.J1d lht•\ dt<l not kno\\ what
p1 omptt·d thL· \\oinan to allegedly cm·
ht•n .k tht· mom•y paid lo tht: smger <md
\It :11rnh1k. th1 t•nll•rt;.1llll'r::, began
~1· a rl'lu ng I or J Ill'\\ t•ng~1gement and
lht•1r t·hann· 111 rn~ikt· the big time that
"'1·nwd tu lit· lht·tr:--at Orang(' County:-.
IW\\ 1•:-.L non rught duh
Future-Freeway: Fact or Fable?
McFarland: 'Chances Are Very Minimal'
0•11' PtlOt Sl4ttf Pttoio
Mesa's Mayor McFarland
Price of Gold
Skyrockets ru
Dollar Drops
LON DO:'-: I/\ p I The Pfll'l' or
gold soan•d ahove S200 a n ount'l'
a record. on lht· maJOr European
bullion m.irket tud:.iv
Tht• pnt'l' wa.., f1xl'rl at s201 au
1n h l'('ltt' ;iflcrnoon trad1ni:: on
the l.onnon m arkl'l and rost' to
S:!OO 65 111 Zurreh. Europe's big
gt•st gold markc:\
Oeall•rs hen' said bullrnn was
g1 vt.>n a boost wh1·n ,\ ffil'rtt•;in
huyrng dt'vt•lopC'd <lt the start of
tht• businl'ss d ay in the L'nlll'U
.In Nl'\\ York. lhl· pfll'l' of gold
passl•d thl' S20l·an-ounCt' mark
:.ii t\\O ll'ad111g gold rC'fincrs and
fabricators Engelhard l\1rncrab
& Chemicals Corp quoted gold
hullion .it S201 f;O an ounce. up
!\i 25 from Thursdav. wh11l.' llun c1~ & Harm.in SC't 1i.s basl' pnCt'
tnr g<dd at $201 :m. up S7
lnvt'stors tr..iditum<.tll\ turn 111
gold 1n times of monl'lary m
stability. and th e steady dedtnl' nr the dollar on lht' world'!>
fnreign exchanJ;!es has caused ;.1
... urgt' 111 hulhon prices
l'ht• dollar sank th anolhC'r rp1·
tSf'1' c;o1,o. P ag1· .\:! 1
Some lale night and t•ar
ly morning low douds.
nl h erw1se fair lodav
Lhrough Salurda) A ltttfr·
roolt'r near the l'Oasl
Highs ranging from lht•
low 70s al the beachc•s to
tht• mad 80s inland areas
l .uws toniJ?ht 58 to 6R
:\ummer plOIJ!' al Orang<•
Coast College hnvi> been a
trad1taon for y(•ars . but
.. Pac1/1c Overtures'" could bf'
thr l ast because of the
passage of Propos1taon 13
Story and picturrs on Pog"
At Your S.niic.• "' '""'"''"'°" ... Aflfl La-n
BJ ••• 11 ... l..M.hy• •• M .. IH c..1.• e .. 11 ... u . .., M11luall'"""• •• C.llMltla AS ll!Hlauufth a-4
CleulllH OHi Syl•la ,..,, .. u
C.mlu Ill s,.111 .....
c .. u ..... Ill SleO M1r1r.-, u
0.1111 Helin• Ot 1'tlt•hl ... Cl
lldllffl•ll"-•• , ..... .,, CJ.I,,
f.llt9f'111-' CH lllf••tll•• Af
l'••lllrl"I .,, Wttld Ht-A•
1'.'dllor .\ \1i1< Tht-Coslu M1·.~a
,..ree11..•u11 I Route 551 u·a.\ /1r.\I
planned 34 year~ aqrJ
llOWl't'f.'r the I Tl't'lll(ly lw~ /Jeni
complett'd cml1J tu Me.\a IJrrt 1• and
u large trench d1111d1114 port11111 .. , 11/
'Vewport Houleuurd ha., ht•1•11 dubbt·d
the "Cu/Trans Canul
f:arly th1.s year. 1.lutt• Trun.sporru
t wn Director Ad ricmu <; wnt un·.,
asked that the /reeway b1• droppnl
/rom stall:' l11glw~1y plans Actwn 1J11
ht1r reque~t ha!. bt'e11 dt'luyed and
Costa Mesa t1//1caah conlrnue ,,,
push /or 1mpro11emer1t.~ rm u cun
qestcd roadwa11 when• accident'> or•·
four tmws above thl! state ouerag1·
Cosio Mesa Mayor 1-;d M c,..arland
ri•n•11tly OllSUX'red quf'~lw11s about
lllr freewav mailer
(S lht'rt' still 3 full frt'l'W a\ in
Costa Mesa·s future? ·
.. Wht·n vou -;av full fret\.\a\.
l h l' l'l' {' <i u I <I b· t· ..a f I l' c• \\ ; '
.., t r a 1 j? h t d o"' n :'\ t' w po r I
8011levard It t·ould bt• two
dl'C'ked. lWO·hlH'l'l'd that .... J
fret•way m. far a~ CalTrnns 1s
"'So. wh('n you're lookml! al ••
full frt'cwa \. thl· red route com
mg off Ba·y ~trcet around thl'
<lownlown redevelopment arl'a
tying m belo" Industrial Wa)
I would have to say the
l'hancc•s are V<'rY mm1mul
.. Hut as Ion~ as we hav<" tttat
red route on pape r we always
ha vc a better burga1mng pos1
lion to improve our s ituation "
\\hat j, lht• ('Urrt•nt 'Latu., or
th1• freew a''!
· ·calTr;;n, ha ... pul lt-d th.II
1ll'tn ! ~ls (;1;.i11tun·o.., <·•rnel'll ..
l 111n n·quc'l off lht a~t·rHl.1
'.\1 v<,t•lt and olhl·r Jll'uph from
tht• t It~ \\ill .1ppe,11 lwl1111· 111•
01 ,111g<· t"nu11l \ T1 ;111 ... 1)111t:it11111
l"o mm1..,..,111n 11n \h1· I Ith ut
"Ou1 h:J!'>ll' 11•qu1·-.1 "Ill lw l•JI
lhl•m to :-.upp111 I not 1 t·M·1111l1111;:
lht n·cl rout1· Tht•1r 11·1·11mnwn
tL!t11111 \\Ill go \11 CalTr<.rn.., .ind
lht• ... 1.111• l'IJlllOll!'>SIOll I \\llUlcl
a'sumt• \h.11 lh1· ... 1at1· \\ould
rnJkt• 'omt· d1·t1!'>1011 ,11l1·1 thr
1 '\cl\ t>mbt·r 1 t•lt•t t 11rn "
Ttll' statt• h a<, off Pr1•d opna
tional improv1·m1•nl!'> on Ruu11•
55. \\ ould co ... ta ;\](-,a ... t'ltlt· for
B1·g,11dlt"'" 111 ,,h.11 th• 't.1t•
dt•('ldt• ... to !111 \qf h Olli 11 t t'\\ ,I\
lh1•\ 'rt• ):!0111g to 1•111l1111u1 11 111
HJ\ Stn·1·l 111 lilt '11!1 111 th1
c1;1 C.·h
"It \\<Hild ht• 11111 111,.: ·' tit
('ISIOn It> l"l'S('llltl II :.ill 1111 \\;1\
ba('k to fln:--tnl Str1·1·l \\ 1· ,.,.gut
lhat holt· then·
·But. l.'\ t•n ti t hl· ; .... ;qJ
provl'tl ;,1 full frl.'t'\\ a\. \ 1111 re
talkinl?, ~·l'ar~ b<·for1• 1t \\11uld lw
completl.'. !:>II tht· Of>l'ralit>n.11 1m
provt·m<·nt~ an• l \.l n ·mt•h 1 m
por\;.inl a.., t.1r a:-I 'm <·1111
<:er m·d ..
Wh at form would thnsf' oiwra
lional impruv1·m1'nl' takf''!
'\1•\\porl 11111111 \.11d mu..,t ht
,, 1d1·111•d .11111 h,I\ I 111•\\ ... 11 t•t•I
1ght-. t111h ... t.:ult1·1' turn
1111'1.l'\-. and 111111111\ 1·cl '1gn.il11a
I \I l11•1·oi111• 1111 1•11 ... t·tl .it tllt·11
lll'•'l1"1ll\ ll\ '" 11111 p1 obli·m'
Thi 1111t·r;it 11111.il 1111pr11\ 1·mt·111 ...
.111 .111 ;tlt!'>tillllt 111'• ( "ll\
Thi· <'ii.\' da1111-. <I ll t'll\ iron
m1·n1 a l impat·t rt·port \\ould
p r11 \o t' tlw llt'\'tl for cm11pl1'1 ion or
lht• frt•t•\\a\ \\hal j, lht• ... t atu' or
thl' E IR'! .
Thi' 1..,1.111• 11fl1<·1;il .
1·1111ldn I ..,! Jrl 11 l11rnn11"11\\ I
th1nl. "' n· g11111g l" ha\f· tu put
.1 p1 I'll\ gc H>d ,111111un1 ol p1 l'"
.., II I t ' t> 11 I 11 I ' l 11 ll II I ....
t I .lll!>IH111.1tl111l llllllllll-.!-.lt11l tu
j.!t'l tho..,1· luml Id l1k1· 11 · "''t' 11
d11111• 1111\\ Intl I J..'l'l li11 ft•l ling 1t
\\oil I ht 111 tlu 1w't ~l-.11
\\hat .iri• lh1· alt1·rnati\1•' if
till' 'tall· rt·<,<·imb th•· rt·d rout(''!
Th.1!., \.\h.\ I tu·I th1· 1-:IH 1-.
... 11 1rnp1wlanl 11 ·, J.!0111g lo t·unll"
up with .,onw alt 1•1 n • .t" t'"
:\Lt.\ 111 \k F~1rl.111tl <:tll.'d µa"I
1·11' .,t udH•s .ind J r•·<·1•nt
(' J 1 l'r .111~ n·purl t hal 11 ... 1... 111nt·
altt·rnat1\ l'"' for l<•>Ull' 55 inl'lurl
ing a '1aduct structun· ·• full
free·\\ a~ or ·no pro JN I "
.. Sonw ol lho...i• allc:rn;it1vcs
an• 'o 1•xp1·n!'>1\l' and th1·.' h<iH'
to hl· a lot mon· 'ipl'l:if1c . · !>o ld
:\ 1 l' F a 1 I .111 cl . n 11 I r n g t h ,11 t h l'
'1,1dul'I pn1po-..1l \\OUlrt not tw ,,
Keep Its Bead IJp
It look:c\ ltk<' L .J Hotunno of Dana Point
hookt•d a big Ont' whllt• smf fi shing al
Oohcn~ lkach i\<'llWll.' th(• b11:t otean
~oing cralll' got ltlh·d \\ lll'n 11 ..,l<'J>Pl·d 1n .r
mud holt-offtc1ub :-.,I\ Thi <'t ;me• cfr
:-.tgrH·rl lo ".ilk or\ I lw ol"<':tll floor ts ht•mg
ll"t•d 111 tn11-.t rut'! inn ul a r1•j!111rwl -.c•\\ .IJ;:l'
nut I a II ltn<' .
.ll l't•pt Jhlt· 111 t'11.,.l,1 \h·,,1
I ll-.;l <Ion I know \\h:tl !111
!'>OIUI llln I!°'. ht• .iddt•d
\\hat kind of prt•s.,urc· " tht·
<it' u-.in~ tu j.!t•t -.om(' a1·t111n'!
:: h ;1:-.1talh lh1111>. \\.t rl ..,;"
111,J? ht·~ lli1 ... 1 ... 1 ht· 01 ang1·
Count~ Tr<insport .11111n l'om
1111:-.s1on .. rc·.,pon,1hl11l} to m;.ikt·
t ht'Sl' n·t·ommt•ndal ion!> to th1·
... ta l t•
I kt'! I 1111 IOOJ.!l'l \\..ant tht· ('1
I' 111 t'o!'>\J '.\IP..,a runn1nJ! up 111
(' .dT1 .rn .... ind tt·llinJ.' t h1·m "h,11
lllt't pt·oplt· \\ l' ;1n·
Ont• council m 1·mlwr ha' "UR·
gl'st.-d tht• l'it)' pull it' pollc1•
µrul<·<·tiun urr tht• 'talt· roadwa}
lo fort:l' a rt'SIJUllSl' from lht'
st:1lt'. Is thi-, :1 \ iablt• a11proach'!
I don l 11·1·1 lh11st• ol l' proµt•r
aµpruadH·s that ~ou ',1· ~o
111~ to ust• lhost• 1'1ncl of lhrl'<lt:-
\~ t' l':1n l pull our poll<:<' prott•t·
I 1 11 n h t • <' a u " 1 \\ l' h J ' t d
1 t• ... punMhthl~ l11r lht• -..ill'l) ol
Int· a I n·s1dcnts ·
llo\\ will Lht· cit} took upon
duwnLO\\ n redcvelopm l'nt in tht·
ab,enC<' of lht' fre(•\\ ay'>
·~I) appro<i('h rs go. ng tn hl
that thL' rl'dt.>vcloµml'nt agency
t no\\ tht• t·1tv <:·ouncil . <'an no
longer orJer:Jte unc1 er thE· 1dt•lf
thi.tl we·n · ~01ng to wait and sec
what hoppcns \\Ith the frl't'\\><l}
Wl"rl' going to µus h on ·•
So11 Nabbed
In Murder
Of H~ Family
SF:l.:\IA ,\I" •\ SL•lm<i mJn
l'h.1rg1·<1 \\1th th1 · killi ng!:> of h1<;
pa rt•nl" und \ 1111n,J?1·r hrollwr
'' ;i., arrt'!'>tC'<.I \\ 1lhoul inn<frnt in
.1 1·11ffl'l' !'>hoµ ht·rt· toda:i Vresno
Count~ :--h<·nlf'.., cl1•µut11·' r<'
port t•<I
.J1mmv Sptllt·r :!ti \\.1:-. takt•n
in t o <·u..,tod.\ th" )i.1:. illll'r
furwnil st•n•1n•s lor his parl'nts.
.r n h n D uy 1 t• s p 1 11 l r 5 o
Hn-.(•mLln Spllll'r. 14 and ht.,
hrolhc•1. i':dg;1r Alht•11 ,"prll1•1
I-::rt·h h.id ht•t n -.hot 111 tl11
ht·ad. hunc~kd 111 hlankeh and
hound "1th rop<· :\1 rs Sptlll'r..,
hod\ "a:-hunc•d 1n a gardl·n
Thl;' 1ctim~ .tr<' helt<•vl'(I to ha\'P
hN•n killl'<I ahoul a \\ t'l'k hl'fon·
th1·1r hodH•s \.\L'rl' round
S p 1 I I er \\ a ' a 1 r l' :-I l' ti :.i !
Pt•rko's Coffl't' Shop rnllow1ng an
.1 nony mou-. l 1p. ,1uthr1rillf'!> said
11 t• had t•l ud<'d .1 'la tl•\.\ 1dt'
dragnl'l sinct• Monda~ when lht·
derompos1ng hod1c::. ol h1!-> f:Jm1
h wt•r<' found 1n t ht•11 h(lmt> nl'iH'
a: UJ ~ ::> en
19th ST
D•t•'f Piiot H1wtM.11p
'RED LINE' ROUTE This i:-.
I h t.' \\ ~1 .' C o ~ I a :\1 e s a
Frl'l'\\ ".' t·urrentl~ C:1ppcar~
on .... 1 all' h1ghw~•.' plannmg
map:-. Actual fn•e" ay cur·
rl'nlh t•nds at '.\k:,,a DriVl'
<lop i Dark lint· 111dtcalt!S
ho\\ fn .. •cv. <A.' \H>Uld swing
around old. downtown bu!:>t
m·s~ d1stnct on and nt-<H'
'\; t• '' por1 Bou It'\' a rel
More Babies
3 Test-tube Tots Expected
l.ONUON tAP' Thrt•e mnrc·
\\omen. two of lh1·m countcs!'>C''·
t'"'<PN'I tc•st tutw bah1t•s this
}l':tr. the Dully Express report
ed todu)' f Rc•latcd s tory. /\3 •
The Rrtlish tabloid s~11d tht•
wife of a wealthy Bnt 1sh t•arl
an<I a We:-.l German countt•'s l'X
p c• l' l I h t• 1 r b a b 1 es t1 r nu n <I
Chris t mas and the third \\OmJn.
u Scot. expect!> hNs 1n No
N Onl• or th(' \.\ (lffi('ll "as iclt•n
li fi ed
But ttw Exprc·~-. ~aid tht·
British countesi.. lik1• thC' molht'r
11( lht• \\Orlrl's f1r"t lt•st (ullc·
bCI h) born TuC':-.da). bt·cam1•
prt·gnant ;.1rtc•r \reatm('nl by
gyncC"olol'(rst Patrick Steptoe and
phys1olg1st Robert Edwards at
the J{encral hospital in Oldham,-.a ·
m ill town in northern England 190'
m 1 ll'S northwest or London. i
A fourth .... oman who hopes to
bt'com<' pn•J{nant after concep·
tton outs1d(' tht• \\Omb rs unde
l r <' a t men t i n I.o n don · s St.
Thomas·s llosp1tal. She is in her
:lO!I and 1s being shielded from
thl' pn•ss. but medical sources
s~ud 11 would be som e time
lwforc• 1t was known if she were
pn•gnant 1
Medital histor y's first test·
< 'e(' BABIES: Page A21
1 •
O~ily Pilot SUH PllOlo
819 Waves Took Toll Among Uninitiated Thursday -lifeguards Hauled 424 Out of Water
Through Weekend f 'rom Page A I
Surfers Preparing
GOLD ....
or cl low in Tokyo cigalnst the
.1 .. pam·si· yl•n today <1nd con·
I llHH·cl to slide <.1gainst m csjor
E unqH·:111 currt.•ne 1es. falling
n1t1rl' than 2 JH'rt·t•nt against the
s wis s franc by ei:l rly afte rnoon.
C old had bet.>n trading around
$19!-J an llUlltl' most Of the d<1y
.111d t hl·n mo\ l'd h1gh<.'r following
n·porls that Htl' pres ident of thC'
S v.1ss n;it11111 :.il b a nk. Fritz
I. t· u t \\ 1 It-r b c· I 1 <' v e s th a t <J
furthl·r ••PP• 1•1·1at ion of the Swiss
lrunt• .1g.i1nst tht· doll i:lr ts in·
(.'\ 1t;11Jh ·
With th(· big ... u rf th<it hit
'1frwµorl lkac:h Thur!->d <1y 1·>.
p t'l:t1•cl to l ast through tht•
\\ t' t• k ,. n rl I 1 f e I!. u a r d s Jn d
bod vsurh·1 s J>rcpart·d fur at'ltun
tod a\ The bocl\•surfrrs cht·l·n·d th<·
arriv<1I or" the ht,:! n 1mbt•r., 1n
t I m l' f 0 r th (' f Ir ... t ,1 n n lJ :ii
llunrlgun conll•.,t which 1s ..,l'l for
Saturda)' at 7 a m <•l IHth Stn·!'l
J\ Handgun 1s ~1 m1niatun : ... urf
board m ade• <•I pluslll' thut a ho<h
... u1·fer ~rtl.I'> \.\-1th oru• httnd Lo i.:1n·
him mon • mob1hty 1n riding J
\\ ;1Vl'
Ltft•g uarcl ~ ~t.'f l' l t·s o., t•n
1hus iast1c ahout lht· hig surf
..iflt•r lh!.'Y pull~c! 4::!4 swimmer'>
C!Ul or tht• big wa\11.'S Thursd ay
1\ !\-1 ,1 r 1 11 t• D c• p J r l m e n l
s pok1•s man rlatmed Thur.,clay's
s:.i,.f ran at a C'onsish:nt 15 f<..et.
IHI\ h<HI dropp('d off lo 1•1ght to
JU-foot .,t•ts today
T h l' s urf a I' p :a r <' n t I y I ., ;1
byµrnrlul'l of hurru:a nt.' I ll·d11r
Newport Man
Nabs Suspect
At Gunpoint
.\r a ngry l rvsnt.• T e r r<JCl'
hi> m l'O~ nl·r who d ist•o v t'r l·d
thrl'l' m<'n t:1mpt·n n~ with his
l'.ll"l'-taptun·d ont> s u:.pc N at
gunpoint t·arly Thursday afh·.
f111ng a shot into lht· ground
'l'hl' s us pet't , S t•ott Edward
\lt•ll111-. W. r<•fu:.t•d to give poll<'e
an addn•ss. I It' w<1s hookt·d into
city Jiiil ancl lall'r transftorred to
tht.• j ail ward at UC I r v ine
Mt•fl1 r al Ct•nte r complaining of a
lu•ad injury allegl·dly suffered
during his pursuit.
i\ccord1ng to pohc<' rl·pnrts
.Jo hn C. Knmo of 2006 St·adrift
Drive , Nt.•wport Beach. said he
i:IW akcned at about 2 a m to fin(i
three m en working i:l round th1•
cars parkt'<i in his dnveway
Kr1mp t o ld o ff 1c<.•n h l'
gr abbl'd his :18-callber rl'volvc•r
and took off a fte r thl' flt·emg :.us
lie s;ml he taught up v.ith
:\1 t>llor in atxiut one block and
ftn'd a shot into landH·aping to
d1scouragt• Ml'llor from trying to
gel awa)
Offict>rs 1·.1 lll'<i tn l hl· st•en<' al
ha;l·d Mello-wa:. tarrying a
Mellor told pol1Cl' ht· wa::. s it
ting on thl• curb a fter coming
from tht' bt'ac•h whe n ht• wcis <1:.
s nultNI by Krimp
Me llor· was booked on susp1
cinn of burglary <1 nd is being
held todc.1y tn hl'U of SS.000 buil
~:.~;:t~~~~.~11~\ ~::,:::;:;;:~: ,:;. c.n.,t Pwt>h\l\•"O (.()(f'IP•"'' \it-Nt•ltf'Oth)f1• Uf' D';ht•· ~" M · f'U14h· '"'""0" r-... , ....... t , ..
,,,,. A "t .W()'"I A• u f'I H '"'' "4f "f\ A-It< f\ f uft ... " v .• ,.. t \ ,,, t h ... v.. .. t·tl
l.-~u.,,f'•~" '-'>41h(I\,. I 4 ·~"'"'l "''"'Cl
,.,_, """'' ~., \ftlUHJ4Y' .vi , " ..... ff\t
D" ,..,Hf C)yblt\P\•~ iO•Al"lt • ~t t)O -W.\t 8•¥ .,.,.,.. Co\l• ~\• C•t•f0'" ·~,.
..... tt H .,,,,..
~'' '1• 1•1IAMl 1.J'" ._.
UtClt a (V'~f
'/lo(•l'T'" t4)rtnl•nd C,,N>tM Mit~t
fti.em.n•ttvlt l ()1tn•
fftef'ft.f\ A Mwl'tft+M M•nt11QI~ l d• ,n-
CJMttf'' .. "'"' •·<~rf,, ..... ,, A\\1\tfl!'t9 Mal\AQfl'\0(0.tOf'~
Cotti Mt11 OftlC• l.,.W•\I Bftw\tn• ... t ~'''IHI ~()fjtt"'-"' ft (~ t\n' I~ ~,,.,,.
Office• L•'l'l"'f tO•AfP'I tt•aC..•...-,v·w•1 \,,_,
... 11~t•"Qlr)t"I 8"11t4. I"! 1 't f\ l\tllll(h 6oull'lliltt0 ~''""°''' V'.,tl•11 1\MI lA "'•' JhiWt
1111 \41" Ot•On ''"""""°"
Telep~ne 1714)142-4321
c11111111H1 Aovert11tng tu.sett
off lhl' t•oa..,t ol .\l l'X ll'O thl•
spOkt'Sffi~ll :-.ltd
T he lift•guarc1 ..,µokt•smJn ..,;ml
75.000 pt•oµI<• !-oh ll\\ l'd uµ on
:-.i t'\\ port 's lw:1dw.., Thur!'>d ,1v
and big crn\\ds \\efl' antl('1r><•l1·fl
lOd <J\ US "Well Of the 424 res cue.., lhl·
ltfr~u;1rd .,pt1kl•sm.1n S<lld l\\o
invoh t.•d sC'n ous lllJUrll'" Orll' "J., a surf1·r "ho "ufft·rt·d •'
ha<:k rnJury \\ h1le rHhng th"
\\ ;1q•s al 1:1th Slr<'l'l and tht•
otht•I' \\U., a fll'<ll" drowntng .1t
l.1ttlt• Corona hl•Jd'
Sidewalk Sale
Eyed Today
The• t4tl°I annua l W1•<.tl'1 1ff
Plaza s 1dl•wulk salt.· ..., outlint•<I
tn a magJ ltnl' 1n totl,1, ·._ Lh11I}
· T hC' folh1·r of ull llar l1or 1\rt-.1
.,lflt'walk salt-.,·· lt'.llUrt'" h,111
;ind ll'\\l'lr) l;1shl'IO., food.., a111I
h:.srd\\ <ire
lnter Vll'WS v.1th wl' .... ll"ltlf
Pla1.1 \h•r('ht1nb a t...o appl•ur tn
lht> m agazine 1n lo<la\ s DJtl'v
Tapes Seize d
~ 1-: \\' :\ R K '.°': .I I " fl I
F1•d1•1 a 1 a uthortti.• ... put I h1· h1H ·
Th u1sd.1~· on ;1 l111s1111•ss that .d
lt•gcdly W<J!-. sl'lltng 1ll1•gal v11h·o
lilj'H' C:ISSl'llt'S Of Sll ('h J)tl}Jlllill'
n 1pyright m ovl(·s H~ .);'""'
thl.' FBI un1111un1•1'fl
Th l' pn·\ 1ous record fixing
\\.is Sl!.li 5U n·t·orded Dec 30.
T tw I 1:-.111g 1!-. the price cigr ced
Lo h" Lo ndo n 's fn e ml!JOr
l>u ll 111n dN ler s for the day'<;
I radinl! ciltcr cunfcrnng. usually
h) tl•l1•µhnnp
T ht: prc,·11ws rt.•c:ord cam e JUSI
•• rt•w days lld ort.· cong ressional
k g 1'ola t1on a llowed Ame rica ns to
lwy :ind st•ll gold m 1975. Euru
p l':111 s1wt·ulator:-. h<td expected
Lh ••I tlw ne \\ A merican law
\\ 1111 Id tall..,l' a boom in the gold
markd But th<•I boom did nol
m .1\l'rtali1l· :i ncl gold priCt's
gr .t<Jually ch't'ltrw d
1'h1• clo ll ai . cle:-.p1tt' m ass1n•
pu11·h,1s1·'i h) the Ba nk o f Ja1>a n
''' !>ll·m lhc d rop. cl1ppl'd on th1·
l'ok \11 fOr l'IJ.!n eXthange to
,1n11thl·r· record lo"W .
Thl' a1hng t urrl'ncy closed <J t
1!12 125 .Japunei:.t.' yen. down fro m
Thursdav's elos(: of 193.475 yen
.. rnd <it it.. IO\\ t•sl d osing leve l
sHH'l' tradrni:: heg:rn at the end of
World War 11
It ts 1n .fap~10·s 111tcrest to keep
tlll' yt·n l rom rt!-.tng too rapirlly
a~:11nc;1 lht· dollar he('ause the
l n1tecl States 1s a key export
m .1rkl·t for .Jupan A more e x·
P<.'n sl\'t• yen m a kes Jl!pane!>e
goods less competitive on the
:\mc r1<::m market.
Family "Unhappy'
Onassis' Daughter
To Marry Russian
l\1 OSCOW 1 A P l (;re e k
millionairess Christina Onas::.1!->,
<tfler dis m1::.sing the 1dt•a as prt>
posterous for Wl't•ks . said tod a\
s he wo uld mJrry a Sov tt;l
b u r c a 1i 1· r a t n I''< l '' (' l' k 1 n
MosC"ow. a 1-'n •rwh 111urnah~t n•
J.frr fam1lv in lht•ns was n•
portcd unhuppy aht1ut 11
'"I a m getting m arri ed 0 11
'l'ul's<lay." tht• 27-year nld M1:-.s
()naSSI!:> \\Uh quotl'fl a ... S:l\'rng hv
French tell'vrs1on t'<>r n·..,no r:d1·rit
<;abnel Ml•retik who contal'lt·cl
her earl) this morning be fore
shc slipped out of her hotel.
We ll-informe d s ources had
s aid early lh1s month that the
daug hte r of the late s hipping
mag n a te Aris totle Onass is
would marry Sergei Kauzov. a
form t•r cmployC'e of the tanker
rl1\•ts 1on of the Soviet freight
firm Sovfrakht.
J\ SoviC'l ca meraman said
K;1uzov picked up Miss Onassis
:11 tht• lntourist Hotel in his So·
vwl Volga automobilc loday and
<l r o vt• her awuy to <1n un ·
ihst losNl local ion
Consumer Prices
Continue Skyward
I. 0 S A N (~ F: I. F. S f 1\ I' 1
Consumer pnc•t•., 1n Lo., i\n~1·lt·!-o
Jnd Oranlo(l' <'ount1c•s s kyrn1:k1·1
l'd 4.H J)<'rccnl in the f11 .,, sl\
months of I his )'t'<ff <1 111•n •t•n
tagl' pmnt ht!-!her than th1• 1n
cre ase n.•torded 10 the· first half
of 1977, the US Luhor De part
ment n•p<1rtcd today
lllgher postaRt.' rates ;met 1n
t·reas cd costs of food . fi oustnf.!
and t ransportation t•aus t•d ;11 t•u
cons uml'r prices to r1st· 1.U pl'r
t'l•nt last month. said Jim Wurth,
c htt'f oC tht• Suuthern Culifornw
11ff1re of the Labor lkp;1rt mt'lll ·s
Burt.•au or la ho r S tat1s lll'S
t Related story . J\1'l
And in lhc 12· m onth J.IC'rHHI
b etwct•n June 1!177 and J um•
1978. the prices for Lo:, i\111(1•h•s
a nd Orange count 1~s r ose 7 7
"erc<'n1 Wurth s1t1d. whilt• Inst
month's incrN•M' ma rkf'd the
third straight month prices rose
at least one J){'rcent w1'tl .June 's increa se . the con·
... um<'? price index shot up to
.mothe r t l•rorct 193.4 for the two
r ount1cs
W h ;1t that bni Is down to.
Wurth said. is that it cost $19.34
lasl month lo buy the same
J.:Oods and services which cost
$10 rn the base price yeur of
It a lso means the 1967 dollar
would buy only 51.7 rents worth 11r good" and Sl'r\'i~es in today's
ma rkt·I. Wurth t.>xplalnt'd
Wurth s,1id the seve n major
.trt.•:ts ot C'mlsumer spending last
mo nth "<'I'<' food and be verages.
hous in)(. tr;;n<1portation. apparel
and upk1'<'p. henlth and recrea -
tion t'ntert1unment. and olhrr
AOO<b und .,t•rvtc('s such as cos
Tow11 ff all Talk
'System' Hit
By Carpenter
Describing himself a s a lame
duc k "who 1s ~omg to vent ht!>
spleen on the sy!:>t t.>m ." ::.tal e
Se n Dt•nn1s C arpe nter s aid
Thurs d <1y tha t Culifo rn~a ·s
representative J:(tivernmt·nt rea l·
ly is n 't rt.>pn.'Sl•ntJtivl' at all
S peaking lo thl' Ora ni::t· Coun
ty F o r um o f T o wn H a ll .
t'Mpentt.•r re1tcratt•d his bl'licr
tlwl IL•g1slJtivl' term::. ought to
IH' limited to keep lawmaker~ in
Su<·ramento from hecoming too
t·los!.'ly a llwd with s pecia l in·
tt'r<.'sl group.,
Tht• N t•v.por t B e a c h
lk publtcan 1s rdmng al th(• end
or the year after serving two.
four·yeu terms <JS the s tate
st.•nato r from thl• 36th District
wh1t h l'ntompasse:, mus t of
southeast Orangl' County
S prinkling his talk with JOkl''i
C arp<.•ntcr. 1n his vie w. l'X
pla ined that carel'r lcg 1sh1tors
become unresponsive to the m a·
.1o rity of thl'tr t•o n!-.t1lue nts .
n •s ponding instead to .1 pres
s ure of rnlt•rest groups out or
fcu r of losing an clecllon
··Legis lators n•pre::.ent the
voices they he ar." he said. "It's
not too often thC'V r<'prcsent the
public at large or thc•ir constit·
uents at larg(• Legislators move
s ubstantially out of frar of losing
s uppo rt or bcrng thrown u ut of or
free "
T hat unrcpn'SC'ntcd majority.
ciccording to Carpenter. ts rarely
hc<.i rd from. but "thl·y ros(' up tn
;rngcr with Prupositron I :i
Tksc rrbing tlw tux limita tion
m l·asure ci!:> the '"vehicle for thl·
accumulated <rngcr of society."
Carpe ntt.'r contl•nded tha t tht•
m easure ha d ltttll' s ignificant t.·f
feel on the Lcgislatun· becau~c
la\\ makl•r!> an• trying lo find
"ays to gt•t around tl
C ittni.t tht' ust• of -.tale s urplus
"Stars of thl' Summl'r Sky." H
I> m
RACING Fairgrounds. 8 pm
T h e a te r . Tut.•::.da y Sunday
through Aug l.8 pm
SlfNO.'\V, J Ul.Y 30
PICNIC Estancia Park. l pm
Information 545 75.51
Mesa School
Yields Bomb
money to aid local government~
hit by Proposition 13, thl· stall'
sc n i:l l or de {'l ~n·d fl a tl y ,
"'Th ere'll be no changes <in gov.
ernment s pe nding ) resulting
from Propos ition 13 ...
During his speel'h. O<irpcnter
rarely us ed spec ifics or cited by
name legislators who had com<·
unde r influence of special 1nte rPst
g roups
However. he was Crtttcal or
C:ov Brown for firs t opposing
Proposition 13 l!nd for his cur
rent role in s upport of lfow:irrl
J <1 rvis. the mc usurc• 's a uthor
"lie led tht• fight against 1t
and here it is a month la ter a nd
you'd think it "Was his 1d<.•a . ·
Carpenter sard of the governor
As for his own ret1rcm <•nt
fro m legisli:lllve ltfe. Carpenter
noted that the· life of a legisl;.1tor
is not terribly rewarding. citing
the S23.000 annual s ala ry
··it JUSt finally got to the point
t h a l t h t' m 1 n u s e s w t.• r 1·
s ig n1f1cantly greater than lhl'
pluses." he said
tubE• bubv. Louise· Brown, was
moved from a spt·cial c a r(' unit
Thursday to join her mothcr in
the m aternity ward at Oldha m
and District Genera l Hospital
..ind a bulktin stud shl· wus ··pro
g ressing very well "
T he m otht•r. Lesle} Rrown
who v.ill be 31 Monday. and hl•r
husba nd J ohn. 38. a truck dnver
who has a d a.ughter by a pn•
vio us marriage. h<1d been unable
to havl' children for almost 10
} t.·a rs of marriage because <1n ir
re parable block age in Mr..,
Brown·s F allopia n tubes pn •
vented normal conception
The Steptoe -Edwards tech
nique. on which the two doctor<.
worked for 12 years. mvolveCI rt•
moving an e~~ from Mrs
Brown's ova ries. fertilizing it 1n
a laboratory dist> with sperm
from her husband and implant
ing the div iding cl'llS in hl'r
uterus about 2112 days late r
The resuJt was a blonde. chub
by l'heeked . 5·pound 12-ount·t·
girl born nine days prcmaturclv
Some 5.000 women are report
ed tu ha\·e ~ought he lp from tht•
two s peciah!>ts or fro m olht•r s
working on s 1mil<1r oro 1ccts
Published estimates are that 1n
Britain alone 10.000 women a n •
infertile because of blockt.•d
"'allop1an tubes
Mesans Form
Water Panel
Nine Costa Mcsans have bel·n
selected to serve on a c1tizt•n..,
<1dv1sory committee to hel1> Lht•
board of directors of the Cost a
A janitor at Davis Middle Mes a County Water District
School in Costa Mesa discovered make long-ran,:?e plans for the
c: pipe bomb loc<rtcd in an out-city 's water supply
door loc ke r t oday . but a The committee will meet for
cigarette acting ;1s a fuse for the the first time Aug. 17.
explosive we nt out before the Real estate agent Don Bull
l S '-; t.. p I \ ml" (' ll u I t
.Ju.~t1n lh11111 H Wh1h to
d.1~ J.lll"'lllom·d tht 1J 1 lt11~
nf '\ t·\\ '111 k I 1 mt--r t'
pot tt'i :\\\nm A f ;11 ht'1.
v.ho h J ::. rdu::.t"d to turn
O\ l'r t•1111f11lt·r1t1a l note). to
,1 N t•\\ .h.•rs1:y iudgt.: pr1:
s 11ltng llVl'I lht ·Ur X ··
munh'r ln;1I
Wlt1lt: :.t..i}cd an order
ror the Jathng unlll noon
Th•· I ull Suprl'mt Court
1:0. 111 r t·<·(•s!' until Octoht•r
An appeal s<111t l'nf<ll"<'l'
m f'nt of subprn·rW!-und1•r
thrc.rt.. 11f J:11ltng and fines
would 11 rt>voc.11.liy d amagt.•
;ou r n J:1s t.-. a b tl;' .Y t n
J.:.l lhc r and 11·po 1 l t h l·
m·" .... p<.1rtll'\Jl,1r l,Y in thl·
iH l'J of n 11mnal re port
Wms Lease
On School
ThP vacant Bay View School
s ite in Santa Ana II e ights will
bt•com e thC' humt• th1::: fall of
Coastline Corr.mun1~y Co llegt•
with lh1· tolh•gt• l'Xpl'('tsng prof
1l.~ II\ s uh !t .. .1 ... 1r.~ I ht· ... c hool
during tht: day
Newport Mesa Unified School
District trustees ha ve approved
Coas tline '" .. $82.000·a·year least'
bid to us« the school which wa~
shut down l;ist ~prrng because of
decltntnA l.'Orollment
TrU!:>lCt'~ wt•re reluctant to ap
prove thl' least: agr eeme nt after
learning that funds from the
five year lea!>e must be returned
to the ~late to pay off old district
d<.'bl::.. :'<il'v. port :\1 esa offic1ab
However the fina l vote bv
trustees v. J !' 6 l. with only Rod
MacM1lhan opposing the lease
He ::.aid he had ins uffic ient timt.·
to read thl' agreem ent.
Coastline·~ move lo Bay View
tlrew a protest from Santa Ana
Heig hts resident Ann Beaupre
w h o a s k ed trus t ee'> 1f the}
thouf?ht about tra ffic impacts on
the community
Mr!:> Beaupre• also asked if
local children will be able to ust·
thl' !'>Chool ·~ playground becau!-.1·
of Coasthnl'0
" intention~ to :.uh
lt.•ase som t' cla~c;r0<.>m!-to other
te nant!' rluring thC' d11y
:"t•\\ port \ks<t .,chool hoai <l
P :-t•..,tdl·n• Don;o!rl SmJl!v.oorJ
s<1rd there prohahly \\ou!d h<t\ l'
been les~ 1mpat·t on the arec. tf
\l c·'\>,1 llv Con•11)u,:t t0n Ht e h
S('hool hCJd bel'I' mm l'd 10 thl'
Uay View sit<.'
Coa.,tl1nt· ... pokc• ... m an J .1c:k
Cha ppt•I! ::.aid th<.• l'Ollegc 1s not
.,e<.'kmg btds for daytime tenant-..
1nlt'r('stt•d 1r using bet we1·n "''t
a nd 10 l'la:-.srnom!-ol B.i} V1t'\\
T h t' (" o I ! l' el' h a ~ " l' t .1
m1n1m11m hid or $4;) ()()() rw r ye ar
for •ult c1 Jy11me u~e dnd .1
SIO.lHhl mrn1mum llld for USl' of
n av Vtl'W tartllltl'" bl'tween u
a m ~ind 11 45 .. m
Bich suhm1tted to tht· pu rcha~
1ng departml·n• o f f he Coast
Com mun1l~ <'olll'ge D1stnc l "111
bt.• opened ill l pm Aug 3
bomb could go off. fire dep<1rt· will serve as ch airman of the
ment officials s(lid. committee. India Clash Told
On ,July 12. a similar device Lynn Van Aken will s erve a s ;-.. EW DEi.iii. lnd i.. t API
exploded destroying 16 outdoor vice· chair man and Der ald Hunt Cla:,h('s bCI\\ ct'n u ntouc ha blt.·-.
locke r s l:lnd c aus ing Sl.500 as s ecretary nnd highC'r ca~H· Hindus in thl
damage a t the school. 1050 Othe r committee member., !>OUlh lnd1ar. town of Villupura m
Arlington Drive are C h arlotte Lyke. J ean h f d h k II,.
F. ff" . I "d h I Patr1"ck. E . Bette Hoyt, J n··n 10 l l' past cw ay~ CI Ve I l'\I tre o 1cia s sat t e atest .... 13 oe rsons. rnrludtnl? wome n and
bo mb was discovered s hortly Robins. James Roberts and ch1ldrl'n. 01f1c1als a• ~ladras sarrJ _b_e_f_o_r_e_9_a_._m~~~~~~~~~~W~i_ll_ia_m~B_a_n_d_a_r_u_k~~~~~~~Thursday
Recently a customer was comparing our prices with another store. We
were informed our pricing was higher per square yard Upon
questioning. we discovered that the other store was furntshmg a
considerably cheaper padding than the 64--ounce sponge rubber
padding included with our transaction.
Jurthermore, in this case. we were comparing our installation against
an installation worth far less. (Many stores contract thetr labor by the
yard . to layers of unknown background and skill We have our own
crews. trained and controlled by us. offering you the best quality
installation possible).
So factually -the estimate was not as 1t appeared to be' tn
conc lusion. when comparing prices. make sure you are comparing
eQual values!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -installation. custom draperies
II I ~.I linoleum • wood floor
1663 PlACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA. CAllF 976~7 • Pl-40 "4E 646 4838 -646-2355
i e I 8 8 e a 8t t ..
E ... ::
Frtdly, July 28. 1978 DAILY PILOT A3
Louise Turning England Upside DoUm
OLDHAM . England <AP > A bltby girt numed Lowse hus
brought the world's press nock1ng to her door . made a fortune for
her parents. set newspapt>rl> wheeling and dealing. sparked u 1.h1>·
pute with the government and started rehg1ous leader!> arguing
She's Louise Brown. the world's first known test·tubc buby,
and she's just three dliys old. No baby's birth has created s uch a
stir in Britain smce Queen Elizabeth fl had Prince Charles 30
years ago.
the world nocked to Oldham when the news leaked out that Leslt'Y
Brown. a JO.year·old Bristol housewife in the red·brick maternity
wing or Oldham and District General Hos pital wus expecting a
baby that had been conceived in a laboratory.
Oldham is a grimy, friendly industrial town of 227,500 peopk.
190 miles northwest of London It prospered In the last century
because of its cotton mills. but it's rather run down today
Unemployment is high and there's an air of industrial decay.
With the birth of Louise at 13 minutes before midnight Tues
day, Oldham was back on the map.
11hv.,10log1i:;t llohcrt Edwards removed one or Mrs. Brown's eggs.
f1•1 till1.l>d 1l 111 u le!>t tube with sperm from her 38 ycar·old husband
.lohn. th1•n rdurnl'd 1l to twr uterus to develop normally for nearly
11111l' rno111h:.
But lhl·V c11uld not 1nterv1l'w. photograph or film the Browns
Thl' London Daily M t1 II. arter spirited bidding against rival
l.1hlo1d.,, bouJ{hl ex('lusive rights to the Browns. paying more than
$600,000, unsutcessful rivals said.
'J'hr<.'l' Japanl'Sl' photographers look pictures O( every pregnant
"om<1n thl'y could :-.ce in Oldham. A radio reparter from Italy
:.trolled the st reets asking locul people If they had religious objec·
llOlll> to I he birth.
"What hirlh. luv?" they asked. displaying the well·known wry
lo(•,al humor ·
T iit.: BROWNS GAVE PERMISSION TO the government's
Central Offi('l' of Information lo film the birth. since the govern
ml'nt's National llcalth Service was paying her medical bills. But
on Thursd<•Y Mrs. Brown ins isted the film not be tele vised for 28
di.lys bt.'c·ausc of her contract with the Mail.
The Department of 1 lealth and Social Security s aid 1l could not
Jccept n·strict1ons on the release of the film because of lhc
THE GOING HAS BEEN TOUGH for most of the press corps. nl·wsp;.1pcr agreement. But 1t said it would not release it unless
They could describe how gynecolo~ist Patrick Steptoe and Mrs Brown agrt>t'd.
Thugs Grab
Movie on
Bank Heist
BOSTON (AP ) -Three
a rm ed men ente red a room
wh<'re the movie "Brink's" was
being edited today, handcuffed
the editors and fled with recent·
ly filmed sequences of the pro·
duct ion. police said.
The stolen film may be worth
more than the money taken dur·
1n g the Brink's holdup in
J a nua ry 1950 Sl.2 million.
said the \Imler of the book <*1
which the film is based. The cost
of making the movie has been
1..·st1mated at Sl2.5 million.
.. Brink's" stars P<'ler F'<Jlk .
master s leuth of the television
series "Columbo," as a stickup
Polite s;.11d three ml'n s llppt>d
p<ist tht• movie <·rew·~ security
by us ing lht• name of <1n ex·
l'C'Ut 1 Vl' of the product ion.
Till' four t•mployet•s "ho hod
bct·n handcuffed were nut in·
JUrt1d. For weeks th<.· produ('tion
company l'l"Creuted scenes and
b;:itkdrops to reflt·ct the city of
28 years ago. when th1ens en-
ll·rc·d tht· Brink 's Inc. offices.
boun d the.· t•mploycc::. and
escaped with their boot y
The stolen film was of scenes
from Bo~to n 's old Scoll ay
Square. which in the 50's w<.1s
the t.'ily's good·t1me. burle::.que
"fl 's sort of an a la Brink's."
Not•I Behn. who wrote the book
on which the film is based. said
of the !.llckup.
•·If the film is not r ecovered.
thl'n you'll probably have a mov·
1c without ScolJC:1y Square," he
said. "ll's <:1 very t•xpcnsivc Sl'·
qucnce. ··
Police Sgt. Paul Conway said
the robbers wert! armed . with
handguns. They were described
as two men in their 20s and one
in his 40s.
Big Wedding
Drai.m Stars
S1nµt·r Frank Sm atr;.•,
com1•d1•.rn Oon Rickles and
t hl• t•ntire Los Angeh•s
£>o<1gt•r hasl'IJall team
\.\ l'ft' <1m11ng the gut'sts al
I ht• "cdding of Laura
I .asonta, 24. 1n Fullerton
Thur:.day night
Thl' f o rm e r l\ti ss
Lasorda. d a ughtl'r of
Dodger m anager T om
Lasorda. beca m e Mrs.
Sandy Tandlt•r i n the
homl• of .Jerry Skpht•nson.
;r I o n g t i m e L a s o r d a
"Yes. everyone had .i
~reC:1t time." Stephenson
said today. "Don Rickles
e ntertained and he was
~real. simply great. ..
Among oth('r guests at
the Lasorda wedding were
actress Hope Lange. actor
Tony LoBianco and Peter
O'Malley. son of Dodger
owner Walter O'Malley.
He Admits He Was Lying. But Says He Wasn't Cheating
Louisville M ayor
Admits Lie, Trip
Despite his adm1~sion lhi.11 hl'
lied about <JO 11ut·of-lo\\n trip
with a km<1le .1ssist ant <.1l tht•
start of a firC'f1 ghtC'rs' strik1•
Mayor \Vilham Stan:.bury said
ht• will rl'm<iin in office <.1nd lrv
to re·t·stublish his cn•d1b11ity. ·
Some offi ciab. however. 111
duding Gov. Julian Carroll
ha\'(' :-.uggesled that Stansbury
1·onsicler resigning in the w;1k1•
of a newspaper account of tht•
mayor's S(•cret tnp to N1·w
Orleans this month.
Stansbury acknow lcd~ed tn
the Louisville Cour ier -Journal
that he lied about the trip. I k
{'artier maintained he was alone
1n Atlanta on official busin(•ss
Mary Ellc•n Farmer. the ad -
mimstrat1vc aide who accom·
panied Stans bury on the trip, n•·
signed from the m ayor's s t::iff
Thursday. Mrs. Farmer is in her
late 30s.
"It could very W<'ll be in the
interests of not only the city of
Louisville, but it would be in the
interests of the Democratic Par·
ty that he strongly consider re·
signing." the governor said in a
copyrighted article in today·~
S t ansbury. 55 . appeared
da mp.eyed and somber a t a
Thursday evening news con·
fort•nc·t· in "h1ch he apologized
111 his .,t:.itr :.ind lo tht• puhllc
Th<• mayor s.11d thJt ht• "a:-. in
Nt•w Orleans with Mrs. Farmer
.ind >\Ir. :.ind Mr:-. John II.
llawkins nf Louisvilh• wht•n th(
1·1tv's 580 flrl'f1~hters walked off
thl;ll. Juhs .lul) M .
• 1 lat•tl to protc<·t my f.1mil:v."
St;1nshurv 1>aid "I don 'l offer
this :1i:; ;11i l'\C'U't'. hut It IS th1· rt•&·
'""for Ill) .1t•L11111:.
"Wh1l1• II IS I rtl(' that my
<·11•,hh1litv h,.., h1·1·n hurt. there
.ll'l' ,1 11umhl'I' or n•,1..,on~ "hY I
~h11ulcl t·onl 111ut' to :.ervc. ·· he
l:i .11cl
Stan-.hun s:J1d he had as.
semblcd u : qualified a nd capa·
hlL•" staff and had started :.evcral
p1 ogram:. and projects
Stansl>ur~'. who 1s married. de·
n1ed :my romantic involvement
with Mrs. Fa rmer. who was re·
ecntly divorced. He said he and
Hawkins h<1d stayed in one room
nnd the two women staved in
;inothcr. ·
Stansbury's absence <l l the
start of the strike prompted some
city alderme n to look into pro-
ccdurrs for removinit a mayor
frnm offie('. Alderman Sharon
Wilbert said.
OC Faces
Pay Flap
OI the 0•11¥ Piiot Sl•fl
Orange County officials will
h ave to cxplC:1in lo appellate
court judges why they won't
gra nt 7,000 county employees a
5 5 percent pay raise this year.
The Fourth Dist rict Court of
J\ pp cal ordered the counly
Thursday lo honor its contract
wi th 7.oOO workers and grant the
5.5 percent salary increases.
nut the order was stayed until
a Nov. 1 court hearing when
county attorneys must explain
why the contract isn't being
Thursday'!. ruling was the
rirs l in the st ale JO re::.ponst• to
I .1" ~ u 1 ts f i I e d by s c v c r a I
l'mploycc groups.
Thl' s uits were hrought to
c·hallengc a provision in st<ite
legislation that offers ::.o·calkd
hC:1ilout funds to local govern·
menl to replace funds lost
ht'cause of Proposition 13.
That IC'gis lation Y.ithholds
..,ta tl' a 1d from local gov<:rn·
mcnts thal grant employee p<Jy
The Orange County Employee
Assodation had file d suit
('halle nging that provis ion a nd
;1sk mg that county supervisors
be forced tll honor provisions in
.1 two.year work contr act s igned
l;.is t summer.
County offi cials said the 5.5
percent salary increase would
cost $7 mil hon
Choose trom rutty.
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I Gallon Size
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Sole Price $1.19
Ausfrollon Tree Fern
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The last word from her l,1\\ yer. Paul Vincent. v. J S that she wul>
ins isting or1 the 28·d:iy delay
Louise's birth also ('~1u:.t.-<1 thC' expected reltg1ou .. flJp
method was an "illicit" Corm of art1f1c1al 1nsem10allon.
But Bishop Augustine Harris. president of the Social Welfart·
Commission or the Catholic Bishops CQnference. commented
"Science can support the loving and natural a mb1t1ons of the coo
pie to produce new hfl' . . a pro-hfe expression of Life 1s to tw
commended and suppor1ed."
Cardinal Gordon Gray. the president of the Scottish Rom.rn
Catholic bishops. said he h ad "grave m1sg1v1ng~ "
Responsibility of the Chur('h of England. questioned the use of
scare<' medical resources for test-tube babies while aged and men
tally handicapped people are in need.
. An Israeli authority.on J ewish religious law. Rabbi Is rael Lc.1u
said lhere was no obJechon and us long as the sperm came from th1·
wom<in'shusband. "it's kosher."
Schulle r Off TV
Good Shif Lollipop
Hits 'Power Tower'
Television s tation KTLA Chan·
nel s has decided to insert old
Shirley Temple movies m the
Sunday morning time slot OC·
cup1ed since 1970 by the Rev.
Robert Schuller a nd his •'Hour
of Power."
KTLA s pokeswoman Ma ry
Barrow said the station has not
canceled the traditional hour
s ponsored by Schuller's Garden
Grove Community Church.
.. We've JUSt mad e som e
3 Inmates
Indicte d in
Escape C ase
Three Orange County Jail in
mates who allegedly attempted
to break out of the facility July 3
were indicted on escape char~es
this week by the grand jury
Named in the indictment are
Robert Edward Cran~. 29, of
Long Beach. Joseph Gonzales.
27. of Santa Ana. and Larry
Edward Jones. 29. of P ara
It 1s alleged that the trio
climbed from the roof of a bus
transporting prisoners to the
nearby courthouse and climbed
to an overhang leading to the
west wall of the jail.
Deputies armed with shotguns
roun~ed up the trio before they
coul4 complete their alleged
escape attempt.
scheduling changes and offen"<.I
the 6:30 a.m. s lot to the church."
Miss Barrow said
"We have found th.it k1dd1t·
shows and family movies an'
popular at the 10 a m. hour th01t
has been used by the chun·h "
Meanwhile in Garden c; rovl' .1
spokesman for the t•hurl'h ~aid.
"Los ing Los Angeles would n•,1t
ly be a senou!' blow to I hl
m inistry it has bet·n our homt·
Mike Nason. Hour of Po .... er
executive producer. nott>d lhl'
pr ogram is the longe~t runnin~
religious church service on LO!>
Angeles telev1s1on
"We fC'<'l 1t would bt• a great
di::.Sl'rvice to the community tu
deprive the ha nd1('appcd. the in-
firm and the l1lderly of J chun·h
:.crv1ce brought to them m their
ho m es."
Nason said he hopl·~ KTLI\
will change its mind ..1boul tht
time change.
Hut Miss Bar row indu.•ated tt's
a closed issue.
She said another programml'r
has already spoken for half thl·
6:30 a .m. time slot set aside for
Hour of Power .
"Now. that full hour is not
available.'' Miss Barrow said.
Despite Uus statement, Nason
s aid the pro~ram 's producers
hope to meet with KTLA ex
ecuttves next week to discuss the
programming change
He pointect out the church
pays for the hour and estimated
that the hour pro~ram is rl'
ce1ved on 108.000 telev1s1on sets
each week.
An outstanding
value on these
lusn, Indoor Of
outooor tovortte~
8" POI Size
~ie_is ~otlr.er;fartilittrtfiat
>-.. w cart. 00 mote-
~ \for lawns. flowers. shrubs. trees.
\ vegetables and, 1n fact. all plants•
r. feeds 011 plant hie o nch tormu10 ot
v1101 nu111en1S ond rroce m1ne101s ~ Con101ns o powertul soil penetronl
• : .. ' ~ mo1 percoio•es me nu111enrs tnr ouQI' •_:-'.;J'.,.,.;-l'lOrd ono compoc1eo soils
I Galloft
Sole Price On the Beach: Read
Of Booze, Bikinis
W.J . Hodite. president of the
board of aldermen. said he ap·
pointed four aldc>rmen to a special
<' 11 m m i t t c e t o i n v e s t 1 g a t e
Stan..,bury':. act ions.
Sole Price
*6.99 Reg.'1999 $9 99 Sale Price •
Beaches. booze and bikinis -
three popular subjects along the
Or~nge Coast -will be put in
new perspective in Sunday'!'
Daily Pilot.
on the beach, often glamorized
in TV commercial s. has
worsened crowd problems con·
side rably for lifeguards and
p o lice. Staff Write r J err )'
Hertenstein investigates tht'
heefed up enrorccment and
mounted patrols .
8R1Ef1..V BOOMING -Eenl
Meeni Bikini owner Lee
Horozsy's secret is that not all
women are created equal -nt
least when it comes to fitting lntO'
pre·siztd two.piece s uits . Her'
story in You/Your Money. ·
Richard Bertea didn't enter the
family business until 12 years
a fter his father died, but when
he did. he began a solid g rowth
pattern that attracted and won
an acquisition suitor
Episodes of "Freestyle," an up
coming public television series
aimed nl knocking down sex and
ethnic job s tereotype s ac·
compllshes its goals by dem·
onstratlng in realistic terms ~hofces av lluble for men and
14 Diamond
Rings S tolen
Fourteen diamond rings
valued at $-15.000 were stolen
from the J Herbe rt Hall
Jewelry ~tore m Westminste r
Mall Wednesday evening.
W est min s t er p o lic e
spokesman Earle Grahum said
tO<lny that the jewelry was taken
from an unlocked dis play case
during business hours at about 7
11 m. He said there were no wit
ne11ses to the theft :_\net no sus·
pee ts
Grohnm said that It 1s not
known why the display ca11e had
been left unlocked.
Gourmet Shop Closeout
All Prices Reduced At Least ¥,)
Up To 50°/o OFF Selected items
0 >
.J CZI ...
\II( TlllUA C ----.. ~-.;
0,..1 o.,.. .w ... 1 -4,.
l I Zl ... W,OIT ILYD. -,
..._MY 64 .. HH ,..._ SMp U J·4 I OJ
,,_.. y..iey Stwe o.ty
SAU PllCIS 0000 THlU ti I/ 71
.. , .... u.ltH .. »eel• ......
)A'll " ---a: 111 f l olJ ::l
I ~y l: ~
LI 11._, ~ -;
z; 11420 UOOkHURS T
tH.H 11116. _... .t .... S• Ol"fO Fwy I
PHOHI: '614171
OfllH 7 DAYS
\-I l/AJLT P ll u l
... Coe ting
P.:r dlly J uly 28. 19111
Q with-.,~'( Tom ~~'
Marp bioe.
T ourists, Go Horne
SIGNS OF THE TIMES DEPT. -One of our Intrepid
phuto~raphcrl> here on the paper noticed something odd
till' other day about the plc.1t·ard that points the way to
Corona del Mar City and State Beach Park. It had been
Norprnll y. thflre's nothing unusual about this sign up
on Eal>t Com;l lhg hway It's just one of those regular green
;ind white state l>1gns that declares, "Corona del Mar
BeaC'h P;.irk " ;md has a pointed arrow
Hut our photographt•r noticed that near the arrow
1>wnt -.om1•body had pla-.tt;>red up a footnoll' that instruct ·
"d No Toun:.ll> Bl:')ond This Point "
\l •. \S, IN THIS SEASON of record beach. traffic and
p.1rk 1ng 1.:ongcl>l 10n. suc:h attitudes pre\'ail among
nurn(•ruus residents along this best of all possible coiists
S1m1lar mes!->ages, such as .. Tourists Go Home," have
ht·en ~1>0tled hanging out or windows along Coast Hig hway
r mi~flJ/ l(i•stdf.'111 in 'f'l/prcnl <,reel mg to Beach Toun~I
111 I .1~u11.1 lkach ,111d nn Halima Boulevard on the
'•'\\port B.ilhoa l't•nin-.ula
• I nt•·n · .... tmgl~ most of thl" .. t' -.uggest1on!> that c1t1zcns
t rnrn 1·IS1'\\hl•rt' rPm1>\ l' their liu<l1l's are found on signs from
ti .. 11 I\\1n<ll•""· mott•I hakomt·:-.01 a_p<1rtmcnls
TO TllE <"O.\ST \L {'YNJl', this might suggest that the
t .omil~ lto111 L.i lluhrJ rented the place for the summer
1111 n t ht·\ d i::..1•ov1·n ·d that other visitors were so clogging
1111 tlw n ·g1on that thl'Y C'Ouldn'l get down to the corner
j.!roc•1•1 y lot :r pad .. of C'hewmg gum
11 .1\ mg ltud out !'ons1d(•r:.ihle Long Green for a couple
o l \.\ t't'"" cit sun a11d M'a, tlwy J'>in the l'ampa1gn to give
otht·1 lrn111s ls lhl• hoot ·
Wturh brings ~ou to tht· hl'ady question of 1ust wha t 1s
ii l11ur1st. anyw;.iy''
If I ahandon m y Balboa <.lags for a day in the sun up·
<·oa~t ;rl I luntmgton Bt-<JC'h. h<.ive I automaticall y become a
.. tout 1st" in I luntmgt1m'' If a J\llssion Viejo resident drives
uH·I tht• hill to Dana Point llarbor. docs he now carry a
Tourist stamp on his forchC';rrl " How <1bout the Lake Forest
pt•oplt• "h11 t·11ns1df.r L;1gun;1 ·.., :\t Jin HeJch Park as TH El R
drnnl.. ol shorl'111w '
l'l TRl'TH. \ I.OT of th!' d;1y hl'ach v1s1tors who ar~
inl,1nr1 rt·~1dl·nt-. t rt•,1t our h<'aches with a lot more r espect
thun thl· home folks
\'t•ry f('Y. lunM' <log:-. ,dong lht• heaC'hfront C'an be
hl,inll'rt on v1s1t1>r:-. 1\11111· hkt•I), I ht•)< c<1rry <1 coast C'lly
dot.: lag
/\ml a~ 1111 lht' guy \\ho 1rnt;111·s your 1•ardrum:-. with
t h.II t1 JllM:-.lur 1.1cl10 hl· prob;.ihly lives just down tne
li l11rk
Prices S oar
Workers Lose
To Inflation
WASHlNGTON <AP> -Consumer prices rose 0.9 percent for the
third month in a row in June. as the average worker continued to
losl' ground to inflation. the Labor Department said today
The cost of food. housing and automobiles led the big increases in
prices, which have continued steadily since the s tart or the year.
Consumer prices would rise ..
11.4 percent if the trend of the tortion. ending in all proba~1ltty
past three months continued for in serious r ecession." Mille r
a full year, the department said. testified.
The Carter administration The de pa rtment said the
predicts price inC'reases will not aver age worker's purchasing
bt> a s large in the next six power declined 0.4 percent in
months and '1s banking on a J une, the second drop in a row
downturn m food costs The worker m ade 0.5 percent
('hJtrm a n o f the f'ederal
Rest>rvt• Board. told the House
Hanking Committee today that
his .. best guess" is that prices m
tht.• next 12 months will rise
between 7 percent and 7.75 per-
cent. l>hghtly hjgher than the ad-
m 1n 1 s t ration 's 7.2 p ercent
"If we pursue a course that
dol'S not soon contain the force:.
aC'ct•lcrating the advance of
prices. the result will be increas
ing economic disruption and dis·
$16 Billion
Tax Relief
Bill Backed .
Sl6 2 billion tax·cut bill is head-
ing for the House floor and a
:-.trugglc to expand it and make
1t morc to the l1kmg or President
Carter. who opposes its reduc·
t10n of the capital gains tax.
The House Ways and Means
Committee, which had held up
the lcg1slat1on for months. ap-
provl.•d the bi 11 25· 12 T hursday
night in a nurry of last-minute
Tll E 811.L WOULD provide
about $12 :s billion m income tax
r elief to ind1v1duals. the rt"
muinde r to corporations.
The meas ure would cut taxes
bv $7 1 for <.1 single person earn·
1ng $15.000 a year and $160 for a
"1nglc person ~·<1rnmg S25,000. A
ch1ldlt•ss <.'ouplt· would see a cul
of S39 al t hl' Sl0.000-i ncomt·
lcvt•I. St> at $15.000 and Sl60 at
A coup!<.' with two children
\\OU)d :-.avt' S62 1f t'arning
$10.000. $77 if m aking $15,000
and $232 if earning S25.000 .
lcg1s lat1on. anC'luding the m
d1v1dual tax cuts. would take ef-
fect next J an t
more in hourly wages. j ust over
half the increase in prices
The prices consumers pay for
food Jumped sharply by 1 3 per
cent last month, and beef prices
continued to spiral by 5 6 per
"BEEF PRICES this June
were 30.7 percent higher than in
October 1977. when the current
uptrend began," the L abor
Department said.
The cost of p oultry, dairy
products, cereal, bread. oils and
s ugar increased in June. but
prices of vegetables. pork. eggs
and coffee declined from May.
Home-ownership costs rose 1.2
pe rcent in June. as housing
prices and mortgage interest
rates continued to move up Ele~tricily costs. which have
risen ra pidly since Janua ry.
climbed a substantia l 2 6 per
cent in June. the d epa rtment
s aid. A mall rate inc r ease
pushed postal costs up 14 per·
cent. the first big increase since
early 1976.
N aturaJ gas and fuel oil prices
rose m o d e rat e l y. w hile
telephone ch arges we r e un·
changed,'as they h ave been
most of the year.
N EW·CAR P RICES went up
0.9 percent after rising 1 2 per
cent in May. reflecting higher
price tags for imported autos
and recent increases by U.S.
However. airline. taxicab and
Jong-distance bus rates declined
in June. and gasoline prices
dropped slightly
Despite the gener ally bleak re·
port, the department said the
cost of entertainment declined in
June by 0.2 percent because of
lower prices for s porting good!->.
toy!>, hobbies and music t.•q wp-
72 Hour
Bat in Band
Former President Gerald Ford hold~ hat pre:,ented to him
m Washington Thursday wh1:n• ht.• addressed the Indepen-
dent Truckers Association. While not yt't tosi.ing ht~ hat m
the r ing. he told his a ud1enc(.• .. Don ·t count ml' out" m the
next pres1dent1 a l election "Retirement isn't ali that bad:·
Ford said. "and I would recommend 11 to President Carter
atthe earliest possible tlml' "
Mail Strike Hinges
On Meniliers' Vote
WASHlNGTON !AP) A post al contract settlem ent that has
prompted wildcat wa lkouts. Ci rt?jection vote by a union ad visory
panel and a threat of new strikes as bemg sent to 5:>4.000 postal
workers for approval
T he outcome of the r at1f1c<Jllon vole won't be known for at
least several weeks. And. 1ron1C'ally . umon leaders must count on
members to s tay on the job to complctt· rat1f1('at1on. s1 nC'c 1l 1s con-
ducted by mail ballot
UNTIL THE VOTES are counted. umon om c1als acknowledge,
the possibility of a m ail strike per~1st:-
Efforts by union leaders to sell the prOPosed accord lo their
rank·and·file were dealt a setback Thursday when a comm1ltee of
local officials from the nation's !argcst postal union voted 29-l5 lo
reject the pact.
But the committee agreed to let the 280.000 members of the
American Postal Workers Union decide whether to push as1dc
calls for a m ail strike and approve the contract.
EMMET ANDREWS, president of the APWU. said he did not
think the committee's vote was representative of the attitude of tht·
r ank·a nd-file. and he appeared confident the pact would b1•
An aide to Andrews s aid union leaders believe there are only
isolated pockets of resistance to the contract
Chief objections to the new contract a re that the 19 5 percent
pay raise over thret' years as not high enough and that a number of
Y.Ork r ules rl'main too rJ J?ld. particularly C'oncermng m andatory
WomenA boardShips
'Problem ' for Navy
Comm1tlet· :-.tarr a1<.lcl> :.aid the
M'em mg discn·pem·y of a $6 cut
ror the childless couple m<1king
$15,000 comes about becausl'
~uch C'O upl es are o n the
borderltne betwe<'n l aking lhl'
1tandard deduction or itemizing
heir deductions. Such couples
10w receive some benefits that
vould not be continued in the
.1ew lcg1s lallon.
\\-/\::iHl'.\lliTO:-.. (J\P > A feder al judge says Congress erred
111 h•lhn~ the :'\iavy to keep womC'n orr its ships, although he con-
'-'l'dt•:-. the Navy races problem~ in planning for vessels that will
One late l'hange given an ex-
cellent C'ha nce of House ap-
proval would -in the great ma-
1orily of cases -eliminate the
capital gains tax on profits from
the s<1 ll• or a home.
c.irrv both men and women as crew ..
(J S. Dislncl J udge John J . SmC'a ruled on Thu~sday that at 1s
v p to the Navy to determine as it sees fit whether 1t wants to put
v.omcn onto all types of naval vessels.
Smca It-ft 1l for th(' Navy. however, to decide whether "women ml•mbcr~ ~hould be excluded from ... shipboard duties until such
ttmt.• as thl• vessel!. are properly equipped and crew members
propcrlv tr a med to aC'commodatethl'lr female counterparts."
The ·Navy had no 1 m m<'d1ate C'omment on the ruling.
With bipartisan backing. the
capital gains issue -a measure
Carter has denounced as givin~
breaks to the wealthy wh.ile ig·
norin~ the needs of others -
won out.
Ohio Pelted by Hail
Thnnderstorms Prevail A lOng Atlantic Coast
'f'e'"per af u re11
H• Lo ,,,
/\I01; our ?& b8
o'\rit.tn llv I/ \I
Att1tnl• I& I& /\ a .• 111n1or•• •• ,, 11
U01 t' ~" /I
rtn•lon "' "' °" 11'""""''"'!1 ~' II
f\4Jlt .. IO '° " ( hl<.&00 Al \~
t 1nt1n1Mh 11 ~· t. ltvf't~nC1 II& &t
( tMU'l,bU ~\ 61
11•1 I I Win 100 11 .,."""'' .. "" e>totro•t 81 •• Hlltnd •J ))
HOU\tOfl •1 ,.
J'9<''\ Vlllt .. I\
1(4n \CtlV ·~ ...
\."' Vf'Qd I~/ .,
t tAtlr Ro " ., n
LI)\ Anqt If "' ....
M11tm1 Ml 8'J
Mllw•u•t< ,, v
MOI\ ~I P • 1. OU
N•'hw•Hr IJ 10
Ntw Ot1t1tn •J I•
~••Yori. u /0
Nor1oli. '° I•
Oi.ta Cotv ,. ~·
"' •tc•Ay ~ r• , tY II ,., u l<J f\ 11 f\ot ,..,
'A.~' n~~" I y 11 ~JI• rt I 611 t't' I •I• f d "' f )11 'f' ••' \ t y ..., I r1,. h•lo.,,_,,_,
:.\ H •' l •• t""1 " 1"'-J '~ I I ., ' )0 '"-•~ I ,1.,. " it I,. •• , I •• "' \, t
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tf .... '
ClttJHfl• T...,.._t
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'M --r.-1 ,,. ;., Ii f\a I ~I,,• -0\ofl\ti
"' \I
°" I/
l.at.i<11 H ;.-OM-
Om•n& 11 ..
PnttAO on•.t ,. 71 lJ
P~Of'n1• !Of> u
P11t,tH,,Qt't 18 bS 03
P ll•nd O•• ,. bO
A~"° •• ~· Richmond «> n ,.
St LOU!\ 8) tJ
'\811 l a•• 100 73
i,.n 01rqo eo •• ~n f r~n .0 S1
'i(-&111• 13 st
l ut\• •• .,
We,h1nq1on •• I• u
ll•Ur<t1r111 107 I~
r r•\,no 10l 70
Lo1n~I~• 100 ..
N~<t<llO\ 111 I>
Pa•o Robtr' 100 w
A•d eouft 100 10
S•tt•m•nlu •1 " S..nl• BarDa•" '• ~\
~(OOIM •s ~I
fttflf Mllll IOI Al
U•q~U'I ., ~J
R~u,ln• l~l ,.
8 1oll•or II )I
tlt\l\00 .. •)
ll1Y1M ll)lt II c ...... ,, .. II() M
E1 Cencro 101 81
l.OeArr_.,.MI ... '~ Lono Buen h ..
Newport e.~n ,. .\
O.,l•rlo •• •> PAlm!>prt~ '°' ...
s.., Bernerdono •OO ,..
S.nJo•• ,. )/
S.nl• An• 11 u
11.s. s ..... a,,,
c1ur •kin -comlofl•O•• l•m· ~r•lurH P<•Y•ll.cl ~ ro\\ llW> n• t10ft'\ mldwcllon IOCl8Y Morning lemptr•turu w.,~ In Ill~ tO<J •nG 71>1 wllll low numldll y from
ll>e Great LAllH to Monl•N, ano u I•• wu1n n Arie~' Four \mall pl_, at Ille K•nl 51Alt
un'"""'"" Alrpor1 In nofl!.,41\1 Olllt>
were damllll'(I blty<>nd re1M1" by nlon
w ine!\ alld llell o11<comP8nrtr•O • lllun
<lef"Slorm T••v,.dn n•Qhl eCCOrdlll(I
tO ll>e elr-1 m.tM~f
!.ookumen Gtno Alppl• ••Id fl••
or '" elllu •m•ll o••nn w•ra
damao" •119"11¥
thin aw l~unotrahowtrt con
II n.,.d In lht Sovtll -•IOllO IN All•nllr <0ot•I H .. •lftl r•lnftll wa•
in Ill~ Vlrq1n•a> and the c:.uo1tn••
New E"glalld Md • rovofl n10M
Thunday, with gusl1no wino• •M
hall lrom 1nunderstorms. Snow••' •r>d a tow lhundl!rsriowen. conllnu.a
urly IOC!av
A few llQlll shower!. cMlln...a O¥Or
Ille Rockie\ wlllle • few thun
oerstorms rocliled we\lern Ar11orw.
dr0e>p1n9 tarqt amount\. o4 f"Aln eno
''Ckln9 UPdUSI
A••ndrOCK will keep l•lllno O•M mount•1n ano oe~ert •rea~ tn1' .. ,.,,.,.0, Ille National Wuther
S!ohllte ........ b\11 lnSINO of Cl••rlno
t~ air. trw llonn• ere 001"9 lo brinq
1101. muq9y day' 10 Soulhern
Ano tll•t ""-•come la9-•lono.
smOQ. Wiii be •II loo VIS•bl• Allnougn uw Soulh Co.os1 Aor0\leh
1, M•n•Qe,,,...1 Olslrkt did not make
A predl<liM for Salurd.ly or Sunci.y,
11 lortc••t • 11niwa111>1u1 · c-lUons
1noav on most lnlertnlldl•I• v•llevs
ana lht low <ll!wru
l f'\'° \.f'~r~ con<~1r•t1on1 wen
DlnPOtnled ··-ow CChHI, In th• moun1a1ns -lllQll o.wri. Weekend 111911., will be on IM mid lo
119per llO$, the Wffl~ Senrlet H•d.
Thunaay's lllon "'"' 11
S t1rlReport
HunllnotM Buell. Tnrw· to llv"·
toot soulllwnterly Jwtlll provided
poor 10 taor surllno 11111 mom l,.o.
wHn lmprowmenl upotcted by low
t1tt. 1111s •fl-.
Newpart Buen Exctlltnl surfll!Q
wHn .. ven lo •O·foot soutlltrly
,,..11, Poor swimmers were oll>O•l\H
lo •l•v •wo bt<•u~ ol \ll'Ol'IO rip
tCoostal wtathtr i n-
formation will be /ound on
Poge 810 today1
40% (>
. \ •
I l
I fl : 8 a
Coast Panel Sued
Developers Cite 'lnterf erence'
Si\~1 \ Bi\HHARA t A1'1
\ctor f"t•ss Parl.~r who lr..idl'<i in
the cooru.kin cups of lelcv1b1on's
Ouvey C1ockell und Dantt'I
Uoon e for u land development
bus 1n cl>s. 1s JO tning <.i new
.,tatew1de developers g roup lo
fig ht the s t all' Co<.1st<JI Com
suciat1on ror Sunc Co<is l._I Pl<an·
ning wus announced Thursd ay by
dl•velopcr J oseph Mablroiannt <at
a nt-ws confC'rl'OCl'.
"We 1.1.ant an ussociat1on that
"111 g1vl• us a louder voice 1n
Sacramento that w ill point out
the abusc:. or the Coasta l Com·
m1ss1on." Mastroianni ~•ud in a
tt·lt·phont• 1nll·r\ It'\\
Al t hl' IH'\\ s COii ,,. rcnn'.
Ma:.trownm a lso su1d his Old
S<anta Barbara P1l'r Co 1s film~
a $32.5 m11hon lawsuit ug<Hllst
the com m ission for its in
ter fcrence in the development or
JO aging whar f that Mast roianni
c l <ai m s is a safety hazard
pcrpl'luated by the commission
legislators. by the e nactment of
the Coastal Act of 1976. have un·
intentionally s pawned another
romm1ssion that has assumed
the right to rntcrfer(' every
where." Frank Crispo, presi
dent of t he Cann ery Row
'.\1erchanls Assoc1<1t1on of Mon
Sentence Reduced
26-ytar·old ml'n convicted of tht•
murdcr·ror hire bl·ating death or
J :'¥1 a r in County real C!-.l<lll' ~alcsman have h ad t heir death
~l'ntenrt· reduced to life in pn:.on
by lht.• California Court or Appeal
1.·hangcd tht• ::-l'ntcnccs of Billy
llarold W1lhs or LO!> Angl'I<':. and
Thom a!. Irwin Mact· of Missoul<a.
Munt Both mt!n w..rc sc:hcdult·tl
for dl·ath an l hc San Quentin ga:.
Thl' l'OUrt ..,:11d 1t "''' nvt•rturn ing lht· mc·n .., dt•.1th bl'OLCO('t•
bceausl' Cal1£orn1.1 had no death
penalty law when the m urder wal>
com mitt1.'CI in May 1975. although
t he legislat ure later n.•ston·d the
death penalty
T H E PAIR. 1\LON{; with 44·
ye;ir-old Derrcll Oc:Jn G urdnl'r
who hired t hl'm lo lo ll 1hc
:.alesman. Wl·re c:onv1rll•d and
sentenced to death in March 1976
by Judge Louis Burkt'. a retired
California Supreme Court justice.
Th1.• thrcl.j wl'rl' convicted of the
murdt•r of' Doncild Moore, 39.
;\1 non• was m arried to Gardner's
t•x wire Testimony at the time in·
d1t•att:d the jealous Gardner paid
;\I :ll'l' ~1nc1 Willis S'1.000 to kill
Federal Suit Filed
t1.1n•\'. :..ud in <J telegram sent to
;\I J:..tt ioanm for rl'lt:'u!.1.' at lhc
ll<'WS t'Onfrrence
T1l Gov Edm und G Brown
Jr •. M astr o1anni added : "Tht:'
Coastal Act is so broadly defined
that any project can be ap·
proved or denied within the very
:.a me set of guidelines.··
Parker said he supports the
Old Santa Darbara Pier Co.'s
suit because he anticipates dH-
fu:ult1es in imple me nting his
pluns to build a major hotel·
c·onference center. residential
development a nd seven-acr('
p<ark on the last remaining piece
of undeveloped Santa Ba rbara
~ atcrfront land.
ct he Old Sant a Barbara Pier
Co > h ave exhausted a ll ad
min1strattve a\'enucs. 1t is only
the legal action that can perhaps
give them some relief." P arker
Mastroianni 's Superior Court
suit seeks $25 million in punitive
damage!. and S7.5 million for in·
verse tondemnatwn because he
fcl'ls thl· state <:ommission has
1 akcn away his a bility to d evelop
Stearns Wh arf.
T h e det eriorati ng wharf.
lul·ated at the center of the city's
bcuch a rea. has been vacant for
years -fenced off from the
public for safet y -while the de
veloper has gone back and forth
to the Coastal Commission seek
ing approval of his plans.
Rockwell Bias Claimed
LOS/\NC;t::LES l1\P1 Hrwkv.c •ll lnll·rnat1onal
ha:. b1.·1.·n accust·d by tht• f<:<lt•rul gove rnment of dis·
t•riminatinn LJgain:-.t women. blacks and Mexican
,\ ml•nc:.ms for tht.· company's high l1.•v1.•IJobs.
In a:-.u1t r1lt•d in kdc•ral court. tht· Equal E mploy
rnl'nt Opportunit ll'!-. Commission s aid il had receivt:'d ~l'\'t•ral comph11nts .ihout thret• Lu.., An~eles-an1a
d1v1sions o f Hoekwl•ll l\utnm·t1cs. Mirrol·ll'<'
t r o n 1 c· s LJ n d S 1111 <· e
· H 11 <· k\v l' 11 . w h 1 t h ( J
1·mploys :t0.000 Jll'r~ons tn ..... T .fT£
lhl' thn•c• (11v1swns. 1:. on1• ..,,_ _______ _,
of thl' n:.1l1on s ILJrg1.•:.l
Howri119 Offiriai. Iii•
S1\ '.\ FH/\ '\CISCO <,\ I' 1 Fourtl'en top off1<'1<1b
11f t ht· !-.;in Fran<'l!-.l'O I luu:-.1ng t\uthor1t~ ha\ e bt·t·n
1 m:d or demott..>(f as the ag1.•ncy ftl'ld:-. charges or
f1nanrial m1s managcm1.·nt. mcludmg indications
1 hat nt.•:1rly Sl5(1 000 1n ch1•cks it wrote went un
I l'l'Ol'cll•d Tht• :.hakC'up. in vol v1nJ? nearly half or the public
hou:-.1ng agt•nt·y·!-. front office pe rsonnel. wa.s ap·
prover! Thur~day by the city lfoubtng Com m1ss1on
following twocritil'al audib
/\ l'nsmH.'r" Lnt0n lawyer said Thursday thLJt
the ~lluation ··1s getting pretty volatile." but pr ison
spol-.l•s mt·n saul the involved inmates were locked in
their cdb anc1 the situation was quiet.
Cmnpensafion Denied
LOS ANGELES 1/\P l Homeowners will not
n•cc1v<' :my <·om pcnsation for emotional stress
t' ;1 us1·d by pl um·s fl ying ov1.•r their homes while using
J lolly wood· Burbank /\irport, a Superior Court judge
rull·d Tht' resid ents might. however. collect for dis trl's~ t·~w..,ed by groun<l operations at the facility,
Jud~e Mux Oeutt su1d Thursd<ay. The decision was
purt uf :.i su1l brought by s ix San Fernando Valley
homt·owm•r grou1':-. tryrng to prl'vc•nt Lockheed
,\ 1 ra;ifl ('orp from !>t•I It ng t he airport to th<: Cities or
Pa:.Jdl·n,1. Burbank and(; lcndall'
Explodon Cau.se: \lapor porcelain salon
W/\Sl llN<;TON <A P I T ht· Nattonal rr:1n~portatl()n Saft.'ly Hoa rd says lht.· 1976 explosion
of thl' 1111 t;ink1•r SS Sansinl'm1thatk11lcd nine persons
111Le•:-1\nµl·lcs Harbor octurrl'd because pctrolt'um
\ ;1p11r ga~ uccumululed over lhl' cargo lank:. and 1g
111l1.·d Thi' hoard's n•port. n·IL•ased Thursday. :.aid thl'
ga:-. "a~ hcinj.! v1·nted from the ship at too slow a rall'
to pl't'Vl·nt t·omplett• d1spcrs::il by a ltght wind.
lltmger Sr rike Launr hed
FOl ~'-;UM cAP1 About 60 m:1x1mum ~ccunty
111111;1lt•.., tn Fob<>m Prison have launched a hunger
... 111\..l'. the lat<•st mo\ l' tn <1 ~t'ncs of inmate protest!>
th.it h.1vt• tnl'ludcd flooriing of cells and burning or
• • • • • .. • • • • .. .. « ..--« D e adMajor ! ·1 Decorated : • M~mnc ~ta.1 Delmar •
c;. Uoo1e. who was lost' •
in action in Vietnam in
1966. wus posthumously
d1·t•orakd in <t <:eremony
~•t M CAS, El Toro.
The Purple Heart and
P rl'sidt•ntial Unit Ctta·
t1on were umong th(' de·
cornt1ons pre!-.ented to M r~. E ra P. Booze. his
wtf c . h y Maj. Gen
.I 11:-.t•ph l\olor .Ir . com
m a n cl t n g A <· n l' r ;,1 I •
M CAS. El Toro
. ~· .. ~ .
:-..~ .
• HERB :
IS :\1AKl'.'IG «
• (; RF:AT DE ALS •
: FREE :
\l',tr.., 1n the Marine • {;,\I~"\ • Boote. who had 22 • 50 «
Corp..,. 1s :.urv1v<'d by h1., • OF(; \S •
"1rl' t1n<l four ch1ldrt?n. • ··••••· , .................. ,... •• +'
1A.hon•s1detnSant<t/\na • or Oll.('11 .\~(;t-:~ •
l' outh Cited
.John Andl'r~on. ~on of
\J 1 LJnd Mr!-. Kenneth
Anderson of Laguna
Rcm·h. has been nam ed
tu lht' dean's list for the
!i pring sem ester u t
Christ College Irvine
Jt O O•(llMMMdfrid '\ lliM" f,nhf"~ ,., ii
.. •' ttt"I •'-\-._.. , ... , t'H • • e HONDA e •
If> 1.m•l'r••~""~ • 1t U1 n 11 '4 .. umMl.•~' •• '"7
•* * * * ..... * * * ·:
• m !1~~"~!'~:':.~:~111·.~ .. ,m «
.... * * * * * * * * * * •• • e TOYOTA e «
-----------• 1-11,ardo>•t.rn•d!h~ • ,. ........ ".''°". S.11 ...... r--ir--.......... --..., it*** •• *** lit **~
• H( ATI Hv
I i 1t ,.,
,,,_,,,,. t1fT'tit ''•1tho4I 'UUI U1.11.•• f..•'' ·,uw• hr~•,.,, • nu1 A•' ,4
,. "OTORIUH11-: •
:s \l.ES & H E:\T.\t.S •
• t<E~ER\'E 'ow •
• :;:17 ii17 E\I. :JOO : ••1'1'••••••**"*tr
Thas 1s c1 rare opportunity to view and acquire
for your collection some of the world's most
beautiful ma rine art Glorious sunsets .
crashing "urf, the rugged and beautiful
toc1sthne each uniquely interpreled by
12rt1sts known and collected by conoisseurs
arouncl I he world
• Robert Wood •
Bennett Bradbury • Andre Balyon
Beverly Carrick • Alex Dzigurski
Eugene Garin • Bradley Heald
Merritt B. Kelley • Cha rles Levier
Ste ve Miric h • Donald R. Purdy
Va lintin • Robert Wee
Pleai,e accept our most cordial inv1tahon to
clllend a
Special Reception
Friday, July 28 6:30 to 9:30
Saturday, Ju)y 29 Noon to 5 p.m.
For those unable to attend the reception. the
collechon will rem~in on display at the gallery
through August 12
Gallery open Tues. ·Sat. 10-5. Sun. 12-5
other hours b y appointment
1741 Westcliff Or., Newport Beach
(7 14) 646-4515
IAN OtlOb '"'"'' ~~t--~..;,;;;.;.;..;..;.;;..~~~-
~ H1M ~ WUlCLtF'F ~R --~ ...... -----. .. .. > 0 0 ~ COUl MWT ~j ~~~~~---r
Fnday. J uly 28. 1978 DAILY PILOi A..l
AP Wirt-le
Hotline Set
To Test Rents
_. LO~ Afl<tiELES cAP1 Go\ Edmund <.t
Brov. n h.A:-. .1dopt1.·d ..i v. ail Jnd :see 1tppr01.t<.'h to
mundatory 1 t•nt control. 'ay1ng he would ul:le J
new r<•ntcr-;' hothn<• to m easure landlord w1llln~
ness to hOld th<: line on rent hikes voluntarily
Afll'r mt-cling behmd closed doors Thursday
with representatives of renters' rights coaUUoni.
a nd polillcal groups. Brown said he would mon1to1
thl' toll tree hotline for lit:'Vl'ntl weeks before dectd 1n~ whctht:r to gll a head with rcnl·control lcgislu·
BROWN OIO l'IOT SAV what kind of tnformc1
lion ht• would took for rrom the hotline. but <added.
.. , want to sec a C'lear and convincing case that
n·ntt•r:-. art' l>l'1n~ prot ecll'd ..
The hothne. which was 1nit1at ed Wedne:sd a:r
will bt• sbaffed weekdLJys between K a.m. and ..;
p m . Tenants a cross the stale whos<" r ents htsvt·
been raised s ince May 31 a re aske d lo call
800·952·5537 except 1n Sacrame nto whe re lhl·
numbcr 1~ 322 5257
Governor Brown Using New Renters' Hotline
Staffl'rs ~ 111 ask thl' tenants for their namt·~
and .1ddrcsscs as we'll as those or their landlord
and tht• <.1mount or tht.• rent boost
---J /)
r---=::::::....:=:::=_,--~~~-:::::::---' .-\
Woodtn Plant Stands
• rive 'f04J' or--• piece Of ~ at>oerC oo< 30 llltt
plant tlanC °' lfY llS .,,.,.
lor latlla tac> altetlllO<'ll
ttblt toe> l . 59
' ..........
c. ....
Stoneware Planters • oot 'er there•
• h•ghly glazed ~toneware
on assor1ed colors matchedbv
(lrop catct11ng tr1y~
• 4 sou s trom
-99c10 3.99
• • grac;elul replte.1
rK<Jll•"R times long pas( 1t111she.11n sleek ... ainut . """°' asse'1'.1y 9.99
20" Rattan Basket
F -_,,.
(Q)TA MU•f>42-1JSJ
ClU H•-c .,,,.
Ml.,10" VttJ049S-0401
t"1J c-... '-'''-
• e LEASING e «
,. ... ~·;~:;·.:~:.:~":,....• 1HUNTINGTON BEACH
• S:J7·7777 t:xt. tiOO ~ H••••••••••••••••I
Mon. thru Sat. 10·9
Sun. 10-7
Laguna Hiiis Mall.
' ~ fl ~AW< ..,_. I •· •••• *. * * • *.. Huntington Center
..... Ed• • I .. Robert N. Wffd /Publisher T~s l(ee1til/Edlt~
Or ..ange Coa:,1 oa11v P1101 I tOftO .= OfJ..e •• ••••••••F•''•csa•v• .• Ju.'r•28•.•'•91•a•••••••••••e•"•r•t>a•r•a•K•re.•b•1•c•h•1E•d•ito•r····'•P•<)<)e••E•d•'•to•'•••
Regional Smog
Control Tested
Last wel·kc...nd 's Stage 2 !->mog tilPrt t.tloug the Orange
:oast w~1s an in<'onv<.:niencc to some, but over the Jong
naul perhaps a bll·~sing in disgu1s1.>.
The alt>rl "as t•allcd de!>pite the fa(•t that there was
e<>mparallvely little air pollution on the coasl. Actavitil'::.
along Uw ~hon'. however. were contributing to intolcra
ble :,mog condll1on~ inland.
That i!'> why indus tries with more than 100 employeC's
or flet>ls of more thun 50 vehicles were told to curtail ac·
ttvtly last \H:ckc:nd. In some instances employees were
nrdl'red In tran•l tu \\Ork in carpools to reduce air pollu·
The.> alt•rt was called in a ll regions of the four-county
South Coa~t Air Quul1ty Management District. This sum·
m1.•r marks U1l' fir~t time in local history when the district
has had the c;,ipability to predict severe !->mOg conditions
in ~1dvantc.• ~met require industries to take emergency
If cou!-.lu I residt>nts \\'1.'l't.' 1 rked by the alert. thcy
s houlrl think to lh<.• future
ThPrt• will tom1.• a day \\hen the s mog condition will
be reve rsed Ins tead of coas tul winds blowing pollukd a11·
inland. down-shore breezes will send the heavy blanket
!'>eawurd And o n th;.it day inland residents will be re-
qum:d to h<.•lp the t·oastal !:imog problem.
/\II this mean!> that a regional approach to thC' mr
pollut1on probll•m m;.iy finally be at hc.1nd . and all of
"ioulh<'rn C;.ilifornia wall be th<> better for at.
Comparison Unfair
'\c·\\'> lhul lhl· British l'os t Office is turning a profit of
1ll'arh ~2 million a chiv $708 million in the last fiscul
Yl'<•r doubll1.''>S will inspire critics of the much·
m:d1gm·d L'.S. l'o:-.tal SC'rvu:c to make some invidious
rnmp:tn!->Olls Ltke I ht• fot·t thut it cha lked up c.1 $688
m11l111n dc·f'i(-11 la:-.t ~ t•ar
Thi" \\Cllllci b1.· most unfair
rtw 11al1o nidi1.<.'d Britis h Post Office abo happens to
run l111· country's tC'l~·phone and telegraph services. and 1t
""" 11·11111 thl''-'' o.,t.•n·1c.·c.·:-. that th<.· bulk of the profit. 5627
mill1nn. \\.&s 111<1dl· Plu:-. .,i profitable b .... nking service un-
dt·r \\ l11l'h tll!->tOml'r~ 1.·;111 tJt·po:-.it suvings and pay bill:-..
l'lw l S P<ht a l St·n·ie1.• h ~1s 1·urnl'd a lot of the
cnt 11'1'-rn 1t l.!l'l!-> But .1u:-.t 1m:.i~mc \\h<Jt a different fman·
ct.ti 11n.1gl' IL \\11t1ld have 1{ the incredible profits of the
c·ountr.' "tl'lt·phlllll' '-Y~lt•m:-. \\Crt.· added to the black !>Ide
of I h1· h·dJ,!l'I
\nd 11oh· loo. that ,1 v:1 !-.l amuunt of mail tn tht.· US
mu..,t In· c<.11·ric.·d UY <Jll'. O\ t·r much Jongl'r distance.·:-..
\\hilt· 1111\ Hntain s iwtwork of n.11lroads 1~ mort• lhan !>Uf
ltl'1t·111 111· <«ll'n the.• mail
It .... got>d 111 hl'ar that the.• Driush po!.tal :-.y~tcm is do·
ing so wl'l l l 'nfortunall'ly thl·r<f:-not much there f<Jr u:-
tfl 1n111 :1t1• 1101 what» ;\lo fkll owns the phont•:,
P e ople Who Care
~wmet 1 nws a \H•<.•k hnug~ bits and pieces of news tn
l'l·m111d 11 s th.it -.0<·1dy isn't entirely made up <if
apathl'lll' don·l hothl'I ml' typ1.·~. or self-centered fTil'
r11·:-.tL-r ....
La'>l \\t't·k .1 Lo-, J\lam1Lo~ "oman apparently :.uf-
f1.•rcd a I amll ng :-.pell while wudmg in the s urf at Seal
Ht'ath C.1ughl 111 a nptidt•. she was car ried JOO yard~
from "hort• cincl \\'Hs !'>potted rtoatang face down by a cou
pit• of -.urf(•rs Thl'y WC'ri' JUllll'd in a drn mutic rescu<· ef
fun h~ l11l•gw1rcb ''ho lt•apt.·d off the pwr ~ind da:_.,hcd into
tlw surf t11 l\(•ep hl'I afloat. re\'IVC: her C:tnd rush her to
ho!-.p1 tcil Shl' s urv1vl'd what would hc.ive been certain
ckath h.' t11n\\11111g
Tlwn 11t1·n··._ 1\1Hw K:ilz. \\ho w:.1s honored by county
"lll><'I n .... 111·0., 1111 lwr I 1vt• year:. of work c.i:_., coordinator of"
tm111t' \\t<lt· \olt111ll·1.·1· l<.1'< aid program . She recruit~ ~ind
tr .11n .... "'t·111rn t·1t111.•n ,·ol untl·cr~ who work year-round ;.ii
411 lot·<1t1ons 1n tlw ('OUnty to anS\\er ta:-. que:-.t1ons uncl
help 1111 out ta>.. rNurn:-.
The 1 RS estl ma k s some 10.000 senior citizens ha vc
takt•n <.ich antugt• of I he fr('(.' !'cr vice to which voluntec•rs
hnvc> J.!1vC'n men t• than 5,000 hours ;\1rb. Katz s ays s ht.•
d1lln 't \\~mt Io ·· 1u .... t :-.1t <.1round."
;\il'all\\ hill' over in Huntington Be;.ich ~ome younger
l:.1cl1(':-. .111d tht.·11· ramilies have re:_.,pondcd in a pract1cul
irwnm•r lo tomplrnnts that the slut~ beal·h is const<mlly
llllt'1·et1 \\'ith t.111!'>, hottlc. picnic lettvings and assortc-d
t r;i!->h
Thl· .lunior Woman's Club has launched a monthly
tleun-up pro,11.•<.'.l. m.ing bare hands and litterbaJZs. to re·
uwq• unsightly and d;1ngcrous trash from the two-mile
!->I n •t d1 nf lw~1rh .
Tlwn.· still an· t·1t11l·ns who a don't belil'\t• 111 w<iiting
fo1 '-Onll'<llll' d!-><.' tn dn somrthing about a ch•<irly v1:-.ibll'
• Opinions eitpressed 1n the space above are those ot lhe Daily Pilot.
Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and
ar11sts Reader comment 1s 1n1t1ted. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O
Box 1560 Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321.
Boyd/ Gypsy Trick
lh l..l\I. BOYD
In 1934. tt 11urty of g) p!>aes.
11:1~s\ng I hrough an F:ul:tl Ti:x
a~ to" n. pcrs uadt•ll " IOl":tl
bankt>r lo ll'l thl'm blc~s
~ome of lhl· bank's monc"
Arlt·r thl'Y lt•ft. he found that
S200 wa-; m1ss1ng That was
14 ) l'ar!> j~O. Such a banker
was :.rn t•nd<1ngcred :-.pecie:;
l'\"t•n lht•n Hut surc·lv the
hn.·Ni I'-nci"' l''\I incl ·
U•·u r
GJo orny
Thl' confusion ovl•r lh<.'
t:onfu"!On sn the• White
lfou-.:1· h morr un
rlerst andnbl~ now that
Wf' know the cause of
thf' confusion. csc
No U.S. president had
more experienced kibitzers
looking over his s houlder
than did Abr::iham Lincoln.
When he t ook office. fi ve
former chief executives were
s till alive: Uu-Ohanan .
Fillmore. P1orcc. ·ryler and
\'an Buren.
Too much overlooked in
liter ature <ire the more
s1gn1hcant details. For 1n
~lance. what did Little Red
R1dinghood have in her
basket for C.randmother?
Sprin~ th:it at the dinner ta·
hi<'. Only u brlJ?ht-<'yed child
muy reeall It was n cake und
a s mall jar of butte r.
Q . "What's the moist
d a ngerous household eleC'·
trical appliance?''
/\. The sunl:.imp. I'm told
Researchers contend their
studies show il eouses most
injuries That must be in pro·
por·tion to the numbtr or peo
pie who own sunlamp:s In
rom parison to those who own
oth er eleclrlcnl gadget~
Would think coffeepot scald·
lnRs would C>ulnumber ~un
lump burns.
Nicholas von Hoffman
Cuts Would Improve Colleges
This summf'r Lhe Advertising
Counr1l is putting on a vehement
scare t:amp:ugn to get people to
J! 1 ve to the college of the1 r
Our ('01leg1.~ a nd universities
arc broke. or so the message
goes. and un
less they gt.'t
d mcro. great
thoughts will
go unthunk
with a con
comatant drop
in our exports
<rnd our life
cx peetancy.
No com -
mt•rt•1als arc to bt: he:ird 1mplor
1n~ colleges and universities to
do their part Yet even the ex·
lravagant m edical industry
doesn't run its hospitals on a
nine month year. The nine
month school year originally
came about so that students
could work on the family farm.
1 WITH LESS than 5 percent of
our population e ngaged 111
agriculture. pots of money could
be saved for parents and public
if our colleges were to adopt the
normal work ealendar of this
:..ociety lt would mean that col·
lcge might take three years in-
stead of four. No s mall saving
when a year's study at a local
university can cost $5,000 plus.
A year 's work for a year's pay
hds a lways been resisted by
higher education just as 1t has
ignored its own proclivity to of·
fer loo many courses ... Despite
the drop in l'nrollment on many
campuses the size of catalogs
v irtually doubled and the
number of cour!-.es with less than
five students 111 them also pro-
hlcrated ... writes Gerald Grant
and David R1esman lsee "The
Perpetual Dream: Reform and
Experiments in the American
C'olkgc." University of Chicago
l'n•ss 1978 $15 and worth it.>
Nor <1ftcr dt•cades of com
plaint and ridicule has our higher
education disciplined itself out of
o ffering the most costly did·
dlcybop to indolent students look·
ing for gut courses. Thus Grant
:rnd Reisman have caught some of
the profs teaching "such hobbies
4.IS Chinese gourmet cooking.
Jack Ande rson
harps ichord makini::. and indeed.
SUCH NONSEN E isn't new
but 1t expanded enormously dur
mg the l960s Gold f low into
higher education New college!>
were founQed and old collegc:-
chunged sd that s tudents could
do anything they wanted and 1t
was c::ttled learnin~ Just as
faculty could do un) thmi:: the>
wanted and 11 \\<JS ca lle(.f
"The most import:otnt change
was the virtual or complell'
abolition of fixed requirement-.
1n many deparlm<'nts and of
mandatory d1stnbut1on require
ments. including class altcn
d<snce and the time. mode. and
londs of credits needed lo :o;ecurt.·
a baccalaureatl· degree.·· is how
the two soc1oloji!ists in education
:.um up what happened
In due coursi: there were l'Om
plaints f rnm dassatisftt•d
t·uslomer!-.. "l have never rl•::td
unythmg by Sigmund Freud or
K"1rl Man I know nothmg <.ibout
thl· history of Africa. the history
of Lalin Amc.•rica or the hs!>tory
o( As ta I have not come within a
quarter mile of a tesl tubt' s iMt•
I took ch<'m1stry in m y senior
Yt'<H in hi~h school ... \HltC':-
J on at ha n Kaufm::tn who
graduated from Yal e· last
month. "Val(' hJd Jn obhgaUon
to tell ui; wh<tl wlu It• 'intern ..
t1onal /\ml•11can Sot·1ety und
<.'ultu1<'' might ha\f' S('cml•d l1k1·
mort.' fun. a l'Olsr,1• on Plat•>
\\Ould have be('n twtu•r tor us."
Kaufman efaboratc<t •rnd many
agret• hut only m theory
l!'IJ PRACTI F: lht're ts nu
"'a 1t1pg hnt• to gl'l 111to St John·...,
Colldgc'. Anapol1s . Md whert.•
Mr. Kaufman \\ould not only
h<i Vl' bl•t•n n·q111r1'd to learn
chl•m1:.lry. t)ut :11!-o to n •ud Plato
111 Grel•k. Thnl' .ire.· no elective!-.
al St John·.., Thc•r•• 11 is :-up
po-.cd thtll ltw ll'achcrs know
mun· lh:ln the• 'tudcnts and
thf'rc·fon• :.hould 1n·1·:-.l'ribe thl·
t•our,1· of stud1r:-.
II ':-. a huy<'r·~ mJrkl'l of higher
education wben· tl\erl' are mor<'
plac1•s than thNf' an• students to
fill th1·m Collegl''> l1k1• SL John":.
lo:-.c out to sC"hoob "'here you
l'an gl·t a U.A. hy ::.rx·ndmg four
y1-•:'l r~ tn ;.a TM group and
gradualt• :-.umma cum laude b)
l'Ult1vatsng ori.:anit· radsshe:-
But e\ en school' with ,uffsc1cnt
rame ;ind µr<'!>llJ.!<' ~o a" to not to
have to f1~h for l'u-.tomcr::. h::tvt•
not bel'n ubk lo !.ave money and
improve quality by offcrsn~
fcwl•r and bl'ltt•r cour se"> to
hnng forth from udoll''>ccnt flesh
a fully rounded Pduc.1tcd pef"S(>O
prom1 sl•d 1n :-..• m.my l'Olh•gl·
llARVARD ANO Y.1lc both
an• t•ultm~ h:tl'k on t•h•ct1v e..,
and inMsting thc•ir :-tudcnts t<.ikl•
.it lt.>ast u tew t•lassc~ leading to
'that mul'h·talkerl about cond1
I 1 u n of \\ell round<>dnes.., It
v.on't bt.• J,hl• llrsl t1m1: efforb
haVl' been madl' to rever'>•'
higher L-ducat1on''> adhert•ncl' •••
t ht• frag mentation Jnlf m1 ..
cellan) of tlw <'l<·ct1\'l' systt•m
But 1t '-. not JU~l thl' !>ludcn1
c ustomer-. who oppO'ic .,,gn1fl
l'ant change: the ~pcc1ahzcd cit'
partmenl!-> and lht•1r t•ompct1llcm
for tht• same <;tut.Jent:-. makc an-.
gcnl•r a t. core curriculum mi
Unable to makl' th<' <'Ut~ wht<·h
would lower ccr..t:-. and 1mprml·
collegi<1te edUl'<1t1on. lhe S<:hool
rjn only holler for more monev
Thr ad coune1I '-"Ould do us .1
fa\Or not to raise 1t for lhem
Brave Victim of a Latin Military Tyrant
WASIUNCTON -This is the
story of a brave man who left
safe haven m the Umted States.
knowing his llf<' might be in
<langt•r. and n•turned to the
clutches of Paraguay's ruthless
military tyrant. Gen. Alfredo
Domtngo Laino darc.'<i to speak
out against the dictator during a
:-OIX ·WC<'k stay
1n t ht· Umtt'd
States. H e
holdly op -
posed in
l1)a ns to
Paraguay un·
til Stroessncr
stop s com·
at r ocities
against his people.
Stroessncr h:is held the
Paraguayan people in an iron
grip for 23 years. The dictator
not only has tyrannized his own
people: he has also provided a
haven for Adolf Hitler 's war
Our associate La rry Kraft-
owitz met with Laino and asked
about the risk of his returning to
Paraguay . li e admitted
fatalistically that his life might
hl' in dan1?er But he insisted
that he had Lo go back to help his
cou ntry men in a s truggle
against Stroessncr·s oppression
ON THE DAY of his return to
Asuncion. Laino was stopped
and dragged from his car on a
Sydney H a rris
do"' ntown :.treel by StroC'ssncr's
police. Today. the lonely hero 1s
being held mcommumcado by
the police. awaiting years 111
prison or perhaps a firing squad
on trumJX•d up charges.
JI 1 s frie nds ha Vt' re I aycd
messasws to us from A:-unc1on
that they fear for h1:; lift· Tht•)
have reason to hellcvc he ma)
have bei:n tortured.
IL s hould be t'mph::ts1zed that
Laino·s only crime is speaking
his mind. He heads no guerrilla
movement: he hasn·1 even ad·
vocated violent revolution. lie
merely trumpeted h1:-views 1n
t h c r r c• l' <i t m o !'> p h l' r l' n f
STROESSNER 0 S l ackey ..
res ponded by denouncini:: Laino
as a traitor. Then the docile
Paraguayan parliament. under
the tight rein of the dictator.
look up a resolution that would
revoke the citizenship or anyonP
criticizing the reg imt• from
U .S . an<ilvs 1s in Latin
America had rio trouble grasp
ing the intent or the resolution
The propos a l. th<'Y cabled
Washington. was a "poorly d1!-.
guised effort to discourage
future La1nos from crittcizmi::
the J::Overnm ent abroad.··
Earlier. on the eve of Laino·s
visit to the Umted States. the
American e mbassy in Asuncion
cabled the State Departmetnt
that Laino and his compatriots
were bemg denounced as "dis·
<'rcd1ted opportumsts seeking to
l'urry favor with the USG ( Umt·
t•d States Government> and gain
personal publicity by waving the
bunner of human rights ··
T H E CABLE. dated April 12.
<•l so reported ominously thal
Latno had been accused of "SO\\·
1ng resentment and hatred-"
Thi:. catch phn.is e. the embassy
warned . 1s normally used by the
dictator when he invokes in·
famous Law 209. This is a
sweepmg measure that P<'rm1ts
Stroessnt.•r to detatn poht1cal
prisoner!'> at whim
In formed observers now
:.peculate privately that Lamo
may bc tried under Law 209 on
previous c h arges that were
never prosecuted Stroess ner
has used this tactic in the past to
1ntim idatc opponents who have a
popular following. Ht• merely
lc<.1vt•s ch:.irgl'S hanging over
their heads. a!> a warnmg that
they could be tried and convict
t'd :.it any Lim<'
charges against Laino a re the
usual clauns of Marxist associa·
t1ons. Laino has sharply denied
lhe accusations in a privak let·
ter to the minister of the in
tl'rtOr "There has been no such
M arx1st front . . " he wrote. fie
:.ilso denied that a hook hl'
published w as edited and
rmanced by thl' communists.
"'This falsity." protested Laino.
"1!> :.i~ ba:.l· "" <Ill the othl·I
On an earh<'r occaswn. lht'
diC'tator-;hip tri<'d to s mear
Laino by arcu-.ing him l•f
<;la~hmg $25.000 m Soviet fun<b
111 a S" iss bank account. Uut
Laino was ablc 10 produ<·t·
l'\ idenec Lhat thl' c·h.1rgc "'J'> ;1
<:ompletc fabrication
In 1975. Laino htd in a c ellar
for 1wo days while Stroessncr "
henchmen. posin~ <.is an <1nl 1
communist mob. M~arched lhl·
1.'1ty or \'1llarrk.1 for him
Rut on this ocC'.1s 1on. tht·
Paraguttyun government has ad
rn1tll'd lht• pol1l'c :11·c holdm).!
Lamo. I l1s brutal a rrrcst on thl·
~t rrcls of AsunC'1011 . however .
mon· lll·arly rc:-cmhh•d a kid
II IS WI FF: has hl'l'll .1 llo" cd tu
St'l' him for only two minutes.
Ac-cord1nJ! to (',1ra~uayan
sources. thi: br:.ivt• LJtnO walked
s lugJ!1shly and looked a s if ht·
might have bei:n 1n a drugged
s tupor. H.1s witc was unabll' t"
tell whether hl' h<1d bl'en beaten,
becau:;e hl' was s hrouded in an
outs1lt.> ~arment covering his en
tir(' hod>
f'ootnoll': US Ambassador
Robert White has m i:t privately
with the P<1rt1guay<m foreign
m1nistt'r to cxprcs:-concern for
Laino. Out only last Occt·mber.
the ttnhorn Strocs:.ncr harl din
ner with PresuJent C..irll'r al the
White House.
There's No Way to Teach the Art of Success
rr('scriplions for "suct·ess"
arc fl ying all over the place
these days. and there seems to
be an insatiable market for
them. although success 1s not
somt.•thing that (':ln he taught
Bcc;n1.5e "to teach" and "to
learn·· are complementnr y
verbs. we a:;
~um e th1.•y
arr nlso
words. like
"Uncle" and
"nephew "
you cnnnot be
i&n uncl e
without a
ncphcw <or
nl<.•('c I. ~nd you cannot be a
nephew without an uncle (or
But lh<'rc are many thmgs
that ('an be learned that cannot
be taught. Writing happens to be
one of them P1.'0pl1• are born
writers. but they ean learn to
become better ones. tlowevc·r.
they cannot be taught writing
Virtually every "creative writ·
ing" course Is a fraud or 0
TllE SAME situation obtain:.
in regat•d to "sucC't•ss. ·· no mat
t<.'r how you happt·n to define It
All the m1.•n and women who
have achlcvf'd success made 1t
without :myone teaching thi:m
how Thry "lctArrw<l'" 1n a d1f
fc-rt'nl way -from l'X:'lmlmng
themselvt•s tinrl othl'rs. from
trial on<J t•rror. from mur!.hull
Ing their part1culur rcsoorcel> in
o special way, from n <'Ombma
t1on of conscious and un ·
conscious drives harn(•s:.cd
And most or thrm rould not
tell you how or why they made
1t. although some imaJZtne they
ran. ~ind spin claboratt• lhl·oni:s
or Golden Rules that work only
for those who don't need them .
IN SOME cases. of course.
:.twer luck is tht: determining
loctor -hupp('n1ng to bf' in thl•
right plact• al the righl t1 me with
the right ln~rerlients Thi-. 1..,
\•!ipcc1ally true in money ma km~
.... ucc-ess. which mny be the r<'sult
of shn•wdness. or dumbness. or
Jul111s Rol-t>n wnld. who de-
v1•lop<'d Sc:ir'. Rot•buck into s
financial l(wnt. one<' -.aid ... ,
ne ver could und<'nHund the
populJr bchd Iha! hl'<':'lusc .i
man makt•s a lot of money, ht•
h:.th ,1 lot o( b1 ams "
THIS IS 8\' no ml•;1n:-to sug
!:l'~I thut luc-k , or ilt'l'tdt·nl , is tht·
dominant' factor tn !>ucces:-of
any sort But ne1 th<'r i:-it thl'
cons equence or u thought-out st·t
or rules. or principles. or max·
1ms. or pos1t1ve 11tt1t udes. or any
mf'ntal or c•motionul rubric. Oo
whut lht•y will, 9.999 people out
of 10.000 will rt.•m:jln wh&t they
Tht' onr:-who get rich and sue
C<.·ss ful are the ones who sell tht'
books and the cour8cs It l:s the
bookie~ who go South in the
wintt'r. and t hr bettors who J!O
broke No one cun leach you to
p1t•k a four-le~ged winner . any
more than a two·lcsu:cd one.
"(;oi a problem" fhen wnte to Pal Dunn Pal will
cut red topt', getting the omweTs and action yqu need
to solve 1~qu111es m gouifmment and busmeft Mod
your questions to Pot Dunn, At Your Serotce. Orange
Coast Daily Pilot. P 0 Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA
92626 As many IPlters as possible will be answered.
but phoned mquines or letters not 1ncludmg the
reod.eT's full name. address and business hours· phone
number cannot ht' considered. This column appears da1·
ly except Saturdays "
DEAR READERS: On Oct. 26, 1977, the
Consumer Product Safety Commission filed an ac·
lion in federal court in the Dh.Uicl or Columbia
against 26 manufacturers or aluminum wire and
devices used in residential aluminum wiring
s)'stem!> "ene rally between 1965 and 1973. The
Com mission asked the court lo declare these
sys te ms to be an Imminent fire hazard.
,\ booklet. which has been filed as an exhibit In
the lawsuit. is available free to the public. It out.
lint'!> problemi. that can occur "ith IS and 20 amp.
aluminum wiring system:., explains dange r
1>ig nals that may indicalt' a fire hazard and oul·
lines steps a quaJiried electrician can take lo alter
this wiring sy~tem. ·
Reques t the booklet b} writing to Consumer
Product Safely Commission, 3660 Wilshire Blvd.,
Suite 1100, Lo~ Angelt"i., Calif. 90010, or by phoning
(213) 688-7272.
Tun1111 Trouble1101Ke Tr~ker
DEAR PAT: Quite awhile cigo 1 heard that a
trucking association was inte rested in learning
what trucking fi rms were exceeding the 55 mph
s peed l1m1t. I'd hke to contact this group, but I
don't have th<' address I believe it was in the
Sacramento area
J M , Huntin~on Reach
('ontact tht" C'alifornia Trucking Association by
writing to 1240 Bay~hon• Highway, Burlingame,
Calif. 94010, or by phoning : (415) 347·3651. ACTA
spokeswoman says this year-old program still bas
a good response rrom the public. Information pro·
vidf'd should include: the trucking company's
na me and city or location or lbe Cal·T number
<Public UUiUcb ('ommisi.ion number) on the side
or lht' truck, thl' liceni,e number. dale, time, loca-
tion and type or driving violation obberved.
•tlanager ,Uoy \pprore 8Uf1er
OEAR PAT I ha\'t' m y mobile home up for
:.:.de. and w:i:-. \P r ~ ... urrnsed when the park
munagpr told mt· that h<· ha ... the right to approve
or rt'Jt'l'I l:lny buyt·r I might l1nd Is th1 .., trut"'
F .J . Huntington Beach
The r1arl. mana ~1·mt·nt has tht> right to require
approval or the pn .. on buying your mohllt' home ir
it will :.lay In tht• park. a ccording lo section 789.10
or the Civil Code. The management may not
\\ithhold approval if the buyer would be able to pa~· the park n•nt unle~s lhe m anagt-ment decides
that thf' hu~'f'r would not l'O mply with park rules
h1•cauM' of hi!> or h1·r ac·tioni. in olhf'r mobile homt>
parks or apartmf•n1 ....
Bug S pray Suppli..-r Found
DE,\R READERS : .\\'Sha~ learned that the
K-60 Co .• the ln~ecticidc dbpensf'r and "Bug
Guard No. 2" firm about "hich :\1 .D .• Costa Mesa.
inquired. has bet>n sold to Meler-Mist Inc. Further
information can he obtained by writing to 4262
Campus Orive, SuileC, Newport Beacb,CaJU. 92660,
according to lb president, Robin Davis .
• •
The plush velour
monk's robe at
special savings
"'" Wtrepllelo ~~·w!u ~~= .. ~~~ owner of "ll'orld Wide Worm . your
l'arlhwurm dt·p~1rlm L·nt store." s ays relatives and friends r cluse
lo 1.•at a t his hornt: smt·t• he st arted his busint•ss. "They kno'' I 'm
alwe:1~ s try111g :-.om1.·lhrng nl'w with worms ... ~<IY!:> Wolfe. \\ho L'U h
a pound a month
Prop. 13
Cuts Both
SA:'\l DIEGO (l\PI
Thur~da) wa::. Am)
Shannon ·~ last d;1v of
work as u t•lty libra rian
H t'r hus b a n<I P ..i t .
f1n1 shed up Wl·llrw-.day
a!> child de\'elopml·nt in
:.tructor at South\\-e.,ll·rn
They'r e b ot h un ·
e m plo) l'd as thl• rt'sult
o f budg et c u t hJl"k.,
blame d on Prnpo"lt1on
N udisnI Stems Tide
Of Coast Visitors
OCRACOKE. N. C. <AP> -Reports of nude
bathing on Ocracoke Island have affected tourism
a::. nobody predicted -the number or visitor!.
"The effect has been strange." obs erved
Village Magbtrale Donald Snell "You would ex
pcct that kind of publicity to draw a lot of people.
but 1l has n't. It has been the opposite
"The families have been staying away and bus1nl'~S here has fallen off. although there ha~n 't
bt•en a nude swimmer seen in two weeks." Snell
:.ci1d "It's over. plain and simple. Who want~ to
get arres ted on their vacation? The word has
.. !Jrt'ad It's over "
Snell was referring to reports that Ocracoke
had become an East Coast mecca for skinnyd1p
pt'r:-. and a local law enforcement crackdo" n that
Actually. Snell said. the reports were exag ger;.1tcd
"It hc.1s never been a problem." Snell s:i1d
"ll:ilf of the people here have done it a t one time
or another, buttheywouldn't admititnow "
Friday. July 28, 1978 CAIL v PILOT A 7
-W oinen Smoke More
Pay Higher Price, Too
WASflINGTON 1AP1 A report
uo :.mok111g s hows that Americun
"omen have "come a Ion~ Wi:ly, baby
a long way toward higher diseuse
u11d dl'alh rates" from us ing tobacoo.
s ays II EW Secretary Joseph Califano
Tht> secretary of tht> Dt>p<lrtmenl or
lle-alth. Education and Welfc.t n · madt'
thl' statement Thurs day in releasing
lw; d c•partm ent ·s 10th report to
('ongre!>s on smoking and ht•alth. th11>
onl• concentrating on the effects of in·
l'l'l'ased smoking among women
IN 1964, CALIFANO said. when tht:
S ur geon·Ge1eral's Report linked
s moking to I ng ean('er amon(! men.
"lht•rl' \H'r not enough wom(n
.. mokmg ove long enough periods or
time to yield the s ame grim evrdt'nCt
for women as men Now there 1s
'\ ldl'OCl' ..
Woml'n. Califano said, h<1 ve ··come
j long way. baby -e1 long "a)
tow:ird higher dis ease irnd death
rates from bronchitis. l'mphysema.
lung cancer. certain other cancers
<ind cardiovascular dise<1se ..
The evidence summarized in the
la test report indicates that women
v. ho .>mokt· cig arette:. facl' l'Sscntial
Iv tht• :.aml· mcreas ed risks of lung t~an<•t•r . heart diseas t· a nd otht·r
hl•alth problems as m en who s moke.
but thl'Y add to their risks as well
TH 1:: REPORT SAID studies sho-w
\\omen who tah• birth control pills
s ubstantially increase their nsk nf
heart attack 1f they ~mokl'. too. C1nd
pre!(nant wo mf'n who -.moke 1ncrc a:.e
the chances that their babies wall bl'
!>tillborn or unhealthy
The more a woman s mokes, the
more like ly her baby 1s to s uffer tht•
consequenc:es. the report ~aid . citing
\\h;it as ealled ..i "doM~·r<>sponse rela· I
t1onsh1p" bt•l"l't·n ... moking and the ,
incadt:nt'(' of il'tal ch·:.th an late pn•g
nancy . premutur t-birth. low birth
we1Ji?ht and numerous complication:.
of pregnancy and delivery
Thl' Tobacco lnbt1tut<.· <1 tradt' a:-.
SOC'1a tion. called tht· rt>port "Cl c las:.1c
of b1a~ and o mission deftly craft.
t.•d to s upport Mr Califano s per'ional
v1ew1> a bout tobacco
IN A WRITTE;o.i. ~talC'ml'nl the in·
st1tutt• said 1t was · pa 1 adox1l CJI in·
deed. to h<'ar that tob<icco -.moking
by women e1ccounb (or their prob
lcms of 1llneb:. and prt>g naney Cit a
time when their lon~ev1ty 1s h1gheM
and infant mortality rall'!-1 lo"'t:~t It
1s cruel to tt>ll women the y can ~olvc
these probl<'ms by putting out their
tobacco cigarette!> wht'n th.it ad\'1cc
1s at bei-t a monumental over
s1mpllf1cat1on ··
"St>cr(•t ary C<d1fano ~ "ur dgainsl
toh;,H·co s moker" 1s n t go1n~ Lu be
won by cont111ucd d1:.tort10n::. and dt"
cept1ons." the institute ~aid
fl added that th(• n ·port "complt•I t -
ly 1 ~nort>-. publ1:.hl·d s< 1t·ntd11
crit1c1:m~ of tht· m..iJcir ~Ludw . 1111
wt11ch ll 1:; ba~l'd "
Trio Receive
Thfl't' Orangt• Co as t
.,tudent~ have• rece1 \"l'd
d t' g r e e s f r o m t h t·
l'nl\er'>1l\ of M1ssoun B ar ht•ior ·~ de,g r e es
went to Stuart D Bur·
lingham of Corona de l
\1 a r a nd Charles N
\ll-l\1nnon of San Juan
Cap1 ~trano Gall Le e
(j mdt·r of L<tg una '.'iiguel
rt.'ce 1ved an M S.
Harbor Areas Sales
Dl1trlbtltor of
PPkZ con •r>Utx!r
P~ & Small .....,, COlllpUten
CALL 646-0537
I 7Hi and TUSTIM
CWffTf'OeT ~
L I « "TlllS \'EAR \\l' \H•rc
both :.o happy hN·uuse
for tht• r1rst lime in our
h ves \\ e hC1d good 1obs
that \\OUld leCld l o (I SUC·
tl'~s ful futun'." said
Shannon. 27.
Thc·y met in J!Kii. mar·
n l·d four yl'ars later :end
workl·d to put l'ach other
throug h coll(•g<'
IN JULY. lettt•1"' "·IY
1ng tht·y were lwing l.1id
off !';1me a da~ ap.irl
Shannon sa id h1~ pro
gram:-Jacked maximum
c•nro llment Amy. <!4.
"as told that s he and 82
ntht•r ., were '1ct1m., of
l1udgct cut~
Th e littl e money
v..hic h they've ~aved will
help them kl•cp the ir
re nted duplex until they
ATL,\:'-JTA <AP >
Contributions to the
Prc:.tn tcrian Church in
th(' lf S. increased last
\car bv almos t 18 per·
cent. despite a mem-
be rs hip decline of .9 per·
cent. t he denomination
has r eported .
!:>tat1M1cs released by
the Office of the General
i\:.sembly show a mem-
ber~h1p of 874 ,897, down
7 .923 from 1976.
find v..ork, Shannon ~:.11d -----------
The couple an· childte ... s.
New drama for at home 1ounq1ng The ankle length
rObe m luxur1ou::. Arnel • triacetale velour with
contrast lined hood Kimono ::.tyte-one size Ills all
Burgundylcc1me1 trim, brown/camel 111m
navy/blue Ir 1m. blu~inJvy ll•rn Regularly JS 50
Pre-season prtce
45 Fashion Island • Newport Beach
/ ' . _/
RCA 25" diagonal
.-1• DAILY PILOT f 1111J• Jul~ 29 191~ CALIFORNIA
QUEENIE Safety Grhne Closes In
Stdt Fir.ct Le ons Yuba Health Office 'Dirtiest' On thl• st rt!ngth
of nt-w informa·
11 on. thl' Na
twnal Emergen·
c:' y <: I v l I
L1 bertws Foun
dat1on hi.I~ f1 lt>d
suit on behalf of
tdgC'r lltss lo
OV<.'rturn hi s :m vi·ar old con
vll'.lton for pt•r ·
cutbacks Planned YUBA CITY (APl Sutter Yubll
ht«.1lth director Martan Cusisk says
s he has localed "the dirtiest bwlding
in the county " It's her Health
Department building.
Two teen agt• worker:. arc ava1l.1
blc, but neither h<.1::. etny lrttining. she
··safety Town," mock
butldangs und trarr1c
~1gnal~ used by San
Clemente poht•e orflcers
in t~nch1ng yo ung
t hildn·n traffic safety
rules, will be sponsored
hy the chamber of com·
mercc again in .August
and September
Ms . Cusnick closed the building's
two restrooms for a day last week.
saying they were unsanitary. They
have been reopened. but Ms. Cusick
!WY.S they stiU aren't clean enough.
SHE ALSO SAID the department's
laboratory was condt'mned by state
health officials last year as loo small
and unsafe. but she had to keep it
open because no other facility was
SH£ SAID THE res trooms a re ht
lt:rcd with paper. the walls are dirty,
and the building's roof leaks.
Since then. the• laboratory director. JU l'Y
"Don't hold me responsible for my conduct. I've ordered
a domestic wine noted for its hearty exuberance ' The course wall be of
fncd Aug. 26 al the
Spanish Village Shop·
ping Center on S. El
Camtno Real. Sept. 9 at
the Lucky Market Shop
ping Center on Camano
de los Mares and Sept
23 at the Old City Plaza.
111 W Ave Palizada
The problem. Ms. Cus ick said. 1s
that the building's Janitor retired six
weeks ago and Yuba and Sutter coun·
lies. which the department ser ves,
haven't approved money to hire
another one because of Proposition 13
Joe l Horns tein . contract(·d
luberculos1s an event Ms. Cusack
blamed on the lab's lack or protecllvt•
He was cured. but an assistant ha:.
been taking med1cett1on sant·e a test
:.howed shl' had been exposed to the
d1seasl', Ms Cusick said.
\ •
• .. . .
History Comes to Life
in the Dramatic Stor_I of
in Son Clemente
,.,,. 1lt; •e--riurlr u/ 'fl'll'ltA t"nlif""""· t u11•1u1•1t.1•I""'•
Ult flf,IT fit'rir •lt~rdJ..., J""'-Ut# f i""""'• Otttf ,.,.,....,,.,,,..,., •
ult '" o p1rtur,.~ur • -·"°" in ~I• ('/,.,,,..,.,.,, ) "'' II .....
1/uo Jinl bap1 .. m In '"•Jlfornio ollWI fl"'" " ,....,. }""'"'/!. of
•i..1 .. ,,-UIMl .. r tllr •'""·
J.., 2l..,,....... A...,. 6, u~ Mootdoys ot 8:1 S
• ...,, $4.00, Ulodee-1l S2.00 5-' dwd.. ,.;,+, dot .. , to Lo Cristionito PogHftt
A-9orioft, P.O. ha JllS, Sao! ae-te 92671
At .a.• TICK£Tll°"1 °""4th
The course 1s availlj
bl<' to children a ged 4 to
7. Each c·h1ld receives a
cerl1f1cate of completion
upon f1n1sh1ng th1•
Gay Chief Faces
'Callboy' Charge
J weulthv M1etm1 homo::.exuaJ who helped lead the
fight against repeul or that city'!-> gay rights or
dinance. is free on Sl.000 bond after he was arrest·
ed for allegedly running a "gay callboy" service
is pleased to announce the
association of
Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery
in the practice of
1500 Adams A wnuc
l ·o~la Mesa, California 92626
Comer Harbor und Adams Telephone (714) 546·82•10
Sale Ends Monday, July 31
Newport Nunery and Garden Center
1500 e. coast highway 644-9510 newport beach
Campbell. 45. tht' rounder of the National Gay
Rights Lobby. was charged with pimping. Police
say ht: attempted to r ecruit an undercover officer
for a homosexual prostitution service run from a
home in San Francsico 'sf ashionable Pacific Heights
THE ARREST JULY 13 WAS made public this
Wl'ek His attorney, John V1sey , called the chargt:
"a defamation"
Campbell and Bob Kuntz led the Dade County
Coulit1on for Human Rights in its unsuccessful
campaign letst year to slop Miami voters from re
p('aling et gay-rights ordinance Srnger Anita
Bryant led the campaign for repeal
Campbell also owns a nationwide chain of 39
gay bath houses. including the Club M1am1 . which
claims some 9,000 members in that Florida city
followed tips from city supervisor Diane Feinstein.
"ho ltves down the street from the house where
the service allegedly was headquartered. and from
the Rev Ray Broshears Hro~hcars. who publishes a guy-oriented
newspaper here. said he tapped the police vice
·.I' ., squad after he saw an advertisement in the Bay .,r: Area Reporter. a rival publication. The ad sought
• young men to earn $30 et n hour as "models" or ;~ "escorts."
~ Capt. George Eimtl, head of the police vice ~ squad, said an undercov('r officer answered the
: <.1dvertisemcnl and \\·as invited to come for an in·
>' terview at a Pacific Heights house. He wore u tiny
J , radio trans mitter m his clothes. Eimil said.
• \,
the "escort" service occas10nally involved dtnner
or showmg a visitor etround town. but quoted
Campbell as saying "mostly it's strictly for sex " 1 Eimil said he and a nother officer waiting out·
I next to 1rvme coast country club and new port center) ~.f,. .. .. "' .• ~ --~ * )' t.. ~,-~ -~~97 ... -. •.
• side entered the house and made the arrest when
they heard Campbell. over the transmitter. tell the
officer. "You get $30 an hour from us There are
tips involved and if someone gives you a tip you
keep 100 percent." ·~t:"""' ·-~# ,.-• .:-; .· ' ,:~~·4 ! ~ ~ ....... ~
·, ""~ :.··~ . . .... • • ";4'-· •
Campbell. a Democratic prectnct commit
teeman in Miami. lost a 1975 bid for tht' Miami
Cit y Commission.
For the Record •. .. ~.
:. 1~\ ,.,~:~ • ··.·~;~ ' ' ~ •• ~ •• ~. Birl.lu ~;,1.,·~~:';.,,Rooerr Jonn..on J• .. • ~ Mr and Mr \ 6nae Fox ,
" ,, • ' MISSION COMMUNITY Westm1nsler. 9"' ~ f"! Kosttll.ll J11ly l, 1'11
;. ., . · , J.-ll, ltTI Mr and Mrs 0on Ctommt n. Hunl ~ Mr dr>d Mrs Ronald Beshk, Ml••lon •n11ton Bta<n, 9"1 All Plants in our Nursery . .· v,,;.:~0·,.':,,YMrs JcnnO'Oonnell,MIS· ~:n~:~e~r~!.::.n:.7~urti\\, Foun· . . , soon Voero, boy Mr »nd Mr\ Rooer Roml'lW'll..,9C'r.
200* 0 J-u. 1971 Wtstm•n\ter bO• FF • Mr """ Mn. Juan G•rcoa. Mission Jiii • 1.,. Q t llttro. Qtrl J-2'. 1'71 Mr •n<I Mr\ Jtti.ofa, !>tr<IQ91 Jr .
; Mr and M n .. Gary ~JOhnsOn, Mission Hunl•nqton &e.ch. oirl AMLIN'G -a name in calitomia horticulture since 1920
Free Delivery
,a ll•ttO. bOY Mr ~n<I Mr\ WolhMn C..rster, CO!.t•
J Mr •nd Mrs. ~raid Kakimoto Me\d DO•
., L<19un• H Ills. gtrl ~ J-11.tm Mr •"" Mrs.. J•~ ~Vore, Ml\SIOn
Mr "nd Mr\ John Co\ll•Y.
w e-stmtnster Q•''
Vleto. ;•rt ..
~~~;h .............. ~ ...... ~ .... ·o~ ....... ~$•.-¢~, '-11, 1'11
Mr . •nd Mr\. J•rrv Hundt,
wes1m1ns1er. boy
..___ __ ST ATE SAL __ __.
1Y2Million Dollars Worth
Fri., Sat. & Sun.
July 28, 29, & 30
8:00 pm
Fri., Sat. & 5181.
2-5p111 & 1.a pM
-Don't miss this -important ~le!
Fine crystal. rh•"'la sets. European furniture, bronzes, rugs. 011, dnd
many other rten.·
Lots or d1amOf'll1 sollt.1:·es and rlusters. Fine men's and ladies watches
rings, earrings. brac.elets. 1111c1daces, etc .. set with diamonds, emeralds.
rubies, sapphires. Several important large emeralds and sapphires.
TERMS 8enkAmerrcerd. M1uterCherg;1
Ptuoon•I check Celh Some•• tended termt c en tH• 11rrlf11911(.1
new~~;; ... g;ii~lls, ltd.
2462 West Coast Highway, Newport Beach, CA
(714) 645-2200
A• t Levine Auctioneer
Mr and Mr.._ J-s Ardaloro, s..n
Juan ~P•strano. bOY
J-•.tm M1 and Mrs Robert Ed,.41rOs
Hunlongton 8@..ch,9trl
July 1, 1971
Mr ano Mrs.. Wlllon:I E~lk•. Cost• Mes.t, girt.
J11ly t, 1971
Mr •nd Mrs. Wade Arnold.
Westminster. glrl, Mr . .ind Mr~. Jonn Rivera, Hunt·
ln;ton Be.ecn. bOy .
Mr and Mr\ L Fr..,k Guer,.ro.
Hunhngton Be«ll Qlrl
Mr •"" Mrs Rootrl GHii\ Fountain valley, 1;1orl
Jvty IO. "71
Mr """ Mn Anlroonv Crut• "°""· taon Vallt'I' 91r1
Mr ano Mn G<lyloo Mo\l•r Hunt
1n9ton Bea<ll, !1"1 Mr •no Mrs tre Loo~. Hunllngtoo Buell, boy.
JlllY 1 l, tt71
Mr •R<I Mo Sto•en 8rytn. CMto Mtsa bOv.
Particular People Select JOHNSON & SON
Home of the "Golden Touch"
"At Johnson & Son. we were treated in a very
professional and dignified manner".
Huntington BHch, Cellt.
f ~ I
2626 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mes:i • 540-5630
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : Summer Seascape Show :
: July 29 through Augusl 12 :
• Nunwrou'> work~ by <,UCI\ world renowned .ull!>b .1., Rvlwr r e
: Wood, Anlrldu> BalYon and Roberl W1..>t! :
e ...-,1A1 titlll 1741 We~tclill Ur • e m:! ~ Newpon 8edch • : r · p::elain nlon (
: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Delegates to th e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
Church or the Brethren's
annual conference have
urged members lo sur-
render any handguns
they own to a uthorities
as evidence of their
commitm ent to th e
"Prince of Peace."
The denomination also
urged the US Congress
to res trict further the
ava1labt!ity of
If you dori't smote. ,..armers Non•lmoker Policy
may prntect your home, a1'1o or apartment
/or /rss. ..
Our 21s1 \I l 548r-5554 I Par , _
Royal Syst;emso Ca doO Avant:i O Lynne
~ 5100.000.00
u. 0 u
Ow C.,..,.... Cwt& .. a -V -~
UP TO 40°/o OFF
28142 Camino Copl1trono loguno flgl
SO frwy at Avery Pkwy 1111tto N11rseryl111~
Sekct fro'll
the~ nine
6" Pot ti C!~Tll Reg. 8.95 --~~
INurser:r Speciall
Mist spray that kills
most insects that affect
indoor plants ... mcludinsi
mites, mealy bug and
scale. KW~] ReJ:. 3.98 ___ _
··MYSTERY " Gardenia · Evergreen plant
witl1 col"S32e-size fragrant blooms.
"VETCH II'' Gardenia· More compact
growth, smaller. tho~h same fragrant
Oo weni. Excellent for
6 Gal. fe fi landscape or
Reg. $10.95 containers.
I l 8 I t
INSIDE : •Sports •Comics
•Boating • B usaness
An Exotic Job
Not all vets treat only dogs and cats. Some have helped
out tigers, pelicans, owls, turtles and an occasional
Ot II,. Dally ~llot Slaff
For most veterinarians it 1s nothing unus ual
to treat a dog with fleas or a cat with mange.
But what C1bo ut a boa constrictor with a cotd·!
And how about a turtle with a broken shell,
an ostrich with an inflamed knee joint, an ig
uana with mouth rot or a seagull with a gunshot wound?
For thos e Orange Coast veterinarians who
h<1 ve expi:lnded their practice to include exotic
ani mals, the treatment of these ailments might
all be ma day's work
Exotics, once considered to encompass even
caged birds such a s pa rakeets and canaries,
are. as one vet defined it, "anything other than
a cat or dog"
But. while today most birds gener ally are
excluded from this category, it does include
~uch diverse c ritte rs as s nakes, m onkeys.
leopards. guinea pigs and tarantulas.
"IT'S A NICE CHA NGE from JUSt dogs a nd
t•ab," says Dr. Kent Walker of Newport Center
l\nimal Hospital whose most unus ual patient to.
date was the six·foot-tall ostrich with an in
f1<.1med knee joint.
Most veterinarian schools in the p<1st con
ct.•ntrated la rgely on fu ndamentals and dealt
with only horses, cattle. cats and dogs Now
m<1ny are beginning to include exot ics
especially birds in tht'ir course outlines and
students often receive partial training in zoos.
There is no require ment for additional
training, says D r. Bruce Bauersfeld of Dover
Shor es Veterinary Hospital 1n Santa Ana
"It !treating exotics) ha new field." adds
Or Walker. "There hasn't been the in-depth
sludy <1s on cal!. and dogs A lot of time you C1rt'
tr1•ating somethm~ symptnmat1cally"
Jfo cidds lhctt th(•y must do their homc\\ork
and kt:cp mort.• dt•tailed rcC'ords to gel cor
ollartc!>. ··No normals have been Sl't up yet "
IT JS L.\RGELY a matter of gaining ex
pert1st• through f.'xpcncn<'e
And a lot of that experience eomcs the hard
Dr WiJyne Davis of Ccrnst Animal llosp1tal
<1nd a pelican are a c<.1se an pomt
It was only after the pelican he was treatmg
jabbed at his eye that Davis learned pelicans
u se their s trong beaks for self defe nse
Fortunately, Davis was "earing glasses, which
The Corona del Mar veterinarian's list of
unusu a l patients <1lso includes turtles with
broke n shells. The slow-moving reptiles com
monly are stepped on or run over by cars.
So how do you treat a broken turtle"
The same as you would a surfboard with
fiberglass and epoxy. "It works fine," Davis
!>ays. noting, "'turtles do very well under gas
anesthesia "
monkey <:age:-. "A monkey could open any door
I have 1n this hospital." says Baue rsfeld. who
draw!> tht• lint:' c.1t primates
Those who are 1nten·sted in cert.am types of
t·xotic a mrnals. lnrds or reptiles must seek
further trammg, i.ays Bauersfeld, whose pa
t1ents have included a tiger. a leopard and oc·
c·asional ocelots
The Zoo Veterinarian Society and big cat
breeders. for example. hold semina rs where
practical ideas are excha nged, he notes.
Fortunate ly. or unfortunately, he s ays,
there is not mueh difference mt>tabolically
betwc n bt'lween house cab a nd the big cats
··Psychologically " h e adds. "there is a dif
fcrl'n<'e "
"IN THEIR NORMAL environment at
honH' they arc very good The proble m is when
they'r e ill they will bite thl' owner. the techn1
ci<1n and the doctor "
llis h1ggest problem 1s trying to convince
thr owner that il 1s not the same animal when 1l
1s 111 and that 1t "111 revert back to a wild state
"Th<•y are very instinctive."
Like cats and dogs, the big cats are sub1ect
to inlcmal and external parasitic problems.
fle:.i!-., worms and car mites
Swallowing foreign obJt'cls 1s at the top of
the list of serious medical problems They like
to <·at cloth, lO}S or feeding pans, he says, which
may rcqu1rc surgery for removal
Of rnurst·. a t11 .. ~cr or leopard can't be ex
amined on a tablL• l1kt• a cat or dog But, says
Bauersfeld, "you t·an give them a relatively
good physical t·xam with the owner JUSt calm
ang them down "
f'OR A MORE THOROUGH examination
the next step would be to sedate the a nimal
1 Snakes often are coolc·d down in a refri gerator I
Wh1lt• some own<'r .... of monkeys are not
awan• th.-1 r pet nel'ds an annuul TB test .
Walkt•r nOtl'S that ('XOtlC pet ownl'fs usually
know what tht>y'fl' doing
Ill' says the wom<.111 who brought the o::.tn ch
in hud a sock over 1b ht•ad tu help calm 1t down
.ind c ut down d1!>tral'lmns
t\ I though cats and dogs !.t11l rank as the
most common pets, :.in increase m the number
uf b1 rcb has bC'cn notc<l in recent years Many,
.... uch as col'katoos, un• in the $1,000-plus
hr Jekel
Walkt•r :-.avs that colds and diarrhea arc
n1m mon bird 1.lhwsse:-. and .1ppctite 1s the mo!>l
1·rue1al thing to watch
M any or the patients brought into the
hospitals are from the wilt! baby seals. squ1r
n·ls. coyotes. possum and. <.•specially. birds
Whil<' he was talking. a g reat horned owl.
brought in by the Newport Animal Control.
perched nearby serene ly blinking at Walker
THE OWL, WlllCU HAD run 1mo a barbed
wire fence. had required stitches on the right
!>1dc of its face
.... t •
Or Kent Walker
with great horned
owl that ran mto
barbed wtre .
above. and a two-
he ad e d Flonda
pme snake. left
MOST VETERINARIANS. however. prefer
to forego the exotics for a variety of reasons
They may be either too busy with their cat a nd
dog clicntele o r they simply don't have the
know-how or dC'sir<'
In another room <.1 pet blue and gold macaw.
under gas anesthesia. was lyinf? on an operating
lable waiting for a pm to be inserted into its
wing The wing was broken when a flower pol
fell on it.
But it is the palll'nts likf• the owl that
Walker and most of thl• uthl•r vets find the most
rewarding When 1t 1s well enough 1t wi ll be rC'
leased back into the wild
leasC' 1t and sec 1t soar up into the trees f gues~:
~ ou f?E't some s::it1sfactior doing something not
many other people do .. Or they m~1y nol havt• the facilities. such as
A Friend
It's not the shade that attracts them, there
isn't much shade And it's not the ma1est1e
beauty of its branches. It is, admittedly, r ather
Rut there is no denying it: the eucalyptus
tree across the street from a Costa Mesa mobile
home park does have a cert ain magnetism to it
Maybe it's because the tree grows in a va-
c ant lot in an industrialized part of town where
ereenery is a t a premium.
"It's the homeliest tree that you ever saw,"
says Delight Church. a sprightly, gray-haired
woman who. over the years has come to think of
the tree across the street from her mobile horn('
as a friend
Apparently she is not alone.
.. I call it the wayfarer's tree." she says.
"People driving along the road often stop under
the tree. They don't seem to stop anywhere
around here except under that tree.
"It seems to bec'kon people."
The tree's only companion is about 50 feet
down the road. But it is broken and its scraggly
top sags Lo tne grouna
So that leaves Mrs. Church's "friendly"
Children play near 1t and pull on its
branches, she says. Som etimes young couples
meet unoer It. An<J worfHng peopre. seeking rel·
uge from the noonday sun. stop by and cat lunch.
"I don't know why so many people stop
there." s ays Delight Church, "but 1t s ure has
something that people like "
"I find it a plcasurl'." Walker says, "to rt.'
Sew Along
Ann Vaughn of Newport
created a sewing and
Ol lllP 0<1lly P ilot Stall
It :-. a f:?reat pun, one you '' 1sh
\ ou had thought of yourself: "The
G realest Sew on F:arth "
But the credit goes to Ann
V;JUg hn. a Newport Beach res1-
c1ent, who creutcd and named the
"l'wmg and fashion extravaganza
which bears that namf'
Nearly fo ur yc•ars ago M:-.
\'au,:?hn. lhcn mc.tnagcr of a retail
fabric store. rc<1l ized that then•
was a need for fobnc met nufoc·
turers and retailers to relate to
A II nC'w trends and products
were advertised largely by word
of m outh, she noted.
In 1975 she put together her ftr:-.t
show for a chain of fabric stores
"There. manufacturers, retailers
and cons umers all came together
under one roof for the first time,"
she said.
"It was a telling. not selling
show We wanted to excite the con·
sumer into doing more creative
things with her needles and hands
"It was the first time a home de-
signer had ever been g iven a
showcase for her creativity "
Today the show has expanded to
include se minars o n h ome
furnis hini!S. beauty, and hair cart>.
lectures for women on invest
m enls and Jewelry and tips on ac·
"It's all part of a woman's total
look." Ms. Vaughn contends "You
have lo have the right shoes to r.o
with a look and the right hair
"I want women to look like they
JUS t s tepped out of Vogue
magazine "
Putting such a show together
combines many of Ms V;;i ughn's
inte rests She 1s the daughlt•r of on
Inventor who demonstrated games
at trade shows and a profcssion11l
Ms. Vaughn herself has modeled
s ince she was 5 and says sht·
"alwavs lovC'd c lothes I'm a
clothes.horse." She started sewinf:?
clothes for her storybook dolls
when she was 4 and lived next
door lo an actress who inspired
her with a wardrobe of beautiful
She earned a B./\ in business
from Stanford. studied law a nd
ended up in the fi eld of escrow
ba nking. But after owning he r own
national sales orgamzation, work
ing for personnel agencies and in
the ret ai l end of fabrics, s he found
the chaUenge of The Greatest Sew
on Earth
The show has been given in Los
Angeles. Atlanta a nd Houston and
is t a r geted for Chic ago and
Its main attraction is an eight·
hour sewing marathon for 400 con
testants c hosen at random. Begin
ning at 8:30 a.m. Satarday, Aug
19, in the Los Angeles convention
center. the hopefuls will begin con·
structing their garments for Satur·
day a nd Sunday juaging.
The finals will be an awards
fa shion show Sunday evening
where winners will be announced
and prizes given.
For those who don't make the
contest there will be plenty of new
infor m a tion and p r oduct s to
Displays will show, for example.
how to sew garments o f
u arasuede for large s avings over
ready -to -wea r , ho w t o m ake
negligees out of tricot and how to
iron a ripper onto a garment in
stead of sewing it on
Information will be given on
what's coming for fall and new
sewing machines will be dem·
·'It wlll be betlef than a three·
rmg circus.'' Ms. Vausl)n says
Ann Vaughn : 'The Greatest Sew on Earth ·
0 r a n ~ 1 Co <' ~ t r l' s 1 d t' n l ~
pa r 11 l' 1 p J t 1 n g \\ 111 b t' .h .. 1 n n t·
Olson. P<1tnc1a Sosa and Lauri<.>
H owell . Cost.1 Me'ia . Judy
Be r e nds<'n. Ka th y Dunh a m .
MarRaret ltaizhp. Land.a Soto .ind
Sheryl Long, Huntington Beach
Also Terry Waggoner. Laguna
Hlll": Tracv 1\hlcri. San Juan
Capistrano L1s.1 Fac·ch1na. Mis·
"ion Vl<'JO. Shelly Bu~ h\", Laguna
N1g uei K:lthelkn Gilham. Sue
/\nn Jones a nd .lcananf> Laird.
Wt' ... tm in~l t· Jnd Ma r yanne
McJl ug and .Judy Kt-cnan, Jrvtnl'
8 2 P Ail" f'ILl)T f ncs.v July :le. 1111e
Alvin Won't Marry 'The Dummy'
L>t.:AH \~"J
LANDERS Our 1oon
Alvin hdi. been going
with this dummy ror two
years She as 17, h e ts 19
Alvin lives at hom e and
goes to a juruor w llege
The dummy 1s s tall w
high school. Two monlhi.
ago he told his father
and m e that he wanted
to get married. When he
shpwed us the ring <he
ha d a lread y mad e a
d o wn p ay m e n t) m y
husba nd nearly h ad a
s t rok e . J gave my
hus band a kick in the
ankle and stud in a q uiet
voice, "LQok, Alvin. Jt's
a ll r ight '¥1th us . Lots of
kids get mar ried young
no education, no
money, no future, and at
works out fine Good
Luc k "
A lvin's face h l up.
T h en I added. "You
kno w . of cou rse . you
ca n 't li ve in T HIS
house." His smile <lisa p·
peare d and he looked
very d isappointed.
Two day~ latE'r, Alvtn
'' .., k l' d m I? w h .i l h e ... huu let do abnut the ring
Ill' said he had thou~hl
11 over and didn't see
how h e could h andl«'
rent and groceries. a nd
m ay be he was too young
lo settle down. I advised
him to t a ke the r in g
back -and he did.
tr I had agreed to let
him and the dummy live
with us the y would be
married by now. Please
p r int m y lette r as a
lesson to other pa rents
DEAR R: Here's your
.. lesson" and it's a good
one. Kids don't want
everything they a sk for.
I s alute you for remain·
ing calm and saying ex-
ac tly the right thing.
LAN DERS: Abo ut 23
years ago m y s ister had
a ch ild out or wedlock.
Sh~ didn't lake the abor-
tion route. She chose lo
end ure t he p ain and
lone liness of giving life to
( BoroseopeJ )
\RIES <.:\I :tr<'h 21 ·Aprtl 19): Short trip,
.1hund.mce of ttk a s arl' ~catured. Relative with
· inv1•!'>lml•nt program" figures prominently.
'\ 1111 hJH' rarl• opportunity to speak, suggest, to
1•\r1rc·..,!'> fr1·llng.., in pcr!'>onal and professional
T .\llRtlS 1 /\pra I 20 May 20>: Accent on what
, 1111 o~ n. <·oll1·t·l. buy and !)ell. You complete
11 an!'>~t<'lllln St•fl..,l' of ... ecurity is heightened.
t 101· \\ho offrr.., ··:-.omt•lhang for nothing" is play.
111).! ~amt•..,
(a~MINI 1 ~lay 21 June 20)· New approach
).!l'h ~ou 1r1 plan·.., marked "Private." You
Jll•nt·Lratt• 1n11t·r .... rnl'lum Leo. Aquarius figure
11rom1m•ntly l>on'I lift h t•avy objects. Ta ke
"'Pl'<'IU I ('tll'l' an l l afflc:
('.\NC'ER Uunl' i1 .July 22): Obtain hint
from G1•min1 m1•..,:-;agc. You gain enlig htenment
I rom unorthodox ..,oun·c· Follow through on
hunch Sha n • knuwlc•dge
U W <.luly 4:!3 J\ug 22>: Travel, seeking,
).!1v1ng full play to intdlc'ctual curiosity -lbese
.1rt' part oo"' uf your personal scenario. In·
~1iv1clual '"ho w:1s md1ffercnt could become a
'fl\'rc.·<· ;111\' •
VIRGO <Aug 2:1 Scr>t :!2): Misplaced obJect
,.., l11r;.itcd You can rise .1hove petty bickering-
.1 p romotion <'<1ulct ht• on horizon. Be thorough,
rn..,1::.l on t1u:.1l1l~ Whal was a r estrictive in·
flul·nce will be n ·mov1:d Aquarius. Ta urus and
f.t•o pen.ons rtgun• prominently.
UBR.\ <Sept 23 Oct 22>: Move, write -
put 1dl'as into motion Gemini, Virgo, Sagit-
1.1nu-; pt•r..,on.., fi gure an scenario. You gain by
•·ht•c kmg n •fc•n•nC'l'"'· i mproving format . outline .
rn;1king tang uaiH· d ea r Long.distance call
n1uld pro\ ick "m1~s10g la nk.··
SCORPIO <OC't 23 Nov. 21): Music, hidden
11·sourc<'s pl3y k <'Y role'> an your scenario
J':iurus. L1hra flgun· prominently a nd so does
1tw numhcr G Family me mber discusses m oney
.ind how it gf'ts that way. If persistent, you gain
,1c'l't·s~ to data which c.·ould resolve dilemma.
S AGITfARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Accent
o n tegal ties. comm~ t o term s with one who can
bring your story to the media -or proper
authorities. See people in r ealistic light. Dis·
card rumor. pursue facts. P isces, Virgo persons
figure prominently.
CAPRICORN <Dec. 22·J an. 19): Take con-
servative course. Take care of basic affairs -
give special attention l o pets, de pendents.
Money picture is brighter than might be im-
m ediately apparent. Favor is returned, d ebt is
paid .
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Good lunar
aspect indicates exciting confrontation. Be open
to adventure of change, travel, variety. Your
popularity increases a s you d emonstrate. il·
lustrate and imprint your style. You receive
special invitation -and it is a compliment.
PISCES <Feb. 19·March 20): Adhere lo
facts. t eave speculative ventures for another
time. You meet individua l who shows you how
to hurdle red t ape. Leo is in picture. Sense of
security is heightened. Yo u will have new feel-
mg of stren~h.
Summer Clearance
220 Hewporl c ....... Dr.
Newport hoch • Sh. #I 0
(714) 759·0151
a c hild away from hom e
and friends. I was preg·
na nl at the sam e time
surrounded by a loving
husband and famllf .
My sister placed he r
c hild for a doptio n
through a fine agency.
She late r m arried and
h a d thr ee m o r e
beautiful children.
I can understand the
curiosity of an adopted
child who wants to find
o u t about h is b ack ·
ground. J can also ap·
preciate U1e gift of life
made to that child a nd
why it would be im por-
t ant to he r that he r
secret be kept.
With so much be ing
said these d ays a bout
the "right" of the adopt·
cd c hild to locate his
natural pa rents. I hope
you, with your powe rful
voice a nd e qu a lly
powe rful sense of fa ir·
ness. may find a way to
ease the anguish of my
sister a nd other wome n
like her. They would be
mor t ified if they were
s udde nly confronted
with a child from the
past. -ALSO WOR·
have made my posi&lon
abundantly dear on this
i ssu e . To adopte d
c hildre n in search of
th eir "roots," I s ay,
couldn 't laugh out loud
All s he could do wa:,
l b uve a friend who
la uahs all the time. At
the end of every sen·
tence s he giggles. When
t expressed my c on·
dol e n ces wh e n h er
m other <lied. she said,
"Tha nk you for your
Nervou!> la u g hte r is
ofte n caused by e mbar·
rassment. \'our frie nd
need s unde rstandin g .
H e r gi g gling is n o
laugblug matter.
Confidentia l lo Don't
Need Glasses · 11 sounds
us 1r you · don'l need
glassel>" because you
d rink straight from the
bottle Your letter con
t ain e d some s t r ange
non·sequit uts and it
t'llen s me l led or
bourbon Write .1ga1n
when )•u're sober und 1
will try to help you.
s ympa thy '' -the n •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
taugbed. What's wrong • Summer Seascape Show • w ith her. anyway ? -• •
p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jjjjiiiii;;;;;o;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• J uly 29 through August 12 : RUFfEll'S 1
: Numerous works by such world renowned artwls as Robert e e Wood, Andre B.ilyon and Robe11 Wee e UPHOLSTEIY e •
It'll tt.t.-""' C ... • MeM-541-0Hf
e I 741 Wei;tcliff Or. e
• ~~rt ~h •
• (7 14)646-4515 •
• porcelain salon • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I 058 Int. -Wftfdff Plaza
your "real" parents are -----------------------------------the people who raised
you. The s udde n ap·
pearance of a cblld from
the past can c r eat e
serious problems, not
only for &he adoptive
p a re nts but the newly
discove red ones. My ad·
vice Is -and will con·
tinue to be -forget it.
LANDERS : R ecently
you published a Jette r
fro m a woman who was
unha ppy b ecause she
Arts & Crafts
Show & Sell
See art o"g1nals
every Sat & Son
at Huntington Center
outside The Broadway
near Barker Bros &
The Akron. Beach
Blvd, & Edinger at
the San Diego Fwy
Artists call 892·6552
to exh1b1t.
-----·-· _____ ..... -·------.. ---
Some of the finest
women's and children •s
clothing in the world is
now available at . . immense savings .
FASHION ISLAND Newport Beach 644-8808
FASHION SQUARE Santa Ana 558-7797
t\, .. ~.
t I• " . I
~I Ow Annual Sale has become a tradition
among those who know and appreciate the
finest selection of domestic and imported
liCJhliftCJ Fixtures & Lamps.
Savings fro.m
50°/o to 70°/o or more.
T'-.... hNwill~-'d~tlii 1h1.tlM_... .. """'.
LllHTlll ~ •
I t . 222 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa •
(Across from Greenhaven Nunery)
Phone 646-3737 /646-8194
N0f1Cfi OF PV•LtC t<l. .. lllNC.
NOTICE l~HEllEU~ C.1 111 N ir.~t ,
WOii( "••t•nQ Wiii ()f't t\t•t(J bl/ lh+ ( 1h
CCMJntO Qf ,,,,. (1tv ,, l O\t• M,.,... n
AUQUll r, 1•19 •t llw llOV< ell l lO pm
1n lh• Counclt CMl°nO"t'\ ot (•IT M•u
on lh4r toHowH''Q n .. u.,
CO N ~tOt NA I •U N O •
A LrERN AJ tl/E llR(;f N C Y
OllOINAN(..t~ II) ·~·'"' UI ~·'"'"' tM effect of Qrcl1N1n<• la l t C()f\1 "'" •no • mor•tOflun" <"" n.-• \.U4n ot
bu1tdfnq Of'N'Wt\ Of rev1\ild uwit-'" ,,_.
QtMr•I •<N bel-8<k•t St< .. I
•llO P•ul.,1"0 •-from llj ff"t 10
t,'3l '"' ~I o4 IM Ctflttrt1ne ot
8rl"ot 51'fft
NOTICE t~ FUllTHt:N C,t\11 N thtt
•t \•Id tlmt' 4nQ 04d<.• dllV •nd tH Ot'"\O"' 1ntf'f'@\t.O m.4l'I o~.tt .tnO l.Ji•
heerd nv the C.ttv Council ·)n th ..
•lotementloned 11tm
Clly Cter"
Publltheel Or•noe C.0.\I 0•11• PHot Jutv,. 1q11
jll )U)4
N0TtCE tS HEllE8'rGlllfN IMAT
W•tli•m H Scllrtibl!r •nd D•v1CI l
F 1\h CIOinQ bvSHW'" <f\ P~1111 L,,_\I
OH'tff • Gitnet'4t P•r1nf't\l\1p W~'W"
tM.l\lnP\\ ctddft"\\ ,, .tSOt W.\.t C01\'\I
HtQf\w4w-~t S.Mn C...lltorn 1
1nteno~ to ''*'''~ lo J14K1f1t <..°"'''
01ntr Int "C.11t~n•d coroor.t110t\
wnosfl> DU,,,.._,, .eddtfl\' h •\Gt Wr\t
Co•'1 H tQhw•v N flwoort 8fl••"
t •lltorn1• t~ tou0w1nq P<~rtv nnw •oc•••d •• ·~• w .. ,, c.o.1,t ti·""~•• NewPOrl 0.!'<n. C•htotn1• All 1111
tr.a.. t1;turtt. ~pnlf"nt Ht'tt'tthH•
And \upphf"\ of tl'Wt t •rt••n OU\•IW'" ' tcnow" Ii\ Pc.c.1t1c CN\I 01nt-t
1ocatf!d .tt 001 ¥\1,..,, Co.1 .t H1Uf'l•d~
Newoorl St.Cfl. C,.11tou\1tt
Ov,.nq ttw tttrH yttar\ 1m~c1tatrtv
1.ut ~,. W•O WHl••M ... ~n,f'1bfr
dlld O•v1<1 L f t\h, OOlnQ bu"M\\ d'
P•clft< Coa\t Otnt'r 8 G ••Of't.tl
Pt.\rtn~r\l\•P. rw~ not u\.Wt 1mv tdd•
11on•I bU!lil~ t\.at'YW'lt Of' .MJ0t ~,~ • .,
fl\e WIG mttf\Of'd tr~n'\fft Wiit tw
con~umm•ted on or all"'r AiuQu'' t
1'18. •I I,,_ olft(I' OI J<1m.•\ C P1•r'IOn
J• • Allorney at Law 10• <.n11)vo• <J
Way, NewPOrt ll<'d<ll. C,.hlorn1a
O•leCI July 7\ 1'18 P,,collc C.0.0\I Oul('r 1n1
l r•n'\t&rff
8v Wllll•m H )("f1re1~1 P,,...1df>nt
Publl•l'leG Or ... C.0.\1 0"11~ PllOt
JulY 18, 1'711
~UP( 111011 COUllTOF
NO A"'" f .I ,1 ~· f. A AN JC t HOVOME
tJ•' ~···. •l Nr>I 1{ l 1; HlRf i;v Gt II EN 10 '""
1 .. u1tt1r\ ut ,,., tb011i1t• n•medO.t ec:tel'I ...... •II lllH '•O'" n.-wirtQ t •••MS ff••n,,
1n• '•1tt ~..ctent •r• 'f'Ov1..-.cr to tu ..
ltwm wilt• lN nitGflot~'· VOU(fWt\ in
1"'9 Ott•u· ot l"t tl•A oi .,,. •~• ""
1111.0 """t ot to Ptf'\Onl th<lm wttt>
,,, .. '" <.. u v ..,nutrw~r\ to ttw un
''''''"l''' 11 ~I tn.• htW 0H1l4' Uf {L.'f0( w '• t ui.lf.t ., ~O\ E ,,, W1hnn
A~11'1'1Jf' ''H.tth• (I (,l,.ncJAlf'J (•lit0Jn11
11t1C)ti, wh" n , th ... pl•u• ot Du,,u\tu or
lh., uno.n1c,,~"' •II metttr~ 1>1rtAtn
11\Q fH '""'° ,.,,,.,,. OI ~l(S de(. .. 0.f'\'
w1ttt1n tour monlh\ •Uer tht Ut\f
SJUl;l+t "''un ot tn1 .. notice o.,, .. n w1v 1•1 1~11
I qp,,..oc; !iOVORE. JR
l •'"' Utot nf tM WIU OI
thtt itxlW•' ,,,.,.~ Of'<..eOttH
SOS E ill Wit-Avenw
Suite 0 01•"41•••. c;.111 ....... "'°'
Ttl 111)110 11'1
AllMntf tOf E•KlllOt
Pul'lll\ll<'d °'"-c .... ,. Od•IV P ilot
July 11 incl AUQU~t • 11, t&, 1'11
NO A .u7l
~UPEll•OA COUii" OF n u
tn '"'" M.ttl•,.. ot tf'I~ f'\tat~ o• ETHEL M BREWER. dkd ElHEL
ll R l W £P "'" t.fHEL MA Y ~Rf W~ R ()HM.,...i
No tu.,. 1\ "'"''•·tw 01vffl to < rf<11lor'
f\d"'•"tl 1 let1m,. (tQi.l•n:ott the W•d de<P
dflht ''' t~lp ""'d Ct••m\> 1n (he oHic@ ot
u~ fin\ ot ow afOf~H:l court or to
"' ... c."n ' th .. m to the vnoe"~ •* tht olt1t•H>t HAL~TEAO & BAKER. 61S S
• IOwtr ... !>v•I• 11SO. LO' Anoe•~·
t l'llllorn1rt 'l()()tl wn1c_n 1atte1 otf•Cfl .,
rn,, "'"t,. ot bu,1ne .. -. of fne un
Ofl'r\tQrM""d "' dtl tniltlH\ .-'1•1n1ng to
\d•O e\tctt• ')UCf\ ctdill''IS w 1tn tnp
nl'fl1"\\drv voureh@r~ mu~t be •••Pd ur
p,-,.\t-nh·d d \ dlOrf'ti..ct1d w1tnm tour
montn\ dfter the tint put>11cd11on ut
thP not1t1•
O•ttO JutV 2~. 1~78
C•ir., F-dfH fl • •wu•o' ot ,,..,. w.11
()f \.aid Q.-Ut0PO\
Attwney •t LA•
lU S l't-Sl,_I s ... ,. 11~
Lo' An9•1ft, ~tltorftt•fOOll .. .,011,....., Or-co .. l O•lly P 1lut
lutv 11 •n<IAUQ"'"·11, ti,.,,,
ltESOLUT IOH NO ,,, th&n tnr 110tK w t tor s.11<1 put>hc """'
A •ESOLUTION Of' THE CITY ,ng,.tnv()Wfl('<of.,.-~yw1tt>1npro
COUNCIL Of' THE CITY 01' tAVINE p0<,"<1 At¥d ot ~"4'111 No. F·18-t mdv
OECLA•IHG IT' INTENTIOlll TO Iii<' d wrillen pro1e11 a<J•lnst tn•
OltOEft THE l'OAMATIOH OF A tdPlt.tt prott<IS .,.-~ to 1W' un
S"ECIAL TAXING Art EA TO BE Cll'Ma~"n ,,. <1Q<t1MI 1,,.. e >Clenl of pro
CHAltGEO FOA THE COST OF PO'oed Ar~.; ot 81-tlf'hl No. F·78-I ,,,
INSTALLING CERTAIN SIOEWALlt "lH'"\1 ""• or "" of lhfo loreqo1l'Q
IM,.ftOVEMENTS ,.,, n ptott"I mU'>I Ill> tn wttt•"9 .tn,J
AllEAOF 8ENl!Fll mu· t tonta.n "Of•\(r1011on of ttte pro
HO. It t "'·rttt •n Wllfhtth tM s.orw-r •\ tntttE'\teo
JEf'f'rtEY lllOAO IMPltOVEMEN1 ulf1c1,.nt to •c>-ntltv I"".,.....,., •nd 11
AT WALNUT AVENUfi ,,,.. S•CjlW'r I\ not V>own on '"" t••1 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY equahLPCS ................... ,roll a •• ,,..-..... ,
OF tllvtNE HERf8V OOES ot•uch0<_.t1y.wldpro1p«tmU'>Ut..o
RESOLVE AS FOi.LOWS cont.t•n or be accomoMted by Wttll~n
WHEREAS, U..s City Coun<tl "Cl<' •v•O..f'<"ll'>at""t>~•St!Wow""rot
\trOU\ that proaec11~ bl' •n•t .. rfd tor ... 1.a P<OOt'"'Y Alt \UCll Pf'otestsmust be
'""' l0tmal-ot " 'C>f'<t~t 1Utr"I •••• """v•r•CI to 1n. City Oertt encl no ollWr to bf' c f\arQ""d tor 1Nt (~t,ot ton\IHK oroJ .. " or oo1ec1~ sn.< bP con
f!Of\ 'IOfo'W•lk lmpf~N .... •n<I \1()4 ,, d
WHEREAS •1 -~"tnJttn•<on ~ECTI~' Tl>E'C.•ltC~n.IW'<ebv "
\lrll(hOll ol Wld ~Clew.ti .. •ml)ttwe •ulhor11pCI """ dlr@Clt!d lo PtOV•O• rnen1' m•y ti. o4 _.,,to 4 O<'l1"41bltl nolic• ul 11'\U .. 1otPSohCI Mattn9 ov
PG<I-o4 IN' C11v. •"" PVO""n1no , C0"'1 o1 th•s A~u1_, ....
WHEREAS, llW' pubhC <OOIYrltwl'Ce Tllf• OAILV PllOT," news4M~' ot
and M<~\.l\'Y ""'"bf!> '\ervt"d b¥ thrfo in qen-r-jl <•Huldt~ Wttr'hf" the Cll'I nt
1h•hon of ft.&Ah PtOC:~lf'Wl,. lt'ltrW ,,t INt'I two Wt"'if'lrt." Of'ior to ttl•
NOW fl1f RE FOllE t"<' Cot~ Couro '1~1• V I tor'"" ,....drinQ. Tne Oh Cit>,.
Ctt o• tf\ft' Ciry of lrwenf" HE Rt BY , . tuffhiPf ~utr.Qr11f'd dnd dlrtat.tPd ,,1
DOES rfl~W it\'~'°""' orn111'11 ~",,, nnt1c,. by mfl1f1nq COQ•t'
SECTION t <;tt1a (.Jy lCUth 11 itit 011· ~1·+wtuf1on to U't ... owN''"' o f tn..
nerroy dt'<.lar~ u .. mh•r111on ff' orcwr proptrt•'""li ICk.dttod wllhtn prOP<>>11.lt
tne l0tm•tion of <I ~<•Al tJ••nq •rM, Ar,.a of -Iii No F·lll-1, "' lh,. a<I
wn•c n area \IMll bP , .. ,,., n•d tu ·•nd art-.. \P .... t'M:>wn on tPV' t.,u., eouah1NS ct"'
ttnow n .l\ Ar~a of ~nf'f•f No F-18 '· ,,H,\mt"nt roll, or d\ t hP same dirt
CJeHrev AOOd $40Pwatk lmOfOVf'mt'nt oU'IPtw1ir..• ~rwl.,.,n 10 the City Clerk. •t wat"ut A-I to IX' cnarqfd IO• PA!t~EO ANO 400PTEO by tnr (•
tt>r co11• of con"ructtn9 < l'rte1n iv Cou"c11 of lne Cil\r of rrv1ne 111",. \ICH'wal~ lmpr~nt\ QUIM Mhrllnq helCI °"Ille 2SCt> Clay •I•
SECTION 2. Tile \P"<•l1r lmprov,. July, 1918
mt'nt\, the cMI\ Of ,,,.. t.0n\truct1on ol /\/ 8111 varCIOuli~
Wl'llCh ar~ oroPM<"CI 10 bl' Ch&•Qt'O lo M•-of t,.,. Ill(' ptOJ)el"ffj!S to<.41t4'd w1lhln P•OllO~ Cllyot 1rv11"'
Are• of 8•Mt11 No J. 18 '· ••I' ATTEST
Cle\Crtl>PCI 1n E•t>•b1t "A" •llKned 1v Jun~"> Boykin
llt r•to •nd bY 11111 r.if'rf'nce '" ~Dlllf Coly Ct~r• ot
CO<oor•IMI l>eftln H th0U9n WI •onn Ill(' C•tv ot '""'"'
•1 IPnqln SI ATE OF CALIFORNIA SECTIOH l.T'll('esttmatPdtot•l<O•I COUNTVOfOllANGE s-.
lo• the con\ttuct1on o t th• , •• a CITVOF IRVtNE I
llOtwettt l~OVPfTl('fll\ •I \3,000 . I JUNE S 80VICIN, Oepvty City
SECTICHt '· The boW><lirtfl 01 OtO-cru• ol tl>I C•IY o4 1rvuw HERE8V "°""' ArH ot ~II Ho F ,. t •r• 00 CE RTI FV .... , lht 0 lore901nq
oucnbed '" Ecn•btt "ti" elte<l'l('d 11~-.otult0n w•h OM-and .ooc>ted bv
ner•to •n<I by '"" •tttrenc1t tn lllP C11y c.o..nc11 of the City ot trvlne .it
<O<DO<ilMI ne<otn "' lllOVQft Ml IO<lh • r~ul•r nweling ""Id°" the 2Sth cU• •l~~~OH, Tile ""''l'IOd pvrwenl to of July, ""·by the followlnq roll c 4111
whlct> tt>e CCl'll\ ot GOMlrucllnq rne vote AVES· s COVNCll.NIEM8EA.
•fo.-eHICI -•tit 1"""-nls •rt AQran,Antl!Ony,GelOo.Slttsano
11tOP0$4!d to De-''-" amonQ IN! V•r<IOiit" 1 v•riov\ CMll'C.IS within P<'-" ArH NOES O C:OUNCILMEMBER of 8 t nelll No F 18 1, •n<I • '"P None
lim1,,.ry Mtlmolt o11rwo .tmOUnl wt>1ct. A e !t e N r o co u 111 . ••II be <11¥9ed to,...,. Pllr<rl Ot OOt· CILME M8ER NOlll'
tlon trworeol •rt <C'I IOl"lh tn E •t>lbll '" JUfl(' 5 8oykm
"C" e U.tcNICI i.reto •nd by lhtS ,,. o..ouw Coty Cieri< of
i.rence lncOl"DOlaleO hert 1n •• •flouot. lhPC1tyollrv1ne
Mii lortn et tenQ!h J( H llEV llOAO tMPROllEMEN I SECTIOH •• The City ot trvtnf' wlll A f WALNUT AVENUE
ma•e con1rlbutlo<I ol \.I). tow .. at IM AREA OF 8ENEFI T cos u ol consirvcttnq 1111 a1oreH10 NO F-/11-t
'1~tc8~~~~~'e1ay of Auou•t El(Ht8tT "A"
1918 ii Ille tiour ol I JO Pm . Ill lh<' tmptnv~Ml'nl\ to bf' ron<tructeCI
Cn•mbl!r\ of""' City court< ti OI '"" (1 ~idewatk 1Tx::;~1-r..ooo.
IV o l trv1n•'. 11700 J•mborrt Totatanteot-flt 1116acrH BoulevarCI, Irvine. C.1110<'11.t, llf!tbY '3,000 _ 1116 «,., '3el .6I pet
.,. ll••CI M ""'llmf! -pl.itO tor .... ,.
pUbli< hHrlnQ to <on\1Mr orot~"' IO Publ"""" °""nor C-..oo\t D~llw p IOI 1M pr~ .,.-oce-'<111><1• • ' · S£CTl0tt I . Al •nv lt"1t "Ot ••tft JUI ' 11. !~18
ti/I( (0~ ,. .,, , ... e ~
t €9 •• •jt)t/I
IS,ll : @
t . ~ ., .... SIJll t . .
J0ttt«:'• ~ ~ .. ,.," ... ~
"I wish you hadn't mentioned that you
think 1 need more excercise."
~·M ~Z. 'I FOil ,T~IGHT·HAl~EO
9 "°UNETTE5 .
by Tom Batiuk
LIJLlj.. I c,w ATE TUX)
by Jeff MacNelly
... l.~O PA~'T'IAL '!?:) TAL.Le~ \'\OMEN
AR:!: ...
by Mell
Dear Edi.tor
In rny la!)t let.kr ~ yau I
~ -;pu tD 0st1cK 1t in your ka'loo."
. l apaogne IOr that remark.
It w~ uncalled for, snide
and td.ally disrespectful to
~ am pit' fire newspa~r Please allow rre to rew nte.
that lll·cooceived leiler:
Whll~ wrappu~ sorre.
catf 15h tre otrie.r rngr.t,
l noticed an item on
your editorial ~
t'L.L. Nf:VelZ
TIM.el A,6W
1..0'.l'.) ~ £: [;T
l WA~'T.t .. il4E:
6'LEWv' UP!
by Ferd and Tom Johnson
...... ....11..___. .............
r'!:.PtT..J $AIOA~15
l/IJ01<'.UJ OFr:tC.€= IN ~t=)(ICO
CIT~, 11-41£'-MONi~f
WIG4 % ~AD A 'TE-J...i=.-roKTt:=~f
7-:43 •
MCK ON THAT NUT ~_...,.._....,.....,
CAUSE: VOLl'RE E'Of(Et', JArJel7;
SA11SFY YOO... "C)
~ . ..
i &Jtt"u._,~.~-
by Gus Arriola
by Harold Le Ooux
by Tom K. Ryan
l ..
by Ernie Bushmiller
Fm11y July 2.8, 1978
TO TR'i' TO Rr\15E A
006 IN iODA'f''S uiOR D
DAil 1 ?t!..Oi 83
by Charles M. Schulz
7kERE s ~cc \\L\..r.
TvR,4AC,L ~HE rl.l:IJ.._.:
i COULD 8c l-.. \l~E~
;'O A 5Ei OF F"<EE
DANCE Lc:SSCl\4:5 ~
by Roger Bradfield
by George Lemont
WHeRe'R e YA GOI N ' ? ,
by Templeton and Forman
ACROSS s2 V1>1wt1~11 UNITED Feature Syndicate
I lnclon!'d no11q1~t1,1t1 ll111•'lld'/ , l-'11;/h• Svrv1 ,I
1011llwdy~ !>.l Rd"•·\
6 l l'C'Jdl ml'n ;I Ma11nvr ·.r h
Abbr rPCloOll
IU Roa.it• 1.i11 SI ( '> A c;ol
ofilv rt1N lnlc11
14 f11: ~11011 m.11
t'l Gr•'oll l.i~•· !>!l f\1t1·m111 to
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t I r<.11111 ol tdre l).l O...or<J1·1tv
"·" ~ tq ldnd ma's
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34 fails to 111
36 \t.11
40 ,11rrord
4~ Srnrnh1l
4•1 Nouqht
~'i \il>fllll'
41 M0te11·~ •
4Cl Ertq.11 All,1n
'ii• Id" n1>1•.1tv
\I th ...
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68Ap(l(H11 fH
111 Out•·• I"
"• il Accttm •
1.ttf'd I 1 I
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m1n .. •1•f
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b II I I
fl.I DAILY F'll.0 l trusa., J~1y 28 197& Business
Local Firms Report Sales, Earning Increases
Net income of $12.971,000, or $1 33 a sh:irt•, for
the !iecond quartt.'r ended Junl' 30, cump1m•cl \.\1th
$8,766.000. or 90 l'ents. fo r the com parable quarter
or 1977 has bt><'n reported by Smith lnternataon<rl
Inc • Newport Beach
Net incom e and earnings per share for t h<:
q uart er increased 48 pe r cent over t he pnor year':-
pcr iod. reaching t he h igh est levels for an y quarter
in t he company's histor y . the company said Thur~·
T h e r l' w t• r t.• a n
average 9 ,749.000 rum
mon :.bare s <i n d
equivalents outsl~ndang
an the 1978 quarkr com
T \KIN(;
p ar ed w ith 9.672.000shan•s an t!.177
Re v<'nues for t he st·cond three month~ of 19711
presented by
FRI., JULY 28 -7:30 P.M.
I. How d i..,nds are mined.
cut and rnarileted
2. D•leen effect on tt.. world market
3. rrice stability and track ,..c;ord
4. How YOU can jud¥ qatality
and buy at whoWsale pricH
5. TM uneqalalled c~nt
price incr-ea~s
6. How to le•erocJe diamonch
Anthony Seymour. President. Charle~ An-
thony Diamonds Glen R Hammond Presi-
dent. Innovative Diamond Market:ng. Inc Call
for reservations and locat1or
1714) 975-0801 1213) 626-4271
1714) 497-4388 EVENINGS
Chfl Haven Bluffs with
·Panoramic Views of
Newport Bay & Catalina
4 Bedrooms. 3 Bath s
Auction Sale on the Silt
120 Kings Place
Newport Beach , CA
SAT., AUG. 5
AT 11 AM
(never occupied)
Spy Glass Hill
Magnificent Rolling
Hill View
4 Bedroom , 3 baths
Aue11on Sare on tne Site
32 Drake Bay Rd.
Corona Del Mar , CA
SAT., AUG . 5
INSPECTION DATE~: 5•1 & Sun July 21 & ?l. 29 & lO from' PM 10 C 30 PM tno S•I AuQ ~ O•IDI tD auc11on u 11 Vlet~oavs Dy app0.n1men1
Pro1y t>1da mey bt mao• pt10f to 1uCJ;1on u you ire un101e to aueno trrna tut
tion 011111con1ac~1ueHonff1• '°' como11t1 de11111
BAOllER PARTICIPATION IS ENCOu~•OEO C111 D• ...... l()t O•ochutl
•111ct .. f\•t't ltlteellOtt.
629 H. LA !RCA
(213) 9Jl.l~I
\\ t:r l' $11 1,3:!6,UOO .• rn 1nl'rt•1.1i:.c of 28 percent over the
$86.!.117.000postt•d l.t'>t y t.•Jr aud 12per cent above the
S!J9.J08.000 n·1>0rH·d 111 thl· previous record first
qu:.irtt.·r of 197K
Nl>t ancom1• tor tht· first half of 1978 w as
$:!·1.838,000, or $2.55, compared with $16.774.000. or
SI 71. for the first six month!> of 1977, :.in increase
an nl'l Income of 48 percent Rcvenu<'S for the 1978
first half Wl'l't' $210.444.000. 28 percent higher lhan
the Sl65.004.0UO in n·vt.•nut.•s reported for thl• like
1wnoct last Yl'<lr ThcsC' wPrt• record r esults for any
half Yl'W' 111 th(• company's history
Nt'l 111e·orne for llw 197K firs t half was ·
f.1 vor .1bly Jffrcted by forc1~n currency exchanges
.ind tram.lalwns of fon•1gn f1nanc1al :.takmenls to
l S dollar.., 1n thl• amount of $135,000. or 1 cent
t·omµared With IOSM· .... In tht: hk(· period or 1977 or
$1. 73•1.000. or 18 t.•ent....
!-.1111th lnl!'rnataon.tl lnr· manufal'lures and
supplll':-. drill111~ toob, etp11pment and related
..,l'r\ l('l'' tu lht: t•n1•rg~ industries It <Jbo as an
\ol\cd an dt•v<'lopmt·nt of 0tl and gas \\-ell dnlhng
<ind mining tooh and c4u1µml'nt
A IWrflCJn Earning• Groar
1\lll·r·g;in l'h;1rmJ1·1•ut 1c<1b. lrv1r1l' hu:-. fl'purt1·d
1m:-.t111g .1 t5 pt•t t t•nt l'Jrnang:-. gain on ,J 27 pen·t>nt
:-..llt.'s tnt.·n·ast· in t h1·..,t•t·ondquurt1·r
Vor tht• thl't'l' month ... l'l1<h1d .I Unl' 30. -;ales
"l'l l' SilG,220.00U. l'Ompun·d with Sl2.7.t3.000 rn last
'l':1r·.., :;t.'l'olld quar ll'r Nl'l 1nt111n1• w as $2,717.000
or !17 1·1•nt:-. .1 :-.hurt" up frum $1.Hi:l.tHJO. or 66 ce11ts .
tr1 lh1· prror yl'ar
Vtrst half salc•s tota lt·d S:W.l«iH.OUU. eonw ared
w ith $25.211 .000 111 1977 !':l'f 11won11· rose lo
S 1.351.000. or Sl Sf., lt'um ~1.4.JH.000. or $1 GI. an th1·
,:-1•a1 t•arht•r pt•rtod f:urnangs pt•r !>hare were com
p11tL·<l 1111 tht.• ha~1s of 2. 789.000 shares outst ... ndang
111 th1• f11 !->t :-.1\ months or 1978 and 2.856.000 an 1977
/\ll er gan 1s ;1 dome'>l1c and anternatronal cor
pOI ;rt tcJll l•ngag1'<I 1n the development. manufac
tun• ,rnd ... alt· of spcc1altzed o phthe1lm1c a nd
c1<'rm :rt ol11g1t· prudutt-..
Contpt.•are Re port• Gaba•
('ompr1'111·11:-.1v1• Ctin• Corp . :'l:ewport Beach
h . .-.. .11111111111< "" 1·omplt•t1on of ti<; annu al certafrtd
.1u1l1t .ind l ll't c'.1rn111g., of 5941.000. or 73 cenh "
-..h.1 tt.'. for th<' lrsl':rl )t•:11 t•nded May 31. compart.'d
"11 h S~98,000 fo1 tht• hkt• pencJd l;.1st year
Thi~ 11·pn·-.t·nt:-. •• !>5 111•rtl'nl ancre:.i::.l' tn nt•t
1•:1rn111g-.. 1wr .,hat l'
l-::11 nang., for tht' luurth quarll'I \\t'rt' :m l'l'lll'>
.1 -..h.1n" tompar ed with 11 <'t.'nts for tht ltkl' p1·rrod
.1 ,·co;11 ;rg11, :rn inc·rcust.• of 172 pt·rccnt /\. 20 per
ct•nt -..tot.•k d1 vuknc1 will bt• l!1'>UCd Sept 21 to
~hJrt.'holrlt•r·.., uf n •(·Md Aug :ll
MSI Report1120o/0 IHC!rea•e
Earning:-111 i\1 ~1 l>ali.1 l'o1 p . Costa M es<1. 111
th1· tir-..1 qu:1rt1·r 1>1 l1sl';1l l!n!J wt>n· 20 p1·rcl·n1
hiJ."!ht•r th;rn 111 ttw tomp;rrablt· quartt·r of tht· pranr
yea a • t ht• 1·11mJHHW h<1s r('purtc·d
:\t~l 's rwt incom e for the quartt•r ended .runt•
:N l olJled S986.000. or 1H ct•nts a '>hare In the ftr:-.t
qu:,ir ll'r of fasc~ll 11178. nt.•t tnl'llffil' was Si98.000. or rn tC'nts
F1r~t·quarl1.·1 n•\f•11ut·" rn'it' 19 percent to Jll
:Jll·t ame high of $10. 71:H ,000 from S9.058.000 1n lht·
'1rsl quarter of fiscal 1978
\ISi 1s manufot.·tun·r of portJhlt.· c1at<i t-ntr)
t 1•rm an:.Jh
Director<. han· dl·CIJrt•d lh<' s 1:\th con:-.ecut1H'
quart('rly <:a..,h d1v1dcnd 1111 tht.' (Omp<rny'" com
mon ..,toc•k It 1s 10 cents J shar<.• 'fht• dividend "
pay:• bk &•pl 15 to ... h .1n·holdl'rs o f record on Aug
Gra.:e Reporf• R e rord Gain
\V n (;ra('(' anti l 'u \\ llll'h opt•rttl('s lhl' hl'ad
quart t.·r~ off1t.•t.• of WR. Crate Development Corp .
:'lit''' µur·t Ht.•:oich . and ,·ariou ... n·staur<tnts. includ·
an~ l'Ol'o·~. R(•Uhl•n's, Gorda Lit.. Baxter StreN
an<I olht.•r1-1. has n •ported a second.quarter gain in
profits of ~ 9 p ercent on r1:c·ord sales of $1 l htllion
Su 1 t.' s u n d o pl' r a t 1 n g rev en u e., we r 1•
$1.119,375,000, ror the quarter ended June :JO. com
pan·d with Sl.057.318.000 for last year 's second
quarter Nt't rncome W<tl' $51.542.000. oc $1 34 a share.
eom1wrt'd with $48,679.000, orSl 26, in 1977
Brtllllfu.~ic.·k Sa~• l11t"re011e
Hrunsw1C'k Corp . whost.• defense d1v1s1on has
$20,000to $30Q,OOO
from The Associates
make money
for your business?
When you own your own
business. you know it takes
money to make money
That's where we come 1n
Ne' re The Associates. with
business loans from $20.000
to $300.000 And we're
ready to help you get
whatever you need. toda7
Money to help
.;our business?
1 Purchase add1t1ona1
2. Expand with
nfNtl locations
3 Take advantage of
discounts ottered for
volume purchases
4. Improve cash flow
We believe 1n the growth
of American business and
we're wilhng to lend our
money to prove 11
Are you ready to grow?
Associates 1s ready to help
Give us a call today
Business Loan Plan
Jack Dixon
Associates Financial Services Co
of California. Inc
600 Scx.Jth Euclid
Anaheim. Calltorn1a
714-635-91 20
L '"'°; (Nt~f sr; OO:l n1 ~ .t J t A 1111 J """ • 1,0~l'f'Ulll "10111"1lo1tl<J f)l tl·.tl'l<li l~~H"IV
/\ Gutt• western Comp :in
S lawd
An at o m ic sa f ely
board has set Nov. 28 or
Nov. 30 as t he dak for
beginning a h earillg on
t h e Oiabl o Ca n yon
nucl ear pQwcr pl ant in
Cu lifornia.
The site for the h ear
1ng was not a nnouncerl
hut 1t 1s exp<'ctcd to be
ht·ld al Avila Bt'at'h ncur
San Luis Ob1~po.
T HE ISSUE hcfore lhl'
hoard is an operating
l1cens<' for th e p l ant.
h u1ll bv Pac1f1c Gas &
Eke I ril· Co about 12
mllf'~ from San Luis
Procedur e's ror l h~
hear ing were discussed
T h urs day w h en a l l
part ies concerned m e t
with th<' three.member
~a ret y boar d
Oavid Fleisch okl·r. u.
torncy for th e C{·nter for
th<' L aw tn Public I n
tt.•rest and o ther an
tt•rvcnors in the <'ase.
bad a r fo(ul.'d for a later
-~ ..... Sor th e hcarin~
Th <' r 1n al s a f c•ty
e\'aluntion r eport from
tht· staff of the Nuclear
RE>gul atory Commission
1s du e on Nov 15. and
Fle i schaker s a i d he
needt.•d mor<' lime afl<'r
that to ssk thl' other
parties conct.•rned for
the bases for t heir an
formati o n a nd whut
lt•!i.t s they h~d ron
C;.11:tl1l1Cl> 111 Co!ila "1 e!i.t, h1ts rl'rorted sales of
$294,029,000 for thl· 1111arlt•r 1•nded .June 30. com
pured with ~tilt.•.., or ~252.432.000 1n lht.· comparahlc
1977 quarter
month~. 11m1parl·d v. 1th 197i pNaod .. "'<''" P.wl A
M 1111 1 l'hJtr man
Eurmngs \\'l'rt' SW.242,000. or 82 cents. com
pa11·<1 w1lh Sl0.532 000, or 53 cents. c!uring 197i's
"l'('Ond quarter
Edawafor'• E•rnings Dip
Thl· g,1l> comp;rny I ilt•d ;11i <•11(.)ltt·Jt1on fur J
gt.•nt·r:.al 1.tlt· 1ncn·asl• 1n 0('toh1•r llearmg:, on lhe
;1ppt11·at111n havt• bl'E'n compll'll•d by the C;ilifornia
Publ11· L'tll1l1c·s Comrr11~~11111 ;111u a <.let1slon l)y th e
torn 1111ss1on 1~ t•xpt•c·tetl bdon.• thl' t.•nd of lhf' yeu
N ational £ducJtton <formerl y ~a l lOnMI
Systems Corp I. Ncwµort Beach. has reportt·d
:-.ccond quartl'I t•;u n1ngs of S453,000. or 30 t'enh J
s han•, compared with $\52.000. or 31 cents. an lht.•
sJmt· period of 1977 Ht•\ t•nUC"> wt•re $5.917.000 11µ
I rom $5,86:1.000
I• 111 th1· 12 month ... 1•n<l,•d Ju1w :io. t•armngs
\\ t.'rt• $Iii .fii:I 1100. Ill S~ ti4. tornp,1 rl'd w1lh
S68.5HJ 1X111 111 $2 1:1 tc11 tlw l.! month~ endt:!d June
30. l!Hi
For the· '>IX month.., 1·ndt•d Junt· JO. <•armng-..
\\ t.•rt· S9'.!J.OOO. or 62 n·nh down from $974.00U or
titi N•nt s befon• t ·xtraordinar} items -an the
f1r.,t hall of 1977 llt.•q •nu1·s in lhl' first halfth1s H·;.1r
'"'l'l' $12 083.000. do\\ n from 1.t">t ~ t•ar ., $12.307.oOo
1\ I lt'r 1nclu:.1011 111 .1n t·\tr:.iord1n:.in Item
r t'IJl t•..,t.•nttng .1• la" t·11·tl1t Ir orn t·arr~ oH•r of nl't
01wr:,itang los-.t·~ tn tlw .1mounl of $270.000. u 1 Iii
t 1•nb. m •t t.•;irn1ngs 111 th1• f1r'>I half of 1~7i ""n1·
<t.:N-1 .000. or H-1 nnb
Prcs1dl0lll 11 U:J\•1d Hright ... aid th:.t 1·111 oil
1111•nt an lht.• company's \OCat1onal schools h Hs tn
t'l'l·ased ret.·enlly and h1• <rnt1c1pates gain ... in sales
:111d l'arnings tn lhl· :-.('COnd h:oilf of tht· y1•ar
Nalaonal Edut.·at1on 1s :.i publicly owned votH
t 1or1al traming sch ool company with m ol'e than iO
owned and £runch1st·d schools m lht· U ~
Parilf~ Liglaf 1119 Gain•
Sccond-quarl(•r canungs of l'acaf tc L1ghtrng
C11rp wen• up OVl'r lht• similar period last yt•ar.
hut rPsults for lhc six m onth!> ended June 30 were
-.1111 below lhOSl' for lhl' !i1m1lar period an 1977. the
ru1npany has reported
Thl' Los i\n!!elt•:-. lJJ!>ed ut1l1t}' holding (·om
t•JO). \.\hO'>t.' largt·st :-.ubl>1d1ar y ,.., SuuthNn
L".1hfornia Gas Co . has reported st.•l'ond·quarler
1978 t.•arnmgs of Sl8.494.000. eqU1\alent after pre
ft.·rrl'd di\ 1d<:nds to 72 cents a shan• or common
'ttwk This compa red with $14.037.000, or 54 cents.
lor t ht• compar::ihlt: pt.•raod 1n 197i
For the· six month pC'rtod t·nded "unt-30
l '.u:1f1c Laghtang t•arned S41.574,000. cqu1vall'nt to
SI 64. ('Omparcd \.\Ith S43.i'17.000. or SI 77 fo1 ttw
comparnblc period 1n 1977
Ribbon World
The sccond-quartl'r 1·arn1ni.(s perlormance \.\a:.
alt ra buted to non ut1hl~ op1:ral1ons Earnings from
utiltty operations w en• down 25 p<'rccnt for th1·
second qu<irter of 197X and 21 percent for the six
Burrough-.. l orp '' 111 pro<ltH 1• t •nouuh frill'
ha...,v t ~ pt''' 11t1·1 1 rl1h11n t ht:-.' '"'' l 11 tlrl'h·
tilt' \\Ol'lcl 111 t lllH .... /\ quaht~ lll"IH'lt•ll l'\
:.1mant·:-rolh ol I tlm lwln1 l' thv' ;111· -..1.t 11 1
to \ ~t llOlh "1<11 h:-. BurrouJ,!h:-·ha" p1·od Ul'
t ion I Jl'tl1l tl·:-1n \I 1~::-.10n Vrt•Ju
O vc·r Tiu· t:ounl•·r
NASO l istinq '
NEW YORK IAPI ConP4p )I ~7 hwd~Utn 2S • 26 1Pd!vdR 11 n . •r1""'"n~ ~ n•\:l~'t:;"t~l\I Cr•wld l8 2'l JamwPr 8"'4 (f•. :~:~t l'' q I fpnn•nf
" (rO\\(O JO ~ J•m\by 18 18\• q : 10' ~ ~:~,~n,., •t)O•t $1'<Ut1hM Cullr~~d ,, • 2 JollyFd • , I P•n•Er\I 16 " • r1,•.1 o(o p;,.•l~~~n~!!"' 13!~~ 8:r~I>'rb,, 19 211 JoslynM 14 I 10• • PPl.,HH l '-1 I'• 1<.a•sSll pl 191 .. 191 P~trollt .~"' · .. ;:' ''""°'o 111\ur~n<t t. lnclU'il· Oat.t 100 10 211'; Kalvt\r l • J\ .. Pettit>on 11 i;t 'f,noPo ul 1o1()(.IH De~lbAO n•.m K•m•nA )b•. )7 •• P1PdAvt 11 • II~ fr1tft()C, AEL Ind a ... I\• ~Lu•C JI )IJ.• KampAm 14 / IS P1f'treSS 10 • 11 • r yv n rd AFAProt ... .... oeconT 1) ,. KolleGre ~ , .. Pin• r1n 11 M UnM1v•I A.VM CP 1'• J~ QetlntO )I' I 11 t Kay\<lm • 31• P1onH18 11.._ 11'• U\ "urc.a Add1\nW ... ~·· Dfow•yE I p, , •• K~drny t 16'• 11 • Pl1HttM 1 ) US f,,.,
Adv RO\\ 1 I 1'• OoaCrn 7)· 1 1&1• ~:~r.~: lO '":8 P-Pd ,,..; 111: UV•b .h AOyM1rt 191. 1'\t; 01.cnCru ,.. '11 1l '4 1 PO\\I\ I l' • Upp,.,..o
Ale•.&lf'' lo> , '3 Do<utrt .... •l. l(l'yf"f1D 11 • 21\o P109rp 1 1' YA y(,,t
Ah<-olnc. , ••• 191. OollrGn "'. 11\, ll~yC~d 11\• 1µ, PbSvNC '''• H ; V..tnlJu n !~Y~!p 1)4. "'· Oonldstt ll)'. 31 Kpy\IM n --. n •-. Purt8•,. 11 1 n · • VJnt' c..,I\ ll'· ,.,, . OOrt1>Gs 10·. IOV, t<.1mD•lf 18 14 PutOC.tll .. . . ""''',, -Fti.tr" ) ) . OoyltOB ,. ... 11'. K1notnt n•. n ~"""n' 4 , •"-\l~Nb " 4C:.re-t n· 1 ., •• DunlunO lf) t If), ~~:ro," II 18 R•~"P' 1 • 1.,. W -.QNt.i "M t(tO· 1)•, ,. o"'''°" H lo lO 11 • Rahdll r. l l W• bbl'-4l•Com 48 ·~ . E~rl·~ .. ~ &'• lance In tq•, 10'·• R4yf nm
... '" lO'> 17 • lij 18 •
t I\.,. 1}1., • t
" t 'It .... " .. \ ..
~, '-6
;t . ". ,,., ,, .
I•'• t~· • )\ .. ,,.. .
,,. 14 • •t. 10 .. II Id , , .. \'. ~ . l.
)/ I )l t
'" • I)._ II• U ,,, .. n •
l p !J a nd Downs
U ..... ArHJ DOWN'> NEW YORI<. IAPln T~ 1011ow 1nq t1'
\how' .... Ovt' ..... Cr . .inl••r
\101' "., 4tn\J _, tHM'lh tn4)t n.tvot QOn(' uu 1rw mo\t .iind aown ,,... tn0)1 .,., .... d ..... J:'(•"' ()1 ( hdnof' r~rOff!'\\ of VOILll'TW
Ot Tnur \CS.iV N~ \.q,ut•f1.-• tr~on9 bl'tow' i > 4,tt• •f"< I ~d Ntl .tlWS ~""f t.t:f'lta.Qt: Chd"9"'' ~p· lrw> Oltf ft'O& f> .,..tWf¥ri t~ OfPV•OU\ tH>\H-.Q
O•O 0'•'"' ""'"' IC)d..ty' ld\1 b•<J C>'•Cf' u~ H•me Ld\I
I ._'"""° I
I Ou•"'"' I •
I (dptnA+• -:j. • (otO[ n wt I • \ I drlO'>ll I\
c'i. . ... 1•
11 ?S· J
J l n l1 .
10 r.) \' 6S ' =~j~~~t AW•IOnq 1)1, .... '-'-'it"IL.•b ,,., 11 Lano Rn )' • J""9 Advmnd 1'· I • Arr"•"'l" • ... tlo 18 Amurr ?tS.i.>'• EtPa•EI ..... ,, ... l•M(O U~! ~;: > Rl'<qEop l) • 2• ' Nl~ln\llQ I• I • I ~ .. ,~ 110 ... . Uo 18
AncuJ•tf' ,., ,. f lllf'rB• /l.. 811 l IOStor 11•. 11'"o N~ lyv.i , .. 1. " J..t tnda F'r .. . I ' ()p II
Anhftu\8 7)• I )6 El•Nu<I ~·. 6 LonBC\I 37 )/!.,. Ro.toe• )I> )1 • ~~~~~ti ... I • Anta(p ~ • EIMo<lul I 8 • Loo•t•n I•'' u•': ROOOMY 2'9 I JO' 11 1 IJ • II> Ard May 1•• I"' EnrD<>• 70.-. 71, Mad\C:.E 1b1• 16.\lti! NOO<llOt l\\o lo • II A'"Wv\ .,, . '' fntw1\tt 4 ' \l,4 1· J 1\r. RO\f'IOn )\., .... ~~~,:;~ fl'• 0•1 •? ~:I~':!' Rou\•· l ~ A"'Cola 11 11'. EQIOol ,,, •• ,q ~. J1l-, )JI_,, Ru•Slo• ,,, • .. I • I Allv•\lt n .-tti'• t l~wn.l'I'• JO•. 11 MQIA\\I 11'. 111.. Sadl1r•1 I"' • lif}f'\lll·• ., Jl •• ~:~:.~r 6'• 11 • .. iltbr1 1\tt ..... Md\.ulP 13'' 7•1 : I\
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Frida~· ..
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Friday July 28 1978 DAILY PILOl
COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS Summer Drivers ~vt•hon\ ••'41 tf.O.\ on trw ~-voo.. Mtctw••t P•( 1h< P8w 8o\IOft Oe1ron •ftd (1f\C1nn•t1 \lo< t. ··~' ~ 't'i»''"° O• t~ N•t•on•t A\~ '•t•on c>f Sertur11 .. , Dt•t-H'\ •no 11'\1.t ftltl
I I ...
I I I f , ...
"~ Can Spare Cars
timing <and reset 11 ti
and valve adjustment:> Jl
Pause, G
ins Again
-The stock market rt'rovl•rtd d
morning loss and p cd forward in aftemoor. trnd1ng ltJ·
rally wh1<'h had added almost 19 pomb day <'Onl1
1n three ays
The Dow Jones uverage of 30 1ndu str1a l 1s~uc~ wa~ up 5 72 pomtsto856 29
Gamers held an 8 5 lead over losers in mod('rate trad
mg on the New York Stock Exchange
Analysts said the market wus weathering bad nev.., ~•bout inflation <.ind lhl' dollar
The ab1ltty or the ma rket to rise in bad nev.-. •~ tht 1
hmg that's sending the market up," said Larry Wa chttl
an a nalyst at Bache Halsev Stuart Shields
The worst piece of news came from the Ldbor Depar1
ment wh1ch reported a 0 9 percent rise in the Jurw
Consumer Pnce Index . !he third straJght month with !>Uch a rise
There was also depressing news from Europe, where
the dechrung dollar has sent traders to gold markets in an
attempt to protect their investments The metal s pri<.'e
surpassed the $200 per ounce mark today ror the first t1mc.-ever
Slof."l.:• In Tlt.-
Spolll91t1 DoecJone• 1\ re rag~•
Nr w Yor~tAPI F•MI Dow JDM\ • .,,,~, STOCICS
Oot>n HtQh Low C.10"' C"g JO llld t~A) 860 71 844 fl ~SI> /0 t ) I 10 r,,. 1lb •I 1J<I 9/ /IS 7) 7l8 JI • 1 I> •S VII I()& )I) 101 10 10) 1' IC)& 40 • OJI
•) ~·-1'1\ n ~ H )9l 13 196 d. • 1 01 11\dV\ 7 164 800
''"" t lbf 000 VIII\ 01') •00 ~S Slk • ''" XX>
Mha l ... 1.,c·k• D i d
AOv..tntPd e»c IU\f'<I
UnthonQ -o
tot•I \\Uo Nf'w n•Oh\ Nt w low-.
ltl<l•y o .. ,
.1114 t\)t t
..... ril l~'4 .... ~
Miii• 'A t.1~ •I• •u
NEW YORI( Aooro1 f n,.1 p, • .,.°", ,,...1/
Wvf>' IQO
Mon111 IQO
Yr•r llQO
, ...... N V -..104-• ......... ~
fwo Y••rs 4tQO J11n I In Odlt 110 1 1(1 dlih
1'1& 10 Oalr
Wl46T AM(ll 010
I J'OO 000 jll/0000
1•~00! 18 0 {)(JO
/0 JSIJ 000 14 RJI &0\1 I Oo &ifl 1"'1 • Cl<I •90 001
' •10;10 J8
NEW YORK IAP> T~ lollow1no "'' \hOW< 11\C New YO<~ SIO<~ E •th~nQj' •loO• end worr&11h thdl ,,....., OOM up
th• most MCI CIOwn I,,,. most bAMd on ro:c•;:,g!yct"'(\9e r~rdleU 0 1 YOIU,,,.
AO•d"fNI O~<l t1•d
Vr><hdnQft<I rot•I 1~'"',
I' •
ron ·~ t"" .. ""
NO M'turllles lritdlno ~low '1 ••t Intl
Ude4 Net all<! percenl~ <l\M>Qes •rP tM
dlll"t nte ""'-" th~ 0,...YIOUS <IOSlnQ • P<l<e end IOd•Y • • p m P<•te
~· '
UPS Lost C"9 Hlllo • 111 1
10 • 11.
•\<. "' 7''l • '• I! • ) IS\<, • 1\o . ~ .
,, • t ' 1" 4~ .. 1 4'-'1 •• 141. 1 • ...... . ...
~'t # 14.a.. ,, •
I)... I\ JS. •• ,.. . . '"" ""'-. '• J~ • '• .... . .,.,.
)I • 1 • IS~ 111 ,, .., . ' , ' .... DOWNS
VD Sol I Vo I\ o UD U., Uo t) 2 uo 12 j Vo 11 S Vo II • VO II I Uo tO S Vo 10 I
Vo • 1 Vo • t VO 'S VD •J Vo • l Uo •, Uo 8 J Uo ll Uo II
Uo 80 uo 7 • Vo 18 Uo I I uo n Uo IS
L<o\l IJ~ ,,,,... Ct>q Pct
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41 , ...
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b ... •O"-H•-1•
10 , ....
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gf ,.
I H I SJ Off s 0 ()II 4. ()II 4 t
Off ••
()It • s Oii • J 011 • ' ~I '' o;' J 4 01: J' Off 11 Oft JI ()ff ,.
Ott J ' Ott J) Off >. Off > •
New '"l'I"' N~w 10,.>
" /tf 1\1 1 '' "4>1\ J•I . • Odd Lois
N EW YORK IAPI Tiie Npw Yor• ~·O<•
E •tMftjle report.a thf>tot Odd IOI It tn\M
ttons by Pf"•n(.•Oift oeak" for 1 f\V'WS•y
PutCh10-f'' Of •JO l61 ,,..,., "•• ..... ot
U• 06 •n•re• •lltlucl "9 •• J '~···· \O•O \h«I
ti N•" .... .,,. -u Hew Yt<Otly IWQlt Unt•\\ ot"'tl••W f'llOtect r.et .. \ ot di• ~,tth .,,. •nnu•t Ot~f\fH"nfnh. bt\fld on ,,.. tt'1111ot ~~t.~,'c!: -~~,:~~:a:~~:! :::~"~~ ~~.
Qit\1Qn"tc1 ~ , .. .., •'• •~fth.O in t~ ro11ow1n11 1001no1"
a Al..O ~•Ira 0t t•lrH b-All,.IHll ••I~ D4vl \lo•-d •ldend f llQu 0.11~ d 1v1dont1 g:~:=~=~ ':.. o:.~,;~r:.~~:;t ·~ =~~\:. :~~,~:, ::';;,,o ;;,~i:~~ :~"::.~1 :':,~~ :':,:~:'.,,:. ~~'::,: ~~~~~ ~~·~,::4J,~ ~, "~~:~~ o:!"!::r" :.r:.:.;" rt!:'! -:
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• • d tv161>nfJ Of h "<II'" • E •11tv•-.,.d ~It\'" lull 1 'Wol•\ 1n 1v11
tld C•tt..., WO -Cl •tr•bull'd •I W""11 n\utd •• Witt\ .. ''"4f":h tW Wit~~·· ""'' .. "" .,,,, E •a tr but.o"
'' E 'i1t10 ,.._.. o~•t• nt • "OC." ., •
""'flt0 .. of f:' \t\.tt• *#fl'\1f'lo41'\ 0.-t Wd ny ?~~~~~T :::r. ;:c~ •J mont" ••rn ~o' •OM'•
... '°"'" .....
f • ' l' i r t .. ' I J ·--ww
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~-~O~LV~PILOT -----Fn~~y,Jufy~~.1978 ______________ SJ!.orts
Toast of Detroit?
Ricardo Ho1es for Banne r Year
01 llM O•flY Piiot St.ti
lie 1s still s ubm(.•rgcd tn relative oblf:urity . but
befor(' he's thro ug h . Lions placek1cJer Benny
Hil'ardo may find himself the toast of Qtro1t
Competing 1n t he sam e division wlh the Min
nesota Vikings of the Nation al Footbal League a
ll'am which has survived with its k1CJt1ng game
Ricardo could realistically provide Jhe margin
Detroit has lal'ked for so m a ny years
Ricardo recently kie ked a 57-ya'1 field goal
prio r to u Lions' scrimmage. in add~on lo other
assorted feats.
A fie ld goal of 57 yards might n>t sound too
"''Id in these days of 50 plus effort1 on the col
lcgiate level. but it mus t be remt'm~ed tht' pros
kick from the ground. not from a kic ng tc•t· That.
and the pressure of th<.· NFL a re at separate
tht• pros from the amateurs
A NATIVE OJo' PARAGUAY an.I football pro
duct of CosliJ Mesa ll 1~h . Orange toast Collcgt',
and San Oit.>go State. the l70·poU)der is bench
press mg 295 pounds. proving his sholldcr tnJUry of d
yearago1sathmgofthepast •
It wa!> in Oetro1t 's exhibitio1 opener v. ith
Kansa s City that Ricardo was bur1d unde r a cou
pie of 250-pounde r s on a kick<ff. causing .i
shouldt•r separation and s ubseque1l surgery that
kept him a year away from makin~1t big
llis competition in the Lions' camp includes
rookw J im Breech out of Califcrnia a nd Steve
Mike-Mayer. who took over Ricark>'s duties when
he was hurt last year
"My leg feels very. very s troig a s l 'm getting
a lot of lift into the ball The rundng m the beach
sand during the off se-.son reallystrengthent-d my
legs," s ays Ricardo
A VF.AR AGO Ri cardo's go<l was to lead the
N FL in !>Coring and with Oetr<il's habit of bog·
ging down when an scoring teiritory 1t figured
Ru:ardo would get ple nty of ch31Ce!> to add three
points with h is wh1p-hkc right le:
But now. Ricardo has readjlsted his thinking
a bit ··1 just want to stay hea lhy :ind Jvo1d the
prt.'d1c:iml•nt 1 got myself intr last year ," ... ay"
Coach Tommy Huds peth nt1de the fatal m1'>
t:ike of allowing his kic koff ffi<(I to run downf1eld
amidst thl• giants of th<.' N FL at· 1l backfired with
thl' IOJU• y to his \ alued placek1 er
Hut Hudspeth 1s gone and , ont<.' Clark 1s no"'
lktroit 's head coach
l'ept::. no t>xc uses tor failure But I r eally look
forward to pl<Jymg ro1 lhl· man. He 's going to real·
ly turn this team .iround and have us in the
playoffs .. .
:\laking the pla)off:-. m eans one of two things :
1 Repla<·l· Minnesota as the !'<o ! team in the NFC
CC'nlrnl D1v1son . 2 Est ablish the best won·loss re ·
cord in tht• ~ FC to quJllfy for the wild card berth.
Ricardo 1s hi.!rdl\' .i household word al this
point Cut etfter one presea~on game with the San
Diego Cht1rger .... hl' hooked on for eig ht games
\\1th lhP Southern California Sun o f the defunct
\\ orld Football Leagm• hl'fore getting a cal! from
Det roit
But Dl•tro1t ... l•nt t11m packing after a brief
'tint. then Buffalo h ad .1 t wo-gam c IC1ok and !lent
him .1\\ a\. ton
IT \~.\S E~Ol'G II to C\'en d ampen the spmts
of R1 <.'ardo. a suprclTll' opt1 mi5t The rolle r coaster
rldt' (.'OnltnUl'S
"('LARK I S REALLY an crg;rn1zt>r and 1s a
very dt•manding coach .·· say<> Ricardo "fie :.ic Hl'<.'allt•d bv Dl'lro1t. Ricardo kicked 10 of 13
See R ICAR DO. Page 8 7
Angels Test Bird s' Palm.er
Halos Fall Four B e hind R oyals After 6-3 Defeat
From ,\ P lJi~patcht''
B1\ I.Tl ~H>HI-: Tht· l'Jhform 1
Angcb !'>t'lld l>on i\:1st• li-51 t11
tht• mound tonight in th(· first of
J lhrt·t' g:1m1• "l'rtl'" with th1·
Ila lt1 mnrl' Oriol!·.., "" t ht·v trv to
t'hlp J\\<J\ at r..1n:-.;1, <'tt)·., f;1u1
F?amC' h ·;1rl 1n lh<· \rn1·ri<•,1n
t.i .. 1gm• W11 ... 1
Ha lt1mon· 1·11unlrr:-. "1th .f1m
P:1lml•r tl2·8l
ThC' Angt•J:; will ht• t rying to
snc1p hack from ;.1 6 :i lll'ft•at ap
plil•d h) tht• '.\-llh\:.IUkt·t• Br<.1\'l'!-.
Thursday n1):!ht ;1 lo:.::. th:.it t·a11
hC' a ttributt•d to thC' Brt'wers·
<:nrdon T hnm.1 ... and ~l1 kl•
C.i Id"' ell
T HOMAS BEi.TEO a two-run
h om1·r. hi" 2:1t·rl . In hac k the
::. t e a d y . 1 f u n s p t· (' t a c u I a r
A Jte N o Factor
p1t<·h111g nl l'.tld \\ 1·11 a ... the•
Br t•\\'t'r" brokt· ii thrt'l' gam1· to ...
Ill):! "ll l'ak
The !:iel'ond plal't' BreY..Ns
::.u rgl·d to \\lthtn 4 1 ;! ga mc·s of the·
On T\' Tonight
Channe l 5 at 4 :30
... lumping Boston in thl· American
l.t•aJ?Ut' East
Thomas. butting 248 with 57
runs hatted in. movl•d into ;.1
M 0 <·nr1d place lll' with lt.'cimmatt·
l.,1rn lh~IP and Cahforrua·s IJon B.i~ lor m thl' l<.·agut•'s home run
d<•rln Tht• thrl'l' art• one behind
no ... ton ·s .JJ m RH'l'
"IF L.\RRV .\ND I at tht• ('ntJ
J rC' hatlhng for lht• home run
Tooting His Horn
For Love of Surf
Of Ille O•tly Piiot Sutt
Bob Hern se~ms to be making up for lost t1m ~
At the al'(l' or 46. when most surfers h ave Ion~ since
hung up thl•1r \\et suits. lh<' UCLA wa ter p olo coach bod y
... urfs dart" in the waters off Manhattan Beach and :.till en
ter s comP<-t1llve events whenever possible.
Thi-. wt>f:'kend. in fact, h e'll have a homecoming of
sorts "h<'n he compt!les in the inaugural Handgun Body
S urfi ng C hampi onship::. at
Newport Beach
1t .. 1d .11 th•· \ 1·1' \\111 ... t \\t· II bl'
111 11!1· pl;t)olh. '1'1111ma:-. said
•\nd 1f Lin\ 1·:111 win thl' RBI
t1tl" .. g:11n \\,.II clc•f1111l<·ly win
IH·i·.1u:-.t· hl' ... 1 hi' l11g stick 1n our
l111e•u p
I h1·11• .. 11 u 11·;1-,on to get
111 1'1111" .1111 Th11rn.1 ... \\ho likl'
"''"'' Hn ",., ... 1" .1 ... , r<rngcr to
111.1111r IL'<ll~IH 11t·111wnt pressun•
•\\ 1· rl' 1101 111 f 1rst pluC(' with
... omL'hod~ hn·.1th1 11g down our
llt·ck " Tht-pre :-. ... u a· is o n
Bo::.ton W1• \'1• l!IJl lhl· momen·
111m. lh1· cJr1\1·. lhl· pott•nt1<.1l. lhe
pt•r,onrwl ancl lht· c•,pt·ri('nce
I lolrt ffi\ \ .. 1f<• 111 s pring
training that 1f I <'011ld JUSl get
.1 11 oppnrtu111l)' tu pla~. hit 250
\\ 1lh ;ihout :?!l homl·r-. a nd drivl'
1n 70, RO. !Ml runs. mayhP we
t·nutd buy us a c-oncJomimum
ht•rl'." Thomas !>a1d "Now I'\ l'
got one picked out "
would win tonight." Bre\'ers·
Mt1nagcr Geo rge Ba mbeiger
··1 probuhl~ 'houldn 't htve
tha t fe<'hng a~a1n:-.t ~olan Rian.
hut R\un hasn't b(·cn hintdf
<tnd Culd wcll h as been b n
t a:-.t1c ··
Caldwell. 13·5. w asn 't li n-
ta:-.t1 c this time a nd st11d laterh1 s
<irm is tired II<.' allo wed 11 hls.
but "a lked only tv.o batters tnd
us ua lly ke pt tht.> ball down as ht•
Brt•\\ l'rs reg1i.lt't<.>d 1fi putoutson
RYAN, 5-9. who 'truck cut
thn•c Bre wers to !>Upplant H>h
1-'l'lle r in mnlh plact· on thl' 111
t1mt• strikeout list with 2.st!.
nonetheless lacked his U"uah
O\ <.'rpowering fast ball fe
\\ alkcd six and continua lly wls
b<•h1nd in the count
The Brewers took the lead b
:-.tay a t 2·0 in th(• f1r5l inning ona
::.ingle by Robin Yount, thr~
\\al ks and a sacrif1Cl' fl y by Sil
.a b r II bt
Cll•lk " ~ I 1 I
L<1n\tord, lb • 0 1 0
Bo\IOCk rt • o 1 1
R Jack•on, lb • o 0 O B~vtor, d~ • 1 1 o R11d1 II 4 I I 0
Oowninq c • 0 1 o
R Mlll~r. cl l O O O
Rl'llenmullCI pno D 0 0
Grtcll. 1b • O 1 1
Vounq '\ Monl'y, .b
OQ1l•1~. II
Hl\lf', d,,
lfHdnO, rf
B•nc:to. lb
G Tnom••· '' G4tntnf!r, 7b
C Moor~. r
•II r ft • 'I l
1 l 0 I
.. 0. t
1 0 0 I
l 0 0
] I l l
l' 'l • t '11
• > I I
TOl•I\ 34 l 11 ) TOIAI\ l<I & • \
C&hlornod 000 100 001-J
M1lw•ukf<' 110 010 00•-• E B•ndO OP -C..hlornt• 1 Motwauktt J LOB -C.a1tlorn1a 8, M 1lw&ukt't' b 78 C Moor•
HR G Tllom.u Ull SS Yount 1 SF Benoo
Ryan 1 l S ~I \ ' & b b l FtllmOrrt\ J I 0 0 II 1
Ce tdwtll IW IJ·SI • 11 l 1 1 ·1
WP Ryan 2 r -1 11 A -1s.eo
Will John Be a
Reggie's Regiment ..... .,,,._
Hl•g_g 1C' .hick!-.on warm~ up in n g ht fwld Thursday '' h<'re
;i group ot his !>U pportcr.s c ''ho occup~ seats bought by
ht~ CCJndy bci r company 1 back him up This w<.1~ the• f1 r~t
11ml• .fachon pla~cd in n ght "incc.· he was madl· the
tt·am'::. de::.ign:.ill'd h 1t tC'r aftt•r lhl' All s t<1r g:im<' a nd
\\ :.1s suspl'nded hy form er managl'r Billy M artin He
r c.·s pondcd \\1th lour s ing les. <i homer and four R Rf m
the.• doublf'he<.iclt r
Dodger • m '79?
HORN, WllO TOOK UP s urf
in~ in 1950 whe n he was an 18
year o ld lifeguard at Huntington
Beach. finds himself competing
agam st his former Olympic w ater
polo coach. Or. Neal Kohlhase. in
addition to a pair of world hody
s urfing champions in Cr aig Hunn
'1977 > <1nd Lo yd Meisst•nburg
llorn 1s the first to admit he's
a n old timer in a sport d ominated
by youngsters but he has beC'n m
I.A Pitcher Seeking to Cet Three-year Pact
BOB HORN that role throughout m ost of his
a quatics career
He didn't st art swimming until he was a high school
senior in Whittier and he was 28 when he played for t he
Ur11ted StatC'S water polo teum in the 1960 Oly mpics in
Ro me.
"I had Ml much desire a nd enthus ias m for the sport
that l kept on playing unlll ( was 32 Most players burn out
at 21 or 22." he says proudly
HOR N FIGURES he s till might be a life~usrd at Hunt
mgto n Beach had he not been drafted by the Army durmg
the Korean Wa r
"I was 18 before I ever got down to the ocean so I was
rons 1derf'<I <1 nat lander befor e then." he says "But I was
'o sold on the area, I moved lo the beach It was a new hfe
See HORN. Page 89 ..
Ott .. Delly Pilet St•ll
The saga of Tomm~ John con
ttntl('S. .
John arrivrct at th<' Anaheim
Sheraton Hotel Thursday with ex·
pC'ctations of promotm~ his new
book appropriately named "The
To m m y .John Story "
But sport:.'\\ ritcrs m attendance
had someth1n~ t•ls<' tn mind.
namely John " contrac t dispute
with t hC'f)(xl~C'r'>
mg 0111 th<' scrnnd yC'a r of a two
Vl'llr contr<H'I wh1rh docsn 't con
i111n an oµti1111 l l.111 ... 1• Thus. he
becomes .i frt'l' Oi!t'nl when the
rt.•$lular M.'ason terminates
What J ohn a nd his attorney.
Bob Cohen. have been seeking
from the Dodgers 1s a three-year
contract The club ha s balked
because or John's age (35) and
''I'd like to have 11 three-year
contract," said John. "but I
h aven't~ offered anyth ing by
the c lub
"I still feel I have six Jotood ycarc:
in me l thmk a three year con
tract 1s notoutorline"
reli•vant 1n a baseba ll player.
l'Spcclally for a pitcher What 1s
import ant: and whut ma tte rs the
mo.,t he says. is hov. .rn 1nd1vidual
t nkcs care of h1mseU
· ·cuv" tal<l' b c·ttt r care• of
hl'm :-.t•lvt's nowad;iys -,;;:d
John ·1 v..ork harder during the
urf st•ason than I do during tht·
~ea son
"Look a t thl' Ph11lic:o.. they gave
Jim Kaut J two·yt·ar l'Ontract "''
the agt• of 40." ht.·~atd
"I\ m arathon runnn doesn I
rt'uch his peak until the mid 3<h>.
Tht.•rt' " no reason ,1 pitcher can t
pitc h 1f he take:. rare of h1msel1
Tht.•rt.• ·._ no r e..i~on ba:-c-bu!I
pluyc'r !' can't pluy mto 1ht. 40s
p h y .., I(' :l I a g (' d 0 (• s n . I !TI(' Un
anythtng ··
C'Oll E~ ,\:"\D JOllN had ~1v1 n
lhl· Dodger<; until Jul) ~I to roml'
up v. 1th an offt•r It v. u:-.n l ,, nov. ·
or nt•H•rdemand Tht·y JUSt want·
t•d someth1nj? to US<' al\ a g u1d ehne
for fut ur<.' negotia tions
Thl· <kadllnt• d a t e passed
without ,, wol'd from the Dodl(ers.
s a).., John
'WE llAVt: A Mt:ETI NG With
Al Campanis a nd Pct<'r O'l\1alley
Saturd ay We'll s,:o 1n and find out
wh,11 -. ha ppenin~ "
.John h as th<' numbers behind
him Ht:. career won loss record
v..11 h 1 hC' Dodgers 1s 71 33 for a
68:! wtnning percentage. the best
... inrt the Sandy t\oufa-< e ra This
w .1:-.nn ht• ~ 11 7 with a 3 59 ERA.
S<>t• JOH N. Page 8 9
-........ ·-.. ·--. --,,.
O•llY l'llot l'hOIO
Sherman Looks Baek
Ex:,. VSC Star Recal/,s Pro, Col/,ege Career
What impresses people most ubout Rod
Sherman ish1s class
HPrc is a man who wa:. the greatest receiver
slal1st1cally in USC hic;;lory bl'fore Lynn S\\ ann hroke
his record of most rctt'plions in a single season Yl'l
at the :.ige of 28. the prime age for most proft•s!>iOnJI
athlett·s. he retired from the game because of his
11.Jc.a Is and belief:..
Sh<•rman also held on to hts principles after his
1Jlay1ng days. lie fought for reinstatcml'nl to LC
I rvint· fnllm\1ng his dismissal as ass1~tanl alhlct 1c
d1rectot'. :.ind he got it Now. he's rc·s1gned his lJCI
position to possibly assumt.' directorship of athlt.'l1<·s
c.tl the Umversity of San Franc ti.co
CONCERNJ~G llJS n·tireml•nt from pm
fcssional football, Shl•rman ~<t) s it"' a~ a simple ca~t·
of ne~lect
"We'd run up and down the field some 21 ~-3 m iles
ad ay for six months out of
the year.
··1 was disenchanted
because wt· wcrc> used l('SS
than anybody else. I
a lways fe lt receiver s
••.arid N '"°'" were the best alhJetes in footbaJI and to be used as
sparingly astheywerewasa shame. In essence what
we became were very expensive cleanout men for
the backs
··That's part of thl' reason I retirC'd Thal. and I
was tiredoftbetravcllin'."
IN SHERMAN'S seven-year pro career he
played with six teams, including Oakland twice.
His final year was in 1973 with the Los Angeles
"I didn't evfn thtn!i I'd play that year," he said.
"Jus t prior to the season. Dr. Robert Kerl an nunkcd
me with back problems at the physical-much in the
same way <Roman> Gabriel was flunked.
"Someone got hurt though and they needed a re·
ceiver. I had a miraculous healing."
"I THI NK l 'LL ttlways re member my
sophomore gam<:> against UCLA in 1964 because I had
1ust transferred from there the year before and a lot
of thing~ had been said Not only did we win the game
hut I caughttwotouchdownpasses
"I guess the other two were against Notre Dame.
1 '11 remE.·mher the 1964 game when we came back
from 17 0 defil'1l to win 21-17 and I caught the
I ouch down pass to wtn
· 'Th<'v v.t•re 9-0 at t hl• time and had already been
dl'l'lare<l lhl' national champions USC thought sure-
h \\1th the "' m wed goto the Rose Bowl that year. but
till' com m1ltcc ell'ctcd Oregon State."
NOTRE D.\M E GOT REVENGE the following
.>car Sh<:>rmansa1d when he went to Notre Dame this
past season to attend the USC·Notre Oame contest
<ill it brought back wcrC' bad memories of that '65
"I think what I 'II remember most about that
game was the sense of intimidation by the fans. stu·
dent body. team. God ...
"When we wf'nt onto the fwld and saw all those
people we felt like saying 'excuse me, can we
·'I also remember being told the weather was go-
ing to be hot and l>Unny so we wore our jerseys and
ha If T-shirts and when we gotto the warm-ups we felt
hail stones hitting our helmets."
Notre Dame won the game28·7.
AS FOR ms PRO CAREER.Sherman claims he
doesn't miss much "l miss the camaraderie and the 100 percent ef.
fort the most. Pro football was a good way to make
money. meet some good people and become involved
with some super athletes. I was particularly im-
pn.•ssed wilh George Blanda while I was with
Sherman may not be playing football anymore.
but it's cviclent his class is still the same
...... fi'rom Page 88
RICARDO ... I N RE1'11NISCING about his playing days,
Sherman remembers his college days and coach
J ohn McKay best. "Coach McKay used to run football as a business fi eld goals in the final eight games of 1977 and
at use ... says Sherman. "He had a JOb to get done had the starting position locked up after pro-
and he got it done. ducing in a manner to make Detroit fans forget
Dealt 28-15
WIT loss
From AP Dispatches
Sue Barker whipped Nancy
Richey 6·1 in women's singles
and teamed with Kristien Shaw
fo r a 6-2 victory over Kathy
Harter and Francoise Durr in women's doubles Thursday
night to lead the Phoenix Rac-
quets to a 28-15 World Team
Tennis victory over the Anaheim
Phoenix won four of the five
sets before a crowd of 2,491 at
the Anaheim Convention Center
The onJy Anaheim victory was
recorded by .Mark Cox. who de·
feated Butch Walls 6·4 in men's
The Racquets' mixed doubles
team of Shaw and Walts
whi pped Anaheim's Durr and
Anand Amritraj 6 ·2 a nd
Phoenix's men's doubles team of
Syd Ball and Brian Cheney
downed Amritraj and CliCC
Drysdale 6·4
PMenia 28, AMM!m 1$ l•IAMIMiml
Women -Bar•t• IPI det Rocn•v • 1 Bar~.,
Shaw I Pl def Durr Harl•• 6 1
M•n Co• IAl 0.1 W•ll\ •.• Ball Cl>tno IPI o.t A Amrilr•1 O<y~le ...
MIUO W•lli-Sh•w IPI def A Amr11r•1 Durr 6·2.
A 1,4qf
LHA._in U . Ntw York JI
l•t Mew YOf111 Men -Geruldll•\ INY I Oef N•\1.S~ • J
Gerul•oll\·RUtffl\ INY I Gel V Amrotr•1 A
Amrllra1 .. J
Women -E•trt II.Al det Ruutll 6 O
Koyomur•·A"'Wll ll.l<I d•I RU\\ell·Anlhonv 1 S
Mo•eO -l(iyOmu••N••t•"" (I.Al df'J Anthony
Ruflels • • Overtime -V Amr1tra1 I< l<mnlr•1 II.Al act
Gerul•lll\·Au!ltl\ 1.0
A 11,6411
S.n Do-21. S.anto JS lat S.n Dk9ol
Women -IC Reid ISOI Ciel. Stove. Rl!OO<ICIO ~ 1 (.uypers-Rl!OO<ICIO <Si 0.1. IC Atjd.(;ue«Mlt
Men Laver •SDI dEI Corm•n 1•. Gorm•n-Sttwbrt ISi def l••~r.C.ase ~ J
Mut<I C.t~ C.uerr.1nt ($01 de f Slewtl1 Cuyper\ 6 4
Over-to""' -U"'"' C<\w-tSDI Otl Gorman
Stew•rl I 0
A l,35S
John Faces
LOS ANGELES {AP> -The slumping Pittsburgh Pirates,
who have lost rive stra ighl
games and 14 of their last 15 con
tests al Dodger Stadium. pro
vide the opposition for Lo~
Angeles over the weekend.
The teams begin a three.game
series tonight with John Can
delaria <8-10> pitching for the
Dodgen Slate
All~• KAIK 17901
TonlQhl PlttsburQll al L.oJ AnQ*I~\ I 2S P m
S.turO•'f Pltl\bur911 at l.a. ~ltt I> 55 Pm
Sundo P1llsbUr911 at LO!. ,..,.IP\ 11 SS P m
Pirates against Tommy John
< 11 ·7 >. The series continues
Saturday night and will be com·
pleted Sunday afternoon.
The Pirates dropped a 6·3 de·
cision to the San Diego Padres
Thursday. their fifth straight
loss and sixth setback in seven
outings. The Dodgers were idlt·
Los Angeles ent ers the•
weekend series in second place
in the National League West.
just t th games behind the first
place Sa•• Francisco Giants
Pittsburgh is in third plact' 10 the
NL East. trailing the division·
leading Philadelphia Philltes by
612 games
Friday. July 28. 1978 DAii. V PILOT 8 7
Extra Bour Added
Coaches Threaten
To Quit' En Masse
From AP Dispatches
EL CAJON -Seventy coaches say they'll quit in the nine-
schooJ Grossmont High School District because an extra classroom
hour is being added to their teaching load.
ActuaJly. only four resigned by Thursday. None of the other
resignations had been submitted despite a mass meeting at which the ,
decisiontoquit was announced. l
A pay raise or $4.000 a nnually to cover the extr a time was of-
fered and rejected e~rlier this week. a spokesman for the trustees
There are 140 coaches in the district at the eastern edge of San
If they quit coaching Aug. 27 as threatened, an effort will be
m ade quickly to sign up coaches on a part-time basis. Supt. Leland
Newcomer said.
.. IC they quit as teachers entirely. we would have a thousand
applications." he said.
Cutbacks blamed on Proposition 13 and the resulting smaller
revenues from property taxes were cited for the heavier work .
..------Quote oft~ Da11------
Reggie Jackson, following his return to the New York
Yankees' lineup which produced four singles. a homer anct
four RBI in a doubleheader in ;.,ddi tion to boo' and a f,'w
<'heers from Yankee faithful "The fans "'er en t foi.l
mouthed : they weren't even rcCJ ll y nasty In lact. ~omt· of
them were SClytng, 'Bunt. bunt~~ d:.iy It takes :.omething
to come up with that." "'-.._
Elsewhere in Sport• ..•
BASEBALL -Houston's J.R. Richard fired his third two-
h1tter of the season and Eno!> Cabell smgled three times to lead th!."·
Astros over the New York Mets. 8·3 . . Cleveland's Duane Kul~r
drilled a pair of bases·loaded tnples as tht In·
dians smashed the New York Yankees, 17·5, to
salvage a spltt of their doubleheader. Reggie
Jackson had four singles, a homer and four RBI
in the wild twin bill. The Yanks won the opener.
11 0 ... Bump WlUs and Mike Hargrove !ashed
fifth-inning home runs to give the Texas
Rangers a 3·1 victory over the saggmg Boston
Red Sox . Larry Gura scattered eight hits as
Kansas City downed Seattle. 3·1 . . Willi~
Horton hit a homer. double and smgle and drove
in two runs as the Oakland A's took advantage a
of four Chicago errors for a 7-4 wrn ... Eddie •u,,.P 111111.L\
Murray slammed a three·run homer and Ken Stngleton followed
with a solo blast to trigger the Baltimore Orioles to a 7.3 triumph
over the Detroit Tigers ... Ozzie Smilh collected three hits and
drove in a run to lead San Diego to cJ 6·3 victory over Pittsburgh
and a sweep of their three game sen es . . Mi.ke Cubbage hit for
the cycle and Stan Perzanowski. making his first appearancl' in
the big leagues in over two years. fired a s1x-h1tter a:; MmnesotJ
toppled Toronto, 6-3
The Kansa s City Royals announ ced that All star thm1
baseman George Brell will be out of action ror two week., becau~··
of an injury to his right hand ... Bill Bonham has begun throw1nt.:
again in hopes of re-entering the starting rotation of Cmcinnau
Bonham has been sidelined since before the All-star break with an
elbow 10jury ... Carl Yastnemski of the Boston Red Sox has bcu1
hospitali zed for a back ailment that could keep him out of th1·
lineup for 10 days.
HORSE RACING -Bill Sboemaker, the leadmg Jockey tro
thoroughbred racing history. registered his 7 .SOOth ltfet1me victor\
Thursday in the San Clemente Exchange Club Purst• befort· •
crowd of 12,286 at Del Mar Shoemaker pilo11•1l
favored Vic's Ma~1ctoa l 'h-lengthtnumph. Vil'
Magic paid $4.20. S3.20 and $2.80
SOCCER -Kt>vin Hector scored two goab
and added two assists as the Vancouv('r
Whitecaps beat the Los Angeles Aztecs. 4· 1. to
set a North American Soccer Leagu<: record for
consecutive victories at 10 before 22.910 .'.It Van·
couver . . . The sale of Memphis to Sonny
We rblin. the president of Madison Square
Gardens. is expected to bC' completed within JO
etLL SHOEMAKU days ... The Amertt'an Soccer LeaJ!ue h<•:.
awarded a franchise to Columbus. Ohio. begmntng tn 1979
GOLF -Defending tttlist Severino Ballesteros of Spam am!
Britain's Nick Faldo shot course record 64s. eight under par. t11
!.hare the first round lead tn the German Open tourney John
Fou~bt of Portland 1Aent three over par with a 75. but his even par
216 won the Sierra Nevada Open tourney at Stateltn<:. Nevada
F'ormer San Francisco 49er quarterback Johe Brodlt.' waf. thf' lo-..
<1mateur. finishing seventh with 223, tncludmg a ftnal round oi 71<
"I don't me;in for him to sound cold. HC' made the Errol Mann
gameoffootb:1llfun lv.aslhnlledtoplay inthatkind But then r;:ime the inJury injury and a Rhin. • OS Tackle of envirnnmt'ul · s('ason was lost.
Naturally, th<• three games he remembered So now Ricardo hopes to start anoth<:>r
FOOTBALL-Minnesota Viking quarterback Fran Tarkenton ap
pears to be fully recovered from :> le~ m1ury laH l'ovcmbt>r. Th•·
38·year·old quarterback can move without pam on his lower nght
he comes back to earth -m~~o~s-te_w_(_·r_e_c·_o_n_lc-·s-ts_1_n_v_o_lv-in_g_u_c_LA __ a_n_d_N_o_tr_e ___ r_i_d_e_u_p __ an_d_th_i_s_t_im_e_it_m_a_y_be_a_w_h_i_1e_b_e_f_or_e_IYuba c1·ty Next lei and says: "l feel good " With tht at
traction of O.J . Simpson, the San F'ranc1sco
49crs have sold 8.000 additional season tickets.
increasing the total to 40,186 Oakland's
J ohn Vella. :i starting offensive tackle the pai,t
ft\'e years. will miss mo~t of the season with a
torn chest muscle . . Ctncmnat: lmebacker
Chris Devlin has retir~d . . Dick Mack, the
brother of the Los Angeles Rams Tom Mack.
has been t abbed as an assistant coach at the
University of Cincinnati . The San Diego
Chargers have picked up the contract or of
AU.MOORS ...._,..,$o., Arr'O.,..,
L .~~~;~
Baseball Standings
West Division
Kans~1s City
W L Pct. GB
56 42 .571
54 48 .529 4
52 so .510 6
48 51 .485 81 ::
43 54 .443 121 :i
41 57 .418 15
36 66 .353 22
East Division
New York
63 36 .636
58 40 .592 412
56 44 .560 71--.z
55 44 .556 8
52 48 .520 11t ,
47 52 .475 16
36 65 .356 28
Tll11rM1<ty's ScorK
M•lw•ukee 6, A,,..1, l
Ne'# Yoo II s. C••wtaM 0 ,, Mlnnesotn, Torontol
Balllmore 7, Detroit J
O•klanO 1, Cl>ICeQO 4
Kanw\ City l. S.tlll• I r .. u>.~tonl
T .... y'1G.lmH
An9t1S IAaw 1 SI at Baltimore IPalm~r 12 .. I. n
K•MO City IGdl~ 11 JI at 801ton llorru 12·SI
Miiwaukee IAUQu~llne l~•I at Toronto IUn
IM'rwOOd S..101, n
O•kl•n018rOC>el"Q91)etCl•ttlalld IWl\jtl·l21 n
MlnnelOI• IZllM l ·•I ti Ntw York ITldrOw
4·11. n
S.alllt IHOnneyclll\ 4-SI •I Ootroll IROltm•
4·SI, 11
T••H !Comer >ii •t Clll"oo ($<11utltr l·•>. n
West Division
San Francisco
San Diego
W L Pct. GB
60 40 .600
59 42 .584 l 'h
58 42 .580 2 so 52 .490 11
46 53 .465 131h
45 56 .446 15~
East Division
Philadelphia 53 42 .558
Chicago 49 4R .505 S
Pittsburgh 47 49 .490 61 2
Montreal 47 55 .461 91 ~
New York 45 59 .433 121;<.a
St. Louis 40 61 .396 16
Stll D••oo •. PottsburQll l Hou•to118, New York l
Only 11ameoc-1ea -r-.v'•Games
Pltl\burv'> ICanclelarl• 1-101 ti °"9tf'I (Jofln
11 71. n Phlla<1elph01 <Carllon 9·9 and Ltrcn ••> at Cln-
(IM•ll ISM•or •·•and Normen •·Sl, t·n
Montrtel IRogen 11 7 -S<"-tz.O.r J.21 •t
Atl•nt• IM<Wllllams 2 0 •nd H•n,,. 1·11. H•
Nt• Vora <Koosm.tn ).tll •• Houston IDlllOl'I
S 71, n St Louis IDfonny 8 11 •I !Min D•eoo IJont• 1 ti
"Clllcaoo l!>ulttr 7 J and Krukow 4.01 •t S...
Fre11c1•co lla.,..11e 1·7 •M ICrwpper lt-61. n (111")1
o•m• I\ comoletlon ot 1U\~de0 Qtmtl
600 W . COAST HWY.• HEW.-OIT llACH • 64'-0262
The Orange County Rhinos
tackle the Yuba City Cougars :..t
Santa Ana Bowl Saturday rught
in California Football League
It begins at 7 :30 and the
Rhinos. seeking their fifth win
against no losses. will be coun·
tering the Cougars' passing
game with a ground game
featuring John Brasfie ld and
Gary Dixon.
Brasfield averages 4.5 yards
per carry and Dixon had added
a 3.2 yards per carry.
The Cougar s boast passer
Kyle Grossart, who has com plN
ed 45 of 94 passes for 696 yard~
A former Oregon State player.
Grossart has six touchdown
passes in three games and is
averaging 15.47 yards per com
let ion.
See The
fensive tackle Harvey Goodman irom the n A1t TA1tU1tTo1t
Philadelphia Eagle~ . . Ohio State foot ball wi ll bE' screened 1111
cable television in the fall in the Ohio <irea Tht· Buckeyes' 85,006
seat stadium has been sold out for lh(c \a!>t 50 gamu,
BOXING -Jimmy J ackson or !..o~ Angeles scored a spilt 10·
round decision over Pablo Baez or the Dominican Republic at tht•
Olympie Auditorium
Sports 011 Rodio4 Teleef#ion
RADIO: Tonight Angel~ at Baltimore. 4 3(l, i<M PC t7101
Pittsburgh at Los Angeles, KABC <i90 '
TV: Angels :it Baltimore. 4 30. Channels
DICK MILLER MOTORS nAMC/Jeep 12ow .. tw .....
s-t. .... 117·2 ll2 I MU SOUn4 Of SAH OHO NllWAY
... ' .. -..
118 CAIL Y Pit OT Friday July 28 19 78
Indians' Waits Pitches a Tune
NEW YORK IAI'> The !>cout1ng re·
po rt on Hi('k Wu1ts 1s good control.
rabulous curve b:.i ll und ;m t'Xct.>llcnt set
of vocal cords
The control and t·urvP bull landro the
left-ha nded J>ll<'ht•r a m a1or l<'agut• joh
with the Clevdand Indians The vocal
cords landed him m Studio :1.K of NBC's
··Tod ay" s hoY. 1•arly Thursd ay morning
·for his national singing dt.>but
' NINE HOURS after hl· tosst>d :1 thn·c·
run gopher b;,ill lo Lou P1rnl'lla in the•
ninth inning . Sl'nchng \\'ails. 7·ll. to a
:1 I loss to th1· Y a11kt·1·'>. th<> singing
pitcher h ad ;,innt h1·r s t;,irtmg assign-
ment He got tht• \\ 1n 1n this one. dis-
playing a s t rong \ 111e1· th<it ht• could
pitch high or low
RC'fore Thurscia~ ·._ J)('rforman<'e, he
was d abbed Y.llh m ake up :md wrote• out
his own cuc c-:irrl'> for '"Th<' Impossible
Orcam" -his m olht·r ·s favontC' song.
n ot a stateml'nl on the• Indians' pennant
I've been singing" lot longl'r." the con·
genia l 26-ycar-old W.11ts said before
host Tom Brokaw Sl'nl him to tht• sing-
ing m ound wilh instructwns to "Just be
WlllLE FRIE!':D .111<1 tc•a mmatt.'
Du:ine Kuiper paced 11t•1 \ousl)' offstagl'.
Waits launched into his olhl·r career.
His resonant voice h rought immediate
smiles to Kuiper and tlw show's staff.
and everything was go111J! ..,nmothly un-
t il W <tits made an t·r ror I I<-for~ot the
Showing ll•rrilic· ..,, :I J!I' prl' .... P nc·e.
Wa its hummf'd along d1·s111 1.1tl'ly look
ing for thC' s ign from llw t'U<' tJrds Cn-
fortunalely. he had madt• •• rook1t-·s
mistak(' The words he.• \\I ot<" on the cu<·
card s w(•rc• too small
.. , thouf,!ht lhl• <'.•m1·1.1 \\11uld lw
cloM•r ." ht• said
finis hed strongly. n •tmng the n•st of I ht•
words m order
.. I guess l proved I w asn 'l .1 pro-
fessional s inger." ht• s aid. angr y ahout
missing those words "I like to do f'V('f\<·
thing perfectly, and l tho ught thJ t \\as f.1r
from perfect
"When I forgot th<' words. m y mind
went blank. Jt was a strange fl·l'hnJ.! Th Jt
never happened to me bt•cfon• "
H E SAID LOSING Wednesday night''>
gum e oro a ninth-inning homer ;.ind los
mg the words Thursday morning \H·r t·
very comparable• ··Roth t1mt"' I hJd tht
s:.ime e mptiness m my s tom J ch ·
During Waits' walk back to l11s 110\l·I
two New YorkC'rs who h<td l'HUJ!ht hi'>
act on TV were quick to voice lht·1r opin·
ions.' "You sing rt>al .,..f'll." s aid one·.
··s tick to pitc hing,·· s houted th1· oth1 ·1
Waits began his musical 1·:.in·t·1 h.\
singing religious songs m h1:-. n.Jll\t'
Atla nta. His otht!r gigs have bt•f'n '>Ing
BUT TllERE ~.\S no n1•t•d to call for mg the national anthe m in Clevt>land
Jim Kern. Cleve land .., •H·t· r<.'hever. last month. whistling on the mound and
L Ot:IS \'ILLE . K y <AP J
l 'n:.l'l'dl'd Nick ~av1ano upst.•l No 6
Di ck Stockton Thursday wh1ll' Urian
Cottrm'<i. Eddie D1bbs and Manual
Or;rnlt•s als o advanc ed t o the
qua rterfinals in the Lou1sv11le In·
tt'rnat1onal Tennis Classic
Saviano tx·at Stockton fl I. i 6. 6·4
In the first set. Stockton v.on the
tiebreake r. 8·6, but Saviano nilhed to
\\in the second-set tiebreaker. i 3
The top ::.1:.'<.-ded Gotlfned polis hed
o ff un<;eeded Terry Moor 6·3. 6·4
D1bb~. the No 2 seed . beat No 9 Jose
ll1 g ur ras of Spam. 6·3. 6·4 Orantes.
the tl11rd seed. had an l'asy ti m(' in
hl'ating No 10 Jaime Fillo! or Ch1h:
G 2. 6 2
In othe r matches involving seeded
pl.iyer'>. No 8 John Alexander beat
fl'llu\\ Australian Rod Frawley 6 i .
h 2. ll ~ Jnd No i WoJtek Fibak of
Poland downed i\o hi Vi ctor r\maya
2·6. j 5. 6 3
In <.1 m atch involving \\\O non·
seeded players. Patricio Cornejo of
Chile. who upset Ro~cot> Tanne·r Wed-
nesday. toppled John Austin 6·3, 6·7.
Okker Tops Mottram
HILVERSUM. Ne atherlands -
Local h ero Tom Okker downed
:.econd seeded Buster Mottram of
Great Britain. 7'6. 7 5 Thursday in
the quarterfinals o f the Dutc h Open
tennis champ1ons h1ps .
In a nother q uarterfinal match.
Pe te r Eller of West Germany beat
No 4 seed Part1ck Pro1sy of France
6-2. 3·6. 6·3
Meet Set
second annu al World
Ho d ysurf1 n g c Ha m ·
pw nsh1ps a re scheduled
f o r A u g 25 2 7 at
Oc e ans 1d l''s Ha rbor
Heach with more than
400 t•ntrants expected in
the Sl'Vt•n d1v1s1on!>.
A ~1· bra c k1•t s a r e
12 14. 15 17. HI 24, 25-34 .
35·4-I . 45·!>4 and 55-and-
O\ t•r
Entrv fee 1s Sl for 18
a nd under . S2 for a ll
other". Contestant:> a re
perm 1tlt>d lht• use of fins
o nly with WC'tsu1ts op
t1 on:.il
Prl'hms for 12·14 a nd
15-17 am Friday CAug .
251 with tht· balance of
p r e l1m s Satu rd ay.
~t·m1f1nals and finals tn
.tll cah'gont·s will be on
the third day o f the
event with action s tart·
ing at 8 a m daily.
Entries. whic h must
la · rt•ct·1 vt'd prior to
Aug 22. must include
11:.ime. Jl.!l' as of Aug 25
.rnd tl'lephone number
to. Body:,urfing Conte st,
Box 90. Oceanside 92054.
s-dey, JttJy lOta Ltlerd St fl 01 a I c-t C .....
Off~ Good To Rnt JSO r..,i. W1to A.• for "'9 Tku+a
...._Ow ....... Dtpc lwwwut
Braid New 1978 HONDA ACCORD
11178 ...,,_ ~ -W CO-•IQ-AM/FM'""'°
• 5 112~~ •
Piu• '" C..C 16 •11~ Rlt<"""'I h 13llSO P"'<O<l>e u 310211 Oow1I , • .,, o~ 36f't"IOt'l"'ooen ~ teat,t: On •OOf01itM creo t
OPEH 7 DAYS A WEEk-9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
( 714) 540-9640
Sales and Service
2850 HarbcM ll•d.. Costo MHa 540.9'40
•· 1 get mort• n1•n ou ... "'twn I pitch Waits quickly rega1m·d his rhythm and singing in the s hower ~~~~~~:;:_...:::...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Braden's New Program
Off to Booming Start
Vic Braden's "80 Milhon By '80"
te nnis p~ram. d esigned to increase
the number of tennis player~ tn the u s lo 80 m1lhon tn 1980. is orr lo a
booming start
Initiated thrct• \H•cks ago, 45 nov·
ice Lennis pl<1y<.•rs ranging from 7.50
took part 111 an hour long clinic con-
ducted hy Bra<i<'n. who is thc driv-
ing force i><'hind llw pro1ect which he
calls .. the must .1m h1t111us sports pro·
gram 1n hi"lorv "
The part1C·1p,mh .ill '1f \lihom h<lV<'
httle or no tt•nn1s t'\JJC'rtt-nct·. Wt•n ·
started e1t lht• hl'1.,inn1ng with
Hraden showing lhl· JJl <iymg surfare
boundaries . t<-a ching the scoring
s ystem and discussing the basic ten-
h1s strokt>s. •· Le<t rn thl' basic strokes.
a nd you'll tw famous by Friday," he
te lls them.
The program 1s struc.'lurC'd so new
players are hroug ht in continuously.
The firs t st•s .... uin t'ons1s t ed of lhC'
original pro).!rJm "captains .. Cde-
s ignated recruiter '>) und two players
lhal each "capt;11n · hrought in.
For the follow1 n~ \I; <'Pk , earh of the
new recruits havt• to bring in two
friends, and so on
··w e hon~tly d1cin 'l know whut to
expect from our first clinic." Braden
s aid la ter .. It wa" vt•ry ('ncouraging
that everyone hrought tht•1r two pt..'O· pk ..
The clini c. l..'onductl'ct at El Toro
High , works on a "binomia l ex-
pansion" princ iple Ry the end of the
eight -week st•ri<·s of clinics. there
should be onr !l,000 new t ennis
player s in the El Toro <1re a
"If 9.000 c1l1t•s at•ros .... the country
a dopt the progrdm ." he add ed.
.. we 'll ha\.'(' 40 m1llwn new tennis
players m the t•ountry. Add this to
the 40 m ilhon ;ilread·y playing the
gam e and you have 80 million. In
Orange County and Lo ... Angeles
alone. there are over 1,000 ar eas that
can s uccessfully run this progra m "
Two t ennis skills tournamt>nts. to
benefit the California Youth T<'nnis
Foundation. are scheduled for llunt
ington Beach and Lagu na Niguel m
the next three Wl'ek.s.
The Huntington Beat:h 1 ournl·y v. 111
be h eld Saturday at th,• Lrndhorg
Racquet Club, 18162 Gothard The
Lag una Niguel contest v. Ill ta ke
place Aug. ~ at the Laguna Niguel
Racquet Club. 23500 Clubhouse Dr
F o r both sites . upper IA & B>
singles begin at noon. with lower IC
& D> singles. upper m1x l'd doubll.•s
and lower mixed doubles rollow111g a1
l :30, 3 and 4 30
Entry fees ar e $10 for douhll•s and
$5 for s ingles. All age:; a re wt.·lcomt•.
Van Linge,
Glasgow Win
NEW YORK -J erry Vei n l.1nge of
Irvine and Gail Glasgow of Nt•wrmrt
Beach have captured thl• fifth <1 n-
nual Kodel Cup mixed d oubles cham-
pionsh ip at Gro ssing<'r ·::. 1n New
Gla sgow a nd Van LingC'. Y.ho 1s the
Lennis pro at the .John Wayne T ennis
Club in Newport Beach. defeated
Eric Bae r and Maricaye Chris-
tianson, both of Woodla nd lfills. 6 -7,
6·2, 6·2, for the title
The win also qualifies Glasgow and
Van Lingc for the U !;;. Ope n which
will be pla yed in Aug ust at Flushing
Meadows in New York.
.. .,,.. .... . ... .. ... .... . ~' . •• ~ -t • . . • • ~ If 4 I
California's Richest
Horse Race in History
4961 E. KATELLA AVE., LOS ALAMITOS 90720 ( 213) 431-13 61 (714 ) 995-1234
.. __ ,. __ . --. )
89Break Par
Hartford ls Home
To Lany Ne/,son
W ETll E RS F l E LD. Conn
(AP> Larry Neb on m ight be
r eady lo adopt "l love Ha rtford"
as a theme song If bis s tring of
~uccess continues at the Sam my
Da vis J r Gr ea ter Ha rtfor d
Ne lson shot a 7-under-pa r 64
T h ursd ay to sha re the f irst
round lead with Phil Ha ncock.
"This is my fifth year here.
and the worst I've ever fi nished
IS a l.Je for 20th ... Nelson. 30, or
K e nn esaw . Ga .• s aid. H e
finished fourth in 1975. 18th in
1976 and second last year
··My game always comes
around when I get to Ha rtford.
Of COUrS{', then It seems to di1>
<ippear when I IC<ive." he said,
la ughing
"I ENJOY thJs course because
1t is not too demanding." Nel5on
sa id o f th e 6,534 y<i r d
Wethersfield Country Club
Ram Odds
Listed at 7 -2
RENO <API The defending
fhcr<· v.1·n · ti9 pla)'t.•r s s hool
ini.: lt·ss th.in pur 71 at the course
Thursday A tote.al of 25 mun·
were at cwn par PCA officials
a t the tou rna ment s<iid golfers
would probably have to s hoot un-
der p ar w make the cut today.
Hancock said his 64 was the
lowest round of h1~ profc5s1onal
car eer.
"It seemed as 1f every t1m l' I
pulled out an 1Mn. it was the
right club.·· Hancock said. ex·
plaining that he had few long
putts to face. The 24-year·old
native of Greenville. Ala .. put
together five birdies in s ix holes
:1t one point and didn't have a
bogey in tht.• round
R1ld Funseth. who s hot a record·
t ying 29 on the fr ont n ine .
Funseth ended the dc.ty with a 65.
tied with Artie McN1ckle and
J im Colbert J stroke off the
"This 1s the fir~t time in a
month th:.it I played." Funseth
s aid 'T m still not hitting the
ball well. but J µult<:d super on
the front nine ..
f '''' ,.o~ lectOer~ Tnuf\d•Y in ttt~ Sctmm•
D&••s Jr C<NH'r Hanford OIM'n ov'r tne •.~
vard. par 11 Wel.,.,r\fif'IO Country Clut>
f'ro• Page BJ
JOHN ...
j nd has come out or the bullpen in
ughl situations
.. R E D ADA MS, ( pitch inv.
roa<·h J ls not big on relieving." he
.. u1d . "but l think l can pitch out of
1 hl· bullpen between starts.
··About the second or third d ay
after a game J could be used I
havl' to throw those days anyway
c:1 lthough I wouldn't wa nt to go
more than an inning at most
• · J think I can do both. but l feel
m y value is greater as a starter "
Much has been said during the
last few weeks about what the
Dodgers are going to do with the
pitching rotation since the sudden
emergence of rookie Bob We lch.
J ohn feels he has a solution.
"I DON'T TlON K they can put
i,om ebody in the starting rotation
as good as I a m." a nswe red J ohn
whe n asked about bullpen duty
·'I think out of the six people we
h ave now. Bob Welch 1s probably
the best suited for relief pitching.
He can help us be tte r out of the
bullpen. At least. t hat's the way l
feel. But then. they don't consult
mcon thingslike lhat "
J ohn was consulted on his book.
howeve r. which starts with him in
Little u_.aguc and extends to his
bannerseasonof last year.
/S J(;lfA T YOf/ N07 tC.e
IN me S7/i.'OKIAl6 or
~Lt. VOOP PtM e/?5
cVcN (l)HOI F02Ce0
TlJ :5CRAM/Jl£ me
8CTTcR. Ff.A"l~li!5
~IN6 ~,+10071it.'f
WITH W~/51°5 f/UP
Ft~l'f ALt. THE WAY
20Ne KNces All~
(JENT FOi? 1.0IU 8AU.J
Cycles Return to Action
After a one·week vacat ion because of th«
Orange County Fair. speedway motorcycle racing
will return to the fairgrounds m Costa Mci,a
tonight with a special match race
Action at the 4uarll'r-m11t• dirt tratk begins at
8 with gates opening ~1t 6 30
The highlight of the t•vcnrng w1tl bl' lht' d uel
bt•tween Bobby Schwar tz and Dc.vt• Sim~
"A LOT OF PE OPLE think of Schwartz. a 21.yeur old out of Orange. has bt-cn
baseball pluycrs like a Hun. They particula rly effective an m atch race~ this season.
20,000 Expected
For Drag Races
A crowd an excei.:-or 20.000 1s e xpected when
thl· 12th annual PDA champ1onsh1ps get unde r way
tonight at Orange County International Raceway
in Irvine.
Qualifying rum .. fo r the two-day drag racing ar-
fa1r cire expected to run until 11 tonight and re-
i.umc Saturday morning at 9 Eliminations start a t
6 Sat~}l.Y night with the final eve nt pegged ror
around n :IJO.
There Wlll be four classes -top fuel. fuel run·
ny. alcohol funny and alcohol dragsters. A tot al of
80 d rivers a re entered
Two of thl' ma1or contenders in the top fuel
class a re Mar vin Graha m of Oklahoma City and
Larry Sutton of Cypress
Graham returns to OClR a fter winnmg lhe
PDA championships in 1975 and 1976. The m an
r unning the starting hne at that time. incidentJy.
w;ss Sutton. who has s ince started driving top fuel
clr.1g~ters and has e m erged as one of California 's
Other top nam t•s inc lude Ke lly Brown, wortd
c:hu mp1onsh1p leader . Dennis Sada. World Finals
and US Nationals, cha mpion : and defending
c~amp1on R1c·k Ramsey
Ht>ading the 32·car funny car field 1s Southwest
c·hamp1on J ohn Lombardo. Fullerton's J ohn Force
and Davl' Hough.
Stars Host San Diego
Tht• Orange County Stars ( 14·10> play the San
Dicgo Coml'ls tonight (7:301 at Fountain Valley
High and player·coach Dodge Parker hopes hi:.
team can snap their four game losing streak.
All four losses came on the road. and the last
three <Seattle. Denver . El Paso> were to tea m!'>
c:hamp1on Dallas Cowboys and
the Oakland R aiders ha ve been
tabbed as favorites to r ea ch the
SupC'r Bowl in the coming Na
tronal Football League season
P H•ncoo
l Nelwn
1.4 0-y
64 J.Nellord
J.t.).I "' 34-J.t-U
go into towns. rape their women. defeating current national champion Mike Ba:-.t.
eat t h eir food a nd leave a Alan Christian and Danny Becker p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;;;;;;;::;;::::::::;;;;;;;;;;.-
TPahtaht •osrndoetslrtruuec.tion behind them . The meet will also m ark Jim F1shback's first El 'MORE TOYOTA LEASING
with a combined record of 21·42.
Harr ah's Racebook listed the
Cowboys as 2·to-l favorites to
win another National Football
Conference. t itle and th<' Ha1dl'r~
v.ere 12·5prckstowinthe AFC
O<lds on otner NFC team> Los AnQ<?I~\ I 1 Sdn Franc1\(o ~1. Minnesota&. t, Detroit and Ct11cooo
t\ '· WdSfHnqton 1()..1, St LOUt\ dnd Ph1litoPll)n1a
JIJ t Atlan1a ~I. N~w York Giants SO t. N~•
Ort .. ans 7S 1 C.rl"'f\ Bay 100-1. T •mpa B•y 200 I
O<ld\ on otner AFC IHms M••m• 9 , -Eno rand. 0<;111mor• and Prlf\b1.,9r. 5 1 Oe<ovt •
imd C1n<1nfl•t1 1 1. ~ouston 8 1. S<in 01~vo JO 1,
Cl~•eland ol0-1 Bu!falo ano N~w York Jel\ /)I,
l(dns.ts C11y 100-1 andSealllt ,00 I
J Coll>ul
A Mc N10 lt' C. ,t1rc1'lf'r
R Caldwell
0 Oouqt"u
B Krauen
C. Mor9an L Etd~r
No Hdyt'S
8 Murphy
M Lye C PHte
l TllomPM>n c wr.1te
8 E.utwooo
P Ni(Gowan
II Mallt>I•
l Mokle.
33 )1 os
"1 )6 O)
3/ 3• o~
31 J4 66
3S.JI ...
l.) ll 116
JA 11 Oii
JJ 33 116
)O.Jb ~
3'33 61
ll ).I ~1
]).).I 61
11-.14 61
ll 34 01
JS 37 l>I
)I JI> .,,
3131 68
Jl-JS 08
34 34 o8
lS.33 "8
JS 33 68
fnr me hut I really e n1oyed rt The military stopped
I hat in a hurry. though I might still be there if I
hadn'I been through that ·
After being disch a rged. Horn e nrolled :.il
Fulle rton College before tra nsferring to Long
Beach State where he blossomed as a wate r polo
player. As a graduate student, he coa~hed the
49ers water polo for two years befor e moving on to
Cerritos College in 1960
.\FTER THREE YEARS there. he took the Job
a t UCLA where his 15-year tenure ma kes him the
rh.'on or Bruin coaches
To Horn. surfing is jus t more tha n a recrea·
J S~on• 3'36-68 r !> P\011 333~-a ppearance at the t rack this season. The Fontana L C !>tadler 34·3-l-U r !>lorv )4-).j-68
l l•QQler ).1).1~ "There's a lot of good people m native had been involved in the American qualify CBJC •s COROL• ... ~ TIUC"'
baseball a nd their story is never 1ng races for the international six day trial<. rn A • -~. "S f A•,.on lS..14 69
H Blanca\ JS.J.t 69 told. That's what this book tries to Sweden. 4WD LAMDCIUISEaS
C. Burn• 3"3S~9
A Curl J~34 -09
R Floyd :Mn-~•
do... cntcA S I I 629 , ... .,. •.
Ar C LIFTIACK + Tea The book has just been put on ea Surfe r s to ompe te H C.rtt'n ).I ))-f,4
C. C.ror. lS.).I ~9 the m arket and is published by C..1> Cott 1s.111 oo R-•~ r""" "'"* _... •237 29 ~ ut Mo Renl . i...,.,.. 41 Mo OEL J 1nmdt1 .1• )~ "' G JOhn\on l~ 14 1>9
M M<Lendlltl 34 H ~· r Purtzer lS J.t 69
M Qe1d 35'-JA 69
BE Sm1tr. lS.3' 69
J ~Pddhn lS .14 69
A lctP1•• Jl JI 69
8 ltnd~r )•..JS 69
Flem in~lf.RevellCo Steve Pow~rs of Hunt· Scholastic Surfing As!'>n ELMORE MO
It'stoo bad the publication dat e ington Beach and Roy surfing mL•N rnRs
couldn't have been put off a year. Go n 7. a I es of San The meet 1s slakd for tSJOO IUCH llVD .. WISTMI~
John's last ch apter with the C le m e nte have been 6 am. at Huntington Cr t714l H4-l l12,171411l•·2412.121llHMl7W
Dodgers mighthave beenhis best namedtocompet ean the t y Beach near L.Jke ASICFOlHOWAIDIOIBTS
~tory y~et~·~~~~~~~~~~~A~u:..:g~~1~9~N'..:.:a~t~1~0::.:n~a~l:,._:S~·t~r~e~e~t~~~~~~~..!:===========·=D=•=•L=Y=•=EMT~=·=L=S=ALS===O~·==========~
Deep Sea
Fish Report
D,llNA WHARF ,s, •nQlen 33'1
'"nd IMS\. ) barri>cuda, 11 bon•IO, 1
nolot>ut, 1 IS roo cOd, 2•7 m•O•ret
REDONDO ,,, an91en ' y,.llowt•ol 19 barr<Kuda SS Uh(a b.ts,, 510 ma<kert'I, 930 roo cOd 8ar9e -m jJOQlers 1,"10 ma<kt'ft'I, ,.no roek tOd
NEWPORT l,tlrt'sl -"""lllers
10 o.rracuci... 1 bon•to, 7• kelp ban.
S. wnd i>ess 371 m«kertl. U roe• <od IO•ftY'•I -122 _,_" n bar· r.teuda, l>8 _,110. 191 tMrr<t<ucla, S ~e11ow1a11, 15 rock <Oii. 9 r.1llbut. 1,01~ matl<e•e l.
SEAL BE,llCH -., at191en b9S rot• coo~ o)4J matker-e1. w ca1tco 110\. 10 '4nd 11 .. ,S. 8 •r9e -~8
•note•• 60 me<ker.t, lO wnci i..ss, u Mht>ut.11 roc~ (Oii.
MARIN,11 DEL REY -41 lnQler>
O S rock cod, 11S ~~ere!
t1onal activity. "It's a great workout," he says -----------
··1t ·s not like swimming up and down while st aring
at the bottom of a pool. I probably get mon' tired
.. urfin{! than swimm in~ in a pool during a
With over a quarter century as a body surfe!"·
!lorn ('OUld bt> l'alled a n exper t on the subJect l.t is
his opinion that body surfing r~qur re~ better swim·
ming ability than board surfing while sur~mg on
llandGun boards. which measure 18 by 12 tnches.
mulct be the wave of the future .
".\ LOT Of GREAT board surfers don't 1>\\-1m
""ell ;ind 1 remember a long time a~o many would
i:rl't under a wave and l would have to rescue
1hem " llorn rec·11ls "So you don't see those peo
pie o~t body surf~ng ·becouse there. you have to he
., little heller swimme r
"With the Hand Gun. there's a lot better
manueH•nng on waves. If you're not in a curl or
c;houlder. \'OU can accelerate a nd l?O lo it. You 'II -.p~ a lot o·r guy!'. do 360s lcom plete turns> and ac·
wally t ut acros:-. the ed ge on one of these.
"Onc:e into a wave. I can get both hands on it.
pn·-;s <town and raise my body clear up past my
waist It really bites the waler and 1 find 1 can ac·
n·le r ate. drop down into a wave and turn.
"I think it's gl11ng to revolutionize surfing ..
HORN HAS TUR NED his two sons on to surf·
111~ but has m1xt•d e motions about the weekend
romp<'l1t1on sincl' thc•y compete on opposing
tea m s. both of which he belongs to
But when the event begins Saturday morning
at 7 off of 18th Street in Newpor t Beach, three
blocks south of the pier . Horn will re mem ber t he
old t imes when he used to hang out at Orange
Coast area beaches
"If l had my choice. l'd surf at Huntan~ton
Beach or off or Trafalgar Street in San Clemente ...
be says "Those are the places to be ...
! .. J ............ ,. .... • • !.r •
60 Moo .f'ononc:inQ A••••
Driving a slu991sh car that coughs
misses or drags on lhe highway can ~
s~m lorlure frtat 1c e119ine perlor
mance is oflen caused by mnkca~
contamrnenls and sticking mech4n1cal
oarrs. In such u ses you can help restore
losl performance lhanks lo a special
formulalion called WYNN'S 11-ENGINE
!UN[ UP. !his famous 011 lrealmenl
worh In 10 m1nulcs as you drrve lo
help qurel •alvts and lifters, while ii
dissolves away 11.rmful lkPoStls. So to
help end highway lorlure, GET WYNN'S
More buying powet That's wt1a1
you get for your dollar when you
buy a Toyola Toyotas are well·
equipped with standard fealures
hke fully-trans1stor1zcd 1gnit1on
electric luel pump, power ass1c.,
ted front disc brakes. and morr
More comfort. The comfort of d
ca~ not a truck Standard 1n every
SR-5 Sport Truck P1ush carpet·
1ng. bucket seats. AM/FM radio.
and tinled glass all add up to
more comfort than you expcc1 of
a truck
More room. A cargo area over
seven feet long and an 1100 lb.
payload provides morethanample
room and ratings for most loads
More fuel economy. The Toyo1a
SA-5 Sport Trucks come standard
with 5-speed overdrive 1ransm1s
sron to help dehver more miles per
gallon In 1978 EPA leSIS. the SR-5
Sport Trucks were rared al 28 mpg
highway 21 mpg c11y These Call·
tornra EPA ratings are estimates
Your mileage will vary depending
on your drMng habits and your
truck's cond1t1on and equ1pmen1
MorepowecToyola trucks are
muscled by the largest standard
dl9placement engine 1n their
class. rhat produces more torque
1han any other standard engine
1n its class.
More confidence. That's wha1 we
build f!Nery day For more people
discover wtiy we can say. "If you
can find a better built truck than
Toyota buy 1t "And more and
more people are buying loyotas.
lind1ng out that Toyotas are built
better than they thought possible
More Choice. Seven different
Toyota truck models are avail·
able Long beds. Sport trucks
And a cab chassis More trucks
10 choose lrom than any other
manufacturers hne 1n our class.
More people to turn lo. The
Toyota dealer network rs com-
pnsed ot over 1,CXX> service depan-
ments When a Toyota does need
servtee 1t can get the finest.
.._ _______ MORE NOW. RIGHT NOw.------119111111-
• •
We can't tell you when. but all pnces wi ll probably go up, including trucks
So if you're th1nk1ng about buying a new truck. think about buying a Toyota n<JN.
There will probably never be a better time. And when you buy
a Toyota now, you'll find out what real satisfaction is.
,,,..._"*·•---..·-·--. .. . ... ·-·~-..
. ..
8f0 lv.IL V PILOl f riU.~ J.i1y 28 1978
On Mani11's Farerrell
CBS Outclassed Rivals
By 110\\i\RD SMITH
A~'-"» •• .,..
Chalk urw up ror CBS on lht·
Billy Martin ~1tual1on Con~ukr
ABC embarrm.~ed
When Murtan mJdl' hi s
farewell :1ddrcss us Yankl'e
ma 1,1a1cr Monday 11ftcrnoon al
th e C rown Center Hotel 1n
Kansas Caty, the re was only
on e film crew on hand, a crew
from CBS' Chicago Bure<:iu
Martin, grim and haggard, tried
10 read a s talcmcnt of resignu·
tion, broke down in tears und
had to be l<.'Cl away by team
It was a tremendously moving
moment and CBS used its ex-
clusive film nationally on the
(•vening news ::.how. ABC. with
several tons or equipment in
town for the Mond<1y night
ballgame. caml..' up empty.
THE C RF.W that ftlml'd
Martin's rcs1gnat1 on was in
Kansas Caty on another as!.1gn·
ment , covering Rt•v . Jesse
Jackson and has Oper<Jtaon Push
When the latest chapter in the
Yosnkees·Martan drama began to
break Monday morning. the film
c rew was directed to the holC'I to
JllSI u>hen ~
thought ii was
sak to go hack
in the theater. ..
..,ct• 1r they t•ould coml' up with
Tht' hott•I was Jammed "1th
"raters. r ad10 poop le-;rnd rl(I
f c" er th ;111 ~ 1 x• TV <'re w s
rt•J)rc~enL1ng the thn•t· net work::.
Jnd three local slutum~ 'fhc
Yankees announced that there
would be a s tatement on the
situation later al the ballpark
and that nothing would happen
at the hotel. All the camera
crews left for the ballpark ex·
cept one.
Rick Brown, produc·cr with tht•
CBS crew. phoned Martin an his
hotel room :md Martin said he'd
be down shortly. So Brown de
c1ded to ignore the mass exodu~
of the other camera cn•ws and
stay put for a while ll paid off
only on<.•s who got 1t." said
S u s a n K " r i• h c r , ;.is s 1s t a n l
mnnager of C HS' C h1cu~o
Bureau "It was lucky, but 1l
* *
wu:. also d1hct-nce and hard work ··
A RC. down but not out, trat'd lo
get th<.• film from CDS for US<.•
dunn~ the Mond<Jy fli ght gamt·
Film exchanges or sporting
events a re not uncommon. but
was this a s portmg event?
"We pursued this story ~·s <1
competitive news event," s;.iys
Larry Doyle, acting national
news editor for CBS "If our peo-
ple throu1th good work. and
tenacity gel a story on our own l
don't see that it's necessary we
s hare 1t. We consider this a news
s tory.
"ABC requested 1t and I re
fused "
.\BC DID A DECENT J<>l>. on
thL• ~tory, getting inte rviews
"1th \'ankl•c off1c1 a ls and
pl ay<.'rs But 1t d1dn 't gel l\1artm
or the res ignation film. CUS had
I hat ont> a lone
And, to top It off, CRS' local
:.tat1on an New York. acting on a
tip from Kansas City. was lhl'
only station to get an interview
\\1th M.irtan when he flew back
lo NL•w York Tuesday
Not J bad d:.iy'::. work
* * * *
Sot 1trdo11'• TV A9e11do
11.1:; a.m 14) BASEBALL -Philudclph1a
at Cinl'111nuti
12'30 pm. ~ m FOOTBALL -The Miami
Dolphins meet the Philadelphia Eagles in the Pro
r•'ootball Hall or F'ame Game at Canton. Ohio.
Ip m <22> PRO SOCCER.
2 30 c3tl > WORLD CUP SOCCER
J l1 ghlights of past g<J mcs in the 1978 season
J pm !21 GOLF --Thard·round pl ay
<t~1pcd I in the Sammy Davis Jr Greate r Hartford
Open <521 KICK BOXING.
J\ tribute Lo Bobby Riggs, the most celebrated
sports hustlc-r in the history of tennis.
Tapl'd covC'ragc of the Gold Cup power boat race.
;\n Ohio rivC'r race•, a nd the women's Junio r gym-
n:.ist1cs cha mpJOns h1 p!-> from Tokyo. <52 1
5 pm !281 PRO SOCCER. <521 BOXING.
l i p.m <52 > WRESTLING.
The Los Angel<'s Strings meet the Nets in Houston
9 p.m < 11 l PRO SOCCER -The Los
Ange lC's Aztecs meet the Minnesota Kicks at
Bloominglon. Minn. in a North American Soccer
Lc3gu1• m:itc·h
Su11day'• TV Agenda
10:45 ~1 m <34> SOCCER.
11 a m 12) TENNIS Coverage 0£ the
s1nglt•s f1n :1b :it the Lo uisville International
Classic: <!l1 Bi\SEBALL The Angels meet
Orioles al Balllmon·
1 p.m. !2) GOL•' -Final-round play in the
·~r"Y Wilt.Y4f) JVAANTMA··~
Sammy Davis Jr C reater Hartford Open at the
6.598-yard, par 71 layout at the Wethersfield-Coun-
try Club in Conn£.'ct1c·ut. -.A ·-."' .;...-.•.,-..,,}.a,. ._.~HA~ . .£ ... ..,."-lf~~Ul :Iii f1M~Hl5()N ;'>!•1\l'{rwQ!ll
.iM• (l()OM ''-'"""""~ •U O <>•' Ot'J"·Aill l<JT>if'11,.1.N!) -
ll•,.l !.,.MA11Yww.c;.hmd1'1 ..... lllff"Ak Mwcbv!.,...ROllll"n."'
i,.. .-, •11t•~"\.fAO~lX..'A.:l~-J~~Yl•C.,Hf\:\M4trl'\ ~"<1bt o-NW·~
-R mmcno ~ ' -"-. --
Anaheim (714) 772·8902 Orange (71 4) 639-8770
Costo Mesa (7 14) 646-0573
'llr,1qv1• 11lt1·t
t 11mb 1nJ lte n) •·"''
'•tl"i> loniwr 'l<>P'
'i0°u mori• dirt
& Tail Pipe
lumbo Size
l' ,4r J 19 now t'.J
onlv .-i24 2 29
now 1 01 tub<'
only 6BR. ()(.UR
Disc Brake
lf 6?w~el ')('I
7 .?I\ llR 101 l11U' modrl Chevrolt'I
701 IR, 77!lR. 77lR for
mO\I I ord. Mercury
,.. .
1 :30 (4 ) -TENNIS -Eddje Dibbs meets Cliff
Orvsdale in a WCT match. taped al Las Vegas .
. 2·30 <9> -HORSE Rt\ONG The Rainbow
Futurity. tht• second Jewel in the triple crown of
quarter·horse racing. from Ruidoso, New Mex-
ico; (4) -SPORTSWORLD -A.J . Foyt and Bob·
by J\lhson arf' among the entries in the Michigan
200 ~tock car race. taped a l Brooklyn, Mich. Also,
the Special Olympics for retarded children is ex·
a mined und boxing ratings are investigated.
All Climate
Pr1rt·~ ~ood
l11lv lO
10-40 Oil
new. 53c (ft onlv
I 1m1t l2 qh
~ ~
Ball ~,--;
2" ~ 4~? .~,
Valve 11.,, i
A d•fl\. ,., pllhOW<I \,1lvf'
'"•'\''·'"''' • W •. ,f It C
• ~I •
., •4 "'I'•'
• ~ ' I' ~ •• 1
I 11' m.~f\V (, \1 t orrt <•''' l1.:h1 ffuCl '
Motorcraft • s·park62!h
I 11 Mml U ~ (",u, F. I 111ht 1 rnt i.,,
I 1m11 2 '>t•I\ PNC m1oml'I
.. . ' ...
By OICK ROBINSON 0 1 llW D.tlly PtlOI Sl.tll
SAN DIEGO Th(•f1 sh BOATING an~ in th<.• 31st lnte rclub 1 I
Alba core Tournum1•nl
on the first duy wui. to
say the least !.cratchy
Though no off1c1ul
al bu cor e c o unt w<.1 s Sol Cat uvaalablt-l'<ll'ly today,
many or tht• flt'l'l of 66
boats r eported taking Sa••-~ o nly one or two lon~fan 111«1•.,
in lhe firs t day's com·
pet1t1on Co t 1\1 ;1nv of ttll' ;m glers Tripe e
n•por1(•d tht•y cauAht no
fish from 5 a m Thur:.· Sol Cat sailor-. from
day morning until 2 throughout Southl•rn
o'c lock that afternoon California are en route
WI th l h I.' c I u s • v l' lo Lake Tahoe where lhc
a lbacore playing hide Wt>s lern R egional
and seek. 12 fish decked Championship for the
h y B 1 I I B r 1 d g t' s o f 1 8 . 1 5 a n d 2 o f 0 0 t
Newport Be:.ich and has \ ersions of the speedy
acwonllont·ywas:in1m ca,tam · ran art> prcss1vc scorl..'. ThC'rc h d I as n was an unconfirmed io;c e u ed aturday a d
rumor around lht· w<.·1gh Sunday . ..,c:.i lcs at th<.• San Diego .The Sol. Cal·l8 class
Marian Club thut a boat w.11~ be d1v1ded into three
had report< .. 'Cl Hi fish an the d1v1s1ons. The 15 an~ 20
sack fool classes arc required
lt ;.1ppcars thcavcr<1ge to ~ave five pre·
take that dad catch fi sh registered boa t s to
found lhC'm scattered 1n make a c.lass. . .
s mall schools 50 to 120 F ollow1!1g regastrat~on
miles WC'stcrly or San ~nd a skippers meeting
Dl('gO. The ra sh caught S~turday .. four races
were big, in the 25-30 will ~e . sailed. weather
pound cluss permitting. Two races
While the· tournamPnt ure s cheduled on Sun·
fishermen <.1re ~•llowcd day .
to use onlv singl<' hook Four trc;>ph1es will be
lurt·s . Pven the· pa rty awarded an each class
IJoats wath plenty of live p lus a trophy for the
bait on bourd wt•re re· fleet with the bc!>t atten
porting catching only up dancC'
to 10 fish Thursday
Smee ;J wct•k asw LO· M d
day \\hl·n lhe a lbacore an-ma e
count an San Dll'go was
2.300 fish . lhC' fish have L k L bt•t•n m1gr<.1 ling. thl'n up a e ores
;.1nd do"n :mc1 ..,p<>ok~
With fish bl·mg taken
fa r north of thest• rashing yachtsmen g r o unds off M o rro
B~y when the compel•· . lion rcconvL•ncsSaturd:.iy SO!Jthland boaters. in
m the lnkrclub Albacore cludmg owners of out·
Tournament. th1.• winnmg b ~a rd s a nd s m ~ 11
team will no doubt be de· s ailboats. are making
e1dcd bvtht•skippcrs th<Jl more and n:iore use of
art.· ~itting right on top of Lake Castaac. a man
a hungry school of fish m ade body of w~ter that
when thc lincsgointothc offer.s 29 n:iile s of
watcral5a.m Saturday. shorelme an~ as located
Winners of th<• tourna -about 35 minutes from
mcnt will be honored <•t the heart of the San
a ban q u <.' t ,1 l th t' Fernando yalley. ~
A i r p 0 rt c r I n n 1 n Castaac as now 118 fe<'l
lrvmeSundaycvcnang from 1Lo; drough.t low of 1977 and near ats peak
height. It offers 2.235
surface acres and a full
r an ge of r ecreational Del Mar, boating rac1litaes.
Del Mar "°' Thunda1 I Zlld CIO 01 .. -0.y ,.,.tl1ft9 I
""'I rac..-Chtl'f ol All '0 80. IJ ,0, 6 80. P•t•l•C Honey II •O ~ •0.
PrtnCl''\ SoflQ • 60 Second r110 l(t;~nv• 33 00. q 80,
680, L•lll~ RtQ H•a 180. JOO Vl1><>rl~h 4 00 O~llV Ooulllt Clltpf of All .,nd f(f'""VA l>l•d \.t).4 10 T lltrO , M:t Oloom•no .. 10, ~ 00,
'80 Spr"'q (v¥nl 3 00, '10. Mo<f'
Thrtll\ '10 0 E.,.CI•~ •nd l J>dtd
Siii SO
Four111 ,,..~ F10 ' Sor•o / 10 l IO.
l 10 Plt.O l IO, 3 40 M•" 801<1 M•
1or ~I>() l'•ltn racf' Wondv Moo~ I> 40 S 00.
300. (•ltl>ay 1•00. 1>00. Prt<OC•OU•
E•glf' J 00 SS EX•tld ~ •NI J P.ttd
Ull> SO Soalh <llCf' f IHI P.tl~foH~ t ,0,
• 10. 1 'O Botd C W C S 00. 3 IO.
Cltnch P•f' S 10
Stvf'nth rtt<f' E tf'Qant VI( lrf'\~.
• 401 ) 70. 1 60 Ciun11 <.~rtr 8 80
s •0. Mt" ROll<'rlo J 00 u f'O <I•-• •nd I p.ttd ISi 00
E•911tn rdtf' Voe'• M•qtc • '0
J 10. 'llO Sonnv COlllM I 80. • 6()
Maqn•h•t• 1 :IO
Ntnlh rtKe SlilrQUMrl • 00 >!Ml
1 60. Tr"" YGV. ) 10 180 Sn~m
Delle, 4 00. SS h•<I• I> .. nd I P~•d
l'I 00
Allonda~f 17,780
Los Alamitos
Far ThurM:l•v
t•Olh o4 '2·1119111 m .. 11n111
F tr\t r"c.e Mt1r9\um A W1nnt}r
S 00, J 40,? 80, Hm lln(lllC, I 00, S CC.
Siar\ Avovr f'Mr, • 00, U ~'"''" ~ <Incl' Pltd )Q AO
S•cono '""' -r 1 Sot t• Lrqua•. 16 00, ) 60, •Ml f&vour•tr Moon.
• 60. l 60, C"41k Hiii Martn" 1> 80
Thord rac~ll M«' MarlllA, • 00
'60. , 80, B•o M ClllO Kttt•n J 60,
l.40. Lto Mo«. Ci"'·• 40 Fourlll rillCl'-W., Coun,~llor I 00
1 •o, 'ao COl'd two. l ~o. 'ao
Oualt\!. J ..0. SS t •actt 1> •na I 11<1•<1
6() 00
Flftn ra<f'-lun.tthtc. 16 80 I •0.
• 60. HtHOolyM, I) 10, I 80, Hy M• '°' Allen. 3 IO SIWlll •Ke-Luv A Jf'I 12 10 s •0.
l •O. Turnllttn TumD1twua. l •O
l 00, Ouel'fl 0 Orttm• • 10. U ec.tc I• I Ind• 1>1•d 101 SO Sl'v•ntn •t<t rr ... C1•r • 60 • 00
J 40 Two To Cio, 4 10 l 40 D•• Nt•I 81r s 70
E10M11 •it<• B•vou Oooo•• 1 w
Cil!t M1n Cio. • 40 • 00 Reoqnu•q
Sltr. ) 00. '1 fllllCI• ~ <lfl<J ) Pata
41 80
N1nlh •<Kf-111 8 Sl•rr. S IO J 10. ,,40, Ci4 8y JO l 00 '60 flOlt Pa\
QUAlt l 40, S) rH <l•-S •M • p11a
J• so
Att•ndanct' • ll6
Pro Soccer
Hor1h A,.....lc•n s.<ctr L• .. ,..
T .. ,.. ~. HOU\lon 0
Vancouv~r I, l-0\ 4'not••• 1 A merl<MI S.C cer 1. ..... Satr•rt1en10 ), CltvtltnO 1
l a rgest of the w ater
... t o rage areas for
Nor the rn California
wate r sent south through
the California Aqueduct.
There have been a s
ma n y as 900 boats
la unched on the lake in a
single day recently,
The lake has facilities
for putting 18 boats in
the water at the s ame
time at the main launch
area. and there are
another six l aunching
lanes nearby.
The lake offers s pecial
areas for wate r s kiing.
fi s hing, cruising and
visited the lake recently
say there a re sa ndy
beaches for relaxing at
the lake. located just off
Inters tate 5, approx.
1mately 35 miles from
Van Nuys. There are
also swimming and pie·
nic areas.
The tab for launching
a boat is $1. The water
al Cas taic is warm and
ideal ror all forms or
rC'creatlonal boating
Regatta Set
Pacific Marine r s
Yacht Club at Marina
dcl Rey will be host to
this year's all-Ericson
regatta. Aug. 19·20.
The regatta is open to
311 Ericson·26. 27. 29. 30,
32, 34, 35 and 37 owners.
co .. 1al lt'ead1er
<,o,,.. •ti. nlQlll -l'Ml y rMtnlno tow c lo\;d\ ot,..tw•\• l•I• lodo
I00119PI S.turOty
l l9hl v••l•blt w1no1 nfoM Mid
morn1no hOuN H~ S.tllf'd<ly In
tow 10\ •I tit«~ to'°' lnl•n<I.
CO•ll•I 1-tllltt\ Wiii <•not
Dth .. tft t.4 •ftd II '"'""Cl tern· ~r11urt\ wlll rtflQe .,.,_,. M •""
.. Th• ••ltf t~r•lure will Dt •i.
Second lllQfl l ... o"' ) •
t lt\I IOw
t=1r1t noon
Sttond 1.,.,
SKOflll llftf\
I. 14•"'
, .Htt"' u 11 om &..Opm
0 I
1 J
Ftral 11\w l )1" m OJ
f'tt\I lltOft I 21 •"' ) I ~.,,.tow 1 ooo m 1 • ~<-lllOfl 1·:1011111 ,,
\1;11 t1s.1• 01.t m Wll I $10 m
~ tlW\ I 11 f m , Mlt ) $t p rn
Laser Flight,
Etchells Race
Top Calendar
D.tlly Pilot e .. u .... Wrtlff
Two maJor yuchtang events this weekend will
keep sailors busy both msade the bay and on out
side ocean courses.
The big spectator event Wlll be the Fhght of
the Lasers, an annual Chamber of Commerce s ud·
den death smnll boat race which I!) expected Lo
draw nearly 100 of the 5porty little catboats for a
f1vc ·mil<' race inside the bay startang·Sunday at
l o 'clockoffthC' Balboa Pavilion.
J\ preview of things to come wall be seen an th.-
El c hells·22 Western Regiona l Champ1onsh1p..,
sponsored by 'the Newport Harbor Yacht Club on •
ocean courses Saturday a nd Sunday The regional:<.
wall be a prelude to thl' world championship for th<.·
class which wall also be ho::.ted by NHYC s tarting
Aug 12
THE FLIGHT OF THE Lasers t!> an heir to thl'
famous F1ight of the Snowbirds which dtlracted
spectators to th<.• tlurbor Area tor more than three
decades to watch the a ntics of the "world's largest
httle yacht rart· ..
The C of C'.:; Flights feature multiple a ward:.
from the first boat to ranas h to the f1rsl girl.
youngest girl. younge!)t boy. oldest s kipper and
first married couple
The fivc·m1IC' race begins off the Ba lboa
Pavilion. runs to the far reaches of the South Lido
Channel. back around the east end of Lido Isle. up
the North Lido Channel. then down the bay to a
mark off the Coast Guard dock and back to the
starting point for a finish.
THE ETCHELLS·22 IS a popula r . h:gh
performance one·des1gn class that was designed
by Skip Etchells. a renowned international Stat
Class skipper. for a possible three.man Olympic
keel boat. The boat was not accepted as an Olym·
pie Class but did gam recognition as an internu
11onal class from the International Yacht Racing
The regiona l cha mp1onsh1p 1s expected to
drnw cntnes Crom throughout the Pacific Coast.
including some who will stay lor the "world's" tht·
following week
On the ocean racing front . the Seal ~ach
Yacht Club and the Da na Point Yacht Club an·
Joining forces for the annual Seal Beach to Dane.
Point race which gets under way Saturday for In
te rn:lt1onal Orfs horC' Rul<' < IOR I . PerformancP
H andica p Rac1nR Fleet < PHRF). Midget Ocean
Racing F1cet and ocean racing catamarans.
THE YACHT RACING Union Cruise 1s alreaoy
under way, starting las t Wednesday with a rac('
from Los Angeles Harbor to Howland's Landing
Cata lina island. Othe r races are scheduled from
covc·to·covc on the island through Sunda y with
time out in between for the "cruisin', boozin' and
snooz in' crowd, The YRU is an organization of
some 13 yacht clubs in Southe rn California .
The Capistrano Bay Yacht Club is hol<ling lht>
fourth race of its Junior Series for Sabot and Laser
sailors on Sunday.
The Newport Ha rbor Yacht Club will also be
host Saturday and Sunday for women sailors com
petang for a berth an the s emifinals of the t:mted
States Yacht Racing Union's Adams Cup, symbolic
of the women·ssailing cha mp1onsh1p.
soc1at1on calendar
LH A .... 19'·L•llt .. Kit
SEAL BEACH YA(Ht CLUB -~•I Bl'«ll to 0.11• POtnl ••<~ llOR PHRF, M()RF, ORCAI s..iurel4•. 'i\lftClll¥ YACH T RA(IN(', UNIO.. VRU •.Cl'<tUtW to C.t•ll ... 1\1.tftd, !Odo
!HI IUtcH •. Soindt¥ s .... 1.-.c•a.,
CALIFORNIA YACt4T CLUB -Buoy Mani• •tee IC>wrtO<I "40 •. '•" ntr Sl'rll'\ l\oo I>, Weller Sefll'' No.•· ~" W••tl't No.•. Ly .. No. •I !Hllur
do.su110.,-K INCi HARBOR Y4'CHT CLUB -01"9fl¥ lnvllalt0nttl r~tt•. Soltutd&¥
P AClflCMARll'f£RSYACHl CLUB -Wom<>nr.lu,SuMa•
d•¥ WINOJAMMERS YACHT ClUB -f(J(I Cup Revan•. S.tM•dn. SUfld ..
"··~···-NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB -Elcllell\ n flHl Cfl.tml>'Oft\htp
S.lura.tv. suno.v. Adllrn\ Tropnv rttct, S<ltu•dllv, Sutld.1¥ DANA POINT YACHT CLUB -SHI 841..:n to 0<1n<1 P0tnl ••Ce. S.tur
dav. Sunday. CAPISTRANO BAV VACHT CLUB -JUlttor S.ri@i No • ILHer. SabOll
Sundo S.t,,DI ...
an COROkAOO VACHT CLUB -B•r• TrOPIW r..:t C111v1t•lt0<1•I h•nO•l.41ll
5Un<141 MISSl()t.I BAY YACHl CLUB -Juntor Sfl>OI Nlion.111 c,..mpH)f'ISlltp, '°'
day, S..turoav. Sunday OC.EANSIOE VACHT CLUB -Ctlalt"4 Cni1w, Sunc1<ty
Doldrums SHIM (all <l<K'>l'\I Suncl"v SAN DIECiO YACHT CLUB JeS\OP Ser..., tC.1·201 Salurelav, 5'1""••
I( llJ n111t°""I <MmPK>n•lllP, S.turelay s..ncMy. C.P14tn < Cup, S.turddv,
Sundn. SUmmtr S.tll'\ IEl<llell• n1 Sun<Ur . _,,,,.~II'• l!nt llO• Slit•
""'· Cl.tt-t St~t IT BttO: Sun<l.>v Htr111-1..UM
ANACAPA YACHT CLU8 -Sct1-s.n.s l'IO 4 l,._.Rf:1 S•IU'da• Sun .,.,
<lo . Sunclrt SANTA BARBARA SAILINCi CLU8 -s.-S.ttu l'fo I. lon<o·
~\19fl, PH Rf I 5unOrt SAN LUIS V4'CHT CLU8 -SUfTlmP< Setlt\ l'OO J, S.lurOtv Suncle~
Boaters Warned
About Oil Usage
The Boating Industry Association (BIA> has
issued a "cons ume r alert" warning outboard
motor owners agains t mixing less oil with their
gas than the manufacturer recommends.
Donald I. Reed, BIA director of engineering.
said several marketers of outboard motor 011 have
been advertising a nd la beling their products a s
"BlA Certified TC·W''. and recommending a gas to
oil ratio of 100: 1. Outboarders who follow these re-
commendations are risking mechanical problems
and may void their warranties. he warned.
"The fact is that BIA certifies two.cycle
engine oils t o be u sed at manufacturer·
recommended r atios. All American outboard
manufacturer s currently recomme nd 50. l" Reed
"Mlx.ing gas and 011 at 100: 1 could cause bear
Ing failure and shorten engme life. especially 1f
lead·free fuels arc bemg used To keep the warran-
ty valid. outboard motor manufncturers require
following their recommendations." Reed said
"We've warned every oil m arketer we've das ·
covered making such cla ims to alter them. but the
cons or mlslcadlngly·labeled 011 already on the
mtn-ket are causinl{ problems," Reed observed
··we havt no quarrel with the oils lhcmselve~
We've had no r<'ports or problems when they'rt'
used at the recommended 50 I ratio." he con
A concert tot tolar energy with· &
Bobbi A Clyde, SteYe Gilltttt. Colt
l Young, Joni King and Wiiton
Clartc of Solar Cal. 2 p .m Sunday
July 30, l!dwardt Lido TtlHttt,
Newport Btach. SS donation
Mneflt• O.C.C. Recycllng Center
INSIDE : •Intermission
•Out 'n About
•Movie Reviews
•Rock Concert . (;J
t-nd.ly July 28 1976 DAILY PILOT
'Pacific Overtures' May Turn Tide
r .
' f.
\ ,
Warming Up
To Occasion
OCC Musicals
Depend on Crowd
Of t• Dally "llet Ii.ff
As Orange Coast College readies its 12th
sum mer musical comedy. one cast member can
look back to the origlnal production in what was
then the brand new OCC Auditorium.
Stan Throneberry played Ll. Joe Cable in
that 1956 "South Pacific" wh.ich was staged as
both an inaugural or the auditorium and a corn·
memoration of the golden jubilee for the city of
Newport Beach. which is part of the Coast
Community College District.
THIS YEAR HE plays Kayama in "Pacific
Overtures." Stephen Sondheim ·s version of
Commodore Perry's 1853 expedition to open
Japan to western culture. Throneberry will have appeared in a total
of 12 OCC musicals over the years and he s ays
it's the variety of shows as well as directors that
has ke pt the tradition ali vc.
·'The thing 1 admire." he reflected. "is that
the production staff is constantly striving for
quality. They've never mounted a s lipshod pro·
duct1on. "And." he added. ''it's an outstanding op·
port unity to work with talented young people.·•
THE AIM TOWARD excellence is even
greater this year. Collt>ge officials. foced with budget cub
necessitated by Proposition 13. told drama de-
partment instructors last month that ir the pro·
duction can't p~1y for itself in ticket sales. it
won 't be scht•dult•d m•xt summer
Orama instructor Bill Purkiss. director or
this summer's s how. thinks he can make the
musical pay
·'This 1s un £'vent that lradittonally draws
''ell ;.ind this l1mt'.' l think wc have an excep-
tional play to present," ht: commented.
PURKISS IS HEDG l ~G his bet a bit by ex·
panding his paying aud1cnct:. For instance.
dress rt'.'hearsa l on Tuesday will be for a paying
audience. Those tickets. however. ure reserved
for tasl and crew members
Folksinger Steve Gillette will headline a
benefit for Orange Coast College's Recycljng
Center and solar energy education programs
Sunday at the Lido Theater. Newport Beach.
The three-hour concert. Here Comes the
Sun. also will feature the country-folk-rock
sounds of Bobbi and Clyde and the Seaweed
Cowboys und the Top 40 stylings of Young and
Cole Gillette. composer of folk hits r ecorded by
Cordon Lightfoot. John Denver. Ian and Sylvia
and Sunshine Company. is a regular performer
at the Cask ·N Cleaver restaurant in Orange. He
will be emcee. too Concertgocrs also will view examples or
solar energy technology and information about
the proposed recycling center at OCC.
The publtc will ha ve four even1n~
performances to attend Wednesday through
Saturday. Aug 5 and a newly added matinee on
Aug 6 Purkiss. who talked the college trustees into
"investing" about Sl0.000 in the musical. aho
got officials to raise thl' ticket price to S3 to help
insure a return on the investment
BASED ON LAST year·:-. attendance ol
.1bout 5.500 and with tht· ;1dd1t10n of t\.\O mon·
rrny111g pcrform;,inct·:-.. J>urktM• c·onftdently pn·
Music and special visuals by Lowell Norman
will be accompanied by Joni King's interpretive
Bobbi and Clyde and the Seaweed Cowboys
entertain at the Depot. Ben Brown's, Reuben E
Lee and Ancient Mariner restaurants while
Young and Cole. popular regulars at the Reuben
E. Lee. are appearing at Disneyland this sum·
m er "Here Comes the Sun 1s to be an entertain
ing and educational afternoon for young people
and young families." said producer Clyde
Lucas. "The idea is to provide a good time
while raising funds to promote solar energy
All performers and personnel are donating
lhei r time and talents. Lucas said. Sponsors donating production costs include
d1<·t-. h1:-. shO\\ .... 111 ht· J f1nanc1al. a:. well as
<1rt1:.t1c hit
t\ lung st:.mdinl! trad1t1on hke th1:. should
he on •• paying bas1 .... " hl· acknowledge:-. · After
a ll . th1i. 1:-Jn event that t'verybody looks
lorward to <after :ill thcs(• yt•ars" Esp(•cially 1 hl ca..,t me mber..,. The OCC
-.ummcr musical has provided a starting spot
tor a sl'rtl'" ot studl'nb who'vt gone on to acting
IS1•1• 1',\{.'l t'lC l'ageC:!>
• l11<t111rat••'"--•••r-:
Wilson Clark, executive secr etary of
California's SolarCal Council will discuss the
benefits of solar energy and tax incentives for
home and business conversion to solar systems. <See·SUN, Page CS> ~~~~~~~~~~~
Upeoast Ups Staging
Long Beach's New Theaters Long on Sp/,endor
I t /. .
Ot 111e D•ll f ,ilot si.tt
The new facilities are indeed impressive.
but will it play in Long Beach'>
That seems to be the biggest question sur
rounding the two newest additions to the Long
Beach Convention and Entertainment Center.
whic h is now a viable contender for a healthy
share of the Orange Coast entertainment dollar
BARELY &·MONTHS OLD, the spacious
3.l4l·seat Terrace and intimate 862·seat Center
theaters mark the completion of that $51 million
oceanfront complex. By teaming up the new theaters with the
14.000 seat Arena and 178.000 square.foot Ex·
hibition Hall. convention complex officials are
glowing over the diverse booking possibilities .
On a given night. the complex could con·
c·eivably offer a circus in the Arena. a
Broadway musical in the T errace . a nd
Shakespeare in the Center without disturbin~ a
boat show in the Exhibition Hall.
division director for the complex. admits that
manager Dick Shaff's staff is bein~ cautious in
deciding what will be the entertainment
mainstays. "We're learning along with the building
what will play in Long Beach. and quite frankly.
1f you make a mistake. you make a big mis
take." says Baessler. For example. vocalist Al
Green turned up only half a house but crowds
were turned away for Benny Goodman's recent
While the Te.rrace Theater has offered a
mixed menu since its Jan. 28 openlng-iwery-
thing from pianist Van Cliburn with the Long
Beach Symphony to a Jackson Browne benefit
for a clinic treating schizophrenia -there can
be no conflict over the aesthetics of the building
and its surroundings.
pond. fountains, planter boxes with trees and
nowers and decoratlve brickwork greet patrons
in the outdoor plaza of the Terrace.
The immense s tructure designed by
Architect."§ Associated of Long Beach features
noor·to·ceiling glass which reveals the circular
Inner wall of Appalachian Oak
Spaciousness Is a key. The 200-foot wide
Grand Lobby derives Its beauty from stark
geometric lines and an absence of clutter. A
cantilevered staircase which ascends In twin
stairways some 45 feet provides access lo the
loge and balcony.
Dally"' ... p ..... .., ,etrlO O'~
(See STAGES, Pa1e C>
_,.. __ , __ ~_....,. ,, ....... ",..,, .. ,,.. ,. ...... , . . ...
(': . --. .. .. -, ., .--. -....... ...... ---.. --)
. .
... ...
~ • . • • .
.. ..
~ ..
l . . • . • • • 1 ..
~ :~
('!? OAJL v f'ILU I Fno.y, JUI/ 29, 1978
Sons Back
New Brubeck
Thl' N~w Brubeck Quartet. like the Dave
Brubeck Qu<irt<'l of a gt-ncrat1on ago -a Jau
i:roup with a i.ohdly fust-!d, cun
t l'm p o r ary ~o und -w ill
perform at 7 .30 and 10 o'clock
tonight at lhe La Mirada Civic
Tickets priced at $6. 75 and
$7.75 are available at the box of-
fi ce. 14900 La Mirada Blvd.
Phone 994-6310.
The quartet was formally
introduced into the interna-
HUHcK tional jazz s cene in 1977,
performing at such premier festivals as Newport,
Nice, Montreux, London's Royal and Holland's
North Sea. Their 1978 tour has included South
Joining Dave in the new foursome are bis
three sons -Darius. on electric keyboards and
synthesizer : Chris, electric bass and trombone and
Dan, on drums.
These two generations fuse into a unified whole
as they perform a repertoire of new compos itions,
old jazz favorites. Duke Ellington classics and
Brubeck trade marks such as "Take Five." "In
Your Own Sweet Way" and "Blue Rondo a la
Dave Brube<:k has been acknowledged as an
innovative pianist for 30 years, and now each son
is a n accomplished musician in his own right.
. · ......
.\nllllUl' ' •Slol l\I Jt•h tnt:'>
•Pinball Machml·~
\ .. .......
to •M••••n
•Bras,., Ca:-.h Hc~1:.L<'rl>
•AnLH1uc Ar<'adt· Eqwpmenl
2009 N. Main St.
~anta Ana, CA 9?706
C714) 835·0105
•~I Laau .. CUQ9• a..4
Laauaa a.:acaa, CaUf.
. · ~or Jq · .
~ For the art lover
3,39 Via lido. NB 673-5'30
A rare selection of antique L1moge
bo,xes. ladies watches. very fine
miniature paintings on ivroy and
porcelain. in addition to our array of
Old Master paintings, 1s now on
display and we invite all investors
and art lovers to avail themselves of
this opportunity.
All p a1nt1ng s carry a 7 day
un co ndit1 o n a 1 money back
Seil from the
Newport Beaob
Along The Beeutiful California Coastline
R...vations requlr9d -673--t798 · $10 per person
. ..
D•llY f'li.t SWI f'IWIA
Once inside the t wo·tiered theater.
ticket holders are treated to lushly upholstered
!>ea ts. unobstructed si ~hllines and flawless
acoustks (ceiling designed by Or. Paul Ven-
tacla usen )
The Kligel 2.000 lighting system has 160
channels and a computt!n zed capability of 300
pre·set pos1t1ons to accent performers on the
142-foot wide, 48 foot·deep stage .
Speaker!> fo r the Allee three·channel sound
syste m arc located m the 65·foot high pro
scenium arch and ure cont rolled from a booth in
the balcony. allowing the sound engineer to hea r
t•x<ictly what the audience hears.
!\I :my of th<.• sumc fc<1 tures are incorpora ted
on a smalll'r scalt• to the adjacent Center
T heater
Doe Dold
Lagunan Still Stoops
Trying to peek backwards through 40 years
1s almost impossible for many of us -either
because memories have s lipped away or
because we didn't even exis t all that time ago
Not so m the case of one cast member of
Laguna Beach's fa med Pageant or the Maste rs.
in which gTeat works of art are recreated with
live models
BACK IN 1938 he posed m tht-title role of
Millet 's m asterpiece. "Man with the Hoe.·
wh ich depicts a bucolic scene in France.
This summer he appea rs m that same role
He 1s tall , athletic, a ffable a nd articulate
Ed Hobert of Laguna Beach who through the in -
tervening years has a ppeared in several
Pageants, he!>1dt'S helping the operation 1n
various way~ -for example. by being the of
ficial photographer back in 1966.
HOBERT RECALLS t!arly Pageants when
the re was not only no dcm uod for tickets : there
were no tickets period.
"Al showtime." he say~. "an announcement
was m ade over the public address system invit-
ing Festival visitors to go to the ends of the
grounds. be scakd a nd watch what Mr Ropp
called the Pageant of the Masters "
Roy Ropp was the originator of the presen-
tation that, through th<' y('ars. became steadily
better and blossomed into a l>cllout success that
is now famous around the world That free in-
vitation, by the way. was back in 1935. when the
three.year-old Festi val was held in a car park
adjacent lo what 1~ now the Art Museum near
Heisler Park.
DESPITE THE VAST improvements .
Hobert says the early days featured something
that has long since faded into a mere memory
-na mely. a parade a long the coast highway or
cast members in cos tume.
The sight of Atlas carrying the world on his
s houlder and strutting down the hill from what
was the art gallery was something no one could
ignore. he recalls. Sure enough, the eye.
catching scene helped build interest and atten·
dance at Laguna's "little dress· up show." as
many people then called it.
Modest though he 1s. Hobert would have no
comeback if anyone s hould accuse him or
''playing God," since that's exactly what he did
back in 1950 when he portrayed that role in
"Creation of Man,·· the famous fresco
Michelangelo painted for Rome's Sistine
This year's Pageant runs through Aug.
27. Curtain time is 8.30 p.m .• while the exhibi·
lion groundc; are open daily from noon to 11:30
for the display of work by local artists and
craftsmen .
A 20·foot thrust st age lends a theater·in-the·
round like intimacy to the Center, which has
serv(·d up plays likl' Shelley Winters in "Man in
th e Moon Ma rigolds" a nd Neil Simon·s
"Califo rnia Suite" during ats initial season
SIX PL'\ VS ARE scheduled for its first sub
script1on seas on. Rostand's "Cyra no de
Bergerac.·• o~mng Wednesday. Sept. 20, will
s tar Stacy Keach and Stephanie Powers.
Other produc tions will include "Our Town."
"The Man Who Came to Dinner." "Romeo and
Juliet ... "In the Boom Boom Room" and "Cat
on a Hot Tm Roof · ·
This weekend's appe arance by Mexico's
Ba llet Folklon co has been extended to five
Baessler says the staff at the complex will
continue ats sclcct1ve a nd slow.moving ap·
proach for its fledgling entertamment additions.
And. he notes. Orange Coast patrons will
play a maJor part in the future of the complex.
The comforts of the theaters are supported
by the short driving distance and plenty of light·
cd parking. As Baessler puts it. the Long Beach
Convention and Entertainment Center is there
to provide "everything that goes with an even-
'\ -,... .... -· .
Red Hill to Paularlno ·Next to Control Tower
West Side
~ 714~7 52-1600
........ -· ....... ·... ... .. ..... -_ . ..., -... .. . .. .. \ . • • "f -
.. . . ' . .. . . -.......... , ..... ._. ___ _
A special appearance by Helen O'Connell.
famous singer with Bob Eberly and the Jimmy
Do r sey Orc h f'::.tr a , wtll
highlight the outdoor concert at
9 15 p.m .. Monday on the mall
at Fashion Island
To over a half-billion rans
around the world. Helen O'Con·
ncll is the vivacious blonde who
co·hosted the "Miss Universe
Pageant." last Monday. Some
don't know her as the singer
who introduced and popularized
international classics they've O'COMNaLL
sung and danced to for for years -since ''Green
Eyes" or "Tangerine" at a senior prom.
Still others are 11eeing and recalling Helen as
the insouciant "resident female" who. 'for two
years. traded quips and interview chores with
Dave Garroway on NBC's "Today Show," singing
only occasionally. In this rare public appearance
her voice has the power and two-octave range to
work open·air theater.in-the-round unmiked.
Backed by Henry Brandon's 35·piece or-
chestra. the program will open with Mozart's
"Marriage of Figaro Overture." and will include
"Jobim by Brandon," "Feelings," and "Close En·
counters Theme."
The free programs spohsored jointly by the
fas hion Island Merchants' Association and The
Irvine Company in cooperation with the Musi·
cian's Performance Trust Fund, attracted 4.SOO
people for each performance last year and will
continue every Monday evening in August.
De Winne
Ongmal L1tho~raph Ed1llon 200 First Ed1t1on
~,,,,,,aiea ~']alku4P.)
:J7:! So. Coast lligh~a', Lal(una Beach. C.\ !1:!1151
0J>(!n Daily t0.00·5.00 l'M •714 1 494 2672
...... -........
OUT N ABOUT Fnday July 28. 1978 D"IL y PILOT C3
• Please Don't Feed RDDlors
Kam 's, Amelia's Restaurants Open as Usual Along Coast Highway
flow do people get m1 slt:d as they do?
That 's what & cou ple of Coast Highway
restaurateurs arc asking in the wake of er-
roneous reports that they 're no longer m bust
Despite the everyday indications of bemg
open ~s usual -cars in the parking lots. night·
time 1llumanataon, etc -Amelia's in Newport
Beach and Kam's m Corona del Ma r continue to
receive daily inqumes from customers confused
about the restaurants' current status.
IN BOTH INSTANCES. we're told. some
members of. the dining public apparently have
been taken m by a couple of false stories. So
<a long with wondering why phony tales persist
as long as they do > r feel il's more than high
lime to put the rumors to rest.
Kam's, according to the hearsay, is either cl~sed or about to close because the property is
being taken over for construction of a new
branch of the Bank of Newport But the truth of
Acts a la Mode
The Cypress College Patrons of the Arti.
\I. I I I st>rve an apple pie and ice cream dessert on
opening nli(ht of ''The Apple Tree."
The social will begin at 6:30 p.m. Wedncs
day outside of the Culinary Arts building adjacent
to tbe theater. The play will follow at8 p. m
Apple pie and ice cream will be 95 cents
with coffee or lemonade selling for 25 cent::.
Hosts and hostesses will include Marion Stone·
king of San Juan Capistrano.
The musical. presented by lhe college's
lhcalcr arts department, will continue Aug. 3·5.
All pt•rformanccs are at 8 p.m. in the campui.
theater. Tickets cost S2 at the box office
"The Apple Tree" 1s a mus ical collage or
thn•(• short :-,torics : "The Diary or Adam and
EH'." h~ :\lark Twain. "The Lady or The
T i ger." by Frank R . Stockton and
"P :.l!>Siont>lla." by J uJes Ft>iffer
·a ____ 1A_L~a/1kWHAL~ i
673 4633
Cantonese Food
ut here or
take home
111 21st Pl., Newport Buch ORlole 3-9560
MOOfl to Midloicrit Oaity-W~~ Until I :00 a.•.
on• n YUas .. .....-... u
' ,.
' I I
c1~g re QEba l}ickens
I nl roducing our
f rom 11:00 a.m.
< 1 u~~1c (J111c he.''
"fJu11IJll! Waffl<'. "J:;yqs
/fr n t'rl ICI tnl'." "Crah
.\1•1dwr11" 111111 our Spt'uol
C/111 rl1 s C>wkNIS \111n1
Grill ..
Open Dally 10-2
Monday thru Thursday Specials
(Friday, Saturday, Sunday 'Ill 6 pm )
excep1 noltOays
Red Snapper ... . .. 3.95
Mahl Mahl . .. . .. . .. .. .. • • .. .. . 4.45
Grilled Sea Bass ................ 4.45
Top Sirloin Ste.k .............. 4. 75
New York Steak ............... S.45
Lobster Tall ..................... 6.45
Steak & Lobster ............... 7.45
PtusFresh Fish. Other Seafood and Steaks
#Intl 6e1t-01l
3901 E COAST HWY •CORONA DEL MAR• (714167~0900
11 :30 A.M.-2:00 P.M.
MON.•SAT. 5:30 P,M.
SUN. 5:00 P.M.
SUNDAYS -10 A.M.·2 P.M.
.·ii'• -
the matter 1s that the proposed bank 1s slated
for an adjacent location and Kam's holds a
long·lerm lease on lhe present site.
At issue here, too, is considerable unce r-
tainty about the area's ruture in terms of en-
vironmental protection, the Coastal Com·
m1ss100 and tramc control. Even so, let it be
known that none or these factors has any bear-
ing on Kam's continued operation ror the
foreseeable time to come.
cuisine 1s still available at 2121 E. Coast
Highway. Corona del Mar, seven days a week
for lunch a nd dinner. Telephone: 673-4477
Out 'N About
Norman Stanley
The spurious intimation that Amelia's bas
closed. or 1s about to do so, has Its basis an -of
all things -a sign. And the lesson to be learned
in this case is to look carefully if you don't want
to be cited for myopic v1s1on.
Overhead, on the building NEXT to that 1n
which Amelia's is located. a sign reads: FOR
LEASE. So know the sign concerns Amelia's
neighborini:t structure. NOT the restaurant
Amelia's, too. is open as always with its top·
notch Italian and seafood specialties: 3300 W
Coast Highway, Newport Beach. DiMer seven
days. lunch wee kdays, Sunday brunch
Telephone: 642-9434. • • •
boundaries. summer a lways seems to add a
s pecial measure of enjoym ent to dinner theatre.
That faclor, togethe r with this week's openings
of a couple of new shows on the local circuit.
g ives promise or several pleasurable outings
ll1g hc..,l (Juahty
l'-aun· Mcx.icun Foods
"Aon.-Tht... 11·30 am. to 10 p.m.
Fn &Xit. 11:300.m.10 II p.m. (Q(KTAI~
)undoy 4 p.m. to I 0 p.m.
962-791 1
_ ............... * I
! f 'Earl~ 'Bird cMenu t
t /\. SllRIMr T[MPURA and Sl:MMC C:dlCl\LN t
A palate pleasrnq c.omb1na11on ol
marinBIJd chicken and shrimp rempum 5·1.!I;,
t u. TEMrURA "l:ArOOU DINNrR t
6ut1erlly ~h11mp and f1lr1 of sole '
d1ppe<11n ii batrc-r ano duuO·lrte<I 6 10 a golden pcrtuc11on SI % A.
f' f. Y/\KI NIKll 'I:
Thtn &11(.eS ol l)PPI. 6 nrcporr>d with onion • ny s..iuc tJ t r dnO St'VOO COl1d1mcn!S SJ •fi ,
U. SHl\K TIRIYAKI 6 C1101c1Jsl berl magn1llCf'nlly broiled t r 10 PIOilSU your d1sc11mona11ng taste S.t.'l!'i • t RICE SOUP OF THE O"Y TEA t
t llHDIBtll t
find Us on the North Side or f fashion Isla nd, Newport Center t
t Reservations honored: 644-4811 t
from 10 a.m.
Great New Brunch Menu!
Creal€.' vn1 ..,. o~ ('\""'\lets ..•
Belglah l/affles ... and morel-
. \
Olxieland Band
Begins At 12:30
......... ____ ,.
.... -.
One of America 's greatest comediennes.
Martha Rayt'. opened last Wednesday in the
comedy "Everybody Loves Opal ... at Sebas
lian 's West Dinner Playhouse in San Clementt•
With _Miss Raye starrmg m the title role. the
show IS slated to run th rough Sunday. Sept. 3
"Opal" is ~rformed nightly, except Mon-
day. with a special Wednesday matinee availa
ble for groups. Price of admission includes din
oer. show. tax and coffee.
Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse 1s
located at 140 Avenida Pico. just off the Pacific
Coast Highway. Telephone for reservations
492·9950. '
IN TIIE M EANTIME. the h.ighly-acch11med
production of "Damn Yankees" that had been
playing there has moved to Sebastian ·s Dinner
Playhouse at the Grand Hotel. Ana heim
"Yankees" also plays nightly, Tuesday through Sun~ay. and there's a special Sunday brunch
Th.e Grand Hotel 1s located at t Hotel Way,
Anaheim, across from Disneyland and Just orr
the Sa~ta Ana Freew<.1y. Telephone and show re· servahons: 772-7710.
. Jn another opening last Tuesday, Woody Al
lens corned~·'. "Play it Agam. Sam''. starring
lla rvey Levine and featuring Ma rk Shapiro as
Bo_gart_. commenced a limited run at the Harle-
quin Dinner Playhouse in Santa Ana
Admission includes dinner. dancing, pre·
show .. entertai~ment and. the Allen Comedy. A
:.pcc1a lly priced preview performance is
scheduled for Sunday
T he Harlequin Dinner Playhouse is located
at 3503 S. Harbor Blvd .. between Sunflower and
MacArth~ Blvds, just north of the San Diego
Freeway in Santa Ana. Reservations: 979·5511. • • •
scene of yet another fun-filled event next Mon-
day. And disco enthusiasts. togethe r with aspiring
a nd established circuit dancers, should be out in
record numbers.
Delicious Chinese Food
At Reasonable Prices
I Fast Merchant's Special Luncti I
Served Mon.-Fn 11 ·oo am to 3·00 pm
Dinner Served All Day
HOURS.' 11 :00 A .M . TO 9:30 P.M . DAILY
PHONE (714) 557-2882
Stars in ·opal' at Sebastian's West
The O<'Cas1on -C'1llt'd <in "Au~w ·!. Purty"
-1.s tht· first of .i seru.•s of disco dance contests
in the hotel's Crystal Baliroom. The ~venang'.s
ft•.s\JVltlC!>. including a variety show for total CO·
tertainment. arc slated to ~el under way ut 8
Super disc JOCkt·y Gary Michaels. nominal
cd as DJ of the year on the Orange County
dance contest c1rcu1t. will emcee the event. A
dance .exh!b1Lion by Lo:. Angeles· disco cham-pion Nicholas R('y will <:llso be featured
Two da nce contf'sts comprise the main
event.-New Y~rk and Latin hustle for couples;
anything goes with acrobatics and flips
A total of S380 cash prizes will be ·1warded
in each category ir. denominations of $100. $50.
$25. $15. Celebrity JUdges include Regis Philbin
and Sara Purcell of Channel 7''> .. A M .. show
W-1U.Nlw" CAff{-~ r ·-.i ~J1fur \\'ayt1c nnd Jucqi.elml' Hagan znv1t1•
ynu tn en1011 u superlative gourmet eI
perie rc1•. u Ill' rt' c r y :;tal chandelten
1.1l'ivet seats and lusl1 greenery provtde an
elegant and mtzmate sertzng for a superb
lme-course feast
At The Big Yellow House. that's all it costs for all tht• good old· ~ -~'
fashioned cooking you can eat ... just $4. 95 for adults. even le~s for 'Iil f\'..=:
most children. We serve hearty platters of golden fncd ch1ckm. e
garden fresh ve~etablcs. masht!d potatoes ano gn1v~. soup and ::;alttd. ..a
hot com bread wilh honey butter. plus a second entrE'l' chm
changes every day. Cocktails and wine are available. And Wt'
accept VISA and Master Charge.
Dinner: Mon.·ThurR. 5-9. Fri. 5-1 O. Sal. 4· 10. Sun. 12-U.
The 811 Yellow llou11e ln Cost• Mt'sa 11 open for lunch Monday through Frida)'. 11:30.2:00 p.m.
• • • r r •
The Big Yellow Bouse
1639 East Imperial Highway. Bren • 3010 Harbor Blvd., Co~ta Mt.·~·'
-··.-.i ·'-·-·---.........
. . ~
C-1 DAILY PILOT rrioay July 28 1978
:Magic Fest Slated
. World's Best Due in Claremont
What are billed as h1ghl1ght tbe event, featured in booths on lbe
some or the world's top jointly sponsored by The grounds.
magicians will appear in La ff Stop in Newport Magicians. previously
The First Magic Fest for Beach. s een in Sout hern
Southern California The patio and lake Ca lifornia o nly at
Aug. 12 and 13 at the area at Griswold's Old Hollywood's Magic Cas·
Laff Stop at Griswold's School House will be the tie, will appear in stage
in Cla remont. site for wandering magi· shows in the pavilion al
Close-up magic con· c ians , fire·eal ers , l , J·JO and 6 p.m. each
t ests. roving enter· mimes and jugglers . day.
tainers and three stage C l o s e • u p m a g i c Contestants in a close·
_s_· h_o_w_s_d_a_i l_y_w_i_I_l _s_o_u_v_e_n_i_r_s_w_i_l_l _b _e up m agic contest will
------------------co mpete for band · ~olden ·"'''· :-.,., ~~ -.Jragon· . ·._
Speciotizing In Chinese A lo C.orte Dishes
Food To Take Out
11 30 AM lo 10 PM.
Z02J ...... ltYd.
642-7162 • 631-9911
sc ulpted ceramic
troph ies and a paid
engagement at The Larr
Stop in Newport Beach.
The close-up contest ls
open to amateur and
professional magicians.
Admission to the
pavilion shows is $3.50
adults , $1.50 for those
under 12.
Those wishing to enter
the close-up contest may
telephone <213> 464· 7523
"'-----------------..,. for information.
. .. ..
i: I:
T e Taste of Italy
34294 Coast Hw'}l.,Dana Point , c:a.
For reservations 493-0604
TASTE TREAT ~ #: J GJfltl-.-J.01e.
• (.,APT AIN·s TABLE COFF f;f SHOP -24 HRS. IOPPO!OtlU OtanQC CountyA1rpot1I
(714) 833-2770
Tom Titus Daily Pilot
Karl Wray Anaheim Bulletin
"' .... ill~<-,
'6ta1nn Jl ;'.~~.::;~:::;""'m ya~~~-~~,s~" fl Tul'S. WM. Thur~ .• Sun Iv~ '!>14 00 -~ -· -· • f ,,. 'lolbOO,S<lt $17.00 _,. $TARRING
Sun O•unch Maltnl'l' ERV /\01111•. $1 l 00 (.ll•ld•en . $8 00 BRIAN AV
ln•IUdO Otnrwr, Snow, Ta" & CutlCI! AS JOE HARDY
1 HOTE.l WAY, ANAHEIM -(Acron From 01sney1an<Jl
'Tuesday thru Sunday
Tues. "Spec.ral" • Sl 1.00
Wed., Thu•s. Sun.· $14.00
f" · s .c..oo Sat.· 111.00
1nc1uoes Dinner, Show, Tax &.
& Coffee
RESERVATIONS {714)492-9950
Choose from a mouth watering selection of
• Eggs Benedict • Crepes a la Reirie • Beef
Stroganoff Yorkshire and French Toast. Plus a
wide variety of delectable entrees. All brunches
include freshly baked Blueberry Muffins,
Peaches in Champagne or Orange Juice.
Priced to please
HUNTINGTON BEACH 16160 Beach Blvd. (714) 842-6602
-~ -. . . . . , . .. . ~ , ..
Shakespeare Plagers
Dave Thompson, left, of Garden Grove and
Dan Woren, Newport Beach. are featured
in the Chapman College production of
Shakespeare's "As You Like It" today
through Sunday. Performances are at 8:30
p.m. daily on the Shady Quad of the college
at 333 N. Glassell St.. Orange. Information
From Page CI
Purkiss listed a few gr:.1duatc::. \\>ho havt-
rurthercd their professional pur:s u1t, if not
become stars.
DIANE KEATON, WINNER of an Oscar for
her performance in "Annie Hall" played in the
OCC production of "Sound of Music" when she
went by the name Diane I I all
Donna Fuller. who was in the 1970 produc·
tion or "Mun of La Manch<J." hai. Joined the
Mark Taper Forum company in Los Angeles.
Two former musical cast members may not
q u i t e h a v e t h e 1 r n a m l' 1 n I i g h t s o n
Broadway, but their faces are well known for
starring roles in television commcrc1a ls.
Peter Jason. who was kr.own as Pete Ostl·
ing, starred in "Music l\h!n" and "Camelot" at
OCC before becoming the lead m an H. Salt Fish
'N Ch1pscommerc1al.
A RT HUDDLESTO~ H.\S also found a
number or commercial roles since his days tn·
the cast or "Kiss Me Kate."
Variety has been the aim in selecting the
productions for the summer musicals. "South
Pacific" is the only show that·s been done
According to drama department estimates
more than 100,000 people have attended the 22
The biggest hit was the 1962 production of
''Kiss Mc. Kate." that drew 6,200 people
TEN OTHER SHOWS. including last
season's "Mack and Mabe1 ·· have drawn more
than 5.500 to OCC's 1,200 scat auditorium.
Purkiss expects to do at least that well with
"Pacific Overtures" since the musical has only
been staged twice before -once on Broadway
and once in Los Angeles.
"It's an excellent show. I think people will
be as interested in coming to sc·e it as they have
been in other shows in the past." he said.
UCI Play 2 Days
"Miss Julie," a drama by AugustSteindberg.
will be performed today and Saturday in Studio
Theater in Fine Arts Village on the UC Irvine
campus. Curtain each day is8p.m.
The pl ay.directed by David McDonald, assis·
tant professor of drama al UCI. is being staged as
part or a faculty-research project.
32902 COAST HWY,
\Al C,_ ¥11Mt ,._~I
499.2e2e 4gg.5n3
South Coad'• Fineat Cu;aine
••·"'-~ ......
Ample free P11r1"ng
494.9491 7524558
-.... • I
Song, Band Acts
Knott's Features Two Groups
The Oak Ridge Boys. four-lime
Grammy award winners. and Les
Brown and His Band of Renown. are
featured entertainment today
through Sunday at Knoll's Berry
The Oak Ridge Boys. who perform
gospel spirituals. country ballads und
conte mporary rock. will appear in
the Good Time Theater at i ·30. 9 and
10:30 p.m. today and Saturday, 7·30
They won their most recent Gram-
my for a recording of the gospel
song, "Just A Little Talk With
The group's recording or •'J'll Be
True to You " has been on the country
hit list for more than three months.
BU I Golden, Richard St erban,
Duane Allen and Joe Bonsall are
featured vocalists of the Oak Ridge
Boys while Mark Ellerbee. Harold
Mitchell. Garland Crart and Don
Breland are instrumentalists.
Les Brown and Hts Band or
Renown will perform each day at 8
p m . in Cloud 9 Ballroom at the
Buena Park a museme nt center
Butch Stone. Stumpy Brown and Jo
Ann Greer arc featured with the band on .. Sentimental Journey ...
"I've Got My Love to Keep Me
Warm," and .. Leap Frog." the
band's theme song.
The Music Farmers are appearing
today and Saturday at 7 and 9 p m. m
the Wagon C"mp. They perform
bluegrass music.
Other daily live shows mclude the
ice spectacular, "Happy Seasons.··
the Howdy Pardner Show, Wild West
Stunt and Calico Cancan shows and
Jerry Layne and Friends.
Knott's is open throughout the sum-
mer season, 9 a.m. to midnight Sun-
days through Thursdays and until l
a. m . Friday and Saturday nights.
Roast Prime Rib of Beef ••••••.• s 6 95
Served With Your Choice Of
Soup or Salad, Potato or
Rice. Fresh Vegetables and
home-made San Franciscan Bread
Offer Good Thru
August 3. 1978
1617 WESTCLIFF DR. (Between Dover & Irvine»
NEWPORT BEACH Closed Sundays
Call For Our Daily Luncheon Specials
Reservations Suggested 645-5222
Open Daily
banquet facilities
to serve up to 300
11 :30 a.m .-2:00 a m.
Taste of
in your dining
pleasure ...
you'll be back
again and
On the Meadow I ark Goff Course
At the corner of Warner & Graham
Huntington Beach 846-3391
' . . .......... ___ .__ ..... _ . -
Fnday. July 2e 1976 DAILY PILOT (;:i
~lit~ !!'I.fl~~~:. ... ~ ... 'Cabaret' at Saddlebock
(,\ lt• Wf(K' 775·6111 • 832-4S21 ·(7'4)527-7111
Molly Haskell,
N Y. Magazine
Oa11y Pilot P-by c;.ry Ambto ..
Mime Joni King Readies tor Sun Show
From Page Cl ROY
Edwards C1nl'ma:. of N(•wport Beach . Thl•
Depot. M1om.··~. Bilbo Baggin!), Caf<> Metro. An-
cient Mariner rc~laurants. and Coa!:.l Music Co.
OCC Recytling C('nter coordinator Let'
.Johnson said ton-.truction of a new center on tht•
Costa Mesa carnµus and working examples of
active and pa~s1ve solar heating systems and
other alternative l'ner gy sy!:.tems will be funded
by the S5 concert admission donation-.
[MIV52 l
l 1 !'1LRN~J<Q\'JN l'HUU'l ll1i
/11 , 1lt, .f~l li(JI ii It rl..1trJ 11(11·1~HO:.J.D(U ~ · P 1rr1~ try JlAl1~0l ~/\\ARC CONCERT TICKETS may be obtained at
the Lido Theatl•r. 3459 Via Lido. Newport
Beach. on the day of the rnnccrt Children under
10 accompa nit>d by an <1dull will be admitted
li.:,roiiitna11( r1 111,i•rdbvH llRBllllHll HIU:,(tJ',JOO'HVllllA~
l'rr>1Htl t;vRll.HARllO /f.',I ~ d1'11JAVO BRO\VI · A\<j),1;;1e Pltru:" JO[ Al.VlS
(t..__u ... njl ,1·iwM \"' "-llif"' rt.\:...0..-( ,_._..,._....,_,,~.,.~••llllM>I
~ ~M_~ .. ~lif:a !A!! .. ~~~.~~~ ~Y~.~~--..~· Solar and Jltt·rnat1\il' energy and recycling
d is plays at the 1.:oncert will be provided by
Orange Coast College, f'afco Solar Heating of
Costa Mesa and Orangl' Acorns Inc. Tree Pro·
Newpon Beach 644·0760 Westminster 892·4493 The Try Recycling Energy Everywhere
<TREE> group will provide recycling and
alternativt• energy information m the theater
lobby. BUENA PARI{ DRIYl·ll Buena Park 821 -4070
,. ""' • SANDY FA21NA • <1uw11.,.mu Dl>NNE STEINBERG • u"''
Vt:CIA~WhTtT .. $
I' , ' •
"' ..... "'' Ill• JOHN LENNON & PAUL McCARTNEY
I lll'f(i'("IR C" ... ~l'l<;i(.IAP,."
A\ <1Y"l~TI rtl\ll 'I( i,,
llLL OAltS
tlf .. C<'Jl4l • rnr UH ,,
• " ,__,""'" M'l"SlrA,U .. M·ln •-.tri•r·~1•, wwrm'" r·111 r•ruv1"'<..-i•1; "o''"' •• PATRICIA IJRCH GEORGE MAJ!TIN HENRY EDWARDS DEE ANTHONY ROBERT STIGWOOD
.tic wL SCHULTZ ·~~::
Oranoe ~·2553 Costa Mesa .,.6 3102
°"4Y I 31'.} ·~ • 6 00 • 8 I~ ol~
· ... : . , . . -. "" . .. .. ,,.. --,. ,., . r .. ... ... • . J" ...... .
r oun1.ain va11ty 962 2ca 1
' . . ·. . · ...
Music, Ambition Crest
The summer musical season reaches the
crest of its wave next week with the opening of
the two biggest produc tions on the warm
weather s latt> "Pacific Overtures" at Orangt-
Coast College and "Cabaret" at Saddleback
Much fanfart> has preceded OCC's "Pac1fie
Overtures" because (al it 1s the first non·
professional production in the nation of the
Steven Sondheim musical. (bl 1l 1s the moi>t
elaborate and ambitious show the college ha~.
yet attempted. and (cl if box of£ice receipts fail
to cover the expense of the show. the 23·year
tradition of summer musicals at OCC will be d
thrng of the past
DOWN THE FREEWAY at Saddleback
College, artistic. ambition <and the pressure to
be self-supporting> also runs high. "Cabaret · 1:.
the third and ftnal production of the newly 01
gamzed Saddleback Summer Stock Company. J
Tom Titus
troupe headed by professional actors which pre·
viously presented "The Little Foxes" and "How
the Other Half Loves" on its summer program.
Al Oran~c Coast College. Stan Throneberry
heads the cast in his ninth maJOr role m an OCC
summ er musical dating back lo the first one.
"South Pacific." in 1956. OCC dra ma instructor
William Purkiss 1s directing "Pac1f1c
Overtures." which encompasses more than 150
performers. crew members and mus icians.
Alan Remington 1s musical director. Walter
Gleckler leads the chorus. Ann Aiko Yamashita
1s the choreographer and J ames Bertholf lS de-
signing the set Perform ances will be given
Wednesday through Saturday a t 8·30 with an
unprecedented 2 o'clock matinee on Sunday ar
tcrnoon in the OCC aud1tor1 um.
meanwhile. will open the mus ica l dra m a
"Cabaret" a week from tonight for a two
weekend engagement under the direction or
Christopher Catt. who playt>d the comic role of
William Detweiler in the troup's production of
"How the Other Half Loves ..
putting on t\\o ort~tn ::il pt..,y-. back to back
F'ollow1n1-. thl· ... h.1:.on clos ing musical
· Tw1hghl B.-1 .... r1ttc:n by Lagunan tan
Bt-rnard. thl· p1..,yhou l' will of)(!n the 1978·79
.;t'u! on \\Ith anoth1:r world premiere -"A
F;,11lurl· t<1 Zigtag · by Or:iniac Coast College
dr;.i m;, tl achl•t :.ind 1orml·r Laguna m anaging
d1n•clor .John Frrwcc<1 Audition~ tor lhl' pl<iy. a court·martial
dramJ ~t·t 1n World Wur II. will be held Tuesday
and Wednesday at : 30 p m al the playhouse.
606 Laguna C<tnyon Road . Laguna Beach. The
all·m ale cast will rangl· 1 rom 20 to 60. with a
key role· tor an Original .ictor
Th(' pl:.i)' which d<:ub with the sinking of
tht-NJvy cru1~1:1 lnd1anapolt5 in s hark-infested
walt'rc, will opl•n Sept 19 and will run for three
..., eek:; Tho!:.c: tryini.: out must park downtown
and walk or ride the tram to the playhouse.
s tnCl" no parking will bl' permitted m the theater
lot during th1.• f t:~tlval of Arts
"GlllASl" IPGI
Co. of I SO From Peking
41,, "OONA FLOR lit HER
"'l;.1' 2 HUSBANDS" (R)
AUG.~-8:30 AUG. 5·2:30 rtOGllAM I loru>o o~. Rea ~<.Ktwnmt of
Wome<>. ~ MAkefi
H.Mx"' ~aw-n.M>d ochrrs-
AU<;.. 5 -8: 30,
AUC..6-1:30 Pl.OGllAM l J'Ncoc.k Dance
Mllkl.l"'°"'en of 1ne C.r..s!lil<lnds. ~lie· Hawed Girl <ll'O ()(h~~ • tU f.tW'liil ' • ·~"•• •V<"""° •..-0.-•> •.-• ~ " r·• " ,,4 ...... , c .... ..,..,,. .... """" t.r-'"oJ"t4...,.,. ......
'4 ,, .. ,, --------
U .. A.111111""'""' M....i.i' ~ "The openmg·night
· ries ot sumptuous and
Elizabeth Alpert will play the cabaret
o;inger created by Laza M1nncllt. with Robert
Michael Tomlinson cast as the novelist visiting
Rcrhn durmg the Nazi t akeover Kirk Jackson.
also seen in "How th1.• Other Half Loves, .. is the
emcee. with Brian Donaghue. Janet Lazarus.
Delphi Lawrence and Richard Doyle taking
other maJOr roles
"""'ll, program left memo·
I exouc stage pictures
I that will linger in I
the mind's eye and
~ sense that one has
en1oyed a hcindtul "Cabaret" will be staged Aug 4·5 and 10-12
at K p.m. with Sunday matinees Aug. 6 and 13 a t
3 p .m . in the college's Fine Arts Theater
Reservations may be acquired at 831 ·7414 or
THE LAGUNA MOULTON Playhouse is do·
ing something that. it's s afe to say. no other
local community theater group bas ever done -
Call 642-5678.
Put a lew words
to work for ou.
of highly pnvileged
theatrical moments "
Rtc:hard Schickel
TIME Mag.ume
feffersoo ar Royal
Mu$1C Center P~tatiolls
TICJllTS: bes: it5, ll.50,
10. 9 ••• Mats: 11.50, I0.50. a.so, 1.so. 6.SO.
~~ ffiA~K WAffilLL WA~~ISON ~O~D <A~~I~ ~IS~~~
DO DOLaY'STlllmO ~.:'~bv DcLU:~19 ~
\ PGIMNTAI. GtJllAHC( SOOO(STEt:J j~ fv\otion PICt\ft Sot.ndtrack on 20th ~·Foe Recoidsand ~I l .. l
.IOM MA,11-MM.tMYNOf .. tun .... 'Oll' _. •e ttftfMNN'"~ .... ~
IRl A MALl UA Mov!8s J QQ0-4022 Huntington Beoch 848-0388 **'FOX Fullerton 525-4747
lDWARDS CINEMA CENUR Huntington Beoch 847-35~1 f ASHION SQUARE lo Habra 691-0633
Costo Meso 979-4141
........ ' -.
~ '<C OAS$($ ...C:CfPTtO fOll TltS (~M[Hl
C\4E<!IC MAJlll Ol!lfC'OCl!fS fOO 9<>W!IM'S Oii C.lit ~l'-•Clfl
. .
·-----· . -.. " . . -.
. •
.. .
• i:
. . • .
.· ' .. ' j
• . ..
• 1: .. ~ • ~ ' '·
.... _
IRISTDFFERSDN and MacORAW Super Group Remains Anonymous
IQ",.. ---
• lf41tf!l II ~ "'°"""
KRIS AU wrm 1 EilSCll · MKGRAw
Abba Mu sic Danceable
Despite Unimportance
The Russians once asked them to make d
100-conccrt tour of the U.S.S.R.
They're the most profitable industry m
Swed en, ahead of giants like Volvo and Saab.
They've sold nearly 40 million records
around the world.
I 'll give you a hmt:
ANNI-F RID LYNSTAD, Benny Anderson,
Bjorn Ulvaeus. and Agnetba Faltskog/Ulvaeus.
Never heard of them? Well. they're not ex·
actly household name:.. and this superest of
super groups remains strangely anonymous in
the U.S. despite their wild success.
But, ABBA is a strange group Their glossy
machine music sound is unmemorable : their
conglomerate reality <they own an art gallery.
a movie theater , a film studio, many hotels and
restaurants) gets paid royalties in oil and grain.
You wouldn't recognize them on the street,
they're hardly recognizable on their album cov·
Despite this. some feel they are the un·
ivers al pop group of the 19705, as universal as
the Beatles in the 1960s .
THEIR SECRET IS AbbamusiJc. Record
after record they slide plastic sex and haunting
melody against an insane electric symphony.
They don't say anything important, their music
has no meaning, but you can dance to it and if
you tum it up loud enough and lie down on the
floor you can get lost in 1t.
Li sten to an Abba record. Any Abba record
(although their hits are always better than their
album cuts which tend to be incredibly porn-
One-man Show
~~191~~~ ......... ~c:~~r::,·."A~~~· At Art School
"'SWARM " !PGl
ALL. DRIVE INS 01'1!:'.H 6:l0P.M.MIGHT\.Y
C11110 u noe• 12 F..e Unlflf • KlclO•• P1ay9rouno
• ' • • • Y!MR8EN JAMES
• # -..: .. " 8EAT1Y MA3CI'
w rm a cm&§A-~
~-~------..ll'\' ........... ..,.,, ___ ....,,.__ ._,,,,,,_ -
. . : . • •• r . . .
, -
ONE-MAN SHOW -Paintmgs of Sueo
Serasawa at Laguna Beach School of Art. 2222
Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, Sunday
through Aug. 25. Hours 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Mondays through Fridays.
8 X JO -First group exhibition by 10 photo·
graphers at Susan Spiritus Gallery, Aug. 4
through Sept 16. Susan Sp1ritus Gallery. 3336
Via Lido. Newport Beach. Reception Aug. 4, 7 to
9 p.m . Gallery hours. Tuesdays through
Saturdays, J 1 a m. to 5 p m.
Orange County-Jurassic to Juaneno, exh1b1t of
earliest geologic period of county fossils at The
Galleries I Exhibits
Museum of North Orange County, 301 N.
Pomona Ave .. Fullerton. Hours Tuesdays
through Fridays, 10 a.m to 3 p.m., Saturdays 10
a.m. lo 5 p.m. and Sundays, noon to 5 p.m .
derson, Los Angeles artist . wi ll use dance and
choreography along with projected images in H
p.m. performance lod;;iy at Nt.'wport Harbor Art
Museum. 850 San Clemente Drive. Newport
Beach. Museum members fret>. non-members.
COLOR ART P HOTOS -Work or George
Katzenberger of Costa Me!>a al The Photo-
graphic Gallery, 303 Palm Ave . Newport
Beach, opens Tuesday at 8 p m. Gallery hours.
daily except Mondays. 3 to 10 pm.
TWO ARTISTS -Oils or John Asaro and
watercolors of R.A. Benson at Challis Galleries.
1390 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Thurs·
day through Sept. 3. Hours Wednesdays through
Sundays, 11 a.m.to 5 p.m.
DUTCH TULIPS -Original watercolors of
Dutch tulips, acquired from Van Tubergen
Botanical Library of Haarlem, Holland. on ex-
hibit at Norton Simon Museum. Colorado
Boulevard a nd Orange Grove Avenue.
Pasadena. Hours, noon to 6 p.m. Thursdays
through Sundays. Non-museum members ad-
mission fee. adults $2, students and senior
citizens, 75 cents.
MIXED MEDIA -Paintin~s by Jean
Edelstein at Bird's Eyt' View Gallery, 3420 Via
Oporto No. 3, Newport Beach, Saturday through
Aug. 30. Hours 11 a.m. to 5 pm. Tuesdays
through Sundays .
I • • • • -p . -"\ ..
paus>. Listen to their mos t recent hit, "Talce a
Chance." Hear the lead vocal in unison, the
background vocals in counterpoint. The lush
female voices talking, the voices getting closer.
then moving away, the 10 rhythms <at least>
locking into one sexy pulse. The echo chambers.
tape delay, digital del l\.Y.
The violins. barpsicords. synlbesizer strings
and real strings. And if you listen close. you'll
hear one or two rhythm guitars, electric guitar.
bass and drums. Who knows what else is in the
forest of sounds above which the vocals float.
It's beautiful. Exquisite cheap sentiment.
AND THE LYRICS -whatever they are.
Abba is second only to Kraftwork an the repeti·
lion of En~lisb slan~ as lvric. The lvrics mean nothing; they mean everyUung. They prove that
English is better than Esperanto.
Abba has cleaned up in just four years. In
1974 Benny and Bjorn's "Waterloo" won Abba
the best son.g in the Eurovision Song Festival
Contest. Outside the U.S .. this introduced Abba
in a big way; the Song Festival is seen on TV by
half a billion viewers in 32 countries.
From "Waterloo" the group went on to
other international bits: "Hooey Honey",
"Mamma Mia," "SOS." "Fernando," "Danc-
ing Queen." "The Name or the Game." But in
the U.S. fame ca me slowly .
WHILE THEY WERE selling albums in the
millions worldwide from 1974 on, it wasn't until
1976 that Abba had their first gold record in lbe
U.S. ("Abba's Greatest Hits"> and their first
top-10 single <"Fernando">. Doubly difficult to
understand when you consider that AM radio in
America thrives on pop pap.
Now that they have their rent paid for the
next hundred years. Abba are making an at·
tempt to be "valid " You know, pure poppers
also want to get played on .. FM radio" and have
kids dig their message. to be considere<t an
"album band." A thirst for critical acceptance,
to be considered '"hard line progressive."
Abba is certainly not at all "bard Une pro-
gressive." In the 1950s you had to be Elvis, in
the 1960s the Beatles to sell as many records as
Abba. In lbe 1950s and the 1960s you had to be
new. different. outrageous, original, distinct. In
the 1970s it seems as if you're better off being
unrecognizable in crowds of four or more peo-ple.
PATl'I SMlm ONCE put it this way: It
was about four in the morning in the lobby of
N.Y 's Palladium after her 1976/1977 New
Year's Eve show. A group of friends and New
York rockers like John Cale, Tom Verhune,
David Johansen and the Ramones were stand·
ing around while Patti waxed poetic over a
toast to the New Year.
She talked about what was happening to
rock 'n roll. She explained bow the radio
played racist rock. "You think you're free and
boogying," she said, "but actually lbece's a
giant band holding you in place."
R adio stations don't like load electric
guitars and upbeat tunes all that much. In a
way, rock and roll ls underground once again,
and the likes or Abba rule the airwaves.
...un THOMAS L MUER •EDWARD K. MllklS :w~ lnll ~ .. ~ CfWlfS FOX ;,:!=i= SGlldlract•a.*le•Wli~ r-:_ ~~-~bJBllJllaldol AWUT l'tT1Jl ,.,
;:;-,.... ...... ~ ~ STARTS TODAY
c.MA WOT Wes1mmster 1114) 892-4493 u QIOIA Cosca Mm 1114) 5'0·0594 UA •emu 81'1117141990-40n
C..aolll Orange (714163M553
To break the driver, the cop was willing to break the law.
Ca-~°''W'9 RONEE BLAKLEY· AssoclOle Producer FRANK ~'ARSHALL ·Produced by LAWRENCE GORDON
Written and Directed by WALTER HILL· Music MICHAEL SMALL· COLOR BY DeLUXE ® ~
t>"""'"cuo""uo• A Twert10th Centu1y-Fox/EMI Films Presentation .:C..U:.~:e.u:-~=., L .. J
South Coat Am I· Com MIN
ClnemMlcld . AMhllm
..... -....
UNITED ARTISTS .......... w.mi••
.• ":h. Visit
.md over 200 othe r Gredt Stars
di World I amo~
The Biggest Gattwriog
of ~tars in the World
°""' °"" ..... """"' 111 'Y•• ....... I·~•\ (.lo_, w. 6w-n.. 1.t111ai., MOd I llloc~ ... ._ K-. • a.,,_ I '""
Fnday. July 28 1978 OAIL V PILOT €1
Are Stones Only Made of Clay?
It was a sad d1ty for rock when the Rolling
Stones proved lo be mere musical mortals Sun
day at the Big A in Anaheim
The most glaring omissions -an accepta-
ble l>Ound system and musical Intensity on the
Stones ' part -reportedly were recovered for
Monday's final show.
BUT BV THEN the depressing news was
already out The Stones had slipped badly, right
there 1n front or ss.ooo fans who~e pre-concert
t•xcitcment faded with each uninspired send up
of old Stones· classics.
Even the new material from the "Some
Girls" album which led to the bevy of "Stonei.
Are Back" articles, failed miserably.
.. Beast of Burden" creaked along in a style
befitting a garage band and the humorous ,
gospel/country lyrics of "Far Away Eyes" sue
cum bed to J agger's horribly off-key vocals.
The realization that the Stones were
in trouble first became evident during the
lengthy gaps between songs. The quintet hud·
died together as 1f trying to find some miracle
play that would pull the game out. The crowd
noise equaled a collective yawn.
A ratally slowed down version of "Honky
Tonk Women" made guitarist Keith Richa rd's
rhythm chords sound like death knells. Even
competent versions of ''Brown Sugar " and
"Love In Vain'' failed to stir much excitement.
Jagger, arguably the most cparismatic lead
singer to ever grace a stage, seemed ill at ease.
hoarse and confused. missing whole verses or
catch phrases that might have saved some race.
every postunng trick in his playbook. making
the moves seem contrived and sadly outdated.
"I love you too much to lose you," he told
the crowd at one point.
fl was truly movmg to see childhood Idols
crum blina before my eyes but tears refused to
well with the realization that the gate would
take in more than Sl 3 million in two days
The Stones d eser ve no pity nor glowing
tributes over the band's importance to rock a nd
roll On Sunday. this was s imply a band that didn't
deliver 50 percent of what was expected. rather
demanded of 1t.
Granted. bad days ha ppen to the bes t
of bands. and the Big A barely rates above
Death Valley as an ideal ~1te for outdoor con·
certs. So don't leave the Stones for dead yet -
it's happened so many times before. But who
can e xplain these v1s1ons in which Mick Ja~ger
1s wearing a business !>Ult. puffing on a big cigar
and singing "My Way?"
only reinforced the pure greed that hes beh1!'d
s uch rock 'n roll monstrosities. The fans are an
ievitably the losers. braving interminable waits.
1degrading physical searches and seating that
often requires a telescope to see the stage
But promoters are certainly aware of the in·
tangible lure of big na'mt-rock ·n roll. and as long
as folks are willmg to pay. you can be sure there
will be bands to play
Members or the sum-
m e r mus ical theater
works hop, Making a
Play From Scr atch. wi ll
present their original
production at 7 p.m .
Wednesday in the new
Little Theater of Irvine
High School. --------------------Ready to perform an
7(18' 29 & 30
,011 IAlK N ll A
IOlllf. NO ,USU
11'-N0-6.JO .. O el .. I & 11 00
-~r.'9':'1:---""'.:-:"-, Ml(MAfl CAIMI e l lCMHD WIDMAU
I C ,._" .. -.. 494·1514
IJ:>O e J·OO e S·>O e l•OD & 10.acl
-8Y. NO ,.USU
our euuY
f.1.5.T. (PG)
WDAll-1-t:ll '4l/111t6-1:1 ......... , ..... ,,
.. CONVOY ..
•WU:D TRA,...
"'11 HllllS II IACKI
llVIHGI Of Tl4I "If« 'AHlKR (II "us
-----IOllH ruvoua • OUN NCWTON-IOHN
IOllY. HO "'INS ~-------~OUT IUNT
'llll ,.,.IMali ___ _. THANK GOO rrs fllOAT (PO)
. .. ,
ITAH ~1114 • t.v« OHM
THI DllVll (I )
Ill If aeAINI
. .... ~ ... ,.. r .. ... •
''The Dragon Who
Swallowed Time" are,
at rig ht, firs t r ow :
Melinda Gudel man,
Teresa Ortt. Robert
McNaug h ton. Les lie
Beck and Nancy Kist·
IN THE second row
are Mary Ann Kropp,
Gr etchen Mitchell and
Bryan Moreno.
Tickets are $1 for
adults and 50 cents <or
child ren. Seating is
limited and may be re·
se rve d by calling
The workshop. a com-
p I e t e ac tin g co n -
servatory for students
age 6 to 14 under the
direction of Hal O'Neal
and Sharon Sircello. has
been part of the Irvine
Unified School District's
Summe r Sc h ool o f
Performing Arts.
school was cancelled,
sponsorship or the pro-
gram was assumed by
South Coast Cultural
Services League, Inc .. a
non-profit group provid·
ing cultural experiences
for Irvine and surround·
ing communities.
Forty-five stude nt s
will take part in the pro·
du c tion whic h
culminates their studies
of stage movement, pan·
tomime and improvisa
tion. vocal music and
In Re hearsal for 'The Dragon Who Swallowed Time' In lrvlne
rnWIN Alillf s ,11nc1io1 aim[ ~WA~M·
G Wll Ulllllli 18$$ mw WllWI m CWIHAI•
MIA lllHftlUI al.JOHUI Ill CUii ISi Rml Pllll IUll u
Riii rlCIJIS IUICI lUW flt k.llVWl.o... .a lldl 10.~ • u.
~ ....... ettt1~ mWlN AlllN Sou.,~~ ~ll~UN~ mW~liANl
111111-, JrnWt ~~w~Mn~ 1-~~·.e.:~=~=.:~-,~· 1
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. ' ' .... • ~ R
#llltr ov TED KEY tt,Uic LALO SCHIF RIN
et> ~ov NORMAN TOKAR l'locMleoov RON MILLER
t•"'l'CW.'!Pv NORMAN TOKAR• TECHNICOLOR'" fi=!l~ .._,.., ..... ..,,...,w.•,,.~ro t<.c•w'~Mpt(~~"O"'t l!!J
.....,..._,,""" .........
C011Jncn-..,.. m•
mftma-n 13-mi
•CISTCllll-Cdllll Sf.Ziil
smlllllUZl-Oflt 511·•
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Fl. llUTCIDl-Fi ,..,
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MtQ<j!A(l CAt«ritt .... ~M .. ," ..... tl(K. """~ . .... 'tJ rn n
Plu• CPGI (R) "THE LA TE Plu•
SHOW" edudsaatSlOlCIMOU "COP.lA" 91\fOt. ., -..c.1n.w1 __
~A 8UR_T _ _.,,.'4;.:.•·"'""~··---;:; Qi~~
-~ ~ RIYNOlDS .C \~Al Pt l \nll I<
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... •\At. OOY• ---
~J1~1.a P.l!~i\ PUZ IA>
• ro.o .-. u .. 1
. --J
DAILY PILOT Friday July 28. 1978 Television TONIGHT'S LATEST LIST1NGS
fRll>A Y
B.ill1m.,,e Ouolto> vs C111>
ror n1a Angels
8.00 0 0 0 NEWS 0 WILO, WILD WEST
W.ist ancJ Goroon lly I<>
Girrumvt>nl 1ne thell ol
Mon111zuma b lr1tawr11 by
.1 phony orchtiolog1cal
... ped111on m MOVIE * * * * Anatomy 0 1 A
Murotlr ' ( 19S9t James
Slewarl Ben Giuzilro
M1i\o is •.iCecl w1lh lhe 1111~11
ol uy1nq 10 tocn1e ti
11.,ac~.,o ~111pm11n1 01
rddtO&ChV!' QOld fD OVEREASY
Cl'>Pvy Cnase Narsa• Oav•d
cooks s1ull&0 caboaoe.
Suppl1>m1tnta1 Secut•IV
irtcomr F1011oa '> Fish
M O All in the 'Farnily'
Complic .111ons
l'1egn.1ncy t CBSNEWS
0 1
l om Wicker. as60C•Ble
oa11or ol lhe Now York
1 omei IUlks about lhe 1811·
ure ol lhC press 10 cover
IHQ 1>us1ne;,s !he
.. avl'rl1S&rli power ovrr
the P•llSS. lht• POSSll>l!l
p1evon11on ol the Afl•ca
nots by meo111 coverage
111d 1hf' rol111lonsn1p ot 111<1
llr .. ;,s w tna po1tcc the
puohc: and Hie w1111e
Fred e nc Fore:.-.t <left l tne:.-. lo connlll'l'
l\nthonv Quinn to Id him out of thP
t'l'ImL· ;.,.ndi<:<Jt<.' in the movie "BN1uttful
But Ocudly. ··, airing tonight <.Jt !> un
ABC. Channel ?.
search tor the ktonappeo
rlaughler of a lop singer
STORY <Repeall
HomP Secuoly Conlllel
L en~l·' B11nkrup1c.y a TO TELL THE TAUtH
&uesl<> Ethol Gould Onuv
W111,,.m, Arlnut (,ootrry
7·00 0 CBS NEWS
l!) Tt-!EFBI
lr111.p,·c.rr11 rr'\klUP dtreCh d
Wolf Pack ..
"' !COCE s.l)K1a1 on ""' Los Anq•les Ram'>' mo.e 10 An.ahfo1m
The Sellin 0 1 Jamie
Thomas (Parl I)' A Sla...e
1am1ly 1s separated by an
aucllon and lhe" only
hopf> to 1em .. 1n 1oge1her ''
" oe~perete run 10 lree-
Channel Li111in911
0 KNXT rCBS) Los Angele;,
Ci) KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles 0 KTLA (IM I Loe, Angele<; 0 KABC fV !ABC) Los Angeles
(I) KFMB tCBS) San Diego 0 KHJ TV (Ind) Los Anr1c1e-,
®1 KCST tABCI San Diego
ID KTIV t Ind ) Loe; Angele'>
l!) KCOP TV (Ind) Los AngelPS
El!) KCE T TV (PBS) Los Angeles m KOCE TV tPBSI Huntington Beach
dom 111 m11 Nori"
8:00 €J L() WONDER
Wonder Womon und St•ve
pose 83 a maid ond 11
na11onahs11c leaoer In !heir
ellorts lo pro1oc1 a vis11rng
queen (A)
.. Punk Rock Sharkey ..
Sharkey oeis uneipecloo
llac;k when he trte& 10
ro1urn a 17-year-Olo runa-
way 10 hat hOme (R)
Sta11nga10 Death 0 1 An
Army • Normandy ihe
T •Cle Turns · 11111er s
auompt to O\!Oftake Sta11n-
gmo 1a11s Oeta1ted 1001age
01 001n me Ge<man and
A1r.ec1 Forces prepomuon
tor O·Oay is shown as 1nev
move clOser 10 lhe l1no1
moments 01 lhe Thud
Tab1lh• s Party The
w11cnes oec1ae T at>t1ha ,..,
10 marry o monol ono
c;noose P~ul Thur,.on 10
bo 1he lucky man IR)
0 MOVIE * • * Thi" Happy
FP<Jltng t 1958) Oebb•e
Reynolds Cun Jurgl"Os A
riuireo actor returns 10 the
stage alhJ• tonv1nc1ng ,1
young woman 10 111ve him
up (2 h1~ I
l!) MOVIE * • • Up frorn The
Beach I 19651 Chit
R~U1on lrona Oemoek A
US ollieer prolecls a
oro.ip ol Frencnme<i on 1roe
way 10 tllelf wartorn town
12 h'5 ) ED ~ WASHINGTON
"Buenos C>tas. Mr Pres•·
oent · Fear 01 a secut11y
cheek prompts Eo's relus
al 10 play host 10 111e Pres1
oent ol the lJM&O Stoles O ®J OPERATION
"Operation Opere11on ·
Commander Sherman ·~
strocken w1lh append1c111s
1us1 as the Sea T•gor is
reaoy 10 attack an enemy
A Midsummer s Markel
Mystic .. Guesl Newton 0
Z1nder. 111ce pres1oen1
1ech111cal analysis E f
Hullon Company. Inc
8·00 €J (I) CBS MOVIE * * * '> The Pnvate Lile
01 Snerlock 1-lolmes
( 19701 Rot>e<I S1ephens
Cohn Blakely Snertoci.
Holmes t>ecomes involved
1n 1ntema11onal poto1oca1
on!rtgue while on a rouuno
missing husband case
· To Protecl Ano S&flle"
An enthuS>8S10C police bull
(Joyce van Patten) 1eop-
ar d1zes Rock lord's
auempt to save a youno
womon from mobslers bV
revealing the woman ~
hideout (R)
fJ @) ABC MOVIE * • '> •· Beautilul Bui
Oeaoly" ( t973) Anlhony
Outnn. Rot>e11 Forsler A
modern-day member ol ii
Malla tam1ly who oesper·
a1e1y wants out tinos h•m-
sell cauglll belween warr·
'"0 tacttons over the
seteehon ol a new ooo m MERV GRIFFIN
Guesls ElllOI Gould Barry
Wtlllams. Arlhur Gaolrey
B1uce Mahler Joyce
Ca1te11. Sieve F1testooe
Anorew Cr am mer
Poldark • Ehiabeth
1hreatens to leave her huS·
band atfe< Warleggan s
men harass Drake and
t>ea! him. Oemelza s rf'la·
1oonsh1p wnh LI Armitage
lakes a new turn (Pall 8 ol
13) m WORLO
'North l(orea Jacques
Aen0<r ano Andre for1ta1ne
become tM first Western
htmmakers allowed into
NOtlh Korea 1n 25 years
laking a look al the cull ot
personality surrounding
PreSldent l(tm II Suna
Plug the Viewers In?
Brain Waves Might Aid TV Nettrorks
:\EW YORK I Al'I .Just a little brain work
m1gh1 "'"t' lhl• nt•twurks mtlltons of dollars in
II IPv1 smn·.., .1nnual rare for n<'w program ratings.
1 nt.·urnph~~1olog1i-.t says
.. Somt· ~·t•.irs lht• net works find th::it 65 percent
.,, tllt'1r "''"' ~hows fail." sa ys Dr. Edward
Sch:H'fl'r of thl• University of California at San
Fn1nc·1st·o "Thc>ir methods for previewing the pro·
l!rams lt•.1v1• loo much to chanct•"
St·h;1dcr. 42. who has s pent most of bis 13 pro·
I 1•ss1nnal ,\'l'ars studying brain activity. says that's
"hNt' th(' future lies 1n TV prognosticating.
V(•ar~ or <'xperimrnts which he says show that a
rl'st•archl'r c·an prl'd1ct A.C. Nielsen Company rat·
mgs by reudrng t•hangcs in brain activity patterns
nf lt-h '1...,ion viewers
dH't1ng lhl' Nielsens has been no better
th.in .,11 50 pr<1pos1t1on over the years. Schaefer
"·'~ s 1\nd in lt'leH!>1on. failure is measured in six
or :-.t'\ l'n ftgun•s
\\1th Schal'fcr's technique. electrodes from a
computen7.l.'d rel'ording device are pasted to the
'tt'\\ l'r ':-. :-it<llp /\:-.he or sh<' watches a program. it
l.!l'h 1nterrupll'd at random intervals for periods so
-.horl thut the viewer hardly notices.
IF THI::, VIEWER LIKES what he's watching.
hi:-hr:nn \.\a\.'l 'S remain stc::idy. But if he isn't en·
thr:1llt•d bv the fare. he 1s distracted and it shows
Ill d1an1?1ng brmn activity.
S('hat•fcr's t•xpcnments have run from the
\cry l'xotir and even sexy to the simple and mun-
d.im• He hegan le aning more toward the mun-
tl tint•. ht• ...,ays. when a scholarly paper he wrote
was I Urtll•rl down hy a Journal because editors
fran•d that thl· !>exu<tl uspect fogged his results.
That experiment involved showing viewers
two :!O-m1nuh' v1d<'o tapes of a young couple. In
om• t.1pt'. tht• t•ouple discussed classical music, and
New Series Slated
the brainw::ivt• ml.'asunng needles stayed predic
tably s till ThC' other tape showed the same coupl e
makin~ love· Needles started jumping.
"TllE JOURNAL EDITORS £ell the method
may have been m<'asuring St.>xual arousal and not
lelcvis1on Vll'Wl'r interest.·· Schaefer says .
Eventually, Sch aefer developed the more
munda n<.• method. in which a viewer listed his 20
favorill' shows 1n order of preference. Then he
woulcl watch his favorite and least favoritt• s hows .
The bntin activity was always least for the top
shows and most for the dis liked ones.
Schaefer then showed viewers programs from
what he describes as television's "disaster year ...
1975. when thl' avl•rni::e new show could be con·
s idered successful 1f it lasted through Christmas.
Some of the t.·xpcnmcntal viewers watched
two of 1975's nl.'w s1tuat1on comedies, "Big Eddy"
and "Phyllis·· "Bis:: Eddy" nopped and "Phyllis"
was a success. The brain waves. bore that out
"IF THE PROD CERS of 'Big Eddy' had
been able to measure viewer interest fn this way.
the show never would have been produced,··
Schaefer says.
Schaefer has conducted several other similar
t•xpcrim<'nts and says he is now talking with a
television consulting firm aboul using the method
next s eason
Schaefer. who has conducted some expert·
ments of a similar nature on retarded children at
Sonoma State Ho~pital in California , says he hopes
the technique will be used someday to measure the
perception of mentally retarded patients and
children with vision or hearing disabilities.
• ••••••• -4;~}, ••••••••••• •DP . i ~ = • • • • For Kate Jackson • •
llOLLYwooo <A l'> When "CharUe's l®libtt lui5t~I An~wls" has gone t'k\~~~~i:~~~~~~~~1n~\1fr~~s;:~~~~ • Friday & Saturday Night Special I
t'arthundcrcontracttoABCfora •. 2 -n-=--Rib •.1 new comedy series. ABC has an· r•·u•ac; nou~~\~·ilc we ex.v.ect 'Charlie's ! Din:ners-$J3.95! I
Angels' to continue successfully • •.
on the newt.work for years to • Relax in tJtc rich sWTOW1.d.lngs of Oliver
rome, we reel it important to con· • n.vist's. and eryoy our superb Prime Rib •
tinue nnd expand our association • dinners that include Yorkshire pudding, •
with Kute Jackson." said ABC • Soup or Sa.lad. Vegetables and Hot Rolls •
Entertainment prC's ident An· •. & Butter. ·= JA'"'°" thony D. Thomopoulos. h
She co-starred previously in ABC's "The • Offer good with co_upon only throug •
Hookl t•s" ' • July31St.J978,Frtd.ayand5atwday •
The n1'w rom<'dy series. as yet lacking s~ci{ics, I nights 6 tD 10 p.m.
;would be u half hour s how produced through Mi.ss • Reservations suggested. ®. •
J3ckson's nl'"l>' formC'<I rompnay, Santana·Oas1s. • 833-0570 •
The rontrart would also include a movie for •
KOCE so 7 30 The Rums art·
Coming KOCE ~portscaster Marshall
Klein hosts this locally produced speci;.11
about the impending mov<.• of the Los
Angeles Rams to Anaheim in 1980
COS f) 9:00 "The Privute Life of'
Sherlock llolml·~ · A 1970 movie involv
1ng the legendary ~ll'uth tn int<.'rnational
intngut'. Hobt•rt Stephens und Coltn
13lakely s t ar
K C E T 28 I 0 0 0 G r t' a t
Perform:.inct'S. Lt•o11.1rcl ncrn:.-.t<:tn ('on
ducts the Nt•\\ York Ph1lhurmonic in two
selection:.-. by Tchaikovsky
Trade Unions In The
Bornsto1r1 Conduces
Tcna1kovskv fnP New
York Pll1lnar moooc con·
Oucltld by Leonard Bern
Sle•n petlorms two p.eces
b}' T Gh31~ovsky
W MOVIE • * * Things To Como
c t936) Raymond MUSt!y
Ralph Ricttaroson Man
111no a11emp1s 10 rebu1lo
CMhza1ron alter .l oev11s
lah.war I I hr 30 mon )
10:30 GJ NEWS
11:00 6 fJ Cl)®) NEWS
'The PMmlom Plane 0 MOVIE
• • '" "High Crimu ( t9731
James Whttmo1e Franco
Nero The c11u11011s ch1eJ 01
Genovese do1oc11ves ond
his hord·hotllnQ comm1s-
s1oner uncover lh1> 1denllly
01 mo man1pu1a1ors ot
11a1y s growing drug rralltc
I:? hrs I m THE 000 COUPLE
Unaware 01 hat 1oen111y
Oscar 1ries 10 oa1e tne
Pru~ss ot l1Chlens1e1n
Gues1s Buck ano Hame1
Pone of the Pine Fomoly
Guest JOhn Aoed tR)
11:30 €J (() CBS LATE MOVIE * * The Thousand Ptont'
Ra•d · t t969) Ch11~topher
George. Laraine S1ephens
A hard·nosed Air Force
commandtlr' mas1ermmds
a oartng assault on ,, Gor
man aorcralt lnclory 0 TONIGHT
Host Johnny Car son
GuMIS Berl Convy O<
Lendon Smtih. Muham.
mod Ah
Alra1d 01 death. a man
makes n PACI w11h thO devil
tor rmmortahtv 0 @') BARETTA
· Sel·UP City Barella
enhsts ltto aid ol an tt•·
convoc1 10 solve d s1>11e~ ol
robt>em•s m HOGAN'S HEROES
A German olhcer 01sc;ov
etS Hognn ~ esp1onagt>
Smar! wears ~ new blazer
ano •s myshhed as ob1ec1~
u1sappear arouno him ED CAPTIONED ABC
Fleeing lrom a worlo War 1
.iortal ballle J p1101 ge"
1os1 '" both space .tno
Allee ano T rtA1e btll1eve
1ha1 1he secre1 ot a nappy
marriage •s do1n9 1h1ngs
109e1he1 w1lh 1ne ..
12!30 0 MOVIE • * l101rors 0 1 The 61ack
Museum c 1959) M1chat.I
Gough Junll Cu1"1n1ngham
A•oed by h1~ hypnotized
assistant a m~stery wnlP•
commns " series ol 1lru1al
cnmes (, hr :?5 min 1
1 t!.167) Ao11as ROO Ja1ms
Fernaoet The Odugh1er 0 1
.t coun1 .__nose tam11v ·~
deo1ca1ea 10 et1mmat1nq
one particular •dmpire
l~lls undPr h•S spell t2 hrs 1
12:37 0 MOVIE • *' > Alonq Cami' A
Spider 1 1q70 t SuzannP
Plf'sMltr· rd Nelson A
WIOOW COUllS O&nqe1 when
she inve~11qa1es 1ne poss•
b1hty ot IOul play 1n hflr
hu~band s oeulh 1 I hr 30
n:11n I
(11'.>l MOVIE
• • •, You Be1onq To
MP ( 19 4 II Bart>illd
S ta11wyci. Edgar
Buchanan A wealthy man
becomes 1ealous 01 his
wile s medical calll!nls t ,
hr 20 min I
Hose Loe; 3aye1 GueSI
Allndy Newmon Chuck
Mang1ontl Sonnie Tyle•
Garv 8u$t1Y Dennis Rous·
Guatcmah• Coty GJ MOVIE * • Spv Ir• vow Eye
f 19591 Dana Andrew,. fore•
Angel• Amorrcdn .1nd
Sovret dQOnl ; rnAna911 10
conlu5e nnt• ""other 1n
1hc"' "'orct> tor ~ toi.er ray
!ormuta t 1 hr 4!> min I
Murder By Children
love And TM 8alhlub
Dolly ~l'i tier toe \tuck 1n
t D11lh1uo 'JUC• t l O\t~
And '"" l<1lrn lOVt-1 Hope 1~ 1111ed by 1•6r
1550 NEWS
2-00 0 MOVIES
• • G .. robdloo 1196 •,
I on~ l ou•5l• Rc.nzo f4occ1
r "" .1a11'Sman o.1robold
tree~ 1ne oppre»ftd 111111an
oeopkl .mo un1tt:>~ 1hem
11n0Pr lhl'll rogn1tul ruler I'
tH s.,m1n 1 D MOVIE
• • • Gill!' 01 Hf'll
t 19S:ll Macno •c "''"
l\..11uo 11aseqaw.1 OurinQ
IMP 121h con1ur11 Jap;Jno~·
11-1>-0ll•On ,1 nobtewom.1n
1rnpersona11Js lhl' E mprnr.•
~n 1na1 sh!' con e11C11p1· ic
~a101v (:' nrs t
l ovP Ant> fntt Tr.1v11linQ
Satpc-,mdn A tr .tvoltn(l
~ntesmnn '" ")tuck out 1n
1hp counlry Low And
T hf' I op•o~' Po11cv 11 1
.ind Howaro oec1ou In.it
1ne1r 1ouocw .,,...ld .. •nol•·~
w 311rtt!t ,.,
2070 NEWS
CONTROi .19f'nl u'
1><:.nq mys1e1oou'I~ mi,1
noa•o ... 1h._·1 ff:>CM1\111nQ •
t>l\nana trirouQh th•• m"''
• • O r Mon~u., O·•·
l ,q~61 Soro' Kar1011 N Ck
Aoam' A younq Amt-ri
C:<tn v1s111nq n1~ E nqlosh
hancef• s Pd'f'f"t..: rPt:.oi
in horror Ywnrn ,,, .. , tathf\t
turn' '"'" • q111n1 •unqi,,
l1k,• Clfldtuft• 4 t t•t 4t.
3·oo ew NEWS
3.35 t) MOVIE
• • • T hOSP f nononno
•ounq C..nilrm' 1 ''l4~1
fiOD!'rl Younq lo;.11.111'!l o,w
3.55 0 NEWS •·oo o MOVIE
• ' r ~rQO 119!>2> 8111
f tllotl Phyll1• Co.Ht'\
• • • ~Qr .. Yl!f And A
Uolly (1~4J Rtty Milland
lo.i Lupino
4:30 m MOVIE * • · &!hind T"e Mt"k
( 1932: Boros K .. 1toll Con·
'1.ince Cumming~
Cili.Ql't ,,. Tht> Act 11051
Howard 1 !l()(l"pson P""
~nt" JuhP KlJrntll dnd
OBVIO Summe" two r sonq
younq ~mottr~. •n thtot tele·
V1S1Qn C)el)ut
• • M • • O• T rp
Avf·ngfl' 1 •Q ' John
Oerel\ Joov lJwr .. nc,. A
mdn d119111se<> h1rr5€lf '1'
lh+! Court ol Mon!!' CrtSlt>
·•llet the Ali.,tfri·llahan
wnr 1n orOP, 10 ,nut t1.11
101~, hom Cdsamr\re C' ht
JGmor> 1
(r, METRIC a:oo tl (!' ROBONIC
• • 'Cap111n Btac~1dCk
I !9S;>; George Sano""
Aqne~ Moo• CM<!ol<l A 011.(l
.muggt,•1 • corvt·r'••t1
ttnm t\11t " m10.11 ~ •v
wrwn nt'· rne•11 , younQ
wr)mllf' t • nt Jr m,., 1 Q MOVIE
• ·v1nrt Ot lyOll
AQ ,,r ~I T "' •>r,n 0 1
.... ,,..,... t '91 1 Go1aon
Seo" MaSS1mr Se'a•c
c.nro•an 0!'11' Cl Ille Sons
OI t1PtCulf'..;. teSCt.1eS p,,n.
ce•" Coro lrom 111e f\rar.t
01 l yo1;i I' "'" , fD AOAY ON THE
I h~ i>tlec1 01 ron,.nq ""'
u1•f'' on '"" PllOPIP '"nQ
in tnP •owns cre:tted bv 'h ....
•uyot>• Zee pro:ec1 s
... -.am1ned
8:30 f) (~, SPEED BUGGY
A 100~ al •h•• peopt" 01
1odav , Cn1nd tl'lrougn lhf'
t-V11\ nr 1 \ltS1ltnQ Amttn·
r~dn-Ch•nA~,. fJm11v 1•,
011..,eo 1Capl1onoo1
In <i typ1cul half hour show. ~1 televt:-101'1
nl'":o-pcr~onaltty reads only uhou• as manv
word~ a~ arc printed l'\.Cf.\ day on the fronl
pa~l' of thl' Dally Pilot
Thu:.-., your Dwb Pilot <:arncr bnng~ .\ 011 1
lot mor<' n<w-. of thl sta te, natwn :ind \.\.Orld
than vou sc..•t• on TV t\ncl • .)OU gl't romplC'k
ne'' s ·und p1ct ures of <.'vent:-rlo<i c· to homl' that
\\'a lie r . Frank an<1 John don't h.t\l' l 1mdor
Thl'rt· ;11'l' 1norc..• I han 900 l)u1 I) Ptlt11
"m \\ "<'<l"ll'I""' Each 1!-an 1nOl•JH'nd ... n1
merchunt lt·armng val11ahil· !c<,son~ <ibout pt•u
pit and hu~1nl ~"
BO.''S and g 1rb nV('r 10 .'<.'urs old l'an <•..irn
\\111 k I ht•\ ll·u rn a:-Du 1 h Pilot <'arnl•r..,
To tx:tomt> t• Dn1ly Pilot "ne\\M'l:lstcr ·
1ust call ll42--1321 <.Jnd ask for the circ·ulat1on
dc partnwnt Chanc·t·:-tin• good ;ou·11 fi nd .1
prnf1t a hlP t•an tt•t rol!I c· near \our homr
Wallc..·r rc..•ttll) d<u:sn 1 m1ncl tlw <'om
pl'l 1 I l(lll
.:.l .::..el~e...:.''..:..:is.:..:.lo~n::·...:Th...:..:.:o.::m.:..::o'.!po:.:.::.u:..::lo::.::s...:.:~.:::.a:..::id:..... ________ =. Sh£raton Newport I
[ J R~EA~lnthe --~~~-~----------------------------------, CK ANDERSON • ff4511KArt1'1r8111td...~-. . !! (tdU..CJCWWa"qf8Crc1'&JfacArtluuJ f • • .
..... " -.. -,. . r . -• -... . . . , ~ .
. ... ~ , .... ,,,~'9 -. "'
-..., ~. .. .... . -. J
'Lonely Hearts'
Cinematic Anarchy Clubs Senses
T ................. --1 ..
If Universal's .. Sgt.
Pepper's Lonely Hearts
Club Band" had been re·
leased 10 years ago at
the same moment the
original Beatles album
s urfaced . the correct
description no doubt
would have been "It':.
very 'psychedelic'."
Wha t that now-dated
\\-Ord meant v.a:. spacey,
bright, fla!>hy and "Oh,
wow, man, look al all
the pretty lights." Any
of those adject ives could
apply equally well lo
R obe rt Sta g w ood's
opulent but empty film
They've t aken the
fl esh of the memorable
Lennon.'Mc Ca rtn ey
songs and tra nsposed
their gt•nUy playful es·
sence onto J freaked-out
melange that results m
sheer cinema tic
a narchy.
The only left-handed
complime nt w e ca n
bestow upon it is there's
nothing else around that
remotely resembles it -
Directo r Mich ael
Schultz (who's perfectly
capable under less stri·
dent circumstances> has
:.erved her e more as
ringmaster for this
brassy circus that tosses
<-very scrap 1t can think
of into its visual l>tew.
H e nry Edwards'
screenplay 1:-0 a blueprint
of escapades document·
ing how Billy Shears
c Peter Frampton) and
his buddies cthe Bee
Gees> succumb to the
sin anct sex of evil ol'
Hollywood but regain
themselves in time to
save thrir magical town
rrom th<.' greed of Mean
Mr. Musturd Ca leering
Frankie Howerd ).
Fnday. July 28 1978 O~ILY PILOT
MANN'S so. com PLAZ•
C111l .. ia
l41t •111t1 ~1111
• ..-..,1~.4'
"CAT .. OM OUTm SPAcr t•I 1:1•-
t111J lleU )411 '"''" I IC9T I 12:45·2:35-4:3C>-e:25 "6?111 MOtASM!i 8:20-10:15
CINEMAUMO 14M So 11.Mttl a.th11t •» 1111
1414 It ••rltr .. ,..,.
m ''°'
MM St MJ'"' •u1t1• I» 1611
fll"lllJ ..
6: I W :OO.t:45
I :00.J: I S.S:lO
'"SA TIJIDA Y .. tGMT RYlr Ill
I J:4S.4:J5-l:JO
"'1Hl84D •
2:50.6:40.1 O:JS
I : 1 '-l:OCM:4S
6:10-I: IS. I 0:00
It's almos t a rock
world's view of .. The Wizard o f Oz" :.is ~------------------r------------------;=:;;::;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;;::;::;;;;;;:::;
:mme Het8£iT LOM • R.08elT WEB8Ei.
M.ni< weNRY MANCINI • Euc~tl•c Prt4uw TOHY AMM1
AnimaliOf\ tePATIE •FMLENG-
Stor1 ~ILA'E EDWARDS• 1rod"'td &l\d Directed by BLA~E EDWARDS
[Po!"'""·~-""':;:''--.---.-·:.· 1r:-: ... UrutedAmstl
Frampton and friend:.
encounter villaips
galore (A lice Cooper,
Aerosmith> as well as
gorgeous girls c Oi;rnne
Of course. our boy Bil·
ly returns to the arms of
his one trut• l ove,
Strawberry F1l•lds <San
dy Farina>. culminating
in a climax filled to
overflowing with guest
The movie misses the
bull's-eye more than 1t
connects because it sub·
stitutes frenzy for in·
George Hurns 1s the
sole oasis of calm as the
bemused small town
m ayor who narrates this
assault on the senses.
Everyone ebt• g<-ner:.i lly
breezes on by, which is a
regr e ttable waste of
such talents as Donald
Pleasence. Steve Martin
and the attr::ictive Stein·
berg. Rated PG
AGAIN.· ••
John Olivia
Travolta Newton-John
@~ isthewonl
--8'lCX'iTE W(X)l)AR() _ .. Al.LAN 0.RR -·--R4JAC06S.WARl!ENCAS£Y
-·---l<flt£TltWAISSi'\AN•AAXMFOX.---.,-·PATRIOABllCH __., STIGMXlO.AUNICIAR-"""'"""---"""°"'-J ft.I ---...... ................................. Clllli£!i!!EJ" ................. ~o:M*lOI : \ --: '· : .. "&.::-
Oranoe < 714\ 63.4-3911 Olfly,., t~•370•~n • 7.30•93S
Montclalr (714) 626·3534 Otlll¥ 1 30 . 3 30 • $ 40 •• 00 • 10 00
Westmlnste1 (714) 893 0546
Ol•I\' 1 IS • J 10 • S n • 1 30 • 9 35
El TOfO (714) 581·5880
Otltly I 4~ • 4 00 •I I!>• 8 )0 • 10 30
Anaheim ( 714) 772·6446
• I ... : ~· -
Brea (714) 529·5339 Costa Mesa (714) 540·0594 Delly: 12 t 0 • 2 15 • 4 20 • 6 25 '1 Dally 1 25 ' ) JO • 5 JO • I 45 • t 0 00
8·30 • 10 l5 f20llly' 12 45•2 !Ill • 4 S~• I 00• 910
Orange 171 4) 637-0340
La Mirada (714) 994·2400
Dirty 1730 •1 30 •4 30 •830
8 4!>. 10"
~ . ' • •• -.. a,.. ..... ill • -f ... .
snows s1a11 A1 Oulk
lMAlllM DIUH-t•
ANhtlm (71 4) 879·9850
Sin Juan Capistrano (714) 493-4~5
. . .
(A Quick Look at the Movies J
•y M>• THOMAS !For Tiie Astoci•tecl Pnss
"HEAVEN CAN WAIT" presen.,
Warr•n Beatty ~ Vl~ion Of th•
MtHltM' "I\ a pla<KI plKt of O•Y·
le• v•oo• wher• IM ,....iv Orp;irlMI
~rd a \llOW·wn11e Conc.ordf' M•S-
ta••nlv oronounceo °""" from • car
,, .. ,,, Joe Pen<llelon f~altyl is •I·
towed to retufn to earth,. fir~t •i. •
pow@rtui mnhonar,.-•. th•n ·~
quorlerbock tor lne Los A1>9elH
!>UCll otottino couro llltve proved a
Md•enly Ot~lff. l)UI mltKIU 00
llopoen l"• Brattv·Efalne Moy
scrlol onO l!Nlly·Bu<k lien•Y Olrec·
!ton ••• ~M~llY tuned lo tM ,..,.,.
ta\y. Tl\O 11.lO • QOOd pallern to
follow the 1~1 "Here C..,,...• Mr.
Jorclon" wrotten bY Slclney Bu<nman.
T.,e \upporttnC) <cUl ·~ Une-.
&s~ct•llV Mao,on J<><k Waraen .u
lhr tootDalt tra1M-t. anc:i Charle\
Grodin anO Oyan Onr>e>n ,,. muroer
plOlll'r\ Rate<J Pc.. 1».11 Ille tolm l\ as
clun d' Bealty'\ "Shampoo" was
* * * "CAPRICORN ONE" tS a lopnolcll
&dvf'nture. an ~ucJadous talP "'•t
•tr••n• ueoullly almMt to tho brHk·
109 point. L1terat-m1ndiN:t viewers
may KOii at tn.. tale of • Mars land· onq la•ed by a clesP<"•••& oovern·
ment, bul 1ne acfion •S ta>l ano clever
•noug" 10 _na,., tl>OW In ~rch of
B••IOe• • ..iw IM ,.,,.,1at10M In w .. 11•1>9t.on. wno c•" cell Ille slory
Wrfler dire<tOf' Ptot•r Hyams ts •
WIOndlO \ION·l"'ler wno cen Or•w
fine: ~rlorrTkln<..e~ trom ~hcoottr\
•s wett •s .ctors. The c•s• Jame\
8rotln Brenda vacca,-o S•m
Waler\ton, 0 .J . S•mpson. H•I
Holbroo~. Ka•f'n Black ancl Telly ~v•l•S In• Ot'•t!'f tunny b4' H•ted PG ..
Uu• '\Uf Prl\fl' rut of the \umm@'r
\f·d\On. d oentle perceP••'*'I! btO·
qt rtonv o• thllf roe" n roll P•<H"Hr
wr.o\e \Oaring career e-nded 1n a 19S9
P14'M trasrt The •<•IPI by 1110 falP Robul
G1ttlrr '' nti'tlhl>r <Ondl"l{,(end1ng nor
rtyC)f>d ,, \tn-'>f)IV letl., hOW" Lubt:IO<tt.
T!'•a< boY mdtld9<'0 10 a\Uncl Ille
h .. 19hl\ of A new mus1t industry
without lo\lnq h15 tnteqr11y
Charin Marun Sm1tn .tr•\ 10fl•• ,.,.
Olller member\ ot .,,., Cnekcl\ R•• eo PC., wltfl only e few upleltvH 10
sully quallllcalton •• • l•mrrv lllm
follows IM l•mlltar 01\MV IO•"•u••
of \up~r 1nltlh~nt an1Mdl\ .tnO
oooev nu .... n beinQ\ rn .. t•m~ d cal
fends• Ot..i>I..., 'Od<t<••ll on t:ar1h
•nd tnl1St\ d triHldly Wit"ntl\t rt. ~II
Berry I 10 ""IDll•m ftnd ino ooo .. o••n
of gola 10 QOl I"" 1n111<1 runnono JQJ•n
Tnen thfl: btld quy' try to '''''*' If\•·
cal'' COii.Jr ICM'" •I\ m.\Q•< l)OWt•f \
S.nctv Ou"'on Moc t~an C,l~•~n '"
Larry Morqdn ROOdv M Oow,\11 ·'''a
• 900d conv-ov cd .. t hit 1p mdktl' th•
frentllc ao•nQ• p.tt<tldbt~ Rdll'O c;
ktd' and tat lover\ w111 IOYC? •t
* * * "AME RICAN HOT WAX" ".in "'
IK ltOu\ Mel ~·tren'l"tV h•Qll f'nt>•OY
celebr.•llon ot '"" roo•• ot •<><I<. n
roH •nd IM rn.an woo D•ont.-t>'eo tf\••·
"OP,Q~nf'.'t6h•" nPw ~tylti ot mu,1c
back '" '"S~ Nt~w York di"-< 1oc.9't-v
AIAn f rP't1
lhf'.' mov•P bch•<tttlv comomt"\ t
tlllnlv f•cllon111t1NI monlot<JI' 01 in ..
lait tew o.v~ aurinQ wn1c" ._ • r-.•a
.... , at Ille IOC> Of "" oroftUtO""'
ureer ano a ~mplt'• ol '"" 1111 •OC:k
'n' roll luM• ot 1ne ratt '!>01.
O"ector Floyd Mulru• ullllll'' IN
too\" \Creene>IAV ot cttr1cdtur•
$fr°"e\ tn •n tnlt"r'St1no mttnnrr D'r
ort\t'lltlnQ FrHcl t m1Hvelou\I v
onaclecl by Tim Mcln11rel a s tnt'
calm eve within• rac;ilno norm of un
rHt ono lnoe<l•lon Ion ltle pen 01 111~
k•OU •nd contrO¥env Ion I.,. por1 of
ltle Hl•bllWNftll
M<!.,.I, not a remake of ,.,. mm tna1
m•cle E lta.M»lll T •YIO< a ... , 1n 19«
Tllh time T ••um O'HHI pl•yt Ille Qlrl
wllO bull oill -o0.n lo win Ille blQ
llo<M rACO ~IS not tt\ IOVPI¥ •• ..... young T aylOr. out ,,.. n.s II• s.tml'
S'l•r prue1><e, llnd SN rklet em&llf'QIY -II. Productr·dtrector wttffr 8rv.tn
Forbes cll'l>f•rs OOVIOU• etfe<llon IOf
1n. .. nflmental movies of v0<e His
ooce I\ 100 ll'•SufelY •I time$. but '""
101a1 tfltcl " lle•rl·werm1n9, •
Wt' le om" aMlaote to the l't••sllnen of
Ille \ummt'r SuPerlllls. N•n~ll• Newm•n. Chr1\IOPllPr
Plumm11r d"d e\P.,<1•llv Anthorw
HoPkln\ o• 1111! Olvmc>I< c;amt•' <o.t<ll
8:30 PM
646·0573 646-3266
SlrY~ Run ' c11rect1on ke<'P• Uwt
'\tory movlnQ, and Holly's mu\IC Is
rtt c re1tted with eJCt1tement «Jnd
tlcleltly It's dtl tl\fe, no playbaeh,.
The folm'' ma1or lo•<• '' Garv
Bu\eV, d remarkaDle comb•n•tion ot
e<tor •ml mu .. clan. Oon Sl•oud anO
help llH\O crl'(JlbtltlV to whal coulcl 114••
been mu\hY ~< a r>e>v•I ror olrls Th• ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::===================~ ralinq t\ PG E .c•ol for ll>P unwl!O _
ll•lson of N1·wman And Plummet.
Iller• w•m\nutllong 10 prelrt'nl • G
Anaheim (714) 772·8902 Orange (7 14) 639·8770
Costa Neoo 14 646-b573
( I .. M. BOYD )
. . ... ... ... .._ '• ... --... .. .. .. . . -.. -.. )
CIO DAILY PU OT Fnday July 28 1978
--Hey, Southern California ••• You Asked For It!
First ..• A Sportscar For Vnder 1500000•
Second ••• Well-Built With Sporty Sty /i,,g.
Third ..• Super Gas Mileage-P~bly The Betit Ju Its Cla~.
Fourth •. .A Great Car Backed By A Great Con1pany-G.M.
NOW Orange County's# 1 Buick Dealership,
NOT '5000 or '6000 -
s3395 --
with three ~asy ways to buy.
CASH I s3995oo
P~u~ 1.a.. •no '"8'"• Ch«:1t it -\"00 11 -Ol'T\OdfU 1• YOu U'1 t CMt•I ,,,.,,once
2 SJ~. 3 TERMS
Full C.nn Pnce S389S. • ta» & 111 11 ' 90 V(J \ r.10 bl Of"f ~II\ tQf 48 rnonttt5 with
IN "8 MOS O" llOOfO""° Cf"1•1 1~401 iiJ 1 •'°U~ /f) :>vwn OAIPoed Piitment l 501!t94
101..i oc•erreo pml "'''"' APR 13 ~ APR 13 091'.
l~o• 111'626i1S•k •80491 Cn•omo WlltJ~" fo• lllust11l100 Puroows Only
2925 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 979-2500
ONM-LM11 •. ,
Ca p cost-$9 4 93 .00 : '
Residual-$4183.42, Total
paym ents -S9 250 .08 : •
C.0 .0.-S560 71. includes first
payment. license fee & S200
conditional deoosit.
PtlOt• t>lus Ill. ''°""" & °"''"'" Id~ tQU'f)IMM Can 6ufllt!CI to Pf10< Ult Ott ..
llOOd 111 72 l>Oln ." .. ovOllCahO<'I
---... -
-.r -• ~-•. f. -.. ,"" ... ~ • ., .. "" .... ; ~ : • ,. f .. ... .. ... .. .. • •• "II\ ...
Zs ·-·--AUIOf"\ahc•'2 • 2'
The difference between a .
Mercedes-Benz lease and any
other is the Mercedes-Benz •
The car you lease does m ake
quite a difference. After all. you
don't drive the lease. you drive the
car. And when you lease a
Mercedes·Benz you drive some·
thing special indeed.
Whichever Mercedes·Benz model
you choose. you drive one of the
world 's most respected automo·
biles. A ca r with legendary eng1·
neering, meticulous craftsmanship.
outstanding performance and
Something else : you'll drive the
car you lease for two. three or even
four years. Most cars look out of
date all too quickly. But when you
lease a Mercedes.Benz. you drive a
car with classic lines and timeless-
ness that 1s never out of date.
We have several leasing plans to
offer you. On e 1s certain to make 1t
more convenient :or you to drive a
Mercedes·Benz than yotJ
might have thought poss1· ~
ble. Call us today for the ~~)
surprisi ng facts. , _/
Ask about our
many convenient
leasing plans.
Mission Viejo Imports
831-17 40-2::~~'~::~.f.:;~~y. 495-1700
Son Diego Fwy. ot Avery, M1mon V1c10
-....... \ ' ' ~
. ,. . ' . .. . . ... ~ . ... ~, ... --...... __ _ . --
I r
I , ·~
Ft1dly. July 28. 1978
DAILY PILOT 8J_ ,----------------• I
1978 Automobile ·rt-tEODORE ROBll ~"'·-----------~--
' :) 1978 AutOlrioblle
-· :3Days
I : Only:
Sat, Sun, Mon.
SlftU 4 DOOtl VB. automatic trans .. full
power. fac tory air cond ..
leather interior. tilt wheel. vinyl roof. cruise control,
AM /FM stereo . etc. Lie
U85SWN Stk. 11B95A
'I l,399
171 FOllD
This one is fully factory
equipped and ready for
business• Ser I AH8312 Stll
VS. automatic transmission.
power steering, POWer bralles.
factory air cond .. custom
wheels. vinyt tap & radio Lte.
U39LXF Stk. #2285A
6 cyl.. 3 speed trans • 4 wheel
drive. loci<Jng hubs. removable
top. radio & h eater. Lie.
#683JEV Stk. 11990CT.
'75 FOID
Aut o matic trans .. pwr
steering, radio, heater. w/s/w
t ires & wheel covers. Lie
1 407NIL $t1(. #24628.
...... TOlllMO 5qUlll
VS. automatic t rans.. pwr.
'steering, air cond., luggage
'.rack & AM/F M s tereo.
Excellent condition! Lie.
#232RKM Stk. #16728.
'77 FOID
<4 speed transmission. radio.
heater & much more! A good
httle truck. lie. #85832T Stll.
VB. automatic trans.. pwr
steering. e>wr. brakes. radio. heater w/s/w tires & wheel
covers. Lie t107SWS Stk
INVOICE ·Factory 1nvo1ce 1nclude11 1reigt.1
prepatjlk>n and facioty boldbac:ll4
------·-·-----I --.. ________ .. _, ___ _
25Q CARS MUST GQ Finance Counselors on duty
I•..., U•M C• W• W ............ , ...... n.w ... ,, .... ..
• 'llFOttMAMCE
1 .. 0.0-........
h ua4il1 ..... o.,._.
Nww.Ll ........... ea __ , .... s,.-
wi...l A ............ MIKh, .s ..... ,..s,..
POWER TRAIH ,,___._...,_
~k ... ...... o ........
LllM,OllC .......
..... Oii ....
All Pnce• Art! Ptv'\ l .u 6 l.Uf\M
.. II Ce,. A•e S..O!«' To PtKlf S• ..
•75 OLDSMOllLE W AGOM '74FOU 'rASS. VISTA c•UISll PIHTO llUMAIOUT VS. automatic trans . power
steering. power brakes. till
wheel. cruise control. AM/FM
stereo & sunroof L 1c
lf 104PUX. Stk. IP3463
4 speed trans. vinyl roof.
radio. heater, radial tires &
wheel covers. Lie. lf465MDE
Stk llP3209.
VB. automatic trans .. pwr.
steering & brakes. factory air
cond . vinyl roof & AM/FM
stereo w t cassette Lie
#53 7TZW Stk. ll 1938A
CenullY 4 DOOa
VB. automatic trans . pwr
steering, factory air cond •
crU1se control. radio & heater.
Lie. 1690GOO Stk. ll2362A
6 cyl . auto tran'> air
cond111omng. power s1eering
rad•O. heater v1ny1 root 10
miles L•C 11516PRI S i i<
4 cyl • <4 speed trans... ...cftO &
heater Lie •9S5i(AP Sttc
'1799 ,.
•74 FORD
VB. automatic transm1ss1on •
power steering. mag wheels.
custom paint & low miles A
surfer's dream! Ltc. # 180<4850
Stk. t1542AT.
speed transmission. neater
and drap.ti1tch bumper Lie
f 1 E05692 Stk. 12060A T
Sele•: Mon·Fri 8 to 9, SM a to f . Sun 10 to~
Service & P•rt~: Mon 710 9, 1\lft·Frt 7 to 6
P•rta Dept: Sat 8 to 1 pm
10 Acra of..___. tftOdem
FOR~ t.cllltlee on the Wnt Cont.
&a .;;. .. u.: ·••1••r f'••.-•.,..•••• .... .,,, ....... , ••• •
• -.--.1 •• --.... "'. . ,. ..... " -~ -......... -~ ....... --. -. ----. ,., . -... . . . .... . -.
Vt -'--''A
•• An• C.. P•s~ aw•y July 11 '911
•I lflct-olf9 &l_...,\1\1.,ol E"'-
,... HHly ,...,.,., W!<VI(~ will be
,,.,o 011 ~lurciay, July tt. "" •• ll AM •l ll>e F•tr11.t-..n ~"'$.Ml• AN. C• •Ith Rt'V Frt0 N.._,,ll>Qh•u~ 01 t•t••ttno lnt•rmenl F<11ttPIAv•"
Mrmort•I P••-. s.,.,. An•. C• FrieftO~ wr-o w1\" to prey IMlr res.oe<ts
m•• ull •1 l,.. !>mot/\ Tutlllll U.m«> Wp\t(loll 0..P"I Qt\ l'rlo•y JUiy 11, It!~ trom 17 noon lo SPM Smltl'I
lull'ltll L•mb Morlu•ry d•rtctort
•'II &JU
!.ollMUEL !>AWCHUIC, r~\lffllf Of
c;o,I• M~. CA P•\~ •••Yon Jutv H 1•11 Surv1vrd by llos •II• 1<a11w>ront1, l'lo~ ~' Ray S<lwc/\IA Of
C<J\ll Mr"1, C. &no Pn1110 S.W<l'luto of a.11 •• , .. W a\h l "QIOll , s
Q• ono c1111ar•n 1 ore<1l·o••1u:uo11.
f u"4'• al ""Vl(H will ~ 11<>10 Oii S.tur· O•v July ,. 1911 .rt 11AM ... Peclll<
\11rw Cl\apel ""Ill 1n1trme"I •I Ptcllk
lllPw Metnoft•I Pa,.. 8~111 S.roe<"oo ! u~r•I H~ ~~dJUCIOn
RICHARO ALAN M0 Nl,U 10 re>t
t1t•M ot Ofte.,.n C. Pd\W'd •w•v 0" Ju
1y lo 1918 .;! l"e ~GI 11 B•lo•MI \on
o• •4ttt'r t. V1clor1• M onhtno
f.untr•l ~'"'(~ .. ,-~ M""7inQ at Smnn
futh1I• L .. mo Monwry ~ '&88
OllOlllANC& NO. 1J
AM oeoue..u o, Tl4~ 110A•o 0 , Ol•ECTOO O" TMI COSTA
M8aTllfe DAT9 l'ltOM 1'ME 11111n
ltlHIMa&Y Of' UCN MOH1'N fO =~COllO Tlf'1ltl04Y CW IACM
SUPllllOtt COUllf 0, fMe
STATl.Of'CAL9'CHUllA '01t
NO A...U
NOTtCa O" Nl.AlllNO O•
•CTITIOH P0tt ~lto.&1'9 0" WILL
ANO "Olt L.enl1t• T•ITAM•N•
fA • Y ANO flOlt AllTMOll II.A flCNI
TO AOMINISfllt '1M011t TMI.
0.t H\410 NOTICE I~ HE REBY GIVtN 11'1•1
WALTER W HEIL."'' 111..-"4lrt1n •
petltlOn lor Probtt. of Whl •llO 11)( "
\1141ft0 Of L.tli.rt T"l-nlary •ncl
tor Avtl>orl1•llon to AOMl11h1tr undt#
,,.. lndepetKMnl Admlnl•lr•t1on of
Ett•I•• Act, rt ltr.n<t 10 wlllcl'I 11
m.ot lor lurtntor 1M1r11Cut•n, •net 11••1 Ill<> tlm• •no pl.i<e G111torlno 1,,. ... ..,.
h•• l>ffn w1 lo• Auvu•I n 1911, •I
10·00 Am 1n u~ covriroom ot Otoarl
m~111 No l nt "''" caurl. •t 700 Ctvtc C•n•~r or. .. W~\I, 1111,.,. CllV ot ~nt•
An• C11li11>tnl• D•led July lS IW8
County Cler•
"4.H. T"'lln Strwt
Ora ..... C.tlllw*e tlM7 f•L U9'lltl
Att..,,..yf0< ~ltl-
PuOh•M<I Or-°"''' O•llY Pllol, July '9, 1'1-Auoust •. "'I
11M 11
HCTIC>tl I. Ttw llow<I OI Oir-.clor•
of Ille c.._i. ~ s...llMY Ohtrk l finch •IMI Ot<IA<n ~ re\)<llM ,,_.,
Int Of Its .._.o OI Oi-lon M \ -ftl•llllMIM to 1.tM ,,._ti 1 )0 .,_,,. °" tM first WllCINtdty Of H<ll monlt! al 11 F•lr Drive, Cou1 M .. •. Ctlltornle Tl\t 8oero lurtMr llnds
•nd de<l•re\ INll -or ttwt mem
""" of lne Booro ol Ol•ec Inn ot ,,.. Co\I~ Me•• S..nll•ry District •l•o
w rn II\ -"'Of>•• Of Ille 8o••d Of ,,..
!.on•lfllOll 0.slrl<I> which n\eel <lurtnQ
Ille uco"<1 ""H ll ot ••<II ca1eno11r
rnOt>ll'I Tiie Boord Of Ol~CIO,. turllwr
finch ena Ot<I.,~• 11>•1 '"" 1n1cr~s1 01
Ille tommvnlty ~Ned by ltw Cost• Me\a S.nl1.,y OlslrlC1 will ~ lurllwr
enll•no d bY <.,,.,,QlllQ Ille n>ffllno d•I• or lllt Coste -.,,. S.nltery Di>
Irie I to IOllow ,,.., Of IN< S•n1la1t011
Ot\lrl(" Tile Botrd ,.,..,,,,.., t1nas •no
dffl•rtt 1114'1 (l\&ngtl>Q Mid reQVlar
"'~tl•nQ dalt• lo lt\e ~ lllurS<lay
01 ••<" mon1n ~1nnlno '" ttoe montl'I ~f S.plemllff, 1•11 wrll lltl11~ _..,. -·-------------
'u '•••ott COUllT 011 1'HI NO. _I,. f"• IOllO•lflt penon\ .,. OOlnQ
JT•TI. O~CAU"'OltNIA '0 11 SUP l lllott COUllT OP TI4( ~\lf\tO •>
..._A.._, fMI. COUNTYOf'OllANGa MElltCIAL MARIC E fl NO llt1 G E:tte .. Of MAltSHALL C KLIHE, l" .... M9tt ... ef tloe et .. te of M Atrwey A .. n u•, Cotti Ahu
0.Ue\.9f-CHOllOE HENRY, OK••Md c.tlll0rftle91t~
NOT I GE IS HEltlEBV Gt VEN 10 tl1t Notl<• IJ ...... OI~ lo C ... llot\ Mc o-11 .. AHOCl.t .... Ill< ...
<ttcllton el u.-. iwlNd OK-llevlne <lelmt •••""' 1,.. u ld Gtllfontl• COF'D«lllon, i1t1~ Alrw•y
,.,., 811 ,....... llitvlnQ <1•1m' ...in11 deooe111 10 fll• wkl cl<tl"'• In tilt A-. Cai. MtH, Gtlllet\'ll1m:i. lllt Mid lllecMill #9 AQ<ll!W lo file '--Thlt ... -~-......,_.~ ~ llltlTI wltll IM--• vOU<flen, In""'''• of tht <ltnt Of Ille ttorftll<I PCW•tlon"':'"9-.> I\<----,.y • uw.
IN ofoo ol lM <i.tfl Of ll>fl ello ... ...-(Our I or IO ortH"I ....... IO ti,_ McClowtll AAHOCl.tlft, 111(,
1111te1 c0\IF1 or lo ,,_, -wlll'I uncMrno..i ti flllit Offl<• DI 'AUl I"• MCtU.ty "°"'llert 10 lrM II"' HAS TINGS. JANOFSKY t"d S._H M<Oowttn, dtr\IQn•d •I , ...... olflct ol WAL KER, ,., 0 8o• 10'°. 11•u p,.,._,
WILLIAM A. SCHMIOT, l 't Se" Mt<ArtllUt 81Vd .. SI/lit 400. "'"""°'' 1'11e ".......,,., •H llleel wllll lflt
Ml9ue1 Drive, Suite IOQ. "'••oort 8ucll, c.tllo(N• ~-•"1<11 •-County C*'ol0r.ngo(ounly.,.July
S.e<ll, ~llforllle n660, wllkll I~ the Office I\ ..... Plett ot """""' Of Ille H, lt1t.
CM11<• OI b<l\IMU ol tf\t .... "lont<l In un0tn19Md 111 .. , INlltr\ pert•lnlnQ p ~-1 .. •II m•tte•\ Pdrl•lnlnQ to tM tslott ol lo s•ld ·~· Slich cltlrM wltll .,.. llOllS!le<I Orenot C.O.St o.try PllOI, ,.10 aeceocnl wltl\lll four month• roecessarv •O..C:"*" m"'I be llle<I o• July" .nci At.IOusl 4, II, I&. 1978
oiler the lirsl publlcallon 01 lllll P•Hented "' f tOftH •G .. 11n1n tour 111>18
not•<~ n)OnlM .,. .. Ille 11,..t PIJOllu tion 01
D•led JUiy 11, 1'18. !Ills llOll<t.
VAUDY~IC l(LIHE 0•te<IJUlylS.1'1t
'""Above nameode<edt!lt BANK OF AMERICA PICTIT10US eUSIMIU
S"ltt JOO SAVINGS 4'SSOCIA1'10N fht lollowlnQ pertof\s are <IOl119 ,.. ·~ .. .__. on llu\lntn •• _,,...._ .. Ellt<IAorOll"9Wlll fHI OAK lllOGE CO., '"2
......,. 9MCll, CA~ of t"9 DK.a.tit A-Im A.._, c.os .. Me.._ CA.,.,.,
Tel: 0 141 M6GD •AUL. MASTING$, JANOtrSKY C.r•kl E-rCS Twar~ ,,., AtWlltY lw lacllll1• _. •ALK~ll
Pul>llal\ed Or-Coe" 0<1lly Pilot. p O ... ,_ An•lwtlm Ave • Co\t.o Mp~. CA UI
July u. Jl.21. AliQ •• ~,. w.., ,;,u M•<Nt-•••d . F •. ::.:::n,L::c s;;.~:o::.; ·c~1~'10~
Sulte4" '"'' blri"''"' " tondutl~o o~ • --IMW-1 ~.CA t16') Q<l ... , •• .,.rt~f\lllp 1--------------PUBLIC NOTICE Published OrtnQll CO<l\l 0••1¥ Piiot C.•.old E lwM-•k•
-·--------------Jwlyl .. 21.2t-AUOU$1•,1911 Tht\ \ltl-1 -filed w1U. Ille PUBLIC NOTICE
$UPl•tott COV•T Of' TMI
NO -.. OflC:l 01' N R A.I N G O P
PeTITIOlil "C)ll •ttO.•fl Of' Wll L
AMO f!Olt L1£n1u T•ITAMIN·
1.•lete of Wlll AllO elllllY
WlLM>N SR Oo< .. MG
Mll.OllED WILSOfol 11.tS flled-t<ll •
Hlltlon r... PrOCMI• Of Wiii end for ·~
-·Of Lt>ttw> lnt•-.. Y IO tr..
fl!etltl-r •no ~'"°"DtlOn to "°' fftll\l .. r 1111 .. i.. -I,. '"°'llW"' •t1t A(lmlllltlftlti... ol hWlti Mt.••· '-• to wllk" la ,..... tor ,.,.._
P•,.tlcul•"'· ...e 111e1 '"-••-.. no Pl•<t Of tw .. lnQ llWI "'""' rt.n-~t
tor AuouJI •S. ••11. •1 •o 00 • m "'
ltwt tourlroom or °""""""''" N<1 l i>t Wld covrt •l 100 C"" Cenler Oro•t!
W••t •n the(•'• ot ~•"'• An•. C..llro<n••
Oett<I J111y 1'. •O~
WIU.IAM E St JOHN, C-••Cie.~ C.A. NIGlll
f'0 ... 1l21 ..... '"-· """-· .,..., Ttl 0141 ~~1tlt A ..... ,, .. ,...,,_
Pu1>41~ Or-Coe\1 DA•'• P11~.
JlilY 17. 21 end AVQU•I J 1911 Ille <on•tnlence GI ttw Botrd ...a Ille
pUr-s tor _,"' lllt Cosl• ~
S...1t1ry Olstr1ctw11su .. 1ea 1--------------fllCTITIOVS IUSI NESS 1------------"'-'-'-"~ I Colillly Cltn OI Or-(.ouftly on .IUIY
Accorit1ng1y, ct. fOllowlllQ Sec:llOft "
ltdoc>IPO es an Ordl,..nc~ tor 11\t C°'I•
NAME STA1'EMENT PUBLIC NOTICE 11, m1. ,~~!:~~1:::s PVBIJC l\l.OTICE SUPllt•Oll"to~~T OF THI! l>u~~!,~o;~ow1119 person> .,. dOl'IQ 1--------------1 PUOlllNd Or .... ~ o.11= ,,,. rollOWlnQ IJ"f\Oft\ •r• do•no 1--------------
Mt w !wnlt&ry OtslrlCI
~ctl.., l . TIW' r<qular met'tlnQ OI ltw
Coste Mtte Sdnlt••v 01\lrKI Botrd of
Ol•tCIOrl •11•11 ••k• Pia<• On In•
se<ond ThU<SO..y 01 t.o<ll monlll •I lhe /\ouf 01 1 JO 1n lllr •veno"4) al 11 F•tr Drive,~ ... W !MI, C:.1ttorn1a
SKI .... J. n.. Se<rei.,.. Of IM o ..
lrltl s.11.111 Ctf11fy lo Ille Pl~ Ol l,.tS Onll11•nu MICI .,..II <1<1a Ille M me to
be l>Ubllsl'leel Oll<t '" ltw Ounoe Co.st 0.lly PllOt. • -~r Of Otnt••t
<lrcul•tlon prl'lled, PUbliSlltd •nd
clrculaled In tne Co\le Mes. S.'lll•ry
0 11trlct, O<•-County, C:.lllornla
Ind Mtvtn 111 oan ''°"' Ille after'" publk:tllon, II ~•II be In lull for<• and
Botr<I of Directors o• the Cofla Mesa
S.nll•rv Ol\lrlc:t, .. •.-.VU''" meellnt lltld on the ~lh dell GI July 1971
Pr,.S•cl<''ll o• lne Board ot 01noc ,.,,, of 11\t
S6nlletry D1sfr1<1 AT TESl
Bw Ro~rl 0 BflO<H
ST ATE Of' CALIFOltNIA ,Olt G e N E A A L p "' A t N E R lt·ltSW July 21, n . M4 •. 11, 1971 buslntu oK fllC'Tlf1~ BUSI NESS
NO.A....a e .... nt • Slr<Mt, ••• , ..... Ca !llornld NO....... Oo1111>111 f«r•u . CorOIW °"' Mo l (.A fll• fOllOWllljl ""'"'"" ··~ oorng NOTICE ol' HEA1111o1 o 0 ,. n1u su~1.1t1ottC:OU1tTMTMll PUBLICNOTl CE mu 1111s•neuti PETITIC»I FOii PaOaATIE 0' WILL t; n lerprlu Con\! rue !Ion, STATE OF CAL"OllNIA f'O• MIChffl SlrK/yn. 1~ Oo•on111 HAVE A NATURAi J'OOOS 80' E
AND 'Olt LETTllltS TIE,TAMEN· Inc, 1101 8arr•nc. !>lrffl Irvine, THE COUNfYOF OtllANGE 1--------------·I Ttrr•<e, Oln>Ndel M.ir CA "1UI •Ill Sl'ffl. s.tll• A-CA
1'AllY ANO ~II 4'UTNOlllUTION In t1>e M1111er ol lllt EUele of PICTIT10U1 IUSINISS John 8Uf'I.,. t1J1 0'•~•0\· D•. Eowerd (i s 1.,n1 ••O J• ;w,o TO ADMIHISTEll UHOEll THE c a;llorn••;271S bit ond Id b F REDERICK J Mc KEE. Slit. NAMI STATEMENT Coron•delMa< CA ll167\ Pel•W .. ¥.t...-&'"'° CA•?•>•
lNOEPENOENT AOMINIURATION "'' ""'p""'~" ll\Q ( IK e y !Ho •seo Tl'lp IOllO'#lnQ jlet'On\ •r• Oo•rtQ Thi\ bus1,,.n ,, (OllOll<ltO O• • Cvnll'll• A '°""' nt•" Ji.c 1>,.,. o~ EST•ru ACT. .. L•miie~ENMEl~ArLVl:AR TNED NOiiet ,, llereby Qlwn lo <rlClllort llullMU 8$' oe11ere1 PMl,..,,,,.p wo. L<1-BN<fl. c:. •r1oS•
v ... ... ll•••nv <l•lms ~nst Ille w ld aec.. PENN OIL & GAS ASSOCIATES, Mlc1'M1 Str--Clyll :~,, D<nlMH ·~ conouc100 ov. Estate al ERNEST I'. SIMPSON. ENTERP RISE CONSTR UC· O.nt 10 lllt MIO <lelml In me otllo of 1·24 and IC·n . I.SU Mli<Arth<tt BIVCS., Tl\" ,l•le..-I ,..,, lill"1 wiln I~ ••m•le<I P<1'1ntn/llO ~~.~EST l'AANCIS SIMPSON, TIONINC 11\eclerkotllwtforfttld courtorlo Sultt701.lnrlne,CA'1211S Co<lnly Cl""ofOreioot COUlll'r OnJ11111 EOW•nlG.81~,.turo J•
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IMt Thll ,~~~::!':'1~1co wll1111w County :~~nw~ ':r~~~~F-:t~ llon;•:no:=~I~ ~~~~~110~~2 IO. ms. ,.,U7 c.o:i~:~ ~::~J..:;. '(~,,1~'~ J::
KATHRYN A l'OLEY lnamtd In OK• Clerlt•ol Oranoe County on Jiiiy 2S. LOE• ANO LOEB, One Wlhhlre Ma<Artllur Bl\•d.,Su1te2Qt, lnr1ne.CA Pul>h\necl Or~ Coa'I Odtly P•lol 1¥ 10. 1t1t Wiii ., ICAlHRYN A SIMPSONt llH ttll "" '21 S -....
llled llereln • .-tlllon IOI' Pr-le ol · Blvd,. Sllltt UOO. Los AnQelO, I July If, 21, 29. Auq f, 1918 ,,.>JU CAPl!En .. M<Ot>NALO Ctlllornle «l017, whlCll l•ller olflct Is f l\!\ bu"nfn IS <OnOu<l•<I by a 7bl• Ill Pub ll\lltd Or.inQtt Coasl Do11v P••ot. Wiii and for I n uance of Ltlltr\ ey Jl me• T. Cllprett ll'lt Plt<t of l>u\lllt\I Of llllt u" QO'll•r•I P8'1nt!r~1p --·------------IJ I t• II 18 AliQ 1'111
reuamentery and I~ A11lhorua11on lo AUtrlltys ,.1 uw dtrslQllt<I In ell mallet\ pertalnlnQ 10 PeM Pa<lll< PUBLIC NOTlC C: u ' ' ' · •. Adml'llUtf' unotr u ... lndepe~nl Ad· llSHM•<Ar1 ...... at¥d. ...,d Ul•l• Such claim s Wiii\ Ille F1n.ncooll torpor••-..... "1ln111rel10ft Of Esllffl Acl, r•ltrence Svlte•H nec:uury "Oll<llefS musl ~ llltd 0 , JOllnW O'Donnell lo w 11l cll ·~ maoe tor IUrthu ,._ .. 15 Pr Iden! ~rllculers, •nd lhlt lht lime end lnrl11t, ..,.llf.,,.,e f., Prtst,.le<I u •lor.-.ald wlttlln •our n ~ FOttHO monlll\ alter lhe llr\1 l>UDllUllon ot Thlt s .. ...,.,.,,. WH lllCICI wltlt Ille 01•<• 01 heerlno llw ..,"'" II.ts l>een Ml Publlslled OranQt to.tit O.lly PllOt, 11111 r>ollc• Count¥ Cl.nt ol Or*'9f C-1y ~July lor Auqvs1 I, "71. •• t0.00 •.m., In Ille July ?I ana •uou~• •. 11. II, 1971 Oeled Julys, 1978 10, "71.
tourlroom ol De1M1rt<Nnt No, i ol WIG 21U-71 l'REOEAICK J M<KEE, JR. '°'7»4
court, 111 100 CIVIC Cl'nftr Ortve WH I, E£Kulor GI 0,. Wiii lll'vl>llJllCICI Orenoe Co.Ht Oelly Piiot.
1n ll>t' C•IY ol ~n•• An., Glhlornla 01 SlllO Dt<»oc!nt July 14, 21, 21, ""'9· 4, 1'71
D•le0July20, lt71 p CE LOEa ANOLOEI
County Clerk An ...... y• al uw
T,.. 1o11ow+no --'' oo.no OU\I· ""'"· JEWELllY OUTLEl Ill Wt ll 11t11St,. 0. .. Nlt\t,, CA'7UI
Alec Ir• 8endteln, !JOI• Oen.rd
St .. Apt 101. Ven Nv'f\. CA •lfOS
This IMIMntH I\ <OlldlicUd bY <Ill Ill· div1oue1.
N4MI. STATE~NT Th~ IOllOWl"Q pe~f er~ 001'10
ltl' O•~ A-. CQ\t. ~. c.. t?t17
'1 IS MY~~s It c:EIO FICTITIOUS•USINISS 0...Wllll\lreat ...
VEllCOE ~OUN fYOl'ORANC.E 1 ~611111 e:ui.;;:..•C<llll UMl NAMESfATEMINT S11lltlMO
fllEOERIC>( HOWARO VERCOE I ELEANO~ G GECOES. AUi• T:,,.:r.~ • -· Tiie followlnQ ~''On•••• CIOl119 LffA .... l .. ,C<l'Ot17 s~::~a~~=oto'For.!
Tnl\ st••-•d\ II ... wllfl -Covnly Cle<lldOr-c-rtyonJulY 18, 1019
It lch11rd S CX111re •ftd N.•u 'o
Oll\lro. u. rW</\1111,,.. w1.,, s ... , ... ~ •. c. 91()3A
,.q, 1>9 d•l'<I ""'°""'" •I tit\ <t'\t<ltn<r l•nr SMrNarv Of llw BoClrO GI Dire< At!-• ltr _....,.. bUS•MU e\ Published 0r-"'Qt COA" 0.lly f'llql, • TE 01 ... f ll •' 10831 C•ll• Cnu~<• '•n Ju•n ' : TRICOR ENTERPRISES, t0tt Julyl,14,21 :zll,1911 •TA F ..... U~ltNIA l'Oll ... ,,,,,,.no. Cd on Jul• 11 "101t Mr IO•S or ,,.. Co!.I• -.. Sci'llt.llfY Dis-Pul>ll•lled Or811Qt CO<ISI Delly Ptlot Tal~rl Avenue, Sull• •7, Foun .. ln ._. __________ _,,c::m.=1~· 1'HE COUNTY~OttA1otG• "~"o "'"' l>of'n in c11oc'...... "''"°"on '""or 0•""9t' Cotffll~ Cllliforni•. DO July 21. ?9eno A_,.1,, ltl& V•ll•Y. c a111orn1a 91109 .. Ne. A ......
Apr.I 11 1~ Hr ... ~·11,., ....,,, 01 HEREBY CERTIFY 11111 tt>r toreoo-116>78 Btron L Wllllams, 11219 S...I• PUBLIC NOTICE Ellelt Of EANESt A. SOLOMOH.
Frrdr .. o Howero """ Lo1ro41 K•r" •'IQ O•O•Nnce No 13 wu IMUe<I, •e>--·------------Cecille Cor. l'ount•l11 llelley. 1--------------Oecu...i.
ll••w H~ ""'"°'"' Alllamor• "•On ~~~:;: ::::: -:::: ~Y1~1~~:;:;,,•:; PUBLIC NOTICE C.lljo;:;;:,tn~oe Clayton. 1"0I P•MO R·J47H ,,:,~~~,~~·~:=:.~e;c~
""'"" Pv1>41tlll"<I Or-Coalt O.lly Pllo4,
Jlily 21, 21. Auq •• "· 1911
Thi\ ll<ISIMU h conclucted 11¥ ... •II· dl¥ieuel
11 ldle<d \.. OsNrn
Tiu, , .. ,_ was lll«f •ttl• the
C.0U'lly Cl•rt d Or-. Count• Oii ~UIY s 1019
F .. 71'1 P~blt\hed Or.w19t C...st o ... ., P••ot
Julv I '' ll.11 1•15 116o-11 ~~~~~~~~~~~-11-;-;;:oo~:o":'r~'-::'~~,";:.u~:;:•~0• ••Id Boaro •nd elltSl*<I 10 by Ille SU PIElllOlt COUllfOF'THE NOTICE TO ClllEOITOllS Ille! ell e>enons N vlno c1a1m, -IMI
v ' • S.tr•l•ry lherl!Ol, •II Ill • f"9Ul•r Bon11a. LO\ Alam11~. C•lifonll• 90120 OF 9ULI( TllANS,llt '""Hid OK-••• reou1rt<1 lo file 11·1'Sl5 [,l•Yl•M -.. ""Sfol•moer 1•, meellnQ olwo<1 8ootrOtwl<IOft Ille Slh STATE OFCALIFO•NIA l'Olt SI••• Sher wood, ,., .. Mt lS.C1.t1014107 UC:.C:.I lhtm. wlthtllenecessary"°"'"""·'" NOTICETOCltEOtTO•S
101 H~ Wd> omoloyt'<I IOI' d v~•·• O•y 01 July, 1011 •no 1,..111'\e u me THECOIJNTYO,OllANGE Ac1term11n Cl•. Foun.,ln V•lley, Hofl<e •S lltrtby o1vtn lo lllt tr.OfllceOlllle ci.rttoftlle•bower.. NO ,.,_...,41
• Ill Curll\ Pubh\lllnQ Comp•ny wa t ,,.Ut<l il\CI edople<l by lhe follow· CASE HO.,....... C•hlorn1a•2I08 Cr t d 11 or \ o I R 0 BER T M lltltd <OUM. or lo Pl'e\ent _..., wtlh Sll~llltlOlt QOUltT OF TME
"''0'" r~ltrtng '" ••11 Mr Vpr(oe Wit\ Ir.ii roll cell VOi•. • OllDER TO SHOW CAUSE Tn1s DuS•M•S IS <O'lducted by .. STANSBURY. TraMleror. wflo• bull· Ille ll•ceUdfy vouchers, 10 the ""· STATE 0, CAUP'Ot!NIA FOlt rec•nllv Q<.-itt0 hltlt""" -mbtrslllO A ES OR CT S ICCl't U111 Qener•l IMlrtnct•YllP MU .oddreu " 120 E"I ltlll Slreet. der$1QfV<I et IOO WHsnlrt 8ouiev•rd, fHI COUH'TYOFOllANOI! on trt• Ei<lldnQP CluD Of l:.IP•Slr•no GIO(k:;.,r, RI..:. E OR : Hu1C1'1'4n, tn l"" Melter Of '"" Ape>ll<fliOn Of Slew J Sll(o<wood Coslt Mtw. Courll~ ol 0r8n99. Sl•tt al L~ An9flfl, C..llfoo'ni•, w!Mch I\ tltC! In llM 111\ettO< <II tl'9 Est .. • Of CAltL
""llt1 <Ind Wt"W<ldS "'"' P'"'°""' r0< NOES' DIRECTORS None MICHELE SUE HYATT. Fa< Cllel>Qlt Thi\ Sl~tement w~> 111..0 wllll the C•llfornla, lllal a bulk transfer IS pl.Ce of ~lnessof !fie llnderslQned In :.c>nSCHALK, o.u.-
1"• C "'''"' CdPo\l••no A•..0<1<11ton ABSENT. DIRECTORS. BriOQs, of N•me Counly Cler-Of Oranoe Coul'llY O'I July ebowl lo bt m6<1e 10 EOWIN 0 HEH· •II m.tlttn perUlnl ... to ttie HYie Of Nollet I• her.cw 91...,, lo creditor, ~v••••<H•1r><IUOfn1s w1tfE\tt~ltnct.• Cr•nk WHEREAS, MICHELE SVE H, 1918. OAICICSON. 11n unmerrleo m•l'I, uld dttede'nl, wltl'lln four Mollths ... vlnQ cltlrM tQtin\I ITW WHI de<P·
.on Will R VtrcOO' daUQhler Norma DA TEO lhl' ?Isl""''°' July, 1918, HYATT, IPP!fc.Mll, nas Ille<!• e>elillon F"'141 Tre11sftrtt, wllOW t>uslneS\ addren I\ tfltr tilt ""' pUbll<etlon 01 tl'lll dent to Iii. WI<! c;rms t~ Ille offl<• ol I tan Pao1·. S•~l•r Vtoltl Wtlr, El-(i Gt<ldes w1ln Ille Clerk al lhls Court for an Or Publt•ll<!d Or"rtoe Coa•I Oa1ly Piiot, 170 EUI 11111 Slrett. COSI• Mt U , nolkt Ille <l ... 11 ol ll'relfwtorew ~ourt Or lo o•u<tnt~r 1n •-o ... ,,. L Verco. t is· Publltl'ltel Ortnoe Collsl D•lly Piiot der <llar>Qll'IQ ~leclnl'I n•me tr om July 28 •no Auousl 4, II, 11, 1918 County of Or•noe. St••• ot C..lllorn1a D•l•d July 3, 1er1. o~:r"t t~~~T E~,,
~:~•PIP l••t\ 1n law l'IOl'•ld Cotwn .ind Odtua July 2•, lt711 MI C H ELE S UE HY Ar T Io 2823-lt Tiie p._.ty to .,. lr.tnst"rea IS llltMAGISH 0 • ',! ~•GU ~LC IA
P111lttrrll1. Jewtll C•r r. W I Ille ?&02 7I MICHELLE SUE TROXEL. ·--------------IOC41Cld ti 120 Eut 18111 Slrfft. Co$le EJ<t<utrlxOfllleWlll 8 ... N ... '-"' NA HILL•. A., which
""'"E n>n1 b•olh~" 1n '"w W~•oon · IT IS ORDERED lhat a11 persons'"' PUBLIC NOTICE Me ... County of Or•nge, s 1a1e 01 01 the~ ntl'MO laner otlke •s 11\P Dlo1Kt of OU\IMS\ ot
PowPrs, AondlO Pow"''· Alva Powers leresteo In Ille •bc>"e entllltd m•11rr C•llforn1... Oet-nl Ille oinderslQnetd In"" m•Uers pert"'"·
dn<I Buooy Cc>hl-n, alw s1;r¥l•e<1 by 1 PUBLIC NOTICE appear l>elort this Co<lrt al II 00 • m . Seid property 1, cl<'scrl.,.d In QClntral 1'HOllPE, SULLIVAN, wOltKMAN, •no 10 s.ud "11•1• SIKh <••Im' •Ith Ille
Q•dnacl!•IO•t•n p,. •• ,. •rre"91'menn 1---------------f on September S, 1978, In ll'lt courtroom FICllTIOU~ BUSINESS °' All stoc-'"tr Ode. fhtturts, tQUIP. THOltftE & O'SULLIVAN necos•·· vouc:n. .. '""'' lie llled Of w~•• n•ld J1.11v 1$ 1n lieu ot llow~ Structure ••ailel>le tor remo•al a"d ot Oeper1men1 No. 3. 111111e court nous•• NAME STATEMENT men1 •lld OOOd wlll GI 111.,1 medl<•I aoo WllJltlr• llOulo•rct prn •nled "' ato•e\ltd w11n1n tour
dOlldllon' M<ty IX" m<>d!' In hi\ mtmorv relocellon. ?J-yea,.old one tiory IO(alcta ••TOO Cl\llc C•nler Ori•• Wtt", l ht followlnQ 1><1r'>Gns are do I no practice t>us.ness, IO(llt<I at 110 £ .. 1 •t11 ,leer "10llll\\ lllttr 119 rlrsl publlcellon Of
Io T rte F r to e r 1< k H. Ver tOC' \lnQle·famlly OWt'lllno, ,.ppro••mately Santa Ana, C.lll0<n1a. ano SllOw <au~t ousineu as ltlll Slrwl, COiia Mesa, Count; of LM A,... .... CA 9001, 111~.~~~·uly S, .. ,.
... l'IOldr>lllp f und (/0 SaO<ll•b•<k ll07 tauart le<-1 Available IOI' JO 00> II any. why lilt pelll!On for '"""~ OI ... SLICE OF LI FE. 180 NewDOf'1 Oranot. Sl•leot ~llloml• AtttnM't ... Eucllltl• T CA R
(Ollf'9e, ?llOOO M.trOU"'llt P•r-•••· commenc•no July 11, 1978. Seti• SUbl«• name •llould l\OI II" O«•nled CC'rtltr Drive, Suite 180, Newporl Tl\e l>ulk transl.,. wlll lie COlltvm· Publl$1\ed Or.tnOe Coast Oally Pllol UNI ED LIFO NIA
Mo•,1on V1e10. C.llto<ni• .UIS. to rttel•lnQ • Co.slat Com"11H lon IT IS F URTHER ORDEAEO 11161 d 8uc11, CA 91643 m•led on or alter Ille 111'1 Oh ol July I, If, 21, ze, 1'7a lfff·l8 ~~~:HILLS CA
permit. coo; 01 1111\ orcl<'r In >haw cauy °" Gener°'a A•no, l35 Emerald Bay, AUQUSI, 1918, at 10 00 Am al B11n-of --------------~ EaecoAor of U.. Wiii ---------------'I Con1ac1 8•11 ~'tel(!1110 <ISl-1100 publlsned 1n lllt' DAILY PILOT a l.AQuM Beach. CA O?oSI AmerlC• N T & S A. SOO Newport PUB C OTl ll:'E olwldl>KeOtnl
& 30 • m s JO w,,...oat ' n•w•pap~r ol o.,nn•I c1rcu1a11on G•to Salmen. IU E"'4'ral<I Bay, Cenler Orlw NewPOr1 Bt"'"· County LI N " M<KINNA & ""'lllG
Laguna Beach
Publl>hed Or .. ,,.,. COd•l OffilY Pilot printed in Or•nor County, C.;lllO•'l111, l.eQun• Sea<h, CA O?•SI Of Or11noe. St.tit GI C:..htornr• 1---------------1 An-·-' law
July 15, 1o. 21. 28. )t. Auq I 1 1 .• 1 once • w .... lo• •our 10 \UC<Uslve Thh bUi •M\S IS <onOutled l>y • so ,., ., l<nown lo lhe Ttdftlltrtt. f'ICTITlOUS euSINESJ aus wuilil" 111 ...
_'Q_/_8 __________ 1_,_,~ .. 18' :::~ :;;:i:.: ""' d•I• ..-1 lor ,...,Ing QeMr•I ~=:.no :~ ~!l~~.:a.:~;.u,~e;: T"f IO=~s;..~!!~~:!no OUs>· ~t~:-..... c..•1•
Laguna H ills
P UBLIC NOTICE O•ltd. July 2•, "71 Tiii\ s~;=~~ Iii..! Wtlll Ille IMl~~t:;,· J':':ie. 19711 lleS':o' RLO'S F INEST RU"S. 1-M P11bllslled Or-C:O.•I o ..... PflOI ~=!~.:!REIZEN ColinlV CIC!<l!.<llOr-County on July Eow ... o Htn0"c~wn. Plaley St . OrenQe, CA '2661" •• " Jul• 1, U, 21. 21 ms U'lf>./S
NOTICE OF SALE OF Supertor Court 18• "11 lrenstertte Ctr lo• A Mtnrloue. 2SU N. t--------------REAL PROPERTY JUGGEAT, V•VERl(A& WAT MAN F"71a IANK 0 , AMEltlCAN f & SA f'oPl•r. S.nl•An.t, CA'17°'
AT PRIVATE SALE A11or11eu •• L..tw Puol"lled Or-'°"'' ()ally PilOl, ,.. ..,..._, c..rter Ori... T11ls bus1r1eu •• (oncllle~ DY ... In· 5dn Jvan Cao1s1rano
Mortuary-<:emer ary
1625 Gisler Ave
Costa Mesa 540-5554
11Ut8A1 HOMI
Costa Mesa
110 Broadway
Cosra Mesa
S...,..._ Tlm4tu.l.AMI
WHTCUff OfA'll
427 E 17th St
Costa Mesa
627 Mam SI
Hunllngton Beach
976 So. Coast Hwy
Laguna Beach
1533 N El Camino Real
San Clemente 492.0100
7801 Bolsa Ave
HO A 01•1 116 Vlclorl• July 21 21. AUQ •. 11· .. ,. NtWHf't kK/\, C.111-• '2'6f dl•ld<.l•I
In ll'lt Suc>erior Court ol '""'Slate ot C0>1a Mn•, C.hloml.at?t17 Ut?·78 E~w , ... ,.,. C••IO'iA MenrlQu.
C..lllornla, •n dnd for lhe County o Tel: 11141 "11·1• Published Ot•noe Co.ul 0.lly P1101, Tlltt sttl-1 w"5 filed willl Ille
Or•not Allorneys lw P•lltl-• PUBLJC NOTICE July 21. t97t County Cl~k of 0rllftQr Co<lnlY °" JUiy
In '"• Mo\ller or Ille E>l•le ot Published Or•noe Co.ul Daily Piiot. --....,..----=--:-~.-.-----l------------..:'..:":.'_·;,.:111 10, lt71. GLADYS MORRIS ..... GLADY<; A July 11 ano AUQU>I •. 11, 18, 1971 NOTICE TO CONTRACTOltS Foti JM
MOR P IS, a ka GLAOYS AROELU 2820-78 CAU.ING FOii 9U>S P UBLIC NOTICE Published OranQI' Coast Delly Pilot,
MORRIS ...... PEGGY MORAIS,..... StllOOI OIWlcl OCEAN VIEW 1--------------.I July ••• 21. 21, Auv. 4, 1911
GLAOYSA.HUNT,Oe<ease<t P UBLIC NOTICE 8 10 0....0line· 2:00 o'clock p.m. ot c~~s
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Iha --------------·! Ille tth d11y ol A"llUSI 19111 SUPElllOll C:OUltTO~ TlfE ""' Urtd•rSlgned Wiii ~II <II pnv••• Platt of Bid Re<elpt Buslneu Of· ST•Te o~ ... 0 sale. lo I"° lllgllc!sl and "'"' l>tdder. NOTICE TO CIONT•ACTOltS lice, O<Hn View School Olslrlcl, 7912 '" ....... Llf' llNIA
s11b l1<I lo corit1rma1lon ol uld ScllOOl'i:i'~~l~Go';;i~!'~~W Werner Ave,,.,., HunllnQlon 8eKll, COUN~~:~:ANOE Super tor Court on or •lier Ille 11th oay 8 0 0 ~11 • 00 , ~ 1 ~lllornl• ,..,R ............ ,. _ ot Auousl. 1078. 111 tile Ollie~ ot Paul Ao 1 e~ ne '' 0 CIO<ft p.m 0 p t ldt Ill ..__.. ... ....., •• • " H•nna, 881 Oov~r Drive, Suite 31, Ille 8th day GI AUQu>l 1'78 roiec Ill Callon Nam"· Svb NOTICE OF COMMISSIONlll'S
Newoorl 8eecll, Calllornl~ 92663, Pl•ce ol Btd Receipt. Bu .. nut Of. 8ldS IOlle~tc4llYedlor: SALE 0~ f'ORICU>SURE Of' OElD County o1 Oranoe, Stale nt CallfOf'llO. flee Ocean VH!w School Olllrk t, 1t12 I. 1ns1A11111on ol OYPSU"1 l>o•rd 0, TltUST
tll Ille rlQht, lltle <Ind lnle<C>SI ol s.ld Warner A""""'· HunllnQlon Pt1cl'I, Ory~·~llklrl<el Work ICITTY HELEN ARTHUR, LOUISE
dfl<-nl In and lo all tll(o terlat'I real C•lltorn1• The ebove et Ill~ Admlnt1tr•t1on HLE. •:..EE R~OH0.0.H"' EOIL1'HE CN.AGOL• P•OPe•IY \llUdll.'<I in .,,.. County of Praje<1 ldenlllic•llon Namt. Mo•· Ftcllll tor lhtOt v Sc o ~ " ~
Or•nQ<t, Slaleol Caltl0<nla.1>trtlculAr inQ 01 Porl•Dlt Clt H Rooms One 1 cl H~nll!IQI S:"",., ~II "°:"' Is-AATHUA and BETTY AA rHUR, ly deKrll>ed a> tallow~. io-wil· bulldlno lrom Park Vltw Stl'IOOl lo Sun " • on IK · ornia Pf1l"11fh, "'· GE<mGE G o NEAL &
Tfle En• SS ll'fl o• Ille WU! 5271 .. 1 lllOW ScllOOI. One l>ull<llnQ from Me.. 3. 111>1.etlallon GI •SPl!all 1M1vlno ., ASSOCIATES. INC.,. C..lllO<nl• <Or·
ol Ille Soulll loS ,..,, ol LOI •02 or View S<lloot lo HarDor Vltw ScllOOI ••rlous KllOotl In'"' Olslrl<I p 0,",, 0 ". s AF E c 0 T' TL E
Newl)Of'l Mrs. Traci, tn lll(o Counly 01 Pl•c• PIM\s are on lllfl BuslntU 01· fl<~l~~!::~!!'~:.!\'~1!Z""" Of· INSURANCE CX>MPANY, NEPTUNE
Or•nQe, Slele ol Callfomle, restr•lnq rice O<Hn VlewS<llOOI OISlrkl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 0..1 & .. TH STS • LlmUtd P•nntr!A\1p, lhtrelrom ""ee~nl over, unotr NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN l/\tl •nd BANK OF NEWPORT, DOES I
•nd •«OH Ille Rear. IHI ol stld l<lnO lhe •l>o• .... Mmed S<llOOI Olslrl<t Of 111• •l>O•e-MmeO School Olslrl<I of ll'lrOUOh V, lnclutl ... Ott-.""
Tiie follOW1"4) person IS <101110 l>usl·
neu "" 811UNER & ASSOCIATES, 2091
Business Ce"lf1' Orl•t, Su11e 180, lrvlnt, CA '27U
C. Donald Brutll!r. 38f ~111.t 15'1bl!I AVtnUP, CO!llA Mew. CA '1201/
f lllS ""'"'"" ,, tondu<led b¥ •n Hl-dlV•du•I
Clltr1ft Oontld B•U"!'r ThlJ .... _.., •U meo ••Ill ltW
C.0Un1y Clerll GI OrenQe County on ..111111 It, ltll
F"1711 Publlslltd Or~ CoeSI 0.11¥ Pllol, July 21. 19. AuQ. •. 11, 1971
tor ••ttr pipe """· l<>Qelller wllll '"" O"•"Ge Courlty, ClllllonNI. •<1tno by Or•noe County. C•lllOl'n••· Ktl"4) by BANK OF NEWPOA1',. C•lllo'"'• rlQfll Of ll\Qrl!'\• ...., l'Q'"4 for m a'" a nd throuv11 Its Go .. rn1no Bo•ro llld l"rOUOh lh Govern1no Bollrd, corPOr•hon. Crou-<omplel11•n1 vs
len.tl\Ct 11\ereot,..., per Map re<oroeo lle•e1rtarter, m orrt<I to H ' Orslricl' i..rel ... lltf', m e.red lo'" "Olstrkt", NEPTUNE t. ..,.. S1'S , e Llmlltd
1n 80011 S, P-I Of MfsttlllMOVs wtll rece11111 UC> lo, l>ul nol l~ltr lh<ln wlU rKelve UC> lo. l>UI l\Ol l.tter IN'I Pertner,hlO. TllLE IHSURANCE ---------------
Maps, 111 Ille Ofll<e ot Ille county Ille •Dove 't.oi.<l llmt. Sffled bids lor Ille •IMWt ll•ted lune, seai.o bkl• tor ANO TRUST COMPANY.• Ctlll0<n1• PUBLIC NOTICE
Re<ordC'r Of \<ltd County, more com· Ille •wero DI" conlrect lor Ille •l>Ow Ille •werd ol •contract tor Ille abov• corpou11on, OOE I lhfOUQft XX, ,,,_ --------------monty k-•s. 610 Cttnlttr S11· .. 1, oro1u1 prolt <I. c1us1ve. Crot~nts. c I M c Ill I Bid• \N II be •K•lwd '" Ille PIK• Bin Sherr ~ re<•I~ In Ille !>face NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN INI SUPlltlOllCOUltTO~CAUl'OltMIA ~P~m,•'::·<M~e c'::.a,,, I.awful""""'• •dPnlll1ro ..OOVt. MIO \Mii be o.-ntO kltntlll.a -· •net .,..II be openeo by • JUOQmenl ol l'or-eclosur. al • COUNTYOf'OllAttcr£
?4 IM Unu.a Stales on conflrmalton ol "no Publicly react •louo •I Ille •l>o•• :;:.:::~~~.:~~ •I Ille .ciovt O.tes ol Trusl ...a Ordef of Seit •en· 7• ~~V,.'iAC::~Ec!l~=N~AEST
W1• Ten _,.,,, Of.,,._, bid IO ti. Sl•le<l llmp...Ot:J4ace TIMtrt Wiii tit. "000 .._,, re-a.red July ••. ""· t .. ~tlllCld PLAINTll'I' "llTZ WATANABE deOOSlledwilllDkl Tiier~ will I» • \10 00 oepo.11 r.-COurt 11 .. 9PPQ1nted me CommlUHlnt!r
BIO\ or offers to tie In wr111no •no ou•reo for ...c:11se1ot b•ddOCurntnl•lo ciulrtc1 IOtMCl\wlot btdOO<umenli to 10 w11, •noorden!<lmelo Mll, ti.. rNI ~~f;:"'~~~~B,..E WENGAEN
wlllt>Pr.ul-edallMtforttald ofll<e Ot1•r•nlffl/>ert1urn1n oooaconlltl011 ~~;1~1~0 ~-~:"1~1"1~klconatt11on properly sllu•ttO 111 11'1• Clly of and SHIRLEY WE N'""EH, tn • • I."• 11-ell-~ 11-1 -~11c•11-•llnln 10 O.n •lier Ille bid -nlno ,..,. 0 " •• v open "O Newport IMKll, Colir>ty of Ortn .. , v ... • ... " "~ '• ~ ~· clele s I . . Olvldu•I• . .no OOES I lhro<IQll X , '" l>t'r"Ot •no l>fllort Galt oh•le d"'' E•cll bid must conform •lld be 1•1• 01 C..ll ort1t•, OH(flbed '' t halvt OeledlhlSZ4llldayOIJuly.1q19 E •<ll blO "'""conform and be 1 lhe fOllO'#I SUMMOfllS PAUL A. HANNA resoon\lve lo I~ contract OO<umtnh rl!l90l\I ••lo contr<IC'I do<urnellts ,. Perce! GI Uno In '"-City of
E•<l'I blo \NII De oK I 0 ..., Ee<l'I bkl S/1111 be ..:compenl*<! l>Y Newport Suen, C-ty of Or•~. CASINUMellt~ AtlorMy II I.Aw compan t vr !flt 1e<urlty ,..ierrt<I 10 In IM conlracl SI I C I I ··~ NOTICE I '1'811 M'rt ..... ._. T"" Aomlnistretor With'"" 111e Stcurlly ntlerrt<I ro '" ll'le conlr..:1 OO<utnents -by tt.e 11,1 al P•OOCHtCS 101~.!!,? e11 ornte, oucr bed •• tevl'I mar._,.. .... ..,, ¥ttl wltJMo.1
Wiii Annen:oof IN dot.umtnu ano by Ille "'' of P•090M<I w!Konlt.cton ••olnn'-•I ...... lnt-~t•£-of ,_ Mlft9 ,_.,. .._ .,_ '""" HIM•OIMldde<edtnt, sub<onlrKtors 0 .. ..,, .... ~~"'" Wllllltt • -._ ... ...._ MSefl 11'1 "'°C>rl• Per-.. The OISlRICT ·-Ille rlQM IO T... ISTltlCT ,~Ille rlgM lo Ille NorthwtSltrly llne or Ut , OI -·~ -
Publlslled 0r-. ~ D•llt P lloJ. •elect any or •II bids or lo ••1¥t •ny '9lt<t eny or •11 llkls or to ••l¥e ltnt' Block 41 Of ~IVff StctlOll N-PC>rl -:;:Sol U....lle'*......_....._111 Ju1y21.:1eno"4IQvtli , '"' ll'l"t Qularllles °' lnfortNllll•• In •ny ~~~!'T~':::' ~l;;:.~•lllts In ""Y eeec11, as per rNtt ~ 111 a-•. ,,,..,..,,.... wci.tr t-• u.i. tlfl
2912·78 bid\ or In Ille l>ICldl'IQ T ... Dlstrlc1 llti Ol>lelneo from lf\e -u of MIK .. ltlltOUS .. .,., In t!le •••fl•MI• • -... UC. ~
Tl>t Dlltrl(I i..s oblalMd lrorn lllf Olreclor al Ii.. Deo-rtmenl 01 In· Olfk e ol 1111! Counly Rec~Otr Of stlO fflltre ff • elti. U• 11 l~lell 1--------------Director of tlle ~P•rlm1tn1 Of In· 1 ..,_ Count y wlln tne ~llff•t•rly !Int Of • .,.,1,,..,
dUSl<l•I A•••1lon1 lhe QenctrAI l>"t¥111· cklltr •1 Atlet ....... Ille oenerel ore•111• Htplune A-•s Uld llll•rttellon II I TO THE OEFEHOANT· A Cl~H
Inv•••• 01 -d~m •1t11es In 111e •~•II· :':.° '!1:f~~:~~7·:,~n~~ '~··~: 11\0wn on a M&p fll«t In 8-n . peoe comp1e1n11115~111t1111, ,,.. Pl•1n1111
ly In wlllcl'I lllls worl!. Is 10 II• ,.~for H <ll crtttt °' lrllt OI SOol RtcorootSurwvs,lnlfltoffloot •CNlllUyovtSet-note'I FICTITIOUSaUSINEU perlormtd tor t<ICll ,,.fl Or type of Wid County Recorder. ll'lell<e Horth e lfyouWl\/\todtfenolllt"•WWll
HAMii $TATIMENT =~men neeclt<I lo •H<lllt Ille '°"' ::~'.""' ,...., to UK .... ,,.. con. st•44'30" EtSI H7,lt !eel tlOllQ tilt 'f'OU ,,;.,"·within JOO.YUfttf' th1uum:
Tl'lflt fot10W1ng oer-I~ dolnt t>ull A cooy ol t:M llH•tlllno re1111 Is Oii Nor'lllwentf'IY •Ille Of Mid lot •nd "' mon' '' --°" you, Ille ••th tflll MU 11 A copy of Ille orevelllllQ fettl Is °" 1 1 Hort1wt .. 1.,.1y ProiolltetlOll; lllen .. cou11 ,. written Pl..OlllQ 111 ~se 10
T"" Loll-lnQ l)enoni. 4re 001110
t>u'f11ne)) .-.~
CORPORATION, l821 t.omwl Orlvt .
Suite 11S. ~ 8e~I>. CA '11660
Mp1 Groiu •ndu\lrl41 Dl'\tQn
Cote>orallon, • C.lllornia <0<1>0r1111on.
38?1 C.mpos Or•ve. SUllP l•S. Nt wPOrl 8uc". CA '2660
This bu\lneu •• <Ollducled bw • cor oorallon
A<Mlert EnQlancltf' Prttldel>t
TlllJ st•lemtnl WH lfled wllll !tit
County c1er11 o1 O.anoe Countv °"Jul• 10. lt71.
FMIJU PuDhSll«I Or-Coest 0otl¥ PllOt,
July 1', 11, 28. AUO •. 1011
~~yJlw:~r PAC8'fe YflW .....,.IAl,40
Cemetefy Mortuary
.,EWPOAT PHOTO LAB. 31~7 Ill• •• 11\t Oislrk l MmtrtltfrtrtlOll Of. , , ••• ,,.. Olltrk t AesmllllStr•l °"Of. rlgni •no~ 5oulll ¥1' .,. IQ" E8$1 ""como1a1n1 Ill . JIAllO Colin. tou
1"th SI , • G, H9wDor1 Bttch, CA •2660 flee for Olntl"ICI0'1 rt view •nd I,,. ::...!rlOll~lrectors review -In· )0.00 IHI 10 • llOlnl Oft Ille Nol'lhfftttr· mu" lllt with lflec:ewt e-ltten pie Ad·
• O•vld '11ou, · "" Tw1t1n A.,.., lor!Nllon. 11 lll•ll De rnendelory "'*"Ille Con. ly PrOIOftll!lllOn Of tht Sov111e'"1 .. 1y 1119 ., c-en ortl Plte<llllQ co tit.,..
Cftl•Mne,CAmll It J/\ell tit -•Of'I upon the~ tree tor le wllOm Ill• CO'ltrut h llllt of u 10 Lot >; llotnu Sowth '"eel In tt.dOc:lletl un1eu VOlido \0
Pullllslltd Or1119t Co.Isl Ddtly P1101
Jilly 21. n. n . 1•11
fhlt ~ '' <ondW<ted by•"'"' lrt ctor to whom Ille conlract h -•rdt<I. 11\d _. eny Wl><Oftfr.ctort 0 '44')0" WMt 1)l.t1 letl •loftQ Mid .,_ Cltltull Wiii .,. tftttrCICI UllOll •P:
dl•tclutl. ewer11t<1, -'4IOll .,,Y llib<ontreuon IHIOlr "'"' llO IMIY not ltU 11\tll IN Pro10n9et10n encl NICI SolltllN•Mrly CMk eUOfl OI.,. jM;Nntltt, enc1 w1 ,_.
3500 Pacific View Dnve
N8WPC>f1 Beacn
0.Wld 11~1 under "'"'· to NY not ~ t/\en tflt M id 111Klf1«t rel" 10 •II wortmen llne to 1 POlnl In Wffl HO<tflNlterfl ITlty en111r • llidO"'tnt ...+nit'°" 1or T/\lt 1111t-wltl lllCICI wttlt lht Ml• -'"tecl r ... , to •II -llm"n ~mployea by lfltm 111 .,. t u cullon GI llne GI Neptune Avenue. wld llM bel"Q '"' rtllel OtfNlndllCS !ft"" COMP4.+llt,
C-ty c,.,. OI Of.,. Countv °"July fMPiO'tH by -In tt>e uecvtlOll OI 1,_ centrect. • curve <Oii< ... ~lerly flt¥· w111<11 U\llf r'ftlilt In ...,.,w_,,. OI 10, ier•. tilt contrect. .. 0 .,._, _ wtlfldr-"" ·~ ,_ lno • raol11S GI ,.,. I• -· • redltlt •89tl. tllllflt et -Y., ~"et
"'7Dl Ho bl-l'NY w111ic1uw llt1 bid 1or • ';.rlocl Of ;.;;;;. live fdl d•n"";t;:; ll'lroucifl ,.,d llO'"' bur• Nortll otrwor r•llffr~telnl,.<-.il>l,.lnt •
f'\rlllltlled OrM\Oll Cb.tit o .. n., PllOI. -period of lor1Y ""' Cd l .,.,, ti!« Ult d.tlt wt for'"--''"" OI Dkll. i.t'3''27" ~. -· _..,,.," b " ............... ltlt N¥1U .,
Jiiiy "· 21, & ~ 4, tt7a '"" oe1e wt tor lhr _.tnoot DIOs • ~,---.·'!-..~~£ J UO '"' elonQ Mkl curve lflrOUOf\ • •• •"-t 111 w. -·,... .,_,..
-____________ _. 2•1171 A,...,,_...,.._• llW'""'"•nce ....:::;.,111 ..... _.._.. ,,,i;;'eo-.... -~~~ cen1re1.,...et0'1'1.,...ll001t110+111 01 • .. .,...._, .. ....,. ,,_ ~
l>Ond will lilt "°"'Ired orlot M t.llltcu. """"' -,._,_ ~~-tt1e -.i"'""9. ,...._..,K_,,_, ........ ._,
------------•-------------i11011o1""-ect.no118y,.,..,1 CIOf\d tlOll ot lfle concr.n. TM...,..,,_, llOlld '"' •trMC .-... "' IN• ,,....,,., " o.-: ~ '· tm PUBLIC NOTIC~E PUBLIC NOTIC"" flltll lilt In a. fw111 Nt fw1" In Ille IMll tit 111 Ille fOrm Mt f9r1ll lft Ille 4710 Neetll'lt •IM ttl 4111 Str••t, Wlt.UAM•.te'°""· D tonlrKt4IOCW-..~ GOlltrKIWC~ .....,.,. .... l\,c.tlfOt'l\I.. C-------------~-------------1 1110 l!~lfV E.K11111C1 t i..11 ... e10 HCUltlTY. Eecn llM IMll 1111 011 AUfUM n. ltl'I, .-t ;• •.m . In •YOl!llllY
NOT1a o• ",." ~1CT1nou1eu111t1U ecco,..oe11ted 11'1' • urt111eo or tcct111,•11leo b y • ur1111 .. or tM w.. Offkft OI JAOC H. YINO•lt THOMAtw.tuln'Ofll.1.-.. NON·TUITI091 INTl.ltOISTltlCf 1tAM41 STATIMllffT <•.,.._., CJl9Cll _.,._.. le Ille OI.. t 9'1\lw't d>ldl INIYMle to tllt Oh· 1-..... "' tOt....,,. ........... Swite 1"1 w.UCMOftw
AnlNOAllC.I AOll••M•llT'I flit lollftlflt ... ,...,,. ..... CIOl"O lrl«. or • Nllliert.,., llld llOna Ill ~."~ ~t .. • Ol .... ST-~1-....!'!'~ ~ 11t, ""'• ..... CAlllOrnl•. Ort119t S4tlttatt NOTICE IS HlllE8V OIYIN f!Mll Ou•lntn••· ··---Ille OIST-ICT•~v-.. by lM • ~ -...... -~ ............... Oewit,, I ........ Ille ~y. -..... """~c.. ....
011 11\e hi dey GI AllOv'I, ltll, Ii.. l(ELPlE OIAllTERS, 11111 lrvlne ..... r H pr!M-Mid e tlllofa<tory ..... r II ifltWKlpel _. • NllllllU1wy lllllCll Cit 11 M ---,. tt nllM Ille flli C1MI.._,
B<Wl•O of frwh<i• GI '"" H\llltl'HltOll ••vd .• Suite 1111, Tldll,,, C.lllw11I• 1u,.1y tompeny •• twr•IY. 111 t11 twr•tf t0fllll41ny H w .. e.,,, 111 M """' wttkltllt to N't 111t ti!'°""" ef ,._,...-.,,,.........
Bff<" Union Hlllfl k '-1 OlJtrl<t of '2.all •"*'Ill !IOI le'lt 1f1An '""of 11\e ITllll• -· lltt 9"1 tMtt tO'll Of lM "'41111• ule, tllt tuelfment 111 1119 tll/fl ot • f1te ._.., "C!Ompl .. f\4" l!Klllett
OrellQe Colwtly, GlllllOn'Ht, •Ill ,,... l(t1ple, '"'·· • CtlH'Ornt• ~ .. '"'""' .,,,_ ol tlte IMO.. nw c:11ec1t.,. lmUl'll _.Of IN llld. Tiit <hto or .SO,OOt.f>. •llO to•tt end 1111tre1t cret'~"'· "'llt•1n111t~ inc.._..
W..llor PUCllk:-.no , ..... ,.,, NOii lion, 177JI lr¥1nt BlvO., \ult• '°'· l>ld borMhMll llt o•-HI 9118f.,, ... llld bOfld "'811 llt Ol¥M ... ~ .... lllt'90fl IO tlle dlt• Of ..... to ti.. UOU<C.O~tl ....... "0tlelNMn1•• ....
Tvlllo n lnltrdltl,lct Allend•nct TuUln t •llfWlll•"MeO Ill.ti tlte l>lcNtr tNll euc:u .. tllt ~-111411 tht lll<*r tlWH tU«/19 ltlcl ton-llltlltU bl4111Nr ,.,. UJll Ill •••tul tlU0.1 C-Mllftfldlnt, Jl"9\ll# ,.._
............ b .,_,,,. ,,.. HUmtlCICI rl'llt
1kisl-la COl\dUcitd .... --trtet II It bt ewel'Wd 10 "'"' Ill Ulll· Ir.ct II It .. ---.. lllm '" ce.... "'°"" ,, lhtUnltecUIMHof Atne!'IU <llHltt ""' --.. -----111'--1~. <ca110 111e ~.,...."'lht"4.11tlno1on ..._ 1-m11y _,,. ~ c~--'t ~v-1 ...... .._ .. ..._ ~ e.ec11 UnlOI\ HIOfi k,_ Otttrl<1 ,~ PC>r•tton, lor1t11ly wllll '"'" comrect 9Kumet11J -'"''"'""' "'""-....... ,,_, • OtllN; Jlllt11l, lfll clUde\ fem1n1rw And llelit«. A.,,...,,
Ille •It~ ol PlllMI• ·~ OI .... , Kf!LPIE. INC. ..,. 111111 Pf'Wklll ,,. tufflY bona or -tlltll ~ "" _.., DOnd or Je<lt "· Ytnoer, tlllff<llnQ, lllCIUOllOQ ... -· 9tf'll"'· ol,hl<h °" • no•Hulllon .,.,,, " Ot<tlel A WOif, Clonclt •• ..aflM wlltlln S d.tVl •ftH bondl It tllKllltCS wfll!ln • 1Jtr1 ~' Cotlwnl...,,.r "'·t ic , mu\t bit In Ille ..,,111 ~
Plllllk "'"'inO on l!>lt ....... , wlll llt ~ notlllUllOll OI ... -M'<I of Ille <-notlftc.tloft Of Ille -Oft"' COfl ICOfll.t llellllleftOf 11Y Ir.. C.11-e llulOt .. C.W.. y-f\ljld 111 Ille l\oor'O ,._,et .,.. Hunt· Tlllt ,......_.. ... llled wllfl !flt trect te h ~.Seid t1CVrlt11 all<tll lrKt to 111t lllCSOH, a.Id -ltr llt.tll """*'~I & H'"1llflilft O<IOl,..1 ,,_111Q,,,.,...,. tU• In""-
,,...,.., llecKll UlllOft H'911 kf10e1 Of• Qvfttrci.rt!OfO. ..... tountyo•Jvly lie twfell .... Ille OIST,_ICT t'-1<1 lie fontllM IO !flt OllT,_ICT SllovlO A~... <Oun wll"-'lllfle*t .........
lrl<t fJGUC41tlOft CtfllH $701 •oh• JI, 1•11 tllCI ....., • wltOl'll ... CilftlrKI h Ille ....., .. ...._ .... Comrect I• ....... ~ """'.Cotty"**"---·-"
Aftflut ~ ...... ~ Ctlllwfll• II.IL•• AMOWOl.fl ew•'*41fell9ttWOltt1"8Aor~• _ _., .. lotllt(l/tllttw~ ~ IM•lnllff't tftllfllt•-OllNCf\~
at tM .... • 1 00.'<llC.li ~"' ' Attwllt,. MW. •ncl Pr'OVlclt Mid llOnOs wllhln t ct-tM llf0¥Nll ....., -.,. wll/\ln S <•NII-JACK M. YI N04t It. llO. llff l\01 ,~by en tl10rN' flle
aGAllDOfl TltUSTC£• '""'"'._..,..,, o .. OAy•oteW8rcl o.roey,elew.,d. '"9N.l......,.r,s.itt7U Hme Wl'ltll • \ummon,., dffmto
HUNTINGTON •E:ACM ..... ,.. OOWffllftt lloenl Oovitmlno Boero $-·AM, GllttenM tt1tl ""'""on.~, ll'llY VA"clitlltftdll'll
UNION MIOl'I ~ T•1tl11, CeJitlrW ,._ ey Owreil C. C•r\fr ly 0.W-"'41 C. ~. T .. : 11109411t 911 Ille -tllodolW'V!C. ,., ... ..,.. ..
OlSTlllCT ~, c..,... Cltftl K:-IH'--ce~•lllOl,.,......flS •• """''.,. 0r-. °'"' Delly ~NII ~j-Or .... C..t 0.11, Pliot, Pllbll• .... Or-. C:oHt °""' l"llOI, ,...,,",..,Or .... CMll 0 .. 1. ,.,.... , ... ,.,..Or ..... ONIT OeOy Piiot. ~ ...... Or ... C..\I °"'" lllltot, i9'y l7,ll,,.,iQ.Jl,1'11 Jll1Ylt..,.-....._,.,11,t'1t JulyJt,1 .. 1'" Julyal,2t,"1t UtllyU ,._A,,.•,I"' July'1 a-~ •.tt,lf1t
tllt-'8 .,,.,. ""'"" u ... ,. tlfO.lt IHloll
t i• • .. . .. . -. ---. -.-.. ,. .~ --.....
nn it
.. --
fhtt lollowlnQ perwns ere 001nQ
!Mn-U•> BRU·MART L ro 62'1 l•rm1nel
Wn, No ... Coll• ~ C.1110<.,.. .,627
8rul'ICI 81•¥•. ?SS.I WIN11•mmer
Or Ive, $tll JUAn GIP'ilreN> C..l1l0<n..t .,.,,
EVftlYll V 8•1 .... 2SSol Wln<ltan,.
m tr Dr1v1 S•" .JU6t't C4.ttU..,t•Gno,
C..lllorn•• '2&11
""' 0'-'Strte~\ ·~ c.onuuth10 ov "" Qt,,., •I Pdrt<1er,111p
Bruno 8 1ttvtt
"''' 't•t~t wo' '''ed w1tn the County Cler~ c:I Or~nQI' Count• Ot\ Jiiiy H, .. , •
Pvbli<hed 0rdft9" Co.t\I 0d•I• Potol.
Julv :s •'Kl Augu\I • 1 • 19 101~
NO A-4611• IU•E1tla. COUltf OF fHE'
TNI. COUNT" 01' OllAloGE
'" !ht Mtlltf' or tllt e .1 .. te of
ANGUS C. Mc8AIN, OtteA\l'<I
Notic .. I\ ~ Qlvert lo <rl"Clllor'
"'""'"0 <l41tn\ •Q .. •t'l\t tru~ '••d
cleceoenl lo 111,. w10 < la1m~ '" t,... ofll<l' ol Ille <ler1' of 1ne atorM<OHI
coutt or to or,.st"C t"•m to th~
undtrSIQned 111 lhtt ottl<t of A08£RT w OMER. 2•\ Eo l Ot•ve AVtftll<'
Sullt tOO, Bu,..,.,,., C.1H1om1• •IS07
•II•<" loilltr office ·~ Ille Ole<• 01
OU\tlll'\\ ol the unci.t~1qne<1 "' ••• m•llf,, pertaintnQ 10 \411d eSlet• Sue II
c101m$ •ttl' 119 necenary voucllt•~
mu\I l>e flleel or PAMnled o e1or"910
WIUHt't four month' .,.., ,., •• ,,~,
l)IJOllUflQn GI lhlJ rtOtlet.
Oaled Jlllv 11, "19
ROSI' Elhel Mc Sein
E •ecoAor oi 1i.. w111
1101111tf W. OMl.lt
AttOrlltYftUW 10£01011 ..... _
S•u•• •oe
111" .. nll, c.I~• tllft
PUOll\lltO OrMQe CoeSI 0•11y Pt!OI. Julv 14, 11 ?S ""° A"914U. 1•78
1611 1,
Ft1dlly. Juiy 28, 1978 DAILY PILOT
Upgraded 3 Bedroom.
2YJ Bath lamlly home 1n
._San Juan Capistrano -
only 'h mile to 6each.
Pool sized yard. large
brick patio. beautifully
landscaped both lront
and back. s11 2t500
Outstanding Value -large 4
Bedroom. 2!h Bath home with
POOL for only St 18.500.
Butlt·lns. upgrades. gaa 880
-all the toYS for comfortable
outdoor llV1ng
Dana Po i n t. Excellent
locations. fully rented. choice
of two et s 198.000 each.
Prime Dana Point location -
combination Dell Butcher
Shop, Bakery. Catering
Service Long term lease right
on the Coast Highway
MOM.IHOMI 1n ramily park In San Juan
C3p1strano. 2 Bedroom. 2 Beth
52'x24'. Only $35.000 •
L 34177 Coast ... ., /DClltCI PoW/4'6-1261
Beautiful exectJtive home. 4 bed 2VJ bas 1n pres11g1ous
San Clemente area. Quiet cul
de sac st.. minimum
maintenance yards. Master
suite 2<4 x 15. sitting room.
dressing room. fireplace.
Large tile entry. winding
staircase . many lovely
amenities. $169.500.
Charming 2 bed. Soamsh. VA Loan payable $362 per month incl
taxes and ms In good condition. close to beach and sh0pp1ng
$99,000 4 bed 2 ba family room home m good San Juan
Capistrano area. close to schools. Extra large lot. great tor
boat/Ur. Excellent oppcrtunity. For sale or LEASE option
SUPll IUY, Beach side lot close to everything Just $62.000
~]#. e!.~!1t::'!:::!.2100
On hill In prestigious Hart>our Estates.
close to Dana Harbor schools &
shopping. 4 Bedroom. enclosed patio
Lovely landscaped grounds Intercom
Some ocean View. New. plush carpet
and drapes $1 24.500
3 Bedroom. 1 ~ baths. Plush condo -amen1t1es
+ Large pool. Jacuzzi. tennis. exercise &
recreation room * llG HAI LAH COMMtRCIAL UHtTS
Store & apartment plus storage & extra business
rental In the heart of the village on double
access lot. ample parking, spacious hv1ng
quarters upstairs. owner financed S 170,000
Choice South San Clemente. Superb
decor thruout Large courtyard
w/outdoor kitchen for those marvelous
summer parties Situated on 2 huge lots
1ust 1 bfOci< to ocean ABSOLUTELY
EXQUISITE! See us for particulars.
4 B edroom 2 Baths.
Extended redwood patio
w i th gas firep11.
Tastefully decorated with
mirrors. redwood and
cedar paneling -Walk
to private beach club.
Watch the sa11 boats come and
go fro m Dana Marina
Sw1mm1ng ·Golf· Club House
2 B/R 11/z B . . . . . . . . . S 78,500
2 B/R 21h B .......... $86.900
3 B/R 2"'1 B .......... S87,900
Capo Beach hOme 3 B/R 2 Ba
fam1ly/k1tchen highly
upgraded w1ceram1c tile and
plush cpts. Large livrng room
w/fireplace. 2 pa11os to r
excellent en1ena1n1ng Only
HIGft OM A H&1
New -never hved in • 3 BIR
21h BathS. 2400 SQ. ft tnlevel
home with microwave. trash
comp . Btfl plush cots. PV
stone fireplace. fantastic view
Owner will exchange. cash
out. help finance. Want a last
sale. Call now and matce your
CVJew G/?ealty
620 De Los ..._../S-c .. a.-Ntc/49 .. 7722
HouMs For S. Ho.ffs For 54* Hones For S. Houses For 5* Ho.Ms For 5* ........... , •.••.•..•....•..............••...•.....................................••..............................
CieM,... 1002 titMr• 1002 G••ral 1002 Gl'Mt"Cll 1002 G••r91 1002
The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast
You Can Sell It, Find It,
Trade It With a Want Ad (642-5678 ] One Call Service
Fast Credit Approval
HousnForS. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Ge•ral I 002 '"-rat t 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
REALTOf{S ..,111l·1· UJ4o
Fantastic view from this lovely 3
bedroom 212 bath townhome with
formal dining rm. Most popular El
Dorado model. Enjoy the amenities
offered -tennis. pool. jacuzzi &
security. Call for appt. $219,500
It's not too early to buy your home to
move in before school starts! Maybe
you've wanted your kids in Newport
Schools & didn't realize you could find
5 bdrms. for only $184,200. We have it
in The Bluffs a rea, ready for you to
see -call today!
2111 S. Joec,He Hfls RCNICI
NEWPORT CEHTH. M.1. 644-4910 r-------
Two 3 BR. 2 BA houses.
Super sharp. You must PLUNGE aee this island charmer.
Cool off in your backyard Reduced $28.000. Only ~ted & filtered swim· rno.~A VBDE
ming pool. Thia home Is a charming 3 bedroom. Fantastic 5 BR home on
den and 2 bath with a a cul-de·sac. New Ule
spacious built·in country noon in immac cond.
kitcheo. Localed a few Sl2S,500.
blocks from city pule & DO rT YOUISB.F
bike trails. Priced under & sue $1$. Try this
$100,000. CALL 751·3191 Dalbo11 hland fixer UP·
C: SELECT ~~~:n ::~r loc.
MAMOtt a.GUSH ISTATI Dramadc I BR, 3 BA $59,900 home with new carpeta.
$2500 T..., Dow. vaca.at ft ready to move
Soaring 2 aty. 4 br + in. Just reduced $8,000.
pool I A handyman's Sll9.too. ~·Paint and pro-0 ftt aN.i yo.a have yourself
an f'ltate. Excellent
Tnbm llriq. Call quick.
N7-8010 -11r..he~ O'IN lll O•llS l ll"'IO l!IN'(f• ~ !•11111 ~7~~llY
People who need People
, That 'a what the
SELL ldJe tt~m• wlth a
Daily PiJot Cluallled Ad. 642·5878.
Homel lo au area• or
34 ..... Co•ff
Beautiful waterfront
home with boat slip &
s andy b e a c h . In
bdrms + f amll,y rm. 3~
baths. 2 frplcs, 2 patios.
$327,500 including land!
Immaculate. profess de·
corat.ed home. 2 bdrms & den + dining rm, large
quarry We in hall 4c den, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii huge patio & deck.
$350,000 including land " boat~llj>!
Dup&a, 3 • t ·bdrm untta,
each with frplc. Dbl
3ara1e. corner lot. $:MO,OOOjncl!JC!~I Wadi OCIAHflltOMT
Choice o ceanfront
duplex, on the uod I
Huge upetaln bdrm, tie
kitchen. On la.rte R·2 lot.
, : ... HERITAGE
RI: ALT ORS -· '37j:._ 1ey.....,. ·--H-EL---. -,-,--
...... , .. CHPIOIATI
* 671-7060 'If ~ u:: ::r~Jr~4:
Cla.sslfed Ada 642·54JTI
Have you read today'P
Classified Ada? If not,
you're miuinl the beat
be.r'laim in town I
Flnd what you want ln
Dally Pilot Claastfted.a.
ecut.lve townhome Uv·
Intl Walla of 1lau I BNathtaklnt vtew I Once
ln a We time opportunl·
ty. For detail a ca 11.
rnnr •-,Tr
SUMMER IS HYE! Here's your chance
to own that fun house with the pool
you 've wanted. Swim the s ummer
away in that 40' pool. Big 2 story in
Mesa Verde fo r $149,500. Near
Country Club. Ctil 54~4141
DREAM POOL HOMI -The pool might
get your attention, but location of this
3 Br is ideally suited to modern
life-style , for o nly $110,500. Cell
S Pr vmq Costa 'Me <> .1 Irvine
Hunlmgton Be;ich-Newporl Beach -------.
It"'= ..... IHI l ~••11• t.w ,....All.... ..... .. _, ... wfflt ... $ .... , .........
Cll...... ... ... ..... ...... .... •.. .., ....
Ho." 2633 W. Coast Hwy.
Newport Beach
JACUZZI 1°11WdftQTow._7 $64,900
IEACH Visit the ~PECJALIST at This J bdrm Monticello OR POOL? the Condominium In· townhome comes com·
Fabulous 3 br 2 ba home formation Center . Serv-plete w /new crpt &i drps
in very private woodsy an ~ a I I of 0 . C . in neutral tones, wood
community. Jacuzzi. TOUCH.STONERLTY shutters & electri c
decking, ma ss iv e l85828eachBl.#8 garage door opener
aquarium. All this & •-•C•al-9•6•3-0-•1•6•7-•I !deal l ocation Two more. Just steps to the swimming pools &
surf ror only $149.000 clubhouses. Just listed
646-Till. FANTASTIC 646-TIU.
Priced thousands below
similar models. Walk to
beach from this sprawl-
ing 5 Bedrm! Secluded
enlry +gourmet kitchen.
Owner bought new &
says bring any offer Ca II
oPfN Ill 0 • 11 \ IUN IQ/I l1o('I
French doors leadmg in·
to a garden like selling
enhance tbl.s charming
home. Completely r e
modeled 4c highly up·
graded thruout. Great in·
vestment potential in
this quiet highly deslra ·
ble Newport Beach area.
~ Walker & lee
. . . -.
I. v I y I g e 2 b d r m .
break.last area, dm rm,
pool, clubhouse. seC'unty t::;;;;•;;;-;;;;;;;. gated entry. Inside laun 1•
dry, storage galore. Im
maculate. Close to So
Coast Plaza 1n Costa
Mesa. This beauty was
sold but fell out! Don't
hesitate 54S-9491.
Need housing Ullo.?
Call toU free
·~~ Ext. GU74orGU40
No obligal.Jon. A service
of Affiliated Independent
Sell Idle items 642-5678
All this and a secluded pool ! Open
beam ceilings, 3 bedroom, 2~ bath
and f a mity room and dining room.
If you enjoy entertaining you must
see this at only $174,000.
priced from
$72,970 to $79,980
'h'nn1 .. ,·u11rr ... raJJlc: 1t·nni1>
~.tfilJ:\'IC • ('Clllf :t
offered by
MACNAB Irvine Realty
L\nn,• V;i l,•nt1n,· i f ... f\ ..... flll'l'
l k•\l•lc~K'l1 h1 C11r.11 "" ln1r'rno11ion:il
. .., ... ... ... -~-. . --.,, ... --....... -. ----. -. .._ . --
f •
I .., ~Fors. HoetM1 for s. Ho.Mi For S• lHM"' for We ~!~!.~~~~ ...... . "•'l" .. ILC>l FncLily Jutw 21 1978 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••• • •••••••• •••• :;;.:__:.....,;.;;.:..;.'..;.,..~:...;._----------'---.1.:!...;...;.._.;...-••••• ••• • •••••••••••••• I 002 C.... ct.I Mar I 022 Cotta Mel4 I 024
....______ tL..-ir......_ ~ F S. G...,... 1002 GtMrGI Coro.act.I Mar 1022 ............................................. . ~.for s.. ~Fors. ~· ..,,...-~ •••••• ! .. ~ .......................................................... ····;.;·;;··;.;·;····-·;;·····················---------··•·•··••·•············ •..........•..•.•....•• •...................... .
fhMt-• 1002 G......i 100 Ge•NI 1002 6G-... -,.,..... 1002 OP91DAILY1·5
757 W. Wll.SOH ...........•...•..•....•....•....••.........••..•.••••.••••..•....... ........•••...••.•..... SALESPEOPLE WANTED! HOMES + IMCOME
• Al.AlfsDn
oc ... .t.w eoa-1 ... &Mrald .., -....
............. be•oo... fellllily ,,,.., ... roo. .._. with opett ..._ c.w.p -1
Catc6a .....tL Tiiis Is tt. perfKt ~ a.o... Priced to Mii todey • SlSS.000.
Spechall• •l•w hOIM of fltte qltlllfty
onr'.o ~killg E»Mt aid lay. TWs Is • perfect
fa.Dy hOIM for thoM ct.siriftg IW• gr"Hf.
prl ••t• co"""""lty. Has darkroo"', .., .... dlldy ,.... 1torog.. $495,000.
1-CICllllah ttrft bedroom •G" ,.__ &td
mit 'With .,.. lock lay •l•w. be-. c..a.g.
a11d wood floon 1lhlot9CI Oft a lonfy
grnflbelt. Clos. to colllllllMity pool. All
.. c ........... $159,500.
C111to.Nud two story Eastbllfff hotM wfftt w,... •l•w of mountai•s. llcJhts Giid lock
lay. T1lrM bedroom, three bath, IC1rCJ9
fa"'lly room and kitchen wffft Htift9 ana.
This l1111MC1culate hom• will sell lts•lf.
bjoy the prf•ocy and lmh landsc~
MHTomding ..... chcrwNIMJ Mk cOftdo.
nrH be*OOM, two mtd OM Wf baftta.
large ldh:hett wfttt eatifM) .......... paHot
ond gas ~. coftiire•d to -*• this
a specjal off.ring at S 157,500.
Thrn bedr~ two afld OM haH bath
Fr.tcl1ee111 l'ICllt i11 tt. .arty~• fMt
CJ"Hbeft. Highly -.CJ11 oded wffll ...........
shwtt.,.._ MlaslOft tlle floors afld wood
po..elh•CJ· Enjoy th• wat•r •l•w fro•
•stairs balcony. S 161, 900.
2 IR. 2 IA. A/C, Vi•w. • .$73,000
3 1R. 2 IA, A/C, View. . .$73, 900
2 11. Ph IA. Lrg Yard. .• $72,900
2 IR. 11/J IA. View ... $67,900
SLEEPER -3 bdrm. 3 bath, near beach
in Costa Mesa. New. formal dining,
sunken liv. rm., study and a Jge lot.
Just $99.500. VA.
CUL DE SAC -Quiet Eas tside
location. 4 bdrms. encl. cabana, clean.
comfy and close lo schools, stores .
etc .• $107 ,500.
4 IDRM WITH POOL -4 bdrm pool
home in Westside Costa Mesa. new
ca rpelin~. 6300 sq . rt. lot. $79.900 with
VA terms.
PRIME MESA VHDE -Location and
house, 4 bdrms. 2 frplces. den and
great rear yard ldscping. $128,000.
U~l()UI: ti()Ml:S
CORONA DEL MAR, 675-6000
MESA VERDE, 646·6990 • CALL US
Complete privacy, 8,000 sq. ft. incld
your own gst hse _& sum~er hse.
Olympic sz pool & Jae. 5 Mm. from
Npt. Bch. Old world elegance w/oak &
mahog not avail today. Flex terms,
priced to sell at $495.000. Rltr 673-5311
2 Br. 21-"l Ba. approx 2000 sq. ft. Best
Joe. Pool. jac. tennis crts. $675/mo.
Yrly lse or $140,000 to purchase
#6 Rocky Glen
Just completed. bst ngbbrhd w /schls,
park, rec. areas. Owner to choose cpt.
Ready to move in. Priced to sell at
$172._000. Call Rltr 673·5311644-6397
Highly increased business activity
warrants adding severaJ energetic &
ambitious salespeople. We offer a
delightful atmosphere ln a modem.
alr·cond. office on the ground floor of
one of the nicest locations. with easy
parking for you & your clients. Our
name is one of the best known in the
area & we oCf er one of the mos t
favorable & exciting incentive plans.
Our advertising program has been
consistently cons picuous thru the
years. tr you are interested please call
Walter Haase or Leonard Smith.
420 t .. wpart c ...... Dr .. M.wport INda
REDUCED TO $89.000
Attractive 4 bdrm.. 2 ba. home m
immac. condition Xlnt loc.
Fine 4 bdrm .. 2~ bath f amity home on
quiet ~ul de sac. Oversized pool.
playhouse, extra storage. $169,000.
Several fine bayf ront homes
with pier & slips
J.11 Boy\•d•· [),,,,, "' B ol'> 6161
Crispy clean 3 BR, 1 ~ ba. comer lot RV +
pool + BBQ s1ie areas. Covered patio, owner
anxious. May carry 2nd T 0. Alfordable.
Top quality 2 sty. 4 BR. ramily ors BR. dining
rm encl patio. Nr. schools. parks. excepuonal
s hopping. Modestly pnced $116.900.
Adult condo, 2 BR 1"'2 ba. air cond. pvt patJo.
lush lawns, swimming. rec rooms & BBQ's.
Elec sec. gates. nr S. Coast Plaza. Reasonable
at $44.500. Tarbell. Ask Cor Rose Mellin.
540· 1720: 751·2358
MESADELMAI Assume $54,500-4 ,.,... SIO,OOO Bdrm.28tory.formalen· ~ try, huge Uving room
This beautifully decorat· w/flreplace. Garden,
ed 4 bedroom. 2 bath kitchen. dining room.
home has decking & a Underwater glass view
covered patio in lhe pr<>-of .w · free form pool.
fessiooally landscaped Sweeping s tai r s to
backyard. Truly a buy at massive guest suite. only $79,900. CALL Takeover VA loaoor low
556-2660 before it's gone. down.
t;:: SELECT IC ..... b4llty
T'PROPERTIES 147-4061 54'-tl66
Horse! Property. New 4
515·515'/J HAJtCISSUS Cll To S..
Newer. spactous a pt. over 4 car
garage & charming house with frplc.
beamed ceilings. patio $179.500
3 BR, 2 ba. new cpl.JI &
d.rp. Comer lot. w/lrg
RV 11ccess & storag"
$76.!>00 Ownr Jagt .
429-42'1/J GOLDINIOD s.t/S-. l·S
Walk to beach from this spacious
l 'h yr. old 3 bdrm .. family rm. home.
Have the added bonus of income from
the 2 bdrm. apt. over 4 car garage.
3 Bdrm. 2 bath, fam rm.
&'*t quartet'$ It suJ>('r
locatioo. Ooly $79.~
Ask •boul V.A term5'
Call now. u .w ....... c ..
HELP! VIEW HOMES Owner clo&ed escrow on new purchase last week
Have to sell 2512 DavLS
Pt , C.M. Uus week '. 3
BR, 2 ba. frplc. E·sade
$86.900 As k for Cun.
.411 cOITEZ caacu o,.. s.. 1 -s
This 3 bdrm.. 2 bath country s~yted
home has great ocean views & as on
fee land: $221.900. Or lease/optlon.
2003 VISTA CAUDAL 0,.. S-. • ·S
The best view in The ~luffs is from
this 2 bdrm .• 2 bath condo. with
private patio & huge viewing deck.
Townbouse an excl Ca~
Series I blk to Newport
Bellch 2 br 1 ...., b:.
w /fireplace. detached
garages. pr111 d ri vt-
Located on 4 acres or
beautiluJ t ttes. &.SOO
Ownr/Agt Pnnc1p;.ls
only 642-41.SS
C lf'atl WWW a.adl I 0 I I •••••••••••••••••••••••
Exquisite custom home
above ocean with adja·
cent spacious lot. for ad·
ditloos or a 2nd bome. A
rare flod! Beech access.
For personal showing,
ln the heart of Corona del
Mar: dramatic entry
with balcony overloolung
living room-cathedral Make an olfer on this ;j
ceiling: three bedroom. bedroom a nd fa mil;
two baths plus powder room home rn Ml:'S<>
room; professionally de· Verde! RED CARPET corated. Gated entry. 24 754-1202
hour sec url ty . poo I. i_:.:S20-=.000:.:..::.._R_E_M_O_D_E_L_l_N_G_
jacuzzi and TENN lS Halec:rest 3Br. You won t
COURT. r 1 n d a k 1t t' h e o &
COLI OF MIWPOIT bathrooms hke this 1n a
REALTORS SlS0.000 home. Huge yd.
67S.5SI t covered p ot:o m ;,ny
wxua1ous many xtras, tennis &
swim elub $96.900 & I.A VISH! 548-447~ Agt s.0 l720
Luxury in Cameo Shore1' 49M Large secluded front 2 Br, Iba wtth huge bonus J•:;.~:--patio founwn & pool' rm Add 2 more unJts in
IO"'"' Spaaous oceanv1ew h v rear racing park m .soo ear-.. W. 66 log room & famtly room Pnn only 642·9666 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• I d
A new offering i.n CdM. Owner's unit bas 3 BR. 2
ba. & 2 fireplaces. 1 in
tbe master BR! Newer l
BR unit over garage.
Priced to sell at Sl97.SOO.
Shown by appt. 640-5112.
' ' • ' ' ' ' ' '~ I '" • '
Forma aning room THIS IS IT'
Olef's kitchen has every Come see this 3 Br fam
convenience. La vish rm hm S76.500 . Coll master w.1ng. De n or La gt Mi .ss53 or study. Sewing & laundry tTY • a
room. lnchxles pool ta· ,_968-6 __ l_6i_• ------
ble. bltn stereo system. IY OWNER
fantastic storage too AS SUMABLE LOAN Private beaches -and girzc;~
much 0>9re! For private 4 BR l~ bath. BBQ. dbl
preview call 673.ssso. I M v rd C>-IN '" v, 1, \ ,0,., ,,1 .. , "''", fp c. esa e e exec r=_:;:;:::.iiiiiiiiiiiijiiijiiii1 a re a . Red u c e d Tr Y
'l••cu [!11111! ~~:t.~'~SJi•:f.o Immac 4Br. 2Ba. 2 . --·==••11JJ ~l.S54
• 1 I , , I I 'l , I l Jt •I I~'•
rrplca, bme in Cameo JASMINECREEK a....:..:.:....::.:_ ____ _
Higblanda. Ocean & ca· Plan 3 ades IY OWNER
nYOO view on~ aSacre . .,.:.vt Beaut.· =.Y B'rf>wner' Lovely 4 BR home at 715
bchaccess.v.,.. ,t/<>Un. Pnce reduced. lmmed. Victoria Redut•ed to 1..-.m or by app t. 709 "'H"" """'900 Ph~lJ C~eo Highlands Dr. occupancy. 644._.., -· · ---
--~-.------i Br. 2~ Ba on 'h acre. WANTED•. S247.SOO. <Fee Land >i--------OP&llMGSAT·SUM
Priocooly. 673-1.592. 375 Pnnceton Dnve
IESTIN CIEST THUIUHfTS 3900 aq. fl. Many, many Spyglass Hill. 4 Br. Fam
S E C L U D E D rt H 1...,1 ~xtras __ . Bkr_.;..• 7_54..QQ ___ • --• Well cared for former Rm. pool. ocean view.
Neat 38r. 2ba, fam rm
Fplc, cath clg's. S87.SOO
is.-0296 752--8252 UPGRADED And pric M.wpor ~ pa APPRECIATION &/OR model home needs new $396,000. 21 Bodega Bay Two 2 bdrm .. 1 bath + 1 ho n-Ope Tb thr Es.._.._ ;im lowered. 3 Bdrm, b th h TAX SHELTER. Beaut owners .... someooe w u•. n W'S, u Mfta Verde ,~
baths & den connected l ·bd.rm., 1 a ; uge new GIANT DUPLEX will enjoy a beautiful Sun. 12-S. Harker Real 3 Yrs old. 3400 sq rt .
large master s uite. = :c=g if~~ NPTl:ITS. 3Br. 2'h8a ea. jacuzzi year rou~d tlstate(714>7SS-9744 4Bdrm. 3aa. $188,900 Sy
fl21,900. Exceptionally •-Al···"~" land!. ' Wet bar. porches, etc. 2 round ... lotso~eone •.tho ~ + 1...,.0ME _.. ri ... .i l -5 Agt: Beth.
ca red for-lovely de ""' --Huge dbl gar. cor lot. Est needs a "' room wi nvl'l'llO """"" _.. ....... ~"· • 714-964·24311963-9101. c:orating! Enjoy movin ~ 642-2253 Eves. finish Aug 31st. Com· little maintenance. 3 Cozy 3 br l~ ba front 41ll CC>lt'Tl.AMD 835-0211 . Pager lf951S
rigbtin. petitively priced bldr Bdrm, wallt·in closets. house w/2 br. loft rear 4 Bdrms .. ramdy rm , 21-::...::..:.._:__:__.::;__ __ _
very anxious . WILL office in garage. New unit. Offered at Sl8S.OOO. frplcs .. pnvate pa llo MOMTICB.LO/lOFT
EXCHANGE OR SELL. paint, paper & much Bernita Eilert.sen. rltr. Super 180 deg. ocean + For sale by owner. 15b associated
BA1.J,.fP; u..-r. ·c1pc:, Levineagt.M2-0200. more. Sll.2.000 675-Z373 hill view. Fee land. Only Broo«lme. 2Bdrm. 2Ba I BLOCK TO
duplex, less than 3 yr:.
old. l2ch unit has bltn
range, oven, dishwasher.
brick frplr. Als u has
huge4 car $(Drage
...::.:..;.::;..:.....:::.....:..:.----1 Appiy•t644e721 I R R2 lot. f $Z29.:JOO twnhse. pools S69.900
RanchoSanJOGqllill PETE-RRETT UDO ~ls8ooi,·g. Prine~~: NEAR HACH Assum 9'h% loJtn Int Ivy! locredibly spacious pro· Duplex; 3 + studio, re· 557-0849
2Lo•a1..Vi•wCOftdos R JV --------1 perty with huge open $123,000.640-4i064 ~1nted , Tecarpeted ; -Ope S -t "'·· ts .... , $77 000 planned family dining -... s•T/SUN I 5 tiluJ d sau 111 n a ~n A 2 Bdrm San Mateo 642·5200 ' room overlooking lush _.._.. ,.. • u con . . . 303 E 23rd St
lt\} 'i"1I f-I t ':> ' f':(
lftyntor's Special
Guarded gateway pro
lecti. lavish ~rounds l!t
pool! Secluded t•ntry lo
executive liv rm'
Sun s h ine gourmet
kit ch e n overlook !>
private courtyard
Sp1ralinl( sta1rcai.e
wmds to bed.rm complex.
The fmest U\ twnhm hv·
mg. Call qwck! 847-tiOJO
•1r,lr, I• I'• I', I
Sell your own hom e
f1XED not «;{ fee At.
sist in ads. fm .
Realty Free Homes
l'rade vour old stuff for
new goodi es with a
Classified ad. 642·5678_
model overlooking the ~~~~~~~~~ VA 6 20 --------561SEAWAltDDlt. TWOONTWO Xlra lg 4 BR 2'h BA . pool, orrered at $114,500; -4 Bed.rm. 2 bath, double garden p atio. 2 x 1--------•I 2 BR Charmer! Mint 2 Houses. on 2 R·2 lots; Features a lg L·shaped Or.~ 2 Bdrm and den 1·m· ·--------t 8 Y old hideaway muter suite bea b te ll beamed
D car garage. ears . itb arate private a••ET l:'I l:'l'ANCE cood. Priv. c aC· Pf!Va pa OS; ram & dining area, met maculate San Carlos RO Newly painted. Formal w s::UOO l tor UI u.u cess. Boat s torage, cell .. + charm $325,000 20 bulb chandelier wlflr
with views of lhet lake&, STONE'S TH W dining rm. Greenhouse. ~boat. S::S.~. :.f~ Three Bdrm fam rm, more! $185,000 OPa. SAT/SUM 1·5 to celling bookshelve!t ~oll course. moun ams Move·in condition. eomider trade. For ap· covered pat(o & yard. Broker644·2343 506MAll~Bm framing a 4'x7' mirror
mJthl IJghts Offered at ... to Newport's best MS-9161 poiotmentcaU962·7788. 1be best in price. quall· ---C-AMEO-----I Clean. bricht .tr cheery 3 Form. liv rm w/brk frp1
sii9.soo beach; cozy 3 bdrm. K€Y ty,design&area!Com· bdrm., 2 ba .• den. rramedwithflrtoce1llng OPEN DAILY home. completely furn.. ,iQ. pare now. 2963 Baker. HIGHLANDS Reduced to $189.000. nurrors width or IJY1nR
See agent at 35 Montanes with expansion \05' REAL TOP.S A OPEN OAlLY l·5 Shady & secluded floral MAURY STAUFFER rm. Prof. m anicured
Elite possibiOtaes. Plans with or Call patio front entry. Black SEA LION REAL TY lawn bordered w tplanl.S
IT'SILUECHIP city approval included. UVEONTHESAND i4'RllAU. slate floors. Big ocean 3601E.CstHwy.CdM round only 1n Hawa11
Newport's leading de· Parking space for 4 cars. ~~~~~~~~~I •NOW SELLING• 400ltr • uw view living room hosts 673-S354 Bkyrd w/pool. concrete
corator did th1s 5 Bdrm Fee land, you own It.= Huntington Paci rt e C.M ..... ; .• .•.-A massive s~ ftreplace. 121JN.CstHwy.Laguna patio bordered wit h
Deane home. Own~r has S134,900 ---------i Beach house. This Is a ~ l!mlli... Spacious ramily room 497.3388 trop1caJ pianls. Must S«
bought another home. LARGE fAMILY7. EASTSIOI limited offering or uni· and open kitchen combo. ~~~~~~~~ t.o appreciate. Show & Bnng money and move ~ que cooperative apart· 3Spac. bedrms. Covered make offer . A ~k•n f?
m. Offered at $169.900 lnT~•---• ments, located oo the patio full leqth of bome RUSTIC 3 br. 2 ba, frplc. $7:?.500. St> 1 ler w 111
17831 Arbor Lane $12,SOO!l s and . A NEVER with ocean view! Priced patios, well decorated cousider all offers & will
3 Bdrm! 2\4 baths! Of. BEFORE , NEVER IASTSIDI to sell fast! Call now, Gue:stbouse.SlS3.000.By he lp with f1n a nt'1nr. ~ ll"""~l\11) . ' ~ ' 1~1~ ! Cu st Hw1 Carana del lh1
St.op dnving all the way
to L.A. 3 Br. 2 bath
College Park home In
Seal Beach. SOS,900. Call
Del Larson.
So. C·alif. ltHlty
fice! Pool! Alley! We try A G A I N 0 P · VA TftlDI, great 4 Bdrm 7S2-1700 owntt. 64().7030. Waller Young. Really
harder al Tri Harbor. PORroNITY. You owe 2 bath family home in e.ll· Ol'fN ''' >j. ,, \ 1uN •01<1 ""f" 835--0211. pager 9640 or ~~~~tf!se~~~~~ ~it~·~=-l'Cll~llHll ~;~~~~~~~ ....,:SA YBIDE
$!69,000. 711 Ocean Ave.. . -·-··-··~ TO-"'CH Nr golf rourse. larger t (PCB> Huntington ._ sty luxury home. 4Br . ~;;;~;;;~;;;:;;j Beach, Ca. Sales office PRICED RIGHT! $91,000 3Ba. den St69,000 B:y • cloeedooTueSdays. 1bis lovely 2 BR home owner540-7196
&I uosT MEW Broker 536·6063 has it all. Nice location, Walk back from the REDUCED $5000 ,,_.,... MEREDITH C-'-tr..o a.ach I 011 R·2 lot. room to bui Id 2nd beach to this 6 mos new Triplex. l ~ yrs old. ..':!:~••••••••••••••••• unit, mollvated,seller&r a contemporary 2 sty. lnto Beautiful Mesa Verd.-
(1)38r & (2)2 Br unjts, $111,500 great price. Terms avail a soaring tiled floored home. 2400 sq ft. extra
Cloee to schools, shops & Huge 5 BR nr. beach. OCEAN VIEW at S138.:JOO. Call to see, entry. Step down t.o lush lge lamily rm. 3 rrplcs. 3
churches. $169,500 Call Prof . decor ated . BRAND NEW, FOR fM0.5112.Agt. camelcarpeUoginUving baths Pool su:edlot.
P&41HSUl.A Dell.arson ~cpd. Priced for fast SALE BY OWNER. 4 u.a.G ... l-CRA..IT room w/brick frplc wt ROYAL REALTORS So. C• • ........, 3 ba l .._ '"""' " n ~ ~as lighter. Walk thru 645-0882 -1-EX • .,.,, s ale. C.11962-7788. BR, ' rg ""''115 rm, VIEW LOT I I . l '" n . 546-5605 KEY IEAL TOIS '4 ac lot. Open bse S.t & n n g r o o m I n o
mecnab I Irvine
Ideally located , this ~~~~~~~~~:::-:-:-:-:-:~-=-=-=~~-=-! &an; 3544.2 Seavlew Dr. Ocean, harbor & night fabWous k.ltcben w/bltn OWNER.al\JI tosellth1s2 triplex Is in xlnl condl· -Sl89,000 or bes t otrr., lights. PresUgious area. microwave. Central A/C story. 4 Bdrm. 2 bath.
lion, witbtwo2bdrm Un· S@~4.llA-/J,£?}s· verv flealbler term1. Must sell now Nothing AutosprlnJtlers. MoUvat· near South Coast Plata Its & one l ·bdrm. unit ., liJt; t t S275 000 ed seller bu Just slashed 751-0221or559-7440 Just 1 block from the bay 8Sl-3118, 661·3184 e 1 a ' · prtce $10,000 for qwck , ________ _
& beach. SlS0.995. Thot lnfrig11in9 w ora Gom• with 0 CA11dl• Sell things fast with Daily' .~RT ~4~ 2 sale. Exclmive agent.
Carmel Model w/expanslve view in
Harbor Vi ew's Phase Ill Compare
this prirc to that of surrounding
view properly! Carl Au ti er 642·8235.
<L· 11 l
And entertaining! Bright & sunny 4
BR pool home. French doors -2
fplcs -parquet & new cpt -new
clec. kit<'hcn -(•ustom tile entry -
gorgeous yard. $225.000. Beverly
Morphy f'42·8235. ( L 12 l
M2·123S 644-6200 901 Oov~r Ort~ Harbor View C.nter
1 r.m~ •I C•mi>u~ V•ll!y Center
7S2· 1414
tss.970 tor a 4 bedroom, 2
bath with a bllt yard &
covered patio I• Breat news. Clote to 11hopplnlf,
schools 4r recreation.
CAU. 7$1-3191.
~II thing1 ful with Dally
Pilot Want Ads
-----w..4 ~, cu~ 1. "°"""'--~ PUOl Want Ads.
O·-~ .._, ol ....
,_ Kn> ..... -d· i... low to 161111 ,_ _ .. -di
I I don't know why I Ml'll my I l £ H F 0 I o kid to ool19Qe. It ooett me · · 16,000 • yw end he cen't I I 1· I ~ -IP9fl. The OIMr dly ht · -· · .. wrote homt end .. ao tie netd·
-------ed $200 !Of bc>okl, And h•
c , 8 T E s
1 0 ,lld boolcl ---. ' I' I I I I ~Olllfl-·• ;... '"..c•l• ~ • -b,, """'0 In !+.. """"'II WOfd '--..l.-"'---'--4--"---' '°" -..loo ltOO'I "P No J below
• ,,~1i~tn1v~~ts' llft$ r r I' r r r r 1
e t:r::::t:r\ llllm •0 I I I I I I I I
SCl.AM-UTS Antw.,.. 1iit C ... tfflc...._. IOIO
, ) .: ~ -· _ .. ,· .; -,,.
110111 ILlllS ao.
EleJ(ant 3 Bedroom Condo Protected
By Security Oate. Ta s tefully
Decorated Wlth Electric KJtche n.
Separate Dining Room. Sunken Llving
Room W /Wet Bar. Fee Land. Pool
And Jacuzzi. $159.900.
111 DOYa DllVI 631-1100
~ .............. ,, .. ____ __
TOP LOC. Mesa del Mar 2
...w. .. .-y
3 & famlly room. 2 bath."
mck>lled patio. move.in
condition Mot 1va1ed
seller! 64>9161
' REAllY
•lY • br. 3 ba, di.n.in1. encl I~~~~~~~~~ patio, d e n. Sll4,900 1:
OWner. 751·0383 MESA VERDE -------.i By owner. 3 br ~ b ....
Un"'ue 4 Br, 2 s•-with famil.Y rm, frpl, fenc('d ... _., yrd ~uccd lQ $79.900 maH~r b edroo m AS n~ palnllng '°'"' downstairs. Tiii! roof 2980 Jacaranda CiJ II Laod1caped courtyard after$ 675-1461 entry " many more sur _.......;.;_ _____ _
priM9 To see call * ftlPUX • lllM/T........ East C M t.,.. Yr!' old
HJ.01'7 sm.ooo. Owner anslou::i
Subnut • Bkr 5.52 0434
I ,
~ ~ S. "'-"' For S. Hoft•t For Sde ~!~ ~ .':'.~ ~~-...... · I~!!:."!'.~-~ ...... . ~~!:! -~~~•••••••• Fnday. July 28. t978 DAIL v P1LOT Ill, ,;.
l,.,ifte I 044 1,-.IM I 044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~~ ..... !~~.~ ~~:.~.~ ....... 1~~!.~~~ ........ ~!!.~~~ ...... .
LOIJMM leoch I 048 U.,.C. leodt I 041 LOCJi9MI HHJ-1
••..•..••.............. ··················•••·· ·······•··•••···••····· C....MeM 1024 ......... o.leedl 1040 IHch 1040 IOSl •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
f'r-.11 p&ml ln & out. new
eartblo11e crp\, 4 ba
bdrnu, bla rmly rm
wlfrplc. frml dLn. llv rm fn>lc. canvenaUon 1m.
cathtdtal cellm1. t.aght
airy• Oventz.t'd cul dt·
sac lot, a pool whic
must be seen to b
believed in dot Co:st
Mesa area & moUvat
sellers too! Super buy
1bey must sell now! ! !
Affordable, Adorable, Available
3 JJdrm, 1 ~~ bath with scm• formal
danmg room and la rge living room. At
only $72,500. You can't afford to wait' C~ll 839-13.51. ask for Jay Hare of Red
Carpel Realtors.
I 026 BY OWNER 3Br. 2·2 car
••••••••••••••••• •••••• garages. bltns. &m dwn
---------i4er, central air , to qualifi ed buyer
GREENBROOK spri.nkJers, lrg cov patio, $108,000. 963-9350
new ext paint. 331!91 Big INTHE S60'S; White with
IY OWNER &lr. 661·3351 agent. yellow shutters & used
brick! 2nd fireplace an
I {'an make home hunting easier for
you for two important reasons .
I st: Computerized listin gs and
comparable properties and financial
analysis enables m e to save you lime
instead of wasting time showing you
what you don't want
2nd: l keep you informed every step of
the way so you know at all limes how
the sale is progressing. Because most
of the homes on this page are part of
o ur multiple listing service. l can
s how them to you. • Call Teny at 754-1202 4 Bdrm. 2 bath. E x· &Taro 1032 huge game rm. w/cook·
tremelY popular Camelot ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing BBQ. Hug~ cul de sue Model nus lovely home ~ lot ~ BR 2 B 1 REC CARPET is located in an excellent Assume 8Yt% VA loan. · • • a . came
..;nhborhood on a cul de '1500. 3Bdrm, 28&, frplc. carpet. decorator pnint ~~......-.~ .... .,. 1rg lot 768-0562 i.n & out! Vacant. Red
sac. within easy walking . . Carpel. Roberta R. E . u N BEL I E v A n L f.
dis tance or S. Coasl Fowt• V*'t I 034 536-9311 u n 1ver 511 y pa r k R~""8d
Plaza Sboppmg. Many ••••••••••• ••••• ••••••• ---------IRIUll outst.andulg features m LUSCIOUSLANDMARK Twnbme Completely re Ex . ..&: i elude • Br,ealulbtedtakin.glindrama Fee simple, 4 BR 2 BA. modeled. seeond frpl<": an ec.,nYe ft
CUSTOM DRAPES w va cet gs, lots ..__ .... 'th d dt!n al l n e w kit I •
ol ligbt. 4 Lrg BR + huge auuuiND WI upgra es. I • rv1ne fam-rm w /wet bar & quality thruout! Super, m crowave etc. Assume
LA R G E COVERED massive frplc. Superb quiet location bas beach Io w 1 n le rest Io an Elegant 4 bedroom homt' PATIO
1 0
c . w a
k l
goU, schools. shopping & $106,000 Ope.n Sat/Sun w\Lh alarm. tanled wtn·
0 E S I G N E R E v E R y T H 1 N G , rwy within minutes 4 l2·S 4323 W1otersweel dows and tJle acct>nts
WAlLPAPER ., · years new ror just OwnerSSS-1491 Dining, family room .
4'x8' SKYI.JGHT .. 46.900. Bkr, 754-6262. $109,SOO. Aak for Mike. patio and froil trees OUTDOORG~ BBQ -.-.... UMIER oo...aE Agt: 960-5254 SACRIFICE Reduced to $149,000
'""" " 2 beaut new 3 bdrms. BK.R Call c:•n 1720
A GAR. DR.OPNR Real Estate Company ,,...,. S PR INK RS FR ON. may be able to guarantee POOL HOME ~i.~~~Y u Pg rad ed .
T /REAR I.he sale or your home. TARBELL 979-8123 Call ror free market 2Br. IBa. corne r lot New 4 br. 3 ba. ram rm.
Pnnonly please $109,900 evaluation. 968-337!. home. cpts, custom drps. k.itchen nook . lrg yard. 2
, brand new gas range & stry Must sell $124 000 AIKSIDI ( self·cleaning oven. new (2 · ' "#I In California" LOCATIOM ~IJ'lOlj'tllfl(iUI dishwasher, RV access
---------MESA DB. MAR Real Estate or use 8" a 10x12 garden UNIVERSITY PARK To be sold this wkend !
Imagine a 3 bdrm + 1!14 area. gas heated pool Village 3, Un1vers1ty 4Br, 4Ba. 3.000 sq rt
b a hom e w / b tr 1 Sharp 3 br 21,; ba 1300 s.r.. with all needed cll!aning model. detached. 3 bdrm Open h s e l I I sold
hardwood floors. fmly tnhse + 400 s.f. apt over tools. btfl large patio 2 ba. ram rm Open 5Sl S71S. Agt
k.lt.chen. jac\iul & fu;h gar, tenrus. pool, $73.900. area with blln BBQ. (<Jn Sat/Sun JO Cedar Tree
pond in a close LO ever-675-7414 tastic for retired couple Ln5Sl·5580 <Broker\ LOIJWMI ia.och yUung locauon! A must or start.er home. $72.900 •••••••••••••••••••••••
see· call now before ll 's FIX Ii SAYE 968-8561aft 5PM.
too late? 545-0465. 3 BR 2"'1 Ba, fplc, ap· SMALL DOW·M
prox. 1800 sq.ft. Prestige No Qualifying. Ownt•r
neighborhood. Need s will r1.11ance this shurp J
some TLC. Offered al Bdrm wilb POOL. Ask
S94.000. ang $89.900. Call us for a
REDUCED lJIJlflT!Zil irmlltifUtl listorsimllardeals
4 Br. 2 ba. rormal dining. I -·-·--·-----Western ftocific bnck frplc. com er lot. 2 962·44n (r.::)546·8103 Propttiles 731·1522
car icar 900 Dogwood. Phone751·0774 eves. MMllN9f011 leach I 040 ---------1••••••••••••••••••••••• I~ I 044 38r. 2Ba. fre.h pa an I. va •••••••••••••••••••••••
cant. lrg cov patio. Mesa FORTIFIED
del Mar WITH "C's"!! WHAT'SYOUI
Largest of al I the models
m The Ranch Comer lot
and an opportunity for
Mr. Ha ndy to do his
tJung The upsuurs 1s not
r1n1shed and tht>
po15lbililles are endless
For the ram1ly that needs
room · this ts al 1 As king
red hill~ .. :
552-7500 SB_l._500 _____ 5.5_7_·84_70 ... 1 Clean. cozy. comforta·
IT'S COOL! Mesa del Mnr ble. 4 Bdr m. 1:\14 bath,
area. 4Br. big pool, den/· huge F a m Rm. many
bar. S97.500. Owner will xlras Close to park.
help flnance Pn nclp on· school. s hopping. f1exi-
ly Call owner ror appt. ble terms avail. Offered
Bike to the lake from(~~~~~~~~~ your cozy 2 Bdrm. 2 bath I·
Townho me in Wood-1---------
:>48-7530 al $84,950.
Vi I I age Wa I k. be I:; '-,.--,-,-0---4-3_6_1 __ ..I_
ts lhe view & lhe house 1:-
"outa sight!" Check this
one & make your play 3
bdrms .. 3 baths. $230.000
Ante up with your orrer &
hit the jackpot on this
one' 3 bdrms .• 3baths.
built·in kitchen . raised
hearth fireplace, we t
bar ... you can clean up &
be a w\nner for $215,000
your personul touch. Ex·
pansive view or ocean
and canyon Extremely
qwel. 2 Bed .. 2 Ba .. huge
coovertlble den. tl21.500
PRIVACY 1n one
Beautifully redecorated
2 ~·· 2 Ba. O·Y·O just
steps to t..aguna':s Main
Beach and downtown.
AHordably priced at
designer duplex on golf
course wllh vanoramlc
ocean view Ideal re·
s1dence with income
New listing Spectacular
white water view from
one of the largest homes
in Emerald Bay Ex·
tensive use or cedar .
open beam ceilings and
glass. 4 Br . 31h ba. Crml
dill.IJ'lg rm. Sl. <.:hnrles
kitchen. family rm. den
& large rec rm. 3 car gar.
decks & patios. Approx
4SOO sq rt. Submit all or
r e r s Owner h as
purchased new r e
s1dence SSS0.000
Eldorado ln•eshMnt
Only 3 bl ocks lo
Laguna·s b eautiful
beach. 2 BRl 1.,., bat.hs.
chrung rm. family rm.
st.a10ed glass. ceramic
Lile. jacuzzi, microwave,
all the pluses. $229,SOO.
The Flshmg Realtors
One bedroom. own your
own . Like new cond.
Pnmc location. Walk lo
town & beach. Beautiful
well maint ained bldg.
gar. lndry facil. Must see
to appreciate. OWNER
WILL FINANCE. ~~~rt~~~ ;J!.f £f~ 1111••
brldge. Feeling lazy"
st.roll to the pool close by.
Want solitude? Take a
sunbath on your secluded
redwood deck . This
home baa a.II the fine
qualities or an S&S built
ONE! •• 500. CHARMER!!
QUEEN OF DIAMONDS Eldoc ado ln•HhMnt
TRUMPS KING Of' 497·3811 Bla.551·., CCII tor Detoil1
644-7211 IY OWNER• POOL* S&S Resale Specialists.
Exec 4Bdrm. 38a. den. 3.4 or 5 bdrm models
prof lndscpd, many avail. some w /pools
xtras Musl sell. under 968-4602 MllD appraisal $108,500 O!>t!o Pennington Properties \ ~~~n l-S Wkdys. 4br.2ba.D/W.fpl.1mito ~
975 Denver Dnve bcb , $83,500. Owner
Pnnonly -960-62~~l_O~~~~~~
Deerfield Townhome
Plan 11. eod unit, large
cover e d p atio. air·
cond.i\Jooing & ot.her ex·
tras. A find al $83.500
onH SAT /SUM I ·5
3601 E. Csl Hwy. CdM
1213 N. Cst Hwy. Laguna
Aug usl l wall list ul
h1J(her price Popular
4Bdrm Mesa Woods
model w/atnum Open
Sal 22nd & Sun 30th.
l·Spm. Cull owner/a~t
for app'l
For lhe house gourmet
who wants country hv·
1ng. Vaulted wood &
wood beamed ceiling an
living room enhances the
massive used brick
fireplace wit h rozy
hearth Ruslic country
lntehen and ramily room.
This home 1s a MUST lo
IJ\ Irvine Groves is lhe
best way to describe I.his
beaut.Hui 3 bedroom !~~~~~~~~~
I~ Sant;1 Rosa
UM.500. Ask ror Jut·k1e.
Dys, 636·3760 E\'cs.
family home. Highly up·
graded. central air and
pass this one by Cu II
now !
.. home. Inside & out. 4
Bdrms .. 2~ baths, Plan 3
in Turtle Rock. On s
large. well cared for cor·
HEARTS·Lose your ---------
heart over tlus 2 bdrm 2 $5000 DOWM
b a t h s p e ct a c u I a r contemporary 2 br 2 ba.
whitewater vie w for view. Sl2S.500. Lse op-
$1.38.500. tioo 494.7084
KING OF CLUBS takesl•--------
the last trick & wans I.he TM Of THI Woau>
game .• you'll be a wan· Opett Sat/S.. I Z..4
ner too with this 3 bdrm. 2974 ..,._Woy
2 bath borne Great Fanuly home.highbeam
potential and view too ceilings. secluded patios.
$138.SOO. dbl frplc. Room for pool.
IOGH ROLLERS CAN'T Quiet cul·de·sac. 3 Br.
LOSE on this sure thanR! r rm I din Ing 0 n I Y
50XJOO sq ft. lot wil.h Un· $14.2.SOO
obstructable whitewater Jhe
and coastlin e views S6.5.ooo. Claxton
D 0 u B L F. 0 R Con1pany
NOTHING! No risk here·
Elegant entry with free rorm
circular stairway that guid es you to
the family room with an unsurpassed
view of whitewater & sunsets. Plenty
of privacy for everyone with •I
bedrooms and d1s tinc ta ve decor.
Large kitchen makes you feel like
enjoying company. Ma ny lasung
features. For Only $255.000. Open
house Sal & Sunday. noon t ill 5 at 726
Kendall (Porta Fina> Laguna Beach
The warmth and crafts manship
a re «!Vident in 1o>vcry room of this
brand new home Ri ch ceramic tile on
the entryway a s well as m the formal
dtning room. Custom crafted oak
thru-out the kitchen a nd bathroom
cabinets are a few of the lavis h
features. Fully l.rnds caped wtlh
electroruc sprinkl er~ and your own
weathervane Call for appt
(714) 494·2146
SA TUIDA Y & SUMDA Y I to 4 p.-.
2954 Alta Lagii•• L.,... le«h
Recently remodeled 3 bedroom (one
year old > h o m e Beautifu!ly
landscaped. Private patio. large yard
New carpets. Drapes. $136.950
411 H. Coast Hwy., L~ lffch
SPa.rkllnS 3 Br. 2 ba. cozy
tam rcn .. used b rick
frpl. s~1al amemt1e..
111r cood. Jutllan tile, pro·
ress. landscp" .. lae
patJo. fire pit. aa.a BBQ.
room for pool, lovely
Vie'# I 1132.SOO
3 BR. 2 ba. ram rm. frpl.
lge fenced patio. Quiet
cul de aac. $109.500 , ...... ...,..
1055 •••••••••••••••••••••••
l!:xtru galore. corn~r
lot, 4 BR. 2 story. ramtl>·
ruom. diruog room. wN
bar, air cond .• priced tu
sell now. $125.000
714-770·21 ll
MhsiOll V5-jo I 06 7 .......................
Super locallon. great
~nns available 3 BR.
llle entry. ramaly room.
new drapes. air cond
bllns & murh more. Take
advantage at $82.500
Beautiful Cortez custom
decor. 3 br. F .R .. w/un•
que bll an ea \ln ~
bar/wane rack, 2 full bu.
many extras & upgndei..
Walk lo park. lrg CUl·dt'
sac lot $87,900 Assum
loan Prtn only. 831·J.t95
REDUCED $5,000
Newly det..'Oraled 4 BR
home. sensational honu:-
room. bt>autiful i.uedc
tolor carpets. shutter:..
wetbar. pool sized lot and
gorgeous view. Call for
fmancang 714·581·1000
WlST HIME LA1Jme M'9Mf I 052
Lower com er unit on the • ••• •• •• •••••••••••••••
4Br. 3Ba. fam rm. t n
level. upgraded thruout.
cpls. s hutt.ers. wovt>n
woods. near all schls. ~
spacious covered pal10,.,
s pa . wtrfall. r1rcp11 .
brick deck. very p vt
backyd. Must see to
believe Open Sat/Sun
from lOAM. By owner_.: Laguna Niguel
Realty • S138.500. 586-3008 26632
golf course: beaulirul
views from all rooms of
this 3 bdrm. coodo. as· soc. fee includes fire 1n·
sur .. bklg. maintenance.
water & gardening
Excellent 2 bdrm unit.
bas been completely up·
graded , with parquet noon. brick frplc .• track
lights. new carpeting &
drapes , wet bar.
Gorgeous ocean views
Elegant Cape Cod front
tng San Clemenl~ golf course. 3200 Sq. n 4 BR.
2~ BA. pror. lndscp'g
Owner anxious. Fast
P o s s e s ~ 1 o n
Hurry' SJn .soo
Missioft Viejo Le*~
Me mbership included
with th1S 3 BR. family
r oo m h o m e Co1-y
retreat. close to scboot &
t en n is courts I m
maculate A s teal .H
$78,$00. 714·S8l·l000
it's a buyer's market an
Irvine when you see this
4 bdrm. executive home.
lower level o pe ns to
patio. pool & mature
gardens. Country hvang 5
minute s fr o m all
amenitjes. Sl:J'T.900
Mus t s~ll -Mo vctJ
Redoced S20.000 for fast
sale Pvt ocean com
mun1ty ~arden homt-2 BR +den. very pvt. Call
now & s ee t od ay ---------$152,SOO
JUSTRB>UCED ! 3000 sq ft M.V beauty .i
S 12,000 DOWN
PLAYTIME IREH /T ouchsto...
963-0167 f'r<>lf. tennis. swam cloi<e
by to I.his spurklini: M t•sa ---------•:;;;;:;. great income from pre 494· 1230
sent tenants and much l~~~~~~~~~~I futur e p otential.1-
C?mpletely remodeled (kean view. 3 br. 2 ba.
with lots or cedar, in und patios, frplc. nr beach
out. bnck work. loads or S165.000. 494-6930 eves
!'li.tr~--r f~~M:i-th .. ,
._.f •• •c•c•
Walk to beal'h from lhl!i Bdnns +Bonus Rm "" brand new 3 OR home Ii um e c xis l 1 n g 1 s 1 .
w/lrg family room & Own /Bkr will <•arrv
many d <•corator de ba lan re Int only·.
signed upiirad\'<; New S81·2600or 586-0367
lndscp'R 199.950 ~~~~~~~~--
Verd t> 4 BR. 3 R i\
w /formal dining llt•
painted lll & out Nt>w
cari>el. $147,500 ~ubm1t
your home 1.11 trade
Best buy an Mes& Vi-rde.
4/S BR. 21, bJ. 2 SI). tw
ing upf'raded thruout
Will consider contract
sale. Sl00.800. Ownr /agl
Bill. 831-1~7
BY OWNER Colle.:e
You'll have room for many dancmg friends tn IA .. CH REALTY
this large 4 bedroom . 551·2000 family r oom home ---------
l..ocated on a large cul· UNIVERSITY PARK
de-sa c 101 Pradl' of 2200 Sq fl 3 Br. 2 ba. owners h 1 p . b t• s t huge den. Choice sch ls.
neighborhood Reduced move-ln cond. Must sell
now to only $129,950? Call 0 Pen Sat I S u n S nowford.u'ections. Meadowsweet . Call
Park. 4 Br. 2 Ba. encl DONALD M. BIRO
patio. Newly pa anted Au o<10'•'· Reollo.-S87.000 S57·6777 ___ ...;.;.:....:.:.;_:;.;~~-I
Bach yard with this
beauUfuJ Warmangton 3
bed.room condo Ceramic
tile entry, plush carpet.
1650 sq rt Like new and
110~ N CO.t$1 H•Ql'W ..
l jQVO·• 6'4dC.h Cof IJ~'fl ,, '''" •9• 1111
charm plus view & walk
to beach So Laguna
llfiO• Cont H'tnw •v
WHITEWATER VIEW i'f,~'i".'i:ig~~~1 "<i2
Catalina s unsets. im· .-.-.-• ..;;;."'".-.-.-• .:;..•_•....:;•....;•_•_•_•_•_•
mac. rondo. 2 br 2 ba. 2
Spectacular view from
this hard hnd ltanRk
story 3 + den lownhome
Beaulifully dCl'Qrate<I
w1many upgradei. To
see 1t . 1s lo l ove
It .. $104,500.
PmtCM"Omic Vl•w
EnJOY L-tkc M 1ssion Vat>·
JO. 3 BR + cten or 4 RH.
1.\1• UA. a ll upgradei.
Cul de-sac st. walk to
elem school. Open to itll
off.:r., l'XCt•pt Vi\
Vacancy8 l
for shop w1lh 1200 sq rt
U04 S. Coast HJ ghway
t..aguna Beach
Crpl's. ram rm. Only
$162.500. Owner. 499-2445.
Ocean vie w ror onlv
SI 15.SOO. Cstm hme.
3Bdrm. 2Ba. sndecks.
*DUPLEX* open beam ceilln.:s
Open h o u se 1 2 s .
<Xean side or hwy, level Sat/SUn. 943 Tia Juana
lot. easy access to beach. Ownr. 499-12.84
Needs paint, minor re----------•
pairs; ideal for home & NEW HOMES in Laguna
income. Hur ry . only Beach Joseph Heun.
$159,900 Bkr/Bldr. Call 494-8818
VISTAS .._wport 1.ach I 069
3 BR. ramlly area + •••••••••••••••••••••••
A/C. Xlnt "starte r" home for young family
LOOK!! Short walk to school.
Only .•. 984.900.
ean & mt. view 4 CUSTOM HOME SITE
bdrms • family rm · Build your dream house,
deck. large yard $45 Month income. $139,950 where you ('an step out
MAURYSTAUFFER onto your pvt country
SEA LJON REALTY club. Onl' of the last
Best buy in Westcliff 2 bd.
2 ba $81.000 or lse opt.
~7S22 ownerr:igt
e nd unit 2 br 2 ba
1157.000. Owner 644-4201
U you are n vet, you can
buy I.has S96.000 3 br. P•
ba home on the Ea&LS1de
for the above down pay
menl Home has lots or
used bnck, ceramic lilt:
& 2 patios. 11ayw11rd·
Watson Reel Estate.
Giant family living
room. High vaulted ceil
ings. Brick fireplace
Huge c hef's kitchen
family room combo.
Super large fini shed
bonus room. Excellent
cul-d e -sac locntlon
Selle r tran~fe r red ·
anxious? Just $93.SOO'
Whal a value! Call rasl ?
f!j 3601 E. Cst Hwy. CdM custom home sites an tb1s
AT OCEAN. close in. de 673-5354 a.rea ... $187.000 luxe 2 BR, 2 ba. apt. Lge JASMINE STREET 121JN.Cst Hwy. Laguna 496-24 ll 493.9494
Mission Really •94 0731 ----------1
Elegant decor. VanLuit
wallpapers, 3500 S.F of
bfosuliful home on 12.000
S.F. lot. w/formal dining + ram rm, w /used bnck
FP & large living rm .
Home overlooks large
<'ovt•r e d pa t io &
beautifully kept garden
& lath s h ade are<i
Separate garden w/fru1t
& nut trees. grape arbor
&strawberries. You'll be
glad you took the Ume to
see this beauty! C11ll
&46·4380. Rulh Laurie
Enclosed courlyard
leads to spaciou s s
bedrm 2 story home.
Fenced pool. Owner is
liv. Elec. gar . deck 4 + BR. 3 BA . lots of 497·3388 495-5220 130.5050
$118.000. Owner finance! wood & bnck . Could be 2 ~~~~~~~~~~! ::::--::-:-:--:-:-:-::-WOODllUDGE PecJ ...._ Rltr. uruta. Terrific location. -3 BR. 2 BA adult 8 Plan
REALTY 49 .. 7571 ::~~/~1245•()()().See $105,000 "ondo Mt n vae w .
55 I 3000
1 "''-U y Sll6.900 Open daily.
OflN l·I tJ •II\ flJf" h ••I "NI
very anxious! Submit of·
fers! 645-7221 • BY OWNER -• HACAH OM IN LAGUNA! 22769 MarlJno Drive.
Ontu •"'-T0 .... .11.TURE PRIMELOCATION ID That's r ight . Thi& lwo Monarch Sum mit .
Dana Point 1026 A-"A Ocean view from every l 02 Acres. ioned M tA bedroom older home In Ajtt/ownr 494·8035 or
Natural wood • trees & room 2900 8 ,. -..9 ooo w /2 BR bouae, 0 uest apt. 496-8336
OPEH HOUSE ~ ~ •• lhrubll ·quiet & secluded 0pi Rouse, \~i/s~n· l·$· 2 warehouses & ofc. Xlnt = ~~c~ :t~~ ---------················•·•·•··
SUNDAY 1·6 tr::I::L-I I I PIOIATISALE · right in the heart of 905 Canyon View Dr financing Asking beach. Wood floorsanda1--------•
33822Dlana Dr W..tctffl...M.. Broadmoor. Oakwood comm. life. Enjoy I.he 7141494.3218 $165,000 """"'siz.ed lot.loo' IEAUTIFUL ·-·r Plan. profess. decor & privacy of this 3 bdrm, 2 ---------• ALSO DAN A PT ........ WHtTIWATH --
-A-CU--IS-T_A_T_E..:.--i air-cond. 20 Oakdale . ba aarden home. S89.900. Ocean/Canyon views. CORNER-R·2. 40xl00 ~
YltwS ATT'HtlEACHI SU0.000. Sale subject to 759-1.501. $20,000 moves right w/nicelBR•denhouse, ,.tJ(J
4 BR Olnlnl rm fain Com
8 000
court approHI. ( I I buyer in 3 BR, den. Zba. room for adding unit. ---
rm. J~·Air katche~. oak 1P ete P vacy. ,0 )'Ell ;rn1tlUHI fornfal din'g, frplc, 2 A.ski.ngt87.500terms sq. ft. lncld'a your own _ .. _ --patios. ntwly decora•-'" • ..-IC"' .... HOM•
cabincta w /teramlc tile t hs •· ... \.eu -A" ., h pt e .. summer .... c . Real F.slate Im med p ossession REALTORS
l tuoul. Patio. lovely Olympic ai pool & jac. 5 80xl00' come.r lot f1ex1 · 49 .. IOOI 9 7513 view deck off master Min . from Npt. Bell. Old Deerfield townhouse. ble terms fl7S.OOO. e y 1 __ .,.. ____ 4_4· __ 1 _..__
Bdrm swte $164.SOO. world elegance w /oak • Piao 3. 3 br 2"" ba. ram '94-4444 ...,....-~ I 050 The flahing Rea.It.on mabojany not a vai,l to-=========-rrQ, highly upgraded, ownr. · '94·9966 •••••••••••••••••••••••
____ ~___.:-~;.:..668:....:..... __ -t day Flulble terms . UlllT.nltyP.t rlnlsbcd patio. $82.900. •GREATBUV• HIGH OH A HILL Townhouse w /hlllslde PncedtoaeUa\$495.000. Deane home. 38drm. _B....;y....;Own __ e_r_.s:Je_-4_92A ___ Sharp 4 B r . den. Overloolr.l.naLa1una.ls a v\ew. 3 br 2 b1t . 3 OPEN HOUSE "'-'J......,5311 rltr .. n . d 00 k panoraml" t 1 •· tuteful and excllin" 3 11....u .... 1.a. encl-..... patio vou v•..-""'9, en. spa, pi.r · New Turtleroc'-Glen " moun 8 n "' b " ..., ,.._, ~ Sat l..lu 29-. I 5 By w.0063 ,.. ocean I La rd edroom. den home with tovt,r, A tC. up· -r m • ON THE SAND owner. · gar den h ome . The 5._ ... ,.: .. eW&0 · 1 rg~aooo, nearing comple tion ,rades tbruout. within
3410 I
•-&& ..., ... I ' 3 b Wood..... S rc.iar' ··'-·pur u odel. imu""''" n y $1....,, ' VI f I I ....r&nO uac .... or urut., r pen· •,mdfae ycamore 2 uou..., '"' Ownr/ ... p...i 1 ew o ocean, sunsets wa k na dis tance or
t i 1 I h 3 • 2 Ba. Lar'e mast"r all'· nnC Qn y. d I I
ClualcOanacharmer.Z t ouu. u n n a ton at.Y •IJ aml)' ome. 4 " 6733'15 an moun t.an,. cubbousepool1&tennll
BR, den.
BA, Jtlnt rood. Paclftc rtSalet. Ron or BR. zan ba. hlahly up-1ulte with bolcony & fam --·--_,....----1 Premium ne\thborhood. cou.iu. f13,300. 581·4850
Lott or c hancter. Mu.536-6063 1raded, 68 Blue Jay, rm:~r11500.CallGeor"e RANCHO cl\RRJl..LO, 3 ~17c0!,._Hcrow po!tlble. 1 _.._...__. tOS2
S87 !iOO l '... .... I LES FR 0 M open house Sat /Sun Oconara. Irvine Pacific. a<'rt'll 24l'I home, ho"t .., .wv ....,--"..,...... a ~.__.............. ,..,, .. ~-"""-...... lw ....... 1oam •· l .. b Pr1 •••••••••••••••••••••••
_..,.,, -.,..... BEACH ln lllnt. famll" -------------....,....,,_"" --• corrit • arn. v ..
"' • , $pm. eomm. nesUod in mtn.c tMTHI SWIM .. -112 area. 48dnn. 2Ba. fam Oran1• Tree co n _....;--------n e ar San Juan FantaUc ma1ter bdrm
Have flOmethml( to aell7
Cluslfil'd ed do It well
nn. rrplc. Buy now & domtnluma. Plan 2. 1 ld~•l loc $BR 3 Ba view Capl.at.rano Owner Juv. J Mooarch Ray Plua w/frpk. Sl(IJ)I to pool.
move In before 1chool Bedroom with loft. end M , pool, cul-dt·HC lge IJ1& at•t.e. mual aeU now L.aauna Nl(Uel OnJy tN.500.
at&rtl $89.500. Owner. unJt 152-'°°· ~067 or yrd. Ownr Sll0,000 Try $1 75 ,000 Bkr 496-7222 IJl..0136 ''"•unalnvntmenl.I
1624927 See anytime. ~ M2-171i 4a-0405 ..._. ~
--.--·-,.. .. , ... -.
Baycrest Ranch style.
w/3 Br. + den, 3 ba, FR.
rrplc. c hef's delighl
kitcben. dbl gar &. pool.
Ry owner $210,00o
~.Mk ofr
Prime vltw. next lo ~r•v1Ew ~belt. 3 bdrms. + '1U
den + ramlly + dining. $I O,OOO DOW .... Move In ror 11'79.000. "" MtG-Ua SHOllS Broadmoar 3Br. 2B11 ,
3 Bdrm • z,., bath guarded gate, comm
townhouse. se"u red pool. jacun1, tenn1:1 .
T l SZ35,000 balance. No
community ~nn "· qualifying. Owner will pool. nun.a t!lC Some occ1t n v 1 e w 1 Prl v ate _c_arry___:;.,.·_640-_m_ .... li. ___ _
be&ch parklnl(. $119.500. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Cl~IAURYSTAUF'FER $79,SOO Reduced! Charm·
Sl!:.A LJON REALTY lng 2 l'R. fplc. Fr. door!!, clolle to beach oo R·2 .
3801 E Csl Hwy . CdM Owner. ~58
l2l3 N Cst Hwy. tAauna Have aom<"J.hang you want , .. --.49'7-•..aaea----I to sell? Cla"~tned ads do 1• it well. 642·56iS.
' .... -.... -""· . ·---·------. -..... . . -..... -II
DAii. 'I ... IL.0 f
~Fors. HcMri•t Fors-. ····•••·•••·········••· •..........••..........••....••............... ..•...•.....•.•..•••••• Mt.,.,.. leodt I Ht ... wpcu t IHdl IO" ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
Cbarm101 cottag~. 2
bdrms . l ha + bonwi rm fr batn allatb~ to
aar1at Ownf'r wlll f1n11n ce No points'
llALTY '75·1642
2Br. 2 story, 3 level t'On
do. Newsboy model at
the Cove. $328,000.
&taut hm 3Br, 2ba. Ion
lY pool '-rnlt!rta.Jomcnl
""'a· cb 11chs. ishoppane.
everytb1nc Owo•r's
a nuous. m ov('d to
Hawaii Opn S1tl1Sun
I 4 30. 1906 Dian• Ln
1138,900 f~ Call Bill B1x
by Unatt!d likn 64& '1414
or 873 7924
toward buyers cto11inl(
costs. 1r sold this
week.end. 3 BR. lo/.! BA .
uPgraded interior. ------1 642·1355
-TW1 ......,..°'" two ~ cOftdo of
wood .-ct Cjkal• hen a IMlt.r ~OOM
wih. C)ltfft ~ ct... with wet bar c.d •~·of apace ••• $161,000.
Housn For Sdct Other Real Es tot• --,,..,.rty 2000 Othet' Rtol Es tat• MoMHt u,.._. .. d .....••••••.....•............•..........•.•••• ·········:.·;..··········· ·•••••·•··•··••········ ···············••···•••
T111"'9 I 090 MobHe HOIM1 ,,_. 1_...,. ~ C_.ty Cotta M.M UJ4
••••••••••••••••••••••• For S. 1100 22801 Woodtlen Clr. PYoperiy 2500 ...................... .
Uruque John Lytlll' ho ml' •••••••••• •• • •• ••• ••• •• El Toro •••••••••• •• •• ••••••••• nuns 3 Bdrm. i ba ln
1n lhlllt. New w1v1~·w ACROSSFllOMICH Youanthe•UU1erof By ()wner t.rii crnr tot. qu1t'l nt'1gbborhood .
Lge 3 Br. 3 b11 Cum pare 2'xtJO. 2 br. den. 2 ba. ""'"frffffdleh 3'001Q ft homl' In Chino• O~s /W /W cpl, frplc.
pnces Sl77.000 586-4288 ln-A ID_ .. 3 Id bdrm. ram rm. ofr. bu.lit ~ ~.~3009
park rent. Call Adeline
o( ...
(1405) (2808) ( 1212)
11 .... t\M. '-'iyrso · ($22.SOvalue>.to ins. frp lc. pool A<
$110. rent. llupl Bch R-.....i 1rot. guesthouse Hori.es OK J br i1uper condo. brand $3G950/owner ~·2'T29 ...... i a.u.y SJ2S 500 (714 l 62'i 4183 nf'W 2~ ba, pool. dbl
ClrcAlt ' 11111 S500. No P•ll· o.t of eo.ty 642-~ August 3rd thnl l$t.h PYoper+y 25 SO -----,-1 -.._-..,-
Anaheim Convenuoo ••• •••••• •••••••••••••• 2 Br cottage. .P c .... a uno 31' Aar tond. com· Center. 800 W Katella cealm(Cs. pauo, ctoeed
pletely furnished, very Tickets must be U · CORONA .iar Adult.sonly Nopsta .
good condition ready to chanaed for reserved By owner 1 month old 1340 F.-S1de. 548-4161
travel. With 1h1s ad seals at tbe Convention m o d ,. I h o 111 l'
$7500. (J329 l Center ahead of time. Prdesslonally decorated Coodo-3Br. l YiBa . nr So.
ARTlSTIC CaU 642·5678. Ext 329 to lntenor " lundscapUlll Cst Plaza, pool, tar,
MOBILE HOME claim your tickets. Aa r co nd 1t1 o n t>d 3 patlo. $375. 6'G-0735
~~~<~11~4~)~95~'1~-8005~~~~! * * • Bdrms 1112.950 lO'il $415 3Bdrm, 1Ba. crpts. = ---------1 down. Call 114·73'7..WJS. cirpe, w /D, stove, kids
M Os I hGROSS Morro Bay. clean air. OK,nopeta.5'8-SJ81. LOS A IG llACHPlOPEltTY light lrafflc. 3 Bdrm New 2 Br. l'hbathCoedo.
1977 Madison 2052. 2 Balboa penln. <8> l·br +den. view or ocean Obi gar. Swim pool. spa,
.EXCITING. large bdrms 1:\.Ba. Wlits. l0% down, 9~3 $79.SOO. Duplex, 189.SOO frpl,, patio. a lrtum. BEST YEARS Of ?-1.:?'•' r/i>. enclosed porch, lg comer contract. $4.25.000. Prin Uberty Real &lat~ 798 Open beam ~U'g. y, mi •. EASTlllUFf OC!AHSIDE SllOP .... R..t l«.(NC11J0.31l _ool~y_.<>wn __ e_r._646-&38 ____ 1 MOl'l"O Bay Blvd Morro to bch. $450/mo. da.ys
Mewpori leach I 069 S. Ca.-fth ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
YOURWlf( REDUCEOTOSELL! COMMUMITY At the beach. 1n ARTISTIC R.-toWld Bay.93442 l..&05·772·4447 540-3630,evaSC.2220
are spent In her home By ownr 5 Br or 3 Br, + or PresidenUal Helahts. beautifully landsc11ped MOBILE HOME EASTSlDE CM. 4 re· or 172·Z336. eves Ask tor ---------
M o k e t h e m den + study, Ir!( din with all the benefits of secluded adult park· ___ <_71_4_>_9s_7_,aoos ____ 1 sldences on a double Pat Minugh 2 Br. Zba. pool. all new
WONDERFUL w1lh lh:ia a rea . lush g&rden San Clemente llbving. 7 gorgeous 24x60 1974 '/ .. to•---1. wide R·2 Lot $220000 cpts. i.hBrutters,b appoolpl's
home on Balboa Island. lseland. $173.000 r1rm. luxury Town om es r h Ii J -s-e900 . • ..... &tat. $475 &3 .Zlw'a a. •
Leave the b eautlful tft:.'.\Ln Call6444il93. ;;:,1~~1~0~~~~e'[i«= ~~2~~. fa~ ermnd; ~~jJ::;.. C~u~~~neg _Atl~-·87~------t bdaM)e 2100 ~~t~~!od:r';"J1.~~3~
mWl_alhsl1.et.srobwnedfr1.oorepmlacseurlott>r1---M-.... -D-R_l_D---lii••------• to buy. 492-2780 o r tomuclivhem1·no~~;~flaypouofwlanuv~ green. Single w de 60' .. !lril ~X ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642~ "" .~Vlew HCMRe 831·9310 uua .. long with encl porch. • Bon't sell exchanl(e your ---------s unbath i ng i n t.ht• ,,.._. W')'witbapauperspurse New awl\lllgs. paint. 5 J ust lis ted · all 2 prob le m property Clean2BR.1Ba:aglpr.
privacy of the enclosed DELAG0740 EnlargedPortDfino AIOVETHEIEACH tbisisit.(KT1207-8). staradultpark Partially bedrooms In Downey anywhere. Call Shelby. Children OK, no pet.a.
deck. Just steps rrom the 2600 square feel. Lake & 4 bdrms. study. cedar Ulumate REEFGATE ~a Pociflc furn. Mustselt 960-s844or Only $112.000. Broker. Agenl~Hll I /661 1111 SJ25 mo.897-0632
beach or join the bikers mo u n t a 1 n v i e w s paneled bonus rm & ra m · · Mobile Home Sales S.S-3327 to tour this lovely island. Landscaped & loaded rm w/second bnck frplc. WEST condominium · 2'706Harbor. Ste208 531>-nll Nr So. Csl Pina. 3 BR. 2
It can be yours for u wilhupgrades. For sale 4ba.Vtewofblg cunyon Rarelyavailable,oowat 540.5937 AcreogtforSale 1200 ..... ba.famnn,l900sqft.al-
wtfetimeofloving&liv· byowner (714 )7~-4904-Feeland. Sl.39,000. ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• SO.OfTttlHWY ••••••••••••••••••••••• leyaccess.$495.~ mg 1748 Port Mante1gh Cir BERTHA HENRY LAGUNA HIUS FOURPLEX tto..t ~
EARLY ILUFFS 1215·000 2JS 0er~TOR:92.4121 Only Sl.9,000 for this love 700 ACRES wen cared ror PTOPerf · ........ ::::::: ...... Eastsld~ Z8dd':1 bousei
/""'__., '"' FtlOMTROW ly dbl wide Lancer, near Riverside Co. at a main ro:.~ StSS.OOO. 11 Im. 3144 ~~&s~PetOK.":t.. \..I" llU"'21 VIEW IAY •Sli VIEW PAMOlltAMIC twys, shopping centers & frwy off ramp. Some n.11 .... Maken ••••••••••••••••••••••• gardener paid. Sl'75/mo
• --)
• & llRDS New Bedford Model <>c... Vl.w H.-1 bch. Won't last. at this xlnt. commercial poten· 17141751 .. 063 Bt!ul new Woodbridge + clng fee. 646-142$.
(h 1 l ~ u •• Stroll or jog. Green~l~. ~enh:~!~Y C~~h~;1::~ 4 luxury custom homes ~:·~.f.~2i.....___ tial Rapidly 1d,evelof1plng ~·t 2148 ~~ rt. $745. Ava.ii Aug lat.
Newport cent~r cliffs and shows ternfac. street. 4 bdrms, ram rm, available w /benefit.s of ~ ~ area &2 ml. o ;wy ron· Hwit Bch. attractive sun· .. ..,. ...... c:;:,~11 LOVELYl BEDROOM
640-5357 "Trina" 3 bdrm. Open 2 frplc's, 3 ba. Fee land. San Clemente coastal liv· 848-8895 tage lnvesto terms. it. 2Bdrm. 2"'18a, oew house. CallMS-9lll !1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!11!~---!!!!'!!!'t house Sat & Sun. l·S PM. Owner wi 11 cons ider ing. Homes include w~t-FARGO. crpta, drps, enc gar. pnv ask for Betty
SPECTACULARVIEW 7:>9-1501. secondT.D. bdoaTS, gNreeoho~oodse wm· •EXCITING• <g~>.::i.6~7 patio,lmltobch.$19.000 L...,...•~ 3148 ---. ---"----• ( 2101Yacht Wanderer ws, utone •· cen-· 8f068· $100,000aaaum Lst ........................ 2 br. cpts. drps. stv. gar.
East bluff Lusk :· D"....,_.l't'fi'l!;rn1ll!;.jrt $229 soo ters & much more. YOU U fa*,.--'" .. 0 .. c--$255,000. P.P. 751-MBS. Lam•n••~. oceanfront. on adults, no pets. S320. UIM plan.4BR.2'h ba,h1ghly -inf '· l t MUSTSEE!Pricedfrom &......,., •IRcJ -_,. _. ••• .. --Anh <•5.,...... o u""'raded, family home Real Estate For ormationcon ac : -.ooo.AllofferswiUbe 1975 Madison 2Br, 2Ba, Can be split, Ideal for .... ._TSIDI the sand. 3 BR, 3 bu.+ a eim ............ ",, " ""' Richard A. Fuller ..-d f -d · • $2 000 &46-3160 w/besl view in ar ea considered. Full Bkr. co-20xl6 living rm In avoca os, antasl1c IO&NT ma1 s q.rs · •----·------
Leaded glasi. doori., ex IY OWMfR Office: 6444040 operation. 498-0200 or Garden Paradise for views, $5,000 per acre, S440 OOO Mo/lease. Agt.499-4591 Luxury 2 Br condo, bltns. ~~~!~;1 bnck work. Call Nwprt. Hg1 s lrg comer Home: 640-8044 831·9122 two, enjoy the best for ~~i~~l:~~ZS.2089 Tenseparate.bomes with .._.,....ach lt6' pabo, pool, park. $325 •
.....,......., lot. 2 bdr 2 ba, family rm Zbr2 bacondo, xlnl less. priva•-v-...._ 00 approx-••••••••••••••••••••••• mo (213)355-2150. + bonus rm. $119.SOO. cond.$81.000 C~aPaciflc .... ,, .. ..., C.,ECODCOMDO 645-l044.0pnSunday. 83&-6434 MobileHomeSales 10 ACRES lmat.ely 1 acre of land. loysllons 2 Br. l ba. fncd yard. Harbor View Knoll 2Br . WORDS 2'T06Harbor. Ste208 Call for details. 48drm. JBa. pnv bch closed garage. dilldreo
2•,.1 ba split level $157.500 DOVER SHORES WES'l'CUFF By OWNER WOM'TDO IT Ed RiddleRllr Inc comm Aug. $1 500 ok, oopet.s. 1325. 54&-4M3I.
by owner. Open Sat/Sun Own er must sell 4Br. l40SMarinersDnve Price 5249,900 540.5937 Beautifully landscaped 64641811 213-472·9226 or Wkends. 682Joann,AptA
I 4 2728 H ii ltop Or 38a, prof lndscpd. & de-New I y d e c 0 rated. 4 Bedrooms ,._ I ..... "-c-a.. wilh many ancient oaks. ....--..._._ IEYEC 71~·5211 Super ........ ~ ... -. 3 br, 2 6#-0908 corated w /jacuzu & wallpaper all rooms W rds 't d 't thi -"••-•"JI -·r Lovely home with huge ,_.,.,, rv-.---......... ~ ~""'"" pool Bltn microwave. . o won o 1 oo s Low dwn payment will family room & guest in HB priced to sell at Stay 4 wk.son Lido dunng ba. f~lc, pool. 17\b Ii MEWPORT HTS R2 m 3 n y 0 th er "l r as 3Bdrm. ZBa. pool & JaC· one. You'll have lo see it get you this super dlx h 0 u se. s st 0 rage. ....<,000. Lesa \ban 10% Aug for $2000. 2Br. 2ba. lrvlne. $415. 675-llll.
Bwld a nother unit or 1229,500. Opn Sundays cuzi. 2 Patio's Uted en· yourself to believe and single wide Broadmoor garages, horse corrals, ~avail Call agt for slpsS.673-1202. con vert ex1st1n11 58r 12.5. 1531 Highland Dr. trandce, Npror dlar3ndpsecsp appreciate all or the Park bas atmosphere or fenced. Terms. FARGO. detailsatM&-0800 4 bdrm, 2 ba1 • frplc. cloeed
h1x.ise mtodplx $105.000 645-4226or83J·l316_ yar · ew · value that goes with this Hawaii. Only $18.SOO (7t4)677·569l · Magniric1ent beachfront gar. poo. quiet area.
S-Outhlanders 631·2133, ----------1 carpets. dishwashe r, home. This 2 story home (~17.aJ). ORS22-0530 6'"15.Hmtg ldl West Newport: home. 4 ~SC. W-6220 lyOWMER refrig. Price<! for quick is onJy 3 years old and MobMeHoMeStoN All 2 BR. l BA houses Bdrm. 2 baths+dorm•Cl--ean--2-b_r_t_ba_w_/-fresb---.Y OWNER Assumable loan 8~<7.-, 4 sale $155.000. 646--0339 has features to comple· 848-8895 18.92 acre ranch ln San with garages Like new loft. Yrly lse. SlSOO/mo. t crpts 11 dr
br 3 ba, POOL. family SAVESIO.OOO ment a lifestyle of ---------1 Dimas.43.'501qfthome. insideltouLGoodrenls 95&-5871 ~v·n~atlo 11 /t:;:
$13.5,000 3 Bdrm. 2 bath rm. 2 fireplaces. 2350 sq gracious living. You will EXCITING lrg 4·stall barn, oo w/exchange up or down. VlEW Prefttnn-smkr. No-". den Pvt pool & tennis. ft. lathe & plaster. cul· li4)C..y011TWfthlM appreciate the de· e e W a In u t Cree It . •at848--080C) --Hlock to ocean Fee 111m· de-sac. Price reduced Last time to be shown by corator's touch here The Owner/Agl. 213/332·2'754 ~· · Catalina, ocean. bay & Refs. req. 54(M752 ~e. No agts S48-i!i87 Sl7.000. 714/496-4024 owner. Will h st next lotchen has everything. KIDS & Pm SO DUPLEX Newport from this 4 br. 4 BR, 3 ba. ram bome.
Owner/Agt. $162,900 week. Upgraded $15,000, w/separate builtin gnll ·1 f h IHdtProperty ll 2 •-1 Bdr m -/large 2"'1 ba funu.shed home. close to ocean. eov'd B es l N E w P 0 R 1' bdrm b for inside BBQ. 3 baths, % or a m1 ~ rom l e ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,. .. 0 I $750 mo C a ll SHORES s1o5 ooo Call El Dorado3 . 2th a beach, tun m tbe sun. F . 1 fenced yard. garage, n Y · • patao & aundeck. RV ac-, · · (UD01SLE> $162,500 Open Sat/Sun formal dining room. JBr,ZBa.toomaoyxtras antast1c ocean vews. $87,500. Owner/agt. Hayward-Watson Real cess, ssrs mo. 6'13-6133 no;.~~:,~i;i~~rton Co. Open -3 % to S .0 -1-5. Anxious 14 Canyon oversized mas ter lo mention, in m ost 2+2 condo on the sand, 873-T1'J7 &tate,13l·SS81. days.'152-0327eores
Preview Fri. 9AM to 8 I.stand Dr. 759-1666 bedroom, formal living beautiful S• Family all amenities SlS0.000. 559-4556 PM. SJ97.000 115 Via room. family room-3 Park in California. Belmont Rily (213)1--------•1Winterrental.lgdplx,3Br "Cu1e&coey"$210Kicb
Mobile Home. S4S.OOO. Waziers-Ex.lotsortear For Sa le by Owne r cargarageANDbestof swiming pool, jacuzzi. 432.-0054 up2Brdwn.Yi blkfrom Ldry.64S-4900Save!Fee
rum incld dishes & linen. downs. C Quintard. Spacious 3 bdrm. 2~ ba all the most fabulous \llUIS enclosed roller C lal ocn.dsbnhr, frplc. cpts, .CONSUMER'SGUIDE
Bdrm 2.BA I Realtor. 3SS Via Lido, condo. Nr Npt Bch Teo-view to the west of San sak . • . k . l D a arc 996-5670 or aft S/Wlmds 1---------2 , , aun rm, . Cl b H" bl s ating nn , mmu es .,_..'t 1600 """"'........ SHARP' 2br._,.&.U&.....a 20· X 40', 2 prkng st.alls. 673-8250 nis u · ig Y up· Clemente, Dana Harbor. from Fashion Island & •• ~~.~~••••••••••••• _.._ · ......,......,., ..
Lse $215/mo. Pool ..:gr::__aded._~640-_!660 ____ ~ all the way to Palas tbe Pavillion & only Cannery area. N.B. Dbl Oceanfront. 5 Bdrm. Gar.MS-C900Save! Fee.
673-4850. 700 Lido Pk D UnlnACt.ate. Verde. Open this $29.000.<DL82A6·7> street frontage on Npt SUMITS winterrent.al,$600/mo. ..coNSUMER'SGUIDE
Fl -DcMlble loot Doell-DOCTOR Sat/SUn.10:30 AMAltoeds:30 CGlfon;ia Pocific Blvd Approx 2200 sq ft.. WESTMIMSTB 676-5820. Couagecbarm: 2brS21S .... FROtJT Waterfront acre estate. PM atl205 Vista c o. Mobile Home Sales Present lse income $740 Klds6'S-4800Save' Fee OCli" "' Classic French Norman 3blHoagR05p. Catalina ROYALREALTOl-S s 208 lat Owner depreciation StummgdecorS2601uds ~NSUMER'SGUID. E Surf. fish & bask on the; dy Mass1ve L.R.&game & ocean view from hv· Call49J..2143,492-21'77 2706Harbor , te mo, ice cream parlor & on this new Tudor-style GarpLx64S-4900smfee ~
greatbeachalyourfront rm. 6 br. 7 ba. & maid's din·klt·bdrmandpatios C 540.5937 cleaners. Xlnt mcome bldg.Ooe3BR.fOU!ZBR ..CONSUMER'SGUlDE l•ZIA door. & watch glonous qtrs . All furnished. 1 •WYER or49Z-J632askfor arl. potential, $135,000. unha. Great ~bOD on ---------fi db
S. I f I · ~ ---------1 BREA _a,,.,9 tree·"--,. •t .... l",000 . .._...U..fwwi*.t ireplace, 1 gar, eee.r sun.sets ang e amt Y • ft-e waterfront patio Schools·•hort wal,. to ...........,, uin:u " -"' ~ hoo'· .-.. · If cor loc $295,000 .._,"' · 0 .. S...._ <L-201) ••••••••••••••••••••••• sc m/-..,...pmg rwys
HOLLIS WOOD Huge trees. En j o Y grade & ha. Frwy 2 bl to Caplstr..o I 078 Near new dbl wade Ben----------1 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 Gcsaral 3202 & OCC. Gardener. Avail.
RE .. 'TOR 67c .,.,7 breathing again ! I courtorofc. d1x in S •Park. lg airy CAMME9YVILLAGE •-.•-------•!••••••••••••••••••••••• now. $'54Smo.m.c29aft
1u. ~ Pn l Lak Ar ••••••••••••• •••••••• •• I -•• ~ va e area e · MERCHANT r ooms. fwy c o se ~lTIEACH •HOMEFINDERS 'lorwbds.
I d Pie als rowhead. $475.000 . (S""""""77) """""''""' ._.......__._....... 2200 1---------Al ocean. g. u "· Close to mjr shop cen Clf»oN" • Three commercial lots. _. ......--IOOO's of vacancies utiJ long lot for sate. Owoc Owner 494-4653 or ters. Stoway liqor cab & GOOD GOOD Mobletton.Stor. 2822-24-26 Newport ••••••••••••••••••••••• Allareas.Allpnces $250lbr . pdcwte
114-499-1974 _<_u;._:m_-7_594 _____ -i bar. ' LIN ____ 848-8895 _____ -1 stvd .• eachlot1s25'x90'. OFACEIC.DGSm Thesearejustarew: ~,,:ir~~~;r~
A STEAL at S249.SOO ~.a~~ Stor. One lot with building. Huntington Beach SlSOfum bach utll pd •HOMEFlNDERS
OUTSTANDIMG family hm. fi
BR. pool. jac. Gorgeous
ocean vu from KLOp Spyglass
Hill. Priced to sell. Owner
IEAUTIFUL Southport. 6 BR &
B o n u s . 4 112 B A •
professionally decorated.
large yard at low. low price
ror Spyglass of $369.500.
SUPlll VIEW of ocean.
harbor & night lights.
Lovely traditional home. 3
& den. ramtly room. 2
frplcs.. glassed·in patio.
bonus. vaulted ceiling, lots
of glass, new carpet &
paint. Lovely patio. Private
parking. pool & recreation.
Owner anxious.
CHIEF in the bills above -st.ore or office. $325,000. 21,000 sq. ft. lot near S150tbrk1dspet yard
Capistrano,awidewalk Assumables. re · Call546-S880 Pacifica Hospital. 5 SU15lbrpetsfncdyd $3853brlddspetgaryd
Plenty rm-heap big tribe leads past. sculptures possessions, buy rentals, Points Shop. Cnlr & Civic ss7 OR:!'1 $4254brtids pet fed yd
Apx3000sf 3br.3ba den lndscpg. to ao elegant rent town. For info Cente S135 ooo Smaltree. 557--0824
Poot size comer lot. 3 car dramatic entry. Soaring 17141 841-8895 o:Vid &urte Rltr lalloo l"-d 3206 •HOMEFINDERS
gar+RV-boal s pace. ceilings , muted ---------1 546-9950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --~------
Huge flagstone frplc , eartbtooes. Reception MOVERIGHTIM ~~~~~~~~~---------For lse. lovely l BR. 2 ba s:.!l602+dlnepetaotyd
STV cable conn. Whole si7.ed livlog rm. formal This indescribable dbl= OCUMVIEWLOTS home, den, rrplc, pat Smallfee.557--0824
tribe happy sending dining. Paneled family wide Santana, complete-COIMlolllhd•Ms/Tow•· ·~tolOacrelots. Ref's req·d. $640 /mo ~ •HOMEFINDE.RS
smokesigorwalchTV. room w /bar. English ly furnished Including ii.o.nforMIN 1700 •Widestreetfrootages& utll.Forappt.673-0191 IY OWNER I country patio & yard. brand new organ. All you ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• lgefiatbuildingareas
Open house Sat/Sun 1·5 S uns h I ne kitchen. need is your clothes. ..._ w.. •FromS89.000to$1S9,000
308Hotmwood Dr. Master suite w /stone Professionally lndscpd; 3Bdrm. 3Ba. Sandpiper -80% Financing-9 ye.ar
Bey' 3br+2S325ocean! O-Poilet )JU
K + P. 645-4900 Save• •••••••••••••••••--•
Nwpt Bch frpl. Feast your dreams Must see to believe. beauty, security gate, In interestooly. Courtesy to lrok.n on this s~. house. Call (1034A·76). dian Wells c.c. $173,000. •An excellent investment
.CONSUMER'SGUIOE 1 bd. l ba. new d'uples.
Ulll pd. yd, $350/mo.,
645-1947 us now. MoWe.HoMe Stor. Lu. 5e8-1006 or 568-3666. opportunity in one of 848-8895 agt. Orange County's most
Elegant & soPlustJcated 3 _66_1_-3879 ______ _
BR. 2 BA home. Move tn MSOJ+den kids petot
Beautiful ocean view. 4
br CDM home for units
Ownr/Agt. 759-9199
4 Newport Beach condo. 3 br, Z'h ba, totally UP· __ ..::.;.=:._;_;,;__ ___ 1 graded. Needs 30 day
escrow. Will sacrlrice at
$84,000. 16 Surfside
Court. NB. 642-3399 or
"U" must "C"
The best of West<'liff
Neatly groomed 3 Bdrm
home with beautiful
yard. Near Mariners
school. shopping. etc.
Appdntment only. Catt
MUST SACRIFICE-Large 4 br. 2 ba, cor lot.
To many xtras too men-
tion. Must see. 988.800.
Open hae. 496-2381.
On the oceanside or a
quiet. private street w I ocean breezes and a Utt.le
ocean view, this 3 BR
home's tasteful elegance
reflects Ole pride of It's
CMner. Just a mile down
the bike path to tbe
beach. thla is heaven at
affordable price. Call
310 FBMANDO 1 ~~·-<Unit 104: off W. S.y ti.:
Ave.). Newport Bay
Towers, edult condo . l..::a"7i'i'IPF'~~~iiiir' spacious 2 bdrm .• 2 -49
baths, balcony, pool, aue•c-c..-•.,. security bldg., roof ...,_c.--
garden, \lnderground By Owner. Lovely 3 br 1 y,
parlltng, boat slips. ba. trpl, m.nt extras. 1
SISS1000. ml to Dana Pt. ltrbr. GIB WALKER Near pool. m.100. ,... .
llALTY 675-1200 sumptlon lllOOO. ~ -------11..... &090 s-ca..... l076 ...................... .
••••••••••••••••••••••• OP84 SUNDAY l·S ., Meed .. w .. Ill I MltcW t21
IMeMltMC.._.. a Br. l~ bath. Frplc.
New ~acre 4 br. ocean Sloal• ator1 Adult
w ellate. S238.t..'!?· Bldr Townhoute. '!'.:..500. aaya "lUST BJW'fO ME W.11. TA\'WR 00.
ANOl'l!'ERl" &4().S741
MartorCbtta, Bkr.
ti.ave eometblni to aell? Qualfied ad.I do It well.
.. * * M..tiffHonHi
3862 Claremont
You are tbe winner of
Hrff fr'Hffdleh
(S22.50value>. to
~"°'· ........ , .... ,
August 3rd thru 15th
Anaheim Convention
Center, 800 w. Katella
Tickets must be ex
changed for r eserved
seats al the Convention
Center ahead of lime.
Call ~5678. Ext 329 to
claim your Uckets.
--='--------1 prestigious planned COIJJ·
muniUes. I 10 For inlormation contact
•••••••••••••••••••••• Mariners Point Sales
1 br + den &c l br. tuJl ba w /both. vu of Lake
Elsinore. Mlneral water
incl. $35,000. 674-3387
Center (714)498-0000 or 831-9122
See UUs Newport lotl
Aug lst. $1400 Small fee. S57~
&Toro 1212
--~Lh; • -··················-·-;am.~ Iii 9 ~ 3 br, 2 ba, gar, facd
&lboa Isla;, Realty yd Kuss & pets ot. IMS: """'"~'"' '~"""""" Agt No fee. 914-2516, 673-8700 ...:973-..:.:...:Z!iTT:.:....;.t _. -----
U you would like to bui Id
4 Plex, fully rented. 2 yrs a lovely 2 story home
old, Huntington Ha.rbour plU& have your own rac· Area.848-002.3 quetball court or 'l .____ -..._+., 2000 garages for antique cars. lc6oa P1•s•a 3207 ~~uc • br. 2 be,:,!~~ .....-..-..--r-rn sss.ooo. 548-8532 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ul.l>llwhr. garage. n.na ..
••••••••••••••••••••••• .... --.-.. S.S02brfrplc'' View! pets. SC7S. Agt. No fee. HOTICE! _.,,....,. .. _.. Smallfee.SS7-0824 .._2566;~3-297l
Invstmnt group interest· R-3 Jot. C.M. With •P· 3222 ••••••••••••••••••••••• proved plans for 13 units. eor-o .. M• ed in buying di~ Crom Only Sl7S,OOO. Ready to ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Deluxe Tiburon coodo •. l owner 25-50 unit bldg bid "-U ,,.,. c"" .,. Fl"ont coiy 3 bd or den Br, 2~ ba, wet bar. Atl'
Loe in Orange Cst area. · ...... .....,....~ •e•· frplc, dbl. gar. $550/mo rood, pool $d5. 847~.
Top price paJd for suita -640-1584, 673-3269. ""-~ .. ive home, •·-e 6 ble bldg. SAFEGUARD .....,."'u" -a INVllS7-8'188 831-7714 very private. Newb' re-
LAGUMA HIUS Harbor View KnoLIJI, 3 Br. dec:ora~. 3 br • 2 N . fam
Price slashed $2,000 on SAM CllMIMTE lovely end unit on gmblt rm. wet bar. c~ta. drps.
this custom bit dbl wide llACHTRIPLD dbl car. tenoas, pool, b l t 0 • • A / C ·
Spa lo btfl 5 •Park. Spectous,aparklln«J.2-2 M.OYOUISILf jM:UUi.S725.7S9.()717evs Wasbertdryer. refrig.
cmQeM-'71). In top l ocatlon at A Dft,11 2 Br. 1 ba th, btttns. ~~;;; r:t'd::; ~~ Stor. $1STB~TilA HENRY Ou lot available in ex· aarage Adulu. 00 pets $41fM1879eveafurmds. ----------I Cltlledl C'4lta Men loca-RefaS475/ 644 7809 REALTORS Uon. AcquiaJUOo " COO· mo. . l"S. Condo a be'. 2Yi ba. 2 Lake Wohlford. S.D. Co.
Magnlficen\ view .
$1.l.500. P.P. 714/81M·7258
Dbl wide Lancer near = eomplet~ly UP· . (AMZJ3. 77).
......... Store .....
2LS Del Mar 4!12-4121 lllJ'QcUoo flnanclna also 4 Br. 2"11 ba execuUve sty, tprlc, pe>ol. 1115-«lll
OWllX/$27.100 available. (L-14) view home. gardener p&l!tt9373 qent.
A short drl ve from VlcJaahlnakil42-IZSS pool. volleyball. new 3BR ZBa h~eyard Im·
Oranae Co. gives you a c: a r pets . d r a p " s . mac. nl~ ~obothoocl.
bitbfy desirable area t111 t• DeMrf, wallpaper. 9900. 640-0008 $450. W--2182 15Ua l•
with fantastic 1rowtb 1.-f 2400 Magn.l.ltcent ocnfml home mq.
and positive ca.s fiow ....... •••••••••••••••• 1oc In beaut ShorecUcts Be--= .... :....-.... -., .. -B-R-l"""-9-.. --rrom your invettment. MOUMTAlM OD lrg lot. 3 Br. a Bu au........ ... n·!-!.. Forcompletedet.aJlll. $2500/mo yrly lse. Catt puaoces met ..,, .._ C411t73-4626Mow llSOIT rltr873-53llor&44.Q97 requt1ed. Sunslaine ..... .. I.._ 1lred ot the maddening • Realton.IM-Ul'14
llhmore l br near Hoag ... -crowda? Eatape to Jrvtne Terrace-3Br. 2Ba Kotp. 16000. 645·5986. ur:u E. 17th St, SA ror.t Falls. 15 ml east luxury home, $775 mo. I llMI ....... .._. 1240
548.mS I New duplexes " 4·plexet. of Redlanda. We've Just 640-1880, 875-1777 ..................... .. ~ d1nct from lhe de· lilted this lovely 2 Avail. now 4 br, 2be,1ar • l'l~U BUYER veJoper. (714)431M1704 Bdrm+. taatelully de· BRAND NEW-4Br. 3Ba, tnoo yd. Kida• Pill ok. ""'111 _..;....;.:...;__.;._...;... ____ 1 corated, aenuine s plit· view. "'blk to oen, S8SO '415. Al\. No fee.~
Needs llriO'• to move l0"11XOR08SI k>t home. Just peat for mo.840-1880,615·1'127 orm211''11 out ot at.ate. Must be re• I unlta. projecttd tr/ln· a second or permanent ______ ......_ __
as on a b I e . Severa t com• s 3 3 , 7 88. A ti home. And lt •a priced at JASMIMI CRHIC CUt.e 2 br, 1 be, 1ar, fbcd
nMded. Call Mar}orle 3BR/2b. by ownr. Mr. ONLYS?MOO. Plan 3. many upgrad~s. yd,~ ldda 6 peta ok.
llobtl• Home Slore Werner, S58·e3'10 dys, Beckmann Real FAlat.e Beall\.. condlUon lmme<I UU. Aat. No he, ~. 54M1S2eve. (114) ~11 occupancy '850 &44 &MD ~zsee: matt.
......... _ ·-.,,,,.,. ' . • r • . -~~ . ·····-· .... • .. . . . .. .. -....
. ' . " .. " . . ._ " . ..
Fnc»y. July 28. 1978 DAILY PILQT DZ ..._., 0 ...... .-d Howtff U~ Houu1 U..._,...a.d C-'1 rlnlllM .,_ hM•t1 u..twA. A,. baah u.tw.. • •• ••• • •• • • ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •• ,.,.,..... 3400 • •• • • • ••• • • • •• ••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• .... l•leedl 1240 lrtiae 1144 Me.,....hedt 116' ....................... C.W•IMw 3122 CottaM.to 3124 ..,._luahu.tw.. ..._ 4000 OffiuR...tol 4400
......... •• ••• •• • •• • • • • ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• •• •• • • • •• • •• • • • • J Rr. 3 ba tn Ealtblult. •••••• ••••• •• • •• •• • •• •• ••• •• •••• •• •• •• ••• •• • •• •••• ••• • ••• •••••• ••••• ••••• •• •• •• •• •• • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ••• • • • •• • .....
PRF.SJDE:NT HOME 3 NB.°" arecnbtlt. Xlnt QWeUBr.eatllty,wfla ~..... 3141 Uatum.roomlnqulet CM l • HOMl:I Br. 2 ba. fam·rm ui TW'· W•fa•I C_. cood. Nr. park, 1chl & pvt patio. Newly re• ....................... bowie SUS t..t " last. IAYNOMT OfACIS
BEAUT Pool hm Crdnr ti Rock IWb Lrit re11r ~ br 2 b1 Bay1ide Dr &hop'1 •tmo. 133-31185 ..... -decrt'd. W /D hookup. OCl!:ANP"RONT 754--0lllO C..:c?. VUJaae·New of·
• pool aervi c~ 1ncl )'ard Comm pool & ten· hbviewl1200U'l.Jlll7 <213)34~. ~I enc 1ar. Nature acUta. DELUXE Rooms · vt hom c M ~~c:~u~~~ ~.,",~ ~t~ Slattt/Edward:s .~ n1S rroo Call6315S96 BEAlTTlF\JLooLJDO 2 Ca 11 J1l•• '['I,, l!'~rc~ Sm p« welcome. DlO. t:i28Rfrom5'2(),utll. Quiet.'Kftch pt1::B No p11t1 os-o o rl.1n1t il
NEW hm ,nr ocean S4cS Irvine Grovea •Br, Bdrm, den, dlnln1 rm .......... l42S -M2-US3. .~ dnci;.Sl»ll7~ ~8 Janitorial 'included. 2808
IDll ~ ~ X\J'Cu ~. 38M fllrn rm L.se $595 and pvt patio 2 baths ••••••••••••••••••••••• GARDEN APTS ,,.._,._ ~.a0 Bae .. Ba EXTRA LARGE lBr, S300 LMfayelle Ave.. N ti "''"A • n e w c pls ' I $800/yrly Waterfront CORONA DELMAR "'.,,.~ .. '"vuu . a y, mo lst/laat + securll St ar ..... 4JOO ~plr. 11va11 now Nr mo or seopt s.52·95.29 Homes631·HOO. 1 bdrm townhOuae. all UP• 2 Br Townboule, lrplc. 2B1',Sol2 ba ... ~b~,!•r wood/OJ>· 831.-0:.io y ••••••••••••••••••••••• 67).1003 HI.mt Hrbr t'75 Jtadel. pool, Broo&bural nr ar uca\.Ula, w ' ~SIX) ft di f W
H\JNTHRB.Rcondo, LS50 HOMEFINDERS & Adams. H.B. Adults, ~~=·v~:s~~!: bW'nlnstrplc,t.ruhcom· Beach duplex to share FABULOUS ; Bdrm 19th S~~·CM f~~cSl!iO
1q. f\. 1515. Many others 1000.of vacancletl no pets (213) Sff.1801 to Fashion 111 __ .. " fine ~ 00 peU. 9t()()/mo. w/Yf!AJ.D& m.ture adult. 2 Penthouse w /forever mo, TomS40-2200
Call Joan, Jo. or Sherri. All ttreatt ·AU prices Te4'1 i He ...... • Br. part I ally f u ro ~ ot Bay. Avail week·•--'--------
One fee then FREE for ~Mlll•d 3525 beacb.~2611 2Br.l~baNEWunlts 4.M-2'10hakrorMlcbael. lyfJSO. THE EfflCIENJ ••LIFE•• ONL Private room w/bath & Good ln22 locatlons ••••••••••••••••••••••• Y $335/mo. Redwood studio. Victoria vtew. $100/wk. HEW HOME 3Syean ln business Univ. Terr. 2 br, 2 ba. 2 3 bdrm, 2Va ha. new cpts. 6'75-5G7, Aaeot. 8dl. $115 pr mo. UUI & Sallab R .,. 11J£RNATIVE
Irvine's Northwood . pro· lCALL DOES IT ALL car aar. Nr. PoOI & jac. dishwasher. patio & . cable inc . ._1109 ury ·"-· N. a'::.'{;-;
mlnent Willow Creek. vacMnt M50 557.Q:iO garage. SS2S . Lse. 2Br. lba, newly paU1t«I, 673e>O Eves673·7706 Mo. to mo. rent inc:I ~~~~~~~~~] Spanis h s tyle single 5S7·082t ~ · u .. : .... _ ,6· OO 673-7Sl.3. A&t. ~/drpetlo, .!!<'!!f9• no l Bd. l blk to beach.j~~~~~~~~~I R t-cc Pt . s er v ·• -famJly res. w/3 BRs, 2 YEARLYLge3br,l~ba ................ _..._..... • .,_.,pa ....... -•v Oceaovu.Adlts.nopeta. 3 BR :!b f 1 blll personalized phone C()V·
OPEN HOUSE bat.hi; . vaulted ceilings . 1 .. ~ .. -e from ""ean. ~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Deluxe upper 2 Br. 2 ba, Lr 2 BR uJ • ood $27 5 I mo 494 .1313 • a .. rp c.. · na. erage. conf. rm. mail ,..,.,... ..... _,., u gar, deck ck frpl, walk to g • q e.. w • • 2 car gar. Avail 1275 wit.. Ion & · New~eganl 2 bedroom atriums • s kylights. mo. Lge 3 br, 2 ba, i,.; pper 3 Br. 2 ba, aar. bch & ahop'g, 8/l, ~ beam ceilings, refri&. -.aoo · July; S300 in Au1. Agent serv., par g more in
+ ckm ($575). Cedar & Garden window in blockparll&bay/beach. dshwsr, W /D. frplc, mo. M&-97l4 or 6'0-933S sl0v4:;."'A,!l.!.•· no pet1. •-Hllh llSO 873-3683 NewpoTHErt~XE·CtJTIVE
window home. 5 Blocks kitchen · landscaped & 1 '12 bl.ks to ocean Sl600 mo channel view. Newport S2l8S ,,_.._ __,... c. to beach. Private 2·car draped Never lived in! 675"80J.8or67s-6775 Beach. Yrly. $600. or&IS-3'1'19 · ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 br. comp!. furn. ocean SU1TE6'0-~0
guage Fully main· $575/ Mo. mcl. gardener 67~7895. . 3 BR, 2 ba, yard. garaee. L.A.uMA HILLS view. 1 blk t.o btacb. N tamed yard. Adults. No tlAS) SEA VIEW 3 bdrm, 2..., Charming compact upper 132 Lisa Ln. 631-1116, New adult deluxe apts L 1 gun a . w a I le t o CdM OFACES
peU. S2S 18th St. <714l J ean Dales&t2·8235 ba, ocean vu, pool/tennis $Uil5 mo. 1 br, Costa Mesa. lBr for matur e adlt. 6734'1.39 tum 6 unfum. Billiard&. downtown Aug. SS25 lrifllit Clw«y Hew MMS.131 suoo (213)430-3629 Fenced yrd, stove. Beaut patio. part furn, pool, jacuzzi. sand 498-1887 StJlTts. So. of Coast
C 1.-lew-t.• •--leach 3241 . refrig.PetOK.646-5754 xlntarea.S260.642·12'76. ~dao'K2Ba. c!Yts. drpt, volleyball. --------Hwy. Available Now ' -·-• • -.. --,--BIG CANYON Oiarmino Jg 2Br dplx, ,... • 00 pe.... ALICIA Vtu.AGI Balboa 1 br beach apt. SEE to · t ......, ~ '"' $375 mo. Walk to bch. lnc/utll l ~;;" ...,,..., · 25211St.ockport ~ · ·..,.,., CallLinda67~2311 .. Aro-you fay some ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 2+1"'1·pool' Te""'s <UNI c ..... 0177 -IU\ mo now -mo apprec1a e. -
a I enc Y or the North Lag, ocean view. Spaclous2Br,2Ba unique 34646 Via Catalina, '*<X>NSUMER'SGUJDE 2Bdrm. lBa • 2214-C Sl1"1SlorS81..6130 wanter. 675·5810 or1---------
"RUNAROUND" Call 2Bdrm. block lo heh & 2 s tory townhouse , ca....i•trano Bch5'4-6S36 Ru•.. ....c/mo Office,....o9-7dan.. M2-03a3 ac>UND R.ooa
CONSUMER'S GUIDE. s tores. W lfrplc · lrg Amenities galore! .,.... ColNMne 1124 .. ~1i"846.1m. ....-~ N.wnnrt Bch oceanfront Many have and are aJad patio, lse. No pets •Planked dining rm & cn.--12+1•'-pool' J·ac --.-EAST 17• ST. CM
.,..chen n-..._ I •9vllloh.d ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,,....., .,.,,. · · h,,e w/2 car gar. l\va1l. Pnvate entrance. 2 mu.
tbeyd.ld!!Savebme,gas $475/mo.497·2564. ... ..... ....,. = .---... All uW paid La lb S.unam> 6'5-4900fee &money&onfee ________ _.... •Trashcompactor ••••••••••••••••••••••• nuult 2.bed.room, super ..t:...., bitns e I .r • .CONSUMER'SGUIDE 7/29·8/12. $300. wk. cal'Jl. drapes. a1r·cond-IOOO'aofR..tah! HEARIEACH •Airconditiooing eo.iaW..O 1724 location . No pet• cpts, ....... •re ng. Families only. Mrs $196Per mo.inclutit
KJDS.PETSWELCOME ALLNORTIISIDE •Frplc&wetbar ....................... $250 /month. 568 W · patio. $220. Adults, no .... ...,......_.. J169 LewU (714l 979.3797 dys. BROKER67s-6700
645-4900 New 2 Br, 2 ha, terrific •Huge mstr suite com· Attractive l & den. quiet Wilson. inq apt ForG. peU. S48·1Sl7 or~ ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• 675-5175or~5540eves. mall office. S12S mo. 1827
white wate r coastal prises entire 2nd floor. mature 1dlt. No pet. LAMAHCHAAf'TS PAllMIWPOIT Laguna . Steps to Westclitt Drive. Xlnt
Open 7dayas.7 Views: all wood inter .. has sitting rm area. Gar .• $265. 2234 Rutgers Large 1,26 3 bedroom 28drm.carpel8,drapes. Bac b el ora. 1 or 2 beautiluJ beach. Largt! locauoo.63:1-0900
Immaculate 4 BR, 2 ba. plan1c firs .• frpl. stained loads of wardrobe space Dr.1·213/454·5104 g d n t ....._h h flreplace,paUo,nearbus Bedrooms&Townhouaes furn. 3 br. 54~0 wk.1---------tl"plc.Nupalnt&:crpt'g, glass, garage, ap-w/mirroreddoors. are aps. &I"' w r, &s&ores.Nochildren.no From$3311.SO "9'7•2042. 17700rangeAve,C.M.Sk '.\ mi from bch. ~25. pllances rum. $650. •MUCH MORE Furn. Bachelor apt. l bltna. encl. gar. gas bbq. pets. $2'75. Rllr. S48·7729 Spectacular spa. total •E. 600 sq n. xlnt park
Barbados Circle, 2 Br, shingled house, Adults, no pets. $895 mo. adult. Clean, no pets. lnq ~~~3 Pd. 778 Scott recreation program. v...-l...tah 4250 mg. $295 mo. 642-9929 alt call 968-3S36 frpl., hdwd. firs, all new 644-0508 186~ Rochester, upsl.rs. aoci.a1 program. 7 pools. 8 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• 6pm or wk:Dds.
Great 4 br. 2 ba. cpls, ~~h:k~~~t.~a~d."~g Custom home, Big Ca-Hwtt1i4•1Hd13740 208k1 ~1 sto7. ~hjg· O-Nilt 3126 =~bo~:~ ~~ ~~~H1>AJ~~~ 1.00 sq ft, ~er: offitl4t.
fenced yd, kids & pets ok. Hillie 494·755l nyon. Im med. occupan· ••B••••h•••L•••••••B••••·~· be~ clnis~~~~.' A~~~'. •u••••••••••-•••••••• Joaquin Hills Road. on WATER. Studio. '· 2 & 55< sq ft . Avail immed
Avail.now $«S.Agt.,no . cy; 3 Br. fam. rm .• • ac · on g eac. $325 2650 Elden Deluxe3br2ba,gar,frpl. 1714164._1900 Jbdrmunits.Sleeps2lo 3400 Irvine Ave, NB
fee. ~.2566. 97s-2971 Sharp 2 bd. house, walk to privacy! $1750 Mo. Agt privacy. Uill pd. No pets. (1)~ • laundry facU, no pets. 8. Completely funushed Mullan Realty 540-2960
• beach, deck & garage 64().6500/75&--008'1 $185 83J.8974 c:cn.,......, $4Htl • • _....,.,.. __ ,_..,.. ______ Nice 2Br Dplx upstain. Fireplace. AEK. TV. Choice Npt Bcb oCc space sr:r~!~dil~ r~· ~';1~~'. /mo, Call494·2576 LolJlll9.._. 1741 New 2 br. 2 ba. all blt.ns, 2 br apt, bltAS, breakfast lrplc, W /D. gara~e. private do~k._ private for rent. Will sh a rt.'
Kids & pets ok $43S. Agt, Small t br cot~ge, I Re We atil ..... .-r ••••••••••••••••••••••• = r:c~gar, patio, bar, gar., lndry rm. $325. ~ultsbopp. no. ~·-.?' ~.ot outdoobeach, t~. 'cnd1 oor t.o& w/Ul8ur broker or relat· no{ee~·2.566: 973-
sundeck. fantastic ocean ,...... .. ...w..~ Oceanfront luxurious 1 br TSL Mgmt · 642.1603 Eves 498-0318 .... e 5 m1. u:t<C, cn: .. 1 . r .,.,.,.s. ose ed buai. (714> 833-0t21
-..:.....------view $3.50 mo.497-2426 S350to$1SO~ $550. No pets. Yrly. re(.$1500mo.4:94-6303 ca.slDOl'l.(4.1.Sl961·25fiO 38r cp•· drps bltns on -"·dl•· ""' 1082 MES"' ..... ES Sunn;y c lean 2Bdrm. •~to 'OO SUI LEASE Ad'arm.""~ear Main $.oo L..ogieaHllls 3250 BEACH IN FRONT OF "' .., . ..,,. •n" . bltins,ocea.ovu. Noklds/ Block from water a. --SW. 4• 1200 .... ft. in pnme toca
...,,, ....,..,,,. . ••••••••••••••••••••••• this d~orator 4 bdrm 1 Br S285. Poot. jacu.z.n, ..-.. -•""7231 _,,. 5 Shores area. 3 br. 2 ba ••••••••••••••-••••••• .... mo ;,v.;r-...,_, d lt t 26 0 ..-.-· -· .....,.. •n t.ioo on 17th St. in Costa · $400 3brkidspetsgar homew/fabuJousviewof Hewportle9cll 3769 8 u s, nope 5 · S pm duplex. Yrly lse . •IESELECTIVE• Mesa. Fully carpeted.
3 br 2 ba, very clean. Small ree. 557·0824 BOATING activity and ••••••••••••••••••••••• Harla Ave, CM. (Mesa <n4)956-5871 Gain a reliable air conditioning. front &
beaut. fenced backyard. •HOMEFINDERS jetty. Lots of privacy. Verde Dr. E . off Harbor roommate 645-74&4 rear entrances Wlt.h dis· Yorktown/Ne wla nd S till AVAILABLE Blvd).S4i-2447. F at•V..._ Jll4 WATaROMT •SHAREAHOME• ____ .. _ I
Avail. Aug l $4 2S. lOC)loftCl .. lguel 3252 WEEKLY In JULY al n· Huge 2 BR. E/Side, ut1.1 ••••••••••::::~•••••••• Spacious2br.2ba&den. play wuiuuw. Cal Mary
960-2106.or 64S-6384 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S800wk. t~e pd..o .... nbeamclgs.rncd $44.S. Lge 3 bd 21,'J ba. 2 ·Spedaun·,.. .. 1cu1y upar..:,!edwed .• La'"'ew. c.tdoWll fordelails.s.ii.s210
4 Rr. Jba. lge rncd yard. WATERFRONTHOMES ..-l y f I I .,... e·-U-'--&..-1 Office space CdM slreel
Beachw lk Twn
'--e J BR CI d A I 8/1 yd.$31Smo.646-4387 s or · rp c . poo · ........... un· g •· dranon·es. ·-.,~· · ·
8 '"' • • u · e·sac. vai · Ca16ll·l400 835·0211 pager 9373, ... _,..., .,. "" Shareabome oraptment leveJ.$14.S.mo.
2"" ba, Crplc. (7 14 ) $435 Ph497·2268 Spacious, quiet 3 bdrm agent. Sandy beach, beautiful 644-8494 ~=or days <2•3> Mi~Ot1Viefo 3267 Westcliff 2 br. 2""2 ba BIG' ~Poo~~ld:/~S@~~ Hwatla9oat.._. ll40 Cf.!!'1!1~v~~~~~: ~~~~~ ...-.URtftfd
50 ••••••••••••••••••••••• townhouse, refrig, stove, 00 pets. S37S. 6'5·338l or ••••••••••••••••••••••• available. Adults-no c.... ~ ht.K.o~IWQ •••••••••••••••••••••••
ONTHESANO 4 BR. 2 Ba, bltns, cpts. pvt patio, gar. Pool & 6'15-59(9 SHARP,beacb,2&38R, pets. $1500. monlbly. s· /SI DE C.M. Shops.
Beachfront ba~h .. llunt-drps, lge patio. 26801 sauna. Washer & dryer. • fr pl. dis hwash e r. 673-8414 . 832~134 ancel
t olfc's, bobby. wholesale. m~ton Pacific beat•h Alicanle. $475 per mo. lst Adults. $.550. 640.5954. ti 9e0-2358 w ,..,,, 2 I bl gen use Fr $8.S $48 7249 house. $600 mo. Ron or & last + secunty. Call GREAT RECREATION: ..._..S m"'9 garage, pa os. . Bachelor unit VJ block an ..... 1 or re ia e . . . .
Max.536-6063 Sue.~·7707 Swimming, saunas. 2 .... _T....1..-Seawi d ·1~ from beach. All util pd. roommates,to share IUX· 3 Br. 3 Ba • n r 0 c n . .._.,., ~ Aph n VI e No kids. no pets. 201 E . urlous bch ront apt. yr· 2400 Sq. Ft.
HUNTINGTON La Mancha condo3 br ::i•,; calhedra I eel Ii n gs • health clubs, billiards. Ph Mlle Fr leach New 1&2 bdrm luxury Balboa Blv~. $250 per ly. S21Smo. 675-6614 NB Sbowplaceol town
LANDMARK ba.new,cari>ets,drni->es. elegant$650mo.642-3494 nlght-lighted tennis adult apts in 14 plana mo.+secuntydep.Call ISEVHYTHIHG MesaVerdeDr.Plaza
I story end unit. Prof. de· g o.lf co u r 11 e vie w . Harbor vi·ew Home •• BR courta. Pro & pro shop. 3 Bdrms. l 'h Baths Sues.56-7707 ""' .... M-a Ve-'e Dr. E corat.ed. walk lo million N hbo hood
K.N• .. golf driving range, party from $290 + pools, ten· you want to rent too ex· .__, ~ ,.,. dollar club house ~SO e1g lr 979poo7633. d..,.,., Montego, new crpts, ter· Fireplaces. Patios. nls. waterfal.ts. ponds! 'ft--l Bdrm. "''-ps •o pensive? Then get a Qlst.a Mesa . pr mo se. . ys, ra•o t "le park like room. Disbwaabe.r.Disposals. Fro San Di ......... _..... .._ " f d c .. 1: .. 123 per mo. All adulL'I over 831-9847 58J-0473 .. i • . FUN ACTIVITIES: La·-t-Facillties m ego .. , .. y beach.Frplc. Yrly.Resf roommat~. oot the if· .....,.... 40. Call Billie Markas. · · backyard, ms. No pets. F\Jlllime director, free -~ drive North on Beach lo adltonly. $380 inc'g uti . fem.tee & solve lbe pro·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~
963-0826: 551.0187 evs Spectacular 3 br. p.4 ba. 642·2932 Sunday brunch, BBQ's. 1175 MOitr'o I.. SI McFadden t.hen West on MS-51162 blem. FREE roommate , C·I store/office. W
frplc. dishwhr. gar, kids Eastbluff condo 1 sty 3 trips, parta·es. sport · •.,~ Su. McFadden to Seawlnd service.536-7504. l"tb cu. s11c. m o 2br w /grd.nr $275 kids &: ts k s.i7S Agt • • Agt OD premJSes »<1t/ n Village. (714 )893-5198 2bedroom • "' ~ Fncd 645-4900Save• F'ee r pe 0 · · • no br 2 ba, nu crpts. dbl tournaments & more! $395 640-0357 zun~ Sbr beautiful Newport 644-987': at\ 5 Dick ~NsuMER'SGUIDE ee.~·2S66or973-2971. auto. gar. Adults. no BEAUTIFULAP'.I'S: 38r,2Ba&28r,xlntloca· 714/673-Z29'l condo. O ce an vu , z4UMEW'PORTIL
COZY 3Br. patio, pvt pets.SS00.532""543 SingJes, 1&2 bedrooms. tioo..closedgar.lyrold. pool/tennis, w/fem. 30 . .,,~ .tho .......
Goin' swimming" 2br 1 yard. nr school. $450 mo. F\Jrn. & unrum. Models Ea.stsidetownbouse3br,2 960-1014. Park Newport sublease. 2 S300mo 642-4811 ......,,., wtwi ut par...1ug Kids $295 ~900fee 58l·TI53 $2502brutll pd! Kids open daily 10 to 7. Room· ba, brand new. Children br 2 ba. fantaatic vu. or ~ge for approx 40
•CONSUMER'SGUIDE •CO~~SG~roE mate service avaU. No OK. no pets. ~;Townhouse. lovely. spac. Avail Sept. 1. Ru&ona· M/F 3Br 2Ba Cdlil $160 vehicles. $450 2br klds gar fed yd eves MS-95&:t & home-Wee. 2 br with ble 6'4-48118 mo. No n · s m o k e r 1---------3 Br. 2 ba, enclosed patio. Small fee. ~7--0824 lease required. Sorry• pvt. gated entrance + 2 · 644·5053 days /640·48S9 I ' h Nil....... 4500
(213}439·0281 •HOMEF1NDERS S2502brutilpd!Refrg adullSonly,nopets. BRAND NEW APT. Eaat patios. Some with alt. Dlx 4br 2ba,garage,no eves.Keith •••••••••••••••••••••••
or64>t219 Kidss64.S-4900 Plx. Fee Oak••,.ood side CM Nopeta $350./mo garage. Swimming pool. peta, ~ bl.It bay/beach. • ooo sq fl . New ---------1........ _.. __ L. 3269 •CON UMER'SGUIDE ....,. 974-2047 Jacuul.Tenniscourts.1 S55()yrlylse.6"·U03 NBbeachhouse,rmmate w~espace.HBln·
129S2brludspetRar Nil'~~ G d -"' ••••••••••••••••••••••• SKilNG ANYONE?!? ar en blk to Huntington shop-want.,., S350 mo. dustnal Park. 894·5351 s:r;c>S_!~rUkfee1ds.~7t_!e!"/d NOFEE!Houses.condos. S2502brboatsllpkid.s Apartments 2 BR. 2 ba. new cpts & pi.ngcentermall.Adults. Yrly,38drm,2Ba,lblk to S48-2A61 ,,_ ~ ..,_.. d
p r drps, JCjds OK. No pets, No pets. From $4lS bch, priv patio. very For rent or Lease: SOOOsQ •HOMEFlNDE~ p~J:u:ax,;,L912 ~krta •C~~fua~~~900GuroE ....., .... ._., l-cargar.1310.645-2274 Seawlnd VIiiage, tssss clean. Adlts only . GIVEUP"" fl industriaJ bldg. zoned
V Lan 631-1400,askfor BUl. Letushelp. for MP. corner of
$4253br kids fncd gar 880 IMne Garden like apts, adult Huntington lUage e. Home Sharing 53().2494. Pullman Sl & Paularino
Smallfre.5S7-llS24 Open! Buylikerent,4Rr, Seawind Condo 2 Br. Irvine al 16th living. 2 bdrm. pool & H..8.(714)898·9961. SwnmerBeachFun! St CM F ed ed
MEFINDERS 3 ba, jacu:m, etc. 1712 2t,.'JBa, bltns, rdwd deck, 6'45-0550 · · 177 E 22nd St -...p I' Kids f Roommate wanted Fe • · enc · pav · • Hil(hland. $325.000. pool, sauna. J·acuzzi, 2 Jacuzn. · · 2 Br. children welcome. --00 · re rg • m, parking, lire spnn.klers. C.M. &IS-2498 DO..-... S'-... '"g at ..,.,0 $3>02br Pool! Kids gar ref's required. Sl.2S mo. 110·220 wared. Inquire
3 br penthouse, Hunt·
intton Pacific beal·h
hOOso. Sl500 mo. Ron or
Max . 5.16-606.1
1m. 3244
2 BR, 2 ba. . . . S4SO
3BR.2 Ba. . $500/575
3 BR, 2VJ Ra . 5"7S/S625
• B&. 2Vs Ba..... . $640
4 Br. 3Ba . . . . • . $700
4 to5 BR. 21 >Bu . $67S
homeAgt .. 631-0900 carwlopnrudlts,nopets .,... ..... .....,......, -· CaU645--4900Save•F SanClemarea.492·6018 S~·vi~ ~8993mo/lse. l.Bt/lsl/sec 2 br, 2 ba townhouse mo.8*6907. '*<X>NSUMER'SGUI~E WA Dosta. 7l4/S49·967t
!!;A .. ..,... .,...,.. ~TO IEACH w/enclosed gar. $325. No 1 Fem rmmt to share :! bd . Warehouse space wanted
Unobi;trucled view of ----H-_,----
-R-1 2 Br. 1 ba. nr. N'pl. pets. 1912 Wallace . 2 Br. 2 ba ~pper. :.,n2c5. Be~utifuinew2BR,28A fur!' house w t m a le f/lurniture. Coslu Mesa ocean and Newport Newport oCJghts 4 · 2 Ha.rbor Yacht Club. Yrly 645-7300or637·5895 gar age .. c ean . .., · unit or 3 BR 2"'2 ba. ln E/s1de,CM SIS0.642-2762 •ooo-sooo s Q ft Call
Beach. 3BR. 3ba. New. ba + s tudy (2 13 ) 7 e b ly....,.,. -------·--1 21702 Broolchurst, .. .. .,.,. N)Ql ,,,.
M 5. 1 r, l a, yr . ..,.,., 2 br apts, ""'nt .....," •. ..,""· 962-0778 Newport Hts. Avail 8/15 Womft" 2'1·3S to shr "' br S48..SS18al\ 11 AM
full security. Tenn is. ~ . '" · 1219 3 Br. 2ba, Pen.in S650 '" _.....,.....,,, or at close of buyer's ~· • · M jacuzzi. s wimming SUMMHafMTAL 31317thPl,CM.Apt8.l,NEW DELUXE APTS. escrow . George apttnCDM.CallRenee PRIMELOC.CNS.A
a>O/moconsiderlseopt. BIG CANYON.4 BR.~l. Bayfront.4BR,2 ba. &J.SeeMgr. 1,2&3 Br. family rm. WilliamsonRllr,645·1564 S7s.873S,640-0600msg. 2700.Sq. ft unjtwith oC
A0 t /Owner. As k for spa. Gar~eoer. mcl d. fl r I 0 ,., c.on u t on big bay. $8SOWeek !Br ...-1 d Its ts frplc 963-6908 968 2720 Employed male room· ces o r ease. · n Gary at 642-4230 or at versa on p1 •view. ,...,.,.,au ,nope • 962-6154 • . . 3Bdrm, 2Ba, ocean vu, mate lo share Laguna ~c f:idden , just otr
(71'4l 751-6373 Ownr/Agt S2000/mo. &44-87~ nr shops· $2 l$ mo. stpe t.o bcb, park 3 cara. Beach home. SlSO/mo. Newport&S A f'rwys
Specify Seavaew Home. 3 Br. 2 ba $525. 2 story, 3 br 646-7JlJ. S7J-0884 3 B~ 2 ~or. fNplc. gar. Yrly. $550/mo. 962-4748. 499-4835. Newbope Propert1e.i.
IAYFROHT CONDO $650. 3 br waterfront F.a.slside huge 2 br, cov· pa o. l oc. o pets. S-Cll•• 1176 963-7200 . sns. Walk lo beach from ered porch, util pd. $31.S. 5'25. 833·11B3 •••••••H•••••••••••••• Sba~e 3 bdrm + 2 ba 2 offi I ....,.,,.. ft Lux~ 1 BR .. 2 ba umt any or these. Marana mo 646-4387 Irvine close to pool ace nc. """" sq · w/view Avail monlhly . Realty&42·88SO · 2 BR. 2 Ba Duplex, gar, 2 Br, lge porch, walk lo mrlrt.s 't.eorus Dsbwshr' s.2n/ft. 1945-F PlacenllJ
o r lease opt. SS9S . Newport Island yrly. 1 NEWBREEDAPTS yard. nr schJs & park. beach,feocedyard.$32.5. wshr/dryer. Furn. auto Ave, CM 645·0191 or ~2981 Nwpt Shrs Jbr. 2ba, BR. water view. Quiet Studiol220,lbr$270. tbr S295.848--026Sor963-l.S01 Eves498-031B. gar opener. Util + 67>0508.
4 BR. 2ba. formal din rm,
fam rm w trrplc. rumpus
rm. 2'700sq fl. Back Bay.
$725, avail 8/8. 642·9567
beach, tennis. pool. (213) mature non s moker. w/Joft $290. Pool,jacuz.zi, 2 er. 1 ba, frpl. upper unit. 2 BR 2 BA. z.sty, 2 bllls to gardener paid $19S. -.--... ------4-5_5_0
4'B-0281 ; 645-1219 ~~i49No pets. $325. ~ g~are~1fa~j gar ar lrg deck. S»O/mo. beach. gar & la undry. fi44.-!)54 •••••••••••••••••••••••
S2SJ]1fritagarnrbch Hami'~c · · 960-5.1'76or67s.a?O. UUI pd. Ki~ & cats OK. Room t.o rent tor workinit Modern SSO sq ft store or
S?;Mlbrk.idspetok Bachetor-$250 ---------12 bdrm townhouse e ncl SD>movesltl.839-1193 man. All fac1llUes. Call otr1ce.26.10(E)Avon,N6
2 br condo. near new. Npt ;;ro~~~~~ ~ ;~=~ 8Cand new ~lg 2 BR.~ ba. patio. pool, no pets: $330. So.AL.,... 3116 Sat/Son 64S-96o49 J er r Y W Y
n < 2 r:q
Terrace. Adults only, no, G"•, agt ..... ., ""'-"1711 arport, tns. re rig, (213) 582-5807 ... •••••••••••••••••••• R u -•
00J ..... ...~..,... balcony, upstairs. No . 3 B ...,.e male to share1---------
1J523 C.o4Pt15Da:IRVl .. E .pets. $450. 642·5206 Ouvetsrtt.anddien'n.g1~·,bdbramlh .. ccoon"·. Very nl-2 br •. bach children, S36S mo. 353 SHARP/NEW 2 bdrm 2 StudJo. apt, patio & yrd. With male or fem. Sl.85 ...... Wmhd 4600 .,.,. '"~ .. Ha.milt.on 1·528-0820 or b f I hlld full kit, $225./mo 499-2541 mo. Bristol nr J amboree •••••••••••••••••••••••
3 8d I ~ b C d 2 Br house, garage. Close dominium in Newport apt.s. ~ blk to ocean. alt 5 & wlmds; ~3818 .!io.rp<~·.~8f~rn'M~ck> eves Days, (213)1B8-0711 Resp couple wants s or. Newrmcpl ldrp~. W/fj !~ .. ~ .. h.Call 64~2lll or Beach'smostprestigl~us Sept-June.673-3601. Debby :;,'7'188 .,. 1 ... ~............ 2Bdrm place on Perun
h k
.............,. bayfront communities """"'" 4f1W ....---F rmmate to shr lrg "~!Sept ......... ,.1..-.. ups· J!ool . $4 6S. · 1 br, near Lido sbops, •L..&.-1-.L..-..1 3900 U'C ...... .., • .,.. -· 833 9100 836 3 BR b lk a.-h $219 500 Agt ~ MESA VERDE home al· t-..L...... 31.... or_.....-.....,-3Bdrm NB Back Bay , __ _:._ ____ _ • ays, ·OSSt! • 2 a, ~a to "" • • · · newly carpeted. patio, mospbere 2&3 br dlx ~•••••••• .. ••••:~ •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• area twnhse. Own rm. Prof cpl. w/2 children
eves. ' pools /tennis SS75 /mo. s-a.-• 3276 util pd. 1 penoo only. apt.s, oopets. 546-1034 THE EXCITINO lrplc, pool. den. Dys. want 3-4 bd. unfum hse Col.le~e Part 3 bl' 2 ba. Owner64S-0423646-3666 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $23Smo.673-0343 *DDIMO NEW• PALMMISAArTS. Susan or Brill. 835·7813 w/yrd Laguna Beach.
study. air, no pets, lse Harbor View Knolls, 3 Br, President Hts , 3Bdrm S.Cllw... 3776 1 BR d uplex, E /slde. DllM MJNUTESTONPT Eves.Sue. 7S9·1419. We are home owwrr.
$41Sprmo.2l3/«7 2410 FR. lovely end unit on condo.2~Ba.pool. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sm.all, but cute inside. BCH Days 834·6817, f!!JiF f> bit dbl 1 4922.870 Agent AdJtaooly. lst"laat mo. llVIHl'SMIWIST Bab WBR Lel1ure Wo rld, quiet, 54G-lK38. Deer fi eld t wnh m e grn . gar! tenn s, . ' Now accepting appllca· + twdep. fZlOmo. Avail c '1 · modest lady will sbr 28r ---------
2Bdrm. 2''-Ba . Enr palJo pool. Jac un1. $725. Luxurious llS0.000 house. tioos fOf' leases on de· " 1 ..._. b fl t Al"f COMMUMITY from $230. & up. • ...,,.._. c""' ""10 "" 759-0717 I f nl ,.ug. · .,.,ve ;y n Adults. No Peta ap.,ex,....~-· ......, . .,, -........... ·fla•"t/
& 2 car gar .... 25/mo. Sweeping ocean views. 3 wie, urn, ocea ront a.J..,._ calling 128 E 2•·t -~ condos/ .... in San Cl ..-.... .. . . . ....., 1561 Mes• Or. Gea .-.C. SS&-5..'IS8. •a...c--T-1...-BR,Jba.$575.492-771.S a.,-em. St ..... 2••c'1800 tDITlf'EPOINT (snn .• "'-·totNe-""-..__-or... 4'50 ~ --,--3216 1·492·1720, 1·4112·3710. ·nv>· ........ . -................ ~........ ...W11t1 • • ••••••••••••••••••••••
Upgraded 4Br. i..., ba. 2 bl" den+ wet bar. 2~ s.AL.... .l~t81~355~58~~·-----Near new townhouse, IDvd.> .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ......_. A.I C. set' gat e. nr ba,lotsofst.orage&ex· ....................... -center of town. 2br. tam.ss>m546-9lllO at.erfrootoffl«. small, 0,,1 taJty 1005
pool /lenn11. $650/lse. lras. ~irrored doon, Small OC1I vu cott, yrly, ... hwlih lYJba. 1ar. fncd yd, alr An:n:r commu.n.ity d .. •-4000 sun n Y. % n d s t or Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• -_,,.. mstr swte. frpl & c~ble. , .... -k. '-le. no ....... Rf.._, 1 • 4 __.. -·"' 0 ....... ....... l -'t... · -•-d -w "'-'·ony ""·m w/bath .,.. ... v.1 ... a. .... cy .....,......,, sec. urity, pool, leonia. & ~Simo. :: ... c.""'"' 1Ulf5......... -• • .... 'l.VQU. -.... m . ..__...... s ...... )'OU m mm ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,_ • ,... • ·~'f'511o llaW'm N• "'' v•~• featuriJl~8S~Clou.a noor ftoom-/ .. J.tc._ __ _.le )e11ee On UbbatiCAI.
Sa.n Joeq•nn To--'--me, Jae. Adults. no pets. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Family compl-2 br un· -• '~"" ail •--.. -.... ....,..HISE -wuuu w... · .......... 'Ztl ..... 1...1-..1 1106 -p!aoa. rn or un· Av l yr-=· .. 0001mo. ~
golf COW"H view, 2 RR, $790 /some flexibility. nrr • -!1rn SZ75. 3 br Wlfum furnlabed 1 2 6 3 15Qwe66up. S4().1252,l-4 '30. 2~ ba It den, $S50 mo. Bill ~7175 days. ••••u••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• $'125. Call M2·9'ni0. S4197SS The new way to own • 55-1448 n 8 G t 3 b 2 b 2Bdrm 1Ba yrt Crpts ---------bedroom apg. Available . . Double ean&e tor rent, travel aiency Tr&vel
a pm. STEPS TO BCff.Jg dlx 2 c':, med.yd. ~J~~~ ctrpe, '1tove: ~I• aar: Newly decorated 3 BR, 2 foroceupa,ocy June20lb . .Ambasaador Inn"' Coala atoraae on ty . 1912 Network. Sta.rtYoUrOwn.
DEERFIELD HOME: sty 38r 2Ba home, ok. $40$. Aict. No fee. deck.t:r15.414.m3. Ba. cpll. drp1, blln fllATUll.,.. Maa, 1Z17 Harbor. Cen· Wallace, C. M. $4.5. mo Exp not r equired Rtf1 28r & den. 2Ba, AC, 545-8629 9M-2.566or9'73•2971 stave, eod gar, Nr OCC. tral.1.1located,23Sroom1. M.WJ.28orS37~ Complete support 4r long
ftl>l.c. patio. lovely up· Bluff
3 8
r Studio apt, yrly, avail P50.5S7-GJll •PartUkuetUng. MANY with kltche n.•------------l Ce~m11 a~rvrt.cecp~vctld~.
lnldea/1Ddac:p3. ldenlly 1 _e. r , am. Go see lhial 4 br. 2 ba, Aul.1.lpel"IODODly. •Ulbledt.eruli.lcourll phone Is TV. Swimrning YTift'l'I..... 4400 .. .. II .. ~ .... foca~ nr srhls. park. rm .. =. vtew. $675. $775 l{ar, crpls, fncd yard. _, """8786 OflN DAILY •.RecnaUonalfac:lUUet pool, Jacuui, and ~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• _7_L4_.ut-__ 9342 _____ _
pool" jacuui. $525 mo. Mo. d, bkr644-0l34 Kida Ir peta ok. Aict. No ....;..._--,---Jl-0;..:.7 ._..Mew •PooU1j1cuul ~--~~~ .. t._mwe~l! fl(( RENT· IA.LIOA ISUHD
S1420eves/wknds NSWP~RT HGT~·3B~ ~Wr~Os . 984·2566 i ~.! .. ~::!~....... DMilrit Tow Ji Hin :=. cltaa taun· ;;:k_ --uv _. Olft Shop w1lJI 2nd noor nu: COLONY· •Dr air 2Ba, lndarm, I Y ~ · STEPSTOBJtACH .... °"'J dry MS-CIMO otftce. C..11 fHt for de·
cond home. lnelude1 as-~·~:iris OK. eoc;y 3 br. 2 ba, 1•r. fncd eute1bdrm.bace1ard. Wbedrooma, SllOlrup. •OatdenpaUokltctien Deluxe Sllltes wll.MO-s1uaai.
l!OCdues, cable TV. truh mo. yd. Kida Ir pets°'· $415. U\ll.pd. DJ.5.yrb'. Jllreplace1. wet ban •OpeobeamceiUn11 "1m1abed Room. Coet.a plc.lt·vp, pool le tennis Wanted to Lease: 4 br or 3 Al).. No fee. 914·2566 or ff"M»orm.tlU encloeed tara1e1, ln· •Klnplle bedroomt M ... female only. Aft Coclrt.alls. Sunaet Beath cu -mo .... ..,_,.or b d Bl tf ~zrn ctMdual la\mdrv rooma •' ·-e-a' .. I c.__ ... A lpm,ph:N&-23111. Cjj12&9 ft vie on P•clllc Co1<1t • _, · ....,,._ r + en. u s or C.-4il4Mtr 3822 ., --• ...... n ..__ ._,..,.. Cft Hwy. Ideal location for
a.5087evea. Eutbh.dl. 2 11dulu +2 ....,,.,. hhlllor ....................... +~nAve •Privatem.ala1&Nu .,.. ctl.co. '411 lic•nsed.
ln'"'9Terrace 3 br. 2 ba, children. N o po ts . U.lu hhd JJOO LIUllllrdplx bdrm, 2 ba Credler•= •Attenl«lwalla. UttJe la Big!' Clasaltled .... &a. kite.Mn facll .. 3()00 ICI ft , formal D.R. Secl ud~d MO-QZSOor84CM152 ....................... Abov9 China Con. Bcb eu.f0Gor7-ads are really a mall ,.. •auatlel bandit.and tr danc. floor.
e&&lo· pool & 1r~nbell. EAST BLUFF CONDO· 3 bd, :a ba. townbouae w . Pvt deck unl\lnJ. No ---------r;:/{ery'*: t. ~a= :;.~:b\f~~~~~~T: LWe To dWolve partnenblp
OQl)r • mo. Adlta, nu 3Br. ~ mo. Nr E.at ocean vlew. dbl. 1•r., peg, Prefer adlllta l yr Wow t f7UJOpooll Rtlra <714>w 1000 ·-and bi• res .Ill' To ptac ...... V... WO.ODO or malceoffer peu. Call 1175·1580 or BlUff Shopping Center wa1ber, dry~r. $500, lse. S'lJS mo Sept l . Odareaeo-4IOOnnfee • ' ..,._.,
. 'I! u e HAllOUISAUS 494--89liS !M0-52'74 Sill 009/5111-0222. m.taO .-OONSUM~1''SGUIDE ratty~:,~~:" opeo ~=-~r ad. call ..... ,.,. '7M6U IAtM401
"!r • ,. .. :.-.. . ... -............... •"""""-. '" -.... ... .. . . .. -.... -... '9 -... -
. . ' .. . ..
DAii. V P11.0l
..... ,, .......
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hou1«leanl199 Mo•-. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PointiftqjPapuin9 .... & a.,.ar ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• B•JAppUant"e~n Ca~nur f'rff CJllt. Any R.J .Huffman fr Son. •VERYLOWPRIC~• I live & work on the Ual
TRlPCHARCE s10 •~ )()be Call Allan or Remodel&, addltl<>Ni OoGardeniag Mamt PeninauJa Hrdwd nrs,
Ro6emarle's Houaeclean Moving. bauleng. :itu
llli· Rc:ls. reaison Own dent.a, 20' vim. 4 yrs u pr.
Apt P1unting Add1t1on r~modc:I :ill Home~. ext & Int types constr Freti eat
t.ran8. 642· 1403. 645-3439 brit rat.el> 848 ·997 3 631·~. Jerry Low rate." LI<' d S4ll 82S4I ao:!:SM&Jn,S A Tony.~ 64.5-4644or S48-4S41 George S49 2015 panehg. ('eram1c hie
~ 9570l~ lnd C8.flltmter.comm/re11 Llcemed &Bonded. Clean-ups. H auling . =rs~~~sE'dold re SOHSHIMEGllLS P-......./P..-nlMJ I nt e ri or , exteriol' RoofW)
Service on :sew in ti + p aint ing. Reason Re modeling, 11ddlhons. Landscaping. lmmed. -'---------Proress1on11I home and ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reiudentlul 6t comm'!•••••••••••••••••••••••
machines & small ap· rates. John 531·8082. rdwd decks" spas. new servicing. &12·9907 Small jobs, 25 yrs exp om ce cleaning. Fully 10. PETERS PAINTING proper ties R1 cha1 d WALKER ROOFlNG
A11 1.. 1 547·9264 OOOilr Ucd c:u ...... 1 Plumbinf., elec. etc. Call sured Fre"' .. stima•e Expr'd . Reas Rates Marshall. 646·0425 or Lie #326489, 1111 types .-a..nCH. -..ay serv ce · · _,...... General service. HaulJ.ng, Papa cu r. 631-•""• " "' • 531 ..,..... V Cl a e Center .....,... RE work & empties Free Est. Call Cene -roof111g.f~est 898-5352 •cuNum e nBlr d C M • Custom Remodelln ll & DeconllMC) trimming. yrd ma int .. nu tt , 1 u"--04.58 •-& n--y-:-. 1572 ewport v • Additions Call Vince ....................... lawna. apmk.ln. 645-7926 -. • 2J we come. 1-"""'--------1 .---·....---.., REPAIR It REROOF' All
646-3l07 Lenhoff & Assoc. 873·7404 DESIGNER. exper . wlll ••••••••••••••••••••••• ____ 540 __ ·9_525 ____ 1P8Ult.ing. Extr/lntr Ex· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ty pes · i. h in g I e i.
._, ... R.,.W. ,..__.. Serfk• help you decorate your Exp. Japanese Gardener. OCC Student. l Ton truck The Moppets, that's our pr'd, honest, neat. reas Plano tuning & repair. 25 rocksbakei;.compo-tur
-·•••••••••••••••••••• :::.~;•••••••••••••••• home. noor plan. color Complete yard service Trash. tree trim, Ron name. Cleaning is our lJc'd964-1045 Dave yrs exp. Master '! degree Free est. S4t ·~
S M ....... e t P .,.e Reliable & neat. Npt 642-5703. 6'12·3224 game. Call""' """2 in music. 122.50.thls mo. ---------. • ave oney• Shampoo & steam clean. _...,mes, ace n 1"'~ s. Bch. CdM area. 645-0694 ---------_____ .....,. __ ,..._;, ___ 1fU>e Exter Painting by only 770-487fi Tree Senice
Dnvew11ys •Park1ng lot Color brighteners, wht Portfolio av all 8 ble · CHEAPEST hauling 1n Walls, <'eillngs, noors & R. Sinor St. lie .. ins Try ••••••• .. ••••••••••••••
•Repairs •Sealcoating cptslOminbleach Clean _S56-884 ___ 1 _______ 1 Ex'!ert cleanups. tree town. Fr ests. CHEAP' wuadowscleaned. me 8J6.555524hrs rt.ttrj1tepoir Expert shaping. thinnm~
•Lie NB . C M S&S liv.dinrm.hallSlS.Avg a.ctrlclll tramming & s m l 642·2995or64S-1390 646-6145 1----------1••••••••••••••••••••••• & ~•ump rem oval
Asphalt646--4871. rm $7.SO. couch $10, cbr • ._••••••••••••••••••••• landscape Call Mike.-------------------Prof painting Ext & int. Neatpatches&textures Landscape creation~ ~ SS. Guar elim pet odor. Hell.-dBKtric S48·2iM9 CHEAPEST hauling in Qualityapt&houseclean· Low rate-: Retl' Free FllllST. 193-1439 675-2821
••••••••••••••••••••••• Opt repair . 15 yrs expr. l.Jc _. • .,,, ., ... _74 G ... :d S..icn • ~2995· Fr0.r~~~1-3C90HEAP' 1ng. Coley. 832·5260 est.536-4780. 536·4383 ----------1----------
Do 'Wor,_ myue'" Rers -·wv '""'.,,., "'"" .,..,. before noon ,...... Expe rt Tree Serv1e". Toche r will babys it 531 ,.101 • " u . -EL--ECT--Rl-C-1-A-..,-P-.ced--••••••••••••••••••••••• -------------------House Painting. Int . Ex· ••••••••~•••••••••••••• tnm. top. rt!move. or
s tarting Se pt. 5 . ..., · . ( ...,1 .. · n HANDYMAN: Carpentry, Lite hauhng·moving L..tKmplag ter Freeestimates John HOM~ V . S Pl b nameotal prumn~ Fr~ Enriching loving en· Cahri:MJ ngbt· ree est mate on electrical. plumbing & Garage. Yard cleanmg ....................... Beck 631·3363, 645·2161 ""'A ER um est Local call6494.3494 v1ronment. Readiness. ••••••••••••••••••••••• large or-small jobs. Or.;. 847-2787. 545·3820 Reas. rates. 642-0705 Di lt Land R 1----------1 mg & Heatt11g. Free esl Li----' 673 0""9 l'l. scupe. eas Int, ext. serving area for i Sl5 hr Honest & rehablt! crafts. lunch. Children J anos Euro,,..··n Cater-'-="""' · ...., pnces Prof landscape •· .. ~0 Gracl:ICJ tto.. c ... S..ice Ir . · · "' yrs Prof qua I work service BofA. MIC OK ov~r 2~-Also ~cbool·!lge ing. Sum mer parties, Fewdng ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• m g. 646·7070 Reas. Ins. Dave. 586-8425 9'79-806.\or 84i ·0383
Rainbow palm tree: 1:x
pert;;, neat & d t?un .in)
h~ 494.;500~94 5752 children Marine View banque ts, weddings. ••••••••••••••••••••••• School.840-4277 _ 661.2467 ~ERN FENCE CO. Haul, s kiploader dump Irish Rotary Foundation L M.S.-Roto, Sod or E.iJROPEAN EXPERT PERRY'S PLUM DI NG
""""w'ood ··ChaUl· link b1t. grading, tree wrk. student will home sit for See d e d L a w n s W d Childcaremmyhome. C-..t/COltc:rete Uc#24c .:', 536-1837 demolitionsetc.831-1257 yourhousc &pet.s. Relia· Sprinkle rs, Planting Pa1nbtangFr. remodel , e dear any ~a1Fn or Wi:tdowC1e-"'9 Costa Mesa area .,..., . bl Ph""" 7880 Xlnt refs. 67"7633_ plum Ulg est 661·2'67 sewer anyume rec ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · •••••••••••••••••••••••1----------Wten ..ct Spollh e. .-.r .,,. estimates Call for !ow Get a clear vll'w From
S46-47Sl Foundations. re taining ,_.._. ....................... Ho..tca...ing Rototillinlo? Pa1nt1ng. I nt qual wkndrates.673-3181 "ACLEARVIEW"Co ~I Serfic~ walls, blocks, patios. ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• 5" a luminum seamless ••••••••••••••••••••••• Very Reasonable 1714) mblea.t!~~058918• rates negotia· Any plumbing. wa t er You've tried the rl'~t.
••••••••••••••••••••••• 556-8341. Llc'd. Chairs repaired, cane & raingutters w /bilked on Want a REALLY CLEAN 497·1.385 aft. 6 PM '""" serv. leaks. bathrm encl. now try th t' bl'~\
Divorce/Bankruptcy ,,.._ k II t rush fiber replaced, free enamel. Cstm bit on job. HOUSE? Call Gingham Housepamting Interior I R 6:n-02r ~ ~ment wor . a ypes. estimates 830.a863 TheG c •., ,.,.2 G Mmtwy . Fr · J hn ceramic t 1 l'. \'o S -'------
Action Typing. 960."•lg Call ~,. " PM or wkends. · uttermen. "'"-""" irl. Free est. 645·5123 spec1allst ee est o .,..., "•68 .,.. '"'' oJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• """'·uo Wnght'!: Window Cle•n
S42-8482,646-33Sl Make your s ho pping The fastest draw m the lmmaculate Cleaning Co Brickwork Small Jobs Beck 631·l3630rG45·41161 I mg Service Spec1almn~
Classified Ads. your one-Find what you want m easier by using the Daily West. . a Daily Pilot For those who deserve Newport. Costa Mesa & Fmd what you want m SELL idle item:-, with a m : & 2 story homes. ti
stop shOppmg center. Daily Pilot Classifieds. Pilot Classified Ads Classified Ad. 642·5678 the best. 551·2479 Irvine 675·3175 eves Daily Pilot Classifieds Daily Pl lot l:las111f wd Ad ~ exper. 541 ·2406.
~~:!! ... ~!.~~ :.~.!~.'~~-~!'!: ... ?!~~ ~!.~.~ ...... !?.o.~ ~~.a.~~: ......... ??.~~ ~~: ......... !?.~~ ~~~·~ ..... ~!~~ ~-~~ ..... ~!~ ~~~·:.~ ..... !!!~ ~.~~·~ ..... !!~~
Door Prins!!
Kenny Russell
S.... AMCJ. I Jtflt
2 ... M. ttl ?1
31 07 ICllybrooll LA., C.M.
ltWecrut ,_.. lMI
645-4002 SI 0. D0ttation 541-2115
Found: Terrier bluck & Spiritual Reader OVERWEIGHT? Lose 10 ASSEMILSlS AtrrOMOTIVE Banking
grey remale. Older. 1Bl5So. El Camino Real Pounds In 10 days with Acctng Bkkpng ILEC'BOHICS PAIT TIME/ TB.LEIS
645-1508 San Clemente. fully Uc. Magic Menu Diet. Send TEMPORARY lmmed openings for peo· FUU TIME
Forappl.492-7296 $4. to Charlton Health Register Today to work pie w /exper . in PC High School grads look· ~und: Shepherd male.
lri-color, approx. 1 year .
PREGNANT? Caring. Products, P.O. Box 1218. on various accounting& Boards & wiring. Grow· ingforacareer'.'Notjui,t confidential counseling& Ar<'adia.Cal 91006 bookkeeping assign· ing co. Xint bens. Apply anotberjob -
referral. Abortion, adop· ments. Work close to ScienUfic Drilling Con· If you a re 18 years or
FOUNDinLeisureWorld, tion&keeplng. MODELS ESCORTS your h o me . Figure trols. 4040 Campus Dr . older. walling to start at
blful F cal, drk gr y APCARE 547-2563 CallTouchofClass Clerks LO Sr Accoun· N.B or call 557.9051 & lhegroundnoor.workon w/wht ves t & pa ws . ----------1 975•0062 tants needed thruout askforRayGilman establishinj.l a car~cr
768-7708. LIMDA & VICKI Orange Co. path, & have the need. o..tcllMass-Mid-wkspec1al$24.SO RobertJlau ·s not just the want lo Forttw ,_ 0 iff! llam-3am MIC/Visa Accountem ps ASSEMll.YS learn. here's all it takes:
DB.L •s 500 S. Mam. Ste 501 -High school diploma
Downey Savmgs & Loan
has operungs m it's CostJ
Mesa branch for full &
part time tellers Must
b e abl"' !o w ort.:
Saturdays . Excellent
working cond1t1ons and
benefits. For lurther m·
formation contact Mr
W0tdneck, 642· 7422 EOE FOUN D : Big w bite
Samoyed w/th1ck hair,
M. Vic Mesa Verde, 71'29.
Serving all Orange Co. A No. Tower. Union Bank A nun. of 6 mo·s factory· .Well groomed
835·7313 OCCULT SHOP ln The City or Orange assembly exper req. AP· . Positive attitude Bank.mg
5005 ............•...•.•••••
.-----------.1 Found: Small black &
white male mix dog.
Vicmlty Pacific Coast
0ya ...... hr
READINGS 714/835·4103 plications being tu ken ·Gooddnvmg record TIU.Ea
for all shifts. And most or all. have the Tea. taro cards. ESI'.
readings daily, 9AM ·
8PM For appt. 494·9177.
ti:.> N. Coast Hwy. Lag
WEISER LOCK Ful ~ ! 1m t? Nt.-~ ;,t• desire to grow with an COMPANY agoress ive & successful <'ounts tSaft.? d~pos1b-
ccc:c M F dd Ht 8 h .... Part time f'r1 & Sat. For
Off.sale Llcplor
License. Clean Prin
r1 pals only-On l y
100.000 Reply to Box 315.
'1 Daily Pilot P.O Hox
I~. Costu Mesa. Ca
lfeauty Parlor for lease.
fully equipped·l4 yrs in
Cannery Village 673-2654
Hwy, Huntington Beach.
SJll..1.303 after 6.
LOST: Reward' Cocker
mix, wbt w t it brwn 631-2140 patches on ear & eye ----------1
646-7854, 646·4 l 13 or
Lost Male a fghan. drk
grey, vie Of Banning &
Bushard H.B. 892·5966
Pb for app't 835·3749
Feel like a model & save
50 ".4, on F I NE
......,.,, c a en, c corporation.
Equal Opport Emplyr SEEARTVAUG HT our Costa Mesa office M/F 979_2500 Exper'd. pref'd. Pleas~· tall Mr Donnell)'.
IAUY IUICK 546·2300 Ca II forn 1 ;J
2925 Harbor Blvd Federal Savmgs & Loan.
COSTA MESA 2700 Harbor Bvld. C<>titu
OrangeCounty's Mesa Eq1Jal Oppu1
#I Bwck Dealer Employer , _______ _
_ Unique opportunities
Start now. Full or Part
tune. 17610 Beach Blvd.
Ste 39. H8 Ask for Pete
Sell any ttem Of' rom
b1nat1on of Items '°" f75 or Jes:. with a Pt•no)'
Pmcher Ad 3 lines for 2
t'OOSe<'UhVI' da)'~ •:ach
:.idd1t1ooal hm• '" 6(Y for
the· 2 da~s L'har11e •l '
N1H"Ommcrc1ul ad:.
!-'or mun· 1nform11t1011
:md lo 11la1·1• .vour ad catl
FOUND· Irish Setter /Rel
mix. M, approx 2 yrs old.
Vic Lucky's, Westmm.
Found 7·25 Pidgeon Nr
Adams & Isthmus H.B
Free 20 min introductory
visit. no purchase req.
Also dan ce & r a p
2060S. Euclid, Anaheim
Exc iting r ecording,
Altr I ady 72. 5 '7' ". w I
books, piano Can wnte
& design Seeks man.
69+. 213·483·8407. bef
Recent college graduate
with accounting major
This position 1s entry
level and no expen ence
as required. Will ht! in·
volved in a variety of ac·
counting duties in a busy
news pa per accounting
office. Position as availa·
ble immediately Work
in pleasant environment
with good <'Om pany
benefits 1n clud1ng 2
weeks vacation after one
Trainees. E xcellent
chance for recent High
School grad Learn to
oper ate a sema -auto
wire wrap machine. Top
pay & bonus as you pro·
gr-ess. Air Cond. plant.
and good benefits. Apply
at. Electromcs Contract
Services. 1842 So. Grand,
Santa Ana.
year . company paid 1----------
Banking E x per1enl't'd
•oa n secrl'!dt")'
Southcoa:;t N a t 10 0 .. :
$1200 mo salary, ex Bank an independent
cellent workmg cond•· banJt. 849 Sunnow& St.
tions (or qualified used CM. 714/540-SJOO
car mecharuc to perform --,-~---D-Y--S-
light mechanical work Permanent, vaned & in· Exper. pref. but not nee
teresting position ideal Apply Mon·Fr•. 3PM
for semi.retiree type Charley Brown's, l6160
Near Orange county1_8e_a_cb_B_lv_d_._H_._B __ ~
t'urn1t u re ~tripping
franchisl' estab 2 yrs m
veal Co6ta Mesa loca
lion. For Sale at far
helow CO!>l. S7000 ri rm
Sandwich & hamburger
shop. UEACH. Beer he
s12.5oo. :n3/S92-5950,
H1i-Bldg·Land. SS0.000.
Gd Lerms, Agl. 751-1400. ---PRODUCt; MARKET.
~16.000 yr. Try $8,000 full price. Ag\. 751-1400.
Dana Point, close to
muina ; t'all for in ·
AG ENT 640-7000
*** G•Ep.teift
Costa Mesa
You are the winner or ...._...,_Hckets
<122.50 value), to
loncian i loHey
August 3rd thru 15th
Anaheim Convention
Center. 800 W. Ka tel la
Ticket s must be ex·
c hanged for reser ved
seals at the Convention
Center a head of time.
Call 642-5678, Ext 329 to
claim your Uckets.
July 27·AUS! 31. M The
Wooden Boat. 2210
N ewport Bl v d NB
Found · Fem. Poodle,
grey. Vic. Coll. Prk Irv
833-9118. 833·1711
Found: Yng M Beagle .
blk /tan /w h t. Vic
Westcliff. 548·3912
Vcri.ty Escorts
Escorts & Models
Physical Massage By Lit•
F ound: S!11 1 Ger'!"· Therapist. App't only, ~erd mix. Fem, v1c. 6·9pm. Steve. 548·2817. Hamilton /Brookhurst. NB.
968-2376 ---------
FOUND : Btful wht * • *
Samoyed puppy. M. Vic Jean Menies
S pyglass Hills. CdM. 22'100L&JteForestOr. 7 /?S. &44-059t. El Toro
Reward for safe return of You are the winner of
2 parrots. No questions ttwff fr-ff Hckets
asked. 645-2248/631·9854. ($22.50 value), to
Found Calculat o r vie RJncJli;MJlros.
Ford Rd. approx 3"2 wks ...,._ & lailey
ago. Call to identify . Circn
640-8257. August 3rd thru lSth
Anaheim Convention Found Dachshund puppy Cenler.800W. Katella
M, or Harbor & Fair. Ticket s must be e x·
_Afte __ r_3_._9S_7_·SO_l_8 ____ 1 ch11nged for res er vcd
FOUND: Old. min si, seats at the Convention
charcoal/blk F poodle on Center ahead of tim~
T r a b u c 0 b t w 0 Call 642·5678. Ext 329 lo
Marguerite & Alicia. cla.amyourtickets.
768-77~. * ••
FOUND. Irish Setter , F, ABE KAIAHUA. Dann>
fleu collar. 7 /Z6 am , vie wants to talk with you
Harbor & Edinger. F.V. Please cu ll 12131
Oreal opportunity to m·
ve$t in 1& going business
located oo t.he bayfront
w/excellent foot traffic.
839-8207. 423·7526. Carole.
5300 :::::==========:=.:.....:.--=========:::;
Harriet Perry 642·8235
~tol.omt 5025 •••••••••••••••••••••••
1st. 2nd & .'.!rd T 0 . ·s
Credit no problem.
Arranged by
Coast Home Loans
Loet or Found a pet? Call
Animal Assis tance
LeagueS37·2'2"13. no fee.
FOUND: Blk German
Shepherd. fem ale, nr
California le Minnesota,
Lost Shep· Husk pup Cf em)
gry /bm/blk. wh tip on
OOYOUNEEOCAS H? tail. Name-Summer Vic.
I.st. 2nd & 3rd Mesa Woods. Reward
Home owner loans 546-0173
arranged fast. --------.--Borrow $1000 $100000 Lost white 4' sa lver
fl exible ter.;,s, p'ast Persi~ Fc1&t Vic Tustin
credJt no problem. Call & V ts ta Ba y a N B
usoo.obligat.ion. REWARD646·1774
Sl'ERLING FIN. SVCS lAJBt. sapphire & diamond
TI4/955-l610<blr.r> seU..ing from lady's ring,
M..-t11g1e. Trmt lnW. Newport. Reward? 0... 50]5 67S-70&0Anytlme!
•••••:•••••••••••••••••Lost : Re wa rd for
Corona del Mar. &U·7EIM
or64C>-07'4 ........ R ....
I tt T .0. 's. tho Loet oran1e kitten approx
z..IT.D. Lem&. 12 wb o&d. Male. Vic 500
.Fairest Terms since l!M9 bit of P'ernleal Cdm. s.ttlwMtt.Co. Reward . Pis c•ll
MJ..2171 545-0,11 1~~---· ----
Ret.inid couple has mOMy lGlt Doberman F. black
to lend. I.At. 2nd TD'• Vic 0C Alrport/baclt bay
A«tot. 1-337·'744 <Doble> 142-tm
124.000 2nd T.D .. lO'*' 5 yr Found-Kuaky-Sbep trpe
lnl&'rat only 10"4 dl9c do I , m •I e. V c P.P.~ MacAttburltCoutHwy,
For ule; M5,000
Truat Deed. (20 ..
CdM. m -1'1S
Sell wllh EASE'
It'•• BRE1'.:ZE
CJa.-lfled Ada '42·GG'7R
PW'IOMI S..ices 5360 •••••••••••••••••••••••
$1 Per Pound Lost lsl
Slimming Plan <'all
963-5101 for app'l
SodalClubf 5400 • ••••••••••••••••••••••
group insurance. credit ASSEMILER
uruon, etc. Apply al of Electro-mechanical
ORAH~ECOAST devices Precis ion &
DAILY PILOT clean work for s mall sta
330 W. Bay Street ble mfg company No ex-
Costa Mesa per necess. Call for
Between the hours of app't. 642.8584 · 834
SAM . 4PM. Call for a p· i-Prod __ uc_t_io_n_P_I_. _N_.B_. __
pointment please
642-4321, Ext 277
Equal Opportunity
---------1 An Orange County based restaurant has an open
Call INTRO VIEW for the
intelligent & discreet
way to meet new s mgle
people. 752·5411
~ •••••••••••••••••••••••
7005 •••••••••••••••••••••••
A 1 r p ort. See M r Beauty salon m CM needs
T rev 1 no. H 0 W A R ~ hair stylists. 65% Com· Cllevrolet. Dove & Quail mission 548..3446
Sts .. Newport Beach
Beauty Salon{.'" C.M needs Wig StyUsts. 65'/u
Commission. 548·3446 • AMto S•lfM"SC"' Salesperson needed for BKPR ASSTtCASHIER
new & used Porsche & 24 6.rs week, 13.66 lir • ~
VW soles. Immediate meals Apply J -5PM .
operung. f\Jll time. Fr Mon·Fra Victor Hulo(u
inge benefits. Call form· lrui. 36J CUIC Dr .. Lagun;.
terv1ew. ask for Sales Beach.
Mgr. -Booil--ee-pe_r_9-·2_M_on_·_Fr_1
•' I 1' I
M ou l !on Pldt..1
Pharmacy Laguna Hill:::
$100. wk 768·3784 Mr
8 37-4800493·451 I ; BOOKKEEPER for CPI\
BABYSrTIER needed :i 0H1ce·Laguna Bl'al'i1.
dys a week & ! evening. training provided ror
preferably my home. nght person. Call Diant-
btwn Niguel Rd & Dana _494_·_1034 ______ _
ing for an experienced
accounting clerk to work
m au phases of general
accountin g . C om ·
puteriied general ledger
and l yr. college level ac
counting are a must
Xlnt worlting conditions
a nd l>eneht program
Salary commensur ate
with exper. Apply in
person 8·5, or send re-
sume to; The Jolly Roger
Inc .• 17042 Gillette Ave,
Irv . Calif. 92714
(7am ·J :JO PM
4pm·l2:30pm o r '"iiiPtiii. 495-67iiiiiiiiiiiiii64iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii loddc11,.r F /Chg
2• Fash. lsk investmenl
Conv Hosp Exper de·
sired. but not nee Sal
open . Apply 188 11
Fiorid11 St. H.B. 847·3515
Tampot ory Ser•ices •Crash Course available
•Materials provided.
•S mall c lasses for
personalized instruction.
•Choose own taste--Oay
& night classes.
•Placement-up to 80'i\
Must be exp for trade 55•9027
paper publication. F tr. -Ptr. M/F. Type setting Apply today or special
or camera exp a plus. Saturday mterview. 9A M
(7141956·2680 In lPM. 1424 So Grand.
----------1 Santa Ana (between Ed· .ADVIEttTISING 1nger& McFadden I Fr~ 3 Week Ty pist. mus t be fas t
Sales Training. bright a ccurate. Tradt
Cal For Detaih paper pubUaher will on 131 -1003 493·0442 modern type selling
Kat.ella equip M!F. Frr & Prr
Real &tale School Paste uP exper a plus
32031 Camlno Capistruno Call (714) 9$6-2680.
__ San_J_u_an_Ca_p_ls_tr_an_o_ Ambitious · check out the
Touch Danclng is back. Amway marketing plWl.
Johl·in. Learn the Lat.In Nothing lo 108e & a future
HuaUe & Salsa. lta more lo gain. Appt. only,
fuo together. 4 one hr Michelle, 8'2·9513
~=~· More info -AH--XTU--IN_C_O_M_E_
Learn In swiml All ages.
Your pool/m ine. Cert.
Instructor M. Mizell
Part lime w !presUge
Income Tax Service.
Complete tralruJ\g
Tax Corp. of America
552·9800 or 848-3898
Start Work
Aug. 1 thru
Oct 31.
F.qual Opportunity
7075 -------
Muat have clean drivlng
r ecor d " so m e mechamcal knowledf~.
25 lo 30 hours 3 Wffk.
Some flex lbl ll ty In
schedulln.i. Contact Mr.
lady, :.lVall. Auau11t L5
Loe refs. J Caln . 356
Harold Or, Lag Bch.
ASST ...... C ......
Ex,p'd prefe~. In de·
IWle, aJI adult, no pet
CallAnn.~l Semi-retired man seeks
position as 1apt resident --... ------
mar or aulst mar 9~)"1"1 uper. Muat be in
bch area. Please call
~. bctwefll&-5
HetitW..ted 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Acct'& Clerk. typtna. bill·
Ina. flllna. Learn In
1urance. 7~ 9300
. •\
•S..Dncton LS40Jamboree Road
Xlnl opporturuty for b.lgb NEWPORT BEACH
ea rn I n I 1 s c 11 1 n a ___ ,_4_0.._6_4_4_4 __ _
eetabU..hed penonal de·
vclopment seminar pro-SeWn1 Myth.Ina with a
gram.a. Leads provided Daaly Pilot Chusincd 1\d
Work own boura Call Is .1 simple matter
Mr Connell~ 034l Just cnll 642·~8
, _ ... -... . -"~ . --
Excellent l·a reer op
panuruty for aggressive.
lSell motJ v ated
ror our busy Tustin of
lice S a l a ry 1:o m
mens ur3te with t-x
perien ce E:c cell~nt
535 E. 1st St. Tustin
832·5200 EOE
firm. Xlnt oppor Expcr
& matunty req'd Call
Retail Manne Hardware
stOrt' :1eeks q u a lified
bookkeepe1 10 handle
daJly salett reports. de·
posits & ~1ts h »llm
manes Ellper in 10 key
National company with
m aJor mt-dil·itl :tnd
benefits program. Call T
Walker , 493-4455 9 ll.im
for interv1e\W Equ11I Op. -0-ANK---------• parturuty Emp1oye1·
M.wporl leach
Build your tomorrows to·
day We're J national
leading fmanc1al insutu
lion and an employee
oriented organization
Exper'd con11tru~t1on
bookkeeper w /computer
input exper & problem
solving ublllly. Send
Res um \l to S unl11
Marganla Water Dai.·
tnct PO Box 2279. Mii;
sion Viejo. Ca 92690.
At tn P1tlrl<'i11
Robel1$0n We are seeking an in·•----------
dlvldual 10 join our BOOKKEE PER . full
Newport Beach branch c h a t gt· t h r 11 t ra" I as a Senior Teller. The balan<'t! Accounts payi1
person we seek must ble cull re<"elpts, typml(
have some Teller ex· ConstrlJ<'tton &c <'arpet
per I en t· (' <so m t' t l(perie nce hl'lpful
Supervisory expenence Salary open 962·6686 10·4
would be helpful) Job weekdays dutJ~ wtll include assist •----'-------
log the Savin11s Mana ger BOOKKEEPER
as well H h11ndUns a R di "'B variety of Teller rune api y arowan11 '~ lions. ~ what we have CPA firm hat lmmed
tooCfor Givt u1 Q ull. need for career-orhmt.ed penon lo handlu alt bk• ROM ROHLER k 'nl fuMllon. anclud
644...s300 financial atat.emenl pni·
100 Newport Center Dr
Newport Be o<'h. C~
Equa l Opp £mp?
MJF /H ,
-.. -..
pantJon f cw 11 aumbe1' of
our cUenta Prior e1tpcr
w /CPA ttq F1ex hf1 a
muat. SaJol')' commen.
w/exper ~ 11eml·annual
bonuses. FUii benefitA
P1tate ttnd resume tn
Coleman. Dom Ir Orant.
47.0 Von Karman Ave
NB. Ca Uf 9266C>
. , .
....,w..w 11eo .._.w•t•d 1100....,w..w 1100 ~~~ ••••• !~.~~ ~~~ ..... ?L~~ ~~.~.-:c! ...•. ~L~~ ••••••••••••tt• .. •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... W.t.ct 7 1 !Cl ttMpWMt~ 71 00 ..... Wmlfed 7100
-. C-........ .._ 1r _ ' JIE"'P "'RS l I" •nma "P'~ M.-Mec.._.c Real Estate 0 ••••• •••••••• ••• ••• •••• ••• ••••••••••••• ••• ••••
Fnday July 28. 1978 DA.IL Y PILOT
~ ---·--• """' ... ~.. .. "" ExperOoan Gen/[)c,tro1t a.1s•~non1 ...................... .
'9U ~Ml• for &a:rh11l IUtcJN. s.,.,..11of'. oaJVBS & homes. full 11'° purt Diesel 548-9811 want.ed 1-·antut.ic new s.a.re.rcLRaK SICAITA•Y·Tl.AIMEI 'TIRE II G r n'l~i o
IJ!QWlAI ~pill\)' nr <X' 1111 c....-.&or A••· Mui or women 25 ) n1 or ! 1 me·. 0 w n l r 0 n fj P · romapany located in pre· ~ 5" 1'\isUn Co nffdi brl11rht. Servi~ Appli N ' Ahpor&i, F 1T 11' ..,_,.... older Know lbto l'Uallt ~~:! __ MAT URE WOMAN stlllOUS Newpon ar~• needed lull llmt! ror penooable 1nd1v1du1I 1\tt. 3000 E. ~l
ltl-IJOO. M.I. c1tH.'1 Net $180 a week or HOU$EClEAMING p /l1me lo welcome Actln office with u · Marine Harowarr It.ore w1good t,ypang 4t 11pell ...::CdM==------0~ 0
,_,,., __ ~--not•ndtot eo.li'a ....._ more Oranae C'o .. •t H .... • newromer11 & contact celleot workinlC condl· lo Dana Pt. area Some tna. Salary '600·1700 ~ i.-.
.... .._ .. _.,.. ' • ...,..... Yellow Cab. 17300 Ml ......-meTChants Ftexlblehrs tioN GreatcommJssion marine&boalexpr nee benefit:. c.111 J .. n1•0W Truck nver-t.-x lor Reaort Hotel 1n • mtu pr week Call HerrmMnn, l''c>untuin F tPtr. Mon-Fri Wknd Need car, lile typing s p 11 1 C 0 m Pu L
r Call 549-9671 for appt 8·5 838-4012 per'd ToP Pll> A~ly Onnc" Co Muat b11.vt! S48-7UBbetweenlH2AM Valley tNo or Slater ~kav111l.Mustprov1dc S47-3096 lernun11.I llan.1 workma. Mon thru Fr1duy G&WTowin~.1ooorrv101·
eq>e.rlnairconditlomni. CUucr for wet su!t mf&r betwn Ncwbopt> & own Lran:s College stu carter m 'n d t• d EO.E /M·t··H Ave.NB64212.52
b .. t101. plumblo~ & ~r'dorwllJtrajn.Ap £\K'{jd) dentsweh:ome.540-9525 ~cT,....1 dreamers-1)1easeapply Sales SECURITY 1'RAIN'EE Opf'ro l••
elect.rtcal Send r~ume ~ 9 t 12 ...., FrL 837 AccepUng applications. Ex-... enre prererr~ OFFIC-
l to Mr Dra1os, 17550 '.Y
0 m~· a Housedeaners. Tues Fri. Good lnt be r lS .,.... F.W. Wootworltl SR vitamin encap,su a 10"
BernlU'do Oaks Onve, 1.8Ul.Costa ... es DRYCLEANER need)> 8-3PM Call Jan1re':. tJnll;Jt!:i'oxpport ~~~rs SailPropertlet s..et.Cocntrtcaa maclune.days. uJlt1mc
SaoDteao,calif.9212ti D"'T"' ~y countergirl,collbtn7&1 Ragged> Ann':s 64~1800 & over. Contact Pat Mldorlllase Now accepting app1tc
MAlllOTTHOTEL Eng spk1ng. fr1n1"
A ,_....,.
"' ... ., 64M Barker or Bob Olsoo 675-4190 tiool for the Is seekmg an 1nd1Y1dual benefits. Apply 6 30 tu BUS DRIVER·llcensed.
exper'd wanted for pvt
school, Laguna Bch, 6 :30
it.o9AM &2 :15-4PM, $4.75
per hr. Mr&. Pike 494-7432.
A~ Cleric .-. Housekeeper. exp w/car to work nex1ble hours tOAM Moo·Frt Li1111nku Full time position open Ory c leaner rounter Perm 5 day wk for dis· 83'1·24-00. Reol &'ilatc roll~=/T· Who has isome law en Labs 2148 Newport Blvd
as a video d1sµl11y person. Ptr 11bloo lady Refs . 768-7926 Mechanic want.ed, Dataun EAR,..ING ENOUGH torce ment experience 1-C..:_.M_. ______ _
t.enninaJ operator for a 499-1985 HOUSEKEEPER s day &Toyota, varation pay & INCOME? SfocAl aoo.-F/T Enjoy goo~ company TRAINEE. wmdow tint ea a i c / F o u r m i n I -· Id b e n e f 1 l s s...r IT booe!it.s
Gen'I Office duties. curue typist.
computer . Some ex-ELECTIUCIAH ~k-i!lt!ep '"fore er 495-5450/831·2383. Join an exl'itrn i;i com-Interviews wilf be con Apply9am-noon ing Male or frmafr i r l ly cpl. Modern. compact pany with u11l11n1tt·d 111 F p
good grooming a must perienceisdesirable, but Electr clan aml 111r Leisure World home MEDICAL come pot<'ntial t-•rec ducted dally. Mon· r1 Mon Fn, ersonne Good future phon• ac wilJ train individual with w /I o ca I cod cs Prefer Senior exp 'd FRON'f OFFICE ,landing hullding
l .. PM. Apply in person MAUIOTI HOTB.
2657 demonstrated typing a r· 714/828-a828 homemaker w t own Bwsy practice near Capo, million dollar lol·at1ou. 3SJ3 Britltol. Co6ta Mesa. 900Newport Center Dr ....:_ _______ _
curacy and speed. Work ELECTRICIANS exper. trans. & ref's. 581-~14 good position for bnght. Immediate OJll'OIOf( for F..quaJ Oppor Employer Newport lleilch T...-.. 'ositi•
in pleasant environment C ' 'l 5 't rv e outgoing person who hi"hl" motivall'd t•x S al•s. F /P ·T to seU Equal()ppor Employer Full lime Switchbc>11rd Clerical
Newport Center flnan
c1al lirm seeks respons1·
ble ind1v1duals for
clerical pos1l1ons. Ac·
counting background,
typuig skills and 10 key
experience helpful. Ex
ceUent working cond. &
company benefits.
Contact 644-4360 ext 262
WI.th good company a"~· pm.'° e 1 w HouseJteeper to care for likes chaJleoge & ,......pie " " "' All b •-c.. t
....,, """' """5 .--v pc ri en<' cd or t ll l '' · U"kets , ovr 18, have own operator s La..,. ' benellts Inc luding 2 •.,.... . ............., howle&ctuldrenagesll Ophthalmic t:xper
T ' f ppt ... c7...,• C .,.~ .... 26 penenred peop l' rain Lransp. Mon·Fr1. Sal or SICY/IRI>~ or a · ~· ......., • weeks vacation after one Electrician, Journeyman &1 M area .....,...., helpful. but will t rain T t ~--• id
· ht S I lflg program UJ ion a:. comm. Sll-081l Ptr. 1 ·""'5·"" ""on-Fri TRAVEL AG E ill CY year, .company pa Saddlebark collegC' Mis Housekeeper full charge. ng person. a ary s1stan c~ Fu 11 l•mt• ---------~ -, .. ~P 111Surance, credit sion Viejo. s yrs exp in Live in Must speak open. Reply Classified manager Call mnnai.:er Sales. Fabnr exp req. For small Architectural DIRECTOR Will p c.·1
wuon.etc Apply at gen ma111tenance or l'On EnglJsh & dnve To care Ad #106. Daily Pilot, PO "°"' for <'Onfidcnual in C.M Ask rorSusan Engineering Office Typ S1240 to manag~ .. 111 ORANCiE COAST s t ruction Pref~rm ror large waterfront Box 1S60, C08ta Mesa, terview 963.5671 ~4040 1ng so wpm. $3 60 hr pbasei. ot vanOW> COb 1n D••LYPILOT Journeyman elel'lr1cal home & ramtly Xlnt Ca.926216 Newport Beach Nr OC c.bi.t:nce o f own l't
Al repwrs&tnstallauon:.on benefits & sahiry (714) (>.......iWfil§Jjfjfaij Salesgirl wanted. ex-AJrport.7527614 Comp)t!I{' Adm111 n>W Bay St.. CM buildings, fac11it1es and ~07or 1213 1592·1882 MEDICALOFFICE . -· .. -·----·--perienced. Ptr Marc 0 --sys tems. Supervise 6.
between the hours of eqwp Fringe benerits New pr act ice needs. Polo 2JO'h Manne Ave. SERVlCE STATION AT· train staff. Explore & t11• 8.00AM-5.00 PM Call between 8 5 Mon Housewi ves earn up to pleasant exper'd person Real Estate Bl. TENDANT Part lime velop Afncan air chartt:r
. Call for thru Fri. 831.9700 exl 11 S6 ?> per hour !jhowmg Pegboard & ins impor· R E Broker wanted to nights & wknd:s. Hrl) lOu.r5 Negollatulg with
appotntmentplease D Tri Chem liquid cm· tant. Some back office SALES wage+incenuve Appl) local officials. No locii l 64Z..4l21 uJ 277 broidery. Call between Salary commensurate share,~ace &expenses. 590 So Co.i .. L Hwy , Arrican rcgu1at1on·
Equ'a1 Exp front & back ofr 9AM·1PM. 536-3613 w/exper. N.8. 631-5511 ~~ Ji7~ery reasona· Good oppty in outside LagWla Beach. Va!Jd professional pilot::
Opportunity Medical exp dcl>1red , MB) TECH saJes <co~rate & ind1v Service Sta Attend Full! lie No French. Mal'tet Employer MsL be familar w/peg lNSURANCE, lypmg. ril-RECEPTIONIST membersh.ipltorleadmg It me ex er'd Ille 1ng exp er e ssenhJI De liverymen ror early
AM newspaper in C.M. ---------I Perm p/t. Must have de· pend. car & be reha. Clerical
board & ins. Resume to mg, billing Learn m· California lie. Exp'd in We are looking for a health club. Salary to ~~h'I knowfedge ·APP· Resume wanted. Tak. be submitted to 355 surance.752·9300 all areas or medical sharp person to answer $800 + company I ?.SOON rt Bl CM Ad to Employm tn1
Placenua W208 NO 92663, losurance laboratory procedures phones & type in 8 rapid· benefits Call director of y, cwpo -·--Development Dept DOT
645-5885 Expcr property &~(7l<l>EWO--Ol4-0forappt. ly growing N.B. in· saJes752·0565 Service Sta Attendant: i8716i. Ad pd b.v
Varied jobs w ith &
without exper. in good
ofc surroundings. Ca II to·
day! I?
~o~ o ff ice •
~O'"J overload
3723 Birch St, N. 8
Equal Oppor Employer
S30().s.150 mo. 646-5844
needed. P /time for busy
Newport Beach Travel
Agency Must have re-
liable motorcycle & In.
surance Hrs flexlhlc.
Mon thru Friday. Hrly
wage & mileage pd.
DELIVERY. home de·
livery auto route w /the
Register Perm. pt·t1me
as l'arrier-dealer. Ap·
prox. hrs. 4·6am. daily
Earnings approx. S3SO.
p/mo. 540-3008
Delive ryman, ea rl y
morning, L.A. Times
home delivery r ar route.
No collecting. $300 pr mo.
Irvine area. 838-8706, S44-~I
Fat'lory trainee Santu
Ana area. Full t1me/4 dy
work wk. 549-41 56
casualty underwnter for ----surance omce Accuracy exper 'd. Full or p/t1me. employer
mrkl'g dept Typing nel' Mfg Eng-no deg to S22K & good phone manner a SALESLADY Appl~. Arco Station. 17th TtJ-T..:.O_..:.R_. -
-t _g_r_a_d_e_p_v--t
Min. 5 yrs Company ex-A/PCl.k /Manut $950 m~t. SSwpm. Interest· for exclusive children's &drvrne. CM tutor for reading & math
per. Call Maurine LoanProcessor l{)SOOO ed,callCarol,541#·9923 store, So. Coast Plaza. Ser vice St ation Allen· 64.>33.12eves/wknds BradJey, 1714)752-0!l90 or Secretary to S800 Experessential. 549-8585 d
C213 )924·2351EOE lrvinePersonnelAgency Receptionist. p /Time. dant. exper· ay TYPIST ror appraisal eves/Sundays. Reg1i Sales Person Eves. Full It p/t1me. Ap· .
"-488 E. l7th. Co6la Mesa Hair Styltng 540·8888 Pt-time, energetJr & en· ly Shell Station 17th & dept In fine Jew I" Ir; Now accepting apphc11 lnsurance girl. must """ Suite 224 642·1470 P : · S\Or'e Some other dut1e1'
tions for current and good with figures & typ-~~-~~-~~~~~~ Receptionis t . F /T. in thuslaslic. Exper. not ll"Vlllc, NB. «>hr wit. M>me evtnin~ Cuture Openings '" the mg. Salary o ..... n. Boat &1, ~ 1 . nee. Hickory Farms, .. _ & S d XI l
..-stud1'0 L te typing Fashion Island.'"" ""30 Serv Sta Jfelp n~ded 1m· •u;, atur .,ys. n clerical area. "'l'ypist . Yacht Insurance SOS ~&Escorts MS-Js4o '""""" med. FUJI or p/t. Apply benefi t ':!. Appft 1n
File Clerks. Jr Steno's, nl!St.rm 201.NB App-MCllNWes . ScreeoPnnting !a>E.CstHwy,NB. eers on. Jewel.; IJ.,
Acct'g Clerk Apply in 1-'IY;___,_lnpe_rso_n _____ 1 Female Top money. Receptionistt fyp1st lmmed. job opening· _;_ ___ __;:...._ ___ I Joseph,So.CoastPlaz;, pe
rson Custom Weave 1 . M h 63l 21•0 Newport Beach law of G h·c Art'st "~r""'n SGT. PEPPERONIS C ""'LS 10•30 Pac1f1c lnterior Pant company, ust ave car. • .. rap I I , ~ ..... PfZZASTORE a .... ~ ·
" ll"Vllle area has a pos1 · f1ce Must type 1iO wpm Printers & Production St., Fountain Valle_Y__ uon available 5-G hrs, 5 Night custodian. Fri & Sat or better. &40-8900 help. Will train. 540-5656 Now h1nng for full &
. 10 PM-7 AM $4. hr Apply ·---------i pltime openings at loca 1: GftfBtAL OfffCE days a wk, Mon-f'r1. LakeForesl II Sun & Sail SECIETARY tJon near 0 C Airport. .T .. • ..
Positions Phone for appt,
PM. Club 586--0860 RECEPTIONIST Executive secretary for Must be 18 or over Appl~ ,.=·D;gl;l-1
Now accepung appltl·a
·0lSO Lyn --s~s IDES/ Shon.hand. typing & good sm electronics company mperson, • •.•
lions for t•urrent and INVENTORY HUI s A phone voice. Saturdays & in N.B. bookkeeping skill Z300S.E Bnstol 3141 c..,. Orin
future openinl{s in the AUDITORS ORDBtLIES Sundays Big Canyon desirable. must be will· Santa Ana He1ghls
41 clerical a rea Typt~l . Nations largest 1nven· All sh.il\s. 59 bed facil. Gd C.C. Ph 644·5404 ask for ing to accept consider a-CNext t.o549M-AA7cDo4 nal ...
(Across From
File Clerks, Jr Steno·11 , tory co has 30 openings working conds. Xlnt DebbieorBarbara. bleresponsibility.Salary c;-ftualOpporEmpl;;;er OrangeCo.Alrport t
Acct'g Clerk. Apply in for our team 10 the bens. Bayview Con\'. ~~~~~~~~~ open.540-1301 .,.. EquaJOppor Emp1.C1Yer person Cu.~tom Weave greater JI B & C.M Hosp, 20.S.S Thurin Ave. R . . t ~._1 • /R .. " x I b c CM"A" 3505 E o E ecepl1 on1st. ma ure Secretary __ ece••lftCJ Carpets, 184JO Pac1f1r urea s n t JO or lrl<O" • • I S h I rr-·~
Dental Asst. Exper En· St .. Fountain Valley hsewives & pe rsons woman Ba let. coo ' t -lpnt CIHtl WANTED . No. La'guna
dodont1c Asst, needed wishing to supplement Office Clerk w /some sell· Mon-Thurs 3 · 3~· 7 · 30. Group l nsur agency. Growing manne hrdwr Beach. Older lady or OpeningsNowAvailable foll time for busy General Office, mature. present income. 10 key ing, exper helpful. C81164().1~3 mornrngs. Typing 60. fo'or a pp't. mrrt distrlb. store in mot.her of youngehJld to for fuJI or p/l1me derks Newport Beach prac~1ce. good ly pist, v a rt ed helpful. We train. Varied Perm/part t1rne job. We 957·1337. Irvine needs expe_r clrk care for & send my 7-yr
oo 2nd & 3rd shifts. No Great oppty for right duties, good bcncf1l11 . hrs. I nterview s in areaflexiblesmall flrm. Rec.,ti0ttlst (2 yr min> in :sh1ppml( old lovely. well behavt.'<1
cxper n t-cessary-we person Non smoker on· 642.5997 FUiierton Fn 7/28, 7PM, We remodel & decorate Busy medical office. ex· SECIETARY receiving & warehouse daughter to El Morn
tram. Advancement OP· ly C'.all 644-0595 1440 N If arbor Blvd.. kitchens. Interesting Job per ( o e part.men ta I 1 Supervision cxper. a + school. Your home or
portunities to th~e who ....:...______ General Office Suite507 for right person. Please 646-3903. Engineering, planning & Co. pc1 benefits Apply ir mine
362/evt» qualify. For informa tion Dental Asst. X-ray ltc · Typing, filing, phuncs, RGlS Inventory Sp('c ca 11 7 54 -037 o c v es. /T ...a consulting firm bas an person or caJI Personnel Refs. required.
got.oour nearest. market exp'd or ~hool. Costa order desk Ml'dkul ex-_____ _.;.--:. __ I 499-4015 1~~~~·$3.J,'h~~r opening tor a secretary Alexander Roberts CoJ----'------°" contact the personnel Mesa 546· perienre preferred 8 S. JAtUTORIAL -_--__ -1-£.a-M----C-&.rit--_ca_ll_6'44_-_sl_7_8.____ Accur typing req'd. Min 185 1 Lang I e y Ave WA TCHMAICB
officeat Dental Asst. malurc, _Ca_l_l540-__ 7_800_._ _ Day man, part time, ~ "'""-' •O wpm <Sh & dtc· TI4/S40·214l To ass ist enginee r ~Lampson St chairs ide ex per. (•n E generaJ cu:.tod1al duties needed part time Hrs Receptlomsl/typ1st taphone exper helpful) ---------1 widevelopment or dt
Garden Grove 537.4340 t.hustaslJc. 631-1420 GEHBlAL OFFIC in o ((ice bu ii d Ing. flexible. Call 549-9671 for lrvme based advertisin~ Salary. $3-$4 hr. Apply Shoe saJes. better grade licate precise inslrumen KquaJ Oppor Employer Perm inter level typtnit Newport/Costa Mesa app(.. 8 lO S Mon thru Fri· agency looking for sharp or submit resume to: in de P. Cam s lore lat.Jon for oil field. Good DENTAL ASSIST 45wpm, accurate. hrl> areas. Semi retired ok. day. Equal Opport. person wi'th exrellent Jack G. Raub Co .• Attn. Salary, comm · mcen k. ,. ...
r I
li·v-& Lop benefits. t wor ing conus c Dynamit e office 8-5. Messages, 1 ing, er Must have car & home EmplyrM/F /H typing skills. 65wpm. Personnel.125 Baker St, ..., benefits. Top pay. EOE
a.•XTYPIST Westminster 4 Day rands. Reliable car & sal phone. Call 532-6558 orp __ A_l.:..N..;.T_E_R_S_/_B_r_u_s_h_o_r Good phone personabty a Costa Mesa, Ca 92626. Night. ~o ,;~n F.:.l Seientifir Dnlling Cort
Busy purchasing dept week. Exper. pref. Call ~~;,:11 S40-77
l Ai.k apply at 123 No. Olive. spray exper. Good pay. must Call collect. Pat, EOE, M/F /H. ~~-r 548~~r Np~ 557tro_l~f:S?r:: R1::nlJ£~ seekssellstartertogrt'et _P_e-=g-=g.:..y_,893-__ 24_l2 _____ , _________ Orange. IMon-Fri> Call 661·1653 ask for _2_13_1_54_1_-2448______ SECIETAIY~ Beach. tJ
thepubllc,answerheavy DIEHTALASST. General Office Billing. L.AaHB.PH Steve. lec-..t.....:st LITIGATION. Airport ---------i __ e _______ _ ~.handle followup filing, typing 50wpm. F · I ... .,........
XJ t Snack bar cook. Fem w--... ... Ha• :;;;:lypeorders&cor· Chairside, full ttmt:'. add by touc h C:Jll W/t1hmel, r egu a&r plos. Part-time. male/female, lmmed opening for NB ~-. yrs ehxprt.h do prer . some ex per. ~..,..., ....-
Good benefits. H .B . as gassware cean eamSSO-SlOOperweekin law firm. Bkkping, typ typmg, nos or ar needed . Pl easa nt Housecleaning It oJfu·• resp. Will be trained ror 893-S032or840-3540 752·9300. seaurchultanks +misc advertist·og. 2 hrs per Ing & gen ore bckgrnd Salary o pen. Call ........... -•·ty. Must speak clearung oo wltnds. w~ PBX relief. Adv oppor & d I F I II 752 ...,'" ,.....~...., hed I S Su "A-J General office Recep ut es. or app ca day, hrs flexible. We will pref. As k for Toma ,·~-·-_..,_. ____ .__ English. Pr1v country can .sc u e at or• n g.dbenefits .....,..tact an DENTAL.ASST Se · XI pd Peggy BtHc r C714) 1 · c 11 645 .. .,.,~ ask <!Ml,_,,. ·-I Mustprov1deowntran ...
Hess. (714)833-838.J FulJ lime for new 1 den ubeo~~~&cr!ree~t~~N" 67S.2159 ram. a ·~ '""'""""· SECRETARYr/f club. For mterv1ew cal '3 .. SOprhr.540·9525 , State Mutual Savin11s List oHicc in Moulton or duties. Aputudt> wilh KERCKllOFF for Emil S m a 11 . p I ea s ant 644•5404 .OOJ MacArthurBlvd rrkwy Plaza, Lag lfllls. figures. Type 60wpm . MARINE LAB PBX RECEPTIONIST engineering office. Mon WiftdowTintiftcJ •
Newport Beach Strong chairside & front Shrthnd 80wpm. 3 year!> Corona del Mar Answering se rv l re Happy person needed for Fri. l·Spm. Must be good STAFF ACCOUNTANT Trainff
F.qual Oppor Employer office exper. required. recent buslnes!> off ex F'acillty or Caltech operator full & p rr. Call heavy phones & vaned _t..;...yp_is_L_S4_9_·5234_____ Rapidly growmR S & L Over21 644-8494
7611--0454 per. Call Personnel, Equal oMp·pFtl~r Emply _sas-__ 356_J ______ office duties. Typing a SEC•ET"'RY/RECEPT seeks resp. ind1v . to .
• CL ..
.,TY,IST 833-91.SOEOE t C II L da for ~ ma·intai·n ac"oUnlin" Womenover~.w1lling o.; " ~ntaJAssisl.Gen'lprac-· · "· ---------•Plumbers mus a '" forsmallNewpartBeach control ove'r lo:i~ Jeamorderclerk typeof lotemational manage-lice. Exper. not nee. --G--.-ER--"'L_O_FC_ Landscape Architectural OrainMenWClfthd .a~p~pt~·~6"0-~54~7~o~~~~ Law Firm. Good skills. rk s b tto phon
ment eQnsultaot seeking Nwpt Bch. 646-4801 Appli:;'ce ~ervic·e co. draf\sperson. Vella & As· Must have truck, will -Minimum 2 yrs general bal~nicer inbr l,~dinR -;::: tyop~og, u40 \ow~·
alert r lcrk typi11t with I Busy phones, bkkp'g & soc.Christopher 642·0675 train. Apply at 1337 S. R.E.Sales office ex pr. Good part~c_pa ion a anres. mu11t be fl ex1blc !cir good to xlnt typing skills Dental R,eceDept Ass1 l, ora typrng. -oomo. Exp nee. 1 ~-I!--Bristol, Santa Ana. benefits. Salary open. part1c1pahon interes ts varied hr!' St :i r~ $:'. Full time position in surg o c. nta exper •• .._-~man BUSY & NEEDING 752 cc""J and co1Ject1ons payable /hr Call., .... ""
1 Irvine n ear OranR e nee F -time. H .B . 642-0240Kate MusthavTknowledgeor PORTRAIT PHOTOG· ·~an Accounting/loan serv1c~ f:tss ~reves.....,.....,, morn·
County airport. For de-847-6044 General Ofc-PBX answer all phases. 551·1234 RAPHER, exper 'd 1n Unique Homles of Mes~ Secretaries -Typist Fast.$ relaUld exper req Xlnt __;::__ ______ _
Lalla, please call 752 8952 ---------I -d very fine portraiture. Verde is "p ugged mto' AccurateS Bored$ Like benefits & advancement WOODWORKERS A&enc1esdonot reply Dental .Asst wanted mg serv oprs. ~mt LEGAL SECTY. non Reply P .O. Box 269 a relocation referral machines$ Challenges oppor tunities Contact Mill men. ,\ssemblcrs. Energetic. enthus1ast1c openings for exper d or s moker, top sn la ry FUilerton. Ca. 92632 service that has r realed VarietyS Busy word pro-Jan Hess.
-8383 Tablesaw Worken;, t:ll
Clerktypist,expenenced, fle ri v practice in quahfled~ple. Ratcol Hunt'gBch.848-1400 a demand for more cessing-type settfog of. St.ate MutualSavmgs per req. Apply .tl ¥01 permanent. Costa Mesa. Laguna Bch. Exp nee. pay dependinf: upon ex Preschool. Ptr teachers salespeople We are busy flee needs you$ Airport w M Arthur Blvd San Call~ 3,,..daywlt37·4-0hrs.C.:all per Apply in person Legal secretary. Irvine &subs needed.HBarea and need help• Ex area$The0ffice
.OOlMacAn.hurBlvd. ac · · ~Mon-Thurs Mon-Fri 9am·4Pm. 15S indus. complex, Ex-842·:!948. peri e o ced or n e w NewportBeach _La_An_a _____ _
RochesterSt,C M penence 5 y rs 1n bus1----------salespeople may apply SECRETARY Equal()pporEmploycr Workers
Cltttt wanted. Exper prer
Palisadea Liquor.
979-9744. ness & Lit1gat1on. Mr. P/I' help w/shopping, er-Attractive (antiques) of-Responsible person I~~~~~~~~~~! Refinery S3.SO to ~lun DISHWASHER GrRL FRlOAY lo work in Kasdan,833-3622 rands, cleaning, etc. r.1ce & top quality ("""· I-· h b i ..... h d •· dr h p ---~------1 " .. -v w /ability t o t y oe & ..,,, ...._.,..._.~ S"'LES Htgh sc ool c em .,..,y or Nl .. i.t or day positions s a e "' apery s 0 ,,.c ""'09 pie> ass~1·ates to work '!;' • -.--n""11:: ~ k h 1 • ~-_._.._,, W_..__ IY' Ou · · lud i. Uf _ _._ & Ir ard ._.,, "'" perform varied duties in wor exper w1c em t·:i.i. --.. ........ 11 avail. Apply btwn 3-5pm ties inc e opening"' e gu..,...,, 1 e RU ---------with Contact Sandy hed Tlrt!d Of The Routine~ h I f l 7 J 30 Sc..__. Mon·"'-1·. Mu.st be 18 to closing a t o r e An, trainees: American Red P/T SECRETARY Orlo~k1 or Jim Wood a l sales dept of establls Thia Job Is For You• eOpE uCall 9. 328 (Im ._ .. , h •· h I "'---rt fl 968 0311 ~" but growmR concern, E 54 · 1 EarouptoS300perwk apply.JP. M ac 's Pon es .,. e ptnf( ""·"':.ce 1 c. · to handle a vanety or 546-5990 good company benefits, CallUsNOWAl
Low tuition. Placement Res t aura n l , lot 4 2 cu,tomerswm ss,1r,mai"s UQUOR CLERk njghts clerical dutios. Reqwres •---------xlnt oPPty, lrvine area. 83J..8095
assist 751 -9194. Ad am s, 11 . B < at absence. o er a sc N rt Beach ' a mature individual who
Time-Life Libranes
-a~'" .. urst) do specially sewing. ewpo can t ype 80wpm ac -c;-nualOppEmplyrmtr •••••••••••••••••••••· COUICTO.Tl ... E 'UUILI' Hours 9 ·5 . 673-7830 542•3739 I · · Restauranl ..,.. .a.~ 1005 " curate y . An mteresung IOI SECIETAaY-UIC _....,........
Cost a Mesa-Newport -Custom S had e & MACHINIST jobforarapidlygrowing IURHS To V.P. Medical X-ray, -------·U-R•I••••••••••••••••••••••• Beach area. FJ!t.ub co. 1s DISHWASH.-Draperies 3535 E. Coast N 8 eds Cl A Newport Beach advertis· k d THE TOWN TO
looking 10, ''"'o"ive ~~. ·~'~'~' ~!d;~~!' Hwy· Cd M · M .. iru~;,•:., Rnd:e',:.rt ;';!;u~~~~'iet~~~.°P'.~ N.;7,= 1'!:;:;:,. ~-;::••;,~ r r 0 )~ .• , ~~~, FUN IUS CO IHC: ""~; :::::.':;.:"' career oriented person re ......... Xlnt benef1'ts •· Girl Friday, recept, LYP Mill & Hardinge Lathe. Box to Pam J ensen % U-· for respectable, responsible, Anaheim. Ca Xlnt sal & benefits. For ··~ "' in •-r·11n d ll b e Close tolerance precision v"" t M " 5 A h · ( ,, Clocks! working cond. Bayview g ... 1 g u es Y pr . Cochrane Chase & Co. HOSTESS ma ure person. m. na e1m s new tXeu H\JGESELECTIOl'lt ~pt. call Mr. Kane. Convalescent Hospital, sUgioua firm located In work Exper req'd . Tof 660 Newport Center Or, bt yrs prior hus exp. Xlnl route and dial u nde
on-Fri S.5pm, 645·2640. 2 o 5 5 Th u r i n • CM . the Nwpl Financial Cntr ben.s. E.O. E. 557-9051 as NB. 92660. No phone calls Apply in person wn typing skills, lite S/H' system la now interview .,_neon
College m an for 3 day 642-3505. E.O.E. ~!l~~aron Dorris at for Ron Adams. please i ·3-~Sp~m~-~~~~~~~I sko m el db o s . a c est "'gl. i';l« for theBotollloWU1g pos!. ...G ... ~ manua l work Yard ---------1 ..... ~--. Machine Operat1>r-=-------11-----oow e ge nee u t1ons ; t i cxper .. ,. __.. ...
rleN!uPF, painting etc •DRIVER* trainee. Opportunity to REAL ESTATE SAUS Restaurant romm. w/skills & exp. trainee per50nnel invited Open Wed. thru Sul
$4.00 pr hr SlJ&rt Sat this Mature, over 18. Good GUAIDS learn NJC machining. Country sales. Salesman HOSTESS Xlnt benefits. Send re-to apply 1802 Kettenng. ln wt. 75't-1&10 driving rerord. Deliver Perm. reUab. Ful U time Previous ma ch. ex per. to sell country property, Experienced sume Lo: 2222 MartJEn, Ste f'rofed Mcjr. m•> 1S.4-1777
Jrd shift. P /L me l st helpful but not nee . ranches, etc South ot 215· 1""92715· E.O · Able to l&ke complete &I~~~~~~~~~ COOK. For Ptr. ElCper'd graph ic supplies in sltift. Retired welcome. """'-r--r-t t , ... e rat IUS IOY lndepende .. tr-""""1b1'· I· Or .... ge Co Full t1'me Car •. phone raq'd .,,,.,~·~ '-'Vlvua. '-"= OU 0 ... E ed SECIET"'IY u ..... _._ u pref. Apply m penion. ... · · ex " ---------1 _,. Iota ot money x~enc A ,., 1 JI maoaa• H B Med/dentalplan.$2.8$hr Irvine compleJt. Call MACHINIST race, m.,.e to handle purchasing ., ior overa ""' =.:.· Cat wy, N . + incenUve. Call Mark 83.1-3000. ext. 191 tor In & enjoy yourself. Call WAmESS dept. Clerical duties, ment of all pboses of
at751·2188S. terview. Equal Oppor. AJI around exp Xlnt Mike at Coclttallexper. group inlluranct. misc ope.nation and all person WA.REHOUSE
SAL! Classlf1ed Ads. your one·
stop sbopplq center Employer M/F working conditions. C.M (714> 728-9815 Apply In person 3-Spm. personnel functions. & neJ Involved Prerer ex· WANTACTION? --=--0.--------1 atta.MS-3670 OR67S.S711 MULOOONS set as secretary to con ~.lntranslt,dlalarldc
ClassifedAdsS42-5G7S GU.a.IDS Mach opr/prod wrkr. ""~ "·1 RESTAURANT ·-•1er. This ls o pressure orcab~rations. ~ Real 1:.0late--..et 202NewnnrtCenter0r. ...,. tltJL.. CL. •---
JULY 2f·l0
I ;ls~d~~~f~~!~ ...
Announces Open ngs for the Positions of
' Clooing dote 8/1/78 a.a. TYPIST S'71.-.
Closing date 8/4/78
LIGM. 008H 51J7.-.
ClOf:ling date 8/9/78
These are CETA funded positions &
require Huntington Beac h
residency & ~O days prior
unemployment. At>pllcations wut be
accepted till 3 p .m . at the
Employment & Troinln.g Center, 538 Main Sl, H B.
F'l.111 & p/llme. AU areas. Mech apt, gd deJrterlt.y. •""" 1 Wftc:w -....-job for a rapidly growing ~ ... per......-RefresbmenL~'
Unlfonns furn. Ages 21 Min age 18. start at >
• EIEMS Newport Beach Newport&acbadvert.la· Oaytodayaupervlllonof lPMto6PM
or over. R e t Ir l" rl '1/ht. 540-0950. FREE 3 W liift IM's & LYH 'i ~ a.rency & requires a specific opera11oos of NauUcal Antiqua
welcome. No ex per 'Pit ............ G h mat\lJ'e tndi vldual who dispatcbJng, scbc-duhna Autbmllc Shtp Lllntt·rn~ necess. Apply, Unlv~nal MAO 2 Operator, will I IUI' " " Plrrellef,days&nlg ts. can t ype 80wpm & penonoel Prefcrexper . Tim~ P1t'CeL Bl'h~
Prot«tloo ~rv1ce. &228 train legal 1cty. Non M.w c_.... W.SSUperior Avt. N 8 operate 1().key add. Fan. but wtU train. Gauges Bras11 Worki.
w :sc.h St, s11nta Ana. In· smoker· Top salary M.w ~ty Safety Offlcer-wknds & tastlc fringe benefits. Tram'' & Saftty Ship F\Jrnlture, Deck
lervW hrs 9-12 & l-4 Mon· ..:•-=--1
.00-------1 •Absolutely no prior holidays Saddlcback Send re..'lume or letter to 5 '--Chain
Fri. Maid wanted, Searllff trainln« or upericnce College Mission Viejo P08oitll623.Santa.Ana, '"'•'"'....-Oulere net-d reull' M I 1~1 s c t 11 Ptr ,., ldnlabt to 8 AM C.. 92711. Must hold school bus number. Mer<'h11nd111c llal·r dre•ser wanted. ote • "" · oa~ wy, necessary. ... m " · ---------.__,_,_I ..... rtlf'c tlon or I' t d t ~t ck In Mu.t ba .. ve rollowina Lol\lnaBeach.494-4892 •Per1onalhe~ ln1truc· $4 .98·U .46 hr Call SECRETARY P /T In v-.wui .... 1 a 1m1 e o .. o ·
" Uon between 1-5 Mon thru Fri fi""'r home. Diet, tvplng, ~~'~·-•cnldl dnofa•Un'!"1vael tonnallon, caU; 631.,..770 Full lime for Cotta Me"a .M A I NT E N A N c £ & al th 1 b 00 .,,.,. ""' ~ ,,...,.,.,, '"".... " .. or~
ahop.&f.2'°631or 754..e433 LANDSCAPING . l'X· •Profe:uic;in on e,o 831•97 ut.._ tbkkp'g.Don&.18·3231 drlvlna certl tlcul~ I~~~~~~~~~
e'VC!S d -•.. 75 .... -. n traiJllni. s .&LIS Mlnlmum 2 >'" bwi dnv I· · ~r· ......,.. 1~ • •VJ> to~ commission. ~ Ina cxper " pro~en re Old Duncan Phyle 4tnlni; Halrl>reuer 4 :30PM~Svndays. •Choice of top office Are you an artlallc. *Secre•-:eS* cord of p arsonncl rmtbl.Schni.11eatl325 1be Hair Haodtlars fin MaJotenance mechanic ~~o· ..,_.._ __ ""'Ith a creallve . tnergetlc WI nuina1ln• abtUty Top 962-4611
Nwpt Sch la look ng or •NllUlnt. 7AM·3:30PM. u. .. ~ .... -.. person who llkea illtnp OQrc/Adm Autto$18K aa.larylrbenefll.a --------
• x per Jen c e d ha I r • ... 50 to ttart. E.O. £. C.11 cop notch proteulooal or· 1parklln«. Uk• to cln, Einployers Pay All Fee• Equal Opportuoity An 11 q u e ' h .an d m ad I.!
d roann. Mu al have a.a.a:zst JaniuUon. has sales ability• Lido Ui Reinders AJency Employer Sbendan Cllnlns chlln1. 2 clientele. AJao P rr re __ .;._ ______ I Kai H R~ Vllla~~·a ludln• J"eler ~Birch St, Ste HM Pbon f l t arm + 2 side dia1n1. S2:?.S
ceopUonlst nHded. Ortat Manicurist f'·tlme, --.... •• __ wt.ahefl full oq•ll lndd '• Newport Beach81WJ90 C7l4J6Ji.tJ;0 ea Ro1tl ivory china, 1urroundln11 + In Nnilport/C M.a:-ea. .._.. -Sat, no nights Call CeJHorAppt/Eatab'64 service for 8•, '39~ tul'UICOl•n.&4U484 • $tt-3.W7 lll·IOOJ ttJ..0442 mlm4 . ~
_ ..,.. . -, --. -~,-......... -.... _, ·---Jfl>-<l!i __ _ ......... ,. -r
~• I
. . .. .. .. . . .
••• DAILY PIL01 Frioay. July 28. 19711 ..... S-. IOH Menes I060 Meal••-1010 Mltcal•ew 1010 Misc•llw-. 1010 MIK-'I•••• 1010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
........ IOOS C. IOU IP I IOIO HTATllALI Partqtrhorse. bllt mare, LUGGAGITAGS ••••••••••••••••••••••• "••••••••••••••••••••• --~ * Okl"--ta ..... Ho-e welt trained Gentl • • • •••••••• •• ••• •• • •• •• • •• g.u "-... • • e h'oal )'OUr bwllnesa card IWIJan kicum CFA re· S.t!Sun9·S. T/2u,30 wltids. S300 ancl. lack. Send one card for each IHtriu ...._... • * * 1l•tered Eacellent *•I IUY * * aos. Main.S.A. ~ tag plus one spire. We 21701 Wesley Or.
W•••rt QUlllity. BuuWw long Good mod P\U"lliture • Casbpleue. thmihatd4'ioodsl065 return permanently So.Laguna lt4llsCttTaN~lltt hair Show quaHty Appliances-OR I will Sale1lart.s1t9·00• ••••••••••••••••••••••• sea.led attractive llf & Vouaret.hewlnoeror
Irv•--""308 adJorSELLrorYou. t t' g l i .. --L......-&1-1..~ ....., Jul ""'/"" " t "' Fu Kine siie mattress/box s rep, mee 10 • r n... ...-~ --q
You art t.be WI.Mer c>f De.-1040 MAST85 >.UCTI~ c y -lt • 0 .. ~-spring rrm Sloans. Bev 1.0. tfJ(luirementa. Pre· cm so V•lue). to
tlreefreetkw. ••••••••••••••••••••••• MU616&1ll-96J5 borve e car bs!a s . Hills .... Cl\.•""'"""c vent loss" lhef\' For a ...,.llroL o oles , c Io t 1 n g . ......, .....,...,,_ .-
c 132.SO valuel. lu Golden Retriever PUP· CASH PAID automotive & m isc ---------personaliied tag enclose ._, • leHey 1 ..... lroL p.es. AXC field & 11how _ d ··--' r household goods . .u22 Drapes. cu~tom, be~ge, wallpaper, fabric or Clrc• ._..._, Wley pet Shots. wormed . .,.,. 1 ......, &ml. anti· Malloy Dr. HB (nr st~ patio door size. "Day Glo" paper" we Aucust3rdthru Uth Clrc• r»JsedwrrLC.Xlntdlsp'. ques&clrTV's957-8133 Newland/lod) RodstnduS:SS.962·5640 will back" lrim your AnabeimConve.nt1on
Platform rkr, new vinyl Ph.11b green 1.:a~t. ~
cVl' S20 Full si rnattre11i:. yds. Xlnl S200 Levelor~
" box spmg1> $25 Low 45~7 S20ea 581·"599
stuig gold rug 8x11. $10, 2 sol id front door., ~lea rorm1ca tbl. $10. 35"::"'17!1 Great buy
~7 Re11Son11bte 27041 ,\I
G1rt·s bike. almost new
S20 Gas lank 4' r1tung11
for BBQ. never used $18
deano. MV ----
1081 •••••••••••••••••••••••
ArcMde game. Midway · walnut C'n •dt nta or
Deluxe shootmg gallery 11tereo cabtnet
~. 963-3395 642·~ (213)4251561 2 "'~ I 7' --1 ... c I MISC H eh Id 1 lags. Or try two Cardi> Cen•ftr,llOOW Kalella AU11.1St3rdtbruUth · · couc..... ""'1 ...., Fri/Sat Potbellled stove · ous 0 tema. backtoback. "" Aftahejm Convention AXC reg. Pioacher pup· ant.ique Victorian love glat111w'are, books. Mini must sell. lnchJdes dis· PRICES Tickets roust be ex· Co I I e ct or P ! at cs S111ger!eatberwe1ghl se~ ~ter. llOOW. Katella pies,~. Call after 6PM. seat $120. 61.3·6124 or washer & dryer. Lots of bes. towels. sheets. S2ea or3/~ changedtbfor ,resen:ed Diversified lis t a vail. mg mach Older mc><h'l
Tickets must be e x-963-0205. 975-0239aft.er6.PM m isc Sig n s on &)asaware,etc.646-1775 4/5tap$1.60ea. aeata at e Conve~Uon 837 -2249 SAS E 25472 221644-4752
changed for reserved Spanish oct. din tbl. 6 Magnolia/Heil. 16623 .__._. 1070 6/9tagsS1.50ea. Center ahead or time. Charlemagne. LH ---------
aeat.s at the Convention Samoy.ed. 1 yr old. male. chrs 2 leaves pads Daisy, FV :;;:;:".~••••••••••••••• lOor more Sl.40ea. call 6'2·5678. Ext 329 to Minic• Center ahead or time beautiful. $75 no papers S250tbeat CW2 ~9 . . Sales Tax Included claim your tickets. SCRAM •[TS .............. s IOU Call 6'2·5678. Ext 329 to ~T-2639 · · Moving Sale. Furniture 2 . r 0 u n d b r 1 ~ 1. i ant NO CARO? * * * 91. •••••••••••••••••••••••
claim your tickets Leather chair & ottoman, +.Friday/Saturday. 36S diamoods w/certir~cates. Draw your own or send ANSWERS I ... HD ............... • • • KeEShond l "ll yrs. Fem. Sony TV, glass table & Hamilton. CM \is 1.lS<:t•· a~pra1sed ~t name, address. phon11 & Code-a-phone 1200. 6 mo "' "'"' ~,..,-:
AKC r eg. $1 00. Call ma--"''-g wicker cbai·rs. $43'17. l 1S 2 .. 13cts, appd o ld $75 Cati (714 > Prefer .. b ly an old ...,., 3119 ~· G Sal H d t ........ W II we'll make one card per . Kimono -Cease Fende r 81ts"'man, '1ul Solid o-... carv"" desk •. ~· . M· .... se.ll. 67c_........ ara. ge e:. on a so. a • .-.. 1 accept re· Add~ h 962·9930 " • ,.. ""' "' ..,.. ,, ~ I d ~f .,,.. l""" tag. =-e1:1c· . Felon -Bisect an ..... :~a m good workm••
chalr, Circ1:1 1800. Xlnl Po · anUque urmtur~. rum 85"' ers . ....,. ""'"''" Send he k BOOKIES '"'"'" " cond S450 536-835
meraruanAKMC '!!!~· ~~1k1 5 Family Garage Sale, s e t • p a 1 n l 1 n g s , Mi"''-H-iou.. c c or money or· Execut.ive Tamaphone. 2 condition for around SlOO .. or creme, , _,.,,""" Sat/SUn. Breton Ln. HB. household. Fri/Sat/SUn. ..... ......... ---• 8010 derto: way 1-~M portable radio. I don't know why 1 sent wiU do. Call 661·6261 a ft
842·5634/l·SSS-°'58. NewlaodJAUanta. Furn. 260Sierks St .. C.M ••••••••••••••••••••••• PILOT PRtHTIHG> w /desk lop charger my kid to college IL ct>:>l 5 JOpm ~toY 1045 anti ·n Going to College! Mu st P.O. Box l560 New. $1SOO. Sell $1200 /or me $5.000 a year and he _ _..;.. _____ _
.... _.ecff IOtO ~ • ques,n es. GarageSale-Moving sell ! t '4 surfboard Costa Meaa.Ca 92626 bstofr.646-2227/&46·29'l5. can'l t ven s pell. The '71 GIBSON Les Pa u• ~ ••• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I ...... A d h h R d B ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mixed Labrador, female, Antique oveseat, sora. almost new. $100, spnng uu .... r ay e wrote ome ecor mg rand new Jo'RG HT DAM AGE o 1..., yrs old. affectionate. ~Sak 1055 Teak furn, ski equip· wet suit $15, sun rarks. WHEELCHAIR For sale cheap crystal and said he needed S200 cond Choire r ast' R4re
HOTPOINT SALE 3308 good with cb.ildren. Free ••••••••••••••••• •••••• menl, dis hes. pans, $10. 35 MM camera w 12 Good Condillon chandellers. woven wood for books .And he spelled lst $5001\.ak~ 631 0038
W W~er nr Har~~ to good home. C alt~~r&dry~.8~drn· ~wela +m~h more J~.~.4furmabS15 i:===~==~=t===~=ro=l=~=u~p=b=~=~=·=~==6=11=7=±=~==·B=~==K=l=E=S=.==~=K=~==°'~~~~~~~~~-~
Santa Ana. 979·2921 Beverly at 898·5l00 after mg rm set, many other Must see!! Sat/Sun 10·5. ea. szs 12· 14. &46·5201 Ir 5'30PM. items! um Port Stirling 644 ·9238 1766 Prt ---------
Washer Dryer 01~· Pl. NB. Manleigh Cir. NB. Newport Beach Sportrng
hwasher SlOO ea Color Cute M Orange Kitten House Raquel Ball. Full 1V $100. 646-5848 9 wks old Moving! Odds & ends. Bargains. rurn. plants, ramily membenihip. Dis·
CASH PAID 644·2224 tools. fishing items. 9 X books. cameras. etr . counted to $2.50. 833-2087 ---------1 12 handmade area wool Sat/Sun 9191 Regatta HB aft 7 PM.
Wshr /Dry rs I Re rr1 g Eng. Sbeepdog needs a rug, $250 2951 Cassia, 962-8945 ---------worlung or noL 957·8133 good home. 3 yrs. Fem. NB. Sat 10..6. ---------1 Hand quilted lavender & Loves children. 557·6560 5 Family Sale : Anuques. white quilt 91x74. $150 or
Frigidaire Im penal frost· aft 6:30 Moving Sa le• Lamps. stereo. ore. machines. bstolr. 955-1746.
less refrig. coppertont!, beds. dressers. chrs. rhandeUer. old prints & Sl.2.5.645-2579evs/wknds. B':k female puppy, looks bookcase. gas dryer, posters. 100 dresses. etc. Medical supplies. Orien·
MontWard 1974 HvyOty like a r urly -haired t b I s. et c 327Apolena,81.Sat/Sun tat .Chinese rug. Some
d a c h s h u n d • 968-9473/838·4858. 9AM. anuques. ~1·6154, eves &
wu er. $200. 1974 apt st hoUBebroken. Friendly, wkends. ~»ti dryer. Sl25 Both good wilh cats. Aban· McLean mower. patio set. 2 Family Garage Sale. ---------
w I s c r v I c e c ont r . d o n e d i n o u r Marilyn Monroe eaten· Household items. bunk For sale. Lectrabed. sgl. M1·~· neighborhood. 498·1194 dar. 1936 Port Chelsea beds . antique Oak hd/foot lilt. gd cond S60.
Maytag Washer. S200 eves&wtmds. Mon-Tues Pl,N.B. rocker , clothi n g, _536-__ 23_1.5 ______ _
Ke nmore s ort heat days. Moving & Estate Sale. =~~ed& w~~Y q~~l~ Stpereo.b12 speakers S50
Dryer. SlOO. 540·5719 _ Lab/She perd Fem, 5·6 ~lure. plants, misr. 9AM·5PM. Sat/Sun 17602 orta e B&W tv $30.
Lennox f'o r cl.!d Air yrs. Fixed, s hots. well Fnday 23922 Sutton Dr. DeLong Cir. nr Spr· Cal1536-<l238.aftSpm.
natural gas rurnuce mannered xlnt w/kids. E1Toro8:30-3 mgdale/SlaterHB. Womens J r. Sportswear,
:'I cw In Put 110 • 000 540-8353 Sat & Son 11·5. Cosmetics, Garage Sale including rnd size 5/6. shoes. boots.
B.T.U. hr. Bonnet 8S.OOO Cute 12 wk old killen Free furs, linens. lamps. pie· oak tbl. 600 Avocado, slacks, dresses. today:. 8.T.U. Hr. $175. 642·0705 ._ __ & te tures blcs 1950.5 r e· CdM Sat/Su look. al S75"k orr. 67J.67M --------· S•""" neu nng · • . . n EJectnc dryer. GE. SGS. 644-4904 cords; clothing, toys. . 't::l11f°od condition f'vmitun 8050 ~~t Jopt1:~. ~ ~,;aJ; J~i.D~~ :0, ~~.'. ~~~:
••••••••••••••••••••••• Culver & Nicholson. Irv Cleaning out after 40
Kenmore clcctnc dryl.!r,
ht-a\'Y duty New cond
$70 979·6877 C\'Cl> &
yrs!l GAME SET 4A" md tbl w/'lA" extension. 4 chrs. MOVING SALE Monticello 107 Danbury.
tufted antq gold vinyl. SAT/SUN Mus t sell off Vanguard . C M .
like new S350 . lamps. c ouches. Daybed. chest·O·drwrs
Designers Lertovers Liv
rm Brldmt $400/ofr Sofa
tble S65. Lg Ant. chair
$300. Bdrm rum $5(). $400
Antiques S20 up Hdbrd &
spread $22:5. Sleeper sols
$125. Sat & Sun 9·5 332
Evening Canyon Rd
CdM ~ d . f' F f STRATOLOU NG ER clothing. baby's odds & tots of s mall items, rnl(1 a1rc 1 re n g, top CHRtu-wing back, tufted ends. Kitchen s upplies & ---------lrzr. lik.e ne w $1 65. 1 C books. collectors junk. 900-521!6 vinyl, antq gold. top too s. amping equip· Sat/Sun ' PHONEMATE
cond. $4-0. 100% WOOL ment. Many other quali· ----------• Telephone answering
H o l
11 0 1 n l . f .,-. AREA RUG 9' sq, fr. ly goodies! 3SS E. 19th St. Remafoder or Eatate Sale machines w /warr. $79.
refrigerator A·l cond. xlningted 4 sdid~5· ~}.ge228/glold. _Cos __ ta_M_es_a_. -----1 &Fummas. ~~deingga,rli~ngeenss.akte1·t· w/reR:g:~~~:r791.
8200. 2524 Newport Blvd. con ·.,, · .,...... · Cash only. Elhan Allen """' -:;;=======::::: 1'24.CM uten, AM /FM stereo, .. Otrtce desk table. boy's bookcases $.5() & $35. Sora phonograph. Fri only .
Washer. Dryers. Deluxe rm furn. bunk bed. din'g bed $15. Workbenr h $10. 7,..., 1,,." 837 •726
Set w/6 chr. All new. Call Lots more. Sat/Sun 9-5, '"'°· ""'· ·• · Models . Completely re· built. refinished. year s.s&-1871. July 29·30. 1816 Oriole. Cloths. rum & much more
guarantee. Your choice l•---------i CM 20J1 Republic CM Sun· $1.30 1.!ll F'rec delivery. H day9·6645-475T AT1&4TIOH:Mo.,a.... ome contempo rary ---------
Sal e e nd s Au g 4 _., r · k · Southroasl /\ppli .. nee King sz Victorian Style urn .. no Jun · ma ny Antiques. 011 paintings & ~-2:542 water bed. Must see to game lbls. backgam· misc. Sat/Sun 9-5. 174
believe Sl ,000. 548·0l!U mom. etc. Pasl'<> Cortez. Mam St, UB.
Used rcfng. froi.t-free. N Zen'th Rsol 1 lrv. 955-2678 Sal 12·3pm ---------ew . l ro ~ c r Saturday only. Every·
Wai.her!>. dryer~ Good
buys. Be~t Apphanl'C 210
Adams, HB 536·0911
1V. stereo, lg assort· Moving Sate. Sat !l·S Uuni; goes. You name it.
mentof hshtdplants.orc Furn. bed. hs ehold. we got 1l t805 Hunt·
desk. playpen couch ladies 10 spd. ml.Sc. 708 ington St. lfB. HB In· w/coffeet.b1&2e~dtbls. Weeto.CM quire 536 ·3920.Alley Refng. Wt11rlpc>0I. fro .. l ·
free 17 '. while. 'llnt
Sl.2.5. 962·3597.
new _Admiral rerng Call . Saide! 412 Goldenrod St.
anytJme day or night ror Couch. bed. misc items CdM . Hsehold items.
appt.548·0184 Sat/~n 10-6. 106 Ave toys. s ofabed . $25.
Wcsllnghouse th·y Duty San Dimas. San Clem Go Ir c I u b s & mi sc
frt load Was her & fo:_tec SELL OR TRADE:' Anti· Sclhrdoy «Mlfy. articles. Sat9·3.
~ryer Srnckablc S7.>ea que pew. loveseat. ad· 221 E 21st St CM Want Ads Call 642·5678
642· 1750 d e r . & m i s c . C a 11 ~-ii· &iliiiiii.iiiiiiiii.iiiiiiii .. iiiliiiiiiiiiE!iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Zcruth Col or TV. Frost· _~ ___ 7_· -------' I
fr1.'C rt'fni.:. $100 cHch
Audi Oft aots •••••••••••••••••••••••
2 dbl beds w /dresser &
mall. dirung tbl, drp leaf
maple tbl. lamps. chrs.
l'OUChes. clothing. roll a
way bed & misc. 548·4908 ---------1 2575 lrvine Ave. CM f'UBUC F'URNITURE Wanted: Hideabed or •AUCTION•
sofa. desk. end tbls, &
latch set. Aft 3. 644·4989.
lDtciNrs Weko•I Rebll twin set SSS. full set
ESTATE ~. Sterilized king set
1-'ROM NEWPORT 115. 4 pc living rm set ~'TOCK LIQUIDATIONS SUIS. I will buy your oox
t.ovely bdrm :;el s. spring & mattress. B&J
chests. armoirell. bunk Mattress 838 E. lsl St ..
b•·ll s, t'r enc h bdrm _S_A._~_7_-5636 ______ _
ltrotJP. desk & chr. liv rm Quainl old dbl bd. w /head
lbts,._color & blk & wh1l_t & foot bds. + mtchg tg
TV s. stereos. lamps, dresser w/mirror $100.
p1 cturt!S. bar s tools. 67~l467
s oras & lo ves ~at s. ----------1 beautiful c omplete Rerng $30. early Amer
French dining rm set. tbl. chrs, hutch $150. sofa
tbls with 6 ch rs. china & bed $10. call 830-8461. ~''"er . refrigerators, • . was hers & drver s 8 olive gm sofa $100. 2
bumper pc>0l tbl. ·PLUS matching chrs S25 ea.
UYf'S OF NICE MISC. Xlntcond.545·1385
L10cns, lawn mower, 2 p . 1 be. edger car mats c sect1ona. 1ge. · · end tbl S7o oolh.
Crib ~. Changing table
S20. baby backpack $13.
All good cond. 831·1503
We honor RofA. MC. 644·2919
Cashiers checks & cash. . . . No pt:rsonal rhcc ks Solidwoodrust1cMex1can
PLEASE! Food avalla· Colonial Hutch. a sacrir.
ble. Items subject to pre· •l $275. SJ6.8357
sale Bed springs le mattress MASTlllS AUCTIOM 42"x84", top quality.
2075"'2 Newport Blvd CM near new SSS. 644·1604 !133-9625 64~96861--~-------I ---------•I Cot aize inner spriag trun· IOZO die bi&h riser bed. never used, STS. 5$7-8212. ....................... ----------
Cyala t Complete Klog size water ~ • C1111pany bed. Beat orr or trade for SALE Kina111ie646-S484
New & used 3 5 " 10 Meditena.nen Uvlng room
spds bch c~uiser , set. Sofa & love.seat. mop~da. muto cro:~ chn,ltwoodtblaMstseU
bikes, parta. access. re· this wlmd 842•2261
pain. all makes Classic Antiques. 2 dining aeta,
bicycles. lJuy, sell, trade w I o I b a c k c b r 3 ,
842·1910 rosewood wall unit, 2470 NEWPORT 81.. CM deaka, chrs, le chesta
............... 10211-•-· _9817_· -----........... •• • •• •••••• • Kini alle bed c-omplete,
•• 8lldln1 ctua ctoora p ,
w1sc.reen ST5. 6!1.Jll75or 640-~lT
tM--0335 Queen River!• ylftyl aol• c-r•& bedm . • $ '; • 1010 8"-o:DS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ako JOUr 1boppln1
Mlier by usln& tbe DailY PUGt Cl ... llied Ada.
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service. Call us at 642-5678 by
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Oranqe Coast Daily Pilot
Box 1560
Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626
Ma4of'c dn/ TrolleN, TraYet 9170 Friday. July 28, 1970 DAILY PILOT OJ I
OMc.e ........ I ....... u•ta..-c•/ t.Mlh.Po•er t040 ·~lpa/ t070 ~ye11 9 I SO ••••••••••••••••••••••·
&-.&--a IOI s.r.k• f020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -Sc:.ooht't '"" 216' T ....-....--· ""·~-,•· 33 •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ,6 .t:rry trailer. air AutoSet-•lce,Porh .. ~ori-n 9550 4MA.--..10~--''LO
•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• VWUJll .... n.user, ••••••••••••••••••• cond Mk l6000 .. --• ..... _.... "•W• ~ Bo
•-C'--f lmmllc surS •v•JL•tLE 5-erCa.-! ,..,.,0 ;;.,, e new, · &Acce1sorie1 9400 ••••••••••••••••••••••' •••••••••••••••••••••••
0.vcrt A Call at ,, pnce at carpentry A~ln '"' '"1~-16.Jo "' "' "' "76 Honcla 750F. Lo males. ......._,.. • ••• •• ••••••••••••• ••• •
ReceivH & rorward• lddl~ l yrsnp Jo'r~ · YACNewport646--0Ml_ good pric~. Perl cond. '73COMPACT JR Travel 3 Gener•l lJM. tubele)4:c COSTA MESA 1976 D00Gt 4x4
)our pbonl' calJa NCVl)' an '1'31 !'IOZ3 17' Dorsett cabin w' 30· Avalon moonn" In 53S-mlor960-~ Trlr 1.3' fiberglass pop bias 2·ply. 0 78·14's i AMC/ EEP l/• TON PtctCUP
MW only 9'il)O '7»-otll ~._.-.1......_ bunks. ttura&o und.-r r-.l of "'·ari's •·swim t 3 b ... ·t balance wh'-•-hu'·Aa.... J VS .• utom.t11:, pwr
Aikror m1tborltaue ,--,_. 9030 d· .. b ~ bl ...... "" "' Su i S I op urn ... r s ovc. ..,.,. IA ..... __ , _ .. ~c ~r. c<>nvcrtl ,. area $25,000 673-5099. ·rr · zuk 250 avast>. o queen bed. seals 8. can ez.0490 S20eaiorrer *I IN CALIF. ..teerina. white c.polt«.' ~ IOI .... &•••••••••••••••••• Lopw/s1di!curta1n:. 130 mi's,xlnts bape.$700. b£ towed by mall ---------'TT" wheels & olC road ure11 ~ -HP V I 1 0 V W '· "' N d . 1971 CH-O"Er. •••••••••••••••••••••• •ZOD• "'C o VO I • an11on ANTED sup /moonng. CaU att5. 545-5078 pickup New B'x9' rm eed 4 us ed ta . 1al,, .-" ~ radK>. heater• lai lhlln
'R"'"" u. trlr Cao be 11et!n 11t 700 temporary Cor Npt Bch .7• Honda c u...,,. e n cl 0 s u r e s l. 3 0 0 30,000 or under !'" s To CHIEF 17.000 mJles. Ser 226363
GERMAN n.c. I f, v..ci Port·A·Maruu~ Baker CN btwo 8 & 5 doctor for ff sailboat • o.-v 638-78S8 fit Datsun 610 Statwlln Slk P350CYI' AKC REGlSTERlW lnflat.able Boat.i> PM $4800 Pl.s callaft6pm.644·7994 S650/bstofr 14" nms Aft ~.30pm . $7995 $591S
Male puppies 8 wlu old. 292:5CoUege. C.M 559-1613 aft 6 Tentlra1ler Slee"" 5 com 661-6261. Ed. J8Al7"'"' 7
I black & t.an. I Red sa ('714)$40-2070 BARG A IN F I X £ R Need NB moonng or sllp bl ,... k ! •••• 1
II: ble. 1 Female 3 yn old UPPER 1959 Colonial ror 31· sad For Sale or Trade. 71 ' ~0!1:i nye ~~ov: lo;e~:'<f o · Ford 4.4 lug 13" whl:1
Spayed. Has AKC obe· 35HPChrysler0utboard. Sedan Cr uiser New 548·2Sl7aft6pm Triumph 650cc Very !n9-8987 chrome & gd ures SGO.
dience degr~ Bark remote control . elec J.-;rlglandbuilt..SohdOak. . nice. Many l'xtra~ 4·51ugwhlsFordMachl.
German Shephe rds . start. good condition Cedar. Teak. Mahogany HELP! I urgently nd 30 631·2S08Jerry '72 20' Travel Trlr. rully 14" +hub caps & beauty
631·1292 S300 673-0884 Needs painl & engine. slip ror my power boat .. 75 Honda 360. in rit clean, self·contained. less than rims S45. 846·74-05
MUST SELL. BEST OF· (714) 622·2513 Ask ror 3 000 mi on axle good
Parrot. tame. dbl yellow Johnson 4HP. Used 2 hrs. FER. 675•3155 Kay btwn 8 &6 runs like new Must sell · . · "'-"'--/
headw/cage &playpen. loci's r e m ote tank . ~& ki0.645-4727 cond.$2500.64.
1307 -C~ca 9520
1978 J·20 PICKUP
IJ8AUPNl40454 )
COSTA MESA t.-11 001<'
'TT Chevy 4x4. 17.000 ml.
over SJz.ed ures. stereo.
1mmac seeoo. 4.96·9113 $275. ~76/96().5927 Sacrifice.~. 644-~2. loah. ltettt/ '°::· ..,...-9080 AIRSTREAM •••••••••••••••••••••••
Toy Poodle · Male AKC. 14 20'X4" Schock Dory. Self ••~••••••••~~~.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• MDlof" Hotl91, S•I 'SS T· Bird, SSSOO firm. wksold.Shots bailinghull.motorwell& 15. Perrorme r . l OO HP a..t/Storoge fl60 Uno 31'. air cond. com · Newpaint.Gdcond.
9'f9..9635 buc k e t . oars. t.rlr ALIACORE M~rc. clnt condition.••••••••••••••••••••••• pletely furnished . very 675·1784 I OVER .... GHT~ "" E 1 .)ood cond. ready lo
FREE 100
with l>urcha:sc or J tlY ·~JEEP Wagoneer gooct jeep w1lh this coupon cond. auto. pts. p/b. call
anytime · 962-8026.
R ACCOON 4 ~ Mo w/spare wh .& lire. ....I lift ~.~art4. Rent a 1977 xecut.v". travel. With this ad Remember the Nash In
Female Loves people Bearing buddies $700 They're here! Reserve Motothome or M1n1 17500. IJl29) •49? Orig pt. nu int ww, eau67s-OOss · ftrm.536-7028 spacenowonrastdeluxc JETSIU motorhome from Herb ARTISTIC drive everywhere. 21
---------•1oah,Power •040 48' Sportrish e r 1·6 w/cartS1475.631·5190 Friedlander. Call any of MOBILE HOME mpg. and overdrive
Parakeets s,s.17 so. Love· ••••••••••••••••••••••• passengers only. , lheseoumbers 1714) 957-8005 $2750. SJ6..3312
birds$4Sapatr 28' Flybridge cruiser 714.276"1529· -T.••ra .. rtm+I-1tl-6777 R ...1.1~~ 545-0042 r -537 7777 T,...,.., Utility 9180 Kt ""·WWW
_________ , Ouys 6, hauled. pamled ••••••••••••••••••••••• • v.....L.l-L... 9530 &O And 121-1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -s ~ "Jm'S 1090 138.SO ersons646-9000 -~ Sail 9060 Cwuycr .. S•/ '76 4 Rall m otorcycle •••••••••••••••••••••••
•••••••••••••••••••••••1..m--------1 ~ I.wt 9120 '72 COMM ....... D-.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• RENT 23' Fireball. self· trailer. $375 "'" ~ We're moving east & must •••••••••••• • •• • •• ••• •• · ed Lo f xt f 2524 Harbor Blvd sell our 2-manual Kim· SEA RAYS! 36' c.rwsin~ Sloop Older camper 4-saJe. w /o contain Ms·~ ras. 64.5-3082 a l 6pm Motor HOflW Cotlta Mesa ball organ Percussion. Shp available t r uck. $150. Stove & Auto W.lu, Parts Power plant! Su per
'74 Jeep CJ-5 Low miles.
xlnt cond, $3600 R .J
~87 St&Z-1488
Ford '74 4X4, 18M 390.
chrome bumper & winch.
s he ll . mdg:.. CN B.
stereo. r ubbed out blk
p.01nl . c11r & e t c
Beauutul $6800 or trade
good older P.U of sml
PU or VW convert +
cash. 642·971' Leslle speakers. full OC· NEVER AGAIN S18K Andersons&46·9000 relng 640-2700 Rent 20' Mini Mlr Home, &AccffsoriH 9400 clean! Low Low miles 714/ 549-8023
d I d T
Must see this one! Pnced
tave pe a boar . his Col. 43, diesel. 9 bags . fully self·conl'd, reserve ••••••••••••••••••••••• Autos. Mew 9100 AMfoa, Hew
weekend only. Yours for SALE sails. loaded w1equ1p· Caor~~,!' r~f:;'gprx~r~s· ~ now 642·0948 Au~y Repa~rs. MaJ?r t.osel!;.UCI( CITY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ''°°'
$595. Huntmgton Beach ment. well maanl. P.P "" • . . or Mmor collis1on Big 964-22JYI CLOSE-OUTS 550-9133 t.oapprec. 546-0629 74 22 .Commander ror savings. Alan 556-4017 51.h & Harbor·Sanla Anll sale, sips s. fully self· 554-5400
Sohmer & Co Grand Luders 16, 2 complete sets c~i:~· s~ ~t st~v~ t.'OOl, air. dual gas t.anks Salvage '73 Oat PU . --------
Piano. Walnut carved art 2 4' cu o o y ?'sails. good cond, moor· ~ tr'~: I<. ~Int s :o~d. + many xtras. 831-2822. comp. 1600. 46,000. runs. 4 Whff4 Drhtt 9550 case. Circa 1922. $4500. 1ng Newport Harbor. S500 646-00'71 496-3279. xtras Bst orr takes all •••••••••••••••••••••••
Phone642-1304 CABINS Make orrer. Also 14· . im LINDY 22'. sips 6, 642-0468 eves '73 lflfentational
Piano. George Steck. like La P 8 t r 8 k e 8 I< 1 r f '76 Dodge Maxi Camper• bathtub, roof & dash air. Hardtop ror '78 Toyota Scout 4X4
new, selUng for $2200. '2l3/S92·S227 bub. lop, A/C. ster eo awnings. U rk stereo, the Landcru1ser complete ed ,, .. c.•l!.O Side c urtains. camper AM /FM w /tape CB ks L.k $12 960 . 6 cyl.. 3 spe trans .. 4 '""-....... covers. fish wells. 100 HISpeed/LowCost cruise,TV,much .. more : ;~ss7~enew • · ~ev.~lhing 642-5075 wheel drive. l ock10~
(;lassiried Ad!i are the gal.fuel. Sai~ (8-5)75\·3811 or (art. · t .5. hubs. removable top,
answer lo a successful Trimtabs.heads .xtras. SEASPRAY 15 CATS 5)6'1~17500. '72 Tioga II Mini M.H.. * • * r(683JadiEoY)and h eJler ~arage or yard sale! It's FROM $1000 loaded, 21.000 mi. take · a better way lo tell more Golci•ION SoHboots Ca mper Shell w /boOt for over payments $191 mo Cindy Moots $3999
people! l n c I u d es Tam de m Call 8J6..6890 miru·t.ruc9~~ $1197508 ss7-42M! 1021 l3th St. Trailers. .,.,,. Huntington Beach THEODORE
K.Kawa1 mahogany 7'
parlor g rand. $6500.
1 14/492-9750.499·1197
C21228 H.P. 17. H d ·1 S "nr e -....,_...__u_-R__...ol Youare the winner of Y rosa1 . a, ac 'OOChevy 8' cabover. auto _.._-~ """
Best offer 759·1880 eves t rans. hlr/r adio. air, 1Bl/1to 32' thrftfnetidl.ts 546-J920days crawl·lhru. sips 4. runs FUiiy self contained ($22.50 value). to
SUmmer liqwdation sale.
Everything sale pnced
28S4 E Coast Hwy. CdM
New Knabe 6'4" ebony
grand in model home 1
yr, vlu SB200. now $4995
Hammond Or1an Piano
Center. 2854 E Coa:.t
Hwy. COM 644-8930
Stock #~ & 554
Stoclt #678
CI> 240 H.P. O .H.C.
18' Sol Cal, Newport good.$1200.548·6462 Reservenowfor RIMJllRcJlro1.
Beach lie· down anclud Motoriud like-s 9140 Holidays & weekends lansuM & lalley
Best orfer ••••••••••••••••••••••• REGENCY MOTOR Circus
675-2967. mom's &eves 1978 Motobecane. like HOME RENTALS August 3rd lhru t5th 92SN. Harbor Blvd. S.A Anaheim Convention
'76 Sol Cat. 15 ft w/trlr, new Best offer Call ••531-2503•• Center.800W. Kalella
llke new ! Seldom usl'd Chrls.548-l742 afl6· Tickets mus t be ex·
Sl450. 962·8269 Trailcn. Tront 9170 changed ror reserved
'20b0 HARBOR Bl VO
COSTA MESA b41-0010
'76 GMC Jimmy High
Sierra. llke new 29.000
mi's. air. V-8. crwse con·
trol Loaded w /xtras
Brand new oversi:ted off
road tires. 50.000 m1
warranty $7000. Ca II
(714) 557-9051 NOW OPEN 21' Santana Sloop Cycle l Company ••••••••••••••••••••••• seats al the Convention 7V.Honda trlr,5sails SALE '69 Aristocrat. selr· Center ahead or lime
UNTIL BPM $4500 Andersons 646-9000 contained, like new. C&JI 642·5678. Ext 329 to '76CJ7. loaded. 1-~ox1e mopeds. parts. ac-Mus t see to appreciate. claim your tickeU..
1 Da k LIDO 14 complete cess. repairs all makes, Sl8SO. 492·00S7 * * * $6SOO
KawaJ Baoy Gr rnd piano. JS a Wee $79Stbest offer buy, sell. trade. 1---------6
Ebony, 5 yrs eld. S34SO 673-6640 2470NEWPORT BL. CM Autos, Used Alltos. Used Autos, Used
SS2 131s H "'RRISO ... 'S 642 1910 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• •••••• •••• •• •• ••• • •••••• • •• • •••••• ••••••
· ~ n "Albatross" 23' wd sloop ·
ONE OF .l ICIHD SEA RA y in need of care Sound '76 Vespa Ciao. gd cond.
Upright c.1911 complete-3101 Coast Hwy. N .B <'Ond. Bst ofr499·17•13 $240.
lycust.omrcstored &rc· 631_2547 l7' Cata m a r an. ~ood CallJanet,548·5249
finished w/nl.'NI acllon.1---------Has 2 sail bolts on the t'Ond. w/trlr $950. offer. '77 Honda Express. 1200
water in stained glass. 24' Trojan cabin cruiser, 731·3966 or 871-5000 ext mi. complete w /basket.
Gorgeous tone. There is rblt F<>!'d V-8 •. full . can-431 <John> combo lock & cable. '79
nothing like it anvwhere vas, bwt lank m shp at 20' Columbia w /trailer Uc $37S. 675· 7482
i.nthe world.IC yo.uarea Dana Pt Sa crifice' $1600. lt77Fo ·GTM___.
superior indh1dual who $2000 Eves 581 ·0834 . 551·0835. 552·5002 ° .,,.... ... expects the btst in hfe. days 768·7222 ext 48 $325. 964-2216
I.hen call for an a ppt. Dave 12' HOllE MotorcyclH/
646-2.562 -30' Searay Weekender. Xlnlcond $4.SO&IS-9608 _ Scooters
Wurlitzer Spinet organ. $32.000 Anxious. to sell. Columbia 15. GREAT •••••••••••••••••••••••
n ch tones, rtiythm sec. lmmac. ~ror rnamtamed DAY SAILER. xlnl cond. 68 Yamaha 305 5000 m1,
walnutcabnt IJke new on by a skipper Twm 454 many xtras, new cover, needs minor work. 74
ly Sl.350. Call 752-7520 ~aders 40 Hrs. Elec registered trlr . o B.. Kawasalu 100 Enduro. gd refn g. s ips 4-5 com · lites etc 673·1895 cond $275 ea. 9.5 Sat or UpricJMpi.o $350 fortably. stove. Est ' · Sun. 1936 Pt Claridge,
644·2919 cruising spd. 30MPH. 18' Cat. gd cond. must sell NB
-----· Equipl for fishing. Call by 11/1. $1300 Gary ---------~Gooch 1094 S.5pm. 540.3383 Aft 6. M.5-Ei01S,John64S·1700 '78 Yamaha XSSOO-E •••••••••••··~····• ... •• 640-7822. • w/Vetler faring. Lug R c COL 28 w /111Donn9 rack. perf cond $1600/bst
adio ontrol Gear 5· 14· Bo6ton Whaler. 40 HP. Well equipped inclu tiller _ol_r_67_5-_4903_. ____ _
Channel· Re1!h.argable Evinrude big twin en~. master auto p ilot &
Bob548-0547 xlnt cond tncld tr lr. dinghy w /O.B. North
TV.a.lo. Sl.500 642·8867days Bay rronl moorin g .
'72 Honda 70, Hke nu. lie.
$23.5 '66 Ital MC 90. Lie.
Sl.65. 548-6773. HIA. St.no 8091 SI6.500~7198
•••••••••••••• • •• ••• ••• 1---------1 I 6• HOllE CAT '73 Kawasaki 175 Enduro 2S" RCA COLOR TV-FOR SALE xlnt cond. S700 miles ex·
Beautiful contemporary 1975 24 ' Reinell Sedan Clean with trai lc r · tras. $475/b est offer
walnut cabinet. One year Bridge, OMC 225, xtra 6754753. 83J.8572
old picture lube $200. clean. dual station. VHF, Hobie. 16, sail #555 w /trlr'··-7o_Su_z_u_la_TS90 __ • -st_r_ee_l_o_r
Call 6'2·0138 depth finder. bail lank. & sail box Obi trapeze. dirt looks & runs like
SONY Delamax & FORD many xtras Pnced to lots & lots or extras new' """"' 963·3395 move $1600. 544-4463 --· ... _vv_. ____ _
333 a mp ans werin g SI0.500
service 968-6321
21" Color TV 199 1 yr
war. Free Del & set up.
2052 Newpor\ Bl . CM
16 ' Hobie Ca t . ~d
cond Wtxtras. $1650
'75 HONDA XL 350.
Clean, low miles.
Ph: 900-5844. 536· 7711
3101CoastHwy, N.8 25' '• ton S loop un '76 Honda CB 360. xlnt
631-2547 firushed :!i~09 cond. Lo miles. $625. Ca II
Near new stereo system,•-----------------• ~-Mara nl 1 t urntable. JSIA4dsl ·74 try $52M 38' ---------
Shure \t -15 type 111 . . . • cartndge. Quadrarlex 17 Boston Whaler. 65 HP Ing rid Ketch .S39 M Honda XLlOO. xlnl cond.
receiver Bang & &7.~HPMercury .eng, Cor-25,7bags w/shp$9M veryloml.mstsee $300.
O L A F So' N s p k r s ll!l·UP trlr. many xtras. BOGARDUS Yts 548·SSS6 846-8686
"~vox" Total system Uke new63S·8875 --27• Buccaneer2701976. ISO 75 Honda MTm street/·
pnce S360. Call $2-9930 35• Chris Tn-cabin furling genoa 7"'2hp 0 /8 . dirt. Bought new m 77
slipavailable Dockside power Comp!. Good cond 2.000 ml. 19" Color Motonla TV.
Walnut cabina ~
2 hds, dual controls s head & galley. Many ex· 546-"389 ' Cbrys vs·s. snd.r. radio tras. $12,900 714 /495·05'12 -19_7_8_Y ___ h __ Y_Z_4_0_0
$1SK Andersons 646·9000 am a a . Stereo Ptsher rtreiv '77Cat.1S' Sea Spray, xlnt same as new, used 4 hrs
BSR 'turntbl. Pllit e!i 2S'TROJAN,bristol cond cond.SOOO. Not raced . $1375
Jansen apkrs $300. Cully loaded $8500. 675·0568. 1_67_5-_125_7 _____ _
675-0310 _6'T_S._17_84 _______ , ·----------------------------------.
..... & M9'1M 13'. like new aluminum
........ boat. Little Dude trailer.
•••-••••••••••••• .. ••• 7~bp motor, elec trolling G.un.. 4JO Io ~r. xtras 1975. Might
•••••••••••••••••••••• consider trade for VW . 544-US
*** Jelllll ... P09p
4 Deercreek
You ~the winner ol ...._.,..tldleh
Cl22.50value), l0 .:. ..... ,::,
23' Cbriscraft 23S HP. 100
.hn. Cutty cabin, bait
tank. mint, PP. 494-88!M
22' Ocean cn.lber. cuddy
cabin. VHS, compass .
new trlr. sac or trade ski
boat 963-9911
August 3rd thru 151.h
Anaheim Convention Cent.er. 800W Katella Owens JS', last sur·
Ticket• must be ex· ey $13,000. needs work.
changed ror reserved _..ak.;.._e_ol_f_er_._968_·5565 __ ~1 seata al the Conve.olloo
Center ahead of time.
Call 642·56'18. Ex\ 329 to
claim your tic:ht.3 •••
Bayliner Victoria '73
sedan, Mere V..S, xlnl
• $10,800. 67W826
You cen now edvertlae Items for $35
or leH In our FAMOUS DIME·A·
LINES thtlt appear every Saturday.
Bring them or mall them with correct
cash to on• ot our 4 convenient of·
fices. No livestock, produce or
plants. No commercial ads allowed.
Each Item must be priced with no
Item over $35 .
. ... '
-2aoz .~~ DISCOUNT
;f,!:6 ~~-DEALERS & IF
D1d1 Bar1Jo11r DATSUN
f!J!•lflhll@UA ·:'j fi'J: l
100 %~:: INCLUDING TAX &
~ MltfCI •• (O"<I AM II M AulO ur4M"I' AlilO AM •.>000 'I •Ott<I AM/I"'
''":°-~1~:::-··· , MJ-u ""'''top •ow~.,., :Str~\IPft-0 C41611VJI <•f>IHll~I 166/MHHI
s4995 ~995 s2995 s2795
810 SON. 2 OR SON. 128 SPT CPE. 810SOH
4vto J)Owf'f \'Ml'f'tnf 4 '\Of'f'!O •;tfhO ··-AMt rMr..S<' Awto ~,1.-.•nt. • ,,C)nd AM JM \tt'"ftu hf'Ant(~ -""~•!'• .... cona A.M/f M
""" (:.e• 008/ l!>I 111)911YN) 1674lUTI ,, ...... '"" 109~.}<I)
'5495 ~995 $1695 s5995
77 DATSUN 1211 770PEL 71 DATSUN FtO 77 DATSUll1210.
AulO !•~"• •141i0 ·-·-• ~ •'10'0 -.i• •1110 ""'' •lld ... "•o&:OO .. , .. ltrll oondlllOI\ ... ~.-·IO" "'""''~ 1• YN) !11~YJI 11.f< 0041)1) I /()tAYNI
'3195 '2695 '2995 '3195
. --
ODWN'OWN l A '40!0RS
sou:11 SAT OAiSUH. INC.
' ..
' • r
\ t
8J2 OAILY PILOT F11cur Ju•r 28. 11111
~.~.~~.:~! ... !~.~~ .~.~ ............ !!.~~1~.~.~.:~ ... !~.~~
USID '96 Je.p P1cll1,1p, •lot rW\ '6) Qwvy ~. LOO Carryall. •x4
IWll cood. G lOO.. S1JOO y AUii$
1137-$499 6'5-IOl2 __ att_ap_m_-t ,_ Sciout (. PUMll> VS. '73 Mazda w /camp~r
tHO ...,,.. sbeU R&H. p1Ston eog. a CAMINO 1965 auwmat.k, power atdr· SlBOO ca11 ~2855.
Au.to. R/H, irtra dean UIC---------• • ••••••••••••••••••••••
49&-7454 Slttt '74 Datsun PU, &old. --------t 197s GMC ~. Ton
AM/FM stereo + 8 lrk, '62 Ford PU. very r t!l.111-(PBU>V·•· air cond. ltlnt cood. IUOO. M3-IM38, ble. $t7S. _._ . .. • ~7-3391 ~-8089 power .,...,.,nntc. •IP
Mtot, M.. tlOO Alltos, M•w '' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
. MHRQlllS
1914 Cherokee (Pl037) v.a. auto. air . p.a.
""' 1973 J eep Wagoneer
(PlOl.9 ). v..a. automatic,
air, p.s. $3''9
1977 Jeep Wagoneer
<P1063). V8. auto. steer·
Ing. imaculate cond.
lln6 Chevrolet "'1 Ton 4x4
(PlOO) va. auto, air ,
steering, clean ln & out. l
yr 12,000 mile warranty
available. SS5tt
11177 International Scout
.5 ..... .........
•C .......
UST NICE s 11.lZt
Ul 13
We may have your next
car in ollr inventory. Call
UI today!
H 1·20404tMt4t ---------
THE Ulfll'llATf ORtYIHO MAClflttf
' I''
831 131'i 49 J-JJ7S
'77 Fl 0 '73 a.oz. orange. 4 spd, With S i.peed trans. FM,mags,new radials.
(SRl.J). S*XI Firm. 770-2205
761210 Automatic with only '74~ 260Z auto. A /C.
17,000mllea. (432PVJ ) ste~eo. mags. louvres,
'7' 710 WAGoOH radial.a. M200751-0930
Only lS,000 original '75 Datsun 710 sedan .
miles. (732SLS). sUver, A/C, FM stereo,
71 510WA60M 24M . 20·25mpg, $2800.
With very low miles. 731~
(9157DNT). •-.73-W_a_a_oo._a_uto-. &J-r.-A-M-/ SADDLHACK .. VALLIY lMf'OITS FM. xlnt rwuung cood. sum. 962-2852. IJ 1·2040 49Mt4t ~--.7-3-.2-4-0'l---
'73 Dats un 240Z. Air. 'm>o su-IOM
(P1062) V8, auto. air Y-9570
cond. 1 yr 12,000 male ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1----------------
warranly available. '75 Dodge M ui. bubble AMfos W..ted tStO AMfos W..t.d 9590
... USED IMW1•
'753.<tiia C230RYF>
'7SS30i Auto. (916M1V >.
'76 2002.451).S/R (549PHZ)
'76S30i ; SIR<581RCS>
'77~S/R <S67SXG >
AM/FM, map, shadow.•--------
One ol the best around. Dataun 280 Z. ~ Spd.
$tl8S or trade for van or bu.rgW>dy. air. FM c:ass
pickup of equal value. Mags, lo ma. xlnt cood.
67~9'59. s.s6-C730, aak for ~.Call 673-4.319.
Cellca llftlaacll-
Cash or your trade worth $1879.82 as down
payment & $109 89 per month for 48 months
cncludes taxes. license & finance charges on the
deferred payment prcce of $7154.59 at an APR
o f 12.68% If you prefer cash. $6000.70
includes all taxes & ltcense fees
Corolla Sedan
Corona· Sedan
Cash or trade worth $199 as down payment &
$124 07 per monlh for 48 mon1hs includes
l aJCes. license & finance charges in the deferred
paymenl prcce ol $6154 36 at an APR of
12 67°0 II you prefer cash. $4851 70 Includes
all laxes & ltcense fees.
lt71 M1Z
Burgundy exterior.
automattc, lull oower
& Becker Europa
s t ereo r adio
lt77 F01D
A u t omatic. pwr
steering & bfakes, arr
cond & rad io.
112 T•T1_.1_
t ransmission and
radio Summer fun!
$ 95
COMTIM&n' AL T._c...,.
Full power. air
conditioning. leather
int erior and low
miles. (306PEV)
55395 55995
Jllt2 .... ,..... •• ~.
•'Mission Viejo
,._,......~Tu t UC.. AU C:... IWi«:lf To l'l10f 1119 Oller~ T1'N , .... .,.
AMT-10........ lkl"'f" ro Ct-.,,__
.. ~-·~ ' .
ss••• top, clean. lo mi, heavy •••••••••••••••• ••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••
1975 Dodce ~Ton P.U. dty. S4800/ofr. Dys WllUY WIWIUIUY Tom. lt7J DATSUN
'73 a.oz. xl.nt c:ond. 510 W AGOM
S3900. 4 speed. radio. new pain'
(Pl039). V8, auto. steer· 557-9718, Eves 962·98M. USB> CAIS! YOU. DATSUH
ing, lyr. 12,000 mile war-Mark. W • lb Ch PAJD FOR OR NOT ail bl e re e oew evrolet ranty av 54,,e; For van conv. camper or dealership in the lrvme TOP Dou.Al
,.,,,., ,.. _ _, Fltcl\ Shortie mtrbome. couch folds in-Auto Center. We need FOi TOP CAIS CJoMc:I °" s ...... 673-53118 & oo1y 40.700 miles on
this one owner. low
mileage, extra clean car
(:;(}C)JER J.
..,,, .. .,.u ~ to full length bed 48" yourusedcar' (-) ... sp, ster..,,,, off · .--• ...v wide SBS. swivel barrel JOE road equipped. l yr chr. gold. almost new,
12,000 mile warranty ltlnt cond $25. 549·1068. MAC PHERSON
available. CHEVROLET $'999 '77 Ford E-250. 138" whl
1969 Toyota Landcruiser base. loaded. Not con-
CR1052A). Spoke wheels. verted. Lo mi. $6900.
tow tracks. beige, clean. 962·3119
21 Auto Center Drive
761-7222 1yr12,000 mile warranty --------available. '61 ~.T. Chevy step vao, WE PAY TOP DOLLAR $2299 rebwlt eng, new tires. FOR TOP USED CARS
COPS.AND JEEP ~~~g cood. $1300 FO~i~~fiTIC
208f-E-lst, SA 1976 CHEVY YAM _.... ...... seec-uuus-.f_..i~,t..ca clean
___ S_S_M_O_O_O __ , ReaUy loaded &: with ex-IAUEll IUICK
9560 t r a I o w m I I e s . 292S Harbor Blvd.
••••••••••••••••••••••• Automatic, VS. pwr. <Asta Mesa 9794500
s teering & b r a kes,
AM /FM , mags and
custom paneling &
carpeting. (592VOX>.
4 cyl. tape deck ,
(1F2JIB22) Only $399S at. ..
Used Car Mgr
540-5630 SUNSET FORD ~"\(J, ''I••
'\1 ,\ t • • 11.. · IOllXSO~ & so" 5440 Garden Grove Blvd.
Westminster 636-4010 8 33-1300 • LINCOLN· MERCURY
'77 GMC S uburban. 2626 HARBOR BLVD Classified Ads. your one-loaded w/equip $7,000. ·
st.op shopping center 1741 lrvine. N. B. 631-1094 COST A MESA
Alltos, M•w 9100 Autos, M•w 9100 Alltos, M•w 9100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Tax & Lie.
Factory ~· htc. locfr SlcM MCMlldincJ
SGA 4530230-3070
Tax & Lie.
AM Rocio, Whftt Wall Tl'"9 R._.
Wil•dow Defroster, ~ SlcM MCMllldlng
SGC 4012650
Large lnwentory
•IP"•,.----.··· .. ... -. ·' • .I
..._,ill I I 11 I q1, 'f I'••
B31-137S 493-3375
Complete with air cond .
stereo tape. 4 speed $1999
trans .. wire wheels Ir OO· CONNELL
I y l 6 • 0 0 0 m 1 I " s ! CHIVROLET C313PVK>
MUST SB.LI!! 2828 Harbor Blvd.
ClllO• VII 546-I 200
lt74 2002 '"'°"' t7JS 4 speed. air c:ond. & 714183t-11'6Of111•1149!H704 •••••••••••••••••••••••
~~uJ?i c: a s s e t l e · ·11 1200. new trans. c1utch T tm 128 Sedan. Xln•
1,7;. •--....1 & brakes. $1250/ofrer. cond. Must sell. WANTED! ............ 833-3311. 642-7880
4 speed trans & stereo. --------1--------Late mode l Toyotas. Volvos. Pickups & Vans.
Qlll us today!
<USMCB>. Alltos, N•w 9100 A..tos,N•w 9100
1975 530I ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
2828 Harbor Blvd.
Aallos. Imported •••••••••••••••••••••••
G1•rd 9701 •••••••••••••••••••••••
·~ANGLIA, gd cond.
11.000 m1. Loaded. $7500.
Eves wkdys 544~19
AHal.-o 9705 •••••••••••••••••••••••
l.91A GTB 2000, small work
needed. $3000/ or best or-rer. 631-0874/645·3487
Ami 9707 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Silver with blue interior .
4 speed, stereo & only
12.500 original miles .
1975 SJOla
Wrtb air cood .• sunroof &
stereo. (560MML>.
1975 J.0519
With sunroo f & low
miles. <S49NRP>.
4 speed, sunroof & air
cood. C589PQM>.
4 s peed and s t e r eo cassette. (027PQV>.
1977 320I
4 speed, stereo & air
cood. (238SPJ >.
lt77 JZOI
4 11peed, sunroof & mag
wheels. (~PN).
1977 J20la
Black w /gold interior.
Stereo cassette, air cond.
& only 12.000 miles!
H 1·20404ts.494t
Sales-Service· Leasing
Ror CcrYer,lllc.
Rolls Aoyce BMW
1540 Jamboree
'71 Audi lOOLS.' lo mi's, Newport Beach 640-&W4
auto, $1800/offer. 1971IMW320I 494-4887 EXECUTIVE CAa
1976 Audi lOOLS, green, With special mags, air
auto trans, A /C. sunroof. oond., stereo & fog lights.
AM I F M r adio, good (10535). cood. 870-4000 or 548-3859 SADDLEIACK
'77 lOOLS, 9000 mi 's, 131·2040 49Mt4t
loaded. Leased n ew, , . . . sacrifice. Call oow ! 75 S30i aulomatac, a ir
548.9$45 cood. AM/FM Cassette,
imac:. cond. S9. 700. '74 Audi IOOLS. very 41M-0781. 499-2404.
clean , new Bilslein .
shocks, new s tl bltd 7~ 3.0 SI, .silvt;r w/blue
radials. xlnt mecb cond, 1.11t.. lo ma , mmt cond ..
s nrf. AM/FM stereo Sll.750. PP. 842-0865 aft
w /tape . Loaded . _1_P_M ______ _
S2400/offer. 7Sl·2174
'76 AudJ 100 LS
'75 2002, excell. c:ood, bils·
lelJ1. Must seU. ss&-5156.
Terry 833-0070
4-dr. auto. air, stereo ~ t715
8 t I")(. 3 4 . 0 0 0 m i , •••••••••••••••••••••••
(326NJE) '74 V6 4 spd , A /C,
$4995 AM/FM, Sl.950.
'78Audl5000 .
4.d.r, auto. casette, '74 Capri, 52,000 ma, SHOO
air. power steering, pwr. or best offer.
brak415, lS,000 mi, (01197) 8.13-7537
$9795 '74 Capri V -6, 4 s pd.
• '76 Audi Fox*
Blue, 4-dr. auto. air,
stereo tape, 31,000 mi..
13621 Harbor Blvd
Garden Grove 636·2331
.......... , '70t
1973 Austin M arln a OT·
Only 29,000 mdes on this
2 door. 4 seal Coupe.
Fitted with MOB lype
engine. Automatic. 8
track stereo system & mac wheels. A tremen·
~car for under $30001
AM /FM stereo, decor
group, xlnt cond $2,200
'7 1 Capri , AM /FM
cassette deck, good run·
ning cood. $1200. 640-3Sl'l
dys, 631-3875 eyes. Juli
o.t.. 9720 •••••••••••••••••••••••
...... S.led'-
We Need Clean Datsuna !
(OUK BO ). Bau er ___ __.. ___ _
Motors. 2925 Harbor • Blvd., Cost a Mesa. m.2:500.
Hard to fl.nd 4-lpd.
1970 Auatin·Amelican. RAS gd, priced to sell.
Evea, M2-{A)09.'
••••,•••••••••••••••••• 1974 Datsun 280Z, lo mt,
'7e 2002 Jade f reen. Im· good C'Oftd. Make offer.
J:nlC, A tC. AM / FM 640-7320
1le11eo. msl aell .1--------1
$7200 /bal o fr 011y1 '78 280Z, lo mi's, A/C,
8!3·1800 Eves / wknda mUllt sell, se.500. S40-121t, ~9226PP ~
. . . ' . ...
7 6 6MC 4114 c~ioeen
'7S ~ 4114 11me1~
'75 ci... 4a411eo1431
·14 ci... 4114 11109311
'7 l ...... 414 IR400641
'61T.,.te4114 INFN6131
'5595 .
'71 ,.... s.fw-·-I 1J31311 T"'"••S-"'-\.OW,IOw-
76 c .... s.fw •• 11907tel
75 6MC s.fw 1&'31441
'75 ,_... 1:250 ""' -' •" rweenn
75 ,.... s.fw ·-1271MMYI
7 4 CM• s.fw Y• 133112'#1
7J Oe4p s.fw Y• 1311oow•
7J ,.,,, cw. w ... 110139381
'71 CM• ........ TNteOI
'61 Ci... s.fw 103079UI
7 4 ~ Miid 1"9360t.ll
'7J ~ Miid IJIM20PI
71 ,......C..-tlHll+411
'#IC..Uomsi... (Offer)
7sci..c101Vt-, ... m •:i11;i '4395
75,...... v. T nr 11 NM2v1
'75 De4p 9-t 8" l•A831n1 ,.,.I_
77 ,.,.. ... SW (IJ102e0t
'76 LUY PfU 11F1e1111
·10 Teyet•p/1t 0aoo.. .. eamotr161m11o1112 I 95
'62 Ck•,,.. T ~ °'-"'°"" IYAC119J '299 5 ~--... ·--'1295
...... ••p•rtltd ........... wted ~ .......... rled ....... .,.rt.cl .... h•porW ;;;;·············~;;~ ~··········~;;~ ~~·;;;;····;;~·~ ;:.::~··········;;~~ ~;;;,;;···········;;-;5
··••·····•······•••···· ......................... ······•••••············ ........•••••••.......• ·•••••·····••··········
18" Flat ta z Or Xlnt '73 C.onver\iblle .,, / bard Mettedei llrl:S 280C Dark 1977 POISCHI lllOal YOU
cond zsy $22$0 pp ~· E \ype v.12 as.ooo bliae. leather. 1unroof tJ4 COUPI sa&. YOUR ~aftuswee&end.a rru, A/C, a~ AM/YM lmmac.IN00.1'13'73'0 Wltb fa ctory macs. TOYOTA.
an)'WDI. stereo racho, caas r e-1971Mil 3000 BI au p u a kt ate re o SEE US I corder. power ualsted 1 caaaette, air cood . • brak•. power tteeriq, Automatic. f:~1i:s'!t; VERY S ff ARP.! MAltQUISTOYOTA aaaa adjustable ateerln& ~~:!ll':i ~ondition ! (717JUY>. MISSION VIEJO
Over 200 Flai.a to ~=ct!9tween 1122153 . Bu.v or leue. SAICN BACIC ll 1 ·ZUO 495-12 1 0
cftoaaehomplwoan eaaa•• vt• YALLIYIWOaTS outst.aod.ln& ~lectioo "--.... t7l5 ... ~; IJl•2MI 4tMt4t '11Corona,4-dr.
otSports cars at ••••••••••••••••••••••• $750/best. DICK MILLER 2KAIUIANNGHJA'a •POISCHlt14S• m.2s2:ms1-4610.
MOTORS ExcellentcondlUonl '712SOC lnt d '7Hl4Blackl.7ltr. '7S Corona Mark 11. 4 dr.
13>WWamer.S A HillOUIVW recorcb.xload':d. ·.;;;i 57,0CIOmlles(OOMI) auto, AM/YK stereo 8
M7•2132 lB7ll Beach Bl., H.B. olfer. '42-5761 track tape. Velour upbol.
~. ' ' .......
, \, r .. , ,
CallMZ-4435 '7014Green Xlnt mecb, n ew s ll
Ultr,35,000 mUea radJala. $3350. Call L.
Cott. Mele 64$..5700
(338UXW) Moore 752· 1660 /640-0334.
'75914 Coppermet.
2.0ltr, 53,000mUea
'72 Corona Mark II. a uto,
a/c, xlJlt cond., $1900.
'74 91' White, 2.0 ttr. '71 Celica. AM/FM stereo
53,000 ml. (15Mi) caas, mags, new tires,
'7UH B1ue, U ltr. air, $1800546-9633
'61 2:5C6, New eog, trana. '4,000mlJes (7411101') Wounded '68 Toyota
air, full power. 11.L V AM Corona, you flx & save.
U.SOO/ofr. 64MS9S PORSCHI AUDI Oo1)' $3116. 646.3363
77 MIZ 450SB. c..=affarbor Blvd l91S Celica, stereo FM,
'70 Fiat 134 Spider Coo-74 MADA IXl Complete with c ruise rove 652333 A/C, 4 spd, like new.
vert. P.P s:_i~ Statioo wagoo, air condi· control, sunroof, stereo Pristine of Huntington Below book $3500. Offer.
1975 J.J& Spyder, top cond. •'-I R n. recHRIAn bucket tape, leather interior & Beach ia offeriD.g lacquer P.P. 496-3410
.........q; ~ I o w • I o w m i I e s . paint, metal fuUsb.l.ng le • .
AM/ FM 8-tr, sport whls,
roll bar. sea green. $4200.
seats, a u tomatic. <037SEF >. BILY or lease. fender flaring to Porsche 73 Toyota Celie a. Perf
radials. mags, new front flllO• ... owners. 538-7888. ccod. A/C, radio. vnyl shocks. new brakes. vw 1---------1 top. Eves 642-5343. dys
Make offer. 675-4753. lffftOITa •POtlSCHI fl I * Hl91-254l ask for J anice ~FiatS:iO Spyderconv, ..... ,... '7lt ~=======~ '78Ponche911 hke new, 2 tops, nu••••••••••••••••••••••• SCCoupe Michelin radials, rblt •72 Maaerati Bora, •74 70MEICB>ES Black,~pd.alloys,
eng. 11700/offer. &31-1504. cooling sys, xlnt cond, 250 C cuaeUe. leatber, air,
.._. 9727 $17 ,900. 848-0661. Auto, air, elec. wind .• e lec. wind., s unr oof,
••••••••••••••••••••••• 962-2231.P.P. 65,000mlles (922BTW) 10,000mlles (29UKX)
To CllooM Foro..!
HaMlo c_.. • GMC
2850 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa 54o.9640
'73 Honda Ci vic
Hatchback, good care.
t.ape deck. 11900. 675-4903
~ 4 lllJ(I, 3 dr, 29M see to
'1'1 ACCORD. 22.000 mi .• 5 spd, am /Cm casselle
radJo, SSOOO. 552.9494
llU.VAM POISCH~AUDI '1'1Poracbe 9us Coupe ....... H bo Bl d Black, S-spd, alloys, Mere ... .._ t740 ...,_i ar r v air, cassette, leatber,
••••••••••••••••• •• •••. Carden Grove 636-2333 eiec. wind., aunroor.
1975 MIZ 210C '61 Mercedes, rare 300SE ~.OOOmlles (OCM27)
Stereo, cruise control. Euro Model, needs work "18Pwlcbel UST•-a pwr. windows & door $1.000/bst ofr546-4946 -• I o c k s -A I I n e White, S speed, stereo,
a utomobile. Buy or Ma t742 air condltlon, 30,000
lease. (826MIT). ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• miles (10120)
MGA '60. Xlnt mecb. New
We have a good selection top, s ide curtains. ''139llT~
ototherfl.lle MBZs inou brakes . $1800 /b s t at~~~~oo r1ties inven . Call toda !
_548-_5735 _______
IT\fHlllO• vt 1973 MG Midget, xlnt llLL VAN 'O IMf'OITa coocl. 11700 or best offer. POISCHl-AUDI
7141831· 1746or!n41495·1704 557-5661 13621 Harbor Blvd
Autom1ttic, pwr. steer·
mg, air cond. & extra low
1T11les. (929FV0).
Extra sharp with less than27,000 miles. 4 speed
and AM /FM. (803MYV).
·.·. ' ' i . . '•'
833-1 JOO
Garden Grove 636-2333
91 ISC
This one Is loaded!!!
Mocha brown exterior &
low miles. Prt. ply. Call
Dove & Quail Sts.
<Near MacArthur,
Jamboree le Bristol).
133-0116 •MueyToyota 1--------•MGI t744 .
1118818each8lvd lt75Mll210 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 77 92.4, A/C,_ AM/FM Huntington °-ach SEDAN Co I ·th cau, snrf. pnme cood. .,.., . mp ete wr 1977 MGBs-Choice of 29M _.,50 770-1273 ___ 84_7·_855.5 ____ 1 sunroof, stereo, cruise three. All have low miles --· --·-----
..... 9730 control & low miles. & some with s tereo & J.958Cabriolet, snrnln, de-
••••••••••••••••••••••• (927NXff). Bl.O'orlease. tapes. Baue r Motors. mons tr ator, unique.
w ...... .....
Miik• ....... Offer
* * * *
Pick Ups
He frH Prisn Jnt
Lew .... Pricet.. .... n.Prtu-......
• EZRYDEI • 57495
Stk. 1711HIS.. 11n026
, u1 e 1 e .. at .. 11-d e • ' a">\\
HV,..T'N(..fOH 1£.&CH
1974 J XJ L I 29125Harbor Blvd .. Cost.a $8000/bst ofr. PP . aguar 6 ·On Y Many models to choose Mesa. 979·2500. '94·8233 or 526·5929. --------30, 0 00 mil es! Jm . rmm -! EEE999
maculate! @"llllO• ... ....ot t741 ---· -----• li?S Jaguar XJ6·A one vw •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• '7'193C,All/FM1t.ercasa,
owner coupe. A classic l"flOIT& 7 6 PEUCHOT air, anrf, fo& lit.es, xlnt
LitUe leaguer special! car which is no longer in 504 GAS cood. ~-~Jtl~~ a r XJ12L-1964230SL, beige, bard & Automatic trans, factory Wdys,21.3·512-0'Tll
British racing green/cm-soil top, $7008 or offer air condltiooing, power Eves, 7!4-847-4930.
namoo intenor & only 540-0887 wkdys, StS-331.2, window s• A M I F M '70 914 rblt ~ needs
.. Maxey Toyota
18881 Beacb Blvd. H&mtington Beach
21.000 miles. Todays cost ~ evestwknds stereo, you have a 3-WOl't.. ~ '
is $21,000-Call for our ---------1 pump choice on th1a one· ~
bargain price. 1971 Mll210SI regular, unleaded, hi·--------
llr16JaguarXJS2+2 V12 l.5COWI teslU77PPJ) ...... t715 77TOYOTA
Sportscoupe. White with Last. of the handmade $4450 •••••••••••••••-••••••
read leather interior . c I ass j cs ! Luxury 54().5630 TISTORIVI oua
Automatic. stereo, air equipped, low miles & 'U CAI
cood. & fuJI power in-shows superb care. Must OF THI y• •111 4 cyl, S speed, AM /FM
radio, shadow kit (787RFV) eluding door locks & win· see to appreciate-owned _..
dows . The ultimate by a Hollywood star. Good Inventory In stock. Jaguar! See itll or these (563EMO>. 2626 HARBOR BLVD Hurrywblletbeylast!
beauties at Bauer SHTODAY!!! COSTA MESA MllAQ.I
Motors, 292~ Harbor MAJDA,.••a.t.ULT Blvd .. Costa Mesa. IT\fHlllO• vt Ponche 9750 ,__. 1011\SO\ & SO\
979-2500. 'C:/ l .. flOITa ••••••••••••••••••• •••• 2150 Harbor Blvd. --------1 '6' SC (488·R YZ> COSTAMESA 2626HARBORBLVD.
~ XJ 12 Fuel injected, ~~1~1~ o ffer. '45-5700 COSTA MESA
mint cond. maroon w /blk '77 280E snrf tape stereo . lols loyce t756 li.._..
vinyl top. loaded. P .P. low nil ~etlic bro' '67 912, Cleaner than •-•••••••••••••••••••• ._..,... Make offer. 637-7373 115400731.1910 • ... ••••••••••••••••••••
Days or 546·3658 aft. ' B:!ir~7~ng. $5800. #} DEAUR IN U.S.A. llr16 Triumph TR7s-Some
6PM. •76 MIZ 450SB. ROY 1rith sunroofs, air condl· ~ XJ12C, lo mi's, xlnt Complete with sunroof. ms Carrerra, 29,000 ml, ~ CARVER Ucloing, special wheels.
cmd, SJ0.500. cruise control, s tereo elec. Windows, A /C, ROUS -cc accent design paint
646-4848, 675-8258 tape, pwr. windows, etc. leather int.. cassette, ·nut scbemee & Victory edJ.
--------• Low, 1 ow m i I ea . polyurethane paint, 1549~ tkms. Most colors avail· Rare 1962 XKE Roadster, t!'-il:>Rr.J>\ black. nQW PereW tires. ,.._ __ ... =' .. ~"' ble. Bauer Motors. 2925
in xlnt cond. Beaul1ful IT\ .. lll. ICNI vt Best ofter. 3907 Seashore ClOSED WNDAYS Harbor Blvd.. Costa blk, WU'e whls & extras. 'O lffftOITa Dr. NB. 67$-5344 Mesa. 979-2500. MOOC> or bst offer. P.P. ~__._ 97.1.A ~-:.r:....a Ads --..._ TR7 Im ..... , te d ~5355 eves. v ....a.ulC!U 6'2·5678 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.......,. S· m..,.,..a e· --------1..:::========:.1-------.----19wedisb Saab mechaD.ic tivery! Some av~able
......,Hew t100Aaltos.Mew flOOAlltos.Mew tlOO now at Ivan's 1915 ~~s&~ircon-
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Harbor Bl CM 6'5-198Z ditkming. We will take
EVERY NEW 8-210, F-10 & 510 IN STOCK ! ,.,..,.._ __ , ____ o...., .... Nlt!ao.1m
·'· .. -~ ...
• · · any car In trade. Bauer
Toyoh t76 Motors, 2925 Harbor
•••••••••••••••••••••• Blvd., Costa Mesa.
lt74TOYOTA _9'79-~2500~·~~~~-
(273KLEJ Tl7
$2699 Blue, 4-spd, cassette. PHIL LONG air,2'1,ooos'f.·JFws>
43 Auto Center Dr. POISCHl-AUDI
S.D. l"rwy.-Irvlne 13S21 Harbor Blvd
761-Slla Garden Grove 636·2333
'1'1 Cellca GT Lftbck, air, lt74 Triumph TR6-Has
casa tape. 2IK Dli 'a. X1nt red exterior & low miles.
eoad. 9MOO. MS-31111. See it today! Bauer
.71 Corolla, HOI 4.dr, Moton, 2925 Harbor
HlomaUc. $1000. Call Blvd .• Coate Mesa.
962-1879. _,,,. __ 2500~-·~~~~--t
Cont8Ct lfMt DAit. Y ,.LOT fo r
lnforlftatlon .. ,.,..;111n1 the
county requnmenta for ufing a
'lotltloUe luelneaa Name.
MMalUT,,m .
. ..,,. .
• Cher 125 Hondas
Brand •ew 1978 CIVIC
(1286) (SGC4518928)
l'f>eeaotwll.a &-c. .. SllCltCl 10 Pnor Stll Oflllr Qooo Ttwu 7'3C>-11
540-9640 ,,
. -... ,. -
014 OAll.Y PILOT JAMto1, IMport.d Awto1, hapo4"W Atdo1, IMporMd AMfot, UMd Autos, Used Autos, U1~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Fnday July 28, 1978
...... a.port.d ...... •••rt.d M1ot tMpOritd V•w.-9770 VolltwOCJlft 9770 Volvo 9772 GeMtal 990 I AMC 9905 Coclloc 99 IS •'-•··············,··· •••.••••••.................•. ~ ................ ····•···•·•··•······••• ...............•.......••••.•.••.•..•...•........•....••.................................... ···•················•··
folmwCICJN 9770 v•...._. 9770 '71 VW 411 4-dr. aood run· 1977 VW Coovert, wht llJIOll YOU IUY COMPACTS '70 Hornet, good runnJDg ·73 El Dorado Coupe. aun-·••h•••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. •-••••··~···••• V......... 9770 nJna cond. new tires. w/blk top, xlol cond A.USID VOLVO, GAS SA.VMS cood. rt!blt. trans .124.000 rool. IMrk. It yellow/wht 77VW411 ltnYWIU6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• oeeda paint. 11000/or thruout."500. See us at Southe rn STICKSAND MJ.l800.831·T4J8 mt.er .lo mi's.xlntcood. = Sharp' (386FQJ' ,...00... 5 BRA.ND Nl:W . bestolfer. 64.2·'1908 M5-2374/87M6311. Oranae County's Volvo AUTOMATICS . I s C585 962--3392 ' VW CONVERTlBLES Headq 7S Pacer low ma es. PI . '182Sal... 4 speed tno.. Not too TOCHOOSEFROM! '76 VW 9 pus Bus. 36K ....... :arters. $695.00-.dlip P/B,A/C.Newtires.xlnl '72 Eldorado. gm w/blk ftlUt'rT fOID maQY leftl <•KLJ> Whit. all Colon mi'a, radJala, xJnt cood. '89 Sqblt, auto, air. sun· -9UIS VOLVO cood. $2400. 673-3112.6. top. 1mmacul11te. '2650 ~I ONLY $1710 OUlt YW Gd ,,.,. cam-r convf rool, AM radio/beater. 2 Ml.SSJON VIEJO ... t 11..--. Or best offer 7~1057
t&asL HAii B '"" ..-r. nu Ure&, brakes, engine 111·2110495-1210 .....,.,,. • ........ ·10 Hornet. 2 dr coupe. 6 ,.__ 9917 --lmlBeacbBl .. K. · *'8177.attspm. needs help. Body aood. 9tl8Harbor.O>staMeu cyl, auto. clean.runs ...-
IMOGardeo Grove Blvd.
Westmin.sler 6JS..t01' ..._./It••" CaU 842""35 •es VW Good cond '600. S48-8M7 72 VOL VO 2·DR. '4U7tl prf ct 11075 645-8614 ...................... • 1971 YW ~HarborBlvd.,C.M. ...-1"9nnrc.-)n..1~..,,-al 197""C"' .... "'RO 641-1700 I •RGEST s.0.'1653 '73 VW, xlnt mechanical ~ung v...., ......... ... '73 Chevy Caprice, fan· Wdr 9910 .. -"' IUllLITOP I.A cood . $1500. P hone SIJNSEJ FORD t.astic eng. 1899. '72 Pin· ••••••••••••••••••••••• $3445 SAFAll CAMPll "'16 allYet Sdroeco, air, SB.ECTION '71 Super BeeUe. Movina, 67$-1179 Pierre. to. 1899. '77 Pinto. 13.000. •119 Electra 2dr, blk on blk Slick sb.i.ft. pwr. steenng.
Air cond .. AM /FM 2611. Blaupuntl, like OFUSIDYWt must aell. Su.nroof._rblt •74 VW bua, blue/white, 5'40GardenGroveBlvd. 64.2·3494. Power everythin g , radio" rally wheels
.......,. ainll:, stove, etc. new, P.P. "200. 6'5-4618, eng, new paint, radaals1 sundial camper unit in· Westminster 636-4010 AMC 9905 AM /FM stereo. Radials. This front-hoe car is a
lkerytbing bot a 548-7'71 IMTHIAllA int. AM/FM cass. Must s•-"ec:t. I----•.~i·..1r ftll.a.~•cou~ Xlntcood.S97S.64S-4979 beauty in every way•
-"" 000 'I ..-..u "'""' a.u.. ~ UI ~ "I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• .-'H:IPA> ,_......,.m. -. ma es. '6BVWBus oodcood see . 496 ·1919 a rt P.P ..... """.... t....n.. . WODNJ). ,g ' 8.~/ofr. ._........ VOLVO 75HOltNETWGM. 19741UICK
OM&.Y $3260 $1.00. . EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO 6 cyl, automatic trans. LUXUS WAGOM Mlrode 5'5-3S54 "70VWBus.Mo~g.Muat '63Squareback LaraestVolvoDealer power s teer1og . (S81JPX) 1917CAMARO
IAU. y 5'0111'
1· Madll~ II ·~~;A·~~ ne':!~~ ~~t. ~:~Js~g~~iF~ $250:.~rrer. inst~e8~~~t (9'9SUMGNSET> $33SOT fOat •... O $2799
Zl50Harbor Blvd .• C. . w/papen, new brakes, cass. Must 1ee. ~00/of. DIRECT PHIL LO..._.G
'4M700 new clutch, new pot, rag ONLY SI 1'5! rer.496-l.919aft6PM. Tl Rabbit Xlnl cond. low S440GardenGrove Blvd. "
VB. automatic. air cond .
pwr. steering. 8 track
stereo. tilt wbeel. cutom
stnpes. mags & wide
tm!S. (104SMT>. Call ror .,_Bus,xlntcood,yeUow, ~-n:"· $,1400/tlrm ·~~VG '62VWSedanBug, '6Srblt ~;i1Must Sell 13.500. ·[~I· Westminster 636-4010 43A~';!rDr. =.~~'.~mDya so pnM>wned vw·s to »fo'~ ~f. CC:cfi 4PRE-OWNED ~4•J U •J '70AMC.G:e::;n6 cyl S.D. Frwy.-lrvine our
c.booeefromat... 4!N-6&S2 VWCONVERTIBLES 2025 S. Manchester 5~g.'.:uo . 761-5111 WBQabug,xlntcond. ToplaceYQUrmessage TOCHOOSEFROM ' -
Sl.200/bSlolr before the HAllOUR VW ·73 VW Squareback· xlnl <747MCC> · Anaheim 750-2011 ,76 HOIMETWGM. '73 Century sport grand. COMMIU.
50-t7Z1 readinapublic, 117l.1Beacb Bl .. H.B. oood. $2200. call between C II NOW r r· l V-8, auto. A/C. P/S. P /B. CHIVltOLET can~ 10AM-8PM.&M-6013 a or irs 2 Swedish Volvo Full power, fugaage AM /FM stereo tape 21128HarborBlvd ti.ve you read today's phone choice... Mechani cs now at rack. Super Sharp ! vmyl roof. 645-7204'2105 COST MES <laasified Ads? U not. Dally Piiot '73SuperbeeUe, x.lnl cood. '72 VWC8mpmobile, 46M, HARIOUR YW Ivan's, 1995 Harbor (C8>NAM > S3995at . Santa Ana CM A A
Jtlu're missing the beat Oassifted, 642-5678 $L6t'i0. Must sell! air, AM 8 tr ster, xlot 18711 Beach Bl., K.B Blvd .. C.M. 645-1982 SUNSET FORD 546-1200 taruim to town! Eves, 873-Q75. oood. 963-4066, aft4:30. CalJ 842M.35 '73 BUlCK REGAL. RARE • 69 4 2 7 S / S ~ S440Garden Grove Blvd 42,000 mi. gd cond SideWUlder. Orig engine .....,_Mew tlOO ....._ M•w . flOO AllhK. H•w 9100 Aldos, N•w 9IOO Autos, N•w 9100 Aldos, M•w 9100 Westminster 636-4010 $2800. Ph 67S-056.5 Newly restored. Bit ofr .......................................................................................................................................... ---~----1
ALL NEW 1978
1EM DOWM AMD Ofscou"/,,""'s 10TAL
TO SAVE YOU SSS!! A~ -INc:tt~.~
SAVE! ~or DfMO's.
2'2 IUNIOOI ..,_,o( •
atPCf "(all .. ......... ~·
77 TOYOTA C.lk.9 Uft leclr
:?s~-~·" •5999
C.llce Lift ltlcti 99 :::.~~··" •5599
VOL V.O SPECIAL BUYS! ·'15 rsLvo '11 l.~JOTA
~--------------~~----------------~~•5599 ~-~·•5599 NEW 1977 VOLVO DEMO 1978 VOLVO
~. ~ pO, o!lr. power w on· s95 78 dMn. custom 1.1op. sun root.
llOW"" ••~. pawer mirr~• IVC,...SHl~l l
245A SN Wtn
Auto. 1)$, pb, 11r. sterro s SlflPH ( VUS.Sll 1103'171 '6.IUN.IC "(t ll
fOt" MV•omt"t'
'5 Skylark. New trans / over $3500, Ph: 545-2014
Ures. Very rel.lable. Must ,73 Camaro. very iood
sell. S700. 673-9504 cond. Stick shirt. air.
9915 radio. 12995. 6'7U571 or
••••••••••••••••••••••• ~<Fogarty>
Super Clean.
78' 228 Camaro Cen
lerhnes. electnc sunroof
+ more "60C> Muat see .
AutomatJc, pwr. steer
:r.g, mag wbee hl .
AM /FM stereo tape &
only •2.986 milt!:..
OHl.Y $3670 .......
Mada/ .....
2150 Harbor Blvd .. C. M
''20 •••••••••••••••••••••••
2600 H.1rhtt1 Blvd Automatic trans, factory
lo\IJ M~·,,1 S·Hl'llOO air cood. Call for
~~==~=~:.t DISCOUNT PRlC~• == (498N1H)
1977 FORD
Slee• FuM -i.cto-v "" cond1t1ontn9 L1\e N EW '
1978 OLDS
'ult PG•• a.t COl"d sc..o
lllSM cu1--. ..,.. _,..... COW"9f'I
' IO• rrul•I l •o Cl'IOOI& 13717•1
1978 OLDS
• Po c~ AM •uHy ~
Oi11et1 .,,_fft&O••t• deHv•rv 123'~1
'76, 77 & '78
0v... 20 "' """°"" "°"' "" cotors 4 1 Vfhu '•c•ory
ou•ra"t•• a au dtff tullv
eou•oo.a fttlONOMI -lrom 58995
3 to cnoote ,,... •uNy ~ -nule'I ••to••• 'l COO ~FYI
S440Garden Grove Blvd
Westminster 636-4010
19'75 Chevy Moma 2+2·
Automatic trans.. air
cond . AM /FM • in
beauti!uJ condition. Pn
pty Make offer. Call
'75 Monza Z+Z. AC
AM /FM tape, mooo roof.
vmyl top. xlnt cond
S28SO/bestofr. 67J..77S5or
'18 Nova, 6 cyl., R&H.
auto .. PS, PB. 3200 Mile.
$4..250. 545-9178
'72 Moote carlo, good con
dition. PIS. P/W, PtB.
air. S2000/or best orrer
'71 Monte Carlo, P 1S.
A/C. bucket seats. vmy1
'68 Chevy sedan
S400or best offer
1973 Ve11:a. 39M. AM/FM
xlnl cond. m/out. Best 01
fer 731·5349
V-8, automatic tra n:.
factory all' cood.itionm.e .
power steenng, AM /FM
radJo, beater. Landau
top, tilt wheel, t643SLR I
IOllXSOX '~~ox
NEW 1977 VOLVO DEMO 1978 VOLVO ~~~:~·.., '4899 =~~~· *4799 ==•·······················
264 GU 2M SIA 75 VOLVO '77 TOYOt'.a --------•·68coNT. 4 dr, 10.000 ong
C::stA•illal 9930
Auto PL Pb air sio-r ••lln· s12 78 Alllo. air. ps, p0, power win.96 78 A 78 Seville. 3.200 mi, all au, Power everylbmR. -.pin stro~.~rmirr~s Oows. power mirrors, IH lher, 60HUG COltOC.U blk . Loaded, 1mmac stereo, new radials. Xlnt IVC~1.04200SI tl.,e? IVC1'46SU 0S6)()Jls ·--;;;...-•'-' .. '°'_"'_"'_•·_•_4_5_99_...,.~~-.,,'-'°'_"_u_•P --·-4~5~99-.. , ~::.~~ly, $13.250. _cood. __ Sl_650_,_64S-497 __ 9 __
?l B Dorado C•.t ·• Llmousme, 8-pasa .. blk '71 DATSUN '77 TOYOTA on blk, bar. TV. tesoo . ... ________________________ _. ____________ ... ______________________ .................. ... COltOC.U Pbone642·1.304 _P_._P_ .• _~_n_39 ___ _
DEMO 1977 VOLVO ~~PC>. o!or POwt-r won· s1479 c»ws. I tr•ck stereo. o•n strlllff,
power mirr~s IVC1U.UHI·
Auto, "'. 1o1s. PC> oow•r won· oows. OOWt'' mirr~s. l••lller
IVC~L 1 ·0S6493)
-··· ·-·-·-
::~~.""'°' •4399 ;:~•ll 'O' •4399
~...... •3199 !!".:.~~.·" •2999
'75 CHIV
.. fQVI...,._.....-.:-.... ,. "(I" •2999 141KAH •(•II
lot .... ,.,.."".
.< ·i>l' ti AR llOf1 111 VI>
C,\))IA M H A ool l 0010
20l'l0 HAAROR l1l\/O
COSTA Ml SA 042 0010
.lm Couar XR7. Im mac•l•t•1 blk
•tc:Mmnla lal • t n m All~+ Joma.
See ~ OM lat1 P P tl!SOO. 54l-G3:I
Pvll po••r. sunroof
(33'7REW> Only '"2~
at. ..
V-8, autom•llc lr»n& ..
ractory air cond. full
power, power steering.
77 M.AMADA 2-DI.
V-3, automi.t1c trans.
fad.oey air cond, SUPER
SHARP! <878RXG) 5'625
Ill.. ~llU~rT FORD AM/FM radfo, Landau ~I top lncludf'll 12 month ~Hurn fOIO
S440 Garden Grove Blvd. Wamull)'. (216451 $7725 ~I Westminster 636-4010 at.. 5'4IO Gatden Grove Blvd.
Weatminster 631H010
89 Charger, copper w /tan ~ .... ~" FORD landau top & tan int. ~I '72 Gran Torino, 2-dr, in·
auto, PS, PB, air, 1 ownr. Ws.t40G~en Grove Blvd. side clean. inecb gd
Mualll'il. ~ estminster ~lO cend. S700 flrm. 75'·7571.
--77--DOD--G-l--.i 1976FOID 4433 Cat. Hwy., NB,
Factory air coodilionlng,
full power, power wi.o·
dows, leather power seats. AM /FM quad
tape, padded Landau
top, power moonroof,
1011\SO\ & so' • LINCOLN·ME RUJHV TORINO ELITE ,_anyti.m...;..__e_. _____ ,
ASPBI COUPE COUPE. (11.SRET>. 77 &IAMADA 2626 HARBOR BLVD ~7hi r:~~~~Uk $4799 v.s. a utomatic trans, COSTA MESA
$2999 factory air cond, in· w...rtck 9947
540·5630 PHIL LONG eludes 12 mooth warran· ...................... .
1011\SO\ & SO\
9940 .......................
FORD ty. CSlRXF> Only S4S50 1973 FOID
43Aut.oCenterDr. at... MAVRICIC COUPI
S.D. Frwy. ·lrvine SIJNSEJ FORD (030HTQ)
761-5111 S440GardenGrove Blvd. $1799
Ford Granada, 4 Dr.. Weatminster 63M010 L
v.a, 28,000 miles. A/C, '72 Grand Torino Wagon. PHI .J:aC]NG PIS, P/B, P/Dr. locks, $1000 ~
AM /FM s t ereo, Tilt cau 557-8656 UAutoCenter Dr.
'3 Auto Center Dt .
S.D. Jl'rwy.-lrvine
wheel, Cruise Control. S.D. Frwy.-lrvlne
White w /Blue Vinyl •76rtMTO 768-5811 '88 Mustang cpe, 8 cyl,
RooC. S'350. 979-2342 RUMAIOUT auto, air, yellow w /blk.
•75 GRANADA 4 cyl, automatic trans, '70 Maverick, auto, low new tires. Very ctn 6: de· v 8 t · factory air cond. mags. mi, vinyl roof, sU bltd p e nd able tr a o s p .
. • au omatlc trans. (927NPN> Includes 12 _ures_· _·..:.~_._846_·_1125 ____ , $ll50/bstofr.547-701.8.
factory ai r cond. month warranty. $3350 (791PPN) Only $3075 at... at... '67 Mustang, 6 cyl, auto, SUNSET FORD Mlicwy tHO ~:~diala, $800/offer SUNSET FORD ....................... , ________ _
SU<>GardenGroveBlvd. 5440GardenGroveBlvd. ORANGECOUNTY'S '70 Mustang PS. PB, air.
Westminster 63&40lO Westminster 636-4010 NEWEST auto, xlul cood, 50,000
9965 • ••••••••••••••••••••••
u•••-.. t·•-o...o•··~·· SELL idle items with a, . LINCOLN-MERCURY mi, blue $2500 S41M313, .. ,u ......... c..... ·-Daily Pilot Classified Ad. 7~ Gran 'J'.onno, 2 dr, Dealership is now OPEN _SSM442 _________ 11 _________ , _ __..;.. _______ , vmyl lop, &Jr, auto, F /P, 8 •y 8 • "EIOE
AMtos. Mew 9800 Autos. Mew 9100 $1.000/olfer. 642-5239 KA ~
••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LINCOLN·MERCURY
SuJl'.er abarp 6 with low
males. Moonroof, 4
speed, ma1a & more I
(14.9661). TRUCK CITY
•74 Mntmg ll a--119-IMKEI
•74 Cod Seo. roe11901
• ,, COIM)ar-L••& 0-(963PWI
'71 'fW s-roof. tl\l><T 1181
'72 Ponct. 914. Nou fJbOESH
'74 lfW 5-roof. •tlelNGllJ
•75 U11eolll Marti IV 1170Cl20l
'69 Ply. ~ (P980TS)
'72 Ch .......... 1789€JYI
'7 J V ltlJCI 1 "81!QRIJ
'69 Toyota C-1vOP7&al
70 Cllttt' MalilMl IM3FBBJ
5 1695
5 1495
78MUSTAMG 16-lBAutocenterDr.
V-3 automatic trans, fac· SDFwy-Late Forest uJt
tory air cond.. power IRVINE
steering AM/FM Radio. 830.7000
Inc.ludes 12 month war· ---------
ranty. (21627) $S89S at...
5440 Garden Grove Blvd.
Weslm!nster 636-4-010
'66 Mere. Montclair, perf.
cood, fully loaded. Great
all around car. $950/beat.
64&-~ 640-7320
'73Merc. Marquis, air, all
Slff 9
83 3 1300 1973 Pinto Runabout, power, AM /FM. x lnt
Bab Y b I u e. m a gs • cood. S!300. 642"'589 dys .• ~ •• =coo=:v=erti==b=le=. =P=/S=.=P=/=B"".
radials, good cond. $1450. I 977 = A/C ._ v" v
....... , .., ..
AIH w.-Poetf.c
first. W•'I ... bow ............... , .. Dys 998·2000, 534·3878 • -..... auto. ry Evea&wknds. ....... ~ clean $2195/bst o fr 1-----------1 Super nice new car 492-7296 I.,.. _______ __.
"71 Galaxie, PS & PB. air. trade-in with automatic, 967 M p S TRAMS AMS aoo. air cood pwr windows 1 ust., I ' P /B, WE HAVE "EM
6'2·3046, aft 5:30. steering·& bratea, vinyi eoodcood. $1000/offer. ____ ,;.__ ___ -1 top, low miles & much 642-1625 lHIHAIDTO..., •• ,
'72 Galaxy 500. Loaded. In more! (5'12805>. ~ MUSTANG 6 CYL, 3 • llecli T,_ A•
gd cond. Gd tires. l09l $5777 SPD, VERY GOOD Jt-GolclT,...A• Salvador. CM. M0-3668. COND Sl.200/BST OFR. Jt 11M ,,_._
'75 Granada Ghia 6. clean
& loaded but priced to
sell. &46-3794
4speed. (01027W)
Sparkling Red
,....._. f I ' "'
"' . '.
'69 Mercury Marquis .
Good cond. Power, A/C
AM/FM stereo. 646-3564
Mustang 9952 •••••••••••••••••••••••
Phone 646-7030 WI ALSO HA 'flE WAeoMSAHD
•RAHD PIUXS ~!~: ....... !!~~ lt---$-,-,-7-7 __ _.
c.et.I S..r1• 71 GRAND NIX COUPE. VS. automatic, Air conC11tlOflmg. power
air cood., pwr. steering, bfakes & steering. tilt
Wt wheel. cruise control wheel. wire wheel covers.
& 8 track stereo. Fresh (2J37A8P589086>
'6S Mustang convert. 6 as NEW inside & out! ..., - -..,.._.
1.8881 Beach Blvd Hun&ingt.on Beacb
847-3SSS cyl.-Low mil'""'oe. C8U (750EKJ). Ofter ••otrn 41 1>oura ett ..
-.. publication -~ -1------,-,-.-sl aft 5. 75Hl666 $2699 == .. A. llrl-AN ""°'
'65 Mustang Convert.Ible,
'77 Versailles, 2 tone 90% restd. Best offer. COMMa-L
ailver w /lthr int, moon 2 1 3 I 8 6 0 • 1 8 4 9 & CHEVROLET
roof, cruise control, tilt 213/421-4541 eves. ~OST"8A~~Ad. MAG NON
Aldoa. N•• 9aoo' Alltos. te.w 9IOO ~AM /F1;. Qu~7~· Alltos. Mew 9100 546-1200
....................... ....................... .~. p ························---------PONTIAC '63Cutlall, 2 dr, auto, p/s,
runs good. bl $400 lakes
1t1646-5201. 2480 HARBOR Bl.
'68DELTA88 AT FAIR 'door. good .transporta· COSTA MESA
tioo 983-9148 549-4300
'77 Cutlass Brougham,•---------'
abarp, many extras .
96000. Dys 759-1011, nites
754--0067. Ask for John.
'70 Cutlass Supreme, 350
eog, runs xlnt, reg gas,
A/C, "175/offer. 673·9086.
9957 •••••••••••••••••••••••
4 cyl, 4 speed trans, in·
eludes 12 month warran-
ty. (932NPL> $3225 at ...
S440Garden Grove Blvd.
Westminster 636-4010
"75 Pinto Runabout. air,
AM/FM, PS/PB. 4-sp.
847·2011 833·3420
4 speed trans, Rallye
wheels. (625SPM> Only
$3925 at ...
5440 Garden Grvve Blvd.
Westminster 6364010
'75 Pinto Runabout, 4 spd,
AM /FM 8 trk, new steel
radials, 17,000 mi, $2500.
73 Grand Ville, air, PS.
PB. BW. xlnt cond., $1495
or offer. ~1981
'SJ Pool 9-pass Sta. Wgn.
air. p o w e r , n e w
brakes/tires. Clean. P .P.
all It tabs Is a
4 cyl, automatic trans,
r act o r y air cond.
(939HEV> $2150 at ...
Private 11101v1dua1s can
now sell any item or
combination ol items
totaling $75 or less
with a 3 lone ad for 2
c:onsecut•ve days tor
only $2 Each
add1hona1 lone is SOC for
the 2 days
NEW 178 Z-Z-ZEPHYRS •••• $
NEW '78 BOBCATS •••••
... ..
5440Gardeo Grove Blvd.
Westminster 636-4010
'72 Wagon, red, clean, gd
cond. $1000.
Alt 5, 6'5-9889.
Super nice car ~ loaded
with air cond., pwr.
steering, deluxe interior
•morel C325MCH>.
. ' '
a n.1100
'Tl Good cond, new
'18 Stn wean. orig owner,
fully equip, xlnt cond,
$17115 /bit ofr 49'·~
. --
Charge your Penny
Pincher Ad or use your
Bankamer1carc:I or
Mastercharge No com·
merccal ads accepted.
c.n toddy • Sff
t••r ad in print
c ...... ...., ...... ~
l tOOAM .. l :JOPM fw
llflt IMy't ~ .,. c ...
'73 T·Bird Full power. '73 It blue, cloth Int, all
New radials. Wife's car. power. AM /F M stereo, lo ---------1 A.UingS2900.892·1832 mi , 833·89110 d aya, S52·3.Wf aft 6PM '
. '77T·ll~D Sharp '66 T·Blrd. orig
Ught J~de fuusb. V-8, o wnr . 40K mi'a.
a~tomallc trans. factory Sl500/otr. P.P. ~•
atr cood, ~wer steering, aft6pm. • po wer disc brakes,•---=:...-------
power windows. mags, "71 2 dr vinyl hrdtp. ð
tinted glass, vinyl roof. int, T·whl, new lira. &d
tilt wheel. (083SWD> cond.&M-OaM.
$5925at.. Vt91 9974 SUNSET FORD ..................... ...
14 OPEL MANTA .•..•...•. s2222
4 -l nclW conclollONnO l&-U>I
7 4 FORD PINTO RUNABOUT .•••••• s 2222
W•ll\ .,....y, ....... em•' C2731U\JI
'74 FORD MAVERICK ..••.......... s2555
Automette. pwt' ltmi9nn9 ... C:onc:J A ••tt"I c .. .,., t963LR,
'75 AMC PACER X •.••••••....•..• s2888
Automaoc. P"" 11. & .,.._ ... coocr -much._., ttl70NOl •
'76 CHEVY CHEVETTE •.••.......•.. s2999
""-""· ... cone! , .. .,,.,...,, """'""' ,_,
'76 HONDA CVCC •..•..••.......... s3333 30-S ___ .., ~YI
16 MERCURY CAPRI II ............ s 3333 Tht1C1Mh•-_,,.,. __ ,,..,.. tl75PCOI
18 MAZDA GLC .................. s 3666
With '9U I'-14.000m•lea' t-Tt.!VI
16 VW DASHER ................... s 3888
4_.t.oorCQftO 6e1111'8c'"" 198tNZAI
71 HONDA cvcc .................. S3888
AutometlC 11-'tow. tow ... -t56$SWO\
73 CHEVY CAMARO .......•...... s 3444
76 DODGE DART 4 DOOR .......... s 3888
Autotnenc """ '1 & t>rltltM iiJt co.no lftnYf t·op • aow-~• (73.&PPt(J
'76 PONTIAC GRAND LE MANS •••••• s4444
AulOmtllC. llW' ... ,,,_ UI~ ......... ' ... Corid (53.4SERI
'75 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX .......•.• S4888
HU ....-vtf'l•r!IQ •1nfh JeU f"'*" 29.000 tn1fft+ (297MXUt
16 CHEVY CAMARO .............. S4888
77 FORD THUNDERBIRD ........•... s4999
Estra. ••tr• c1Nn tf\rOUQhOu1t t~XU
'76 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX .......... s 5222
Blac111 on b&edl & 1n 1111;• HEW oondO•onf to60A•Y•
'77 FORD GRANADA CPE. .....•.... s5555
ltul0'9\ahc pwt st bf•fu•' .-,noowa. 1111. ste'eo •au c:~ 16~F._.~
'77 CHEVY CAPRICE CPE. •••••..•.. s5999
'78 CHM MALIBU CLASSIC •..•.••• s5999
Automet1c.. owr St & bl••· 1111 I'' COf'O A t'U._ (771 UMV •
'7 4 PEUGEOT 504 SEDAN •....•..•• s4222
~utoml'1Ci, 11f COO<J , tUntOOC a. e•t•• c1e1n thruou11011LPTI
'75 BUICK ESTATE WAGON •••.•.•••. S4&66
l \ellS & all ol lhO Ofll><>n•' 1199VEE l
'76 BUICK LE SABRE LUXUS ......•. s5333
Mu lvtfYt'°'•IWJ 1nc:1uo1ng •ow nutes• ('946PR0 •
'75 BUICK RIVIERA ................ s5444
8uic" ' f1nMt 1 frK'1on of the ono1nw4 coat l•N than 20.000 otig1n1• mi•• (246MJVL
'71 MERCEDES 250 ...•.•••...•.... s5555
AUIO""lflC trans • PoW9f" lltMH"inQ (VSOLM I
'76 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE ...... s 7999
F"'w1 ... Condl1H>n thrnoull (7561'1<01
'7 4 JAGUAR XJ&L ......•.•.•....••. s 8999 I Hu •II'"• lu•urv•t•ma • ._, ,,,.,, 30000MllH &~188'•
'74 FIAT 124 SPIDER .............. s4222
\ _..., ........... "-COltdl1lOt" t.00011
'74 DATSUN 260Z •..........•.••• s4999 • -t<I ,,.,.., •.., cono11'°""'9 fl!Ol'llYJ
'76 FIAT 124 SPIDER ••...•..•••••• s5222 ~----17\t-1176&1
77' MGB CONVERTIBLE ...•.••••.••. s5555. . '°""tr-.·--12.00011tt••at 1112Sl0)
17 PORSCHE 924 ••......•..••••. s9998
5'19ctll Ed~oon Lale..,,.. -flaw-• IM6SZOJ
77 CORVffiE T-TOP .••••••••••• s10,900
H0td lo l1ndl • epeecl ... concl • 1>W' •I ........ A low mt'-(1 rti3t
76 JAGUAR XJS ..••.••••••••••• s 15,555 "IMlul'f ,,. --Ion• la37RDlll •
July is USEd CAR MONTlt AT YotJR
Ba~~':ti,.~~ ,_......, B ~, T ..... l>Mla
U • k .... :-:._ ;~ ............ ",.
....... t"llt t• r.'I. -.-c;o_ .. ,.,._
Ii.,. ~·'f'T-tlllJ l'.W. ., lf•H'I< _, .. ,
... ,,.... ><AlfllOll 81 VO /V.N OrfOO llfffWAV
":,;';: ~ :-;_, 11 !.:.,, -A \,11""'"°" 01 8ou4lw M.'))t}t\ _,.._ °""' ioq..,,. ''..,mph MC;
2925 HARBOR ILVD •• COSTA MISA 979.zsoo
818 CWL'I ptlOT F11day July 28 1971
Our Famous
1 Price Regal Sale
Is Going on Right Now
at auer uick • 1n osta esa
Orange County's No. 1 Buick Dealership
• y. '
1978 Regals
Equipment: Power stet"ring
Power brakes, Automatic Only And Much More •..
This Is the Lowest Price We've Advertised
This Year on Air Conditioned Regals
Pick yours out before they're all gone.
Sale ends July 31, 1978
Remember. • • Not just one specially advertised Regal,
but possibly the largest selection in Soutlu!rn California.
''Your Target
Buick Dealer''
Open 'TiO 10 P.M. Mon.-Sat. · .. ftrmage c,mn.ty'~
Yes...Open Every Sunday 'TiD 5 P.M. ,-., ·/ #f Buick lleoler
3 blocks South of the
San Diego Freeway
(Ser. I 14750l5) (Sttc. 15327)
All cars aubiect to priot sale.
Tax & lloenM not Included.
Photo for lllu.tmlOn pu~ only.
. . . . . .
A division of Bouer Motors,
All makes, models and colors
Classified Auto Advertising
in the DAILY PILOT 642-5678 . -.
'. t .
I .
< ' r
t f
Friday. July 28. 197[1 DAIL V PILOT DJ 7
This eekendat
eAuto nter e
You'll d
favorite · cars
of erica's
in one place.
l ncl.udes power brakes. tinted glass. H.D. Rad1at~. power steering. w/s/w tires, V-6, auto.
trans., air cond. (Ser. #479165) (S1k. #2089).
FROM SJ875 ,;;::1~i!:~ on approved credit.
36 month ooon end lease. total cash reciuired S238.15
Including license. cap. cost S5875 + S100 bank fee. Residual
amount S2930 based on 15.000 miles per year. Total payments $4937.40. On approved credit.
LUY Pickup
Includes 4 speed transmission and saddle
Interior. Yellow exterior. (Ser. #248359) (Stk.
FROM s399lt02 1~it,~~~o. ,A --on approved credit.
36 month open end lease. Total cash reQulred S416.56
Including tax & hcense Net cap cost S"320.9<t + s100 bank
fee. Residual amount S2188.90 based on 15.000 miles per
year Total payments S2988. On approved credit
Joe•·· w·:~.
21 ~:i:WDr. 7 68-7222
you this weekend at
Over 1000 vehicl~ on display!
.4mmrn ·~ f 'nt•.,ri•e• nll ;,. ,.,, •• pin<"«"
\\'h1·n · lh,· ~.1111.1 ,\11,1 X· San Uiq~n l·n..-\\,1\, 11u·1·1.
" .\II t'.1r"' ~11l 1j1·1 1 111 I" iur i-t1lt-"
All makes, models and _colors.
Classified Auto Advertising ·
in the
• I
• 1
I ..
....... _......._..
a cyl. engine. torqueff1te automatic transmission. AM/FM radio. tinted glass.
power steering. Power brakes. and white sidewall radial tires { Fl-i 4 1 H8G308896)
--~USED CARS~liiii;;.
VB. automatic transmission. Power
steenng, P<>wer brakes. air COnd
luggage rack. raa10. heater a W/s/w trres (873P>CU) P6o~YI automatic rransm1ss1on ... er steenng PO luggage , · wer Orai.es. { 126l HHJ 8Ck. arr COnd & tiearer
VB. automatrc. arr COndiltonrng
Power steering, POwer brakes·
radio. heater. wh1tewa11 fires vrnyi roof (856AKU)
'76 FIAT
4 Cyl 5 soeed transmission
luggage rack. bucket seats & vinyl side moldings 1385RJR/
VB . au1omat1c trans heater
POwer steenng & brakes. Wlslw
tires. arr COnd . POwer windows ~~'f Mntenor. sp111 POwer sear:
1638SCNJ radio & v1ny1 top
SflOlrTsM4N W 4GON
VB. auroma1tc lransm1ss1on radro
arr cone1 . heater POwer steering'
POwer brakes. w1s1w trres & V•n : too 108tFTOJ ''
DUSTBt COUPE VB. automatic trans . heater
POwer steenng & POwer brakes· 6 Cyl 3 SP&ed transmission raaio 12 Passenger model co15875) and heat&f { 118KKEl
'76 DATSUN 121ocoure
'73 FORD coua.a Pfcecup 4
cyl • 4 soeee1 transmission
rae110. hearer. Power brakes. 4 cyf . 4 speee1 rransmrssion r:/,~;H[Jes & arr cone11t1onrng.' radio. heat&f ane1 mags. {82539UJ.'
s2595 s1495
7:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M.
SA TUIDA Y 1.-00 A.M.
·--...... -·--·--.. ·-. -'• -. ------
~ ....
~ ~
0 -VI
"' ....
~ VI
~ ....
i a -VI
9:00a.m. • 5p.m.
tM~t~£S{S ~ ~..COOL-
'Al ~
<:!_ f>AAXIH<r
Proceeds from sale of 25c hot dogs, cokes and balloons to
American Youth Soccer Organization ·
"' -0 m ~ r-~
"' > r-rr.
"' -a m ~ > ~
Cit > ,.
. . . .. •
2 DAILY PILOT Friday, July 28, 1978 WESTCllFF PlAZA
vvestclltt t"laza ~ale uue on ~aTurday
'Father of Sidewalk Sales' Features Bargain Prices
$tM<l.i lec1"M Wrttw
Wl•stdiff Plaza presents the "Father of all Harbor Area
::,1dewalk sales" during its 14th annual Sidewalk Sale this
Saturd<ty from 9 a .m . to 5 p.m.
Several of the merchants will feature prices below
dealer's cost throughout this one-d ay event.
"People should plan to arrive early because there are
some really good bu ys on top quahty mer chandise from every
merchant in the plaza,'' says promotion director Marc Fried-berg.
"There are lots of sidewalk 'd·• but this one is con-
sidered the fathe r of them all by nt1 .-t l'f our patrons. The sale
is consbtcntly on the last Saturday of July so our customers
can leave that weeke nd open to shop at Wcstcliff Plaza ... said
1.-ocated at 17th Street and Irvine Avenue in NC\\ port
Beach. t he plaza projects an a ura of Newport Beach wit h
lan<l!)caping and a relaxed atmosphere.
"Because we're an open air plaza. we have the advantage
O\'cr malls in that the hus tle a nd bustle of closed shopping ccn· t~h is missing here. It's not o foreign atmosphere at all.''
Anchored by Sav-on-Drugs and Market Basket, Westcliff
Plaza offers shoppers a unique assortment of merchandise
from ingredients for a gourmet main course to distinctive
clothing for men and women.
During the Sidewalk Sale. shoppers will find America's
favorite hot dogs for 25t from a hot dog stand sponsored by the
J\merican Youth Soccer Program.
Proceeds from the s tand will help the soccer team travcJ
to Germany lo compete with teams from that country.
Saturday's sidewalk sale at Westcllff Plaza will feature merchandise from more than 20 plaza merchants.
July 26 & 28, 1978
Robert N. Weed
Pntldenr •nd Pul>llwr
George A. Leldal
"'-iion ~ .. ~,
Special Sections St•ff:
Bob A~. •nd VJc:tor Cool!.
Cfl-....... _.... o ...... ._~Tll>...._
Olcll\1--"·--" .... , .. ::-:.:.-LaO.-............... ni.""'"-···-c-r...,..,. ........ ~ ..... ... tltflll....._. •• _
• • • 1
I • II • ••
8MrlerOlllbard lhowl cult!Dmereome Hertt• ••rth•nware on•••• •t Rion H9rdwart, 1024 lrvlne Avie., Nt*POft leach ..... 1tory.o" p1ge I .) •
WESTCLIFF PLAZA Friday, July 28. 1978 • DAILY PILOT 3
'Wardrobe Miieage' ··-. .. ......
~· ..
Jean Dahl Aims to Dress
Their Women Economlcally
With today's prices, it's good to
know there's a store aiming to dress
a woman as economically as possi·
Jean Dahl in Weslcliff Plaza is
that store.
"We emphasize the coordinate for
the woman who wants a lot of
mileage from their wardrobe,'' says
owner Pat Cassin.
"All good clothing is expensive,
but if a woman can choose her
wardrobe so some or all of it can be
mixed and matched she can create
a do7.en outfits out or a minimum or
to or create a wardrobe, Jean
Dahl's personal staff keeps a de·
tailed list of exa<'tlY what the
customer buys. right down to the
color of scarf or the style of skirt or
"These hsts make it easy to add
pieces to a wardrobe without bring-
ing the entire closet to the store."
she said .
She adds that hus bands and
friends find the lists helpful in pick-
ing out gi fts. "They take the guesswork out of
pi cking a gift that will go with their
wife's clothing "
been geared to allow most of the
fashions available lo go together
"Unlike a department store, we
don't just buy a green purse to have
a stock of green purses," explained
Mrs. Cassin. "Merchandise is
bought to complement other stock."
Popular fashion designs carried
include lines from Stanley Blacker,
Liz Clair borne, Evan Piconne
Kenar and Espresso.
Fine imported s ue des and
leathers also are available along
with a large collection or scarves
and handbags.
Most everything will be reduced
50 p e rcent during Saturday's
Sidewalk Sale in Westcliff Plaza.
A concert for Solar
Energy, 2 p.m. Sunday
July 30, Lido Theatre,
Newport Beach. $5
donation benefits
O .C .C . Recycling
Center. A
Paule CoHnza model• 1n unra tuede Jeolcet end l••n• by Olort•
Vandert>ltt, from Jean Dahl. Weltctttf PlaH.
JC ett# 1'1Ult1tf :Ef iends
a-nd tlwse we have -rw t
had the 1teasur>e pf sewing
this s"~~julg 29fh at 9«<m
we wiU 1ut on sale t!te ta~esf
selediovv .!f Jootweai> si>1ce our)
Jinst s'tdewalk sale Uv 1965 !!!
a,U ,1' ou~1 famous bi'cr.>1ds:
f7m"sJwim -]latu,ria-ti@' · (amssa-
ljfo Striide • 13er1>za'l1do ·Beu 1et1''!:f?S
livis ·Bass •2Jexter> · ('laY'~ 5 JtYWi'
Jootwea''.!''iced 1!!!, to .s65 00
one dag o"1if
sickuWk .sale PPice
~SN tc$/9~
fas atw~s1 cat .sale mePohandi.seJ l isJt'om ouY' regutai-1 st:ook
:ee !JOU mwAf.' f W>0·
diolnuu>o*·it~ 1 sf·!/!
1062 Irvine• Westcllff Plaza• Newport Beach
4 DAILY PILOT Frtday. July 28. 1978 WESTCllH PLAZA
Dieters Can Alter Clothes at Westcliff Shoe Sale
Scheduled at If ~ ou H· lv'>t \I. c11,ht 1 .:!cenlly.
) t•u II apprct·a:JtE.-tht-sl!r \ 11~es of
Wl ~tl'lrfr Custom T:11lu1 mg a nd
M l'll ·:. Wt>ar in Wc.slcliff Plaza.
.. J\ I ari..e part of our business 1s
cl unl· 1n altl.'ring .;uits ror people who
h:1 \ t-lu:.l Y.c1ght and Jon 't want to
.,µt·nd the l.'Xl• a monl') lo buy .i
wnole new wardrobe." says Steve
B<tlogh. ow ner
Since l!J73, the shop h.is olfered
cu:.tom altcrallons and :.wls for
men and women along with an as·
;;ortmcnl of men ·s wear 111 the pl.iza
s tJtioncd a l 17th Street und lrvme
SUITS, SLACKS and sportcoals by
Au stin Recd, shirts by John Henry
.ind tics by Christian Dior and
Bronzini arc in stock in the men's de·
pa rtrnent to offer c usto mer's an
altcrnativcloa custom m ade:.u1t .
Balogh explams that most custom
suits take four lo fi ve weeks to com·
plete after the m ater ial has been or·
der ed and most of his patrons are
·'Since I started my own business
in Newport, I've worked very hard
to build a good clicntcle," he said.
This family-run operation owes a
large part or its success to ex·
years ago in Hungary where he
worked for three years After work·
i ng in Ca n a da a nd Detro it .
Michigan, he opened his shop in
Wc!>tchff Shoe:.' lOlllnbul1011 tu
Saturday·~ s idewalk !>ale will 111
elude more pairs of s hoe:. than any
year since the sa le bcga11 in 1965,
l>a1d owner Dack Marowitz. ·
All members of the family wi ll
find styles to fit their needs a l the
store. he s aid.
features Florshcim , Bass. Sperry
Topsider, Walk-Over, Clark's and
Cole· Haan saddles.
"We have eight variations of sad·
dies." said Marow1tz. indicating
that they ar c a mong the mo~t
popular styles in the s tore .
Other big sellers arc quality slip·
ons and handmade s hoes from
Women's shoes include styles by
Caressa, Life Stride, Naturalizer,
Clark's, Baretrap. Jacques Cohen,
Bernardo, Bass, De xter and
Famolare shoes are big sellers
now." said Marowitz. "They come
in four heel heights and in closed
and open styles ."
For Saturday 's sidewalk sale. all
merchandise will be m arked down
20 to 50 percent.
Steve Balogh, owner of WeatcUff Cu1tom Tailoring and Men's Store,
displays summer pincord polyester end cotton 1ult.
Store hours are 9:30 a.m. to 6
p.m. Monday. Tuesd ay, Wednes·
day. Friday and Saturday. and 9 30
a .m. to9 p.m. Thursday.
Saturday, July 29 Only
s I oo
All Sales Anal -C.th Of Check Only Pleas.
(on cut aiiet)
PRU. summer Sausage• (on 4 lb. stick)
B• BAIN .:,39c · ClaDAI c--,s... •F
...._.._,, ..... Mflt_., Pa LI • •• ,,,.,,..
WESTCLIFF PLAZA FASHION ISLAND ,,. ....... ....,.. ........... t11 .....,.. ..... 64Ntll
~11tW.'1'161&'Tll • ~'TltW.,.61alN
\ ~ I
. ' -
6 tMIL Y PILOT Friday. July 28. 1978 WESTCLIFF PLAZA
Hickory Farms' Beefstick
Featured at Saturday Sale
lhckory Farm~· contribution to
Wcst<"liff Plaza ·s sidewalk sale will
includl' several hundred pounds of
the s tore 's popular beefst1ck
sausi.l gl· literally hanging from the
According to store o"ncr Mike
M un1. beef stick ll> made ~olcly cif
c-huck and nank steak. with no pork.
garlic or cereal fillers
lie said tht: $;.iturday sate will
i.J lso feature a h.alf ·orf hble.
featuring 1aml.. Jclhcs. teas and a
~clcct1on of baskets imported from
!long Kong . Yugos lavia and
mainland China. .
Also on display will be a table of
what Hickory 1-'arms is famous for
more than 126 kinds of natural
cheeses. including the new 99 9 per
cent cholesterol free Smoky Lyle.
Lo-Chol and Longhorn Lyle brands
Munz poi nted out that free
s am pll•s of the beefstick a nd
cheeses will be offered. "Where t:lse can you go to sample before you
buy? .. he said.
Gourmet crackers. an assortml·nt
of lea!> and spices and an imported
bulk candy section featuring 80
flavors also are round at the store.
Hickory Farml. also specializes in
food gift packs.
Prices range from $5.98 to $75 98
and include sau!>agc, cheeses, jams.
JClhcs and canned cakes
Hickory Farms 1s open Monda:
through Friday from 10 a m to 9
p m : Saturday from 10 a m lo 6
p m . :.ind Sunday from noon to 6
Add1uonaJ stores are located at 17
Fas hion Island. Newport Beach and
25016 Del Prado Ave , Mariner's
Village. Dana Pomt
• .J,. ;~ « ...
• L t.• • ,J;.,,,.
Hickory Farms' Mike Munz displays beefstlck that will be a featured
item In his display at Saturday's sidewalk sale at Westcllff Plaza.
Rion Hardware Offers Tools, Housewares
Plumbing. paint and electrical
supplies as well as housewares and
gift items can be found under one
roof al Rion Hardware. Westcliff
Plaza. 17th St. and Irvine Ave.,
Newport Beach.
Popular summerfime items in·
elude barbecues -both the gas
type by Charm-Glow and the Weber
charcoal type.
Rion Hardware 1s the Harbor
area's authorized Charm·Glow
parts dealer. said assistant
manager Bill Wall
Rion's hardware d e partment
features drills. circular saws and
sanders by Black and Decker and
Rockwell as well as aft entire line of
hinges. hooks and other s m all
hardware items by Stanley.
er no n's
S g-~. I pee•a s
~t.-~ s~~
changed over the last few years."
Wall said. "adding more inventory
and a wider selection."
Store hours a re now 9 a.m. to 9
p.m . Monday through Friday, 9
a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and 10 a m.
to 4 p.m. Sunday.
Rion's housewares department is
experiencing large demand ror
their Westbend and Farberware
3; a erTit
electric woks as well as rotisseries.
electric fry pans and coffee pots.
THE STORE'S GIFT department
offers such items as candles. table
cloths. recipe boxes and Pfaltzgraff
Wall said the store is known for
service. ordering special items for
customers and stocking hard·to-fi nd
plumbing and hardware items.
One Group of
And Undf>1
14M 3'1
• ~asler Chel'Qf' • Ban.{Ame<1card • la Ga.1er1a Cnarge
WESTCLIFF PLAZA Friday. July 28. 1978 DAAL Y PILOT 7
Hair Handlers
111diViduality Stressed at Westcliff Salon
"No woman s hould "'car the
,,1 rn e hair style more than six
months." says Steve Handler .
owne r of the llair Handlers in
Wcstcliff Plaza. Newport Beach
"Otherwise. people will file you
dway as 'this is what she looks like
and will lose their interest in you."
He notes that a lot of women
\\On't change their hair style or
length of h a ir because their
husbands or boyfriends like it the
way it is.
"That's reall y a cop·out for most
~omen. A man will look a\ an at·
tractive woman no matter what the
hair length is as long as she 1s
together personally "
IN HIS SHOP IN Newport Beach
Handler stresses individuahty 10
ha ir styling n ot o nly to the
"oman's lifestyle, but to the clothes
she wears and image she wants to
,,=_ ...
!JI~ *'-
"We don't cut hair with a cookie
cutter." he explained . "The
customer is given helpful counsel-
ing and is analyzed in terms of bone
structure and the look she wants to
ex press
Staff at Hair Handlers salon offers complete beauty and hair 1tyllng services.
"If a woman can look in the mir-
ror and see herself as she wants
others to see her then she's got a
good h air style.
"MOSf WOM EN USE their ap·
\}ea rance as their fashion statement
and if this statement is out of date,
1t should then be changed."
Some of the new hair fashions
that are coming back, s ays
Handler, are the short perms and
soft curls.
He sees the geometric cuts and
the frizzy styles on the way out or
the fas hion scene.
salon. Hair handlers offers a full
Halliday's Summer
..... ALE
day makeover that begins with a
continental breakfast in the morn·
Arter two individual consultations
for hair and skin care. the patron
has a facial, eyebrow arch. hair
conditioning treatment. custom cut
and styling, manicure and pedicure
and one makeup lesson. A com ·
plimentary bottle or nail polish and
wine also come with the session.
This $120 value is on sale for $75.
Open evenjngs by appointment
only, the salon styles men and
women's hair six days a week, Mon·
day through Saturday .
Appointmenls can be made by
calling 642·8484.
Halliday's Summer
l ;
8 DAIL V PILOT Friday. July 28. 1978 WESTCLIFF PLAZA
Holly Peterson models Scotch plaid veat and full skirt by C.W. 11.
avaUabfe at Dick Vernon's, Westcllff Plaza.
'Classics' in Style
Tons on Sale at Dick Vernon
S,.Clel S«tl-Wrlttt
The classic. traditiona l look 111
sportswear and dress b the special
ty at Dick Vernon's
"Dresses and skirts have been
popular for summer." said store
manager Susan Vernon, "along
with novelty T·shirts and shorts."
For Saturday's sidewalk sale"thc
store will have, in Miss Vernon's
words, "tons or pants, shirts, belts,
everything.at very low prices."
earth tones will ht! popular colors
for fall according to Miss Vernon,
and dresses will be just below the
knee and or full nowing fabrics such
as polyester crepe de chine and celesta.
Labels on hand at Dick Vernon 'i.
are Tracy. Foxy Lady and Malibu
Media. among others
"There will be a big surge in th(!
'disco look· for the holidays," said
Miss Vernon. "This will include
Danskin leotards and wr ap skirts,
s atin dresses and pants and disco
ha ndbags -tiny velvet and beaded pu rses ...
Completing the fall fashion look
wilt be an emphasis on vests with
shirts and ti es. Shi rts will continue
tp be full and sort but will feature
smaller collars. Store hours arc 10 a.m. to 6 p m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, f'ri
day and Saturday, and 10 a.m. lo 9
p.m. Thursday.
Charles H. Barr Je wele rs stat
fer Richard McElvalne recently
received the title of certified
gemologist from the American
Gem Society. The degree 11 the
highest awarded by the society
and McElvaine is the third
member of the Charles H. Barr
organization to receive ft.
••§idewalk Sale §pecia1••
Sat11rday, July Z9 Only
m=-1:2££ 85.00 Re1noisturizhag
treatment with ever~· •
slaa1npoo and blowdr~'
Stw by fa
•Balr&etf ...
•Ski• c:ar. ............ ,. ... ~ .... .......
Formal wear of all type• can be rented and purchased et Darrell'•
Tux Shop Has Service
Fit is Specialty at Darrell's
"The most important part ol any
tuxedo rental shop is its service to
the customer and the fit," says Dar·
rell Deader, president or Darrell's
Dedrick Tux Shop Inc.
"We make sure that no one is sur-
prised when they get their tux
home and find out It's two sizes too
big," he said.
"Everything Is tried on before it
ls taken out of the store."
The shop specializes In precise
alterations and filling for all their
customers and Bender believes it's
the shop's experience that gives It
the edge over other formal~ear out·
the oldest names In tuxedo rentals in
Los Angeles. Two Oarr"ell 's
Dedrick Tux SboP locations are in
Orange Counly -ln Fashion Square
In Santa Ana and in Westcliff Plaza in
Newport Beach.
"The Santa Ana store has been in
business for 20 years and the w estcllfr store open ea when the
plasa first began. "People really rely on us for ln·
formaUon on when and where to
wear a tux," be said.
Charin wu lo UM aru, be re-cei~ ...... , ... ., nlla ........
pie who wanted to know what
should be worn al certain royal
··A tux s hould never be worn
before 6 p.m.," he said. "A lot ol
people don't reaJize this."
Among tuxedos in stock at Dar-
rell's Tux Shop are Lord West,
Palm Beach, Arter Slx and the new
European look Clem Crystal Tux-
All formal wear ls available for
rental and sale.
"Any black tux we have in stock
during Saturday's Sidewalk Sale
will be marked down at least 20 per-
cent." said Bender. "ao we can
make room for new arrivals."
Friday. July 28. 1978 DAILY PILOT 9
Broken Slzes
Oisoontinued Styl9' end Colors
Br<*en Slz.es
Olsoontinued Styles end Colors
Veta's Open
I IJ)• IA nNE A tflllUI
·642 .. 1191
10 DAIL Y PILOT • Friday, July 28. 1978
Men's, Boy's
casuals ~UT
50 Percent
A 11 saJe mercha ndise will be 50
percent off or more and is the same
lhat we carry all year round -no
seconds. said manager Sherman
Means ·'Th is is o ut opport unity to
deple te our stock for the new fall ar
riva ls ."
"Our inventory consists of men's
and boy's leisure and casual wear
in an updated traditional style
i\llhough The Storekeeper takes
pride in its merchandise. Means
stressed service a~ the key to their
eight ~ca rs of success
"Our philosoph) I!> that or lhe old ·
lime s lor<'kecpcr wi t h plenty of
p<'rsonahzcd scr\'1Ce We Jeel that
tht• cu~tomer 1s all-important 1n our
busincs!> and it 's essential to try to
picas<' him." hc said
A concert for Solar
Energy, 2 p.m. Sunday
July 30, lido Theatre,
N e wport Beach. $5
donation benefits
O .C .C . Recycling
Center. A
We must make
room for fall merchandise
50% Off
On all suits, sport coats, pants,
shirts, ties and belts.
Westcllff Custon1 'fatlorlng
and M~n's Wea.._.
NewPort Beach
1132 Irvine Avenue
Nelrt to M•rket BHkel
. ,
.. ~ . .: .... . ..
....... ..
... ..
. .
Storekeeper salesmen Doug
~oot and Mitch Braman show
new lndlan madras summer
weight shirts.
Sahrday, July 29th
Don't miss ow once-a-year s....-Slclewalc Sale!
Savings of up to 0
................ _ ..... ...._. .,. ....
..... TOOi.i. alGTllCAL
MOUSIWAMS. •AlllM. ...,.._ PMff, AUTONOm'L
W.f:',1-. IM
, ..
' . ..
·~~-... _ .. r---~: ..... _
'Relaxed Atmosph,ere' at
La Galleria Ladies' Wear
Casual, e l egant imported
women's fashions and a relaxed al
mosphere await customers or La
Galleria in Westclirr Plaza,
Newport Bench.
Upcratmg from Westcliff Plaza
since 1963. the shop stocks a fine
selection or dresses, pants and
blouses with the latest in fashion
"We specialize in dressing the
woman from head to toe," says
Evelyn Jehle, who. along with her hu~band, owns the store.
mateh an outfit to a jacket she
already owns or wants an entire
wardrobe. we have the merchan·
t.lisc to give her the 'total look· ··
Some of this merchandise in·
d udes fas hions by Giorgio SL
Angelo. Halston. Beged-or. Jana.
Sergc.Namcel and Jill Richards.
These fashions are presented in a
relnxcd. "no-push .. atmosphere by
experienced, professional sale!>peo·
pre, she said Complimentary cof-
fee 1s also served to all customers
slimmer pants and tops wi ll be
popular this fall with the "big top"
look on the way out.
"We 'll have the cuffed boots and
knee boots in stock for fall to go
with the slim pants."
A full line of belts, hats. purses,
and scarves also are on hand.
FASIOON SHOWS ARE another service provided by La Galleria, she
said, reealling her favorite show.
"We did a s how for United
Airlines on an in.flight DC·8 The
plane took off to a brass band from
Los Angeles International and
stopped at Reno and Las Vegas,"
she recalled.
La Galleria hours are 10 a m. to 6
p.m . daily except Thursday from 10
a.m . to 9 p.m. The store is closed Sunday.
Beverly Levy model• • le•tftef comt and Jean•, made In l1real,
and polyHter crepe de chine blovM wtth doubt• ruffte 1leeve. from
LI Oallerla, 1044 lrvlne Ave., Newport leach.
Friday, July 28, 1978 DAILY PILOT 11
Broken Sizes
25% Off
White Dimer
With black satin lapels
50% Off
Tu•edo Shirts
25%-50% Off
Shirt Ruffles
50% Off
All merchandise from our
regul• stock
D_..ck11 Tux Shop '11 S.ta Ana, Inc.
We1tdff Pina 646-189 I
5..t.AH ZI P11M• S••• 147-'141
.... • ...
12 DAILY PILOT * Friday July 28 1978 WES TCLtFF PLAZA
Owner Dick Marowltz, left, Jeannie Stotts , Jack White and
Steve Marowitz admire newly-remodeled Weltcllff Shoes.
Halliday's Success Owed to
Styling, Affordable Prices
Traditional styling at affordable
prices has been the key to 14 years
of success at Halliday's in Westcliff
Plaza. Newport Beach .
·'I believe t h e t rad itional
styling is coming back." says ownb
Bill Halliday
"It seems no ma tter what is
in style. most people can buy the
traditional suit and know that it will
even tually be bac k in s t y le.
The r efore we s tay away from
changing fads in fa shions."
Suits and sportcoats by Grief.
Deansgate and Corbin arc in stock
along with straight-legged trousers,
dress shirts by Cero and Gant, ties
by Talbert and shoes by Cole-Haan
and Johnston and Murphy.
Selected items from this list will
be reduced as much as 50 percent
during Westcliff Plaza's annual
sidewalk sale this Saturday
Included in the sale will be a fine
coll ection of suits, belts. knit and
dress shirts and pants.
Mike Carter model• a blue blazer and grey flannel alack• from
HaHlday'a men'• 1hop.
STARTS 9:00 A.M.
WILL BE 50% TO 70% OFF
We are confident you will find
an excellent selection of
fine sale merchandise. Wash &
wear pants, jeans in variety
of styles and colors, short &
long sleeve sport shirts,
knits, snirts in stripes and solids,
shorts, jackets, sweaters, belts.
From our Boys Dept.
Jeans, knit shirts, sport shirts,
jac_k_e_ts_. ______ L
be sure of sizes.
All sales
must be final.
BankAmericardlMaster Charge
WettcUlf Plaza
1028 Irvine. N ewport Be1Jch.Califom1a Phone 042-7061
l 7
Huntington Beaeh
Fo11ntain Valley
l:.Dl ll ON
VOL. 71. NO. 209, 5 SECTIONS, 58 PAGES
~-\'. SCot•ks
Louise Turning England Upside Down
OLDHAM . England cAP> , A baby g irl named Louise has
brought the world's press flocking lo her door. made a fortune for
her p arents. set newspupers wheeling and dealing. spark~ a db
pule with the government and started religious leaders arguing
baby that had been t'onceived in a laborator y
Oldham as a grimy. friendly industrial town of 227,500 people.
190 miles northwest of London It prospered an the last c entury
because of its cotton mills. but it's rather run down today
Unemployment is high and thcre·s an air of industrial decay She's Louise Brown. the world's first known test-tube baby.
:.ind s he's JUSt thrtt' days old No baby'!li birth has c r<.·ated s uch :.i
stir in Britain since• Queen Elizabeth II had Princt· Charles 30
y~ars ago
With the birth of Louise at 13 minutes before m1dn1ght Tue'\·
day. Oldham was back on the map
REPORTERS AND TELEVISION t-'ll.M cr ews fro m around
the world Oockc-d to Oldh"m whe n the news leaked out that Lesley
Brown. a 30-year-old Bristol housewife in the red-bn ck maternit)
wing of Oldham .md Dis t ricl General Hospital was t'X pectang J
T HE GOING HAS BEEN TOUGH for m ost of the press corps
They could describe how gynecologist Patrick Steptoe and
physiologist Robt-rt Edwards removed one of Mrs Brown's eggs
fertilized it in a test lube with s perm from her 38-year-old husband
.John. tht'n returned il to her uterus to develop normally for nearl~
* * *
• untmgton
Tots Due
LONDON IAl'J Thrt•e mon ·
\\nm<•n. two Of them COUOtl'SSl'..,
t.•X peel k st tub(· ba hit•l> this
year. tht• Daily Expn•ss report
ed today
The• Rrat1..,h t.1hlo1<l '>:.ttd tht
wifr or a \H•:Jlthy British earl
.ind :.i Wt•st Gt.-rman t•ounless <''<
p (• c I t h ,. I r b <I b I I:' s a r 0 u n II
Christmas and tht· third wum.111
J SC'Ol. 1•x1w1·1'> IH'r"' 1n l\ln
n ·mhe1
!'loont· of th<· v.t11111·n \\cl"' 1dc·n
'Rut lht• E xpn•ss s aid lht•
Hnllsh counkss. ltkt· lhl' moth1·r
of the world's first tl'"'t tuh1·
h CJby horn Tuc.•-;rla~. ht•t·amc.· µn·
b a b y born Tut·sda~. bt•t·<1m1·
pregna nt l.lfl!'f tn•atm1•nl hy
gynt•colog1sl P<ilrttk Stcptm· anr1
physaolgasl Robert Edwards ul
Hlt' general hospital in Oldham a
mill town an norlhl'rn England J!j(J
miles northw<.•s t of London
A fourth woman who hl)Pl'S to
become pn•J?nant aftt•r 1•ont·t·p
tion ouL-;1d<.1 t he.• womb 1s under
f reatmc•nt 1n Lo ndo n 's Sl
Thomas·s Hospital. She 1s an ht•r :ms and is ht-mg s h1eldt'd from
the press. but m(•d1cal sourct•s
s a id it would be -;ome tam••
before ti "as known 1f she Wl'rt·
prl'gnant O"IY P11-' ~uff P ... lo M edic~t l history s first l est
tube baby. Louis<' Brown . w<ts
moved fro m a special c are umt
Thurs day to JOtn her mothe r in
the m aternity ward at Oldham
and District GC'ncral llosp1t:1l.
and a bulletin said she was "pro
~rt.•ssing very well "
Big Waves Took Toll Among Uninitiated Thursday -Lifeguards Hauled 424 Out of Water
Tht' mother. Lt•sley Brown
"ho will tw :ii Moncfay :.ind hl'r
C St>c B.\RIES. r ag(• 1\21
Big Surf Due
To Continue
All Weekend
Whopper Surf Hits
HJmtington Beach
14 Diamond
Rings Stolen
Four11•l·n dia mond rings
'a lut·d <1t S35.000 were s toll'n
( r o m t h t· .I Ill' r b e r t II a 11
.h •wclry storC' in Westmansll'r
Mall W<'dnl·Sd<1y t'vening
With th(• bag surf th at h1l
Nt:wport Heach Thursday l'X
p Pctcd lo las t through lht·
w<•eken ct , l ifeg u ard s a nd
bodysurfers prepared for action
Surf was building along th(•
west Orange County shorelm e
tod ay. with Wl'll -form t'd
breakers up to eight feet a nd ex
pC'clataons of heavy rescue aC'
t1 v1ty by lifeguards who earned
t he ir p ay Thurs day.
W e :. t m 1 n s t e r p o I 1 t' 1•
..,pokN,m:m Earlt• Gr<1ham said
today that th<' Jl'Wl'lry was takl-n
from a n unlocked display c ase·
rluring busane..,s hours at about 7
1> m II<' "'"'d t ht·rt• Wl'rt' no "11
IWSM'S tn lht• thl'ft J nd llCI ..,US
Thl· hodvsurf<'rs cheered lht·
arrival or' the big com h<'rs 1n
tim e t o r tht· firs t annual
ll andgun contest wh1 C'h 1s s<'l for
SJturd:.iy at 7 :.i m ;.1t l8lhSl.
A towl of nearly 400 resl'ues
was reported among Huntington
•and Rolsa C'haca slate beaches.
llunlington City Bectch and Seal
Beach lifeguards
1\ Ha ndgun as a m1naatun• :-.urf
bo;ird madl· of plastic th:.il a bodv
-;urf1•1 ~n ps with one ha nd to g1v(•
ham mon• mob1hl~ 1n ndang ;1
\\ ,I\' l'
"W<•'vt• had 22 alreadv this
morning." said :.i spokesm.an for
lhl' Sl'al lk:.ich Lifegu ard
D<•partmenl. addmg that wavl's
1n lht• shl'lkrt•d little beach art·
up to s ix focl from a normal on1•
lfl t WO fl'<'l Jll'l'I s
Graham :O..J ld that 1t •~ 1101
known why lht• chsplay cast• hu<I
bN•n left unl<><.•kc.•d
l.1 f1•guards w t'r<.• ll·..,:-. t•n
1hus1,1sllt' ahout the bag su rf
.1fH•r thl·~ pulkd 424 S\\tmmers
nut of thl• hag w;in•s Thursday
Waves early 111 the d ay had
nsl'n to four to fi ve.• feet at Hunt·
1ngton BC'ac h 's city beach
That's Show Biz?
$50,000 Night Club Gig a Mirage
Ry G.\R\' G R.\NVILLE Of tlw Oalty Pilot Slaff
'l'\\O ohst·un· ni ght duh l'nterlainers
st nu·k 1t l'll'h an Or;mge recently wh<!n
.1 n unknown mill iona1re paid them
S50.000 to r>l•rform m his n ew nitcrv
But tht• s angt'r and his accompanist
g n .•\\ rcsllt•ss \\ h t•n . ror one reason or
a nother . lhl'ir dt•hut al lhC' posh club nm
111to a series of delays.
DON'T WORRY. T HEY were alleged·
ly told by the million<iir<'·s woman
<•gent. we're willin!! to p;1y you a r e-
t a1nt>1' t o make certain vou 'll lw on hand
.... hC'n th(• C'luh Opl'ns .
But worry tht• t>nt <.•rt :i 11wrs 11lcl as I ht•\'
W\ll t<•d for tht•1r lllg C.'hant•t• to knnC'I< \•ni
dt•:id a t lht• n l'W nig ht dub
So worriL'ci did tht'Y hl•tnmt' tha t this
week they called tht• mahr of tht·
<·hecks the woman g<tvt' th<.•m on bl'half
of her millionaire boss.
TH E S I NGER AND HIS sidekick
quickly learned tht> checks they had tot -
c>d to th(.' bank ovt:r the past two months
wt•n·rl't thm;e of <1 millionni r<> patron
l ns tc>nd. tht.• d1N·ks wen: once voided
payroll chcC'ks helonging to th<' v.orld 's
ror<:'most pl.1tform ml drillmg firm. Se1n
t a Fe.• lnt1•rnat1onal Co mpany.
Tht'n · ''<I:-. no million;Jire And th<· non
1.·xisll'nt mallwnairt•'s n~w ni~ht cluh w1.1s
non-t•x1s lt·nt
Thcrt• was. howt'ver. ca bookkeept•r ;.11
S:ant;.i F t• lntt•rnational who a pparently
hud h<.•t•n s m1llC'n bv the mtertainers ·
I all·nb. ·
hookket•per. Sh<>ryl Ann McGary. 35. of
524 S 11edford St.. Orange. who had
1 c.•pn•s(•ntcd tlw m ythical millionaire ~1s
ht• <'ontl'<•t h •<I fur th<' c nt<.•rt:.1i n t.·rs'
"l.'I'\ IC't'S
i\nd it \ms ;\;lrs McG<ary who w<1s an
Or:tr11.w County .Jail by Thursday a fte r
noon. t h:argcd with fraud and embezzlC'·
Police said they did not know what
prompted the woman to allegedly em·
bezzle th<• money paid to the singer a nd
his piuuist
Meanwhilt•. tht• t•ntertain er s began
'il':tn'h111g for '' n<>w <·n~a~ement and
lhc 1r c·h:m<'I' to m ukc the bi~ time tha t
"t'l'nlt'cl to bt· theirs :it Orange C'ount~ 's
llt''' l"'t non mJ!ht cluh
whNe 150 rescul's wt•rt.• lo1u~cd
Waves a t ll unt1ng to n anrt
Bolsa Chica state• beucht:•s wcr l'
rt' ported up to t•1ghl fet'l. with
rap and s id1• C'Urr<•nts l:.i c·ang
KTLA Fills
Church Slot
With Movies
T t•lt•v1s111n :-.lJllOn KTLA Chern
n<'I 5 has dt•cadNI to insert old
Sha rl<.•y Tt•mplc.• movies in the
Sunday morning ta mt· -,101 <><'
c u i<'d s ince 1970
Ro crt S<.•hulle r a nd has "Hour
of Power ..
KTLA s po kt•swom a n Mary
Rarrow s~11d the station h:.is not
c ance led the tra d it iona l hour
sponsored by Schull<'r '-; liarden
Grove Community Church
,.L"W c"vt• 1ust m a d 1.• r.o m <.•
;;cooduhng t•hangt's <•nd offcre<l
t he 6\ 30 a m slot to the church,·'
Mass Barrow said
'Wt' havt• found lhal k1ddH.'
-;hows and family mov1cs arl'
popular at th(' 10 a m hour that
h as been usNI hv lht• chur ch "
Mcanwhrll' an 'c;ardl•n Grovt'. J
-,pokt'sman for tht• church c;uid.
"Los ing Los /\ngl'll•s would real
ly be a '>l'raou:-. blow to the
minis try. It has ,been our home
Mikc Nason. !lour of Power
e xecutive producer , noted the
program as the longest running
rchg1ous churc h st•rvace on Los
Angeles tt•lcv1sion
"We fet>I at would bt' a greut
classl'r vi<'(' to lh1· community to
deprive the hund1cappcd. thC' 1n
farm <md th<' f•lclcrly of a church
'>e rv1ct• brought to thc·m in the ir
homt•s ··
N us on sa id he· hopPs KTLA
will c h ungc its mind about the
ta me <'hangt'
But Miss Barrow 1n(hcaled it 's
a closed issue
Sh<' said another programmer
hus a lready -,poke n for half the
6 30 a m tim<.• -.101 set aside for Hour of Powrr
"Now. thot foll hour ts not
.1\'a1lahlc "Miss Burrow ... aid
<Set> MOV IE~. Paitt ::1
nine months But thPy could not rnterv1ew. phologr.iph or film the Browns
The London l><11ly Mail, afll·1 (spirited bidding a gainst rt\ ttl
U.1bloids. bought cxclusave right:. o lht' Browns. paying morf' than
$600.000. unsul'eessful r ivt.t ls said.
Thret' Ja p<rnesl' photogrC:tphcrs took ptl'tures of cvt.-ry pregna nt
womt.tn thcy could spt· an Oldham A r <tdto reporter from Italy
strolled lht' streets asking 10<.·JI people 1f tht·y h11d reh~rnus obJeC'·
lions to lhe birth
"Whal birth. lu v., · th<•y a~ked d1splay1ng the well-known "H)
lo('.il humor
<See BABY LOUISt :. Pagt-.\ll
Three Charged
In Ramming
By ARTHU R R. Vl !'/St:L
OI t ... OA1ly Pt IOI SUll
A Huntington Beach moturc~
d l' officer w ho fired two shot~
at a car whose driver allcgt'Cll)
I n ed to run him d own thre1·
ta ml's in both lor\\ard and rt.•
't•rst• ~ears '" .ill\'l' b ut
hruised toda-.
T h t' m o. t o r 1 s t cl n d t " o
JHl'iSengers .1rt' Ill pal arter th1
l'pas odc.· 1n which Sgt Cai I
Vidano fired two s hots at his al
lt•gcd attackers aftt·r tw 1n g
k nock<'d to the p:.ivl.'mcnt
Michael D. DuPont , 20. of
19962 Is thmus Lant'. Jlunl111gton
Rt•<1ch. is hl'ld 1n lieu of $25.000
hail. eharged with assault with a
<le:.idly weapon on a poltc·l· of
lits allegc-d passengers 1n thl·
~I 50 am Thursday 1nc1dcnt.
(;l·ne Me n s ik . 19. o f 1991 ;!
I ,s l h m u s La n e . H u n t in g t o n
fkac h . and Ernest Gumm. 20. of
51J:t Victoria St . Costa Mes.1,
wen · identically booked.
All three remained in c ustod~
at Huntington Beach City Jail to
Patrol Sgt Larry Cain said a
resid e nt of the• neighborhood
where thl' "ssault occurrccl
n o a r N <.' w I a n d S t r l' t· l a n cl
Yorktown Avl'nUl'. wa.., al!-11
nearly rw1 down during lhl' mc1
<il'nt as he tried to aid V1dano
In vestigators said Sgt V1dar111
1nit1ally pulled tht· suspect vt•h1
etc over to issue a s p<.·edang catJ
t10n whill• on radar dutv. <'a us
ing thl' dnvcr to turn onto a s1d1·
"Bl'fore he could d 1s muunt
from his motorcyck . thl· C'ar a(•
celerated." Sgt Cam said
H<' explained 11 appt'Hrl'd th1•
vchac lP dravt'r was I rying lo
csC'ape. but he.· suddenly ~pun thl·
car in a U-lurn al Anchor:.ig1·
Ora vt.· a nd Windwa rd Lam•
heading for thl.' sergeant.
Ra mmed broadsadC' h~ lhl' on·
coming car. Sgt V1da no :-.ut
fl'rC'd minor leg 4'CraJH'"' ancl
hru1St'S but pohcC' allej.!l' a s h1
... (' r a m b I c d t 0 h .... rt• 1• t I h I
Given Life
28-year·old man convicted of thl'
... tra ngling murder or ;1 vucataon
1ng schoolteacher h:.i:-. bel•n sc·n·
kneed to lift' impnsonmc.·nt
Felton Vonu~ Simon, who 1~
wanted in Nevada m ronnf'ctaon
with another <.tra ngling. was
sentenced Thursday by Superior
Court Judge Charles II Wood
ma nset>. The judge g:.ivc Simon
credit for 395 say-. dlri>a d y
served 1n Los Angele'> County
Simon was convicted .Junt• ~
1n t h e s trangling .nurdi•r of
Carol Ann Tho mpson . 31 of
Tacoma. Wash . whost· body wa..,
found on JuJy 18. 1975, 111 <• mott•I
room. She ha d com e to Southern
Calirornia to visit he r husband.
Sidewalk Sale
Eyed Today
The 14th nnnua l Wcs lchff
Plaza s idewalk suk ·~ outhned
in a m 1:1.gazine in lOduy's Daily
"The rather of all Harbor Area
s idewalk sales" featurc ~ hair
a nd Jewe lry 1ash1ons. 10<><1<1 nnd
h ardwore
1 nte r vlew<. with We'it clt lf
Plaza Merchants Jlso 11ppear 1n
the ma1umm.• in tod.1y's Daily
m olurt..,1 liat·kl•d up tirl.'s
.,qut .ilan~ <11m1n~ <11 him
Diving Mdt•\\<.I Y"' lo ..,.tfety. Sgt.
\'ad:.ino "".11d thl' ctrivcr then took
.1 nother run ;1t him :.is h t.' dod~ed
.1s1dt· Jnd a1ml'd hi!-'>crv1ce rt·
volvt•r '>l• :.i1ghl al tht• ... us pect
Tht• dnvt•r startl'd l<• s pet'd
;1 \\ a.> .Jnd SJ,lt V1dano rirl'd
1 w1ct• al tlw t·:.ir ., n ·ar tires . Hl'
rl11SSl'cl .
Authontal's traced tht• auto lo
lh1.• Isthmus Lam· address and
.1rn•st ed DuPo nt. Mensik and
(;umm. 1mpuundmg lhl' s us11el't
'1•h1 <.•lt• as l'Vtdenl't'
DA Drops
File Probe
On Bon/a
The d istrict attorney's office·
h:.is dropped an 1nves hga taon in·
lo alleg:.ih ons th:.it form er Hunt·
tnj?ton Bt•ach Caty Attorney Don
Bonf:1 l':trrtl'd orr ('II\' file~
lollo\\ 1ni.: ht"' (•lel·t1on defeat last
\ µrtl
Ch· vu• y Di s t ri<·t Attocrney
l)an1t·I Hri(•t• told o ffic ials a
thorough llWt'sltf,lat11Jn failed lo
... how a11 v t•v 1d enl'l' that lht· rh;1q:!l'~ wen• trut•
Brtt'l' noted thar City Attornr~
<;atl lluttcm had no1 founcl am
tall':-missing s1nn· sht· took of
f1<·t• I a st Aprt I
Mr-; Hulton "aid pn•v 1ously
that "hl•n s ht• assumed h e r
clut1t·~ '>h(• wus unable t<1 find
... om t• nl Bont:.i ... f)Crsonal cor-
res pondt•ncl' fi It's
S ht• ..,a id that -;h<• contacted
Honfa who found the m<tterials
.ind n •curnl'd thl'm tu \lrs. Hut
\1 a~111· Pro Tf•mpore Richard
Stt•bNt ..,a1d ... hort ly "ft e r the
\pnl t•ll•l'tmn Iha• ht· feC1 red that
... om1· fill'"' l'rU<:1:il t•• c ity htaga·
I io n h ad da'lappc.·ared
Stt•bt•rt fal t'<l .1 law-;u1t against
Honl:i last March ~eekin~ to re
t•nvt·r n1oney for the city he al
lc•gc.•s was imprope rly s pent bv
Bonfa has filed a counte rsu1t
against Siebert
or::rA :asa
\tea a her
Som<.• late night anti t'!H'
ly m o rning low clouds
11 I h I.' r w 1 c.. t' f :11 r t o ct a v
through Saturday A lilt!~
<'tHl lt•r nl•:.tr tht• coa-;t
Hig h ... rang ing from thc-
low 70s al the beaches to
I he m 1d 80s inh.and a reas.
Lo ws tonight 58 to 68.
Summer plays ot Orange
Coast Coll<•gl' hatit• hf'eri a
,,.aditwn f11r yt·or.~ l'>ul
·· Poi:111c Out•rture~ rnuld bi'
thr /otjl bt'('OU ~I' lif th11
pasxage o/ Proposttwn l :J
Story and pictures 11n l'oge
C l
At You• ,,_,..ICe Al lftlerMIU-... A .... 1..~ c' ., ••• u ... I. M aeyf ... ,_.vi .. c .. ,: evt•.,.n aH M41tvll "~ c ... ,., .... A) •tttAt1U llU CH
Cl•U•tlt<I 01 II \yl¥1A ........ es
Ctmlu aJ , ...... , ... 10 c,. ........ I) , •• o ""'""" .,
0 H tll Nttl<H o• , .......... a
lfltlf'W ..... '" T"9•tw> ~,.
Cit11..UI_. Ct·• WHll••• A• '••IUfl .. •11 .., .... ~ •• '"""' ... ••
Big Weddi1zg
/11 Cowlly
Dralaj tars
S1111tt•1 t•r;1nk ~in.ilr,.,
coml•d1an Don f<1clJt>::. <1nd
1he c nl11t· l.os Angele:.
Oodg<'r bu::.e ball team
1H·rc :Jmong lhl• guc:.ts al
the wedding of Laura
Lasord<1, 24, an Fullerton
'l'hur:.day night.
T h c f o r m t• r M 1 s !>
l.as orda , duu g hl e r of
Dndgt•r manager Tom
Lusorda , bt•c·ume Mn..
Sandy T<indlcr in the
home of Jerry Stephenson.
,1 1 on g t 1 ml' I. as o r d a
"Yes. cvt:ryonc had a
grt'at tame." Stephenson
s aid today "Don Rickles
t•nlt•rta1nt:d <.i nd ht.• was
greJt, simply great "
Among otht•r guests at
lht• l.<.1::-.ord.i \\eddang wf're
JClrc•ss llop1• Lungc, <Jl'lOr
r<in~ l..0R1anco and Pckr
0 '.\1 allc). son of Dodger
O'-' ncr W..altcr O'M<.1lley
Kille d on
\\ Jlking ,t<•rnss 1'<.tc1f1c Coast
1111.!h"" <•Y against a red light l'O!>l
.1 \11ut h his ltfc in lluntington
tk.11·h latt• Thursday night when
hl' "as ramm<.'CI by a c<1r and
flun~ 11 ~ fret
f'uul J:>.•smond llut·y . 18. of El
;\lonll'. w;1::. pnmounl'cd dead on
arrival at Pac1f1ca Hospital
follow111g the 11 p m tragedy
"llnl'::.sl"fl b~ "l'n'ral friends.
Th<• v1ct1m ::.uffered multiple
fr;1ctun•!> and internal inJuraes.
pohc·t> ..,a u1
orr1ct•r .lohn Rt•rens !)aH1
motorist Harold Robt•rt Madden.
23. ol 407 I Ith St . was not c1t1.•d
undt·r the c1 rl'umstanct·s. sincl·
hl' t•nuldn't ttvoid the accident at
l'iJC'lfiC' Coast llig hway and
Newland Strt'l'l.
"Ont' of lhl' witnl'SSCS S<Jid hl'
w<1s standin~ bc!>ide his pickup
t rud. when hl' h N1rd tirt·s
-.4ut .. tling and then there was a
holly fl:.1ng through tht• air."
..,,ml Sgl Edrl1<• Groom.
·Tht• v1ct1m's buddies mad<' 1t
.1noss. hut hl' 1us t mosey('(!
11~hl an front of th<' <'ar."
!'>t•rgl•ant (;room .1ddcd. saying
1l 1!> unexplainubll•
"1 ad1J<on ·.., ol<.kr <'om pact c ar
-.li-.t.11nt•d mrK'leruk d<.1magc due
111 the impact
C11rnner s dt•put1<·s s;i1d Loda}
th1· v1t·t1m's rl'ma1ns were t aken
t o Pit•rt.·l· nrotht·rs Smith s
~lortuary in fluntangton Reach
p1•11d 1 ng <frll v<•ry to a funcr:.il
homt• 1n El '\luntt:
Bandit Hits
1\ lom• gunm~m who wore a ski
m.1s l. and brandbhed a pistol
ro h h l' d a F o u n t a i n V <1 11 e y
ll'S laurant of a yet
uncl1..·l l·rmint·d s um of monl'Y
1•a1 ly today. pollc<· said ·
The U· 15 a m holdup at Coco's
fo'.imnus Hamburgers 18380
Uroukhurst St . may have nettt•d
tht• b~1nd1t several hundr11d
dollars. police s aid.
R<'s taurant management
pt•r sonnet "cre st 111 detl•rminjng
tht• los!> about mad morning, JC
cording to Lt Carl Lawrence.
F ro. Page Al
husbund John. 3R. a truck dnver
who h as a daughter by a prt•
\'aou.., marriage. h ad been unabll'
111 havt' <'h1ldn•n for almost 10
'l'a r!> of marriaJ.(l' hl'C:tUM' an tr
n ·p<trabl1· blockage an Mr!>
1\1 m' n ·~ Fallop1:.in tubes pn·
'l'ntl•tl normal t•onccptinn
T~ f')f l"Qo ( .. l n 1tl• PtlOt "''"' """"''"' 1\t'IWf'I "•'W1f~!lrf ., o~,. \ C'Y~•\MGO\tthf-(>•"Oll'
• 'f1",1f) .,,11'11 (0'"' '"• ~•"-'O.•••lt ,.d1hflin· u~ ',,f\•• ""~" ,._,...,."1 t• lf'ltrlJfa" t tt'M\t ,,.., (t1.\I•
""'' • ._. ""'""'' R• . " ••"'''IQ'°"" lW' ,,,., r-OV'\ t t Vt • t '\ H't•h rt • V4h"\t .......
l t "" U• • "" ~t• f.,4 t A '°"O"',....iC>-C>l\.At"'1; "' "',,,. ..... ~ u~· '"•~ Wiid ""'o"' •~
l'lt. ( .. , 11111ht "'IJ C' "'"' •f ,.., W-\I 8At
""' ( ,,.~. ' ( ,,,, ··~ .. ..,.!llo.'f)
,...,,.~ ..... p,,. tf')rf'll .. rwtP\lb' .,,.,,,
"'"" '""'"'' V·t•p,,.,.,IJlll,,l 41~<iof' .. 4tl Miit~
, ........... ff"'4
l4•f0f ,,...,,.". """'.....,,. ~"·•q•f'Q ( ~tOf
Cf\tf'lf111ti H "''' ••t~ P N•"
A '''"'"' MAnAQ•f"IQ r C11to1• . _ _..,, ......... .
M,,,,, .. ,...,. ro11f"i1 .. rlh1""
Hun11n01on 8e•ch Office
t'U!A• ''" Ul'\.,.lf• .. ,,.,,, ~•hrtQ AO<t'"'' P 0 t\n• /iii •1~.M
l ~Qun11t n .. ..-1 ft I 11111 (th "'f'W"\lt• 11'""'1
( '"''• """''" HOWt\t fl.tw ~''"'"' '4t.frf)I,..,._(' VAflltf /\-,.,, l <'t P,tt ACMO ilf~o • .,oor, ... ,..
T•letlflone (71•1~
OenHled Adwertlalng 642-6f11
' ,~Nott" °'""Of r """"•• c""""""'.'"" r>•0-1220
~~~.,('~ :! ~=\ c:~w·!.,~~~~f:::1 ~ ..... , •. •d••'l l\·~"" .... ,.,,. "'•• ""' rrO•fll_,v, •d •itN>ut \ff<••• O.tft'll\\IOf'I ot lli•Y••t;f\t .........
,.,..~• •••' "''"'•• •••4 .~ r ,. ,.. ... r • ·'Cl''"'• \•1b · ••el I\ P• .,.,., \t l ~;~~~hi);~:~,. "' °''" 1 M '•'"
l'11oay July 28 IW1d
3 Hoods
armcd own (:ntcrt'd a room
where lht· movie .. Brink':." was
being edited .today, handcuffed
the editors and fled with recent
ly filmed sequences of the pro-
duction. police said
The stolen film may be worth
more than the money taken dur
1ng the Brink's holdup an
January 1950 $1 2 million.
said the writer of the book on
which the film 1s hllsL>d The cost
of making the movie has b<:cn
esl1m ated at $12.5 million
"Brink's" stars Peter Falk.
master slculh of the telev1s1on
series "Columbo." as a st 1ckup
Police said thrct• men s lippt'<.I
past the movie C'rcw's security
lJy us ing the nume elf an ex
l'CUt1vc of the production
DA1ly Polol ~~ .......
l, 0 S A I'll G EL ES I AP 1
('on~umt.•1 pn<'l' 111 Los Angele..,
.i nd Orangt tount ll'!> ... kyrockel
cd it 9 per<'l'nt 111 the first six
months of this year .1 percen·
tage point higher than the 1n
crt•a s t' rt•cordcd in t h<' first hlllf
of 1977. tht• L S La bur Depart
mt'rH reported today
lftghl'r post a1!<' rates and tn·
l'rt•ast>d costs of food. housing
and t ransportat1on caused art>a
con..,umt>r pn('es to n st' l O ptor
cPnl last month. said Jim Wurth.
l'h1<'f of the Sout hern California
offH't of tht L.1bor De partment :-..
nu1t•.1 u of l.1bor Sta11 ... t1c·..,
'Htil.1tl'd stOr}. /\4 1
Thl' four cmployce::. who had
bl'en handcuffed were not 1n
For weeks the pr<1duction
company re·created S<'t'nes and
backdrops to reflect the city of
28 years ago, when thieves en·
terl'd the Brink's Inc. office ....
hound lht· t.>mp loyt•l;S and
t•sc..1pcd with tht·i r hooty
Teachers Say They're Taking the Brunt of Proposition 1 J Cutbacks
Anct 1n tht• 12 montli period
ht·l\\t't.11 Ju1w 1977 and .lun1•
•97>1 tht Pl ICl'S for LO!> Anli\clt·..,
. 1111 01 ,1ni.:t tount ll'" rost• i 7
Jlt I t t n1 \\urth -.aid "h11<-la!>t
111111!1 Ii ... 1nt 11'J"t.' m<1rked the
lh1nJ -,trn1j;\hl month pnt·es rost·
.11 lt•.•-.t Onl perce nt
\\•th Jum•, intT1•;1-.1· the run
..,L:ml'I prac·t· 1ndt•x .,hot up to
,111olhl'I rt'l'Ol(j 19:J 11 'or th11 t\l.U
l'OUnl ll'S
The stoll'n film w:1s of scenes
from Uos ton's old Scollay
Square. which in the 50's wa!>
lhl' rity's gCH>d·lime. burlesque
Valley Teachers Picket V. h ;ll th:il ho11" down to.
\.\> url h -.a HI ,.., I hal 11 1·ost $19 :l4 1,1:-.1 rnont h to hu} t ht• ::.am1•
~ood:; and st•rvit·cs wh1t•h l'OSl
)10 an tht lrnsl' pnre year of
:9h7 20 Demonstrate 'Solidarity' in Face of Cutbacks It <il:-.o means tht:· 1967 dollar
wou:d buy onl> 5J 7 cents worth
of i::oods llnd service:-. in today·~
market. 'Wurth explained
"It's ::.art of an <1 l::i Brink's."
Noel Behn. who wrote the book
on which the film 1s based , said
or the stickup.
•·If the film is not recovered,
lhen you'll probably have a mov
1t· without Scollay Squan'." he
:-.:.i 1d "Jt's a very expensive sc·
Police Sgt. Paul Conway said
thl' robbers were armed \l.llh
handguns. They wen• descr itx'<i
as two mt·n an their 20s and Ont•
1n his 40s
Price of Gold
Skyrockets ll3
Dollar Drops
LONDON IAP> -T he pricl' or
gold soared above $200 an ouncl.'.
:t n•cord. on the major European
hullion market tudav.
The price was fixed al $201 30
in hectic afternoon truding on
the London market and rose tu
$200.65 in Zur ich, Europe's big
gest gold market.
DE>alcrs here said bullion Wlls
given a boost when American
buying devl'loped at the start of
the busant·ss du} an the United
In Ne" Yori... the price of gold
passed the $201 an·ouncc mark
~•t two leading gold refaners and
fabricators. En~Plhard Mineral:-.
& Chemicals Corp. quoted gold
bullion at $201.60 an ounce. up
$7 .25 from Thursday. while llan
rly & Harman set its base price
for gold al S201.30, up $7.
I nvt•stors traditionally turn to
gold in times of monetary in·
stability, and the steady decline
of the doll<1r on the world's
foreign exchanges has causl•d .i
surge in bullion prices
Unless it was a typogra phical
t.•rror on the dispatcher's log to
d<1y Huntington Beach police
will probably turn him over to
thl' Smithsonian Ins titution
r..tther than possibly putting him
1n Jail Officer~ we re a lerted that
many people h ad re ported <1
man about "1,000 years old and
wearing only shorts" trudging
down Bolsa Chica Street with u
large sack s lung over his
s houlder
A bout 20 teachers represent-
ing a number of Orange County
school districts walked a picket
lane Thursday in Fountain
Valley lo protest teacher layoffs
and salary freezes.
Yale Wishnick. president of
the Fountain Valley Education
A asociation. s aid that the
picketers in front of the year·
round Plavan School d em·
onstrated sol idarity a m ong
He s:..aid that teachers have
suffcrc.'<1 the brunt of cutbacks
because of Proposition 13.
"There has been little. if any,
action taken by local boards to
n•move the waste and fat in
school district s," Wishnick as:
"A II that has happened is that
se rvices directly related to the
l'ducat ion of children continue lo
bt• l'Ul."
"Wc have 96 teachers in Foun·
t:.iin Valley who have lost their
jobs while the district h as not
namt'd one administrator to ~o ...
h<• udded. Wishnick said that he
wantl•d all the teachers re-
Wishnick said that teachers.
who carried picket s igns naming
the districts they r cprC'st•ntcd
..., C're attempting to make the
Leg1s laturC' and local boards
Jwarc of their s1tuat1on.
f o untain Valley was the s<•t•ne
of a batter confrontation early
last month between district or
f1c1uls a nd le<tchers protesting
layoff!> and pro~ram cutbacks
TcaC'hcr-; st:..aged a s lt:ep-in al
thl' d1slrtl't hl·adquarters until
they wen· blocked by a court or-
Deputy Superintendent Glenn
llardy said that layoffs and pro
gram cutbetcks were made an
Founluan Valley because of
c hanges in education philosphy
<1nd declining enrollment.
lie said the cuts were not re
Co ast W oma.n
In Drug Rap
MlA;\11 lt\P) -A s uspicious
hulg e on thl' back of a woman
arriving al Miami lnlernation:JI
Airport led to her arrest and the
s eizure of 4.7 pounds of coca1m·
valued al more than Sl m1llton.
Customsoffici als said.
Robin Diane Linn, 22. of Hunt
ington Beuch. arriving from
Bolivi.i Thursday, w<.1s stopped
by a customs inspector who
found three plastic packages
containing cocaine ta ped to her
body. officials said. She was :Jr·
rested and charged wit h
possession and unlawful 11n
portat1on of cocaine
FrmaPa~A J
Central Office of Information to film the birth. s ince the govern·
mcnt's National Health Service was paying her m edical bills. But
on Thursday Mrs Brown insisted the film not be televised for 28
days because of her contract with lhe Mail
The Department of Health and Social Security said 1t could not
accept restnctions on the release of the film because of the
newspaper agreeme nt But 1t sa1d il would not release it unlei.s
Mrs. Brown agreed.
The last word from her lawyer. Paul Vincent, was that she was
insisting on the 28-day delay
Louise's birth a lso caused the expected religious n ap
method wal> an "illirit" form of artificial insemination.
Rut Bishop Augustint• lfurrls. president of the Social Welfare
Com mission of thC' Catholic Ilishops Confl'rence. commented
"Science can support the loving and natural a m bitions of the cou-
ple to produce new life ... a pro·lifc expression of life is to be
commended and supported."
Cardinal Gordon Gr ay. tbe president of the Scottish Roman
Catholic bisnops. said he h ud "gr ave misgivings "
Responsibility of the Church of England, qu<'st1oned the use or
scarce m edical resources for test tube babies while agNI and men
tally handicapped pe<>ple arc 111 need
An Israeli authorll> on Jewish reli~1ous law, R abbi tsr ael Lau.
..,:.i1d ther<' wu-. no ohJectlon a nd a!i long as the s perm came from Lht'
woman'shu::.b,.nrl. "it's ko!ihcr "
lated lo Propos1lton 13.
llardy also claimed that JI
legations th:.1l admin1stral111n
b as not s ustained cutb<1cks are
He said the positions of d1rcc
tor of s pcc1:.il progra ms. director
of community s<.'hool s. J
sec retary . and d 1s tr1ct
negotiator huve not been filled
He also said that SI00.000 in
4ldm1mstr:it1vt.• cost!'i h ave bet•n
eliminated with morl' l'Uls to
Hazel Stover. an official with
tht> Califorma Teachers AsSOC1<1
twn. said Thursday that 1t wa.,
not proper for the• sllltt.· as "'
third party to cause contracts 10
hl· l.Jroken bet we11n lhl' d1strtl'l
and teachers
She also said th;,t a salarv
freeze as a "trem endous CO!>l" lo
lt.•achers because of the high in
flat1on rate
A nothcr teacher protes t 1
... chcduled Tuesday night a t San
I a Anll Vall('y High School
Family 'Unhappy'
Onassis' Daughter
To Marry Russian
MOSCOW '/\I') (j ree k
mlll1onairt•ss Christina Onassis.
after d1::.m1ssing the· 1de.1 as pre
posterous for weeks. st11d today
Shl' would m arrv <1 Soviet
bureauC'r<1t n cx·t W<'<'k 1n
MosC'ow. a Frt•nch 1ournahst re
I lt•r ramilv in /\tht•ns W~l'i rt'
ported unhappy about tt.
"I ::im gettinl! married o n
Tut>sday." tht• 27 yf'ar-old Miss
Ona..,s1.., ";.i:-. quokd a~ ... a yang by
1-'1 t•twh 1t•lt•v1:.ion correspondt·nl
(, .1 bnel ~kret1k. who contactl'cl
ht•r enrlv this morn1nJ:! bl'fon•
..,hl· -.lio~·d out of h1•r holl•I
\\'1•11 1nfornwd -.ourc<'i-had
... aid Ntrlv tt11s monlh that tht·
dauJ,!htt-r. of lh(· l:1t<· s h1ppani.:
magnalt• /\rts totll• Onass1::.
would murry St•rgl'1 Kauzov a
former l'mployl't• of lhl· tcrnkt·r
div1s1on of the Soviet freight
firm Sovfrakht
A Soviet c;ameraman said
Ka uzov packed up Miss Onas~1::.
<tt the lntounst Hotel 1n his So
v1et Volga automoh1le today anrl
drove h e r away t o an u11
disC'lost'cl location
Tht• camt•raman described
l\auzov "" about 40 year::. old
and s:.ud he has a g lass t') 1• n·
portedly thL' result of a boyhood
accident Kau1ov has re~ulorly
pickNI up Miss Onassis <JI lht•
hott•I -;inec• h<•r arrival f1 vt·
\\ <'t•ks <1J!o tht> caml·raman ..,,11d
Christina Onassis
Repeated telephom· calls 10
clav to Miss Onassis· su1t1: at lh1
lntouns t ICl l'Onf1rm tht: mu1
nai:.:e report got no answ(·r
In Athens. a lri<'nd ~ho aski·d
not to be 1dent1f1cd Sllld •ht
Onas"'1" f::lm1I\ \\.as "d<•epl) con
<'t·rnl'd · <ibo ut tht murnagl'
\\! u rth said lhl• -.Pven maJOr
Jfl'i•S of tOllSUml'r !>pending last
month w<•rc food and beveragt's.
ht111!>1ng . t 1 ansport<1t ion. appllrcl
.md upl.t•ep. he<11th and recre~1
111in t·ntcrrwnmt•nt <1nd othPr
J!lJl>d~ and serv1ct.•s '-Ul'h a!> co-.
Smoking, Gas
Cite d in F ir e
A Wl•stman!>lcr man mrinerat
1·d whc•n flaml's exploded ms1d1·
his car and engulfed at Sunday
\\:JS carr ying a 1eak1ng con
tainer of g<isohnl' in thl.' :.iuto and
-.mok1ng, authonttl's d1sclost•d
tt>d a y
Elml'r A Pillon .}r .. 64. of 7141;
Plata St . wa~ dC'ad at tht• .,cent•.
.ifH·r passer-;t)y who 1r1ed to
I t•S('U(• him W(•rl· llflllt•n ;1w;1y hy
.hl· ht·at and flaml's
1'011ct> -.:11d tumes from tht·
;.:<1s o11ne Pillon was carrying in
tht car a ppart'ntly built up to ,1
vo1 ,1t1lt· ll•vel and \\>ere 1gn1ted
hy ht~ t1gare1tc turnin~ his 1964
st:·dan i nto .i cremation
Fro"' Page A J
nt•-.p1tc· th1~ "lateml·nl . Nason
":11<! lh< prog1 a m .., prndurt•r•.
hopt• to mt•el with KTl.i\ l'X
t 'l Ut l\ t·~ n1·xt \\('I'~ IO dl~l u::.s !ht•
µ1 ogr-.. mming l'hangl'
Ill· pulllll'd out thl' ehun·h
pay-. for lht· hour :ind l:'st1ma1t<t1
1h ;11 lh!' hour progr;1m 1-. n •
tcl\ll•d 1111 108.000 tclt•v1:,1on ~1·t-.
c·ach Wl'ek
lndictment Mad e
lt'<h-ral J?rana 1ury was handed
up " H·\len count 1nd1et ment at·
<·us1n1? an .illcged We!'t Germe1n
t~1 ro n <>t. Knsttn<J Berstt-r. 'l7 of
tntertnl? th<' Umted States with J
lorgt d passport und<.'r an <l'>
"Urned nJmt-. ii l ; S D1stnf'l
Co urt om c1:.il ~;.,y!\
• MA'AM!
Recently a customer was comparing our prices with another store We
were informed our pricing was higher per square yard Upon
questioning. we discovered that the other store was furnishing a
considerably cheaper padding than the 64~unce sponge rubber
padding included with our transaction
Furthermore. in this case. we were comparing our installation against
an installation worth far less. (Many stores contract their labor by the
yard ... to layers of unknown background and skill We have our own
crews. trained and controlled by us. offering you the best Quality
installation possible)
So ... factually -the estimate was not as 1t appeared to be! In
conclusion. when comparing prices. make sure you are comparing
equal values!
.... ~·:, ... ··:. DE.N'S
··/#: iiiSi;i ii;itiOn: ·custom draperies
IK NO HM ' li noleum • wood fl oor
1663 PtACCNTIA AVE:NUf · COSTA Mf:SA CAttr 9Z67i
·roda~··s c·1osi11~
'· , .. S•o•·k~
Would-be Stars Flicker; Fraud Dawns
K} (;,\((Y G R.\~VIU.E
Of IM O•ily Pilot St•ff
'I\\ o ol>M:urc nig ht dub c nl<.'rl<Jmt.•r ..,
-.tru c k 11 nt·h m Orange rL·<·ently whl'n
a n u n k n'm\ n rn 1 1110 n a 1 n.· pa id t h e m
$50.000 to pt•rlorm 111 his Ol'V. nitery
But v.orrv Liu.• ·enlerl;.11ner:-did a~ lhl'\'
w;.11tctl for their big chuncl' to knock ·l'm
dea d a t the lll'W nig ht c:lub •
So wo1T1Ctl did lhl'Y become that th1 ~
But the• .... ingt.•r and his accompa111::.t
gn·v. n..•stlt•-,., \\ hl'n. for one reason or
.illolhl•r lht.•1r d t.•h ut .it th1· po-,h c lub ran
11lto .1 ..,l'nl''> ol dela~..,
v. t·t·k thl'Y callL•d thl' mukt•r of th<•
<·h ecks ttw wom<111 g <J\'l' them o n bdwll
ol hL·r· m11l10na1rt• hoss
THE SIN<a:R .\~[) HIS s 1d1:k1ck
qu1ekl~ learned tht· c ht·ck::. thL') had tot
1•d to tht' hank ovt•r t h L• pa:::.t l\\O m onth!>
"l'l't'n 't thos t' ol tt m11l10naire patron
oo~·T \\ORllV. T HEY w1•rt· Jllcg<'d·
h told ll\ th<' m ti l10n..11 n · .., "11m<1 n
...1.gt>nt . \\l: n.· '' illtng tn 1><1~ you a n··
t J in1•1 1 o mdkl• t•t•rt a 1 n vou 'II lw nn hand
"lwn tlw duh OJH.•n::.
I n::.l l'<.ld . tht.• l'ht><'kS \\.-l'l'l' oncl' 'ended
p a) roll ('hecks bl'long ing lo t h e "orld '::-.
fon•mosl p latform 011 drilling firm. San
0~11• Poot SYft p,,.,,.
Big Waves Took Toll Among Uninitiated Thursday -Lifeguards Hauled 424 Out of Water
Surfers Preparing Irvine Group
Facing Suit
For Whopper Waves By Homeowner
Wi th lht· 111,i.: -.urt lh;1I h11
"''" pt11 I B1·:i1·h Thur:-.cl.1.,, ,.,
111•1·1t·d '" 1 ..... 1 t h r 11u,i.:h th1·
\\ \' I' k \' 1111 I 1 f I' g ll .i rd .._ :J 11 II
hndy..,urfrr'> prl'p.1n·rl lor •JC't1t111
I 11tl ")
The h1>tly .... urfvr.., ('het·n·d th1•
.1rnval or llw h tg ('om lwrs In
t1m1· f or lht• r11 ... 1 :.i nnu.il
Jl.1ndg11n C'<10t1•c;t Whll'h I!. !o.l't rqr
...,,1turday.it7 <• m ;11 IKth St
.\ Handgun"" ;i rn1111at1111· ..,urf
ho;trd m;.irlt• ot pl,1st11· th.it a ho<h
... urfrr grip ... \\Ith 11n1• h1tnd lo gl\i·
l11m mot 1• nwh1ht' in 111llni.: .1
\\,I\ I
l.ll1g11.111h \\\'II It• ...... 1'11
11111 ... 1.1 ... tu .1hout 1h1 l11g ..,u, t
.Jflt-1 lh1·\ pulh-11 S:.!4 "" 1mm1•r..,
ttUI 111 lhP h1g \\ ,,,, .... l'hur ... d;.i~
:\ M ..1 r 1 n t• D c p a r l m <' n l
-,poke..,m;.in ch11med Thursday·..,
!-.urf r un al a consistt'nt 15 fcl•l.
hut h.HI dropped off to t•tghl to
10 fool sl'ls today
Thl' ..,u rf apparc•ntly 1s .i
hyprodUl't of hurr1cmw lletlor
off the roast o f M(•x1cn. tht•
"pokc>sman said.
Thl' lifegu a rd !>pokesman said
75.00tl pt•oplc s howC'd up 111\
\J1•\\ port's bc•acht•!. Thur~day
.incl lllg <'f'O\HI!> \\t'rt• :ml1('1p,1tt·d
toda~ a.., \\t•ll
Of lhl' .1 2 1 fl'"l'Ul'" lht•
lift·1.ward ..,pokl'..,m•1n .... c.ml l\\O
111\nhc•d "l'nous tllJUrtt•s Om·
",,,_ a surfer "'ho !>Ufrl'n.'d .i
l1.11·k 1n_1ur~ \\h1h.· riding Lh<'
\\:t\1·:-:11 13th Slrt'l't .ind the·
ulhl·r ''·'" .1 nt•.1r dro\\ning ,11
I .1 t t It· ('or 1m.1 tw:u·h
Cutbacks Threaten
S. Coast Libraries
6 y KATHY ('I.AN('\'
Ol IM Dally Pilot 51•11
rtw ripple• from Prop11!>1l111n 1:1
nm~ postpone• c11nstrurt 1nn of
llhrartcs in San Clt·mt·ntt· !:idn
.lu;,in Cup1!-.tr:ino In mt' .ind El
'I' u r o a .., wt' 11 u .., c• u r l <11 I in g
l'l'Cl'l'<l llOll. :.tn•1•t "" l'l'Plng and
landscaJ>(.' maintt•n<im'l' in Sad
dtcbuck Vallt•y
:-U pC'rvt:-.or:-. Thurs fl:Jy w he n
what was billed LI!. a lwo·day
hea ring wound up in .1ust 90
S upt•rvisor!'. w ere beginninJ!
lhl' process of dividing up $1 2 4
millio n in state aid to hl'lp 53
... pc·c1al d ist rict!> with budget
woe!> brought on by Pr oposition
13':-r eduction in property tax
i\11 l r v1nl' homt•ownl'r ~ho
claims h1!. homeowner .... a!-.SOc·1a
twn ha!. forted him Lo put hi..,
houst• up for !-.<J I<' hecausl' 11
h:.irn•d 1uvt•nllt·i-fru 111 1h1•
n e 1 I! h b or hood . h a !> f 1 I c d .1
laws uit tkmanding $2 mll111111
punittvt• dam;.i14e!'.
T h l• ll•gal a('tlOn . f1l t•cl 1n
Supc.•nor Court Wt'rlnl'sd;.iy <.1lso
st•c·k::. to mak1• the.• Or:Jng1• Trc•t•
Pal111 llornl's lnl' assoc1atson
pa) Ll'l' llarpst · .... nwv1 ng costs
\ maiont~ volt• a mong 19:l
homeowner:-. in tht· lr\'llll' ('On
d 'l m 1 n 1 um cl c·' 1° I 11pmt'111
a m t•ndt·d torp11r.1ll' h) 1,1\\" In
l'l' ... tnct l'l'!>IUl'rl('I' <.1nd UM· 11[
rt't'r<'at111nal fal'tltt11•.., to adult...
,1ge•d 18 .Jnd 0 \ l'I
Thi· n·gul<1t wn.., tah• l'lft·cl
\u~ I The rt•!>1dt•nt·) rule dot·..,
not .1ppl~ to l'Utrl'nl r esident...
llnwl'Vl'l' 1m·1·ntll's currentlv n ·
!-.tdrng thcrt· \\on t bl' allov.cd to
usC' common s wimming pools.
tl·nn1s court.... and other n·crea
lt0nul :.imenit1es
T he maJority resident gro up
maintains thut the devl'lopml'nl.
from lhl' outset. w as s upposed to
lw n•strictcd Lo adults
Tht• hoard of d1rt·clor:-. had
(•arl1t·r l'nact cd thl· rt'!.1denn
rull' with in thl• cnrp11ra 1;.
bvlaws. hut took lht• m:Jtll'r to
l ht• homt>owncrs at larg1• when 11
was ;.ipparcnt familtt•s Wl'rl' b1•
I n g ... 0 Id "0 m (' 0 r t h l' (' 0 n
ll u rps t l'"l1matPd 1hal :w
<St'e L \WSUJT. Page i\21
la Fl' l nll'rn~1t11uw l Compt.1n~
Thl'n ' \\a:-. 110 niillwnt.1in· J\nd th1· 11011
1•\lsll:nt milhor1.11rl'' Ill'\\ 111 g hl dub v. a:-
11011 l'XISlL•llt
\n<I 1t \HI:-. :\Ir~ ;\)(ot;arv who v.a.~ rn
Or:mgt· Count \ .1;111 i,, Thursd<1Y afll:r
noon, <'h ill ~t·tf V. llh f I «1ud il lld emb t.-zz lt.>
ThL·n · \\ J:-. h ov.e\l'I . J bookkel:'pl•r ...il
S:inlil Fl· lnll'rna t1ond l \\ho uppurentl~
had Ut'l'll -.rrnllt•n b' t ht• 1·nt1:rt a mH" ·
t,d t·nh
l)o h l'l' <.,,1111 lh1•\ cl1cl not knov. v.h<JI
µ1 o mptt•d tht· \\Om.in to a llt:gedl) t•m
ht·1.1lt.· th1· lllOlll'\ p,11d to tht· !>lngL•r JllU
h1:-. JJll.111 1 .... t
\('CORDI~(. TO t>OLl(.'E. 1t "J:-. lht
hookkt.•t•pt.•r Sh l·ryl Ann ~kCia1·~. :J5 nl
:):! I S lkdlo rd St . Orang1: \\ho h ad
n·1irt•..,t•nll'd thL· m y th1tal mtlhona1rl' ...1s
lw <·1mtra<'tL·ci for lht· t·nt1.·rta 1nt·r ..,·
St' I'\' I ('l''-
\l v,1nv.h i11 t h1 · 1·1Ht.·r1 ,111w r. bt·~•tt•
... 1·.11Th111g lrn " 11t·\\ t>n gagl·m l'nl ...ind
tlw1r d1,111<·1 111 m .1kt tht.• big time· th,1t
'>l'l·mt•d to ht· ttw1r~ .it 0 1 angt> Count \ ..,
llt.•l,\.t•::-1 11011 night l'lllh
Theater Mulled
UCI Eyes Campus Arts Complex
lh Pllll.11' ROS ,1.\RI'
• ()I IM o .. 1y P1IOI Sl4!1
l 'L' In mt• Chunc•t:llor Dan1t•I
\ltlrtd1 .Ir "'"d toda~ hl· plan-.
lo ... uhmll .1 propci...l·d il~l'l'l'mc:nl
to un1H'r::.tl) n·141·nh 1n SCJJ
I 1•m IJ1·1 foe 1111111 dt•\ t•l11pm1•nt
\\Ith Or.1ng1· C11u11l\ \1 t1'>H'
l 't•1lll·r Int· 111 "111.11111.1.ll'rform
1ng .irt!-. tompk'< on t-.1mpu ...
/\ldrtl'h ..,;.i1lf n ·i..:1•111 .... 1.,..,, "'''""
l'nc·ou ragi·d t•o1111 n u1·d rwgot 1.1
t11111 ... \\Ith 1111· lund r:11s1ni:: cor
p11ral 11111 "hll'h on .I unt• 15 '>Ub
mlltt•d .t li'lt1·r ol lflll·nt tn hutld
llw t•..,l1 mal1•ll S:l!l m1!11n11 pnq
t '{'I
111 lht• nll'<lllltllll' thl' c•Jl y of
I I'\ 111t-. tired of \\ .J 1t1ng on dt·
v1,:lopml'nb 111\ \\hat Mayo1 !:Ml
V .1rdouh:. prt"d1th \\ 111 nt'\l'r
ha1)pl'n. mm,t·rl closer tht:i \\l't'I..
Lo\\ard bu1ld1ng 1i... 11\\n com
mun1t\ lht•:1tt·r 1111 ,, mul h
"m ••ller st·alt·
On Wc.·dne!-.da\ lht ('1t\ C'111111
nl \Ot<.·d 5 too' 111 prut·1·1.·d \\rth
11t·got1:.1t1un!-. \\1th S:i11 l'runusc·11
.1rth1lt•cts Wurs l1·1 Bl·rriardt
and Emmon1'. for dt•Vi.'loµmt•nt ol
.1 ma:,ter plcm for tht• tht•i.Jll'I
Thl· COUn('tl had d l'l<t vc.·d t \\II
month!> on tht.· mutll'r ·ht.·cau1"11
of rumors a nd f1nall\ t'onf1rm<.1
l 10n that Orang1• Cf;Unly M u ... 11·
('1•n11•1· Inc·. afltr fi\'t' yl'ar ... and
lll'l>t!t'lltlll ul If JXl!:'l!o.lhlt• "llt·~.
't lt'l'll'd I,;('!
Thi st•lt•t·twn \\ii!-doubh 1m
pot t .int bt•t·a11s1· lhl' 1·1t) hoped
111 lot.tll ti O\\ n theall'r in
l nl\1·1·..,1t\ T1mr. Cc:nll'r, onlv
.11·r11 ...... ,·he · -.11 l0l·1 !Campus
Dn\ 1 from th1. propo!.l'd "1te ot
1h1 mu..,11 l'l'llkr
In addition. lht· l'll v ha .... S1 3
mlllwr. ,1\ a 1!.1 bl1· ,;, build .e
1twa te1 lhal w11l 1.·osL ar. est1m<1l
.. rt s~ m1ll111n lht· d1ff(•rent:1·
\~Ould h a H l o tH' m ad t> ui-
1h1 ough pubhl' grunt~ or pnvat1·
d11n J t10n:-a nd foundation g rant!.
Va rcl11ul1:-111 iw rt1c u!ur fl•arNl
!S1•1• l'llEATER. Pa~e .'\2l
Two Cou11tesses
3 More 'Tube' Babies?
LON DO:'\ 1A I'1 T hrc•t· mon·
~omt:n. l\\O of thl•m l'OUn ll'SSl'!:'I
t'>.p t:Cl tl'!>I tUbl• bJbte:, lhl!>
Har. lht• Oml) f:~pn•-.-. n 'port
t.•d todJ) 1 l·{tol,1lt•d ..,ton . A:l 1
Thi· Hnl1sh labll)ld '><ll d lht·
"tit• of " \\C•alth\ Britis h t'.trl
.e ncl .1 \\ 1•..,l I ;t•r m:m t·ounll'::.s t''
Jll'l'I t lte•11 h;d1H'" ,1round
('hns lrll.t!-. .incl thl· third \\oman.
.1 St·ot t'\Jlt-C'h h1·r.., 111 No
~01w of I h1· \\1111w n " ..... 1<l1•n
t 1r11·<1
But tht.· E xprl'""' ..,,11d lh1·
Hrrt1sh !'ountl•!.s. l1 k1• lht• molht•r or lh1· \\nrlrl'" f1r ... t tc·sl luh1•
Beaten Girl
Still 'Poor'
In Hospital
1\ I t't.'11 ,1g1• .1!111 \\ho ,JflJlitfl>lll
I~ ";1 .... h·fl 111 d11· on .in lrvrn1·
..,lrc•l'I Thursd;c) :tlt1•1 .in d"
.... 11 tan1 fr.1t·turNl ht·• ..,kull. n ·
ma1ned rn poor t•ond1 t1on tod'-''
Ill the 1 nlt•n..,. v1• r ;1 re· w ,1 rd of .1
lor..il ho!-.pttal
Tht· d11lcl. I\. rt•port edl) ,1
1 unaway from ,1 :'linrth lh 1kot<•
lnd1;Jn rc•::.l•rval111n, wa ... founrf
s prawll'd rn thl' 1111.JCl\\a) un Jtl
frl'V Rond . north of lht· San
Diego Fn'l'\\ ,1y. ,1t 1 :JO .1 . m
/\ motCll'l!-.I dn\'111g h 11m1·
..,pnllt•cl l he gll'I
Pol1c·c· s ;.i1d ... he· wJs 1nc·oht•rl'nt
.Jnd babbling Tho ugh "ht• told
them s ht• ha<I ht•t•n -.truck 1n th1•
ht> ad .ind thro" n from a moving
rar . nfflct•r" "'"d "hl' a ppNtr(•d
l'Unfused hy her tnJurrl''
bab~ born Tucsd:.i:. bc.•c:.i m t.• pn·
bab) born Tut.•-.day bcn1m1
prl'~na nt after treatment b~
g) nt•cologist P atnck Sll'pt0<• and
phys 1olg1st Robt•rt Ed\\ard!-. Jt
th t• S?cneral hospital 1n Oldham .1
mill town in northl·rn England 190
m 1 le::. northwest of I .ondon
A fou rth wnmu n \\ho hopcc; 111
hl't'Omt• prl•j:!nttnl il fl l'I ('00l'l'P
t ion outs ide t ht• ''om h 1s undl•r
1n-;1tm1·nl 1n l.1111don "· S t
Thoma .... ·.., Ho::.p1tal Sht· 1:-1n ht·r
:ms and 1:-hl'ln/.! sh1t'ltfrd fmm
lht• pres .... bul ml'dwal ... 11urn·~
..,~11<1 it would h1· s11mt• trme•
bt•fur<• 11 wa!'. known 1f '>h1· \\en·
M l'dtc.·al h1sto r) ·., f1rsl lest
llJbC' baby. Louise Brown. w~::.
mOH'd from ,, '\pt'c·1al l'are umt
T hu r..,da~ lo '"'" hC'r mother in
tht m<1tl'rn1t~ ward ut Oldham
.incl 01s tr1t·t (;t'nl'r<il Hospital.
.1 nd .1 bullt.'lin s.11d !.ht "a~ "pro
~rt'!-.S lllf.! \'l'f\ \\ t•ll "
T hl mollwr. L1.•s l1" Rrowo
w hn will b•· :n Mond<1y. and he r
hushand .tnhn. 38 .• 1 truck drsv(•r
who ha!. .1 d ;1ught t•r b} J pn·
\' 111u :-m.irTl:.tJ!l'. had l>L•en unabll·
IP h.J\lt' children for almost HI
vt•a r.., of mar r1agl' bl'C·ausc an 11
(St•c BABIES, Page .\21
Irvine Exempts 36
Builders From Tax
The· lrvtm• C1t\ Cou11l·1I h.1:-
1•\emptt'<l dt. vl'lopt•rs 111 3t: m"
outlding project .... from paymlnl
11( ...i new cons trut·l 1un '·"
hc•c·aust• thl') had .1pplt('(J fo1
hutldmg pt•rmtts bc>torc· the· t ax
\\ "" c·naetl'CI .Junt.• ~7
· 1 nl'VC'r tnlf'ndt•d th .. I lh1:-
1·ha r g1.· huv<' an t•x post fucto c•f
ft'C"I ." Councilman D:Jv1d S1lh..
lnld o;everal compa ny re prest n
1.111v1·:-who .1 pp1•,tlect 10 th1
c•oum·1l for r<'lu·f TUl'!-.d;1\'
Ahnut $241.91 :1111 t;ix rt•"1'nuc•1"1
w1•rc> lf\VOl V(•d
Counctlmnn Arthur Anlhonv
-.:11d 1t would bt• unfair to t'hargi.·
dt.'VC'IOp(•r <; who..,t· h u11ding
p1'rm1t.-; still \\P rt' hf'tnJ.( priw
t•ssed while tht• nt•w t~•x W:t!'. h1•
mg t·nucted
'.\>t a~or 8111 V;1rcloul1.., 'vOtNI
~1th tlw n •st o l th<· council tn c·x
.. mµr tht· proft'< '" hul "'orntd
.1h11u1 thl• t•lft•l'I 11 woultJ h ,nt' 011
!ht• I'll\ hudgt•I
T h t· "Y"l<.'m!-<11 v1·lop m t•n1
t·h,11 ).!1• .1~ 1t ..., t allt•tJ 11"1 a tax ol
tlOl IH'I Cl'Ol o l tht• bu• ldrnj!
111•1m11 'a luatron of new con
-,t ruc·t1on prOJl'Cls
1-.: ... umalt•s sn Junt· we re that
I ht• I ,1,, \\OUlfl ralSl' $1 7 million
.tlwut .t third ol whreh wa~
hudgl'll'(,J for str<·et a nd traffic·
1S<•t' EXEMPT. Pagt• .\21
W eathe r
Pest control a nd dav to day
county library ser v1cl's also face
But dis trict official~ voiced ht
tit• obJf'Ct1on to their financial
rl1lcmmu twfon• Orangt• Count~
Proposition 13 cut r evenue to
thl' s pecial dis tricts by $S.1 7
mt Ilion
And after reducing their own
o,;pcndmg plans. d1str1ct!> · ad
m1nistrators had asked for $27
m1lhon in statt.' u1d L(•Si. than
half tha t umount t!'. ovallablf•
Price of Gold Soars
Some· lah• night and <'a r·
ly m 11rnm g low c louds.
11t ht•rw1'l 1• fa i r today
through Saturday. A little
cooll'r n t•ar thr coast.
I h~h !> ranging from the
low 70s at the beaches lo
the mrd 80s inland a reas
Lo"., tom~ht 58 to 68.
Thief Empties
Irvine Flat
A Park Wc.•"t J\p;irtmc n11'.
1 rvtn t'. fl at wa!'i bu rgl arized
Thursd ay. c•vcrything t ha t was
in it was taken.
Luckily for the tenant, 47
ye ar.o ld cnfline-<>r J ohn Chaffin.
"everything" wus two <1nt1quc.•
<lining room chair-.. ~hu·h he•
valued at $250 apiece
Chaffin told polkr he• \\,1-, in
lhl' pnK't'lo" of rnmrn)l mto llw
apart m1•11t al :lHOO 1~,H kv11•\\
l.an1'. .1nrl -.o fo1 h.11J hr1iu~ht
over o nlv th<' r hnu--.
S upervisors a ... kC'd county of
ftcrals to continu<' rc•,·1cw1ng lh1
d1 ~tn cts' request::. and suid the~
\\OUld take finlll action /\UR 15
State l1'g1s lation that offl'rcd
lht• $12 4 million carries wit h it a
lii;t or spending priorities.
Al the top of that list is public
s afe t y. meaning il is like ly the
county structural flre district
will get most of the $4.7 million
needed to ba la nce 1ts $15 million
1978 79 budget.
Futhl'r down tht• pnonl)' lis t
a re• t lw st>vrn county scr v1('e•
. u·1't1 clt:..I rll't:-lhat provide pork
m ;11 ntenant't'. street swrepin~
m1 •chan lands('apm g and rcen•<•
(SN· LJBfl.\RIES. r ag(' .\2)
Exceeds $201 an Ounce on New York's Market
LO NOON I Ar I T he pnc•1• nf
i.:old soured uhovt• S200 an nunrt•
a rC'cord. on thf' maJnr European
bullio n m~1rkct today
The prin• wus fixed <t l S201 30
in hectic afternoon trading on
the Lonlion market and rose to
$200.65 in Zurich , Europe's big.
gest gold market .
Dealers here said bullion was
given a boost when Am erican
b uy ing developed at the sta rt of
the business duy 1n llw United
In Nl'w York. thP prt<'l' of srnld
pa:-sl'ci thr $201 an ounr" mark
.1t two leadmg ~old rd1m•r" a nd
f;tbricutur-. Engt>lharct M1ncr:ih
& Cht'm1l'ltb Corp quott•d gold
hulh11n .tt $201 60 :in uunct>. up
$7 2~ from Thur!>d.1v whill• llan
rl) &. llarm.in ..,d ,·..., base prtN·
ror !(old ut S20l 30. up S7
Investors trnd1t1on:.illy turn lo
gold m limes or monctury en
s t a bi lily. and thl' '\t t•ud y det'line or the d ollar on thr world'c;
foreign cxchunAes has caused a
s urge in bullion prices
The dollar sonk to 3nottier rec·
ord low in Tokyo ~·~amst th<'
.l apancsl' Yl'll to<t ny 3nd con
t1nucd lo "illdt· against muJor
Eurnpc•an t·urrenrlt.'"'· f~e lllng
mnri• than :! perl'rnt al(mnst tht•
Sw1sc; fram· by l'arly attPrnoon
<~old had b<>en trachn~ around
$199 .in ounce• mo!\l of tht• d LI)
.tnd thl'n movc•rt higher iollo\\1ng
l'l'po rts that thl' prcstdenl 111.lht·
S we s.., n.it w n ;ll b .1 nk ... r1 11
l,1•11t"1h•r, ht•l11•Vt•S ttJ ,1! .1
furlhl'r apprce1;.1twn of the S"'1":-.
franc against lhl' dollar 1s 1n
The previous record fiXtnj!
was $197 50. recorded Dec. 30,
T he> fixing is the price agreed
t o b14 Londo n s five muJor
hullion' dealers for th1• da> s
tr:>din1Z after conl'c>rnnR us unll}
by l elt.'phonc
The previous r«•cord c.·.t m l· 1ust
,1 (('w days before conJ(ress1onul
lcg1 sla t1on allowed Ame rican::. to
<SH GOLD, h«" All
.'iummer pla111> at Orange
C'11ast C11llPqe hatlt' bt>Pn n
1.11d1111111 for yt•urs hul
Pae1/1c Overrure~" could bt'
lhf' laH ht>cau~e uf the
11w111a(J1' of l'ropos1t1on 13
Storu urtd ptctures on Page
Cl . .... ~
At T•,.ts.niU ., tat.,.mlH..., •tt """La--.
91 ........
l. M 10,41 •• ~ ..... cs.~: lv•ll••" ... , MVt!UI"-' C.a1lltrt1I• ., llltsta .. r•ne• GI
Ctat .. h•• 01" Sylvla Port .. u
Cem1c. at ....... • .. tO
Cr•ttword •• SttO M•1"119'! H Ot•t" ... ,1( .. 01 hie""'°" Cl ~flltfUI .. _ A• , .... , ... , c .. 1.• a11tttt••-I Cl . ... , .... ... ..... , ....... 11-1 Wtrlf Ntwt •• Mtrt t(-I I
Friday July 21 1978
Tou.·11 Ball Talk
'System' Hit
By Carpenter
rh·scnb111g hlmM•lf ;as :.i IJml'
du<'k "\.\ho l'i grnn~ to \lt'nl hlb
'iplccn on lhl' by:.lcm ." slate
St!n . Ot!nnis Carpente r said
Th urs d ay tha t California's
n•prei;l'ntaltvt• govf'rnm(•nt real
ly is n 't rl'pr<.'!-.l'rltat1vt• at i:l ll
Spl·:1k1ng to thl' Orange Coun
t v Forum o f Town Hall.
t;urpentcr reiterated his belief
th at lt!g1slat1vc t crmi. ought to
ltl' lim1lt'd to kt•<.·p l<1Y. makcri. in
S,tl'rJml·nlo from hl'c·oming too
c·l11 .... t·ly .Jlhcd with :.pec1dl in
\ l·n•,,t groupi.
T h e Newpo rt Uc ac h
llepubhc:.in 1~ rctmng at the end
•Al'l Hucivt•d by Y.hut
tw l'alb a "vast armv ol
rus e y Cud1llac ownt•rs ...
.J oe Egll' ht1s s uNt Gt•neral
:\lotors Corp for SI0.000.
claiming hb 1976 luxury
St•\ llll' IWJ.::t n l<1 rust It•:-.:-.
1 ha n a vt·;1r a ftl·r h l·
bought 1t. ·
Egll"~ ~uit alleges that
C l' 1H' r .al :\l 11 t ors <1 d
'l'rl 1 ... c·d tht· St•v1ll1.· <1s
hJ\ rng "Zin<"roml't<.d to
hi·lp fight ru:.t 111 kl·y
pl..irt'"·" but 1t didn 't help
tit· ... aid other Cadillac
o\\ nl'rs hoVl' s imila r com ·
plJ1nts ho.1st-d on n •i.ponses
from a "'''' "PJ1>cr Jd he
r.in -;1·t•k1 ng he lp 1n his
b;.illlt• agJ1n st the <:<.tr
From Page A I
t 1on JJrogr<.1ms in unim•orporr.tll'd
-.,oulh count\' communities
Th11.,1• tl1~t nets nl'l'd a colll'l'
11' 1• SI I million 1u ... t to balL1nc·1·
1h1·1r $:!'.I rn1ll111n l!J78 7!1 hudgt•ts
.11HI nw1nt,1111 l•x1sllng servict·s
t ti :\ 1 ..., ""'" V ll' J 11. E I Toro.
l..1gun:1 :-.:1gucl Lc•1s un· World.
South Laguna. J\t•~t·an llllls and
S.1ut h Laguna Ii 1 lls .
Without the SI 4 million. said
1·nunl' adm1111st rah Vl' assistant
t-.:rn1t· SC'hlll'ldt·• I ht• d lblrJCtl>
m :_i' hJ\'l' to
· Ehminat<.• stn•d ~weeping
1111 res1dl·nl1<1I arc.JS
Cul p;.irk ;.i nd ml•d1an
t.1nd~r:1p1• mainll'nancc by 15
p1.•n•1·nt ·to kl·l:I;> 1l alive :it lhl'
b<1n• m1rnmum
l>o .1w:1~ \\1th ~outh recreLI
t t011 p111gra ms
;\l Jkt• tuts In th(' :\1 IS!>IOn
\'tt'I'' ;\lun1C·1pal i\dv1sory Coun
<·11 South tnunt\ 'ol0r v1ce a nd a ~l'I to opt•n ('ro~n V:_illt•y Com
m11 n11' !'ark f1l'lcl nffirC's ·\1:,1; h;ird hit ma)' tw tht· coun
t~ ·.., 21 :-.tn·l·t lighting dis trit'b.
~d11w11IPr s:11d. although cuts 1n
l'll"I \\t1t1ld ht• hard lo c·ciml· by
T h rough c·11nt ra<:ls "1th utility
ru ms. Schn1·11kr t•xpla1m·d. tht•
<11 -.1 rirti. mu..,l pay half their
normal bill ''hcther any e ler"
t I ll ti\ IS U'-l'd or not Th~· 1·11nlr0J ct.., \\ 1.•n• dl•s1gncd
"" thi· ullhly firms could recoup
tht•ir 1nves1menl 1n in:-.talling thl'
l1ghl In~ Sl'r\'l<'t'
Tht• \Ju<lj!N -.quel'll:' for s pe1·1at
<11c;tnch abo will mt•an postpon
1ni;: bu1ldlllJ! n<'w hbrane::-in San
l'h•nH·ntl' S.1n Juan Cap1stran11.
In lnl' El Toro and La H:ibr a
R.1rbura r ox . JO J!.Sistant
d1r<·rtor of lht> t:ountv Ccnernl
SL' r v 1 c l' s i\ ~ (' n <' y . ·.., a 1 d l h ('
hbr.1n d1stnct all>o m tiy hall
Sunda~· 11pl'ru11ons. bookm ob1k
.ind other SL'r\'l<'l'
Sht' said S2. I m1lhon 1s needed
tn s t att• a id lob.d a nce lhl'
hhran 's SO 3 m11l1on propo:,l'd
I !178 7!l buclgl'l .incl pNsonnel
('Ill s .1 ln•ad~ huvt' ht<'n made
or lht• vt•ar after 'ol'f\'ln~ f\.\-(1
lour } cur tl'rm~ c1s thl· stall'
senator from the :J6lh 01!.lnl'I
which encompasses most of
southeast Orange County.
Sprinkling hi s talk w1lh Jllkt•s,
Carpl'nler 10 his view. t'X
pla tnl'd th<it l'Jl'f'l'r ll'~1sl ator..,
beco me unre..,pu11 ... 1vt• to lht· ma
J O ri Ly of lhl' Ir l'Oflfo\llt Ut!nb'
responding insll':HI to ..i prt·'o ~ure of interl'st ~rou p., out of
fl'at of losin~ an t•lt•ttion
· Lcg1:.lat11rs n·1.irt•:.ent tht•
voices they hc:ir hl' s<J1d "It's
not too often lht•\ n·pn" ... ('nl lht•
public al largt• 11r lht•1r t•on~111
ut•nls at large Leg1.,lat11rs movt·
s uhst<Jnttally oul of fl>ar of los1n~
support or bl•tng thrown o ut of of
Thal unrcpn•st•ntl'd m ajority,
according to Carpl·nter . 11> r arl'ly
heard from . but "thl'y rnst· up 1n
.rngt•r with P ropos1t11>r11:.1
Describing th<> t ax llm1tat1on
mt•asurl' as lht• "v1•h11'1t· for thl·
Jc·eumulatt·d w1ge1 ot -.ot'll't\ ·
Carpe nt1'r eontf'nded that th<·
measure had littll· signif1tanl cf
((•ct on tht• Lcgblaturl' bccaust•
lawmakL•r:. Llrt' trying to find
ways to gl'l around it.
Cit 1ng the ust• of st alt• .,urplus
money to aid loC'al govc.·rnments
hit by Propos1t1on 13. the state
sen a t or declared flatly .
"There'll bt• no C'hJngcs Ian gov·
t•rnment sp1.·nding > r esulting
from Propoi.1t1on l'.i."
During his spt·t•ch. Carpenter
rarely used spec1f1cs or cit ed b~
nume legislators who had com1·
undt'r influence of :>pl'Ctal interest
llowevt•r hl' '"as t•nt1CJI ut
(; ov Hrown for first opposing
l'r11pos1t ion 13 <Jnd for his ('Ur
rt•nt role in ~upport of I Iowan!
J arvis. thl' m easure 's author
.. He led the fight against 11
and hl'n· it 1s a month later and
you 'd think ll was his idea."
Carpenter said of the governor
As fo r his own r etirement
from legislative lifl'. Carpenter
noted that the hfc of a h·g1slator
1s not terribly rewarding, t:il1ng
th<' $2'.l,OUO annual salarv
''ll 1ust fin.ill~ got to tht• pmnt
t h :J t t h • . m I II LI s l ' s \\ l' r l
.,1gn1f1l'arll1' gn·.1ll'r th:.in tht•
plUSl'S, .. hl' "'o<Otl
Laguna Ke1mel
May Soon Be
New 'Shelter'
Negotiations art> undl·r wav
for u Luguna Ht•al'h kl'nnel lo
lw('nmt.• tht· lll•\\ IL"mp1Jr.Jn
:in1 m <.1I sheller l;1t·1l1ty tor :.tray
dugs. l'Ulb and \\il<I . .1111mals c:.ip
tun:d on the :.trects and byy.ay:-.
of lr\'lrn.'
Or Ho~t· Ekeb<·rg ·, C:.inyon
KL"nn cl:., 2041 2 L.1gu11a Canyon
Road. has lwl'n llSl'cl as <.111
umm:.il shelter hcfor<.' hv the r1
ly of Lagum1 lkach. wh.it h MY.
µro\'icll'S s h l'lll'r 'o1·rv1<·1•:-. f11r
l r\'int•
Lagun<J "u.., sl'r:Jt C'hecl from
ib leasing arrung1.·mcnt by Mrs
Ekeberg 111 October. 1977. in J
d 1s putl' o\'C'I' an .1rt., festi val
:-.<·a~on parking lol lhl· <'II:\ w.mt
t•d lo grade ar rnss t hl' stn·l'l
from her kenne ls
La g un a Reach m oved its
sht•lter JU!>t dm\11 thP 'otn•i•t hu'
1ng an SPCA l a<'lht} Thul t•1t~
OOY.' IS trying to ~l'l out of !ht•
sheltl'r businl's!>. and hopt"
L'VL·ntunllv to ('onlrar t \\-II h
Irvine wh.en trvint• builds ll~
O\\ n permanl'nt s he lter
Tht.• initial leasing agreement
betwl'l'n lrv1n1· and Mr!>
Ekebe rg 1s to be· al Sl.000 pt•r
m onth for tu months
P olice Chi{'( Leo Pt•a rl !.<Hcl
thl' kt•nnels will be ne<'<led onl' lo
t h rl't' years. while plan!. an•
mu(ll' for a p('rmancnt pound
Ofht•1ab of thl' Oran~e County
\'1·1·1or l'1•ntrol Distnrt said thl'v
111'l·ct s1:M; H79 in s t all' ht'lp ltl
h.1l.1nt·L' ..i $1 I million budgL•t
Opt•rating co~ts of the sheltt•r
a re expetted to be recovl'rcct m
p a rt thro u g h fe<"s p a id h v
owners of pets claimed. or udop
tlVl' owners
The City Council ~uvc Peart
authoriwtion tn purSUl' the leas
mg a r rangement. 1n c1 me<>tin~
,.,..°' • .....,.. C •\t D,. ty P••ot tW"lth•'"''"' '-.,,,, ttt,,._..,,~ ..,,.. p,.,.,, ~ ovt>••'"""°o.'"'Or~.,. ~'t P\,OI• "1'1Q(nt'1DA"ly 4.19H'~'"fl(l•t~\•*" ouO• """'" AAf""'"" '"''°"Of' '••4.A• fr Co 14 .,.,_~ ~'•DU•• Ror.W" Hwfltt,,..O" ft-«til Jo•fll'\
U•"' V•• "" ''• ru• ~•ttOll't>....,, VAoH"'~ •"''1 ~.~ :::.~ ~"~:~~~~.:~~~-·~·~
flll•,._, Olill OtJDl•\1'•1\-0 PIA"'! ,., •t ,., wt\t IM•
",,..., t '" NWu C.•1ttor11·•.,.>-...... , .......
Pt, ,1CHl'\f •1'0 .. ..,0!1\IW'
J•<'. c ........
Y•C •Or"''"'""'' '""" (,. """''• M..ll.llV-
,,_.,, .. \l(tuil
t 1t•IAt
'"*'"'" .. M Y,.,.IM M•"•O•l"l-0lft111
(.Mtl•' M Lee' "'f9'.tre, NtO
4\,•\14tl\t MAf'l4iQil"IO (°'I'~',.
Of lie ..
(f)'\11' AA~\l't Hl'~Wt\I f\Af~Ulllrt
I ..ti-\Jt'IA I .. <t! ~ n-.(",I~,,.,_ Y" \It,.. t
... V'"l1"Qf~ f\ .. Art\ If-I) t~~' f\f'\.•UltlrlAt.., '-A~l'~~~:b~:O:l':'~ t.:.:·'' R~~
f•tep11011• (114)~
CtHtlfl•d Ad11erllel119 642·5'11
\..o·tltN<l V•ll•¥N~Utt1 -511 .. 310
~::"i~' :!~ ":.~, c.~:v!,,P.-;~~""'::.~
""•''" ... ''""''' ~~ftt· rfll ~·ft ,.,,. &4P ,,..,, •• .,. •l'I ........ ...._, ,..,., "'' ""'""''''' ...... -~··~· ........ . Jit(9""4 C'I•" .. ",. ••••••• c., •• ~,.
(a t IO"' • \w•\l • r.t I'\~ "• •'' "' \1
'ftO"Ol!f f'lf oft 1 \• \0 ~·O •T °"II IA!•• di!-·'""'' -u ¥1 .... ""''"""•
f'rortt Pa,,.. A J
rt'pa r able blockagt' 1n Mr..,
Brown's F allopian tubes pre·
vented normal conception
The Slc ptoc· Edwards tech
ni(IUC'. on "h1ch the l\\ o doctors
\\Orkcd for 12 \('llf '\, tn\'OIVNI r•·
mvv1ng a n ·('J?l! from Mr..,
Brown's ovaries. fl'rllliz1ng 1t in
:i laboratory dish with c;prrm
from her husbund and impla nt
ing the div iding c ells in he r
utt>rus about 2112 day~ later
The res ult was a blonde . chuh·
by-checked. 5·pound 12·ounre
girl born nin\• days prcmaturelv.
Soml' S.000 women <arc r<'port
L'd to h.t\ l' ... ought twlp from tht•
h\ll spl•t•wltsts or from ulh1•1..,
"11rk1n11. on s1m1li1r 111·1)jt•cts
Puhhsht.'d l'stlmatt>s "' •· that m
ttr1taln a lone.· 10.000 woml·n Jt ,.
1nfert 111• b1•1·a11...,t• nf hlo• kt•cl
f.Jllop1.111 tvh1·'o
, I
O••IY 1'1lot PMIO llY ltocll.,d !( ...... ,
Soaring __,,,._)
1.0 ~ 1\\,(;fo,J,ES tA l•1
('on.,um1·r prit'1•s m Los Angele:.
""" 01.10J,!I ('OUlllll'~ !.ky rockt!l ·
1 ·cl 4 9 fll'l l'l'lll 11\ the first S IX
month.., of th1. year a percen·
la~t· rulmt higher than the tn·
<'rt use recordl'd 1n th(' first half
of I !17i lhl· l S LiJbor Depart·
nll'nt I t'f.Xtrll'd lod.i)
llighl'r poi.t a1w r ail'!-a nd 1n·
l'rl'ast•d ro ... t~. of food. housing
und transportation caused an•a
t•onsu mt•r prlC'l'' to rise t 0 ix:r·
ei•nl last month. -.aid Jim Wurth.
<'hll'f ur thl• Sc)Utht•rn California
offit·c• of tht· U1bor Depar1 ml•nt s
Burt'.1 U nf l<ohor S t atistic~
t fh •lakd 'otnrv. J\4 .
A11c1 in chi.· t:;month p{;r1od
lwtween J um· 19ii und June
1 !liK. 1 hl· pri<'l·~ tor Lo:. A ngt•les
.ind Orangi• count1e!> rost· "i 7
pl'rCl'nt \Vurth "aid. y. hill· lust
month .. mcrl'a"•· m a rked the
thin! "' ra1ght month pntes rost'
.11 !t'.lst om· percent
\\ 1th .Junt"" 1m·rl'a~l. the con
.... um1·1 pnn · :111!1•\ ..,hot up to
,inothl'I 1cc1>rd 1~:J ti h11 the twu
counl1 c~
Wh at Th a t bot!~ d o wn t o.
Wurth 'ia1d . 1!-that 1t cost St9.34
lai.l month to buy the same
i.;ood~ und st'l·v1ct•:, which cost
SIO rn lht• basl' price year of
It abo means the 1967 dollar
v. ou let buy onl y 51 i cents wort ti
of good~ and services in today·._
mJ rket. Wurth l:'xplamed
Keep Ifs Bead (Jp
Wurth said the seven m ajor
art'al' of consumer spending last
month wen• 'ood a nd beverage:.
hou:.in~. transportation. apparel
and upkeep. health and recrea
t ion enkrtatnm l'nl and other
good.., and ..,er v1ce:. -;ueh as co:.
It look:-. hkv l J Hutunno o! Oana Po111t
hookl•d " big unt· .,... hill· .... urf fi shing dl
l>oht•rw Hl•ach Actualh th<.' h1g Ocl'an
going C.·ranP got lilted whl'n 1t st epped tn .i
mud hole o ll1ttab ~•1~ The l'1«.1nt: dl·
.... 1gned to wull< on thl· on•<.1n floor. 1 ~ being u ~l'cl tn C'on:-t ruetton ol a regional !)e\\ agt-
outf'u II l11w EXEMPT ..•
From Page A I
s afl'l y projects. with the rest to
~o into a capital improvement:.
reserve fu nd.
Vardouhs got "90 perce nt" a!-
.,ura ncl.:' from City M :rnagt·r
W111i<1 m Woollett tha t . E'ven with
tht• PH0mµt1ons, thl' city would
1•ollt•t'I at le<isl S! 7 m illio n. tht• largt•1. mor<' prl's ligious.
mu:-.ic c<'nter wuuld soak up :.ill
a '"1 il a hie• fund ml! Thl' mattl'f "JS tom phcat1·d
h) ,in apparl'nl rl'luctan<'l' h~
:\I usic C'l'nter uffi tcrs publicly tu
d1.,cuss its plans V:irdoulis com
pla 1n<•d ht• couldn't obtain even ,1
pri\ .1t1· .1ud1l'n<'(' w lh them
Vardouhs. who first puhhd~
(•nunc1ated the "rumor" that thl·
mt1..,ll' t'l'ntl'r would be at UC!
From Page Al
GOLD ...
buv and st•ll J!Old in 1975. Euro· 1w~m ~pel·ulator:-. had e xpected
that thl' n1·w American lu\\
\H>uld cau~t· a boom in the gold
m :.1rkl'l But th.it boom d id not
nrnt<.•r ialize a nd gold prices
graduallv decline d
T hl' dollar. d espite ma:-.si v<:
purchases by the Bank of Japan
10 stem the drop. dipped on the
Tokyo for <.·1gn t•xchangc to
,1not hc1 rel'ord low
The ailing c urrency closed <.tl
192 125 .Ja1>anese yen. do\.\n from
Thursdav·s l'lose of 193 475 yen
.inti al its lowest closing level
,,int'l' t rading began Lil the end of
\\orld \\'ar II
It 1s in J apOJn·.., interest to keep
ttw yt•n from rising loo rapidly ag a1n~t the dollar because th1·
United Slates 1s a kl'Y export
m .1rk el for J a pan. A m ore ex Ill'""" t• Yl'n m ak e:. J a panese
j!Oocb ll'ss com petitive on t he
i\mertl'an m a rkt·t
From Page Al
fa m 1 ltl'S with l'htldren un• ur.
fccteci by the action.
Somt• or the families a ppealed
t<l the Irvine Cilv Council Tues
d av. The council.directed the r1
t y ·a ttorney to explore what legal
nght the c ity has to intervene in
th<.· m a tter
ll.1rpst's lawsuit asks that lhe
l'Ourl appraise the value of his
house and force tht.• homeowners
association to buy 1l A hearing
d ate hasn't been set yet.
I It' savs h(' doesn't want to hve
at Orangl' Trl'e anym or e
ht>rause of the attitude of the
rl''>tdents who voted fo r thl'
rest nrt1ons
llarpst claim ed be a nd his
fum1ly a wife and infant
:ilrt•ady have been s ubjected to
verbal abuse by people .. who
say they don 't want my kind hv
mg there.'·
Dynamite Found
cache of ('XJ)IO!!lves was found
In San OIPf(O ('oun\y sheriff'<>
tl;•put tf's and t'll y police Thur.,
rl.1y 111 an .11Ht1lmE·nt rompk'<
p11p11l ,t11·cl mc1..,tl y I>) ..,e n101
(•t l11l'll' f:\plO'llH' detl'Cllllj.\
cfol('o "en• ui.t•d to loC'alt· tilt' 24
<'Cl'-l'" nr ti\ n.11r11t<• \0 ll htt•kc<.l
g.1r,11tl'. dt•putu•s .... ud
was slung by thl' n•ported 1rnta
twn o f Mus 11.· Ct.•ntl·r bcrnrcl
mt·m ber Gt•orgt• Mohr. "ho <;~11d
thl· mayor ..,hould h,1\1· kt•pl his
mouth shut
:\111hr :-.aid p rC'm..itun• ~1n
nou ncl'ml'nt \\ ou ltl l'lld a ngt·r
On \\ i·cln1·.,cJ,I\ \'.11 lluuhs ..,,11d
.11 .1 cou11c1l ml·l·tlng of ,1 mu ... 1t·
1·1·nter at CCI "It 's a fa(•l that
1t .... nl'\ l'I gwng to h.iµpC'n ·
\' .1rduuhs .... 1ul probll'm~ ''1th
nq.:ot1ating "'1th tht• un1 vers1t'
.inti proble ms within th1• ~lus1r
<'t·nlt-1 t)l1.11d of d1n·1·t11r-· 1t!>t-lf
"vuld prl•H·nl •l
V.1rdoults <"l.11m1 ·d till' board
.,.., clra..,t1t.ill~ split to th! point
th1·\"n · Ir) 1n~ !fl kl(•k Pl'l1ph·
olf ..
Tho m a., \l11nn. C't1;11rman 111
lht• Mus11· Ct•lllt•r bc111rd . «on
C('dcd t1xla~ t ht•rp 1s .1 problem.
hut ht• l'lainwd 1t I!> with onh
1llll' ot tht· 25 din•ctnr'-foundtn~
pn•s1dent Calhe nnl' Quick
Tht· hoard has usked her lo n ·
GSA Aide Fired
WASHl'.'JGT0:'-4 IAP I Tht
ht•.id nl th<.• p robkm rtddlt•cl
C: l'ne r u I Serv1c<.•s 1\d m 1nistr.1
t wn f1 n•cl hts top a1dl' toda~
hera11:-.l' of d1ffe renct''-O\'l'r ho"'
to run th1• agt•nc·~ a GSA sourn
said c;s.\ Aclm1mstro.1tor J .1)
Solomon d1s m1'>sl'd Robl'rt T
<;nffin 1h1s morning Jltt•r Grit
fin rt'fu-.l'ct to rN1n•
sign three times Shl' won't
Mrs Quirk said today. "Ther<"
1s no :,plit on the board Thcy·Vl'
,1skl'd ml· to rc.•s1gn hl•caust-I
d 11 n 1 1 h 1 11 k h u 1 I d ! n"' .1 r•
:rnd1tonum ,1t UC! 1s a mui.1t·
l'C.·ntl'r. "hen therl• .ire olh1.·1
'-II l'S Thl hoa rd ma111nt~ proposl''-
111 hu1ld lhl' cenll'r on "L'"en l'<tm
pus .iC're:. tn an .Jrca called
c .. 11eway Quad. next to Campu~
l>llVl'~ Thl' "•tt· has bet•n rcs<:ned
..,111<'l 1969 by appro' al of I h« rt.·
~c. nts. l or .. major cultura l
fot·1ht1c.·s ... It is bt'ing studied b)
\\ lll1..1m R Pt>rt11 ;;, t'C mpu~
c·11n:...ttlL1ng ..1rch1tt t't. undl'r •.
l't1 mm1ss1un lro m t h e MU'-ll'
t'1.·ntcr corporatwn
Thl proposed rnmpl1•x v.ouhl
hOJH' three theater~ Thl' l<1rgl'5.l
a ~L'.WO seal auditonum with
largl' proscenium s tage . 01
t•ht•stra p1l and galle ry. would ht
tully equipped for symphon)
b;1 llcl. grand opera and olht·•
IJrgc·scale productions.
Tht· second theat er o f 1.200
s t'ab. would be s uita ble tor
1L'g1t1mate dram:.i. mus ical com
t'd" recitals :rnd con certs
The third tht•ater would se<Jt
300. a nd be used for expt'rlml·n
tal drama. ne" production!-<m<l
-;mall scalt: mus ical or othu
In a ddition. there' would be ,
complex of office ... J nd .
rec;Laurant. cafl'lena and .;mall
book:...tor l'
\i l•\.\ l':-Ol 1malt•:-. or construction
pro1t•t·t~ J)lanncd for th!!' year •P
tl1l :11 l· the tax will r :11 ~c $:?
m11l10P lo S:! il mdh11n Ftnan('1•
Oll•tt•f Bt1rb.,ra ~lt·nd1·r .,on
t'o·l'l'<I tht• 1•st1 mat e-. t•11r1
..,, n ;.l!,<
\monJ.! th1 <'•irrwan1t•:-. wh1C'h
\\en• .... p.trl>tl t.Jxation OP proJects
.J lr1.•J d) under 'IA.ay wert·
Doug la~ Development. La url•l
0<•\ <''opmt•r>t :"nrt ... woocl
l r\11\1 II \Int· I'~ t•fll: J nd lht
I n int· Co
Compan:e::. wh1 rh already paid
tht> la'< inc!u<linJ? Baywood
lh '1 !11pn11·n1 "' l'!t·n p •. 1d tht•
l,trj.;l''t 1,1, ..,,. 1.11 ('fllll't'll'd
~:!'.! !1!17 \.\Ill J.!l'I n ·fund!-, 1f tht•\
Ill 1•x1 mpl1nP rult•.,
Sadat Barbs
JERL'SJ\LEM l /\Pl -Priml'
\lln1sll'r Menachem Be gin was
qu(ll 1·<! tod;1y "' "e koming
EitY pt 'c; w1lhn~ness 10 continue
Pr<.•s:d ent Anwar Sadt11 ·-; ptact·
1nllrnt1vt.• d1.•sp1ll' Sadat ·c; attack~
on tht.> lsrat•h 11.:'adl't .,hip
In ,, .,,11 ion. II} hroadC'a!>I
'P' t'I h Thur .... d.1) Sadat called
1,, acl1 le<H'kr .... "thugc: ... and
.... J:d 'thl· d..iv \\ 111 nt>ver come'
\\hln Egypt wtll t rade Arab land
for IH'<t('I'
• MA'AM!
Recently a c ustomer was comparing our prices with another store. We
were informed our pricing was higher per square yard Upon
questioning. we discovered that the o ther store was furnishing a
considerably cheaper padding than the 64-ounce sponge rubber
padding included with our transaction
Furthermore. in this case. we were comparing our •nstallat1on against
an installation worth far less. (Many stores contract their labor by the
yard .. to layers of unknown background and skill We have our own
crews. trained and controlled by us. offering you the best quality
installation possible)
So . . factually -the estimate was not as 1t appeared to be' In
conclusion. when comparing prices. make sure you are comparing
equal values!
Laguna / South Coast
\i't t~rnoon
'\. l • ~(CJ(•ks
Would-be Stars Flicker; Fraud D owns
Uy G.\R\' GR.\-"lVILLE
0t 111e Da1ty P1101 sun
T\.\ o oo~cun.• night c lub entertwm•ri.
..,lt uck 1t rich in Orang<.• recent!} when
an unknown mllliona1re paid tht•m
S50.000 lo perform m h1::. nl'\\ mtery
Uut \\Urry tht· enlt•1tainers did as lht•y
\\ .illed for their big chance to knock 'em
dL·ad al lhL' new night club
But the s mt.H•r and h1:-. at•companisl
grev. rcstl<.•:-.s v. hen. for one rea son or
another. their debut ut thL• poi.h club rnn
into u scri e!'> of dl'lu~.,
So W01T1t•d did they bl'comc that lh1!->
"L'ek they culle d the maker of the
checks thl• womun g<.1vt• them on behalf
of he r millionaire boss
THE SINGER .\NO HIS s 1dck1ck
quickly leurncd the t•hecks tht•y had lot
ed to the hunk over the past two month!.
\H'ren'l those of a millionaire patron.
DON'T WORRY. THE\' v.ere ulleged
h told ll\ th<.-milliun .. 11n .. ··., \\omun
;.igt•nt. Wl':l'I ' willing to P<I.\ you a rt•
l a Jnl'I' to m ake <'l'l'li.1111 \ ou'll bt• on h :.ind
"hen the club opt•ns ·
l n st ead. tht:> thccks wt•re oncl' voidt•d
p~1y roll chl1<:ks belong ing to the world':-.
fon·most pl<Jtfurm o il drilling firm. S;rn ,
K e ep Its B e ad llp
(I tnnk!-> likt· I . .J Rolunno of l>an;1 Point
hnnkt•d ;i hli-! om· v:hilt· surf fi shing at
Doht•n\ Bt·a('h \etuallv th1.· hi.I;! orean ·
l!otng ~·r,in1• got t lltt•d \\ twn it :-.lt•ppL•d m a
m utl ho ll' off 1 ct ab :...<1~ Th<.• n:i rw d1·
s1gnt•d to \\all-. on lhl' oct•an floor. I!> bl•tng
usl·d in ('unstruction of a rt•gwnal !->l'wagl·
uulfoll lml'
Price of Gold Soars
Exceeds $200 an Ounce on Europe's Markel
LONDON IJ\Pl The pncl' or
gold SO<Jrl'd allov(' $200 un ounce,
J H'l'Ord. on lhl' ma1or Europt•an
hulhon market today
The pnce wcis ftxl'<i at S201 JO
1n hectir aftt'rnoon tnidrng on
lht• Lon<ion m arkt·t and ro:.t• tn
L< ..!!SZ..--
Som!.' late njghl and ear
ly morning low clouds,
oth erwise f air t oday
through Saturr!;iy A little
('OO ICr nt'ar the coast
ll i~hs ra nging from th1•
ltrn 70~ ttl lhl' hcacht'S to
lht.' mid ROs 1nlanct :1r<'as
l.111\-. ton1Rht 58 I 11 68
l~SIDE TOD~ l'
Summer plays at Orang1'
Coast College haw been a
tradition for 11ears. but
.. Poet/le Overtures" could b€
the last because o/ the
passage o/ Propostllon 13
Story and pictures on Page
Al Yowr Sffvto
... II~
LM .. ,.
•\Otll\4U C•lllor1t1A Cl•nlli.e c.,,,10
"' l1ttetmlu..., •to AM Ulld•"' .. ~., ..
... , MulHll'ul'd~ ''"'·' ...
c ......... Out~ Htl'C" lllf'-l•tP_,.
IM..-tai-.... lllt'l"t "--
"' ....... ,."" Ot-11 Syt•I• Po-1.,. ., '""' IJ Steel M•rhf\
DJ. hlnhl_,
"' '"-•1 ... c1 • ., .. ,.,...
II f .,., .. II.wt .,
IS .....
IJ Cl ,, ,,.
"' ,..
S200 65 in Zurich. Europe's big.
gest gold market
Deakrs here se11d bullion was
g1vt•n a boost when American
buv1ng dt'veloped at tht-start of
South Coast
To Hold Back
On l.ibraries?
By KATHY CLANCY OI t• 0.11" Pllet Stall
The ripple from Proposition 13
may postpone construction of
libraries in San Clem ente. San
.Juan Cap1struno. lrv1m• and El
Tnrn "" wrl I as curtailing
rl'crt•alton. s treet swe<'p1ng and
landscape m:.11ntenancc in S<td
llll'back Valll•y
Pest control a nd day-lo·day
c·ounly library services also face cuts
But district officials voiced lit-
tle objection to their financial
dilemma before Orange County
s upervisors Thursday when
what was billed as a two-day
hearing wound up in just 90
SupeFvisors were beginning
the process of dividing up Sl2.4
m illion in state aid to help 53
SIH'C'tnl districts with budi;t't
woes brought on by Proposition
l3'!\ n'<fuct1on in pro~rty tax
Pro~ilton 13 cut rrve nue to
the s pecial districb by S53 7
thl' bu~mes~ day m tht• Unitt'd
In New York. the price or gold
passed the $201 ·an-ounce m.irk
at two leading gold refiner~ and
fabricators Engelhard Mineral!>
& Chemicab Corp quoted gold
bullion etl S201 60 un ounct•. up
S7 25 from Thursday. while llan
dy & Harman set its base price
for gold al $201.30. up $7 .
Investors tr aditionally turn to
gold in times of monetary in·
stability. and the steady decline
of the dollnr on t he world's
foreign exchanges has caused a
surge in bullion prices
T he dollar sank to another rec
ord low in Tokyo against thC'
Japanes e yen today and con
tinued to sltde allain~t mttJor
European currenc1t's. fallin~
more.• than 2 perN'nl aJ!<11nst the
Swiss fr1mc by early aft<.•rnoon
Gold had b<.'cn trading around
Sl99 an ounce mos t of the day
and then moved hil(her following
reports that the president of the
Swiss national bank. F ritz
L e utwiler , believes that a
furthe r appreciation of the Swiss
franc against the dollar is in·
The previous record fixing
was $197 50. recorded Dec 30.
The f1x1ng ts the prtc't' agreed
to by London 's (1vt' m ajor
bullion dealers for the day's
trading after conferring. usually
by telephone. on market condi·
ta Vt• lnl<.•rnallunal Comp<iny
The re \HIS no m1llio nain.· And tht· non
t•x1s ll'nt milliomlin<s new night duh'' :i:-
non ex1stt•nt
.\11cl ti \\:t. :\Ir• \ft-C.11\ \\1111 v..1:-. 111
Or.111gl ( 'ourll' l.111 h" l'h111 -.<l.1\ ,dtt•1
11n11n. d1.1ri.:t·d "It I: tr .n11t .1nd 1·mbt·1.zlt·
There wa~. however. '' bookkccpl·t at
S<:1nt ;.i Fe Jntl'rnat1on;.il who upp<.tr<.>ntly
had bL·t•n ::.mitten by thl' cntertC11m•rs
l'ol1t·1· !-aid t h1•\ did 1101 knm~ \.\hat
p1oniptt·d th1 · ''om.111 lo ,11ll,l.!Pdl~ l'm
twult· the· mon1•\ p:nd 111 \ht· .... 1ng1·1 :.ind
hi" pl.1111 .... l
.H 'CORDISG TO POLICE. 11 "'a:-. tll\'
bookkt•t•pt•r. Sht·ryl Ann '.\lcGary :is. ol
52 1 S Bt·dlord St Orange. who h .id
rt•pn•st•nted tht· myth1t0<JI milltona1n· .1~
hi· t·ontr;u:lvd tor thl' t•ntt•rtainl'r"
\I 1«t11\\ hilt 1111 1•1111·1 t .i11w r Ill g ,11,
.... 1 .. 1rd11ng 1111 .. 1w\\ ··11g.i~t·nw111 .111d
tli1·11 c·ll.111t·1 lu m.1k1 1h1 bi1-. 1in11 lh.1l
"''l'llH'd lo ho 1lw11 • .11 ()1 ,11\J;!l Count~ ...
lll'\\t'"l lllHI 1111-!hl !'!Ult
3 More Expe ct
Test-tube Tots
l,0:--100 · •A P 1 Thn•l' mon·
\\Omt·n. two of thl'm t<>untc::.st·s.
l'X l.H'('I lt•st ·IUht• b.1b1e!. this
yl·ar. lhl' D:.111~ f>q11 1·<.~ rcµort
t•d todav
Tht· hn11sh t.1hlcuc1 s:.11d lht
w1ft• of a Wl·ullhy Bnt1!>h eutl
.ind :.1 Wl'st I ;l'rma n countt•ss l"'<
Pl'<'t lh<.'1r babies J r nun d
Christmas a nd the· third woman
,1 Scot . l'\Pl'<'l:-. ht·r.., 1n '\/11
Vl'rTI be•1
Sont• nf thl' v.om1·11 " ..... 11J1·n
Church TV
Show Out;
Movies In
T<'ll•v1s1on st<.ilwn KTl.J\ l'han
lll'I 5 has dcl'1dcd to insert old
Shirley Temple mov1<.'~ in tht•
Sunday morning timt• slot ot
C"Upied sinl'l' 1970 by the Re"
Hobert Schuller a nd hi s ··flour
of Power ..
KTLA s 1mk 1· .... womu n 1\lan
BarrO\\ s;ud tht• :-.tal mn h.cs not
t.tn<·ch•d lht· lrad1t wnaJ houi
!>ponson-d In Srhulll'f·.., c;,,rden
c;rovl· Communil\< Chureh
'W\,.Vl' 1us 1' mutlt· ..,o m1·
-.C"hedultn~ t hangl'S .mcl nffl•relf
tht• 6 JO am ... 101 lo lht• c·hurC'h.
:\I l~S Uurrov. Said ··w,. ha\'c found that k1dd1t·
shows and fam11\ movw-. an·
popul;,1r ul the• Ill a m hour that
has bN•n U.."l'd b\ tht• thu n•h "
Meanwh1k in'<;:.i rdc•n GroH· ·'
-.pokesman for th<• church s:.i 1d.
.. Losing Los Angl'lt's would rl':1I
Iv bt· a Sl'rious bll)v. ln th1·
minisln It has hl'Cll our IWm1·
h:.IS<' ..
But l h1· E xpn·,.., .. 11<1 r h1
Br1 t1~h nmnt1•:-.!> 111,, 1111 r11111h1•1
or tlw \'llrld ' f1r .... 1 ,, .... \ 111111
bab) horn Tul·..,d.1~ lw1 J n11 pl•
ha by born Tth•:-.d:o\ ht e".11111
pregnant Jftt•r Ire .111111·111 It~
j!y nl1t·olog1-.t P:..tl t 11·!.. :-.1 .. 11101 .11ul
phys1nlg1sl Holwrt fo:<lwurd• ,,1
lhl' g<·m·1 al ho-.p1t al 111 Oldh.1111
mill town in norlht'rn Engl.ind 1!10
m 1 lt>s northwl•..,\ 11f L1111elun
A fourth v.om.1n "ho holH" I 11
b<.•comt p11•1.m•111l .cfte•1 c11n1°C'p
lion outs1<.l1 tht \\Oll1h 1• urlclt'I
Big Wedding
In County
SLngl•t Fr;1nk S1natr,•
c•orn ed i<in Don H1<'kl1·.., and
lhl' l0nt1 rc· Lu-. 1\og1·l1· ...
Dodgl'r b a~l·b•il l t 1o;.1m
were arnonJ? the $:?Ut'Sh at
thl' weddinJ.: of L;rnn•
Lasorda. 24. in i"ulll•rton
Thursd:.i' night
T h l' f () r m l' I '.\1 I ......
f. ii S ll r ff ;1 d ,I U )! h l l I 11 I
Doclgl'I manag1·1 'I 11rn
La:-.or<1a tlt'1·•1m1· \1 1-..
S a nd .. T an <I I 1· 1 1 n t h •
homl• ·'>I .ll'rrv Stl'plwn:.011
a I on g I 1 mt' l. a "" r fl ·' cron v
"\;l'!'>. t'\ l'I'\ 1111(' h,Hf .•
gn•.11 t1m1 S1t·ph1·n:-.1111
.... aHI today ·n on R1(•kle·-.
1•nl (•rta1nt•d .ind ht• ",,,
g rt'at. !>Imp!~ J,!n·.it
Among ollwr l!Ut•sh ·'' th<.' LasurdJ \H1dd111~ \\ 1·11
actrl'ss llope Lalll.!t' :.H'lot
Ton\ LC1B1<.11H•11 .incl P1·tc 1 o· M. alll') son 111 l>o<fi..:1•1
1rn nt•r Waltc ·1 0'\1.tllt \
S urf's Up
111. I 111t 1:' 11: l.11n d oc ·.., Sc
I hom ·•' 1111..,1111.il Sht 1::-1r. h1•1
:111-.. nd 1-hl'llll! •l11l'ldl"J lrom
lh• p11 ..,, hut nwd11 al "ourcl''
,oH I ,· \\ltt:ld 111 ... 11n:1• 11ml
lwf111 • 1t '' ,,, kll11\\ 1: 11 ..,h, v.en·
pl I "11 ,1111
\l 1·d11 ;11 111 .... 1111' • first ll'.,t
111h1 h.1h1 l.11111..,e B111v.n ""'
11111\ t'cl 1111111 , !'>lll"l Hll l'UI • Unll
l"hllt "(j,1\ hi jlllr. ht•f mothC'r Ill
1lt1 m.11tn11I'. \\,1r<I ,,\ OldhJ"1
.tnd !),...f rll'I < ;1•111,ral I lospilttl.
ISt't· 8 \Bl E~. P:.i~<· \:!)
Joint Use
Of Theater
B\ Pllll.ll' ROS,t.\R"
0< I~ O•oly P1lof Sl~CI
I ·c: lrv1n1 · C'hann·llor Uanwl
Aldrich .Jr ..,aid today ht• plans
lo .... ubm1t :• proposl'C.I agn •t•mt>nl
lo un1\1·r..,1t) n•gl•nl .. m Sep
11 ·m lll't foi )l}Jnl dl'" 1.>lopmcnt.
\\tl r Orani.:e• <.'ounly Musi<'
C'1 ole r Im 111 . m•tJor perform
111g ,1r1 ... rompl1•\ or C':tmpu-.
\ Id I It n ":tt<f rt'l!t'nl' !a-.t W<•t•I..
l'flf'llllf .lj!c•IJ l'ttfil lllUtd nq~Ollil
111111' °"tlh th! 111111! r:Jl!>ln j! ('()I
p111.•1111n \\ll't hop .!11m· 15 suh
m11tc·cl .• lt-lli'I· of 11111 111 to hwld
th1 1•-..11111 :111•1! S:!!i rn1ll11111 f.JfOI
t•e I
In lhe me .int1m1· lht• c·1ty ol
II ' 1m un•11 111 \\ .11l1ng ''° cle
' .. t11pnH"nl!-or '~ h;rl Mayor Bill
V.1rdo111t ... prc•rl11·f ... \\.ill nC'Vl'I
ha1>P• n. mml'11 dn-.1 r lhl!> wee!.
lo\\ .1111 h111lcl11ll! •h "" n com rnun•I\ 1111. •1•1 on ,, much
... 111alll'r "<'Cllc•
1:0-t't' TIU \Tt-:n . Pa~P \:!l
Mtkt• ~ason . lluur ot Po\\t•r
t'Xl'CU\ I\ l' prndtll'l'I' noted thl'
program 1s the lonj!•'!>I running
rt•l1g10u s church "l'l'\01<·1· on Lo ...
Angell'i. tl'kv1~10n
"Wt• fl'L'I 1t would tw a gn .. ut
d1sserv1ee to tht• communil} t11
dC'pnvt• th<• h;.1nd1capped. lht• in
firm and lht· l'ldcrly or a church
service brought to thl'm in thto•11
:-Jason <;aid hl· hopl'S KTl.1\
will chungl• its mind :1bo111 lh1·
lime changt•
Laguna's Classic
Set This Week e nd
Bui Mrss A<trttt\\ 1n<l1<'alt•1t 11 '
.. C'losed ISSUi'
1.agun:..i llt•<H"h will ht bnm
mint? v.1lh 'IJ11r·1-. 1·1llhu-.1:1-.1'
.ind "l1t'l'1it lor .., Salurtla\ .-rid
* * *
Laguna Lifeguards
Rescue 133 in Surf
Large surf. c·ombined with in
ex pe rt l'nC \•d "w 1 m m f'r ' and
body !>Urfrr:. T hur-,day kept
more than 50 l.Jguna Rl•ach
li feguards bu~~ pulhnA 1·x h au~t
t•cl visitor' from the " alt'r
M annt• Saft'\' 1>1rl'rtor Rrun·
Baird ~aid IJJ <;w1mmcr'> and
su rfc rs wt•n· pulled from l ht·
surf Thursdav. 1nrlud1ng onP
Glendora \C{'n·aRcr who IOJured
his neck in the s horebreak at
Picnic Beach.
Harry L. Hicks. 17. of Glen·
dora, was treated ror neck in·
juries at South Coast Commum
ty Hos pital and later released.
The wav1.•s Thursday were
breaking at about six feet. with
some eight foot -;wells «lamming
i11to the sand Bumi o;111d
"We had ,1hou1 ~1.''1 l1fl'guurd-.
nul I h l'rt' all cl ay pulltnl( 'lurft>r;
:.ind swimmers in.·· ht• .,aid
The city's 17 foot res<.'ue boat
wa~ flipped over en lht> h ('avy
shorebreak at M uin Reach Park
:.ii about 1 '' m Thur-.chly wh<·n lht' e nJ?JOl' on lhc· Hn'>lnl' "h.111 r
'On1• nl our liki?u..111\-.. " ..... 11111
p1el..1nJ;t up .tnolh1·11 i..:u.11d 1h.1'
\\ t•nt tJUI tu .!:•"1 .1 hn.11 \\ .1111
1n11.. Ra trct -....11<1 V. h1 n lh1
bo:.1l l':tml' hack 111 lh•· 1•1lJ!ll11
quit .tnd tht• guarct m.111n111j.! lh1
boat saw .1 \\ :.iv1· ":1s gotni.! 10
brt-ak owr him ·
Tht• ~uard ~ot lht· c•ngin1·
started again. but <.'U\ JI ofr )U"ol
before lhe wave hit. sendtnR tht•
large boat onto the beach
"Fortunately. no onl· was hurl
when 1t hil the beach... Rc11rd
'iaid Tht-1mpoct of th1' w..i"l' on
the ho:it knclt'kt>d out 1l . con::.oll•
he -::ml
l.11e~u.1rrh •'Xl>t'l'l<'<I an ·H·rt
hm;ier d«~ todtt) .1 11.•::-.1cknh
.1 nil v1~1t11r., \ t•nturt•rl 1111 o I he·
66 dcgn•e w.1tcr..,
111 San Cl1.•mt•nk Thur ... ctav
lifeguard!' rcsC'ued 64 p1.>r•..o ns
<See URF. Page A2 l
Su11tf.1,· "" th• :.?41 h .innu;il
Brn11k' '-'trt-t't !'urhng ('la..,!'\11
.111cl lh• :.:11 11 .111nu<JI l.Jgun.1
Be :.it'll Oti1 11 \."1•lh•) h;tl I t11urn.1
nu ril gc 1 1111ch r .. , ·"
Tht .... ur1 , ... n111ning a l ons1!-
l\·111 f•H 10 ..,1:\ fot·t at Brook'
!->l1 e1·t ... 111• 111 th1 <1nnua l <'om
f.Jt t111on op<•n In l.agun.1 Bt'aCh
..;urfl•r ... nnl}
Doug /\lien. rt·crcat1on depart
mt>nl s upervisor. says the Mm
111e:-. t bc>ys 12 and under > will
paddh nut shortly ufter noon.
wi th lht• high t1d1• Th1•y will bt•
111l fo\\>1d h y lh,. wnmt•n ':-.
di\ ..... 111n
Allt•1 lt111M· ht·.l\s. lh1• fmab
101 l;t~t \l',11 • h<•\ ml'n·-, <tncl
•1·rt:n1 °' tlll'fl °'\~Ill bt' ht'ld
\\ 1 111•1'1·1' 1•ornplt•tt•d I hos1•
h1 .11 !> I .1~1 '• ,11 .... 11 "~ II tn .incl '"·'II lhe•m up Sa1urrl:i.v ... ·/\llen
,,1ul •od;I\ Tht· -.urf wa-. not
11101wr:1tivl' during lhl' 23rd an
nu.ti c<1mp<.'t1t wn. leaving thos<•
<11\·ls1on~ high and dry
C'lly n ·crcal1on officials will
lht•n bt·~in this year 's boys.
1un1or~·. men's. senior men's and
m.1~tt'r'l dl\•1~ions, with some or
those h1't1l~ ~p11lin~ over into Sun
\\ 1· II proh.1hh -.tart again at
11111111 S uncluv hl'l"J U'>l' or lhi•
'ht,..!h 1 1111•· ..,1tu.1t 1on · Allen
.... 111•
Th• Lq~11n.1 M 1·n ·.., Open
\. otlt·} hJll T1111111amt>nt will p11
t w o m 11 n v 1) 11 c y bu I t t <'n m"
,qp11n..,t olht•r" frnm S1:1nt ;1
(Sff 8 Et\Cll, Paitt" /\2)
,, ...... ,. ... "'
On Wednesday the City Coun
1·11 \'Oted S to o to proceed 'Allh
nt•.:otwtion:. 1A1th San F'r.tn<·•:.i•o
,1rt•h1t1•ft~ \'-ur-.\L'r llt·rncJrd1
• .rnd Em mun!> for lit•\ 1•loprrw111 of
.i m a~t\!r plan for tht th1..•.1t1.·r
The council twd dc:l:.iycd t wv
month!> on the mcJltt>r. bt."<·au~e
of rumor ... and finally confirmJ
t1on that Oninge County MU!>I(:
Centu Inc . after fi\t' V«'ar!> ,md
inspeCllOn of 16 POS~thle Siles.
-.elected VCI
The selection wa~ doubly im-
port ant b<!cau ... 1..• thl' city hoped
lo loc~itt• II !> own theater in
t '•11 vt· rs1ty Toy. n Center. only
_.Jl'r o-.s th<· !>lreet 1Campu-;
Drive > from the proposed s ite of
tht! music center
In udd1l1on. ttw city ha ... SI 3
m 1llwn ava1l.1hlt• to hu1ld J
1 h1·atcr that w1ll t·ost un est1mat
l'U $5 mil hon. the difference
"'o uld have to bt' m ade up
through public gninl!> or privat<.•
don.1ti11ru. .md founcfat ion J(rUnb
"<irdoult!> 1n part1cul<1r fe11rcd
1 ht..• l:Jrger. mon• pr<''>t1g1ou~.
music ct·nter would ~ot1k up all
,l\'.lllablc funding
'!'ht.• matter wa:. com1>licated h~ ,in Jppun·nt n·lt1t'tdnce b.v
'lU!>ll' Cl•ntl'r uff1C't•r!> publlc-ly lo
<fl !>l'U:.:o. ll~ pf:Jn!>
Car, Cycles
Destroye d in
Garage Blaze
Flum1..•:, swl•pt through a -.1x
unit S:.in Clemcntt' garage lull!
Thur:,d.i). dl'~tr11 y 1ng an
.wtomohllt> and t"'o rriotorcyclC'~
.111d l·.tu:-.1ng .in t·s t1mJted S50.000
to $75.000 dumagt·
Fire om~1als S<lld lht·r(;' wen·
:.l'\'Cral small cxplos wn!> during
the fire at 1007 Hut'na Vista
Tht·y auribul<·d tht· small blast'>
to U('fOSOI <.':JnS !>tored in lht•
ga ra~1· along "'1th paint lhinnc1
Jnd ga!)11luw
F1n·men -.;11cl tht· t•uust• of tht·
fin• Wal> u short 111 ;J lighting fl \
tun.' Ill tht• gar<•)!t'
The :,po kt·!>man said tht·
damu~c C!>l1mC1tc <.•ould go
t11glwr but offirial~ have had d1f
f1n1lt\ c·11nt.w11ng tc•n.inl!> ;Jbout
1 ht· t·•mll'nt:. of lhl' garctgc·-.
One of thl' gara~cs apparently
c·o111:iinl'd .in t•!>t1mutt·rl $25.000
111 1•lt'l'I ronil' 1•qu1µmt·nt but of
l1cwls have been unubll• to ob
1:11n vcrificution
Th<'rt' wc•n• Ito IOJlll 1t'!> in lh1• rr tt·
Woman Finds
An 18-yeu r o ld Ca mp
Pt•nd I Non !\farme \\-<IS :-.urpn:.t·d
b.\ .., San Clt•menk wom;m al
ht•r home Thur!-.d.1) night "'hilt•
.Jlle~1·dl~ try111i,: to burgldn11·
llt•r rc!>1d1•nl'l'
Pohc1· urrl':.t1•tl JoM:ph Frunk
1\ltmtton <it th\• city':, bus depot
lnllm' 1ng th1· mt1dl•nl on the 200
hluck of ,.._ (:;I< ·amino Reul.
f'ul 1l·e l>Jld the '>U:.pcct ~r<ibbt·d a 21 -yt•ar-old Sun
Clemcnll' \\Oman in her horn<·
\\ ht•n sht• d1M'Ovcred him J!>
... erll·dly trying to s teal Jcwclr~
Jnd coin'>
Thl· man fl1•(1 when thl· womun
... t ru~gl!..'<l und he "11~ <:aplun•d
. 11 tht· hu ...... 1:1111111
\I hntton '" ch:.irg1•d ''1th
bur).!l;ir,\ JOii Ullt•mplC'rJ r<in<•
Frmw Pogf! A I
.md a bulletin SJld '>hl' wa ... "pro·
..:n•ssmg very well."
The mother Lei;lev Brown
"ho will be :11 Mond:.iv, and hl•r
hu'>band John. J8. a truck driw•r
who halo a dau~htrr h:; :\ rm ·
'1uus marrrngc . had bt•t•n unablt•
lo h;IH' childn•n lor utmost ltl
't·:.ir~ of marrwgr bl'C':l\IM' ~in 11
r1..•p.irabll' blol.'IUIR<' 1n M 1-.
Hrnwn's Fallop1an tuhe~ prt·
\ t•n\1•c1 normal conception
'""" ()t~ (Cft\t D•·'• PtlM W\tf\..,..,.(,f\1,(0"!'\
0-""'011W..,411'111r' P••\\ 1\out:H1""""'011NQ'f4f'\O.-(l"M·tt'1'uN••~ "O(O~tl-'"f ~,_..~,, tW\\.vr
PY0••""4HI M \f\O•• ll'litOJQft J'.r•tt-'f f()f' (rtttf•
~ .. N• •rvut ""''"tot uu~'•NJ\M f\ieoa1f\ f tolJf\
'• l/4•Jr• 1•¥•1'\I •df11J fM • \l•llf't •"'4 \.•~1t.,t"4ttt"" \q 1t~tn.n1 A ·~· 1.,q·~\•~' flO-l'I n,1r)I .,.ot'ld \,..t~itt.t'i\ _."ft ,1,...~fo\ T~
111" "" CM• ,. ,.,. t\ "'ca o• .,., "' i w. ,, U••
,,. t c .... t ..... t•o•,,.,,,-4.,~··
J•<-• Cwt .. , "' •••• ,,."', '"d(tto•• .... ""'"'14"''
,,_..,.., •····· [1j1tn1 ,,.""'" -..~"""""' M,.t'l.01"4 [Oito-
0.•,toM ,.... Rt<t\tl'W~ "*ft .,\!\'""' trA.ltf\~·f'IQ tdot.,. ..
LH1111 • 8• actl Offlc• -n"6Gh1•""''''" \t,,.,t ""-'"flQ ·~·'' ., a ftro• ... •Mon
Office• (tto\t4'""'1\4t U0wt\t8.l•\tf'ft't MQ~~"~!~ •• !"::~~~;,;:.'o • ,"'f\01 ... ,,~
h l•PhOn• (714)W-cin
Cln1111ect Ad'llr11•tne tu-M7t
L•I"" • .,. ech 1111 Oep.wlme nl I h l•phOn• 414-'4641
~"=:''1.~ ;.:~ o;,~i:, (~":,:;·:~;~'"~ ::";,
f"\•tt•t o• .. a••'"'*'•'"'t"fllt'' f\, , .. ,n m•" ac •t•••rJwt .. •11 .... fi,ff '"41 •I ••tl'ftt\\•e n ('f , ... ,,.~, ......... ,
\of< >"4 111,\ n '''-"' ••·'' ..,, ln .u ....,.,., (.ttltOr"tt• \yf\\"IOt•Of\ b• •ert•f• •t \ft
"'4'MP\ly ""' "?t_. t U \0 Mt\ftl"I" "" ,.,, """"',...,.~.,, 'tl'l"'l\f'tflll1t\\<t
~"llf.:T-l~~~ll ~
~ •!': 4,;(
O•ltr Pjlel \wtt P-
Lagmao Fo~ilities
City Council
Proposes Fees
La gun a Bt·ac h t· 1 ty <'Oun
l'iJmen will consider adopting a
new fee schedule for use or com-
munity rac1lilles. inc luding the
t·ouncil chambers und the new
VetN<IO!> Memo1·1:.1l Community
Center \\ht·n they met•t Tuesday
The nt·'A fee schedule is
necl'ssary. city officia ls say. due
I<> lht• passage of Proposition IJ.
and a coun c II edict. that I hl•
Recr eation and Sodal Ser vice ...
Depa rtment become st'I(
Oq~an17.atlon ... Wllnting to ust·
c1ly racllil.l~ would p;;y for the
pr1vilegt• on a :.<'iJlc> th<at will bl'
ou tline d Tuel>day for coun
Groul>!> which charge a Jel'
would pay a m1n1mum of 15 per
cent up to a maximum of 30 per
('enl of the fees they collc<:t fo r
thl'1r events
Eying Park
Saving Plan
Non profit groups and c1v1t• or
l!~m1zat1on~ woulll p .~y siio to
rent city hall or the <'ummunity
t.'enter for the firs t 1 wo hour~
;ind SIO for i:ach additwn~il hour
of t.1st• Private and rt'l1g1ou:.
group::. \\Ould tic chuq{t'd $50 for
llw Ci rst t \o\ ll hour!-and .in addi
t1on:.tl S15 pc·r hour the n •af1c•r
Big Waves Took Toll Among Uninitiated Thuraday -Lifeguards Hauled 424 Out of Water
FroM Page A J
rn ii l 1on
1\nd .tlll'I 11"<lt1<:1ng lhl'1r oY.n
'IWllcl 1ng pl an~. tlls t nth· .id
1111n1-.11 .1tm .... had ...... kl'<I for S2i
nulhon 111 !:.lat<• a11.I. Lt'SS lhu11
half that ~1moun1 1s ,1vu1l;.1ble.
!'uµervis111 ., .,.,kNl c<iunty of
fll'iab to conlli\Ut' n •v1l·wing thl'
t11~trit·h n ·c11w ... i.... :ind ':ud lht·y
would tak1· f11wl .11'lion /\ug 15
Start· lt•g1.,1at1on that offon•d
thf' Sl2 4 m1ll10n carri<>!; with it a
li-.t of !>pt•ndmg priorit 1cs
/\ t t lw lop of I hat list 1s public
'>afrl ~. meanin~ 1l 1s l1kel) th1·
t•ountv !>lruC'tural fire· d1 ~lnct
"Ill li(c•t mo-.t of lht· S4 7 m1l1111fl
nt>£>ded lo balan<'l! 1ts SIS million
1978·79 hudget
Farthl•r doY.n tht• prtunty list
JI c thc s1·\ en t•ount \. !>t•r\'l<'t·
Jrt·a dist net:, th1Jl µr1;1, 1de µurk
mJtnll'O;Jnl·t·. street "" N•pang
nwdi;ui l.imbcap1na and rc•crc·.i
tum µrog1 am::. in unincurpordtccl
-.u ulh <·ount\ communitll'!:>
Those d1::.tncts nl·l'd a colic<·
t1vt' SI 4 million ju-.t to bal ~1nt'l'
thl'lr S2 3 m1l11on 1H78·7!1 hud1.Wl!>
.ml! m.11111.11n 1·\l~l 111g "ien 1<'<·..,
10 '\I 1:.s ton V1<•Jo, El To10
I .;1g11n.1 '\;1gud I .t·1 ..,un· World
"ioul h Laguna . •\1·g1 ·an l11lls u111J
~oulh Laguna Hilb
Without lhl• SI 4 million. said
t•ounly ..idm1nistrat1 vc u~..,1!>tJ1ll
Emit' Schneider. the distri<:I!>
m.1y haH• to
Eli min ale '>ll'l•ct :,w('t•ping
on rc~1dt•nu:1l urt·cis
Cut p<1rk <1nd m1·llt,1n
landi.n1pt• me1intcnunce by 15
Jll'ITt•nl ·to kl.·l'I' 1t ,1!1\e <ti tht·
ban• minimum '
[)o away "1th ~ outh r1•t·n ·.1
11nn 11rogra1l\'>
Mak(• cuts in the Mission
Vit.>JO Mun1cipe1l Advisory Coun·
ed. South county servict.' and J
yl't lo·op<•n Crown Valley Com
mun1t.} Park field offices
Also hard hit mav be thl' coun-
ty'i. 2\ streC't lighting d1stncb.
!::lchnc1der !>aid. although cut-. 111
t•nst would bt· hard to come by
Through contratts with ut1hh
firms. Schnl·1der l·xpla ined, tht·
districts mu~t pay ha lf the11
nnrm<.11 bill whether any elec
tnc1ty 1s U!>ed or not
The· contrut'ls w<.•re designed
so the ut1hty firms could recoup
thl•1r 1nve..,tment in installing thl·
lighting service.
Thf! budget :.quceu· for spec1ul
d1l>tricts also will mean postpon
1ng bu1ld1ng new hbr:irics in Sun
('h•mt•ntt• S:in Juan Cafistrano.
I rvint:. El Toro :.ind La l a bra
Burbara Fox. <in assistant
d1r<.'l'tor of ttw county Generul s l' r v I(.' l' ~ Ag .... n (.' y s LJ Id th(.'
ltbrary district also may halt
Sunday operctl.Jons. book mobill..·
.md other s ervices.
Sht· s:11d S2 4 m11l1on •'> necdt•d
111 s tatt· aid to b:tl;.ince tht•
library's S6.3 m1lhon proposed
1978 79 budget a nd pt•rsonnt·I
<·ub alreHdv h~1v1· bel•n madt'
Offlciab of the Orange County
Vt•ctor Control D1i;trict said lht•\
n•·«d S43'i.879 in state help ti1
tJul ancl' :1 $1 I million hudi(el
f':vt·n v. 1th that. they said. thl·
d1 l rict has cut 25 s ummt•r
t•m p lo ye-. "ho provided rest
dt..•nts with nit. fly and mosquito
rontrol he lp
Th<.' assistanc<.· s t 111 1s pro
\ ukd. lht•y .,:ml. l>ut no longer
ran the district re'>pond w1th1n
2·1 hours of nnt1ct•
New Animal Shelter
Studied for Laguna
Nei-:ot1:H10n!> a r<' under w;1v
for :1 Lagun,1 Bt•ach k('nnt·I to
twt•o rnP thl· n<.•w 1 em porary
.tn1rnal !>hCltN IJc1lily for !>Int)
dog.,. C':tl!> a nd wild ;mimat... c:r1J
I 11red on !ht• i-.1 n•c•t-. ;m<I hv" ;.1y ...
f>1 llo:.l' Bkchng's Cunyon
l\l•ntwb. 204 t~ Laguna C:,m, on
H11:id . h.t!> ht>t•n U'>t'd a ~· .in
Jt11rn,d :.hl•lter bl'fon· b,\ lht· <'1
ly or LagunH Beach. which now
provrrles s helter St•rv1ct•lJ for
Lttguna w&:. MTutchcd from
its leasing arr.ingcment by Mr!>
Ekeherg rn Ortobn, 1977 . in J
di!>putt• ll\'l'r ,111 .1rt .... fcosll\'<.il
sea:-;on p;1rk1ng lot the city w<.1nt
erl to l{r adl' ac rose; l he slrt'l'I
from her kenneb
l.a1-tu11:1 Bc .. 1c·h mo\l'd 11 ~
'ht•l lt•r 111!>1 dowrl lhl· ..,lrN•l bu\.
ing an SPCA facility . That city
now 15 tryini:: to gel out of tht•
i-.helter bU !-.IOl'!>S. :rnd hOpC'S
t•vl'ntually to contract with
lrvi1w when lrvint' huilds 1b
""' n 1H'rmanenl !>hl'llt'r
The initial leasinl{ a~recmenl
h 1· t wet• n Irv 1 n c and Mr.,
F:kt·IJcrg is to be at $1,000 p1..•r
month for 10 month!>
Pol1cl' Chief Leo Pearl said
the kennels will be needed one to
thre<' years. while plans <ire
m udc for a permanent Pound.
Operating costs of the s heltt•r
~rf' expect<'d to be recovered in
µart throui<h ft'l'S paid by
owners of pets claimed . or udop·
11 vc ownf'rs
Th1..· City Council gave Peart
.!lit hori1.:it ion to pursue the lea:.
1ng arrangt•1rn•nt. 111 ,1 mt.·Ning
Three-day-old Baby
Sparks Hefty Storm
OLOHAM. ~nglt.tnd <API -A baby glrl named Louise has
hrought thl' world'c; pres~ flocking to her door, made a fortune for
h1·1· pun•nl:.. :.ct newspape>r!-> \\hrrlin~ and dealing, s parked a db
pule with thl' ~ovcrnm<.'nl anti o;;tartt.·d rt'hgious leaders arguing
Sht• 's Lou1Sl' Rrown, tht• worlcl 's first known test-lube baby.
.ind shl''" Just thr<.'l' d:iys olct No huhy's birth has created such u
s tir in Rriluin since Queen JWzabeth II had Prince Charles 30
yea rs ago
th e world flock('<! to Oldha m when the news leaked out that Lesley
Brown, a 30.yenr old Bristol housewife In the red-brick maternity
win~ or Oldham and District General Hospital was expecting a
baby thnl had been conceived in a laboratory.
Oldham is <• grimy. friendly 1ndustMal town of 227,SOO people .
190 miles north west or London. ft prospered In the last century
bt·<'au!w or ii~ cotton mill\, but it's rather run down today
l 'cwmploynwnt 1:-h1)lh :)nd there·~ an oir of 1ndustr1al decay
W11h tht• htrth of LoU1•.1• .ti t:l m111utes lwfon· midnight TU<''>
cl.1) Ol{lh<1m w.1~ htH'k on lh1· 1t1HP
THE (iOING HAS ll•: F:N TOl'Gll for most of the pr('ss corps Th~·v ('Ould d e-.crlht• ho°" ~ynecolol{1st Patrick Steptoe and
phy!liologi~t Roht>rt Erlwnrd-. removed on<.• of Mrs Brown's eicgs,
1 t!rtlllu-d It in ll tt>~t tuhe 'A 1th :iperm from htr 3S·yClar·old husband
.John. then rl•turr11·<1 11 lo ht·r utcru~ \I) develop normally ror neurly
nir)(• month'
Giant Surf
Gets Action
In Newport
With lht· big s urf thal hit
Newport Beac h Thursday ex
peeled Lo l ast through the
weekend . life g uard s and
bodysurfers prepared for action
The bodysurfer:. cheered the
arrival of the big combers in
time for the firs t annual
Hand~un contest wh ich 1s set for
Saturday at 7 a. m . ctt 18th St.
A Handgun is a miniature surf-
board made or plnslie that a body
surfer grips with one hand to give
him more mobility in riding a
Li reguards were l ess en-
thusiastic about the big surf
after they pulled 424 swimmers
out of the bi~ waves Thursday_
A M~r1n e Department
spokesm:rn claimed Thursday's
surf ran al a consistent 15 reel.
but had dropped off to eight lo
10-foot se>ts today
Thc s urf apparently 1s a
byproduct of hurricane Hector
off thc coast of Mexico. the
s pokesman said.
The lifeguard spokesman said
75.000 people s howed up on
Newport's beaches T hursday
and big cro\\ds were anticipated
today as well.
O f the 424 rescues. the
lifeguard spokes m an said two
involved serious injur ies. One
was a s urfer who suffered a
back injury while riding the
waves at 13th Street and the
other w:is a ncar drowning ut
L1tt lt! Corona beuch
* * *
Fro• Page A I
SURF ...
from surf at city beaches. in-
<'luding ~ome children pulled in·
to th(· mun1c1pal pier b) three to
fl Vt>·fOnl WlfVl'~
Th1·n • \\C'fl' no maJor r<.'M'UC'!'>
from citv b<.'achcs <J!> ~wimmcrs
trn:d thc;1r skilb in the 68-dcgree
Ot'l'Hn watC'r
Doheny State 'Beach P<Jrk
hft-guJrcls pullt-<I 15 pt-opt<.-from
thP watl'r in thrt•c :rnd four.fool
Sun Clcml'nlt• city ofric1;.lls ar<'
l>tudyrng bid:. lode1.} th<.tl could
save as much as $95.000 in main·
tenance costs of thl' com·
munlty's parks
S teve Burrell. assistant to the
city manager. said today four
companies s ubmitted proposals
for park maintenance following
a move by the City Council
earlier this month to solicit bids
The lowes t bid. from B M C.
Landscape Ma intena n ce of
Newport Beach. would save the
city about S95.000. Burrell said
Sc1n Clementl' prl'sently
t'm ploys 10 maintenance
workers to care for the city's
oarks. Those lO workers will bc
absorbt..'<i into existin g openings
in other city departm ents s hould
th<.' C ity Council approve a
landscape contract at their Aug
16 meeting
Burrell said he believed the
bids res ulted in Potentially !arge
savrngs because the companies
rnvolved have strong expertise
1n l andscape ma1nlen<1nce
"With their contracts an other
p l aces they could provide
sophisticated equipment that we
couldn't afford us a city." he
~aid . "WC' may have 40 acres to
c·arc for but they could have
much m ore than that 1r you con-
s ider their other mamtenanc<'
The four proposals -which
would maintain the existing
ll'vel of parks maintenance -
und their price taf(s were.
B.M.C Landscape. $144.000
Artistic Landscape Ma m·
tenancc. S207.360.
Environmental Care Inc .
Pr ogramme d Landscape
M uintcnance. $268,380.
A II contract proposuls cover a
12·monlh period.
Barbur<J tn San 011'.'go on lht·
:.and court:. ut M u1n Bl«JCh
The· top 32 team:. "'Ill h<: com
petmg in th<: eighth of 10 mc .... t:.
1n the o~n circuit this year
T<.'ams will do battlc beg1Mtnl?
:.it 9 a m both days. with com
petition expected to last until 5
or i pm
Adding to tht crowd!' and <ic
t1v1tiel> Lh1:. Wl•ekend 111 Lagun<:
<1re Lhl' three art festivals out
La~una C11nyon Roud
Gates open at the Fest1vlll of
Arts grounds ~l nl)on with lht.
work~ of more than 150 art1:.t!-
on dis play
Thi• l'll )' w1>u!u abo l'har~t·
Si 50 per hour for ~roups requ1r
1ng t1 city supervisor for the a('-
M ct ny organization~ use the
city's new community center. in
c lurlmg sponsors of dance c lasse ....
senior c1ti2ens program:. and
Commercial 1ns truct1on
l'!asse.,. such a !> dance and
music would also ~charged for
use of the building
The Laguna Beach t.;nif11·d
School District has already 1m
plemented a fe<' schedule for UM·
of district property
In other action Tuesd;;y nighl .
the eouncil will
-Consid er placin~ parkm~
meters on res1dent1al streets on
the ocean s ide o f Coa-..t
-Consider a staff report on
the Cr estview· Diamond area or
Laguna. plagued with lack ol
traffic c1rcul at1on and fin·
Interview four Lagunao~
... eekang a po:-.t on the city ...
Boa rd of AdJU!>tment
Young Artist
Reports Two
Works Stolen
Two p::untin~:. by IR·year·11lrl
Laguna Bt«•<'h art1!>t Juhl•
Watson were s tolen from thl·
Fes tival o f Arts grou nd~
sometime Tuesday or Wednl'-.
day. police said today
Miss Watson was the subJ1•rt
of a Daily Pilot feature wh1t•h
appeared Thurs day on her watl•r
rotor exh1b1t etl the fest1vLil
The paintm~s. one of a t1J(er in
thl' 1unglt· und the other of tlw
h1:ad of ;l hon. werl' valul·d .11
Pollet' SLitd the th1cvei. m,1v
h;:vt• e1 lh<.'r hunrlf.ld th(•m 11u1
through tht• Ct•nc-1-. 111 \\:otlkl•d otr
the jot round~ with lhc <1rt work.
rl11'pl1< ying phony r••ce1pt~ to .11
ltmd;int~ <•' tht· j.!J!.t•
A photo of the two stolen pa1n1
ing~. along with lht· artist. wt·r·t·
leutured Thursd.ry in lh~ PCIJ>t'I
Tapes Seized
NEW/\Rk., !" J <AP1
1-"t•dt raJ :1uthori11e~ pul th1· hill·
Thursday on •• hus1n,.~., th<rt ;.ti
lf'~edly Wa1' sellllllf •llt·g:.11 v1d1·u
r <JPl' c-ai.sl.'lll•., of -.twh popul;ll'
copy11ght mov1l'~ a:. ·J ,1\\-.
the f<'BI announn.-d
• MA'AM!
Recently a customer was comparing our prices with another 5;ore We
were informed our pricing was higher per square yard Upon
questioning. we discovered that the other store was furnishing a
considerably cheaper padding than the 64-ounce sponge rubber
padding included with our transaction.
Furthermore. in this case. we were comparing our installation against
an installation worth far less. (Many stores contract their labor by the
yard ... to layers of unknown background and skill. We have our own
crews. trained and controlled by us. offering you the best Quality
installation possible).
So factually -the estimate was not as 1t appeared to be' In
conclus1on. when comparing prices. make sure you are comparing
equal values!
1663 PLACENTIA AVENIJf • COSTA MESA. CALIF 92627 Pt;ONE 0'6 '836 0'6 2355
• I Orange Coast Tud•1y·s Closing
N. \'. Stt•t'ks
Would-be Stars Flicker; Fraud Downs
CM llw O•Ut Pli.t Si.ti
Two obsrurt• nig ht club t•nte rtmners
~t rut·k it n ch in Orange n•n•ntly when
an unknown mil11onu1n• paid them
S50.000 to perform in his nc\\ niter}
But th<' s inger <:lnd his accompanis t
gre\\ n.:~tlt'!'>S wh t•n. for orw rea~on or
a nother. tht.>1r ckhul at the po~h c lub ran
into a sen(·~ of d elay!'>
DON'T WORRY. THE\' \H•r e <Jlll•ged
I\ told h'f tht• m11li ona1re s woman
•tgl•nt. wt•~re willin g to puy you a re·
t;11nl'r tn make l'l'rtain you'll be on hand
wht·n the club opens
Keep Its Bead lJp
It look:-. ltk1 • L .J Hotunno of L>ana Point
hookt·d a ))1g ont· wh1lt· s urf fi s hing al
Uoht·n~· Bt.•<.tt•h \ttually the• hig m·eun·
gmn,e. tram.• got lllt~d \\ ht·n tl 'tt.•p pt•d in a
l3ut worn· the e ntertu1nl•rs did a!> lhl'\'
"ailed for their big ch<rncc to knock 'l·m
dl•ad c.il thl• new night club
So worril'd did thev he(·oml' t hat t h1~
\\ L·ek lhl·~ called the m aker of tht•
t•ht•rks the woman g<:ive th<.•m •m behalf
of he r m illio 1w in• boss.
THE SI N<a:R .\~O lllS ;,1dek1rk
quickly ll•a rnL•d the c·hecks the) had tlll
t•d to lht• bank over th t> pa~t l\\o month~
\,\'en•n 't tho~<.· of a m1lltom11re putron
I nstC>ad . tht• checks w<.•re onct• voidt1d
payroll c·heck~ belonging to th<> world·,
forem ost platform o il d rilling firm. Sun
mud holt.· of'f1t•1,il~ ;,,n Thl' r r<.1nt'. ck
'iiJ.!nt'd tn \\:ilk on thl.' Otl'an floor. •~ hl•tng
U!->t'd in c·onst ruct1on 111 '' regional '-l'W<JJ,!c•
outfall Jim·
Price of Gold Soars
Exceeds $201 an Ounce on New York's Market
LONDON <AP> The price of
gold i.oar ed above S200 an ouncl'.
a rt.'C'ord. on the major European
hullinn market today.
Tht• price IA as fixed at S201 30
1n ht•ct1<' aflt>rnoon trnd1ng on
lhl' L1>ndon ma rkl•t a nd rose lo
S.200 65 m Zuri<'h. Europl• 's 1>1~
!!l':>l gold market
Dt•aler~ here said bullwn wa:-.
g1vt•n a boost when Amencan
bu) IOI? deve loped Ht the ~tart Of
the bus iness d ay m the United
gold m times of monetary 111
-;tab11ity. and the s teady d ecline
of \he dollar on the world's
fort.>1g n exchan~es has caus('() a
'urge rn bullion prices
T he dollar s;ink to ;m other rt.'c·
ord low in Tokyo a gainst ttlC'
.lapa nese yen today and con
t1nued lo slide a~ainst major
European curre n cies. falling
-more than 2 percent against the
Sv. l l>S franc by early a fte rnoon.
th at the ne"" Amt•rican law
wo uld caus<' a boom in the gold
markl'l But that boom did not
materialize and gold price:-.
gradually declined
fhl' dollar. d£'s p1lt· ma~s1vt·
purcha:.es hy lht• B<.1nk of .Ja pan
to stem tht.> drop. clipped on thl•
T ok yo forC'1g n exch angt• to
anothe r rl.'cord low.
The ailing currency closed al
192.125 Japanese yen. down from
Thursdtiy's c lose of 193.475 yen
and at its lowest closin~ level
<See GOLD. Page A2 I
t;1 Fl' J 11tl'l'Jl<.tl H111UI C:o mpan) 1\ncl 1l '\\~1!'> Mr .. ~lr<.1t1 1 )o wh11 \\.a:-10
Urangl· Count~ J :111 b) Thur::.ch.1) aftc:r
noon chargt.•d \\llh I r<J ud and t·mbt-uh:
Thl'l't' "U!> no mllltonairt.• And t ht• non
t·x1!-.lent m1lhon<11n"~ ne"\ night duh\\ u'
non l'Xl~ll•nt
Tht•n• \\a:-hllV.l''''r . u bookkt•t.•p<.•r .it
Santa Fl• l nll'l'll:Jlt0nal v.ho appan·ntl~
had bt•t·n ~m1tll·n hv thl' t.·nt<.>rtarnt•r:-. talt·nt~ ·
l'olln· ;,a,cl lhl'\ d:d not kno" "h<.tt
promptt.•d lht.· v.om<.1r. tc <.tlltgt•aly t·m
ht.·nh· tht· mom·y paut 1e, tht. ~IO~(:"r ;rnd
h 1i., JJIUlll~I
.H 'COROINC,; TO POLICE. 1t "'a:-. lht·
bookkl•t•per. Shtr~ I Ann :\>kGur~. 35. of
;,i I S Bt.'<.l ford St 0 ntnf!,l'. w ho had
rep rt•st.·nlt.•d lhl• m y th1rul m1lhona 1rt· a:-.
ht· l'Ontr.H·tt·d for lht· t'nl er\atnl'r'
\h-.wwh1lt· th1 t•niu·1 i.11nt·1 ~ b1:1,wn
'l'J n ·h 111g I u1 • . 1u ·\\ t n~ <.J~c mPnl .rnd
tht·1r t•h;tnec· re, m;:l.t tht b1µ l1mt• lhJI
'•l'l•nwd tn he· lht·:r~ <:I 0 1 ungt· Count) '
Ile\\ l''' non night t'll.l,
Theater Mulled
UCI Eyes Campus Arts Complex
• OI tlw O•llY Polot Stlltl
L'(..' Irvint· Chanct.•llor Oanlt'I
AldrH•h .Jr Miid today h<· pl<in:-.
to !:>Uhn11t a r11·opos1·d ;ign•l'mcnt
to unn·cr!>1I) n•gt•nrs 111 Sl'p
ll'rnht•r fur JOmt <lt·vl•lupmenl
\\ 11 h Orang l' ('ou11t~ Musil
Ct•n!t•r lnl' ul ,; major tJ<.•rforrn
1111;( arts l'Ompkx un c:.impus
/\ldrtl·h :><Jld n•g<•nt:-. l<.1st \\l•t•k
cm·ouragt•d continued m·got1 a
lions with lhl' fund raising cor
porat 111n. \\ h1l'h on .lunt· 15 sub
m1tlt•ct a klt<·r of intent tu build
tlw t·stim<.1l1..•d $3:1 million pro1
In lhl' m1..o;11111m1· th<.· {'It~ of
~h "Hour'
Split Panel
How Ion~ t~ tht· evening rush
hour in New~)(Jrt Bc:.ich ?
Som <' s<iy th e daily work
l'l.•lalt•d traffic 1am lasts for 2 5
hnu ......
01 lll'r:-!>.1~ 11 ·!\ no lon~t·1 than
fill mrnull'!>
Till' diffl'l'ln~ po1nb. or VII'\\
ha\,. 1•mer,i1•d .1~ th1• l<Jtt•:-.t con
ll'rl\t'I"'~ lfl t • .... tuhli:-htnJ,: th1•
l'll) ·, :-11 1·alld lntffi<· phasing or
Tht· 11rd1n.1n<'l' llm1t:-. rut ur1 ·
t11nslruct1011 on Pf'Ofl'<'b of 10 or
mon.• rt.•s1dt•nt1al unit:-.. or mon·
than 10.000 :-quart· fc•t•t uf 1n
rfust rial or C'ommt.•rC'wl 'ip<JCl'.
b;,1s('d on 1mprnvt•mt'nl:-in lhl'
l'll) ·, traffil' ..,\:-lt·m
Tht.· ord1nJ.nt·t· ".is 1111t1alt..
l'llaCll'd H!> a ('OUlll'il policy In
\I a~ Tht· nt'" la"' "'1.'nl into er
fcl'I I h1:-. \.o.t•t•k
Sinn tht.· pol1t) C'Hmt.· into ht.·
1 n g . l' it .\' •· o u n 1• 1 I m t• n d l'
\ t'lopt·r:-.. t•n\ 1rr1nm1•nlahst:-. .. , ho
helpt.•cl wnh• lhl' m t.•u:-.u re and r1
IV staff memh1•r, havt• bt•t•n tn
1nµ to f1j!un· 11111 h<m to mJkt· '11
C¥,nc1lme n havt• yet lo ap
llrOv <• an admin 1~lrat1v<• pro
cedun· outlm111g ho" traffic 1s to
he a nalyzed :-.o tha t the impact
•>f ne\\ devt•lopmt.•nts c·an he•
<·a lculated
Monday, aflt>r having fadt'<i to
a 1lpro1,<• a prnc1:dun · at two pre
v10U!\ mct:t 1ng .... counc ilmen
c1gain h ad th<• 1s:o.ut' hefort· them
H o\\ l ver ;l(•l10n \\a:-clelaved
until Aug 11 wht.•n Jean Watt.
pres1ch.>nt of Stop Pollutms;t Our
Newport <SPON ) and organizer
of the Legal Env1ronmt•ntC1I
Analysis Fund <LEAF"> asked
for a c hance to study a proposed
<Sff 'HOUR.' Page AZ>
Jr\ llh'. l1n·d ol \\ .11t111g un 1Jt·
,•elopment:-on what Mayor Bill
Vardoul1:. prt>d1c·t s will nE.-vt·r
happt•n, min c·<l clo:-.l'r lht!> \H•t·k
luward bu1hJ1ng th u"'n eum
m un1ty tlle·;1lc•1 , on .i mud1
.,m;iller :-.e:ill
On Wt·tlnt·-.<1~1~ t ht· Ct!} C111111
l'll VOlt.'d ~, Lll 0 tu prol't t•d \.\Ith
n1.•gotial1011:-. with San Fr:rnc·...,t·o
,trl'hlll'l'h Wur,lt·1 lkrn<ir d1
.ind Em1111>11., rrn tJt•vt·loµmt•nt 111
.J m astt•r pl;.in fur I ht· th1•at1•1
Tht• c·ourwil hJd de!l<1) t·d t \H•
month:-. on tht· m,1tlt·r ht•c;:u:.i
of rumor!. and fm:.i lly tonf1rm;:
t1011 thal Or<.1nge ('ount v ~Ju .... 11
Cl.'nkr Int• afkr hvt· Yt·:.u-.... :.intJ
1ns pt..·t·t1m: 111 ii IJ<)l>l:-1blt..-sill'~
sl'!t Ctl'd l,;('I
Tht.· :.dtl't1on w<i::. doubly 1m.
p111 \.ml bt l'<JUSl th1.• city hoped
10 :ot·«ll 1t.. o\\n t ht·ater •ll
1 ·Ill\ t. rs11 ~ Town CcnH•r . on1y
.. c·,o .. tbt .111·<' 1C,1mpu<.,
Dr1\1 , 11orr. th1 proµost.•d s1tt-of
t h1 mu:-.11· n·ntu
In ;iddll 11111. I hl 1·1ty h:J<. $! 3
1111lliur. "' J1:.,b1t tc bu:ld J
thl.ttl·r th;.t wit: cni.I :..n tst1ma1
i d s;, million. •ht c!ifferen(•p
"11c;lrf h. \\· t1, ht ffiJ d l· UIJ
1hrough µubllc grant" or private
do11 ul1on:-. und found<it1on grant:-
\ :Jl'douft:-Ir. purl;cufa1 £eared
C!'lt•t· THEATER . P<ig<' A21
Through Weekend
Surfers Preparing
With the big s urr tha t hit
~ewport Beach Thurs day ex
Pt>t'l ed to la s t throus:?"h the•
wt•<'kC'nd . lifrgu;.ird s :i nd
bodys urfrr-. µn.•pan'<.l for ;,1ctiun
Th.t• bo<l.~~urfrr' C'ht•t'r t•d tht•
.1 rri v a I of lhl' b1,t:! t'1Jlll b(•rs 11•
I 1 m l' for t ht' f 1 r' l .1 n11 l!" I
Handgun contc!'il wh1th I!> set for
S:1turday ~•t 7 <J m :.it 18thSlrt•et
A Handgun I!> a min1a tu1 c· :-.urt
hoard madt.• uf pl <i~tu· that ;1 bod\
'urfor gnP,:-. with om.• h <Jnd to !'(I\;
him more mobility •n ridmi;? ·•
L1fe1?uards were !ess t'n
lhusws u c a t-.,ut th<' big s urf
.tflH th<>y pulled 424 s wimmers
out of lht h•tz "': vt•:-. Thursd ay
A !\II ;i r 1 n t> D c• p a r I m e n 1
.. pok1•s mar 1•la1mc•d Tt>uro;day·~
'urf r ,1r• ;,1 > con..,:slc-m 15 feel.
bur h<id droppl'<l ol f tn 1·1ght t11
tO foot "et~ l od;.•y
Tf1<• .,l!r • app ... r rnth 1, J
11, 111 odut·I ut hurrit .int· Hector
<St>t· SllRFFR . l'a~1· :\~1
Family 'U nhappy~
Ona.ssis' Daughter
To Marrv Russian .,.
~1 OSCO\.\ 1 i\ P • (j rl'l'
m1lltonaircs:-Chn!\ltnJ OnJs:-1:-.
after clism1s~ing th•· 1de.1 a:-pn
poi.tcrou:-. ror 1.\-C'C'k,, '-:JUt tod;i~
'-hl' "'-Ou ld m arn :• Sov1pl
h u r <'" u c rut n t• '< 1 "' <· 1• k 1"
Mm·t'Ow .• 1 Frt·n('h Journalt!:-t r1·
II er fam1 I\ 111 /\llwn .. "''·' tt
porft•d unhcipp ... 1tmur ti
·1 :1m j!c·t t1n<.? m;11nc•t! or
'l'U<.':,;d ,1, ,' thl ~7 H •:•r utd :\fl~'
1 >nasM~ "'as quo1 cd a' ... :,iym~ b
Fre nch l<'lt. v1swn corre,pondt r.•
<iabril.'l MC'ret1k . \\ho t•oniuctcct
her l'arlv th•~ morning lww11
!->ht: shp~ ou\ ot he1 hol<'I
We ll informed ... ourrt.'' t>:.d
'aid earlv this montt-th:.11 th( d:iu~hler. 01 the l:11e -.hipping
11' •'" r ,1 1 t• l\r•-,10 1 IE' O n.tc;..,..,
\.\<()l!l(t ma1 I\ ~lf)..('I K ctlt /O\;, .,
rorfl't•r empio~ct· of the tank<•f'
rl•vi...111r pf tht· S1•1,:et fre1~hl
Ill IT' !'t•vt• :•khl
r\ ~c.,•t•t c-amPr:1man C\a1d
K,:urnv p1tkcd up M1s!'> Onass1~
• 1 I r t lntoun!-: Hotel in hie; So
\ •11 \ol:-,:• ,1utnmoh1l1· tod;iy and
<!11'\t' ht•t .t\.\<,1y t<• a n u n
d!!-C lo:;c<1 loc ''' :<'n
Orang"' Coa~•
"= 4 -. ~
Weathe r In New York. the price of gold
pasi>ed the $201-a n-o unce m ark
at two leading gold refine rs and
fabricators Engelhard Minerals
& C hem1culs Corp. quoted gold
bullion at S201 60 an ounce, up
S7 25 from Thursdav. ""h1le Han
ti~ &. llarman st·l 1b l>asc· pne•·
lor guld <it $201.30, up $7
Gold had been trading around
S199 :in ounce most of the day
a nd then moved higher following
re ports that the president or tht..
Sw iss national b a nk. Fritz
Leutwile r . believes tha t a
furt her appreciation of the Sw1s:-.
franc aga inst the dollar 1s in
Two Moms Countesses
Some t;1tc· nt~ht a nd <>ar
h. m o rnrng low clo ud..,,
o thf'r\.\<r 'tt' fair lo d <iy
t hr f'Ufh Saturday A liltlt'
1·1•('ler n1•<tr thf' C'08.,I
ll•J!h:-r ,1nr.:inr.: from !he
!t'\\. :Cl!> ,11 llw twa<'h<'' tn
I r1· m ;ct l!lh tnl.111<1 ;1rt•,t.,
tn"estnr!'> trad1t1onallv turn t•'
Sidewalk Sale
Eyed Today
The 14th annual Westcliff
Plaza sidewalk s ale is outlined
in a mal(azme m today's Daily
"ThC' father of till Harbor Areu
'•cl<'w ulk sales" fc>atures hair
Jlld Jewelry lash1ons. foods and
lnt erv1<·1A ~ with Wt-s tchff
Plazu Merchants also appear 1n
the magm~me In today's Ou1ly
Pilo t
T he pn.•v1<1u:-. record ftxm~
wa~ $197.50. recorded Oec 30.
Thl' fixing is the pricl• a!Z"recd
lo hy London's five m ajor
hullion dealers for the duy's
1 radinJ.t after conrcrriml. usually
by te le phone.
The previous record cam e just
a few days before congressional
legis lation allowed Americans to
buy a nd sell gold in 1975. Euro·
pean speculators had expected
lltief Get Sl,820
Nrwport Rcuch police ar<'
!>eekmg u \hil'f who broke into a
Bay ls l und h o m e und too k
volui•bles worth an l''t1m1tt<'d
3 More 'Tube' Babies?
LONDON (/\Pl Thrct• morl'
wom en . two of them countcs~e!-.
e xpect tes t -tube b abies this
year. the Da ily Express r eport
ed today ! Related story, A3 >
The Britis h tabloid said the
wife or a wealthy Britis h earl
and a West German countess ex·
peel the ir babi es a r o und
Christmas and the third wom an.
a S<'OI. l'XJW<'l'l here; in "lo
Nont> of lhl' wom(,n was 1dt>n
But l ~<· Expr1•ss .,aid lht•
British cmmlt•ss. hke the mother
M the worh1's firs t test tube
h:.ib~ born Tuesday bC'camt• pre·
b a b y born Tuesday. bl!came
pregnant after treatme nt by
FtYn ecologist Patrick Steptoe and
phys1olg1st Robert Edwards at
lhe general hospit al in Oldham. :i
m ill town in northe rn England 190
m 1 les northwest of London
/\ fourth woman who hopes tu
hecomt• prf'~nant uf\er conrcp
tum outsidt' th<• \\Omb 1:-. undt•r
tr<.• a I m1:nl 1 n London " St
Thoma~·s Hos111tal Sh<' 1s 111 hf'r
30s and ii. h1'1ng 'hielded from
the pres' hut m edical source'
.... a ad 11 \\OUl<t b<' "om l' t1mt•
bt.'forc• 11 wai. known 1f sh<' wt•rl'
Mcd1c<.1! h1!-lOr) • nr'-1 11.-.i
tube baby. LoUJSl Brown wm
moved from tl spe<'1al <':>re unJt
Thursd.iy 10 JOlr her mother ,,.,
the m aternity ward .ti OldhaO'
;md 01stnc1 GenN:•l Hosp1t<1i
:ind ·' bullN ll" ''lid ~hl wm pm
1(resstnJ! very V.<'11
T h t• mothc•r I.ts!,> Hro1.,r
who v.1 1! bt :'• :\lond.1"¥ .111<! Ii• 1
huc;b ;in<l John 3M .• \rurl< 1!11 .. 1 t
who hu:-" <l.iuflhtl r h) •• Pit
v1ou:-m 11rr1;1si<.• t>.ic! hu r u11.1b11
lo h•J ' <.' ch1ldrt.•r •or .l'IY''>'' ll'
~Par' 01 marriage bt c •UM or 1.
l~<'t' Ri\BIES, Pal{<',\.! 1
I t "' lt·nt~hl ~~ht ~
'''mmt'r pla11' 111 Orange
( oc.:.• I Co/11,ge lmtJt' bf'f'n 11
I radtCuJn /or 11ean t>ul
PaC':/1c OueT1ures · could M
1 hf' fa~• beca u.•~ ot tht>
pa}11age of Propo$tlton t3
~11 r11 and pccturt!I on Pogf
Ci I
A• Yowt ~IC•
Al .... .. '"'..,.,,,..,, .... Artn t •ftdtf" M .. ._,,,
(\ t
II (
C'-1 • 1 •• l ,.,. ''°•" ""'' "'" (.t1fertt•• c·:,, .....
C•""'•' Cto••_.,.," O.•• .. Mo•tt-f"' C.d•t•,··· .. ... t"'"'' .. .......... ru11111,.. "•'•"· ...
DI tt • II o:
At C•• .. , ••
~"''"•' ,,,,, .. , ltf\t•V,.#t'h i••••• Penct ,_ ..
~IO(t ~AA .. \
''''"''''eft ftw•••" . ....... ,
....,,. ... W\
"'. t ~\ ••••
IU '
().14 ... ...
o.;ty ~I ... S\.111 ~IM\O
Big Waves Took Toll Among Uninitiated Thursday -Lifeguards Hauled 424 Out of Water
Consumer Prices
Continue Sk'YU'llrd
ConsumC'r prices in Los Angl'lrs
.inti 0 ran,I!(' rounta•s :.k yrO('kl'l
t•d 1 !f JR'f<.'('rll 10 lht• ftr::.t ~I>.
mouth<; of th1:. y(•a r a percen
lJ~c p111nt ht~ht:r than the 1n
t'l'l'.JS<' rt·t·ordt•d in thC' first huff
of 1977. thl' US. Labor Depart
nH•nt rcporll'd Lod..iy
II igh(•r postugt• ratt•s and in
cr<:'ascd co~h of f<>Otl . housin~
.ind tran:.portation cau~ed area
t•n11 .... umcr prices lo risl' I 0 per
nnl la:.l month. said Jim Wurth
(·hid of the Southern California
office of the Labor Department ·~
Bureau of l<1hor Slatbtk:.
• lh·latt·d :.lory, A41
l\nd 1n th1..• 12 month period
twt wt•t•n June 1977 and Jun1·
l!l7K thl• prices for Loe; 1\n.:dl':.
.ind Onin~t· ('OUntiE:''-r<.s· r
pt•rn·nt Wurth ~;.11d . "h1 , I<•~:
11111nth"., 1m·n·.ist• marked the.·
U11rd ... tr;11gh1 month prices rose
.11 h .. 1:-l t1lll' Pl'r<"l'nt
With June's incn•asl' tht• ron
... umt!r pnet• ind<'x shot up to
.i11otht·r rec·1>rd 19:$.4 for the two
Whal that boi ls d own lo.
Wurth s<11d. 1.., that it eosl SJ9 34
ta!'\t month tn h u.v the s <im e
Smoking, Gas
Cited in Fire
1\ W1·~lminsler m~in ineinN<il
1·d wh1•11 flame:. t•xploded ins1dt•
t11:-. 1-.11· :rnd 1mgulk'<i 1t Sund ay
"'<1s •·:tr rytnl! a leaking ron
1a1 n1·1 of ga.,uhnc in the auto and
--mok1n~ .1ulhont1es d1sclost-d
Elmer A Pill1>n .Jr .. 64 of 714f.
l'l.11.t St . was rtl'ad at the srenc.
.1f11·r pao.;st•rs tw who tried to
, , • ..,,.Ill' him wt•re dnven away by
.lw lwat and rlamcs
Pol11·,. s<ud fumes from the
)!,1:-.olinc Pillon wa:. c<1rrying in
the car apparently built up to a
volatile level and were igmlcd
h\' t11s 1·11-(an•tle. turning his 1!164
... t' <I .1 n 1 n t 11 J c· 1 1• m at 1 u n
di amber
Newport Reserve
Officers Honored
T he outc;tandin~ m embers of
tht• r eserve force of the Newport
Beach Pohce 0<'partment havC'
bet>n honored by th<' d e pa rt
OffH·t•r., Rnun Ullom and J e;rn
11.1rn:-wt'n' 1·ommC>nded for l'X
1 l'lf£•nt flt.'rformance whilt' on du
I} and OffH't•r Joe Brown was
"<'lectC>d as the Reserve' of the
\\o,ir in .i vote of rc.·1wlJr duty of
I 1t•(•r:-.
f"'90r4"0t eo.u 0•11~ P1tot ~11't...,.<ft.,r,,... bt"'f'dO•~"" Pt•n .... ~+\NIODttftltOJ•~ Gol\t ~''"''"» C!'tmD•".-.,...,, '""' f"dlt1°"' ,,., ,. e>ut'Jlt\ht"d MoNt10• lt'tt<k.10"' f0t10.fy tor (~\tit ..,_,, ...,..,.nor, f\~ h<"" .. U"lf·nof{ll"I &ii-4'<1" f 01,,.
l.t1l'I V•ll•\' ''"''"'f> ~'"""t»<• V111t'tlw """ l•~"''"'"ift'Pt'~tPli(0-1\I °''''°'Q''"MJ•ON••1• f·~ I\ «Nb'''~ \Alflf'dAY' ~ ".Uftd41Y\ 1!\I" °' "«•o•• .,ut>hi,..1~ P'•"'' '' ~1 )Mt W.\t n,., ~"'~' r <',,. """'• c ,.1,to'"'• .,.,_
., .. ,, H W""1
',~ '°""'' •"'4 9'•bt·\IW·
J•ctri • (.,....,,
Y<I t p,, '\11,...1\I tM '""""'"! "VA.tto-1
ht.,,_., l(ff•••
lliloe~• a M""9WM
Cl\e"t' N l..M< lltt ..... , IU"
AU·\l•i\t ""·"-0·~ ~dUoo
Cft.\l•AA"'• 00Wt·f~f\t"'f1
t *O·''W tfl'4H" H .. G....__... .. ,.,.,., ti~ltMJfOf\ &fl(ft t1t t\ """MI'\ ,_.._,Ntv4ttlt
\Aodl•M< • 'V•l1•v 1\Jnt l,. P11 ANICI •'W" 01fl90 rr..-w••
T •l•Clflone (11 •I M:t-'S;tt ~Htlllff ACSv••flJt"O M2°M71
~e:r·t~ ~°:.~,'~;!tr~=:"':'..~.
""•"" er aov•'''"""•"h Mtttft m .. y M ffO'••"c•d wltttovt ... t••• .,,.,"'.''IDl't tlf '•"''"'' ...... , \.f'(C)""'41 f t.I\\ po\I•~ Oll•ft •l t.e•lf flrN,-\,t
C•l1fo11u• \\ll&ur1et1t-. &• ,,,, •• , u 'O
"'9ftlJ\lr ,_. "'•" \f \0 "'°"'.,.'' Pnl11t•t• ...,,.,_.,..,_,.., ,."""llllflllt
i:;oods .ind scrvire~ whic·h co:-.t
Slll 111 the baM• priCl' Y<'3r of l~f.I •
It .il!.o m1•an:-. the l!Hi7 d11ll<tr
would buy only 51 7 N•nt::. \Hirth
11( i?Ood::. <ind services 111 todav ·.,
mJrket. Wurth explained. ·
Wurth said the st•ven maJrir
.irt•as of con'>umer spt•ndmJ! la!>t
month wert.' food and beverage~.
hou,ini::. transportation. appart'I
and upkeep. health and rt•trl':J
tion. enterl wnment. and oth1•r
goods •.ind ~t-rv1ccs !>U('h a!> cw.
Frmt11 Pa~ A J
• h" largc•r. mnn· prt•st1g1ou:.
m '1!'11(' tl'ntcr \\-ould .:.oak up .ill
:1vuila bk funding
The matlcr "a:. compli<.:all.'rl
by ;.in apparl'nt rclutlancl' h\
M u:-.1c Ccntl'r officers publicly t;l
th:-C'uss its plans. Vardoulis com
plained he couldn't obta m even a
private .1ud1ence 1.1.1th them
Varrtoulis. who first publiely
t•nunciatcd the "'rumor" that thl·
mus ic C'entcr 1.1.ould be al UCI.
was :-.tung hy lhl' rt•Jmrtcd 1rnt:J
I 1on •Jf :\I u:.1c Cent<.•r boartl
mcmher GL·orgl' Mohr. who salfl
I he mayor ~hould have kept h1'
mouth s hut
Mohr s;..11d prem:.it un· Jn
nounc<•mc•nt would t•ndc.1ngt•1
On W<.•dnesday. Vardnulis s :.11<!
'-It a council meeting. o f a mu!>1r
n•nt('r al ("J. '"It's a fact th al
ti 's m·vcr going to happen ..
VardouJis said problems w11h
negot 1at111g "1th the univcr~1t"
and problems within the Musi<'
(\•ntcr board or director:. llM:ff
w(1uld prevent it
Vardoulis C"la1med the· board
"'ts drastically ~pht. to the point
thcy'rl' trying to kick peopl1· off ..
Thom:.is Moon. c h atrman of
the M u:.ic Center board. con
C'C'dl'd today then• is a prohlcm
hut ht• cla1mt•d 11 1s with onf\
one of I ht:;• 25 d1rcttors founding
presidt'nl Cath<•rinl' Quick
The board ha:-. asked her to re
.,1gn thn·L· times She "on·t
Mr:. (~u1ck "'"d today. · 'Tht·n•
•~ no split on thl' board Thl'Y '1•
asked m e lo resign because I
don 't think build1nf! an
auditorium at UCI 1s a musw
cenll'r, whe>n there arc otht·r
!)llPS "
Th{' board majority proposes
to build the ccntl'r on ... even cam
pus acres 111 an arPa called
<I ateway Quad. next to Campo:.
l>r" l' Th<.· s ill' has bt•cn rC'St'rvcd
s ince 1969. hy approval of the rt•
gC'n t s , for "ma1or cultural
facilities ... It 1s bcin~ studied h.v
Wilham R Pereira, campu:.
cons ulting architect. under <1
(•om mission from the Mus ic
Center corporation.
The proposed complex would
have three theaters. The largest.
a 3 .200-scat auditorium with
large proscC'nium s tage. or
r ht-st ra pit and gallery. would bl'
fu lly l'quippcd for symphony.
h.1llC't. ~rnnrl op<•ra <ind nther
la nw :.<•alt• pro1hwt 1ons
Tht• M'con1I tht-atl'r. of l.200
Sl'<ib, would be s u1tabl<• fo1
lt•g1timate drama, musical com
edy. recitals .ind concerts .
Th<.• third thl'ater would SNlt
:IOO. ;ind be w.ed for t'XpPnmen
lal drama. new producltons .ind
~m a ll scale mus ic11I or other
In addition. ther e would be a
complex o f offices and a
r.-staurant.. coafet.e.rie end smnll
U.N. to Africa
S <• c r r t a r y G C' n " r ;1 I K u 1 I
W11ldht•1m sav!>I a tr N mi~11111n
will be on thl; way to South Wesl
/\frit'a within n w1>ek to put th<'
W estern lndependenct' plan for
the territory into effert dt-sp1te
uncertolnty over whal South
Africa will do
From PagP A I
off the coast o f Mexico. th•·
s pokt>s man said
Tht• lifoguurd o.,pokC'sman said
7~ ooo pf'opll· :.howL·d up 011
:"ll•wµort 's bl'uches Thursday
.111d big crowds were anllcipat<:d
lttd.iy ..... v.t•ll
0 f l h (' 4 2 ·1 rt':. c u t' s . llll·
l1ft·guard s1><>kl'!.m<in s<11cJ two
involved SC'r1ous 1"Juric:-.. On<'
was a surfer who ~urrcrcd a
bJC'k injury v. hile ndmg thl•
wav<'~ at 13th Strc('t and thP
other was J nt•a r drowning at
Lllllc Corona beach.
Newport Man
Nabs Suspect
Al Gunpoint
l>.r .1 ~ry 1rvinl' Tcrracl'
hnmt·own1.•1 who di scovered
I hrl'c mt·n l:11npt·ring with his
<·;irs captured om· ~usp<'ct at
gunpoint c~1rly Thursday after
f1r111g ;1 shot rnto the• ~round
Tht· su~p1.•ct. !',coll Edward
~It:llor 19, rf'fusc·d lo give pohc•,.
.in address He was booked into
1·1ty jail .ind lat(•r transft'rrcd t<J
the• Jail ward at UC Irvine
:\1edical Center complaining of a
head mJury allegedly suffered
during his µursu1l.
i\ccnrdmg to pohct• reports.
.John C Krimp of 2006 Seadrift
l>n\t'. Newport Beach. s aid ht•
HWakt•ned at about 2 <-t.m to find
thrf'e men workinJ! <i round the
cars parked in ht:-. dn vc·way
K r 1 m p l o I d o ff 1 c e r ~ h t·
i.:1·...,bh<·d h1~ .38·(·alibC'r revolwr
und took off aftC'r the fleeing !>US
per ls
lie :.aid ht• caught up with
MC'llor in about onC' block and
fm·d a s hot into landscaping lo
discourage Mellor from trying to
gl'l uway
Officers called to the scene al
lcgt•d Me llor was carrying a
M cllor told pohce h e was sit
ling on the curb aftt>r comin~
from the bt.•ach when he was as
<;a ulled hy Krimp.
M C'llor was booked on sus p1
<:11111 of burglary a nd is being
hc•ld today 1n lieu of S5.000 batl
Tennis Meet
For Newport
Newport lll'<it'h te nnis fans a rC'
being mv1ted Lo watch the city 'c,
annual Famtly Doubles Tenni:.
tournaml'nl which gets under
way this weekend 1n Coron<i dcl
M alche:. '" t'leven cat egorie.,
will sturt :1t 9 a m. at the courh
1n the San .Joaquin Hills Park at
San Joaquin Hills Road and
Crown Drive• and at Corona dcl
Mar High School.
Ma tc hes will be played on
Saturday and Sunday. Play will
conclude the following weekend
at lh<' San Joaquin Hilts Park
courts or the 11 ralegories, three arc
fnr adults who are stude nts in
the city's Parks. Beacht-s and
R1..•creat1on Department classe~
The rl'st arc open
Hoag Official
Leaves Post
Charles Fishback has res laned
as the treasurer of the Hoag
Memorial Hospita l Board of
Di rectors, but was name d
honor ary treasurer by board
President George Hoag It.
Fishback. a board memher
.,1nct> 1969 and treasurer stnct>
1(171 . i:. now a resident of P alm
Uos:c•r Alison was elected lo
rill Fis hback '~ position as
trrasur~r Ahson. president or
thl' i\l\son Co .. Newl>()rl Beach,
has been a board memb r since
l971 and serves o n th<' board's
finance committee.
Tow11 Ball 'l'alk
'System' Hit
By Carpenter
Ot·scrib1ng himself as J laml'
<.fuck "who 1s gu111g t o Vt'nt hi:.
s pleen on the sy~tem." state
Sen Dt>nnis Carpenter said
Thursday th al California's
n·prt.>sentallve government re;1I
ly isn't reprl'Sentcit1vt· at all
Speaking to the Orange Coun
tv Forum of Town Hall.
<'<1rpe nter rt'ilcrated his belit•f
thal ll•g1:.lat1vc terms ought to
he limited to keep lawmakers in
">acramento from becoming too
doscly allied with special 111
tcrest groups
T h l' N t• " p o r I B l' a c h
ltepubli~n 1s retiring at the end
or the year after serving two.
four-year terms as the state
... enator from the :lt>th District
"ht ch e ncomp<1sses most of
southeast Orange County .
Sprinkling his talk with jokes.
Ca rpe nter. in his v1t·w. ex
plained that career legis lutQr~
becomt> unresponsiVl' to the ma
1ority of their constituents,
rcspondinf! instead to ti pres
sure of interest groups out of
fear of losing an election
.. Legis lator s represent the
voices they hear." he said . "It's
not too often thev represent the
public at large or their consllt·
uents at large. Legisla tors move
substantially out of fear of losing
support or being thrown out of of·
f1ce •·
Thal unrepresented m ajority.
.iccording to Carpenter. is rarely
heard from. but "they rose up 1n
anger with Proposition 13.
Describing the t ax limitation
meas ure as the "vehicle for the
accumulated anger of society."
Carpenter contended that the
measure had little s ignificant cf·
feet on th<' Legislature because
lawmakers are trying to find
ways to get around it
Citing the use of slate s urplus
money to aid local governments
hit by Proposition 13. the state
se n ator dec l ared fl a tl y.
"There'll ~ 11c cha nges <in gov·
• 1 i.ment s pending> r esulting
from Proposition 13 • ·
During his s peech. Carpenter
rarely used s pecifics or cited hy
name lc~1slators who had come
under mflucnccofspcc1al interest
g roups.
However, he was c r1l1cal of
Gov. Brown for firs t opposing
Proposition 13 a nd for his cur·
rent role in support of Howard
Jarvis. the measure's author.
"'He led the fight against 1t
Beaten Girl
Still 'Poor'
In Hospital
A teen.age girl who apparent·
ly was left to die on an Irvine
street Thursday afte r an as·
s ailant fractured her skull. re-
mained in poor condition today
in the intens1vo c<ire ward of a
local hospital.
Th<.' child, 14. reportc·dly a
runaway from ti North l)akOl;J
Indian reservation. was found
::.prawled in the roadway on J ef.
frey Road. north o f the S<i n
Diego freeway. at 1 :30 a m
A motoris t d riv 1 ng ho mt•
spott<'d the ~1rl
Pollet• said :-ht• was 1ncoh('rc·nt
and babbling T hough she told
them :.he had been struck 1n th!!
hcCld and thrown from a m oving
car. offic-ers said she appeared
confu:.l'd b) her tnJUri!!s
und ht>n· 1t 1~ :1 mon\h 1.itt·r and
)OU0 d lhrnk 1t v.a~ h1:. 1de.1,"
Carp enter said ol thc governor
As for his own retire m ent
from leg1slat1ve hfe. Carpenter
noted th:.it the life of a legis lator
1s not tt·rnbly rcwardmg. ul11)g
the $23.0UO annuul 'ial<.1ry
"It just f1m.1lly got to the point
tha\ lh l.· m10U '.d:!'I were
s11,,(n1ficanll) ~rl'<itt•r than the
pluses." h .... :.aid
Frottt Page Al
'HOUR' ...
The city ordinance 1s bus ed on
an init1at1vt• uuthored by LEAF
which n-qu1r1·:-. that the traffic
Ji.lms be measured over a 2.5
ho ur period
However. city staff mt•mbl·r.,
have recomm<'nded that lht·
count b<: llm1tt:d lo .1 Onl .. hour
One of the prov1s1ons of th<:
new city l.iw prohibits approval
of a development whic h will add
more than l percent to traffic
when traffic is at its wors t.
usually in the evenin~.
Mrs . Wa tt. who commended
city s taff me mbers and coun
c ilme n for their work on th!!
measure. said her g roup want~
to study the change before 1t 1s
(•nact cd
She did not indicate whether
LEA r would oppose or s upport
the one-hour concept
H owev<'r. Dan Emor)'
a nother member of LEAF. said
he didn't unde rsta nd the chs ngt·
and agreed with Mayor Pro Tem
Ray Williams that it might allow
appr oval o f a d evelopment
which would otherwise be den1Pd
1f traffic we re m easured over
the longe r period of time.
"A developer could c hange the
hours of operation in the build·
ing <i nd that might m itigate the:
traffic impact." Emory said
repa r able blockage 1n Mrs
Brown's Fallopian tubes pre ·
vented normal conception
The Steptoe·Edwards tech
nique. on which the two doctors
worked for 12 years. involved re ·
m ovi ng an egg from Mr~ .
Brown's ovaries. fe rtilizing it in a la boratory dis h with sperm
from her hus band and implant
1ng the dividin~ cells in h er
uterus about 2112 d ays later
The res ult was a blonde. chub·
by -c heeked. 5 -pound 12.o unce
girl born nine days premalurely
Som e 5.000 women arc r eport·
ed to have soug ht help from the
two s pecwlists or from others
work111,g on similar oro1ecl!..
From Page A l
GOLD ...
s ince tradtn~ began at the e nd of
World War II
It 1s in Japan·._ intC'rest to kC'cp
th<' yen from n !.ing 100 rapidly
:.ij?am!.t tht• dollar b<'cau~t' tht•
United Slates 1~ a k ey export
market for Japan A m ore c•x
pen sive yen mak e~ J a p<inesc
good s less compet1t1ve on thl'
American market.
Reporl lr s
Term Stayed
l !'> s 1. p • t m l" (" c. u t 1
Ju··lH't• II} ior. R \\hilt lo
II a~ po~t 1>0111 •ll t lw F• ii; nf.
111 ;\.t1.1. Y111k 11m1·:-. n ·
1>ortl"I' Myron A l'arbtr.
who hJ~ rdus1..·d to turn
O\ 1 r 1·11r1l 11h 111 :al note .. lo
;1 N t•w .JN<;t•y 1udi:!f' pre
.,11hng ti\ f'I tht. Ur X ·
murd1·1 tnul
Whllt' stc.1yed an order
for lht· Ja1hng until noon
Thi lull ~unn·r1w ('ourl
I~ In ft'Cl'"' 1111111 (kl Obl·I
Ar. <•1>1W•1I 'Cuti 1..·nfort'l'
ml·111 ol :-11bpol•n.1:-u11ch·r
lhr1•d of J<11ling and f1m-.
Wt>uld 1rn•\01·ttbly damc.1g1•
; o u r 11 .i Ii ~ t ~ · a b i I 1 1 y 111
g;il ht•r nnd rt"pnrt t l•c·
nl'WS. pJrtll'Uf;Jl'fy In I he
drC'<i of cnm1ncJI report
W1118 Lease
On School
The vacant Ruy View School
site in Sunta Ana lll·1ghts will
become the home 1h1s f.:tll of
Coastline Community Collegt"
with the collegt:-expecting prof
its by sub-leasing the school
during th<: day
Newport Mesa Unified Scho<>I
D1stnrt t rustet•s hav<• approvt'l!
Coasthnt·.., S82.000 a year lea"l
bid to ust.' the school which wa ...
..,hut down last i.prmg becaust.> of
decltnmg enrollment.
Trustee ... wen• r cluclant to .iµ
prov<• tht· le<i~(· ai:rct•ment afll•r
l<'arn1ng lhal funds from lh1·
five.year least• must be return1.•r1
to the state to p:.iy off old d1strn·1
debts. Newport· Mc~a o ffici;1b
However. the fmal volt> hv
trustt!eS was 6 I. with o nly Re><!
MacMillian opposing tht· lca~t·
He said he had insufficient lJmL·
lo read the agreement.
Coastline's move to Bay Vi c•w
drew a prott•st from Santa /\n.i
lle1ght5 res1dl·nt Ann Heaupn-.
w h o asked trustees 1£ t h1.·.,.
thought about traffic impacts o;,
the rommumt.,..
Mr-. Hcaupre ali;o ai;ked 1f
IC>ral children w11! bt.• able• to U°'l'
the school'~ pl.iyground bccauM•
of Coasthnt.•<. intentions lo sull
lease some classrooms to otht·r
tenants durmg lhc d.iy.
N<.'wport·Mcsa school boan1
P resid ent Donald S m a llwoocl
said lhert: probably would havl•
been less impact on the are<i 11
McNally Continuation Hn.!.h
School had been m oved to lht·
Bay View site.
Co:.istline s pokesman Jad:
Chappell said the l'Olle#!e ts not
seeking bids for daytime te nant:-.
1nterc•sted tr. using bctw1..•c•n "'"
;;ind IU classrooms at Bay V1c1.1.
T h e c o 11 l· g t' h ;1 s s C' t • ,
minimum bid of S45.000 per y1·;.,1
ror lull oayt1me use and .,
SI0.000 minimum bid for use nl
Bay V1('w fac1l1lit>s between •1
d m and 11 45 u m
Bids o;uhm1lled 10 Lhe purchJ.,
mg clepartm<.•nt of th<' co ... .,1
Community ('ollt'gl' I >1strr<'I "111
he op ened .1t 2 p m Aug 3
Tapes Seized
NEWARK . I" .1 <AP >
f''c•dNal authurit1t•:-. put the btt1·
Thur:-.day on .1 bustn(•ss that al
lt•gedly wa:. ~dling illt·gal v1dt·o
tape cassette.-. of such popuhu
l'Opy right mov1l's a:-. "Juws."
l he F' BI .innoun<"t·ct
• MA'AM!
Recently a customer was comparing our prices with another store We
were informed our pncrng was higher per square yard Upon
questioning. we discovered that the other store wa s furnishing a
considerably cheaper padding than the 64--0unce sponge rubber
padding included with our transaction.
Furthermore. in this case, we were comparing our installation against
an installation worth far less. (Many stores contract their labor by the
yard ... to layers of unknown background and skill. We have our own
crews. trained and controlled by us. offering you the best quality
installation possible)
So . . factually -the estimate was not as 1t appeared to bel In
conclusion. when comparing prices, make sure you are comparing
equal values!
---..:·\,·~ DEN'S 1a,:pe· ·1'.'li~ 7tiSiil1iiltiOii: ·custom draperies
•'': ,, ,
111. NO ,~ll ·' ·>-'' · linoleum •wood floor
1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA CALIF 92027 • P"10NE 646 •838 646 23H
•• I
'· \. Stot·I .. ~
Would·fJe Stars Fli~ker; Froufi~ Downs
8~ G.\RY GR.\NVILl.E
Of IM D•lly PllOI Si.II
rwo uh::..l'ure night club cntertatnl'f'"
..,, rue.·" ll nch 111 Orunge rt.•et•ntly "ht•n
.1n unkno\\n mllllona1n· pa id tht·m s:,o.ooo lo µt•rform Ill hh m·Y. 111tl'r~·
But th1• s inger and h1::.. atc:ompani:-.t
g l'l'W rl'stlt·ss whl'n. for om• n.•ctson 11r
.1110Lht•r thl'll debut :1t th1· JJ<J!-.h duh rw1
111111 a '>l'l'lt'!'> ol cld.I\ !'>
OO~'T WORRY. T ll E \' \H'll' Jlll'gl'd
I\ tuld h~ thl' 1111llion<1l1'<'::.. \\om<tn
,igt·nt. \\'t•"n · "illing lo pa_\ ~·uu a n •
lamer to make c:t·rt a111 ~ou'll hi' on hand
\\ ht·n llw dub open:-
It 111111\s 11!..1 · I . .I 1<0111111111 111 IJ.111,1 1'111111
h1111\..1•d .t h 1g 1111\' \\hilt· .... 1111 .11 .... h111g .ti
l >nh1 ·11' Ht•.id1 \l't11:1lh tlw l11 g ot·t·an
i.:01ng t'J ;1111· got llltt·d \\ hc•n 11 ...,lt·ppt•t.l in .1
But \\OIT\' the entertainers did J !'-t the~
v. :.11Lt·d for thl'ir big c:hanct· Lo knock ·l'm
<lt·ad at the lll'W night c:lub
So worrit·d did thev bec.·om<.' that th1!->
"l'l'k thl'\ called lht• maker ol tht• thl'ek~ tht: \\oman ga\ t• them un twhalf
of hc.·r mill1011wn.· bo~:-.
T ll E Sl ~GER .\NO HIS ... 1dek1<'l<
qu1tkl~ lt'arned lht> thl'ck~ thl·~ h<td tut
t•d to the.· bank over thl• past l\\O month::..
\\ t•rc.·n't thoM• of a millwnairt· µatrnn .
I nsteacl. the dwck~ \\'t•n• om·t• \cJ1ded
"'''roll chl·t·k!-t bdong1n~ to lht• \\Orld'-.
fon•most pl:illorm oil dnll1ng J11·m . San
mud 11011 · 11llH'1<1h ~.i.' Tilt' c·1.111c..· dl'
.... 1g 111 ·d lo \\ '"" 1111 I he f)l'l'llll f1001 IS l)l'Jll).!
u ... ,.<1 111 c.·otbl n1l'l 11111 11f ;i n·gmn;tl "1''' <1g1·
out I a II lmt:
Price of Gold Soars
Exceeds $201 an Owtce on New York's Market
1.0 \l l)()N 1 \I' 1 The pncl' of
gold s1i.1rl·d ahcl\'\' S200 an ounct•
a r<'conl. on tht• m:qor Euror1t·;.in
bullion m arkc..·t today
Thi• price \\ J~ fixt'd at S2QI :~o
rn hc..•ctac afternoon t rad mg on
lht• London markt•t ,md ro'" 111
s200 t>5 in Zurich Europt"" big.
J.:t"'' f.!old mark\.'l
lkalers hc..•n• said bullion was
g 1v1·n a boost when i\mcncan
huving devt•lopcd at thl' start of
t h1• husmt.">~ day m tht.• nitt..-d
h~ tcll'phont·. on mark<.'l eond1
T hl' prc..•v1<1us rt•tord came 1u~t
a few days bdorl' congressional
h.•gislat1on allowed Americans to
buy and s1•ll gold in 1975 Euro
pt>an SJ>t'<'ulators had expccki1
th ci t th t' m·\\ i\ mt• n c <1 n I a"'
would C'aU!W a boom in lhl' gold
market But Lhal boom did not
m;.iterraltn· and ROid prH'f•..,
gnidually dc>chnt'd
1.1 Ft· lnlt·rn.1t1on,tl Comp.in~
Tht·n· \\.t~ no m11lw11,11n· .\nd tht· 11011
t''1S l t•11l m1l11011,11n··::.. 111·\>\ 111 ~!11 l'llll> ";i-.
non 1•x1s tl•nl
\11Cl 11 "•'"' \It \lt<,.11\ \d111 \\J 111
I )1 .tlll'I ( '011111 \ .J,111 h\ I tllll''d,1\ .llt t·I
111u111 d 1111·g1•d \\ 1lh 11 .it1d :111tl t.·1i1lw11l1·
Tht•n • \\a~. h O\\l'\ c..·1 .1 hookkt•1·11t•1 ,rt
Santa Ft· lnlt·ni.111<111 .d who ;.ipµ,11 l·lltl\
h;1cl hl·t•ll .... m1tll'll h.' t tw t·11lt·rtain1·r ....
t ;1It•11 l::..
111 11 11· tilt
h1 -. p1,t11l '>I
,tt<I tht \ did lltit kllO\\ \\h,tl
th1· \\11 111.tll to .tlllogt•di~ t·m
n10111·\ p ;11d 1t1 t lw .,1111.!1'1 .ind
\('('ORDI:\(; TO l'OU('E. II \\ "" th•
bou!..1-.l•l'pt'I'. Sht'r~ I Ann ~lt't;c1r~ :J,, ol
5:! I S Bt«Hurd St . Ot a ngl' "ho h.1d
n·prt•...,t>nlt•d \ht' myth1t"d m11\11111<t1rt· .1~
hl' C'ontra<:lt•d for thv 1•nll't'\a11H·I'-.
"l'I \ lt't'S
\It .111\dllll I ht t 111 1·1 t.11111·1 hq..:.in
1 .rt d11111., 1111 •• 111 11 1•11g;1g1·nwnt .ind
111!'11 d1;1111·1· ltt lll.tf..1· lfH· b ig l illll' lh.tt
'-l'l'OH'd 111 "' I ht II~ (ti ( )l',1111.!t' ( 'ourH \ · ....
11t \\ 1·-.t 111111 nn .. ht < luh
3 More Expect
Test-tube Tots
LON DON 1 A I' I Thrt•t· rTIOl t'
\\oOH'n, l\\11 uf tlwm ('ounlt•ssl's
t•x pt·<·t ll''t tulw hal11t·:-. t h1 '
H·~ir. t lw I >:uh 1-::1.ptt•ss 11 ·t>1tl'I
t•d lodav
Ttw B1·111:-,h l :1hlo1rl 'aid t ht
\\ 1fr of a \\i!alth\ Bnt1~h l':.trl
.ind '' Wc •st l;1•rman t·uunh'.,s l'X
Pl't'I th1·1r hahll•-. .1r11u nd
Chn~tnws •m<l tht· third \\om.m.
.t S<·ot l'XJll'l'h h1 ·1-. 111 !\Jo
'\;0111· nf t h1· \\onw11 \\ ·"' 1111 •11
Church TV
Show Out;
Movies In
'I 1 It•\ 1s111n stut1on KTl.A Chan
Ill I 5 has dc·c·tdl·d tn ino;ert nld
!-\h1rlt•) Tt•mplt· mo1i1c..•:-1n the
Sunda)o mnrn1ng t1nw s lot cw
l'Uflll'cl Sine'(' 1!170 b:. th1· Ht•\
Rob1•rl Sc·hulkt :rnd his "lloui
of P ow1·r ··
l'\Tl.1\ ... pnkc·-.\\-oman "1 .11 .\
Barro\\ .,aul tlw 'lalton h;i.., 11111
t·an<'t.·lt·ll lht· tr;Hhl1onal hour
-;pon::..<H'l•d by Sd111lh·r·, ti :irtlt·n
Grin<' ('ommun11 \ Chttr<'h
"'Wt• \l' 1u -.t' m .rdc• 'llfl11·
-.cht•dultng c·hanj.!t'' .1n<I otfl·rt'!I
lhl· Ii :m .1 111 ... 101 111 tht· <·hurrh
Wiss Barro" "'"" ··Wt• h<tVI ' touncl lhJI k1ddtl'
... ho~ ..... ind f<1m1h mm·u·' an·
popula1 .it tht• \0 ,, m hour th.it
has bc•t•n u~c·d '" lhc t·hur<'h
M<•at1\\h11l· 1n"(;;1rcl1·n c:rn\1• ,I
... pnk1•!-.m:tn fnr the· dllln:h ...,;,11<!
· Lo,ing Lo., Ani.t•·lt--. ~ould rc•al
Iv he..• .1 "l'flOU., hltm t u lht·
min1:-.tn It has ht'l'l1 our homt·
bLJSI' ".
Mike• i\uson. llm11 11f 1'11wt·1
t'Xt'C'llll\'l' produt·t·r nolt.·tl lht·
program 1s thl' l11nf.!1•sl runntnf.!
rel1g1011., t•hun·h "l'I'\ 11·t· on I .o,
J\nj!elt•, tl'lt•v1 ~11111
"Wt• rt•t•l II would ht· .t gn•.il
ch:-.st·n ·1<·1• to lh1 l'CJ01mun1 t v to
dl'prJVl· the hand1n1 ppPd . th~· 1n firm and lhc· t•ldl'rlv of a churi·h
..,t•r v1<·1· brought to Lht.•m in th<.•11
home:-. "
N uson satcl ht• ht1pl's KTI .1\
"'ill C'h,mgt' its mind .thout th•·
t1m1• chan).!t'
Rut Mt~s B.1rr11w md1c.1h•d 1t ..,
.1 dns t•d 1~'t11t·
Sht• -;u1d ;1notlw1 progr<1mnwr
has ;tln•ady -.pokt•n f111 hall 1111' n 30 a m t1ml' -.lot "l'I J,llfl' f111
!lour 111 P11\\t•r
Hut lht "-'p11•..,, .1111 llH·
Hril l'h 1·11w11 1•,., ltk• 1111 11t••ll11 1
of 1111· \\t1tfd.., 111 ... t It· I l11t11
h ,1h\ h•H II I lh ",lf.1\ 111 t ,1111• Ill•
ti.di\ ho111 I 111· ""' hit 1111•
pr1·gn :111t a l1 1•1 llt'oll lll••fll h1
J.!Y lll'l'Ol<tl.!1"1 l',tll IC k ~IO')ll(JI .11111
ph;. .,1111~1.,1 l(otwt I 1'.11\\ .11 II ,1l
th1· J.!l'lll'l .ti h11..,p 11 • .r 111 I llclh .. 111 ,
m1ll lt1\\1111111111 thl·111 I·11).!l.11111 1!111
m dt·~ nurtll\\ "~' 111 l.1111tl1111
•\ fourth \\OJll.111 \\Jiii h11p1 '111
twcom1 JJ• t•g11.111t .Ill• 1 111111 r·p
t111n ouh1d1 th• \\11rrth 1 1111d11
Big Weddirig
In County
St11):!1•r l·1.1nk ~1 11.111 ..
cornt·d1an l>on H1cld1·-. and
tht' 1·nt1n• Lo ... Ang l'ft•'-
1> u d ~ er b ,1 ~ (' b a II I t' ;i m
\\l'rt' amon).! th•· gUl'''' .11
I h t• \\ t•dd111 g or l..1 11r .1
I .a.,ord a. 21 1n FullPrt1111
Thu r -.da) 111).!ht
T h I' I "' Ill I I \1 I
J. ...... ti I' U ,I d .1 ll J.: IJ I t I 11 I
J)11cf J.:t•1· 111.111 .1)..!1•1 1 Piil
l .. 1:-.onl.1 ht·c·.11111· :'111
Sand \' T.111dl1•1 111 t h1 ·
h11rn1· 111 .11•11' ~t1•pll1•11 ... 1111
" 11111~ 11m1· l..1 onl.1
I 1"110\
,, • .., l'\l'l\11111' h.1d ••
g t 1•.11 t11111 "11 ph1·rh1111
-.aul 111d." 1>1111 Hit"''"
1•fll1·1r.11111 ·tl .11111 h1 "·'"
l!r t•,JI .,1111ph J..l t .rl '
\m1111g 11th1·1 ).!lH•"I' .ti
fltt • J..t~Old.t \\l•tl!Jtng \\i'l 1'
.1c·t rl•ss 1111111 • l.ani.:1· .11 101
'l't>n)' LoB1.111t" and 1'1 11 1
I) 'vf <Jlll\ '-tlll 111 Dodj.!1 r
II" tll'r \\ ,tlt t I () \J.tllt \
Budgef St11dy
1 1 , a t llh' n I 1 11 Londo n ·' S 1
Tll11m.1• llosp1t..1I Sh<' I'-in ht'r
·10 ,11111 '" l1l•1ni.: s hu•ldl•d lrom
I h• I'"'"' hut nwt111·.il "''urc<''
, 1111 1' \\t1Ultl bt '"m" t1m1·
h• 11111 11 "';'' kno\\ll 1f -.th' wen·
pl• 1!t1:1 11I
\h·tl11·;tl h1-;t1ir\ ~ (:r·.,t l<.•!->1
111111 hJh\ l.uu"l Hro\\ n \\a .,
111t1\l'll t1 11n~ ,, -.p1·c..·1al t an · unll
rlrnr..,da\ to 11111~ ht•r motht•r•in
th•· mal~'l'lll\\ ward .11 Oldham
.11111 D1:-.tr11' (~t·nt>ral H•l.,p1lal
I ~'ll't' 8 \ ttl E~. P:l~t' .\lD
Joint Use
Of Theater
Of ffile 0..JtlY PHot Sr~tl
l C I r v1n< Chancellor Damt-1
1\ltlrich .Jr 'iJ1d tcxfo_v hv plan:-
111 'llhmll .1 propnst'd ;1grl'emenl
II• 11111\t'r .,11) r<'JH·nt._ 1n Sep
I• 1111>1·1 !111 1011H <h·vt'lopmC'nt.
1111 1• Or.111g1· ('11un1 y Musa·
I • .. ,.1 .. 1 I cw 111 .1 m<iJ•ir µ1 rfnrm
111t• .1 11.., ron1plt•\ on c.1mpu ....
\ ltlt 1c·h s.1111 r l'~•t·nts lr1sr w1..•ek
I Ill Olll ili;!t•cl \'llllttlllll'd ll\'J,!Ott<J
ll•Hl. \.qth th• fund ra1~111g cor
11111 ;1 r11111 "l11t·t' OI' .June· 15 ~ub
111111c·11 • !t'llt r 111 int1·n1 '" build
1111 1•sl1111alt•tl s:1r1 mtlliof1 pro1
,., I
f lt 1111 lllt',111111111 flll I'll\ 11(
I 1 ' 1111 I 111 '<I 111 \\ .nt lnl.. 1111. d1
\I l111Jnll'Of-. IHI \\ h ;.11 '.\1 .IHll 81JI
\ .1rdou1t ... 111 1«l 1<·t~ "'1ti nc w•1
h.1pf)l II rllll\l'd 1'111S1 l lhl~ \\'l'l''<
lo\\ .1111 hu1lchn1-.,._ o \\" 1·11m
111111111~ th,.111t , on • mut·h
-.m.llh·r s<·al1·
ISt·P Tiii-: \TER. P a)tt' \:!I
Music Programs
Dominate Talks
s.1ddlt'h<.!l'" \ .tllt \ p,1r1•n1 ..,, ll
d1·nl .ir1cl h "•<·h1 r "UfltH•t I '°'
t'll•m t•ntarv ""hnul 11111-.11 pi t1
~r!lm" 1lnrn1na1N I <11-.<'t1~·.11111 th1 -.
" 1·1•k :i-. sl'hool 011.11 <I 1111 nllu ''
l'Ollll \ll'lttf .1 lrnth!• I 1111!\.
/'111· ... ll t'<llll Pl 'Jll'dkc•r ... '-UP
prn I tnl! re inst ale.. m ent of •'l'OLr<tl
.111d C'h11r<1I rnu-.1l' follo\\o t•cl re 1·
11m 11H nd:.1t1on:-. hy .• 10 1nl di-.
11 ll'I huclgt't t•11mm1tt1·c· lhal th1
, .. OJ.!l ,lfll hi 'llfl!Jtlrll'CI
11 "·•' (!1·l1 •c <I f rom th'
\\"eat her
~omt' l.tll' ni~ht ;.md t•;11
I) morning low clouds.
0 t h l' r WI~(' r U I r t 0 da y
through Saturd<.1y. A }1ttll'
('ooll'r nt•;:ir the coast.
l11 g h!-> ranging from lht•
l1m 7(1-; al th<' ht•acht•' to
th1· mid ROs mland ;ire•;.-,
I O\\., tonight 5H to llH
In N l'\\ ) ork. lhl' pri C'C' of golcl
p.is~NI the $201 -an·ounN· m<Jrk
~11 t ~ o lead mg gold r l'fm t•r!-> and
filhrtt·e.1tors 1-;ngelhard M1ncr<ib
& Cht·m1c:.ils Corp quoted ~old
hullion at $201 60 un ounce. up
$7 25 from Thurs<lay, while Han-
d v & ll<trma n St't its base price
for gold at $201 30, up $7
lnvt.'stors traditiona lly turn to
gold m t1mt•s of monetary in
Sltibi lity. and the steady decline
of t hC' dollar on the wo rld's
fon•1gn exchanges has raused a
s 11rgC' m bullion prices
Proposition 13 Squeeze
puhl1t·;.t1on li11d1-,11 JpproH•d l>\
1rustt'l'). 1-;1d11 t th1~ month 'fhdl
hullp I ho\\ot'\.l'I . 1s not ftn..tl u11
111 t rustet•<; Ll!JprovC' ,, \Norkrn.i.:
hu<lf.!<'I Auf!, :!
l~SIDE T OD:\,.
.\umml'r platJ~ 111 Orm1q1•
C'ouM C111/rg1· h111•1· hr1•n u
r rod 1I11H1 °f11r 111•0 r., hul
l'a<'rf 1c Ot•Prtur1'.~ · rould ht•
thr last brcuust' of the
pa.~sage of Proposition 13
Story and ptctures on Pagt>
.,.,. • .,, S.ntiU 141 ,,,,.,,..."..,. .,. 1't111L•ll<ltn
cs •1 ........
LM aoy• ... M•••~s CJ.l,t
'"''"•" .. , M11t11•l fl ....... 84
t.tlllornl• -.~ ... ,,.\tt•ftt\ C.l •
Cl•""'"" Ot ti Syl•I• l'Orlff IS
C.•ml« IU ,,. .... •• 10 c ....... o•• ., \1t0 M•rllM• " O.ttll "t•lt<n OJ T•••~t\h" Cl
l•ll••lal I'-,.. n ... ,.,, ,.,, ........ _ Cit Weatt\er A• .... , ....... .. ' ............. ... "., .. , .... ••
Tht• dollar o;ank lo another rt'l'
ord Im' 111 Tnkyq <1s:cmnst th1·
.J,tpJO\'St.· ,vt'n today t1nd con
t1n1ll'd In ... 11dt· Jga1n!"t ma1or
EuropC'illl l'Urrt.'nnt·"· f<1lling
morl' th<tn 2 percent aRmns t thl'
Swiss frant· hy early aftC'rnoon
(;old had ht•l'n tradinR around
S\99 an oun<'(' most of the day
.end then move,'<! higher following
rC'ports lhat the president of the
Swiss national bank , fritz
Leutwil<>r. bt•lieves that a
further apprecuit1on of the Swiss
frnnc against the dollar 1s in·
fhc• prPv1ou!l record fixing
was SI97 SO n •cordcd Ot•<' 30.
Th .. '''""~ 1.., lh1• pr1N• af?rt>e<I
t o hy Lond1ln "' flVt.' major
hulhon de alt-rs for the d ay·,
II ;1d1na after <'onft•rrin1t U!>Ulllly
Library Cutbacks Loom
Ol the O•lly Piiot Stall
Thl' nppl<' from Propos1t ion \:!
m .iy post pone con!>t rue l 1on of
hbranc~ in San Cl<'mcntt•. San
.Juan Capistrano, Irvine and F.I
T o r o as wt•ll as curtailinA
recr eation, street c;wct:'ping and
landscape maintenan<'e in Sad
dle back Valley
Pest control and day·tO·day
county library services also face
c uts .
But district offi cials voiced ht·
tie objection to their financial
dilemma before Orange County
'lt1per v1sors 'f.hur~d ay whi•n
what wus b1llt.od as :i two·day
hearing wound up in Just 9C
Superv1~ors v.erf' ht>~inninR
lh c procN!s of d1v1dm~ Ufl $12 4
mtlllon in stall' aid to help 53
-;pel'tal d1~tri c ts with hud~t·I
w1ws brnug ht on hy Propos1t1nn
l:l' n•rt11 rl1<m in prnpcrl ) tax
Propos1t111n 1:i c·11t 11•vt•n111· tu
l h t• !->fll'('IUI tl1:-.t1 H'ts h\o $5:$ i
And uftc•r n•dlJ<'lnJ.t tht•1r 11w11
.... pending plans. d1Mri ct~ .1d
ministrnlors had asked for $27
million in slate u1d Le!is than
h a lf that a mount is available
Supervisors asked county of
fic1als to continue reviewing thl'
d1slrtcl~ requests and said they
would tulw fin;1I ;1rllon Au)r t~
Stutt• l1·~1!<lal1•111 tha t ofr1 1 tet
tht• s1:1 I m11linn 1·a r rtes with tl ;1
h!<I o( 'IH'lldtO,:( f)rlortt1c-;
,\l tht> top 11( lhut ltr,t ts publrf
s.ifcl } nwamni.t 1t ,., likely th1·
count~ "\trurlor:ll lire dlstri<'t
will )tel mo~t of tht' $4 i m1lhon
lll'l'(ktl lo ll:tl.rnt 1• ti 'I.· 1111111111•
\ !17>< 7~ hudgt I
V.11th11 do\\11 th•· p1111ril\ I•-,·
.Ill 1h1 ~1 \tlt (llt!lll \ ·•l\1('1
111•,1 cft...,11 11'1' I h. t pl <I\ 111 p If"
m.11nh11.11111 "'"''' •\\ctp111:.. ml•d1.1n lanctM·ap111~ .uut r1•1 1 "·
lion prof.!r:Hlh m 1111111<·111 por:Jtl·O
south 1-•ount v 1·1mrnnin1ll<•s
ThoH· d1stnrt .... ol·l·rl a colln
t1ve $1 4 m1llmn 1u"1 to bulan('t'
thc>1r S2 3 million 1!178 79 hudi;:tt~
a nd mmntnin 1•x1~tmg s\ f \ 1r1 :-
1 n M l '>SIOO 'V1 C'Jl>, E• 101 (\
L<iRunu Ni~ut I Lu~u rp \\ 111 Id
Snuth I .. own.1, A1·i.t'.ir1 I hll ;1m•
Soul h l.a~un.1 11111.'
With11111 1111' ~l I m1lh11n. -.,111'
1·uunt\ :1clm1111•t1.•l t\.•' .1 • 1-.t,1n•
F.rn 11• ~·hm 111c•r ltt•· ti 1,1, 1c1~
nlll\. h,1vt• l11
F.lrmm. 11• ''"' t "1•t JJln.ll
!St't' l .IUR.i\tU•:s . t•agt· ,\2l
01s lnct 1oint budget r11mm1t
ll•l' ml'mb\'rs rC'c·omml'ndcd ..idct
in~ S!9i:l,OOO t<1 llw hudgt•t l11
'up1)11rt th1· music pro~rnms
Th .. t m•'"''' "''ulo 1·om 1• rron1
, 1 1 om m111 ,.,. prop.-M•tl clt•h•t 111n
,,, ir'.•11~ .1dul! t•thH'.11\nn 11111
, • 1 nh Tlws 1 · 1·111 -. '\ 011 It I ht 111
1h. .11 1·.i or -.o 1·,1111·!1 -.1·lt im
flll'\ I 1111 Ill d,9".,t.., 'llt'h ol'\ 111
It 11111 tit :-•)!I'
\u1!1l n<·1 -.upp11rt 1111 c·11n11nu.1
I 11111 "' I ht· Pit r'll'nt "' v mustt•
pt 11g ram!'> "'.J:-. 11\'e rwhL Im IOI'(
thoui:h .i dt•c1~111n on rcrnstalt-
nll'nt writ not c-omt-' until Aug 2
\<\' arc ml'eting all the need!>
(11 '' stron~ foundation for our
1·h1lctn•n by prov1dtnJt them 11
niu ... 11· proi.tr.1m. on1• par<.'nt
I 11:1• Ir ll"I t'I'~
( .11111 Ht•o1111·" .in f:I Toro
llq:b St l11ll1i i.:radu:i11• v.ho will
1•P l 1 r l 'S(' ' m11,11· p1 o~ram in
1h1 l,tfl .11 eu1•c11hJl mu~1r i-. nm
111' rl;.• I It.ti ('JO rt .n·h Pl'Opl ,.
\f U'iH' ,., .in 1ntc~ral fuc-tor in
<SN• Mt'SIC . Pa1tf' ,\21
\2 DAIL• P Ll1' 5t3 fr1oay Juty 28 1971t
urfing~ \' olle :t ball
Laguna Sets
Beach Classic
1 •'·''' · dl'.Jt'h \'111 tw hnm·
11· 11 g \\1th "P'>rh 1•11t h uswst:.
.rnd s pl'ctator:. Saturday and
:-.und~y as \hl! 24th annua l
Urooks Strl•f't S1Jl'flni.: l'la:-.s1t
Jnd thl' 24th ,innu<tl L.1guna
1tt .. 1rh Op1·0 Volh•yhall tourna
m1•11t gt•L urnl1·r w:I\
Thl' surf 1:-. running .1 const•>-
tl·nt rive to SIX fcl·t ill Brooks
Thugs Grab
Movie on
Bank H e i st
Ho~ To 'IJ • ' P , r h, l· •·
.1rm1·tl rrwn «nll·r1•d ..i room
\\ ht•l t' th1· nl0\'11' Bl ink ... W\I"
t11·in1-t 1·1li1t•d tod.I\'. h;1111Jt·uff1·<1
tltt t•ditor-. arid fl(•d \\llh n·cl'nt I~ !timed st•quNl('t•s ut thl· pro
dtH·t 111n. pohcl! sa1d
'l'hl' stolen film mav be worth
mqn· than th1· mont·~ ·l<rkt·n dur
111g th1• Brin"-'s 'holclup irl
1:11111:11 v t't50 $1 2 m1ll1on .
.... 1111 L h1• "rit l'r of t hl' uook m1
\\h11·h th1· ftlrn 1:. 1>as1•d . The cost
111 m.1k1n).! the movw ha.., be<:n
1·-.t11l1\llt'd ·'' sn 5 m11l111n Urrnk ':. · -.tar:. Pt'lt•1 Falk
111.1-.t er :-.ll'Uth of th£> kh•v1s111n
... i-r11·-. \'olumho,' ;Js J :-.L1cku11
{11.1 fl
I 't1h1·1• -..1111 I hn•1· ml'n -.hppt•d
fJJ "I I hl· mm II• t·rt•\\ ' '>t'C\lrtl \
h~· u-.ing thl· 1r;1rn1· of ... n t•x
1 ·t•ut 1 \'I' oft 111· produc•t 1<>n
·1 tw four c•111pl11v1•t•s wh1> hucf
ht<1•11 h.wckuffcd "'t•rc not tn
1u11·c1 f11r w1·t•k.., th1.• produc.•t111n
t•11111 p:tn) re· t•rc•all'tl l-tcn1·s und
h.1t·kdrops 10 rdl1·<.·t thl' city or
:!Ii 1v1•ar:. agr>. wh1•n lh1evt•!> en
ft•r1·d !ht• B1 int..-. Im· offices.
l>nuncl th1.· 1·mpl11yt•l's ..ind
• -.(·,qll'd \\1th th<·tr hooty
lh1· '>lflh•ll film \\a-. of M't•rn·s
, I fl I 11 B c .... ' fl" .... fl Id s (' 0 l l.1 v
'-.q11.11·1· \\hll'll lrl 1hl· 50'-. \\>ii'>
lh1· 1•11y·.., good 11m1.'. hul'le!>4u1•
111·1 g h horhnod
It -. -.or\ ot .111 a la Brtnk'o.;"
'\111•1 Bl'hn "ho wrol\' thl' hoo\..
on whtl'h tlw I 1lm 1:-. hao.;ed. said
11f tht· st1ck11µ
If !ht· ftlm 1s nut n·c·ovc•rNI
lh..r1 you'll proh<1hlv hjvc· a mov
11· ~ ithou1 St:olluy Square." ht·
'·"" 'It '" .i vt·rv \'\ 111•ns1\1• -.i
11u1·111 ,.
l1oht•1• !'IJ.!I l'uul ( 'on"'<1' -:..1 1d
t h1· 111hh1•1-. '' 1·11· ,1rr111·rl "'1th
hanri/.!t111s I llt'\. "l'lt' dc·,t•rth1•d
.JS t"' 11 mt·n 111 lhl'11 .!0'.'> Jnd om·
rn ht'> 111-.
Stn·1•1. s1t1· 11f th1• .mnual <:nm
petit1or1 opt•n to l.agun.1 Bt'iJ<'h
-.ul'ft•rs only
Doug Allen. recreation depart
rr11•nt sup<'rvisor. suys llw Min·
n1es I hoys 12 und und(•r 1 will
paddk nut s hortly uftl'r noon,
with thl' high tidt· Tht'Y will bl' r o I Io wed u y 1 h l' women · !.
chvision ·
Aftt•r those h1•uts . thl! finals
for last ) t•.ir'o.; l>oy ' ·. men's and
si•n111rs mt•n's"' 111 ht• held
"Wl· nevl't compll'tNI those
hc.·als last year. l-fl \H' II trv ;1n(1
''rap thl'm up ~utunla) · Allen
'><tid toduv Tht• '>UI f w~ts not
t·oopl·rat11.:t. during I he 23rd an
1111al compd1t111n. lt•avmg thoSl'
ch \'ISIOns high and dry
City re<.'rt'<il 1011 t>fftc1als wrll
tht•n lll'g1n tht~ y1•ar's boys.
1uniors'. men'l-'.'>l'ntor ml·n .., ~ind
rn,1-.t1•r-. d1\'l-.1011s "1th '>Ctffil' of
tho~(· hl':1t:. ..,p1l11ng ovt•r into Sun ".1 :-· w r ·11 proh:ilily .... tart .1gm11 ul
noon Sund;.iv h1·c.·.1u-.t· ol' the
<high 1 tick o.;1tuC1ttun." Allen
.... 11d
The I.agu11a !\ll'n·-. 0 Pl'n
Vulll')h • .ill Tournament will pit
I \t o m ;.i n v o 11 e y h a I I t l' a m ~
. 1g:i1n~t ot lwrs from Sunla
B;11'1wni to ~an Dl l'i!fl on th1•
:-..ind c.·ou1 ls ul M.11n Hcach
l'a1 k
Tht• top :t! teams "'111 b<' com
pding 1n th(• eighth 11f 10 ml'ets
111 t hc 11pen c·ircu1l thtl> year
I '""n' \\Ill do hJttlL lwlo!tnn1ng
.1t \I ,1 m hoth d.1v-. "'1th 1·11m
pl'lllhlll 1."<p1·ct1·d io IJ">t until !'>
or 7 p m Adding to thl' l·rowcl" ancl uc
l1\'ll1l'S lhtl-"et·k1.·nd tn l.Jgun.1
Jrl' th<.· thn•e ,1r1 f<•st1vab out
I aguna l'Jn~ t>n Roai.J c; ates op1•n ,1t the.: ~·est1 val 11f
\rts groun<I:; al noun with Lht•
work'> uf more th<•n 150 Jrltsl'>
11n dis play Thl• SC1wdul>t
F1·-.11val. 1ust up the stn•d from
I he Ft.-~t1v;1l uf Arts. f)J)l'n~ al IO
a m with 160 t:t uftsmen and
.1rtt~I!> 11<.Jrl1l'ip:it1ng
•\nd tlw Art 1\ F;11r :1notht·r
t wo·t!•nth:-nf ii rntlt• up Laguna
l'.rn:-011 Hoad. upt•ns Ill> d1101''> at
lll a rn ""ith ;11.\>~1rd winninl!
sc· u I pt or-. 1·11ra m l'>lS. .1cwt•IL•r:-.
:i n d o t h l' r <' 1-. ti 1 -. m 1 • n I rum
Soul h1·1·11 C:.iltfurm:.i d1l>1,1la\ 1ng
ttw11 wares
T apes Seize d
:-:EWAHK :-.; .J 1AP1
Fcl.11•1 al Jlllhor1l1t•s put th1· hill'
ThursdJ) on :.i l>u:.111ess lhJt ;d
h~·J.:l'dh \\OJ~ l-cll1ng Jlll'~JI \ tdl•n
t.ipt· l'J"'l'llt'" of 'lll'h 11011111.11
I Iii>.\ 1'1glll 11111\ It'!. .t~ 'J tlW-.
lh1• FBI u11noun<.·1·rl
Consumer Prices
Continue Skyward
I 0 :-; ,\'\I ii-I.ES t A I' )
( 1111, 11111l'I J>l'l('I'"' Ill l.nl-1\nf.!l•lt·:-.
.end 111·:111,.:1· l'111Jntll'" -.k\'ro«kl'I
11cl 1 'I 111·rc.•1·11t Ill thl' first '>IX
mPlllh .. 111 th1-. ~l':tr u pt·rc1•11
1.1J.!l' 11111111 h11-th<'r th;in tht• in 1•• .1 ... 1• ll'1·1>rrll'rl 111 tht· first ha lt
of l 'Iii' I h1• l ~ La hor Ucp.irt
nwn I n pm11 •1 I t o<I a\
l l1gh1·1 110-.t,1g1• ratt•s and 111
1·1 t·a-.1·cl 1·11-.i-. of foo<I. houMng
.11111 11 .111-.port.1t11111 t .. 1u· t·d an"'
l'lllhllnll'I Jll ll'l'"> !fl P'>l' I ti IH'r
1 1 111 l .1-I m11111 h s.11<1 .J 1 m \\ urth
1 1111 I "' th .. ~111th11 n ('.1hforn1.1
1111111 "' th1 l .. 1h111 l>t•p;1rtmt'nt ..,
ll1111·Ju 11f l.1bor St,1t1:.t1t·s
l(t l.1tl-ci l-tOr\. /\41
\1111 111 tlw 1:! month pl·rtoll
l11t"•·1n .lunt• 1!177 Jllcl .Jum·
llliX thl· pnl'l'l-for Los Angdl'S
.11111 01·an~1· counties roSl' 7 7
pt 11·1•nl Wurth :.aid. whil<' 'last
m11nth'l-1nl'rt'al'.1' m urkl•d the·
third stra1~ht month pnct•s rose·
:ti ll'a'>t ont• pc·n·ent
With Junt"s incn•al-l', the c•c111-
-.11mt>r pnt·t· 1nd<.•x sh111 up to
:inotlwr r<.'l'lll'(I 1!13.4 for till' l wo
1·1111nl 11·~
\\ h ,ti th al IHI I h d n" n t 0
Wurth ..,,11<1. ts th.it it l'<l'>t Sl9 34
1;1...i mnnth to huy the same
'""'Ota~ ( .,, ()t6 '' P flt w l,..•ft1 tl•\COM
t _.., ............ p.,." t\.A-10• ~b-yttw()t,.,..,..
( "'I 0 ,tO ~·""O Ctt'•lt'-''" • "'Oa••t•H I ""' •'~
e;t>;h• '"t•l't ~'\"W1 ,. tl'"Ov :!!'\ f f'•fHY I('' «(\'It ~·• *.f••DtW' A "" w., ... ,,~Yoo ~"' J o.,.
, .. "" V• l•t U .,-"'• \.td!J•f'b • ~ VAi rw Af\.1
l k •tV~ ~ '"'°'"( tt f 4tolllq~'"'4}"""-1.-•
t r!Jill ....,r,1 ~,.., ,.1.,.•1•t ••t '·-""•• '"""
It-""' It• tf1rt " t f\ _. ... , • •t lJC) °Wf'\I """'
\I'• •t (O\I• Mt-t I 1t I 1• ••·~Ill
•e~rt N '#•.,.. • ' •• ''' ,r,."" .... '"' tf" (.,, .. , ' • Cit ,...,.,•!Vt t .• M.rt"' ......
'"•"'•' ."'"' t 1•11
fftfttn••A Mvrfll"t'"'
M•"l'll 111\0 I CMnt , ... ".'" ~ .. , "•<"-'"•" ..... 4 \\• ,,."' M"""•O•*" f'ltfnt"'
&addl•b•c~ Vall•r OlllC41 :.._1tlfl P•t •f'.-f1 .tt C..-n~l'•fr'llf•V
0111cn '°"'" Mii\.• , to Vff\t ""'• .. ,,,..... .. •1\ll"'lllf•~t,,,.. fk .. ., 111 11t1 \~.-:"~,,,..,Mn
l40UMfMMP\ ttk(t*""'~'l\t'"t
T•ltpho"• (714)142-4321
Claulll•d AdvartlMllO ... 2-5471
~ ,,.. ••"'l·•.,.,,1
•96 ~800
""9~:··('.~ ,.!!, l~tw~ ~ .... ;.~""":" -;:.~~ ,. •U•· "' ••h••lt •m•ftt\ "••• m•• t_. .. ••f!' tf'tw• ... •·l~I \"f •• , D•'""IH•Of"I l'tt ... •9"tt..,,._,,
"*'"~ ,., "''"~" ...... ~· '""'"' ._.., ' • 11!1•111 • '\~t:\r• P''""' • .. C• •, \t \0 ~l,f~ t' "' ,,..., \4 \0 fTllOl\l"°l'f 'Tl• l••'f
.,, ..... ..,..._," 'O .,...ll'llh•y
J.!()!Hh :1nd M'f'\'l('t'S wh1t•h l'l)'>t
S Ill tn tht• h;i:-.1• price• Yl'ilr of
IHtii It abo mt•;inl> thl' 1%7 dollar
would h11v onlv 51 7 t•ents worth
11f goods :.ind sen·1cl'S 1n lod.iy'l-
murk!·l. Wurlh t'Xplatned
Wurth s.iid the seven maJor
.1rc.·a-. ot ("cms uml'r spending IJ'>l
11111nt h wt•n· fOo<I and bcverag1•s ho11~ing I r.mc;port ;1t 1110. appar<'I
.11111 upkl'l'll hl':tlth .ind reC'rC'.1
t wn. l•ntert.11nmt•nl. and othl'r
goods .md "·r\ 1 r1•s o.;uc·h <•' 1·os
Wrmty Faces
OI I ... Oa1ly Pllol Stall
Ornnl.!l' County nffir1a1" will
h.1\'1• to c•,plain lo ;1ppt•ll;1tt·
t'oltrl 111dg1·.., wh v t ht·v won't
grJnt 1.000 c·1111nt~· 1·mri<>\'t'l'~ ,,
5 5 1n·1T~·11t J>.I\ r.11..,t· this vt•ar
Thi· f11111 th Di-.tnl'I Cuurt of
Appc;1I n1ctc•11·d th t• rounlv
Thurl>d:J\ to honor its conlnict
"'1th i .000 workers and grant the
5 5 perrenl salan mcrl'ases.
Rut the ordc>r "as st;.1yed until
.1 '.'lo' 1 <'OUrt hPar1ng "'hen
t•ounty attonwys must t•xpl.11n
wh) th1• c·onlt U<'l t~n 'l bt•tng
Thur-.cl.1) , ruling "'us tlw
llr"t 1n ttw <.l.1t1• tn rt•:;,ponsl' to
I j \\' '.'> u 11 " f II t' d h y sf' v ('I ;ii
l'rnplo) c·1.• groups
Thi• s111b \\-c>rl.' hrought to
t'hJllenge a prov1s1on in stak
ll•g1slat10n that offers so·callcd
bailout funds to local govern
m<'nl lo replace funds loc;t
hecause of Proposition 13.
That legislation withholds
s late aid from IOCl\I govern·
ttl~'nls that grant employee puy
The Oranjtc Cl)unty Employee
A !".SO('latlnr I a<J r1 l('d !>Ult
C'hallt>nJ.:tnJ.: ti. prm-1'>ion ,1nrl
a~k1n~ lhut t•our ... 'llllll'• v1<,ors
Ill' fo11.'1'il 111 h1111or I" uv1s1ons tn
a l\\O year work contract :.1jlncd
laM summl•r
Count\ ofrl r1al-. ~aid the 5 5
pc>rct•nt ~alary tncn•us<' would
co~t Si tn1lhon
( Pilot Logbook J
Bugging Visitor
Gaveled Down
01 tM Oally ~llOI S~lf
member Gary Stoney didn't exactly re·tnvcnl lhl' wht(!l at
;,1 recent mel'ting but he did develop CJ great new use ror
the gavel ancl a new way to make friends and influence
l>t'Ople During a complicated discussion, Stoney comnrnn
dt'ered the gavl'I from acting Chairwoman Kathleen Kl!lly
and took a v1c1ous whack at the counc1ltabll'
The stw1m11~ blow 1.,und its mark a giant bu~
flipped into tht· ,111 ;11\Ct did p~·rfl•C't ~om
<'rsauns. right intu 1\1 rs t-.e llt:y., coltl'l'
A «hagl'1ned Mrs Kelly nervous ly
eyed he• huirged coffe<.• Jnd decided a
n·olaccmcnt was in order
• • •
TOW.\RD THE F.ND ur ,1 recent
Saddleback Valley Unified School U1s
Hooc;e tnct bo:.ird meeting. trustc:cs announced
an l.'arliet dt•c1s1on in (.'Xeeutive session to rescind layoff
notices rna1IPd to somc: employees who were told they
might have to go on a shorter work year
Somt> of those employe1::s were district mC1mtenance
men l'rnm the back of u packed board room that had grown
r uther chilly at the late hour, a man spoke up and said
"That's hm• "Now will you tell the maintenance man to go back to
~or!.. Jnd turn on the heat?" the man asked.
From a school board heated at times from differences
with the superint1::nde nt. recall croups and employee!..
Trustee Lou Young fanm·d herself Jnd shot back. "It's
plt-nt) \\arm up h1:rl' ..
CHAMPt\GNE CORKS are popping these days at Sad·
tlleback Valley Chamber of Commerce offices where of
ftc·1als n·cl•ntly signed up their 500th member LuC'ky number 500 to JOln the organ1zatton was lhl.'
.lumade Ar~ and Frammg shop of El Toro.
Officrnls noted the chamber is the fastest growing 1n
t111.· Southern Californi<1 ar<'a since its formation 1n t96~ ....
T H E COURAGEOUS 13 ycur·olcl El Toro girl who was
ntPl'd •ind beaten last May. has received more s upport
I rnm t ht· Ca It form a D<'partment of Forestry Employee~
A!'IMH' i:it ion. Orunge County chapter.
Tht• group. which 1nclud(!S county firemen . donutcd
SSOO to thl' young lady to do with as she pleKed The
mmH'Y c:1me from th£> orgunization's benevolent fund
She s;11<1 she 1s taking a vacation in August and plans
W spend ttw mont•y on new clothes.
A fire department spokesman snid the donation was
the• fir!>L time anything got a unanimous vote at an
t•mployees assoc1::ition meeting.
"She's an amazing young lady." lhe spokesman said or thl• Rirl who has gained respect from everyone for her
1·ou1 Jg1· throui.th thl' ll·rr1ble incident and !.ubsequent
pl.isl 1c :--.urgt•Q operations
f'ro• Page A J
on res1dcnl1al areas
Cut park and median
landscape m;.iintenttnte by 15
pcrrcnt •·to kerp it alive at the
han· minimum ··
Do away with youth recre.i
Lion progn1ms.
MrikL' cuts in the Mission
Viejo Municipal Advisory Coun-
ril. Soulh county service and a
y('t-ln·npcn Crown Valley Com
munity Park field offices.
Also hard hit mav bt: the coun-
ty's 21 street lighting d1stncts.
Schnc1dt>r said. although ruts tn
l'Ost would hl' hard to come by
Throu~h contracts with utilit'
(11 ms Schn<'1d£>r explained, the
d1stricl'> must pay half their
normal l>ill wheth<'r any elL·t:
tna1t~ rs ust•cl or not
Tht• contn1cts were designl'cl
sr1 lh1· ut1htv firms could recoup
lht'1 r 1nvt.•stmcnt in tnstnlling the
lightmi.< service.
The budget sque<:zc for special
districts also will mean postpon.
1ng building new libraries in Sun
Clt•mente. Sun Juan Capistrano.
Irvine. El Toro and La Habra
Rarbaru Fox. <in assistant
dir(•Ctor or the countv General
Services Agl'ncy, ·.,aid th1·
library di~lriC't :1lso may halt
Sunday operntions. bookmt>l>ile
and othc•r Sl•rv1 cc::. Shl• s:..iid Sl 1 m1ll1hn 1::. m•t•clt•cl
Ill <,\,Ill' a11I lCI h.tl .tnCL· thl'
hl>rar·) ·::. Sli :1 mtllu1n propost.'rl
197R 79 budget und personne l
f'Uls alrcacJv huv<' bl'en made Officials of the Or11ngt• Count v
\'t•ctor Control D1-.trn·t l-atd tht·~
Ol'l'd $436.87~1 tn '.'>lJl<: hl•lp lfl
hulantc.• a Sl I m11l111n buclgl't
En·n \.\1th Lhttl. th1•.) ~utd. tht•
d1:.trrl'I ha-. c·ut :!fl '>ttmmt·r l'mplo~t'" "'ho pr11\ldt•d r1::c;1
rknts \.\1th rut. fl) and mosquito
tont r11l help
Tlw .1-.sl'>t.lll<'l' -.till 1~ pro
\'ldl'd. t h1·~ saul hut ncJ longt'r
can th1.• district respond within
21 hours of notrcl'
Huntington Incide nt
Cop Injured;
Suspects Held
Of the 0~1ly Piiot Sl<lll
A lluntingtrn1 13('ath moton•y
t'lt• officer who fl reel two l>hots
al a car who:-.e driver ca ltegedly
I nf'd to run h 1 m down th rel'
t1me'l-tn hoth folwa rd and n·
\ C'rse J.tl':.tl''> 1s allvl' hut
bruised today
The motori:-.1 <Jnd two
passengers a1 t• 1n Jail a fter the
1•p1o;Odl· 1n \.\htrh Sgt Carl
\ Hiano f1rt.>d two shots <.1t his al
lcgt.>d Jttack11 rl> arte r being
knockl•d to thi: pavement
M 1ch:wl I> DuPont. 20 of
19962 lsthrnu-. l.;1ne lluntin~ton
Heach. 1s hl'l•t an lwu of S25 000
bail. charged "1th a:-.-.uull with ,, d~adly Wl'<JPOll 011 a police of·
lits alleged p.issengers rn the
9 50 a m Thursday 1nt1dent
<;ent• Ml'ns1k . I~ 11f l~ltll.:
I s I h m u :-. L a 11 t'. 11 u n t 1 n gt on
Rl•<1(1h , and Ernest Cumm 20 of
56:J V1ctori.1 St <'o'>t~1 '\tc-..1
Wl'l'c.> 1dt'ntically l>ookt'cl
All three.· remarnert 1n custody
at llunlington Beach City Jail l1J·
day .
Patrol Sgt Larry Catn !>llld J
resident of the neighborhood
where the assault occurn•d .
n e a r N e w I <• n d St re e t a n d
Yorktown Avenue. wa s ah-.o
nea rly run down during the 1nc1
dent as he tried to aid V1dano
Investigators said Sgt V1dano
tntt1HllY pulled the suspC'ct veht
de over to 1ssu<: a speed111g c1t.1·
u on \\h1le on radar dut\. caul> an~ the driver to turn onlo a stde
~t rC>et
.. Before he could dismount
rrom his motorc)cle. thc-car <.1c
celerated ... Sgt Cam said
He explained it appt•ared thl'
vl'h1cle drivC'r was try ing to
escapt.'. but he suddenly spun the
car in a U-turn al Anchorage
Drive and Windward Lane"
heading for the sergt'ant
Rammed broadside by the on
C'Omang car, Sgt Vidano ~uf
ft-red minor lt•g s<.'rapes <.ind
bruises but police <illcgc a!. he
sc·rambled to his fPc>t t he
motorist b:.icked up t1rf's
squ£1allng a1m1ng al him
Diving sideways to safety. Sgt
Vidano said the dnver then look
Beaten Girl
Still 'Poor'
In Hospital
A le('ll·age girl who app:.trt•nt
Iv was left to die on an Irvine
'treet Thursday afll'r <in us·
o.;ailunt fractured her skull. re
mumed in poor condition today
in th£> intensive earl' ward of :..
loC'a l hospital
The child. 14 . reportc.·dly a
run~1w<IV frnm a North Dakotu
lnd1;1n t1·..,t·n~1t1<1n. w:i.., round
.... pr.1\\ ll'<I trl tt11· rnudwuv un Jd
ft n Ho ;1d . 1111rth 11f 'th1· ~an
D11·g11 1-'n•l•\\<t\ .. 1t 1 :m :.1 m
/\ motort'>1 rtriv1n~ h11mP
spotted the girl
l'ohC'e said :-ht• \\a:, 1nrohl•r enl
:ind babhhng Thouith she.> told
thl'm she h;id bl't'n -.trut·k in the·
hl·ud ;11\d thl'm\ll l1 11m a mo\lllJ.!
C'ar. offt C'l'l'l-said -.he· :1ppl'.1rl'd
c.·onfusl·d by hl•r inJUrll'S
Tht.:~ Wt•re unct•rt.1in torlJ\
about what happenl'Cf
Thl• girl w;.is un1·1111sr1011 .... un
d1·r m(•d1c·.1t1on .ind 1n
veslrgator:. havt• bcl'n u11,1ble to
talk to her. police :said
unoth1·r run <ti him ,,. hl· dodged
.11-11h· and o.i111ll'd hi~ 'erv1t•c n
vulvl•r i-.tl';11ght at tlw s usp<'cl
The driver ... tarted to spct-d
a w<iy und SJ.?t Vidano (ired
tw1 re at lhc.' car'.; reur tires. HE!
Authonllt•-. tral'l'c.l the .1uto to
lhe I sthmul-Lant· ,1ddres:-. and
..i r rl•slcd ()t; Pnnt. :\kn:., i.. Jnd
Gumm 1mpoundini.: lhi: sl.ispt•tt
Vl'h1cl1: JS (•v1dcnce
Te rm Stayed
Wl\Slll:-..GTON 11\l'I
l' S Sup11·m1' C'ourt
.h1 st1rt Byron H Wh1ll' 10
cl.I\ postpont•d I hl· F•lling or N1•w Ynrk T1mel-It'
p111·t 1·1 Myrnr. A F.11 bl•r
"ho ha:. rel ust•cl to 1 urn
over t•11nf1dent1:it nott's to
a Nl'w J<•rst·y Judgt• pre
~1lhn ~ ovt•r tht· "Or X"
murdl•r trial
White.. stayed an order
for the 1uiltng until noon
Thl' full Suprcm<' Court
1:s 111 rl'C't.'S!-until October
An ,1ppe<1I -..11d t>nforce
ml•nt of ~ubpoenu!-undc..·r
thn·:.it.. uf 1u1hng <ind lin1•:-.
"'uuld 1rrl'\'OC'ahly d..imJge
J o u r n ,, Ii s 1:-. • :.i b 1 l 11 ~ t o
g,1 th1 r .ind rt·porr the
nc~.., part1t·ulurly 1r. the
.1n·a or t nm1nJI report·
Fro.a Page A I
On Wedn£>sday the City Coun
c1 I vote..'<.! 5 lo 0 to proc<'ed with
nc-gotrnt1onl> with San Franc1scu
;1r('htl('tls Wurster. Bernar<!:
.rnd F.:mmon:, for devf'lopm1::nt of
a m :ll-t1·r plan for thc.' theater
Thl' C'Ouncil had drlaved tw11
month:. on tht• mJttcr. ·becaus1·
of rumors and fJn;1lly confirma
tlfln that Or;rng£> County Mus1C'
Ct•nlcr Inc . after Civ<' years and
inspection of 16 possible sites
selected UC!
The sl.'lect1on wa~ doubly im
portant bcct1uM.· the city hopee
to loc<1t1· 1t:-o~n thl'ater in
t;niv~rstty Town Center. onlv
Jcross the s treet ICampu:.
OrtVl': lrom the proposed site or
the mu~tc· C'enter
111 :1dd1t1on thl' c11 y ha" Sl ~
m1llton ~1uulable to huild "
th1•akr that \\tll ro:.t an l'Sltmat
l'd S5 mlllton. the d1fferenc<·
\\ oultl have• to be made up
throttJ.!h public grants or pnvalt•
don at IOO'.'> and foundation grantl-
\.-ardouhs 111 particular feurcrt
lhl1 l ar g1•1. more prcst1g1ou~
mU!>I(' <·c·nter would ~oak up all
J \'IJ1lul>h.> fundin~
Tiii' m;1tll'1 '' ;1s ,·nmpl:t•t.1tl'd
h~ .111 j1JJl.111•nt r1•h11·t.11we h\
;\1us11· C'l•nl1•r 11ff1n·rs publu:ly ,;J
cltSl'U~~ 11 .. 1>l.11h \' . .rdnuf: ... rom
pl,1111l'd ht · cou!dn 1 ul>l~11r t'\'l'l"I J
p1'1\':il1 :J11<11t•1w1• \\!lh lht·m
V.irrlouli'>. \\hn f1r-;1 pubhC1J
t•nt1n<'IJkd th1· "r11m11r' th.1• lh1.
mll~I(' l'l'lllt•r \\11Ulcl ht• ctl t.:CI
'' ...... ~tuni.t h~ th1 11•p1111t·d 1rn1,1
llflll nr \111~11 Ctnl l'I h11,11tl
m1•mlwr C1·org1• ;\lohr \\ho ">lllC
lht· mayor i-.houlrt hat t' kept h:<
muuth shut
\111h1 • .. 1:d prt·m •. turl' J I'
nouncl·m1 r.1 \\111.!cl 1•nd .. ng1·r
f'rottt Page A J
promoting happtnt•ss." sht· 1n
ststcd "It promnk:. a harmonv
t1nd understanding among pN)
· '\1 us tc• i-. something that
b u 1 I <h a g 1111 II u II J r o u n d
charaCtt•r "
. I o~' nnr II a rris. S VUSD ·s
Music program coordinat or .
l-<ttd cutting lhl' program would
affect 8500 clementar v students.
She indicated 1.200 to 1,300
childr<'n. who voluntarily
part1c1palc m a choir program.
\\Ould tx· turned away rf the pro·
gram cuts were approved tn the
fin a I hudAet
"These kid::; turn out on the11
own 1n tht• morning herort'
'll'hool even o.;tarts." s he '\aid "I
think that says quite 11 brt about
tlH' students' int<'rest in mustr ·
nnd a bulletin said she was "pro
gressing very well "
The mother. Lesley Rrown.
wt10 will be 31 Monday. and her
hushnnd John, 38. a truck driver
~ho hus u daughtt•r by u pn·
'1ous murr1t11i<'. hod be1•n unttbh·
to huvc children for almost 10
Yl'urs or marriage becau~e an tr
reparable hlock:.q~e i11 Mrs
Brown'11 f' lloplan lu~s pre
vcnt~d normul ('OO<'C'PUon
Recently a customer was comparing our pnces with another store. We
were informed our pricing was higher per square yard Upon
questioning, we discovered that the other store was furnishing a
considerably cheaper padding than the 64-ounce sponge rubber
padding included with our transaction .
Furthermore. 1n this case. we were comparing our 1nstallat1on against
an installation worth far less. (Many stores contract their labor by the
yard ... to layers of unknown background and skill We have our own
crews. trained and controlled by us. offering you the best Quality
installation possible).
So factually -the estimate was not as 1t appeared to be• tri
conclusion. when comparing prices. make sure you are comparing
equal values'
~~ ,. ... :, ... \ DEN'S
1a,;p;.;~ ?~I : iiiiiBiiatiOii: ·custom draperies
11• ,~, '""7, · ;: linoleum • wood floor
1663 PLACENTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA. CALIF 9';677 • PHONE 646 4832 646 '2355
• I
0-41Y Pli.t 5Wlf PIMlo
Deep in the Back Hiiis, Historical Drama Unfolds In Its Natural Habitat
Pageant Reverses Time
'La Cristianita' Brings His wry w Li/ e
n, \\"JLl.l.U1 llODG E
• Ot llw 0•11, Piiot St•ll
s.rn C'lcmt•ntt.•'s "I.a CrlS·
tiantt<.1 · P<ig<·:mt a two hour
produrl1on highlighting the
seeds of Ci.1l1forn1a's Spanish
beginnings is t·t.•rt:.11nly one or
th<· most 1nn11vat1' c entertain·
nwnl t''\IH:ricncl's to h it the
Oran~c Coi.i..,t annually.
Ttw .ilmnst thn•c•-mllt· drive
antu S;m Clc·ml·ntc's b<.1ck hills
l'\ cil..1"' .1 .... en-.al1on or tri.Jvelm~
b:Jt•k to tlw t1m<·s whc•n the• de
P c11 111l a t·:qwd1l111n aclu<ill:,
tn.n11•r-.Ht th!" hills 1n 17fm
Thi· µla\ 1-. prPscnt1.·d 1n \\hat
pa g 1· ,1 n t d 1 rt.· ct ors t " rm ..i
"nalur;tl :1mph1lhcalt·r ." a
s mall canyon or ravine where
the audience sits on a hill as the
actors below dramatize the first
baptism of a n Jndian by the
Spanish padres.
The decision to produce thf'
pl:.iy in nutur:.il surroundings ob
viously raised several produc·
lion problems. Al times. t he ac·
t ion takes place sC'veral hundred
feet from the :.iudience in <Jn
open ~11r s1tuution
Hul pagl•ant director and
author Normun Wright. e.t r e-
ti rC'd tC'll'v1:-;1on !>creenwriter.
h:is dc·alt w1lh the prohlcms
ht'i.l ut1fulh' and rete.t1ncd the
natural atmosphere ei.senuaJ to
!ht• sensation of being an eyc•wit
ncss to a historic event
Savings Gone
'Charmer' Facing Prison
(I f •. \H\\,\TEH. Fla 1/\P l -
,\ 111 ) •·<1r old ..,mooth t;tlk1ng
<'h.t rmc-r "ho got womN1 to open
th11•r ht>.1rt::. and their ::.avings
.1c-tou nb may h ave talked
himself into 30 years m prison.
That's the maximum sentence
facing Charl<.>s Johnson after he
pleaded no contest to c harges
that he bilked three women out
of $50.000, promising marriage'
..ind wooing Lhem with claim!'> or
being a \H'i.ilthy m•urosurgeon
and an undercovt.•r narcotics
agent who once had bet:n a CIA
Hur J ohnscm nevt>r w<is a doc-
tor or a spy, n\•ve1 married any
3 Inmates
Indicted in
Escape Case
Th rel' Or<.10J.!l' County Jail tn·
mJtes ''ho .illcgedl)' atkmptt'd
10 hrl'ak nut or tht• r.1cihty July 3
'\H'rt' ind1ctl'd on escape charges
th1-. "t•C'k h) I h1• gnmd Jury
NJmt•d in the indictment art.'
Rohert EchHird l'ranc. 29. of
Long Bc•ach. JosC'ph Gonzal{·::..
27. of SJntJ Anu. a nd Larry
Edward Jones, 29, of Pari.1 -
It 1s a llegC'd that the trio
climht'd from the roof of a bus
transporting prisoners to the
nearby courthouse and climbed
to an overhang leading to the
west wall of the jail.
Deputies arm ed with shotguns
rounded up the trio before they
could t•omple t e their a lleged
t•sc i.I pe au empt.
Crane faces the d<.>ath penally
in his scheduled trial for the al
lcged killing of Seal Beach
Jeweler Wayne Golin and the
m u rd er o f Ke nneth Wayne
Cochrane whose body was found
on Bolsa Chica State Beach last
Dec. 2.
Gonzales 1s char ged with
possession or heroin for sate.
.Jones faces Superior Court tnaJ
on armt'd robbery charges.
or the women :rnd paid back only
a small part of the m unt'y, ac:
t•ording to court record!>
Pinellas County Circuit Judgt•
J ames Sandt•rlin will senlt'nce
J ohnson next month on charge..,
of g ra nd larce ny, grand the ft, ii ·
legi.illy calling himself a doctor
and practicing medicine without
a license.
If Johnson can come up with a
plan to m akl· n•s litution. the
Judge hai. promised to grant him
probation, said dl'fcnse atto rney
George Tragos.
Ruth Dillon. a 50-year old
divorcee. s:.iid she m et "Dr.
J ohnson" at a hospital cocktail
pi.irty and within a few weeks ac·
cepted ltis marriage proposal.
She said Johnson postpaned
the marriage the day before lhe
wedding, saying he had been
n amed adm inistrator of a
Sarasota hos pital and net:ded
time to a djust to the job and find
a suitable homl'
lie postpaned it a second time.
Mrs. Oilton said. ll'lling her that
he had not S<'tlled in his JOb and
\\:is l'Xf)ertl•nc1ng p roblt·mi.
building a Sl65.000 homt.• in
Long boat lo:c•y. S hP :-.C:11d !-the con-
t ri hu tt'd more tha n S2l.OOO
to" ard the "dream house· "
J ohnson'!> cap e r was dis·
cover ed three months later
"hen Mrs. Dillon m et his ex·
"He and began to fit the pieces
together. she said
Cathleen Bodker, 62, claimed
s he loaned Johnson SS,300 and
let him borrow family heirlooms
inrluding silverware and hnens.
A third wom an, Beatrice
Jahns of Tarpon Springs. i.aid
Joh nson told her he was in·
vestigating drug smuggling for
the Coast Guard a nd was once
second in command at the CIA
Sht' estimated he r losses at
Sl 6,000 over a four-m onth
Thief Gets $1,820
Newport Beach police a re
seeking a thie f who broke into a
Bay Island home and took
valuables worth an estimated
On the Beach: Read
Of Booze, Bikinis
Through the use of lighting
and unobtrusive microphones
pl:.iced around the· scenes. the
cast and production staff has
created. :it times. a larger than
lift' portrait of F.ither Jumpero
Serra's first pus h into lhe new
land -AltaCahforma
Wright':. script utilizes much
humor and irony to s pice up the
early California history lesson
The s tory revolves around
Spam's attempts to Chnstianiw
<ind colonize the "hl'athen .. In
dians and lhl' nP\\ land
WrighL's script scls up the
t ension from thl' beginning
th<' driv<' ot the padrt•s to bring
Christi•m1tv to thl' arC'a while
s kt•pt1cal soldiers of Don Gaspar
de Portola ;ire convinced the
mission is fruitless
As thl• fai.t pa<:cd production
rnovt·s through the firs t two
ach. the m1ss 1onaries gatn
slrl'ngth through adversity while
th{· soldier:-.. s ick and dytng.
hl'gtn to doubt that thc·y will re·
turn to their homel•ind
Talk of mutiny springs up
Jmong the soldwrs as day after
day goes by and not one "in
ride!" has been converted.
Of courSl', eventually a tiny
baby Indian girl (La Chris·
tianital. daughter of a tribe's
leader. is baptized. The soldiers
nre refreshed a nd assured of
s uccess enough to continue thl'
I rek to Monterey. where a new,
S('at of government is organized
The ptay·s most prophetic
stateme nts arc utte r e d by
Father Serra as he charges h15
companions with the importance
of a conversion while he waits
behind in San Diego with h t'alth
llis two missionary compan-
ions arc alive with the zeal of
spreading the word -whether
th<.· Indians want 1t or not.
Rut F<ither Serra sees a larger
future for Cahfom1a:
"I SCl' grc•ut roads s panning
the.' land from ri.lncho t o
rancho." he tt-lls the m1 s-
sionarit•s. "Pc·oplc moving swift·
ly up i.IOci down this Cahforma in
ccnluril'S to com<.>."
The pageant runs through
Aug. 6. with performances night·
ly at R: 15. e'<cept Mondays. The
sct•ne 1s reached via tht' Cam ino
dt> Estrella offramp of Interstate
5 1n north San Clemente.
The lempcraturt• bac k in the
hills rt'mains comfortable. but
some might wa nt to bring a
sweater or coat.
Admission 1s $4 for adults. S2
for children.
Pageant tickets can be
purchased immedia tely prior to
c urtain time. Reservations can
bt• made by calling 498·0880.
Lottery Win
Has Teeth
DETROrT <AP> -1-'redrick
Dehn is eager to sink his teeth
into the $75.000 he won in the
Michigan lottery's weekly draw.
mg, and the neighborhood dogs
that have been pestering him
bl'tter watch out.
Dehn. 72, joked after taking
the top prize Thursday that he'll
use lhe money to buy a set or
fa lse teeth so he can bite the
dogs who nip his heels during ltis
da ily stroll around his Bay City
''I'll bile the Jillie dogs once.
the biir dogs twice." said Dehn.
a retired electrical compa ny
Beaches. boote and bikinis -
three popular subjects a long the
Orange Coa~t -will be put 10
new per spective in Sunday·s
Daily Pilot.
(SUN DAY'S BEST) wookoc
on the beach, oneo glamorized
in TV comme rcial s. h u
worsened crowd problems con·
sid e rably for lifegua rds and
police. Staf,. Write r J e rry
He rte nstein investigates the
beefe d up enfor cement and
mounted patrols.
Meeni Bikini o wner Lee
Horozsy's secret is that not all
women are created equal -at
least when it com es to fitting lnto
prc-sii~ two-piece suits. Her'
story in You/Your Money.
Richard Bertea didn't enter the
family business until 12 years
after his rather died, but when
he did, he began a solid growth
pattern that a ttracted and won
an acquisition suitor.
Episodes or "Freest yle ... on UP·
coming public television sen es
aimed at knocking down sex and
e thnic Job stereot ypes ac-
complishes Its goals by dem-
o nstratlnll in r eallstic terms
choices avanable for men and
Episcopal cle rgyman convicted
a year ago of homosexual acts at
a boys farm has been deposed
fro m the priesthood.
Dis hop 0 . Paul Reeves of
Georgia took the action ogalnst
Claudius I. Vcrmilye Jr .. who is
free on $20,000 bond pe nding an
appeal process.
He had formally renounced his
holy orders. making it possible
for Reeves to depose him
without a church trial.
Friday July 28 1978 s DAILY PILOT :\ 3
Mayor Won't Quit
Louisville Official Admits Lie, Trip
Despite his admission that he
lied about an out-or town trip
"ith <J female assistant at tht.•
start of a fire f1g htt>ro;' s trike.
)1ayor Wilham Stansbury said
he will remain In office ;ind try
to rt•·ei.lablish his cred1b1hty.
Som e officials. however. 1n·
eluding Gov. Julian Carroll .
have s uggested that Sti:lnsbury
consider resigning in the wake
of a O{•wspaper acC'ount of the
mayor 's secret trip to New
Orleans tltis month
Stansbury acknowledged to
the Lou1sv11lc Courier·Journcil
th:.it he lied about the tr ip He
earli er mamtained he was alone
in Atlanta on 0Htc1al business.
Marv Ellen Farmer. thC' ad·
m1nistralivc a ide who accom·
ponied Stansbury on the tr11>. rt·
s1gn<.>d from the mayor's staff
Thursday. Mrs . Farml'r 1s in her
late 30s.
·'It could very well be in th«
1nlcr<.>sts of not only the city of
Lou1sv11le. but 1t would be in tht-
interests of the Democratic Par-
ty that he slrongly consider re
signing." the governor smd m a
copyn~hted article 1n today's
Count.•r Journal
Stansbury, 55. a PPl'ared
Mayor Stansbury
di.imp-t•yed and somber cl J
Thur:-.day l'\ ening new.., con
fort nc<· in which he .ipolog1zcd
lo his staff and to the publ1<:
Th{· mayor s;11d that hi;-was in
Nt w Orleans with M r'i. Farmt·r
;rnd Mr . and Mrs J ohn II
llawk111s of Louisville when th1
c.·11y':, 580 r.ref1ghters walked off
their Jobs jutv 1.i
"I hed lo protet·t my family
St<.1nsbun s;,11d. .. i don't uffu
th1:. as i.IO. e'<cusc. but .t :.; tht• re ..
:.on for my actions.
'"While it :!' trUl' lhJI rr.~
trf'<hb1htv has been hurt. then
an• a numtx.'r of reoSOn5 \.\ hy I
~houtd continue to st:rV\'. hl
said .
St ;,nsbur)' ~J1d hl· hod a-
scmbled a "qu;1lif1t•d and roo:.
bll•" staff and had started s ever:il
programs and project:;
Stansbury, who 1~ m .. rned. dl'
nied :iny romantic ir.volvcment
"Ith ~tr ... Farml•r. who wtt:. n
cently thvorced. lie s:ud ht.• .1n1:
Ila " kins hctd stayed 1r. one roorr.
.ind the· \ wo ~ omcr. stayed ar:
Mansbun ·~ .ib:-.enf'l• .1l lht•
st art or the slnk<· prorr.pt(.'d somt
cit) alderm1.·n to look inti, pro
rcdure~ for n >movmg .. m .. yo1
from olfict·. Aldl·rrr..1r. ~h<irnr.
W1lbl·r1 s<11d
W J . I kxh?t.·. prt·s1d1'r.I 11f th1
board of ;1lclt·rmt•r., -.;i,d ht ..ip
potnl l'll lour ..ildermt•r.11 ... -.rw<: . ..il
c· om m 1 t t <· C' t r. 1 n v l'-. r 1 g .1 11
St a11~bury's a<'ttons.
Rest While You Work
The fl'llow's name is St(•vc \\'alker <.1nd h<':.
hard at work. dcmon!>trating tht· rl'sttul
qualities of his product. Jle's a hammock
~a iesman and his wares are on dis play
along LJguna Canyon HnC1d bl't '''l'l'f\ El
Toro Road :ind the• Sun Drt•,:?o I"rt•t•w,I\
The hammocks run bl'lwt•en S30 and s.lf\
Choose lrom runv
blossomed basket
or upnglll vonetces
1 Gallon Size
Reg '229
Sole Price $1.19
Australian Tree Fern
Extro·lorge ond lusn sp ecimens Of this
striking rrop1co1 occen1
5 Go11on __....,,-. S•ze
Reg '10.99
Sole Price
-lPresents VAUn \ < .AJlDlM _d
"1Hl <OMl'l I lt1 Sh d NllK'>llO ' J ~·--a e
Woxleof Begonias .... ~ Feotunng over o i>_ e101en olft8fen1 ~ vor1e11es OI 1111s shode 7 gorden tovoflle
Sole Price
4 size 49c Reg 89
An ou1s1onoing voiue on these
lush. Indoor 0t
OUIOOOl lovoflles.
S 'PotSln
Reg. '1999
Sole Price sg_gg
'W:~.!s '7P Olf/!:r;J.ertiJizer tlz.at
• .... c ~ cal/, do mo1t ...
"tor lawns. flowers. shrubs. trees
\ vegetables ona. 1" foe!. 011 p1onrs1
r/~ FeeCIS Oii p1ont lite O llC!'l '01rru1c r,I
/,:.. v1101 nu1r1en1s orCJ •race rr1neroi~
.:-Conioin~ o powertu1 soil pene1rcr1 · ' ~'if ll'or perco101e~ 'he nu111er1• :1'101.cr '.!' ... ~ .. ,; : rare oro CCr'pCC!PO SC•~
l Gallon
Rec). 5.98
Sale Price
Gourmet Shop Closeout
All Prices Reduced At least 'h
Up To50°/o OFF Selected items ........ ...,S...o.ty
0,.. 7 Dwr • w.-7 -4 ""
~ 64,._JtJI , .... SM, '42·4 I OJ
SAU PllC:IS GOOO 1'41U II 1/71
•• ,.._ Lllllllttct .. ltec* ......
-~AN " co: IHI <·O :>
• W't x " ( l LIS 2
11420 IROOKH URS T :o
IH.tf ...._ ..... ef INS• 01.,. F"'J t
"40H 9'3·6771
Or&l 1 DAYS .-.....,..
Coa ting ~ with..;~ T om ~vt'f'\''
Touris ts, Go Bollle
SIGNS Of'' Tiit: TIMES OEPT. -One of our intrepid
photo~raphl·r~ here on the paper noticed something odd
thl' other day about lhl' pla1·ard that points the way to
Corona ckl Mar C1l} and Stall: Beach Park. It had been
Nurrnalh. thnt.':. nothing unusual about this sign up
on EJsl ('oast I llghway It':-. Just one of those regular green
• ind "h1tc• stall· signs that declares, "Corona del Mar
lkach Park" and has a pointed arrow.
Hut our photographer noticed that near the arrow
puant snmt.'l><xi} had plastt•rt.·d up a footnote that instruct
t•d . ··11,oo Tounsb. Bt>yond This Point "
\I.AS, 1:'11 T111i, 'E,\SON of record beach. traffic and
p,1rl..111g t.•11ngest 1o n. s uch .itt1tudes prevail among
11umc'rous n ·:.1dent:. <Jlong thh best of all possible coaMs.
S1m1IJr mt.•<,sagcs. such as "Tourists Go Home ." have
h1•1·11 s potlt.•d hungang out of w1nrlo\.\s along Coast ll1ghway
Ct1t1.\lt1/ /(1•,1dt•111 1n T11p1cal Greelmg to Beach Tounst
in L,1guna Bc·•H·h ;.inti 11n Ba lbod Boulevard on the
'\l'\\ p1111 BalhoJ l'l'ninsulJ
I ntPrt'"' ingly. mo1,t of thel>l' suggestions that citizens
I rnm t•bt•\\ h<'l l' n•movc their bod1el> are found on l>tgnl> £rom
hold" 1ndO\\ :-.. moll· I hulcontl'sor apartments
TO T llE ('0 ,\ST\I, CYNIC. this might s uggest that the
tamlly from L.i llabra r<'ntcd the place for the summer
f'ht•n tht'.V tl1M·ovt.•rt.'d that other visitors were so clogginfil
up thl' rt.•).!wn that lh<·y couldn't get down to the corner
~rot·l·ry for a pack of chl·wing gum.
l1 ~1v1ng laitl out (.'ons id<'rablc Long Green for a couple
111 W\'l'k .. 11f ~un and sc.t, thL·y join the campaign to give
othl'I' tourists the• boot
Wtuch bring" you lo the heady question of Just what is
.-t11u11sC anyway''
11 I Jbandon m y Balho,1 dig'> for a day in the sun up· """"t .et lluntington fl<-u<·h. h<•vc I automatically become a
t11un~l" 111 llunltnJtlon" If ~1 :-.11 ..... 1o n \'teJu rt:'s1dent dnve!-1
"' 1 r I ht• hill lo D;,ina Point Jlarhor dot•s he now carry a
I 111J1"1"t -..tJmp 1m ht., f11rt'h!'<1d " ll1m about lhe Lake Forest
JH·orlt• '-' h111.·11ns1dc•r L<1gun..i 's t\1<11n He a ch Park as TH El R
d1unk ul short:'ltnt"'
1' TRl Tlf. \ I.OT of th1· d,1 \· h1·aC'h v1Mtors who are
1nl.rnd n •s1rl<·nh ln•al our ht'ol'hc•!-. \\Ith a lot more respect
than the· home folk:.
\ l'I ~ ft•\\ l111•w dui:" .1l11ng the beacbfront can be
ltl.i ml·<I on \'1s1t11n, \l11n· llk1·I~. lht•y carry a coast city
11111.: t.11.:
\1111 ,1,, 1111 tht• ~U\ "h" 1rntalcs your l'ardrums "1th
1 h 11 11 .111.,1 -..1111 1 ;uhu tw probubly lives JUSt down tne
111111 k
Prices Soar
Workers Lose
To Inflation
WASHINGTON (AP) -Consumer prices rose 0.9 percent for the
third month in a row in June. as the average worker continued to
lose ground to inflation, the Labor Department said today
The cost of food. housing and automobiles led th e big increases in
prices. which have continued steadily since the start of the year.
Consumer prices would rise
11.4 percent if the trend of the
past three months continued for
a full year. the department said.
The Cart er administration
predicts price increases will not
be a s large in the next six
months and is banking on a
downturn m food costs.
t'tla1rman o f the Federal
Rcsen•<' Board. told the House
Banking Committee today that
his "best guess" is that prices in
the next 12 months will rise
between 7 percent ;md 7.75 per-
cent. l>hghtly higher than the ad·
m1n1 s tr<.1t1on 's 7 .2 percent
"If we purs ue a course that
does not soon contain the forces
accelerating the advance of
pricc•s. the result will be increas·
1ng economic disruption and dis·
$16 Billion
Tax Relief
Bill Backed
Sl6 2 btlhon tax·cut bill is head·
1ng for the House floor and a
struggle to expand it and make
1t more to the liking of President
Carter. who opposes its reduc-
tion of the capital gains tax.
The House Ways and Means
Committee. which had held up
tht' legislation for months. ap-
proved lhc b1 II 25· 12 Thursday
night in a flurry of lasl ·minute
about $12.3 billion in income tax
relief t o individuals. the re·
mainder to corporations .
The mc·asure would cut taxes
by S71 for a s ingle person carn-
111g SIS.000 a year and $160 for a
s ingle p<'rson earning S25,000. A
<'hildle l)s couple would see a cut
t1 f S39 at the• Sl0.000-income
level. S6 at $15,000 and Sl60 at
A couple with two children
would sa\'t' S62 if earning
$10.000. S77 if making SlS.000
a nd $232 if earning $25.000
legislation, including the in·
d1vidual tax cuts, would l<tke ef-
fect next Jun. l
tortion. ending in a ll probability
in serious recession." Miller
testified .
The department s aid the
average worker's purchasing
power declined O 4 percent in
J unc. the second drop in a row
The worker made O.S percent
more 1n hourly wages. 1ust OVl'r
hc.ilf the mcreast.• in prl('C!.
The prices consumeri. pity for
food jumped sharply by I J per
cent last month. and beef prices
continued to spiral by S 6 per
"B EEi'' PRICES th1:. .Jun1·
were 30.7 percent higher than tn
October 1977. when the current
uptrend began." the Labor
Department said.
Th e cost of poultry. dairy
products. cereal. bread. oib and
sugar increased in June. but
prices of vegetables. pork. eggs
and coffee declined from M a.v
Home-ownershjp costs ros<' 1 2
perct>nt in June. as hous ing
prices and m ortgage mterc!>t
rates continued to move up
Electricity costs, which havt·
risen rapidly since January.
climbed a substantial 2.6 per
cent 1n June. the department
s aid . A mail rate inc r e a !><.·
pushed poswl costs up 14 ~r
cent. the first big increase since
early 1976.
Natural gas and fuel oil prices
r o s c mod e r a t e I y . w h 1 l \'
te lephone chargCl> were un
changed. as they have bcl;'n
most of the year.
0.9 percent after ris ing l 2 per
cent in May. rcnccling higher
price t ags for imported auto:.
and recent increases by U S
However. airline, taxicab and
long-distance bus rates declined
in June. and gasoline prices
dropped slightly .
Uespite the generally bleak r<'
port. the department said the
cost of entertainment declined in
June by 0.2 percent becausl' uf
lower prices for sporting goods.
toys. hobbies and mus ic equip
Bat in Band AP Wl,.,.._.
Former President Gerald Ford holds hat presented to him
in Washington Thursd<1~ \\hen· ht: addrC'sscd the lndepcn-
d<.·nt Trueker!'-. Assoc1at1011 Whlll' not y<.•t tossing h1 :-ha! sn
lhc ring. ht· told his aud1cnt·t· "Don't t•ount ml' out " tn thl·
next pres1dent1al c:lec t1on. "Retirement isn't all that bad.·
Ford said. "und I \\1rnlc1 rC'rommC'nd it to President Cartt•1
al the earliest possible· ltml' ·
Mail Strike Hinges
On Meniliers' Vote
WASHINGTON (AP> J\ postal contract settlement that ha~
prompted wildcat w<1lkouts. a rejection vote: by iJ union advisory
panel and a threat of new strikes 1s being sent to 554.000 postal
workers for a pproval
The outcome of th<: rat1ftcat1on vote won't be known for at
leas t several weeks. And. 1ronu:ally. union l('ader'> must count on
m embers to stay on th<-JOb to complelt: ra t1f1callon. since 1t 1s con
ducted by mall ballot
U!'ITIL TH E VOTES an· counted. umor. offlc1ab acknowledge.
lhl' poss1bil1ty of a mail st rt kl· pcr~1sb
Efforts by union leade rs to sell the proposed accord to their
rJnk·and-fi le were dealt a setback Thursday when a committee of
lm·;.il offtc1als from tht.· nation·, largest po!>tal union voted 29-15 to
rl'JcCt the pact.
But the comm1tte<' agreed to let the 280.000 member•; of th<'
American Postal Workers Union dec1dt' whether to push as ide
ckllls for a mall strike and approw the contract
E~1 MET ANDRE WS. president of the APWli. said he did not
think the comm1ttce's vote was representative of the attitude of the
rank-and.file. and he appeared confident the pact would be
ra tified
An aide to Andrews said union leaders believe ther e are only
isolated pockets of resis tance to the contract
Chief objections to the new contract are that the 19 5 pe rce nt
pay raise over three years is not high enough and that a number of
1.1.ork . rules remain too rigid. particularly concerning m andatory
Jf/ omen Aboard Ships
~Problem' for Navy
Comm1tt\:t· s taff c.iidcs said the
seeming d1scrcpcncy of a S6 cut
for lh<' childless couple m aking
$15.000 comes about because
s uch couples arc on the
horderhnc between taking the
;tandard deduction or itemizing
he ir deductions. Such couples
iow r eceive some benefits that
vould not be continued in the
.1<.•w leg1slal1on.
\\ASlll:\(i't'O'I. <Al'I A tc·dcral judge says Congress erred
1n lt'lhng the• i\:Jvv to keep wnm<'n off its ships. although he con·
cedes lhl' Navy faces problt>m'> in pla nning for vessels that will
cJrrv hoth mt?n and women as crP1.1.
Ont' lat<' C'hange given an ex·
cellent c•hancc of House ap·
proval would -in the great ma·
jority of cases -eliminate the
capital ~:um. tax on profits from
the salt.• of a home
i· S District Judgl' John J Sinca ruled on Thursday that it 1s
up to the Navy to d etermine as 1t :.ees flt whether it wants to put
\\Omen onto all types of naval vel>M•ls
Sml·a left 1t for the l\ avy. however. to decide whether "women
m~mh1..·rs should bl' excluded from sh1pboard duties until such
11ml ,b the vt.•sscls arc properly equipped and crew members
prnperl~· trmn<'d to accnmmodatet ht·1r (('male counterparts "
rhe Ni.I\. v had n1l1 mm ed1 atl' com m cnt on the rulin~
With b1part1san backing. the
cC1p1tal gains 1si.ue -a measure
Carter h<ts denounced as giving
breaks to the wealthy while ig-
noring the needs of others -
won out
Ohio Pelted by Hail
Tlwnderstorms Prevail Awng Atlantic Coast
'f'pmperal ur~•
"' LO Pep
.J\IO·J IJU' "& ""'",_ .. ~I
""•"'• ,.
t)11tll1""°rfll "' 60 ..... '& lio~ton Al
E\rf'wn .v111, 'IT
f'UIJ.tlO 80
Ch·c~o 83
C•tH '"n•I• .,
Cl"""'•"n ~
co1umb11 as
0 .. 1 f I W lh 11)11
().fin""' •• l"h(\11 ~~
t4•ten• Q\
Mou~tOf"I .,
J ot •\.,, .. ..
.. •n C•h H
\. '' VrU·• Int
t ~u11 R • ~~ • At.nQ• ' M
·N 1'4!nt1 A<
Mllw•u••·• ,,
~pl ltl I ,.
""''"""" . ,
N4'W C)r1,. tn· . ,
N•w YOt' Al
NorfoO• "° p~ia Coh 'I•
0.,"9tDttl•...., ltG-wth911
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II ,,
•\ ,,
" )'I
•I .,
"" •• \S
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ti •• " !>to
AA ,,
" 10
' ~.·:Ji.~I t 1 ,1:v, ~f ~';;, •1~' fl;,~~
t nm "" 1 Y'Jl'' 1 l''I' ~it ftf '•""~'
,....,, I ... ., t"'ll1 ... ,..,,., I I ' !W
'' ,.,.,, '"' l'v r: .. A '*"" • ~lf'.o•.,tf r "'""-"'r».itl0ttw A1 it'H'
:1 It
" Ol
OmAM a1 M>
Phol~CI Dht~ '14 11 1'
f>f\Ot"f"I• -t()o 8)
PtU\burQll 8A •S Ol p·11and Oo I• Ml
R•no •• ~ 'llcnmond tO n " ~I LOUll ·~ 6J Sall Lo-• 100 1i
S..n Dl•on 80 ••
S..n Frdn l>O U
""'8111~ 7J st
T ut\a 'I& 67
Wotlll11111on "' 7' I) CllLll'O~Nl4
8a-•r\11~1d 10l IS
Frttno 1o.J 70
LOllCO\I•• 100 M
N ... Cllf\ 111 I\
Po'<! RODlh tOO SI
R•CI Rlull 100 10
~c••mt11to •1 » s.,,,. 8a•t>t•• ,. h
SIOO to" •s " T11rrm~1 tOI •1
U~••" ., \J Ba•\IO• 11n 7t
8l98ur ti JI l 1'1IOll .. u
fllY1"" IO'I 17
Calal•"• '° .,
El Centro IOI It
L•UArr~ecl 8• \'I
LO"O euc11 u M
Newport Be.t<ll ,, &\
Ont•rto .. u
Palm Spr1nos IOI ..
S<ln Barnenllt>O 100 "' SonJOte ,. SI
Senta llna 11 ., v.s.s--.,,,
CIHr tlllft afMI comtortaDt• l•m·
'"''•'""' prw1IMM1 ocrou 11\e na· llon '• m ldMctlOn todtlv MOrnlno lotmll9f'MurH wort In Ille
.0. elld 10t wttll tow l>Umlctlly from
II>• Oreel LM.tli lo MOnt•ne. •nd n ••• "°"'" •• ...,_..,"'' Four •mall pl-• •I 111~ t<•nl ~I•'"
llntYUtlty AlrpOtl In "C>•tll .. •t 011•0 ... ,, demeQf(I llOOnd ••PM• Dy ,,,.,,,
Wind\ •nd 118•1 •CCGmf\M1111Q • ll>un
oerslOl'm Tl>ur'ICM• "'Ohl •UO<llU'IO 10 ,,,. •lrOOtl ,,,.,,..,.,
SOOkH,,,.,, G<tM R•llCI•• H id llYt
or t'• oU••r 'm•I• rt••n•\ w•r• oema.,.O ••'9"11y
lhtn • \d 111unotrt11owtr\ co11
Unll'ICI In '"" '°"'" -·~ tllt 4't1a11l1< coesl H•t••n• •••"'•" wot
I" tl\e \/tr91n1ai. and Ille C••ohnu
Ntw Enol•nd Md • ro119t) nl~l'tl
T l\ur"l•v, wltl\ 911Sll"9 winds •net hall trom thundttr~torms SN>w•rs •no o few 1n1.1noersll0wers conlltHH!d
A ltw 119n1 •-rs continued over
Ille Rock ln wlllle • ••• tllun· oers1orms ro<ked wu lern Artton•,
O•OP0•"9 l•roe -nt> Oi r••n •nd k10tn9 upclusl
R81n<!rOCK •Ill kftP 18111"9 OYU
mouf't•ln •nd d•sert •ri!•S tlHs wflektnd, Ille Nallon•I Weatlltr
S..r'll<• w n . but Instead Of cturn,q
ll>e •Ir. IM slorms ore 00!"9 lo °''"9
not, rnuooy oays lo Soutllern
And 111•1 u,,_tcom. l•O·•·long
\moo will br•U too "'''bl•
A1tl\ou911 ttw Sovlll CAN>!"" OiH1t
h M•n•11t-nt Oostrtct Clld not mtl<t
• pr~dlctlon tor S.luroay or Sund•y.
ot IOrtt •>l "untie•llhlul .. conditions
lod&Y In "'°'' lnterrMdlale ••lleys ena tllt low ci.wrts
Les\ •~vere conctntrallon• were
olnpoonted alonq llW co•tt. In Ill•
mountains -ntOll aesert.
wee-end lllOlls will be In tl>e mid to
upper '°'· lllt Weoll\er Service ••Id Tllur•cley's lllOll w•s81.
Huntlnoton 9eKll: Thfft. to five· loot Mlul"-'le+'ly -llS provlo.d
POOr lo talr wrllnv t11ls mornl119,
wlfll lmprowmen1 ••11Ki9d by low 11111111111.ner-
NtwpOfl llN<h 1!-celle111 wt1l1>9
wi lh '~"'•"· to 10 tool soullltfly
\Wlttl\ Poor \wtrnmtn w•re ff¥1'M
10 \IO ••ff DKa...., Of \lr°"9 rio.
fCoaatal Wfnther Jn·
/ormMICn will be found on
Page BIO tod.ayJ
' '
Frida~· NYSE
2 p.m. (EDT) Price
C,, M.•l•hun\ ttll lude tr.O.\on tt'Mt NiJt11 l'U'-. M10wt'\I Pttcrhc P8W ~t0f1 C.-1ron •M (U\C1nf\•l1 \IO<'
• •ll'P\ltn<~ ,..,., ••oo• 1..0 n., "'" M•t1on•t A\\OCl•llonof Se<.ur•t*'-Dt•l.-r\ .ind •n\tlnel
GM Report• Rerord
DETROIT I I\ PI G encr al Motors
h .i s b ecom(' lh(' second US
.wtomaker in as manv d ays to report
r('<'ord second quarter ('arnings But
GM says despite 1ls high gear
pcrform:mce 1nnat1on made the win
mng quart<-r snmcthmll of a loser
Citing J 'vigorous upsu r~c in the
n.1t1on·., t.•<onom y ' \.M .,aid Thurs
c1.1, th.it Us "t'cond quarter earnings
\\NC' $1 106 b1ll1on. or S3 86 .1 share.
on record Miles of $1 7 httlmn fo r th1
1h1 l'I' month~ t.•nclcd June 30 II wu:.
th<' b<•sl cM n1ngs quarter In GM ..,
LOS /\NG EL£S I AP l -Occlden·
llal Pctrolei1 m Corp uys 1t has
d ropped its bid lo t•cQulrc Husky Oil
Ltd CanudH 's largest producer o(
ht'<IV.) Oii
Oxy'!i ennounct·mcnl <'llm<' Thurs·
d.1> ,llmoi;t a month after anothrr
\an<t<lwn fi rm. Alb<.•rt.i Gas Trunk
Lane C'o .1('qu1rC<l 3 35 pcrC'cnt 1n
1._•r er.t 1n Husky which hold11 I 6
n.'llton ucrc'4 of hcuvy 011 rights in
Wc~tern Canadn
Friday July 28 1978 s DAILY P•LOi
Tips Offere d
Swnmer Driver s
Can Spare Cars
Herc are some tips for economical s ummer dnvin~
111 Eight out of 10 people are driving on undennflJ ted
tires This increases dafftcully 1n handling the car <.1nd
hikt•s fuel consumption Tare pressure s hould be c hecked
onct> a week ~2> During warm 1o1.N1thcr cars require engint! 011 th11t
better retams 1L<> v1s cos1ty for mosl curs. that m ean:. ·•
::.1o1.1l\:h to IOW 20W 50 mulugrade 011 For 1>maller curs tht.•
expert advice as multi v1sc061ty such oils as SAE 20W 40
more abuse m the summer check the fluid level with tht.>
engine runmng and the transmission in park Penodu'
Changing Of the fluid and replacement Of the filter IS \\'Sf
prevt.>nl1ve medicine )
( 4 l Check the 1gn1l1on ll ming < an<l rc.·sl'l 1t
nl'cessary 1, distributor points and valve adJustmenh f
e\t'ry tune up
< 5 l Pay t.>xtra .ittcnt1on to :.park plugs 001nt:> and co~
d<.'nser Changl' the air .~
filter and tud r1ltc-r
16> Ha'e the ~heel
alignment and balance
checked A tru l'
runoing tire c reates
less friction and drag.
and also economizes on fuel
(7) Ma ke sure the fan 1>4-lt a nd accessory dr.H' ht'I~
are light and unfrayed and that thl' pulleys are propt r
aligned Melts pulled too tight cat up ~as belts too looM "~ I
break or a llow the battery to run down bec.rnse of rcdulfl
al tern a tor speed or an over he a tang s1tuat1on • ,
(8) I F THE CAR HAS AN ELECTRIC cooling far. )l
may be turned on aulomat1cally by a therrno s witch "h~n
the engine temperature reaches a certain point even 1f t~\:
1gmt1on 1s not running "Be careful whe n you place yot1r
hands on anything else near the cooling fan · says Pulrt~k
Jacquemart an automotive engineer a nd auto racing coil
petition manager at Renault US/\ •
19) One hundred pl'rcent radwtor coolant 1s not lbt
best protection :;ays Amen can Motors i:nganeer Uan~I
H1ttler The best protection 1s achieved with c1 50 50 ,.,1l1<1 Of
coolant and water. he says A closed coohn~ system "1th
an expansion bottle to r <'cycle overflow coolant should not
need added coolant unde r normaJ drwmg conditions no> Dubious batteries s hould be replaced They gi>t
overs tressed m the hot s ummer Just as much as 1r. tbe
coldest wmter
I 11 > A1r conditioning is tough on the engme and or. fuel
economy Being Jud1c1ous m use o( air cond1taonmg wtll
substantially cut gas costs
Hwitington Firm
Branch to Move
1\ Monrovia based branch or Mc Donnell Dou~las Corp
"111 m ove to McDonnell Doug las Astronautics Co in Hunt
m g ton Beach soon adding 700 workers to the s pact>
fac1l1ty's current 10.000
Details of the planned transfer of ACTRON. which iJrtl
duces electronics components. arc m preltmmary staget-
<;a) s Don Ha nson. a s pokes man for the Huntington Beat'h
.. No r eal dec1s1ons havt> been m3de about sbuffl1n~
\\or k around," he said
Hanson said ACTRON designs a nd m anufactures
m icrocomputer syste m s for a utoma ting machine tool-s cid
1s developing other electronic tndustnal products
The e conomic· impact on the west county and entire
county area 1s unknown hut Hanson said 1t!i 700 per!.On
\\Ork fore(' 1s scattered through the centr,11 Southland
manv hv1ng m Orange Counlv
Company offtc1ab hav(' g1vrn McDonnell Oough1s
Astronautics Co s t''l(ccul1ve v1t•e prc<;1dent Dr Btn
Brom berg, an add1t1onal t 1tlt·. ACTRON gcncr:il manager
Ile 1s a lluntington Belich reside nt
~k..,,.an to Acqad re Co'"panfl
Beckman lnstrumt•nt::. Int Fuilt'rton a nd Allex
Sc1enuf1c Int ~;iy th<.'y have reached preliminary un
de rstand mg on neckman s acqu1s1tlon of the Berkeley
manufacturer of hqu1d chrom atography systems
l>r W11lw m F Uallhaus, Ucckm:rn prc!.1den1 '>aid the•
companies have signed a lett('r of intent proposing the c'
change of approximately 275,000 Beckman common c;harl'"
for all of the oubtand1ng sha res of Allex a pri vately held
ftrm The tran~actrnn.
to tw tn•atcd .J~ .1 p1H>I
1ng or tntl'rc~ts ........ uh
Ject to a deflnit1v(' .•c•
<1u1 !11l1on agrel•m1 nl
.lnd .i pp ro\ 11 bv
Ueck m ,m dtrt'\:lor-.
l.1qu1d chrom.11oc
raphy systems analvze chemical mixture-. hy separating
and measuring th<'1r ccinl)ltluent:, Tht' sy!>tems are used to
medical indus trial and ~c1ent1f1c a ppl1cat1on~
Beckman produces analytical mstrumcnl!> :.pc•cialty
chemicals and prec1s 1on el('ctronic componenb
Baher International Gah ..
B aker tntcm at1onal Corp . Orange has rl'ported third
quarter earmngs or 70 cents a share and nine months earn
mgs of Sl 85 a share compared with year earlier figures or
55 cents and $1 50 respectively
The increases were ach1evc'<1 on a revenue 1ncrea~e of
28 percent to $239 2 million ror the quarter and an mcrc.1 .. e
of 29 percent to $655 5 m1lhon for the nine month!> com
pared with $186 5 m1lhon a nd SS09 m1U1on reported m the
comparable periods one year ago
The third f1scnl 197R quarter tncludei. revenue:. of
$12 863.000 and nel income of Sl ,482 000 <before corpor::ile
interest expense! of Energy Services International. :ic
quired on a purchase basis as of Jan l . partially offset by
the d 1spos1tion or the refinery maintena nce segm enl or
Ramsey Engmeermg Co ~ Paul. Mmn
D1reetors have declared the r egular qua rterly cash
d1v1de nd of 11 C'ents cl common 'ihare. payable Aug 25 lo
share holders of record Aui;? 7
Goldf"tl West Reporo Gain•
Golden West llomt's, Santa An.1 htb repor1ed lhal for
the 12 months e nded May 27. the company renhze<1 tht>
highest sales and earnm~s In its history Director~
declared a 16 cent a share cash dividend for lhc fourth
quarter of fi scal 1978 p11yablt• J\ug 2 t o stockholders or
record on July 14
Net Income from continuing operations for fiscal t97R
mcrc au'd 62 percent lo $5 673 000, or $2 58 a ~hare. com
pared w\th $3,495.000, or Sl 00 cl share last year. adJUSted
for the February lhre •.for two l\l<>Ck split Sales for thl•
Y<'ll r rose ~ percent to Sl00,402.000. compnred "1th
$63.388.000 111 foscul 1977
Net Income from continuing operation~ for th~ 'ourtl't
quarter lnc reH!ied 8 pt>r<'e nt to $l.443 000 or 66 ccnti. il
'\hare. compnrcd with $1.339.000, or 61 t'Cnt:s I :idJUS•eo • •fl
the hkc ()('rl{ld 1\ year aao Sales for the> perloo rOSt' 3" (>(.r·
cent to $26.~.000. compared with 519.939,000 la:»t )'ear
~-~~H~~llO_, -.--F~n~~~Ju~~~.1979 ______________ S_iJ!.Orts
Toast of Detroit?
Ricardo Ht>f)PS for Ba1111er Year
Hy ROG 1-:K C \KIA..;o N
Ot uw U••h rt ... •••"
lit• IS ~· 111 ... uhnll't J.!t•ll Ill 11•l.1l I\ I' 11h-.1·1111t \. h111
bt•fur1• ht•':-. thr11111-1h . I 11111-. pl111·1•k11•k1 •r lli-1111 \
H1<•ardo mav r11\cl h1111,1•U lh1· t1111 .. 111t lll'lio1t
Com1wtinJ.! 111 th1• ..... 11111• 1ll\'1 .. 1rn1''1111 1111• 1\1 111
nt'sota \'1k1111-1~ of llw N11 t1111111l 1'1111tlt111l l.1 ·•Hll• ,1
tt•am "'hu·h ha .. '"" "1•11 "llh th k11'11111w 1t.i1111
R1n1rc10 t·1111lll 11•al...,lw:ilh p111\ ult• lhl' 111111 ~·111
Dt•lrmt ha-. lad .. 1•111111 .. ., 1111111\ \t'lll "
HH'.trtlo rt•1•1•11th k11•k1·1I .1 :.i '.11.i 111 Id r1111 I
prwr to .1 1.11111'' -..·1111111111~!1'. 111 1111111111111 111 11tl1• 1
a:-.:-.ortt'ii ft'.1h
A f1t•hl 1-tti.11 or ~11 '.11 II -. m"~ht 11111 •.11111111 '""
\\ tld Ill lhl'"I' ti.I\' 111 !111 phi , 1•1f111 l't 1111 1111 I ul
l1•g1:it1• h•\l·I. 11111 ti 1111"1h1·11·1111·111lw11·tl lit• 11111
kH•I.. fr11m tlw g11111111I. 11111 1111111 .1 k11·k111~: ••' 11i .• 1
.mt! tlw Jll t•-.-.11 11• 111 I h1· N I· I .111 ''hut '.1·11.11 .111
th1· pro' fr11111 I h1· .1111 .111•111 ..
\ l't.\T l\'E Ot' l '\IC H ·t '\\' .1111l l1"1ll1,1ll I""
1h11·t of l'o,1.1 l\11•,.1 ll11:h 01.1111•1• I 11w.1 I 11111 I!• •
. ind !'..111 llll•go !'.l.111• I 111· rill po11111l1·1 1. lu 111 h
prt•:.:.111~: :.'!l~l fltlllllll-. fll 11\ 111~· '"" .111111ltl1·1 1111111 \ "' .1
) l'<f r .1~11" .11ht111: 111 I h1 • I'•" I
It''·'' Ill ll1•l1 otl '. 1\htl11l11111 11p1•111•1 "'''"
K .111~a:. < '11\ th.11 H11-.11 cl11 '' '"' 1111111·11 11111lr-1 .1 1·1111
pit• tl l :!~11i p1111111k1 ' 1111 ,1 k1c•k11ll . 1•1111 .1111: .1
:-.h1111llt.·r ~t'p.11.11 11111 .11111 "11h-.c•11111·111 "II' ~:•·r " 111 ,11
k1•pt him .1 ~1·.11,1\\,1.V 1111111111.1k 11•1: 11 hi~:
11 1~ 1·0111pt'l 1f 11111 111 I Ill' l.11111"' 1•1111111 1114'111cl1 ·
r11ok11· .l1m lll'l•t'l'h 11111 111 I 'ultf111111 11 a111l !'\fl'\,.
M1kt• M:i~··r . \\ho took 11v1·r llll'.11cl11 ··111111 .. ., "''""
h1• w .1~ hurl L.-.1 v1•111
":\I~ lt-1: 1c-..i .. \ l'I'\ \l'I" "'I 1111~: "" I Ill V• "1111•
.I 1111 or llrt 111111 the• hull 1'111' 11111111111! Ill tfll' 111•111 h
:.:ind tl11n11 .,: 1111• 111r "'"'"1111 ''"'"' .1 11·11~:l h1·111 ti 111\
kg:. ...... I~ ... II 11'.ll cl11
\ \' E \It \C ;o 1111 .11 cl11 1•11,tl \I .1 '" 1<-.111 I hr
'\Fl. 111 '1'111111~: .11111 "11 It I ld 1 cu l . 11.11111 111 hew
j.;lllg tllll\11 \lh1•11 Ill '.1'111111)! ft lllllll\ 11 l11'1tl1cl
H11-.1rtl11 \11111lcl 1•1•1 pli·11I \ 111 1 h.11111 • lo .ultl th1 c •
t>t•lllh \\Ith 111' \\l11p hkc• 11i:l1I le I'
11111 1111\I llH .11 tl11 h.1•, t 1•.11l111~t1 ·1I hi" lh111f..1111•
.1 1111 I 111,t '' .1111 111 .. t.I\ lll'.1llh\ .11111 ""''" lh•
111·1•1111 .1 1111•111 I rot 1111 ,c·lf 111111 l.1 .. 1 '•'.11 · .. ".
H11'.11 d11
('11,11 h 1'11111111\ 111111'.pt'lh 111.11li-tlw l.11.d 1111
l.1f..I' 111 .11111\\llll' 111' f..11 knlf 111.111 111 11111 clmu1ll1 Id
• 11111tbl 1111 · 1•1.1111 .. 111 I lw 1\1 Fl .11111 11 h.wkl 111 II '"' h
till' 111 Ill•\ 111111 • \ .il111'1l pl.wt'l111 I« I
11111 111111 ... , .... h .... j'.11111' .11111 i\1111111· ( l.11 k 1 .. 1111\\
I >t-t r1111 ·, lll'.1111·11.lt'h
''"l'I . 1111 •'\111• "" (111 t.1!1111·1· llitl I 11'.111 \ •ook
1111 \\,II d f1, pl.I\ 111;• (Ill I lt1• ll '.111 111 ' ).:ttlllg 11• I 1•.1:
I\ 111111 1111 . 11 .1111 .1111111111 .11111 h.1 \1' I!' II' tilt'
t l.11 111:
\l.1!-.111· lh1 pl.111111 -1111.Ill'-11111' ,,, ''"' lh11'.: ..
I 111 pl 111 \1111111 ot ·'' 1h1 '\11 'lt'.1111 11• lh1• '\Ft
c 1•111 r .d I h" 1111 I· t.1hli h I h1• h,• .. 1 "•II' 111-.-. rt•
t 111 ti 1111111 '\I l '" cp .. d1h 11•1 !Ill'" tit!'"" ti h, rtl•
I<" .II"· I 11.111!1\ ,I lt1111 1•ht1\! \\••rt• "I I h:-.
111111•1 l Ill .di• I 11111' l'lt'"I'. '' ,p f.'. Ill<' \\ 111' lht ~.IP
I 111 1•11 ( 'h q • I h1• h11111\1•1! 1>1' l•ll t").:1'1 ).: O'l''
\\1th th1 "••lllh1 111 ( . hflll 111" ~Ill' 111 lht ddt.:l't't
\\ 01 Id I 1> .. 11>.dl l 1 n11 !>1'11111 ft'fllng •• 1'.•!: 1r1•n'
Ii. I 1 111 I
11111 11, 111111 .. , . .,, h111• p.11 l\111L! J~1 r t-r•t f
.. 11111 111111 111111 .i! .. h. ti . 111 0 ~.11111· '•)('' .•nc 'tr'
h1111 .111 .t\ .....
11' \\ \!'-l ''Ol t.tl 11' t'\ t'I' t!. 11\~WI' tht• -.p1rib
o f ll 11'.11d11 ,1 •llPl •ll'1•11pl :1111,1 Tht r1,l!1r l 1'.~ltr
I 1dc• t 11111111111
"('l..\HK IS UI·: \I.I.\' .1111111'.1111111
\ 1'1 \ dc•111.111cllllf! t'll,11 h. • '.,I\• 1111'.ll tf11
.111il I'· ·' ,,, .... Ht' .dint '" lt. t11111 1!11-.11d1i l\1r i..,,1 '.l' d 13
~1·1· IC H \N l>(l . l'.H!t' f\;
Angels Test Birds' Pahner
Halos Fall Four Behind Royah After 6-3 Defeat
I-rum \P Ui,pat<h1·-.
H \I. 11 \IOH Jo: 'I ht ( '.1h lr11 r11.1
\OJ!t•I-. .,..1111 lion \.i •· 1-: ·" t•1
tht• m1111r1d toni~·hl 111 I ht• fir 1 •11
,1 thr1•1 L!.trlll 1•111 \\it h I lw
ll.11L1rn 1111· 011011 ' 1 1111 \ Ir' 1•1
1·h1p ,I\\ .1.\ ... "·'" ....... ( 11 \ ~ li1111 ~amt 1··111 111 th•· \1111111 .,1
Lt'.1gt11· \\ c .I
ll.1111111111 .. 1·11111111•1 \\1th '''"
J'.drnt'I 11:.'XI
Tht• \11).!1 , .. \\ 111 111 'I\ 111g 111
-;n.1p h.11i.. l111rn "1;.1 df'f• .ot .ip
plit•<l ll\ lh1• \lilv. .111!-.1·1· llr .i\I".
Th11r:.1l.1\ 111~ hi .1 111-., th.it 1·.111
b(' att nh11t1~l to th•· lit• v.1·r-.
r.nrdon 'lhom .1-. .111d \11k1·
( ".11!1\11·11
Tll0\1 \S 1n:1:rEI> ,1 tv.11 run
hom1·r 111~ 1:11 11 111 lt.i<·k th1·
5 1 t• ii <I \ I I 1111 ~.,. t I l .11· ll I .11
p 1 I' h I":! 11 f (.JI rJ v. • II ,, .. I h.
l!n·v. •·r lirt1~ 1• .J lhri•• i•;1m•· l•1
lltJ! .. tr<·.ok ·r h1· ,.,.,,nrl pl.1• •· l~r • ..... r
lllJ.!1d111 \\1lh11111; J'•Hlll" llf lb•
On T\I Tonight
Channrl 5 al ·1:30
lurrq11ni• Bi .-.11111 111 th1· /\1111 111 .011
f.l'.lj.! Ill' f·:;1'>I
Th11111;p, 11..itl 1111! ~'1H 1A.1tl1 '.17
11111 '> h.1t1 1·d 1n 1n11v1·1I 111111 :1
!->1•1·111111 pl.1<'•· r11· with l1-.1mm.il1·
1..11 I' 111 -.11· .11111 ( '.dd111111 .1 ... IJ1111
H;iv l;1r 1n th•· l1·agu1··, h11m1• 11111
d c·1 II\ Thi· lhrt·•· ;111· 11111 · l11 ·h1111I
110 ... 111n '.f1m H11·1•
"II-' L.\RRY .\"I> I at lh1 · <·nd
;11 P h;.itlltng for llH' h11m1· r tm
Tooting His Horn
For Love of Surf
nv 1-:R NIF. ('/\STU.LO
011~• 0•••• Pilot St•lt
l\11h llorn -.1•1·m s to lw rnuking up for lost time.
'I 1 tw .11:1• of ·Iii. wh1•n most surft:rs have long since
h11n i.: up tlw1r wl'I ~111t~. th<' UCLA waler polo coach body
-..11 h d ,11lv 111 lh1· \l.at1·rs off Manhattan Beach and still en·
h·r.., 1·11m1wt 1t 1v1· 1•v1·nts whl•ncvl'r possible.
Th.., wt·t·k1•111I. 111 focl, he'll have a homecoming of
~nrl' "'tw11 lw <'OnlJH'tl's 1n the inaug ural Handgun Bod y
Sud1ng Ch ampions hip:-. a t
N<•wport Beach
f1.,,lf ,,1 tlll' \l'f' v.11r-.1 \.\(•'II lw
111 111• 111.1\1111 'I hom;1.., .,aid
'"" ti 1..111 . I ''" \\Ill th1· HBI
11tl• ·•J'.1111 "' II d•·l1111 ... h "''" t,, 1 ,111 1 11• th• 1111• 111 k rn our
I 1111 "'' I h• 1•
flll \•111
fllf I• .I' 1111 I 11 J'l'I
.1111 11111111.0• "'ho Ilk•·
11111 t llr, IA<• 1 1 l1.111v1·1 111
111 .1 ,. 11 I• ·•I' II• I" ·1111.11 d J 11 I"\'' 111 I'
\\1 It 11111 Ill 111 •1 pl.111• Wllh
111111 l1rnl \ 111 .... 1111111• d11\\ 11 1111r
111 ·1·k-. '1111• , .................. 1111
1!11.,l 1111 W1· ,,. 1•111 t lw rnorn1 ·11
turn. 1111' 1t11v•· 1111' 1111l1·111ta l, lhl'
p1 •1 •,1111111•l ,111d 1111• l'X Jll'l ll'll('I '
··I told 1r1 v \\.tfi· 111 -.pnni.:
t1 .t11lllll! Ill.it tl I 1·1111111 IU~l l!l'l
,111 opp111t11111I\ 111 pl.1.~. hit 250
"'''" alt1111t :.>:1 '1111111·1' .ind dnvl'
111 711 ~fl !JO 1 u11~. mavh1• we
11111ld huv 1i-. ,, l'ondom1n1um
ht· re." Thomas ... aul · .'\o\\ I' H '
got nm• p11·kt•d 11111 · ·
"I 11\U \ Fl·:E l.I ~(, \\1•
\\1111111 \.\Ill tonig ht." llrt·\-H•r-.·
l\la11 a~:1·r C,1•111·g1· B.1mh1·r).!1·r
... 11cl
I p1 oh.1hl\ 'h111lltln I h.1\1'
I h;11 r1·1·l111g .1..:.1 111~1 .'\olan H) an.
11111 th .111 h:i-.11·1 111•1·11 h11n-.t'lr
.111d <;al d \\1·11 h :1~ ht·1·n f;111
I :.-.111· "
I· a Id w 1 ·I I. I ~! 5. was n · t r ;1 n
1 ;1~111· lh1~ 11nw and '-:ttd l;1Ll'r his
a rm •~ t m •d flt• all11w1•tl 11 h11~.
hut ":ilk1·d onlv t\.\11 hultc•r<; ;ind
llSll.1 ll.v kq1t I ht• ha II tlfl\.\ n a~ I ht'
llr1·"' t•r.., n •gi!->ll•n•d I(; putouh on
g rou ndt'r'
R \' ,\N, 5·9. \\ho -.1 ruc·k out
I hn·1· Bn ·\H;r' lo .. uppl.111t Hoh
Fl'llt•r m ntnlh plac·1· on tht· all
t I mt• -.t rtkl'OUt lt~t V. tlh 2.582.
nonethl'lt·~~ l.ici..1·d h1-. u ... u.111\
o vt• rrrn\I. t· ring f;i 'I h .1 II I r'1·
"alkt•d SI\ and <'Olli 1nu.1ll~ ''ii:.
bl'h tnd 1n tht• count
Tht· Rn•\\1'r' took tht· lt·acl 10
<;la~ at 2 0 1n th<· l1r-.t inning on .1
-.rnglt> h' Bohm \ ount. thn•t
\\;tlk~ and .1 ~.1rrtf1t1· n, h' :-..11
B:tndo ·
4 b r h b•
(hdl• \\ \ I 1 I
l •n\IO'll lb • •I I 0
80,to<k '' 4 o t 1
II Jack\on. •D •nu o
Baylor df'\ • ' 1 O Rua1 II • I I 0 Oown1n11 < • O I 0
R Mill~• Cl l 0 0 0 R•ll•nmuna pno o o o
Grich, 'b • 0 ! I
vounQ '" MOntolv ri
OQ•h''"' 1r .,.,,,,. on
l t•1< d"C rt B•ndo lb
G Thomtt' rt G""'",.,. 1b C MOOrt-l
.I b r !\DI
I I ,.
t ti ' J
/ 1111 II
t llt) I
I I I '
t I I ?
I I I ti
4 ' • ·~
lo••·· lb J II 1 tot•" IQ' I '
C.1l1tOrt"1.t COO H)() 00:" t
MtfWtlVkCP 11C C?C oo. 0
E e_,noo OP Ci111torn1~ 1 M11w•u•u t-l
l 08 C•lllO•n1• 1 M1lw•u•"' • II\ ( Mootr
HR C. ThOm,l\ 1131 SB Vounl 1 ~I eanao IP H R ER 111 SO
CALIFORNIA Rvdn 1L S•• ~ ~ • • •
ftt1mon1.. l t " \l 1J 1
Caldwpu 1w ll ~· q 11 l 1 1
WP A••n1 I 113 A 1990
Will John Be a
Reggie!'s Regime11t
lkgg1l' J .•t'kson ''"rm-.. u1• 111 11 ght 111.tcl Thu r c,cl ay wh{'n'
.1 g roup o t hts suppot tt•1 ... r "bt• O< t'UI'' "l':tls hnught bv
111 -.. l';1 111h bar 1·01T'p ;•11\ • li;1l·1< h•m l'I' Thi-.. """ thl' f1r-..1
t1ml' .J;iti..!-011 pl :·~1·<• 11' 11µht ""'<l h1· "~"' macho th~
ll':•m s clt•:-1gr;·ll'd h•llt•r ;1 1111 tht All"'·" g:1m1· a nd
\\<IS Sl!S{Hnckd I)\ fOl fl"(I rn;1r,·p1 ~tl!v ~J .i rtm Hl·
l l'SJ.)Oll<kd \\llP •ol11 ''l"J .. .'l' .. IW!'l1l'f' .incl four RRI m
lht· d oubll'lwacll r
• ID '79? Dodger
llORN. WHO TOOK UP surf·
tnJt tn 1950 whe n he was an 18·
yt•ar ·old lifeguard at Huntington
Bt.>ach. finds him self competmg
against his former Olympic water
polo coach, Or. Neal Kohlhase. in
.iddillon to a pair of world body
s urfing champions in Craig Hunn
< 1977 l and Loyd Me1 ssenburg
!lorn ts the first lo admit hl"s
an old ltm<:'r in a sport domtnal<:'d
by youngst<:'rs but he has bee n m
I.A Pitcher Seeking to Get Three-year Pact
BOB HORN that role throughout most or his
aquatics career
Hr didn't ..,tart. s wtmmmg until he was a high scho<ll
s<:'nlor 1n Whtlllt•r and he was 2R when he played for the
llmt<•d Stull'~ \\-aler polo team 10 the 1960 Olym pics m
"I h url 'iO murh desire and enth usiasm for the sport
th at 1 kt•pt on playing un til I was 32. Most players b urn out
nt 21or 22." he ~uys proudly.
HORN FIGUR ES he still might be a lifeguard at Hunt·
mgton Dc•ach hud he not bcl'n drafted by the Army durtng
the Koreun War
"I was IH bdorc• I ever got down to the ocean so I was
t•ons1dcr('(i tt Oat landt.'r before then." he s ays. "But I "3s
Ml ~old on the .in•a I mo ved to the beach IL was a new lirl'
'ee HORN. Page 89
OllNOall, P1lolSlall
Tht' saJ?LI or Tommy John COO·
.John urriv<:'d at the Anaheim
Sheraton 1 lotel Thursday with ex-
pectations of promoting his new
book a ppropriately na med "The
But sportswriters in attendance
had somt'l hini;i e lse in mind.
nam<:'IV John'" contract dispute
with lhl' f>odJ:t<•rs
J OHN IS CllRRENTl.V play.
m jl out lh1• 'econd year o r u two.
vcar conlrurt which doesn't con·
iarn an option clitU se Thus. he
becomes a free agent when the
rc~ulurscason terminates
What J ohn and h1 '> allornc).
Bob Cohen. havt.> been "<'l'kini;
from the Dod1Zcr:-1s ;1 three )Nlr
contract The club hu:. balked
because of John'' a~e <J5l and
a r m
"I'd like lo hoVl' u th ree year
contract." sutd John. "but I
haven't been oHcrcd unythmg by
the rlub .
"I s till feel I have six ~ood yt•a ro;
In m e I think ;1 th r1·t• ,>t•ar con
tract 1s not out ofhnt• ·
re levunt in a b nM·b<ill playl•r
espt·c1ally for J pitcher What ts
1 mportant. and what m :ltt<.'r'> lhl
most he says. ts how an 1nd1v1duul
Lukes car <.'of h1m self
Gl!\' 1.1!<1· h l llll (',I I ' 1•t
t hl•m .. ~ 1 \ t'' n1l\L•d . '• • 11
John · I \\ork h.11dt·r rlt.:rtl'l~ ll-1
olf ~1·ason tha11 t d<• rlurtr~ lhl
· Look . 1 thL Phlll!e!-. thl }' i:aH·
Jim K ~i:.it ~· t\\-o )ot•.·1 1•onti < l'' .•!
thl• .lgl•Ol 40 ... ht•..,:•!c!
"A m ar -.•thoP runr.N do<~l'l 1
n ·,1C'h ht:. pu•k ur.t:' thl m·d ~C:
Thl n · .. n11 re11!,;0I" a p·t eht r nm t
Jllll'h 1! hl' ta!<t'' c•:111 01 h·m~tl1
Thl 11 .. rt' 1 '" er I:-1 t-,.!J
P'•''.'>t r~ ran t ol. ~ •rlr th1 ..ic-,
Ph~ ... c. • .•g l df•t n r IT'• .1n
('0H E1' Al'IO JOH~ 1-..cl J?l\I r
lht DodJ?er-. unt:~ .. u'> ;11<' Cl'l'!'t·
up with an offer 1t wasn l .i nc"
,., r>1 't·r cft•m •• nd The~ 111<;l want
1·c1 ·t 1T'1·lhtn).! tn u~c a'i" ~u1dcltne
.<'• !u 1 111r•p1·~·1•t1;1tion"
'I ht• 1fr,1dl1nt• dale p<1 ssed
\•: t 1'1't1t ..i 1\nrd from the Dodf?ers.
• ••Y' John
"~H~ tlA \'F. .\ ~1 F.F.TING wt th
1\1 C .1m r;111i... ,•nrl r~·tC'r O'Ma lley
~.111111!.11 \\1· II ~11 m an<l find out
\\ h I 'I h,1p!Jl'llll f)
!1 ·hn "·'' t h•• n11mt"lf'rs ht•htnd
h1:n 111 ... t•;111•1·1 "nn In.,., record
\\ :11' 1 hr n oclgPr., ,.., 71 33 for a
fiW! "inntnJ.? p<:'r rentage. the best
'tn< 1• the Sandv Koufax era This
'<'·•~<·n he!. 11 7 with a 3 59 ERA.
See JOHN, Page Bl --