HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-01-29 - Orange Coast Pilotf I . J I ... • an am; a e 1 ·Carter Weleonaes Teng On White House Laum > MONDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 29, 1979 ~ n NO 1' J HC'Ttoen. • ....... ' ' ' -.-·-- • I Severe Cold Forecast for Coast San Diego Sniper Gir4 16, Kil~ 2, Wounds 10 SAN DIEGO CAP) -A school principal and custodian were killed and 10 persons. including a police offi cer and eight st..,_. d e nts, were wounded toda' when a 16-year-old girl opened fire with a .22 caliber Mne at a crowded e l eme ntary school across the street. police said. Killed was the head custodian, Michael Su char, 56, said Fred J af. fries, a spokesman for the San Diego Unified School District. Jeffries said he a lso beard that the schoo l 's p rincipal, Father Held In Hunt,ington Slaying Case Police charged John Robert Pittman of Huntington Beach with murder today following the predawn shooting death of his 24-year-okl son during whaf of- fi cers said was a family squab- ble. His son. Joseph Maurice Pitt- man .. of 13751 Edwards St., Westminster. was shot once in the chest with a .357 magnum pistol. He was pronounced dead al Westmins t er Community Hospital at 3 a .m . The elder Pittman. 55, was ar- rested at his home, 5181 McFad· den Ave .• Huntington Beach, shortly after the 12:50 a .m. s)looting. The father remained In custody today in lieu of $250,000 ball. Police Sgt. Luis Ochoa said it 1s alleged that the father shot his son when the son refused to leave bls home. Ochoa said t,he dead man 's parents had been drinking and arguing over the well-being of their 16-year-old daughter. When the son refused to leave, his mother, Elizabeth Pittman, 48. allegedly fired the pistol near bim but mined. The shol struck lbe floor. Ochoa said the father took the gun and became involved in a shoving malcb with the son when the weapon discharged. Paramedics round the gunshot victim l)'ln« in a front doorway. • No other ~la were made. Funeral services are ~g. . 200 Bird8 Di~ LONG BEACH <AP) -About 200 ~ have died in a oulbn!ak -o aY\u di01ifa Mar fbe"'Smon Sea duriftl the put two w~ka. • lbe . ttate Department of F'isb t 4.and OMM PY•· , . Burton Wragg, 53, died of injuries at a hospital. An unidentified spokesman for Alvarado Hospital said all the injured students were in good condition. The girl was barricaded inside a house across the street from the school in the city's northeast section with an estimated 500 to 600 rounds of ammunition, police said . The girl's father was reported to be on the scene attempting to talk the youth out of the house as a police SWAT team prepared to rush the modest yell ow frame house. Asst. Chief of Police Robert Bundgreen said. "We believe a 16·year-old gi rl student" was responsible for the shooting. He said she was armed with the .22 caliber automatic rine. The incident began al 8 :40 a.m. and the last shots heard were fired about 8 :55 a .m. However. the girl, identified on· ly as Brenda by police, re- mained in the house. She was described as a "pret· ty good shot·· by officers on the scene. Police s p o kes man Biil Robinson said "she is willing to talk to a degree. She is under a lot of pressure. There is no more danger at the school." Whe n the shootin g began, children ran out of the school for cover and nearby homes were evacuated. Armed police set up a bar· Meade around the house, keep· ing bystanders and reporters at <See SNIPER, Page A2) Sky Lights 'Fireirorks' MADERA <AP) -Some citizens saw something in the skies over the San Joa· quln Valley, and federal officials say it may have been a combination of m eteors a nd m an-made fireworks. -The Federal A via lion Administration in Oakland said there were reports of meteorites over the area Sunday night about the lime Madera County sheriff's office was recelv· lng calls. In addition, the Coast, Guard w~ sb09Ung high altltu4:1=-~nlcs off ~ ~ -···hM*:. cduld be seen for a long dl:-tance, the FAA re- ported. I lee Show Cometh I o.i ....... ~- T£MPERATURES SANK TO 21 ABOVE ZERO ON IRVINE RANCH BEFORE DAWN Unda Vobarll, 12, Oemonatratea Reautt of Frosty E1enlng In Coeta Meu 5a_rier Welcomes Teng .President, Chi~se Leader Open Talks WASHINGTON <AP) -Presl· begin six hours of talks In three dent Carter wel comed Vice scheduled sessions. Adminlslra- Premier Teng Hsiao-ping to the lion offi cials said they expected While House toda-y with the Carter and T~ng to exchange ' promise of "a common journey" vie ws on a broad range of sub· as they began talks on bolstering Jects. from Korea and Indochina the new relationship between the to U S. arms control negolia· UnltedStatesandChly. lions with the Soviet Union. ·'On behalf of the •pie of my B e f o r e T e n g I e a v e s country, I welcome you, M~Washin~ on Thursday. he and Vice Premier," Carter said uri-Carter are expected to sign an der windy, overcast skies during umbrelJa pact allowing a variety the ceremony on the White of exchanges between the two House south lawn. which was twice disrupted by anti-Teng demonstrators .• Denver Man Card Champ ''Today we take anolber step in lhe historic normalization of relations. We share io the hope which sprinas from recoocilia· lion and the anticipation of a common journey," the president LAS VEGAS <AP) -Delton countries, in cluding ne ws bureaus in each other's capitals. Carter and Teng also are ex· peeled to discuss prospects for a new trade agreem e nt giving China most-favored-nation tariff treatment and access to credits from the Export-Import Bank. Carter and bis wife. Roaalynn, met Teng and his wife. Cho Un. at the White House South Portico at to a.m. ES'[ to a fan- fare of Army trumpe~ Teng responded lo the crowd's applause by applauding himself Then he followed Carter down a s hort receiving line that In eluded Se<:ret.ary of State~ R. Vance. Vice President Walter F. Mondale, and national security advlserZbigniew Bnezinski. Freeze Damage Feared By TOM BAllLEV OI ... o.lty l"IMit ,._.. Oran"e County ranch hands who fought bard Sunday night and early today to protect their crops fro m freeiin g tem · peratures were warned today that they may have an even tougher battle on their hands after the sun sets tonight. ·'Clear and cold and, by the look of things. colder than what we had last night," a National Weathe r Service forecast er grimly predicted today. 'They're already getting out the frost warnings in Orange County." It was the kind or forecast pre- dicted yet drea·ded today by many county farmers, among the m Rancho Mission Viejo's Bob Clark, who reported no crop damage on the south county acreage despite a low reading of 28 degrees during the night. "We were he lped last night by the fact that it was so moist," Clark said . "It's much drier now and cold on that scale tonight could mean we'll have a sadder s tory to tell Tuesday." Rancho Mission VieJO fattd better than the Irvine Com · pany·s al!ricullural holdings where a low or 2~ de~rees was recorded at 2 a m. today. Ranch hands reported damagt' t o avocado . l e m o n and str awberry crops d espite th~ fact that wind machines were In operation throughout the mght. "It will take a rew '<Hlys to de- te rmine the full extent of the damage," a weary ranch hand commented. "And I can tell you we're not looking forward l(' tonight one little bit." The frost whitened much of <See FROST, Page AZ) Coast Weather Clear and cold tonight with f ree z ing t e m - peratures. Partly cloudy and not as cold Tuesday. Lows tonlght 30 to 35 Highs near 60s Tuesday. INSIDE TODA~ said. .. Miller. 61, of Denver aced out Teng, reeding his speech ln six finalists to win the $50,000 Chinese, responded that "We first· prize In the first annual ahar~ the sense of being on an Sahara World championsl\ip of historic mission. Slno·U.S. rela-Blackjack. lions are at a new beginning and As a packed house looked on The president and the vice premier and their wives mount· ed an outside platform. They stood at attention as the band played the two countries' n&·' J tlonal antehms and cannons flred a 19-gun salute, the tribute At Weltern Airlines. II ot tM I .fK)() pdoti ore women Debbie Archer. 29 . u Wettern·s firlt /ffgnt atten dont to moU tM tran.ntion to pflol. Sft F'eoturmg,'p~ Cl the ..torld Is at a new twning Sunday, Miller surged Into the polnl." lead with two consecutive bllck· Teng warned that "the fact.ors jac)la -ace and face cards with maki ng for war are vlaityy 23 minutes to play -and won 1rowlng" In the world. ~ and going away In the two·hour COO· Carter both expressed hope t.hat-test. normal rotations between their His wlnnJnaa of $3,720 out· ·-·o Cl 2 l r· -~ ~ ....... -~. "'R•,aced •-.:: .. nle~ serve world peace. Hem . of Singapore, Who-nail After the welcomlnc $1.132. In the pressure filled ceremony, the le:iden went to final, each of the seven players Carter'• White House office to •tarted with $500. • (See TENG, Pase A%) { Male Nune Held OAKLAND CAP) -A male nurse. Rubtn Bennb, St. ln a c~~valucent bo111e has beeh t>ooke0ror1nveallgation of rape" In connct.lon With aaaaul~ on two elderly paUent&, <.ne a 94-year- old woman. " •••• C"I Cl .. M Ill .,.., l j .. .. ' .. "4 ' I I . ~ f I J l I A2 DAILY PILO T Iran Brothels Hit . Nation Awaits Khomeini's Return 'ft:HRAN. lrlU'\ IA ~ I Anu 80H'rnnwnt Mu lt•ni l 1olt>r~ •wt f1r,·'"to u n11eht du1J " bre~ ry 1u HI t t•,t.11,1r,mt~ ,rnd utt•clt~ bt11t ht!b In Tt•hrnn tod•y its lh•' Ay•tullM.h Uuhulhth KtwmclnJ. h.-ro of th•• unll Khuh rebellion ~ • tr11ulth'(J nouon uwaltNJ word of t h ,. Imm 1 11 ,. n t r •' t 1.t 1 n 11 f tl•·:n ~ -.hootinic b) 11rmy unll.'I ~ o111t rt>portt>d from J1t•v1•ri•I partJ. 11t lh t' rlty, but rt"ll t.tbh· caaualty n•poru wf•re not lmmodlalt<ly .1va1lnbl<· 0 , Attack Feared Cl1i1w to l11vade Vietnam? "l to;W YORK < f\ P ) Ch1nu ml~ht lounr h an auar k 1111 Vu .. ·tnum ,1~ punu.hnwnt for thut ('ountry·~ mva 111on 111 <'hml~t· Jll) f'ambmll,1 .uT or<h11K tu intelhgencc ~ourt'l"')l'lll'd In Ncw''-"t•t•k mJ~a111w 'l'hl· rnJ~.ulnl· l)<JHI C'hma ha:-. affl,t'>'>('cl a force of k0 ,000 to 120.(X)O t roop ... 0 11 1h V1t>tndmt·M: bordt!r. 11 buildup a Stall· Ocpartrnt·nt l'Xpt:rt tl'rmed ''m ore thun y1>u would nc ~ fu1 1u~t a '>hov. uf force." Thl' utt.1ek could tmng 111 tht· Rul>l>Jans. who ti .nt• 44 d 1v1s1o n s on tht·11 borclt!r w ith hlna, '\4'v.-:-w1·1·k ~au l Ttw <'huh'~(· t"oultl 1 <·~pond tu a Hussian invas ion with 11ut'lt•<J 1 v.t"<n>on:. hut Peking'!:> <1rmed force!> t·ould not contum tht· Hus~1ans, according to the mug;wnc. Tht• magaimt· d1cl not quote its sources directly ;1s t o Chin a ·~ intl'nl1on of invad ing Vietnam. llo w<•v<·r . it quott•d <J U S source as s aying, "We'te JUSt worril>d th.it an invasion of Vietnam might take ' pl<.1ct· after tht· v 1~1t ··of Chinese Vice Prime Minister Teng IL<;1ao-pang to thtl. country, "since It would look lih W(' gave tht·m tht· g r ti.en light." .. ---Mexieo Village lmlilins Keep Vigil For Visit by Pope C'U ll.At'AN, M1•x1<.'0 IAl'l llunrln·cb 11( th11u:.und!>. of In d 1an:. poun·<l rnto t h1:. du!>ly v1llag1• 1n ~oultwrn Mex1t·o today to :-1·1• Popt• .John Pa ul II. Soml' of ttwrn rcK.11• ;..ii I night on the l><t <'k Of t•attlP truck:, "Wt• an• f>1lg rim:. Ill' ts our holy fathe r It ri. the least Wl' 1·011ld do." sa ad Sistn Mari11 dl' .lt·i.u:., who arrrvN1 rn thf' ('<tb of a I ruC'k carrying lht• gra nt sign ·Long Live the Popt: " In the back were 70 i.tudenU.. :.milang a nd wc.tv a n~. fro m various towns in southern Mex- ico They had gathe red at Maxteca Alta, lOO rrules to thesouth, forthe fin a I leg oft he trip to Cui I a pan. "We 're going w srt up a ll njght :.rng ing a11d talking ;ind JUl>1 be tnK hl.lppy," the nun s a id "We have no plarc to s le('p " \u1lapan ':. 2,500 1nhab1tants l1v l' rn du s ty adob e huts c·lusln<'d on hoth :.ides of the lwo lam• h1ghwny lo th<' Pacifi r Mo:.I an· Zapot('(' lndwns who praclic1• ('alholic1sm with a zeal l'har :1cterisl1r of a differ ent er a. Tht· v11lagt"s m 11in ultract1on 1:. lhl' s kele ton of 1t convent on wha('h rons trur taon was begun an tht' 17th c:entury but never com plc tcd Workme n s prayed water from tank trucks on the dry ground a round the con ven t S un<l;ly night, trying to keep the 'Mst down for the pope's arrival. The pope was rtyi ng from Mexico City to Oaxaca, the n tak- ing a belicopkr for the 10-milc tnp to the village. T he yellow and white Oag of the Vatican c·1ty-stall-nuttcred from adobe dwellings along the h ighway. t losp1tal tcnL'> had been er ected and trucks wath drinking wale; from Mexico City were on ha nd Trucks, hu:.<·s and cars poured rnto the village in a never-ending '>lrt·am , turning the fi e lds around into giant parking lots <ind camp grounds A church s pokC8 ma n , Fernan- do Valle Perado, said Culh.tpan was selected for the papal visit bt•rausc or its proximity to the 0 & x aca airport. "The fi rst plan was for the po pl' to go lo the ruins of Monte Alban, but that highway ha!> more than 200 c urves and it '5 too ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT ''" ''*"'"'' (fM .~ .. ,, t'1M)ll f'!llf fff'~·<"• ''""" ,,,,,,ft .• , .. "' '""'""'' t\pybi•\"'dhft~ u ....... , t ·• t I .;I 11"""nQt ~y .,_~•-!• f>(f1t+<'"' .ot f•1t·l1\Md Mifwvt4y 1twoi,tJ"I ,,.,._... ,,,, ltJ"i.1 II-•• '"""'f~#tti..~,. t1~t1"041)fth•~"fu-1'ft '·"' ...,,.ll•it ltVtflilt I ~tl+IK1',.,. .. ,,~, ,,. t A •"'f" '' •;..rlll'• 11 •'1J1l..,...,1 ~AM1 """'1' ,.f14td"w Miii t,.1f'W1•W'\ ... I"''"' •t,...1 IM.Jlt"'U'"'J .,.illftl I ·II I) '1t• I Iii'# lhf't, ,.,.,,,.,.,,,,. .. ' .. 1 lrt"t ,,_)fn, IH ' e (__, .. , '\/HI '''fl .,,. f tft()f.-,.._t .,'4,"11-1• t ,._.,._., ...... . t f)lff'it '~*'.,.,_.,..,.,..,., M"'""'l•AQ t~tJI °'""' .. u.. ,.,, ...... p """ A\\.\l•llt M•n•t1•"'l~tuir Office a '~ '"' ,,,,,,,_ • JlttW•\t n.,\tn""' • "»"• ..... ' ''""' ', .. ,..,... .... :...,.,.,,, t l'tUfttl"'"'"" t.M•t., tltl\ 0< * n tk..rirwat~f letepllone (7141&42-4321 Claullled Adwerllatng &O-M71 .,,,,ftH••flf'lf.Jf•"" ( .. 1·"""''f(~1t..- $40·12JO :.:·i= ~ ~=' ~~.·::::~:i~ ,,,..,,., ., . ., .. , .. ·""'"' ... ,, .. , ,..., ,,. ·~•••Owc•f w U"'91.ll ,~. ••' "4"f'M•\\1141ft .. ... ,,,ott1......., ~:.~:.·:'\!'::!~-: .. ~.:'. ~::, ~·t. """·,.'"'• •• '"'• ( '-' M ~·._~., "'•"I•• (Ji .11--.h~ t:J tiO MO"ltttlf dangcrow., .. he s aid Children booted soccer hall!'i tn the fields wp1lc pare nts built campfires or fas hioned sh.e ltc ri, by laying ph.1stic sheet s over ropt's tied to cars . Som e lounged on strnw m ;its in the dust. ··w e 're not campers, we ·1ive here,·· s aid one Indian as h e huddled before a campfire with has wife and two children Sun- d ay night. "We thought we might be able to make some money by selling corree. • • Doiens of roadside s ta nds had been hastily e rected to sell sort drinks , bananaB and a variety or othe r loods. In another field, a group of students staked out a camp s ite around their Vo lks wage n bus a nd ate chicken und tuna tacos. "We brought 22 students 600 mil es from Na c a1uca , In Tabasco state ," said Ramiro Sanchez, director of a C atholic school there . "These kids are ·mos tly Indians," he we nt on. "They're poor, a nd they were s ponsored on the trip by people who paid about $9 e ac h. The Volkswage n bus belongs to the federal gove rnment." Arson Try Foiled in Laguna Beach An arson atte mpt on a Laguna Rea ch tavern that cat er s lo. homosexuals was foiled Sunday when a Molotov cocktail tossed from a pa<>si ng car exploded but fa iled to ignite the buildin~ Witnesses saad they s aw a ball of fire erupt outside the Little Shrimp tavern, 1305 South Coast llighway shortly be fo re 5:3() a .m . Sunday. But the 12'.'cfunce beer boWe fused with a piece of paper: missed the building and e ruptc:.-d into n ames on the roadway. A witness at a nearby hotel said he saw what appeared to be a Volks wagen s p ccdinR up Gavlota Street s hortly after the e xplosion . Police found pieces of &)as.'> from a beer bottle al the scene a nd turned the evide nce over lo a rson investigatori. l',...P.,,eAI SMPER .... least one block away. Police Chief William Kolender a nd City Manager Ray Blair were at the scene. l:>IX of the Injured were ta.ke n to nearby Alvarado Community Hos pital and a seventh victim was t a ken t o G r ou m o nt tlot1pltal. Anxious parents we re flooding the Alvarado a nd G r osamont awltc hboarda with telephone calla A neighbor. Gre1ory Pitman, 28, said. "I WIS 1tandtn1 jwat on lbe otht-r aide of the houM when all of the 1udden five· ahota ran1 out . . . My boy l• rlthl }rt that first room In th•t achoo!.• His son, Gre1 Jr .• la 5. U S rrullU.ry otricaal1 h~re n: porh-<l that an Amc rkun otrlct>r wu11 11hol und wo unth-.1 hy an un known ~lla11t Sunday night Rlot cra today badly bc;,l a polll'(' (:etwral al!IO P rime Ml n111 t1•r Sh :1hpour Uukhllar c111 ly luduy scruppcd IJIUllK l.d lly to ... l unct' lo mt•N wllb Kho1m•1111 at th1· Mo:.lern lt'1tdt't'11 1•xilt• hcudquartNs Qut side f'iHlK Bukhtlar r~Jected the "unat·c.-... ptable" condition th11t ht• n·:s1~n before m eeting with th1• 1•x1lt'<I Khoml'lnl But Jiukht1ar i.a1d lran ·s Jtrporlb, closed last week to pre vent Kbomemt ·a return from ex Ill' would r~peo :.hortly. and K h om ein1 could re turn "1f Sl'l'Urity measures are taken " In Pans. Khome anr announced hl· would return at his n sk as , oon as the 1Hrports are open. Aide:. said they were ready to leave at a mom ent's no lice. "We hope to leave tonight de· pending on the lat.es t o rder re- garding the airports ... said one La t<'r. un aide said Khomcaru would not return be fore Tuesday night T eh ran and other cities have been wracke d for days with viol e nt p rotes t s b y anti· government Iranians dem and- ing that Khomeini be allowed to r eturn Police sources s aid rioters to· day set fire to the Shokoufenou n ightc lub, the capital's largest~ burned the Shams brewe ry 1n south Tehra n :md set fi ve beer truc ksablaze Theyalso selfireto rest aurants ser ving alcohohe drinks. Rioter s stor m ed ~ into south Te hra n 's "red light " distnt•t a nd att~cked liquor s tores <t nd wha t they 1denl1f1cd as how.el> or prostitution "On thi:. street a rc hou~e~ where women :.ell Lhemselves," one de monstrat.or cried. .. ,_ o .... "'"" -"" • ..,...,. • ..-. Re porters s aw rioters throw furniture. r ncludan g lar g1· refrrgcrutors, out o f the wind<1w:. of some <Jf tht: building:. The sound of 1itunrire . apparently f rom r io t troops n earby. sounded in lhc blickground . Cars burned ln fhe streets. HIGH TIDES SHOW THEIR STUFF AT EL MORRO MOBILE HOME PARK SUNDAY MORNING Residents Were Treated to this Bracing Display But No Damage Occurred f'ro• Page A I . ' FROST TO HIT AGA I N TONIGHT. • • Ma n y anti-governm ent dis:;i· d t•nts c.i rc Moslem fundamc:n· tahi.ts opposed lo tht· grow1n~ use of alcoholic beverage~ and th e int ro duc tio n o f o th e r Western customs he re . Orang1• County ~uncl;1 y nigh t and (•ii rly t111J ;1y afl t·r 1t duy of f r t· u k w (' a I h t• r I n w h I ,. h c.istonii.ht'<.I r<·suknts watnt·~M·d thunde r. lightning, h<11l. ~now ,.,. ... , ...... 1. CARTER, TENG WAVE TO CROWD IN WASHINGTON A 'Common Journey' on Bolstering New Relationship and raan that r1r:J<-r And a V{'k ran "llt•wporl B1·:H:h lwaf'hgocr rl'1>(irfl'd that for th1 f1r:.t UmC' an his memory th<· t 'rone Pag.-I I TENG ... accorded to d h1:l.ld of govt•rn ml·nt Carter h1ms1·lf anda r atl'd tht' \ aJ<ui-nr'>s JltJ<"hl d to TenR " i,tatus HP ii. nominally th<• third man an tht' Chine~( hl<'rarchy. but h(• dpparcnlly co mmand~ J ffiJJOrtt) of the· J)(Jhtburo an sup po rt •>f h1' 1.111hc1 c~ C.Jrtn ht·ga n b y t•allmg T1·n~ .. Mr J>r1111<· M 1111::.ll-r : · I ht•n rcir r crtcd hrm"clf lo s ay "Mr V1 c1· PrC'm1er ·· When t hf• two lcadt·r~ f1n1sh1•d siwakin~. lht•y walkt'tf up <tn out s1dt· s taar('ase to a balcony on th<' south focadt' <if the Wh it•• Jl ous l'. where th<'y waved for s c•v1·ral minute:. T t·nR and C'artt•r shook hands Then thl'y went ms rdt• The c1·n:mo11y was w1tnei.M'<f hy about 1.000 re po rtt'rs and >:uei.b rmude lhf' White Hous•· ~rounds and untold m 1l11oni. on tell'v1s1on lirnund the world In front of Teng "<'re a rrayt.'<f honor l(U:Jrds rc presl•ntrnR th1• Ar my, Navy . Aar f'urct• and M Jr 1111· C11rp:. .,and wa:. coated an-frost eitrly tod:.1y Thl' f n ·ak i.nowfall Sunduy gavt· golf<•rs a t the Costa Mesa Coif and Country C lub and p<.trtic 1panU. an the s wap m eet on th1· fa1q~round::. to indulge rn whtol may be .i on{"(··in·a ·lifet1me 01,µorturuty in thas part of the world a snow h~ht. Golf <J nd the huntin g for ' ba rgains we re fo rgotte n as .:1s tonashcd but happy part1cl· pants scooped up the white stuff a nd belled each other in trut: Christmas card fas hion. S no w wai. reporte d f all - an R S unday a t H u ntington Heath . Fountain Valley, Coror:tit del Mar and Laguna Hiils. Reports of frost damage iJI. d1tated that the Irvine Company had forcd by fa r the worst dur· m~ a ru~ht an which the tern· !K'rnlure f<·ll fast. A low of 28 d egrees was rc- rorded rn Lagu na Beach but local growe rs reported little or no tJa mlillt' to the ir crops . A cold s nc.tp last m onth C08l lk nn1s Touss1eng. operator of Laguna Gurdens on Laguna Can· yon Ro ad . several thousand dollars rn fn>s t-nipped flower.;. "But everything seems t.o have made rt this tame," ht: sajd to· day T he cold rul(ht sent Jtdgt!6 al Southern California Gas Com· puny plant~ soaring and com J)f'lled the utility to put 3.7 billlon r ub1 l· feet of gas out to ch.illy homes a nd plants in Orange County Mesa Man Pluc k ed From Choppy Sea "fl was by far our biggest pro- d u ('t 1 o n thrs year." SCGC :-.poke::.man lie.t i Wa lton said .. Fortunately., w e are using t>mt•r1tt'ncy gas supplied to us from Texas•and Okla homa so we a rt> a bll' to meet what we expect will tw a continued demand over lht• nl.'xt day or so." A Costa Mesa resid ent and four other persons were plucked from cold el JC ht to 10· foot seas S unday m o rnrn ~ o rr South Laguna aftt>r their 18-foot power b oat w as s wamp ed a nd capslu.-d. Orunge County Harbor P atrol deputies responded to the sren1· o ne -quarter male off Aliso J>i er aftt'r o r1·i-11lt·nt oli:.t•rvNI lht• boaten. rn trnuhlc off~hon· A t I a r b o r f' ;1 t r o I spokt·swoman s aid thas mornm~ Stevt• 1'1ltarcl, :>.4 , Yorhu Landa, orwrutor or th<· l>ou t . Hobert Wals<'y, 2.1, Or•n~<'. Olivt• Recd , 25. Nor1·0 . ll•·t-rl P ayne. 22, Cos ta M(•:.a . und ft obPr t Malgenov1rh. 2.1. OrnnRt:'. W('n • h auled fro m the 56 d<'gre1· wat<'r The fiw had IX't•n wearing hh•. prt':.l'rver~ and w1•r<· knockNI free of tht.• caps i.wd botot hy choppy wav<'S All fi V<' wt.'r<' sut fC'rrng fmm m11tt shock and ex po::.ur(' when pic k ·<l up by u harbor putrnfboat " Wllst'y and Miss Ht•t•d wl'rt' trC'att•d and relNiS<'d from San l'lt•mentt• Gt>n<•r11l llos p1tal · Saddlcback Mountain had a Chrrstmas card look today with 11hc riff's officers reporting that the snow level there is down to 1,500 feet the lowest recorded this wmter. Comic's Birthplace 'Mystery' . ' { 9'J.Years Today Since W.C. Fiel<b Born, But Where? PHILADELPHIA CA P 1 W f' foi ela:., the comic l1ppkr with the bulbous nose who loved to portroy has ho metown a:. a haven for squares, may be sipping a celei.t1al murUn\ und c hortling me rrily. Today m arks the 99th anniversary of f''1clds' birth. and still no one lcnows for certain whe·re he was born ~ REFER ENCE BOOKS mv•: HIR hlrthpluce us Phlladelph.la. But where in Philadelphia"' Could It ll4l suburh11n .Philadelphia ? .. Reside nts of Darhy Boroul(h. JURt outaidl' thf' city limits, ('!a im Field!! was born on Jan 29, 18HO. in wh11l was then called the Buttonwood Hotel and today b dubbed the National In a bar j ust down the stn-el, a p11tron remarked rl'tc ntly "then! ought to be a plaque put on the MtPI hecausc it's for :sure Fields wu born ther e · · How~ he know' "Everyone know\ It." h.t replied m•ttu-0r r1clly O'l'lfER LOCATIONS MENTIONE D 8\' illvCBllcators nnd blographel'8 over the"yenrs tnclude at least three loc1t1ons In the ' c-1ty of Philadelphia A :.aw on Woodland Avenue in !«luthwes t PhHadelphla seema mo111 grol>ahlt• becaust• an enlry under "Ph1tadelphl1" ln ~ t8ft0 U S ('c>n:.u:. and1c1tlcd thut on Junl' S, 1880, James and Kate Ounk1nfleld. WC 's parenLc;, und their fl rsl-bom son were living 111 a how.t· at thul locution. \ Thut hit of evidence wus turned up about 10 years •IO by Mi lwn Kenm. a rei.curchn for the Presbyterian Historical Society But 11 dadn 'l e:.luhhflh beyond a doubt that°l''iekla WIS born in tht· hou~c /\ birth c(•rt1ficutt.· never llas been found. P F:RllAPS IT IS BF.ST THAT lhc birth of Claude Wlllj am Ounk1n/Md h1· revt>r se<.I h1ll inil1uls . chopped a couple of sur- namt• :.yllJblt>:t :ind added an ":i'' to l(ct hlu taae names -remalu a myste ry For although he 111 said attually t.o have liked the ell)' Jl'tekb certainly did not publldif' hiN 1ftetUon ' "Ah, yt>s, Ph1l adf'lphla," he would aay. fln1er1nc a drink lh?ug hlluJly. · anyone round s mllln1 after curfew waa II able to be ;1rrt•\lcd " • . ,, r -~ Ora"ge Coast· ED ITI O N . Your llometown Dally NewHpaper VOL 7?., NO 19, 3 SECTIONS. 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1979 TEN CEN TS San Diego Sniper I• Teen Fires Into School, Ki11s 2 Dledricla Case I } Bribery Trial Delay Asked By GARV GRANVILLE Of llM o.Mly l'lie. Sl•l1 Attorneys for indicted Orange County S upe r vi sor Ra lph Diedrich today asked an ap. pellale court to delay the start of Die d ric h a nd co-d e fe ndant LeRoy Rose's bribery t riaJ. Simulta neously, the lawyers asked the court to order the trial court to give Diedrich anti Rose , Arsonist~ i Rampant In Tehran TEHRAN. Iran IAP J Anti government Moslem rioters set fi re to-a nightclub. a brewery and restaurants and attacked brothels in Tehran today as this troubled nation awaited word of the Immine nt r et urn of Ayatullah Ruholl ah Khomeini. hero of the a nti·s hah rebel hon. Heavy shooting by army units was reported from several parts -or the city. but reliable casualty reports were not immediately available. U .S. military officials here re· rted that a n American orficer as shot and wounded by an un· k wn assa1la nt Sunday niJ:hl Ri t ers today badly beat a poli e general also. P rime Minis t e r S h ahpou r Bakhtiar early today scrapped plans to fly lo France to meet with Khomeini at the Moslell' leader 's exile headquarters out· side Paris. Bakhtiar re1cclcd the "unacceptable " condition thtil he resign before meeting with the exiled Khomeini. But Bakhtiar sa 1d 1 ra n 's airports, closed last week lo pre· ve nt Khomeini's return from ex- ile. would reopen shortly, and Khome ini could r eturn "if security measures are taken." Jn Paris, Khome ini announced he would return al his risk as soon as the airports a re open. Aides said they were ready to leave at a moment's notice. "We hope to leave tonight de- pending on the latest order re- garding the airports," said one. i Later, an aide said Khomeini [ would not return before Tuesday night. Tehran and other cities have ~ bee n wra cked for days with ~ vio le nt protest s b y a nt1- governme nt Iranians demand· ing that Khomeini be a llowed to return. • t r • Police sources said rioters to- day set fi re to the Shokoufcnou nightclub, the capital's largest, burned the, Sha ms brewery in south Tehran a nd set fi ve beer trucks ablaze. They also set fire to restaurants serving alcoholic drinks. Rioters stormed Into south Tehran·s "red-light" district and attacked liquor stores and what they identified as houses or I prostitution. "On this street are houses • where women sell themselves." i one demonstrator cried. . I I PILOT AD KEY TO LOCKSMITH "My Dally PUot ad worked out fine . "I hlred the first.. person w_bo . applied." That's the advertisine s uccess story of the Laguna Hills man who placed Ulis ad in the Daily Pilot: WCK.~Mml E xd op pty f o r a locksmith w/min. 2 yr11 exp.JSend reeume to PO &JI ltX:XX If you Med •n employee fast, tf)' t1MJ J)aiJ, Pilot. A friondly ad·vfaer will help write. an .ct at &U""11. • _ __, :_ -.c.... t a post-indictment pretrial heltr ing ~ Finally, the Fourth District Court of Appeal in San Diego was asked to order a move that would allow the de fense al· torneys to exam ine the selection process that was used to select members or the 1977-78 l-Ounty grand jury. Thal grand jury on Dec. 15 ' 1977, indicted Diedru:h and Rose on bribery charges related to a 1973 Board of Supervisors land use decision. Today's appeals to the high court by attorneys Jim Riddel ;i nd Keith Monroe came one week before the trial on lhose charJ,!es is scheduled lo get un- der way. They followed by a fe w days San Diego Supcrjor Court Judge Ross Tharp·s refusal lo order the trial delay, to grant a pre- h m inary hear ing and to aJlow the probe into the grand 1ury selection process. Hiddet said the defertse at· torneys hope to hear frof)'l the southe rn section of tpe appellate court based in San Bernardino "by Wednesda~ Thursday at the latest.·· .,,. As things stand now Diedrich and Rose are scheduled to stand trial in San Diego Superior Court on Feb. s. Riddel . however . s aid tM de- fense attorneys "will not in any way shape or form" be ready to start trial then. He and Monroe are the Uurd set of a tto rneys b'ired by Diedrich to defend him against the bnbery allegations. Because the case has been in their hands less than a month. Riddel said a delay in the start of the trial is absolutely essen· ti al. However . aft e r r e p eated ear lier delays, Assistant District Attorney Michael Capizzi has in- sisted the tnal proceed accord- ing to the latest schedule. Riddel said the request for a <See DIEDRICH, Page 1\2) Wounded Man Found in Car In Costa Mesa A man pohce said had been wo unded 1n the h ead by a g uns hot fir ed thr ough the driver's window was found slumped in the front seat or his car early today in Costa Mesa. The shooting victim. who was fighting for his IHe this mornfog at Hoag Memorial Hospital, was identified by police as 38- yeat-old Geor ge Thomas Lovell of Long Beach. Police Sgt. Sam Cordeiro said t h e wounded m a n was dis· t·overcd about 7 a. m. His car was parked on Post Road in the Mesa del Mar section of Costa P4esa , not rar from St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. Lovell was unconscious when police were called to the scene by a resident of the area. Police said they have no motive in the ('a se and arf' seeking anyone who knew Lovell. Wayne Makes Recovery LOS ANGtLES CAP) Actor Jo'hn Wayne continues to pro greu In his recovery from cancer surgery and should be re· leased from the hoftpltal within nbout a week, a UCLA medical Center spokesman aay~. "He's doing really well. Doe- lon ere very trappy and be s hould be out ln at>Oul a week, or n fe w days." the hosplt 'I spokesman uld Sunday. Wayne underwent gall bladder s urgery Jan. 1.2 and doctors also rCJDO.l!:'<I l}I 1\QmG b. _a.Lter..llnd..« inf( ~ancer. o.<IY l'I""" SUH - TEMPERATURES SANK TO 21 ABOVE ZERO ON IRVINE RANCH BEFORE DAWN Linde Voborll, 12, Demonstrates Reautt of Fro1ty Morning In Coate MeH Cold· Threatens Crops Frost Warnings Out/or County Tonight By TOM BAaLEY OI .... o.11., ~I ... S._.. Orani;(e County ranch hands who fought hard Sunday night and early today to protect their c rops from freezing t e m - peratures were warned today that they may have an e ven tougher battle on their hands afte r the sun sets tonight. "Clear and cold and, by the look of things, colder than what we had last night," a National Weather Ser vice for ecaster grimly predicted today. 'They're a lready getting out the frost warnings in Orange County." and earlY today after a day or freak weath e r in whi c h astonished residents witnessed thunder, lightning, bail, snow and rain -not necessarily In that order. And a veteran Newport Beach beacbgoer reported that for the first lime in hls memory the sand was coated in fr:ost early today. T he freak s nowfa ll Sunday gave golfers at the Costa Mesa Golf a nd Country Club and participants in the swap meet on the fairgrounds to indulge in what may be a once·in·a-lifetime opportunity in this part or the world -a snow fii!:hl. Golf and the hunting for bargains were fo r gotten as astonished but ha ppy partici- pants scooped up the while stuff and belted each othe r in true Christmas card fashlon. Snow was repo r ted fall- ing Sunday at Huntington Beach. Fountain Valley, Corona del Mar and Laguna Hills. Reports of frost damage in- dicated that the Irvine Company had fared by far the worst dur- ing a night in which the tem· perature fell fast. A low of 28 degr ees was re · corded in Laguna Beach but local growers reported little or no damaize to their croos. A cold snap last month cost Dennis Toussieng, operator of Laguna Gardens on Laguna Can- yon Road, sever a l thousand dollars in frosl-nip~d flowers <See FROST, Page .U> It was the ki nd or forecast pre· d ieted yet dreaded today by many county farmers. among them Rancho Mission Viejo's Bob Clark. who reported no crop damage on the south county acreage despite a'low reading of 28 degrees during the night. "We were helped last night by the fact that it was so mois t.·· Clark said . "lt0s much drier now and cold on that scale tonight could mean we'll have a sadder story to tell Tuesday." Rancho Mission Viejo fared better than the Irvine Com- pany's a~ricultura l holdings where a low of 21 de~rees was recorded al 2 a ,m . today. Carter, Teng Cite 'Common Journey' Ranch hands r eported damage to avocado . l e m o n a n d stra wherry erops despite the racl t hat wind machines were in operation throughou~ the night. "It will t ake a few days to de· termine the full ext ent of the damage." a weary ranch hand commented. "And l can tell you w e're not looking forward to tonight one little bit." The frost whitened much or Orange County Sunday night W ASJONGTON CAP> -Presi- de n l Carter welcomed Vi ce Premier Teni;( Hsiao-ping lo the White House today with the promise or .. a common journey" as they began talks on bolstering the new relationship between the United States and China. ..On behalf of the people of my country, I welcome you. Mr. Vice Premier." Carter said un· der windy, overcast s kies during the cere mony on the White House south lawn, which was twice dis rupted l)y a nll·Teng Attaek Feared China to Invade Vietnam? NEW YORK <AP > -China might launch an attack on Vietnam as punishment for that country's invasion of Chinese ally Cambodia, according to intelligence sources cited by Newsweek magazine. The magazine said China has am assed a force of 80 000 to 120 000 troops on its Vietnamese border. a buildup a state Department expert termed "more than you would need for just a shpw of force." The attack. could brlng_tn the Russians. who have 44 divisions on thei'rborder with Chtna,- Newswcek said. . The Chinese could respond to a Russian invasion with nuclear weapons but Peking's armed forces could not contain the Russians, according to the magazine. . The magazine did not quote its sources diredly demonstrators. <Related story PJlge AJ. 1 ·'Today we take another step an the historic normalization of relations . We share in the hope which springs from re~oncilia· lion and the anticipation of a common journey.'· the president said. • Teng. reading hfa speech in Chinese, responded that "We share the sense of being on an historic mission. Sino-U.S. rela· lions are al a new beginning and the world is at a new turning point." Teng warned that "the factors making for war a r e visibly growing" in the world. He and Carter both expressed hope that no rmal relations between their two countries would help pre- serve world peace. Art e r the w e l com i n g ceremony. the leaders went to Carter's Wh ite House offi ce to begin six houl'l'I of talks in three <Sef> TENG, Page AZ> Hearst Freed From Prison 1· SAN FRANCISCO AP1 President Carter this afternoon commuted the seven-year prison sentence of newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst .,. accordlna Ut Joe HolSinKer, atde to the late Congressman Leo Ryan. Holalnger said Mlas Hearst waa to be relea11ed from the f ederal prl1on tn nearby Pleasonton Thunday. as to China's intention of lnva~ng Vietnam. However, it quoted a U.S. source as ying, "We're just worrled that an invasion of Vie m might lake ' place after the viaJt" of Chinese Vice Prime Mlniater Teng Hs1ae-J)lna to th~~try, "~ e it ~'!I~ :tke we~uerfl Ule-,rH1111&h . B&&&....,.J•""~~...i... 1.-...C l--.""'~""aj~ftO:lr"l;;'°'Ryan, Hid, "she wUl ~ ' releaaed momentarily." • ' Girl, 16, Believed Suspect SAN DIEGO <AP I A 16· year-old girl who s aid "this Livens up the da,y" -opened fire with a .22·ca liber rifle oo a crowded elementary school to day, police said. The principal a nd a custodian were killed and eight students, a n adult and a policeman were· wounded out· side the building. · "I just wanted to," the girl, identified as Brenda Spencer, told the Sao Diego Tribune by telephone · fro m h e r house Ac ross th e s treet from Cleveland Ele mentary School "It just popped into my head , about last Wednesday. I thank " Before hangm~ up, shl' said "I have to go now I !>hot a pig, I think, and I want lo shoot soml' more." When the s hooting hegan som e s tudents ran m panic from the school yard a nd teacht!r~ told others to huddle bt neoth desks and keep away from win dows Late r , s tude nts we rt> us hered to safely in lhc school ai.ditorium. Nearby homes wen • evacuated. The girl was alone an lhl' house and her father was at the scene. trying to talk her into g1v m~ up while dozens or heavily armed police waited and two police helicopters circled over head. She was reported to have 500 lo 600 rounds of ammurution with her. She told the Tribune she began s hooling because "( don 't like Mondays -this li vens up the day." Asked if she was shooting at , random. she said she had no target "No one in particular." Killed was the M ad custodian, MichaelSuchar. 56. said Frl>d Jaf fries, a spokesman for the San Diego Unified School District. Jeffries said that the school'!> principal. Burton WraJ:i::. 53, dieao mJunes at a hos pital An un1denlif1cd sp<>kc::.man for Al varado llosp1lal ~aid all lht• inJured students w(•r(' 1n good condition The incident be~an at 8 :40 a m and the last shot~ hearc1 we re fired ahout R 55 a m However. the ~1rl r<•m:1incd an the house She was ctescrtbf'd as a "prt•I ty good shot" by officers on the scene. P o lice s poke s man Ri l l Robinson said "she ll-willing to talk to a degree She 1s under a lot of pressure. There 1s 0 11 more danJ:er al the school,· Armed police set up a hur· ricade around the house. keep ang bystanders and reporters at least one block away Poli ce· Chier William Kolender and City Manager Ray lilair were <it the scene . Six of the inJure<l we re taken to nearby Alvarado Community Hospital and a seventh victim was t a ke n t o G r oss mon t Hospital. Anxious parents were flooding the Alvarado and Gross monl s witch boards with lSee SNIPER, Page A2 l Coa~• \\'e athe r Clear and cold tonight with fr e ez in~ l cm peratures. Partly cloudy and not as cold Tuesday Lows tonight 30 t o 35 Highs near 60s Tuesduy·. INSIDE TODA\' At Weatem Atrtlnes. It of tht 1.'100 pilot• are UX>men • Debbu Archer, .29 . u W11tem'1 /frst /ught ott('n- dont to makt" tlw> tron.tilalln to pilot. See Ftotunng. Page C.:1- l•H• "'"-~ "" ~ ... ........ ., .... ~ L.M ...... A6 ..-. ..... e.n ..... , ........... , ..... C.llfvlll• Al Sytvle ~ oet•lf... a. u '"rt' ~· Al'*'~ °"'~ "' ,,....,., ... O.•• t'-4 .tl!Mlltr ... :....... .. ..... lWt ,.....,.._ .... , w.rtt ..... '••lllffflt Cl.J a CJ .. M ., ., J ., .. ;:.. A4 •• .. , Multitude Tums Out For Pop Cl 'll.APA'\ '1\'\lt" I \I' Hundn"<li. or thou,.•ntt uf tn 11l,1n ... 1w1un fl 1nt11 1 h1 1lu t \ lllJl(I Ill '·lllllh1 rn "'11•\ff It 111d t t11 M 'I' .... , ... J11h11 l'.iul 11 ......... "' tlh II\ 11i.h• •• 11 flll(hl "" lh1 h111 k "' ("Jlllt· lt lld(' w,. ,,,,. p1l.:11tn• lit• I'> "'" huh l.tlht r II 1 lht I• •~I "'' 1 11uld do, •• 11d ..,, •t • r t "1111 d 11·,.u• ~ho '"'" nl 111 lht• •'.th u( d 11 urk 1·urn 111~ lht• wurnl 111.in l,o ntt U\'l'llW l'111w • Ill th•• b11t k \0\1•11• 70 'l tutlc-11U1 'llltll11.: OllC I \OIU\llli,! fr 11 IO '111 wu.' tu"'"' 111 '"11ttwr 11 M1 ,. 1111 I hn hull •'•1lh1•11 cl ..it '-1 11tl• 1 ,, \Ill.I l0Um1lt•1.t1•tl11 .uutll lurltu f111al h.•.iotth.·1111>tul 'u1l 1.1111111 Wt"r1· .irnn.: 111 ~11 1111 .111 111.·t11 .tt1it111n JllU t .ilk111~ .11111 JU"l 111 111~ h.s11p\ tlw nun .),wJ \\1 11..iv~ no pl1.11·1· 111 ~lt·t•11 11 c•urth1111 ;1k1· roll1 ti lht 1111rt1 M1•11.11·11 <'11\ totl:i\' \Olhtlt 1'111•• John l'Jtil II Y.J'> lll otklllK •• 'llJe•t•('h In o.1x.H'U , :1!10 rn1h,"\ ,,, lht· '"lllh 'I ht ff' Wt•rt• "'' lfrl • . m1•d1:11t• ll'l"lrt'> of el .. t111J~1 ''' 1111111 ll'S 1n Ille' ( OIJlllJI Cu1h.111t1n " :!,:,oo 1nh uh1t<H1h I 1 V l' I 0 d ll SI y U d 0b1• h U t ., {'lustered 1111 hoth !\ld4's of 1: .. •~o lane h1.:hwtty to thl· l'IIC'tfw Most an· Zapotec lnd1uns wh11 pru<:t1ce Cuth11l1c1sm with u n·:u t'h<1rnctt>nsl1r of a different eru ThP v1llagc"i. mam utlractwn "' l he i;kcl<>lon 11f a con vt•nt 011 wh1t'l1 1·1111:-.11 uC'llOn~as tx-1:un 1n the 17~ century bcn nl'vtr ,.,,m r>lt·ted Workmen ~pr&yed walf'r from· tJnk truckh on lht• dry ground aroun4 thl' ronvent Sunduy llJJ.tht, trying to ket•p ttw rlu~t tl11w11 for lh1• pope':. urrlvul Tiro Injured In Crash, UneSeriow A 26 year old Nt·wpwt Ilc;H·h Jn.JO JS JO .!',f•rJOU'i ('f)IH!it 100 t()(J,J) .1 1 Sci d d I t-11 :.i c· k ("" rn mun 1 l v 1(1,.,p1t al :1ftn ht· <ind two olht·r~ w1·rc· 1n1ured in a weekend Ul'l I d1·11t /\ !>pokl'swornan :.u 1d Tum t'ullah an h. In the 1ntcn~1vc tart: umt after burgery It followed an JC'l'tdrnl Saturday night at ,.:I Torn and Trubuco R<1<1d:. 1n f;I T11ro Ct1liforn1a Highway l'11f ml :.pokc·snrnn Tom Sapp ))U ld C"allt1h.111 wa., a p: .... s<·ng1·r Jn <• e-.1r driven hy J(l(·hJrd lf,1wk1·-.. 27, ti IMH>f Nt•wport llawkc·i. w:a!t wc·i.tbound on t:I I' ore) lloa<1 at \I I 5 p m wht•n h 1 s v ,. h i <' I e w a s s t r u c k br oad!>ick . 1·jcrt1ng Culluhun f I (I trl th l' (' ;:ir Anolhe•r pas<>c·n~er. Hohc rt l.atlcw1g, ix. <if Laguna R•·al'h. ;11111 Jlawkt·i. wc·n · lrratr·d und 1 l'lt·aM .. 'd from S11dd lchack l.A>m munity llosp1tal follow1n1< lh1· c:ulhs wn. Highway P:itrol JOV('s t1gult>rs .1rt• M'!·ktn~ lht· llrtVCr Of lhf" olh1•1 car whe> fll·d lh1• ..i·enc 11n foot f "uture Look Dillner Topic /\ look al N•·wport R<•u<•h '11 f11t11r1• WIJI IW th1• loptr Of II din rll'r plunn1·el for Sunday by Slop l'ollutrn~ Our Nt•wpor1 ISPON I at the• Balboa P:iv1hon Sp«:1kcr!\ will he traffic• Mn i.ultunt T>a v1 rl C ur ry , J\I fl o ll indc•n , rh&trman of tht• Orange County Tnins portat1on ('omm1s1t1on . <tnd Or Churlc·i; 1; r 1'C·n1ng , pu!->t prei.1<l1·nt of l''rwnds of N,·wport Huy The dinm·r i11 schc•duled from 5 to SI p. m The t1 t·kct prier 1s $7 lnformatton <1 nd rE•serv~ti1m11 art• av~1l<Able hy calltnll( Mr~ llarry /\lien at 644 92f.4 or Mr!\ .llo lwrt Knutsen at 675·6342 ORANGE COAST DAILY PllOT I of • -~',. '"" I ().iittly I ( t w~tr •' • t flt• Ii tllt•t '""' f•t~\ l\OWfJll\fWtlf1,fl• flf 9 I' '' • 1•·vrH1 t11•"11''~""'• •.-,.,,,,.,.,.,.,111·,. ••· I ••• , •• """ Mt1nti•1 '"'t>-•iff\ '·•1111, ·~· I '"" IJ.1 i fft ""l'"'' ll'lt''' ttv-1t+r•r1h1t1 Ur,. I I • 1t1 1 ••• 1 1/Hllt t ff¥1t'W i jll{IU"Ht fti • _,, .,,,,,,, I 1 _.,I It, IOIJlf ,, IJlfjot .•it"lflll•rt'l I Ptlf•I f •rt tl•1l •t .. 1 .,.,, 11 •IAf ' Tf'W t·••f'V•IJ.tl f"ffl'llU.tt •1 j•l•t I ,111 t• ht ~ltl•t \lr••I 10'\l•~\A '•h'"''''•'"">" llt .... rt flt "'~"" ,,,,,,,_,,, .. ,II IOl1 .h~ ,.,,. c, .... tn " • ,..,, ... ,,..ft. 41¥1 -· 1Jt.M1 •. ,. ffll..-n• -····' tftUM ·~••A Mw,.,.. ftl•"ltflH••,t ( /'tOti .. t~•tt•\M ,.. •Hr. ... P ... fl • ,., •• ,., ,.,.,., •rJ·"-'l4f!f., OfllcH 'l!t"••,,,,.. ....... w. ttt .. ,•.4'""" .,tt, .. u. ... n Ilk'•' .. ""'"' '"""'' h •Jftflf\Ojft,.,_ .. ,,.,ft IJI/\ .... ,.,~ tffhl ... ••lft feltphone (71 4)M 2-4121 C••nllleO AchttllM'19 642 M7' ........ ~,....._..,_ 'ltlltl ..... ,'""''•"ff"',°""'• 'J""""Jt,t'l•t,.-. IMO>IHO ~~r11r~ ~ f)r~"-(~~!,t::~·:\f·I~~ ,,,...{,., o,. .,,,,,.,.,...,,...fl'll f'Mo•••• ,,_., IM 1•f.t•'1lt•' ,.d •tfM\ill , .. , .•• .,.,,,ff \lf'Mt et 01>~"9"'......, \•· "'"~ ,,.t., "''' ... c:,,. Nre Ml ,.,.,,,,,"'. •, ,, ,,,thtft bt ,.,,..,, ., '" ;:~~~~fJft\~(, .~~: ... ~.~.: f'ft·tl+th•f m1JJt• .. Y ,.,.... Pt1.,e Al FROST •.. "But everythlnlC 1eem1 to havl' made It t.b.1t Ume." he nid to day. The ~ mat Mnt 1•u1es at Southern CallfornJa Gas Com pany planta aoarmg and com pelled the utlllty t.o put 3 7 billion cubic feet of gas out to chilly homes a nd ph1nt1 In Orange County. "ll wu by far our blggen pro duc tioo thiJ1 year," SCGC s pokesman Ha l Walton s aid "F ortunate ly . we a r e using em ergency 8'*' 11upplled to u~ from Texas a.nd Oklahoma so Wf• a re able to meet what we expect will be a contl.nl.Mld demund over the next day or so." Saddleback Mountain had a Cbrtatmaa card look today with sheriff's officers reporting that the snow level there Is down t.o 1,500 f(.'et the lowf!st recorded this winter They sajd many hike rs 1n the a rea headed for home Ctirlier tha n they planned Sunduy us they wer e h1l by hall, snow and rain . ·~.w....­ TAIWAN SUPPORTERS DEMONSTRAT~ AGAINST TENG VISIT OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE Two Arreated After Screaming 'Murderer' end 'Treltor· et Chln•H Vice Premier Fears tha t bigb tides predict· ed during the weeke nd would provide additional proble ms pro ved to be m ainly .crouodless with coastal communities re porting little or no d11.muge An -exception w as In the Laguna Beach a rea where high waves swept into the El Morro Trailer Park, spraying seas1d1· traile r homes. The waters quick ly s ubsided and residents report ed t.oday th.at they s uffered httlt- or no damage. 500 Prote~t-Teng's Visit; 2 ArreS.ted I',.... Page Al TENG ••• scheduled sessions. Admirustr& lion officials said they expected Carte r and Teng to exchangt• views on a broad range of s uh Jecltl. from Korea and lndochin11. lo U.S . arms control nP~Otiu lions with the Soviet Union. The National Weathe r Serv1e1· fo recut l.oday calls for continu ing clear and cold weather with a low tonight of about 32 degree!. and a h1g.h Tuesd&y of itbout ~ a long the Orange Coast. WAS HI NGTON <AP ) A man ancJ worn.in wc·n• arrPsted t.odu y aft(>r they ~1i11ukd pn>lc1>t.s at Chmc'!e Vic·c Prt:m1t•r Teng ff swo ping durinl( w1•lt-oming ('l'f('mOOJeS On lt)I' S(IUlh h.1WTI Of the• Wh1k llouSt'. Outh tdl' the White· llou''' ~ri>unds, an ,.,, m 1ale•cJ 500 1krncin!'llr<.1lors w;1v..cl -.1~0' and I' h a n t t-d !> I o ~ J n ., 1 n n 111 i. y . pcaccfuJ prol1·..,t .., to tht· v1s1l ohh1· (h1n1•s1• lt•ad1·r Ttw t wu who w1•1 "'.11 ""'h·d . ,, 'H>m dn 1den1 tf ""' a~ Sonia J ILin.,11111 ?,.Ii, ul S1.,1tt l1· , Wa1>h , ,met .t 111.111 Ill• 111 1(11 II .1s K1 1l11 K1111111e1l•1 '>I 111 '\1..,, ',,,·k ('11 ~ Mesa Ma11 Ch~ppy Sea A t '1>~la MN1J r1·s1dt'nt and four nthPr pcrs•m"' we•re pluckc-d frnm l'old t·1ght tu 10 foot :-lf'&'i sun da y m () r n In ~ l)f r Soul h l..1~11n.11 after thc·ir I~ lt1ot power ho&t was s w a mped ;,nd rap!'17e•rl Orange· County 11 :i rb•Jr l'<ttrol <1e putil"' 11•spo1111Pd to Uw o.;cen1· on£• quartt•r n11lt-< off J\ltso Pwr a rt t-r a r1·~1dt•11t olJ.,cr Vl·d I ht• hoatcr11 1n trouble ofbhore. A Harb or Putrol s v11ke·s woman s<Jtcl th1!\ morntnJ.t St1·v1• Pill :..trt1, l'A . Y•1rh1J Linda . op<'ralnr Qf the• lt1>at , H~obcrl W1lst·y. 2:1, Oranw·, Olivf' H.N•d , 25. Norco. lh •c•cl 1'11 ync, 22. Cost -. Mc>sa . and Hol1ert M u l~cnov1ch, 23 . Oran~e . wn1• haul1•el r rom the· 56 dt·Kr<•c walt•r Tht• ri ve· hwl IM!t•n Wl'ilf in~ hfi· pn·.,e·rvc·rR :rnd were knocki:cl rri•e• or the r.up!ll:wd boa~ h y l'hll!)l>Y wave•, All r1vf! wcrP !>Uf fl·rrni.t from mild .,hcll'k and ex pui.urc when p11·kcd u11 hy <.1 harbor putrol hout W1hwy :.nd Ml!lh H<'NI wt>ro• trc•al1•1l .incl r1 •lt•;i-,c•el fr1>rn St111 < 'lcm1•nl<· Gt'rll'r al I fo1>111tiil Fire men Save Newport Teen In Home Fire J\ Newport 111-uch tC'<'O·a((cr wa11 rc•ported 111 Koocl t·ond1tion today ttftcr flr1·m,·n µulled l11m in an um·onsrious 1·111111111110 from ht~ hurn1n~lwtlr1111m T1m1>thy K1'(•n c, 1 ~1 . of 500 Rcdluncl~ Ave., ri·malnt·d ut Hoal( Mf'monul lfmJpllal today folloWIOJ.t th•· J 20 II rn inc1denl F1rt>m1·n :i:ttcl K('cnc'i; fom1ly <':tll1·d them uftc>r a f1r1· ap pJri·nlly hrok<' <1ut 1n the yuuth'i. mallrcl>S. Tht.•y i.uHt thf"y foun1l yotJrag K('cne Jy111J( on the flot>r Of h11 room we•urln14 ''l l e r co <>arphonl'K tuH1 appar1·nlly over ,.,,mt• by :tmr>k•• inh1tlut1on ('aUM' of th(• r1n', wh11·h Wl&h 11u11·kly t•xl1n~·11~h1·1I, 1:-. un1h·r inv1•11t1gulwn, f1rt•me•n 1-1utd Sharp1Jlwoters Kill Gunman TOKYO (nP 1 Six 8harpshootcrs l\hot ao<Lkllled a gunmon· who killed rour p(>rson& and h ltt 2S othera ho11tage In an Oukn llnnk ror nearly 42 hourt The• h<>Atage111 fr ·Mi Sunday, Rlt bank employ(·f~. wore rcpor1.t d 1'8f('. Altlyo11h1 Umeka.w a . 30, storm~ the ba~wlth ..A..1.bt1f111n *-h"\Jut.!TQTM'e ctollfb:t'Utnt> Friday and dem1nded thf' f'QUIVRlf'nl of $2ft(),000. wer(' le<t away by Secret Serv1ce agent.s and tum('d over to Dis· lri<'l of Columbia police. A While H ouse s pokesman said they were charged with disorder ly condu<.'l The Secret Service said both were carrying press crcdentillls. Off1c-1als were trying to d e· lt.·rm1nc how they gol lhem As Preb1dt•nt Carter was giv- ing his welrom1ng rc m Clrks. a w11tt1an ahout 10 fN•t from the p11eJ1um , se•rt•amcd at 'l'<·ng, "Teng lb1ao-ping, you arc a murder..r ur a trnitor " M11m1•nb afkr poltce drnggc·d hc •r a way . w1 tn1·b..,1•i. ba ld Han ... om. :-.tund1nK w1lh r e ~rlcr~ 1 ~1 (t·t·t tn front uf C:.:<1rter .rnd Tl'ng, shouted, "Traitor 01,wn with TenJ.t lhiuo r>inJ.t. You <·an ·1 mc.ikdh11> a gardt•n 1mrty ·• /\ ~t·1·r1•t S1•rv11•t· <eJWnl JJUl h1i. lt.rnd tightly u v1•r lh1· m un '!> m o uth to silt•ncc him while anlllhf'r offker pashc<l 1.1 fist into ti lb nost.• Walter Carver , a spokesman for th1· Hr.volutionary Com munibl Party, said his orgamza· t1on da1mcd respons ibility ror dt!irupling Hu· <'<'rPmonles M1·c.inwh1l1•, a l'r<iwd estimated al 300 Pf'<iph• and ~eeking 1n ctc•pendc•n('(• for the isl<ind of Taiwan, dt·monstratcd on the El· hp.,e t~:hind tht> While House Th1·y c h;rntl'd blog1.1ns u nd wuv<>d bannns in opposition to both the Pl'k1n~ and Taiwan gov t>rnmcnts A second . s maller c rowd of <•bout 200 pro Tuiwan protesteri. s tood on lh<' sidewalk 1n front or the White House. Tht> j.(roup hchind lhc white House, World United f'ormoll1.1n~ for I ndc·pcnl1cncc. had a view of the 0H1ciul wc·l<'ominit rcrl!mony lh:.t l Cartl·r hoi;lt'd for Tt·nK "Rcpubllt• of C:hinu, Yes P:.rt of Chinu, 110 ," rc11d one of their banner1>. f'rot11P-..AI DIEDRICH. • pos t lnd1ctmt·nt prehm1nury hearing 111 hosed on nllej.(c•d pros t•cutorial m111C'Ondu<-'t hcfore the grand JUry us well 1111 th(' fullurl· to tell tht• JUry of .-vidence that might t(•nd to point lo Dlednch's In n<H't'n<'t' Aut two Superior Court judges ha v1• ulrf'ady refused to fH•rmit u rn•lt m1nary hearing, a he11nng c1eRlgn<:d lO show if the re is SOlfi· <'it·nt evidence to make the ac- l'used stand trial La~t wc•t·k .. Judge Thu1 p re ruill'd to open the d0<irs to u ht•anni;c 111mt•ll al dt·lc•rmin1ng 1f uw-j.(rnllll jury that tndlrled lhf' two mt•n rc•presentcd a true· t•ross :wc·tlon <if Orang<• County's l>flJ)UIOt um. Judge 'Tharp'1 rullnf' s hut the doM on ntkms>tl'I hy Riddel t•nd MonnK' to :iihow th(' Jury mukeup <.l.ld not rt•fl1•1·1 a cros11 Sl'<'tton of the J>QJ)Ulat Ion when KUC'h raclors ;1s agf', r:.tt't'. st•x und t're1nomit s tatus are con111durcd Funds Given To Boys Club Before T eng l ea v e b Washmgt.on on Thurs day, he and Carter are expected lo sign an umbrella pact allowing a variety or exchanJles between the two countries. Including ne w s hureaus in each other 's capitals Carter a nd Te ng a lso a re ex· peeled to dJscuss prospects for a ne w trade agr eem e nt giving China most-favorcd·nation tariff trl•utmenl and uecc1>s to c rc·d1ti, from the Export-Import Be.ink Carter and hIB wife, Robalynn, met Teng and his wife , Cho Ltn, at the Whitt> lloui.e South PortH·o at 10 a m F.ST to a ran. fart• or Army trumpets Te ng responded to the crowd'!> applause by applauding him:.l'lf Then he followed Carter down u !»h11rt rec-{·1v1ng line th<t l JO C'l uclcd Sec n •t<Ary of Statei Cyru:-. R . Vunce. Vice Pres ident Wultt-r Jo' Mo ndalc, 1:1ncl n<At1onal security adv1scrZb1~nfow Brzezinski Th<' president and the v1ct• premier and their wives mount <'d un outside pl<itform. They stood at 11ttcntlon us the band played the two countries' na lional antchms and cannons fired a 19-gun ~alult>. the lnbutc U<.'<.'Orded lo a head of govern mcnt Carte r himself indicated th(• vagueness 11.tlached to Teng'b status. He is nominally the tht rd man in the Chinese h1 crar<'hy, but he apparently <'ommands ;, ma1orily of the politburo In s up port of tus policies <..:art.er began by calling Ten" ··Mr. Prime Minister," then cor reeled himself to say "Mr Vice Premier." Construction Pennits Up In Newport The valuation 9 f buildinl( permits issued 1n l!Y18 exct.>eded by $9 million th11.t or huildtnf( p('rm1l.H given out the prf'viou.'l ye;Jr. Newport Ut•ach oHlci~ls have announced. A total of 2,134 permits were 1s11ucd ln l978. with Cl vuluallon or $92 9 million ofhcials s111d. R csi~.cntia l pe rmits com- prllwd about 45 percent or lhl' volume and comme rdal permits ~5 perl'ent. at'cording to flot- Fowler. community develop m<·nl assis tant director for bulldln~. A total of 322 new dwelhng units w~re approved, 122 of them 111nglc family homtti. a nd the rt.'tlt in upartment11, duplexes. ron dom1mum8 or to wnhouac pro jcct11 FalherHeld In:_ Hunlington Slaying Cme Pollet.· charged John Rob<:r1 Pittman or Huntington 84!aC'h wtth murder today following th•· pred<.1wn shooting d t·ath of ht~ 24·year o ld son during what or fiCt'rs said was a fomily squab ble His son .. losPph Muunce Pitt man . of 13751 fo:dwurds St Westminster. was shot o nce 1n th(' chest Wlth a 357 rnltgnum pisto l lie wus pronounced dP:HI at We stm1nstt·r Comm unity Ho11p1tal at 3 a .m The elder Pittman, 55, was ar rested at tus home. 5161 McFad den Ave . Huntington Beach, s hortly after the 12 · 50 a m s hootin.c The father rt:-m a1oc.od in CUStody l.oday IO lieu Of $250,000 butl Police Sl{t Luis Ot·hoa stud 1l u; a lleged that the fathe r s hot his son when the son refused to lt·ave his home. Ochoa said the dPad m11n s parents had been drin~ing 11nd arguing over lhe well·being of their IS.year -old daught1>r When the son refu!->cd to leav~. his mothe r. Ellzaheth Pittman, 48, a llegedly rlrcd lhc pis tol near him but m.Jssed . The s hot struck the floor. O{·hoa s1nd lhe father look the gun aod be<.'ame involved Ill a s hoving match with the son whe n th<' weapon d1st·h11rl(ed Paramedics found the gunshot v1ct1m lymg m a front doorway. No o ther arrests were made. F'uneral ser vices are pending l'ro.PagrAI SNIPER ... telephone cnlb. A neighbor, Gregory P1tm~11. 28 , suid. "I wus stanrling Just on the other side of the house when all o f the s udden fi ve shots rang out My boy is right 1n that first room In that school " His son, Greg Jr .• is s. J e ffries said Wragg i.nd Su<.'har w\•rf a ppuenlly "'j u11t walktnl( l11to the scho-01 like everybody elst!" when the girl open ed fire from he r house aeross th(> 1>lr~t The northeast La Meu sccUon is a mlddJe class arcu or qwet, trcelin«d street!! and modest fr., me houses Sgt Uo n Vlddy . a poll ct• spoke11mrm. s~d he bcltcv{'d lht· girl was u student nt Patrick Henr y Junior IUgh :n•hool Third Suspect Held In Teen..ager Rape The Boy11 Area Club of the llurt:>or lo CM\ta Mesa Is one of .. "'"" 11uch c lubtl l(runled fund.!l to · Newport Bear h police r port Prevlow"y arrested and hac opnut<> un Orunl(e County Boys cd today they have arre11tcd 11 Ing. rHP" char.ces ftled by th~ Club Delinquency Prevention third suspect In thr rape of 11 county DlAlricl Atto~y ·s ofO~e Project. Santa Ana teen aaer Dec. 30 arc Manuel Zuniga of Newport O Hic1u l1 Raid the S90.000 Free on $25.000 bt11l and fuclntc Buch and o'aoiel Eaqulvel of don>1ttd by the J a m es Irvine a char1e of r a pe b Oerold f''ountaln VaJley. Gatewood said t-·oundaUon and $37 ,000 con· J'homu M artiM~ of 1~7 • He said the rape orcurred tnbutcd by the Andcr1on Trust OOvi st; Weittr;"!h'~~\.. ..A· .. r the girl accepted a r1dl! Fund will enable the c luh8 lo itrrested ftlday by Oele<.'t1 ve from lh!'ff men fo llow\n11 a par· !launch for the atr.ond year 1 pro-Charle& Beawtck al h1a Job In La ty In Founllln Valley. Kram aimed al prevent101 Mirada, accordJnc to Set. Bob She wN taken to an 1part ~1t.1'1tnrre· <.--~.---.-::... ;-~•cn.1mere ---noya clut» tfl La1una Buch Gatewood Hide deacrtpllon ahe waa ttpeat~ly raped and a nd Nf'wport B eacb are by the l7·year-old victim llnkoo wae robbed of U . .Oatewooct partlclp1Un1 In the pro.ram. MartlMl with th crime . u1d. • ' ·~ I .. Trans/er Request Dropped Requests by thf' majority of Newport 04!oa't:h paramedics lo be tru~fcrrt.'d buck to fire duty 1f the c urreol ljyllt~m Isn't changed have hecn temporanly dropped followmg an agreement With the City. City P1•rt1on n e l Director Wuynf' Schwummcl u1d lhe city hu a agrr•d to study lhf' paramedics' reque!lt for u r eclasslflc3l1on of their Job Paramed1<·-. IHt' currently clas111fied ux firemen a118igned to paramed1 t· duty Paramed1t'i, In turn. have dropped an t·urh<'r demand for a salary i.c:.11• hike. according to spokesman Tom Arl')old. He u1d parnmedi<-11 will postpone Ulut r {'qUt>!l t until rr~ulerl y 11cheduh·d C'onlrac•t ncgoltat1om, begin JO 1980 Also dropr~ for th<· tlmf" bto m g arP not1ct>11 s uhm1tlcrt by 11 of the t•1ty., 1'1 paramc•dtl'" carlll'r lhrs rmmth 1ndrNJt1n~ lh(·~ d1dn ·1 wish t11 <'Ontinue in th1Hr prl'M!nt C1tJJ11c1ty under I h'· c urre nt t1yst.cm H owE•v e>r . Arnold '>a id paramedics n1·v1•r 1nll·Ode•d t11 interrupt parumed1c scrvH·to lo the city. Schw amm.-1 <;a 1d lhl' 1·11 y hopes to 1·r11npl1•ll it s :-.tudy within a month. looking at ttw f I v e 0 f I h (• (' 0 u n t y • !> I J paramcdt<' units that have: 11 M•paratl' l'lu11111f1cat.ion w1th1n the fir <> dt•purtm f'nt -. "Fireman" Ill lht> lowt-sl rank Ill lhc departmvnt h1crnn:hy Arnold :.au! paramt·clH·.., wanl J 11romotum11I 1 las:-.1f11·al wn a h 1 J.t h e r r u n k lo ~ 1 v e· p.1ram .. d11· cl111 v rnori· 11ti.:nity .rnd pn1f1·:. ... 101i.11t ... 1r1 II ,. s J 1 d h t: tn· I 1 1• v t-., , . .., 1 d ti I 1sh 1 n ~( <1 p .J r ,, m 1· 11 1 «' 1•l:.ri..,1 f11'<1t1on would cn1•1111raKt' µ.cr amt•dt('S tu !>lay at that JOh lunJ(er , thus 1>Jv111~ th1· r1ty a 1·on..idt·ra lilt· ,, mount 10 Ir Jlntni.: t'Obl :. wh11t-11fft·ring the put.he· m o rt' l'X1Jf•r1 1·n<•e'(I m ed 11·al :.t!rv1ce Thi·,.,, .. , ri r t r11 1n111 ~ a pdr<imc'<h<' hJ' lwc·n cst1matcd ..... hti.:h ..t:O-Sll,1.1011. Hll'h.111111.i.; 'llX months' wag•·.., a11cl lwnd1t-. while in tr::u111nlo( /\rm1l<J .,Jiii J';,1ramNl11·s c .. irn helwL·1·n $1.l!JI and $1.448 u rnonth Arnold ('Jlt•<t Ill Mipport or the param<·<ht•!>' rc.·que~t that they undergo the !\tress of life and death rc::1pons1b1hty on a d111ly bui.1s He also point1·<1 to the fact lhat p11ramt'<11<·s work a 24-hour i.h1f1 ltke f1rtmf'n hut urP culled <1Ut more frt'f1uently 1md 1·xpecwncl' more exhau1>t1on as 11 rt>bult ~ . # O•if• ll'OM \t.-ft ,,,_.. LEADS BOYS CLUB New PrealderH Rogers Rogers Named Preside11t Of Boy Club Dun ftc>Ke·rs executive· dll'l'C· tor of tht• N<'14port lfurbCJr J\rea ('h;embt•r or C'11mm1·r1·1·, h1n •. bf'e•n inslnllt•d 1111 1979 p1 <>11ld<'nt 11( t ht: Boys Club or the II arbor A1<.•u lie bUt't'{'l'ili. Ne•wt•ll Stickler Also trlslullt•d llb orrict>r~ Wl're altw ney llull Sc•cly. flr1it virt• pr<>Sl dC'Ot , t•h•ctrlC'HI <'00 lruetor Hoh llnl(U"I. sernnd vice prP111cl<>nt . l'nw111e·..r ~rw1n de M11 ('..,kony 1. t11'.1 ,ure r und Nt>wport Ut•n<'"· City Attornt•y Oennis O'Nl•tl. ~1•rrl'I ary N umt.'d to thr<'t-yc•ar tnr.n11 1tP. dlrcrton1 wt•rt• Nt·wpor I ·Ut•nrh Police t:hl~f {'harlc., "l'\•lc>" Gro11is . Nl•wport Rc11th Clly Manager Robcf1 Wynn, ullc>~ Dcnnu1 lluwood. d.cnli11t J "'orlu. builder Robcrl lnuold. bu11lnc>1umrnn Larry Worner, de xeloper J>e}l.J}JI Osbu D~Jn lb Tit n trtTI;u tt v c D tv e Rober&On, WU.t officer Richard Othmer and oonkcr Kenneth Fowler. I· . .. 1 0.11, ...... -.. , •k ...... lt .... ltt • Mond!y • .Hlnuary 29, tf79 DAILY PILOT ,43 Countian Held Hijack Suspect From Cypress NEW YORK <AP) -Irene McKinney of Orao1e County talked about a plan to make the world aware of her "new con· cept" in religion in the weeks preceding her alle1ed bljacldng of a 747 jetliner, frieoda and ac· quatntances in Calltornia aay. A four-page tract abe r e· ported.ly wrote in mo predicted "earth-consuming fires ... due to the extensive networks ol oil, gaa and electric llnea" beinc dis· rupted by earthquakes aft.er the explosion of lbe sun, said Frank Godfrey. a Cypress, Calif., real estate agent who rented Mrs. Mc Kinney a two· bedroom townhouse. "She said lhl.a Idea of a heaven· on earth aod the sun exploding and she bad all thi s technological stuft which she seemed to understand just perfectly," Godfrey s aid Sun· day. Mn. McKJnney, 49, wu ar· raigned today in federal court in Brooklyn and ordered held on s 100 .000 bond. She is accused ot comman· deering a United ines flight en route from Los Angeles to New York on Saturday and threaten· ing to blow it up unless television star Lind.say' Wagner or actor Charlton I leston or Jack Lemmon read her messag~ over net work television. No message was found at the Los Angeles airport, where she claimjd. to have left one. But during a 61h ·hour siege at John F . Kennedy JntemaUonal Airport that ended with her cap- ture early Sunday, Mrs. McKin- ney gave FBI agents a 25-page statement wttb religious over· tones. They described It as "quite in('oherent." identified. "She never ti.Dished her sentences.'· Mrs. r.tcKlnney earlier told FBI age.nt.s that she was an un· employed writer. FBI agent Que ntin Ertel described her as a "fallen away CathoUc, ambivalent about de· velopments in the church" and distraught about her family situation. After a divorce, she lost custody of her children, he said. The 11-bour ordeal for 119 passengers and 12 crew mem· bera aboard United Airlines Fllght 8 began over Ari"tona when Mrs. Mc.Kinney aUegedly passed a oote to pilot Thomas Cook advising him that s he had enough altroglycerine to "blow this plane up." When she was overpowered by an FBI agent, authorities found only peraonal it.emB -including perfume -in the flight bag she s aid contained th e deadly ~utistance. Crema.ted Sanday Rocke/ eller Buried In Family Cemetery TARRYTOWN, N.Y. (AP> - The ashes of Nelson A. Rockefeller were buried today in a family cemetery here, after a eulogy by bia 15-year-old son. . Absent from the graveside nt.es was any of the public clamor which punctuated hla life. "Dad, we know how much you love us and we-want you to. lcnow how much we love you and bow much we will m iss you," said Nelson Jr., one of two sons by Rockefeller's ~nd marriage. "Your spirit will live on with us forever. We'll try to live up to the example you've set as a fathe r , as a husband, as a brother, as a statesman and as a friend. • "Dad, we're not saying good- bye, but until we m~t again. 1• -~-j~ WfTH ROCKEFELLER? HIGH TIDES SHOW THEIR STUFF AT EL MORRO MOBILE HOME PARK SUNDAY MORNING qesldents Were Treated to this.Bracing Ol1play But No Damage Occurred A co-worker at Thermco Products Corp. in Orange said that since the Peoples Temple mass suicide in Guyuana, Mrs. McKinney had cried often at work and expressed fears that she wouJd be killed. After the eulogy, Laurance Rockefeller, one of two s urvtv· ing brothers, told bis nephew: "Nelson, you've spoken for all of us.•• AJde Megan Marshak Pilot Logbook We Could Use A NelV Coastline By WILLIAM RODGE Of -o.ity ...... ._ Newspapers aonounce<j the possibility of disaster. "Geologist Predicts Coastal Flooding." blared the headline over a copyrighted story from a gloomy Chicago Tr ibune staff WTitcr. one who bad headed west before the paralyzing snow storm. The story fretted t hat 30 to 40-foot waves could batter our coastline. leaving destruction and dismay in their wake. Surely, this could mean the long-prophesied end of the West Coast was finally upon us. Doom and destruction. It didn't happen,despitethehightides. ~ But. pause for a moment, and cconsider The g~t benefits the Orange Coast might have r ea p e d from s us:h a n aquatic housecleaning. . LOOK: COASTITES HAVE been fearlessly battling among themselves for year.. over ecological, governmental and political questions. Massive flood· ing and a reshaping of the coastline could have been the very answers to satisfy all the warring factions aJong wooofi our coast. Take Huntington Beach. for example. Downtown re- development has been a fi ery issue between city officials and residenLc; of the beach area for years . Flooding would eliminate the pr;oblem and create a beautiful ocean view for the Huntington Beach Library and Information Center, If the bogdoesn'tsink. In Newport Beach. the age old Pacific Coast ffighway traffic jam at The Bridge would be eliminated forever. And the Upper Newport Bay wouJd simply become "deep water." IRVINF. FINALLY WOULD get its own coast. No longer would the ultimate planned community fall prey to the machinations of the Local Agency Formation Com- mission <LA FC l. And the government could purchase the so-called Irvine Coast for use as a undersea kelp rann. Laguna Beach has shown itself to be the most farsight· ed of our coastal munici;ialities. A decision by cit y fathers las t year to purchase Sycamore Hills located four miles m- land-shows a determination to keep Laguna above water. Avco's Laguna Niguel fights with the coastal com- mission would become moot. Most of the "8,000 acres or Sea Country" would become exactly that. And south Orange County's municipal court in Laguna Niguel could be used for the new Harbor Department. The hundreds of boating enthusiasts waiting for a slip at Dana Point's Jammed harbor wouJd think the Oooding was a Godsend. WAVES LAPPING AGAINST San Juan Capistrano's 200-yesr·old mission would provide the scenic s horeline for a massive new har bor in San Juan Creek's naturally pro- tected flood.plain. And San Juan officials wouldn't have to worry about managing growth in the city's southwest section. Bluff-top residents in Capistrano Beach would finally get their wish. A walk to the beach without a sheer 200-foot drop. Casa Pacifica could be the watery sate Into San Clemente's new harbor a nd planned coastal community. CERTAINLY, THOUGH. TOE big wiMers in s uch a "dlsaster" wouJd Jutve1'0 be Costa Mesans. Wlth ·s~front property, homes values In t.he city would aoar. And tfle fairgrounds could be developed Into another Del Mar, eUtnmating'the necessity to travel to Los Alamitos for the county's fall ralr. And U»ie nood ~~Id ~Ut~v ~t• ......... ~ "-.... ..--atte'lr 011~mrifa~~o4sta Mesa nee Newport Freeway oould become A new, revenue .Inducing boat launchil\I ramp •l lhe luxurious Amel Harbor Estates seaside community . Hiker · Killed In Fall By The Associated Preu Southern California ns con· tinued to shiver today through an unus ual cold snap that brought snow flurries and Ice and caused at least one death. A Seattle man, whose name w as being with h e ld by authorities. was killed when he slipped and fell 1,000 feet off an icy cliff Sunday while hiking on Mt. Disappoin t m e n t in the Angeles National Forest. Sheriff's de puties said his companion; 20-year-old Robert Chenier of Torrance, broke his legs and an arm while attempt- ing a rescue. Chenier was re- ported in stable condition at Verdugo llills Hos pital. By this morning, the snow flurries had end e d , and authorities were ('leaning up mountain roads, some of them closed by upwards of a foot of snow Sunday. Mo re t han 200 people who s pent the night at Mt. Baldy in San Bernardino County began dispersing as the main road in the area wa~ reopened this morning to v<>hicles with chains. "They stayed in various places." srud Mt. Baldy fire de· partment djs patc he r Connie Good . "Fifty or more stayed her e. Some stayed in private homes, some stayed at the Zen Center and some stayed at The Notch (a slo resort) ... Ms . G ood estimate d thal between 1,000 a nd 1,200 motorists stopped by the fire s tation during Sunday 's snowstorm. "W<' fNI them a nd warmed them," she said . .. She "'as nervous when she talked t-0 you," said the co- worker. who asked not to be Station Jobs A 21-year-old Westminster man and his teen-age female.compa- nion were arrested at a Hunt· ington Beach police stakeout Sun· day night and charged In coonec· tlon with a series of We-st Orange County gas station robberies. Police arrested Raymond John F.dward Tarbell at 6 p.m. near a Union 76 gas station at the corner of Beach Boulevard and St.a.rte Avenue. The station has been robbed three times in the past month. An unidentified 14-year-old girl was riding in an auto driven by Tarbell at the time of the ar· rest. The girl bolted from the auto but was lat.er apprehended in the station restroom. Huntington Beach police Sgt. Luis Ochoa said Tarbell and the girl are suspected or holding up at least seven gas stations in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Westminster and Santa Ana In the past month. Police reported a bandit held up six gas s tations during a 31"2·hour spree Thursday nlght in the west county area. Police said they found a nylon s tocking mask and a .22 caliber pellet pistol in Tarbell's auto at t he time of his arrest. The mask a nd gun are believed to have been used in other holdups. Tarbell re m ained in Hunt- ington Beach Jail today in lieu of $25,000 bad. The teen-age girl was lodged in Orange County Juvenile Hall. The former vice president and four·time New York governor, who died of a heart attack Fri· day night, was cremated Sunday at the Ferncliff Crematory near the famUy's 250-acre Pocantic.'O HilJs estate. A public service, at which na· tional and international leaders are expected to pay tribute to the beat known of tbe five RockefelleT brothers. will be h e ld Friday at Rive rside Church. an edifice built lar&ely with Rockefeller money. Among family members who gathered at Pocantico Hills on SWlday to console Rockefeller's widow, Margaretta "Happy" Rockefeller. and their children were the two remaining sons of John D. Rockefeller Jr. - David, chairman of the Chase Manhattan Ban.It, and Laurance, conservationist and financier. A fourth brother, J ohn D. Rockefeller Ill. died in an auto accident la.st July, and a fifth, Winthrop, former governor of Arkansas, died of cancer in 1973. T he on l y s ister, Abby Roc kefe ller Mauze, died of cancer several years ago. Meanwhile, Rockefeller fami· ly spokesmen sought to clarify the circumstances, lime and location or Rockefeller's death. Hugh Morrow, a longtime Rockefeller press aide, on ginal· ly said the former governor died in bis Rockefeller Center offices, but later said he , Morrow, had misunderstood the information given to him. H e s aid Saturda y that Rockefeller suffered the attack while working on an art book an his private offices at 13 W. 54th St. Morrow b a d said o nly a security guard and a chauffeur were with Rockefelle r when he colla psed . But Morrow and another family s pokesman, George Taylor. disclosed Sun· day that a 31-year -old re- sea r c h e r named Megan Marshack bad been with him a nd called the c ity's 911 emergency number to get an ambulance. Morrow said Miss l'tnlrshack h a d been w orki n g with Rockefeller on the art book series. There also was a discrepancy between the first and later re· ports on the time of the attack. Morrow first said Rockefeller was stricken at lO :lS p .m. EST Friday and police said the first call to9ll came at 11:16 p.m. Later Taylor said Rockefeller actually collapsed at 11: 15 p.m . but Miss Harsback bad given the attending physician the wrong time, which was relayed to Morrow by the doctor. J im Paturas, an emergency medical technician who attempt· ed to revive Rockefeller in an ambulance en route to Lenox Hill Hospital, where be was pro- nounced dead. said Miss Marsback was at Rockefeller's side intheambuJance. He said it was customary to take a family m e mbe r or someone at the scent in the am - bulancetoprovide a witness to the emergency treatment. He said when the ambulance men arrived at the brownstone they found the former vice pres•· dent lying on the floor in a front office containing a fireplace, cha1rs, books and art obJecL-; Giant Shark Teeth Found MELBOURNE, Australia <AP > -Divers have found four to five-inch-long shark teeth in a vast graveyard of prehislorac whales and sharks off Flinders Island in the Bass Strait l)f Australia's south coast. "That makes the shark a rf.'al monster -about 50 feet long ... s aid Noel Kemp. curator of geology at the Tas m anian Muse um in Hobart. He said it could have existed between two m illion a nd 22 million years ago. Ntxon Returns-f}uietlg WASHINGTON <AP ) -No ruffles. No flotlrisbes. Not even a diehard supporter greeted Richard M. Nixon as be returned to W asbingt.on for a visit evoking memories of b1a greatest triwnph and greatest defeat. The former president returns to the White House tonight for the first time since he resigned the presidency four years ago ln the Watergate scandal. AT THE INVITATION OF PRESIDENT Carter, Nixon will at- tend the elaborate s tate diMer honoring Chinese Vice Premier Teng Hsiao-ping, leader of the country Nixon courted, belplna rorge ties that Carter coolirmed by extending diplomatic recogni· lion. When Nixon arrived Sunday night by commercial alr~. he got off the first-class section of the plane before the other passengers on a lonely com er of the Dullea Airport runway, in view or only a handful of reporters. Almost as 1f by habit, Nixon stood for a moment at the top of the plane ramp, survey In~ lbc seene ~ow. S-ut with no one except a few Secret Servl<'e ogenu..to.we.lcome hhn,.he quickly atraigbteoed his dark overcoat and wa11teddowo t.heataJrs alone. tlis wife, Pat, who suffered a stroke lo l9'7S and rema1na partially paral ze • remainedJn,~•n·q Q)eDt.-"' ~ ... ~ --. Nat' EVEN A CHAVFFEUll HELD THE door fOr him aa be climbed Into a tan, White Hou.ae-auppUed llmoualne that whisked him ln a police mot.Orcade to the lliddlebu.Fa. Va., •tale where be ls ataylf\I. Before leavinR the alrport grounds, Nixon passed dozens of American flags flying at half staff in memory of former Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller, tbe man Nuon defeated in 1968 for the Republican presidential nomination. Nbon's schedule was not made public, but sources close to the former president said he may meet privately with membert of the Chioese delegation. Carter has been criticized by several members of Congress for askin1 Nixon to the White House. But the president said be views the invitation as "fair and proper " and announced he was pleased when Nlxoo accepted. CAllTE& ADDED LAST WEEK THAT be has no plans to meet privately with Nixon and considers his visit purelv social. Nixon's historic nail to Peking in 1972 ended 22 years. of nt.ranee.ment between the United States and Cblna. On Jan. t , Cirter built on that lnlUaUve. by. establiablnc full diplomatic rela· tiona. Eighteen months after~ resJgned the p~ideocy, Nixon re· turned to China for a second vitlt aod a hero's wel~me.' ... • BE RM NEVEa MET TENG, W1fO a_t the tJ~4 ol~nn·s •• · " ~-k lur__;":'d f9ioiK... &"~e•ll'b'1mf""'1JY"llle 11 ft>""'fifl·t\Ull re'lfJ.::._.:...-.... a.='." glme. While In (;lUDa, Nixon met wit.b Chairman Mao and Premier Cbou En-lai, both of wtiom have aince died. · While on the Eut Coast, Nlxoo la txpe<:t.ed to villt New York to aee bis dauahter, Tricia, aod ber buaband, Edward Cox, before re_t.!1fDl.na to Sao Clemente at ~ IDd of the ftek. t .44 CAIL V PILOT ~ond.y Jenuart 21. tt1t WORLD I NATION I I • • • t J t I '\ t • . .. It' now U THI\ l 'OMl'l,t:AT SNOW JOB: When the: yurht r•rina fleet 1ot IL~ll dL patrht>d fmm D•na lh1rbor Sundaey. ll Kot h6lll~ upon while at au Thi wasn't thf' kind or haillna whtrt· tht>y yell "Ship ahoy '" or "Avu t '" ut u ch oOlt'r or whatever IL ls that boat people t•ll Thus wf6 th<· kind or ha1hnK t1111t came In white stuff from lht :sky E~wht>rt> In Orange County early toduy. there were rt-porltl or snowfall In Huntington 8l'ltCh uod rroi.t upon the u ndy beuch out on th~ liblboa Pt!runsula C'ommuter!l found themselves a-.ctually scr•P•Da& Ice off Very Unuauol Weather J>revmUng al Newr:ort Harbor their wi ndshields early today. You'd think this was Chicago or Minneapolis. WELL NEVER MIND trying to tell a lot of Orange County s~w stories today. It doesn't matter how big a whopper you come up with, somebody will surely top it. Years afCO, before I learned this universal truth, I was writing a piece about how once In 1946, I awakened at my home in Laguna Beach to lear:n that the entlr~ back y~rd was fUlcd with white sturr ..yh1ch looked suspiciously li ke snow. .. Thia article drew an immediate response from the late Frank Crocker , former fire . chief of Newport Beach. Crockt!r prided himself on being a pretty good amateur photographer. So he declared he wasn't going to top m.Y Laguna snow story ver bally. He was going to PROVE his s now job. Chief Crocker then supplied me witb a photogr aph that he took by time exposure in ~936. Clearly •. the pbo~o showed the Balboa Peninsula Point covered w1tb a o ee.n e while blanket of snow ; the light provided by refl ection from lhe old classic street lamps that are still fixtures on the Peninsula Point. "YOU'LL NEVER TOP this one," Crocker cackled. Maybe I won't. But somebody will. Some long-lime citizen will come up with a photo taken In 1929 of a snow plow operating on old Newport Road in Costa Mesa. Or an early shot of workmen scraping Ice from a red tile roof in San Clemente. Or chipping sleet from oranges lo the groves of San Juan Capistrano. THERE 18 NO WAY you can tell an Oran1e County snow story that won't ~el topped by somebody. And if your listener can't top your Orange County snow yarn, you can almost bet he'll start telling you about when he was a kid in the Midwest, "We had to trudge two miles to school every day through snow that was clear up to here ... " You just can't win. 1..-aelb K t l led U.N. TroOps On Full Alert . By TM Aa.Melaled Pre11 • u .rt peacekeeping troop1 were ordered on full alert in aouthem lAbaooo today •fter a bo"-b killed two lsraeUs and wounded 34 In an 11raeU coutal resort and Israel's ChrisUan alH ea ln SO\atheu t Lebanon lbelled a Norweilan U.N. force . There wu no Immediate word on what sparked lbe heavy sbelUnc b Y Le b anese C h r is t la n responalblUty for the bomb Sun· mllltlamen Friday and Satur· day in Netanya · 10 miles north day. A U .N. 1pokes rn an In of TelAviv ' Beirut uld several o r t he · Norwtgiaqa wrte wounded. but thelr units did oot return the flre. U.N troops wer~ aenl into southern Lebanon last year to replace an Israeli invasion force ta.at occupied 500 share miles In reprisal for a Palestinian raid near Tel Aviv in which 35 Israelis were killed. But Israel turned over some positioos lo Christian militiamen armed by it. Israel and the Christians claim the U.N. troops have railed to keep Palestinian guer- rillas from r eturning to the border area. T wo guerrilla gr oups, the "Palestlne Liberation Organiza- tl on a nd the m ore r adic al De mocr a ti c Front fo r the Liber ation of Palestine, claimed 181lA£LI police rounded up several Arab sUJpecta and took others Into custody lo protect them from enraged Israelis. An Israeli ref rlsal rald on Palestin· ian pos lions lo s outh~rn Lebanon waa ex.,_ected. Paleitin· J an -Israeli violence h as in· creased steadlly since Israel and E gypt drafte d the ir pe ace framework al Camp David last September. lsraeli·i:gyptian attempts to cap the Camp Davld accords with a peace treaty have been b ogged d own s i n ce mid· November. Washington's latest attempt to get the t wo sides talk· ing again, a 12-day shuttle by U.S . envoy AICred Athe rton. ended Sunday in Cailure. "",,...,..... Hi.storian ·Clears Up • "I am afraid I cannot really point out any progress that was done thanks to the round of talks h e ad ed by A mbassad o r Atherton." said lsrneli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan after Atherton fl ew home SllOU' And Show Ike Tales BALTIMORE l AP I --Gen. Dwight D. E isenhowe r ap· pa rently did not want a divorce s hortly a fter World Wa r 11 because he asked to have his wife, Mamie. join him in Europe during the Allied occupation. an historian says. "I just miss my fa mily," the former president said in a Jetter to Gen. George C. Marshall in which he appealed for special pe rm ission t o brin g Mrs . E isenhower to Europe. The letter is contained in four volumes of the general's post- war papers published today by the Johns Hopkins University Press. "MAMIE Eisenhower is vin· dicaled," said Louis Galambos. the university history professor' who edited the correspondence. Galambos said his research bad convinced him that there is n o truth lo the c la im that Eisenhower discussed divorcing his wife.so he could marry Kay Summe rs by , his driver and personal secretary d.uring the war. Speculation about the p urport- ed Summersby affair surfaced in 1973 after the pu blication of Merle Miller's .. Plain Speakin~: An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman." M ILLER said T ruma n told him that Eisenhower had writ· ten Marshall about a possible divo rce. Miss Summersby's own a c- count, published after her death. fueled the controversy and ap- parently confir med the story whic h had previous ly bee n b ased solely on Truman's memory of the incident. Prime Minister Menachem Beg10 said there was agreement with Egypt on 27 or the draft peace treaty 's 30 pa ragraphs. but the disputed sections were "perhaps the most important " Snow blanketed lawns and shrubbery a t the Riviera , Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip Sunday. An unusual desert snowstorm dumped more than two. inches of white stuff on Las Vegas. the gambling mecca 's first snowstorm since J anuary 1974. Jones Killing Plan Told Order to Slay Ryan R e latives R evealed WASlllNG.TON I APl -The F BI h a s transcripts of radio messages from J onestown ap- parently telling Peoples Temple fo llowers m Georgetown . Guyana. to kiJI a gr9up of 10 con· cerned relatives who had accompanied Rep. Leo Ryan there. Tt>c Washington Post reported today The mes~ages were sent last Nov. 18, JUSt hours before Ryan, 0 -Calif.. and four others were killed at the Port Kaituma airstrip and the Rev J im J6n~ and more than 900 of hls followers died in a mau s uicide-murder at the J onestown com- mune. Post correspondent Charles A. Krause sa id in a dispatch from Geor getown. NONE OF THE JO relatives. who stayed Cffeatl~ of GLove behind when Ryan wt-nl to the commune, was killed The Post quoted unnamed sources as saying the FBI has f'vtdence the messages were sent by Jones or one of his top aides. .~ It said an American shortwave radio oper ator m Georgetown copied down the coded messages. a lthou~h he didn 't unde rstand them. and the F Br• later decoded the m using a Peoples Tem ple codebook The Post said the m essages were received at Peoples Temple headquarters in .Georgetown, prob· a bly by Sharon Amos, one or the cult's leaders. She and her three children were later found dead at the headquarters. their throats slashed. •' .• . . . -.;·. ,.•''=#:2 1..,.,,. Arizona Battles Snow This Valentine's Day send your love a greeting all the world can share with a Dally Pilot Heart of Love. It's easy. compose your personalized greeting and we'll set your message in type to fit the boroer of your c hoice or your hand writte n thoughts may appear in the border you select. Seven Inches Blankets Flagstaff Area Te111prrai are• Albu'Que Am•rlllo Allenle B•lllmo•~ 81V!'le•O 1101,. Boiton Oulftlo 0.l<IH)O Cln<ll!lltll Clt,..19114 Coh1f'l'lbu\ D•IP'I W111 0.11n~ De\MOllll" Detroit °"'"'" F•lrllflU He14"WI "-'"'" "°"''°" Incl'-''• 1te11•, Cltv LH V-llll .. Aoo LO. A"9tlft LOlllHllle -..it• Ml.ml Mllw.ull ~ Mpl~SI ,, HHllVllle Htw~lll\ H-Yort. Oltl• City Omellt ...... ,._ ...... HI Lo ,Cl~ 40 ,. l l " l• ?S •O J8 GI> , .,, 7 I \ 47 40 l• ?ti 04 lt 10 ?• " OJ J 4 JI .OS ll ,. l• JI " I 01 " s ll ,. 77 IS .01 ·10 ll " 10 .Ol ao " 41 ., ,. ,, 1l ·l u " .24 u ,. \? lJ ,. ~ *' t1 " " lO " ,, ll n " 41 ,. •t ,. ,. n I ·10 ~ )j .u .., ....... _., ............ ~l!""'ll'r''..,...,. II -dO M t lf-vw• ._ ll't ~ )0o111 C.111 Ml!lt• r II m "°"'~mo., tnl1 Dot_ .. ~ .. Pl~ Pfl...0,0.• A•pld Cll'f ,._ St Levi' S..11 U llt Sen D .... Sen,,.,. ~11 .. ~ .... Tut .. WHlllll9l0fl H a f' n ,. .n "° 74 u • :IO ,, ,, l 111 I ,. 40 u ,.. •I tt 11 • 24 • 41 ., .u •relic ,.,, ""''' ~lltrld POrl1on' '" Sou111trn C..llfOf'll•.t Th~ N•llONll Wuttwtr ...,,•1c• \•ttl lllt U USf' ol Sulldey'\ (01(1 \nAp wA•"' IO•·Pr•nu•• ••u lhil1 Ot YelOD•O r apldly OWf Uw ~Mrn NttYAd• Celllorn•• bOnlff M~~ TM l()W fl'f' \ur• W<ked In cold, mo1\t, un\t"bl• elr from tllt llC)t111, whl(h lOmtll~O •1111 .,,..~., (OIO<lr "''"' uw•I l•m ,,.,•turtt\ A\ • ~I. ttlfft wn \MW, \1 .. 1 •nd told lt'<TIOt••lur" ••n91no trom ••II below 1ree11n11 In Ille movn1•1"'· to lllt chlllv rTllO·JOt 1n tMt1\ Of l <X Anoo>lfl •"" Ille rt\I Of ~lll"'n (AlllM"'" Snow loll •• IM ""1111 .n T OC>•r>O• CenfOll. • tew o...i~ from M&llbll •no IN P•clfk ~ S.-OllO *•' ,,.. POOff In All--\now oj \IHI WU \Hll .. OtlO -IMth pl .... Htfllff l'r-vmleKA"'"i.\ C•••• Mid 010 1on10111 P••llv C IO<ldV •lltl _,,_, f""\Cl<IY 1.IOlll v•rl.01• wll'd• lllOIJI .,.0 f'l'IOflllflt 11011n. H19M T~y l'te• .. Conltl •-tlur•• """ ••1109 ll•twnn ,. •nd H 111le110 ""' 1Mft111rn w111 ,.,,... tie'-'> n <111<1 H Tiit _..., lt!nllt••lure wlll.,. '1 ,, .. Borders com e in the 3 sizes as shown below : $1 5. $10 and a spatial child's size for $2. (You must be under 12 to qualify for the littlest greeting.) ... / I I I I -------- --,.. , ,--................ ;,,,,,,,,---.... ,-:, ...... ~: ... ... ; ,~_,, I ... ,, / / \ ' • I I I I ... ' ' ' I 1 \ I I I I I , I \ \ \ \ ' ' \ ' ' ' ' .. ' ' ' ' ' ... \ <c, I \ q'V,/ ',' '9"\, / / .. , ', ·"' ..... ' ... .. ....... , , Mfttl to • ' / ' ' ' I I I I I I Daily Pllol CIC'lss1 f1ed Ocp3rtment. Box 1560. Costa Mesa 92626 If you wish to create you r o wn decorated greeting. use a black pen and draw you r design to tit one of the dotted line .. hearts" shown below . For help with your ad. 1ust call 642-5678 and a f nendly Valenti ne ad-v1ser w ill be happy to assist you. And. if y o u l i k e, you can charge your Heart of Love or u s e your Mast'e r Charge or Bank.Amen card. DAILY P.l(OT • •• .. . .. .. • • . . CALIFORNIA Mondlli'. Jw\uaty 29. 1979 * DAILY PILOT A l f Life Returns to Air Disaster Site ~OOORiders School Bus Plan Widens Y-ictims Talk . M-Rebuilding ~ DISCO CAP> ~ The pall over ~ Strffl .. IL&rt1q to nl\ alttr four IDODlll& ,.. are u,.. ol UL• _.. a A few wtJd f1owen ._.. iiMt there. TM deva uUcm ~n by AtMnca 'a wont air cruh wu bulldo~~ Into a no man's land u quick· b •• t.bt bodiM and ntdencc were 4!oUec~ And now thole who survived ar tA.lkina about 1oln1 bomt. Nobody thoucht It would ha~ so to0n, even lo th~ beart of San Oieao' populO\ll North Park. "I nDNK EVE&YBODY said thoy wouldn't evl'r come ba.cll. at lir&t ," U)'S St.a Cichy "La&.e.r. a few Hld they wtire thlnkinl about It. Now leVWal want to rebuahi '· TM fint la llarold Krall. A ronslnlctiop crew wlakb he hired has 'one back ~fore the others while Krill and hjs wife, lhlda, wait In their tern· porary borne almost three rrules a..-y. . ·A wtna of the big li04'ing 727 cul Krill's old bome lo two, llke a tree snapped by Ugbt.olna. I .,,.1...,.. .. LOS ANGELES <AP> -School officiala expecte. mo~e than "4,000 youngsteni to board buaea toda! ;o t>egln the second semester of a massive lotegra don program in the Los Angeles Unified Schoo District. About 10.000 students No matter what th1 were to travel for t.he board decides to s ubmi first time from their to Egly next month, It i: neighborhoods across aLmost certain to b1 town to new schools. The challenged. T he anti program calls for busing organizatio1 youngsters to spend part Buslop is determined tA ofthetime travelingand halt ·all existing 01 partoflhetimelntheir futu re maodator ~ "home" schools. busing. The start or the new,....____,A"""o"'"v=E=n=T=1=sE=M,,..,,..,,E=N= . ...-- semester was expected •• to ~ quiet and routine /lot1S('lf'ljt1 ,"\(11/.tti an contrast to the , l / , show-like atmosphere g (IS.'i /1 (I/(' that accompanied the • " / beginning of the con· J or ,-, I 0 ; 11·ort 1 troverslaJ plan in Sep· ~ / -(J(J tember. t;;J , I NILE~. 111. -The ,tor~ ,,r • AT 'ftlAT MOMENT Knll WU u leep tn his bedroom. He wu knocked with the floor and walls lnto. the basement but he climbed back mloutee later. cut and dazed. in shock but mad as bell. Lela Todd died sleeping, one of seven people on the ground and all 135 people in the Pacific Southwest Airlines jet and both men in a single· engine plane that collided in flight that bright CHILDREN BACK AT PLAY ON SITE OF AMERICA'S WORST AIR DISASTER The Found•tlon I• Flm HouH to be Rebultt In S.n Otego'• North Park B UT BEHIND t.t~e a i.ni;tll f1>rtunc. hhl he· sc.enes •. Ute drama as cau\\! a hou,c\\tfc had n11 st.all beJng played out , it.lea her gla-.s pla1 c wa~ a with the ~uture of the de-collector\ item. n.:ccn1h ~egreg~t1on progra m up cam. 1 1 Ii •hi tn the air. c l g · A . . I 11 .1 le 11 er to J. I<. . maJor questton now M·1l'A rthur l'hai rm;m ,11 1s how the Board of ' · . morning of Sept. 25, 1978. : LUCKILY, MRS. TODD was alone In the duplex she lived in 25 years. lier rear unit was e mpty. Her son-in-Jaw and daughter. James and Lor aine Coffey. we re vacationing with their cousins at Astoria. Ore. Today, the Coffeys live in a single-bedroom apartment two miles away, waiting as are six other families which survived for insurance or damage-suit settlements . IN AN INTERVIEW last weekend Coffee said "it could take as long as two or three years, I bear" for those payoffs. His wife and her sister are suing. Fifteen such suits asking for millions of dollars for wrongful death and property damage are pending in courts with PSA named among the defendants. Several suits a lrea·dy h ave been settled privately. But California cour ts decide the damages and none of t he settlements was made public. Nine families went together in one with others filed on behalf of individuals. A LAW FIRM IN LOS ANGELES, Kern & Wooley, represents PSA 's insurance underwriters but declined to say what seltlements were being made. Mrs. Krill said she contacted the airline "re· peatedly and it took me three months to shame them into paying me enough for the bill at Mercy Hospital. The bills for my husband and me were $825 overnight." THE CASH SETTLEMENTS so far have been for homes with relatively Little damage although death benefits have been reported paid to some rel· • at1ves in other stales. A' private setUement is being arranged by Carol Casey. whose mother died. Amy Bolick, 63, was on the telephone talking to her sister but he r daughter was at work and her grandson. Michael, al school. lo the first eight weeks to CollOw, the Caseys lived with Mrs. Bolick's sister but now have a two· bedroom apartment almost two miles from the crash scene. Michael. 11. "has pretty well settled down." said his mother. · THE FOUNDATION OF THE Krills' new house. financed by a bank loan. is there already. Plate of the Day _•cALl~OR-NIA-~ .. -~\ TETHYS ! 1 • ~ I, ---~---------~ TETHYS -owned by Constance C. Gramlich of Santa Monica, an lcbthyologlst and marine biologist. Tethys ls the name of a mythic water nymph and the old genus name for the basketball-size sea slug Aplysia. 27 Held m Cockfight DUARTE CAP) -Twenty.seven men have been arrested following the discovery or a backyard cockfight . authorities said. Three men were booked Sunday for investiga- tion of conducting a cockfight, while 24 others were booked for investigation of being present during the fi ght. All were reported being held on $250 bail. The San Gabriel Valley Humane Society has taken in the five fighting cocks. An geles, causing an estimated $10,000 damage to the craft, authorities said. Cepin-CrO.-• 111 8aja SAN DIEGO <AP > -A San Diego helicopter dispatched to rescue nine stranded astronomers. from a mountaintop observatory In Baja Caifornia, crashed Sunday in the snowy moun· tains, the San Diego sheriffs depa.rtment said. -A--•·-Bl •A No injuries were reported. •Ydller ~.....-:: '• 11J A sheriff's spokesman said the helicopter was LOS ANGELES CAP> -A minor earthquake sent to the area at the request of Me xican · registering 3.1 on the Richter Scale struck portions authorities. The astronomers were reported out of of the Los Angeles area Sunday night, Cal Tech food and supplies. seis mologists said. However, the plane was forced to land at tbe The tremor was cen· ( J 8.000-foot level in the snow-covered mountains terect 7 miles south of the ___ .'ff._:4_T._'E ___ _, about 150 miles southeast of Tijuana, MeX'lco. Malibu coast at 8:59 p.m. _ _ Sunday. S 1Dld119 Dote11; ... %1119 llp A Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman SACRAMENTO <AP) -Calilornian ta.x re· said there were no reports or damage, and that the venues indicate more drinking of alcoholic quake apparently was not felt. beverages but less s moking. The report shows that cigarette tax revenues for the last six months of 1978 are down 2.5 percent from the same period of 1977, while liquor tax re· venues are up 9 percent. lt'age l'lolailo11• Prolled CARLSBAD <AP> -Forty farmers were re· ported under investigation for paying less than California's minimum wage lo Mexican workers. and the state already has collected $15,000 in back ' wages from two growers near here. officials said. Controller Ken Cory said neither tax rate has changed, so the figures represent changes in con· sumption. Barry Carmody. who heads the st ate's .--------------------. Division of Labor Standards enforcement bureau, said the cr ackdown is expected to produce at least $120,000 in back wages . The money will go to the workers if they can be locat~d and into the state's general fund if they cannot be found. The state minimum wage went lo $2.65 last April and $2.90 on Jan. l. Carmody said that his In· vesllgators found some workers being paid as little as $1.10 to $1.80 an hour. •· 2 S• cfee Pla11e Cra•lt LOS ANGELES (AP) -Two Indianapolis men have been reported in good condition afte r their 15-passenger plane landed on its belly at Los Angeles International Airport. Pilot WUliam Hobson and copilot Ricky Buttez had flown out of Palomar Airport Sunday when the Britisb1Qade turbo jet began having mechanical problems. Tbe Hawker-Sjddeley Model 125 plane's land· lng seat failed to work when it came down in Los ..,...,.'S l'lUMllll(, Mf,AUllO Al• tOHO ''·l·• Ill•~' )fl•t•~t' l"'""'~''"I '°"' ~ •( ...... Of ...... .-i\. 1'f!Uf ··~·' C.O\UMUA'42·17S3 .............. MIUIOM Yll,049"'°401 .... "'.,.. .. ca1r142-S111. Put • 1 .. word• to work for ou . TAKE NOTICE OI The Nicest Place To Bu~ A Car This ts The Store Where PersonaJ1zed Service Comes First! ALAM MA...oti4 rotmAC Z410,._..Jhot&. .. ,. C .... Mete 14'-4JH AUCTION ESTATE & STOii LJ9UIDATIOM C1 I h1h11•~ .............. r ...... 1,wew9 Ml .. """""' flf L I. Tyler .,...._ J ....... ... ,_......,.,_ DA YHIU MOYIMS & STOIA•E .,,....200 ...... AMT191JES, FURNITURE DECORATION, OIJECT D'A1tT & ORIENT AL RUGS 'AHIA&. UST: .,..... ..... I ...... ~ ...... 6' .. ... ,..~~ ................. .., ............ . ....... "'"' & W.W ....... I 111, t--Aw ..,.. .......,. c ...... ~ llOMlll. .......... ......, cWrs. ,.-c .... LAMPS h 11'* ...., ...... llire11I, C&.OCIS W"" •OMU. lmAH I MAllU. CHIV& ....al. LOTS °' me A lmAC, -PLUS JI . MIW & "'9 Oll94TM. IMS & CAlfllTI --' _,. •• POI COMY11•1ct °'SAU M»ODI lllM0'8 TOl AMlllCAM LMIOM HAU. 211 I Ht st .. MIWPOIT llACM o.n.Pa' h 1.....,-.Jt,Nlpa ,.........,,,._ .... sa. eOM HILi. AUC1IOI S IMC. ..... .. s..c.tt ....... , , ..... Meet I '71 Pot lftfD oa11 (113) _, .-, ' Across the street. another house is planfted. But ·'until they lay blame on the accident, there really isn't any hurry .. about filing a damage suit, Mrs. Krill said in an interview. By the end of this year new radar and tight controls ov..er airplanes passing over San Diet;o will be in ·operation, the Federal Aviation Ad· ministration says. BUT THE EMOTIONAL SCARS remain for some San Diegans almost as if it were still the next day. "You don't watch 144 people die in front of you and get over it in three months," said Mrs . Krill. Cichy's home is boarded up. He says, .. I told them I didn't want it torn down with the others." "I want to rebuild, but I don't honestly know if I 'II ever get over it all. . ''To have a broken piece of flesh and the blood pouring out is terrible. But that's nQt all the hurt here . "It was a beautiful neighborhood. my neighbors. I lived there since 1970. I loved it." Japanese Class Set A course in conversa· lional Japa nese is to b egin Feb. 8 at the Japan Cultural Assoc1a· tion, 161S N. Bush St.. Santa Ana. Organizers said ,c l aases will meet Thursdays from 7 :30 to 9:30 p.m . ror lessons in elementary J apanese. Each lG-week class Is limited to 10 students. Applicants should call 547·7733. Education will respond 1 he ~ratHord Exchanl!c. to a Los Ange l es world .,largc\tt:atlingccn· Superior Court order to 1cr 111 l'Ollct·r11r ' pla1 co;. a revise the present plan Ma<..11.,on. W""'. w11.~1n by Feb. 28. And if t~e wrorc· "'I h:td a u1l14,uc board ref1,15e5 lo expand 1 %~ pl:111· ... whu:h I t he current plan -as o;olcl ro .1 lm·nd for ~10. I seems likely -what had n111 hcJrcl of you .it wl I I S upe rio r Court that 11111c .. Judge Paul E~ly do? The plale s he liold 1' Also uncertain is the ac1ually \.ilucll .11 m1lrc significance of a recom· than Sl ,700. ·Allhouc h mendation that ·l,.os M~1cJ\rtht1r poin1-.011t 1ti.11 '."ngeles and ~u.rro_und· rh1\ pm·1· " c x ... ·cp111inallv mg counties JOm ID a h1).!h. he .,.ml. ·-rm alr.11d "m elrop~l itan'_' a~· \1thcr<., m~1y he ln.,ing hu11· proach lo integration, an drc1.h or 1ti11u.,arHI' of L111I· w~lch ,the _70 percent· tar' hy not l..miwing whar m1nor1tyc1ty schools •heir plare'i are worrh ·· would ~xc h~ng~ st~· ·1,, ;J1d in idcntif~int.: dents wtth distracts ID 1 . hi • I· • h • I ·. predominantly while va ua i; P ari;o;, I c ' s uburbs.. Development ~h~ng1:. '."~uc-. ~ rc~)~1.1h~11 of a-metropolitan plan mdul.lc-; current pm:c' 1 11 was proposed by a group m(1rc 1h.in I.JOO pl.1tc,. of experts appointed by !!ll1tldlnc~on what tn luul.. Egly to study integra· for .ind whl!n 11~ huy. anti tion in Los Angeles. · t hc pla1c cvaluat1~in checl..· Meanwhile Board of ""' u~ed hy th.: Exchtlll!!C· Education m~mbers and To obtain 11 copy· with· the superintendent of o ut l "ll't or obi igat ion. schools are divided over 'end your n.1mc. addrc". what s hould be done and zip code by Saturday about the plan. Most of o f next week tn: Thi· the board is opposed to Bradford fachange. Dep1 expanding it, and two 19705 . 9:\0 1 Milwuuh~· members are adamantly Avenue. Niles. fll incu, o pposed ~o any man-60648. (Nm available t1> d atorybusang. Canadian residents.I SIU TlllOE1 IEIVEILY. Air California SunjetTours start at just$91.00. Pian no w for a four to seven night ski tnp to Lake Tahoe's fabulous Hrovc·nly Valley. America's largest ski resort. It"s easy with Air Cahfomao. Our convenient Sun1et Tours include a wide selcctton of ftne accommodatio ns plus daily lilt tickets. Heavenly has everything . fromslo rentalsond repairs to o large staff of professional instructors for GLM a nd standard lessons. f our day. four night stays are priced as low as .....------. $91. 00 per person . double occupancy (nol including airfa re> with special rates available on a sloenzed Nahonol Car Rental. So coll Air Coltlormo . o r your .:.-••_ ... ' .... ,Travel Agent. to book your tnp ·.-.. ._"·'now or to roc~ive our new full colo r "Slo Tahoe's Heavenly" b rochure. And bo ::;uro to ask about our Sun1et Saver fares. Whether you're out 10 conquer the slopes or 1ust play in the snow . don't let this season go by wtthout an exciting tnp lo Lake Ta hoe. It's easy when you take.off on Air California. -·"'-'.,._ Call your Travel Agent or A ir Colfornlv rr•serva11on3 to book yo ur --~= Sun1e1 Tours to Heavenly Volley . 11 8 CILIFOlllllA Call Air California reservotl01ts in Orange County, (714) 752-1000: Downey , (2.13) 924:331J~ Laguncr (7t4l 496·6000; Los Angeles. (213) S-27-5401 : Son Clemente. (71 4) 496-6000; Riverside/Son Bernardino. (7 14) 825·690q, Heavenly Vtil1ey 24-hour Sid Condition Repert-(916) 541 ·SK1I C-HVISNA-6 'I ,..t18 -=' .. ~ ..-..J I p Aooort N Wffd/Publt'>Mr Ttiomes l(tevll/EdltOf Orang Coa<il Daily Pilo t ..EJu .. t.,.-.a og.e ________ M_ond_ •• ., •• J.·n·u·a·ry·29-· 1·9·79·--------B·•·rt>.l-r···K·r·c·lb.IC·h·/·e·a·lt·or·''·'·p··-·E·d·lto·r-- Jadl Andenon K eep Politics Out Of Lobbyist Plans Carter Pal Whitewashed Somoza Oranal' County supcrvtaora 011tt q aJ n are t.aUdq ubout hlrln.c u W hlqton, 0 C &obbyial t.o make ~. maog ut h •r lb.amc•. th county aeu U.a f alr Abare of rectera.1 grnntl\ Tbe ~iuly fo r ooe layer' of aovernmcnt t.o P•Y to have ata vo1c • hrtt"<l Mfo~ a f\Jgher layer of aovemment hu n~v !T • mf'd to make mU<'b semt' HOW{' 1..•r. al ' r leu f rom the ~rd that local 1ov«'ft· meats whl<'h lob by s t nt e and federal flOYenament.a lhl'O\l&h paid repn.•2wnlaUres i l more if'aDl dollan than thole Uuu do not r In a n.•<-c•nt ye r . rm· ex a.mp&e . San Oieao County, which hu.s luua m1dnlu1n.-d repre;Kolation ln Wutuniton. received Sl.34 m1mon 111 fod eral granti:, compared wtt.6 the $67 mallJOn owurdt..od to Orange County Orat nae Cou.nty·1 populal lOfl 11 I 85 mamon. San Olego County ·s 1.• million. Gruol money, after aJl, 1.1 on~ way some doll.an paid to the federal guvernmmt by locaJ taxp.ayera find their wa y back to tht> community from whJcb they came. Wlull' da:,cu.sstog emblisbment of I.he need for a paid 011lpo~l 1n the nau on's capital. though, supervisors should k •cp Uu.•ar pu~t ma~udvtmlur sin mind 'J'Wlc • b<.ofore they have voted to htre a Wuhineton. D .C. lobbyist But so embroUed in Poli.ti.cal byplay did their move bc<:ome that the heut ~enerat.ed by their own foillee forred them to t•a ncl!I their plaoa. In the first Instance, the byplay was a struggle between two s upcrvitors. Ralph Diedrich and the l ate Ronald Caspers . The second time around, Diedrich made itn Ul-conceived attempt to lock former Congressman Richard Hanna into the deal. Perhaps supervisors are now ready to do somet.hlng more than atte mpt to make poUtical hay with a Washington outpost. If that be the case. it 1eems clear taxpayers could bene fit from ha ving qualified. above-boa.rd representa· tJon m the nation's capital. ~trike Rigl1ts Shaded Earlier this month.. a week·long strike by about half tJae teachers in tbe Huntington Beach Ufl.ion High School District disrupted the educational process irvthat com· munity .• Las t. week elementary school teachers in Westminster walked out for a day. The head or tbe 150,000·member California Teachers Association <CTA l has warned of a statewide teachers' "trike next September if the state Legislature doea not provide an additiona l $1 billion in aid to local schools. fi e says the CTA bas "not ruled out the possibility" of a one-day walkout statewide by teachers in May or June to bring pressure on the Legislature to meet this de· mand. The $1 billion would be in addition to the $4. 7 billion lhe state gave local schools this year and would represent a 22 percent increase in st.ate spending for education. The demand is for the state to bring school funding back to the level mainlained before Proposition 13 cut back property tax re venue. The tea chers complain of inadequate pay. over· crowded classrooms and barebooes bud1ets, all of which, they say. undermine morale. Some or all of the complaints may be valid, and they hav every right lo bring them to the attention of the Lcgiadalurc. Hut to c.accomplish this by means of strikes that directly d tunc.tl!C the welfa re of students, is another mat - ter . For the publi c school teacher, along with the civil !-terv1cc work1..•r. enjoys one benefit that ls not shared by cmploy<:cs in private industry job ·guarantee by right ofll'nurc. The employee in private industry can be readily re· moved if money is short, or replaced or removed for UD· suti sfac~ory work or if changed conditions eliminate a need for his services . The public employee ia substantial· ly protected by tenure from such normal employment risks . This guarantee of job security was designed in part to <'O mpcnsutc for lower wages in the days when public (·rnployees were generally underpaid and in part as pro· tc:ction against political hiring and firing. Today, 1f publi c employees want both the pay scale and bencf1L<1 of private industry. and more -and the right to stn kt• for them -they should take the next ob· vious step and relinquish the guarantee of indefinite job security. • Opinions expressed 1n the apace ab<>Ye are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views expressed o n this paoe are thOM of their authors and artists Reader comment 11 Invited. Addrete The Daily Piiot. P O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92628. Phone (714) 642-"321 Boyd I The Axis ByL.11.BOYD What else Is so important a bout the date 1492? Besides the fact lhat It was when Christopher Columbus 'dis· covered America. Nothing? The medicos thJnk ll was pret· ty significant. That wu the year when Pope J~t VUI waa given a blood tran1rutioo, th e fir s t on rec · ord. WAIHINGTON -Jrwln aota. aa Atlanta attorney wbo deten• biCPMlf aa a "aood f riead •• ol Prealicllat Cartet'. WU retalned 11 mooU.. a10 .. a f I ,OOO·a ·day conaulunt by Nlcarapao clle&.ator Aoatt.uio Somou.. Hll aulpmeot wu t.o ln•"U.at.e the status of human rtsbu fa Nltara1ua and prepare a report on b1I findlu1. Somou bad been dbt.urbed by t41i1Umony bdore tbe H0UM lo· urnatlonal Relation• Comm.tu.ee t.o lbe etrect that be waa run· n.1 na a bnrt.al tolalharlao 1overnmenl with acant re· 1ard for the human and a.1al r1pt.a Gt It.a clth.em. Somoza feared the U.S. would ball or cut back on the mllltary and economic aid &hat kept b.lm ln power. BlalNG Stolz muat have seemed like a slick idea. He has never been exactly modest about hia cloee aasoclatlon with Carter, claiming the pr~ldent even calls him by his lifelong nickname, .. Yutcb." Stolz worked for Carter lo both his campallfll ror the GeorJia gov· emorallip. When Carter made it Earl Waters on lbe MeODd try, Stol1'1 re- ward w11 to be a.a.med •Judie OD the ltat. 9Pl)eall court. The ~1c.,.a1uaa. deny I.bey picked Stolz to do the buma.n rt1bu lnv.U1aUon becau.e ot bl• cloee ties to tbe prnldent. Jan McK.emie, director Gt tbe N I cara1uan J nform a lion Service. told ua tbat. Stolz wu cboleo becau.e ol h1I Judicial backaround, and wu lo fact their MCond choice. But IOllrea wbo bave been in meetto11 wltb Somoza and McKemle told ut: "McKemie recommeoded time and time acata t.bal be 1et Charle. Ki.rt>o, or aomeooe lD that orblt. on re- tainer ta order t.o ban 1 ptpelloe lnto the White HouH. SOmou waJ adviled by other aides to re· 1iat a tactk Uie that, u it would be tbe ldu ot death.' AT ANY aATE. Stolz waa hired. and took otr for Nlcaraiu.a. roee-colored glaues firmly in place. Hi• five days in the unhappy country, ravased by earthquake and civll war. somehow convinced Stolz that the Somoza regime wu one of the most benlen governments s lnce the Go ld e n Age of Pericles. He remarked. in his 28-page report. oo the abfw!nce or troops oo lbe hlebway be tween the airport and the capllal city of Regulations Evade -Legislative Curbs_ A no t her effo rt b y th e Le"islature to stem the pro· liferaUon of administrative reg· ulatlona which smothe r busi· nes s and provoke e ndless frustrations for the citizens, has been launched. This lime by As· aemblyman Alister McAlist.er. Regulallon.s adopted by ad· ministrative agencies have the 1ame force and effect aa laws enacted by the Lefislature. Bu the pro-cedure for the paasaae or lawa require the publica· tloo or the text of pro· posed bills in full , public hear. loss and the approval of both houses of the Legislature and also the approval or the gov· emor. HardJy any of this applies to the adoption of regu.lalions ror they can be passed wit hout public ation, without hearings and without the approvul of the governor. Furthermore. no one holds veto powers over lbe regulations excepting ln the case of the Departmenl or Conaumer Af. t airs where recent legislation empowered the dl~tor to ex· erclae such powers over reg. ulatory boards within tut depart· ment. THE PROBLEM of a d · mlniatratlve re gulations has been burgeoning. Where once re· ~ulalions were adopted sp!lnng· ly and only to i mplement statutory provisions, the rule m a king b y a ge n cies h as blossomed lnlo full fl edged l e gis lating with th e ad · mlnistraUve bodies passing pro- Sydney Harri8 ,,,. . vlalona rejected by the Legislature and even those run· ni ng counter lo ell.la ting lawa. The volumes of resulaliom now cover thous ands of pages, without benefit of index. creut· ing a legal quagmire confual.na even to government lawyers. Prevlou.1 attempt.I lo clamp down on the reaulaUooa have met with •tronc oppoalUon from the governors Who view them as lnva1lons or the executive prerogatives ... To tbe contrary." s ays McAliater, "It Is lhe ex· eculive who lnvadea the leglslaUve branch when laws are made 1n the guise or prom· ulgatiJll rules. " McAJ..iater baa proposed the Legis lature ~xe rcl se control over this rule maklnR power by the adoption of resolutions over· turning a ny regulation that meets its disapproval. He says at may ta ke a c ons titutional amendment to make clear the Legislature bu that authority and to escape a governor 's veto of his proposal. WHILE MANY le gisla tors ag ree tha t the la w making authority of the administration be curtailt.-d, hi• proposal.a are not without critics. Ooe observa· lion was thal "It would be like trying to put alr back Into a bot· tie" while another commented that "It's llke locking the barn after the hortie ha.a been stolen." Actually whole herds of horses were turned Jooee long ago and many more are being let run e verv dav fl a ll goes back lo the practice oi the Legislalure in del· egaUog ill lawmakin1 pawers to the admlnistraUon. tr the Legislature has the authority, wllhout changes In the constitution, to glve veto power to a department director. llaH1ua.. Somoza hat better UN for bU NaUonat Guard: they are ~ed throuchout the cl~ tr. where tbey stand singly or In paln, automatic weapoa.s at lbe ready. 1Ueotly keeplnc s ur· velllaaee on the citizenry. Ir Stoll noticed thete aoldiera, be netlectedto mention It. Freedom or apeech flourishes in Nicarqua. accordinc to the Stolz report. Al proof, he ob- terved that .. two acltnowled&ed dinidl!IU and adversaries otlbe 1overn.meat readily agreed to [oter,viewa and apoke to us in word• 'blehly critical of the 1overnmeat walbOUt any ostensa · ble eoocern." • Four moot.ha later. one Gt the lwo dlukSeats Stolz interviewed. newapa,pu publiaber Pedro Joa- quin Qamon-o, waa asauinat- ed. Tbe leCOnd dissident. Fat.her Fernando Cardenal. fled for lus We. 80LTZ AL.SO reported that there WU <lbsolute freedom Of religion lD Nicaragua, that there were no curfew. and that there was freedom of tbe preu. He must have visited dW'ina one of th e br i er periods wh e n Nic aragua was not under martial la w. with curlews rigic'· ly enforeed and the press strict· ly censored. Xavier Chamorro, brother of the slain publisher, told ua last October that the as in the case or the Consumer Affairs. it as certain il has the rtght lo take s1m1lar powers unto itself. BUT. as the lawmaker-R well know, overturning an enactment ts far more d ifficult than block· Ing pUNl(e of a proposed one It was for that reason that pre· vlous bills offered duno1 the past severaJ sessions have been to require ralif1cat1on by the Legislature of all reaulallom pre11 bad been free ln only &2 d the onMoul 45 montha. 1;(011 vmtecs a rocar•IUH priaon and "saw rio evldenee ol prlaooer abuae." Typical of tM depth Gt hJa research was OU. report on Pl1IGn food : .. We saw, but did ~ taate, the food wbic9' was prep.red for the lnmatee. In si1ht and aroma It appeared 1ood." Stoll'• report bu never been publtahed. The aweetneu and light he deoicted were too mucb even rcw the people who hired him. One Niearaeuan govern- ment llOUtte aa.ld the report read tike a "traveloeue." IF SOMOZA thought Stol% had a ny influence to peddle in WaahlngUlft, be must bave ~ cruelly disappointed. A year later, annt sales to Nicaragua we re embargoed and economic ald wu suspended unlll 8omoza cleans up bla record on hwnan riehta. As we reported earlier. thJs w aa not the only time Stoia ha~ lel a clie nt down. Formu i>•s>erworitera unJon boss Joseph TonelU hired Stolz lo loterced~ for him wtth Stob:'s supposeq friendl In Waahlngton. The at· lempta falled, and Tonelli ended up pleadina 1uilty t.o embeale. ment and 00.trucllon of juatlce, I f'"'St.olz 11 an influence peddler 1 he doesn't appear lo have awcti or an lnveat.ory. before they can luke effect. That, of course, would be the most e ffecti ve way for the Legis lature to re capture the lawmaking powers it so ca re· lessly has ~ delegatlng away to the executive branch. St.Ill . McAliAU!r's legblatlon is a largt• step an the ri ... t direction and rar better than noth.lng. And the knowledge that the Letialatu:re holds the veto power may be suf. h c1ent to give pause lo many ad m1015tralJve ruJe proposals. Why Romanticists Are Disappointed in Love I recently spied an amusing c bul more than •musing l car· toon in a magazine. A young man. ttject.od by hJs girl, puts on hl• hal to leave. with lhe parting shot: "If I hod all lhf> qualities you wanl in a man. I'd propose to somebody else!·' Thia cartoonist <who, lnclden· tally. happens to be a woman > put her finger o D t h e becomt" the kihd of person that He or She wouJd be attracted lo over the long pull. Romanticist.I are dJ11ppolnted m love not ao much because the Ideal does not come olon", but because even when h<' docs, he passes on alter a brief look. He. too. has an Ideal, and refuses lo b e aattis lled wlth the com· monplace. The overpowering barrage of Other Views stories. rllms and adve rti1'<' ments in modern Am erican llfo c r~ates romantic is ts by the m1111ons young m e n and women who become .so seduced by lhe s uperficial aspe<'ts of "bPauty" and "<'ha rm" lhtil they never tuke a rciollslic look Into their own nature. They ex· peel the belt: but they do not prepare lo like advantsge of It, should It happen . They are t:.iught (will in ~ldlou~ commercial untr uth 1 lhut romanet' 111 climaxoo ut lh4: alt or; bot real love only t>ttuins th,•r tL Ma rriage gua r antees nothing. C!xccpt reaponsibllities: und P<>'UPk whO have flliled lo build up their Inner resources soon find that there la no "right" person there ls only a "ngbt- n<':$S .. between pen10ns, and U1ls l~kes two M~hts. Will bet you a quarter on the corner that you can't fiod anybody in your ramlly who can tick otr all nine Axis powe rs o f World Wa r II. Walt, check that. A bet like that could coal a fortune . F.lgh• of the nine were Japan, German . Au stria, Italy, Uulgaria, nomonla, Hungary and Finland. Few recall that the ninth was Thailand which 1dded wath J a pan agal.nst France, in P•rtlcular -lo itel back fo'rcnch lndo China territory. ' 1 'n had the feello1 ror quite awhile now tbat ooe day we'd be up to bere lo halls of fame, and this report j us t a bout cinches that : There'• a Coro Picken Hall of Fame planned ror Kewanee, Ill r.athellc naw n the roman· tic attitude toward life. The roman· tlcl1t la In· uruted In fhdf no the right person; while the Scofflaws Blight Trucker Image Dear Gloomy GuH fn lhcsc d ays of women's llb, how come J still keep readlht a b o ut "boycot ts"? Shouldn't lhc• LCJrm be "personcotl .. ., N.O.W. SMiiey Wint.en really dkt u y that one Ume 1be wu oa location and It was ao cold the p almoateot married. Sun bleac:hN wool. Tbat '1 wbi 'there's no aueb beut u • 1rowaup abeep that'• com· pletely black. Orayt .maybe. Bn»wn, >'•· lut DOl •atll. rullat want.a to be lbe r1Rhl ptflOCL The lirl In the cartoon -like ao many 'o\hers in life had never 1lopptd lo ask ttcrself lhjs crucial que.llon: ··Suppose I . flDd a man who embodies most Gt the qualillet I admire and de· mand -wtU thl• kind of man be lnteretted in me•" u! tin:: := ::..t:S-ot IN M08T CA.SES, the an.swer late a diet ·--. • curlv t1 • mela ncholy "No " The ,.,. • " rom1ntlcl1l Is usually so busy Uned utensil you can't eat lookln1 OUlllde that llUle lime ls anything wtth. eft for looldna tnalde, 1or ex· Remember:-"'• 1 cl hone • -.-...s;·:;-;;-;.. •19 oae'I 01m attributes won't kl.ck>'°"· and ablllttea, for tryln1 to An editorial /rom th• t.odf Neto•·SftttMI It wQ tnaly said by M>me wtt ol a 1encraUon or ao pul that the moat dangerous part oC an automobile ls the nut at the wheel. Nol 1l rew of th<>H nuts are at Lhe wheel• of l.nJCU lhele chya. The old ttereotype of the truck' drlvt r u the Hletrt. moat taw· abiding driver on the roed hH been 'cOMlderably W'nl•hed ol late. Flguru f'rom the Cellfomi• Hlahwoy Patrol 4how that lhe accident rate for tnlckl Ui • percent tu!IMr than fOf' other -.eftfdel .... fa&al.uaJurJ acd· dent ra~ 23 percent hlaber. Tbe ' experience In other :;talcs st.-ems Ubly lo be similar. ... IN l"AltNl'.88. It must be H id that many truck drive rs, perh~1>1 moat of th('m, 1how IJ~nutne ~em fo r 1rafety and (!'()urtety. But some truckens do• lot lo bllaht the old "knlihla ol ttie road" image. A.t beat, they are 1cary, drlvtne earele111ly and fHler than the law allows: al worst, they are a deadly menace. The n"tlonwide 55-mlle an hour speed limit and the ca ra.dlo have ·proved to be an W>· fortunate <'O mblnallon. No• bee.use lbe SS·cnph I• a bad lhiDI-Oil tH J:ml.U'A04 11 has played a llcDJllcant part in re- duclng the traffic death rate since ft WQ lm~ed.at the time of the Arab oil embarf(o. The problem 111 th11l many truckers conslt lently exceed the speed hmlt lo make UK!lr schcduJt.'8, ond evade urN'sl by UAlng their CBs to k~p track of tho patrol cu s. THAT 0011£8 very cti>sc to be Ina a conspiracy. and rcnects a scomaw attllude which heJPf-'. cause accldenU Any nut at tha wh eel la bed news on the road lf ht 's at the wheel ot a behemoth .hurll.lDI dowa the bl1hway at well above the speed limit_. the )I d ntwri. '1n(=llA. · ( ' ' COMICS I CROSSWORD MARMADUKE by lrad Andenor» 1-21 ---·--"The troYble with him is he mokes house collsl'.' SUPERHEROES SHOE MOON MULLINS GERIATRIX lTEM t -u~T TOTAL.. .AMDl.JNT IN L..1S::e 5AVING5 ·--· .--------....... I"reM rr-~Mrr ~T ,AMOUNI ON~ &eFO!ZE .oP1211..-1.5, 1q79! DENNIS THE MENACE ,UNkY WINkERBEAN C»4.W .. •T'!> n f:lr (J> ... MISS PEACH by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta GORDO ()II .. ~ rr·u .. TAKE SLJP'EllMAN A ~ TIME TO FINP niE ~ft:WATM IF HE. CAN'TU$E H6 X ·RAYS/ by Ferd & Tom Johnson (JET LOST·· HAVING A -( CHAMELEON JUMP DOWN YOUR FRONT ' 15N1T FUNNY JUDGE PARKE R TUMBLEWEEDS NANCY SLUGGO, WHr!RE IS VIENNA? YOU CA°t'JT G-0 THROUGH LIFE JUST GUES6 f"IG HOWEVER , !'lJE 601' IOG€T GOI~ ... AGATHA CRUMM bYTom latNk by Mell ..... ...,•.1m PEANUTS ~Y N.OT .47 by Ctt.rlts M. SdtUfl HE IS LONEL't' ... ME IS ~SSEO by Bill Hoest SOMl:T'HING t OISCOV,REP A00UT OOR N.W e )t'..17 COMMER,~. ~H&W« rfs Of'l'IW'lNG, l'Hi~'& THl6 unLE eA:JT·-I • OR .SMOCK He 'N-00 YOO EXPECT TO HOLDA JOB WHEN YOU GROW UP~ by Gus Arriola by Harold Lt Dou by Tom k . Ryan by Ernie Bulllmt .... I'M OOING TO ee ATV ' weATHf!RMAN • f f t ' 1 ! J ... .. by GeorQe Lemont TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS measUfes UNITED Feature Syndicate 1 Oter 51 French rrver S.tu•dtv s Puute Sol....ci 5 _ meiat» S2 Enclose in. It m Var. s 56 FOfoe IOBMd 1• God ol IOYe ~Barbecued: 15 Loosen 2 WOfdS t6 -breve: 61 Snare Mus 62 Noun ending µ+:~'-Wl~~~~~ t 7 Baf~ 63 Feal 18 Sorted again 64 0.sabled 20 R4Ntrte: lo-66 Elpen$M! lonnat 66 Join 22 Nullify 87 Otl'lefwlse 13 Acti¥e one DOWN 24 OtrecttOn 1 Twmge l5 Plum 2 Russian 28 Changeable rrvef' 32 N. Amer. In-3 Be¥efage dian • Courses 33 Eam S ()pp(eased 35 Angers 8 "lend - 38 Nobte!Nn 38 Potions 40 Hoty season UWtlklng - 7 A If. vfflage 8 Ventilate 9 "My fair Lady" lyri- cist 11 Kelp t2 Ail Sp 13 Ba•• 19 NOfse god 21 Fate 24 lrngate 25 Sorrow 26 Expia1e 27 Virtuous 28 Clamps ~Extort 30 Slow: Mus. 31 Oleate -: Elated C3 Sof1 cap 45Seuon: fr. 46 Lrbe<1te1 .S Frlnknetl 50 Oaniah 10 Woodbift8 or 34 Vestments a.tfnonl •'* 37 T emptate mal: Slang lofmer 39 Hider 42 Erec1 44 Makes leather 47 Hammer 49 Cuddle 51 Speechity 52 Chilled 53 Nol any 5" Andes shryb 56 Bore 56 Russian river 57 NFL teJm 58 Sw0<d 90 Males t • Jt8 DAILY PILOT "4ondey. Jenuety 21. 1171 ··-------------~ '' t Neil Arm strong I t .. '' .. Long ago I learned tnat all engineering is a matter of des ignin g mac hines to solve problems. In the Apollo Program I acq uired a respect for the ability of Chrysler Corpora- tion enginee ring to help solve the incredible problems of space travel .. .. Now I've seen what th ey've done for cars , and rm convi nced · Chrysler Corporation h a~ engineered some of the most inventi ve problem-solvers on the road . .. As an engineer 1 find their car~ exciting, innovative approac he~ to .. the n~eds we al I ha vc today . ., ~l~ '.,, . ·'J think you will too ." 11) ~~ ~ji/ ~~Mt£:~1 '-"' . ,' .• ,,V,. ~.~.~V ~• ·:·l:,-: JI C• • . cl ,.,,"~' .,~;' -~ '·;.iii \,:,1 ~>t S ~.: . "\. I ' 1, • • \ .l t ~ ( l • )' ~ t t P ._,, ~l "'• I ' ~ . '. . , ' -.:t , ·.,\ ,,-\ ·,\ff I • ~ ' J'. . . • • •. .. ., ~ J " .., .... ~ ' .•. ·;. •w ( .... . . •, \• .. ~ ~. Jenuwy 29. 1979 DAIL y PILOT Al ----··-------· Chry~lt=r attach ru st the way rust attat:h your car: from the inside out. Many key parts are made of galvanized ted . And every car we make here goes through a 7-1'1tcp c11p and ·pray pnx:c'~ fo r rust protec tion. 011J•l•llat11ebe11~ Pl ..... ol tlle BlgTllN8. pig cars, little cars , Chrysler's projected 1979 across-the-board average was 20 estimated miles per gaJlon* in EPA te~ts-bener than Ford or GM. And more ' .cars among the EPA's top ten mileage champions were offered by Chry lcr Corporation than any othercar company, domes tic ____ . __. __ ~ or fo reign. Dodge Colt CU\hllll Hutchbud Compare base sticker prices. Chrysler offers everyth ing from the first American-built front-wheel-drive 4-passcngcr economy car, to some of the most sophisticated imports on the road today, including Dodge Colt Hatchback and Plymouth Champ, with 32 es t. mpg* and a uniqu e tw in-stick transmiss ion for power to pass. C!hPJll• oBers tbe cmlJ twbl·stlck ecoaa••ar can wltb power to pass. Dodge Colt Hatchback and Plymouth Champ: 32 est. mpg* plus a unique dual- range stick-shift-one range for economy, the other for power to pas~. Dodge Omni 024 and Pl ymouth Horizon TC3. Like no American .sport coupe you ever drove. Front-wheel-drivepul/s you through curves, through snow, through crosswinds . Remarkable mileage (24 est. mpg*). 1Wo of the most aerodynamic American-built sport coupes, and, comparably equipped, they have a lower sticker price than Mustang. · Chrysler Newport I ma,slllt~ lall·llllcan to 111Idme1a a. rigid p1aoa .. , Front-wheel-drive is such a good idea that GM uses it in Eldorado, lOronado and Riviera, for $10,000 and up. Dodge Omni and Plymouth Hori zon have front-wheel-drive in an American- made 4-passenger economy car sticker-priced under $5,000. Vans are America's last true custom cars , and Chrysler offers more ways to thrysler reapPl'3ised the role of the lull-size car, enginee~d out useless bulk and cus~omize them than any~y o~tside a custom s~OR: beds, tables. skylights. weight engineered in the thiQgS you buy a fuIJ-size car for: comfortable seating · towing packages-all available nght from your deaJer . .for six; over 21 cubic feet of trunk space; a steady quiet ride. ~~ *EPA est. mpg. Use thfa num be r for comparisons. Your mileage may ' ,~ ~, differ depending on speed, trip length and weather. · Newport requires optional V8 engine. • -------------------------------------------· --.--.- A • • -. • • • • .......... , .0 ~ '-' -, • -------------------------------------------· . l AIO twLYPILOT .. Far• Nurse Fight Against Diaeaae BROOK, Ind <AP> V Ima Lyons arrived In Nttwlon Count)' In 1919 In • Model T r'ord wllb a rf'd crou painted on °"' tide Weartna • HUor hat and • blut' ouno'a cape, 1he llarted her campat1n •11lruatdl ut And lt wun't HIY "When Ont' (hild aot aomtthlftl, It wa1n't lone uoUI .. veryOM had It " rttllled Mn Lyoaa. who wu I.ht! l'Ounly'a firat public bealt.b DW'M. She la now 85 . .nd Uvlq ln a relirem1tnt com· plex HEAD UCE. RING WOil• ANO tonalllllla •la«> w"re pl'\>blt'ntli And one IOU~t ot Illa ln t.be choola w111 the commun•I water ~llet .. t'lf"lt lhlna each morn1na. lhe teachet' wouJd s"nd Uw oldt•lft boy to the f\ell"t'lt farm ror a buckt'l of water. and It iiat l.ht1~ all day and ••v"ry~drank from 1t " She once doeed a school when aJI 30 children caught scarlet fever "Oh, were the parenta mid when I sent t.bem home." she !\aid "T hey kicked up such a fuss, I got the Brook doctor to go around with me and ex plain how i.enous the afterefrttls of scarlet fever could ~ unless LOO children were kept quiet '· MU. LYONS ALSO INITIATE D one of the state's first hot lunch programs because, she said, . s be ··round half the students were underwelgbl. ·· Each school would have a social affair t.O raise money for a stove and a boiler. Children would bring their food in jars that could be healed In the boiler. she said "Do you know, m) grand&e>n never had a childhood disease. I don 'l think the youneer people realize that it's us older people who are reaponal· ble for these fine, modern schools . We've ~cur long way." ' Velma Lyons was born on a ,farm seven mUes outs ide of this no rthwest Indiana town, and , graduated from a nursing school in Chicago in 1915. She started work for the Chicago VlsiUJic Nurses A§socil,&lion, then was pressed into service with a team of Red Cross nurses to fight a fiu epidemic in 1918 "MY JOB WAS TO RIDE IN an ambulance and find the sick ... s he said. "I remember walking into one house a nd found the mother dead in one bedroom, the father dead in another, and their two sm all sons dead in still another bed. "I can still see the picture today of those two dead boys propped up in bed with a gas light burning over them." she said "Once. as our ambulance neared a railroad ('rosslng, the driver slumped over , a victim of the nu. I couldn't drive then. but I grabbed the wheel and somehow managed to gel the a mbulance ucross the tracks in lime to be missed by an on· coming train " Shl' s u1d nurses in her group sometimes re· turnl'd lo their rooming houses to find their lug gage p11<..>d on the front step with a note that said: ''Plea~e look for another room. We don't want you lo bring th • nu lo us ... Surri1'es Pluage . M ichacl Granholm, 2, smiles as he re· ceaves a huge cookie and hug from his JtrUl<'ful mother , Lisa Granholm . The tot s urvived a sev e n-st ory fall from a be droom window in an apartment in Miami. lie tumbled 76 feet after leaning against a window screen while crawling across a ledge to his crib. Teacher Guilty In Sex Research PESCARA, Italy <AP> -An Italian school teacher was given a three-month suspended sen· lence by a local court for organizing a research project on sex and the media. Gabriella Capodifer ro, 28, was found guilty on charges of cir('ulallng obscene material. The re- search utilized pictures taken from men 's magazines. When the sentenc«> was handed. many of her s tudents. aged between IS and 18, as well as other teachers. protested the conviction. The Sl'X·rcsearch controversy came to the light last June following a swt filed by parents . Mi ss Capodiferro was suspended without pay at that time. Is your sun belt going to be a little snug this swruner? Had a hard time buckling down to a reguJar exercise program? At Holiday Spa Health Cubs we'll help you look yOt.U' sun day best with a personal exerci~ program that takes.your body, fitness level, and desired goals into account. Our Progressive Physical C.OOditioning Program is one <I the fastest, roost effective ways to get in shape. You11 use sofne <I the time. Plus jogging and swimming at key locations. And for women there's jazznastics-a unique group exercise done to up tempo mus~ And added facilities like steam, sauna, whirlpool, and sun rooms make exercising even more enjoyable. RATES GO UP MARCHI. Lea c.. ... ,..,,,~, ..... DEAR PAT: I have been collecllntc atampe ror several yean. Another collect.or has told m~ I can buy aomethln1 called a "Squareograph" IO I can design my own aJbum pages. Can you tell me what this Is, and l! It's expensive? E.M .. Huntingtcn Beach TW &a•areocrapla looU like a draftamaa'1 ta· ble, btl& K'• tomewbat amaller. A alld.t.1 T·141H" llH marklql la lacllea and eea&Jmet.era. TlaM la a pltJla&elk lu•ry prked at about • Yot1 caa 1et Ute Hme reealU wtUt a pl'tlddoll l&amp· .... U.1 s•Jtle, die ''*••piecer." wtllklt cu be percltHed from 7ouleeal1tampdealerfor1botdll. •• • u '• ••H •••••• Mudteff DEAR PAT· As everyone knows. poor Morris the Cal died some time ago I think my order for Morris T-shirts also b1l the dust. My check for $8.25 was mailed lasl Apnl. but wtt 've ne ver re· ceived our three T-s hirts or any explanation for lbe delay. G.R , Santa Ana TOWM Adve rt'9er'1 Malllag Service hK:., Ule lrvlne flnn wltlclt dll&rtb.aes ~ promoUoe•I T · alllrta for Nine Lives, ••Y• you order caa't be traced, btlt &M overd.e T·aldrta will be ••lied Co yoa Immediately. Towae reporta &bat Ule clemt.e of die "ortitnaJ" Morrl9 may bave cauted some cledlne ID Ule aamber of T ·sJdrts ordered laat year, bat 8&.arklst plan• anotJaer promotion 900ll and aa&ldpates &hat tbe pubUc will bave 1ccep4.ed &lleaewMorrla-•Dd•laT·lllJrts-by tkn. tt'.Uresa Liie '*"'•I 8trn• DEAR PAT: Has anyone e ver done a s tudy on which jobe a~ the most stressful? I'm curious about lhiJI because my wife Is a w1itress. and 5'1e <:laims ber 'type of work bu to be one or tbe m"t stress-filled occupations there is • G.G .. Costa Mesa NATION I b YOUR SERVICE "C:ot o problem? Tht'n wnte to Pal Dunn Pot wdt cul red tarw. getting the O'ltwt'Tll and artaon you nud to &ulrw mequ1t1e1 '" ur1vernm""1 ond bwineu Mo.it your <1w•sh01L'f to Pat l>uPIPI . At Your Sert1•CI'. Orang' Coo.st f>a1ly l>tlot I'() Ror 151i() C'olt" Mf'&u. CA 92626 As many letters a.t pi).t11ble Wiil be on~red. but phorwd inqu1ne' or lettf>Ts nut 1nrludJ11y thl' reodf'r'• fuJl name. addrpu and bu.nneu hovrs' phont' number cannot bt'con:ndercd Thiaco1umna~ortda1· l11 ezrl'pl Salurdllys " • ~neflta ooly • small percenuae of the population? S. P .. Fountain V aUey Safety CIPI laawe eeeomplUW tlaelr toal - tavl•I Ufta. b lt7t c..,a. paued &M Polloe Prew...._ Peekallal Act. nlell reqaln4 mu.y llau,... pnd9da le be martseted In eoa&al.Hn ... ....,. wttll nfetj eape. 81Dee &hat time, tile •••• of deatll.a d11e Co uptrtn potaon!n1 Ila• dropped II perceat, aad tile owerall rate of ~llJJdrea'• dea,... d11e te 1J11et11ee laa1 clecreaaed •7 pereelll. ftet'a wortll a lot of adalt 1Dconvea1eaee. A:a yoa probably kaow. presertptloa dnlCS CH be reqaa&ed rill or wl&lloe& aalety caps°" tile bo&· Un. ar.,ke 8pre•fb fi'ltttt'• Be.i DEAR PAT: I know you can buy devices to help use aJI the heat from a fireplace, but is there an ything on the m a rket that is designed t o somehow reclaim the wllSted heat that escapes from a furnace or fireplace nue? K .L .. Newport Buch DoU. Metal Prod mets <ns Prealde.t St .• Breoldya._L N. Y. llZlS) maaafutuea a lle•t• retJal ..... &aa.t CH be attaclMd lo the fanaaee nae Co reeowe~ wa.ae M•t •ad redistribute U wllere addl· U..aJ Ilea&• meedecl. ftla device ues a UlermM&at Co &an•·• Mower •wdo••tka1J7 wbea bea& t. Ule n.e reeet.e • pre·aet level aDCI to tlll1l it off wltea tile l&eek eoela. Tiiie n-.e gaHA beat lDcomlag air ID 52 lteat-ga&Mrtq tabe1, dlvertla« It to anotller area via an ..,.._..duct-and-register aUacbmeot. Tiie aalt plaga ..,.. uy I It-volt bouellold oatlet and alto can be uecl for wood·boninl stoves aad free1*-adial fireplaces, accordla1 to the maallfadartt. U'a •moec the &op IZ, aeeordla1 &o oee. stlldy. - aneardten wtlh tile NaUoeal l..u&tl&e for Oc· npatloeal Safety ud Healtll lane atlldled &Ile lteal&la reeordlof ZZ.• workers ln 131oenpaUou. aJld coa· elllMd &Mt &Ile l! mollt ataeuf .. ocnpatioa-aft u · ~ leboren, secretaries, auembly Une ialpff· tora, dlalcal Jab tecbalclaaa. mid-le.el office mana1era, foremea, mana1er/admlal1tratora, waltreaaee/waltera, maclllne operaton, farm ownen, IDhle worken aDCI llioeae p•lii&en. Al&Wtlgll peraoa!playa a Jer1e role ID ddermlDiag wllicll people W molt affec&ed by strea, lite maln pro- bleau ~ ar Co be boredom, fatigue, and a f•st· · pacedWe. ~ ~ Salet• Cap• Sa"ed Lf.,e• ~~ DEAR PAT· Safety caps on aspirin bottles are a real bother to adults Has this cap design significantly reduced aspirin poisoning in children. or is it JUSl another government regulation that "Uh-huh . . . yes . . , yes . . . sure . . . uh-huh ~ . , " .. ''V"" ... yes ... certain y ... ye~ ... ''Mwt be Grandma..'' 0r-..c::...-' Mi.men V• 24401 A1iaa Pkwy. at San Diego Freeway Anaheim 510 South Beach Blvd., ~tho( Lincoln Ave. eo.t.a Me.a 2300 Harbor Blvd., 1wbor Center ~ BMot\ 1&585 Main Street (Main t.at Reach Blvd.l Orange 622 Eaat Katella Ave., ~l of Tustin Ave. w.tmimt. 6757 ~nswr Ave .. Weslminster Cenlcr LAC:s ~ ~9143 De Soto Ave., at Nordhoff £noino 17031 Venrura Blvd., Ykst of Balboa Hollywood 7080 Hollywood Blvd., Qxner of LaBrea Ave. Sela Medical Center . Long Beeoll 4101 Atlantic Blvd .. Comer of CafWlfl w..tLoe~ 1914 So. Bundy tnearOlymp11.: Hlvd.) .... lel1sdl111th I ltiftrsldt A020 Madit!Ol'I <at Arlinaton> . 1714l n0-0822 (714) 826-0381 (7141549'-3368 (714) 842 1451 (714) 639 244 l (7 14) 894 ·3387 (213) 882-5912 (213) 98&6330 (21~) 46g.630', (213) 426-8874 (2131820-7571 --finestexetdse equipment available eo you can achieve maximum results in a minimum amount of , lf-wint.er's gone to waist, joiJ' Holiday Spa Health Cuba today. .__ .. __. d --. , And have a svelte summer. ..... .... enc ...... a.~. ff.-Sbm(~~ C'.entnJ City Mill) =- Moatolat• 5350 Olive Street (at Coentral Ave .. opp<lhite • ~tgomery Ward) (714) 687 1315 (7 l4.) 88&ll61 (714) 626-3.593 , • • ' 1 -- • 1•N•s•1•o•e•: .. ·s·t•oc•k•s .. ·.B.u•s•1n•e•ss., .................................................... ~._f!Or· ts •Movies •Televlslon Mondly, Jll\uwy 2t, 1979 DAILY PILOT i ~ . ' .1 .. , I t ' l Jabbar's 40 Leads Lakers : Bucks Pick the Wrong Man to Foul I ft ERNIE C'AS1'1LLO u nk lhrff tela of free throw" in th11t Lakers a 1M·98 advanta1e. He dld, Benson more than he would for any Jabbar had 22 poir.ti.. two less tha·· o.i ... o..1y ,.,..,...... pan to up a 40 Point 1>4SrCormunct1 lbougb, block back·lO·back dunk at· other NBA center. his season sronng average and he INGL.EWOOl> Wh<'lht-r the .c»m~ and lead tho wkna to a 111·109 vie tempts. "It's not forgotten, but il's no fac· finis hed by canning 15 of 2S sho '' on NBA ha.rdwood or Pllmiround tor y befoN u •ubducd Forum crowd TUE&E DAVE BEEN MANY good tor." the balding s uperstar said while .from the field (00 pcrcen~> and 10 of f os phalt, thcrt' ttn unwrlltc•n ruJ ln of 1 t,802. and bad moments for Jabbar where dressing in the locker room . 'Tm 14 from the free throw Im~ C71 per· ) boskclball.th l 1ty11 whc>n a play<'r ls ThrouJCb thre~ quarters. Jaabbur the Bucks are concerned. The 31· trying todo my job and he ·~ trying to centl. Eventhatdldn'Uaze h1m. ' l • • ' ' l t • l t I f t i I ' ~ ' I l f l I f r I ~ ~ t I i \. I . I t ' t ' f l hot, )OU •ivt> tum the ball had rontrollcd the game and 11con .'(J year.old graduate of UCLA spent his do his. I doubt that there 's anything "The first part of my career, all l Thus. it s m('(J ex.Id on t<atr~'tlm 32 polnU. thr•e less than his season first five pro sea11ons In Miiwaukee, personal about 1t." was asked to do wall score a lot of Abdul Jab~r·s f1nt'il M'tinnw nlllht hllllh. Laker Coach J erry West . winning one NBA title and three points." he reralled. "Now. I huve o r tht.~ !h•tuon thut 1t "u the howevtir. decid ed to rest "Tbc MVP awards there before being J ABBAR FEE~ the same way otherthings to do.lt hasn't beenthat M1lwuukec Rucks and no1 hb own Los Francb.lk" for the llrsl 4.35 of t.hc traded to the Lakers in 1975. about playing against his former much of a change but I guess it does Angt>lt•:. U.kcr' "•~• k••pt K01nw to fourth quarter Last season. however, he broke bis team though his s tatistics might feel different to score 40 points." tht· 1 2 <'<'nlt.•r In lht' finul manucc of Bv the Lime Jabbar returned to Lhe hand in the season opener while make one believe otherwise. Last Sunda) '11 NllA claah ht•rc. lineup. he wu cold . He missed three punching the Bucks' 6·10 center Kent year. he averaged 29.8 Points m four FOR ntE MOST PART, Sunday's game was a less than excitmg one until the fin al two minutes when the Bur ks kept battling back after the JA9BAJt, FOULJ;O FOUR T IMES In the ftnul minute us the Bucks desperately Lried to regain the ball, straight s hots, two of them short Benson and missed 20 games. There games against the Bucks . In three sky hooks, before scoring his only were some bad feelings over the incl· meetings t.rus year. he is averaging field goal of the quarter on a hook dent but now. more than a year later, 31. with 1.35 remaining thMt gave the Jabbar says he doesn 't get up for By halftime of Sunday 's game. See J ABBAR, Page 82 Different Strokes lor Different Folks Jimmy Connors <left> directs a clenched fist at the referee, who ruled that a Connors' serve was a fault dur· ing Sunday 's victory over Arthur Ashe in the Philadelphia Indoor tennis chamoionsbio. Creer Stevens (right> slams the ball to the ceiling afterdefeating Diane Fromholtz in Fort Lauderdale For stori~s. see Page 83. Late Blitz Cools Off UC Irvine /\ c hange of scenery may have helped UC Irvine's basketball team Sunday but it sure couldn't snap the Anteaters ' seven.game losing streak. Coach Tim T1ft's Anteaters. who had played well but lost lo Cal Stale Fullerton, 73 ·57 at home on Thursday, led the same T itans throughout most of the first half of Sunday's rematch in Fullerton. THE GAME WAS TIED at 40 mid way through the second half and when the Titans reeled off s ix straight points, h·vine hit back·lo-back buckets lo remain within two. That's when Fullerton center C;ilvin Roberts wen fo work. Roberts. a 6·7 junior, Jed the Titans lo a 27·7 blitz over the final eight minutes and the Titans roared to a 76·55 victory that kept them unbe aten in PCAA action. Fullt\1.on, now 15·3 overa ll and 6.0 In conference, got 19 points and 13 rebounds from Roberts and 18 points and six boards from forward Mike Niles. IBVINE, O·I in the PCAA and 4·13 overall, was once again led by 6·5 forward Steve McGuire who scored 16 points, half of those coming In the firs t eight minutes of play At one Point In the first hair. YALE LARY JOHN UNITAI RON MIX UCI led 18-11. But the Titans. perhaps lookin g a head to Thursday's road game at second place Utah State, ripped off eight straight baskets to gel back in it. The two te ams then played evenly until lhe Titans' late splurge. STEVE RODGERS and Phil Bolden each scored 12 points for UCL Fullerton's Kevin Heenan. who had beaten the Anteaters Thursday with 23 points, was held to just nine this lime. A crowd of 2,909 in the 3.500· capacity Titan gym witnessed the game, which was televised lt ve. Irvine. which h ad dropped DICK BUTKUS Four Gain Rall of Fa•e CANTON. OhJo CAP > -Johnny Unilas. Dick Butkus, Ron Mlx and Yale Lary form the 1979 class joining the Pro Football Hall of Fame, ll was announ~ed today. UnJtas, the rags·tO·rtches quarterback of the Baltimore CoJts, and Butkus, the Chicago Bears' llne backing great, enter the hMll In the first year a fter t.helr five seasons or retirement. or selectors. They will be formally e nshrined Saturday, July 28, in Canton In cerem onies before an exhibition between the Dallas Cowboys and Qakland Raiders . 'rheir selection brings to 102 the number enshrined ln the Hallo( Fame. • UNITAS, CUT BY the Plttsburah Steelers 1n 1955, Jumped fro cn a $6 a game !leml·pro MIX. A PEltENNIAL AJl ·American Football quarterback to regular slat~ with t.he Colu the Le ague offensive taclile with tbe San Dle10 next season. He wo•ld go on to lead Baltimore to Charaers, retired In 1971 after one year wlt.h the National Football League llUes In 1958 and 1959. Oakland Raide rs. Lary waa a leaaue leadlnt Hia 18-year career accomplishments are 1ta1· punter, .star detensJve back and punt return gerlng: 2,830 compleUons In s.186.paaan ror 40,219 apeclallat for the Detroit Lions before reUrtn1 ln yards -almost 24 miles -and 290 toucb$1own1 . JM!. • . -~~ ralred,•J>O other passer had e"cn remote· The four were chosen by the 29·member board ly approached those massive totals. . f four straight at home coming in· to Sunday's game, now faces two more road games this week. The Anteaters a re at San Jose C)tate Thursday and a t Utah Stale Saturday. UCtmMtUI Jone\ 8r•mond 801oen Mcc;u1r~ ROCIOef\ 8HI ,, " tp I I > ) , 0-1 • • ().() 17 8 0 I I& \ 1, 11 1 +.• I Tot•!\ 7• I I I H C•I \t•I• l'ullorten (7'1 H.-"'rt4t' ROI>"' C.llbf'rl POtftt' 8t!trfO\ Tot•I\ '• " ... \ . \ '" I ) • • e > • ,. 1 • \ II • I J • 1 00 • ' "4 It 0 I 1 I 0 I 1 I 70 70 71 /6 H•llll-C•I Stal~ Full~rton J1 79 TOl•I tout\ UC lrvl"~ 1J C•I Stal~ ~ull#rton I}, Fovlecl out JOM\, R<IOQer\ IU( ''"°""' Al ltt>d•no 7.• Weller Win Ranks Second In Thrills SAN DIEGO CAP> -Fuzzy Zoeller bad arranged his playing schedule carefully th is year, keeping clear the l wo middle weeks of April. "My wife's expecting our first child lo the middle of April," Zoeller said. "That's the m ost exciting, best thing that's ever happened to me. ·Tm committed for every· thing up untll then. but I had ar. ranged it to be home when she 's due. Now. it looks lixe I won't be the re.·· HIS l'lltST CAllEER victory on the PGA Tour came in wind, rain, a few flurries of snow, cold and hail Sunday al the Andy Wtlllams·San Diego Open. And it suddenly made him ellgible for two of golf's premier events. the M ailers and Tournament of Championa. He.has never before played In either. They come on conaecutive weeks in the middle of April ..!.. "just nbout my wife's due date.·· Zoeller said ZOeller, 27. one ot the game 's lon1e1t bJtters and more noted free spirits, nailed down his fi rst tour title in som thlna ap· proacbJI}& ease. 1fo started the See 7.0ELLEa, •le BZ ' - 7.ones Bamied . Pro Bowl Gives Edge to Offense LOS ANGELES IAP > -With people like Earl Campbell. Terry Bradshaw. Lynn Swann. Walter Payton. Roger Staubach and Harold Carmichael In the game. tonJght's Pro Bowl would fi gure to be a wild and crazy of· tens ive show. But that "figuring" doesn't take into account the defensiye s tars 1n the a nnual c lash between the National Football League All·slars. WHDI TIIE AFC'S Campbell carries the ball, or Bradshaw 011Rada.Te11lfl•t KNX ( J010) at 8 looks for favorite r eceive r Swann. they'll have to contend with NFC defenders like Bill Bergey, Jack Youngblood. Al Baker and Clirf Harris. Amt when Payton, Staubach and Carmichael are trying to move the NFC offense, they'll be looking at an AFC defense that inc ludes Ly le /\lzado, Joe Greene. Randy Gradisbar and Louis Wright. Since the teams have just one week of practice together, the NFL has given some edge lo t.he offenses by writing in spe<:ial Pro Bowl rules that restrict the def~~· THE KULES DICTATE t.hat the defense must always be m a 4·3·'1 set. play a man.for·man with a free safety. and cannot blitz unless the situation is third down and less than three yards to go That. of rours(.', mectns the respective offens es wo n 't have to worry about making a lot of adjustments , and th at the qua rterbacks can esst!ntially forget about being blitzed. "That d~sn 't exactly mean the· quarterbark 's tn a rocking chair ... s aid Staubach. "but it does give you one less thing to worry about." ' AL THOUG H A WEEK IS not enough time to insta ll ma~ fan· cy plays, both AFC Coach Chuck Fairbanks and the NFC's Bud Grant said they expect the game to be wide-0pen. "With not murh lime to work out together. we·11 have to keep thtngs s omewha t limited ." Pa1rba nks saad . ~But we'll be flexible enough to put on a shov. It makes 1l nice that Ne don t have to prepare tor every poss1 ble defense." "With the restrictions Oft tht· defense and all the high-powerec:( backs and receivers. it m a)' well be a hJgh·scoring game." said Grant. THE FIRST PRO BOWL game, whlch m atched the NFL Eas t and West All·Stars, was held in 1951 at the site of this re· new al. lhe Coliseum . ............ Genning It •--~ " Walter Davis of t.he Phoenix Suns l'<>eS over the top A~ • New Jersey defender Winford Boynes puts a hand ur New Jersey w~; t~ atio!lal Ba~elball Assoc At Oft .game Sunday , 1 . ... I m D~IL Y PILOT • Mon11~. Januaiy 29, 1m A C•o1ulo Repo r1 From th~ World of Sport• Tenn.is tar to B,~. Barr d From Top Tournament'? rom P Dl-.•klMla 1.oNOON Sua>POI th ., hc•ld Wln1bll'don, lhr .,'tt•rwh 01~1n and th• ' ~ OpN1 ttlruua tournunenta and Bjorn Oorfl, J immy Connora, J11 hn Md•;nro\'. G uillermo \'111111 atnJ Viti.• G f rulnltli Wl'l't'n 't th r.-' Sur h 11 pn111ib1lll.Y arost• Sunday when D11vld Gray, tlt'\'r"h&ry of th • lnh'rnational ·1 t•nn1& f'edt•nillon. \Uld lhl' (av lOJl vtar~ anlecht bt• bartt"fJ rnim thr;tw 11rt·~U.c 1uu~ tournt')I> bt-C'. UM',,, ti l'tJnlrUl'I dl'IJ}Ult' --l:h4• dl1p11tc· '"' olvu the G1 and Prix rlrc u1t Or.t)' .. u111 lhe hv~ h11vl' n·f~td to 1ugn for flrund l'rix t•vcn~ lhll y .. ur IH'cauau of J d.1u'l' In t h(•lr ('Ontrul't'> t h t u y.i 1h1• Men 's Internatio na l Proreaa1onal ( 'cmnr il can dln.•ct them to play In 1lx t•vf'nls. inC'luding thrc-e v. h1r h carry lo" ptlt c nw ncy r.1 a) :-. • .1111 11 th" s tnr:. did not 5tl(n th<'y woulrl bt> unable lo ph1S. in u11y or the upproiu m &1tl' 100 Grund Pr111 PV•·llt!., ,Oft .. o•s ln{'ludlnR W1mbl~on, th .. F11•1wh Open and the l ' S Or~n Thl' pluycr i. han· bt't·n N•vt•f\ until M a rt·h 5 to 1Slt(ll Connors w11s e"trem1•ly upiwt following thl' 1:1nnou.nct> • m l'nl He 81:t1d thl' threat of bl'lnJC bun:d rro m ntnjor tournamt>nts. IU('h as the French Open. d id not bolher him, but not l>tc•1ng a llowt•d l1J p41rt1e1pa l<' in the U S Opf'n did "W1 mtilt•rlun would i.io on nun or sno w or 1f t'owi. Wf·rt· digJ.(ang up lhll couriw ," Connors said. "That's g reat !Jul 1>eople in New York <site of the U.S. Open 1 won't like it if the top pl1:1yers ar en 't there. They want to see the bPst. .. thcy wouldn't allow 1t Anet will lhe USTA H lJ .S. Tf'nn1s Assn 1 stir nrl for lhat '1 There's J(Ol Th be a com pro m 1sc. . . and w1 II TV i.t&nd fo rtt?" -----q..1~ of llw oa,,-----. Boxe r lbar Arrtn1too, whose crowd-pleasing style ~ oftca Included poking• his chin at opponents and Jelling lhem pummel It : "Them punches never would affect me as far us hurti ng m e, so I wouldn't try to u voicl the m . I didn't think thl'y were hurting m e, but, o ver time. they took their toll." Arrington retired at a ge 26 with brain damage, blurred vision and a n um bne8:. on his right i.idQ. AIA Ab•orll• 81·16 Deteal Seattle University's <:llnt Rlcbardaon COO· m ncC'll'd on a thref'-polnt play with 2:50 to go Sun· tfay to g1vt> his tc11 mmates a lead they would not relinquish In an 81-76 vi ctory ove r Athletes In Action ... Jim Spanarkel hit a jump shot from the left corntir and added two clutch free throws in the final two minutes lo Rlvt• seventh-r anked Duke a 69·64 triumph ov~r No. 13·rated Marquette ... Darrell G r1ffllb and Bobby Turner combined for 41 points lo lead fift h-r anked Louisville to un R2·72 Metro Confer ence victory o ver Vi rginia Tech ... USI'"" Doug Je mison was named player of th(' wPt>k for the West Coast f\thlet1c Confere nce. flbtOtU Sizzle A gala st Sa• DleflO The Detroit Pistons sank their first seven m shots from the fi eld and went on to set a Na- tiona l Oa~kctball Assn record by hitting 69.1 percent from the fie ld 150 of 81 > in defeating the San Diego Clippcrli 128· 118 M.L. Carr led Detroi t with 26 points . . New J ersey trailed by 23 points early in the third period but cam<> back to win behind 37 points by f'e · s c>rve gua rd John Wiiiiamson, who ROt 16 of his points in the last 4 1~ m inutes to pact: a 117·114 win ovcr th<' Phoenix Suns . . Dnld Thompson :.rored 27 points as Denver built a 23·point le ad in a \18·87 tn umph over the Chicago Bulls '!" Kansas City IPd by 25 ut the half a nd coasted past Cleveland us Olis Birdsong had JO points and JO a ssists in a 137-109 verdict over the Cleveland Cavaliers . . Cbr11 f'ord scored a career·hlgh 34 points as Boston s napped a four -game losing streak by beating Golden State, 103·102 '0 "0 .•. Indiana won Its third In a row as Johnny Davia scored 27 polnta to lead the Pacers to a 123-110 rout of the San Antonio Spurs ... Llonel Hoillnt s ank 14 of 16 s hots from the field, scored 33 points and had a dozen assists for Portland Ln a 116-94 victory over the Philadelphia 76ers ... Bobby Dandrld&e scored all 24 of his polnl3 In the flnil three periods for Washington aa the Bullets never trailed In a 122·1~ win over the New York Knlcks. ftdWr Pia .. a T-e l•r ~ortlt Star• his team's first two goals Ln a 3·1 victory over , Minnesota North Star Mike FldJer s cored ~ the Philadelphia Flyers Sunday nl•ht In Na - tional Hockey Leal(ue a cUon. Elsewhere Ed Kea'• bouncing shot from the blue line with 40 seconds left In the second period snapped a 2·2 Ue and triggered Atlan- ta to· a 7·2 win ove r the Detroit Red Wings ... Mike Zeke a nd Tony Currie e ach scored twice for St . Louis while Garry Unger scored a goal and added three a1111lsts 811 the St. Louis lilues stopped the ChJcago Black H1wk11 7·2 .. , Pa& Bou&dte assisted on both Toronto goals to help bring the Maple Le afs from behind to lie the Washington Capltal11 2·2 ... The National Hockey League's top scor~ Ing Trottier line and &even players from the Stanley Cup champion Montreal Canadlens will form the nucleus of Team Nffl, against the Soviet national squad for the Challenge Cup. Goaz•k• Keep• F .. fpet91tc Tltt. World flyweight champion ktalJo Goualea m o f Vene:iuela narrowly ke pt hla title today when he fought to a 15-round draw with Japane11e c hallen1'tr 81aojl Ol••a. The re were no knockdown• . . . North American Boxing Ftderatlon super bantamweigflt champion Nklly Perea raised hl11 rec· o rd t.o a,.,..o by taklnll a aplll dedslon over Mel•la Jo1Mat0a of Los Angeles ... koU Clarll meet.a weltarweight ch•m· pion Joee "Plp&Do" Cue.at t.onl•ht In a 16·rounder at the Forum ln Jn1l1wood. The card begJns at 7 ... Former box· er Olea F11H1aa, who rou~ht for the world featherweight ch1mplonahJp In 19fl0, died Sunday of a heart a ttack while vacationlnJ in Mexico. He w1150. ~ ...... Followlno are the m1Jor sports events on televlslon tonight, R1U1l9sar1: '1I1 u ctlltnt; ''' wor1hwatchtno;'' fair; 1 forget It. • • • lp.m.,Ch•nnell ./ ./ COLLIOI 8AIKIT8ALL: CallfomlutOreoon. Announctrl: Mlkt Walden and Pete Newell . A conference game thlt wilt be play.ct but has no bttrlno on t he Paclf lc-10 st11ndlnos. Neither team Is In contention for tho cha mpionship with Callfornla Ina rebulldlno year. The Bears have surprlMd ttveral f~s but ere not consls· tent 1hls season. Oregon Is strono 1t home and has oJyen con- ference powtrt troubfe In Euoene. RADIO: Footbell -NPL Pro Bowl In Los Angtlt t, 6p m., KNX UQ70). JICk Buck •nd ttank am rt -......'·___.."'"" I Olympic • • tgmng Postponed I.All ANN K. wltzerland c A 11 , TM el1nln1e or the con t r 1u·1 tor tht• 1984 Ol y mpic ';'-mt•K lit l.n& Ang('Jt>11, due Lo tukt< plU('t' tod oy at the hcud· quarter• or the I nte rnatlonal O l y mpl t· C o mmitte e wat J)Ul t pOtll' J Tht• US Olympie Committee und the Lo'! l\nlilt'lt>a Oreanising Cc>m mHtt·t· ut laat-minute talks In LlllWl!lnt' failed to lflte..i 011 1l·r111 11 for shM ttnl( f1ntan cl1tl ·~•&>0ruob1hty for th" Game11. T ht• IO{' made u brief ao· no utH't•ml·nt that the i.iiinln.c was postpont-d but wi.v •no Ind ication ho w lonu It·, prepared to wait for tht' Amt<rlc1rni. lo r eac h ag reement JOHN (;. ARGUE, ac tin~ r h uirman or the LAOC. tulk('() w ith u de le gation from the USOC. headed by organlUUon presid ent Ro be rt Kane and Secr etary Ooo Mlller. There Is very llttle th"~ need worry WI now," Argue said. "We are virtually In agreeme nt but the USOC has to reter any major decision to Its committee and lo. Its lawyers and that has to take time." Los Angeles was awarded the 1984 Games las t y ear afte r months of h aggling with the IOC, which eventually bent its own rules. LORD KILLANIN, th e s m oothly diplomatic president of the lOC, has been In Moscow lnspecUng arrangements for the 1980 Games. He bent the IOC rul es to a ccommod a te Los Angeles las t year a nd m ay not be prep:ired to put up with more delays. The latest snug con<;erns the shar ing of ussets al the Games . Lo11 Angeles officials have said the USOC Is demanding a share or the assets, in addition to a 40 pe rcent s hare of the profits, in return for guaranteeing a share or llabUIUes. The Los Angeles OrganJ zlng Committee does not agre e. Los Angeles came near to los· I n~ the Ga mes las t year because the City Council would not siJ(n an agreement with the IOC and the USOC to take financial responsibility for lhe Games. THE JOC FINALLY agreed to waive Ruic Four of the Olympic Charte r and a llow the cootract to be s1J.{nl'd by an independent 11q(an1zan g comm itt<'e rathe r tha n the c ity counc il. Th al m <'ant breaching a basic rule in· troduced bv the founder of the m od e rn Oly mpics, the late li<J r on Pierre dl' Co u ber t in, whl'n the Gam es were st arted in the 1890:>. ' BASKETBALL /GOLF /HOCKEY JUGGLING ACT Los An~cles Lakers Jamaal Wilkes <left> and Kareem Abdut-J ab bar r center l battle Mllwaukec's George Johnson <24 > and J ohn Gianelli <rig ht> for the ball Sunday. Fre•P,..e8J JABBAR LEADS LAKERS .. Lakers seemed to have clinched things. Afte r J a bbar's fin a l hook. Benson hlt a free thro w and 10· fool jumper to pare the m argin to 103-101 wilh 1·15 remaining. But a pair or free throw11 by J a b· bar and o ne by Norm Nixon made it 106-101 and sent the e arlyblrds scurrying for the cx- l{s. J ohn Gianelli the n did h is best to rally the Bucks. He hit an 18-foote r with 26 seconds left a nd kept jumpinJ( up and d own with his arms waving wildly ns J a maal Wilkes tried lo i nbounds the ball afte r a timeout. Una ble to throw it in, Wilkes called lime out aJ(ain on Jy to return w tne same -harass· ment hy Gla nelll THE NEXT SERIES of plays looked Like they were right out of the Globet rotters· ptkybook Re f e r e e R i c hi e P ower s withdrew the ball rrom Wilkei. a no motioned Gianelli to move three reel off the Std<'ltnCS . Powers j(avc Wi lke:. the b<J ll again hut wht>n Gian<'lli peri.1i.t e d w ith ha s wild -man a c t , Powers t ook the ball away again. faked giving It back and finally. frustrated' in his efforts t o r es ume p l a y , c alled a technical foul on Gianelli. Arter Lou Hudson s ank the free throw. the Bucks got the ball back and Glanclll quickly hit a 16-footer to cut the gap to 107·105 with 17 seconds left. Jab· bar was fouled just as quickly and hit a p111 r of free throws but Lloyd Walton countered by sink· • IOI( a 17 foot~r from the top or the ke y wath0 .08 leH. Ag<.11n, lht.· Bucks rouled Jab· ba r a nd ag:.un the Lake r center responded by s inking two free throws. n~galing the las t-second s hot by t he Bucks' Junior Bridgeman that accounted for the rinal 111 ·109 m a rg in. All told. it took a quarte r of an hour for the final two minute! to be played. As West put at : "It took one more year out of my life " But without J a bbar, It m ight ha Vt' been two ,, .... -.. '"" '" " ,, M lollnMJI\ I() I \ 11 A~-.t•n• \ 0 0 ti) LO\ A ..... K 11111 .. " ,, \ 1' 17 • J . " No Gloating 1bi Time For Kings BOSTON f AP 1 T hl' Los An1el~s KJnf(A aet a club rerorcJ of 1ortt by w1nn1ng In BoAton for the second time m t wr) weeks, but thl'Y W('rNl 't l(loat rnu ThC!y knew they h~d ht111t«-n un 1nJu ry riddled lAlam In thti Uru11u1 "They 'v" ii o t ti o m e k e y peraon.ntl out nnd we wer*' very fortunate to gf't t wo point!. to n ight," Los Ange l1>5 Coach Bo b Berry 1111ld Sunday niaht tHler ll'le KingA' ~ J vl1·tory before 13,591 foru. ut th1· Garden "We played well. llkc we '11d thl· last lime we were hert> and wo11 6·3." "WE KNF.W TJlt:V Wf.:R fo: undt:r lllttml(lh llnd 1f we had any chance to bf·a t thPm ris.iam here tl was tonight " 'laid Hutr h• Goring whost· shorthanded l(OJI late in the st•t•ond pf'rt<>d ~uv1· the Klnf(8 u 4 1 lcitd "lnjurlf'tl played a big pa rt, of course," said fprmcr Bruin Ron Grahamo who had 27 saves In the Los.Angelt>11 goal. "You can't lose a man of Brad P ark's abili ty. He'11 the quarterback. Pelcr McNab alllO was out and he 's a 40-goal scorer . Then I noticed that Rick Middleton a nd Dick Redmond didn't play tonight , ~lther. Those Injuries keep a dd ing up. "You can 't arro rtt to lo~·· players or that stuturc a nd con tinu e to win . I know the y <Bruins I d id e '1r ller In th1· season, but ·maybe at·~ starting to catch up with them " 'W E'R E ON A LO NG voyage,·• Boston Coa c h Don Cherry s aid a fte r thP Bru1ru. · seve nth loss 1n the Inst n1nr ga mes. "We'vt> r un into I don 't know what. We've lost a re w bat lies, but the war 1i.n 't over. The troops wl II be back." Noting the injuries and th" Bruins' st ri ng of bad luck on scoring opportunities --they hat the po!it four times while trallinl-( 3· l -Cherry also took notice of boos from restless fans. "An awful lot of people an · jumping off the b a ndwago n now," he said "Ther e 'II be a few broken a nkles before we're· through, but the y 'll be bac k Jumping on "Now ll'R MiddlE'ton, a nd I don't know how loni;t he 'll be out lie has a back neck. Ho wever. Brad 1s going to Rtart skat mg 1o m o rrow. McNab m ay pla y W ednes d ay. Re dmo nd Is a poss1b11tty ne xt weeke nd . So things may sturt lo look up. "WE'LL TAKE ALL o r the Oak a nd all the bull a nd regroup. I 'd rather take it now tha n in Ma rch or April." Fro• Page 81 11 Pn,on ,. ) • 1 • o.-•dQ•m.&n Bu<ll.nFr Crun1e111- 0 1ttrw.ll1 ' J \ 11 ; U 0 I I J C I \ l • ll I 0 U • •I I ,_. (.),H'lfl•Y w ..... , A!;4UI jAhbAr Hu«Hon Nit on ~0 .. 1 eoonfl .. ,,,~ l\10 1'•11 ~ I I IJ ' .. , " 1 0 0 • l 0'41 • ! 00 I I 0 () I I 04 7 Ra ndy Manc ri of the Kan g' a nd Robby Sehmaut z or t ht· Bruins had off.setting gouls 1n the first period . Los Angt'lcs then nailed down thP victory in a four.goal scl·ond pl riod Clwrlll' Simmer got the ti~·hrc ok1n g goa l when a shot we nt in off h•~ leg and Steve J~nsen m ad e 1t 3 I on a pass rrom Goring. Goring tht'n mad<' It 4· 1 while killing ,, penalty and Murk lll'as llp added an uuurancc tally 46 second~ later. ZOELLER WINS TITLE. • • ,"'"" W"fltOf' day two · shots in front of the puck , was three ahead m o&t of lhc stormy day and eventualJy wo n by five afte r scoring a meaningless birdie on the fina l hole of the South cours e at Tor- rey Pines. H E FINISHED with a round or pa r 72 one of only five scores al par or better in the brutal weather und c laimed $45,000 * * * f on•I 'I<,,_., -IMdlrici moNv wlnM r. on I~ Andy Wiiii...,, !won Ot-Oiwn Golt f Olif"'"m""' on I ... I 0.7 ••t O, l>ltr 11 ~utll t OUtW •I lllo fOt ••v Po""' Cnvntrv Club FU/ IV /Ollll<fl \A\ 000 lnm Wdl...,.., \1~.~ ft Ill ~,.,,,., •. "'''°° w _.vn• lftv1 '''•* llfl•~ Mt Nt••I•, \!& S00 l•ffY M40.., tll,0014 I '"'' T r~¥1M, \it (144 VII lnr lh•<Hl.-00, W.~. ,.,, y P•lf', t.8,1Yf4 \I Ott SllYljW)ll, \t,000 I t" V N•ho<'. le 000 ""''" f •lfl\O\, ~ llM tiOw•tcJ fwltty, '6,000 l'lmmy AMOll, \A.000 l11m W•l\•tlfll, .,.,000 ft)ftl fl u•t1t1r M 000 A•fl(IY f ""'""· ~-1000 M•1 k llAYtl\, .... O!llJ J C •n•.o, \A 000 John ~OVOl\t • .,.,000 Kob t.ll!IH \1 /Cll I •Of\•ro ~. U .100 G11tr J..-. '1 100 lom <ot~rt 0 .100 'urlh Sir-\Im ..... <.l•ID<I,..., U ,nt Mtkt MtCvtlOolQll. \IA'9 f r•IQ \1 ... .., \1,111' 11111• C•ll•t , t1.tlt GU M llll)MI \l,m Mollo• "•rhot \I •lll U•M v I .,.,M,,., tl.11' ""nor Be..-. \t ''' ('Ill rhl Aodtl-1, 51,1'1 t.••• llO<ll," 111 l O'I Hl11•I•, \I.tit Jlm 'Y IW)f,.. \I'" Tommy V•t.nlofW, \I 711 Jeo "-·''tit Al•ll T~"• \t.,U I onr1y W-lftt, ll,11J llO«lel Wel1el, tf,jlt 1• &1 tin 7111 I• 10.17 II 1111 12.fit.n '' 7lll 1~t.t-n ... -191 ll 1"1H2 117 11 .. 1 1•7• 181 1\11'170>14 l.i II I) 10 I• ?M " /0 11·1• ?19 Ii /)./l.IJ 1" 11-tlt·10 I• 7 .. I• IJ 1110 19'1 ,. 10 1:1on '" •• '°''~'· 1'IO ,. 1()-l:loli 1'0 ,. .. 10 16 7<IO I) I• 10 I> M> II A'I 10· 14 1<IO , .. , 10.1• 1'0 It 10 .. ,, 1<IO 14 II 10.,. 1'11 11 10 11 II 1'11 II II 1' 11 1'11 I\ •1·11 ,. ,., ,._., 11 IJ ,.., II It I• II ,.., II II IQ.14 m 11 .. )114 ,.,, II I~,. ,., ,. •I,,,. ,.,, , ... , '°"" ,.., IS II 1' I• m , ... 10 ,. ,., Ii It /).ll m ",.,.,. ,, m 11 .. IJ I• 1'l ,,..,o,, 1• m II tit II II tt) ,. " ,, ,. ,.l 14 IJ 17 14 m , ... , ,,.,, "' ,,,..,,,. m ~ketball Ratin@8 Tbe DaUy "1ot•1Top It Oraa1.e Cou&y Pttp Baahtball Poa. RcMol Record l. Marina LS-2 2. lM AMllOI' 14·3 a. Mater Del 12·3 4. E1tftncl1 14·4 6. Coronadei Mar 14·2 e. Servile. ll·S 7. M l11k>n Viejo 16-3 •ttUa 10-7 .... "Vt jj,_t. oy 13-4 ,. I with his 282 total. six unde r pHr "This is going to help me ." he said . "It's going to be 1ereat for m y confidence. There a rc two quest ions e v eryone h &s to a nswer when they come out on the tour: 'Can I m a ke it., Then, 1f I make It, can I win?' You have to prove il. Now l 've proved it. Thal will help. That will m a ke the second o ne come e asier." Tom Wat~n. the Player of the Ye ar for the past two sea110ns. m ade his firs t s tart of 1979 u good one. Pre pping for the dP fens e of his title in the Bing Cros by Ntt\iona l P ro-Am this week. Wat1mn played his last nine In 33. That gave him 71 and a tie for second at 287. G JOM~ 0 0 0 0 '10b!V h ,.,, I OI•" 41 1 ~>l100 Tol•I\ •I II 1\ 111 k-llY~Nn M•h••u•.,.. 11 11 1' >' o()'I lo• AnQtPlfl\ t• '1 tt U 111 f ol•t touh M•lwh •.-''· Lo' A"9f'lft• •• 1'0111.-0 OIJl M J<>M!"O" IMllWMl-f'f'I f.CM l(•I l oul\ c,1.,,.,111 IM1lw•u••<' I, Allf'f\o.tno 11 • .o? PCAA Standings * * .kor• • ., ....... , * • 0 \ 0 1 I .. H\t P~rlO(J I • Q\ Ano,. ... , ~.,.,,. ,., \ f H••t flp t. t 11 1 f'•tt"" \CPtn,Av lt H l'ACll'IC COAST ATMLaTIC AHN •(••l>m•n, A•l•ll,.I IJ ~ f', "~"'" o;..,., ... w L "" l'A Fin\ • K v .... uv. •A " Ml (ft!IOuo l.A ,. JI C•I Sl•le Fullerton U!ol> St•I• 6 0 O• JI• f'O\IPt, ll<n, II H \ 1 ,... "' .,.,.,.., .,..IOI' • J l n• A...,..I••, Som'""' 1 PArUlr UC ~•nl• ""'""'" l ono fttt.e<h ~•••r , nt\n~ 4it•f,. 1 •U J't\ lh •lor, ~I • #t • I~ A_o,.,, J""""" u ) •• ""' f(iorl""· "°"'Oftt l. • \• \ LO\ A"9ei.a Gor"'O I• 1 47S .,. fMurprty M.tNt'fl " 44f fl , ,)\ Af'\f'tln , H,..,.,, .•• '" .. 1 l 1010ft""' "" , ....... ,,. IA~lnr,lA "" \0" JO\f' ~l•I• I ""l •71 fl>lnt -led I ~IOll, 5<11mAUI/ H 10 11••1 UC l1w1,_. 0 • MO •i. ly, Som ti, , °' • llo-ton, 0 A•llly I} IM llOH s"""o'•S<••• (•I 'llat• FuU«r10fl I• UC ""'""\\ """"'-'"' 0.-. UC lf•IM•I S... Jo•• \l•t• C •I 51&1t t-ulltnon •I lJl.tll Sl•t• Pee Ille otl Lonq 8'>1><11 Sl•I• F,.ti,. Sl•t• •t UC S4tftla ..... ,. 0oAo o, ,. 11 P.l\AltOh I 0\ An!J"I"" ,,_.,.,h "f"rv•d by -..",,..,..,,, 1 ... 4).r<ont Ao ... 10 11 I o •or. LA, 10 Jt. Mllbur~. Bo•. 10 17 5'\ol-Oii tMI U.• A,.._,., .. II 10 7P SO.IOI> 10 ,,. JO Go•llh I •• Anoet.•, Ou ftom•. 80\IM, ""' ti• A 12,Ml f pttl C°"" A-"•• WO••• •·111 ... t' ""''"rNOllOt• '-" ...-oo Uft f •\IOm l>loolO • t0Vf1 to ,.-,, 'flftM~ "'YY*O ,. .. ~. t~Httt l~WUCt'O" DMUfff~ a1.1nl c.O ''' l°'-4' 4f\~• ()f '""nu t W"r ti.9f'ftfllrt fw r'Mt• UH ,_.., ~• ... ,~ .. , • eowt, or.,,,..,...., t\ftt to pt.-y UOCA1 ~f"~t~ ,,,,. ,oy. ~ "'• rOV• ,.._.0111t1ft 'Mt <" t\jl'\ CALL f0DAV FOR fRH COl OA ll'OCHUR[ 646-523' ... .,,.,. ....... c .......... ... J • TENNIS .' HORSE RACING I BOATING Monday. J.Muary 29, 1979 DAILY PILOT 113 Hockey, Basketball Standing OCIET SHOTSl0 ~~~,~,,~~?.~~Y!Rnve Eliminated HocUy ""'",..._'-~~~AOUI C-....11 • ._,.o_,...__ " '-' , .... , .. IOhl•"°"'- NV " ...... ' J1 • I) ,.,. •• -""•"'• .-1111.-• ....,. N •• ' '' 10\ ''Ill ",. •»"11 •• ,, •• 't \ ....... (Mc-V-"<•._,_,., , ... ,_ ,. ~· .. """ fO<OftlO l uft••o • Mtft~)O•• ~flt•~·· \Gt Aft9tt"' ,.llhb<l•Qll .... ,_04, ...... ,, " II .. II JI t1 t. --·-~-· ~ ........ '° " • N ,. .. II II Httttt Otwt•l- U • ,, ti .. ,. Wa\fll"tioft le •• 0.lrool 1 11 ,_, "-'" "°'" ........ &, .... , """"'~I IJoolr'INI J M 11-• ) llwl•le I fo~ee I, w .. 111no-, , .. ,, ""'" '· Oltt"'9, , ...... ,o .... MOntrt tl Iii Pttlt.0.111111• T-y~o..Mt ltt ....... "' SI l °"" W••""""Ofl •• o. ..... , .... _ •• ,~"'"°'''''•not• Ne" '\'ewe. "tfl9t" •• 11.,.f.OU,,.• . " .. , "' , . "' ,. . "' ... ..., . ,. ... ,,, •' IOI ·~ I "' "' 1"1 " ..... , "' 1 o no •w , 11 * ••• ,. ,., ' .. ... '" t•I • ,., Pill "tt UI I., WOttU>HOOCl'l'AU N O\Mbec Hr# l noleflo WIM l- l!dmOnlon (Jnclnnetl 8 11mlnQhem W l. f ,.,, GI' GA 14 ,, • i1 '" ,,. J I I\ • ti ti\ I U 11 18 ~ "8 fl• 110 n 1• o .. 1~ •n 10 1J \ 0 111 "' 11 l • l a1 ua "' ....... Y'•k-· H•• EnotMICl I WlnnoDt<J I l::dmOftfOft ). 0 11<tnrwl1 O Ttfli<llll'tGtm .. No o•mt• W.he<s.llP<I T-•,·aoam .. Wl'l!'llCJ"'lel N•w Enat•..a Ol/f!Otc •I 91lltl11'IOl><1m Beaketbell NATIONlllL aAtltlfaAl l ASSN I! ett.nl CtM•ret>< e All...,llc OM tlen Wa11HlllllM Pllll<1dtlll'\IA Ntew Jet Y.V N~• V Of'lt BM ton W l .-ct GI 'l '~ 1181 ?8 11 on 1·. 1l " •11 " n 1• .,, 11•, II )I J~ lo CMllr" 0 .. 111 .... !>~n Anl!WllO HOU\ ton Allilllld (lfl 'll'f'l"f\O 0.-lroll N{+w Orltt•n' JO 70 ,WO 11 70 SIA I' 11 " \,. J • 10 74 "°" 4 18 )I '!1.1 II " J\ 171 u ~ lt-n•&' ,,,, ~ O~f\wer Mllw•ullM llldlMI• r111u oo wett .. rn Co"••r•nce Mlclwtsl OIYltf.,. JO .. .., ,9 '~ 01 • ?t 7• 01 • ,. .JO "'8 II •• J I >61 11 l'.telllc DIYt>IOft Su tllt LH AnQt ltk Pt.ofnl, " Pwll•nd 5Aft O•~qo Gotdt>n Sttt• .. J I I• ll 111 .)Cl ?O 7'1 ,. 7• n " " Stf"l!O'~kem l O\ AllQl'I .... Ill MllWAU~l'f' 10' 80\IOft IOJ, <;ol()M ~lete IC17 DMY~r .. °'"AGO u Ot•lrotl l~. S-01> o ... ao I tR ln()IAM 171 s .. n An1onlo 110 N•w J•'""' ti/, Pno.n1.c 1U WA\lllllO!on '"· N~w Yor• 10\ IC""'"' (llY 137, Cl•wleftCI 10' Por11and 11'. PllllM!tltpfll~" T-..,.·,o emtt New J.,M!V et L~ A._ln Allantf 01 Wa\lllnoton Hout-4'1 lnot- $1111 11111onto bl o..uoo Mllw<1uk .. •I ~ 0!900 O~nvttr "' .....,,_ ..0 tOll 1 .00 ' .•71 e• ~II ~ •\I 10 Comwrs Says He's , . Still Leaming PHILAl>ELPll l A CAl'l Junmy Conno~ ln•11'Lt1 ha lenms 1omethlna "''w t•vt·ry time heo pl a ya ' 11'1 not lbr "In lhut cou11t.J1.'. 1.•ld Ow pro h•nnas playe r m any cone c»r lh<• world'• lit' \ "ll '11 lhr way I phi) · .. COWNOll8' l.A1'EST r haptcr 1n loamin, something n('w curnc S und•>' wht• n h ~ ii en ul!hed Arthur Aaht'. 6 J, t> 4, 6·1. to win the N0.000 r1rAl pru" In thl' S Indoor Pro Ch ampionship "My .iam1· 111 m s turtng." said Co nnor s . "I 'm m o re ltnowl«t,tmbl~ " Wha t did ht> learn in uv~r powertna th<' \1Ctt.1r1n Ashe, who tried to slow down Conno rs with mod rate a peed lacll<'r. ., .. J leamt.'<l that my return Is ba ll\r now thun 1t wH when I won the U.S. 0 J>('n h18l 1-e•u'. ·' Connora aa.ld CONNORS SAID his will and hi• •\Utude on the court were s trongt r. Connol'I brefzed Into t he rinal with wtns over Van Wlnlt11ky, Erik Van ·rnuen. Wojtek t'ibak. Oeof( Maalers and Rosroc Tan- ner. On Lhe..other hind. Ashe had t o get by thr<'e or thC' top six seeds -Guillermo VllR8, Vil as GeruJaltls and Brian Gottfried. ln the sem ifinal, Ashe lost the first two sets to Oerulaltis , and then rallied to win the next three and the match. The loll that match took on the vet er an Ashe was evident against Connors , who al26. lsnlne years his junior ASHE SAID it best when he commented <After the m <1tr h with Connors. "I reel like somebody * * * Mal mt> with 1 slick. Not Jim· my, my body." A•he t·xpluJned that the bla di(ft"rc-nee In phtyln1 Connora Is tha t he h1t11 tht.' boll on a ittra.lght lln~ •nd loo oppe>nent hns to tcet lo th~ bl11l Quicker The l~r &ho noted lhitt Con· non 1s on<' ol the r"w playur11 in the i?O me who can hit the ball on thr rhJt'. And ARhe r·c m arkcd th at 1f you don't serve we ll )'Ou'rc ln trouble. "\'OU <'AN ONLY play as wt>ll as th\' o ther guy letll you pluy. · · ru ht! u ld In doubles play. the toy·Beeded tcum or Wojtek t'1bak o Poland u nd To m Okk e r of th e Netherlandlf gained the top prize or $13,000. with a 5·7. 6·1. 6·3 vie · tory ovf r the young /\ meric an team or Peter Fleming and John Mc Enroe. who wer e seeded second Connors was informed Sunday tha t the Inte rnational Tennis t'ederatJon has r eatrlrmed sup· port for Grand Prix Tournament rules. insisting on the right to designate six lournamenls for the game's sta r players. CONNORS. AMONG the sta rs who has refused to sign with the Grand Prix unless the deslgnat· ed clause is removed or some compromise reached . re iterated that he ·dldn-'t care whe re he played . but that no one was go- m~ lo lcll him when to JJlay. "There is going to h1:tve to be a compromise somewhere," said Connors. who is headed for a IO·day vacation. "I 'm selfish because I don't play as much as the others. I play three weeks m a row and then rest." * * * Stevens Was Determined HOLLYWOO D. Fla. IAP> "I was determined to win. t told myse1' I wasnl aoing to lose this match," said South African Greer Steve ns of her 6-4 , 2~. 6·4 victory over Dianne Fromholh of Australia in a t<'nnis tournament. Her victory Sunday earned her tbe biggest paycheck of her career, S30.000. . Unseeded in the second tournament she's e ntered since she un· dcrwent a knee operation h•st May, Stevens became a serious con- tender when she defeated favored Chris Evert in the first round early la11t week. She had plLJyed in a Houston tournament t.he week before but was e lirrunated in the firs t round. The left-handed Fromholtz, the No. s seed. made the final after she defeated Virginia Wade. the second seed. .. I blew it," s aid Fromholtz. who earned $15,000 for her ertort. "I got nervous in the third sel. Either you crack or they crack. I c racked." StevenA broke Fromholtz in the third game of the firat set, but the Australian broke back in the eighth lo put it al 4·4. Stevens, wearing a knee bra ce. won the next two games. breaking her oppo. nent a ga in in the ninth a long deuce game. She then held ht r ser ve lo take the first set. L/lE 71115 6 NfJTTH!S/ n 'f<jfl R FO £1.fN • 1'}/l!O(/Vtf SHotltO HAW 1'H~ RJU · "4.eM EXT&l~f), llOr /10()1'£() AliOt/Nt> ~ Kt"CI< Af {/(()l,Ull /IM~. ~~r mAr f/AUff FAC£ ()(/T ffl~ nte &LL AS F,4~/t5 P.OSSl4/.~ M O YrJll'J.L HAVe MJ(e ~II'(),+' YdVP Slld1$ AN&> OE AUT,4-f~ lfta/G4Te I Los Al E .ntries T9fli11M·• o...~el!lrl.s ,,,.., ..... 1·0 '"'ST •• , •. AGO vorctt 3 yH r «>IO\ P ur"' U , IDO. Cletmlno pr+ce u ooo L-o Hot Copy ITr••tUt• I Ml\\ C6 14 ("10 IW,.h on l Tr\1~ St• ILIP"•ml Tultn•ll•""'" IW•rOI OUttft of "" IMu11. lll'IOV LOU l •dY IAO•I• '· '!lh•d ow MJOOt l ll•wl•I, AllO!flt< Tln n IC•rdQl•I Polley Anurod teruo.r I 8• ••~ Bu\lllUS 18-rdl SECOND ltACE 110 v•rd\ 'n M old\ A uP P\,ru ~.100 Cl•lmlnQ prl<t \.1,000 71p·, Son IC•root•I ()/\ CltMQO- l l?ouql'tl So..o 11 .... Aull•h IMM11 \1U y f"if\Q I Cr•AQfH I 1=-.,, Pnr1.,.,,,.,. ocntQllll 0.11 , Sll-w IWt rOt. CAlll<>rnl~ S-V~ft flll)ll•ml, Grumpy(ll•O IA<IAlrl I fMilr ll .. 111; ,,, o..,c., trr.-e\1KOI Mr Mui\ IC~8Qtlrfl 8oO V•n Moon IC.rdo1•I RIOHTH ltAC•. lJO Y•"d' ) vur Old\ A UCI Al_., Pur v M.)()() Soul Buo ·~OOlt •. Altco<M I Lo ... llll<ll.•t • E•w Wort hy IM•rll OU..ne -Ola'# IT"'•'u""I 111,. l•v• vur IWMOI. Euy Fortun .. ILl!Jf>tm>. --'''"'419f'I Jot !>Pv IW•l~I. Polly Bow IAOUQhl 811904'd -IMll<~tl NINTH aACfi UO YMCI\ ) vw•r 010, 4. 111> Pv1~ U,IOO Cla•m•"O pr1c!' '1.)00. r t tCM 00 f Por,.rl; ~ Pink P •n l h•r IR •n~\I M r (•P" 1c:.rooul Moon 11•11 IMYI•••. Ct1ero1n Hlol la.rot Cio C•t IC •"9 "IPh•ml Wtr F•llCv IM•r11 Ace Moon IAO.lr l TMlltD ltACE )\0 v•rd\ l ·~·· s A . 0 '"' ... uc> """"" "''° ,..,.," c .. , anta Dita b•Mf ~ \J,700 C•••m•no"' !'00 #UUH! T•'' Nit<• tMvt•,, Rrown Mt le ti ljll\llml, Dl"'8h M;J IACl•H I Moor.IUt Mtd Ao..,, tBardl. ri, .... TI Q "" Utou oll I l u• 1 Ootonn• f (r••Q•r • Y nunQ A t Hr •rl IP•r~rl l.OV [II• 8dr «C.rd0t41 Swlno On c.a1 CM.,.11 CllarQ<'\ W•Y 18rOOh l. ,OUltTH llAC£ ~ _,rO\ J v••r 'lid m•IOO'fl C•I ""'a l>U•~ ,?. 100 Ctatmlnq prl<f \~ 000 8 our"O To Glnrv tA04'trl ''"'''" f rouhl~ tMv1..,,1 Ay• A.,,,. \1< tTr~4\Ur«q Htt\'10UO tWMdl flOV'91 8 •nQU4tl fllOUQhl Promln ICA•trol. O PH•I 8t u~ Ottl •Cttrl•o l 0"" I lit.p I !Mnl.\ I Wh.,l•WAY (;lrl IB•rdt. ~ CC-Oottl '"TM ••cl no v••d\ J YH r OIOl & uo. "'"' .... ,,., m .... Pu•M \l,700, c ••fmfnoPrtrf'\A.000 Moon Fll"Cv l8 roou f Leoo••-• IMylf'\I. fh•h CIA\< IC..rdot•I "•klnos GAi IA<J•'" Jtots llll141 A!'<! I T<•t\u rel C.o (labll•rolle IPern~n. "-An~I ICI••""''· c -ltbrllv OoU IHAn l llo\ll\ ~0<"1 pnlt• flfpham l , lto Moon Olrl twardl SIJITH It.AC• UO VU d\ J yeer o•o• 11111 .... Allow11nc.• pune IA.~ Ml\\ 5•111~ Win IC.rOOHI Sotv11no 19•""''· Swlrtymvtou tl(ntalll l. Fo•Y A~I tTrU\Urt l. Twl\I A r•t tl lllot>11m1 Ou\lv U-1 11t' v IRa rrtl. Jet ,_ov•••• Jan IH••ll. T1melll9'•Y l(n-rl t•VENTM lllllCE. •00 ord• ' yHr old'$ & uo Pww U ,j(JO, Cl•IM· •no price U ,ODO Ht Al-I l-\1; J °" P~•ln Bv 11:1.rl,.•el. Air ~It lllOUO"I, lUCk'I' ~ ... O'lt IH•r• I Solld V•lue 11( n l o lll I ; S u p-r Svr<lltro• I P t r n tfl, Co nred•rel e J t l Results , .. s-.. ,., ... , ,..,..,,~ .. -""' f!JP'\I f'A(f> JU411fi04*'' C,1tl tTnrtu t• 10. 8 oo 4 ?O Arll"lt Ou~ .. ~ I P l•r u•I • &0. 4 •O, (',111; IMrt•ll•QUOl l 40 • ... tnno ,.,t P •>r ,..,,_,,,. It• \W~t 1110. fl 10 .... 0 f etT,.-fo f rv rOtt ... tir~' • 4 tilt) \ ?O Cn~t1nn ICllUl~n l 100 0 do'lllv OOUblP I~ ~I p~I0'1 40 I ntt 0 r•ce Prov.n P 1Qf'lt I Ptn ••• I • 60 • eo .• '° Bro..,., (irA•• •C•tlAllf'd.111 1 80. l 70 Mer A•••I C()flY"'"' • U t0 rourl" r1tr t l •o Tomorrow .. IPlllCAVI ?,IO, 1 . .0, 'IQ (10,..ftfld HUii IOll•ar•• I ~.a. l IO Joylul Pr&n-IW-911'°"1 J IO r 11111 reu l tr-w lllalluar l >• 10 IS 00, I loO El (hemp .. au1 I l orol 10 •O 6 70 l'uh•on l~O •ro•dl!rOI 6 IO, u ... .,,.. ·~' PAIO IOI '41 '> r • I II r A (,. I 'II "i Un d p A I •Otl•a•••l 1' tO I oo. l 6'l "'"''< &c •Ion IMr CMronl l 10 1441. Promu•r Mtnl"r• CCordOrol J 00 '•••11111 r11u J""" {)oft •CO..,..ro' W •n, • 80, l.tO. llomtn Mini!• IVA" q v•r I I fl() •Ml Araul\d W• r.o •P••rr•I )20 n ........... Pol•O ·~oo rtot1th •«• Mr ANtQy ICor.,..ro 1 ~DO, J te), 1 80. Lilt '\ Mopro CM<C<l<- ~:~ :s4:6 S.l'O ••• , _Taylar lVH· Nlnlll •M•-~ SI M4tje\IY IM<C•• ro#ll at DO, 11 'Cl. I -0. Mr. Apnl ITor ol l•O. SOO frlpl• Sl•~U l .. leretl 1 tO; U O.tcl• CIO II NICI ,.J.'41. All•---3'M$ ~~l'J ~ 1~~}; fiJ J/J~~MJiiJ ~1tJ ~nniJ {i/;t~ Saddlehack Nine Green f ; >r r_},r 1~ Under New Management The Harbor Racquet Club is a cl ub for people who want to play lots o f tennis and have lots of fun doing it. HRC has the most centralized location in the Harbor-Mesa area and more court" availability than any other local private club The costs of Memberships are but a fraction of t hose at comparab le clubs. I Regular Memberships: Single Membership: S100 per year, $26 monthly dues Family Membership: $150 per year, $35 monthly due~ II Permanent Memberships Available Ill. Special January and February 1979 Introductory membership for com- panies or groups of friends who want to get into the fun of tennis. • •Thrff (or more)party memb41~1hip • $120 per yt1r ($40 per p1rty ). $60 per month duet 1$20 ~ •Intl• party) Note: add $5 to tht rf'IOnthly,duea if a family Is one of 1ho por tics. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 642-2000 HARBOR RACQUET Cl.UI , Freshmen Dominate Gauclws ' Roster By JOHN SEVANO Of lllt Dally Piiot Stiff The Saddle b a c k Colle ge basball team won 't be lookin~ tn set the Ml11~lon Conference on fire this year. Ins tead . the Gauchos will just be content to improve on a 11-21 over all mark and 8-16 conference record last year. "We shou~ be better than last" year . I hoJ>('. ·· s ays Coach Dick Stuetz. ..Our pitching <1nd de · fcnse will be our strengths the comlnl{ season with the strength or our defense coming from the catching position." TWO EXCELLENT receivers In Bruce Welz. a returning let tcrman, and Pa ul Bethke, a transrer from Cal Lutheran, make catching a solid position. The Gauchos will field a green team this ye ar and Stuetz feels his youngsters will have to ad· juRl. to coll~ge ball berore they can Improve. "We have Rood potential hit· ting-wise, but we also have a lot of freshman a nd they're l{Oing to have to adjust from high school to the college game. "STILL, WE'RE 'NOT a strong hilling team. We don't have a lot or long ball hitters . Our strength will be in our defense." Consider ing the amount or freshmen on his team Stuetz is stlll undecided as to who will fill DICKSTUETZ many of the positions hut here 's u (itCneral outlook Cat('hcr Welz. so . Bethke, so. First base Scott lfall(h, rr .. f'oothill : Lowell Wade , fr , Corona del Mar. Second base-Mork Stoll, so Third base -Eric RrownJn..:. SO I Shortstop-Ed Mccann . fr . M ls slon Viejo Outfield -Dana Brown, AO. Stl'vc Carroll. fr .• Los Altos. Doug Jones. so. P it che rs -Michael Sul II van. so. Mark E n g l"· !'.O , J o e Holdridge. fr .. Tustin; J e ff llud· c1lcston. fr . El Tor o : Mark Kacheleln, fr .. El Toro. Othen1 pressing for a Sta rtin" rol e are infi e lders P e t e r h ongola <El Toro > and Doug Frlt7. !Corona del Mar l Seddleba<'k openr; the season Snturduy I noon l at MiraCostr:i Lagunan Wins OAKLAND <AP 1 Jimmy Weinert or La~una Oeach. over· ('Omlng o back lnJury and uslnJ? :1 s p e cia l re a r l ire on his Kawasaki 250, won a IO·mllc motorcycle competition Sunday nis.iht on an Oakland Colis\'um l·oursc heaped with lruckcd ·in dart. W e lne rt 's vi<'tory ove r ('hallengcr Boh Hannah or Whit· r 1er and a field of seven factory te ams won hj m '6,500 HAnnah made his move with fi e out of the 20 laps r em aining · on the halr·rnlle course of 13 turns and 24 jumps, but he fell and slipped back to firth. Al the checktred rlag . ht! was 2 ~ ~Pconds behind We inert. .. Cauthen Streak at 105 ARCADIA <AP > Sten Cauthe n wa1 the t oast of the horst• r.ncing world m . 1977, lhtn enhanced his reputntlhn, Inst year by riding Triple Crown wtnner1Arflrmed . ONM AMD CLOSID .. rLAHMID TO RT Youtt MllOS But the youn.I( lO('key 's ma1lc ha~ dlaappelf'W in tm. and racln.g 1 rormer "Wonde r kid'' may be wondcrtna tr he'll ever vltll the winner 's circle aga in . Caulhen. tA. hun'l ridden a wtnner In h.ls last .105 racea. Sunda y at Snnta Anita, he went to the post eil(ht Umes. 6lnd hl11 bt1t rln11h waa third abonrd CoJHallno In th~ second raco. Even then. Caut ht n'a mount got helQ from the racln~ s tewBrdll. who dl11qu1ltrll'd lhlrd·plaoe tlnlsher M1r11os down to fifth, movln1 Copellno up.from CARS • TRUCKS ... LOA .. CAH DUl'"6 MaYICI fourth. " . _ tt en nas now (Ori 20 rlC nf' dl)'I Wllhout a winner, nnd two IO'll H ume aboard M fi rmtid 1n t vc nt11 v.her«' the 1'ripl CN~·n w1nntr went ort o hcuvy favorite ... Cup Racers Fight Weather By A_LMON LOCKAB£Y Delly ,,i.t ..... ~ Blualt!I')' 40·knot winds driving hail and rain in Loni Beach Jllrbor &lso drove the contestants In the . West Coaat aulloff for a spot In the 1979 Con1rtUlonal Cup orr the counse Sunday. Soft ha.II and rain began to fall at the Long Beach Yacht Club a l'lhort while before the live re· malnlnc skippers lcrt the dock ln their Cal·40 sloops. The race committee wisely chose to hold thCl races Inside the breakwater rather than the open ocean. . By the time the racers reached I ha 11t1rtJng area lhe rain and hall had 1lopped a nd the wtnd was blow- lnlJ a comlorhlble 10· 14 knots. But conditio ns changed rapidly during the second s et of pair- ings to determine the winner. By the time the first pair reached the weather mark the wind wu blowing in s m all sale for('e and rain and hail were peppenng the sa il is BOATING THE RACE COMMfTTEE signaled an aban· donment. leaving three skippers still in contenHon for the coveted 10th ape>t. These three will continue the sajlorf at a n unannounced dale. Still in the run. nlng ar<' Dennis Durgan, Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Mark Gaudio. Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club, and Jack Woodhall. Los Angeles Yacht Club. The two sloppers elim inated Sunday were , Argyle Campbell, NHYC. a former winner or the Cong ress ional Cup, and Ouvld F rosi of thl! Alamitos Ba y Yacht Club. Eliminated on Saturday we re Steve Dair, LA YC ; Steve Flam, Leeway Sail· ing Club: Bob Grant, Santa Barbara Yacht Club, and Malin Burnham, San Diego Yacht Club. T llF. CONGR ESSIONAL CUP ma tch r acing Benes features tht.· top match racing skippers and Is s~cond only to the Ame ncu'1> Cup. Two of the competitor~ In th<.· up('omlng series In March <1re a lso challengers for the America's Cup. They a rc PC'le Pe tt£'rson. Roya l Gotc,Pt>rg Yacht Club, Swede"; and Bruno Trouble, s kipper on Baron Bich 's challenger from the Yacht Club d 'Hye res. France. Others already selected a re Dick Deaver, Los Ange les Yacht Club, the defending champion; Harold C'udmore, Royal Yacht Club or Cork, Ireland. match racing champion of Great Britain; Ric ha rd Hackett, Coyote Point Yactit Club, San Francisco; Scott Allan. Ne w York Yacht Club. a former Congressional Cup winner when he was a resident of· Newport Beach; Tom Oden back Jr .. Yacht Radng union of the Gre at Lakes; Marvin Beckman. Houston, Tex .. Yacht Club. and Henrv S<:hofield. Long Beach Yacht Club. Big Kahuna Wi~ CaPQ Bay Event Bil Kahuna n . skippered by Mark Town1end of the Dana Point Yacht Club. was the overaJl win· ner Sunday In the first race of the Capistrano Bay YachlClub'sSanJu11nSeries. The race s tarted 10 light airs but before the a f- te rnoon was ove r winds up to 40 knots, accom· pan1ed by rain and hail. had kicked up five to eight foot seas SECOND OVERALL WAS Mas Rapido. with skippers Sardone <ind llollywood , DPYC, and third was V·Max. John Hooper, DPYC Class winners : ULDB I. MuB Rapido: 2, V-Mu: 3, No. na m e. Dave French. DPYC. PHRF-A 1, Bi~ Ka huna : 2, Thumper fl. Jim Lucchesi, Capo BYC: 3, Fine Prtnt, Ken Soloman, Capo BYC. PKRF·B -1. AVOCA, Tim Fuller. Capo RYC. 2. Holo ' Klki, Ri('k Rerr. Cape> BYC: 3, f''unny Feelin', Pete Meade. Capo BYC. PllRF·C -1, Bold Forbes. Ed Cummins, Capo BYC : 2. Nasty, Howard Trueba, Caw BYC; 3, Briga- doon, Fred Perez. Caµo BYC. Manning Trophy Taken by Leweck Cralf' uweck of the CallrornJa Yacht Club con· quered 34 competitors and hlustcry weather on Santa Monlrn Bay Saturday and Sunday to win tho E . E . MoAnin.c Trophy, oldest dinghy racing com· petition in Southern Callfomh•. Leweck won the coveted kudos In the 35·bo11t Sydney Sabot Clulf, Winner of lhe Skimmer Trophy in the aecond lar11eat etas" waa Steve Garland of the Santa Monica Yacht Club in the l l·boat Wt•11tward Sabot Class. Winnt>rS in other classes were Ole Eichhorn. We stlake Ya<.'ht Club, in the to.boat Coronado·IS dass . <4nd Mark Ru11h, Ventura Y1.tcht Club In the Laser clan with 10 entrtes. Stroni wind, rain and h•lt blasted th race four~e on Sunday. re~ulUna In aeveral capsi1ln1• in the chilly wotcra. NEED NEW YACHT CUSllOf81 GET A FREE ESTIMATE ABOARDI OET THE INSIDE LINE - CALL BENNY TODAY! Entov 1a1~1 y11chhno '"!""OI <k'Cor ai Bttorc1 ble prices 11new your culal\tOnl 1n N·QUAMty. m&11fl9-onen1ec1 labnet We cu•· IO!n mt1111re end guatani" ¥Yorkmenltllp, oo•~ •n<I tn iou!Mfn C.•lornla; 714) 657·4073 ... DAILY PILOf Monday Janu.,., 21. I 1171 Television \111\.11\, IVINJNO --1••0--• •tCVOHll " ---.. lf\!Wed by • ~~ • .,, J t8 .. M4 Then """" w .. On. . ll0tltl0e bOOI •• 1&11 and ~· • oreuo ot V... V91Ca c;I I i. liOUl"O ~· • 'fMI fllW1't IUNOH CWOI ..ot• 1 tby tor a wom.rt • fNIOIU!NI 11'4 lt-owbie ~ ,.._ tM ~~­.,, ... IN-*"' I.,._ • l ......... C»MN HltN0900 Mille hlY8&llOatt1 Ille OMtfl ol I ...._.,. PQlll:lt r<Wil' IEA8Y 0-1 ,~, per.oNll· l_!l Monty .... • OCDOUAA AllROAO: IHAA Ta. AT NOMI [ .... ,,tie>e OA flNO GAM11 THAT'I HOU YWOOO TIC TAO OOUGH AllNlt-fl Oleo~• Mtltlt • '~ u.. ei11ic.tt11Q • boy ··~tn ·~ cew ••rONOHT P•«lllng HllllOtY Of lNI famly • JUUAC....OAM> OOMPNIV N-( note nd Pottucll ........ t t00,000 ~ T'HA T '~ QI THI l'AI09 It lileOHT aooe w·A·t·H f.leOet ,.,.. ltlfldly !" to... wttn • ,_ n..NM •• tne ~lei. en<1 HOC LIC)e CAlel>f•••..., dlVOtoe II IAOKIT AIM AT fHI WHlftHOUll A. dl'90l IM'O'I Of wn~ IN dollar 11 10 .. no •••u• 11owna me "'°''° _, '™' ClifNr"ence 1 hi• ,,,..... t 0 Fir11t E'a•il11 Maog1e ROQ4HI (01Me (;.<>'I) ~ I lt\lold 11 llW WMe HOU.M. 11\d 18 qulc,.lo. ty c;on..,m<KI bY II,. ~· o1 lhe Flrll r ......W.- ._ (;4Wlng IC)f Mfl f etl 1.Nli. ..... ,.... • lllOll• •k. llm. w11antng PrMIOef\t Wiiton I CRo1>41<1 lleuQhn) Qfi91 o-1• hi• Wll8 I 0..1'1, anCl Mlptng Mo• Hetdlng (Ce!Mt• HOim) con1en<1 With the IClllldll ~rounc). Ing P•HIO•nt Herding (o.c>t119 ~~ (Part t 014) t"9 l)Mld Ster .. (J) CM....S UO. I &..OVI LUCV lUC'f ill lf!Ciled "110 llC«H)I lnQ trlt I Cite OI 8 1>1;11 (lfl I t9"Mel0tl dflll'nalle; 11\QW • ~JACl<.c>H Vactor Uuono and Juht· Jlurr1s sl ur as P rci.tdcnt and M ns Wilham Howard l'aft in the pn·m1r r episode or the runl' hour min1i.n1t.-s .. Backstairs at lht: Guell Autllor Irving Whtk lloui.c" toml(ht al 8 on NBC, Chan- nel 4 l&t>t! :,tory below > • O()U.EGe llA8QTMU w--(1) ~Wrrl Q:0 Ml.RV OAIFF™ 1;001 ~= I NIWl VWED OAMI! A8CNEW8 0 ft) JOKE~'8 WILD CD 8IX WILUOH ()()UAA MAH Clactte•.,.f Lbting• 8 KNXT tCBSJ Loi. Ar\Quht~ G KNBC (NBC) Lo~ Anqelo'> • KTLA (lno I LO'> .~mJttlU') 8 KA8C rv (ABC~ LOS AnlJt h•'> Cl) t<FMB (CBSI San 01uuo 0 KHJ-TV (Ind) Lo~ An<JfllOi (al KCST (ABC) San 01eqo I ICTTV (Ind ) Los An9elO$ KCOP TV (Ind ) Los AngelE-'> • KCET·TV (PBS) Los Anr111les G KOCE·TV (PBS) Hun tington BeJch S t.._. IMtNt that e _.. 1111 hH <1llang1d the moon· 1 Of bit, cauelng cat· aciyWnlc; •lortnl O"I Eatth (Pen I) G) 8ANf'OAD AHO 80H Fr9d and hll lrllnd1 111111 their own MClOt1 ~ • MACNEll / &1HAE.R AEPOAT QI'!) INTAOOUCIHO BK>lOOY .. Human (eology'" 7:90 8 THE MUPPET I 0UMt Elke~mw II CUMA OF FEAA Garry Wal l\lllllM thlt d<l'um tery ll'lllt toc>lll It thl nature and ••lent ~ol "crlme1 ot lnvUIOnf l*'ttaJtMty b\.lf. CaUl0<n11 va Or~ fJ Ol8 SAL VAOl 1 CPr-.e) Hetty 8'0d4wlc;tl CAnav Onltllhl ~ hll two young Ht11tan11 (J0411 Higgin•. frlth S•-•fll trevll 10 • remot1 l.i.nd In -en o1 • ,_-011tlC1 monkey 8 IN8IOE THE OOl.DEH Ol.08E8 e CAAOl BUAHETT AHOFM.NOe Ouest Belly Whlll Cl) MOVIE • * "~d• Of TN UFO" (tlln) Dooument•· ry N9W pnotograc>Nc evl· d4lt>Ce MPM•t• the rMI ltom ''"' 11\am tn ,,,., 'Corn~ and 'Backstairs' By P ETER J. BOYER LOS ANGJo;LES IAP > Tonight TV viewers cun wllnbs what producer Jo:d l"n endly calls ... - * * * 'Not Classy' Kate Dmmgrades Aeling NEW YORK <AP> -Three-Ume Acade my Award winner Katha rine Hepburn s ays she 's rn tber prunllhan act. "Acting isn't a very high class way to make a living, is It?" she comments in the cu~rent i11sue o f McCall 's mugazine . "Nobody ever won a Nobel Prize ror actinJ(. "You ha ve to remember that Sh1rley Temple could do at ul the age of 4. All you need Is 1t salable whatever-the-hell-It 111 that people like to see. I think 1 'd rather be able to paint thun act." The 69-ycar-old actress. who will be seen tonight in a "'"'u"" CBS television production of Emlyn Williams' "The Com ls Green." expressed disappointment at not domg more in tire. "I could have been a i;rcal tennis star .... I haven't realized my fuU potential: it's disgusting." Parents 'Bullied' By Kith' TV AW SAN FRANCISCO (At» In the final round ot a hole debate on the question of bannJng or control- ling televuuon ads aimed at children, an angry den- tal hygienist complained she "ls a small voice in n wilderness of blah-blah TV commercials." Eve Clapham, who works for the California Health Department m San Jose and Is the mother of four daughters, told a Federal Trade Com- mission hearing she ft•lt "bullied " hy Saturday morning TV advcrtl1ung on fhows catering to children. SHE WAS AMONG the last of more than 80 witnesses lo appear a t the two week hearing that Included tes timony fro m dentis ts, doctors, sociologists, cereal manufacturers and toy com· pany representatives. Among proposals under consideration by the FTC are a ban on commercials for sugared products mOfit likely to cause tooth decity and rquir-. Ing acb'ertisrs lo pay for nutritional andhealtht meas ages to balance their commercials. Consumer groups argued the ads are unfair becauae children are too young to realize they arc getting a sales pitch. The advertisers counter the proposals would make the fi'C a "national nan- ny" and infringe on constitutional rights of free s peech. THE I.AST OA V OF lht San Francisco hear- in1s centered lor1cly on the crtects of sugared products on tooth decay itnd general health. Cereal manufacturers and toy makers h ed presented their testimony earlier, citing in some case• that lbe cereala cncouraaed children t.o bave breakfut end to drink mUk. One of the last wltne1111eR wos 11 1elr·11tyled caped crutader for children's r1ghla, • 3$0-pound min who called hlm1elf Captain Sticky, named after tu. love for peanut butter. He wore 11 noor· length 1<>ld·colored cape a la Superman. Richard Pesta of Lon1 Bf-1ch, a bualnesaman who H ila a peanut butter brand, argued that children have the rlHM "to live llfe without harmful preaaurcs of lrreaponslble, purely profit motivated lntertall." "one or the most ludicrous aspects of our bus i- ness" -counle rprogrammlng This ts the network practice of airing a big, attractive show to steal audience from another network's big, attractive show. It Illuminates the most discouraging fact about TV's ratings-for· dollars system : The public usually loses. There isn't a lot of excellence In commercial te levision. and it's a shame to see quality pro- grams wasted as fodder in the ratings wars. Th at's what happens tonight when f'riendly's fine ''Backst.aJrs al the While House" on NBC, Chan- nel 4, al 8. is pitted against CBS' equally fine .. The Com as Green" on Channel 2 at 9. "BACKSTAIRS" IS THE story of life in the White House; not presidential hfe, mind you. with he ated debat.es and Great Weighty Decisions. but another life. the only continuing one al the White House -that of the domestic staff. Presidents eome and go. but the staff ls always there, sizing up the par<1de of occupants. Part o f th e entertainment va lue of "Ra cklstalrs" Is that it turns the standard storytelling forml21a on Its head ; ll doesn 'l focus on great deeds or great men, but on the tiny do- ings of ordinary people. with the great men serv- ing as background characters. The mnc·hour miniseries tells the story of servants ;' life throul(h eight admmistrations. from President Trafl lo President Elsehnhower , as viewed by Liiiian Rogers Parks, whose mother, "Maggie Rogers. became the fir3t black woman to serve on the president's personal staff. Mrs. Parks later worked at the White House and wrote a best-selling 1961 book on her experiences, on which the seties Is based. VOU CAN'T TELL A story about the White House witboul presidential intrusions, and the re arc plenty of these. Since presidents aren't in lhe habit of discussing matters of world consequence with their servants, most or their contributions to t he story are of curiosity value. Tait wa11 a kind man who shared bis dinner with a child Cthe young Lillian I found wandering in the While House; Harding orders that spittoons "" placed in every White House room ; Mrs. Ha rding Is s upenltitious and fancies herself a mystic. Rut some of the servant~mployer ex· changes are insightful, as when the scholarly Woodrow Wilson <Robe rt Vaughn), sllshtly stunned at the events that drew his country Into war, asks one -0( the servants . "What's a schoolt.eacher like me doing with a war ?" The performances are exceptional. Olivia WHITE'S .... .. J-. JI, lt1t 0 .. • • TUBE TOPPERS NBC G 8 00 "Backstairs at the White How~e " The three hour opcmog s ·gmcnt of a new miniseries focu sing on pres1dcntsal !fCrvants over the years (i;ee story below' KCJt:r ~ 9:00 Llve From Ken- ned y Center. Pres ide nt and Mrs. Carter host Ctuncse Vice Premier Ten.c Hsiao· pcng and WashJnJ.tton offlc1ult1 at a live performance . CBS 8 9:00 -''The Com ls Green.'' Kalharin Hepburn stars 88 the English womru1 ~ho educates a group or young Welsh miners Jn this new version of the Emlyn Williams play and movie <see story below >. uernin.11on ot "un100n11- ;i~~ "(2hfa) OONOOCTa "8wtloz" Hector Betlloz'• "Romeo And Juliet" 11 per!Otmed HO 8 Cl) WKAP .. CIHO*NATI And(t )Ob 11 )IOc>llOIZld whtin the ttalion is IOtced to QIV9 ...,.y IA,000 • TMl 000 COUPLE Otc.tt 1t llrld llorn hi• tongllnlt job u • epon .. Wf'll• IOt lllllng IO COVIi 8 bldmlnton metch tM 8 0 TOK ANNOUNCED t:OO 8 Cl) THl COAN 18 OAEEH An Engtllhwomln (Ka ma- rine ~I ,,_" wttll !QnOfance and ... lirllletlt trorn rlll<lenll or a tm•il town In Wllee whit\ ~ a11amp11 10 lduc:atn thlot yOU1hlul COii mtnetl D MOVIE • * • "Mu1dflfw1• rlow" C 111661 Dean Martin Ann M erg rat {Aller n•t• ptOQfammlllg)A 1111reo epy '-called In 10 ptOtlC1 " lamout actent111 from tor- elQn ~ (2 hfl) 8 MOVIE 'Tne Eternal T1amp" Cl\lllle Cflaplln ga MERV OM'F1N OuHl t Enoelbert H1.1mpa rdlnc11. Patt1c k Oult'f, COnnte 8tltecc;a. Oeltlglw, Fred Wlll1td ID LIVE F'AOM 1<EHHEOV cetT£A P•Mk>ent and Mre CMtw. Ch1n1111 111c1-Prem1a1 f6fl0 Htieo-Peng. \/lee P1a11dant tnO Mrt Mondllle, memr-1 ot lhl Ct b•nel •nd Congre11. Ind• dllegatton lrom Chi· na attend • live periorm- MCe at Kennedy Center. 6i) OM.AT _ ~ "Ah WllCler,_.I" ~ fOlf1 Oerllldlne Ftrzoetllld ""' Swooz1e Kun1 .,. , .. lured In fuglfle O'Nell't n<Mlalgtc glance It bygone Amflfle:a 10:00 I a NEWS LA RAZA ·A Pomlell ~ .. • HIGHT OAU.ERY "The f"llp Biele Of Selan" A rvth'-' 01ec jocuy find• ,,.. tables tu<'* on him fill THE EHEAOY WAR Tiie blttll In eongr ... over 1ne n11ur11 gee~ I blN II e.<lmlneO • THE FUTUM •NOW = -~ONl!WI l\W(E ME LAUOH f) INllDE THE OOLO!N OlOHI .T'HIOOOcouPla , .. JI le INpitld bY Otc.w'• ,_ glfllrlend to Wfll1 M Otlglnal aong tor 1\1• ~~llC1 • fHI ... OOOOll ....... -U .. HNI St•lll OOOCUM lltld 1t1emM1v11 1n 1not"-r ll'nOOMltlll prldicetnent 11:I08 (1) ~Al.a Aocktotd ... ,_ INll the IUiCIOI tit It in-ogetlllQ ... • (llll'IOtt .. -Otdeted llotnldde D TOHIQHT ~ '*'' 8111 Co.by 0-tt· Wlltleimlna, Kelly Mon111111. Tom eo.i.y • O ery C01e m1 n. Joy'• Ot'Nltt. 8 TWUOKT 1DHI "AMott~C-a" A ltoten Clr'l*I hM tM llbillty to predict tn. lutur• With the ple;turll h ..... • MOYll ' * 1 14 "Low Hate LCW9" Ct070) Ay1ot1 O'NMI. P .. w H•lll A pair ot hoMy -. .,. terrorWld by tll• b•IClt • to1mer ~rlend. ( t llr . 30 min I I THl OONO 1HOW OITIMMT 6Mett II~ lo pro- lec1 • Seanc11navt11n Pfln -lrom tddnae>c>ong • CAPnOHED A8C Nt'WI a~ llon91CM I• l9cj Into Ille WOfld of ,,,. OCCUit .. ,,. lnvtltlQll .. two dealha MOR NINO \2:00 8 lWIUOHT ZONE ··0u.1·· Art ~ lltrYlllflg mwChllnl Cl~ lie h&I • m&gical du11 wNcti wlll uve a oon- Oetnnld rnan • Al1MD HITCHCOCK ~ - A man lrlet to recaplU<• hll youth '°"*' hi WU 8 c:o11eg1111 i-cmng cnamo • OITIMMT • A --tl1'ough the mli ..,..._ dMtll '°' the CON· TROL ~ MIO ,_ II t2:a0• AOU8 -..ul'TMa • AU'ND HffCHCOOI( .......,,.,.. A oeramiee IMCflotr •t • ---~ llnde • boy with an ""'** Qllt IOt acutpturlllg. -~ 1t * ~ "Sll•ll•down" 1 t~) How.,CI Olin, 0.llrl Oonlwy. 41 ADAM-ft ~-Aeed--t• young fl'IOtlMW trytnt lO ptOtlGt f\lt baOy from I a..~m.an • 11'AO 8 Cl) CM LATS MCM9 * ·~ "Mc;MlllM A/Id W)M' TwrOt Tlrntl Two" (111721 Rode HllCllOn. Su..,, Stint JamH 1;00D TOMOMOW OuMll AulllOr MOfrlt WMI, Malty 81mmone. film ptodllcet and publlahef ot l"N•==~· CHIAPIHOW t:aG NEWt 2:GO NIW9 OITSMART Agent 119'1 ,_ job •• ""°'11111g IOt KAOS 2-.21 1 NIWI ~ NlWI 2:6t MOVIE • • ·• T 1M10n A I l 1bl4t Rock " I 111581 Rlcherd Ejl•n, Dorothy Melone •:At•~ Tew•day•• Daffd•e Mo"lfts AFTER NOON t2:00 G • * "Hl()l'I 11111" l 19SllJ John Dwelc. Elaine St- e11 Two 1rv111 tight for the l)Oe4MIM)fl or • mountain gold l!llne IH>d the love OI a '-.ttdul WOflllll CI hi , 30 .. I fl'llnl Ga••"ActOI V~· ( 19481 V1tl Hlflln, Jenet Leogl\ tilO ®J * * "Thi Bait" ( 1972) Donn• Miii•. Mlc.llael Conttanune ~ fJ *. ·~ "Oolden llOylQe 01 Stnbld" ( 1974) John Phllllp law, C1101tne Munro Two Biggies Collide c1vlllzation drama ?P Coll• as Maggie Hogers. Leshe Uggams as wlllan convey that bal:.nce of respect and resentment ltkely felt by poor people who leave the ghetto in the morning to spend the day maintaining the good Ille lor the president and has family. Louis Gos!'lett Jr. and Robert Hooka are engaging as their fellow servants. Miss Hepburn 1s th•• lndomit11ble spinster schoolteacher determined to bnng education to a poor Welsh coal m1ruog town over the ob1ectlon." of the town square, who doesn't want new ideas filling the heads of his downtrodden workers. "TH E COR N IS GREi-;N" on CBS 1s testimony to Katharine Hepburn's endunng com· mand of her craft. She 1s artful In this second film version or Emlyn Wllhams' play, d1rectl!d by George Cukor . It is the ninth Cukor-Hepbum film s ince they fi rst teamed for "A Bill of Divorce- ment" in 1932. SHE DISCOVF.R S AMONG her coal dust· covered students a boy wtlh extraordinary girts. and the story turns on her efforts to free hlK geniu.s . Through will and a profound belief 1n man 's higher capacities, Hepburn's Miss MoHat transforms her ragged find into 11 J,lentlcrruw scholar. It is a quiet, powerful triumph The story, staged In northern Wales against landscapes so lust\ they're almost visually over- whe lming, 1s an evenly paced . triumph-of- Whichever you choose, "B1tckstalrs" or "The Corn is Green." 1t will be an evening well spent. It's Just too bad you have to choose al all. 1st of 4 An•uncements This February - Neighbors Earning Their Home TV's 5000 of Your Join College Credit We Offer 12 Transferable TV Courses 0 --rHE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS" ~ 115-l ..... 1#2501 3 Of Them Are O -..OJECT UM VERSE'' A 1tr __ , I 00.J ulh 1#2051 ~ .. llhhrt "' .... • "". .... c. ................. ,....., 1trechr• •f Ille e11heru. .t.t•r111IHtl•11 •• ...... •114 c.•l••4•n. •ttd tll• •H of ......... " .... _,, ........ _ ........ • Look For 3 More Telecourse DescriptiO..s T omorTOW ••• SIMPLY CALL On COASIL•E COMMUmY COLLEIE J.o Elrol For $1KIM .. . . ....... Mcmdllf.,.., 121 ·- •· I• '• II l . .. STOCKS I BUSINESS Monday'• Clo iq Pric t I ... I l>• I ' .... NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS °"91A1-'"''-U-\""the Nf>•YO•~ MIO••I l'e<lll(, tttW, 9o11..,, 0.1• .. !•"°(lf>ClllMll\IO<ll ·~,-~ltdl>Ytr.li•lllll\•l•_t-lall0tl OIS-:1111ti.tOooi.••...,.,,., .. ,., • •• , 1 N D~L. Y PILOT 85 Is It Rlglat "! Private Nam es Sold by U.S. By SYLVIA PORTE& Should Lbe U.S. 1overnment be allowed to aell lnfor:ma· Uoo lt has compiled.about lta cltiieoa? It la. A Uttle·known a1ency or the Department or ~m· merce the Natlooal Technical Information Service. markets your name and address If you uae a ciUun band radio or operate a boat or plane equipped wtt.h a radk>. ll sells your name and your lawyer '• name, but not ad· dresses. if you have a civil tax case pendinc with the lD· ternal Revenue Serv,ce. CmzEN BAND llADIO USEas. marlne and aviator radio open1t.ors must obtain licenses from the Federal Communications Commistlon. Ila llat of llceDHeS la made public and given to the NaUona1 Techalcal lnlormaUon Service, which ttanafera the names to comput.r tape or microrkbe and sells them. The FCC Uats are bought from the NTIS for com· mercia1 and scientific reason.s: -market research, compiJa· lion or maJUng lists, studies or the amount of rtdlation emitted by CBs and· a variety of similar ac· ti vi ties. Money's Worth O~iginally. NTlS was a responsibility of the Office of Technical Servic es. s et up to gather data captured from the Japanese !!Od Germans during World 1 War If. The agency evolved into a fede ral information clearinghouse to collect scientific and technical information and to distribute this in· formation to the public. Its goaJ remains largely the aame. although it gathers information from many more sources, Including cooperat· ing foreign governments, and it ia aelt·aup1>9rting. To re. main solvent, NTIS markets lta data by direct mall. through exhibits at trade a~ and seminars, etc. In WIS. NTIS dld $22 million of bualnesa, with most or ila revenue coming from the sale of the 70,000 technical re· ports lt recelve9 each year.and from blbllogl'Bpblc servlce1> related t.o its data collection. Btrr SOME OF ITS EARNINGS -about S80.000 In 1978 -come from the sale of names of private citizens who are required to or who. for some other reason. reg- ister with various federal agencies, such as the FCC. "Such dire<:t.ory-type information 811 the list of CB licensees Is m ade available to us by the originating agen· cles," says Pet.er Urbach. NTIS deputy dlrect.or. "H's up to the agency, not to us, to balance privacy with freedom or information claims ... Privacy expert Robert EUis Smith objects to the federal government's selling individual names and ad· dresses. After noticing an NT1S advertisement for the llll of CB users at a computer show. he said , he wrote a letter or protest t.o the FCC. arguing thal the agency was violal· Ing the Pnvacy Act. whlcb prohibits the government from seHin1 names and addresses without approval. It has been seven moot.ha since Smith wrote to the FCC. but the agency has not replied. When Brooke Shearer. lhe general counsel's omce of the FCC the repl)' was that "the matter is under study." Market Pulls Back From, Recent Peak II ·, - "KING OF THE GYPSIES'' (RI lOOKINO FOR MR G<XX>eAR " (R) "MAGIC' (A) "PARADIS! AllEY" 1POi "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR .. (PO' "I BODY SNATCHERS (PG) ~BY STEREO "ICE CASTLES" (PG ) 'MOM ENT BY MOM~N J lHI "rOACE TEN FROM N~VAAON ' "PINOCCHIO" CG) REVENCE OF THF PINK PANTHER" fPGI 'FOACE TEN FROM NAVARONE" "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" tR) 'NATIONAL L..AMPOON S ANIMAL HOUse· •"AMERICAN GRAFITTI. CR) "MOMENT BY MOMENT" "HOUSE CALLS" (R) "MAGIC" "EMBRYO" CR) "UP IN SMOKE" (R) "A BOY AND HIS DOG" u.ao • 11ao • .,,. • •1M ........ ,. MMf M-.l l>llll AU ll All UITI au•OttNIA su1n ''°' ,,, .. ,, ................ . ........ CtlNl L&J"WOOO fVllY WHK_. WAY IUT I.OOH''°' tifM o 1rM o 41>0 o ••M "". 10.11 I.I .I, TOUllOf'I LOllD OP THI llNOS IH I ••· ,,,. MAIOI 'llVlfW I PM ,,_rl'il':'l'l':f:T:W---:-.----. ~ llRlllllAHO o ltofMIO NIMOY 11-'-ef llil IMY s-tr'-'lf'OJ ' (_ ...... ........... f9f l~I· .,.....,,. "" ....... ,, 87998~ ...... .,ti ~~~II tt'79ff;Q 'll" A"9di ef Tk litt.r T--. l'OJ A'-'" ltlN ""'AU ITU UIT CALl'OINIA sum (H I ,,, •• a. ••• ,,. ..... ., ••••• . ~ .. Otoe c sc:on MOVll MOVll 1P01 IJ1U o JrU o 4141 o 610 .......... CLINT IAIJWOOO IVllY WHICH WAY IUT LOOSl1~ I 00 o J1JO o •M o f M & 10110 -C.ICOTT "'MOYIE MOvtr INt _1_ ... , __ , ____ , .... "HATIOMAI. LAM~ AMIMALHOUW 1.-.. "''·--•111111•-·~, ........ ~...­ "CAIAYAHS" lf'GI -.,_OIS .. t ... t "It NIW <4MIOY..ot.asn• IHOW" A"9dl ef n. lllM~ ,_,... 1'01 '"" atCLI Of tlON111 OIOOO(C.KOTY MOVll MOVtl IN I PUii IHAJUll IUAJdll (PO) "'" ... "" ~IUl'lllNI ... , .•..... ,... T•e 'Ot•er' Clark Keilt Jeff Eaat Doesn't Mind Lack of Notoriety 81 908 THOMAS HOLLYWOOD <AP) Amid the ontl•uchl of publk lf.1 fOt' "Su~nnan." • almple fact haa bffn overloobd. 1""~ are h~o Clarie Kent.I int.he mov· le. Chrilt.oplW!r Rffv• and Jeff Eu t. Reev., of tourM, I• lbe onetime actor In soap o~ra w9o ~aped onto tall bulld.lftl• a nd ma1ulne C'ovu1 In hl1 red •nd blue ll1ht1. !:u t h H hid little notl('e, aJOMM.l&h h played tho youn1cr Kent In lh farmland 1t"quence1 which thl1 reviewer found to be th& moel orl11lnul of the.$4~ mUUon eictr1va(C8nu ThC' unBoUced J eff t;u t, who turned 21 lo October, ex· h lblt& no evldtncu o f aour grapes. "ll Wiii not t!thical or I un should a&&y l°'1c~d to build up two Supermen," he ralloruallitt. •'I'm d lli hlud that Chria ls get tine all t he attention. Soon r or h.t.er. I believe, I 'll be lo lbut position, too. "MEANWKILt;, l'M HAPPY to be in the mov· le It 'a a big hit, and lbe people in the lnduatry know tb11t I waa in at. I don 't have that instant Identification thait Chris has, and f think I'm lucky. I ~n't want lo build my career on a single c .f actcr." Actor Loses Hair Jerr Eu t l1 cODttructJni bis caner on a IOUd foundation. He beaan hla ureer n ven yeari aso In a 1tarrlna role -H Huck i'lM ln the mualcal ver1lon of "Tom Sawyer ." One oftlve cblldrto ot a KanH,a CJly tarm rHlt.or, Jeff and tome eotDPt· nlona auditioned for lbe movte u a lark when catl· Ing 1rout11 appeared ln Columbia, Mo. "Kid, you're really lowiy," he wu told, but he waa 1iven a second chance when he admitted headln1 a muslca.I group. ''Tom Sawyer" led to "Huckleberry Finn" and the chance for a Hollywood career, but his parents ln11l1t.ed that he tlnJ1b high school lint. Since then he hos appeared In three Walt Dianey t.elevblon movies, the tele vised "Stranaer In Our Houae" with Linda Blair. and the forth comtne aeuon premlereof ''Howtbe WestWuWoo." TWO YEARS AGO, JEFF appeared at an audition for the role or Jimmy Olaon, the boy photographer In "Superman." Director Richaf'd Donner st.a.red at Jeff and said, "You look enouah like Chris Reeve to play the young Superman." Jeff soon found himself In London havt.na bis holr straightened and dyed black <bu own la lipt and wavy l and his nose buJlt up to match Reeve's clauic profile . "I became a tota lly dltrerent person," Jeff re· calls. "When I walked onto the set, nobody re· cognlzed me. Tb1tt was good. It allowed me to &el into the character. "CHJllS HELPED A great deal, loo. We bad lunch together and spent a fol of time studying speech patterns of each other, so we would have a F B d R I cons istent portrayal. I had the easier assignment, or roa way 0 e because I was portraying the young Clark Kent, before he assumed the Identity of Superman. ''I performed the same stunts that Chris did, bul LONOON (AP> -British actor Simon Ward, star of the film "Young Winston," expects lo make a chilly Broadway debut. The 37·year-old actor's first appolntment was with a barber -he had to shave hill head Kojak· style lo portray a Buddhist m onk In "Meeting by the River," 8 play by Christopher Isherwood. I didn't have to de11l with the disguise of Clark Kent with the l(lasses ." Jerr East spent seven months on "Superman." most or it f1lmfug the rarm sc~nes out.side Calgary. Can ada. He also appeared ~n the Fortress of Solitude sequence which wu shot al the Shep- pa rton studios near London. Thal is when the boy receives b1s irultrucllons from his papa, Jor·EI, late of Krypton. · It's so cold In New York TO JEFF'S GREAT REGRET, be never met that "with no halr my head Is the act.or who played his rather. Marlon Brando a olng to freeze," Ward sald. "If had already collected his klngly fee calculated at tbe play Is a success I might $245,000 eer work day and run back to Tahiti. have to remain bold until the J eff's biggest physical challenge came on the end of the year." Alberta location whe re he had to outrun a train. "I'm told by friends that w· I .__, h d my balr will never grow back WAiio athout d vulglng any tecmucal secrets, e a . m ilted that he was s uspended by wires and his properly again. I just know that I will look llke toes actua lly touched the ground. ''I ran a lot to nothing on Earth. l have such a Oat head at the get in shape ror the stunt, 8.nd I also worked out on bac k a nd I a m te rrified that it will look the tra mpoline ... he said. ridiculous," he said. Next for Jeff East: "Long Ride on a Short What does hil1 wire. Alexandra. think about the T ra il" tentative title for April fllming in Texas lack ofahairstyle? with Strother Martin. "' "I suppose I'll just have to get used lo living --------'---------------with a Buddhist monk." By Tiiie Auoclated Preu The follo wing are Billboard's hot record hits for the week ending J a nuary Z7 as they ap. pear in next week's is· s u e o f Billboa r d magazine. HOT SINGLES t. "Le FreaJc" Chick (Atlantic> 2. "Do You Think I'm Sexy" Rod St ew a rt (Warner Bros. ) 3. "YMCA" Village People <Casablanca> 4. "A Little Mo re Lo ve" Olivia Ne wton· J ohn <MCA) 5 . "T oo M uc h Hea ve n " B ee Gees <RSOl 6 . ''My Life" Billy J oel <Columbia, 7. "Every l's A Win· ner " Hot Chocolate <In· flnlty l 8. "Fire" Pointer Sis· ters <Planet> An THEATRES 'WASS TAl•IT" ••• "CC>lflt ti SUMMM" CNI ........ c CBTIMESA ) It. CNat ,.,.,~, 1111 l410 ttittfl .... ,,..I~. "'OUYIR'S ITOttY" ... """"91 HA.LL" ···-· .... .,,. ........ Tl1A ....... •• I "WATIRSMP DOWN'" --·- IREA PLAZA m 1&1HSJt Oft fw llfll• H•r ''" '•01nt "'THILOYI..,.. ·-.JOI,..,.,. ... ,... ... 9 . "Septe mbe r " Earth, Wind and Fire <Arc ) 10. "I Will Surv ive" Glo r ia Gay n or <Polydorl 1 J. "Lotta Love •· Nico l e t te -La r so n <Wa r ner Bros.) 12. "I Was Made For Dan cing" Leif Garrett <Scotti Brothers) 13 . "Ne w Y o rk Groove" Ace Frehley <Casablanca> 14 . "Somewhere In the Night" Barry Manllow -·ORSON WEl.LES ........ -.. HAL LINDSEY-.. J'.,. H• HllCf(llTINOlll llfll""fJ\lltLG '-• " ST AITS WIDMSOA Y UMfTIO INGAG8 err MESA UA SOUTH COAST "'-•• -r..ni. -'"". Newv.,. 1'61 ~ -501& ~ FOUNTAIN VAUEY 11 "'°''""""''(.,..,,.. .,.,~ I SADDU8ACX ONE.MA 11 1oroa ~­ !Mlt MIO NIGUR L-MJthl 9UIJP• •loft 1'&3 U A OTYONEMA ,_._ '"~ "" WESTMINSTER MAU so r,_,.,... -... <Arista ) · ------------------......,....-- ! s. "Got To Be Real" Cheryl Lynn <Colu mbia l 16 . "Shake Jt" Ian Matthews (Mushroom > 17. "Soul Man" Blues Bros. (Atlantic > 18. "Heaven Knows" D o nna S um me r & B rookl yn D r ea m s <Casablanca I 19. "No Tell Lover" Chicago <Columbia) 20. "Hold the Ll ne" Toto <Columbia > TOPLPa I. "Briel Case Full Or Blues" Blues Brotbers (Atlantlc) 2. "Blon des Have More Fun" Rod Stewart <Wa rner Bros.> 3. "S2nd Street " Billy Joel <Columbia l 4. "You Don't Bring M e Flo we r s" Nel l Diamond <Columbia> S. "Greatest Hits, Vol. II" Barbr a Str clsund <Columbia > 6. "C'Est Chic" Chic HELD OVER! "(JUST LOVED THIS MOVIE!" • "BEST FOREIGN FILM OF THE YEAR!" A1r n1" W1nsten N v Pit>'' -Judith Crist CAtlanUc l -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 7. "The Best Of Earth, Wind & Tire " Earth, Wind & Fire <Columbia > 8. "Greate s t Hits" Barry ManWow <Arista) 1 9. "Double Vision " Foreigner <Atlaollc l 10. "Crufei n' " Village P eople <Casablanca l ·• e war s cinemas • WHERE THE BEST PICTURES PLAY . -·-l·d w.H rh N f_ WPORT ..... ~:·.;.:·::.:.;·:,:· .. • 644·07t>O ~ ••d~ ..... .,, ~ .... "l'W (, ' ne11 Family Part 2" M°"""'I. 7·00,t .oo • IATl8UN 1 00. HO. I .Of • '00, t.00 I • .. • ...... HOVlf • .-HOVlf ''°' .. INSIDE: •AnnLanders •Horoscope Mandi¥. Jtinuary 29, 1979 BDgMan Supreme Steve Kutcher's Coastline class is a survey on bugs in books, movies, art, food and history. By DENNIS McLELIAN Ot ... Deity ,..... MMt A cardboard sign on Steve Kutcber's front door procJalms ANT LOVER in bold letters. ll 's a fitt.ing introduction to the professional entomologist who devotes bis life to Insect.a. But to say that Kutcher-bis friends dubbed him the Bug Man s devoted to insect.a is an understatement. He Jives, breathes and OC· casionally even eats Insects. Visit.ors venturing beyond that ANT LOVER sign find themselves in another world -the world of Steve Kutcher, Bug Man Supreme. Kut~r·s cluttered quarters in the tiny, half-cent -old duplex in Long Beach contain a massive ccumulalion of books, files. drawings , phologr hs and sundry other ob jets d 'insect. THE JS. \'EAR-OLD part-time teacher (at Coastline Community College a nd Glendale College > and occasional movie technical advisor scans his bookshelves and begins pulling out random titles: • • • Cl "Here's a recipe book, 'Entertaining with Insects,' " be says. "My favorite recipe is Chocolate Cberpies." Steve Kutcher is a bug fan. He has a massive <?Ollection of objets d 'insect. J He. pulls out more books, tossing them on the bed with the butterfly-embroidered throw pillows. There's poetry. "Bug Haiku;" science fiction, "The Ant Men;" and children's books, ··charlotte's Web." Kutcher moves over to his files: He's got bug jokes: "Two fleas were talk· ing. One said, Tm saving up to buy my own dog.'". He's got bug song titles: ''Groovy Grubworm." Mr. Boll Weevil." "Bed Bug Blues" and, or course, "The Flight of the Bumble Bee." (That's not to mention the groups -the Beatles. the Bee Gees. the Crickets. Iron Butterfly'I. IN IDS BATHROOM Kutcher shows off his ant farms and his aquarium where his desert beetle lives. "Then I have my two tarantulas." he says, pointing to another tank. ..This is Flower and this Is Dolores." There's more: pieces of bug jewelry. bug art work, examples of bugs used in advertise· meats (the three most common are butterflies. Pilot Debbie Archer at the controls. lady bugs and bees> and bug color photographs he takes on field trips to neqby national fo rests. And nowhere in this overwhelming mass or insectarua is to be found a single can of Raid. "ft really doesn 't bother me." he says when asked what he does if an unexpected visit.or crawls into his home. "I know what they eat and where they'll go. U you have a knowledge you don't have a fear." He paused lo muse: ''I'd like to someday have a house with a greenhouse where there From Flight Attendant to Pilot Debbie Archer is tfie first flight attendant at Western Airlines to make the transition from cabin to cockpit. By ltJDITR OUON °' .. .,..., ""' .... She's been mlltaken for a bus driver or a fllght attendant from another airline. but Deb· bie Archer is a pilot. At Western Airllnel, she'a. the first woman to make the tranaition from fllght attendant lo the cabln to pilot ln the cockptl lt'a been a relaUvely abort proce11 for Mlaa Archer. da ughte r of the Do• Archers of Newport Beach. Just five yean a10 ahe Oral re· alized that women could do the job and set out to makebermark. The change wasn't easy. She admit.a lhe has traded 10Cial life and a fancy car for what ahe bas but now, at 29, she'• ready to set it all back and more. One tncentJve ta the pay. Tbouah abe bad to t_ake a cut frotn ber fllabt aUendaat '1 aalary to tbe· belillP• letel •r ,pnnt. at Weate~ will oe lifThe -pjj,OOD" braCket wit.bin Just a w years. . . ..n.JGHT A1TENDANTS hav~ing me bow they can do It themselves," she said of her recent feat. "I tell them to go ahead and and set their goals, then wort as bard as they can. G« u many flying hours as possible. ''They should really go ror It. It's worth it. The belt thing to do ls buy your own airplane." She sold her Mercedes to buy her own Citabrta, wbich she would now like to sell to up· 1rade. lllla Archer was "hooked" five years a10 when she new in a small plane to Catalina Island. She became a fiigbt attendant so she could \ravel and have the experience of UvinJ in different places. "I always had an Inner Jove for nytni but I never realized I could Oy an airplane," she said durin1 an interview •t the Weatem pauen1er terminal at Loa An1ele1 lnt.eii.Uoaal Alrport. oNc 'oi: t~ alon to ~witch-to the codqlit abe be1an alaa.d}tinl and 9PIDlllDI u many hours as possible in the' air. She new charter. took fishermen out to look for swordfish a nd made trips on her own whenever she was off flight attendant duty. The pilota sbe worked with encoura&ed her, sbe said. "I alwa.ys talked to them about what ratin1 tO '1et next. They were always helpful." Now. as a pilot interacting with the ntgbt attendant.a. she also finds support. They lnqulre about bow abe's doing and how she Ultea her job. Though Miss Archer has freely encouraged the flllht attendants who once were her co· worken to try for the pilot's seat, she believes It wlll be a ~ Ume before there will be an equal number of men and women in the cockpit. Western hu approximately 1900 pilots a.net only 11 are women. Miss Archer. the aeventh woman to be hired, •tXJ\ a balance will come · 'way ln thetuture. "The company.oaly hp.a <See PllHr. Pace a> ., t , would be butterflies flying around." KUTCHE R'S GUIDED HOME TOUR 1s not without purpose .. The reason 1s to show the numerous ways 1psecls have been put to use by man. "People are not aware that insects are in every aspect of their life." says Kutcher whose Coastline Community College class is designed lo generate that awareness . <See BUG MAN. Page CZ> 'T' is For Toy Tr~ins, ~ Trueks'n' Tugboats 'They're old folk We 're bringing back.' toys. them By NANCY KERCHEVAL BALTIMORE CAP > -Children used to en· tertain themselves ror hours spinning two but· tons on a cord or whipping the string ocr a top and watching the toy twirl across the floor. And there were wooden blocks to build houses with garages that held unsophisticated little cars carrying tiny people. THEN IN MARCHED the big toymakers who flooded the market with intncate toys and games requiring college degrees to assemble and a set of batteries for power. And with these new toys came higher and higher prices. Carol Fitzgerald remembers the toys grandmothers talk about. And many of her East Baltimore customers also get nost.algic when they walk into her shop -the Marvelous Toy Store. The 31-year-old rormer schoolteacher, and Wade Wrtght. a one·lime lay minister. opened the store two years ago. They learned the skills of the trade. bought several large power tools and started malting simple wooden toys. TBE\''WE OLD folk toys. We're bringing <See 'roYS, Page C3 > J : Q DAIL V PILOT Monday. J1nuarv 21. tll19 ~LANDERS •• • Bug Man Supreme , ... ,. ...... , T he course , Ltvin1 wllb lo.ecta. I• • mullldiaclpUna~ aurvey ol lftff<U In tlteralul"e, art, mualc. movl • advertl1ln1, food , medicine and hbtory Kutctwr alao delvH Into nt.omophobia, th• paralyallUl fear of buaa "It'• aomrlJmn Haoclated with an c.iarly. frl1hlet\lnl 41lllM!rl«'nc Either aomeone woa atartlt"d or 1ot 1lu.n1," •IY• Kutch~r "A lot of It 11 tranafcrred from olht r J)t•oplt Rut baelcally It '1 Ju.at a lack of knowled1• " One way to C"Ombat lhat fear, Kulch1•r uys, 11 t.o take a clua Uh hi• Ill ~•Ins •l fJ 30 p m Monday, feb 5, In Bolaa Grand«' lil&h St-hool. room m . Garden Orove I "NOT ONLY A&t: YO l 1rnln1t 1tboul tn aect1, you·r_, loarnln1 about all tht• thln&a human be1na1 do J 'm hat Wiina lnHcta 11• a way ot upoaln1 peoplf' to •r1 •nd music ' ll alvea them an opportunity to uplort 1tn.Hu1 tht:y may hOt bt ox &>09ed lo " Kulcber'a own lnte~1t In lnffcll datt• back to when be wu 5 and he beaan collecttna firefiles ln N w York Latt:r. l(row1n1 up in the San Fernando Y•lley, he 'd tnmp through the nearby moun~~ looklna for specimens By Junior Wi(l b achool. he 111y11, "I 'd kind of made my mind up to study bugs " He carn~d hia bachelors degr ee in entomology from UC Davia. · In addlllon to t eaching l..1vlng with Insects, Kutcher often Is hired t.o be bug technical ad- visor on movies und telcvtlllon 11how11. For a "Wonder Woman" e pisode he collect- ed 40,000 carpenter ants. Ji,l a Job on the set was lo keep the ants from biting the attractive star, Lynda Carter . ON "EXORCIST II," in whJcb Linda Blair and Richard "Burton right off a swarm of ••• ot <From Page Cl ) hiring male n11(ht a ttendant!> In um~ <1nd they still are ureally outnumbcr<.>d by women, she s aid. AS A PILOT, she rf'ports to the airport an hour before departure. arrives at the aircraft at le«1st 45 mmutM> prior to takeoff and doe11 a "w«1lk-around " to look for fuel or hydrauli c leaks, exterior dcnti., rial tire!\ or malfunction ing lights AHl·r lht· t•Xll'rlOr l'ht•ck l!ht· KOf!S to the l'OC'k p1t to do pupcrwork, including figuring out the weight or the :.urplune. the O<tp sellingi. and takeoff SfK!Cd While the plunc takes orr there is silence in the cockpit. "No one ta I kb below 10,000 reet," M u1s· Archer s aid. "We 're all looking for traf- ru: " lier job requires tot<tl concentration as she s its bchind tht··two st:nior p1loU. and follows «1 l'art·fully prct1t•r11lcd chcckh:.t The conversation in the cockpit during crulsin" lime Is "mostly about airplanes," she sa id Before lund1ng she gcl.8 the weather report locuaLI, one of Kutcher'• Jobi waa to place the 1raalboppera •tr•c•alcally on the 1tar1 · r1ce1. Kutcher aJMt aeveral rrtenda collected 20,000 1ra11hopl)(lra for th movie and at one point be had more than 7 ,000 caaed 1ruahoppen llvtn1 In Ma duplH "It tounded Ukt Uvlna ln a pop- i·orn f1ctoc"y 11 Kuwher not • lha t lntecu obvlou.aly can 'l b4" trained "M)' apec:ialty. 11 he aaya, "la luect behavior I know bow lruu.ict.a react and I take advanlaljO or lhlt. II Koowlna. toe e xample, that ara11hoppen moV'e toward Uaht and heat, he placed a lamp 11ur an •«tor's faace 10 the aruahoppera would clln& lo him Kulchtsr then turned off the lamp 1rnd the arauhoppcra at1tyed In place tor rum. 1n.c KVTt.1tE &'8 BUG EX PERTISE al50 bu been Wied on the r111dlo A few years a10 be host- ed a l~ minute aeament on KUSC. the USC cam· pua radio station. ~ "I'd be on at l o 'clock In lhe momln1," be uya "I dJd tht: bug report, thin&• Uke the weevil problem In Alabama. I'd play the 8141 8o11 40, read bug poetry and tell lnte~aUng a necdotes 1 'd a lso answer legitimate questlona concerning bug problems." Surveying his "bug-Infested " abode, Kutcher grins "I'll tell you this, there aren 'l too many people doing this ." The .one-time O range County Mosquito Abatement employee was asked what his female acquaintances think of his lire -long ob· se81lon when they come to visit. 1 "They don't have to Uke bugs," he s ays good-naturedly. "All I ask is that they 're t.oler anl. 11 Even the m an next door ls tolerant. He s hould be. He's a herpetologist, whose apecialty Is snakes. for the destination city and fi gures out the land· ing data. Aflt:r selling down Miss Archer calls Arinc. a company in San Francisco. to r eport lheir arrival time and fuel consumption . "T hal 's how they keep track or the captain's pay ," s he expluined At the end of the day there Is one more w<tlk-around to make sure the aircraft Is shut down. MISS ARCHER, a former Orange Coast College stude nt , has been assigned to Denver and plam1 to trnnsfcr her Cltahria there from Orange County Airport S he ant1c1pulf's being an Colorado for a year, and plans to find out what social life is all about again. "l haven 't had lime for a nything but flying for rive years ," she said. Is marriage in the future? "I would like to get married as soon as the right guy comes along," she acknowledged. Since she's a pilot now It m ight turn out to be the re verse of the usual airline fable: handsome night attendant meets beautiful pilot and they Uve happily ever after. p;1o1 Debbie Archer's Job Includes doing a 'walk-around' prior to takeoff. She kKJklJ for fuel or hydraulic leaks, extenor dents, flat tire• or ma/functioning lights. . w ..... • ...... ... ,.., . ., ... ( ........................... ,) P0r a....tled Ad ACTION c.a ·~;..,..,.. ...... ,. J Unda Blair and Richard Burton, stars of 'Exorcist II.· were bombarded by an army of demon locusts In the film. It was Steve Kutcher's job to place the grasshoppers strategically on their faces. Aaa ~-llders 'Advice' To His Parents ' WRITING TIP· I ,!II. l~" .... ""''IQ • 0"·D•f'""1 '"•'" ' t,f'l/ '"'' P'i t 10 •••t ~ m •M tn•l \ " • l'CJWllH •Ill lllAO<llt l.l 111 (.. f ... I O\lo"' 't1c re 'tlftt 962-3286 EVENINGS looo OUAUTT LA: DES Ha Lites I 0.6 fotert hy lid. Sr-., 11221/1 .....,.... .... Cot+• ...... 44'° no 1 -' ~ILY PILOT Cl SSIFIED ADS 8 42-5878 START LOSING WEIGHT TODAY 111r h"'Qt'' oan "' tO"!"l "9tlll'I 9"1""' .1.11e<i ltlw '''" J.""O"' MWU OMllU •• ?"' '°"' •~' oo-" "'•' u lt' !Al'JI ,, IWl •~ >l•<I 111\11'9 ·-iM !00'1 8'Q•n <til!I Ill<\ .,N1'f'9 Mt 1.itll'I tn.1 ,, '•' '"' '"n IQC'A IH'W't e1t..r •• Id! .w. r·-~ 1111 Mltfqy ~n4 fJf .,,,. "rql"I 4 ~C11 lot!ctN ""' Pfiltl ',,, 1..4'1( lllfJft.ft ttlt<h't in .. "'"-" OOlllJ ~ "'O l'lan 01111 enaOtt 1w '" 10,... OWllG\•MCI ro>n "1llroul 9t1t•11<i ""'"flu' Ir IO'lllWlltf !llOl !intlllllflnn\ll\,l•'"I ""' P'' n'8"11111¥ tyele 111 •• A ''-'"'•I W•I" l'!tt Bot~ \Old "'"' ~~-·ljl. .. .Wll'lt ··~°""'~' DEAR ANN Several years ago you ran a let ter giving "advice" lo parents It was a guide that waa certwn to pro- duce a meued-up kid. I laughed at It when l read It, but now I wish I had saved It. I have two sisters who could certain- ly profit from that col- umn. Will you please hunt it up and do a rerun? I believe the year was 1972 desnves the bes t . :o.o -------------------- TIME C HANGES T HlNGSALOT DEAR TIME: I found tbe column -and bere It la: 1. Be dluppointod that your second child was n't a girl After all . the fi rst ch.ild was a boy, wh ic h p l e a sed h is fathe r, so the second child should be a li(lrl a;o his m othe r will b e pleased. 2. Father· Devote all your time and attention to the first-born Don't wo rry about ignoring th e s e cond son. II ls mother will make up for it. 3. Mother· Since Dad is a little Lough on the second son llgnorlng him and all.> protect the boy as best you can Be sure he docsn 't com e ln- t o contact with the c ruel. hard world. A concerned mom can be a great shock absorber. 4. Father: Make your son reel like a sissy because he likes art, music and poetry. Any kid who can't bloody u fe w nosd and be a leader in sports shb uld be ashamed of hlm11elf 5 Mother In later years be c ritical o f every gjrl your son look• at. After all, your< 11on don •t IC't h1 m settle for ~ less. A young fellow I need s a m oth e r 's - 1::uidance these days 0 WINTER T h e r e a re so many SPECIAL tra mps around ·· 6 F athe r · Let your son know early tha t you consider him a failure . Compare him with bis olde r brother who has done betler Jr you recognize lhat the second son ls vastly inferior . be sure lo mention It. Don 'l let people think you 're so stupid that you don •t know the difference. 7 Be prepared for the unh a pp iness whi c h co m es from having a dis· turbcd , m aladjusted , un- happy child. And have som e answers ready suc h a~. ·'We can 'l unde rstand It. We raised them both thesameway" DEAR ANN LANDERS· After read· In~ "Feathers F'lying In WIACOMin" I just had t() tell you how a Wisconsin friend of mJnel>Qlved the problem of "Who's go- ing to clean the fis h ?" S he s e r ved her e n- thusiastic fisherman a delect a ble dinner of fried perch -unBcaled and ungutted, of course. She hasn't been asked to pluck a duck or fillet a fl 11h in the pas t five yeurs A variation of this con· ccpt has been known to cure smokers who douse their butts In the dinner plate. Sc:rve the m a din· n1•r 1n an ushtray S PF.EDY RECOVERY OEAR SPF.ED: Whllf' I don 't r eco mm end f'llhe r of these two ploya , anything th•t works u ~. I never uiue with llU<'<'Mill. ¢ REG. S1.95 For one 5x7 port.raft °' set ol lour wallets in NATURAL COLOR. (Add1tooar Porttlll& at 1egular prices. One ~7 Of set of four wallets St 95 each ax 10 only S3.90) ON Ttil8' 1U0 PACf<AOE • One 8 x 10 • ThrH 5 x 7's • Twelve wallets Apply your 95e and pay ONLY $11.50 more for 16 beavtlful portr1fta. D .... ..._..,.,.._,.,. C..-Dr. S.. JJO • ....,..,. .._.. \ , ( Aoe limit 12 years Select rrom IM'ltfll poeee and ICtnlc: backgrounds Coplee 1nd en11rgemen11 av1ilablt at hlghtf pricea Extra ch1rge or S1 00 for 2 Of 3 ehlldren togtlhef. Sptclal prtcff In t ffeot thtH .... tnty. JAM. JHI TO ... )N ' -u I it •• . ;. - . ' HOROSCOPE • • • Toys <From Paa~ l'I 1 tbt>m back crytna to nl\h them, Ma l"ll&atcrald 31d Their fl~t lo)' waa an old fuhtOOl•d milt. truck. m~t' of aulld m a11lt' Th«' whffl "rn 1tl t11cbt>d 'Alth do\lrels Inst• d nt n11.H11. (or dura1>111 '> and 1aft>l) "W,· fltlUt If .. e puund a do•l'I In It'll .. 1most am !llbl~ w lllb purt he '"'ti ··Tiwr;• 1 reaJI)' oot much dtin an. · Mai • 1t1gt•r Id "IUd u she xul in th ll~lng room of th,• al~ hon'-" •1'rkshov hulhhna. oonv..rtl'd f1um fill uJd •b •l flll1tal feclun '4hlrh hud bc-N1 \ ucant for I!\ yt•us We wanl to p'oduc '"' 1 1md mukt-llood ciu.ihly LO\il ul .i fn1 r prtc(' nu, I w worklnf du"~ nt•1.:hborhood '4 hl<'h c.·un u/fotd our lo)s M~T o .. · T ilt: h.>p~. tui:tio11llt. i.ulloout11. ft•rry boul11 , tra nl . tru<-k11 . .ccrnw and other :-m:iU ltt-~ for )ouna ch1ldrt'n cost betwe.in SI .. rnd Sto 'rhe -.agons. bloc."'ks r<1ck1n11 horse~. t11 hie inJ chair 1tl'tli .rnd doll hc1ui.l·~ rani.:c from S20 to~ Whe11 tht> shop ovcned, Mi. t-'uigerald i>uld. .ihout '50 ih'mi. WNt• product-<! Hul business tert•w quickly . und no"· lhl'Y ~lock ubout 200 toy11 After lh~ summer (ulrl'o an· uver, buHlne ll ,.10" s do" n. 'f lllrh g1 Vt'b th<-lo) 11rnk"~ Umc lo hulld up lhl·ar !Stock. Most o ( lhl' toys art' vlurn wood. but lhl' tu~boat is ptuult><I hy hund 11nd the train carries ~ma ll brl~hlly colorl.'J people "K1d1t love col- ors .. she :-.aid. aJdlng th~•t the tut> t.oys are made of pine so they will float For Mt. Fhtli(erald. toy muk1ng wa1> the rt· suit of 3 cir •am and a n1•l'd lo Y.Clrk with he r ha nds . f. "I HAD A DREAM of b<'ang a cabinet maker. lt sounded so rom1mt1c," she s uid "l nst~ad. "c startcd toym;ik1ng "It was hard at first . but il s working re1tl well. Anything working with my hands. I reully g1:t into. ll 's tht'rupy for me ... Toymaking is definitely not a n eight-hour a- duy job. Ms. Fitzgerald said. "While we're mak ing toys. we can't keep the s hop open. Loo. so we have very sporadic hours " And when they are working, they hu,·e all sorts or help from the neighborhood . ·'We 're running a free day.care center Mothers who go to thl· store send lheir children down here. I put lhcm to work 1;1nd they love it." she said "UYfS ANO LOTS of k11Js come m Some arc frie nds of the sbop and some help by coming tcJ fairs with us. We feel wt"rc an integral part or the neighborhood ... s he ~aid One day. Ms Fitzgerald !.aid, she would like lo o rrer apprentice programs for lhe neighborhood boys and ~iris. "but that 's pro- b<J hly not realistic ... r n ad<tition. the s hop lends its tools .10 n<'ighborhood marhinis ts . "We get a nice friendly feeling or mutual aid." !)he Sdid [ Horoscope J T l 'ESDAY, J AN. 30 Ry SVDNF.Y OMARR ARIES «March 2l·April 19 1· What occurs at t:IJndc~Linc meeting could have direct effect on ytiu. Key is to I:)(' awart> of options : refuse t~ hl' p:11ntcd into <:ornt'r. Excr cisl· freedom of choice Y!'ur position 1s stron~<'r than surface view m 1g ht indicate. TAUKUS I April 20-Mav 20 1 Atcent on de- ~1re. fnt'ndsh1p. contacts that could lead to a prohtabl<' bu!)i ncss Lrans<1cl1on. Gemini. Virgo. Sag1twrius figure in ~C('nurio. Be read y for c h a nge. travel, s pecial written m aterial. 1-;nl•rgt•tic associate com es up with some key answ('rs c;E~11N1 !May 21-June 20 1· Emphasis on rl'SUltS room IS made ror VOU at more el.evat· l.'d position Taurus. Lih~:.i . Sco~p10 f~gure µromrnenlly Hl' diplomatic in any d1scuss1on of hudget. :\ccc·pl c ivic duty It could mean much to you in various ways. CANCER I.June 21.Julv 22 1: Gain indicated through special communication. advertising, publishing. long.range planning. See situations. 111•ople as tht•y arc. not m<'rcly as you would like them to be. You arc able now to define terms. lo get cn><:lit lonl-( <luc Ll!:O 1.July 2:1 l\ug 22 1 1';mphas1s on joh :Jl hand. b:.isic sen l('C . t'omplN1un CJ( tas k. assign· menl Aric!:>. Libra figure prominently. Patience 1s an ally. bt> thorough, avoid sensationalism. Older ind ividual will lend benefit of experience. VIRGO lt\ug. 23-Sept. 22 1: Emphasis on partnership, l<•"al ties, mutrimony. You lc~rn what should ~ retaine d. what discarded. Aries. Uhra fi {!ure prominently. Take lime, don't rush dl'c1i:;1oni.. You benefit hy playing wail ing ~ume. Defer to judgm ent (If one who does have your best interests at hc:irt. · LIBllt\ !&·pt. 23-0 ct. 22 I: Accent on health. getting files in order, OrJ(unizing game plan You meet people. go places an<I have marvelous opportunity to l'Xpress your!>clf in origi~al ma~­ ner . Leo, Scorpio. Aqua.nus persons (1gure 1n scenario. SCORPIO tOct. 23-Nov. 21 ): You br eak from restrictions m emtwr of opposit e Sl.'X l'X · rresses love. S peculation. the lively arts. s ho wm anship. gr aphic illustrations are part or scena rio. Cancer. Capricorn and Leo rigurc prominently Yl·s.takt>achanccon you! SAGITTARIUS tNov. 22-Dec. 211: You get "running room .. Whal seemed restriction m ay turn out to be a me re delay. You benefit now by cxpanding views. concepts. You need not be ~·onfined . You urc o n ver~e of breakth rough vou ·u discovi'r what is v~lu.-ble or othe rwise. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J en. 19 1. E m phasis on getting Point across, delivering 11lgniflcant m4.'ssage. Study Sagittarius indicutions . You ._re ~oing to gain aecess to privileged lnlormat1on. You're able now to piece together c lues. lrcntls a nd lo eomc up w1lh complete story. AQlJARIOS !Jan. 20·f'eb. 18 I' You learn m ore about money ln relation t'l"Yoll and how It f(els thul wuy You o btain tnfO~malion which enables you to lo('nte what had been mlRRl ni;c. loR t G mini. Vlcgo. Sa~i ttarius fi gu re _promlnfnlly ;ind so does tbc num bcr S PISCES <f''eb. lt}~'March 20 ): You get what you w»nt know it, take care wilh whal you re· qucRt. Cycle-hhlh Jud1rment. Intuition arc on target. StrcRR confldcoce. cru Uvity, lndc~n· dencc. Tnun.m. Libra, Scorpio ri11urc prominent· ty, You will mlk comae' thet lead11 to sratn. profit. pcrs<>nol st1llsrr1cllon f'l!BU( NOTI E , 1t11 llOU$ •u"~•" .. AMI UAUIMllU Ir t ~!1111111t1fl•' t t't~•Hl ltt ,.,,, ,,,.,"' . MAUltH• M\.)Nt <t MANA,1l '4'b 't tl1\'1•tl JllMwuott ._. .. ,.~ n Lf •1....i t•.,t• 'ftl 1U~11 U\O) ht•" Au I 1\I • ..... -W f • _,,,._,, I ••ft I A f•f•ll• .... J l AH'"' U•.-.,y l ~ •it.ti t ht\ f11i11\1 .. hO~Ul t•~ U t • v ... ,,. ........ tr ... *'•" ...... l -~t· r•u ''"'••ftltnt .-n r1i .... t •10'1 tfWI' 1 """'' ttt• .,, \.,.h •UQ-"tJunh \if' '•'•u•• • \ l•f'f ",.,,. .. • -.•••t"-' 4 • _.., l.,_...,1 LM••• tlit~ ''" ,, It u ,. ,,.. ,, , .. p BlJC NOTICE e,...•~• NOllGI 01' 01 .. 0 LUTiQllll o r l'A.fHllUHll' tfu.,h notu • " ,_,....\I Qh•tt LM1 LAllllY GALLANI •nd (l'AICi \T0 Hf Y --Ol•Oolll>\llM>tlMU11t1 Oo• ""''lllllltN,t11m,....,.enchh .. ol (lltAP(S H lHIHC:.i •I U01 E MIM Ari,_., II .. ~ r1ty ;;I ~nt<1 Ant, ,..,.,,. u• o...,.,. \t•I• 01 r •"'°'"'"• did on lntt tlllO i>n 01 ll•Ul'l(ie• t•1t. .... tttuh•t c.Or\Wf\I 01\•Wllf• tn. ••t4 M f1n.f\MO •"'1 tet n•Nt• ttwit '•I• •• , ''&Mrt""'''"-'•'" '410 °"''•" .n tM t-.;tur• wlll k ,_.,..locl b'f l AIH<Y (.Al I ANT whO ••II ••Y •ttO Otw "4t0r ~u h•ttfllh•,. •M d..,04\ "' tf'\it flf ru •f'•d r.c:e'v• •U m Or\•f\ ,.,.Y•bl• to th .. ,.,,., t urtr.t not" II\ '' twt~bv Qlw•n "'4'' the undltr\19"'f(t w ill no• 0--'•tipon•u bl• tr-om .,,I\ (My Oft '"' .,.. OOHO• tttlf\ f""'Vff.0 by OW o lfwf 1n PU\ own n•M• or 1n ttw Rt\,,... 04 ,,,... "' M DAT [ D A f lu•lln C•lllo•n•• ""' 11th dn OI J.,.V.<¥ 10• L•"Y C...llen1 ltOllEllT L TOOLIEH COOtllHY, COl.IMAN A llOWAllD AIMf'fl•Yt •I LA• 1110 l "'" M.-w .. 1 e..ia.1,.. T1t1lln, tel-• •l .. Pullll•-°'"-Coe •I <>•••• P1101 J•nu•• t ~ ,.,. )41.,. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TOCRfDITORS SUPE'lllo.I COUllT 0 1' THE STAT EOl'CALll'OllNIA ,OR THEC<WNTYOl'OltANOE ... ,.,,,1$. F•l~i. u• C.EOl!C.f I l r M CO'! l ~, .... t"(I NOTl<F 1S MfoREBV C.IV[N 1n lh(• 1 ''"'.''"' \ o• t,... fthOVt nll~d Ck ced~nt '""'""Pl"~ "'"'f\" ''"Im\ 1tQ.n1n\I I~ '"'o ot-<t·tkl'"' •Hr rf'Q~.urf'O h> tilt trv>r•• vrr.Hh ttw ,..., "''"' v vou< twr \ 1n fPW tifftrt-ot tnt-(ft""" Of th' 1toov• f'n htff'tt rov'1 or tu 0..-f'~t lhfooni" w ltf\ "'" l\Pt ,...,\QrY vouc-n"'' IO ttw-un o"''•On .. o ,., 660 N"""'"°'' Ce-ftter r,,.,_,., Nr-wtor1.Bf!>Mh (/;. "°"'•(I'\ f\ tn .. o••cr ot bu-.,,..,,,_,, u• '"'" "" d' ,., +Qn• d 1n (111 fttl'U4•r· J)t'rl••Uinq If) Jtw .. ,t61~,.. '-'•d di••, <Wnl, ¥f1l,,1n rvy' montn•, 11ttr1,. t"'4! l.r,t PYOllCdllon or r,,,~ r"nflcr r ... ,M No""mllt' n t~le O'AZrt RRAOI 'r JOr.E ~ t-<ClUttf •Of .,_. Wrfl 011 ..... ~ ......... "«..,..,., J&Cl(SON, KIDDEll & MITCHELL MO Ht•port Cent., D"vt 14th FIOOf Ne wpor1 ~< ... CA '7MO Ttl ..... ._ Attorn•Y• kw" Eaecu·tr11 PuOllV"fl'<J Or~ (M11 Oollv P ••t't J.i~ " n "' F~O \ tJ19 ••e N P UBLIC NOTICE SUfll'E lllC)lt COURT 0 , THE ST•TE 01' CALl,.ORNIA l'Olt THC COUHTV 01' ORAHOE Ne. A·-OltOER TO SHOW CAUSE ICCP' 11711 •n ,,..... ~tt,., °' ·~ ApphrMIOf' Of 8RYNN M,.PTHA OU8110 w Fo• '"*"Cle Of N~mt WHE REAS BR't'NN MARTHA DU81>0W, l>"llt•ont• ha\ 'll~d A c><>to- flon w lU\ ,,... Cter• of thl\ Covr1 f0t •n f•r-O•H C' nanolnq ,,_hftOrWtr'\ n•mr from BRVNN MARO•A OUOllOw lo BRYNN MARfHE OUBllOW IT IS OROE r>fD '""'.tit II"''°"' lnlert\leo 1n '"" •befv•~,,tUted m.-tter llPOP'd' l>o>IOrt , .... COV'} '" I I 00 • ,., on M•'<" • t$>1t 1f"I t~ c0t.trlf"OOM °' ()fop•nment No l, al 100 C.ivlC Cenler D•I•• Wt\I. 5'1nl• ....... Coun1v OI Or•noe <.dlltornla. •nd \"<tw ,,.u,e, ft ""'f wny •he ~tltlOll tor < hanoe Of n•m~ \hOu•d not bit orf)nfed IT I'> F UIHHER 01!0£REO llWOI • ~:r.s: • .:~~ ~oe.°'~:;..::i~ •. i:: Piiot. • n""''oa""' nt oo.,.••t c trcu•• llOI\ ortnt~d 1n Oronoe Cnuntwi. C3h•ornte nn<:f' • WHtc to,. tour 'UC· tfll\\111" week' or.k>r tu tM dAtf'I! \Ill for "e"' 111Q un thr ~tltlf'n OAT ED J~nutl•y H ,.,. BRUCE W SUMN ( <> J-otll'le ""°"""' Cl)\jrl LAV MAN, HANSON, JOH ES & VOSS Law Olllce\ Sot Ht w_.i Celtt., Drive Suitt '4S N••~r1 IM•<h, (A., ... Ttl .,,., ... ,.,. .. """' ,~ ... l'ett 11..,., Pul')ll~ 0.""9<' (.n•)I 08'1Y Piiot J•n 1' ~Mi S 17 l'I 1'1o J•Q 10 P UBUC NOTICE HOTIC£ TO CllEOITOllS SUl'\6RIOlt COUllT 01' THE ST ATE 0 , ()ILi l'OllHIA 'OR fHIE COUNTY 0" OllAHOl HO.A·-1 f\lot• O! fl SE Wt M,.Y ••" ElSE MAHOEL8AUM MAY, o.<t•\tO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo the '••<ll10t'' Ol 1~ •t>o•~ nam~o oec~d•nl thAt ttll oitr'°"'~ hav•no tl~im' -.o•'"'' '"'"' "'"'" O"'<.fl'c:lent ., .. ,,.Qulrt'd to t 1I• thf'm. t¥1tn ttw' MCP~""'f'Y '-OY<"-""· ln ttte off•<" of,,,.. t lll'ltlil. ut th4! abov,. ""' t•llMS roun, "'° to or_.~.,,, trwm w 1t"- tn,. nf'C.f'\'4rv vou<-"f'"'' to t"'t .,n a ... ,,,.o""'o ~• n "'1 1 •rnt>f'n '"""' Et to"> ( AhtO'"i" 'llllff'I•• n '" ff\r 014't" of bU\fnf!\\ ot t~ unc:t-rstQnit'(I 1n All fr'•• '""'' 011'11tln1nq to t"4!' 1 ''"'" ot '"'d c.t.-,,.d,.nl, •lt"ln tov, month' ••tlf Uw ''"'' publtc.!UM ot tnl\ not1<e 0 At•O J..., .... ,. 7•. 101• UNION B•NK .. CAlllC>rnlA ~"' 0 E ,tu no-o! ll'lr Wilt ot I~ 81>1We M~ ~t~"' HICKEY AHEUt.AHD UU I l •n...., St-I Svttettt El T•re, C..11"""1•0.,_ Tet· 1 ... r:i .. Atttr.,.y let lfucllttf Publl•""<t °"""90 Co.o\I Da1tv P1101 J•n 19 ""° ,-"° s 17, 1• ,.,, HJ 1' P UBLIC NOTICE ,,. .. ,., NOTICE TOClllDITOIU Of' tULll TllANS~Elt ISK1 6lt1 •ttl U,C.C l Hot•<• is h•'""• Ol1iten t o lh• "•dl!O•~ ol PAfRl(K M GOMEZ frAn\l••or. ~ t:N.1'•"•'' Mtdrn' It ""8 8••er SlrNtt City 01 Co'lt Mt'IA, County ot Of11noe. !>1•1~ O! C•lllOfn••. th,.t • 001-hM\fllr h •bOu• to bet mA(I~ fO W tll"t'" WlllftUOhbY. ''""~'"'',.,.. flllll...,\e tN .. 1ni-u •Ck1r•'' '" l>A4 ""'" ,,,. ... , Coty ol c ... 1 .. M•'"· County 01 °'~""' '>4•1• of C.lllo•nl• Tb• D,,,._,Y to II" l••ll•left•CI " tor •t~o •I Ull ~ttl<•• SH...,t C•IT 01 Co•I• Mt .. County 01 Or•nQP ~l•lt OI (ttlltornt• S•ld ,,.~,,, """'"'~'"-••I A\ All •lotll In '"'<II' liahir••. "'1ulo f"tM AllCI °""" Wiii ()I tM I •ulo repair <t>oo bll,lnt\l l<M-•• E A l AUTO CllHI("' '"'41 IOCIUf'O •I t.ft B•l<tr Stre•l City (,I Cool• MMA (OUAh OI 0 •..,.0t. SM!• O' (.tl11torn1• Tllo but• '"""'., w111 Do <c>tt•11m m•tt o Oft Of •II•• "" '''" O•h ot F•bfl1MY 1'1•. •I tO 00 • m <ti CROVER ESCROW, •nn D Slyl•~ w~t •CllK~:< I• tl007 ln>ln• 111-0. T U\lln, C•lllONOl611690 C ttl m• mu•I I>• ~111>m•t1•CI bv "•D•u••• t) .. ,. ~tar'" I\ k,_I> 10 11\t ft-for~ •" .,.,.,_, ......... ""° ttl!IW ..... , - hv It t T<.,.<le•Ot lut '"" p•\I llW~ ., •• ,., Ant "*""" • D.rto Jl>f'1•r., 11, 1•1' Wllll-Wlllf)UQMIY ,,..,.,.rf!f GllOVll • l lCltOW COii i' ,.. ................ , .. .._,~.,.. S"KnW-~lV•fl """''"'"Or-CN\I °""• l'tl01 J•11u•1 r 'I' ,.,. , .. n -.. PllRLI NOTl ('f: NOTICI JO c••o• fO"\ W l'llillOll COUllT Of' fHI \TA rr Of' CAlll'OllHIA P'Oll IHI touHI Y 01' OllANO~ ..... I .. I \l•I• nl I U( V f lt ltQrtlN~ON u. ••• _, HO I I( l I\ Miii( I\\' (,IVI N to "'• t.Olt.,\ Of,,.~ f'\~ O"•Oent tMI AU ... '°"" ""9"1'1"V ( l .. M\ .0•1lt\t '"-'•14' OMtOl!t\t •t• tfCN•f.@ lo fll• U'tef'n w1lf'I W. NK~~\.llfy 'ICk.KNt\ tn thli OftH• .. o-, (tiff\ UI thM AtlOV• •" tUlt'CJ C0\#'1. u• to w•w ht '""'"' wttf'lo '"• nt<l\ .. •'f YOIK""" to "'~ 11n ...... vntd <JI ~ NtwPo•t (fl\I•• OrtYt N ... _, 0...h CA "''"'~ " tPli• pl•t • Of t>M'\f\fll\\ OI lhr wn Clfl'\•OIMO In 411 MAil•" 111>"•'"'~ 16 11• nlelt Of WIO ........ .,, Wtll"n IQV< ..._,,.. •rtt-""' ""' -·••l•O<I ,, "'" l\Ollt. P•tt4 Dll<tmbtt " 1911 ftettwt• • IOM\10" ACl<T\t"1~tlt!fl~ WW,. Of I""' Wiii OI ttw <tllO"" twmo4 OKtdtnl JACll•OH, 11100.lt & MITCHIELL c ...... "'---·'' ....... ~~O<'lvt W.•111 ... IMl•-1 9-11, CA flMt AntrfltJ let -<M\lf41!ti• WWA ""l>IOl'fO °'~ lu.t\I l)n.ov P1101 Jen •S. U l"I f •t> ~ t~/t "• 1• p BLIC NOTICE c ... .., • NOTICE TO CREDI TOii$ 'Ul'tfllll>'t COUllT OF fHE SltUI 0#' CALll'OltHIA "OR fH( COUNTY 01' ORANGE ........... ()l•I• OI MARY El l lA JIE f>t M<(AllT\', l lVI •M wn •• M,.AIE [l 1Z'l8E fHM<(All IY o .......... H0TIC£ IS HEREBY GIVFN lo tn• (fttd•tor·\ of ptw. ,lbQV• ~"'•-0 ~t-tdt-nt •n..t •If O.t\OM n.""'"4 < •••m., "04t'"'' I,,. \•lft Qt<tOl"M 41(@' r•OUH41d fO ftl .. lf\fff' w1fl'\ ttwr t•<t1\\.dlrV •VU("'"' 1n IM uftir,. ot ttv-< 1,r._ ot '"" 1•oove (\fl tUlf'O cu.urt. or f() ptPV"nt Hwm 'fli'lth ti\• nt'•''"'" voucMt\ tn ,,_. 11n (M""l"•O •t llW' ltw ofliH OI THOM/IS I l 0 11 0 n 511 Pa...., °" V.llr"' "' Suitt 10t 8 . L~ H1lh (411tormi41 t)&Sl wn1cf't 1\ ttw Pl4M.• Of bu"'"'''' ut thil' und~r\tQf"M!d tn All n•4'1t•t~ .,.,.,,,..n ,no to '"' ttt11t• ot '<-'H:I o .. (••at-nt w1tn1n tour ft"'Onff\\ litftttr tn,. t1ro t ouoor1t1on of"''' not1( .. Do100 JonUl\ry o 1010 C.fHE BVRON DllOl l • f Ae<ulOf of I.,_ Wtt I OI '"" 6l>Ove no,..,..d CM<-• THOMAS l LORD Swlle 111·1 tJStt r •1to lie Vi ltnCl• La9u"• Hill\, ()I .,03 ltl 11141 Sll·:IW •tt•fMY • ., E •tCV'Ot PuDll\~ 0tMq.r C"(),,\I h •dv PJlot J"n IS. 77 1'I hb \ 1'1'1• 1\1 I~ P UBLIC NOTICE R·S"-4 NOTICE TOCllEDITORS NO. A·"7•S SUl'l•ID't COUltT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNI .. FOlt THIE COUNTY OF OR.ANOE In tf'lr MAtlf!r ot ll'U E ''"'" Of JESSIE l ()<PtTl'IN, °"(o""ll Noh<f' 1\ n.;re-Dv Q•1it&n 10 trrd1tor\ ,,,_vlnq CfillllM ago1n\I lr.tt W•O ~l'· 0en1 10 Hie w1d cl~I"'' In '""' ott•<~ or the' clerk 04 tn-atot"l"\Aid tourt or to oreM-nt ,,..m to·~ t.fnotff\tQt'W d ~· ltlt> OlllU of RI01AR0 C. HAHN HAHN ~ HAHN, S...lo 'Ql JOI f Colorf4o 8 Ht0 • P~s..ot:n~ C•l•torn•• ~ttOt whtc h IAtt.-r Oftice 1\ tf\f'o ol•tr o• bvSI ne\\ ot t"'P ...,ndit~iqrted '" 4111 moueri pettttln1no lo w1d e\tatt ~uch cld1m~ w•m tl't& ntt, .. ">~lf'f YCHJ<.hfrlr" mu\f bP tHed Of P""e"""led ,.'\ •torr\.atd within tour fn.Onlh\ "''•' '"" •w~t o ... 0•1t.•t•Of1 ot t~I\ not1<.f" D .. leOJ ... , ... ,., lOU•\C Otwth H•tl"ed In WHI ~h LOUt' On<!"'· Jr E J'e<.utor Of tf'lf" Will 01 ...,, .. Deno""' HAMii & HAHH RIC ... •41 0 . H•IWt An••MY•luw '""•"' >ti E C--llvd • --. ........ tellt«N•••••• PuQI•~'*' O.•noe CO.O•I o .... Piiot J•n n. 1'1-Fl!O ~.I?, 1919 1H 10 PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS e uSIHIEU NAME U ATEMEHT f ~ fOIJOWtnQ Pf"'"°" t\ OOtAO bu\• ""'"t6e NT C'R FOR WEJ\l TH PL,.N NIN(. 1171 $<.,,_,,,.¥ 0< Hutilt"QIOf' Be•tn, Ca WtA Vtenn L C:..."rhort 1)27 fv1~wortrw Or Hunl1flQIM 61•6'n (.> -1)«>4l! rn1" bu''""''-.'' t.ondutli-<I bf dn '" 01'4l1duAI (JhMl t.A"4ifr\o}tt fh1• \tlltt·fftt>n1 WA\ ftlt"d W1tP. '"' rountf Cler~ ot (J'""°'-rc,tml'll on Joth>"' Y \ t '~ FIOIS14 Put>l1\hrd OrAf'lr.r (()tt\t 01111v r-.1101 J~n K 11 I?, 1~ i.N 10 N P UBLIC NOTICE , ICTITIOU!> BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tn• l(flhJN•nQ P-•r -0n '' 0\/1no ov ... • flf"\\ ., (000:1NI. WIT .. 1ovr \10 Nu Pa1montJ •vii' '1on 1" 11J1,_,,; f\1•ttr~ l Eow ,.rt1\ \10 Nu R•vmONJ r ullerton C..•• 11'->JA t nh bu·.,.~' '' <Ot'lit.h.,. tco bv 1.n '" CJ•WIOu•I El• II• l E dwMO• '"'' ''"'fl"fT"lt"' .... , hh d ¥rr '" tf'Wo (Ounty (.It rt! ut Qr,,.no-(Ouf''HY' vn JunuM v '' 1~1'41 FI01SID PvOlt\nt"(I ()r ,1ny. < 'M\t 01t11v •'•lot Jdn 8 n ,/ I• l\O\f 11 I' P UBLIC NOTICt: 11:s"1• l'l(TITIOUS I USIHESS HAMESTAT(MIENT '"' toHowlno oer\.On\ ''" 001n4 bu\ln1>\\,tl\ PARI( llDO WE\1 1101 Wt'"''' P14'Ct. Newoort S.•ch C.•llloro14t ..,_ fhf-ONo H1thon1tl Litt tn~vri~(,. Compenr. ()n On10 c orpor41t1on Wltlt•m H tatt ~t M•OfllAn<J Cmc1n net•. On10 Ol'Ot Cf ut""r' .ina O•oll<!Qdn Co A L•mlt•d P•r1Mtsh•P. 4101 "'"''t"r PIA<•. Nl'W(IOrt Be•t l'I (AlllOt'AtA9~ t "'' OU\4nf"lo\ 1\ c.Oftduit rea ov" "'"'' .,,OA•l"t<VMP T ht on.o N •!ton.ti Ltt• lnwr4'f\<t (()t'f\P4'f'V w ( l(•ult Vl<e Pf4t'>l(lrnl r'"' tt•tt!W'l"Mtnt wa\ 111..a •tU'I '""" Cnuntv Cl•" 01 O••nQOO Count, on J•nw•v " 101• ...... u P110ll\ho0 0.""'Q!! Co.nl O••lf Pilot J•I\ ,, 1• ... no F.c> ) I), •• ,. 71t I I PUBLIC NOTIC E CP ... U NOTICE TOCllfiOltOllS SU~IRIOlt COUltT 0" THIE U ATE or CAl lrOllNIA 1'011 THIE C:OUHTY 0 1' OllAHOIE ... .....,. f \l•I• 01 Rl(tiAllO (, l<ARrMAN 0,,(HMld NOflCB I~ HEAEBV C.IVEN to tnp U OClllOr\ of II• ..ilQVO Rf~ U.<•ll<fr\I "'"' •II Off.of\• ""W"O'<l•tnl\ "IJ'lln\I tile .. 11 O.UO.·nt .,. "°"''.U lo '''' t""m w lff'I tr<! nit<.evM• voLM.f'Wlf\ 1n 1"-OfOC• of ttWI' CIH ll t.>I IM •O"•.-'"" t1tl'Jie) (OV" 01 tO Oft•'!lllf\t ft'ltHn '\lflll!IP\ tn• fttt<•\\MV ~C"\.Kht "' t (1 tn• Ut\ 0•1,IQfl•O ., l 0 CHARl l '> C;AR AllY, &11 w 1111'1 SI S•nt• ,.M CA •7101 •nt<ll ,, lllt u1~u· Of ,,.,.,.,..,. ol tft• Undlltt'\IQf'WO 1n "'' mAt11 '"UV',~ .. , '"GI to tP'lit t\tAI• or w10 0' t • o"n' wUP'U" tour monW -'tttt 1n1 11, '\f P\tbtitAltOf\Of tr 1 ~IU" D•ltdJ_ .... I'~~ , .. ...,.., .... ,, ...... ~dm•ni,11 Al~ 01 "" r '' •I• 01 Ult 4<10..,. Ml\~I 0.(~!knl (;ft.CltLU OA1tlftn . no '" w. l?tllll. a..c• A••. CA U1't hit""'' _ _... A""89f ... ......__ ~Ulll1'1111C! Or..,. C;o,i•I 0.0•1> lloh.I J•n I I\ 7l ,. .. ,. JI 1• ' , Moncjey Janu4ry 29 1979 P llU<.' NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICl P BLIC NOTll 'E HOTIC11 TOC•IOITOU SU,..ltlOll ClOVlllOr THI 'UPllllO. C:OUllT O~ '"' U ATi Ofo CAL1'°4tHIA l'O• r HI COUNTY 0" Oltllfll0'1 \Ul'&lllD't COVllT or THI sun Of' CALll'O.HIA l'Oll tTAfl 01' CALll'O•HtA 1'011 fHI COUNTY 01' 011.AHCil , ... toUNTY o r OltAHOI HO ... '9111 HO ""''"u HD. A '1N• H 0 T I CI 0 r H I A It t H 0 0 , t 1t•lf' ('I H l r H I.OU" I f''°•I• !M RNA #I C.tAlilNC:, •k• l'ITITIOH N>R l'ltOIATI 01' Will C.llE VA TT ·~-HE l f HOllt VA' I fllHA ( c,[AltlH() o.. .. -ANO L•n111s TEUAMIHTAllY H OttCt 0' HEAMtlfC 0 " l'fTlf lON llOM fll'ltOIATt O'I' Will -ND llTTl11$ UUAMtfHT••Y ,.O lt AUTHO•llAflON YO AO MIHIST&ll UND~ll tHDlfll'INOtNT AOMtHl)fllATIOH 0" l'U•Ttt N0 ll(f 1)41toltl!8Y OIVCN lo lh4> 'Olt AUTHOltl ZATION TO AO u •dllOt\ o1 1"-•liO'wt """""' Ot<•Ot"I M I N I S T I II U H 0 I II I H E 11\•I ""per-.. h•YU\Q ··~·m• .-i••"" IHOlfll'I HO«NT AOMlltllTllAfl()tf , ... \•IO--· -ttttvlred I~ 111• 01' ISTATIS A'T l"°m .,llh 1"" ""<•• ..... •• •O..Cl\tf\, t~ Et I• t • 61 II E DY f l'I \ J 0 H N ,,,. !14110 Ol -ti••' O! lh~ •hO•t •n ~ECICCll "°l<I f((DVER~' .. l{IC lR 111194 <0<1'1. 01 to pflH•t~l lhtm wllll au RED 'ECKER. 0.o,._ 11'1• "•U•U•Y YO\I(""''· 10 .... "" HOflCC IS HEICEllY Gl\/fN '""' "" NOft(l I\ 11'"Ntb't' (,IVJ H .... , .. ,,IQ...O ., 111 w .,,. ~ .... , lo• Al 1(6 M ~((l(fJlll..OIH<HIMrotn• Wi\I tAM It '•MS JM h•• •ll•O f\ete•n " 1)1111tlon tor Proo-ttlll' ~ Wiii •no ''WlftC' Of L•Otf\ fe\.t•.mtnt•r,-10 '"° Pellllorw• •nd IOt A.;ll'l()t•t•l<Ofl A~IO\ (""llOt'l\t• wlll! 11" 111• Olot<• potlUOtl IOf Pfete.lt Of Wiii •n<I I\ Of l>11'IM\\ 01 ,,,. unotr\IQMO In •II •u•Mt Of ltl'-'\ Tn!-,,l•tv le>'"" m•lltr\ 0ttt•1t1•1\0 IO IM t\l•I• ol •••d P•llll6'Wr ""°tor'"''-•'•''°" •u ..O O.<.O."t wttNn fQUt' tnOf'lll" •tttr I~ n"llftt\ttt ...,.,.,, '""' 1ncktpenct.nt ,.d IG AllM•ll'Sl~f -· the '"°'Pl'"°""' •dm•"•'\tr•l•on of E \1t1t .. ~ A< t ,,. "''' PUOllOl-OI 11\1\ noll<t Mllll\lttOt-OI E•lflt" A(I ......... « f•fth<" •• ~tn '' 1t1.0. tot '"".,.' o•rtu i,t•r' .,,d "'"" •~ ''"" ftnd D••<• Vt '-•'f;\Q trw \M~ M~ Dltf!ft Mt ror F•Oru.wy 4. 'of' •• •O 00 ,, '". '" 11\e Ukltlr-n 01 °"""'"""'nt NO J QI .,.tel <0¥'1 . .-r JOO (•\l•t U nt•r Ot'"" Wft'tt If\ tP\e ( tl• (tt \•l'lf4' A"• c .11ror,.,. O•t•dJanwrvt•. 1•>• to •"''" 1\ tn•d' .,,, t •~rrn,., Mt' Sh•tonAH( .. rrtoM P•ttltut.-1~. ""° '""' "" ,,,,...,., .. ,,d ~~tltatfl• 01 th• Pl•ct Of llfffillQ lht ''""" n~• '-" '"' lh lttlo qi I~ •bo•~ IOI' FtC>tU&r'f t. l~li ~I 10 00 • rn If\ II-0..,.0.nl lht (OUIVeootn ul 0wl)<l<t"""t No lo• lllYOH It ICNTLIY .... tourt <tl t00 (I~" (efltor Drtv• IU w ..,_ ~ w .. ,,, •n tne (.11w ot \•"'• Ai\• '-"a...-, ca,...,_,. C•o".'~;;iJ•M'Milef'" ~. tflf1• r.1 n~ • b•tto 'M'Miit'" \1 ~•,. \rA 81~1'1 (ount• , ... , .. ""W ... Y fer Altmlltl•lrtOfftt l ... A ilt•Mll P11bll•llecl 0.~ Co<l\I 0 ft tly Piiot t,wn1y , ... ,. J•I\ 7• .no l'el> I. It ,. ,.,~ JS? ,. VOEOILIH & •AllTON --'Cr•ltC.Ale ...... JAME\ l RUllfl Jll MU VI•°""' ,..,....,.. .. «ft, c.tllto""''• • ...._, Tt l •1>-41» PUBLIC NOTICE :!= =~1';::,. ·-.. ... , ... , ........ ,_ -----Tt l 1U·1UI ,,. .... ,. ..., ..... ,,... """-· PvC>t1\fWoQ clt..-. '°"'' D11n1t JJ11ot HOTIGE TOCllEOITOR$ Publl\....., 0.-CO.O>I 0.11v 1>1101 s~~~~~~;~~~~iAT:~R Jmm 11 1i, 10 ,.,. ''' 1• J•n...,,. 71 1l l'I ,q10 IU I • THE t OUHTY 0' OltANOE No A.-t11Jt E\!Ale OI MARC.ARE I H Miil l A •I<• MARC.APEf H MAOl~N ·••~ MAR GA RET f.'O VI M.11 1 I ~ lnt•A\t cf NOTICE •S Hfl'IEBV (,tl([N '" '"' U f'dlU)r\ Of,,... aboW "4"""0 Of't' d111nt fP\4tt 4'11 ~'\IQnl\ f'M}-'tnQ t t t1tn\ M tn .. 1 f"'-\•10 o--tf"(tiltnt "''" ff"tl hlP{t ft ltfl l,._m, w ilt\ lhP nt'C'f"'''""' .,f,vttirt\ '" It OU•(lfl ut lf'lfo r '"'~ Of ttw 1•00"• 1·n t led rQ&.;'1 OI' to DH'" nt tn.-m w1r" t •· n,., l''""'V vout fl•"'" ,,. lhi! l~,; (J#t\IQIU•01tl ~0U\N00M1'llA t 0 U..n1\ l ~tt\lttn l ... 1~·0 Oovt \t : 110 Nflllwport u ... .,,. C .•hfot "'·' 'n•tQ w"•tn I'\ ltv plM' ,,, I~\+,.....'\" O• ,,,,,. und"'"~ '" tHI m41t11 ''po '1u1n 1nQ lo rn,. '"'''ti• nt \<tin .,..., f'0"""' 'llt1tn1n f our monlh\ "''-• ff\f" '"'' PU bit<. ot ion nt ""' nohu• Odteo JAnu,,.r-v 10 '"''~ Fll)lAN()()MAl\A At1rn1n1\fr.,to1 ttt l~(<fil.,1,.0ftl,._ 01£ N IS ~V:.s'::;.'<l ~·n·!Ji "' t ... Oov•Sl •• lfllf Ntwpor1 hKh Ohl •7MO Tel 114 1'7 ~11 Atto,,..., '°' Admtnl•tr.ttof Publ1\hrc1 0tl"'(I" Co~ ~I 08d• P1ht~ Jdn 1•, '' 19 r "b \~ 11,n t\O 111 P UBLIC NOTI{'~ NOTICE lOCllEOITORS SUP(RIOll COURT 0,. THE ST .. TE OF CALIFORNIA FOA TH E C<WUTY OF OliAHOE HO A·'1MI F •IAt• 01 NOllfNr TA vi OR ()l't f>fl\."0 NOi 1Cr IS MFl>I l\V ,,,..,( N to th~ £rrdlfor\ ot th• ~lf9" nJm••d ,.,...rd rit IPMI All f""''~' l"·WlfYJ tl1t1m, 1tOi!t1n\1 ,,. '"'a °" 'c-or"i .,,,. ,,.Ou1rto "' "" ,,_,"" w ith ltv-rw-cr, .. arv "('tUt n. '' •rt tf'Y'-ottu·f'nt ,,._,.,,,,., C)l tru f4bOY• '" 11u-o '"'"" "tn fHt·vnt ''~'" ""'''" In#'> nt•t,\lllicttY VOUft\t• ... tn '""\ ""' dtH\1Qnt•d "' •&lb l\iJ1111r .. 11v W14y Mdrin~ d••I ~ ... .., CP. wtlu" I\ th• p1,.c,. ot l1U\1n.-,, 01 tl\tl undf•"•<I"" o tn -ti• ''Mtlftt\ ptort111'1n1""1 I(',,._,,.. r,,,1~0• \otld Of'fl'O,.nl w1tt\o• lour ""°""" 1tt1ftr 1Nl t "t Oublt<~flCJr" ot '"' rw'llll• 0 1tlt d J~tMry 4 tqA I INDA l>E YNOL lJS Admm1\ff,Hr1• 0' r~· f ,1,1t•• oft~ "bOYf' MrTif"'(t Of"l~f>(Jt•M IEllMAH, llLOOM & CY.RI( 46,. Adml,.lty Wav Suile 1001 M•rlfU ffl Rey, CA tott1 Tel IJUI fl).M6t Af10t'ft.f'Y\ fOf" ActminOU'•Ui• Publl\Md 0r-Af'liQf> (nt4"1 0'1·1~ P ilot J1tn U n I"' Ff\b ' 1914 t.to 1<1 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO tllEDI !ORS SUl'ERIOll COURT OF THE H ATE OF CALlr ORNIA 1'011 THE COUNTY OF OllANGE NO.A·-1 f\ldl• ol MERPll 1 WAllREN MA~ 1 tN, °"<f't1\it'd NOi ICE ,S HEREBY C,IVE N lo In .. trftdltOf\, Of tnu d00¥f' """"-d OLu•<.h'f'lt lt\tit '8•t Of"f"~ ht1VtNTcla1m• aq-.. ln!ft tM \d•d OM..~t ,.,r rrawreo tn 111~ tNm wtl"' tM "l"<.~\s.dfY \f'Oui°,..,.., 1n 1~ otliv CJI 1,... <'"" 0t tiw •l>Ow "" t1UN:J <OU'1 M to Of'f'W'fll them wttn fhf' ""' .. "·•rv VOU(.hfor\ to tn,. uf'\ Gef\tQn.,, "' ltSS1 -Allnv• lllYO lrv•f'.,. CA Wh•rh 1\ ttw pfdH~ Of t>u\1 ,..\\ o, 1"-' ~,.~•on;r..cs 1n 1111' m .. lftil•f .. ottt-"•f\lnQ In f,-.. "' ttttP Of "-•Hd dtK.• <K'f\t w1Uu,, four mon'"' i•tl•·• in,. fJf\l publ1t•ll0t~ o• ,,.... .. , MtH •· Oot"" c.. • t'ff\Ol'f I 7 .. II M•trv v 1ro1n1• M,1r11n f •WU1f•• OI lh• W It Of rtw dbOYi-Odf'N<I '1 .. CH1it'f'lt OUHAVE S CH•lllE tu n Ma< A,,_ llvd., Su1I• •II ''"'"'·CA n1u Toi tSHIO~I AllOt'~IY ... E•e<lll•I• Pubh\PY"d ()rt)f"M)P (.Q..1,t httily Pitot J~n I\ n 'I" F•b ~ "" I•\ /G PUBLIC NOTICF. NOTICE TO CREDI TOHS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE 0 , CALIFORHI,. FOii fH f COUNTY OF OR .. NOE NO "'"_, E \181~ ol M.Allc;Al!E T < BAR 10 1< ••• Ml>RC,l'PET Ffl!N RAllTON ••• MAl!C,AREl !\ARI O N o~ ... ~d NOTICE IS HEllE8Y c.1vf N to '"* ( rf'01IOf\ OI lh41> ~tJoVtlo ,..,.m~o O••i t•(l,.nl 1n~t 411 ~''Vl' "-ctv1nq l IAifH\ "''"I"'' tn-\dltt '""""''"'"'' ·~'"' ••Quut•O In "'" , ..... ,,.. #1 fP\ lhll "4 (I. t ,0 <f W0Uf .... t tnr otf·• toot "" lrt It ("t '"" 1bt'.;,vt • '' t•ll'"'2 f '>Uri nt I f•'""•...,nl lh1·n1 w•1tt fl,,. ""1 "''·If v vow hf•r' ,,, '"~ un "", \tQ~ 't tf )t;#I \.•r'I MtOUf'tl 0 f1Yf' "°'*' 111tDOr J H1 ltf n t A wn1f'" I\ '"' f'l~1 (' Of r)V\•n~"' '>f lf°'r l/l\(tll t \fQnttd I,, "II '"-'"tt" prrl"in•AQ to Hw t•,totfl u• ""'" ~t~o.-nl wtt,,.n '°"'' mot\th\ """' tr"t' flt\I riuOll'•tion ~ '"''' M iit .. 0,.h o J"~urtr.; ~ 1"''' l"AJ\Y I• llPOlllr.I r 111 f Uf'u OI 1,... W ill "' lt'iit-.. oov•• n,.1r¥G ntotf'(tlnt lllCHARO A HEWElL :i.. ~•ft Mlqwt Dnvo. Suitt >00 "'"'"" ltK~. CA n MO T•I ...0-U .. AltOtfltv IO< EaHulrl• Pulllltl\loo l)o '"'II'" (O"\I 0 AolY Piiot )An I\ 11 1' f •ll \ l~I• , ... 10 P l 'BLIC NOTICE FICllTIOO\ 8USINEU NAME STAfEM(HT t ,,,. flJllVWlnQ i)Ct .. on .... autnQ UU\1 M\\A t 1 ~ f '.. t v I I l)'l 1 ''<>"'"' o "•• :1 Lo' •'"""I"' c,. • no no,. I orf"n H"''"'' 1~'41 .,.ow•ro AV• t I rt'\ AIMnttV'-(.A ~1'C f ht\ t>u\il'W , 1\ tund"" t11d Dy ,.., tn n1v1dU1tl C>Of\' .,.d,. .. , fhl\ ,.,..lt.,,,.,,.nt W•'"'-hl8(1 ""11n '"""' COuMY (I•'' \ii Ot.tnU\' tvuolv Ot' Jt4nYM ¥ \ ltf' "'°'"J tJubl"tt.cJ Of .not' (CM\t Q.11IY Dt Ot JAi\ ~ I) n 1' l~/Q 1'i I• PUBLIC NOTIC f, FICTITIOUS e USIHCSS NAME STATEMENT f".-fuUowinq ~:r-..on.., tf • Oo1nQ Ou\me\\ o\ H0 Nll t R H()Mt \ to.YI, C,..d., 111 •vtnu• H""'l•nvton b.·4'<" t..1ttUttt1tt •t)f>,11) P"tllft H McNofnfV ··~' S.,tff\411 Ot '"''· (v"tl6 Mifl\d Col1f()ft'l•t.• "'loJt> 011" ~.mcwo t.t)t. ~,,,,.,,. 1111 r,., fdC.f" (0#4.lf'"1 \)"ti M~• (,.lih;rn11114Jr J) fn1 t>utr.1tt .. ,, '"' t •·"Ou~ h fJ Lav • ~nt'•' r.trln. '"''" Pt11lr" t<t f./u h tmn r ni'\ \\,,flf1t-.f1I ft1t· ltlt-4J ,.,,,. tn. {uunt t (I•,. (If 0'<10fJ' (Ow#"lll t 01' JdflU•' ¥ ) 1"1" HOISll PuDlt\n•Td 0rM(> C.Ot1'tl Udth• P1ror J•ll t I~. 11.1• l't? ~~ /Q P UBLIC NOTICE NOflCIE TO CRE DITOll\ \UPElllC>tl COURT OF TH( ST• TE 0" t)lllFOllNIA ,.011 THE C(WHTYOFORANGF Ho. A·,.,.. E ,,.,~ o' c.r ORGf ... I 011 f R .... C.EOR<.;f lO/tFP C>H•A NI NOii(( ... Hf l>f(IY C,l\/Hi" '"' t ''°011(11'\ Of I.hit (t(";O\'~ ,,_..,.,. d Of'( ,...,f'llU fh.itf .-.If Pf"I'~ fM,_ilnQ f l.ttM'\ .0••"\f t,. \4'•0 °'"""'()Pnl ·"""~ t'·outtttO to lllr thf"m •t1\P'I ,,.,,., ,..,.(1t1o\.titr\" vt>vtrWl't'\ '"" \~ Offlt f' of '""' f l,.O C)4 f"t' ... ~Yt' • n f111eci tOUl'f o• tn O'PY'nt '"'"'"" w1tn '"" "'°'fl \\,., v vour n~r.. tr1 1n.-un C)l\,.\IQ.nttft nl 'IOI 0ovt" r 01 +vi N"'WPOrt E.1t.;(n (A wt\•<" 1\ ,,.. pine .. Of°"'' nt·\\ ()4 lhft undifol'\IQN>d If\ °'ii ""ttth•r" P' '''u thttQ 10 ,,..... '"''"''' of "'41t<J O'"',. ()t"nt w1tt.1n '°"'''"°"'ho\ ..... ,., JN-l1t'tl &>Ub'•lAIW\n Of fh1\ nc>ltt 0dl•O ()ooo(r"'°'"' 11 !018 ~ f NNETH M P(ll> If <i f .,,.., tJIOf o~ .,,. wn• at tn. ttbo¥f" n.,l"l"WflO 01 ff"()f'll MICHELE M llEllGEllO" OLOMEN &OLOMEN .. , o .... , Ort .. , Suite 1'00 ..... ,...i k.ac~."' tt ... Att., ... f I• f'tLt<- Putt4•\r.d O"NW¥ (~\I lh·•l\I' P·•ot J•n 11 11 1" F<ll ~ tQ1" U/ /O P UBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IU~IN ES\ NAME STATEMENT t ,, .. toHoWtnq Pfi ~ '. dlJtftq t>v 1 nt ,..,, 1(,0( ' t.OMP"'N" •OOo. {N"'' S1,...-,1 ";u1t /40. N.,,..,pyrt Ut "'" {A •7o"'1 M 11 n4)1•I "'dd .. , IQOt-I ~H,CJi)t fOW tnn11.r (J1llhHnt1• "11t<t ',,., bu\ltW'\~ I'\ t.OflOvtC• <J b t .,,, '"' dt¥•0U4tl M •( ..... I( 1'10- J ht \ldlHt•f'lt ""'• I IPcJ _,. I~ I""° """'" (1,.n t Q r ,tt•Q ( 1•vn1 ., 'I J-..uudt ' \ t ''" , 101)11 Puo'''"' d Ot ,;.ngi c.,,,.,, [).11h· P••ot J•O -·I ~. 71. I~ IGIG /l /O --~·-- P UBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IHVITIHG el OS l'OR ltECC>f4STllUtTION OF tltlllOATIOH nSTEM AT CtVICCENTElt COMPLEX PltOJIECT NO uu NO r1CE , ... HERE8V C,1VEN 1n .. 1 th,. ~ountAtn \'~llt'Y AQf"rtoi .., '"' Com mvn1tv [)l;i..,.IOOf"nt*f'\t ol lhilt CHv Of Fovnt•1n ""11 .. .,, C \11torn1.i w,u ,,. P UBLIC NOTlCF. l'ICTITIOUS 8US1Hf\~ NAME \TATEMEH• t ,,I! ·~ ·.14tt•l\C. p.t>i .11)1 °""1""'~ • "'"" AML r>,C .. N .t17EM~ l'/ll W '""~l M• \tt (/I. 'It.I ~I IJ" I , :-f ~ (.0.11 0 " .. lrt ~ .. f,' I • °"' l~d l 4'1ol ( ,\, lf1b.,I '" ft•,., .. q ,-yinttnd H1tt•of' 'tl!I t•"" ,_.,. Nr wCl()ff "'"''" ( ~ ff\•, ov• it\• -'"'"CJ"°' t••n n. • u• ,,, 1..-i pottf'lt 1 "''- Our'°"'·d Pt,. ' (.04 ,, '*"1 ,,. .. ~, ,....,. ····d v""I t t ·, "' O• '""' #Ill 'h ·~ ( , •• , l•t'! fh<J llf ,mf>• (tm I (>,-. " t 11h;t '· ,.. 0. .~ ,., PUBLIC NOTICE \TATEMENf OF 48ANC>Of<MENT OF U\E O• t'ICTITIOU\ IU~INESS NAMl r n,.. fullOW•"Q P"' flrtiOt\ "•' ·•b-ifllJ~lf U Im \.\• Cit U~·· .. '' •·liou nu••f'• .. t•wfnt• W I N C>M HI tlOA1~r ,,/,.. M' n1tr .. l~ .. lh tff ~'\> rt\,. , 1\t1tt0u• tu,,,.n,., N.1f•' •r1r~o te wOO•• ...,, •• f f'd in O• ro- (f~"'M t U"I JUi" Jfl 011 ""'""'. ''~" ' "°" '• , ,, .... (t .... ,.w CJ, O• .not C.c1 "'"'' ff°'• bV\1,...\o • ¥ffi" t ondu< h d lit tn 1n()1'11•d ... ·•• ;•f"-f\ ', L 'f!K' fll1\ ,f.tflni..nt ft,• f J•I) N f;, tri• Cc• .. 1 • ( 11•1\ VI 0 • fff'f.14 C nwr1 • ''" .1('tnuor , 1 •I'' ,., .... P.-r...•• hf<I a. .no-<.o.--• o .... v ~ .,,, '""" ,. ' 11 ,1.1 "''' t' ,. PUBLIC NOTICE \Ul'(lllOll COURT Of' THf STATE OI' t)ILIFOllNtA f'Olt THE COUNTY DFOllANOE HO A·•1l• NOTICI' 01' H E AR I N G O~ l'E Tl TION FOii PllOIA fl' 01' WILL A .. 0 LEHE .. S YESTAMENTAllY FOii AUTHOlllZATIOH TO AO M I N l\Tt:i. UHO E ll fH E IHOEl'IEHDIENf AOMINISTllATIOH 0, ESTATES •CT f'\l •t" ,,. M.J.Rf.Af.lt I to\ ST c PHEN!>ON C-~ ...... o NOT ICE t\ ,.lcl!E"' C.tV~ H 1n111 M AP(.IE R C,OVSA N \t11..-0,,•r•1,,.,. Pt>t1hon t01 PfOO.JI" C14 Will •f\d ,.., \-.Mnfto ot l.*'t\l'tn rtll,t•mt"nt.u• to IN p,-t1hon-tf .,.., •or AU1f\Of1LAltOn lu ..0 m1"'""' uno.-r '~ ~·C)lol'f\O .. nt ad m 1fu\tr•t1on O' £."'"'"'"Ac t1 ,,.,,.r•nt• 1'1 wf'11<!'\ 1\ fnd(lf' • ' 111t l n1•• p1trt1U Httr\, o8nG 11'•\ tbto' t '"" 1tnd pl~(.t' 01 ~•'tf'>O t~ ~~., ,,,..n \et IQt f-br-....r • b ,474 fll 'I 0CJ t t'f" ,.. 11""" (0"'"00"" o• ~1,lmt'nt .,.c ot \o.ttd <O-Url 1tl ;~ (t11 • ,.nh' Or .,,. w ,. .. , 1n '"' (.,I,, of \.-l't .. "''"' C•l1torn111 D•ltO J4"'>e' w '8 ;414 Lt•~ lirAnc n Count•,,~,. LjW rl'ICIESOr RI 1100 'RAZIEE .... 11-Avt- SIH S ... -..c•. c...1 .......... ·-hi .,.1- A1 .. .-.... -il-Pubh\f'll!d Or~ (.o.;,I Oct11.., ~·101, J•nut1'v n n 1• •91'0 11tA '"' PUBLIC NOTICt: Ce•Yf' Yft1e'd PfoP0'"'' until tn-"0\1< 01 NOTICE UfVITtNC 11 JO • m .,.. 1""4<1A• l'•0<111r; tJ SEALED l'ROPOSALS 1e10\ 1 ff'J tor t1¥•< (rf\te• trr1QfH 1tH' FOR TH£ COHST•UCTION 0~ Sy\lfm Pt<Of\)Huthon ,,, .-ccorOMUt' lfACHROAOPtPEl.tN£ w11n thf' Pfl.ln\ .. mo ~p&t 111 ~f!Of'I'\ Rf P L.ACEM€HT Prooowtl\ \l'\dll Oto pr~'°'1'H• d und•'' '0• THE \e.tl•O (0Yf'• .. ~., \n..11 0. d tomo.+ntt a CAl'ISTllAHO I EACH e>1 on .. of 1"-' torm\ ot O.Odfr\ '"<.,,.;, COUNTY WAT£ A OISTR•CT l'ftQu1r~d DY ~coon toot ow '-P"\111<• HOT ICE .~ HEAtev (,tVEN !rt.1'1 hon\ All Pt"oc>O\ltl\ Vl•ll ()ti' m41Jflll"13 I"• aoerd 11t 0 "~ctor ... ~I "'"O (tV•( c~n•~r '"•Qal1on \""""" O t \trl(f lf"¥tl,., 1tnd Wtll .,..(rt Y• Q!ton\trut tton Pro1c< t ''"' uu ctnd ,. ... •l•-d orooo'"''' O.d•. un ,,, ltw how• bf rr11t1led o• d•l1W:"r~ "'l'" tu Or> 1n of '0 J,.... or' '1\1 ,,,,, o.1v nt i ''bro,.rv "'"' hund ot 1rw-(11Y Ch,,,\"' hi! r off•ttt 107Q tar fl;frt\,,•ntl •11 "~•d 01\tt~rt ot 1,, ftH '''"' Httll t01() '•"''"t 1\111 ,,..,.. ttl• uan~ou'1 •l•ur rnAt.•1 """ ... o,.np (;n IJ' fJ• tort 1~ hiout \IAI oO Al It\•• 01 ~,.,,,, ~n(/' •·•"''-~ tf\O \VPt)l11 ' .1Qn•ICO "'""· .... O•d ("11~·v.,o 111t1lt ~ l'\tt(~\\tHV ,, fQn\ff\,t t 1'0' .... o 01 uubltl ¥ OP•"~O ,. • .,,, •nt'O •rttJ 1'1(1 "''tJ wtH'• 1tl .-h1ctt 11"" .... d ON llt·t l•r"t1 b'I ,,.. (.1tv (It' I\ R1df"t1''" >O'-t1tl" ..,,, Oio Ovbltc: h op.n-n .. _...., Ancl trw-('lluOl1\ M• 1nv1tt'd to 00 e>t•\4i!nt r ••a 610u0 '' ll'lr 0 111, o• f\0111•11 ctt 1 p,., dtM IM1tt ion ot u10 0'000\.AI' £r'\q1n~r•ro tor DDf "1fOl't AU btO'\ "' rt(t"IY•O ... ~ .. m ·n-d "nd 1\0t Qu.,.1i '«ref't Nt>WOC>f"I "'"'(" dt t lAted •llt bt ,,.ttrrl'cJ fly th• C tlv C.4 '1'60 (lf'rlll IO,,... (itv Enuu~""' .. nn tnr (11¥ S•10 O•O'\ ,f'\ .. 11 tOf"llOff?'I 10 11"0 1)1 Atror nt•v t()f" c rw•c • 1no """ '' f)Or-t to '"" rta'OO"' iv" ''' '"" i O"l•tK t noc um .. n1 · founi•1,, ~ ... 11.-., AOf"n• v 'O' (l'),hmum fO' \.lid wiur\ "'' Mr,,1otor flpUrovrct h D•·v-hJJm1•,,I ·•' .r\ "'•• ttno n" bV "'••<J [11,,~r•tt .. no'""'" t• A\tu-n I "'•"u"'" X I fl? o•r••a C• ,.,... t t "'' '" ,.,, .. ,.1, o '' ~rtor tn r(lmrnfln( .no ...,,,,., tn. '"" ,,,,., •• ,... ,, .. t10• .,.,,,,,.,, ,yt,flt'I' •' M'" n•ll O'l (Of>•• r.1t!'W-cont,it(l""4u1nt nt• ,,,. ••• n. l)U\1.-.. ... , 11( .. n"'(' ltOfl"'! tf\il (1tv Cl~ 0"' ,.,, 14M ""''"'tr ... ,.,l"'"ll'WO •fl,,,.. n• Fourt.-11"1 V•ll••¥ ,,, """'0"""" wll~ fl(~ Of ,,,,. r1 'tlr1n Anf'.S If\ fru )tf•(• ot '"• C1h Mun1t1JHtf (odt No "olvm•• I Bov1,. fnQt~tlf'tQ <.orPo1At10f' l•ll• \ (l'IOPI~" S ()ol •nd \Cl! ISOI Oua.o <,1r .. ·1 "'"'""°'' R"'fn '" "'uwd•nt"' •llh '"' (H(lv1 •Otl'\ Of (A '7..0 Sr<t•Of" HIO 11no 11/t •n(.tu\•¥• m fM COO••' mtto; bit CK,;rcnt.\\,•"CJ ,., tM of ',-rw., (()(N Of 1rw-Stttt• 0 1 l Al1turn1.i fl<t? 01 Beyt.· EM 1,,_r•nq (nl'O. •·•f10f"I 1n. J.ount••" VAflf'~ ~<>' .. "" • tO• Co"' b_. P4tv~tit Gf \tO 00 .,.., '"' (""1 • mun11y ~ ..,..,°"""' nt ot ttw { 1h N """"' bf' """""' MY-''>"' t(' tftf-O•'h •t t F-ount"•"' \'•fl••""'' Oy ,...,.ulut~un U "tO•f' "'"" t.it'>¥•"t.." "' ,,.,. •dOC>lcd ltvt e>r•v11t1hno novrtv t4'1_. ut C•l1 torn11t I -'IXH Coc>t tf)r> Hol'td ot -•0'"' to, ~•• n ',,.,. ut tvp•• .t Oir,.~tor,,,. '"'f'I Onu•n ,,.,,,oot11w .. 11 wor111 "'"" or ""'"""n'c l'W"t UtO to •• tron' t,..,. 0 11....:1t1t -0• ,,,_ tlf'O-ttrn.nt .. (.utc-U'Ut \Onlr•H 1 '""'"'''" .-iii 0-.1 1t lndu,rihtl ll•l•l•Ort\ Ow O.nt'r41 On• 4'ftldrO•O t1 rn ... -.vct"\'ful b1ddur v11t1l1nQ '"1" vt °'' o,.,,, Wtfo-"' "t\IJ '~ Prev•11fnq w.-Qt 11" C: •"""'' •ll(fl'I'\ "OI ~~r lltt Olflw1t111t'IQ , .. ,., •c.r hohli•• •l'\O pro.-10tO tor OY tN r1 'W>lut10f" \l\Afl nol ov•rl1rn,.. ""'°'' n tf't• 10f.ttllv .,, Nt1HP' ~ I,,_\\ t~ 1""" "10'\I r•t ,.,,, ••OW Of' tl't• •Of\ , •o t> Q1"••0tf"r'lt0 ler,,.1n•I-IOt llH• O•M'~ Covnl¥ Put>I•"""" 0.-C.0.•1 0•• v Pno1 6'~· ., OvOh'\htO DY,,_ U "\ ~p,trt J•f\u•'" 1\ ,. ,,,. '' 1• "'""' ot l 41bot' ttnd '"no i'•ttf\1 '""'u 11 Dita '''' 0\4'1 IN t"\t.ebll\P'lit•O F-rl\t•r Al m1n1mum wAQt f ht' contr1'< tor \h,.tl orov,o .. \ut" com0tftw•1on U'tt\ur al'\t.• "' 1•nu1u•o by .... L•oor COO•• (lf tP'-" ....... ut C•litoon• •nd \twit .. "'•tut• ,. •Of" tr.attO''' c•rt1ftC .. f' '"ClhtrOlft<J \•••O t on'l"4'\iftfton reqvlf•fNl-t'll\ t~ (Of' tr•t tor """"" •ur1""r r..quH• .. 1 \VO( '"''"''0'' In .... m.14r1v OfUV•O., UC.I"! <oMueniwttlOf' tn\tatttn(f> •ot .111 QI '"' ,u0<ontt4K.tOt~ •n•p1ovt11.•\ Jh~ 1.on lr11c.tor' Ano 'VO• llr'l• H tOttr. .t1 .. 11 '"'"''"ow C..•t• _. c:•r1•f•<.•lt o• ...... , ... , o• ... vl>f'OQfh(H'\ unckt '"'-h rm\ ot tfwr. tWOra"r 't~tioft tr\'Vt 1r't PURI.IC NOTICE I' l(Tt TIOU~ BUSINEh NA"'( STATEME"r t "• •ollow•nu "'''IO"' Olt"i..1 Ov" i'W''"' ., v\r O v<.•n1 I' '"'° ,.., """" ~l1it<I (.O\f • Y.t'-flfl ( u f;"• ,,,..,,1111 t "°''' >....,,,, ro"''• tht Prno19· •, 1)'1() ,..., wpurt •• vn ( "'''"' M, ~,t t ,t l/'J,,J t f•1 .. OV\1tV'"'• ' OflU\IC I, t1 t>t #\ 111 (J1Y•tlu1tt ""*'"*· l ~ ....... r "'•' ,,n,,,,.,. ttt ,,.,,., ' '"'" ···" ,...., (ou,.t, c "" or (')r "Oi' l\'"' '" Of Or•• mr:-r I "''* DAILY PILOT PUBLIC l'llOT1C£ HOll([ INlllflNC u•o i NOT •Cl I~ HI R[ hY C,11/( N lft•I \f 41ed OtOPG\Ah1 for tunu,,,.tnQ •H t~d,1'>•, m•h' 11tl . tt~""lrtn¥nf 11 ·~\po,,.tlOft "1\(,1 'YCft al .... IA<lllllO\ r•qulr•CI ioor· '"° COH!>lllVCTION OF WHI I I (MAIR RANll'6, llAR•OIJ'> LOCA ; IOH~ w11i bot ,_......, II• '"" (1ly Of (Ml•""""~ ., .... Ofll(t 01 ,,,. (11¥ C.•··-11 ,. ... Ot•-. Gott•-... ••. (•lt ... rnl•, \111111 , ... -· f//f I I 00 " m on r,.bfwt• t ''" 4lr't wtttcn t1m1t I~•• •Ill ""-"'"' PUC!llCI• end t•..S •lovO in ,,.. C-•I Cll•<n ..... Sut...s '"-"''' ·~·" .... , I ... 1111~ of , ... wor~ """ lht ,....,. of 11\t l>t-llUl llO Olher O•\lll\(IU .. lllnq ""'r"• An~ Did •t<otv•O 4'11or l!Y 'ollleOUleO (101•"4 ttm• tor INl •"'••Of Of bid\ V...11 t>-1 r tvttwd tot,,. l')ld(lt, ~ tt '~" cc '"• >o<e ·~-••l>thh Of Ille t>-<IO<'r to c.ee th•t ~' btO" rt11e.••YM '" prOOf'r ""'• A "'' of Pf""'• ~"" l>Yovl•.on• •nO dddtftun' to •h• Gt'n•• ti Pr(;<11.,,0f1\ of IM \t•f\dArd Sptc.fh'"" tton• "'•Y oe OOl••....O •I t~• otllc• of It\• (lh J."0"'''"~'. 1> F•1r Orlvr (.~•.t .. Mt~ {•t.tQ,,U.1 "POn nO" Hlund•l>lfl swvnw:nt qi t..S 00 An .00• ''°"•' r hMOf' at \I co ._.,, be m~ '' ••1'4••0 bf"""' Pl'°"~ •PKlll(•llOt'\ t•"<t Oth•' lGnll .. ( t doe"Vt'r\flont\ l"lt1t• il\t~ t)it> • '*""'~ flt the otfl(lt af lf'W C1ty ( l~t• nj '"" (11¥ Of °""' IM\-E-"" rttd .. h,..tt ~ ,.~d ... Of\ ttur Propc\AI fMm ""*''' P ~ ,,.,UVQf\ •• ' orov•c:Md 1n UWt r on1fN, OOCu"''""'' ::r~lt~.=::;, ~:",~~: ~~~'~o~ !to-d OOnO fOt N)f , ... ~\ IP\uf\ 14,. Of f~ 4""0'-'nt ot If',... btd ~='Of~ (11v ot Co-tt• Mll'-"'A ND .1 ""°"' t)t! (.Of\)1C)ertlll(I Ul'le\\ ll'CC.om&WfU@<f l)'I ""'" (,11!1\ftttt '\ t.l\e<ll, t d'\h Of ~ddef'' !JOl\CI NO bid ... n..o .... (Ot'l\t~fld l!f"ll1"\t '' " m~()• on ,. Dt""" torm '"""'~ tJ¥ UY (ii'; Of (0\1.f' ~ .... 1~ " fT'lft"" 1n UC card•n<~ With,,... plf)llil\~) of ·~ PtODO\•I f.-QUlrt"fl"lenl\ E <tt h "'°°"' mu•I or llO'flM'd •nd •''-O or"u.t11·t1...o 4\ rta\f•f"e-d b• 1•• ,,.._. C"ll I Coun<.11 o< '""Cl"' 1W Cb\I• AA,."" r""\#f'Y"\ the rlQht to ,., I"" I .-"~ 01 ,,,, l'>•<h N0f IC!" 0~ RI QIJ•qEM LN ' I Of! A l rtqM Al •V[ A(l tON 1(1 r NSURI r Ot.AL (MPLOVM( NI <>• Pr11nvN11v •1 in cu r •vr Or<OI R 111.w. 1 fl'!,.. Q+tr"" nr A'°'°'"' "~...,.,.,,t.W'\ I I 111-<1 ,, tn... f-~1.1 ... 1 OC>QOl"'hM'Hf; ( l•v\• '"'° tf'Wll !,IAndMO ... l""~.11 I Qv ... t ( "'P'0"°"''"' Op~ortun•'f lo,,\ltutt·on C,nn''''' ~OK1t1\.o\.on.. '"' •o•t" ""'"" c.x" A• f '-c. • AHO (.. (I "I f n,. OO•I\ 4,,0 '•mf'lt,,.br.,\ •01 m•,,Of'•h •no ''"m"''" Pftrtlc •Pdl•Ot"'I • • pr•\~d '" P""rtf"nlt\QI> I"''"'' '0" '""° C..Ontt4C10f "'OQ'""q.df" •or,.tort• .n ••<" It~ on '!Iii con"1rurt1on wf)n , •n lf"lr • overro •''"tit' .-r~t04tO#~ OOAL\~OllMIHOlltTY l'AltTtCtl'ATION•N flM(TAIU EACH TllADE until t-urr,_.., No•ir• OOAL) FOii FEMALE PAii Tl Cl PAT ION tN TIMETAILE •NEACHTRADE ( "'"'·•01"\ 4 l~toJ )I /t J I • 117lllOJ,Jt ,._ \ ,, T h4t\ .. CJO-"I~ ,,,,. •tOOltt .tbl"' '"' •••• ,,.,. C.c.n t •urlOf '• t nt\\I'"' t +un -..u•• """""'" .. ' or not 11 ,., f"1.•d•)r .. f <Jt ~ "'d"'·•"'t ,."'" .. d• 0t ,.,ormuo 1n II,., tov.,rt-d wora .rF,l l,,_. (~tr~r tor \ lOMPlll'ln(" w•tn It\ .. f. 1• C: Ul1t1• ()r"()f<tr M\(f rht> t f'(IUlt• '•On tr. ,,, ., (I A P ... n bG A '"'"" l>r b ..... wd on tt\ 1mo•~-nc"'"''.c>f'I ol '"'"' fQ\ltfll Oppgnuru t, (t,..uYo 'W (1f1t "'f t•rm,.\1;,f M hon nt>hQ.dtfOn' rr-ov1r•d ov th• '""''tllAt1on\ v•• t0f'1P" •n " ( r Q f)Q 4 Jl1t •, ontJ It\ "'lfOrh IP rn~t ,,._,. fJOlth t1'11tbli\ttpocf IOt HH' Ol"U Qr ttl)l'l1t..11t "'''°" ,,.,.,.,,,,,,. tne (.Ontr.t• t ff , ... 111nq trom '~•· -.011c..1tAl•on '' 11 bf'" ~r•orm""' ,,_., ~'' 01 mtn6r' t• 1tf'IJ ''""'"" • •·MO+O•"W"' ... n<J •r41n1f\q MU\\ °"" ... Vb,tonh1111Uy U,,l,Ofm tf'r()UQtt@Ut tf'I• '"rQm f')f tt>P cont.-nc.l, ttncl 1n .-.. ,,, ,,..,.<J., -.ntt tN Hrtr~to-r 'N •I ,,,_..,. • t.lfiOO t.oth .. tfC>f'f It. flmplOy rn1rt0t•I• .. \ ••r'ICl WOrJ'W'O f'Yt•nlv on 4>!111<..'1 Of ,, ... Or 0 l•C.h f"°" htt,,~f~t Of ,,Hn(')r11, Or 1~mat,. ~mol01t'!~\ or ''"'°''",,.' lfom fnnHM'tor lt> (ontr"ttor Or from C)rn t"< t tn Pf"Otf"C t tM ,,.... \.04t-our-oov• u• ,.,.., "''"G Ow Ct>nfr.t(.tor " QllOal\ \'1..tH t.ie .., * -0111tiot\ ut '" .. contrdc t IN' f • ,., uliv,.. °'°""' IW'!O IN> r"'<1ul.ittt0n, 1n f l (.FA Pi\M fill(>. (')mpf1An•' ""''" ltw QO.,i• ••ll tJil" ,,,...,..,, .. d ltQdtn\I •n- t()lttl flllOtti nou,.. p.•norm"'d ' T n•· fOt°'tf"'' to, ... n.-lt orov•Ot• .-1 r 1 .. n nofmt nf•('W't tn ttw t1•t••t10f ''' tnr #)'"'' o• .. ~, .. 1 ContrMt (omoti .. nt • Proar.-,.,,'lo f'\M \..r' 0 ... 0.1'ftry.-"t 1U ..,.,,u .... nQ "no \J'O•" 0• v-•iiptn• nt A:•otonaJ Ott•t• • •••'"'"'~ '" ... or• ~ (S4' ""<If ·•Wltff"t •' l'\Y' Jlf"l~hUt f11' •.ih t01'h "'' t /\t t i• '-•I' :,a 11i.•; •I .,..,, '•fl>I' •01 con,1rvc.t•on *<'• ""°"'' '""' on trtKt rM.Ult r'Q hOtf'\ '"• •<11 lt1f11f11 T hlll' not1f c. i4tlf'Jir\ "·"• i • f r•'• ""'"' , "00'"''-' -1nO h ;"P"°""" '"'"'~ • t 1n1• \UtHontrltffOI un 1C)in't"'' 1cJ 'f 11 , '1V'' numoer ,.,,,.,..,,.,, •Juli,., ., ... ,,", 1 H ff\~ '\UotOrHr,..rt 1 '' '''"''~" •.f,.'''"'I Jf'tO t..om.p•.,tti011 C•h• .,, ,.,, t c,. \Jf'I •rtt(I •nd t"" Cl"OCl'"'Dn•\ .. 1 .,.,.., n •"•<." 11\.f 'OJ"frM I 1• ty bfoo ~ ,,,,,.,n..n • _.,. u;.ed 1n tf\1 .. t.tot•( • ••ntJ .r ,,,,.. t onttit(I ""'1-UU•no •tC)f'•I U'tl •O• '•'4 r1on ttlf! tn•••''"' .1rr " f •'· 1 ov"'" '"° "11.,. 1t u11 Ot 1u1r (Ouf"ty t •tt f N &• r>H iN'"' (.t.,-,,,.,, u• '"• '''" t)f '0 ,, ..... ,, Pt..O,•\"""d ()f trqo; (...01'1 t l>•" • ~, .. ,.",.,If PL'BLK l'IOTI('• •' 4'' ... SUl'~RIOll COUI< l OF TN' STATE Ot< CALll'ORNI"' ,OR THE COUNTY OF O RAHCt ... A .. ,, OllOElt TO ~ .. ow CAUSf •CCI'' •l11' '" " DAN .. I 01 l~f Dt.'1Pl"IW M 11"1(1t t1\I ~HAJION Ol1H l.()W "'"' F-1tr_.nf tor (~~U"O" Of N •'"' WHE AF,.!. \llAPt•N 01 • f'OW Of'llUGn•t 1' '""" '"Of~' •11 l(ILH• •!"II DANA lOUl~f 01JHR0"' • I'-"'' "'"°'°' II'.,.__.,, Of •Of h,1• t l•f1 {W"'• '•on wn" ,,... (hr• ot '"'' toyn ord4!' C-h6f"l!Qtnq ... 001•• •nr ... n~•tr•• ''Of"" O&NA lO\Jl'iE OuH<>Ow "' O&Y"" LOU•Sf' DUl\ROW IT IS OllOFllr(l ">Al """"'"',. '" '"' ... ''"' 1n thr M.xtv,.. ~nuu ... o mMtt·• •PP4'Af D"of"-' '"'''-(our' .. t '1 °'' m on M8rtn1t ·~~ '"'"' •011'''·"' 'f o .. o•rl~ Nn ' 1t '""' (11\; Htlr l Or 1v-"""''' < .. n1..-An.a ( • ''' Orilllif'<JP (Alif4'rn1' .•Nt f"f.,,,.. • '' .,... •f'I• '"'"' ..,.,.,,. ... ,,.. ,,. ,. ,, """"'._ '"O •Id""" fJ' nr1t1 h J t l t!» FURlMfR 1)'1(ll IHI' '"'' • rooy ut tt,, ... t;f"'"1' t• now 1 '""'" Or' pubfl\hfl>G 1n r,._ 0,,.,,,,.,. Ct.hint.. h 111., P1tot " ,,_W"llJMP"'r "' '-'"'~,. 1 '-,,, ui.t t "'• (.It 1n,•d '" O •, rio• r ull' • C11111torn1111. on<:,. u .,..,.., ,,,, •r1Jt '-" f' .,,,Yf' W'f'll!k\ P"0' h '"'"' ..... ,., 't.lf ""''"' •nf't N"I ,,,_. 0-hl•~ OATFO J•""""''•1) '"'" llRUCF W "UMN•" ..:~Oflf'W ~rtor Ct'K•'' LAYMAN. '!ANSON. JOH ,$ a. VOS~ L••OllkH -N•w..., CAMet Ortw• Swit• •o N••"" -· "' •7-Tot· lllU ... ,.W "" ............... ,_ Pvo••'...-.O °'""""" W" OA1 • •· ,,,, l.n 1• F•n \ If. 1• 1•1• p BLIC NOTICf' J.ICTITlOUS IUSINE\• NAME s T" H iMENT N> fOltOW11"Q ~'""'' '' d~• ~ '' ""' •' .... I• ~OAO !. fNO t9l.\.I W ''"""'I"''' Ulf'cJ (O\I• /tlwi\..;. (.A C.• r .. 10 O M11t"''"· 141,, A • ,,, ·11 v .. 111 y ·,1 , h ... 11n. l " v/MU r n., ou,,,,,.,.., ·~ 4.0f\dui t."'1 O• ,, ., 01111d1.1•t Ul,. .. ldO M111~ l f'l o ,fAl"""'~I W,h t t'\J "1f f '"'" • '"'"', l •_., • '' O• .. ror ' u• •. PUBLIC NOTICE NO-O•O .,HI be C..Of't\ldt ''"° wn1,., .. ,, • m •Of on '"" 1 ff1t1,.1 ,,,.,,, •o~m tutf"l•~h•d bV 1tw (•tv 1tn(I ' M•Ot-,,, •<<Orf.NM• w10,. ow Pf..t'ft\1on\ of '"'' NOfl(t 41nd 1ht Of"OOO'•t 'ftc.\Ulrt'f'fH,f'!t' •~0 lOlldlllon• •ot lt:,.11'1 u1><11 • "'' \1r,n ) OI ll'lt Sf\etol1Uto0fl• e .. , I' btflthH mu\t .,. llf•M"'<I It\ •~COfdt'lf\(.• •ltft O:>t'flt•l>f• "'"t.-l-AW' f'l.f)l1\fW"(f ()I .fft'Ot (.~·I ;,.f\ f ' t /1 114 ••N l.>~11.,.y 1~!,::! ,. ftru.':/" I0/1t r tu."''" ll·SIY1l ,ICTITICIUS IUttHIU HAMIE STAfEMf Hf ft"' f'>Uow1n4 ~rt.Of\\ ••• 0011'\Q °"";;"t~~ EHfEMPlttSFS, tll~7S_, P•'" Sull•UO ll"YI"" Ult16'~••'211' Ot tt Gtooe. I~ .i1 (A11fotn14I c;or DOffl'On, 117U Sl<r P•t ' ~1111t IJO lr•1M , (•Utornr••Uu Thi• 1111.-.,.,.•HOllOll(t..., O• • cor por•IMM'\ ORll. C,\DllE IN< l(tl'\ ·"-" p,.._ _ rn1\ ,,,.,..-ntn, """ fil"'-' ••'" trow C--tl"\t Y c ••'"-nf u,..~ Lw O\ t uf\ >-•?I~,~,. JMllUll HllMl'HltlY\Jll LAW COllfl'Ojt•r1"" l ................ W!'•nt N•w,..-1 .. .ad\ CA ''MS t tlh'""'""'' ... c 0"''' ,, 111, .,ilf)C. J•~ 11 ,. f O 1..-" ~ It "'vOlt'htt<I Of ,_,QI-{.(M\I t).o .,, ' Pt•n\ \Oft1f•C•t•Of\l Jnd olhc.t .. t OrOPO~I IOl"m\ t.O t)il vWO tOI DidU f\Q <ou De 6CllAtNICI OftlY ~· IM Qlllr• OI ,,,. Cll• fllQ-f Cll• H1lt (o•I ol ,,'""' ttn<I Sofw'<1t1c•ll-('W\'\ \ \)bJ "" (fUOlf'\Q ,,.., If, .... tHOC., r•Qv• \h '"~· tr.-"'""\ f'1'0 5ortc•f1~ .. l•M\ IW \•Mt b'I f't'•lt IM rn..1fl~ ,nc, Mn(lhf\oO •" .. 'YI V.Jttl Ort •tfl ~OHJn•I \1 ('\ N,.1tMr t~ fO)I Of lfW Pt<11t\ I'd 'W°)li' 1ffc.4 ltOf'\ nf• '""9 fO\I t• "'•11•f'Q •"'0 "•ttclhf"O ••llbat•f~.,; th• \.•Iv 1•"' '~'' It., t •ON 11 t t•t t #'f'"Of'4ll ...... tlY<llfft H -C.....,._ Cit• Clet -"' '"' CH10• F-1 .. n vdt••• lllofn<• 0.tlf(I J __ ,,, ''" ••uo•·,~~ "'"""" (').-t•t O t1H11 ..,.,., 'ii-#' ' ,,, ' PUBLIC NOTICt-: ~•(fl TIOU\ IUStHISS NAMI 'TATE ... ltN' ll Nl1H OY N'-11\ ... t O•V•NC, l DMI AN 'I' '011 ... , ... .. 1M 'O'''"""r 11 u •.,,1• ,,,-. OUA1, t" t Off"P01 I t ( 01V•Nt (0MI •N~ I OR v ,, , o~ o c ""' Po ,,. ... ,,. ,. l 0 • -¥. • < ~ti (,t•Q•'"'• ' \t'I I ""' t oJll'tH'"" ""'"' -(.~t• A.._ r (. f"'!.1. ,..,, ""''""'\ • ~'<'11 LY II on d•"\l•th.+it• (o(""IOf YL.LMQ '"'' '"''""'r' "' .,~ ••'n lf'lc "°""'' 4...,' ot <>--C"-"Tt 1111 ..,.., .. ," .,.. . ,.,,,. '-•vt.t·,..._.. CltAlf"O"' c.. ... 1 0. •·• ••not 'IOM .Jtlff'I t '" "1 t'I "•' ,••• •t • ... ) >•n •. ll ti 7'I ••r< P UBLIC NOTIC• ,.ICTtTtOO' l!U~INf!i\ HA.Ml \•A9 £MENI' 1 .,, •u11ow ""J o-.·t'"'4.IC' ' tta 1•c "' . . A 'AN ~N i t It• fl N #OQfl (. n1 I l•1 '"'' "'•' \l\ll()I• thtM.." I.A 11Jfti(41 UM1•~0 1 Ml 0 ,.,f"·o1t • ._,.,, t..vrr..,..d> AA ,,. t. .t. •'• 1 "' hH)I,.....\ I t Uf'IO.,(f•{t • .., .... IJ\loll ~tlf11 1 Mr0tr""°f1 I •• , ~· , ............. d ··~ f1tr-G ........ ,. , • .,,., • v c1, t~ !JI 01 •nci< < "" • "" u. I "rf'blJf' /1, '''" (.e t HH~TTJA~.~· ... _ _...~.,......... N ...... , ~11. c.11-.. ., ... I , ...... , ·~''"" ."""'Or f'loGll!& en.~· Oct' ' ,. ('It , .. ,...._. f' .. ·~ ,, .It ... ,. c 'I ' J - - Cl DAILY PILOT NATION I OB17UARIES I HEAL TH B ack to Nat ure F or the R ecord I •''f --- ~ •• 1 "'t' n.l\t .. itt.11\ .. 1111t11111 .. " 1111111111.,, ,., II Ill ••h.alil \ ,. ,lfll 111111 h1•1 •llM' An Exeep tlo n Mills Lillian Rules By FRANK l'OKNl t;R WAS lll NGTON U\11 1 Whe n President Curter cnkr~ .1 roorra. cvnyone stands as a marli or respt:ct fur his offl<'c There 111 one exception. h CJW('V£'r When Carter ~trodc into & hotel banquet room ht•re for a re<·ent Natwnal Pruy 4:ff Breakfast, a whlte-hu1r<.'d lady in •he crowd or 3,000 remained resolutely m her se:Jt us others Jumped t-0 their feet It wa.'i "Miss L1lhan," the president's mothe r WWU ; IS TOWN FOR A P ERIODIC v1s1t to th · While Jlou&c, the e lder Mrs. Cart.er itppeared ai. ~uc1:1t of honor und speaker at an affair i.ponsorl'<l by the Wushangt.on Press Club. During th<' quest ion and-answer pe riod, a woman editor took he r to task for poi.i ng in a wit rm up swl, and hefting barbclLa;, for the cover or th•· January ii.sue of Wai.hingtoruan magazine. THE EDITOR DIDN'T OBJECT SO much to the posing a s to lht' fa ct that, as she told it, the president's mothe r had ignored three letters she had wntten &eek1nl( Mrs Curter's cooperation with a maga:mw project a imed at senior citizens.. M ns Cartn rt•pltcd. with a sweetness that tX'llcd her mt•!>11alo(l'. that i-.he n •i.ponds o nly lo "an · tl.'rt i.tang letters " ,. • • • The Wa:.hin~toniun covt•r wus photographed at the rurul "Po nd lloust"' where Mrs . Carter 1 t'lrt·ats from th•• tumult of her othe r home at nt'Jrhy Plains, Ga Sht• l'xprf:'SSt'<J somf' misgivings about admit· t111~ th<.' dt•le~C1t1on f 1 <>rn the magazint!, explaining that sht! "m11>i.cs thingi." ufler a television film r r<•w or croup of Cubinet ofCaccrs have bet:n 10 the huuiw ''They don't mc11n to :.tcul," i;he added "They JUSl want i.ouvl'nirs " MOHfllOY n Alll If t4 1 1 l/1'111 I H MON Deaths Elsewhere H I': D f' 0 R D , 0 h i o I A P > E dward L . Rohln80n, a Cleveland tugh school dropout who 'UO'f' ,-,, tf'tftnt vt ,..,.n,. AftA ( ... PA\ I'd ,, ... ,.., JlffhJAry ?t H t• •n N • iJ111JHJ•t tif fltl h r A •• ,._ f\ \Ut llYf'tJ tJv ,._ .. , P'lu~ Rnllm J '''>ntrcry t;f '•'• t• AnA, CA «Muuhl•t ,,,,.,.,.,.,,. MF,n troy lfrtd ~fUfl r lll h flt)fh hf \Ant.t ~n... t • \•''"'' k~rnu • W•lt•' n o• ~U'"'"• f .. And t'#o u••f'M1t r11101.-n. (j.tflloto And Jultr f tllh Art 1t,.uon (If ,,.. ''"-.'" WIH t .... Nlh1 nn Mt1t'4:t• / , ........ , t'I ,.,, "' 1 !JM ., H"'Dt" became a composer and l•wn Mnrhwy Cl\nllo·t, "'0'' "' '"" pia nist dur ing the ba 0 cnr1'tt111u' t,.w14I '"°' ,,.,. .. oljAy. J•nu•• y "' io 1~1•.., 10 AM .,,'' 1~M rtwo 1. band era. died Thurs day ~·;.•,,',.~':::~: r;;;~~ ... 10~ .. ~ :':,•.,• .. , after a long lllne1111. ,,,.,.1. '• fl (>\;nn+nft ,,,fl, t•tmu '"''°' :::::0';".:;"r~~.!" 1~11;•;: .. '~"~~~ , 1 ~~; BU RLJNGAME <AP l ,,,,.,.,nn tlMtAr 1 ,.wn MOunt 011•" Gf'orl(e A. Pope Jr., M nrtu .. •yM'"''"""~·4·~·0~~~· 77, a retired San Fran· 1M oe M"~~~·N~~~ 0 ••'"'""' dsco executive and ooe h i !.o•""n '"°""· (if PA\\"d 14WftY Of the nation's foremost J~nve•• II .•• ,. H .. I\ \UIVIV•<I IJy '"' h d e r s 0 f nitUQ!'ol•r M<>llV (M()mAn <,I Vorn" l 1n r e e "" < ..... M t>to•,.., """''d "' '""'" t h o r o u g h b r e d 1~10 111 141Jnlfnqlon R"•t l•I (e . •I• h d' d S t o••nt!•ll!ld•~" •no t wo 0 ,,,., race orses, ie 8 Ur· II'""°' llll•lflrn c. ....... o-o ~ •10 \ wit! day . He a I so wa s a ~ ::;;,0;:: :v-11:;;:".::,,:, 1';;.~:~1 di rector of the Crocker Memori•• Per~ ~rvun u"°"' IN> Bank. dtrecl>On of HerllOf l -n M(Nnl 011•" M<l'luerufCO'll"v: ... ·"'°m• MARINA DEL REY w 111 1AM 11oe1 11r v1A. 11. •Qf' ... , /\ p 1 Albert George ton9 11 ..... llt\IOffll fJf 1 <o(IUN IJ"•<"· ,,.,~., •••v '""' 11. ,.,. 11• " \U• Ralph• J r., 58. form er v1v...i b t "'' tlAIJO'lh r J"n'"' Ann Vte. eXeCUtiVe director Of lhe ruuthf'>r ()fi't,.l\y Vlf brott'NU J•rn'°' 11 v1. """•uni .-nn. Mlf•llum Ra l phs supermarket M•mor1•• .,, ..... , •• cl')noroo•"o""1 <'h a 1 n appare n t I y (h '""' ( ..... ~ .. ,,. ~t . l •WN f\,.•tPt, ' 1nur·.a .... 1"' 1 "' 11 AM "'"·~ s lipped Into tbe water m•nh by II\• N•l)llln• ~oco•lf Of a nd drown ed here , N • .. _.1 boll~" police said. Ralphs was the J<randson or the ---------... f o u n der or th e • Rural Real Estate Big Business f:VITOR'S N<rrr. l""1fl t./01• rf "'°" Jo;.t/uuJttJt>k t11 aHlt lllt good lift In tlw t'Otin1f1', a N.v.1 Y0tk Window .-rc>nt IOU•mon begon wll mg nArol JJ"'(JP'rl 11 I l) C'd 11 1br ltrr • Iii• ldt'(J bot grown lnlo two natlemal c:"ompwtil'• ilW 00tnu •lmrtfl t<ANRl\.'t CITY, Mo 1AP1 llundred.11 of aC'n ',. or bN1utlful PHlurelanc:f 'olora.do '• wc!ilt>m ~1011r Th•· (;unnlaon R1 vtir V1tllf"y Qult>l S.-curl' Whl•rc lhc w ('Ill bl•l(lfUI I 'T lu1t'" U\C' kind of vivid prost.> J11h11 Kci.•nl& wal'I readlnW n~urly 20 yean llj(O It uncr d u r tur-n to lht• lund to Uw llelf \Ulflclen<'y of ~•rly w., t bl'tUt'r11 and lo tt health t•nvaronmt•nt ror rearing C'hlldre•n KOENIG HAO ~Pt:NT h¥1f h111 lift: in Nc>w J\'n.t'y ris ing tu h ead the ft UtRt>rs Sc hool or Ce r » m 1 c is H. d 1rt'm1· n l w n d lurr1law t•on"ult1ng JObe. were on the hon.LOO. Yl'l. h kt mllllon11 of other AmHicans, h<' lonli(ed to rlet.> "the lraffa r, the no1Sl'" of th~ Nor i heast In 1969, Kot>na .i musler<.'d his courage and pulled up roott- Today, the 6!l yc:11r ,,Id f<1rmer aciadt-m1ciun ~r1:17.eH calll<· und grows corn and barlc•y on his farm in Colorado. m•arly 200 rnllts west o f De n ver , the neuresl maJor city. "WE JUST Bf:CAM f~ aller gic to the cities," he says. "Now I'm involved in lhl' r hurch, local po Ii ti ca. . . the days Jus t uren 't long enough " He gQl the re through one of the WlShbOOks put out by two agencies thul sell more ac res of farm and ranch property than anyone else United f''arm /\gency lne of Kani.as Cit y. wh1e h hrought Koenig to ltH' f(,.(11·k1t•s , 1t nd Strout Realty Inc. of Spnngfaeld. Mo . have n<'arly 150 years of s t• I l 1 n g c,; o u n l r y p r o p e r t y betwl·en lbem The ir regular seasonal catulogues are seen by more than 2 m1ll1on pt·op lt· and thl'y sell a p1cn• of land , on the• average. every 15 rninull-i. T H O S E C ATALOG lJ E S, re pleat with prutst•s for lhl' country, put tht'M' two farmi. vi rtually alone 1n the country property business "Why are :,o m any Amenc1ms retummg to the c<1untry . re turning lo Mother J::arth?" asks the Una ll'd F11rm c1t t11 loguc "Pe rha11s lh<·y wunt to know what ltf<o reully has 1n :.tore for lhf'm Tht• country I'> whert' a man can plant a :wNl and watch 1l grow " /\nd thcn"s mor<' talk of '"pure fresh air. crystal cleur waters. and qut<'tnt>ss brokl>n only by the sound of a chirping bird or the c row of a r<10skr " Such as what sells country pro· pe rty to a cllcnlt'll' rnngang frnm retirees tn v<t~abonds Onc:e the dreamer 1s hooked on owninl( 11 country est ult'. ai:ent1, reel an the llale. "TH F: B ROCllU R t.:S con· taln at•tual facts." sayi. United Farm's president, Normari M<· Cain. "Eloquently written, of cours<', but accurate " The catalogues a re made for drea ming a t rout i.lrea m hideaway 1n Oregon, a :.mall grocery storl' an Vermont, forest land In Colorado , but they coo vey pertinent information too "The c atal o~ue 1s ou r showcase." s 1tyi. 0 R Young, ,.,_......,.. PROSPECTIVE BUYER EX.AMINES FARM LAND IN KANSAS Urge to Get Back to Root• Spewna Lucrative Bu .. neu pres ident or Strout. "ll 's like th1: w ' n d 0 w 0 r y 0 u r r a v () r I t l' haberdashery. Ma ny t1meio. you go by you don't go in, but you see what the styles are The cat alogues band morl' than 250 pages of s mall print in· l errupted by tiny black-11nd while photo~raphs. Exclumati1m m a r k s n e 11.rl y o u t n u rtl b c r per10<h~ and commas. STllOUT'S CATALOGUE an troduccs propt-rty an nn1· Tf·n nessee ('Ounly with phruses such as "Country Atm ospht·ri· PrE>vails'" "Colossa l Colonial '" '"S1tt1ng Pretty•" "E nter the Enchanted Forest•" Edwin Strout, a New York Ci- ty wand-0w-.screen 1>alcsman. s tumbled on the adca of sellinR country property to c:aty sla('kl'r~ an the i.ummer or 1900. Strout had been lone ly 1n the city In hu; travels. he had m et m ai> placed farm boys who had come to Joulh urbanity On a visit to Kent's Hill. Me . farm where he had grown up, ht• found foui; farmers with farm they couldn 't !\C ll , even at bargain rates. Strout offered to peddle the farmers' land ar they paid him a com mission. Strout Realty Inc was born Its otrice soon moved from a woodshed on t he Maint• fa rm to a Wa ll Stn•et s kyscr&pcr and. nearly 50 'yt'ars later. to S pringfield. whic h company of· fi r 1als reasoned was more cen tra lized. NITED FARM INC. was founded 24 years la ter hy a Strout protege Roscoe Ch&m berlain lost his JOb with Strout when the firm expandC'd to lht' We.:st Coa st a nd c ut bark Mu1west oix•rnt1ons Chamberlain used Strout's idea. set hJmselC up io Kansas City and purchased a "Farm for Sale" clasl'!1f1ed advertisement . Has firm. with 560 o ffices has ,::rown w ri val Strout. which now has 700 offices Untll lhl' 19705. t he two firms dealt almost exclusively in ruraJ residences and acrca&e. Today. t hey handle everything from an urbun apartment building to a !olm a ll town groeery store. But the bulk of their s ales sUJI come Crom country property. "WHEN WE STARTE D. it was a growing nation." says Mc· Caln. "And we remained in the marketplace J>y sellin& rum property. We didn't run· to the ci· ty whe re the re was a fixed market and It was easy to show prope rty "Wt''rc 1n markets where one p<>rson couldn't make a living selling real es tate," McCain suys. "But with the help of our cut aloguc. buyers from all over the country ~el lo see t he property." tirowrng lc1surl' time· aod in· tercsl In land as <tn investme nt hnvc spurred a country property boom . Some set:k "h o b by furms." JO to 40 acres for vaea· lions or weekends . Some want to escape urban crime . Others are looking toward retirement. BOTH FIRMS ackno wledge tha t their catalogues play on custom e r s ' e motions, but neither will sell u piece of land until the buyer has seen it. "After they have evaluated it with their own eyes." McCain ~ays. "'then they can buy 1t with their heart 1( they wanl " Doetor B e lieves Hate Causes Poo r Health llUllOADWAY MOITUARY I I 0 Broadway Cos1a Me~& 642-9150 -- supcrm.arkel chain and · retired in 1972, five years after the family sold control of the oper 11· Hon. By OK. P ETER STt :I NCROHN Will Rogers. years u.:o ~11 1d , "I've never met a man J didn't li ke" or s omething close to that I'd like to paraphrase 1t hy saying, "l 've nt'"vcr ll'urned to hale> any m a n I h&ppt•ne<l to dis like." RoRtm'i' attiludt.' toward people. that most of us llfti not 110 tolerant. We have occasaonally m et someone wt• dadn "t like Rut for h~nlth "s sake. If for nothing else, I sug- i.teRl that you adopt the philosophy of not letting the tem porar y dislike turn rnlo chronic h atred . Otherwi~c . you will possibly be lnvitin~ a heart a t · ta<'k or !ltrok1• Or 1wrh11ps you'll settle for ao ulcer? ll isn't worth ll SMtYH· TUTHIU..U.MI MOITUAH WH TCU.. CHAPR Crorretory • flower Shop 42/ E 171h ~t Costa M1:1sa 64fl-4A88 --P'tBCI llOTHllS ~'J ...o4tTUAU 627 Maio St Hunt1nqton B1tach !):)6.M39 --,_,AMM.Y COlOf41AI. FUMIAAL HOMI 1001 Bolsa Avu Wostm'{lsler 893-3526 --PACIAC YllW MIM()alM. ,.u cemetery Mortuary Chal)el Je,00 Pec1hc VIOW Drive NttwPOrt D ach 644-2700 --._,.cCOIMICK ~TUAllllS Laouna Stach -494-94 lb I .u 1oun11 Hill• 188-0033 San Jvan C.1>411r1no ·~1776 ~ -9 ........ oN -.J N •M NOMI !"8-2424 Cotti Mete {'73-94!0 H ., OAKLAND <API f'"o r m e r Ouk l ancl policema n E arl f'rank Rueter, ~l. died Friday while playing the part of a riot policeman during the filming or a movie on J immy Horta in San f"rancisco. lfc was a prof essor of po li ce science at Oiablo Vullcy College. . VETERANS •••er•ld• HetlH•I Ce•etery h How o,... MO CHAICH I« ....... ...WW ...... -a.,..... c .............. SMITH ·TUTHILL • LAMI M~ .. t!:;'J~ .. DC -.111• 427L11"'1t .. c..t. ...... 646-4881 . What I'm saying will never b<!comc a:s famous aR RoRers' wull·known philosophy, but all I'm do· ing iH trying to make a point. IT IS mlH: I 8fo:U F.VF. THAT hate. brought on by chronic• rl'SCntment. rai11es the devil with arteries · e11f)f'cially with the coronaries. I have a theory <unproved) that hate and re sentmr nt relea11e abnormal amounts of adrenahn every day. This rrsults In gradu1tl accret ion o' cholesterol and .111 the oth<>r stuff lhut at least oc- clude the arter ies and leuen blood s uppl y / Then come the heart ot t acks .. •lrokt'il, or trouhle In \h e leg nr kidney a rttrlet. too. DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Over the ycan~ I've heard such state ments as "My hWibund Wlll'I lht• plrlure or hea lth until he was passed over for a )Ob a!4 executive vice presl· dent by a much younaer fe llow at the pla nt. He hated this guy 80 much he couldn't s leep or eat. I'm sure lha t this helped brtna on the heart a ti.ck.'' OK: "ICAN'TBECF.&TAJN wb1t cau.1ed It, but I think J know My wife aclu1lly hatedournewaon·ln· l1 w. I could see ht1r 11lmm~ wlth•ate every day. I u11ed to tell her to quit o r ehe d get sick. But she kept saylntf.'I hate him.' "OM d•Y ah cam e from the doclt>r saymg her blood pres11ure wes wey over 200. Before the doc.'• t.or'a medicine could take elfect, she suffered 1 1'\roke ind drect. ''To t.bis day, I Mlleve that her unrelenUnl ~ hatred helped klll her." NOW, IT'S E VIDENT, IN SPITF. or Will M t.:DICALETT&'i Df'ar Or. metnc:rohn: How did the old live to tw old y<'1rs aJ(o·> My own mother lived tall 86. Yet s he nt'Vl'r JOggc.'CI . ncvc-r used underarm-deodorant or took <any ~pecaul tonics to stay young. /\II I <10 Is s wam <'very day for my exer cise. use i.oap under my armpits Mnd eat a well-balanced diet I don't smoke or dnnk. llow do you Hccount for Ule racl that I've been around th.la Ion" without u:on1t any special modefn mtlhod~ to stav Alive>"' Mr. B. Our Mr. 8 : Charge It up.to your good habi•s and to ~ood heredity Without realilif\l ll you have been uslnR &0me of the ""pecl1I" modem methods to stay allv •. the most Important or wh.lcb 11 no 1moklng. • • • Learn how to s top 11hort of fat11ue, H)'I Or . Slelncrohn In his booklet, "How To Live With Less Tension Al Home.'' For a copy wrtt.e to him at Box 1660. Costa Meu 92e26, enclos1n1 50 c:enta and • at.amped. aell-addreaaed envclopc.4 ... ~ ..... t'.~~-'.,.,: .··~-DAI LY Pl LOT •• I .- IM.•, lt1• 1\ff AA HAJlftlS()H ,,.,. I r•M 11 •llCI f ....... -••• DOlll "' '°''" ,.. .. '-· '· "" NOV A IC .()!.$ON MIC.i.ey Cdw•r•, ,. •llCI c..woi. v-iol IMitll of l. ....... ltHc .. AV'1flN JIA ffl 0.••d All•"· ,., liall)Ojl. -v .. Olll<•. 11. r ...... t.ln v.110 M)Vl!A OVNCAH ltt<• l ..... I. It. ~.n f.t•N tKO, •n(I IC lm berly l V"''· ti, tNlfWt JM.t: "" MC 00HAl l>-$VM#f II~ Jer- A • 4' •nO V..,.9' [ •• d , boll\ OI N•wpOrt llN<ll , .. 1e.1w• H(jUVEN HUVl'jH H.0 HW . U , C.0.l• ~. Md "'" °""" flll, u, w•oen ~-C,l ASGOW EA~U V Stffll\tft , 1•. -AOt-V\IW., U . Dofll flf Hllfll •nqton lkoKll I EVf NHA(iliiH MA L AN [ f'r-•lt• H , '1 -AM Ml>llw, tt, bom OI Huntlftq!Ofl ll•e<" , ... 11 • ..,. llOUllKf HOGC ,_, ,.,,.,..., H . •llCI llo-Ktrn. •1, DOlll 04 Hvn11"910ft 8oM(I\ JM . II. IWt J I' FF E JAFl'l ~rl•n l.•w•\ 40 ,.,...,,.., ,,..., A.nn. ,.. Dofll of l-•a..." RIF Fl.E·llOSH Wlllf•M E~. It •"d 0••,.. lynn. II, bOI" of WMlmtn\lf'• 81rel•• $AN t;l.EMIHffi GIHlltAl. MOS~fTAL J AHUAllY M. ,.,. Mr - _, c;,..,,.., II"'-· s- Ju•"~··-· OOY Mr •llCI Ml\ J-~. s.11 (.lfl'l\0111•. f)O'{ J AlllUA•Y 17, I'" M r •"" Mt, 0...M!f ll.,,,A\. S-J.,.n ~1•-. boy /'M A n<I M" (.oMIMll I,. MM .,.00, . ( Al)i\ tr.,,., &eAl II. l)Oy PUBLIC NOTlCE UATfM f.HTOI' AllAlllOONMEHf OP UH OP' l'ICTITIOU$ a U51HIH N-1 II\• fOllOwtf>Q P""-""" -•n~ uu• o·t '"'" J k'1•'~·' f1u\•f'Mr\\ ... -M I INfE P10li$. J,. ( Ill" \••-• C.°'''° ..,,..., CA '1?•11 ,,__ Ft<ltt'°"' 8'1-\.f,...,.._ ,.,..,.... ,,._ ••"""° 10 _,,..,. ••-. ••lied '" Q#tllf't(t"'I '-' • &fl ,.,,., • ..,~ ~•ro-r.,.. Alt ~O'\~ tlV) Wtuthrr Aw :i •S. <R'<"' IN>w CA ""•1' ft I\ blN • Wt' (Of'diW" l'fd by 4't t"'fjl 'ltt0Ulltt M¥Q9<•t M 1'.°'t" ,,,,, ,,~, •--' fttfid .. ,," ..... co ....... c.1 ..... of o .. ~ Co""'" ... '6JIUAJIY ll,"" ""' -..... ~ a.eu•. !><oft• ~--IMIUA• 'I 1', lttt ,,,, .... ,,_,.. .. ~~ I~ C•"'-· 9111 Mr -Mn.~"'~.,. ...... ,.., ... ,.-.-,, .... Jvfltl '-"''-· llOf ,.,.u,,.v••" Mt.--· -T--r, ~ ,_,...., 'AHUA•Y 11,"" Mt -W t. -~ Wit!""'· ~ ,,.,,...., .... . ¥r •nd Mt .... Mn ~ lllo4.11, ~,,,_ ... "·bey ' IAlllUAaY U, 191' M r •n0 Mr\ 1--M\ • ._..,., ~ Cl•"'9114e, t+rt ~flf'IAl .. VAU.IV COMMUftlfY MOt~TAL ,,_.,.,"" M•i e11d NI•\ llebt•I Mot rt\, Wt\lml,,.\tt, _., _.,,,,,,. Mr •ftll Ml\ J-Hl90i11), Hunt l"Q .... llMc"ll, 9111 _., .. ,..,.. Mr •ncl Mn Mw.._.1 l l"°'"Y. J'ovn l••n V•t..,., llO'f Mr -¥tt 1(-Veil T•••n. Wt•lm1,,. .... 01r1 Mr •nd Mr• J•<I!. ttermude1 Wet!M1"'1~. b9Y ~"·"" Mr aM Mo J-• r>rYf', Hu11t •t>OIO'I f!+Kll, 00.1 Mr -""' W•.,... \lwt•~I. Hunt .,.._ 8Mcll, ...,., ,_., II, 197' Nlr •nd Ml• '>llllClf*I ICi-r . """' 11\QtOl\ ll .. <ll. {1411 J-.IS,"" Mr encl Mn '-Oer'll, F- U.in V•ti.v, bey M • •nel ""'' .. ,.,,v [•l•nel II J _. •• ,. v ......... q<r1 -. .... .,. ''" tnO """ Wlll••m Melo W1titrruM•, boy J-.lt,tf1' M r 'Incl Mt• ~_., 8ay'", Huftl i,.qlOft &e«I\. boy M r end lllllr\ ,_,_lift H-•. HU<ll l .... Ofl 9-11.QW'I ,_.,.,,.,. "'r •nO M n <>-••<I C.•1'1•~" J~tt.m. ,_, •"d M r \ ~·-v~ Ed\14'Q1t WUl,,.lt>J .... ....., M r eNI ...... ~·~ OC ••.,. 1"1#11 --8-t'".""" PUBLIC NOTICE -. - su~•'°" c.oun M .,.... \TATE CW CMJf'Olt•tA l'O• TM• COUWTT M MA~ ... ......, O•M• TO~ CAin« ·~\11711 I,. r t STf;VfH lllA ¥All • ., ......... D't (,()Otl+lf. \l""M()~. H> PM•n4 l'Of 0.-. of ... -1'-WHf l>fA ... C.OH .. >£ StM,..OH<, Pwou'N!d OrMICP C .. o.nt 0..1" ~.10. .,.,,,,Of\e, .,, '"'°'""' 04 •oott<•nt H,. 1 1\ n ,., ,.,.. ~1.-111 srFvEN •1t•.,..1z• ~---· l•"41•' f \. ,.,.. tjlj tt•f'\ "' .... """""" ttWJd • P"'ttt~ •rt", ... ~ ,,, fflt\""""' tow ... ,.. .,. , ( ...... "9 .. I(...... ........ "<>"" STEVfH 111• """'2V "'STEVE~ PUBLIC NOTICE l.EfOAl. ..OTICE 111• \l~S NOTtCf 1<, Hf PF fl V G•V£ .. IMI If I~ OllOEPEO tlwl •II "'4~<~1HI '""" touo,.,,nq 1tr""' Of '°"""' 4'>f' ,.v~ ~t\Of'l\lf't~~ .. nt·HM~•o p•-r1V Mv• !> .... r.10 b'( llW P Oii{ t ri-•< -O#t IN~ c:-<1 •I 11 00 • m l)r 0.p•rl-nl O' ""'C•h of C.0.t• Mt • """"" I), ,.,. 1n '"" '°"""'""' o• IOf .. ~t•od tn fllf.,\"t 04 thf'Wltiy t'°t O.oef't,,..,..l,.-i100Chf\({hntH0rl"ll~ o.,,, WUI. !Mini• Ana. O<eftQe Coun!Y G1 r1·-. c,, ... n ht .. ,\nn \tJnt\rdt' f 4Uf0f1'IA,ettd,,,.,...,C.UV-.lf 4tnY.•"Y 81r Vf '""· \itYf"f p\,," MOC'W"d. An.., ' ..,,, Pf'h1tof't ~ Cf\9nOI of nanw \f'liOYtO Rt•<" P-ol 10 '>Gd f\il yci. 6'1•"\ .ll>tQ#...,led , OCNI X 111•0 R1CYrlt . (""'' C.nlut1.,., If I\ l'URTHElt OAOEAEO IM I " l •men. "'•flow fl•< 1< I• Got• • w1111~ copy of t~ orcle• to \....., tMI.,,. ll< P•UCl'Ol•O'>od li•<v<a. floy•lll ...... I puDll•""<I ,,. 11M OAA .. GE COl'SI •nQ'"'" k•'V'ht f,,,1 ' OIU-\<"wlt'll'l O Atl V PtlOf d l'lf'#,O•P""' nf f:\•t 'f' I• fY'y ' ti•~ Ii;.( hwtf"I" l \()(1 Of'"l'l•tAI c•rrult1fii0n 0t•f"ted '" O'•"O' A+« V' If', f}oy \ X hw1nr1 Uf..64."' C HH\I"' c.ovnty. C..htorn••. on<t' • we;#lo\ tcu. Rlfli< ~ Aft.,, ... " frftit., CON'• ~ 111 tout \u.C•t\\1w tlf'Mil'\ oriOf to thfl 4•1r \4 w R••li• "' Rdf\O P'-'d•n ' f'O<J· A "'"'tor M:M1ng on 1~ CH"'f1l1on llf•ll ~ Pw0<0 Cl\•"'"'' '-ComPO OAT f.0 J-. H . "'" ...... NOT1rr ,., r uATHEll c,1v£H 111•1 tf no 0.,,..,-t A pOll"Af \ itnd Of l)vr• f\t OWr\H'~tO <A tfWo P4'~r'h •1tn11'1 \.f'Vf'lft \uc»~•Ot (Ou<1 ~11 46¥~ tof10w11119 l7W p.,bh~el>on Of u wOff""' M 1111\ .. OIM• I""' 1111• ll>O rt'1o VIAii .,.,, ~:::.:..~~ '" tf'Wt ''"°""' 1t ,,_,..,DP t)tWlo nr '" t~ ,.. 0 ... m1 Cih of C.0.1• _,,. •n «11+<11 ~ '"" .,_ Mettlw ..,,._ Soll'9 JIJ picQP' rh .,,.., to< "'°" "' PUOIM' MICH°" CMU -~Yb» ,.,.,,,., • ......,11~1•111 1>o """°""''o hi 11u1~.:....11t OA I l 0 ,...,..,..,. n "" Attw ... n ter-~ H~ f ~~~H POt.•CI P1>bt>\IW<I 0.-CO<l\I O•llY PllOl PuDll"'""' 0rM'l9t Coe\I 0 .. 1, fl•'<ll J ... 1'. F<!O \. ll. t•. t•7' .JAt'l!!tllfV J'9 191' )II ~ H I /II PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE --------------------COMPTROLLER OF THE CUR RENCY ADMINISTRATOR OF NATIONAL BANKS REPORT OF CONDITION co n s o l1da t1ng dome s ti c s ubsida r les o f So uth Coast National Bank of Costa Mesa In the state of California. at the close of bt.lslness on Qecember J I , 1978 published In response to call made bv Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12. United StatesCode,Sectlon 161. Ch a rte r number 16453 National Ba nk Region Number 1 ... ASSETS stat•ment of Resources a nd Ll•bllltl•s ThOusancb of Oofl•n Cash and due from depositor y Institutions .... 12,205 U.S. Treasurv securities ....................... -406 obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations ......................... 1,1qq All other secunues . .. . . . . . . . . ................. 706 Loans. Total <excludlno unearned income I . . . . . . . . . . .... ~ 13.628 Less· Allowance for possible loan los~s 103 Loans. net . . . . . . . . . ............ 13.575 Bank prem ises, turniture and fixtures. and other assets representing bank premises . . . . . . . . . .... 1,030 All other assets..... • . ...................... 41• TOTAL ASS ETS ............................ J0,085 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of lndlvlduals, partnerships, and c.orpor'atlons .............. 19,67,. Time dnd sav1nQs deposits of Individuals, par.tner~hlps, and corpor atlons .............. 7 .506 Deposits of United States Government ........... 72 All other deposits . . .... ,, ....................... 4 Certified and officers' check\ .................... 71,. TOTAL DEPOSITS ......................... 27,970 Total demand depos it s ................ 20,~ Tota l time and savi09s deposits ........ 7,506 All other hab1llt1e<, . . ....................... 119 TOTAL LIABILITI ES· ........ 28,08'1 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock a No. shares authorized ...... , ... 202,000 b. No. shares outstanding .......... 170,066 (par value I •.••.•.....••..•....•.•..•.•.. 8SO Surplus ...... , .................... 412 Undivided profits a nd reserve for contlnqencles and other capltal reserves . . . .....................•...... 73,. TOTAL EQUITY CA PITAL ............•...... 1,996 TOTAL LI ABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL ....................... 30,085 MEMORANDA Time certificates dtposlt In denominations of $100,0QO or ~• • . .. • . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . t ,798 Averaoe'tor 30 celendar days <or calendar month) endlnQ with report date · Total Deposits .••....•.••.••.............. 26,017 1, Wllllem T. Devan, Vice Prffldeot & C9shler of the •bov•Mmed benk ck> Mret>y declare that this Report of c.ondltlons Is true •nd correct to the best of my knowttdge a nd betlt f. We, the under$1taned dlr.cton attest tM correctMn of this stetement Of rotourcn and ll1blllt1es. We dectarf' tNt It has been uamlntd by u1, •nd to t~ best of our knowledQe end belief Is true and cor~ct. ts /Dominic J. Raciti /S/At btrt P9retsttln /S/Ben lndes OlrKton . t•IWltllem T. Otveo Ofttd J&nuarv 1'. 1'7• Publl'htd Or1noe Coest Delly Pilot J enuery n , t•7• ' 0 • 'I OAJLY PILOT ClJ The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS Youb Can Sell it: Find It, Traae It With a Want Ad (642-5678) ... '"'-S. One Call Service Fast Credit Approval ··············~········ ............................................................................................................................................................... . IN•(.. 100 ._,.. 1001 ••• .,.. IOIJ CieMC4 1002 G1•r.. 1002 GeMr<ll 1002 Gtw10• IOOZ ChMo.. 1002 W•ir'1 Mo11c.: All r--1 al&.a&e ad \'t>rtbtd In Ulla oewap:apni b 1ub )t't't to lbto P'tdl'taJ Yalr ll~1n1 Acl of ltH ~tucp o:wkes 1t llll'aal to 111.iveru ... ~ "any ptt• l~tm~. llm1taUoo. o <lilk·nmwauoo bJaMd oo ,_.., <'Olor, rrllgaoo, u..:, OT ~Ill <>n&ln. °' ao an&e1Uon to make •ny ~uch prdttr-en~. um1tn uon. or d.1$cn muiauon " 1""8 newsp..pc-rowill oot knowin¥1Y acr epl any udvertlslng for rt'al estate wtuch 11 ui viola· lJol'I ol the I aw ••••••••••••••••••••••• FIRSTLOVI! You'll remember when t.hi! fU'St ta.ppeeed to you when you see.J.bi& appeal· mg, attractive home tn Mesa del Mar. Alm-06t al new lotcben. Plush crpt mg. ooe year new. Call today . Ope n Eves ~· 4BR +den $69,500! Sunken living roo m . Brick fireplace. AU re · modeled kitchen. Ell· cellenl locat100 Im· maculale bargain! c au fast to take advantage! 752-1700 I OWMB WIU C._Y-1°"9 on lhJs beaut1f ul 4 BOOrm. 21,A, bath home an l .. ake ,..ort>Sl. Featured m I. A Tim~ llome St>rhon llome hu der k w1th bench seatang $100.500 Call ralJt. 631 1266 U /MA.l of c-. ~ '"'·· ...... ~ t.c. 2S4 I.. 17te.5'net,CotteMeM6ll·l2H N:ttionwule Nt'twork ol Jnd111ldually Ownt'd 1uid Oper;1 1C'.'d Rt!ul t:atute Office~ $I 0,000 llDUCTION -A good buy - be low a ppraisal value -priced to sell now. Located in <The Shor es), in secluded Lake Forest . This quali(y 3 Bdrm 21h bath townhouse contains 1920 sq .ft. with overs ized 2 car garage. on big lot. Microwave, Coming top cook center. Formal d ining, too! $102,000. Cal 546-4141 Ser111ng l..osta Mesa -Irvin~' Hunt•rigton Beach -N ewpo rt Beach HEWIHAUA? New to the ard~or leav- ing lbe area. May we help you with th e purchase or sale ol your home. ASK FOR Evelyn. Judy, or Solly at ~9 anyt.une. CUTE HOUSE C»YN 1":•tl~l~l~~l~t o//~ Vb IClll}i9 RE A~Y O..R·lLOT East.s.ide, Coela Mesa. 3 bed.rm charmer. Formal hVUl{( rm w/real wood burrung firepla~. Love- ly remodeled k 1tC'hen w/custom cabinets & pass lh.ru window to din· mg area Added on ram•· ly rm. Converted garage mCJy be used for lge .iame rm. All UUs at an aflordab!e pnoe. 673'8550 Newport Heights 3 BR-FIXER! Price just redu ced! Giant lot. Walk lO beach. One year home wa rran· ty, too! Call fast, 752·1700 ()11N Ill 0 •II~ HJN !Of'; "lfl' [91Rtdl "FIXER" Is ff Possible? OLD -CORONA DEL MAH 4,000sq. fl. Ye:i! ! ! Tnple A, double wide IOl just oH ocean Blvd. Formal uving rm + faDllJ)' rm w/wel bar. S large bedrms, each with 1t 'a own bath. 3 ()i'ftv '111 ~ • 11 \•UN ''1ril NtC,4, SELECT secluded private pat1_os. PROPERTIES Spiral staircase leading --------- to 2nd level. 4 car Pro Dt<oroted cnC'losed l(arngc. All this • IACK BAY under one roof on corner 3 BR +.study. Beautiful lot.. Oon'tletUusonei;:et new kitc h en. bltns ~e 4 br + fmly rm In de· away! Call 67J.8550 w/m1crowavc, com par· s1rable Back Bay area. Oi'l"'"""'"V"''""'''"'" tor, etc. Tile entry + Only 3 yrs old cul·de-sac [ I x t r a I r g y CJ r d ~~~::LonPn~~dn~~ !~1~ ~ 1·~g;] :;'~~~~~~rs>lnfo~~~ fa.5t ' 646-7111. . 'Cl)' =!·====';..~ del Mar 1230,000 (~l~Wli!JliliJj WANTACTION? I JAC60715-S6R6EA70LTY Class lied Ads 642-5678 . Real &tale 2 BR-2 STORY .$48,850! New p aint & n ew carpets. FREE one y r home warranty! Private J.tat10 , man ic u a r ed ~rounds, incred ibly 8paclOUS townbome ! CaU fast.. 752-1700! Ol,Nfll 9.,,, f(Jl4tO H 14'41 • (e·Nlltl cae: 110111 ILllRS ca. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE DAMA POINT Overlooking Dana Point Harbor & Marina. This Exceptional Contem - porary Offers a Breathtaking 180" View. Two Story Entry Leads To A Vramat1c Living Room WI Rou gh Hewn Wood F.P. Separate Dining Room. Gourmet Kitchen. Master Ste + 3 Family Bedrooms . Beaut. Grounds W/4d' Pool. Sa una. Jacuzzi. $600,000. 631-1188 111 DOY• DllVI .. ,. •oo ., ... .. °"' .,_ •.. ........._ u o. ~'­••• "' ........ ,,.,.. ,, .... .,..._ ,. fNlfl "'"" """" ::=.·.:. .. ., ,,_ fltC>-::'• ·-Ill & ..... "'-·-.,.., .,, ... ................................................................................................................... ·-··········· ........... (.I I . ' I ·. • ' ' -·" ' ' . .. I !~Y..~.OR ' , .. ,qg: JA,,.. ~-CoaOMA ... Md Som ocean view from this beaut. NEW split-level "Sea Breeze" model. Never lived in. 3 Bdnns. fam nn. formal dining, 3 batbs. Highly 1 mproved w I air-conditioning, prof. landscp, a uto. sprinklers. luxury r ptng, mirrored wardrobes plus other f t>a tures. 24-Ho u r gate guarded picturesque area. Best buy in area. $239.000 WUUY M. TAYLOll CO .. llAl.TOIS 2111 S-Jo1~ll ....... HEW"",,..,Oll,,.IQ'"' CIMTlll. tU. 644-491 O 1mw1~,ztqr1 450 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE 7S,..11 CAMEO SHORES . . . wi.th canyon view & privacy ; s ingle level. 3 bdrms .. 2 baths, formal d ining rm . ho m e. Cozy Crplc., beautiful pool + key to private ocean beach. $269,500 LARGEST OH SPYGLASS 2·sty. 6 BR (now 5 & den >. 4'h BA w /s weeping views of Catalina & . Harbor. + bonus rm. family rm. formal djning rm. Pool. jacuzzi. fire .Pit. Formal front patio with fountain. By owner. $595,000 5'1 commis. to selling broker until Fe b. 11. 644-7493 or 759-0144 MEWPORT HTS • 315 SIGNAL RD. 2 Bdrms., 2 baths, frplc .. spacious family rm .. de- tached 2 car garage; on large lot. Vacant; close to schools. churches & pnced at Sl49,500. Call to see! 67J..3663 6'Z-2253 Eves associated 1111 0 •.(k '.. llEA c T O~S J Jl', .,., b'J t)n~1 t>' )I i ADULTSOMLY $48,900 2 story. 2 bedroom condo in security area. Near South Coast Plaza Full pnce $48,900. lmmediale occupancy. Hurry. take advaau.,e.Call~77 • K€Y 1 I P.€ALTOP.Sh BIG HOUSE! Uttle Price! --------•I Unbelievable va lue! 5 IRYIHE COHDO UQUIDATIOH SALi Owner 3 months behind on payments, must sell fast. Submit your offer. AsldJ:I& S87 .500. ~ R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640..S 112 HEWIH NEWPORT KACH CUSTOM HOME LASTOF7 4 Br. 3 Ba, master bdrm bdnm + jacuzzi! ! Only $80,900'! C ra c klin g fireplace! Entertainers patio! Can't lul al this price! ! Call 6'$-0303 FORE ST E OLSON .. ". ... SACRIFICE Lvly 4 bdrm home in the Colony filled w /lots of country charm. Walk to ~chooL'I. park & tennis . Owner ruwous. 646-7711 retreal. 2 frplcs, formal Real Estate dlmng. 3 car garage. ap· prolt. 3000 sq. ft. 2297 La Selling anything with a Linda Court . $189,500. Daily Pilot ClaasUled Ad Owner/Agent. 642·2164 or is a 1imp&e matter •.. 673-0782. just call 642-5678. .. ~~~ 9UAUTY WOOOlllOGE l llDIOOM with 21h baths. wet bar, upgraded sandy colored carpets. and j ust steps to park with a pool. Quality drapes. patio overhangs, central air. formal dining room. for only $99,750. 644·9060 SlllC & ,INO' HUMPIACKS S E l C E P S 0 E T C E T 0 R P 8 E G T G L A C J E R 8 A Y L Y E 8 A R T E Y N R Q P M D C A 0 A 9 A L N U N W Y M Y 0 U J R T R T 8 Z L E 0 A M 0 Y R N Z C S E U J C W N E E L S A P T 0 l A A 0 L R 8 S I R E A " l U R I K E T S N K 8 P E N G N G Z C t 0 E A N 0 E T 0 V M l M T P l P R 0 R G N C A 0 S I E U A Y A L A 0 A 0 A K U N K l 0 R C H H G C A H 0 W A 0 G C N R S P l S S W B A T A Z L A R Z S C E N P 0 8 T 2 A L E 1 A A G R A E J R W F 0 0 H 8 C F S N N H A A 9 [ N 0 I N U U Z R K U L A I M Y W S 9 L 0 0 N 0 L N L A L R AW A A !-U_l CJ TT S U L~ W wn. llP. ~ Of dl..-ily. Fl;:: 'lftd boa It In: t(.. , Wlflltlo810oftcl Gtadtf ley = " l UnclnlW '°'9 Oymnli11ca j c:.Jf I =:.: G= e UPO ISLE Bay view from 2 patio decks enhances c ustom sp acious 5 'bdrm .• 4 bath traditional home: like new. Ideal f ot" enterta1n1ng. Comer lot. SS00.000 OCIAMFIOMT Quality craftsmanship in mabog. trim & oak floors sets off this landmark: 4 BR. 3 ba. home m finest location. Established trees & lawns. $485.000. IACK IAY Fine 4 bdrm .. 2V.Z bath family home on quie t cul d e s ac. Oversized pool playhouse storage $169,000. Terms. IAYFIOMT Several fine bayfront homes with pier & slip AVALON Well constructed. 3 BR. 1 ba. oak floor. partial basem ent. concrete foundation. Flats area. $120.000-Fee. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J-1 1 1111v'"I·· !1• , .. "-,j " o 7S 016 1 U~l()U~ It IDPOIT BUCH IATcasT llAurt' -4 bdrm. 3 bath, frplce, formal dining. lge mstr suite. on fee land. $230,000. HEW IH HEWPOllT llACH -2 new custom homes, both Unique! 3 bdrms. 2 story. s un decks. microwaves, etc. $215 000. GOLIR'S TOWHHOME -2 bdrms. den, unobstructed view of Big Canyon golf course, great for entertaining, only $176.500 . U~IVUt: fi()Mt:§ REAL TORS' 546·5990 15'25 Mesa Verde Drive. East, Costa Mesa also in Coronc1 del M.11 "' 6/5 6000 $41,500 NO• DOWN WATBNOHT l i:~~s r~:ethb~ ~':!~ ~::~n•E~!."~1~ Plertnoat ; duplex on sharp 2 bedroom condo services close by. legal R·2 lot; cl0&e to · --,._,,..,_, ~·Udo Village · a with all the ameruues. --.~ ..... -· Pool. clubhouse and HALPINCHIN value fors.249,500! --I beautiful grouodl. This REALTORS ...._..,.,... LAGUHA HILLS ~~~ ~'t lul. Call , ___ fl7_M_&3112____ * , .. 7r.•1·0,·o • Panoramic view of 1oow •~. --1--:::::=:i:=--~--=~~-~=:.;:;__ capped mount.alna and I 1Wfs Int Illy city lights. A lovely four "',._ z 165 c-&a. bed.room home lo top """ .,,.... • condition: family room. Room (or a grand paaoo. GttEA T FtHAHCIHG A real beauty · appeahnit thNoul. Extra lg. 3 hr condo. Frplc., pool, Jacum. One year new Setler will finance· no loan fees. Low interest rate. 919-5370. kitchen and entry with~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ pl• lucked an convena· ~ish tile floorin it.1 _________ tion area-formal din· pamt. new carpet· SIX •-RvE mg. or arrange your ing, new dishwasher. • • lifestyle. Imme nse new furnace. It ·s a real Owner will split units. No 11\UtA!r sui~ indudmg :.t treat and a p&euure t.o qualifying, no loan fees. round bed + 2 more 6how. Sll0.500 on contract. Boomintt bdnns. 21/• bath5. Warm 4 0LEOFHEWPORT aru. 1 mile to attan . colors and vacant. WaJt· A LLST" TE Pnncipals ooly. Ask ror angforyou! ll"I 16li7~T550ll115 Bill Norton WALKTOSHOPPING -541-0100 ~.PRICED RIGHT REALTORS ATS147,950 MESA TalPLIX c.M MUS RARE SPLIT LEVEL 40GlU-~Rll Ml H•llOa VIEW Newly r ed ecorat ed A~~· Doub&e doors open into t.ownboulle type ol urut.s. • •~--this love ly 4 b~d rm ~-cetteot Costa Mesa OORBUSJNESS home . Formal dining rental area. Separate IS YOUR BUSINESS room & bvmg rm wlfplc patJOS, fireplace. close to 1---------1 Family room adjommg ~$US.OOO. fully built-in all eler l•--------1 kitchen. 3 Bedrms up INTlltlSTID-with master s uite & in Buying, Selling or added on bonus r m on Rentang Property? private lower l('vl•I PETE BARRETT CALLTHE E)C..PERTS Spcct11 c ular view o l Lou Brechtellr'A.Noc. ocean. harbor & nit1• Rr••·ry zalhri.oeAv. ea11s ld btes.6734IS50 ...... 675-llll C1"1N l•t ll .. l \<tWlfJN'•l(I A Ow1s1on or -~-=W=·520G:.i~~~~ [~ 11111 A SHOWCASE •PUBUC * IN~OR VlfW NOTICE --------•Move inio t his 1m· * * If a rbor tnvt'Mml·nl Co eor-.. w. 1022 ....................... --------•I maculate Monaco with &!GAKr TOWNHOUSE Special of portunlty, 8.1'7,. var able loan available . Owner will carry secondary financ· ing. Overlooking Big Ca· nyon Goll Course. Owner has bought another home ·MOTIVATED!! attention to details that makes it s pecial. l::x· cellenl location. attruc· tJvely priced. Shown by appomtmenl only. ~ 11 -..1-..!1 11 1 '11 ' ~~' [ ~•.L' w •• ;,., ... j, tla Prat cleaning geared for R('altors, Developers who have homes. bldgs 00.,.. £•ty that need lO look good for ll ,...,.. future owners. Call I 64~7857 for more in· --------.. Want Ads Call 6'2·5678 macnab I .Irvine realty IAY & HIGHT U6HT VIEW + POOL! Super quality Ivan Wells built 4 BR . 3th bath home wt new decor. Pool + jacuzzi. 3-car garage. On Galaxy Dr -Dover Shores . $445.000 w/land. Ke!'!!felen Hartley 642·~· (Q-114) 642-8235 ...... 200 901 Oo~r Orlw ' HMbor V1~w Center Irvine •t Came>us Va11ev Centtr 752·1414 S©~~µ-!J,r,~s ~ That lntri9uin9 Word Gome with a Chuckle -----~ ... WY I , _,. ----- 0~':...,::-~:. ~ w """ IO ...... ·-....,le -cl• I PAREO J I J' I 11 A no.Ml .. lllCIM .. ....,. l~ •l-9t'OU• ~ cu1i.t1 ~ t.ila y()U lo oet uo tnd ~ y()UI ,__P_A_v_c_o_N_ .... I own -. I I' I I I I 0 ~~, !" ... !':~.~ ~ ~ ..... _.a.. --"'· ---·--' --loc> ,.,... ... p ""' l be-. 1be9e homes are located 111 Anahetm. Buen11 Park · and Cypress. They are betllg IJqwdated and the owner i.s willing to carry the loans on these ho1Des with 110 qualifying 'or loan fees. Ml.Dlmum dn payment aJtd low mon· thly payments. Prin· cipals only. CONTACT Bill Norton A uctJonee r 541-0800 Tap.t~glela Qatm lot-Plana 6000 s . < home. great vu. S350.00CJ se-3639 SHORECLIFFS VIEW Imposing stone raca<.k gives way w 1mpress1vt• e ntry hall featur1n i.: spu-aJ 1ta1rcase leadmi.: to magn1f1ce11t mastl'r suite. Fabulous country lot.chen shares ocean & canyon views. Large lot. room for pool. lncred1bl(' family h o m t'. For --------•I prwatl' ahowing call ssor".-. For Residential Ap· praisal I day service· 673-8250 Who Represents You " C harles Quiot<ird , ~aJtor RuJ Filtate Consultant SINCE 1946 Seu Idle items 1142·5678 G.....e I 002 ........•..•...•..•.... SAN DIEGO/CORONADO * LUXURY MARINA * You must sec this fine 2 Bdrm & den, 3 bath WATERFRONT home featuring eplcurian kilchen with micro-wave oven and srrrooth·lop cooking surf ace. Extra lar ge lot has room for jacuzzi and f eature5 51 ft. on the water. sns.ooo Lovely WATERFRONT home has 3 Bdrms., 2~ baths. large family rm and all.electric kitchen designed to please the most discrlmlnating. , $2'7,000 These two hom~ are located on channels that a ccommodate 60' boat.4l. Make 7 our 1boppl o1 --'4r 11JJ ...._ &M Daily P!Jotaa.lf..cl Adt. :c. ... Hr-i ....... ,............ UtlllM q YOlllt...:-,.,.,-. ' . I ( ·- 0 • •t b s. 1t .. .. ... ' I' ; . • I r' I t • 1 ' . ... ' . " ' . (, ,. 1044 "3" UNITS tlWPOIT BEACH 0ttwt--... &•• u.,,.. ... d •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• .._ ~o,.rty JOOO MIN 3224 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• II U N T I N O T O N Mela Verde 2 BK. den. 4 PLEX HARBOUR'S BEST Ria covertd p;t!O, nm1 yard C I 4-PLEX on corner lot Ooee to tehool & s.hol)I. ho ce Hunttnfl o n Near new Mual be KOld, Nll'f!. S50CJ, "4·)1117 or :J.!t~ 1~~~ 11~~ mak~ und offer. Hu 1_ ... _85_u ___ _ per mo May carry small IOOd uaumable loa.n lm11111culate 3 bdr • 2 b11, 2 nd I 1 9 9 . 9 $ o SCOTTllALTY new paint, ~1~19t&, 2 .........•............. Walle to ocean. won't last 1170,000 Call Owner/BrokcrM.2·7407 136-7133 car gar, cov pauo. encl t •-------• t yd, schools. counll")'Uke lnw .. tuni 1111·111 1u11111b 111 U I) M t 11 11 I' d (' O n I.I IJ 01 •11141'lrr\' 1'111 711. i:toJ I U .000 t\•11u m1•11 lf\4• l1to11l Own1<1 UMl ~~mo Causey Com~ GlACIOUS LJYfNG ....... DUPLEX Mtt.lng, avail now P /P. Eaats1de Costa Mesa. •U9U1DATIOM• $.125/mo. 11•~·6156. Sl~ooo Down ~d ma1y carry s mall --20 HOMIS-Mesa Verde. 2 BR. den. "n · l l 9 • 9 G 0 LOW DOWM coverat paUo, nttt yard. STILUFF <>wnert8roker842·7407 Ho 9-11..... CloM: to school & ahoJ>ll ~DR 3 BA marb~ frplc. .-, -------.._ ,...,.rty JOOO Owner to carry. l..ow low Nice. $500. M4·$J87 or Of't N lllJU)f IHAtn / SOUTHH M OIAMG I C OUMTl '°1P0u•111 Tl'ltOCI /.,._°" '-ZModi&d 1 IHHIM ~ Ut\ I'll 11~.,.&oo fl•c ()flt•n Nut Su n I " ~ UcU11111y IJr upanded Uvlnl( rm, den 311 Boll aUp. Waterfront ••••••••••••••••••••••• ntogallve. Prlnclpulis _~ __ 1_9 _____ _ Owner will rln. No loan Comm. Condo. 3 t>drm. only UASIOPTIOM fee.no qu1thfylnti. Prtn 21/a ba. 1185,000. Call *•DOWN• Mt-799 I Htltcla s BR, 3 ba, aoll coun1c only. Byownr 6'().7778 days 6H ·6725. eves •--b 1 "' 675-801.8 Owner/acent. u"" prop, uaume a or home. $795/mo. 1199,500 $120,000, al St.010 mo ... f _, , f 546-3618.~ CUS TOM M OllLI HOMI wit• J .... ,, .... ..._......_SH .HO DUPUX LOT r. 0... ,.... doM to .. M--.Ht.tOO ICllOltl rropertte• 752·2131 644-2542 GaAMl>MANNH lln v11cy ~rsonlrted on 1111u11curetl e1t11\e like IU'IJun<b wslh incom pura· bhl wh1t\'w11ter ocean Vlf'W from rutOK Verd«:s to San C'ltmtnte 3000 &quare ft'l'I or t•h•l(nnl llml 1•nmfortablt! hvlnic 11p a<'e with flow1 n" flooci>lun Separate 2ues1 qw.art.~r\ wnd bludy t o( lice. ro rlllal patio w l(ardrn roonta 1n l'oulll 1101 !JOO 1 hly be llupl11·at1•d on toda y's murkN Shown by up· j)Ol11lllUlt•11t on ly U}!),000 Movinte oot or tpwn Mull.I sell! Z bdrm, 211\ ba. den, ocean view. Lota ol ex· tru.'S. 7ii.<% Int. 1110,000 bt>st offer. P.r 642 0361 eves. 1213) 3S8 7417 days S.Cll•• 1076 Gl'ON inc 1700/mo. Two " ew opemngs ex.~t or --------- ...... ••••••••••••••••• on lot. No credlt neoded. qualified, licensed pro· Seel. 2 Br l Ba. lndry roe. . IYOWHB owner will carry. Npl re19aonals Lo Join our bit-Ins, new carpel, gar, ., I I ( I It area. 64S-S399. stalfCa. Cllll ford yrd, oo pets. $400. SMAU H OMI 0.. TllPUX LOT hi ............ $17,500 tT AUAH llST MIRANT a. ·_,.._ •• g lee...__. .......... S I 01.000 DANA POIHI DWUX. Ndl _,. 1Nt 2 •••• ... ...,....._ •• s144,soo CAro IUCH Durt.lx ..... ....y • 9r •d•• •"d llo••y 1t•oapltere. $157,000 . e b1nga 493-811 2 On tho Orange Coast·look to Lingo t1rst l'unlt• lhll.'k ,; lt·n :'! nr. J t ... ,Jnar ac11r /\1C p ('l' l11r R\' Ow1nr1ul(l I 'hofll• tJ45 C/77t. .. , II l\u1h.,~x-k N1·w :! hdrrn •1111 I. t.u ('oodo Bt•'t \ ll"llo UI( l'llllU <.111 UI' l!lolltk'h $1::1> WO OWlll'C 11 11"'-147U Twtlef-ock Glen 1\11 J µl~m Hilt. 211 bu. !Jiii rm 'I. ffl•k'> l\IJ~h'r t.ch m h11'> Jlll'uu1 Loll> ur n~lwuod d1·1·k rn~: Pool \Ill' lul ~OV.500 Uy Uwtll'r 11:!;1 Otll:i • llC>1 So t'oa~l I hw:iy 1n V11la!(l' F;11r I.AG NI\ l:H':A<:H 497 a457 OCEANFRONT 3bt 2ba furn Ideal IO<'a lion W Newpor t Uy Owner $435.000 Pnnc Only 64().lim<S DOVHSHORES Gorgeous house-bes t view 48r. <1ba, fam rm . AIC. 3 car $450.000 (>wnt!r 7l41646-•7m evei. EAGU'SHEST TlwlWH RARE -OPPORTUNITY TO ACQUI R~ f'ROM ., nit e a m1 y go llJ.Krembut> ~ course • 8R. 3ba, Cam THUETWO'S TWOGAaDIH ------- rm, ma11lve brick frplc. 3 sef)&l'ale units on large 4-ft.IXIS •2br condo, pool, Jll('UUI extra game rm/den. West.aide lot. Enclosed Each11uperb2bdrm.un1l Nr. S. (,'st Plata $350 rcdwd deck L1st1ng £8,rlges, all 2 BR. ~low hM cozy wood bumang Child ok . N o pel~. w/bkr at $128.500 ex· marketaU 120,000 rirtP111Ct!. pnvat.to patio, _m. __ 897_• _____ _ pired Save 17100 hkr ,d fce+SSOOO price ~lash an tlnl'losed garage• • &-J ba h~e fncd yd Qui ck escruw & sale at ..__;_p.Pc.€HIG€ St75.ooo y er rourplex XueSt rm AJ( 'dbl gllf. Sll5,7SO Pnnr1pals by l""·-'"---'-'-HOM€~ 7S2· l920 $450. mo. 673-6336 eves apptonly 492·1422 3333W Coast llwy,-NB ' QUAIL 4 Br. pool, 00 pets. $550 S....MCI 1080 645-6646 PLACE mo. lSt&lasl. SlOO clean ••••••• • •••• ••••• • •• • •• . mg fee. M7 ·61BJ . 3 Bdrm. 167.900 VA or 2 CiOOD ---r ES 1-'H•A. Ok . Country ~ ,..""'"~I ""Spec 3 Brrondo.2'"1 Ba.2 kitchen. Huge lot. Walk TO II TIUI 10,.111 l:JO P.M.I c:ar ~ar. dr opnr, refni;:, to park & shop!< Star 2 IEACH HOUSES tenrus, pool, $525 mo ReaJ F.Mtate. 754-6262 ON A LOT 6 llACH UNITS 640-0114: 642·6220 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;I :1 ~~u:,?.L~~M~11 th --------1 ~ATEOFORIGINAL , 2 BLOCKS 2 BEACH In Carls bad on 2 lots MESA WOODS !~••••••••••••!~.~~ U3,7S0ea. MUST BE ,Room to bwld. Plans for Nr So. Coust Plazu, 3 Hr Corona ct.f Mor I 022 Coma Mfto I 0 24 Colony honw UJJHta1r" •••••••• •• •• • ••. •• •• • •. •• ••• ••••• ••••. • • • •• • •• you 1nut;t >-tll' thti hu..:e• VIEW!YIEW I 14 'fSIDE Open H0titM ~tra n1c:e 2 Uk <'onno owrlook111R rhunnc•I anrt hoal:I Only $1 57,500. FOR INJ-'OHMATION 1325 loy1lde Dr. Opett S-1-4:30 CALL 644-721 1 .. SPY GUSS SPECIALISTS lecMfful Southport G bedroom family m om , cluun1o: room, <'Xlra IJr.:1· .:amc ro•Jm H1g 101. ., u Pt' r Io t• a I 1 11 n 1 11 fahulou ~ Sp yg lu )o~ $;1')4,5()() 640-1812 10 24 ..••............•...... lt•s Not Too Earty •.. 'f't> ht•g111 Lh1nk1n.: rahoot ll vuul horn1•1 3 hl•<lroom homew1th d101n~. ramsly un'ti and f11l•JJl<11't." Pallll und ht!11L1-.I pool l>n n'l tlU!!S It ! ~.000 UKH Call !>iQ· 1720 TM8B.l. -· "HURRY" A wry attractive Mei.a Vt•1de home 011 a O,j.l:Jl'lllUS IOl Jlc•:.tlt•d pool, '"wen>d potao. !(as lJfKl with :i bdrm. 2 h:HIJ , an<! many otlwr ac1dl'd ' x l r a ( t· .i l u r ,, 'i ( o r pie.ii.ant lavtni: Call 54li ~ rnr more dcta 1 ls .._HERITAGE : • • '· # REALTORS :1 homc-s under $70,000 1n Ct.J-.ita M1•irn <;all t wrwr for mor1• <:lrt :i 1 ls 1i75 ~I~ Look! IK111u1> room J-'lcx1bh· ti 'rrTl.'i Sls!I, 500 -rr 1£) a:sAJ 7 M idi 11 6dl~~~}~~~}!~~l1 y _· 673•1700 WOODBRIDGE SPECIALS Dcstrolll> or h vani.: rn the beautiful l.11k('i.ldc com mwuty of Woodbndgc·• We hav~ homl'S ova1lu hie rn lhc pnc:e ranl((' trom $72.!JOO to $145,000 I '1.-~.t.'IC' call for details JtWOOOBRIOGE REALTY .. . . 551 -3000 . UNIVERSITY PARK 1-. k J.: J 11 l 3 ht• d r 1111111 0 w n er Deli9ht Ne wly vaanled 3 bl."1room 1•xN·ul1 vt· h111nc ~'Ith remodrlM k1t1•h1•n, S townhrnr11• "'"h •"'umn hll· loan An 1·11<1 u111t and you own lh1· l;an11 <.:u II now •-----lllllliiliilliiil ri11un1t. family room ancl r I r ,.·,,I a r r M or 1• ' $I :!:I %0 Ii K H ( .• ti I 5'10 1720 . ~· RANCH REAL TY . . •) 551 ·2000 WANTCHARM7 COMFORT? l'twn makl' un ,lflpillnl uwnt lo !>l't' th1lo lwaut1ful «'l,L'jlom home. 11(•ur I h1• Me'la Vcrrlt (;1Hintr\ (;lull ll reulurc:.. hdrm. :1 hath with M'parall' ftim1ly room 011<1 rl1n1nl( NtfJrn Cu II 5'1G 5l!H() I ur :m a1,pornt.mcnl Lo WI.' ~HERITAGE· REALTORS IRAHDHEW TOWHHOMES "lrit+any Woods" I J-:.t.'ll.'i1de ('Q11t11 M 1•sa) lit:12 St1nl~1 Ana Ave· i':n1<h:o.h Tudnr 2&3 llr s 11I1 t I e v t• I • 2 & :1 1• a r It l• r a I( t• • f r 11 I 1• i. . m1r rowavl•s. grc•cnhnui.e w1nd11w)o, 1>nol , 1.Jl <I Tl".NNIS court 1-'rom $89.950 IWl fl061 or !Ja.~ 1920 Ut•velopl'd hv Woot1Lrt• .. UC\ Co SUP Y IHYEST MEHT mRBEU. ~· CHARMING TOWNHOME IHBACKBAY THIS NEAT .• :I Bdrm Amhur-.t with .1 J(rt•(•11bdt 101:.1111111. " vutant and w;.1111111( for ll ~m:•r1 b11y1•r to t1rlJV 11 uµ ·•l ool)' t~l.000 HOT TO TROT Selli:N mot1vatl'd to sell this sparkling J Br home --C-U•l•V•ER-0• ... •L•E--1 L itrj.l(' family room with "" flft'µlat·c ;id els lo the• I. a r U t' 'I t II f t h I· c·hJrm ()fferf•d ul ('uJvcNlal1· homc·<i l'i tht• SX2.000 ~11540 11 ~1 Plan 'II.I itrNll lot· al 111n ·-'"· ··",·HERITAGE " •v•. 'REALTORS BY OWHER (;rcul homes. rtc·x ~nanc1n~. bcsl <trea s ~:lf.39 nict' y11rd w1lh !lflll "'our h 1• d r o o m -. . w 1 L h a fuu.-.hru bonu.-< room <:N 1n 1h1• rr11·c 1f you nel•ll the "rare• Mad<' for lh1· family Lhul rn·c'(h riJ<lm. 111 u below markl•l µnl't· ~k.ln1Z only ~11:1,000. but bnng ,lfl 1itf{'I I J bdrm C:•1i.lu Mt•su w/pool on H 2 corr11•r lot Very mco arl'a Cloi.1· to schools, &hopp1nl(. clc ---------Only $68,000. WT 0321 red hill ·~:.:. 552-7500 ' Goff C oune Ho me llUllt' 5 nn, 3 hu. nvail m Sl!l'J.500. !>45 363!1 MO! NO! HO! HO! No qual1fyrn11, loan costs $14,!'lOCJ lo lak1• OVl'r 4 llr EASTSIDE llomr on large c·umer lot Wllh lrullt•r ;i1•1·es11, t-xlra 11t'lul:aL111n, new c·opiwr pl11mh1nH anrl c•11rthtunt• c·1u1x.·t.s OVt'r hardw1wl(I (loo Ni $87. ~lO Talc to Red Carpet W e Utt.ft 7 54-l202 2hn dl~I g11r. ul1I r m . Dmta ,Otnt I 026 1111110. i pooh. Jtl<'. t'lt ••••••••••••• •• ••• ••. •• WOODIRIDGE CONDO. 2 Br. l 111z bu, nr lake. pool & 11 pa St•llcr may f1n11n('l'. S6!100 Hkr ~171 ,ACIRC ISL4HD YIUAGE Ocean Vtl'W 1·ondo 1n udull c:u mmun1t y . Spacious 3 bllrm., 3 baths, 2 fireplaces. coun- try lutehen & many other extras. Owners must 11ell ! $13.S,OOO ca Col~l!. Bon~r 3 Monan·h ftay Plaza Laguna Niguel 496-7222 831-0836 &let aid lay Lot 673 6634 -----OPEN SUN. 12·3 HJO C:HIQU ITA SUl'Jo:R <'harming 2 RR, :t ba , l!!e lav , frpl . hdwcl peirned floor!>. wood paneling . bookshel ves , p~llo , IK'C<tn Sid(' hwy F'ew !ill'l)f. llJ IK'Ul'h N l•nd f'rohatc -.11le Asking S2IO,OCJO submit. 2 BOHM. home. N tnd. It·<! lot. t·an add u111t $1.5!J.500 PEG /\LLEN HEAi.TOR 494 7578 LocJ-a H iqwl I 052 ............•..•..•..•. Tc*~ O•er 91h% L00tt on lh1s oulslandang J Brirm, N1guC'I Shores home. locutl..'<I 1n /\erured l'Ommunily w/Jr olyp. rruc: PoOI. saunas. s pa. teMJs crt.8 & prvt park mgtnheach. $147,000. 493-9494 495-5220 496-2413 830-5050 BY OWNER Htghly UP· l(radc d home on golf <'<JUrse w1thrn 112 blork o f Lt·nn1 s r lub $275,000. X:IS-466.'i. 495.4959 Newport leoch I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~ooo DOWN• J Br. pool Npt Ills . As· ~umcs hal. of $150.000. $12()0/mo Approx 10'7r 1nl No r rcd1t needed Ownrr will <"a rry. va· I" lint Cit II &tS 5399 HEWUSTIHG DOVER SHORES IAYCREST Jll-:ALLY s pec ial 5 Bdrm. large & lovely funuly home UNIT~O BROKl';ns Call Cleo for appt 6'16 7 414 548 27 39 MEWIH ~ITIEACH CUSTOM HOME I.AST Of 7 4 Br, J Ba. master htlrm retreat, 2 frplc~. formal dirunJ(. :J rar )larage, ap· prox 3000 sq ft 2'l'J7 Lu Lrnda CourL $189,500. Owner / Agent. 642·2164 or 67J.C1782. ------ IYOWHER Great h ome~. flex r1nanc mg, hcst ureas . 54.'>-ml -------- OWNER. TH IS "UN OOMMON" & SCARCE 3 BR . fo;N D UN I T. U N E Q U A L I. 1-; D PRfVA'GY, COMMJ\N· DING BAY VIEWS & UNLIMITED POTEN· TIAL VALUE. A.l(e nl ~5560 EASTILUFF/rton W Lowest pr1re on populur plan. Lis ted at only SI 19,!l~O Good loe lmugl nal1 11c buyl'r · decorator can makl' lh1s a really ranc anv(•stment WON'T LAST' ~ Ital Csl.111 Ammtts (7141 545'575 OPE:H DAILY Comer location. beamed cc.1llnKs. frplcs & floor lo t-eahng windows lhal :tf ford a view of a seC'luded pallo & i;:arden. f"ealure)o that make 1300 Sussex Lane a desirable home Sl67.500 W1ggcnhorn ttltrs. 675-61f.t0. UDOISLAMD l'il time available 1n 20 yr.; 2 BR 2 Bi\, lot11 ol natural W()(id, used brirk & stained glass <~u1tl end or island Own<>r f1nunr mg availahll' No bkrs fers Prio only please No <1gts nel'<i call S229.000 646-5288 Harbor View Palermo All extras, Jae sauna, BR<l Lots of wood and used bnrk. Pnred for qwt·k :.ale. 2012 Porl Bns tol Cir Npl. Bch 644 443)1 THEILUFFS Absolutely 1mmar ulatc 3 br. 2'J'J ba, formal (!anani.t . split level condo Open space view from I laving room. and muster Mule Now vacant. Offered at Sl.51 .500. Cull 540· I LSI ~HERITAGE REALTORS SOLD TOGETHER uture develo pment + dcn/olhce. family rm. IETHEFIRST OON'TBE2LATE Great potential. 5269,000. frplc , atrium. nicely to live m thl8 custom 5 SCOTT REALTY Also, Older 3 Bdrm home landscaped yard on c ul BR +library home on a .536·7533 on over 30,000 sq.rt. R J ckN!ac. No pets. $650 incl level 11!1 acre view loea· lot.. $100.500 gardener. 640-H99 t1on Banquet size form11 I Emtsldt Thr"MMM MINN IC H -Y 0 C 0 M dining room. f"amtly Three28Runits rn great RLTRS $4S0 2br,11h ba condo,dhl room and hu~e ~ame East.side location. Ex· I 729-9151, 729 9273 gar, f/p, pool, jacuzzi. roomopens toenlertaan cell. rental area, easy R C Westbl uf r Villat:e . mcntsize dei:ksfor add1· financing available ·2 < ·2) 114 x203,' ~~. llonal fun areus 3 tar Sl.38.500. downtown Costa Me11 a , 5 ---------l(arage. J ft replares. older ren(al units. pnced 2 BR. beamed ceiling!>, dual he11L1ng a nd air con e PR€HIG€ at la nd value Owner rrplc, pallo, fenced yurd d1l1oning units Ownt'r _ I HOM€~ 54&M25 ~~~:Wor~L~~;9 pct:o. will carry contract with FOUR UNITS..C.M. i.mall down Call now 3333W. Coaat Hwy. NB Near new. 3 Br owners Comp!. redecorated 2br SJJS.000 645-6646 wut. 2 ba. frpl, Z·car yrd. pnv. gar . No l)ello RUM.41 IEALTY 76 UNIT·S gar . 3-2 Br. 2 ba. units. S375. 1st & last +S100 558-7977 TSLlnvstmlll642·l603 dep. Dys o nly 9·5 fu1 .y OWNER appt. 646-JSRI, 642·3237 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $16,900 STEPS TO IEACH Obi wide '61 trailerama < UN5181l) · 3 pvt brh & pier Sufi lettmg allowed Lnrat.ed rn Traeasure Is :Q!Ol Pur1f1c Coast Hwy Lato¢ Bch. Offered by Hc na1ss anc:e M .P . 714-4!1J 3816. By Owner '77 Buddy. 2 bdrm 2 ba. 5• Adult Park llunlmgton Uch 751 1663 WAHTTOIUY Class A Executive. Class A Vogue, Kin g 's H1WtwllY or Apollo. All 28 ' or larger Call 646-4550 Irene Sawyer 306 !;nug Ha rbor, N pt Bt:ach Loh for Sale 2200 Low renl T ake Qve r ••••••••••••••••••••••• $465 mo. J Br. cpL'i, drp-,. 9Wk loan No vacancies Will trade 21 , resort a cres blltl<i, wtr pd. Lge fncrl ~rty locak'd al IU4!l on lake an Elko. Nevada yd. Quiet St 557-7838 West 2nd St. Rialto for rash. i.a1lboal. car. CAU 542-3676 d1 a mon\J)t, i:old. etc for info. Bk rs welcom e 675-7&17 Easts1dc CM, 3 BR. fam rm. no dogJ>, 2611 CoMa Mesa St. $450 645·9341 4UHITS AU 3 Br 2 Ba units Good Sant.a Ana location Mon· thly income $1400. Owner will carry 2nd fou ll pncc rus.ooo. A fR€HIG€ /4--~ HOM€~ 3333 W. Coast llwy, NB 645-6646 . r..-oo11Ac~ 12 acres, S12,000 pr acre O wner Wiii rinan re w/'JYk down. A PR€HIG€ /4--~ HOM€\ -----Will trad r 3 sub d ivider! lot.-.. l..a1> Ve!!ai.. for r a:.h, i.wlboal. <·ur. diamonds, ett 67!; 7fi87 2br Iba FA healing. garu yr d Child /P el OK S32.'imo + depos it:. Avail 1mmd. 645·4479 Pano ocean v1cw)o, So • Br, 2 ba, 2 slnry, nan• Laguna. Plani;. & roastal area. Pets & kids ok. S.'i51l RI. 2 lots SIO'J.000 earh mo tst,l~t&dep rC<i'd lot Owncr/Agt 831 6150 754·0938or 837 ·78S.'I or •96-st12 l ----Mount• Dflfti, R.IOl1 2400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• J bdrm Condo . Ironwood Country Cluh, P ulm Del;ert Ready for Ot' r upanry /\rrl l 1117!1 $140,000 Cal 1•ven 1n~., ii<& fi 4<1 ·628 a or 714-675-4446 *** IC. A. Mcrcu' 1()431; Parak~t C1rt'll0 founlarn Valley Yoo nre the w111nrr of Two frff Tickeb to the 17th Annual LONG HACH RODEO 3333w. Coast Hwy. NB 2 &-1 Ba home. brand 645-6646 ne w. nc11e r l1V t•d in TRADEOUR Grl'at for rcl1rt•mcnl, a t the Long Ht• a t'I• Arena. 300 E Oc\.·an Blvd , Long liearh To da.am your t1r keb, 1·all 642 5678, ext Z72 2 BR. 2 BA mobile home IEACH FIXER v11l'al1on or investment IJl adult park nr water S 115 000 $40.!lSO !'Jo down Uy Hld pool , JB<', beach & • • Owner llemet. CA dock.<J. We want a 2.3 BR San Clemente Tn-Plcx. 541H7W 2 Hi\ home w/pool or pnredtosell ---------4:1· 4 RR. Mesa Verd" r o o m + ,. a II h Well located 2 I I ......... of,._ MX> per mo Call Coop1·r Owner/Bkr 675·3 197 BERTHAHENRY ~ ~·r &Assoc.5409'322 m o!> t wk n d s or REALTORS rro,.rty 2550 ft-...r~ 21Jt454-1m 21S Del Mar 492.4121 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -.....,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1...a... Trie i\.C)SUM E 7;i.•1., no qu:ihfy. S I NGLE 5• Child /pct an.-• ang ~.OOO rondo 4! lir. 2 2 liR Condo. Ot't•an v u p<trk Nr. Beach. SJ C Pnme Eastslde l){'al1on. Ba. fpk l'ool, Jar, nr Lennis, pool, $4:t5 ('1111 llugc yard, ne w roof. Room lo build. Full p n ce i;o If rn u r ., c 0 w n r 714/833·4669 Mr. Ht•cl porch, Shl>d. Parq flrs. lo Sll0.000 Occan...adc I 757 •1035 dick ---~- * * * 3226 OCWffOMT D,LX. ::n~·~~ PS~~J-88371 ZOO 4 f R€HIG€ .__..._._ Yr old house 3 br. 2 Ila . 2BR. I both each. 2 rar ~ .. ...,.. ...__ --H __ tam rm, frplc. c·any1111 garage. $365,000. Ph u ••••••••••••••••••••• OM€~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ()('Cl.In vu. $550. •93-71 1<' 675-l006 SACIES 3333W Coast Hwy, NB ....... ,_,.. .... d Ne;2br 2•_,i:;;-,.0111111 '. WESTCLIFF Tie a yellow ribbon 645-6646 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2sly. 2frplt ovcrlookmi: DIUGHT 'roond t.helle oak trees on 7 UHrTS-C.M. ...... leoch 3141 po o I u n d p c. s 4 7 5 3 Bdrm, 2 ha an ""aul1ful lh1s rorgeous 5 acre ••••••••••••••••••••••• 49&.Sl91. I"' pal't'e JUSl wailing for Beaut. new buildlng 28R semi furn. 190 C1.1 8-Toro-----3232 selling Low dn pay you to bwkl your new flreplaces. xlnt location. nyoo Acres Or S395 Ph menl $2 1•.000. Open home Rrokcr , 1 /677·~1 TSLlnvmts 642 1603 21J/!IJS.2SOI or645.8ff>9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Satt Su n 1 ·4 R ob orl/522·2080. ;.i Ooseto lrwy,•br,2 ha. Dickenson Agt 979 8533 22 UNITS Mlwporl hadt l 16' frplc. patio, fnrd yd. l(:tr W"'TERFRO ... T I 0 ACIES Only 6 yrs old. 2 BBQ's, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kld'I & pets ok $455 J\~t. A " Good for lot split. South rec room. pool. Tenants udo Isle 3 bdrm 2 ba no fee. 964-2566; !l73·2971 s2al.ooo 9'1. assumabll' ol Orangr Cnty, investor pay utal Excellent area home. Feb Isl. to July -- loan 0 W C Paper •I te rms Xlnt location. Owner will c·arry al lilt Norh1ldren No pets Fa.t•Yal.y 3 234 bdrm. • ba. dor k, 11reat growing area 95'~ OnJySS75,000. $7SOpermo 675-0615 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cherry L<1Jw Pnnt on Broker, 11676·5717 or Eicecutlve home• Br 2 Oa, .ly. 642-U21 dayi. 675 OSH :;zJ.4462 A ~ R€H IGE ...._.. U..,_,...,..d treeways/schools/park. eves & weekends 16 ACRES / 4--I HOMES ....................... $575. Bkr. 955 144-0 _ THADEUPOHDOWN n F, LA I R E 0 F 3333 W ColllltHwy.NB Ga•rt• 3202 f-WilqOllhoch 3240 Teardowns·Nenr Watt•r J-'Al.l.BROOK PRlMfo: 645-6646 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mceptableon Uce1Jnfrt AVOCADO Lt\ND IN llNT'TIL YOUIS New-elegant·2 bt.'<lroom S..7,000Luxury home p Rt: s GT t G f Ou s IRE.41 fYIN GARDEN GKOVfo: 16.'iO. or 2 lw<lroom + d1·11 Take Isl Own App IOLEAH F.STATF. CAN I 5% DOWM 3 OR 2ba fa m ily rm 1575. Cedar & window Charles Qwntard. A((t HE SPf.IT ~% hotancc 4.Ptex & Sn1il 1-'amily Qu.ldren & pell! $475, home. 1-'ive hlocks ti> R fo.:Consultanl67J.f1250 down owe $3611000 Assum e . Seller Will MULHEARN beach. Private 2 l'ar IEACH HOME :,~~lynt Mlke Wink car~y paper. Mngml 1Hftyl9t)iater ~~ar~·~~au1~~1~0 ONLY S 119 500 K avail. Agent . Gary O. 754-7100 petA. lnqwre at 527 1Kth A r 2 ' ._.Pr.,ty 1350 Hosler SI.root. 17141960-6331 bd ra2mbe ~lo ry 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 960-4388or 536 2498 ..... I.a.cl 3206 rm. a s ndctk oft ,.. __ r •-bo t Principal.sonly ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jo:ilecutlve homt>, 2 m1le1> mstr bdrm. upKr11ded ""''"' or you., your a . ._ h b New appliances & wOOd Vt'flluro Cty. Mandalay l ON A LOT 48R Jbe. den. dining tm, to .,.,ac , 3 r. 2 bn, fain panell.tng. aomm """I & Bey townhouse w /dock. pallo w /1111~ bhq New rm, frplr. dlshwhr l'ror. tennis crt.11 7"'9 1501''"" B u t R 11 1 n . O w n er Eastaide C M 3 separate ttlc. very clean 177~. I and 11 <'a Ped. In r I F.leJ(nnl :.1nl(le family horn~ w/O<'can & vallt•y views Coming soon 549·5111 l'opulur upgr:idt•d G r1 •tn h I' I :tr' w I) (J db r I II~ t• r1a1'l' SI JK.500 A111rnm loon Owner/ AJ.:t Jo:ves 559 l<l!n LOIJIMG leoch I 04 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • .., • ~I~. houses on. rorner lot. fiiS-1442 ~urdener Many extra-. 000 ON Superlocauon S15!l.900 -t0d8 Ok No pet:r1. S6SO <-eoro.. def Mar 32%2 Met. No fee 964·2S6n OCEANFRONT PR€H IG€ ....................... 9?~2971 . clr Mnnt11·ello <;ondo S75 326 lot a I µ rl Ct• SIJ()(lfmu anduclt•s pnn 1·1J>i1I, 1nlert'!-.t, lllJH'lo. m i.urance. water & m111n lt'n unr l' Ow n /ARI (;ALL. NOW ' M 1kc or K»)'. 771 1301 --- YOU9UAUFY Mal(naf1rcnt ocean view. New 3 bd, h<e rms . <3rd hd sep. s uite 1. Agt R3.10023. 644-5742. ---- 8 GHJdnn, 2bath h()~e HOMIS _ ~ HOMES 2Brhome. adultA, nopeta. 3 Br new condo 1 I 'I ~:~~iel;e~e~:,efe'd: NO El(Clualve fl Bdrm on 3333 W.Coasl Hwy , U ::,r~i~dener. $425 bch. 1'ot ul ~et'm~k,t R11( lot-mur h more C.rlsl'Mld beac~. Owner 645-6646 lmmc!d occup avail. on I Owner will finance No will hnant'e. •350.ooo. s; 2br. 1 ba. pat.lo yr IJK-1213) 919-S541. •DUPLEX* l\ssume 9' •''. No nrw loan fet.'!I. Wl'111Ji1cll' rur ner lot. 4 Bd rm , 2 bnlh Only$72,900 llUR RY ' BE/\\Jr 3 yr old J br. 2 h.1, muny upgrades. xlnl orea. 194,000 B>· ownr 496-2176, 751 1343 Ort>w1 sldl' of hwy. lrvel lot, l'il.Sy rar('e&ti lo beuch Needs p31nl, minor re pain!: 111cnl for homl' & lnrome. H urry , only $159,000 Mlas1on Really 494-0731 <'redlt needed $155.000 . quall ffln~ ·r1tuse Also. older 2 Rdrm with IEACHFIXB rm. l(ar 415 Pop halnncc Ask ror ~d ,...,,..,.r w11 h"S (1n11n'"' !lseparo•oteo J(Uesl hou ile SllSOOO py, S Mon &'750186 2Brl d. J~ btt rCondo. Own ""· .,_,..., ... " 275, .-2 Bdrm • n TY rm, pvt patio . Oit'mow-·24M with $10,000 own. or adult.Hondo at'roea rrom San Clemente Tn Plex. 3bt 3ba w/blUm. 11 frplr frpte. Pool. tennis. $39;,, ILUFPS may lease opuon. Tht' be•ch.onlyt62,000.MIN priced to sell. We ll Recently redec. tels 54()77911 ----property? A !1p11r101a ~ NICll -YOCUM RLTRS located. &M-Ml-0/S.O.WI -------- Largut ~Ingle s to r y br trt level with den & l·729-9UI. 729-mJ BERnfA HENRY New 2500sq (\ • Bd hnmc• rAUl.A plan 3 BR, ram super wet bar Call now ! I~~~~~~~~~ REALTORS Owminl! 2 BR..J ba Mon· above Hunt. H1Jrbour. rm. dining rm 2 BA. t\t Sl3U OO It won't l111t l IC. _1_. WOel Mar •92·4121 U~ condo. \."1ubllowte,, mMl\1 xtral\, f7'95. Cull Spuc•lous m111lr suite, 64S-72'll -1 ~ POOi • .carage. S400/mo. Mlke9'0·2358 cl.llltom 11tooe rrptc-. b11>' ..... ..,...,... Pl ••rrty l60 ... ..uftlMIUMITS Movein cond.8'1H6U.-..:.:J.-;-,':"", -~----- Rn.ice. Bkr 003 8J77 ttwtilq•leoch 1040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TWO OM A LOT I 3 BR 1 2 OR, aoo<l SPANISH VILLA 1-:.sa1do location, owner Townhouae with lcnnlll, unlliOWI. $1~.000 fll"l'1)1ace, and 3Rrt, 2\foa ~€HIG€ 1*"'1~E4RM - HOME:~ lt..tty R-.f.tar 33:J3 w. 'lll. 11.-y. 154-7800 BY OWNER 3 hr. 3 hn, 2 kitchens. 2 frplrs, ram r m. Ira work11hop. !tuperb occnn Vl<'W. fully crpt'd , muny bltn1 S270,000 w/2nd TO al 8 ~. Prin~t,.--Catt 714/4{)4 236.5 & mount11rn vlew. •·••••••••••••••••••••• M05.000,contr1ctnfut.• COLEOfo'NEWPORT 3Br2Bll,11ara1.-.nicoly $214,000 IN(;f.UOfN(i Dowwtowa~ at t~'ili Inte rest W/25% REALTORS 67S..SS11 decora k-d $476. 9628571. LANL> ,., ·xlhl•' fiJlanc· Reta.II bid~. with approx. down. Xlnt Anaheim ,_.-...a......___ •22..a 56'7-8623 ma. Ry OWncr. 6'«·2046 locatJon Russell lnvclll -_._ • 09 m> 11q. , com tr toe. · • ••••••••••••••••••••••• New 3 Bdr. 3 Bu, t m 1 DUPLEX Xlnt buy. '280.000 tnelM, ~3344 ~ew 2'r3 bdrm. tr~c beach, 2,000 •i· rt • trpk. 645-6646 .----- USTSIDI I DR older hotnto. R 2 lot, ('~ 1.n S6U 000 Owner will provide rlnancl_nf( lo, McC .... IUtr. 141·772' Bx, .owner, reduced lo ReaJonomlct &7$oct700 ~TIAD It CO blln4. 2 rar 1ara1e. patio. 1.1u.ndeo • dbl ilfl'i ' 117:J.000.1Joth2RRunlts •-IVllY-• --·p;··~-:r. lrap ee"'3t.f'" • 1rdn!1 n o _pcl11. aval l blk to ocean. Good Ill· IALIOA ........ -... now. ~75. 964-2283 art• comearea.67SCH75 DUPLIX ~NewportBlvd. SIMC It I Clean 2 br w t c•uae. TIMYCO'nAG .. Remodel this prl m t C~t\Mt.:SA c.lllerlll'fo Adult., no peta. 773 W • srACIOUS 2aa. den OR, loc•t«t. property 11 make ~ then u ll conceminir (7141644-9470 WUl!on. S275.548-t417. Dnclency dell1n; 3 blk~ LR. vll'w+ 1 BR apt over 1 bundtc of SS 3 bdrm thl1 out11tandin1 pro• GetO to ocun, nr b use11. "llr-+-6 k' 2158 .. A I b h oerty .,_,, ........ r.,.,E1 REENcHh M'hoolafcoldtown.Vtry .. car pr ;J l uvwn1t1 r1, ac • up f'LAJAMIWPOIT ~lt'i ... a'rneR"'E~EZE forWKITEelepbanC.. privtte. Water pd. NO Andrew• Rd See. by llta.lra Sta.~ Call d•f' wt\.h a Clualtred Ad DOGS. sa~ m o. '3$0 apPf AflfCrane MO.OIOlr MA'115, evil 875-IQJ!_ llAL TY t7M6 I 6 'f. Cl...tfHld Act. 142-~~ tall tu..5111 , Mo\•e.iri CalJ _!!O' ... ' ' 0 • ., • ' it I I -......u........... MwnU .. fw ... d .......... ,......, Afl&tuc8ttu..n. Af-IZHhu.fwa. A,lal ..... tu.fw1a. ' • ........._.._ . .,.., --•••• •• • ••• • ••••••••••• ••••• •• • • • •••• ••• •• •• • • .................................................................... , ••••••••••• •••••••••••• ~. ~ 21. 191' DAIL v Ptl<J'r .,, I ~~.~.??!~ ~~~ ... ~~.~! U.-ltectt J7 .. C..Mete )124 C..Mele ll24 Mlw'*11Hc• >16' y..,._.._. ~-S~ + nr•1c1•lltt 51001' u 11fc1•11h 1100 t~u.~lutlve le»-&eac."tlwalk. -----•••••1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~··:;:·..:.:H··:·::;5••• ••••••••••••y••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••:;/',. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lft&i than ~ fl fro ~autlflll ~ s Bdrm LAOl'NA hYA< II MTR L:A---. ,.. ,....., MOWTAJllMG 3 Br 2 e. ent1 car re , ot'dll, blAIA! atrium, 3 br bom~ on t.100 with INN '75h•ill" \i~ Maid l.Aral' 1.W bd cardtm IHIAYATlOMS ctnlly upiradtd cloM t~ SHORT TERM BEACH • • · • · · SEN !"" t>.. ovn aooo aqft flnnt amt'11111u ·rv . u~w TV hi•1aled •PU Adult• 1>11hwhr. Srand~w d4'1u•e2DR beach Avail Zit S41S R £NTA L F ULLY 0 4 IOR tv•1ua rm Onl)' 1675/mu JUOO/ioo lt'Pt1 pool UUI <114 I llU ~' bU.n1, MCI 111r. alllll bbq 2 Pa upt11. X Int Cosy; prr mo lit 4i lut +-Sl60 F' U R N I S H E l> -l .... • • t ~ UurS388Q79 Ull:)N f'oJ~I llwv Puol Ciu Pd 718 Scoll Me.a lO('llllOfl, Availablf' S« 67~8349 . AVAILABLE FEB. Jo'or ~ ~ ~ CITIZENS ~.,. We.tmuu&•r Mall ()N WATP.R , dm·m1n11 i SZl!i 1-'\Jm r h11rm t11,ch. nr Pl tiQ.$07!· ~!Will March l.l979 ")'om $375 - - -•~mately 4 month5 r;'1 ... l br. il ba, COVt'J'l'd zauo bedroom z bialb Ill boal tx·h \H1I IKl Ollt' n ·•11 w...w.. via-Pt'' mo Hrtn~ your BAY VIEW SlllDOtnjt 2 OW'nel'I Will bt' 11way 1.:, ~~ Q fnt'd yd 11ar Kldi V:t allp S?MI ft)() rm1>1oyf'(l 1ullt 4~t <L.'00 Uuuurut b;;;;r-new roomnwles Cull. bp~·ll2 b•p· frl plcM Ht uge l~de Jbrk. 2ba. frplc le ' l SPECIAL ok ~$ '"l(l,, no ,.,.. Wat•rlront tlomt"' h .. 1 p o oo n urc 11un ec . No pets • ~ 1 "29'1 u Mt...,.,.•ech 37H ..,ut a(Jlll No J)f'U ool. ~ adult11 No pets . $5eO S6:iOmo 2br newly d~· "\Ull ~1 * ~. 913 1 ·--·'·•-•·.1·4•0•0---i ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jaeval.l <>Den dall).' 640-0349 cor. $475. Lndy. rac11 $ ~ ~ Wtlk lo Uw beach • lar• ~ W lkhSt ~ 2914 W Oeeanfront. N 8 1250/o DISCOUMTJ bdrm 2V.ba encl p1ttfo 1Jdolll4t,38H,2'-J b&,ttu UYfttOHT 8:{;=:Jf ~~~ac~~aJ'~: 875-8~.6462030 om or 81\-0211 Pt& V 11 ll b ac 11 . l8 5 u Corldo. 2 lJlt, .! hJ . ye.•r· z Hrl335-~ llC. TAYLO. CO upper ~1~1.twt33d 1~.tm$mu 'ffit.Mamt 64H122 640..51 IJ --'-''-------- •••••••••••••••••••••• UGCAMYON DUMICOHDO !<'of fl'A)f', 1~111 fcb tst s f'dmu l hattui. 111it.h l\j){t("ll)IJJ fl\' IHt'll $TIPS TO HACH -Waterfront 2 br. 2 ba. Howle for ~l. Big Bear UlR,llu.1 '-'llll' SQc.10 MIUPIMIS 12.6.'i. l br, refn~. crp1's & ffl)Jc. dock av~ul. ~75 City slfll' 6. Uoens rum 3 flit Jbia, "''nlr J.U) 1 HK S3L5 r ool, Jarun1. drapes, adult& le no J>et5 Agent875-9000. :e.r~tpe~ f:s f&:9. Call 2 IUt. It>,,, yrl) $d5 °11r avu1l Adult•. no 124 C Jam\.~. 673-7781 • WESI'CUFF 2 br. short Jieh' 21.1~ llarllt Ave. 0-roW 3126 tmn. fch 1 lo June I ~a.47 ____ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Adlls. no pels. S300 ..... to~ 4300 ~aut 2 HR, J b•. Mesa ~ 2 BR. 2ba apt. 2 r<ir aT.J-6640. J700 Westchff ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dnv1·. nr s I\ e ntry a;ir Lg balcony M LOI Or c.tdoww associated l~l lbf' ltba blun. pool l t'Ml!l, ~·u•h ST~m(l I l t l Uot'k ~I r daay'14·1194 1111 t'\" 213 !itrl 297'7 Lo \cly yard " •·ntn ____ ~;..;;... __ ·;.._--.. aru Sl!OO Mo ind ' Club Pvt rncd yi1rd. 2 ocean vu $400 mo. . WATHfftOHT U ... l:xpewUtl \'11n>0rt w/slora"•· $43:> ~:J078 Spacious 2 br. den, 2 ba Share,.bomeoraptment mo 67Wtl9 ·63.2..!!!_6 _ ~-$-IOO_M_O_V_E_'_IN___ apt w/spect,acuJ ar view . .Quusl -{0An.s UHumTm ' Olf w•cer "P•t• 2 Br, :?~" tM lwnhm l'l'<>llllGIOU). U.rooJ1t\OOf", hraallti 11 • Tl"llnl\ 1•n.'f, pool. rlbtu.- $700 mo ('ul I Tobu ltt>1tlty. !W; 13'1 I ~ 324 •••••••••••••••••••••• Lux condo lnke i.~l Jt I Or & bia, bltns. balei>n)', rec rae s:J75 <il3t2»1 9'.JW OtUl18<' Tree path> home· Rr 2 Ba. landsCSPt'fl & beaullfully d('rurutt!d S4.50 mo S52· 9288 1111\k>l'k'r til.llH HUDSOM ltlAL TO. • 44-0 ll 2 I bdnn oo l'c1111 ~•i 3Mh St $315 ) rly 673 2631 .1fh'r<tl'ft1 llACH LIVING Mtw 2&3 II Ho.1 Widen, LR., fain rm. d1n. dt'<'k. P•l. frvlr ·..,, elr1· l(llr 01>ener Both profrs11onully dccor11t ed Sooo & $100 C11ll Murlene 1H 6:11 3414 c11 ~. Soper elegant <:opllu. t n ltENTALS level. 2 BR. 2't b,1, i><1ol 3 BR, I\, bu . . Sit~/4.50 Jiil' • 2 cai:. 1wr. ~75 Nu 3 RR, 2 ba , SSSOl650 JlC!b 675 38S9 3 liR. 2Yt ba. . S650 2-BR 2 uA-N ,-:r 3 BR 3 bo $1l2S u P l'rr l'On TOTAL LIVING Apartmoa ts. Entef1ommoot. Recreation . Yows -::t~ daya a yoarl • 8.auurul Sm9I•. I 6 2 Bedrcwn'I runuaha.d 6 Un~t~ffd Apar\menta • Ail UtibtlH Prud •No l.4'0ae Requu.d • Swuntnl.J\Q, TeM JA. 81U1wd1 • A<1h•1•••• DltK1ot. r1•• SW><iuy 8tunch•o MEW llEB> Ans ALLOWANCE Lwtunous appounments. Uk~ ~ ~R 1 Udrrn & loft USO 2 br, Iba. ~vt sundeck & sandy beach . beaut. co ~ t;i.,"-.. , .... , t-'rplr . r~ room Pool, garaite $.1AS mo 33411 gardens. overlooks 8l2-'ll4Since 1971 Jlh!ULLl, rloscd Raruge11 OieltamWoy 496·10'J7 BaJboa lslaod. Boal s hp ----------- Gw. & wtr pd Adults. no &Toto ltll avail. /\dulls, no pets ROOMMATES pi'l!I 393 llumllton. C M ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1714)673-8414 64..S-"41l _ Lwtunous new apls. Near NOMOHTOllY" ~SOY• everything. l 's & 2's., 1 8R & Ion. 2 prtvate Eruoymore.PayleSl5' Nt-wly d~orat<.'<I 3 br. 2 bu townhouse Spuc1ous. f1replat•c & pool Qwel &l'i.'ll Adults, no pets $1()() 64S-3381 . 675 5949 ADULT-QUIET 2 BR, 2 Ba, bllns. O/W, m.-w cptstdrps ~cl gar l''ofced air heat. walk lo S. C.Sl Pia.ta $345 mo. 960-l279 ·---- $310·S365 494·8611 . balcony patios w / Al1Ages&Lifestyles 768-9451 gorgeous bay & ocean We Cheek References KMl'8WJf• leoch 3140 view S7~ mo 833·0200 Cal 54M212 ••••••••••••••••••••••• bil--5206 A UNIQUE SERVICE SHARP. beach 1.2 & 3 BR. r1111c. d1Shwshr, garage & pauos. 960-2358 BAY FRONT bi~. deluxe 2 br. frplc. dock pnvJ!s Huge patio, elec gi&r S595 mo 673·6336 . 642-9666 OCEANFRONT furn. I BR a pt, avail until 6/15 $27S inc ut1l Adults. no pets 673-7~ let us help r ut your rent 1n half We c·arefully screen ror your Ufestyle. Our fees are lesi. Refs checked SHARE RENTAIS ASSOCIATION 1046 N Tustin HI. Or Ste J 639-9000. 639·9003 =I! the month o( Ftbruarv. Senior Citl1tn1 ve 25~, off on ~Ir pnva~e part~d• for mercband:iH for sale 111 lhe Clanlti41d ion ol lbe Daily Pilot. <Real F.atat.e la not uded). 8riQC your ad into one o( our ofricet Hat~ bdc1w between 8 AM & 5 PM an)' day durin1 lh week aod we will start your ad the oeirt day. C.... Meto -lJO W. ley Slrfft ~ leocla-118' 61ewp• .............. _,7171 ...... WATER! PWSHSUITlS 350 t.o l300 sq ft. Fc.taltk ...... Wet Bars Udo~ Yillop Newport 675·8662 110> Sq. Ft Newport Bch, Office pnme loc. 7~ ft , Call Barbara 955-2274. • Mortf191 s. Trwt Deiclii 5015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LB WEST Wenstl.tes lstT.D:a.lho WT.D.Loms.. HEW OFFICfS Fauest Terms since UK~ 3 ~ brand new offices S.ttltr Mf9. Co.. 4 1m: 2i,, ba .. :: · $6,so1950 do. MW mo !~ H1.i l>1p 4 HR. 2'h l>a. $1000 NR perCrt s.afl 8038. • tl.ulth Cl.JM. l<K'\M.ll• PLUS MUCH MOREi Clean 2 BR 1 Ba. lgc pvt pallo. re(rig incl AdlL<i. no pets. $3ZS mo 979·44 10 $325 Beaut nt>w I br loft style apt, frpk, patio, all Townhouse. lovely, wac & home-1.Jke. 2 br with pvt. gated enlranre + 2 patios . Some with a ll garage. Swimming pool Jacuzii. Tennis courts. I blk to Hunungion i>bop· pmg center mall. Adults. No pets fo'rom $435. SCawind Village, 15555 Hunun.,'ton Village La ne, If a. <71<1>898-9961 airport a r l'a, wlfull 642-2171 545-061 I ~al service, good Deluxe Balboa Bay lbr. Unfum. or will fumLSh for pn~. 549 11.51 Pnv. party wants smaller lbs. wate rfront a pt yoo, Pvt bdr & bath. local 2nd T.D:s al re-I LBR lbu, frplt' 434 /\11111>. II Ji S 2 9 5 t m Q . tsl/las t +SIOO sec cfop 522-8631 Oakwood Garden Apartments bt.u ll · 11\S. TSLMgmt 642·1603 plush earpeling, lg ter· pltM gar Fine 10<' ad· Alrport area ofhce space. asonable d iscount. race vi/fantust1r bay Joining golf rourse & secret.anal serv oo prt:· 673-292'1 View, lse ooly ref. req swimming pool nearby mises Sl40. 957-9331 t---------- 64>9108 Must be over 52 & single. ---------[Purchase good lncomt: 3 Br, 2 ba, lrplc , ~ur. 1':1 blk lo bch. SS50/mo Call 645-0776 evs. N•wpor1 B.ach/North t180 Irvine Beitut. brand new aduJl apts. Spar l & 2 br w /townhse .Hy l e . Scheduled move-in f'eb •Walk tolhe beach• Caso def Sol Beuullful Adult /\pts 770-4l40 CdM Gmd Or, 600 sq.ft. 2nd TD in Huntington l Bl'. baek unit.of Ca~ Ideal for 111l design. 28SS Be a<' h. Ca 11 And y (CU 16th) C-Od style bid~ in Can Female roommate want E. O.t Hwy !'lJ&-7330 iwry Viii Bit-ins, drapeis ed to s hare house in ~--------- Luxury 3 br. 3 ba condo, elet 11ar opnr. frplc. dshwhr. trash comptr. Newport Cre t U R • p00I, tennis. Kids ok. no pets S59S /\Rt No fN• 004,2500 . ln3·297 l (? 14) &4)-0S~D Newpor1 Beoch/Soulh J tUO p,1t, S1 1. I Or. I Ba 2 Br .. 2 Ba n>LMgmt S325 S33S $395 $425 642 1603 21661 Brookhurst, HB 962·6'53 carpet.'l. S32S mo. 4233Lst Hunt Bch w /pool .............. 4450 ' 23%YIELOED Sl. Npl Bch . i\va1I 963-9233 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~7.5002ndTOon1Saere 't523 CA~PU5Dl·IR'l~E~ ([>ovl'f UI lf.lh) 2/1/79. 673-6522. s.s · Newport Manner's ~hie. hilltop v1ew. Vista CA. •2 Br. 2"'1 ba townhouse Share CM hm w tolder Modem 502 sq rt store. Sokl at S12.000 per aac , 3 Hr. 2 ba hst> newly re· decrt'd. <'rpt'd lhruout. pul10, W /O, comm p00l1tenn1s c·rts. chldrns (714) 642 8)70 /1.Jult• nnly n.-l"'I~ M •l• 'P"" <lo1ly IQ 1 Twnhse 2 lg Br. 11 .. l ba apt sp a <' 1 0 us & Dix. 3 BR. 2 ba, year Fem. In exchange for 2 6 3 o 1 <: 1 I\ v 0 n . Payable 10% int only. gar enrl yd. crpt drps home like Dix kiteh 'round , l·blk to ocean lt/hswk 213-4TViOO I Due 111 3 yrs 22'h% du; Cul-de·Sar. school w/bltns, incl. refri~ &c Yrly, $525 mo J c fl 5'5-461~ count. 7141751·4826 or _!125.673·5~-1-trash masher Encl .:ar Bnery Rltr 675·9111 Store 20it50. downtown 7141493 1153 evs. "· palio "-"'II ""l "k "'-,..._........ ~176 Fem rmmtc wanted lg Calta Mesa. nr bWJy cor· ---------Large 1 Bdrm $265 Qwel °' """' ··~ " · _............... • CM house, SJ50 mu. /\l(e ner $495 Mo . Ukr MGRtyAY....._ building with beautiful $4lO. mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~30 546-2777 67~00 2nd to LOANS play yard Vnrd marnt l.\YCREST $J25 Ont:.' b;Jrm, 1-, blk tn<' $500 mo 963· l381. b \ I 21 Beaut decor 4 Bil, hvml! ayfl\reun / va1 I on •Olt.ANGE.'TREE 2 Br. J rm. dining r m . 3 Ra , mo to mo Owner1A1,'l ha. rondo/hse for lsc. 1\11 family rm, C'ustom dr-p:. ~ 7:i49 _ _ fa<· tncld'R lake Adlts fplr , radio 1nterc•11m !->horl ti·rm Ocl'an & No Pl't s S<tOO /m o-liBQ. grdllr inrl. Sl.2.SCI hayl ront!<. FromS35Q No landscaping. Ideal for Gemiru Realty 839 6623 2 Br 2 Ba condo. or 3 Br SWI NG LOANS adults over 3:J No pets Newly cpl & paint. 2 BR 2 2~2 Ba. pool/Jae After 6. Hot.lse, shr w/Fem. dean For store & ofrlce space at EQUIPMENT LEEW /\RD AP'J'S. 2020 Ba. upper w/pvt palio !GI l864 antq .. pvt yrd, gar· pet11 reasonable rates CONSTRUCTION Fullerton Avl'-, llhlk cast Adib $350 mo Onve by, SmltoAM lllO $200 + 642 8056 500.5000 ~Ft OR ANY PURPOS& 732·2582 dys. ask for Kee. 640-7~ fl'i.• i\~l'nl 675 8170 ev:. 551 4400 24 hrs. ask :---Newport Ave. & I blk llllU San Angelo, then Gcroges ~A VERDE David P. Carey & Assoc. soulh of8ay1 6310397 eall collect 213-289·2426 ....................... for"Rtftt 4350 fL E Broker.960·1957 f<H"lrma Sea111~w tlC'a ul1ful "<.ICl-:AN l-'ltUN'fdlx4Rr2 bdrm . 3 h;1 . c %ecul1 \ l' H;1 2 t.:ar j!ar, w111ter $(l()O NEW 2 story townhoust! home ll!O degrec :.wcrp mo 11111 pd, fomily only 21lr·2bu end unit. Pool, 1n2 view Pvt gated :.!!HO w OC't-an !-'runt. up park. no pets. $400. t'Omm. Tennis. potil & per t.'75738ti.535·4i017 $31.5 I n 2bd. newly dcc eves. ask for Al ADULT UVtMG ••••••••••••••••••••••• DalYEVPUUC """' Beauufully landscaped 1S2S Mesa erdeE, .M. EX NAVY MAN pays pool. Hdulls. no pets Nice; qwct 2 BR . 2 ba. Spac. 1&2 Bdrm units $40. lnqwre al J2S.J 17 Pl. 545-4 t 23 cash fast for your 2nd 640 5748 J a c u ZZ 1 S 1 1 5 0 I M o -- ~J 17lh Plcc. off S Anu apts, f'plc , 0Bhwsr. end Close to shor & frwys off Santa Ana Ave. art ·---------t Trust Deed. (Broker 1 Ave, aft. HAM.540.0130 gur. S340 mo . Peg~y Recreationa fa<'1ht1es l lAM.540-0l30 171He63 960-4J!n, Rents from $285. Off1u R...tal 4'400 MARJMH'S MILE -----644-2057 2 HR. ~tcps to beach llentaAe Pk 2br. I 11b11, --l patio. pool. New! No S-Clemrtth 3276 wi po io.5'18 sr.x.t 2 Br, I ba <'Ollage lype. gar Lndry rm Kids ok No pets Rer-s . 2038 MeyH Pl. G40·2363, 613-5921 Nearly new xt ra dlx PARK ru%A I ....................... orf~~fE1f?C~!!~~ble llllll a.itl•llh/ twnbs. apt lg. 38R. 28/\ :JIOOS. f1ower !>56-7960 523 SQ. rt. ore.cc space to for retail or profess1on11l Ptnauls/ J)elS $395. HJJ..8600. • •••••••••••••••••••••• - - - - ---Lovely 2 br. p11t10 & rnr l 4BR. 2 hath. I <!nor from C111lc bltns. W/D hkup. New condo2br l'!'.iba Nr lo s~b-lease in Laguna o(fi T I f 3000 Lott&Foimld Skylights. Vaulted ct>1l· s c t'lata s425m Hil ls. La Pal. Rd . Just ices. ota 0 d sq ••••••••••••••••••••••• Woodbndge 3Br. '" ba. yard. Nrar bcac·h bcarh Vit•w W1nt~r $595 nc-w! New Lake & p11rks Deduct SIOO from rent for mu ~llt :--.tl05 Near new 2 br townhouse. garage, fncd pa t io . renter ol town. $355 mo 00.4655 eves & wknds. ing, pauo. dbl allch.. gar. f>i~5l60 ° south of lhe San 01eto ~'rfe~ ~~.lvi ed mto A::lm D c ••tlh St 00 etr. $420. 5'5·3604 __ _ Free way $3011 monl WaletfrORt .._1 ......... •••••••••••••• Nopet.S.$450.m -8600. manager of ll umt:. No .. c•b l ;;-!10 Ju,;; 15 Deerfield 'fownhousc 2 t>xper. oec. 164)2 Calle ('arport, 2HH, w / u. bdnn. 2 ba auto ~urai:c Las Bolas. 546 5704 _ a11ult :1 only t1l pd, no -------.-.JI."~ LOIJlllMI l816 Av811. now 830-6030 Adult Apts. nr bch :-se~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------631-1400 POlllY 2br frplc. patios. pool 2br apt. lblk to priv bch. Deluxe medical suit~. opener. 55U·ll3Z5 art s.taAM 3280 pets. 15 s tt.'ps 10 heh Stunrung lg.3br2bogam. tl.30pm ••••••••••••••••••••••• S425 675-7758 apt. Pool-rec. area $345 Willo;;-. :i l>r. 2 ba. frplc~ 2 bd, 2 ba., rommun1ty ~ _liiiiii,_,~~=-------j 710 W tBth St. Sec'. i;tale. 170'.! fo1onda, View $550 Also studio rm:: nr ' CoroC di!I On Balboa Blvd will\ PlllJll 960-6610 apt/o(fke space. s:Uomo. ar. ei:n~~es orp. parlung. S575 per mo. dshwhr. patio, fncd yd, pool s ecunty park111g Unfumislwd ---------FPL. den. 2 bd. 2 ba +gar. No c hildre n . $350 . 962-7788 ask for Mack. 49!M644 AIRPORTOFF'ICE.5 675-8146 873-6880 ABS ftf l•llh '-nlslMd I to 3 room swtes. aij LEASE. 95J sq I\ Newpo,-1 .:ar, kid.., & pets ok Sit45 '325/mo 557.5415 ;:.:..:.•_:•••••••••••••••• 2 Br apt upstairs Adults r -llkMd 3806 o n I y , n o p e t s . /\gt no ce 964 251\6 . ~ f'ue-Mlhed or ••••••••• •• •• ••. •••• ••• H.cferences. 646·0983. or.,......."-cl 3900 services No lease req'd Pnme waterfront com · ONLY $2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• From St50. mo. lmmed merr i a l lo<' 1n Lido ~29'7l UltfwnisMd 3300 2 Hr fum or unrurn S500 Co.try SettMc) Olllfom1a Apts. 1&2 Br Close to bch & shops. F"rom S295 968· 7176 THE EXCJTlNG occupancy 2082 S. t:. Village. 67~ ,ALM MESA APTS Bnstol. Suite 200. N B ~II any item °' com bmallon or items ftw J1$ or leu ""•th a Pe11ny Pmt'lwr Ad. 3 Linn for 2 ronM.'<'llllVI' days Et.ich add1t1ooal bnc 1s 6lr tor I.he 2 da)':> Chorl(l' 11 • PAHORAMIC VIEW •••••••••• •••••••• •• •• • ly 1 Br rum S.175 incl 2 br 2 b<i new l'Ofllio in On the l)(>ach ! 2br. 2006 W ~I 201 Opal 615 9229 ~ E. 2ut Street Easts1de 2 br & den split level, fo'rpll'. derk. skylight, all extras $420 mo. No eh1ldren or pets Uays 646 4262 , ev ei. ~9543. MlNUTESTONPT BCll (7141557·7010. Turtlerock Pool $~95 Oceanfront. NU Avail • ......__,_,. ___ .. a 3807 mo 955.21a.a after<t · ~ 631-0900 . 7511 1677 -......, ,._ 3 Ur. 3 ba townhouse a pt. fflllC. encl. garage. IAe encl. patio. Clean as new. Mamed couple w1small childre n ok . 2 170:! Rrookhu st. $450 ~·0778 or (2131432 8687 Bach. 1&2 BR from S25S & up Pima &Ktltin Adults. No pets S..fhs --. ------COlldoftlini.-M Ueaul. 2 br, 2 ba. i.cp in u..tumisht<d 3425 d1v1dual ijise Ll(c µvt ••••••••••••••••••••••• pa110, frpk, mirrored , ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••2 Hit11"2 Bt1 ,0Ct'iln vu. f(Ur . adults, $4 50 5.'i!Hi.'IHK. li45 f&l --·-wardro be!., t•ntrl air. &yfr;it Belmont ~horr 2 eh..'<' gur. door l.:onllo :ut br, 2 ba condo 1n 'er $425 2Alt w:dcl'k New vanta.1:cs wino maint bid.:. Wetbar . w shr1 paml & rpl~ l 1·1 blk to Tennis. pool, gym 5475 dryl'r, adults only h1.·8<"h,673fl2'7!1 __ _ DU,LEX Completely rcdet>orated 2 Br + den with lot.s more extras No pels $475 548.8754 675-8138 · 493-6097 $001/mo Boat sbp avail ,...__.,~-n-ach 3818 ----· --213-434 9603. 540•9797 off -..,... nunv vc Nt:w 3BH 2bg, frple Many -, -••••••••••••••••••••••• 11mcn1t1cs S575 /mo 3 br. 2 ,<, ba. air eond . Cap1 strnno l':d1 -;od~:1 lmmed cx·cupancy. l7552 wa.~h1dry, rern~. frplc. 2 Custom buil t Townhou~c ~1101a Tree. 675·2033 or l'ar ~ar. tennis rrl & for lcuse Cous l11ne view. ~7 7010 pool. C . M $525 / m CJ 1?1Jrden. 2 bdrm 2h ha 2 BR & 1811. I year new, spacious & clean $350 mo. No pets. Ownr/ !\gt a111ek !::verell. SW-4026. 559-Q21 640·2747 eves & wknds lloomy F'or t ht> dis L..,.a •ach 324 Ta ... aUM rn~1~1ve r.i;~1 -l.arge I Br. pool. patio. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 3525 1 Br uruque quiet ~'9 lie ••••••••••••••••••• •••• 1-~rplc . kids /pets ok . New Twnhse W/enclos<.'<l Kough S4SO. 499·2286. .. )tar A<lu ll s /no pets 3 Br townhouse wlocean 827S110or645·00til vtew. pooltjac. $550 mo. ~·or lea;;J b;:-;-ba 846-(T.C!05, 21.'l/596-1671 townl'lome xlnt C.M area New 3 bdrm. 21,., ha Kids OK No peL'I. $475 •1u1rage. frplc. + xtras. _lm-4556 _______ _ N C' w l' u !. t o m h u 1 It adults. only. no pets 1887 t.ownhowit'. lc11s(', ocran Monrov111. CM $275. vww . .:artJC"n. 2 Br 2'"l ~ Jla. roomy. G<ll 21171 _ .. _______ _ ----3 lJdnn townhouse apt Corona det Mar 3822 Adults. 11,, bo S4~ mo •••••• • • • • ••• •• • • • • • • • • Gas paid f'42·5073 I OR , ga r;.i~l'. frplr · 2 Br lY:r Ba townhouse Sith'•'. rdri..: · r pts · gar'age, putio, pool: rlrv:-Ac.lull.; only· no JlilClllll, fireplace Adults OCean \•lew Close t .,...." ~ 3600 shops & beach. No small ••••••••••••••••••••••• East.side 2 br, bltns, no' kids/ no pets Avail. 2br l ba ljl. hvmg room 1.4:e., "ua~l upper rl'ar 2 $325 pc t_1s._~., $:Jll5 . Y t• it rt y only. $38.5. 631 -4984 bi3-- 2 BR. l 1.Az ba condo Kids & pets OK. full rec:. $350 mo 81 II 546·5880 Jbr 3b, crpt, drapes, frpk. pnv. patio, 3blk, from bch. $5.50. days 536·6663, 53G-8705 eve 840-5949 Newbachelor $250/Mom <'I. ut1l. & appliance~ 848-3986 ' 3142 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C)(oean view rondo I Br & lof\ $410 Slepll to Sunset Bch (213)592·5113 lnlM 3844 ••••••••••••••••••••••• N<'W condo, Woodbridf(e 3hr, 1 ''• l>a Bus hrs 640-4450 eve/ wkn 673·6680 Ask for Dou~ Ammerman Jim./~. '700 494-6070 frplc 2 car Jl&r~. PNs / Htt. ' b11 .. Ille h\•tdln. ~-420lev:~nr121s. a..,.. Hits 3250 kid.4' O.K. 4 mons. only Crpl, <'Pts. drps, range, .--le h 3148 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tst,L..st.&d ep MS--378.'S rt'fri!l Respons1blr Deluxe 2 hr 2 ba Condo __,..... oc • milts . workmtt epic pref nr SC. Plaza. $395/mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3d~hrm.·2hba .. r,11>1cd. bar . No . pels . S42S1Yrly ~0144 or 5594741! aft s I Br, waJk to bt!ach. ut1I is was er, nc yd. Ref'~ rt.'Q No swro.ic or wknds pd, nr Pottery Shack P•tlo strge shed. SSO<l If lnwnh Fvntlsa..d lndry. No. or hwy I\ val! . tm. 644-6756 mo.492·9886 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lmmed . G41J 7610 or Easts1de I br, natural ------~....... 325 l6oo P11•M110 37O1 541 3l22 wood beam ce1 11 ng & OCEANFRONT larsce lux •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----:e;---cabinets. S260. l30 K 20th ury 1200' 2 br. 2 ba. $750 1561 Mesa Dr !5 Bl.ks East of Newport Blvd) 9am-5pm 546·9860 $1,000TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT 1976 Broadmore. 2 br . m bftl park incl refr1 f( range. bll·tnS etc Askin~ Sl6 .900 11176). t;JI finance. 01\C MOllLE HOMI STORE S:lnta i\na 554 707<1 E Anahe1 m 9~·4500 C Anaheim 956 1011 Westmm.ster 348 889~ ~ '400Q, ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Anecrssodorhwi• Lovely ~ardens·Brooks wtr fall •IGlehen fo'ac1I avail •Jacun1, healed pool •Wk.lyordo1ly maid srv •1V & phone available For rate iftfo cofl W7Harbor Costa Mesa 64.~4(] Room wtkitchennelle SOOweek & up 548 9755 n.. r b r II 2 hr. 2 Ila w1ex(1ul51tc Street 1135 ·8S44 or incl uUI.~ 2Br.2baWeirtNmecondo u<'ean ronl eauli u y Vlt'W or bay on h11l!11de 73l-6001. IA&.IOAIHM 00 golf COUrl'e. S390. fu rn . z a R ' r r p I c • $375 <;c•awnul or $500 yr----------2 BR +den apt Feet from $M & up wkly With 497-2426 ~c~47l.8r. Winter ly 675-520.'i/675·3824 ALL ADULT APTS. ocean s475 i mo. Call ldtchenctte Waterfronl SEATERRACE -------..-MOWAVAILAILE G4-728'7 or<1!M..Ut2 675-8740 Beautiful Home 3 bdrm. Corwdef Mw 3722 Cotto Mffo 3'24 3br. Bunl(alow. 2 br apt )eutpwt leach 316' fo\im room & b" • E ·sid". 3 ... Formal din, private ••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••• •••••••••• • Pool J & B OQ .. ~ .,., • 11cu:ti1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C M. $160. r e fr lg comm, with tennlis, Small coiy at udlo apt. C..1can 2 OR 1 Ba, $285 area, 'ADMIWPOIT 64().lZ78,SS2~levesar1 Pnvate swte with recep lion & serrt•tar1al ser vH·C", r onferenc<' room, all fac:1ht1es 2082 MIC'helson , I rvine . 752-0234 MEWPORT /t•VIHE Ex~ut1ve office with re<"ept1on, phooe ans. ronl'. rm & more. S325. 95S·3575 MOVE "Our marine · ont'l'lted bus mess NOW 1 1 1118\0nc <.:annery V1llu.:e location offers r o nv vurtung• sho~·telc ans 'v r • rc C l'P t1 on1st •s crrct <1 r y • photocopy-book keepmR • ac<.'OWIUng. Manne t-:x. r h ange Build in(( 430 32nd Sl. NO. 673 3601 foromS350 CdM dlx s wtes. ul1l pd AC. nmpl pk~. fr $250. ~·. No lse reqd 675 6900 Elegant offices up to 760 sq f\ on Newport Bl • C M 645-2111 , 646 6303 IUUTIFUL SUITES 000 to2600Sq. Ft. Crpts, drps. serviced c .... rc., .. Newport 833-8813 Deloxe oCCire s wte Sub· lea&', 800 11q f\ . In a pro· fess bldR on Buel\ Blvd Reception area, 3 priv. ofCices. cabinet -.wk & other extras All IJliJ & 1arulonal serv. In· cl C.'lll . 898·0802 jacuzu&bench.$675mo. $200.-+-4111utll.1 person. +dep No pet$, children SORR Y NO PETS Ba ch e lors, 1 o r 2 5. 752-9'l23or499-461l non·smoker.640-4999 ok llnmlltonSt G42·51SS t77E 22NO ST. IJedrooms&Townhouses ---------1 F\lfll. pnv offices, new <1lle Shores>C1.111l home, Srnl bach , non s mkr., Nt>W 2D-R--.1\.ilba""T;n_h_m_ CasUIMesli 645'2498 Froms.349.50 Bach apt. male, ever <k'<'or.wtsec 11erv .• conr R Ba t ... ..,. i I s -ctacular spa, tolal • ythlng furnished Bch, rm. copier. monthly 3 B 2 , wood b1.tmln~ ma ure person -~vi nc Pvt pat, fplc. encl gar ,... ~ ...... -m ·~ '"•te ,,.,.,,,, ·o1c • f I uti'I """'"'"""'16753824 A..tl ..... r ecreation pro"ram. "".,... •. .vv 0 .._,..., _....,. __ 7'411 ______ _ ~1nl' f am Rm. orina .u • .,..,_.. . ,..,1.5,..,,s.64S-40'M t;:io,t.o,1de 2 RR.1ba.. .. i~1:11· ;~~c 0~~ tf8~: c;;;;-MtM 3114 310 Victoria. 2 br. 2 ba, pool. potto. nopet.s. = ~.o;:t7;:>~~0~ 1 E~"sl~~d: ~r M h~j~g: Downtown lluntingto11 Beach, rec facll. 493-1615 •• .. •••••-•••••••••••• Jl,l'OOnd Ooor. all l'lec.. ~ :148.0SIB Island, J amboree & San ~/~9970 Beach. 2lOYJ Main Sl. $250. 1 Br mobile home . coveroo1,arkln<> no ""\3 JCWI Hilla Road. One 2 rm office avail • ....... .___. •255 Malurc adl'· on1y. Nc.1 ava "' ·~ ' 2 Br. lba. U$h q. n.. Fpk, 7 J Ni r SllO. 960-Wtl _..._..... ~ ... , II. rb. 15th $350. enc gar. D/W, •315. 14 644-1900 ce rm or UDemply'd ---- Plush w11que swle pre· suge offices in Spanish styl<> building MaJor San Clemenll' s treet Long term lsg. Suita ble for physician, 11ttomeys or other proft-~siona ls Agent 714/492 9750 or 4.'IJ-1197 .................. 4500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l\io 1•ommerc1al adb. f or mor1• information ;md lCI plac:c ~oor lltl rail . 642-5678 •MISSIOM VIEJO• Blnl(o. Tut."S. n1tes, 8 10 Pnme location swtable Cup1str ano Va lier ti t for comm·1 <>r ind'I use School, cash pruci1. 1850 to 2500 sq fl A/C of· fm.ll87 free. 100 amp power Call . • ----11 141522 4254 days 1lleDa1lyP1lol1s seeking (i l•l675 ., • .,.,,v ' readers of h1ston cul ____ .....,. __ "_t'l>_. ---romance novels for m- lndustnal 800 to 1600 sq fl tervttlw purposes . If your with of!lces. Newport. fovontc author~ include 64,S.2111 ; 646·6303 HOH mar y Ro Ker it . --f'l't ric1a Matthewis . ....... W.t.d 4600 Kathltien Wood1wis~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Barbara Cartland, Susan Responsible. wnrkin ~ Howatch or any of the writer seek~ o n e o th e r writers o f bedroom roll age 1n romances, please call Corona del Mar or Costa 642-4321. ext. 205, atter· Mesu Qwelness essen-noon.c; llal Wnlc Classified Ad ----·----- 11206. Daily Pilot. P.0 Box 1500. Costa Mesa 92626or rail 675-~ Wun ted Condo or Townhouse 3 bdrm. 2 i,, bo. Newport Buch to San Clemente Lease with option to purrhase Pnnc1pal.s only. Call J ll- ler weekduys 556·9920 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... °''......., 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wish to lnve.t 3 to .SM In smaU business & use our bkkp1 mamt s Y<'11 • Newport Clr ()(<' 644-9470 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Damask -Trait - Opera -Canopy - DRINK A ~(rills rug.ht ls where the stewardess wear1> t'W'ien and tells you to get up and get your uwo OR11"K. ••• , .. a,.,_. 1.371 W. Baker Coeta Meu You a.relhe winner ol Two FrH TicMh l() the 17lh Annual L~llACH IODIO Real Est•te Office· al the Lon~ Beuch Manager/Partner Ma-jor (ranch.lee. prime ror· Arena,300 . Ocean ner. Cash investment for Blvd.• Looi Beach. To % 0 r bu 8 I n e 8 II s a.: claim your tickets, call manafement. Muat b4' ~. elit 2'72 . llMllM!d • t-:icperienced * * • ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• pttg.Quiet.accure.1991 642·2164or673-0'7112 Mesa Vcrde.~492lor woman,kitprvlga,C.M SHAR E new o trlce $'5116. 130' on the wat.er l Nwpt Blvd. M6-8313 49M'72l Oellllle ' BR: 2 ba. ur. oo aao. CS,~-. s t 9 ~ J M o c o 11 ' a IJte, bdrm. 2 ba. witl\ prtvat• 1~ •--• .,,7,.0 2 Bdnn, l lAI ba, pallo, srnl ---------pcu, atepa to bch, ~75 ""'-rm~ ... ba. Cov ... ,. M eu/N c wport arC'a * • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• }31 im Loet&,..... doetc:. wel 1iiP"''ti AIC:CUL4•~ • .. ~ ok. no chHdr~n S32S E side 1 BR. Rcfr . yrtyl&e. 6'4·1103. rpool .... , SI ••mo. Ma:'ure -~--· _1______ JOS. J. ...... THALi r...c.t: 2 dot•. Irv area, l Aval I. 'l'low 2430 6 •••••••••••••••••••• .. • ll'f'tno,."5..~--=--neQded. Adulla only • 8527~Ci;cl; Germ Sb:J:/Lab ml.1, n-,,i.a .train754-'1900. W~R...&....s "'--.. ·lor, new, ~r"al ~. -__ "'._"~-".?J17_1 ____ q._~J_!!,,,,bakony , emply'd male. 646·&465 Nf;w Ofc bldg for lease ... -IA u --•e 1 ,_.. £UIAll ,. UTill' ...... JC " r. ...... '"" encl. gara1e l\1r1'ftlfll;' e'\IS. ~~ -P<:H tt[J).d rOUDtaln Valle)' . .., -90.I • .,.. • ......_ vi...a-1267 Spaeloua ' ud1~ &r lllde location M mo 2br Iba FA hea•ln11. f,?ara. blk ID be1ch Yrly from 5 Crown Rest Pvt You ~of-~rt~1n.~lhmama'•·,~· •••••••• ;~.......... lBedroomSuJtcs r.,a.1l3t,eves837-06G6 I'd Cb,ld l P-l OK TSLM1mt . '42-1603 v .............. 4250 I , ...... ncti.ts ........ -·""' ....... 'i::...i... Kh ... • --.._ "' ·-.. ••••••••-•••••••• prk'a Inc. 1400 sq n. .,~-:-:. t.41t Reward t t .. bf l /M 8~.r~3br.2 ~a.fttcd ~• ~ .. t"nt •nfEOAISY• 325mo +· depoatl1 ..... _.-.--..... m Bl~BL' .. RCab'-.·~t;, _tl'7S-4487 ___ ._____ tot.he »l-3lll.M*7'44 yd. aarage, kldt 6 pell ut Patio/Pool •For KIDS & their Avial lmmd.545·4479 -~..,.... V """ u•" .. 17\hAnnuaJ ok. MU. A«it. No fee. Maid Service · TV perentJI , .. 2 bd SZU+•po... pool uble. c:oW • 2 Dht 3 rm oftlct ad) LOMG RACH Lan': M/Collie tri·eolor 91N-zsell;f73..2t'TI l Mlletooccan •PQQI • ..,..c rrn., f'Ar , new JOILl••1.MI. frplca.S4M&l6 A1rporter Hotel. No ae>DIO Vk t.1. NII-. aie t21 ._ ,. _ _..... l '' R1~alomownSulte1, s •Tot Lot •love, rpt .. W/D hookup, c.11 .... 51..1. 7707 MAMMOTH COND0 ·3 ~.8"/sq n w -3223 at the Lou Boch nMdl medlclae. Rew.v t4 .... -2 . •"'· .. waa"·-S3no'~;, :u!,~ C P~acenlla -... ....,., Arena,300 ,._!('. Oc-an ,_&U_-05at ______ _ ... •••••••••••••••••• •• """"' ·~· • .., ~ ,...., bdnn. 2 t>. Great vice•. r. " .-'''DO ISL"'. •Bft•D-&•cbBlvd •28edrooma&lb•lh --W~UFF2br.l \;ba cloMtotifta.TV.ater~ Ofnee•Watthouae·UOO' Blvd., Lone Buch. To LOST· llal• Ooldt• •&AJ · "'4, • • .,., 53..1. ,., .. II_ •Wolktop1tk 3 U.-,2b•upperL Meaa del ~.Adult.a OQly AvtJI mid '!¥eek at re " loclt)'ard in Cotla cl.aim 10UT Uci.N, ull n_. ... __ u"'••-v ....... , kW• e; f:sUo. 1750 mo. HJ:iooO 18lh11t P.2!7!~"· CM I Mar. $310. No pet• No pee, • .MJO. mo nza as 011 ab I~. rate• Meu nur Placenlla. M2M'71.•lfl2T2. ~,..., ..... • • ... ..,...,.,,....,.r1~14~1,...._~.._1.~::.-.~..--:l·Q~~~::...--===~====:...J.:Bedl;·::::ordord:;;;Ln:::.=,519=:.:75.U:.:.=·==:.l.=2JS.~1C~23t2~=a=ft~•=Pm=:::.==:.L°'~-=GllT::=3~&ea=·= ... =:':::==::..l.::::;::;:::::==•=•::=•===·:==,i;;::;==~~~OTI~•~==·===--............... 1 ~ ;t•l i ii1 co:fi' a :11t11~1 ii111 a i\~ ''?Io 1 a K!i '•l ;i- Al .. •l1JmN c.p.t...... C • udW 9 I cl .. ,...... .. ....................... .. .................... ....................... ...................... . • ...,......,,. ~'......, t1 .... I rllANllCN Gu •Ml..lllXIT• Urh,• .. •19•Parkuac lul l'oU' i.n.•~. •M Ollllr. A.id• ,_, UT\ r:arpenter, pa1nt1ns. ·H l\111n •SeaJ cuu1n11 <'ID 10rnl• W.AllC'.il l l an ~ ~ .U;,Um• ...._ nii.. Jt yr• In •l.H NB. CM ... Uv Ch•l"lll.hlUIU AYI 0 0 -""'-.. wa.11u Asphak.._.I nu 11 fWtl II•. cllr -__,.. ------~uar .-m ,... odOf ·-•••••••••••••••••••• ~ tWNIUttDln& doc1t" .. ,WM... t.)ll,., u ~ ... N•Pf' Car114JllDI. budwood, C.l'JWfllf'Y, eled .. weld ••--••••-·• •••••• Ou ~ •>•f'lf ttC"fa C!Gf'•mlr or vyn•I wll' lftl. flll"D NtNtlr. Cabnc ....................... A.-llon l.«'aal T p1n1 °''"" C' & 8.ank"-Plr• ~ :..llV ~ ' lu-1 ~l -4lUH ~ Y'OU" home er IOD•e LareySb.,.,..n. --..,.._. U Jo Jons . ... -cihl\.w&PM .. ~"11-fot ---• , I _,.... ~ JIU'J.. lU •t YOMI' ..-. In In ••-•-•••••• .. •-••••• --------111 tt.u.l. mpk>ader. dump trll. ar.clUa&. ,,.... .,.. v. ...... ,c. ... dttrdiUOGa rit a:u 12)1 ... ,, ....................... Fl#ld,yl.OllO • Real ratet, tu-.rntK'lAlf f>n l'l.ld it& or •m job•. PftlJ. l'\tlll•free ..UIDJl\41 00 ~· C•n UP 6 ..._w1..U;.bl laau!. etc. Call Jobn · ~ 17UJl9 _;;1157,:__l_f.IO _____ _ 100$ 4••..SC .......... .......,. C:.paClllsr ...................... . ·-··•••••••••••••••••• .. 'uundauo.._t N'l1tlrllAI ____ ,;_.. __ _ OU,..ntt'f ""~ FA.t Ao> v.0111. Wocaa. Jh1t1(HI ft ' I ~ JObb Ci.ill All1tn u l~r~d lliJS IO~~ ••••-••••••••••••••••• CHEAPEST ba,~ in twu ~ --... ,._ __. 111 llA!l/wU&a f'••t. ~ 1-"'rf!e ~umate1 ~ -_.. I 642-21186. MS-1380 1.'USTOM lntmorr..,.ntry l1) J~ • kl~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ttla,lr prof Owo too 1 ___ ;..._ ____ _ l.ir'd •·•unUy d•)'"•~ 0.ve~IW/i<U-~ Wl1.1 bauho1·movin1 "' ~hoot J>IV~ram to Clll'age·Yard cJeanloa M'n't" )'OU NB MS ~I ... • • I Beu ra&N N2 0105 Luu ., l'.a "P'! nl./)' JO 'I' n ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • It _.._ I ""~ OooN. 11> 111d11w1, C ' oct. I •· Im IUU I poiUOI ctr Ml 21.1:>4 ·---··••••••••••••• GW'droln&.l c aoGupe • •••••••••••••••••••••.• _:_ K~mudel N!J>i.1lr 1eo handicap~ eora" • R OSIN 'S HOUSE· < 'lJbTOM wood...,or kllU:, carpt-ntry. old' ti me JlaMbl ~ CLEANING SERVJCE. 1l's1Llt>nt1!l & 1 o m tTo.ft.iln\liln5bJp 16 yra in GAIWENJNGCHEAI' for a thoroughly Cleal\ ml"rctal C•ll Wayne. aNa Lac'd Mr. Pi.lom tte..6cocnm home 54CMll5'7 :14'7 92164 bo 98U3l4 Jun 642-3592 Waot a REALL V CLEAN C..-WTa QlnltruetJoa aU ty~ No ~ HOUSE! CaU GIQgbaDl -...................... )Ob lOO 11maU, LioeDlltid UY°" waol ~advert.la· Gtrl. Freeeet. 64>5123 W" Catt Car'J)t't Cll•an~ri.. ..:.~-751 ,,_,., &Al meua1e lo ~cb . ~am cie11o Alw up .,,,. .. ~ -·~ more people at lower llappuaeM. hcoesly, Job holste ry Wcirk i uur ~. Pllmed'Soa C<lltt. CIU1lfM!d &. the well dooo. Call Tbe Mop- Trl.t'k mount wut 1-·r Rt-modei • adcbUooi>. WA¥ '° 10! C&IJ Now! pets CleaoU>g Service . ~. rea.s rutt>s 64~,3716 M'T.e832 l..l'"'d/lN, ~li871 lnsured. ~2393 lt1 11 1ln I ' ............. -...•....• • t , ., ... r•:Clatl'-•... ,., a .,, .. ,.... ti.. . ...................... ···········'··········· ···········'··········· ;:-. .-. ......••.......... Call Jan1u'1 1t11ucedy Anr!'• ~leanllur ror thorou1h. reh•bfe • rourt•ou • ••r•lre ~UIOO J Laad.acaper P1t1nung Extr/lntr E• ctJSTOM INT • bc:il \Uhl hutall~ Low pntn pr'd, ~t. nret . r.•• l'AINTINO aa. elect, plumbln11 Ofil .euar t >'"' eJCp Uc'ditM 100 C>1itvf' .. DRYWALL Ri:PAJR •)'u-Nt. Ucd 751 WTZ lJc'd/Jtondr<I Noburo ,. ~ble. neat. reM ----- u1.a1tz.1Je1·*2 Prof pa111ll.ll& l'.xt. lot Aak fo r Ri rh Bu1. Low ,.," Rt>t• l"ret-540 52ICl 24 hr fMO. mt (.;c)mplete hout!kr~plnti t «1 q t. _. :.31M780. :.at;,.GiJ Y. R A M I C T I L 1': with ~~~.tcd rartt ••••••• ••••••••••••••• -......,.~ lut.dWGI, tNit.ba, eoLryi.. lr111 ......._"°' l'!VY.llV Ur'ir lrwork Small Jot.A. 1111'.M" Y.icter r amUn,11 by ••·--••••••• .. ••••••• Your tile or mlof' NOOK 6 C flANNV Newpcwt, eo.t.e Mexa & R Sinor St llr .Int.Try ~J1tpattcbes6tr1tturn m..30'1V MWUtorNJ,aao IMnlt t7J.Jl1hvet1 mt m.5i.'506?Ahr" ,_IST. ltJ.1439 • ciiiAMic nr.t • All Ulmll&de ffouwf'leonina ~bt)' hnr k. bl()('k, & Int, ut. servioic e'ru lor 7 -PA'l'CH PLASTP:Rl ~G tYCWll ~•1• rittes. l"re<• ., maid ltt'Vit"t' D•1ly, atone work L1c'd .. yn f'rol f1u•I W(lrll A 11 t 1 p a. y (• e t9ll ~ ~3$(2. wieekl)'. moot.hly or llvf' ~ !Ml·4'UI R u ld /Apls/Comm ~ tn X1at ~rvfr•. v"ry --Reaa Divt' 516-M2' ~ta Call :WO f.1112:> _ ,,.. Seinu low rl48 1.k'd . AJen<'y ·~· plan«-ra. f'lt F1 • t I •••••••••••••••••••••• • S62,,0U16 Nl<W rf'model. R ta EAt WALLIA,_IMG ••••••••••••••••••••••• Let ua do the blJ Jobe llkt 6t6 04&4 ~. ofl rt!d l!;ves. noons. wwlowtl. ept'1. ll()(·k. brick. 11lums-LotM GI llm.f?~ Out t h M alott-naoc• d t Gd your •ummtr Knowlft P11nUn1<. ant/ 17!._!l.54 ~ at wial.f'r ratr m htid b4Mt, ~llt coat Rdiablt' HoullfflHmnc Expert work 8t.eve or ina. Qxnm/R('!I 8J8 1120 ~h' 7 yr. •xp. <:1111 _,,.. __ ._W_98CIS ___ ---l'l•P«'rh•oiclna Starting Jao541-S4%7_.____ .......... 11 •oo Pf'' 111nJCif' roll m-Ta ••••••••••••••••••••••• Q.i151(11Ask f<Jit Bob ....................... W0Ul.ON '1' VO U RA T ll•;rt havr a c.'t'rtifiC'd Pubhc Arroun tant prt!pare your tn ~ tax retunu? •·or ~ caJl98MLl2 PROFESSIONAL INCOME TAX Your home or my otflct •'OI' appt eaU tlf.l8.SUll UNOA'S TAXSEHVICE ~rs/Bua lncomt-Tax CaU 142-6GHor appt. L•d1cm,Lt9 ·MOVING ti 8TORAC E SPEC;JALlST AT 1.0CALS Prof1JUlorull pa,.kln1t IA~"tll r.t.M 7 d•)'I Vt.u .. Mul«-rChar1tt- 1• U <.:.IT JZ.Ma1 AMt;klCAN 714/~ 7002 Morna MuvU>& J.1c'd & lo•urt'd. T11at111 Prol~ulonal aerv1re ~IY•H ace~ M2 424l .. ~Nina Out & I bouP .. "Don't ~lay C•ll To· d&y" Local & 1lalr w1dt iw-rv 24 bra 7 day1 54041144 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hard worklnf( m~n / European Laodal'a.pe r . l ~-• I aJ 11op work Ya1r pnc• ~ C8 rata. Ina .. SlUe mliZJ0.~7~ u.om Wallp11J>t>l1nl( All Work Guar "'f!f' ••t 67J"4lM Q(IMJJ'Y PlllNTJNn Intl t:xt Neill. kt>•"m• tilt' Weynf' llXOYt.i '"'' 11221!1 l'llOMI( ft Willlp"Pf>nns. 11u11J Wrn'k. rp1t~ru1bl" prm· ~' !.4'7 "2Jr1 l'A I NT E k S N f. 1-'. IJ WOJtK ;fl) yu exp Int/Pl( & Acr r tnsc~ Work ltUIH M 7 '>11161 lf7'l.l:.o4 llf'XT PAINTING C() WP 11r,. the t;,.,, on Oran~t Co lnt1 t.itl ~ ~·· MM871~a/nn ANY ti • types ol e x· Make 1011r a.t>o pp1 njl lntl ut kea&onat>I~ PJwnbe.n& r4tpelr SP"<· in 1'f'fMdrfin1 • ~r ff' p~ Oood pri~ Top H.t Plwmbinc 571 J114 Any plumbtn«i. •atf'r wrv .... b . bathrm tf'tl. ('f'fart11r lllP Jlf'll .... ~•c:h City 1 Plomt>1n1t wtll ~ ""°' ~ by I~ (ftlllr ~ hr M•Hnj'l ":=1 .. aU lf1nyJ Oft '"'" p r 1>m 1~1>• ,.,,.,. ,. .. , matf lo r.u,. • m.owr ....................... ,_ ________ _ Bwy ownrn t.t • WI"'., fft~. ""' f'Om"' I nid\tlt ?'I/~ l"ll p .llllf')tt M &Jn' wt f~ ...... ··-··········· .... ··~··· R.-pair 4c Reroor AU ty p~• s h1ni 1,.,. r<JC'ksbak~ tt>mpc> tar Yrtt est $41 ~ Y"' Avad tenor det11<0 ~ conatruc ea.'!wr by u.-unir thP Daily l~P<·n<labh: f'rf'e eat Uoo 64S-67L8 Pilot Cl&M1hed Ada Jay ~ 7fl65 Clallalfaed Adil l.olt & FotMd Penonah 5350 Sdlaale & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........,.... 7001 HetpW...-.cl 7100 HelpWatthd 7100 ....,W..e.d 7100 HtlpW..t.4 7 100 ..................................................................... ···················••·· 7100 I.mt or •'ound a pct? C Mlf'Ol.£'S -••••••••••••• •••••• •• Anim al Aa.s 11ta11c: Riii l..eM11ue S17-2273. no fee Wodll & O..u Mwlio S-School Accouot IOI Acc1•t• r.y911 - -I I or Keal tlslat.e U..t Male lJll'Wlla)'an 1·ut ltea ut.ifu &Jr il·pnvate S8S hill price for ftoe YOllCIMr Cletis lmmed1ute ope ning available u> a leadmg re· al bilJllc development/ construclloo office near the Orange Cty Au·pon EDP ~yaems. Mirumum I yearnpenence 1n ac- counla payable pre ferred. Good company benefits Please t'all Carole l'·arm for apPOJnl ment at 714 1833-8680 arell o(.liem:h & /\Uantu roooa brochure Call 964-26U ij,o•ward SJb 6987 afl••r 53 1-9510 Sl'M Cull u11 you won't be Joba W..ted, 7075 ~ ....................•.. 1,a,7 t;old W<Jtch with 1¥.1 So Harbor. Anaheim WAITRESS lwUes Hoye~ fac·t> Guod l:omt• in you'U be glad Proressiooal-Duunc Rm. r~ ~-0084 lkt M 5 you did. Pfllme 642·5567 I..<$ set vf' kf'ys im BMW Mon-si.t. lO&m to 2am. nnst. Bal l'e0tn11uh1 I t-~3.30 ·3:30am found <'<Ii i ti45 :!930 BAHKSDAL!: 81'.:LF' ~a.rd l2S ' .. ~,.E~M PROGRAMS Prac. oune. pit , Corona del Mar, Lquna Beach only, rt!fS,67s.8861. ---------- t,U.,'1" OMl c:~mera on 4D'1-4801 Man4gement Team · APT MANAGl!:H husband ti wtfe . Con-r: c t Sunset brh on 1-25 V1tt r y at 1 r 111.t 1 v 1• ...-·-· 1 pl r'or SS unllli 10 os u Heward 213/~9824 tJ 40 uuo•w,uwni, arger 1 6• Mesa. Exper'd couple ----- ---g1:n c:man. . JW.l ar expeneoood cple. Bonda-Husband mus t bit ve L.ctiT: Hlk&Whi.Eog. MJt n vtld Ul Lown, J work ble. refs, Cail d!J-4046. W r b'·" nlghlli. wa ot woman mal.lll. et . 1 e ...,.pg ler in CM area I ·25 C»I •---------1 I I daytime f'ompan1on. c x P · a t' v e i. ari)'llmt:7l4t!>57 0IS51J your con ven ienl't', PERKANENTLIVEJN l2U)86.S-~1. u~I Or shrthr Male Cat, .. Duke". PO Box 7762. COMPANIONS/ •APT MGR CPL• wht cbelll. wilt feet 8 1 Npt Bch, 9"~ HSKPR.S r 0 r 3 2 . u n I l l n <.:yn NB . Kt!ward PRACTICAL-NURSES Westmiruiter Qwct adll 7~ tOOI Responstblt• Male wants W"'', SCREt:NE'' , rei,pc>nsible f'emalt! to ..,_,, ,., bldg Gd renter & some ... wad lleanntot a!d. vt1· &bareapt.orc,,uado&ex EMPLOYERPAYS bkkpg, Lt maint. so FEE husband ean work out l''a1rv1ewHoop busstop pcnaea m beach urea Dv...,a.SE,...RCH a ide. 7 14 /536·1204, (~llb'73'9574 :~01446 t2.1JJ32l-0684 R.oo '""' ..,,,.. fi98.9SS6. lJ~T OLD ENG sm ;EP ,.,.,.... ~ice. 5160 PenlonneJ Sersvices -------- 00 . 20Z1 E•TH, .A. ""·Mn-+tvrs (j ••••••••••••••• ,........ 83>1•59 --_, Shr1 h111r, fem, W''Yl wht Jtctipons1ble lcal'b.er on ---------•I Mlr of prer clec-m ech I bm Pye, I hl11t• ">''" rr habballcal will hous~ sJI dev1ce1' hWi 1mmed open· ward. 963 !Hl7!J cvs wtule completmii: boolt. Sea:»·retired expcr male mp. No exp nee. Ml.isl 645 2S20daya. Q.ill 714-IMl•Mltl aun.es aid. chal.11 for well have gd manual dextcn -------or ancapacil»t.ed person. ty, comp wag~. Call for Lail Jan 4!6. l>c1~t· vmy .~~ 53IMlll5 appl. Mo n /t'ri H·4 .30 /ldr brfclL'.e wt rc:d UH. ~ 6'2-35114. SR. F.ngUleer vac llwrbor \r\, S2S r(' •••-•••••••••••••••••• in&. 834 Production Pl. ward for rtrn or contenlll Sdlook & H.rp WCllllled 7100 NB. 4lf4 ro.4or~24.SO __ .... ,Ktioft 7005 .. •••-•••••••••••••••• --------- lart Mule, Chesupeak •••••••••-•••••••••••• l~y llttnevcr. Coldf' hrn • I y r old, v11• o N e w p o r I I' 1 c· r . 21J-833 ·1m S11~ub~ rt· ward f>'uur\d young tnall' or;in~ •·al, vw Nl'wport ~nter, Jan :is. 644-0400; 759-0811 l'h)'llU> f"OUNO l''l·m C11l1c w 1wh1 flea l'Ollar Val:'. Murdy Park 847·5WI .. 'ound Puppy lnwer Irvin Tl'rr area f'leose t•al 644-tt029 ~-------P.no.ais •••••••••••••••••••••• HELAXJN<~ MASSAGE tt>b Jame!l·l.1r Masseur Outcall ~·!I, 49' !it II PllEGNANT? C»rinu . coohdenliMJ l'Ounl>elln.: rl'ferrul Alx1rt100. advp tmn & keepinK. AVCA.HE COUNTRY GIRL *ESCORTS* ~hrs t~7-M74 ---St* ........... 1815So. El Camano Real Sao Oement.e: l"uUy he For appt. 492-7Z86 -- ,MICHELLE'S •o..tcall• llAM·2AM 835 3749 UNDA & VICKI <Mc .. M•sege For n. ,_of It! Servtug all Orange Co. 83S-T31J •ESCORTS• '72-1 Ill The Causey Real Estate School Tue lidvaota.ir NOW f'lf one of the mo•t pr11ft>s11ooal. mo.I 11•·1111wie real .. state oduraUoll ('OUl'lkll yd <UIC!t'.I,,_ TeleeWCM 20XI Your ru~ 111 real Ullllle un he IAe inoat rrward.l.ng e odt>• ve>r )'OU've e~er punllt!d and our wuque vidl.'O educMt1on proiram can Ml you °'' on UM. nlda font l>e$IJtnrd by 11w11rd ·wlnn1n1 foculty; lh t< Cauaey 1'91 e!llale NIUBe I etA >'Oii !ram al your own I*" od fHllH YOW oam-talwli euy Day Uld C'¥1"DIDI ~ /lrl! n alJablfo w,. offer a 11111100 refund pro1re111. ol COU1'e Gel the eomplele dtUlla by phoruni , 497 -2459 REALEST ATE LICENSE SCHOOL OFF£RS a.st Ledwe,.,... ~C>UtiilTIN(i a.HI ASSEMBLERS Light rnech io ff 8 . exp. pref. but will train. 714 :894-~l : 30 lnstru menu. 15542 Che mical l.ane,H.8 An entry level po111llon is available 1n our SALES & CASll ACCOUNTING DBP/\IlTMt:NT for a ~----­ pcniOD ...,bo ~ 1Jm1tod Asal Bltkpr Sl2K expenence, bu! 1s am-P06t ClerklLl Type $800 bibous & willing to lear"!. Socy/BankfNoSH SOOO Oeflortely a growth J>Ol'il· Please Call For Appl tton. Dulles include trvinePrsoOllCIA,Rency a~1Ung of 111_les rcporta, 488 1-: 1;tb, Coslli M~a CMllb deposits. liOme . f1I· Swlel24 642·1470 mg le general clenral 1 _. _ _. work Excellent benefits ..... ~----~-­ & working cond1t1on& ---------• with a iirowrn& 1.-ompany. Apply 10 person TifEJOLLV ROCt;R INC 11042 G1llcu.e Avmuc lrvU\e, Ca 927 14 T14/546 0331 ACCOUMTI~ CUD ATTIHTION 180r0Yer Ho a,.r. Meus• tr you are new Lo Cost.a Mesa. te mporarily d11· eontlnlllllj( your educ a · uan. receoUy du;;chargc.-d from the aervace, or ror any reason sC<!king tern· porary or rareer employ ment, consider thhl uru queopportunit)'. Yoe1C.E .. S216PerWk lmmedlale ope nin g. Candidate m111l type OOwpm, handle phones. rue. " 1eoer:11J office ex· per1ence. Hours 8am· Spm, Mon t.hru Fri St.art· in~ salary S'100/mo. Call 557'90$1, '°'appointment tn~rv1ew w1lb Allee. UMaed on your produc· Equa l Opp'>rtu nll)' tlvit.y, commluion. plus £mployer. mcenuvea "extra profit ---------•1 ahanngbonus. AC~a. .. Proceu invoices. bandle miuJ. lite typing, aaalll w/accta d utie.. Irvine. 540-7638. E.O.E. 1be women and men we are looltin& for may be tired ol typln&. folding papen, warehouse Jobs llnd workinR for a Umlled lncomt. Work with )'OUlllC people_. Rapid ad· vancemenl posalb'4t. If you are 18 or over and would be available lb 1111••~,!:~ :.~.~ lmmedJately. acco11a~ •4M114 Proudly AluaoutM'et Our ·-•"""VE GJRL · 111· Move LO Laraer Offkea. "• • ""'"' • • Automotive SALIS AIU TIME FOi L.OCAI. rE:P IOYS AUTO SUPPi. Y STORE Immediate openings. Good salary and work1n1t cond1t1oni. Apply 1n person to: JSS2l Beach Blvd WtSTMINSTER A.tltOllDti•e LOTPERSON Expenem'ed person de sired few permanent poi;1- ooo <We will tn11n) Fr · inRe benefit.<;, Call Sales Mgr. for intl•rview. Bill YATES VW-PORSCHE .... • J • ~ l • , 837·4800 493-4 51 1 AUTOMOTIVE LOTPIRSOM f'\AU tune pos1llon ava1la· bll' for lotperson. Must kave a good dnv1ng re- cord and valid Ca laf. dnvef'll license Fringe benerits. Appl y an j)t!l'll()ll SAIL CHEV ROUT OOOSO, COAST HWY . LAGUNA BEACH Auto Pam delivery and rounle r Able to work monungs. 631.0111 . AUTOPAITS DEUVEttY -WELL GIOOMED FEMALE OVER II. GOOD DllVIHG llCOID. MUST LIVE IH COSTA MESA Alt l A . CALL 545·8408 FOR INTERVIEW APP'T. Auto route dnver needt.'<I, Wc:.tmans ter/H B area. Excellent P IT mrome Call Herald Examiner . 547~1 BabysJlt.er wanted 4'hyr old. My H 8. borne ap· 'Pre>X Jdys wk. Occas ovenute. Ref, req Older WOOUUJ req~ted. Qill s.J6.2328, Babys1tter·f0a tber with 2 children SC<!kJng iotter able Lo spend 10 rught.s per mo. 631·l•IB. 811bys1tler.EI Toro area. M1tture woman. starti ng Jan 2nd wtt. days 7 am to • 30. <.:are for infant . Rel. req. 761Vi4" "T:il. MIWACCTS Permanent. TYPl"I re· qd, exp pm. but Will COO· sider tr&lnet! w /related exp. C-a ll fnr Appl. MUTUAL SAVINGS & l,OAN. San Clemente. C7H> 493·~1. Hk for Joun Marselle . Equal ()ppty Employer. Beauty STYLI S T -New t'X · riualve 1m 111lon ln Npt w1v1ew nda I atyllsl w H l len trl e . ftt'nl ne«oth1ble. M6·auG ns for appt bMr'Yiew. Jii&ASSAGI FIGUll MOOILS ISCORTS OUTCAU. OM.Y o.,a .... n .hr Vl1ll U1 At Our New telli&eat. eopbilUcated ~ Pt wlUl aooa tel•pbon" COU>WltLL BANKER volce I eacHlng ----------BUILDING ~ty to won In Br.Al/TY • 631·2140 GOLD8tGllL •SIOUIN• Modcla Ii f>irorta M•le·Female a. hrt Mt'vlna O c .... --~&bouL-~'" rat.l!M 752-1701 Seek: Bi/Oa)' MaJt Under 2l ~hip. Uve·ln! ~reel only 960 WT 8UITE200 frfd otfk-ept~ef~~I l.C. PIMMIY -NuRO•fYINAY •Y. rece #' 24FASKJON J8LANI) -"" n bolte11 . .Jr'ull or part Nli'lUPORT uL~...ru SANTA A.HA Urne. S8lhe Ille office o:.n us:~" We have an iacreutng altilb " Jood edut•tlon Hall immediate opeftlnf18 d e m and t hrou1hout + exctptlooaJ/{::,mlnfl for expeneoced ltAIR _,......,, ooo 7' !>"TVUST F.1tce1Jent <'Om Ora'8t County foc-ex· aR .~,.-·~· 1, per ._ _ _, I perienced 1tcoounUn1 .._ month to at-art. 7leaae pany _.....tta. App Y In booll.Meplna ~nonnel. M!Dd hand writteti re· ~ IO.m-4pm. 0 Calklr visit ua tnday-we l!lunle to C1a111fled Ad Equa.I rt EmplOYt'T ~-W.ard t.o ..--...o.uy guot..l'.O... IJ'Mllnl you In our NW Box 1500. Colla N eu. Lookin• for a bome of ~aUon. DSM. your own• You'll find C11~0J ~ tcfte Items with a nwny bomel adv.-11tled n&Jl! PAafUNO CWly PUot O...ifted Ad for ule II\, Cl111lfled tole78 e\'fr7d•>'· F:mployment I THE EMPLOYMIHT & ftAtHIHG ADMaNtSTRA TION OF HUNTIMGTOH RACH A--.cft o,..M..,. For TIM f.olow'-J T........, rroc,-- / ClericalT~ u .torerHow M II t I I st.op T edludogy $2.90 , ... How Lmdlcape Mai.ti•-=• TraWlMJ $].]0 , ... How Tt .. H ono CET A h•ded posltioH nqukillllJ 15 WHks prior .... ta,..1.t. HwllHgtOR hod rflideftcy. Apple~ wll be occept.4 .t HM Ett•la.,..... & Troi11h19 Cewter, 5 ll Mel• Str ut. Hwllwgtwtleodl. BlUJNG CJ,K. trainee . PttJme. lite typmg, f1I 1ng. for appt. l"ull 64().~ Bluehne operator Exp Nee . C M Ulut!pr1nl 548·56'71 Hoolckeeper: full ch11rKc needt.'d for wt•ll established sales farm 111 Irvine . Mu:.l hanrllf' books t.hrout<h flnanr111I stuteroeot.s. Al R. payroll <-1..ERICAL Comhll PenollMI AcJ-cy lfas lots or )Obs <ivailabll' with m31ly hne. s uper <--ompiin1e:. and thcy'n.• all f'HEE' 540.6055 Coaltal PtrSOMet •11KY 2790 HartNw, CM ALL JOBS FREE & quarte rly re ports 1---------• Mimi rompult>r exp d<' Clen<'al sired Mt·Kmky Equi p IHVENTOIY ml'nt Corp , 17n l I Arms trong . Ir v 111•· COUMTYS 97'J-~ MHDB> 1'hun., Feb 1st ROOK PASTE UP GAM Lo 10112 NOON Part lime p erson on S290Pl•r llour ~c~es~a~~ :;P~~P4'1~1 557·0061 perllOn Pt'flnysavt_·r I €0~ 0 f fl Ce • ..!!!rentia.C_M OfJ o ve rload BUSINESS COU l'Lt;. ~ s I' o m pet t' n l l'A:iual ()ppl)r Employf'r homecare and m:tnai.it- ment. full liml', hvt•-out Perm ant•nl , rewardrn CLERK p 0 s I l I 0 II r 0 r w l' I I Order Proc~11ina qualified worrutn, Plea:. A'-·' ties mw.t indudl' ti1 wntt' /\d No, 380. Dail uul h . Pilot. PO Box l560. COl>lu lnJt . t YP!nR. ta v Y Mella CA 9'l627 All in phont"i !>.1t:irv rum quan~ will be answcrt'd m <' 11 i. u r 3 11: w 1 ~· x -pr en<'t' t::lll Gull c.feotwria Food · 73 or 540 \11'-'_•7 __ s.r.ke AttettdNI f o r prepuratlon & S l'rv1cc N o t'XP necessary. Mon thru Fri day shift Full bcnef1tt1 Call for ~.~59-6~ Canvu Person · Boat rov ers. c xpe r S&1la by Schock. 675·1823. tLERKS UTOTEM ()pcntnai. now nvu1lablt' for full or purtll1m<• l'lt>rks on :!nd &. 3rd Car Rental Trainee. f'ull i hifls No l'Xperlt>nre or p/timC' <'•r rentals + neccKlillry, wr tr:11 n somt! of c wor~. Ca 11 Start SJ per hr Ass1atant 500-1711 M.anai<e rs to S3 f.cl P" r hr C'.c114 ,...TIO... Manage" to SS,50 per hr. "-""' Advanl'e mrnt op Cierb. t' l l.Unt' ~ w°'lr. ~enda No ex per nt-<' !>top 'N Go. 7 1 ~ No l.od r11. A n aheim Tl• !J210 Cod&WIWeitrft~ School Sft our Ml an lOday ' paper und e r CU M P UTER OP ER,ATOk U.S DIVERS Earn up to $300 per ~Ir Debvery-Unirornu Low lUllJon Plarement Mature male pref 11000 at>515l 7~ HHIM mo. & up $47 -4418 Ca 11"1 ¢ft' Operator Dl'fttal IWCt-ptwru~t t'"< LA:3<1Jni.: Orangt' County Pl'f\ented in Cost.a M~J 6t-rv11•e Ru reau h as 56'7·9681 operuns: for I 2 yrs e•p ---npera 1 or w /wo rk1n~ ~I.Stant, RV/\. 4 knowlt'dge or DOS/VS or day work week. llH 5 a; POWF.R VS, J CL & Newport Blvd, C M. Dr J t:C L I 8 M 37 0 . 14 8 ~Pede __ raen __ . ~ __ 751'.iO __ _ w1commun1catJon.s. Xlnt r.a r ll111c::. & rrin Ke berwf1L., Tues lhru Sat . L~ & Jrd shifts. Call for U>Lervlew appt. EOE Jn~rated pa ta Corp 2283.t'a1rv1t!W Rd. CM S46-fill80 COMPUTER OPERATOR DENTAL Front 0H1 ce P /11 m 1· tra~. t luldren·s pra1· tJce Non-smoker. :><>mo· cxpr. or schooling pref but'libt essential If con dfUom s ausractory will go Lo hill lJ me. 644~0611 Dental rel'f'pt1onisl for peno oHtrc We nc~d you oow. Fashion Island Salary <·ommen:.ural1• with c.1pcne nce. Call lilt and 2nd Slurt J>OS•· 644--0683 lio ns a va1lablf' 1m· --------- mediately, Experience D E N T A L A S S T · on System J.110 . and PmodontJ:.l nds F /T a!'. Spooling Exce llent com st_ t:xpandt-<I dulJes opp pany benefits . Salary ly. X ray cert reqd Exp commensurate with ex· pref'd, Sal open Reply to penence. Apply 11J71. •,i, Dally Pilot.Po Hox 1.560, C05ta Me:.a. (;A 92626 U.S. DIVERS 3323W Warner Sanw Ana. CA 92702 I 71<0 54CHt0 JIJ cBet~een Harbor and Fa1rv1c:w1 EQuaJ ()pportun1ly F.mployer M It" •COOK• l::xper for conv. hosp Good benefits & wor'lung cond Apply l-1a1a.h1p Conv Cenl e r . 466 flal(lltup Rd .. N B __ COOl<S Dental A'lst-Ortho, f"/T , no exp nee Ca II 9ti8-1461 tx,1wn8&~, DENTAL AS~"J' Q1au'61dc X Hay Ill' 546.3(W Dtal A R1dt· Dri•en ()peratt.> mndern eq u111 • ml'nt & door to dour transp. Calif. dnvers 111· req'd No pnor cxp•·r ~>c Good dnving rrr a must No Sunduy work Orange COalit Vf'llow Cab. 17300 Mt li er rmaM. F Vly DISPATCHER Expanding restaurant rbam with over :,() umts 1-·amity-0wned organiu Construrlloo equlpm1•n1 tion otrc r 1> pleasa.nt eitperic nc·e require<! wor1<1 ni.: conditions Need sharp 1nd1 v1dual GoocJ ol)portunit1es ror ~Good bcnl'f1L1L Cull advancemeol Exrellent Cran•' Rt!ntal Scrvl!·c. <-'Onmpany bt>neltls fo;x lnc,.:, ~OJ ____ _ penenced d~1red Apply Dnver lllp..·n.oc:1. Part t rmt• school bu~ dnver & subb11tule. S4.'17 .. ~ ... apget'. per hr ~hool bw. dnv1~r ~ N Llt'MSe. or w1ll lram Aµ ply 111 C1t p 1t.t ra n o W H Laguna ROI\ 31522 t-:1 l l ll ·Coat wy Carruno Heal. San J uan Nt>wpon Beach ca po . n r M 1u 1 o n . 714/496-3l18 COOK Exp breurast Apply m person. Culot1 Fnmlly lleltaurant 34224 Co11s1 Hwy. Dao• Pt DIJYllS CLIRK p()r\unalles to lb~ who Full time po11Uon for <1uailly •·or inlormallon COOK c1rculatJon clerk. Must iit> to our nearest markt't Newt pa per deh ver . Permanent part tam~ Joh deJJvenng early mominH LA Times lo homes an lrvine/NB aru Mu11t Ix• rebab&«> It hl1ve dl'pend11 bit> tra_n11port1t111n Nu collenlng Salary SJ5u mo.546-023S~--~ type 45wpm & uae 10 ke>y ot' contact th" Personnel E.Kpr·d lln1• ('()Ok Busy addln& machine. Somt' 0tr1ce at downtotm Laauna Beach clerical expenence 11 de· l?A22 Lampson Street "-stauranl Cu 11 Lynn or · bl 11 Uit.rdcn Grove. ~ -41MO 1 lamet al 4~·117~ sir• e as we •s a ----ORIVERS-t>ros~ roun pleaunl phone voice as F,quaJ Oppor Employrr COOK try, no llPt'<' hr req light phone work 111 also --------Snack O.r. Country lltacGl't'gor Yachµ, 1631 rtiqulred. Good ('()mpany --------• Oub Mul\t be u people PlacentJa beMtit.1. U>cludlnf( 2 wk• Q.IRJ( TYPIST person. •·or mtcrvlew -------- vataOoa aft"r t yr .. com S6'7S /m onth C ETA ca118*~ DRJVERHELPER.1hoµ pany p aid •roup In Funded poslllon< requir-.Olmo. for im m(r 1·0 aW'ance. credit uni.on. •f\8Hunt1J1iton Beach re· Counterwomao to writt> lot'an•'lnvty 7~ 11.137. etc. "*den<'Y and to wrt"krs un "ont r iHt 11 In r e nt a I ; r _ _ Appl.y at· e_mplo,.ment and must ~. Must be avail•· Driver. errands , c tc. or ottANGI COAST ' 11 . ble weekend.I. Apply ltJO worklnl couple Mu:;t 0 •11yp"'OT lf!M! Owpm, •PP <'& Ne DI CM Uve in Or Co It bAvc -"" t1on11 •ccepled untll Wl>Of'l • perfect driving rec."Ord 330W.Bay$l,.CM f'cbr~nry lllh, nt The eoup&ewnntedtomana1c Apj)I)' llra . Gre en Apply betwttn lJmplo)'ment &TralninJ( s ml bu11n css. P I T . Y.O.Bo• C, Downey , tA.M 4PM Cenltr. ~ Maln Street. 642 L634 Callf !m41 C.116'%·4'21 F.x\ 219 llunti~on Bot'h. .,.:...;...-· .;.._,.__ __ _ rorappoinlment CREDIT HECKY,P.,1\1. °'1v•. Corni>\p•~'Qn ,d,, ·e O II! ID'CUIVP thrtR 4c loin 'co llv«f driv~• clean up When you call Ctnnft tswedtttli "':aft outl(<>in(l mom. Mual kttp •~op l.41Maomdhln• valu•ble" t.oplace an •d. you'nt •s 1><•r s t o be-• c r edit rlHn A drive dc'Uvtry Pl«e an ad In our Lolt aured or a f riendly dleck~ ror ad van Mldt belJe~d•ble •nd Found columns welcome and help In vance (In Sal rom tih11v«-1IOOCldrivlngrr n.t•• ~re peoplt look wordiftl your ad for~ tnrn1ur t• w1txp Cull cord SJ 50 hr to 11tart .,_, Uwy've fawtd an !!!Ponu. C all Now Mr 5mtth for Appt Call Moa-rr1. 10·3 . ie.n ol value -:il'll ~:u:a E 0 E ~ -·-~ ......... -L k..__ - l .... ' ' . . . ~~.~;.~ ...... ?!.~. !~~~ ..... ?!.~!l.~'r.~.~ ..... !!.0.10. ~~~~ ..... ?.•.o.o ........ w..-. 1100 '...--.. ··••·········•·••··· W... W..t.4 7 I 01 Monc»w. Januarv 29 97'9 o 1 ..... .-....... ~-~T••••••••••••••••••• • · ALYPILu f W."11' RHl E&talt" S lllt'I ~~~ 11oojttet, W..tH 7100 HetpW..ttd 71 4'0 Dri.-~ "° deliver , l.lquor (luk J n l\C!S. • • • pfllgnboq fl.d\U'CI Mu1t 1-.mpluymi-nl S3 ~ ht C all ror In M. w. C-'dt l'\IU/pt Ur.tu.~ we /UftlJt •••••••••• •••••••• ............... •••••••••••••• ...................... . be 21 or avtt, Sl\lpplnJr. c lt'l"Yltw W1odJ1mmer ~~~xp. tleJpful VETERANS OT3 1W J!=~~~h Elm whall' you learn ~~ ,.~arm " ranch broiler ' la I ·~<'rtlary ror Ncwpert ... A ..... ,,...... UV .. ; IN tw-lp Mullt ho\l' VOUW"\•lhewinnrror A• ..... ._. ref a Tukt t are of 20 Two Pre.Tkkeh r ' , • <.:entt!r luwycr. rt-.d" QllJ or •WC 6'7~ 2201. If ou hlu ndt n~ sklJls & no&M callaaatn __ THE a.LOYMINT & taAINIMG lt'ommti ub1Lity, but not --pnor lt'1¢1tl ~JC pcr Mr .,. ~ ~TIOM Of Myv~.~10 .... ,/T From Nrwp ort t u Weatwood H.,l tt t l 1'~ i lOC\", r h lllt( ~ Good dnvtn r• rorct •mar~ Mu1tt bf. 2J Houn .... A 30 l (A! I N&nc'y.M4~ ''A t'lp-4 ....... :S::.~!s~;~U".118"3 lTtJ;OA~~Ull Uftiit ,.~ c-ty -L~IODIOUACH .,,._.. -I.QT MAN to ma Int & 11.M Pw He. ..crv1r.. u r• rur n •nt11l w. .... ,.,~w.-<'.tr c-o .\l•o pickup / al the Lon~ Ot'ath 14.M ,_....,. \l~h\ ry o f utmr• Arena,300 £ Ocean ---.. .-£... .... ____._.__ • 1711 Blvd . Lon11 Be:iCh To -WK• .. _ claJm your lkkcl.11, cull • • U .M Pw....,. M 1 r h1 n 111 t • m 1 I Ii n a 642o-~. "t 272 Th e Ca usey ~TOMllACH . ~··°'O ,_. ftef .. wk; --1 I ........ , ICa d 1 SICIETARY ComlruelJOn/ t:n1untf'r an1: onc•nu'(f 1u•rrclary rx'eded tor 1 m med p01t1 lion wi th Newport Be.ch dt!vel()f)Cr. Salury com meni.urale with f'Jt pcnenc,.. Alik for Lyn11 752·1004. > 1',._';J :i ~J. ,!.!::-m.arhln •, 1uttr1rt Top • • • 11.o....1.-....£:::_ ~>'· p!lkl o~cMJ. SO hr -----.----.,. NUllSJo~ l l't,OM f'w ,_ ACRO TRAC.:1': C:ORJ•. IM DlllCTOI ~:::::-17MitH~lwrdSt. ll.O lmmrH·ulatt• 4l twd con· ~ T~...--8'7""7411 vulcs<"ent llofipllal. lOO'k 11.H f'w "-M•~u•..asy prlvule. l'lca11c coll ........, ,,,._. ""~ 1,,-1wl'C'll 10·4pm. <.:oun. l4.M ,w .._ 4 Der 40 Ht W... try Club Conv llosp , Alllit ._._. 1DLH {' M. 549·U _1 ----- M .lt f'w...... IMDU5TlllS IMC. ~UJ">('S AJdes. 7 J. 3·11 ............. ...._ ZlOl DoveStrfft,NB TrJlnl'l" •H'l"fplliblt·. NtVBS ReafEstale School 'l'llU lldvaal.llice NOW ol nM or lht' moat proreulOll•f. mo11 M'nslblt' 1'¥¥1 Htllt' Mllt'1tll0fl OWl'W!I yet CIOller1 ved; Ttlfl.•OWH am StlOPwM..-.. r•w"'lw•• StozPwM..- Ollf .... INI•• s 767 ,.... Mo.Ill =• wll .. ecc pied _.. 3 P'M. F Zad. et Th It flo1www.t & Tr•l•I .. t:Hter, 5JI Mela Straet, llwf' .g!_...._ SE:CRF.TAllV /Gal f-rt for m•wspupcr i<'/l1m1• Small com p any 111 Ao1i1 lwim. Typi• tru+. i<'root ore.cc 3ppear•ttc:t' 1 ·aoA M lo 4 :30 PM 714/9!J&.2680 SECRETARY ~or 'lromwo 2\ yn1 nr 11l1lcr Know th Hi.ot 1'111 N«i SutU ...... "'t'lt. Of more Or.au.it" l c1,01 Y4-Uow C..b. 17300 Ml llerrmaun. •~uunt 11 1n Velley t No t\I Slah•r belwn N~whope It Ew-lldl 11.Nf'w e..w S2 <tu $3 o:, JH'r h r .... ..., ~ CHIMI T CerliltLt.I $J 25 S4 00 per lt.IJ ,w "-r&-. MA 5 hr. Mesa Verde Con· .t.c~a.r. MIU.HANO valescent llosp. 661 U .. CM .. l •.U Pw"-l''or proc,o.,typc mar hanc CeoterSl.C.M. ....,. s.r... ......., hllov Ill I.be lnstrurocot U .. M '"' .._. dwwion ol Lhtl 011 tool an NIJJ'lleS Ndes, 3-ll: 11·7. s...t......,~.._ . oustry Working rrom C".ood wages, low patient S4M ,H .._. bl°"'prants, sketc·hes & load. lmmac 41 bed conv ,.,._.._ w.-\L'f'bal dcsag.o.s, dlrectly hosp. 20362 Santa Ana YOW" t'I r'ffr In r HI -..te ran bf I.he mo.t r-rdlnic l"ndeavor you've evt'r jilln!M!d Wld our uruque video eclwc1llon pro11nm CM lift )'OU olt 00 l.be nib& 100( De •11ned by a ward wlnn1n e lacvlty, Lhe Cau8t'Y niel t9late co.&ne IN )Oii 6m 1t your own l*lt a.od makf'S )'OW' ~t'U)'. to the p~ldenl. lnvetit· menl bankmg fi rm. NH ' area Knowledge of wont RenU.I 1ceoter has open· procei.i;,rng preferrl!d 1 n g ~ f o r 2 m e n . Sdn-•--' R..W-. Salary open Send rl' Mttbanical koowled<>e ...,... ·---.., St •h d Calbl·' " fuU 11me & piirt time !>WOO au;;WJ e u hclp(ul. Neat handwnt· p o B 2731i fo:Xp. helpful. cxcellt!nt t'<i, · • o x U\8Dtt'8Ual'Y Weekdays H .B. locatann. Good Newport Beach , CA off. Wiii tra 10. 1930 llalarv. For appt. call 92663Ph675-8030 Newport 81. CM , ~ S21-3541. SECRETARY-Good typ. S4 ... ~ .._. with eng11'M!enng, to as Ave. ~3061 -~ P.-...r Ill.lit tn nt!W product de· ILL SA.LES ing slol~. shorthand di·· We have a p os1t1on SALESGlRL t'xf . Jr s irable, t·o mpan } available for a SPorlSwear ful /part ben~r1ts. Salar)• com &ICASSIMla B D1ventf11!d worlt I i.Jd m clt:<.UOru<'ll Ir optic.a Ad v1m<'ed Kanrtlu . 1231 Vldona. c M. 646 11M E 0 t; U .H .. IS.50 ~ .._ \'l'lopm~nt for world OFF1CE PERSON FOR r.et ....ei.n wide weU bore oav1i.:a· ~ . .:if~ 1;a1esC ~r: SUJ .. lt.I J ~-. t100 CQwpment. Lathe g;&nualioo <Office in So. AW'/~ I o· ,_,.. & ,,..,..... ., I l•,..ka .t ~~eannceteyholelpproru!_f.".r Laguna home) needs tlmls+ ...._ U I ..... Stn.f, I ......... 1Mck """'"' ~,.. .r.. .. -pe C bon c .. -C71 41 U'-212• er 6JMH4. y .. _.. Salary open. excellent .,....,., rsoo or P c. lwt.t DO-l 14. benefits package . E.0 .E masc. omce work. Ap· SclenllC1c Drillul& Cun prox. 20·30 hrs /week. trol, CorPorate Head Steady employment. Dey •nd evtnl111 COllr1ift art' • v atlable. We orrer a tu1 lion rt'fund proaram. of courw. 58.lespenon that enjoys llme mens urale wit h "" being an Uus crazy bust· Sec:o.d (it-.c~ per1enn! Pleas e ca II ness; com"'.': ~plit to 2.122 W.OceanfroolN.B. Hox.atu>e752-7&91 fl0%. Ca1J Smilin Melvyn 675-3361 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-. at~ El.LEN CAnn:tts t...dy'a Habcrda be1 Nuw Interviewing full lJme sa~women. Apply m penon. 131 fashiun Island MaU N.a G-R-E-A· T 1kltlp1ta1s SALES JOI HOW Mwws Aldet OrEN Above average wages & .. HriRgTKh 0000 l'AY. GOOD hullh benefits . Apply =i.. hao•re.~ldiddw,o..r,kti11n1l2 HOURS. GOOD CON Newport Conv. Cent~r. " • DITIONS. M> "1Y 1S55 Superio r A ve. proct'dure. Inv design f'RING E u L',N .. "FIT."'. Newport Beach. lay-out, o( etectr-mech or c. ,,, assemb & prep or eng. •"AST GROWING COM---------- prod deUul & assembly PANY PROMOTES HOSPITAL drawings. Call ror.appt FROM WJTIUN. TRAIN RESPIRA. JORY Mon/Frl 8-4:30 642-8584. Jo' 0 H T 0 P SR Eng1oeerlnK, 834 MAN AG EM £ N 'f Prod llon Pl NS S T A R T S .. I M • s __ uc ___ • --· __ , M E D I AT E LY .. JHERAPI J "'ACTORY HELP-Shop K Jo: Y 8 0 A R D trainee 1mmed opemng E X P E R I E N C E for nght female in ship. lfELPFUL. WE HAVE pang dept . Xlnt co . OUR OWN TRAINING benefits & monthly re PROGRAM PUT ON HY views. Call for appt. THE COUNTRY 'S TOP Deltroru<' Corp 545-0403 0 R G A N S A L E S Immediate OpenincJ Excellent Benefits -. -PEOPLE. CALL AT f'OOD PREP. US or col-0 N C E F O R lege students, 1 PM lo INTERVIEW. ORGAN 7pm, Mon thru Thurs. S3 EXCHANGE, S Tl\N ~-Ca-1197!Hl747. ___ ,_NUNN __ 1_1t_/_58&-_1J02_. __ , ...... SWft: I 2 Mfd- Part·tarrw. good typing GU"RDS ..1..w to t ·JO -. 2 Skills Small properly A --r• • management. oCCice. '1·13 FUii & p /llme. All art-as. Yeor gra-:•11~r.­ hours per day. Leisure Uniforms furnishe d . fwrecl Wll ht Lif4&yleCorp.545-7118 ~es 21 or over. Retired AYG'1 -.d •erbal °"' welcome. No experience de S I General Worker S2.90 pt:r nee. Apply Universal rs. a ary COM• Mw-6am lo 2pm. Mon · Protection Service, 1226 ,....Mrot• wfth ••- Joh. 75&-256.Jor 531-8034 w. 5lh Street. Sant.a Ana. ,-rie11ce ond 1dc• General office with an E.~e~ ~ 9-12 & edsaHoa. ernphaaJs on book.keep· --------- ang & secretanal skills. ---------1 Ability lO handle heavy GUARDS phone &r petbltc conLact essential. Forward re· :.ume & salary history to David JhU. 2414 VtSta Del Ora . N.B. 92660, 644-1784 General Maintenance· Tr u ck d r iv e r · Handyman. CosLa Mesa. !;48.~J. SECU~ITY Due to our rect!llt ex· pansioo program, Wells Fargo Guard Services Is hinn£ Security Guards for: Apply Personnel Ofrlce SANTA ANA· TUSTIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 1001 MT•tlllAn S..t.AM 17141 llS..3555 F.quaJ Opporturuty Employer M / t' quarters. New po-rt -Pt:looe 71'/661·1253, Moo· Beach. call (714) ss7-9051 _Fri_··------- ask tor Mr Moll or Mr OFFI CE HELPER· Adams. ThW"S. ·Sun. Mesa Verde Cet tbe eomplele dtUWa by pbocil,ac ••• 497 -2459 .. ... Conv. Hospital, 661 ---------CeoterSl. C.M. 548·S585 Sales HICKORY FARMS DU!ro\lfl' the wonderful world or chees e & Restaurant gourmet roods while TACO BELL eammg extra money. Prr sales. Taking appl. al Hic kor y Farms. Job QPPOrtwUties avalla· Westclilf Plaza, 642·0972, Office Manager.Sales REAL ESTATE ble. Apply m person. Fa&!uoo Island 64G-6030. *SECRETARIES* Dad You Know W c H1'veThe &!tt A.ppUcants & Co ·s ln lrvinc & N.B. Employers Pay All F'ecl> l.1:i. Reinders A~ency 40a> 81l'chSt, Ste 104 Newport &ach, 83J.8l91J Call For Appt/Etitab '64 MAIDS Experienced, rutl ltme- lllso part time. 6'2·3030. -Good 1$551 Brookhurst St. . opporturuty ror ad * SAUS • Westminster. Must be 18. Sales-Housewives oeed '"iiiiiiiliiiiiii'r.iiiiiiillii~iiii._ MAIDS wmcement. Will tram/no Successful broke rage EX>E · extra money? No door to 1• • - experience necessary . fi r m has imme d iate · door. Not telephone SECURITY Good pay, Harbor Inn Must be 25 yrs old or openings for commercial ALPHY'S solJCJtalJon. Let us show ROllMSONS Motel. 1800 W Balboa older & be avail. on and i n du s t r I a I ltEST you how to be Care F ee Bl d N 8 67c .,,..,., Sa rd Au.ANT r Mew-rt •-acL. v , . . ....-~. tu ays. 557-0824 or salespersons with lhe m.J866 ~ r---_. • .__. .... ...._..u.-E 774-6090. 1525 Mesa followingquaUficatloos: Has position open for ---------Will anterview applicant:. ...,...., • llil"UU"I"' Verde 1206, Costa Mesa. Calif. R. E . l.Jcense HOSTES.5ES HOSTS f"REESALES St:MJNAR for Seeutity Agent, fu ll Experienced. Clean -CollegeDegree , WAJTRESSES Excellent opportunity umeposit1onsava1lablo·. fac11Jlles an & out. Ex-Minimum 2 yrs. s uc· WAITERS (or energetic md1111duul. expenenc.-e required. E x ceUenlbeoefats.Appl.y tn ORDEllDE:SK ce:W'ulrealest.ate sales ~DISHWASHERS Receive professional ce llent co mpan y person, Irv. window mfr. Ex· ( c 'I 1 Pa.ad weekly, ~ompany sales trairunu at uur J benefits Apply f•erso11· THEANTlquEGUILD per'dwoman preC'd for ~tri;.i 1. o mm / n -beoerrts.Applrm person day se m 1n;r. Thosl' nel. Mon lhru Fra. II:! 1101 E.DywRd. respon, hi·press d esk . we orfer a s tron g 9amto4P!Ddaily. quahl1edw1llre<:eavefull Fasbionlsland s..ta Alla xtra sharp math apt, hvr positive environment for Alpbys s Restaurant ume .)Ob. income an ac· Equal Opport Employt>r ph's, customer ser , bil s ucces s ful personal l617sHar~al Edinger cess of' $20,000. 831·0902, Ma.intmance man ror $5 mg/invoicing. 4 dy work JUOWlh 111 comm'I & in· Fountam Valley C1as..'11c Graptucs urul<Apt t.'Omplexin C.M. wk. co be net. Rers . d~triaJreaJest~tesales, AnEqual SECY,/TIME <213)865-3851 546-9890. leas.in~ and investments Opportunjty Employer. Newport Ctr. real esu., ---------1 •--------•I · Or and g o· ~~ SALES o f c . Good p h u n « M M Ill aoge ' an 1ego CARnuWS .__. ... .,ETHIS YOUR personality, tvping &SH. amtenance an-Exp OrtboAsst·fullUme,chair Country. For further m-RtmAURANT -l-tours 2:30·S:JO Mon in spray booth pumps side.CheerfuloHice Toft formataoncontad: SAN CLEMENTE. has I .A.ST JOB.I lhru t-'r1. mill mac hinery & f 'b C 1 Ms . Appl eman, 18552 PQlllt.ions openforCooks I.A general maanleoance f!l1~1nbetgwtnpe8rao&5".· a MacArtbur8lvd,Ste210, &Ulililv personnel.Xlnt WESLEYTAYLORCO App I y at 3 l 2 J W . ""'"" ..., 1rvine Califorrua, 9271.5. beoefJti paid vacation. Beat the high coet or llv· 1_Real __ 1.ors __ , ___ 644_-4_9_1_0 MacArthur. S.A. PART JIM[ Pb714/975-0888 Appl,y IJlR. Call on lndustnal, ~a 1 1....,.0ME 620 do commercial aod lnllt1tu. ~ '""' MANAGEME:NT Aveni Pico Uonal accounts with a PROPBTY Wanted·3 families desir· EVENINGS Real Estate Sao Clemente high qu.ality lme of tight· with over S67 million Ill ing an extra $1000+/mo. ---------n-t t y ina ---lucts. Expenence sales last year in our of Must be ambitious. Adults with out.standing, IHSTAMTtHCOME nc:> .auran g pers to ;;;~"""· We tralll f1 ce, our sales s taff Complete training pro-attractive personalities mind parking meters -J vided. Inte rview re· who enjoy working with Long eatabllabed real during luncb hrs. Sal & )'OU, Develop 11 good re al.r\vercl~ ~ ... ~~oowe1_liilh('ha q111......, • .,~c """"I kids. Over 21. St.art at estate olfice needs sales lips. 673-6363 ask for peal business at e high ........ ., .... •'1U .....,.,..... associates. Extensive ,... __ ,~or"'--rate ol commission plus ve.-v attractive com-$3.50 ,..., hour. Phon" ........-IQ..: OMU~. •J M I rl t d d r .. -" rental busine11 brin"S boouses, hospilaliulloo mission split. A sup _an cu s nee e or 642·4321 Ext. 250. " o-'A•rn•"""'HELP ..... --' C.M hair salon M t do fut earnings, as well as ~•. unni... plan. retirement and portave ""' unstruclur ... " acrilics.642-JOM us BETWEEN 4 :00-5 :00 coostanl, m ·deptb ex· Breatfast&luncbbuffet ~ benel1ts. Wnte Lo: proferwonal eammg en PM. poaure to pot en tial style. O.C. Airport area. MR EOrr vmirunent 1n ne.arly 6000 Marketing firm bas once Allr fOf' ~jo buyers and sellers. FUii· Part & full time needed. 3700 W...... ... d. sq. n or prestigious of - in a Wet.irne chance al F.qua10pportunaty limeoo.ly, but rental ac· Cook dishwas h e r. s.Ht.885 fices near Orange Coun big earnings, for cpls or Elnployer t~v I t o ~l i on a I . count.er help. Call Ron or a _ It ty AU'port. rr you are a I I I ____ ..._.;......;;..____ b ~ 2 ' wa Al9')r S. U--"" I -' s Di es to supp ement PASI'&UP ARTIST. P/T, 1c area. VllllP" ·Spm, aor appl. CA 900I O .._~ sa esperson an .. Inc, or as main inc Fri/Sat. Exper'd. Apply Repbescoolldent.lal. 9554564 have been s uccessful a l w/llme \o enjoy life. 4 P en nysaver, 1660 BurrWbite ReaJtor,lnc. lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii r..,Oppart.ity house sales. you can Poe open. No 1~xp nee. .,.. . C M 2901 Newport Blvd. NB Bauurant Lq;f1yer M/F learn income property will train. Call belwn .-.. ceoua, · · 675-4630 SMJes wtule you con1.1n1w GENERAL OFFICE Wholesale Lumber Co &IUng exp. 70 wpm. II) key, good with figures. .Mature. de~ndable & well groomoo. Xlnl com· pany liencf1ts. Call for an· ler vie w . week e nds 67~5923 1m./Ne..,.... IHclt -......; .......... Mlartow/.__ rortc Co.ta MeM & The Wlillttlwt-AtH 6-8pm for Inter view. p•~rE up BOB'S to do bowie sales (we do HOTEL Accepting appl In 67J.5000. IN 'V HOME Of THE SALESPStSOM FOR both). To arrange an m all dept.s. Front Desk, q NEW HEALTH 1-'0 0 D terv1ew please wrllt! 'AYTHOSE CHRISTMAS llLLS WORK Wll F.N YOU WANT Operung.s an wal'ehous e, fo~'tory & om ce. Ca II VICTOR T~ _., Senic•1 4341 B1rchSt.Stc213 Newport Flea<'h IMMEDIATE O'EMIMGS 'for np•r•hory l•••I s.c-ity Offic.rs who wmt TOP rAY. with a rwpNted co.,..,. EARN $3.00 TO $3.15 NRHOUR NOMOTIOM CAHrAY TO $4.25 ra HOUR Hslcp'g, Kitchen, eorree McwtletltnHrell j ~SEMBLER Real Estate HIOY SI".JREOPENlNG FEB. Donald c . Berman., Shop, D ining Room , Prr. $4.25 hr. To join with at least 1 year ex-8rolctta Ir Salesmen. We lmmed. openings in our 3rd. 1Dq1.Dre a t V1lam1n President, Quail Plan· Cocktail Lounge, Ban· growing opt.ics co in Irv. . ramily restaurant at Quota. 7644 Edinger. Ed· Properties , 1400 Quail quet. Apply at the rront Industrial l'a rk . Call pertence, prefera1 bly haResi~ .. ~Uopenlog in our nearby locations. We re· iogerPlaua.848·5066 St., Newport Beach. Ca desk. San Clemente Inn, Dan Bukuty ~ news paper. Exce lent """" al Div. ror an qt&re no previous exper. SaJes 92660, Give work un(.f 12.S w. Averuda ~plan· companybe . benefiM 1t.s. Apply experienced man or Join OW' friendly team. . earrunghlstory. dJan,SaoClemente. Medical asst., backorfice tweeo 9A & 6PM. Woman posaeaslog e n· come see us today Salesperson. fall t1me,•---------ror Pediutnst. Some typ. Mondaythru Friday. lhLL'5iasm and integrity. between2"4J>m. must be able to work Service Statioo Atten- Hotel·Motel ing&ins.P/T.546-8240 ORAMGECOAST lC )'OUareinterestedin a CookT,...._ weekends . Apply in dant, exper'd. Day & MIGHT AUDITOR Medical DAILY '9LOT beautiful office lo the C•llftn person. The Persimmon Eves. Full & p/ume A11 11 pm to 7 a m , 1·x . 642 5682 finest location, working Tree. 229 Manne Ave, ply. Shell Station, 17th & penenced NCR 4200 Im· 1':Xpenenced back oWce 330 W .Ba St with con gen I a I a s . 23952Avenidade la B.L or712 E Balboa Blvd lrvtnt.', NB. medJate openln~. t'ull assistant with !Jmited X· eost.8 M:Sa . soclates, we are Interest· Carlotta, Laguna Hills lnrPavtllion>. •---------time. ray permit ror busy or· Equal= 1 ed in meeting you. 10. CookTraiuu ---------Serv St.a Help needed 1m· ... _._ __ _...___1_ lhoped1c office in NB. E un ty terviewbyap.....i-tment. 73llf,dinger Ave.H.8 . Sandwich make r M ff med. F\111 or pit. Apply ~ta~~ Mon-FriS..s. Please send _ mp yer w.-H.i=L-Co. WahnW..,_MS Supe r s andw ich 675 990E.Cstffwy,N.B. ~,.,.~ ~'1u~ ::'o8ox8o473. 015a6i0ly PBX REALTO~ Crb'•n ~o. CM ca11 an. 2t--Sl-UC_S_C_R...;;EE:H __ E_R_S_ 556-8520 And add your new paychecks to February's budget. Apply in person Monday t.o l-1'1day, 8AM to 5PM at .....,._..., °'8° 'M · 'ca x • Answering s e rvice 2lll San J oa<v11n Hills 4S01CampusDr.lrvlne wanted Laguna Niguel Housekeepe r ,full-time, ta esa, 92626 operator full & P rr. Call Rd Waittn WaitnsMt Seamstress . t-:x per , area. 831-0902 part·llme. Good benefits. Medlcal Secretary, exp 'd, 835-3561 Newport Cent.er 644-4910 CookT..-.... mngmnt. lra1nN>.''1.•aj!cr --------WELLS nict> working cond1l1ons. meture. Heavy dictat1on. Coslliers beaver" S41t·5918 bet Snack bar: run rei.:1ster . E.0 .E. Bayview Con· &frontdesk. 8UByoCr1ce. '8XOPB. RECEPTrrYPIST" LT E IOAM&JPM assu.t an preparation of FARGO valescent Hosp. 2055 Sal.atyopen.64.'>-7172 Part time or run Ume BKKPGlmmcdopemng. 154 .17th.Sl.C.M. ro ld roo d s. St'rvc Thunnst c.M. 642·3505 days or evenings. Must F/L All maJ benef. 214 E lllll'!lllll!!!!!!lllll!!ll!~~!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!l~!!!I Sea m s l rt:s s c s , t! JC · beveral(e:s. Full/parl GUAflD MEDICAL SP ECIALIST: be able to work som e Alton, S.A. Call 557-0961. Retailing perienced, Mon· Thurs. time Apply in person un HOUSEKEEPER-LIVE· Dis pensary , hospital weekends. Typrng sk.iJls Lrg Company seeking UM:30. Nr O.C. rurport. Friday SERVICES IN, Some Englaah <.:h1ld work. Clin ical and field. required. Many com-Wa nted rece pt. for mature, s t a ble, en· tm-1483 111Ei\N11QUEGUJLll t532W care. Weekends off. No We'll tram you-no ex-·p a ny benefit s . Jn ~e.rlntoaryO .1cllllpaclot. SePnOd tbusiastlc individual Se 8 . I I l!Kll E. Oyer Rd. SJnw cooldngoee.84&-6707 penettee needed. AppU-Fasb.ionlslandarea.Call ... .,.y 81 Y 1 · · w/maoagemeot or s1tles cretary : 1· an~ua • Ana C:O..OllWeafttt cant mWJl meet Army IWG-WOEOE. ~!-lSOO.~~d ll09 Costa bar kground to produce legal exp. S.A. law rirm. 751-JUU fulltrton.CA Housekeeper need ed : enlistment requi r e· mc=1 """"' tul(hsaJesinourspeci•I· Call Mickey, Mon. aft.1--------- 0nce or twice a wk, ment.s. Apply at Army "1%.AHB.Pa Reeept . r bus t y 5 h 0 p 5 • R e Q llAMSSB-0985. ~ta twn ery Stor " 1n GEHEtlAL OFFtCE TIAIMHS llav~ l full lime & I part tame entry level pos1 lions. gradin~ <•xams. Vanous detailed duties. Light typing and neal handwriting required. We promote from w1thtn. Apply between IJam· I lam and lpm·3pm, North Ame ri c11 n Cor- respundent.'e School, 4401 81 r c h St.. Newport Heach. (Near O.C. Airport> Equal Op. portunity Employer. OR SJM688/eves. 7:30-8:30. Rec-ruiUn~. Call R:30 to 5 P M. 6 day& wk. tr oer~oi:;\\_0Mu.s/ he~; r f's p 0 n s j b 1 i t y & ~a drl Mar oe..'(J~ ex Monday, Tuesday, Wed· Housekeepe r, Ii ve in. Costa Mesa 540-1026 Apply In person, TINO'S pleasant phone vo1<'e . supervision or sm st<1Cf. Secretary• bp /T, ml1 n. ~rd :.ales lady. Pull n e~da y . Thurs day . mature. refs, no child Huntington Bch962-8821 30242 Crown Va lley .,....,....m . accurate. Reply Loog t.enn oppty w/good wage, or , d 2tc r · Ill Lime. 5 days, xl.nt work 10AM ·4PM, CLOSED Irv . Terr. Rm /Tv. Lagunaflills768·525l Prkwy,LagunaNiguel l;;O'a,ly Box 11998, P.O. salary , over ride & area. tl94.;!5 !I, 21:J / inJ: r onds. Expt-•<·aally Friday at 67J.9CM2 MOOMIJGHTl.an.7 Pool C leaner & r e -Box 1560, C.M. Calif. Tuber:~nl. Shelly's 59'l·J212 raneclic•ntel<' 67~ 230 W Warwer ....., .... 1-~ E 92626 all~ ....... (7l4l 626-0189. Newport Beach twk s or. ST OC:K MAN. o R 1vL'0 A-217 ffou9ewtves Couples, de· 963-7225 .,... .... n. r;x-perienced. r ,. i"""'rt -~• ... II "'" -aire suppie menla l in·.,----------968-8009 UCEl'T~,.ST ltMs.EltVlSOlt a.t'ana .,.., a rean""-"s rU ·lame, malurc. W. S....AM.CA . 1 ---------11.7• Flll·ta·me. Masa Pt l' nrfarf' ht•lp Cappro1C L.tt&Assoc 49'1-0'iti7 Statel.lc.NoC.OOl6 come ID s pare t me . Printing-Beach Area; NEJLLN :ON, INC. "' :W hr/wc•ck>. Coult! work t:qualOpportwtity 96..'J..7225 Pressman. 3-S yn exper 531-3374 VerdeCoovalscettl Hosp. inlu full lime•. tiood TeactwrsrorChnslhm MOTOR on sm pres&eS,· operate ---------• 881CenlerSL C.M. phone p(•r,onallty, ac· S c h o o I l ti 11 3 : • • -===~-:::=.:-•1·-~E~m:=p:lo~ye::r~M~/ F:;__ Insu rance· Casu ally: ROUT!!; llCEPT10HIST e~ .... G88AL OfffCE CI erk I S e c r e tar y , ft~~~metakeTr. cuttle r • Mon thru Fri. Full time RUSSIAN : Speak. write . ~_!llt' IYP•~l!lo!.'1'1 hctlutfinlg fntn V~~~78JI ---------• per sonal I In es ex ...... ~ D ·1 Pil t h -c.-YPl'H ler; Ann" ~ ...... 1·a1 """'•'lion• eq,..p '-'XP .,.. " e Pu ··------'"=-----Electronic distributor HAND WORKERS/Hood ,_.;ence d-lr-.. s'al"'t·y· 11te ai Y o a:s n 3·5 yrs exper on IBM for auto repair !lhop. Gd ,__~•-"mr-,:_ and"'::omen"' al9o lmowli.'d~e or word .. located In Irvine needs Sal.b. Exp. desired but ~.CdMG73~ .._ "large route in NewPort Co~. ser, He adline r phone voice and rapPort h"" ""'' .. process an11 $4/hr. net TECHNICIAN girl for office duties. 00( nee. Women welcome Beach a rea, Monday G ic Design, paste· with people Inquire Ray wal language back· Contac'l Mrs Anderson to work in Ne w port Good opportunJtles plus 548-3467 Inventory rontrol clerk. t.hru Friday anernoons up stripp\ng. Send rt · ~. Automotive at ground. ... Applicant must (710752 5~1 between Heach. Kxpcr w/SMA _,_. be t ---------o-·•bl r kl plus Saturday and Sun-•-Ad .~ .... 0 II l~ Placenll3, Unit A, meet or t xettd special 91lm&4p L' 0 L' F/M Chcnustry a.nalh:cr Cull ""'" company ne its. u __ .. ..__..... , ..... .,.,. .... e or stoc ng -'-y "arty momi A sume "" ,.._,. 8 Y en11· •tment r equire-°' ""· ·"'' ,,._,_,. Bob "'-a"" ~-5 .. ..,.... ·~eeper; part ... u ... •, .. f'-'-bedg...,.,,-+ ...... "' ngs. P· Piiot p O Box 1cs o CoetaMesa.631·209'l '" Don ror appt. lH wn """........ I r '-J• u tock bo •. id ,.... .. Cll UUlt ........ prox 2\,; hours IM"r d • . . " ' meota. Cash bonuses s.,.1n••y PM Mon thru Friday. h me 8 Y ... ma s. filling customer orders. Sml · ,--· ay. Costa Mesa ca 92IS2J6 ~ -U-6 · 640--0140 ~ 1be Inn Al Lal!u.oa. 211 Previouutockroom 4110. lJ bood reqU1red. Ap. ' · RECEPTIONIST, 3Yallable. Apply at l'\tll or p/l.Jme for mfr N. Cst Hwy. Lag~na vent.ory experience pre· proximate umioaa. S500 PIOC1$SING We hive 111 lmmedlale AnnY Recruilln«. call agt.s. Take orders, pn•p TB.EPHONIE • ________ , Beach ferred. 0p-.. ft•ty for dper mood lb.bl Muat h•vdc .. .&.......a.a ooemn~.~-ourom~wporor"a ~-MAnesaa~ .... ~'1!!> Uterature, tcle & type SOLICITORS adv ...,l. -Ht• 7AM epeo a e auto an r-"""'""""'51'i. Beach 0 "'.. -....._ .,._-.... Must be abl<' ti) or1tanii<' GENERAL OFFICE. HELP!' ancemen · 8 ' IOOddn~record . ' • TIAIMll well~. persona· lfunt.lnctonBcb962-8121 olc. Send quob~·callon~ fo~xpcn1.-nci'dOnly &-11 .,.........ft.. T I l. URGENTLY NEEDED 3:4.SPM. $4.SO hr. Apply b1e individual. Must· be p 0 Bo ""G C Dally Pilot lhRhest '"_,.. ~~.es. YP sls. nc· Newport Research Corp SAILBOATSAtESMAN to · · "'' • m, " m1u 111n pa id y-~ ~g C'lerb. Top Pay No · Household interviewers l823S Mt. Baldy Ci r.. pt"Jj~ ~rson Steel tu tener nu.nulac· =~pl~ :10 ::14 F.xperlence· preferred _Ui2:5 __ . _______ pboot> at hom.i. Ovr r 21, h e . Good Benefit. for •II areas In CM/NB IMd& 12, Fouolllln Vialley • -r hftr bas open.Ina in pro-t-5:.i, &lnday through Kaoa Marlne6'75-1403 Secretary, .:mt"rul O(firr . l.O C..rd. Call 835 6453 lnuntd Jobe near Y04Ar atta. Work 140 wk pr mo C.11 for appt. 962-7701, COlhl MeM C&MU\I dfpt. for plan· Thurlday. Non smoker. S • 1e 11 : 8 EA u Ty Real E6tatc tnv~tm<'nt l·3ft M. home on• permanent b11.11i11. ext265 · CJrc11hitloahpt. ninatral.Mt. Nctalpri.nt· Please call Barbara fa r m . l rvant-1 r e1 . -------No II Paid lr.lnln" ID mid ' lnlt Sood bHic math n.-.n. ""'" l""°. CAREER Top rNnitJe· Matura responslbl" In TELEX OPl-:R ff8 Feb. Mus t"be U .S . JANITORIAL Pl t ime hllcaaround & ability to _..,.._._'"'"-'""'--"""'----ment pos1t1on11 & dis· ~ .._ F:xptr'dooty Small N.8 I In d b It-~or tnbutorahl"" av"'J I I'-dlv1dua1 f>rt'forn!d. Rtfti Tem.,,,,...ryServlceM clUzen, hl•h •choo l eves, rv earea. rea lu~rlnt s _ , .. , .. " & J , l!:1Cportln~ r,,rm ncedi. ,.-·-,. " 2L3 .,._._ .....,.1 ~ ...... M 0 nf'w •· upcomina CO'"· n.'l!mme 118 ary rcqu, '· ~9021 EOE graduate or equivalent, . .._...,.,,, '"""' " :r"ary. 11i..rtlng Mer h pur ~.use of metu:.,.company~ Alo"e me_nti.10Anx412,'.4 0 111 person 2 6 l'M,5 1fay:s 11 OENL OFC flrl Prr for allemoona. Mwit spell & type. Qi 11979· 1711. OIRL FRIDAY mu.st be lfood •t s>e<>ole. hle11 fypin& 6 llt/bbP1. 640-2700 13 yrs or older with own Let.ii • ....., sms IXTRAS ary. mlcromelen dJf( lndlc. Ver• producu. no H • lY Pilot. t-.0 . Box 1560, wk .. $3 !141 per hr . Plt'mw car.$4.02pr hr,17•prml. T-P . KJd.'I Toons--Adults. Ex· ROS•... caUpers ner. Muu be P•rie nce ne e ded. CartaMesa,Ca.92626 cnll 640-6313. ask for eo.~ ev.-nlrag work. 30 __. ., ttplional opportunity for """ •ble to w o rk from n.19Sl ~W • min. writte n exam . Learn new fleldt, •111111t lholtl. wlshl.oi to break 290lW.Coest llwy. bqlmt.a. apeca, ac verbal · Se<'ret•ry·Ne wPort Pen·i---------- P1eaae reply lmmedlatc· buye r or wo m e n 'A lntomovles..S20·1200 r 'orwrtu..nlnslr.Callfor Sale8clerk.pn111U.e dru« nlnau la mano1tcmt'nl TIU &•EHSUJ. I}' l() US Bureau of clothina chaln. Pcrma. day P.093 m•> 76~t<;. $48-5533 appt. •9ft/P"rl fl.-4 :39 110,..,-~pt. Bi;h. f;J.T ~ultl"C r~r"l_.,/~11 · AUTOSB VICI Cn s ua. I 1777 San •l)_enl. t;xccllcnt pay. ·v UYEA C-.\s..t~.G ~,.i Elt.at.,,,Eiperleftced IQ..l5M SR Enginet,.. ~-:...~---·-1,.. wi~ SJH' f; ~«>""Ort ~A 1 \tlcente Blv<J , 1:"0'i --.. -•n Y dlltGUntS orr SEttVlCE (~ow in 4th l:ndM<fual to coordlnute 1111. 334 Prodllc:Jjbn Pl. 'benent•. Vr. Elwood ji:d final ~~~5 Newport Tiro Center, AQ«ic-1~. Ca 90049. Al· purchasos. No Phone year) · all onalte multl·tenant Nll 6i$-Ol~ d at .. ,.01·-1e"""ti on ! l)O()E Coast Hwy.CdM. t e ntlon . OC I R £0 . ca.Ila. luslna 1ctivilh.'1 tor ii .. " • "' Gle&ler. eaper. cuttom ·Include phone numbu IAQC STIHT larre commercial/In Salesperson male· o r ~11 work as wtll fts h"owTruclt Driver. 6~ mirror man, top pay, Equal Opportuully f' mlnJM•Uire mSo B Have aomc~hllll to e•ll' dultrlal park ln Oranae Se1 l,lwtt8hR~~zE ' remelt for carpet & clJent file malnt & other only need apply. Mun eooctbeMtlta.tMS--ml Employer Sl,Tt11Un,Caneeo CluaifiC'dadtcfoitw;li.· Cty7l4J63t-4700 t 11 1 ...... E <'er a mlc tile lllor e ,en. o ffice dulloa. •~t.nC.M .area.a.1ra ~~"!4anro Ad,_&42~ Salat)'W~m ~21134 m 1 59 7 •. '°'!r C•.!!JM;Ui .. ---------- ' I • ~ ....... I (' . ()Je. DAILY P1LO T HllpW-.4 710 •••••••••••••••••••••• I.,... TrU< It l>rl\ •r11 "' Ol'1' d I 0 11 1>•> '\1>1JI~ CU1W l U 141 n j( HIJll ()Ii w. ~ t \4 tl4J 1 :?l:.' TaAJMHS NATIONAL WHOLISALIRS MOWHlll~ Wiii t nun l-.\1 t 1 lt·~ll lllilfWflu YIN S500 WK C•957-1I50 TilAIHH 'o•ltlOfl Sw111•hb1111n l 11111•1 ,, 1 ,., M t h•· ll1•1,.·ncl11hh .11111 Cl\o1lh1hlo• 1111 +•\llllllj. h 1H t ull l11r 1111•t IM.:. l;,W f)pl"I ll\'\1l o•ol 11 11 1111 \HI(\ Ill 111\JI 1"11111• lllUI "'-'''" l'1•1htl/J1••·• f} I>'"' Wu rt I 111 •11·1 ~"•r fli.ll tllll\ .. ,,,. .. 11 1111111 1111.111• .iuod t>t•llt111' A. ltf1 .. llttlofl llt t \\001 lo. 111 f~"tt UCI •\011111 \11&11• Ill J•'""4.0 111 \I I t 111 l\lo ~ ..i tt.ublrt Ht 111 \\1ll111n1 .. 'rui-1 I. ''"'" I lltl Vu 111 1'll "''"-t••rl lit .11 h I'\ 1)1•1 II I 1111 I .Ill Ito \ bn. \artd\ '' ,11r11or1 ltv.-i-.oo In ''•''Ii lWMltHf ,,, ....... l'Jn or full 1inw '·'" ..,.,It•'~ Sun ,." S.•1TUl\Ur11 ( <llflllll'''''l1 t>run till"nnl h:H J.1.~.1 W ,\I TIH:S.._ ... !-. ·" W/\111'.ltS l'rn ult• 1·11un1n 1 l11h to'or 1n t<'1' "''" '.ti I ~~~· Y.'1t1ln"''•·~. •''llt''. lv1ld rut·11t1111, or huu h \pph l}.;t .II cl.u h 11..'.JI 11,11 olh J2UI .. \'1111 .. 1 II '< 1 \~lflolClt'I \l.1r WAITRESS 8.1.1 111:,l'M n1l11),.,.k i\uvh Ill l)t'I ""' I 1-. I I'!'. :IOiMt t'rt•'" n \,ti I"\ Jin., l.Dlo: '•i:ut•I Wurl'll<•ll'1.'m.111 •""'Ir u1 111111 111 ,J 1 11 1 ,. m •• n JKl'!>thl> '''"'' 11·t1r• II II"\ lllt' <lfl'/I, :1<!ol IOI I WOIK AT HOME l'lmm• ~.1 It•' !'>JO '1;!?U •••.••••............... 8005 ••...•.•••..•.......... I ~~ .......... !!.1.~ 1005 ,.._.. • IO•O !(ul t•' <,uh m .. r l11 1•r • • • • • • • • • t t • • • • • • • • • • • * I " tf,tlf h IUOtt't ulff ~ .. , ~l 14l t ._llU~ .._\I l Mii H• I 11\ .. ._l', I ctr ltt•'I o ft l .. II b1 I 1tunltn.ct11nl1111t•1 Sii• 1, 111111 1 \tu1l1 I IOu 1117 II~ Ut·•· h UI U.111n• 1'11111 I •••• ,.,,7 u ... -.tocta 1075 ... .111 01\ ltO .. ""\ I d.1 I J t THlllG SMOW \tntl .,ff 1•1 lolt m.1111• lln\ n II tn1• ti•-. il Ill• l1uft \ I h•lr hl\U siu 1 u •• ,,,, ... ., .. h !'\"I'll' I • h u II '' .11 I ,.,._ 1nl.uil h•• lo ~ ... 'I•\.,, •I .. ,,h ~·'~ qlu \ du• SllilMI ~1 II "'',. ..Al ~1~ ~l!H • • • Tony C. Chrc io Ht.;L h n11r.i 1111••• llw1t "'•'""lit •1 ti \ 1K1 .ert th• "Inn• 1 01f Two FrM Tlcll•h tu Utt I •lh -\oou.il LOHGHACH IODfO ti lh• I 1111 1 II• 11 h '''"' 11141 ' """" llh l .... ,. (lotoh '" 'hom 1uur lit '-•'" •.ill hl.1 .... " t \l • •• • • • IOIO •••••.............••••• 1 IHltolll lt\\I \t .1 It 111111'\ll{I. I ._\I I l.ltlfl \\ \\ 1n11 r 111 II.orb"' '.i11lo1 '\111 W7'• '/'l 'I II \llt o \I'"' l ",..I 11 '"> \\~hi ' ell I I' • UHi ht•'I '""' '"' .. ,., \ """' llt ,, \11111 ""' U!l 11 ;,JC; l.1:111 < \!-.If I' \111 \\,h r Ill\ r' 11 1·1111!' ll'orl.111.,: .. 1 n111 •1•,; HLl.1 Wi\. ... 11 1-It ltll\ I' H .., \I I· ll 1 • I \) \ ,. Ill u 11 I l \ ' I 1 llllMll'h l'1111111lt•\1·I~ 11· 11111 II . I 1•f1111~lll'd I \ t',11 .:u111 Jiil"•' \ uur .• """ 1 )l.tlh ll h l>t'f11t•t ,\ .... 11• l'll<lio I I;, 7:1 "" < "•"I \tlllll llllt I .) 17 :!. ~I.' I otllh1tl'1 rd l ll-'.•·t ulor pt•rft•«I lu1 .t kq! !lti:l ltO Ill 8020 ..........•............ l'J32 '\1 h~ tnn ( ru''"' ~ '!Jn lll(•·r & \1111 1-.1111.l {' I d ' ' I ,. 11 ,, 1111 J " h " tlt'l .11 I S.}1,11 f 11 II) »14 1\:e.lt• t-11r !'-. ,, I • w o 111 .. r1 , S. hw111n h1 k1· ,11111 mt>n , Ii: fr 1n11· lll .,,, '-11•\ r "lr Ot ~ ''"' ~'41i IJll:.4 l ll1h• II huJ• ti 1 • llho II '11•h I I h1m1• I 11111 I I 11 • ,,.., 111, \t I !'\I ~I I I • 1111 111 ~ .•....•.••.••..•....... IAIY GOATS ~lllUlll''I .._ 1111111·' l t.:t'J fW'IO U.k fut t1n1o I m I~". 1, • I 111 • r 111•.l t IU!t ~ 1•1 o 1I11" 11 \\111ilmlll & I OIH'I 111 4 1' \11•lt 111o11111 I ur" 1 h" l1rnl.I <>< • .. 11 .. rt•· ol t +I" II•• \I ~"'"' 11 1 ;•/141111 f'WIHOIHILL M1o1Un ' "' 1,,,, •111111• IO)I • tr h II'-•••I 1111h • ijuo•f"!I _,I 11 tlltlt "It> Ill ._ 11111111 11111 I 111 • .. 11.1 11111111111.11>'1\ ''''"' ""' ............. 111 -111 lllt•h•I ll1m1• I 11111111111 1 .111 •l'I w1d W11I 111111 .... UI I 't o 1hl \11111 I \I•• 11\ 1.0I It\ Ill•' I Ill l1<lt Ill '"'°"' 1111111• ' 1111 lltl I 1' I ••I BUY•• 1,..o11 u-.~t l-11111111111 A \11,1h11 , Oil I .. 111 I I ..... , I I '"' ' "" MASTHS AUCTION u..e•I• .. l)].'625 S STOil$ llo ,ul 1111 11\\11 "" \\I h .I • I •• 11 .,,. lll.tlllt ... ,., 1111111 1ft I I .. 11! .1 loo I I'• t 1 I 'l IH "' .. I '" II•'""""' \111 """''' lt1111llh1·tl"I 1•rnl t1•l•I•' •·I• \\II\ I'" '11111 pt11 ,., ' I ,111 I I I\ 11tr. 1\11 •li•I 11111111 1\1 111 ~h'\J Liu u :-1111 lot 1111 ,., llilll.IL 11J W Ill • 111111 ' • q111111!• "''"' 111•1 '"' 1 11•1111 111 ,1 d d 11 ,Ill I, :--\ ('\1 Ill t'lt I ,\'-111 '\ll> h11 t•il u .. 1J lu111 ;11111 tiU• ... "" I Ir I \ ' •1;,. "I.I.I l<1•hh I~ 111 '" nt.1 II & It"\ "\' fttll ,. ... , !'.11•111 1~111 ''" l.'L'· 11111 "'" k111•• ~ .. , lol~, II ,r.,, .I \1 \ I I It l•.:O.!-. K'tl ~ 1,.1 Sl1t•t•I °' \ '.J'tl!.t .. 11. ~'"' "'II .!!1 It{' 1\ l .. 1 .. 1 I\ s1:111 l rn.111 11111~ hl.1l k 1111n11 rm 1 h.111 ' NII :! 1•111 h 1.1hh· 1.ttn I" ~IOI l .. rwll 11111'<1'( s:.!:1 li.11 :1,11.i Y ..I I 11 \< II .1 II jl h ,ti\ \ If I' l'llJl'h, l(t ~MI 1·11ntl $1110 I .tll .111 opm ;'o4H :Jlo.IH l lWlll 'dill fll 111 ~o:.11.l IO.tll A• 'l'rnK' t I 1111" 1.1ltf I $1tMI .... ,,,:, :.1:n \tlll' \1 ,lfl ' \ t '"' 11111 .. _lll'fll Ill 111 111lt•r \'k h" I 11lt>\ tlA~ 4'•10 1071 ·······•••••·•······•·· I• t I t I II I II 14 11 l1 II \ • I 1111111 H'l1 1'1•11 (.t 11b1•l 1111111111111 111111 I 'h1•\ I ro11 " ""~I I I 1111·~ S.IHOll I 1111111 1111 t.'11 I "' \'\I I 111 IHI\ he II ,,111111•1 Ihm ~ uU••1 I/ · lw111h•r Ihm l(llll•tt' hr ul1<• 1'"11 ''"'"' .. 1111·1 1l}• .. 11 h 11\1111 >44.1 J!l.! 1 1010 .....................•. LUGGAGE TAGS 1111111 \11111 hll'lllt'~' I lr(f ... ·11tl tlllt I Oii ti fut t oll'h "•II 11lu_' 111u •1•on· Wr t ••I 11r11 1•• 11n 11111•,1t I) 1,111'<1 .1111111'11\1 111~ lit •tr.111 1111•1•1111•• .111 Im• I fl f•~11tt1 ••tn1•111' 1'11• \1'111 ""'' I\ 111 .. 11 • I II " 114'f'•l'fl 11111~1 llll' ""' ltl'lt' ";lllll•l lH>I f 1ht11 Ill U 111 ti 111 1"11" I t. .... "'1 II l111r k I. I 11 m v11t11 111.i• th 111 l\\11 11111l1o bm k tu Luu. k l'Hll I '\ '1.:1 l'M \II 1 S:, I •1111(-. '-1 C~ll'11 fl 1111111.-,, ,.411•11 111111 111111 t' 'I to "" ~11h .. T11• 1111 ltttlN I NOl \l<W 111 111\ \1t1tr """ 011 "''IHI 11111111• 111ld11·~~ 11h 11111• ,. "' II 11111k1• Hiii I 11111 I'''' C.111 .\tltl :'.1 1•111·h S\•11111'111•1 k Ill llltttH') 111 <k•r lu PILOT ,RIHTIHG I' () 11<1.11 151.0 l tr.la M1..,11. C.1 IJ'lti211 ll'N1·1ll ~.,,.r,ml Tu.,••d 'I' ol Ill ' I., ' t• d It 0 I I' 111 • ..,n I (11 $1 Ill ~~ 02:,li WIHOOW SHADES ~ucMlt•n .,hut11·ri. m int l1hnrt". wmc·n .,.ooth & '<111•111'< 111111111! J unuur) S.ill• 20': Jll' • oH A"' I' l•:N •>4:l H!J'>I W~nq Motttials 8025 ti.mi.: s 111· "°·'t"r h1·ol 1 otn ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1J1.,tt· ~J.tt) 01 ht·'l offl r fll'FANY'S 11111.i.ll' Cluh M ,. en h ,. r ' h 1 JI S2!>11 1 t r an.,fl'r ('all m:1 :135 I 1'1 Ton lh 1•rh1 .. 1d ('h:1111 llr1"l $:.!llU ('.ti I :1J I II f Ill fil l t,)(llX l1t•l•11•<I 1\flltqlll''o l.tltlt•S ii. dt;iJilii.l i•----------1 Mttc•···-IOIO •.•.....•.............. l 'tU\I r•ll> J\1hlt'\1t l luli ~ '11111" nw1nt.1i_•1 'h'l.I" uou • '""'"''''' lt•1· \ . .Ii Hl.LJO K 01 m l11 .J 11111 \m II.HI ~k 111 rhctttrtl 1\.11 I 1111\1111111 .,i;,411•b4i11lo Ir~ • olor llO.'ll ttr ' I 111 • .ti I I 'm d111•11lo, I •Ill 1••1t•1 I ht•1tl.I IJund ri·11 I I I •• I I • I • I I "' 11 ,. " '\f.lt't 1111 Sil ~ IJ4J•I 1111111 •hi. o r \4 I) 111 l'rll 1• ~ 11o., .i~:n t 111111\lruno Ill h t•~'llZI I''" ... a lt• l'ttth•t \ Wh1•1'1 , lw,1\\ 111111 Kttk 11 111• ( '11.,111111 ltJt 111 l11•nt h ~ I 11 hit• lull 1.JI J71M ,1(1 :1 H ITMll< ll('W $1 ~JO u11k 1111( ~1 lle11 l'wl 'I olJlt" 11111· J• r ' I :tl 1• I\ tt I 111 u • • 'ltU T"J.! li7:, ~lfl:i l't\lll't "llY l\lhll'IH' l 'lult M1•rnlw1 ~htp. $3tli) l'h li'f3 ~Or 7i I '.II I I t uc Jll )vur '.H uum 1 l,•111wr m~'tl" l~•1k u1< "I' 1r1 th•· 't•lln '" II•' I'''' \, .11• U U If\ (. I t• J II I 11 I( l't>nl1•r 1';7:1 '11 ~111>11 llh l ' ,, &lh J ltn h lf \,th• 11111111111· 11nk 't 1luo ll" In• 1111\ S27S Cluk lfoo .. tc•r l \IH k tl l'llt'll • ;1h11w l W oO 1111t.l .I 1111! .. 1.11111t...,. ~11-t•l 1 .... 1 .. u 111111 ", ... 'lmk s111(l l ,,11 .1rt1·• • (~l tlf'.-1 17111 Flt••· Vt ht't'lt hu1r ' It .. I n•fl jllllld I 111111 '< l,11111 1111111•111 ,\ !Ill h1111 1'1111 llfl tn TH 1111 :II' ">1 1~1111 "'""I ·111 '""" ,. 'h111w"' mu~• ~•·II d J1' 1tl,,_ ftt1 IW'ltw rn,.."" .. 1,.. 111 ~lrn l"'~ 5.lfl IN7 I Mlt'fllll'llM l'l ' I ~ fl 11111•1 Mill :>~10. 1\1 1 IS '- fo'l ,11 1\ F 1111111,\ 11\'11\1 l 11 II fl'l.'l :t'lft7 I '11 flM'I M 111 I h 11•1 t l'lu.Mh 11v h111 1 1111~ t I '•" \II ·,itUH iHI fl7"1 ~1-lfi • • • c....,.._, W. HondoYa 11117 1 h1•y1•11111 t'u~1 .1M•.,.,1 Yw .1r·t• tlw '""""'' uf Two fr•• Tldc•t• In lht• 17th nnuul LOHGHACH RODEO .11 th\• l.11 n ~ 111• .11· h An •1111. Jf)O I'. 01·1 .. 1n Ill\ II l..011~ lk•udt '1'11 da111l your 111 kl'I,,, 1 .ill til:t 567K. l'Xl 27:! • • • PRIMO Wl'l ~wl. rull. fiti. IJt•r -,un 5'7 l<1 ~·111 :s::!.'> ur ht:i.l ul h·r MO JJ.17 TY. ledlo, T,..portaH.,. titlF4. St.r.o IO•I ••••••••••••••• • •• •• •• •.•..•...•.•......••... c ••• , •. s ... , U1•aulif11I ~ 1 ulor T\ ~ RMt t I ;o )'r wrnt). trr-t• dt•h\ t•r> •••••••• ••• ••• • • • • •• •• • Sta r.iti 111111 01•1'·• 1·.imPt"r 1 .... 1,. 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Msin. .. ~r.~-: !'! •••••• !~ .1. ~ l 11l h1l111t1 .. 111111(0, N1•'" ti 1 .. 1•11 •I h 11111 ' '"'I I• M .1, '" ,. 111 7M 11:w l11111<h> 1'lk1rr 1 !--11 ho l I rue k $130 :,""'' & r•·f nl( 11441 27Utl (..1mpn '"' II 1 .1 h h114h "~w (J4(i ~7 Motoriud llkH t 140 •••••.•.•...•.......... ·1111-. tO l'P.OOU .ll N1•'" I' 1-. ut; ... err Mo ••lo.OS lt1•11. $4W. No"' W1 1131 311311 Won l (:1m •lh ;1 i.cJ Mo l'1'I~ lfrtotl SfiO() 1•11d1 Will lukl' S 11111 l"•r h m:1U71 ·r. 1'1•11.i•-<'l Xln1 cont.I U.•111 o(ftor OOH l<!\1.r 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '1u11t !-.a1· 7!> ' .111111 hi1·7~ NA't' IHUO m1 ~IU. -Wt SJl~I Will 'I'll 1111 ~00(1 Hl"• K:'i!H ':4 !-.u1Uk1 I~ • l11 m1 ~J . I l 'tili '1 1110 (o lt ffl .1ul1111111t11· '"NI~ lronl 1'11'1 \0111 k $10(MI 111 111'"1 1.r f 1· r l .ti I n q, h I , li7,I 3'Mo< 711 J..u'":"aki 'JI) tJ1rt l11 k1• ntJt n1111111111. S7:.. .;;5 ~, Motor Hon.t, Sole/ ll...t/S!oroge 9160 ................. ....._.._ ....... . HEN'I '7H Lu.i1u1 y Molin 11111111· 22· 'llt•••t"-1; 12:111 wk 1 r, rr11 MCr Hf.ll!'o ll~:N'r Z:J' f''1r(•l111ll S1•lf ('Uflllltfll"f 1;.cr, 22X:J 9170 ......••..•••.••••.•... 21 ll!li2 K('n\ktll with !Ix 11: 1·1Jb1tn.1 rn i1r nclult 1mrk g{lj MH Gl73 01 63 I IH\lo.• f II I k .. t• I II U II d fl &_ 1'.1111 .. w u l•·r s1 .. ,11111 't.W 7'111'1 TH,\fl.Jo,ll ~1 '1\C"t. 14 (:111 • m11l< Sr t\clult l'ark 9040 !:.1X•i173 111 r.31 !Jlll1:1 looh.row~ ••••.•................. :12 11n :1 Luhr' !'.l'<tun 1-ly hndlo:l'. du.ii hli11tuo 'J'wm 'hr),fl•r i. °"'""' ,.11,, SEA RAY 'S ...........••.......... •••.•••..••••.......... 9520 . ..................... . /\nll11uc Mu.,11· lk1x1•"' :-;Jut M.il·h1rwi.' ( 'loc•k,' I fUI; ~;!-t ,.:1.1-:CTl()N Amtrican lnt~l'ftOtiOftal Golleries "" 001111 80-40 11111111 '"' q ·1t w l:i rR HOUS ,111.,1 '"IL 1.,.11 1 ... i1 •"-OOU E :1 p1· bl'cl i.l'I llut1·1t. 111,..1" :-,111n i ultir T \. 1; IHIOMS with m 1111.11 ur1· dt..,.k, l'J>l'., twd $11C'., 111111 17' to 36' HARRISON'S SEA RAY IOATS ;1101 Co11sl llw). N H 631 -2547 WOODI E 1941i f"nrd lk·11u11ful ' $ii5CJO 644 71K:I •••.•............•••••• 'l'OOTSI t-;' h:u \,.,1 tahlt• & 1 ,.,,.,, fum1lur1· clv rtulc, $175. 557 :1~1~1 u1u.1 ,1.c 12!-I Onty SI SO Miac ... aneout "Vi FOllD WOO UY 1-'\Jlly n~ton'<l ' $13.0011 Ora:n Wr-d thru !'t.11 11'!0'.! Kt•lll'nOI(. In t7M I IM 1777 l!l·:o11l 1I ul, lil.1•''-. " II"' l,111. m.tl1· I•, vr' ,11111' xlr1t "' d 11hlr1·11 F1,.,.1 .. ,, ~·111111 hort11• 'l!f'I f'M~ 111 1!•1 ~Ill" /\KC 1 .. 11 ... \vll1'"' An1u1u1· 11,1k rr·vi 1 't' " ltl.11 k,. ... hoh r .111 dl'i.k $!1:,o h4<! :!II.I 11r h4h ;ix.,:1 "1:J.mH2 •\1•~1l1•1 .11 ~ I h1 .. ,I S:!OH '.I \ " \1,11111· 1t1lr111 '"' $2:10 •'rnrll l'nn hclrm <.c·t ~Wt '>Im .u1ytrn. utlwr 11" .111 1, :111vn1 :. w 'l'li! 1 Honk lxl' '" 111.111 111 .. 1 rnl 1J1•'k ~11~1 I iltOll 111111J ( •• 11 l!f l ,,.,.· llt·au1.Jru1 t-:111!ll"h CJJ I. ·1 ,, lilt· Squt1n'. w <! lc11r., ll(t' MIA' SZ7~ Ph ~ 1112!> ll.11 111,1111.n l•llfll"' \l\( rt·~•t,lt r1'lf r>l'I ~-II .oll " I •JO• h , 011°' uµh11f,1t•f\ .! Ill ~1111J:i~ 111.11t hllll! 1•h1111 ... ''"l ,.,. .. 11111111 ~~ ull7 Frftto You 8045 Horws 8060 Whether you·n · buy rng or 1wlllnl(, ClaMs1f1ed ad w rt1i.tnR will .it•l your mi~ ... u.:r lo lhc rii<ht Pf'O pit' (;all TIJtlay' fl42·~i7H .............••........ ....................... \' ou may will tickets for 8:00 P.M. performa nces Friday, •'ebruary 9lh, or Saturday, February 10th. Or a Matinee performa~c at 3 : 00 P .M. ON S und ay, February I Uh , 1979. Long Beach Arena 300 E. Ocean Blvd.i Long Beach, Catlf. Info: (213) 436-3861 • CCllll 642·01 38 Want•d 8081 :~· <:1 •rndy s r111rt l"•i.hn H } hnilitt-. ru1l t:11 llt')' 1'14111 Chry'l{•ri. 1111 ex tr;"' li7~·1:ilHI 51 l'ht·\ y rh·l11 1·r) ,,,,.... 1-ull) J e :it I) r 1• II ,1,, 1J t·n1Hnc. SJ!>OO/bt•!'ll. ol r !ltl.l-00!'>.5 F'.nltrt• .. 111t·k <J( 01 <·r ISO , ... r ,, rn 1 1• m " I d ... & ~n-vn~ urt• • .1 1Jf1llt·1 ' ... twl'I & :! ,h,1~1·;1•1·., I JM"JUt{h l•1,1.1n 1111 .. 1111·,.,., S1:-:AJ l(f1 t ol~I I urntlUr l' .. a l l'. ws hr/dr) r , uprt )(hl rn,-ier . rcfnl(, bdrm Sl'l, m :H·ra me· .• 1 nl HIU~ 1)1J.-112ttJ MO m :, • .•••...•.....•....••.•• HE~T \I. Nt:EU .. :I> CJrth1J1'cd11· wh1·1·khu 1r lur lc'f·n ..iJW h11i.p1tu 1111·<1 11c1l11J1Jt-'\lll 1n 1llcnt Mu I h ,. ' •· r ) n•a.'>()Oafih· or wnuhl l•rt· r ... r .. loan of chair I 'hun. S40-5721. 8083 •...•...••.•.....•..... trmvox rhythm m.1l'h1111· & fQlll i.w1t d1 ... , .. u 548-100 -----Offiu f,,mitwe & &,11,....nt 8085 •.•.••.••••••.......... Xlnl nt'W & UM'tl olc· rum. plan riles, wk llt'tll'ht•,, t: I': SUltPl.W.;t;:JI 'l.Tii ~rH')' l(uJr t N~ pl i;hp SIH.~I t\ \' !AG !IOOO ('I.A. -,s IC' 17 ('ltn .. t'rJ(l r u11.1houl 1, •')I t•nl! . llr, all i..1 1 J~ 2:-,ohr ' '"'''' '<,1kri111I> ll<1al l'o J lihtJ(lllt•h tit·~ $.",VI.I i\ Y tvth !JIJ()(I :-.6 <'Im ... ZJ w lrlr lk1th 111 xlnl 1·1md SJllCMI (',111 li31 :m~; 'iH l .'Ill fl.1 l'E :w; 'il'OllT ~1-:1>1\!\ I .11/\hl"IJ' llu1lu1 . 'f'\' \ IW. d1•plh fincli•r, lw11 la nk ... 1111111111 11J11. flt''" lum1l11rt• :!ft al'luul hr:-. "-lrl('t' llt'W ICl!I :r.1:1 l'11 II Nuw l11r Appl. Ill' til:iio.pur w1lh :A.I hp Speed· 0 · I' r 1 n t I· I 111 rl 1·:v1nrudl· JI tru 111·1 $!150 Dupltralor, Mocl1·I :~11~• [ ''IL~h u11ly l'ull :i:11-K<140 Jo'or Sult.' "a s 1:-." lw'l 11f aft noon rer 642-43211•)(1 :!!Ji ---11 h l1l11·n.!111'>:.. 20 hr~pr Woody 19~1 ,..urd Ul'l1t'<•· Runn1n).l. l(ll 1 onrl ~<b n'!>lor tl4t.o K<l4 I J fl !>PM llun• l!it;I lk n .1ul1 1 "'' \l'rltb lt• incl h ,1rd11111 ~ t:om p lt·ll' rt>!>lor ~1111111 • mW.I St'I' $245() 9l>:J 5KCl:I 4 Wheef Dri•H 9550 •...........•..•....... ' .............. LOW LEASE! '79 CH£ROICEE O u adra-Trac o ow f'r steermp & brakes healer (Ser 18861) .U&.OW AS s142~1 IEST QUALITY .l11lu1M111 mutnr & lt allt·r LOWEST ,RICES \1ui.1 "'II M.1 k1· 11H•·r oer mo on lloC! IYJ40 • CtPd1t 36 monlf'I OOf>J' Pnd LsQnt S.Mction Uecor11frnl( !.t·n ll't' ·'"" 1!()11 l!> Twm ••11t:1111• ( 'hrt' avu1lable. 640 a.'>40 l r ,, r I 'l '',.I! b IJ ,1 I flol/Cold w<ill:r ronli·r. td:i..~.,,l, lnl673 7771 s1~0. 12 v 1n> I 1 ur11·1I loclts. Soil Kame t'hu1r ... H ,hdm.: l(lai.s d o1.r iii mr"' t060 ~5G72 Set'retary I """' s1:.. Ml'ln.I & woo•I ch•i.k:o. $7!> Sloral(c c ahlnl'I" SH5 Blackboardo, $15 /\:.i.11ri rd chum1 & m1~r (' .. : OH1cc t 'urnHUf\'. :!1141 l'lae<•nl1a , C M Used rurmlurc. 1Jco!1k~ chairs, ftll•s. s toral(•• cablneL"I. t•k I ' 2 yr,. old ~~~fftt't'. 1144 K:\lel Orflt'C "'urntlUll' & Machlnei;. N1•arly cww tit: !I k ll , (' h f !'I • f I I 1• !I • boo6cc11se1o. 1ypt·wn1t•r1o, c h (' (" k w r I I I' r ' . trfAMr nbc•r. lab bcnr h1·•. 8tool8 lnt<•I 230 M l>S. fluke 800>/\ l)\IOM Ph lm-:ll67 --.._. & °"Joftt IOtO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Steinway Grand 7' 1-:x cepllont1I quality U Model New 19tl4 1Jla1·k Maho11. A b e :1ut1ful ~. S7800/Be11t offer 1142.73'7 Schafer fc Sona u pnl(hl lhlt cond . SlbOO I month old551·4031 ufl 61'M IOU ..•.........•.......... :•I' 1!'72 'o rnn:ulo i.l1iop. l'~dm1•r .iuxclur) .11111 n i: t:rlltM' 1·qu111 "1l''<l)Oll ,11,. $;!6.~ 1\ ,. fWli !!CHIO :12· ~:ruc~oN . 1 iwu ... wlwd. 1'11'1111. l'rv rrlY fo:Vl'I\ 714 !11)11 ~>002 C.111 ltl, n1•w :.u1 Ji.., VII t'. Oh11 0 1 II, muny ('Xlrui. S:•o1 tn11 orr K:n 4:Jlll l.1d11 14, 11177. '>IHlt•tl I ttmc. hill rn1•1n1t 1•qu1p . 1·1L,lom nl\l'I. 1111 trlr. $2 I 00 0 II 0 1\ 7 3 11<1 ;17 . t.oi 3 l.2lltl 7 :1 t 'll /\N l't: :t i 1.01\Ul':I>' M111I '. 11 bu..:,' 10 \1trl:ini... 1•:.tm m a ' I f., k 1• I' I . r ,IC'l' I <' r lll "', II If 'It p ,1v:11I 714 Uf!O J IH4 or l! l3 5!fl 2:11l:J Oc•an Racer /CruiHr 414' ~uoetom t' & t: lhcm11 V11<'hl l'rt.,.1•ntly 1n /\ I Un11tul ronflll1nn .. ·ur r ,, 1• 1 n .c S I 9 5 . 0 O 0 Ownt'r1 Oruldr 1175 231 1. atl'lct 5, Cllll MO 117~ f'F.RJo'loX'T DAV SAltl-:tl 100 Sl-t4rrown :lyr t'u II) «1utP w/Npt 111ip 1<!200 lb Im z:m 4W ~2 Wet\llMll 32, Np~ Sll111 ' Try •1.llOO Uwn h:LI l r :»!, IM,000 64tJ.4()()~ Bkr ll·(l~P Cash pn cf' s 1495 plu.., lall 4 he Re~1dua1 $464 ~ UAW_, Hw1U1oglon leach AMC-JOP 16751 MACH llYD. 147.9551 n lx4 t'ord. "'l>t'r 1·on<I . loadl'<I. no 1'o1Wl)l11· 1·11n Vf'rtl'I . :JUK tnl. $!llllHI ~1 IOll '7!'> Hronro, lo mt. I n ... 11cr nulo •• 11r. '\ll•rt'<I I ,qw :! t11nkl>. nu 1 "":-IMf! 711411 ,1(1 31·~ 7!> Uocl111• t'rt•W• .1h l'wr wRn. •1 2iiK mt m.io\ t'' tru. .... Ai<k1n11 S000U (Jlt<l ~;!!).11 afl !>l'M ·73 Hl1111•r, ~oow ""' r u,,, ~HIO 64!'> U~lt! ufl ~.PM ,.. ·73 GMt' Jrrnm> 11011d 1•on1l11l11n. {'itl rul'I ('11 11 bl'\ K 5 fM H).111 Tn1elo ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~=lpit/, 9070 •SUPBIUYS • •••••••,,.••••••••••••• 811 CJOOOt: II Pyl, I lull M~'~'S<'utt lloOt!'I. Mtzl' 1. s I , p 11 r 11 r 1 ,. 11 , ,. 11l*'P 'an Wr1((hl ~lltV I~ guOll""'<·ond f.'IO or ht..,( t-C-Ji.ub111•k" f'hurt1•r'I Mdl 1'·!!00 M11l•o11(<'5:... ofr <'ell lrnur'tr .1r1 :-.wpon "IfY'"lt'W 'nr rm~ "'" 6 OOpm l'h G42 Ul!lti Club 031 IOIJO 'llH .. 11F.V ti 1·yl I ton slt•fl SKIS aoG llo.i!ltiOOI Ho<' M(~>ltlN(i v11n We111ht :>3.'l'J 11>11 tn ·77 binding• S22S101 Wllh OOttl fm Nl'w11or1 ~di PS 30842 M1lenl(•' tr11tkl 200111-;xc EL. sun ~ech rttiidtnt wa"lcd 1111.W> Prlrf' l2800 Cull d nt'(.' w1N17 b1nd1n1t1 l'h:1111l' t•11ll .,n 1111m 7 '" , 11 1 :1 u 3 IJ o 0 r !~ ............ !!.·.~ 1~~.~ .... !~.'.~ TlUC KSI w"; 1• w Tot• 0 0 1.1.Att (Of' lOfl used ral"I forf'iato 1971 CHIVY ] + ] dum4"'lllr• or cl11 K1lc1 If Lo .... DEOlll )our r~" 1~ 1••tru rl ah, A •.. M'(' U Jo (IU,"f'I ~cu1t1du l 1 1 11111 '" ,. 11uton11o1I•• .1 11 1 un1I /19~1 pwr •lt'l n 111r 11 h "h· • I < ru1 .... 1·11111111 1 111111 I t111t.k11 A\4 IM .. 11•11·11 """'' ... 1111l11Vt 1°1.I !-. MOH .... 1 IK71111. I CALLFOl OUI VICIAL MUCf! lt75 CHEVY SlVSIDf 1, l') I .. 111•k •htfl. II I 1111 i; Nlt•t \'(I, \O'l(Jro 14 h••t I• & ,,,.., l'l.li!-. ,, '"'lllll"' 1ol\4lll ' t l.uit:1Z1 Ml !!IT SY.t.' ONLY $3999 COHMB.L CH!VIOLET .')'. ')( l11.1rl••• II l I l lhl t\ \1t,.'o o\ 546-1200 5(1 ci1t•\ \ ' >Ton IH' .. t•nl( /\t;k llll( $111111 ·''~ '"' 1'11• r •1\12 >t'N1 •• , .. o, .... c....., ~~Harbor Uhd l '~,.I\ M tr.SA 979-2500 WEIUY CLIAHCARS & TIUCICS Ca..Mlll CHl!VIOLET .~lh1rl•tr lll•d t I t"I ,\ ~ .. ,'o \ , · S46·1200 WE BUY USED CARS ('Al,l, 1'/\l'I'\ l 'wd l'11r M>!f 540·5630 l•Ml~SO~ & so~ • LINl;Ol N · MffKUHY 714 Chi" ( 111 l-1h 1·r u1l11 C111nrM't • 1w1 \11 I ' .., I' II 1h111l t.•nk .. 1.1111.11' nrt••t lol'\1 1~15 Pi7 I 9570 2626 HARBOR BL VO COSTA MESA ···········~··········· '76 CHl:VlOUT SURFER YAH At• I u 111ut 11 ,\ \I I "'1 ,11 fl'<• 1.1ix I'"'' .,,,., r inc ht t.,., l-'·•'•', .. , •Ill" 1111 flllllll I I Ill ''° I 1111 lr-OI. WIJ I Ull 111111 1111 ~ It.to; I Hil k.. 'f 1<t'IJIU U Whc'f'I;. /of 10'" 1111ll''• l.11• 11trn!l4 Srr I ''.12"7 S5 178 THEODORE ROBINS FORD lObO HAllllOSI llLVO COSTA MH A 64'l · 0010 1977 DODGE V AH 15 rASSlHGH \11 .1 vtum.o1,. I''"' •lt"'llllj,. ·'" l IJllll ,., 1 .. ~ flll I+..., t.1!141' \ )\; I CALL FOR OUR srECIAL ,RlCE' ca..MaL CHEftOLET DC?JJ 1f,1rhor Hh •I · 1 'Cr\TI\ Mt~'\,\ ' 546-1200 'jij ('ht•\ V ,II\ I 1111) '1,o fl I "xtrfl' Ah .1 ~t4X 21.:111 111 tiJI ltila WllUY USED CARS! W1• n • 1111• tlt'W l'ht' \ rolt•I cll•t1h•r 'll1111 111 1111' II '1111• ''"'" I '1•n11•1 W t• 11t•1•1J )11111 lU.t1l 1 .. 1r • JOE MACPHERSON CHEVROLET l l A11lu ('1•111t•r Ori\•' Ill VIN I•: 768-7222 WANTED! l.111 1 1111Hlt•I 'l •1V1tl11' \otol \1111 1•11 "'"''" & \ '"'' 0 111 u-. lt•lu~ · I H6H~ 11•4. c ........ .. "'-646·• JO I• S40.'4H Mtot,!Mported ...................•... A.-1 9707 •.•..••..••............ 7~1 h""•'" ·'"· \\1 ... ,, II 11k aut11. 111 '"' '"'' t llOfl )>.11Jllll lj, t :lti'I 1 1,1_:: ~ ''" 7" ll)ll .'-I 'l.lfl '>Ulll I 'llt·r110 Jll111 •·or11I l>l .11111 Pl' 1r, I I :14:1. 1!M1 '' 171' IMW .•.....•..•............ Ill .I ,,,. .... , .. 11111 ,, I 'I 1·u.,lom 111111~ ho·tl S!lllll 1 .. •••••••••• NI 11.t:! t• Mu.!>L ~cU t-ord \ un I-ulh c•on\1·11 i.1 .. m1 ;,51; 11:11 1 ,\_.,k lur \l ,1ur11., ICJ/1 ilJl.lll ,,k '"'Su" ,, U··li·· \ I ll ' .. 1111 11.I ''Pf•'' ru u 1 • •• X:•J IK-ll1 ;:11 .IW.1 Mtot W~d 9590 .•..................... WEWIUIUY YOUIDATSUH l'AIV FOH O il !"o<rl TOPDOLLAl FORTOf'CARS IARW'ICK OATSUM " .. , •. Ju.ar1' :'lJ 1t~lr.1t1• 83!-1375 49l-ll7~ 801 McLAREN'~ 11je1 "\ lll'Jt h Ill\ ti I.,\ Iii\ It H \ 1,\1 l-k·M'h & Wh1llwr 1 (7141522-5 333 l'lr~ed ~und..i}'i. ltm llMW :12\Ji Ul.11·k ~ 1lh 1,111 1111t·n nr. ;11r 1·111111 \ ,, F \I ,. ,, .. ' t' I l I \lwltt•lln 111·,., lot 111 1111 111 ... ul • .t•• .-1111cf1111111 •l)t l~:+. E I 1•11 pl I ~Jtj ('.1 11 1;.1~. 111 •• GJ!ear1§ of CLove lh1s Va!(lnf1n ·.., O.iy <,end your IOv t! •• gree11ng c1ll '111• world c.c1n '>Ile.rt: with., O;ttly P 1•1J I H1.,111 o f Lov1• I 1 • 1 1 , v l o m P.o , 1• y O u r PtH!'>On<11tLt•<..I gr1•1·11nc1 & w1: II '> •t your "'"~s_.iq<· '1 1yi,.w 10 111 lhc t>ordcr 0 1 your c.no1c.1· o r your ow n handwrtl!f•n 1hough1-. m.1y tippeilr 1n the bordt ' you ~c11,r1 f 01 ht'lp Wtlh you• dO fU~I Cclll 642 5b78 & t1 l1H•na1y V,11cn t•nu .10 vis r will be hJppy 10 rr~l:it!;I you And 11 you l1 k•• you c .in c;h.u ge your Vt1lt'.'nl1n • .1d or ubu y o,ur Mo..,t r ChJrgt: 0 1 8,tnlo\ Arr11.m cJrd DAILY PILOT . .. . • n 12.:;u1s M.,11 10 D~111y P iiot ChlSS•l•Od Du partnmnt Bex 1560 Cot.r.:i M so 92626 f'!":-"llGliL::.:...;.~~==-~~;;.:.i..~~~...-;;;.......;~:.;___.___:~~~--.~~~~~.:.:...=-_;;,;;,:!1111 .... t....::~~H=-~~~-l~334ia-i':... _ _JL644=-~NM==-~~~~.:J.~7~14~ITT~3~m~::~...._~--__J~~~~====~ .. ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:£!.. • • \ I ... • c f ., f t l t • ' I • ., \ I · - \ 1971 SJ01'1 & JZOl'a snu AVAIL.AILE 1979 5281'1 NOW IN STOCK! CHECK OUT THESE FINE BMW TRADE- INS! 1975 CORVETTE T·TOP White With bla <·k interior full pow<'r . a 1 conditaoning , s t ereo & .mag wheels. IBEAMAN ) 1961 MBCEDES IEMZ 250 AM I F'M radio . po wer s t eerinl! & air rondiliorun£ I 89'l'J'VJ) 1975 vw IAlllT 4 door 4 SP.Ced~ AM I FM stereo C784MYA1 1977 CADILLAC SIVtLLE Onl y 20.000 or l12 1na t miles' Loaded with all lht! extras ' ct41280l SI 1,495 1977 IMW l20i 1 s pet.'if transmission, aa r onditioninit & s t e re ca&11ette. f2388Pl> 1973 IMW 2002 tH ~unroof, air condltioninR & ster e o c a sse tt e l~l37HOX> 1975 IMW 530ia I Ch amonix wit h blu interior. 9tr <'onfl1t1onin11 . stereo & power stc<'nng C906MVG> 1977 IMW 1 630 CSi tnrtudinR 4 speed trans . I il~reo cassette. lcathe mterior. air l'Ondit ionin ,,,. ma1t wheels 16891'Jf:) 19741MW 2002 !Loade d ! lnr lud1n1? 1,peect, air confl11ionmg !\ M / F'M stereo cassette I 1 :l73LPFI 1976 SAAi 9tGl F'uel injeetcd. les!\ tha 22.000 miles. 4 speed. al e ondlt1on1ni. s port parka1te. IUl?R81?1' rac k mags & Hlaupunkt s tere cassette. C<Y70SPSl 1971 CAMARO UI Black with ROid trim Rlaupunkt stereo rassett w ith rerorder & onl 10 .000 or iginal miles' Special wheels & mags tool (DFAZlOl 1977 ·MOHAICH ~IA o mplete with s tereo, a nd au top & ai r lllonlng. Less than 000 mllell l C 42LRX V) { ' .. . 1.,....... ...... .. ,.~ ....... ••,...W ....... ,oried ••••••••••••••••••••••• Monc!!y. Jenuety 21, 1979 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IMW 97 t 2 CW-9710 r.ncJw t7SO VetYo '772 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cn•ac 991 5 A.tos Us.d ....._ u d ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • M Ut'72 MO Z th mil , btll H 2 htt>r lf»3 Onr uwntr VOLVO El Dor •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '67 ado. full pown. ~ t925 ......,.dl "47 CQOd ,All', mo(lai, Me l Mwny 1:Jttrtat1 l.Wal Offt't AIC. good t1ru1. S9VO •••••••• •• ••••••••• •••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••• M6 1312 Ell lmpcmal cpe: 78,000 '73 ad cond Mu11t Mill. bhwt:IW~m 970'1 t~ 2!i)I SALIS. SMVICI ·1• .a. 4 itild. muit•. Jtlnt ·73 i>ondl!' IH4, rx·rf 1'011 AND LIASIMG rond 0 .H O l'P dn ion 15110 0 l':vu OV ~IU!il!:ASOF:LIVl':HY ,917 rrul~. XJnt cood., SJ32S. Rdocatlng. Sell for best bi~ ~7S oller 84.2· l.80IJ . LAST CHAMCIPOI 1'71 UOl't SAR! IOY OlllASI HOWi 1''• MOW AlllYIHGI 7&1 tlM3. 21'18 6Jll *1 t:X.P LH'l'S ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1971CAMAIO 'T3 DA~UM UOZ Naw .,.. l 'u 1 rt1ra Ur11quo Sl\ow IAILI lkt LT model with only 7:T13 u ..... s hock•. baUf'ry n<om t•uod $;.>u,000 VOlVO mild ' t<;lectnc wlndow1. AM /P'M a trarll1 H .OOu 213 ~ llll UIMlhrbor Blvd. J)Wl' door lock1. stert.'O mllft 14.000 or Ot'11l of . wtth a C 8 radJo V8 fer WodL »7221 t u1 '.,·'-'0 liroad11lcrronv~ft COSTA MESA · · •• 4.PM, hocni• ~ <WtlM 16rti•.t ~nt Nlfld • $9500/orfer 646-9103 540-9467 ~u~~c. P~~ :t:i~~g )rM w1't'kt-nd1 642 86li:I ~I COUNTY <~VOW> 14~ ll't' RJUt.'. .07. .,1,. 77 C,;opJWr Mt'lalhc 1111 VOLVO SAVE $$SSS AM /l-'M Niu , ,1uad. ncw l"Ctrll(b • ·r ar1t11 . lo1u1Nl. 11>hla. pe•rli•ct $4Wt.I of 1uddle kluttll•r int , ittr, ~c.:LUSIVELY VOLVO Al~n h rwtrd nunthl'T O( frr MU..'lt iwll 1~ ~U I t'tr $1!1,080tu• 1nt'ld or 1..arl(est Volvo Dealer Urn! 'II ~ u. r.&111 .avail•· ~t i utli f1•r WK 1111. 1)2 8401. tnOrana•County' CONNELL CHEVROLET ·x,;,. II . ir hor 111 , d 1·1 .tSJ \ \H.:> \ 546-1200 bW-<'•II ~ 1od.1y• 7)J 21.116 BUY or LEASE IJ 1·2040 49S.4t49 "'18 3!02. IS.100 m l In w111r· ....... --,.;u OIRF.cT 1976 IMW JOl2 ~a~ 'a:l{m attil't'O. .. ..................... ~, •• ~,.~ ~~.~= ,,t~ "7l ~L MovlnJ'. mu1t TIS~ DRIVI OUR lA9l ru ·~:e!~l~d~~r~t~: _..,_ l441\NY'£) llof'll Good cont! DIOO 'lE CAR 2025 S. Ma hest ~. MustseU. 144.2790 .. ._ Call 110 ~ OF THE y E.AR" nc er OM.Y S61tl .s....... 9725 <.;«d mv~nlo..., 1n bloC'k. Anahetm 750-2011 Cheu1•t 9920 HOW"" •DC ..... ,,,.._. .._ . " •••••••••••••••••••• ••• --••••••••••••••••••••••• llurrywh1lti thcyl1t11t ' 2 S w e d ish V o l v o 1978..,,.0V.6's! Oow •QuallS'-1 MIRACLE Mechan ics n o w at " "'- Nt'WPORT lH•:ACll ,. .. nu MAZDA/RIHAULT Ivan's, 1995 Ha rbor IJl-0555 .... ~4 ~l!IO llarhorHtvd Blvd ,CM.64.S·l982 oaAHGI COUMTY'S § 8alet1 rvtce·a...,n~1n" RovC.-.er,IK. Rolla Royce BMW lS40J a mboree Newport Btach 640-6444 CREVIER & I ST & ll!OAOW4Y s ..... ,,. ,. ..... 835·3171 f'H( ULTtMAU OAIYIH<l llteC>llNt t •USEDIMW1• '73 Ba v Sitt !567HJ P) '75 200'2 4s p (683N JM ) '75200'l Auto. air (2236) '76200'l4sp (765PQR > '77 ~; 4 spS/R (0179) '77 tmcs i 4 sp (TR5962) ''7863Jcs1 S/R (0045) _CJosed Sundays_ t"&ntl&JIUt C~ut ( ·c~~r A M t:SA ool.978Mudela 64S..5700 llFOUYOU im MocM• S&L YOUR now arnvln1 61 U>nvert. tnd hardl<>p VOL VO, MUSTSELL complete r e s to ration 01if'c}f.1,l~E~ .!450 963 ~ SEE US! 120 W Warner.SA I.oh Royce 9756 MAJt9UIS VOLVO 557·2132 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ml~ION VIEJO •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. • 811-2880 49S.1210 197i Plat 131 4-dr. sedan. rudio, 5 spd. less than ~ nu. Xlnt cond PP. Cull ~{j.30-5pm). 5M·L673e ves. '78 Flat Super Brava 5 sp. a /c , A M /F M cass velore. lo/mi., lJke new $.')400. 759-1008 £L0Sf0 $UNOAYS '$9SUverCloud I $19,000 98S·4144 Perf Fiat 8MJ conv 45,000 rru . blue . mugs, ~ten.-o, 675-Ml2. 1961 Rolls Royce Sedan. fine cond. Ete~ant whale. 9 72 7 $20,500. 640-4999. ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• lrmtd New '79 HONDA Cars MANY 9762 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 264 GL. a m tfm stereo. lthr lnt snrf. AIC. All xtras. ~150 979-8986 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9905 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MUSTSB.L '74 Hornet Hatchback X6 cyl. Auto trans.. Pow S tr. & Brakes. A ir. Buckets. a m /fm stereo & more Golden tan with tan 111terior. Low milei.. One Owne r . As king r .100. Call 953.1121 w eekday s 6 -l OP M . weekeods9AM·6PM. Choice of 9 ! All with automatic. pwr, s~eenng & radios. Most have a ir condltiocung & other ex-tras. An example: 2 Door with only 10.700 mites. <Slk.24.2SJ (43lTZT>. $4446 CONNELL CHEVROLET 'X:'>411.trbur Bh•I 1·1ie-.1 '-vn:. .... , 541>-1200 1977 CHEVROLET IMPALA SB>AM Automatic, P'Afl"· steer· mg. factory air cond .. llllted glass. wsw tires. whl•e l covers & LOW rrule!> Lac. 857RLD Slk. PJ64.2. $4771 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HARBOR 8LVO. COSTA MESA 642·0010 c-tiua5Uhll 9930 ._......._._.r..., ••••••••••••••••••••••• WWW~ Line. Cont. Mark Ill. ··~;,;·~~·~~~~·;~:~ .. need.'9 wor:'5-'::> MIWIST UNCOLN·MERCURY 1977 MAak V Dee.Aenhip laoow OPEN BeaUUlul mecbum blue RAY FL.ADHOE metallic exterior with UNCOLN·ME RCUHY white leat.ber interior, 16-lBAut.oCent.er Or. comfort &ounce powe r U · s~ated rroat 1eata. air SDF\wy La.lie F~t exit cond. CnUe control, tilt IRVlNE wheel, AM/FM stereo 110.7000 with quad tape, full power, of cou rse, and padded vinyl roof and more-<Ser#I04.263) i $9311 540-5830 1011\SO\ ,\SO\ • l INCOl N · t.4f RCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '74 Mark IV. GoMS Jubilee. Moon roof. c ru11e. leather, full power. Best rrunt cond. $5500/make air. 714/833-3899 9912 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CORVETTES! 1979 Brand NEW ! Loaded! Hun;'. hurry! (416824 >. 1971 Looks NEW ! Just 10.500 nules on Uus beauty. Has alt the Corvette extras PLUSsome' (404640). 1977 Choice or 2. Both a re Cul· ~Y eqU1pped. One has on· t y 10 ,920 mile s! (JOOI'VF) • COHN ELL CHEVROLET ~ Hart•1r Jlh d t'IJe'TA ~~;S\ 546-1 200 1976 MIRCUIY MONARCH COUPE Low miles • leas than 2.0.000. Brown m elalllc fuush wit.b contrusUng saddle vinyl intenor and full vinfl roof. Air cond .• p /s , p /b . radio . automatic trans. Sharp andcleao! $4311 540·5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN·MERC:UllY 2626 HARBOR Bl VD. COSTA MESA '72 Col Park 9 pass. wag White, fully loaded ' Xlntf $2,000. 675-6161 . 1976 MONARCH SB>AM 6 cyl. engine. radio, air cond .. P IS a nd P /B Automatic trans, pasld yellow wtth white viny I wt.enor. Clean and ready t.ogo! (Licli223NXM > $3611 540-5630 1011 \SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN·MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVO. COSTA MESA '62 Monterey. Xlnt cond. Good running. Day & rughts 494-9645 To ChooM From! ·n BMW320l, o rangt'/blk, Ull>...llVERSITY 4 spd, 34K mi, 'ltereo, "" aa.r, amma<· S8900 Mike OlcfMRobi~ 1.976 4 X 4 station wgn . w ith ever y ex t ra . AM/FM Cassette deck. /\IC, skid plates. push bar. moon roof. luggage rack. lo mile!!, ideal for skiers. $4250/best ofr. 556-1.360 For sale 1974 Gremlin. bucket seats . air . AM/FM. pwr steenni:. new (root brakes. low mileage. SllJOO. Catt after 5.00. 964-1761 1976 MALllU '76 Cor vette 350 auto, Sparkhn12 blue finis h Mustsell! Makedffer . '75 Bobcat. 3·dr. $2000 962-6770 Eves/wknds 494·0137 Hoe.da Cars • GMC 1978 633cu A Trucks Dealers pe r sonal car. 28SO llarbor Blvd. Picked up 1n Europe . 700 Costa Mesa 540-9640 males -s unroof. Tan ...... 9730 teaUl<'r .· rtawt~s exam-•••••••••••••••~••••••• pie ' 1~ertl04Sl SAVE CREVIER MOTORS 1st & Broadway SANTAANA 835-3171 . '73 BM W 2002 S unroof $4700 or b est offe r s:i!l-11321 • * * ZB.DAGILDH 267 Knoit St Costa Mesll You are the winner or TWO FREE TICKETS lOlhe 17th Annual LONG BEACH RODEO al the Lo n g Beac h Arena, 300 E Oc c :in Blvd . Lonit &:ach To claim your t1cke~ , call 642·5b'1fl. Ext 272. * * * 9715 Ccipi ••••••••••••••••••••••• •XJ6 Repalrs & Service • JoeHennessey /J aguar UllO Plac .• C.M. 631-2742 'fl! Jaguar XKE. 2+2, re- gency red. ware wheels. ate. AM/F M radio. ong. owner. 69000 m1 bea ut. rood .. $5,000. 644-0175. '73 JaJ!uar XJ 12. black leather int. Fully equJp. Chrom e wire whee ls Michelin L1res Lmmac. in &out. 645-4743. '61 XK-150 Jag Rdstr. Kas chansma ' Brnllan , lugg rk. 302 boss Ford Must. eng, dual reed llUy. Fisk. Cam Must. C-4 trans. B&M hyd s hft kat, n ew Plrellls, AM I FM stereo cass & rec'dr. Tn /\x s pkr. $13.500. (714 ) 96'H848; (.213) 533-0666 Maida 9731 ••••••••••••••••••••••• miracle mazda Toyota 9765 ••••••••••••••••••••••• luicll 9910 '77TOYOTA • ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 Electra . all e xtra s. good, clean cond $5,995' Catt Art SR5UFTIACK Silver /black 5 s peed trans, AM /F M rad io. Llkenew! $4195 CaU 642-0138 PRIVATE PARTY '77 Ce h c a GT Lflbk, black . A/C. s tereo cass • $4000. 992·2426 675-7060 673·9187 '6l LeSabre 50'k-restored Beautiful body. tared engine Many xtrs. Best oHer. :;48-0455 9915 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fl! Corona 4 dr. sect. beige. '78 El Dorado: re l 1 red st. rad, A T runs. as Is. G.M Executive. Own er $550. A fte r 101\M dnven onJy. Pnme cond. 557·9161 Sll.990~7893 '78 Toy. Corolla. 5·s pd. 'TT Sedan de VlUe, One c ustom . carpetinJ<. AM owner. fully equip. radio. tlm1., r adials. S6.750 W ee kd ays 893-6235. 759·9501581 7835eves. Tri..... 9767 '77CpedeVille, Buckskin, ••••••••••••••••••••••• full equ.1 p Excelle nt 78 Spitfire, must aett. ex· c o n d 4 9 7 -2 3 6 2 pect1ng baby. Lo mi, eves/wknds. ' UJO/ofr. Aft 5, 494·5436 '78CADlLLAC 77 T R 7 white w ith sport stnpes. s un roof. A/C. AM/FM cassette stereo, plaid int. to mi. xlnt cond. 371 ·0252eves. Voltswagett 9770 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OPERA COUPE loaded with eqw pment ! Wh.ite w/red leather 1n- tenor Ong. retail selling pn~ $41,000/0ur pnc<' $31 ,000. Or tea s e 1456400) 2150 Hsbor ll•d.. '73 Beetle. sunroof. 4 spd. stereo, nu p8lnt. Allkin g 9720 Costa Mesa 645-5700 $2150. 675-9789 ·74 C u pr1 4cy l lo/ m 1 AM/FM tp deck Rest of· £er. P/P67J..fl890 FLETCH ER JON ES CHEVROLET 6633 Westminster Ave. Westminster 939.3773 •···········••·······•• with glistening white top, 963 5 o V8. autom;itac. a ir cond . _____ ._14 ___ _ '77 Murqws . 20,000 m1, lJght blue vnyl top, navy bfue lthr int. amtrm stereo, radials. lo11ded Smooth driving. Mint cond Must sett Takl' t>e:.-i offer. 548·2393 duyi. lt}-6.:JO. 968-4178 e ves ~ pwr steenng & a radio. \670PKE), Reduced to ONLY $3750 CONNELL CHEVROLET :!&21411.1;1,.,r Ill\ <I ( ·1 llST1\ ~ ~:s \ 546-1200 900 So. Coast Hwy. LarJ-o•och 494-1131 '73 Monte Carlo. auto. powe r steering. power brakes. air conditioning. New transmission & ex· ha ust s yste m . Recent Umc. 675-0380. $2595 73 Caprice: Full power, new l.lres, AIC. AMl l"M. l mmac $1800 P P 544.5744 ·n Monte Carlo A IC P/S. P /8 , P /W. P t Locks AM/FM 8 track, s wavl!I buckets. T-Top. immac lo w·L mllg . $5.RUO 642·3132. ~ 9913 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 XR71. excell. cond., 3lK ma, air. mag whls, so:x>. 962·9657 9940 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •~ -PHIL ' LONG FORD SUD. 1975MBCURY MAJt9UIS COUPE White with bla ck in terior and vmyl roor.P IS, P /B. automatic trans. 311" cood.. radio. e xtra clean. <Liclf300MF'F> Sl288 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SOX • LINCOLN M ERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '71 Ford LTD Wagon· automal.lc, pwr. steering & bra.kes, au cond . new •kzl'*'9 9952 l.lres & only 63 000 actua I •• • • • • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • nulcs. Runs LiKE NEW ·n Mach I. CLV, 351-4V, & us ea r t: Jlar gas' Ram air low m1 xlnl SJ350 Pri. pty . Ca It org. cood.' 213-943-4134 770-337). ---Oldl•... 9955 1974 FOttD LTD. • •••••••••••••••••••••• COUPE '74 Olds Toronado, 2·dr, ·Medium b rown. v iny l loaded. $2000/best offer r oor . P I S & P I B Must sell Dys 774·7260, Au tomatic trans, a ar rut.es9S5-02fll cond.. rad.Jo. clean and -.7-8_i.,_C_u_t_I e_s_s_S_u_p_r_e_n-e 1 SHARP. ILJc"760KG8>. Broughm a/ lo/mi . ex· $2111 ceptlonal $6350. D ays 540-5630 · 547·5832 Eves I· 661 -1666. *PATSUNS* Lanp SeleetlOll Of All Models SALE.~·LEl\SING PARTS·S~RVICE ~ 9"-1 9740 71 F'astback. AM/FM air '71 Cpe de Ville. Engine & ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond. good transporta· accesson es xln t cond. '78 :mo, m etallic brwn, llon.644·6719/644·5119 S1200.PhS48·9842 Pvt party NEEDS llher inter . s unroof & CHEVY Mec h work '78 Delln 88. Beautiful & Loaded. 14 ,000 m I. $6300 1011 \SO~ & so~ • LINCOLN·MfRCURY ·2626 HARBOR BLVD ~08474933 stereo. 0000 mi's, $l9.000 '7;) 412: Blue. auto trans. ·74 Coupe DeViUe Excep needed OK. 545-4988 499.~ XJntcond . cond 2dr 49.000 miles COST A. MESA n Olds Delta 88, 2 dr, HT '72 CHEV 3$0 engine ---------runsgood.$950 COSTA MESA DATSUN 21:145 HARROR BLVD 540.6410 540.021 l *DRIVE A* * LITILE ••• * SAVE A LOT SHOP & COMP A.RE BARWICI< DATSU~ ..., 111 111.111 I 1(1 I I iii• 831 -1375 4~3-337S "We need to buy clean Datsun used cars" J.978~L. 3M, Malan bm, stereo, absolutely mmt. $2 9 ,500 . Evc a 2 13 /947 ·3301 . dys 213/~35 '76 450 SEL Metallic Blue & matching leather ml lAaded' /\s kmit $17,750 CaJJ: 645-2613. afternoons please. 74 280 c .. coc oa brn . pe rfect cond $7 500 67s.o232 68 Mereedes. s unrf, air. must aell. S3500. orr. Martha494-3672; 661-1161 Mercedes '71 2lJ> SE, 3 5, white, blue teathr mt. $12,SOO 962·5427 '62 MBZ l90SL classic. m show cond. Both to ps Rblt. eng & dnve train Totally restored. 991-4886 '78 450 SL . 12,000 mi S l ~v e r I b I k I c a t h , cass ette. $27,000. Ph 54().89G5 752·2139 Sunroof. spht pwr. bench seat, leather, AM 11'' M s te. t a p e new tires Loaded & Mint' (714) G-1543. 8 :30·5 M ff '76 9-pass. bus. AM/FM, exec !len t co nd lti on , 675-3148 eves. '78 VW convert. redtblk, 77Sev11lc: Tan, black lthr AM/FM stereo. 531·1663 int.. 23,000 Males. lmpec· eves cable. $10,500 F irm '74 V W. bug, AM/FM 8 _54.S-8489 ________ _ Irk, very low miles , new •••••••• lLres, xlnl cond $3100. 5JG.Z785, 536·8405. 'i '78 VW convert. Cham V~~.:c. pagne edit. AM /FM cass .• Michelin tir es, SAYS chrome whts . Burg S .._VE' metalhc/wht mt., 1800 ~ • m a, $7100. 673·8437. &73-12.86 1976 CADILLAC '74 Super Beetle. sunroof. yellow . good cond 673-2078 or 752-6669 WANTt;D VW • Datsun •Toyota Running or not·Cash ! 673-3465 631-2697 '73 Super Beelle. x lnt cond, $1950 548·8496. 968-mS aDORADO J.Ully Loaded - Moon Roor IS30SQVl s7499 GUSTAFSON &JHCOlK-MBCURY S W1U Pay Top Dollar S COSTA MESA DATSUN MCI> 9742 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Super Beetle gd. cond . MG M d R I bl Ne eds brakes . $1600. I 6IOO IHctt ll•d. I luC.z•• hactt 142-1144 •••••••• 76 , 1 gel , oya ue 96&0071 wire/wheels lug . rck .. --------- 2845 HARBOR RLVD AM/FM Tonneau & boot ...... M•w '800 A11tot M•w 9100 540.64 IO S-40.021 l oover lo miles, xlnt cond. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••.'••••••••••••••••• 41M~l after6PM New79280ZX Al'l',PlS.4 MG I .1 I p ass. silver Lac. pd. 58 A o ma es, x nt $11347530-6409 cond. C rm wa res, · white/burg . int. S2500tof· '73 4MOZ X1nl cood. Ma gs. fer. 968-9068 ~~~~~1~1~1~· Aft. 51MG1 ________ 9_7_4_4 ---------...................... . '73 DATSUN '74 MGB. Only 28,000 ml. 240'1 FUiiy loaded. Mu.st sell 4-IPOOd air cond1tiomng. Eves al\ 6. 64S-7571 AM/FM stereo, excelle nt '73GT , im:alcond condlllon thr oughout MUST'sJ.;LL FAST! Yellow. 54500 '3C)()()orbestolrer C.ll al\ s 495· 1588 or--- .eest otter ,., IC:IM 9750 oan aft.er 6:3D, 536-1995/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4lUl28 -'77 Turbo. mlnt cond All ldras + more. Must aeU, '72 Pt.ck Up with camper aak for Mike, 962·5610 shell Good cond. $1600 213-834-7088 Call 631·2823 or 846-1347 ---...------ '77 92': ~liver A /C . '78 Dats un 8 -2 10 . stereo, 22.000 ml. Must ·Hatchback X.lnt shape. eetl-Bul olfer Call days j,23001 4~'1.4~ 8. 9'79·2333 eves Ir wknda ~ • 788..Je63 -~ CARS IN STOCK- MORE ON THE WAY! TEST DRIVE THE RX7 TODAY Comp .. lo m ites Firm at '70 HANCHERO VS 964·l848 $350 &l2·5075 afl SPM PS/PB. auto. ____ 64S-_125_7 ____ , ~ •••••••••••••••••• 1974 CHEVROLET 'CAPRICE WAGON 9 pass. medium blul!. automatic trans. P /S. PB. air cond. AI M-FIM stert'o, roof rack. £''( te l l e nt cond (Llcll633JPR l 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN·MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 73Chevy Impala, 4 dr. air, AM/FM. PS. good tond .. l(ood I.ires $1700 or best ofr 7514419 evs /wknds *** MARYr<>PPS 1200ran!le Blosi.om Irvine You are the winner or 'IWO FREE T ICKETS to the 17th Annual LOMGIEACH RODEO Al the Long Bearh Arena, 300 E . Ocean Blvd.. Long Beach. To claim your tickets, caU ~-5678 Ext 272. ••• Clrplet' ~925 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1977 CHIYSL.a M.Y.lltOUGHAM COUPI Lollded with extras. full power, 50/SO (rt seats. air cood • speed control. till whe e), AM t f'M stereo with lt1f>t dec k. padded vinyl ro:or. and mor&i ! brown metallic oxlerfor wllh 1uxury match.mg interior. You must 11ce th is one•. (UcMt.sSWTl $5411 540·5830 2129 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 1977FORD GRANADA COUPE D ov e g r e y . wi t h matchmg vinyl intc nor and vlllyl roor. PIS. P IB. automatic trans . Radio. aar cond • 6 cyt engine S howr o om fr e s h '. <1..ic11Z7RSGO> $4311 540-5630 1011\SO'° & SO\ • LINCOLN·MERCURY '75 Pinto WaJ(on V.6, auto tran<;, 20mpK. low mtle!> $2900 /orr c r . (7 14 ) 548~ after 5 p. m & wee k ~nds o r 1714 ) 491!-1000, ext 307 wkdays. 1973 4 <;peed Pinto w ltow bar $1000 or best offer 642·2164·. 673·0782. ·11. 4 s pd, $700 496-1741 '72 Pinto 2000cc 4 spd. II track fm s tereo $895 Call 2626 HARBOR BLVD. an 5957·2805 COSTA MESA PlynDUth 1979 Turbo Mustang, 3·dr. 2 m os. o ld. compl. lo aded. mus t s e ll . SIOOO/take over pmts 497-4300 69 s tation w gn . 42 9 automatic, gr eat eng • NC. Vis. needs a C-6 trans, $650631·3'08 '64 GalaXJe 4·drlnV8. slnd trans. R&.H. c . Great eng. nds clutch , $450. QUI 545-3349. ••••••••••••••••••••••• i4 Gold Duster. air, nuto, PIS. P/8, orag ownr. xlnt cond. $1750. 493.5500 aft5PM. 'TT Volaire 4-dr Premier, V-8. a ll powe r , A I C . stereo. xlnt. Mus t sell. 559-5731 eves. 66 Plymouth Wagon . gd tran11port at1on . good tires. needs body work. $225. 2li9 Ru ral Pl • CM u..colll 9945 ~ ••••••••••• !!.~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ., THI . YllO ... SAYS SAVE! 1977 UMCOLH TOWMCAI Loaded · Stereo. P'Ull Poftr; ( 830110) 58999 GUSTA MN L9COlM t 1•CUIT ............. . ........... 141-1144 •••••••• ) '77 Grand Prix blk/s1lvr • T top. rully equi p 't. liKrru. 213943-4134 . '75 Pontlca Ventura Good trans car. Loan pay off . TI4 /846-3628 or 896-2243. '66 Pool.lac Wagon. Runs xtnt. Ve r y c l e an. 1585/Firm. P P. 75L-4107 evefi. ·n Grand Prix LJ, 17 MPO. all opt. plu11h Int .. s unrf Exr. $6,000. 55.2-1003 '77 Grand Pnx W. Has all options & T-roor. Like new •1008· v... 9974 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Vtita Hotchbk. SllOO, Sc>tnt m Amer l'<ilt .. 39K m l, itlnt <'Ond Oys ~ I've~ 559 0085 • Of..,, ~LO'f CJ f: .. ~ . • ' t • . ' • I. I I t ' ci-a OM. v Ptlor MondQ J911uary 29, 1t'71 Smo ·1 - l f f . t l I J • ! I I i I , - • t J • I /' /- Flavor rated as . as-or better than-high tat leaders in fresh~~ h study. Can low tar MERIT with 'Enriched Aavor~ tobacco disprove the old "low tar, low taste" theory? Read the results of detailed, nationwide research conducted among high tar smokers who taste-tested MERIT against high tar brands-and among current MERIT smokers. Rmearcli ~ Tuste Satisfaction Caifirmtxl: Majority of high tar smokers tate _,MERIT taste equal to -or better than-leading high tar cigarettes tested! Cigarettes hav ing up to twice the tar. Caifirmtxl: Majority of high tar smokers confirm taste sati sfaction of low tar MERIT. <:oaliinJDCI: Overwhelming majority of-MERIT ~ O PMMp M«m lee. 1919 . .. Kings: 8 mg' 'tar:· 0.6 mg nicotine- 100' s: 11 mg" tar;' 0.7 mg nicounnv. perc1garene. FTC ReponMay'78 ,,, . • • Warning: The Surgeon Gene1el Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • • ( smokers say their former high tar brands weren't . d' rrusse . , Caifirmtxl: 85% of MERIT smokers say it was an "easy switch" from high tar brands. <Jonlirrrm: 9 out of 10 MERIT smokers not considering other brands. First ~Alternative 'i> High 18r Smoking MERIT has proven· conclusively that it not only delivers the flavor of high tar brands-but ... continues to satisfy! , This ability to satisfy over long perioQs of time · could be the most important evidence to date that MERIT is what it claims to be: The first real alternative for high tar smokers. t :.-a ~&lOO's ,· . I ' • I j • . . I J ' I j I Huntington Beach Fountain V11~0~y Your Bometo.,n1 Dally Newspaper VOL. n , NO. 29, 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1919 TEN CEt;'T.S Two Killed, Nine Wounded , I Sniper Terror at SD School . f a .. tlagto• Slaylag Father Charged In Son's Death Police charged John Robert Pittman of Huntington Beach with murder today foJlowinJt the Arsonists Rampant In Tehran TEHRAN, Iran <AP> -Anti· government Moslem rioters set fire to a nightclub, a brewery and restaurants and attacked brothels in Tehran today a.s this troubled patlon awaited word of the imminent return of Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini hero of the anti-shah rebellion. ' Heavy shooting by army units was reported from several parts of tbe city, but reliable casualty reports were noL immemately available. / ~1 U.S. military officials here re- ported that an American officer was shot and wounded by an un- known assailant Sunday nigbl R ioters today badly beat a police seneraJ alto. Prime Ml\'JlltleT· Sbahpour Bakbtiar early today scrapped plans to fiy to France to meet with Khomeini at the Mo.Jem leader's exile headquarters out· side-Paris. Bakhtiar rejected the "unacceptable" condition that be resign before meeting with the exiled Khomeini. But Bakhliar said Iran's airports, closed last week to pre- vent Khomeini 's return from ex- ile, would ~pen shortly. and Khomeini :tould return • ·1r security measures are taken." In Paris, Khomeini announced be would return at his risk as soon as the airports are open. Aides said they were ready to leave at a moment's notice. "We hope to leave tonight de- pending on the latest order re- garding the airports," said one. _Later,,aa.aide said Khomeini would riot return before Tuesday night. Tehran and other cities have been wracked ror days with violent protests by anli- governmenl J ranians demand· ing that Khomeini be allowed to return. Police sources said rioters ~ day set fire to the Shokoufenou nightclub. the capital's largest, burned the Shams brewery in south Tehran and set five beer 1 trucks ablaze. They also set fire to res(aurants serving alcoholic drinks. Rioters stormed Into south Tehran's "red-light" district and attacked liquor stores and what they identified as houses or proslit.utlon. "On this s treet are houses where women sell themselves." one demonstrator cried. Reporters saw rtoten throw furniture, including large refrigerators, out of the windows of some of the buildings . The sound of gunfire, apparently from riot troops nearby, sounded in the background. Cars burned in the streets. PIUJI' AD KEY TO LOCKSMITH · "My Dally PUot ad worked out tine. predawn shooting death ot his 24.year-old son during what of- ficers said was a family aquab- ble. His son, Joseph Maurice Pitt- man. or 13751 Edwards St., Westminster, was shot once in the chest with a .357 magnum pistol. He was pronounced dead at Westminst e r Community Hospital at 3 a.m. The elder Pittman, SS, was ar· rested at bis home. 5161 McFad- den Ave., Huntington Beach. s hortly after the 12:50 a .m. shooting. The father remained in custody today in lieu or s!so.ooo bail. Police Sgt. Luis Ochoa said it is alleged th~t the father shot bis son when the son refused to leave his home. Ochoa said the dead man's parents had been drinking and arguing over the well-being of their 16-year-old daughter When the son refused to leave, his mother, Elizabeth Pittman, 48, allegedly fired the pistol near him but missed. The shot struck the noor. Ochoa sald lbe father took the gun and became involved in a shoving match with the son when the weapon discharged. Paramedics fOWMi the &WiiliOt victim lying in a front doorway. No other arrests were made. Funeral services are pending Station Jobs A 21-year-old Westminster man and his teen-age female compa· nion were arrested at a Hunt· ington Beach police stakeout Sun- day night and charged in connec- tion with a series of West Orange County gas station robberies. Police arrested Raymond John Edward Tarbell at 6 p.m. near a Union 76 gas station at the comer of Beach Boulevard and Stark Avenue. The station bas been robbed three limes in the past month. Ao unidentified 14 -year·old girl was rimog in an auto driven by Tarbell at the time or lJle ar- rest. 1be girl bolted from the auto but wu later apprehended in the station restroom. Huntington Beach police Sgt. Luis Ochoa said Tarbell and the girl are suspected of holding up at least seven gas stations in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Westminster and Santa Ana in the past month. Police reported a bandit held up six gas stations during a 3Y.i-hour spree Thursday night in the west county area. Police said they round a nyk>n stocking mask and a .22 caliber pellet pistol in Tarbell's auto at the time of bis arrest. The mask and gun are believed to have been used in other holdups. Tarbell remained in Huot· ington Beach Jail today in lieu of $25,000 baH. The teen-age girl was lodged In Orange County J uveniJe Hall. • Jogger Robs liquor Store ' ; "I ~ the flnt person who An anned bandit wearlae a L ·apfl_Hed. nylon stoA:ing mask and blue -:-~ -JJ:bat'• U....-che'!!!.lnl aucceu Jogglnc suit held up a Hunt· atory ol the La1unl Rm.-11mr · lnston-Bffcb ttqwr ~--~...... ho pltleed tbil ad in lbe Dally day afternoon and Oed oo foot Pilot: with 0Sl85 ln loot. LOaI.811111'11 • • The sunman o:--rde-r-:-:-i.-a-c-.-.... Exel opp\y for • at Bill's Liquor store, 1~51 *k•milh w/mln. 2 >'" Beach Blvd., to baDd over all the t•p./Send re1Uine to PO mooey in ~ cub retl•ter at Bo• JUWC 12:41 p.m. TIM bo&dup man rrabbed the cub and Joued from t.be seeoe. Several wttne. ... saw the ban· dJt u be pulled of( hll mull and raa throutll a · tleld wut of Beach Boulevard. I . •• ... Deity ............... TEMPERATURES SANK TO 21 ABOVE ZERO ON IRVINE RANCH BEFORE DAWN Unde Vobllril, 12, Demonatratea Reautt of Froety Morning In Coeta Meaa . ! Cold Threatens Crops . Frost Warning• Out/or County Tonight By TOM BAKLEY Of-o.ifJ ...... , .... Oraa«e County rancb baoda who fougbl hard Sunday n1abt and earlY today to protect their crops from freezlnc tem peratures were warned today that they may bave an even tougher battle on their hands after the aun sets tonight. "Clear and cold and, by the look of things, colder than what ( ,we bjMI last night," a National Weather Service forecaster grimly predicted today. 'They're already getting out the frost warnings in Orange County." and early today after a da.y of freak weather in wbicb astonllbed resideata wi~ thunder, Ugbtn.ln1. hail, tnow and rain -not necessarUy in that order. And a veteran Newport Beach beacbpr reported that for the first time in bil memory the sand was coated in frost early today. The freak snowfall Sunday gave golfers at the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club and participants in the swap meet on the fairgrounds lo indulge in 'what may be a.once·in-a-lifetime opportunity in this part of the world -a snow 11.cht. Golf and the hunt~ng for bargains were forgotten as astonished but happy parUci- pant.a scooped up tbe white st.uff and belted each other in true c~ cenl fubion. - laow ••• reported fall· Ina Sunday at Huntington Beach. Fountain Valley, Corona del Mar and Laguna Hilla. Repor1a ol frost damace In· dJcated that the Irvine ComPQ1 bad fared by far the worst dur· int a night in which the tem· peratwe feU fut. A low of 28 degrees was re· corded in Laguna Beach but local growers reported little or no dama.ze to their crops. A cold snap last month cost Dennis Tousaieng, operator or Laguna Gardens on Laguna Can- yon Road,· several thousand dollars in riost·nipped nowers. <See FROST, Page A2> It was the kind of forecast pre· dieted yet dreaded today by many county farmers, amon~ them Rancho .Mission Viejo s Bob Clark, who reported no crop damfge on the south county acreage despite a low reading of 28 degrees during the night. "We were helped laat night by the fact that il was so moist," Clark said. ·'It's much drier now and cold on that scale tonight could mean we'll have a sadder story to tell Tuesday.•• Rancho Mission Viejo fared better than the Irvine Com- pany's agricultural holdings where a low of 21 degrees was recorded at 2 a .m. today. Carter, Teng Cite 'Common Journey' Ranch hands reported damage to avocado . l e mon and strawberry crops despite the fact tha~ wi~ machines were in operation throughout the night. "It will talte a few days to de· termlne lbe full extent of the damage," a weary ranch hand commented. "And I can tell YoU we're not looking forward to tonight one Utt.le bit." The froet whitened much or Orange County Sunday night WASHINGTON CAP> -Presi· dent Carter welcomed Vice Premier Ten,c Hsiao.ping to the While House today with tbe promise of "a common journey" as they be1an talks on bolstering the new relationlhip between the United States and China. "On behalf of the people of my country. I welcome you, Mr. Vice Premier." Carter sakl un- der windy. overcast skies durinc the ceremony on the While House south lawn, which was twice disrupted by anU-Teng A.ttaek Feared China to lnvtJtk J/ietnam? NEW YORK (AP) -China might launch an attack on Vletnam as punishment for that country's invasion of Cblnese ally Cambodia, accordinl to intelli1ence sources cited by Newsweek ma1aline. The magazine said China bu amassed a force ot 80,000 to 120,000 troops on ltl Vietnamese border, a bulldup a State Department expert termed ·•more than you would need for Jutt a show of force." The attack could brtna in the RU11lana, who have 44 divisions on the1r border with China, Newsweek said. -Tiie Cblnele~hl re1p111d to ~ Bua1l1n iDYuioa with nuclear weapons but Peldnl'• armed fo ~Old not contain ti!!_ Rusal~. accorcllna tq magazine. • --. ---... The mqar..ne dld not quote ttl 10Utte1 directly as to China '1 intention of lnvadlDI Vietnam. However, it quoted a \1.S. eource u aaytq, "We're just worried that an invMloa ol Vietnam m!ibt take , place after tbe ril1t" ol Qdneee Vice Prime IUDlater Tenc Hll•sUI to WI COlllltl'J. • 'slDce lt would look like M llft diem t.be tree ~t. 0 demonstrators. ''Today we take another' step in the historic normalization of relations. We share in the hope which springs from reconcilla· lion and the anticipation of a common journey," the president said. Teng, reading his speech In Cblnese. responded that "We share the sense of being on an historic mission. Slno-U.S. rela· Uons are at a new be1tnning and the world Ls at a new turning point." Tenc w~ that • 'lbe factors making ror war are vlaibly growinl" ln the world. He and Carter bOtb expressed bope that normal relations between their two countries would belp pre. se"e world peace. Aft e r the w e lcomln1 ceremony, the leaders went to Carter's White Hou.le offtce to be1in six houri of talb id three scheduled sesalons. Admlm.tra- tion officials said they expected Carter and Teng to excbance views on a broad ran1e of 1ub- Jecta. from Korea and Indochina to U.S. arms control necotl•· UoDI wit.b the Soviet Union. Before Tens leaves W ••hinlton on Tlnanday, be aDd Carter are expected to alp an umbrella pact allowin1 a variety of exc:bupl between the two -.. ~~•. lncludln1 nh1 burea• In .. ch other'• eapltale. -Cart. ud ore., alto are ex-pected todilcw ,....,,..,Jor • new trade a~ment (Ivins Cbina molt·fa ·D8UOD tariff treatment and HffM to enMI from tM EQort·lmport BeM. CarUr IDll bll wile, Roultm. met T8u ad b1I wtfe, Cho ua. at tb• -Wblte Houae South Portico at .O a.m. SM' to a flD· fare ol Army trumpetl. . ' GirJ, 16, Believed uspect SAN DIEGO <AP> -A school princloal and custodian were killed and nine people, including a police officer and eight students, were wounded today when a 16- year-old girl opened fire with a .22 caliber rifle at a crowded elemen- tary sc:bool across the st.reel, policeaaid. Kiiied was the head custodian, M lcbael Sucbar, 56, said Fred J af. fries. a spokesman for the Stn Diego Unified School D~trict. Jeffries said he also ,.heard that the school's principal. Burton Wragg, 53, died of injuries ala hospital. AD unidenUJied spokesman for Alvarado Hospital said all the Injured students were in good condition. The girl was barricaded inside a house across the street from tbe school in the city's northeast section with an estimated 500 to eoo rounds of ammunition, police said . The girl's falher was reported t.o be on the scene attempting to talk the youth out of the house as a police SWAT team prepared to rush the modest yellow frame house. AHL Chief of Police Robert Buodgreen aaid, "We believe a 11-year-old Sirl student" was reapoaalble for the sbootlng. He saaa she was armed with the .22 caliber automatic rifle. TIM lDddent began at 8:40 a .m . and the lat shot.c; heard were fired about 8 :55 a .m . However, the girl, identified on· ly aa Brenda by police, re· maioed in lbe house. Site wu described as a "pret. ty 1ood shot" by officers on the scene. Police s pokesman Bill Robinson said "she is willing to talk to a degree. She is under a lot of pressure. There is no more danger at the school." When the shooting began, children ran out or the school for cover and nearby homes were evacuated. Armed police set up a bar- ricade around the house, keep- ing bystanders and reporters at least one block away. Police Chief William Kole nder and City Manager Ray Blair were at the scene. Six of the injured were taken to nearby Alvarado Community Hospital and a seventh victim was taken t o G r ossm ont Hospital. Anxious parents were flooding the Alvarado a nd Grossmont switchboards with te lephone calls. A neighbor. Gregory Pitman. 28, said, "I was standing just on the other side of the house when all of the sudden fiver.shots rang out ... My boy is right in that first room In that school." His son, Greg Jr., is 5. 1 A.win Appeals MEMPHIS, Tenn. CAPl -Al· torneys for James Earl Ray have filed a petition for a new trial for the confessed killer of civil rights leader Martin Luther Kini Jr. Coast Weather Clear and cold tonight with freezing tem - peratures~ Partly cloudy and not as cold Tuesday. Lows tonl1ht 30 to 35. Hith• near dOs Tuesday. IN81DIE TODA" At Wt*"' AirHM1. 11 of tlte • • pUotl orw women Dtrbbit Archer, 2t. h Wtrlfmt'I /fnf Jhghl ottnt· dotlt co mob t"-t"°"'"'°'9 to --~,. Ftoturirtfl, Page Cl. .. ..... • , , s - J ' \ ,. .. \Vi Could Use AN w Coast lS WIUJAMHOOC.t: o; .... IHllf -....... Nt'~l'lpjpcnt unnouncw tht' poHlbllH~ of d1tuu1t4.1r "Gl'Olo.ch•t t>r1'dl<'lll Co.a.st al 1-'loodlnai ." bl a.red the tu.•udlmt' Oy\•r u t-upyr111ht('d 11tory fl"om a gloomy Chlt'i"t' T1·1hu1w itta.H writer. one who h~d headed welt befort the pu 1 .th Llf\IC •now torm Tht• l'ltory fretted that 30 lo 40-foot waa v.-1 eou&d batter our t'uJ :.thnc, lu Ina d"atrul'Uon and citlmay in Uwl r wak~ Surely, th111 coul d m•·•n th<" 101).i propht!1Ued end of the Wl·11t Cottt.l ~ .. ~ h null y upon us Doom and dc11tructlon It dldn 't h a l)V("ll, dt>111>lt e tht' h1ah lldt'io ttut, paui. for a moment. a nd C'Orundc:r the areal IM!nef1t.a the Onngt> Coallt ml&ht hav" rl•up~d f ro m ~u c h MO a quatic hous~·lt'an111g LOOK: COASTITES HAVE been fearlessly battling amona t.bemaelves fo r years over ecological. eovemmental und polit1cal questions. MuaAve flood. 10g aod a reshaping of lhe couUine could hav~ been the very answers lo sa tisfy all the warring factions alon1 oE our coast Take Huntington Beacfi. for example. Downtown re- de velopment has been a faery issue between city officials and residents of the beach a rea for years. Floodlna would eliminate the problem and create a beautiful ocean vlew for the Huntington Beac h Library and Information Center. lf the bog d0t..'Sn'tsink. Jn Ne wport Beach. the age old Pacific Coast HJehway trafCiC' Jam at The Bridge would be eliminated forever. And the Upper Newport Bay would simply become "deep w&le!r ." IRVINE YrNALLY WOULD get its own coast. No longer would the ultimate planned community fall prey to the m actunations of the Local Agency FormaUon Com- mission <LAFCJ. And the government codld pun:hue the fl~alled Irvine Coast for use as a undersea kelp farm. -"l.u9una Reach has shown itself lo be the moel farsiabt- ed of our coast.al municipallUes. A deci.ak>n by city fathers last yeur to purchase Sycamore Hills located four miles ID· land shows a determination to keep Laguna above waler. Avco's Laguna Niguel fights with the coastal com- mission wouJd become moot. Most of the "8,000 acres of Sea Country" would become exactly that. And l'Outh Orange County's municipal court in Laguna Niguel could be used for the new Harbor Department. The hundreds of boating enthusiasts waiting for a slip at Dana Point's Jammed harbor would think (he flooding was a Godsend WAV•;s l~APPING AGAINST San Juan Capistrano's 200-year·old misi;ion would provide the scenic shoreline for a massive new harbor in San Juan Creek's naturally pro- tected noocJ .pl«jin. And San Juan officials wouldn't have tA>-worry about m anaging growth in the city's southwest s e<:Uon. Bluff.top residents in Capistrano Beach would nnally get their wish. A walk t.o the beach without a sheer 200-foot drop. Casa Pacifica could be the watery gate into San Clement.e's new harbor a nd planned coastal community. CERTAINLY, TROUGH, 111E bi« winners In such a "disaster" would have to be Costa Mes ans. With shorefront property, homes values in the city would soar. And the fairgrounds could be developed into :.inothe r Del Mar. eliminating the necessity lo travel to Loe Alamitos for the county's fall fair. And thl' flood could definitely spell the end lo the Costa Mes a ditch dilemma. The Costa Mesa nee Newport freeway <'ould become a new, revenue-inducing boat launching rump at the luxurious Arnet Harbor Estates i.i•as1decommunily. Third Suspect Held In Teen-ager Rape Newport Beach police report· l'd tod<iy they have arrested a third s uspect in the r ape of a Santa An a teen-ager Dec. 30. F'rec on $25,000 bail and facing a c harge of rape is Ger a ld T homas Martinez. 24, of J4247 Olive St . Westminster. He was a rrestcd Friday by Detective Ch a ri(-:. lksw1ck at has Job in La Mirada , C1ccording to Sgt. Bob. G:i tewood . G ;,itewood said a description hy lhe 17·ycar·old victim linked Martinez with the crime. Previously arre11tc..'<i and fa c· 1ng rape chargeR filed by the county Distract Attorney's office am Manuel Zuniga of Newport Beach and Daniel Esquivel of Fountain Valley, Gatewood said. H e said the rape occurred after the girl accepted a ride from three men following a par- ty In Fountain Valley. Hit- DAILY PILOT I,~ Utllf'H>l"(O..\t()Mlr Pt• 'llfUPt ""'+.~t\t~ t '"'Cl'"• N..w\ l'f~\ ltovtHl\,..ftny flw t"H~ (1,,,. t f.fvt)t1·~(orftPMy s. .. , •• ,.H•hO~'\tttr 'vt.11\twd Moftd•l' tJWr9'IQ!lfl f ud.-t ••• c .-.t• M#'W Nf"""°'1 t..._.t\ U~~M "4-Mf'I '~ '' "V•l .. f '"'""" l~f'Mi.,~/~l"(NU A 1N'fh t1~"°""'tf"f)ftt(iin1\pwnt1""""' "-tVIOAtl. •M ,.,"'.,.." ,,._ or•nr ...,., """'\.ht"" ptMt "•• 110 VO·\t ... , ... ,...., (Ml•M.-w c ... tot"'••1'hi 11-rlN-Pt• .... ,.._,"""°'_ J Nlll C--., V..,et•t"."'•ndC-NtM~ l-nllontl ~"""' T-•<llM~ IM""O• ... l• ... 0.••lt>H L-IN< ..... ~ ..... ""''''""' ~ .... ,,,. c.-..n II-rt•-t W•\I Of•-'-• ttll• HuntlfWOfl .. ~Office ,,.,r-. ..... -.._. M4'111 ... "...... ,. 0 ... "° ·- --Otftca&_ i...-111 .. cll I t .. 0-Y"••trfft C..~-.. UIW.\l .. v",...-· She was taken to an apart. m ent in Newport Beach, where Rhe was re peatedly raped and w<1s robbed of S6, Ga tewood said. Bandit Hits Movie Holl8e, Gets $2,100 A box office c le rk at the Edward8 Cinema in Fountain Valle y was robbed of about $2,100 in receipts Sunday night after a gunman threatened to shoot her. Police said two bandits ap· proached the box office about y:30 p.m .. One displayed a ptatol 1n the wwst band of his trousers and ordered the clerk to "live me all your money." "You're kldd!ng," the woman responded as she began backing out of the box office," police re-lated. "You make another move and I 'II shoot you," the aunman responded. The tw0 suspects, described as being in their early 20s, escaped on foot after the holdup. The theater la located at 16149 Brook.hunt St. Sharpahaoten I KiUGUnman '-~ OJC Y 0 «..AP) & h~ .... . .,..;...· ... ~~ O<tl.., ...... -.., •t< ... ,. ,_ ... HIGH TIDES SHOW THEIR STUFF AT El MORRO MOBILE HOME PARK SUNDAY MORNING Residents Were Treated to this Bracing Display But No Damage Occurred Vall~y Eatery Hit Twice by Holdup Men Robbers struck twice within four hours at Coco's Restaurant In Fountain Valley early Sun· day. escaping with a total of about $500, police said. In the first robbery, a man armed with a sawed-off shotgun m et the restaurant cle aning c r e w at 1:55 a .m . at the e stablis hment at 18380 BrookhurstSt. He look about S300 1n cash after locking up the cleaning e mployees in a walk -in re frigerator and confining the late -s hift manager in the restaurant office . Jn the second robbery, two gunmen s urprised the morning manager when he reported to work at about 5:50 a.m . The two bandits, one of whom was armc.>d with Cl revolver, took $200. F ountain Valley Police Officer Kevin Arnold saJd the n1omlng manager waa in the pt'OCess of replacing the money taken in the earlier boldup. Arnold said the robberies did not appear lo be connected. No o ne was hurt and the three gunmen are still at large. Honeymoon Not~r LOS ANGELES IAPl Arte r a year of ma rriage, 21-year-old M ar~ Good · man says his parents are "learning to <1ccept thl· s ituation" and gelling used to h.is new bride - hi s 78-year·o l d step- grandmother. Ray. A year ago today. Good- man ma rried Ray Good man a forme r chorus girl and his f a th e r 's widowed stepmothe(. "It's been one exciting year ," Goodman said Sun- day. "No regrets, tha t 's for sure " Many people espel'ia l- ly Goodman's parents looked on the romant'e with disfavor a yea r ago when the couple. then liv· Ing in England. announced wedding plans Texas Tot Drowns WACO, Texas CAP> -A 4· year-old boy playing near an aircraft hangar jus t outside the city limjts fell into a pit filled with paint -remo ving a c id and drowned. police s aid. Allen DaJe Wrenn Jr. and a 3-year·old playmate wandere d from Wrenn's home about a quarte r mile from the pilSl!n4ay . Fro.P~AI FROST ... "But e verything seems lo han· made it th.is time:· he said lo day. The cold night sent gaµgcs at Southern Cal.JCorn1a Gas Com pany plants soaring and com · pelted the utility to put 3. 7 billion cubic feet of gas out to dully homes and plants in Orange County. '"It was by far our biggest pro- duct ion this ye ar." SCG C s pokesm an Ha l Wa lton s aid · · i'ortunalely. we a r e us ing e mergency gas s upplied to us from Te x'5 and OklahOma so we are a ble lo meet what we expect will be a continued demand ove r the next day or so.·· . Saddleback Mountain had a <.:hristrnas card look today with sheriff's officers repOrting tha t the snow level there is down to 1.500 feet the lowest recorded this winter. They said many hikers in the a rea headed for home earlier than they planned Sunday as they were rut by hail, snow and rain. Fears that high tides predict· ed during the weekend would provide additional problems pro ved to be mainly groundless with coastal communities re· porting little or no d amage. An exception w a s 1n the Laguna Beach area wh lgh waves s we pt inithe El M rro Trailer Park. ft aylng se 1dc trailer homes. e wa ters qwck ly subsided and residents report· ed today that they suffered llttlc or no dama~e. The National Weathe r Servic<· forecast t.oday ca lls for contmu· ing clear and cold weather with a low tonight of about 32 degr~s and a high Tuesday of about 60 along ~ Orange Coast. Tules Come, Not Flnoding A/ongCOa8t West Orange County coastal are as weathered 6.9-foot tides ove r the weekend without any m ajor flooding, officials report· t d t.oday. Hunting t on Beach C1v1I Defense Direc tor George Thyden said t he high tides caused only minor flooding at a how intersections In Sunset Beach but the streets weni not closed. No problems were rePorud ·In Seal Beach. Officials ln both cltlea were ~...-......-put e1u1r"taeml·alert" bffa..-()( T ea.pMn. ('T14 )Ma-4nt C1a1~etif""9...,.- .... ~ abot and killed·• 1unman· wbo killed four l"tl'IOnl and held 25 othen botl•(•_ln_~ .... __ L c_...eei E•~•rted Ou~al>ankronwattyaliOUii. -~-r - --hl•b Udes and apeeuJ1U08 that a • major storm mlaht .be kicllln" up (n the ~an. • ' r ....... ..,,,.°'_ c-...y'""-ttlft M0-1120 ~··'= ,.,. °':t. ':it: •. ~~ .... r ...•• --::i.._i..·'m_ .... =::: ...... ;_"..;;'_'·~= ~ ,.,..~ ... "it-... ·~ ~ -~.!:.~:.~ .. \!:~!!r; .. :•d.:,~.:.. ~·~ . rNtftU11, tlw l'Jl••t ,. M ....mfttf . ""'"•• ... ..... _._.,._y Tbe bollta•H freed Sunda1, all baa employeet, •• ,.. ~ 11/e . -.A..LL,oab6 U-•elllawa, IO, 1tormed tbe bank wttb a lbotpn ball aa bour belon cloelftl t.Une r~lday end demandea the equlvai.at ol $250,000. /. FBI agents escort .Irene McKinney <with head band ) from Kennedy Airport ln New York City. The woman, wbo laved bl Orant• Cowlty, w1• overpowered earty Sunday after commandeertna a Jumbo jet rrom Los An1ea. to New York Qty. She Hid the 1kyj1ek w11 done to gain attenUon for her new rellalon theory . (Stol') Pace A3. > "W• ~11'1Vl'"lrl4V001Slf tf - tbe 1torm1 leneraled bit wav and combined wlth the tJdet but thfF61n't wmertatt-. •• ~ Hid. 'ndet are now ~I rrom Saturday and Sunday blstw. A hllh Uc» ol 1.e feet wa1 recorded at 9:28 a.m. today. , , •• Multitude TllnlSOut For Pope CUIL.APAN. Mexico CAP> - Hundreds of thouunds of In- d ians poured into this dusty village In southem Mexico t.oday to see Pope John Paul II. Some of them rode all night on the back ol catUe trucks . "We are pilgrims. He is our holy father. It Is the least we could do " said Sister Maria de J esus, Who arrived in.the cab of a truck carrying the c1ant sign ''LongUvethe Pope." Jn the back were 70 students, s miling and wavine . from vark>us towns in soutbem Mex- tco. They had gathered at Mixteca Alla. 100 miles to the south, for the final leg of the trtp toCuilapan. "We're goins lo sit up all n.iat s inging and tallcing and just be· ing happy," the nun said. "We have no place lo sleep." Cullapan 's 2,500 lahabltants li v e in du s t y adobe hut s elu8tered on both sides of t.he two-Jane highway lo the Pacific. Most are Zapotec Jndia.QS who pr3ctice Catholicism witPra zeal charactcnslic of a differeni era. The village's main attr'*ction is the skeleton of a convent on which construction was begun ia the 17th century but ne ver com· pleted Workmen sprayed water from ta nk trut'ks on the dry groood a r ound the conve nt Sunday night . trying lo. keep the dust down for the pope·s arrival. The pope was flying from M cx1co City lo Oaxaca, then tak- ing a helicopter for the lG-aule tnp to the village . The yellow and wh.it.e flag of the Vatican c1 ty·statc fluttered from adobe dwe llings a long the highway . Hospital tents had been erected, and trucks with drinking water from MexicoCitywe re onband. Trucks. buses and cars poured inlo the village in a never-ending 8tre am . turni ng the fields around into giant parking lots and camp grounds A church spokesman, Fernan. do Valle Ferado. said Cuilapan was selectt..'d for the papal visit becau~ of its proximity to the Oaxaca airport. ··The first plan was for the pope lo go to the rums of MonlA' Alba n. but that highway ha~ more than 200 curve~ and it's too dangerous," he said 500Protest China's Teftg Visit to DC WASHINGTON <AP > -A man and woman were arrested toda y after they s houted protests at Chinese Vi ce Premier Teng H ~iao-ping during welcoming ceremon1~ on the south lawn of the Wh11R House. Outs ide the White Hous <' gro unds. an estmiated 500 demonstrators waved signs 'and c h anted s logans in noisy, peaceful protests lo the visit ofth<' Chinese leader The two who were a rrested, a woman identified as Sonia J . Ransom. 28. of Seattle., Wash .. and a man identified as Keith Koz1moto, 28. or,~ew Yort City, were led awa y by 9eerei Ser\tlce a gents and turned over lo Dis· tract of Columbia police. A White House spo kesman s aid they were charged with disorderly l'Onduct The Secret Service said both we re t'arrying press credentials. Off1 C'1a ls we re trying to de· termine how they got them . As President Cart.e r was giv. in~ his welcoming remarks, a woman about 10 feet from the podium, scr e amed at Teng, "Teng Hs lao·ping, you are a murderer or a traitor." Moments afte r police dragged her away, witnes s es said R a nsom, s tanding with re - porters 15 feet In front or Carter ftnd Teng, shouted, "Trait.or. Down with Teng Hsiao-ping. You can't make this a garden party.· A Ser ret Service agent put hJa ha nd tightly over the man's mouth to s ilence him. while another offi cer pushed a rllt into his noae. Bolsa Chica Annexation . Eyed Tonight City annexaUon of the Boba Ch 1 c '1 well ands wt II be dl.acuaaed tonight In a joint aeHlon with the Huntington Beach Cit)' OouncU and Planning Commlask>n. The meeting atarta at 1 p.m. al City Council chamben . Cowac.U .. membua alao are &1 l'tod to try again .tQf.a ppoU:at a seve nth mc-mb4>r to fill out the tf'rm of former Mayor Ron Shenkman who realg~ from the rounctt Dec. 18. ' !:arUer effort• to make an ap. pointme nt have ended lo a c;teadlock. The COUMll mutl make aa IP· pointmenl by l'eb. 11 or • special election wUI be Mid to tlll the term that, explNl ln April of 1te0 .... , t . . I • J . . ) VOL. 72, NO 29, l S CTIONS. 78 P AGES ' San Diego Sniper ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Your Hometown . Dally New8paper MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1979 ' .. . TEN CENT~ Teen Fires Into School, KiJls .. 2 Bribery Trial Delay Asked I 8 )' GAllY GRANVILLE Of -o.11~ ~ ... ,,... .. Allorneyt1 fo r Indicted Onnge County S up e rvisor R a lph Dledrl'th tod ay asked ll n ap pellate court Lo delay the sta rt of Dledrlc:h a nd co-d e f e n dant LeRoy Rose's bribery t rial Simulta neously, the lawyers asked the court to order the t rial court to give Diedrich and Rose Arsonists Rmwant In Tehran l TF.HRAN, Iran IAP > Anti· , ~overnment Moslem rioters set Jl fire to a nlghtclulJ, a brewery I and resta urunts 1:1nd att1:1cked , brothels in Tehran today as th1s troubled nation aw~uled word of th e Imminent re turn o f f Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini, hero ot the anti-s hah rebellion. 11 Heavy shooting by army uruts i was ~ f~m 3tweral pa rta of the ct• .. '.Jut reli able cHualty re&x>ru were not 1mmcd1atcly 1 • J. 1! available. U .S. military orflclals he re re· ported that an American officer was shot and wounded by an un· known aas uilanl Sunduy night Rioters t od ay ba dly beal a police general also. Prim e Minister Sh a hpo ur Bakhtiar early lod1ty scrapped plans to ny to l'"rance to meet with K.homelnJ al the Moslem leade r's exile headquarters out· side Parts. Bakhtia r rejected the "unacceptable " cond1t1on that he resign before meeting with the e xil<.od Khomeini But Bakhtiur said Iron's airports, closed lai;t week to pre· vent Khomeini's return from ex· ile. would reopen shortly. and KhoJOe lnl could retur n "if se curity measures are taken." Jn Pan s, Khomeini announced he would return at his r isk as aoon as the ui rports a re open. Aides said thPy were ready LO lea ve at a moment 'i. not ace "We hope to leave tonight de· pending on the lutes t order re ga rthng the airports," i.aad one Later. un aide i.uad Khomeam would not return before Tuesday nag ht Tehran and other cities have been wracked for days with v iole nt pro t e s t s by a nti · government Iranians de ma nd Ing that KhomeanJ ht! a llowed to re turn. Police sources said rioters to· 1 da y tiel fire to the Shokoufenou nightclub, the capital's largest . burned the Shums brewery in south Tehran and set five beer truck.a ablaze. They also set fire to r eistauranta serving a lcoholic drinks. lllolers s tormed into south T ehran's "red-light" district and attacked liquor stores and what they Identified u houses of prostitution. ·'On this street are houses where women sell them8clvC1\," one demonstrator cried PllDf AD KEY TO LOCKSMITH "My Dally Pilot ad workt.'<I out fine . ''I hl'1!d the Orat penon who appll~." T hal'• the advcrtlslnfC succeu 1tory ot the Laicuo• Hiiia man who plac~ lbla •d ln the D•lly Piiot{ I LOOOllllfft'lt t•d 01>Ph NH • lock1mllh wtmln. 2 yra u p./Send r•urn~ to PO Ro111ux If you need an emplO)'M fut, try UM Dally PtkK. A friendly ld·vtMP wtU beJp wnu an ad at "2·111&. ' l a poitl·lndlctment pr.,trial >HlMr· aog Finally. th~ l"ourlh Olstri~t Court of Appeal in San Diego was askoo w order a move that wo uld a llow the defense at· tnrneys to examine the se~taon process that wus used to select members of the 1977-78 county gra nd jury That grand Jury on Dec. 15, 1977, Indicted Diedrich and Rose on bribery char ges related to a 1973 Board of Superv1w rs land u11e decision. Today'5 appeals to the high court by attorneys J im Rlddet a nd Keath Monroe came one week before the trial on those cha rges as scht:duled to get un- der way They followed by a few days San Diego :;uperaor Court Judge Ross Tharp's refwial to order the lrilil delay, to grant a pre· llminary hearing and to a llow the probe int,o the grand jury selection proce11s. Riddel said the defense 11t torneys hope lo hear from the so-.thern set•tlon of the appellate court based tn San Bernardino "by Wednesday or Thursday at the lat.eat." Al trunp stand oow Diedrich a nd Rose are scheduled to sltlnd trial tn San Diego Superior Court on F~b. S. Rlddet. however, u ad the de- re nae attorneys ''will not 1n any way shape or form" be ready to start trial then. He and Monroe are the third set o r attorne y s hire d by Diedrich to defend hJm a1alnat the bribery allegations. Because tbe case has been In their hands less than a mopth, Riddet said a delay In the start or the triul is absolutely essen· tlal. H o we ver, a fte r repe ated earlier de lays, A11111.8tant District Attorney Mi chael Capizzi has ln· sisted the trial proceed accord· <See DIEDRICH, Pa«e A.Z> Irvine Bike Trails Plan Meet Topic • The 11tatW1 of Irvine 's bicycle t rails bond 1m ple mentatlon plan i11 scheduJed for revie w at S 30 p.m. today when the city's Bicy- cle Trails Committee meets In City Hall. ls m i'e Noorbnksh, trails ptOJ· eel manager for the city. ls to update the four-person commit· tee chaired by Juanita Moe. Irvine voters approved a $2 million bicyc le trails funding bond In June, 1974. The cltlzeM committee acts as an advisory g roup to the City Transportation Commtsslon. Othe r reports scheduled for the session lo the city manager's conference room Inc lude the status of the Hicks Canyon Ttall, Barranca Bridge and a bicycle· p e d es tri a n area a l o n g MacArthur Bo ulevard and University Drive. 1bieves Hit Irvine Units 8ur1lars broke lnto two Jo~ Avenue apartmenta In Irvine Sunday, maklnc off with more than SA.000 In cuh, t t.ereo, video and camera equip· ment and jewelry. Blll ~l'nberf or 17822 Jordan Ave. iold pol ce' he. ratW"Md hom e _t9 lln.d hi • h ome ran1acliied •rid {fte ifer.O, vldeo- and cameu equipment 1one at about 10 J>.m. Pam Oliphant ot nearby 11114 Jordan Ave. rePOrted at tO:U p. m. Y..! • ..... ~ kltche1 ...wtndow hid been~ .mu111.t bur1lars bad taken cHb and jewelry. I J: .... ., Oellr~IM!\~- S. K. HOLEN OF"l~VINE WASHES OFF THE ICE THAT FOAMED ON HIS CAR OVERNIGHT Orange Coaat Reaktent• Bracing for Another DoH of Freezing Weather Tonight Cold Threatens Cro_ps Froat Wanring• Out/or County Tonight BJ TOii BAIU.EY damage," a weary ranch h(nd panUJ scooped up the white stuff °' .. DMf'I ~..... cominenled. "And I can tell you and belted each other in true Oran.Ce County ranch hands we're not looking forward to Christmas card fashion. who fought hard Sunday night tonight one little bit." S no w was r e po rte d fa ll. and e arly today to protect their The frost whJte ned much of ing S unday at ll unt1ngton c ropa from free zing t em· Orange County Sunday night Beach, Fountain Valley, Corona pe raturea were warned today and early today arter a day or del Mar and Laguna Halls that they may have .. an even fr e ak w e ath e r an whi c h Reports of frost damage in tougher battle on their hands astonished residents witnessed da cated that the Irvine Company af~~r the sun setA tonl&hl. thunder, lightning, hail, snow had fared by far the worst dur· Cleal'.-Jllld cold and, by the and rain not nccess11rlly ln ing a rught In which the te m· look of things, cold~r than ~bat that order. perature fell rast. · we had last night, a National And a veteran Newport Reach A low of 28 degrees was re· W~ather Ser vice for~cast.er beachgoer reported that ror the corded in Laguna Beach but gnmly predicted today. They re first time in his memory the local growers reported little or a lready ge tting out the .~rost sand· was coaled lo frost early no damaize to their crops. warnings In Orange County. today. A cold sna~ las t month cost It wo tbe kind of forecast pre· The fre ak anowfall Sunday Dennis To\1Ss1eng, operator or dieted yet dreaded today by gave golfers at the Costa Mesa Laguna Gardens on Laguna C11n many county farmers, am~g Golf a nd Country Club and yon Road , several thousund the m Rancho Mission Viejo s participants in the swap meet on dollars lll frost -rupped no wer:. Bo b Clark, who repo~ no crop the fairgrounds to Indulge in "But everything seems to have dam age on the south county what may be a once-in·a -hfetime . m ade it Uus tame , .. he said LO· acreage despite a lo w reading of opportunJty an this part of the day. ·' 28.~egrees durlng the night. wo rld a snow fii<ht. The cold night sent gaug1•s at We were he lped last nlaht by Go lf a nd the hunting ro r Southern California Gas Com the fact that it was so molllt ," b a rga ins were forgotte n &s pa ny plants soanng a~d com· Clark said. "It 's much drier now astonished but hllPPY parttcl· <See FROST Page AZ> and cold on that scale torughl ' could mean we 'll have a sadder story to tell Tuesday." Rancho Mission Viejo rared better than the Irvine Com· pany 's agricultural holdings where a low of 21 de grees was recorded at 2 a.m. today. Ranch handa repo~ damage o avo c ado , l e mon and stra wberry crops despite the fact that wind machines were ln operation throughout the night. 2· Pontoon Bridges Slated for Irvine "It wlU take •few days to de· termlne Lhe full extent of the Two World War ll·11t yle pon- toon bridges are scheduled for placement late tonight or Tues· day acmes San Diego Creek to Attaek Feared China to I~ Vietnam? • NEW YORK CAP > -China might launch an attack on Vietnam u punishment for that country's invasion of Chinese ally Cambodia, accordlna to Intelligence sources ci~ by Newsweek magazine. 'The maguine 1aid China ha1 ama11ed a force of 80,000 to 120,000 troops on Its Vietnamese border, a buildup a State Department expert termed ••more than )'OU would need for Juat a ahow of force." 11\e attack could brine In the RuHlans, who have 44 dlvlslona on their border wtth China, Newsweek said. 'The Chlneae could respond to a Rutalan Invasion with nuclear weapons but Pekin&'• armed forces could not contain the Ruulant, "ltN>rttlnl to the m"~aiatine dtd•n0t• quote lti 'i0Uree1 dlrectlY as to China '1 Intention of lnvadlnl Vietnam. However, it q~ a U.S. eouree •• aayln1. "We're juat worried that an lnvulon of Vietnam mt1ht take place after the visit•• of Cblnele Vice Prime 11.lnlater Teal' 1111..,..._ tltla eounll'J, "atne.k 'would look llke we aave t,hem the ·~ llpl. .. I accommodate Jeffrey Road traf· trc In Irvine. The two spans, e ach about.80 reel long, are to be,Jn place by Wednesday, said Brtnt Muchow, city dJrector of public works. The Irvine Company Is build· Ing a permanent bridge across the rreek as part of its Wood· bridge development prol(ram. ... A rock and dirt r oad across the dry creek bed was wu hed out earlier this month when two Inches of rain fe ll In one day, Muchow n.ld J•ffrey Road, which accom· modat8 i.bout 10,000 cars dally, will re ma in clo1ed for te m- pora r)' brldfie cons truction through Tuelday, the ' dl~tor aald. The Irvine Company ·a perm•· nent bridge la expected to be comple ted ln elatit months, Muchow aold. . Irvine Loot 1800. - Bur1lan reportedly etc:aped wltb $100 ln currency and umera equlpmeat lat• Jl'rict.y from the home of Mlcbael Gen· Ult, 1 Caa.;ao.d,. lnlM. Police uld entry wu made throuab a 1Udln1 atua doOr. I i Girl, 16, Believed Suspect SAN DIEGO CAP> A 16· year-old girl who said "'this livens up the day" opened fire w ith a .22-caliber rifle on u crowded elementary school lo· day. police said . The principal a nd a custodian were kllled and eight studlmts a.nd a policeman we re wounded. "I just wanted to," the girl. identified only as Brenda , told the San Diego Tribune by te lephone from her house across the street from C l evela nd Ele me ntary School "It JU&t popped mto my bead, about last Wednesday . I Uunk." Before hanging up, she said ··1 have to go now I shot a pig, I think , and I want t.o shoot some more " When lht> shooti ng began, some students ran in punic from lhe llChool yard and teachers told others to huddle beneath desks and keep away from wrn- do w s La t er , stude nts we re us he red to safety ln th<· school auditorium. Nearby homes were evacuated The girl was a lo ne ' an the house and her father was at the scene. trying to talk her into giv an g up while dozens of heavily armed police walled and two police helicopters circled over· head. She was reported to have :>00 lo 600 rounds or ammunition with her. She told the Tribune she began shooting becaw.e "I don 't ltJw Mondays -this li vens up the day." Asked if she was s hoolJng al random. she said she had no target "No one In purt1c ular " Killed was lhe head custodian, Michael Suchar, 56, said Fred Jaf· fries, a spokes man for the San Diego UnUu .. od &hoot District. J effnes said tha t the school's principa l, Burton Wragg, 53, died of injunes at a hospital. An unjdcntlfied spokesman for Alvarado llosp1tol sa id a ll lhc Injured students were in good condition. The incide nt began at 8:10 a m and the lust shots heard we re r1re d a bout H:55 a m Ho wever . the g1 rl. lt1c~nt1hed by police ai. Brenda Spencer, re mained In the house , She was describf>d as a "prct ty good shot'· by officers on th\• scene . P o lice s po k esma n U1 1l Robin.son said ":.he as walling t.o ta lk LO a degree. She 1s under a lot of pressure The re as no more da nger at the school " Armed poh<.'e set up a bar- ricade around the huusf', keep ing bystanders and re1>0rters at least one block away Police Chief Wilham Kolender and City Manager Ray Blair were at the scene Sax or the inJured were taken to nearby Alvarado Community Hospital a nd a seventh victim w as t ake n l o G r ossm o nt Hospital. Anxious parents were flooding t ht> Alvara do und G ros11mont 11wltchboards with <See SNIPER, Page AZ> Coa"'e Weather Clear and cold tonh~ht w i th fr eez in g t t.•m · pe raturc11. Partly cloudy and not as cold Tucsduy Low 11 lonl.iht 30 to 35. lllahs near 801' Tuesday. INSIDE TOD~ V At Weltem AfrUne1, I l o/ tM I ,MJO plot• arc women . Dibble Archt r , 29 , 11 We1tem'1 µr.i /llohl otten· dant to molar the trtftliHon to pUol. &M Feoturlfto, Page er.-· -..... ' " CJ .. M •• 11-1 •• ... .. M M maa•tesqtnt" taJent .......... '" ........... -(.,,!.• .uurwr un ~ ; ., .... ..,..,.,t'-Mi;IW .... , •. ' Tram/er Request Dropped Rcq~ by th•• ma,onty of Newport Bc>acb p•r•med1c1 t.o bt> tr1:t11Jjfern•d buck tu tire dUI) tr th.-t•urre nt )'~tt m 111n t \'h11n100 h11vt• t:K•ton lt'mpt1r•r1l) drop~'tl followin14 an ·•1tn•t1nwnl "1th lht' city C'tt y Pt"r sonn r l D1 rt f'\flr Wu) nt• Schwumm••I "1111d lht> cal)' h U ~ • t( t t' t• ii l I) 1' I U d '/ t h t purant\ldll':o f\'<jUt'S\ Cor M r l·1·laa11tflu t wn of their Job ~ l'u rum\!d in• u re (•u rrcntly l'lasslfled as f1tt'men Ull ned to 1111r J medic dut) P urumt•ftln , in turn. hu vt• druppt'(S un eJrlwr d••mund for .i 'ulary 6t'ttlt• h1k1'. uccordln.: to :-pokcllm~n Tom Arnold tit 11a1d puramt-d1c:. will pc m I punt-thtst r 1· q u l ' 11 t u n t 1 I r t> a u I ..i r 1 y t1cheduh-d contru<'l neguthsttoru. begin in l!IM Also dropsx'<I for the ltme h•.· 1nl( tin· not11·t>s :submittt•d by 11 of t h1· l' 1ty ':. 14 r>1Hu rn t·dlcs e<irlll'r thlb month ind1callnJ1 lht•y didn't wu1h to contmoo 1r1 tt11•ir prctwnt ea1>uclty urldt·r the curn·nl ::.ybtem fl ow'eve r . Arnold s aatl paramedics never intended 10 interrupt paramedic serv1c~ to the city. Sch wammel t1a1d the city hopes to complete Its study within a month, looking at the ri ve of th e co unt y 's 13 paramedic units that have a separate classification within th e fir e departments "Fireman" Is the lowest rank in the department hierarchy. Arnold said paramedics want a promotional classification a h igher rank to give paramedic duty more dignity etnd professionalis m. H e sa id h e believ es establishing a paramedic classification would encourage paramedics lo stay at that job lonJ{e r, thus saving the city a considerable a mount in traininJ! costs while offering the public m o re experienced m edical se rvice. The cos t of training a paramedic has been 6Slimaled a:, high as $1 2,000, mcludJng SIX m onths' wages and be nefits while m training, Arnold said Paramedics cam between $1 ,191 and $1.448 a month. Arnold cite.'() in support of the paramedics' request that they undergo the stress of Jife.and- death r;espQnslbility on a d aily • basis. lie also Pointed to the fact that paramedics work a 24-hour shift like firemen but arc called out more frequently and experience more exhaustion as a result. Arson Try Foiled in Laguna Beach An arson attempt on a Laguna Heach t ave rn that cate r:. lo homosexuals was foiled Sunday when <i Molotov eocktail tos11ed from a passing car exploded but failed t.o ignite the building. Witnesses said they s aw a ball of fire erupt outside the Little Shrimp tavern, 1305 South Coast llighway s hortly befor e 5.30 a .m . Sunday. But the 12-ounce beer bottle, fused with a piece of paper , missed the building and e rupted into flames on the roadway. A witness at a nearby hotel ,aid he saw what a ppeared t.-0 be a Volkswagen s peeding u1l Gaviola Street shortly after the explosion. Police found pieces of i;tlass from a beer bottle al the scene and turned the e vidence over \0 a rson investigators. Tank Truck Flips ONTARIO (AP) A lank truck loaded with 7,000 gallons ot fuel oil flipped over on a rain· :slicked freeway, but its driver and a passenger escaped with on ly minor injuries. OAANOIE COASl DAILY PILOT fh" it• .;tH)r t """' l)ilNly ...-1&M "'''"' .,.,ri .. h 1 t ll'>m •··'·t-•t•..,..H.-..,. ,.,.,.._ t\CMlf)lli~n,,.._.ntlfl\QI f(>'4°1 t•v·f'Jili~""Of~., Si#{kU1ttf'fll'ttt•M\10,. OUOll'M d MoftO!lly lt'llf~ f1f•d•Y IDt t f~f .. N'• .t N~~ I "'".," H\llf'ttl"'Of°"' U•-'.,. t """' ••·• 1,1,..1wv h11J>fW' l....-Wf\IJMkl~••~fW\t A 11\UI• ''"~ffftl'°"i'JN""l\"""'d \~u'n"• ~ ..,,.,,,,.,, fhf· r .. u .. 1p~1 OVC>f•\l'l•nv fr•"' 1• •• r.llQ WI"'' f\•y \tW~ fe\t•,,,,,...,,. ( •UIOf'"I• •1t7s r.,,'=.:!, ::9.,., ~-· Cwt.y VI~ -~-fllt •Alf t_Jlf~-4 Mf"*'OU • ,._ •• llff<fif L .. t.,. '"'::"..:.~ ... -::- CM•lo• N ~· ""-~ ... ff .,.,.,,..,,OM~ r•lll'\ Ttl~C114~t I ~ 10 Higla Grouad Uur ~ fi-.ht·rm an tu w1' hoal toward dry l~111cl .1 ... u11u'l uall\ h1).!h lull• muke~ a lakt• nf l hl' ht•,1d1 1war tht-l'll'W!)Ort Pie r Tht::. ph11t11 \\,t'I rn ,1ltt· .1t 8 a m Sunduy Marilll' :,<if <'ly off 1c1als sa id high weekend tides cau!:>(..-d lilllt· dam age because they weren't accompanied by any s urf to speak of. Fire Team· Deactivated Oeveland Forest Service Suffers Cutback ,. U S Forest Ser vice orflcials confirmt'<1 today thut they have dl··1tctlvntt-d onl" of the three wlldland Clrt• hKht1n~ teams that was istataoncd 111 the Cleveland National Forest The 2l> mun hot s hot crew wws lak•·n out or :st:rvicc about two wet'ks ago as part of a f(.>deral cutbac!c throu_ghou..l CalUornia in the Forest Service, according to Marvin Stout, fire m anagement officer of the Trabuco Ranger District In the Cle veland Na- tional Fore!ll . accessible places. Stout said that notified County Administrative none of the Cleve land Forest's Officer Robert Thomas th•t as eight truck companies of fire of July 1. the state would no fighters is gosng lo be e liminated longer provide fire protection \0 unde r the federal cutbacks. Orange County. However, in addition to the hot This year, the county paid shot team and seve ral civilian about $20 milUon lo the, state lo posts that are being taken out of provide both structural and the Cleveland budget. the forest wildlands fire protection. Of service will l ose two fire that. Sl8.6 million paid the cost lookouts in San Diego County of about 470 fire rtghters as· and a third. at.op Santiago Peak s igned primarily to structural on the Orange-Riverside county fire protection in unincorporated line is being studied for elimina-territories and in aix contract lion. cities inc luding San Juan Stout explained that many of Capistrano and Irvine. the non.fire related ser vices The balance paid the cost of Bantlagton Slaying Father Charged I In Son's Death Police charged John Robert P ittman of Huntington Beitch with murder tothty followinJ( the predawn ahootina death ol his 24-year-old aon cfurtng what of- ficers said waas a family squab· ble. His son, J oseph Maurice Pill· m a n . of 13751 Edwards St., Westminster, wu shot once in the chest w1th a .3.s7 magnum plltol. He was pronounced dead al Westmlnater Community Hospital at 3 a.m. The elder Pittman, 55, was ar- f',....P,..eAJ SNIPER .•. lelepbooe calls. A neighbor. Gregory Pitman, 28. s aid. "I was standing just on the other side of the house when a ll of the s udden five shots rang out . . My boy is right in that first room in that school." His son, Greg Jr .. is 5 Jeffries s a id Wragg a n d Suchar were apparently "just walking into the school like everybody else'' when the girl opened fire from he r house across the street.. The northeast La Mesa section is a middle class area of quiet, treetf ned streets and modest frame houses. Sgt. Don Vidd y . a police spokesman. said be believed the girl was a student at Patrick rested at his home, 5111 Mcrad· den Ave . Huntington Beach, s ho rtly after the 12:50 1.m . shooting. The father remained ln custody today in Ueu of $JIO,OOO ball PoUce Sgt. Lull• Ochoa said it is alleged that the father shot hia son when the son refuaed l o leave hls home. Ochoa said the dead man's parents had been drinking and arguing over the well-being or their 16-year-old daughter. When the son refused lo leave, his mother, Elizabeth Pittman, 48. a llecedly fired the pistol near him but missed. The •hot struck the noor. Ochoa said the father took the gun and became involved ln a sJloving match with tbe son when the weapon dischar1ed. Paramedics found the gunshot victim lying in a front doo,rway. No other arrest11 were made. f'unerat service!! are pending. Wounded Man Found in Car In Costa Mesa A man police said had been wounded in the head by a g uns hot fired through the drive r 's window was found slumped in the front seat or his car early today in Coasta Mesa. The cutback comes at a lime when county and stule offi cials a re debating cuts in the state Department or f~orcstry 's fire protection services in Orange County. eliminated from the budget will about 50 strictly wildlands fire e ventually be replaced on a con· fighters. · Henry J~or High school. The shooting victim . who was fighting for his life this morning at Hoal( Me mo rial Hospital. was identified by Police as 38· year.old George Thomas Lovell or Long Beach Stout said the team taken out of the Cleveland National Forest WAS stationed in the Palomar district in San Diego The forest stretches from Riverside County through Orangt' and into San Diego County to the Mexican borde r. The team was one of 13 lo ~ 1•limtnat<'d fmm tht· 26 US Fort>!ll Sf>r vace hot ~hot teams !.lationed in California lfol s hot teams art> ust.'<1 for fighl111g far<•s 1n remot<' and rn · FROST ... pell<'d tht' ullhty lo put 3.7 billion ~·u bat• fet!t of J(Uti out to chilly homes and pla nts in Or&nge County "It was by far our biggest pro- d u c tlo n this yeur.'' SCGC s pok1•s man Hal W:..lton said. ··F ortunately. we a r e us ing emergency gas supplaed lo us from Texas and UklahomC1 so we un· ahle tAJ meet what we t!Xpeet w11l IX! a 1·nnllnuNl demand ovl'r ttw nt·xt d11y or t.o " Saddlt>li:-tl'k Mountain had a Chns tm<is rnrd look today witl. shl'nH'i. offic·crs re portmg that lhl' s now h:vl'I there 1s down to 1,500 fl!t!t the h>west recorded tb11> winter. They said many hikers m the areJ headl'd for home earlier than they planned Sunday as they were hit hy hail, snow and rain. Fears that high tides predict· ed during t he weekend would provide additional problems pro v1·d lo h<' mainl y groundless with coustal communities re porting hllle or no damage. 4An exceptio n was in the L<iguna Beach area where ha~h waves swe1>l into the El Morro Trailer Park. spraying seaside traalt•r homes. The waters quick- ly subsided and residents report- ed today that they suffered little ur no damaRe Tht' National Wcatht•r ~rvice for<'c·ast today calls for conUnu· in~ clear and Mid weather w1lh a low tonight of ahnul 32 degrn<•s and a tugh Tuesday of about 60 along tht• Orange Coast . Nuclear Spill lies Traf fie MONTEA<iLE, T nn !AP> 1-'orty·six drum1;1 of radloitcllvr nuclear waste foll on lote rslitte 2A Sunday night when a truck overturned on Mont.eagle Moun- tain, but thr barrels did not rup turc. civil defe nse offlc lal11 d1suid St~ troopc?rR closed the east-boun~ section of the interstate from ~ont eaglt to South Plttsbu.rlth. a dista nce of about 30 mlles lmmedlntoly aft~ the eccl· dent Trnffie was dclour d ~(1.e~Uon by a-civil dden!W! eme raency cre w. heaJlh officials said there was no slin of lcitkage. But, Rides Free 01\KLAND (AP) Free bws tract basis. State offi cials, seeking budget lie declined to speculate on cuts as part or Gov. Edmund the effect the reduction of hot Brown Jr.'s austerity program. shot teams would have on the w a nt the county lo assume ability of federal, stale or county direct respons ibility for the agencies to control wildlaod structural fire protection. · fires. T h e m ec han ics o f the · ·We h a v e a n ex c e II e n t cha ngeover and the cost of the Poltce t:tuef Kolander. di reel· ing operations at the scene. s~ud, "We 're in the process o f negotiating right now with the sniper before we decide whether \0 go in." Two Police he licopters also circled overhead. cooper ative working a rrange-contract for wildlands protection · Suchar had been at the school menl with the slate De pa rtment are currently being discussed by three years. He had a wife and of Forestry-Orange County Fire county and state officials. son Department and J'm sure we'll State officials reportedly wa nt b" ublc lo continut' it rrgardless to spend about $650,000 on the A witness said. "the teacherl> of changes in our situation and wildlands contract for which we re Jlll'l lrymg t.o keep th<: stu· theirs." he said. a bout $1.4 mil hon is currently de nts quiet " Teaching was SUS· Jn December. slate officials budgeted pended for the day 'lbird Suspect ~Newport Rape Arrested Ne wport Beach police rePort ed today they ha ve arrested a third suspect in the rape of a Santa Ana teen-ager Dec. 30. Free on $25.000 bail a nd facing a charge of ra pe is Gerald Thomas Martmez, 24, of 14247 Olive St., WcstminHter He was a rrested Friday by Detective Charles Bes wick at his JOb 1n La Mirada, accordml( to Sgt. Bob Gatewood Gatewood said a description by the 17-year-old victim linked Martinez with the crime. Previously arTested and fac- ing rape? charges filed by the county District Attorney's office are Manuel Zuni.ca of Newport Beach and Daniel Esquivel of 1-~ouritain Valley, Gatewood saQI. Pohce Sgt. Sam Cordeiro said the wounded man was dis · covered about 7 a .m . His car was parked on Post Road in the Mesa del Mar section of C06Ui Mesa. not far from St. John ~ Baptist Catholic Church . Lovell was unconscious whe n police were called t.o the scene by a resident of the a rea Police said they have no motive in the case and are seeking a nyone who knew Lovell Fro91P,..eAI DIEDRICH. • ing to lhc latest s chedule . Riddel said the n .>quest for a pos t -Indictmen t pre liminary hearing L'I based on alleged prol· ecutorial misconduct before the grand jury as well a s the failure lo tell the jury of evidence that might tend lo point lo Oledrich's innocence Rut two Superior Court judges have alr<'ady refused to permit a pr<'liminary hearing, a ht:anng dei.1gned to show if there as sulfi· cient evidence lt> make the ac· cosed itland tnul. Last week. J udge Tharp re- fused to open the doors lo tt hearing aimed al determining tf the grand jury that indicted the two men represented a true cros11 section of Orange County's population. Judge Tharp's ruling s hut the door on alt.empts by Riddel and Monroe lo show the jury m akeup did not reflect a cross section of the Population when such fact.ors He said the r ape occurred after the girl accepted a r1de from three men followln.c a par. Lym Fountain Valley. , as age, ntt'e , S<:'ll and economic She was taken to an apart- ment m Newport Beach, where she was repeatedly raped and was robbed of $6, Gatewood 1rn1d OC Rancher I John Miller Dead at 81 f>'uneral services will be he ld Wednesday In Tustin for John A. Milin. a long-lim e county rancher and hus1nessm an who died Saturd:iy lie was 81. Services ar(' ut ll a.m at Sad· dlcback Chapel In Tu11lln . Mr. M Iller wu one of the founde rs of lhe chaJ>('I and served-on its board of directors. He wu an employee of the S mart and Fina l Company , wholesale grocers. for more thun 20 years. Mr. Mlller and hts latl' wife, Leona. also acquJred a citrus li(rove In Tustin In UMl. He Is sur vived by his son, Robert ,.. Mltler of Orange, and three grandchildren. Wayne Makes Recovery 11talus arc considered ..,. ........... CARTER, TENO WAW TO CROWD IN WASHINGTON A 'Common Journey' on Boleterfng New Aelattonehlp Kin Relates Carter, Teng Cite '_Common Journey' WASHTNGTON <AP> -Presl· dent Carter welcom ed Vie<' Premier Ten~ Hsiao-ping to the Wh ile House today wit h the pro~lsc of "a common Journey" as they began talks on bolsterinl( the new relallonship between the United Stateund Ch Ina "On behalf of the people of my country, I welcome you, Mr Vice Preml<'r." Carter said un der windy, overcast skies during the ceremony on the White llo use south lawn, which w{ls twice dis rupted by anti Teng demonatratol"ft. (Related story A3 l ·'Today we take another ~tep tn the hbtortc normalization of relations. We s hare ln the hope which sprtnga from reconcllla· Uon and the lltlUclpatlon of a common )OurMy," tht-prcaldcnl aald. ceremony, the leaders went lo Carter's White House offi~ t.o begin six h<>unc of talks In three scheduJf'd 11e11sion11 Admlnistra· lion offlc1als sUJd they expected Ca rter and Ten~ to exchange vlewit on a broad range of sub· jccls. from Korea and lndochlnu to U S arms control ne'(olia Uons with the Sovlt-l Union. R ('f o r e Teng l ea\le s Washlnfrt,on on Thursday, he and Carter arr expected t.O shrn an umbrdla pact allowing a variety of e xchun.ccs between the two countriea. ln c ludlnt new11 bureaue ln each ~r·s capitals Carter and Ten1t also are bx peeled \0 dJacuas proepecu for o new trade agreement gtvlng Chino most.favdred-natlon tariff lr~Rtmcnt and 1ccess t.o cttd.ita from 1M Export Import Ban) Carter and hi11 wife . Roulynn, met Ten.t and hh1 wife. ~ Un, at the While House South Porllco al 10 a m EST 10 a fan· rare of Armv trumpets Jones' Estate RICHMOND. Ind <AP> -A $17 .000 account in Nassau and property sold to a Richmond family -not a mult1-mllllon dollar estate -are the only re· malning usets of Peoples Tem· pie leader Jim Jones, said bia mother·m·law. "What has been publlci&ed about Jim and his milllona Just isn 't tru<'." !'l ai d Cturlotte Boldwtn. mother of Jones' wife, M arcelln"· who died along with Jone is and two of their children at the temple settlement In Guyan• last November Jones, the mon who led more than 9()0 followers to their dt!Bths in a mMs sul<'lde·murder ritual, and hia Wlfe terew up near lh1I wcislern lndi11na communl\y. Mrs . Baldwin said J on••' adopt· ed dauahtcr. Suunne , 26, told fher of the itccounl and the property . }rvirie Physician's Home Ramacked • An lrvlne doctor reported lote Sa turday that bur1lara pried open the rc•r window to h1a home, r•Mat'ked the rei • Tt-ng. reading his ~peech ln ChineS-O . responded that "We sha r~ w 8eMtl of being on an historic fhJ&&km. Sino·U .S rel•· tlop1 are at a new beflnnln& and the world is al a new turrunc Point " omCI·-• Murdered ldf'nce and made off wtlb 1U aeveralpnundcub. • service ~tween Bay ArH Raptd tooslLJfflllnJ~· ... _ trn1lnoana San Friicllc0 wtu be ~onttnu •d tbls weelt to patrons c:A the rail syst•m u re· pair work continues on the tranabay tube. I.OS AN08L!S (APl -Actor John Wa)'ne continues to pro. greu In his r ecovery from cancer surgery and sbould M re· leHed from the holpttal wtthin about a week, a UCLA IMdlcal ~nter..,...._..,..~ - "Ue.'.1 dolq_J'ealb' well. Doc· tora are very bappJ and be should be out in about a we.It, ~ a fe w di)'&, .. the hospttal spe>ketman aatd Sunday. Ten• warned t.hal "the factof1 makln1 for war are visibly arowinc" tn the world. He llnd Carter ~ upl"MMd hope that normal relatJonl bet•een tbelr two eountrln would b•lP pre· eerve wortd peace. After the welcomln1 ~~N . Italy CAP > -A Or. Martin, M,.9"61 or ~ or -of'--atnHtifT 91tlte'd-Hlllhgale Terrace~Utlted -,~eral Smllio A.MIMndrim. at.. MUu'a 1hotcun1. rif19e and p6atola takea Hslt&ana. it.ate altorMy, u he alon1 with ammaal=n,J::' wu drtvlna to Ms office in caau and other para downtown Milan today. police Or Mon11 Uated t.he value ot tde ,..pe>rud. losa at mo.._ Ulan M.000. • • • ) , STOCKS I BU INESS .... .._ ... -'""' ..... .... ._ ... "°"" .... ·-.... Woo 'I ~ ... ""' I I "' I ~~ ·~ PI '""' 11-(•'} p I 1"1>• (low (1>4 p l l!U>• (w ("'1 ,. , , .. )II cw (oo A. A et I -• -JI • o loo 'DI .. It fl .... ~11"11 e J \I i. ~"I a IJ '1 U'-... ..,Inf ? .. t .. ,....,, ftl!n 1 • Jl 11\.lo °"' I IO I llt ""-~ • i J? • ~ -. ....... • ,,. ... ~Im 11 , llJ\\\ • -••II .. I.A t •• ti "" !'Sine! Dft • U-~--. TMlrt Ill I 4 n~ -.., I H t i(i.t 1n.o '-II\ , ti ,u-, : .. -fl J ""' tt 4. t I ~ell"Ole• J .. ~14 I., m NH 111 I •111 ~· \'I h fl'pE' •'JJ I e1 II """ ft! 9 •i U-. 1• i -t ._ ~ ... 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I u 1 ... ..,....,,, .11, .. ..,.._... _ ,_, -h~ ~ --- lforln • n \lo I i. ~"'" 1 ' "' ,... M•"-1 ..,,\ JI •le-"1 ,,.,..¥ Ii ,j ,,,,__ " !"! II' 11 1' '''" Z....a.D ttlt ""' " ' ft ,,.._!At •fl/f tOa ,.~ '°,"-.... ~.,,..,. 1• 1 4i 71~+"t~ ~•y0$ I.JI t jl" -'°' ,..!Mty lb ,... . ltW 1• I JI St''I l• ~ jl w -c-< -"""' ..... u-1 ..,._ w -..."9f0 t 'I 1 n\'t• "" ll!'l'f 1 It flirt• ~ •w,. •" ' 10 • \"I Ji 1t11 1 M t.., ••• ""' ~ , .. : ;1 , ... -:: 110 :!W to-t,fll~~tl.. 1o-loll .ct•JW ._ ':_-~ ol'd · l !! I • ~ _.lt rct .., t .. ttll't_:. I/Ii WTIJ.!!C ~~ t• ..,._ . w • $ ~ ,. ,, ... _ Ill =--~c •:,t J. 11•-='~ Ill ': t .: == ~ t!r...V,:..,· l n -.. = : .. n t."': = =~' .. ra' :: ;;~· : a.-J A "" • " • .. •• • ,..,,. , " ,. .. • .. ,~ ~ ,.._ "' ~ ,. 1t .,. u . '" o ' st •• M er~er ~n Aptl,10 .. I'"' .. ·~11 J )W ~"'I' E-~1111< ... 2"jE Ill c;" •'11~·1 SA &'R&UC f SCO CAP > Al '~ • • ••• w 1•nvn 'I • i ,.,_. • "' ...., \t llllt "1'1' ' 1 ,...it,. I 1• 1 u . 111 r ",,, 7 i ~Ill .... ti ,,,. "114-"' '1!l' !Ji .. .. .•. MC d ... ,, • c.. 1•1 '1!. 4 ~· ... Shar--lden or Pebble Be1ch Corp. . . .... ru l l " -Iii ;& . , .. -~ ... ~ ~ • = .... ~ ;v • , '"'"' '.ut t l ... ~ .w: ~~ •"'m~w~'J.+l:*e~ .. ,..1,,l~-~ 1..,e:~,.,~ .. 1~ b1Vea~1m,,e1rgeCorwtt.hTwen· l' •~ i-,. 1. • I'; , • ~ I .It~ 14"' i °" M 1"'-1 tJet.b Cell\O'J rOX m rp. ·raL = ~ '""~·~ . '.':'.~ u J 1 -~ ::11 .:: 1 ""'~·c. 0 .... .I I '19 n .... :: Tb• S12 mlnton dell l• eX])eCted to •"' 0 1·" ... ,. ·• ..... .,..,.,.. i. ' "-• "'p • ·"" m ~ 1' ~ ~. ~ be completed May l.\ •T .tt •" ...._ • 14 lo'! ..... ~ Au h • A tt • 1 \It-\lo c.t tAttt ...__lrt -- Motldly, Jonuery 29. t979 s DAIL. Y PILOT lslt IUglat? Private Nam es Sold by U.S. ISy SYLVIA PORTER Should the U.S. government be allowed to a.ell Inform•· Uon It haa compUed a bout it.s etlb ens? It is. A Uttle·known ugency of tbe Department of Com· me r ce . lhe National Technical Information Service, markets your name and address lf you use a cltiun band radio or operate a boat or pl&M equipped wtth a radio. lt ae lls your name and your lawyer 's name, but not ad· dresses. ii you have a civil tax case pending wilh the In· ternal Revenue Service. CITIZEN BAND RADIO tJSEltS, marine and aviator radio operators mus t obtain licenses from lhe Federal Communications Commission. lu lilt of licensees ls ma<M public and given to the NaUOnal Technical lnformatiotl Service, wruch transfers the names to computel'i tape or microfiche and sells the m . The FCC lists are bought from the NTIS for com· merciaJ and scientific reasons: market research. compUa· lion of mailing lists. studies or the amount or r11dlalioo emitted by CBs and a variety of s imilar ac· Uvitles. Origina lly. NTIS was a responsibility or the Office of Technical S e rvices. set u p to gather data captured from the J apanese and Germans during World . War If. The agency Money's Worth evolved Into a federal information clearinghouse to collect scientific and technical lnformutlon and to distribute this in· formation to the pubhc. Its goaJ remains largely the same, although it gathers information from many more sources, including cooperat· ing foreign govemment.s . and it Is self.supporting. To re· main &Olvent. NTIS market.a lls dah . by direct mail, through exhibits at trade shows and seminars. etc. In 1.978, NTIS did $22 million of business. with most of Its revenue comin~ from lbe sale of lhe 70.000 technical re· ports it receives each year·and from bibliographic services related toils data collecUon. Btrr SOME OF ITS EARNINGS -about $80.000 in 1978 -come rrom lbe sale or na mes of private citizens who are required lo or who. for some other reason. reg. jster wtlh various federal agenc1es, such as the FCC. ''Such directory.type information as lbe Usl or CB licensees is made available to us by the originating agen· cies." says Peter Urbach. NTIS deputy director. "It's up to the agency, not to us, to balance privacy with freedom or information claims .. Privacy c"pert Robert Ellis Smith objects to the federal government's selling individual names and ad - dresses. After noticing an NTlS advertisement for the list of CB users at a compute r show. he said, he wrote a letter of protest to lhe FCC. argwng that the agency was violat· ing the Privacy Act. wbk h prohibits the government from selling names and addresses without approval. ... ll has been seven months since Smith wrote to the FCC. but the agency bas oot replied . When Brooke Shearer . lhe gener al counael's otn ce of the FCC. the reply was that ''the matter Is under study.'' Amerieans 'Appalled' China Bonanza Requires Time HONG KONG <AP I -American businessmen trying to find a bonanza 1n Chana face "incredibly backward'' communications. antiquated technology and a lack of skilled personnel. It will lake a gener ation or more to overcome these ob· stacles. accord ing to a leading U.S. business analyst. Elliott Haynes. chairman of Bu.sirH?ss International Corp .. a New York·based research, publishing and ad· vlsory organiiaUon. said Americans who think U.S. busi- ness will "reap tremendous benefits" from normalization of relations between Peking and Washington don't know much about Chana . HE TOLD A NEWS CONFERENCE that American companies that are familiar with China "are appalled at the absence of infrastructure -roads. trarusportallon and airlines" -which he sa id are impo rtant Ingredients of trade. China, he !laid. "seems to be 20 years behind Indonesia in Infra.structure. which puts a heavy damper on trade possibilities." Haynes said that one businessman, who described Chinese technology as "very. very poor." noted lhat there a re only two fights dally out of Shani hai and the rest of the time "you could shoot a cannon through the airport and not tut anyone... ;. "IT'S GOING To TAKE EVEN more than a genera· tlon to ma~e fo r the lost generation of the Cultural Revolution" 1960s. Haynes "'ud. lie sa (1 an merican businessman who visited a Chinese glass factory reported t.he production techniques were "absolutely prtmllive" and a U.S. educator trylna to re<:rult young Chinese for an American technical institute "couldn't find anybody'' who could m~t minimum stand· ards. Another Chille$4? problem. h~ said, Is a lack of ade · quate foreign reserves. which amount to "peanut.a in terma of the lndustriaJ needs of the People's Republic." HAYNF-'l SAID tJ.S. BANKR ARE Umlted by la w to lending 8 maximum or 10 perctnt of their tapltal to a single <:Wltomer sue~ ar; China and that man[ banks aren't wllllng to loan unylhlng until lhe question o froi en assets Is n!SOlved. . ... ~ lla)'IM!s said Sl97 million ln U.S. asset.a art frozen In China and $Ti million In Cttinese asseL~ •re froaen In the Unlttd State11 Haynes said American trade with China "may not t. all th•l 90me ~pie lblllk it wut be" becaUM American companies don t know how to deaJ with the Chlneae. " TID8 COtJU> BE SOLVED AND Chlna ·•could double tbe amount of bwtinees" wtt.h Amert can companies ii too ludlni lnduetrlaUat.s were lnvt'ed to Petlnc for a round· table dllcuaalon, be said. Ht Wd most of China 'a bullnesa In the near future will be with Ka established tradlng .,.rtnera and that the Unit· ed Stace. will ta.Jre a back setl tb counlrlet, such as France aDd Ja])An, th1t ~Jni1ed Qlna yean a~. --C 4." peeled to announce lhls ~Ir lhat It will ac-· cept dlrttt equity lnvellment by forel1n companies, Ha)'Mll aaid. ''but lf they're not aolnc ~ permit maa•se· m~nt contrQI. I aee a al.Im r~ci not only by t.M JaptneM but by the Americans and otben ·· fntt.laJ rorelsn m1n11ement In new bualMM ventures wUJ be esHntlal. he aalcf. because~ ClllMM laa" a sbortaa• ot sklhect tecbnlca1 help, t.bity're aborter on manatelqlllll'' t&leot. !.. • .. MATINEES SATURDAY & SMAY "KI NG OF THE GYPSI s·· IA) LOOKING FOR MR GOOOBAR . (R) "MAGIC " (R) PAAAOIS! ALLEY" 'PGI "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR " IPG' "ICE CASTLES" (PG) MOM NT BY MOMl:N I l HJ ~FORCE T N FROM NAVARONE" "PINOCCHIO" (OJ "RC VE NC,E OF TH PIN I( PANTH E R ' '"f OACE TEN FROM NAVARO . MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" !R NATIONAL LAMPOON S ANIMAL HOUSE;. .. AMERICAN GRAATII" IRJ "MOMENT B MOMENT" .. HOUSE LLS" (R) "MAGIC" .. EMBRYO" (RJ "UP IN SMOKE" (A) "A BOY ANO HIS 000" The 'Other' (jJark Keil.t. ·Jeff Emt Doesn't Mind Lack of Notoriety By 808 THOMAS JIOL.l.YWOOO <AP> AmJd thci onalautbl of publl<'lly for "Superman." • almpl" (•ct hH been ovt'rloc*~ Th l"C' are two Clark Kenta In the mov· If', Chri.ttoph~r Reeve a nd Je(( Ea"t. Reevto, of cuurlt'. Is tbu onetime actor In soap opNo who lnaped onto tall blllldi~ and ma11a:r.ln4' rovH11 In his red and b l u~ lllhl• •:a,,t h o 11 had lltlle nolk 1•, although h(, pl•ycd lh • youn1wr K••nl m lhe ltrmland 11t"quunet't\ whh'h thla rl•vlt•wcr found to bt' th(• mo11t ort.cmal of the $4~ mtlllon l!Xtravaganza Th~ unnoticed J~tf l!:ust. who turnt'd 21 In Ot'tober, t•x h1blt11 no t.•vlch;nce or aour iii rapt·~ "It wu• not PtblC'ul or I '-"" should say lofilc<.&I to build up two Superm<'n." he ratlorwlw.·s •'I'm delighted U\Jt Chrl, is getting all U1~ uth'ntlon Sooner or hater, I believe, I'll be In th.it po:-11\1011, too. "MEAN Wl«Lt;, l'M HAPPY to ht' tn the mov· It> It·~ a big hit, and th~ people an the lndWltry know lhut r Wftti In It. l don't hovo that Instant idenllftcauon thut Ch ris has. and I think I'm lucky. I don't wunl lo build my cure r on a slnxle r haracter." Actor Loses Hair J e(( Eaet IJ construc:tlnc b1J career on a aolld foundation. He be11n bla career seven years •Co In a starring role -H Huck Fbm lo the m111lcaJ version or "Tom Sawyer." One of ttve chJJdren of a Konsu Clty farm realtor , Jeff and eome co1np1· nioM uudit.loM<t for Lbe movie aa • lark when cast· Ing sc:outJJ appeared In Columbia, Mo. "Kid, you're reaJly loU8y," he was told, but be was gtven a second chance whe n ho admitted beadioc a rnuaiC'81 i<rousl "Tom Sawyer " led to "Huckleberry Finn" and the l'hance for a Ho llywood carffr. but bla parenta lnslRWd that he finish high school flrat. Sln~ then he hH appeared In three WaJt Dlaney lelevllion movk-s, the televlaed "Stranaer ln Our Houle" with Llnda Blair. and the forth coming seaeon premiereot ·'Howthe West Wna Won." TWO YEARS AGO, JEFF' appeared at an audition for the role or Jimmy Olson, the boy pholoRrapher in "Superman." Dil"tttor Rlcbard Donner stared at J eff and said, "You look eoouch like Cb.rts Reeve to play the youne Superman." J eff soon found himself in London having his ha ir straightened and dyed black (bl.a own la ll&bl and wavy) and his nose built up to match RMve'a claHic proflJe. "I became a totally different person," Jeff re· calls. "When I ~alked onto the aet, oobody re· cognlzed me. That was good. It allowed me to aet Into the character . "ClllUS HELPED A great deal, too. We had lunch toRelher a nd spent a lot of Ume studytne speeC'h patterns or each other, so we wou)d have a F B d ~ I consistent portrayal. I had the easier a~ment, Or roa way 0 e because I was portraying the young Clark Keot, txlforc h4' assumed the Identity of Superman. · ·'I performed the same stunts that Chm dld, but LONDON <AP) British uctor Sim on Ward . ~1::r.!~=~~~~al with thedlJlgulaeof Clark Kent Rlnr ,,f the film "Young Winston," expects to make J eff East si>ent seven months on "Superman," u chilly Broadway debut. . most of It filmlng the farm scenes out.aide Calcary, A\.L 0 1uv1:.1NS O~t'.N 6:l0,..M.Hf6HnY CfOll• U"••• lZ f'<ee U"'eu w K idd le ~•Y••ov"cl ··~~~==:==~ The 37.yeor-old actor s llrst appointment was Canada . He also appeared lo the Fortress of with a burber -he had to shave his head Kojak· Solitude sequence which was shot at tbe Shep. style l? P?.rtr~y a lJuddhlsl parton studios near London. That is when the boy monk in Meeting by the re<'elveR hls Instructions from his papa J or·El -~ oeoeo. c. tcon MOVll MOVll fPOJ 12.)0 • 11>0 ••• , •• •·>O a1H lo IOlH &IAH AlOA "~I All HAI CAHI CAllfOINIA SUITf f'°4J ·'"'. J11S •• ,., .... , ... ,, "10!00 (llNl IAl"WOOO lVllY WHICH WAY IUT 100Sl f POI 11')0 e 1t>O e ••H e 61>0 .... " '°'·..:.• •:.._ __ ..... 11 I fOUCllH'S lOID Of THI l lHOS fl'OJ 1n ,,,. ""''°' H 1111rw • PM -~P=r:T:T:'.---:-,-:--, .. :--.,--, OC11NA40 SlflMU~NO e 110...10 HIMOT ,.1 ... ~.-i....U. of fl11 '°"' SMtd1en(f'01 •LU' t ' ...... ;•_...n 494 1!>14 , .... , ., •• ~···· t• 879 98!>0 , ....... , An.di .. n.. kllltf t-llettPOt &1.l.N 111 DA l'llll AU tT All CA U CAllfOINIA sum1l'OI lt•t t•e Ut•••tl •• It• CMOIOt c scon MOVll MOVll IPOJ I tJU e l oO e 410 e 610 • 4S" ,.,., (LINl IAlTWOOO IV..Y WHICH WAY IUT lOOSI fl'OI 1-00 e l :10 e tiOO e I :IO lo 10 >O '· &-C.tc:OTT "'MOV11 MOVIF' INJ ___ ,_ IAT·--1141-,_.1--1141-1 .... "NATIOt4Al LAMP'OOH'S ..-MALHOUSr ,,_ .. \AT·--l11•t)Jl ... ll-1ltl-9:JI "CAUVAMS" lf'GI ,...,. "HlltotS"INI ··11 .....; COOlltOT Otl&•nl lNOW .. A"9ck ti Tiit IOllw T-IMl IPOJ l'\Ul CtlCU Of llOH 111 0toeo. c scon MOVll MOVll tl'OI •ua lllAkHI HUklll cl'OJ .UN O' .. Al ~ (A.@.a--;;;0iH OUVll'I SfOltY f POI l'IUI T"1 HlMUOA TltANOU 101 -_____ .,.....__ aoeer NHSOH • I 01 ... HOln .IOHN~ ICI CASTUStl'OJ l'\UI CMlA• DITICTIVI fl'OI "'l!ci:l=1al("i=~E=l llOalT .. "'°" e tT-..OUT ~ION • 1T;:;· r,:.· ' ICI CASlllS ll'OJ . ....... .... """ e71-1ee2 CHIA, DlnCTIVICl'OI ltM. .. fl .... .,.,.; .. ,_... 627·2223 • CUNT IAll'WOOO MIT WMIOI WAf MIT lOOM ll'OI l'lltt OAUHTUT191 Ml 11.U ~tt -CMlfOllM *""' Plllt , ....... ,... River," a play by Christopher late or Krypton. ' ' llsher.wood. It's so cold in New York TO J EFF'S GREAT REGRET, he never met that "with no hair my head is the actor who played his fathe r. Marlon Brando going to freeze," Ward i;ald. "If had already collected his klngly f~ caJcuJaled at the play is a success ·I might $245,000 per work day and run back to Tahiti. have to remain bald unlll the Jeri's biggest physical challenge came on the end of the year." Albert.a location where he had to outrun a traJn. 'Tm told by friends lhot Without divulging any technical seerets, he ad· m y hair will never c row buck """"0 milled that he was suspended by wi res and his properly again. l Just know that I will look like toes actually touched the ground. "I ran a lot to nothing on Earth. I have such a flat head at the get in shape for the stunt, and I also wori<ed out on back and J am t e rrified that 1t will look the trampoline," he said . ridiculous," he said. Next for Jeff East : "Long Ride on a Short What does his wife, Alexandra. lhlnk about the Trail" tentative tllle for April filming in Texas Jack of a hairstyle? with Strother Martin. "I suppose l'U just have to get used to living --------------------- wrth a Buddhist monk." B y Tbe Auoclaled Prns The follo wi ng a r e Rlllhoard's hot record hits for the week ending January 27 as they ap· pear in next week's ls- s u e o r Billb oa r d magazine. HOT SINGLES l. "Le Freak" Chick <Atlantic ) 2. "Do You Think I'm Sexy " Rod Ste wart <Warner Rros. I 3. "YMCA .. Village People 1Casablanca > 4. "A Little Mor e Love" Olivia Newton· John rMCA> 5 . "T oo Mu c h H eaven " Bee Gees . (RS0) 6. "My Life" Billy Joel <Columbia> 7. "C::very 1 's A Win· ner '' Hot Chocolate (In. C:nlty I 8. 'T ire" Pointe r Sill· ters t Planet> An 'THEATRES ·•.us r•••rr"'-• • "COIYITTI SUMMH I .... , .. c COSTA MESA ) So. Col•• , .. ~., 1111 >•tO l 1t11ol ''" P1n1•t "OUYB'S STOtlr . "' '"4"HllHAU" . ,..... ~ 9 . "S e ptember" Ear th, Wind and Fire lArc > 10. "I Wiii Survive" Glor i a Gayno r <Polydor> 11. "Lotta Love " Nico l e tte L a r s o n <Warner Bros.> 12. "I Was Made For Dancing" Leif Garrett (Scotti Brothers> 1 3 . "N e w Yo rk Gr o.Q.Ye" At'e Frehl ey I Casablanca > 14. "Somewhere in the .-:_.,ORSON WHLES ..... ~-.. HAL LINDSEY-..... ,.. H • AlloJl(.lllll~W lllflllWl\L~Jl\ll~ '-•I" STARTS WD*SOAY UMfTIO EHGA•&elT MESA UA SOtlnf COAST c,.,,1, .. _ s-.~ 1111 ... .._,,., 111111 ~ &<• ~m~ &4(1.(J(JfO FOUNTAIN VAU.fY II ow~...,.,, a E""- t l/O ''°° SADDlfBACX ONEMA (tl1;106 ~»~ 'MJ t 'AIO HIGUR ~ .. l_ •~•Hl UAOTYQNfMA °'-t)4.3tl I WESTMINSTER MAU so r-•a.-••~ Ni~ht" Barry M a rulow ---------------------C Arist.'.I ) 15. "Got To Be Real" -------------------Cheryl Lynn <Columbia ) HELD OVER! 16. "Shake It" Ian Matthews (Mushroom ) "f JUST LOVED THIS MOVIE!,, 17. 'iSoul Man" Blues -Judith Crist Bros. <Atlantic> 18. "Heaven Knows" Do nn a Summer & Brooklyn Dream s <Casablanca> 19. "No Tell Lover" Chicago <Columbia 1 20. "llold the Linc" Toto <Columbia I TOP Ll'rt l. "Brief Case Full Of BI ucs" Dlues Drothers CAUanUc > 2. "Blo nde!! Have More Fun" Rod Stewart <Warner Bros.> 3. "52nd Street" Billy Joel CColumbraJ 4. "You Don't firing M e Flowers" Nei l Diamond <Columbia ) S. "Greatest lllls, Vol. I I '• Barbra Str eisand <Columbia I 6. "C'Est Chic" Chic "BEST FOREIGN FILM OFTHEYEAR!" ""I\•" W 1n11en NY Po\! Stomng Nino Monf'9di ond 11.Nto Korino.. A World NonMI Fiim. .... " .. 1, •• ~'f . . . . ... ,, ,_ ...... ' .... , .. ~-· -. <A ti antic> -::;;i;;;-;;-;;;;;;;;;-;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9 7. '1'he B<'st Of Earth, Wind & Fire" Earth. Wind & 1'1rc <Columbia> 8. ·'Greatest Hits'' Barry Manllow <Arista) 1 9. "OoubJe Vis ion" Forelgner CAUantl~) I 10. "Crulsln' " Village People <Casablanca ) .. SEE SUPERVOLKS! ... Stocll -..... '79 ........ Sdroccot. -... o....,..,lfftln. c..., ......... OMMh. ...... C-..n \ •.t•lOfllfeltA•OO c111r uc11M'"" tlllOfillf. ....... t I M •t tt .. ;--.:..~,~~ ·.~ ·: ..... "" THE'tt\~M WJ.I~ ~ l'tue (POI . .,,~~to ~- llON'f llN\Ol'I ~Irr. 'C'STLD5 neaa FamUy Part 2·· M°"""'t. 7 00, t ?OO SATllUN P1u• JIM Follda "COMES A HORSEMAN" -""""'···· ~ 1'Q::_·:. :'-. ,:00, )·00, ~:00 1·00, uo liOI0-1 , .... ,.,.,. '° • '" .•• .. ,_1 .......... , ...... '""• ' t ' ) l t Lagwna/ §Guth Co&st l' our llon1etown l)aily Ne"'spaper VOL. 72. NO 29, 3 SECTIONS, 28 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNIA MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1979 TEN CENJS Two Killed, Ni1w Wounded ~~ ~ ~ Sniper Terror at SD School ~cllSeats Five to Seek Office By ANNE COOPER Ot-O.lly -SIMI A telephone survey has turned up five San Clemente residents who say they definitely plan lo Arsonists Rmnpant In Tehran TEHRAN, Iran <AP > -Anll· government Moslem rioters ~t fire t.o a nightclub, a brewery a nd restaurants and attacked brothels in Tehran today as this troubled nation awaited word of the imminent r etu rn o r AyatuJlah Ruhollah Khomeini, hero of the anti·shah rebellion. Heavy shooting by army units was reported from several parts of the city, but reliable casualty reports were not immediately available. U.S. military officials here re· ported that an American officer was shot and wounded by an UD· known aasaHant Sunday night. Rioters today b adly beat a police general also. Prime Minis ter Shahpo ur BakbUar early today scrapped plans to fly to France lo meet with Khomeini al the Moslem leade r's exile headquarters <'Ul· side Paris. Bakhtiar rejected the "unacceptable" condition that he resign before meeting with the exiled Khomeini. But Bakhtiar said Iran 's airports. closed last week Lo pre- vent Khomeini's return from e.x. ile, would reoRen shortly, and Khome ini could r e turn "if security measures a re taken." In Paris. Khomeini announced he would return al his risk as soon a.s the airports are open. Aides said they were ready Lo leave at a moment's notice . "We hope t.o leave tonight de- pending on the lat.est order re- garding lhe airports," said one. Later. an aide sioid Khomeini would not return before Tuesday nlght. Teh·ran and other cities have been wracked for d ays with vio lent protests by anti · government Iranians demand- ing that Khomeini 'be allowed to return. Police sources said rioters to- day set fire to the Shokoufenou nightclub, the capital's largest, burned the Shams brewery in aouth Tehran and set five beer truck.s ablaie. They also set fire to restaurants serving alcoholic • ID SC run in the April 24 election for three City Council vacancies cr.ealed by last ~l'Ck 's voter re· call of three council members. Those intending to campaign for the three council seats vacat- ed by Mayor William Walker a nd coundl members Donna Wilkinson and Howard Mushe(t are hoUS<'wife and political ac- tivist Ka roline Koester . retired corporate purchas ing age nt J ack Brown, retired news broad- caster Ed Dieden, businessman Albert Popik a nd self-styled philosopher and politician Robert Rusin. Brown, Die den . Popik and Rusin all nm unsuccessfully for City Council seats last March. Mrs. K~sler has not run pre· viously for pol1t1cal office. Candidates will be ahle to file for the election at the c ity clerk 's office as soon as proper forms amve this week from the county re~istrar of voters' of- fice. a s pokes m an said. FiUng deadline for the April 24 election is Feb. 15. Candidates who filed for the s pecial election in April will be asked t.o specify whether they are running for a one-year or a three-year term. Vacancies created by the recall of Walker and Mrs. Wilkinson, who were elected in 1976, leave two unex- pired one-year terms . The recall oC Mushett, who was top vote getter last March, leavH one three-year council term. Popik and Rusin said they will run for one-year terms . The other would-be candidates have not specified whether they in· tend to run for one or three·year terms. The next San Cleme nte city council election. following the April 24 special election, ls scheduled in March, 1980 The .:wo council me mbers elected to Wa lker's and Mrs Wilkinson's pos itions will be up for rc·election atthattime Council m e m bers Myrtis Wagner and Roy Hamm, elected last March and unaffected by last week's recall election. face re·eleclion in March, 1982. The council member elecl<!d t.o fill Mushell's term will also be up for re-eltttion the n . The three recalled council members will remain scaled un · tit their replacements are elect· ed, in order lo provide a City Council quorum required Lo con- duct bu.<>iness, said Deputy City Attorney Michael Bartlett. HIGH TIDES SHOW THEIR STUFF AT EL MORRO MOBILE HOME PARK SUNDAY MORNING Residents Were Treated to this Breclf\9 Display But No Damage Occurred Cold Threatens Crops Frost Warnings Out for Cormty Tonighl By TOM BARLEY OI ""° D•llY Pl ... S~tf OranRe County ranch hands who fought hard Sunday night and early today to protect their c r o ps from freezi n g tem - peratures were wa rned today that they m ay have an even tougher batUe on their hands a rtcr the sun sets tonight. them Rancho Mission VI~·~ Bob Clark. who reported no crop ' damage on the south county acreage despite a low reading or 28 degrees dunng the night. "We we re he lped la!!t night by the fact that it was so moist." Clark s aid ... It's much drie r now and cold on that scale tomght could mean we'll have a sadder story Lo tell Tuesday " ope ration throughout the night "ll will take a few days to de· termme the full extent of the damage," a weary ranch hand commented "And J can tell you we·re not dook1ng forward to tonight one little bit · · The frost whitened much of Girl, 16, Believed Suspect SAN DIEGO <AP 1 A school pranca oal and c ustodian were lolled and nine people. including a police officer and eight students. we re wounded today when a 16· year-old girl opened hre with a .22 caliber nnc at a crowded elemen· tary school acros~ the street , police s a1d. Killed was the head custodian, Michael Suchar. 56. said Fred J af- fries . a spokesman for the San Diego Unified School Dis trict : Jeffries said that the school's principal , Burton Wr<1 ~g . 53, died of inJuraes at a hospital. An un1dcnt1fied s pokesman for Alvarado lfosp1tal !>aid <tll the in1ured students were in J,!ood cond1t1on The girl was barricaded inside a houi.e :tcross the strc<·t from the school in the city's northC'ast section with an estimatt:d 500 to 600 rounds or ammunition, police said The girl's father was reported to be on the scene attemptinl'( to talk the youth out of the house a:. a police SWAT team pre pared to rus h the modest yellow frame house · Asst. Chief of Police Robert Bundgrecn said. "We hclacve a 16·year -old .:irl student" wa!> responsible for the s hooting ·Ht• said s~ was armed with the .22 calibe r automatic rifl e. The incident bti.tan at 8 40 a.m ,, and the last ~hots heard we r e fi red about R 55 a m However . the girl, identified on· ly as Brenda by po/tee. re· m ained in the house. She was described a~ a "pret- ty good shot" by officers on the scene Poli ce s pok esman Bill Robinson said .. she 1s walhn~ Lo talk to a degree S he is undt.•r a lot of prcs..'\ur<' Then • 1s no rnorc danger al the school " When tht• s hootin g hegan. children ran out of th1· o;ctiool for cover and rwarby homt.'.'> were evacuated Armed police ~et up ~' har racade around t ht· house, k1·ep 1ng bystanders and n•porter ... at lea~t one block aw11y Police Chief William Kolendcr and Caty Manager Ray Blair wen! at the scene !)JX Of the Injured We re taken lo nearby Alvarado Community Hospital and a l>l'vcnth Vl<.'t1m w as tak en to <.irO!'l!'lmon t tfosp1tal. Anxious parents were flood1n l! the /\lvar<tdo and Gr osi.mont !'IW1t1·hboard!> with telephone calb A neighbor, Gregory Pitman. 28. satd. "I wa!> Mand1nr.i JU.'>t on the other s1dt.• of the house when all of tht' sudden ra ve shob ran~ out . My boy 1s right in that first room m that 'ichool " His S-On, Greg J r . as 5 •~' drinks. ' Rioters stormed tnto south The first City Council meeting sin ce the recall e lection is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. Wednes· d ay at City fl all. 100 Ave Presidio. Al that meeling City Clerk Max Berg will present final election ret'.lms, showmg that voters supported the recall of Walker and Mrs . Wilkinson by a belt.er than 2 Lo l margin. and of Mushett by a simple majority. "Clear a nd cold and. by the look of things, colder than what we had last night." a National Weathe r Service foreca s ter grimly predicted today. "fhey're already getting out the fros t warnings In Orange County." Rilncho M1ss1on Viejo fared better than the Irvine Com · pany's a11;ricultura l holdangs where a low of 21 degrees was recorded at 2 a.m. today ~Orange County Sunday night and early today after a day of fr ea k wea th e r 1n whi c h astomshed residenLc; w1tnesst>d th'1nder. lightmng, hail, snow and rain -not necessarily in that order Assa88in Appeads Tehran's "red· li ght" district and attacked liquor stores and what they identified as houses of prostttution. "On this street are houses where women sell themselves." one demonstrator cried. Reporters saw rioters throw furniture , inc luding large refrigerators. out of the windows of some of the buildings. The sound of gunfire, apparently rrom riot troops n ear by , J sounded in the background. Cars I ;,;:UKEY ' ro LOCKSMim "My Dally Pilot Ad worked out tlne. "I bired the first penon who '8PPlled." Tbat•a the advertising 1ucceaa story ol tbe Laauna Hills man wbo plated lhia ad ln the Da1Jy Pilot: h LOCQMJTH E•~I oppty f o a lock1m.llh w/mJn 2 1.IJ exp./Smd nt11umc-to PO Bo• xxu The recall election last week <See COUNCIL, Page AZ> Arson Try Foiled in Laguna Beach An arson attempt on a Laguna Beach tavern that caters lo homosexuals was foiled Sunday when a Molotov cocktail tossed from a passing car exploded but failed t.o ignite the building. Witnesses said they saw a ball of tire erupt outslde the UtUe Shrimp tavern, 1305 South Coast Highway shortly ibefore 5'!-30 a.m: Sunday. . But lhe 12·ounce beer ,bottle, fused with a piece of paper, missed the bu1ldJng and ervpted tntonamesonlheroadway. A wlt.netia al a nearby hotel Hld he saw wbal appeared lo be a Volksw11en speeding up Gavlota Street •bortly after the ..: .. 1-1'11L lf-"9U ~--.. m,..i..ipt...,0-1• .. ~fD~~· . ..,.,i.,.,l>oUce t,l)und pieces of glass Uy tbe DaUi Piiot. A. frtendb from 1 beer boWe at. Lh• acene == wtll IMtp "'"~ an Id '' and turned the evtdence -over t.o arson lnve.U1at.on1. ( It was the kind of forecast pre· dieted yet dreaded today by m any county farmers, among Ranch hands re ported damage to avo ca do . lemon and stra wherry crop~ despite the fact that wind machines were m Attaek Feared . China to Invade Vietnam? NEW YORK <AP) -China might launch an attack on Vietnam as punishment for that country.'s invasion of Chinese ally Cambodia. according to intelligence sources cited by News week magazine. The magazine said China has amassed a force of 80,000 to 120,000 troops on it.s Vietnamese bor.~er. a buildup a State Department expert termed more than you would need for just a show or force ." The attack could bring tn the Russians, who have 44 divisions on their border with China. Newsweek sald . The Chinese could respond to a Russian invasion with nuclear weapons but Peking's armed forces could not contain the' Ruaslans, ac_cordlng to the magazine. , The magaiine did not qu6te lts tources directly as to China's lntentlon of invadina V1etnam. However it quoted a U.S. source as saying, "We 're just won'tect that-an lttYnton of Vietnam might take place an.er the visit"' of Cblnese Vice Prlme Minister Tens Hllao-pinl to tht• country, "tlnce ll would look like We aave them the 1reen llpt ... And a veteran Ne wport Beach beachgoer reported that ror the firs t Ume in his m emory the <Stt FROST. Page A?l Wounded Man Found in Car In Costa.Mesa A man police said had been wounded in tht> he ad by a guns hot fired thro ugh the driver's windo w was found slumped in the rront seat or his car early today in Costa Mesa. The shooting victim. who wal\ fighting ror tus Ufe this morning at Hoag Memorial Hos pital. wa s identified by police as 38- year-old George Thomas Lovell of Long Beach. Police Sgt. Sam Cordeiro said the wounded ,_..n was dis- covered about 7 a .m . ms car waa parked on P03l Road In.the Mt!aa del Mar sectfon or Costa Mesa. not far rrom St. John the Baptlat Catholic Church. Lovell w• -]Pe!r.. ~1···s.-whtn pollce were cal to t.he scene by a resident of the aru. Police utd tbef han no motlYe In the cue and are aeekln& anyone who knew Lovell. .. ME MPHIS. Tenn IAPI J\t torneys for J a m es Earl Ray have filed a pct1t1on for a new trial for the confessed killer of civil rights leader M artin Luther King Jr. Or::~~,:,.~• Weach~r C lear and cold tornght with fre e1 1nf( l<'m pe r ature Portly cloudy and not as cold Tuesd ay Lo ws to nigh t 30 l o 35 Highs near 60s Tuesday INSIDE TOO/\ 't' At Wtatitm Airl1M~. f I of tlw I ,(JOO ptli>ta ore ID(>men Drbbit Arrhn . 79 , rt Wtattm·, first /hpht ottrn dant to moke the tron.t1t1on tQ ptlot Se~ 1''rotunng, Poge Cl l•tlex n " .. ... .. ., ' •• .. .. •• •• ( Pilot J Logbook _ W Could U A N w Coa tline ft) WU.I.Ii\~ llOl)(1t (It .,.. ,,. .. ' ,,_ ., .... Nt·\.\~!)dlW.'r' ..innounrl"<l lil\' Jlfl"'Ml11ht y or ch 1.1'1\••r (;l•olol(i:o.t Pr1.'Ctlrl)\ t ·on .. t 111 flonttlnl( hhir~1 .~;, h,•,ulluw ov1•1 J <'llJH 1 1.,hl.-11 -.tor)' frnm " .:loom)'.< h ~ K • l'i aburw l'ltJafl wnh•i 11n1• ""'"' h.uJ h• aded v.c "' bdo11 th1 th1ralv11nt.t i-no ...... torm l'ht' 11t01 )'h1•t1N1 thlll l() to 40 fll()l v .. H t•a f'<)Ul!I butl1•r llUf ,.11 ..i:.lluw h•ll\ ION ch•,lrt1<'tlo11a.nrl 1hi.1r11tv In lht>lt wuk1 ~u1e•h . thc·. 11•uhl nw.111 the· 11111.: 111o~;h1·•11•d t"Od 111 th• W1.·'l (°t>J'll .,.. ,., fa11.1lh upC1n '" l>oom .irul 1h·1.trut \11111 ll lhd11 't ha1111o111 '"·''l'•ll'lhl•h1~ht1dt•lll But. 1,.10,t• h1< 1.1 mo1111•nt unfl 1111"1tll'r thc· .-r .. al b1.•0C'fll.!J lht ()f dll.'t• ( 11J -.t lllll:ht hli\<I" I I ·II" ,, from It u 1.· h u II I.I q u <1 l ll ht 1111'\t'l" ll'<illl nl( LOOK C'OA8TITE8 HAVE ~n f\oiarlc•MIY batthn.f( o.mong lheau.t.'.lvci. fo1 y1•Jr' 11\-Cr l'COlogacal, governmcnl.Ul .ind pohti• .11 t1uest1on:. Mt1Sblv Oood· IDft arMI J r1.-'l:lhaping of lh . COllbtlUU: couhl hau· ~n lhl' v,•ry aru.wt!rs lo i.at ai.f v .ill the w;Jrr1n~ factiorui alont: • our t·oJ,t, Tak1.• 11 unt1ngton Hc-urh. for cxamplt: J.>owntown rt' dcvelopmc•nt ha:-. bN·n u h l'ry 1i;s~ bel wC(!n city officlitls .rnd res1dc nt:s or the bt•u<'h urea f9r ye&rs. fi'lood1ng would , eliminate the problem :met t•reatc a beuutaful oce.an view for tht• Huntington Beu ch t.1hrury unct Information Center. 1f the bo~ d()('sn 't s ink In Newport ncur h . thf' :..i::c old Pur1fi<' Cousl Hl~hway traffic: jam :1t Thl· Rr11l~•· would bt· ch minuted forever And the Uin>t•r Newrxirt Hay woullJ simply bt:come "deep water " IRVINE FJNAl.J.Y WOULD gel its own coast. No lo nger would the ultlm:itc:> planned community fa~I prey lo the machinations of the l~al. Agency Format.on Com - m1s:.1on ILAFC> And the government could purchase the so-called Irvine Coast for u:-. · ~s a undersea kelp farm .. Laguna Beach has :-.hown itself lo ~.the most fars1ght: cd of our coastal municipalities. A_ dec1s1on by city fathers last year to purehasf' Sycamore Hills localed four miles tn· land shows a d<'terminat1on toke<!p Laguna above water. Avco's Laj:!una Niguel fights with the coastal com· mission would become moot. Most or the "8,000 acres of Sea Country" would become c·xactly ~hat. . . /\nd south Orange County's municipal court m Laguna Niguel could be usrd for the ne w Harbor Depart~ent . The hundreds of 1'><>1:1lan~ t·nthusiasts wa1tmg for a slap al Dana Poanl's J:.tmmcd hC1rbor would thmk the noodm~ was a God~end. WAV•:S LAPPI NG AGAINST Sun .Juan Capistrano's 200 year-old mission wo_uld yrovide the scc~tc shor:hne ro~ •1 massiv<• new harbor in Sun Juan Creek s naturally pro ll•Ctl•d flc)()(i plain. • And San Jua n officiub wouldn't have ~ worry about managing g rowth in th<' city's southwest seellon. Hluff.top r<•s idc nts in Capistran~ Beach would ftnally ~cl their wish. A walk to the beach without a sheer 200-fool drop · San Ca~a Pacifica could ~ the watery gale in~ Clemente's new harbor und planned coastal community. CERTAINLV, THOUG H, THE big winners In such a "disa::.Lcr" would have to be Costa Mesans. . With s horcfront property, homes values 10 the ~lty would soar. And the ra1r~rounds could ~ developed into another Del Mar, ehminatmg the necessity to travel to Los J\lam1to:. for th" county's fall fair. /\nd the' flood could dc·fanitely spell the end Lo the Costa Mesa datrh dtlc•mmu The Costa Mesa nee !'lcwporl Frcl•way could tiN·om•• <1 OE'W, revenue·mducin~ boat laum•htnJ( ramp at th1· luxunous Amel Harbor Estates S(':l!>tdcccJmmunity ,.~,.._ Page A I FROST DUE TONIGHT. • • -"'sand was coated in frost early today. T he freak s nowfull Sunday ga vc golfers <it the Coi;ta Mesa Golf and Country Club and pa rticipants in the swap meet on the fairgrounds lo andulJ(e m what may be a once-in·a·lifetamP opportunity an this part of th(· world a snow f1~hl Golf and the hunting for bargains wl•rc forgotten a~ astonis hed but happy purt1c1 pants scooped up the white muff nnd b(')ted eal.'h other an true Christmas card fai;hion. local growers reported little or no damaae to their croi>S. A cold snap last month cost Dennis Toussieng, operator of Laguna Gardens on Laguna Can yon Road, sever al thousand dolla rs an frost nippt·d flower~ "But e verything M.-cm s to havt· made it this lime." he ~aid to d ay. The cold m~hl :-.cnl g:1ugcs ut Southt·rn California Ga::. Com p:,ny plunt!'i ::.uarm~ and com pt•lll'd tht• utility to put 3.7 b11l1on cubic f<'d of (<ta!> out to chilly homes and plants in Ornngc County S no w was re1)orte d fall - 1ng Sunday al Huntingt on Bt•ach, t-•ountaan Valley, Corona dt'I Mar and La~una Hills. Reports of fmsl damage in· dicatcd lhul the Irvine Company had fared by far the worst dur- ing a night in which the tcm perature fell hist. A low of 28 degrec:>s was re· corded in Lagun1t Beach but "It was by rar our biggest pro· duction thi s year." SCGC s pokesman Hal WC1lloo said "Fortunately, we are us in~ 1•mc rgcncy gas suµpllcd to us from Texas and Oklahoma so we ~re able to mCi!l wh;1l we expect will he a conllouc.'<l clc ma~d over the next day or so. 11 ORANGE COAST L'o( DAILY. PILOT fr t t tr•"(Jlr' ( f>N'lf O A-l'f f'lk t tllftfh .P\tf" I ' ..... , •• ~ ,...,,,. f"tf"'\\ ••fM .. 1 ,..._,,.,,~ , ... , I ••tt•,,ttit t,o""'f(~\l',,.,t~,,.f,rlto!lo.,..u,. 1 "'"" P\f'•I Mi.wt•• 1rwb(,qn t ,.,,,.., •··• <,,.,,, .. Ut • t H""""'}lfl IW.,._h th#U~°"' fMI• f1 f 1~· '"''"""'ll"''f UV'+N" '-'-"~'~"""' •,,...•tht(•\I A 1 • ,.,,,...,.._.~tloOf\1\Qubh\hrd•..,.tv•rt"" .,,., • ,, ,, • ., ,._ p.•N•f)i*• puotn.Nno o• • • • •t 1" Wt \I ft•t 'Ar .... (O\t• Mtow. (•Utntl'U••)a.1 .. •-nN-f "ft \l'ditf'l't •N'f P\Mt~ •et•• c... ... ""''" •.•• \t(Wftf •rwf ,,,... ........ "it?'' ,~.,._ ..... , • dUf• 1-\AM ......... M•""-O'Nt t tfil•• "'.,. ... M .._.., tlhd••• f' MM ,., ... ,,..,, ~ft•f)l"'4i t -·~ °"~ .. (b\tAMliM UOW.\I O•Y~tf'-tt ··""''""''~ ...... ,,.,, .... ., .. °""."""'" .al! T•lephot1e 1714)M:1..u21 Cl•Hlfled Ach el11""9 .. ,.ftt,. Le'IUf'I• .. Hll "" Oet>MllNf'llt. Telepllot1e •M-MM • ro"' Wf\ C.,. ..... ,.._ ·~ o~·i:i~ ::_ °:;t'" <:.:'.:!..~~= :::r •• , er ..-W•ttlU .... fU\ f\.,,lft '"l'J '= ~~--................ .... ••'""°" tu n .. ,, ... •••(f ,., CM•• .,. (.aUt•1ftt• 'v11u11aU•4' tu u rrler U M :.:::,!~'?. =~~~ ......... 1' ,_. •• , ..... . h ' Saddlctwck M11unt111n had u C:hristmai. (•tml look today with 11hcrUf's officers reporting thut thr )tOOW l('v<'l lhf're is down lo I .500 fet>t thc• lowt·st rcrordt'd this winter They said many hiker:. an th<• area beaijetl! for home carlit•r than they planned Sunda)i as they were hit by hual, snow ~ind rain. Fears that hiRh tides predict cd daring the we•·kcnd would provide additional problem" pro ved to be mainly groundleRs with coastol communities re.: porlinR IJUlc or no damaiie. /\n titccplion was in t he l.ngunn Reach urNl where high wrcv H s wept lnt.o the E l Morro Trall"r Park. Rprnying seHidc trailer home:.. The waters quick· Jy sub!;idA<f und resident!! report- ed today tbal they suffered UUI • or no damnJ(c. The Nttt10nal Weather Service foreca.stJ,oday calls ~..,,,11~ Ina clear and cold wei'lhTr with a low \OnJght ol about 32 deareea and a high Tut!sday of lbOut «> alonJC ~ Oran.ie Coast. • I ,, library In Capo Doubtful A lthou..:h l'lt y und llt'hool of f1t·1i.li. hav,· nuached it1reement on • new San Juan Capistrano rounly llh1 u1 y branch s ite. th~ 1u·rord muy bt· ucudcmlc. ihe rww fu<•1Uty won't be built in !!fl.I# <1111t m..i y bt: c hmlnah:d .. ltOt(t•tht'r "Wl"Vl' 1 l'lly ufrlc·1uls) talkt.ld with l'OWll y ~tart mcmoors and th,•y t1ald we 'd ~ compeUn" with oth r ~roJccb ror conatruc t1 on fund~." City Manager J11m\·-. Mo..·allN i>u1d Friday. '01w of ~u1~rv1sor <Thomas> H1ky'' u1dc~ told u~ not to ex· pt•I'\ ('flflstrul·twn a t all in 1979 •111cl :-..11cl we might not make it .11 1 . A 1ute ro r the ne w library branl'h sparked months or de- baw ~tween Capistrano Unified Sr hool Dlstnct officials and city :.tarr members. School officials wanted lbe cl· ty to r~1,one the old Capistrano High School s ite on Camino Capis tran o to commer cial usage. Such a zoning designation would increase the value of the property and I.he potential profit lo the school distr-ict if such land was sold . The school dlslrict refused to negotiate for a library site until the city agreed lo rezone the land. T he slale mote finally stopped when the city agreed to spend wihen the city agreed lo spend $135.000 to build six tennis courts nt Capistrano Va lley High School in exchange for 50,000 square feet of school district land at Acjachema Street and El Camino Real. The agr eement w ill be te rminated. however. if funds for cons truction of the new l ib r ary br a nch f ai l t o materialize. Mesa Man Plucked From Choppy Sea A Costa Mesa reside nt and four other persons were plucked from cold eight to 10-foot seas S unday morni n g o ff South Laguna after their 18·foot power boat wa s s w a mpe d a n d capsized. Orange County Harbor P atrol deputies responded to the scene one -quarter mile off Aliso Pier a fte r a re11ident obser ved the boaters in trouble orfshore. A H a rbor Patro l s pokeswoman said this morning Steve Pittard. 24, Yorba Linda. o pe rator of the boat: Robert Wilsey, 23, Orange; Olive Reed, 25. Norco: Reed Payne, 22 . Costa Mesa ; a nd Robert Malgenovich. 23, Orange, were hauled from the 56-degree water The five had l>ei?n wearing life preservers and were knocked free of title capsized boat by <'hoppy waves. /\II rive were suf· fermg from mild s hock and ex· pos ure when picked up by a harbor patrol boat. Wilsey and Miss Reed were treated and released from San Clemente General Ho s pital. Texas Tot Drown& W /\CO, Texas <AP ) -A 4· yea r old boy playing near an aircraft hangar just outside tlK: r 1ty lim1L<i fell into a pit fil led with paint-r e moving acid a nd drowned. police said. Allen DaJe Wrenn J r. and a 3-year -old p l aymat e wan de r e d from Wrenn's home about a quarter male rromthcpitS unday. Two Held As Drug ~. ~:~~~~~~~c~ • Laguna Beach f·riday. arrested the man a nd his wife aft.er aJ. lct(t1dly finding narcotics tr the hou~e. Sherill'• 'Spokesman' Mi chelle McGovern. 7. of Laguna Niguel. gets a word or two about wheels from Orange County sheriff's deputy Orville King Saturday during a break in the bi cycle rodeo held in Crown Valley Community Park. Laguna Niguel. Carter, Teng Cite 'Common JQurney' WASIDNGTON CAP) -Presi dent Carte r welcomed Vice Premier Teng Hsiao-ping to the While House today with the promise of "a common journey" as they began talks on bolstering. the new relations hip between the United States and China. "On behalf of the people or my country. I welcome you. Mr . Vice Premier," Carter said un· der windy, overcast s kies during the ceremony on the White House 50uth lawn. which was twice disrupted by anti-Teng demonstrators. "Today we ta ke another step in the hiat.ortc normalization or relations. We share In the hope which s prings rrom reconcilia· lion and the anticipation or a com moo journey,•· the president said. Teng. reading his spe«h in Chinese, responded tha t "We share the sense or being on an historic mission: Sino·U.S rcla lions are al a ne w beginning and the world 1s at a new turning point." Teng wa rned that ·'the fal.'tors making for war a rc visibly growing" in the world. lie and Curler both c xpres:;ed hope that normal relations between their two countries would help pre· serve world peace. , Afte r t h e w e l l.'oming ceremony. the leaders went to Carter 's White House office to begin six hours of talks in three sc heduled sessions. Administra· t1on ofricials said they expected Carter and Tent{ to exchange views on a broad range of sub· 1ects, from Korea und lndochanu to U.S. a rms control negotia· lions with the Soviet Union B e for e T e nr< leave s Was hington on Thursday, he and Carter are expected lo sign an umbrella pact a llowinR a variety of exchanges between the two t cou ntries, including new!> bureaus in each other's capatub Carter and Teng also are ex· peeled to discuss prospects for a n ew trade agreement giving China most-favored-nation tariff treatment and access to credits from the Export-Import Bank. Carter and his wife. Ros:.ilynn. met Teng and his wife. Cho Lm. a l the While House South Portico al 10 a .m . EST to a fan· fare of Army trumpets. Sharpshooters Kill Gunman TOKYO <kP) -Si x sha rpshooters shot and killed a gunman· who killed rour persoos and held 25 others hostage an an Osaka bank for nearly 42 hours. The hostages freed Sunduy. all bank employees. were reported safe. · Aki yoshi Umekawa . 30 . stormed the bank with a shotgun ha lf an hour before closin"1 time F rid ay a nd dem a nde d the equivalent of $250,000. f',....P-.AI COUNCIL ••• climaxed a year-long political power struggle between Wulker· Wilkmson forces and Mushett's San Clemente Ho meowners As· soclatlon Among the five self declared council t'andidates only Po pik seems closely conneclt.'CI with either faction. He served on the Homeowne rs· com mittee which launched the recall cam- paign against Walker and Mrs. Wilkinson. Robert Rafkln, 24 . and hia wife Putrtcla /\nn, 27, both of t 1•· Tl·mpli' lltlls Drive. were a rrest- .:d ul tht•ar home by officers respondinl( to u call for ht:lp. P 1J rumcd1e11, firemen and J)Olkc' !\aid they found Rafldn rh<>k1n1< 1n1>1dl· llw home. and whf'n llwy m1kc•d hai. wire what ht> hod ll1k••n. s he was evasive. pohl't• •u11<l ON1c·t·r~ 'ia Id they round "''vt·rul lw1ut1es c·finta1nmg a while ftuh~tance 1ns1de lht- honw. aA well ai. 1>ynn.ies and olh1·r druu pa r a1>hcrna l1a, hush111 h tt111J packaged man- J•i<rn;,i Tht· ('()UJlll' rac•c• t'h[1r.ie)\ Of JI II 11 II f• 'I )\ I II Ii 0 ( II ,1 r (' 0 t 1 (' ~ , p<11ow1111wn {1f narcot1cii for !>ale. dnd r ult1 v1.1t1on ''' m<JnJuana It afk1n :1h111 fot'C" :•n ac:Jdt· t 111n:JI r h1Jrl(1• ,,r h4-in~ unclt·r the inf hwn1 •· 11f a mir,.11tw IH1th w1•r l' lwlnl( h •·ld in Or:u11(" Cn unty J ail wllh 111111 w l ut $~>.000 Laguna Holds Transiem in $300 Robbery A transtt>nt ..,<m1 lo be !>imulat ang a weapon 1n has pocket wa:. arrested inside a Laguna Beach ice cream parlor early SundC1y t>ven1ng aflf'r grabbing mon· than $300 from two clerks . Jame)\ Joseph Coomes. 21. whom pohC-t' d1:scn be as a local transient. was being held in Orange County Jail with bail set at $25.000 following the ~:30 p.m robbery. Police sutd Coomes entered Ba:.kan Robbins Ice Cream. 247 Broadway, and demanded cash from two lcc'n a ge fcmal<- clcrks. Mter asS<'rtedly stuffing $305 into an ice crcdm bag, Coom~ allegedly uth!mpted to lock lht• two young women into an o((ice. Police. alerted by witness<.~. entered the shop as Coomet'I wai. leaving and made the arretit. The arrest was made without. incident and no weapon was found on the suspect. Fire Team Deactivated Oeveland Forest Service Suffers Cutback U S. For<>sl Service offi rlals confirmed today that they have dc-uctivall'd one of the three wlldland fire fighting teams that was staUoned in the Cleveland N atlonal Forest. The 20 man hot ~hot crew was taken out of service about two weeks ago as part of a federal cutback throughout California in "h" Forest Service, according to M arvln Stout, fi re mana1emenl officer of the Trabuco Ranger District In ·the Cleveland Na· tlonal Forest. The cutback comet at a time whc>n ('OUnty and 11tate otrlclals a re debating cuts ln the at ate De partment of Forestry's fire protection servjces In Onnac County. Stout sold the t.eam t aken out of the Cleveland National Forest wa• stationed lo the Palomar district In San Dle10. The forest 8trttchl's rrom Riverside County through Onn1t •nd Into San Dte10 County to the Mexican border. Th~ team wu one of U to M eliminated from the 2t U.8. Foreat Servic. hot shot> LMm.I stationed ln CalltomJa. Hot" ahot teams are UMd for fl~htin1 nrea In remote and In· • accesRible places. Stout said that no ne of the Cleveland Forest's eight truck com panies or fir<' flghtel'3 is going to bf> eliminated unde r the federal c utbacks Howe ve r. in addition t.o the hot shot team nnd !!evcrnl clvillAn posts that are being taken out or the Cleveland budget, t he forest service will lose two fire lookouts in San Diego County and a lhlrd. atop Santiago Peuk on the Orange-Riverside county line ls beln1 studied for climlna· lion. Stout explained that m9ny of the non·tlre related services ellmlna~ from the budget will eventually be re placed on a con- tract baala. J;le declined to spec ulate on the effect. the reduction o( hot i.hot teams would have on I.hf' ablUty o( federel. state or county a1encles to control wlldhtnd flrH . ··we have a n exce lle nt cooperative worklng arran10- ment wlth the at"te Department of Fo~-Oran1e County ft'tre 0e11-..-. .Ml I'm sure we'H be abM to continue It re1ardlesa ol thaap1 In our altuatJon and tbeln." he aaJd. rn December. alate official~ • notified Counly /\dminlstrnt1vf' Offi cer Robert Thomas lhat ai. of July 1. the state would no longer provide fire protection to Orange County. This year. the county paid about $20 million lo the state to provide both structura l and wildlands f ire protection. Of that. $18.6 mjlUon puld the cost of about 470 fire fi ghters as· sianed primarily to structura l fire prote(tion in unincorporated t.errltoriea and io six contract cities i n cluding San Jua n Capialrano and Irvine . The balance paid tbe coet or about SO strictly wlldlanda fire fighters. St at.e officials, seeking budget cut11 u part of Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. 'N au11tcr lty program . want tht' county to assume direct rcaponalblllty ror the 11truct'Va1 Ore protecUon. The m et h a n lc• o r the chan1eover and the cost of the contract for wildlanda prot.ed!on are currenUy Mlna dlecusaed by county and state offlclala. State omctall HS)ortedlf want to apend about lll0.000 on th wUdland• contract for w)ilch about $1.4 mUIJon Is currently budgeted. ' ... ·~•••d• Mi n dy Tiern ey. 8 , of L111tunu Nigu t, reflects the conccnlration requit ed ab s he tensely navi1ale!il the . .cone course in the bicycle rodeo et Crown Va lley Com· munily Pa rk. • Mond!y. January ~. 1979 s DAILY PILOT \3 Cle1nente Slide Victim.s 'Powerless' 8)' ANN COOP ~· °' .. .,..., .......... Appf'\"bt-ukto ap~ars to ht mouot.Jna •IDOfll tome rHwient.a or San Clementt'I Sbo~llfb Mobalt C.Ountr)' Club wberT • Dec-11 laodall~ o~Md a l•P 1ng chum W1thln a (~W rt'4!( ol sax luxury mobllt Mmes alon& M lrtt Aat·l~ Two ol lbt JJt bom n havc- bN'n bau.k-d out uf the pan OM co Carl5-bAd, the other to • 1-\iveraide lDObUe home part. A third home ia exs>tt\Cd to bl-re located wltbtn days, If dry weat.ber allows movers to l'Om pJete oeceuary pttparauoos. dev lopmmt to enjoy lbelr retire· mt nl . with uwe lhoucht of mov I Of( On Their luxury homes, which they uy coal ul)wurd. or $70.000. ar.: 1llr1An1 itlon.i wlndlns private road• on terraced pads above the Jt;11tr~Ua 101/ course a favorite or former Prcit ldcnt Rlehurd Ntxoo Shorec-WI• park rctt1deot.s can ah ln theJr II v1Q& rooms aod en· Juy • pano:aauc view o! the ver- d u n t ru1 r wa ys. against a backdrop "' tbe blue Pacific O«an Now rot"Ord \tlnter ralns have interfered with trus «>enutaonal view. spl1tUnR the golf COUl'ff 1rti~ms in a grotesque design ol sod and cart paths. Last March a s lope railed below Mira los Olas. Tbe hillside was sUU swathed lo protective l!lheei. ol plastic when lbe Dec. 18 lands lide be lo w Mira l\delante opened a 700.foot lone crevaue to a depth of 50 feet. Geologists s tudying earth movement at the park decided coaches abutting the chas m were in d anger. a nd park owners advised homeowners to move immediately. Of the four served with notice in December, three homeowners agreed "Tbt maruigemenl !'!aid not to worry," be said ''They said the notices were onty for the park's legal protection." But severaJ Sborechffs park resideats have s aid the man who claims he has "no qualms" 1s not typical of th~ retirerncol community. '·Everybody 10 the park l.s afraid," said one resident, who was one ol several Sborecliffs homeowners to say she would comment only if her name were not U&ed. "You are a captive In the park," she said. 'lhere you are. with your $70,000 inves tment, and you have no recourse When problf"m-. ltkt: lhe landslide come up. "These s o-caJJed mobile homes are far from mobile - Jus t look at the trouble the families from here had in locat- ing parks which would accept their 'used' coaches ... she said. "And then. the el(pense of mov- ing them i5 ternbly high. "So there you s it In your m1.&· ery. not able to speak out. for fear the value on your home wlll go down af more news gets out about the situaUon you 're in." she said. Bitter I Cold Grips California Death Probed Hiker . Rockefeller's . Killed Body Cremated ·· In Fall By The A1lsociated Press Southern Californians con t'nued to shiver today through a n unusuaJ cold snap tha t brought snow flurries and ice and caused at least one death. .............. WfTH ROCKEFELLER? Aide Megan Marshak Trial Set In Slaying Of Officers WOODLAND CAP) -A 23. year -old Sacr amento man has been ordered to stand trial on ch a r ges of murdering two highway patrolmen on a foggy No rthern California freeway three days before Christmas. Friday's order by Yolo County Municipal Court Judge Charles McGahan concluded fi ve days of testimony in a preliminary hear· i n g for d e f e ndant Lui s Rodriguez. who could face the death penalty if convicted. Witnesses mcluded Rodriguez· · girlfriend, Margaret Kl aess. who said she was in his car when it was stopped Dec. 22 in predawn fog on Interstate 80 Just west of Sacramento. Miss Klaess, 18, of Garden Grove, and Rodriguez were ar- rested two days after the murders of officers Roy Blecher and William Freeman. &ljss KJaess pleaded guilty to a leiser charge of being an ac- cessory after the murder and ag r eed to tes tify agains t Rod rig~. Judge McGahan's order sent the case lo Supe rior Court, where Rodriguez, who is being he'Jtt without baJI. is scheduJed fo r arraignment Feb. 13. Rodriguez' attorney, David Weiner of Sacramento, said he would seek a change of venue fo r the trial because of the in· tense publicity In the Woodland area. Re said he expected the trial to start in May or June and TARRYTOWN. N.Y. CAPl The ashes or Nel son A. Rockefeller were buried today in a fantlly cemetery here, after a e ul,,gy by bis 15-year~ld soo. Absent from the g raveside rites was any of the public clamor which punctuated his life . "Dad, we know bow much you love us and we want you to know how much we love you and how mucb we will miss you." said Nt.lson Jr .. one of two sons by Rockefeller's second marriage. "Your spirit will live on with us forever. We'll try to live up to tht eicample you 've set as a fat he r, a s a husband. as a brother , as a statesma n and as a friend. · Dad, we're not saying good. by , but until we meet again." /' fter the eulogy, Laurance Rockefeller, one of two surviv- ing brothers, told his nephew: "Nelson, you've spoken for all of us." Tbe•former vice president and four-time New Yort governor, who died of a heart attack Fri- dPy night, was cremated Sunday al the Ferncliff Crem atory near the family's ~acre Pocantico Hills estate. / A public service, al which na- tional and international leaders are expected to pay tribute to tbe best known of tbe five Rockefeller brothers, will be he ld Friday at Riverside Church. an edifi ce built largely with RockefeUer money. Among family members who gclthered al Pocantico Hills on Sunday to console RockereUer 's widow. Margaretta "Happy" Rockefeller, and their children W'?rf' the two remaining sons of John D. Rockefelle r Jr. - David, chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank. and Laurance, c.>n.servationist and fi nancier. ~ fourth brothe r . John D. Rockefeller III. died in ao auto accident last July. and a fifth, Wi.,throp, for mer governor ol Arkansas. died of cancer in 1973. Th e only s i s ter, Abb y Rockefelle r Ma u ie, died of cancer several years ago. Meanwhile. RockefelJer fami· ly spokesmen sought to clarlly the circumstances, time and location of Rockefeller's death. Hugh Morrow, a longtime Rock~feJJer press aide, or1ginaJ. Jy said the former governor died in bis Rockefeller Cent.er offices, but later said be. Morrow, had misunderstood the information given to him. H e sa id S a turday t h at Rockefeller sutrered the attack while working on an art book in bis private offices at 13 W. 54lh St. Mo rro w had said only a security guard and a chauffeur were with Rockefeller wben he collapsed. But Morro w a nd a nothe r family s pokes ma n, lasttwo tothree montbs. Wayne Makes Recovery '· Geor ge Taylor. disclosed Sun- d ay t hat a 31-year-old re· searc he r named Me gan Marshack bad been with him u nd called the c ity's 911 emergency number to get an ambulance. LOS ANGELES <AP , -Actor John Wayne continues to pro- g ress In his recovery frorn cancer surgery and should be re· ' leaaed from the bolpital within about a week, a UCLA medical Center apokesmao say&. "He'a doing really well. Doc· lol"IJ ue ve ry happy and be sbould be out in about a week, or a few days,'' the hospital s pokesman said Sunday. Wayne underwent gall bladder surcery Jan. 12 and doctors abo removed bi.s stqmac~ an.er nod· log cancer. · :Volcano· Erupts IAkAftTA, lndonesi• (AP> - The Merapl volcano ln central Java .. bl0win1 hot steam and •pe•lnc lava into nearby rivers, the news aacncy Antara report· ed Satunt.y. ' • I Morrow said Miss Marshack had been workiog with Rockefeller on the art book series. There also was a discnipancy bttweeo the first and later re· port& on the time ol the attack. Morrow fint said RockefeUer was slrlcken at t0:l5 p.ru. EST Friday and police said the first call to 911 came at 11 : 16 p.m. Later Taylor said Rocke!eUer actually collaPMd at l1 : 15 p. m . b1al Miss Marsback had given t he attending physician the wrong time, wblcb was relayed to Morrow by the doctor. Jlm Pafuru, an e:m-erceoey medical technician who a\lt1mpt- ~ lQ revtve Rockefeller In an ambulanH en route to lAnox HJll Hospital, wbere be was pro. nounced dead , aatd Miu lhraback wu at Rockefeller's lkle1DU..ambulance. , . . ............. A SeaUJe man. whose name wa s be in g w i t hhe ld by authorities, was killed when he slipped and fell l ,000 reel off an icy cliff Sunday whHe hiking on Mt. Disappointment in the Angeles National Forest. CHtCAGO? NO, IT'S SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA -HIGHWAY 79 BETWEEN JULIAN AND CUYAMAC.- Snow8torm Str•nda 200 Peopte Neer Los Angele• Aa Traffic Accidents Mount S heriff's de puties said h is companion. 2'>-year-old Robert Chenier of Torrance. broke his legs and an arm while attempt- ing a rescue Chenier was re- ported m stable condition at Verdugo Hills Hospital. Ry this morning. the snow flurri es h ct d e nd e d . and <iuthont1es we re c leanmR up mounta.J.n roads. some or them closed by upwards of a loot or snow Sunday. Countian Hijack Suspect More than 200 people who spen• the night at Mt. Baldy m San Bernardino County began dispersing as the main road in the a rea was reopened this morning to vehicles with chains. New Religion Motivated Pla~ Caper NEW YORK <AP> -Irene Mc Kinney of Orange County talked about a plao to make the world aware of her "new coo· cept" in religion in the weeks preceding her alleged hijacking ol a 747 jetllnet', friends and ac- quaintances in California say. A four-page tract s he re - portedly wrote in 1970 predicted ·•earth-consuming fires . . . due lo the extensive networks of oil, ~as and electric lines" being dis· rupted by earthquakes art.er tbe explosion of the sun. said Frank Godfrey. a Cypress, Calif .. reaJ estate agent who rented Mrs . M c Kinne y a l wo-be d r oom townhouse. "She said this idea of a heaven on earth and the sun exploding and s h e had a ll thi s technological s tuff which she seemed t o unde rs t a nd just Giant Shark Teeth Found MELBOURNE , Au s tral ia (AP> -Divers have found four to five-inch-long shark teeth to a vast graveyard of prehistoric whales and sharks off Flinders Island io the Bass Strait of Australia's south coast. "That makes the shark a real monster -about 50 feel long, .. said Noel Kemp, curator of geology at th e Tas mani an Muse um in Hobart. He said it could have existed b etween two million a nd 22 m ilJioo years ago. perfectly," Godfrey said Sun- day. Mrs. McKinney, 49. was to be arraigned today in federa l court 1n Brooklyn. She is accused of comman- deering a United ines flight eo route from Los Angeles to New York on Saturday and lhreaten- i n g to blo w it up unles s television star Lindsay Wagner or actor Charlton Heston or J ack Lemmoa read he r message over network television. No message was found al the Los Angeles airport, where she claimed to have left one. But during a 6'f.i-hour s iege at John F. Kennedy lnlernatiooaJ Airport that ended with her cap- ture ear1y Sunday. Mrs. McKin· ney gave FBI agents a 25-page statement with religious over- tones. They described 1t as "quite incoherent." A co-wo rke r at T hermco Products Corp. io Orange said that since the Peop1es Temple mass SU1c1de in Guyuana . Mrs. McKinney had cried often at worx and expressed fears that she would be killed. . "She was nervous when she talked to )'OU,·· s aid the co· worker. who asked not to be identified. "She -:ie\ er finished her sentences ... Mrs. McKinney ea r lier told FBI agents that she Nas a.l un· employed writer. F Bl agent Ql.e n tin Ertel described her as a "fallen away Catholic. amolvalent about de- velopment-; an the church" and distr aught about her family situation. After a divorce. she lost custody of her children. he said. The 11-hour orde a l for \\9 passengers and 12 crew mem- bers aboard United Airlines Flight 8 began over Arizona when Mrs. McKinney allegedJy passed a note to pilot Thomas Cook advising him that she had <!nough nitroglycerine to "blow this plane up ... When she was overpowered by an FBI agent. authorities found only personal items including perfume in the flll?ht bag she s ai d conUune d the d e lldly substance. Storm Straruh Rock Groups BURLINGTON. Vt. <AP I Guess who didn't s how up? The Guess Who. The rock ~r o u p w as lo p e rform at Bu r lin g t o n 's Municipal Auditorium. but a storm reportedly stranded the entertainers some where· in On· tario. Canada. The s now. sleet and raw al.so proved too much for anolht>r group slated to appear So fans also m1ssed a performanrt• by Downpour. Corruption Blame d T lJUANA. Mexico <AP I Tbe voluntary police force of 100 m embers is beini.? wiped out because of corruption. say!! Chief of Police Alberto Limon P adilla. "T hey st ayed in various places." said Mt. Baldy fire de· pa rtment dis patche r Connie Good. "Fifty o r more stayed here . Some stayed in pnvate homes. some stayed at the Zen Center and some stayed at The Notch <a ski resort > •· Ms . Good e sti m ated that betw e e n l.000 a nd 1,200 motorists stopped by the fire s t a tion durin g Sunda y 's snowstorm. "We red them and warmed them ." she said. ln addition. dozens or non· inJury traffic accidents were re· ported Ul Ute mountain a reas. in· eluding one 25-rar pileup a t Crestline. A San Berna rdino County she riff's dtspatche r -.a1ct the CH P "has been telling people to 1ust exchange licenses and in surance companies and to call the m back .. The National Weather St•rv1re sai~ the cause ol Sund <Jy 'c; cold snap was a low pressure area that developed rapidly over the southe rn Ne vada California border area. The low pressun· sucked in cold, mo1s1. unstahle air from the north. which com bined with already colder-than usua l temperatures. As a result. there was snow. sleet and temperatures as low as the mid-30s throughout Southern California. Forecasters predict e d the chill wo uld n .•m a1n through Tu('sday. In northwest Los AnJ!e le-. County. traffic on 3 portion or lnterstat 5 near Gorman wa~ halted temporarily by hc;wy sno~. About two inches of snow was reported 1n Palmdale. N~on Returns-f}uietly WASfUNGTON (AP) -No ruffles. No nourishes. Not ev~n a dichard supporter greeted Richard M. Nixon as he returned to Washlngton for a visit evoking memories of his greatest triumph and greatest defeat. The former president returns to the·Wbite House toniebl ror the first time since he resigned the presidency four )'ears aao in the Watergate scandal. AT 11IE INVITATION OF PRESIDENT Carter, Nlxoo .wW at. tend the elaborate slate dinner boDorinl Cb1nae Vice Pfemier Teng H.slao-plng, leader of the country Nlxon courted. helpiac forge ties that Carter confirmed by extending dtptomaUc recoenl· lion. When Nixon arrived Sunday night by commercial alrHne. he aol off the lit$l·class 1ecUon of the plane berore tbe ot.be.r passeOBers on a lonely corner ol tbe Dullei Alrport nm way, l.n view of only a handful of reporters. Almost as tr by habit, Nlxoo atood for a moment at the top or tfte plane 'ramp. 1urveyin1 the scene be&ow .. 8Y\ w\Ut no one e.cept a few Secret ~rv1ce agents lo welcome him, he qukk.Jy atraJ1htefted hla darltovercootand walkeddowntMIC.aln aJone. Ht.a wtle, Pa&. wbo aulfered • stroke in lm and rcmalna pirtlnlly paralyzed, remafnealn San Cleme-.e. ·• NOi' £VEN A CBAtJFFEVR OLD THE door for hlm as be cllmbed Into a tan, White Houae-auppUed llmowstne that wb!Med hlm in 1 police motorcade to the lllJddletMars. Va., estate where he la 1taylng. • ' Before te11ving the airport grounds. NIJton pHsscd dozen:. or American flags Oy1og at half staff in me'flOry or former Vi et• President Nelson A. Rockefeller. the man Nixon defeated in lOOR for the Republican presidential nonunalion Nbon·s schedule was not made public, but sources close to tht" former president -said he may meet pnvatcly with rnembe~ of the Chinese delegation. Cart.er has been criliciied ~several member" of Qon~resg for a.King Nixon to the White House. But the president said be Vlew" ~ invttaUon as "fair and proper " and announced he wu pleased when Ni.loo accepted. CA.&TER ADDED LAST WltD THAT he har; no plans lo meet privately with Nixon and considers h.is visit ourelv social f Nixon's historic visit to Peking 1n 1972 ended 22 )'e~ o est~nt between Ute-Un ited St.ates a.ncLChloa. Oo Jan I. Cart.er built on that loitia•lve by estublishinit full daptomalic rein~ lions. ~ Eighteen months after be resigned th presidency. Nixon re· 'urned to China for a second vtslt ·~ H hero·~ welcome • RE RAc; )lf:VER M£TT!:N<t. wno I\ thl''lm~ of N\llon ·, vi~· 9(__..J:::tit-en .PUJ:&~d rrotn \ho eovcrno ... ~l by the ? 1•o Tse-tung re tlmc. Wblle ln Cblna. 'Nbon n\'tt 'A1t?I Chlrmlm"M:tft-Hd ~ .. .u.. Cbou En·IAJ. both of whom ~ve sleet died WbUt on tM East Coast. Nhcoo is expected to visit New York to aee his dau&hter. Tricia. and beT buaband. Edward Co'C, before returning lo San Clemente Dl lbe wd of the week. ' • .J. A ·I DAIL v .. ll 0 I Monday J anvt"f 711 I 97'V Ju, t ·· (~oasCirig It' now U e THE f'OMPLf:AT SNOW JOB: Wh.-n th" ylltht raarlrlW rlt<t'I trot lliwl( t11111u'\r hM1 rrom Hana tlurbor Sundlly. 1t wot h .11ktJ upon "'hlll' ial r.<'• l'tu& "''."" t t ht• k and nt hailing whuc thl'y ytdl "Ship 11huy' · or \ •"t' · <1l t arh otht'r or wh&levt-r It '" thaat houl pf'opll' Hll Thi' "'ll' th•· kind of h1t11hnt1 thut <'1unr lfl "'hah.' stuff from lht• &ky El t•""htn· In Ot .rngc ounly curly lochay. then~ Wl'rl' ri'Jl011lS or l\Oo" full an tlunlmatltin R.-ar h and frost upon tht ,~nd)' bt'ul'h out 1m lh1· U.,&lt.Ht l't-nuuulu Commutt·r:. found th1·m~h t•!> uc-tui.lly M.'rap•nt: IC1• orr their winds hields l'&rly today You'd thank thas was Chicago or Minneapolis. WEU, NEVER MIND trying to tell a lot of Orang<· County sn~w stories today. It doesn't matter how big a whop1)Cr you come up with, somebody will surely top 1t Years ago. before I learned this universal truth, I was writing a piece about how once In 1946, I awakened <it my home in Laguna Be ach to learn that the entire back yard was f11lud with white stuff which looked sus piciously like s now This article drew an immediate response from the late Frank Crocke r, former fire chief of Newport Beach. Crocker pnded himself on being a pretty good amateur photographt>r So he declared he wasn't going t.o top my Laguna snow s tory verball y. He was going to PROVE h1:. s now Job Chud Crocker then supplied me with a photograph thal he t1>0k by ttml' exposure in 1936. Clearly. the photo s howed the Balboa Peninsula Point covered with an eerie white blanket of snow. the light provided by n:nection from the old classic street lamps that are s till fixtures on the Peninsula l'oant "YOU'LL NEVER TOP this one," Crocker cucklcd. Maybe I won't But som ebody will. Some Jong-lime c1t1zen wJJI come up with a photo taken in 1!129 of a snow plow operating on old Newport H•u.1d in Costa Mesa. Or an early shot of workmen scraping ice from a rc.-d tile roof in San Clemente. Or chipping s leet from oranges In the groves of San Juan Capistrano. THERE IS NO WAY you can tell an Orange County snow story that wc.n 't ~et topped by somebody. And if your listener can't top your Ora nge County s now yarn, you can almost bet he'll start telling you about when he was a kid in the Midwest. "We had to trudge two miles t.o school every day through s now that was clear up to here. " You JUSl can't wm 1..-.wlu Killed U.N. Troops On Full Alert By The AsaOcl•Wd PreH ti N ~acekttping troops were ordered on full alert in southern Lebanon today after a bomb killed two Israelis imd wounded 34 in an lantt'll coutul resort a nd Israel's Christian 1tllles In southeast Lt•btulOn 11~lled a Norwe1(ian U.N. force. Thl·rc waa no Immediate word on what sparked the heavy sbelUng by l.e ba n ~ 11 c C h r 1 s Li 8 n reapoMibHily ror the bomb Sun· mlhllamen t rlday and Satu_r·., day In Netanya. 10 miles north day A u N. s po kcsman ID or Tel Aviv. Beirut :m id several· of the Norwt'gians were wounded, bul thdr uruts did not return th · fire U N troops we re sent into south~m Lebanon last year to rt'placc an Israe li invasion force thut occupied 500 share miles an repnsaJ ror a Palestinian raid n ear Tel Aviv Jn whi ch 35 Israelis wen~ killed. But Israel t urned over some positions to Christian militiam en armed by It. Israel and the Christians c laim t he U.N. troops have failed to keep Palestinian guer· rillas from returninf to the borde r a rea. Two guerrilla groups, the P a lestine Liberation Organiza· lion a nd t he more radical De mocrati c Front fo r the Liberation of Palestine. claimed ISRAELI police rounded up several Arab suspects and took others int.o c ustody to protect the m from enraged Israelis. An Israeli reprisal raid on Pale!'tin- 1 an posit1on:1 1 n s outhe rn Lebanoo was expected . Palestin· 1an-lsr aeli v iolence has in· creased steadily since Is rael and Egypt dra fted the ir peace framework at Camp David la.sl Septe mber. Israeli· Egyptian a ttempt& to cap the Camp David accords with a peace treaty have been bogged down s ince m id · November. Washington's latest attempt to gel the two sides talk· Ing again. a 12-day shuttle by U .S . envoy Alfred Athert on. ended Sunday in failure WORLD I NATION Historian Clears Up Ike Tales "I am afra id I cannot really point out any progress that was done thanks to the round of talks h eA d e d by Amb assa d o r Atherton ... said Israeli Foreign Ministe r Moshe Dayan a fte r Athe rton new home . Prime Ministe r Me na chem Begm said there was agreement with Egypt on 27 of the draft pt'ace treaty':. 30 par agr aphs. but t he disputed sections were "perhaps the most im portant " Snow And S•om BALTIMORE IAP > Gen Dwight D . Eise nho wer ap parently did not want a divorc<> s hortly afte r World Wa r ll because he asked to have his wife, Mamie. JOIO him in Europe during the Allied occupation, can historian says. "I just miss my family," the form er president said in a letter to Gen. George C. Marshall in which he appealed for s pecial p e rm i ssi o n to bring Mrs . Eisenhower to Europe. The letter is contained in four volumes of the general's post- war papers publis hed today by the Johns Hopkins University Press. "MAMIE Eisenhower 1s vin- dicated." said Louis GaJambos. the um versity history prolessor· who edited the corresponde nce Calambos said hi s research had convinced him that there 1s no truth to the c lai m that Eisenhowe r d isc ussed d ivorcing has wife so he could marry Kay Summc rs by. h is driver and pe rsonal secretary during the war. S peculation about the purport· ed Summersby affair surfaced in 1973 after the publication of Merle Miller 's "Plain Speaking An Oral Biogra phy of Ha rry S Truman." MILLER said T ruman told him that Eisenhower had wrat ten Marshall about a positble divorce. Mi ss Summe rs by's own ar count, published after her death, fueled the controversy and ap parenlly confirmed the story whi c h h ad previous ly beeo based sole ly o n Truma n ':. m emory of the mc1de.nt. Snow blanketed lawns and shrubbery at the R1v1era Hotel on the Las Vegas Strip Sunday. An unusual desert snowstorm dumped more than two inches of white stuff on Las Vegas . the gambling mecca·~ first snowstorm s ince J anuary 1974 Jones Killing Plan Told Onkr w Slay Ryan Relatives Reveakd W ASHI NGTON <A P > T he FBI ha s transcripts of r<td10 messages from Jonestown ap- parently te lling Peoples Temple followe rs in Georgetown, Guyana, lo kill a group of 10 con- cerned relatives who had accompanied Rep. Leo Ryan there, The Washington Post reportedJoday T he messages were sent last Nov. 18. Just hours before Jtyan. D·CiiUI., ~lld four othe.rs we.re killed at the Port Kaituma airstrip and the Rev. Jtm Jones and more than 900 or his followers died Ill a mass s u1c1de·murder a t the Jonestown com - mune. Post correspondent Charles ~. Kra•se sa.1d in a dispatch from Georgetown. NONE OF THE 10 relallves. who stayed GJ/eatl~ ... of GLove behind when H>an Wl·nt to tht· commune. was killed. The Post q uoted unnamed <>ourcc1> <tS saying the tBI has t•v1dcnn· lh1• mt·si.age!> were sent hy Jones or one of his tllp aadt'!>. It said an American shortwavf• radio ope rator in Georgetown c<1p1ed down the coded messagei.. although he d1dn 't understand them. and the F'Bf • later decoded th1·m us ing a Peoples Temple cod ebook The Post s f.lad the· mt'ssagcs were received at Peoplee Temple heudqua rtcrs 1n Georgetown . prob· a bly by Sh.iron Amo~. one of the cull 'Ii leaders. She and her three children were later found dead at the headquarters. their throaL-. slas hed ~-J \ ), Arizona Battles Snow Th is Valentine's Day send your love a greeting all the world can share wrth a Dally Pilot Heart of ~ove. It's easy, compose your personalized greeting and we'll set your message in type to frt the border of your choice or your hand written thoughts may appear in the border you select. AlbU''lU.,. Am•rtlto AU•nt• 8a1umo~ 81\mArt It tiO•~ip f\O\ton Dulle lo Cll•u90 (lft(lnnttll (t,.v~l•nd Cotumbv\ O.i Fl Wtrl C>rl"Vf'f ~\MOIN\ ~!tool Outulll F•ht)f'U1 \ H11tflltl'IA HOftOlulu uov\lon '"° •POii\ ... ,.., rn. I •\V•~ lllll•lloo LO\ ... llOfl .. t 0Ut\Ylttt ""~"'"'"\ M••tnt """·-t MPh!.1 P Nttl\~lllf' N .. t Orll\• Ht w Vot• 0 "• City O<n•ll• Pllllit<l'pl\le ' Seven lnclws Blankets Flagstaff Area Hi Lo Pt~ •O 1• )I i~ .. 7\ •O "Ml OI> ) 11 71 \ •I •O l• 1t OA 11 10 1' " OJ l• JI OS ll ,. )~ JI )I I 01 11 \ )) ~ n '~ 01 10 JI tt •O OJ IO ~~ 41 H ,. ,, ll l I\ 11 ,. )) ,. \1 )) ,. 10 I) 71 " .. )0 1\ ti I) )J 11 •I :l'I •I 31 1\ I\ I 10 •O H U P110e111• P tll•burQfl P llano,°'e lleplG Cl!'f ll•no !>I l.OVI\ !>allL•h \all O"'QO \•n J"r•n !>ealll" ~-.... T11IM1 w .. 111,.v1on ~HHC ~Ir 11\4\\ b.Jt1tfed r>0rt1on\ o. SnutMrn (•litorn1ft fh• NlllhONU W~attt.r f)ll(•i(t \~1(J I~ <•u\e of Svnoay'i colcJ '-"•P w.t\" luw i>r•~\Urt! Affllit '"ol O•v~•o~d f•Otdly over trw t.0uthft,.n N•v.ttJt"t Celilornl•-~rMr• f""low prn ,urf't \u<tl:ed in roh1. m()i\t. un\tebl,a ••r lrnm uw nQnh, Whlth <Oq'lb•MO •ltn ..itlf•.OV c.Olctur ttwtn u\y4i t•m ptJr•tl.Uf!\ A, ,. t e'WJU, Hwr~ ... , '"°"'· \Ifft •no co•o ••mper,.tur•' r•nq1no from w•tl t>e•ow ''"•""O tn th• mountAin\, to Hw (n111y fThd 30\ '" par1\ Of I°' ... 19 .. , •M the •HI ol !lotttN>rn (ittl,Otft•111t ~-,, ... , •• , \O\/lh ... f 00•"(14 C.tllyOll • -"'""' lrom M•lil)O •"<I '"" Ptclli( Ott.,. \now •l\O ... , to 0011...i 111 All-eno \"OW or ,1 .... 1 ..,., ,.,.n •lono \Ot'NJ p.1trh ot ow M•tbor f re.w•y In LO\ A"9flt'\ ' Coastal tt'ratlerr Cloer •llO (Old IO,,IQl\I P•tll1 <'-Y •llO-mer r-.y LIQhl u rt-• "1110\ lllQM 11'0 rnomlno '-"" 11...,. T11ttd•Y ,..., tO Coetlat 1~ra1ur .. ""' '""ll* l>elw••11 ;i. t llO SI lnlAl\11 l•m· ,,., •• .,,.,•Ill lel\Oll ""l-•11 u .,,., )•. JIM wet .. ltmotrelW. wtll l>I> 11 S11R, MooR, Tfd~• MOflOAY s.<oi>G 1ow • n 11 "' 1 • ~ond hlQll 10 .. p m • • TUUOAY Fl~• I-t U • m 1 o r l"llHOh !U IU m •I k t onct low S Oi II m 0 • ~C-11~ II Jlpm •• Sul' ,. ..... n • ... WU s " p ,,. Moo"''-' ~•m .Wl\I Upm firtRqerf ---'Mel•;_, tiiMh ............ ~~"" Borders come in the 3 sizes as shown below: $1 5, $10 and a special child's size for $2. (You must be under 12 to qualify for the littlest greeting.) I I I / .,,,,. --------,,. ... ---" ,, ,.--........ ,' .............. ,,~ ,.---..~ .. :~/"' ' / I •,1 ' I' I \ I I I ' I I \ ' ' I ~'<;, I q. / . ' \ .... \ ' ' I I I I \ \ ... ... ' eg'l..,,; I \ \ \ \ ' ' \ \ ' ' ' ... .. ... ... ... ... I I , .. ,' ',/ , , ~<c:., , <":>'.;, .,,,<.:>/" ... , .... .. ' ' \ I / I I I I If you wrs h to create your o wn decorated greeting. use a black pe n a nd draw your design to f rt one 9t the dotted lrne "hfarts" shown below For help w ith your ad. 1ust call 642-5678 and a friendly Valentine ad·viser wi ll be happy to assist you. And, if you lik e. you can charge your Heart of Love or .u..se your ---Mes ter ~ t h a r g e _ o r BankAmen card. 842-5878 •I n u • ., '° 11 II 10 l a I my wtfld\...,.. ,....KIMI by c aid 111 .. 1\, ·-end -llV'"-t a> •II :::...S::.1"'w~':!''~ ... ~::.~ C>a1ty Pilot Class1f1ed Department. Bo• 1560. Costa Mesa 92626- '""'''~ Cl!f1411tlWK r.i••• oooct .. \ • ' '