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1979-01-12 - Orange Coast Pilot
17 t • Jl!:-1;.~..--, •. • -··· ·'DAILY PILOT Dollar Gain Brings * * * 10' * * * FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 12, 1979 ~ 1'. -CS f t U CTIOMI ... f' ... H Big Stocks Rally ,, • .Jo"hn. Wayne Goes Under Knife • Kulik Raised 82 Million? •Huntington Teachers End Strike • 'Bionic Cow' .Ju1nps the Fence U.S., Soviets? ' Teaehers Retur• Huntington Strike Ends Market Rise Sharp By RAYMOND ESTRADA JR. OI-o.lty l'llot Staff Striking West Orange County high school teachers returned to their classrooms today after negotiators reached a contract settlement Thursday to end the walkout that began J a n. 3. Huntington Beach Union High School District board President Zita Wessa said t rustees agreed lo give the district's 867 teachers a seven percent pay hike after July 1 if a state-imposed salary freeze is lifted. Teachers may also receive up to three percent in addjtional pay raises if the school district gets more funds from the state that it received last year. But Mrs. Wessa s aid the school board refused to budge on teachers' demand for binding arbitration in grievances over interpretation of the new con- tract. The agreement includes a series of increased fringe benefits an~ expires June 30, 1980. Mrs. Wessa said more than 400 striking teachers have been granted amnesty from punish- m e nt for their activities. Strikers will not receive pay or fringe benefits for the seven days of the walkout, she added. District Education Association officials. teacher group leaders who spearheaded the strike, hastily organized a Thursday evening general membership meeting to vote on the new con- tract proposal. T e a cher s pokes m a n Bill Bianchi said about 71 percent of the 400 teachers who jammed in- to Westminster Community Center voted in favor of the new contract offer Thursday night. Teac h e r and di s tri ct negotiators met with the state- a p pointed mediator Dhraza Mrvichin during two, all-night contract sessions Tuesday and Wednesday to reach an accord. The turning point in the nine- month-old contract dispute ap- parently came at an emotion- charged Tuesday night school board meeting when trustees de- cided to hold contract talks al <See~. Page A2) That's No Bull Pleas SaVe 'Bionic Cow' GREENSBORO, N.C. CAP> -After surviving a head-on ~-or1 rather, born-on -collision with a car, tranquilizer aarts fired by police, and a leap from a bridge, "Bonnie the Bionic Cow" fin ally convinced somebody she shouldn't end up as 800 pounds of hambur-r. J .B. 'vcker was taking the black Angus to a slaughter house Nov. 14 when she escaped. After eluding police, who said they shot her with tran· quilizing dart , the cow showed ul> on Interstate 85 near Greensboro, damaged a car and later jumped over the side or a bridge when cornered by police. Authorities immediat~l.Y dubbed her the "bionic cow." .. · She showed \)ack up ln S. Clyde Dixoo 's herd Dec. 18. Tucker, who said he still wantecfthe animal slaughtered, finally gave in to pleas lrOlll neigbbon. and said he would spare her. On Wednesday, Mary Hill and 22 others who heard ol BonnJe's plight bou$ht her and trucked her back to Dixon's herd. She Will be used for breedins purposes. ------=--.....__ _____.. - DMty PllOI Si.ff ....... SURGERY PLANNED Wayne Hospitalized John Wayne Undergoes Surgery Today LOS ANGELE.5 <APl -John Wa yne, the battling giant of Hollywood films for half a cen- tury who has fought off cancer and an ailing heart, underwent gall bladder surgery today. The operation began at 7:~ a . m . It was expected to last about two hours, according to BonnJe Whitham, a spokesman for the UCLA Medlcal Center. 1l was not known whether Wayne's gall bladder or Jusl gall stones would removed. But hospital or- ficlals described the operation as "significant." The 71-year-old veteran or Westerns and war tno~le!. c hecked into Lhe hos pital Wednesday for the surgery, a spokesman for bJs film company said. Wayne reportedly bas had a gall bladder problem for some time. A boepltal ap<>keswoman described the Academy Award· winning actor's condition as good Thursday following pre· Umiaary tat.a. ~eHita .. GUATEMALA• ClTY, Guatemala CAP> -a mild earthquake •hook Guatemala Ci· ty overnl1ht 1parkln1 some panic but appareJtly causln• no dama11 or lnj~es. police aald today. Dollar Strength Inspires Big Rally NEW YORK CAP > -The stock market rose sharply in ac· tive trading today. Inspired by strength in the dollar and more evi dence of a slowing in monetary growth. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials climbed 11.26 points to 839.31 in the first ha lf hour. reaching Its highest levels since last October. and was still ahead almost two points after two hours of trading. The mid-morning tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed is· sues showed six gainers for every lo&er. Late Thursday the Federal Reserve reported that the basic measure of the money supply was unchanged in the latest week. T h at unexpect ed n ews represented furtber evidence of a slowing since late last year in the growth rate of the money supply. Many -although not all --economists consider reducing monetary growth a basic re- quirement if inflation is to be restrained. If a slower pace of monetary growth can be malnlained. analysts saJd, it would also sub- stantially ease press ures on the Fed to pus h interest rates higher. The dollar. mea nwhile, chalked up more gains against leading foreign currencies to- day. It rose Thursday on word of the government ·s plans to sell notes denominated in Swiss francs beginning next week as part of a continuing U S. effort to support the dollar. While the dollar rose on foreign money markets today. the Britis h pound s lumped succession under the strain Qf an succossion under the strain of an Kulik Claim economy-crippli ng tru c kin~ strike. Gold prices willed under pre~· sure from the improvement in the dollar, dealers said. Lon- don·s five major dealers fixed the morning price at $216.60 an ounce. down from $218.75 Thur.-. day. In Zurich. the price wc.i!-. S217 375. down from $220 875. $2 Million Raised For Top Krishna? Testimony m the three-week heroin possession trial of one- time Newport Beach resident Ale xander Kulik wound to a close Thursday as Kulik dis- cussed bis seven-year career of financial dealings. Kulik. 28. told a n Orange County Superior Court jury about his big-money dealings which included raising more than $2 million for the lndJa- based leader of the Krishna re- ligion. In addition, he talked of in- vestment<: in a "Bionic Bits" cookie distributing effort along with record album production and his hope to reap huge profi t!. from purchasing and later re- (See KULIK, Page AZ> C~asll l Weather Pope Raps 'Powers' In Global Strife Partly sunny Saturday with variable hlgh clouds Lows tonight 44 to so Highs Saturday 63 to 67. ~ I VATICAN CITY fAP> -Pope John Paul 0 spoke out today against superpowers which he said seek to take advantage of strife in Iran, Cambodia and elsewhere to insure their domination fl'ltr tbe world. The pope told V atlCln diplomats. "We totlow the dramatic events of Iran and we are very attentlve to the news deaUna wtth the Khmer country and all the ':l:!'latlons of So\ttbeut Aala ha" been already to conalderabb' tried.·' Jilt remarks appeared to be a thinly veiled attack on the Unft· ed Stai.a and RUNla. The Polllb-born pope said be saw tM WOrld split "above all by Ideological divisions linked to various state systems," a ref· erence to communism and capitalism. "The .earch for solutlons al- lowing human aocietJttt1 to ac- eompllsh their own tasks, to Uve tn Juati~. ls perhaps the main slan of our times. We must respect everything that can serve this cause wbateveT the re1lme. We must take adv&n· tage ol reclprocal experldatfW"" . ...- However. one cannot traaalorm thl1 mulll>....._h for aolu· Uona ln 1 ~ht.fn1 program to In- s ure power over the world, whatever the Imperialism whlch covers thll stru.rale." • (See POPE. Pase A.!) ' INSIDE TODA~ Whn Ullitora drop m on Ellioore for tM weekend, it'11 by 9lldtr , aaHplone or porachutt Read about theae mr 1port1 Oft Page Cl • 2 DAILY PILOT s f'rldey, Jenu•IX 12, 1t11 Ca dia Falling? Heavy Fighting Rages as Anny Flees BANGKOK, 11\etland (AP\ tlt>av) t1ahHn1 a nd dud C htne•" were r port~d to north-.~tc:rn Cambodaa nt1ar lhe Th~ll border lud•J· but ob· lt•rvt-ni prcdJct<'d &iU o the t'OUll lr)' wm bl-ln th haDWI ot lbe Vletn11mase Gnd lht-lr Cambo· dlun ulUt.'$ t>t-rore tht• l'nd uf tbt> Wt•t•k Tht• VietnJnW:o.t• lm ud,·d <:Am Jon town Sandwiches Drugged? NEW YORK <APl L¥wyer Mark Lunt> 1s ~tng mv~Ugtiled In connt-ction witb a report he failed lo 11>sue warnings that sandwich~ l:>e rved by members of the Peoples Temple commune in Guyana might be drugged, The New York Times reported. The investigation by a legal grievance committee or the As- sociation of the Bar of the City of New York apparently is lbe re sult of an article by Charles Krause in the Wsahingtoo Post The Time~ said Washington lawyPr Jack Sando urged the in· vestigation after reading the story. The report said Lane may have withheld information San· do felt could have pre vented harm to California Rep. Leo Ryan and his party when they visited the cult's headquarters :it Jonestown. A gnevance committee pro· ceeding could lead to a dis bar- ment o( Lane if be is found to have done something wrong. He 1s licensed to practice law only in New York. A spokes m a n for the New York City Bar refused to com. ment on the Times' report. say. ing discussion of tbe matter would be a violation or the slate's judiciary Jaw. The reported investigation o( Lane centers on whether he had any advance knowledge that sandwiches made of grilled cheese, served lo the Ryan par- ty. might be laced with tran- quilizers or other drugs . The IU· socia ted Press has reported that thousands of doses or dan1erous drugs were kept at Jonestown. Ryan and four other persons were shot and killed as they pre· pared to leave Jones town from a nearby airstrip. The shootings were followed by m ass murders and suicides of 900 members of Rev. J ames Jones' group at the .Jonestown commune. Lane was traveling and could not be reached for comment Thursday. But his Memphis law firm partner. April Ferguson, c laimed h e r ass ociate did nothing wrong in Jonestown. "Mark didn't have any inten- tion or letting people die there .. she said. Bandit Hits Bank in Mesa A man who held a hand in his coat pocket as though be had a gun escaped from a Crocker Na· tional Bank branch in Costa Mesa at 4 p.m. Thursday with about $2,500 In cash. Police said the man, about 23 years or age, was the only customer in the bank al 1845 Newport Blvd. when he banded a note demanding money to a woman teller . Officers said the teller handed over the money in her cash drawer and triggered a silent alarm. However. the man. who stuffed the cash in an envelope, escaped on foot before police ar- rived. DAILY PILOT '""°'-toMIO..lyPllfll.••• .. -~ ... - 1>'-0 '"" --.... _. .. ...., t>v , ... °'_ GO•\I Pvl>tl\_G_., S.Mr"'tf<llllon•M~ O<rltll.--· '"'°"°" ,.,~. ,., ,.,. .. ........ -llHcll. _......,. _,.,,_ l•lftV•ll<ry I~ L-IW<M'"lse.HllC.0.1 A ''""'·•~f'Ctll!Gfll•--S.t_ .. _ ...,"4fn ,,.. °''"'liNI ...,.,.,"""9 ~ "., llO w.-1 ft•y\1.-.<:eou-~ C<t••....,.••~ ..... =:-' ..:! =- J•0 11 (-y V1<.tl'r"IOtftl-Ot""al~ ,,,.,,.., ....... lO!ltll!' ,,.._, .. _,..... """' ............. CM11tt l4.~ •-" .... 4\~l\ltM IM .... lfotllll..,.. T~e(71•t~ CIHNflM A~tlnt M24'7t , ...... _a.- •...-0 bodla oe nalma1 D 'I· •n· 1ta1led I Cambodhm Communist 1overnmmt In Phnom Ptt nh. ltle t-apital oa unday Tbt'y cap lured ., m Reap and laid 1tl<'ge to 8attamben1 in the north~ Thursday. ltndln boldou~ of lht' toppltd rtitlme fle•ln1 toward Ole Thal border A Cambodian IQhder who ftfotaPt~ told The1 border oollw .. . Weather Mix Forecaat U you want to s~nd t.omc tlme outdoors this weekend. you'd heller do it Saturday because heavy ram 111 ~XP«ted Sunday. the National Weather Servke said today. A spokesman said this morning's light drizzle isn't expected to continue. lo fact, some sunshine is expected Saturday. Sut on Sunday a new storm i.s likely to move lo, the spokesman said. He said forecasters are still not sure exactly when lhe rains ~u hit. Tem- peratures are expected to re m a10 about lhc same. Masked Thugs Roh Eatery Two men wearing ski masks held up the Picnic 'N Chicken food ouUet in Costa Mesa Thurs· day night, escaping wilh about $700. Employees told investigators the two men. one carrying a knife and the «her a small re- volve r. ordered the manager to remove money from the cash register and a floor safe. The men. who escaped on foot. had ordered employees to lie on the floor of the t ake -out res taurant. at l31 17th SL • dur- ing the robbery, police suid. f"ro•P~AI STRIKE. • • midnight. Mrs. Weua aatd teachers have agreed to acce pt the grades glven to students by nearly 550 s ubstitute teachers who m anned classrooms during the wa lkout. Substitutes were paid up to $80 a day. School district spokesman Lyn Henderson said as many as 518 teachers failed to show up for work at various times durin~ the strike. Some s aid they we re all. Hundreds of students staged brief walkouts o( their own to protest the absence or their regular teachers at campuses in Huntington Beach. Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach. No major violence was report· ed during the strike but one man was arrested in an altercation involving picketing teachers. Some substitute teache rs were bused to district's seven cam- puses as a preca utionary measure. District officials said rocks were thrown at the buses on two occasions. No one was hurt. The new contract wlJl raise the average salary of teachers in the district from about $19,000 to $20,000 a year. The agreement includes a no strike clause aimed at averting another walkout. Teachers had been worldng without a contract since July 1. 1978. ~rrlal Gov. Marvh! Mandel of • Meryland bu WQ!' a new trJaJ on federal raclceteertng and mall fraud charses. He has not decided whether or not to return to office and serve out h1I eeeond term, which eods Wednaday. I t..a vy lllhtlll1 wu &tA U 10 "' on 1lon1 the ...Oad from B•tt•u:n· bani lo th Thal fronUer and th t he bad &<!en many dead Chlncm1. About 600 Chln«tff 3d· vbc!ra lo the faUtio aovernmeot bad bt-o r ported lo lbo area ~Ing transit throuah Thailand lo Pek(I'\& VlelnameR tanks and lnfan try wtlre reported mo~tn ilk>cl& the hi wa rrom • ro1d fu'nctroo some miles from the T bul border ln tt>lh1ence sources s aid large numbers of Cambodian •nny ~ldieNI had Oed lo the border ar~a About 20 Vietnamese t.anJca and an unknown number of troops or the new Cambodian government were sighted earlier l:>Outh or Poipet, the main border crossing point. and the Thai gov- ernment sent troop reinfor~· ment.s Lo the area ui case the fighting spilled over the border and to prevent defeated troops from entering. Howeve r . the Thai govern· ment said it would graot transit to top officials of the fallen re· gime, and on Thursday, two Thai helicopters whisked former Deputy Premier Ieng Sary. hls wife and daughter. former Social Action Minister Khieu Thlrith and seven others from Poipet to Banakok. They were fmmediately flown to Hong Kong. and a motorcade took them across the border to- day to Canton. where they could catch a plane for Peking. The fate of former Premier Pol Pot and former President Khieu Samphan was not known, but the latter a nd about 500 other officials of the old regime were reported to have asked Thailand for transit to China. Thai and Western intelHgen« sources say the Cam_bOOian blitz was pulled off by anestimaled 100,000 Vi etna m ese troops, backed by tanks. long-range artillery and squadrons of jet fi ghters and bombers. and that most of the mopring up was done by the rebe Cambodian Com munisl organization that Hanoi sponsored. the Kam- puchean United Front. Burglar Gets $13, 700 Loot A Costa Mes a woman told police late !~day that she had JUSl ret~ed home from a two-day trip to discove~ s he had lost a mink coat and jewelry to burglars. Shirley Fleurant reported the total value of the knee-length silver mink. four diamond and gold necklaces and a diamond watch as $13.700. Police said entry lo her first floor apartment apparently was m ade through an unlocked wtn· dow. The possessions were taken from the woman's bedroom. of. ficers sald. FrotaPageAJ POPE ••• Besides Iran and Cambodia, the pope restated Vatican con- cerns about the situation in Lebanon, "a country shaken by hatred a nd destruction ... Northern Ireland and the Middle East. Noting his recent efforts to un· tangle the feud between Chile and Argentina, the pope said the Vatican was always ready lo act as mediator in International dis· pules. The pontiff. in an apparent reference to the communist world, also appealed for greater religious liberty. ·'The situation concerning re· 11gious freedom leaves so much lo be desired, when it is not en· tlrely deplorable . There are even anguished cries asking for aid or help which the Holy See cannot ignbre, • · he said. Speaking two weeks before his departure for Mexico. his llrst trlp abroad, lo attend the thJrd Latin American bishops• con· ference, the pope vowed lo ac· compUsh this mission also to other nations since so many similar invitations have already been presented." The pope has already received requesta from French bishop& to vtslt the shrine ot Lourdes. from his old archdiocese or Krakow for a piJgritnage to his naUve Poland l8tel' thla ~ar. and rrom Egyptian president Anwer Sadat to visit and pray on Mount Sinai. Gun-prison Bill Approved SACRAMENTO <AP> -The LecJala\ure la movtn.c 1wlftJy to dote a loophole fouad by tJ\e state Supreme Court In Callfomla 's "Uae·•·aun, 10-to· priaon" 1aw. 10n a uaan1moua, n.o vote TburtMy, the Senate appt'OYed a blll aimed at saUlfYlnl a blah COlJrt~ wtUdt Hai la.. IO- called Tanner law did not cOm· plete1}' ruSe out probation ln eer- taln 1WH'Cllled crl m•. ,. It's a Bird, It's~ Plane. • • It's Johnny Carson pulling his own spoof of the new Superman craze As Clark Kent. he goes into a phone booth and emerges as .. Wonder Woman? Viewers wall see th(' sketch on tonight ·s Tonight ~how at 11 30 on NBC, Channel 4. Chicanos 'Fire Bomb' Mexico President's Staff Reveals Study SAN DIEGO IAP) -A study pre pared by a mem ber of Mex- ican President J ose Lopet PortiUo's advisory s taff calls Mexican-Americans ··a poten- tially destructive time bomb that could a ffect Mexico as much as the United States if al- lowed to explode ... the San Diego Union reported today The Union quoted a study by Dr. Ser~o Bribiesca. an expert on Mexican-American relatioos and publisher of El Sol. an Agua Prieta. Sonora. newspaper. Bribiesca is a member or Lopez Portillo's advisory staff but in an intervie" with the Union. be stressed that hil> study was not prepared for Lopez Portillo and is not tl\e Mexican governnli!nt's official stance on Mexican-Americans. He said his report is to aid Americans, Mexican-Americans and Mexicans in unde rstanding problems faced by both nations. Among conclusions reached In the report a re that mutual respect and honest cooperation "are the only way to avoid the possibilities or outside enemies to exploit and uliJize. against both countries, the bitterness and resentment of Chicanos. with the intent of making them a filth column or a time bomb to act or explode." The study said the number or Mexican-America n activists is growing. mainly along the in- ternational borde r . a nd that Mexican-Americans. as we ll as their influence. are constantly in creasing and s preading to other areas or tbe United Sta~ from the West and Southwest. Bribiesca wrote lhat Mexican immigrants to the United States lend lo be from the lowest social and economic strata and as a re· sult "all of Mexico is thought by many to be inhabited by semi· barbaric. dirty. resigned field hands predisposed lo economic slavery and grateful for humilia- tion." Mexico's "dJrty border towns or villages a re . to a· large degree. responsible for the in- f erlorily complex of Mexican i mm lg r a nts in the United States." the publisher was quot· ed as writ.In~ m his studv Bribiesca noted that Reyes Ti- jerina or New Mexico and Cesar Chavez of California . among other Mexican American ac- tivists. are .. engaged 1n tht> Clrst publicly visible forml:> of protest against the powerful. painful and damaging IOJU!>tices com· milted against the poorest and least educated Chicanos ... He said that apparently ··we have seen only the bcgiMmg of this phenomenon ... The Uruon said Bribiesca ·s ob· ser v:it1oru; about increasing ac· tivity on the part ot Mexican· American activists are s uppor1 ed by a conlidentiul Pentagon intelligence study warning of tn· treas ing association)', bet\\l'Cn radital and Me~1can-Amentan activists and leftist Mexican guerrillas. The common <'Oncern of holh groups, according to the Pf'n· tagon report . centers on thf• treatment of illegal Mex1c.in aliens in the United Slates. the Union reported. State Red Tape Mesa 'Frustrated' With Freeway Job By MICHAEL PASKEVICH Of IM 0..IY ,.,IOI SUH Costa Mesa Vi ce Mayor Arlene Schafer says s he is "frustrated" with the steps the city must go through during a two-year en"1ro11mental impact report on the proposed extension or the Costa Mes a Freeway 1Route 55 >, CalTrans will begin the study. and a new sen cs of publi(• htar· ings a nd possible surveys. in F ebruary But Mrs. Schafer was not en· f'rot11PageAI KULIK ••• selling a $300,000 home at 22 Lin· da Isle. But when pr essed by Prosecutor Ron Kreber. Kulik testified his chief financial deal- ings were in the buying and sell - ing of jewelry. Kulik. also one of seven defen· dants in the murder case of Fountain Valley drug dealer John Stephen Bovan. was found in a borrowed car an October 1977 with I.I pounds of heroin. thus1astic whe n she reviewed a procedure outhne during a coun- c il study session earlier this week. "I was frustrated when J read it." she said. ") can't believe It. It's Just my opinion , bul it seems we're regressing." She noted that much of the procedure wtll s imply be a rc- h a s h o f information th a t already has bffn obtained The $200,000 EIR will include study of nine alternative route::. for the proposed rreeway ,., tension from about Mesa Drr vt· into downtown Costa Mc5a. Stale Transportation D1n-etor Adriana Gianturco's guideline:-. require consideration or people move r systemi.. dial-a -ride or expanded bus or rail service a~ a lternatives to freeway con· struct1on Whe n CalTrans begins work in F e bruary. a s urvey o f motorists and property owners may begm to determine what they reel are the problems - and possible solutions -to the current freeway problem. City Public Ser vices Director Bruce Mattern said the El R should be completed in about two years. WHEN TIME IS OF ESSENCE WE'RE CAPABLE OF BEATING THE CLOCK There ·s afwsys a general urgency about gettrng carpeting ms ratted, but most custo'"'6f'S will allot a reasonable amount of tlfne. However. wnen mere 1s a rush, we can accommod1Jte those requmng immediate servie6. wtthoot sacnficlng Alden's ng1cJ standards of competentcy. Unle~$ them is s problem obtaining a ~?«Ifie color or pattitn. you can count on fast service from Alden's and we maintain a large inventory to fac1/1tate delivenes. °"" DEN'S :iiisiiilitiiin: ·custom draperies linbleum • wood floor • 1663 'lAClNTIA AVENUE • COSTA MESA. CAllf 9'16'17 ' PHONE 6 .. 6 ... 838 -646 1355• Orange Coast ' EDITION Your Hometown Dally Newspaper VOL. 72, NO. 12, • SECTIONS, .U PAGES ORAN<(E COUNTY, CALlfrORNIA N TEN CENTS Pope Hits U.S. Soviets Share Ire in Speech VATICAN CITY CAP> Pope John Paul II iochrectly accused the Uruted State and the Sovtet Union today or exploiting re· gional conmcts .. to ensure Power over lhe world." The PoUsh·h<>m pontm. speak· mg in French m an address to the dlplomaUc corp , expressed particular concern over the turmoil in Iran and the Vlet. namese conquest of Cambodia. Although he did not single out indlvldu&l countries, it was clear he was rererring to superpower rivalry when he said the world is split "by ideological divisions linked to various s late systems •· "We follow the dramatic events ol Iran and we are very attentive to lhe news from Cam· bodia and all the populaUons of South~ast Asia who bave already been so tried," the pope said. The United States has backed Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in Iran and baa warned foreign gov· ernments not to interfere in that country's Internal prob· lems. Russia backs the Viel· namese and the Cambodian rebels who ousted the Cambodian regime last weekend. ··one cannot transform a search for solutions into a fight· ing program to ensure power IAmg Operation Wayne in Surgery For Gall Bladder ............. UNDER THE KNIFE Newport'• John Wayne LOS ANGELES (AP) -John Wayne. the battllng giant of Hollywood films for half a cen· tury who has fought orr cancer and an ailing heart, underwent gall bladder surgery today that took much longer than originally planned. · The operation began at 7: 45 a.m . and was expected to last about two hours. according to UCLA Medical Center spokeswoman Bonnie Whitham. But Wayne was still In the operating room four hours and 15 minutes later, and Miss Whitham said, "the word ls at least three or more hours of Sur· gery will be required." "The only thing we know is what the operating room ls tell· inc us. The doc.Col' knows, but be isn 't saying," she added, wtMm asked about. poaible complica· t1ons. She bad said earlier; ''to our knowledge, there are no com· pllcations." "There are so many variables, <See WAYNE, Page A2> Mesa 'Frustrated' With Freeway Job By MICHAEL PASKEVICB Of -o.11, Pleet SWff Cos ta Mesa Vice Mayor Arlene Schafe r says s he is "frustrated" with the steps the city must go through during a two-year environmental impact report on the proposed extension of the Costa Mesa Freeway <Route 55). CalTrans will begin the study, and a new series or public bear· ings and possible surveys, in February. But Mrs. Schafer was not en· tbusiastic when she reviewed a procedure outline during a coun· cil study session earlier this <See FREEWAY, Page A2> · Beflllet Saves Lite over the world," the pope said. "Searching for justice is the main sign of our times." He listed respect for human rlabts s the biggest world problem and said it requires ''concerted action by govern- ments and all men of good will." The pope called for a global errort to deal with the problems of nouriabment, health, interna· tional economic cooperation, arms reduction and the elimina· lion of racism. The SS.year-old pontiff again expressed concern for Lebanon "a cowitry torn by hatred and destruction '' -Northern (See POPE, Page AZ) Market Gains Sharply I NEW YORK CAP ) -The stock market rose sharply in ac· live trading today, inspired by strength In the dollar and more evidence of a slowing in monetary growth. The Dow Jones average of 30 Industrials climbed 11.26 points t.o 839.31 in the first half hour. reaching its highest levels since last October. and was still ahead almost six points after five hours of trading. The mid-morning tally of New York Stock Excbang_e-lisled is· sues showed three gainers for every loser. Late Thursday the Federal Reserve rep(>rted that tbe basic measure ol the money supply was unchanaed in the latest week. That unespeeted news repraea&ed further eridence ol a slowtns aince late last year in the growth rate of the money supply. Many -although not all -economists consider reducing monetary growth . a basic re· qulrement if infiation is to be restrained. Ir a slower pace or monetary growth can be maintained, analysts said, it would also sub- stantially ease pressures on the Fed to push interest rates higher. The dollar. meanwhile, chalked up more gains against leading foreign currencies to- day. It rose Thursday on word of the government's plans to sell notes denominated in Swiss francs beginning next week as part of a continuing U.S. effort to support the dollar. Gold prices wilted under pres· sure from lhe improvement in the dollar, dealers said. Tow truck OJ>Crator Bob ~ worl!P.near Daniel J . l!!lland'1 fallen, motorcycle after it collided with a car at the intersection or Newport Boulevard and 16th Street lo Costa M a at 7:35 this morning. Officer Tom Twellman .(riaht> said Elland'• helmet., cracked In the colllslon, probably sand hla llf e when he new off bl.a blke. hit the car roof and bOunced to the pave ' Elland, 2915 BUeOft Sti, NeWPort Beach, la reported In stable condJtlor\ at Hoa1 Memorial Hoepttal. Re suffered bead and po11lble internal lnjurlet. cuta and a broken leg. Car driver Mrs. Kutee Bolton Brown, 46, Santa Ana, Wllll't hurt, Police uld. ' It's a Bird, It's a Plane ••• It's Johnny Carson pulling his own spoof of the new Superman craze. As Clark Kent, be goes into a phone booth and emerges... as. . . Wonder Woman? Viewers will see the sketch on tonight's Tonight show at 11 :30 on NBC, Channel 4. Oemente Factions Serond 'Bird' • • Nest Built Wrangle at M1dn1ght By Jokesters By ANNE COOPER Olll•IMllY ... MtSc..ff Three feuding San Clemente city councilmen confronted one another al midnight Thursday in a deserted parking lot, where supporters of Councilman Howard Mushett set up an alJ. rught surveillance of a shopping complex owned by Mayor William Walker. The emotionally charged mid· night showdown, to which city police were called by both aides, Is the latest in a series or bizarre incidents leadi"8 to a Jan. 23 re· call election in the city. Mushett, Walker and a third City Council member, Walker ally Donna Wilkinson, face possible recall following months or hostilities between the two warring political factions. Thursday's wrangle original· ed with requests Crom Mushett of the Ilona Lisa Gallerys, local· ed in a rear POTlioo of the El <See FEUD, Page A2> Teachers' Walkout Emb in Huntington By RAYMOND ESTRADA JR. OltMDeilY l"li.tSUff Striking West Orange County high school teachers returned to their classrooms today after negotiators reached a contract settlement Thursday to end the walkout that began Jan. 3. Huntington Beach Union High School District board President Zita Wessa said trustees agreed to give the district's 867 teachers a seven percent pay hike after July 1 if a state-imposed salary freeze is lifted. Teachers may also receive up to three percent ln additional pay raises if the school district gets more funds from the state that It received last year. But Mrs . Wessa said the school board refused to budge on teachers' demand for binding arbitration in grievances over interpretation of the new con· tract. The agreement includes a s eries or increased fringe benefits an~ expires June 30, 1980. Mrs. Wessa said more than 400 striking teachers have been granted amnesty from punish· ment for their activities. Strikers will not receive pay or fringe benefits for the seven days or the walkout, she added. District Education Association officials, teacher group leaders who spearheaded the strike, hastily organized a Thursday evening general members hip meeting to vote on the new con· tract proposal. (See STRIKE, Page A2) "I '11 get 'em one of these days," said a Newport Beach boat owner after finding out a supposed osprey nest that turned up in his mast actually was built by three jokester friends. Richard Chewning of Lido Isle chuckled as he noted that "fo• years it's been a game of one up- mansbip" with fellow Newport Harbor Yacht Club sailors Ben Miller, Bob Hitt and Jim McFadden. Tbe three fmally admitted to him um week that tb.ey 'q con· structed &be aest int.be mast of his boat, the Kanola, out of chicken wire, straw, twigs "and chewing gum, I guess," be said. The nest created a stir because officials or the State Department of Fish and Game tt\oujlht at first it might be another osprey nest. An osprey created quite a stir last fall when she nested in a ship's mast in the harbor. Since no osprey eggs have been hatched in Southern California in 50 years. the department ex- pended great efforts to move the nest onto a safe piling. The osprey has remained in the area, although no eggs have been spotted yet, and officials thought at first she muatt have built another nest on theKanola. Officials showed up to look at the nest after learning it was a hoax. Chewning said. "They ertjoy a joke too," he said. "They bad a good laugh out of it." Chewning said he '11 tear the nest down the next time be gets ready to sail. Coast Land Surveyed A team of experts assigned to their task by the National Park Service was on lhe way back to headquarters ln Denver today after a survey or Orange Coast land that bas been suggested for inclusion in the national park system. The three-member team left the Hotel Laguna in Laguna Beach for home after meeting with state, city and county of· ficials on the possibility of con- Weather Mix F oreca1Jt . U you want to spend some Ume outdoors this weekend, you'd better do tt Saturday becauae heavy rain is expected SUnday, the National Weather Service Mid today. A 1&><*eaman aaid this mornln1'1 llaht drl11le 1111 't expected to eont.lnue. In fact, IOl'De 1unablne 11 expected Saturday. .._ But on &mday a new storm Ja likely to 1n<>v• in, the Q>Okelman wd. Ha lakl tone.....,. art · 1Ull DOl IUN exactly when tbe ral• will hlt. Tem· peratww an ex~ to ,remain about tM aame. verting several thousand acres of coastal terrain into national park acreage. Project manager Frank Collins refused to discuss the nature of lithe talks the U.S. Department of the Interior team held with local orricials. "But these are early days." he commented. ..We are nowhere near the stage at which we can offer some concrete proposals or clearly define the exact acreage we have in mind." · Collins said lhe survey team led by team planner Frederick Babb bad been looking at "acreage stretching from north of Laguna Beach to 1ust below Newport Beach." He said no assessment or the acreage in terms or its being Judged swtat,le for national park territory could be made before February "at the very earliest." Colltns said hts team has already discu.saed the national park propoeal with omclals or the lrvt.nc Company owners of much or the 10-cahed -irvlne coast. He refused to dls~ui.s the rcac· Uon o tbe Iry:ine_Comp.any _to the partt proposal. "We have t.o meet ltaln," ~Hid, "and Jt'a much too early for them to talt any kind at firm stance at this ata1eoftbe11me." ColUns ta.Id the national park l>f'01)0tal WW Underao rurther tn· tenalve 1tudy "at all levels" between now an d May when bis department Is scheduled to send its recommendation to Congress. "I'm sure that there are many loca1 organizations that will wish to be heard in connection with the proposal." he said. <See PARKS, Page A2) Coast Weather Partly sunny Saturday with varlable hlgb clouds. Lows tonight 44 to so. Highs Saturday 63 to 67. t -- A.J DAii. V Pll.Of C/N llrtd•X· Jenu!!X I 2, 1111 Ca dia Falling? Heavy Fighting Rages cu Arniy Flees RANOKOK. 1'hail"-od 1AP1 H ~avy l••hllna aod dead Chin H wtre reported i n nortbw tern Cambodl• near th Thai border l0cla1. but ob-M'rvers pncticttd all 01 UM ~ &ry wlU be ta lbe hands ol U. Vietoameee and &Mir Cambo- dian •W• ~tote t.N ~od ol t.bo Wffk. The Vietnam Invaded Cam- bodia on ctu"latmMI Day. ln· stalled a Cambodian Co.mmuruat 11ov rnment ln Phnom Penh. tM raplt•I. on Sunda,y TN1 up. lured SJem ~•.P and l1Jd aJeae to BaUambana ln the northwest Tbunday, sendlaa holdouts ol U•• toppled retlme fie hit toward I.hf Thal bord\'r. A Cambodian 101lder who t!Sl'I ped told Thal hordc-r polk heavy tlPf.tna WU aUU IOlf\ll on aloni OM road from Bauam bHI '° the 1b1l fronU r •nd th1t he had soen many d ad ·Chin About 800 Chi Id• vaaera to lhe fill n 1<>vemment bad bt«l reportf'd in th lnta Mf'lilln1 tranalt throuah Thallamd top kl.nl Vl•lNmett t•nb and tn.te- lry w Nt reporte!d movlnr: one the hi w1 from Sito n. 1 road ~ctf on tome 3 mll 1 from the That border. In· lelll1•nc. toureea said l•r•• numbers of Cambodl•n army t0ldler• bod nec1 lO the border 11reu About 20 Vletn1mese t•nb and an unknown number of troop1 ol the ne.w Cambodian aov•rnment Wett 1l*'1ted earlier IOUth ot Po«pet, the maln bordeT croulns Polnt. and UM Thai iov· trnmeDt tent troop reinforce. ment.t to the area ln eate the t11htlnf apUled ov~r ~ border and to p~vent dofeated troops trvm m&ef1.n&. However, the Thal govern· ment 1aid It would grant transit to top officials of the Callen re· glme, and on Thursday, two Thai helicopters whiaked former Deputy Premier Ieng Sary, bis wife and daughter. former Social Action Minister Khieu Thlrith aod seven others from Poipet to Bangkok. They were immedJately flown to Hong Kong, and a motorcade took them across the border to- day lo Canton, where they could catch a plane for Peking. The fate of former Premier Pol Pot and former President Kbieu Samphan was not known, bul the latter and about 500 other officials or the old regime were reported to have asked Thailand for transit to China. . . . . . ' THIS 18 WHAT REMAINED OF SANTA ANA YOUTH 'S CAA AFTER NEWPORT CRASH He Waa Slttlng In It Beside MacArthur Bou1evard, Waiting tor OH Yt ndn Coltlslon Occurred Man· Held After Crash A Newport Beach man was <1r· rested today on suspicion of drunk driving alter be allegedly rammed a parked car, injurin~ its occupant, polJce said. ' Wesley Julius Webostad, 46, of 2435 E . Coast Highway. Corona del Mar, was released on hls own recognizance following the accident shortly alter midnight on MacArthur Boulevard north or San Joaquin Hills Road Oscar Rick Duran Jr., 20, of Santa Ana, who was siltlr • in his car on the rignt shoulder after rwuung out of ~as, was treat"d at Hot I( M .. mo rial Hos: .,ti for he .. d and ch .. >l pains. police said, but waso'l hospitalized. Police said a pa!!senger in Webosta'1's car. Ruth Deck .-t.. 56, of Santa Ana. wa:.n't injured. They said the accident oc· curred as Webostad was north· bound and allegedly swerved. on- to the shoulder. striking Duran's car. Webostad's car then wen• out of control and cros::.e~ MJcArthur Boulevard. comin• to a halt at the west edg.: in th~ southbound lanes. Police said the accident was witnessed by friends of Duran's he had telephoned after he rara out of ga::.. Iran Mob Storms Shiraz Streets TOP SUPERVISOR Sgt. Reed Glo~n OFFICER OF THE YEAR Ron Rodgers Newport Beach Law OffiCers Honored A police s upervisor and a patrolman who helped recover more than $500,000 in stolen property have been named by the Newport Beach Police Depart- ment as superviaor and officer or the year Supervisor of the Year honors go lo Sgt. Reed Gloshen, 36, a 125-year veteran who began his law cn!orcement career with the Los A#geles Police Depart. ment. He joined the Newport Beach Police Department in 1966. Gloshen, who s upervised a s mall gh>up of officers on a s pecial unit during 1978 to con- centrate on current and ooten· F,....P,..eAJ WAYNE ••• lhis might be normal," she said. "The gall bladder ls considered major surgery " Wayne's thr« sons, Michael, Patrick and Ethan, and other relativet and friends were standing vlgil at the hospital. The hospital switchboard was deluged w\th calla from well wiehen. "At. times It's been over· whelming," 1ald Bernard Strohm, hospital administrator. "So many crazy ladies have been calling it's amazing," aaid Miss Whitham. "~hen we had Freddie Prime here. we had a lot of calls from adolescent girls. Calls today are from SO-and 60-year-Old women. They JUSl want to say they're 1>raying lor the Duke and love him." Flowers also began a rriving at 1 he hospital this morning. Strohm said Wayne would be hospitalized about five to seven days. Patrick Wayne said his father was in "good spirits" when the family g:ilhered Thursday night and again prior to the early morning operation. OAANO! COAST DAILY PILOT '""" Or"'Wlf (°'"' Olftw Pt\04 w1tf\•""" l\C~ fUf\rd tM N~\ "O'Ut'lilh Nd b't tN>O..~ ,,,,..,, ,,VO'tVMleC..,,...,, ~ ... , • .,,..,.,'°""''• r•ohll\.,_d ~ trwOVQft f rt<l-'4w fCk '"''• M• .. N--18"<11.--on llf.M• ,_ fllf•rtVAlf,.r ft•WW l~&H<J\ \o\;th(O-\t A tial crime problems. currently is records supervisor. Ron Rodgers, 31. named of· ficer of the year, also started with the Los Angeles Police Department. He join ed the Newport Beach Police Depart- ment in 1973. Rodgers worked during 1978 with a speciaLen!orcement team that investigated major crimes and helped recover more than $500,000 ln stolen property in one case alone. He received a cila· lion for merJtorious service from the city. Rodgers is presently assigned as d epartment planning und re· search officer FroaePageAJ FREEWAY. • week. ·'I was frustrated when I read it," she said. "I can't believe it. It's just my opinion, but il seems _we're regressing." She noted that much or the pr~edure w\11 simply be a re· bash of information that. already has been obtained. The $200,000 EIR will Include study of nine alternative routes lor the proposed freeway ex- tension from about Mesa Drive into downtown Costa Mesa. State Transportation Director Adriana Glanturco's guidelines require consideration of people mover systems, dial-a-ride or expanded bus or rall service as alternatives lo freeway con- struction. . When CalTrans begins work in February, a su r vey of motorists and property owners may begin to determine what they feel are the problems and J>OS!!lble solutions -to the• current freeway problt>m . City Public Services Director Bruce Mattern said the ErR should be complet~ in about two years. f'rowtPa~AI STRIKE ..• TEHRAN. Iran I API - Demonstrators demanding the ou&ter of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi stormed through the streets of ShJraz and several other cities today in renewed ag i talion despite the new civilian government's efforts lo calm the country. ln Shiraz, where up to eight persons were feared killed in riot· ing Thunday, police reported demonstrations early today. Residents of the city, 275 miles south of Tehran, reported a mob of 5,000 lo 10,000 attacked the headquarters of SAVAK. the shah's secret police, and freed 40 political prisoners from its cellars. The sources said the head· quarters had beeh heavily damaged. The mlUtary denied that prisoners had been freed. While residents said that troops continued to patrol the ci· ty . the forces reportedly did nothing to s top the dem- onstrators. Frorra Page A l POPE ••• lre land and the Middle East. Vatican observers said the papal statements also appeared to be aimed at the upcoming Lalin American bishops con· rerence in Puebla, Mexico, where the pope is likely to (ace challenges from those advocal· ing the Marxist-inrluenced "theology of liberation." More than 2:iO bishops from the world's most overwhelming· Jy Roman Catholic countries are expected to attend the two-week conference to be opened by the pope Jan. 27. The theme is: "Evangelization in the Present and the Future of Latin America." In an obvious reference to the communist world, including hls native Poland, the pope ap· pealed for greater religious freedom. "The situation concerning re· hgious freedom leaves so much to be detilred, when it is not en· ti rely deplorable," the pope said. "Th<'re are even anguished cries asking for aid or help which the Holy See cannot ig- nore." Masked Thugs Roh Eatery Two men wearing ski masks held up the PicnJc 'N Chicken food outlet in Costa Mesa Thurs· day night. escaping with about $700. ,.. '•f'ltf•t...,,_f .... 1 .... h°" ... ~,..."~'~ Teacher spokesman Dill Bianchi said about 71 percent or lhe 400 teachers who jammed in· lo Westminster Communlly Center voted In fuvor of the n('w contract offer Thursday night. Employees told inve11tlgators the two men, one carryin1< a knife and the other a small re· volver. otdered the manager lo remove money from the ca.~h register and a Ooor safe. , ..,, ,, • .,, n. Of'M"<'DM ~i~fftO °'-"'' '" •t JIO WO\l llof "'ttl. c .. '-INW, C .. ilef..t••l*,. __,,._ ~ ...... , ..... t'IA>M- JM t • """' Y'\tl'on..,.•l#""Go .... e<IM--···-ldllor ,,._ ... ......... M<> .... • ... Ul• OM•• It. i..ft lllCNool 1' ..... A•>IMoM ~ .... , ... (""9rl T .. ephone f714)'42"4121 C11~Mw~MMtfl ,_\.-(-. ....., Teacher and di s trirt negotiators met with the stale· appointed mediator Ohraza Mrvicbln during two, all·niJitht conlract sessions Tuesday and Wednesday to reach an accord. The tumln, polnt ln Ule nJnc· month-old contract dispute ap. The men. who escaped on foot. had ordered employees to lie on the floor Of lhe lakt ·OUl restaurant. at 131 17th St .. dur· iog the robbery, police said. F,....P.,,eAJ parently came at an emoUon-PARKS charstcr 1\iesdey night 1chool • • • board mectln1 when lr\13~ d · . clded to hold contract talka at They w1U 1ct their opportunity mldnJcht. ..... a1l9 we have 1Jrcad)l f!11d vnlua· 1 _. ~ tlij;\it fr.om sever~ such Mrs. Weua uld t o6cher!\ group1'." h•v• 11re d to ecupt ttt• Colllns said th Irvine Coast· srades given to 1tudents by Laauna atu.dy covers an •Tea nesrly ~ aubttltutt letc r1 tha.t it "one ol only thr~ algntn· who manned clauroom• during cant..opeiupaeearemalntnaatonc the walkout. Subttltutea wi ~ the So~~bern California patd up to Ma day. coaat11ne. Prime Minister Shabpour Bakhtiar lifted martial law Mon· day and promised that strong government action would be taken if disturbances Oared\ Scattered demonstrations also were reported in Tehran, where reporters saw a crowd or youths set at least one store on fire. The stale radio reported other dis· turbances occurred "throughout the country.·· but made no men- Uon of casualties and gave no details. Thursday's reported deaths in Shiraz occurred when SAVAK agents rired into a mob of 10,000 to 20,000 that stormed the secn'l police headquarters after ston· ing the U.S. consulate and burn· ing the American nag. The violence exploded in Shiraz as Bakht1ar was asking Parliament to confirm h1~ civilian government so be could Fro11t Page A I FEUD ..• Camf.no Ple.za:soo S. El Camino Real. The complex is owned by Walker Brothers Development Corp., headed by Musbell'i. political rival. Mayor William Walker. .. Mushett said he received an anonymous telephone call telling him manufacturing was being conducted in what he termco a possible iUegaJ addition to the gallery. The councilman said he visit· ed the site Thursday mornlng. and said he could hear the sow1d. or a press in operatJon inside the basement level building adJa· cent to a parking lot. But Mushett said he could not see into the building because ground level vents into the myste rious building were blocked with what appeared to be poster board. try to quiet the year-tong re· hellion by religious and pofilical foes of the shah. Among other things, he promised to aboW.h SAVAK. Bakt.tiar told the government radio ttie noting broke a pledr . from the Mos lem religious .leaders an Shiraz lo maintain or- der after military rule W ilt) re· moved. He said troublem~kers Kulik Claim would face severe ~overnmt-nl action. Sources in the 011 rndustry re- ported that daily production had reached a level or 470.000 barrels al !r workers agreed to cut their strike and gradually restore pro- duction to the 900,000 daily bar- re Is t t are needed for domestic comsumpl1on. $2 Million Raised For Top Krishna? Testimony in the three-week heroin posse55ion trial of one- time Newport Beach resident Aleltander Kulik wound lo .1 dose Thursday as Kuhk dis· cussed lu.s seven-yc.:ar career of financial dealings. Kulik, 28. told an Orange County Superior Court jury about his big·money dealing~ which includ('d raisin~ more than S2 million for the India· based leader of the Krishn<i re· ligion. ln addition. he talkt>d of in vestments in a "Bionic B it-;" cookie distribulinJ! effort along with record album production and his hope to reap huge profits from purchasing and later re sellinEe a $300,000 home at 22 Lin· da Isle. But whe n pressed by Prosecutor Ron Kreht!r, Kulik lestlried his cttief financial dt-aJ- lngs were in the buying and sell· ing of jewelry. Kulik, also one of seven defen· dants in the murder ca5e of Fo11ntain Valley drug dealer John Stephen Bovan. was round in a borrowed car in October 1977 with 1.1 J)<lunds of heroin. Defense attorney Ph1hp De Mass..l has atl~mpted to prove the herom was not Kulik 's bul was intended as J plant to ~ made by an associate on a group or so-called .. Italians .. Bandit Hits Bank in Mesa A man who held a hand rn hrs coat pocket J S though hl· hJd 1 ~un escaped trom J Crocker l\J }. tional Bank branch in Co't.J Mesa at .a p m Thursday "1th about ~2.500 in cash . Police said the man, about 23 years of age. was tht: onl} rustomer in the bank Jl 1845 Newport Blvd. when he handed a note demandJng money lo J woman teller. Orticers sald the teller handed over the money in h.:r cash drawer and triggered d silent alarm However. the man, who stuffed the rush an an envelope. eseaped on foot befor~ police J r· rived WHEN TIME IS OF ESSENCE WE'RE CAP ABLE OF BEATING THE CLOCK There ·s always a general urgency about getting carpering installed. but most customers will allot a reasonable amount of ume. However. when there is a rush, we can accommodate those requmng immediate service, without sacnf1cing Alden's ng1d standards of compet&ntcy. Un/es;; there is a problem obtaining a specific COior or pattern. you can count on fast S6f\i'fCe from Alden ·s and we mamtr•fn a large mvenrory to 1aclf1tatt dellvenes. { I Billy Carter's Pay Disputed .. ·~-......... UNPAID HOST? Biiiy Carter Holiday Pushed ·For King Members of Orange County's black community launched a four-day program today as part of a national campaign to have Martin Luther King Jr. 's birth- day· commemorated as a oa-· tional holiday. Sadie Reid, spokeswoman for the coalition of community or· ganizations and churches that put together the weekend pro. gram, said county residents are being urged to observe Monday as a holiday by not going to work. not shopping and not send- ing their children to school. Monday would have been the -""1Jlain civil rights leader's 50t.h birthday. Ms. Reid said the errort to have Jan. 15 recognized as a holiday is being especially directed to blacks, Chicanos "and those sympathetic to our cause and struggle." The four-day program in· eludes today's press conference at which the holiday campaign was officially launched in Orange County, a meeting Saturday or the county's Black Democratic Caucus and church services dedicated lo King on Sunday. All the events are to take place at New St. Paul Baptist Church, 1431 W. Santa Ana Blvd .. Santa Ana . Monday the church will be the s ite of a day-long program beginning at 7 a.m. and ending with an interfaith tribute to King that begins at 3 p.m . and ends at 5p.m Man Arrested In Illinois Case LA Strangler? ROCKFORD, Ill. (AP) -A man being held on a disorderly conduct charge says he is the Hillside Strangler, Rockford Police Chief Delbert Peterson said today. Peterson identified the man as Thomas John Filipowicz. who said he had been in the Rockford area about six months after liv- ing In the Los Angeles area. Peterson said Filipowicz was cha rged with disorderly conduct Wednesd~ night and was held in city jail. Peterson said Filipowicz "began telling us he strangled women in Hillside." COLUMBUS, Ga. CAP > - Wh le the .l1.&1tic Department debated '#helMr to a k 8Uly Cart r If ho'a aetUnt pald by a ll'OUP O( \Jbyan vl1ltor1, the prfficknt'a brother acorted hla su ta to lhi1 wcat Gt!OT"ala clly tod•> "They arc not here aa ofnct 1 ~ue•ll ol lbe mayor. They're uat comtn1 by my orrtce," ayor Harry Jackton aid. "To be ~rll'ctl.v fro.nk with you. all I know ll they notllled me thut they were cooung by my office I'll take ume ofr to 1reet them and stt them but thal 's the same atutude I would have for any vlsitor to my offaco " If Carter were getUng paid by the Libyans, be would have to register as a foreign agent of a nation the State Department characterizes as one o f the world's most notorious sup- por~ers of international ter- rorism. But a Carter associate, Randy Coleman, says Carter has not been paid for escorting the Lib· yans around Georgia this week and has not been contacted by lhe Justice Department. Besides serving as host ror a formal dinner for the Libyans in Atlanta. attended by more than 300 including Carter's mother, Lillian, Billy Carter has in- troduced his guests to state of· ricials and business leaders and given them a tour or Plains, Ga .. the Carters' home town. Justice Department spokesman Robert Havel said Thursday that officials are s:Dfl· sidering contacting the presi- dent's brother after they became aware of his activities through newspaper accounts. Al a Georgia news conference this week, Carter was quoted as saying, in urging friendUer U.S. relations with Libya. t hat "there's a hell of a lot more Ara- bians than there is Jews ." Billy Carter also said Moam- mar Khadafy. leader of the oil- rich state, "is spending all that oil money on his people. All you see a re homes and apartments go- ing up." When a reporter mentioned Khadafy's support for Palesti- nian guerrillas' terrorist ac- ti vilies against Israel. Billy Carter reportedly said. '"The Jewish media tears up Arab countries all the time. as you well know." Billy Carter and several other Georgians went on an unofficial visit to Libya last September. Man Pleads Innocent in Shooting Case A Westminster man who al- legedly fired his shotgun at u suspicious car. wounding its driver has pleaded innocent in court. Michael P. Doman, 24, or 14S71 Yarborough St. was arrested after the Monday night shooting episode and booked for in- vesitgation of assault with a deadly weapon. His asserted victim, Scott J . Lester, 18, of Anaheim. re- mained in good condition today at Fountain Valley Community Hospital following surgery. Police1 said Doman went for his shotgun about 11 :30 p.m. Monday in the belier someone was tampering with his ofrroad vehicle parked outside his home. West Orange County Minicipal Judge John Wy att released Dom an without bail and ordered him to appear in court for a pre· liminary hearing Jan. 31. Judge Wyafil ordered as a con- dition or Doman's release that he not possess a gun or any other deadly weapon pending trial. . . ,. ....... . Fr1d-.y, JMuary 12, 1979 Are in the Old City Ball o.lly 1"11°" SWfl l'M• A total of 15 fire units from Santa Ana and Orange County fought a stubborn fire that broke out at noon Thursday in the aban- doned Santa Ana city hall. Firemen said the damage to the building at Third and Main streets totaled about $75,000. Source of the fire is under investigation. A fire de- partment spokesman said some transients apparently had been living on the fourth floor where the fire started. Marsh Lawsuit Blasted Action Labeled Baseless, Unwarranted Officials of Signal Landmark Inc. described the lawsuit seek- ing to block the 1973 Bolsa Chica marsh agreement today as base- less and unwarranted. The suit. filed by Amigos de Bois a Chica Inc., co-presidents Herbert and Melody Chatterton and past co-presidents Rhoda and Kenneth Martyn, named 10 defendants including Signal Landmark and several state agencies. • The suit asks the court to void the agreement which gave Signal title to 1.700 acres of marshland. It also seeks an in- junction to hal any development in the area ong with alleged degradation the wetlands that is under way In a state enl issued today by William Aile , senior vice presi· dent and ge :ral .counseLfoc Signal Landm , the accusa-tions were labe false and described as an e! lo block the company's efforts in the Bolsa Chica area. The 1973 agreement gave the development company clear ti- tle to 1,700 acres of Bolsa Chica property in exchange for grant- ing the state title to 557 acres directly adjacent to Pacific Coast Highway. Allen noted that the company s pent $1 million in legal fees and technical research to reach that agreement. He said that planning for de· velopment of the area has been d e by an advlso group, h ed by Oran Co ty of- fi c1 and inclu · g the Amigos orga zation a the Chattert.ons and . "ll is unclear what effed this latest blocking action will have on this cooperative planning ef- fort," AJle11 said. "We hope it will not intimidate responsible eovernmental agen- cies. responsible el'lvironmen- lalists and others from trying to develop a balanced plan for this area." Allen said his firm intends "to continue its ~ood faith efforts to cooperate with state and local ageocies" in working on plans ror Bolsa Chica. The lawsuit calls ror an ac- counting of tidelands revenue, allegin~ that millions or dollars in public royalties from oil drill- ing in tidelands "is accruing to private individuals and/or cor- porations" rather than going in- to a tidelands trust. The Amigos · action also asks civil penalties of $5,000 a day per defendant for alleged violations of the st.ate Public Resources Code a nd one-time fines of $10,000 per defendant for alleged infractions of the California Coastal Act. Story on arines 'Absolute Trash' Liquid Spill Ckars Town STURGEON, Mo. CAPl This small central Missouri community was a virtual ghost town today, its 1,000 area resi- dents scattered by a mlle-long, 20,000-gallon spill or a roul- s melling and toxic chemical. OCEANSIDE CAP ) -Mayor Paul Graham says a report in the February Issue of Oui magazine that the Marines at Camp Pendleton make Oceanside one of the nation's 10 toughest cities is "absolute trash." The national magazine, in an article headlined "Town s Without Pity" by freelance writer Hank Nuwer, claims the crime rate here rose 36 percent In a single year. City and Marine orricials dis- pute that and Graham, a former commander of Camp Pendleton. says Nuwer "must have driven through here at 60 miles an hour." After the article appeared on the newstands, Police Chief Rolf Henz noted the highest crime in- crease he can remember in Oceanside was 14 percent in 1974. In the six paragraph reference to Oceanside, Nuwer says the ci- ty is a tough town because of un· ruly Marines and that "in a re- cent nine-month period, 1,000 Cam p Pendleton 'Jarheads' were given less-than-desirable discharges. Eighty percent of these follow ed arrests in Oceanside, and many involved were omcers.' · Base public affairs officer Charles Owen, however, said 80 percent or all discharges do not "Stem from arrests by Oceanside police and that the 1,000 figure includes discharges for medical and a variety of other reasons. Henz. in an interview Wednes- day, said 36 percent of those ar- rested in 1975 were Marines but that has dropped to 27 percent. and many of those are for petty theft and public drunkenness. 1rs Time to Plant The chemical. identified as liquid chlorophenal. oozed from a foot-long gash in a railroad tanker after the car derailed Thursday. Environmental Protection Agency and Monsanto Chemical Co. officials expected results to· day on tests of air samples taken to check the concentration of the chemical. ~ ............... BARE ROOT ROSES If FRUIT TREES SALE 2 cu. ft. size PRICE Peterson said members of the Los Angeles police Hlllslde Strangler task force have talked on the phone with Fillpowicz. Rain, Snow Or Knives? Pilot Views TV's Hottest New Star 5 2.19 BARE ROOT . . . • • ' ~ . • TULSA, Okla. <AP> -A Tulsa YoUlh bu pleaded no cont.est to a charge or aaaaultina a letter carrier because be "didn't aet any, mall." Bobby Dale Baker, 19, told U.S. Dtatrtct Judae Allen ~. Barrott Thurs· day he wu expecting a letter Dec. 11, and when car r ler Jamea A . Thompson didn't deliver tt. h cut him wllb a knife, Baker 1atd. Baker lJ to be sentenced Jan. 24 and racet a max· tmum penalty of 10·.)'UA In prllOG and a $10,000 fine. ' If you're in your favorite armchair but have no pro- fessional football to watch thla weekend, read these stories In Sunday's Daily Pilot. BLACK MAGIC -Graphite composites -the ultra·modem material that makes tennis rack•t.a Ugbter and airplanes atronaer -is manulactured lo Cotta Mesa. ornctals of Narmco Inc. are gearing up for Ill use ln automoblle part.I. AT1'1Tt1D£ ADJV8TIRNT - When it <*I* to lnaUllln1 pride lo work, tMre't no one better tban Van Atldale France, de»D ot the Umvettit)' of Dtaneyland. 1\ead •boat hll motlvaUon pro. gr.-m1m the Buslneu sect.loo. KO'ITE&T TAR -Krlaty .. (suNDAY'S BEST) Mc Nichol of TV's ·Family' ls rtdin1 bJp wtt.h a $1 mllllon con· tract fl"OQl CBS. a hot pew rec· ord album and more lucrtUve off era flooding ln dally. Still, the US-year-old atar aaya she leads a normal life at home and follows Morn'• bickUnl. INNOVATIVE EOOCATOR -Ernest L. Boyer. the U .s. Com· mtuloner of Education. hH never been afraid of taking new Ideas ~ hi• Jobi. But while he'a ahaken up tbinsa Jn his lat.eel ~t. he aaya he '1 been aurprlMd al the ln~lli1ence of a bureaucracy be once thoulht bldaboUDd. No. 1 Non-,atent Ro1e1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !2.99 No. 1 Patented 10111 ....................................... !4.49 AARS Award wlnn1r1 ........................................ !8.99 Standard Fruit TrHa ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• from '4.99 Semi-Dwarf Fruit Trees ............................. from '7.99 Plus o wide variety Of small fruits 6 vegerao1ts 7.,. • w ... 7 ~ • .,. !""6" J MIWPOU l&.YD. COIJA.-A Nw..,,.. •• Pdo ..__ Ma.4103 DAILY PILOT A 3 l.Ltwsuit In Rape Rejected A lawsuit which accused Lo~ Angeles County authorities of ir· responsibly for freeing Warren Dale Clewell ahortJy before he at- tacked and raped a 13-year-old El Toro girl was dismissep Thurs- day ln Orange County'Supertor Court. Judge Alicemaric Stotler threw out the action filed by the victim's parents after agreeing with defense lawyers that Los Angeles County was immune from such prosecution. The defense successfully argued that actions taken by the defendants in the Clewell caae were discretionary and no specific duty existed in terms or protecting any potential victim The parents or tbe victim de- manded $25 million in damages in their now abandoned action. Clewell, 28, pleaded fbilty to rape and attempted murder rather than face trial and he was sentenced three months ago to 20 years and four months in prison. He admitted that he attacked the girl last April just 66 days after be was released from Atascadero State Hospital where he was undergoing psychiatric treatment in connection with another rape. ll was stated in the lawsuit dlsmlssed by Judge Stotler that Atascadero authorities asked the Los Angeles County district at- torney to petition for an ex- tension or Clewell 's hospital term. The district attorney's office filed the petition two days after the prescribed deadline and later dismissed the petition, the lawsuit claimed. 18 Arrested lnLa Habra Drug Sweep La Habra police have arrested 18 people in a sweep of suspected drug dealers who have been operating on high school cam- PllRTln the city. The raids were the result or a three-month investigation in wblch an undercover poJiceman posed as a high school student. according to Ca pt. Herb Johnson. But Johnson said the in· vestigatioo was in DO Waf relat-ed to a slmllar investigallon and roundup conducted two weeks ago by Placentia police. or the 18 people arrested, three were adults, Johnson said. John Brewer. 18, of Brea, and Cham Hensley, 20 and Dan Cascino. 18, both of La Habra were char~ed with sale of man- juana and booked at Orange County J ail. The remaindt>r were all juveniles and were booked at Juvenile Hall. STAR JASMINE 1 gollon Silt • summ8f. REG.2.99 $1 SALE PRICE • BRUTIA PINE This lost-growing, symmelT1col conifer makes on excetlenr. corelr" screen or londseope specimen. 5 gallon Size REG. 13.99 ~~~s5.99 ENGU.SH PRIMROSE "pot slle REG. 89' ~-=E49c Choose from re<I, pink. or wlltte In ltlls horCSltsf of COIOffUI ltlrul>S. 1 gotlOn silt REG. 2.89 = 99° • - DAil. V PILOT Friday, Jcanuary 12. 1011 Fits and tart Moro&IZ ~o llAON · -Ot,PT. Jn our l•mtly, we h•vJ' thb new car Utat I ttl'I cxqul ltt eumple of Roman traftamamJup. fl la •IHk and po•t'rf ul 1l loolu like ll ·, go na 100 mU pttr hour v.-h n 1t '1o t.andlntr •till. That 'a Ulo trouble ' All too often, lt ·, atendU\& 1lll1 nus Roman marv I itlso has wi ltalla.n ttmJ>(rment When tt aet.t tlred of run run~. it Jutl Qwb. Yest~rday it dttlded to qUlt on me at the-bottom ot Thlrd Street HiJI 1n Lagunu ~aeh The only place that mlght a hav~ ~n wonsc wo~ld be In the middl'3 or Third Slrfft Hill. By comparuson. that Laguna treet makes most of San Franc1 co look nat. Anyway. 11 nlc:o u.cunaC'op named Murk Miller came along and helPtd me. l didn't know at lht' tlml' he wa:-. a -~~1 I 'm Troding for Thu New M<Kkl Powered by Rubber Bond8 . Lagunacop because he was·off duty, clad in a sports shirt and slacks. I should have figured he was with the law, however. Officer Miller was \\tearin~ a chaln around his neck from which dangled a small golden pig. He explained he was on his way to a meeting where the Lagunacops were going to discuss their wage distresses. "We're going to sit around and drink Kool-Aid," he ex· plained with a smile Cops, you must understand. have 50rt of a macabre sense of humor BUT I DIGRESS. This nice officer got me a tow truck. The pleasant young driver got out his tools and said, "Okay. mister, try to fire her up." "I don't wanta," I protested. "It won •t. I've tried." "Aw. come on," he coaxed. "Just try it once." My Italian marvel then started on the rirst crank or the starter. It just sat there by the curb humming away contentedly I sobbed some. The tow truck fellow palled me on the back. '"That's okay, mjster . My tools just scared it." My Italian masterpiece then hummed happily on up· coast to Newport Beach while I mused lo myself, ''The on ly pJace worse than Third Street Hill where this thing could quit running wouJd be in the Arches Interchange." THAT WASftlE NEXT PLACE where it quit. A nJce lady in a Volks wagen van pushed me over the bridge. The dau~er of our house drove down lo Lido and pushed me home lo Balboa. The only advantage l can see to owning an Italian masterpiece ls that you sure do meet a lot ofnlce people. I wonder what kind of Kool -Aid the Lagunacops drank? Lemon-lime or strawberry? Oil Pact R eached By Labor, Industry DENVER <AP> -The oil workers union and the nation's oil industry are in tentative agreement on a two.year contract. and an industry spokesman says the terms are acceptable lo the Carter adm inistralion. The tentative accord apparently averts a stMke by about 60,000 refinery workers. It Is the first major union contract negotiated un· der President Carter's voluntary guidelines. which call for a 7 per- cent ceiling on wage and fringe benefit increases over the life of a contract. The administration's Council on Wage and Price Stability said it will not comment on the contract until it has reviewed it thoroughly NATION I WORLD Jobkss Rate Edges Up 1978 Shows Strong Gains in EIDploytnent WASHINGTON <AP> -The n1Uon'• unemployment rate ed&ed ur from 5 8 percent to ~.9 pttrcen tut month aa the numtwr of peniona hold!nc jobl tncroued by a relatively small 104.000. the Labor Department Hid today. However. the department said both black and wblt• wortcen and Mdult men and women •cored ttrona aalns for au ot 1978. the t.hJrd year or sharp ex· panaion ln jObs. DECEMBER'S employment Gas-filled Tanker ~ted '- GERA. Mich. (API -Repair crews succeeded today In put- ting a derailed railroad tank car full of liquid propane back on the rails. eas1D.S( the danger tl might explode. lt had derailed in a col· Uslon with a truck that left one dead and eight injured. A crane restored the car to the rails, said. Bill Murphy, division trainmaster in the Chessie System's Saginaw office. He was unable to say im· mediately when the car would be moved. "They're still cleaning up out there." he said. ''ONE SPARK IF there's a leak and it would be like a bomb," said Detective Sgt. Rudy Holmquist of the slate police fire marshal's division. "There would be a ball of fire 400 feet out if there was a leak now.'' There was no leak Thursday when the freight train and grain truck collided. derailing 11 cari. and three engines and sending one engine smashing into a gram elevator office. TWO OF 111E derailed cars were empty and the other eight contained salt. Several tankers carrying chemicals were not de· railed. The crash forced evacuation of some 25 to 30 families for fear of an explosion. and wrecked six vehicles near the grain elevator. Police said the evacuated families began returning to their homes after the tanker was righted. State polke and chemical ex- perts abandoned plans drawn up Thursday to empty the tanker of its 31.000 gallons of gas by transferring its contents to four trucks. ..,.- AMIN CALLED 'FUGITWE' DAR ES SALAAM. Tanzania 1AP 1 -Former President Milton Obote of Ugand a claims the man who seized power from him, ldi Amin. lives like a fugitive in bis own country. Obote in a rare statement said Amin moves ln secret and main· tains no routine, has foreigners as his most trusted bodyguards and frequently changes license plates on his cars. Obote has Uved in Tanzania since Amln's coup eight yeani ago. irowth "'u much slower Utan that of previous months and wu down llW'pl.y from November. when ~10.000 new jobs were created. Although the available jobs arew by UM.000 last month. tbey were (ar outnumbered by the 239.000 people who entered the Job market. thus causing the me in unemployment. Some private ~mists say the Carter administration's suc· cess in brinaing down the un· employment rate la clouded by t he prospeet of a business downturn. BECAUSE OF THE emphasis on fighting i nflation. these economists expect the jobless rate to rise later th.is year. They say new jobs must be created steadily to keep the unemploy· ment rate from rising because or the increase in the working.age population. In its year-end review. the Labor Department said the number ot persons with jobs in· creased by 3.3 million in 1978, No C11b Sf.!out? with 2.1 mUUon of the new Jobe going /,.0 women. The department said the only group with a worse job tlluauon lor 1978 were teen-agers. About one out of every four un- employed person w1s between ages 16 and 19. TH E UNEMPLOYM ENT rates for mos t categories showed lJttle change last month. However. follow\ng are the un· employment rates for December compared with the rates a year earher: -Total unemployment S.9 percent. down from 6.3 percent. -White adult men 3.S per- cent. down from 4 percent. -White adult women s. t per cent. down rrom 5. 7 percent. -Black adult men 8.4 per· cent. down from 8.9 percent. -Black adult women 11.2 per- cent. down from 11 .4 percent. Black teen-agers 34 9 percent. down from 38.3 percent. Wb1te teen.agers 14.2 per· cent. up from 12.6 percent. -Total employed 94.9 million. "No girl can be a Cub Scout." said Harvey Smith. a director of the Nassau (N .Y. 1 National Boy Scout Coun. cil. But Andrea Weitman. 13. spent two years as a Cub Scout. earning 11 or a possible 15 badges and retmng wtth honor when she r eached the mandatory age of 11. She may keep the bad~cs. but her existence a~ a Cub. which just came to light. ts being ignored by officials. up from 92.6 million. THE IABOS rorce-thotewttb Jobs or looklnt for work - srew by 2.8 million during 1978. slightly 181 than the growth lo 1977, the department sald. Adult women incre15ed lhelr numbers In the labor force by about 1.7 million from the fourth quarter of tm, adult men by about one million and t.een·agers by 200.000. The department said that In December the average work week was 35.8 hours, unchanged from November. Crash Kills 16 Soldiers In Panama BALBOA. Canal Zone (AP I - Sixteen of 17 American soldiers aboard a U.S. Army truck were killed when the truck hit a car on a bridge over the Panama Canal. crashed through a guard rail and plunged 80 feet down u bank of the canal. The 2''z-t.on truck turned over Thursday but did not go into the water F IFTEEN OF the men were killed instantly. and one died early this morning in Gorgas Memorial Hospital in the Canal Zone. a military spokesman an. nounced. The survivor was re- ported in critical condition. The Army said the names and home addresses or the men would not be made public unt&l their Camilies were notified. possibly later loday The bodies were in the morgue at the hospital. and preparations were made to fly them lo the United States. A SPOKESMAN said the soldiers were all members or Co mpany R. 4th Battalion. Mecharuzed 20th Infantry, 193rrl Jnfantry Brigade. which is a~ s1gned permanently to the Canal Zone The men were returning to Fort Clayton from the Empire Fmng Range on the west bank of the canal. Officials of the U.S. Southern Command said a preliminary In- vestigation indicated the truck was moving into another lane on the Thatcher f'erry Bridge when 1t struck the car. veered off and went tbrough the guard rail. U.S. OFFICIALS said the driver of the c·ar. another American soldier whose 1dentitv was not announced, was not in JUred Thaw Causes Slides Spires Dinner Speclals Snow Blocks Roads Near Salt Lake City Temt)lft'"•t•r~• HI L.o l'cp AllNln,, I• .Of Albu'-u ,. .,,,.,,,'° .. 28 Anc.l\of"991 21 11 Att..,te 52 " .12 Atl..,IKCly 1j • 8elllmor• 21 19 .OS 8ts,muc11 ) ., . • en 8oiM 4 1 J7 ... &ftlOl't " • BuffelO •• -3 OWl•tnwv n ,. Cll~ H 10 07 Cln<IMetl H " o .... ltnd ,. ti COi-\,6 " .02 0.1 Ft, WUI 43 13 .01 OtfWtr 4S 1• DHIMI"" " • .,. 0.lrolt 11 4 Ovlvt?I ... .oi PtlrOnllt ' 11 ~ 20 , ... I_ ~~ .~ !: Honol11l11 --'° 42 ·~it t) u .o. .Nflffll 14 0 ic.'•01¥ !O ,. UIY ... t SI .i l..ltlMll8'• tl '° -, .. "" Anoe•.. 6} ,, e1.._ LOUltvllft II II "'"'"° MtMpftla 1t ?• Mollteft't Mi.nll 1' r• "''""tll4l.. 10 , Ml)l)*$1. P. J I Halill'illlt ,.. tJ New Ott"' •1 4) NewYor• 2fl u Olll• City JI 10 OmMIA 1' U Pfl41ed'IM!lt )~ 1' , 11>1\Wnl• t3 41 ll>ll~fll ,, 1 Pt!Mld, Mt ,, ·• PtlaN!, Ort ,, • lltno n ,. ,. ... "-• tJ ,_ L0\11\ IJ t Ult Ltk• ., 41 OS "-"'•~ ,., Otltl•~ .ot ~remtnto s.titta.rtNr• .tt T1!tml•I k rJtow llO 8ttr ... C..lallflt a1 c.Mro l..OflO OtKll ... °"'"' .. ll>tfm~ • 12 S.11 lerntrelllle ltll.IOM \flnte AM 01 S..ftl<tM.,Jt °' T•l!Ot V .. lrt ..... lJ .. tt S... ~rt(f IO II S.tlll• u 0 _..,,. 2\, Ip MMMatlt I 10 Tll!M ti t1 Wtflllntton al ti Q&.I ....... hlltr ff lfkl 71 st ttyt... .. 41 ,,. S7 .o sa .ts ., ~ •I u U It Al "' • ,13 " ,. .. •l 10 Jt n IS .. . .. . ., 4J ~ ... ., ... 60 ~ ., ,.. ... •I •• ., " ,. 11 Seit 1...-e City -11 l-Y. H Ml "" uluel January ll'law conllnlled. Huvy ••In Tllurad•r PluM"'91tO well• 01 tnOW 01110 roecu in 111• c•nron&HllOfs.Kl.ali• fo ,,,. IO<llll OI Sall uu City, 10 \now\lleltl Wtrt repor1eo In Af!ltfl< ... Fer1I CMlyon. Inc llldlnQ -100 ... I IOflQMWI 201eet Oeep. Ofll<ltll said U·crtqru <•II'· rM••lures _., reconMct r-•• •I Ille f.$00 IOOl lewl. mtlUnq Che "*'fl I.Mn lllOW '41111Ce. Callforttl• Orl111 .. et>CI 1oO ·~ llw CCMl\I c•use4 Oy • UIK" m«"'9 , • .,.., l .. ltO 10 CleMC*\ ~1 .. ,· llf1Hll<llOlll Of • mc>llllY WWIY -"tftll tor NerlJ ... ol 6olltlltfll Ctl>!om14 .. w.· .... 1194 • ,.., 1111<• ,,..,, .. l•y.r Of ,.,... t'-tllt .,_, lOO-Ot 200.1001 1111e•no1 ff4 wt'r• u · perfjlft(hlf -.,,,. ... •!oft9 IM ,_, '* -_. IOf •rein coat;• Nt41-Weelller S.rvlt t '410kH-M Ailftln .. 111 fi. ~ Ml4I IN l'Nltl c.ilOI llOll "'" ,..,, MnloM #NI S«\inlty c~ l'ftjd."*1'ffl0. OI~•. ttl M lllt "°"""" Rtt'-of ~'" c.llfenll• (ell .,..., ·~ 111911 <tevft, II~ ... !tie 60&, Mid *"" tn .,...._ .. ~Wit~ .... ...,. ~ .. .,_,,. ,, .,.. °"'" fOf' ""_,.....,, t.lvrdfy ttlf In lflt ~ ..,,._ 111111110< ~· ~...,.,. ........... """" lllfftlllnl Ill .... JOl lltlll M"- S•rt •eJt•rf Hunllno«llt 9et<fl 'W-~ ._ •• ti• '"' Mttl tltM ~ tllMCIW Con••llOM , • ., .. 41•"1'1 .. e(ll WIYK ltwt " low Mt. CINllleM ••II" V2 Chicken Scr..-td-J:OO PM-10:00 PM Monday Tuesday Breaded Veal Steak Wednesday Fish &Chips Thursday Spencer Steak Friday & Saturd ay New York Steak Sunday btntd noo1t-10:00 pml Top Sirloin Steak $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $3.25 $3.65 $3.35 •bo~t wntd •llh soup and sattd. tttoltt of potato Of' rltt plld. roll atld batctf Willi BEVER.AGE • •' \ CALIFORNIA ...... .., ............ Actor Jack Soo. horseplay· ing detective In ABC's hit series. "Barney Miller," died of cancer Thursday at UCLA Medical Center. He would have completed his fifth year on the show Jan. 2.5. North State Threatened By More Rain By 1be Associated Prus Showers, fog and cloud~ left northern Californians with a moist reminder today of a warm and windy Pacifi c storm system that flooded houses. downed powerllnes and threatened more rain by late Saturday. Swollen by heavy rains. the •rising Russian and Carson riv e rs began to recede as Wednesday's storm abated. A flash flood watch for the western Sierra Nevada was cancelled by the National Weather Service. INTERMITTENT SNOW or rain was on tap today for the Sierra Nevada, and the Mount Shasta-Siskiyou areas. with snow expected a bove 5,000 feel. the weather service reported. Snow sbowe?S were also likely above 5,000 feet in northeast.em areas. But for other northern areas. cloudy skies and scattered showers were forecast for today. It was a morning of fog and -drizzle in San Francisco. ~ I ... THE WEATHER SERVICE satd another Pacific front was forming to the west of the state and would bring increasing clouds and the threat or more rain to the north by late Satur· day. Temperatures wore to re· main unchanged. "Whal we're looking at is a long band of weather reaching to the Hawaiian Islands and pump- ing a great deal of subtropical ' moisture into central and northern California," s aid Dale Goudeau of the National ' Weather Service. . SOME OF THE heaviest rain was in Marin County where 7.7 inches had fallen by 4 p .m. Wednesday on Throckmorton Ridge on Mt. Tamalpais. The Marin Water District reported the storm nlled its five reservoirs to 75 percent of capacity. But by early this morning, Mill Valley authorities reported waters that had nooded base- ments receded, and power was restored. The community had received 6.1..5 inches of rain. Education Budget Attacked LONO BEACH <AP> -The budc~t f« the Callfomla State Vnlnnlty ind Colle1•• pro-posed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. wlll lead to d1mlnllbed at&.MienL acceaa, pro- ar•m reducUoaa and penonnel layoffs, Chancellor Glenn S. Dumke reooru. Reaction to the aovernor'1 proposal ~ardlna the Uolveral ty of Callfomi• WU 1lmUar. UC preaadenl David S. S.xoo aaid the budget wtU force a reduction in expenditures, but added be wu more worried •bout "the desperate need for an 10crease lo salaries" of faculty. Owfl's ~ T.,,, LOS ANGELES <AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. and Lt. Gov. Mike Curb met Thursday. and Brown took pains to emphasize the importance of Curb's posl· tlon on several governmental bodies. With the new Republican lieutenant governor at his side, ( STATE ) the democratic governor told re· porters CUrb would play an im· portant role in the state's busi· ness health as chairman of the state Commission for Economic Development. Curb's predecessor, former Lt. Gov. Mervyn Dymally, had r ecommended Brown abolish the commission but the governor declined to do so. Glomar Da••getl LONG BEACH <APt -A storm-battered Glomar Ex· plorer, the former apy ship now used as an oeean mining vHHJ. has arrived at the Loni Beach Naval Shipyard for repain. The Glomar, owned by Ocean Minerals Co. of Sunnyvale. reached port Thursday alter its nine·foot·thlck bull doors were damaged ln rough weather dur· ing a test off the Calllomia coast in which m1Dine equipment was lowered to 150 feet. 1be doors then f alled to reopen. ............. DEL MAR fAP> -The Atchlnaon. Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. bas lodged a $300,000 claim agalnlt Ute city for money apeat to rePllr bluffs that collapsed beneath railroad tracks last winter. City Attorney D . Dwight Worden said Thursday be will recommend the claim be denied for lack of merit. The railway company and Del Mar have been at odds over the bluffs, which are skirted by the railroad tracks. Heavy rains cauaed the eroded bluffs to col· lapse Jan. 6, 1978 and the com- pany put up corrective walls. Oillk Bead Flrted INDIO<AP)-'lbe headof'lhe defunct Murietta Hot Springs health clinic has been fined $6,250 and put on five years probation in connedion with his conviction last July on charges or practicing and conspiring to practice medicine without a llcenae. Aa a condition of the probation handed down Thursday, Riverslde County Superior Court Judge Frank Moore ordered 75-year-old Carey Reams "not to practice or lecture the Reams theory on medical tr«:atment with anyone but a hcensed medical person." John Willia~. state auditor general. was fired Thursday by the legislative committee that oversees his office. Chairman of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee said that unspecified "can· did statements" by Williams during a probe were cause for the firing. Condominium Value Split By Couple SANTA CRUZ <AP> -A Capitola man was ordered to give hal! the value ot a $50,000 condominium tD a woman be lived with for three years ln San- ta Cruz County in another case tied to the state-Supreme Court's "Marvin" ruling. Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge Charles Franich ruled there was an "implied contract" between Dan Holdren and his former companion, Marlene Moebest. when they purchased the condominium an 1977. FRANICH SAID the couple shared their money and "in fact ... conducted their relationahlp as tboulb married, but without the fonDal ceremony." Court records abow tbe pair began llvinl together ln 19'74. They pooled tbelr resources to buy the condomlnlum. but ownenb.lp w.. listed only ln Holdren'• name. ~8. MOEBEST'S attorney, Chris Landia, said she did not ask to have &er name on the deed because she trusted Holdren "complete ly and absolutely." The couple split up in May .. • • .. ' .. .I' • Fridey, Jwiuary 12. 1979 OAIL y PILOT A:; Santa Barbara Channel Oil Platforms Delayed LOS ANGELES IAP) -An environmental the co111tnactJon of the plaUorma. "But anyw1y. al iroup establlahed after the Santa Barbara 011 spill slows It up." she added. 10 yean ago scored one of ita biggest courtroom The Interior Department approved develop- v1ct.oriea 'lbunday. when a (ederal judge ordered ment plans ror the platforms in 1977. aft.er the at leut 1120-day delay in building two oil drilling Geological Survey Issued ''Environmental Assess· platforms ln the Santa Barbara ChaMel. men ts .. that coocluded the projects would have oo U.S. Dl.atrict Judge Harry Preeerson told the significant effect on the enviromnent. Interior to explain in 60 days why the plallorms would have no significant impact on the environ· Judge Pregerson said 'lbursday the assess· ment. PubUc comment on the report Is to be taken menta consisted of "about 25 pages of facts and for an addiUooal 60 days aft.er that. general information," but did not set forth the Geolo1ical Survey's reaaom for its decision. THE WOGE SAID that if the U.S. Geolog1cal liliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiii!i!iiiij!ii[iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Survey decides a full Environmental Impact stale· I ment is required. construction of the Chevron ~or1 E' U.S.A. Ind Sun Oil platforms would almost surely " • be delayed much &onger than 120 days. "This ls wonderful news for us." s aid Stephen STOLEN CHECKS Boyle of GOO !Get Oil Out1. ''The oil companies aod tbe laterior Department have gone through ••• Anyone who wrote checks here Uke a juggernaut. As rar as r know. this Is the to Coast Hdwe., on Jan. 5-6-7, fint obstacle that's been pulln their way... 1979 . . . Please notify J'1JdY or BOYLE•s GROUP had sued the oil nrms and John at Coast Hdwe. the Interior Department in an attempt to bloek Ule project at the southern end of the channel, whlcfi'is 240 lroadway federally-owned. Logana leach One of the group's founders, Lois Sidenberg, said the court action probably would not prevent PARENIS SlJE PSYaHATRIST LOS ANGELES IAP) -The parents of a 28- year-old woman. who al· legedly jumped to her death from a build.iJll on the UCLA campm last July. have filed suit in Superior Court against Brotman Memorial Hospital in Culver City and their daughter's psychiatrist. The auit riled Thurs· day in behalf of Victor and Sylvia Pollak claims that h06pitalization for th eir daughter. Geraldine. was refused on advice ol Dr. Donald Lathrop, wbo was treat ing her for depression. Baseball Sign ups Offered Boys 7 to 12 can reg· later to play with the Del Obispo Boys ' Baseball organization Jan. 23 and 25 at 7:30 p.m. ln the cafetonum of tbe Marco Forster Junior Hlgh School. 25801 Camino del Avion in San Juan Capistrano. Parenti should ac· company their sons to registration, s aid or· ganization spokesman Mick Casciola . New players should bring birth certificates. C'.cll497-4403 1977. Ms. Moebest filed S\.llt and -----------------------------------the ruling was Issued earlier this month. No date has been set for compllaoce with the order. TOE MARVIN CASE Is named for actor Lee Marvin . who is being sued for $1 million by a woman be lived wllh for six years. Miss Michelle Triola Marvin said she and Marvin lived as man and wife and she Is entitled to half the actor's property. The 1972 suit was appealed · and in 1976 the state Supreme Court ruled that the division of property between unmarried couples was a valid legal issue and returned the case to U>s Angeles Superior Court for trial. E!XPMRTS PREH >ICT SCANDINAVIAN F'ORNITORE PRICES 'ID DROP lBo/i.4()% IN EAB1X 1979 Believe it• Because t.h06e 8X'P8l"t8 are our own store managers - pre<11et.1ng Mobil ta.'s greate81. Je..nuary Clee.ra.noo Sale ever. RJ8ht. now. 6Very single p1eoe 1n au our et.Oree 18 on ea.le. ~ -at 16% to 40% Iese th.an our reguJ.&r pl'1088. our ea.le eod8 J e.nua.ry 29t.b. Bo come have & look around now. While t.tme and select.ion &re on your slde. AB you'd expect., our expertB a.re pred.Jct.1ng pncee will go up again Mght. aft.er t.b8 sale. ' mobllia . . . . . . , . ' • 'rtday, Jenuaiy 12. 1m Robert N Weed/Publisher ThomH l<"vll/Edltor 81rblr1 l<relblch/Edltorlal PllOI l!dltor orangeeoos1oa11vP1101 Editorial Pge State Finances Need Clarifying St le ~ urer J e Unruh. who called It rlaht lut Y ar. has PJ"edJcted that C4lltomla could emerae wtth anoth r 13 billion surpt al the end of the current n1cal year -even an r providina another ball-out ot up to S4 bllllon for loc l aaenci . If Unruh ls nywhere near cot'ftcl. t.h1s wouki be e ven ~ deservln1 of lbo ••obscene .. t11 h gave Ju t year's budg t aurplu.s. Now Unruh, long v.ilh Senaton James Milli and WtUiam Campbell, bu called for JealslaUon to estabU h a Commiasion on State Finance to k p track of the state's true f mancl l poelUon and set up a Ion ·term tax relief program. The cornniWlon would lnchade th state treuurer, tale controller nnd th director of the Department of Finance, along with a rep tatlv group of legislators. It.a wk would be to see that future' state surpluses are held to a prudent 5 percent reserve and that all ex· cess money collected by the t"8te ls returned t.o the tax- payers. Jn eveey year of the Brown Administration his Department or Finance has ~ly underestimated the probable surplus and each year it has grown larger. The problem. Unruh and the senators contend, is that the governor now is the only person who rece1 ves the Department of Finance information needed to project budget surpluses and determine budset cuts or additions. Creation of a broad·based commlsslon on finance would provide the Legislature with a more accurate pie· ture and enable that body to take a better informed stand on the governor's proposed welfare cuts, salary freezes, cost-<>f·li~ raises and program shifts. Callfonua's overall financial position is thoroughly muddled as a result of Proposition 13 tax losses and ap- parently gross overtaxation in other areas, a procedure Calvin Coolidge once described as .. legalized robbery." Creation ol the proposed finance commis8ion might clarify the picture and restore a measure ot equity. Studies E vade Issue The public has the right to look skeptically at Orange County supervisors' endorsement of yet another study de· signed to chart the future of Orange County Airport. Supervisors last week approved plans for the 12· month development of a new airport master plan, a study expected to cost $250,000. The study falls on the beets of an airport environmental impact report <ElR> that cost $262,000 and took four years to complete, yet failed t.o pro- duce any answers about the airport's future. While the EIR was once considered the document that would lead to decision-making about the airport, supervisors in August merely accepted the report without selecting any of the alt.emate airport plans it presented. Instead, Supervisor Philip Anthony proposed creation of a new airport master plan to address capacity. lana use, noise proble ms and constraint.a on airport growth. This airport study should be the final one and it should lead to some hard decisions. The taxpaying public '-.. has-been left dangling f ortoo long while alrport problems continue to build. fl 's time for the elected supervisors to face their responsibilities to the-traveling public, business people who rely on the airport and airport neighbors worried about jet noise. The business of ordering study after study is begin- ning to sound like a broken record. Good Driver Reward About half a million California drivers with clean driving records will be advised later this year that they've received a n automatic extension or the ir driver's licenses without having to check in at the OMV to pay a fee and retake the written test. The lucky ones, representing about 10 percent of drivers whose records have remained unblemished for four years, will receive a one-year or two-year extension. They'll be chosen at random, but those whose age or defi- cient vision indicate the advisability or retesting will be screened out. In addition to inspiring drivers t.o malntaln clean re- cords, it's estmimated the maneuver will save the state about $100,000 in testing and processing costs. If the experiment works well, it can be expanded for an ev~n greater saving in paperwork. Good idea. • Opinions expressed In the apace above are those ot the Dally Piiot. Other views expressed on this page are thoM of their authors and .artists. Readctf' comment Is Invited. Adc:treaa The Oalty Piiot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone(114) &42-<tl21. Boyd/Joker ByLM. BOYD Q. "Who thought up the idea of putting a Joker ln a playlna card deck?" A. Name o( that worthy ts unknown, but the circumllancet aren't. It was about 110 years ago that the playlng·card makers noted that their customen kept los· tng one card or another out of thelr deek.a. Jn a way, thb w•s good, the makers thought. It lotted the players to buy more de<:kJ. But ln another way 1 fl. was bad. It Dear Gloomy Gos l auna I'll retire rtch tbla year ~•ardlell or th• economy. Two m .• ,ailnea ba\le told me J\llt can't mlu be· lni a winner ln their 1weepstakea, S.R. .,....., a.. C.llllllMtltl .... .... ..... , ,, ,. ... ,. .... . ... . _._....,..., .. ,,.,. .. .. ':C.C."'·--~-...... .. .... Dllft .... discouraged the players from conllnulng their interest ln cards. So the makers ln· eluded a 1ub1Utute card which could be used as a replacement, and they just incident.ally put the decora· lion of the court Jetter on that card. Odd bow people are ln· c llned to give 1lngular nicknames to the beasts that ' scare them. Even if there were a doien lions ln any one place ln Algeria, t.be natives thereabout. •uJd refer to the pride aa .. Mr. John Johnson." '"The Abominable Snowman," II such there be, ts one belna onty1 not 1everal, In the mlodl or thole who. believe. Llkewla~1 "Btafoot." Laps-ldeoWy au bean u "The Old Man lo the Fur Coat ... Ocean·goln1 croc:odU. In lnclia are called "GraodlatMr.'' · Pre1ldent Grover· Cleveland, who at 49 mar.ried the 21-year·old France• Folaom, personally had bouiht hf• wile'• nrat baby carrtaie. Q •• ~-., ~ US. NaVJ mte bOld tbe rut ot Com· modore?" A. Ncmt. Commodore la a rau UMd ODl.1 ln ,,arum1. Nick Thlmmeech Return of an Old China Hand w ASHINGTON-To employ that over·Uled Lerm. there ts 1omethln1 "1l1n1t1cant" In TreHury Secretary Michael Blumtnth•I beln1 the flral Cabinet om~r to vlalt. China alnce P1'folldent Carter made bla 1tarllln1 announument on recosnttlon of tho People's Republic. When Blumenthal and hls larae retlnUG nrtve In Peking n ext month, he will be re· turning to tho land where he o pent hla adolescent ye1r1 1n pov- erty and danier after escaping wtth b l s family fro m Natl Germany In 1939. The Blumenthal trip must especialty please the Chinese. He lived tn Shangh ai eirEt years. a victim of the occup g J apanese and Nazis al ke . Blumenthal speaks som e Chinese, visited the country in 1973 as a prominent executive fostering better relallon.s with the PRC. His wife, Eileen. alter two visits, wrote her Ph.D. thesis on the content of what Chinese youngsters read. MOREOVER, Blumenthal's apr.reciallon of the potential Ch nese market ror the U.S. was Paul Harvey oft.n expressed to Prealdent Carter. and thJ1 J1 not loat on thote ln Peking who curretJtly puah for lncre.ued development and trade. Vlce.Prem.Jer Teng Hsiao-ping la also mindlul that Blumenthal waa a statelesa person with only MO ln b1J pocket when he left Shanghai ror tbe U.S. in 1&47, and w .. chairman of one of the larieat companies ln the U.S .• and a mulU·roUUonaire besides, when be returned to that city 26 )'ears later. Consequently. he h11 emotional ties to China and its struagle. Anyway, the first matter Blumenthal a nd Chinese of- ficials will discuss wlll be settle· ment ol the assets question. When the two nations broke rela· lions ln 194.9, the Chinese con- fiscated U.S. property later 4;Valuated at $197 million, and the U.S. seizure of Chinese property here totaled just nnder $100 mlllloo. GIVEN mE size of the U.S. and China. these are not large amounts. Settlement, even with the Interest factor figured In, is not expected to be difricult. Once this obstacle ls dealt with. lengthy and more intricate discussions will rollow on U.S.· China trade. The Chinese want grain. petroleum e1etractlon machinery and airplanes Crom us . We are particularly interest· ed In plUHlDI into China :s enormous enetlY ttSOurces. The thorny question.s concern our present sizeable trade with Taiwan, the already prob· lematlc trade situation be· tween the U.S. and Japan and a conalderaUon ol China 'a hope lo attaln Mo•t Favored Nation (normal trade> stalut wttb the u.s1 8 umenthal wtU soon conauJt with the Chinese In Washington on b ow any nation aeeklng M.F .N. status must comply with the Jackson·Vanick Amendment whofle human rights standards c an't presenUy be met by the People's Republic. EN aotJTE home from China. Blumenthal is presently scheduled to stop in Tokyo to as· sure the always wary Japanese that all is well and that all parties' economic interests will be served by the new diplomatic reJatlonshlps. vBtumenthal certainly seems to be the right man at the right lime ln terms of U.S. recognition or the Peking regime. His picaresque experiences shaped him Into becoming strongly sup- portive of the American en· terprise syst e m t h e was cha irman of Bendix l, an in· ternatlonallst pushing for in· creased U.S. foreign trade, and a man bearing painful memories of how evil can swell Into tyran- ny and catastrophe. Ht wu born Werner Micb~el Blumenthal, a J ew baptlicct aa a Presbyteria n ln Bcrlln. His father, a bouraeol1 bual · ne11man, wae put In tho Buchenwald co~ntratlon camp ln 1939, lolt SO pounds working In a atone quarry before belng ranaomed and released aeveral mont.hl later. The Blumenthal family. after ¥,ettlna passports stamped wtth •J" for Jew, ned to ftaly and then to Shanghai. They llved in a alum fbetto ettabllabed because the German consul in Shanghai Insisted that their allies, the OC· , cupylng J apanese. keep the Je ws In such a place. BLVMENTHAL, as a teen· ager, worked in menial jobs to s upport hJs family. Shanghai became quite perilous because American B-295 bombed lt heavi· ly. Blumenthal, according lo a friend with him during those dark years, helped clean corpses from the streets after those devastat· io&raids. Blumenthal one" said that when he was coming up in the American business world, he would sometimes look at a t.op executive and say to himself. "( wonder how you would do in Shanghai. if we took away your connections? It doesn't matter whether you went to Yale or Harvard or didn't go to college at a ll ... What counts is the in- ner resour«s you have. Thal gives you a sense of perspective about people. ll rob& you or awe." When he visited Sha nghai in 1973. Blumenthal in the com. pany or Michael Oksenberg <also a J cwish refugee from Nazi Germany), now the National Security Counci l '& China specialist. took his wife to the Christian churches and JeWlsh temples in the ghetto and spoke of the Yiddish newspaper once published there. THOUGH obviously deeply moved. Blumenthal was clear- eyed enough in has thoughts with the Chinese to discuss the U S .. Taiwan relationship, and human rights as well. According to Oksenberg, Blumenthal wa:-. grateful for the hospitality, but also let his Communist hosts know of his displeasure with a s ign outside his hotel window · "Down With All American Im· periallsts and Running Dogs.·· That was 1973, and while 1979 seems hopefully different, Mike · Blumenthal learned enough in hb growing.up years. to realize what oppression can do. Castro Discovers the African Quagmire Ruasia's big Idea in the 1960s was to delegate to Its puppet state, Cuba, the "Invasion of Africa ." For eight months in 1965, Che Guevara led a detachment or Cuban troops training and fighting a· Jongside rev- o I u ti on a r y guerrillas in the Congo. Heavy . band ed Ruaalana had aroused re· aentment and resistance in African nations but Cuban troops were we lcome. They. too. represented a tiny na· tion which had stuck I~ finger In the eye of the major powers. CUBANS individually are more gregarious and simpatico than Ruaaians. Art Hoppe So Cuban aid -more sym· bollc than substantive -sup. ported Muxists in Angola, aided Ethiopia against Somalia. The United States, having been badJy burned by its m lsad· venture in Vietnam. publicly re· jected the Idea of armed involve· ment for U.S. troops ln Africa. So the Communist th.rust Into Africa, spearheaded by Cubans. appeared both appropriate and ercectlve. For a while. Cuba's Castro is discovering Africa to be what it has always been, a quagmire for outsiders. One example, Angola . Three year s after Cuban troops ar. rived to take the left side in what appeared to be a simple left· right power struggle -the Cubans find themselves fighUng two rival nationalist move· m e nts. Angola's economy Is reeling, but the Cubans are In too deeply to back out. In Ethiopia the Cubans a re now (aced with a dilemma over Eritrea which it also supports. There have been ideologrcal disputes. Ethiopia recently asked the top resident Cuban of· ficial in that country and his deputy to leave. All this Intervention is not without cost In Cuban lives and that Is creating dissension In the ranks and some problems for Castro back home. Cubans In Africa are called "volun~rs"; don't you beheve It . A NEW PRISON has been built in eastern Havana Pro vince exclusively fo r military deserters. There ls n o publlt: acknowledgment In Cuba of the number or Cuban dead In Africa; bodies of combat dead are returned to their ramutes on- ly a few at a time -though Cuba ii known to have suffered f thous ands of casu a lties 1n \ · Africa. The government·controllcd Cuban media s how no film. publish no stories. a~ut Cubun mmtary involvement in Africa. CASTRO is allowing bis troops lo be used as mercenaries for Russia. He has no choice. Ile can't survive without Soviet sup· port. But if Castro is suddenlv see m i n g to so und less belligerent toward us; if he 1!-. generously allowing Cubans to leave Cuba for lhe United Stales If Castro. In emotional in· terviews with United Stales con· gressmen and reporters, sounds more amiable . . ft is, as J say, because he can· nol survive without outside sup· port. And doubtless would prefer ours. Brief History of the Rise and F~ of a Pshah Herewtth a brlet history of the Rattdom of Phynlda, that Mid· die Ea.etern nation which has been so much In the news lately. Phynkla has been misruled for the past 1300 years by lhe Ratts, a dynuty of hereditary despot• who h ave tradl· Uonally de- voted them: 1e l ve1 lo such sports u buntln1, flog, stn1 and dla· emboweUn1 the PUHn· try But no one in the out.tide world much cared aa Pbynkta conslJt ed ot •18,678 square mllea of sand' 173,842 1q\lare mlltt of roe.ks, and three oaaa Ill an· nual export.t beloa two do&ilG palm frond plf'ee mall. TRSN, OM day In uew. the eurrent Ratt <or "P1bab·.U· P1hah," as he prefers being ~a iled > made an attempt to ft kewer a groveling peasant with his aclmltar, missed, and struck oil. ••orty·teven minute• later. an arm1 saJe11nan from the Pen· tagon parachutAKl into the Loyal Royal Palace with a contract tor M.3 bllUon worth of tanJt• and Jell and a declaration officially makll\I Phynkla a bHtlon ot de· mocr acy •nd the key to the Weatem Central Middle East. 0 WBJ.L. It'• certainly nice to be a butlon of democrac)' .rter all tbete yean," .. ld the Plbah, diapatchlna with a beautlM two. handed backhand an 111i1tant Vider who Md aMeftd. "But • what do l need all lboM weapons for! No OM'• bothered to attack Phynk.la ln 1300 yea.rs.•• seconds. "I'll tako $l2.6 billion," heaatd. AFT£& THAT, thinRs went awtmmlngly. The Psbah , formerly ~ribfd in the back PllH ot OSi Wettem press as "a n11ty UW. runt," 1uddenly 1rew • toot taller, myater1outly ac. qui.red a haodlome family, and ovemllht a..a..ed 1 reputation as 1 &>enevolent cons tltutlon-al monarch who devoted hta life to leadln1 hit backward country ln· to tlM..., ~tury. Barbara Walters, herself. ln· tervlewed t h e b eautlful Psharin1, telllnl bow the latter went about the country, di•· trtbuUnc bouquet. to dele1atJons o( atarvtnc e1mcl drlver1. Prest· dent Car&M, himself, aatd the P1hah wu 1'a real awell 1ood ol' boy" and lf he bet ever violated I hum&ll rtaM It "1UAt hlVO b9en "You mutt think of your loYal an ac:cldent. And the Phynktan ' tu.bJecta, alre," Hid 'he Otl f1awW ln&o the crukcue. of talttman. the Wa, Tb• P1b1b tbouabl for u-Then one d•1. r\ota broke out under the leadership or the Pfan of Phynkla, a hi gh·ranking cleric. But for months. Presi· dent Carter end even Barbara Walters, herself. stood by their friend, the Pshah. And the Western press described his OP· poncnta as ··a bunch oC r cllglous null." AA ror the Pahah, he stdd. "Pshah! they'll n ver lick my 300,000.man army." NO& COULD they. But the Pf an baa an tdea. A1 a ralllt, the Pahab overn11bt loat a foot In bel&hl. my1&erlously adopted an ull1 family, end tta.aamo- . armed beck into • nuly UtUa despot Who deterved to be boo\· ed out ot offke. What haPDened was that th Plan meNly aald lO the P1bah "We're IOlnl to 1trlk1 your ol wells ana nOt another drop wil be shJpped to tbe W•l untu )'O boiler, 'UncJe'I" Yee, air, tb1t'1 Pllaah bit t.bl Pfu. -....--.~ . ....-. ..,. ... ... .. :t' ~ATION Pardon Sought for. Villii Widow k U •• to F o rgiv Mexican F o e McAlJ..EN. T xas <AP> Nearly 63 years. atttr Pan('ho VIiia rodo acrosa the border to ln· vadt the Un ted Stat • t.orchlnc a town and leav· lnl 1 trail of de.th, hla wtfo ls aaklna foralveness. Marla Lw Corral d Villa, M. and hs ill health, ume to thlt south Texas border town by air am· bul&n<"e thlJ w k to present a pardon requeat to Rep. KJka de la Garia. ( '1PEOPL OF GOOD MU WILL remember the unfortunute invasions ot my husband's army a1aln1t tho people of the United States," her formal request states. •'I ask that he be exonerated tor his act of war against the United States on that dark page of his history at Columbus. N.M .. " the ~uest slates .• It was at 2·30 a m. on March 9. 1916, that Vllla variously acclaimed as a patriot and a bandit - led his army across the border. heading for the U.S. cavalry garrison in the New Mexico town. The marauders left 17 Americans dead. THE ATTACK CAME AFTER Pre~ident Woodrow Wilson recognized the government established by Venustiano Carranza during the Mexican revolution. "With this act, Pancho Villa and his men are recorded in history as the only army to have In· -vaded the Unltcd States in this century," the u .,,..,..... pardon request says. PANCHO'S WIDOW MAKES PLEA Marfa de VIiia In Chihuahua Mrs . Villa Jives io a meager home in Chihuahua, Mexico; A small museum attached to the house includes memorabilia from her Stomach Ulcer-s Inherited Woe? BOSTON <AP> -The peptic ulcer , Jong thought to be a symptom or the stresses of modern life, may actually be inherited in many cases, ac- cording to a study. California researchers say that more than half or all ulcers may be passed on from generation to generation. although drinking, diet and stress can make the disease appear sooner. FOR THE FIRST TIME, THE doctors said, they have found a specific. genetically-determined trait that can be measur¢ to figure out who is in danger of developing an ulcer of the duodenum, the most common form or this intestinal ailment. One resear cher said the discovery may make it possible for doctors to spot youngsters who risk ulcers and help them avoid the disease. A report on the research, conducted at Harbor· UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, Calif.. was published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Thursday THE DOCTORS DISCOVERED THAT, in some famiUes, people whose stomachs secrete un· usually large amounts or an enzyme called pepsinogeo are likely to have ulcers. The researchers said they are not sure whether pepstnogen always means an lneUpaUon to develop ulcers. Other studies, however, have shown that two-thirds of people with duodenal ul· cers also have high levels of this enzyme. Peptic ulcers occur in 8 percent to 12 percent or American adults. An ulcer is a palnful bole in the stomach or duodenum, the· section of the ln· testine just below the stomach, that is caused by excess stomach acid. Am e ricans Indicted NEWARK, N.J . <AP> -Three New Jersey men have been Indicted in connection with the daylight theft last July of more than 50,000 Belgian cobblestones from a city avenue. Witnesses said they believed the men were ci· ty workers. The avenue bas been repaved with asphalt. husband's checkered career. She said Wednesday she was glad to be north of the border. .. MY BlJSBAND LIKED THE children. he Jlked the poor people and he liked the old people," she said in Spanish. Mrs. Villa will remain in the Rio Grande Valley for this week's premier of "She Came To The Valley" -a locally.produced movie that in· eludes some of Villa's escapades. Villa was pursued across the border by Gen. John J . Pershing after the New Mexico attack. but he was never captured. He was assassinated in 1926. ·~EL MY HUSBAND COMMJTl'ED an ln- justic to our friends of the United States." Mrs. Villa's uest says. "J humbly ask for lhJs pardon not only for the good name o( Pancho Villa but to further cement the good relations betw,een our two great countries." At one Ume branded an outlaw in Mexico, Villa was pardoned in 1976 and bis remains were placed in Mexico City in the Monument of the Revolution. . Sol Marroquin, a de la Garza aide who helped arrange Mrs. Villa's trip, said the congressman may seek a congressional resolution exonerating Villa. Wages Given SAN FRANCISCO <AP> --More than $50,000 in unpaid wages has been awarded to 137 migrant farm hands who worked at a Merced County vineyard in 1974, the State Department of Industrial Relations an· nounced . Their employer, Silicon Valley Ranch at Sne1Ung, filed for bankruptcx soon after they began work. . . .. Sneaking a Sn1rek An orphaned baby harbor seal, one of a number of marine mammals who beach themselves on Northwest beachs. drinks from a bottle in the yard of veterinarian Tag GornaJI 's home in Seattle. Mattel Grollllds Toy Space ship ATLANTA <API -The Mattel Corp. has stopped selling a toy spaceship after several children injured themselves and a 3.year-old Atlanta boy died -by shoot.mg missiles into their mouths. Spencer Boise. vice president of corporate ar- fairs for Mattel Corp .. said the company 1s con· sidering a "missile mail-in'· campaign urging\ children to send the 11• -mch soft plastic projectiles included with the" Battlcstar Galactica" toy. • "I want to emphasize that it 1s not the toy lhatl is the problem," he said. "It 1s the little red mis· sile that the children are shooting into their mouths.'' J e hovah's Banned ASUNCION, Paraguay <AP> -The Paraguayan government has banned the Jehovah's Witnesses because they refuse to serve in the army on religious grounds. The sect has operated in Paraguay since 1957. The Jehovah's Witnesses claim about 2,500 adherents, including about 100 U.S. citizens. in Paraguay. · SAN DIEGO <APl M a~e Is needed b y municipal bus drivers to protect themselves from an increaslna number or assaults by puaengers, their union said. 8oz. regularSl.99NOW Sl.49 16 oz. regular 53.69 NOW S2. 77 Sale ends January 28, 1979 Rog.rn G.wdms • 640.S800 S..~ .i MacAnhur • ~ lk«h 9am-6pm ~ HERB fR I EDLt\~DF.R IS MAKISG GREAT OEt\LS BUY OR LEA SE! FREE 50 GALS OF GAS 537·5464 WE ARE OVERSTOCKED ! T HOUSANDS OF FIXTURES TO CHOOSE FROM 50-80% OFF Outdoor Lantern Width 10", ht. 31" rugged rustproof construction. Black finish Clear or amber lens. I Floritt SpPcial f lWO VERY RELIABLE INDOOR PLANTS POTHOSAND DIEFFENIACHIA Bound Glass Chandeliers 6 .. Pots REG.I .II 3.99 EA. FRUIT TREES APPLES• APRfCOlS • PlUMS NECTARINES • PEACHES• FIGS ~W . Experience the tb..rfU ol pJdJng l:rult lrom a~ r ou planted rounell/ With eist'Jt candelabras, downlight and solid brass construction. SALE STARTS FRIDAY JANUARY 12, 1~79 Open 7 Days 1 Week 9:30 -6:00 S.t. and Sun. 9:00 -6:00 waaa LICIHTING f:IXTUR• COMPANY 203• SOUTH !AST MAIN 'STREET, lAVINe. CAl.t~ORNIA ~~ 17141 ~S.2901 t MARMADUKE by Ind Anctenoft 1 j "Marmaduke iust ate your lipstick I" SUPERHEROES SHOE CA~ IT, PLUS~IE! GERIATRIX DENNIS THE MENACE I .. PUNKY WINKERIEAN ' J -I MISS PEACH by Pasko, TU5ka & Cofa.tta GORDO I ' I tl TUMBLEWEEDS. NANCY WHAT DID YOU HAVe FOR LUNCH, NANCY! by Jeff MacNeHy MILK, COCOA, HONEY, BUTTER, NUT S, FIGS, RAISINS, JELLY-· • by Mell l n.NK'50. I~ •wND )t)Utr:OWN 9"4f1Niff. A~LTATION'? AGATHA CRUMM Wll.L 'rt'.>C.J A.T LEA6T CONS I PU f<lf( RAt ~, t.\6. CRt.¥M\ 1 DR .SMOCK MOTLEY'S CREW Y''IJ.¥:JN, ~. YOU OOW"f l.00\( ~~A MARTJ,A1'1. Q c ···~ by Gus Arriola by Tom K. Ryan ARE YOU KIDDING? ~ Ernie luslwnltltr YOU CAN ReAD IT Ob.J THIS CANDY WRAPPER I PEANUTS "' r PmWSe Nor 10 LEAH ON 'iOOR PIANO, M/JH I COME IN ? COMICS I CROSSWORD 8ECAUSE (<:MT~ fVJ(IN6 TME PIANO IF ~ LEANIN6 ON rT AU. nE TIME ! by Biii H09$1 ···WHIU l'M LINING OPVOOR REPLAC.:MENT. by George Lemont ·. TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE I ACROSS ~ ~e and _ UNITED Fe1ture Syndicate 1 Of kidneys 57 Limb T ll11flda y Pvutt SOIV9<1 6 Finest se NIYigatlon 10 H•ve - -device Opinion of St Leu tidy 1' Heath &C System of 15 Competent '"9e• ft Talklng C>ltd: f1 ,_.f pie Vw. •FOR:4d WOftl• t7 Olsu"'°"' 2 ~ 10 Meleflc 70 Aalan oou~ 10 Metnc untt• tty ~ Ac1Ull coet. n Dole 2wordl 72Tete - - 23 ltlllan city 73 SC:Ot 25 Seate: Abbr. 74 Center 26 -Plaines. 7S Slltcll again Ill. 'l7 Conlllct 29 Coolllng meas.. 31 Ptreot 33 Miit ltquor 3.c Qlufa 38 Woriel llard 40 Stage 42 Fh1 a roof 44~more ~~renc;e 47 Oe¥ouf 48 8et'lng- 50Vlm $2WOlf I Oulttanees. Abbf. 2 P1r1 ol 0 E.O. 3 Color· 2 words 4"Not-- 1n the world" 5 Rues 8C~b 7 Bliek 'Ptvoted 9 Examined 10 US.A. 11 Furious 11 Hamllt's mtlleu: 2 words 13 U I(. area 18 Wealher map line 22 Map 24 Flower 17 Purtfy 29 Voice 30 Flower Plrf 32 N.Z. bird 35 Aroma 37 Engravea 380gle 39 Oscillate 41 Soda '3 Rabbet '8 Harvest '8 Having knots 51 Glau llefna 54 Me11 jet1y ~Blaze 56 Abaolule 58 Free-tor.it 60 Lessen S2 Conllned 83 Fiii chestnut 86 Obsel'le ee F1ourls1*1 •Former GI . .. ...... - . I AT YOUR SERVICE I OBITUARIES I ANALYSIS ffidey. Januaty 12. 1979 DAIL v PILOT A. I Tobacco Subsidy Rapped • &\S \'7@(11][( llTJinB Councilman Blaaia Two Carter Stomlil ~-~ @[{ W 0 ©@ "Cot a problem? Th~ wntt to Pot Dunn. Pat will rut rt d t~. gnting the an~ and actson you nttd tv 1olvt' ~1h1•s in gooemntlnt and busmtu . Mall your QUC'ation.. t<> l'at Dunn. At Your Serok:t. Orariue Coa4t Dally Ptlol. f> 0 Boz JS60. Coato Mrro, CA 92626 Ai man" letlera 0$ pouible will t.w on~'t'red, bul ph()n('d mquanes <>r lt-llr r1 not tncludlny the rroder·s full no me. address and bu3r1ll'1.t houri · phqnt' number cannot btconiidt rtd. T~columnappeor1da1· lg u cqJC Salurday1 .. Irvine CountUman Davld Us te0lded tbt· Cart~r 1d11dn.1atta· tlon fOf' •ub&M!Wn.a t.M tobkect tndu.try on Ow oae band and~ on tbe othef, uklna clUca lo clean up their air. 0( t.rnldlm "' by way of dllput.· tn1 ibe dtan air P••n anaull on aulamotlilell and lndualry u th No t Pollution problem. IU1-who don not smokt- ald heart dlaeue, ulcers. em· phy1tma. bronchitl1. and con cen of the breut and colon all b•ve bt~ linked to cigarette 1mo1tlna "l •I ll wUh cynicl1m. ·• The COUDC11 WAI d Uber t1nc Ulla week oW>r an alr quallt..Y mana~ment plcan dentoped by the So\!Wm CaUCornJ• Auoria· tron of Govemmrnta and the South Coast Air Qual ty Mana-· mt-nt D\lt.rkt. The pl n Is manadatN by ft"deral C1ean Air Act amend· menta of um and the CaUforrua Lewla Air Quality Mana1ement Act of 1978. Ua •-'d. "*•UN lbe Cartf'r 1dmlal9tnUoe ronUnue. to 1ub- tldlie &he lobtltt0 lnchattry, and >et J think It I without qoea· non that &ho ft.Huro to adequak· ly ~ducat the public on tb haaaJ'da of ctpmte amottloa ii perhapc t.he No l h atlh prob- lem 1nlhfUnlltdStatettod1y. ''And yet," he seid. "we go around Qying that the No 1 problem ta to lnspett can. or to ""' flltera on smokestacks. Laudable goals. perhaps. but I ha ve to view 1t with a litUe cynitlsm when I see the omount o< dollars thll coun try s pends to subsidize the tobacco Industry and keep the price or tobacco up, our failure to properly t>ducnle the public on the hazards of cigarette smok· ing, and then we sit here in the tiv~nina . talking about how we're going tu clean up the air in Southern Cu lafornia ." Calltorn.ia." Member clti o( SCAG ha\ • until July 1 to 1ppro\•c or disap. prove the plan. "All o< the inaurance com· panlt teU us lbat. tTbt U S. Suraeon Gtoerol'a report on c1aiareue amoklng, released a day alttt SiU1' comments, a1&o lent support to his contentions.) "It'• not idle talk. The COWK:ll voted ~ Tu~ay to derer ~ acUoo until a finan· c1al analys11 ii done to d.bcover what it will cost local govern· ment. SlUs cast h.ts vole "w>lh a bit .. So 0181')' people I know who s moke have no adea that cl1arette smoking has been very closely correlated to lnnumera· ble diseases, beyond 'Just lung concer .. After the vote Mayor Bill Vardoulis recessed the meeUng and smoked a c1garet. QUEENIE -. --,.r -;---. (') n I ,.,. -----.,,v~ 1·11. ·r want you to know that all those names on last year's I lt·g ca-.1 meanl nothing at all Lo me .. 9-year-old Art The/ t Admitted CHICAGO <AP I -The Art Institute of Chicago. site o( the recent theft of Cezanne palnl· mgs worth $3 million, has confirmed the theft nearl) nine years ago of lln Orlental St'roll described as one of the best s urviving examples o' the Southern Sung Dynasty The 13th century scroll. titled "Herding the Oxen" and valued al $'200.000, is a rare Ink draw· ing by the Chinese artists Fan Tzu·min. Museum officials said that the scroll was stolen from a dis· play case, which was pned open, m the Onental ~alleries of the· museull" in March 1970 and is still missing. Death Noc ire• Death Nod~• Wlt•OIH Pallon Of 8'111"' Colurnbl•. Me~l•I J AMES (HAlMf lh WR IGHT ""'""~\ 12 Hoonon5.alurd<ly. J .... 13, P.t\"'° llW•• JMtUitry 10, ""' llo<"n "' 1q19 •t P11dh< v-CNioel. P•u l k R••••\100 c.. '><'Pllrn(Jor u. I.OJ .... v .... Mori.-v. -pof'I IMKI\. dirt'< ... , • ro •°""1 ot Sall M.lrlno Ca to< u ton .•u ·JIOO. Y"M\ o .. fore mov1nQ 10 N•wport SWANSQfll Such Ao Qr..au.tl• Of ~i.1nfo.a •n<J MORTIN HERBEA f SWANSON H•r••rd S....n••H S<'-1 V•<• Prht P•urd •••Y J11<1. i, lffl In L~ °''" ena ~"°" l...,.,.,,,.,...n\ Advt\O< DH <ll. C•. He wA\ a 111•'°"9 rttlldH>I lor S.curlly P.c;lltt N•lton.tl B""ll ot 1114 11r•a. -WOflled for t h(> ~le Su•••••d Dy ..... flt/dl>f'th We.c Of Ff' Pailro..d fC)f' .. , ...... He " W•· N,-woort 8f'Ot n. \On ltt>l'\1•m1n 8 YIYfl'O er hfS WI,.., Mar~ S•anW>n •nd Wr •Qht ,M O ot ~f"wpcH t A••< h, m"nv r toW! tnenos. Pr•v•t.-wrv•cei, ddUQlllllr Oorotlly J1>nn1IN WrlQhl 01 weru ~le! tor Mr SwM>-.on AllY Fam;. Mon11.1e1r (.e """ l Q•lll'cl<PHIClr•n ,., MOrtU<try l -~Kii OlrKlor\ t ,.. .. ,. wilt Ott no lorn.a• '"""'•' eForrn•rtv~tfff Mortu•ryJ ""'"0 \ 8urtel arra~ l>v '"°' N•1> CAMPBILL f-So<•ely trt•-otllow•r\f,...fam• ETHEL CAMPBELL, rHIClent of ly\uQ9nl\00<>41tOMtOHO<>QM~,,_l.I Cl><onA Ofl /oNir C.. P•\W<I awlly Al Ho\C>•l•I ""' homf! J8'1 10. 1q19 •I I"" • ot 81 GLAHCll: Yttilr\ 8etove o motn•r of Aoo•n C..lRY PATRICK CLANCE. re\IOenl C..mf;>Oell 01 Co<ON <Ml M.lir. C.. LAK•I )f Newe>or1 &No<h C4 PA\Wd 41*0 fuM r•I w.rvlc~ ,..111'0! tw lw!l(J fnler• J••I\ 10 '~" ~urv1v•c1 Qy 'on•. mtonl •I N. W•lle1111, M•ul ~mlln P~""• •nd M1<N tt C.tonco. P•ir•nh TuthlU Uomll M«1u&•Y dlre<lo.,, «21 !\ .J dnd Mary Am Gt.....:t ol Nl'Wl>Of"I E 1f111 Stru t. (O•I• MU•. C• 6'•,.t l\. C.. 8r01 ..... MIC ..... I (;t-e ot ....... An•Mtm, u • \tUCtt .. !titllr HOf'neS-l•V or 5-an FrM<lsc.o. Ca. WfMflrfll L-1\ 01 fOUl\l•ln Valley, c:. . MIO Elle<> Deatlu Ehewhe. Doctors llnlaapPJJ Medi-Cal Plan Changes Hit By THOMAS D. ELIAS Often :.i source of frustration for doctors. pa- tients and taxpayers. the state's Medi-Cal pro· gram is again under fire. This time the criticism comes Crom doctors unhappy with a $129.S milllon contract calling for a change of the private firm that processes claims. Private companies have always decided who would be paid by Medi-Cal and how much. though the money comes from the state and the state Is· sues guidelines for those decisions. THE WUDEST COMPLAlNTs COME Crom Los Angeles County, with the most doctors, pa- tients and welfare recipients eligible for Medi·Cal coverage. The doctors see several dangers that could af· feet taxpayers: A possibility t.hal the system could go broke. forcing either a tax increase or aid from the slate's general fund. Possible routine approval or unjustified claims. Increases in stale employees needed to coordinate the state·s check·writlng function under the new contract. ALL TIIESE SUPPOSED DANGERS are stlll In the potential stage. because Medi-Cal ad· ministration will only gradually come under the new contract. Jt won't be totally effective until June 1. 1980. SOlITH£RN CALIFORNIA FOCUS ' But there appear lo be good reasons for the conce~ of the doctors. At the core ot the phystdans' concern is Computer Sciences Corp. of El Segundo, which is to run Medi·Cal tor 5'h years. The contract allows CSC to demand a nd get additional payment whenever there is a change in the progrsm. And state and federal governments both make frequent changes. "For a contractor with CSC's long experience in dealing with federal government contracts, such an open-ended clause 1s an invitation to cost over· runs ... says Paul J . Beck. director of governmen· tal relations for the Los Angeles County Medical Association. "PIE·IN-THE·SKl' RHETORIC which sa >s the state will save $100 million ln administrative costs over the term of the contract has never been -and cannot be -documented," he said. The doctors' biggest fear is caused by csc·s inexperience in administering health-care pro· grams. That, they say, could lead to payment of many unjustified claims. . .. It will be far easier and cheaper for the con tractor to routinely approve claims for payment." says Beck. "If that procedure Is followed. there could be huge budget deficits In the entire pro· gram with resultant increases in taxes. service re· ductlon5 to the medically needy or culbac~ In payments when the money runs out each ye1trf STATE OFFICIALS DENY anything so dis· astrous Is oossible. Says Beverlee A. Myers, director of the state Department of Health Services. "Every detail of the present program benefit structure has been maintained. Expectations for quality medical care are intact .. , " Myers maintains that the state's new ad· minlstratJve cos~ will be much less because the contract. for the first time. puts Medi -Cal ad· ministration under competitive bidding and CSC was the low bidder among those judged compe- tent. In addition, she says, the state will now be able to be more aggressive In golng after "third· party liability" claims, where someone other than the patient can be held responsible for medical payments. "THE RETURNED PROGRAM DOLLARS are expected to more than r~ver the cost of any new st.ate employees," s he said, "whlle this coi;t is eliminated from the new contract.'' • PARIS CAP) -Alex· andra Baladlova, one of the last pr1ma ballerinas of hupaiaJ Ruasia, d ied Jan. $ ~t the age of 91. friend• aatd. She waa . most ooted. for ~r rol~ in "La F\Ue Mal Gardee' wblcb lho danced at the Bol1bol In Mo1cow before World War I. lloard t'ariettf 11ot Boring DEAR PAT: I plan to finish my attic In the next couple or months. I'd Uke to use gypsum board, but didn't do too well with it a few years ago because of trouble with the painting. Are pre· painted sheets or gypsum board available ? G.G.,NewportBeach You cao get gypsum board with any klad of lloJJb you want, altbougll palntlng It aboald not pote any partJcuJ1r problem. If you.r lumber yard or ballding supply dHle r doa noc stock gypsum board with ap«lal flolsbet, asll that It be ordered for you. If you want to see the various types of nrutbes. lnclud.lac tbose that slmuJate wall panel· Ing, chttk your phone book to find a dealer wlUt a large Inventory. Spanish Elf~• C'an Scan Book D6AR READERS: J. C. Penney Co. Inc. bas announced the introduction of the Cat.tlog Prac· tlcal Spanlsh Gulde, whJcb Js designed to help 8panJsb-speaklng customera order from J.C. Pen· oey utalop. baaed as a tepara&e ZS.page booklet, the guide Is written In the mos( neutral Spanish poulble in order to reach customers wlth Idiomatic dllferences throughout t.be country. The cooteota al tbe gufde include the procedures to place orden by mall, telephone, and In person, as well as the company's warranty policies, credit In· formation, the uae of metric equivalent tables for &ldng. and catalog pricing poUdes, alerting the customer to sale-oriented tabloids and other pro· motions. 'flp Reporting Ruh-Cltan~d DEAR PAT: I understand that new regula· lions are in effect regarding employers reporting an employee's lips and keepin~ records of ups re· ceived. Can you give me a rundown ·or wbat's in· volved in this, es pecially the record·keeping aspect? K.W .• Irvine Under the new rules. b onJy employee Ups tba& an employer must report to the IRS <on Form w.z Wage and Tax Statement) are those actually reported lo them by their employtt. Thls means that an employer ls not obUgated to report, solely on the basis of charge receipts. charged tips paid to a waiter, waitress or other personnel designatf'd by a charge customf'r. The only records an God Shows The Way: ~ employer need mal.lltaln are cbar1• recelpb and ~opk1 al &Ip Income etatemenu fumlslted by e mployeet. Tbus, an employer must keep charge recelptt tbat ren ect the amout ol Ups lllleluded by tM cu&omtr. bul no rttord I• reqolred of the nime of ur partlcubr employee &o wbona the ~harged Up 11 paid. T1lese new ndes do not atrect aby other rtt0rd-keeptng requirements &hat apply to an employer for purposes of dflerml.W., t.be employM'• tax llablUty. •Best D~tors' M~re t'anlc11? DEAR PAT : My hw1band is a doctor. He re- ceived an ad in the mall for a publication titled, .. The Best Doctors In AmcMca." For $18 the com- pany will list his name in the publication and he writ receive a first edition or the book. Can you find out if this is n worthwhile offer ·! K W Co t M . .• s a esa The Bet&er Buslneas Bureau says that Reveal Publications of Beverly Hills. reported to the BBB tbat It was established In May 1178, bot It baa pro· vlded no information as to the crlt.ert• ~ to select tbHe "best doctors" or on any of the com- pany's other act.ivttles. The BBB suggests cauUoa, "as rbb promotion has all the cbaractertatlct of a •vanity' operation." Pesdride Proterdon Due Dt.:AR R EADER S: The Environmental Protectk>o AKency will Issue nt>w rules In early 1979 requiring special child·resistant packagJog for the most toxic household pesUclde products. according to Steven D. Jellinek, EPA's 18.si.stant administrator for toxic substances. Jellinek notes that "according to the National Clearinit~ for Poison Control Statistics, 80me 6,500 Amerkan children under 5 year.s of age were accidentally poisoned in 1975 by ingesting pestlcldel' and this number, has been going up annually." The packaging requirements will artect those produd3 tba& pose the greatest hazard to cblldren when swallowed, Jnbalt'd, or spllled in their ey~ or on their akin. The expeded lnuease in cost to the con.<11umer will be about 3.74 cents per package. Pesticide manufacturers will have up lo two year~ to change to &be new packaging. SHOCKED! SY YOUR INSURANCE RATES " AUTO LIFE . HOMEOWNERS BUSINESS Ri.tleouts CE~ER•1 11BRSJC~ lEAR~l~G Sl\UJ.E If yo• tlott'I '"'oh. Forurs Non·S•o"•' Polley ~~~~Ao~:r~~'U~?C::· , May protect yowr ho1111. OMIO or 11pt1rl1Hfll 213/377·1561 /or lf'Ss. .. SALE•~. Ore. t A-no -"11 1 E. !>out11 !>t. L•k•wooo • J 548 5554 J G .;.•,1d ( ,.,. 'h Zt3/630~100 . Our Zlst Year • : _ reta .iU eout ell s e 1525 M•w v•ro• or. un NSUR NCE had lo choose between a couu11•u RAllln I A cotl H NOW! solitary llfe or making 7141Ci&l§Jt4 , ~. 191' HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA up with the husband she -~H~o::m~e~o:._1 ~ .. c.~"'.:"~1p:u1:t:_' ~Tu:m::'~ .. =-!'!~!!!!~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ took to court for a lleged· ly raping her. The Bible showed her the way. she said. "I KNEW l 'D either end up leading a lonely life or I would get back together with him." Mrs . Rwcout. 23. told the Oregon Statesman .. But I d1dn •t think 1t was PoSSiblc for us to do ADVANCE llEGISTRATION NOW OlltlN. that." The couple was tn· tervicwed two weeks after J ohn Rideout was acquitted in what was believed to be the first trial of a man chargrd with raping his wlft• wn1l c tht.•y li vc•r1 together. 'THERE I S something new between us -a change in me. a change ln lum, a maturi- ty, a faith in God we've never had before." said Mrs Rideout as s he 1, 111· Ill\· l11nt· tn • 1qf111p 1·11 .. , • ~d'•fl•J lo • n, 11r• '' C...r).•''" r111hl w1~1l1qv ll\/"••"·"·'••11·1 ,, •••• •r••!.~.ill<l•flY·~J' l1li• (1flf'1 lflit"""l.i .• 1.,1 1 vrrr Cl.is•.1•:; hll tip lu'.I !.o Gill to<J.iy 101 '~'1111 1r.1r.rrriu1" 11 I t lh· wh <> IJtn1ly SKATING SCHOOL HOTLINE 979-6351 ASK FOR MISS SANDY BEGINNERS WELCOME ~'~ C1t1r wl1irt1rJv.1n.1•1t 11•rt1!1 ro,11111·11111• r •rr11rrr•.1h)• ICI CAPADESGW.IT Costa Mesa 2701 Harbor Blvd. Harbor & Adams 979·8880 sipped drinks with her-------------------------------husband. Rideout added. "God has a lot to do with our situation. lie showed us what can happen to two people. Then He turned around and said. ·Hey. look whnt 1ou're miss· Ing In each other .... THE RIDEOUTS said they plan to join u church and to seek mor. riage counseling Saturday night, they met for the firsl time since the trial. They giggled as they recalled "the big deal we went through dec1d· Ing whether we cou Id kiss each oth<!r." M r~ Rideout said. "Finally . I Jus t reached over and kissed her," John Rtdeoulsaid. BOOK DIJE ON POISONS " WASHINGTON <AP> -A handbooil on toxic aubstances. Cor use by tnd ivlduals. clthens 1roups and 1tatt and local regulatot'1', wlll be prepared by the Na· tlonal Wildlife Pedero· llon. The federaUon says It b11 received a 1rant from the U.S. Environ· ment•J PtotecUoo Asen· er for the project . ESTATE SALE OF JEWELRY- CRYSTAL- PORCELAIN - BRONZES- CHINA- SILVER aad more. lots of diamond rings and eerrings, gold ch11ns, fine china ond crystal, bfonzes. some fum1 turt, oils, chandehers, brass l.mps, etc. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights January 12. 13. & 14 I n$pection of all merchandise Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 2 • 6 P .M. and 7 • 8 P .M. Something for everyone -from $1.00 up. Free ldmission. 81nk of Arner!Q, Ma$ttr Charge, cheekt, somo terms 1vall1blo. newport galleries ltd. 2642 West Cont Highway Newport Beach, CA (71 4f 645-2200 CONllGNMENl'8 ACCEPTED . TIL I PM MONDAY ...... ' A•• DAILY PU.OT FrldlY, Jan'*Y t2, tl11 Business IJnt Plies Up to 'Aft' ~ ~ tomf'thlna with It. uJJ ri&bt.. _ inU art p ·ct ( ) !{.!wLr... •WM' PLANDOME MANOR. N.Y. -W ndy Word ltrt i1 tac.b' with a •Unt ol m acblf'f •n bet eye and, abc b llevca, tbe lar111t and ra t ron Uon ot lLI kind ln all t.M world Sh ~C.. laundry Unt SOmo titles or her worh· "Boobttfy on Unt " "Lint with llrifod Red ~"· •. "f.bJ .... Homere to Rothko"s tlomaa:• to Matllse," in Unt l,lkr any at'riou tukt.'1 1reat pain 1>lcce. artlat she with each Sbe alao rou a rur.ty n&lh "8008£all Y, '' 8111': t'X• plained with a 1tratiht rarf'l. "1. breakfast CC!t'HI It 18 tf't. ahaat ly. The d1Udttn "-'OuJdn'I •at It. but lt l>fttt.Y. Thal W'Ork 11 part oC my Serial Series on Cereal · Otbers th Uw Krl uu "True ot Llnt" and .. Pull~ Wht'•L on Lint" uvou CAN'T MAKE fun of aomeUuna unleu you do it 'Very well yourself. It took me i. year to learn to work plti:dglas11. · · Dd UMd t aba nd drlt"d up oranae ri.ndl and burnt watn and Olber pretty thlnp, but 1t Is the llnt from her dryn that fif'Cla tbe h art or thl:i huu t'"'""· tum d·arO.it .. LINT 18. U.Y rut tutr. dorn you UUnk •" ht• !!aid "l be1an it.Ul'fln, ll in pa~r b because J thou1eht lt wab o •hame lo throw at way, that somctWna hould bt• done Wllb Wendy Ward Ehtcns hlUI done more than 250 auch art wotklt. Each ts enc sed In pleir11lass. which she cuts and (ash1onA t•x ~rtty, ud a.th I•., spoof orthe prtttous world or art • .irta ts and mu eums Not Iona ago her couoty·a Muaeum or Fine Art dared to have a 1howln1 "from the Privott Collection ot Wendy Ward £hlen." • al." • As 1t happened. lt appeared slmultanoowsly with a showing of mastttpleces from a famous foundation collectlon. ··couldn't have asked for a bf·Uer setup." Art lovers, m an· 10 P ereen t a Y ar Rot"' Ke mp Revive • Tax Cut Package Bond t o Bow At End of '79 WASHINGTON <AP) -The sponsors oC the Roth-Kemp legislation to cul income taxes by about one-third over three years are reviving their proposal and tying It w a plan to limit rederal spending and combat inflation. Sen. William Roth. R·Del., and Rep. Jack Kemp, R·N.Y .• said their new measure ls aimed al limiting federal spending over the next several years by keep. ing ll near current level!\ plus m· nation. in addition to cutting taxes. WASHINGTON <AP> -The $25 savings bond, issued since l941, wiU be replaced next Jan. 2 b y a SSO savin11ts bond. the Treasury Department h as an· nounced. nation by fostering a recession. The Series E bonds, with face ~ HOWEVER. THEY said the Republicans made a similar tax cut plan a national issue last year before it was narrowly re- 1 ected by the Democratic- controlled Congress. amounts ranging from Sl5 to tax cuts. worth about $300 billion Sl00.000. wtll be replaced with from U8> through 1983. could Series EE bonds with denomina· take effect even if the spend.mg <ions ranging from SSO to $10,000. limit is rejected. Treasury Department officials The legislators sajd their new s aid the government will reduce plan is an alternative to what 11.8 boriowing costs through sav they termed the Carter ad· rng11 bonds. ministration's eCforts to fight m· TH E NEW proposal would cut tax rates oy 10 percent a year over the next three years. begin· ning Jan. 1. 1980, resulting in lax reductions averaging about 30 to 33 percent per return, or slightly below the JS.percent average of last year's proposal. PUBLIC NOTICE ST .II TlMElrf 0,. AMNDOHMf:Nl o .. uuo .. "ICllTIOUS 8USINEU MAME Tllo lollo•ln11 P••tOn\ ll•v• tllondonecl 1111 .,_. of IM tkllllOu\ ~·-,,.-· INSTA-TVHE. to/JI W041mlntl•r l)lvcl • Wftl,...nsliw, CA 976'0 r lie F1,1111ou) 6u1lneu "'•"'• •M~recl lo -W9' lll'ICI in Of&n911 <.clufl!Y on~ 1Q, 1'7' rNSTA·TIJHE. INC. • C•lllO<'nle Cor00te1lon. 111s~ !.llr f'•rll E .. 1, lrvln., CAt2114 Tll&S _...._, Wft C-1.0 II'• 11m11&G~01>. '"~'-·'"' A~O 6rown ~ 1'ilt tl .. trnlflt WO) llltO Wllh 1111> <ounty Glffll ol 0..t"91' Gounly on C>Kember I~ 1911. ,,..,. P\IDll~ Or~ C.OOSI Oo11Y Prlol ,, .. ,, s. 12. "· "' ,.,. PUBUC NOTICE FICTITIOU$ 8U'1NIES5 NAME$ TA lf!Nll!NT TM lollO#lnQ pt<50tl h dOlnQ l>Uij.o M,~.) TLC·TYPe, l.C:TT(IHNO & <.AlLIGAAPHY. "'" ~ypnk Cir <.le, Sult• G, lrVI,,.., CA. 971" Wt1yno w. Tenn11n1. !JS C."dl f'lcKll. Unll 8, 0.1'" M<ne, CA. '1?6?6 lhl\ ~ •• C,OnOuelecl by •n •n· mv1clu•I W•yneW. Tennent Tiu> Jl.-if •H .Ued with lhe (.ounly Clef'll ol 0r•"91' co..nty on o.KotmOOr 20. "11 P1*11 PUl)llSNCI Or ... GoiKI Dolly Pitoi. J•n~), IZ. It, 2'. lf/t P UBUC NOTICE PICTITIOUS •uso•e:ss HAME STATlfldlfT ,..,. T lie lollowlllQ jl«IOnt M• 001119 llu'SINUM PACIFIC SHORES PlllNTING, II» Vl<torle Pl«•, CO.I• MHO, C.. m11 ICennettl sw-. 11:. VIUor•• Ple<P. (C>'l<t Mew. C. .,.11 f""•"' E. Corl'°"· '32$ Syf"' Or • S.nt• ""41. Ge 9?103 Thi• Dvllll.s> h conclu<l•d .,, o -•I PM"llleANp. ll~S..- Thi. •tel-I •M filed wlfll lM <cl\lftty Cieri! of Oro• County on Ol<olftbn "· ,.,. " Pulllltlled Orenoo Coe\I Delly Pllol Oec. tt, tt, ""Jen, s, n, 1m ~, PUBLIC NOTICE LettueelJp Recent Raim Blamed EL CENTRO (AP> -Lettuce prices are up to 99 cents a head and a supermarket spokesman said "we're just kidding ourselves if we think we can get more than $1 for a head of lettuce. The recent rains were blamed for driving up the price or a carton of 24 head or lettuce to SlS, ('om pared lo a previous record price a year earlier of $10 pa.id by brokers to lbe growers. Scott Templeton, produce merchandising manager for Safeway Stores in San Diego, said that it the price climbs further "we'll just quit handling iceberg leUuce until the prices ..drop again." Templeton said he t?xpects the 99 cents per head !rice prevalent in the El Centro area to sprea Nurse to Discuss 'Mended Hearts' Registered nurse Donna Thompson will be the featured speaker Jan. 24 when the Orange County chapter of Mended Hearts, Inc .• meets al 7:30 p.m. al St. Joeeph Hospit.aJ. Orange. Mrs. Thompson. who undeMVent heart surgery 20 years ago, will discuss cardiac rehabilitation and the importance of an exercise program. Ser1'ffe Sdwdllles T...,. ProspecUve students or Servile Hlgh School. Anaheim, and their parents are being invited lo at· tend a guided tour or the school from 1 p.m. lo 4 p.m. Jan. 2L The school is located al 1952 W. La Palma Ave. v.1 .... ...,.. snn .... Sei Prospective volunteers for duties at the UC lrvlne Medical Center in Orange are being &1ked to attend orientation sessions at the hospitaJ on Jan. 23 and Feb. 8. Applicants for volunteer duty should call 634·5541 to make reservations for ellher session. The sessions will be held from 1 p.m . to 3 p.m. in the hospital caleteria. ••c-rmou• aus1 .. es1 A parlMt J'eaf N~d Topi~ HAMii ST ATaMa#T ,,,. •o11C1'111119 .-wn •• e1o1"ll t11a1 Chlef curator Kathleen WMlaker of San ~.... Diego's Museum of Mao will be the featured THe COPEi.AMO CO.; k w....1~.a be be TAMAIUHo. '"4 0<.n.m si .. """'" spea er 'C'UlrctV8f w n t American Indian ~~CA'2Mf Lore Association meets at the Bowers Museum. TltolftH •• Copololld, ... , 20th and .. A,_ s•--..-. C!A-·6 Ana. 8~ Or,. HldlflllOol 9Hcll, CA aa4UU u..,......, ~WI America To Lead In Energy? PITTSBURGH CAP l -The United States is likely w dominate world energy sources in the next century the same way the Middle East oil producing nations do now . a n energy economist says. .. The U .S . could become tbe OPEC of the 21st century," Warren B . Davis chief economist for Gull Oil Corp.. told a briefing session Thursday on the national energy outlook. HE WAS referring to the Organization or Petroleum Exporting Countries. Davls said that by the year 2015, the U.S. will get more than halt its energy (rom coal. either by burning it directly or by converting it to gas or oll. IMPOltTED OIL and gas, experted to provide about 20 percent of the nation's energy by 1990. wm have dropped by 2015 to 3 percent or the nation's energy stockpile, he predicted. Jn addition to coal, lm· ported oil wiU bf> sup planted by nuclear power and l:lhale <>il. he said. However, anot her Oulr analyst. William c. King, warned that there would be hard times between now and the llme wbeo alternative energy sources become available. .,.., Ms. Whitaker's topk will be "Customs a.nd 1111• IMINll 1' cOflllllctM br °" 1"' Ceremonlala Among the SoutbWMtern Apache." I G ........ K N • DIRECTOR or T1t1S .~~ .,."' J,.. Sb( e wbW show slides and Apaebe Indian arti!acts policy analysls, sald ln· C-ly CIOf1l fl/I OrOll99 ~ °" fOUl er San Diego collection. filUOO, gC>Vemmeot reg• ~n. mt. P*"' •---------------------u latton and environ· PWC111WC1 °'.,.. eoott 0.11, ,... mental problems were a.c. ... m...-..l.r1,1t.tm n~n C.~'O Al~ i_ _ f)-C. ~Q.• interfering with the oll PUBLIC NOTICE ' p~ l.'QtJ ~t. 'b l:;<,r ;;1 lndusU-,'s ability to ex· Tit # / ... • • w -' G ·It Cit Lf pand refinery capacity, a nrflfiUln'J Orv amt wif O UC,.; e especially ror (uelS like r-.. t.y C\AT .. '<IUAN -----UOleadecf guoline. ·=·~-:::: '°"' '° tom ...,. ...,.i. ,..... And until other energy sourcea are developed. King said, the United States ahould expect growing crttlcllm from other lndualrlallzed na· lions which need import· ed oll, and have Utlle c hance of developln1 alternative domeatic aupplJee during the next century. ' SEYGAl 1 1'1'11 1 L I SABRS I' r 1 1 r . 1 I 8 A l ., R I l Wtlet ' OMl't ,.,,. Olll II wft)' lM ~ °'"" "'°' • I I' I I ? ouoe • '*"'°" "°"'° '"•' 11111. --w1tt1ou1 kllllflO an. ,..l _O_t_R_N _A_C-... , lawn. ' I I I' I I • ~oo:: :-~:~ ~:! ,.. ....... , .......... l..._ •miit· I I I I • I I I I I ICllt~A.....11 cm1Nf~ IHO "Hert's lhJs atutton in North America tobbllns up Imported oil that they 1 lort't&n nallona > Rffd. just to tide ua ov.r to. aome new enerJ,Y pat· tern In Yihich we ti have domt1Uc auppltea but they WCMl't." tM 1alcL - ary letters and phono ulla. treated her H t.bouih 1he had profaned a temple. COLLECTOU, YOU see, are th~ prime tar1eta of her burles· (f Ue. Some years back, when her Clvc children wero younger, the r1mlly custom wu to spend a lhonth each summer tourlng the country in a hou.se trailer. "It s,emed lhat every museum we visited, every art g llery. was full of coUeeUons. Co1Jectlon1 or s poons, but- terflle8, bubble gum cards. ~ absurdity or it struck me. An we a people poaaeaaed by possessions? ''I ALSO NOTED that some people were lesa interested l.n a painting than m the card telling whose collection il came rrom. who possessed it. And IC a work didn't have a tiUe, people passed It by. "I thought lo myself, ruefully, here J am at 40 and f haven't collected a single thing. Then I thought or my dryer lint.·· Voala a new art form. APWl .... lo SINCE, MRS. Ehlers has e>c· panded her palette to include other kitchen debris. Her "Tearups and Used Ehlers Teabags,'' ls Just that. Her "Pheasant Under Plexiglass" is a plate with a pheasant/ainted on it and decorate with feathers plucked by lbe artist. EHLERS BURLESQUES ART COLLECTORS' PASSION Sculpcure 'Prop•' Blend• Dryer Product With Twtga Dryer lint, though, remains her rorte. .. My project this year is to start a lint museum . J wrote to 60 celebrities asking for their lint. I guess they didn't take me se riou s ly . Only seven responded." Pan Am to Defend Charge Against Ad WASIUNGTON <AP' -Pan American World Airways says 1t will •·defend it.self vigorously" against a federal charge that 1t engaged in dettpllve advertis ing. ONE WHO DID was Charles Addams. the cartoonist. The Civil Aeronautic Board's bureau or consumer arrair<. charged on Wednesday that Pan Am wasn't entirely honest in 1ts adverti&UU? about two se>e<:laJ low·rate fares between New York. and Los Angeles. The bureau said ads did not include all the facts and there were severe limitations on the fares' availability. He sent not only bl.s dryer lint but. in a separate plastic bag, a small bonus dutifully labeled: "pocket fuzz." Pan Am officials, however. said they were confident the airUne would be .. fully vlndJcated" by lhe full CAB board. NEW VOA IAP) ~Gn I\ ~"°J:!':;'i.!'.s' Pe .,,t'S IOf\fl Sto<urlllH ro''fio ~·l~~~~"""t::: ullt fit "ff."' ln1MW•nco & lnOu1t• . ' •I ~lOCk'-'"'"' AEL Ind ... 1\lli I"':~ AF~Prot ~·O\o't LUJf AVM Cp , ..... ~ IC.II llM\ AclOl~IN ""'° -y I Acl¥AOS1> , .... 1-. Krn AdvM•Cf ,, ,.,,,,. Ale•lllu ~ 30\lt anCru Ar1<01nc ,,.,. 1~ ,,,., ~~T~l'.. =m: l•Gn kl.,, AFIH'll ''! l 11·1' J IS-,. A~H4 llh 12111 OuNiin A IUOI llli't .. ~·'·~ 11Wtklft9 l)'n 14\lf !POii M Anll•rr ~<onL.O JJ.16JM6 IP"CI A~lf 611> ~ Pldw8o A \8 ~ \lo E= Anl• ~ ~ 'i11o El Aroen 1v. 1v. EnrO.v ArkWG\ 17~ 1111) Entwl\tl A!tCICole 21\lt 2l ~~~. Allt:illl IS I~ :::::.ri '= 1~: Fobrl FiclUnLf 8k•m1U )()foe 11~ F181C5ys tl•slc Ai • •"' •~ FIB01>ln ~:~~ff,, !HttFr 1611> l1\lo ~W~" 'I"'~ ~l~W:n,. BtULab l111o ll 81~ Ul<o 17111 Fl•W•IV 8''" '11 1311> ForinlO lrtchr '"" , ... Fomtl~ll 8lllH1llP 14"-15°"' ,,,.,,. p 80ntn1e S\I• S~ Fr•llllEI BtOOkS ,. ~ Frncllco BrwTom II~ 1 v. s:=~f.:! Owckbff ~ •"' S:"'i! 1311>" i"'" nu ~ s ,_M g:w1 v 3111> 'f """ nrectH ~ i. "'" pSwC i;., yl'OClyf\ ~ln.lllr Jlo. "' •Cl> •V> I ... ,,,..,. H11tR-CnVIPS "flt !Siio H~ ~llmLff 2'14t 2114t ... sUll t Y) IO\lt = Clrtlel' •i.. '" ~lllUIA ;it ~ -· ll(VIB ~ii Hofl&AS l0<1'JL 1 HUCl\Pll> ~tow(p ti. '"' HyotlCo 01uvent I .. JV> HHI Int ~CIH 11'-.... lnON\ICI S!lr nlo't ~l"r lnfr•lnll wT•I JI n lllltlCo O ver T he Counte r MASOUstWJ• JI. ,.II> llllt<EM ~ '""' P•lnlB 13•~ 141\ ~::1~l>' 1• 1\ ~ 60 l11t,.,1Cs ., .... " PcC.A n n"-11111 n..., 11 ll l1181lW"' Iv. 8"> ~iur" ,,,,. 8 '>IPrl!.1 p., s ... ~ lS lw•SoVI 24,_ 1:5\lli .~ ... 4 ~"."''' 1•1'> 11> "' 111> JemWPr ~ t 'h ,,.....Enl 161>. 16 .. ~~· • ·~ it:""' j:,"'tJ "~ 1sr; "-lro!ll .o ........ E DC ... \'• '"' ... , .. .,.., 11\. ??"'-1'omPotC 31 .. ""' 2111> 23\l'J Josryl\NI ,...., """ Plert•SS 1n. 11 lecumP ~ ilO Pi"' 2' ltols.St . pf. ,. .. . Ptnkrtn ,,..., ,..., ~=· UV.~ II>!: IC•lltM , .. 'f"' •• «>loo ,v. 1"' P\of>Hl8 '""'~ r~p ••• 1(....... 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S 4 ' l • I STOCKS / 8 USINESS Friday lo in~ Pri NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS N DAIL y P1l0l A J I Cilll'!lll~tl 'l.Jt1 Toothkss Pay Hefty Price By MILTON MOSKOWITZ ~ an ao many loolhleu people tn America that the H lt'S of denture cleaners have soared to more than S80 mllllon ~year. Two companies in New Jersey -Block Orua: and Warner· Lambert -square oft tn this market. both pre)'ina oo denture wearers' fears that t~ir dentures will become •talned and emit row odors. W ARNER·LAMBEltT MAKE8 Efferdt nt tablets. fl ranks as an expert on bad breath· It also makt"S Listerine. ~rt&. Dent.yne. Cloreta and Halls Mentho·Lyptu:. cough drops (here's a company that not. only knows how to block bad b~eath but. cause It >. Block Drug makes Polldent tablets and Polident powder. It 1tllo makes Oentu-Creme, a toothpaste sup- posedly formuJat.ed for denture cleaning. This company has a lot riding on the toothless. Anotber or 1ts producta u, Poli.Grip, an adhesive cream used by denture wearers who are afraid their choppers might fall out w.1 they are talk- lng. Block UHd to have this market locked up. Money Tree But about 14 years ago Wa rner-Lambert scored-one Of those monumental breakthroughs that quahfy a compan,y for a nlche in the drug peddlers' hall of rame: It in- t roduced Efferdent in a premeasured dosage form, each tablet indivtdua lly wrapped to preserve its freshness, eacb tablet containing a color-liming device. TRIS WIZARDRY ENABLED Warner·Lambert to clobber Block and grab a lead it has never relinquished. Latest reports show effervescent Efferdent hold.Jns 47 per. cent of the denture cleaning business. Block manages to capture 45 percent but it needs three products to do it: 24 percent for Polident tablets. 6 percent for Polident powder and 15 percent for Dentu-Creme. Both or these companies are, of course. careful not to compete on prke tn that way both can price their products for above what they cost to produce, thereby net ting them a tidy profit Crom catering to the needs of the anx- aety·ridden denture wearers. Indeed. the bustness is so profitable that 11 has attract- ed two other big drugstore players. Richardson.Merrell. a company you know for its Vicks cold remedies. has moved into the field with Complet e, a toothpaste that seems to be positioned against Block's Dentu·Cteme. And Colgate. Palmolive. a company that knows how to make cleansers C Ajax l and regular toothpaste (Colgate Dental Cream 1. has launched Mersene denture cleaner. a tablet similar to Efrerdent and Poltdent. INTBODlJCTORV ADS FOR MERSENE claim that it leaves dentures "51~ lime$ cleaner than Efferdt:nt or Poli- denl tablets." They also make a big point of -MePSene's ability lo remove plaque. "Mersene 's power crystal:c. power off plaque,·· say the Colgate ads. Block quickly responded by claiming that its cleaners are also good at removing plaque Poor denture wearers! When they had their real teeth. they were wa rned about plaque and how it could cause tht: gums to rot. leading to loss of the teeth. Now they have lost their teeth and they're told they still have to worry about plaque. Moulha, tootb·filled or toothless. remain a market opportunity. Money Supply Figure Triggers Stock Rise NEW YORK CAPI -The stock market posted a broad gain in a busy session today, responding to new e vidence or a s lowing in monetary 5'rowlh and a stronger dollar. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials was up 8.23 points to836.28. The late tally of New York Stock Exchange.listed issues showed more than three gainers for every loser Late Thursday. the Federal Reserve reported that the has1c measure of the money supply was unchanged m the latest week. M·h at .-,l•JC·k• D id NEW VORI( tlWI .,ctvnn•"<l 0.-<h .... d Un1M•O<'<l t ol11I •~\''"--,,. .... ,.., ,,.Qt" NMlf 10.\. NEW VORIC 11\P I AOC>ft>« llMI ... ~"''°"' 0•• -k AQO ~0""' •Oo "'"'" &f)O Two v•~" OQO Jen 1 •u """ "" 11> O~h tt1l 10 t1e1c TO<MY ~' 11'111 11• I)\ -Ill 6W 1•10 , ... .. J~ 10 • NV "'°' • \<lie'> 11.110.CMXJ H.-.000 tl,"°,000 ?J.•20,000 18,010,000 H,AI0,000 >t),°'°,000 lj)t,310.000 Ul.)ta.000 WMel •MEJ: 010 N!:W VORK tAPI lltf¥Mt<f>0 °"'''""<' t1n<ll•""4'd lot .. l hl~ ...... "'Cl"'' NQW IOYO Prn ,.,., • ., 0.• 400 1-11 •88 ,.~ 11~ ,., ,,, ,,,. IC> II 1 , Odd Lo•• Nl W VORK IAP) '""N .. wVO•k>tcx~ [HIMl\Of' ,_,~ '"""" Odcl IOI lrflflW< tl<M• Oy pt Intl~ Otttl~•\ lor l"v•'41tv PutCll•~• of 110.tJO "''"~' •••ei of »4,'M Vlf••\ lnc1vc:11no •.••l "'••fl W>lll "*' • • . • • i r • • .. • , A IZ OM. v PM.OT r Nice People To Do BuslneM With ••• a When ~ou Shop In Costa Mesa "The Automobile People" At Orange County's #1 Buick DeakrshijJ You'll See More Than Just A Few Of The Most Popular Automobiles old In Southern California · • • But The Largest Inventory In Orange County· You'll Get ••• Plain Talk, Straight Facts And Possibly The Lowest Sak Prices Anywhere ••• BRAND NEW 11'79 . SUPER SELECTION '" A~4999 BRAND NEW 1979 r BUICK ~~n:,,~c··~~~~r'! 8NL 'Y I LDT IN ST«& 8 8589 T11rbo· Charger BRAND NEW 1979 BUICK ;i:;:::,,~ ... d ~~s PARK AVENUE (447908) SUPER SELECTION !7444 EVER~ ONE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED 8 2000 from Suggested Retail Price We Suggest You See Us First ••• Then Shop & Compare - Because We Know, Before And After The Sale ••• ''It's Our People That Really Make The Difference.'' Don't Miss This Sale ••• Friday, Saturday and Suday. Ope11 'Till JO P.M. Mo11..Sat. Yes...Ope11 Every S111Ullly Till 5 P.M. . . fh-mage c,,.,...,.,,,~ ~ -~ · #I II.Wit l)ealer 3 blocks Soutll of tlle San Diego Freewo)'' HARBOR BL VD l i AN DIEGO FREEWAY A division of Botier Motors. . Opel-Joguar .. r rlumph-MG. 2925 HARBOR BL VD., lOSTA MESA 9'/9WIXJ All c:afl tubteef to PfloJ Mle. Tax 1 l~nee not lnctu<Md . All makes, models and colors .,.. Classified Auto_ Advertising • . r ) I ) y s r t s e l k e lt' ... aT 00 er he 1al wl ice liO ice Ire 'he at ''"*' .. t'llh - lwo ' 'fc v thl' 11 or - • ~ • I I ., ' ,; INSIDE: •Ann Landers •Sports •Hor~scope •Boating frldly, Jenuaty 12. I 97'9 OAllV PILOT Managing Tile Golden Bear '/ leave here at night with my jaws aching and in a sense I'm a performer because I always have to be up . . . If anything internal is bothering me, I can't let it show.' By l11ERVI. ROMO Ol IM O..ly ...... ._ Th · mWlle lndw,try Glamor. raule dau lc. tcro to stardom my~. t"xcllt'mt'nt A nli hl club Rartamatan penetrutlng smoky colort'd lights: booze. red tablt"Cloths. du ty black atage and monolith speakers Dellll, swift t.aJkane aeent.s trying to plug a hole 1n u tour. last minute cancellatlOClll. adjust- ments made by someone who 1s up, up, up and sm iling. sm1Ung. sm lhnH Becki HaJI, 28, has been up and s miling for the lust 10 years As manager of The Golden Hear an Huntington Beach lbe area ni&ht club that consistently draws lop name entertainment to Ora nge County she says she's developed a "plex1glass shield" to protect her from downs and has surrendered her social life lo a sevt:n· day-a week schedule and aching jaws. SIT'l1NG lN HER poster-lined cubbyhole office with n portable healer going lo lessen the chill an the unheated bulldln~. Ma. Hall, In blue Jeans and a velour pullover, sipped black coffee, answered the constantly ringing phone and tried to explain a fascination for the music business thalhookedherwhen s he was barclyl9 , The Huntington Beach resident got he r start with Dick Clark. working as a receptionist before being promoted to production assistant. She then went to Rolling Stone Magazine as a photo editor and later opened her own booking agency in New Orlean:t . She took over the ma nal(er 's slot at The Bear three rears a~o. "Music 1s such a big pa rt of everyone's life and bean~ a part of that fun. exciting life is tir- ing. a I ways changing, but there will always be a need for it "Entertaan er11 en1oy doing it because they're making people happy and I do it for the same reason," she says. OKA V, MAKING people happy Is a nice thing to do, but why Orange County, a place considered "provincial" by most m the m· dustry, and why The Golden Bear'! Ms. Hall says 1t'l> because she doesn't like big c1t1es. L A in particular Places like L.A. 's Roxy, for instance, leave her cold: "Everyone is trying to impress and they have to feel they're important. The Roxy ste reotype Is cold and the people who go there say, 'Okay, do your show for me, Impress me.· .. have beromt? superatara und "1do!s. · Today, ithe u ya, 1l takcs a real showmart lo eet an au dlence to 14..'e what they've been Usterung to on their alere<>R und cttr radios. Small, Intimate clubs ('J'he Golden Bear holdA 300 and sta~e.s two to three shows per ntaht > are the only places today. she thinks. where the audience can have the opportunity to I eJ peF80naJ rapport with the entertaioor and his music The former agent, who has worked ma1or city concerts With The Rolling Stones. The Who and Bob Dylan. says she prefers working clubs with performers like Kenny Rankin and Shawn Phtlllps because "here we are like a family and they <the entertainers> become your friends.·· COMEDY, TOO, Is becoming an important pa rt of cafe entertainment Acts featuring "Steve Martin types" <in the past Martin has appeared at The Golden Bear> and ventrllo· quists Uke WUlie and Lester frequently lead off before the headliner act. Not only does a comedy routine eliminate s et changing, Jt serves another function· "Comedy Is important ror people rtght now It's been a depressing year and people n~ to la ugh and they need all the help they can get." In addition to booking and putting together s hows with na me acts In rock and roll . Jaiz. blues, country. folk and comedy. Becki Hall s pends her spare time managjng Byron. a new rock band whose members hall from H.unt· ington Beach. She also encourages other unknowns. "It's like putting them unde r your wing. There's so many out there and they all have high hopes or wanting lo make it big. "Sometimes you have to pop their bubble a bit a nd then smooth out the wrinkles ... BUT BECKI HALL admits her career has its own wrinkles sometimes. She lndlcatcs there 1s backstabbing when people are trying lo move up fast and some or the young performers ins ist on being treated like gods .. People see my job as fun and games and don 't take my work seriously It's like any othe r business you have lo work hard. "I leave here at night with my Jaws aching and in a sense I'm a performer because I always have lo be up ... If anything internal is bothering me, J can'tlet it show." Then Becki Hall, who says she has already "done everythlng" In the music industry in her decade·lon« career, adds · "As long as thin1s are movint. I'm there. . . ' . ,, .. I' ., The audiences \Y.hO come lo Huntlngtol) Beach. s he explains, are "real. A part or my ha ppiness ls what they're saying clown here " Muaic, says Becki Hall, has gone through ~ny changes in recent years and entertainers But if they slop and J can't control the altualion, I'll leave it." Becki Hall, 28, is manager of the Huntington Beach night club. The Golden Bear. 0.11, ............. _, Dr. Bryan Reardon (left) and Dr. Jack Cargill are researching the role of women in ancient Greece and Rome. Classieal Study of Woinen The women's movement had its beginnings in ancient times. By JUDITH OLSON OI tllt 0•11, ,.,,.. ltllff Softer than fine robe!. More go'"1i than gold Sweet.r than t~ lure. Far whitn-than att tgg -&Jppho, "Componaona" Though the women'• movement has aatbered steam Jn the lut 20 yeara, It had Us beginning IQ the an- cient times ot Greece and Rofn . Women UJce tbt poet Sappho were writing JOf11 before Betty Friedan took up the pen and there were others doing creative work In ancient Ume•. though it ll lesa w 11 known. Women also played n 11ubeel'Vlent role tMn, accordlf\ll to Ors. Bryan Reardon and Jack CargUI, acholara who are e.plorlng th aubJt« of woman In ancient Gr c:e nd ~m• Dr Rnrdon, chair of th Depart- ment or Cla.11lca at UCI. and Or. Carclll. a lecturer In the department, talked about some or their ofrertngs at the univenlty which for the first tlme will deal wllh women. One. claaa. "The W()man's Place in Ancient Society." wlll look at the question ol wom~n·s role to see if the modem problema or the remaJe can be be\~t underatood. "People want to know where they are golaa here thetr aocfety t.a tak· Ina them," Dr. Reardon said. "For many, the anawen may Ue In dls· coverlq where they have been. By •ludylng ancient dvUlHllons you can see bow tome of our current Issues were dlscuaaed, handled and mis· handled thousandl of yeers ago." INTE&E81' IN the cl111lc1 haa . followed lines of chan1ln1 pa,tlerm Jn clvltt1atlon, Dr. lleardon noted. H tald that In tho 19th Century, for eic· ample, e1peclall1 Jn France, Germany Md England. claulclst.s ·'focused on the Roman Empire because empire building was of particular concern to their social structure." Hence today. with the •urstna In· tere11t tn Women's Issues, clasalc 1cholan are looklng at women In the ancient clan. · ·'The subeervlent roJe that womea lar1ely p(a~ In the world aeem1 to han lta root.a in Greek •nd Roman anllqQJty, t• Cargm said. "A lot of people ..e dol.nf work now to '" how thJ1 lltuaUon arose." Since therci are no euct recordl . most theorita must be auesaworlc. Schotara muat look at the way women ware depict d archaeolol1c11Uy. "whlch requJrn a great deal or Jud1ment and can be wron1. ·• Cars\U aid. lt has bcfon augaested that Roman <See aA181CAL. Pa1_. 81> .- Manuseript UC Irvine guest lecturer Lach/an Mac- Donald will explain how to get that manuscript published once you 've writ- ten it. By REBECCA HELM OllNO.MIYPllot\Wlt In the past two years Lachlan Mac Donald has filled a nice little shelf an his central California home with M>ft and hard cover books. most with titles best seller readers wouldn ·t recognize. But MacDonald lovet. the collection. H is affection ~tcmR from the probability that ma ny or the books wouldn't have seen pubhshang pnnt 1f nolfortum Mac Donald. director of P ubhr Af fairs at Cnlifomia Polytechnic State Untverslty an San Luis Obispo. is a publis hed author of short stones and ~try. a Journalist and a c:ollegc In structor In January and 1-'ebruary. he will be a guest lecturer at UCI teaching work1hops for local authors seeking publication. The works ho ps focus on two separate goals. This month. Mac· Donald wtll teach writers how lo pre· 11ent their work to publishers . In the second session. scheduled for February. he wtll seek to identify works suited for self-publication and provide the writer with information to do It. "l'M PAJlTICtJLARL Y lntere-sled In encouraging the people who have taken the creative writing classes. who have a manuscript and are won· derlng. 'Now what do I do.'" Mac Donald says. Three years ago tn aaaoc1allon with Cal Poly, he be&an orrerln!J the publishing couraea acrota th slate. At that lime, he says, there weren't many 'uch courset and none on self· pubUahiq. StnH then mor-. h•ve sprunc up and one advantage ot MacDon&Jd'1 coutHS II t.M mallln1 list student• are placed on to receive publlshJng workahop nyeni MacDonald ts oepecially en· thu1l11Uc about lf ·~ubltshlng. Th writer's market 11 the kay to chOol lnlf thla method, ho aaya. · · The t»a difference h re Is hovlna a v ry 1peclfic mark.i and bavlnc a eneral mark t," be explalna "It you think >'our~ 11 coana to be one everybody ii 1olnt to ,..ad;' 1 novel for eumpJt, don't aeJ(.pubU h ,, "But ff you hnvc written somelhln,- for auto mechanics, 1-·ray tochn\ clans, bl'ach hlkeNI or comput r ex· ecullv , these ar aspeclflc types ol people And you can rind them throu1h lhtlr publlcatlon11, Ulrou1h specialty ahoPf' and throuah direct tnalllnfl " MACDONALD HAS no trouble rlndlna up1nn• autbora looltln« Cor <8" MAMJSCntvr, Paae B2> ) I :> e l ll' t! lC 'S. ar 00 er he.· aal wl ICl' '\10 1r1· lrt' 'he <il 'lnfMI .. v1th l\\O lfl'V the 1l of ·. . 112 ONLY PILOT HOROSCOPE /ANNL~OiAS ••• t;JasUeBI "AretbUla.'' and tbtte ls an artJ" Kids Abuse Dog PUBLIC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE err.a Pa• 11' om n had rrxn r~rn. Ca,.W 11"1. tbouP UX'y bid much tho ·~nw 1latu1 )fplb utbeG womeo "Rom1n women tied a bi1b r lalus IM'illlly Roman re lloft'td td t'Qtertaln alonptde their huabanda •illte G worMn w.n put u do n anotheT room." ' TBI lnformaallon "'•• tltao~ from lltttary aoutte» wbcrt' parti were mtntionfd, c1,.lll ticplaJDld "In Athens. women dld RO out. few fesUvala ind dobat s." Caram added. "Thi h \0 bo luokC'd lnlO." Several book have OOe-n -.rtt~ on tht' a ubJ t ul wom«"n 1n aocl o\ Grette and Rome nd they v.Ul \x• ' u ed • lto'<L!I ror lbt> UCI dn Tbt t· uK•ludt" "Wom n In Grette and Rome ... by Mury F llfkOWlll and Ma~ Fant. nd "Godde:ues. Whor • Wav and SJ1vh Womtn in Cla icAl An0Qwt1:· b)' Sarah 8 Pomeroy Article. al.4'0 h ve ~n vr-ntten on the s ubject ror lhe cholarly )Ottmal WO'll'Mlift'I C la l'bJlaia,kal Soc~ly, C..rslU Pict. 11\e l'Ubject W lludiec' Hrl e1'. durln1 the Sufr•••tt movem nt. RHrdon ldded. bKI' .. OM lUCS.W. •h•l It t111portan\ ln on '• own IOt~ty." Th profeuot9 allo plan &.o tau a dour loclk •l tM worn~ wbo wert d<Nn• cruu~ wOrtc then, lncludint the po~l Seppllo. and lbt9y ar Npcocl1Jly lnl_....od In the women of Sp1rta, one Ot the GNtk cll)' .. tatet. "Spa~ wu more tl'adltlonal,' Reardon uld. Caram aald "In Sp•rta .omen re th mocbtrt ol &oldf era. They had lo b more pby caUy fit than wom~n In At.Mn.s. Sparta wu &~ SOuth Ahica ol iti time .. Sparta WU l•ndlocked Aa • latJ aralnb uln• aroa tl .,..11 seff • suflac nt but it DHded lot.s ol l1bor. It -.aa p umably during tbal Ume that t~te wa1 ,. •erles of revott.I whJch produCf"d the archaic 80Clety "Whet\' women fitted mto that we cant uy ' ••• Manuseript <From P1ge BU the information he has to gwe. UCI officials i" \he past two years have had requests to fill twice t.he 50-pupil enrollment available per workshop, and also carry forward a wailing list from year to year. "To me it is very e"clting to go to the Orange County wo rkshopt> because there is usually a very h.igh educational level among the stu- dents, MacDonald says. "It is not al all uncommon to have psychiatrists. te.a.c:.her s, doctors. literary agent:., artu1b anA..business people enrolled in the classeiJ." Also. MacDonald adds. on a few oc· caslons people have met In his classes and subseque ntly formed partnerships or companies to publish their. works and that of other wrtters. Enrollment for the upcoming workshops, scheduled Jan. 19 and 20. and Feb. 23 and 24. ls already more than hair completed, accor<ilng to a UCJ spokeswoman. The $35 workshops arc Utled "Gel· ling Published." and "Ho~ To Self· Publish Your Book.·• For in!orma· tion. call 833-5414 DEAR ANN 1. A N D E as :. 0 " , n •••bora bouahl an MSorable puJ)p)' ror the chlldren. Before you Ny. "How nice!" let me So on. nw-children nt• follr·y ar-old twin C1rls TMy tttat ~ JJUPP1 as it {l WU • ttuUed onlm1l. Th~y "play balt'' with hJm -IC'lU:.11· ly throwing hJm from OM to lbe other. I aaw the Poot pup tand on his head last week and thouabt his neek might have been broken. J lmmecUa\ely ran1i the doorbtU aJld t~Jd the mother lbe lclda wen· abuelna thelr pet and sbe shoukl not permit tl. Th woman 1ave them a meek scoktinc and made them promise t o be nicdr lo Bozo. Yesterday the twins dressed the puppy 1n doll's clothes. The skirt was so tight the pup was yelping In pain. They put a hat oo his head and tbe elastic chin strap was choting him. I we nt to the mother again and complained. Thia time she became angry and told me to mlnd my own business. Tonight at dinner I told my husband about both incidents. He sajd he didn't want me "righting with the neighbors" and I should stop trying to "save the world." Am I crazy? Please Experts Learn Ice Cream Tips [ Boroseope ) STATE COLt .EGE. Pa. 1AP> Winter 's chill hasn't kept 78 Ice c ream experts away from a Penn State course serving up tips on the manufacturing or o n e or Amer'ca 's favorite desserts "This is actually the best time. These ~uys are loo busy in the sum mer .·· said Philip G. Keeney, prorcssor of food science al the uni versity's main eampus in Centre County. Keeney i& in churge of the two·week course that started this week. During the classe~. participants .... m study techniques or ice cream production. flavoring, freezing and packaging. They'll also experi- ment with about 40 dlf· rereot ice cream prod· uct.s to test how var1ous mixtures of ingredients affect flavor, texture. cr.-a miness nnd con· sumer accept.obllity. Most participants arc representatives ol Jorge ice cream companies. although there are a few proprietors of corner dairy st.ores also attend· ing. K eeney said. They c ame from around the nation and several foreign coon· tries. including Japan. South Africa, Canada, Brazil and Germany. wher e one ice cream maker has his factory in a Bavarian castle, Keeney said. ··ic e cream is something people like all over the world. and as economies get better and refrigeration becomes more common. the o pportunities for selling it improve," Keeney sai d in a telephone interview. The United States an· nually consumes about 1.2 billion gallons of ice <'ream, using up about 10 percent of the entire U.S. milk supply in the process, Keeney said. Each year the frozen dessert industry uses over 600 million pounds of s ugar; 350 million oo und s o f cor n sweetener; 135 million pounds of various fruits. citrus products a nd nuts. a nd 45 million pounds of vanilla beans a nd ch ocolate-based products. For many years. Pennsylvania led the na· lion in ice cream produc· tion. but has recently lost the lead to California, Keeney said. ·'The s tate's high standing is due not only to a high rate of con- sumption by Pennsylva- nians, but also t.o the fact that manufacturers in the slate distribute large quantities in other states," he added. Penn State claims to be the first educational institution in the nation to offer instruction in ice cream making, begin· ning in 1892. Today. only Maryland and Rut~ers a l so offer s imilar courses. Keeney said Although there have been many changes in ice cream since the con- fection firs t evolved from iced drink&. vanilla continues to be the most popular Oavor. with choco l a te and strawberry right behind, Keeney said. SATURDAY,JAN.13 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES <March 21 · April 19 >: You h ave more freedom wlthin home base. You learn how to creatively work within rules, regula· Uona. Gemini, Virgo. Sagittarius persons figure prominently. One who appeals to you will return the compliment. TAURUS <April 20· May 20>: Accent on re· modeling, redecorating. re uniting with family. making amends ror re - cent errors. recapturing domes tic harmon y . Libra, Scorpio rleure in scenario-and so does the number 6. Financial situation shows m arked improvement. GEMINI <May 21 · June 20>: Full Moon ac- ce nt on mon ey. possessions. decis ion concerning security-or lack of it. Define terms. be sure you are on same wave-length as partner or loved one. Pisces. Virgo figure prominent- ly. You get what you need, following a delay. Timetable requires re· vision. CANCER <June 21· July 22>. Full Moon tn your zodiacal sign em- phasizes initiative. tim- ing. personality, ne w s tarts. independence, crea tive project s . Organize materia l . bring priorities into f ocus . Pos itio n i s strengthened. You have more responsibility and greater chance for re· ward. LEO (July 23-Aug. 11 I' You gain enlightenment by getting second emo· tional wind. Be alone -it is not same as being lone· l y . Give yo urs~H a cha nce to relP'Oup. 'rou are going to find solution to long-standing pro· blem . ArteswUl ald . VIRGO <Aug. 23·Sept. 22 >: Full Moon accents fulflllment, r omance, hopes, friendships. money involved in busi- ness trans acti o n . Welcome contacts. LU~~~~~~!!cmard °""" ,.,.. . 240 .,...,.,. c...-Dr. S..120 • .....,.,. ..... NIW YEArS C~H SPECIAL PRICE OHAU. -* COLOI PllMA.ten' . WAVI & MA• CUT Ul')dudoa Jhlrrnt1ek CondltlOtlerl 4o-Yo OFP OM MIW SIT OF ACIYLIC MAILS ~~~~--rLUl~~~~- S,.CW .._..,. ~~ COeill ...... J0tM TMI ,_. C~LL 640-6023 rPOIA~ '" .... Aaa Lallden o CW....,._ .. ! ...... c .... ..... ~~':.a.tit .i!'C:.1 s34500 .1!'.:."Z ~50 ~ '225' IJ41 coan-1 '129 SHOWROOM MOW Miff TO ...... LPUIUC ... , ..... MUTVAI. l!KltOW Ql)tt". 11•1.11111$4 ..... 0 T ... , .... ~ ... lw:nwH6.ts. ... M 'It}"' P\;ollthfO Ot .. COHI D...,ly Piiot OK. 2•. 1•11., Jan S, 17, 19, tt1t S1f>6o It PUBUC NOTICE --,.CTiT1ous 8USIHEO NIIMI! l>TATf[MINT t•u• toUow•no '"'''°"' •r• dc,.na o-u~·~' ., HE 118Al Mll>ICAAL ltESCARCH AH O OEVClOl'Nl(HT CO , 1°'0 PUBUC NOTICE f'ICTltlOU$ •U$1NISS NAMa STAT•MUIT -,,,.. I011-lng P9nor> IJ 00.nq Du\• iw"•• . OltCO DISTRIBUTORS. 11~11 5•1111•• Or1v•, v •rd•n Gro~.-. Getllo•nl• •""3 fhOf ~.-. 11j.tJ S.11 ... l 0.•V•, Cia•Otll Grova, Ct11f0tn1• 'l?Ml I hi. butlnltM It CGtldu<l4d Dy .,, on dlVIClu•I TllOt tiall-r "r' "•t-t ... ~ hied w•l• ,,... CO""ly Cl.,.t< ot Or•nott COUlll~ 0<1 OK~t?1, 1'1' s.1.,0. Nl•ulOll v .. io CA .,,n 1'111141 Jt,,...141 0 ~II>\. 0 C '67 S,,., ~1'1111cr 0rMQll C.0.11 0..11¥ Po1<11 "I Kole\ Dr , -00'1 a..<n, CAt2MO OK. 1', t'1t,J.,, S. 12. It, 1'1• USC>/~ Nl•<l\Mi NICGowM\, 0 C., 101 P•ICK Yt•dU lilllfd . A-do 841a<ll, CA 90111 PUBUC NOTICE Doru110 0 liln ftl<I"•• 0 C. ••• • STAT•MUfTOf'WITHOltAWAI. Wt''°"' 0 fl"9. St<11 .. 1ne. Ne•.o.t "4.. l"ltOM "AltTMf[lt~I p rtenMlll Mcl(lllt( .... 0 c. UIO Of'llltATlltO UHOtut ,.tCTITIOIJS G<llNn, !.Ml~. CA tt•Ot lllSINUS NAME '"" l>U,lNn I\ <Oftdlltltd tit • TN folloWlnlJ ~It.ft wllt•Or.twro QeM<•t ~P ., • o•n•r•f P•rtner lrom II•~ i:t-1<10 "'-'" o c 11.,,,,,.,,l\lil -•lino ..,..,., ,,,. '" Prlr<•twl llllOll\ -s NI"" Of Col"-nW~• Tiii\ \1-1 wu lll<Jd ''"'" llw A'PN111 M.ttlnl""""'• •1 :I07l1 Moun '°""'J (1ertl Of a. .. Cowlty Oii ~In VI-Rd . Tr~o Callyon, CA De<.' • ,,,. '16f•. 1"107111 Tll• 11<01'°"5 bus<Mit """"' \1~1 ... l"ul>ll~'*' Or-Qljt\I 0.llY PllOI Mflnl tor tr. pert""t)Nt> we• f1ltd on Jeft S, 12, 19, "'-lf/'t AluQU•1 24, 191' 1n Illa County ol JS.19 Or•noe. ,PUBUC NOTICE l'ufl N•me ena AdOrt•• ot tht-l'erson Wllhdt•wlno: J~ Romoro 121S SI • .t.ndrtwl "1., s.tnt• An•, CA •11os ------1'"51* SUl"HIOll (OUltT 0, THI P UBLIC NOTICE U AT• Of' CAI.I f'OltM I A "01t TMICOUltTYOf'OltAHOI C~ .... A-..S. SUl"EAIOll COVATOl'T14( MOTICf 01" HIAltlNO 0,-STATEO .. CALll'OltHIAl'OA f'ITITIC>tt '°" l"ltOaATI 0 11 WILi. TH• COUNTY 0, OllAHOE AHO llOlt LITTlltS T•STAMIN· HO. A-'lt* TAlllY ANO l'Olt AUTHOltlLATIOff MOTI Cf 0' HEAltlHC# OF' TO ADMIHISTl'lt UHOllt THE l"ETITIOH ,Oii l"llOIATI OF Will. IHOEl"IMOENT AOMIHIHAATIOff AND ,Olt 1.EnEltS H!STAMIH Of' £$TATU ACT TAll'I' ANO AUT1401tl~Afl0N TO £\l•lt'OI MAlll'I JA(IC ~N ... •• ADMINISTEll UHOElt THE MAAY FNANCf\ JAt lCVlN .. ~. M IHOl!l"ENOENT ADMl,.ISTllATIO,. f'AAHCf\JACl<'>ON Oo>1••"'CI 0' IUAHSACT HOT1C£ ,._ HlRC8Y (olV!,N 11\GI f;\ .. I• ot MAOAONA ElllA8ETI< MAR(oARf T J Al l l SHOUS( ll<t• PRINCE, OIKt•- 111-0 ...... " .. IW'lillon •or .. ._ •• DI NOTICE IS 11EA£9Y CIV£N '""' Wiii Alla for '''"""'<' 01 I•""' C A. Hl081C ~ llll!CI l'lfflt•n" Ptl• htl•Mtowv M'CI tor A11thofl••l1on to tlCM\ for ~· ol Wilt And lor " Adr!'ll,,l\ttr unr:1P< ltM' t~lll AO· 111•11<• Of Utwn T~""'-l•'Y •lkl n'lflllilr•t-ot I \IM•t A<I, '~"'-· fUlftOrl1ellQ!\ lo 4'Clmlnl\t•• tlM HIOlf\ to wll1t11 I\ m•a• for 1111111"1 llft(l<lr Ill• l~t AOMltll•t••llon NMl<ul•••. and '"•' 1n. llMt •1"1 ot l1'1a1~ oflCt. mff'~<t 10 W!Wtll " Olll(t ot ,,. .. ,llO 111t '-~ a-•11 wt m.ct• tor 1vn~· _,,, .. ,.,..Mid 11w11 tOt J•nuary JO, 1m, ti tO 00 " "' • 111 tlllt 11,.,,. allCI PIM:• et ,,..,tno tlllt ~""' tile <OUllrOOtn °' Oelltrt~I "° ' Of ""'' -Mt I« Jenuatv '°· 1'7•, •I Mid tovn, ti 100 Civic OtllW ~,.,.. 10 00• rn , lntfle<ovr1roomof Oel>a•t WHI. I" ,,.. C:lty ot s ............ m.nl No , Of """'C'OUl'1, " 700 C•vo< C4111t0fftl• C.nler Otl.,. YH\I, In \M C:lly ot S.nt• Oatea J.,,...,., •. 1U• AM, C•lltof'llla 1.CaA.lltAHCN, O•l•O J.,....,yt, "" 1.ll A l!ltANCH. County~'" '°""'" 0.•I< MAi'TtH I.. nu•llMH IOSTllOM&SAltOAM A I"~.._. OW.. tit M<ltlfM A.._ 1tt!SYMIW•...... f'. 0 ha Di ... lie 1't ...... ,.......,CA f*J MANUFACTURE~·s ounu 1 • 1 a l oats ...,""· u .... Te1. m•1 "..,.,. WEST ~TUSTIN POST OHICl AIWMrt,.. ,..,.,.._ At..,,.11iw ,...,._., ... lltNHlnUtrMt. ICallllll .... .,,..,,, I "'*''"" Ottf\Of c ... t 0.llY ""~ 11'\il>lltlltd Orenot '°"'' 0..ly 1"119' "-...;;;;;;... __ .....;.;,;.. ____________ , Jan 11, U ta 1•rt ''-'" Je,...ary 11, U It 1'1' '°'"" s I t ' I • ' I • • FH.&ly ... J.~.u.ary .. 12 ••• '9.rn ............. 0.Al.LY·P·ll·O·f .......................................................... ~ .... ~~~~ 83 Only ~ Moral Vietory Angels Say They Didn't Tamper ees Bright Spots Tift UCI's 25-point Loss • in • 8)· ERNI ' snu.o OI -0..tf f'llM 5'•fl LONG BUCH Too many cone rel\! hand~ nd n<>( 4'n<')UJth hot on kept l C' Irvin" from staylnJC "Ith Loo(l lka<'h &ak Thur d y ntaiht at tht-Lonic lh'a<'h Al'\"na Whtrh '" unfortunntt• bt-cawi.t' the heuvll) f,l\Qrt-d 4!k>r.-. IAN'\' rt}H' for .au up!lt'l and UC( Coaich Tim Tlfl is~ mf'd lo w calling lhe rl~hl ~ll lo pull ont• ou\ · THAT TIIE ANTt:ATF.ltS l~t their PCAA opener. 83-~ lwfore J. 769. t.'Ould ht> dtrl'clly attn but t>d lo lht'ir poor performance 1n lhe bhooting 12\ of 56 from th<· flt'ld l and ball h11ndllna 12~ turnovc>ra> df•partm nta Jndt't'd. U('l'a brilhlf'Sl momrnls came -.ht'l'l ll d iln't hlV\' th t) II Grutly outmatched in both atu• and tnlerit, UC l nonf lh4'1 ·~ mana.ifd to outr't'bound lht.• na lion'!' IDt.h ronktd team. J9 35. i.ound up with the cume·~ top Individual in Slt'vt> Rodger!\, p la yed good de fen ae and atntrally appear d more phyalcal \n a 1amu that nearly bf-came 11 br1twl on s~verul oc <'•slons. And while aJl the statistic:. added up to a hasketball dcrt:at. the level of mt.eoaity led to a moral victory "I TKINk WE WERE more phy1llc:.l tonight: maybe Intense ia a better word." Tift said af· trrwards. "And I think we pl<t yed pretty hard I saw a lot of cood tbJn&s tonight. ··11ow many cutbacks did we have. though. where we missed the lay up? Those we re four point plays We'd miss and then they'd come down a nd score. But when they got physical. we got physical back and that was a good. sign. And we did a much better job on the boards than I thought we "'ould. • · 1 think we ·re going to be a O.ity Pl"" -· 1i1Y ltl<Nnl ICoefllar • UCl'S LOUIS BREMOND IS GUARDED BY 49ERS' PHILLIP DOERFLER. No More Fear of Winning Mahaffey Doesn't Have Doubts Any More PALM SPRINGS <AP> -John Mahaffey took a philosophic view or the situation. "F or a long time." he said. "I had what they call the rear or winning. I thought I was good enough, but 1 wasn't sure I was ready." There's little doubt or it now. He reeled off an Improbable string of seven birdies -one short of lhe all-time PGA tour record -on the way to another six· under-par 66 that gave him a two-shot lead after 36 holes or the five-day, 90-hole Bob Hope Desert Classic. "IT MUST BE SOMETHING like what Johnny Miller bad go· ing a few years ago," Mahaffey said Thursday. "I could see the line. I was hitting the ball solid and the putts ju.st kept going in the hole." His spectacular effort at La Quinta gave him a two-round tolal of 132, a whopping 12 shots under par alter playing the two toughest of the four rounds or this event. The format calls for the pros to play one round on each of the four courses each day with a different team of amateurs before the final round Sunday at lndlan Wells. ART WALL. GRINDING AWAY in his 31st year of tour acUv\. ty, coaxed in a wide-breaking, uphill, 30:foot birdie putt on the final hole at Bermuda Dunes to complete a 67 that gave him a 134 and second place. "Gee whiz," exuded the 55-year-0ld Wall, a Masters champion 20 years ago. "What's going on?" He thought a moment and continued: "This sort or thing could make me start thinking I can play again, and I'm not sure that's a aood thi DR." Leonard Thompson, with a 66 at Tamarisk in mild, cloudy weather, was next. at 185. He was followed at 136 by Keith Fergus. who bad a 67 atlndian Wells. THE GROUP AT 131 included J .C. Snead, Tom Purtzer and former PGA chat0p Lanny Wadkins. Snead had a 89 at Indian Wells, Purt.zer 68 at Tamar:lsk and Wadkins shot 66 at La Quint.a. Lee Trevino was 68-139 and Jack Nicklaus 619-140. Both played their second rounds at Tamariak. Maha!fey's "fear of winning" reference was to the alruHles and near-misses of his enrller years on the tour. In his first seven seasons. he won oncq...and had countless cbance1. Probably the most dcva11tatinR were two consecutive U.S. Open titles which eluded him. He went into a deep decline, compounded by phyalcal and persontal problems. BUT HE CAME BACK in a dramatic ~xample of personal courage. ll was caP,ped lat>l fall by his playort victory over Tom Watson and Jtrry Pate ln tM POA cbampionahlp. Re won a11tn tbe foUowt.ng w~ok Ind finis:~ t,Jle aeaton with the individual trlumph In the preallglouft WoTld Cup eompeUtlon. And there's no \ndicaUon be'1 lettina up. _..,._ ..... ·--.. -· -. r-·· ·----·-· * ~concs-rouno le-" T"ur~csay 1n uw 6oD HOR41 Onen Golt Clll\\K . J Mahaffey 6'-66-112 8 l•etth 1•...., u 3 A W.tll '1-41 1l• 8 "oge" 10 1] 103 l TllOmDWI .. _ .. 13S L loll 1f.11 10 K,l'erou• •q·•T Ill> .Mccumber I0-1l 1•3 l Pvrtt•r ,._.. 131 8 Lunn /).68 103 J C Sn .. CI ..... 131 J Mtll•r 1().74 14' L W•d•tn~ 11... IJI J M<Gee 11 ll l.U G Jon•~ 7!Mil 1:ie e 8•110 n.n 1.u C CoOdY b~ 13 13' H Twitty 1().1• 1.u L l revlllO 11... 13'1 J Cotbert n -72 1.u L Hlnllle n-61 IJ9 M SU11tvM1 11-73 IU T .Kita 70... IJ9 I!. $1\ffO lJ.ft 10 8.Murphy •5'7• 13'1 O.$.t11C1t1• 11-7• Id IC 2at1ev 11... '" J '""'•ft n.n-1u 8 Wadkins ... IO 13'1 R Funw111 ... 17 I•~ A.Bean " ... 140 R.FIOyCI 7•·11 I•~ J.NIOl•u• 71-44 100 c OlbtOn 12-n -t•S L Nelton 11.... 100 v ~rlln n.n 1.u l NletMn ,...., 1•1 s Verlalo 7!.-10-us O.EklllDr-TUI ,. M.Morley n-n .. ~ .M.Hlll ,,_.. t•t V.R911"ted0 7~10-10 W.Amlhn; ... n 141 H Grfftt /).13 10 D.81K 7WI l•I B Gllo.f 1).12· 1.U c.sanucto 1·11 "' o.welbrlnt 14-11 10 C.Strancre 71.ff lcl J.Qlanuy 1i.n 10 O.MooO., 71.70 14 G 8w1" 11-1• to f'.JIK~ n..t 141 A Horii> 71.14 Id B CrenJll•w ro.n 142 T .Simpton 1c.12 , .. M HIYtl 10n-141 G KnYCI~ 74-ll , .. A Tt91• 11-11 141 A Miiier 11-14 1 .. M.Mc:llGft 1072 1•1 J Fleck f'l.ll ... A Oelwrver 10-12 142 J H"9er 10-n ,.., 1..1!.lder 10-n ,., E Byman 1J.ll 141> R Mung1e 10-n ,., " P•I-• n -1•· 1-. G Mo•cr•n II II .. , L OraMm ,.,. uo A l!.rikll'e ... 1• Id w 1.um 11·1~ ,.., 8 Car.oer 1111-7•-u' G Cadle 1•·17 , .. W Levi 74*-U2 G l llller n .14 , .. I' 1''11er 11·'1-1.Q A 51,.<k 1~11· Ue J.P••• 11-n 10 o.erewer n.1 •. ,.. A Curl 11'72 1'3 D f'olll 10-7•· , .. BJllCllO" 7HO-l.Q 8 linnl 11·1S 1 .. Walton to Speak In Newport Beach Blll Walt.on. a three·llme All· American at UCLA and an AU· pro N aUonal Basketball Assn. player for the Portland ~all Bluers. wlll be the gueat speaker for the Irvine Sports Club al their breakf asl meetlng Thursday at the BaJCter Street Restaurant ln Newport Beach. Reservations for tha '1 . 15 event are rccomm,nded. Call Bob F'lgelra at &~9· 1800 The reataurant la localed at 4&47 MacArthur Blvd. • solid ball club. I just hope tt doesn'llaJcetoolong " TEX WINTER. whose team might have been lookin~ ahead to Saturday's confrontation with Cal State Fullerton. was plenty relieved when the final buzzer sounded. ''I'm glad it's over." said the 49ers · Ci rst-year coach "This 1s the kind of game that worries me. No one else is worried. but It's the kind or game you can lose. All of the newspaper talk abouf' us winning by 30 points might have hurt us ··1 think Irvine felt they had to play a physical game against us Maybe the book on us 1s that we can't play <.1 physical ~a me and that we'll lose our poise. We didn't and rm glad of that. We s ure talked about 1t a l halrtime." T HE 49ERS HAD plenty to discuss at the mtermiss1on after struggling to a 34.23 halftime ad· vantage. Especially when Long Beach seemed to have things in control when it jumped to a quick 9·2 lead as UC I massed its Cirst six shots and threw the ball away on two other trips down the court. But Rodgers and St eve McGuire keyed a burst that cut the margin to one point. 11·10. with 12:33 remaining and UCI settled down to play a tough zone defense that broke the 49ers' rhythm offensively. ll was then that UCI went into Its four corners delay game but a hurried shot and a couple of bad passes s wung the momen- tum and control ot the game over to Lon~ Beach. When the half ended. UCI had more re· bounds 11s 1 and turnovers no 1 than field goals fnine >. Rodgers was four-for.four from the field. McGuire four-for-nine and the rest or the team one-for· 1 l. THINGS DIDN'T GET much better in the second half as Long Beach hit its firs t three shots and six or its first seven while UCI committed Cive turnovers and missed several easy lay-ups to go down. 46-25, with 16: l3 re- maining. Arter pulling to within 55-38. UCI missed three consecutive s hots and Ricky Wi lliams followed with an acrobatic drive through traffic that sealed the Anteaters' fate. WilUams led all scorers with 20 points and Francois Wise added 16forthe49ers. Rodgers and McGuire had 16 apiece for UCl but more im- portantly, the 6-5 Rodgers led all rebounders with 16 to match the combined effort of 6·7 Wise and 6·9 Michael Wiley. UC lrvlM IStl Conytr\ McGu1re Bol°"n J~• Bremono Jur~ Rodo••• Brown ~·I .. "'" I 00 1 \ 6 I 16 J OJ o ' ,,.. . J 11 & 0 ()-1) 0 I 1 ~ I& I 0-0 1 0 0-0 0 Lon9 8H<ll St.t• la.JI w,.,. 't o1 : ~: w.1ev 7 •' ~ ly~ ' 'J ' w''"•""'\ "' 11 ?<'.' H~\ ) 00 O Wntt• I~ I Ooe•llPr ' 1)-0 • Ht11r \ 1 l I llttl\r"Ofld I I 1 J G•rv t • • 1> Moot,. J ().0 • T Ol•I\ 11 ,.,n S8 Tot•" 31 ,. 10 83 Halllome LCWICI ~a<" '>t•I~ J.t 1l f otal IOU4' UC trv•nt' n. lonQ ~ac11'.itolf1o "oule<J OVI R009"r. tU( 1rv1n•I, WtM> llono Be•<" Sl•l•I A11encuno l lo• SHOOTS OVER 49ERS UCl's Phil Bolden The Callfom1a Angel~ are be ing investigated by basebull commissioner Bowie Kuhn con· cerning the dec1s1on or college 11tar BUI Bordley to turn down a contract from the Cincinnati Reds. possibly due to a stale· l'l"tnt made by the USC star. "I had a commitment from the Angels to go right on their roster.'· Bordley is reported to have sa!d. Kuhn was asked Thursday whether the Angels t ampered with Bordley prior to the maJor league draft. The commissioner replied that he was probing the matter. The commissioner held a ne"s confere nce at Fenway Park. a fte r a Bo s ton R e d Sox luncheon. Cin cinnati picked Bordley before California had a chance to tab him in this week's maJOr league draft of amateur players. Cincinnati picked third and the Angels had the fourth choice in the secondary phase. A coveted left-bander. Bordley attended EJ Camino College dur. 1ng the fall in order to be elig1bk for the draft. But when he wa~ selected by the Reds, he Cited family considerations and said he would return to USC instead of signing. Buu1e Bavasi. the Angell>' vice pres1dE'nt a nd ~encral mana~er. said : "J don't understand 1t. It wa~ the youg man himself who wrote letters to each or the c lubs abk· mg them not to draft him, say· in~ ht-wanted to s tay on the West Coast. · "We never made an offer to him. never made a financial commitment. All we wanted to find out from him was if he w;mted to be a n Angel. "Every club talks to every prospect. The commissioner is doing a good job looking out for baseball's interes t, but he·~ never run a baseball club and he obviously shouldn't try." Ohio St. Picks Coach Bruce, 47, Succeeds Hayes COLUMBUS. Ohio IAPI -Former Iowa State Coach Earle Bruce, alter making what he called the hardest deeision or his hfe today became Ohio State's 20th football coach, rollowing in the lootsteps of the legendary WOOdy Hayes. The selection or Bruce, 47. Iowa State's mentor for six years. was announced at a news conference today. Bruce. because or a state law. can only be hired for one year as a state university employee. His salary will be between $35,000 and $45.000. plus an in-season weekly television show and other benefits Before Haye!' was fired for hitting <1 Cle mson player in the Gator Bowl Dec 29. Hayes directed the Buckeyes to two naliona! titles. 13 Big T en champ1onsh1ps or co-champ1onsh1ps, 11 bowl trips and a record ot 205 61·10 an 28 seaSC>n~. Wai. ne Stanlt-y. a current Iowa State assistant. said BruCl' asked Jam Willia ms. Steve Szabo and himself to JOIO the new Oh10 Stale staff during a meeting Thursday Sta nley told lhe Cedar Rapid-; I Iowa 1 Gazette that Bruce '-'Ould not have ll•fl low;1 State tf he did not haye the n ghl to hire all of tu.s assistant~ at Ohio Slate. Rick Wh1te. a Cyclone senior starting defensive end. told The Associated Press that Bruce informed the squad he was leaving al a traintnJ? table Wcdnebday night. ,., ....... ft PUnlNO DIFFERENCES Art Wall. SS. <leCll applauds as he ,sinks a 30·foot birdie putt during the l}econd round of the Bob Hope Deaert Golf Classic In Palm Springs Thursday. Arnold Palmer. a five -time win· n r of the vent. puckers af\er leaving a putt hangin~ by inches. Wall. finished with his seeorid slrai~ht 67 and. at 134, I~ two strokes back of the leader, John Mnhar<ev in second place. Palmer ls wen back tn the pack ofter firing a 74 for two-day total of i46. ••• " ' ,. r Sf DAILY PILOT Friday, Januvt 1a 1179 ,, A Caoeule Report From tM World o1 Sporta Robin on No. I in Line ~For Oakland Rajders Job? 1 J)C!<'ulal on t'OnUnu today about the Im Ell 1 mediate tutur or Untvtralty ot Southern c•t CalUornla football Coach John Roblnson, con· • • ld red tho lt'adln, candldat. to auume th relmolt.beOaklWMIRald rt. \ Robin.wn l ln San Fr1nc1~ at an NCAA meetlns ind haa not made h 1 plans known, althou"1 It \I known thll Oaltl.ad Gem-rat ManaJft'r Al Davis and form r toach John M a~n are clole to Robinson. Rob nson wu a grammar acbool cluamate of Madd n's and aerved a. t\e ~" Raiders coach• best man at hls ~eddin1. Prior to coming to USC where be has racked up lwo Rose Bowl VIC· _ torfes Lo lbe pUt three yeara and 31 5 overall ~. Robinson served as lhe Raiders ' offensive backfield coordinator. Among the leading undidutes lo take over at USC should Robinson heed ... .,.. Oakland's call are former quarterback Craig Fertlg, assistant coach Marv Goux and assistant coach Paul Hackett. Fertig ls the current Oregon State bead coach. Goux has been a long-lime aide and serves as the asslstant bead coach, while Hackett bas been in cbar1e of quarter· • I bac~. Robimoo's first year at USC, the Trojans rallied from an opening.loss to win 11 stra.lgbt, climaxed by . a Rose Bowl victory over Michigan and th4? No. 2 ranking m the natimal polls I' ....... __ _ . . Th um learn kept th wlnnl1n11 treak 1Uvtt to 1!5. took ·• no~cdtvt', then 1 um d"-to bcut UCLA and qu llCy for the liluc:bon.ool Bowl where 1'~xpa A & M wa. rocked. 41·28. Th '78 edition finlahed 12· l. btat na. bowl t.eams Alabama UCLA, Notrt> Dame. Stanford, Michigan and Bl& 10 co-'.champ Mlchlaan State and finished as the naUon ·, No ll amaccordln1totheUPI <coochei>>poll. _____ ,,_,~ ot tlw Dat1----- ' • t.evf' Jt'*'nbleom, assistant to the president or tht-Lo. Angeles Rama. on how owner Carroll Jtou .abloom handled the team's fourth NFC title aam~ ddest: "We 've hod a lot of experience in these thtnas. We're recuperaUng quite nicely." Rick MJddJf'ton't 19th goal of lhe seasoo. on m a third-period power play. broke a 4-4 tie and , 11ent the Boston Bruins to a 6-4 victory over lhe M mnesota North Stars . . . Nkk Ubett's power· piny goal with 29 seconds left earned the Dl!lroit Red Wings a 3-3 tie with the Philadelphia Flyers ... Rene Robert broke a scoring slump with hls seventh and eighth gqals of the season to help the Buffalo Sabres defeat Washington. 6-2 .•. Chris OddldfSOD scored a goal and s~t up three others. helping Vancouver back rrom a three-goal deficit and carrying the Canucks to a 4·3 tMumph over the St. Louis Blues. Corral, Gradblaar Win Honor• Rookie place kicker Frank C.Orral of lhe Ell Rams was named as December's athlete in •II• Southern California by the Citizens Savings Athletic Foundation . . . Randy Gradllbar, the rsght inside linebacker for the Denver Broncos, was named the Associated Press defensive player of the year in the NFL ... The Pittsburgh Steelers placed four player! on the Pro Football Writers of America All-Pro team. Quarterback Terry Bndsbaw, wide reciever Lynn Swann, center Mike Webster and linebacker Jack Ham were picked from the Steelers. The Rams bad place-kicker Fnllk Corral and defensive end Jack Yoangblood on the team ... Joe 111 - .. II -A ,. SPORTS BREAK Pat.er.o of Penn State waa named coli.ge football Coach Cit the Year by the American Football Coaches Assn ... Otbol "Abe" MarUa, who won lbreeSoutbwest Conference football cl'lltnplonships in a l4·year tenure as head coach at Texas Chrlettan University, died Thl.U'lday. He waa 10. • .A woman testified that two Soutbe.rn Cal football players attacked her. her husband and their three-year.old son last October after a minor traffic accident. Mlrl•m Naan' testimony came as the City Attorney's office opened its case against WUlle Crawford and Claarles Moees. . .S&allford'a Steve Olla was named to atart for the North in Saturday's Senior Bowl foot- ball game. ~11 DIC• 52 Co Spark Sp•r• George Genl.D, the NBA's leading s~orer. m pumped in S2 points to break his own Hem1sf~r arena sooting record a nd spark the San Anto~ao Spurs to a 1(().111 wan over San Diego. Gervin, who was averaeing 29 points a game going into the contest, hit 24 of 33 field goals and a ll four of his free.throws to snap the arena scorine record of 51 that he set m 1975 agalnst MempJU&.in the old American Basketball Assn .... JI. L. Carr and Bob Laaler sparked a second hall comeback that enabled the Detroit Piston to squeeze past the Portland Trail Blazers. 104·101. and snap a s ix- game losing streak . . . Gus. Williams sank four of Cive Cree throws m the last 29 seconds to give the Seattle SuperSonics a 109-106 victory over the Phoenix Suns. The victory put Seattle a full game ahead ~f. the . ~ Angel.es Lakers in the P ac1f1c D1vtS1on. while Phoenix rell into third place 1 lh games ouv•" behind the Sonics . . . Otis Blrdaong scored 24 points. mcluding the last six of the game. lo lead the Kansas City Kings to a 94-89 win over the Golden Stale Warriors. T ........ Radfo RADIO: The Lakers at the New Jersey Nets. 6 p.m .• KLAC C5'10>. Chick Heam, Pat RUey report. TV: Horse Racing -Santa Anita result.S. 1 :30 p.m .. Channel 52. ......._ SALE STARTS January 12 ends January 28 t f I ,J TENNIS I BASKETBALL Reason to Shout Bavarian ~ nnis Jwiiors Clean Vp 81 l>AV C'UNNINGRAM Of .... Oe'lf ........... Th«" 1uoe rous t buvo bun a tran(t«' on -nlnt-yuuna•ter nd e 1ht adulta alandin 1n • hopplnJC centtr t 3 p m. on Ott 31 , whoop~ l\lld hollt-tlnal In Ot•rm n \tole , lOMtlng ch othl'r 1nd 1umptn1 up nnd down It WWl the 8nvarlun Junior 1't•nnJ"' Tum, vl&lllnr SoutJwrn Cahfom a on o ROQdwU lour If tht' runou!f a>uHerby could u.ndcratund ~rman. h e m 11 ht h v ~ t.l l'l •· ,. t <' t.I l h t' l'qUIVal&.Tll or "llappy Nt'W Yt•ur. ' becau o lht; kids wen• t"t'lebrc.Un« lht> comlng of 1979 to thct1r mauve:• country Mldnlabt in Buvarta wo!t 3 p m in Ca1Uorn1a and tbe vusltloAt lcmntl!I team wllllled to bt> ure tl cdebroted \he coming y~ur at the proper llme OTHElt THAN THAT tsuluted out- burst. the Buvaru1ru, were prim, pro per and well-mannered during their visit excepl on the tennu. court, where they .cave tht'1r American hosts a beating. The 17-m cmbc r env~y from Bavaria beat their Southern California counterparts.Jn every ex- hibition they played except one-the fi nale against the Tennis Patrons of San Diego. The Bavarians swing through Orange County proved to be a bust. A match In Fountain Valley was can· celled because appropriate arrange- ment.I couldn't be finalized. and a malcb al the Capistrano Racquet Club was ramed out Tbe VlS.it.ors returned to Bavaria Tuesday after a 16-day stay, and the host Southern Calirornia Tennis A ss n is making tentative plans to accept the Bavanans' invita- tion and send a U.S. junior Learn overseas in February * * 3ERRY VAN UNGE, touring pro from the John Wayne Tennis Club in Ntwport 8tarh. teamed with Tom Lf'onud to wsn •n lnvltutional tourn ment at Palm Sprtn11 Sunday Va Unao and l.eonArd 1toppod aruc ManM>n and P rry Wriaht, HS. 6 3, In the nn1b. Al•o t kln.c home u (•hamp on.hip from thal tourn y waa Nttwporl ttt'1ch f'i 1dt>nl Su111.m Warfield. who Jolnf"d Slrv~ Simon of 1'u1Un tu win thr mbed doublt .. with 1 6 3, 6·7, 7 6 thr111t"r owr Martcay~ ChrlHtlanson (Ir Los Anit"le11 und Eric Boer ot Wcstlok~ • • • 8 1GNUP. Aft£ NOW IJ£1NG taken Cur the Fourth Annual El Toro Tf'nnls Tournament, open lo playen. of all attet from ull urtiH m lbc B. C or D d1vt1loc\~ Scht'dulf'd for the wcekcnd or Feb :\ .s. lht> tournament is an annual ben~ht for lht• El Toro High tenrus program Entry ft'l' l& $1 for singles and $12 for ca<·h doubles team Registration mrormauon Is aviula ble from Coach Bob Johnson at El Toro 1586-63331. lie cun be reached durmg evenings at 837·7246. .... THE LA S T COMPUTE R ranking by the Women 's Tennis Assn. figures to look much different on its next revise. The present list looks like this: I. Martina Navratilova; 2. Chris Evert; 3. Evonne Goolagong: 4. Billie Jean King; 5. Virginia Wade; 6. Tracy Austin ; 7. Wendy Turnbull; 8. Betty Stove: 9 Kerry Reid; 10. Rosie Casals But since those rankings were re-leased, Navratilova has lost once lo Evert and twice to 16.ycar·old Austin Evert is considered by most to already be sitting on her rightful throne again and Austin can't be considered No. 6 if she keeps beating NavraWova. Evert and Navratilova wall be seeded No. 1·2 in the Avon Cham-- pionships due Feb. 12·18 at the Forum in Inglewood. Austin and King are also scheduled to compete. Prep Basketball Marina Battles Irish Kennedy Hi~h's Fi"hting Irish, a team with a 9-3 overall record. No 6 ranking In Orange County and reatur· ing 6-4 Jerry Sypkens and 6-5 Ed Watts, invade Marina High tonight in the featured high school game or the night as they lake their final tuneups prior to league play next week. The Vikings o( Marina. with 6-7'h Randy Heidenreich, 6-6 David Tieni, 6-5 guard Keith Dawson. 6-5 Kevin Olson and sharp-shooter Truiett Hal- 1.on, are Orange County's No. 2 team with an 11-2 record TIPOFF IS SET for 8 o'clock and despite the height possessed by both te ams. each has shown a tendency lo ruf\ al every opportunity Sypkcns averages 20.2 points . a Aamc and Walts has averaged 18.5, while Marina counters with an ultra balanced attack, as exemplified by scoring averages or 12.7 1Hallon>. 12 .5 (Dawson) and 12 .4 1Hcidenreich >. Other 8 o'clock games Include 8-3 Dana Hills at 9·4 Estancia : Westminster at Orange County's No. 1 ranked team-Corona dcl Mar, Newport Harbor at Costa Mesa, Los Alamitos at Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach at University and Ocean View at Laguna fills. OPENING ANGELUS League play is Mater Dei, which ls at St. Paul at 7·30 Another key malchup is the Dana Hills-Estancia duel. whJch features 6-4 Mike Samuels of Dana Hills against 6-4 Steve Van Hom of Estan· cia. Van Horn has a 22.1 scoring average, while Samuels ~vcoges 16.8. topped by a 22-point effort Tues- day against Corona del Mar. 1979 11111115 ·sALEI featuring • Riha • Head • Fred Perry • Anbo • #1 Sun• Winning Ways• Giamo • Davis • Ti • Irene • Adidas • Sphairistike • Jog Joy • Wilson • Spalding • Court Casual Sergio T occhini 25% OFF Selected Rackets To 50% OFF , . SPORTING GOODS 3 Days '"·· ~.. s-.. J-. 12. 13. Friday. January 12. 1979 Surf Gets Sock NASL Club Adds 3 Stars DAIL V PILOT 8 G OCC to Host 15-mile Relay Dlataoce runneni are mvltec: ' 1 Furth r 1trentthenln1 ltscl/ throu11h tradln1. lhe caurornJ• Surt bu acquired three starting players from the San Diego Sotkera ror cash and two 1981 dra(t cholcet. Munich loam that Included Co 11 mo 11 s up e rs ta r Fr an z Beckenbauer. Neumann played three games ror the Sockera last season when they beat out the Surf for the American Con- ference. West.em Dlvlslon title. to compete ln a U-mlle Cl'OSl country relay race scbedulecl • Sunday. Feb. 4 at Orange Coast 1 eoucae. ) Each Learn will consist of fiv• , runners, with each runner cov 1 ~rlns a distance of three mUes The course wlU Include portioni GORDON FITZEL of the OCC campus. Registration for the event, sponsored by the Orange County Track Club and the OCC physical ntness lab, is $15 before Jan. 30 and S17 .SO for thost teams signing up between Jan JO and the morning ot the race. Coaching Honors To Fitzel GeneraJ Mana1ter Paul Deese. who traded for former Los Angeles Azt9cs Wolfgang Suhnbolz and Steve David last season, dealt tor Brlan Joy , Franz Krauthauaen and Axel Neu~a thJs week. All three. ulon th Suhnholz and Surf de· fend r Len Renery. played for Uie Las Vegas Quicksilvers while Deese was the general manager or that club. Joy. 28, played every minute or the 1976 a nd 1977 season. Kraulhauseo, 32, was a team- mate of Suhnholz on the Bayem ··1·m committed to winning the NASL title with the Surf and I must obtain the kind of players that reflect the type of attitude we are developing in this or· sanizatlon,'' says Deese. "This deal brings three bona fide starters t-0 our teum. They are our kind or players-they have that winning attitude." Surf Coach John Sewell is just '1S elated over the trade. "We are drawing closer lo San Diego and by the time we finalize our roster there won't be a whisker's difference between us." be says Further lntormaUon is availa· ble by phoning 540-2368. . Registration tees can be mailed to Orange County Track Club. ' 2829 Lemon ~· Apt C. Costa • Mesa, 92626. The Orange Coast area bad a stranglehold on cross country honors ror 1978 with former Edison High girls cross country Coach Gordon Fitzel, currently the men and women's cross country coach at Orange Coast College, honored as Callfornia's No. 1 high school girls cross country coach for 1978. Fitzel will Join Costa Mesa lligh's Joe Fisher Jan. 26 when the two arc honore d by the Cal Coaches Assn, tor their exploits. Fisher is being honored as the boys' t-0p coach. Fitzel 's 1977 Edison girls teams won the CIF 4-A championship and finished serond in the world high school cross country championships tn Graz. Australia dur- ing the summer or '77. Liberty's SUllivan Gains Alt.CIF Spot Liberty Christian H1gh's Matt Sulli van was named to the All·CIF eight-man football team as a second team defensive lineman as selected by the Citizens Savings Athletic Foundation. Player of IJ)e year is Coast Union quarterback Tim Cate. M•r.tn•tne. E~-Jonn e~orna1>. (o•~I Union. fed Schumwdy, lltentw-. l(Kkrr Joo P•r•er, RH> Honoo ""'Te-01191\M Oe<k•-Erlk Ourkt. l vmploton Alftedo M.trttne1. Cuv•m•; Wllllern M<LOUCI, ~I. Tim atlt, (Ot\I Union; L1ne-£•rl Erom..,, C.O••• Union, l.,,.,, L'l'Of>S, l •mpttton, 8111 P-. Cuv-. tncn-Mtk• P,,...:n. Co••' UftJOn, Larr• !>IO••·-. M •r \htttr .C .r -.f'r 0 flf tQ t.t 1""'1'1p_.,,.,_,_ l'lnt THm 0.l•ftM L11"" TOIT\ Pwtty • .Aml>e•~. llellv MaJ°'""· Co.t\t Un•on Jn RK<ell•. C:O.\I IJn+on lt"4'0«h" Bobb• Aoo•n>on. ~"" ~ .. ,n.,noo V•ll•Y C.ltr. C•••o !><nu\tf'• M•ren.un., Molut ll•ll .... OIQ Pin. Beel \ Oon M<C:ilt• ltmp•~Uln. M K• Cl.trll, ~-lhtt 5«eM T...,.OfMMe Beck\-Milut Pelton. Amon- 011 • C totir, M •ran•tn• f-rdf"lt. Ao1><n.ot1, S.. Ff'rn.ndO v .. 110 C.11< • lroy 80dtrw, Metodyl•no. Ltnr tl•v•n Wit.,._, Polyt.c,...,1c. Pt'lr• M••· 8uc•••ir. Boo 8roo1c- Sec .... '•-Oe4eMe L ine Bred MWtir .. Mdr\/\dll. Torn A1vart1, Cuy•"'•, M•tt SwtUw•R, Liberty Cltrltll.,.; l•l'tf'l>otOtr> • °'"' , .. .._. ,.,..,~on. °""'d Wlt•I~. Mar.nou John M<ll,.•"4>n. Monttt4111r b .. <~ G,.,ry I '•'""· P•< lltC-(hrt\U•n M•tl COIW\"11. Tempteton Field Hockey Wet~4. Edltoft 1 Wr\tmflHfM .KOf'inQ F"tKl't t, J.t.nd,811)(.11 l.dl\0'1 Kor"'9 a-.. ~ ...,..,., ,._..,, V•lleY I N--1 ....,_ •or•nq: llalH'• 2, Cot 11 M)n. JotwlloOf\. Founte1n V .. ~ KO<+nQ r-.. .. Hw1>t ........ 9Nclt I, Mar1Mt .,.""''"Qton B•ttcf\ 'cor•f\Q Jet _\Oft TRUE RELIABIUTY. l11e 19/q C<m1ll.i 2 l)(vir !...,1'<1.111 h,r. .1Itilly1r.1n•.1:..101111'<119n11ron '•V" l;•1t1 IQ1 <,u11 ·r ·,1.Hllllfl (.).~11 111.t'.lt t 1 1hnCk'f ll1<1k111q •;V'~lt:m tor ,1<Jd1•l1 ~1hJly And wn Jd1us11ng t>rnkl.~ TRUE VALUE. II rl "'' ! I 'CJ.I'. "n.tl yflll fjt 1I ,r1\lo 11 Vf•lfl I'{ 11 11'. TRUE COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE. l.(Jl(~l.J .. 1 "" •1 ICI II', (/111>1 >l 1718 \Mlh tll tl11•' l.ltl CJ.JIU l~111pm<•nl It ,It ·d bc.:k'.w MclnulaclUfc:f-. 22 TRUE FUEL ECONOMY. At"Tl(.-mbt:• Com· f 11l'lh I $1111\.th 1•111 • c. l•'l!ll"t(FA ( ;IN 1.1'~'(1 MPC.· 'I (fl" I -l' > "' • ITl,.Jy '1· I tltlfOlt •1111111'-1<11• dCflt'l\{1•11{1 Qll llOW l.J<ol y<ltr (hi\/() V,'(' 1111"1 l':()r1Cl•lo()l1\i ,\I Ill 1111) l,_"11(1111 Al. 111. ll llt{Jllw IV 111 L 11 • .:. 1)1 >UJ~v oc IC'.:OS II ,111 lhcClt•fQcn1.i ff'A H g11w.iv F ~11111.nc TRUl~a& lnsrdC you 11llflO 1oom '°' IOt•' V•f"fl/'i upholstery Rec1in.r19 C11111t.:r s buckel seal ~-bur 1co llO 1h1u vcnfllrltl()l1 Alld •.rcettnt'J cotum1HTlOl"1tr·• 1 HP<lrtllfJhl Hf·1dt1mn Fl.J•,hcr W•ri<1 .rn '<1 W•ON V'• • 1 , ' ,, ''' • .vq<J" ,11 ~ 1c1c11I prrcu PrrC.1 • (fr)(" .rl()( tflCludO l1lt jf( r:n .I' II tn•,f)Of'ICl- 1 ii• Ci •It 1111.11 n.i ,onn•, Ot op110nal CQu1pmen1 FOf surer comenng there'5 MacPhcr.;on !.11111 lront suspens()n And tor suret slOPP.n<) P<:>M!' a· s1<:1et1 tron1 Cl•M: crakcs TRUIQUAUn Uutlt r~hL 10 IJ$1 Thi::. Corolla l'\a:. welded unihled body Con!>lf\JClrOO. 10 "611) pcrwnl SQucakS ano ra111es Pa1nl thals app1rc..-o inicto. ond smoolh And rus•·re$1stnn1 q<ilvarn1eo me1a1"' 111Sl·pror10 ar<:a:.. ITANDARDFEATUAES:rtl•• ~ .... ,,..,.,, ............ ,,.,,, ..... Pl~•) ""'"'(JI"'""'"'"'' ........ , .• ••141' ""•'-·I "''"'""nllJ•r;t. b .. '!14. .... '•l)llo'IJ '" •• "'' • • ... ~ .• ,rt. ·~on 1>HLll 1!1H I ~ll\floofll.'(A> • lJn.h1tlO noo,, ( U! ,, {I'()" • I! .. ·I.,. 1 ..... w, '•(;!•I h•nt)f I h•• tJ • IOC~·"'I r)J~ COO •kfll<l<.lo.jv•l'rytlrnt~t ,.-•1 1 • 11!1 •f'owo"l~~h•lllr~IHIJ.,H~•~lltQO •tl1$ICIOl10()01th 10&) •"II ollg(.(11<T'I0"10Ut1lf~l><Jb0<1N llt•ll11 .• nfllltl.»l• "'"ld'-t1tt.'4<J .,,,ip.1 .... , ·"', 1 nouu"' •II• -·• d<Jlra>.1"' "''" t •Ol.~•1 t.111 •Alier if.<~I tv "' 1 u .,,,,n • 1..,, n~111 t:A"'"flCl L•JOl>\1•111 • lr•nt · < 111111• Q·l•Jllfl e 3 POlo'll(JO don\o lo()hl • n,..,..,, t "' ~t'VI e /\011.1•1,tlJI<• 'OIM 11~1 1t1 ~' ,,., "'ofllll e 1311111()1111, • 1.tflll •(,iv,. I•" •~Ill odlolle< • 'N<Crt '11 l<M h n • .t.tonwniroo muu~ r • "'-'• tlw 1• .,1,tn11o11t1 S.1lttty Lqll'I'"" nr 11 111~"1> • El/U ooint A ti Ot ~I •St• O!IOQ r.or1imt• IOl'.ll w tn11)hl-<Jnt11no1Q 1 bUl1N • l '-Olll'd ~lloC wino-.ti.•"'1 'MPOf "'"'""'' • flDocleo w•n tlf'll1 .,1,c,1, •Ht c:.<M•ta~ -.noct,.llb<.otlltl'>Q bumQC11 • COmhn.11.nr1hi1MI lk..cl looN p,1B.1nq t11ak1i on" "'°''!mono llghl a COli1IP~tC>IO C!Of<lflQ COIUITYI e 4 . .-JV"'"''"''""· 111-ng llQN e 8t'flo)llllWay IMtOO ltlf<r()! e RtcetiMO OOOI n.1tt0'1ll • 5'ot OOOI QU.lfel tOlnfOteetnllnl • Se;i1 bell ....,nino ~9'11 ono bulltlf • l.iooem m..;i.111' blullu c;yt•llClul THE lOYOTA COROLLA 2-DOOR SEDAN • ·~ -.-----· ..... .. . " ...... -...... • I t I .. DAIL V PILOT Frld•y. Januwy 12. 1171 UPSEl CELEBRATION Members of the University of Jlltnois basketball team <·tdebralt• the ir upset victory over Michigan Stale ttl Champui~n. Ill. Thurs A~., ..... day night. lllino1~ won. 57·55. Derek Holkomb, Levi Cobb a nd Mark Smith are &.1mong lhc celebrating players. Fullerton Belts U CSB Illinois Trips Top-ranked Mich igan St. From AP Dispatches SANTA BARBARA -Center Calvin Roberts scored 22 points Thursday night to lead Cal State F ullerton to a 76-62 victory over UC Santa Barbara in the Pacific Coast Athletic Association basketball opener for both teams. Fullerton's Titans , now 10·3 took control or the contest early and had a 40-31 ed~e at the intermission. Guard J e rry Ocsio paced the Gauchos, now 5-7, with 16 points. Forward Kevin Heenan added 15 points for Fullerton, which bad four players in double figures. Guard Keith Anderson scored 13 points for the Titans, and forward Mike Niles had 11. Illinois, 57.55 C HAMPAIGN, Ill. Eddie Johnson popped in a 20-root jumper from the right corner with three seconds left to give fourth-ranked a nd undefeated Illinois a 57-55 vie· tory over top-ranked Michigan State Thursday night. With 40 seconds to go, Levi Cobb won a jump ball from the Spartans' Ron Charles at the Illinois foul line. Johnson grabbed the ball a nd the II· lrni called time out with 37 seconds to play. They then ran down the clock until .Johnson. a sophomore forward who led the Illini with 16 points, pumped in his game-winning bucket. Fre•no S,.,. 53·5 I FRESNO l"resno State evened its PCAA rrcord at 1 · l Thursday night bchrnd Art Williams' 14 points and 15 rebounds. defeating San Jose State, 53-51. in overtime. The Bulldogs, after shooting a mis· erable 21 percent from the field in the fi rst hair, came back to lie the score at the end of regulation 45·45. Then, on the strength of Rod Higgins' 12 points, went ahead to win in over· time. Six of them were in the over· time play. Top scort'r for the Spartans was Mickey Jackson, who had 18 points to lead a ll players. Pariffr .. 88-82 STOCKTON -Freshman Benny Buggs came off the bench in tlfe second overtime period Thursday night and scored seven points a s Pacific edged Utah State 86-82, in double overtjme PCAA action. Terrence Camey. who finished the night with 19 points. tied the game twice, at the end or r egulation time and at the end or the first overtime. Brian Jackaon contributed a game· high 25 points for Utah St., followed by Dean Hunger with 12 points and 12 r e bounds. Former Saddleback College star Rich McElralb had two points. WcuMngt on St., 72-52 ST AN FORD -Terry Kelly scored 18 points to lead Washington State to a 72·52 Pacilic·lO victor) over Stan· ford Thursday night. T he Cougars bad an easy time of it, despite the fact that 7-foot -2 center James Donaldson was ejected from the game with 9:58 left in the first half for a flagrant foul. Stanford held a 33·32 advantage at halftime, but the Cougars reeled orr 12 straight points at the st art of the half and never trailed again. LAST THREE DAYS JAN. 6·1", 1979 V.TH AllllUAL SOUTllEllt l:AUFORllA u aom INDOoa Dlll'LU't ~ ftlllClU· ID*noN.uu1 0.., 200to1000pm FttOllV9 2 00 IO I 0 JO p m klu«leyt Hoon IO 10 30 p m ~ NoonlOIOOpm ... DID 11R DAJ'lla ...... ..,. llln 14. ' .. ADllllllOllftlCUr Adu"• 12 95 ~ (12·1e) U 2S l<Jdl( .. 11) S1 2S ------------- ...... ~ * College ¥11EST LO"O IH~ St 13. UC lrvlt1• S4 fulle•IOtl St. II>, UC S....t• 8Mbe•• 61 f"•~"'°sc u.s....-s1 st U 01 P<Klh< ... Ut•n St 87 N•~<NI• Reno•, LOY<>I• a. N l'•lr°"" n. Mot>t.w>• s' Pep~rd•ne •s. St M¥v ' 1> 1 W•\11 SI 17. SIAnlOtCI S2 W•l>f'• '>t S<I. MotllMI• St S 1 W~\lmot>I 111, Lil 1141>11\l •1 Uldll 101, Nl'W MealCO'IO suu le P«•toc 60, LPN1s.CIMll St u Portlatld !.I '7, Ao<hy Mowt1101n IJ A" Force It, S Color-1>2 er1911..,,, YOUllQ IO, Teus·EI PeW> !16 SOUTifWeST T&••sTeclllO,S.ylOf/• re .. ,.11rtlnQ10n u, HOU!.ton l\<11> t11t SS MIDWEST 11111\0I\ S7, MlcNQMI St SS Otuo SI. n, •-• &7 Putdue n , ~n '1 Wlt<onslt>.,, Ho<'l"""ttl•tt182 M UW'IHot• IO. I ndl""" l>3 O••h ll. llrlldley 11 TUIWI 9J, Southen> Ill .. SOUT" AutlvNI 14, Geo<QI• 7 I o.ot9la Te<ll n. WtUtll\ '6rotlN 50 Miu. SL 101, Ml\$1S4lllCll '7 11 ot I NE LCM.II ......... McN-St M Tt_S_ 11 •• Flor!Oll 73 EMT C-11(11! U, llo\!Ofl U &1 lot I f'•ltltl9fl Olckit15')fl ... Slen.t ~] Holy Cro\S 1 tl, AUUm()llOfl" Nort...,Utl'trn 11. H••~••d &t Rut~<\ IO. Ci«>. W~tlQIOn 11 $1!1on H•ll IO, Pro'tlden(AI .. High School O•~nve Lut.,.ran 11, Ca111orn1a S<llool tor IM Ouf IRl .. r:Mde > 4J Junior College Wtsl#ll Mai.c.Metllft<t S<ln18 8Mtltl'<I S9, Wftl LA •9 l••O<>'P"'" 71. H~OCll Sl Tr-Teel! 10 CM\pOn\ S'I C.l•nd•l<tlO, ~ .... ,, O•M •dlD, Vetltuf4619 M.-._ilUn C.0..-<• 9ahHl..+c:I 108. M"\H)n 1l Skiing Conditions By The AalJOclated Presa Here are the l atest Western ski conditions as reported Thursday by the resorts: Crystal Ridge -24-36 base packed powder, hard pnck. Goldmine -33.39 base. packed powder. some rocks and bare spots. Holiday Hill -30 base. spring snow. some rocks and bare spots. Kratkl Ridge -48 base, packed powder. Mouatalil ffl&b -24·36 base, packed powder. Mt. Baldy 12 base. spring snow. some rocks and bare spots, Mt. WaLel'Olan -36-60 base. packed powder. spring snow. Ski Cr.-en Valley 12·48 base, weekends on- ly. Ski Sunrl11e base. spring snow. 8-32 Snow Summll 12-60 base. packed powder. hprd pack. Snow Valley boae. packed hard pack. 4860 powder. q u aw Valley Cl0ted d~ to rain. Tahoe Ski Bowl Closed due to rain. Heavenly Valley -5 lnc h es n e w 11now . C11ltornla side base 2 feel. wet packed, 3 chairs. 1 tram. Ncv•da aide cl~ due to rain. Id lnc:IJM Bnse 18 in ches. F'lrm packed s prlnfl condition . ~ chairs, U run11. kl Reno Closed due to ratn. M1m1t1etb MoHtal• -No report. BASKETBALL I WRESTLING Wre t l l n g FV, Irvine, Eagles Win PountaJn Valley High, rtt~lvln.s some strong ~rformh-~"' bv lt.s lower wehthl dhtl1'ions. pulled out 1 •n1 lought 33.24 Sunaet League wre1tllng victory over Newport Harbor Thursd•Y night. Jn other actlon. Irvine powered past Costa Mesa, 42·23 : Eiitancla crushed Corona del Mar. ~i-15 ; and Ocean View fell to Loar a. "5·9 T he Barons' Rick Nozakl at 97 pound11. Jay Yomuglda at 105 and Karl Oganeku at 144 all post· ed victories to make things easier for Fountain Valley. The most Impressive performance though came from Kevin Woody at 193 when he pinned his opponent In 1 12 Meanwhile, the turning point ror lrvme might have been in the 114-pound classification when Rob Weiss pinned his opponent in 1.42 after lralling early 4·2. For Estancia, Ed Lowery at 140 turned in the top performance as he pinned his roe in 3.03 Seniorless Ocean View was frustrated 10 1ls ef· forts as only Steve Burnett < 114 >. Chris Schulz I 147 I and Dan Clearwater < 193 l posted victories * * * * * * PUBUC NOTICE •.. , .... NOTICI! TO cal!DITOIU N0.4 ... 1 .. tul'1•1oacou•To''HI U iu• ~ CALll'OaNll' 'oa TNI COUNTY 0' Oa!INOI In llW ~lW Of Ult f>l•I• off Rji>N ''\ A l8rllf I AfAl'ILLC. "k• ~AANCI!> ANOIU. l>fRAILLC, H• ANOAf f' LJ>TAAll ll •• r ltANK AllllU lAfllAH.Ll, 0• PICAlll ANDRE ,•-• I ANOAt LA1AAILli. •k• 1 llAN(I!> A LATRAILLC •k• I A LATAAlllE De<••~ Holl«• It -orbit 111..., lo c •.OllOt\ f\olnt c 1.imt fl04llt1\I 11\e Yid Cl<>ce dl<'tt to lilt ..io ti..irm 111 t,.. ott"~ of Ow <l•<l of IN •IO< .... ICI tO<lt I Of 10 P<• .. nl tlWM to ,,..""""'~~ at IM oll o ol OONALO J HE~$. 7U~ l CllaDM•n, No•tll !Julle Fullorton. c.111ort11• m;Jt ""'kh 1•11•• omo " Ill• DI•'• ol IN",.." o• ,.,. un otr\IQroed w. .ttl •••tllll" PM101tlll\Q to •••d •U•lt \urh claim' w11t1 '"" i.t .. W•\I -hlr\ rl\U\I bf llltod Of 01~\fnl•d •\ •t0tt><1•CI ""'"'" tou• .._,,,, .,tet '"" '"'' jMIOl•<•••on 01 lhl\ M ll<t O•ttd J.,....ry s. tt74 MOiiy 8 l•l•••llf' [ -1110< of Iha Wiii ol w 1<1 O«oden• DONA LO J. HlU A"°'neyatuw UStl' G..._n Hortll r.1111• ,.,ltttt..,, CA t'UJI Publl\twd Or-C.0.>t O•llY P110I J•""•'Y 12, It, 2• ...0 hbt ... ry l lt/t •H l4 PUBUC NOTICE ~VollMyJ:J, 11'-F1¥"" !Elot"""Cls-n.t•ol 11 PUeLIC Hl!AlllNGS WILL eE ..._. 14-14 IJS-W•nt IE'_.,., lorlf'H HILO ev THI! CO.STA M(5A PLAN· '1-0H,lfFVlde< Lyle10 100 E L-y Il l ot"'*' Coolie• NINO COMMIHIOH AT THI: City IOS YOf'nllQ!cle IFVI de< Blain & J ] OJ H•ll, 11 f•lr Ori••, C.U.t Meu, 114-IC . OQ•nnu ""'' p1nt1td •• , Ellol\ ICdMI Olnntf v ... Doren Cllllon1I• .... JO"'"'· OI ....... H Eanrwll'ldl IO. J Joi. ••""'• ....... 11 ••• ,. Mtllf•Y. 1%2-Sew...a (FVlde<. 8rvwt1 • 7. f~ff&. fCdMI de<. Wal .. r\ 11 J•-ry 22. tm. ,_..,,. t11e ....... '"-V<lrclntr IFVI Pll'lned C..,, 1 JO lll-511.ttw IE I-~ t 1 Int •"41uti- 1U-Plu1U INHI dK. J ~llu 171-P .. ,c.tlE>dK AMltO 1 AN ORDINANCE OF lHE CITY 1~2. 1'3-LyOft lEl-D'ftwtell COUNCIL ot 1~ City ot C.O.l• ~w l141>-8, ., ,..,_. INHI plnntf S< ..... IJ Hw1-Ma,,lon !El -by forl,.11 •-nd•l\9 TlllC' IJ o1 llw C~t• Mew • .._ •• s~v-t 1 ,~ • .,-.. (FY> ci.c:. ,....,. lt·S ,, _A,.k•~· 11.1 PIM.O LoveltU MUn•toP• ......... '''•11"0 to ........ U•-F-\1•• !NH) dK HUtl\On s, 0 4) qu.,Pd 1ocatl0tl of ""'''"9 IO• <on 1'1-Mo< .... IFVI dK o.fll I / !OS-Terry Ill otMPd ~1..,' OI dom1nl11m\ wllh1t1 Int R3. A• At1d 117-"-INHlci.c: S•-lf.I 1t•-e111-tt lOVI OK Re __ ,. POR HO 1onn ft1v .. onM1n1 .. 1 1'3-WOCMIY (f'VI D'fWd ~·io IH-Ounun Ill won b¥ fonell °"'""'"""'°" ICEQA> EM>Me>' I 12. 11'-O.rlly lll"'°"bylOtftlt 1 t EHTATIVE PARCEL MAP H1 ':,! -PrOY!ncie IHHI p.nned ANllO tU-TOCICI IL>clK.11_... S 1' 316 lo • Nat>e•s Cad lll•<, -·~ .. ,. 1u-. Rot-.. o •ut110,.1tt1 _,.. ,°' C.O.•I Cotnn>uNI¥ P UBUC NOTICE "CYITIOOS eUllHIH NAMI. SlATI MfNT 'hr fUUt t1111nig Pl't \Of'" •'' OO•n-., CN\HU \\ 1• t<AY .At;t1 HI A(M Al Al 1 Y •~O Mttwoor I (.r nh r ( ., • "" \u1h t(I• "•"""''" ... -.c:n (" e11•u"''" t/MiO f "" O•it00\111 A \\Ot••t•un ( AIHtHOI• r n1oor.u ..an •W Ntt•l "'" (.,,.,.,, Or '-'•t• '°' H.,_~, tti.rtc" (•h ff)fnt••1..0 UU'\ DU tfW\\ I\ f ondUC.twtJ b• -' '!JI OO••liot1 T tit 0.l<'OOUI A••.n J••rv O.••bOul "'""'°""' Tiii~ \IMt•o•lll •n 1111'(1 ''""' ..... County (;let~ 01 0••"11" L1111111v 0" ''"""•'• 9 ... ,., OAVIOllOH & MAT\&N Utl o .. t Mrwt, "''" ,._ N•• ... rt-.C.. PIOf/U Pvoti\twa 0r_.. Co.t\I U•''" ••on1 J•n 11, I~ 70, fll'C> I ''" "' I• P UBUC NOTICE NOTICE TO Clll!OITOllS SUl'lltl04' GOUllT OF THE nATI M CALIFOllNtA FOlt TMI! COUNTY OFOltANGk '"A·~ I \l~I,. OI fAr 0Fllt('k NYI M O\f \ O• f N'fl. MO'I 0.CH '4'd NOfl( £ '"Hf Af (1 Y (,1v1 N lu ''" , '• d•tor" t>t tr.• ~w Mm.-0 otu·('I••" '""'' .tfl O" r ~ f\.f••N'J < IA•m\ ·~m i Uv W•O dfi<e<it-f'lf IH,. rf'()U1rHt ,,, ,, •• tMm. w 11n ~ ,..u \wtry vov<.,..,., ... " l"t" 6Ul<.f' Of tnt f tif'fllri OI lhl' ~lbOVf t 11 t1tffitd '°""' or 10 Offl\.f'nt l~m ••ttt If\~ f'~f f \Wry vouc twr\ tu lh4't-v1 <J•'\IQnf"O at IP'\f• Lew Olf•<"'' ut PICHARD 0. r R!IZEf , •lllO Vun tt •rm•n Av.1 \ulfti 16\ N1•wov' t 8••<" C• 'Mi60,. wtwcn 1, ow'"•'' ,,, bu\I~\\ Of 1"8 undiltt)~ In .tit "1•U '"" ot'rt61n•r>Q lo llllt "''""'of \d•U II• u•o.na. wUNn tow nlOnlh\ •tkt In• '"" C>Ul>l•«•t-<>l lh" noll<• D•lrd J-•~ 9, 1q1' ~·'""" c;.,_, (•f'<ul•I• ot ll>r Will o1 lht 41»vt Nrnt-0 .,.. "°"" lllCHAllO 0. FllAZCE 4UO v.., 11•""'"" A ..... 11 )0 New-I e..c-. C.. tUoM Al-y ler E.c"'ri• P"Dll•hecJ 0.MIQt CAM>I Oe•ly Puul J•fl. 12, 19, 1•. FM> ), 1'19 IJI /~ trvitoe42,c..tt.e*6.en ,., S<11111r 1ov1ci.c: C.....•no• s Cot•-°'"""'· mo...,.,,,, A~-. tl-C.st.ilO 111 de< Ollwr 11-0. tS.-Krulc lk Ill-. "'<IV.,,.. .. ,. C~I• M-. Gelll0tt1t•. 10 et••'".,,,., . l~A•yt Ill tlctd o->Q 1·1 '•7-Vanu, #WILi\ Ill de(, ~ MW O•t<el on PfOllf'•lv. 10(11.., "' PUBUC NOTICE 114-W•oU Ill pinned Arlfnu<• I 41 • J -VII --\, ltl oil p (Oan<lf>QI ,_ 172 Sedtrotl Ill 111~ S.acrul 111 ·Vantcoun (Li de< ~CICt IOS Et1vHOnM•M•I o., ......... 11on ~;::.ao,Cltnll)""nned ._......1 ~. 1'3-CIH,...•lff IOVI Ge< If-•· ICCOAI ' Ne9allve O•<l.,•t1ot1 llS HuttfltntOtl'f t I ~'McAttstlf Miit I ? IA fl 101. 1 St. Hw1-Autllno Ill D4Nled Mlllt• J 14 l TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACl ''° -Sllerrnan 111 OK Elllwm ~2 '°"" 10t Gery Nel\Ot'I .,. 8oo 8rooi.s. 141--0•vl& lllelet. 8119¥ tt-t ..,lllO<lte<I ~ &elll A. 11A¥11t1 I. •'4 s•··-,CM, Cit<. S<hwkle.. Pro Sco res s ... ,, c ...... " . e10 GNA .... berQ >4 <~•led, 1300 II St-1. Suite tU-,...,., ICMI Pinned HMe I S2 lOl, "--' , C.lltomtA, l0t " lfS ThOMPSOn ICMI plnn•d M•t-............. ,MI. -IOC ,..,.Ill IOt <-ltllll"' Palladino' 13. ~lrOlt 100. Pwtl-IOI --·· IO<AllC!d 21t2 -,, .. --.. , ··S<i..1t111 !CMI pjMeel 8111s I • JO. S.t1 !lnlonlo t.O, s.n OM>QO 111 ,,.. SI .... , In.,. H'#l • Rtf•tff ... ti I -b¥ forltlt I( .,.W\ City .. ~ SUit. 19 ,., Otter- ll.ltafl<I• M. C..-*I NI.ff U !°>HlllA 109. Phoet>I• 10. Oct<IM•llon IZE· I ., Fulllf CElwoobyloffioll. N•l-tt.cNya..-• TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT IOS Au ... IEl-b¥1ort•ll 8o•I011&,M>"""i.ot•• IOUt to• John CollU, )IS Cell• •14-0 ~ IE I -by IOtltll Ottro1t J. Pntl-'PN~ l 0.11<.od•, S... Of>tntt>te. C•lllom1a. tu HIM•••" ICdMl p1nneC1 8ull•IO •.W-not0tl7 lo• • on. IOI SU-VIUO<'I '"' con _si-__ ,,_ ... _,_s_1_. __________ v ..... __ ou_-_•._'>l_L_OUo_•_J ___ --4 ~:~·A~= E·~ •. ~~ COMPARE & SAVE! LEASE 1979 PORSCHE 924 S275t5 To l~ =~~BiLLYATiS -- vw 1PoRscHe 32152 Yale Roo6-S. JM. ~str.o 837-4800 493-4511 4ramounl dfoorls ''EYERYTHIHG IH TEHHIS" ·Annual montat O.te•m1n8llon •CfOAI· Nt4o1l•W' °"<IMAllOft 1~·11 olC>I ~ fENfji>ftVE MAP Of TRji>(T 10!>50 to• CfltlQ H•mc>ton. "u1norore<1 _..,tor P•<ll Wll\Ot\ A\-tal~•. •11 L-""''· CorOt\a ci.1 Moir, c..utom••. to' • o,,. tot \ubd1w1\••n fot c.on e1om1t11um -~. 1ocatf'CI Al 61' Wtlt Wll\Ot'I \!<Mt, '".,. Al '°"" E.n VlronmH<I .. Oell'r ....... llOn ICLOAI N_ll ... Decl.atM-lft.,._1'1 For lunM< onfer_.IOtlOfl lnt- ~UuitloM, t~~ /Sol·~l<S or c•ll •t ,,.,. ollQ ot I~ Pl.,.,.ltlQ 0.0.0rl· l'TW'fll. R_,., 1CIO. 11 h t" Ou.,.., C~I• Nw"-, (Al~nt• COS1AMES"' Pl.ANNING COMMl!>~ION Rt<n.•d CM\I""'"' C,,..,,.,..,. C!IM!n W RObUI\. 5eert't¥Yand O•-IOt ol Pl...,•nQ Pulllll1fMO 0t"'9 C.0.\1 O.Olly Ptlot J;tnu<try u . '"' 111-/~ P UBUC NOTICE '~ MOTIU 04' TaU5TEE05 5ALE N0.1714 ()ft Ja_., 1'1, 1'14. 111 II 00 a "' , CONflNf N f!IL COHVEYANC£ CORPORA f l()N H duly <IPPO•t>lf'CI '"'"" ----10 0...0 ot T ~I <K.O<Ol'd Jlll>f' 10, 1478. ot\ '""" No 711'16, "' -11n1. -llll. ot Ofll<l•I Af'(Orl)\ '" '"" oH1<.r of Int Count., P!'<0tO.. of 0t""'9" County, \loflt ol C..l•fo<nl;>, w•ll -..11 .,, pubhc •UCllOll to lltOl>r\1 Dodd<'• IO• """ fpeyet>f,io •I ttnw. of w•~ tn raw•u• -· of '"" u ... ,.., .......... , •• '"' !>Guth ll'Oflt f<ltr•••o 10 ""' Old o._.. Counly Court11ouu • .,,.,.,. An•. C•lll0tt1I•. <Ill "llf>I, 1111~ .Ind 1n1••t\I COll••l"Kf 10 -MW """' l>\t ti ~· Wld 0...cl of Trusl '" llW pr-rly \llu•l•CI '" W•d Cout>IY •nd SI••• deWrfbed tH PARCEL I All lftel POt'hOfl ot f•«I Ho 1.01. It> tn. City of '"'""· (OUlllY CP·fl'S SUPl!alOll c6u•T OF TMIE STATE04'CALl~NIA '0• THI! COUNTY 0, OllANOE Ho. 4-teSff NOTICE 01' HEARING OF Pt:TtTI~ l'Otl Pll09ATE 01' ¥111Ll ANO l'Olt LIETTEllS TESTAMEH TAii'( AHO AUTHORIZATION TO AOM INISTElt UNOlll THI INOEPINOENT ADMINl5TRTIOH 0' lSTATIE.SACT E\lalt of ELSA MARI E 8AA0ll V , l>t<te\CIO NOTICf 1$ HEA£8Y GIVEN '""' GllACE 8 RA0t.CY 90YO N\ 1111<1 ~n~ln a Pl!"UUon tor Pt~t• ot W11t •nd tor l,.tter\ T•\t•m~ntdr'f .itmt M1t"<tt •1•tewt 10 <id"'4fte\tr-t the ~•ott ~t the l~t Acltntnt\lr-•1•"n OI E\l•l"1o NI. t•l•r...,., 10 wh11n n'Utdtt tor fur1~ p&thcul•r~. nn<t ttl.tt IM '"'"' ""° P'ec.• of "'""'"<1 ll>r ,..m. ""' n. .... Y1 "" J......,,., 30. l'IQ ... 10 00 tt m • 1n ttW> CfHH'troom 01 o ... o.,, 1 m .. nt No ) f)'f ,.,.o 'OU", "' Jf'lff r,.., CNnt., Oriw 'NMl In the (1tv ut ~ •• ,, .• An.. C•• •tOf'rw.- O••f>d J......,ry • IU'f l (( A RAANCH, Counh (I Pr a J•,..._l Wl-M lllNOEL &ANOCaSOH Po .... m 1no Nortl\ -.--y S.lttaAM,CAmOl ·-·tor "'""-••• 1114 I U.1111 Pubh!.f'Wd 0rdn(Jtt Cocn.t Oo•tv J•uo1 ,.,. 11 IJ, 19. 1919 11• ... PUBLIC NOTICE flCTITIOOS eUSIHESS Hl<NoE STATEMENT Tn~ touowtno o-rM>n-. •'• 001n1.1 bu'IM\\ ~\ ICOlL 0AKM (A0 PARfNl°I>> 1401 Do•• s 1r .... 1, N"WPOf'I llotn C.l•lo•t1•• '2'60 T II~ KOii Company, 1401 Oovo• !.l•etl, N•-1 Rt><>t.11. CA 'l"lbea Pelt~•n l•nd CornottnY. c '' Oot1ald M Kol•. •'IO• Oovp S•r•..i, NcrwPO<l 0...0.. (A '1{)60 0 P _...._.,, 11 H•ll MQ.,., 0.y 0"•" Coron.II del M.,., C.A 'P)ll(o() Eve<f'll 0.vl\ Ill. )U~ MO t Orlw. Ne-1 ~II.CA91MO l 1Molny l ~l•o)cle•. 19)0 Port All).t•"· N~-1 l\.,)(h.(A...,MI> !>1 .. nl•y I fltoO"'>ll • ""'"' '>· • °''""· N.._t 0.-..:n, CA 41!>Nl llOlll'tl A Ol<;rct1. 4'17• Nt-w Waflt Ot1...,. S.,n '°"' <A W ltttc\m fff"tt\Ofl t l0-'4 ( "'' IM'•l8t><I °"'"" ........ _ •. c I\ ·•\Oii) S l t"Y•'l'l I H.,llQr l f'n\l)n C411111t'OO•n Rottd, Pte•"•nlnn, C •\ ~"" (,;uy (u1ohenbftrry~ 1\01 Ptlo11 ~I rnot>I, (.A ROC>fof1 /14 Rlvfl'f' •11 8ftl1t' Sln..,t ~ t 0..11, C. 91..0 of Or•n()f', ~tf Of C.utor"1•, ,., Pf'1' T "''' Ou \if'W'I.\ '' tondu< ff <J n., '' MOM.. J AN. I S ttwu JAH. J I EVERYTHING DISCOUNTED from I 0°/o to 50°/o Euept 1.Wa Expert Racciuet Stnng1ng and Repairs Featuring all Top Brands! 333 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa rhoM 642.6186 (Behind 1n1ernat1ona1 Pal'Cake Housel M•P fc<O'Ofel ltl 8°'* '1U. P~i 10. I I 11",..'al pMl~ll> •ncl 11 ot IW\U!I.,,,_ Md\», •n lrM! l ornQlhy L. ~l•ildt'• olllC• of -Coutlty llf'C.Of"dtr ot WICI T "" ll•h......,.,I w41\ lllN! wol" 1"' <..0Ut\t1". "'°"""" .,,_, Otftne<I •~ U"tl JO (ou"'" c1~rll ot Or•no• Count'· Of' • ~ ........ Pl<ltl. •e<orOfCI In (<1lllOtt1• ... on)""""''. I •• IY/~ Book ... 1, P.,. HOfll MCI . Offl(l<tl ,.. FIO"h co..,n PuD"•""" Or.n<> (Od\I o.,,,, "" • PARCEL 1 M undivided ""'" "' Jet> 11.lt ~ .. .o 1 10/<J 11 • l•tt\1 •n •II 111<11 portion o4 wkl Tr <1< 1 Ho. /401, .,_ -del•....O ii\ •. ,,,,, .. f'ftOf' Ar~•·· on \•td Cof'idOmuuum Pt•n PUBUC NOTICE E attophl\Q 10< " e>e•IOd ol 10 ,. • .,., 11 ti .. ltOM And"""' <Ml~ of or-.os ~·-NOTICE TOCltlOIT'OA\ -.._., ot •II 001, ~. ,,,,,...,.,. and HO a "'91 llyd•OCerOOtl \Ub\IMt"'· IN'IO"' a SUPFlllO't COUllTOF THf dtplll ot S00 t ... 1trom1"" \UMM• ot STAT(OFCALIFOllHIA FOR Mid .. nd. Dul w•l'-I ""' fl0hl OI '" TH( COUNTY 0' OAji>HGf rty V()On AnG pcrllon Of t~ .,..,r'f.tco In Hw MAttN ftt ttw ( t.u • .,f "'AL I •l>Ov~ rt Otouth "' \00 ""t f or lf'w /Ol t 0 fllDf NPl\lJM t ... ti .Aul I PfJIPO\"' o• f>•040tlnQ IOt bOf"tf)I) m 1,, RUH N (lAUM 0. • ,.. ·ti """' drtUtf'WJ. (, nw>v1no. f •fltU "~ ~1' "'"''"' • ._ n.. ,,.,) .. ,,,.,. n "' t 't-d 1UH m•rk.QflnQ \.•t1d 'ub· •1•n( .... 1t\ t.-"'"v•••<.1 • IA1m\ ,,_,.,~""' '"'' •.111tf , ...... \.frwitd .,,. W Hrrll1t .fO th lh •f'O oll'W'r-., by o.~ '•(flof'dt-d Jurn· \, •W 1 •n 800ll. t.1 '.\.4, P~ n ,mo ,,., OffH ,,.1 Rt'cord\ Mld ,,.. t('(.Or~ Juf'lil' 7\. •0&1 In~ &IS&, P.ot \ 1f0 wnd HO ~lf•t 1el rfl(OrO\. 4W'Ct tUt1f'w: r "v , ... d •n th! ~d ftom W 8•"'9tvr d Hf'll1\ .tOO ~~~======================~ otMr\ tf'(.Of<Md M"y II, 1%'; •n l:.\O()t• .,: 19'41, ·l~&l1Pffh1Ml'•f'<HO\ dt-tU tu ...... ~, 11.111u~ If\·~ .,,,ff I' I I '""ti•, .. "',,, "' ,, f ,.,,, ,., ' ,,, •. ,.nt tr'lit m ,..,,,._ 11u•t•t<1•.,...· •I At O t1Utt t Ot •*AUt J HAf-#lt.A 11,111 ''V"~ Ol'ild \u11• 4 10 l o t•n < 111uun1,1 9'/MIU. wn1 n '''"' f qOu 1 ,. in. pi... I OU\1M • ot '"' Ultt,,., IC')fW~t ·'1 Ill ,,,,,, , .. ,, Pt rl1t1"-tn\t fu ,,htj • • toh ''" n <IA1m' with 1tw N'•• ,,,_.,.,, wif'IV;<n.•r r'l\t,,1\I Oft fHfort Of ()rf"O~t,lt"(j . ._, .efMt \•·•S Wttf'Ut'I IOU' f"'IOnU'" ftlt. r lht 111 t Al\O PaCf9llflO l ... t~•rom •II Of IM _,,,,,-------------~~~~~~~~~ftl '•m•lntnO OH, 9"' m1nipr•1' •no "" hydt<Karbon \111)\t.tn<n IY1n9 boilow" <leOtll of JOO 1 ... 1 lron'I INI •urt.C:~ 01 DON'T ti GIVE UP, YOU'LL FIND US FOR THE BEST DEAL IN ORANGE COUNTlfr W•d l•M IN! ""'''-' Ille "ql\I ol ~I\ Irv voo" •"11' POt'ttOI" ot ,,... \urtf'Kr-•l>O•• " <1<111111 01 SOO ,,.., tor ""Y l>UtPOM" wtwll-W•. ~~ rt~4"Vf ll by J W llluQ 0.•••-nl Co. •t>< •• n -'"'-°'.., o... .. mo.-. 1'I "" AHftnUon Oii, t-tc .• , .. ,( •P•ed trom '"" d.-<rlf>ll"" It> lhl\ 1111a•Mt.,., ~no MY C)Oli< 'f "\UIPCJ .. 10 t.Of"l•in ~Id «>41 •.HftOllOn PAACEl 1 An ,..,,"'',....-.. .•. ~,,, tot .,0n1cu1At p..1rtung UVf'r lf'ldt per I tan c>I '4od l•MI Ne> 1001 'llOwn ·'' P 10 on ''-''d Conc'''"'"nt~ •11111n wtht n ••Mm"'"' ., ttw trt. bii ,,..tit u• •'l\O ·•O P"f ttnAnt ta p.iitft • '' 't11intJ > ""°"' Th .. ,,,,_. t ~t•\\ ~no othrir , oM ~ CS.'IQl\ittton 1t ~ilftit &I lhf· t .-Al pro,,_.,,,~ .. ""-"" ftbt"¥• ... ovrpartt'd 10 Dft H~J K_.1.10 "r.•tt Ir v"" (AllfDH\lllt rrw UOC)ff'\fQfW'ld ,, ..... ,~ 0 1\(1.ttf'ft\ Aflt¥ h•O•lltv fnf ttfW •f\. n• ft'\ lf'lr Of lftft 'tlrHI Addu "' 4nQ 00""'1' common ~\1Qn•l1M. o 8"11. •·f'W'Wtn nf"h"ln $.too '"~ wlll "' m.-wt .,,,,_, uw•"-"' "" ""*" '""'" .. 11 or•~• "' '"' Oll..i t•OO»fllll\O loll<' 00'\V\\-4( en<uMllr.nct•. 10 PfY '"" noMelfll"O ptln<•NI WM OI l"'I l\01el\I ·~vrN! D'I \,f f4 °""" 91 ltv"' ""'" •t>lt'rt\I 1 ..... 0fl ., ll"O•llOl'ol In ...... -·'" <141venu t, If -· _. ttw t••lfl• Of w lel 0...0 "' ''"''· '"" t ""'O-• """ fJSptn .. \ Of "" ff1Nft .->Cl ol 1'-l•"'IHIHltclOy Wiel ~of tl'll\I Tl\t -1<1ery Utldt'• .. .o Offil ol ""'' ll•••toto•• Utlt ut•• •nil d" lfvtf'f'f 10 Ii. -·""*' . W!llt.n O\>(lltfal!QrlOI Oltl~l ..00 Oom\clnll to. s.l•. •no & wn1t.,. Holk • o4 0. ••1111 <1"41 [II!( 110" It! .... 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WUf\ tfw n.t•\Wt¥ VDt« NU\ 1f tn. ofllo et ti. ci.n ti'"' •llO"' ,.., Utl.O <OVfi. 01 10 O'fl"'1nt '"'""' ••'" tP\.e M<•~"'" Vf'>\t(t\+tt' It iht "''' O!'"IQ,...,, •I t o l uu Hl\1"1> Jr • • \ll•H .. (AIM . 114() W •t1le A"" 81.0 S'"1!• 11,.,. ("*'•"'"'• •"•'" ,,., ol~'" o• et~".,,,.,, .,, •t-.• ",, fl-:t\lon.cJ 1n .... '"""'" '' J> ,.tAU\lt10 h l,,..f'l\IAttl'Of'WtClf>t1 n."t w1t~11'\tout fl"CM\11\\ •flf't IPY. I r \I J14,11.Mu 4't•IW'I f '"" ,.., .. ,. ll•teo Clff•ml»-r • •~I~ ~W Hl"'CloJ Ir AOl'ftil1W'ft4'lr.rf nl I~ f ,, .. , .. 114 ,,,.,- ~""""'""'"'"'I"'• tflt nl JllVtU 4 aATOfit 114tW ~ANlll\lf , ._111• Alie, c:.tl ...... • Ulll Ttl 014) ,._,,~, Att•MY ._ ,...UMIMr Pu04""'~ Or-'"" 1 O•"Y p, "' J•~·'' 11, 1• •...a Hllf ... •Y' ,.,,. 110,. TENNIS I SPORTS ON TV DAILY PILOr 87 OCIET Slm8'JFROM ROD LAVEA ~ IWJ$Tlt.4TLO 8Y IW JOH50N ,L_ NB(; Top Dog in Televised Sports Super Bawl XII Most WatcMd Presentation in 1978 By llOWAAD MITH tcrost fell otr aomewhut as the score mounted. .. ._.. .... fi"'lve buebaJI 1amc.> • three football •amea and A a.ua GETS DISHEARTENE D •nd fells two bolllna match m d up the 10 hllbat rat.id "' aport l lovl.llon shows or 1978. ABC. aenerally apart.. lt happen1. No one Is suggesting a vicious conitd N'd Lot,~ TV ~· bad Just one or verb1J attack oo a bunch ol "qulttera, .. Just re· ...... o till N lbanU t w Id coanlUon of the tact that tbe team ls UsUesa and """' top I • u • 0 or merely ,.,., .... thtou«h ... e motions. It's no ........... to Seri~•. had 1tx. ..,.,... • ~ '"""'.._ Super Bowl Xl • to tho aurpriae of no one. was go out of your way to offer a alowtng tribute to a UH• y ar'• moeil watched aport.I pretelllelloo. CB-5' team that obviously has other things on lta mind ~lttta•t al the DaUu-Denv r cootest drew a 47.2 · · • ·like getting out o( the stadiw:n alive. ratinc per nta10 or TV homet -and 61 ahare * * * * * * percentaa~ ol aet.a ln use. 7:30 p.m. (521 -H0a8E RACING' -Toda ., card from Santa Anita Race Ttaclt. Y 8 p.m. <9> -COLLEGE 8ASKE:T8ALL -The UCLA BruJna meet the USC Trojans In l.os An1eles. S-dflfl'• Radio, rt' aADIO Auto Race -West~m 500 11 a m KLAC 1570>. Basketball -Lakers at Seattle. 3:35 p m KLAC <510). H~key -Kings at ~tori 3·ss p·m·· KRLA <UlOl. ' · · • PERHAPS TIIE M08T INTEllE8'11NG thing S•t•H•W'• R•dfo, Tl' TELEVISION about thole flJ\UH ls that 33 perCi'nt of the RADIO 10 a .m. <4 l -COLLEGE BASkt:l'BALL _ tt-levl1ion aeu In wse durln& lbe SUper Bowl were Basketball -Cal State Fullerton at Long Beach ThT e Arkansas Razorbacks vs. the North Carolina uctually tW\4..."'d to 110molhlna else. Considering tbe State, 7;50 p.m .• KFOX <93.S FM 1: KWRM 03701 ar Heels at Chapel Hill, N.C. far~ WJwilly Acheduled In UCLA at USC, 8 p.m .. KMPC <110 >; KFI UM01: NOO!l l4> -SPORTSWOllLD -The Mubam. opposition to tM Super ( ) Auto Race -Stock Car Parts 300, 1 p.m .. KLAC mad All track meet from Long Bea~b and the aowl anlm l hows TJI Sl¥JRIS (510>. Hockey -Kings at Detroit 4·25 pm We~bley. England invitational women's gym. the old Tarun movies KRLA (1110>. · · · ·· nasties championships. Also, tbe Kruy WorJd or thut is aurprlBlna. • TELEVISION Sport. • The aecond Mu.ham· 9 a.m. <9> -TENNIS -Raul Ramirez meets 1 p.m. t2l -TENNIS -The slnglds final in McEnroe, Blister Eliminate Connors mud AlH.eon Spanks fight on ABC had the year's Roscoe Tanner in a WCT Challenge Cup match the Grand Prix Masters from New York. <11 second tugbest rating -37.2 Md a 62 share of au-taped at Montego Bay, J amaica. , · SUPEllSTARS -Distinguished athletes from the dlence. The fi ... al game of the World Series was 10 a.m. 19> -SENIOR BOWL -Pro scouts "et reeent past test their aging muscles in this senes. ...,. a chan"""" to al t ·1 bl al h Taped at Freeport, the Bahamas. tblrd with 35.9 and 54. "" ev ua e avaa a et ent in the Senior The ...... tor,.,._ •op ten: 4-AFC TiUe Game. Bowl football game at Mobile, Ala. 1 =~ p.m. (4l -GOLF -Final round play In '"'" u""' " 12 · 30 <1 l THIS s the Bob Hope Desert Classic. De nver-Oakland. NBC, 35.6 and 69; 5-NFC TiU.e . · p .m . -I THE NFL - Game. Dallas . .,innesota, CBS, 35.0 and 58; &-Ali· Highlights or the conference championship games 2 : 15 p.m. '7 > -BOXING -Huntington uJ Id Se i G last weekend. . Beach's Carlos Palomino <21+3) put.s Ms WBC ·Spinks I. CBS, 34.4 aod 51; 7-Wor r es ame 1 p. m. ,4 1 _ GOLF _ Third round play in the w~lterweight . championship on the line against 1. NBC, 33.l and Sl ; &-World Series Game 3, NBC. Bob Hope Desert Classic. <9l -NHL HOCKEY -Wilfredo Berutez 135-0-1 > in a scheduled 1.S-round From AP D~akbff 33.0 and 54; 9-World Series Game 5, NBC, 32.6 and The Kings and the Red Wings race off at Detroit's bout. taped at San Juan. Puerto Rico. NEW YOHK Defendulg champion Jimmy 60 ; 10-WorJd Series G!"!e :·NBC, 32·2 and SO. Olympia Stadium. Tape. 122> -PRO SOCCER. 2:~ p.m. 1521 -COLLEGE BASKETBAU.. - Connors. s uffering from a large bltster on the bol· 2 p.m .. <2> -TENNIS -Semifmal play in the The Cal State Fullerton Titans vs. the Long Beach , tom of his left foot , retired from his match against A LEFTOVER OBSERVA'nON from the re· Grand Prix Masters, taped at New York. State 49ers. played Saturday in Long Beach. John McEnroe at the Grand Prix tennis tourna-cent glut of football bowl and playoir games: Why 3 p.m. (4) -COU.EGE BASKETBALL _The 3 p.m. <2l -CHALLENGE OF THE SEXES ment at Madison Square Garden. do the announcers involved in almost all or these Washington Huskies vs. the Stanford Cardinals in -Tennis. swimming and motorcycle jumping arc Due to ruJes instituted for the event this year, games feel compelled to pay tribute to the losers a P ac-10 game at Stanford. featured In today's segment. Conno~. traillng 7-5. 3·0, as out of the tournamenl. as the game nears its conclusion ? 3:30 p.m. 12) _ SPORTS SPECTACULAR _ 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS The retirement. being treated as a default. means On virtually every postseason TV game, we Heavyweight boxing: Kallie Knoetze vs. Bill The Harlem Globetrotters launch this year's Sun. McEnroe autom<iticall y advances to one of getacommentator saying,"Well,yougottohand Sharkey. The men's world cup downhill skiing dayeditionoftheWide WorldofSparts. Saturday's semifmals . it to this club. They never stop batUing out there. f w · 3:45 p.m. C2l -NBA BASKETBALL -The In the matches that we re completed, Arthur They just don't give up. This is some kind or team J~1'rywoodengetn. Stwitzerlantd. Alsoand. part two of the Los Angeles Lakers vs. the Super.Somes at lh~ Ashe downed fellow Amencan Harold Solomon " 5 un competi ion part two of lhe Kingdome in Seattle. 6·1. 6·4, Brian Gottfried defeated Italy's Corrad~ Some losers did, in fact, "never stop battling." ~:eLS~~e~dler f~~sic. r> pedPRO BOWUNG -3:55 p.m. <9> -NHL HOCKEY -The Kingl> Barrazuti, 7-6, 6-4 and and seeond·seeded Eddie But others folded like a cheap umbrella in a w a nv a ona ·ta. al Las Veeas. meet the Bruins in Boston Gardens. Dabbs demolished Raul Ramirez or Mexico 6-0 windstorm. 5 p.m . <7 1 -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -The 4:30 p.m. l52l -SK.DNG -With Tom Malone. 6·1. ' • M. h . world individual ~vmnastics championships, taped 5 p.m. <52) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL _ Connors said his foot had become soft because aryland. whlc got beat bY. Texas 42.0 an the at Strasbourg. France. 14, -OVTDOORSMAN. Utah State lakes on Fresno State al Fresno. ~is. last tournament match was Dec. 9. While prac· Sun Bowl, com~ to mind. So does Georgia Teeh, 8 <22J -PRO SOCCER. (S2l -BOXING. 7p.m. CSO>-PRO SOCCER. i.icang, he hurt the foot tour or fi ve days ago and 41"21 loser to Purdue. Neither ot these teams ac· 5: 30 p.m. <2l -NFL GAME OF THE WEEK. 7: 30 p.m. <52 I -HOR.SE RACING -Today's aggravated it early in the McEnroe match ... After tualJy waved· a white fJag aod climbed back into 6 p.m. (13> -CHALLENGE BOWL -Seniors races at Santa Anita Race Track. four or five games. I was walking on the side of the bus midway through the fourth quarter. But from the Big Eight and the Pac· IO square orr an the <The Dally Pilot is not respoaalble for late my foot ... said Connors, who Umped through most its' safe to say that the level or intensity and in· Challenge Bowl at Seattle. changes..> of the match ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--..:....:...:..::.:.:.:_~~~~~~- Erert Gain• S~lllnab TAKE NOTICE OAKLAND -Second-seeded Chris Evert ad- vanced to the semifinals or the women's tennjs tournament at the Oakland Coliseum Arena Thurs- day night by beating error-prone Marita Redondo or National City, 7·5, 6-3. Evert will meet Ann Kiyomura or San Mateo Saturday. Kiyomura upset fifth-seeded Rosle Casals 6-3. 6-4 in their quarterfinal match Thurs· day afternoon. 01 The Nicest Place To Buy A Car. This Is The Store Where Personalized Service Comes First• ALAN MACiMOM Meanwhile, top-seeded Martina Navratilova won her second round match by malting short. work of Yvonne Vermaak of South Africa, 6-3, 6-0. Jn the day's other second round contest. fourth- seeded Dianne Fromholtz ot AustraUa beat sixth· ftOMTIAC , 24'0 ........... ..... Cost. Mete 54fo.4JOO seeded Virginia Ruzici or Romania, 6·3, 4-6, 7·5. ·--;=DA==,L:="!f=P=n=m==::::- Evert. who won the tournament three years ago, was never in trouble as Redondo made 64 un· CLASSIFIED ADS forced errors. 842•5e1'8 AREA ATHLETES HONORED BY SOUTH COAST PLAZA 10th Annual South Coast Plaza "Player-of-the· Month'' Awards, as selected by the participating 25 area school coaches. Award winners for Oct. 15 -Nov. 15, 1978, will receive award pins and large action photo blow-ups at spring banquet sponsored by South Coast Plaza. Name School KEN DeSHANO . . . . . . . . . . Canyon High School JIM SHOLLIN ...... Corona del Mar High School CHRIS MONAHAN .....• Costa Mesa High School DAVE EHLOW .......... Dana Hills High School · MIKE DOTIERER ........... Edison High School ANDY DICK .............. El Toro High School RANDY BROUWER ........ Estancia High School JEFF BRACK . . . . . . . . . . . . Foothill High School TIM HENIGMAN ..... Fountain Valley High School DAN MACKIE . . . . . . . Garden Grove High School SHAWN VONESH . Huntington Beach High School MA TI McCULLOUGH . . . . . . Laguna High School SPARKY KING ....•....... Marina High School BOB AVILA ...........• Mater Dei High School BOB CASPER ........ Mission Viejo High School MIKE JOHNSON .... Newport Marbor High School BRUCE LANE ......... Saddleback High School DON DILL .......... San Clemente High School LEE STEVEN . . . . . . . . . . Santa Ana High School JEFF GOLDSBY ........... Tustin High School HARRY BILLUPS ........ University High School MIKE GNESDA. . . . . . . . . . . . Valley High School STEVE BROWN . . . . . . . . . Villa Park High School EDDIE REMELE ....... Westminster H~h School RANDY BAUER •.•....• El Modena High School ,, Action photos of the winners are displayed in Carousel C'ourt of South Coast Plaza. .. .. .o.( .,, ......... ___ ._ ....... ~----~.""-!~.~.---.------<---.---.-----.'!""------ ' THE NEW 19'19 TOYOTA SR-5 LONG BED SPORT TRUCK . NEW INTERIOR COMFORt NEW SMOOTHER FRONT SUSPENSION . ----ITS THE TRUCK THAT DOESN'T RIDE LIKE A TRUCK--- Totally redesigned 1nterl0f All vinyl. tutty padded dash tor a car·hke look and feel New. full vinyl panels with armrests on each door Tough. smootti·nd1ng AM/FM radio steeJ.belted radial tires. I 5-speed overdnve transmission Power assisted tront disc brakes More sound-deadening rnsulauon behind the firewall 2 2 liter overhead cam engine. This ht·tOfque powe< plant has power enough for even the ---~,..__~lr;JghpbS \ New. softer-nd1ng torst0n bar tronr suspensoo THE ALL-NEW 1979 TOYOTA TRUCKS This new 1979 Toyota SA-5 long Bed is rust one of SIX tough Toyota trucks. Check one out and you11 see why we S&f it's more than your next truck. It's your next car: ' ....... __ _:...._ ..... _ ' . ,.. ,. .. • p .. .. . .. t f l / -OM.YPILOT v adtl r•ctn1 actt It 1 ii llabt •.C•ln th•• w kcmd ~••h only t~o vc-n\1 lt'h dul~d by Or•n1e Voaat r•~hl Cllubel. l'b IJdo h1 l Yacht Club wlU halt t ooly ev nt n Newport lieac:h with lbe M~iod r""" ol It.a dull &but Strt on Saturday. THE DANA fto1nl Yacht Clul.I will 11;h1 • 1t r1nt rl'6fUlll Of UJ71t With u Wtnttr ftq(ullw fo1 Peorformunt·t• Hund1<·u1> tbl'lnlC fo1l-.·t y ~·hb Ellf>"'™'"' in Soulhttrn Cahforn1J , tht• Nuvv Y • c b t CI u b o I Lon te Beac h hai. th(• onlv event 111 th•· l.o Anf(t•lt•• Lon~ llt·uc h harbor an·u w11h 11 ~ Com modon""I Inv 1t d tlonal for ('llRI'' r.1t111~' T hl' W 1 nd J .111rn11•r i... rrtdfY, January 12. ,,,. NEW COMMODORE Ted Hl"9haw lido I le Y acl1Umm1 Heads U1rit Race Results Knoe tze Confident MIAMI BEACH. f'la. 1AP1 South Afr1cuo heavyweiaht Kallie Knoetzc, center ot con· troversy lnvolvtng U. S San1a Antta forl'ign policy, civil 'l'Pd llulhhaw of Lido r1uht11 leaders and a ma· .... Tllw ... ., ''"' wu8 111'>t tlll1·d .1., ,. ..... ,.._,~, Jot teleVlsion neLwork. ,. o 111 tn od o 1 " or th 1· 1 "" ... ~ ..... ~.~"' 1.,1.,01 1u1d today he was confi- So u t hl•rn Cullforn1.1 1•10. 100. uo. ''-Onl"" 'h"'' dent he would get to Y urhtln.c At...CX'llltlon at ;•:;-"'°"' •uo. 00· Lioer• ''°'01 right Bill Sharkey on lhl' or1:un1zutwn'i. lJO \e(uflct ret1t Mr I 14lllno Saturday. Ar a Girls' Baske tball eew-.. ,,.. ... .. ~._...., H11t111n,1or1 Wncll-O•vl• It, ClllllleMl9flfO .. J~ It, ltt11tlll ' (orant 094 ~ ,.,., .. 1. "-'' ••. """" ~. ~ u. r-•to • "-IW OllHtorl ,..Vrlllflt•Oll .. «II 6 It ' 11 •t WNlot .. IMM 10 10 I> U ~ Me• Del"•_,_ ....... 16 \et• .cl ......,, A..Vll'f I, Ofoue •, ~ '· G8lldll '· fllff' Mfltr 0.1 •ltl It, 8-11 t, ~ I, IH8111Ch •, Ml-ta, ll•nbfe It, ~Gel ), Olt uod1 ,, o. ...... IC.tlnlty..,_. Sil<•od..... • t , ' •• -·-Diii It 0 t7 1• ,. IM-W 11, Cnrtte U (ypre" HlthOi)Cltl ), It-II, l(_ .. t •• ,..,_ •• .,....,. "· o.-. •· ervant l, Kim Of.-.• '''-.. ,,_ '• ,,_., "· DM•oen .. ,..._., 2, ,.,_,., n, .Jom•-lt,.....,,...t,Nl(N-• lc-.lrt~ Cy"'e" 14 II 10 11 t1 (ato<'l<I• IJ t7 1• 11 It C...1-MtuM,W._ .. C.0.1• M4IM ~ •. Vejt(fl ti. l!tll<orlM I. 0. ..... t, L-11• 7, All Gitt-I, Well.Ct 4 f 0100.. v-1 .. '· ......,.._ • M11y u 11 A-ell •. (<t,,011 f , s...ct.k .... l ._...,~ C"I• MGM I i. U 1.-,-.0 C.cN\Ofl I) • I) I)_. "'"' v....., u. Mlff!Mfl .. MllllkMl-~...0 •, hylOr f .. CA<1,., JO, c;.......,., '· 0 c..1. .. 10, C.U•ull1 7, "-t P'OUfltelf> ve11ov 8'>IQIHI •· l••o 101 8ol•n n. Molfl/l•ltfrl t). 01110!' •. Wytt-... 1• "-..., ownor, ... Mllll•Af'I 12 t• I) •• t• l'ountaln VllllOy It IJ •• II t7 Prep Soccer maul ml·<:UnM hl·ht ut the ~~'::;:~~'/,k1,~~.~~· !:0'. ~u:~ But the U .S. Stale Lit.lo ls le Yn1'hlClub 11•rn•n°• IC>f"l-0•1 J .O. u O•llr Department said ll 0c ... v..,.,,..,..._,, Oo<1bl• tUI ~ '31~ 00. Id I fed I OcHn vi.w KOrlnQ• ..,......., ,, Hlnt1 huw 11 8 :.tuH lhtrct , .. ,. F1n1<-y !Tore> 1.0. wou appea a era K.i>•ll'I. BOATING I HORSE RACING Alamitos RaCe Entries , ......... ~ ... ...,.... ,,,...,,...., .. ,OllttT •ACS 400 VMO. J YO'" Old• •NI U. r 1111n 6 r"'°'• ""'"' ~! MlO C.IMT'ni"' 01 fie U .000 'l'o11n• Al Ht•rt tPft,.•rl, OuPllUI• 0.rl «terdOt•I llo"' 0."4 er to<lltQllll, ""' ,._.,, tW••Cll Vlllltlf• WI litdo"I. 0. II: tt~ll .,., 111••0• Prl•llle •Ml tWml/letl, Col ty II IPl\oal'fll HCOHO •AC• 400 YOfllt J Yf8r Old ,.,.tllen• Pu"e t1 )00 (lelmlt>O (lflO ""·"°° 1199•• Dell•"-• tCrnoerl. 0..., Cenyon t Pe•n•• I , O•vllohl t rn llC nlQllt I , fl!MWllQ Goulll IHM 11, 0o H11r1 !lu" IC.•d01ol; B•Ult. llual neu 18•rcll, 0.--0111• '~-"' fHlllO UCI~ ve•cK. J Y••• e11h *'4 ... u ,1eo. Cl4Nm1nci ptlfoU,000 8eUl•ll'\ °""99 tClefl"•I; TOtll• lloue> ll••l•I, Hortd• 0.-i<e• ,...,,..,,, l'IHwlv"• 1""41 tf'r"40lll, f~IH•fl, Ill'-• ICMtr•I lellY ot1otL1~1 ""'" a~ uo , .... , , .. , OIO• Ali.w-e '°"'.-'4,100 J9Mll .. Yt1111t I"°""' I, °"<• 00.,. llJ•tdl, ,,....,.,,. ~ 1"9-•l "ocltl ltullt111eetoeu1, wo1-111 IWMd> iMll ~ ... , IH.,W II 1"4111t "litll" thl<Oi", OY•IY W•l~ll •lltoo••I , c..,.,. Alld "•u• fl tlJll,tml, W.... Oo< lffMlttl \IJITH ltM:I ~~ y.,CJ, ) .,..., .,..,, .. ,,., ··--·~ .. "·"°° llllnun Ott IMlklWill, O..llOtl'• ltoc••• ICtH9orl. Good Colcll IH••ll, J•l P•••nett• ti lt>"•m>; R•mDllnt kllr• 1eero.1.1, Mr Mntlecli 11••411 , ruv Move tT••••11•el , NOlller Kinde M•n 111-111. HVINTM •ACI )\Cl YMd• l v••• 010. • uo Plltw M.000 eMlm >no,..., •• t lJ.000 1111100-Jr IP9met I; 81•1r 'N HI IMllCll;ell/, Tllllll! Money IT• .. w•••· Trw "-""' l(i.<ltWI l rvly f'te110 ll<trclt , (hllt014> •Ceroetel, Out la.I-l~•I, .. ,. ~·tc..1 .. 1 llOHfH •AC.I 440 'l'••d• ' y.,., OIOI 6 1111> Altow-.e. ,.,,., .. \J,000 A I •lelltl llul•• IMll<Mlll, J1tl M,t1e1 IC•t0040 I ; \011lh.,n (i4onll•m•r1 11.Jllflem>, ~tlllo I ty1n ll••d I, A•IH'f' t.11l9t IH<trl t It .... , ltoc••• IW•ltOfl>, E•u '°''-l.Mletrl; Trv K-•" J•I 1TroHuro1 NINTH llACI ))Cl '"'°' ) .,_ oldt Piirto ~-Cl•h'ftln(I JHI~• ••o,OllO •ti•t• •oc11e1 Jow•I '"'"''' 1, Rotllol e..._, ll.lllfloml, JHfltet• lliMlhl, Mt .lollnnv °" l~r1, ""'"'" £"'1' , .. ,,.... 9oOy •• awtt IT•-•I, 6o f.o. nci..o19' IC••llflr•I; T.-.O Tim tC..lrol ftlUIOt fth• l"*'tlfll ' Helult IC•tcto1•l; l•o'a fl•ltY ----------------------IHa•ll. IN T .. Oolll'I IAOUQlll, fo It•• I 1m1t l~molo•I. """' hn IW•I""°'>• Aoc;-..t.il., IWAtlll "0UltTH ltAClf .oOO Y.,Ot > ,,.., OIO -Cel Ored Pur ... \2,300 C.i<Mmll'lflpt'IU"•* '5u•h r un t(•rdo101, W•" d•••oq•I IPw•-· I 8• My lo•• tfJC111Qftll, S.1• C.lltont1• t8<oeta••. ""o 1<1p IH¥11 l'fO Tl-To SO.-• AIETTER PLACE To Buy Your Next Car 11 From A Dealer Who Cares Tl1e M O'll Important Th1no Vou II Find Heru la Service Alter You Purchase• ALAHMAGNON POHTIAC 2410~••4. C .... MeM S4f .... JOO TRADE A DINGHY FOR A YACHT! u .. yow ........ boat to .... 0 doWft ,..,._ .. Oft a~ MW Yamaha 25' Co.e llt fO#' a ...... _ w.· ....... 7dopa ...tt Z6 I 6 Newport IYld.. N. I . Yacht C'lub ut M u1111a dcl Rey lauo('hPit lhc· 1979 edition of lt11 WmtN Serie" which involvt•tt s a1lor1 rompt>llnu for the Duke Jonl's Trophy in s mall boalh und 1h1• Mac Cameron Joneti Trophy for kl>el bout& HO. uo. V•••'alll ,._ 1a.naar1 judge's order. wettmlt11WMMl11Q:~t. <'ommoc.lorc of I.ado Isle ----:-------__;_..;;... ________________ ;__ _________________________ =======:.. Yorht Club ant.I the TUE SAN Oleito Yncht Club spolllRhli. l)('tlVlty to Lhe M>Ulh With it s Op<'n1n1e D ••y cerem1mlPS on Sunda~ followed by () ruce tor ~ trandlc:IP ynchts tor the Jt"l\SOp Trophy Other San Ol('~O clufr.ol ... poni.onng rc~llas arc Sou thwP'itern Yacht Club with the 11econd r;H'C or 1t!I Dtsrae1l Senc8 for M1d&et Ocean Rarani;c A~mUnn rat· in.:s und the f'loM ~cics for PJIHf'' on Saturday and u pr<'<llrted l<Jg rue'(• for power yuchls Sun duy The Mii.slon Hu y Yacht Club wlll condut·t n ref,?'atla foe Sabot Sallors on S3turd.lly and the Oceanside Yahct Club wlll host PIJB.1'' yuchts in th1• Shannon Series on Sunday. Or'V)ltl' Co11st A !i80('Ut tlcin of Yuchl Club8 and 1i. curn•nlly commodore of lht• L ieto 14 Sa1h11g /\11 i.oc1ut1on SCY A is th~ gow•rning hody or yucht racing in Southern Cahfom1a and 18 composed or 72 member c lubs from Sun Diego t o Sa n Lua i. Obu;po Expansion Of Boat Show Set The 1979 Soulh~rn C:ilJfornja 1$oat Show WiJl 8l'OW 30,000 ftQU8re t.-c>t to a rnuaive 300,000- l'quare.foot.cxhlbilion for 1ta rua Peb.~llatt.be Los An,elH Convention r~ Tf)'H 'fl'I Centfr. ~ ._..,._, • .., Demand for t>Xblbit ~puce baa been UD• U171KT'llfl'V prt.•cedented In the 23-., -o--.r yea r hlatory ot tf'e t'vCnl. accord ln1 \.o # Ro,ee Set Chairman Hill Holmea, of the sponsoring Southern California lit artoe Alloclation. CAPE TOWN, South Afrtca <AP) -Two Uruguayan yeclltJm of· hcials hove nrrtvedhcre lo watch the Klurt of the first Cape Town lo Urug uay yacht rac~ beginning on Saturday. Oscar Amaro, com· modore of the Punta Del 1-.;ste Yucht Club In Uruguay, und Roman Gasollba, c lub secr etary, told race or· ganlzen here that ull was In readfoess for tht> arrival of the 36 compt•l· mg yachts utter lh('lr 4,SOO·kllomeU!r race. The nnst yrtcht.H ore expected to urrlve in about a month'" Ume. The addlUonal ex- hibits will be located on the lower level at the $43 million downtown ex- hibition hall More than 96 percent or the edllbitors at the 1978 Roat Show request· ed ispace for the upcom- \ng edit.Jon. The dcmana was so great that show officials were forced to restrict old e1dtibltor11 to \.he .amount or s puco they had lu:st year. The Loi\ Angeles ~x M bt tion ls the second largest all-marine show In the UnJt.ed Statet1. I.A Yacht Series Slate Announced 'fhe Los Angeles Yacht Club has announced the sche'1ulc of illi prestigious Whitney, Los Angeles Timt>s und Little Whitney Scrle11. the oldest season-long yncht ra<'lng Keriea in Southern Callfomiu. The Whitney Series ls for )'U{'bl.!I rating under the JntemaUonul Otrahore Rule, the Los Anaelea Timea Series 111 for Perlormuncu Handicap Racln6C F loot yochta competlnl( Cor the 76-ycur old Times Trophy, (1nd the l.\ttle WhltnPy hi for Mldl(l't Ocean Rndng Aaaoclotlon yuchlb under 30 ft>cl In ~.rth. The nrst race or lhe Whlt.rif?y and T1 mes aeries wlll be lho Around Cot.Una Race. Feb. 2A·2S. Th individual caca carrt th Robert Brokaw Trophy for JOit Other r1<'et1 In the 1eries: Morch JO, Ocean Buoy race; Murch 24-25, Santa Barbara l1l1nd Roce; March 3l, 011 laland Rll~. April 14, Ocean Buoy ft.act>, April 29, F.oalt Rock rocc Chou Poems P ublishe d TOKYO fAP> A .AtltcUon t>f poeml!I written by Chou En·laJ In hla youth wUI appear 100n In paperback and hard-cover ediUona to com· memorate the third annlveraary of his death, Pok· ln1'1 orfldal new111Rtincy tald. • Halnbua 1ald tho volume will contain 14 poems wrtt~O'il>Y the late premier ootwecn UH-4 and 1'>22. Cbou died of conccr in l><'klna o ,ran. 8, Ul76. What Are Your Favorites? The Daily Pilot's Annual Poll of Comics NANCY DR. SMOCK SHOE MISS PEACH GORDO PEANUTS DENNIS THE MENACE FUNKY WINKEABEAN AGATHA CRUMM JUDGE PARKER MARMADUKE TUMBLEWEEDS. GERIATRIX MOON MULLINS • flere are ballots for two members of your family • • • If you need beltota for othe,. In your t•mlty, thlt 9d •PP••red In the p81t "''" daya' edition• Of th• O•lty Piiot. -----------··········------------------------·--------·---------·····---·--····---~-~--------·· MY FIVE (5) FAVORITE COMICS ARE: I MY FIVE (5) FAVORITE ~OMICS ARE: 1 ........ ' ............... . 4 ................... . • 1 ........................ . 4 ....... t •••••••••••••••••• 2 •........................ !5 ••••••••••••••••..•••••••. 2 ........................ . 5 ......... , ... ' ............ . 3 ••••.....••••..•••.••••.. 3 ........................ . MY LEAST FAVORITE COMICS ARE: MY LEAST FAVORITE COMICS ARE: 1 ........................ . 4 ......................... . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ......................... . 2 ........................ . 5 .......................... . . . , . ,.,. 1 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ......................... . '. 3 ........................ . ., I MY AGE 18: 3 .............. ~ ......... . UITU•OAY • MY AGE 18: • rl"' .. "' t ttM IMO!' So<-•ow ~ ...... a tt am. • ,.. rn. I •lttl'll •• l4jtlft i~ t UNQ 19 1 1Q4 2Q. J;1 il OJ;;J 84 UNg 11 ,Q4 ""'°"' . ,.,.,,.,,, t• .. I'll 10 rlt•l "1.. • II•"' .. I M•ll to: EdttOf 1 Orenge cout o .. e, '9tot M•ll to: !dttor, Or•• Cont 09'1y Piiot 11<"'41... • ... ,.. • ) .... 111111 10 •h'" •' • IHl.e.l Mllll,-t.Mll.ftl iMllMf'-4.UJll\,WU• IT•m I P.O. M• 1MO...( 330 w. ••Y .... P.O. Bo• 1seo. l30 w. ••Y ltr••t Cotta --. .. , cA 12121 I Co.-. MeH , CA ea29 ._ l -----------··········--······.....---------------------·--·-----------------------------------~------- .. I I r ' I, INSIDE : •Intermission •Movie Rev iews •Out 'n' About •TV Listings Ff f· Janu ry 12. 1979 OAIL.Y PIL.OT Wee.k ender .. , • F eeling Uppity? Go to E l sino re DAILY PILOT STORY AND PHOTOS BV THOM LECOO A Swiday drive over Ortega H.ighway offers some spectarular sights. not lhe least of which is the appearance of Lake Elsinore at drive's end. But next lime you l<ike in that view, take a look skyward. There. you'll see people soaring an sailplanes, hang Aliders and the blossoming of parachutes ELSINORE IS ONE of the premiere non· power air sports centers of the West C~as~. thanks to a rombinat1on of open s pace, prox1m1· ty to population centers and a fortunate com- bination of wind a nd ground condilJons. For hang gliders. the most popular spot is Edward& Bowl. a large sem1·circle formed by s teep mountain walls about halfway down the last leg of the Ortega. Wmds s weep in from the desert, across the s mall valley \hen up Olis cliH like face. creating columns of rising air that kites lri~ngu_lar shaped nexlble wing gliders -and rigid-wing gliders use to soar, oftentimes a few hundred Sailplane glides over Edwards Bowl. feet above the crest, sometimes as high as 4,000 feet above the ridgeline. BUT THE M EN and women who suspend their bodies from the tubing of SO to 70 pound gliders are rarely daredevils, according to Rob Kells. president of Wills Wings, a Santa Ana based maker of the flexible wing gliders . The maJority have a healthy respect for the dangers df their s port many wear small ~ parachutes. JUSt in case -and few will take off in conditions beyond their skill. And, according to Katie Miller. co- proprietor of the Elsinore Valley Hang Gliding Center along with her husband Michael. the gliders have become safer. . The original triangular kite invented by a NASA engineer named Rogallo in the early '60s went forward three feet for each foot lost: modem wings travel nine feet for each foot of altitude losl. RIGID WING GLIDERS look like the fan· ciful creations of turn-of-the·century dreamers of flight but use rigid ribs and wire struts to form an 'airfoil. Many or these float like bubbles in pockets of rising hot air I thermals) and a few ~ are designed to carry both a pilot and ~- passenger. . . . Pull off the Ortega al its intersection with Grand Avenue on any weekend and you'll find dozens of the craft and pilots in what has become the common landing area for the i:;lidcrs . Pilots. ruddy checked from the rush-of air 1 and almost always smihng >are eager to share thei r feelings. Ben Espinoza. a former Orange Countian. carefully dismantled has kite for another fhghl and said. "Whether you're flying over the flats. rising on thermals or flying along the ridge, you don't trunk about anything, you Just feel. "SOMETIMES IT'S LIKE an elevator when you catch a thermal. "And. sometimes when l fly in Sylmar. l have hawks flying along with me ... they see your wings and think you're just a big-0ld mom- ma or poppa bird " Aluminum tubing forms the shape of the wing, dacron with nylon stitching forms the sail. In rigid gliders of plastic or light metal tubes hold the wing in the proper shape. THE RIGID WING craft sometimes have cables attached to a triangular control bar to tuck In the trailing wingtip. forming an aileron for tight turns. In nex wing models, the pilot - always hanging from the framework -shifts weight by pushing or pullinll on the bar. Leaming to fly a hang glider is not too dif· ficult said Mrs. Miller; her husband is an in· structor. Schooling lasts about 12 hours. using their equipment, and ~osts about $100 for the course. "After 12 hours. it's tlme to buy your own equipment." she added. but Mr. Miller keeps stu· dents in town for as long as nect!SSary to help de· velop c0nfidence. WJOLE IT IS possible to team to fly on your own Kells noted that most deaths are self· trai~ed pilots or those who overstep their con· Hang glider pilot stretches ·last moments of flight near end of Onega Highway. • fidenee by fiying in too-tough wind conditions. Take lessons. he advised; it's "death if you don't.·· Ke Ds said two schools have good res:\(Jta· lions. Ute Elsinore school operated by the ·Millers at 17141 678·2050, or Joe Grebla's Southern California Scbool of Hang Gliding in Van Nuys at <2131 789-0836. PVJlCllASING A hang glider and related equipment ,,,-ill run about Sl.000 to Sl.500. add up to SlSO for tile harness ca mwsll. a bit more for instruments caltlmeter and rate-of-climb in· dicator1 and'from S250 to $375 for a parachute. You can pay less. he added. "It just de- pends on how !ch you value your life." But hang iders are only one way to join the hawks in sl · t flight. • •• IF YOU LOOK closely above the hang gliders that whirl over the crest or Edwards Bowl. you may 9ee a glint ?f silver as a sail plane banks and catches \he light of the sun. Glider pilots t.aJte' their 500 to 800 pound craft aloft rrom ',the Aerosport Center at Elsinore Airport, l~ated at lhe ea.st end or tbe lake, off Grand Avebue. about five miles from the Ortega's end. , Tiny Piper Cubs •attach ~foot cables lo the 40·foot wingspan diders and strain to pull them to flying speed, at.out 4S·mph. I ONCE .u.on, thelCubs tow the glider to one of several locations' where wind or rising thermals go up raster than the gliders drop, g~y· ing them a lift to aJUtudeS\ ranging Crom a mate to heights reqwrtng oitygenr lf you watch closely -better yet book a tnal fil1ht -you can see two or more gliders turning and looping together. seemingly playing cat and ~ but actually flf>aring lift. inside a rising thermal or holding ~ a •haft of wiod rising rrom Edwards Bowl. According to Arleen B~t, who Ml4S Skylark OUderport along wi her husband. Larry Els1nore ts one of the r. spots In t.be U.S. V.:here all four kinds of Uft-g\ving air condl· lions exist. \ THESE A.RE : rldge Utt. wben! alr Is forced up a steep mountainside; tbennals1 Where hu1e bubbles ol hot aJr rise from the ~nd llke an upilde-down ra.lndtop: ·wave cond.IUoos. wbere air blowinl up one side ot a ·hlll a~ down the other prov[des Utt, and llbearUnes, where a hot and cold air mass meet, rorc:lng the vlprmer aiT to rise. All can carry Ute U*welgbt craft up· ward. , ' "Elalnore ls famous for ita shearUde." slfe said. A pilot added that tM hat,aooe as htgh·• 10.000 feet by flndlna the ttrot wa.ate Loa An1elea' "IW\kY air" colUdel with clean. warei desert air. Gilder pllota wax poetic about their apqct. \ WHILE HE CVT hi• craft baek and forth) across the rtllnc wlnd. relldlnc a rate of deseenti gauge to teU when he'd found the best lltl, pilot Steve KWJIDlkl ot San Dlt10 muaed about bow nle4t lt would be tor.~ poeLI to dlacover and describe tho world 0( nyana. <IM Ma IPOaTS ..... c. • - • ' t DAILY PtLOT Finery'• Fleeting Melissa Tosh, ns maid Adele, tries on her mistress's gown (above> then assists Jill Goodsell into it (below> as ahe J?repares for Prince Orlofsky's ball in 'Die Fledermaus' this weekend and next at Surprishlg 'Best Chorus' Reatly Orange Coast ColJege's Five Penny Opera Company opens Its fifth season tonight with Johann Strauss' rollicking opera, "Die i''ledermaus" in the OCC Au.dltorlum. Tickets will also be sold for $3 al the door before the 8 p.m. performances. The production wall be repeated Saturday and J ao. 19-20. CAROLE BOELTER founder, conductor and artistic direetor of the Five PeMy Opera Company, will direct Strausa' hilarious story or the rich Baron voo Eisenstein and his escapade with fidelity. "People who are familiar wllb 'Die Fledermaus' will find this a very surprising producUoo." Ms. Boelter promiaed. "It won't be done in trad1Uonal atyle; it's going to be un· usual and unique.'' · Ms. Boelter says she bas assembled one or the best casts In the five-year history of the FPOC. "THE LEADS ARE outstandln~ nnd the chorus is by far the best we've had,' she saad . "It's a fun show with something for everyone. It contains comedy, romance and beautiful Vien- nese waltz musk." Three full-stage sets by Bradley Elsberry will include the elaborate and mammoth in· terior or Prince Orlofsky's summer palace. Allen Johnson portrays the handsome and roguis h Baron von Eisenstein. Jill Goodsell, a graduate of the Chicago Conservatory of Musac, wlll play Rosalinda. Melissa Tosh, ls cast as the charming maid Adele. Mike McCormack and Niccolllno FurUcelJa wJll portray Dr. Falke and J\Jfred. · For Ucket lnlormaUon. pbooe 556-~27. UC I . C OMMmEE ON LECTURES PRESENTS ARTHUR LAFFER use PROFESSOR OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS, DEVELOPER OF "J.AFFER CUR V E." CONTRIBUTING EDITOR TO WALL STREET JOURNAL. 4? LECTURE AT UC IRVINE WIDMISOAY, JAMUU Y 24. '97t - CaAWPOID H41.L I P.M. "DEATH & TAXES: HOW CERTAIN ARE THEY7.11 TICKETS• O~NEAAL ADMISSION t• UCI ST'OOENTS 12. OTH~ sruoeNTS '3 Funtw Information can: (114) 833-G688. CommittH On l.Actur91 .. ,, . I Orange Coast College. Carole Boelter is directing the Five Pe~y Opera Com· pany's presentation of Johann Strauss's hilarious story of a baron's escapade with fidelity. COMES TO COSTA MESA MEMBERSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE We make It our business to have you play in as near Ideal conditions as possible. FREE! . Sign up before February 1, 1979 and get a 14-months membership for the price of 12. Take advantage of our full family member· ship rates. Low, low rate additional over single membership. Special programs avail· able for teenagers. Child care centers for the very young. All free. Lockers • Showers • Saunas • Jacuzzis; many other advantages are yours with a membership -single or family. ) I CALL NOW (714) 557-4401 or better yet, come In and visit ua. 1800 ADAMS AVENUE, COSTA MESA (next to the post off Ice) " . Your membcr1hlp here enttttee ~ to play In any Wallban9er1 . Northern CalHornln court center: Cen\pbell, Cutro Valle~. CortP Madere. Cupertino, Daly City, Foster City. Palo Alto, Richmond on your visits there -11 well •• IOOn-.t~ned WaUblngera t.cftnl here In Huntington Beaol\ and Mootebello. CAMPUS ENTERTAINMENT Ne_~ Sculptures Shown NB Museum Shows Works of George Segal The Ne wrort Harbor Art Museum wU be exhibiting for the first time on tbe West. Coa.st two m.;or new sculptures by an· tl'rnationally known American sculptor GeOrge Segal. Cl1RATOB BETl'Y Turnbull hH been working with the arthlt In New York for almost two years In a special elfort to bring these two environmental works to the Los Ange les area. an coordination with the large Segal R.etrosoettive at the san Francisco M'"useum of Modern Art. "Hot Dog Stand 1978." painted plaster, painted wood, plastic. metal and electric llghta and "Blue Girl Behind Blue Door im:· patllled plaster. painted wood and metal, are on loan from tbe Sidney Janla Gallery. New Yort. The ~. opening at 850 San Clemeute Drive. Newport Beach on Jan. 19 and continuing through March 11, was partially funded by t.be National Endow· ment for the Arts. THE ARTIST will give an in· formal talk at the Museum on Wednesday. Feb. 1 llt 8 p.m. Museum members. studenta and Childre n's Actors R e ady To Spin Gold A special performance for Children or the popular fairy tale ... Rumplestiltskin" will be pre· sented at 2 p.m. Saturday in Phillips Hall at Santa Ana College, 17th at Bristol streets. The live show. nbout a dwarf who spins straw Into gold. wtll be presented by the Lilliput Players, a non-profit, adult ac· tors group from Tustin. The play features audience participation and <:hildren arc asked to help the young queen guess the dwarf's n ame and save her child. Admission Is $1 and tickets arc available through the college community services d epartment or at the door. senior cit12ens S2 .SO . Non· mcm bers $3 50. In the lut019SO"s Segal caused a i.tar an the art world by casting human figures an cloth and pl11ter. then creating a t.abieau combanin& these startling ~ lma1es with real obJecLI. HJs haunting white figures placed in mundane situations present a very personal view or the human situation and the vicissitudes of life. In 1976. he began painting some of hi• othe rwise white sculptures in brtlllant nat color. VCI Students Offer Dance An MFA Dance Concert, pre- senting the choreography ot rave \JCI graduate students lo daoce1 will be performed tonight ana Saturday at 8 o·clock in the nne Arts Concert Hall. Tickets are $2. The choreographers' works will be performed by dancers in the ~hooloCFineArts. Works include "'Las Senoritas Eapanoles.. by Dolores LaJeu· nesse; "3Women .. by Linda KJn· caid; "The Eye of Solitude" by Joy Lurie; "Energy Transport" by Kathleen Smykal; and "Flve Fools and a Jester" cboreo- graphed byCynthiaSears. More recently Segal added yet another dimension to his work both visually and m etaphysical· ly . through a multl·color st11in· inc process on the pluster ftgures to increase the ex- presa!venesa and deplh of h1i. state ment. THE TWO cn vl ronm<:ntal sculptures to be shown are of thl" latest period. While Segal 'a selective. humanJ.aUc approach to realism puts hia art in the tradition or American social commentary. unde rlying the artist 's factual vignettes is strong abstract or der. segal is 3!1 much'c()nccmed with Issues of placement, balance, texture and color as he is with realism. The artist was a witness to. and an occasional particiJ1ant in. ~tyllstk movements s uch as Abstract Expressionis m. "hap· penlngs," pop art and minimal art. but because or his singfc. m inded focus on the human figure. he has been hard to classify In any of these styles. ' Museum hours are 11 a .m. to4 p.m . Tuesday through Sunday and Friday nights Crom 6 to 9. Muaeum Shop Is open from 10:00 a .m . to 4 :00 p .m . Tuesday through Friday and from 11 :00 to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday and SUnday, Friday nights from 6:00 to9:00 p.m. Musie's Major Chamber Concert Saturday The Irvine Chamber .Players, under the direction of Dr. Peter Odegard. wUJ perform at 8 pm. Saturday in Orange Coast Colleg~·s Fine Arts Hall 119. Adm1ss1on 1:. free. The concert will feature ·1'hree Bagatelles" by Adrian Cruft ; .. Sonata for Oboe. Bassoon and Piano" by Franct8 Poulenc; "Quartet for Piano and Strings in E Flat Major" by Mozart; .. String Quartet in D MaJor .. by Borodin; and ··wand Qwntet"" by Carl Nielsen. The chamber players are faculty members and as· sociates of the Irvine Conservatocy of Music. Orange Coast College. and UC Irvine. Members include: Aida Bochkas. violin; Charle:+ Baker. cello; Arnold Juda , piano; Sharon Holl and, v1olm , Kay Brightman, bassoon; Richard Rr1ghtman, oboe. Marianne Whitmyer. Oute; and Peter Odegard, viola. I I , INTERMISSION I GALLERIES Techniques, Galleries Go International SOUTH AFRICIAN -Ab$tract and wildUle ceramic panet. by Jannie 8ont.huys on display an the San Felipe room at South Cout Plaza Holtil from noon to s p.m. Sunday. DOUBLF SHOW -Now showing at Chap- man College: Prints a nd drawings by Sharon Corey In Upstairs Gallery through Feb. 9: pain- tings by Torana Art League In Guggenheim Gallery through Jan. 31 Open daily 9 a m. to 5 p m at 333 N. Glassel! St Galleries I Exhibits EROS EXHIBITION -Graphics-;--?e1ls. watercolors, s ilver and stitchery by 33 artists will show "sensuous. ribald, spicy and exotic viewpoints" at Collector 's Choice Gallery, 666 N . Coast Highway, Laguna Beach from 1 to i p.m . Sunday. ROBB RIGO SHOWS PATRICIA PIRILLO HE'S SICK OF LIFE IN 'GREASEPAINT' Rick Kosbab: Mlchael T•ytor. Mk:hel• LeWlnter, Rende Crt1alnger, Klmberly Stnng Watch OLD MASTERS -An exhibition of Euro- pean paintings from the J . Paul Getty Museum has jus t opened. The collection of late Renaissance art includes works by Rubens. Paolini, Loth and othe rs. This major show will continue through the year Museum hours are 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. 1 to 5 p,m . Sunday and 7 to JO p.m . Wednesday and Thurs- day. Admission and parking are free Parody in Wrong Bands 'Greasepaint' Cowrless i11 San Clemenle Watching Kent Johnson's C'xcellenl produc t1ons of ··The Roar of the Greasepaint, the Smell of the Crowd" over th<.' years might lead one to believe that a theater group really Muldn'l miss with this particular musical. One would be wron~. The San Clem ente Community Theater has missed, and missed badly, in its version of the Anthony Newley-Leslie Bncusse lyrical a l legory. ll is a n anemic interpretation defi cient in virtually every category from the acting to the technical effects. IN THE RIGHT HANDS, "Greasepaint" 1s ·a delightful parody of the Bnlls h class system with the downtrodden Cocky eventually assert· 1ng h1msPlf to the pompous Sar and gaining, if not the upper hand. a t least <1n equal fooling It 1s a "eh1cle rich in challcn~t·-, to director <1nd c-horeoJ{raphcr Intermission Tom Titus At San Cle mente, both the direction and choreography are handled by Robb Rigg, who ulso plays the role of Cock y -and apparently Rigg has bitten off a bit more than he can chew Not only does he lack the physical electricity to put the part a cross, Rigg also may be the only Cocky in history to physically dwarf his Sir on stage, which gives him an added obstacle to overcome. . Rick Kosbab is no more effective as Sir, turning in a shaky and uneven performa nce Kosbub lacks both a grasp or his character and the confidence to maintain the upper hand. THE BEST PORT RI\ Y 1\1. in the s how 1s Patricia Pirillo's sprightly turn as the Kid. a :.ort of henchman to Sir. The !>how's contin~cnt or urchins r('<luct•d to a half doze n by the tini· ness of the San Cle me nte stnge -are back· )!round figures without the choreographic con- ' tributions or "Grcast>paints" past. · Particularly unfulfilling is Joel Boucher's ll~htin~. which quite often fails to pick up the l>ln~t·r's face on solo numbers lor possibly the liangcr s imply could not find thl' spot ). The ove~ ;tll effect 1s 1>hudowy and gloomy, quite the Oij· posite of the show's theme. "Roar of the Greasepaint" is a m ufnl-d roar, a show which requires an injection of a drenalin in several a reas It continues Thur:.dnys through Saturdays at 8 30 until Jan 27 1n the Cabrillo Playhou!>c, 202 J\venida Cabrillo, San Clemente. * (' ALLBOARD The Wcl>tminsler Com mun1ly Theater has announced audlllons for its next production, the Norman Krasna comedy "THI[ llOAll 0 .. THE OllEAU .. AIMT, THI WlLI 01' THE CllOWD" A """'"•' bY l.Hlte lirlc:onw •nd Ant"°"v ,.. .. .., •• dlrKMd l>V Me,,11 J (,r1rnm •fld ~ Al90. OfOdUc.0 l>y Om.tfl Pe-. ,,,.,.IUI OtrKICH' PobO A1911. eu.omp.nl" M¥\ ,..,._,, -.no -11(11111"0 br Joel 6ouc.he•, ~ n.uno.~ tllrouQh S.turci.tyt el I lO ""''' J..,. JI •I tn~ !>an Ctemotnl• Cornmunlt• l hHlef, m Avenue C.l>rlllo, S.in c.1emente, Ae-1.atlOna 492-0...5 THI[ CA5T c;., • ••.•..•. •. . AIOl(-b (OC.kY ••• . • •• •. • • • • • •• .. • •• . • • . • •• • • • • AObb A199 I hto IC •d • , ............................. , • • • • ,. . • • • P"1rl<t. Plflllo 1 ,,,_ Olrl .............................. , • •• . IC•rnller'I• 51••"9 ~:.':~:~~··:·.:·.:·.:·.:·:·::::·:::· :· .. :· .. :.-. ·::::··. ~~:;r.: ,,.., urc111m ....••••.......• II-c:.1w,... .. Nlk-1.e Wmter, 0.0.-• ~fie, Jay Polllltf" What CAN You Get for a dime these days?? LOCAL WANT ADS DIMl-A-LIMIS IVllY SATURDAY DAILY PILOT Sunda~ in New York'" .a ca:.l of four men. three of them in tht' 25 to 35 age range. and one woman in her middle 2(}<; will be &ought at the tryouts Monday. Jan. 22. at 7 o'clock in the theater. 7Z72 Maple St., Westminster ... LIMITED EDITIONS -"Old Wmdm1ll" by Raymond Page and "Quiet Marshlands" by Raymond Sipos are being featured this month al llaggenmake r Galleries. 372 N Coasl Highway, Laguna Beach, Open daily 10 a m to 5 p.m . Portrait of Papeete Readings for Golden West College's family theater production "Mother Goose Revue" will be held Monday at 7 o 'clock in the Actors P lay box ... roles are open for men and women of all ages. who will play several roles . . lhe show w1ll play Feb. 8-11. . . . TWO TECHNIQUES -Watercolors by J ohn Burgess of Costa Mesa and etehlng- watercolors by Andre Le Prin of Corona del Mar may be viewed at Glendale Federal Sav. ings. 100 Ne wport Center Drive, N~rt Beach from 9 a .m . to 4 p.m. weekdays. - Is land etctungs by Erhard Lux will be on cxh1 bat at Care Tuh1t1. 2400 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free cham· pagnc reception for (he gravure artist from France will start at 7 p m. Thurs- day. Jan. 18 For dinner reservations and , further information. phone 645-8977. The Laguna Moulton Playhouse will hold tryouts for its next production. "Vanities," on Sunday. Jan 21. at 7 p m. in the theater. 606 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach . . . a c-ast or three women between 18 and 30 will be :.t"l••ctcd by d1n•ctor Jacquie Moffett and performances w 111 ~gill F'eb. 27 ETCIUNGS AND LITHOGRAPHS -The Wes t Coast Gallery. 2700 W. Coast Highway in Newport Beach. 1s. now featuring etchings. lithographs and lead reliefs by Jasper Johns Preview 1s from 7 to 10 tonight and the lthow opens to the public Saturday and runs tnrough February. The gallery's new hours are lO a .m . to 7 p m . Monday through Thur.-.d<1y. Friday to !J p m . Saturday 10 a m . to 5 pm . and Sund<1y. noon to 5 p m For information <'all 646-3221. College Concert Offered A w ante r <·on cerl f eaturing Broadway i.how tunes. military marches and jazz will be present~ by the Santa Ana College music de- partment at 8 p m. Sun- day In Phillips Hall, one half block south or 17th Street on Bristol Oire<'ted by music in !tlructor Ben Glover, or Wcstminst~ th<> show will include• the school'i; 50 -piecc (·onccrl band, two ~azz l(roups and the Salvation Army Sanl<t Ana Corps band directed by Edward Frei?man. Among selections of: ~ • • • ~~!~'-c;\t~GING r ~ 6~~ ~\. -l~ cl ~ ti;'· C.p ~G ( I "1. er \~~! ~ APO LOO I ES 642-2697 BIRTHDAYS I LOI/[ YOU ANNIVERSARVS EVERY OCCASION ROAST THE BOSS SELL V DANCERS lo MAGICIANS GOOD LUCK PERFORMEO 1111 PERSON OR ev PHONl SPENCER/HOWARD GALLERIES GRAPHIC ARTS SALE ETCHINGS, LITHOS, SILK SCREENS Elke Sommer, Gallo, Fields, Riddick SAVE 25% to 50% THRUJANUARY 11·5 Wed. thru Sun. 1166 Glenneyre, Laguna Beech rered by the concert ,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- band will be the French National Defile March. a m edl<'Y of popular Broadway show tunes and the Light Cavalry Overture and J\ndante- A 11 e gr o featuring Euphonium 1 a brass- wind instrument Mmilar to a tuba> soloist Dana Bandy of Santa Ana The Vocal J azz Ensemble directed by Larry Ball of Santa Ana a nd the .Jazz Band under the direction or Glover will present jazz selec- t 1 on s durin g th e performance. The concert, s pon so r e d by th e Rancho Santiago Com- otbic &a~~ ~ ~ A NEW adult comt.'dy by Chdrl~ M1tchdl munity College District Actors Playbox ~i~~f~nt~ t:l~ public. Ad· Golden West College Jan . 12. t 3. 19, 20. 25. _________ Golden West at E.dinger 26. 27. 8:30 pm. DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED .ADS 842•5878 Huntington Beach Jan 28 • 2:JO p.m. Admission -$3 general, $2 students and seniors JANUARY SALE SAVIMGSFIOM 500/o to 700/o oa MOU. Dameltlc& .... •ted u_.,..,,....... • .._.. ....................... ,...... .... ....... h ~ ..... M-r ... WtM "' ..... ., .. .. •llW.f • ........... _._ ........... .... ..... w •......... .,.... -......... y.r-............. , .. SOCIAL AND GROUP ACTIVITIES Live Enterlllinment/Dances/Art Shows/MUR1c and Poetry Recital!'/ Playe/Fe11h1on Shows/Family Pro- grams/Current Mov1et11Adull Portiet!I 1''om1ly Gome 1bumamenL.UConcerl and Continental BruncheR/Weekend Work.shop!l/8(.minurs for S1ngle11 and Couple81Spec1ul Evenl.8 PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES BaJlet. (eeveral DI-le grottpti)/Dancer· clre/DiA<X> Oancelf'1tne&e Shape-Up! Gymnrurtics/Modem Jnzz/Pre-Sk 1 Cond.it1orung!Self-Defen&e for Men and Women/Soc1ol Dance/Volleyball/ Yoga/Dynavit. end Universal Gym BnefingJKung Fu-San-Soo!Tup Dance/ Cheerleading Cl88S/Penionalized F1tne88 Programs CREATIVE ACTIVITIES ~in.g Drama/~mng Sketch· ing/Guit.ar/Kids' Crafi&'Macrame and W-eavingf Pa.intmg!St.ained Glaes Tuchnique EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Astrology/Backpacking and Survival! CPR-Cardiopulmonary IWwt1C11.8· tion/Exploring Smglene88/ Hendwnt- mg AnalysiR/Develop Your Psychic Abilities/lnt.en:lynom ics/ Mu888ge/ Numerology/Photo Phi1080phy/Pre· Then end Teen Modeling/Lectu.re Series/Rep Sc.ion for S1ngle81Sail· lng/Self-Hypn~1e/1'"8nsac:t1onal Anal)'ll18 l'l},~ •' -' • ~~" .. .... ~ ,t_ r ~· ,• -.,_:.,, l ( ·IH'I• -... •.. ~ ,.. -· . . -. Center Club is a place t.o meet people, t.o relax, to have fun. Join the fun! CALL TODAY! (714)975-0700 SPECIAL !VI EM HERSH IP R1~l'•~S ENf> JANI J1\l{Y .. ~I! MEMBERSlllP DUES AS WW AS $17.00/ month . Call today for free catalog & free guest pim. NO OBLIGATION Center Club l:n> l\IU8'1"0(.~ t.fM>K"lli NEWT'ORTBMC'H l'AUF'OtlNIA - GUITARIST EXTRAOROl~IRE Spetn'a Carto1 Montoye ·.,Stru1nmlng · Momoya to Perf onn His fingers strum lightly over the slnngs and as the music begins, one envisions Madrid tates, intense bulladeers and sultry dancers lapping to a guitarist's rhythms: 11uch 1s the artistry of Carlos Montoya The nmowncd Flamenco gultanl>l will open Knott's Berry Jo'arm's first celebrity conct!rt :.enes in the Good Tim<' Theater, Jan 19 und 20 Both shows bt·g1n dl 8 30 p m and all seals <irl' reserved Tid.ets arc S6 50, S7 50 and $8.50 MONTOYA lli\S BEEN making music all over the world for more thun 30 years. He was the first to take the unheard-of step of giving solo recitals Flumenco guitar is traditionally i~p~ovised accompaniment for dancing and smging. . Called the 'guru or Flamenco,' Montoya has elevated this musical style to a n~w level or ac· ceptance with his Suite Flamenca for guitar and orchestra, first performed in 1966. ·'Th.is was the culmination of a 2S year am b1lion of mmc." he recall:. "I don't rl.'ad mui.1c and always felt that Flamenco music c·omc!-> from the heart. and if played by the book might los<• somt.' of that C'lusin• gy1J:.y quality which 1:. the csi.ence of fo'lamcnco " Real Cantonese f ootl eat here or takt horn. STAG CHINESE CASINO , A NEW OtNING ADVENTURE mAnDAn1n CHINESE Geurmet cu1s1Ne; PEKING •.SHANGHAI - . . · SZECHWAN •HUNAN £ J ·f I Daily Lunch ! 4, .' · i And Dinner M.'9 • V..-Ho.tmdHostftl- ....__.AmC...., '* (Former Chef of the IO Twin O~n....-.Anaheim) 1.500 ADAMS AYl. cAt ...w .... , COSTAlimA 140-lf QUEEN MARY DINNER PLAYHOUSE On~ ttM fl.M..I. 0-M.,y f'rotM!lede Oecll Lone hectl, c.tlfoml1 PRESENTS Mickey Rooney In the hU.rfous oomedy "THRU GOATI AND A 9&.ANKE'r' MAKI MIDVATIONI HOWi ....... -.21 •• Aleo ................ Adem• ... (211)Ga·7421 . . ,. . l'Nfllf I' ... CI AIR SPORTS •.• • How f "ll1h a pofl tuuJ be.-n "ent lo the moon Can you lm11.irn tht' lit-crlptlons thut ml1ht hav bffn nt buck "If M ~htilhsy or Kuti hMCI been the"''" Th• only sound In m11h\ 11 ~ allaiht whoosh or wind as th plonl' rut• throu.ch the ocean o( 11r An apl 00.crlpUon, uld KiUJanakl, becau"e 1lldlnt f« • pilot to tludy lho air and lll cur· ,, nta. very murh thu 11m H • blp'a captaln muat mut.c!r b11 tlemcnt, wi:alcr tJND£ ANDING AIR movement allow1> pilot• to " " Utt under a cloud, formed when the motstur tn rl1ln1 llir cond o.ses as the thermal bounC'el •l•lnftt 11 liayc;r of much coldtr u1r Lclll'nlna to rty u 11ull .,1unc Is con 1denbly more e1Cpc111he than Qt'ttlng tbt! hunai of flex nyera. howevf'r U!K&<>OH Ml the Barretls' school run about Sl,000 for the flnt 8 lO houn required befor toloioi. vlU5 an uddltionaJ seven hours ot Kololng tO ObtUIO U private license Solo time for power-llcenst..'<.I pilots 1s only two lo thrt'e hours. plus 10 solo nights for the "ddtd ruUna. and cosls 11bout ~. Arranaemenu. Cor a dcmonstrallon fught or lt'li ons cun be made at the Barrctts at <714 l 674-3400 C'O T Ot' PLAN~ rental 1i. up lo $20 per hour, tows ure extra. ranging from $7 per flight. depend.Jog upon the desired release. What mukes all that expense worthwhile 111 the elation of being in a ·•gaggle" of gliders, sharing an upward spiral. "lt'i pretty and therapeutic." said Klli· janald, "You're not tied to the problems or your eartb·bound brothers." · ••• WALK A FEW hundred r~t north or the ghderport, past a vintage DC·3 with its door re- moved, and you're In lhe hot-dogging world or purachuUsls. Between jumps. a hundred-or-so chut1sls lay around. lenning ag1:1inst harnesses and carefully packed canopies But "hen someone notice:. a pl1:1ne has dis· gor~ed 1ls Jumperi.. everyone criei.. "llcy. Look!." all stand a nd commen t on the acrobatics of their compatrioL'i. IF A MAIN CHUTE fails, they stay silent until the tangled canopy is "cut away" and a reserve chute opens. When the Jumpers have landed, the more cautious recheck the packing or shroud lines which connect harness to the col· orful rayon parachute fabric. The white DC·3 carrles 33 Jumpers at a lime, lilting expert jumpers to 12,500 re.:t. from which they can free Call for about 60 seconds before pulling their ripcords Novice jumpers must leap at 2.500 feel, US· in1-t a s tal1t• cord which automatically opens the canopy CELEBRITY SERIES Steve Kilijanski wishes a poet had been sent to the moon. 'Can you imagine the descriptions . . . . ? · he asks. A srokesperson for the Elsinore Sports ·Parachuting Center. <7 14 > 674-2141. said a first Jump. lndudlng about thrct• hours of ground in struct1ons. equipme nt and lhe r1rst leap, COblS S79 After that. a planc ride costs about S9 50. depending upon altitude. µlus l'hule rentul. 1 <· serve and other gear TJIE F IRST F IV E Jumps arc on static lines. but the student must pull a dummy rip cord as well. After that mrnimum. the altitude 1s gradually increased. Experienced jumpers. many at Elsinore count near 1.000 jumps, use altimeters. stop watches. but mamJy their eyes to judge when to open the chute Chulists also must learn to make turns and to "hook up" with other jumpers to earn an ··ex· perwnced" ratinfl Somt! or the most :.pcctacular ~tcne-. <th<I\ t· Elsinore's Drop Zone !landing area 1 can only be seen "1th b1no<.·ular~ PLANES CLIMB TO the same altitude. ar· ra)' themselves m tormat1on. then :.cvcral dozen parachutists exit as fast as they can <ti the i.ame moment, '"flym~ · into patterned formations by movmR leRl> and arms hkc airplane wing., Wh&Je dropp1n~ ;it about 130 mph, they hnk ha nd:. and feet to form stars, then. one by one, pull ripcords. From lhe ground they appear as a i,ud denly·blossoming bouquet of bright flowers . Parachutists' personalities are a world apart from the people who hung ghde or sbar in :.ail planes. The excitement is shoi:t·lived but in tense and the quiet con versations at the gllderport are replaced by raucu:s group acllv1· I y m the Jumpers· waiting area. But all lht>!'le air :.ports part1c1pants ~hared these sent1mef)tl-a feeling or oneness with the J1r J -.enw or freedom thJl c·omcs with moving .. 1h•ntly amid lht' hawk!-> and other bird!. that wing over Elsinore APADANA FOR A REAL TASTE TREAT t7Y.-1 1 qorf·ciote. Vtirvorter A WARD WINNING RESTAURANT SUCCULENT FOOD UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT COCKTAILS 3:30 P.M. • DINNER 5 P.M. NIGHTLY • GOURMl T OININO -Ml DITEAAANlAN RM • CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH SUNDAYS 10 J l'M 18700 MAC ARTHUR BLVD Banquet Facllltles 10 to 1SO People • DANCING NIGHTLY CABARET LOUNGl IRVINE. CALIFORNIA • CAPTAIN'S TABLECUFFEES110P 24HRS IOnPU,..1t·Or,1n9•·CuomvA•por1I 600 D Newport c ...... Dr Cacrou frowt Falll• 1119df (714) 833 2770 ... ..,... ..... 640.7502 ~ w An Extraordinary New Japanese Restaurant SEAFOOD • STEAKS Dinner Tue•.· Sun.• Lunch Tue•.·Frl. 18035 Beach Blud .. Huntington Beach (714) 848-4404 Near San Diego Frwy. _. ... ii ... illl~sinu1922 Monday thru Thund•y Specl•I• (Friday. Saturday. Sunday ·111 6 p.m ) .. CIPI holldlyl OcHn Perch . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 3.45 Atlantic Cod ................. 3.95 Red Snapper . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . 4.45 Mahl Mahl . . .. .. . . . .. . . • . . . . . 4. 75 Grilled Sea BaH ............. 4.75 Top llrtoln Sttak . . . . . . . . . .. . 4.95 Lobater Tall .................. 1.95 StHk a Lobster ............ ,, 7.15 Plue Fresh Fish. Other Seafood and Steaks ,. •• •11-01 16278 PACIFIC COAST HWY •HUNTltfGTOH BCH •(.213) 582· 1321 3901 E. COAST HWY •CORONA DEL MAR• (m) 67&-0800 Hearty Soupa • Detfotablt Salada• Munchies Quiches • Exotic Cheese Pot• • Hamburgers • Wonderful Sandwlche1 • Steamed Veggfee Wllole·Graln Quesadlllaa • Yogurt • Oetaerts Homemade Muffin• & Cookies, end more ... Take-Out, too ... /:11)011 lmporttd Wlnt.r d /Jctr In a Charm1n1 Patio Atmo.rplitrt IOUTH COAIT ,LAZA, COITA MllA Main Lftel, betwttft I. Megnlft't 9"d lulloolc11 IM-t100 llao FORTY OARROT4, JR .• WESTWOOD VILLAGE 10923 Wevt>um AYlnue • 'n..et47 • I . ~anfdy, . we're not e"fJensive. Dining at a French Restaurant should be a special occasion. After all, prepared correctly. French Food is possibly the be~t in the world. And served in the right atmosphe~e it can be an experience you won't forget. Unfortunately, the check ca~ be urforgettable too. At Le Biarrltz we have tried to maintain a reasonably prrced menu so that you can enjoy the experience of French dining without worrying about over spending. Come for lunch or dinner soon and make special occasions happen more often. bE Bl~RRITZr M. French Restaurant Dinner 7 Daya. Lunch Monday thru Friday. 414 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. For Reeervatlona (714) 645-6700. Cocktalle. • ROCK TALK ' Singing S-,.iits Taylor New R ord eparat •1 UM aoatJ N "I Ilk• mys tf a Jot." aaya Llvlns ton Taylor, "and l be" areal faltb in my artlJUc Judsment. I'm very opinionated, I know what I Ulte and I don't ra,.. if anybody el Ilk• It or not. I've .Jwaya bffo llb that." Te~ from • San Dieao hotel room at the end ol b11 tint a ooemnc act for Unda Roftltadt'a tou.r. Uv t.allc~ 1bout b11 curttnl hit aJn1I . "I Wlll Be In Love W1lb You.'' and how lt'a chanced hil Uf • BORN IN 80 TO , nised In North Carolin.a. nd now settled In a \Musacb~lls 11.4burb, Uvir\llton w11 previously lbou&hl of as Jam Ta.vlor's talentt'd. and lnten.w. youn~cr brother. Ttu1 hit fU\ally e tabllshe him on hb own, lo a larae.r than cult audit"nee. "I've nev~r h d a charted single befort', and J enjoy at v ry much. I can't really be blue about It: l 'm u exc1t~ as I can be But thas 1tulf lsn't really the 1oal. What I'd like to do is put a 1oal for myselr that is so tugh. th1&t I 'II never be able to ach eve It." "I expect myself to do well, but 1 dldn't necesaanly think that Uus would be the record that woulsf do at. In my organization we take care or every little detail. and the success is a reault or attention to detail. I fuJly expect the re cord to be No. l -and if it Isn't , then we'll start all over again with another record. ••rM VERY FORTUNATE in the fact that I can sµrvive for very long periods of time without any sort of adulation. If something excites me. or gives me a buzz. then I do it. If it doesn't, I don't do It . It's not my job to judge the marketplace. It's my jot> lo do it and if it's ac- cepted and liked. well, so much the better. "I know what my audience wants. They want Integrity from Livingston Taylor. I'm so sick or celebrities not being able to speak their mmd because they're afraid of losing their pay King Honored A musical honoring Martin Luther J(jng will be presented at Golden West College on Monday in the community theater at 1 p.m. Slneer Gwendolyn Lytle will perform a free one-hour program of selections t>y Black American comPOSer . CROWN HOUSE RESTAURANT 32802 COAST HWY. LAGUNA NIGUEL 4.llt C-Y...-, ,....,.,, • 499-2&26 496-Sn3 ~ Souah Coa11'1 Finell Cui•ine IVY HOUSE RESTAURANT 314 FOREST AYE. LAGUNA BUCH O•YM~I Ample F<ee Park1r1g 494-9491"" 752-8554 A Dining Experience Be yond th e Expected ' Your fa vorite cuisine: steak, chicken, seafood, del1cate soups, classical salads: prepared to please your palate. Served in the ambience of most beautiful oriental surroundlnQs. Make your reservations now for a truly enjoyable dining experienca. ....... •60 Fashion Island, Newport Center Reservations (714) 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel, Century City Reservations (213) 2n-1840 TtlE CMNIRY L:., ~ WATERFROlt1 ~~ I s't *11~'& I N0<14'v<1Ji>y 19 BACK IN NEWPORT BEACH AT THE CANNERY LOUNGE Rentelt'blif at. YHra Ago At ... Otd "AU9J WHt ••• Capectty Crowdt, Long UMt •nd AT"°""'°"' Welt? ... ical Br others OCK TAL K c.'htck. 1' not acored of washing dishes. It dOt't n 't r me ln the least. rr somethlng ~ net'd1 aa g, then I llkt! to say It. "I w myself well, and I can explain mya(.llf l my eudlence I have a very clear sen e of hat I'm doing here. and I'm thankful for that nae. I think my music is good, and while I' not terribly Interesting. I can be in· rormatl PEllSONAL UFE as boring, I'm hap· ed. I build stone walls and pet my dog I have a very pleasant, but quiet 't like hanging out with celebrities very ch. 1 find the m to be vain. seif- center . and stupid. "& U!e is different now than when I began. For a l;tg time I couJdn 't get anyone to listen to my mt;ic and I couldn't get a record contract. But I tad a fundamental belief that 'they' were mis~fen. and that my music was good, and it really,'laallowed me lo come to rest with what I am. 1 bviously, being James Taylor's brother giv me a foot In the door In certain instances. I 've otten the comparison with him all my lire, but · doesn't bother me, because I think James is a ery unique and special man. I feel the sam way about Livingston Taylor. I DO THINK I sound like James. and we hav similar styles. 1 try not to maximize il. we' very different In certaln ways. I'm a ve talkative, opinionated and outgoing man. an James tends to be a little more introspec· tiv " n February, Liv will begin work on his next al m. J:le'll record in L.A., again using pro· du r Ntck DeCaro. "I have all the material w ten," he says. "I came into the first project with an abun- d~e or material, and I still have a great deal. My hope for thls next a lbum is that it will have a Ar greater range. It'll probably be a little nve shocking than my previous albumns. •· Rhythm Within Rearh Joanne Tully, Alison Rustvold a nd Lori Jones stretch into position for the third annual Choreographer's Winter Concert at 8 p.m . today and Saturday at Huntington Beach Hi gh School. 1905 Main St. The Fountain Valley dancers a re hosting 10 lop high school troupes from Corona del Mar. Laguna Beach. Marina. University. PRESENTS- TH£ MU81CAL 8UCCUa '-DAL£ WASSElttitlAN Capistrano Valley. Dana Hills, Brea- Olinda. Orange a nd Villa Park for the completion. The high caliber, innovative performa nce drew s tanding-room-only crowds last year . F~ve dancers will be awarded trophies tonight and the top choreography prize will be presented at the conclusion of Saturday's concert. With You In Mind Opens Jan. 10 PERFORMANCES TUES. THRU SUN. TWO SHOWS SU NOA Y Iii.-: •11 £,net h MITCH LEIGH JD£ DAAIDN CAPRICCIO CA FE ~ 140 AVE. PICO-At The Sea ·SAN CLEMENTE VERA MILES STAl'IAINO IN A CURTIS ROBERTS PRODUCTION THE HIT 111~0ROwAv COMf'OV ~~: LENZ Starting January I S. 1979 ~ A choice of 7 entrees with soup or salad. rice or boiled new potatoes, fresh vegetables and beverage, starting at $5.25. After dinner be sure to flll out a ballot. WIN AN ESCAPE WEEKEND FOR TWO AT MARRIOTT'S BEAUTIFUL SANTA BARBARA BILTMORE Drawing e ntries must be received by January 21, 1979. (No purchase cequired.) OuroDlychange • 1s our new name. Casa Maria MEXICAN RESTAURANT We've changed our name to Casa Maria. We think Casa Maria better reflects our family style Mexican restaurant. We want you to know that our service, \nenu, prices, atmosphere, our "Little Amigo Meals"- all the things that have made us your favorite Mexican Restaurant-will stay the same. Only now you'll find us under the sign of Casa Maria ... where every meal is a fiesta! tasaMaria M•XICAN RDTAURAN "Where every meal is a fiesta!" '-' HUNTINGTON BEACH, 16080 8-ttt Blvd. (7141842·2$41 '\ . " • . . . . OI DAILY PtL.OT Frl~y. Janu.ry 12, 11711 OUT 'N ABOUT r;J;l Mesans Serving Heritage Vith Pride '• s-=•oFF I .4dlnirable ............ UmOI no people hove -Won ton aoup, ... netted ex~lonally D~ I more Mlectlve 1od d lscrtmlnatlq about their luscious meat dumplings In chicken b . I ~B.llf fOr Two 1 "'--J.! .! _ food than tM Ch!MN. It la recorded that Con· And by all meana never mlnd the ra Ume I ....,.__.....,.._ 14 i l""fU..IAA,IAIR ruclua u lonl aa 25 centw1• aao -vol~ lt take .. to cook moo shu ~rk, $3.95. at serusa• ...._-.11. ,_,,,_,. I obJffUon to •atfq 1'an)'thl.._ over-cooked, UD· Uonal "Chinese Burrito' conaistlna minced I w.L ,,_ 11 I D---...! __ ~ der ~ed. crookedly cut or dellclent lD eeuon po~k s~uteed with mushrooms and '9getables ...... .., C 1"'11(;&~ lna . which LS then wrapped In a paper·tln. wheat I .,.... .. OWMMtW I Thia admlrab&e tr1dltloo, fortunately Uves nour crepe and topped with plum saue. ,..,.. '°" I on. And one or ltt best contemporary ex· Predictable on the basis of every \sit to the I -.WATIONI I In D---L-.-. pNtsklm wiU bt found at the Bamboo Terrace restaurant 1lnce ll opened in 1971 w~ur order a1ra •no ~ rettaurant ln Ccllta Meaa. for one ot the evening's most navorso1e dishes. I ~ I Bamboo Terrace Beef, $4.25. '1• AJPIWAV I ,.,e~ TB& rAlllLY YOUNG chtlded by muter ,.,_... • .v i j • • ~ che f Deno1I and ltla wife Kathy) that operates IT'S BEYOND Imagining that an Chinese _.....,_ tbla 1ple ndld e.tabllsbmenl ls obviously restaurant anywhere serves any dishJnore de· acbooled lD taa. euentlal herltue o1 Cb1neff llcloua than thia concoction or cubes o~f first MOW IM COSTA tllSA cooker1. And you'll uvor {be Younae' marinated and then cooked in Dellis' own G UADALAJAR knowleqe Whether }'OU order a la carte or from superbly aeuoned sauce before beiq topped • ..& the comtiuUon and family ltyle dlnnen. with fresh veg~tables ln season. A Startlq with the luncheon menu, 11 com· Other highly pleasing dishes ln=u sweet RESTAu n .... 1111ii..1y blnafloo plates -alrtooslltlna of three or four and sour pork, $2.75 ; tender and juic shrimp RA" dlahet -an tabbed at a price raqe of Sl.50 to sauteed with peas, S4.50, mun yee <fresh .. HOMIM•• $2.50. At the bottom ot the ecale you'll receive ""DI MDICAM FOOD BBQ port ea foo younc. fried sbrlmp and fried 0,.. D111J 11 &a• I I ,.... rice ; • repreMnt.atlve $2.50 offerlnc Ls Pboenlx IMnt T• 1ce ~cw.ti chow met.o, chicken and shrimp, tried shrimp and Ul PAUi Al*() rrt~~ceol thele eelectlonl allo lnelude soup, C-efM .... ,,. • .,.,._ fortune cooldea and tea. For the unwiual, COST A MISA thouab. you mlaht want to try the meaUeu, ~=================================~-hi&h·protein tofu aauteed with bean sprouta and accompanied by fried won ton, fried rice, tea GENUINE OflNESE MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In Olinese A lo C.orte Dishes LUNCH•OINNER DAILY Food To Take Out 11·30A.M. to 10 P.M 202J ....... lfylt. COSTAMISA 642-7162 • 631·9'1 I • Announcing the Opening of ERNESTO'S CONTINENT AL CGISINE French creations and other international specialties, Including flaming after dinner drinks end d~rts served 1n the most exquisite continental fashion. I 0t ,.,...,,,olll0<19uK1 7141661 (>8()1 0t 17141 '')4 •621 Sunday Brunch-9 a.m. to 2 p.m. ERNESTO'S CO~IU:l'fTAL CUISINE l!l locetl'd In Dona Point. ColttomlA al 24314 ~I Prodo Avenue. o~ half blodt off Coe&t Highway ~•Ir the Sfookslde Winery. and cookiea, $2. DINNEa AT TRE Bamboo Terrace Is still another book in the history of Chinese culalne. It goes from the opening chapter on appetizers throufh a lengthy list of a la carte choices in soup, chicken, duck, lamb, port, beef, eua. veaetables, aeafooda, noodlea and rice. Four family style dinnen served for two or more only, are offered at $4.~. $5.15, $5.95 and $7.25 per person. The $5.95 Mandarin dinner, for example, consists or BBQ ribs, crab meat puff, egg roll, fried shrimp, soup, almond chicken, pineapple Mandarin duck, beef with vegetables fn season, fried rice, cookies and tea; for three or more persons add shrimps with lobster sauce: for five or more add chill pepper steak. IN AN UNUSUAL touch, the Bamboo Ter· race also serves four combination dinners that can be ordered by a single individual. These ra nge in price from $3.50 to $4.50 per person. On our dinner outing to the restaurant last week we held true to Corm : even while bearing in mind the ~realer cost, aa ever we bypassed the combination dinners ln favor of ordering a la carte. And as usual, too. we were guilty of overreach. Our party or five tried to work its way through too many dishes; one for each person would have been more than sufficient. Ordering the assorted a ppetizers, $4.25, practically netted a full meal in itself; egg roll, fried shrimp, paper wrapped chicken, BBQ spareribs and ruma ki. BHarfota Mickey Rooney is star· ring in the comedy. "Three Goats and a Blanket," at the Queen Mary Dinner Playhouse in Long Beach through Feb. 18. · For showtimes and din· ner reservations. phone (2 13) 432·74 2 8 . Pe rform a nce s a r e Tuesday through Sun· day. Rooms Outlined Artists Speak at NHAM Forum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.J In cortjunction with the current ex-·: hibltion Rooms : Moments Remem· idea; ideas are expressed ; and that's how we learn, and that is what art education ls all about." ..... $ SO. Coast PWA ....... -- ber ed. the Newport Ha rbor Art Museum presents Meet the Artists at 8 o'clock tonight. Artis ts Michael Davis.Roland Reiss. Richard Turne r , Bruce Willia ms will appear while through a special telephone hook-up to Connec· li e ut , Robe rt C u m m i ng will participate in the artist/audience dialogue. They designed the walk-through participatory display of furnishings before and after various stages of h a bita tion t hat e licits va r ious philosophical views. "Betty Turnbull, curator of exhibi· lions and collections will moderate what we expect to be a lively dis· cussion on contemporary a rt," says Phyllls Lutjean1, tbe museum's curator of education. "Art deflnitlons are in constant flux ; everyone has an Tickets are available at the door priced at $2 (or museum members, senior citizens and students : non· members$3. The Rooms Exhibition continues through Jan. 24. Hours 11 to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and F riday nights from 6 to 9. Admission is free or by donation. ( L. M. BOYD ) INFORMS In the DAILY PILOT .. ...,_TIME, IElT YEAR': U. LAUMS, AllY YEARI A ... , ........ 91111111111--. wlll I l8lr • IWD lllltdlll )ult..,.. ........... ,, -Charles Champlin, L.A. Times Thi fliMldl Cofpol ltiofl presents Ellen Burstyn Alan Alda Out 'N About Nor1nan Stanley e(ll noodJe. simmered ln a ch.lcken broth with cblcken, vqetables and shrimp ln a seasoned gravy), sa.~: pork fried nee, $2. The Bamboo Terrace alto offers a special children's plate <under 12 only> for $2.25. Jl con· &iats of BBQ rib, fried shrimp, beef chow mein. soup. milk or punch and cookies. Anyone ao inclined can reach for the ul· Umate ln Chinese gourmet fare here by contact· Ing the reltaurant from three to five days ln ad- vance (depending on the ~h > for preparation of s pecial orden -even Peking duck'. The Bamboo Terrace ls located at 153 E. 17th St .. Just oft Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. 645·5550. The restaurant is open daily. except Monday, ror lunch, dinner and cocktails from 11:30a.m.to10:30 p.m. M~ IT CASA MARIA NOW! That's the new name ror what heretofore bad been the 11 Red Onion Mexican restaurants operated by Host Intematlooal in Orange and Loe Angeles coun· ties. Installation of all signs showing the new namea waa completed the first week of J anuary, according to Axel Wolff, Host vice president. Primary reasons for the change, he indicated, were to integrate the company's Red Onion restaurants with its Casa Maria group in Northern Califo'rnia and eli minate confusion with t he othe r Red Onion restaurants in Southern California operated by differe nt management. ·•We're only changing the name," Wolf£ em- phasized. "We will continue to be a family restaurant serving the finest traditional and specialty cuiaineof Mexico at reasonable prices.·· Local r~tauranls taking the new Casa Maria name are located at 16060 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach : 25052 Del Prado, Dana Point; 18512 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine: 23732 El Toro Road. El Toro . ......... .....,. .... ....i. '""91EWdr9 ~. EW!l1 llCllSMt w MNt ~In~ TNJUT 'Y!Nt" AWllllJ~,.....,........ Sc:rem"~&mWml&ADE •._.on .,...,.,.,~earWU>ILADe PtoclucedonlM .... ~~ Q01'TLD • Mlilllc lly~ K.+.• 904 Pfoduced by WAL T!R NalOt enct *"''f'Ol'I OOTTUD ·Der-.. lliy ROl!Kf IUJJCWt A~ l'tmft •Tech~" l'tow•Drll. .... ~ Eddie Rltlbilt. Ak:tl. Mel Tillla. MAlPASO COWWW Fil~ Q·starnnslollHA&oclcl GEOOREYL "" VERIYO'~GElO and RUTHSOROON os Ma.o\Ymtten by JEREMY JOE KRONSBER Produced by ROBERT DALE4• Directed by ~s FARGO. Color by 0£LUXE ® .. :-.. --·- M i I ' '" ... ~ '" ~,, ICIP ,,, • QI ~ ,., w l'I •• bl •• F ·~ " 8 b C:I E p • .. .. ti s • b SINGERS SINGER GOtNG INTO CAREER YEAR 22 Jot.nny Methl• 1Se9ln• 5-dty Celtfomte Tour Mathis 'Tours' Long Beach Johnny Mathis, who has bad 18 gold albums during his 22-year singing career, appears in !!Oncert 8 p.m Wednesday, Jan. 17, at the Long ISeacb Convention & Entertainment Center's Terrace Theater. Backed by a 32·piece orchestra, Mathis will stng many of his hit singles including "Chances Are," "Misty," "It's Not For Me to Say" and "Wonderful, Wonderful." Since algnl:ng with Columbia records while a stud~ at San Francisco State. Mathis has produced 60 albums One album, "Johnny's Greatest Hits," was on Blllboard's best-selling -list for 91}a yeara. Mathis will share a portion of the first half of hls Long Beach concert with comedienne Jeanine Bumler, then sing non-stop after an in· termlssion. Tickets priced at $8.50, $10.50 and $12.50 are available by calling the Terrace Theater box of. rice, C213 > 436-3861. Mathis' Long Beach appearance begins a fiv e-city California tour which winds up Sunday night in Fresno after concerts in San Diego, Claremont and Santa Barbara. HELD OVER! "I JUST LOVED THIS MOVIE!" -Judith Crist ·"BEST FOREIGN FILM OFTHEYEAR!" -A1cht!t W1n1ten NY Post Starring Nino Mai'111 ecl and Arno Karina.. A World NCJr1Mt Fiim. l~t-~'t I •1 ' I ' •••' u -r 1 • ,. of•• .,.., MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "KING OF THE GYPSIES" <R> "LOOKING FOR MR. GOODBAR" (R) , "MAGIC"(R) "PARADISE AUEY" 'PG) "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" CPGl "INVASIO OF THE BODY SNATCHERS" (PGJ DOLBY STEREO ''FQACETEN FROM NAVARONE"•PG "THE BOYS IN COMPANY C'' <R> • > "MOMENT BY MOMENT .. CR> Ka ........ ., ......... "PtNOCCHIO" (G) '.Qfft.o....CU "REVl:NGE OF THE PINK PANTHER" (PGJ "FORCE TEN FROM NAVAAONE" "HALLOWEEN" (R) , .... "MOMENT BY MOMENT" ·"HOUSE CALL~'~ (PG) "MAGIC" "EMBRYO" (R) "UP IN SMOKE" "BLACK SUNDAY" CfU A1.1. oi.tvlt·tNI okN 6:H'.N. ... Hn.Y Ctlllll UIMW 'I ~,.. Unlftt • Kllltlle 11'111)'9felllld ...... Frld9¥. Jenuarv 12. 1979 '60s Rock 'n Soul Man Robinson's 'Smokin' To Tuo Comsbada By YA8Dt!NA ALU HOLLYWOOD fAP l -Way back ln the d1y1 of pop prehlatory back Yt'beD Jobnn)' Rotl~n wu 1WI ln awaddllna clothes -a wlry O.troll bllb acbool 1tudent named Wllllam G. Robtmon WU tuUq • notebook with IOGI•· And a m•o Pamed Berry Gordy heard the kid 1tn1 with a backup 1roup called the Mlrac-lee, and ht' HW lt w&I Sood. and bt li(ned lhe act to a contract. That -In a nut.bell - WH tbe 1eoe1ia of Motown Recorda and the marrta1e of rock and 1oul known as the "Motown IOUDd'' wbkb 1wept the country In the ·eoa It ~an a 1urceutuJ career for the skinny tffn·aaer with lbe aUcked down hair, better known u Smokey Roblnaon. THAT WA.8 MOKE than 20 years ago, and a few thinp have changed. Roblnaon gave up the Pomade and t.be Miracles. He became a Motown vice president alone the way. and both be and Motown company have Iona since left Detroit 's arimy IUeeta for Hollywood's palm trees. Few of the bl& Motown act.a of the '609 have been beard from in recent yean. Robinson hlmeell bun't bad a top single sloce "Tears of a Clown" tn mo, although he still has a faithful followlna tor b.la r ecords and tours. lo recent years, he also tried on a few other entertainment hats appearing in the odd televlalon show a nd producing a less·tban- blockbuster movie. "Blg Time." . ALTQOVGH the hats didn't fit, Robinson's notebook of songs -more than 500 -stood him in good stead. Sprinkled across the charts now a re s everal of Robinson's golden oldies. performed by a whole new generation of sing era. Biggest ot the bunch ls Linda Ronstadt's rendlUon of "Ooh. Baby Baby." It's not the first time Ronstadt has hit It big with a Robinson tune: She did lt in 1976 with ''Tracks of My Tears." Other current remakes include "I Second That Emolloo," by Thelma Jones: "Except for You Baby" by the SUvers; "My Guy" by Dara Sedakai "You Got to Walk and Don't Look Back" by Peter Tosh, and "You Really Got a Hold on Me" by Eddje Money. IT'S NOT THE same as singing your own hit, of course. But Robinson -who In fact teamed with Ronstadt to sing "Ooh. Baby Baby'' at a Christmas Eve concert here -isn't complaining. "Are you kidding? I love it," he says, laughing. "When I hear my songs by other peo- ple I always love them. I think It's a compli- ment when someone else does one of your songs. "A long time ago, when I first met Berry Gordy, he told· me, 'Whenever you go into the studio, try to go into the studio with _a good song. A funny. warm and wonderfully romantic film. -""-llHf UNIVE~ PICTURES PPESENTS AROBERTSTIGWOOD~ LILY TOMLIN • .DHN TRAVQJA "MOMENT BY MOMENT" EXI:OJTM POOOuCEI? KEVIN McCORMICK Pl<OOOCEOBV ROBERT STIGW~ ~ATE POOOUCC~ BCe LJMO'..o~t°'91E1? WlmEN &. OA:CIE08Y JANE WA~ER tvt.SC scc:mo SY m •o.oocG TEC~cx.ORe I (,!:!';'~nffil!A\.r( .. ~•)!l\C@W>l-"1~ I i 1~1tfl6U!N!R MMkl dQ ... ,. _.._oe ... --~ SMOKEY'S HIT SONGS OF '808 ARI! BACK Smokey Robinson In hi• Beverly Hiiia Office Because songs live on. Rttarda die. Albums they're discarded. they're put on the shell. Peo'. ~le go out and buy them. and they might never hsten to those albums again. Sometimes they do, but, you know. songs are the thing.· So I always remembered that." MORE TO THE point. the renaissance of Robinson the writer may also mean renewed in· terest in Robinson the performer and recording artist. "I trunk it creates an interest in your performance, especia lly for people who perhaps· did not even know that I wrote that song 'Ooh, Baby Baby' until they bought that rttard by Linda Ronstadt and they s aw it. And they say 'Well hey, let me go see him, because may~ he'll sing it too'." Robinson is ready. His newest release "Smokin' ", is a double album featuring many of bis old hits. And he's still filling up notebooks. ~Cf>~ -ID~ ~/Ul(u_ I ""--··-...... _._. ........ -•ClllllCM. CltONO-........ ' ........ C'IC&CM. C'MOtlG......., C AC'o"UP91-.:' ... ......,_ .... _ ...... A colouol ~. Ynualy, 'The W« ou1doet •YWf Y"""9 he ...,, on ffte screen In d«odes. fveryone is /vst ploln perlect." ;; :-.:,-- "lrs Slick onc:t energotlc and tun. Greot moments end a lot ot llto, sonaatlonal special ettocta ond cos tu mos:· -ROQIH Ft:JM ~sunr,,.,.,,. "ROH Is superb In 'The Wlz'; hef pefformence ninl<I wilti that of Barbra Strelland in 'Funny Girt' end Liza Mlnnetll In 'Cabaret.'" -o-SllJ<el. Cl>agoT- "()\!\ p,,,,,N(, c.llAWUT L9I Wtstmlntllr (714) 89Z .... 93 Ntwporl 8tacll (714) 873-8350 DAIL v PILOT C7 ,~LOGAN "Wilder· ne .. Femlly Pert 2" \ . . . .. . . . . " . . -.. . • .. :: . .. ~ . . .. • i • • • Ill • • • t 0 DAIL 'Y PILOT rrtday. Januaty 12. t97il Television TONIGHT'S LAT E~1'l~1'NGS ~ • ,,...,'f\.I ·~ MC)tll.ey ' Clvil '"_.,C>I In Pf0¥I 10 "'9 IO!lm lllltelliOI U\et IM Call hen<lle • IC>I> al e OM lltll!ll • , .... " llJIOMlWT MMlfNge 11'1 TIMI MldOlll y..,_·• OMNIW9 MCNlwt UO ILOWL~ Rlc:ky I per...oed 10 llllCh Lucy hOw 10 anw • Cit IXOUAIOI I 30 0 JOI ANO VAl.OQ Joe end Va1et11 ...,n INI I ganoftlf' I luMf II 111 ~ '' '"' -llmt end In IM ume cllul'dl .. their weddlnO. eTHIOOO~ A women WMf1nO I wtd- dlnQ '°"" ooee ~inv '°' ,... ........ hulbllnd- 10-M dOlln'l lhow UC> II IM!illl'· •• WA.U.m.ET Wiit< "HllPPY ,.._ Yf/111" Outel LllCien o. Hooper, YIC9 prHld•nl. Thomp1on McKll!non &ecuttt•. lno (Part 2 of 2) WKIEN'•~ •oo e IHCMDl8l.a HULK ~ Banner ·~ In love wtltl the ~trial (MW• r.tte Hltl)ey) who le trylnQ to~ him of I* ~Ion. ;~Fua I MICHAEL JACK&OH MAIMAD COfWCl.AN. ON THI Gettfng a Lfft Aoclt lord, arteltld In • •tolen Cir IOldld with weepont, beGomee • pewn In • 0-of llllg.i ~ rUllnlng. "°"° ~ 9'EACe CM>M-WITS MOVOIWflH 0-11 Olen C1m1>t>eil LllllftO'I Satwa Wo nder Woman c l .. y ndn Carter I thrcaleru. Ru1>1·uan ugent Bo Boundin , .. 1th a car~o ot nucl~nr warheads on The New Adve ntures or Wonder Woman" tonight al 8 on CBS. Channel 2 8 9 AMEAICAN MUllC AWAI08 Gllfl C1mpbell. Helen Reddy""° OoMI 8umn'4r .,, hosts lor ttle 1111111 emuet preeen1111on of tne Allleflean Mutic: Awercla, ~..,. from tile s.ntt Monica Civic: Auditorium In Cltllor- nlL J:OOI ~aOAME , A8C~ Cl) JOKIR'8 W1l.D SIX Miu.ION DOU.AR MAH n..,11 OI I ~i.d dope ~·her m 21TOHIGHT • • * "Tiie lndlln Fight· .,.. ( t055) KlflC Dougtu, Eltl Meninelll. An Army ec:out guldel • w-cion lflln through SIOwl eountry. (2 hfl.) '1!) VOTIA'S PtP£LINl • MEIWGNFAN 0-t•: OWi ClrnpOell, Unnon Sl11 .. 1, Frink Wiik.,, Florlncla Bollcen, Aulll BatcMlor , I SANFORD AND SON MACHE.ll. I LEHRER AEPOAT "Oranga County In WHn1ng1on" 8 Q'.I DONNY & MARii! OUMll: Didi Ven Pellen. Aulh Bual. Joey Trlvolta, Johnny Ditti. '9 fAfW DtGE8T (I) THE MUPP£TS Gu.I Leo Seyer. • OOlDEM VIU.AQE '1i> w:NA. 7:30 G OA8lE MVSTIOUE D DANCE F£VEA (Pl'Wniete) U DATING GAME fJ OJ) HOU. YWOOO SOUARE8 1:00 IJ WOHOlA WOMAN Dien• Prince goes under- cover to bid on a blllClc- mnrket n~ wlfheed eucltoneo oll by • turncoet Amerlcen ecl&ntls1. D MOVIE • • • •'h "To Hell And Beck" ( 1065) Audie Murphy, Mltlhall fhomp. 110n. Audie Murl>hY pleys hlmNff In the ICtMn edap- lallon of 111s 1uto-blo- graphlcll war nowl. (2 hrl) .. The Long Wilk Of Frid Young" From NeYelO lndi- "' boy 10 oodMr physi- Clll. the 1111 of Or. Freder- tc:ll Young 18 protlled. 8 T)CTAC DOUOH • AOAM-12 Melloy and Reed breek up w nercotb mg u they IMd a rll<I on the .,.n- 0 DIFFAENT 8TAOKE8 w 11111 goea ov1r1>01rd trying to dazzle Illa Old l>u<ldlea lrom Hvtem with 1111.--auh 10:00 0 EOOIE CAPRA MY8TERIE8 The odde-on favorite to win the World Series ol Poleer dies from 1 mysteri- ous polton In Ille mlddle ol • c:ruclll hand. U MOVIE ., CAROl BUANETT AN0FRIEHD8 Clu111nel 1..1•1 Ing• 8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles D KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles Sktll: "The Butler And fhtl Meld." "Mrl. Wiggin• ~aln " OJ MOVIE UB NEWS Cl) NIGHT OAU.fRY -' A \ltOITllt'I II hotpltall~ld e KTLA (Ind.) L,os Angeles D KABC-TV (ABC) Los Angeles C1J KFMB (CBS) San Otego O l(HJ-TV (Ind) Los Angeles 1!1 KCST (ABC) San Diego m KTIV (Ind.' Los Angeles • * • 'h "Tho Buccaneer" I 1058) Yul Brynnet. Ch11'- 1on Heaton. Generel Andrew Jacllaon emptoys the aid ol the famous pwale. Jean LI Ana, dur· Ing Ille War of 1812. (2 .nraL with what -to be a latll IM!r ailment, and therl I'-Ille h<>e4>1i.l. Ell) SEVEN l8AAEU ARTISTS a;) LIKE THE WIND lndMdual e11pt"e.sk>n1 ol lllth 11'1 the HlleS ol llve people ate documented II) KCOP-TV (Ind) Los Angeles &:I KCET· TV (PBS) Los Angeles I.!) KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntington Beach fl:I Q.l) WASHINGTON WEE< IH REVIEW Cl) CAUFORHlA 10:30 Q) ., NEW8 11:00 a a o c1Hm NEWS Hepburn ReDeets Kate lntenJiewed on '60 Minutes' .. ,..,,.,.... ON '60 MINUTES' Safer W1th Hepburn B.YTOM JORY NEW YORK <A P > . I 'm Ii ke one of those long· distance runners, very, very long-distance runner, who just keeps a.going. And they think, well, she's not bad, been running for a hell of a long time. Now how did she do that?" It's Katharine Hepburn con· sldering -or all people Katharine Hepburn. And if you're planning to watch just one TV show this weekend, it's 'got to be "60 Minutes" Sunday evening al 7 on CBS, Channel 2, for Morley Safer's interview with this fascinating and very private woman. "SHE IS A presence, no ques· tion," says Safer, wbo taped the rare Interview with Miss Hep- burn late this fall. "When she's in a room, she takes the stage. "At the same time. there's nothing grand about her, she's an earthy woman. She's made of ... very responsive granite." It is. indeed, a remarkable piece or work, as electric as it is revealing. "l was excited and scared," ·says Safer. who dis- tinguished himself as a war cor- respondent in Vietnam. "and what was fascinating to me, she was asscaredaslwas ... "WE CAME AWAY from it feellng better Somehow I YOU just felt good . . thoroughly." The viewer feels ~ood oo, convinced that Mis ep u bas been as honest as she coul possibly be. "I found her to be the most engaging s ort o r person." Sater says in agree- ment. "No question is casually answered, she has no stock of small-talk answers." The 26-m.inute segment, pro- duced by Jim Jackson and edit- ed by Naricy Lea, lncludes clips from some or Miss Hepburn's most notable films. includlns her fi rst , "A Bill of Divorce· ment," made ln 1932, and "The Philadelphia Story," one of her best. MISS HEPBURN was ap- proached by representatives from "60 Minutes" while in Wales falming an adaptation or Emlyn Williams' "The Corn is Green" ror television. The con- nection CBS will broadcast 'the drama Jan. 29 -apparently helped persuade her to do the in- terview Safer says he approached the meeting with some questions in mind for the actress. though "I knew she didn't want to talk a bout her relationship with Spencer Tracy. and this was not going to be a gossip-type thing." But the subject was unavolda· ble, and Miss Hepburn com- ments on what Saler calls "the chemistry on that screen." "I THINK WE were the perfect American male and female." she says. "An idealized version or the American couple?" Safer asks. "Not so Idealized, · the actress replies. "I mean, she was a scrapper, and tried to boss t\lm around. And he Just P.ushed her oft tbe right moment. • The conversation, Saler says, was rambling, "Just drifted all over the place." but full or can· did observation on Ure and work and people. ln the end. we're lert with a fascinating portrait. "YOU'RE A legend to so many peoP.le, I guess, just about everyone, ' Safer tells the ac· tress as the segment concludes, "because you do not give much or yourself publicly, beyond the rums." "YolUllean it's stupid or me to do this?" she asks. "I don't know," Safer says. "but do you reel like a legend? Do you feel Uke . . . " "NO," she says. "I don't think anyone feels like anything. Real- ly. You know, I always felt they were out to get me, and that I'd better be good. You know, I struggle to do my best." News Chkfs Eye Ratings RADNOR. Pa. <AP> -News execuUves of the natJon'a three commt rclal televlJIJon networks say too much empbulJ is placed on news 11how ratlnss, but rat- ings didn't influence their news Jud1ment.s, aceord1na to TV Gulde Magadoe. THE COMMENTS, publlahed In the Jan. 13 luue o f the maca&lne were made by Roone Arled1e. J)t"aldenl of ADC n and •PorlJs; RJcba.rd Salant, pre· aldtnt. Of CBS news; and Les Crystal, pretldent Of NBC n wa. ··I tMnk tb1 t o n the network lev I, al ~aal, ratinp don't affect newa judgments and new content," saJd Salant, who like the other Clews execuUves. made bis oommenta to a panel or TV Gulde reporters. ••AT THE BROADER level. .It lJ abeolultly true tbat raunss have a very lal'ge effect. If our raUnaa for documentaries or nows ipeclala were anywhere In the oelabborhood of tha cnttr· talnmenl raUnp. you'd ee us occupying 1 sreot deal more of the prlme·Ume echedulc than we do,.'. bl' said. Cry1La l aid the · "economy of our Industry ls Ued to how many people wat..cb. and It ls a very difficult thing to Uve with. I think we have •ucces f\11- ly reslsted the general pressures to rreate procrems or make changes ln pro1rams because of ralin11 COMlderaUons " "J haw. M\rtr met anyone in television wbo Is aa r11Jclna~ wltb Neilsen rallna• as the prtnt presa ts," said Arlcd1e. He added, howevtr, that "Most local ataUona Uvc and die by the Neilsen ratings or their local new11 which bu beco nii ont ot their blQetl protll cenllrl". ·• TUBE TOPPERS trldget. Chenaon. Plrtl Cllolce. Petrtck .kiti.t. PIUI Yllblf•, Jeff KlllMll D~ .,., Jllngjt. ( 1 hr , 30 min ) •:Ma NEWS •:ao "'°"" •,, "The Sword 01 t:I KHJ 1J 8:00 -"To Hen and Back ... I lOVI EXPt.ATa 80AP 'ACTOl(Y Cid" I 1902) Rolend 1<.,ry, Sendro Moretti. Two kniOt'll .,, ~ to light Iller dlllhonoflllg the d.ught .. e ol Fl Cid. ( t hf., 30mln.) Audie Murohv portrays himself in thls l9SS story or World War ll's most ~corated soldier. 1:.IO WAHTED: DEAD 0.. ALM! ., MOVlll • • "The 4lllh Men" ( 1053) Joly! If eletld. RIM- • td Dennlt19. Foreign eoen11 plot to amuoote enemy A·belmbl Into the u S encl detonate thMI a..... yttll ., .... 11 ht., 30 min) ABC D 9:00 -American Music Awards. The sixth annual prcsentalions are beamed live from Santa Monica, hosted by Glen Campbell. Helen .Reddy and OoMa Summer. ., NEWS <,,\ 11 'Kl>1\' MOANING 1:00 8 CAME.RA THREE Alberti Huntet', en 83· V-11-old CompoHf end a<nger of Ille bluM, per- IOtt'llll llOml of her wo0!1. 2;00 tJ MOW KOCE ~ 9:00 -Nova. The story or Dr. Frederick Young. a Navajo Indian who became a nuclear physicist . **'It "8111ng1• At (WntlM" ( 10711 George Montgometv. Ot•n• Mllrtln Th<.. delerlerl I GALAXY 000f'.UP8 BIO BUR MA.Rel.£ acooev·a AU- • UANCUJe &MOW • • • "Romanoff And Jullel" (t961) JOhn G1Y1n. s.nctre 0... A wtill~ counlry 11tempt1 10 rem .. n that wey to ward oft lnllMlt'lllon Iron\ oot- alde torcee. (2 hr1 ) ., THl 000 OOU9l£ When 01car't mother f18fl tor her eon's IOcial llte. Feb flnde him 111 olc:I· tlShlonld G,_. gl(I. I THE OOOOIE8 DICK CAVETT G..-t: lfvlnQ Paul (SWll1y) L.ziw. 11:30 8 (I) HEW AV!NG£R8 The Avengett 1U9"1PI to PfOtect three Peoc>le wno hold eecret tnlonNtlon al>out e btlln drain machine. 8 TONIQKT Holl: JOhnny Carson. Gueell: Rk:h41fd Pryor, Dr. Lendon Smith, Mervin Hemllecti, Tim C0nway D TWIUOHT ZONE Marshl White goes to • dee>ll1men1 ttore 10 buy• ~thltnble U 9 BAAETTA Barella la pitted against en Orlentll klllet ll\P8(1 In Iha UM ot Ill rnertlll arts. (R) I THE GONG SHOW OETSMART CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MOANING 12:00 8 TWIUGHT ZONE Thf .. Nlronautl land on 1 strange planet encl meet Its "ur1talcer " CD JUKEBOX CD GET SMART fD TliE PRISONER "ll'a Vour Funeral" The Pneoner Is trletled Into dlSCOYlrlng.. In llllSSI· JlleBride Char Fontane weds her s weetheart c Pa ul Regina' on tonight's episode of "Joe a nd Valerie" at 8:30 on NBC. Channel 4. 'Edward' Series Set ForKTLA KTLA Channel s. pre- m I ere s the award - w innin g 1 3-pa rt television ser ies. 'Edward the King,'' Wednesday al 8 p.m. "Edwa rd the King" follows the lire, loveiJ and spicy scandals or England 's m ost notorious and beloved monarch, the man his subjects called "the playboy king." A Mobil Showcase pre- sentation, "Edward th.e King" will air on Chan· n~I 5 over 13 consecutive Wednesday evenings, without commercial ln- terrupUon. Timothy West. An · nette Crosbie and Sir John Gielgud head a cost of more thon 100 &C· ton in the series, which won three Brlllah "Emmys." nlllOn plot 12:30. ~ • •'h "New Yor11 Conli- 'Cfentlal" ( 1055) 8rodif<IC1t CIPl!ord. Anne Bancroll An lrweltlgetton ta oC**S conolf nlllg e ,.._ York· baaed lntemetlonll syndl· c.tte. ( t hf • 55 min l ., ALFRED HfTCHCX>Ct< PRUEHT8 Two kldn1pper1 coma upon I tltlklt In the mid· die of the deMf1 lt'ld decide to make the11 81C11P1 In It. • MOVI! • * "The Clime•" ( t!M4) Su11nn1 Fo119'. Botta Kat1off. A twt1tld muaic teachlt. who eo loved • great OOltl wio« thlt lie kltled her. enemote to r&pe1t hll crime years tater with one wno r-blee her (2 "'9.) 12:37 U MOVll " • • "DMd Run" I 19691 Pet .. IAwtord. Ire FIKSlen· berg A eectet '91'11 trails en mternetlonal organtza- 11on wlllch hat llolen u s. dellNI document&. ( 1 hr., '5min I [§) MOV1E • • • "Chember 0 1 HO"Ofs" (1066) Petrick O'NMI. &ay P"111t. A hOmlc:k:let !Nfllec empu- 1ates hie Cl\.inect hand to tllCIC>I lll8CUllon ( 1 hr • 20rn1n I 12:'5 I) (I) C88 LATE MOVIE • • • • "J w Coop" I 10741 CUii Aob«lson. Gerlkllrle Page. A rodeo rider finds evarylhing c:nanoeo when lie ret1Hn1 to the ClfCUl1 lfter ten year• In 1111. 1:00 0 MIONIOHT IPECIAL Hoat: Wolfman Jeck Guata· Sent.,.., AllGI• llffortrl • ''"" femlly dut- 1 the Boer Wiit (2 hfl ) 2:22 NEWI 2:26 HEWS HO NEWS MOVIE • • "Only The Cool" ( 18121 Lllll P1tmt1. Stephine Alldr en Blltev· tng her met• to bt unfaith· 1u1. • women enoo11 her hlllblt'ld .ithOut rellUlng he II • MC:fet egent on IH!gnment (I hr., 65 min.I I OETSMART 2:SI STEVE EDWAI08 3:00 MOVIE • •'It "Oetou1" I 1948) Tom Nell, AM S1vege. A New V ()ft( piano pllyer, IO love Wlth 11 llnget 1n C11u- lom1•. hitchhikes Weat. ( 1 hr) Cl) MOVIE **'It "Fl•COChl!I Romance" I 19SSI MarjO<te Main. Chill Wlllt The head COOk •t I dl"'9 renc:h tries hl!f' lucll et metohm•klng end megk: (1hr,.30 min l 3:081 N£W8 3:38 MOVIE * * • "The Prlf1ce And The Sl\owottl" f IOS71 Lau· rence Ollvter, M erilyn Mon<oe A ~ lrom Ille U S 111111 In love with I prince •lier he lnVltet het to 1 prlvlte 1Upe>er 12 llB .. ~llW'I) 4:008 MOYIE * * • "The Spider And The Fly" ( 10521 Eric: Por1- man, Nldle Otey Dunno WOfid Wiii I, lhe Frt!nCh UICI a 8rltllh lllec:reclcer to 11811 lmj)Or1ent docu· ment1 lfom the Gennat>1 (2M.I Q) MOVIE * • 'It "The Ol9«nb0diecf' ( 18571 PllUI Bunle. Allison Hayn. A t>eeutlfl.ll woman u-YOOdoO 10 bewlteh. O'C>UP of Amerlc:Ma In ,,,. Dallas Gals Featured ST AM I HOTF\JOOE ELEMEHTAAY NEWS WOMAM: REEL TO N!Al. 83 YOGA FOR HEALTH Cl) SPAHISH l1J) 8C008V 000 7:30 I) DUSTY'S IT~JncfOUR p~ THE LONE RA.HOER THAT8EHOUOH AOMPERAOOM &;) RENDEZVOUS MIT MOSEl.LE Cl) NEXT STEP BEYOND (J'Q) FAHGFACE 8:00 1J (I) POPEYE G GOOZIL.l.A SUPER 90 U MOVIE • • ~ "The Fighting Lawman" I 1952) Wayne Morris, Vtrgmll Orey. A Khemlng woman~ a aeputy marahll to become 1nvotv1d wllh barik robber•. ( t hr .• 30 min I 8 WANTED: DEAD~ AUVE Q) MOVIE • •• "Tho Howards Ot Vlrglola" ( llMO) Menhl Scoll. Cedric H11ctwldle A man end hi1 arlltocretlc wile dltter over hit lnvotve- men1 tn the American Revolution. (2 hfl , 30 min) m MA8TEAPIECE THEATRE ' The ~ Of Duke Street: A Maller Of HOflOf" Loulsa·a plans lor a gounnel'1 delight r854111 In an unpteuant ec.ndat (Plf't 12 of 15) ®) SUPERFRIEHOS 1:30 fJ SUPEAFRIENOS -0 WHERE IN TliE WORLD? CD SOOTHERN CAUFORNIA A Cheery Drama By PETER J. BOYER LOS ANGELES IAPI -If ~ou thought television was overdoing 1t a bit with all t hose c heesecake cheerleader shots at football games, wall until you see what ABC is orrertns Sundayat9onCbaMel 7. A television movie called "The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders." I'm not making this up. A DRAMA about the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders It Is a monument to Jiggle. I THE STORY Cwhich, believe me, is or only secondary valua to thl~ fl esh revue> turns on the efforts or a nasty New York magazine e<lilor <Bert Convy> to save his Job by com- ing up with a big story. An Idea hits him. The DaUas Cowboy Cheerleaders. or course! Why, these girls "are every guy's secret fantasy," Convy reasons. If only he could get the in· side scoop on them, prove that the cheerleaders are really a bunch ol sleazy tramps. . . "There's a story there," Convy tell s a colleague. "I can smell It !" Wait. It gets better. TO 00 IDS dirty work, Co nvy solicits the services of J ane Seymour <what's she doing in this? I, a hot-shot reportel' who used to be In love with Bert· before he dropped her. Jane doesn 'l want the assignment al first, but when Bert mentions a $30,000 ree. dollar signs light up in her pretty eyes. She hops the next plane to Dallas. where the c heerleader tryouts are about to commence. "I can't wait for you to make the squad," Convy tells her before she leaves. "we're gonna blow this thing wide open!•· Miss Seymour infill rates the cheerleader squad. thus setUng up a f e w subplots invo lv in g other aspirants; actually, these · arc JUSt momentary diversions to get the cameras away from all the bouncing flesh. IN ONE OF THESE httle conflicts. New York Yankees' shortstop Bucky (TV REVIEW J Dent plays a football player who hai. the double misfortune or getting cut by the Cowboys and railing in love with a teacher who wants to he a cheerleader. Poor Bucky. I hope the guy who got him this part isn't negotiating Dent's contract with the Yanks. Dent's acting style is more stilted than Yankee Stadlum . ..J;fe delivers his lines hke a macblnlgun in slow motion. "How'd-l·do. coach?" goes one pithy bit or dialogue. If Dent had played like this against the Dodgers in the World Series, LA would have won in four straight. ANVWAY, JOI N ING th e cheerleading squad proves a great Learning Experience for Miss Seymour. who backs out of the deal with Convy by tell.mg him~ "I've been really into it here and there is no s tory T h e Dall as Co wboy Cheerleaders are e verythfog their public relations says they are -just good, down-home gi rls having fun." Convy gets mad and decides to do the story lumselt, with the help or a villain (Gavin Troster > who has "so me dirt" on one o f th e cheerleadera. I won't spoil it by telling you how this ends; bes ides, I can't remember if there was an ending. Wait, there must have been an ending ... 1 re· call seeing a football stadium and lots or cleavage just before the screen went dark. I hor.e things turned out well. couldn t make it through a sequel. r;;;j.;,-;;-;;.-;-;.-:;:1 our memb9ft .. ,. c••• In Carl'• Jr., Unfted AlrtlnH, Llncoln-~ury, Toyota, DuPont & Mitton Bredley commerdeta. o ... , 400 OI Oii< .......O.n -•• <••I lttl Ytt•r In hims. T v .. comrn••<l•I\, print WOf'k, • •010 ... ,. We Need AJI AQea a Types Cell Now FOf Appointment Souci-eo .. c Actor• Co-Op am.-. ... ..._. .. _ ---~~!!~!!!,. __ J STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR ni01111 Fashion hland Newport Beach , • • I) '5'" , • • • • MOVIE REVIEWS F11d9y. January 12. 1971 Tenderness Fades 'Hour by Hour' ( A Quick Look at the Movies ) I 8rLIN04DeVTKM •-.... ~wrtw '~N'f 8Y .MOMt:Nf ~ 'MY ,,.. ii. ,,.-...._.._rm ... 8114 11 <-<._ TNl IN...,_. lllf•lffl !Wt-lllY T .... h., ..... ,i...., '••VIII'-"'• v...i .. ...,.._ _..ht 11 ........... ,...., It ... ..-.. "'•II <._..,, t11t •Ir.cl., J-W~ It ... '°" .... lllW ttle ,. W1t1 ...... , T-1111 ~ •...,,,. .._.., Mil" M•lr•" ~. hi I~ lllrMl •f • ""9tt•, ...... -..... -·-· <.,-M111., .,_ ~ f ••••II• "'lie "-""M ...... ~ llrt• I" llM 11111 Mii 01 tlM ,,..v._, Tr•voll• l•ll•wt l•llllU" le !Mt M4111 ... ~II ........ '"'<loft IW ..--•• , .. ---""'' 111ey ..-• ..... . _ ........ , ..... .,...._ .... 111m "''' ''*• it • --• .i .. _ .... nMI ... ,..... ........ 101e1 with '-•"""I• POUflnQ IW' llOt 1111-•hd ill ........... 6111 ·-..... Me ... ,_. lllittl•--'"9te-..-- lroct11tt pe~, llt.e f•-•• -fllfftlift ...... boll w..,... .... CIOne II Ti. «llfto h woeclolft, -....... , .... -... .,,. ~ .. cllemhtry ...,,_.. V.. ._ elllt9od '-n ,.,_..~1111e1ot '"" Inter ........... ""° ""-"' ..... -· ..._...,_ ......... 'C.ALIF'OftNIA SUITE" IWeYflt\ • qu.rtet el Nell !iolmorl 11o.e1c,,., •tao.II ~··•I IN 8eWf1y Hllh Hotel ,.,. Pl•t WH a -Cle •ce w11n the .. ,,,. '°"' «too.....,,"° Nell oct T"" movie oet• OUI Of tM "°"'' w 11• end onto llte ttnnl& CCklrh •nd l>OO<llH, emptoy1n9 • l•rCJO 011d t.i.nteel <Otl. ...... Aldll -J-F-. •re o dl-.:tcl ,.....,.. Oo<-... lfl9 over cUltllldy ol IMlt """9M«. ~ .. Smllrl -MkNel c.IN .,.. Brttllh visitors et odd• over hts blse•u•llly. Woller M•llll•u '' <aue"t wttr. • '-« by Ns wit•. EtOtN Mlly &tit CoiO¥ -Rk ..... d Pryor •r• 0..C.00 OD<ton °" • e11 ... •sln·•ICIOtn voc•t1011 with IMlr ••ve~ Oclclly, It Is tlle -lous Wletcll .. IAlde-Foncle. Srnllt><afne) that 01'9 Ille mo\I tffettMJ, even ..-1n9 TM St"'°"""'' .,.. lllln 18e_.IY Hltll " "POl'ecl•W I/Wt l\lt had a -y"I end Ille l;orct m llel R•toel PG. be<OllW Of I~. "SUPIEaMAN.'' lor ell It\ P<•· tension ond OPvltMt , '' lt11t IN ...... dumb comic -._,.. -wl)o can fly. TlllJ time Instead of wv. 1119 Old •~ trom bumlftll bullcllnCJ• NI PAl<llin9 \IP Ille Saft AndrN$ F ... n lml~edlntl\tmovlol TM SCM<lel effecb WIUll'cls -ltMt IMrOM Of .,,. ..-,Cllon, -..... !oel'lpt -•-.n Ctourl ore.,,. villains, ta1hnv to tuPCllY ...., or\CJfllel em-bell hll mtn t of 1111 h•ckneyed 1ormu1a. CIVlstociNr R .. ,.. Is Ideal tn trlt cloutMa ..... -Morgat I( IOde1 ,, relre~l>QIY ~stkeled •• l.Oos ..._ tllOugll 11111 br'ICJM ._.. to Cle \l'<I Ill• llml lerlly between • Scls>trman-Clartl Kent Morion 8'oncl0 wltll "Mutiny Oii the 8ou11ty" •«•nt •nd Gene H•<km•n -r• paid mltllOlll lo P••t1C11>41e ThOtr reoutatlons w111 """''"•· Rilled PG, thO lllm wem• su•t•bte tor 011 AOH· TM v-• the twttter "SLOW DANCING IN TH• 810 <t'rY" pcl\~ ,,,. s-t innocenu ...., oettnn1nec1 sentl-•llly of on O. Henry "'°'1 story A N~ Yor1l cotumnl•t w ith o hurt ot "'""' (Paul Sorvlnol enooott tn • tt.sltont romaMe with • -lnq Nlltrlno IAnM Ollclllwrnl whO "'~-to--of-rare •llments that s<rlj)t -•ten love SorvlN -......... O ~-old Juntrlo --to-or It•-bY llalf ttw_,._otl~. SoNlno k -ot IN ._ acior, ,._1n9 _,.. to carry off SllCll • portreyal, ond Miss Oltcllbur" CSOMn Ilka a drMm. Dire< tor .Jotwl AvllclMn cenvev• ,.,. -.,...,.._ ... "" ........ -· .... P(. -fllfll II e ~ 4'14 ..... It tM • ......._ .. fl.....,,., IM'MKI ''Tiii Wlt" , ... ---.... , ......... ....-r _., .. I•,-~ TM lliNIC• -._ ••t "' l'N 1(-ll<lc• ..... "* ........ , .. ~-..n .,,, ................ , ... ,..,""' .. Or ..... ~· .... Ill .-. . ....,..,. _ _,..,.. "_ ... ....,..fl llllllllflNU ... -11• -.,1,...., .... , ......... _, ..... _, ... , Oetetlly , c-1..,, oow" IM Yellow lrlcl ••••, lilt<"••• ,,.._ Hfply .._.... .......... -••IM ...... -1.--et Gll"tl• .... ..-i1.ir,. • ......... wtth•bf•" ...._ JOll •Nllre "'"' 111m•• toe • Of >jMlftl•-U (I-""'"°"9• •re t r .. lct.W• ,.,. .. tor •••• ~ ~'I ~it-• I•""""' A , .. .,. ....... Mor-. .. -I-.... ..,, _,_, ..... .,., (M\ftOI ... -.. '"• '°"'• 99111te '""°'•n<• 01 • .. ...... , ............ •l ftw 1 ... HICJ I\(;. llolt -t<•N• wtll \Clf<t ......,_IClftotbiot <llltOr.., "WILO oaa•I" i. • «•<~•r l•Ck ~ .... In ,,,. .... .., •• _. lrecllllOft •rY 1nvOl•lnQ, ''" llellMIUI ~ AtlllO m.,ceNtrlt\ Rlcll•td Burt... ll~r Moor• llk lle,. "°"It and HardY l(ruqtr .... tl>llllad by. 6rltkll ,_, kll>Q, Stewert Gt.noer. to ,..scue • bl•O i.aoer W"6 hOl -ClllpC>Wd •nd Im swl-by'"" Air IC.., t'f''""' Tiit ml1Jloll 9M' •• -Y H tM Entebbe reicl --11 Director An Cl••• M<LAOMf\ ., ... Old -•• monty httolc.'-anCI lie deftly mlt(O action wl"' cQol humor lt'l 9ood 10 -lkw!Ofl'I retU<'ll to v196' -. (irA19r -Id ...... • -· -,_ ••• _,,.. ...... v ••Mel It, wltll Wlldler lelll .and ,.,,.,. tf>Oftempte~. "Wit() IS KILLING TlU! ORIAT CMaPs OP auaOPlt" Mr"11\ • ,,,."" of llelly·IOUCJll• -murder .,,.,Cl tlle llautt cuhJne hC<PPt tor .a COU91e ol I~ ol IHlt, IM rMuli. ••• oehclous TM dleloQul! h brl9"1. t~ 1><1<• l•st. and .,. view Of tur-·s 110011 reileur•nts is •l'fl-11111119. Geor9e Seo•• '' • I••• iood maCJll•t• trying to conq.,er tlw' <CHiii• Mnl, Joc-'klt Bluett I• Ill• ••· •II• •• premier INISlry chef. They combine as ell•cllv~ly •s 11\lt K,..,.,.,.11 corneclY tMms of ttlct lfJOI Rollert Morley es o gounnMld per HUii....:• CNwl up IN scenerv -rteMhlng etse Ill llCJM; M h -b. the M>lld .__,..Ion tor ttlct firm·,. fun os well es Its fNfWICt. A hi~ wlotlo.t,..M. R-!~ PG. "Ola L PallNOS" appllel the \tlarp tCICJe of tnllh IO tM UPtrM!nc~ ot • YoUnCJ -trvlnv lor • career 111 Ntw York City. Tiie film by ClllUcll• Welll exlllblts the i'-strl119 neture Of IM production. Reted PG. "'"" • mocllcum Of semlnuc:lltrtnd•tewcussWOf'Cll. ... "MIDNIGHT IXl"RISS" lslanq lor prllOft escopel ,, • r-. compel!· 1"9, -"""• 1ec1 ... 1 account of an Afl"trlCtft youtll'l payment tor • trllCJI< ml~; .., ettemc>t to ._ 01e "''"'"'out o1 Turuy. llllly H&~. • M&._ite Unlwnl· ty lt.-.it, --••ble (Oft-Clltlons In • Turkt•h prison ond asylum befor'e ftUPino to Gr'eec•. Direc tor Alan P•rker d•Pl<U Heyes 'I tonnenl ift 0 lllm tllet ll often _.llllrigtot11etth. His CHt Is~_ ... , ... Brod Devil Its IN llM-.ct NNrlc.afl. lie I l tou<lll"CJ -etoQueM. • SOllcl c-. cllclate lor SUrdom. The r.ilrlCJ Is It, wlth...._~-end-of ...... .-11'1. Nol for tM -·sll. N OW PLAYING IOWT'I COAIT MU PUil MmHll llA TWt• "I" UQt1n1 a.II 494·1514 &eN P¥11 621·4070 Westmln111t 893·130S , ......... el La Hain 1181'°633 -1-II.A. Ctly C-..,..,_ ~ ¥lclft m... ........ OrlA ~ Ci!NMeC- ONE OF THE MYSTERIOUS EPISODES RECREATED IN 'BERMUQA TRIANGLE' Clement St. George Appear• Aa Engllah F1aherman Hypnotized 15y UFO Ughta Fihn Probing Sea Mishaps The possibilities t hat powerful "blue" energy forces still lingering after the destruc· tion of Atlantis may be causing the mysterious losses of boats, airplanes and Uves within the Atlantic waters are probed in "The Bermuda Triangle.·· Based on the best-selling book by Charles Berlitz, the film explores the most bizarre and puzzling events that have occurred in the "Sea of Fear" since Columbus and his men were ter· rorized by balls of fire as they sailed there. The motion picture, fitmed entirely on loca· lion off Miami, Fla. a nd in the Gulf or Mexico. takes the' viewer to the bottom or the Atlantic Ocean for closeup scenes of the "Bimini Road" -what many explorers believe ls the remains or a long lost civilization whose powerful sources may be responsible for the many disap- pearances . NOW PlAYING Cl--UA C91MA llWAllOI' ...... Orange 634-2~ WHlmlM1tr 893-0546 Costa Mes.t 64&-0573 MAGIC ' NOW , M ~· Ml.lmD 1WMTl8 MDDMVtlG NW tOU BRISTOL CINEMA ua CINEMA Costa Mesa 5-40·1444 Wb1m1n11er Mall 893·0S..6 CIN£00ME Orange 834 25" STADIUM DlllYE·IN Orano• 839-8770 'Ol'I Ol'IAHGI CC11Nrt l"flO()lllAM ,.,.,Of'IMATIQH CAt,l.'"4 ,.." ACAOt•Y ....... -........ "' -' .... •.., ,..,._, SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENT! HELD OVER 2nd BIO WEEKI AT A THEATRE OR DRIVE-IN NEAR "°U SOUTH COAST PlAZA. Coate Meu 546-2711 CYPRESS, Cyptwu 129-1800 FAMILY TWIN, Fountain Valley H2·1243 VILLA PARK, Orange e~ C1NEMALAHD. Anaheim 835-7901 VALLEY VIEW, Garden Grove "'95331 PARADISE, Long Beach 429-5917 ANAHEIM DR . .fN, Anaheim 179-9850 FOUNTAIN VALLEY DR.·IN, Fountain Valley 962·2481 LOS ALTOS DRIVE-IN, Long Beech 421-8831 GROVE, Garden Grove 537-e&OO ORANGE MALL, Or1nge 637-0340 o..L'I' SU..H COMl't.IMENTARV PASSES loCCf PTEt> .Mf.7.j .......... OAILV PILOT MM MM ,._ AU nu CAJn ~IUmlNI ~•Nl•.._• ... •Ut&tti• C\INf WTW008 IVIH WHKH WAY IUT lOOSI <NI ,,. .. ~,-..,ueMJ a 11.- 1.a.•. toooors lOID Of 1'HI llN0$ !NI tlr~tl0t:4J .. ., a ••• MM ALDA ...... AU SfAI QSY CAUfOIHIA sum'"' ~ ........ -... ,,..,, IT\Wm• ITAU- PAIADISI Al.UY IPOJ ..us AMlllCAN CMAnmll'OI "'4ATIOHA1 lAMf'OOtn AMMAl HOUSE.• , .... ..,. IAT~t1llJllW:tiW'~.W CUff .. ITWOOO "IYBY WHICH WAY IUT LOOSE" .,... ...... Uf,__l~ll~5.4~1- .-.:.-s , ... omn, .... ,11uao ..__,,..,..,,,...r , .. ,,w.-1...-10 SOltln' MO PAI Hi fWO ~o "'°' lllfll lf.UI COUAaCI> ""' ¥"tftCH WAY IS Wfll> lWO ecTOM Min t CYCLI GtlUetl "us MAG WHllUte1 lfAH <>'*Al e CAHllACI M IOll& OllVll'S STOaY ll'OI ''lUS OU1UW llUISINI U.•. 'IOUCllWI LOID Of M 11MGS111 'lUS .... If Pi .. ,..,!NI C\INf WfWOOO """~':Zs ......... '"' THI OAUNTllT 111 <UNTWlWOOO ....., WWdi • ., ... '-1'°1 "01 fHI OAUHTUT ftl fWO ltCMAIO '4tf 04I lllTSI llUf COlLAI (I I '"" WMICH WAY II U'1C11 ~·"" •n n,.r THI lllMUOA TltANOU IOI "tit THI SWiii CONSltUCY (POI MltfMWf WlfOIHIA IUt'TllN ""' T.O.l.,, tw0&11Ult11tn 1 •LISH OOIDONl•l "u' nt1 llX MACHIHOi-1 ... LllllY I WAT Al AIFOllJAM.l llll:E FINAL CLIAIANCE ON .1978 MODELS CIJIPARE THIS EIAl/11.E NEW 1978 8210 ONLY s3277 The difference between a Mercedes-Benz lease and any other is the Mercedes-Benz. The car you lease does make quite a difference. After all, you don't drive the lease. you drive the car. And when you lease a · Mercedes·Benz you drive some· thing special indeed. Whichever Merced~·Benz model you choose, you M e one of the world's most respected automo· biles. A car with legendary eng1 neering, meticulous craftsmanship. outstanding performance and safety. - Something else: you'll drive the car you lease for two, three or even four years. Most cars look out of date all too quickly. But when you lease a Mercedes-Benz. you drive a car with classic lines and timeless· ness that is never out of date. We have several leasing plans to offor you. Ono is certain to make it mor conv niont for you to drive a M re d B nz than you c:g m1Hht hnvo thought possi· hlo Cnll ll' todoy for the r,urnr 1Qlf1~ f nc:t •. - A k about our m ny convenient I o Ing plans. Mission VI tJo Im 831-1740 ,,.,,,,.,,,.,,,, IJrolt<r 2.,01 ~•t• lthwr. ~ Dl.oo '•1 ut Afff)'1 Mlt111A VI 1 The Peugeot Diesel gives you better mileage in the city than most cars get on the highway. Because it burns MPC fhghway cheaper fuel more efficiently. If you have to idle in a 28 traffic jam. for example, the Peugeot Diesel bums only MPG City one-fourth the fuel a comparable gas engine bums. And 3 0 since you don 't have money to bum, the Peugeot Diesel has less parts to wony about No spark plugs. No MPG Comblnt'd· distributor. No carburetor. [t never needs a tune-up. And it doesn't run on gas. Die sel fuel nationally averages abOut 10' less a gallon than lead-free gas.t Combine this with Peugeot's superior handling and the luxuries of a full-siz e sedan. _....,.1~~ Or station wagon. And you'll realize . a new definition of luxury. lt saves. l 1978 E.P.A. Estimate!>. Transmission M-4. Actual m1lenge depends on how and where you dnvc. car m:untenance. op11onal equipment. and olher vanablcs. tFtd<'rnl Ent•rflY .Rev1 •w, Jan. 1978. Local pnces may var)( . . PEIJGEOT No one builds cars the W8'/ we build cars. BEACH IMPORTS · 848 DOVE ST. NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 Near MacA rthur & Jambot'ff Nabers Cadillac WITH 2 GIANT LOCATIONS PROUDLY ANNOUNCES ITS E F• ·Kl ale SOME EXAMPLES OF THE SUPERLATIVE VAL.UES BEING OFFERED DURING '78 SEVILLE Leather. stereo, radio, cruise control. fufl pwr. l yr. or 12,000 miles warran· ty Included. (l 73PWC) '9399 '11 COUPE DE VIW Luther. 50/50 pwr ... stereo radio, cruise control,. Ten to choose from (#Q153928) 1 yr. or 12.000 mile warranty Included. low as '8599 71 YOLYO WAIOll 265 FKt. air, roof racil. auto. trans .. tape otar:· luther seat1n1 area. (707Pi(0 '6699 711UllHL Four SPMd. tape player, air oond. (709SlT) '2999 '77IEYIW SttNO n.dlo • ca. IMtt., cnMM cont., wi,. ~ CCMlf'S, (~271) fiv. to choose ftom. Low•• '10,499 . THIS Ll-MITED SALE (BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 9 AM JAN. 12th) 71 THUNDERBIRD °"'Y. 6295 mites. cruise, tape player, 50/50 pwr. Nit, wire Wheel covers. (792VFG) •7999 '71 IEDAN DE VILLE Leather, tape pie~. full vinyl top, cruise control. (#Ql81915) '6899 '73 MIZ 450SLC Low miles, 9q41ipped with all fact. oPttons 1ncludinc leather. 1ttl'90 tape. (242SQO) '14,999 W CID. SDlll DE VIW Padded top, full power, factory air cond .. tilt wheel & AM/FM stereo. Must see! (ZBV137) '1699 73 CU. COUPE DE VH.LE Padded top, leather Int .. full power, tilt wheel. CrulM control. AM/FM ster· eo. and looks sharp. (187HZV) •3499 '73 CAD. ELDORADO Padded top. leather int .. full power, fac1o· ry aw cond., tilt wheel, AM/FM stereo and verycteen. Must see! (419HMU) •3499 74 CAD. COUPE DE VILLE Pltdded top, futl power spkl power seats. factory air. tilt wheel, AM/FM With 8 tradl tape p&e)oer. SNrpl (225l.GV) '4•99 NABERS '75 CHIYILEI COIDOU Cabrtollt top. ...... int.. M SIM'. 1S11t PM' .cs. fadoly • cond., tit ..... cruise control. IM/fM with ltfto tlpe .,_,,_..wheel CCMrS. and low rMls. (147-) '3999 71 POlfTIAC lllllD Piii Padded top, full power, factory air cond .• tilt wheel . AM/f.M stereo. Ral· lye ...... Sharp. (134532) '3999 .,. NmlC ... Piii Clbrtotlt top. full poww. bctofy "' oond .• tMt ..... mile c:oncrol, Rallye ...... Sfllrpt(...w} '49•• '77•YRll'9111U c.. top. ...... "'*"" .... ful powlr. fletofy • cond.. tilt ..... . cruitt control. Low •• mile&. (412SLR) '•9•9 SALE ENDS 48 HRS. AFTER PUBLICATION ·-IJ J \ ' .. ....................... •• .... t 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUNTFIXEI 1"4tOOWN H4no. YttW t&LI 3 Hdrm, 2 ba axcrutlvc honw Own r will rmom•(I, No er :<ill nt ~<kd. Jmmt'd Po slon. IA$TILU" ltUJ(l\ S Odrm . 3 bu. 2 atory . JUl'l l redt"'t'Ornttd ln~ludina nt.•w curpch & bllll prlrl'd thou and" under nwrkt'l ut $166.500. TUllTU I OCIC Pion HI liroudmoor ~ R<J1 rn. l' ·· 011 on ft.~ lunrl Good lm·utao11 ..:r1-.1t \.a lut' at Sl~.000. R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640·5112 Abandoned I Need• wort&! l&d2' 1wtmmln• pool! Located on qu.1et --------1111 tu.l·d•·Ht. VA term1r IA&.IOA I AYNONT N•w l11tlna 1 l .. tt wmertront tivln« bet your llt'W wuy of IUi.' for 19?9 Sl'I{• lhUI unlQUI' ~ 1tory 4 Hdrm h11trw lcx·ah'tl In the hrurt of Hulbo• Sllan'(i fl\•r und dm•k for 1wv .. ru 11111(1• houh $H~:i.ooo tiy 111111111nl· rncut WATYNOMT llurryl CaU: M5-0IJ03 FORESTE OLSON ~-... -.... ME'WOU'Lf X DUPlD $450,000 ":Xct:l)t1un11I m<·omt• pm petty on lht• Wllti.•I Wtlh hootdo•:k MAICIS COHDOS DdU.te large 3 BR, 2 ba & • 2 BR. 2 ba, bwll for convenlon Taki.' l1H PETE BARRETT owner wnt.e oH. then con· l'..rfrt'l for ttw uwn,•r who wun\b lA1 hvl! In 11 l'tllUt'IOUll hmno 11011 huvl.' un int·orrw unit or horn" and 11epurutu unll for \A: 11 a~cr or rn11lhcr In l11w f''ront hou1u: h1 a :J bOO, dlnl11J( room und om• blldrm anti loll unit with hl(ltu•t!lltnu" - WMllOllONI tl"MI °' REAL ESTATl 6.11 1400 vert. Euh1de Costa REALTY MOia 400lli»~ FOi .,AfA\ M2-5200 ;;M:_~f!·-~1.-1.1·1· ·~~~~ .. ______ , MOMARCH I AY TEAR IA YCREST 32592 AZORES LAGUNA HIGUEl MEW OH MARKET Open sut & S•t 12 s Exet'llCnl noor pllm. 4 SprclacuJar Ocean Vll'W ffdrm , 2 1.; bu t h , Z Brand nl•w cuatom 4 Uy uwner Orangi.' l'rk fll'C'pl11ce11 lwuullful y1ml bdrm J ba 3500 aq ft 11' Acrci.. •17 + ac• Uoru • oo t'Omer lot w ltl1 ro(1n1 clc11iint llvin1 in pres tJl(t' fact I outatondinl(, honw 1\00 llCC'('!lll for It V (iuod .rea Gourmet kitchen, chanrung, ull ofrr. 1·<m vnlue a t$J7D.OOO min", many xtru11 HOllSE "1lOPHTY itlde rcd ('ourtc11y tu " ugh. $14U,000 20151 400E.1J-8 R>R.,AM U7&v':taeo Heallor H 1111 1 d t', 0 r a n K (• C.M;::=:::•~ 4118-2237 714/fm-8400 =r . ·: PERAi.TA lllJ.IA') Tt-:N . ' • NIS COURT .. :ST ATE .--------• Country charm 11> the reehng throu11houl \hi:, •PK>OUS homr •el on 11 l acre 111te i n cxdualve Peralt. Hilla Thlli hom1· truly hus cverylhtnl( 4 Br 2\'J Ba . sep dc-n. P R . Uv rm, dln rm, gourmet kltchcn wj nook. J c·ur CIMrRAl. HEWPOIT Authentic Spanish 2 bdrm , I both doll h0u11e, block to 114· .. rh Ownn lf'8Vlnl( •'~to , u11k1n1e IJZl.OOU ff73 :.163 675 1752 associated g.a.rul(C. 1'¥'11turcs rn r ludc V1<'lonun claHk. 1·om 2 frplc 's, wPl bar, t•t>nlt m1•rc11J zone on bUJty 4 vacuum, bit In 11lt•rt.'<>, a. 1Anc •tref't In Tu1l111 ahulkn Ua<'d hrtC'k , Very old, aupf'rbly BROl<[ll<, ?lfl. TIHIS, l fl]' W 11,,1,.,., I , t I gorl(eou11 wood , opt'n i-------••I rttt.ored It ~11utlfully beams & rslm t1l1'11 ari• ..._ Ofr/low Dow11 ~oral~. with ever)' 1.9«1 lhrouJChout Outs td<' DA"NA PO r NT. New modem amenity lncluc1 amt!mtles uu-1 hi µo<>I oc•f'fln vl.-w home• Quul Ing t.l"<'urity s)'l'ltcm 2 'llCUVJ, hi 1•ov1•r.,.1 µu tw . rc•iouri•ll thru out ln<·I •llJMeti. hul(c trees. 11urk & N I S l t• n n 111 <' r I f''trt·r>lm•c, hi.If(\' :.undci·k, ml( for 10 i.'11r11 S32:>,000, Beaut1rully IJnds<·uiwd. Yllld\.t-d cc•ll'll, loft. i•ll' owner wlll rtn1111l'C view By owm·r $625,000 Aalunii SlJO.OC)) lmmt'<I Tr11 dc11. h·a!H'!i co n Callfor appt 974 293tl move '"· Ovmur/ A.itinl. 111den-d Owner Rrokcr, --------•I 540-5670 fUckAMkreu..e, 731 ~JL'i HEW LISTIHGSll IAYClt ST OPfNSUH.1·6 20l 9 SHlf'W A Y Spl&clOUll 3 bdrm , 3 baUl11 · famlly rm + brkM nn. · 2 frpk'I · patlo =ni +dog run good vulut: ut ~OOll· ...-.ORT HEIGHTS 2 Bdrm. it 3 bdrm houaetJ, wllb frpJc , l'OJ)o per plumb. + work11hop SJJIU150! WATHNOMT f~er/float i. .duplex on lcaal R·2 MK , cl0te tu lhoDI -Udo Vlll&llt' II real value tor $249.5001 ....... ,,..op. ltHffon • 675-7060 . BAY& BEACH NEWPOll CTR. ft. 7011 BUSY PEOPLE .... airest w,.y ol Ufc for the buay or travellnt ramlty; the 81.UFFS 11 u Pfidt• ol ownerahlp area littu. •Uractlve 3 bdr~.1 2 bM\J\ condo, with hM.1 , ft. of IJvlnl( ll[JUt'Cl, e11 )'OU all llw 11dv1m ft l1111h.,.p, ncanl • rt:1d1 tor occupancy Only Sl3J ,500 WOODBRIDGE! • .a fe1t 1rowln1 are•; • complete 1boppln1 Clelllef' under COUlnAc· don. la l<X'•t.ed wtlhlo 5 ll*>utee d thll 2 bdrm .• ~bath condo with up· =arpeUn1 • ui.. la new at well -.-.1 In tect, ft WH • awaro wh\ner In • ,... em& IW"VtV. SJJ uoo ---~iiiiii!iiiijiiiiiiiilill---~ .. LARRY DARLIHG After m1tny Y•':J1's of succc11sful rea l t.>state rn vc•s tlnl( In the Jlurbor l\rt.>H . Lurry hns ~one Into real cstntt' sul1:~ with 11:irbor ttcally Prior lo h1 i, rl'al c•s tule 1nv cs t1n ).! 11tt 1vl t y. h e ucc ummulatc•d many ycuri; c·xrwri<'tH'(• 1n I he Hal<.•!$ and m anaf(etncnt fn rds of rm•t als ond lndui;trial cqulprm.·nl opc·rut1on l.arry '"' u nati ve• <'altfomlRn who has hwd in ttw 1 l:ll'bor Arcu tor the pa. t 2'1 yl'u r " lie has u thorou~h knowl1.·dJ4<• of renl estate m the Harbor A rN1 Whether you pion to buy or :wll . why not "let hl8 exportcn(.'C wol'k tor you"? You can fH1ve your!felf llm~ und money deallni.: with un expert - 80 give Lnrry u cnll . You will be slad you did. blQOO BLUFFS SIHGLI LEVEL COHDO -This dr aftlaflc Z ltedrOOM. ...... ftMI Yftlt. decorot•d by • .ot.d detl9fter. feoturn MW corp•t, dr.,.., alwttera, c111tom walcov...w.cr I wet ...... ftrtMh doon opewt Oftto a prf vcrt• wood patto with plu•h 9reen•ry end hot tMb. Tn fy ou-of..tdnd!. . .S 149 ,500. 644·7020 2 t Z 3 SAH JOAqUIH HILLS ROAD NEWPORT IUCH W l·:Sl.L 'r N TAYLOR CO. Hf·; A LT< >llS SI 111'1' 1 ~MO IXCITIMG EUGAHCI PLUS EXCfTIMG VIEW! U78,000 Puno ram1c V l('W or Cl l y l1J{ht s. gori.tl•ous ijuns<!t:, & C;.italtnn. P1ctun• pNfecl m R1dc & outsidt•' /\ highly improvc'<I "Nanluckc•t" model. Prof <lt'rornted & lariclsc·opc.>d Expensive wall c·ovt·rin ~i-.. druperwr; & cptng. :11110 ..,pnnklers & outdoor lighting <;;irf• 1•1wr<INI <·ommun1ly of'ft·rs lt·nnt!-. 1·ourls & pool <'all today to M'l' th1~ lwuut v AND lo buy il! ! WESLEY tof. TAYLOtt CO., REALTOIS 2111 S..J~HRb Rood HEW,ottT CafTEll, H.t . '44-49 I 0 ~COATS & WALLACE ':J:ll REAL ESTATE, INC. I\ lOC:AllY OWNlO COMPANY SERVING JIU sour H COASI Art! I\ 'ilNCI 1% ( Y ~ C A tof T A H 0 It I A 0 Y -9 ·~ '1- 1 N T EH EST IS YOURS FOR THIS H E AUTWU L t•:a~t ('o~ta Mt-sa hom1• '1 hdrm. 2 bath, (!11 l111 J.( ;irva. fm•pltH't•, ..,(.•parnlt' M·rv1c·t· rnont. hu~<· rn a~ll·r :,u1t<~ w/stt<'ludt•d put 10. Ultra dt:un ond beautifully dt•corated. All for $1C11i.~OO Cal 546.4 141 Sr~rv111q Co~ta M e s:t-lrvme Hu11tmyto11 fh.•;H.:h -N ewporl Beach CUTI HOUSE 1, It Poulb .. 7 OH R·2 LOT 01.D t:OltON A u 1-:1. wL!ltdi.'. Cvtlta &frta 3 MAft bodnn l'harmer. Yorm11I 4 OOOIQ n lfvlllg rm w /rnl wond Yt 11 1 fHpl(• I\ double bUminit ftrepl11ce IA>Vt' wMt rot J111l oir m·,·an ly rt>modrlc>d k1tdwn 81\ld 1-'ormul hv1n1< rm w/c·u11 lom r11hlnl'l11 & • fllmlly rm w1w1•1 bur J>QA1 lhru win~ow t.o din· ~ luc,. bedrm11. earh Ina an.•a. Addec.I on ram1 w1tf'I ll'a own bu th. 3 ly rm. Conv..,rk'd 1uma1u• 14'C'I~ plivat•· r>•tlo• may be u1ed tor l11t• Rplral 11talrt'a11· h•odlnl( gume nn All th111 ut un to 2nd lt·v t•I 1 1•11r 11/fOf'dohlo '1"<:1• 673 M:iO enclolod H•r11f•· All th1• • .,,,. '" • • ' 111« '' '" 1 • Wider orw rOo on comur !~1&11 ~~r~!·~·~ .. mvN ~aom ~ lfiNHJ ~cJ1»h1e au•.rded aru --=5~ TO 3 bedroom, 2'"' both. ulr • U"" ~ condluon1111t S1miily IEACH bt!oullful. llw>k• Ilk•· 11 1 1 3 b 3 1 modi U l •oooou .v )' r . )ii e n< c>r •1 ' W1th•rfronl home I.ow 645-9161 1niuot.cnllllcc yrd Wulk t.o beach. Clot• t.o PoOls. OPl N HOUSl- REAl TY ,,,, ehd>hooh ft wnn1• Ju.at Uak."1. 646. 77 IJ macnab I Irvine realty surea VIEW~UPH SICUltrrY- SUPat IUYI M 11 rv,•lou~ vif'w from Suddlcbnck Mt11s to ttw :-tl'ft 1 :t llR . ramlly rm houw in pr~~tiitlous Dover Shores Spt1('rot11-1 & 1mm11 c•ulule $370.000 1nt'I lund. K<.>11 1 llt•len ll urllt•v (i-12 8235 IN J J l . ,,..., THI NIW vua IH HIWPC>n HACH Give your family the lu"ury of 11 vlna In thla charmlna. appro" 2500 sq.fl., 3 BR, 3 bath home w111eparate fumtly rm -aJI totallr rrdont•! Pror. lond11c11ping In<' "olcho & (lnC'loscd .!J?O U]1per huy ut S20!i.000' Sharon mfth'644·6200. IN ·l2) '42·12lS '44·'200 901 Oowr Orlw HerOOt View Ctnler lrvlnt tt C.mj)Vt Vtlftv Cfnltr 711-1414 UDO ISU Bay vi w from 2 patio d k1 enhance• cu1tom spacious S bdrm.. 4 bath tradltJonal hom : Uk~ new. lde1d for ~ntertalnlns. S500.000 OCllANNOHT Quality crattamanahlp ln mahos. trim & oak noon sets off thl1 landmark: • BR, 3 ba. home ln finest location. Establlahed trees & lawns. $485,000. IACI IAY Fine 4 bdrm .• 2~ bath tam Uy home on quiet cul de sac. Oversized pool, playhouBe. 1torage Sl69.000. Terms. ·IAYPIONT S<•vcral rlnc bayfront homes with pier & allp AVALON WvJI toflttlructt-d. 3 BR. 1 b11. oaJ( floor, purtial bu11e ment. concrete foundation. f"luts nrea $120.000-Fee. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J41 l\r1y~11J.·O•·•·· N ll b/', 1,1t,1 GRAY I LUE WITH WHITE SHUTIEIS Culc.· a~ a hutt()ll ' OhJ C'orotu1 dt.'I Mor d 11 p I" x ", 11 t h or th t• 111 g h wa y. :.twit <'l'l'd b.\ ln·•·i-iHld rwur tht! nl'w · J>Urk This duplc•x ft-Lltun·~ <J 2 twdroom homt-with hanlwoorl floors . tJ I room g1wst unit rrnd u I antusta c one bedroom mcom<.· un ll You !<.hould see it! A Unlqu<· properly at $215.000. UNIVUt l lVMl:S REAL lORS~. 615 6000 2443 l:ct)t Co.i)I H1qhWJY. Corona del Mltr c1lso •n MP511 V1·1Ch· .11 ')r1h !l990 $48,500 Thut's right! Only S48.500. lor th1:. !o>Uf>t'r shurp 2 ht~room condo with 1111 t ht• umrmt1es. Pool. clubhouM.· and bt>aullful J.{round t1 . Thu1 derinttt!ly won 'l last. Call now. 540-3666 .... Wllela11 ... ... Real Estate Inc. • 9.ZO/o INTEREST 1-:n111ll~h Tudor Il l )' It• 111JMclOW1 3 bdrm, 3 be 2 11lor)' adult condo. Pool JKUHi saun11 l'lubhoW1e it~ rm. Taki! ovc:1r 1ub Jecl lo ttxl-.tlng loan m.<n>a11+ 2'.4 . 8461111. EXECUTIVE SPECIAL Jn u ntllJhborhood of Im po111n1 homea .• thl1 3 bdrm $turda veol W..Ullff Ii. a bnr•aln. ' . , ••. /\ •> - I ' f l,, ~·~ Ri'MtlC-..~ ...... ) .. ASSUMAIL. FHA LOAM On beaut1lully land caped. 3 bedroom. t :v. bath home in College Park. Coe ta Mesa. $88.500. Ask for Glen Hellwarth. 631·1266 A ROSE GARDBI Lush landscaping includes atrium off muster bedrobm. Lowest priced 3 bedroom. l <v.t bath. olr conditioned home In Mesa Verde North. $96,500. Ask for Glen Hellwarlh 631·1266 PRIDE OP OWNHSHIP P rofe1udonu I ly I andscaped and recently redecorated 4 hedroom Mesll Verd<: home on prlvute comer lot. On I y Sl22.000 -A is k for Glen llcllwurth. 631 ·1266 IEST IUY IH MESA VERDE Quality constructed 4 bedroom, l.bath • homl' on huge lot umidM r UAt.om homes. Seller motivated. lmme'81ate O<·<.·upancy -Ask lor Glen I lellwarth. 63l·l2f;6. OPIH HOUSE Sunday 12 4 p.m . at 1145 Salvador. A bt·auttful 5 ht'<lroom homci In Mesa Del Mur ('los<' lo <X.:C' l nlt•t'tor freshly p a 1 n t <' d w 1 l h n t· w d r a p e s . Proll·M .. H>llall v l ~ndM'U (>l'd J\l\k ror Ht•gg1t· Wym,1n n:u 121w; ROOM FQlt MORE :tm1x(i(i H 2 lol with :J units 1.oned for Ii In C'o:-.ta Mt•s;i $ umJ100 Ask tor f{oy Sumwn:-fi:H I lf;fi IRVIHE TRI-LEVEL Y a l t• modl'1 tri le vel with 4 h~rlroo1n~. formal danini? and sunken fom1ly room. wt•l har SI09.900 or try lt·aM· option al SJ 15.000. At'tk for Roy Swnwn~ Hat l ~l4i BUSINESS orPORTUHITY H<• vour own ho~s 111 1!179 J\uto J'art!t SI ore• s.1:1.~><IO anti own<'r will ('Urry w ith S l !l.~1110 clo wn A~k tor Roy Swrnt..n1' u:u 12HH IRVIM E RENT AL For rent or ll'<t S<' 2.050 ~quarn foot homt· m Jrvinl' 4 or 5 bedrooms, 3 hath~ Sfi:}(l/month First and Security Ot•po~11 of $500 Ask for Roy S1t!mens 63). )200 RVMR<~ · of costo--. W.IN, ••port bHch. Mc. 2l4 L I 7th Stn ... Cotta ._Ml 6J l.fZ66 'lilJllOflWl<I•• \11•ll'llrk 11f 111411\ UlllJll\ 01'nt'f1 .1nrl 0 1wr.1l1'fl u,.,,, ... ~•.•to• C>H1n•" pr11•1'(f for you ul S-15'J,OOO I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'T'lwrt"ll old fuh tOnt'd 1: quullty in thll' mO(Jt-rn 1--------• hornc Nc•wport ll11th MESAVEIDI exc•cpllunal 3 bt.tdroomi. on a wtdt• tree lln"d str~·t Thu. home w11:. completely recond1 uanc.<CJ •n 1978 and lookll like brund new It h111 " Sp!i<'lowj end l'Of'lvenlcmt k:lll'hcn 11ntl ram1ly room. t'Ol.)' flrt!pluce and ll '1t pn<'t!d nght »t 184.000. C11.ll 75J 31!1J School l>11itntt Cull u11 lo 114."(l Udt IMlJlnU,y appeal lnl( home 111 54().J ISi ~HERITAGE HARIOR VIEW RARE SPLIT u :vEr. Ooubl doorl open lntO lhla lovely '1 bedrm homr Formctl rlln1n1C room & living rm w/(111<' l*'amUy room ad,olnlna 1i--------· REALTORS •UQUIDATIOH * •6VAHOMIS• lnv~Ulr l.lqwdaun1 Hom"' In COLLEGE PARK rully bw ll·ln ..r1 e let' kJtchen. 3 Bedrm1 ul with muter 1u1tf' itd<IOO on boflu1 rm on pr1vute lower levuf. Sper t ucular view of oc:e1111. harbor & nUe Md Ml'~/\ D~L MAR HURRY-They i.re In ~ 1ha~ IDd WON'T 41R·S74.SOO! so~to •ets Hew, ..... + Crptal ASK l"OK ll'• t.r\lt-1 <ilunl corner "'HorloA. Agettt • SELECT toe 4 Bodrm 2 buth 541·0100 dre11m houati' Al.J. N1';W 1--------1 PROPERTIES PAINT INSIV .. : AND OUT' N f':W f' LUSll ( • I\ I< I' f: 1' I N 0 Jlta 073-IWO t"Wl'ff, '. ,, '" ,, '""' 1, , [Wt lftMlil n1ttumrr• /\I.I. ro;w fWOf"' An tn('n •d1bl1· bar••ln·•UPt'r l•>t'•llon ADULTS OtitL y tool Tue arlv1inta1tl! roll 1S2 1700lodov• $48 900 '"1'1 ' l•ol '' ''" I ~nM~~~~,.j~~{:1 •N:~!~ [ ~ llQj ;\§;(il South <'0011t l'l"t" Pull ~ :;'J.li°ij'I: pn1·•· "'8.000 ltnmodlalc: L~::..JM•f!l!l•11 • ocnipnnry. Hurry. toke - tldvanlul(c. Cull 6"6·4477 1--------• ,.Q.. KE:Y W1 P.E:ALTOAS ii l t8HtOOM IAaHARIOI With \lh•w In churmln.i , _________ , pl.bd8eavl('W AA81 LIDO 2107 Yecht GrayUnai TOWHHOUSE 1219.WO Booullfully loc11h.'<1 . ru itdy 1.11 move 1nl11, pnced nshl -U~D.._ I I \ lo. Iii I~ I \ I I ' . . l~I~ I (u ·' Hwt lf't•I 11t 11,, _.__...:...__ tMMACULATI 3 Bdrm 6 dtn rm w/bltna, frplc, pvt yard w/pool • BBQ. Xlnt toe. .. onlyfll4,WO JACOIS llALTY ITS«FO fllc~I~~.!~ MIWPOIT Cl lST Cate tr<! e Newport n co C' h condominium ll vlnl{. Two Bdrm. 21tt btlthb, formal dlnln11. IOU ol r>rtvocy Community pool, Jacuul, Lcnnl1 court . walk lo beach. And ol th.-affordabh.• prl<'e vi Sll9.900. • COUM&&...,.. co. 844·9080 t1 t I IAN '*'°""' *-&.8 M . ··~~ ANOTHER REDUCTIOHU Trcinsft•rn·cf owner is unxloutt tor a ~all· on this ~orgt>ous vcew home in Cornn;• dt•I Mar 1.arJ(c, ft:e simple I o I B 11 .v " r c· a 11 h a v e q u I c k JlOSl'll'SMOll 0111 ·11 lhti-. W(•ekend l·S. M't' 70!1 C11ml•o lltghlandi-. Or. Now S:M7.500' 673-4400 HARll()R CE 810111 BLlllS aa. oven !iO YEARS OF $ERV1Cr ILUFFS llAUTY Grt.•ttt End Unit On One ()( The Flneat Str els In NcwPort Beach'• Blurts. Spttlacular 4 RR W/3 Batha In Wooded S4>tllng. Short Distance To Pool And Enwrtainment Area. Stir> Dlntn" Room . Huge Llvln1 Room With Rolscd Hearth P'.P. lll)(h Wood Rt•umed Celtln11 Thru Out Sl6!l,500. A ·•Joy Of NC'wport •• Ltaittng . 111 DO .. DllYI . " . . ' ' • s . • " I . ~~~ ••...•• J~:!:'!..5:'!!. ....... 1~·~·~········ ~::~~ ........ ~::.'!~.~ ....... . !;.~~~ .......... !~~~.~~ ... !~.~ ~.~~ ... !~!~ ~.._.. I041 '-I-._ IHI .............................................. J-...X. POllC&.OSUUI TIWEI 3 Btdnn fixer· upp.r, wlll 10 lolo forecloaure 1bortlr • l1llM 11111 noU.Oed OWllt'f " ... .... Good kK'• tMa ITXJ07 la Illa VUU pnee jUll • ! Take ~. call f lTOO Nowl . ,,,, .. , .. ,,,, TllE REAL , £STAT£ RS ~ Wulkr.r t; I ee ......... too• ....................... DOYOUWAM'T qu.auty. a preat1a1ou1 Ot'l&hborhood, -.om l' oee1n vl to w a nd 11 biarVaui pnt•e or '87 ,911() for a 3BR. ,.,. ba Mir• C01JU Condu" Call to day-4on 't dt•IAy U'18 ........ rtt •• 493-9311 49.Z..1700 C.-. .. Mcr 1022 ....................... Top of S,.yglcrt1 Cuslm lot-Plans 6000 s r. home. great vu. ~.000. 546-U41 TRADE UPI And enjoy rant U.'ler's tax b e nefit s 1n thi s smaab1og, new Sproul duplex. all wood. shoke, used bnck & the latest ~oodles. Only S26S.OOO. rmy exchange ror C'd M K 2 ((,/(JtlJJ/FI dr/,///11i .ffUJ/w'tl~·J 6j.'J-R1.9~ 243S E CoHt Hwy., CdM , DUPLEX SOMth of Hlglrwoy on l ove ly Avocado Avenue, a charman~ 2 bdrm, 2 s try, upside down house with C(...odar shingle exterior and sun deck PLUS luxurious 2 bdrm. 3 bath apt. Covered patio and 3 car gar~(le. $210,000 CAU.644-721. f"ORINFORMATJON /Jn NIGf.L - OAIL[ Y Ii. ASSOCIATES VIEW! Yl£W! OPEN HOUSF ... SAT/SUN t to• 30 1325 Bayi,ide. Coron, d l Mar 2 &>droom Condo Ov rlookin" b ruwJ & Bouta ONLY$1S7, 1'' 144-1211 rJn ._,,I f '. rJn '•I• .I, I:;, 1 l l )i ·., 1 ', f, I 1 ! ' ~ .. A1.'1U( (I I'. 1\•,·.J!Jl I Al 1 'i A IA NOONED Z~4P l1Kll .Jo~ to bt'uch. ps to rltv park & iiolf t•our~<.' Pn mr ll unl1n~ton Rt<1H·h h><'.tl1on Atrmm t-ntr lo ~lep down hvms: rm . lormol dint• rm. rountrv kit . + breaklabl area. 3 Car fi?ur . < l I tor h<Mt Jtu.:e ram rm w1rpl<.' + l·u-.tom acid on rt'(' or pool rm A <\SUmt> ~90.0UO loan WONT LN->'1'! 003·4'"'767. Mt'nl J ullt>. Elc:g•nt 11oale family homl .. w/QM!».n & valley v1~w&. Com1na toon 5e-5Ul DIVORCE ( Lingo Rul&un DO YOU KA VE A LAICH FAMIL Y7 TW1IM•••.._..,...3~ ..... ,...t.ct,.. ,_.tr•• Wt et• ftw "'" .. .,..,,. .................... ,_. ... ........ n. .tiew h..,.. _. W• ..._ ......... mceetee......._""'91ttho ........ ,... .., l-c9-,...,... ..... U1ted • Ult,500. 497-llll f1ld!y. Jenuery 12. 1979 DAIL v .PILOT D3 ....... ,_. w. ........ For 5* ........... ~ ..... s. ....................................................................... ·•·•··•••·•·····•··•··· .......... 1055 W.Fwttt 1011 IHdi I06' ._. IOff ......................................................................................... ~ .. f lM r::. )IU_,.. ·H·JO!) • --, y. Ail)..• ---4• SADDUIACIC VALLEYS IEAL ESTATE RIM Assumable loans. lease options. VA·FHA. For professional service . call Bill Moore. (714 > 770.2111. El Toro Rd .• at Trabuco Rd. LAU FOREST I 0411*-rtlNdt '°'' l.el!M•• .............................................. A Cot..DW&L U*M CO. 496-7222 831 -0836 ,..,.. ....... .., .... ............. BIG CANYON GOLF COURSE ESTATES Perhaps the most magnificent home m prestigious Blg Canyon. Thls 5 bdrm. 5'-'~ bath French ~gency home sits on nearly 1h acre and features wool carpet, lmPorted crystal light fixtures. oak paneled family room. g a m c room with st 1tnd-up bar • pool/ jacuzzi a nd pool house. All imported f urnishin~s are included in the price of $1,400,000. UNDER CONSTRUCTION -you stiU have· time to decorate this gorgeou,. 6.600 sq. ft. Country English horn~ which highlights double s piral wood staircases. 5 huge bdrms, 51h baths. family room, exercise room/den, pool and jacuzzi . For a private s howing of these outstanding custom homes, contact:· THE STARNES COMPANY 640-5711 OUTSTANDING ILUFFS VALUE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Extensively upgraded "Original model home." Prime end unit "C" plan overlooking pool. 3 bedroom. 2 bath . Vaulted b eam ceilings . fireplace. overs ize 2 car attached gara ge. tile roor. large fenced patio, full balcony. $152,SOO · 204] Vista Cafott. N.I . 644-0139 BAY FROMT HOME (including land) ;t Pier & Slip $725,000 ~ll{Ulificcnt 4 bedroom, 4 blth 4 ni:cplacc , lil.1r.iry home ln Dover Short5 , OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN 320 Morning St.tr Ln.1 Npt Bch., Cn . Lido Mngmt. 646-4021 or 675-2444 Broker participntion invited . ... . . . . .. . . •• .& • • • • • #if @Y,.!,OT ftld9y,.MnulfY 1l, 1111 ..._...,.,_ 'hi~ Hwftu.fw lit • HMl"u.fwi 'hd M ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• -··••tt••••••••••• ••••• • ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••·-·--••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• :!! "'-S. C rsW Olfller•nl•.... laa til . UOI C:...-W.. 1224 ............. lZ40 ............. lW tMu=JtlHdl Uff Mrt1Wlliedt 1769 ~ ·······---··· ~.. ., ,,.. . ...................... --~·-··············· .............. , ...•... ~ ············-········· ~ ....................... , ................. . ,_.--.... ''" • • ••••••••••••••••••••• , -112 BR .. * d• ... ,_ • ..... b d h .. · r-~=:=====--· -•i.....4--• .. •-l'•H••••••H • ..._~ -•ma -• + n gu~ .. .,r, • a. • wur, NIOU EL SHOR f;S . WATERt'RONT w/Dock. DWUi ....... =·~~~.~:; ........... !!!!! •• !~ ..:~:~" ~.;w:ao&"· Child £~1·~n:· ~·~ .. ~·: =.OJfi::!R •. •WftJt ~~rur· Ro~ 18r, n 1 Hlh la Lldu Mari.oa TWODCft.1111 BlqJt teelty coado•. Jbr.&\tba.a...."'1Jlc:. ••:~itn. · MU/mo. 4tl·UU or ~'150/mo.~eic t1.•smo. 81.1111 to~ U.nJ& llP VW...ITMC. OMILOTI a,.rtmHla eocl corn n,u. '*-· focd rant aa.r.m tra.f75.ll08 ~MT bit..,.. ti.1to1r7. uat• C=I m&/Tf•Jt~ •ltll.OOO• lnCJ'Cl1t. Profea1lonel, *· mo. Hr taioppwa. OU a br. Iba. dlhwhr. -Hftport Beath 2br. fW"I\ 2BR,U-.yrty.ISllO don bu fl1Mic • .U.&ac ,_.. 1H ....,. ~ tAilNll.r. ~ aod ttlia AJIPt 541GIO. eovwed patio. facd yd. SIACOUMTIY 1 bloc* from beacb 13'7~ SlW'STOUACH --C•Jl few •Pf'. -··-··············· '-................. r . ..-.a N w. Al& '°' KtUb or ·---·· .. bd b ..... 1Udt6p1Uol. $t4$ _,A___ . mae 213-28&-1711 • IBR.2be WDlr "2S TM M.M &KR . Aa.k '"._.._-.. ••· .WW. mou•"wat.e., r. 2 a. Alt, ftO r ... M4·2SG8 r w -optloq. sa-ut · JBR..Ji.'.>'ri>' ·...,5 ... PMl. PtlNCJP.U.S ,.or •••• ~, O•Hr OIJry Md~ Uff'Med I~ JI' um mwpajnt,drp9. Cfl>t.. 2 m.aTI I 3 Br. 2 Ba coodo. aroua JBD Iba ........... ONLYPl.&ASS. lAWilllll lftt'!ld _. tD latenora, aurarllve ,,, ™ii 1 ' QI' pr .. ('OV. peUo, end tain Vien. Wall \o &ea· "" •7 ••1· ._ ~ ...... I..,. ~II ""'8C OIUkle. A01= · Yd. adloola. countl'Y·U\e NrGW CoUep 6 Martna Ilia, '°" CourMI • J.2 S.Clawallh S276 IBRP,~11'1.Y·l =·~ba. &Jlll Dip r•hlt•Jl1U ll30 ----teU.tq, AvaU oow. PIP HS.3bt,2 ba, paUo. fncd dleitobeada. NSO. mo.-••••••••••••••••• UDO ~:~ •• ~!... •• !!!. r:~.rfs.f:•Sac. J '-WIAIL .... ...._. ll06 .., .... ,lUtMia rl"sf.'·A~~~eO:· oner.~u '%·o:.=-:=.,:o: ~.~· trpL Pool. P~ ....................... &.• ~. •tov• 1a ~ man _..,. IAll,.. Ad&ll~ oe~. l!a1l1ld• .. CE 4BR Jbl. dm. dtntn1 rm, ~ womu • . . OCIAM'11W 1111.0N a.a..._• f-..t coo _ PflUO w/..,. b.bq New . 4'.,.•tooaecu.r. ,....._ 3bt,2~be.Urp&Q. Lo¥· 2bdrm. tba. awwl1 pelQt-ou h.n.1-.,od =lit a dD. I br, l" ti., trplC', NW•Tm• We. Yet'J duo.' 1'111. MS-mf . ...WW Jl4Z tb bome ta Ttie 81Jor9e. ad.AGO ......_ ... _ b ~ t&c. u..t '71.000 10,.flaM•.NJ m-MO ........ ,. ... ,_ "••••••••••••••••••••• Exclutlve pvt comm. .-ror-.a. associated ft., ( I ... t ... ~ ,.. I • I " .. , ·-..., lu. ~ m r.:.• poiHUloa a.oo ._ ••·..,. u.us>~• StucUo condo wttll V1e11r be.ch pool teruu. Jq1 --------C:~.., :JlUo 14H. Opu daUy, ..... t.o~lll)l'oper c.,1t1:w••--l2tl ~~~·rou,• •• 3 ::ooz_eo. Pool II Jae, acrouCrom smomo.821M1a. . . 2~~;.~et.oplper :. __ ========:;----t1 ll:w wluil '4l re all)' •••-• •••••••• .. •••••u .. • · ,.... · beech. 1375 847 4$25 . ........, _...~ 1325 er .. ....... *' cl(r\11, • 0 r ... t ., •• c b Avail MO abr bOUlt to.7~ Pttio bm nr tbt ... OCI mo..-...cl047 Aft fJ PM • • ~. ._ • ' t. ----~- ,.._,.::1 ""'°' iD u.1 1100 Sped.tU.&e. ca.n Cbrt1. Wri,. N..-'1 carpel.ed a Br l\t !ta + den. + Townhouse 2BR. 2111 ba. MonarcbSu.mrnll. 2 Br. 2 s.t.AM JUO ~)' ._................ CeatwJ fl &uf. Uf.fSU Walk '° btb. ,... V•a cardefter, M40 mo Sgl1 pool. Jae:, HWUl, teonla "-. & laoal. Jae " pool. .. .................... . &.IASl/ornoM l'..lluw9EiAYlllWdaUonby Catalina ~••·U31 for OK.3133Dublin.tn.'l&M k50/mo.8'2-lll7 ~1~':n=mo. Beautiful lBr. 2 ba Stl1, ... /SIOO .._ On«. a r ...., out 11PPt Im Eutakie 1 bdr 41 ruest Rent or t.cr .... L«e dl.c · · w/poo., pl.,-1rouod. Di1· lfJmlAd ~u-.e Ow>\• Caplatraoo Pahuau nnt37$/lfo.Nke coodo,11twattt.28R,2..., l« 3 Br 2'h Ba home. hwuher, dbl car. weu.lted ::,tg,toJ!~: •boff C.po towuhouae for le .. e eo.as bttlba, bltana. rerr11i. frplc, patloa. comm. S425+depc. 340·A Car· /frplc b. ula "'"• CoatUlne view u&m w I w c p t a . pool/Jae. suo mo. rlaae. all Rentla ~din'"' ·_1,::'1:~d ~c<kua vMw 2 bdlt '°'owner i Bl' 2k •Br• de. 2YI ba. ~ blk wablr/d.tyer. pvt yard. a!ilm _•_Tlf11 ______ _, fuaty nn. lllal» LD bi "' ba . ..!!gk •· roocl\1 w/many u fnJID Nwpt S.cll Ba)' 2 car 1ar. Pool. $4i5. Nl uel Shores. arden 5-19....... 1216 ApartlMDta. Entertainment. RecrecdSoo ••• Youn-365 days a y.arl w/f~~6bJ ifg'l,o.':;:..,~Uu~: -~•ta"1l,4N·*7 ~=":'•= ~•Wkndt846-0892 ~, 2 BR. 2 b1a, den. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ww. lad. Drive by 3408 nn LJ\ V\ew ptut t8r c.--.. w. HZZ l,Jve a loocl lldlve life . ....._ 3244 walktopvtbch.&IW'ded Execut ive £1tate . In •'""11tul~. "°'· DICOl.ATID Olmlfto Qapqlnno ltlt'n -°""Jar. au Sl. Ab ....................... ~ 644Masl -·················· comm. Pool. no pets. rt Iv ale L. I u D. I & 211.dtoom u1I 0wHr at lm~l ~ b()peoSat/Sun 2Brbocbit.adu.lta,nopeta. M.,...,• WOODS. "~ Woodbridce 3Br 1"41 ba, Garderung iDc&d. ~. fa~~!."epo~!'.!~al~ol~ Fum.i.a..d& 11'7.ltO (~)or4M-ts1Ceve. l-4-~ Y appt. Ast 1ara1t C•rclcner. '425 ~ • nr ;,u new!Neatl.akeltp•rb. 640Q10. · ~Oa;r::e~··ocean 0~ ~view ol oc.e .... ). C..... s.tQ.4*11 cno. fl'S.7258 c.tf, .... ~ft ;,,.3 twr_+ denfrp't<>f Nopett. S4:i0, 83M600 W...at Nult' Condo 2 Br. 2 vi ...... H J hn A~ & city. 2 Bdrm, PLO AT LAST "''"I ••• .... , i" · Her Park 2B b bu, fa<'tng Golf course ew. -·mo. . o 1 •All UtilldM Pend l>UC• den, marv•lou AS,...W...,..._ Two duploxu, n or Open beamt 6 apac60wl 3 ~-~ m. n c e 'I . ' r . l YI a . C'los~ dbl gar '4401mo R.E.-.1. •Not....•-·._. kltchaa, Iara• UvlA& rm I a • pre ll 11 i o u • NftpottHel&bt. br. 2 ba It frplc. S90 --1:1 yard • cul· Com11t pool. newt no 494 2084 · · We 1 h I• 32tl --- wu b plcluruqu .... ,l+ort.oachearHun~· StaOOOO h yearly Call~. ~uc. pet,.~. ln· pets. Brk patio S3t5, S •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• • ....._...y......_ ~. Glau e.oclocs Io 1 t o o H a r b o u r . ~ eac cl. O'dnr. 840-7499. m.aaoo L'*-Fwelt JZ5 wi.. J*io. Speriouil, drameucally 1bne on R 3 lot. Available late February. •••••-•••••••••••••••• Deluxe 3 bdrm. 2~ ba. • ~ ~ . .a..a. -•cH = W11l wlt.b ••· c.o.taMeu Lovel)'3br ·2baoacor· VACANT. Beautiful 3 bdrm. 2 ba. Condo, J.30 'oothewat.et''lbdrm ~for reot. Near ,.,..ltindeT.,_... ~..,.. riew'a tuo.000 ner w/"e yard. LeaM 4.BR/dea or ~ BR. Sep garace. paUo, crpta. Zbe wit.bprlveted«k 2 McDonald Dollllu. $5.50 •"-NlOW.. ..,_. llALTOIS . -.uro Bruce,bV.a.5-2509 U75 mo. 838·12U: fam rm wtrrplc. 2000 aq drpe,appta.54M300 ~ Dt*. a:so per mo. permo.21.M3t·S01.2 :r77No.EIC.mlaoReal ~ 11111.w/ St4-0614 n..~/mo.551.aa3 $330 new Condo. t BR. Aull. DOW . 2006 Hw.Pa.W.:dor PWSMUCHMOll:EJ ~~~WE SIXMTS p;:;.;+, ztOO JASMINIQIB .._. Vetde, Z BR, dee. pe11o on 11.ream. ten.oil. ~1'5'·'1900 IWn•d JJOO Oakwood --------•~Bdrmand lBdr -. .......... •••••••••• Mo8t ltnpn!Plve2 8Rln CO¥..tpaUo,alce7arct. = adulu. no pelt. M"'-Ylelo J267 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Garden~ta ---------f ~ 00 bil ~ Ma~ Co1t a Me1a UO'xJOO ' earthtone colors. Pvt <be to acbool "•bOps. ;873-5003.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •-------· Olllraed &tat. t.aM more. Mu11t trade-IODedll.O. '250,000. Bkr. comm. pool, Jae. teonla =ltl500. 6'4·Slf7 or Deerflekl paUo home. 2 br Ready to rDO\'e tn. a br, 2 MOll..IHOMIE K~ ';::!llfcril ,_,Jf!r rommerclal or In· ~ Avail now. C.11 955-0497, & den or 3 br. Submit on ba, lrplc, dahwhr. l1Uo. N<>aMAT10M 101 l6th) ................. ••••• )Ill Q ' t542-32S2 fncd d Kids naf • ...... .._, duatrlal. Call Curl LohfwS. 2200 · &UdelceJbe',2ba.frplc, pda & chUdttn. Avail yo, pr. ...--Ren&. option to buy lnfo. <71416CS.OS!IO r.-S. I IO HttberU Barrett Rily, --·••••••••••••••••••• Llke New Broadmoor lndry nn. (ncd yd, gar. Feb. l. Grdnr Incl $5.25 ok. "25. Agt. No fee. rei>0't, &oan uaumpUon Niwpo.tBeacb/Soulb ••:-:·:··~·;·;··~·:·:••:•:•:•:• ·~·:·:·~eo.~~~~~~~~~~IWW trade 2'h resort ac:re1 Sea view home View. $4116.113-3800. mo. All 8'1s-6l60 --~: 97J.29'1l etc. Euy fmanc~ 0 .A.C · 1100 16th 51 • on lake in Elko, Nf!\'ada .ecwily aod privacy. LIASI OP"flOM RBfTALS ......,_. leect. 326' 9olfl~. fOov•r at 16th) MOii i HOME ~ ,,....., 2000 for cash, aalJboat, car. *>Imo. Owner '19-&430 5 BR. 3 ba, coU course 2 BR. 2i,., ba. . . $395/4'75 ....................... W~~r ?~-<7141642-8170 ~TION ••••••••••••••••••••••• :::::rndi. 1old, etc. <Xeaovtew. JBR, 2"2ba, bome.S'19S/mo.SU~9.50C> 3BR.l~bll ...... kSO IEACHUSO/-Yrty ~o;-"" t;_lc)i( Adullitc:wilr.oo..- Rerlt. option to buy info. F• oolt~ new. Buul decor'd . 54&-UU. 3BR.Zba ....... ~1650 Utlltietr.W Sant.aAna 554.7070 Modelaoperdm.lr 10.1 "1JO'•. loan as.sumption 18+ acres, S14,000 pr WW trade 3 1ut>-div1ded SI 100 mo. Call Bellina 3 BR. 2...., ba. · · · · · ~ ~ Z 1tory home, big Eut Anaheim ll66-4SOO etc. f.uyfinanceO.A.C. acre. Owner financing lota,LuVeaudJAforca1h. fU0.7711 . o.arolilt 3226 3BR.3ba ........ · ~ rooma.vauJted/beacn1,2 w AnahdJn 76M ... 2 S325 One bdrm, VJ bllc 9oln-. avallable..25~down. --"bo•' "ar, m-... -. 48R,2"'ba ..... $650/9~ b~ bedrooms. 2ba. · bay/ocean Avail 211 on ........ ...., -"' ......., IRVIN""TERRACE •••••-•••••••••••••••• RR " ba • 000 NB ~=tto.tSfore ~ ~m-1'17 ~i:~.~a~!r ~~'. ·~o:::..~~'.'1~ 4 ·•"' .el !r~:.E::!~~~l C~C,.~',;J 3425 =~mo. Owner/Ast. Weatmlmter ~2LOT Orutret.eforrigbtfaml· maiat.l500.-.ull8ev• bkkp. l child. 00 pet.a ........................ SHOWTTaM,FUIQ4 • .Aa.abdm IJ33W.eo..t.Hwy,NB OntheBalboaPenlnsula. ~a.Longterm pre· New3bdrm.2~ba.P9(>1. Greathouae.960-5144 Adult& ovtt 40 3 br un· Slllhtlybigherrat.esif SaiUAn.a '4M646 Prime.,., •. t block to DUNGERltMSOC. lennl•.· near beach. «YBoetdock.lbr.i....,ba furn. StturUy. reer-:•· onlylmonthrmt.aJ bllyllbuch.ffuabarp2 9574701 -.~ il'4115052~ 1 bl Ucntl.8.960-13ee IBR.lba.,fwn ..... $350 76UMITS bedroom cottaae too! ~;0~;.1':1$'80~ S.yfmt.BelmontShott ? 2BR.tba.hoa.se .... UJs $"·900 lyOWMIR $13$.000 0 2 bdr .. lba .S450/M0$2SO ~~=;..?~J! ~s br, 2 ba condo In sec:. lBR,?~ba.newhome. S'f'BIS TO llACH Low renl. Take over deposit & Isl & l111l Mo ot PCM. Above Marina, bldg. Wet bar. w11hr/ ~"J:I~· .... wEWk. :;,..RmTo. Obi wide 'St tr allerama ,...,.,_ •---N rent 64().9""' Big Can~ Bordeux 3 br. d d It I _..,..... ..-..... s,....~ ....... ovacanciea. · U1U widergrouod parking. .,3C h k ryer. • u a on y . -.... -671r •170 IDN51.Ml 3 Pvt bcb f& Property loca~ at 1049 Pool. Jae:. etc. $49S lf5, AMPU,Dt:fRVltfE 3 ba. enc ctr)' it. ~I mo. Boal slip tva1l. ,__,' -~:'tb~~~!,°;:~ Westc~•~4R~a;to676 _: 1,rhb-. I~ .sf,it!1:'.. r,~e· ~~~: .~,_ ~ 11.enui~e Park. Jl'\.'U>f'. J ~°":v~ays1s1M13t : 2JJ.'34-9803.~9797 ~1-.-B-R-. -ma-.-1-doo_r_rr_om. :DIOl Paci/le Coaal Hwy. ~ ~ "# '1•1~-Gardener lnc:I $925 Mo __ J2l2 br ~ ba f m m Oil -Deh.txe Hinse. (601 l,1do> beach Vie w. Winter La• Bcb. Offered b forinlo. B&rs welcome a.-., ........ 0....1 Aaeot673-5354 . ' 8 r • ' •UDO ISLE 3 BR 2 Ba 2 Odr. zc,:, ba. uk for $.W5/mo. S46·5605 ,.. -'1----------~ ~"'newly -·-•••••••••••••••••• new, pool. upgraded. love lge. patio. $750 mo: ---R eoal11a n c e M .P . cauMMY4PLEX A\l67i':1"'7..cwoo""" ColfoMfta 3224 Newlovely~tralgelbr. S56()mo,640-8t46. S5fMS811·~ RWl,673-1020.7S2·57lO Af.ofwllh 714-499-3111. ....................... 2 ba. fall) rm, fr~lc -' La ff 11 2 bd U.~ai•1d 1-BR +.fully recond. Pvt. ~~~ ~:f1;.~~I ~-----,----Brand oew 3br, 2Ytba, i.~~·:so~k&.4~~~~ ~::.~: 28~~~'. 38~ ~~n~nt.o=:: fJ~0~.1 vollryba'f1: ...... -; ... :;.: ......... beKft 6 dodi, Udo ltle. carpeta. Pri~ npt al ~~ z•oo frpk. Dbl g11rg, pool & ._. ••• Wfther nr •c:hoob pool -·• pool J pool, <'lubbou.se S380 per G JUli Ill 3102 S2t.SOO.Agt.~170 .,,000. tJTrTIU • jacuul.~mlnt.obc:b. Yr ... .,.5..... ~parlr.'AvadPeb. i.'525 ta .. -...ar View, • at'., mo.-.1344 -·•••••••••••••••••• .. f R€'TIG ....................... l¥ &eaae. No pets. ~-F1111.t111• v.._ J.ZJ4 mo. lat. Ult " ctn1. Wtr tenniamo ~;. ~p" ... " !L!'~9800 .. ~ LoveJy I.a 2br. Very DrAm.a Bayside VIU~. _ , For&.ae Mobileffome. •73 se-111$711135-91543. ••••••••••=!••••••••• pd.9SS-OZJO .,.. • ., ,...,....._._ Delu•e 1 BR co .. do, dean. Quiet cul-de-sac. · ::.."'~;!· c':!,er · .t::w =-~•ffH0~5€ =~ t'.~.~~:: ~ New 263 bdrm. frplc, Owmlna execuUve 2 ••Y Uruv Park Terr. 2 Br. 2 Newport CTat Coodo1 2.3 =:aw.~· C.t Plaza. OlUdrea OK. No pets. porch + paU~, clbba<!, -_. ~ .. w6y, n Star Parle $31,000/ bat bttnl, 2 car prqe. "50 •BR. den. pool, room m ba. frpl, vlew, nr. pool o r 4 bdrtns. S82S up. l 74 7 Sum• c L n . pools, jaaw:l a, beac-h __ .., ~r. CTH)IG~ "~.6'5-5QT. gar., belt tc:hools. S600 $4'JS. Call 552.7896 or AvaU 1mmed . Agt MUe Sq. Park. 2 BR ll Anaheim, Mgr. •• 675 2758 or 493·7082. . ~1. SSH3'S ~ den. l~ Ba. end gar. -~-·_3l_JS_. _____ _ <>wncr •B.l~texes 'T1 22~ Mee Too trll' ln •2br ~I. lacuzz1. For tenoJ.t oriented. new DeUgbtluJ 3br, ram rm ~.SM-8841; 7S1·8200 ..... ,.._.. lt06 . Incl.bay! tobeucb. park. call art lpm, NrS.Cst a.za$37S.No luxurious t.ownhome. 1 BrC~Oran1etree coodo. homelftHrbrVulfllla. FVly M1ll'Sq Pork.;eBR ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Beach oo Lldo, d o w o t n a Pk g . MMl2l8 Jld,1833-9974 vaulted ceillnv. frnlc, J Al • • ~nrua. Jae .. no On lavetySt. Pvt yd. Xlnt & den. l'dJ.1. enc:I gar 2 ~~OOO. 2131..._3200 BLdger ~·~·. Hpando L g 3 B r Z YJ 8 a Br. bll·inl, akyUgh[ wet pe.ta. LS St6-0'18S. · adlla, 187S. ~ '425 ~ 11841. 751 8200 fn""1 ~ FIXB IMl\I rm, lo 1pace rent lownbom~•. frplc, wel bar. POOi/Jae .. dbl al· HERITAGE PRK. 3 br. 3 Dec.onihd ~l Gulfatream, 2 bdr. ba. adult park tlunt LQ&10n Beach, for tale by owner, 982-30'1 t. SI 11.000. m .ooo.M'J.7808 bar. fam rm, gardener. tadled ...,..,.~.Near Loe ba. fam. rm. d.r. n<·w UP· ~ Cru~ coarc:u 4 To...... 3 8 d rm. 2• b. l h San Clemente Tri·Plcx, Mt ...... ~-'625-$650. 20'1 Knox St Caballero Sporta Club. sradcs pool. $550 mo . · am rm. onna1 n· Ulrfw11hlted 3525 ~. ~Imo yr Pncedtoaell. -._ .. _ .,._...., .... 00 1corner Orange Ave). S$7S. 541-3211 bel. 9 8 6«).81ta IJ\S. ~mo. to Ju Y 15, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ly Al9o JBdrm. 2 bath __... .,.., 83J.1388or 0>7SfJ."2SI08 Moo·Frl . "19 Option for 12 add'I LAKf: POR!'.ST 3 Bdrm Welllocet.edZ..l•l. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Neal 2 br. I b.a . frplr, mot at $700. A&l . 2v,Ba,msc:rowav£',Com'. furn ished. HOO/m u Acn9pf0f's.t. 120 B£lmlA8.,. .. , .!!,.ERSNRY 3 bdnn. Condo Ironwood New 2 br. l'h ba condo. 2 Story 4BR. rfl>k, park dshwhr, cover d puuo, 8.lJ..la}. IOI t.op Laodsca~ aerv Wtnter. ·--••••••••••••••••• """"'"'v Country Club. Palm dbl gang! & f/p. Open •lie yard. Nr. Ml Sq. fncd yd.1ar. Klcb & pets Walk t.obeach from La....,e l''l replace. 2.000 iq.ft. Sab11bury Really I ACUS 21SDelMar •BZ-4121 o.ert. Ready for OC· beam ce11lng1. Pool, Park. $515. Pb 963-0008, ok. $425. Agt. no tee. 3 bdrm zy, b N .,.rt O ubhowedllft inc:I ~75 673-6900 under the "Old Oak 7 UMfTS.C.M cupancy Afril 11119. Jacui:ii. ht., lul. ~. 968-27» 96t-2l*: 973-2971 Crelt c0ncso .;~:.~ar mo. Eva. Dave. ~·7506 --------· 'J'n:le". Loeded wtUt emo-• Sl40,000 Cal eveoloe• mo. 642-210. ._ ....... A ~ LR r 1 ,..__ br 1 A/I. Beaut aew bulldio1 7 l-4 I 4 a 2 e 5 5 .... .,... ""'• • , '1> c, ..,._t 3 • 2 ba. frplc . gua,e. rg. P•lJO. ten· --·-------Uonl t.bta loveb' 1eot1e ~. t!nt \ocaUoo: • 4 • 0 r SHARP Mesa Verde 3 br, fam rm. • l level. 11 dahwh.r, palio, fncd yd. w.. ~.etc. lmcnfld OC·1.&...t_llh,..*4 ..... '-•Mia lt07 roll og view property TSLlftvmta 642-1603 ~ family rm. frplc, alt yard, oea bouae. nr. gar. Kids & pet.a ok. $445. cupaoc:y. 5600 per mo. -•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• f:!;aWoaforyournew Cabin for rent, 3 Br. blt.115, new Cfl>ta & drw. a~J Ma. 5Sl·14SS. Agt. no fee. 964 2566: 645-0:M$evea. .....,.,1h 1141 J707 Newer ZBR 2ba. yrly . · XJ.nU.ennt. lllAK IY84 Ck'eeo Vall'"' Lue, near Walk to tc:hooll" •bop· Kldl\11\. 973-2971. S400/mo yrly. Adulta/no t••-a.L 1-.. OOW -J .-. •c-"""'"177 ---------1 2 Br. 2 ba coodo near••••••••••••••••••••••• .-•. .,.~-213,....7.9792 ,.__ ._,. M Snow Valley, 552·8160 ---. .--v · ~ • ... 12~0 "'·-· .--""·~· ·~ 1/87S.S7l7or J/5ZJ.-4482 4-P>es • Sn•l FamUy. wkdndal-M'7·2220 ICIOS/_... _ ..__.. Kn .. Caltfomia Homes 4 br. be.a<'b. Refrit. W/D, 2 8r.AUt1• View. pdpler. 2br, A S"ll 1.11 w-•••-••••••••••••••••••••••• ba. paUo, fncd yd , gar, c:arenc. 1ar. Ftplc, pool, ~ acuu uCJ , 3Ca3 E 3 Bdnn, ~ ba. seso. pr 700 A.CllS Hume. • er w .......... EASJ'SJDE. l BR 1325 & New~lelant-2 bedroom Kids &petaok. $445 Agt, sauna. Jae. 1550 mo. Ed&ew•ter Clllr1l·2966 mo. ytly. W«klng girl:s Rlvenide County al a carry paper. Mngmt t 1••111 2100 2 BR SH&. 642-2:110, $5.';0,or2bedroom +den nofee.OS.-2584;973·2971. m.-io·~ pn>f 31l Alvarado Pl. main frNWay offramp. ~II~ Atmt. Gary D ••••••••••••••••••••••• W4e J,575. Cedar " window • 1 bdr"J..!!..C •lrMt parking, 631-0234or675-3900. Some lllnt commercial Ull9"" -... ~ & ftl'l>LD home. Fhe blocks lo Oraneetree !Br Condo. IEACH UVING yrtys.ui poteoUal. Rapidly de 9'1M318or538-1A98 ~ -ADULT CONDO near So. beach. Private 2·car AIC. tMnll, pool, sauna. Mew2&3UH-a 673-40TO~ C:..Oct.fM. lt22 vdopiQ& area• 2 mtlea Prtndpalsonb' t.lelcUa.rtn10¥etlct. Cat.. Ptia. loll bdrm.. 1ara1e. Fully main· SJlS/mo. Ph54&-018S W/dleft. L.R .• fam rm. C...dltM9r 3722 ... •••••••••••••••••••• d r-•v "-•aae I ... 4 .._ llRll'· O'li/«W $0,000 It l&e. moat ullt.1 pd. by owner. t.llDed yard Adult.a No , ... .....-.11. u..-_,__ QUI.et 1mmac. 2 Br up-r, vea.or.~ I.I. Aalllog only UU,500. for T.D. or Rt&I Eaale. •wlvy, pool, J•<'.. ~~~.lBth ~-br1 2 be new IWlur')' dtt lat'°90fler . Bolh <keanfront winter rent.I. " , __ ...., .. _,.,..,.. D· .-.... aml.olgoldcotna.Trade ccal&el.W/atream, . ' ~,,..,,,,, din. dttk, pat, frptc'a, ..... ••••••••••••••••••beam ct1lin"11, llv°7m 11.,;:-~l/522-20IO Muat.ellfaet.PriJlc.oo· Call Dane 7U.1t'20 Or II more. ms mo. WWDDOUNlnTurtJerock. pro(a1tooatly decorat· 3br.2 ba,hugeaundt>ck. ~-'l~tsrid':!Jea~·~~fs ~Scot1Be<yJ3S.7m ~-mt 56'7·1831 4Br.~ba.nuS"S teOmo.11155-21.54. ed. MOO & $100. Call right on aand o n pleae. Yrly 14~ mo. ··-'I::' Golden Weal Eelalea. Marlene at Gl·3"4 or Newport·• best beach Adult.at .-. 6tO 7610 IJOO BY OWNE_R: 2 boun• a..I= Weattlde 3 br. t ba. Gourmet kitchen. ram Ualw. Partt Ternce % Br 2 &M..-. P\41y lllrnl.hed & read)' 00 ...,... · +Mcb.W>tl.C.M.Orot• 'W 2'00 Refurbished! ReaUy rmw/wetbar rordin'1 Ba.l>OOl.jac .. garageop. -----••••I to f>e enjoyed. Days orS4l·3l22 ••••••••••••••••••••••• real• flOOO. •100 ,00 ••-••••••••••••••••••• lharp! M50. Avall. Z/9. kat aar. sri51mo Incl nr.W 551·1882eves Two·uory 38R with n.z.7410: eves&38·2l89 2 Br. ffl>lc cfl>ll, 11love. 7 UNITS BEST AREA P1tm. ~ dn. OWC bal. Private perty want. to 613-~7. pnt, C.11-....Z YOU W ... ..-10 fa.bu.loua vtEW. 3 decks. ,..........._ ~-l7Z• bak'OOY view Adults. no Ideal love1tment Ill lO't\ only. AU due buyoiderlncomeproper. ---------awo1• S700J _.._._ i>et3 S.00.32211ehotropc F:a3tslde Co1ta Men. yr1 . Call Collect 1.1 recar<Ueu of coadi· Brand new 011er1lled ~ve taome. 2 males GfYllTATIY7 mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ave Open l·• pm . Ooo'l won')' about hiJb <213>841-ltO. Prlaclpala tbL W ·l182 eu:;o()l.A Home tn new t.o beach. J br, 2 ba, fam New t.o Irvine! ~tdNS OCEANFRONT 38R. SUS CASlTAS 67~ Interest rate1. Owner Only. Oo1ta MellD 11ub-dlvialon. rm. ftop&c, dlhwhr. Prof. to rem? Try tht. .. •ors 2_11tory home. Furn or ~ & 1mall 1 bdrm . .ulftnance.51earaold. ~ TRJPL.,.,,. .. 2 BR a--.... 3 bdrm. 2 ba. Uv. rm. landaceped . Jnrl bdrma,2'k)()6qft,2~b1, ,._, ._._ end. ••r $245 & up PrlndJM)a only ple•ae. '-Uln ... ~ .,. • -ram. rm. frplc. 2 c:ar = ......... · Muy .ixtrH. new ""'"· d"'-w/cen· w .. um ..,.,.,/mo Avail . .. . Brw:fitrlnv.~ ertnc ODl)'. $185,000 ........................ ~rage ...... ., ..-r mo ,..., N -~.. ,.,.. ~orahortterm Adults. no peb 2110 a&bJ '° lO/al u h g t4-i1 ...... ..,..., ,.. va. o peta .• ,oo tral air · owner wtll pay Wa·--t llom--Newport Bl. ~'4968 2 RR. 2 ba., deluxe! 2car &ar. $.SOO Mo. Aatnl 975-»30 r ' aPr.,.rtly 1400 C 1 ·,1 8 7 ,. cl :n1 e ............. ;:;.:...... rn.tc~l AIJ., No tee. "4·2*. water & landscapln1 \CJ'""'' .. . " fD<21'7l. malnt.enance OnJw $650/ 6ll·l•OO SZ:SO. I Br mobile hom~. Upper 2BR. 2ba, 1undk, ....................... wm/wknds. .....,. ' rd1 3107 JIOl.M.21ATH Mo.~77 ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I M•t~ edit. only. No O>Jc. beam cell, delux. c.w.d, beautilul ocean ••••••••••••••••••••••• tlrepla~.doubM1ar•1o. *2 Br. l&e yard, Stove. Ch 1 Oc r pet.a. Quiet. tecure. 1'91 1495. 213/5H·880S, ~men:lal build: ...._...._ P.tc SborUerm le.ue, Ftb. lit .,.UC,. f~ yard. Many t.m. AJJ uUJ paid. No arm na uo ront Nwpt Blvd. ""313. 714/87J..819'7 ~ lolaklnd-W ' Adjacent lo waterfront loJUDea.t.Lovely3br,2 extra. £verylbln1 JUlt peU.m#7 •. -~ ~~~:~·~I rm. llllrd11'4••Kh lJ .. 0 -~-d-l_x_2_b_r_, 2-ba-.-P-l_IU_h ~-== v~~bl:! wtth boet docka. In the ba bome. Frplc, pvt tib new. SS2$ mo. le .. e. a&R, l'l68a. bll fncd Real Elt..14! ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cfl>l, ct.rpe, patio, fpl<' ~~w•vet-f)UDb"" t.rtalNewport Beacb. peiUo.m.T11t;54t-Sl1l Apnl.~7729 yard'-'· l1512Thamea a..._a. Udollle 3BR 21,A,ba 220 8llnl dlhwwr Adul t.a no ...-,.ut>~lole~ ~'<:JoJo0 •Utment........ 1144 2bdr.lba fam.nn,&llbu u .i475.'Ma.l2Sloraftr. ~!.!!.:.:=.= ..... ~~~~ Via sltiac'•· u'oo . WHldv Rates ..-,.t.>.mo:645-1'17itor moc.116cent.eroltown. a;;·wm-1~ -•••••••• .... •••••• blt-lm. #fl>k, S3f5/mo. QOQOl-.mixssz,u:i. 1 Br unjqiae q.-et ~ ac:. M.S-OUl.IMl<a.3'3 ~~&iiUIStudte>11& fM8.t'1l40"'40-833S. ::.,~~41~~~ JMSo.CoutH~. Woodbriclplbr, l~baw/ latmd.ryrm '31·2917. Plu1b 2 br. 1i,., ba Ftplc. klda/pets ok. HouleformatinNewport Jom~::U~ t&1.So.~hwy,all blt·lns Bkr LAGUNA BEACH wa1ber1 dryer. Ope n Clean 2 br w/19rajle townbouae. 11 yra or fbCb. "50. 4119-2286 Beadl. ~ br. 2 b• .• lrl Be~ PaUo/Pool w/CJL\hw8'hC'r A ~frla . . · 494-llft tll-1570 patio. •SOO. 559·1589, Adlllta, 00 peta. 773 w: '*ler. Cpta, drp1, dla· .. Br 2 ,__ 2 f cd fam. rm. Oardeoer lncld. Meld Service . TV wood ccllin«•· eartbtone c I rcW -.2121. Ulll*-.-·.--·""""17. hnlber PvlpaUo ~ .. • .... c:ar gar, 0 $700.Calle44·797. au1•-·AAl'e•n r.arpeUn~ etc. C•rJtRC ,...._,.,, ""'" -.. • • • Y<I. ocean vu. Avail. Feb. ... """"""' 1~ .. -....... ._ .. .,tr 1600 \.agil9ele.. 3141 -... Jae. ••una. elk i.$1ZS.4'7·1051 Udolsle. charmlnJ 3 BR. R~al Sul..._• w w'll\r,Or)'eripac•-••••••••••••••••••••••• *OW C * .... ._•••••••••••••••• 9U'C1CMOVllM tobda.C.Uta-saal. den. 1.,. opeJter. fam. nr mo -...eevea. NSWSHOPPIHO a..amua1 a BR, ~cean Brand new 2 bf. l~ ba SGl. lmmac , br 1~ ba lmmac. charmln1 houae aml P9f. Of(. lahJal rent orttown at we ti.ave CdM a. s 4t 4 Cl:NTER .._..,._ 'ftft,l\j,blb\ooca.Avl ,_.. •• £e1t.ttde. Rea ~etcul-dNec:itreet..; forrmt.Walk&oVlctona oqotial>W &a retum for BtacbBJvd bdrm. rental.a from S50C> NNei11tw ... po1..otrt•ldlArea. I>apm..o:.t.RaiUe tan .r .... U.U pd. N86. ~lOOeqft.of itJnt loc ChUdren a Ptta bdl. Peooremlc Onan touc hup palntln1. IU:0418 # t.o$12$.C.1ltotee. "™• llll ...... P'lnt .. .500 ..-.a h&m'Y Only'* ok.llUjfi. JerClrcle. vie•. l bdrm. tludy, m.im. . 14WOOO A.4fent 67~-a30 ,_,.. remt 1uera1Med. mo. fleft l ••by 25t8 ,.._._, JVd,SfOOmo. *'IZlfJor Nme...,.tl'afOec.'OUDt. ~~ ... --NI ... ,._.. 316t Oran«e Avt. Theo e&ll ~ ty l»tm t'l'H310 · S!'.AVU.:W, • 8r a Ba. l& ,_.._. l741 c.e...... •24 ~Ii,,_,....,..... ~•inu ... ;, ... _ ........... ,_--. ________ •Blt, lb• Esec. l>P• Qu6et, ••eluded 2 bd ~·~~·n11. ::7.::': ....................... , .............. . ..-.. ,000, -2 Br 1 ba rcfr1J fDed home. Xlot *• doae to ..,.,. wl be. lhdll-ina: pool, LAGUNA BEACH MTft f.AMAMCHAAn'S -. .... c.. fPla·aa.lc •WIMT'm• 11rd, cloHd ··~· ldllll.8-or1M.Show11 frpk., ,., ... clecll1, Charmin« l bdr .. opa INN.tTSlwllllup. Maki Lar1e ·1,t•~ bedroom Hl·MtOw 8piaailb.2blbtoocean ••. • ............. Nf5, dlildhaok,aoMt..&. . by ._ on.IJ, "°°· Aft mouatelo nd ocean bmd. dQI .. rtpk, cn.yf,f. lien .. COklf' TV. belted garden apt1. Adults. 64M711 -18ROt....net ··•· '800 ~.mJolnn'· ". 1pm•sm YMwa. '571 lit ft 1a1t, '350/lfo. Yr11 n\I. ~· uw. <TIA) •9H294. Dlhwhr, btw tMI. 1ar • ....,..._,._ 2BA~ ...... .., 38r,newcondo, amUeto plut •tso Ht!. d•lt· ~ 11 ~.CoMtHwy. au bbq, POOi. OH Pd . .. a.mente. Ideal Mom OtJ~ All SuCCfflful Oceanficn( • • . • ... $t'7) TownhouM. 2 Br. 'b b T I .. "7.. I_...... 37 IO 771~ Pl 6'2 5073 • Pw>W.ldtnt . 100-Pt Da-l t.a:•• Prod• ... •n * YIAaLY * frptc. patio, Jae., c · ota rec P•I· ' · 81111•, 1uper ..... .i view I a ....,... .. ,.... ' ' CJD l!I CamJoO. plutApt ,;; out ;.~hat'a bet'"'r 1 BllOuutroot .... = pool. 540-AlA lmlNd OCt\lp avall. °" 1 BrtwnhN, wocean vh•w, .8R.,2~ba. S7~o. -•••••••••••••••••••• MESA VERDE bome at A..___~,._ -n... .. -# • yr .... (N)ttf.Sl4l. ~·· '•"u·••· .... so ._eotMMW l bdr, be •• 1ar. loves~ m01pher• 2ltJ br dlx -·-· then "" ...... roo. ·• .... • · Va"a"'t A Br t..... Be , • ' " • ~., "6 ..... ....._ ill apt n 1 mAHENllY 1-.t.. ,,,,._ Oceanfront t1000 "' •• .,.. v~anL ao.. to beach 2L1·••rn --v • · r. 0 aptA. nopc!U.5fl.l034 R£AL1'0R8 ~ .... ,;----Spit IDL*Jaie······ $11100 ~OKY~ CUl·de·H C, • • DoverShorl.. Eiec. vtr• crt. muat be over sz. I 2llDeJllU" -~1 -1or&>etaU1 ...... ,,,_ ·-·•0175 · beaut. dee. a.ea 2ba, ~HI• JZIO Hornet. PoO'· btauUfl&I T10-040. 2 Bdrm apla, unfura • ._... • 1 .......... • frplc, ..,., '*· $51-tCZa .................. ..... luldtM: .. ' tw .• 3~ ba, a ... 1 ....._... ,.769 fUl\1'1 rom~. oo 11e&e. •-...-_., a. de•.. ~ -pu Mar1Mt'1 Cove Co.do. ..,_ ..._ n... •· f frpb DR LR Pam r "4W -• IZllL\ m :r. J COiie --""'" ... _ • • ll!!:iii::!!!l ----.... 2~0} end u.nll Tead'A •--•~rent. "'"'"4-·1-· .. •m rm. = ~i.~"t · " .. * .. -·-•••••••·••••••• A ·--a ' ce •PH•, New b&dldl•I ,,~ J;:,. .. , .......... AU .:.A" com .. '· Ultat'lll ~ 11r atNI •hot»·• fwy. • '"' ... r "' ve -·· -~"'" ... ...,.,. ----~ . _, me.' owna---. • .. I ~u BllAClt J'RONT ' ' A/C, SlDt to e. JD . ~ r pl'"•· Patio. llUI• --· or•?mefUPM 1ar· , .... SlSfO/mo ..... Nllla1. a lrlle. ttl•IHl•r. Global • 117 "111•· ... ..,,7 .. ,... ..tlal ~ 'fUl to U ·•Tl•. No •&Hl a I cs ........ -mo Have..,..... to MU? &•1111 ~PM '•· Olllrl'Uiilaw.tnldl. W•Adl OlllMl ,.__ _... -a..u\tdldadOtlftlL I • ' r • . . . . . .. •• 4 . . .. . . .. •rt.lll•U.... Afialwalt~ ., ....... ....,... Afialw ... u.tw.. .. = .............. :r:.. • ;., ... d ltOO .; 43IO Frid!y. January 12, 1979 OAll. Y PILOT 8 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ ....... ~.~~ ~~ ....... ?!!.~ ~! .. ! .. ~!!~.~~! !.!P .... ~ ...... ~.~! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... •• ....., 4450 Lolt&"-d noo : _ __:_ nso l40SQ)t111• only Inquire at ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• W........ aut brand n., adul\ IAJlP,beachU•3BR. FOR I.EASE 2bdrm 12 TIIF. £XCITIN0 m J &7th . Pl Otr Santa PALMMISAA"S AllaAvo. af\. llam FASHION SUOPPI NG l..Uit. Vic 17th S\/Tutlln, CM. blk t'em TO)' Poo MICHELI.I'S •o.tcll• •auurul brand new apt.a pac. 1 • 2 br fi"p&c. ctilhw1hl'. Prtlt a.. • Adulll ~ y..-c> d adWt apta.. No pets Pool. " " 0 ... n h.. I t )' I • • i-Um Ldll!n Wot"ld Top of tht MlN1!1'!:S TON l'T BCll Off1cit ._... 4400 VlLLAta; die. un11 to Sabr1n11 Rrward Call &42·311$ 11tt. 6PM .).cuul ODeGdal~ ScltiedWed mOYeo 1n P~b -11111 Muntlecllu Vlll•I• ••••••••••••••••••••••• UAM·2AM W ·37411 9S,'\W.19U\St l ~ ......... V!'ll OuLttandl111 l80 dc~Nc Ba~ tzs.5-~ l 'llr Ba U30 o.o WCiVG Panora ml<' Northllrl)' 1 Br$290·• aRr' 1111;, IJM S.UO ~ IA.I bdrm I aury "••• Owner c 714 l Rach. ttiOR from 125.S • up Adull.I No 11t1l11 1511 M 11 Or SZ3 SQ, ft. otrlco space to 11ub·leaH in La11un• Hllll. La Paz Rd. ju1t ~ ol the San Dieao l''reeway. $308 mon th Avail. MW &»6030 ONTll~WATER 7001q. rt ~tall Udo M.-i110 tround Retnev('r ? pup VI.... py, nr San Juan School LIMDA & VICICI o.tc•M•.-. For.,....,_ of ttl 1 BrUS.-USO 'nil. Mtmt Ma l&uJ 9duJt •IJU IA 14 plan• MO-IJ.Jf T6t.Mrmt "'llt2 rtom Qb • 00011, l n ll6t C~ 1Wl1 l"..ast of Newport (tlvdl 9um·5pm S48 9tWJO ~ 675 8862 OlJI 49S 568S Serv1nlC all Oraoac Co SM-73l3 -3 bdmi Town~• Apt nl1, ••terl1tr1. pond•' Mlwperi •ecll San C ll'me nt c . 4000 Lotll f,•male nuseu Square Ft on Del Mor V I c N e w I o n d 4' ._ 4000 FOtfR S ONS A PTS Adula 1 \' b.a ~ Pf!r F'tom (Mto f't• ~ ••••• ••••• • • • • • • • • • • '" !ipK. l tw t • 111 mo O ptJd 1U 1011 $ht1 Honh on l\eath Jo P Ala MIWPOIT ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ba. pyt patio, po•I. tilrYaddrft then Wnt CWI Both•lore , 1 or 2 Deluu medical 1ultet. Parklna. loading dock. Garheld. Hunt Bch. ~ nr .. Corona dcl i<k'nl down town Rcuul Reward 675-6881 Mar Realonomlc• Corp location "SF.I.I" ESTEEM : The Key To l''eellna Rottlly Good!". Fr .. ..: aemlna.r Wed , Jan l 7. 8 PM . Newport. Marriott Hotel Barklldale ~If F.-t.t·~m t>rogam.'\. Rescrvattont. 497-4801 • AlllllMtMdof' ..... LoYety 11nk'na· Brooks l\dulU IJOO '1a$ Joalltl ' 2 I Br. 1'\ ba Mrr.clden tu 8uwlnd o.d.roomJ6Townhou•e1 sa....., 11 r Jd C'f"P( drpa VWap t'71•1tm s111 ll'rom'349.ao 6'75·8700 Bt-;RTHA HENRY Foond : Shepherd/husky, Rf;ALTORS med s ize mul~·do.c. Cul·d•·Sa~. 11t'll1oo l --~ !>pectu•ular •P•· lot•I llAMOMIW mmt ~,lowly. •P•r rtrrutlon pro1ram. wtr rail •Kitchen fl!ICil ilVlll •JacuuJ, hua~ POOl •WklYordaJly m111darv •TV 4i phone 1vallable 21$Del Mer 492-41 21 642-9187 Vic Ogl<> Park. MIWPOaT CINTll lO,OOOtqft. i lr. J ba, all ei.rtrk l.vD 1 Bdrm l Qu;tl la llQme.ll~e 2 br wllb aotlaJ proaram t ~lt. 8 ~e...ct f:.'"~~~ .. ~~5 bulldt4' •1th bHutlful =;J~l~,ntr!~fh !ui =~'!'~~! ~~~ S»Bllnrl4J.l1M landauptnC ldul for ~ wlmmin1 pool J°'?uln 111111 Ko d lod\al:&a O\~f ~ No Pf'U JM-uni Terutll l'OUl'll I 1 ) I too MBA PeMlS u :EWARD AM'S. :0• bU1 &.o Huntln&ton 1bop ~44• I UR DU Pool. !•NUI, f'llJl'f\Oft A~~ Ublk f'a t IJlna ttftlH mall Adutu O.rhelor un1l ,.,. blork au 11vall. Adult.a. no Nt'~port Avrr .tt l blk No ~ti Frorn SOS from t>t-eh ,\II uUI pd peu. ~ llarl1 Av•" •ouuull Ray> &.il G.19'7 Scal"ind Vlllaae. 1$M No ildl. no ptilll 201 t.: 59-IUl I bdt l ba, all bit Ina Hl.lnllnaton Vllliaa.-1..anr. Balboa Blvd $2~ per t::m 2 br "' ba t•oh.ae laundry rm I rp Ir , H 8 ('714>111111 Ml rno + ~unly dcp C11V Gar,(l>lc,pauo.11<>WllK' m> fn(l 83121.n --V•Pectfk• &Ml~T707 - ~ 642 ~ N4-v MW townt\ileo, 2 br Mew 0.-IWl 4 UR. 2 ba., l(ar. no •!!!\ I IL'f bl aar. rntd pal ..... Ou. pi.'la. llt'PI to bch. S575 Hr•ut 2 BR. 2 ba. Mf' a Siri6 mo 6-4.) PM ., J\bOf I BR I BR ' 2 )Tiy lit' 644 1103 OrlvL•, nr SA. Cntry v.~ 8.R. 2 BA &.'t'unty pro ~ 3 br. 2 bu. balcony. Club "'" fncd )'ard. 2 \IUI tncludc-it 1 bt Sl~tl vided bylvt key cord tin entl 1111rage All bltns. Aslew•HlWk 2271 Harbor Cceta Men MS-4840 Room w/lutchennett.e $00week&up S41·97~ Rooms for rt>nl 2 bdrs lotc:hen prrv .. betw. Buy &ocean 673·12G6. f'urn room & bath. t:,l11de.C M.$160 refnK ~2-4201 Luxurious paneled of· t-...a.-~ .. a-&-1 4500 fled w1apec1•l extra1.1 _.. _.. Co nfe>renre ••••••••••••••••••••••• rm I b a th room • NOW Lt:ASI NCi Offir<' 11hower/ldtch~n Contuct W~-hot.&se. Xlnt loc. ~n 2 Loll at Dahl. mauor frwys ln Anuhe1m . CORfORATt; REALTY 9.3a7sq rt 714·761-0601 t1S.OIH t2S·SOO sq . ft . offices. •MISSION VIEJO• From $ti5. Incl. ulil. 779 Prime location swlable w l9thSt. 54().2200. fOt' comm'I oc lnd'I Wit' lB to 2050 s q ft Al C of AIRPORT OFFICES fice, 100 amp power. Cull l to 3 room suites. all (7 14 >522 4254 day"; serviceti. No lease req'd (714 )675·35:$4 evei; From 1150. mo lmml.'CS •.-&..A.. w--'-.,,,j occupanl'y. 2082 S . t;, _._ ............. 4600 rlU'llQrt w 1»t0t11a<', ~~ P1uo AduJta qwr t 182ll t r Y I t n le I t <' h blk w lwoch Yrly mo 87Ut39 , 131 uue ..• w Pl•C'l'fltii1. hri. 12 4 w llununous cl,p Plu11b 'IBL Msmt 642 l603 ~le ~l1.<ep1ng room M ul~ c~t. lie pvt patio ur --adult onl)' P\I En Bristol. Suite 200. N B •••••••••••••••• ••• • • • • (7141557 7010 ltespon111blt•. work 1nl( w r 1 l c• r ' 1· t· k ' o n ,. .-W UHD AnS DUPLIX b a 1 cu n I e 11 w I x t r 11 IACHILOR UMITS trance pvt bath S35 week I Wrm & k>t\ '320 Pool PILllSh bludiv. n~v.ly n• storaj(l' Pool. i.pii . hght SlZS +depoait. 1!73-:17lftl No.Co6taMesa.700sq fl bedroom t0Lta1o:1· 1n s;J001mo. Ground floor Cotoou del Mar or <:oi.tJ JIK"uzn, etOM'd auaait•i. ed tt'nnt• court, lndry L ._...._ Gas & wtr pd Adult.II, no d ~ r 0 r 11 l t' d · ,.. r facU L1m1h•d prcvit1'4 201 -a. HI. townhOUM' "lyhnf(, 2 llr "'-.. ,llO ,.._.. ·-~ 5$~ 7.,07 ~ :tl3 ll»mllton. l'. M +-20ltlO drn. 2 Bu full f\'fllJ&.l.8 r rom ... per '--_... •· ( ~ll. mo Modeh1 o~n du1ly ----tih-d & wttllpapl·rl' . lOAM to dusk 215 AJJAdu1tBnopet.s,2bdrm Beaut. grounds. 01ctt & <'arpe\.8, dr.pt's, bit '""· w 1ch1 ta A v c c at 2 ba from $330, Jae. pool. q1&et Adults, no pets. 3 •IL garaiic w lwa11ber & Vork'town) Ste 409M. clubhouse. Shown by n b 1 P 1 dryt'r hookup. auto door a""'• onl" 549 396S ,.... unga1ow . ., oo , ~r.gnv. ,.000, com · 714~ ...,..... J · • • Jacuzzi " bbq atta · Also " 2 br townbou.le. lnq. 177 gar enana i.erv1ce Near twacb 2 br 2 ba up· EASrBLUFF. Beaut. apl. E 22ndS 10 64S·2498 151 Tuhp Ln, corner per. en<'I.' gar'age. No beaut. bay view! 2 br, 2 ' t., • · · Tulip/Elden. $4~ mo. No water beds! Adults only. ba. Frplc. lluge patio. S"'8 MICIE pets. 548,g754 N 0 p l' t s . 2 1.: 7 o 2 Pool. Mature udults. no •Lot·ked~ar w/lgi;tor ----Brookhuri.l. S32S ~ S535. 721 Amigo!\ •OIWi>&Uo,lndryrm ~kj!e ~0bd~~/ :;,5K::.~ 962077!i ay Shown by appt •SJ>l'('ial i:abinct spaL'l' mo. !!40-4724 2 bdr b r -, -640-<XW9 •G"• h<>ut g• ~ Ct"•k1nu • " I · a .. rp c · .:nr • - -I .... "0 • lfo .., .... --111dry rm $350 000·:'>376Stepilobearh abr,lrp l'. llll.S hot walt'r all fr,.,. u g bach, bHns. pvt patio, or6i5 0070.J,::t bar 1(1tchen. S37~ Yrly •/\dulll>. no ~l~ etc No childrt'n or pt'li. --&'2 349.1 I hdrm. ~KO ~ 1110 V1cton,1, l'Ull $410 Spuc1oub ne\I, i br, • ~onth tu month 64f~3197 21 • b1t townhomc apls !';astblufr I Hr. pool. ;'.323 El<len Ave. C M wiluxury fealures. Smull ~~.W,11176·7no pcl.tl $320. mo &i2·1605 Lge I br. gur, lndry. pt'lok ......-. refng, ~ny rlMets. 4 Newlydecorat.003br,2ba pin nice street. nr Gemuu~ealty 839·ti6t3 2 Bedroom. ;avail 1m townhouse Spacious. NewPort Blvd. & 18th lnl. Deluxe beach upts. frplc, medlulely . No pets . fi.replaci! & pool. Quiet pd on dep. Non smkrs 1 l ' 0 Newport H c I g ht s . area Adults. no pets No do"s. $265. Rers enc I(~ pa 1 s 646-37~ $400. 645 llJI , 675-~9 642-2142 PegfO', ----------------2"'8r. 1 ba. kids welcome. Parle Newport 11ub lease 2 2 tdrm. 11 • ba. patio, sml 2 lir, new crpt & drJ>ti near 5 Points. $28.5. Sc bdr., 2 bu .. 1444/ MO ML dogolt. no children ~ New tile bathroom . manager ut 7671 Com 6PMM0-2610 ~~o . 645 !JI!/ o r kitchen. Liw back yd modore. 113. Sorry. n Pro.ID-ntory--,-o-ln-t Children, peUI ok. Cur pets. Oloice2BR. 2ba wl frpll', •"'-~t~ute atJult 2 Br. den. $32:1 1997 /\ C harle: ""' .. 642-2464 2 BR, P 1 Ba . qwt'l. \ll'W ('alh Cl.'1ltng11. wull•r 2 11.:Huntlo. puol. dhl l(ur, _ o( golf roun.t• ,\tllti. onl> view He(s n •q S81l0 'mo 5'!2:5 !>.'1Et·6.'IKll , M5 61:12:! East. .. 1dt• 2 hr, hltni.. no 21J·!°Jt~·5'312t'\14 or ~I :wo m n furn ,..,...ls SJOO. m•1 b1S.~ N1:wl! Br. k11t11ok , garu~t'. -.d. 14o.ts h cir~ hookuµ $400 mo :!521 Or11n~t· "" S PACIOUS 55:!·4201 ~Ull-:T AO LT LIVIN<: Ii ea u I i! Ii r d PI i\ve :,.\2 12W 1 br i dt'n. SLovt·. rdni< . ,,. lndry., pool Wtr pd 2 Br. I ba. trpll., tlrV-'. no adlli.. no pcls $270. dOl(S' $2!15 CJrpo rl 549 lZIO 1(79'0136 ------- -·------2 bdrm I ba pa ho. newly l~t' 2 Br apt, 1t11rage in 15 decor11ted, WI 0 hook up unil complex Adults. no SJ35$44-5939648-S976 pdS. S290 mo Isl. last. Ea~1de 2 bd;:-lb a , depoelt. G7Hl2S eves. -duplex Patio, gar., Jlrd Stunning lrg 2 BR, 2 ba wd. firs., stove/ rcfng. gat'dt>n apt. pool. $2115 WI D hk up $335 mo 710W. l8thSL. 548-2525 -------- JBR,211,bo.,nl'wduplex , NEED 3 br apl CM/Npl garuite. polio, 1)/W ; Hts urea for respon ctuJdren & pets O.K. $475 employed mother w/2 Mo 2168 Miner. 557.4579 lL'en.'l $32.5-$350, unfurn ---------PhMS-7857 eves. 2BR2Ba,JJ!l6sq ft. Fplc, ---------1 encl gar, OW. GIO. New 2 Br. 2 ba. like new cpt.i.. $375 Mt.>Sa Verde twnhsc. &side $375. mo 957·Ci68: 754·6216 lst, 188l + $100. 548~ ---1 llr $265 C&D. rl'frig. Adults. no Jlel'> 724 C J atrl{!S. 673 7787 wealiBJIU New beautiful ·l(arden apartments. pool & s pu. ~~sts1de 2 br & den split 2 Br $340 level. frplc. 1>k}'llght, all Adults, no pets l'Xtrus. $420 mo N o 1311': 18thStreet ctuldren or l!t!LS Days 646-6816 &~4262 ; eves 645·9543 ------- J <>I( Lo bl' a~· h . w m11gnif1ccnl \1ew. 611 IJ()Oll <"Ovt.'red park in.:. 1..ado ~ark _!.>r 673·~2- l&2 Hr apts Closl• l Yearly. New 2Br with shopptng & fwys Rent dlw. wshrldryr. avail f~RNIANAPTS ~/m!,~:.,~~th SL. 19822 Brookhurst . nr. ----- Adams, Huntington Och 2BR. lbn. i.1nl(le gar 968-TI76 Part furn . $37:1 /mo Wate rfront homea.. Spacious 4 bdr m Neur 631-1400 Beach. With room add1 ------- tion. $600 mo. 536 2990. WATEllFAOMT Sh bed I Speciou.1 2 br. den. 2 ba arp 2 • c ose l apt w/11pectaculur view beach. bltns, wt~aruAc Lwcuriou.s appoinlmenlls. $325.536-7330 sandy bear h. beaul. ADULT·QUIET aardens. overlooki. Balboa Island Boat !!hp 2BR. 1"' ba. blllns, new avail. Adults. no pets cpt.s/dJ'1lfl. Incl gar. Pvt patio. Nr bc h. park, _c_71_4>_87_J._84_1_4_. ___ _ shops. bus. $345/m o. LI DO BAY!"RONT Istllst 960-1279 Superb view. s andy 2 br apt. yard . garage. ~~le. 2RR . $65() kids. pets O.K. Close l sc h ool s, ni c neighborhood. $300. pe month. 847-1190. Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. frpl<'. bll·tnS. nu plush c pl!!, l Br. back unit, of Cape Cod style bldg m <:an nery Vill. Bit-ms. drapes. carpet. $325 mo. Avail 211/711. 673-6522 9 5 4(e 4 br. d111 rm. l! ba h:.<· nr OCC & i.hops Sl25 mo Mcs11al(etl 646· 19011 ----New furnished house in lJ'\ i..ne. M or t'. 18·27 yrs Own rm. JllC, pool. patio. BBQ. l200/mo. SSl-6294 f'lm room for rent in pvt Irv home. Call tbton. 833-9914 Rm, pvt bath. mature e mpld lad>. htr pr1 \. rers. Sl50 + L.11( Heh &Gt-7346 VocaHCMI Refttol• 4250 ·•············•········ Palm Spnntts luxun con do, Qinyon Country Cluh 11rea. 2 Ur 2 Ba. wknd11 or widy 493·7:18'7, ~ 1008 House for rent, Big Bear City slJlli 6. linens furn S2S rut.ely pr <'Pl $4 l'll add pen.on 548· 1989 ...... toShaN 4300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cvtdow11 U•llMJ &pusu! Sharl! a homt• or u vtm\•ill L~1 CPm..s UNuw~w lll.t' .. .-<. ~""""" c~"l"t'"'" ,,, ,~ ... ~ b .'"41''""' K32·4l34Sint't' 1!171 ROOMMATES Share-N·Save En.Joy more. Pay lesr» All Ages & Llfeslyles We Check References Tom. 540-2200 Mesa Quldnesi. t•sM!n PICllCI IEncwttn l.ial. Wntt: Cla1>s1hed Ad •206. Oa1ly Pilot, P 0 S..it•t Box 1500 .. Coi.la Mei.a Privute suite with rec(.'p· 92626or call 675·3K62 t1on & se<'r et aria I ----- service. conference Ladyneedspnv rmatS2S room. aJI facillt1e1>. 2082 wk w lsomc kitche n M lch e Is o n . Irv 1 n e . privllei;1es. 74 1-0179 tn 752-IY.!34 Lagwia l:Jc_h_a_rc_'a __ _ HEWPORT/IRVIME S&ngJe Female needi. 18r Execuhve office with NB or CM art'iJ bt>f 2 I reception phont ans Has call; Und1·r !250 conf rm & more S325 OESPt:RAT!o .. 54H tl393 955.3575 ht>f :ll'M nr f• 14 JliH2 Lmda EXECUTIVE T S 41 yr old mun 14 I ~ yr nld SUl E hoy to -.hr nn1 C'M Jfl'J Luxunow. pn' ate offit·l'~ 642-9840 wtth personal lt:lcphonl· -- & executive secrl'tary. Confrrence Room Xerox-Tc lex Nr So. Coas t Plaza. ••••••••••••••••••••••• a!J'J)Ort & freeways ..-S1 BAKER CENTER OpportwNty 5005 979-2161 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WEU. ESTABLISHED TROPHY SHOP $18) Up. Ofriee-11tore. 480 fl. AIC, 17301 Bt:ach Bl. Jl.8 . l.E~E842 2834 Xlnl San Clemc nll' l0t·a MOVE your murin1• t1on N"'w inventory & onenled bw,mesi. NOW'' l'QUlpment $5.'>.000 ltist.om· Cannl'ry V1lh1)!1• AA IUCH RLTRS loc11t1on orr1•ri. <'On\ 492.2100 purkmit• :.hopi.•tl'lt< im~ , _________ _ ' v l' • r t· ,. l' µ L 1 o n 1 s l • s e r r t· l ,1 r ~ • photoropy•bookkt·1·µ1n1o:• accounting. Mannl' 1-:,. change Build inK 1&30 32nd St. NH li73-3ti01 FromS350 SO.OREGON twta1I & wholt<M•lt· pru duce & nutural loud l)u:.i ness Approx Sl.000.000 m sales 1978. $250.000 Term.-. Owner. r 0 l-lox 1658 . Gro.tnh Pa-.-.. Oregon !17526 Cal 546·4212 CdM dlx swte11. ulll pd AC. ump{ pkJC. tT $25-0 400'. No lie reqd. 67~ Gardcnmit roull' lor suh• t'emale LR 2 bdrm. 2 ba 4211 sq rt olc. S205 per mo Truck. moweN, t>ditcr condo Irvine. 634·8050 or He11t inc Id . 823 W 16th St. S48·259fi 95.'>-0789. Gail. NB 00·36216_. _____ Needed Busmesi. L'Xpand 3 bdr hse .• close to beach. EleaAnt olfices up to 760 mg. Atlanta rep, here for Sl.50 + '":! uU. Relluble -· Bl wlmd only Amb1t1oui. c·pl 848 95:16 sq. n. on NewPort . d t d I & prsn. · . C.M.~2lll: 646 6303. wantc o e vl' op A UNIQUE SERVICE Dl8.Jlagc 2nd incom<· buM 3 EXECUTIVE SUITES ness wtfull t1mc potL?n · l.el us help cut your rent in half We carefully screen for your lifestyle Our fees are less. Ref's checked SHARE RENTALS ASSOCJ ATION t<»e N. Twit in Bl. Or Ste J 639.9()()(); 539.9003 Newport Beach. Con Ual. Appt only 839-9077 fc r t•nc e r oo m . Secretary/Xerox/ Phone OCKT/\JLS. dinne r answenng avail. t;all house. LaJCuna Bcac·h Pet.er Wendell 75l·4530 Se11t1> I :JO. Property for info. uva1lablc• Term1>. Agl 751-1400 5ro-12XX> sq. ft. Hwy v IS· 'billt crpt d""' & BURGERS & HF,i.;R. ye ur 1 y, new · .,...,. round o n th(.' b1·11t•h paanl. underground Stoats 15 + windo w parlung in No Laguna 54!H186 scrvlCl' Hil(h nl'l. lt'rm~ 1\fa. 751 1400 Roommate. B.I . J Br 2 Ba. yrly rental. $1:i7 mo. lDC lllil. 673·8632 lfO> Sq. t't. Newport Bch. Office prime IOl' 75< ft Roomm1de to ~hr 3 Ur Call Burbara 955·2274 ----Morf9c!cJes, Trust Deedi 5035 ......................... Oelln 2 BR I Ila. lge pvt patio. refng incl Adil:.. no~ts,S325mo 979-4410 EASTSIDE 2 Bdrm 2 bath apt. 2 yua~ old. upper unil of dupl~x . S3G5 per mo. hou.'ie NB. 21·30 yrs al(c pref. S1S5 + ulll 631·3375 very clean. kids OK. n EastbluH area ga1 den pets $355. 17052 D type adult living. I br. I IA!luxc office swle Suh Low· EST Emerald Ln 898-1274 ..... ..-. mo. 2 br, 2 b.. l•a• .. 800 sq ft m a pro ""'~ u 2 roommatci. wanted '"""""'' · .. •Walklolhebcuch• $400. mo. Sorry. no peb Pe m. t o s hr Dover fess bldg. on Beach ~stflotts --------i Agent 548-7729 C .a-1 Sol 644-8726 Blvd. Recepllon area. 3 cno----·------Shores home. $165 mo. pnv offices. oibinct htT.D.'1, alto Beaullful Blllboa Bay Club studio 642-l.506 mom/eves. work & other extras. All 2"d T.D. Lo••· New Lrg Luxury 3126 Adult Apls apt on thP bay for sublet A Great Place to Lave' util. & jarutonul scrv 1n t'am)!lt Terms 11mcc 19411 O-Point 21G6l Brookhu.nll, HB t'abu1ous view. S650. mo Lido Isle Furn. N.U. cl Call : 898-0802 SottlerMtcJ. Co. C:ONf.tOTYPF.APtS ••••••••••••••••7•••••• 962·6653 Ca n furn1 11 h . Inti f Included Rc frig. in New rondo. 3 Hr 21 2 Ra . b 1 anytime G4~ 5000. cxL ~1~~·Yg~:~.,ha;j P~~5: MwptC.-.rOffiu' 64~2171 545-0611 d1v1dual wui;her·dr)<'r frplc. ocean vic•w. i.el·ur 3g':{" ~1~ p~·tisenS ~~ -~--------Call lmm1..>d for detaili. fe'::~P~';!~l'.fu:!ll l~~C:ev1~(' ~ .... ntt/ hookups. dbl garuges parlung, pool. jtl(' Adib, 76IJ.8764 . . S.CMlntnt• 3176 673-8819 fices with ocean view~ r~.& r.!L ... with aulo openers. nopcl.ll.S650.4fl!l 2113 .---------.. ••••••••••••••••••••• .._ ~ beamed loft ce1 hng1>. For leas<> Pt Nlguel con IEACHWOOD APTS EXCL US IV f, OC t:" N Ferrule wanted to ~hare J _7_14_1_64()._2.360 _____ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~11L1011 & balronies 2 do. 3 Br 2 ea. hl(hted ten l..i<e I br 1275. 2 br. 2 ba FRONT I & 2 bdrm br upt wl s ame. Own Newport Beach·47!i SI\ ft BDRM. 2YJ BATHS from nis IJOQI jul·uui s uunu $335. Adults 962-1800 apt's avail St•cunty balh S220· m o CdM avail. on s ublt•ust' in 5100 $425. 3 BDRM, two slnl(ll' S4is mo 24Ulhi. Put•o sy11tcm . elevator. di11h &i3-t'775 beaut. office comph•x ut tiomc type· detached Corona No s mokinl( nv 1 DLOCK TO OCEAN washer, dbl. O\•cns. Pen 2bd.r. 2 bu, fully fum1shl'd. MarArthur I J 1Jmbon·1· ••••••••••••••••••••••• PENNY PINCHER ADS from building wtlh lrg ~ Pil 831 2816 . 2 Br, 1•'4 bu. frplc. 2 car I.house w1Lh frplc & pn on Bal. Pen $165/mo. Occupancy Feb 1 Call µriv11te patios $550 · itar $300. mo. Adults on sundeck from S32S up FrankSandc752·8091 Adults only. no pets. $100 MOVE IN ly. No pets. Ask for 0 1rk 4jj8.:JD64 or!l95-ll23 67S-632Stevefi. 2479·Wll F,ldenAve /\l.LoWANtt_; only962·61M 9to5. ---------Female Roommate lo f\Jm. pnv. offices. new Managcr~2529 2 br 1 b11, pvt 1>undeck & • 3 Br 3 ~-t d 2 BR apt. 1275 mo CIO!'e to sh.are 2 bdrm apt in decor. wlsec scrv .. conf ~~~~~-~~~~garage. Lots of grass • o;1, crp · rapes. beach. Qieui Mesa $175. Cull rm. copier. monthl) -:.____ --$.175. mo. 335S2 Blue I.an· frplc, priv, pQtio. 3 blk 498·6324 97!Hlfl5 64&-7448 s:z. &.aut . new I br loft tern 496-9230 from beach S600 mon. ------------------ONLY S1 Sl)'lc apl, frplc, patio. all · d ays 536·6663, 536·870:1 2 bedrooms. oceun view. Mature femal<> room male Dlx Interior design studio, wit Ins. BToro 1132 eve. 840-~9 new rarpelll, drapes, Sun to :share first l'l1111s upt ICmd lvl. 1495 mo 285S E Sc:ll un)' item °' com bt.nuuon or 1kms ror S7:1 or It'&" with J f'l•nn y Plnchlor i\d. 3 lln1.11 for :t ('~l't'U\IVt' dll)'ll t:arh addJt1on11t hm• '' 60' !or lh(> ~ d11y'I C'llllrllt' II. TSLMgmt 6421603 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Clemente SJOO. PM Lake Foreflt area $187 .CStHwy.CdM. •··~··-' N $295-$325. 2BR. 1 bath. 41>'l H .aA h ... tbe2l 493t320 2 Bdr. l ba. new installa ~w·O~ new 9,Pt5 tJ~r balcony. Avail lmmcd. ---·'""'------~ euc ·mull · CDM OFACE W r rp •l & everything. 1" & 2 s. S I a I 0 d ep .__._ •-,.•to 8 to 5. 496-ts477 uft. ~. uona.oe c i. SllO S365 494.8611 ec+cen n ., .-..-.-Sharon Presuilou.s3desk s pacc dratS;,s. Small pets & 76S-fHSl · • 847-4461 ••••••••••••••••••••••• qw~t office suite w1lh ~~o{~ ~~1·n~ot'r:. ,._.._ .... _ -t-;1.,4 .,..... 3144 2 eADULR 2 ~~-oblllUllT01w F~'ro ~hu~~-~t~\~ ~/~~~~.~~n~!n~~~ "A" ..... u _.. ...... a ., & •••••••••••• • • ••••• •• • • • ..... bf t •· . loc ..... I h .... t'f I ..v·~· Rancho San Joaquin, 2 rx,-w cpl1Jdl"p8. 1':ncl aur. COM. Must lw rcspon111 ly al'-""' wt udu 1 u Norommcrr1al 11d~ bdrm condo w l vlew. fo~ air heat. wulk lo ble & ne11t 1175·112<1ti 11r !:~I~~ C~ans~~~~· ~w/extras. Peggy. S. Cst Pl~~:::'s5 mo. _8'7_5-_2:Wl.1_ ..'..--Would m ke itreat corp 1-'or mor•· 1nfortn.11 wn 11nd to plnrr your .ttl 1·1111 .....,_... Lad)'34w1Do1tshsrcyour offices. 56C) sq ft. Only ADULTLIVIM~ home I.Ag B. 11rc11 prl.'f S3115permo.875-2311 Agt 642-5678 2 BR, I Ba eotRto. OW. AC. Spa. Pool. gym1 tennl4, $375 +. No klos. pet11. ~. . Beaut.afully land1cxped aJ\ 5 6.17·37~---l>owntown Huntlnaton Bl'"'O, Tues. n1te11. 8·10 Spac. 1&2 Bdrm units. r -" '"" I Ool!e to shopa & frwys Fem.21().?bw11hr38r28a ~aeh. 210'-! Main St. Capistrano V1tlley I 1 Recrutlonal facilities ape Sl.25 + l-:a utll. C M One 2 rm ofrlc:c avail School. cash prizes. ~·Kt. 314' Rem.TromS2B5 S.2'788cves1wknds __ SUO ~ ..;.S»_U_87 _____ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• PAIKPl.AU I M/F Room mate wanted. F\JrnWKld ulllJUcs paid. Lolt&,_.. 5300 ~~ii"1tl CLIFF DRIVE Vlt;W :.oos. F1owcr558-7960 Prof m lddle aged. 3 Airpo11 Area. 22S sq. fl ... ••••••••••••••••••••• _ CX)Nl)O. No L•r.Wla. 2 bdrm. 3 ba Hunt Harb S200ptrmo 833-0821 l..ostor Found a pet? Call Br, l1~ Ba, frp. deck, ._ __ ,..,.,'\;1 Rady fo'eb l, $350 per Animal A ~11l11ta n <'L' _.. .. 'lllllll•...-.11111111; --Streams. waterfalls. a pine forest. Among Orange County's most spectacular adult apart· ment communitlea. 1 & 2 bdr.: 2 bath M~n r~ady. Off1cesopen Q to 8. . ~ 000 A(jsq /Wt Colli ...... M0-1300 ~lmo.yrly.873·~. 41_&,•dehed tOO mo.840-2221 SHARE ntw ort~t:e Lequc.537.m3.nofee -_., "'---$ I 9 5 I M o C o ~ l a ----I Br utJI inrl. $32:5. 2 br •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• Sbr condo. Northwood. Meaa1 Newport llre11 Lo8t: 2 ary lnJ hair Kil ~. Ulll incl Thornton 1--------• Irv. full rer rac. pref. ~I tens. 12 wlcs & 7 moa. cell Rltyl.'U«l300 MOl&IHOMI ~~fooP ~~3.'2lte~t .. IAiul~ 4450 $e·W1 CM area One blk to Main Bc:h & l..0.MAT10M 875-~ Bruce ........................ LoGt. 11r~~ female cat. •holla 2 bdrm. 2 b•. Rent. OOlion t~ buy lnro. ----' 2 Varanclea downtown (Dona del ahr. Reward Otean view. 7tl8-~l or repo'a foe.n a.1u.mpUon. Roommelt wanted. own Hu.ntlnllon Beach. 210 114().7562/8'75 SUS _.11 ~. fAt)'flnanceO.A.C. nn In 2 Br f\lm ocean Main St . Mini moll o~ard •-ta~le Oc~t ,. •Pl. a.coo mo. Nr Vlctor Huao. cm>11 ... 2123 9otRctti. from Balboa rerun1u1a -.... ~.. · ....,., ,....._ Ston hoult ·szcn $0 + uUI M11uae M ale do1i. Sina Ana $54-70'10 11J.5" . ' NewDort Mariner'• Mlle. (Merkl Vic. Wutclltr, 1 W•uninater 548 8895 Modem ~ sq ft st.ote tooth lert U2·8284 E. A.Nhem 956-UOO ~ 4l l0 2 t 3 0 l C I A v o n _1»_12_1_0 ____ _ W. Anahtlm 7St • 1'42 ••••tt •• ••••• • • • •••• _.. 2.1.J.471· 'IOOI LOST ,_SIAM ~m Ml·IOll Double ,1r11e. 20th 6 BAI ROAISLAND l)euuldMOttrt'dmt.I • Ma lle your . 1hopptn1 --------Ollve, rn. HO Also Overloolllnl Mal'\ne AVl' IN.dl'd 1lh1er 1Max I _. b.!)'' uatn1 the DaJly Q-1ftlid Adil. your one ~ 11m• area 13~. <tflc. or it.ore. S50U Mo Vic Ortcnltt~ lrv\nc f'UalCllNlfled Adi MOPlbol>Pin• ctnter . _ Aeentm.f?OO Ubfral Reward S5e·08'N ' Found: AU8tralutn ' doR Black, grey 11nd tan. C'hOk ~ r haln , b y Capistruno train depot. 493-7023 L o11 1 M Go lrl en Ketncver. m gm collar. "Zacha ry", rcwurd SIU·ai06 Lost. Fem Blk Lab. 7 mo6. no collar. CM area 1/7. Reward. ~7-0226 !o'ound. Spnnl(er Spanwl !<'email'. hvcr & whak. approx 3 to ti ye~"" ~ 150ll aftt. e\ t·~ •ESCORTS• '12-1 Ill Daw & Modeling. Prof eiK'OIU & models Day or .-verung.. By appl only Vl!la/ MC. 681-6732 MASSAGE AGUIE MODEL$ ESCORTS OUTCALL ONLY Doyt,•••1,hr 631 -2140 GOLDEN GIRL Penonal s.r.-ices 5160 Rf:WAf<D for rl'turn of ••••••••••••••••••••••• AlaL'k Ba l~oll l'ru11>(•r fo'oot r cflcxolo~.)' & lilkcn from S.l\lon Drugi.. lheral>t'Ulll' ma:.:,a.:l' In NB 11 22178 ~ 7~7 t'rt'ase L'nl•r.:y & rdux;i t'~. SllUlll blk & white t10~ Annl'll<• ,Ou.vi,:. fl'male Poodle 117179 Lie· d llwrap11>t MS "'41N. 17th & Tu1>t1n . Costa SS2~ Mesa Call to identify 642-0153 "'="' & Lo6t S2S REWARD for affon blue Samson1le make· UP •••••••••••• •••• • •• •• • • c•ast-with conte nt:. Vic Schooft & l'omon ,, Av,. (' M IMtn.;-'°" 7005 646-t>ll\() ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.J.),l All blJ<·k ~h.·µ L .1h mix malt· Vil' •~·.1r S1 ~ SonJlowt:'f <: M Jun i nti 97~i IS32 !:i-O:IO l.a;t Con1cr CN 11 & :-.rn tu Anu brn & whl 'P'>lll'•I puppy . M uni.w1•r' 111 S('OC. Scooh.•r 54H 3IS30 !o'ound. Lrl( Coon llound. I or 2 y n. tantbrnl whl 645-ISCll aftSlt>Vl''> Found. Whtl Blk Tcrncr mix Malv 1145 1508 aftstcve:. t'ounn Ma le l'u lo! do)!. f''awn w t hlk 1•,1r ... IV mun h· /\dull tt<t!l 1r1011 aft:. t'\l"' 1-'nund I n i.h S1•t1t•r m;il1• -.,,.,) l111·otll\ I n chanal)(1l1-. Hu~h" rel 1111 ~VlllH REALEST ATE LICENSE SCHOOL OFFERS •Cras h <:ouri.l' :l\•;.11labll' •Maknals provided •Sm a ll t•la:.i,.es for personahu'<i m:.lruN1on ~t· own La!>tl' 1,1y & rught l'l..asscs •Plal'<•m1•nt up to ~·: r<>mml!>:OlllO ,. ... ,.,. :1 w ,.,.k SalL''> Tr:im111i.: Cdl For Oetai11 831 -1003 493-0442 Ka1t•lta Rc11I 1-1.lalt• ~1'1llw1I mn <.:a mm(l l ';i IJl"lt r.tnll San Juan <.:ap1i.f r:wo !o'ound Yni.: h·m m1xt•tJ Shep blC'k1lan Main It B Library. Jan HI. K47 7204 Jot. W-.cl. 7075 . •..................... Found Germ Shorthair Prac nunw. p t. Coron.i v i e· Y o rktown / Goldenwcsl. l.thr l'ollar del Mar. Laiiuna Beal'h 900-1.319 onlY.:_!:~fi.. ~15·811til Ht'finNt l'ri\al• Dul' f ound Sml blk l>ui: PrJct1t·al N14r-.c L1vl' i.1 male. Nt•wPor1 Hl\d nr 494·91..55l'XI I02 8ayt22nd 642 3003 - - -i.iJir M V -;re a blk -;;,ah• lmmaculal•' prnft>,1>10nul COekapoo. whl mark apartml'nl C'lc.1nninJ( 1nii~ !o:H' & Wk ntl 549-Jll4 549.01411 W o u I ct I 1 k 1' 1 n d u REWARD L-O~t Hlkl brn Yorkslun• Terner Pup Victoria Dch /Suns1•t Terran•a 11141179 Sm;.111 cul<' & fncndly Pl1•ai.t• r :turn . family heartbroken 494 3863 L 11 ., l G r ,. y h Cl u n ti M1n1 atun• Look-. l1k L• WhJppet Dark hluc• .ira·} color Approx tS" mil Nr lrv111e A"e th'14>arc1 642 !)522 t'oond •·emah' S111mc-;1• rat. ld't n•ur ll'g & I ail ..iont· wht1fl1 ·;i collar V 1 ,. C o " l a M e s a 645-~ll !o'ound fl mo old fc•malt• U>lllel I.ab BIJr k 114 hilt' t•he1>t Vic 17th C M Brn nl'll l'OI !'><\!! 344tl Found :-mJll T erntr l'oo die puppy Wht T .m ~ 1r Son.-;et & tOth So LJI: <t!l!l 1147 t'ound hi Spd lit• I bo,1 .trt>tt (;;ill Hh·n11h li73-643" f'OUND Oldt·r malt' l'oo dlc type, Vtt· t"t11n ll'W Haker CM Ca II ti:l 1 503'1 Found Corker Sµanll'I U1ll & d~enb,,. 492 500.I Penonal• 5350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• RELAXJNG MASSAG1': EbbJaml~ l.11· Mosi.cur Outrall 9·9. -1!*4 ~1 11 mechan1tal draftin~ P 1 evel> & ot hom e pn• fcrabl~ 962·6HOH l'art time ,clericul. E:x p'rd. mature. ocpendu ble Girl Friday. 3 or 1 rlay!. wk Xlnt r e r!t 566-5784 dys, 556 5855 th)> hook'. s..'17 ZfBl ----Http Want.cl 7 I 00 ............••......... Arcountini.t l Bookccp1n lo! barkl(ro und fo r pr~ l> L 1I!111 u s m o r l g a I(,. broltt:ra11c firm lm·atcd 111 Newport Ccnl\'r <.:u II llarbara Via 644 11"24 ACCOUNTING Nt•wport <.:enter ftnun c111l firm hai. on 1mmct.I t>penJnl! for un accounl Ul!o( clt•rk R;1nk recon 1·11iat1011 exp. helpful Xlnt 140rkini.i t•ondit1on" & rompany bt'm•f1ts of ft•rt'\l /\ttply Ill ~rMtn Ill ('llll ADP PENSION SERVICES lMONewport Center Ur 2nd foioor NcwPort Ud1 644·4360 v111263 EOE ACCOUHTIHG MAT It 0 R I •;NT E U Pt:rtSON to tru10 for ar ('tit po~L Mac Gregor VuchL~. lS4C·6830 __ PRJo.:GNANT'' Cur1n1o1.1---------• coof1dentJal counM·hnl( & n.>fcrral Abortion. ado1l tJon & keep1111(. APCARE 547 2563 AOllllllT NALP'B accounlell'5. COUNTRY GIRL *ESCORTS* 95Nl474 Sphi .......... 1815So El Camino Heal San Clt:m<'Dll'. fo\a Lly he For appl 492 7296 ---XXDAMCIOPFUH XX Be.autlful nude fltrli.. d.McL• ut exbabillon & rap !>eMIOnK 9AM to 4AM l'Vf'r'J d ll y , 2060 ~0 . Eurlid, Anaht'im. e>tt'll 1n" 24 hr racordinJI $43.-141.2 SCUM-LETS ANSWERS Suel.Y -Braa11 Briwf -Rancid -CRABO K~S What I can't ftJuro out 11 wby lht 1011•rnment t'an't prod11«1 I' MUll'On bomb lh11t killl CRAR OR.ASS wUhoul kl1Un11 tJ'wl lawn. Proudly Announrcs Our MO\'e t.o Larac r OHiecli Visit Us Al Our New l.ocotion. <.:OLDWt:L.L BANKEH MUILOINU SUITE200 2333N BROADWAY SANTAANA w~ hove an lncreastng demand thruuahout Orana~ County for ~x perien('\'d accounUnl( & bOokk ping personnel Call or Vlllt us today-we are looking forward to areotinl you in our new \ocauon. 11141 llS.4103 F'REE PARKJNG ADNlN ~SISTA.NT Part lime p0t1lion wit h 1rowin1 profc 11lonal n.rm In Newport Beach. Good telephone technl qut, lY1>6n1 Ir rePof1.ln R Call lh. Johnson a l ..,..., • -- .. .............................................. l• •u••1 "*lk;/r .. n., /....., . ..............•••..... •·····•·•·••••······••· ....................... ············~·········· CA.,.... I' U E 4 m.ctric • ..._ RXIT• l\eftned C.naclian cpl will Europuo Laodtup~r PET£RS PAINTING ~~~le tuturcs n..J .. •--a•-avallabl• Uc87Ull46-•l4 Carpenter . palottni. houlellt wbJle you are Tep work. Jl'•ir prie.,. Expr'd . Ren Ratea. ,..IST. lt3-14lt ;;-.uatW.: ELEC1'1UCIAN Priced Re ... r1ta. U yrs In ::r~'::~•· Xl.&n ::~~~eta. 4"·.a7l ~t. Call Gone PATCBPLASr!!RING ~ Sfrvtn riCht·l'Ne eaUm1le on _.,.. __ sa_-l_m _____ •·---------A 11 t y pe a . ,. re e Oo11H(>~ Cook& ~oraraaU~. •DOIT AU thm1dl1 ' 9 Dl&-lt Landae?•· Rua. Prcl painUn&. t:xt •lilt. ~.Cell~ CONTACT ~ 17~ ....,. •••• .... ••••••••••••••• prices. J>rot. land.teape ~ Low r•t.t.. Reis. Vree Wt'Jl(tbN • .._..,.. • ROBIN'S HOUSE· ~.M&-7070 •. 53M180,53M313 ft t•1 Hon*Alblf RCIOUtta -·--I.AM Prot t rant I a tlo n a CLEA.NlNG SERVICE t1•I .... ••••••••• .. •• .. ••u ltlfWeatdltr, 208 R.m,Comm'l, lnd. Raobl •nr/Spa .. / ""ren"h tor a • .._ ... a.1u clean ..., flne f:xteJ. Pa.lntinl by ~-a•r ~ l Newpori ach • 11'9 Gptf Llc. 21'IOU ..., u r ' ~--.. ..,..,......., "••••••••••••••••••••• R. S&our. st b int Try ......... • ~· n lntM«<'•~alry Gl 10 7D-tlll CAU.64MIU Dlpniaecz.1su<a.»S> -.540-Cm'f Brickwork. Small jobs me.S.~2'chn. · fl: ewi1'!_.co~rT"o~p· .. 1Mi ! b)'J•J • &u.-. H .. WA ... R0 •• •y CLE•"' ~. Collta Mesa &t ,_. Good """-· ., 'I .... • a;•• HOOS .... • .. ,~Call 0 1""" .. ~m.. ~=.r~_ .. · .. _ .. 17 .. ev..... ·~ ...._ ............ area for 7 Plurnbl.os. ~-3194 .......... •••••••••••• ~--1-... ~. I ....................... c,, u.qJU. UYU.. V ltr-v f# ~ ua.~~.,. ..... ...... ..._ -'" b .. m P 6 M Quabty Ca~nll'r c:.-.t c.., ••• ....... •••••••••••• • ,.,,_. o-...... _. llLI• "123 kr; Prof qua I work ___._Pl • a... -.... 111•• • m) c__, "'--.. r V~n I "-home repair VU'l.r'"--··-" ............ I •-I'-· · · · -=•I homt oe11J loci _... .. , ~ .. a. o•c ...... •••••••••••••••••• K 6 B Wood •·endn1. • · ~-•umlll""1ewai.it. esld/Apt s/Comm . dlcni.udaota tu 11tn huda. f•ncH, fin 11\Nndauocu, retalnlnl ... ~len<.'Crepalr. ·odd Jobi . f'r~tt Hal>l>inN1. honesty, Job pla7n~!!.!11.~!'.!:ewaya. Reaa. Dave.$86-3425 Rel>ainl, w•ter beaters, -f3l ~eW'11 wallt, b~tca , pa\lua MO-G), M4 08ei1 est. ~l001 well dooe. Call The Mop· 64&-uv G:J ...._ ----------• Ceil«., atnQ, JU, M hra D > •Senk• -Ur'd ~IJ.~ Cl Se ---------•'J<nowie. Painting, lot/. Cheapest an t own . ••-••••••••••••••••••• <.'ulalom «"•blo..tmaklnl -;-B IJd -d H , I pets ea_olJll rvace. F\repla~~lanwra. file. ellt.Sandblut.te"troat· 56-0W . • IJ I __ .., __ ..... _, __ 1 ~c... fin""• u er nee 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnaured.!»46-2393 ..,_,.... 1 n-rs ""-t •---------.-,..oASstOMAL ............ ""'UU'l"'"' -~otli, 11 yn t>•per 10 :.:;:;:;.:,. • nc ·...,. · l.ng,Comm/Res.836-1120 nu• Pl"mbln1"' wat"r <'hAr H•no\'attnl ••••••••••••••••••••••• wood• chain llolt . OCCStudent.lTontruck. Comp. hou1ecleanln1. _.._. .,..,. .. "' m ... OOMl11? ~3741 IM'd t'hlld care an my •9154aft5prn Trub. tree trim. Ron Apta condos Fut Palntu'la: qual. work, 30 hln. furnace, poe&lb Onl.Y•tOOperp.91e t'alt •-··a("'--........ .., vn .....__ z.,....•older. "'"'II .-.. • 1 Mi-5103.&42-:m. ,._,nj..., hr . • ~.: bnlc~·-•lwnRpetone yro exper. Honellt, Freeest.831·92.82 SU. »t 7»4tM t to ~ ...... -_. .... ,,. -,, ~:"'u aC.'Mss -..,. - -....,.. ... ., •. -·00 · S&!·OIOS w ........ P an ... t11. euon. df,lfldbl. lowest prices. ~ · up Doors. wlndowa. _uq _. ___ ••••••••••••••••••••••• PfE,\PEST hauling In THECLEANlNGLADY Lie/bonded. Bob. Uc/Bonded/tna.638·MOS Tie · s-uo... t>tl" ~-Cuts.tor Spec lo RN/unJta Faat. town. Free EaUmates. EMcleot hsedn'g. relia· &n-0164536-9906 ...................... . Action Lt'l•I T>l'trll c.,.tS.-.k• ••••••••••••••••••••••• clJ:a,6 prof Own tools 602885.~1390 blellttVlce.ranrates,in· ~ WAUPAPEIUHG CF.RAMIC TILE · 0.VOJ'C'CI " ftaa};~tt·y ....................... ftemoch,I, reP41lr, 1eo. DeveO'S 16311/6'2-5909 Lite h•uling-movloe. au.red.552-3304 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Refaolfered. Evea, latcbens. baths, entry&. e1 fll!O.~.~l!Mti1at eOln!<:af'l>etClunel'll carpentry, old time GarageYard cleanln&. ·MOVtNG&S'rORAGE· 63l·:Ql.5,67S-1266 Your tile or mint ---~•m tin oc shampoo f.'Tlllbmanah1p US yrs ln Gia• kg Reas. rates. 642-0705 Houl!leclea.nlng. Beaaona· SPECJAUST·AT· 1182-:.179 All kinda oi t)puit 1..o m y Also ~olttt'l'Y Work atta l.lc'd. lllr. Palom· ••••••••••••••••••••••• b 1 e · O.,w n tr• n 5 · LOCALS PaHoil IL•-... t ll bo.~14 Cl •• II Have P /U will haul Relenmces.979-7659 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rw""-1--bolNl . .::.per, ti.st, lit' tllW ·• rnoun u.n _ __ ean ·ups , au ng , Profesalooalpackin1t. ......,....._ l'\U'.U,dpndbl 97H7l6 J.'r Ht, rt'U ratt't Jt)D8l work available-Landscaping. lmmed. anything Cheapest Womanh.uexper.&refs Lowatrates7 days. WOO<len Garden Struc· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~t6 Comm/Res. Mike Bell ~CJ.D&..642·9907 rates.545-8046 Afttt3PM. Vlsa&MasterChar1u• tures. patio cover s, J...andscape Creallona Ex 2 t'Dtfletit' )'nt' litilit'!I will elan your olfire or sml busln~s• f or l ree GH21DallS Your fri ends a nd rlt'I~ use Cl10011f1ed whl'D they ha ve Gen 'I Co ntac tor. Gardening. Clean-ups. Strong student/Tree Call642-2556 ~~C~~i~~~7002 ~~·ff:~b1ic:'at:!'.~~!; ~~=~~~l.~~~t 6459969 aft 6 . Llc ln!et.rimming.Freeest. worit.Yrdscleared.tr .. h CoU-.ge Student wants est <.:urt111 Stanton. lns 1366512 Reas. rata. MS-~ balllfld. 4iM·7689. ~2129 wcric. own trana. reas. ,._.lag/P.,.,t'"J 67S-2SIM i--·------- COMPLETE CARE Tr1mmlnR. remov:rl. C'lean-upa, hc'd /101 . 6*-184S Trade your old stuff ror ne w goodies with is Oasslfied ad 64.2-Sblll llOO'.lit'thtng wsell. They'll Wood rum. rep•ln. room tell you how well ll adds, roof repair, panel· .uted for ahem l in, etc. TttrY. SSS.2512 Gardetllng, clean·ups & Make your shopplne l1ndseaplng. George easier by uaiog the Daily Ibushi. 545-70n Pilot ClassJI'ted Ada. 8'7·21895/541·S796 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------• Painting. Ei;tr/ lntr. Ex· ,..!_~AA~.<?~!-pr'd. honest. nea\, rea.s. ..,,_..cu ...,....,.,,. .. o Uc'd964-l00Dave Seti with E~E• lt'sa BREEZE Claiwfied Ad.'l 642·S678 HetpW..e.d 7100 HttpW..t.d 7100 HtfpW.t.d 7100 HatpW-'ff 7100 HllpW..t.d 7100 HelpW..t.ct 7100 HelpW..tect 7100 HlfpWasftct 7100 HllpW..W 7100 ................................................................................................................... ···•··················· ••··•••······••········ •.....•••......•.....••....••••......••••..... AUWmotlve BeauUclan munage 11m11ll a.-•c •L FEM ADVEttTISlt4G ~i.-, "-I .... ~ c,.,.. I ~TOR COUNTER GIRL. P IT DIETARY AIDES al ALE ... a rt or y ~··•As SALES ... ...,.. . .,.. · & comm. Hayr Newport Center finan· ~ to J0.1 30 $3 h c· WOt'k S2 90 h t .VA"-U COORDINATOR FUUTIME Ram609W 19th. C M c1al firm ~eek 1n g for growmg retail bus. Cl. : . L. r. Blly oonv. hosp Day" PM starf"·M e.r1t~~lsres~ f\Jll&p/Ume.Allareas 4-5 hoUr& per dky, flc•x1 FOR LOCAL 64&84ff0646-ll4S respansible ind1v1duals Nooutsldecollection. Gd ~~er!>, ag ch sh1Cts. Stable emp1oy· 548-Sl2S, lS37 Monrovia Uniforms furnished blc. Om."t1. mail or mC'd1:.i ...,. IOYS Bkkpr ' full charge with for aceountlng clerk pay & benef. Willing to . !r!.!!._l · NABp PI Y 14 4 s Ave, N 8 Age$ 21 or over. Retired placement C1Cpenl•n1·c r-117 ll A 1 train Interested pers ""''"'le wanted to manage ~·or. welcome. No experience d d T •UTO SUPPLY 1ypin11 skills. Laguna pos1 on. ccoun in it ......,...., f1 I U I estre . o Join out· "' Beach offlre for R.E. m bacltground, 10 key abal.J. Coll for appt. 1714 > s ml business. r /T . Donut shop work. Full/pt. LE CLERK nl'<' App Y n versa I st.anding optics firm 1n STORE vcstmentco.836-7971 ty, light typing helpful. 838·4890, Tustin area. 642-1834 eves. noeirp. nee. Apply lNSURANCE Protection Servi&"e, 1226 lrvute lnd11Stnal Park, Immediate opentnfCS Xlnt working conditions _M.s_._Tboma ___ •_· ----AM DK • Do ts 2960 Beginners spot for nght W 5lbSt.n.'ft, Santa Ana. Cull Karl Sterne al Good salary and workto~ Bluehne ~ralor Exp. & company benefits or. calDIT Q.HJ( Fairvl~.s& ~u E: 17th person. pleasant working Interviews houn 9-12 & 56i-6Zl1. ----• cond1hons. Apply in Nee. C .. Blueprint fered.Appl,)'i.npenonor ~ep~~ritm~~erh~~ Need,!~~arp,hardwork· Sl .. CM. :C:::~::~!~~t~~u:i~ l-4MonthruFrl. ~ MGR couple age 40 pen\OI\ 548-56'11 call: janitorial work during iog wuivldual ror our wit, S500 mo. to it.art. Head housekeeper; part +to ma.na"e well main· 29468RISTOLST ADP thew-al. La•• mo-•-.. c red 1 t d e p t . Dnver, Stock Clerk. tune stock bov It aid " ~ N' IOAT IUILDB """"' ....,. ........ =nsibilities incl: Chance for advance· Call 549-4700 ask for An· " m s. tained 37 + adult units JO '1.-V<.'> 1 A M ~A or early eft.emooo. $4.00 drea E o E The Inn At Laguna, 21 l Orange County. Xlnt ltc-· Worldne foreman needed Pa-ISION per hour. Hours to fit cbeckmg. inside ment. must know O.C. · · · N. Cat Hwy. Lagunu nants. Salary + bonus Automotlve tosupiervi.se construction your school schedule. ~ & daily AIR aru. Pac. Ind. Supply • ._._....~....__..._..._.....,.,,....,_, Beacb m41521-8S41 8:30 to s MECHAHIC & assembly of 25' dlescl SERVICES For same person detail wort. Good oo 10 2167S.Kalhaway,SA. ·F\nancJalSecy SlK --------pm FUU TIME fiberglass fishUlg boat. llON Ce 0 key & lite typing GenlOfhce sooo Hotel· Housekeepl nl( 5414163 l ewport ntcr r. weeke nd barle11de r oecessary. Please call DRIVERS -Full lime! SCockClerb $6.50+ Porter. 4P~ to llpm. l\RMF.D SECURITY Of'. FOR LOCAL 2nd. 1'1001", Newprt Bch. trainee Job available. Jeny Burgener for ID· Class l , d elivering Data Processing tJwon t>eMfits. Call for i"IC1';H 1-:xper. F /T, PEPIOYS BOOKKEEPER for pro-644-4360 .-.oo+Ups. 645-8375 an. ~ew. nW'St'l')'slocktnSoCalif. PrgmrAnalysis Sl8K appl64S-5000ntS20 mlf·, J 30 l2pm, pc· rm AllTO SUPP&. Y ~ave co. Prefer com extE0· 263E 1.0am &79-0c33 Fountain Valley Clean cut & good dnvrng Please Call For Appl ;:;-~-i~·--.• work for- JX>l>lltOn Call 54!:1 3211J STORE poi.er exp. Salnry com· ___ Components Cent.er, Inc r ecord. Contact Mr. lnrl p 1 A ·~ ..,.."'""''' ~: () 1-: . men.<iurnle With ab1hly. -----;;---Cumwoity s..-.lce Martin or Mr Mohn a ne ersonne f(ency Janice's Raggedy Ann -l':xccllcnt starttnRsulary Non-i.moker. Send re O~ERCCAL OMpportunlty w/pey . CUSTOMER SERVICE 962·8604 ~~7th,Costa:z~:70 Tue:s·Fri,8-3.64.5-l*IO ---------1 from S24.S lo S2'J4 for S sume to. Hwsh Manaf(e· uture woman w l car Large Antique s tore .-. -ASSEMILER~ day week dci><>ndlnJl on mcnt Co. 33208 Pasco Eomextra money' needed to homemake seeks person to uulst Oriver11 ; taking appllca-~ HOUSEC&.EAHERS /\ mtniumum or s ix qhuullbfickut10,ns Mdus&t Cerve?.a, Suite c .. San TYPISTS seldeveral hrs a daBey fohr custom e rs. answer t1J1onsr f1or0sc9hoot 11bus,;$4h 05r GENERAL OFFICE & HOUS4ewlves. P/t1mc months factory a s -ave ra e, ront·e n Juantap.9267_5___ PIX e rly. Laguna ac phones, & run reg1Sler. · ar · "' · TYPIST. :.ccura.le work. Start immed. sembly expen ence re-tune-up expen ence. Ex· area...wl·237S Background m customer guarantee. 559·08 l 1. 40wpm !;49-3942 ~2839 96&-2810 quired. Appllcalion1' be· t'ellent working condt· --------• ACCT CLERKS r elations or c redit EOE Employer · ' · mgtul<cforallshifts. }'Oll.'I 3:1 opportunltles IOOkkEEPER/Ofc KEYPUNCH OPEi u c~~~~H, d helpful. Good salary & Driver for Bluepnnts. Ha•··~r/Sithr or a van cement McJr. CLERKS ve or e r Y da ~. Company benefitJI. Apply arch. supphe.s. apply in GENERAL Part time rom 3 to ":, WtkerLod&Co. 5555 Mcfodden A.,. tWfewJo. •ocJt Liberal employee Expr'd. Moo-Fri. 9 l<> Penionel care nee e . in persoo ... Tbe Antique _ 1 R 2 aoo days var ied, light b e n er its 1 n c I u de ~PM. for Interior Design Must have phone & relia· Thurs eve thru Sun eve. Guild 1801 E. Dyer Rd. .....~.on y. epa I lDRR£RS housekeeping, care or 10 ~taliz.a'f.'_i~urance Sb.Kt.lo in Newport Bch. bletrana~. Long & shHort . 830-91181 Santa Ana. ~~;"°rt Center Dn ve I.MU yr. oldalt. 146-78jM befOt"c .....,pension w ..... Apply: APOly AM, 646-1618. 1127 term ass gnments. oli· COMPANION Nurse. DATA ENTRY TDA1Nf£ 9'ltn . Tpm. 294BBRISTOL WefitcllftDr day " vacation pay. Uve·ln for elderly lo· Raptd,I dlD Driven foe' Denl&l Lab. llUU ff k t d Equal Opportunity OOSTA MESA Hoapitall:aation plan vahd.Call..-,,,..87_ Y expraJnlU I rod m-Part time. choice or Mouate eeper wadnr1e • Employer IOOIOCHPB available. v,.....,, panyoeeds u me at.a _,ft ... or aftemoe>n!J l~SEMBLERS a ure. must ve. ---------•tAlTfOMO'I1VE . entry operator. II you .,.., .. w.._ lid 0 N English prefe~. full setVICE JOIS! Coc: ... lf' Operator have 10-key we will train. Must have va .L. & Ume help for 3 boys ln --------•I #1. Heavy-duty line Remaurantexper helpful ~i~·J !J . Leading Orange County Great salary. "lnl ROod driving record PACKERS lovely Malibu home . A"'"' ... M BL ER s but not mandatory. Lov· Ser vac" Bureau bas '--..r.1•· •-g---' workln° wtdys 646-5068 Eves & 2~~ -~ •• c. • • mechanJc.cxpenenced I -··--'· .... ood 1 "' uo:m:ii .... "' uuu • ......... 0 M>73'71 Must ha ve reliableL_ ....... _._._ ______ _ packer:i, whse Lillie or n. r i .. i.1 me<:hanical lSA ~! :~ngoodvw ... 8mal,....ary' .'For ~· !l.u ~ operung for 1·2 yrs exp mvironmenl. For appt. ....,....., ·- .....,.... J.U .. "' - -• ····--· -t I kl a all M tLlft.Drut.. t.ran:Jp. & phone .. Long & Housekeeper : Live·in. noexpent.'nre All shafts. t.echnician,experlenced. uppt .• call Debbie :'f::D •• opera or w wor n,. c a.ry,,,.........,_ Driver, lite cooklng, er· slut term a.ssJgnments. wat.erlrontharborbome No fee. Paid vac Start Pleasant worldna coodi· err......,.. _. 231 54 74 I k:nowledte ol DOS/VS or,;:-;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;; rands. etc. for workin~ Hobday & vacation pay l:'n"lish "pe-'-•-g only'. k ed h ··~ lo Ornftge Co .. nty _ • ._.e.... c•.c-· From Qi: POWER vs. JCL &•· .............. Must •·ve 'n Or. &:Al"" .. .... ... wor 1mm near ome .....,..,. .... .... ,. ....... JECL IBM 370 148 DATA&n'RY w_., ... '" u • Hos pitalization plan Jotm 84().JOIO N I Airport co m pl ex . BOOKP~TEUP Orange Co.Airport> · · Co. & have perfect dnv· available. --·-------Ofr81 FW'manenl, vaned. in· Part time person on F.quaJOppart Employer r'~~unica~io15., Xlnl ~a°b~S:b':~:~~~~~~ mg record. Apply Mrs. Housewives. Couples, de· Temparary ScrviCCli terestlng. Exe. pay, Moo. & Tues. No exper. .,!~~. ~ ~ ~~t~ Ora Co XI Green P · 0 ·Box C • siring aupplemenlal 1n 549-iml EOE benefita.Opp.foradvan-necessary . Apply io lst&2ndshifts.Call (or wo~f~g condlrions ~ Downey,Call(.90241 come 10 s pare lime . C'('ment. See Mark. person PeMysaver 16f.O 963-7225 HOWARDCh ... rol•t PlacenUa,C.M. Oerll 7-ll. Part lime Fri interviewappt. EOE. beneClt.s. Min 3 yrs or •DRIVER• --------- Athlet1r Asst to coa<'h Dove &Quail Sls Sal. 11 pm to 7 am $3.00 Integrated Data Corp keypunch reqd. IBM F.xpanding co looking 3841 C..... Drh•e ~a.res & gift ware!> guls basketball Davis NEWPORT REACH per hr. 675 Paularino 2283FairviewRd.CM 37411 J74.2 helpful or we for people willing to 546-4741 sales clerk, eitperiencc Middle School. 2 posi· ---------IUYER 751-4652 548-6080 will train. Pah wall com-work. Neal appear. Good !Acrotlli f'rom req'd. 1'\111 time. tJoni.. SIM per position. Bebysitler El Toro area. needed for estab elec· CONSTRUCTION mensurate w eM':r. AP· dnvmg rer. Over 18 Co Oranae Co. Airport I li1Jth School D1plomu & Mature woman. starun!l troruc mfg co. Purchase Clerts, Pt/lime nite work. ply lo person, on tbru vehiclet1. S2.85 per hr + Equal ()ppart Employer IUON HARDWARE, 102A expClll5563430 Jan2nd.wk.days7arnLo electronic components, weekends. No exper. AmblUous w/someexpr. Fri,8a~m. Incentives. Call Enc, Ir vine Ave ., N .8 . --------4·30. Care for infant. sub-contract.fabricat1on. nec.Stop 'NGo.7l5 No . In all trades, w/f(ood ,,_ ROC)"'ltte 673-9283 ---------&ell33asklorPhll. Auto Euro)>C'On mcchnnic Re!. req. 768-7446 follow.up orders. Min 2 Lo a r a. An ah c Im . common sense. Mus t l7042G lletle Ave Gfltl. fttlDAY &/or apprt•nllce Ex-----------yrs exp. Oood wages. 774.9210 havetrans.673-5553 lrvine,Ca DRIVERS&HELPERS F\lll time Must be good Hou.W'wivrs. Need extra C'('llent op port. N. B. Babysitter. Days . your benef1ta, congenial at· ·---------1,...----uon (714) 546-0331 Need c d for I o ca I typist wl('()mmon sense. money'.' Earn S200 wkly 5481.33!! home. For infant under J mol'lph ""'"'u"" household mov1ng. ComtrucUon & R.E. ex· showing framed original ------yr w/ worklng mother · DECC CLERKS Wanted One stron" &1---------847-7278 ~ betpfuJ but not nee. oil paintings from $19 Exp. dependabh• with sharp young man 21 to elivery & General Uuu Partyplan. No in· AutomolJvl' rel.Phoneeves 897·677R Irvine 546-4731 25;int.erea~mlearnlng Helper, Freeway Auto, clled in Newport vestment. Terry . J.C.PEHMEY EqualOeyorEmployer UTOTEM construction from 262A2 Avery Parkway, DRIVERS ~~ Salary ope n . 831·3Wl 24 f.othlon Island BABYSITTER-for 11 yr ground up. Must h11ve1-M_V_._______ Men or women 25 yn or ------------------ Mewnnrt .. och olAf\d•ryn3~JOpladmy,v." mmye hevms. CAMERA Periion full ~-·ft N A II bl own reliable transparta-oldff. Know the coast GfRLfttlDAY HSKPR uveln. Pvt. Rm. r-"' . ..., """"...,gs ow va a e lion. Call eves. 955·3226 De!tvery Ori ver • 1eood cities. Net $180 a week or Ba. T. V. 3 children. Nr has •!Jlml'<lrnt.e opening Balhoa Bl/l9th St area. tnneUltheCamera Dept. for fuJJ or p/tJme clerks dnving record. neal ap. more. Or ange Coast Sharp gal n eed ed . CdMBch.673--0960 for Commtsl!loned sell· &"7J.86366. Familiar with PMT on 2nd & 3rd shirts. No cook. experienced. pearance. Costa Mesa Yellow Cab, 17300 Mt Hig:Mchool grad as gal --------- 1ng speclalas l in -~------Process. Estper prerr expcr necessar y -we lnowled1e or Italian Bluepnnt.IMOSupertor, Herrmann. Fountain rrtdaymlawoffice.Call J~~U!~R~koo~:~Wfii aUlOO\Ol1ve t'enter. Xlnl Babysitter 8 30 AM nooo Apply Pennysaver 1660 tram. Start $3 per hr. Al · roods. S3&-38:i6, MS--06Sl C.M. 5411.5571 Valley. <No of Slater _aft_7...-:cp_m_._64"4_-_111_18 __ _ company benefit~. apply C M. area 1 rh1ld l )'r Placentia Ave. C.M. st managen1 to $3 60 hr. G 1 ""-'d ""'·II train. Call 642-3545. anperson,Mon.lhrufo'ri. ChrlsuanhouseholdMy Ma.nagerst.oSS.SOhr.Ad·---------DEUVERYPERSON,35 b etwn Newh o pe & Ir ni ar ru time !Oum 4pm. E.O E. M/F. home/yours548·2J7fl Canvas Person . Boatcov· vancement opportunities Coot(S hrs wk. No wkenda. for •E•,uc-u.·d.> ______ Sml bookkeepinit firm ers, exper. Salls by ,.,,__ ho IJf F C M p h mac y l\CeM respans1ble l(irl y Schock tow..-:: w qua y. or ~xpandlng restaurant · • a r · wllltng to ll'urn new Insurance Person ell· periented Jn per11onal lines wanted for In- sur~ agency. &46-6432 ...... _,... IAI SlnER • 675-1.823. Information go to our chain with over so units . 6'2-0106. DRIVER •kill•. for "U""r office """"'"""ive Child care. My home or near~t m:trkel or con Famil ed J ~ ... " .. ~ SALIS )'OW'S. Sday week Infant CAR PET CL EA N 1'.:R ll>Ct the ~rsonnel offac~ lion ~(}~8 :r:::::t Dell very person. P /T . pos1llon Typing & IQ.key INSURANCE Typist 40-45 WPM, major self -ins urance a d · rrunistralor. New office FUU TfME 8\AJ mo. Mature woman Mu.st be neat. full-time. at wor king conditions mustbel8orolder. COO<! wurrfo exper a must Pll·1t11c FORLOCAL 963-230SHunt.Bch. Jmmed opening. Call 13142Larnpt'IOnSt Good oppartunltles for drMngrecord.7s1~7os Ml ~~r appointment PIPIOYS BABYSITTER &0-Z100. Garden Grove537·4840 adv~ment. Excellent Debveryman SUNOAV ONlY ... UTOSUPPLY Equal()pparEmployt'r company benehts. Ex· MOONLIGHTERS 11 "' p/tlme days, must have -CASHIER perience desired. Apply Pff, early AM home de· STOtlt car. Npt &acb.64$.012&. ft)penon Uvery ol LA Times. Con· Immediate openings. BABYSITTER needed Public contact exper pre· Cleric Typill. full time. :}o1lg tact Carr, H1.t a rea, Good salary and worklJ?~ full lime for 3 g\rls. my fd. Plusant peraonaU· 60w Pm, $4. 00 hr + .,,,, 0~..-. fM2.8225, or 839·2091 conditions. Apply 1n home pref'd. HB area ty, WCll·groomed. Able to benefits. 714/979·2270. ~·· peJ'BOll a.fl make quick, accurate Ml.saSll'08 Dent a 1 A 8 s Is tan t . lS22l Beach Blvd 5311-8667 6PM c omputatloni.. Good•-.;.;.:.:~~-----••• ., ...... .,,. cbalrslde. abort week. WESTMINSTER 8Abygitter needed 5 days benefit.a.Apply Cler1t Typlat. ror growing llllWC00ttffwy friendly orrice. Ex· wk. my home. Lite THlllVIMECO Newport Beach Textile It h perleoce proferred. Aut.ocnoli1~e .... 1 Ra hou8ewof'k. Uv •In or out. ,_ ... _1!171 Camelback f10rmk · Ne«! f(oodraltympl:fh Ht:p:f oc 1'8t.ln. 832 58llO ,..,.T~s C•ll Mra. Thomas. uvlDC 644·9010 ., ey, 1enc . .,.. •n • 1--------• ability. Good benefits Dental Ofnce. exceptlonel rv-M.. 558·2603 dys, 963·6281 $l40 per week + accord· CX>OK. for conv hospital. ....-unity for the right f()l IAnHllS oves/wkndt. lnJl to exp WIJI train. Free health ln11urance p:;;;.;, Call &44-0683 AHOTIIES Beb)'llUeroeeded. J.JOto ~HJER ....:Oil::::.:.l..:.~.::....:1..:.086:..;._____ after probationary -=--------- To deliver DAILY PILO't' bundles to car nes:s m NewPOrt Beach area. Rcqulrei; van or large station WA1ton & n good drlvln1 r ecord cau: 642-4321 Alkf« 0.WlllmMor tt.TyS .... y lq .. 1 Opporhu1Uy •+layer GtRl RUDA Y $900 In Jrv. Room for growth Xlnt. oppty. w/NO firm ror ambitious person. for outgOlOg rarecr girl. ~~:.:~or· JF~:..c::~ Xli1'. oppty. for advance· '"""'"'""' .... "' '" ment. Must be fa miliar _en_._E_:O_.~_,. ____ _ w/aU 1ecty. It off. fun<' lloM. Mull be self· JANITORIAL mol\v1ted. intellgnt • P•rt Ume eves. Newport have f~\. 11ccuratc l YP· 8 each a re a . E x . Ing 8klllr;, atrona or· pcrtenced adutll. $4.00 garu:iat1on1l 1kllll1 ind hr or sub contract . the abtllty to work In· 21.J.927 ·OUS. dependently. Xlnt. co.1--------- beneflts. Mon .. Fri. 8:30-SPM. Please call Janitorial, experienced. Ela&nor1'7~HS91. adults only, P IT /Full P8'10YS mJdnite. Your home .ro-a..a.....uw.-.u-period. Every other Dental Asal : Highly ... UTO sup-y Must have references. CASHIBl·SALIS ~ .....-wll ~lend otr. Apply 1445 motivated. enerieuc. ex-IMtY 0.IAHEllS ""' n. Sdtoot Superior, NB pettenced. asat. for OP need9 mature perlOO for Gluier. e•per ('u11lom STC>aE MondttY lbru Friday. a1 k o r f Ice . G real a t . ~ & marking. •'111 mirror man. lop pay. Utne. local eves, $4/hr to Mrt, 9'19-923. ~<'ellft\Utartln"Hla.rv close to Magnolia & Unique retail nuraerr. F.am up to $300 per w · COOK d d time. Sd•YI· Expr. pre-I. goocSbenefita 646-3231 ._ _______ !Ill lor5dayw.-ek.E;celle.n"t Adams u poul blo. hMfulJ&pertUmopos . Low t\&Uon. Placement ::.'~t:9sso~krhlo. a ApplyMr.OealCleaner.. Keypunrh wortini condlllon.s and ~t.848. ori~~al01!}!u''!!0°r. •. •Ele"~ -=•;;;1a;t·;75~1~'1~194;;;;;;; J.C.PetHIY ~wn S.3. 2929 E:. CoHt G-R-E-A·T DATAIMTIY ........-unh.i f d ~,....,.. .... "'"' .., • •.a...... a...1_.a Dentel Cha tr· side as· u.-CdM 675-S308 "'-'~ tor t 11 ..._.... oa ora van 8a.ntlnl celJtfll oppor1unlty for -••TOI _,_,,.,_ a ./RDA4dayweek,GP, "-3 • SALES JOI MOW ~"-..'"'" ~re orwc cement. Ll bt' r• I ..,.lltllNCED bead cashier. Plae•c ap. c-Ht.....t•eda f.i ......_...n .A 1 ELLENCARTEus ~ u tabllahed •rowlna employee bcn'1flt1 In· liN'" " PACICM r-· _,", .. ts, ..,p •• ttry. n Vt"'Kn Orangr Co Corp. Xlnt elude boetlt.ali11allon ln· TB.IMS Pb'lnpel'IOn. la cuntntly acceptln1 ·3'07.962·3124 . Lad.Y',lla~rdasher GOOD PAV . GOOD bmeflta & worklnl con· , t to train an ln· appllcaOonl tor COOK Now ln~rvlewlna full HOURS "'OOD CON d ... , r llUl'll'ICt. LI• n.surance SOlllft Coat IOGllS GARDIHS at. ou• ure r tn 35 Hn. Startln1 fa' DENTAL-Orthodontic As · time aalelwomen. Apply D l T J d N's . MA NY ltlon11 .... n 3 yn o and pmtion fund. Apply l'WfOMI leRk 230l"'·nJo•~·-'n cnvldu1l to packa1e S3 75. Outtta nd na •t. Eip pref'd. Call In __.,,,... l3J FHhlon :nk°.~V~; .. h .. !lequJd. orlBw~ lnpt"nlOfl .,. w .... tlo al material• ~-lt'. -.. 1 .. 17 ..-·~.. FRINGE RF.NF.FITS. v i .. ,_,...,pf .. UOE1STSTREET An~nt S.ok ffiU• Roa lll\luu n · ~flt.I. lllol worltlnt ._.. '" JalandMall. N.8 F/Sr OROW\NG COM· wlll •-•-. P•h will com· 8etSWinowtrC ltl Cdm ........,_ Exttllent worklnl condl· condltlon. 1. Applv In ES •• .,.,. SANTAANA ~ · ' •-tioN a_od IMneftts. 40 penoo. Mon lhru 'P'l't, DENTAL ASST. Busy ERNF.STO'S PANY PROM OT measW'lt.e w nper. Ap· Hour week. Apply North I~. E.O.!!. MIF Newport B tac h CONTINENTAL FROM WlTlllN TRAIN Pb In penoo" Mon t.bru 4ulosnodve Asnerlcaa S1rvlc•1•..._.. _ _. ______ rettorattve practlc~ , CUISINE Ii' 0 R T 0 P •'f1.aam?oim. SALIS Banldtl1 c.nt.er. lJ3t £.Warner,•---------need• •harp , en· nocd• ox per,enced MAN AG F: Mp; NT •• 1.,.,.hlc PAITTIMI O P]Tta&.a Sane.a A.DA. Equal <>II· OOOKS WANTED Jl\ill Ir thu1laaUc exp H i t. waiter, haeteu, kitchen ST ARTS ' '1 M · 1'/0UO llettoAve fOa LOCAL ~ .. fer Kesa V.roe re· pottunltf Emplorer. p/thnt all 1bifl1. Cell _631_-JetO __ . -----help 6 d1sbwuher. App. MED I AT ELY ' ' · Irvine nPIOYS ~~ ~Altuw_ l~-~~-~~-~-=~~IJMZ;·-~1~·~1'1\~e~O~rt~o~d•:r DWAIUde ly 1tt penon after tPM. ~ f pYr;\ f ttAN~ ~ CT14>&*0331 AUTO 1Wf1L y QR'AN O£ ~tr~ Ii Rlaaun.nt. Drtnn 3'312 Del Prado, Dane KELPrut.. WE HAVE~~~~~~~~ 5TOttl gfv~~os~ ~5~~:01 Wblt.'tYour'J'nde? Opera~ modun equip· ~. OUR OWN TRAlNINO (P Imm dlate ope11i1'_1Jt E.O g Topl~YOl.ltm....,.ae $J.'77-n.... ment • door to door f"ACl'ORVWORKER PROGRAM PUT ON BY ~I Tale Ume to relax OoDdttl&ryand•Otkln&•-·------bl.font.be 'IM'tuWet;'p.y tnns/"CaUf.drivuaUc Jl'emal~ ma rhlne 'nil! COUNTRY'S TOP and &bop at home. It'• =lont. Apply in,..,.,_..---.-bo-.,..--see-lc-1-nt rtedlnlpubllc, fouoad ln'tbe DeHy PU« =:a!: Jrl'%/:! =~~ rr:i:~~~n~_, ~:o<:.tt. tAtt ~~ t;~O=t.bA:S~)n'ci1~~ .. BRISTOL ST llft aOIU'tmcot look Cira\ orPUot Serv\ce ~°" that can mutt. No &.tndu work bmeftU Call 5U-~ 0 N C E P 0 R 10't have ~lnl to COSTA MESA •In a-ln.d. Wlll four _________ ......... _ Oalllned,.U.5171 eMbitb)'OUr~k>Ml Oranl• Coaat Yellow ..,;;.;;.;...;.;....;;_..;;.....____ lNTRRVIEW OROAN tell, call a frlendly .S be U..J To Place ldeftl.ILy. For mon In· Cab, 1'1300 Mt. Htr· SEU. id.le item• with• EXCHANOE, STAN CIU1!rl9d Ad.Ylaer al 0.-n.dAda I05171 yovrtld,ttll!JO.W IG-11711 ______ ... ___ ~t.UMaarl. nnam,Y Vb OIJl.)'PUotCl-.tnt'dAd NU'NN1141 noi. -- 1 , , Fric»y, January t2, U179 DAILY PILOT P Z Laadacapt • Ma i n · MEDICAL AS T f or NUBS AJDV. nNded PRODU.'TJONCLERK ~unl\t Sai. HelpW..ted 71 00 ....,W..ted 1100 HelpW..ted 7100 :::S.c-e. le•Mrieat>td clliropradle ofc:. Ill to ti~• t.od•r lovlaa TRAJN~t:to TACO BELL • "9CWM S .. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• • ..SWt.a. Call aft. traaa Somf tJdt of b&U c.-. to the •ldtrb pa hc-lpSupervl or T ta v c I a 1 • n c y Sal8-Matu.r. """non part S_...R....,.•RV 4 aoPll.111.-. Ina• eollec:Uona prd'd Uuta Wiii lrau VUi•d • 1ntereat1n1 Fra.ocbJ1or .. ell• pro Ume bourlY ;;et 6 Sat. SALISftAIMH 'P.UtTllME. u.A 1,.... Wi~• CllJ). J1i·HU, J.!:.!lfltd peraonnel d~ , Oood 'tf~'· for Jobop~unitJ• avalh• reulonal Hlta people 'llwColre. 'Bean 549•1766 Part tJme day1. Oood 9 AM to 1 PM. ss.oo per ' .... '\I alnc:t la Ntnr-~ _.., •bile YoU I am AU adv&m"erMOl & bit' A lY ln pc non Francb!te &/Or travel O>mm. t.S5-ZZ74. how'. Shortb~md 4e t"PUl" ~~. ·~ roin' Wc.i AM't. Prr. front ~~~'o AP~ 1W hbn&aCotl>.56M"2 IS~~l roolthurat St induttrr back1round *SALES Scoffeldhct.,.. req. Wutern Rt~lco~ ~,... ..... , aelt afartar olft<oe. aw l"flql.llNCI INSPF.CTOR TRAlN£E W.un!Nter. Mu.at be 18 = · 11 r ' 60 Yd J01medl11te openlna•· 1--•-2235 ______ _ bookkeeper • ltaa ~mrpon.NB C.11 Mn~~___ No u p. oeceuary. _r.o_&_______ -~GTIEMmelNT Conatrucllon nptr Secretary, PT. t ·3pm. !;;:~n1•:;a~:•:,l'1th co.~ tll-m4. nt M _ NUaSU AIDU Diet&ll cOnlt~ EOE SalliNker wanl«S . £ap I•-------· ._. ... ......_ belpt11l. Pay could be $5.00per br. Good typlna. puttnce. ca{lU Lavr a.a. ~ Gftb, .. br a ll'Mn<n eo.,t. 551 7&42 preferred but wHHreln. SALES 3New ioc:atioo.I b o u n t If u I. Call Joa Eap Req Call CT\41'1~ ..... telttl• =~~ Skk pay PftOORAMAU>£.CETA =~~ day1 975 50$) Jl\lU and part Ume poel· ~te~I~~!.' San ~·1761 betwn 857·.im(INme) . U -,_ ,..__:f::..__· wl RaP'dlJ~lni OC •ol: Tb 0,•wal•cU~}· ~Ilion, muet be un. --------·• Uona available for Hlea Immediate opentn11. · "' ... """"" _. flrtn ii for Mf1· • ., "r 0 • ·,,. "°'*>Yf'Ci f~ JS wu arid Sa1-_._. .... app .. "an•·. Must bave exp. Ir over 20 ~ fM aallmak· Ultlt bout MplDI f ec>ID .. I v ll I .. DEER ... _ .... .. l-ft wldo-w . Noe amolser 1ta1tn•ttr hll •D · ounta n a er. roe · ANEW Cnn yra.okl. ,...eo.~per.preferred. ~ onferrcc!. Mu.a chV\d\lal wtll be ""PCIDI'· Nl.V"Rnl deal. PodUoo w •rowth AW AlTS YOU SAl.ISPBSOHS 1-871-ZJIM Aak !or Dawn 142-7238 dlt~ Pl.uaot prlva blt' for dot'umentlae u LV""" dub, J"V/HB 40 bra wk Eltperient• lbe rewards ,. .......... S ... L•S a-•-... ,.,,. 1 11-mbl) ~Vft ck I " ~ Unda GOQdricb. of 11 proire111ve co -"' • "' s; QClff::t Need part time. H · sreRETARY, part Ume .. ie ...... 1 '44·7• • \oollAJ, lntnl n1 Xba bml'f HoUd• 9•Y ~or549-7129 Orvcklp aeU contadtncc. ......CASHIB per'd u le1peraon for Exp'd. To baodle real 2.l>'D fl proY,dla• t~tbn1ral lmmt"d Day~lew Con prot l.tlcome "ith con· ltEC Q.HJ( young Culuon women's tWtate manqement of· MACHINllT ~fotllM81Mmbl,)' v~l, ms Tburl.n. Rut E1&ate Satoe . t.1.nualtraJnin1. CUllC~SALIS shoestore.PTeferfemale ftceWda)'lperweek.10 vi al t"Om~ a. CJit eo~ 11\iU/pt. uma. Uc/unUc. ma90ortl'7~1 bttween 1U125. Apply at Key, posting. SS. per hr. 40..,40HrWeell amilrD a.q.a,..meot • Earn while you turn Dale's Footworks. South Non .. moker 875-9516 Mlero-eledn)ft!es flnn ln Irv. lndustr'l complea: has ao openln1 for en ex· per 'd Marke tin g SecNtary. Gel m.at'biM wort on 1 c • r • c 0 1 1e 1 •. ~Manaior-Sal• Farm Ii r1toch broker Salea U )'OU Uke plants & peo-Coastcall,,_P,,!,..~ vmaae or s~ETARY. 1 lrl of· <al.lollli~ _,.patt tom ~at -~DI Oood opportwuty for ad Qt.11 for appt 875-2207. U BRJDALSHOP pie, th11 11 your op· .,,r--. ~n I· Thia pol reqs. top PQMntt • a• emblttn UI' lnduatrtal lMbnOk>tY vantcmmL WIU traWoo noan1 tall a"a"'. Happy~plt?asant working ~ty to work ln a un· · flee In Fuhloo laland. aecntarial akllla u wtll Must be abltr to wor worlr e•perte1tce n o t ~•perlenc• neceuary ••"• IST"fl! cond. naer exp. in re· 1_que retail ouraery . SALES Beautiful office1. con-as exper. in contract ad· fnxn detailed P1annlnl n•c aary. OH.r 0 *1lt be 25 )'n ok1 or ~....:.,.·.. lalltlotb.lngaales.Co6ta Pluseapplylnperaoo. PRIVATE PHONE ~enial working condi· mfolat.ration, prnPosal tibeeUsblue'Prinb A Oll1mt mirdical 6 dt'nlJll older ft be avail. on ~5'WW"-Meaaarea. SYSTEMS Uonl. Shot1hanCl uq'd. preparat.lon, cuetomer l.n Pft'IOt> 7•UJ-5'tcn. ber.wU.e r\f' ... Mnd ~ Saturct.ya ~1·0U. ur Wfll&ey N. Taylor co. la 1 541&-UW s:w;,.9333 IOGll.S GAIDIMS 24 H r . record In I Call Mr. Ughl..Mr for in· order proeesalne. oral & t.hnaThur •WD• to w. wniht. 7'14 9090. 1525 Meu XS.year old firm wholly Sales clerk. lull time. 2301S.nJoaquin 714-540-ll2l8 trvw 8:30 lo ~:00 pm. wrtum communicatioru1 ID&.a Sdadific Dntlins eon. Verdcnoe,eo.taMMa. owoed Is operated by 1ta needed for gourmet food Hillaao.d Salesperson 00 new pro· _f41>._um _______ , wtlh~. IHDUSU.S 14C. trol ~ Cam ...... Vr launder We are not ;a ,.._._ u F Cdm 92625 duct line to call on bwsl· Secret aria I poaltlon • .. -· ()pentag for q uall fled subtidiary, branch or etore i.o ._. ......... eaa. or Send resume "' ult for 2101DoveStreH.,N8 Ne~port Ocatb, Ca ha.lntytiat Top PlllY in ~.headquarters app't.,s.&-9282 ---------neas leaders/qualJty re· avall•bie NH<ted glnlrl penooalintervlew . • --------8il68I). tbebestlni.nordct0tat· .... th around·tbe-clock s··-a.-... SALESGIRL tall outlets. Potential W/typlng " bookkeep g (714>55M1IOO edsalonol'T9 "Tb ... , ~ a\" $2000/mo. with raise elq>erience ln construe· JoAMOlsen Machio16t 1 · ey HY, aettN to manaaement Retail Marine Hnhl•r. for TENNIS SHOP in after 3 mos. Age no bar· tion olfice. Call M&-3334. MOOB.SHOf' i:n~·~:::~: ~~~home.' ~~~;t~?~~\~~ St«eaeebsalesperson Cdm.Ftr.exper.Aakfor ri e r . Mr . O 'K e efe AftS,840-ZJ'72 C~~~Wi~1Ns MACHINIST pa ., M l b •·-"·••A .._ I fortraioeepos. with exp Muioe,6'CMln. ~Z!OO. sec•-••y/~ INC Immediate open1oi 1 o, ua ave ex OYu I.he l'OU!IW sales It -.---.a .. aa es tram-In boa ts & related -·-PuJ our Rf&D lab for In ptttence ln r unning & service. Air oper ated Ing program by Tom hardware. Marina loc. SdH/Hcrdw_.. SALISPEllSOM Eqlr'd legal sec . ~.,.::an.~~ c:tlvldwat expcnenced , M.•·up ol mill mactun1.1 n111 II n g & st ape II n g Hopltins ia the linesl real Nauona.I Co. with all ma. Fft' pos in retails tore. no Part Time Only Shorthand & domeat c •--------- I.he bwldina 0( protot &lpel'YUl()fy upenence equip. Xlnt oper. tor so-e&taletralnlng available. jor benefits. Weekend SUn or eves. See Mike or Eves&Saturdays Corms. Top aalary. Call ~ETARY. Exp. girl eq\&pment • in tbe e needed. Good co . meooe'lo learn our bual· We have an opening for 2 wortt a must. No lay~fls. Stv, H.W. Wright Co. 126 Designer Clothes. all 7 pm, Mt-1818 frida.y needed for 1 glrl velOJ>ment of the ne ~P._P~ 3123An W neu Ir develop a career. salespersons wltb en· Call T. Wallter Mon·Ft1 3 RochesterSt .• l:.M. F4pr. Requi.red l!-"•n••y patent lawyers olf.·Npt producls.Mustbeable t ,.-..ta •· Very liberal fringe lhuslum, character & loSpm7J.4..493..4455 ..=;, -1 area. Good typing & ope-rate bulc machin Mode1a benefltl. Call for appt. integrity lo match our E.O.E. SALES CaUTueslbruf'taday ~..,.,_,Penani 1borthand aldlla reqd. shop tooU (lathes, malls We need new laces. H &:M-133C bJgh standard•. Your · J.C. HHNEY For Appt. 549-2213 ~estsail. lntn'I bas an Call 640-9172 for appt. g rl n d e r s ) • r e 8 you have what it UtkH to own private d~k and ao SALIS CLERIC eo., _ immediate vacancy ror a blueprints & wor1l from bumodelcaUwinow. Part-Tune work S160 per part-Ume aaleapeople. Needed for hardware l4Farhlat1l.a.d SO.COAST-PLAzA sharpeoergelkindiv. to SICll!TAIY-GlltL ~gaketches. New Yott West Modela. wee&. l8 Y1'1 & over. Sin· O>mmiuk>o apUt up to distributor. Marine ex-Newport IHdl lUJ tbe dual position of AtlDAY We provide an excellen 631·5600. oere 41 looking for a &ood 70%. ltlterview by ap· perience neceuary. Call has immediate opening Sal8 per!(JOl)el/payroll & pro- benehts pac kaie TheProlesaaooala fPutureM...,.:.· ~07· 4:30 t.o 6:9() polnW""'1.meo1LEYon1yTA, ·LOR CO. ~!&:.~~I.or appomtmenl for commission selling Prr salesperson to work ducUoo sectry. SH not G11tar .. eo.tradors salary commensurat .,.......,. """ TAY csUCUl.IAO spec1alat in Cameras. ewrunga, experience or req, but payroll expr, gd office. with expenence. Apply MOOMUGHTIMG7 Part tJme, 3 dys r wk, Realtors 644_.910 IDE M/F/H Xlnt company benefil8. will tram r ight person. typingstills &tbeability Sd9y ca -at• 9am-4pmd·"~. 963-722S ""·-.Thu""', .,5 pr. pr Real"'-•·te .,_,_ Apply in person. lOam· Apply in person. Ask for todealwithademandlag ......... __ ~ a._ '" "" hr.,. c.o.. ....,,. 4 M h F Mr~ Ca H hHJ' 'wort load is esaenUal. ~"T" -AW-VOIT MoteJ,ffotel day. Sl.00 hr. Prefer re· 1H1MK llG noap1ayJ--e'~ •pm, on l ru r 1• • nnon. emp s -. in Pe-nel de· --rv lox 7250. _,. s H tired t ..,... .. .... , E.O.E. M/F Shoes. 54 Faahlon lsland, .._.,. ·-·· .-.l • arbor Will train-front desk. person or ma ure Andbeblgwitb aleadlng F\llltimeposibonavalla· NB.644-4Z23 SU"able.Saiary based up· ~.....,.. ...... E.O.E. Personable.lull\Jme. young adult. Aft 6, RealilltateCo.Xlnlpay ble for responsible on expr. Please can fo r f2UJ --91111!1------c ....._ ...... ,. *'8351 plan. million dollar loca· penJOD in exclusive Lido SALESPERSON Salespeople. '°" promo-an app&, J a ne Ask1n1---------•--------~ ___ _:64S-4840~~~--_J PART T.IME OOn. full time manager. Vi II age store, . Ex. For Oranie County area. Uons. neat le brig ht. S4t-91ll /Dictation S.A ..... ~•-'-" Will train aew agents. ...-rlence in jewelry, J b •-'I lli M~ have car. Good OP· • Skilled tvni•• interested -...u.UU&<K ....,..,. .... """-I "'"'I Al "'·ll r ,,~ o enuu a ca ng on ...-um'ty """ ... f-ing "~ret"rv/G•n'l office, ,,,,_., Tftl'YRO ....,.....nuo.c: ......, .,..., at.o or con· c:rystaJ, china sales pre· aULomoblledealer. ...... ...... •v.. ,;JQ; a.,, .. lnleanwlgwordproteSs· -OM Reliefnightauditor.4200 EVENINGS fidentlal interview. ferrred.673-9334 R&F co mpany . e ads ~. SIH. etc. C.M. Ing. Excellent ben4"fi\b. MACHJMIST experiencepref. 96.l-5671. lwnlsbed. High comm. area. 714 642·0411 or New Irvine location. Doyoubave3ormore AltlbassadorlM Adult.twilbout.standlng. SALES _Bn'ERPRISES 831-0902 C lassslc 213J2'12.!M29Uada. FredS. James &Co. yn; e.xper in tools, jogs &: 645-440 attractive penooallties Elegant fine jewelry Call Jolm Felter at GnapbJca Insurance Broter. Call rl xt u r es ? A r e yo a who ertjoy worlring will-salon has interesting ...,.. 64"3012 11M1.... Maura o e B r ad le familiar w/compression MOTOR ldm. Start at $3.50,t.ir ,,.,.. ~ SALES ......... h Ilg!! E o E Y' for m •tu re, res po n ---------Classified Ads u 7524!00 · &iJ\)ectioomoldrepaln hour.Phooe642'"'321 lrt. woman w /sales exp. s.a.•ES/RET,.IL Recent 11uduate In ma1J arerea 1. · · · for rubber or pJasUc? ROUTE 250, BE'l'WEEN 4:00-S:OO PIT ~ knld bel fuJ "" " b1olog1cal or re lated s "people to people' SECRETARY p/lime Are you capa~le ol set 'lbe Daily Pilot bas a PM. •-&.--Jl-RECEIVING N.s:s-r.::134. ' P · CXFrrcSupplies.1& printlhing. ~esol~'~tralned,.r,or ~~"1,~~ul~; t r anscribe: b•ilbe11no: tmgup&.runrun~tracer ~. -111111'1""" posavai,Tues ru --...._nostJc aJU Toplaceyourclaasilled man.uscrapt, of, lathes & mtlllng large u:a NewPort Equal()pportunity llCllVIMG Haw eomethlog to aeU! Sal. Pb fo r appt , forgowiag company io ad,c:alltoday&42-S67B. ~.~ ... ~~t;,~!lf c machines? u so, we Beach :area, Monday Employer Q.BIC Clasailiedadadoltwen. TI4/557·9'Zl2, aak for Mr ~.1141845-2111 ..... ..__..., .......,._. wouldhket.otalk lo you. thN Frtday altemooos We•t Ne wport Sta Our company oflers plus Saturday ~nd Sun· J>astb.up penon, art ap. . Alltot. Mew HOO ~nlnc. · Alllos. M•w tlOO Alllos. M•w flOO Alllos. Mew tlOO steady employment & ~ early monungs. Ap· Utude, interesting work. Uruque retail nursery ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••-••••••••• ••••••••••••-•••••• good company paid fr· prox. 2"'i hours per day. •day, 40 hr. wk Sl.00 br ~~ tiP'i'e •• ~slptlpolo mge benefits Apply ~J bood required. Ap-start. ~7660 av · e-a Y """-~ dail . ,.-cmrnate eam.lngs $$00 _PBX _______ _. inpes'IOO. -... -.. pm y. per month. Mu.t bave AMFYOIT dependable a uto and An.werinr service IOGBSGAIDENS 38018.H.vbor sooddltvinerecord. ~full & Ptr. Call 230um:~um S.A. E .O.E. Pleueapplyinperaoo llOW.loy PBX OPERATOR Olm t2S2S MA.IDS c..ht Meta ~ Co A.rprt ~a. E:qinienced. full Ume.. __ ar __ ,_,_..,_ .. __ D_•.;;.p_t._ lnter bwsy awltchbrd , ~pUOllUtt. typi1t 60 alaoputtime fMZ.3030 ·-FIT • Prr day abifta. WPM.Coat.I mesa ---. . . E.O.E. Man1 benefit.a. TSl-0831 MAIMTIMAMCl MCYJ'OR Pay accordiog to eap. R E C E P T 1 0 N l S T s .... vasoa ROUTE ~813-3331 SECRETARY ILlll time & 1 qual. maloteoance PESTCOMTIOL for large propert y man in bldg. trade nte Dally Pilot bas a SteadJ job for rtaht management Coml:r Supervisor must be large route lD Newport penao. Trainee. Profit iftNewport Beach. • stronl' in elect rical, Beach area. Monday abartna ai group health. ing lor ambltloua. en· plumbing & carpentry. thru ~ay aft.ernooos Apply Moo. 9AM·nooa. tbUslutic person capa· These are perm. posl· plus Saturday and Sun· Lloyds P•t Cootrol 5U ble of baod llnl busy Uons w/cbance for ad· ~ eMly mornings. Ap. E. DyerBd. s A. p bone a & mi a c . ~ancemem. Gd. working prm. 2"'i hours r da ------· ----1 responslbllltles .. Good cood's. & benefits. Phone Small bood reqrl'ed. A~ "4AIMACY ct.ate froot office appearance. btwn 9AM & 6PM . pnrdmaleearnings,S500 Elrper,Ftr.No nighuor Some up. helpful. «J3.-0126 or send resume per month. Mu•\. have wkeadl, It typtng reqd. $675/Mo. For interview to· Nil(uel Shores Com· dependable auto and Apply ln peraon to pleue call Suaie <714) mun1ty Anoe. 336~4 llCJOddltviogrecord. N e wport Cen t e r _7_S2-015.S __ . ______ 1 Niguel Sbora Dr., Lag. .Pharmacy, 400 Newport RE C E p TIO N I S T I Niguel,92677 Please~iJ>per500 <lrDr.NB. SEX:RETARY, Newport Manage r for womens ll .lay pH ONE I NTER . Cent.er· Front office ap- spec1alty shop io So. CostaMeto VIEWERS for Mltt'g pearance a must. heavy Coast Plaza. Exp. only. Citc.,lllla.D9pt. RefJe&rcb Co. No sales. pbonu. lite typlna. Call Sblr~y 213·964..o.332 ______ .__ PIT. WW train, TuaUo. grow t b pot en ti a L Cdlect · m -11181 Kathy. _~ __ o_. ____ _ MOVIE FtltM PICTUURAMB Management poaUloo Slll(S 1200 IJCTRAS Expr'd orwUl train. Part llCIPTIOMIST available ror ap. A.sal.s· Castine now tor maJ or l/tlme. San Clemente ror natiooal bomebulld· tan t Man a 8 er s &: mm, all ages/types. ~.Daya 492-mt, eves ing compan)'. Hectic ManaRer. RapidlY grow-M/F. Except oppty t.o 4B2-8273aaUorTSm front olflce. heav y Ing Natura I Food break into mov ies 1---------1 pbooee. 3da)'I per week. Organiuition offers uo· S20-$200 per day PoSS. Pma Man. experienced. 546-1161 ~uat opportunity. Appl)' (714) 761-1.244. VlDEO URGtNT --------•I at Good Earth Exec. Of. C~TING SERVJCE. ___ s& __ is_l_l ___ • RecepUonlst·Se~retary fice, 110 Newport Center (Now in 4th year> Pl111 for busy Dental specialty Dr. Newport Beach. By """ practice needed. Call Appt. 759-1S36 NEEDED 3 ke people Help Wanted. Call today, _6"--0883 _______ _ _______ _. w/reaJ estate, tuatness, $48-7863 Rec:tt.atSoo MamlacturinC or ins u rance back· --------•I AppticaUoos now beln1 Stock/ReceiviDCClerk ground.5$7-0215. p LA y 0 R o UN D accepted $2.90 per hour .Experience necessary. AIDE-a Hour day, .... 21 lostart. Knowledge or lumber & MGH'I' ATT84DANT -CHILDCARE b&Ddtoolsbemw.Call Veteri.bary Hoep. Live per br. Call Laguni. INSTRUCTORS (7H~ PINi.o.E &.liJ:ya~~~i-BeachScboola,~. ~~~~~ MBHCAL ASSIST. da.>'. ~. 980-4139 Preacbool Tucbtt, exper Al>Pb' ln penoo Allergist.a back office. N\ne Aide. 7·3,J..U,ll-7. only. A~k for ~attl , WALLBANracq•u•tbGaUER:RS Wtll train. Call Brenda at ~· prerc1 tmmac. 41 MM3186.00.m · 4.30pm. '"' ...... ,....... ,,_ u~ So s A llOOAdamsAve. C.M. _,,_, """'v . ._p. . .. Printed Circuit Boards MOTICI 549-3081 ~for art work. 2 N\ne LVN p ... U y1'I mfu. ellp. $UO hr. Restaurant Count.er Help· Irvl.oe Clubhouse, Good pa,y, lllnt worklni cood. w/ full club privllegea. bow D~ Pilot CIUS· • .. ~ me Mio. a~ •t uxz s Oak 1fied ada dl•J>)ay their 11·7, Immac. 41 bed St.SantaAna · messages with legibUity Coov. Ho1p. So.S .A. --------- and impactf Our ada, we ~ Printiq J ack 754-7500 are proud to say really PllSSMAN get reaults. P hone Have to«Dethin1 to sell? Letter Preuman lot Restaaaant 6'2-Sl'IS. ClaMified Ilda do tt well. M 1e h1 e v er u c a l • FAST .fOOO HeidJeberf P1aun, also EARN ASS'S EVENING - MANAGERS WI Ollll MOii JUSt-A &MNG Paid V.cat)On, Medical e.ntflts, R1pld Adv~nt, Rttlr9mtnt, Sick LN~, Paid Training. NO UHallNCI NfCIW•r NAT'tOHAL CONVINllNCI ITOIU llfil 715 N. LOAU IT. ~IM, CA. 7.14 774-9210 EOS M/F hadd & macb typeaet· Homewivea Apply ting. $5.50 to SUO per hr. Expandlng reataurant lot qua I pera. Call cbaln with over so units. Woody, 751·2686. Famll)'~ or1anlu· • __________ , tlon offera pleasant •• workinr condition s . PIODUCTIOH ._.N_ ~ apaocllftl o.c. nrin fa looklnl for a Prod1aetlon Eo1lneer. 1bll Individual wtU be reap onal b le f or documeDUDt UHmbl)' =""'· dttllnlnl traiollll " pro- Good opportuntttea for advancement. Excellent company beneflta. Ex- perleo c. d"lred. Call Betty or Larey 6"·2414 ijj~ vidlna tecbnlcaf ·~port for fbe .... mbly of apecl•l comp111e1 6 cameraa. Req\jrem•ll. Mlwpe:rt e.eda 4 1••r• coll•1 e .1 .. --•---------mecNnicaJ Wiaeerinl OI' bld111U\aJ '\9cbnoJOl)I work upfrienc:e oot1---------neceaury. Offer U • ceUmt medical • ckntal benlftU. PINN tend te• 1ume to: w. Writht. so.lllc .Dri.llt.Dt Con· tro1. 4040 c .. npi.w Dr., Newport B•ach, Ca -. For Claulflod Ad ACM ON ~l a Dally Ptlot AJ>.vtSOR Ma.1178 oaded! BRAND HEW 'q 12sozx '71 OUKU IOYALI Sl'OITQI. Air. cr111M 1tinyl roo1 automatic oower 11eenno & brakttl, verour mt•rt0t (8t IUGfl BRAND HEW 1978 FIO WAGON Rear IO\M"e rear Clfl)llf lul. lronr & r!'M bu~ ouards reat tonl'M!eu OOYer 4 arm resi $4901.75 ... ..-.1 .. '" ....... 71 DAnt.lft SIO MA~CI 8 0011 Co uoe 5 1oeed l1c1ory 111 AM/FM ul\dercoat c:ycione fTllO' 13101 (IOU10015338) IA.LI ~ '4325 U I 00 DIKOUtef '7t DATSUH 200SX Fac t ory a ir . underooet. boOy 9tde moldl~ whtMl4 ~ell rnotd1n91 1427) (HLS10t818114) ~4999 53802 Aot cond • oower steer1 nq 280 2 oowere<J tow!\ car 15831 IHLG8t 1011 75'1 I S,OtlTSCOUfll f"rOf'I ~ <lnve. 4 soeed undercoat. ,.., IOUlif9. Iron! & rear bumpeJ QUll'OS. rool reek 1onne1u cover IOeCled 13nJ ll<Pl.F10t 118381 S)87-7 - R oc k wue wl>e111, 18 000 m1ret (541PIUI Automa1ic. OQW9f 1t e er1no. ••r custom whee11. bucktllMtl.\ll"YI tOOI l990MVFI l1F3S1<MI s3477 s5945 ~2677 52445 s 1495 '76 Pl n..ouTM VOLAU WA4K>M '77 110 HDAH -z .. '°wmtll) Aul()r!leltc: AM Arr, 1u1om111c:. flOIO. ,_.Window ?'OZ 11ng1,,._ tMI it.109~. 38 000 iu~ury l032AZX) ,,,. ... l305e1 7) Zs Laroe 1r1111ntorv Oii uMCI l L 240 L 28 0 s 280 s couoes. 2 ~ 2 • tu10tnt110L ' a s ~ .. '7&UMC004 ...... ,. L t ll t new• 1 O"fn t1 r Onty 2' 000 m1111 1•84MFW) 12777 52977 s4277 SAVE 56995 L ' ~ I t .. •• .. OM.VPILOT tJ IQ s •IOI ._... 1011 0.. 1040 AaaMce IOIO Miu••?-IOIO Oftce'*allc•I ••••••••••••• •• ••••• ••• •••••••••••• ••••••••• •• ;.-.;;••••••••••••• ••••• "••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• I e 'p 1 a• IOll C\lddly toy POOdles, 10 BerkUne 7' 1ofa SIZS. UNMIA .. TA•I -·••••• ............ . ~ue Muilc: losa I PVBUC l'UBHJT\JR B mm lllO. each. M•P' Berk Un• lovtH1t 175. fnla> YOl&I' bwloeu card. X1nt Oft• ...ct olc furn • ..:llTMY tee tattoG Allen· Tow Truoll Dth ,.. ._. ~ruo:~~1 ••••TION• .._. Md> ~/wbt 1tee1 ct.It Send ooe card '°" each olan .!'.'!t.t wk benclMI ~-as· .... • dant. ezper'cl Day • pec"d Top IMU'· Appty ,..., ~vto. boot UH MS .... Ph• OM 1pare. We C.E.~IU"LU'SAJ47'1'7 N.I~-_.. Eva Full •rs:...IM Ap O•W Towlnt. HOO ...... TOMIJ17:J0 PM Auatrallan ehepberd 4·dnwtr. typewriter re1urn percnaoeet11 Mtk'-1 bri;t:l.mtfflt-., Pb. Shtll8 17th• OhmaWay,C II.ta w.a Wsra.,r If CDIA&.•S femalu. mull •0 hlduw•y. us. Sta· ~lied attractive ta• • 8017 l ' lt lniM, •••rt.t wmc-.....11 ~.tu-UI04 lJaoery ntr. bike "5. atrap. meetin1 1irUne •• .. •••••••••••• .. ••••• aee J or optra •I .. -••..CHAt .. C ...,_ vt0t MUeil l D --" ta p ~ <word .. -......l-1 "'*......_ ,_ --u·1 ·--_.. =Wed °'"' •l. ~10 ...... ~ •-. • ·.-.-remen . N · II • iJ II l n d • o f .... ... ....... ~ _ .... ·-_, "# -· • • STOCK UQUIDATION ~ -... RetQlt twt.n II. m•ll. • CAN JES. nNCHES ~··~ ,. _ ... ,---·' ,._ "-.. ~=:·.=.,;r:":rnulbMI S"•"WOl't -a.larv ............ n9;4rv vvna "'"'r.i'"' • ...__toY 10_.ll Wiit klM •theft! P'or a ToPakllludedle ttlt al•rttt. o up. Ph• t0mmlu1oa, Apply CTM)'JM I Lovely bdrm aeta ..... •:._• .. :::·~~~~·::••• box U51 full u SU . :;_;.~ t;tb~~'°: foraale.M-Jm c-1 t11ta1. IO-lOOwpm '* r t'7.tu.G» N•or~:~ c~:r ct.ta. umotrea. dlnln1 ·-lo --"· rem. Ste'tlill9CI twin aet W , "O.y Glo" pa~r 6 we ~ Aidt.a A.KC 7 wb lt•I Noe. Sal coro· wy. · aullt\11 i. haJ>d urvtd rm. tablet 41 chain, •honnalr •p1yed c.t. full let 145. kinl 1et SIS. wW back • tlim ~r Gnndaire snnd Cbamp mest1uute w /uper. Serv 9la Help.,..... ten ~ 1, home 20 bra dWni t.able • • c:balra c:hltlu. •of• t1blea, 6 Ooodwlkidl....... VhlYll~ rm chaln 1$5, tao· Or &ry two cUdl afJ ........ ...,.3117 l.cMM. 7-.on». QleCl. l'UU or p/l APPiy D 10 br R~I" KRJ SJ-8'ker'1 rack, Oid bin IOI• • klv..eat. I• ltoob SU B • J ._....,_ ... __ .. -· • a.itu., Na , ....., ~. • tbll. AAI, .. · s11o. ~e~enterbeaec1c1e Matb'eaa • · · ----SiocTlltlft&l -___:. -Boa llU2 Irv Qt, Ca World f.inbb w/okt 1t1U· U.• Burt Rallltl J\:rn. a:U . ...._ " worm . S.A.M'f·~ .,.. bt St. PRICES: aftrer, mtle AKC. Two lmmed. openlnt fo P'ue 114'•• .. •r ll'JU ~ 18::.r=i~,; Nr. oew orfct furn .. mD6I. ~:=~$$eoea =-s,:.t~~lcla. penoo W/lood typla ~.....,ml&.61.eiicb ~Oeot\rlf,nUnt m ~.to .put lo your '1tri. a..nicecot6.Pad· %:mm'aaile%X,SX• Furniture Sile : 4 tlttaph'.soea: illdUI. ~ np. ...., ~. ICJn'I "" Mia. Xlot future ,.,.._ ...,.. ~ -.a ci··-• ......... ,_ coui:heJ. 2 dnl rm NU. l "--•~ u.. a ..... A 0. ;•n 1090 .............. ·-om 1.a.uas.a.v.s.a.v1 _ .... ~Ja =·~-:-"s·.::•· llblft, ch•ln. lamsi.. v~a-:=.:.:!·:':!1 . ..:.~ ·-.. •••••••••••••••• C tm:tr:P•rt 0ar f\a.l SllJ( ggzc ERS wut otJ6.f1l3 "• .. •CM 10 I 0 ~ • 5 ,,_ • • ,,_ -.. • ~ -..-r·~rt A 1 l l .__ • -u• ... .....,,. D --r ... ,_ .... A-· ~ .. -w "'--· 8o('.t. u 1c ... . mus ao NOC ... RDf BABY GRAN topleH Bl . .S0-93' ::: ... •-· .. ,., • -sT •••-•••••••••••••••••• e ~ -" "' Yi ..,_,_ n..uo-• -b a -m1.cno ,. ,.__,. __.. ....... ,....___ ot -'•n Cublers Chech. it. ~~-·....., ~ ._ · Draw your own or Hod VOAN......-. _,., _,.t r . Sec rt II r7 p h"n Great~ for cypi.lln FREIGHT DAMAOtO CAS H. No_ e eraoo1I Hedll>'" ~. N-. WbiteHattJanCottonSofa oable, Mldreal. pboao • ~eves.••kncla. d~, mi • .,..kilt t1Uoner1 Store ta Nirwpott C«lll'r LaWwPot ~~ ~~i.r= cbecb PLEA.5£. Food IOOd home. 548-2730 aft. + lovaeat. Pec:ao/caoe •'U ~ ont card per SIAla IOtl ~ DMl-aPl>e•rence Ollronadtl Marnf'CICb u far. Mwit tys-70 M. avallable. l&emt aubject 5. codrtall tables. Ru at tq. Add251 each. ;;;;;:••••••••••••••••• t:,~n1a1 .. ts\ 0902 pe.r'd al.lea Jlldy P\111 lt1al uper 41 di«' Saal&Aoa. f?l.mJ loP"JNle. Filide•· 1050 red.mer. Cootemp. noral Serad cbect or money or· Or.j)blra. Umt 5 dQI, X111t worll c.aphooe pref. Knowlcdac BARGAINS Uaed refrtp, MAST•S AUCTION ••••••••••••••••••••••• Allllleoew. :ss&-1054 dert.o: ~-Oal"°~yf\.ll lnt C'Oftds. F..apectall1 ~.m~~~: wahn,dryn.1uar,beat 2075~ Newport Blvd. MUST SELL·end tbl1. 21.oveaeata,-..totwln Pl.OTNIMT'IMG time'°' lnterior dell& notcl.lentd•.11.S.lOIO ..._.., ~.weMl'Y.•PPI Beat C.lil. ~· re c liners, beds.Slmmonuprlngs & P.O.Boxtseo· ftrmmNp&lkb.~as3 u-a.1w.1c._.. AW153f.Olll,S36-4330 · &SHCZ5 846-8688 c~!!:..!~cm. Olaen matt$lOOea.8'73-Ml. CoalllMesa,Ca.92621 __., Veterinary t'link n :<11 nvurt0 ru .,.._ laland f\oaJK'e pl Pfr •bo ii frM to CASH PAJD (714)$48-3071 2 Corner Bed• with P\oballs F009ball.a. Ouar.,i=:=======~ Stx:RtrARV/R~ 8'-1.nd new Corporat Hdqtn loNled in lrvln hu lmmed l*ltloo o~ for aecrelary/r~ctp ~t0-70WPM ,olh eJCp wtUi lt.lnt a«reuna akll1I req. Call Monica a Albwtll· Bu.rile iM-1.31.3 unlc:-et r,l rm . u Wotir nu;bi. acbedule W1hr/Dryra/Refrl11. lkydtt a020 bolsters••-Llk lldel.$325.up.Famlly•-~ reqd. •San Send resume to Mr WQridll1ornot95'7-8W •••••••••••••••••••••••MUST SACRIFJCE·Twin ~1251. .• ......,. e new. Arcllde.~ZM1 <lllldrensskiboats,113,2 MJl\CI~·.;..'*· Nwpr1 M~r 929 C-Oron1do Dr. WASHER DRYER SALE c.e & Cini ortwl ~boll aprln&a prs. S25 ea. Also, Ice ~ .._ Qf 938211 deluu mulll·cycle r!. $28. Centu ry Model 1 twn bed, rattan hdbrd. Clas collection. lkatel Ii hockey skates. ,, _ _..•-a. Home FUrn (7141 s.&i-3077 nite stand. Christian P.l!;_BY appt. u26:3. $15 ea. 6"-8519 SfoalNISOH Waltv, wa.ltreaa. exp. raodeb. Completely re· , _ _. acr Comt _.?20'1 t'\all Ume• PIT. Penn ro;v. country club, call blilt. ttfullshed. 1 year 3.5." 10 spd MX Bikes SOFA6LOVESE.AT 837 orter, abeet&, SIU.a, w/Geie blodlngs, nae itlOn St Jr & pramee. Your choice Parts 6 r epairs all •111. Century Model etc. .asc.~3174 Jolwl ~.:r:!e Tennis Cl~b never us, ed 1125. New ~dllllet.~l>J>lY orappt&645'04. $139each.Dellvery .Sale makes. Cu1lom bit HomeFUm.7'14s&30'T1 Sofa&loveseat.Gdcood. fullf yrnembenb1p. women a Henke ski atore mar Yoo· t'rl, WAITRF.SSES, Pltime. ends 1·1$-79. So. Coast clasalcblkes •·Pool table makeofr 11015. Ph6'5-4344evea. boot.I, at 8~ s.'50. Poles •-•-••y 1·3PM. CNer 1B, Gaslight Brolh:r AwUanc:e537·2$42 a&'lONwptBlvdCM Hide·a·bedl Sl78 Olten 54.5-2670 ' . ForSaJ Tiff , ofN B $10. Children's skit, ~·-~51•11 1rufta I t l S48 7948 / 6'2-7910 llodelKomeFum e •nya ·.-polee, boota, 111 12 $40. For marketilll • aalea ~ -~ ~ n . · Vegetable Jul cer : ---------(714)5&30'1'7 New vinyl Quffo aleeper O>rporate Membenh1p $et.37M dept. ~ P'uhlon Isl. lo· _ZZIOO __ Harbor __ B_lvd. CM CorooaUoo. seo 1WOSHALL ICll>'S aora, '300. 2 mo old nUM-9030 Ask ror Deb--------- vestment Firm. Good SWlt"lllt•-POOL Waltressea/Kostesses ~ BIKES.SlSEACH. Queen 11 RB matt/boll 40X80"walnullinlabdln· by8. SflrfWJ&oodt aot4 akllla, exp. req. Call : .. • •• • F or P lttme, days or Side .... skle refri•erator 873-4417 •Pm&• $89, Kine S99. tng table w/4 cane aeat 3 Uaed alumlnum P•Uo "-••••••••••••••••• MO-OlZl c.,_..:;• __ _. Cbou••,.c• 0 ._n, nits. Appl" in person. Fre"e1•.,r $2.,0 •amall ,.~ 1035 Century Model Home chain 1320 6426724 CA.5Hforyourf°s' ---------• ~.1 ...., ,,,_ u" Pin •" v -Furn cm >S.-3077 · · · · covers: 7x20'. 1itZ4 '. 111! .. S.Jot · --------~Need own transport•· Numero no nerla. wuherltdt)'er~e•c:h ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3barstoo'8,24"bigh,. lhLS. with acreena "•---------- SECRETARIES tion. 64(). 7tllO 18120 Brookhunit, FV · 84&-5IM8 ' Aby11iolao K lttens. 8 Si201each. ahades. Allln good cond. SNOW UllMG * * Wanted part time pro· Oetuu Frost· Free =•old. papers $250. **I BUY** SCS.DS $lOOea.6'73-5S47. ACCISSOlllS R.E./Lcgal Ttkptaw Solclton ftlMIOflal WAITR~ES C\.l..t..t.1-b-·e -lor Good ·~-' """·mit •-Bm I I a. ,,_ l t .,.,_Co, I /NBSlSK Need s 11 t I t II d I ... ~.... '"""' w • _.,.. ...... llre "' ve vet couch, loose .-e new q~n • z.e ma · J M P 0 R T E R $ .,..:.."!i... ... !.rvPayAllF...., 1soHcio3rspimM· .. o_r app :.pcMa •-,•P•MY let'l band door. 12 yrs. Dogs 8040 ~Uaocea--OR I will ~back.almO!ltnew ~&boxapring,SeaJy ~RANCE SALE _..._,.,v.. ~.. mediate Y n ·9 · ...,tween " "' old, ex~•1en• condition ••••••••••••••••••••••• SEL' Cot .,,.., 7 Coff bl o..t......iic firm 0~" "'""" r •• D-•-d A M Fri $3 "" ... 75 ONLY 1<CJ1t30()() 1.-.:S • or .. . .. ..,... 1 s. ee la e $25. Kg • ow.,... l . .....,..__,, Unued Imes at up """"RCJJ .... ers gency 00• · ·"""-· pr ,,,_. $1.SO. Call 962-8437 aft.er AKC J-'•b Setter puppvs, u+..,TBS *UCTIO .... 4020Birch.St.Ste104 hr. Easy & pleasant . Sp Ud S l,..Su ,..., ~ -"' " si spring & mall. O'NeiU SUperault, Ta-· ... to60%savings: Goggles. Newport8each.833-Sl90 wort. No selling. Call WORKERS 1n chemical m,a Y a ... n. Ownpt0nst.ock.6 weeks 646"1681&1JJ.t625 w/hdbrdUS.645-7389 sums. Used 0 ~ sunglasses. socks. Call For Apptl&tab '84 Kath.y, 75t·l601 reft11ery. $3.7s ~ s tart. Westinghouse range, dbl old. SlSO. C8ll 5Sl·068S a--..,_._ IOSS cbsel\'t fit SllO. 548-0256 gloves. beltpacks. back --------•I---::=:-=::-=-=--High Sehl chemistry or OV4lll, 1 alf·clean. 1 auto AKCRegistered ---------•-..,..-paclta, ski bags. boot ---------1 TaEPHOME work exper w/chem. time bake, xlnt cood. GermanSbepberd All Wood Bunkbeda or •-•••••••••••••••••••• Approx 7S sq n rust ahrt bigs. ski repair items. SOUCITORS help(ul. E.O.E. 5t9-3281 $16.S.644-seu PUpples thest bed SH. Olsen Exercycle. pottery whl. shag carpet, good cond. car rKlts ~c. Kids skis, SICalTAAllS Modelffomes. woven wood &bade, bike $200. 21& wool area rugs poles," boots. <no adult Work local temporary ~riencedOnly.Sell Mllch•clM Gautove.avocadogreeo, ~ ~1608 714"9-3077 + mny other bargains, "Whirlpool .. elegant. cnu ai.zes>. assignments. Open to alJ Pilot. Higheltycom· -:_~··••••••••••••1••0•0•5• $35. AKC realttered Banet ---c-.. -cH_P_AJ_D ___ , nr Beacb/Newla.nd. 201Sl at seoo ea>. both MSO. Ski Imports, 3001 Red ~ llldlla. minion pa Id. our JUM .. 11 M2-1480 u-·-.. M le no;, S. New Britain Ln. H.B. Mi-~ Hill Ave, Bldg. II Ste 102, pbooe at bome. Over 21, ••••••••••••••••••••••• nuuuu: a 5~ mo. For gd used fllt'n, anU· Sat/Sun 108m-'pm Cost.a Mesa. 9AM-SPM Ccll'-Aa l.D. Card. Call~. Pr.antiquewtdtefinished Kenmorewuber&dryer Needs borne wltb yard. ques&clrTV's957 .. 133 Browning 12 gauge shot Mon-Frl.uolllaokl. Anall1 ... lltTodcsy J-3P.M. French Louis X J V SJOO each. Oas, Xlnt $l7S.4SIMJ'6 D>t Hays River Cr .. FV gun ; S shot, auto. --------- 557-0061 chairs perf d Sl25 coad. 54,5.-0203 ,_._._ KC MovinJ. Mual sell anUque Vacuum. gas s l v , Belgium made. New with GoU clubs. (Irons only> nRE & GEHEIAL • · con · •.nau Setter puppies, A Oak din set. Oak wall un· washer, ru rn. e le. lthr case. $350. Also New Pro-line: lS sets at ~Q~ office • AUTOSHYICE ~ 540-1655 After S:JO Searsw~h~r.GEdryer, reg.Champ.Une.$50.ea. its.17c:uftrefrig,stereo -.a» German Daggers . Mfrs. cost. Salesman·s 0 overload Sday work week. Apply xlntcoodiuon.645-7389 ?»LUM. spkrs.P.P.67$-4985 497-3125 samp&es58Hl648 _..;.--------•Sat. 8-3. Dryer, bookcase,, ___________ .:.._ _____ _ Newport Tire Center. Havesomettungyouwant CEdryer Trade your old stuff for UL11lAMOOBN glasaware. dinghy. toys. W\.HDOWSHIJ>IS Scuba gear at pack. Equat()ppor Employer 3000 E. Coast Hgwy. to sell? Cla_sslfled ads do S50or besto<rer. new goodies with a New&' couch clothing. miac:. 1206Cam· wooden shutten. mini Regular tank excellent COM it weU. 642.5678. ~7688 Cla.sailied ad. 642·5678 solid wood frame, holds bridge Ln. NB. blinds woven woods 41 condition. Asklng ~. Alltos, H•w 9100 A.lot, M•w 9100 Alltos, M•w 9100 A.tcK, H•w 9100 AMtos, N•w ttOO rev~raible lullurlous H ave t o move ! ~ tJoUng. January -~---------••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••.• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• =~· ';>!~~ulb}~~: Everything must go. ~=·3Q<h, off &4S-895l ~.lest_. .. ,, llUIN SFRIKESI GAS PRICE HIK-ES · NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR DATSUN & IF YOU DON'T BUY YOUR NEW DATSUN FROM filt•llt1fll]ljl!J •!1 j:ilJ: f .. YOU MAY BE PAYING TOO MUCH!! CHECI YOUR CLOSEST DEALER USTED HERE. SET THEIR PllCE II WRmla. THEI COIE SEE THE VOLUIE Dl•llT DATSUI DOLER ..... ...... .w-·-.. ... ,. ~ .... ...... -••cm.,. ..,.,.. l1Ulll .... ........ ··-· ...... BRAND NEW DATSUNS UNDER $3500· NEW '78 STD 8210 2DI., 4SPO. 10 TO CHOOSE FROM UNDER$37oo· NEW '71 DLX 1210 2Dft., 4SPD. 9 TO CHOOSE FROM UNDER$40oo· NEW '78 DLX 8210 2DR., AUTO. rsro CHOOJE FROM New 78 F10 STA WGN, 4SPD. S TO CHOOSI FROM..soME WITH ROOF llACK al GRAIN SIDES UNDERssooo· New '11510 STA WON, 4SPD. 2 TO CHOOSE FROM UNDER$5 200· NEW '71 200SX CPE., 5SPD. 4 10 CHOOSE FROM .... ..... .. u. .. ---· ... cm..,. .. I ... ..,.. ........ ... ...... ---·- vinyl 00 rever-se-makes Bargain prices. Incl. ... IOtS its~ atay ln sha-pe! clothes. IOU Dolphm Carpet mill sells duect on "••••••••.••••••••••••• $825. ~ew. will -sell or Terr. ·Corona deJ Mar full rolls Utly. Lowest l>e6-Dox 6 • Good c:ond. trade foe? Kake offer. Sal.only.From9AM. priceao.ywbereM!Mlll ~1Laguna B c h . PP. 964-1848 ~. F/F.S/S refrig. Brick eq\ip. 350 E. Cone. Antique oak table. 6 =·Alley back of 122 mixer, 2 HP Tar$el Glass lof.ped sho;~case, chain $'100/or trade for a. CM. Sal/Suo. Porta-saw.$' scaffokhng '5!>· ~..., long, 17 wade. poolllble.642-9677. Pb87$-S258. It braces. Builders alltO 3IJ 'higtl.875-3183. 9' Black Vinyl Couch. SC08A OEAR. dining la· leve!4lmore.6*3444 S..,. 8096 Jooka good. muat aell. ble It cha!n, IOf•. toya, JOHN WAYNE'S Tennis ... •••••••••••••••••••• First sso takes. Evs. much more. Sal/Sun. Club Fam I ly M em . camel colored used plush 673-SJ(M 1827 Port Charles. NB bersb.ip. &73-33Sl. C•flleli.nl in exchange (Harbor Vu Km s > for carpentry labor. Medit. Dining Rm. Suite, 644-28'1 G.E. elect. dryer S4S 7'7083 8 pc, china. tbl/6 chn. Metal sculpture $40. 21---------Drk Oalt. $27S. ph Multi·family garage sale. Oriental framed prints TV.a.lo. 8C7-0406 • Sat/Sun. F\.lrn. Span. S35each. 644 2962 Jtft, Steno 1091 cbandeliers, bikes. bar. · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beautiful all wood toys de. 94.31 Banning. nFFANYSPr1vate Club Beautiful2S"color 1V,2 ~o:S~ d~nf bm Hat Bch. 96Ml36 M e m b e r a h I p . yr wmty. free del. Sl.28. $Z2S cheat 6'73-&420 uy Delulle Frost Free $2SO+transfer. Call.__646-_1_'186_··------ or · Frigidaire. b~ color. 673-33.Sl ZS" Console Color TV 6' couch + matching left hand door. 12 yrs. S17SwiUbuyeverythlngin Solid walnut. Xlnt cond. chair. earthtooes. Early xlnt cood USO: 3 high our house. Moving-so h7Sor best o(fr. 548-&Wlf ~r~t :de~.t 1~f.~s12 ~::i ~ts~1:~~s ~~~~ ~hurry.159.0244 &MerilM - bd 4, SSJ.1289 aft 6. gd cond $120 for all: Airless paint spray rig ~ ...... SOFA$lOO Hollywood bd frame, wrth hose & ~un. Just ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 ft. tradlllonal brboand nu ~ingle dw t matd· ~"!!~leBed. o('x,cellent Ga•oal 9010 ti x spang, g con .. VII........... st er over •••••-•••••••••••••••• x.ln1. cond. 67S.9823 m. earl 962-8437 art Spm. StllO. !J79.962J. SLEEPER WATERBED alldySat/Sun. Standard boap bed. malt .. J~yrokl$200. Sat. only. 20141 Bayview, side rails. & trapeie xlnl B 67~2 S.A. Heights; oHice coodl200613-Ul9 Antique Oak wardrobe 'w;n-· baby things, must Craft.Iman 10" radial arm o•tfNG beveled glasa doors · go. saw with Metal stand. ft Sl.50/beal ofr. 675·43 Sofa, din. rm. set, hutch. 'Xlntcood.Sl7S.673-4220 ..._ ______ __, eves." wknda. desk bdrm set mlacel Sat 9 AM ID 5 PM l5S9l Mee.a Verde Country Club ..... M9oltH•t•/ Wat.erbed. 'lling slu. •I Alilii•Y Ln McFadden & family membership, ten· ~ fOZO filled. heater, stand, Springdale' nis &i swimming. $900. ••••••••••••••••••••••• S200,~os. ~799hlUPM. Larson Ship Yard Movh1g aale. Simmon• 89SJOANN Heart shaped pillows, re-Newport Beach Jan .. & hldt!·a ·bed. Gold lea ~MESA ad;y for Valentines Day Feb. winter rates. to% a!Ms&canecotree&end ll76 Great. unique gifts!. discount Yard labor & table. Brown Jordon, LoCa ol things : New f1.s· 8-42S9. haul outs. ,w,, 7833 pat;o furn. 6' Bar It bar hing lures. man·s 10 spd .......... .-.~ ,_s..._36C.1 ____ ....... __ _ stools. Much more. bike, home .ans. serv .. -w·--t.......a IOll ~M.tfN !i6J-4682eves. oval l)e('.an diolng table. -llt 9010 I L I I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,... Black nghde qn. siei m n... sto e. e ec. ce W .. ..-EI> 1'. l'-. ••••••••••••••••••••••• M Ml cream freezer orig. oll ........ • ; .,.. ce iu an ex sofabed with A I F ~·Ung. JU Marigold. eel le nt con. dllloo . lnfla•A'-'eDoats r adio In arm. S\2 M Sa Realooab'" ed ... "' 548-99'5 · t/SunM. 96J.f~ · New/Uaed/Demo's. Elco 7 ,~ ft. B/W "he"ked Contractors Spec la I! . · Marine. 714/754-1732 .... ... '" Nails. door blngea, joLSt Jennle.Und Crib. gd cond. couch. walnut trim. $100 hangers bath ace Bike &other misc baby Items LShp Volvo Penta MBtOA Great . 640·5236 Moto-CrO.s M gs · Bath 547-0933 gas marine auir. Like 2 Dinette sets. Desk, lite ftxtutts, T!w clia1o11. ------" ---<-.r t bl new. S1SO. M2-8l92. s 1 e e p e r s 0 f a . port·a·potty. new door "wu ........ , .. room a e lotlh, Poww 9040 Rdrigerator. Kg sz mat knobs, ; elect. switches. w/& chairs. SlOO Of leas. ••••••••••••••••••••••• & box sprg. Couch. plup brukera In need of rerlniahlna a-______ _. • chalra. Lamps. Mutt Wood 24 2 .. x:i"x12', 2 would be acceptable. SEA RAY'S sell 4'JC8'Jt318", We•lheratrip _547_-3182 ______ _ ! S3&-0384. material, Tbresh hold Mlittk4 Pluah velUvltet couch It lovb· Sum•~.:. 4 Bolt1 Map t1or W•••llh IOIJ 17' to 36' eseat. e new. com u.ru. Ta J ga.e . or ••••••••••••••••••••••• u .a. ••·is~·s pmeJcard tbl w/4 chn, Qaevy 81M11. New c:h11ds Wanted-~ cello in 0 . ~ "'" Inlaid wd dak, RCA cir helmet. Mlle. Mini· Bike c e 11 en t c 0 n d I l I 0 n SEA IA Y IOA TS Tv, • mlac lamps & pe.rtalcMlnl Blltea Da&~•blu rt.....,., • n--.. H NB. decrt'r items. Call Sat Only 665 Ross St . .........,. .. vP .. ..,... not......,. '*YJ. • est-am. C.M.54M454. 963-2187· Ht·ZS41 ""'"--............ bl 0 A Glblon Let Paul dht, 2'°' E'.oUMU• Allen ....... ue ta e HoirMt I 6v old "rare" finish •--------"peel. 4 ladder back aide •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ms, 6*..ollf · FIM:tor)' Demo For Sale cbatn. 2-•rm chairs. AQ. ff.A. Res. Dark Bay · NSHllMAN Newoond. $150549-3984 fff are W /S t a r on ~ "'8'1111tw• & Ul8' center eoft1ole • forehud, read,y 1nd Vet •• ?.¥.! llt 1015 di.C!Ml. 4SO ml ranae at 22 Qa'°'!! r•de COUC!~J O>tic:.kedforbreeding Al .... • •••••••••••••••• llnoU. 2000 pd bold. Sell 00• • ove seat. -·5 Health. (CLA BSER s eed·O·Prlnl P'luld ballln11t deck. Compl. quilltytutn.5411-*4 BLOODLINE> Mut ~e,atM, Model 2300. wallt around. Swim 1tep. Holl)'wood bed tnmt. Sacrifice $700. Call Jl'or'S.le "••ta''. beet of· Moorift« Untt. Bllmpe1nr. brand .-. alnJlt with '714-731.f.M9 f« MM321ut.2'7. Llfe.,.f1chts. Tri r . 1mur. and"°" aprtn1 a .ooo. 541 ... 183. =ccodiUon 175 eali .,. Arab Qlt 14!1dtn1. CBM tnewrltu. mdl c. aft c.. · II 8 >' t1. En 11 1 Wu l . staodJrd, 1ood cond. 1f7T Apollo 25 ft.. pcrlfer d.lyS.UiSU:" ..,..ca, • tratl/1how Mual sell S200.s:u.221oru. boat·Polerl1 Mode l. ,_......,. ___ • ____ t40-tl13 Rum auper Is ln s~at MA.PLC . &:eel rue., 2 lttal ta. ' eond. Puttb ... Of' take ,,.,_HJ.ah Maple Bar If rhl•~l061 drawer1 uw blk $10, ~~ymema.17$-M31 SCoola back wftb arm .............. • ..... pfWlioc11:1$$.~ retta 'brna nll rood For Salt: Sel ·Clun a· Cdfonilan Trawler, c:oodltloo siao f~r all. Oven; rarpeu : dl•· Utl&la.d 3M malnulned twl• dl11t l. "" ll.w. Call -...,, after 5pm, ....,_. mm •hide: Nr Y'HS Plain bond copltr cenerator, radar, full llldaySal •sun. Nuccmdlla.0111 w/tep1ratt atora1• i&ed.roNc, mlcro-w1ve. · cabinet All llh new. *"°° MMiJ07 ~ n btd CCJOi1 c:ond Jcw•y 1070 S!OOQ,Olll675-7'8Sto1ee. . · Bill MUft tovtr, frame •"•••••••••••••••••••• -nSltipJKklOopen, Vt, lo lnef75/bcftotfarl6M1Jt a.met. hurt 11\aotd dl1 Malle tho•• cood hr•. teek awlm 1tep, at\ld eaninp, a"lao I oe bcuehold kemt 70U're TOM. TR .• VHr, aterilO ct. )larq. di• nn1. wlll 1 not mln1 avaUable to llPf. Sl0,400"' loaa like Comer •*'> eel brown tell for ~ ol O.J.A. •P· aomtOCNrf1mil1 by ad· OV9't. Sl.54/cno. • aot '100 caJI earlY AM or or'Uoed vetue. Mutt tell Omnfwultln Oown..97 mo.. PP. Tom, IAtf PM-..5071 larcaA. P P .. -..-0 L ailltoM'fl ITW'Dl . \ ... ~ Boat \I' Cout <itH). Compl•l •l1 ~ l\ed Up N•w everyU.\D& Inc DIN I ::to.• full f OYf!r IMh.Stl to60 ......... -.. •••••••••• tf7S 1976 'l) ll:RICK ON SI' T Mil winoo-etc . Mft a.a. wbeett 'C'l"Y dean ... 00 row m11et JIO P11i ply r:vea 1114 > ... I t I I . $ t o 2 d • y • Autom.wc & tldan with 1unroof. (aLl>Gl»lOO A.M FM lmmoculale l)OMt wlndowt, tltf.O thruou11 r xcellant & CNIM conttOI P C. 32 UM1 Mabol rec mllHOe 4 no 0.1 b1lbl Mutt ... to I POrec:ialOI 111 tloop RC"fa1t 471. s 1o ~ ".., "' "*'" sr WOOD SLOOP T alt ... &Aa.a IAU9MOTOltl ZllSHarbor Blvd. OOSTAllESA t1f.JIOO t705 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "1• G'IV2000, ed. cond .• mw clutch. rtdlbUr. call Pal 114--67M8089-5PM. Alli f 707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 1001.S ... dr. air. auto, ac mJ, szooo or best. ~7151 970t ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . ....._, .., .. -.... Mloa, lmporiH •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OAIL V PILOT e•. 1MW '712 -.CW 9712 Awtot. l•ported Aattoa.l_,Ofttd Mtol, t.potied ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IMW '712 o.t.. 9720 Dahm t110 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #8 BMW 733ia Lo•.1. low mile age . LOAuEDI Automatic, rob1 r~ metallic eit· teriof' with tan interior. COlZl.9) WT CHANCIPOI lt715lot'a SAVI! IUYC>aUASI NOWI 7t'• MOW AUtvlNGI •IMW• •RESAW• '743>0241p. (373LPFI '7S530ia air (560MML> '7U0024sp. (581PQ.A> '77~41p. (zsa.c;PJ) '765:Q41f (31SRKSI '77600CS (689TJE> '78 733la (5180308) '78733J4sp. (~WPF) 79 3l02 Sun root. air. cit· tras . S7500 559 1405 831-4863. '79 200'l. showroom cood Sunroof , AM /FM cu.ttt.e. drtvlna U&.bt.a, Mual sell thla week 87Ull89 or G44-483B. '74 BMW. 1Jvr Bavaria. beaut. co nd .• auto. +11traa. Under book. m2S81 ~ t715 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lf7'CAPllV-6 •speed sunroof swuool, AM IP'M alereo. air cond., shadow il kit. Black with black and red seals. <Uc. tl16RFBI Slits 540-5630 1011\SO\ ,\ ~O\ • LINCOI N Mf II< IJJl~ '17 IMW lZOf Allio limited number of AW>matk, air condJUon· 1918 m ·a ii atUI avai14-2826 HARBOR BLVD. 101, 1tereo radi o, ble.Callustoday! COSTA MESA "We net!d to buy clean 0.taunuaed ca n " S Wlll Pay Top Dollar$ COSTA MESA DATSUN ~HARBOR BLVD .14G-64' 0 540.0J ll COSTA MESA DATSUN ~llARBOR BLVD New19280ZX Arr. PIS. 4 140-6410540-0JU r:iµ,= Lie. pd. 1976DATSUM i...:.:;;;:.:..:.... ____ _ 2101 COUPI M f725 41peed. AM/FM stereo 8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tnet & maa wheels. In lt73 FIAT excdJeot c:oOdltlon It on· SPtOa ~luJi.o~ 0 3 ml le 1 · wtlh AM /FM" good lop. PllCiD RIGHT! Runs a\rOOg. ('1!5)1GK> · ....,_.. PllC=SEU ~·..... ~· ...... ZISOllarbor Blvd .• C.M. 2150Hatbor Blvd .• C.M. 645-5700 645-5700 aaaa FantasUc Closeout ~lawj,r := k;~ @MllSIO,_ Vl!J decb. l"l\llhoc planked •••rVft • 8rQnae fu~ Por the '67DJOMan Ill. orig. lm-~ous owner $23.500 714)831·1746 Or (714)495-1704 rmculate.SS.OOOml. beat M.cleraioco&or. (03309) 131·2040 495-4949 0atM. 9720 &'50N. Beach Blvd. on 1978 Models 1979Modeb now arriving MUSTS ELL Larry '"3 40*10 d •Y• 'l9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii••••ie'i..::dli:::er::.:..:. m-::.:.:.;ms:::::~·.::IW::....:·23:::;13;::. ::.:..· _ &t8-tOM eves • ;;Q.1~ '7$, 6-aaJJs~ 6 wln. Mahr.._._ Sale/ v-95 70 La Habra (At Beach & Whittler> 17 I 4J522-SJJ3 Coled Sundays DICK MILLER MOTORS 2-anc.. auto pllot, Dodger ... /St• OfJf 9160 ..................... .. wh ateer , V H F., Del • •••••••uu•••••••••••• , teak on raJla, very ctn. 1976. Ha rvut-Ood1e. 76CHIVIOLET Ollttell (714)548-1.288 uw,. u.ooo Oll., sleeps $. 5UaHR VAH --u lnl cond , U .800 Automatic AM /FM blander Baham~· 24 ". ~. &ttteo tape, 'pwr. st.eer- S&O>. l<J!l!1 .. ~Uon AlllolforS• 10 1 . hi-back aeats . ....,.. ••••••••••• •••••••• • •• • special paint, cruise con· ETCH ELLS 22 . Im ........ It/ tm, pop-top root, aux. maculale, white hull, ~ 9520 gas laoks , Tacoma yellow deck, set of sails, ••••••••••••••••• ••••. • wheels & low miles. Lie. lull boat cover, new bot· WOODIE l~ fo'ord 1B8'7$4Ser. P3Z47. tompainl.6'5-4068 UeauUful! ~-$5199 6"·7183 ~ 20. moorinJ or with --------mooring or shp avail., Triumph 1962 Convert good price. 552-4524 1200. 4 seater orig. owner loah. SH / shop manual roadworthy Docb pe 9070 =· Rare. $.1600/orr ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUPS AYAH.AILE YACNewport ~1 NEEDSLJPfornew 36' Sallboat Dick 67S·139ll COUICTOI SAU 1950 MBZ 170S Conv. 1965 M BZ 220A Ca brlolel um Ford Pickup ltneModetA't 10 l.00 of Model A parts 67U37Z THEODORE ROBINS FORD lOoO HARBU R IHVO COSTA Mf '>A b-ll 0010 '73 Dodge Van. AJC. xlnl cond. 842·8172 aft s. 213/m.4466 dya 1974 Chevy, xlnl running cond.., cstm seal3, wbls, stereo.$2800.646-3185 Balboa l slandres. nds on· ahore moorin g. Will pun:baseboat.673-3115 l•-------•1'67 Ford Window Van. -· d 1 964 R t d T b Clean, 8 cyl. auto, rbll 36' sailboat nee s .s 1p. 1 . es or e ur 0 eng. new trans. dri ve fo'lnde r 's fe e. S lam Corvalr Converttble train, tires. batt. Xlnt. Pickens. S22·61« $2000/ofr. !>48-03SO even· running rood. Prv. Ply. logs. S14.50oroffer675-8421 .:,m•mn"..+.M-Fo r d , 1930 2-doo r ~Wanted 9590 •;--,. .. nun-. Phaeton, eng. rebll, new •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• interior & top, $8500/bst ••••••••••••••••••••••• C•t••n. StM/ ~er64M35S. Wl WILL IUY ... 9120 . YOUIDATSUM ••••••••••••••••••••••• 68 Impe rial C r o wn PAIDFORORNOT adel' camper 4-aale, w/o ~: air, full J;wer, TOP DOU.AR truck. $150. Stove & crwe coolTol, I r lnl. FOtlTOPCAIS rdri• ~2700 radials. x lnl cond. .. Emerging claulc . Sacrifice. 9' ca bover ~ camper w/gas elec -.. -~--~----,-,-5-0 refng $100 or ? Aft 5, .. .,...,_ ......... " ~ ..............•.•••.... _.:__ _______ ,Dodge 300 4X4 Van. 1910 VW pop.top camper, QA.ru>m wt. C.B. auto, new trans, radial t ires, u,ooo mi. $7000 751·7244 18K ml, new engine. days831·2557eves. Much more. $2850. -~------~36!i0 ·n Cherotee Chief. 401 e.ctnc c... 9130 eng.. Loaded, Mlot cond. •••••••••••••••••••••••1_64G-_m_a ______ 1 flectdcCart: Goodcond. '73 Jeep Wagoneer, Near new battsies, bit loaded. quadralrack. BARWICK D A TSUN ..... ' I 11 I ' ~. " I j l I I I f I 831-137') 493-337') WE BUY CLEAN CARS &TRUCKS CONNELL CHEVROLET ....... ,.11. .. 1 •• , 111,,1 I , "' I \ ,, ~ ' \ SU-1200 lncbuaer.$650557-6040 $4200/beal offer. 64M9651 ________ _ ..... WIClllMI fl40 -·-------• WEPAYTOPDOLLAR ••••••••••••••••••••••• 73 lnt'I Seoul ll. 4x4, good FOR TOP USED CA RS 1HE MO.PEDDLER cond. xtra set of on & off FOREIGN, OOMF.sTIC bl k or~SICS New PEUGEOT M-0· Urea w /w te spo e ll YoUr car is extra clean PEDS Reg $469, Now rhn1. $3200. 540-5383 see us rim. $299. 631-3830 IAUE:R IUICt( ~/ •79 C-7 29'25HarborBlvd. Seoohr-i . 9150 Carta Mesa 979-2SOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• JEEP MustSac. '79 Yama.ha 750 AJrcOftd./LoodH! Spec., 1800 mi. Sells for Immacula te Porsche $3l8S Will aell for $2900. Trade-in! Less than 3,000 -~---·------• actual miles! <MeVUD) 4 Sale.'71 Yamaha 250 Wfflleftd S(Mclal! on. Good cond. $300. $8,888 642-3271. Eric. o..ty WE BUY USED CARS CALL PAPPY Used Car Mgr 540-5630 IOllXSO~ & SOX • LIN COLN·MfRCURY '76 125 YZ mono shock, llLL YATES Xlnt oood. fast. sac. $450. VW /r<>RSCHE 2626 HARBOR BL VD Todd. 536-3582. 837-4100493-4511 COSTA MESA '72 YQJaha 125 w/lJgbt.s, ...;;-------1---;W:;,;E:--;;l;;U;;Y-;---- nu Ure. nu ball. $350. Aft 9560 S 3. se.Z308 Trsb USB> CAR ! •••••••••••••••••••••• • We're the oew Chevrolet ~Yamaha Cbappy 72 CC '72~ Datsun: compll. like dealership in the lrvloe xlnt oood. $250. 559.1405 new. ~.ooo mi. on eng. Auto Center. We need 837-4663 GT shell$2300,842-4985 yourUledcar! Harley. Davidson 68 Sportster: $1700firm. 6U·S320 JOE 163 DODGE MAC PHERSON '12 TOM Pt<UP CHEVROLET '15 Honda 2SOXL. • Xlnl cond. Xlol cond. Hydraulic clutch, AC, heater. radio. 21 Auto Center Drive news ply trk Ures. very 76tRl-VIN72E22 clean. 61,000 orig ml. 1 968-6872 owner. $875. PP. 964-1848 --------- '15 Yamaha MX, 175 So '71 FlOO Pickup w/shell Stock. Xlnt . cond. nu brks/Ures.trans. Ail S'100/beltoffer. 54S-6'7J.S. ofra consld. 640-0837 WANTED! Late model Toyotaa. Vol voe, Picltupe & v ana. Call U1 t.odayl '69 Yamaha • 80C.C . "18 Ford F3Si), 460 eng. Street le1aJ, low ml. dual whee la & tanks, r:::Jl.-.111 $150 536-632S auto, a1r cood.. radio, P /B, P/S. 675-5566. ~...,~mfl .,..,.. .. 77 aamkl RM 80 78Susuk.IRM80$350 '78 El cammo Claaslc . .-~----~--t 77ftaljelJR50 Mual sacrifice . Older Peewee Moto Villa aml truck + caab or of· 73HQlky 250'300 _!f~er~. 646-4~!!~1~1~. ----f==~:::::~==~ 250cc. lbdlan Frames 19&8.Ford PU 2SO Camper PAID FOR OR NOT ~:~foralltYlH'• Speclal/w i/ camper WUYEWlLL ~ llil\l Bikes. SaL only abell. PIS, P /B. $1050 or B • •RoaaSt. C.M. 548-8454 offer. 615-5911 aft. 6 . ..... tt-.. S./ '7•0MC4S4 ~ton. 37,000 YOUR CAR FOR ... /Sl•91J1 tt60 mL.C.mper sheJl.$4900. CASH! ........................ _83M72S ________ • •••••-•••! !~ ............. !!?.~ vw·a. JMPORTh. Im CHIHOOll SPORTS ... titatOltlo• lf71FOaDVAM CALLTOMOR FRANK a..-bMter, UO¥olt con· Sutter van with aUck "' e r t e r • 2 w • y ahlft. bl·buclteta, ma11 142·2000 refrt_1erator, SUPER with wtde Urea. stereo SHAR.Pf (5813-aul) cUMUe fl ONLY 4850 Sl4tt mllett A real• wlnoerl ,._..,..--... • M (UJlll537). axey CALL FOlt OUI TOYOTA SPICIAL PRICI CONHl:LL CHEVROLET i.i 8Hcb Blvd. HUNnNGTON BEACH .. , ..... t&Ml:OR BUY I ,,~llti/11 !'I f i • ,., I \ ,, t ... \ S4b-I 200 9712 CREVIER '72 Dataun utihly truck 120W. Warner . S.A • •••••••••••••••••••••• w/overhead rack. $1600, * DRIVE A * 557·2132 &I ST 6 llOAOWAV S31·1566. 128 '>l<V i lnt ond ism. 4 apd.. d,000 mL •-------&l.lver met. like new, sun rod. stereo casa. $8100 Prv. Pty. M'-7520 wit days 875-3858 evea. um BMW 32d·Black with tan Interior. air cond., AM /FM c aaaelle, Michelin Urea Ii ln Im· maculate coodltion. (041SXE). Pri. ply. $Q500. Call 645-1475. 76 3m, 4 spd, AM/FM s~reo 8 trk. lo miles. Xlnt cood. codlid. trde $7450/ofter. (714) 496-2831(714)927·3833 .......... ~. ti ........................ OIAMti-ICOUMTY"S OLDIST ·$ s.a.&e.service· Leaalog Rov Ccrier,lftC. RollsAoyce BMW 1S40Jamboree Newport Beach 640-6444 * Ll ..... LE * '78 • ""'"" m • x c • SANTA ANA '75280Z. • spd .. low miles. I I ••• orig owner, runs well. 835·3171 AM/FM tape. Beat offer. SAVE A LOT compl. serv. r ecord rur UUIMAfl PIUV!NO -~ 64.S-2062/GU· 7866 SHOP & COM p ARE $23>0/oCf er . 644-ll>M . •USED IMWs* ·72 240-Z. E xlnt. cood. Ftat Xl9 1974 Must 11ell '73BavSIR (567HJPl Many extras. $3850. 45,000 mi .• AM /FM tape '742002aS/R (140LGP> 50-9587 12SX>, lowner61$-8&4 ~=:~~f~> ·w~ 260Z Xlnt mech'I '76 124 Spider low m1. '76 2002 S I R 4 s p cond. Ate. Mags. New '78 280'Z, black. lo mi's, AM /FM tape, M ug <'3'7NVE> . Michelin tires & more. S-Spd. Take oYer pymnt.s wheels, new top, xlnt i6200246p (765PQR> Needs paint. Asking w/lo down. 673-8342 an cond. $4855 838-1031 dityi. 'T1530; 4 i p S/R 10179> $4200840-2221 6pm. M0-4475 wknds eves. "15 BMW 2002, 4 spd., air '77 600csl4 sp(TR5962) 72 240z 4 spd . Mags . l!J13 Datsun. new p81.nl. is Xl9, lo mi's, mag~. ff. cood., sunroof; asldng '78633cslS/R (0045) AM/FM, ong. owner .xlot AM/FM, 6 Ures. rebuill trk. Must aell quick. $5400. 548-3120 CloMd S.ftdcryt cood.. $319.5~1682 ellllM $1175. 546-1421 s;MSO. ~T797. Alltoa. Mew tlOO Alltos. Mew 9IOO A.tot. Mew 9IOO AMtot. Mew ti ...._,Mew 9100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1979 HONDAS { ARE RE NOW! 1979 Honda Acoord 4-Door Sedan AJ,I, REMAINING 1978 HONDAS MUST BE CLEARED OUT TO MAKE ROOM! TAKE YOUR CHOICE B=D '78 HONDA HATCHBACKS •( 1823)(SGC4541610)"(1821XSGC4541626l -< 1738XSGC4537227l IMMEDIATE DELIVERY GOOD SELECTION -IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Service & Parts Open 'tll 10:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday Saturdays 'tll 5:00 P. M. \ .D..,J .... e...._.DAl-..-L ... v_,Pl_t._o;.,,r ______ ......;.,.;.;''.;;.;dat, Janu•7 JJ •m ........ ,.,...., AMtel, a.,ertM Aaltos, IMpOtW't9d Autot, IMport.d Autos. l•perted Alltot, l•port.d ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.~!'~.'!'! ...... ~.~~ ....... ~.~.·:.~ ....... : ........... !?.~~ ~ ........... !!.~~ ~.~ .... !?!! ~ .............. !?!~ ~~ .......... !?.~! !~ ........... !?.~! H-'1 t1J7 .._.. t7J7 .._. t7J7 um 4DM.. u.um• lf'Ale. lt7' MG MIOGIT -··._.••••••·~·'7··,···• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• JAGUAR JENSEN :M mo blt.oce. be.utlful With luuaae rack . IOI McLAREH'1 ........., MAit t1eJJ '75 lloadom Uc car. DO down i>a)'mtnl tan HONDA Cws od toDd. uzoo Ph"" Htmda ":f.~· .. ~~~ 77JAGU•• HEALEY PP •1771 · Sl6t5 LOOI!!! MA.MY •Ult uu, ndlala. '14'5, XJ.S 11174 450SL. 1lvr wl blu IAUta MOTORS T•Qu• '"-' ~ 2 dftnOI to dW>Ote rrom. ..w •1• It.hr, •ltrt rond C•ll Or ~Harbor Blvd. Mak a t Ito• e Io o d ._ t?lO PDW"C' 1""1101, pow r 4 -..-. GT Ada m1. HJ J3I11 or COSTA MESA DILUXITOYOTA 20' ......... °""°- Roof raclr Ir ladde r. heltvy duty froot 1hockll, •nt.1..-ay bar, sett con· t.ainedMt wit.er shower, p1111 rn&ll:( more deluxe appoln lmen tis (8$74-78-TUJ I 1-..vasm ...... * "~""· rou'rw ......-.. wh .. 1 d•u buia.... -~ ~-·"" ,1, .. 100 ..,....,. '* uataa avallablt' to .......... ••••••••••••• AM/PM •l•reo w /8 S ~.AM/FM altlreo ·• C'Ntw ._. 11m1 Ql.blir tamUt by ed 197' JAMAi t.ndl, power window a. c te. wood daith, 1tlr '11 MO OIP'JU!I~ 1~·------9-7-4-.. 1 '7' POaSCHI ....___._ ""'~ • ...... -"""-··~r,.....alttn .,.,..,. alreond.tlndmof't OoUl cond. rac~ •Pinion Mu.tetll.batOfr Loml, -.,. tUI .._ ~ -!...------rt lmrnac. dv 1M-t.Ml uve1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ................. .__ I ~ a...ni4 C.UICl-68Tt CJJOI). On .... thl• wtth low mllnae. l8cr atec na. powtr Win 1141).ICNlll , 1977 MGI ~ uclle. 1alloy1, a r -• 91 d ~lor0!'1J M."7Urll4DS) daws. <Ser. ~. SUt condlllonlna. AM /P M . 0..M Mc.. MIM. Mew t 111 nl 117.tH 4,'N). 29(8£ cpe, lllflt clut1lr, COMV..,_I .wroocuaetlt!.(0000) -.. -••••••• • • ............ • ~ Sltll irunt cond 1(1 ml ntow 4 •PNd. map, stereo. snctAL uua......,,,""'S 77JAGUAa alvrna•-t ·,·U""""f./\/'' deck rack.A front. lint llll:ll llarbor Blvd. XJ6L 74 JIMSIH c•na•;"°~1ror 'A' M, ,..;r c"r with ONL y IS.too <XlSTAMESA flower 4 wh .. I dl1c HIALIY llUOO.AtU.»:u_,. "'"-! CJA:ISP!U>. See it, t7NIOO brake.. AM/FM •tt>rl'O Conv•rUble 4 1pud. dltve IUi you'll wit lrHk, pow.-r win· t.11utlful rC"cond. <S(ir. Muit H it 11n1J 21l0 ft IUY IT!!! '1t XJIL. lo mt, tmm1c • d 1 d d ,_.., ..... 1.u .. ) Outalaodlo1 cond. J>.I'. 8.'ION. Duch Blvd. La llabru tAl Beach & WhltUer > 17141522-5333 Cloeed Sunday1 ..,, ~ avaU, '1900 ow1, 1 r coo . an ._, , ow. ..... 1'12-'78:2 ts. 1H·1H1 Art s. more. l)emu. (S~r S41tl --'7291 I TCpe ,.. 7• .n:J> '7fl 3000, metallic brwn. Loeded/showroom cond. $14.ttl AMAHltM llher lnlf'r, 1unroPf Al Days 987-6283, ext 43 COHHRL CHEVROLET t t6f JANA.I lalTISH CAtS atA!reo, SlOOO ml'i, SH.000. Eveslwkndl SM-0798 XOCOUPI tlaW7]1J6ALGUAI 77,.4110 ---~----- Wlt.h c:brome Wirt• _ .,. 'ti6~.vcryclean __;;==::;::;;=:.::;=:.::;=:::::==. '73 Panche 9ll·T 5-apd, ·""II.st l"or 111' 11 ( ' ..... , \ \1 ~'.!'> \ 546-1200 wt.la. (lNt). A• t.ranl. k:at.bttr raced UIOI S. Allahf'lm IJlvd Sl500 • •7l..OllZ 1977 MGI ltke new, fully eqwpped, -Slffl leMA. puwcr di.le brakes. A.nan.Im 5:;f: black with 1old _P_._P._M4_:n_47 ___ _ ...,. MOTOIS tiU"c:oodL. AMd/E'M111tC'rheo .._GM. '7l5 ~.,!208· r1tbullt eng • • pa, 'slMJ' Pcnche ·ee. 911, red. total 211ZHatbor81vd. II trac .. •n • l ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·--or Of er or trade 5495 rebwld. Tbe cleane1t. $!199 M1W tt7t TOYOTA PICKUP 2200cc eoglne, 4 1peed, powtr aa.Ltt dl.tc bra)l111;. $4477.35* c... .... &c. OR $126 $126 DOWM PHMO. C06TA MESA r1moua Jt11tuar al an-Karmann Oh11 OU.Mil IAUa MOTORS ~7728 tlt-2100 da.rda 'tr7~m'· ii.ooo .,-7 -21-0-1-.--2!125Harbor a1vd. 4fM 71$2 "'I oot COSTA MESA .......... Jag XJS, Urn~. pure ---~-'" xtru. IW11' 'l~c 979 2500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Al'JI ·~ml, w/GM 76JAGUAR Mmd9 t7ll rnialc •Y• new mlch • TISTDalVIOUR lnnlbl.. •• .. A i.ot. ~e c~k XJ6L ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uf' • SU,300 8.'.lt 6335 t 977 MGI ·u CAR 5100 9755 .C8 mo . APR 12.70":. Deterred pri~ $6174 on approval of your Rood credJt (~160) •Plus t.u&Ue.ONEONLY' HEW 1979 CottOLU 1600cc eniine, 4 a~, power aaslat brake!>. (:1199751 DOWN ~, ... ~ • ..:: • .::": ...... c .. ••,•lec ao· Air cond'. AM /FM 8 'frl ZIOSF. C:ISWI<' Cou~. Showroom frel.h with OFTHEY!AR .. ..... _.,, -"' track Power wlndow1 w mJ Xlnt rond SG:iOO """f l<'I6 st eo ~-o 1 leon• '20.~00. Dy1 ' ' o.. •. o•• "'>' .... 7 ,.....,. ''"' r •n er "" n Y Good inventory in 1tock 1Ni-D3.eva-.s112 auto lraM, tmU>d 11l_a111. __,,...,....,~ ..., .,._, 17.812miles. (899SPR>. Hurrywtulet.hey fut! (5er.M7ur7.Stlt. 78P04> SUPER tmv on '7fj 3000 ONLY $4390 MIRACLE '•XKt. UIOpl ur. New Sff9S 2150 H..t.or llvd. MBZ. 73J~orU.20t8 ~ i. ......... ._,R...,.."'ULT paint/Ul'Ol/lntr • tlQg. ,.._,._ u~-, .. 5 r700 ··" llft ~'R-......aa '"""6U"'V ""'""' '4800/bet.875-20:M ANAHEIM -.. ,_.. .,. :...." _ _w_ • .,.,,_m_._____ .._._., ._, 2150Harbor Dlvd. -...TDaJVE '"" MBZ <>NmL, 2~Harbor Blvd.,C.M. COOTA MF.SA $3702.50 pl'"tu&hr. ONE ONLY• '76 JAG XJ6L. Sliver llmSH CARS ·~ " .,. ~ UU\IQ..., cp rare 645-5700 645-5700 wired lntr. S9500. Pvt THE Rl{7 TQDA YI F.uropean model. 4 11pd, party . Wkd )'s 9 ·5, Very good selectlon or =>'~~..fi~sloration . 1977MGI lllANDMEW UlllUBeachBlvd. 957-1314 cars & colors now av a Ila-WilboveTdnve. (222.8). 1978 Gn HUNTINGTON BEACH ble tor 1mmcdlat~ de· ... , ........, MBZ Gd d $4995 1 .. 7..aSSS Bill Maxey TOYOTA 642·5678 .., ......., · con 4 speed, radio. tinted .,. llvery!Seeu.sNOW• M:iaoorbeatoffcr. IAUERMOTORS l(lass & rear window LEASEORBUY! Mlroc.. ___ 957 l568 2925 Harbor Blvd. wa..,ht>r 1302589S> ~~~~~~~~ Mazda/Renault Want Ad Help., 642-5678 COBTA MF.SA OHL Y $3987 1: 21.SOHarbor Blvd .• C M . ... • ....__ --979 2500 .... 'roe•-. 64$.5700 ~. M•w flOO • '"" ,. ......_ N.w 9100 4-fos. Mew ••••••••••••••••••••••• i iiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"lil···························· r,1uat seU ·n MGB, lOK ~R.....et m1 . xlnl cond. SS300 21SOllarbor Blvd .C M m .J.882 bef 4. SSl-1289 afl 64S-5700 1t1akAcac CBJCA UFTIActc SUPER SPECIAL VOLVO VALUES! NEW '79 VOLVO 242.Dl USED '78 VOLVO 2UC EARLE IKE SAYS, "WE HAVE A HUGE SELECTION OF CEUCAS, COROLLAS, ~~4\S ()~ CORONAS, CRESSIOAS, ~c,cJJ · ~c_tS t.\)(J;. LANDCRUISERS & #~s1. ~o~ .. \\\)~-fl~ PICKUP TRUCKS!" ~~ti-\\\)"°~'-"~ s1.(1.:J- OUTSTANDING TOY OT A VALUES! N '79 HEW •79 CEUCA COUPE NEW •79 CEUCA UFTIACk s speed, AM/FM-stereo. COROU.A SEDAM 5 speed trans .. AM/FM deluxe pin stripes, wheel 4 speed trans & buc ket s t e re o & s h a d e k 1 1 . we II m o I d I n g s . s • d e 1881a. Pnces 1tan at .............. ""''"'""' • c"'tom tnm s37 53 56329 s5995 -YOUHTO .. YI 4 speed transmission. 4 speed wloverdnve. pwr NEW •79 ~ brakes. tinted glau s I e e r I n g a bra k e s . c~· .... SED ...... NEW '79 NEW '79 & Gteel belted radial tire1. stereo-CB & cruise. Hard _v_,.. "'" VC24245M ,_, 48446 I 0 , n d -m u s I • e e I Aul.omahc. bucket MllS. AM 1 r9dlo. c»iuxe pin stripes, STANDARD PICKUP 6 ltolsltoyce '756 5 speed. au cond1l1omn1t. pow~ s~ring. factory maita. AM/FM !.lcn.·u plus t.ape l622UKK> 1977MGI With wtre w~ls. 08381. $4995 IAUE:R MOTORS ~Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• #}DEALER IN U.S.A ROY CARVER AOLLS·ROYCC ,~,.,., ..... ~ ~._, ... ( .. \1.....,---J..O.- __ (lO\lD WNOAVS __ SPECIAL! Bill Maxey TOYOTA MGB 'S9S1lverCloud l $19,000 Ul881 fleach Blvd ll\JNTINGTON lH•;ACJI 847-ISSS LF.A'i r. Ott nuv • •77 MGI --__ 985-4144 - 5 demo cars to choose Toyota 97 65 · 7 5 To yo ta Cc I it· a . rrom,AM/l''Mrad10.ton-••••••••••••••••••••••• AMl 1''M stereo. Mu::.t neau cover and boot 72 Hlgh Lux Camper wath sell• <Ser 426880. 4326 10. <: B AM/FM calis tape. Call673-4561 442328, 419637, 4.l.J.4701 $1S50CKll S48 1492 Bill ---S4995 '67 Corona. 4·dr, auto , 1976 Cellca GT, 5 spd runs l(ood. cln. in & out AM!f"M sU-r('(), ;ur . good Velour uphols .• good buy Lir 342GT8 955 1029 ~· SSOO 642 3358 HEW 79 MIDGET AM/FM stereo cassette. tMneau cover. heatt'r, boot rover. <Ser. 21.5812 Stlc. 4790). S517S '74 Cebca AM/FM, air. xJnt cond $2970. 67~ Toyota Celle a '72. HEW79MGI ~:=~I Tonneau oover. boot cov '72 Corona 4 dr. MN. ll(t>ld. bUc vnyl top. Xlnl cond new tires. All xtru Ong1nnl Owner. 2M m1 per ga I. 640·9470· eves c r , AM t FM s l c re o ~$. Us~ Alftos, UHd caaaette and heatPr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• !Ser. 4788.'58, Slk. 48221 $6495 AMAHEfM MmSHCAltS 774-4110 lOOlS Anaheim Blvd Anaheim Optl 9746 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7t Opel Manta Coupe i<d trans . auto trarui. vinyl top. reasonable. 581 ·3610 dya, 497-2362 evs. TRADE INS! 1977 CAOILI.AC SEVILU Onty 20 000 Oflginat m11os• Loaded with all the exrres• ( 1412801 Only SI I 495 Pondle 9750 ....................... ------------------ '79 PORSCHE I 978 CAMARO Z 28 TURIO Slack with gold trim Braupunkt stereo Black . lo1aded with cassette Wllh recorder & onty 10.000 mites equipment. l Ser. "111 ._D_F_AZ_1_0_1 _s_ooc_1a_1 w_h_.ei!_ls_&_i_ir_es_s 7_4_9_s __ __ 806). Doa't Miu Tbls One! $49,200 1961 MBCEDES llN% 250 AM/FM radio power o;1nm1no and sir cono11tomrlQ 1892TVll Only S3 495 COROLl.A UFTIACK 5 speed, AM/FM stereo. bucMt Mils & pin stripes. ~1-344723. $7271 (844VCR). aide moldlnge & wheel well $14,487 $ moldings. TE," -3t·376952 1976 SAAi 99GL Fuel in1ec1ect less tnan 22 000 m1IO'l 4 speed 4376 $5278 $4488 atr cond1tt0n1nq sports package luggage rack. maos and 81aupunkt fot(Jreo ca:.setle 4 lpeed tran.iniss1on & fully fa c tory equipped . ~. '88 Targa 912, reblt eng, I070SPSJ Only S4495 . •79 VOL VO '79 ... !~ VO L----=-=;..::..--=~~-=;..=:=.:::;.......;;:;;....+---------=-----.. , ::C.-J:.~· must sell. ------------ .242 DIMO -· -EW '78 DEMO 1977 MONARCH GHIA NEW '79 N 70PORSCHE 91 tT Complete with r.reroo. Landau too & air Autom1t1c. air cond .. tunfool, stereo 8 track. mag wheel1, power ateer1ng & power brakes. ~2.46MM45644. Automatic transmission. power stee11ng & power brakae. 91r oond. & stereo 8 track VC2«45M 1 ·371971 LAMDCRUISER 4x4 CRESSIDA SEDAN stereo, a 11 0 y s . cono111omno Only 18.000 or101na1 m11e11 LOMGIB> 'ICkUP With AM radio, rear healer 4 Door. Automatic. 11r tUc.lfSJSEMN>. (42 1RXPl OnlyS4995 41peedtransml1&lon&fulty and mud & snow 11res. cond , AM/FM stereo. Fant.alllcConditlon f actory equipped . READY RIGHT NOWI c:aaeette & low, low mllesl Don'tMLas1'hu.One ~1 10. FJ.40.290210. MX»-011001. 8667 5-525 54687 57999 -s6999 1974 IMW 2002 Loaded! Includes 4 speed. mr condlt1omng & AM/FM slereo casselle (373LPFI S5495 I t77 IMW 3201 TOP QUALITY USED CARS PRICED RIGHT!!! 173TOYOTA '9aUf' 4 IP88d tranemltak>n, new 'tit9I Ind a.per low mH"I Solid lructd ( 10G7t V). 52499 911TCPE. all rblt. $'78:i0 8118-3381 ..,7PORSCHI TUllO Low mllea • loaded. 4 speed trnnt . air concm1on1ng a stereo casselle 1238SPI) Only 1949!> 1977 IMW 630 CSI lnclu<Jlng 4 Speed 1rnn1 . steroo cassette. 1earher interior. air cond111on1ng & mag wheels C689T JEI Super s harp! (Lie ----------------.. 138STWJ). S21,'9S 1971 IMW 7331 BBS wheels & lully eou1pped 1ncludlng sunroof and atr oond (&06WDF> 1975VWUlllT 4 door 4 speed and AM/FM stereo 1784MYAI Only 11995 lf75 COtlVETTI T0TOP White exteriOf' w111'1 black lnteriOf'. lull l)OWOr. '74 tM. lo m.i, nu clu • oir cono .. 1t8f90 & mag Whffla. !BEAMAN). lsonl.t, mny ltJ'at. Mu.t1a.::::O::.:n:.1.I ..:•;.:.7.::;:29:.::S::.:.... _________ __ ..U, llli. olt. 8'2·&463 lt73 IMW 2002 fl "JI 114: 28.ooO ml. A/C. Sunroof. lir conditioning & eterwo OaMGtte AMtrll Stereo Tape, (337HOXJ. Only 18296 nn Ure., N.300 Mon· ._ ..... _...,. ____________ _ rrt ... s: ~ 1971 IMW Hoe. ·a 1118. reballt q., O CPl•montx wtttt bl~ lntetlor, air condftlonlng, mil•~• n e w crp ta. 11erto a QOWertttef'ing (eoeMVG>. 17495 Ml • ne,. brun, • oc •· ll30Cr. Uo. ll7TZW, 142.9225, ~. \ ' I ....._..,,...... 1 .. .W AlllM.lmf1rW IAllliM.UN4 AlllM.UtH ·-········-·-·· ····················-· ......... ............. .................... .. ........... _ ....... . 1\D t f7'7Y1•aw1 t770 ¥•u.CtUa 9770 _.. "" C •11 Htl .... .,... •••• ......... • ....... ,. .................... ..,............... Mel I I I I............... I II I If II• ............. . ltn~ .._ Sdrooco: a• ml ,. t.TD 4 DI' ·~air. 'Tl II Otir8do: ...Ured t Door. ' ...... ,.S lan ........ M1•aft.,_, PllN. CIC. W* lat» a. O.M . ....U.-.. Owner loc*I • top1 ii~· caU•UM &r, .U•eldr. 8'\le .U.,I .. ¥9 .a,. Prtm.e CC*I. Look• • drh•• Ilk• io a. . ._. on "'8t. top. 900 PP.•-SUMo•- Nnt <lllTWL>. n. lHDICI car1 taut "11&lal1'Wtlo: 4DO ml. "It c.d= de VW., IAYllSS OaU-..-t.oal"ed, Y~lttlnt '-all er, , .. root, -..vw.,.... .... eooct ..., ... m.,. -•-•------C OMNfl l L t~(VR O L.f T cimcWm. tme. .. llv. •'*'· a.a. lDU'. c • "17 ...... !!! .... ~ ......... ----······ -... -e..-y •• ,. n vw l•per Be•tl•. w. ..... Mriou c ..... SlllO ..... 1.a1 c6 P.P. ------- ' ' . ' ,. ' s.o 11no ff16 YW "11 a..u., IW'Od, hpd, C = "11 •POf'T1'11911~0f'-c...,. ........... ·~ ..................... .. _... .... Mell•.._ SWI...,.,.... lt76C._LAC =i---~to101 y.... tJ7! CG .. MWUI :iY11111 -·-....... -..... ~.:::. . M1111h YOLYO l ).W•-;oo ......_,..... . .... -·-· ................ aaa......9".,C.M -...-·-.....,..............,..,..., .....,.100 M9LIASltla MlmlUIC1l llW '19 OYDS&A8 OEUVU Y -a.rt.' 8lvd. 'ft BUS. AIC. cau tape UPDTI <Xlln'A MESA T·TOP ,.Oa~tAI. ..... ~··with al} fll.. _..IC• eeuortH PLUS tilt ......... ...._It.rack{ -~·· .. SAYllSSSS COHMhl C HEVROL E l "\""' la r ' \' 546-11(). ~~:,;J· IOCPI. t7N110 SPITRRE '10 vw Bua, De'# p~\, '=:' '74 n.-..... LMcl9d '1$ eam.wLT • .ull rM Alllf"lll ..,_ ewetht, new U ru, 1 un roof. 119Herttar 8hd. llllllleU. ::t nee ttr., ..... toDDMu '°"'"· heater. ~ OCWl'AllDA m-ua Mll.-..r7 bed C0Yer (SeJ'. e:lJll. . .&._..&. A•A• •.AA.~ J &UTT.I) W VW .... auto., t'leu _...._ ........-4' 'Tl C.dlllac: Coepe de ... PIS, P/8, T. top. air, 11171 All/1"11 QU .,.. SlJOO. ·-· -vo Ville. 0. -.... WU. "--P.1111111U. AA.7pmm.cml. ., •-wD ~ t.op. All-PM s.ml AMAH.. 141WMW>M ....., i.c-:_.~-~ a.n•• "•o 12 VW &al* au ~rblt Autom•Uc air coed u..lna. all --~ • •tl'IMCAIS . 1 11 1il A.11 / .. \llJPN .... '--_.__-.. -_;,· "ll"'lJ6e New betUr7. --.............. . 774-4110 :.:,:.; tuoo.'Eve~ (;dx;.--·---·-=---..n. 1'71QtlftOUT Ja&Ae tetm81YCI. l>Ja1G7«n. Ot&YSZl71 ..... ~.OaU ' CA .. CIWMOM A .... '71 c... ·'-.. ..no XI '+ I le . t p ,,__ llM ev• __ _;~-~~-~-_J ..,,.r..,ua • •. nt . -• '11 S.S.. de um ... -..... ,...... 6 la la Oawlesl CDDd. O miles oa rebuilt ....;..-·-.. _, eo.dltloo ! (IUTXB>. 1'7611tllMPM ens. All/PM uueue Dltllarbor Blvd c 11 lthr, I&«, C.8., 'nil wt.I., ••-·, • ..ae n..1 .....,, suoo . .:.me , .. ir. ir.700·· • · 6 .._, ..._ ~ .u. .. .... •-Owner drt .. a UHO. MOW.$6H9 11.tl aa.tar'. a1r coocl ... Bug upe custom --------1 fHG.-•awno. < .. > New • 1 r · GaAMGI COUMTY -------IAUalUICIC $4HS brak~mQJ -C.K\I'~ ~ y O L y O '72 Cottle de VW.. &old & 29ZSHa.rt.. Blvd. IA&mMOTOlS .... aince "'11.... DOAJSIVELYVOLVO white, a&at. c:oDd. 1 COSTAllESA Jm~Bml. ta ve•t . mu1l sell LlrleltVol De 1 owner, ..... nplar'IJ, fn.not OOSTAIOSA '2.000/blt olL MUil Seel IDOrange vo a er must ... to QJ r••. --------• nNIOt I04IOOI. BUYorL~t ~ .... ., 1mCAN1C1 D Sed de $4"9 n Vol.b. bu&. ~ 6 IRF.CT '7t VIie. All .... Ollr RIST BUY! I! V8, .2~J1l ...... ~~~a ~al'f·• :::=:.~ =::..==.·== cu...Ue <Uc. 088REK. ..... -2025 5-----~ ed One. A Geml Sim. Eatu eleaD loo 111 8'k. f7 .. ). • SQuareiNd. red. good . nchester Call-.-cmswv>. S.CstS conclitioo, '850/best of· Anaheim 750-2011 "12 DeVUle -~ _.. (er '...--.-.. CONNELL CHEVROLET ~BM ' tNkM8Zl 2 Swedlab Volv .. ........_._ ml'ISHCARS •----~---• lleebanle• oow a Aftsll'll,-... W VW Pop.top Camper. haa'1, ltH Barbo 11 SeriDe l5.tlll;+ mUea 774-4110 Side &enL lmaac cood. Bhd.,Cll.eG-11112 XlD1 CODd. loaded. Gold. ....... ' .. ' ~ I~\ \ ',\ t '." \ 1&01S.Anabelm Blvd. SZl50. Pbl3MBCM mollYOU SU.SOOP.P.640-0Ull --~A~n~a~lwol~m~ _ _J "H V'll 412 waion, auto. SILL YOUl 546-1 200 stereo tape 11.000 ml. YOLYO. SlllMI mlcb. radl•. uooo. SEE us.• BriUsh r•ei•I 1ree11. -~--------' '7S Cpe de VlJe, alereo. &lat cood., bro nze w/matdl int. $4900/oCr. ~. <Z&51). $5495 -n Bue: SIJnroof, Radial ~ YOl.YO tires, Stereo. ss.ooo aU. 111.~N4~~~10 Cnwl1m7Srt11e IMB MOTOIS Call~ aft. &pm. Very late 197 1 ot a kind "'13 Moate Carlo, dart red •/Mlite vin1' tap. SWlftl bocllet 1eau. Ster~o radio. Ult wbeel new Urea. Beautltul. Re1po11d 1 llke lborOQlbbred. $3000 or lat '11fer. -.s:iOI, Dr. Riley. ~~~vd. "73 Super Beetle, G "JUMGL.AM/F1htereo fad«)' catm cranberry 919-aOO CODd. $13'1S ~ ~-AIC, A :-:. ~~ = :r. "13 Monte Carlo, auto, PS. 1'15-83 wr wbls, new 721 'a, PB, air. New tna tram It exhaust aystem. ~t tune. $2515. m.o.o. ~ ••ugca '770 72 a... SoOd eood $1 "15 Volvo 1ME Super st.ereoetc. Alherv1ee re-... ,................... finnimmilel Prtced below boo k . conls aince new. Com· '71 ID W..-. ,ood CODd. --stS-0805aft6Pll. pare Wa car to any '78 '74 Yep wen, GT, rood IW9. _, lnodel. $10,.00 or offer. cond. $US. Pvt pt1 . m.-'68 Squ.rebac:lt, n!bll. • .. MU; 30,000ml. S+over· 55245i28. (lOlHWJ) Ph60-3045. -------~ enc. aew Urea, palot.. drive , P I !?i PI W 'DVWBaiJ,rblteq.1a ~ClllMn..Sl,OOOlinn, l&ereo.'tape. •lcbelim ..... Mew ........... "90 raaf. --... .... IG-ellll Xlatcoad calll4CMIZTO ....................... ··-········-........ . •m&.lll.-. 'DBlll:Ubeew,lowmJ. 1118 242GT, AM/F ned ftllt JOU wut ba llust .U. $3.200 «oiler. .......,, mUat eood., m Dlib' PUataa..lliecb. 51f.3134arl60-21A _tell_. -..mo _____ --1 ..._,.,. Am1M. UMCI .._,..._. -·-·· -·-····---.... --···---····· ALLEN RESALES '71~ I TOM1RUat 10 loot stake body, 5580 .~1.18' milea. ~ (V~). .. speed trant.. 10.000 t(JW{, sierra grande lntenor. C 1 H8835e) 75 CHEVIOLIT COIVEiii T-Bar roof. tact~ air. wire wheels. ne"" metallk: green P81nt, AM/FM casaette. pawer windows. teether Interior. Hurry! (948MCS). 19740LDsMolal CV'R.ASSCOUPI A V9fY pretty rus1 metallic with vinyf Landeu toe>. tilt wheel and teathef Interior. Only 47.800 mites on this llttlegem. (181JREl I t74 CADIUAC SIDAMDIVIW Fully eQUi®ed ee+ge with vinvt roor & rac::tory ••r condrtioning. All outstanding value! 1976 IUICI UGALCOUN 8eioe with fult POW'ef, factory power Windows. ai>lif P<>wef seat & stereo. Low mileage A beautiful~. · 1 t77 OLDS' Cun.ASS SUPRfl••C>UaMAM Sunny yellow with black vfnyt roof. full pawer and factory air conditioning. Only 31.800 miles. Lota of nioe 0Ption1 tot:>C>ed off by an electric sunroof make this a reel buyl (27GUCC). lt74 MRCroES llMl •sosa Brown wltti belQe leather interior •nd tOP. Completely eQUie>ped and full POWtw Mint condition! (5111NAC). I 977 CADIU.AC SIDAMDIYIW Sunny yellow thrOughOut. Leather lnteriof. full power wfth all ttie nice oPtlons. A bargain honten dream! (337RJ8). 1977 CADIUAC AMC ...................... 9910 ...................... 19771UICIC ESTA11WAec>M 8-all ol the delu.xe op- tbll Ir in UKE NEW condition lbruout I (2321). Wu $7195; OD sale NOW-$6999 IAURIUIQC 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA t7t..UOO 1m1U1C1 u':::,~'.~ ONLY•mUeat (lCJIOZ).., OMLYS7695 HOWAIDct....-. -Ni:r~m~ IJJ.Olll lf77IUICI •AL LANDAU Wltb la• tban 17,000 mllea. <•llTQ). w •• .._;oaaale MOW..SltH IAUmlUICI 2125Harboi Blvd. COSTAllESA t7NIOO R.a'JWOOO Full power and loldedl RON With a butgandy 'T7 Eleetn. all enra1, teatti4t' lntertor. Comes with 8 full 1 ye. aood.cleaDCCIDd. *5,1151 f9dory MIT'&nty. (811RLY). fB.7080 171-1111 1---------,-,71--C-A-~-L.Li--A-C ______ __., lf76IUICI SIVIW .. AL Truly • .,.,_ w -Gold wfth moonfOOf & !ltr• C!laan tbruout I ORANGE COUNTY'S CORVEITE HEADQUAR I ERS NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN AMERICA'S # 1 SPORTS CAR 57839'° ' 74 CORVETIE 1()41861 WHITE 74tg!YEllE 5813465 ORANGE 75 c~ytllt sa~AAOO BLACK ~-- 76CORVEllE IMMll BLACK& ORANGE TWO-TONE 77_q}!ytl its.,~ l!!AAOO BEIGE .,.,.,.,--- JUST ARRIVED! <~::~ .. CORVETTES Comal._. (1) BLACK -... ,tern (1) YELLOW ( .. 111411 $15,241 00 $14,5630° beta• ~ lntettor All of the ....iiy nice (9'1PWY). Wu M8G; oa 0r>tfon1 encl IOw leitu19 world mlleL 1 v.. .... ---------------... Wtmin'YIO~ (830SPM). ~ MOW4Jtff. IAUmlUICIC 1971 POiie .. fZ4 -lbttlor 81¥4 Alt c:ondltlou•no • .unroof. tt..o tepe. IPOt11 OOITA MESA peckagl. bteck wttn aotct tnm. 40 ch. ce an0 m-noo onty e.eoo~n11 mr1e11 (5570) "l'1 a.ctr•, tll eilrta, ...... deml eoad. '5.1951 ..,..,. fTl.tllf Bakt SQl&r'k ••• 2 dr. loo4 coed 6 reliable ==lo.a. , .. ,, .,. ....... ·--....... --,. .. •EW 1971 -DA ISUN PICKi ~n-J s ONLY TENM: $700 cmt'I or tf9de down. 199.11 month for IO noncha. o.ferred.. peyment Pttoe It 11878.eo. ~ 16.31%. ON APPAO"Vm CAB>l'r. NEW 1978 DAISUll 1-21 O. HATCHIACI< $ 4459~~ -•411 O.._.LY ~MS: f700 cuh or lrede down. *'9.~ month tor 60 ., m:>nthe Deferred peyment pric. la $6679.60. APR 15.7m'i. ON APPROVED CREDrT .. WO. NEW 1978 DATSUN B-210 STM4DAID ._,SPllD ONLY 53498 MO WOMIT DOWM AHO UP TO .. WOMTH llMAHC ... AYMAl&.I OM .000 cal91T • NEW 1978 DATSUN F-10 coun OMLY 54099 1 9 7 BRAND NEW 1979 1 9 •ZX· Eledron•c 1\191 1nledion. 5 speed overdrive tr,namlatlon. •·wheel ~..-lled dl9C mkee. 4 whee4 idem euepenlion r1M>•nd· pinion -..nno. AM~M atereo w/ • IUCO retractrng Power entenn•. 1Khofrelet1 bnted glal&. electnc rear window derrocter. and much. much m>rel ORDER YOURS TODAY ~7 TERMS,~n~, s 199 99 month tor eo months Deferred payment price Is S13.999 40 APA t2 96% ON MO MOM1Y DOWM AMI fl TOM ...o.rrM APPROVED CREDIT ~ &YAILAM.1~ M'PtlOY• Cl9ff - DIAL·A·DATSUN DEAL! CALL TODAY 558-7111 .. DJ2 DAILY Ptl.OT AMtot,U••d AMto1,UMd ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• UNd ---.u"4 Qe".. tHO Qryaa.r ttZI Cor'f'9tte ttll C.-.ttte ttl2 c..pr ttlJ tt45 .•••.....••••.•....... ···•·····•···········•• ......................................................................................................................................... . Qe uu •t "ZO Qu; ..... tt20 "74 Moa&e ~rlo. lo ml. 197' CHRYS&.a •n CC>aVITTE '78 Corv. cstm palnl, auto, 76 XR 7 Fu 11}' e CJ ul p ttn IJMCOLM .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ••••••••••••••••• w/fflllAY C\POoN. '3200. COIDOIA White. aut.omatlc air. T-top. Ut wbl. P/8, maa AM/FM t.pe. Xlat cond. VllSAJLLES Clltn•t HJ ....................... 1961 CHlftOUT MALA SS lt71CHIYIOLIT lt71CHIYIOUT ~-.na·2ll11 With many. many eit· powtt' wt.Ddowt. awreo. wh.bl. P/wlod. AM /FM Muat sell moo, after UXE NEW condition & MALASllAM ~CAILO 71 Moel• Carlo Xlnt tnal (7HNLT>. Wu T·tQp. sc.ereo " tape. 3:SJC ml. 4PM871-$833 . h u e v tr Y\ h 1 n g • -cOM¥•1ar Loob cood naoa irut. CNPUll>. Wu SMM. oo .. Aul.onlalc. pwr. alNr' llLld oe ~ W1lh lnt ~ 3$0 au&A> · bU<"k•l '5W: onaal XTlA SHAI, '7800. ~ <534SWT> was '94i5 00 Ina. 1•<1.or>' alr ~. lbH 12.000 mllu .. .u power ,;,lndowa MOW-$4111 PIUCm>TOSIU 70 couaar. XR7 sale • • MOW-Slttt Mu.lute• -Harbor Bl\'d. tpsTMtSA 't'1'-n00 =• 'J:'.:r:'': ~ ::su'>· Wu"*; on air, .i.w paint • ttaru'. IAU. IUICK 16 CORVETTE lit c&.ltl&.AMO MOW.$1444 mLaea. Uc. emu.J> St.II ~ ••••• moo. rb.Mf.1740 251rl:&H•rbor Blvd. Leather bltr, new paint, tAeBIUIQ( rJMJ ,._,,,.,.._.... COSTA MDJA vinyl top, AC. PS, PB, 70 29Z5Harbor Blvd $4777 IAUm IUICa a.'* tfll 91'·2100 Auto lra.NI. air cood.. aene.., wide ovaaa good COSTA MESA -Jtatbol' Blvd. • .. •••••••••••••••••••• t:: •teertnfi power on 1as-N n1 xfot. 1 t7f·2500 lHl ODORl OOITA MPA • 7 l Cb r ya . N . y . Ca ........ '930 ak.es. AM/F stereo, ~owaer~~· P:.,:P:.:,·,:::98':=·:!·1848=. __ f--:-::=-:-:::-:=-:::-:--:---'79•2IOO aqbam, •-dr, dean, ........ ••••••••••••••• leather In terior, low •Cole Can ert XR7 ttnUMCOLM ROBINS ,__, ••• ., IWtury, loaded. lo ml. lt7'UMCOU4 =~·(Lie. 239NYE). x.1ntco:d. Lo ~i. aOaded'. TOWN SIDAN ,.....,_~t ~ml, A.IC, llJOO. M.W53I cONn••:IT AL •CORVmlSI __ ~ Tbl& black beauty 1i. FORD °"" bllU., wak•, Uni. Slledalizlne ln e•celleat h 81 k ~.. all Na. S-.up • '7' 17 1977 CHtlYS&.a MAD IV Corvette body & paint AMNtltM Dodgt ft35 II arp! ac leather •' ." "' • ~ '1 I • I NI tnd.CM.60m-51JI H.Y.laOu.HAM Cartier model with a au!f.er v laed by Ri c lltrTISMCARS -••••••••••••••••••• seat.a with padded vlnyl ,' ac coach root. Full power. • ll <:amJoo *• 4 COWi moonroo . t683n L>. Wrilht. 77.4 A I I 0 61 D•rt. xlra cln., " of coune tilt wheel 1.t•''4 '4t\A '·•. • 111 ,. MaMAt CllrlO tADdau ipl.SlOOOena.l ... UJt"1 l i.-w with ext.tu fl.Ill WM"885;on1aJe HOWAltDCllevroltt ..-. dl!IDdbf oewtires/batry. n.Ue irol AM/FM »M mJ, buC'llN, (,'ndae, wk old New cl11tcb, ..,...., 50150 lplit front HOW·Sl999 DovdiQuailStl. lflOlS. Anaheim Blvd. 23MPG S800~5419 c corb . ..._.. aereo, etc Vtey atiarp map. A.II rec lpta 00 Miii.a, air coocl., apeed Ali& I NEWPORT BEACH Anaheim 11tereo w t quad lapc OS..C..t ...... ,. AU:M7' PP~. :f DODO. NO-DOG e.i. control. till wheel. JaHar~~v~. lll-0555 llU. VAN'S ~•••••••••••••!!~~ =!~~S::J~od ~I~ '7t<be1.fel• Ukt' MW I Ra. ::'~~~i::: COSTA MESA 76COltYITTE '7lC:OltVETTE .PHIL . S'995 ~~~~~~~~I ~'lMW'oNY ll,OOO ml. NOVA·p wr brh pwr IDONI · luxury car! 919-2500 SUver. automatic. •ir. Orange · stereo, air. T· LONG 540-5630 "JO Chev w 350 ~ a3l8 •U"I. aUlO t.rana, bruue -(Uc. tlSSWO > c:.on.tt. tf32 power windows. stereo. l op -I o w m i I e s . nNd.t~~orr!:t •W-con.3.10cn1.~nt ~~lnt.llJ00.1Ult78 S57tl ••••-•••••••••••••t••• T-top, 0 1no -M lte ! (Lle.J7'13SPJ ). Su per FORD 1011 "SO" & so" o«er. -.a74 trna. good work or 540-5630 '78 Vette. L82. 4 spd, Priced to sell! Buy! -trans cu MOO/~t olt --air P/W 9ac i ~ om.-~-::-":x!!l;i~ Laat model Corvalr. l ~719t ur71MoateCark>7,000 ml, .... _. • • ..,. m · ·-•" o.ner. Xlnt cond. muat air, cruise, Ult wbl, Sl.3,000. 963-7303. ;.a, tell. $1<116 or l olfer '79 impala. 4 dr P/S, bucketa, All/FM, elc '78 Velte, Top cond. --uo 09-2916, m uuse PIB.oewUfts, new baU. dn/wlod. la-4tS. CaU 2628 ti.ARBOR BLVD. $12.000/Be:lto(fer. . ,_,, ~Btwd D'M270. Veryclean.-.3729 f1S.1151 COSTA MESA 89M406 ~o.o--m-2:1» • l INCOLN·MERCURY 9'50 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....._.... tlOOAlllot.Mew tlOO ....... N.w '800Alltot.Mew tlOO Alltot.N•w '-"••-•·-0oow-•·-·· ........................ ....................... ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... .. .......... c..... ...... '74 ~o Stal. Wagon . All pwr, lilt whl, CIC, rod rack. $2200. 548-2022 FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT ORDER YOURS NOW 4-apd., pwr. stf., pwr. disc brk1 .. 4'M stereo. tinted glass. Stl. '9979 (60nao) NEW1979 ZEPHYR. ,---~.-·;. NEW1979 . BOBCAT RUNABOUT s3a79 NEW1979 CAPRI S4879 s3979 FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT STK. 9684 (606618) NEW 1979 MONARCH . GHIASEDAN va. ·wr. tun pwr .. •If. AM-Fm Stlf. wtttt caa .. t. Ylnyl rt .. lf)d. cont .. 1tl. bit._ wlw. digit clll .• tltt wheel Ind rnucit '"°"· Stk. 1121 11m <wtnd '"'' .sg.\30). NEW1979 GRAND MARQUIS SEDAN VI. WT, fuH pwr •• air, AM-IM Stet .... rcfl wfttt CMMt. Mone pt., I ~ Mita, tttt wttNI, complett luxury. Stt. NtO (t27122t (Wtlld •*'· S1U30I NEW1979 COUGAR XR7 VI, Alf, NII pwr ~ llr, AM-FM Stet. wtttl 8 tra tape, upgfllde aound, ln1tr. grp .• XR7 Dec:Of Grp. tilt wMel, Etc., Etc., Stk. tm (935003) (wtnd. alkt. 110,720>. * BUY OFF WINDOW STICKER 1679 OFF WINDOW STICKER s1479 OFF WINDOW STICKER 1978 CHEVROLET MOHTE CARLO. v.a. auto . llCt. M, pwf. str., pwr. dlBC bftls .• pwr. wndwa.. AM·FM rldlo atereo, tinted glass. ~u tap, tilt 1978 CHEVROLET MONTE CARlO. V-8, auto, llCt. air. pwr. str .. pW<. diaC bfb.. pWf. Wndwl .• AMIFM rldlO 11tereo. tinted ~'· Landau lap, SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON 1979 'LUXURY CARS. wMM•$~5988 1977 LINCOLN TOWN SEDAN, • DA. V-8. auto, fact. air, pwr. str , pwr O•sc t>Ols .• pwr. wndws , AM· FM rldl<> stereo, stMI radials. tinted glass. landau top. lilt wheel, cruise cont. '2133 . . S8488 •976 COUGAR V-8, auto. fact. air, pwr. sir .. AM·FM radio tape stereo. steel radials, tinted glass. Lan· tlau top, tflt wheel, crulae cont t160AFM. 55388 1976CAPRI e cy1 . •·5Pd .• AM/FM radio t_,. stereo. I015MXL 53488 ~ .. ~s·54aa~· .. 1977 COUGAR XR·7 Fact. 1ir, pwr. air., pwt'. dlac bltta.. pwr wndWs •• pwr .... ,., AM/FM ttpe 1te<eo, landau top, tllt wtletl. crulte cont. Spilt !;;M'·'S 5888'""'' 19nMONARCH V-8, auto. fact. air, pwr. sir .• AMIFM rldlo stereo. steel radiala, hnled glass. Vtnyt Int. 18t•TRT. 54988 1976MARKIV v.a. auto~ l1et. air, pwt. atr •• pwr. dlac l>r1ta .• pM'. wndw1 . AM/FM radio 1ttfe0. tinted glus. Landau top, 1111 wheel, Cf\llH control. t yrJ12JXX) ml. warranty. t2244. 58488 1977 MERCURY 1977 CHEV. CAMARO V-8. auto · lac1. wr, pwt. str., AMIFM v.a. auto.. fact. air. AMIFM rlldio ,.,,. radio tape stereo. steel radial tires. .,.... wtltlewalls, unted glaU. l.alidau· tap. stereo ttnled glass. hit wtieel.13a7SEV. ='°"S5588'"'' s52aa SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS ON BtG SELECTIONS OF •CONTINENTALS •MARK Vs •VERSAILLES AM:FM tTfttO .. trirt; tllt whl., •Pffd cont. COMPLETt LUXURY EQUIP, Stoclt 1ttT4 252°~ CLOSED END 31 MONTHS ..,.., lOUll ,,...,ut70S.,.... .... .. .., CllMll. ....... ...... '74 Raacbero. Squire. Xlnt mee h cond . F ully ~~eeds paint. W Torino. new paint job, good tires & motor . gd int. $850. lo( r, 64&-6H9 '72 O>urier, new engl.Jle. Beslolf er £..466l 14 LTD 4-dr. HT. AIT. PIS. PIB, radio, new tires. well maint . $1850. 1976 MHCUltY MOM•lc:H SB>AN Soft yellow with white vinyl interior. Economy &.cyl. engine, radio, air cond . power s teering, automaUc transmission. (Lie. 223NXM > $36'5 540-5630 548-SS. 2626 HARBOR BLVD. '7J LTD2dr. sedan.400eu COSTA MESA ' in PIS. PIB. air, vnyl 1--------- tq>, auto. '19.000 ml. Good I t76 MlltC:URY ccnd. Sl500S3M325. MOHAICH '70 Ford cua&om 500, 4-dr. GHIA COUPE mg. in ll1dl cood. $800. Less than 20,000 miles, 562-9019 alr cond.,pow r brakes & '76 Gnnada Ghia: 2 dr steering, radio, viny l auto. AIC. PIS. stereo roof. Sharp Car! (Lie. · I in r IJ566NPL). tape, thr. t. vnyl roo , $4495 P/W. Xlnt cond. SJ.800 561-5821 540-5630 LTD. sedan. 4 dr. atr, AM/FM/tape. Sl700. 1011 '°SO'° & SOX • LINCOLN·MERCURY ___ 6'4_-6189 __ __,..-2626 HARBOR BLVD. 642-5618 COSTA MESA --------MtM.UHd [8J 78 =~~M•=;$ 5595 '76 ~~~~jj~995 '77CMEYYCAMAllOLT s5795 "-'-"' -._ .,. cotld •o.:~• "'''•• • LO;;~; CornCN fe.., fOm»O & runs • •OIMitnt '71MBICEDIS1SOC s5995 """'' COHOll•OM t&l•E•l.OHLY '78 ~.!!.!~ ......... 1T .. 3395 • ,__ oow -msn OMLY '79 CADILUC EU>ORADO s15 9 ,.ew ttwwovt' r u;1., '"'°'' L040£0• t0b091 OK y , i ....._Ulff •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ .......... !!.~O c.ANOE COUNTY MIWIST LINCO~ M.:R URY ONlerablp ii now OPEN IAYllUDUOI UNCOLN ·Mf. CUR Y 111-tlAa&o r Or. ~ Lake f or l e11tt IRVlN . IJ0.7000 tt76 ... CUIY MOMAICH AulomaU~. pwr 1c r I.lie. &lr eoocs .• low. luw riJea (IMNXR) Wa $491 OQMko MO\¥.ssa11 UU.IUK:k -~¥"bor ltlvd cmrAMl-:S.\ f7f.JlctO --'11 Mont Int rood vc~ • J14uo c111 an •·ru1 . -- tW04 tHJ ....... .._., ............. . ltM Mu1tan1 <.:oa• OOlnoC rtlltOl'atiC'IO, wtre ~ • M rcf'doe doth ~ lo Stas.. *7600 •• Ot.wtv 8 c:yl. alllo, P/ , oew top, Be1t over Olll1S1.., 9957 ....................... '72 Runabout, Meds :.ome ' wort. $400. Mu:.l 1;cll Klm 5S7 .5897. "75 Pinto Wagon V-6, auw tnm, 20mpg, low miles $2900 I o((er . ( 7 14 ) S48-l62S after s p. ro . & weekends . or (714 ) 411&-1000, ext. 'Sf/ wkday1. ,.,...... 9'60 ....................... -~.'74 ~1.• SUper cond. ,. uni. x In l PIUnt & vlny top brand new. Rear defroster . AJC, P/8 . heater Must s ee ! Reasonable / 11M-1848. '72 Dust.er 70,000 ml. Good coad.$1400 548·3600 'fB Valiant. 2 dr, PS/PB. air coad, new batt, caaette. Gd cond. $74.S, 671-83 PGlllloc ,,,5 ....................... POMTIACS I '177 LI MAMS $3999 CXJUPE. VI, automatic, air eond., pwr. lt.eennic I& I track 1teTeo. Ready toao! ! ! C"2RKQ). lt76UMAHS $3499 OOUPE. V8, automatic. air cond. pWl". stt .. •nnR & vlnyl top. A front lane earl!! (1?6NlK). CONNELL CHEVROLET %lH 11.irlMtr Hh d ("(""'I',\ \1 ~~" \ S46-l 200 1976 PONTIAC ftUllRD ? AW>maUc, air cond., tilt wheel. pwr. wmdow1 & .. ooly 28, 173 miles I (855RER). .. • t • . • • . .. • • • • . . • • +. . .. . .. .. ; .. .. . . . . . . . PRICED TO SELL Mlrac:k Mclldo/R ..... t ZUOHarbor Blvd.,<: M 645-5700 '18 Pont. Aatre w~ 4 t'y l. auto, alr, P/S, PIH. lit ~. new brakes & tares SZJ.00.673-3826 16 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX Auto tra111. air cond .. J:::': wtndoWI, window ~· A-M/FM alurco •I track, en.else control, dJ& wheel. (Llc:. 482TPG) $4195 AMAHllM llfTISH CAIS 774-4110 J801 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim n 'rWrd ....................... • 2'29HAABOR BLVD. ~ CQl!A MESA ~ ; ~ .•.•......••. !!!.~ ; "H R*bblck. 4!,000 ml, a, llM ciond. Beaut exlr , SUOO/bltolr. 173 ~ • ~ 1::.r~ w10. •Int '· - I I NEW '78 YAN Conwenlon1 Save 52500 OFF OUR WINDOW STICKER PRICE! WAS 1 11,287 NOW ONLY SIJ87 I 00°/o FINANCING ONALLCARS- 0.A.C. '76 HOMDA CYCCWA~Ot4 \peed '8d10. heller IAl\6319) '67 CAMARO e -cyllnde r. automatic tran1m1as1on. super nice ITYM818) I I "'-l • " , . . ·-. " l'M 101 IALLACK ••• SADDLEBACK'S NEW GENERAL SALES MANAGER. WE HAYE SOME '78 .DEMOS STILL A YAILABLE A I EXTREMELY REDUCED PRICES! '75 EUTE '71 PIMY'O STATIOHWUOM Aulomauc. air COfldit1on1no. AM/FM With 8 Ired(, root reek 1589HTYI '75 CAPtttCE HTATI WAe.OM Fndey,Jenwary 12. 1979 197915 ~ IEA IEAL -D YEAR FOi Y• AllD US. HEii .WE IO WITH SIPll SA Yl•S 011 FOIDSI HI ••• l'M NOT IOI BALI.ACK. l'M JOHN MOZDEN -NEW DAILY PILOT 0 J 3 CAR MANAGER. HOW ABOUT SOME NEW 1978 P•TOS SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM s3295 OYER 20 . •W 1978 .f-FESIAS ·· '71 CAMARO V ·8 . au1 o ma11c 1ranam1ss1on oowitt atee,.no ano brakes. a11 cono111or11no 14291-fPOI lEFll '77 DO f '74PIMTO au.+AIOUT Au1oma11c 1rani.m1ss1on in;iq wheels and lire:. tP8664• Vinyl top autornahc traM p ower 11eer1ng po wer brakes air condotionino (224NKP) Full (lO"NIM' and LOAOE0!1 1388VPWI A5"NWAe~ Automattc oo-wer steenno '" cond11tonino AMtFM w11h casse11e pl1yer 1091SOXJ 52777 '76 GUHADA •HIA J.ooolt HAllTOP Fully eQull)C)ed (571RXP) .... I 53377 '71 THUMDElllRD ONl Y 7 000 AC TUAL MILES• f2<42ULC) r-I 53777 0 7 PJ4 OAA.V"LOT •• , ... f . - I ) I ij 111 { J L 1If1 4DOOR MODEL 4 8')88d trans.. front wheel drive, rack & pinion steering. rear window defroster. body side rrold1ngs. bucket seata & ~tires. (121390). BRAND NEW 1979 PLYMOUTH ARROW PICKUP "THE HOTTEST NEW PICKUP ON TH~ MARKET" SERVICE HOURS: 7:30 AM TO 5:30 PM" ·SATURDAY l:OO AM TO 5:00 PM BRAND NEW 1979 CHRYSLER CORDOBA ve. automatic trans .. power steering. power brakes. tinted windahleld. electronic ignition S)Stem. wsw glass belted radial tires & morel (106408). 4 speed transmission 2000 cc engine pow~ 1ron1 disc brakes ad1us1ab1e steering column. tinted glass. radlO and wsw 11res 11005901 DISCOUNT Off Manufacturer's Suggeated Aetall Prtc:e BRAND NEW •79 CHRYSLER ~ ... LE IARON 4 DOOR va automatic rrana.. pwr seat. pwr aunroof. pwr windows. pwr door kldal. lull vinyf padded roof. tllt wheel, AM/FM steteo w/8 t1ad< tape -This cat IS la.ded' t JANUARY CLEARANCE ON ALL USED CARS WITH GIANT SAVINGS FOR Y.OU 178 PLYMOUTH VOLAUSIDAM 178 CHRYSLER ·CottDOIA COUPE '74 FIAT 121 SIDAM '72 CHRYSLER M!WPOttT SIDAM VB. automatic trans .. pwr. steering, VB. ~tic tran~ .. d pwr. feeri~. 4 tP88d transmission. radio and VB automauc trans .. air cond . PWI' pwr. brakes. air cond .• vinyl top, ~-;;·~n~l~,!7·!:w~;,; heater. C&70KXZ). An outstanding sreenng pwr brakes. 11111y11op racho l'8dlo a wsw tirM. (813TU0). (<421UHSJ. • 1 -.. value at only & wsw 11res <050GNMl _s4195 • 175 CHRYSLER COllJOSKCOUPI s5795 '74 FORD --lltMr058A . ..--- s1395 •74 DODGE DART SIDAM... _ s995 178 PLYMOUTH• VOLAal WAGOM W. auton.ttc m.ns.. •Ir cond .• pwr. ve. automatic trans pwr steenng lleering. pwr. brakes. pwr. windows. 4 speed ttansmrsslon. AM/FM stereo W. .utonwttc ttans .. pwr. ateenng. pwr brakes. air cond custom AM/FM stereo, cruise control. radio. heater end wsw tires. pwr. brakes. air oond . vlnyl top, motdtr19. root rack. ra<Sto g wsw llres lelUl8r Interior. wire wheel covers a (818NR0). '911oand wsw tires. (573MIMJ. 1618uMNl m>nt1 (o482NIL). s1395 .. s1995 $4695 .. •• •77 DODGE PtCKUP WITH CAMPY V8 automatic trans . owr steenng pwr brakes sink srove. 1ceb0x radio 4 more' IO I 71021 '71 FORD l'tNTO SEDAM Standard trans . deluxe molding bucket seats AM/FM stereo wlfh casse11e & wsw fifes 1797EAZ1 s995 .. •s:-.: fizz r .. . . i I I I BuntingtOn Beaeh Fountain Valley EOtTION \'eur Home&own Daily ewspaper VOL. 72, NO. 12, .. SECTIONS,~ PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRI DAY, JANUARY 12, 1979 TEN CENTS Teache~, Ofiicials 'Pick Up Pieces' By aoa ~ llAllllt;& Of .. Ooelll' ..... """ School olfk11b pll'd1tl"d todny to lry "lo put th p1tt buck , tog~lbl"r uauln" uft t"r a se\I n doy te cl'IE'r • trtkt> brouaht bit terncs1 und turu1(1ll tu tht.• Hunt lnaton Beach Union Hi.ih Sehuol Olstrlct Board Plt 1dent Zita W~• Hid llht." h; l'lt'UIU ... d t hot the strike 1, over 11nd that teuc:hcn. ure back ln thl'lr clussroomlll ·~···--UNDER THE KNIFE Newport's John Wayne Jolm Wayne Undergoes Operation LOS ANGELES <APl John Wayne. the battling giant of llollywood films for half a cen- tury who has fought off cancer and an allin., · eart, underwent gall bladder surgery today that took "longer than anticipated." 'The operation began al 7 :45 a m. and was expected t• last about two hours, according t.o U C L A M e-0 i cal Ce n l e r l>pokeswoman Bonnie Whitham. But he was still in the operalin~ room two hours and 45 minutes later. Miss Whitham said "we don't know at this time• 1f there are complic•ations. but 1t 1s taking longer than anticipated." "The gall bladder is con· side r ed maJor surgery." she said. T he 71 .year·old veteran of Westt'rns and war movies checked into the hospita l Wednesday for the surgery, a spokesman for his film company said. Wayne reportedly has had a gall bladder problem for some ttme. A hospital spokeswoman described thc Academy Award· winning actor 's cond ition as good Thursday following pre- hminary tests. Rebels Near Takeover of All Cambodia BANGKOK, Thailand <APt- 11 ca v y fig hting and dead Chinese were r e ported-.ln northwestern Cambodia near the Thru border today. but ob- servers predicted all of the coun-try will be ln the ha nds of the Vietnamese and their Cambo· ctian alUes before the end or the week. The Vietnamese invaded Cam· bodia on Christmas Day. ln· stalled a Cambodian Communist llOvernment in Phnom Penh, the capital, on Sunday. They cap- tured Siem Reap and laid siege to Baltambong In the northwest Thursday. sendinit holdouts of the toppled r egime fleeing towurd the Thal border . A Cambodian solider who escaped told Thai bordor police heavy Clghtlnar was stJll going on along tfie road from Ballam· bang to the Thal frontier and that ht> had seen mnny dead Chinf'!le. About 600 Chinese ad- vi!l~rs to th fallen ~ment had btcn ~t.' • seeking transit throug •lland to Peking. .. .. Bu& thfffi .,... many acara that nl 1 btt ~i.IC'd on all t tacb~rii. 1tudu nu and part nU "It wu tlm of alrlf end Wl' a~ goltlll to Ir')' our ~•l to a~t t"\ er) orw ~urkan& tojC!thcr." ~h~ !>Mid In Totbm. pre-sldenl or tht• 0111lr1ct J.o;dU<'utorw A. soc1elM>n, 1> jd the slrtk~ hu cuused bitter ft-ellnp betwn·n teocbcr-1 and dilit rict 0Cllc1al1 und belw.wn * * * 1trlkera and ftOtHtrlken. "Th re probably wlll be bitter t tlnp In the 1hort run but we re hoping that no one la too bit- ter. "We don't want faculty mem· bens t.o be 1tartnp at each other with hatred. but am sure there la ana r (J)ere,'' he declued. M rt. Wn.sa predicted that it muy tuke the rest or the school yt<ar to gel classroom con<liUons buck to normul. * * * She said teacben have agreed to accept erades recorded by 1ubslltute teachers and that there ls no problem wllb stu- denta receiving credit for the first semester's work. About SOO s ubstitutes who were filling in during lhe strike received telephone calla late Thursday night and early this morning that their services would no longer be needed. AlthouJ(b t.eacbers didn't win * * * '\o agreement tor binding arbitration. Tolbln s aid their fight Is far from over. lte said teachers will get politically involved In November and try to elect boa.rd can-didates who are sympathetic with their cause. The term~ M two trustees expire at that time. He declared teachers also wilJ strive for binding arbitration <See SCHOOLS, Page A2 > * * * Teacher Strike Ends Trustees Agree to 7 Percent Pay Hike By RA VMOND ESTRADA IR. OI .. O.Hy ...... St.Mf Striking West Orange County high school teachers returned to their classrooms today a fter negotiators reached a contract settlement Thursday t.o end the walk out that began Jan. 3. Huntington Beach Union High School District board President Zita Wessa said trustees agreed to give the distr1ct's 867 teachers a seven percent pay hike after July 1 if a state-imposed salary freeze is lifted. Teachers may also receive up to three percent in additional pay raises if the school district gets more funds from the state that it received last year. But Mrs . Wessa said the school board refused to budge on teachers' demand for binding a rbitration in grievances over interpretation or the new con· tract. The agreement includes a s eries of increased fr'inge benefits and expires June 30, 1980. Mrs. Wessa said more than 400 striking teachers have been granted amnesty from punish- m e o t for their activities. Strikers wilt not receive pay or fringe benefits for the seven days or the walkout. she added. District Education Association officials. teacher group leaders who spearheaded the strike, hastily organized a Thursday evening general membership meeting t.o vote on the new con· tract p~al. Teacher s pokesman Bill Bianchi said about 71 percent of the 400 teachers who jammed in· lo Westminster Community Center voted in favor or the new contract offer Thursday night. Teach e r and di s trict negotiators met with the stale· appointed mediator Dhraza Mrvichin during two. all-night contract sessions Tuesday and Wednesday t.o reach an accord. The turning poin't in the nine month-old contract dispute ap- , \ That's No Bull Pleas Save 'Bionic Cow' GREENSBORO. N.C. <AP > ~ After surviving a ~ head-on -or. rather. horn-on · collision with a car. tranquilizer darts fired by police. and a leap from a bridge, "Bonnie the Bionic Cow" finally convinced somebody she shouldn't end up as 800 pounds of hamburger. J .B. Tucker was taking the black Angus to a sla ughter house Nov. 14 when she escaped. After eluding poUce. who said they shot her with tran- quilizing darts.-the cow s howed up on Interstate 85 near Greensboro. damaged a car and later jumped over the side of a bridge when cornered by police . Authorities immediately dubbed her the ·'bionic cow." She showed back up In S. Clyde Dixon•s herd Dec. 18. Tucker, who said he still wanted the animal slaughtered, finally gave in to pleas from nei&hbors, and said he would s pare her. On Wednesday. Mary Hill a nd 22 others who heard of Bonnie's plight bought her and trucked her back to Dixqn 's herd. She will be used for breeding purposes. · Shala Ouster Demanded . parently came at an emolion- charged Tuesday ni ght school board meeting when trustees d~ cided t.o hold contract talks at midnight Mrs . Wessa said teachers <See STRIKE. Page AZ> Signal Hits Marsh Suit: 'Baseless' OfficiaJs of Signal Landmark Inc. described the lawsuit seek· ing to block the 1973 Bolsa Chica marsh agreement today as base· less and unwarranted. The swt. filed by Amigos de Bolsa Chica Inc . co.presidents Herbert and Melody Chatterton and past co·pres1dents Rhoda and Kenneth Martyn. named 10 de fendants including Signal Landmark and several slate agencies. Tbe auit asks the eourt t.o void the agreement which gave Signal title to 1.700 acres of marshland. lt also seeks an in - junction to ball any development ln the area alone with alleged de1radation o( the wetlands that is under way. Iran Violence Renewed ln a statement issued today by William Allen. senior vice presi· dent and general counsel for Signal Landmark. the accusa- tions were labeled fa lse and described as an effort lo block the company's efforts in the Bolsa Chica area . The 1973 agreement gave the development company clear ti· tie t.o 1,700 acres of Bolsa Chica property in exchange for grant· 1ng the state title to 557 acres directly adJacent to Pac1f1c Coast Highway TEHRAN , Iran (AP l Demonstrators demanding the ouster ol Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi stormed through the s treets of Shiraz and several other oitles today in renewed agitation des pite the new civilian government's efforts to calm the country. In Shiraz, where up to eight persons were feared killed in riot· ing Thursday, police reported demonstratlons early today. Residents or the city. 275 miles south of Tehran. reported a mob or 5,000 to 10,000 attacked the headquarters or SAVAK, the shah's secret police, and freed 40 political prisoners from its cellars. The sources said the head· qua rte rs had been heavily damaged. The military denied that prisoners had been freed. While residents said that troops continued t.o patrol the ci· ty-, t~ for--0es reportedly .did nothing to s top the dem· onstrat.ors. Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar lifted martial Jaw Mon- day and promised that strong government action would be taken if disturbances Oared. Weather Mix Forecast If you wont to spend some lime outdoo"' this weekend, you'd better do It Saturday because h~avy rain is expected Sunday. the National W,eathcr Service sald today. A spokcaman said this morning's light drizzle Isn't exl)Kled to continue. ..... Jri. fact, eorne 1wuihine is -~pected SltUrfty:--· But on Sunda7 a new storm la likely to move In, tbe spokesman 1.id. Scattered demonstrations also were reported in Tehran. where reporters saw a crowd of youths set al least one st.ore on fire. The slate radio reported other clis- turbances occurred "throughout the country.'· but made no men- tion of casualties and gave no details. Thursday's reported deaths in Shiraz occurred when SAVAK agents fired int.o a mob or 10,000 to 20,000 that stormed the secret police headquarters after ston· mg the U.S. consulate and burn- ing the American nag. Milts 500 .............. SCENE Of RIOTING Shiraz In Iran Allen noted that the company spent $1 million in legal fees and technical research lo reach lhal agreement. He said that planning for de· velopment of the area has been done by an advisory group, headed by Orange County of· ficiats and including the Amig~ organization and the Chattertons and Martyns "It 1s unclear what effect this latest blocking action will ha ve on this cooperative planning er. fort," Allen said. "We hope it will not intimidate responsible governmental aAen · cies. responsible env1ronmen· talisls and others from trying to develop a balanced plan ror this <See MARSH. Page AZ) The violence exploded In Shiraz as Bakbllar was asking Parliame nt lo confirm his civilian government so he could try to quiet the year-long re· hellion by religious and political foes or the shah. Among other things, he promised lo abolish SAVAK. BakhUar t.okt the government radio t.he_rlQting b~ke a pledge from the Moslem-rerfglous leaden in Shiraz t.o maintain or- der a fter military rule was re- moved. He said troublemakers would face severe government action. Superpowers Rapped Pontiff's Remarks Sources in the oil industry re- ported that daily production had reached a level ot 470,000 bart"els Attack on America after workers agreed to cut their VATICAN CITY CA P l -Pope strike and gradually restore pro-John Paul II spoke out today ductlon to the 900,000 dally bar agalnsl superpowers which he rela that are needed tor said leek t.o lake advantage or domestic comsumption. Produc-strife in Iran, Cambodia and tion ta still far below the level •· elsewhere to in ure their reached under normal condJ-domll')aUon over the world. tlons. amounting to nearly 6 ~ million barftls. The pope told Vall.can The Washington Post. quoting diplomata, ··we follow the unnamed • • 1ov e rn m.en t dramaUc events of Iran and we source.." reported today the are very attentive to lhe 'Dews United States had beaun dis· deaUng with the Khmer country mantltna and storing WP·teerel and a ll the populations or lntelll1ence·gatherln1 gear in Southeast A.ala who have been lrao because of lbe Political un· already ao considerably trled." reat. Hll remarlt• a ppeartd to be • _ '!'he _equipment.!!., Uled by the thinly veiled attack on the Unlt· CentfiTTril.elllfence Agency t.o ed States and Rusala. monttor th• t11t m1ht11 And The Polbb·bom pope 11ld he performance ol Soviet missJlee. aaw tbe wortd ipUl "above all the Pott 1aJd. C1A and Def nse by ldeoqical divllloGl 11nked to Department apokeamen in erioUJ Male aystemt •• a ref. compllsh their own tasks. to live m justice. ls perhaps the main sign or our times. We must respect everything that can serve this cause whatever the regime. We must lake advan· tnge or rec1procul experience. However. one cannot transrorm this multiple search for solu· lions in a fighting program to in· su re power over the world. whatever the Imperialism wh ich covers this struaale." Besides Iran ·and Cambodia, the pope restated Vnlican con· cerna about th s ituation In Lebanon, "a country sh•ken by hat r od a nd doatructlon," Northern Ireland and the Middle EH&. 'SCARS MUST HEAL' Board Chief Wessa o.11y f'f141111utt -.. 'BITT£R FEELINGS' Teacher Leader Tolbln Wall Street NEW YORK CAP > The stock market rose sharply in ar live trading today. inspired by strength in the dollar and more evidence of a s lowing in monetary growth. The Dow Jones average or :10 industrials climbed 11.26 points to 839.31 an lhl• fir.;t half hour reaching 1Lo, tugh('st levels sin<'l' last October, and was still ahead al most nine points after four hours of tradin~. The mid-morning tally of New York Stock Exchange-lasted 11>· sues showed six gainers for every loser. Late Thursday the fo'ederal Rt!scrve reported thut the basic measure or lhe money supply was unchun ged in the latest week. That un ex p ected news represented further cvid<'nn· of a slowing since late last year tn the growth rate of the money supply. Many although not all economists consider reducmg monetary growth a bas il' re quire ment 1f inflation ts lo be restrained. Gold prices wilted under pres sure from the improvement in tfi~ dol1ar. dea~rs ~1)id. Coa~l Weather Partly sunny Soturdr1y w1Lfl variable hhlh ('louds Lows tonight 44 to 50 . Highs Saturday 63 to 67. INSIDE TODAY When vi.ritor1t drop in on 1':litnor~ for th£ weekend. lt '11 by glider. 101lplane or parachute. Rt'Od about th<·~1· air JPON on Page Cl l•tlex l Vtetnamete tanks and infan- try were reported moving along • the hiahway from Slaopnon. a road juncUon tome 30 miles from th Th a l border ln· tl'lllllence tources 11td large t~e AM80DIA, Pa•e AZl Ue 1ald forecaaten are still not tur. exacU, when the raim will hlt. T m· peraturet arc.oxpett.ed t.o .remalntbout the aame. W11hlnaton denied the report. v l d Ayatullab Khomeini spiritual erence to commun 1m an I d4 or the 1 1 • rtal capltallam. :i~re: tum to lr~~na!~ u ~ "The .earc:h for eolutlona •I· abab deputa ou vacaU.. lowlna human aocleUe. to oc- Notinc his recent efforts to un- tangle the feud belw n Cbilt and Ar1entlna. the pope said th VaUcan waa shuys r ady to act H mediator In lrrttrnatlonal dls- CSH POPE. Page,\%) -• \ t - r c y ,t !:I Jf n y II 1g . .. ,.. \ •• I A% DAIL y PILOT H/F Ex-RB R sident Succumbs Calbol•c n~ " r" acbt.'dulod ton1 Shl and • .lturdt)' Cu r lonatlml' Hunllntton lk •"'h i· dent Edith M Kt>nned)'. who d1\>d T~ tn OaU 11 1li1 r!\. K nnedy waa M and • ll known lO<'olly durtn1 bf'r ~ y~ r1. rn tlunt1n.iton Hf'11t'h befort> fnlHn.i hl'aHb rt"qulrt"d thut sht• mov,• t(1 1't>o~ to liY<" with her wn. ttobtrt Kcnnt.-dy VIMlalJon wa• "hcdulC!d hom 2 p m to 9 p m. today at P• ~ 8rotbtrs Smith's Mortu.rr Ro ary Is scheduled tonlaiht al 7 30 p m 11t the mortuar)'. Ma. ot tho Chrl u n Bunal Lli :.cheduJcd Slturd y ut lO a m m nld St Mary's by the Sea Church M ris. Keom.'dy was a member of st.s. Simon & Jude par111h fol' many years, ~hen u.s membe~ worshipped in the Jllcture9Que wOOden (•hupel tn the downtown area. 8 u riul wl II be <1t Good Shepherd Cf>metery in Hunt ington Beuch Mrs. Kennedy was employed as a bookkeeper ror the lt.tte re411 estate and insurance broker Chris King and later for the law firm oC Plunkett & Plunkett. An avid bridge fan, she played st>veral times a week and also found time to teach children piano in her home. She also was a member or the Huntlngton Beach Women's Club. Survivors include her son. Robert. his wife and nine g randchildren. c\nother son. Bill , died in 1977 and her husband. William J. Kennedy, died in 1931 f'ro•P~AJ STRIKE .•• have agreed to accept the grades given to students by nearly 550 substitute teachers who manned classrooms during the walkout Substitutes "ere paid up to $80 a day School district spokesman Lyn Henderson said as m any as 518 teachers failed to show up for work at various times during the strike Some said they we re Ill. Hundreds of students staged brief walkouts of their own to protest the abser1ce or their regular teachers at campuses in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach. No major violence was report- L'<i during the strike but one man was arrested in an altercation mvol ving picketing teachers. Some substitute teachers were bused to district's seven cam- pus cs a s a precaution ary measure. District officials said rocks were thrown at the buses on two occasions. No one was llurt. The new contract will raise lhe averaJ?e salary or teachers m the d1stnct rrom about $19,000 to S20,000 a year Council Tries Again to Fill JI acant Seat Huntington Beach City Council members wi ll make a new at· tempt to ftll a council vacancy Saturday when they hold an all· day retreat at City Hall. The council's first attempt to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Ron Shenkman t:nded in a stalemate Monday Three council members sup- ported Planning Commission Chairman Ruth Finley for the job. Three others backed Ralph Bauer. former president of the Huntington Beach Union High School District board of trustees. A discussion or goals and ob- Jectives also is on Saturday's ~end a. The meeting, which will be open lo the public. will be held in Room 8 ·8, adjacent to City Council chambers. ORANGE COAST HIF DAILY PILOT ,,_. O'•"'OPCO.iol O.tty l>jfllM .Wtlft•'"'" ''tOl'T' t>-if"d ''"' .,.,,., """'i\ tl'UO'•i"Mltty ... 0-.tr'IQit" t o.t\1 PuN1~ (...,.,.,_y SttHt•tt fl<Mtt<'lfM .,.,. l>tlb•nMd ~t' t#trougtt f t1fJ•f Mt (O\t• -.... _-ft -"'4' ... llt«• ·-... ,,,. V4Ut-W ffWN'llf l4JiO'#W ~tt '°9tlt Co.t1'4 A -'"'°'.,,...,,..,.,J<wtttOlolibfl"-'dS.tCtl'GAltt.m ~a..-;, trw twM<1M °'*l\rtt#IQ pt"""'' .t ia ....... a.,~-' c~.-..., ... ..,_ .. .,. .. _,._ .... , ...... ,-~ Jec•ll W... '"'""' .. --c;.-·--~···-f:GllOf ~·.-.----"""-'"''""" <:II.On M U.. --f' Mttl ........ -.. _...l ....... ._, .. ,. -'°'-'-•LdllDI """tlfWI" .. edt Otfk• 1~i1 .. c11..........,, Me111,...-.,." f'O ... ,.._,_ Otflc•• ~t::::· ~~--.°='~="' ,....,,.1•m••~ a ... .,,., M¥•"'""' MHt7t ,,_ ~~0r-....c.w.°""-'t ... s..o.tno ~·-c :::. ~.!:'I!. 'm:c!'.T:.~ ... :r .• , .. -:r•:iiu'.l.i••• ,,.,,,., _,, ':i ~::~=::.: ,,_, -tel ... n•llU•tll ~= .. ·.~··,~~ . .:" ..... ,~.:. ~';. "lo~~:~~!'_ ... ,,-..... • It's a Bird, If 's a Pla11e. • • Wast line Surveyed For Park By TOM BAaLEY OI • o.llY "*' IYff A team ot experllS assigned. to their task by the National Park Service was on the way back to headquarters in Denver <bd.ay after a survey of Orange Coast land that has been suggested ror inclusion in the nat.ional park Sy8tem. The thfee.member team lefl the Hotel Laguna ln Laguna Beach for home after meeting with state. city and county or- ficlals on the possibility of COO· verting several thousand acres ol coastal terrain into naUonal park acreage. Project manager Frank Collins refused to discuss the nature of the t.itlks the 1.J.S Department of the (nlerior team held with local officials. Macy's Link ToDUease? NEW YORK CAP I The dlscovtry ot bacteria atop Macy's department s tore that h ave bor n tinked with Legionnuires disease d()('S not establish the SOW'<!e ot an outbreak of the ~ that killed two people In the garment distrl(lt last summer. an epidemiologist says. The llnding or the bac. terlo In water samples taken fr o m an air · conditioning tower atop Mucy's "may or may not be significant," said Or. John Marr . chief epidemlofogist for the city of New York. ft ':-. Johnny <'lff~on pulling h1~ m\.n l'tl)oof of lht• new Suµcrm~1n <"raze Ah Clark f\l•rll , h(' gOl.>s into a Phone booth und emerges a~ Wonder Womr1n? Viewers wall see tht' skl'l<'h on tonl~ht 's Tonight s how at 11 :30 on NBC. Cbann(!l 4. "But these are early days," be commented. "We are nowhere near the stage at which we can orrer some concrete proposals or clearly define the exact acreage But Dr. Pascal J . Jin. perato. a member of the city's advi3ory committee on Legionnaires disease that was set up after the disease broke out here, sald that "the index or s us- picion is very hjgh" that the contaminated tower was a source of the out. break. Jonestown Fro• POfle A I CAMBODIA numbers of Cambodwn army soldiers had fled to the border area. A bout 20 V1clnumese tanks and an unknown number of troops of the new Cambodiun government were s ighted carlic•r south of Poipet, the main bonkr crossing point, and the Thai gov· ernment sent troop rcmrorcc· ments to the area in case the fighting s pilled over the border and to prevent defeated troop~ from entering. However . the Thai govern· ment sSJd it would grant trnru.1t to top officials of the fallen re gime. and on Thurs day, two Thai hehcopters wh1skl•d formt•r Deputy Premier Ieng Sary, his wife and daughter, former Social Action Ministl'r Khicu Th1rith and seven others from Po1pet to Bangkok They were immediately flown to Hong Kong. and Cl motorcade took them aC"ross the border lo· day to Canton. where they could catch a P!ane for Peking. The fate of former Premier Pol Pot and former President Khieu Samphan was nol known. but the latter and about 500 other officials of lhe-old regime were reported to have asked Thailand for transit to China. Thai and Western intelligence sources say the Cambodian bljl7 was puUed off by an estimated 100.000 Vietnamese troops : backed by tanks, long rangC' artillery and squadrons or Jet fighters and bombers, and that most or the mopfing up was done by the rebe Cambodian Com munist organization thal Ha n oi s ponsored. the Kam- puchean United Front. I',.... Page A I POPE ••• pules. T he pontiff. in an apparent reference lo the communist wol'Jd, also appealed for greater rel isious liberty. .. "The situation concerning re· ligious freedom leaves so much to be desirf>d. when 1t is not en· tirely deplorable. The re arc even aogwshed cries asking for aid or help which the Holy Sec cannot ignore." he said. Speaking two weeks before lus departure for Mcxi1:0, his fir~t trip abroad, to attend the third Latin American bishops' con· ference, the pope vowed to "al' complish this mission also to other nations since so many simila r invitations have ulready been presented." The pope has already received requests from French bishops to visit the shrine of Lourdes, from. his old archdiocese or Krakow ror a pilgrimage to his native Poland later this year, and from Egyptian president Anwar Sadnl to visil and pray on Mount Sinu1 Kulik Claim Seco1ul 'Bird' Nesl Built By Jokesters · I 'II get 'em one of these days," said a Newport Beach boat owner after finding out a supposed osprey nest that turned up m his mast actually was built by three JOkester rnends. Richard Chewning of Lido Jsle chuC"kled as he noted that "for years it's been a game or one up- manship" with fellow Newport Harbor Yacht Club s ailor!> Ben Miller. Bob Hrll and Jim Mt· Fadden. The thre<-finally admitted to him lhlS week that they'd con- structed the nest in the mast or his boat, the_Kanola', out or ('hrt•ken wire, straw. twigs "and chewing gum. l guess." he said. The nes t created a stir bccuusC' officials of the State De partment of Fis h and Game thought at first it might be another osprey nest. An osprey created quite a stir last ran when s he nested in a ship's mast in the harbor. Since no os prey eggs have been hatched in Southern California in 50 years. the department ex· pended great efforts to move the nest onto a safe piling. The osprey has remained in the area. although no eggs have been spotted yet. and omc1als thought at first she might have built another nest on the Kanola Officials showed up lo look at the nest after learning it was a hoax. Chewning said. "They enjoy a joke too." he sard "They had a good laugh out of it.·· Chewning s aid he'll tear the nest down the next lime he gels ready to sail f'ro•Pa.-AI MARSH ••• area." Allen said his firm intel\dS "to continue its ~ood faith efforts to ('OOperate with slate and local af{e ncies" in working on plans ror Bolsa Chica. The lawsuit calls for an ac· counting or tidelands revenue. alleging that millions of dollars 1n public royalties from oil drill· mg rn tid<>lands "is accruing to private individuals and/or cor- porations" rather than gomg in· to a lldelands trust . The Amigos action also asks civil penalties of $5,000 a day per defendant ror alleged violations or the state Public Resources Code and one-time fines of Sl0,000 ~r defendant ror alleged infractions or the California Coastal Act. Youth R eleased SAN DIEGO <AP I -A 12· year old boy is in his parents• custody after being booked for investigation or setting almost a srore or fir<>s mrluding one that left $13,IXM'I damage lo a hous~. $2 Million Raised For Top Krishna? Testtmony in the threc·w k heroin pOgses.sion trial of on" time Newport Baach reAldenl Alexander KuUk wound to a close Thursday us Kulik di5· cu51ed hl1 seven.year career or fina ncial deaUnas. KttUk. 28. told an Orsnge Co,.a nty Superior Court Jury about hi• &lg-money dnllngs which incJuded rauslnt more than $2 mlWon ror the lndl•· baaed leader of the Krishna te· 111100 fb additJon, be talked or In· vutmarta ln a ''81onlc Bila" cookie distrtbuting etrort along with record album production ond his hope to reap huge vrotlt$ from purchoslng and later re· ~elling a $300,000 home at 22 Un da l11le . But when pres sed b y Prost'cutor Ron Krebcr. Kulik lcstlflcd his cbtcr financial deal· tn1s wc'1! In t.M buytna and sell-loa of Jewelry. Kulik, also one of seven defen· d~f In the mW"dtr case or Folfntaln Valley drug dealer John Sl~ 8ovan, WU round lo a borrowed car In Ottober 1977 with 1.1 pounds or heroin. ... From Page A I SCHOOLS. • though negotiation and by educating the community . "It is an im portant issue "because the district has the right to abrogate terms of the contract and teachers have no r~course." he contended Mrs. Wessa s aid that the board wouJd never accept bind· ing arb1trat1on "The communt· ly must rel.am local represents· lion m the school district." she IDS IS led To1bm said s trikm(t teachers lost from $700 to $\.000 each when their pay was docked dur· 1ng the strike "But it was worth it We got pre-tty much what we wanted." A district spokeswoman said campus ronditions were "calm and cool" this morning She said 86 teachers were absent but the absenteeism isn't considered abnormal. Microwave F mlure Slwts Mexico Airports MEXICO ClTY CAP> -In· ternational and domestic nights were rerouted and several airports closed when an eight· hour microwave failure cut com- munications between the air t raffic contro l center in Mazatlan. on the West Coast. and aircraft and airports in northwest Mexico Thirty Oi~hls were cancelled Thursday into the airports of Hermosillo. Durango, CuUacan. Tijuana. Mexit·ali. Ciudad · Obregon and La Paz. in the Baja California region, said Fernanda- Perez. the night chief ·at the Mazatlan rontrol center. All air trafric through the af. fected a rea was rerouted to a more central path through Mex- ico. Pern said. He said the Mon- terrey control center handled the nights In cooperation with the airports at Albuquerque. Los Angeles and Tucson A spokesman at the Monterrey center said there were no prob- lems but most flights to the U.S West Coast and Rocky Mountain regions had to fly half an hour extra. we have in mind... , Collins said the s urvey team led by team planner Frederick Babb had been looking at "acreage stretching from north of Laguna Beach to just below Newport Beach." He said no assessment or the acreage in terms of its being judged suitable for national park territory could be made before February ·•at the very earliest." Collins said his team has already discussed the national park proposal with officials of the Irvine Company, owners of much of the so-called Irvine coast. He refused to discuss the reat· lion of the Irvine Company to the park proposal. "We have to meet again." he said. ··and it's much too early for them to take a ny kind ot firm stance at this stage or the game ... Collins said the national park proposal will undergo further in tensive study "at all levels" between now an d May when his department is scheduled to send its recommendation to Congress. ''l'm sure that there are many local organizations that will wish I.&-be heard in connection with the proposal... he said. ''They will get their opportunity and we have already had valua ble input from several SUC'h groups." Collins said the Irvine Coast· Laguna study covers an area that 1s "one of onJy three s1grufi·· cant open spaces remaining a long t he Southern Ca liforni a coastline." Gun-prison Bill Approved SACRAMENTO <APt Thl' Legislature is moving swiftly to close a loophole found by the state S upr eme Court 1n Cali fornia's "Use-a-gun . go-to. prison" law. On a unanimous. 39·0 vote Thursday. the Senate approved a bill a.imed at satisfying a ltlgh court decision which said the so· called Tanner law did not com· pletely rule out probation in cer· lain gun-related crimes . The action sent the measure. introduced by the Senate Judiciary Committee, to the N. sembly. All members or the Senate. which has one vacancy. voled rorthe bill. SB 149. .. Sandwiches Drugged? NEW YORK CAP> -Lawyer Mark Lane is being investigated in connection with a report he failed to issue warnings that sandwiches served by m em bers of the Peoples Temple commune in Guyana might be drugged. The New York Times reported. The investigation by a legal grieva nce committee of I.he As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York apparently is the re suit of an article by Charles Krause in the Wsahington Post The Times said Was hington lawyn Jack Sando urged tht: m vesllgation aft\!r reading th" story. The report said Lane may have withheld information San do felt could have prevented ha rm to California Re p . um Ryan and his party when tht·y v1s1tcd the cult 's headquarter., at Jonestown. A grievance committee pro· ceedm~ could lead to a disbar ment of Lane 1f he 1s found lo have done something wrong. I-fl~ 1s licensed to practice law only m New York A s pokesman for the Ne~ York City Bar refused to com· ment on the Times' report, say- ing discussion of the matter would be a violation. of the state's judiciary law. The reported investigation of Lane centers on whether he had a ny advance knowledge that sandwiches made of grilled cheese. served to the Ryan par ty. might be laced with tran quillters or other drugs. The A~· soc1ated Press has reported that thousands of doses oC dangerou.. .. drugs were kept at Jonestown. Ryan and fou r other persons were shot and killed as they pr1• pared to leave Jonestown from a nearby airstrip. The shootin~:. were followed by mass murder"\ and suicides of 900 members of Rev. J ames Jones· group at thl• Jonestown commune. Lane was traveling and could not be reached for comment Thursday But his Memphis law firm partner. April Ferguson. claimed her associate did nothing wrong in Jonestown. "Mark didn't have any inten- tion of letting people die there." she said. WHEN TIME IS OF ESSENCE WE'RE CAPABLE OF BEATING THE CLOCK There's always a general urgency about getting carpehng installed. but most customers will allot a reasonable amount of time. However. when there 1s a rush. we can accommodate those requmng 1mmed1ate servrce. wrthout sacnflc1ng Alden's ng1d standards of competentcy . Unle~;; there 1s a problem obtammg a specrf1c color or pattem. you can count on fast seMCo from Atden'S and we maintain a large inventory to fac1t1tate del1venes. DEN'S :iiisiallatiiin: ·custom draperies linoleum--; vioOd floor ' " 1663 PLACENTIA AVENI.I! • COSTA MESA. CAllF 9'6,1 • l'HONE 6•6·•83 ... -646 235.S J ... •• ) I 1 1_ Irvine Your llometown Dally Newspaper YOL. 72 , NO. 12, 4 SECTIONS. 4A PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1979 TEN CENTS Pope Hits U.S. Soviets Share Ire in Speech VATICAN <.'ITV <APl Popt> John Puul ti mdm•rll} 4lt'CUSl'<I the United Slules und lhl' Soviet Union toduy of ex11lo1t1na n • g1 o n u l conrhcts "t o e ntiur~ powe r over the world " The Poltsh horn pontiff. speak ing in French in an addreS!) to the diplomaltc corps, expressed particular concern ove r the turmoil m Iran and the Viet namese conquest of Cambodia. Although he did not s ingle out ind1viduaJ countries. 1t was clear he was referring to superpower rivalry when he said the world 1s ~plit "by 1dcol0Aical division!> linke d t o var io u s s t a t e systems." "We follow the dramatic events of Iran &lnd we are very attentive to the news from Cam- bodia llnd aJl ttw populaliorui of S o utheoat Asi a who have a lready been liO trled," tbe pope sald The United States has backed Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi In lran and has warned foreign gov· emments not to interfere ln that country 's i nte rna l prob· lems. Russia backs the Viet- namese and the Cambodian rebels who ousted the Cambodian regime last weekend. ··one cannot transform a ~earch for solutlons into a fight· ing program to e nsure power over the world." the pope said "SearchJng for justice is the main sign of our limos." He listed respect ror human rig hts s the biggest world problem and said it requires ''concerted action by govern- ments and all men of good will " The pe>pe called for a global eflort to deal with the problems of nourishment, health, interna- tlona l econo m ic cooperation. arms reduction and the elimina - tion of racism. The 58-year-old pontiff again expressed concern ror Lebanon "a country torn by hatred and destru ction·' -Northern <Stt POPE, Page A2> Lon9 Ope·ration Coa,stline Wayne .in Surgerjr f~k Panel For Gall Bladder ·: Ends Study APWI ...... UNDER THE KNIFE Newport's John Wayne Actor John Wayne remained on the operating table at noon to- day in prolonged gall bladder surgery that began at 7:45 a .m. and was originaJly expected to last only two hours. Bonnie Wh itham. a spokeswoman for UCLA Medical Center where11 Wayne was un- der ~oing surgery, said the operation was expected to con· tinue until al least 3 p.m. She said physicians haven't In· d1cated why the surgery has been prolonged. Wayne. the giant of Hollywood films for hall a century who has fought off cancer and a heart ail- m ent, is a resident of Newport Beach. "She said emphatically -1t. will be a while yet,•• MJss Whitham said. "The gall bladder is con- sidered major surgery.'· Wayne 'fl three sons-Michael, Palrick and Ethan -were standing vi~il at the hospit.al and the hospital switchboard was ISee WAYNE, Page A%> A team of experts assigned to lhelr task by the National Park: Service was on the way back to headquarters in Denver today after a survey of Orange Coast land that bas been suggested for inclusion in lhe national park system . The three-member team left the Hote l Laguna in Laguna Beach for home after meeting with state, city aod county of- ficials on the possibility or con. verting several thousand acres of coastal terrain into national park acrea~e. Project m a n ager Frank Collins refused to discuss the nature of the talks the U .$. Department of the Interior team held with local officials. "Biil these are early days ." he commented. "We are nowhere near the stage at which we can offer some concrete proposals or clearly define the exact acreage we have in mind." That's a Goteha Collins said the survey team led by team plann~r Frederick Babb h ad been looking at "acreage stretching from north or Laguna Beach to just below Newport Beach." He said no assessment or the acreage in terms or its being <See PARKS, Page A2> 'Osprey Nest' ]mt Prank Poliee Slay Woman·in LA "I ' II get 'em one of these days," said a Newport Beach boat owner after finding out a supposed osprey nest that turned up in his mast actually was built by three jokcster friends. Richard Chewning or Lido Isle chuckled as he n<ried that "for years it's been a 1?ame of one up· mansh1p" with follow Newport Harbor Yacht Club sailors Ben Mille r . Bob Hitt and Jim Mcf<'adden. The three finally admitted to him this week that they'd con· strucled the nest in the mast of hts boat. the Ka nola, out or chicken wire. straw, twigs "and chewing ~um , J guess," he said. The n est c r e ate d a s tir because 0Hic1als of the State Department of-. Fiioh-and..Jiame tho ught al first 1t might be another osprey nest. An osprey created quite a stir last fall when she nested in a ship's mast in the harbor. Since LOS ANGELES (AP> -A no osprey eggs have been woman killed by police offi cers hatched in Southern California in a dispute ste mming rrom an in 50 years, the department ex· unpaid gas bill was shot eight pended great efforts lo move the times, with the fatal bullet ap- nest onto a safe piling. parenlly striking her chest, ac- The osprey has remained in cording to the coroner. the area. although no eggs have M e a nwhi I e . City Cou n· been spotted yet, and officials eilwoman Peggy Stevenson thought al first she might have called for a council committee built another nest on the Kanola. hearing into the shooting of Eula Officials showed up to look at Love. the nest after reaming it was a According to police. two of· hoax. Chewning said. flcers shol 12 times at Ms. Love "They enjoy a joke too." he when she threatened them with said. "They had a good laugh a butcher knife. She reportedly out of it." had struck a Southern California Chewning said he'll tear the Gas Co. worker with a shovel as _nest down the next time he gets he attempted to shut off gas reaQY1Dsa1 . -----servt~e.----__ ·Baled Oattn lrrine Thi 10.wh led natbed truck carrylnf a load or crushed cardboard boxes ended nat on the tilrect after roundlnc -~moPJt--a rorn ot Barranca Road and Construction Way East ln Irvin . Driver Joee Cosio, 27, or Mi<Jway City;who WOS Uhinj\lred , accord· ing to reports, aald the load shifted on him and so d(d the truck. COlto was attemptln1 to deliver load' of paper wute to nearby paper salvage company: bta truck had to be ••lvaaect first. It's a Bird, It's a Plane ••• It's Johnny Carson pulling his own spoof of t he-"new Superman craze. As Clark Kent. he goes into a phone booth and emerges • al> . Wondc.'r Woman'' Viewers will see the s ketch on tonight's Tonight show at l1 30 on NBC. Che:tnnel 4 . Oemente Factions Wrangle at Midnight Weather Mix Forecast l r you want to spend !>Om<' lime outdoors this weekend. you'd better do It Saturday because heavy rain 1s expected Sunday. th e Nati onal Weathe r Service said today. By ANNE COOPER Ott ... O.lly Pllet SUit Three feuding San Clemente city councilmen confronted one another at midnight Thursday in a deserted parkin1i lol. where s upporters of Co uoci I man Howard Mushett set up an aJI night ~urveillance of a shopping complex owned by Mayor William Walker. · The emotionally charged mid· night showdown, lo which city police were called by both sides. Is the latest ln a series of bizarre incidents leadlng to a Jan. 23 ,... call election In t6e city. Mushett, WaUcer and a third City Council member, Walker a lly Donna Wilkinson, race possible recall following months of hostilities between the two warring political factions. Thursday's wrangle original· ed with requests from Mushett of the Mona Lisa Galterys, local· ed in a rear portion of the El Camino Plaza, 800 S. El Camino Real. The complex is owned by Walker Brothers Development Corp.. headed by Mus hell's polillcal rival. Mayor William Wa lker . Mushett M id he received an anonymous telephone call tclhng him manufaetann~ w a<, beinl-( condu<.<ted 1n Y.hut he termed a possible illc~al addition lo the gallery The councilman sc11d be vasll ed the site Thursday morning. and said he could hear the sound of a press In operation inside the basement level building adJa· cent to a parking lot. But Mushett said he could not see into tbe buHdmg because ground level vents into the m yster ious building we re blocked with what appeared to be poster board. · M usheU said he returned to the gallery at 3 30 p m with Fire Marshal Gary Carmichael M ushelt 's political ally. Coun- cilwoman Myrtis Wagner also arrived at the Walker build.lo~. accom parucd by a Dally Pilot reporter. Jerry Holt who operates Mona Lisa Gallerys, told the ~athennl! that he hltd been instructed by ISee FEUD, Page A2> A spokesman said this mo rning's h ~ht drin l<: 1sn 'l expected to continue tn fact. somt' sunshine LS C'x pected Saturday. But on Sunday a new storm is likely to move in. the spokesman said. He said forecast ers are still not sure exactly when the rains will hit. Tem - peratures are expected to .remain about the same . Wall Street NEW YORK IAP> Tht• stock market rose s harply m ac live trading today, inspired by strength in the dollar a nd mon• ev iden ce or a blo w ing 1n monetary growth. Kulik Claims Aid To Krishria Leader The Dow Jones average of 3(; mdustnale:. climbed 11.26 points to 839.31 1n the first half hour. reaching its hjghest levels sine<' last October. and was still ahead a!most s ix points afte r fi ve hvurs of trading Testimony in the three.week heroin po51ession trial of one· time Newport Beach resident Alexander Kulik wound to a close Thursday as Kulik dis cussed his seven-year career of financial deaJings. Kulik, 23, told an Orange County Superior Court j ury about his big-money dealings which included raising more than $2 mllllod' for the India· based leader of the Krishna re- in addition, he talked of in· vestments in a "Bionic Bits" cookie dislribuUng effort along with record album production an~ hia hope to reap huge profits from purchasing and later re· selling a $300,000 home at 22 Lin· da Isle. But wh e n pressed by Prosecutor Ron Kreber, Kulik testified his chJeC nnanciaJ deal- ings were in the buying and sell-. ' ing or jewelry. Kullk. also one of seven defen· dants tn the murder caae of Fountain Valley ~rug dealer John Stephen Bovan. was found ln a borrowed car In October 1977 with 1.1 poudd.s or heroin • Deftn.se attorne)' PhJllp De ... Irvine Campfire Planned Tonight The dty of Irvine hotta • com· munlt.y c~ire \Onl1ht fropl 6 to 8 01clock I\ \Jnlverslty COm· munlly ~~ Ad•entur• PloY· flro&alld, 1 h Tree Lane . AdmlHlo ls free. Partlcl· pant.I are W' ed to dreu warmly and brtl)g lan.kot• ... nd coat ban1er1. There won't be a hatrulc and there wUl be manhmal1ows. _,,.-. Massa has attempted to prow the heroin was not Kulak ·s but was intended as a plant lo l>c made by an associate on u group The mid-morning tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed is sues showed three gamers for every loser. of so-callt'd "Ita lians " Late Thursday the Federal T he porported plant wus to ht> Reserve reportoo that the basic carried out In conjunction with Jllcasure of the money s upply police and federal agents to lead 'was unchanged 1n the lale!>l to the arrest or the Italians. who week. were attempting to exto rt That unex p ect e d ne w!> money from Kulik. according to represented further evidence of testimony. a slowmg smce late last year in Ne wport Beach police have the growth rate of the money en led any knowledge or such a supply. MaDY althou~h not all plant. ----=-econom~M<l~~"""J.WL-__ _ Irvine Thief Steals Guns Irvine police arc looking for a well-armed burglar who earned his a rsenal by breaking Into u University Park home at l Satinwood Way Officers said the crook stolt' three handguns. a 12 Aau'1t<' shotgun. a bolt-action cifle and an M · 1 carbine He also took u color telev1s 1on s e1. and a camera. Res ident Dua ne Carlson valued the IO$S at St.939 Police said the buritlar remov d Jjanes from a tronllouverod window to get lnto the house. Dismis8al A ked LOS ANGELES IAPl -Four unl dentlfiC!d city firemen. lound guilty 'ift departmental heartn.ss of 1 xual lmproprl ties with o 14-yea.N>l~ girl. have been or dered dJscharged pending a re view by Fire Chief John C. Gerard. tho Loi Angel . 'l'lm r polUd today. monetary growth a basic n · qu1re menl if inflation is lo tw restra.med. Coast Weather Pa rtly s unny Saturday with variable high clouds Lo ws tonight 44 to 50 Highs Snturday 6.1 to 6i INSIDE TOD.4. Y When utiitor1 drop in on Elainor• /or t#W! weekend. it's by glider, sailplane or porochut•. RftJd about these oar tportt on.Page Cl. •••ex .. ., ,t.I DAil. Y PILOT Teachers · Settle Contract By &AYlfONl> i'r8AOA JI. Of • ...., ...... Strlkll'\8 W t Ora Count)' hl•h •cbool le-bent reharoed IO · their tlau~m• today al\ t IV'lot Win ~ cbtd I coMrM\ settlement 'nuu'ICI-to end tM walltout that bfaan Jan 3 Hu.nti°"°" Btath Uniae 11iab Sc-hool Dlatrtc\ board ~ Zlta W Hid~ aarwl to 1•~• tbt d trtct 'a 117 te~ a ven perttn\ pay ....,. July l tr • late lm)IOMd WUJ I~ t Utled THcbers may alto rttel Ml) to thr ~fCt'Ol ln ICkUUaul pay r lf tho hool district g m~ ruoda from \be IUl\e that It ~lveod tut y~ar. But M"fl Wotaa Hid th• •Cbool board ref Wied to budfe Oft le.cben' demand lo.-b~ rb&lraUon ln tri vanta owr tnterpntaUOn ol the new eon· tract. Tho •f rwment lncluct. a serlea or ncr~aHd frln1• bendlta and expires Jun 30 1990 Mrs. Wt-ssa aald mol"f' than 400 atrlklng teachers have been granted amnetty from punllh· m e nt lor thelr actlvllle1. Strikers wJll not rece1ve pay or frlnae benefits for th• 1ovea days or the walkout. ahe 1dded. Dlstnct Education AKsocl1Uon orricaals. teacher group leaders who spearheaded lhe s trike, hastily oritonlzed a Thursday t.>ven1ng general membership meeting to vote on lht-new con· traet proposal Teacher s pokes man Bill Baancru said about 71 percent of the 400 teachers who Jammed In· to Weatmlnatcr Community Center voted in favor or lhe new contract offer Thursday night. T eac h er and district negotiators met with the state· a ppointed mediator Dhraza Mrv1chln dunng two, all.night contract sessions Tuesday and Wednesday to reach an accord. ThP turning point in the nine· month-old contract dispute ap- parently came at an emotion· l'harged Tuesday night .school board meettmi when trustees de· dded to bold contract talks at rn idnlght. Mrs . Wess a said teachers have agreed lo accept the grades given lo studonLs by nearly 550 s ubstitute teachers who manned classrooms during the walkout. Substitutes were pald up to $80 1 day School d.Jstrict spokesman L.Ya He nderson said as many as 518 teachers foiled to show up for work al various times during the strike Some said they wore Ill. Hundreds of students staged bnt!f walkouts of their own to protest the absence of their n •gular teachers al campuses In lJ u nt angton Beach, fo'ountaln Va lit! y and ffunUnaton Beach. No major violence was report ed durinit the i;lrlke but one man was arrested In an altercation involving pickelln.z teachers f'rorra r~ A I WAYNE. • • deluged with call11 from' well wishers. .. Al times lt '• been over· whl'lm1ng," aald Bernard Strohm. hospital adlmmistrator. "So many crazy ladles have been calllng It's amazing," aald Miss Whitham. "Calls today are from 50 and GO·yeu·old women. They Just want to Slly they're prayln1 for lhe Duke and love him." f''lowers alAo began atrlvtnc at the hospital lhh1 momlng. Strohm said Wayne would be hospitaJlied about five to seven days on.er the operation. Patrick Wayne 11ld h1a lather wna tn "good aplrlta" whan the 'fomlly gathered Thursday nlpt and again prior to the early morning operation. - O"ANOI! C0MT DAILY PILOT ,,..,,, __ , ..... .,..ty ...... •ti"-""'-....... , ......... -· .. _,_by, .. Or_ O•·ll'v«ll•-~p ~oloe.1-•• ......... --........... ~·-· ... , .. ,. - Mo•.-~-....--"'".•. ~v .. ...., ,,_ .....,..IHc..,-•.,c-• ''""···~ ....... ""9*1 ....... _. ... , ...... -··· n. """' .... ~ ............. ,, .. Jll W•"""•"'~ c.-..-c.i .... ..i••,.,. ,...:::r.:.=- JeA ·~ Y•••"'--0.W•~ ,....,.. .. _ t ..i.., n:..:: ... ,-.e- C:..fltt M ..-llldlllo«r_-... .... __ ..._.,......,. Daat' ·No Didi Pl.eaa Save 'Bionic C~' GU BORO, N.C. (,\Pl -Aft• 1urvlvlna head-oe -or1 r~r. horn.on -l'Ollllkxa •a car. trJnquWler una ftl'9d b1 poli<». and 1 ldf h'om a btidc . "1lonnt the-U nk Cow11 rJnally COf\vlnced m bod)' Ah 1houtdn 't t•nd up 800 pounds of h mbu r •. J B Tuck r woa t kin the bl ck Angus to a 1 uahter hou8o Nov. 14 w n •he escaped. After IU(tlna polJc • who aaid UWy •hot her with tran· qullltlna darta. the cow abowed up on Intent.ate 85 near Grocn1boro. dam•1ed a C'/ and J•t•r Jumped over the 1 oo or 1 brldp when eomer'td by pbllce. AuthoriU lmmedJat !ly dubbed hitr the "blomc cow!' showed b ck up ln S. Clyde Dtxon'• Mrd Dec. 18.. Tuck • who aald hu 1tlll want.ed the animal slau•btert-d. rtn.lly 1av ln to p&eu t'rom nelchbon. and tald he would par her. On Wednesday, Mary 1Ull and 22 other who ard of Donn 'a pllghl bought her aod trucked her bactc lo Otxon '1 h •rd. h wUI ~ u ed ror breedlng purposes. Mesa 'Fntstrated' With Freeway Job BJ MJOIAEL PASKEVTCll Of .. oetfy ........... Costa Mesa Viel' Mayor Arlene Schafer uys s he ii. .. frustrated' wltb the steps the city m ust go lhrough during a two.year environmental lmpacl ~port on the propoeed extension ol the Costa Mesa Freeway CRoute 551 CalTrans will begin the study, and a new series or public hear· ings and oosslble surveys, In February But Mti. Schafer was not en· thusiaslic when she reviewed a procedure outline during a coun· cil study sesaion earhel" this week. "I was frustrated when J read It." sh.-said. 'I can't bl!lieve 1t. It's just my opmlon, but tt seems we're regressing." She noted that much of the procedure will simply be a re huh of l"form•Uon that. already hu been obtained. The $200,000 EIR will include a.tudy of nlne alternative rout.es for the pl'OP<>f!ed freeway ex· tension from abold, Mesa Drive into downtown Costa Mesa. State Transport.al.ion Director Adriana Olanturco's guidelines require consideration of people mover syslems, dial·a ·ride or expanded bus or rail service as alternatives to freeway con· atrucllon. When CalTrans begins work in February. a survey of motortata and proJ>(lrty owners may begtn to determine what they feel are the problems - and possible solutions -to the current freeway problem. City Public Services Director Bruce Mattern said the EIR should be <'Omploted In about two years. ,,,....,_•~Al FEUD·QUELLED .•• Phone by Walker not to allow Muabettor anyone with Muaheu on the premlles. Walktr arrived ahortly and asked everyone to leave. When aslted to comment on the al tua- tlon. the obviously a1ltated mayor Hid, "Thia isn't a good time <for me to commenu." Later ln the day. Mushett said he received a call aboul 10:30 p. m. rrom a dly resident. who aald he had Just observed . someone remov[ng what looked Uke a lathe from the Mona Lisa Gallerya. Mushett, Mrs. Wugner and other aupportera drove to the s hopping plaza, where lights could be seen in.side the 1rallery and behind the boarded vonts. Mushett left the scene to cull Police Ch ief' Gary Brown Before he returned Walker itnd his wlfe and two police cars pulled into the dark 118 slltlon parking lot, where Mn. Wagner and others stood watching Walker's building from behind a tr.ie. Walker aaJd Holt had spent the n ight in the faUery. fearing "some kind o trouble." after Mus hett'a visit earlier ln the day. Walker 1nd hia pollhcal foes s tood In the rain, talkinJC aeparat.ely with police olf lcers. Sgt. J amea Spreine said police would not become Involved In what .,., a poUUc1l mattttr. "There la no evidence or any crlmlnal octJvtty," he Hid. "so there la no reat0n for us to $luy here." But Muabett and ht11 11up. -porters rema1nod -ihrOUgfl :ho nlght and into the morning. They said they wanted to bO sure no equipment was removed from the premises before Carmichael's 1cheduled 0 a.m. fire lnapeetlon. Tb• Ulhta remained on at the 1allery with employees coming and 1otna throuthout the nl1ht and Into the momJn1. MUJbett said. But shortly before 9 a.m • employees voaated the b ase Indian Lore Session Set ' !:lemtntery IChool·•ee (rviM children b•v• • chance Sat..,rday to aee. how elementary achool· age lncttana llved. An Jnclaaa craft.I Hd lore MMIOD la ICbldu.led 10 a.m. to a p.m . <if 't ralnt, c1t)' otndala Dlaa to petk op their \Mp.M b)' l p.m.), at Unlvwstt)' CommunJ· .,.. hrttr~ !-::::a-Lane. m ent level gallery, and by the tJme city zoning admlnistrators and a building inspector urived to lnvHtl1ate Mus bett's c h a rges, the door was padlocked- " We're leaving the matter In the hands of the city." Mwihelt said today, addJng be has called off hls survelllance. Mra. Walker said her husband was out of town today and not available for comment. But she called Muahctt's accusations and the bizarre midnight con· frontatlon a "set up" and "ob· vloualy a pollUul ploy." NEW PRlllOl!NT Chamber'• Wnt - Chamber Set For Board Installation 1 rv lne Com pan)' President Peter C. Kremer w111 be speaker Jan. 2• when tho Newport Harbor ATe• Chamber or Com· merce installs Its new otncers and board ot dJrectora. KHmer wtll 11>eak on plans of the company and ~rtUcel areas concernina lhe harbor area. At the ban,uot. Gordon H . w •t wUl be nJtailed u 1979 pre1tdent ot the chamber. Ho ha• aerved aa executive vice· prttfdfnt and on HVtral com· mlttfff with the chamber. A ClU&en ot the .Year award wnt be preeented br Newt)Ort lk!•c' M1y0r Paul Ryckon al the dtnner. The nam ot th• re. altl•nt wtll not be dltcloted ln •d· vat.ce . JnformaUon about the ban· qu t, acheduled to bellh at t :30 p.m. J1n. JI at the Balboa Bay Club, b av1U1ble bJ callinl "4--a11. a Mexican Flights C&ncelled ) MEXICO CITY fAP> In temaUoul ud dom•Uc rupt.a wtre rerouted and 1cveral airport• cloHd when an eight· hour microwave faUuro t ut com- m unlcaUou between the alt \raUlc: cont.rol center lo MazaU1n, on tbe We1t Coaat. and alroralt .ad alrporta In oorthwNt Me,clco. Thirty ntlhla were coneelled Thursday Into the 1lrporta of Hermosillo, Duranao. CulJacan. Tijuana, lle:itlcall. Cludtd Obreson and La Pu. ln th• Baja Calltomla reaton. aald P'emand<r Perei. ~ nlabl chief at tbe MauUan t0ntrol center. All 8.lr traffic throu1h the af (ected a~a wu rerouted to a more centraJ p th throu1b Mex- ico. Perez Hid . .He aald the Mon· terro1 _control center handled the ru,:nu ln cooperation with the airport.a at Albuquerquo. Los Antelee and Tuc1<>n. · A apoketman al the Monterrey center 111d there were no prob. lem1 but most fllghta to the U.S . West Coust and Rocky Mountain regions had to Oy halt on hour extra. Macy's Link To DiseaJJe? ' NEW YORK IAPI - The d'8covery of bacteria atop Macy'• department store that have been linked with Leglonnairts dlaeaae does not establish the source or an outbreak of the disease that kiUed two people In the garment distrlct last &!Jmmer. an epldemlologiat saya. The finding of the bac. terla In wa le r u mples taken from an air· conditioning Lowe r atop Macy's "may or may not be slgnJrJcant. · · said Dr. John Marr . e hl ef epldemlologlat for the city or New York. But Dr. Pascal J. Im· perato. a member of the city's advisory committee on Legionnaires disease that was set up after the disease broke out here, uld that "the index of aus· pie ion la very high" that the cont1mln1ted tower wu a aource of the out. break. Receptionist Accused of Forgery A Santa Ana roceptlonJst who allegedly tried to pay an Sl8 lunch bill with a stolen credit card was arrested Thur11day in Newport Beach. CynthJa Annette Luthas. 20, was released on her own rt'- coanlzance. She facet a ch1rge of f orglng a name on a credit card charge, police said. They 111id Mln Luthu and a fem ale friend were 1t.opped at Kolo'• restaurant, 4300 Von Karman Ave .. when the mana1er spotted the Master Charge card aa 11 stolen one. The friend who accompanied Miaa Luthu paJd the restaurant bill. poUcetaJd. ,.,.w, ........ htufN> Prba~e Cambodia's Princt! Nordom Sihanouk listens to debate in the United Nations Security Council The. former Cambodian chief of state condemned the Viel· nam invasion of Cambodia . Irvine Panel Told to Study Housing Costs A seven-member community development task force h<as been authoriwd to find ways to cul Irvine city govcmment cost.s m prol·cssing home construction 1n the hope of lowermg the cost of ueu housing. C ity Council members op proved the Lask force propo11ul 11ubm ltted by City Man ager W1ll1am Woollt!lt Jr lt establil1hes lhree lfUbcomm1t· .el'S. Representatives are to anclud(' one each from the city count'1I, planning commission. Bulldln.i Institute ~iation of Southern Callfom1a. the lrvme Company, the city mana~er·s omce. t.he Community Development 1t.aff and an enatneerlna or arehlt-0<:· tural consultJng firm. Only the city's Community Development Depa rtment representative will ba paid. Woollett said. Scheduled ror study 1tre city planned community ~onin~ n·~ ulations. housing plan proccsi; ing systems. developmtnt fl'l>11. development policies ttnd the Planning Commisslon'.s site plun review process. Policeman Slain MADRID. Spain CAPI -Two terrorlsta blasted a S4·yeer-old Mudrld policeman to daath w1th sawed-off 8tlotguns on th• stairwell of hJs apartment buUd· Ina aa he left for work this mom· Ing. then fled In a white getaway car with the policeman's wife watchin1. police said. Bien· venido Romero MonteJO was Spain's el&hth assassination vie· ·um this year. He waa in uniform and wearing a reaulation pi1tol ,.,... Pflfl4! A J PARKS ••• Judged ~uJtable for natlonal park ierritory could be mude beforl" F'ebruary "al the very curhetil " Colllna aaid hla toam hai. 1rready dJ1euaaed the national purk propo1al with offlclala of lhe lrvlne Company. ownenJ of much of thti 10.callcd Irvine coast. He refu.sed to dltcuu the re•c· lion of the Irvine Compuny to the p rk pro~al. "We huve to m<.ael agaln.' ho 111ld . "and lt'i. much too early for them to take MD)" Jllnd of firm stance at Uulj 1ta"ofthe1ame." Collins 1t11ld the nallonal puk propotal wtll undergo further In· 1en•tve study "at all levels" between now an d Muy when his 4epartment I• scheduled to send ltJI recommendation toConeresa. "I'm sure thut there are many locaal organh:aUona that will with to ~ heard In connection with the proposal, .. he uid 'They will 1ct thclr opportunity end we have already had voluu ble ln1Jut frqm several auch eroups." ,.,....P~AJ POPE ... Ireland and the Middle East. Vatican observers s aid the papal statements also appeared to be aimed at the upcoming Latin American bishops con. fcren<'c in Puebla. Mexico. where the pope is likely to face challenges from those advai:at· lng the Marxllt·lnfluenctd "theology of liberation." . More than 2SO bishops from the world's rTIOtlt overwhelming- ly Roman Calhollc countnt-s are expected to attend the two.week conference Lo be opened by tht> pope Jan. 27. The the me •~ "Evangelliatlon in the Present a nd th e fo'ulure of Latin America. In an obvious reference to the communist world, including h.ii. native Poland. the pope ap. pealed ror greater rellgloui. freedom. "The situation concerning rt>· liglous freedom leaves so much to be desired. when it Is not en. I irely deplorable, .. the popt: said. "There are even anguished cries asking for aid or help which the Holy Sec cannot itt· nore." Youth Admits Thefts From Mesa Store An ortlclul or Bullock·s St.'CUrl ty section told Costa Mesa police Thursday that an J8.yeur·old Irvine bOy has admitted taking an estlmntcd $2,700 from lht> South Coast Pl<tza :store·~ cash rea.?1stera The young employee. the of fic1al 11aid. is suspected of taking a total of $3, 185 from variou:- lllls between Nov 26. 1977 and Thursday. He alh~edly wai. observ1.•d taking a $20 bill from a cash register in lhe dcpartmenl store·~ Sun Shop this week by store m · vestiaaton. theorficlals said. The boy reportedly placed the blll in hia clutch purse in " nearby stock room and then re. . turned lo his sales post. The ac· lion prompted questioning and the later admission, the official told police . WHEN TIME IS OF ESSENCE WE'RE CAPABLE OF BEATING-Tll-E CLOCK Thtre:, atways 11 gttmJral urpency about getting carpeting 1nst1llod. but most customers wfH allot • reasonable amount of mne. Howel/9f, wf*1 tMr8 la • rush. we can 1ccommod1te tttose requiring .... Immediate HtVict, wfthOt.Jt 1acrfflclng Alden~ rtgld atendarda of competentcy .. ' Unltld ~ la a problem obt11lnmg ~ spec/110 CO/Of or pattwn. )'OCI can count on fast HIVfc• from Alden~ and we melntaln • /arpe lnvonrory to t1cfl1t•t• de/lverfes. DEN'S .. ,..: iiisiailitian: ·custom drapsriss linoleum • Wood. floor COST Mes .. C'"'ll ... 9"627 • ,. ... 0 ... 1 ,~,.~a·3e -6• .... 23J5 • l663 ·Pl.ACENTIA AVlNUf • A ~. ,. ~ • n ,.., ~ • » " • .. ' • ·- ' \ 0 r f t r • e n •• '(· ie b le;. .. t'e •• l a he ah the eu I hlS iend !S& any will tlon Old . It y • J. Laguna/South Coast COITION VOL. 72, NO. 12, .. SECTIONS,~ PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A . ., Vour Ho•etowa Dally ew pap r • . \ FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1979 TEN CENTS . Burglars Ranij)age; ·woDian • Flees Bura11r1 ro at'bd I ho in l-•JWl• 8(o ch In a M hc>Ur a»riod Thurllday od early lh mornina. nd In on an.tant"C che td • woman rrom h r ow11 upartm nt b\•fur~ m1.ak1n1 ort wllh her bt-lons•n• . Pollc • a d t.odny th do not know Ir t.hc aam • bur111,.. w ~ rea1>0ru1 ble ror ttw hair down broak ins that CX't'Urred bet n Thursday and Jt't1d1ty mornJnp Mort" th n $11 ,000 In jciwelry. t mt1r 1 and Olhl'r aood• were taken durlna the burglari"•· pollc a~d Kathi n Edwards. 24, 11 Id he waa w tchln1 t I vision t>ur ly thl• morruna wh<>n •h sow a man trying to brcuk into h r bedroom window Thf' womlln could not reach ht"r pbon • which was in th H mf' bedroom. ao he ran out· aldo, Jumped into her car and drov ta the police 1tatlon. By the Ume police arrived, the twdroom window had been pried open and Sl.300 In Jewelry had bffn taken from the apartment In the aGO block of North Coaat Hl.Jhway. In a second burglary. thieves forcfd open a rear door at Robert MoUett 'a home al 413 Pln crest Drtve, taking severlll ca mera1 . lncludl n l a Hasselblad, 1llver natware and olber ltema valued al nearly $4,000. Thieves forced open a bathroom window at the K•rl F. •Weber home. 2107 Ocean Way, taking clothing, a camera and two sttotiuns. valued al Sl.TSO. police said. Weber dlJcovered the burglary when he arrived home Thursday afternoon and 3 Counc· en Feud Cops Called to Clemente Confrontation 7 .1 r I By ANNE COOPER Ol 1'-Dally Pl .... IUltl Three feuding San Clemente city councilmen confronted one another at midnight Thursday in a deserted parking lot, where s upporters of Councilman Howard Mushett set up an all· night survelllance of a shopping complex owned by Mayor William Walker The emotionally charged mid· night showdown. to which city police were called by both sides. 1s the latest m a series of bizarre incidents leading to a Jan. 23 re· call election m the city Mushett, Walker and a third City Council member. Walker APWI ...... UNDER THE KNIFE Newport's John Wayne Jolm Wayne's Surgery Takes 'Wnger' Time LOS ANGELES <AP> John Wayne, the battling giant of Hollywood films for half a cen· tury who has fought off cancer and an ailing heart. underwent gall bladder surgery today that took "longer than anticipated." The operation began at 7:45 a .m . and was expected to last about two hours, according to UC LA Med i ca l Center spokeswoman Ronnie Whitham. nut he was still in the operating room two hours and 45 minutes later. Miss Whitham said "we don't know at .this time lf there are complications. but it Is taking longer than antlt-ipated." ·'The gall bladder is con· s idercd major s urgery," she said. The 71-ycar·old veteran of Westerns and war movies c hecked into the hospital Wednesday for the surgery, a spokesman for his film company said. Wayne reportedly has had a gall bladder problem for some time. 'SEX CLUB' SUIT FILED MEMPHIS, Tenn. <AP>-A Memphis mon who owns a "telephone club" offering sex· ually "e1'pl. lclt mcsaages has filed a laWBult to hall a cutocr of hla teleohone service. f An a{torney foar.. Ralfh Lunall, • owner and operalor o SHL Er)· terpriMI aald hl• cUtot hu 1 con11Ut~onal rtlht to play re· >corded MHHlCS ror calh n who I -+ pay -u:rror a x .Y 11r .. ....., bersblp" In th club Rhlfllp Kuhn said tM club formed 11ur months a~o ht\11 z.000 m mbfrs. ally Donna Wilkinson . face possible recall following months of hostilities between the two warring political factions. Thursday's wrangle original· ed with l1equests from Mushett of.the Mona Lisa Gallerys, local· e<t in a rear portion of the El Camino Plaza, 800 S. El Cam1no Real. The complex is owned by Walker Brothers Development Corp .. headed by Mushelt 's political rival, Mayor William Walker ... MusheU said he received an anonymous telephone call telling him manufacturing was being conducted in what he termed a posslble Illegal addition t-0 the gallery. The councilman said he visit· ed the site Thursday morning. and said he could hear the sound of a press in operation inside the basement level building adja· cent ta a parking lot. Bul Mushett said he could not see into the building because ground level vents into the mysterious building were blocked with what appeared to be poster board. Mushett said he returned to the gallery at 3:30 p.m. with Fire Marshal Gary Carmichael. Mushett's poliUcal ally. Coun- National Park Site? cilwoman Myrtis Wagner also arrived al the Walker building, accompanied by a Daily Pilot rep()rter. Jerry Holt who operates Mona Lisa GaUerys. told the gathering that be had been Instructed by phone by Walker not to allow Mushett or anyone with Mushett. on the prem1ses. Walker arrived shortly and asked everyone to leave . When asked to comment on the sltua· lion. the obviously agitated mayor said . "This isn't a good lime !for me to comment> " Later in the day, Mushett said he received a call about 10.30 CSee FEVD, Page A21 Coast Land .Surveyed A team or experts assigned lo their task by the National Park Service was on the way back to headquarters in Denver today after a sW'\'eY of Orange Coast land that has been suggested for in~lusion ill the national park system . The three-member team left tbe Hotel Laguna in Laguna Beach for home arter meeting with st.ate, city and county of· flclals on the possibility or con· vertlng several thouaand acres ot coulal terrain into naUonal park acreage. Project manager Frank ColUna refuaed to dUcuss the nature of the talk• the U.S. Department 0( the Interior team held with local officials. "But these are early days," he 5 Flee Apartment Fire in-Clemente· Four adults and a small boy fled a San Clemente apartment fire early today, including one woman who was injured when she broke out the Jiving room windows with her arms. Marie Rock. 23, or 143 Ave. de.I Mar, was being treated this morning in the UC Irvine Medical Center e me rgency room for lacerations of the wrists. She and her companion, Da.wid Adams, 20, of Camp Pendleton. returned to the business distrtct apartment shortly alter 1 :30 this morning and round the dwelling filled with smoke, fire officials said. • The couple woke up Jim Bernson. a local tire mechanic, Debbi Freese and her young son. Scottie. The three were asleep in a bedroom. Jn the confusion. Miss Rock panicked and broke the living room windows and one of tbe men grabbed and tore down the drapes as the group escaped the growing heat and smoke. When fire department person· net a rrived. the fire's heat was estimated al more Chan 1,000 degrees. Fire Marsha l Gary Carmichael said. Officiah1 believe the £ire start- ed from a cigarette in a sofa in the downtown apartment. Damage was tentatively ~stimated at SU.000 lo the struc· lure and $3,000 to the contents. commented. "We are nowhere near the stage atl which we can offer some concrete proposals or clearly define the exact acreaee we have in mind." Colllns said the aurvey team led by team pl&.Dder Frederick Babb had been lookln1 at "acreage atret.cblnc from north or Laguna Beach to just below Newport Beach." He said no assessment or the acreage in terms of Its belng judged suit.able for national park territory could be made before February "al the very earliest." Collins said his team has already discussed the national park proposal with officials of the Irvine Company . owners of much of the so.called Irvine coast . He refused to discuss the reac· lion of the Irvine Company to the park proposal. "We have to meet again.'' he said. "and It's much too early for them to take any kind of firm stance at this stage of the game.'' Collins said the national park proposal will undergo further in· tensive study "al all levels" between now and May when his department is seheduled to send its recommendation ta Congress. 'Tm sure that there are many local organizations lhat will wish to be heard in connection with the proposal," he said. "They will get their opportunity and we have already had valua· ble input frQm several such groups." found his front door unlocked. .... Pry tools were used to break into Tanya J . Samaduro(('s home through a rear patio win· dow Thursday where 150 pieces of jewerly valued at $3,160 were taken. along with a tape deck. And Diane S. Gardner. who lives in the 700 block of Gaviota Drive told police someone en· lercd her home while she was away throi,.gh an unlocked front door, laking a $100 Gibson guitar. Police said $1,320 in goods were taken from a home at 295 Chiquita St .. but rurtber in· formation on that burglary was not available thls morning. Detectives loday were in· vestigallng the recent break-ins to determine whether they are related. Woode!•t Returned Laguna Beach VorpaJ Gallery assistant director David Schiffman places $18,000 M.C. Escher woodcut entitled .. La Cathed.rale Engloutie, ·• <The Drowning Cathedral > back on the waJI after police returned the stolen art work to the gallery this week. The surrealistic woodcut was stolen Nov . 11 from the gallery. and police arrested a West Los Angeles man in the theft last month. IJ?· vestigator Ron Lister returned the work Thursday after 1t was photographed for evidence in Los Angeles. $2 Million Raised For Top Krishna? Testimony in the three-week heroin possession trial or one· time Newport Beach resident Alexander Kulik wound to a close Thursday as Kulik dis cussed his seven-year career of financial dealings. Kulik. 28. told an Oran~e County Superior Court Jury about his big-money dealing!> which included rais ing more than $2 mtllion for the India based leader or the Krlsboa re Jig ion. In addition, he talked or in· vestments in a "Bionic Bi Lo;;" cookie distributing effort along with r~ord album production Man Arreste d In Illinois Case LA Strangler? ROCKFORD. Jll. IAPl A man being held on a disorderly conduct charge says he is the Hlll1ide Sh-angler. Rockford Police Chief Delbert Peter110n said today. Peterson Identified the man aR Thomas John Filipowicz, who uld he had been in the Rockford area about six monlh8 after llv· .intc in the Los Angeles area. Petenson said• Fillpowicz was charged with disorderly condutt Wednesday nJght and was held • In city Jan. Peterson sttld F1Jipowlcz "began telling us he atranaled women ln Hillside." Peterson aaid nwrnbers of the Lo1 An1eles police Hilltlde 8tran11er tut force 9'ave t•lked nn U.• phone wtlh FUlpowlca. "I don'l luaow If they are ~m· ln1 here IO talk pert0nally with him or not." .. Id ~tereon "ti 11 beh._ Mld on • diaorderJ.y ec.duct ~-sJ.nc.Uc.b.O.s t>.tn tllkln1 about 1tran1llna wom• hit ~ bu been raJsed to •••• 000." . and his hope to reap huge profits from purchasing and later re· sellin~ a $300,000 home at 22 Un· da lsle. But wh en pressed by Prosecutor Ron Krebcr . Kulik test1ried his chief financial deal· mgs were in the buying and sell· mg or Jewelry. Kulik, also one or seven defen· dants in the murder case of Fountain Valley drug dealer John Stephen Bovan. was found m a borrowed car in October 1977 with 1.1 pounds or heroi}l. Defense attorney Philip De Massa has attempted to prove the heroin was not Kulik's but was intended as a plant to be made by an associate on a group of SO·called "Italians." ~urors are expected to begin cteliberaUng in the drug case Monday after both sides present closing arguments. Coast Weather Partly sunny Saturday with variable high clouds. Lows tonltrht 44 to so. Highs Saturday 63 to 67. INSIDE TODA W' Wh .. n vUitora drop in on .£llinont /or""' ~~lend. it'• by o lfd1r. aoflplane or pomthute R4!Gd obout tltete alr 1port1 on Po.QI Cl. ...... e h a :d lt le >• p- 1: m m to n· or of Dd •• ir 1te oe be tir a ice en ua !X· .he in .ve als 1ve la. at 1 a he ,gh the ets his iend 1ss. ny will tlon aid. it y ;. ) . " !s " IC A2 DAILV PILOT USC Ret•r• Iilnd Use, Services Meet Set Weather Mix ForecQIJt By lA D >T&ADA Ja. OI • a.illy ..._ tWt Stnkina w t Oranc Cou;qcy hl&lr 1cbool t cbera retun>ed co tho r elaHrooma today aft r n 10U1tor1 rucbed • contract t•ltlemf'nt Thursday to tnd the walkout tJlol be an Jan 3 HunUnatun IWIC'h Un on HiCl'I hool Olatru~t t>oerd Preskt!Mt ZJta w a 1atd tn.astffs acniect to II\ e I.he di trict '1 887 t c n a 1 \'C"O pert'eul pay hJke •fl r July I ll 1 stat lmpoffd atary freeze •s llfled Teacben mlQ' Alto rettiv up to lhn!ie perttnt In •ddldonaJ pay rtik-. If the scbool dl.atrict gets more runcta from the at.le that it received last year. Bul Mr Wcua said the school board re~ to bud e on teacher . demond ror blnd10j arbitration m &ri vancea ov r lnterpn..'laUon or the now con· tr ct n.c qreemenl includes a serie or increased frlote bene rats and expires June 30, 1980 Mrs. Wessa said more than 400 striking teachers have been granted amnesty from punish· ment ror thelr activities. Strikers wtU not receive pay or fringe benefits for the seven days of the walkout, sbe added. District Education Association officials. teacher group leaders who spearheaded the strike, hastily organized a Thursday • e vening general membership meeting to vole on the new COD· tract proposal Teacher spokesman Bill Bianchi said about 71 percent of the 400 teachers who jammed in- to Westminster Community Center voted in ravor or the new contract offer Thursday night. Teacher and di st ri ct negotiators met with the state- a ppoi nled mediator Dhraza Mrvicbin during two, all-night contract sessions Tuesday and Wednesday to reach an accord. The turning polnt In the nine- month-old contract dispute ap- parently came at an emotion- cha rged Tuesday night school board meeti~ when trustees de· l' ided to hold <.'On tract talks at midnight. Mrs. Wessa said teachers have agreed lo accept the gr ades given to students by nearly 550 substltute teachers who manned classrooms during the walkout. Substitutes were paid up to S*l a day. School district spokesman Lyn Henderson said as many as 518 Eight J oii;iing City Panels in Laguna Beach Laguna Beach councilmen , named six members of a new economic committee this week and added two more members to the city's municipal services panel. Robert E . Lovett was named chairman of the economic com- mittee, with O.T. <Jim) Lyon appointed vice chairman. Carl Mather will serve as secretary and Jack Camp. Richard K. Bancroft and Terry L. Musika also were named to the panel. Councilmen also named Daniel F. Kenney and Maggie Meggs lo the Municipal Services Comm it tee, joining chairman Gwynne H. Kirkpatrick, James G. Kreder and Marilyn S. Max- well on tbat committee. Still to be named are members to the new Safety and Security Committee. Councilmen plan to appoint Lagunans to that panel at a special mc;eting Jan. 23. Youth Released SAN DIEGO <AP) -A 12· ycar·old bOy is in hls patents' custody after being booked for investigation of setting almost a :;core of nres 1llcludJng one that left $13,000 damage to a house. OR ANOE COAST use DAILY PILOT T.,_ Of'•...._ (NM 0.•ty P,tot •ltfl W,U<l't it com blnf'd I"",.,,....."""' l\pul)i"llodbyll,.O<- (O•\t PU~I"*"~ \tp.t•.-tflM1t~•r• ovb4•\N>d MoftdH tfw°"'°" '"0.W fOf (MW -H~-8"C>t -lf'OI°" &o .. I\ F .... t••~Voltn ,,_ uouNllHc~,_.,C_ " \•Mt•• r~t fldlttoft "OUCMf\l'ltd S..t~rO.Y'"""' ~ .. lM..WIPfl-lll\lnoptMlll\•llJI -•114¥\f,_ COil•-Ct!lf0<n•••"'16 .. ..., .. ""' ""_"'_"""'"_ ---C-0... Y•<e"'H .... t-0.-•~ "-let ..... l,,., .. '"':..;.*i...-:t e11-. .. '--' ..._,, _ .......... ,~ ............ ~ ·. -~- tea~h~ failt'd to 1how up for "'otk at variou. Um 1 durlna the trtke uld tt~y wel't' Ill Hundrtdl ol IWdenta at 1-i brl., ••I~ ol lbelr own to proteat tb• abeenc:• of th•ir n1ular teffhe"' at rampu cs In Huntlnaton Beach, t'ountaln Valley and Huntlnjtc>n lJtach No m~ vlolentt w11 reoport ed durt111 tM 1U1Jco·bul one man wu arnilU'd In 11' .tlel"t'aUon tnvol•lna pickelloa t acb "' Some aublUtute leach w ~ buaed LO diatrtct's ven cam puaea •• a precautionary measure Dihtrlct oftlclah~ aaad rocks were thrown at tht-bw.t!I on two oeoeask>os No one Wb hurt The new t'Ontract wlll rai e the average a lary or Leacheni in lhe district from ubOul SlV.000 lo $20,000 a year. • A plan ror regulattn& develop. ment and providing public ~rvices for Dana Polnt will be explained to residents at a meet- in1 to be held Tuesda)' al Dana Hilla High School. The meelin&. h'osted ~Y the county'i; Environmental Management Agency. begins at 7 p .m . in the campus auditorium, located on the Street of the Goldon Lantern at Acapulco Drive. The plan to be discusz;ed wai. )rdered last June by county supervisors after residents com· plained about a lack of an ade- quate land use plan and public services for the area roughly bounded by Pacific Coast Highway, San Juan Creek and the area near Chula Vis ta Avenue. Ir )'OU want to spend tome lh:n~ outdoora thb weekend, you'd better do it Saturday *•use heavy rtain iJs ex~ted Sunday. the National Weather Service said today. A apokeaman Hid this morning'• liflhl drlnle lsn't expected to conUnue. In ract. tome sunshine is expected Saturday. But on Sunday a new S1orm is likely to move in, the spokesman said. He said forecasters are allll not sure exactly when the rains wUl hit. Tem. peratures are expected lo .remaln abOut the same. Tb a,reemeat ncludes a no • strike clause aimed al avertJng anotber waJkout. Teachers had been wocldna wit.bout a contract After ordering the plan from the EMA. supervisors appointed a 14-member citizens advisory committee that has been helping prepare the document. Crashes Skdl oc Traffic Truck accidents on the Santa Ana Freeway in Anaheim and Santa Ana Thursday s lowed traffic to a crawl during the late morning and early afternoon. slnce July 1, 1978. f',...PG9ftAJ FEUD .•• p.m. rrom a city resident, who said be had just observed someone removing whal looked like a lathe from the Mona Usa GaUerys. Mushett. Mrs. Wagner and other supporters drove to the shopping ,plaza, where lights could be seen inside the gallery and behind the boarded vents. Mushett left the scene to call Police Chief Gary Brown Befor~ he returned Walker and his wife and two police cars pulled into the dark gas station parking lot. where Mrs. Wagner . a nd others s tood watching Walker's building from behind a tree. Walker said Holl had spent the night in the gallery, fearing ·•some kind of trouble." after Mushett's visit earlier in the day. Walker and his political foes stood in the rain . talking separately with police officers. Sgt. James Spreine said police would not become involved in what was a political matter. ·'There is no evidence of any criminal activity," be said, "so there is no reason for us to stay here." But Mushett and his s up-porters remaioed through the night and into the morning. They said they wanted to be sure no equipment was removed from the premises befor e Carmichael's scheduled 9 a.m. fire inspection. The lights remained on at the gallery with employees cominJ( and going throughout the night and into the morning, Mushett said. But shortly before 9 a.m .. employees vacated the base· ment level gallery. and by the time city zoning administrators and a building inspector arrived to Investiga te Mus h ett 's c harges, the door was padlocked. "We're leaving the matter in the hands of the city," Mushett said today, adding he has called off bis surveillance. Mrs. Walker said her husband was out of town today and not avallable for comment. But she called Mushett 's accusations and the bizarre midnight con· frontation a "set up" and "ob- viously a political ploy.'• Better '1iew? llcavcn lloath, 7. of La~unu Dl'uch. adjusts her pcrspec· live of Bluebird Park by hanging from her knees on the geodesic plaything. ft is one of the most popular struc- tures at the small children's park. Viets, Rebels Near Rule in Cambodia BANGKOK. Thailand <AP> H eavy fighting and dead Chinese were reported in northwestern Cambodia near the Thal border today. but ob· servers predicted all or the coun- try will be in the hands or the Vietnamese and their Cambo-dian allies before the end of the week. lo Battambang in the northwest Thursday. sending holdouts of the toppled regime flee ing t.oward the Thai border. A Cambodian solider who escaped told Thai border police heavy fighting was still going on along the road from Ballam· bang to the Thai frontier and that he had seen many dead Chinese. About 600 Chinese ad· visers to the fallen ~overnment had been reported m the area seeking transit through Thailand to Peking. The Vietnamese invaded Cam- bodia on Christmas Day. in· stalled a Cambodian Communist government In Phnom Penh, the capital. on Sunday. They cap. lured Siem Reap and laid sie~e , That's No Bull Ple<UJ Save 'Bionic Cow' GREENSBORO, N.C. <AP> -After surviving a head-on -1>r.-rather. horn-On -collision with a car. tranquilizer darts fired by police. and a leap from a bridge. "Bof\llie the Bionic Cow" finally convinced somebody she shouldn't end up as 800 pounds of hamburger. J.B. Tucker was taking the black Angus to a slaughter house Nov. 14 when she escaped. After eluding police, who said lhey shot her with tran- quilizing darts. the cow showed up on Interstate 85 near Greensboro. damaged a car and later jumped over the side of a bridge when cornered by police. Authorities immediately dubbed her the "bionic cow.'' She showed back up in S. Clyde Dixon's herd Dec. 18. Tucker. who said he stiU wanted the animal slaughte red. finally gave in to pleas from neighbors. and said he would spare her. On Wednesday. Mary Hill and 22 others who heard of Bonnie's plight bought her and trucked her back to Dixon 's herd. She will be used for breeding purposes. A discussion of some alterna\ive plans was held at a publir meeting In October and the testimony was used as the basis ror the plan to be discussed Tuesday. In addition to the plan itself. there will also be a discussion of public services and improve· meots £or the community and ways in which those things might be paid for. Wall Street NEW YORK CAP> -The stock market rose sharply in ac· live trading today. lnspired by strength in the dollar and more evidence of a s lowing an monetary growth. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials climbed 11.26 points lo 839.31 in the first half hour. reaching its highest levels since last October. and was still ahead almost six points after five hours of trading. The mid-morning talJy or New York Stock Exchange-listed is· sues showed three gainers for every loser. Late Thursday the Federal Reser ve reported that the basic measure or the money supply was unchanged in the latest week. That unexpected news represented further evidence or a slowing since late last year in the growth rate or the money supply. Many -although not all -economists consider reducing monetary growth a basic re· quirement if inflation is lo be restrained. If a slower pace of monetary growth can be maintained . analysts said. il would also sub· stantially ease pressures on the Fed to pus h interest rates higher. The dollar, meanwhile, chalked up more gains against leading foreign currencies to- day. It rose Thursday on word or lhe government's plans to sell notes denominated lo Swiss francs beginning next week as part or a continuing U.S. effort to support the dollar. A California Highway Patrol spokesman said two separate chain·reaction collisions injured two drivers. Al 10:30 a.m. Irwin Colom- ba re. 59. or Colton drove his pickup truck into the rear of a semi rig that had stopped in the northbound lanes tor a minor ac· cident Just south or Riverside Freeway in Anaheim. Colombarc was treated for minor injuries and released from an Anaheim hospital. At about noon, another pickup truck. driven by William Alston. 25, of Santa Ana lost a home.size drinking bar in the freeway's southbound lanes near 17th Street in Santa Ana. Afl Alston attempted\ to retrieve the bar, a Salvation Army truck driven by James Parsons. 44, of Sant.a Ana hit his pickup truck. A following truck. carrying 3.400 pounds of meal and driven by Peter Navakoff. 52, of Downey. swerved up an em bankment to avoid the Salvation Army truck. rolled back down and s mashed into Alston·._ pickup. Navakoff, the only driver in- jured in the second accident chain. was reported in satisfac tory condition today in Sant<.i Ana -Tu s tin Co mmuni ty Hospital. 'Ibieves Take Silverware Or ange County Sheriff's· deputies said today that $3.000 worth or antique silverware and other items were taken from a home in Laguna Niguel. Edward Surla, 41. reported U1e items missing when he returned home Thursday night. A Sheriff's spokesman said burglars apparently entered the home by cutting through a screen and jimmying a sliding glass door at the rear of the home at 29681 Kensington Drive. ·Man Kills Self SANTA MONICA <AP> -A 38-year-old ma n rammed his speeding car into the concrete wall or a store here. killing himself and critically injuring a 64-year·old passenger. police said Superpowers Rapped Pontiff's Remarks Attack on America VATICAN-CITY ~AP l -Pope John Paul II spoke . 9ut today against auperpowers which he said seek lo take advantage of strife in Iran, Cambodia and ·~sewhere to insure their domination over the world. Tbe pope told Vatican diplomats. "We follow the dramatic events of Iran and we are very attentive to the news dealini wl1h the Khmer country and all the populations of Southeast Asla who have been already 10 considerably tried ... His remarks appelll"ed to be a tbinJy veiled attack oo the Unit· ed States and Russia. • The Polish-born pope said he saw the world split "above all by Ideological divi1lon1 linked to varioua state sya~ms," 'B ref· erence to communism and capitalism. "The ... rc.h for tolutlons al. lowing human societies to ac· complle their own taaa. to Uve In JueUce, 5-perbap11 th• main 1l1n of our tJmea. We must reepec everytbln1 that can aente ttUI cause wbat.enr the ~llm•. We m\llt take advu· late -ol Ndprocal ~perteoce. However, one ~unot traMfetm tbi1 multiple t .. Tcll for tolu· Uopa ln a Dsbtina Pf'Oll'am to ln· -· .. aui:e power over the world. whatever the imperialism which covers this struaele." Bnides Iran and Cambodia, the pope restated Vatican eon· cerns about the situation in Lebanon, "a country shaken by hatred and destruction." Northern lreJand and the Middle East. Noting his recent efforts lo WI· tangLe the feud between Chile and Argentina, tbe pope said the Vatican wu always ready to act aa mediator in international dis· putea. The pontiff. tn an apparent reference to the communist world, also appealed ror greater reU1loua liberty. ''The .ttuatlon concerning re. Ugious fretdom ltaves so much to be detlred, when it 11 not en· tlrely deplorable. There are even angutahecl cries asking ror aid or help which the Holy See caqnot ignore," he aald. SpeakJna two weeu before bb depart~ for Mexico, bis ftm trip abroad. to attend tho third Latin American bl1hops' con: ference, the pope vowed to "lc· lbJ>lish thl1 mission also to other nationt since 10 many limJl•r imltallonl have already been presented." . .. .. WHEN TIME IS OF ESSENCE WE'RE CAPABLE OF -BEATING THE CLO~K There 's always a general urgency about getting carpetmg installed. but most customers will allot a reasonable amount of time. However. when there is a rush. we can accommodate tooss requmng immediate servtee. without sacrtficJng Alden's rigid standards ~f competentcy. Unle~8 there is 11 prOblem obtaining a specmc coJor or pattern. you can count on fast servfce from Alden'S and we maintain a large inventory to facilitate deliveries. DEN'S ';;;;,;;~arias: iiisiillitioii: ·custom draperiss .J NU ,~n " lioalewn • wood floor · · 1663 PLACENTIA AVENllf • COSTA MESA. CAllf 92617 • PtiONE 6'6·4838 -646 235$ , • I! - s cl ... .. Ft1day, Jonu•ry t 2 t 979 Case • S DAILY PILOT .U Lawsuit In Rape Rejected COLUMB • , Oa. CA P 1 WtlU• the Jua\.lc Ocpurtrn nt dtb1ttd ~r t.o ask 8 Uy Carte-r if he'• accttJnf• paid by • 1roup or Llbyan v lilOr•. th -• PT' idrnt '1 brother escorted hl -.uc U w thl wm Geor11ia city A lnw111wt wbJch accused Los Angeles County authorities of tr- respomiibly for freeing Warren Oale Clewell shortly before he at· tacked and raped a ll·year-old El Toro girl was dlsmlssed Thu1'11- day in Orange County Superior Court. .. ~,.,,.,.... UNPAID HOST? Billy C1rter Holiday Puslred For King Membenf of Orange County's black community launched a four-day program today as part or a nati~ campaign to have ~ Martin Luther King Jr. 's birth· day commemorated as a na· uonalholtday . . ~ ' t • . .. t. ~adie Reid, spokeswoman for the coalition of communily or· gamzallons and churches that put together the weekend pro- gram, said county residents are bemg urged to observe Monday as a holiday by not going to wor'-, not shopping and not send· mg their children to school. Monday would have been the slam civil rights leader's 50th birthda) Ms Reid said the effort to' have Jan 15 recognized as a holiday is being especially directed to blacks. Chicanos .. and those sympathetic to our cause and struggle " The four-day program In eludes today's press conference al which the holiday campaigo was officially launched in Orange County, a meeting Saturday of the county's Black Democratic Caucus and churcn services dedicated to King on Sunday All the events place a• Ne~ St. C'hurch, 1431 W Blvd .• Santa Ana a re to take Paul Baptist Santa Ana Monda) U-.e church will be the s ite of a day-long program beginning at 7 a.m and ending with an interfaith tribute to King that begins at 3 p.Jll and ends at 5 pm Niguel Boy Hurt as Bike, Auto Collide A 13-year-old Laguna Niguel boy was m satisfactory condition today after collidmg with a car while riding his bicycle Thurs- day afternoon California Highway Patrol of· ficer Tom Sapp uld John Clements collided head-on with a <'ar driven by Eden Bright, 39. also of Laguna Niguel. T he 4 p. m. accident occurred at the tntersection of Benecia Avenue and Las Naranjas Drive in Laguna Niguel "r oung Clements was taken to M1ss1on Community Hospital Tht> extent of his in1uries was not disclosed Rain, Snow Or Knives? TVLSA, Okla. <APl -A Tulsa youth haa pleaded no cont.est to a charge or ossaulbng a letter carrier because be "didn't get any mail." Bobby Dale Baker, 19, told U.S Diatrlct Judge Allen E Barrow on Thura·· · day be wu expectlnl a letter Dec. 11, and when ca rrier Jlllnies A . Thompeon didn't deliver 1t. ho c ut him wltb a knife, Bakeraald. Bak r ts to be sentenced Jan. 24 and' faces Y mii lmum penalty or 10 yd" in prlton and a Sl0,000 fine .. today "They art-not ~re us omt'lal su ala o( tht mayor. Thcy'rn JHt comln& by my omce." Mayor Harry Jark10n •aid 'To ba ptrfectly frank with you. all I know i• they noWied me th8t th y wert comln1 by my office I II takt lime off to arkt them and aee lb m bul thal ·1 tht- aame lUtude I would have for any vi It.or to my office." If Carter were getting paid by the Lthy1.11. , he would have to register as • fottlan agent or u nation the State Oepartmenl characterlies as one or the world's most notorious sup .>orters of inlcrnatlonal ter- rorism. But a Carter associate, Randy Coleman. says Carter has not been paid for escorting the Lib- yans around Georgia this week and has not been contacted by the Justice Department. Besides serving as host for a formal dinner for the Libyans in Atlanta. attended by more than 300 including Carter's mother. Lillian, Billy Carter has in- troduced his guests to state of- ficials and business leaders and given them a tour or Plains, Ga., the Carters' home town. Justice Departm e nt spokesman Robert Havel said Thursday that officials are con· sidering contacting the presi- dent 's brother after they became aware of his activities through newspaper accounts. Al a Georgia news conference this week. Carter was quoted as saying, in urging friendlier U.S. relations with Libya, that "there's a bell of a lot more Ara- bians than there is Jews." Billy Carter also sajd Moam- mar Khadafy, leader of the oil- rich state, "is spending all that oil money on his people. All you see are homes and apartments go. ingup." When a reporter mentioned Khadafy's support for Palesti- nian guerrillas' terrorist ac· livities against Israel, Billy Carter reportedly said. "The J ewish media tears up Arab countries all the time. as you well know." Billy Carter and several other Georgians went on an unofficiaJ v1sil to Libya last September. Man Pleads Innocent in Shooting Case A ~estnunster man who al- legedly fired his shotgun at a s uspicious car, wounding its driver has pleaded innocent in court. Michael P Doman, 24, of 14571 Yarborough St. was arrested after the Monday night shooting eoisode and booked for in· vesit gation of assault with a deadl) weapon His asserted victim. Scott J . Lester. 18. of Anaheim. re· mamed in ·good condition today at Fountain Valley Community Hospital following surgery. Police said Doman went for his shotgun about 11:30 p.m. Monday in the belief someone was. tampering with his offroad vehicle parked outside his home. West Orange County Minicipal Judge John Wyatt released Doman without bail and ordered him to appear in court for a pre- liminary hearing Jan. 31. Judge Wyatt ordered as a con- dition of Ooman's release that he not possess a gun or any other deadly weapon pending trial J ud~e Allcemarle Stotler threw out the action filed by the victim 'i; parents after agreeing with defense lawyers that [.()s Angeles County was immune from such prosecution. The defense successruJly argued that actions taken by lb{• defendants in the Clewel~ case were discre tionary and no specific duty existed in terms of protecting any potential tictim. The parents ot the victim de- manded S2S million in damages an their now abandoned action. Clewell. 28. pleaded guilty to l r rape and attempted murder A t9ta o 15 fire units from Santa Ana and Mam streets totaled about S75.000. Source rather than race trial and he was Orange County fought a stubborn fire that of the fire as under mvestagallon. A fire de· <1enlenced three months ago to ffrein the Old City Ball broke out at noon Thursday in the aban· partment spokesman said some transient~ 20 years and four monlhs in doned Santa Ana city hall. Firemen said apparently had been living on the fourth prison. ~-~-e~d_a_~~g~e-~~t_h_e~bu~i~l~=·~g~a~t~T~~=·~d~a=n=d~~fl=oo~r~w~h:er~e~t~h~e~f~ir~e~s~ta~rt~~~·~~~~~~· He ad~tledth~heattac~ the girl last April Just 66 days Cable TV Fee Hike OK'd Supervisors, Firm Agree to Compromise Customers of Storer Cable 'IV Inc. in south Orange County will be hit with a rate hike next year because or a compromise plan worked out by the firm and county omciaJs. Supervisors reluctantly agreed Wednesday to the plan which will institute the St a month hike on July 1. 1980 for the 8.500 subscribers living in the unincorporated areas stretching from Emerald Bay to San Clemente. In return, the firm has agreed to r e -apply for its franchise authority under the county's new cable television franchise ordinance, a much more stringent law than the one now controlling the Storer franchise. Without the agreement. the Storer franchise would not ht! subject to the new law until 1986. Supervisor Thomas Riley of the fifth district which is served by Storer. made it clear Wednes- day that he was not pleased w1lh the rate hike, but he voted for 1t m order to ~et the firm under the new franchise ord10ance According to Fred Voss Qf the Environmental Management Agency. Storer's rate for the un incorporated area now 1::1 second highest in the county -According to Voss a rate sur vey of eight cable television firms operatmg m the county showed Storer's rate at $11.25 a month for a home served by two outlets. .. There's only one that ·~ higher and if the rate increase were to go into effect today. Storer would be the highest." he said. According to Voss' report. the lowest ratl> for two·outlet service 1s S8.75 charged by Orange County Cable Com· mumcations. In voting in favor or the In· crease. Riley complained that the s ituation "was one of those that leaves little ror the board to do ·Tm not sure this rate 10 crease L" 1n the best mterest or the people we serve." he added. The new franchise law that will govern the firm's operation mcludes provisions that will re· quire the firm to JUSllfy futher rate increases as other ut1hly monopolies do. In also authorizes the county to a udit the cable <.·ompuny·~ books. Story on Marines 'Absolute Trash' The new franchise ordinance allows the county to investigate l'UStomer <'Omplaints and re· quires the firm to maintain a 24·hour telephone lane for customer complaints. The law also rorces the com· pany to respond to complamts within 72 hours and it sets up a ~chedule or rebates for customer whose service u; out for more than two days. OCEANSIDE (APl -Mayor Paul Graham says a report In the February issu e of Oui magazine that the Marines at Camp Pendleton make Oceanside one of the nation's 10 toughest cities is .. absolute trash." The national magazine. in an article h ead Ii ned "Towns Without Pity" by freelanct! write r Hanlo Nuwer, claims the crime rate here rose 36 percent in a single year. City and Marine officials dis· pule that and Graham. a former commander or Camp Pendleton, says Nuwer .. must have driven through here at 60 miles an hour." After the article appeared on the newstands. Police Chief Rolf Henz noted the highest crime in crease he can remember in Oceanside was 14 percent in 1974. In the six paragraph reference to Oceanside. Nuwer says the Cl· ty is a tough town because or un- ruly Marines and that "in a re- cent nine-month period. 1,000 Camp Pendleton 'Jarheads' were given less-than-desirable discharges. Eighty percent of these followed arrests in Oceanside. and many involved were officers.•· Baa publle affaiu-.of.U.Ce Cha rles Owen, however, said 80 percent or all discharges do not stem from arrests by Oceanside police and that the 1,000 figure includes discharges for medical and a vanety of other reasons. Henz. an an interview Wednes day. said 36 percent of those ar· rested in 1975 were Marines but that has dropped to 27 percent. a nd many of those are for petty theft and public drunkenness. It's Time to Plant Hearilig Slated SAN FRANCISCO IAP l Mayor Dianne Feinstein and numerous <'tty officials have been subpoenaed Lo a ppear at d rlosed·door hearing Wednesd:..y ror D<1n White. accused o r murdering Mayor Georg<• Moscone and Su~rvisor Harvey Milk. ~ "-- BARE ROOT ROSES Ii FRUIT TREES WITH KELLOGG'S after he was released from Atascadero State Hospital where he was undergoing psychiatric treatment in connection with another rape. It was stated in the lawsuit dismissed by Judge Stotler that Atascadero authorities-asked the Los Angeles County district at- torney to petition for an ex- tension or Clewell 's hos pital term. The distrkt attorney's office filed the petitibn two days after the pres nbed deadline and later d1sm 1ssed the petition. the lawsu1tcla1med. 18 Arrested In La Habra Drug Sweep La Habra police have arrested 18 people in a sweep of s uspected drug dealers who have been operating on high school cam- puses in the city. The raids were the result of a three-month investigation ln which an undercover policeman posed as a high school student. .ic·cording to Capt Herb Johnson. But Johnson said the in- vesltgation was in no way relat- ed lo a similar investigation and roundup conducted two weeks ago by Placentia police. or the JS people arrested, three were adults. Johnson said. John Brewer. 18, or Brea, and Cham Hensley, 20 and Dan Cascmo. 18, both or La Habra were charged with sale of man- JUa na a nd booked at Orange County Jail. The remainder we re all juveniles and were booked at Juvenile Hall. STAR JASMINE • fills hardy vine or rouna cover features fragrant whtte flowers In spr1ng bf I gonon size t., summer. REG 299 $1 SALE PRICE • BRUTIA PINE This fast-growing , symmelrlcal conifer mokM on excellent. corefrH screen or IOndSCOpe specimen 5 gallon Size REG 13.99 SALE$5 99 PRICE • Pilot Views TV's Hottest New Star BARE ROOT H you're in your favorite armchair but have no pro· fessional football t.o watch this weekend, read these stories ln Sunday's Daily Pilot. BLACK MAGIC -Graphite composites -the ultra-modern material that makes tennl1 rackets Ugbter and airplanes stronger -ls manutactured ln Costa Mesa. Officials of Narmco lnc. are gearln1 up for Its use ln automobile parta. ATl'ITUDE ADIUSTllBNT - Wben _at coma t.o lnaUllln1 pride ln work, there'• no one better than Van Andale l'ranct, dean •. ot the Unlverttty of Disneyland. ftnd about Ills motl..tion ,,ro. aramt ln tbl Buel..-MCUon: HOftE8T 8TAa -Kristy ·' (suNDAY'S BEs'r] McNlchol of TV's 'Family' is riding hi~ wltb a $1 million con· tract from CBS. a hot new ret· ord album and more lucrative off era fiooding in dally. Still. the ~6-year-old star says she leads a normal llle at borne and folio~ Mom'• bidding. INNOVA'ln'E EDlJCATOR Ernest L. Boyer, the U.S. Com· mluloner of Education. has never bf.en a/raid 9&,taklng new tdea1 lnic> his jot>s. But while be'• ~aken up tblnts In bl& latest .. pol(. he• •Aya he's beerf • ~urprlled at tbd lntell11ence of a bureaucracy he once thought bJdtbOund. No. 1 Non.patent Ro1e1 .................................... .'2.99 No. 1 Patented Ro1t1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !4.49 AARS Award wlnner• ....................................... ~8.99 Standard Fruit Tree• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• from •4,99 Semi-Dwarf fruit Trff• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• from 17.99 Plus o wldt vor1e1Y Of small fruits• vege100tes. ft o COSTA \6:1 ~ MESA VIC'H>MIA ~-· ~ 0,... 7.,.. e WM 7 ...... llJO ,,_. J IJJ MIWPOlf la.YO. COSfAMISA ...,,..,MWtJI ........... 641-411> • ChooHtrom red,plnk,Of ~~e In lt1ls hordltlt Cf Qolotf\11 llWUbt. I QOllOn Ille RfO. 2.89 SALE 99c PRICE FouNTAIN VAllEY " e h a :d It le )I' P· 't m tn to fl· of or ad •• r 1te oe be tit a iCe en lia !X· .he in .ve aJs 1ve la~ at ; a he .gh .he ets ,, y 1. ). " .. r i· ·.-A~ DAILY PILOT '''day. Janueiy t2. fl71 NATION I WORLD . Ja t ~':: ~oa •ing ~ ....... ~ Tom~~'J ]obkss Rate Edges Up 1978 Shows Strong Gains in ED1ploynient Marphinf' Fits and tart MOTORDED MADNt:. ' D PT Jn our f•mUy. we havt UU. nfW c:ar th&l aa an ~"q'°"1tc ~xamplti of Rom•o cran amanahtp. ll l11 al k na powl'rtul It look• llki ll'1 1oln1 100 mll por hour wtu'n u ·a 1land.&n11Ull. Th•t'a the troubl• AU too oflttn, tt'1 l1ndan1 auu. Thi Roman marvel also hu an ltalhan tcmpt•rmcnl. When 1t aetr. ttred of run n1n~. It Jusl qwta. Ye terd•y It d c1ded to quu on m• Rt th~ bottom or Third Stl'E'et tuU Jn Laaun1 &oach The onl)' place th•l mlcht .. l\ave been wontt "ould be In tht' middle of Third StrHt lUU. By comparlllon, that La1una a\rt'f't m1ke1 most of San ~'rancaaco look Oat Anyway, a nice W.1un1t<'Op namt'd Mark MUlcr came along and helped mt-l thtln t kno" .tt the-11nH.· ht• wai, a I'm Trodmg /or Thu New Model Powered by Ruhbt>r Banda Lagunacop because he was off duly, clad an u sports shart and s lacks. • I should have figured he was with the law. however. Ofncer MiJler was wearing a <"hain around his neck from which dangled a small golden pig. He explained he was on his way to a meeting where the Lagunacops were gomg to discuss their wa~e distresses. "We 're going to sit around and drink Kool -Aid," he ex- plained with a smile Cops, you must understand. have sort or a macabre .sense of humor BUT I DIGRESS. This nice officer got me a tow truck. The pleasant young driver got out hb tools and said, "Okay, mist.er, try to fire her up .. "I don't wanta. ·• J protested "It won't. I've tried." "Aw. oome on," he coaxed. "Just try 1t once." My Italian marvel then st<.1rtt'd on the f1r~l crank of the s tarter. It just sat there by the curb humming away contentedly I sobbed some. The tow tl"\lck fellow palled me on the back. "That's okay, mister. My tools Just scared it." My Italian masterpiece then hummed happily on up. coast to Newport Beach while I mused to myself, "The on ly place worse than Third Street Hill where this thing could quit running would be in the Arches Interchange." THAT WAS THE NEXT PLACE where It quit. A nice lady in a Volkswagen van pushed me over the bridge. The daughter of our house drove down to Lido and pushed me home to Balboa. The only advantage f can see to owning an Italian masterpiece is that you s ure do ml'cl a lot of nice people. I wonder what kind of Kool-Aid the Lagunacops drank? Lemon-time or strawberry ? Oil Pact Reached By Labor, ln<lustry DENVER <AP> -The 011 workers union a nd the nation's oil industry are in tentative agreement on a two·year contract, and an industry spokesman says the terms arc acceptable to tbe Carter ad m I nistration. The tentative accord apparently averts a strike by about 60,000 refinery workers. It is the first major union contract negotiated un- dt>r President Carter's voluntary guidchnes. which call for a 7 per- cent ceiling on wage and fringe benefit increases over the life of a contract. The administration's Council on Wage and Pnce Stability said it will not comment on the l't>ntract until 1t has reviewed it thoroughly WASHINGTON CAPl -The n•tlon'a unemployment rate edl~ up from 5.8 percent to ~.9 p rcent IHt month u the number o/ penona boldln1 jobs lncrtaMd by 1 ttlaUvely amaU 104.ooo. lbe wbor Department 11ld l.Oday. However, th d partment sald botb black and white worken and adult m en and women ICOr d •tront lalna for all of 1t'f8. the third year o( aharp ex· pentton In Jobe. DECEMBER• employment Gas-filled Tanker Righted GERA. Mich. CAP l -Repair crews succeeded today in put· ting a derailed railroad tank car lull of liquid propane back on the rails. easing the danger it might explode. It had derailed in a col· U11on with a truck that left one dead and eight iJtjured. A crane restored the car to the rails. said am Murphy I division tralnmaster in fhe Chessie Syste m 's Saginaw office. He was una ble to say im· mediately when the car would be moved. "They're still cleaning up out there," he said. "ONE SPARK IF there's a leak and it would be ,Jike a bomb," said Detective Sgt. Rudy Holmquist of the state police fire marshal's division. ·'There would be a ball of fire 400 feet out if there was a leak now." There was no leak Thursday when the Creight train and grain truck collided. derailing 11 cars and three engines a nd sending one engine s mashing into u grain elevator office. TWO OF THE derailed cars were empty-and the other eight contained salt. Several tankers carrying chemicals were not de· railed. The crash forced evacuation of some 25 to 30 families for fear of an exolosion. and wrecked six vehicles near the grain elevator. Police said the evacuated fa milies began returning to their homes ofter the tanker was righted. State police and chemical ex- perts abandoned plans drawn up Thursday to empty the tanker of Its 31,000 gallons of gas by transferring its contents to four trucks. AMIN CALLED 'FlJGITWE' DAR F,S SALAAM. Tanzania i AP l -Former President Milton Obote or Uganda claims the man who seized Power from him. ldi Amin. lives like a tugllive in his own country. Obote in a rare statement said Amin moves in secret and main- tains no routine. has foreigners as his most trusted bodyguards and frequently changes license pl11tes on his cars. Obote bu lived in Tanzania since Amin's coup eight years ago. Thaw Causes Slides Snow Blocks Roath Near Salt Lake City . -----_._ Al!Nnp AIOU'-AmetlllO AllC~Afl.,.le At11noc Cly Ba1t1mort 81tm••<k BolM Bolton 8111falo Cllrl1t11 '#\# OtMoci CIMlnnall Clew lend ColumlMn 0.lfl.Wlf'I o.- ~ ~~111111!!~ .... ~ ....... ~~ .. .(It 09\ Mol net Otlroll Oll!Utfl l"1Jrbftll1 H.ntord ... ,_ HIN!Wttu .......... 11'411-.ioli. J\lf'IMll 1Ce11•1 C:llY u,11...,. l.llllt 1110<11 S1 2' .. " 28 " S7 JS .17 2S • 21 '' .OS , ., •• oi .. 31 ... ,, . 14 J tt 11 I• 10 .01 I\ 13 II 11 .M 1l .01 ~ IJ .01 4S u. 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Tetioe \#el..., ,, tO " .u •2 " '1 AS ,, ,, 41 jt ..• 13 .. ~ ... 41 10 JI n as .... .. 40 .s 0 ~ .... ., <IA '° 40 ., s. .• ., ., ., .. ,. l1 !!.~~~~~~- ,.,.,_ ufteiWICI ""-r!Otdino lfl ICllM -... .i...am Ill Ul .... ""''-ttlwM!lft --t\111 WllllCM ,._, l•d•'f '" ~ •• ,,., Of• ......... ~lllOftNIA &elltr\llf'llS 11 St OJ WtrMlflt llill!PW9'U,..t, '"' t~11t111• .... 4J..,.... 11'1 •1r111e s• .o f • • Sell l••• City .. ,,, 1ocs.r. •s d,. un u\u•t Jenuarr Ill•• <Oftt111u.a HUvy rat" Tllurscuy plummeted -w1111, ot .,_ onto-~.,... <AftyOflt t4111 ol s.tl L.Mt To Illa IOllttl Of Silt I.Mt City, 10 \llOWtflO•\ wert FfPO•taO '" Amerlt•11 Fork c.tl'(Of'I, Inc hldlr>Q ont 200 1 .. 1 /Gnq Intl 20 ie.1-p Olll<l•IS u ta U·o19ru ltM· Pll•••urn -• l'«otdld T_1e1.,, 11 '"" t,JOO ,.,. --.. l'NlllnQ ... "'°""' tetfl\M•wrtece. 8•rl •••rt """"""'°" llNcll w-...., II "• IMI •flll ttlM '°°"" •"'9tlH. C:ondtt!Ofl lell. Ntwltlfl ... ,11 W4tYK llW' .. i. IOW lwt COl'IClllllM '"'' arowth .. u much slower than that of prevtoua months and waa down aba.rply fro111 Novtmber. when 510.000 new Jobs wtre created. Althouab the nallable Jobs 1nw by UM.000 last month. t.bey were far outnumbered by the 239.000 people who entered the Job market. thus causing the rile •n unemployment. Some private economl11ta aay the Carter adm•nl1t.raUon's sue· ceas ln bringing down the un· employment rate 11 clouded by the prospect of a business down tum. BECAUSE OF THE empbuls on flJhting inflation. these economists expect the Jobless rate·to rise later this year. They aay new jobs must be created steadily to keep the unemploy· ment rate from rising because or the increase in the working·age population. In its year-end review. the Labor De partment said the number of persons with jobs m· creased by 3.3 miUlon in 1978. with 2 I mlllion or the new jobs goin1 to women. Tho department taid the only group wtt.h a worse job 11ltua\lon ror 1978 were teen-agers. About one out of every four un· employed penon was between ages 16 and 19. THIE UNEMPLOYMENT rates for moat categories showed little change last month. However. following are t.he un· employment rat.es for December compared with the rat.es a year earlier: -Total unemploymen• 5.9 percent. down from 6.3 percent. White adult men 3.5 per· cent. down from 4 percent. -Whit.e adult women 5.1 per- cent. down from s. 7 percent. -Black adult men 8.4 per· cent. down from 8.9 percent. -Black adult women 11.2 per· cent. down from t 1.4 percent. Black tee n ·age r s 34 9 percent. down from 38.3 percent. White teen-ager11 14.2 per· cent. up from 12.6 percent. -Total employed 94.9 million. up from 92.6 million. THEIA.BO&force-thosewlth Jobs or lookln11 for work grew by 2.8 m illion durln1 um. aUahtly leu than the arowth in 1971, lbe department sald. Adult women increased their numbers in the labor force by about t.7 million from the fourth quarter ol 19'71. aduJt men by about one million 1nd teen-aeers by 200.000. The department said that in December the average work week was 35.8 hours. unchanaed from November. Crash Kills 16 Soldiers In Panama BALBOA. Canal Zone <AP1 - Sixteen -or 17 American soldiers aboard a U.S. Army truck were killed when the truck hit a car on a bridge over the Panama Canal. crashed through a guard rail and plunged 80 reel down a bank of the canal. The 2''2·ton truck turned over Thursday but did not go into the water t'I FTEEN OF the men were killed instantly. and one died early this morning in Gorgas Memonal Hospital in the Canal Zone. a military spokesman an- nounced. The s urvivor was re- ~ .ported in critical eondition. The Army said the names and home addresses or the men would not be made pubjlc unld lhe1 r famihes were notified. possibly later today. The bodies were in the morgue at the hospital. and preparations were made to n y lhem to the United States. A S POK ES MAN said the soldler'I were all members of Company 8 . 4th Battalion. Mechanized 20th lnfantry. 193rd Infantry Brigade. which is a:,.. si~ned permanently to the Cunal Zont> The men werc:-rt>tu rning to Fort Clayton from thc:-Empire: Firing Range on the west bank of the canal. Officials of the U.S . Southern No CufJ Seout? .,.1,.._.1o Command said a preliminary in- vestigation mdicat.ed the truck was moving mto another lane on ''No girl can be a Cub Scout." said Harvey Smith. a director of the Nassau.1N.Y.1 National Boy Scout Coun· cil. But Andrea Weitm an. 13. spent two years as a Cub Scout. earning J 1 or a possible 15 badges and retiring with honor when she reached the mandatory <1ge of l l . She may keep the bad~es. but her existence as a Cub. which j ust came to light. 1s being ignored by offici~ls. the Thatcher Ferry Bridge when It struck the car. veered off and \Vent through the guard rail. U.S. OFFICIALS said the driver or the car. another American soldier whose identity was not announced, was not in· JU red ~ Dinner SpeclaJs ~r\'ed-J:OO PM-10:00 PM • ' .. Monday Y2 Chicken Tuesday Breaded Veal Steak Wednesday Fish & Chips Thursday Spencer Steak Friday & Saturday New York Stqk Top Sirloin Steak Sunday (M?rvtd noon· 10:00 pm) $2.35 $2.35 $2.35 $3.25 $3.65 $3.35 above llt'ntd with IOUP and u lad, tholtt or po1a10 or rf<'C' pll.r. roll and bullt r WITH BF.VERACF. • Norw•ltl • S•11t1 Ana •Or ante • T'Ol'l'ance (t) • 'aramollftl • l\lt tln • Analleim • C•f'IOft • Oowney • 11n • CtnttM • 11111etton t2> • lut118 ,lftc • CMll M... • IMftt .. . I J I e -.. Q I 118 It •• ,,. • r· : er ~- it i · •• Is ly It l . 11! st 11 ?t d h ' D l· •· D I· d n I , Orang e Coast EDITION VOL. 72, NO. 12, • SECTIONS, .U PAGES Pope Hits U.S. So'viets Share Ire .in Sp eech VATICAN CITY <AP) Pope John Paul 11 lndireclly accused the United Stat and the Soviet Union today or exploltina re· atonal confl1cts "lo ensure power over the world.•· The Pollsh·bom pontiff, speak- ing In French m an address to the diplomaUc corps. expressed particular concern over the turmoil in Iran and the Viet· namese conquest of Cambodia. Although he did not single out individual countries. it was clear he was referring to superpower rivalry when he said the world Is split "by ideological divisi'ons link e d lo various s tat e systems " "We follow the dramaltc t"vents of Iran nnd we are very ~UenUve to the news rrom Cam· OOdla and all the populations or Southf'ast Aaia who have already been so tried," the pope aald The United States has backed Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in Iran and has warned Corelan gov- ernments not to Interfere in th&t country 's Interna l prob· lems. Russia backs the Viet· namese and the Cambodian rebels who ousted the Cambodian regime last weekend. "One cannot transform a search for solutions mto a fight· mg program tt> ensure power over the world," the pope said. "Searchln& for j ustice is the main sign of our times." He listed respect for bu.man rlahts s the bigeest world r.roblem and saJd it requires 'concerted action by govern- ments and all men of good will." The pope called for a global effort to deal with the problems of nourishment, health, lnterna· tional economic coope ration, arms reduction and the elimlna· lion or racism. The 58-year·old pontiff again expressed concern for Lebanon "a country torn by hatred and destruction'· -Northern <See POPE, Page A2 > Long Operatio n Market Wayne in Surge r y. .Gains For Gall Bladder Sharply ,.,, .......... UNDER THE KNIFE Newport's John Wayne LOS ANGELES <AP> -John Wayne, the battling giant of Hollywood films for hair a cen· tury who has fought off cancer and an ailing heart, underwent gall bladder surgery today that took much longer than originally planned. The operation began at 7:45 a.m. and was expected to last about two hours. according to UCLA M ed i ca l Ce nte r spokeswoman Bonnie Whitham. But Wayne was still in the operating room four hours and 15 minutes later, and Miss Whit.ham said, "the word is at leut three or more hours of sur- gery will be required ... "The only thing we know is what the operating room is tell- ing us. Tbe doctor knows, but be l•n't •81bll," ahe added, when asked about possible complica· t(ops. ·8be had said earlier. "to our knowledge, there are no com- pTicatlons." "There are so many variables, <See WA¥NE, Page A2> Mesa 'Frustrated' With Freeway Job By MICHAEL PASKEVICH Of tlw O.U, PilOI SUtl Costa Mesa Vice Mayor Arle ne Schafer says stle is "frus"1'ated" with the steps t.he elty must go through during a two-year environmental impact report on the proposed extension of the Costa Mesa Freeway <Route 5.5>. CalTrans will begin the study, and a new series of public hear· ings and possible surveys, in February. But Mrs. Schafer was not en· thusiastic when she reviewed a procedure outline during a coun· cil study session earlier this <See FREEWAY, Page A%> Helme t Sa1'e• Liie NEW YORK <AP l -The stock market rose sharply in ac· live tradine today. inspired by strength In the dollar a nd more evid e nce of a s lo wing In monetary growth. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials climbed 11.26 points to 839.31 In the first half hour. reaching Its hjghest levels since last October, and was still ahead o~most six points afte r five hours of trading. The mid-morning tally of New York Stock Exchange-listed is· sues showed three gainers for every loser. Late Tb~sda the Federal Reserve that the basic measure o the money supply was unchanged in the latest week. . T h a\ unexpected newa repreteded rurther evidence of a slowlrig nnce late last year In the growth rate or the money s upply. Many -although not all -economists consider reducing monetary growth a basic re· quirement if Inflation is to be restrained. If a slower pace of monet..ry growth can be m aintained , analysts said, It would also sub- stantially ease pressures on the Fed to push interest rates higher. The dollar, meanwhile, chalked up more gains against leading foreign currencies to· day. It rose Thursday on word of the government's plans to sell notes denominated .in Swiss francs beginnjng next week as part or a continuing U.S. effort to support Lbe dollar. Gold prices wilted under pres· sure from t.he improvement in the d()llar, dealers said. ; Tow truck operator Bob Reed i\\'Orka near Daniel J . Eilanct•1 fallen motorcycle afteT tt cOtllded with a car at the lnt«SectloD of Newport Boulevard and 18th Street in Cotta Mesa at 7:35 ttils mombll. Officer Tom T"Welfman <ri1btl 1ald Eiland'• helmet, cracked in the colli•IO!'i probably 11ved bl life when bi new off ms btke, blt the car roof and bOunced=tbe vement. Eiland, 291.S Beacon St.;, Ne Beach, la reported in atabJe c at Hoa f 'Memof1al Holfpital. He iuffend --IUll,I,-..;.;:; po11lble Internal lnjurin, cuts and a broken lea. Car driver Mrs. Kutee Bolton Brown, ·46, Santa An•, wMn' hurt, police aald. -, Y oar. Bemeto wa Dally Newspaper I t's a B i rd, I t's a Plane ••• It's Johnny Carson pulling his own spoof or the new Superman craze. As Clark Kent, he goes into a phone booth and emerges as ... Wonder Woman? Viewers will see the sketch on tonight's Tonight show at 11 : 30 on NBC, Channel 4. Clemente Factions., Set»nd 'Bird' • • Ne;st Buil t Wrangle at M1dmght By Jokesters By ANNE COOPER Oftlleo.llY,, .... , .... Three feuding San Clemente city councilmen confronted one another at midnight Thursday in a deserted parking lot, where s uppe>rters of Councilman Howard Mushett set up an all· night surveillance of a shopping complex owned by Mayor William Walker. TIM _..._•llY et..arged lnid· .night lbowdown, to which clty POliee were called by both sides. Is the latest in a series or bizarre incidents leading to a Jan. 23 re- call election In the city. Mushett, Walker and a third City Council member, Walker a lly Donna Wilkinson, face possible recall following months of hostilities between the two warring political factions. Thursday's Wl'angle original· eel with requests from Muabett o( tbe u..a Lisa Gallerys, locat- ed in a rear oortion of the El <See FEUD. Page .U> "I ' 11 get 'em one of these days," said a Newport Beach boat owner after finding out a supposed osprey nest that turned up in bis mast actually was built by three jokester friends. Richard Chewning of Lido Isle chuckled as he noted that "fow years it's been a game of one up- mansbip" with fellow Newport Harbor Yacht Club sailors Ben Miller, Bob Hitt and J i m McFadden. The three fmally admitted to Teachers ~ Walkout Ends in HUntington · him th.is week that they'd con· structed tbe nest in the mast of his boat, the Kanola. out or chicken wire, straw, twigs "and chewing gum, I guess," he said. The nest c r eated a s tir because officials of the State Department of Fish and Game thought at first it might be another osprey nest. By RAYMOND ESTRADA JR. Of U.. o.lty P'IMl 5Uff Striking West Orange County high school teachers returned to their clusrooms today af'ter negotiators reached a contract settlement 'lbursdiiy to end Lhe walkout that began Jan. 3. Huntington Beach Union High School District board President Zita Wessa said trustees agreed to give the district's 867 teachers a seven percent pay hike after July 1 if a state-imposed salary freeze is lifted. Teachers may also receive up to three percent In i additional pay raises ii t.he school district gets more funds from the state that it received last year. But Mrs . Wessa said the school board refused to budge on teachers' demand for binding arbitration in grievances over interpretation of the new con· tract. The agreement includes a series of Increased frin ge benefits an~ expires June 30, 1980. Mrs. Wessa said more than 400 striking teachers have 'been granted amnesty from punish· ment for their acti vlties. Strikers will not receive pay or fringe benefits for the seven days or the walkout, she added. District Education Association officials, teacher gr oup leaders who s pearheaded' the strike, hastily organized a Thursday evening general membership meeting to vote on the new con· tract proposal. (See STRIKE, Page .U) An osprey created quite a stir last fall when she nested in a ship's mast in the harbor. Since no osprey eggs h ave been hatched in Southern California in SO years, t.he department ex· pended great efforts to move the nest onto a safe piling. The osprey has remained in the area. although no eggs have been spotted yet. and officials thought at first she miatlt have built another nest on theKanola. Officials showed up to look at the nest after learning it was a hoax, Chewning said. "They ertjoy a joke too," he said. "They had a good laugh out of it." Chewning said he'll tear the nest down the next time he gets ready to sail. Coast Land Surveyed A team of exi>erts assigned lo thetr task 0y tile Nit onarPl?k Service was on the way back to headquarters In Denver today after a survey of Orange Coast Janel that brui been sugge15ted for inclusion in Lbe national park system. The three-member team left. the Hotel Laguna in Laguna Beach for home after meeting with state, city and county of· flcials on the possibility of con· Weather Mi x Forecast If 1ou wut to 1pend some Ume outdoon thl• weekend, you'd better do lt SaturdaY becauae heavy ra1n Is expected Sunday. the National Weather Service MlcUoday. A aDC>tesman said t.bla mornln1'• ll•bt drl11le lan 'l ex~ to continue. In fact, lgCDI .. ~blM 11 ex,.cted ll&utdaY · Bot Gii hnd•Y • new 1tonn II W1i1J to move ln, tbe1~Uld. _,._. f111?;pn1 ar.e .. -~--,.... tb• mm ~--~ ·'fea.. perattiM ~ to ..................... verting several thousand acres between now an d May when his -C!O~nto-naUonal-.-Oepart.ment is scheduled t~nd park acreage. jt.s recommendation to Congress. Project ma n ager Frank "I 'm sure that there are many Colllns refused to discuss the local organizations that will nature of the talks the U.S. wish to be heard in connection Department or the lntel'ior team with the proposal," he said. held with local officials. <See PARKS, Page A2> "But these are early days," he commented. "We are nowhere near tbe stage at which we can offer some concrete propos als or clearly define the exact acreage we have ln mind." Collins said the survey team led by team plaMer Frederick Babb bad been lookin' at "acreage atretchlng from north of Laauna Beach to jU1t below Newport Beach.'• He said assessment of the acrea1e in terms of its being Judted suitable for national park territory could be made before Ftbruuy "at the very earliest." Collins aatd hls team has already cllscuued the national park propon1 wtlh otnclall ol the Irvine Company, owners of much of the so·called Irvine cout. He refuMd to diacUN the reae-Uon ol the trvtne Company to the park propoeaJ. "W• bave to meet qabl," be said, "and lt'a much too ~!Y for them to lake ...., Mm &.arm 1w.c. at this aueottbe .. me ... COWai said the HUonal park proPoNf wtl .mderso further In· tefttlv• tt1lcly "at au levels" Coast Weath e r Partly sunny Saturday with variable high clouds. Lows tonight 44 to 50. Highs Saturday 6.1 to 67. IN81BE TODAY WMtl """°"' drop frt on Ellt&o~ for the weMnd, ft's b11 glider, aoUplone or parachute. Read about theae mr llJOrl• on Page Cl. \ •••• to • kl. er· tQ 24 ler to tiff et· liJ'· :t.· a Ml • !· rs ). '° it Ii· 's Is ly It ,, I~ It It •l d h f D l· .. n :s D •· d n I r AZ DAil y P1LOT C/N Ca ·dia Falling? H~avy Fighting Rage• 6' Army Fleea BANGKOK. Thailand 1AP1 - ll l'avy fl1httn1 a nd d •d Chlnu w e r e r port d In northw tern Cambodia n ar th Thal bord r tud1ty, but ob- trvtra predicted all or lb coun· try will t. ln the handl ol lht VielnamMe and thf'lr C1mbo- dian •lli• _,o,.. tM. end of the Wetk. Tho V'«na lnvadf'd Cam· bod la on ChrlatDlH 01y, In· stalled • C.mbocltao Communllt government ln Phnom Penh. the ul)ltal, on Sunday TMy cap- tured Siem Reap and laid l lo Battambana ln th northwett Thursd-.Y. ~odtna hOldoull ol tb• top_pled ntt.,• flMln• toward UM 'Iba.I border, A C1mbod11n 1ollder who tuaped told '11111 bordtr pollc MIV)I flthUnc Wll l tlU lolna Oft 1lon1 the road t#Om B1ttam· baq lo the Thal troaller and tbat ~ Md aeen many dt'ld ln • About IOO Chintte MS vlMl"I to the ratlen IOVtmment bad bfen ~ 1n lbt aree ... kla• U'analt tb.rouab Thailand to Petr"". Vltlnamf.11.e t.anU 1JMS lnlan, b7 ~ reported tnO\l~alc>al tM bl w trom Sl 1 ro1d .f!ic~on aome mil 1 tr om tht Thal border. ln· t ma•nc• tc>Uretl tald ....... numb ra of CambOdlan 1rmy toldler• tuad ned to the border ar &i About 20 VI tn11nese tanb ud an unknotttn number or troop• ol lbt new Cambodian 1fOvernment wore 11~-.d earlier touth <A-Polpet, the matn botder tro11I"' pOint, and tM Tbal IOY· ernm•nt tent troop reinRwee-menui to the area ln ease the fl1htln1 apUled over the border 1Jid lo prev nt deteated troops trom e.ntertna. However 1 the Th1l govern- Jneftl 11.ld ll would arant transit lo lop olfklal1 of the fallen re· time, and on Thursday, two Thal nellc:opters whi1ked former Deputy Premier lena Sary. bis w lre and dauahter, former Social Action Minis ter Khieu Thirith and .even others from Polpet lo Ban&kok. Tbey were immediately flown to Hong Kong, and a motorcade took them across the border to- day to Canton, where they could catch a plane for Pekina. The fat.e of former Premier Pol Pol iind Jormer President Khleu Samphan was not known. but the lat..ter and about 500 other omctals of the old regime we1e reJ>Orted to have asked Thailand for transit to China. OMWl'li.tt ... tf'- THIS IS WHAT REMAINED OF SANTA ANA YOUTH'S CAR AFT!R NEWPORT CRASH He WH Sttttng In 11 Betld• MacArthur 80"1•verd, Wehlng • .,r GH Yt u"'l Colll1lon Occurred Man Held After---Crash A Newport Beach man was ar- rested today on suspicion of drunk driving after he allegedly rammed a parked car, Injuring its occupant, police said. Wesley Julius Webostad, 46. of 2435 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. was released on his own recognizance following the accident shortly after midnight. on MacArthur Boulevard north of San Joaquin Hills Road. Oscar Rick Duran Jr .• 20, of Santa Ana. who was siltlr • in his car on the r ignt shoulder a fter running out of gas. was lreat1>d at Ho o 'l M ... morial ff()St ~dl for heod and ch..st pains, police said, but wasn't hospitalized. Police said a passenger in Webost.ati's car. Ruth Deck :t. 56, of Santa Ana. wat-n't injur<.'CI. They said the accident OI'· curred as Webostad was north· bound and allegedly swerved on-r lo the shoulder. striking Duran's car. Webostad's car then wen• out o f control a nd crossect MacArthur Boulevard, cominlfll lo a halt al the west edge in the!t southbound lanes. Police said the accident was witness<>d by friends of Duran·~ ht! h<id telephoned <i[ter he ra~ out or gm •. Iran Mob Storms Shiraz Streets TOP SUPERVISOR Sgt. Reed Gloshen OFFICER OF THE YEAR Ron Rodgers Newport Beach Law Officers Honored . A po1ice s upervis or and a patrolman who helped recover more than $500,000 in stole~ property have been named by the Newport Beach Police Depart- ment as s upervisor and officer of the year Supervisor of the Y car honors go to Sgt. Reed Gloshen, 36, a 125.year veteran who began his law enforcement career with the Los Angeles Police Depart- ment. Re joined the Newport Beach Police Department in 1966. Gloshen. who s upervised a sm a ll group or officers on a special unit during 1978 to con- centrate on current and ooten- F roaePage A I WAYNE ••. tial crime problems, currently is records supervisor. Ron Rodgers, 31, named of· ncer or the year, also starU!d with the Los Angeles Police Department. He joined the Newport Beach Police Depart- meQt in 1.973. Rodgen worked during 1978 with a specJal enforcement team that lnvestigat.ed major crimes and helped recover more than $500,000 in stolen property in one case a lone. He received a cita- tion for meritorious service from the city. Rodgers is presently assigned as department planning and re- search officer f'roaePage A I FREEWAY. • this might be normal," she said. week. "The gall bladder 1s considertd "I was frustrated when 1 read m ajor surgery " it," she said. "I can't believe it. Wayne's three sons, Michael, It's just my opinion, but it 1eems Patrick and Ethan, and other we're regressing." rel atives a nd friends were She noted lhal much of the standing vigil al the hospital. procedure will simply be a re- The hospital switchboard was bash or informaUo n that. d ' d · h 11 f 11 already has been obtained. e uge wit ca s rom we The ~.ooo EIR will Include wishers. .....,., "Al limes ll's been over· study ot nine alternative routes whelming," s a id Be rnard for the proposed freeway ex· Strohm, hospital admlnlslralor. tension from about Mesa Drive "So many crazy ladies have • into downtown Costa Mesa. been collin~ it's amazing." said Stale Transportation Director Miss Whitham Adriana Gianturco's guideUncl'I "When we had Freddie Prinze require consideration of people here. we had a lot of calls from mover systems, dial-a -ride or adolescent girls Calls today arc expanded bus or rail service as rrom 50-and 60-ycar·old women. a lternatives to freeway con- They JUSl want to say they're slruction. · . praying for the Duke and love When CalTrans begins work him." ln February. a survey ot Flowers also began arriving at motorists and property owners the hos pital this morning. may begin to determine whut Strohm said Wayne would be they feel-are the problems -hospitalized about rive to seven and possible solutions -to the' days. e-urrenUreeway problem. Patrick Wayne sald his rather City Public Services Director was in "good spirits" when the Bruce Mattern said the EIR family gathered Thursday night should be completed in about a nd again prior to the early two years. morning operation. OAANOE COAST DAILY PILOT f,.,.0rltl'tql'!(..-,f o.ttvft• ... w1l .. Wf\H .. t\teM b•t-.-d '"" H"W'\'""" t\~i,No(tttYtMt'--... (N,f Pvilt1 Nftf(......,_¥ WfMlr•ff,..th1'9''\.,_. ~·""'"-""• ~· .......... ,., .... ,., , ..... Mt"' ,.........,,... ... 41(. .. H~tU\lfllOI' fU.1111C" ,.,_ lil•"'Y•tity H•lfW l ~h«ft~tfil.(O*ft A ''""''" ••~ ""''~" P'*•\hfill "'4vr61•1' ~ ~....... ,.,.. .,.""' ·~· fovN•\.Mftl ,..,,. " •• lJO w ................ c ..... -, .. _ .... .,..,. • I ·-.. -.,,.,. .. M AM .......... IM•ll (_, V1• w Pitf'\MtlH'tl •1'1dCA ....... ~ ,_ .. 11 ..... 1 ,.,,, .. _ .............. """"""'"''.,., CM•'"ll ~ ·-~ ... " "'''""··· M<o~0"'' l d'""' Ttlepllone l714)to-4121 ClaHiflff Adwtrtlelnt M1'M71 ,, ......... ( .. _ ....... f'....,.Pag..41 STRIKE •.. Teacher s pokes m a n Bill Bianchi said about 71 percent of the 400 teachers who JamQ'led in· to Westminster Community Center voted In favor of the new contract offer Thursday night. Teacher a n d district neaotlat.on met with the stat•· appointed m edletor Dhrau Mrvlchin duriDI two, aU·nl•ht contract 1e11lon1 Tuffda)' tnd Wednesday to reach an accorcl. The turning point In th• nine· month-old contract dispute ap. partntly came at an emollon· char&td Tuesday nl11't tchool board meetlna when truet"8 c)e. clded lo hOld contract talka at mldnltht . Mn. We111 said teachen hne aareed to accept th• def 1tven to •Ufd•ntl by nearly· 550 aubltltute teach.era who m...,.,c! clauroom• durlDI tht waaout. Sublt.ltate• were i>•ld • .., •••• TEHRAN, Ira n tAP) .- Demonstrators demanding the ouster of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi stormed through the streets of Shirai and several other cities today in renewed agitatio n d espite the new civilian government's efforts to calm the COWltry. tn Shlrat, where up lo eight persons were feared killed in riot· ing Thursday, police reported demonstrations early today. Residents of the city, 275 miles south of Tehran, reported a mob of 5,000 to 10,000 attacked the headquarte rs of SAVAK, the shah's secret police, and freed 40 political prisoners from its cellars . The sources said the head· quarters had been heavily damaged. The mlUtary denied that prlloners had been freed. While residents said t hat troops continued lo patrol the ci· ty. the forces reportedly did n othin g lo stop the dem· onstrators. ,.,.._Page Al POPE ... Ireland and the Middle East. Vatican observers said the papal statements also appeared to be aimed al the upcoming Latin American bishops con- fere nce in Puebla, Mexico , wher e the pope is likely to face ~hallenges from lhqse advocat. 1ng the Marxist -Influenced "theology of liberation." More than 250 bishops from the world's most overwhelming- ly Rornan Catholic countries are expected to attend the two-week conference to be opened by tb~ pope Jan. 27. The theme is: ··Evangelizatlon in the Present a nd the Future of Latin America.'' ln an obvious reference to the communist world, including bis native Poland , the pop.e ap- pealed for g reat er religious freedom. "The situation concerning re· h glous freedom leaves so much to be desired, when it is not en· ti rely de plorable," the pope said. "There are even anguished cries asking for aid or help which the Holy See cannot ig· nore." Masked Thugs Rob Eatery Two men wearing ski masks held up the Picnic 'N Chicken food outlet in Costa Mesa Thurs· day njght. escaping with about $700. Employees t.Qld Investigators the two men. one carrying a knife and the other a amall 're· vo1ver. ordered the manager lo remove mon~ from the cash re1l1teranda00orure . The men, who escaped on foot, had ordered employees to lie on tho floor o r t he take-ou t rdtaurant, at 131 17th St., dur· Ins the robbery. police aatd. F,,...P.,,eAJ PARKS •• , ... 'They wUI 1et tbelr opportunity and we have al ready hid vafui .. ble Input fr.om Hvcral s uch group1." Coll~DI :1 \he JrvlM Coatl· t.a•una COVUI .J. rea thal ll "GM only ~ iiilft· tantO.-IPMel mnalnlnl aklnl th• louUaern C a tUornla coattnDt," Prime Minister S hahpour BakhUar lifted martial law Mon- day and promised that strong government action would be taken if disturb1mces flared. Scattered de monstrations also were reported in Tehran, where reporters saw a crowd of youths set at least one store on fire. The state radio reported other dis· turbances occurred "throughout the country." but made no men- tion of casualties and gave no details. Th ursday's reported deaths in Shiraz occurred when SA VAK agents fired into a mob or 10.000 to 20,000 that stormed the secrt'l police headquarters a fter ston· mg the U.S. consulate and burn· ing the Amencan fl ag. The violence exploded in Shiraz as Bakhliar was asking Parliament to confirm h is civilian aovemment so he could f'.-..Pa~A I FEUD .•• Camino Plaza,'800 S. El Cammo Real. The complex 1s owned hy Walker Broth~rs Development Corp ., headed by M ushelt 's political rival, Mayor William Walker. . .. Mushett said he received an anonymous telephone call telling him manufacturing was being conducted In what he te rmea a possible lllegal addition to the gallery. The councilman said he visit· ed the site Thursday morning. and s aid he could hear the sound, of a press in operation Inside the basement level building adja- cent to a parking lot. But Muahelt said he could not see inU> the bulldlng because ground level vents into the m ysterio us bu ilding wer e blocked with whut appeared lo be poster board. try to quiet the year-lon1 re- bellion by religious and political foes of the shah. Among other things. he promised to abolish SAVAK. Bakhtiar told the government radio the rioting broke a pied~·· from the Mos le m reltgiou~ leaders in Shiraz to maintain or der after military rule was re- moved . He said troublemakers Kulik Claim would face i.cvt·rt• government action. Sources In the oil industry re- ported that daily production had reached a level of 470,000 barrels at •r workers agreed to cut their strike and gradually restore pro- duction to the 900.000 daily bar· rela t t a r e n eeded fo r domestic comsumplion.• $2 Million Raised For Top Krishna? Testimony in the three-week heroin possession trial of one- time Newport Beach resident Alexander Kulik wound to a close Thursday as Kuhk dis· cussed his seven-year career of financial dealings . Kulik. 28 . told an Orange County Superior Court jury about his ·big-money dealin~s which includt>d r aising more than $2 milhon for the India· based leader of the Krishna re· ligion. In addition. he talked of in· ves tments in a "Bionic Bits" cookie distributing errort along with record album pr.oduclton and his hope lo reap huge profits from purchasing and later re· selling a $300,000 home al 22 Lin· da Isle. But when pressed b y Prosecutor Ron Kreber. Kulik testified his chief finanrial deal· ings were in the buying and sell- ing of jewelry. Kulik, also one of seven def en dants ln the murder case of Fountain Va lley drug dea ler John Stephen Bovan. was found in a borrowed car in October 1977 with 1.1 pounds of he roin. Defense ctttomey Philip De Masu has all.empted to prove the heroin \fas not Kulik·s but was Lntended as J plant to be made by an associate on a group of so-called "Italians " ' Bandit Hits Bank in Mesa A man who held a hand in h1:) coal pocket a:. though he had J gun escaped lrom J Crocker Na· lional Bank branch in Co:;ta Mesa at 4 p m. Thursday with :..bout "2.500 in cash . Police said the man. about 23 years of age , was tht only customer in the bank Jl 1845 Newport Blvd. when he handl:!d n note demanding money lo ..t wom an teller. • Officers sald the teller handed ove r the money in her cash drawer and triggered a silent a larm However. the man. who stuffed lhl' cash in an envelope. escaped on foot befor~ police Jr· rived WHEN TIME IS OF ESSENCE .. WE'RE GAP-ABLE OF BEATING THE CLOCK There 's always a general urgency about getting carpeting msralled. bur most customers will allot a reasonable amount of rime. However. when there Is a rtJSh. we can accommodate those requiring immediate S8MC9, wtthOUt sacrificing Alden 's rigid standards of comperenrcy. Unle~;i there is s prob/om obtaining a specific color or pattern. you can count on fast SMVfce from Alden's tllld we meinta1n a large inventory to lac1l1tatt. deUverleS. .. J . STOCKS I BUSINESS Friday' NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS 2 p.m. (ED1) Prlee. ......... ~., ............ ~ ............ ic .......... o.C::~:·.,..0. ...... .-.1 .,.___,._,,........, ........... ,"-'-' ...... ....,...., ....... . • \7 • DAM. y PM..OT A J J By •ILTON MOe&Ownz 11Mre are IO IDU'/ tootbltla people ID America that the Hies of ckmtwe cteanert h.ave soared to man than a.> milUon a 'jear. Two cornpanles In New Jersey -Block Dru1 ...S Wamer·Lambert -square off In this marloet, both preytq on denture wearers' fears that their dcnt*ea will become atalned and emit fouJ odors. W ARNER·LAMBEBT MAXES Efferdent tablets. It rant.a u an expert on bad breath: It abo makea ListertDe. Ce.U. Dentyne. CJoreta and Hall" Mentho-Lyptus couch dros-(befe'a a company that Ml onJy knows how to blodl bad breath but cause it'· Block Drug makes PolJdent tablets and Polid~ powder. It also makes Dentu-Creme, a toothpaste aup. posedly formulated for denture clea~. Thia company has a lot riding on the toothless. Another of Its products Ls Poli·Grip, an adheelve cream used by denture wearers who are afraid . their choppers might fall out as they are talk- ing. Money Tree Block used to have thil market locked up. But about 14 years ago Warner.Lambert scored one ol those monument.al breakthroughs that qualify a company tor a niche ln the drug pedalen' hall or fame: It '"' troduced Etferdent in a premeasured dosage form, eadl tablet fnd.ivldually wrapped to preserve its freshness, eack tablet containing a color-timins device. When the tablet is dropped lnto water. the water tw-ni. green -and that's where the dentu"' soali:s. The green color soon fades. indicating to the den&ure wearer that the cleansing efficacy is gone and another tablet is needed. THIS WIZARDRY ENABLED Warner-Lambert to clobber Block and grab a lead it has n~ver relinquished. Latest reports show effervescent Efferdent holding 47 per. cent of the denture cleaning busines6. Block manages tQ capture 45 percent but it needs three products to do it: 24 percent ror Polident tablets. 6 percem for PoUdeot powder and 15 percent for Dentu-Creme. Both of these companies are, or course, careful not to compete on price. In th~t way both can price their products for above what theJ c06t to produce, thereby net· ting them a tidy profit from cat~ring to the needs of the aa.x- iet)'·ridden denture wearers. Indeed. the business is so profitable that it has attract- ed two other big drugstore players. Rlchardson·Merrell, a company you know for its Vicks cold remedies, has moved into the field with Complete. a toothpaste that seems to be positioned against Block's · Dentu-Creme. And Colgate- Palmollve. a company that knows bow to make cleansers I Ajax• and regular toothpaste !Colgate Dental Cream ), has laimcbed Mersene denture cleaner, a tablet similar to Efferdent and Polident. INTBODVCl'ORY ADS FOR MERSENE claim that it leaves dentures ··s~ Umes cleaner than Efrerdent or Poli- dent tablets." They also make a big point of Mersene's ability to remove plaque. "Mersene's power crystals power orr plaque." say the Colgate ads. Block quickly responded by claiming that 1\s cleaners are also good at removing plaque. Poor denture wearers! When they had their real teeth. they were warned abo\lt plaque and bow il could cause the gums to rot. leading to loss of the teeth. Now they have lost their teeth and they're told they atlll have to worry about plaque. Mouths, tooth-filled or toothless, remain a market opportunity. Mume I . Pardee. Laguna Beach, has been ptomoted to manager of Securtty Pacific Nalloaa.1 Buk•s South Laguna office. She is former assistant manager at the bank's Newport Cent.er office and joined the bank as a platform stenographer. • Shirley Sevenoa, Huntington Beach, bas been appoint- ed director of operations for The People Macbine Penoo· nel Services. Tustin. She is respoosible for administration and supervision of the company's Orange County offices. She ts former administrator ol government contracts for the firm. • Gerald 8enstelD. Huntington Beach, has joined Ulllon Bank's auditing division as an auditing officer. He has more than 20 years or previous banking ex· perience. • Willis R. Hanes. Huntington Beach. has been installed as president of the Cabrillo chapter of the American Institute of Architects. He has been a registered architect ln California since -. 1964 and bu been in private practice m Downey since that time. • Claire Partdaant, Cost.I Mesa. has been named pubhc relations coordinator al Leaac:, Warford, Stone, Inc .. Irvine advertising, public rdallons and marketing firm. She ls reaponslble for coordinating and execuUng publlc.rel•tiOQI adb'1Ues onbebal!of agency clients . • • _.. Adolt. Huntington Oeach, has been appointed operations officer of the South Mission Viejo BaDk ol America. She had worked as assistant operations officer of the 17th·Tu.st.in branch \n Santa Ana since last year. She began her career wtth the bank in 1972 as a teller . • Sandu Smith, Irvine. ha!\ been named branch manager of the Westminster Mall otrlce of Home Federal SaYIQP aDd Loan A~laUon of San Dle30. She was hired as a management trainee in January of 1978 and previsously was a fiMnclal consultant for the Children's Hoep1tal of OraQge Couniy . • lea.a. Ruter, HunUnaton Beach, has been appointed escrow officer for Sou_. Coalt N•Uonal Bank, Costa Mesa. ·She bas been working ln escrow for mol'C) than 6\.\ years· ln Oranae County. mott recenUy wtth a bant lo Newpe>ct ee.d\. ( . to.lie ... ,.. ... Mls Ion Vie been appointed U· al•tant maaaier of a.u ol a •a Hatbor·AdaD'ls branch lft a.&.a ..-... Since JaWD1 tbe btftk In 185$, Ille hu woned u operatlool otncer aod aulst.anl manlier at Oraqe Cout area brandMI. • W.._ M. a.dt, Runllnctaft Beech, bu been promoted to vice president In tbe c:orpor.te aervleet achlllniatrallOn or V•IO• 8aall'a headqua1'era banklq omce, Los An1ele1. He la apeelall&IDI in •buthMH accounllnl \ -.aa. .. He Jo(ned Union Bank ift Lm as an au1stant. vice pres· *sit end hal more than u ~ rA baUJq uperlence . • '-::;p • • .,..7KJK ortf.Uoul Dall &;,. I u.- bffll ..m.a • lllCNt&tJ d the .... PrNss•''lf ... ...... •tll 1 • M • He Md....., oftleer1 wen.tllltallld ..... Qrmll OluDt1 ••d'!W ~ ' • "The Automobile People" aue~r When You Shop In Costa Mesa At Orange County's #1 Buick DeOl.ership You'll See Mo~e Than Ju8t A Few Of The Most PopuJar Automobiles - Sold In Southern California ••.• B~t The Largest. Inventory In Orange County • I You'll Get ••• Plain Talk, Straight Facts And Possibly . · The Lowest Sal.e Prices Anywhere ••• BRA.ND NEW 1979 BUICK:::::::::=~ .... ,.a...,, SUPER SELECTION A~4999 BRA.ND NEW 1879 BUICK ;:;:-;=.~car ~ ..... eNLY I LDT IN 8TOQ{ 8 8589 BRAND NEW 1979 BUICK :-::~:.:..... I ......... rl~ ~~~8 SUPER SELECTION !7444 EVERY ONE IN 8TOC& DISCOUNTED BRA.ND NEW 1979 BUICK ;r:::.~ .... From Suggested Retail Pr.J<le '2000 ~'s PARK AVENUE (4-47808) . I We Suggest You See Us First ••• Then Shop & Compar.e - ,,. Because We Know, Before And After The SOie ••• ''It's Our People That Really Make The Difference.'~ Don't Miss This · Sale ••• Friday, Saturday and Suday. · I J( Ope• 'Til 10 PM. MOll.&i. : . lh-tlnfle. L~Y'" Yes...Open Every S"""'6y Ti8 5 P.M. ~ -.. · #f Buidt l)eal..- 3 blocks So.tll o/tlle HAR~ BLVD./SAN DIEGO FREEWAY Sa Diego Freewti)' A dlV1s1on of Bouer Motors, Alt QtS ~to Prior ..... Tu I ~ not lnc:IUded. Opel•Joguor-Triumph-MG. 29'25 HARBOR BL VD., COSTA MESA 979-251XJ • DAILY PILOT . •