HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-23 - Orange Coast PilotWhereCdM Gunman Met Death o.t., ............. ..,u. ... .,... WHERE CORONA DEL MAR ROBBERY SAGA CAME TO AN ENO THURSDAY OFF MAC AATHUA BOULEVARD ' Christine .Jorgensen: No Sex Change Regrets FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 23, 1979 Fire One Af'Wl,..._ The Navy test launches a Tomahawk cruise missile west of San Diego from a submarine, the second such launch in eight days. The missile was recovered on San Clemente Island. Anaheim Stadium Plan Runs Into Snag By GARY GRANVILLE Ol IM 0.11, ,., ... si.11 The push to enlarge Anaheim Stadium in time for the Los Angeles Rams' season opening game in 1980 hit a snag Thurs- day when construction bids ex- ceeded the city's $23 million estimate. Low bid on the projec~ de- signed lo increase stadium seal- ing capacity from 44,000 to about 70,000 was $26.1 milJion. Though the skyscraper "A" must be moved to make room for new spectator sealing, its re- location near the stadium is not considered a necessity. Seymour said. Other features of the ex- pansion plan will be more dif- ficult to consider eligible for de· letion, the mayor said. Included among those is the construction of 80 suite-type ex- ecutive boxes, an additional 500 parking spaces. team dressing <See RAMS, Page A%) NB Cops Kill S&L Suspect By JOANNE REYNOLDS 01 tM Dally Piiot SUtf Federal authorities are ex- pected to seek an indictment on multiple c riminal charges against the robbery suspect whose partner was kilJed Thurs· day in a shootout with Newport Beach police. Robert Lee Held, 38, of Fon- tan a remained in Newport Beach City Jail today. He was held without bail as a suspect in the $1,460 robbery al the Corona del Mar branch of Western FederaJ Savings and Loan. Police said Held , who original· ly told officers he was Robert Lee Grant, 34, is also wanted in San Bernardino County for as· sault with intent lo commit murder and violation of parole. His dead partner bas been identified as John Edward Daniels, 31, of Pomona. The two men allegedly walked into the savings and loan at 2744 E. Coast Highway at about 10:30 a.m. Thursday. One sprayed black paint over the office sec urity camera before they both pulled out handguns and announced their intentions. Arter taking money from the tellers, the two men fled in an old white pickup truck, while bank employees activated a silent alarm. Officer Hurd Armstrong pursued the truck as it traveled on East Coast Highway. He was joined by motorcycle officers Paul Henisey and Tim Riley. Held drove the truck north on MacArthur Boulevard for about a half mile before swerving across the road in an attempt to drive across an open field. When the truck bogged down in the mud, Held jumped out and surrendered, but Daniels fled on foot, poUce said. Armstrong and He nisey pursued the 'running suspect. They said he turned and fired at least three shots at them. <See SUSPECT, Page A%) YOL. 71, NO '4, 4 SECTIOMS ... PAGES Arabs Giving Qiwen Showered With Jewels LONDON CAP> -Queen Elizabeth 11 is being showered with jewels estimated at more than $2 million by the rulers of the Arabian peninsula as she tours the region, say British reporters. Norman Luck of the Daily Express said a double string of pearls as big as marbles came from Kuwait, a gold tray encrusted with amethysts from Saudi Arabia and a knee·length gold necklace dec- orated with r.recious stones from Qatar-"more like chain mai , "the reporter said. ( ' The queen's husband. Prince Philip, has re- ceived jeweled golden swords and valuable carpets. ''The generosity of the rulers had been over- whelming," said a spokesman for the queen. "The sight of all these riches is quite breathtaking.·· "The lavishness of the gifts now stowed aboard the royal yacht Britannia has slightly stunned the queen, who already .has one of the most considerable collections of jewelry in the world,'' reported Ann Morrow of the Daily Telegraph. \. No Regrets Jorgensen: Sex Change Paid Off SAN DIEGO <AP> -Now 52 and considering a comeback in s how business, C hristi ne Jorgensen has no regrets about the surgery that stunned the world almost 27 years ago. "I think in the early days I had regrets about the publicity. I was a bit of a puritan myself." IRJllNE HIGH DINGN IWLED Irvine High School recently gained recognition when the Los Altos-headquartered architect firm that designed the school plan received a lop award in a nationwide competition. The architect was cited for de· signing the nine-building cam- pus with "an environment which is comfortable and aesthetically pleasing ins.ide and out of doors." Story, photos Page A8. said the blonde. bejeweled man- turned-woman who pioneered the sex change operation. ··1 thought it was a pretty strange approach that suddenly everybody was interested in my human sexuality whe n they didn't want to talk about their own," she said. In San Diego to address a sex change symposium Th\lrsday, s he be lie ves the publicity, though harsh al first, helped her. ··As the years passed , I came to know the benefits. Had I not had the notoriety, I wouldn't have met and know the people J have. I wouldn't have met so many people in the arts who have done so much that will las t forever. 1 feel in that respect, very lucky." She values her privacy, spends her spare time gardening at h~r Laguna Niguel home and enjoys "schlepping around" in (See CHANGE. Page A2) Sobbing Disrupts Court LOS ANGELES <AP > -- Michelle Triola Marvin broke down in loud sobs in court t.oday and had lo be helped out of the room alter a witness said she once told him s he didn't want lo be mistaken ror .. a hooker ... Miss Marvin sat quietly for a few seconds after the comment by Lee Marvin's press agent, Jim Mahoney. Then she buried her head in her hands and let out a wail. As she began sobbing uncon- trollably, Superior Court Judge Arthur Marshall asked that she be taken to a nearby jury room until she regained her com- posure. She left the room, leaning on a wo m an lawyer, P e nelope Mercurio. Testimony continued. but Miss Marvin's sobs could be heard from the other room. It was the first time she has broken down during testimony ID her property suit against the actor. The outburst cam e shortly a rter Mahoney took the witness s t a nd . He wa s asked by Marvin's lawyer lo tell what be knew about Miss Marvin's de· cision lo legally change her name lo that of the actor . Mahoney said she discussed the matter with him in 1968 and he told her it was "ridiculous." · ·1 said, 'Michelle, if Lee want- ed to change your name, he would marry you'." He said Miss Marvin then pointed out she would be accom- panying the actor to Japan for the opening or the movie, "Hell in the Pacific.'' <See MARVIN, Page AZ) Coast Weather Fair tonight and Satur- day with lows tonight in the 405. Highs Saturday in the 60s. Thal bid came from Continen- tal Heller Corp., a Sacramento- based construction firm and dropped a quandary into the _laps of Anaheim SladJum Corp. direc- tors. The dJrectors next week can e1ther scale down the project by deleting "extras" or go lo the financial well for more money. Ship Projec~ Wins One Round INSIDE TOD~~ ~' Charlton He~ton fill tM bill Cl3 Sir Thoma.t More? See o review of "Man for All Seo1ona" on Page Cl . I One extra Anaheim Mayor John Seymour talked or deleting is the placing of a layer or sand beneath the grass playing sur- face and installing heating pipes below the surface for use ln cold weather. ' That extra was worth about $600,000 on most of the five bids openedlnlhesLadtumThursday. Bids on moving the stadJum 's "big A" sign ranged from $111.000 to $472,000. \ . SACRAMENTO <AP> -The state agrees to waive an en- vironmental impact require- ment for the salvage of a 16th century Spanish galleon off Catalina Island -but it still hasn't granted permission. The State Lands Commission issued the waiver Thursday to Jim Muche of the Fathom Eight Corporation. But a commission spokesman, Robert Hight, said it might take ..,._ --- two more months for the com- mission to act on Mucbe's entire proposal to salvage. the vessel San Pedro, which sank about 1598. M uche told The Associated Press, ''II the cargo manifests are correct, porcelain, maybe some of the wood cargo and maybe some residue of spices" will be found . "There's not tons of gold bullion or anything of that nature." Re said his group is a non- profit archaeological outfit which would eventually turn over the material "for public dlsplay and use." Hight, when asked exactly where the vessel sank, said the com mission is bound by con- fidentlallty requirements lo pro- tect Muche. He said the commission round the project dldn 't need an en- vironmental Impact .statement because salvage "won't mess up the environment." M ucbe said the galleon ap- parently broke up in a storm. He said It bad been in poor condi· lion, and had been battered by several storms on its final trip. But original documents from an Inquiry held in Mexico City Indicate there were only three deaths among the crew of 200 to 300, Mucbe said. l•tlex Al 'l'-""lct Alt AM UMln at ... Uttt Alt Moi.t CM L.M, _..,. Al Mwtll.tl P'IMlh aJ ........ , 9J.4 NatlM•I ...... A4 c.11....-.. AJ "" .. _ •0"4 et.ulft.-01·1' SYM• ~ M Cefftkl Alt '""' aw CrMtwlN Alt MMll~ M OHltl IMilkH Ot T...,_ltlell a Ul'"'.C ,._ M TIIHt.n CS.t E1ttfft~ CMt Wea!Mf M , .. ..,... e1 l w .. 11.--CMt MeftM-81WWNN-44 1-IHM C4 ·------------ ' JlZ DAILY PILOT s China Planes Hit - Near Viet Port City BA GKOK. Thutl nd 1AP1 ln iJO t• c:~dul.ton Of lhl' W ~k uld "'ar. Chmc e 1urplan alrtltln'I dl't'P Into Vt.-1nam pound.-d laq:t·t ~ ncnr th<-port o f U 1ph()ng, "'twr,• St'\lt•t h11 Wl'rf' unlo,.1hnic "'''"''" :and rnd.1r l"QWpmcnl fo1 thcu \ t •l nam1'''' 1111•.. I h 11 111tc-llt1mre 'l'UrC'l•:. Id 1001111) .I pon••,•• r p ort~ :uud . nwun~hllf' th1H third \'ll't n1rnll'~ J'r'H 101 m1 ,. 111h1l. Ila l;1,1n ... mJ\ h 1\t' t llt'n ti' tht• m \ • .nt1•r,, .uul th.ti Uw \'w1ti.11nc•,1•. dt•fl•nll1•r, ,,( l .. u1~· ~on a 'lfdtt•.i1t t'h"'"' Id)> l•'"'fl 1.10 lh1• c~,h·rn fn111t .111p.11 1·11tl) "'''fl' un11t•r '"'~1· th \ 'htnt·,1· ••rt1und • lrtltoJI\ l-'.11 I ht•f 1•.1 I <'111-.1·1 lo lh~ Banner I s ue &>ulh Grun St• co11 t. outnum ht>rt"d Vietnam• lnfanlrym n woro O«hUnJ th:rul) lodll)' to t~P thl <"f' Chan 1u~ di v1"1on& rrom Milt.Ina off a Mahwity and o utflank111.: th1• V1Nnam sc for(' around (.;..m.c ~n SO\• t l>t>f n •C' Mio1a tcr Otn1hn l '11hnov In • ~h lo da)' In Mo:1l'o"'. d<.>oount·4'd Cbtna • "dan&<'roua provot'u t on11 a.:ain t oe11hborm11 O\ t•t"t't~n Malt•' and 'uld Pt• km~ 1' lf}lllJC to plungt' lht• Y.Or\d tnlO ti \4 tlr ' \ \ ug\l:\l,1\ corre'lpundent r~ portf'd from Pl'ktna& thul .. :ast J.:uropt>an d1plumah thl'ri.· bd1~H' lht• ,hlltt'~t· huvc• run m · to ftlU&ht'r h •rrain dnd hc<avlt'r \ 1l'tnuml' t• .iunf1rl' thun they ·-Air Force Academy Lifts Cadets Ban \IR FORCE ACADE MY. Colo 1AP t Tht.t re~tt1ct1ons plat·l'd on all 907 senior cadet!> at the \1r Force Academy were laftcd today a fter two clasis members admitted re:.pons1b1lt l.} for a banner which omc1als l'alled ··obscene." The banner p1t·tur~d an unflal· termg cat1cature of Bng Gen. Thomas C Richard s, th e academy s commandant of cadets. Richards ordered Wednesday that all senior cadets be con· fined to the academy grounds until those responsible for the banner confessed. It was the first restriction of its kind at the academy, which will celebrate 1ls 25th anniversary in April. It was the second major clash b<>l ween the c lass of '79 and H 1t•hards , a Vietnam War vt·teran who took over as com· m and ant last March. The two senior cadets, who \Nerc not 1dent1f1cd. will face dis· c 1 pllnary action through the 1·adet di~c1plinary system. said rapt Ron Bell. the academy's chief of public affairs. Bell s aid the cadets wouJd not be d1sm1ssed or disenrolled, but s~ud he couldn 'l be more specific about the nature of action to be taken against them. On Thursday night, Bell said, the two cadets came forward and admitted drawing the ban· ner and posting 1t on the outside wall of Vandenberg Hall. one of two cadet dormitories. Cadets s aid the banner featur<'s a caricature depicting R1chanJs wearing a crown and dn·ssed in a king's robe. Abov(' the slogan was written: 'King Richard You can be as hard as you want to, but not for long .. The caricature's nose was an erect penis In a prt>vious dash with the scmorc;. Richards canceled an ordN for l'lasl. rings molded with th<> in1t1als "LCWB " which s tands for the unofficial eta's motto, "Last Class With Balls " The !>enaors are the last all-male <'las!. at the academy. Lt Col Bob Hunter. an academy spokesman, described Richards as ··farm. but certainly not autocratic or daetaloriaJ. ·• H P said lht.• com m andant bel{an a "Comm Linc" which al· lo" s cadets to telephon e Richards anonymously, and have suggestions and criticisms recorded on tape. The s pokes man said Richards wasn 't concerned about the caricature because 1l was direct- ed at him. ··m s concern is that it doesn 't r~flect the example the senjor class should be proJectin~ to the tower classes," Hunter s aid. "After all ." he said, "we are a military organization." ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT ,,. rl•f'l"'I' '°"" tf 1.1., ''•f(t .... ,. •t\ h1 '~ f'l,,...O ''"° Nt '* Pft • •)I"'' to• '"4'd DY,,_. Or.,wwo-r ~ ... , P .. Nr"-nftl .. , .. ...,."• c.,,.,..._,,., • ..n1t.c'JI ..... f• ,, t•tltrt M~I.•, H'tfN')ft fr•rth ht (MIA Al• ,. t4• .,.,, .. "4'1 I ""n th,,.l•ntatCl"I tt."" 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OM 'I•\' 06\UQ• rn1d O CM It '-"'• (.•h torn·• S·t'l\C I 01101\ b• t ,ur1.-r U \0 ,....,., ... 1, ti• m4 t \• \0 rnof'ttrth llf!IUll•l'f , . ....,.,'°"" t.1 .. "JOl'lll\' .. APWl ....... e GROUNDS 907 SENIORS Cadet Chief Richard• Leftists Rally, Opposing Rule By Khomeini TEHRAN. Iran !AP> The Marxist People's Fedayeen guerrillas challenge~ Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini tOday with a rally by 50,000 Iranians d emand· ing that he trans form the coun- try into a leftist worke rs' state. The biggest leftist guerrilla or· ganization organized the rally at Tehran Unjversity, its head · quarte r s. t o demonstrate strength after Khomeini ordered it not lo hold a m arch it planned through Tehran on Thursday. The conservative Moslem patriarch condemn ed the Fedayeen as "Communists and enemies of the revolution" in what appeared to be a complete break. Speakers at the rally read let- ters of support they said came from workers and farmer s across the country. The letters called for: Dissolution of the Imperial Army and its replacement by a "people's army." Open "people's cou rts" to try o(ticials of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi's regime instead of Khomeini's secret I s lamic revolutionary courts. The distribution of all ara ble land -much of which Is owned or administered by re· ligious authorities -among the farmers and that they be given free electricity a nd water and interest-free loans. Nationalization o f banks and foreign investments, can· cellatioo of contracts with the consortium of foreign oil com· paoies which markets much of Iran's oil, expulsion of foreign oil workers and no import or foreign goods that could be manufactured in Iran. F,....P.,,eAI SUSPECT .•. They returned fire. fatally wounding Daniels ;.t a ranee or about 30 yards. Capt. Richard Hamilton of the detective division said today that Daniels' mother Lold of· ficers her son was paroled from McNeil Federal Penitentiary in November. He was servln1 a t~rm for a bank robbery convic· tton. Meanwhile, Sgt. Jim Canon la heading an internal poUce de· partment Investigation of the shooting. Such probes are con· dueled routinely when 10 otncer is lnvolved in a shootln1, • dt· partment spokesman eX,plalned. exp•ded, and that Pekln1'1 declared aim of puniahln' Hanoi tor boNttir provocaUons a nd get· tln1 out qulct,ly haa becom~ a flex Ible t"Oncept. The Sovle& new• aaeocy Tua ('har1f'Cl today that Peking la •·cone •lina the true acale ol tbe Chlo a11res11on" with at.a~­ menta Uuit lbe operation la of a ··ttmsted nature." The Chinese ajr strikes around llalphona. llanol's main port and a frequent target or U.S. ra1d1 dl.lrina the lndoehlna War, uemed aimed at d estroying R uaalan eupplies before tbey could reach the battlefield, the 1Jan1kok sources said. They said rive MiG·19 fighter· bom ~1"8 a truck arsenals about f our miles no rthwest of Haiphona on Thursday, s hortly after the Soviets ships began de- liveries. The raiders apparently hit outside the city so aslnot to risk bombing the Russian ships and triggering a Soviet reprisal. The Vietnamese fired anti· aircraft weapons at the jets but there were no reports of Viet· namese afrcraft going up to in· te rcept the Chinese attackers, the sources said. There was a report that 13 secondary explosions occurred during the rajd, indicating the bombs detonated explos ive material. the sources said . Chinese jet fighters knocked out most of Vietnam 's radar emplacements and missile sues in air strikes Saturday a nd Sun· day. the Thai sources said. The sources. who asked not to be identified. said the Kremlin a lso is airlifting heavy weapons to a n undisclosed destination in Vietnam. The United States a nd four na· lions have called for a U.N. Security Council meeting on both the Chinese invasion of Vietnam and the earlier Viet· namese invasion of Cambodia. f',....PageAJ MARVIN ••• "She said. 'We'll be meeting lhe royal family and I don't want the emperor to think l 'm a booker'." Mahoney said. Miss Marvin gave a loud gasp a nd laughed as be made the comment. Mahoney added, "I distinctly remember that." After Miss Marvin had been helped from the room. the press agent said he believed that when she made the comment she was being "facetious." Marvin's attorneys, seeking more details of the movie col· ony's view of the Marvin affair. said they would call Sha rley Wynn, the wife of_actor Keenan Wynn, to the s tand today. The Wynns. friends of the M a rvins whe n t hey Ii ved together, were in the courtroom T hu rsday when a former stuntman t.estified. Boyd Cabeen told of a night when he threw a drink in Miss Marvin's face a nd she smashed all the glasses on the bar in an argument with Marvin. Another time, he said. Miss Mar vin threw Mar vin 's watch against a w a ll in a public restaurant while they argued 16udly. Cabeen, who did stunts and acted as stand-in in several Marvin movies, said the first in· cident occurred in Indio, where Marvin was making a film. ''I threw a drink in her face." the witness said. "It was after she swept all the glasses off the bar. They broke ... I was holding a g lass a nd I !'laid , 'Here. Michelle. You missed one'," he testified. The second incident, he said, h ap p e n ed at a M alib u restaurant. ''Lee and Michelle were argu. ing and Michelle grabbed the wristwatch off and throw it against the wall in the res· taurant. Ca been uid. ". . . I went over and picked up the watch and he <Marvin > hung rus bead. She tried to do it again but I caught her arm." Cabeen 's testimony was of· fered to support Marvin's claim that he never intended to spend his life with Miss Marvin or share bis assets with ber. She is suing for $1.8 million -an estimated half his earning's in those years. Cabeen concluded his stay on the witness stand with a state· m ent whk h brought gasps in the crowded courtroom. He said that ln 1967. when Mill Muvin leered her affair with Marvin was endlna, she asked him, "Can you introduce me to 800tber celebrity?" MIH Marvin'• attorney, bis voice rl1in1 In an a er. Hked "Did she name any partJcular celebrity, alr?" "She would have settled lor anyone," anapped Ca been. The comment was atrtcken lrom tbecourt record. f',....Pa~AJ ~CHANGE .•. • APW .......... CHRISTINE JORGENSEN HAS NO REGRETS TOOAY Sex Ch•nge N~wa Stllrtted World 27 Yeua Ago Cold Shoulder 'Sillx' Bikini Hypes Alaska JUNEAU. Alaska IAP > A $150.000 ad display reatur1n~ a bikini·clad model extolling the glories of vacations an the frozen North has raised the temperatures of Alaska leg1slettor:. etnd feminists. "Silly and unforgivable," stale Rep. Fred Brown of Fairbanks said Thursday. "There are ways to make Alaska ap pear attractive lo the tourist market without taking such a degrad· ing attitude toward women." "IT'S NEITHER REALISTIC NOR R ELEVANT." said Suzanne ludicello, statewide coordi nator for the National Organization for Women The uproar is over an eight-page spread that appears in the February issue of Vogue, the fashion magazine. The picture of the bikinied model, who looks up adoringly at a bundled-up male com panion. is accompanied by the narrative "Summit conquered here we are. half-naked on an icefield. and lovmg 1t. ll 's called Ruth Glacier <lovely name for an icedream > " The magazine layout also boosts Alaska's museums and natural wonders. But it was the bikini. and the picture of a couple in a cabin with copy like "sultry .in the far North, there's a reason for the long nights.·• that got some Alas kans angry. ..MY OBJECTIONS ARE NOT BASED 0"'1 some Victorian standard," Brown said. "It 's based on the understanding of Alaskans' attitude. that race. sex or national origin of individuals doesn't make any difference to us." "Our Ter ritorial Legislature gave women the right to vote an 1913, we a mended our Constitution six years ago to prohibit s~x discrimination. our Surpreme Court has cited the 'traditional and unique' attitude of Alaska in marrying lifestyles," he said. "They're using sex to sell Alaska," said Brian Rogers, a ZS year-old legislator from Fairbanks. "They say Alaska's travel in·- dustry is ·really going to mature.' but they've shown me they don't have any maturity." "PEOPLE ARE INTO OUTDOORSY THINGS today anyway,'' s aid Ms. Judkello. 'Tm offended they rind it necessary lo sell Alaska with a woman's body. The sex sell went out 10 years ago." Robert Dindinger of the state Division of Tourism. said he is "somewhat a mazed" at the reaction. "They fail to understand the publications this ad is in and why the readers read it Women who read Vogue do feel glamorous and attractive," he said. DINDlNGER SAID THE LASf SURVEY taken on Alaska's image showed that people thought it was "cold and dingy." "We're trying to show it as warm and attractive." he said "The intent was not to make it appear that sex is a wholesale com- modity in Alaska · • Irvine Boy Killed A 3·year-old Irvine boy died after he fell from a car and struck his head on the pavement Thursday as his mother was backing the vehicle out of the family driveway. Matthew A. Fenn-Anstruther, o f 15 Willo w Tree Lane. University Park, reportedly was dead on arrival at Tustin Com munity Hospital An Irvine polJce ofhcer . Den· nis Howe, had tried lo keep the boy alive through cardio· pulmonar y resuscitation tech· niques until county paramedics took over the rescue try. Police said the child may have broken his neck.:. The county cor· oner's office scheduled an ex· aminalion today. Officers said he was not struck by the wheels oflhecar. The boy's mother. Barbara Lynne Fenn-Anstruther. 31, said her son was trying to close the front passenger side door as she was backing the car s lowly from the driveway. when he fell out, police reported She stopped the car. rushed to him and carried her unconscious ch ild to a neighbor's home ror help. Funeral services were pend· mg at Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary in Costa Mesa her blue JCaru. "I tbink l'm -.s happy as most people A hundred percent? No w11y Bul many years ago, I de· c1ded on New Year's Eve at midnight t.o sit for a few minutes and sny ·11ow·s the year been? Put the pluses and minuses toaeth r · And I've plused out, I would say. most years." NQt ull or it hm1 been pleasant. "lt was dltticult carrying that load 26 years ago. The press w~1ntcd. 111 our puritanical socie· ty. tor this to be male and this to be remalc and never the twain shall meet. ''They would not accept the basic sc1ent1(1(' ract that there are no 100 percent male and 100 perce nt remale animals We're all a varying degree of both Thlltl degree can be physical, p'lycholog1cal, hormonal and vw1111bly <>v.-n genetic. 'Hut todjy we know the fr<imt·work-," Sh• f•mph:.,..>11('/4 lhal trans· "'(Uul1t y ,. nfJI <,yn1mymous with hl1mo-..•xual1ty TtJ a.u.y they re the same woulti 111· hkt· saymg a cold and p1d11, dr•· lht· 'Jm<' bccau:.e !lwy 1•· holh v11wo-' Of tourse 1 h•· v n· not lh1• h1tm1· ()f ,,,... lt11n~· 11h1· ... certain. Gi-tirv,f· Jr,r.:•·n..,en J r the man 'tu: 11ru·1· .,. ,, . w11u Id not havl' 'ur v1vNJ 1111' 1 •mfu 11111 <.1nd men lol .1n1•1Jt'lh '>h•· .... wl 1''rom Page A I RAMS ... rooms Jnd J \lar1cl:> of con <'t•<,s1on -;tand.., Whalt•n·r 1lt•U<;t<JOS ar£· made by the c;tad1um dm·ctors next "'eek. ~cymour ecnpha:.1ze<1 . "ltme IS Of the e:.sence •• Time 1n this m~lance means ha' ing tht• -,tad1um ready ror play m September I~ when the Rams will pack their football gear and leave the Los Angeles Coliseum behind Continental Heller's low bid set the estimated tame or com- pletion at Sept 15, 1980. The Del Wt.>bb Corp 's second low bid of S26 3 m1llton carriE>d with it a completion date of Sept 30. 1980 In a n y e\'ent. Sey m our al'knowlt'dgrd that any delay 1n awarding the construction con· tract 1s likely to mean the ex· pans1on proJet'I won 'l be done an •time for the Rams' Orange County debut Consequently. he s aid. stadium directors and city coun- cil members will look at the possible deletions from the proj· eel to bt1ng 1l closer into hne with existing financial arrange- ments And should cost still run higher than scheduled in the bonding program financing the project. the directors and coun- c 11 members cou ld look elsewhere for financing. Not ruled out as a possibility for additional doilars was the rootbaJI team itself. a possible le nding source to fortify the bond pro~ram. That program was geared to raise roughly $26 million for the pro Ject, including non· construction costs associated with the exp a ns ion o f the stadium that cost $16 million to build 12 year~ ago. Realignme nt Asked LOS ANGF.LES <AP l School Superintendent William John..,lun hj ~ propohed a rl'altgnml'nl of some schools in· \olv1•d an the Los Angeles city ~l'h1>ol's integration program. Tht> reC'ommendatlons include brt>.iktng up 11 pairs and clu'ilt.•rs or schools currently in- volved an mandatory busing ' • 17 Orange Coast EDITION VOL. 72, NO. s.t, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY , CA LIFORNIA . Your Hometown Dal ly Newspaper FR IDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1979 . C/N TEN CENT,S IJCl's Nem-lf ~uses Wet T·Shirt Suit By PRIUP •OSMA&I Of ... Deity~,.,... A sau11l clal m s h au1l broupt by ttw-tdlton M 1 UC lrvint' etudt'nt n wspaptt aaain t a ft'male student body offkt1r who de!'troyf'd cop1n of lb paper ah as rted conta.&Md an arUcl orftrusive tCJ womtn was won today by thl' fem1I censor. In J anuuy, the s tudent. K1ren BJomeby, and a few femin1Jt t'T1.-nd11, "taahed about l .000 cop ta of tht Nflw V lnt.o tu h UM Th• nt'wapaper carrltd I story. with pholograaph&, or a wet T shirt tonl l for youn1 women tooducled by a Sanla Ana bar New U Editor Richard Clucas aaad Ml R.t0rnt'by 's reacUoo lo lb story amounted to dtu1ln.1 Uon or student proPf'rtY Cl pollc<' disaJ{recd, •nd con tended that. because the otwapapel'I •.-e distributed free, thf')' had no valu , and 10 there w .. no crime. Tht' \)CJ administration, whose associate dean or stu· dents. Sally Pel~raon, expressed sympathy ror Mlss Bjorneby's cause. ignored the incident, despite Clucas' appeal for help A tude n llfaculty •review board hrus been directed t-0 look Into the Issue, but tt bas yet lo l)Mty l'ilel ..... ,_ 11Y llkNf'lll IC~ WORKMEN PUMP OUT RAIN+FILLED TRENCH AS STORM DRAIN PROJECT CONTINUES Big Pipes Eve ntu•lly Wiii ... k. Com M ..... E••l17thStreetFllForM•n•ndBeHI Mesa Str eet Drain 'Mess' Will P ay O ff Costa Mesa's East-17th Street may be a mess right now, but it ·11 be worth it in the long run, city officials say. That's because. up until now, the street h ad only s urface drainage, with the result that it flooded mightily during heavy rains. T ed Alar con, senior civil engineer for Costa Mesa, said the solution is at hand: a storm drain pipe , 60 inches in diameter, which is being in· stalled in two phases. Phase I. began last fall and wa s interrupted by the Christm as holid ays and the January rains. It is 'expected to be completed by March 31. ll will connect Costa Mesa s torm drains with Newport Beach storm drains at Irvine A venue and run to Santa Ana Avenue, Alarcon said. The proj· ect, being handled by a contrac· tor, will cost an estimated $350,000 and cover about one· half mile. Phase 2, expected lo take place next summer at a cost or about $200,000, will involve run· ning a storm drain from Santa Ana Avenue lo Ogle Street. The 800-root project also involves constructing catc h basins, Alarcon said He said traffic has been tied up but, since onJy one lane of the street is closed, there's been no need to detour cars. Rain Going Away -For a Few Days A weekend of blue skies was promised today by weather forecasters who predicted an absence of clouds until late Sun- day. Thursday 's s torm dumped more than a half-inch or rain on the Orange Coast. bringing the season total locally to nearly 13.5 inches. J . Sherman Denny. Hunt· i n g ton Beach 's uno fficial weather historian, noted that the 49-year average of total rainfall per year is 11.62 inches. ·'So you can see we 're having another wet winter," he said. L ast year at this time. the Orange Coast had nearly 18.:> inches or rain fall. The late night rainfall caused few problems although lrvine police had to close Jeffrey Road overnight when an agricultural culvert overflowed, flooding the roadway between Irvine Center Drive and Barranca Parkway. The road was reopened this morning when the water drained off. Consumer Price Index Up Sharply WASHI NGTON <AP) - Consumers wen~ jolted by a 0.9 percent increase in prices last month as the cost of food, gasoline and m edic al care jumped s h a rply, the Labor Department said today. Shoppers paid higher prices for beef. poultry, fish. fruit and -vegetables as food prices rose 1.4 percent during the month. Thal was the biggest increase for food since a 1.6 percent gain last April. Transportation costs rose11.1 percent because or 8 2 percent increase in gasoline prices and higher prices for new and used cars, the departmnent said. R ising charges by doctors and hospitals contributed to a 1.1 p ercent increase in medical costs. The 0.9 percent increase In the Consumer Price Index was the largest since another 0.9 percent gain last Septemper and would amount to about 12 percent if it continued for an ~ntlre year. However, the increase fell short or a gain or 1 percent or more than many analysts pre· ~icted. meet. Miss Peterson is in charge or codrdinaUnc the meeting. Meanwhile, Clucas souaht rem· edy with a small claims s uit filed in Harbor Municipal Court. He claimed damages of $700 in discounts to advertisers who published in the issue that car- ried the wet T-shirt story. However, in court today, Clucas presented proof of only $40.51 of advertising rebates. Judge Richard Luesebrink . said be ruled in favor of Miss BJorneby for that and several other r~ns. Luesebrink said that, while Clucas claimed to represent the student body as the offended par· ty. Miss Bjomeby presented a petition of students who said Clucas was not authorized to represent them. Luesebrink said further that no proof was presented about how many newspapers actually were destroyed. Conflicting t estimo ny put the loss at between several hundred and 3,000. ..By their own. admission." Judge Luesebrink said. "the .circulation easily could have been 10.000," onJy 1,000 below production, and the circulation number g uaranteed to a d· vertisers. About 25 studei:.ts wet-e soec· tat.ors in the courtroom. Chinese Strike Near Viet Port Soviet Ships Periled? BANGKOK, Thailand <AP > - In an escalation of the week·old war, Chinese warplanes striking dee p into Vie tnam pounded t arget s near the port or Haiphong, where Soviet ships wer e unloading missiles and radar equipment for their Viet- namese allies, TJ)a1 intelligence sources said today. Japanese reports said, meanwhile, that a third Vi et· namese provincial capital, Ha Giang, may have fallen to the in· vaders, and that the Vietnamese defe nders of Lan g Son , a strategic crossroads town oo tlle eastern front, apparently were under siege by Chinese ground troops. Farther east, closer to the South China Sea coast , outnum- bered Vietnamese infantrymen were fighting fiercely today to keep three Chinese di visions from cutting off a highway and outflanking the Vietnamese forces around Lang Son. Soviet Defense Min is ter Dmltiri Ustinov, in a speech to- day In Moscow, de nounced China's "dangerous provoca· lions . . . against neighboring sovereign s tates" and said Pe· king is trying "to plunge the world Into a war." A Yugoslav correspondent re· ported from Peking that East European diplomats the re believe the Chinese have run in- to rougher terrain and heavier Vietnamese gunfire than they expected, and that Peking's declared aim of punishing Hanoi for border provocations and get· ting out quickly has become a flexible concept. The Soviet news agency Tass charged today that Peking is <See VIET, P age AZ> Daring H e ist MONTREAL <APl -A man and a woman swooped Into a Montreal shopping center today aboard a hijacked helicopter. held up a bank and then made their getaway by air and sub- way, polic~ r e ported. The amount stolen was not known immediately. ._ O•llY Pllet St.IH Plleto ONE-EYED 'BANDIT' STRIKES OUT A~AIN Laguna Mutt Disenchants His Third Owner Bandit Bites Back to Pouml for Pooch By llA l' ESTRADA Ot tfle o.tty I'll« S1»ff It appears the one-eyed Laguna Beach pooch named Bandit bas struck out. Joanne Reynolds, Bandit's third owner in the past months, took the hound home Tuesday but returned him lo the Laguna Beach animal shelter Thursday after the dog allegedly nipped her son and a neighbor boy and tried to bite her husband. Coast Store Hours Fight Set PIOL MAY, PRESIDENT of the Pet Responsibility Committee, said be is personally going lo keep trying to find an owner for.the dog . •"He's a good dog but we just couldn't keep him around children or where he will chase cars," Mrs . Reynolds lamented. "He chases cars even when he's on a leash," she said. Bandit was first adopted last year after he had been turned over lo the shelter as a lost dog. He was later aban- doned and struck by an auto on South Coast Highway W eathe r Fair tonight and Satur- day with lows tonight in the 40s. Highs Saturday in the 60s. I NSIDE TODAY Doe• ChorUon Heston Jill the biU QI Sir Thoma.1 More? Ste a reNlo of "Man for All SeoS0111'' on~ Cl. l•tleJt •2 °'' .., .4 CM M llM M a CM M tMt M ' Fashion Island, Merchants Seek Legal Aid By JOANNE R EYNOLDS Ottfle Deity I'll•• s .. ff Fashion Island's independent merchants Indicated today they will explore use of legal avenues in their continuing dispute over store hours in the Newport Beach shopping center. Al Do u glas and Dick Marowitz, spokesmen for the group, said they planned to meet with tt\A merchants' attorney, Don Smatlw.ood,. "to determine ii we would like to go further in terms o r actions such as declaratory relief or injunc· lion." The acUon was precipitated, they said , by the meeting 1burs-4•Y attended by nearly 100 Fashion Island merchants and representatives of the Irvine Company and the Taubman Company. The Irvine Company owns the shopping center and the Taub- man Company manages it. The fig h t betwee n t h e landlords and their tennanta ls over a recent move by tbe Taub· man Comp a n y to force merchants to maintain evening and Sunday store hours. Bill Royan ol tbe Taubman Com pany told Thursday they would atay open from 10 a .m . to 9 p.m. nve nights a week and from noon to 5 p.m. oo Sunday or face evicUoo. But the merchants contend that their customers aren 'l go- ing to use the extra s~ore. hours a nd they race substantiaf lc>sa of revenue in providing extra employees and insura¥.e without an equal increase in sales. Royu told the merchants that t he reaeoo there are few night· time shoppers al the center now is that the store hours haven't been uniform or lon1 enou1h. He predicted they would see in· creased sales after· trylna the longer boun for a while. Royu said the chan1e la be- ing enforced to make Fashion Island competitive. He noted that South Coast Plua In Costa (See STOa ES, Pa•e Al> A VETER INAlllAN HAD to remove Bandit's damaged right eye. When the injury healed, the canine was put up for adoption again. A month went by before Bandit was taken home by a 10-year-old girl and her mother who noticed the hapless bound in a "Dog of the Week" newspaper photograph. A day later, Bandit was back at the shelter. "Some people just won't give him a chance." said May who was not critical of Bandit's former owners but noted the one-eyed canine needs special understanding. DL MICHAEL a EYNOU>S. who was almost bitten by Bandit. said he 's sorry hls family could not keep the.pet but he wu Jwit not "right." · . ·· Reynolds said his wife was not told that Bandit nips children or chases cars. And so. the search continues ror a permanent owne r ror Bandit. Anyone Interested ln the dog can reach the Pet Responsibility Committee by calling 494·2000. • il DAIL V PILOl CIN Charges ~cted In H e ist ByJOANN KEV OL~ OIUlfo.11¥,..._. .... P' der ' 8\tlhorUlt> •~ u pcctl"d to Ir. on lndh:lm ot on D'IUlhple cramanal ~h.raes :.aauial &be robber1 1uaP.t'cl who e parttwr wa kllted Thura-da)• ln a 1bootout wltb Newport B~ach poll~ Robt•rt l..t"t' 11.-ld, ~. ot fo'M lane rflm411ntd •n N wporl Btuh C"lly J LI tocla). llt "''" h ld •llhout b II a auapttt to th $1,460 robbt-r) •l th Corona del M r br nc.•h of Western Ft-dl.'ral Savini and Loan Poll«' 1d llt.'ld. who ora~nal ly told otril't r h~ wH Rotwrt Lee GrlUlt 34 1~ ~I~ '* nted In :-,on Benwrdmo <'ounty for as '.iult Mlb 1ntt•nt to commit murdl'r Jnd v1olut1un of p roll" 111:. J\'ad partn..r ha:) ~n 1dl'nl1f1t•d •·" Juhn t-.dv.urd 1>,11H1:h1. 31 . of l'omun.1 Tht> lv.u nwn J ltl•gcdl) v.alkt'd tnto tht• bJVIO)tb .tnd loun ut ._ .. ,.., t: Cclabt I lt.:hv. ..i > Ml ai hout 10 JO .1 rn Thu.r:sday 0 1w :.prayed black paint over th t' off1 ct• ist·c urity cu ml'nt bt'forc thl'\ hoth pullod out hand ~un!> and announced their 1nt1•ntiun:. Afl('r l ak1n~ mo1wy from the lei ler:.. tht' t ~u men ncd Ill ;.m old wh1tt.• p1<.'kup truck, while ba nk employee!> activated a silent alarm. Officer llurd Arm i.trong pursued the truck as al traveled on East Coast lhghway. He was Joined by motorcycle officers Paul Hemsey and Tim Riley. Held drove the truck north on MacArthur Boulevard for about a half mile before s werving a cross the road in an attempt to drive across an open field. When the truck bogged down in the mud, Held jumped out and surrendered, but Daniels fled on foot, police said. Arms trong and Henisey pursued the running suspect. They said he turned and fired at least three shots at them. They returned fire. fatally wounding Daniels at a range of about 30 yards. Ca pt. Richard Hamilton of the d etective division said today that Daniels' mother told of- ficers her son was paroled from McNeil Federal Penitentiary in November. He was serving a term for a bank robbery convic- tion. Meanwhile, Sgt. Jim Carson is heading an internal police d~ partment investigation of the shooting. Such probes are con- ducted routinely when an officer is involved m a shooting, a de· partment spokesman explained. E'ro111PageAJ VIET ••• "concealing the true scale of the Chinese aggression·' with state- ments that the operation is of a "limited nature ... The Chinese air strikes around Haiphong, Hanoi's main port and a frequent target of U.S. raids during the Indochina War, seemed aimed at d estroying Russian supplies before they could reach the battlefield, the Bangkok sources said. They said five MiG-19 fighter· 'bombers struck arsenals about lour miles northwes t of Jlaiphong on Thursday. shortly after the Soviets ships began de- h veries. The raiders apparently bit outside the city so as not to tisk bombrn~ the Russian ships and triggering a Soviet reprisal. The Vietnamese fired anlt· eircrart weapons at the jets but there were no reports of Viet- namese aircraft going up to in- tercept the Chinese attackers, the sources said, There was a report that 13 ect•ondary explosions occurred during the raid, indicating the bombs detonated explosive m atcrial. the sources said. - ORA HOE COAST DAILY PILOT t..-.f",,....,,. f~q,,..1.,r1~ wtthwhttllt '-tf'Wft I ,..._Q tl'\r Nf-w'o f"rt ,, p. t\t ftrd D• '""° ............... ( ' t ... liil'f'JiCl.~"·nQ(~y .,.,...,., • .,.,.,..,,., .. 1ltt11 f'r@ Ml•O()Jy tl'"O\;Oft J:r104ty IQ' (O"t• Al t N....,,.wt fllit.-<,, H"""l1f\Ofo" fW.,c;I\ r('ll>.M 'A•f'\V tlhy lr•o,,. I 'Cf!Uf'\tllr4(" "'"'tP'l(M" A ' H trQ'°"-'INltf'°" '' puat1• "'0S.UUt041flli."ftCI u""'tJ.•n r.w ~,..,_...,,., ~""•~ otil'ftt h "' 1ll vu t Off¥ ~trr-t '°''• •w <•tt•o.-r11••,.,. .. _,, .. _ Pr~ ·~*'' •""1 Pwl!W.....,. JH•ll , .... . y •• ,,... •dfo"' .,,,,Jc;. .......... M.1"'4'J"'' fMMUWtt"tl l clilo< , ......... "' .......... M•'-•0•1\()lrtttrllf C~"'"' H lff\ llo<N,.., I' N•ll A"l\IOM .... ~1lllO Ul~~t Ttltpl'lont 1714)142>4321 CltHlfftd Advertl .... 142-1171 • rOl'ftMtfltllOt•~ c.~.~1"11t~ 540-1220 ~":;'~ ~ c-=. '~~:h~~\M~~ m•U•t or Hw•fl•U"""'' Mre•r. "'• .. Mt , •• , ... _,, .. ••'~· \Pftt•I P41tm1\\IM .. r pyroqllt- ._. •• NI rte\\ .... .-.. ••Pf ~t ~·· Mtt4 <•"•"'"'" tw•unot·•"' tr,.,,.,., UM ,,.."'"'• b• f'f"~ll u \0 '"'6ntftly ft't1111•'• Gr"'1·~•'°"'1tl .. ,.,..,, .. ,. - .... : ..... ....,...... THOUSANDS OATHER AT MARXIST·FEDAYEEN GUEARIL.L.A RM.LY AT TEHRAN UNIVERSITY Crowda Ch•M Lefttat S1o98n1, Ch•ll•noe Khomeini to Form R•dlcal Government 50,900 R-ally in Iran Marxist Gimrrill as Ask Leftist State Tl:.;HRAN. Iran CAP > The 'Ma r xist People 'b t'ed ayven guernllas challenged Ayatollah Ruholla h Khomeini today with :1 rally by 50,000 Jramans demand· mg that be transform the coun try into a lefl1sl workers ' state The biggest leftist guerrilla or ganization orgamzed the r ally al Tehran Umvers ity, its head quarters. to d e mons trate strength after Khom eint ordered it not to hold a march 1t planned through Tehran on Thursday. The conservative Moslem patriarch conde mned the f>'l?dayeen as "Communists and i:nemies of the revolution" in what appeared to be a compJete break. Speakers at the rally read let- ters of support they said came from worke r s and farmers across the country. The letters called for: Dissolution of the Jmperial Army and its replacement by a "people's army." Bmeball Bus Run / li>st b y Newport Huntington Beach and Seal Beach won baseball bus service to Anaheim Stadium Thursday while Newport Beach lost its baseball route. The baseball route action was taken by Orange County Transit District directors. The new route will carry baseball fans from Rossmoor Shopping Center in Seal Beach and Huntington Center in Hunt- ington Beach beginning April 1. Shuttle Pla n For Newport Center Back e d Plarus for an Irvine Company- su bsidized s huttle that would carry passengers a round Newport Center and Fashion Island were endorsed In concept Thursday by Orange County Transit District COCTD > direc- tors. But directors made it clear they weren't ready to commit OCTD to continued operation of s uch a service if it proves un- economical or if passengers re- fuse to ride. They also said the service wouldn't go into operation until 1984 when the Newport Center area will employ 17.000 workers:", up from the 9,000 working there today. Creation of a mini-bus shuttle was ordered by the California Coastal Commission as part of the Irvine Company's proposal for a 40-acre Corporate Plaza in Newport Center, OCTD officials said. As a resuJl, they explained, the company offered OCTD a subsidy of up to $300.000 to start the service and joined the dis- trict in studying the transit n eeds for workers in the NewPOrt Center area. OCTD planner Hil Hornung told directors Thursday the shut- tle wouJd be operated with three vehicles and is expected to at- tract 2,000 Lo 3,000 passengers daily. Marci Zalta, Fire Victim, Services ·H eld Funeral services were held Wednesday in Corona del Mar for former local resident Marci Louise Zalta who died in a fire in Aspen, Colo., Sunday. Miss Zalta graduated from Corona del Mar~ High School in January, 1978. She leaves her father, Dr. Edward Zalta of Glendora; her mother, Mrs. VirttnJa Zalta of Newport. Beach; broth era, Nourt and Barry; sister, Lori and half· brotber. Ryan. The Maret Zalta Memorial bu been eatabllahed by family friends at Foothlll Pre.tbyter1an Ho~tal where Mias Zalta served u a JuAlor volunteer. Funds will be uaed to promote preventive medicine amon1 1ouq adult.. The Newport Center run was canceled because it has not al· tracted enough passengers, bus district spokesman Patrick But- ters said. A similar service from Laguna Hills Mall has been highly successful, however, But- ters said. with individual bus trips carrying an average of more than 40 sports fans. He attributed the success of the Laguna Hills route to the high concentration or both young and old residents in that area. the two age groups most fTe- q u en tJ y using the special service. Many reques ts for the baseball bus service have come in from Huntington Beach and Seal Beach, which have populations similar in age to Laguna Hills, according to·But· ters. Although the new baseball route operation's cost wiU be the same as the canceled Newport Center run, OCTD officials an- ticipate that passenger load will be twice as much, and generate $840 more In revenue. ~'County Pl.am Snagged By High Bids By GARY GRANVlLLE Ot ltle o.lty l"llel Sult The push to enJarge Anaheim Stadium in time for the Los Angeles Rams' season opening game in 1980 hit a snag Thurs- day when construction bids ex- ceeded the city's $23 million estimate. Low bid on the projed de- signed to increase stadium seat- ing capacity from 44,000 to about 70,000 was $26.l million. Thal bid came from Continen- tal Heller Corp., a Sacramento- based construction firm and dropped a quandary Into the laps of Anaheim Stadium Gorp. direc- tors. -.... The directors next w«k can either scale down the project by deleting ''extras" or go to the financial well for more money. One extra Anaheim Mayor ~oho Seymour talked or deleting rs the placing of a layer or sand beneath the grass playing sur· face and installing beating pipes below the surface for use in cold weather. That extra was worth about $600,000 on most of the five bids opened in the stadium Thursday. Blda on movlng the stadtum"s · "big A" algn ranged from $111,000 to *412.()()(). Though the skyscraper "A" must be moved to make room for new spectator seatin1. ttl re· location near the stadium UI not consldered a neeeaait1. Seymour satd. Other futures of the ex- panalon plan wUl be more dif. flcult to con1lder eU1lble for de· lelion, the mayor 11ld. Included amon1 tboH ii the conatf\ICUoo of eo tu1te·typo ex· ecutlve boxee. an addlUooal 500 parktnc apacee, team dreeting rooms and a varlet1 of COil· CC!H10D ltanda. • --~. - Open "people's courts" lo try officials of Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi's regime instead or Khomeini's secret Islamic revolutionary courts. -The distribution of all ara- ble land -much of which is owned or administered by re- ligious authorities -among the farmers and that they be given free electricity and water and interest-free loans. -Nationalization of banks and foreign investments, can- cellation or contracts with the consortium of foreign oil com· panies which markets much of Iran's oil, expulsion of foreign oil workers and no import of foreign goods th'at could be manufactured in Iran. Messages read at the rally also challenged Khomeini to re- veal if his secret I s lamic Revolutionary Council, tbe de- cision-making body of his re- gime, contains any oil workers, t rade union members, while- collar workers, soldiers or guer- rillas. Although Fedayeen officials concede that Khomeini has the support of most of the Iranian people, some speakers declared that Lhe religious leader must realize that not everyone in the country wants a republic ded· icated to the tenets of Moslem or- thodoxy as he does. Pilot Carrie r Robbe d By T een in Mesa A Daily Pilot delivery boy was robbed of cash and h1s bicycle Thursday as he was returning home after collecting for his paper route, Costa Mesa police reported today. They said Bryan Keith Holguin. 10, a student at Whit· tier School. was riding his bicy cle in the 2000 block of Ramona Place at 7·40 p.m. when a boy about 14 years old walked in front, forcing h1m to stop. Police s aid the tee n-ager. described as having shoulder- length blond ha ir , threatened Bryan with Ms fists and escaped with $5 and the bicycle Bryan was not injured, police said. . . ' . Michelle Upset Over Remark LOS ANGELES CAP> - Michelle Triola Marvin broke down in loud sobs in court today and bad to be helped oul of the room alter a witness aald she once told him abe dldn 't want to be-mistaken for "a hooker." Miss Marvin sat quietly for a few seconds .rt.er tbe comment by Lee Marvin's preu a1ent, Jim Mabone)'.. Then she buried her bead in her hands and let out a wail. As she began sobbing uncon- trollably, Superior Court Judge Arthur Marshall asked that she be taken to a nearby jury room until she regained her cQm- posure. She left the room. leaning on a woman lawyer, Penelope Mercurio. Testimony continued. but Miss Marvin's sobs could be beard from the other room. It was the fi.rst time she has ~roken down during testimony lD her property suit against the actor. The outburst came shortly after Mahoney took the witness sta nd . He was asked by Marvin's lawyer to tell what he 'Best Years' Unreirorded MORRISTOWN, N.J . <AP ) -A Hanover Township man, who says he .spent the best years of bis life caring, cleaning and cooking for the woman he lived with 24 years. says be is entitled to more than the $2,000 she left in her estate. In a s uit filed in Superior Court here, Vin· cent Brango is seeking to overturn a will in which Gertrude Lang. who died Nov. 27, left him her dog, her furniture and $2,000 from the sale of the house they shared for 19 years. The rest of Miss Lang's estate was left to her two sisters. a brother. and a nephew. El Toro Man Arrested in Boat Blaze An El Toro man. whose cabin cruiser was destroyed in a fare at sea last week, was arrested by Newport "Beach police Thurs- day on suspicion of destroying insured property. Edward Michael Lager, 33. of 2270 Lake Forest Drive, was booked into the city jail by de· tective Lee Roberts. Lager is free today on $5,000 bail. Roberts said investigation of the fire aboard the 40-foot vessel, East of Eden, indicated the blaze bad been set inten- tionally. The boat was valued at about $75.000. The fire. which was seen by coastal residents from Hunt· ington Beach to Laguna Beach. occurred last Friday when Lager was alone on the vessel. Harbor Patrolmen who rushed to the scene found Lager in the cruiser's dinghy. They were able to douse the n ames. but they said the boat was destroyed. knew about Miss Marvin's de- cision to legally chan1e her name t.o ~t of \he actor. Mahoney said she dlacussed the matter wtth him in 1968 and be told her It was "ridiculous." "I said, 'Michelle. if Lee want- ed to change your name. he would marry you'." He said Miss Marvin then pointed out she would be accom- panying the actDr to Japan ror the opening of the movie. "Hell In the Pacific ... ·'She saJd, ·we '11 be meeting the royal family and I don't want the emperor to think I'm a booker'." Mahoney said . Miss Marvin gave a loud ~asp and laughed as he made the comment. Mahoney added, "I distinctly remember that." After Miss Marvin had been helped from the room. the press agent said he believed that when she made the comment she was being "facetious." Marvin's attorneys, seeking more details of the movie col· ony 's view of the Marvin affair. said they would call Sharley Wynn. the wife of actor Ke-enan Wynn. to the stand today. The Wynns. friends of the Marvins when they lived together. were in the courtroom Thursday when a former stuntman testified. Boyd Cabeen told of a night when he threw a drink in Mlss Marvin's face and she smashed all the glasses on the bar in an argument with Marvin. E',....Page A J STORES ..•. Mesa is second in the stale in gross s ales He told th e merchants that an 11 -year-old shopping center such as Fashion Island ought to be showing more than $102 million gross sales re· corded in 1978. · Taubman officials said they will enforce the store hours based on provisions in the leases of all but six of the small shops. Those l eases tie the merchants' hours to the hours of the maJor departme nt store nearest them. All the department stores ex- cept Neiman.Ma rcus currently observe the hours sought by Taubman Company officials. Douglas. owner of At Ease and Al 's Garage. Thursday tried to get Royan and tus colleagues to compromise and was turned down. He said today that merchants support the idea of uniform store hours and are willing to try the longer hours. but they'd like to approach it more gradually than the Taubman Company edict would allow. "You know these merchants. all of us. hve in the community. some or us for several years. We just resent it when here comes a group of people who don't live here, who don ·t know the com· munity and who're telling us what 's best,'' Douglas said. M arowitz, owner of Newport Children's Bootery, said the Taubman Company's unwilling· ness to listen to the merchants is also causing concern because the firm is cons1derang enclosing the open mall. "We're afraid they'll do with that as they 've done with the hours and refuse to listen to local concerns,'· hesa1d. • t , .. . • . I . l \ . . ,, ........... CLOSEUP VIEW OF JUPfTEA FROM VOYAOER I SPACECRAFT 12.4 MILLION MILES AWAY Syatem Shown wtth Moona lo (left) end Europa Lergea1 Plenet In Solar ----- Waddill Jurors Impaneled Spacecraft Enters . Realm of Jupiter By KATHY CLANCY ot ,.,. o.11, ,,, ... s~" T he 12 Jurors who will. be asked to decide if Or. Wtlliam Waddill s trangled an lnfant abortion s urvivor were im· pa neled late Thursday m Orange County Superior Court. Attorneys In the murder r e trial of the Huntington Harbour physician will return to Judge Byron Mc Millan's courtroom Monday to pick five a lternate jurors before teslimony opens in what is ex· pected to be a four-month trial. Waddill. 43, is accused of murdering a baby gi rl at W estminster Comm unity Hos pital nearly two years ago after an unsuccessful abortion was performed on an 18-year-old unwed mother. The doctor's first murder trial ended last May in a mistrial when jurors said they were deadlocks 7-5 in favor of acquit· tal. T he jury deadlock followed 16 weeks of testimony and 11 days of deliberations. W adctill has insisted that the baby already was dead when it was brought to the nursery from the mother's room. . WASJUNGTON IAP I The Voyager 1 spacecraft has en· tered the realm or Jupiter and its swarm of moons. giving Earth its most detailed look al the colossal planet. Scientists said Thursday that Voyager was about 7 6 million miles from Jupiter, second only to the Sun in its dominance of the solar system, and closing at about 600,000 miles a day. On March 5, the spacecraft, laden with cameras and instru- ments. will soar to within 173,000 miles of the 89,000-mile diameter planet. Everything about Jupiter is oversized. Bigger than all the other planets combined, in com- parison lo Earth it looks like a grapefruit next to a child's mar- ble. Scientists believe Jupiter, with its brightly-colored stripes and giant red spot, is a turbulent mixture of liquids and gasses around a small solid core. Project scientists told the Na tional Aeronautics and Space Administration brie fing that nine of 10 scientific instruments on the 1,820-pound craft are working well. Robert P a rks, project manager. said there was a potential problem with the earth rece1vmg stations. Antennas in California. Spain and Australia bring in the spacecraft s ignals. In a test last month, scientists found that water from :i rainstorm absorbed most of the frequency used by the prime spacecraft transmitter. If this happen e d during ke y transmission times. some valua- ble information could be lost, scientists said. Another potential trouble area is the powerful radiation field surrounding Jupiter. In 1973 and 197 4 . tw o U .S . Pioneer spacecraft. the first to visit the planet. were almost disabled by surprisingly intense radiation trapped in Jupiter's powerful magnetic fi eld. Parks said Voyager is better designed to survive such radia- tion. but he added that no one knows if the radiation is even more intense five years later. Voyager 1, launched from earth 18 months ago, will swing past Jupiter four months ahead of an identical sister ship. Voyager 2. With the gravity of Jupiter working as a kind of sling. the two craft will use the momentum of going around the planet to propel them on toward Saturn He testified immersion of the fetus for 12 hours in a saline solution used for the abortion destroyed the unborn infant's brain functions. Prosecuting Attorney Robert Chatterton had put doctors on the witness stand who testified that the baby, even H 1l only had what they described as minimal "bram stem act1v1ty." knew life and could not be regarded as legall y dead. Galleon Saved? State Mulls Catalina Project Physicians called by defense attorneys aq~ued the baby's bra 1 n fun c tions ha d been destroyed and. if the infant had hvcd. she would have been no more than an unthinking, un · coordinated being When Ju ry selection an the retrial opened last week. both Ch a tte rton and De fe nse Al· torney Charles Weedman said they expected the selection proc- ess would be hindered by ex- tensive publicity s urrounding the physician's first trial. However, after their fi rst day of quizzing prospective j urors, the attorneys focused their ques· t1ons on issues concerning abor- tion and the role of the physician an cases where a patient is hope· lessly incapacitated. SACRAMENTO CAP l The state agrees to waive an en- vironmental impact require- ment for the salvage of a 16th century Spanish galleon off Catalina Island but it still hasn't granted permission. The State Lands Commission issued the waiver Thursday to Jim Muche of the Fathom Eight Co rporation. But a commission spokesman. Robert Hight. said it might take two more months for the com- mission lo act on Muche's entire proposal lo salvage the vessel San Pedro, which sank about 1598. Muche told The Associated Press. "lf the cargo manifesb a re correct, porcelain. maybe some of the wood cargo and maybe some residue of spices" will be found . "The re's not tons of gold bullion or anything or that nature." Weedman said that. while many pros pective jurors had reaaof lhe case, he was con· He said his group is a non- v1nccd most had formed no opi-profit archeol<igical outfit which moos about Waddill's guilt or in· would eventually turn over the nocence. material "for public display and The physician has been ac-use." <'~mp~ed to court e~ery day by Hight, when asked e xactly his wife. Jan~t. who as pregnant where the vesst!!l sank, said the R:;:;;·:~:i;;;; con lights Up Sunday Next Monday won't be blue if you buy Sunday's Daily Pilot. describlng how the world will be looking up · at an eclipse of the s un. In other stories: IMPERIAL J UDICIARY Federal judges are acting more like accelerators than brakes of social action. Their recent de· cisions run school systems. prisons and mental Institutions . II\ thi!\ natural, constitutional or imperial? An Associated Press survey chucks the nation. SOMETHING'S FUNNY The NBC network ls getting serious about comedy, but ao far few people are laughina. Read tbc predictions for "Dllf'rent Stroke • " "Brothers and Sis- ter 5," '"turnabout " aod "JlcUo, Larry" and find out. wny (suNDAY' BE this genre is short-lived these days. CLEARING PICTURE -If home video recorders orrer temptations to rerun favorite fare, they also serve up a con- fusing set of choi~es between s ystems and features . A You/Your Money story tunes In on home video. TILT-UP TEAM Don Shaw and J . Tbomas Talbot build high-priced sp reads for in· dust.ry, concrete tilt·up buildings they say cost more than other ln· dustrial developers• projects. The Business of the Week feature explain.s why they're always sold out. • __ ,..... __ ._ fidentiality requirements to pro- tect Muche. lie said the commission found the project didn't need an en· v1ronmental impact statement because salvage "won't mess up the environment." M uchc said the galleon ap· pa rently broke up in a storrp .. He said it had been in poor coodi· tson. and had bee n battered by several storms on its final trip. But original documents from an inquiry held in Mexico City indicate there were only three deaths among the crew of 200 to 300. Muche said . N<DJY Divers Aid Hunt for Ship Victi ms A team of U.S. Navy <livers was flown to Baja California Sur today to Join Me>tican divers in the search for three bodies seen m the ocean near lsla Natividad. Mexic an authorities gave permission early today for a Coast Guard C-130 to fly the divers to Guerrero Negro. a town about 65 miles east of the island. The Navy divers will join Mexican dive rs who have worked ror three days In heavy seas in a vain bid to recover the three bodies which reportedly were tied together. Authorities believe that the bodies are those of Dennis and Debbie Vowell and Gary Newton, all of San Diego, who left that port Jan. 22 in Vowell's 45;/oot vessel. the "Armislice." the trio was last seen alive Jan. 24 by a fishing vessel which passed the "Armistice" near San Clemente Island. Vowell and Newton, both 22, went to high school together in Costa Mesa. Their families live tn Costa Mesa. Debbie Vowell, 21, Is the daughter of Mrs. Bun· ny Scott of San Clemente. Isla Natividad Is 10 miles south of Cedros Island and 50 miles west of Sca mmon 's Lagoon, the winter home or the Callfornta gray whale. The general search area is about 450 mile" by r oad south of San Diego . Economist BlaSts Prop. 13 By REBECCA HELM Of .. OMly,,.... , .... Propo1ltlon 13 la a "time bomb tick.in« away ominously," ecooomi1t Conrad C. J amlson told a sroup or buslneas representaUvea In Anaheim Tburlday.<Relat.ed s tory Page AS). Passage of the property tax relief lnltiaUve last June ended the "semi-resigned, a lmost· defeat.lat'' a ttitude or opponenls of big 1overnment., be s aid. Major effects of the legislation are still to come. he added. and may explosively restructure Call(omia!s. entire tax and gov- ernment expenditure systems. Jamison, a vice president of Security Paclfic National BanJt. s poke before the Orange County chapter of Town Hall of California . He admitted voting for Poroposltion 13 with ''horrible misgivings." Criticizing the legislation, be listed 10 negative results of its pasuge. Included were loss of local government control, a rise in op- position of cities and counties to growth, and a "tremendous un- certainty" in the business com· munily and government ~hat will last for years. Because of the questions which have arisen from Proposi- tion 13, J amison said, Security Pacific conducted a study of tax- es and ex penditures of California's state and local gov- ernments. The 21>2-page tax study will be released next week. he said, but he r eviewed the report's highlights. Findings included: -California state and local taxes during fiscal year 1978-79 exceeded the national norm by almost $6 billion. With Proposi- tion 13. taxes are expected to be only $500 million above the norm. -California's death and gift taxes a re double the national norm and higher than any other state's. -Only one state, Michigan, has a heavier tax burden on cor- poral e net. income than California. -Californania •s personal in· c·ome tax collections have s kyrocketed during recent years al two to three times the rate of increase in personal income, ac- counting for about 40 percent of the dollar increase of all state taxes combined. -From 1973 unut passage of Proposition 13, public employ- ment increased more than two and one-half t.Jmes the rate or population. Since the initiative passed. employment bas been reduced 5.5 percent. Jamison went on to say canrornia is in "excellent" financial shape. Proposition 13 was the first st.ep of the voters demanding lower taxes a nd government spending in gene ral. he said. The mass explosion of change is yet to come. ... at a sf.0 ... -... ..~ .,, ......... CHRISTINE JORGENSEN HAS NO REORETS TODAY Sex_ Ch•ng• Newa Startled Workl 27 Yeera Ago No Regrets Jorgensen: Sex Change Paid Off SAN DIEGO CAP> -Now 52 and considering a comeback in s h ow business . Chris tine Jorgensen bas no regrets about the surgery that stunned the world almost 27 years ago. "I think in the early days I bad regrets about the publicity. Ranch Lands Issue To Be On Ballot An advisory measure asking San Clemente residents if they want to fo rm an assessment dis- trict to buy about $26 million worth of ranch lands for open s pace will be on the city's Aprll 24 baUot. Early in their meeting this week. city council members de· cided against putting a bond measure for the proposed purchase on the. municipal ballot. They did this on the ad· vice of City Attorney Michael Bartlett. He said it would be im- possible legally under guidelines established by the passage of Proposition 13. However. late r in Wednes- day's meeting. Bartlett s aid the council could place an ad- visory measure on the ballot. asking voters ii tbey want to set up a n assessment district for the purpose of buying the land. The results of this straw vote wouldn't be binding. he ex· plained. The advisory measure. ap- proved 3 to 2 by council mem· bers, will ask voters if they want lo form an assessment district under the 1908 Park and Play- ground Act in order to purchase about 2,600 acres of ranch lands in the hiJls behind the cit v. 1 was a bit of a puritan myself.·• said the blonde, bejeweled man- turned-woman who pioneered the sex change operation. "I thought it was a pretty strange approach that suddenly everybody was interested in my human sexuality when they didn't want to talk about-their own," she sald. In San Diego to address a sex change symposium Thursday, s he believes the publicity, though harsh at first, helped her . "As the years passed, I came to know the benefits. Had l not had the notoriety. I wouldn 't have met and know the people l have. I wouldn't have met so many people in the arts who have done so much that will las t forever. I feel in t hat -t"espect, very lucky .. Sh e values her pri vacy , spends her spare time gardening at her Laguna Ni guel home and enjoys "schlepping around.. in her blue jeans . "l think I'm as happy as most people. A hundred percent'.' No way. But many years ago. l de· cided on New Year's Eve 'at midnight to sit for a few min utes and say 'How's the year been., Put the pluses and minuses together.· And I've plused out, l would say. most years " Not all of it has been pleasant. "It was difficult carrying that toad 26 years ago. The pre&s wanted. in our puritanical socie- ty, ror this to be male and ttus to be femaJe and never the twain shall meet. "They would not accept the f>asic scientific fact that there are no 100 percent male and I()(l percent female animals. We're all a varying degree of both That degr~e can be physical. psychological. hormonal and possibly even genetic. "But today we know tbc fram eworks." SWEET AL YSSUM :tf~ . Feorur·ng fulty blossomed. ~::::; ~·: plon1s1nw1111e ....,~·· ...... ,· ..... ' ~ r ptf"k 01 purple ~ • ';,;.J"'>'l , .r-: ·r:· '..;,i. '" • 4 Pot Size .. ..,,.,.. ..., , ·~ 1 -. • Reg 99 ...: "':L;.~ ~=-sale Price 49c S0%0ff ~t· DWARF , _) .:.. ~\AVOCADO ~__)Don • 1e1 1ock ol sooce i\..3. s1op you t•om growing Regular Price Bare Root Fruit Trees and Roses ::-..'. ~.~~".".' ........... '2. 99 ~~ ............. 14.49 ~~~ .............. 16.99 s ....... ,.,.... '4 99 ''""················~ . ~::!~-~~ ...... ~'7.99 ........... ....,-4 ......... & ........... -~ VI( llllUI\ ~ ~-. / 0,.. 7 4-yt e WHll 1 ..... S:lO ,,,.., 1123 MIWPOaJ IUD. cosr•MIS• .... 3125 ,do 142-'103 vour own Reg 5 Gol Size $ 2 ·19 99 Sole Price 1 . 99 Sole Price s3.99 Bore roo• Req 4 99 DIEFFENBACHIA SUPERBA ( -creomy 1ex•u1eo 1eoves highlight ltllS easy-to-grow ~ 11ousep1ont -6 Pot Suro Reg '6 99 'Salt Price '4.49 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 1111 C•ll I"\ r ~ l Lll' £ -; t e4JO llOOICHUIS T ~ FOUHTAIH VALLEY IH ............ ~ S• 0'-9e "•y I flHOMI: 9'3·6771 OPIM 7 DAYS 1 ...... 11>0,..... a . · .... I A4 DAILY PILOT NATION /WEATHER Perot Forag: No Prohe Hangin g In Tb re OH, PAIN 6 Fl' UNG D n . Juat the otbcr morolol. &bortly an r dawn. l ataatred dOwm~ln to th• tele pboM and nil~ m)' C'rctary Thb wu a real em t' r1('nc-)' ·Sh(( an.sYtt'r't'd ht rt'I ln the newaroom and I rroa.kcld hoar l>' owr lbt> pbont'. "Hty. IJatcn. I've 1ot • probleom lhlil mom1"' I woke up sure rsq from lhl1 acute cHo of WASUI NGTON IAP l IC Tesas mtlhona1re u. ttou Ptrot thOUl ht h1ran1 a 1quad Of Ame rlcao romm1ndo1 to stage• rre~dom raid on a prllon lo Iran ntli hl bave aotten him Into ltou· bl with the U S. aovemment, h • worn appear to be moot. The FBI lA not lnvtsUfatiD.4, the J uaUct' Department HYI at knows only what lt reads ln the new1paper1 a od the State Ocoartmeot uy1 It bad no In· volvtm eot an the "olleaed " event. Tezas Co n /tf aa AND TIR EX·A•M Y Green Beret colooel who commanded the miaak>n ll out of sieht. leav· lnc behind word be won't have anyth.lnc to say about lt even U report.en catch up with him. When Perot, the computer whls with a l&lte for taktnt mat· ten lato Im own handt, called a news conlerence in Dallu Mon· day to live Mta11I of the rak.t - word was fall lealdn1 out, anyway -be said be t.bouaht be might bave some explaiDinc to do to the U.S. 1ovemment. ·'I auppoee our attorney• wUJ be wortdne on this for the next aeveral montbl," Perot aaicl. "Bt.rr THAT WAS not the LI· sue. To aave the men waa." As Perot told It, be 1uyed behind ln Turkey maat.ermind· inc the operation whlle his l~ man IQuad hired a mob to st.orm the Gure priaon. His employees, enalneera William Gaylord and Paul Chlapperonl. escaped, alone with an esUmated 11,000 Iranian priaonera ln what hes been called history 's bigcut Jailbreak. United Stata ~ad been caution- • ln1 the Ru11ians agalnat to· volvement. "We're aware ot the news ac· counts or what went on, but beyond that we don 'l have aoythlnc to say," Justice Department spokesman Robert St~vemon sald. PRESSED ON WBETBE& even a preUmlnary uweaU•aUoo baa been ordered, he aald, "We b.aven't ma<M &Qy dec:ia1on u to what to do about it." An FBI spokesman went beyond that. ••we are dolng absolutely nothing," be said. "We haven't been asked by the ·¥1C11Cr•v•h.-d tuln•nall .. "Oh. I'm IO aoft)'. •• ht' l't"pllfd . W•11 )'OU be comJn1 to -.ork •'' 'Wt•ll )'l' • " I t1 plaint-cl bravely ''I'm 101n1 to 1ut out Billi• s I E department to investigate. The e 0 Stes GA vt.OaD AND Cbiapperonl, people wbo handle neutrality who work for Perot's ElectronJc ~ii~.~~,.. don't anticipate t.bat we this horrlblt" h•n~natl Bul l ma, tM' a llltl halt "l M.~m to hau • ml plact'd lb <'&r ke11 somehow. · Ue~ld\' · tb .. t, I lhink the battrr)' mlaht bed ad "ALSO. TUt~ F•ONT oooa Iott on the boua see m~ • Data Systems. Inc., had been Al the State Department. lndi t d Agam• Jailed ·aeven weeks, apparently spokeswoman Jill Schulter re-c e in connection wlth allecauona of ofClclal corruption tnvolvtng a ferred questioners to the Just.ice p • fl Department. "We bad no in· UAlkAS <AP> More indictments have been returned aealnst contract won by erot s rm. volvement in the alleged event. to bt> Jamnwd 1 ll ha\e 10 '''It l\Ome way befo~ I come pa roled West Texas con man Billie Sol Est.es, thia Ume charging that But Perot apparently need not and I atress the word 'alleged'," he plotted to bilk mveslors, operate businesses lo violation or hls---have worried about U.S. In· she said. parole und conceal as!'ets to avoid paying income taxes. veatigat.ors asking If his action The breakout occurred the A federuJ grand jury returned four lengthy indictments Thursday violated American neutrality sam e day the government or agaln11t Estes: two former as· laws or introduced a new ele· Sbahpour Bakhtiar fell to the isorlnt~s. Raymond K. Horton was involved Lo Thursday's in· ment lnto an internationally ex-revolutionary s upporters of and M L. Copenhaver. and hls dactments. plosive situation in which the l\yc.atolJah Ruhollab KhomeinJ. lon g ttme secre tary, Sue Thursday's indictments detail -------------------------- Goolsby. a plot to defraud four leasing Estes' attorney. G. Brockell companies of more than $S89,000 Ir win or Longview, s aid his by financing 38 bogus steam <'llent would plead innocent at cleaners and us ing a dummy ha:; arraignment March 1 corporation to sell them to another pbony company. \ In. if l can do it wtule ~urferini with this ghastly hangnail thing. .·· Now, my news room a1de has been listening to staff m embers phone in sack for years It took her about 2 5 seconds to catch the plot on all this. "\'ou overslept, didn't you?" she suggested. ··w ell possibly. Maybe the aJarm is busted. Or maybe it wns a sneaky power outage that came upon U3 in the m addle of the night. . . " Anyway. it didn't matter . She had me. There is no ex- cuse for tardin~ss or a bsence that she hasn't heard over the years. These particularly pre vail on Mondays or Fridays. WIDCH BRINGS ME, somehow. to the obscure news dispatch today from up in Northern California in the township of Fre mont. There Is a General Motors plant up there. One or the workers therein is a welder named Ernie Ornellas from San Leandro. Ernie has been welding for GM for half a century now. Ile started with the company in Oakland on Feb. 22, 1929. Yesterday marked his 50th year -0n the welding line. I don't know how Mr. Ornellas did during his first 27 years on the job. But a company spokesman said that dur· ing the past.;23 years, Ernie has never missed a day of work. THERE HE WAS, for 23 years, su(fering the hazards of hot metal, burns, bliste rs, aches and pains and commut- ing through Northern California's miserable weather. And always made it. For 23 years, he punched tbal time clock every day. This isn't jus t an amazing record. In this day and age, it's astounding. So plant officials a nd civic dignitaries turned out Thursday to honor Ernie Ornellas and Ills one-half century with GM. They gave him a diamond stickpin, a clock and the use or a car for a couple of weeks TIO$ SUGGESTS THAT the GM execs were ignorant of what a re al jewel they had in Ernie Ornellas. They s hould have granted him half-interest in the plant. Or at the very least, given him the car Wlson Gets Blame MIAMI (AP ) While he was in federal prison. former At· toroey General J ohn Mitchell blamed ex-White House Counsel Charles Colson for Watergate. a ccording to a n artic le in "Miami" magazine. "If it we r e n 't for him <Colson), Watergate would have ne ve r ha ppened .·· Mitchell is quoted as telling other inmates. "A born-again Christian? Ha! 1 'd take my chances with the lions." The copyrighted article was written under the pseudonym Ronald James by J . Ronald Beasley, a form e r Miami television news producer. He met Mitchell while serving part of a 14-month sentence al Max- well Federal Prison Camp in Montgomery, Ala., for cocaine possession and conspiracy. HE WAS CONVICTED in 1963 or building a fortune on mortga ge loans us ing non- existent fertilizer tanks as col- lateral. A similar scheme in· volving the financing of non- existent oilfield steam cleaners WsSupplies Due to Dip Next Summer WASHINGTON <AP > -The Carter administration is predict- ing motorists could find gasoline in short supply this summer due to the Iranian revolution and that it will cost at least 3 to 4 cents more a gallon than now. Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger told a House com· mittee Thursday that unless lra- n i a n production is restored s peedily, there will be a gasoline shortage of "noticeable but not c rippling" severity during the summer driving season. HE SAID TIIE administration m ay be forced to take man· datory steps to make sure there is enough heating oil for next winter , meaning a reduction in "gasoline availability." "There will be a gasoline prob- le m in a ll likelihood-this summer ," he said. Testifying before the House Budget Committee, Schlesinger said there still has been no word from the new Irania n revolu· tionary government on when ex· ports may be resumed . LATER IN TEHRAN, Deputy Prime MinJster Ebrahim Yazdl said Iran will resume oil exports very soon. But he did not say precisely when that would come or how much oil would be sold to which countries. The new government in Iran bas promised to resume sales to the United States, but orficials here have r aised the possibility that at could be an curtailed amounts. Snow Warnings Posted Upper Midwest Braces for New S torm T~perat ure • CALlltOllNIA 8 .. e,.lield \• 41 II Blyth• &I .. 81.llop " Fr'Mno H 4S 11 M•nte•f'v >• ,. 01 N....,,., •S H O•t•nd \4 4A •• , s.< ''""•"to "° '' n !>wit" BetN,. )~ 46 .It Tlwrmet 10 '1 "'9r\low \• H BIO B~er 0 H 11 El C""''o 6S .S Ll!Arr~ ~ '1 •t LCW\Q 8 ea<f'I •1 4\ flw,,,H N .... oort BH<ll SI St CXXXJ) o..terio St o t 0 , ft 70 Pelm SIWlllQ) 61 41 ~ ~ _w.,,. IO S. 8ern¥dlno U 41 01 l:a llfornla A Jtorm 111•1 IU~d •I coestel u .. 1 Hrtv toclily wnt muo 1llt11t>rl~ •crou Ille PMlll< CO.\I H'91tw•y In two Ple<tt, ~Id ca111on1t• Hiohwtv Patrol office< Jim Co•. Tr•tfk wll\ ,.,.lrKlf!d to -teM tn u ch .dl•KllOn Mer Leo Cetlllo Beech 11nd £nctn•I Cenvon 11'11• "'°'"'"9 ,. said AllllouCJll no "'61or acclclenh .,..,. .-.oortH , ,.,,.,. ttoodi"O •M • minor eccident In • tunnel tl<!d up trllfflc Oft the S•nta Monie• Freew•v. Coo edded fhll 1tonn t,,,,.t we\ ••Pe<ted lo i.. • lll1no Of ,,. PHI by 10ftl9fll, Ille Wtetller bUr•au seld , l•evtno Southern Ct lllornten1 with tht promue of • cteer. somewh•t ..... ,,... .. _.._ S. J Sl 4 SJ ~ $••"•"•'Y Outv4e4 s.tte0 ':... 62 :. :02 1..•lllilllli==.---•_•_.;..=_=_= ______ ,.;;,,;:o;.;;•-.• -.u.;.• .-o. ...... ;,,;<;,;;; ....... ,. .. ,_,, 5.Mt• Crw n '' ...., Hlohs Saturday In lo1 Anoe1n wt,.. expected to be In "'9 mld..OS. AIC>n9 IM <OMt end In ,,.. vellen.' '"' rnercury wat .-.,.uect to Mii .. MA•,,,.~ mlf'll Sltunley. ....,,. M&rla S8 'It 01 T.,,.,. """"Y JS 11.s. s .... arff S.Vtr'9 wt--lhrNl-d -1loM Of""' UCJl)er Mid ... ,, Hrly IOfey and flooc!lr>Q wH pc>sslbte In'"' Ollto RI-llllllev Winter ''°'"' wer nlng1 Wtrtt DOU· hlly """ Ot41•tf'y l•Chs ....... V .,,.,._,,,.,,., UyOV4 ~n.r..,. t •'P~t>,., t;#i .ti t •t .... •I "'" """""'"_,.,,".,...,_.,,~,,""flt"° .... f'l'l•r '*"'' •'tlf'Yfl\' '' "'"" rtt t°tj~ f1· 4 1 • ¥1:'\H ,..,, n., 0 "l't\ ("Mt tJ.t f• 1tt , I I "' ~r.I ~;, top~ W1 .. tlit1 \)' 11 ... , .... c; ........... ,...,..... _, '0o • ~ C-""' 4<MI UJ ... 111 .... , ... '•""'" "~l)it .. " .... ,'Nf'o\......... • .... ,,. "' C·-..,•• C-••AN> 0•-.h ~ •• ,. .N c...._,, trt(t D•"• "°'"' &wt~ LllQU~ l•Q..n.N>O.... .. ...... •d tarlv tOCley In North Oekote, nortl'leetttrn Soutl'I Dakota, Min· nu ot•. northern w l.con•tn, and -ilern _,, Of Mkhloen'1 U- f'eftinwta. • T Mre wit 1 cl'ltft<• of uo lo • In<"" ot -,,_ tellln9 °" euttrn North o.itot• -nortMestern Soul!\ 0001• T"•e• to 6 ln<htt ot snow wu forecast I« nortr..m Minne~•· On Tl'IUl'1CltY. rain elld l<t lil'IOtllH out ~ -Sle411'd "41ftdt'tcll .. <•n In ""' Mlnnt••CIOlll .,.. Wtttt ....,_d I-1111 u-O"Ollf'd llllllty ~on4ull ti '•lrvltw HMpltat, c....i119 1 .,._, tl'llflfruotlon TN l'IOIOlltl l"'tnedlttefY "°'ltCl'ttd 14 MMl'09f\O power. Portions ot W..t 111rofn1e wtrt un. dtr flesll flOOd Wlr""'91 1-y, end tlatl'I flood _.diet -. In tfft(t fro,., MMill'I'""''" ~tnttaytvenle t<f"OU ~ YlrOlftlt , K...t110 ,y, ln- dlll!lt. Ind tlllf'lol\ Lett Tl'lunleY. ttl'OllO wlfld't ...,., h•ll n 11,.. ft MHNlll tau ... d d•m• .. ,,_ f'IOftlle•tt.,n TtMH, •cro1 1 •••l•rn O•ttllom•. norll'lwtll.,n Ar l!ent•t t l'lt Mllll-~ Ml•_,..I, TtQ'l ..... 11\1("' ·-ll'le n.olloft t l 2 o.m .. EST tOCltY reno-d from 14 bet-LWO In CVt llenll -o r .. t fr t llt Air Fottt Bew, Mo<IL to 76 11'1 for1 l euderdolt. fie In Ille moon11ln1. fot't<asttn ea· Ot Cltd ll'lt l f'IO'# tenl It ""'elll Ii.HY et •.000 fft1 wltn h19M Ill "" <!Os tnO -In""''~' to mkl-JCk Dr ug Meeting Site Changes The Orange County Drug Abuse Advlsory Committee will shift its roonthly meeting to the El Toro Marine Corps ~op Student David P. La1aen, 629 Sha1u Lane, Costa Air Station on March 2 betlnning al 1:30 p.m. The meeting ls open to the public. More in· formation cao be o b· tatned by contacting Elisabeth Henderson al 834-5117. Meta, was among 588 fCOGllol Weather ifl/orma· Denver Univeralty alu· lion U7ill lM /Otmd on P• d ents named to the All todOfl) dean 's honor llel•. 1 According to the indictment, the selling and purchasing com· paoies existed only on paper and were created by Estes, Horton and Copenhaver. ANOTHE R I NDICTMENT naming Estes and Horton al· leges that the two ran firms in Horton's name that actually belonged to Estes. who, accord· ing to bis parole. has been barred from self-employment or promotional activities. That indictment also charges Estes with conspiring to defraud the government of income taxes owed for 1959-1962, 1971and1977. A separate indictment says Estes reported a net income of $11,200 on 1975 income tax forms when he actually earned more than $45,000. .............. Oaarged With Murde r THE FO\}RTB indictment aJ. l e ges that Es tes and Ms. Goolsby forged the signature of Billy D. Pyron on a power of at- torney agreement and numerous lease agreement guarantees that later were used to obtain a van, two electric cash registers and insurance on those items. Pyron, a Tyler businessman, has testified he did no.t sign the documents . Lottie Gallucci. 44, left, was charged Thursda y with murder and cons piracy in the death of Dominick Galluc- c i, 59. her hus band. Also charged was her daughter Laura. 20, rig ht, her son. Mark. 15, not shown, and WilUam Whaley, a part-time t avern bouncer who, police say. s hot and st a bbed GalJucci to death. The Mount Hol- ly . N.J., family wanted to collect a double-indemnity $10,000 life insura nce policy, police say. They help you put your world in focus Viewpoints of columnists appearing regularl y on rhe eduonal pages of tht· Daily Pilot help you sharpen your perspcct ave of rhc: events shaping your world. Htre·s the lineup of Daily Pilot columnms: ~\ NICHOLAS VO N HOF F MAN pokei. r " at stuffed shirts everywhere -w1rh a tf ~ f T particularly sharp net'Cf lc: aimed df t hc Washing ton scene. ~ SYDNEY HAR RIS mixes has delightful dissertations wi th q w LZes and thumbnail observations to keep redders on their toes. EARL w ATE RS has spent )0 years reporting w irh unique in-;ighr on Califomaa stace government. EVANS AND NOV AK Rowland Evans and Robert NovJk ream ro examine <the political sccnl· .i.<; 1r affocti. the nacion . CHARLES MC CABE places his tongue firmly in chl't'k for humorous looks ac everything from sex co sandwiches. JACK ANDE RSON n:vcals. His talent for prying !tOvernmem secrets from bureaucrats drives W ashingcon bigwigs to dist race ion . Find your favorite columnist on rhe cduori ol paEtcs of chc . .. .. . DAILY PILOT t I ' J , . . . • . " . . l t . • ~ • I " CALIFORNIA ~. Ftbrutty 23, 1979 DAILY PILOT BrOwn Suffers ,Setback Wnstitution Convention Hits Roadblock .. ~ wir....-. BLACK Fl.AGS CARRIED BY PATROLLING STRIKERS Calm Returf\ff to lmperlal Valley Flelda Thursday ~ket Bait Sought UF'W Faces Count Of Unfair Labor EL CENTRO <AP> -Unfair labor charges bave been flied against the United Farm Workers or America by Imperial County officials trying to get an injunction to prevent mass picketing in tbe 35-day lettuce strike . The charges filed Thursday with the state Agricultural Labor RelaUoos Board accuse the union or violent picketing and collusion in connection with violence Wednesday in the lettuce fields . Marc Roberts. regional dire<:tor or the ALRB. said the board will investigate the charges today. MEANWHILE THE FIELDS were peaceful Thursday, and Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. turned down a request to send National Guardsmen to the area. The governor did, however. agree to make an additional 40 California Highway Patrolmen available to assist local law enforcement officials. It was the second time in less than two weeks that Brown bas refused to call out the Guard. On Feb. 11. growers asked that Brown send in the Guard after Rufino Contreras, a striker , was shot to death "The governor has been in constant contact with both sides and this was determined to be the most appropriate action," Brown's press secretary, Bobbie Metzger, said Thursday. IMPERIAL COUNTY SHERIFF Oren Fox said he requested the National Guard aid Ul a telephone call to the governor late Wednesday night after at least two deputies and three strikers were injured in a l1..-.a-hour melee. The five-week-old strike by 4.200 UFW members against 11 major vegetable growers and shippers in California and Arizona has virtually stopped harvesting of 40 percent of the nation's winter lettuce. postponed planting of next season's crops and cost growers more than $5 million as unharvested crops rotted in the fields Wednesday's violence coincided with a wa lkout by UFW workers at the 17 non·struck farms, who are also currently negotiating with umon. Union spokeswoma n Vicky Lopez said the one·day wa lkout by non striking UFW workers was called "because those farms that were not struck were making incredible profits. "IT WAS DESIGNED TO stop those profits ror at least a day," she said. The situation Thursday was generally peaceful, with only scat· tered picketing "Everything's quiet," said growers' spokesman Fred Karger. However, sheriff's spokeswoman Roberly Brite said four strikers were arrested on a variety or charges in strike-related in· cidents Thursday MEANWHILE, CONTRACT negotiations were temporarily s uspended while the union studied a new offer made by growers that would give workers an 11 percent raise this year and smaller raises in the second and third years. Atthough the offer would give workers more money initially, it would still total only about 21 percent over three years -raising the hourly base wage from $3.70 to $4.50. Growers originally had offered 7 percent in each year or a three.year contr act. while the union demanded a 42 percent raise to $5.25 an hour in one year ORDER FACTORY DIRECT SACRA MENTO <AP> Cov. Edm und Brown J r 's dr1v to add ColllomJa to the states call· 1n1 for a con.sUtuUonat conven· tlon on a balanced federal bud1et hH hll a roadblock 1mon1C f Uow Democrat.a. The Oemocrat·co ntrolled Ways and Means Commit* de· ft'a~d 1'huraday -on an 8-12 vote a Brown·backed resolu· Uon rusldng Congresg lo uU a conveoUon. unprecedented since l187. to draft uo amendment banning fcdcruJ deficit spend- ing The 1s21 ue adopted by lbe Ot.'moc.-rati c gove rnor lat1 t month . .-nd widely viewed as a vos»1ble launchmg pad for his llrl' 1denllaJ campaign, bro1igbt 8rown mto an all-out right with hill onetime close ally, Assembly Speaker Leo McCarthy. D·San t'ranclSCO. THE VOTE came after three lengthy hearings stretching over rour weeks and virtually non.stop campaigning on both sides - business and farm groups join· ing Brown to boost the proposal, and labor siding with McCarthy against it. Brown has portrayed a bal· anced·budget amendment as the key to fighting inflation, and has also used it as a rallying point to a ttack Pres ide nt Carter's budget. Carter, like other opponents, bas said be rears a convention couldn't be limited to the Lssue or a balanced budget and might tamper with the Bill of Rights. "I con.sider this a temporary setback," Brown said after the vote. "Alter a period or delay, I Ford Heir To Appear in DrugCrue S AN FRANCISCO <AP> - Millionaire Benson Ford Jr .. heir to part or the Ford Motor Co. fortune, is scheduled to ap- pear Monday for a preliminary bearing on drug possession charges in the South San Fran· cisco Municipal Court. The 29-year·o ld g r e at· grandson of Henry Ford was ar· rested at the San Francisco In- ternational Airport last month for a llegedly carrying a small amount or hashish and cocaine, authorities said Thursday. According to the Sao Mateo County sheriff's office, Ford was arrested J an. 23 as he returned from Hong Kong. Arrested with Mm was Lisa Ann Adams, 25, who was allegedly carrying one gram of cocaine in a pocket or her jacket. THE SHERIFF'S office said Ford was searched by U.S. Customs officers after he ap- pa rently failed lo declare a watch that he was wearing. The search turned up a plastic bag containing 9.5 grams or hashish and a vial containing 6.5 grams or cocaine. a sheriff's report said. Ford and Ms. Adams were the n turned over lo sheriff's dep· u ties and charged with possession of d angerous drugs under state laws. They were released on $1,500 bail each. Both Ford and Ms. Adams gave addresses in Whittier . Ford 's attorney, Harvey Fierstein, said he knew nothing about the drug arrests. Neither Ford nor Ms. Ada ms could be reached for comment. :t\mcrica11 Classic Dilliards s777 ITALIAN SLATE One Piece I inrh thkk SI 500 V .. L~ CW.. ant" THE ULTIMATE IM HOME ENTERTAINMENT ESTATE SALE OF JEWELRY- CRYSTAL- PORCELAIN - BRONZES- CHINA- SILVER and more. Lots of diamond rings and earri ngs, gold chains, fine china and crystal, bronzes. some fumi· usume this matter will be brouabt up agaln . . . If I have any 1trentlh. ene rgy or lm - aginatJon. It wiU be applied to this l1aue." Sul wlt.b Democrats control· llqg the Auembly S0·30. McCarthy appears to have tbe strength to ward ort an attempt to revive the proposal on lbe /u· sembly noor. On Tbunday, only one or the committee's 13 Democrats, Dan Boatwright of Concord, vot.td tor three nearly identical measures proposing the constitutional con· vention. Congress must call a conven· lion if petitiooed by 34 staLes. A group called the National Tax· payers Union, which beads the current campajgn, said the total was 'l7 by Wednesday. "It's going to happen whether we are part of the process or not." said Boatwright, the com· mlttee chairman. The three measures are AJR 2 by Boatwright, defeated 8-12: AJ R 1 by Aa5emblyman Dave Stirling, ft-Hacienda Helghts, dereated 9-12, and the Senate· passed SJR 2 by Sen. Jerry · Smith, D·Saratoga, r e jected 7-11. Tax Proposal Troubled Shift of $1.6 ,_,illion Met With Skepticism SACRAMENTO CAP > -Reaction is skeptical and cautious to Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. 's pro- posal to shift $1.6 billion in property tax revenues from counties to local schools. The trial balloon -if that is what the Democratic governor's proposal amounts to -is rising with uncertainly, with the kindest words coming from a Republican. "It's an interesting suggest.ion. but until we get details, I'm very skeptical," said exeeutive director"Ricbard Watson of the County Supervisors Association or CaUfornia. ''Our reaction is one of confusion, because they haven't talked to me or any member or my staff about it." A spokesman for Wilson Rlles said the state schools chief had not been consulted either, but that Riles would "look at it with an open mind." ASSEMBLY GOP FLOOR leader Paul Priolo or Malibu said Thursday the proposal is "a step in the right direction. I commend the governor for coming forth with something. It shows some leadership." Even Brown refused comment on the proposal, which was unveiled In a series or private briefings with key legislators by Ji'inance Director Richard Silberman. Brown's closest fiscal adviser. But Assembly Speaker Leo McCarthy of San Francisco. the Legislature's most powerful Democrat, was more skeptical, although he said his remarks were not intended as criticism. "l'M NOT PREPARED TO elaborate until the legislative staffs have bad an opportunity ... to go over it carefully," Brown told reporters. "If they have some better ways, I want to Usten. "I've gotten a response to my repeated public pleas for the governor, as well as the Legislature, to address the central problem or the '79 session - implementation or Proposition 13 and what the function or the state and local government is going to be ... so I am refraining from any kind of c riticism," said McCarthy, who until r ecent months was one or Brown's closest political allies . "I feel comment is premature, because I don't want them reeling it is a unilateral initiative com· ing out of my office. but an attempt lo mold a con· clusion," Brown said. Under Brown's proposal -which touches every unit of local government in California - counties would no longer receive any property lax revenues after June 30, 1980. Tijuana Leader Under Probe SAN DIEGO · <AP > -A Ti· juana business leader, known politically for hls ties to the gov- ernors or California and Baja California, is under federal in· vestigation in a case involving more than $7 million in kickbacks from a California company, the San Diego Union said today. ( Sl'ATE J Rlfldw •S11rprbed' LOS ANGELES <AP> -Com· puter spedalist Stanley Mark Rifkin will be sentenced March 26 for mas terminding a sophisticated $10.2 million wire· rr a ud theft from Security Pacific Bank and arranging to buy $13 million In dia monds from the Soviet Union. 2 llllflGtn Slain SAN QUENTIN <AP> -About 70 San Quentin inmates were locked in their cells today and two were being questioned in connection with the stabbing deaths or two other inmates in an exercise yard assault officials say could be gang and drug· related. Prison spokesman Mike Nad· ding said the inmates attacked Thursday morning and those held as suspects "were compati- ble. We thought they were bud- dies. Something went wrong." A'1onso Bustamante Sr. and members or hls prominent Baja California family are under scrutiny by the U.S. Attorney 's office here ror possible income tax and conspiracy violations, the news paper said. Rifkin. who said he never ex· peeled the sche me to work. pleaded guilty Thursday to two ltlGflOr'• Trip Bit The investigation in volves Petrolane Inc . of Compton and 14 officers and employees who bad knowledge or the kickbacks. the paper said. counts or wire fraud. In return, · LOS ANGELES CAP> -City the government agreed to drop Controller Ira Reiner has r e three other counts against rum jected a $400 expense account and not pros ecute him .in a filed by Mayor Tom Bradley for second bank theft conspiracy a recent Hawaii trip that Reiner case. said "was simply an excuse ror Chance Missed Pension Matter Defeated SACRAMENTO CAP> -Assembly members often grouse about what they call huge, and even "obscene and absurd" pensions or about a dozen former orricials -but they passed up a chance to cut them. . It happened Thursday on AB 70 by Assemblyman Wtlllam Lockyer, 0 -San Leandro. The bill would impose a 100 percent tax on any pension income that exceeds two· thirds o( the highest salary. . Lockyer called the current pensions or 12 to ts former offtcials "obscene and absurd," and said they represent ".probably the most Oagrant example I kno.w or a pension np-orr scheme." .But .his bill won only 36 votes with 33 members voting a gainst 1t. a vacation." Bradley has said the trip was to boost Los Angeles as an in- ternational trade center, but Reiner didn't go along with that explanation when he turned down the voucher Thursday Prottttfon Sought S ACRAMENTO <A P l Legislation to he lp prevent slate.supported foster children from being sent to places like the People's Temple camp in Guyana has bee n introduced in California. The author. state Sen. Robert Presley. D·Rivesr s ide, said Thursday his Senate investigal· ing committee is C'oncerned that some or the children who died in Guyana "may have been sent there illegaJly under California group home care." REWARD Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights Foruary 23,24,25 Solid Mahogany construction. 800 lbs. The 4 x 8 slate & mahogany rails never affected by moisture, heat. cold. Your wife will approve its beauty ·& styling. Enhances any decor. See the World•s Best Pool Table on hotel display by local manufacturer. FltlDA Y OML Y Fii. 23 110 && • t ,.....1 •AW.ADA tHM CT_. IOGM) ture, oils, chandeliers, brass lamps, etc. Something for eve ryone -from $1.00 up. Free admlssion. Bank of America, Master Charge, checks, Inspection of all merchandise Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 2 • 5 P .M. and 7 • 8 P .M. 1600 1. Rnt st .. s-. ._ ,..._..OH 1_, 135-3051 SATUUA Y ONLY FH. 24 110 ..,..,.., p.al CAPISTRANO IMM s • ...,.c.,a ..... I ...t I later-.cttc. 4tl--SH I IUMDAY OHL Y Fii. 21CI0 ....,., ,....., SAM CLIMIMTI IMM CS..DteplOOMI S-Cla••I• 492-6 I OJ some terms available. newport galleries ltd. 2542 West Coast Highway -Newport Beach, CA (714) 645-2200 CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPI B> 'TIL 5 PM Aft l.evln• Aucuonff• (Compaslte Drawing -May have 11 mustache) A Rewcrd of $691 fs offw9d for..,....._"::\. to te.e ••nf of.._ aitoff lttcU•l.ae. •tpKhcl of 9 Los A ..... s .....,. .. Sa•illgs. 320 I Mewpert ltYd.. "-wporf l.acll at 2:1 S PM Friday, ,......, 16. 1979. c..._...,..__....,.. .. ._.. •• ~,, C7t4J 67 100 ........ 1111..._ S.CC•t Of._ CZIJt 6Zl-7J41 LOS ANGELES FEDERAL SAVINGS • . . . . . . --• -........... ,.,,,.. . orangeeoas10 •• 1vP1101 Editoria l Page ----------------~llml! ..... ~~----------------- Frtcfay. February 23, 1979 Robert N. Weed/Publlsher Thomas Keevll /Editor Blrbar1 Krelbichl Editorlal Page Editor S tat e's Generosit y N eeds Some Curbs Along with ll m ny olh r "firsts" CaJlromia la llrat in handing out un mploym nl ben fit.a to maralnalty quahfaed cloimnots . C'aUfomio's unemployme-nt In suran lag1bllily requir m nt is tho weakest or any :ilalc in the UOIOD, Approxlmat Jy b Ir ol those who ucees fully claim unemployment benl"Ols here -.®Id be totally ln U1lblc n et stat . • Und r pr ent rule , • claimant nff'd only cam $750 an an entire ) t•ar lo quallly for benefits of up to Sl.700. Thi cun tX' accomph bed tn Just a few weeks of ~nsonal "ork A Jlt~r:-on who c rn~ more than $5,400 even in u short J>('rlt>d ot th prior year, u m making TV com· merrinls <' n qualify for 26 weekb or benefits at the maximum ratt• or $104 Mo::.t of tho t> "ho file C'lau mt. ~m to be under the 1mpre~1on that they're JUSl drawing out money th\'y tht>msf'IH'S ha\!t> paid Into the fund Nol 1>11 Employer . not e mployee • pay every doUnr of unemployment insurance Paycheck deductions, also matched by the e mployer, are for dlsablhty. not un employmtlnl ~nef1ts. Exressivc cloims on the unemployment fund by the margmally quah.fied are eatm' up benefits that rightfully s hould ,::o to serious. full·lime worker~ who find themselves t••mporarily out of a job. A bill now in the st ate Le~islature <AB32S> would cor · reel the tmba lance by t1ghtemng eligibility standards and relating bend1ts to weeks worked, rather than dollars C'arned Thi:; would free up an estimated-$98 million a yl'ar which couJd b<' used to inrrease the maximum benefit from $104 to $127 a week for those who arc truly qualified. · The Legislature doubtless will be under pressure to increase benefits for all. This cannot be done without an inflationary increase in employer contributions. Tightening eligibility requirements to weed out the freeloaders would permit an increase in benefits for the qualified without further burdening the economy. This is one area where California could well retreat r rom its first place. (Too Much Theater While it's fine that television permits the American people to watch Ufe pres ident in action at a press con- ference, we can understand the complaints of Was hington correspondents who contend that the presence of TV cameras, lights, mikes, et al. has an adverse effect on the • true goal of the press conference. The correspondents are seeking fewer televised sessions and more old·style, informal question and a nswer meetings with the president. They find the presence of TV cameras creates a more formal atmos phere, encourages the president to make lengthy <and often boring) statements of policy, dis- courages sharp questions and, because of time limita· lions. gives little opportunity for follow-up questions that . woud would clarify a murky issue. Since mos t :press conferences are held during the work day when few people can watch, the suggestion that televised sessions be cut back and perhaps presented in prime time hours makes sens~ In between, there could be more productive, worka· d.ay sessions when reporters could sit down with the pre- sident for a longer period than television restrictions a l- low aod seek his views without the knowledge that everyone is "on camera.'' We've a feeling the president, the press and the public all would benefit from the less formal approach. ~Leisure World Afloat? The retire ment of a handsome ocean liner is always sad . Last year the luxurious SS Mariposa and SS Mon- terey were taken off their Pacific cruise runs and docked, • permanently, in San Francisco. ~ The Sailor's Union of the Pacific has cotne up with a • nov~l idea for utilizing thejr facilities. The ships have • cabms, lounge.s, galleys, dining salons, swimming pools, theaters, hospitals and space for retail shops. The union ~ wants to convert the vessels into retirement complexes for 700 senior citizens. The estimated cost would be sub- stantially lower than that cf building land·based units. The Brown a dministration is helping negotiate a -federal loan to enable the Sailor's Union to buy and con· • vert the liners. The union would operate a training center : on board to help keep maintenance costs down. The idea of creating a sort of dockside Leisure World is intrigulng and perhaps one the city of Long Beach might ponder if its troubles with the Queen Mary can't othe rwise be overcome. • • Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Daily Piiot Other views expressed on this page are those of their authors and t artists. Reader comment Is invited. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (71•) S.-2-4321 Boy d I Marriage Age By L. M. Boyd The number of men and women who remarry after age 65 has doubled in the last decade. How do you account for that? The sutveytakers who turned up this odd Dear Gloomy Gu Notice billboards ad· vertising new housing developmeM3 now list a phone number rather than a price range. Could It be the prices might Just scare off customera? CURIOUS statistic say their research Indicates most or these late- io-life marriages appear to be more serene than the earlier marriages or the same people. Our Love and War man is not ba!Oed by the serenity claim. What puzzles him Is why so many more older couples now are marrying in comparison to the number who married 10 years ago. A mother gorilla in the wlld invariably will defend her baby gorilla to the death. Note the word "Invariably"? Of what other beast can that be said? U you somehow managed to sneak up and make off with the baby, the mother wo,.tld track you for however long, and kill you, lf she could. Costa more to print the a lbum cover than to press '"1.be record in many cases, On any liven day, 43 out ol every 100 bouaeholda na· tlonwide aerve potatoes. Rowland Evana/Robert Novak Moscow Steps Up 'Dirty Tricks' WAS HINGTON -Sudden racaloUoo or Soviet dlrt}' lrieka. from fnttndlary antl-U.S. broad· eatta •nto Iran to for 1•d Amer•can lntelll1ence "plots" •l•lntt rorel1n 1overomentt. may abrupUy end President C'1rter•a 1ubml11lve 1>9Ucy of turaio, the other cheek every tlm Moecow roula Uncle Sam. That la the core of the advt~ JJOlng loto the Oval Oftl~ from high officials lontc alarmed at the lmpuni· ty Wlth whkh the Sov ie t U nio n . with tti4 unJetwred antelligence system, hn b~t'n dcfam· Ing the U.S. wath its wounded. vulnerable Central In- telligence Agency <CIA >. If the advice is taken, Carter will reverse 1t1nding State De partment orders that have given chief adviser on Soviet af. fairs Marshall Shulman veto power over all oUlclal State 0.J>artmnl pronouocemeot.J on Soviet eooducl. Sh1dman· para· mount objective has been a new atrate,ic arms limltat.lon agree- ment <SALT>. ACCOl'dingly, he rejected worklng·level State Def 1rtment recom mendation1 laa month to hit Moscow bard for Its Inflammatory a nu- American broadcaats into Iran. lnatead, Assistant Secretary or State Rodding Carter was in· structed to II mil his first criticism or Moscow to the cream puff phras e "n ot helpful." LATER, Carte r moved to more realistic language . But the net effect or the generally bland U .S pronouncements on Soviet broadcasts bas been zero. Just last week. for example. Radio Moscow trumpeted to millions of Iranians -emotionalized in the beat of revolution -that "plun- dering bands jointly created by the CIA and SAVAK" were pre· paring to murder Ayatollah Kho· meinJ, the Moslem father or the Nicholas Von Hoff man revolutlorl. If that aJ>d almUar charges were caleuJalfld to provoke an •ttack on the U.S. embassy In Tehran, they surely exceeded the Kmnlln'1 loft1est hopes. BeyolJd tbe lmmediate in· stance of Iran. hl1.b otficlals here fear that Soviet "dJsln· formation" and propaganda mills are weighlln1 tbe U.S .• Soviet acaJes dangerously to Moscow's advantage. Adding Kaflcaesque overtones la the ract that Soviet uae of the crippled CIA u principal malefactor on the world scene makes ~avy use of scurrilous p ropaganda against the CIA from the mole· like anti-CIA cull in the U.S. itself. I NDEED, non·CIA officials here responsible for keeping a sharp eye on the agency as a front-line weapon <now virtually toothless) in U.S .-Soviet com- petition say that the U.S. anti· CIA cult probably receives some or its financing from Soviet sources. "Keeping the movement goin1 against the Cl,\ clearly helps to give credibility to the Soviet di•· Information campalao about what American intellifence is auppoted to be dolnr around the world." one official told ua. Th1I belpa explain Ute auddeo reappearance of wbat ls known H the bogus "U.S. Army Field Manual 30-318," whJch first sur· raced ln 1976 in Thailand and the Pbillippines. The forgery was published ln Spain lo September 1978, and shortly thereafter in France. the Netherlands, Norway, Italy, Portugal, Japan, Mexico, Denmark and Greece, usually in far-left but widely. read newspapers. AU are in the U.S.·led Western camp. T he bogus field manual. labelled "top secret,'' Is an un. usually sophisUcat.ed product.loo job employing fuzzy photocopies and high quality literary design -telltale signs or Soviet authorship. In essence, It asserts that the U.S. will use "extreme lertist organizations to safeguard the interests of the United St.ates ln friendly nations where communists appear close to e ntering the government.·' SI GNED with the forged signature or the former Army chief or start and Vietnam com- manding general, Gen. William Westmorela nd. the bogus manual orders Army in- telligence to recruit agents and infiltrators in re volutionary or· ganizations because, It says, "the use of extreme leftist or- ganizations can contribute to achieving the declared goals." Tass, the Soviet news agency, reported on Oct. 26, in referring to a news story about tHe bogus manual in an Italian weekly, that "foreign intelligence or· gans, including the CIA, were in· volved in" the assassination of Aldo Moro. head of Italy's Chris · lian Democratic party. Such fla- grant lies are being employed to grease the skids for America's 'decline in the world, but their sour ce may soon lose the freedom of impunity. Jr so, it could mark the st.art of a new balance in playing the dirty but unavoidable gam e of power politics. Harvard Polishes Business Lying Skills The Wall Street Journal did Harvard University a disservice the other day. Unusual 'for two institutions so closely allied in the grand social reticulation. Nevertheless, the Journal was thoughtless enough to run a front page story with h ea dlines proclaiming, "To Some at Ha rvard Tell- i ng Li es Becomes a Matter of Course -Un- truths Can Improve Grade in Business School." THE ARTICLE quoted stu· dents saying such unpretty things as ". . . It seemed as lf everyone was lying. It wasn't bluffing. It was outright lying. I did it too." The teacher of this Competitive Decision Making course is allowed to explain the school, which Is often called the West Point for corporate ex· eculives. isn't trying to en- courage future chairpersons of the board to lie but to acquaint them with the fact that lying is part of much of tbe ordinary business milieu and they'd bet- ter learn bow to deal with it. The students quoted in the article said they bad been led to ART HOPPE believe that in some industries lying is the day.to·day way busi- ness gets done. but that in others people are reasonably honest with each other. Whether the de· mands' of business make ex· ecutives less truthful than welders or unfaithful spouses is a question best left to the sa· vants or Cambridge, Mass. The rest of us may wonder at the ethica l dilem ma th e Harvard Business School was placed io once it dete rmined that success in some industnes, even if not all. depends on pre- varication. SHOULD THE school simply refuse to recognize this opera- tional £act? Teach these stu- dents everything honest . decent and legal about running a busi· ness and let 'em find out later that success. in some types of work, depends less on figuring out ecooomJes on the production line than on how well you lie. cheat and steal? The danger there is that Harvard Bus iness Sch ool graduates would ~o out into the hard, and perhaps not entirely honest world or finance, and get clobbered. They might begin to get a reputation for being a bunch of naifs. persons trained not for the real world of busi· ness. but for some professorial never-oever land In which cor· ,_ porate veeps are goody.goody gumdrop5. AS 11IE WORD got around the higher towers of the nation's downtown business districts that Harvard Business School grads were soft.nosed, impractical moralists, the school would lose r espect and as its students were less and less sought after by would·be employers, fewer am- bitious young business persons would aspire to go there. As enrollment dropped, the school's ancient e nemies, the pro- fessoriate from the mainline, prestige departme nts like physics, French and history - the high status faculty wbo 've always considered schools of business scandalously close to academic quackery -these peo. pie would move in, point out the business school was losing money and suggest scholarship as well as the budget would be best served by turning the place into a horticultural experiment station. Just as all businessmen as· suredly don't tell lies. all pro. fessors don't fit the modern mold. but as a class they've worked overtime these past 30 years to change from being fum bledee pussy cats of a de- cidedly charming kind lo brute· brained pragmatis t s, fee- charging consultants and in- lellectual rutmen. It is a long way from a Mr. Chips to a Pat Moynihan or a Jim Schlesinger or a Henry Kissinger, though they are professors-all. When businessmen do break the code, they are still sufficient- ly loyal to the common morality of the land oot to brag about it and not to blame it on the ruJes of the game. Take two recent felons from the highest ranks or corparate America, William E. Grace and Robert D. Rowan, un- til recently the chairman of the board and president, respective· ly. of the Freuhaur Corp., the billion dollar truck trailer com- pany <No. 140 in the Fortune 500 >. These two old boys have been fined Sl0,000 and placed on supervisory probation after be· ing convicted of conspiring, over a ten year period, to defraud the government of e normous amounts in excise taxes. These apparently able mis· creants, who at the moment are only on leave of absence from their elevated positions. have confined their explanations to saying whatever they did, they did for their company. Perhaps if one Is going to in- struct students on "strategic misrepresentation," as t.hey call it at the Harvard Business School. il would be s marter to employ a tactical misrepresen- tation and lie about it. Sad Fate of a Holdout in the Credit World We don't talk much in our family ubout Cousin Bradford. Bradford always was an odd on~. Oh. It wasn't sex or alcohol or manners. Outwardly, he seemed every Inch a respectable American. But the fact of the matter was that he never charged anything. It was n't hJs credit ratln1. Bradford had a good, steady in- come a s a manurac · lurer's rep and he never m a rried . 1 s uppo s e w o m e n sensed there .. was some · t h i n g peculiar about him. I mean lf you take a young lad)t out for a spot of wtne and chicken cacclatore and pay the check with a $50 bill, abe'• l°'na ' • to think you 'rt' a bit ''dif rerent, .. to say the least. Aunt Werta aJways suspected Bradford w as a 'closet charger," wbo went on out-of· town credit sprees and none the wiser. Uncle Osmond, on the other hand, figured Bradford ror a reformed credit addict who swore ol1 wbcn he reallied be simply couldn't handle the stuff. Nei\Mr wu riJ(hl. The truth was that Bradlord n ver had o much as a grocery store charge account ln hls life' I KNOW. lie and I had u I~ talk about It. "Look, Brad." t said, man·tO·man. "I just read In Newsweek that th average American adult owns 4.2 credJl' cards. 1be least you could do is make eome oil company happy by Puttlnc your gasoline on the tab." "I can't atrord •car,'' he said. "Nonaeose," I aald. "A snau.y new sports model could' be yours for only $275 a month." "You mean Sl0,000." he said. "Thut 's half a year's hard work." "It's that kind of thinking that keeps you from Uving In a slick view condom.in.lum ror monthly payments of only $612. What's $612 to you?" "It's $S>.OOO." he !laid. "And that's more money th,.n l 've ever seen in my Ufe. Do you realize I'd be in hock ror the ooxt 30years?'' .. THE TROUBLE with you. Bradford.' I said testily, "is that you look upon money as money. Money Is not money . Money Is a little plastic card whJch you hand someone who alves you something and a month later you receive a bill which you pay by check -none of which bu anything to do with money." "r do n't car e ." he s aid adamantly. "I'm my own man. I don't owe anyone a single red cent." "Exactly," I said. "The rest of us Americans are $1.5 trillioo in debt. And if we don 'l continue spending more than we have, the economists agr~ there's go- ing to be a blg recession. Now are you going to pull your weight or aren't you?" SHORTLY after that, we had a family conference about Brad· ford's embarrassing attitude toward the American way of d bl. In tbe end. we agreed we had no choice. We had hJm declared incompetent to handle his own affairs and committed to the Daffodil DcU Happy •~arm where they charae $872.16 a month for his care. ll 's a shame. For that kind of money, he could bave boUCbt • y1cbt. NATION Widow's Arrest Blessing DAYTON . Ohio <AP ) Deloret l>t'an went two da}'I wllbout ~alt 10 ber u x dop aad low" C'lta <"OUkl hart her 1pa1bltU -hft' only food. She had DO "edr'k'lly, lmd the IU company tbl'u te oed 10 cul rvltt On t'Old f'Vt•1unp, ht-F1id •hi vl11ted with a n lghbor ••so I wouldn't b avt to H In tho dark." ALL ntAT CH NGED 1n one w·ttk, with h r .arr'-' t. whlrh i caa worker call "• bleutna In di ulae " :.f n . Ota11. ~ and a widow for ftW" )ear&. hvt.>s alon . bas no rt-l attvt"s .ind aets ·uo2 a month in Soc11al ~curtly lier rent la $86 a mooth aod uUllU av rase S8'7 a month She i s kn o wn I n th e nelahborbood for talU.na lo st.ray pet.a and roaming empty houses for anything usable. Last month she was arl't'Sted a nd charged wlth breaking and entering when she explored a house she thought was vacant. It wasn't LINDA HUDSON, caseworker with a pre-trial release program for Montgomery County Com- mon Pleas Court. said her arrest "may have been a blessing in disgulse. At least now she is a ward of the courts and we will help as we can." Because of publicity about her plight. Mrs. Dean now bas about ·Sl,000 ln cash, paid-up gas and ·electric bills, donations or food and clothing for· herself and several months' supply of pet food . Her electricity is back on. "To her. what she has now is like If she inherited a million dollars," sajd Ms. Hudson. "And I've got to let her know it won 't be forever . "THE RESPONSE HAS j ust been overwhelming. Some man walked into the electric com- pany and didn't give his name but put down $327 in C!!Sh and s aid ·1 want to pay Delores Dean's light bill.' ·'Another lady donated $50 to the light company. Seve ral others stopped and-paid some on he r biJl and now s he bas a cr ed il "In just one day I received $325 in the mail for her, all P,at from five people. One lady sent a check for $250. Someone sent $20 cash in an envelope with no iden· tification. "P EOPLE HAVE GONE lo her home and left food for her and for the pets. The dog pound gave ber dog and cat food and offered to license and neuter the pets. "She called me from a neighbor's phone and said peo- ple bad stopped and given her over $300 in cash and checks.'' Ms. Hudson will supervise Mrs. Dean eight more months. She wants to see that she is cared for after that. INursery Specia!J STAR JASMINE Excellent shrub, vine or ground cover. Fragrant flowers. AdG WIDOW SHARES WITH PETS Delore• O.•n Cuddle• ·One of Her Dogs • t ' • ,. • Fri~. February 23, 19t9 DAILY PILOT ,4. 7 Dangerous Diet • Just Vegetables Held Inadequate CJIJCAGO <AP> -A strictly among those who eat 1111 types or Or. Johanna Dwyer of Boston's ve1etartan diet may lead to de-food, including meat. New England Medical Center, formitlel and even death for In· Kwas hiok or , o c curri ng with colleagues from other in· ranlt and cbJldren because it primarily in Africa, Is marked 1tltuUoos. provides Inadequate nutriUon, by swollen stomachs, drying and E i g b t y · r our vegetarian two ttudiea report. wrinklln& skln and In.adequate children from yogic and Seven- The s tudies appear In the development. Marumus is th·Day Adventist iroups w.re February laue of the American marked by emaciation, and s tu died. T h os e on atflct Journal ol l>Uleaaea of Children, rickets ttault.a in bowed legs and vegetarian diets were found lo publi1bed by the American otberskeJetaldeformiUes. receive marginal amount.a of KedlcalAlloelation. vitamin D, calcium and ONE STUDY WAS written by phosphorus. IN AN EDITO&IAL accompa-Two cases of rickets were con· oytng the studies, Dr. Laurence 'R ' S firmed in this group, and lndica· Finberg, a pediatrician at Mon-0018 pUrS lions of rickets were found in 17 tefiore Hospital and Medical o t h e r c hildren o n s trict Center ln the Bronx, N. Y ., points Jn vegetarian diets. out that these problems may be leresl in The researchers also found overcome by adding adequate two othe r cases of rickets in vitamin D and other supple· Fi_,,_!) vegetanan children not included ments to the diet. Vitamin Dis w.u.iiy T. rees in the study. derived from cod liver oil and THEY SA.ID 88 percent of the sunshine, among other sources. W ASIDNGTON <AP > -Free children on a strict vegetarian The pediatrician says that the family history packets have diet had ah inadequate intake of risk of inadequate diet increases be red b N at especially among strict en prepa Y the ation vitamin D. while 18 percent of vegetarians who also reject Archives, which is anticipating other vegetarian children - dietary supplements, such as renewed interest in genealogy as those who ate some animal foods vitamins. a result of "Root.a : Tbe Next -bad such an inadequacy. A strict vegetarian diet is de· Generations." Dr. Ebud Zmora or Ben· nned as one which bars intake of The archives bas millions of Gurion University or the Negev documents pertinent to in Beer-Sheba, Israel, reported at least four or tbe five animal genealogicaJ research, such as on four cases or nutritional In· foods: red meat, poultry, fish· ceoslf!S schedules. military adequacy among children in the seafood, eggs and dairy prod-recordsandshippassengerlists. "Black Hebrew" community, a ucts. ll was at the archives that Alex strict veget.arian group whlch FIN BERG SAYS, ''NO single Haley. starting with the 1870 dlstains any medical assistaoce vegetable protein, unlike those cens us. began his 13-year except for life.threatening dis· from many animal sources. 1s searchforhlsAfricanorigins. eases. It is made up of about capable of providing both a su!· "Roots," the television series 1,000 members who came to ficiency and an appropr iate two years ago based on Haley's Israel from Chicago, Detroit, balance of amino acids for long-book, is credited with a 70 per· Cleveland and Los Angeles. term human nutrition." ce nt increase in research re· The four cases examined bad Unless children eat a proper questst.othearcbives. 'profound protein·calor ic balance or proteins, Finberg Public useofthedocuments has malnutrition," severe rickets, says, they may develop such dis· dropped since. but it is anticipat-brittle bones and vitamin 812 eases as kwashiokor, marasmus e d that "Roots II ,·· being and other deficiencies. One4 of and rickets. all of which rarely televised nationally this week, the four died. The others re· Propos~d M em 0 riaJ-o_c_c_u_r _i_n_de_v_e_l_op_e_d_n_a_t_io_n_s· __ w_il_lr_e_oe_w_i_n_te_re_s_t_. ______ c_ov_e_r_ed_afte __ r_d_le_ta_r_y_t_re_a_tm_en_L ,..., FDR c . . . d YOU ARE INVITEP .I. 0 r1t1c1ze TO COME AND CELEBRATE WASHJNGTON (AP> --The Interior Department s ays a pro- posed memorial to Franklin D. KhmExhibit Plans Hit WINSI'ON·SALEM, N.C. <AP > -Two civil rights organizations are up ln arms about plans for a Ku Klux Klan exhibit at the Forsyth County public library to fealure robes. crosses and Civil War r elics. The director o f the Anti· Defamation Le ague of B'nai B'rilh and the president of the Winston-Salem chapter of the NAACP on Thursday criticized the library board for aUowing the exhibit, which wilt open Monday. Roosevelt is too costly to con- struct and maintain. Interior Secretary Cecil D. An· drus also questioned the ap· proprlaleness or an expe.nslve mqnument to a president ''who m8'!e it very plain that be did For Vibrant, Glowing Color In The Shade ... TUBEROUS BEGONIAS Upright and basket voneties. Rose, Ruffled and Picotee forms. GIANT TUBERS 1.98 EA. 3 OR MORE 1.79 EA. We also have GLOXINIA TUBERS and CALLA Lil Y BULBS. 1 Gal. Reg. 2.98 •m IT'S TIME TO GET GROWING! We have the LAR8EST IURPEE SHD SEl!CTI°" tn the area. Ger your favorite seeas and many new varieties planted now. ALSO-Now ·s the time ro planr SEED POTATOES , OMONS, SHAUOTS, GARUC, TOMATOES, PIPPllS, MORE PHONE 546-5525 not want a large costly monument I e rected in hi s hono r in1 Washington.'' . The FDR Memorial Com- mission proposed building a 1,000-foot meandering granite wall aJong with waterfalls, foun-1 ta ins and sculptur es on the j western edge of Washington's Tidal Basin. The estimated cost to bu.ild the monument is $46 million to $50 million, which would make it the KALEY ALA DAY MARCH 3rd 10 -6 P.M. 11 A.M. color MR OR lraYtl to ,..._.., loae McANJ P°"'""'J D1•w1raHo. ...t lllp b1J Mllldltt . UYE KAMTB.E MUSIC • llRISHMINTS! most costly memorlaJ ever built &...A •~h in this country, government of-Saaclff Y1locle • H•lm;:a11 -=- Shop r::c:=:l Atcc:=t KALEVALA Cicials say. Maintenance costs M• md Y~ • ,.._ 53M51 I are estimated at $1.2 million t.o Hows: IN Daily & S...tay $1.6 million a year. ._ __ ;,... ______ ..:..,. __ ....;.. ___ ""-_________________ _ Welcomes You To Three Delicious Values Eat your way through the day with three popular Denny's meals at very special prices. During February and March, the Denny's Family Restaurants listed below are offering a breakfast, a luncheon and a dinner item at reduced prices. Simply present each coupon at the participating Denny's most convenient to you and you'll receive the delicious meal described for the special coupon price. We know you'll be pleased with the food and with the very hospitable people who are looking forward to serving you. Denny's is the favorite restaurant of millions of Americans. With more than 100 menu Items available 24 hours a day, we're certain you'll find the kind of food to flt your mood. So, sit back, relax and enjoy. • A DENNY'S BREAKFAST VALUE! .. A DENNY'S LUNCHEON VALUE! A DENNY'S DINNER VALUE! --E FRIED CHICKEN DINNER § ----: Four crispy pieces of chicken,$ 2 8 9 : : choice of pol•toes. vegetables, : -cranberry sauce, rolls and butter • -: St•rt with choice of tossed salad : 5 or a cup of hot soup. with this couoon 5 -= § p;esent this coupon at the participating Denny's listed below 5 -: Cotta Meu COtla Mesa Hunt1noton Beech Huntin._ijton Beach Huntington e.t:l'I : : 105£ 1711'1 2U08risto1 10136Ad.lma 7490Ed1nQef 1twne..ch - !.1111111111111111111111111 OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 31, 1979 lllllllllllmmnmr. REDEEM YOUR COUPONS ONLY AT THE PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS LISTED BELOW. 2640 Harbor Blvd .• Co1ta Me1e Huntington Beach Huntington Beach Huntington Beach 10136 Adams 7~90 Edinger 18477 Beach DAILY 1-5:31 SUN. t-S:to ' • ~. DAILY PILOT Smart, PleaSant F e~tufes Win At Irvine High The 2.000 studP.nta at yt>ar old lrvlne Hl«h School at· t nd aft 1wa"'·wtnntn1r rbaot Arcblt lu.ral ~oc pt. ror d lp of the school recently won Ron D. Youo1•1 lA6 AltO!I headquartered arcbUttl firm top award •n a nallonwtdt' deahcn compeUUon aporuoN'd by the Amcncan lnat.Jtute of Archlt.-t'la and th \ Amu1can Aatoc'latton M Sc-huol Admlnl1tntorw Tilt> award r1t«'d a plan of lnt«'ITltNJ dClllf(n which frtalC'S n t>nvtroom~nt whlrh " romto-rtabl4' and t>llht'Urally plH1Hn1 tn ldl' Md out of doors. ' arrordlna to a 1pok pt'nw>n for lht' C'Omp(•Ullon 11ponsor1 NIN 8 ILOINGS SlJRROl NO " <'OUrtyard on tht' l'ampl.1.8 ut 4321 Walnut Avf' rill UIJ ('00Crt•lt cd~rlOf'll with 1tyroroam (orm llnt'rs 11nd flat roo( CC>l\l\rutllOn art fe-atutfod oo tJw bu1ldln1C• lnlerk>n art• corutructed or rouah i.11wn plywood A S.anh• Cort"y 1ua'k•nntc-ndf'nt of the lrvm" Unlflod S(bool Dlalrtct. ond \'oune note an 1mporuaot attrlbuw II\ the f WlcUOOal quahUcll or lilt' LnalrucUonal UH achleved "desp le Umlt.aUoos or GO •~tere bud&tt " Tbt> bu.Hdlnaa. on 40 arr~. Wt!re <'Onatrut'Led al a CUtll of S7 s aulhon "WE llAD A 8 IX.a:.,. OF $47 02 per squar.-foot and an area of 8S squar.-feet J>t>r student. restrict.Jons twice as great as the national uverage," Young said "We saved money by using outdoor spaces such as landscaping, steps and planter walls of the e ntry courtyard lo organize building spuces and direct circula· lion." the arch1tt>ct said "We believe' the design acbieves our obJect1ve of creating un architecturally significant 1>chool within limltt'd mt'aos "Our internal spact> arrangement 1s adaptable to changing patterni. of organization and construction," Young said. "We a re pleased with the functional qualtly and permanenct' of the pro1ect." Young and Corey were in New Orleans to receive th award A Sculptured steps, lamps and walls provide an esthet1cally pleasing f'T}Bin entrance to the nme-· btilding, $7. 6 million Irvine High School campus. ... LOCAL Integration of wood and concrete point up the terraced landscaped entry to the Performing Arts Center, bottom left. The performing arts courtyard, left, is the focal point of the campus at 4321 Walnut Ave. The interior of the Instructional Media Center -Library, above, features high ceilings. individual study tables and makes use of rough sawn plywood. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Oto .. U.LIC HEAlllNG 11.nm .. OTICE 01' ~·LIC HEAlllNG NOTIC1fOf' .. U•LICNeAlllNG a EP'ottE THE CITY COUNCIL NOTICE TOCllEOITOll$ a El'Ottl! TWf CITY COUNCii. NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN llMI" 01' THI! He. A....,, Of' THE oul>li< hHrntq will 0. IWIO by'"" Cit• CITY Oto l'OVtfTAIN VAlLl!Y SU .. l!lllott COUllTOto THE CITYOI' l'OUNTAIN VALLf'Y '°"'"" of I .... Cily of Cost• ~ on NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN INI STATE 0 1' CALtf'OllNIA 1'011 NOTl(f IS H('Rf 8V GIVfN 11\.tl Marci\ "· ''"· .. , • JO p"'. In ti\ .. on TueSCS.y, -<" •• 197', .ti l •OO pm THI! COUNTY OP' OttANGE Oft T-Y. M3•CI\ "· 1'1• .. , I 00" m Council CMmC~nof City Hall. 11 f'dtr In 1'-Council 0..tnl>e<, 10'200 Sf.tt•r In "'" M3ftff of 1M Estate of NEIL In '"" Council O..ml!<'r 10100 <,t.tt"' Orin Coil.a Mew. on ltw follOwlnq Avenue, Fount.tin VAiiey, C.lllo<nl•. A KINGSTON, O..Ce•wd A'fft'IW, f'ounlelft Vn11 .... (.tlllo•nlA, "'"""" , ... C.lh Covncll will !>old • l)Vbll< NOTICE IS Hl!llEBY GIVEN TO , ... City Councll Wiit h<>IO .. 1><11111< p R 0 PO s £ 0 R E..e£A L 0 I' "-••1"9 Oft I,,. IOtlowlno credllO<\ 1\41VlnQ tl.tlmS .t0.tlnlt the N.trln<1 Oft'"" IOllOWtnQ 0 A D I NAN CE N 0 3 3 • W h Ir h • II IUOLUTION NO. 1St4 -A Will dl>C-110 Ille >.tld claim• in the lll!SCM..UTION HO IS.. d '""°lu Hlabll-a m1n1m""' 1Mttldl1>9 ''" RESOLUTION OF TH[ CITV COVN· Olli<• OI llW (~t~ of '"" •IOrM.tld lion Of lht' Clly Councll '"I"" ("tty ()f baO from'"" PtOCll!r1Y llnM on LOI\ I CIL OF THE (ITV 01' FOUNTAIN court or to IJ".Wnl """" 10 '"" ..... Fountl>ln VAll•v ""<IMln<I '" •n l•n lhrovql\ ,., Tta<t 3'31, "' 10110 .... tat VALLEY DECLARING IT'> INT EN· d•"lllMO at 1"41 offlc• qi RICHARD p tlon 10 VMAI .... .,..,..,,,.An ........ m .. nt so .... , from the unterlt"" Of e .. -... T ION TO VACATE A PEDESTRIAN N f UL AN 0, HI CK EV A N D loutl'd tn TrMt 1'1'1S • .tnd vtt1nn '"" Sll'ffl, A-pl\ A_,,n...,, .tnd St Clatr EASEMENT LOCAT ED IN TRACT NEULANO, ~I L<1mo-t St , Sult• !Imp ""'' 1>tAI" tor 1>u1>t;r nt<1r1nn Strut. -11>1 70 feet from IM cen 19'S, ANOSETllNG THE TIM[ ANO SO&, fl Tor'O, CA '74JO -lch lallor ol· th•r~nn And 1>rov1'11nr1 fnr '"" tort1Mof8rhto1Sl,.,..I Envlron,,,,.nlat P LACE l<OR PUBLIC Hl!ARtNC lie• I\'"'° Pia<• of buSI~• Of IM un· IM'•form-• Of all Mh r"(lutr•d Ov10folermlNliOn E1,.mpt THEREON ANO PROVIOINC FOR de"lllned In •If l'Nllen l)ert.tlnl119 to ,... p R 0 p 0 s E 0 RE p EA L 0 f THE Pl!RFORMANCE 01' ALL ACTS Hid ....... $11<1\ claims with '"" ThOW O.Strlncl lo loslllv In IAttQ< O< 0 A 0' NAN c E N 0 • , ' .. h I ( n RCQUIRE08YLAW MOlwr't vouctwrs must be Ill«! O< In -"Ion lo'"'' pr~• w lll ~ HlllbllShedbulldlnosel!Je<kllnuolO Tl>o'lf' O..lrl1>9 to !Hiit• In 1.tvor or pruellled H .tlonuld wll,,ln IOU• Olvon an oooonunth to do \0 II IHI trom l1W Conte<llM of M.t<Arthu• In OC)poMllon to thh propowt wllt o. monlhl ttlte• IN 11"1 pul>lk.tUon o1 furtMr lnf0tmetlan '' .,..,,, • ., vou BoulltVord f-ly Tell>er1 A-• 111von en OC)PO•lunlly to do \O II '"" nolke mey <-eel lhe Puollc WO<-\ o.-o.itrl from H•ftlor 8outev...., on -Hll to lurlhor lnform•llon I• Oe•lr•d you O•led FeoNMY 21. I~ menl al ~I ,,.. Clh hml~ on IN Wftl Environ· mey canla<.I the Public Wo<k• °"'4trl• Nell A l(l"'l'ton, Jr. CtTY0COUNCll OF THC """'p'!'oOe1POa<S-E 0 1'o: EE•Pome>lE • L Or men I •I,.,..,,, E-utor Of tN wtll CITY F " " ~ r CITYCOUNCILOI< oh.tlCIOK.o.nt FOUNTAINVAlLEV ORDINANCE NO 1•• wl\IC h TH£ Cl TY OF lllCMAllO ~. NEUL.A .. 0 EWIY" Nl(C..,_ HlobllShed bullOlnq Wibe<• llne1o of 60 FOUNTAIN VALLEY A_,...,_~ Clty0.r1< fffl lrom IN ceni.<"llM of F•lrv~ EV91Y" M<C.lendon Hk h y & .....,._ Pul>O-0.""'9t Coast O.t1ly Piiot Road lrom N<t-1 8ouleva<d Oft IM cir, O.t1< nttt ~St. F-...,yT.I "" \tH• _,.,. 10"'" c11., ""'"'on the north Pul>lllNdOU"OtCoastO•llvPllol, s. ... ,.. Vlctorl• Slr••I ••om Newpor1 Foon.arvn, ''" \IS.7' •• T-. CA '2IUI 8out•vard on '"• east 10 Harbor Tel; 0 1417...,.. .• PUBLIC NOTICE 8oulnenlonlhe..Sl;lhe~"'"o' Pul>ll-°'-C.OHl Dally Pllol H.trbo• Boutev••d from West lflh l'•b n . M41r 1 • ••. ,.,. •10-1' !tlrffl on ""' _.i1> to w11-. St,.,..I °" ----C.....,14 th~ nort", and '"• ••\f '•Ot o• PUBLIC NOTICE C~.a74 fllOllCE TOCllEDITOllSOI< HMOo• 8oul"~"'d l1om 8Prnarll NOTta T'O CllEDITOllSOI' PUBLIC NOTICE a ULIC TllAHSP'Ell APIO 01' ,,, .. ton the south to WllWft Str,.•t on aULIC TllANStoEll AHO OP' IPITEN'TION TO TllANSl'C II lhtt nor111 Env•ronment•I ~1prm1n• INTENTION TO TllAHSP'lll J011N A LANE -BARBARA J AL~C aEVEllAGC LICCNH l•Oft E •empt ALCONOLJC ••v•llAOl!LICEHll lANf Ol IOOOSkyllno OrlYe, L.tQu... tl•Cl·""-'mu.cc """ PROPOSED REP EAL 01' Sen .•lt1 •lf1U.CC. 8e•<h,CAllMr11ta,1eyc1..imtoltwlO Ml7)o74a&,.C:-I OPDt NAN CE NO . 31' whteh and J4G7~74 a&,. c:..kl II .,ldlh Of unlltte<I "MM\flll IO<All>d NOllCP I\ ,..,..l>Y qtven '"'"' " bulk e\lel>lll~ bulldlnQ Y1b&<k """' ol 3~ Notice I\ he,..by 111ven '"•' • IMtl l>elwun 9'1 Skyllno O•. L•11un• lr •n•ter, lncludlnQ An •tcoholi< l<W"I IH IMI on tronlAQC' of co,,...r tot• tran•ler, 1ncludln9 en al<oholl Beach Calllornl•, •nd 1000 SkVllM b<tv<lr-lkfft'Ml. I• al>Out to"" made at tll• l"""""''°"ol Fulle•ton Avenuo IM!vor"Qe llcfft,., h •l>•hll lo be m.O. Orlv•. l<MJllNI e..c:h. C.llfornl.t. Said of H>el <•r1.tin bffr M>d .,,,,.. lavern And Or•not A.,.,,uel lrom lhf' cen of 111•1 Ger1eln bffr ""° wlM lever t•Hment run\ on a llM N n •t•'1•" E IMtslMU ~-n <I\ TH[ OFl't(( •nd ltrtl,,. of EMI tit,, Street l>&IWffn bu•IMU known a• THC OFFICC a trom Skytl,,. OriYe-Ul-st0< A9-IOC•led at 11'78 NeWPOr1 Blvd, City of Newport 80uleverd e11d Oran9" IO<Altd •I 1119 Newport Blvd . Clly of pror lm•lety IS. U '. P•r1 of SE"•· Coll• Mesa, County of Or,,nqe, Stale of Avf'nUe Environment~! Delermln.t Co\la ""-"· COUnly of Oranoe, SIAlt SW "•· Section H . l .7S. R•W, Callfo<'nle llOn: £•empt of Califomle . 5.8 8 &M NAme of Tren\toror And Llctn!lff, PR 0 P 0 5 E 0 RE PE AL 0 , Neme of Tr_.__ .tnd li<•Mff, _._A ~ !IO<lel M<urlly number and """""" 0 A 0 I N AN CI' N 0 11 J w h 1th SO< l•I -.11<11y numt>er .tnd bu"net Bel1>a<• J ~ -.u en: ntel>lllMd Dulldlno wll>Kk line. of j() add•'•U ..,... Published 0.otnQe C.oAtl o.lly Piiot JAMES HARPER, 170 lndu\lrlet Itel trom ltte unletllM of E••t 1711\ JAMES HARP£R, ''° lncluslrlel ,.b 13, 1•. ts. tm ., .. ,. Wey, Colt• Mew, C.tolornl• ,,.,, s s ..... , .. IOI~ ,., on ll>e north'""' Way, Cost• Mete, C.llloml• ,,.,,, S s ••~ from lnrlne A~uo on the HSI to S No •~ PUBLIC NOTICE Name. social -urlly numbe• end N•wllOrl8ou19vMdonlhew~I. !l>lon Name. !IO<l•I M<U<llY numl>er •nd bu•lneu eddr•H of lnl•nd•d lhe '°"'"side trom '"''"" Awnue on l>uslneH eddreu Of lnt•nded Trenstoree,1nc1Udlno••P<°"" ••• ttw•HllO•poinl UOteetw.,•lofllll' Traft\terM, ln<ludl"9 llP <-.. ,. NOTIC& INVITUtO ••os EVE SCHOEN. 31 .. All• Leouna Cffll..-llM of SenlA A ... Awnue on'"" Eve S<hOon, JI .. Alie LeQun.t NOTICE IS HElllEeY GIVEN '""' Blvd , l~ Bea<.h, C.lltornl• t1Ut -•I • .tnd ftl Oft , ... south side'""" lvd. ~Beach, C.lllornl• '7'51 ltle 8oar-d of Trvsteet of ltle Coast SS • 14~-}ol O<anv-A-on the Hsi to H--t No 10 I~ Community Oii .... Olstrkt of 0<""99 rot•I c-'de<alton 10 be paid '°' tl\e Boulever-O on --L Envlrcwwnenl•~ Tot el con\ldlt,.llon to l>f' paid tor lllt Oountv. Cellfornle, Wiii receive w•lecl pr_r1., CIMCrl-tn Ill'""'"' u •II O.t•rmtNllon E••mi>t property dH<rtbed, In Qene••'1°' ell bids up lo 7·00 p.m ., W-•da.,, \IO<k ln tr-tllfl\.t,.\.t'OU•Pf'l"nlend COUNCIL REVIEW OF ZONE sloe~ In ··-· llJ11ur ... eQUl-1 Merell 14, .. ,,, "' -f'Urc1141\lnq 9000 will to9Wltte< wHh , .... llunM IS EXCEPTION ZE ,.. ••• M<. -Mr\ and ~ wtll loOOI'-' wltll IN ll<•nM Oepl of Mid ~ cllltrk'l louted .ti JS.,000 oo A Sper>ce< Ford, U,. For'Cllwlm O•tw taU..00000 UIO Adams Avenue, C:Hl.t Me\a, o.scn,itlM A.....,.,. Costa ~. lor • Conclltlo,..1 uw Oflcri,tlM A-C.lllornle, lit Wlllch time Mid 1>14• w111 1 po,_..i che<to ' i,ooo oo h•mll to-·••• • Cl.tY ott 1.t<llltv I por-ltN<lo l i,000.00 O.pul>lklY-'*-,..*''°' ldOl,...ndnolf' to ""r~Med wllll u ... of 11••-tn lf" t1alillno 7ctem•nd-.tollenot.t<td REBID PlllNT1NG, 81NOING & 1nusl\t""°"91\escrow sln9lef-tyrttloen<•.l«•t4'dall"" lntull~fl(row TlltMMINO 01' ",._..GOLDEN tOl•llnq 7',0000ll ebov• add••n £nv1renment•t 104•111119 7'.000.00 WIEST COLLIEOI! CATALOG I lnalall_ _ _ 0.termlnallon Eompt llnsl.all ....... nole-AllblO\.,..tobeln K~wllll .e<vrltY..-nlln ZONE EXCEPTION ZE·rt.U, Jot H<url!'r ..,_.,,..., In Ille lnstrVC11ofts -CiMOllloM -feYO< of Mlle< JS,000 00 LIOyd, _,,_, ~ f0< 0... T-n fa::;;.::::. .. ~GOO.DO s.i.c111<eOons trWllkh .,.. -on tile Kind ot tic-10 o. 1renlfHr..i •ncl Ce11t•r Ori~• Auocl.ttes, .,, T-n ~ .. "' --....... -MC-In, ... Offk• of -~ .,.. Ol>-S.le Bff• .tnd WIM C•lll•• Orlw, Gos•• Mete, lo• an _,,,_,. -: l'vr<ll•""'9 Aqent of Ml<! ~ ell LIOtnse .,.,_....,. lO IN Fi...t O....._.,,..,t On-s.te ~end Wine Lleenw. ll'kl. TM M19 -tr-'tf' wlll be c-PIAl'I IZl!•,....I to odd '-penlnQ Tiie WM ond lrontfff wtll 0. <-EKll ~ -~t wltll Ills _..,. .. IO a m. on « ell•• the level\ to 1"e tour•'-! pe1111nq alrU< wmmet.O "' IO • m °" « •lier IN llld • <Alhier'• Clleek, CMllll9cl <lle<ll, ""' day Of MM<ll, 1m 111 -escrow lu,. u-<-ln.<11of't, i..ttd •I ..0 tttll day of MM-ell, tm, •• -esc.-w lllelder"s bond -pay..,._ lo.,,. .._.,,,._. of l"roffltloll•I escrow T-n C-0r1,,., lf'I • TC zone. En CMperlmel'tl of Pf'Ofeui-1 C'I<,_ onler of IN C.oAtl c-lly Col S.nol<H •• mt N Tustin AYenue. vlr~ O...mirWttlon: En,.lt'Oft S.rv1<e1 lit lttl N. Ttlltlf'I AYenw, O h lrlct &o.rd of Tr11ttffl 11'1 en s.tl!t• AM Celtfoml• m•11t•I I mpaCI Report •<<•P••d 5.tflt• AN, CAlll!oml•. amouf'lt rlOI tesl INn five percent ""'I All -Dutlneu • ~ end ad Febf'uery '· .. ,. All OI-""'"""• NfMI -... of ........... blCI ••• tuaraMM lllM IN ...... UMd llY ltte rrellt'ten>• wll,,11'1 NOTICE IS. FURTHlill GIVEN, .... , rHMI -by IN Trentleror wltllln bidder wOI ... ,.., lf'llO tlle Pl'"OtlO Ille peU ttwwe.,..,. '°far •t 1, known •I Hid time and ptKt, any .tnd etl , ... .,. .. '"'" .,..,. IO,., •• 1' known ConlrK1 If -Mme •• _.,.. 10 .... Ir...,..... -• SAMI! .,.,,_, l..........o .... ., ...... •nd .,.. 10 :';;: !~..,... a<~;,:('.':.f! !clef lllm 11'1 IN -1 of t.itu,.. 10 ont9f tn· Tiie PM119t _." i11.t1 IN contlde+'•· Mlrd lly t~ (Uy Cou11ct1 oll '"• '"'"• 'a9'" <ont •· " 111<11 c.itrK1, Ille ....-s of Ille 11on tor Ille ,,_.., of the l>vtln.o atoreme11tlonld Items !Ion tor , ... ,,..,. .. ,of , ... buslnen <MO Wiii be forf•ll"· or In , ... ,.,. and Ille·~ Is 10 .. pekl •lt•r .... l lLl!•N P. PHtNNl!Y, •nd 111• lkeMe ,, to -paid •ll•r , ... of a bond .... lull ....... ,,,.,_. wlll -Otp.tflmenl Of AICOllOllt ..... r... CllY Ctefk O.p•rtmer1t of AltOllOllc Bevtra .. torfelted to Mid tc-4 dl•trkl. e.omrol ""' epproved tM Pf-.oted Publt''*' Orlll\9t Goet1 Delly Pllol, ~~~~!\At •pprovoed Ille P•oPOMd No l>ldCIW ,...., wllhclr-1111 llltd tor 1rtt1sl•r Fe«>tuerylJ, "" .. ,.,. Dated P'ebrufry" "" • Ptrlod Of IOr'ly•llYe 101 d.tvt att.< 0.led l'etlruott<y It, tt7' !w kNffl ' Ille de le M4 fOr IN opoenlf19 ,......... .I-. H•,,.r Tr......... TM 8oef'd of TNlltH ,_, IM lr-lenlr J_H.._. or1v11• of 1'91«11"9 eny encl ell E,,.k,_., Skllni CIHslfled ldt Tl'entMtw ' or lo waive eny lrrequl•rlllH o Tr- fl•lltOMM.HCllOW 1f'tform•1111e1"' -111c1 « 111.,,. ~ 11 o to• s'' o .. 111.. • s c •ow are t t best place to YtCH ..... SC•YtCSS buy or ... ski wear Ind t "· Tlllell!A-HOfUMN f;. WA~ "" N, T_..A_ equipment lft tM Diiiy .. ,."':.,~r"' :.,.,~+rv.-. ~-~C::::Ptutt Piiot . ......... Or ... 01i11t l)elty .. lto4, ~I.,.. Or .... C.0.~ 0.lly Pllet Pt*!I.._, Orenqt (Ml« 0.llv ... '°!! 642•5'71 n,"" .... ,. .... u. "*· '·"" .,,." .. ...,..,.,. n. "" .... , • ..,._ __________ _. 0 .. .. • NATION "•ICM!y. F.otuary ZJ. 1979 OAIL.Y PIL.OT A•-----------------..., FAMILY . Smokers Puff Despite Danger AFFAIR SINCE 1894 there's no aubstllute fo r expenence• DEN'S By OM-AHoda\td l'ttta Dee Merritt or MIU Valley, thinks amok me • "an l>M>lutt l)' dumb habit • delrimenlal lo m)' Mallh " But lhe 42-year old M . Munl\, owner oJ a lrav~I a~tnt'.)' alM> U)"' he lik lO amoh "I lh1 n le It hu to do with • hidden PIYl"boloa tnl ~ and nothlnt wUI m•b m atop t.moktna untU I un hnd out. whit that nttd ls " THERt; Al • N ESTUIAT D M mllllcm lobacro •mo-crs in lhl'! l 'nlted St~t T'hf'y n told . ~\ ct.ti). of hnk'I betWtto amokln• and ('aoC'tr. smokina and ht".r1 attaC'k•. moklnte and u h' r • • • • Smoki1ig H arrn Diminishing? H 0s1' 0 'II I \ .. I ""t· "' I y d I 'I(' 0 y lf l' d m lrro:wo.,u· .. , 1dt•nl e 'how~ th1· 11eath rall' rmni lung t'80l't.'r "'111 probably d\"dlnt• 1n com11161 yfl~u i; bttcausc n\Okt>1" hd' e ~v. Jl\ hl'd tu deuncr l'lgarettes. re eun·h~rl> ~"'> Their study round that lh<' Ngarelle~ being smoked in the l97<b N U't' far less cancer-lmktid lung dam11g.-than lhoiie of the l9SOs, which con taaned more tar 1&nd nlt'otme Cells in tht' lungs of recent smokers had at least 10 thrws fewer prt' C'ancerous abnormahttes than those of m1•n who ~moked lS year~ Jgo, they s:ud Desp1tl' th .. • 1mµro\ t>hlent::. however , the doc tors warn that smoking t:. ~tall dangerous "nu should be avo1dt-d About 100,000 Amen t'ans are expected to die this year from lung cancer cau:.ed by s moking. Auditorium Closing ATLANTA <AP 1 The Atlanta Municipal Auditoriu m , site of pe rformances by Enrico Caruso and the Metropolitan Opera Company in its early days, wilJ be closed m October, city offtclaJs said. P UBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE t:v"I')' tlmt c11arl'tl(! 1mokera plck up a pack . th remmdl•r 1s lht re. ordered by the aovernment : "Worntng Th Sur1con (it-neral llu Oetermln"° rhal l'laua elte Smoldna Is O•n1erous to Your tln lth .. That wa rning atem1 rrom a 1964 sur1eon ienc-ruJ rt>port that Unlled cl1aret~ to lune t"ant'~r 1n ml"n l.u l month, on lb l~tb an· niver. ary or the Cira\ 11tudy. the surgeon goneral ls· ul'd anolhn re port, conf1rmln1t lh dangers, not only rrom luna ca ne r. but obo rrom ot.ber lll· nt'&H u well 1and not jual to men. but to women. WHY 00 •ANY MIU.IONS or people II more tht· w1trnlflflfj., Why. like M:i. Merritt, do they h~p on pufhnK ~ "Obvlou ly, il'I pl4'1 uruble," said WtJUam Dunn Jr , heud 1CIMtfst al Ph1Up Morris tnc.'s rt· wu<'h ct-nlt'r 1n Richmond. Va. 'Tht> fet't tbut :torneth1ng as dangerous Is nol t•nou(.!h lO kt•cp ~p!e lrom doing ll," said Dan I l<>rn, a rc\11 t-tl resear cher wbo worked on the first urut'<>n gentm1l'11 n •5>0rt and gave up smoking as a n~:.ull .. For muny people. it's a matter or making a <·ho1<'t',' l'la1d Horn "Many smokers don't realize QUEENIE 'VOUR BASIC lVf RYMV RUN ·Of· ™E·MILL MlNOR OtCUTI VE l () "" '"'V .._ s~ . ..,. Wolld ror<• - fllCTITl()(JS aUSINESS FICTITIOUS llUSIHEU HAME STATEMEHT NAMESTATEMENT "You wouldn'I know It when It comes to the marllni Tl'~ lot'-1f>v ~-." 00•"'1 """ Tne 1011-lng IH'r\Ofts •r" dolno ....... , l>UJIMU M lunchci. MT DESIGNS, 117-F Riverside THE &OAT CENTER. 16401 8Hcn._ ____________________ _ Avenue, Newp0rt Bu ch, C~lllotn•• ~':.,~, Hunll"91on Be.a<:h, C.lltornl• tbe very high probablllty ol IJ:UW"Y. '' THEY Rt;AD THE &EPOllTS, but figure it won't happen to them , they'll.get away wilb It "WeU," saJd Horn. "not very many people get away with It." . He added· "It's surprising bow few people ex- preas a reaJ liking for their •moking . . . Most say they do It becauae It. does something for them •.. klod of an anxiety reducer." A study Indicates that the death rat.e rrom lung caocer will probably decline Ui coming years because many smokers have awltcbed to cleaner c:laarettn. But the doctors who conducted the study -whJch was reported Thursday In the New England Journal or Medicine -said that smoking ls still dangerous and should be avoided. A MANKATO, MINN,. FARMER WHO asked not to bave his nam e used said he doesn't believe 1 au the warnings. "People who have smoked for years are still alive," he said. Lloyd Busclb 34, a Ph.D. candidate al Emory University's Institute of Liberal Arts 10 AUanta, knows that smoking is bad for him. "l guess I rationalize that lhe damage has been done ... I think I 'm one or those people who smoke and get a positive jolt out of it." Philip Morris Dunn said many people are "getting quite a bit of pleasure out of the simple act of smoking." He said smokers look at the risks of illness and often think: "I'm willing to take my chances of being that one who gets sick." DUNN ADDED: "THERE ARE TWO motiva- tions involved in the case of the smoker ... The initiation of smoking when one is young -this is peer pressure, the cr eation of an image or oneself "The m aintenan ce or the smoking act is something else again . . . Many of us feel lhere is some central nervous system effect . . . Smoking seem s to improve our coping efficiency." Gary Berntson. an Ohio Slate University re· searche r. s ays that. smokers may be e xtra· sensitive to stress; the nicotine can help them deal with that stress. "IN THAT SENSE," B E SAID, "it's therapeutic: and that's why l think people smoke." Berntson is studying the effects of nicotine on rage behavior in cats and how human smokers at different nicotine levels react lo stress-filled situa· lions . "We believe that nicotine has an inhibiting ef- fect on certain t ypes or motivational arousal," Berntson said "For smokers, nicotine restores them more to the norm ... It's restoring people more to what non·smokers feel.·· ;;r;,;;i~ · 1 :iiiiiillition: ·custom drapBtiss ~~~~ linoleum • wood floor IHJ ~A.._• c-.w.... Clllf. '2627 ,._. UMIH • 646-ZJH ''You're Hiredr' Aru yCXI 8nlll0US 8boul f'XplOlll!g the 101> market? Are you ul'ISu•e o l l'low 10 m11c h your • talel'ltS wolh the 11gl'l1 101>? A re you ball led or m11m1C1ated by 11"11erv1owi' Are you enlenng or re-entering the 101> m..i•ket'> Are you c;h,mq1nq c;dref'rs., II you are .o career woman nnd can answ er yec; 10 any or all o f the Questions 1nen you snould allf!nd this valuable ~poc1a1 program Po wers "New Horl1on1" Sel'l)lnar For W omen ot All Agea. Date : Salurd•y. February 2•. 1979 Place: 3 Town & Country Ptua, Or•nge, CallfOfnia Ti,,,.. 1 to • PM FH: S15 Call (71•) '34-1111 Fo r AHarntlOM. For over 50 years. John RoDert Powers has successfully served lhe emerging woman The special seminar program being oflered 1s a new service 10 immediately enhance the personal po1en1tal ol todays woman Don I miss this un•Que. exc11ong career oppo1tun11y '1T'S WOWTH THI DIJYl- JUST 10 MIMUTIS AT II." 97"!-tchffl J•mes Thornton .,,,~ 16'01 B~ach 81Yd Inc • a C•f"NlliOn CoroM del Mar C.lllontl.t C•llton ua corpewallon. 16401 Buell '761S • ' ~I~~, Hunltnqlon Be<lcll, C_.hlorn111 Tiils bu\l~s ls condU<ted bv •n in· Thi ~-~ 1 ~~i~ b diYidual ~ -·---• s <--~ ~ v • cor- Mlcl\MI J~ Thorn1on PCl'•hon. 'Ghost House' for Sale HERB FRIEDL:\'\DER IS '1AKIS<.. GREAT 01-:AU~ BUY OR LEASE! Th~ s•-· .... s ltlNI wtlll ·~ !Mn BeKll 61Yd. '"' Counl y Clerk ol Oran~ Counlv on =•~e~~::c':,',, J•nu•rv 30. ,,.,. ""'" 1 Tiils , .. lemenl w11< Ill~ wltll ll'e Publt\IWO Or•n<IP Coa<I 04111, p,101 County CW-•k of 0••"91' Countv on 'Amit'YVille Horror' Setting on Market FREE Fel>ru•rv 1 ' 16 7l "~ 414 1'1 F•l>rvary21, ,.,.., FllttlS • • Publi•lltel Or~ CCWISt O•llY Piiot, ---F•D 23 and Mar. 2, II, 14, "7' 6b3·19 PVBLJC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS 9USINESS NAME STATEMENT l"ICTITIOUS 9USINESS TIW! 1otio.1n9 ll•"'<lf' IS dOtnO l>u\l NAME STATEM ENT M SS it\ Thf' fotl-11>9 H rton h d01nq l>uS,_ c 0 H 0 0 N s c l E A N I N C· "eu ., SERVICE. 611 w Wilson, QI, Cosi.t GENERAL ELECTRONI C MU• Call~nla97~?1 t. . SYSTEMS !SSS Monrovi• Av~nue, A•l~M F C""°"" 621 w -.son N• .. 110r1 lk>tlCll, C.hlo<n1a G• Co\la ~. C•h•o•n•• '1t?I Ja"'~ r ~ .... 1111 Skyl"r~ T ht s l>u\•MSS I\ tonouc tNI bv "" in C tr~I•. Co-.ta ~. C.lttornla ,,.,. aov1oual '"" "'"'""~'Is condvc:ted l>V an tn-Arl""" r Conoon dl•idual Tl'IS si.•-· ... , lllf'O Wtl,, ·~ J-F AnareM Countv Cltr~ of OrdnQtP (OUl\IY on Th1\ ~••t~n1 w•\ flted w ith tM Fel>ru•,.11. .,,, Counly Cl~rlo. ol OranQt" Counly on F11016' Febru•rY 71, 191'1, Publl'lhed 0••1'~ Coa\I Oaoly PtlOI, F110U4 F~b. 1l -Ma• 2,' 16. "" ..... 79 PUl>listwd Or-CNSt O•llv Pllol, Feo. n -Mar 2. •. 16, 191' ~' PUBLIC NOTICE PUBt.IC NOTICE fllCTITIOUS •USINEU P'ICTITIOUS aUSIHESS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT T ~ lotlowino pe•'°1\ I\ 0011>9 t>usl-T'>e following pe•son Is <IOino busl· M'!I>~ .,, ne\\ a~· BUZMAR UNLIMITED 1771 COAST POOL ANO SPA COM- O•IOle °''"'" Cos•• -~ C•lllorn•• PANY, DINI! A Otmlno QputraN, '1626 San Juan Cac>l••rano, C•hlon"• "767S Geo•9~ M arker!, 1177 Oflole O•nny Ltt Blr0\&11, ~ Calle Orlw, <:Mia~-Calltom•• "2611> Roi, S<llnCl~mente, Calllornla'7677 T"'s !>us•~ I\ conouctt'd DY ,.n •n Tiii• l>u\i.....s Is conouct..O l>V •n ln- 01""'uat ·~•oua• ~ Markert o.n L Blrd'l•ll Tiil• tlat......,I wu 111..0 with 11'11! 1111s •t•tement was llled with lhe County Cl~rtc ol OranQe Counly on County cw-r• Q4 Or-County on re1>- F•l><WN 21, 191' ru•ry 11, 1'7' F 110133 f' llfltl Publl"*' 0r•"9" Coas1 O•llY Piiot, Publlu.ed ()<....,., Coa•• Delly PllOt, FO. 23 and Mar. 2, t, 16, 1<17• .. s-7• Feb. 73 and Mar. 2, •. 16, 1<11<1 .. 7-79 AMITYVlLLE, N.Y. <AP) -The house at 112 Ocean Ave. ls on the market again, but not because of any new "Amityville horrors." The problem for the house, which is the setting for the popular book, "The Amjtyville Horror " is too many curiosity seekers. THE WNG ISLAND HOUSE WAS where 23· year-old Ronald DeFeo killed his parents, two brothers and two sisters with a rifle. The book is the supposedly true account of the supernatural terror that befell the George Lutz family when they bought lhe house and moved in after DeFeo went to prison. According to the story, soon to appear as a movie, the Lutz family was plagued with ghosts, one in the form of a pig, strange noises. foul s mells, objects being teleported and even on one occasion Mrs. Lutz being levitated over her bed. A priest who tried to ald the Luues was the vtcUm or accidents and illness, the book alleged. THE LUTZ FAMILY LIVED IN the house only 28 days before leaving. After the bank repossessed the house it was purchased by J ames Cromarty and his wife. Barbara, who called it their "dream house." They reportedly paid $55,000 for it. Realtor E.L. Budde said lhe house has been on the market for fo ur months and most of the people who have looked al'it have jus t been curious to see .... 1 LLOl'D•s c; - ' garden shop BEDDING PLANTS 11MARIGOLDS11 6 Per Pony Pak lecJ. tr 411 CYCLAMEN Large Color Sel~ion Gre'8t for shade areas. Reg. $2.49 SAVE 80' NOW SJ 69 OXYGEN PLUS Indoor plant food •Prevents Overwatering •Promotes Growing •Simplifies Care ..... ..,.sut $IMS NOW~· NOW 59¢ Pak d-CON® Water bug & Roach Traps. •No Mess •No Poison 2 trapS/paci< SJ49 .PAX CIAl&IASS COMTIOL •Prev~ must annual weeds •Lasts 18 months -Gives lawn balanced feeding •Weighs 14 lbs Covert 2000 SQ. ft. Reg. S10 95 SAVI S895 S2 MOW Al l ITCMll IU8J£CT TO STOCllt ON HAHO ... IOOd '1f4 ""°""' 2/M/11 OPEN MON THRU FRI. 7-t. SAT. 8-t. SUN. 0-5 VISA. 2028 Newport Blvd. (at Boy St.) Costa Mno, CA 9'Jb27 I (714) ~7«1 the house where "The Amityville Horror" oc- curred, not serious buyers. "We even tried to sell it to the movie com- pany. but they had already built a replica for the filming in New Jersey," he said. A FRIEND OF THE CROMARTYS, Ted Wesnofsky, said curiosity seekers caused the Cromartys to put the house on the market. He said persons came at all hours and wanted guided tours. One night be was having dinner with the Cromartys , he said. when a number of strangers walked across the lawn and peeped in the windows. The house faces a bay. has 14 rooms, a s wim· ming pool and a boat house.:.. 50 GA~ OF GAS -.. •IWwfll-Ht .-.U. At last A sale that can straighten out yourwhole lk Now YoU can straighten out all your Illes All yoor bool<s All your records Your wtiole hf P Br-cJuse were havinq a Sdlo on all our ()(gan1zers. storage units. bookcases wall sys1ems and s1ereo benches From 15 10 3S'l. off From Fcoruary 16 to Fe b<uary 25. So be sure to come 1n while this sales QOlllQ on While y01.1 can afforo to qr t your hlo orqanwx:l T1Mk Bool«:o'i4: R•"'l $149 SeleS91 Th<l!E'or mote S89tJ f0oor5. S2St•lll'lll 0.-Co TPt1~ v.~ Wall Sy<;lem "• 'hOwn wi1h doOrs ••nct "<.l'ln '1•Vl(l('t'S RPQ 1697 Sltle SS80 • -~· Trrr Ori.111w , T11.i~ ()" WJ'""' P•>Q $£,4'1 Sale '589 Ho-..-"'iJO'l Rl"Q '14J Sale '689 Protrlol W11ll System As '!'\own wt!n WOOCI nM ql<M clOors T1•al. Rt Q $13\1., Sele s 1()45 Save 15%-35% on ~Wei Systems & •. mob ilia 14i3'25N M1111 SI Sants Al'la 6A3-311 t ~ MOl'I ·Sat U :!().~ 30 FrlClavs 1118. Sundays 12·~ • Fudey, Febnwf 23. tfrt MARMADUKE "Thanks for letting ua UH 1t until our place 15 r po1r d, Mormoduko• SUPERHEROES THE FAMILY ORCUS., By Bil Keane "Beah me why I ain't gettin' no better mark$ in English." I FUNKY WINKERIU!AN ' ' I ! A~THUR­ ~AS ALL. 1'HE A~S~ERS ro 1t"'e GufSi10N~ .,,,... of L-' f e ~ ~ -----=-----._._..__._ ..... GORDO JUDGE PARKER by Tom htluk BIOUXJY n- B'oJ~ Two is fbr people •ho m8.M(ed to paaa Biology One a1ld don't lm:ilr hoil t.o qWt 'lbezl they're ahead. You'll do th1.ng8 llka cutting up worms to f lnd their nervru.a systems, which 13 nee.rl.Y llDp08S1ble. Face u,, have you ever aeen a. worm with the shAlcB8? ~' ther&'S a. perfect- ly good pictw-e of one in 1JOJI book.! And speak· 1ng of pictureS, tor ~ with otber interests, the gooa stutt Is on pege ninsty.e~, if p&ge nlnety-eight 1S et.ill in your boOk. AGATHA CRUMM DR.SMOCK SAY. WHA1'" IS .JOGGING GOOc:> ~OR , c::>oCi"OR ~ by Mell 11l40CJGHT~ WP6THE M06i IMPORTANT THING IN THE WORl.O ! ... we:i...t-, ri WAS GOOc:> FOR A i"HRE:E:-MON1'"H VACAi"ION IN f;UROPE: L.ASi" Ye:AR .' by Gus Arriola by Harold Le Doux H!JEIDEE!C;;;;;fuLOOICXlKv:;tUITSOOill MlANWHIU! 1MAT l.OOIC8 I.IQ! .•• STALL THEM IF lMfY <XlMElO 1ME ~ PUUJH6 UP/ 'l'OU uP ! l JUSf TMJCED 10 n4E OISflbCT ATIORMEV I TH ~~9E OUT net' lO WIRE VOU IN /IH'f M4NUTE NOW f TUMBLEWEEDS SHUCKINS. I AIN"T NMR OONNA 6ROW (JIG' ANC7 TAL.l.f:~. NANCY a . """"""" HOW WAS IT INTHE PARK TODAY, 5LUG60? b.Y Emit Bushmiller PRETTY WINDY PEANUTS 6ET TMIS, CHUCK ... ~E ASK5US HOWMMf AN6ELS CAN STANO 00 ™E HEAD OF A PIN! ' . . ~ . . COMICS I CROSSWORD by Charin M. Schulz w.fAT KIND OF A QVESTION 15 THAT. CHUCK? HOW CAN 'IOU AN5'&S SOMETUJN6 LIKE THAT? THATS TOO SAO ... ! PllT OOl&.W,11El~1, IF TMErRE 5KtNN'{. ANc> FOUR IF THME FAT! II by Bill Hoest by George Lemont TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS term UNITED F S d 1 Dressed ,5 Ms Miles eature yn IC818 5 Ceremony '6 Faucel 9 Cut ,9 Interim 1' 011 Informal 53 Dialect 15 Paradise 5' Caullon 16 Numeocaf 55 Oii coun1ry A C ll lC s , . ' 0 II I A , ( I II "c [ c " l II A ... ' I A I l [ I -, -. "I• F I I [ II l A I • c s p<ehx 56 English dis· 17 Minerals tricl I• I g I I I ··~._ 18 Muck 51 Other 19 Speeder 58 All: Pfehx 20 Erasure 59 F0<es1 I II I • , . -l .... I [ II A I l l " I l l I' [111 II 0 •• l l 0 II• D ... •'• 011 11 11 I i.11 II II I le "'' I :-o 22 Come to a 60 Coffin H l I T l 1 • II f ll • .. ,, I .I 61 Worm DOWN -" l D s•s 01< ,_ 23 lease 24 Cheese 25Coated 28 Sm1hng 32 Crazes 33 Peepers 34 And not " ( I A I II l D 0 ' ' ' 1 Dofl " l l ' I 0 , f II S I A F 2 At1ract 3 Cain's Y•Cllm S II ( ( I , A II l l I I " 0 A II I !Sil f li IC ti I • Turncoat 2' Prop .a Nee 5 Cauae to re-25 "-and 42 Shabby catl Prejudice" •3 Nastier 6 Blockhead 26 Paint base '5 Poetry I~ A [ s ( 5 " [ 35 Roman road 38 Power 7 Seagull 27 Envoy '6 Deli tare 37 American author 38 Retreat 39 Hindu gar· ment: Var. .0 Filleted 41 Attars 43 Certain olla 44 Neutlcat 8 Compass pt. 28 Stabs ,, New Me111- 9 Wrenches 29 Senseless can lndlan 10 Sluggish 30 Group of 4 -Chin.a 11 State: Suffix nine ~African 12 Bfltlsh gun 31 Alumnl nalion 13 Dllflcult 33 Bakery item SO 61tfs name 21 letters 36 Aspect 51 Peanut 22 -a.nd 37 Contribution 52 Patient wife groom 39 Taverns 5' Snare .. l > ' ' f i l l ) I j \ . - -. ~ • • .. p • l BOATING I AT YOUR SERVICE Calftldar •-& ~ V@QJ][? ~I ~@l?WO@@ R egatt as S e t On LA Wat ers au.,...., c ... , ........ C'lf"arrd Dt""AR 10: ()1-:'R~; \ frw 11-P•lt boft ltt IJv· l•IC up. ... d1u Int rmatlon •bout nt1r1rta Ir. twins olftttcl by lol1b l'orp., an ophth1lml(' produf'C.. maauf1th1rt'r. T~ ......_lt't. "\'our ( ataract." ck-1ter1bH tM eye PNl!ile•. tu • mp&oma aed uriooa trHtmt•t •Ht!~. ec-ordJna to Ow book. utaratt.t are ••01111 &he-mO!tt rommon nu~ of lmp1lnd or ... , !Jbt and, It b t' Um1~. DHri)' 111111 of UK' peoplt' ID tbt' ch,Ubt'd •orld ovf'r lllt' &s att atnlct· ed wl&.b llOmt' dt'grH of raluart a a ~ oil el _.,malaglq While a unntc n-adf'r'\ tbat Ulanc"' ar~ very com moo aad u111ua1b treau1blf', df't•ll& are 1tvea abou& COfl"f'dJvt-11ur1t'ry. lbt' bf.nt'Ob and poAslble eo111pUutk>n11 arlslnA from 'iurgt'ry, and variotaa &et'llniq~ ll!jt"d following iturgery. Nuch o tbe aewer lotraoc:ular 1.-ni. Implants, as well as spec· la~les and eontact lt'n,h. Tbe booklet also eumlnei. lbt' patient's llloapltal exswrienct>, preparalioni. for surgery, and convaleSt'nce, plus providing a glossary of terms eonaec&ed •Ith cataracts. Coples can be requested by sending a a&amped, ~lf-addresst'd, lf'gal·blie (# l1 > envelope &o: "V0ttr Cataraet." Jolab C'orp .. 695 w. Terrace Drive, San Dimas. Calif. 91773. llalJ Otter,.,., a Rack#t? DEAR PAT· AMF Voit advertised that a free. racquetball would be sent lo anyone who purchased a $2 booklet. "Racquetba ll for Winners." My father ordered and paid for the book by check last Oct. 14. Jhs t'heck was t'anceled Dee. 15, but the book and free racquetball haven't arrived We've both phoned AMF Voit's advertising department. JUSt to be told they are having "problems" with their mail order house. Can you find out what sort or problem could delay mailing this long? N.N., Costa Mesa By ALMON LOCKABEY O.llrl"ti.t ........ WtlW OU1hore ullboat 1klppera already are )1mmed mlo Lob An1eles and Long Beach harbor mooring areu for th start of Los An1eles Yacbt Club'• pl"ftllli<MU blue -wal r aaillnc aeries lnvolv· lne vc.•r)'thinC from th~ International Offshore Rul~ caOR ) to Ptrformanc4' Handicap Racina l''lt't'l <PllRft') and midget ocean rMcina yacbta un - d~r JO r !t TIUI wed nd 'I rat'tt 1' lhe 81-mUe Catallna l!tl•nd rat't" which luck5 off the WhitMy, Loa Anlf'lf'I Ttmes. Little Whitney and Kooiman I rophy 11erll's Tit£ WHJT t :V SEIUES Cor IOR yachts is the oldt•t n m Southern Cahforrua, drawing en· lrtes from San Diego t.o San Franclsco. PllRt' y•chta Joinw the best five of six race ~ompeUtlon la t year with the rededication of the I o. An&;f'les Time& Trophy, oldest sailing kudos in Southern California. dating back to 1903. The Timea Trophy seekers will aall the same courses H lbe Whitney racers. The UtUe Whitney Trophy Ls for yachta under 30 feet competing under the Midget Ocean Racing AsaoclaUoo Rule (MORA> and the Koolman award is for yacbta of the same category whose skippers prefer the Midget Ocean Racing Fleet (MORF> rating rule. MORA 18 BASED ON the IOR system of measurement and MORF uses the old Cruising Club of America <CCA handicap rule. The LA YC series traditionally starts the first weekend alter the Southern California Yachting Association Midwinter Regatta. AU four classes will sall tbe Catalina Island course which starts at Los Angeles Harbor and leaves the Lsland to port, finishing back at LA YC. The IOR winner of this single race will receive the Bob Brokaw Trophy which bas been in existence since the start of the series. "' TWO ONGOING SERIES AJlE also on tap on the local yachting scene . South Shore Yacht Club will conduct the tbJrd r a ce of its Winter Hibachi Series on Saturday and Capistrano Bay Yacht Club will host PHRF racers in the second race or its San Juan Series Sunday. Southern California Yachting Association calendar· · Hew-1·..._. SOUTH ~R!: YACHT CLUB -Winter HlllKlll Serln "fo. l 1•11 cleUe\l S.!Unley CAPISTRANO 8AY YACHT CLUB -S... J_, Serie$ Ho. 1 IPHllFl S01Me11. LOS ANGELES YAC~ ~:i-:•:Le~="lsl•nd rec•. fl~ rKe of WllllMy Serles llORI. Time> Trophy Sert.. IPHRFI. Llnle WNINy Serln . . . . Fndi!y, FebfUatY 2.3. 1979 DAILY PILOT A J J Seela World R et!ords Bob Nordskog of Van Nuys, the SS-year. old granddaddy of offshore power boat racing. has set his sights on breaking the six world records for diesel powered boats which he set at last year's Parker, Ariz., Enduro. He will be driving the same 20· Coot inboard tunnel /lull with a new 504· cubic-inch turbocharged Cummins diesel power plant whi ch he developed himself. Squadron Schedules Hydro D river Signed Classes Jack Sdla!er Jr., an aircraft sales executive from Santa Ana bas been signed to drive for a major new Unlimited hydroplane team owned A schedule for the by Ken Thompson of Tri-Cities, basic safety classes of· Wash. fered by the Santana Beginning with the 1979 Champion Power Squadron -a spark plug season opener June 10 at unit of the United States the Marine Stadium in Miami. Fla .. Power Squadrons -has Thompson's U·3 thunderboat will been announced for this compete in all 10 events on the spring. circuit. Class hours for the Schafer. 34, is the second genera. basic cour se will be tion of prominent tbunderboat racing from 7:30 p.m . to 10 family whose "Such Crust" boats p.m. starting March 27 were contenders on the circuit from 1946 until 1969. Schafer's father, J~k Sr .. campaigned a series of sev,o Unlimited hydroplanes under t~ banner of his -Detroit-based bald.Di company. Jack Jr. was four years old when his father bought his rtrst Unlimited hydroplane. He grew up on a ~ name basis with the best drivers or the day. The Junior Schafer always wanted to race. He got his wish at age 11 when his father presented him with a junior-s ize 10-foot Jong hydro christened Such Crust Jr. at the F. E. Olds & Son ------------------- recreation room located at 3SO S. Raymond Ave. Fullerton. The course continues each Tuesday for 12 weeks. BOATING • A UTO • HOMEOWNERS ·YACHT INSURANCE RABBITT INSURANCE AGEHCY SERVING THE HARIOR AREA SINCE 1957 Our 22nd Year ~ •548-5554• ~ 191-'~RBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA An AMF Voit spokeswoman says the problem was that the shipper couldo't locate malllag tubes tllat wouJd hold both the book and the racquetball. Tiils obstacle bas been overcome, and au orders now have been malled. Volt wlU clleek wUll tbe mall order house to make sure yours ls on Its way. Like all USPS courses, the agenda is designed for both power and sail enthusiasts. Topics in· elude handling boats un- der adverse and normal conditions, seamanship and common emergen- cies. rules of the road. and aids to navigation. !MORAi; ICCICMmen SerlH IMOllFI, S•lurdey, Sunday. * * * ·~...:.;_~;__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----====================~~~ DEAR PAT· Can you find out what type or gr ound cover plant will do the best job in controlling soil erosion on the big hill on the back part of our lot? J.T., San Clemente African Creeping Daisy is one of Ute bes& eTosion control groUDd cover plan&s, and Woolly Yarrow is another good one. Algerian Ivy and Surose also can be used, but lhey are be-Uer known for being good fire re&ardant plants. lceplant. a popular groondcover, ls beat and droogb& tolerant. but lt' not good for erosion control bf.uuse the plants have a shallow root system and are so be •"Y they t.end to pull soU away from a slope. M,..jongg Expert• Appl" Bn-e DEAR PAT: When we were in Hong Kong last year we purt'hased a mah-Jongg set because the game fast'inated us We now play it with several friends. We've found that after learning the basics, it is too compli cated to follow the instruction books further. We hope you can put us in touch with an "ex· pert" group or p<'rson in this area who really knows how to play. I've written to the National Mah Jongg League in New York , but they have no chapters in this area. E. P., Newport Beach Any mah-jongg experts out there? If so, drop a Hne. Mab-jongg (house sparrow in Chinese>. is named after a figure on one of the game tiles. It's osaally played by four persons with 136 or 144 tile pieces marked lo units &bat resemble dominoes. The object is to build combinations or sets by drawing, discarding and exchanging tiles. Mab·joogft is en· joying a revival In popularity. and old ivory game se&a used during the depression years are bece1ming collectors' it.ems. Doctorate Won J o se p h Oliva, a former Costa Mesa resi· dent, received bis doc· torate in physics at UC Sao Diego. He has ac· cepted a research ·posi- tion at Cornell Universj. ty, Ithaca, N.Y. Coa •t al 1t' eatlter Felr IOfl~t •nd S.lurdey ll9hl "•rl•bl.-winos n10111 •no mornl"9 11aurs HloM S.tura.11 60 to ·~ Coeslel tem~ralurn woll ren9f between •• eno 61 Intend '*"'" oereturn wlll '"""° ~n 41 eno '" n.. wet« i.mpHalur• will lie 57 s-, /tf oe11._ Tide• f'•IDAY Whitney Series Announ£ed The Los Angeles Yacht Club has an· oounced the schedule for its 1979 Whitney, Los Angeles Times, Little Whitney and ·Kooiman Series. Starting with the Around Catalina Island race Saturday. the other races in the schedule are : March 10 -Ocean Buoy race <aU classes). Courses to be posted on the line. · March 24·25 Santa Barbara I sla nd race Whitney CIOR) a nd T imes CPHRF>; Ship Ro c k race , Littl e Whitney and Koolman series. March 31 Oil Island race (joint with Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club Cabr illo series; all classes.) April 14 1, Ocean Buoy race Call classes > courses to be posted on the line. April 29 Eagle Rock r.ace lall classes.) SewlMI l>lqll 1 • 40 p.M. '-2 SATU•DAY Fl'11t -12 Sh .m. I 4 Flnt lllQll 7 OI e m. • l SKoftdl-t S1p.M. •l.l Today She's Near The Top of Her Class in Math. !illCOftd lliOll I• " p m. 4 ' Suftrt-•,2'•.m .• seus "'P"' Mooft rt_),S3• m .. •1&2·•1 p,m S•rl llqert HUflllnglOn 1Mc11: Wewa 1WO 10 t-ftlt. COMltloni f1tlr. NewPOrt Be.ell: w-two to""" fwt. °""' llllloM -. Given 1 proper learning progrem, nearly ewrv chlld can perlorm at e level considered "excellent," Our 1nd1v1duelized Computer Assisted Instruction helps eech child in the besic learning skills of matll, reading and lenguage 8'11 What's more , he or she llCtuelly enjoys this ltarning experience and shows lmpro1111ment In othec scholastic end soclel ere1S .. -" We ere the only privately opereted tutorlel feclhtv in this aree u11li1tn9 Computer Ass11tlld ln1truct1on. Our progrerns include "Remcd1tl" for the child who hlS fallen behind, "Enrichment" for the c:hlld whoto goals requ1ta ot>ove everage performenct and ''Specific OlS8b1llty "for beha\/ior modification and IC)eelflc turning skllls. 1526 MMe Verde Dr. laat, Co ... Mna (714) N7.f714 4111 E. Souett ... L.Mwood (113) ....,00 .., ..... .....,.~. "9ftCM Peloe v ...... Cl'll 377-1111 •• •• • Si .. ~ JfCIN -. -~ TfMfEST too·· J~;: .,..,u.Mt 115 e • MEN5 ~ ][. 'ss·· ~lSTAAL. '15•• 81 • oo·· .. ! f , \ . .. . .. AJ.1 DAILY PILOT Frldey, FebtUllV 23, 1979 I ouer . I I uk!k ORANGE Co1JNT)''s No. 1 Buick DEAlERShiP RECENTly loANECI A l..iMiTEd NuMhER of BRANd NEW 1919 Buick REGAis AS CooRTESY CARS Foa TltE AvoN CllAMpioNship TENNis TouRNAMENT E .CARS ARE BAck ANd ON SAlE T 00Ay .; • c • . , -# •i . .. ' : \~ . ~· l , .... \ ... ALL AIR COIDITIOIED PLUS MUCH MORE!! Even though most only have 300 to 400 miles on them, we can't sell them for the same price as a new car and that's where the savings to you come· in. Remember not just one at s6222 but 30 to choose from! I IT'S QUITE SIMPLE ..• If you've been waiting for the right time to buy your new Buick, your timing couldn't be better. Why not choose from the largest selection of brand new Buicks in Orange County! SAlE ~ FEhRuuy 2~, 1979. Open 'TiU JO P.M. Mon.-Sat. . · . fh-nnge C•n1ruy '~ Yes...Open Every Sunday 'Till 5 P.M. ' .... ~, · #f Huiclc Denier J blocks South of the San Diego FreewaJ Al cars sut>ject to priof sale Photo IOI MlustratlOfl purposes only Ptices good 48 Houfs ah« publichon Ta 11. License & dealer d0cumen1a1ion lee not IOCluded 10 Nos. 136568. 1227«. 132973 HARBOR BL VD. /SAN DIEGO FREEWAY A division of Bouer Motors. Opel-Jaguar· Triumph-MG. 2925 HARBOR BL VD., a:JSTA MESA 9J9.25fXJ All makes~ ,nodels and colors ·ClJtssified Auto Advertising DAILY . PILOT in the 642-5678 . -~ . • ) J ~ ! l . e ll I '· lr IS at 's 1d be .es en to \ 1en .he . . :i , . . . f . •Ann Landers •Business •Horoscope ·-. DAILY PIL-OT Featuring_. _ .. ___ .,, Bernard Leach He 's known as the wot1d.'a greatest living potter but at 91 his hands are stilled by his sightless eyes. Nonetheless, he •still ~eels his art and still talks about bridging the a#istic gap between East and West. By T p ftAltT1M • ·-~ ..... , ...... ST IVES. Enaland Tht> old man lllb by bis bJg glass window, enslng the dawn, feeling the dusk. squlntinai blind eyes towaros the llun that warms bis bnttle toes On the chilly Athtnllc.-beach below. swim mers shiver and tounsts frolic in funny hats Htre, the world's greatest Uvmg potter fret!> about the hydrogen bomb and his inability to lmJtate. perfe<-tly the squawks of seagulls Bernard Leach. 91, is considered, with WilUam Morris. the gre atest English maste r craftsman an the last 100 years· But hls art 1s rooted In Japan. China and Korea He views his lite as he views his pots, books and drawings a bridge between Orient and Occident "A.LL MY LIFE I have been a courier between East and West," he sighs. Leach is of sound mind, and therefore sur- prised that his weak body cannot keep pace with his alert brain. He needs help to rise from his a rmchair, make a pen move across the title page of his latest book, find the table with his teacup. If there is sadness that he can no longer create his famous pots, throw the clay and turn the wheel, Leach conceals it behind a serene mysticism developed over three quarters of a century. He is a follower of the Baha'i faith. He says he has a third eye insight that replaces his lost vision . "INSTEAD OF BEING able to see any of the detajls on the island out there, I can feel it ... Oh. it is very beautiful ttus evening. Whal is beauty? It makes your heart rejoice in life.·· Leach is eager to pass on his passion for pottery. They seek him out, one and two at a time. in thjs ancient Comish fishing village which has become a major art colony that Leach helped found. One day this summer a middle-aged mdther from New Mexico knocked on Leach's door hop- ing for an autograph. The housekeeper invited Janet Madden to lunch with the venerated craftsman. Wit.run two hours. Mrs. Madden's backpack was installed in the guest room. The master bad asked the Al buquerque housewife to stay for some reminiscences. LEACH WAS BORN in Hong Kong in 1887 his mother died giving birth to him. His father was a colonial lawyer ill-equ,ipped to care for an infant, so his English grandparents took him with them to J apan. He briefly lived in Hong Kong and Singapore before traveling to England for the first time when he was 10 to be educated at Beaumont College. At 16, he obtained his father's reluctant con· l'lt'nt tu t'nTOll Jl thl' Slade !-,chool or Art, and l.Att'r tiludled ul the London School of Art In 1009 he returned to Tokyo with his t•tch1ng pres:.. the firs t brought to Japan and lht' same year married his cousin Muriel HoS'le Ills new Japanese friends introduced Leach tu the ancient pottery and porcelain of Asia. "JAPAN'S GREATEST GIFI' to the world t}as been beauty." he says ... I learned there that opposites, when they are put together 10 harmony, are a symbol of life itself. Where you always find the opposite of truth, the male and female, the ym and the yang, you find art . "The thing that still lives In Japan is the heartbeat ·· In 1920. Leach returned to England bringing fellow poller Shoj Hamada with him. Together they founded the St. Ives Pottery. They built a traditional Asian kiln, first in the Western He misphere. "I MADE TWO KILNS of pots." recalls Leach. "Standard ware which I let my students repeat, as their exercises on a piano -they had to learn their control. Then the other kind of in- dividual pot. the kind where the artist is at work as an artist amongst pots." He estimates he made 100,000 pots. at least a quarter now destroyed through accident or in· tent. When he or Hamada could no longer stand some pots, they would tow them out to sea and t hrow bricks at them. Most of the surviving Leach pots have been bought by collectors in Asia and, to a lesser degree. in the West. The few now reaching the market fetch up lo $4,000 each at prestigious auction houses. At first, Leach says, he hated selling or giv- ing away favorite pots. "I WANTED TO KNOW my own children. I let them sink in through my outer skin to tell my inner skin what they we.re like. But at least twice I was very near to bankruptcy." He credits his eldest son David, one of his five children and also a potter. with helping to make the pottery a flourishing concern. It now is run by his third wife, American potter J anet Darnell Leach. He keeps up with trends in Canada and the UnHed States. "There is a new wind blowing across America." he says. ''The change is from that love of individual expression, pieces bought by museums and put In glass cases, to an apprecia- tion of and a desire to use handmade things which also are practical. Hundreds of potters are now making a living there because the public wants to enjoy utilitarian pottery made with the heart as well as the hands. . .. To me that is very exciting. It is a seed Rsdhiks William get fitted for a pair of shoes. . APWl ...... 10 Bernard Leach. at home in St. Ives. England. from the Orient finding good ground to grow on. and changing America's subconscious desire for beauty." he can't see them he says they bnng him com- fort and pleasure. HE SP ENDS MOST DAYS sitting in his well-worn armchair listening to seagulls dive- bom b his window. He dictates memories into a tape recorder and enjoys being read to by his secretary, Trudi Scott. A warm and witty woman, she commutes daUy from her nearby home on a motorcycle, gray hair streaming from beneath her crash helmet. He leaves bis nest only for very special oc· casions, like a major exhibit of hio; work. He went to Buckingham Palace to receive the Com. panion of Honor from Queen Elizabeth II and was on hand last May to launch his latest book of memoirs, .. &!tween East and West." He is surrounded by a few antique bowls. pots of friends and paintings of the past. Though "When you're young it's difficult to get rid of the ego -1t wants to see the shine and the color of butterfly wings." reflected Lea~b. tuck- ing his Japanese sha wl around his shoulders. .. As you get older you a re gradually freed of pride ·· Children's Shoes Experts talk about fitting c hildren 's shoes correctly. By JUDITH OLSON Of ttw 0•11• PllOt St.Ill Women are often known to have a storeful of shoes m their closet, but children are the opposite. They usually have one pair and they wear them to everything. But this isn't all bad. according to some local footw ear exper ts Children's feet grow so fast that it's practical for them to only have a pair or two at a lime. So let your son wear his tennis shoes until they·re ragged. It's Just more money in the pocket for you. C hildre n . like adults. h ave preferences for s hoes that are dictated by what other people are wearing, what's .. In ." Right now, it's the athletic shoe for boys and penny loafers for girls, though they, too. like the jogger-type athletic s hoe that their brothers are buying. THE SWITCH lo casual styles for everyday wear is p e rhaps a n indication of the change in the American m ood . ''Years ago, parents were more concerned." said Robert Finn. a ritter al Newport Children's Boote ry . "They would only allow play shoes after school." The difference may be in the quality of the play s hoes avajlable now. The tennis s hoes are "much better today," said William Milter, manager of the boote ry. "They have built.up arches." Rocky Botelho. a shoe filler at Nordstrom with 27 years experience, said children usually follow in their parents ' foots teps and girls especiall y are influenced by what their mothers buy. "Kids are very style-conscious." he said. "Girls want what Mama's bee n wearing. Kids a r e good s hoppers.·· HE SAID CHILDR EN should be allowed to pick out their own shoes ·'if it's practical.·• The salesmen usually sell children their first s hoes when they begin to walk. Shoes should be bought "when a child stands up and walks out in the <See SHOES, Page 8 2> Currently, girls favor styles Hke these sandals, penny loafers andjogger- type athletic shoes. • ' I • \ . • . • .. ' Jl2 DAii. Y PILOT ANN LANDERS /HOROSCOPE Teen Won't Let Grandma Smoke in Automobile . p DEAR ANN LANDERS: Do I have the rl1hl lo ~ll rny trandmotber lh1l abe un't amok In my new car• (It's second·hand, actually, but It's new to me.) I got this car a week •so and lald the law down tot.be whole family NO SMOKJNO IN MY CAI\. 8olh my mother and my ff&ndmoth•r smoke. l hate lt but I have to put up wllb It ln the bouae because I hav no cbol~. But I dOtl't think I should have to put up with ll 1n my car. I boulhl the car wllb 1U\ money aome of ll from my 1randmother and th• rat from what I tamtd workln1 t,,.,o aummtra Cl 'm l7 now ) My 1randmoU\!fr ht a c 1aret Jut rore gethna Into my car yeat rday and I u.ked h r to put It out Sbt ttfusfd W• cot lolo an araumtnt a nd she alapJM'd m)' fact and hallt"d a tHl Th<" whule thlna ha berome 1ruaa My moth~r a . I am dlsrupMtful that Grandma 1~11·1 i:olna to chanat and I shouldn't be auch a buJI ht"•dt"d. •m•rt alC"<k punk What do you uy• 0 EXC"F.M'!ONS Al.U)WJr;I) ( DEAR E II' oar ur alMI lf ,.. .. doa't Boroscop SATURD \', f ' B ~· 8 Sl 'D E\' OMi\RR ) atES l Man•b ?t A1ml l\lt AN't'nl un creativity, <>~clU~ cl1ntad , chlllllt'~ •nd rt"I• tionshlp lh•t ti. 1ntf'1,,1flt'J w1 ... h couhl ronw true lr you "ould ~o ~' rn1l Mt-Ill\ ou ha' t• t~nden{')' to \'ha?>t" a" .t) <'hAOl't' for hap~111\l.'tt' TAURl1S l prll 20 l\hn 20 1 i''ml h ~ h11t you start You cun JlUtn b\ re pondutt! to nt,1•1b of people. lmpro\ e suppl) mt•th()ds. di!'trltmuon and display Arte . l 1bra fl.:urt> promln<'nth GEMINI 1Mny 21June201 Emphn~IS (ln long.range prOJt>cts. dlst1rnct•, pubh!4h111g 1md communication Study Arlt-s messaft. Wf'lcomt• chance to be wlth one who Is <'real ve, t alented and arrectionnle CANCER tJune 21.July 221 Follow throuah on hunch, teach and learii. regain sense of direction, settle m on ey dlHeren<'es with partner. mate , LEO tJuly 23·Aug. 22 l: ACt't'nt on opposi· 'lion. changing views. public attention, con· tracts. special ar.rangements. marriage. Be nexible, avoid direct confrontations, display versatility and humor. VIRGO <Aug 23·Sept. 22 >: Be specific where details are concerned. Con!Jrm quotas. verify sources. study fine print and read between the lines. Be familiar with basic materia l . improve services. keep diet· nutritional resolutions. LIBRA <Sept. 23·0ct. 22 >: Emphasis on c r e ative changes, unique relations hips, children, affairs of heart. Ext'itemenl of dis· covery is featured. Member or opposite sex cares very much and wants you to be aware or it. WHt a.,..e to 1moke In I&, 1our wtalte1 allould be tttpH&ed. I'm wltb )'Ota. DP'.AR ANN I've iot a lettt-r for you that will curl your hair without a perrnantmt. Al tlrat I couldn't btU•ve It but I know now l\'8 true. My buaband baa bt~n havln11 an affair with hit alatf't I k,n.-w ah and "A" w r. clott but I ntvt"r IUl'(M'tlfd anythlnw Uk• lhla WH rolng on l Ulink it 1tartod lour year •10 alt r her huaband dird 1l waa a few months lat.er that I d~vdol)ed troubl with my ba<'k The doctor Vow Have It. N SllVlt .l.1'~. 1'1•nn 1AP l Th Rev Mt>r,•tr M<·Klnney bas 111 rrled roupl~a on h oritt•bu c k , In un 1tlrbom«1 ht-llcoptcr and on a dlvln11 board Now ht• plnn.• 11 new wrinkle H Ion(( d111tnnt't' wed drng via {'ompuh•r fh<• brld1.• und bride· ttruom. Linda C ride r 6Hld Brian Barber, met NH'h other t'O ntpllment11 or the same computer t'lrc ul ts . T hey com · muni<'ated constantly by tl.'r mln a ls and wer e engaged in December, having never come face· to.race. They wUI gather in a Las Vegas, Nev., flower shop on March 3 before a familiar computer termina l, said McKin· ncy. who will be s ta· tioned before his own computer in the Oak Grove, Ky . flower shop he operates about 1,800 miles from Las Vegas. "I WILL SEND ALL the information to them v ia t h e comput er. They 'l l type their res ponses into the com· puter," he s aid. auuc:sted I put boards under the mattress. "A" <'Omplalned, so we lCOt twin beds. Then he de· veloped trouble with lllS back. I work from 8 a.m tll 4 p.m . "A" is re· llrc-d. Recently when I was changing his bed linen I found a hairpin (I don't use them l and tht• 8ht-els looked awfully messed up for one person I asked him straight out If he had had a female In hl1' bed. He denied It. Theo 1 remem· bt-red lhul his 1l1~r comes over to keep him C'O mpany almost ever y day, so I said, "I'll bet. It's ·v "' The look on his face was so guilty I knew I had guessed right. He sUll won't admit it but l 'm sure. Now what? I'm 56. "A" is 62. He has been a MOOd husband and our children are gone. Should I divorce him? Yes or No? -SECOND TO SISTER DEAR .8.: I woaldn't make a yes or no de· ch1lon of tlll1 kind for anybody. Ftra&: I'm no t sure a pllty look ls soUd evidence. Second: If lie did admit It. ask yoanetl dte question woald your Ute be better with him or without lllm? Oaly you can decide. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I was married In an exqulsile ivory satin wedding gown. IL has the traditional covered buttons al the sleeves and a heart·shaped neckline. It's such a beautiful dress and we paid so much for it, it's a shame lo wear it only once. Wha l do you think a bout wearing ll lo formal parties irustu d of let.Un g ll rot ln the attic? - PRACTICAL POLLY DEA a POLLY: Sorry. dear -brtdal 1owns are for weddlags. If you wear tlaat dress at parties la order to get yoar money's worUa yoa'U look like a bride wbo ls tryta1 to &et ber money's wortJa. U need.D't .. rot la tile aUlc." Have It pro· fesalouUy packed and put It away for yoar dHlb&er. Pleaftc Re me mber B ridal F ashion S how TH E INN AT THE PAR K I block wulh o r Otsneyland (orn~r or Kutellaund Harbor D oors Ope• S••d •J' I :00 PM t'ebrual")' &8 . 1979 For l nfo .... atlon plea.e..U (714) 750-1811 Free Admission I AUTY LAMPSHADES Harbor Lites M ~hy llicL 11221/J .. ...,.,. ....... c .... ~ LAt.tPPAITS Harbor Lites l.M t._,O.,lld. s.-, 11221/J ......,.. ..... c ....... 20°/oOFF IW1thTh1s Adl .. mae.. & .. stodl LAMPSHADES ,.,. .... .......... ,... .. ~,,_ .... , Thk .......... .... ~· M•. 11. 197' 0'9tlYRY DAY IMC~SUMD;.Y SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 21 ): Home. securi· ty. completing transaction, making amends to family member for foolish dispute these a re on the agenda Taurus, Libra and another Scorpio could figure prominently. SAGITTARIVS tNov. 22·Dec. 211 : Short Journey could be on agenda. You may be under pressure to make a purchase. Be sure terms are properly defined Avoid laking too much for granted McKinney s aid t he bride·lo-be worked in T ul sa. Ok l a .. for Florafax International, a firm that transm its or· ders between florists via compute r . McKinney represents the firm in T e nnessee a s doe s Barber in Las Vegas. The Rev. Mercer McKinney, left, administers wedding vows to chimney sweep Mike Podurgal and Patricia Foote in a rooftop ceremony. Mc Kinney has married couples on horseback, in a helicopter and on a diving board. The Newest Garden Guide Available Cl\PRJCORN 1 Dec. 22.Jan 19 >: Accent on pay ments, collections, getting into producllon. Means it is lime -gel off sidelines and into game. Applies to business and personal hfe. AQUARIUS <Jan 20·Feb. 18>: You cun strike chord of universal appeal. Know it, be confident and direct. Love is very much in pie· lure -cycle h.tgh and you do r1ghl'lhing at right time. PISCES ! Feb J9·Marc h 20 I Light 1s thr own o n areas previously shrou ded in mystery. Leo, Aquarius figure prominently. You meet someone who will play key role in your life • • Shoes "I thi nk it was last September the terminal was installed in L as Vegas." McKinney said. .. Brian n ormally ope ratPs the ter minal and they got to shooting the breeze via the com· puter and in December. not having ever seen each othe r . they got engaged. "And Dec. 30, Linda flew out to Las Vegas to meet the man she was going t o marr y." McKinney said. M c KINNE Y A N D MISS C RID E R con· ceived of the ceremony by computer. naturally. McKinney, 54, has never been a con ve n· tional minister. Last OC· t obe r . he m a r ried a chim ney sweep and his bride on a house rooftoo in Clarksvllle, Tenn .• (From Page B l) mlddle or the noor by hi m self. Befor e, the muscles are not strong e nough yet." Milter said. "If a child is fit too soon. it delays walking.·· In Person RON LO VECE Until a child goes to school shoes should be r e fitted every three months, mos t sales men agree. Then, the growth curve slows a bit. Miller said that "thin. delicate c hildren wear s hoes longer" while the others ·•grow out of the width." THE RE ARE DI F · FEBENT ways to fit a shoe but most skilled salesme n depend on their fingers fo r the final test. Botelho contends that both feet s hould be measured because "un- til a child is 4 or 5 there is a variation between the left and right feel." T h e f i n al g uide . Botelho said, is t hat "a shoe bas to be snug, but not light." He has one bit of ad· vice for the par e nt whose child lives in his athletic shoes: "Wash them at least once a week to open the pores o( the canvas. lt eliminates the possibility oHungus." RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTHY W...Y•W• ...... 1122 ... ,., 81vcl. Coete Mffa -Ml-1111 New York's award winning bridal designer~ €1:1 ,. 'I , ~\ OPEN HOUSE Tw o Days Onty Sunday, Fe b . 25th. 12 to 5 Monday, Feb. 26th, 10 to 7 Everyone We/com~· ~~tr MUSIC• REfRfSHMENTS ~d • ,_.,... ........ ~ BRIDAL MALL EVERYTHING FOR THE PERFECT WEDDING. SINCE 1969 ... 3404 Wf!St Westminster Ave .. Santa An.i PHONE: (714) SJ 1-1871 •GOWNS •FLORIST •PHOTOGRAPHER •CA TERI NG• TUXEDOS .: • where McKinney lives . When he m a rried a couple on a divin~ board, he said, "I just made sure I was on the end of the board away from the water ." In 1977, McKi nney of· ficiated a t a_ wedding aboard a helicopte r 9,800 f ee t above Fo rt Campbell, wh ich. like Oa k Grov e a nd Clarksville. s t r ad dles the Tennessee·Ke ntucky bor d er . Art e r t h e ceremony, all but t he Universal Life Church minister and the copter pilot parachuted to the ground holding bands. "I'll never forget it. It was just beautiful. The bride and bridegroom a nd best man and maid or honor were all free fa lling and forme d a sta r," said McKinney . • Plant Encyclopedia wilh 6.500 plants sold in Westl!'n nurseries • Plant Sekction Guide with color photos and new charts • Basic Planting and Care Secdon wtth step.by-step Instructions Special Introductory Price only S8. 95 (S9 .9S after May 31. 1979) Rogf'f• G.ttd~M • 640-$800 c;.,n Jo.qu1n o11 M.tcAnhur • ,..._,,Buch Clo1m-6i•m 1eaut11 parlour 5ervu'>g "'e 1rv11'e An International Beauty Center tor Ladies and Gentlemen Newpan Beacl'I Costa Mesd Areas Cordially Invites You to Our GRAND OPENING FESTIVITIES February 26th thru March 2nd Your Beauty Center off era: • European Hair Styling • For Men & Women • Permanent Waving • Haer Analysis • Custom Coloring • Individual Lashes • Manicuring • Pe<1ecur1no • Sculplured Nails • The F1nes1 PrOducts Used For appointment c1t1 (714) 557-2234 MARCH 3rd Thrc>ugl'I trte courl~y 01 Chez Oa,.1es of Newpo'1 lntem1Uon1lly 1cclalmed Singing Star HERB JEFFRIES wlll be appearing -from 4 to 8 p.m. 2?0 So. Bristol -Suite 102-The Croaaroada of Aedhlll and Brlatol I I :~ . , J ,, ., 1ai ~: tN "8 \ ,,, ar· . lid Ive l\d. ur• eot g !J ad '° at.. . ' " .. .. -.. -· ., t ,,. . . . . Business DAILY PILOT 83 Coastal Firms Report DouYiey, Others Li.al Higher /11eo11ie, Eanti1igs Record oet earnina~ ror 19'1 have n "'port· d by Oowot'y St1vln•~ and Loan AasoclaUon, based ln Ca6ta Mesa. N~ aft.er w earnilljs totaled su.ooe.ooo. or $3 t a 1bart. C<>mpattd wtth ltTI ""'*It• r a .1n.ooo. or S2.'T7 It was ti.. nm year m which Downey ncra_g~ n l eaming1 of Sl mUJJoo prr mooth · Fwrth quarter n~ urnina of sz.m.ooo. or flt r~n\I a ~rt, wbal I tban lo the previous lhrtt ttport.if\I pt'rlods. ttprnetMd lbe f'Ompao.y'a bffl fourth llu.Ar1t l' tH"rlorman~ lo dat•. For t.be like ~nod In 1m 12. .ooo. or 11 ttnla. wu poaWd. the ll!if)C)Claltoh u ad ConaoUd•h-d .-u l~reawd 2$ percent to pas~ the-Sl billion mark. 1978 toan produt'Uon wH ~ mllhoo. a r~"COrd Th y\"ar'1 nf't u vin1a m C'1"C' or St46 ~ mllUon al$o ~,_.a ret'Ord •-• •*'In 0111~ '•• PORTLAND, o,.. l APl Daon Corp . a Newport Bea ch du••lopmt-nl t'Ompany. and Northwetil Natur•I Gaa Co h•Vf' a(l'ttd lbat D1100 will uuUatt• plaru ror 8 5 .... ·block office project ID downtown Porthllld, part ot whlch would house the gas t'ompany t>evelopnwol Co , In<' , at 2Cl'10 Bwstnes Center Drive. lrvtne Tb r1rm 1cqui~1 and dev lops raw land for u by rnldmUul and tommerclal bullden ,,,...... ... Ff,.. OJH-W. Arbott MM>Clalu haa opeMd ln Newporl ~och to dev lop manaaemeoot tralnlnl pro1ram1 tbr corporation.a and bualneues It wu founded by Robert R. Arbolt. former vact p idfot or or1anl1U>Oe manaaement for the Attna Realty Croup He ls &I.Jo form r pel'$0nnel mao••~r or the bousln1 divts.lona of lhe Irvine Co. f~flft'9 ·~ c .. ,. •• ~. Shu1rmun Rogoway & Au ocl•tes, Los An1trll'11, and Richard I!: Borkoveti and As· IOC.'illt':., Newport ~Mcb , have merged to form Kogoway/ Borkoveti Associates, a consulting engin~nna firm ll wall mawtuin omees ln Newport Beacb and Loa Angeles Aroold llasaoldl. a prtnclpal of SR&A, wlU be a partner l.o lhe new organisation aod John F. Carlson, Jobn B. Black and Jon M.. Ziegler will be vtce presldenta. DUSENBERG: AHEAD OF ITS TIME AGAIN? Kenneth, Left Above, •nd H•rt•n Don't Pl•n AepHc• PacTel Hit,s Cost Of Decision SAN FRANCISCO fAP>. - Paclnc Telephone Co. says the U.S. Supreme Court's refusal of a reque$t for reconsideration of a December nallna could cost the utWty $260 mlllfon ln rebaus and rate reductions and as much as $3 billion in back taxes. The nation 's btgb court cleared the way for tbos~ moves this week by denying Pac Tel's request that the court bear the tax eligibility issue before the s tate Public Utillties Com· mission, which will meet in ex- ecutive session Tuesday on the matter. The petition before lbe PUC asks for reconsideratioo of the commission's Jan. 16 order Jm- plementing a 1977 decision to make refunds and rate reduc· lions. Daon will conduct a SIJL month feuablllly istudy to ~ lf B high nse commercial develop· ment totaling t 4 mHU on square reet can be built econorrucaU y The lMJld as lldJaceot to Old Town in oortb t Portland, and T \I.' I ( , Is owned by the gas com Prestige on Whee&: $100,000 " , pany STOCK Daon ls the U.S. arm ---------of Daon Development Corp .. Vancouver, B.C. Northwest Natural Gas President Ronald T. Maller said the study will include preliminary de· signs for an office bwlding to be joinUy owned with or partially leased to the gas company. The agree· ment to transfer the land is for '6.8 million. The feasibility study will be Daon's second major venture in Oregon. Jt ls the owner of Moun· lain Park. a 152-acre residential development Jn the Portland suburb of Lake Oswego. s.MWs ••~~ l•rre .. n Net income of $52,179,000, or $S.3S a share, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1978, compared with $39.352,000, or $4.07, for the year 1977, bas been re· ported by Smith International, Inc., Newport Beach. Net income increased 33 percent over 1977 to a record. There were an average 9,762,000 common shares and equivalents outstanding in 1978. com- pared with 9,670,000in1977. Revenues for 1978 increased 27 percent to a record $451, TI4,000from $354,356,000in 1977. Net income for the fourth quarter of 1978 was $13.480;000, or $1.38 a share, an increase of 8 per· cent from $12,530,000, or $1 .. 29, reported for the comparable quarter of 1977. Revenues for the quarter were $120,383,000 compared with $97,366,000 last year, an increase of 24 percent. Net income and revenue results for the quarter were the second highest in the company's. history. The 1977 fourth quarter earnings include a non-recurring gain from the sale of Vetco, Inc .. common stock. After deducting tb1s gain, the 1978 fourth quarter was 16 percent higher than the 1977 period. Beatlff Gains Ilg J74f., BenUey Laboratories, Inc., Irvine. bas report- ed revenues for 1978 of $34,075,000, a 17 percent in· crease over urn revenues. As a result or discontinuance of development and production of its hollow fiber dialyzer product line, there bas been an aggregate charge to 1978 earnings before taxes of $2,588,000, reducing net in· come to $635,000, or earnings of 29 cents a share, compared with $1.21a sharein1977. The impact of discontinuance on financial re- sults for fiscal year 1979 is expected to be positive, because the product accounted for only 3 percent of 1978's sales, while heavy development, capital and start-up costs for the line have depressed over- all company earnings for the past two or three years, according to D.J . Bentley, chairman. The company manufactures and distributes blood handling and blood processing equipment used in cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. Bmtk Reports A•.e•• Gr..,da Banlt of Newport, Newport Beach, bas report· ed more than Sl19 million in assets a l yearend 1978. up rrom $106 million in 1977. Net income was reported at $1 ,425.398. a 3S percent incrense over 1977, and resulted in $1.30 a share income for stockholders . American R~n• l•rreue American Home Mortgage Corp., Newport Beach, bas reported a record l!iO percent net in· come increase in 1978 over 1977 earnings. The company attributed the rise to "the fioan· ciaJ flexibility that the corporation provides for pro- fessional real estate investors for their real estate equity." Ardtltert Ott~ If•~• Albert c. Martin and Associates, a plannmg. architecture and engineering firm, has opened an office at 17305 Daimler St., Irvine. Jack Spak, an associate, bas been named prin· cipal to head the office and Eugene McLean bas been named director of design. Projects for the office include a master plan re-evaluation and expansion of the Parker Han- nifan complex in Irvine and planning for a 400-acre dev~looment in San Juan Capis~. Gteflno Aeqtdrn c .. pa•w Doug Gfeller bas announcecd acquiring all the stock in Akim/Gfeller Co. and wlll continue to operate the business under the name or Gfeller EVANSTON, Ill. (AP> -Tbe Duesenberg, a car so lwcurious it sigrufied instant prestige in the 19205, i.s being revived. It will have its familiar bow-tie bumper and "Dueseobird" hood ornament -and an un· familiar $100,000 price tag. , M08t people dreamed ol owning a Duesenberg a ball century ago, when it was brought out by two Indianapolis automakers, Augie and l"red Duesen- berg. EVEN BEFOKE TUEY STOPPED making the car in 1937, it bad earned such a reputation that anything extraordinary was referred to as a doozy. Today, collectors are willing to pay more than $200,000 for a good Model J Duesenberg produced from 1929 through 1937. About 480 were built in that time, at prices ranging from $14,000 to $20,000, a fortune during the Depression years. A prototype of the new Duesenberg was un· veiled this week by Harlan and Kenneth Duesen· Victory Dodge, Costa Mesa, bas announced a new management team . General manager is Mlcllael Norris, used-car sales manager is Vic Pawloski, new-car sales manager is Rod Fellmle and general service manager is Tolly Perry. • Richard P. "Dick" RJtter, Laguna Niguel, bas been named senior vice president and controller al Bank of Newport, Newport . -· 1 Beach. Y -~ • Before joining the bank, be was a manager with Arthur Young and Co., where be worked in manufac turing, banking, real estate and as a computer auditing specialist. He is a certified public ac- countant and a member of the California Society of Certified Public Accountants, the iunu American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Orange County Financial Society. • • Wallace 0 . Laub has been named to the new post or executive vice president of marketing at National Edvcation Corp., Newport Beach. He is former senior vice president of marketing. He is responsible for the functional direction and assistance lo subsidiaries and their sales managers for advertising and sales activities. • Stepben Kiss, Corona del Mar, bas been named vice president for marketing and sales or Natarade Prodacts, lnc., Paramount. He will coordinate expansion and administra· tion or marketing and sales efforts for nutritional supplements and cos metic products. • Robert G. Reese, Corona del Mar, bas been named vice president of Gfeller Development Co., Inc., an Irvine firm that acquires and develops raw land for residential and commercial builders. He will work with brokers and land owners in screening land for acquisition. He is former vice president and treasurer for Berry Enterprises, Inc., Long Beach. * Jane Caljls, Laguna Beach, bas been named public relations account executive with Cochrane Chase Is Co., Newport Beach. Sbe is former marketing director for Lion Country Safari in Irvine. • .la.alee Carleen Hess, Mission Viejo, bas been appointed vice president and director of personnel for St.ate Mateal Savings and Loaa Aatoelattoa, based in Newport Beach. She joined the association in 1974 as the secretary to the president and has held various positions wit.bin the organization. Responsibll1Ues include recruiting. wage and compensation admlnlstration, training, education, employee relations and career development. * Pat.dell D. Patti.ton, Newport Beach, bas been named advertialng manager at KTl'V. Channel 11. He previously managed his own advertising firm. 103 FM STEREO SOUNDS Of THE HARBOR • , •II<* Fashion Island Newport Beach •A •11••e ee lao ra• ••11 011e do~.,.,_ laa1'e to •M•lc ahllt • .., berg. grand-oepbews of Augie and Fred. "WE DIDN'T CONSIDER maldog a replica. There's already a replica on the market and it's a pretty good one, .. Harlan Dueseoberf said. "lo the 1920s, the" Duesenberg was ahead o its time and that's what we want now." The birth of the Duesenberg prototype took four years in a small shop in Mundelein, 40 miles northwest of Chicago. It fulfilled the dream of Kenneth. 55, an Industrial designer, and Harlan. 51, who raced stock cars after World War II and sold insurance to race tracks. ' "We wanted to bring back a true American prestige car and dreamed of doing it ever since our dad showed us scrapbooks of t.be Duesenberg when we were youngsters," said Kenneth. wbo wiU give specialized, personal service to buyers. "WE HOPE TO GET INTO full production in two years, making at most 91t'l:ars a year, all handcrafted," be said. Although it resembles a Uncoln, much of the new car's heritage is Cadillac. The entire chassis and drive train come from the Fleetwood Brougham. The prototype is a four-door town coupe. Standard equipment includes the US.cubic· inch Caddy VS and all the other automatic and power equipment or today's luxury cars. TUE CIDEF ENGINEEJl FOR the brothers, Robert ''Pete" Peterson, was asked, In view of ris- ing gasoline prices, what the new Duesie's mileage would be. "Anyone who can buy one doesn't have to think about bow mucb a gallon of gas costs." be said. Ove r The Counter MASDU .... MUTUAL FUNDS NVESTING 11." 1J 76 Fl!de,.led ,.unch; H~Yld 11.18 11 .. US GoY 9.26 10 11 Pe"" So 7.ln NL Tru•I 174 'I)) COMPANIES 1 M us Am Ldr 7.llO. 34 Tr I 00 NL MUSMl>usett Co ,...,,, ,,,.., ue NL Vef\1 .. ~ U J NEW YORI( (APl , 71 1.'6 Emplr 19 09 HO< 8n ,. S1 IS 10 FrHd 1 ....... Pllll• 7 '111 • n Sii ECl1Y It 11 II JI -TM loltowlng ~ u u U.37 Four E 11.to .•.. INAFd II.» n.» ·-p 1.12 •M Pf>Of c~ • " ... SB l&Gr 12•1 tl •t l•llons. IUlllllled t 17 10.13 Hllcm ISi Group M•u 10.17 II ,._,, I'd •.OI 'I.IS ~n In II '13 12 •• Ille NetloNI ~ · 1J SI 14.. 116' 14.M MONM Grwlll S 16 SM Fdltw: 103 IS u Pllorim °'1> Sw lnV\ 1 51 8 " •llOfl ot SecuritlH 10 43 11 21 °1 • O 0 N L tncom 3.M HI MHs Fl-.cl PllO Fd h .6' 132.4071 SSow_!!I, G1,,t 1$1 •.11 1P,l 0.• .. "· IM... .... 1.n • :n MMM '00 N Trst "' '°"II.., MIT M-o c 3.56 .. .. ·~ ~ Pfkies et wllicfl 1,00 NL ~" 13. 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Grw11t 4 Cit ~SJ s 1M 8. 19 I tt lnc:om IJ.1' ISM MMll 9 71 NL Gomm 1 03 .. :i-)~I .. unr:~" a 1112' NL Utlli 4 1' S. I c~ KI 1.JO 111 ltttEQ IS. U 14.0 5-1 31. 11 NL Speotl U OI IJ lO ... "" . • I u.• NL IMOM 1.m I ~' IU ~09 s.ss lffuMrW l*'ll\. S.Crlty Fllf'OS• V~rd ~· ~·,n ... ,!! , .. .!! ='"L ..,. ,.,.. 10 u N us GOii II •. "' St "» ,. ,. Enrtt 1-4.n Nl ...,., U1 • u lfplr fo1· NL ~ nw "' l -Ortyf.,. (i<p. Ctt>ll J.M 1.'7 us 53 7.lS '·" Guerd -NL £ciuty ,....., • .. 11e1r 1UJ NL ~:~~ f~ :'tj ereyf !l 1' '1 Equll 3.14 4.14 us $.4 4.97 S.~ Pa'111 11.62 n L L""'" 7.J:I 7.90 vu •.01 9')1 •<>otl'.11 -"' ~..,, 1t: ''N°' LqAsMI 1.00 NL Lt 11~on J.l'I. a. =:101" ,1~ .. t s.~t!. ... '.!;:,"·" ~f1 1~1' ~t An~ ..... "~~ L» N Int 'o N Fund!* 6.n •.>t ~P"tctr 8"f1 tU3 Ne"'t In< '·°' NL Ams111 6.7' NL w ttrm 'ti NL ""' " ,.. Ill< .... N Fund 11\C Gnl• Lt• Of 13.3' 1t..0 Nk lllffd tl.9' NL 5Pl5"• lt.ll NL W Leftt I . Nt ~T ~M ···~ dm 1• n H Gomtn LOI NL Lu 111 •.7• to.M "'°"'"'' 10.. n .oe Sent~I ~· Wtllll t . NL O< • llnl C IUI NL lmPt< 71) I°' 1,.U It u 01 1$ JI "*"41'1 1U4 NL A .. a U7 1... Wtll"1 1.'1 Nt ti~ o, ' I~'·!? nN~· l= Or , " .. Ind Tr '11 tO' ti"" Ill\ • , .... HI/-'JI • .. ll•l•n 1 Cit 1.1$ West IG • Ii N ~ nc ·-" £ • ........,. f1104 ttt NL kl CtP 1000 NL~ 10.d 10 ~ 1119 tt22 Wll MM :·" NL ~o•nv !! !!L ···" 1" 1' G Ptc « 00 NI .._., S.vtet Ill _,., .... '.. Wlndr " Nl tc rn :.-. r L f-. 1,41 N 0.1'()p I .M N (ffll 1:111 NL """ Fd e· 22 ~ NL Vari" J 'It U 3 1:"7t"' ·~Ao? NL Grwttl tO., I G!U s n . MUI " 1• Nl ... , HJ ntry F 1u• IS ... Well St G ..,.. 1 IS f ... ii°"' S ff 6 0. Se< I st NL Lef"f AIDOltt H ''4 Uct4 14 '2 .,.. F~; W.ln fq 14 l"I NL lot ~f &.7t ~t I 1" 1 GrHltft I 00 N ANlllll 1 Jt 1 • tnc:loc I.IS I.ti ... ..,.. to.P tU2 WIK Inc: 4 ,. NL 1 1,. O<ll •fi • 0'1ll 1114 n '' N g.nc1 • 10 to " u ~e 1.110 NL l!W'om 11 t•1tH ~,,,.~ ~? i·~' 1H~ ,.~s.1~ NI. "~111u~ •·" 0' '"~' ·~·ti 'HZ ~:';... ~.P~ ~~::t: :: 'Hl ~~ ~ ~ "1: l:f1'a .... ~ • 'fl:: v. '4 ·1 .. 0"'"'" ··" '· L11t ... ,.n ero· "I"' 10.M 'l .. )l!;rm ~ 14,U Oil Htuw tto N <;•:ir S bi :L ~l~ld a 10 !110. !'1!~4lr1t1 :t ~L r~:.i 1~ l! I~ U oicl'Mr.t< ~ :.·t; ~I "'l'l'~ 10.~ ':J~ tl~_.NI. de~tn h!l«ll" L rmllO 10.'4 "·' Hart L .... 16.1• NL Mllfll ., .. IOJ• ••••l'l'IM • IJ '·" '"""' ..... 1• ~. '"'~~ (~ Iii d tr lr :d "I· a 16 e, .. st It le '" ~l ay ly lid IYe nd. ur• aol t . ' ' I ' •!· •' N ft1da~. February 23, 1911 NYSE . . .. . ,. ' STOCKS I BUSINESS Over-55 House Sellers Aided By SYLVIA PO&TEll St< ...... ,,~ Homeowners SS years or aae and older were banded a fantastic tax break by the 1978 Revenue Act In the form of a once·in·a·Ulellme election to exclude from income up to $100,000 or any profit on sale or a principal residence. They ordlna,rily would have to pay capital gains tu OD profit unless they bought another residence for at least as much as the selling price . TO GET THIS OPTION, YOU must have been at least SS years old and sold the house aft.er July 26, 1978. You can exclude only up to $50,000 If you are married and filing a separate return. Your profit i.a tax.free even If you don't buy another house. Here are the requirements you must meet: (1 > You must be SS or <*fer when you sell the house, .cooperative or condominium. · · <2> It must be your v1·incipal residence (3) IF YOU WERE :>S or ove r but not yet 65 ·when you sold, you m \.C.5t have owned and used the property as Money's Worth your principal residence for three years or more during the five.year period ending on the date of the sale. If you were 65 or ove r when you sold, and the sale is completed before July 26, 1978, you can qualify if you owned and oc - cupied the property as your principal residence for five out or eigM years before the sale. · C4) This is a once·in·a·lifetime option. It may not be re· 1 pealed by either spouse. • If Y''u soJd your principal residence art.er July 26, 1918.- and before Jan. 1, 1979, and you meet all tbe requirements you can treat your prom as tax-free on your 1978 federai income tax return. Nert: CQPital Goini ' ' Thomas C. Simoaek, Dana Point. bas been appointed. branch vice pr'esident at Fldellty Federal Savlags and:· Loan AsaoclaCion. He is manager of the association's East Loog Beach office in Bixby Plaza. • Gloria J . Reath, Huntington Beach, bas oeen named general lending officer at Ballll of America's Fountain Valley branch. She is a former authorizing officer at that branc-b. Her career with the bank began in 1973, when she Joined the Boulevard-Fairfax branch in Oakland as a part· time teller. * Bob Leeper, Huntington Beach, has been appointed marketing manager for Sta.-. Pacltagiq Systems, an Ontario manufacturer or flexible packaging ror the pro. duce, flower and meat industries. He is responsible for establishing and directing the s ales and marketing s trategy. The company, a division or Standum lnc., manufactures and markets lettuce wraps, vented fruit and vegetable bags, netting for fruit and vegetable baskets. flower Meeves and netted ham bags. Market Dealt Blows By News on 2 Fronts HEW YOAK IAPI· S.le~ 4 pm. pro<~ •ncl net G~ of Ille tlli.en most •l•W H-Y°"' Stoel! E1t<NncJe IUUH. tradlnQ Mlionelly al ~e Illian SI. Polan>id •• .-. . • 1,210,400 4J"• _. ... BallyMfg 254.IOO SI" -I~ Aam..sa In. '"·'°° 10"" -u, CMursWld m .100 .-. _,.,., Revlon • 209,600 41l. -"-Suri Ao.t> 2111, 100 '°"" . Alle9 A.rt 1••.000 9>;, • • • ~~·r . ,~~ .~,. : .. OiamStnn Ill~ 20\. -I• O"lo Edison 11•.AOO , .. , , ,,. BristMye• • Hl,5<!0 ""' " Oowc:Mfn 110,500 2S14 .-P,.lllp Mor• 1'3,0 •S•, -,,,. Cannell Co 1~.900 •O"· .., NEW YOAK IAPI-54.le\ • 0 m prl(~ ::er~~M'Ttoct' ''E.~~ng~1 .:~~"; 1ra<1J119 Mlion.tlfy •• mon ll'lan S 1 Revtlnt A Hl . .aG •> '"' Br&d Nall .i,100 II• • 1 1 Carnatn Sl,IOO UV. •. erucan A S•,100 11k '"' Amdahl SJ,SOO 311/t '-Rulsell . S0,600 n~. • .,. HouOllM . so.soo ""' ~ Vt Tullos Mil• • 41, 100 ISIJ'> llllt Hatnwd Ho. 40,IOO IS~ ~ I~ Gani Eiq>IOf... • UOO ·~ -Vt New York lAPI FIM I Oow·.JOne\ • .,~ STOCICS Ooen HOQl'I Low Close Ola » 1n<1 m . ., m 13 '"·" 113.21-s.it 20 Trn 211 14 212 . .ss 109.st 211.1-o.u IS Ull ICM.Cl 10..10 10176 UM.1-0.11 6.S Siii no • 211.9' 278.IO 2I0.11-1.» Ind•" • • •• • • •• • •• • ••• 1,26S,900 Tr•n • • •••••••. 4M.ooo Ulll\ • •• . . . • .. • . • • . • • • • • • . • ~.700 U s111 •••• • • • . • • • • •• • 2,0U,600 Mlaof S l ut."k 11 Did HEW YO'IK t.l•PI A<IY•n<"'C! OKllMCI unc"•"9"<1 Tolal 1~~ New "!Qin Ht w IO•\ S•l E\ l>rev Tod4y a.y .. , 411 .,, '01 4Jf •S. ••2• '"" ,, " 11 " NEW YORI( tAPt HY Sloe& Wlei A111>ro• 'ltMI U.150,000 P.-.vlou\ oa r U ,2'0,000 weo ·~ ,1,110,000 Month -l4,2)0,000 r.:, :~ -.:.::. . ~H\~.: + •n 1 to d.lle .. .. .. . . •• 1,012,1S1,UZ ,,,. 10 ,,... . • • . • • • • • • •• • • • • 7571000.000 1911 la CS.It • • • • • • .. • • . • • • • • 113,8401000 WHAT AME'lt 0 10 NEW YOftl( (AP) i • J t j_....._ _____ ,, _________ _s;no,..ts Fftd9y, Ftbru•ry 23, 1879 OAl&.Y ~LOT r-..... . Will_ Honie Court Edge Pay Off Tonight? 8 aoor.• CA&.UON Ot ............. The operunc round of th Cl F ba ~etball pl1yorf1 ceta under way tOl\i&bt with nln OtanR Coast ar a team1 lh.rowln1 a blue chap Into tbf!pot Al take 11 o 'tt0nd round bfirth tn the JZ·team elimlnaUon.a for 4·A, 3 A and 2-A tla. IOcattona and 11• or the nln area t.e•m• will b(! ~Y•nl hom t"OUrt advanta&f'!I HO•E ' G TS co to Manna, Eatanc a, lluntlntton B ach, Votoo d I Mar, O~an View and Mater Del whJI NewPort Harbor, Dana Hills and San C1tmente snron the road At Munna. unhh au or tM-olh r 7 30 ataru, the Vlkin11 will try to alow down• ot.re Oamt1 CSh<"nnan OakJ> quintet wbJch Uk to run wh •n 1t ~t't' th(' chance, &:\ <'Vtd need by o 10l·polnt output In u v1r1ory ovc•r IA'l Angel • n1rminaham ll •l•rU at I Notro O.mc o~rat ~ l\ti l\A s, g c, 6 3 front UM u oppo~ed to the ~ un I l. IUf" l'ba ~ons' 8 7, 8-6, 6 5. 6 5 :\lructure, t.pcur~~ by g l 111und 1'nuett Hatton AT n'ANCI WILL BE an undtrnted Glendora High quintet which has reversed .. 10-.tng reputation behind five returning ·tart ~andt .. oMfront·hnt'~ ~---Tonight's Schedule----.... 4·A Dlvlslon Compton at Huntington Beach Simi Valley at Ocean View Murphy at Mater Oei N wport Harbor at Oxnard Notre Dame at Marina 3·A Division Glendora at Estancia nlu Monica at Corona del Mar Z·A Dlvlslon Dunu Hills at Charter Oak Sun Clemente at Sierra guard Machael Herndon, ita press and excellent rebounding. 7:30 7:30 7:30. 7:30 8 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 Huntington's Rico Thompson, a first team All-Sunset League cbolce, bas been lll and mlased two days of practice, but is expect- ed to be in the lineup tonight. Year Wayne Carlander <6·6) and J eff Andrade, await the arrival of Siml Valley, which relies on quickness and 6-2 guard Bryan Roberts (29.l scoring average). While this is Simi Valley's third straight playort berth, lt is the Seabawks' first since this is Ocean View's first varsity campaign. MAT-Ba DEJ'S TIM PEABODY gets the defensive ass11nment against Murphy's 6-6 Rick Rodriguez, who bas avera1ed 21.3 pointa a game. The Monarcbs of Mater Del, Angelus League champions, are led by the scoring or 6-3 John Saunders (19.3) and euard Sal Gaytan (19.1). The Sailors of New.port Harbor left Thursd1Y night for tonight's game with Oxnard, where the hosts await with a run·and·IUD of- fense and pressing defense. "We have to control the tempo," says Newport If arbor Coach Jerry OeBusk. "We waot to take the break when we can, but we can't get into a running game with them.'' DANA IDU.S COACH Art Jenkins says his team must beat Charter Oak's full court man-to-man pressure. The OolpblM enter, with three All-South Coast League selections, Mike Samuels, Doug Andrews and Ian O'Donnell. 1 The Eagle" or Esh•ntla, Sea View Lea•u champions, counter with All leuJ(Ul' t•hoh-f':\ Stevt> Van Horn, Dan Maddock and Tim Krohnfr!dt SANTA MO~ICA'S VIKINGS, molded from a lbree·year school of 3,300, mvade Corona del Mar with a reputation for outside shoot· mg. Awaiting is a man-to-man defense and the balanced firepower of four players averaging in double figures for scoring, led by 1978 All -CIF guard Dave Koehler. San Clemente will be l'rying to put an end to Sierra High's · basketball history tonight. Sierra will close and be dissolved into the Whittier School District al the end of the current season. Hunllnalon Beach !> dut-1 w1lh Compton renews a looa·standine 1 rivalry between trad1t.Jonal basketball powers. Comp\on relies on . Al'Wl,........ DAVID GREENWOOD GETS SHOT OVER JAMES WOODS. Sierra's 19-5 record bas been accumulated behind a balanced at-·• tack, while San Clement~ made it to tonight's game with a 53-39 ·• Seniorless Ocean View, with Empire League Co-players of the victory at Lompoc Wednesday in the wild card game. UCI Felt Deep Defeat . Ameaters Now Figure to Meet Pacific in Tourney. By ERNIE CASTILLO Ol tlle Delly l'li.t Sutt Getting beat al its own game- and in Its own gym, no less-was hard enough for UC Irvine's basketball t eam to handle Thursday night. But what really hurt the Anteaters, more than how they lost a game they should have won, were the con- sequences. For by dropping a 63·61 de· cision to UC Santa Barbara at Crawford Hall, lbe Anteaters will probably finish alone in the PCAA cellar and thus draw No. t seeded Pacific in next week's conference tournament. UCI HAD FIGURED on an easier pairing against the No. 2 team, Utah State. but Santa Barbara and San Jose combined ... to take care of that ray of hope. The Gauchos converted a steal into the winning basket with 12 seconds left to beat the An- teaters while San Jose slipped out or the cellar by stunning Fresno Slate, 49-46. Thus, unless it can win Satur- day night against Long Beach State, UCI will open the PCAA tournament Wednesday against a Pacific team it bas lost lo twice by a combined 30 points rather than a San Jose State team it beat by nine two weeks ago UCl'S LOCKER ROOM, whlch was rocking with celebratioo'h two weeks ago after back-to· back home wins, was dead silent Thursday. Considering how the game evolved, it was no wonder. The Anteaters, who bad bit on 21 of their first 23 free throws, missed three straight attempts late in the game. Still, they bad a chance to win it at t~ wire after Santa Barbara's Jerry Ocasio hit both ends of a one- and-one to put the Gauchos ahead, 61·59, with 54 seconds re- maining. Working for the last shot. UCI whittled the clock down and was trying to get the ball inside to center Ph.ii Bolden. But Bolden couldn't work himself free down low and bad to come up high. When be got the ball at the cor· ner or the key and turned to shoot, be was double teamed and had the ball slapped away by Wayne Stevenson JEFF PEllRV, WHO bad scored just two points all night, picked up the loose ball and scrambled in untouched for a layup that put the game out of reach. The Gauchos then laid back as UCl's Lester Jones drove in for an uncontested layup that produced the final margin. It was reminiscent of the first meeting between the two teams when the Gauchos rallied in the final minute for a 66-63 victory in Santa Barbara. Once again. the Ant.eaters bad to be conU!nl knowing they had played well in a losing effort. "Maybe in a year they'll re- alize that but right now all they· see is the two· point loss," said UCI Coach Tim Tift in explain· ing the glum locker room "Physically, we had flaws b;A we came to play. I still think we 're a preUy good basketball team. Three more free thro~ and they llhe Gauchos> wouJd have been the ones with their· heads down." IT WAS KEEPING their bands up, however, that helped the Gauchos cool off the An· teatei-s. Santa Barbara went to a See UCI, Page 8' Wadkins at Dome Golfer Likes Riviera •.• and He Shows Why LOS ANGELES <AP > -The old saying was that there are courses for horses and the same thing appears to be true for golfers at the Glen Campbell-Los Angeles O~ golf tournament. "This is my favorite course oo the Wes( Coast," said Lanny Wadkins as be prepared fo]" today's second round over the Riviera Countr)'. Club layout. WADKINS FASHIONED a five·under·par 66 for a one-stroke first·round lead over Lon Hinkle, winner t.his year of the Bing Crosby Pro· Am. "It was tough to get out or bed at 5 o'clock.'' adm itted Wadkins, who has done well io the past three Los Angeles Opens but hasn't won one. "But actually, it wasn't too cold when we teed off." Thal was at 7:32 a.m. and the variable Southern California w ea ther becam e chillier and windier as The Leaders: the day wore on. W•dklns HINKLE, AT 67 , Hinkle basn 'l a record of doing Z~rtey welJ at Riviera, bul look out for a third place man. Hale Irwin. 33-34-e7 33-35 II 32-36-41 'Finally Got Miracle'" He's al 68 and the lrwln Stadler Coody former University of Stockton Colorado football star Sneed bolds the compeliti ve 72-hole record for this Ae9eledo tournament at Riviera, Cetdwell 34-35-et 34--35-et 33-36-et ' Huskies Stun No. 1 VCU; Trojans Win a 272 be shot in 1976. Reid "I suppose it's a lot like other situations in 34-35-et From AP Dispatches The Pac1f1c ~ 10 Conference basketball race that wasn·t sudden }y IS. That's because Washington finally got its miracle. according to its coach , and Southern.California put forth its best effort or the season, according to its coach. "I told my wife I thought it would be appropriate if Washington won on Washington's birthday, which it is," said Coach Marv Harshman after his Huskies upset \op-ranked UCLA 69-68 Thursday night. "IT'S NOT THE GREATEST win, but a great win." Forward Stan Walker's long jump shot with three seconds to play propelled the Huskies to their upset victory in Seattle. The Bruins dropped to 12-3 in Pac-10 play and 20-4 overall; Washington is 6-9 in the conference and 11-13 for the season. Meanwhile, in P,ullman, Wash .. Southern Cal moved lo within a game of UCLA by holding off Washington State 71-69. It was the third straight outing for the Trojans without top scorer and re- bounder Cliff Robinson, out with a fool injury, and their third straight victory. Steve Smith. who has misstld much or the season because of in - juries, scored 23 points as the Trojans raised their league mark to 11·4 and their season record to 16-8. Washington Stale dropped to 9·6 and 17-7. BOTH THE TROJANS and Bruins have three league games remaining. The Trojans could move into a tie for first place by beating Wasbing\on Saturday night if UCLA Joaea at Wubington State Saturday afternoon. .. We have played four or five very good 1ame.s in a row," said Southern Cal Coach Boyd. "Arizona Stale was ov beet game up to this point, but under the conditions we faced In the second ball tonight. I thought this might be our best game. We made the free throws at the critical times, and played well to1ether. "We have lo win the rest to gel into the playoffs." WASIUNGTON STATE COACH George Raveling said that •·even though we lost, in some ways I'm proud of the way we played. "With three minutes to play, it looked like Ugbt.t out but these kid a are not a bunch of quitters," added Ravelln1. "J lbOught we dJd an excellent job with our hiside tame offensively. Tbe key to the game was our inabilJty to stop their guards. "USC should be voted the team of the year in the conference. and I mean that sincerely. It's been a long time since a team bas overcome the adversity they've bad to race In the conference and come 1\orming back as they have." UCLA IMI (,tee,,wooo vanae"'~ Sims H•m11ton Holland Allums WilltH 19 "Ip • ,.s n 6 0..0 ,, ' ()..() ' S M 10 s 7-2 12 1 2·7 ' I 7.7 ' Wa1~l""'°n tn I 19 "Ip W•l~~r 1 ()..() 14 WOOCIS & ~l U Gudmundsson 73-5 II Matren 1 0-0 l V•uqhn l ~ 10 Grlllln 0 0-0 0 Romer • 2·2 10 Froin 2 0-0 ' Lyles 0 0-0 0 Totals ?'I 1~11 61 Tot•ls 3' t-11 6• H•llllme W'""'lnvton fl-l'; Tol•I fouls: UCLA II, Wnhl119ton 12; Fouled out· Grffftwood IUCLAI. Attendance: 7.000 UK 110 Wasll ....... S4olW 1 .. 1 "'""' .. ""' s Smith •. P 23 Rison s 3-4 ll J-• 0 ()..() 0 ColllM • ~1 11 C.111no I 3-4 ti Kelly I 3-3 " Miiter 7 3-4 16 Oon•ldson 6 ?·l If Wld!feldt 2 o-o • Houw l ,._. 1 Brooks O 1.1 1 Hunttey I M t wllll•m\ 1 :i.s 1 Presion 1 G-4 1 O Smith 1 0-0 7 Merouettl O 1·1 I Tot•ls ?t 1j.2J 11 Totlls >O .. ,S •• Hallll11W· Wnhlngton Sllll• 3,.JJ, To••• 1ou1s· use 11. WHl'llnoton St•1e 11. Al'WI,..,.... s ports where you like certain cities or stadiums,·~ Irwin said. "In this case, for me it's Riviera. ll presents a multitude of shots. It's not an easy course. so you have to play it carefully. hopefully and intelligently." TUEJlE WERE MANY victims of Riviera, Defending champion Dr. GU Morgan and Told Watson, the PGA's leading money winner the past two years, both wound up at 74. Former U.S. Open champions Billy Casper and Orville Moody were . at 80 and 81, respectively, lbe latter witbdrawlftf after the round. • Pat Fiwimons. winner of the LA Open in 19'16 but no longer on the ru11 tour, carded an embar· rassing83. · Wadkins, who bas won $16,677 'this year, said he is bitting the ball better than in the past fi¥e years. but be still basn 't bad a great pulling round. Still, he carded six birdies and only one bogey dur• ing the opening round of the 72-hole tournament Fouled out: C•r1l1>0 (USC!, ColllM, ICellv 1Wnl'llno1on Stet•I; T.ct111l<c•I: WHl\tno1on Stale belKh At.._nc. ··'"' LA OPEN LEADER LANNY WADKINS. See WADKINS, Page 87 ~ .:,.. Prep Coach Says Fertig Lied ~ SAN 01EGO <AP> -Sweetwater High School Coach Al Jacobus says Coach Craig Fertig or Oreton State University used a ··natlle"torecrultaSanDiegopreprootball star. Jacobus said Thursday be would pro- hibit Oregon St.ate recruitlna in bia school. JORN SALEAVMUA, Sweet.water's all· league fullback, signed a national letter or intent Wednesday to attend the Paclfic·lO Conference university .. Jacobus said Saleaumua had committed himself to San Dte«o Stat!L but cban1ed his m1nd after Fertig empaoyed "an un· ethical and unprincipled" Laetlc. Saleaumua told the Portland Oreeonian on Thunday be ii not upset with Ute altua· I Ion and he doesn't undent.and wby his prep coach is making sucb a big issue out or it. "IT AIN'T NOTBIN' to me," Saleaumua said . "It was Just a mistake." He a.aid be bad no second thousbta about bis decision to attend Oregon State. Fert11 aald, "We believe ln honesty and integrity in our recruitin& etrorta and we treat the student athlete in the sanitt way I would like to have my own son lrnted. ·•And, ln th.is case, it was no dlfferent. "If' YOU TAU to the young man, I believe he'll tell you we treated blm very honHUy a.od very fairly.'' Jacobus, who ,Wded Sweetwater lo a 10·1 MUOn and a sectional semifinal spot in hJs first season as bead coach, saJd he is c not upset. with Saleaumua's decision \oat.• tend Oregon State. • • "If that's what be wants. fine. He bad told me earlier in the year be wanted to CO somewhere in lhe Pacific Nortbweat.. anyway." . HIS ANGE& STEMS from a vialt scbeduJed two weeks aso by Fertig, w• , was to meet with Saleaumua and tKe family. • FertJg "for some reason didn't show &If ' that evenine. That's when John got u~ and said he was going to San Diego St.ate,'' said Jacobus, whO played for San Dieto Slate. When a San Diego State assistant II' rived at Saleaumua 's home Wednesday c. 1 See FERTIG, Page IM · , .\ -DAA. 'I PILOT A C..ute Report From the World of Sport• Walton to Make a Vow, G l8 Marriag Lie nse l'r'Oa AP OU,1klle9 Blll Walton may nM harw lNm.I ln t.b m NOA W. llOIUIOft, but l appt•ra be wlll toOO ~h•n&f.' at l«-ut oo~ put of hta ur Ttwi lnJUffd, e ll ttnt r for t.bt Portland TraU Bl&lf'rs •PP~ ror a m n1a1 Ucenae Tbu.nday •l th«' Oran&~ ("•"'nl)' Co\lrthOu to S1n\1 Ana Walton t rffkMnt ot Balboa Laland The woman "bo •u•tompan•e-d Wallon to tbtl rourtbow~ Id •nUfied b ~lf •• u.an Kav Welton. but thl" appllcaUon •Id b •r r tht•r '• I l\l n rnt '• Guth and thf' famll)• hJalls from M'nne ota Walhm I and hl flantte la haled • .it .,,. Th <'Ouplt> hH already taken .i blood t t and must ha\' • marn•a~ "'"'nlOll)' m C-aU!ornaa dunn1 th nut •• month$ to ~ 1 aally ~ed A o•llvf I San Oleao. Walton 1s worlch'I out In Lona B aeh whJle r~ t~Uj)f'r 001 h'om his Injury tie hat. ••""°" asked for • trad from Portland lo .. Wf'tt Cout tt•am, but bfl not rulf'd out th po1alblllty of l"t"&el\lna an •1rttmt'ot wttn the Trail Bia.in Ttw <•ti} ('\lnltnent W•ll n would make lo u report.t>r Thurtld \ about his lnlptnchoi marnal( ••:i thl:i · l •ould al>t'n~1 It'll tf ou v.ouldn'l mt>nUon thl!>" _____ .,._,,of dw Da11.-----. I\~ <.'It)' Ro ·ul' p1lt•hcr Steve Mlngorl. afitlr N>in,i n• l'\lUtcod M'\l•r,11 tirtlt''-dut' to weathl•r t'ondl lioni.. "I f( I lllct> l 'H • bt•t•n ludt'd seven llmt>s '· ....,,.,..., f•Ju ....... ~ I z..e 1'bt' NHL <'Hon's htghe~t goal to~al came Iii from ont-t('am ThuMiduy the Montreal Cana· , dif'ns C'fi'iUC\8 t\o\-o goals from three players Mar .. TfT•blay, Yvon Lambert and Doa1 atnbro•i•. the C'anad1ens routed the Pittsburgh P"niwns. l~ o Goalie Mkbel Larocqae stopped 25 shots for his 5e<'Ond shutout or the year ... Gary Bromley re· corded tus first shutout or the season as the Vancouver Canucks blanked the Colorado Rockies. 3-0. Ron Seldbaaer ~cort'd his 3Uh goal for the winners, who snapped a five· game losmg streak ... Mike Bossy neared an NHL record by scoring a goal for the ninth consecutive game as the New York Islanders bombed the St. Lows Blues, 6·1. Last year's Rookie of the Year, Bossy 's current streak is one short er the league record ... Bob Murray scored twice to lead the Chicago Bhiclt Hawks to a 4·2 win over the Buffalo Sabres, stretching to four the teams' winning and losing streaks. S.. Dfefle Staie Sip• D•,..•• San Diego State announced Thursday that [!] Dariu Dmilam, a bigbly·touted wide receiver 4 • t from Bolsa Grande High in Garden Grove, ·bas • signed a letter or intent to play rootball for the Aztecs next fall . . . USC Coach Jolua lloblnloD announced the signing of six more high school standouts. four of whom were preo All-Americans. Included was Joey Browner of Atlanta, brother of former Notre Dame stand- outs Jim and Willard Browner . . . Three Purdue University players, in· eluding quarterback Mark Hermann, were among 23 young persons arrested in Indiana for underage drinking . . . Atlanta Coach Leemaa Bennett a nd General Manager Eddie LeBaron sjgned new five-year contracts with the NFL club •.. The National Football League is swng a Central F1orida man on charges he bas no authorization to sell football club logos and trademarks that can be transferred onto shirts . • . Al•• Page. a 13-year veteran who came from the Min· nesota Vikings to the Chicago Bears at mid-season. signed a contract to play with the Bears through 1981 . . . No. 39 returned to the Miami Dolphins' backfield as the club an· nounced that fullback Larry Caonka had signed a one-year contract. Malort.e'• 35 PofMCs ~ealb Beute• Taking charge at both ends of the court, m Moses Malone scored 35 points and grabbed 23 rebounds to lead the Houston Rockets to a 120-110 NBA victory over the Was hington Bullets in Landover, Md. Jt was only the Bullets' sixth home loss in 'l:1 games this season. Elvin Hayes scored 25 points for Washington . . . Rookies led the Cleveland Cavaliers to a lll·107 win over the Kansas City Kings. Mike MJtdtell scored 23 points, Ken Higgs added 21 and Ba&cll Lee chipped in 15 as the Cavs upended the Midwest Division Leaders. Otis Birdsong topped Kansas City with 24 points while PltU Ford scored 22 and BW Robl.Dnne 20. OTHER SPORTS -Australian Graham Marsh surged into a two-stroke lead after the second round or the $100,000 Hong Kong Open golf championship with an eight-under· par score of 181. T~leri•le•, Ra4fe TV: Basketball -Long Beach State vs. Cal State Fullerton, 5 p.m., Channel 52. Taped Thursday. Horse Rac- ing -Today at Santa Anita, 7:30 p.m., Channel 52. Boxing -The Super Fight pits Rocky Marciano vs. Muhammad Ali for the mythical all-time heavyweight cbampionabip, using computer technology. Joe Louis and Jersey Joe Walcott are among commentators. UDIO: Basketball -Boston at the Lakers, 7:50 p.m .• KLAC (570). Chick Hearn and Pat Riley report. SAVE MORE MONEY ON A NEW CAR 1HAN YOU EVERlHOUGHf POSSIB - •ACQUIRE AND DRIVE I\ BRAND NEW AUTOMOBILE, VAN OR TRUCK EVERY YEAR FOR A NET COST Of ABOUT S500 TO $1,000; MOST MAKES AVAILABLE. .uJMINATE THE MAJOR DISADVANTAGES OF CONVENTK>NAL PURCHASING AND LEASING. eElJMJNATE THE HlGH COST OF MAINTENANCE. -o&TAJN FUU. DISCLOSURE PERTAINING TO AU. PRICES AND MARK·UPS OF VEHICU:.S AND ACCESSORIES. eCAll 644-2526 FOR A FREI CONSULTATION. THERE IS NO OBUGATION. AUTO Fl INDING CONSULTANTS, INC. 220 ~ Cater Drlw, •:ii Newport Beech.~ 926'0 ( ' Abdul-Jabbar Play Tonight Again t Celts I N<;t.t;WOOL> 1AI'1 Loll AnaeJr" C.-t'ntN Korc•"m Abdul Jabber 111 eixpe<"led lo aett action lonl11hl when the Lukt'rs enler l In th 8o ton teluca In a Na· tlonal Du kelball Asaoctat1on a1me 1t lh<' 1-·orum Abdul Jabbttr, thl' Laker ' lop •rnrcr und r•hound~r. has min d th~ t ... am '11 last two aamca becau11e of a bruised right knet· Ill' s urforcd th 1n Jury durtnK Lo Ancel s• 99,98 loa 111t Mllwirnkef' lut Friday nluht A t eam Npt>kts man s aid Thursday thJt Abdul Jabbar w,1uld bt• 1n unatoqn FruJuy oll.th\. but tht'rt• wus no word a11 to wtu~Uwr the pert'nnlal all pro would otart or how much he ml~hl ht' ablE' W play Without Abdul-Jubbar, tbe I .11ke~ art' 1 I Th y defeated Indiana 122 111 Sunday night und lost to Golden Stute 102·91 TUt>ridU)' nil!lht Th" Lakers hove u 36·24 rec· ord tind are tied with Phoenix for st>cond ploct' to the NBA 's Puclr1c Olvi:s1on. I \.11 games behind ~atilt' The C'elllcs are 24 34 and 15 games bt'hmd AUan- l ll' 01v11>1on ll·1uJh•K W11shlngton. Dodgers Sign Pete Broberg LOS ANGELES CAPl -Pete Broberg, a much -traveled veteran pitcher, has been signed to a one· year contract by the Los Angeles Dodgers. the National League baseball club s aid Thursday. Broberg, 28. who played out his option last season with Oakland, was 10·l2 with a 4.61 earned run average witb the A's. He was unable to agree to a contract with the four teams which drafted him in the first re· entry draft last year and was selected by only one club, Cleveland. in the second re- entry draft on Feb. 15 -thus becoming a free agent able to negotiate with a ny team. He wa s signed by the Wasblngton Senators out of Dartmouth College in 1971 , played for Washington and Tex· as until 1974, when be went to Milwaukee. where he had his best season in 1975-a 14·16 rec· ord with a 4.13 ERA. He was . selected In the 1976 expansion draft by SeatUc. which sold him to the Chicago Cubs tbe follow· ang year. F,.._PageBS FERTIG ••• sign him he found Oregon State assistant Nate Shaw and was told by Saleaumua "that be wasn't going to sign with anyone until he received a phone call from Fertig." according to Jacobus. "FERTIG GIVES John a call, and Fertig tells him tbat the reason be didn't make the home visit was because be had a coaches' meeting that night. Then he tells John 'Didn't Coach Jacobus tell you? I called him and told him I couldn't make it'," Jacobus related. "That's a nat lie. Fertig never called me. Ube supposedly called me , obviousl y be bas a record of the phone ca 11. "He used my name in an out· and-out lie. They used me." said Jacobus. Fuming. Jacobus said: 'I'll tell you, as long as those guys are in charge up there, they 're never go· ing to be allowed back on this ca mpus . I've talked to our superintendent and have his full support." Pro Scores Matt.Mt aftll.-..t At,,.. HOV510fl 120. WH/11~ 110 Cl•Yel.,..i 111. K•ns.s Cltv 107 NatleMIHeO .. IA ..... Hew YOf"ll ltl...0.0 •• St LOIH• I Mofltt"ffl It, PlttM>ur9h 0 (hk-VO 4. 8utl•lo 2 V•flCOll-), OtlOUIClo 0 SAVElO~ ON251b. ECONOMY BAG Wet weather wtll bring 1nails and slugs to your garden . ..,.hat's It" i1 · the safest snail bait we recommend for UH around children and pett. . . . . BASKETBALL ,..N91 PfJflf! 85 UCI ••• 1·3·1 r.ooe derena" early in the 1ame and UCI never could penetrate It. On occasion, the Gauebol switched to a 2·3 align ment which further confused UCI 's guards. In addition. Santa Barbara threw up a press late in the first hall that swung the momentum arouod. UCI turned the baU over four times again.st the press . twice in auccessk>o, and had to play catchup ball alter tralling. 35-28, a l intermission. ''The element of surprise caught us off guard," said Tift "We had just substituted and had our ball handlers out of the game. But give Santa Barbara some credit. They ran the press pretty well." tJCI, KNOWN as a strong de· rensive team, did an excellent job or shutting down Matt Maderos, hol<liog the Gauchos' leading scorer to three points. The Anteaters accompUshed lb.as by occasionally using a box-and· one 'then switching back to a man-to-man. Most of UCI's offense came from Steve McGuire , who scored 26 points. including a 12·for-13 showing at the free throw line McGuire has now hit on 54 of 6t free throws in PCAA play and 1s 84 of 97 for the year. uc~•--••tu1 UC lrvlM 1•11 .. ". P•rrott o o-o o M<Gulr• Slev•t1"°" & 1-4 u AO<IOe" Aoeln'°" • 11 10 8otde1> 0<Hlo • • 4 16 8•emonel M-ros 1 I l 3 J-s Stlffn 1 1-1 5 Jurtt A.-r'°" 1 o.o 7 Brown P•rry 1 t·t • Convtrs Wiiii•"" 1 t... • 8e.tl How•rel 1 11.1 3 Jerren ·~ " tp 11113 26 I 0.0 1 3 S.-S II ' 1·1 • 3 l·l 1 ' .,., 1 0,., 2 , 0.0 • ' '1 3 0 0.0 0 ..... .,.,.... WHO WANTS IT? -USC's Purvis Miller awaits the des· cent of the ball with Washington State's Don Collins. Maller scored 16 points and the Trojans held up to stop the Cougars at Pullman. 71-69. See story, page BS Tot.ti' ,. IS.-71 63 To .. IS l'U·2.t 61 H•ltllme· UC Satlt• 8.wt»r.i U·7t. l Ot•l loul,. UC s.M• B••ber• n . UC lrvlM 11. Fou14<:1 oul RC1C19en CUC trvl ... I; TKl>flle•I UC ........ 8•rber•-.!> Attendence Ill * * * l"AC.,IC COAST ATMl.ETIC •SSN Cool Bnd Wjley f)~lfl( Ut•h St•le Fr•~!>C•t• l°"9 &eMf\ Slat~ C•I Stele Fullerlon UC S.nt• 8¥W<• S...JowSi.te c ... ._,_. o-.i1 W L WI. · to l ,. ,. ~ \ ,, . v \ I~ II • I t4 tt • -I\ 10 Clutch Shot Sinks Titans • I 11 11 4 • • .. , J 10 • It UC lrvlne Michael Wiley hit a short jump shot with three s~onds to play Thursday night, giving Long Beach State a 70·69 Pacl!ic Coast Athletic Association basketball victory over Cal State FuUertoo before an Anaheim Conven-- tion Center crowd of 6,172. The Titans. who lost their seventh s traight game. took a 69-68 lead on Keith Anderson's 15-foot jumper with 18 seconds Lo go. The 49ers caJJed a time-out. then ran down the clock until Wiley scored the game-winner. Wiley led Long Beach. which is now 6-7 in PCAA play and 14·11 overall, with 19 points and six rebounds. Francois Wise added 17 points and pulled down 13 rebounds for the 49ers. Rickey Williams a nd Craig Hodges added 14 and 12 points. respectively, for the winners. Anderson p aced the Titans, who dropped to 6-7 in league play and 15-10 on the season, with 23 points and 10 as- sists. Mike Niles added 16 points and a game-high 14 rebounds for Fullerton. Calvin Roberts had 14 points and eight rebounds for the losers. lltala St., 84-77 LOGAN. Utah -Brian Jackson scored 20 points and four teammates were in double figures as Utah State took an 84-77 victory over league- leading Pacific in a PCAA game Thurs- day night. The victory raised Utah State's PCAA record to 9-5 and its overall mark to 17·9. Pacific dropped to 10-3 in the league and H·ll on the season. Pacific jumped out to a 32·22 lead after 13:30 or play on the way to a 43·36 halftime advantage. Dean Hunger pulled Utah State to within one point al 53·52 with 13: 10 left in the game. The Aggies took the lead for good at 62.fiO on two foul shots by Jackson with 8:30 to go. San lose St ... 49-48 SAN JOSE -Wally Rank scored 19 points and grabbed 10 reboun(is Thurs· day night as San Jose St. trimmed Fresno St .• 49-46, in PCAA action. Fresno's defeat dropped its con· ference record to 9-5. Sid Williams contributed 10 points ror San Jose. Fresno got a 12-poinl effort from Art Williams and 10 more from Rod Hig· gins. Fresno closed Its regular season with a 15-11 overall mark. San Jose is 7·18 overall and 4-9 In the conference. •79 GMC HUGE SELECTION I ,,_.-or ,...__Onlr * Collete WEST UC S.M• 8.trb¥• w. UC lrvone •I W•\lllflQ!On ... UCLA .. USC 11, W9S/llnQIOn St .. l on9 8e.cft SI. 10. C•I Sl•I• F11llerton .. S.n Jos. St 4', FrHl'O St ~ SI MAry"s "· """11-17 Ul•h St ... P«lllc 11 Ul•h n. C--SI W 8 VU 7'. WV-•nq 1' Cll•m•~. H•w•t1 19 Al .. k•· AncftOt .tQ<' IO E. W•Slll"9fon .... Wh1twor111 1• £AST C•n<•nNt• '3. ~'°"Motil 11 Oll<luesne 9l, Oetron .. M•lne IS. Nf'W H_,. ... 61 M•nr..n ... 6', FordlWm S1 W•On« ... 51 Fr-•\ H Y .. SOOTH Al• ·B•"'"~ 11 Ore .. 1.0 AllOuf'n 13, <ieof'9'• .. ~14' Tt<ll 1'. ~I\ SI 6J lndl•N6A.1-•U LSU8',Al-114 Miss. St .... Ml\\IUIOOl 6A S. Miss.,., T11~ 80 T~l7,Florlel<ll3 MIOWl!.ST 8r..Sln 7'. Wlc110• SI 1f Mic~ St. n. Pvr-•T Ml-Tl. Hortttwnt~ 11 H. Mk "'-' IS All...,.. .. Oluo SL Tl, lllmols H WlscOMln ... Mlcll•o.., 6s $0UTMWUT Cr•l911to1110.W r. .. u st 11.or H . Te•fl St '°· 1111"°'' St 11 Junior College w-.. St.tw C• .. reM• Compton• M.tn<OCk •T Glend.tle '1, Wnl LA )4 Venl11ra It Tr-Tt<ll 17 C.nYoM '°· O•Nrd n __.., W, SMll• 8¥be•• •I High School I OYS •·• 1"10.ttt Fl"t•.-cl •• LOnq 0..C/I Poly 13, ~ Al .. mllC» 5fNll ScllNI l"i•'9ffl Flnta-S~t.1. A_.. Tor•PI SI Gt a LS 4-A"lareth "'"' .... "" "lemeny •1 St 81"rnere111 Ar<~I• 43 &ewrly Hlllt JA t-A Wild Canl l"leyoft l~ H<!br• $6. HOIV Famlly 21 ""'"""'.,..' Sc:ortt uc ~ B«t>.tr• 63, u c. '"""" ., l.Oft'I 8ffcl> St.i-10. C:.I St•te Fuli.l10ft •• S.n JOM Stele 4', Frest!O Sl•te ~ Ul.tft St.tte ... P«lli< 11 S-'('sc;._. l'"'9 e.K" StAte •I UC tn11ne UC S.nt• B«Wr• •IC.I $1•11 F11IM!rlon S-y'•G-e P•<•>l< •I $M1 .low Stat• ICh.t,,...I H So'<loc~I Goff Tickets Now on Sale Tickets for the Women's Kemper Open golf tournameg~ al Mesa Verde Country Club March 2.6 through April 1 are now oo sale al several Orange County outlets according to Chairman Jim Poteet. Tickets and season badges are available at Chamber of Oom· merce offices in these cities: Anaheim, Costa Mesa. Fullerton. Newport Beach, San· ta Ana and Laguna Hills. They are also available al Oshman's sporting goods store.$. mos t Orange County golf courses. Orange County Wells Fargo banks and all Arthritis Foundation offices. Tickets are priced as follows . Monday and Tuesday (practice rounds) $2; Wednesday (celebri· ty pro-am) $7; Thursday and Friday $5; Saturday $7 ; and Sunday $8 . Season grounds badge, good for the entire week. $25. Group sales are also available at a reduced cost. For informa- tion relating to tickets. contact the tournament offi ce al 540-1708. AFC West at Coliseum When the Rams play their 1979 pre·season home games. they'll get a good look at some of the teams from the American Conference·s Western Division. Los Angeles. the perennial National Con· ference Western Division champion, bas three home games against teams from the AFC West. The string starts with the Oakland Raiders on Aug. 4 al the CoUseum, followed by an Aug. 18 date against the Seattle Seahawks and an Aug. 25 engaRement aJ(ainst the San Diego CharJters. 8x10 .... 2.20 5x7 ..... 1.20 11x14 ... 4.95 1 e x 20 ...• I 1.00 Complete s.ntena Convtnlon wflh hlOh beck seJts, carpet, paneling. roof rack, ladder. v..a. aulomaiic::, fectory alr. power steer1ng & tilt wtieel. (601292) AN prints are lndMdually Cfopped. cOIOr ane· lyzed, dodged & bumecHn al no ex Ira cost ---·COUPON SPECl1'L---1 f Ix I 0 COLOR PRIN:T I I s I 75 WRI nlS COUPON I Lht ................ ... =~ .... ·.·~·· . .......... L~_: __ C::.C.:!~!!°=----J ~ ~~.!!~-~~!'!!-~~:. L..&.lil ~ P'rl11ti11' -ti Ptoou111~ 1 i71 L ..... Awe., Ce1'9 MeM, Ce. 92626 Yet. H7-429i WMkdays9!30tot•5't 9"30 10 1 1 OLK OUTH(ll 6AIC(R 1 6ll( EA,. Of Hl\AOOfl -,1 ·. BASKETBALL I TE NNl'3 I BASEBALL JEFF ANDR•O! WAYNE CARLANOl!R OVPair~op ndradR, arlander Lauded 8 y ROGER CARL.SO . Of .. ~'' il'I ... SI.off Oct•un Vu.•w Hsgh's one !'WO punch or Jerr Andrade and Waynt> ('arlunder. "ho led tht' St> a hawks to a second pla ce finii,h In th~ tempi re l .. eagu~ and a C l Jo~ 4·A playocrs berth. shun.• Player of the Year laurds in the Empire circuit as chosl!n by l ht• Oatly Pilot Coat·h or the year is KatcUa's Tom Danley, who piloted his l-rew to the league championship C'arlandt•r was t he league's leading scorer as a ~ophomort.· with a 21 8 a' erage. whill' Andrad e. the 5· 11 1umor i.tu tird . chipped in at a 20.3 r ate All· Empire League Fir t Team Pla yer , School Wayne Carlander, Ocean View Jeff Andrade, Ocean View Roger L.e mons, Ka te lla J eff Watts, Kenned y Rick Lopez. Kate lla Ht. Cl. 6·6 So. 5·1i Jr. 6·5 Jr. 6·5 Sr. 5·11 Sr. Avg. 21.8 20.2 14.l 16.1 15.5 Second Team Mike Moore. Los Ala mitos 6-2 J r . 6-0 J r. 6-0 J r . 6·6 Sr. 6-2 Sr 14.0 11.0 11.3 13.9 15.4 Tom Davidson. Loara Rodney Jeff coat, Ke nnedy David Mc iver, Cypress Tony Premer . Katella Fro• P a ge 8 5 WADKINS AT HOME. • • t h a t concludes Sunday with $45,000goiogto the winner . THE LEADE RS arc bunched ~oing into t he second round. Tied with Irwin at 68 is another vete ran. Kermit Zarley. At 69, t he list shows Charles Coody. Dave Stockton. Ed Sneed, Rex Ca ldwell. Mike Re id, Craig Stadler and Vic Regalado. T here's another bunch at 70 as the 144 golfers seek to S<'ore well enou~h to survive the cutoff that will leave only about half or them m contention for the Saturday and Sunday televised rounds. It didn't ram T hursday, but the possibility or showers re- mains for the weekend and the golfers better be ready for wind. UCI T u mbles In Tou rney Li\S VEGAS UC Irvine dropped ~wo games at the Las Ve~as b aseba ll to urn ament Thursday. the first a 10·9 batUe to BYU. and the second a 12·1 rout to Nevada <Las Ve~as). Dennis Kause was the Ant· eaters' hitting star with fi ve hits a nd four RBI in nine at bats o v e r the two gam es. J im Dawson hit a solo home run in the sixth inning of the ftrst game fo r UC I. The Anteaters' sea son record 1s now 2 6 l'IASfGAM£ S<•,... l>Y l""lruK IJ( ltY1ll• 00~ J01 0 0 1S 4 9YU ,JO 00.f I 10 U J Som"" 8rlMKl"r lSI 11nd KAu~: 8rM!ltY. !>lttnnt<n (31 Blylll 0 1 •n<I Hunako HR I rvt(I~ Odwwn, BYU Tnom.n WP Blyln. LP Bela.-r. SECOND GAME Scott Dy,,..., ..... U(. lrYIM 100 000 0 1 1 1 UNLll 103 100 1 12 1• I Fr"nette, p~,,,.. '71, end K11uH; FIKIWr al'CI Perry HR UNLll H .. rer& WP-FIK"'r LP- f rosllPft~ Tllurs<l.,y's first.round lead•r\ In '"'* Cil•" Campbell Los A"V"le• 00f'(I QOll 1ournAmenl over ,,,. 1 .079--v.rct, p"r·71 Riviera Counlff Club course IA.-u amateur I L Wadk tn\ 3'.J.I ~ B lmp~lla :Jt.lS 13 L Hlnkle ~_.7 6 .JH <kel 3' lA 73 H.lrwln ,,,,._.. T.Kllo 3&-3S-1J K Zatlf'Y J3.3S-61 M McCUIOQI\ 37·36 IJ R Cald-1 »-,.~. S Melnyk '7·» Tl C.COOdy 34-lS-J Miiier :i.31 11 v.11•9"•-,._~ M.Morler 37·36 n M ll•td :M.-lS-•• A North 31 lS ll E Snttct l,S.l4-.. J Porier •ls 73 C Slad•tt ~•• Ci Powe" ,..37 Tl 0 Stockton 3'-JS-.. T PurtHr U-40 1l O EowarOs :H-lS-10 8 .Slle•rer 3'-37 1J E Fiori Jt.n-10 C.Slllord i..n 11 B GllMr lS·U -70 T Slorey 31 3' 1> J H~9P' U-31-70 C !>Ira~ l~» 13 P Hancock J.S..U-10 0 A Wetin19 37..» 13 G Ko<ll .ls.:JS-10 0 Be-31-37 14 A.Mlllpr l~U-70 A Cerda Jl.3' 74 F Zoeller )6..)4-10 A II com,,..,,...,. I• 411.Bun JS-lt-11 B Garr.ii Jt..ll 74 B Bentley 3S-lt-11 J HHS .,. I• G Bn•wer U-36 71 0 '"•r.on 37.37 7• O Edwards ~lS-11 G Lllll•r 37 37 14 O £1<111br9f' ).e.31 -11 O.Jt,,u••y 31>-ll 14 J lnm1n :i.»-11 G McCord Jt..38 1• M.Lye :i.JS -11 F Mlrtl 37.37 14 P.M<Gow.n lA·37 11 J Meson 3'-JS I• A McNIO!e :i.JS 11 R Mt senqle 37 31 1' A•C Pe vln 37·3.4 11 G Morq•n 31·31 74 W Arm•lrnQ 12...tO -n P R~rs J&.36 IA c; Burni 3S-l7-n M Sulllv.n lMI I• B C•lfff 31-3S-n B Wed lo.Ins 37 37 U o Oo1191eu :M·ll-n T .Watson 31·31 T• B.Gar-36-:U.-n J .Wnlte 3~3' -7• G JOllPS 36-36-72 J Ewll\q :i.-tt IS G Knudwn ll 3" 77 J Fl~(k lt>-J'I 7S J Newton ~31> n 0 Hdlldr\ft *:19 IS c.s.,,ucto lA·38 /1 J Heard H 11 1s J C.Snell<I lS-JT n H "''" ,. J'I I\ T w ... ~OPf 31>-3'> n P Jacol>'>f'n J'I JS IS c wnue 3" J8 -n w Lum 31 38 IS T 4'e ron ~31 73 M MclondOn U 40 H O Barr 37.,. 73 P Oo\lrhl\ JI '.l8 IS F Burd U-311 73 J Powell 18 J7 n J COlben 31-36 73 J Rf'Mf'r lS 40 71 B Crtnww JI.JS 13 J ~rmon• 40·3S 7S R Curl 31-:16 13 B Walul JI 37 IS M.FleOl'Nl'fl ,.__,, 11 M l•<' 40 lS IS A·B (i.ctdy 31 36 13 A faple ~.37 I• Sea Vie w Socce r Scott MacLeod of Sea View League soccer cha mpion El Toro was named Player of the Year as picked by the league's coaches The all-lea~ue team · l'lrsl THm Tom Katai>\-1 1e1 Toro1 •nov Tur•• ICOfOl'a df'I M"rl Hal No.irv IUniVN511YI, JOlln AvtllA 1e1 Toro1. Jtrry !>•IO-dO (El Torol lltvln Walker IUn•V..,•ilyl, Brl•n D•Ylf !Corona Ofll Marl, Chro\ Wo ll!\ IUn•vf'r\llYl, Stoll !IMCUOCI IEI Toro); Slf!Ve H .. ,..,., ((.oron• dtl Mar). Greoq McL~ (CoslaMesal SacondTHm Jf'll Bum11 ICo<ona 0.1 Marl; Jon Blltctwr !Corona ~I M•rl; Ted EllOtr (Ca.re ~I. SltYt Pl\1111~ IE\lan<l•l; M&rk Flel•ner !Cost• Mosal ; Mera. Marin Clrvlnt l. Dave W-wortll (Co•ta Mt!.111; Nader RedJl11n (Unlvt rtltyl , Marco Htrl\anoer U!o•tancla ), Pal Hau1tr !Corona df'l Merl; Oreq Potjes ICo<ilt Mew l C.011ell of tne Yf!•r · Paul Joye•. El Toro Skiing Conditions Crystal ""'-~ t>ll~ • ,, s. ..... V•ll•r 1.700 IHI Ntw ,0 new p0w0tr,p .. (lo.edp0-r lnt""S B-t 1"1 Pa<lled ~r o.~.. ...,, .,..., 17 ..... 11\d l>OWder Gondola,' doul>M <h•irs pawO.r,p•Ot'dlll>Wder and I lrlple <N•r, 6.700 IHI' N•w H•ti..r Hiit ll>S<I .,..., • ...... 1~14 in<hH e .. s. ) IHI. Pa<lo,ed • poWder. paclllCl-r POwO.r IUKI ~r. 7 doUCllt their~. • ICretllA "'-n .. IMU t new 1 trll>lt c,,.lr anc:I? •urla<e fltts POWO.f T•ll•• S ll l Bawl -........ M....Ulto H19'1 ~ IMI~. 11 I. 111<1\ei., 8-H fef-1. PIKktd ~ new, ~r. pect.ed _.ier end PO-r. J Chai" e nd ? sur1•<• M t ae1.-, Ml Dase, 12 n••. lilli. p0wder, packed pawo.r Hte ...... Ve....,-Callhlnlle side' Ml. W-lie). .. INH, n It Nnw 1 Inell plus ,,.,....,m_ Base •"> · ne•, ~r. packlCI pOWOer '"' Nen cle side H..,. I l11<h Bits 5111 o""" ve...., son bue, l·U • 7Y> ne.., ~r. packed pciwWr Ill ln<llN New 11 lnclles., Bats s-s-tw -»-41 -.• .. new, 7-t. Paoeo ~· •nel pow«r. • p0wder , P«Mflcl PoWcltr. '"•lrs. SMW ~· l2·10 bt•e. 1·10 Siii ·-Nf'W . lnclles. 8 •" ... new.~r.P«ked -der. Ifft. P&Otd ..,_, •nd -*'· t SM • Vtlley .o.n NM, u N W, cna lfl, peweler, PllCklld DOWo.r llerre Slll lt-11 N•w 10 tn<lltt. LHNll ... ,... NfW " lnchn 80•' .... Powder ~Cheirs. s ... 11 .... Pa<ke<I POWO.t •nd IClr•-MMHws -Ntw '°'" pawd•• 2,_1o""anc11p0ma. tr1c11u . Bes• '2·13 lett Pati.1e1 •-•• N-t '"' 9,.,. ••~ l•rl. powO.r end pootdfr. S Cheirs. PeUecl jlOWlllllr •nc:I -ct.r 4 Cll•lrs aur VaMey -N•w I 1 ln<:lles, a ... day; t <"41n nklltt t llt 1tllt IHI P•Otel p0we1tr anct 0.llMt S.111-.11 No reporl 01,.•Cltr. S <heirs. , k .. r 19W1 N-IHO ln<llO 0 ..... 11.... New J t .. t. 8 ... • ll•M 10-13 Ifft P«k.O peoiooer s l vt·IOllt 1e,1 P1coo oowder. 4 : • chtln """ 1rem c11a1tt •~"-towi. •:. 'l'tll .. 0-. N•w S IMMI MaM"'•tll M••lll8l11-N•w 4 .. 11 ... 10 .... PMkecl powdtr •l'l<I IMllH. a-I .. , Pe<lltcl pow<ttr • _.,., 2<heln811d I Wl'f•ct Ifft endel99p ........ IQOnOol•.•<M l"'t • ...,. Sur 12 1nc11ei. 8 .a111 1-IOVI T baruncllPo<N. •"te et Pat tie<! powcl•r •net Olltll , _ __.. -8-S"> '"'· ... ..-r.1cll.tln Pa<trtct~andPOWde• acn..1rs. M__. New • lnclles Ila.,. CM111 ...... --11 lnchff a ... •1 ... , "*'"" ciowoer J , ... ,,, •nd SYI·•"> '"' Pe<k•el IDOWdet •ncl • 4 l l.ltflO llfti -"' t tlleln and, s;,rtece llfts ., Trojan Sprinter Inju r ed llal'T)' 8 1llups didn't 1el much of • t hunc lo nosh his spnnt ape d Thursday afternoon. 8111 UPI. a reputed 9.6 apt' d1ttr who Is bound for the Unlvcnlty of Or &on on a foot b1l l scho l or ab lp, pulled a h amstring muscle afte r winning the 220-yard d ash In 23.4 In Ua lveolty l-ll&h ·:. track and f1~ld mHt against Cyprus tllgh. B1llu~. who olso won the long j\unp ut 19 8, wtll be sidelined fo1 11n lnde-fmile period of time ·rhe Trojans , who hod to settle for a 68 U8 tie, dh.I get a sc hool r~cord effort In lbe shot put by K.:nny Mills. who had a toss of 56 9 J ohn Ortman also h ad a ~ood effort in the discus. 154~. wHh Millis second at 151·7. M ster Dei High . despite hav· ing Juist four seniors on the team, blitzed Verbum Del, 82·32. Steve Uchytil ran a 2:03.6 half m lie and M Ik e J o hsz lo ng j umped 19·8 Cor the Mona rchs who captured every event but lhl' spnnts and the shot put. M411er 0.1 tt, VerDUm Del Jt lOO ' Wllh•m• IVl 10, 2 K•P&,,er 'Ml 10.• ) L••d•r 1111 10 I 110 I Wolllllm~iVl2•0.1.K•PSner IMJU .t ,l llMl\(0 IMl1• 4 440 -I H1ll lllt~ 2., uc .. ytll (MIS•), J w- IMl ~ 4. ll80 I U<l,.ttll IMI, Ol.•; 1. Wood IMl 2 04.0. J Plent• IMI) 04 • Miit I Ol.M>m•n IMI • st.4. 1, Dooley IMI S OS.•. 3 Quinn (Ml S OS.•. 1 mil• l Pl..nte (Ml lO 24.6. 2. CNpmen (Ml 10 '1 0 3 Oool~y (M l II ''· 440 , ••• ., lll'f1lum o.;, 0 '· Mlle r•l•Y Malf" 0.1. J·lO 0. UOHH-1 R""lr• (Ml 1•,I, 2. Ma<Br!Oe 111 1 17 0 l Llvlnq\lon IM I 11 • l30ll4 I Mottr;tM IMI 43.1; 1 M<1<Brl0e IV ••• 3 Rt-,nfMIU I 14J -I (¥Jyle IMI S-10 No St<ond or '"''" LJ ' Jonu fMI ..... 1 Vari.co IMI ~· 3 l(dO\Mr CMI 1~10 Pl/ I l!l>;tSOm IMI 10 0 7 G•lllen IM1 "4 J 8rown IMl86 SP t Gf'..-nwooo 1v 1 ••·7'• 2 01'°" <Mt ,..8 3 Gunltl IM I ll • Ur>l...mty 61, C'f""'9H .. 1(1() ' TU\IO IC 110 6 , Snod9rHs IU 110. 1 Ouv•ll IU 110 • '70 1 91llUI>\ •IJI 11 • 7 !>nOOgros 'Ul,4 4 J T ta\lty ((I 1S 0 .. 0-1 T .. ~10 IC.I SJ 6 7 Truman IUI S4 0 J K 1 .. 1n IC ISS 1 NO 1 Sullon (() 7 IS . , !ocnulU fCI , 16 '· 3 e eo•oro CU) 1 1a • Mlle 1 Wallln9IU J • •O.I; 2. Gomer CCI • OJ•; 3. SIJ11,... IU I• •S.6. 2 mll•-1. Mever IU I JO·Ol.6, 2. Crumttr (UI lO 70 S. 3 Al\drews IU I 10 70 S. 170HH I, An111Qney ICI 16 •; '· Ruff ICJ II 4, 3. Klml>Att IUI 11 S 3lOLH 1 4'n1-y ICJ 0 7; 1. Klmbo'll IUJ 43 3. 3. Rvll fC:l.W t UO reley-t, Vnl••~llY '6 S. Mii• ,,.1.y-1. Unlver.lly ]·'1,1 HJ-1 Ruff CC) ... ,. 7 Anll'lono (Cl H . l . Al- lison <VI W PV I F¥1ty CCl I? ... 2 M•la (Cl IH)' l Mt <<t IV> ... lJ 1 Bllluos IUJ 1'-1, 2. YH (C), 3 Or...a- <llon (Cl TJ-1 Rufi ICI 3'-3. 7 F•rley ICI; 3. ,.,,._,.., IC.I !>P I Miiis IUI )6 •• 2. Ortm&n (UI -· 3. .... ,,,., (( 145 7 Olscu• ' Ortmen IUI IS<·•· 1. MlllS IU I ,,,., ) HtlNr (Cl IU.0 Wrestling Fmals Se t Saturday The C IF wr es tling c ham - pionship finals are on tap Satur· day at Westminster High School with action sla ted to begin at9:30 a . m ., c a pped by t he c ham· pionshipfinals a t 8p.m. Among those vying fo r cham- pionship honors are 11 from the Or ange Coa st a rea , including sectio nal c hampion s Mike Proven za no o f H untin gton Beach. Frank Curry of Edison and Randy Lewis of Dana Hills. P r ovenza no c apture d the 106-pound title a·t the sectionals at Cypress College, while Curry eased lo the 130-pound crown. Lewis ran his record to 29-0 in wmning the 148·pound sectionals title. Also vying for CIF honors and a chance to qualify for the stale fi nals a week later in San Jose a r e Mark Sederoff of Irvine 1123). Ada m Elias of Corona del Ma r (148 ), H a r ry Clark of Edison (194 ), Dan Clearwater of Ocean View ( 194 >. Dan Kerins of Ediso n (h e avy weigh t > and Fou n tain V alley 's J e rr y Reynolds (168 l and Victor Ariza (130). . . . . Frl<S-v, February Zl. 1979 DA(Y PILOT 8 7 RDCIET SHDTS~~~p,~,~~?iM~Y!A FV Nine ................. LOW LEASE! AT THE 140/v!EllT fJf I ngs 7 -0 CONTACT, (J{T IT '79 CHEROKEE Ouadra·Trac. po wor steenng & brakes. heatec (Ser 18861) ALL f/R/1[/) ()f .' Victory ilLO'W AS s142~1 µ/lf~ll I 1e£ PL-4Yl!"l/S ~ ro rHe SAJ.L IUlrN A GOOO l!l()O'I n;~N. ~rcP 1Nm THC BALL /ti/ct./. AN[) !Hell 1(1r .A ffXJ)Dt'llf'llV' ~T. I r-; (l<;t1AU'I 8tCA(ISl'! TH€'/ flAl/6 FtJ/i!607reN 7Hli t'it>Sr /,f/PrJ/lTAJIT l~~Ott¥1". YtxJ /ttV~T rl/t!VI VP )IN~ .RIP ~NO w~r Tl/RtJ()(;fi(}()T THE ant~c CtJAlrACT AR~ M NOT 60 /..IMP I Tennis Roundup Connors Keeps Rolling Along From AP Dispatches SAN J UAN, Puerto Rico -Top-ranked tennis pro Jimmy Connors continued undefeated Thurs· day in the World Cha m pionship of Tennis here. with a 6-5. 6-0 win over Peter Fleming. In an e arlie r match , Ame rica n Vitas Ge rulaitls defeated Manuel Orantes of Spain, 6·2, 6-2. keeping his hopes alive for a shot at first prize money in the round-robin tournament. in which six top tennis pros are participating The two with the best record will meet in the finals Sunday with $100,000 at s take. Gerulaitis and Fleming a re tied for second place behind Connors with records of 2·1. Connots is 3-0 in the tourney. In another match T hursday. Ilie Nastase of Romania defeated Adriano Panatta of ltaJy. 6-4, 2·6, 6-1. It was the first victory for Nastase against Fount.aln Valley didn't waste any time d iapos · Inc or Buena Park in thu Troy baseball tourna· ment Thursday. T h e Bar ons g o t a bases-loaded triple from 8111 McTelr In a flve·run first Inning and wcot on to post a 1.0 victor y to even their s eason record at 1-1. per rno on approved crodlt 36 month open end leMe. Cash price S7495 plvs lax & lie. Resldval $4645 CALL KEITH BROWN ................. '"='lft.vo. 147-9551 ................. Bob Tidwell and Den-----------nls Cowan combined to ___ ....:;;:.....;.---~-r-"I hurl a one-hitte r for the 1979 CARS Barons. Tidwell dldn 't and TRUCKS • allow a hit in four In· nings of work but gave up rour wa lks w h ile st riking out five . Cowan hurled three frames a nd struc k out two while walking none. St ewart Miles had a pai r or h its for the Barons while M ike Davis contributed a two· r u n d ou bl e H untin gto n Be a c h High wasn't so lucky as the Oilers dropped a 9·3 decision to La Quint a. Le ading 3· l , H u nt ·! inglon Beach was ripped for seven runs in the s ixth Inning as La Quin· t a c ombin e d t h r ee singles, two walks and a double . Cory Funk paced the Oile rs with a double , sin g le a nd o ne r u n scor ed. SC-.~ylMI .... L•Ou1Ma 101 007 0 --t 1l 0 Hnt. Bch 000 JOO 0 l ' > Yvarr•. L• Pl~ I• I and Sclluler Cl\co, Hiii 141 er .. <'I•• •• , "'" Pnllllps.WP-UP lrt LP Breckley r,...,r-...-. ken •r IM!ft\p , Fo.intaln Vllltv SOO 000 7 J ' 0 llutna P•rto 000 000 0 0 1 ' T1<1well, Cow.on ''' •nd "'<l•or Youno .Cir .. 11 I •nc:I Slanolord WP T1d .. ,.ll l P Vounq ALL MAKES! 833-0555 AS For Our lWE SPECIALIST ot HOWARD Chevrolet ~.,,,.... n t °"""'•,.""CJ 0 ..a '°i'' NEWPORT BEACH t wo losses. Panatta is 1·2 in the tournament. -------------------- ~a Topple• DU1IJ• DENV ER Cashing in on the mile-high air . Victor Ama ya used a sizzling, near ly unreturnable serve to topple No. 1 seed Eddie Dibbs in the second round of a to urnament here. Earlier Thursday, No. 3 ranked Arthur Ashe fended ofr Sta n Sm ith 6·4, 4·6, 6·4. "The altitude makes lbe ball go so much faster ." Amaya s aid after his 6·3, 7 -6 victory. "Normally, when 1 play Eddie I have to go for a ces. Amaya is to face Bernie Mitton of South Africa in quarterfinal play. Mitton advanced with a 4·6, 6·1. 6-2 come-from-behind victory over Pat Dupre earlier Thursday. Ashe next m eets eighlb seeded Buster Mot· .t ram qt England, who upended Tom Gorman, 7-6, 4·6, 6·3 on Thursday. Caira& KalUe • to Win DETROIT Rosie Casals likes to play tennis in Detroit a nd. even wit h a bum knee, she is dis· LEASING? IF YOU DON'T HAVE OUR_9UOTE, YOU ARE PROBABLY PAYING TOO MUCH! New CMd Used Can & Trvcks Aft MakH & Models CIAN<s Cllld bo& Cws Ow ~Wty BEACH 4019 WfSTBtLY.1'4EWPORT HACH LEASING 833-9850 pla¥ing lbat fondness in a women's pro tourna· ------------- m ent this week at Cobo Arena. Casals. who played for the old Detroit Loves when they had a World Team Tennis franchise he re , overca m e a n opening-game whitewash Thursday lo defeat sixth-seeded Ann Kiyomura , 0·6. 6·4. 6-4. in second-round pla y. In other second-round m atches Thursday, eighth-seeded i\nne S mith survived a s haky start and defeated Marita Redondo, 1·6, 7·5, 6·0. Meanwhile. No. 7 seeded Virginia Ruzici of Romania had he r hands full before subduing Car- r ie Meyer , 6·4, 6·4. Meyer stayed close throughout t he opPning set a nd had a chance to win the second set when Ruzici faltered over s everal lengthy r allies. But she couldn't lake advantage of Ruzici 's lapses. Wend~ T urnbull of Australia. the No. 5 sud, defeated M1ma J ausovec of Yugoslavia, 6·2, 6·4. GWC Girls Win, 6-1 Backed up by a 12-hit attack, Juhe Anderson hurled a two-hitter that helped Golden West Co l lege score a 6 I women's softball victory over vis iting Pier ce College Th ursday after- noon. Bridgette Cross. Helen IE DllCOUIT 210Zll Gilligan and Anderson each went two-for-three for the Rustle rs. who ran their season record lo 3·0. Anderson s truck out five while walking none . sc.....,,,,...;,,,, P1uce 100 000 o 1 7 o Gold"" w,.,, 600 000 0 & 1' ? !>c.,neller and Mor ley, Anctuwn and Owen• ,. ~~n j 1~~}; .faJ J/;~~MJ fiJ ~1tJ ~nniJ <il1t; The Harbor Racquet Club is a club for people who want to play lots of tennis and have lots of fun doing it. HRC has the most centralized location in the Harbor-Mesa area and more court availability than any other local private club The costs of Memberships are but a fraction of those at comparable clubs. Regular Memberships: Single Membership: $100 per year, $25 monthly dues Family Membership: $150 per year, S35 monthly dues 11 Permanent Memberships Available Ill. Special January and February 1979 Introductory membership for com· panles or groups of friends who want to get into the fun of tennis. w**Three (or more)party membership -$120 per year ($40 per party), $60 per month dues ($20 per single party) Note: add $6 to the moothly,dves 1f 11 family is one of the parties. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 642-2000 ·H4AIOA ,AACOUET CLUI iao w ... , WllM>l'I • Cone ....... CA 02G27 -DAii.. V PILOT Fnoav. February 23. 1119 'Sports World' Improving NBC Program Gains in Raiings By HOWARD MITH AP '-'t W'*4' Tblo&• are lookina up lor NBC'• " ports world " these d a ys. The ratln1• have lm· proved harply. the show ha 1 more prof onal look nd the-~ ls the prospect ol bt-tt r pro arammina m lbt futurt' Wha l s tart ed o ut • th• loogt t pn•a•m• show tn hl tory -It '**'originally planned u a mu n1 of wb Ulna Aml'r1ca' app•tlle for lht-1880 M row Olympic l• t•stabU..hlna lll own foUowln, and Its owo loolt. TnaO Gil T1IE l&ST fa'< Su1'day hows thas 6ason. ''Sportsworld" ... r•8M a 7 ~ ratlng, J)«'rc~ntaRf' or TV hom • nd 19 •bun.·. Pt.'rct'ntaae ol TV eots an ~ Th t ,, u11 29 perN nt [ POR1S 0 over last )ear AOC' "Wld~ World of portb," lhe granddad dy of !fport.s nlholoa;y ho~. sUll rul the roost with lh to11 e •ent.s, the be-st produclloo and a bo ut t wice the r a tings o f .. SportsWorld." But consldt>rtng the NBC show founded by Don Ohlmeyer shortly after he left ABC to become executive producer ot NBC Sports is in only its second season, 1l ts making re markable progress. "Our show is much better now than it was a year ago," says Linda J onsson, coordinating pro- ducer or "SportsWorld." "We spent a lot of the first year work- ing on technical aspects. None or us bad much experience with an edited show. The whole thing looks a lot s moother now." ESSENTIALLY, WHEN you do a h ve show you just a im your cameras at the a ction and when lbe action s tops you go off the a ir. But a n edited s how is dif· fer ent. Each seg me nt has to have a beginning, a middle a nd and end. There has lo be a story line. And each segment must be a particular lengt h. That takes practice and NBC's t roops, who will have to be familiar with editing tape at the * LINDA JONSSON M<».cow Olympics ~Clllllll' of the ttmt dtlft rcncc, have ~n l(tl ung plenty of It J onsson say! t hat the first ) ear "Sports World" covert'd lht' s~in Diego track meet, for t<xatm· pit>, NBC sbot 23 reels of tape, covering events from 1.111 con ce1vable angleb. It then took 18 hours to put together u 21 minute segment for the 11how This year. they only shot five reels about 71~ hours of t:ipe and it took four houn to produce the segment "WE WE R E A BIT more selective this time." she ex· plains. Clearly the show has im· prove d t echnically but the ·events haven't. ABC still has lhe cream of the a nthology crop sewed up and with CBS also in the bidding for ils "Sports Spec- t a cu I a r ." N BC h as h ad to sc ra mble fo r solid program- m ing. But help is on the way NBC signed a deaJ with the United Sta tes Olympic Committee a while back which gives it rights to all the Olympic t rials for both the Summer and Winter games. The network paid a fortune but "SportsWo rld" is assured or some dynamite events as Lake * * * * Saturdafi'• Tt', Radio TELEVISION fll at'ld and Mo cow approach ··s ports World·· ran lor 30 wt.-cks 18'11 y~ rbutha11 becn t'xponded to 4U Wt>f'k~ lhlt1 time oround. It will 8wllch to Suturc:Jtty:1 during pro root b111l fteason J ON SON ATrlUB TF.S the ~how'11 lncrt usc.•d uudicnce to <'o untflr pro.irummlnl( und pro- motion "Somellmt'. It's easier to bt" No 2 because you can coun· lt-r pro1ram," he says. That nt(IUll lhllt If "Wide World'' l!I lt<uturlntt boxing and wetghtllft io(I, for t-xo m1llC.'. NBC may de· t'ldt> to go with "~ofter" sports. u('h aa gymnaat c and fhcur 11katlnfl, to atlract 1.1 different uu- d1ence from ABC A~ for promotion. Ohlmeyer. who lt.·urned ut the hand of the muster Roo nf' Arledge at A BC. know1> 1.111 about that. Tht• "Sp o rts Wo rld " m1 x ft>a turl'S an emphasis on Olym· v ie related amate ur sports. hom e pro sports especially boxinJC whenever possible and u dash of "family" features ti.kc bellyfl opping contests or bar ~tool races There 1s no host because the s how 's budget. about half or "Wide World's," 1sn 't big enough. The Increased ratings com- ing ut the expense or pro basket ball and made.for -TV shows like "Challenge or the Sexes" and "The Superstars" are en· couraging. But J onsson knows tha t the show has to continue to improve if it 1s to succeed. In TV. you're only as good as your last show "You look al the ratings and you say, 'Hey, that 's great!' she says. "But then it's time to start on the next show. You really don't have time lo gloat in this business." Soccer Parade Set To honor the youth soccer or- ganizations in Orange County, the Cahfornia Surf's exhibition g a m e a ga inst the Moscow Dyn a mo toni ght at Anaheim Stadium will be preceded by an Olympic·style parade featuring over 1,000 youth players. * JC, Prep 11 a .m . (9) -TENNIS -J ohn McEnroe vs. Tennis Results Peter Flemming in a WCT Challenge Cup match. taped at Mootego Bay, J am aica. (22 ) NHL HOCKEY -The Detroit Red Wings. vs . the Islan ders at Uniondale , N.Y. Joined in progress. 1 p.m. (22) -PRO SOCCER. 1:30 p.m. (4) -COLLEGE BASKETBM.L The Arizona State Sun Devils meet the Arizona Wildcats in a P ac-10 game al Tucson. Men 2 p.m. (2) -TRACK AND FIELD The 91st ~111 .... ".,...2 AAU indoor track and field championships, taped si~ at New York. v:::.~ 1~;, ";!1 ~~1t:,0~!· !~:: :. 2 : 30 p .m. <7) -AUTO RACING Eight s .. nci, 1111 def OllM' .. , ..,, Morm d rivers, including fi ve winners or the Indianapoli s :~·. C:'i ~.o:!!.0..'i\7/ v=--:~7 SOO, vie in the second qualifying heat in the In· ""' Slanc:oH~ ternatiooal Race or Champions. o•~n-Atne l=Smit11-K•too~" 3 p.m. (2) -SPORTS SP ECTACU LAR -The ,.., ,.., SeV11-var._ 1s1 ... , s..rm· E uropean figure ska ting championships, taped at ~'.;!:i!:i',.~z~1~~~·.t. 1s1 Zagreb, Yugosla via. Also, Part Two or the world o,._ eo." s. ~ .. ,,.. powertifting championships and the Fight of the ~1 ... iH Week. BenoU fPI def. F~rly • S, 6 3, Tomi'• 101 dtl Bert>a 6·0. 6·1; 3 :30 p.m. <7 ) -PRO BOWLING The L••«>ermnn 1P1 ""'· M<OonAld &3. Cleveland Open, taped at North Olmsted, Ohio . 14) 6 1 La M<lrt IP I oel Sm ith .. ,. 6 ?; O G S SPORTS ON TV I HORSE RACING Area Stars Sig11 f'ounta.rn Vall ey lfli:h 'c; Gil Compton 'Jdt 1 und Stevl' Green of Mun nu l1 1~h s1i.tnc·cl nut1on~I lellt-n or m tent this wt•t•k Compton. <.1 qlwrh•rb~.1t·k . u1 ht·udl'<.l fo r the University or /\rl1orw . while· Gn• •n, a l4Jt•klf', will p lay for the Umvcr:iltY nr /\rkunHai. JC Top Scorers Basketball SOUTl<l!ltH (AL COHI f tit "'Cf 1 ~1 .... 11 N•m• ~<-• • Ip \mllh, I A \IM11hw•" IU /\I M O\fi:lt''f R•o t•fXMM~ ., 10 Pl .. r( ~. S.ntot Ml)fll•" ,, ,,,, Wllll•m\, Rio HonM ,. ,.,, 0 A¥'f'\, C~Pff"'\\ II 111'1 rnome,, L A He•bOr II I ... Hot>u\. LA M•rbur I/ I~. E•IM,CV~\ I I ·~~ Worti.\, lA~hw~I I 11/I E•an•. Goloen We\t II II• EdmonO•. !Mlftt• Mon"• ''on C.• rre 1 '°"• Colden W•\I 11 I~ FHr•nct, Lio "'••l>Or 17 .. , Mer4v1(h, Goldo'" W•\C " IJ1 Brown l A Soul.,...., ,, 11& Coetno. Lio Soulllw~t 11 11\ l"9d\, Golden W•\I I/ I 11 ''•"'°"· Roo lionoo 11174 Gomt't , RIO l<Oftdtl " "' GofCIOn Lio Sotlll'lw••I I " SOUTH co.asT CO,.FlREHCf ........ S<-• .. Ip Ntthota\. !Mtn 01fl<Jn Mt'\t.t " 1\J H•1nfl•ftn f uHttrtM" 10 nl Wlctii:hff~ S.."'" And IQ, .. , (91•11~nt (111rr '"' 10 ·~\ t1unq,.,.,~ .. ,. Mt S.n ~nt,,n•tJ .. '"" WnaM. ~ 014'00 M~-· It 101 Orolll, Ora"OI ('o;nt 10 l!M Br f"•llr, (t"f'r•tf>'\ •O 1\1 Ntum.1nn, Ortt~ (O.,\t tO ISO MO<rl\, Fulll'rton 10 1411 Wh~eler. C.ro•\mon1 tO 1!8 LuOw19, ~\monl 10 IJ7 Aktn, Orange CO•"' 10 1JO LoHon, Ml. San Anlanoo " 10 Ltll•on, Ml !Min An10010 I IJ1 THE ••Q ,. ' ... .. , ••• t• I t#.,\ I\\ 1\1} U I .. ~ '" II I 11 l 111 " ' ". ,,., 10) '" 1 mo • •• no n1 ... I•\ ·~. ··-I\ I I\ 1 I~ I ... I) 8 I) I 11 0 11 0 110 , Ill ... ,,..,,,.,. "' ,,.,,,. IJ 'f ,. ,,, .,,, t,r;,-.. tY•1M It> tta 11 • liw";t•' "Iliff •11lt•f'ff1fj I~ 11/ II I IJV1t •t.n ...... n tJ•lt'JIJ " .. '>.A II Ill " •, 'lf•ll•"'• c,,"""""'' .,, U\ It ~ Ail,..,,\ •,._,.... Att1; tr, I I\ ,, \ ti•#•" •.Ant,.,.,,,,. • ,,,, ,, , '''"¥" '#'''"·''"'If'' '(, .,, •I/ ·,1 n1111r • ·•fl•''"' '" ·~. ,.,. h•nil~ /lilt •.AnAr•t'~"' , rr.. ·~, MIUIOH C4HP t •fN'r Ha,.,. 'V""4 • I• ••• J,,ttn\f)n f tllU\ '1 )IH )"t • '~' .... "~(t ,,,,. ,... tlrr>n\Oft, CNlf•• 11 1116 11 O Wr.t•IOOf\ t.ctot#'o.tl' • t I )I\ ft t Me~• .,_,_, • 10 )(I) >0 0 sto.,,.,\Ol'I, Ah'"''"0-I J ''' t• I W•Ql\I 'fl_,_ 11 100 II \ P1ttf'<-,. ( "-1ffo? 11 )1' II 4 Pt'ulhp\ \Ml S.rn..trft·fV"· I J 7H If I <-1e l\On P•aotn.;tr 1) ttl 11 \ Atttrt Jtt ~,.,.or Wtll1am' ~ f! .. ,.,.,.O•N• .. I)'\' "°4,,#t~ i•r,, PuJllfl'¥ Sbn S.f'n•rd1fW'I l ,. .. \.t>ut,,~@"4.1"''" O•Y'I• P•tor"f't•' i',.•1. .._ .. ,, O•HIO CC W tJlf r1tn .. , l4VttltP"' ~l'°Wf"iio M~mdton. Pdtotn.er WrogM ....,n O•NJO C ( h1u'n fi1yf"r\1c.1f' l.,m 1tP\ Sou1rtwt-'tf'rn P•lr1Ck \,Jddl~t>,~n Adb1n. Patorn.ar FIOff"\, Sovt~t~rn Oale San Otf!'QO C ( ~Ol>"tancl ll•ver\tclt- • } >01 I) • • J 10!> ,,. I) 103 I). I) t•I I\ I •J ... I\ I I) l(f• ". • " .. ~ I) ott ... 1J ... U ) •l IU .. , •l tllO ., . 10 Ill 1J I OJ 1..i IH •l •SO 11 ~ I) 161 17 I , M 110 1] 14' II ) I J IJO 10 I Racing Results S•nta AnHa l'tr~• 1-ef-ftMll 0 I"'"'"'' '1'" •.c• t<l11t ri«t ~"'•11t•> / to, u•. t ... 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W•1\0n 11 l '~ • C••f'••<O 10-111 \ PPGnf',., 10-.£ )t 6 ArtP\1• ft, S II I IC("~y '" 1 l A !,1 l\~rn.-r(I f1) 1 ]1 ff Atpm.any 11)4 7• 10 $1\00QMon<l)Om•rv ll0.\1t l ·AS.OCur I C.1•nci.•• IHI t t 7 Brll Gard•n\ t 18411 l M41rk IC~~· (II) II. 4 t.llall•\•\ lllrl-11;. $ !,.idd l•IMtk 116-!·ll. 6 lto•I M~vo1>1•n CH·Hll •no V•l~n<t• 111 l 11 & Ofl••n o Cll•t$1lan 113 7 31 . ' M1u1on V1~10 lll-7·11 , 10 BrethrMI 110 1 JI se••••• 101 def wooc111ou•• 6·•. 3·•· C LLE E BA KETBALL -The UCLA Bruins •·1. Cr.Hsttr COldl't Mam 6·1,H . meet the Washington State Cougar s at P ullman. '**" d Ff'dO..rly·Tomeo 101 Clef. 8tnoo1• 4 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Third roun play in the uo .. •m•n 6 •. '6. srn1111.s.1a1•r Glen Campbell Los Angeles Open. Taped. ~~1 ~~.::::·~:.~'~!,!: 5 p.m . (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 0itt"tt4-l>,..,,1... Mike Rossm an (36·4·2 ) risks his WBA light· ..u1 .. o.1N.c••ht,-v.1,.,2 h eavy weight c r own against Victor Galindez 1(11,,.. 1,,.1 O:.~k~ou .. 3• ""'· (51·5-4 ), the man he won it from in a bout taped at J •nk•M .. ,. °"· M<l f'8" H . H•ll Las Vegas. (28) -PRO SOCCER . <52 I To the maJOnty of the world's automobile manufacturers, the concept of luxury seems to be- gin and end with such superf 1c1aht1es as elaborately brocaded upholstery and knee-deep carpeting. '"'' •°" .... H • 1• c1et WlllM!ll'n COLLEGE BASKETBALL La Salle vs Notre .... Ur•1e (Ml -.. 3. <Ml. , .. , 1·!. Dunk 1M1 lo5t o... won• t. 1os1 s-1. •name. _ .. , ~' 8 p.m. (9) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL The "' 1C1.,.A 1Cu ... 1M1oet w11~'"" USC Trojans meet the Washington lluHk1e~ at ~ ...... , '"'· .. ,. ""' l<t•n·Romero l·S, Seattle . .... W•ll'-"'<iont•ln IMI won 1 s. • .... _ .. , ... , RADIO U"tvenlty 12\or. S... Ci.m•111t sv, SI ...... O•y IUI IO\I lo 8•\\ 1 •, d•I. Mlltl'ell •l. def 8UIC"tf 6 1. 04'1 Dill H . \<-In fUl IO\t 0 .. won 6 •. ._,, .. ,, llavnu.lot'n IUI I0\1l6, won • 1 l>-4, ..... ""'"°" IU I IO\I 0.., won ... , ........ 1 Oou- 51-1 W&koll CUI ""' PeltrM>n· Ot~r H . l>-0, Of'I W-M•llory ._,, .. o: Meyer-Nk keol IU f •Piii l 6 won6.0.6 I Women Ell .... U \41, EflMfl UlW. Sl.._t B•rrle (Editotl) '°1;1 lo 0 11Mler •·•. def Bec:k .. ,, clef. 01\lor• .. ,. •1 Bely .... 2; Ol'IOn IEdl!IOnl lo\I , .. , S·1, w. }-7; Matias IEdlSOnl lo!o1, "· won 1.s, lost u . won .. l ; Nuwnow IEdlsonl IO\t .... won .. ,, .. 1. lied w . ~ Cempt.11-Mkh l-. CEdlw.nl >Piii wllh Bektt Mentre!o •·l. I·•, splll w it" S11'vtns-8 rl 99s • •. 6 1. NuH-5">vlY9Cle IEdlM>nl \pll1 , ..... ,. '°'' >-4. , .. o...,..c.. .. 1.~11 1 5"""9 M Myen IOI o.t C~ .. ,, • l . J otlMIOft 10) def WeltOfl .. ,, 1 !; ,,.., .. ~ 10 1 def .....,., • 2, 1-6. •-t; Goll~ ISi o.f L. M.,..r~ t-4, 1'·S. M<Cormkll IOI def Shu .. 0 ... 1; Mllcllell 151*1 ~1 .. ,1 .. , ..... ~ M Mye<1·JohnJIO" CO i clef. Wallo,,.Felctet .. J. H . L Myt n • Meyen IOI wt. GolleMD!er·Con,..n ... t. 1-S. SIH'r•~Oll 101 ..... .iK•S..0. .. t, U , M Baseball COUIOI L•t \' .... T ... .......,.tfll BVU 10, UC lt"¥1ne• UNl V 11, UC lt'¥1M I "~· AtlrOf\e It. L•Vttntt 2 Aruu Peclflc t. ~11 1 MIOMSCMOOl llS..,....T'--llt llllOOftdD 8-11 S, AMllfotm 4 ,,..,,._ ,,.. .. ~, Gercllft ~ t, Of efl9t 0 LOw•ll •, s.Ml.-00' F011"1el11Vetley2., 11.-. Pu• 0 Ma .. , O.U. S-yHlllt > 1111'1 .......... ~Ou~•. -lflteoft l ee<llJ Basketball -UCLA at Washm~ton Stut(', J 30 p.m .. KMPC 1710); UC Santa Barbara at Cal State F ullerton. 7:30 p.m .. KWRM 113701, (;Qn l( Beach State at UC Irvine, 7:30 p.m . KFOX 193.S l''M 1 • USC at Washington, 8 p.m., Kt'f <640 > llock,•y Philadelphia at the Kings, 7:50 p.m , K rt LA n 110 1 Swdq'• Tl',. Radfo TELEVISION 10 a .m. (4 l -BASKETBALL The Soviet Na- tional team takes on the University of Louisville. Noon <4 ) -COLLEG E BASKE TBALL Wichita State VR. Indiana State at Terre llautc (13) -S PORTS AFIELD -A vlslt to a IJ ufrulo roundup in Montana ; a look at sallploning . ond o lesson in casting. 1 p.m. <2) --GOLF -Final round ploy In the Glen Campbell-Los Angeles Open from Rivi ·ru Country Club. (7) WOMEN SUPERSTARS /\ field or 14 lakes part in the women superstars, taped at Freeport, tt\e Bahamas . 2 p.m. (4 ) -SPORTSWORLD The Romanlun National Gymnastics championships, taped ot Bucharest. Also: the San Jose Flal1 motorcycle race, taped at the Santa Clara Falrgrou.nds 2:30 p.m . (7) -BOXING -AmateuNJ from Poland and the U .s. square orr in a series of bouts t aped at Lafayette , La. (52) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL -Long Beach Slate at UC Irvine. Taped Saturday. 3:30 p.m . C7> -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Llnda FraUanne and Charles Tickner partklpatc in an exhibition by the wiMers of the recent U.S. national figure skating championships. Also, from St . Moritz, Swiberland, the lnt.crnallonal Cre11ta Toboggan champions hips and the Hawaiian masters surfing cha mpionships. 3:45 p .m. (2l -NBA BASKETBALL ~ The Seattle SuperSonics vs. the Kings al Kansas City. 4:30 p.m . (52) -SICUNG -With Tom Malone. S p.m . (52) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Pacific vs. San Jose Slate al San Jose. RADIO Basketball -Indiana at the La.ken, 6:50 p.m ., KLAC (570). <Tiie Dally Piiot Is Dot rH poHlble for lat.e cllaaa1e1.> #.. ... ..., , , ... Atthe Bavanan MotorWorks, however, rt rs our contention that the rarest and perhaps most satisfying luxury of all is to actually en1oy the act of driving. And the BMW 5281, a luxury sedan designed ~ racing engineers, was built to reflect this p:>1nt of vrew. Fuel-injected, with inde- pendent suspension on all four wheels, the 528i is not only thoroughly exhilarating to drive, but also clea rly ex- emplifies our belief that-when all is said and done-extraor- dinary performance is the only thing that makes an expensive car worth the money. Should you find yourself 1ntngued at the thought of owning an expensive sedan that otters this rarest of luxuries, phone us and we'll arrange a thorough test dnve for you . YQVfUOCAL BMW DEALER GROUP 'I LA.UllA IJ mAll YIUI (kA> Mc l .,_ 61\~W 1'1f' ~'b.tck V.i '"/ Wll f'«>rtt. fJt, h 131va 1·~. hx 1;>t l)l"11 {11('1 ~ M.llf'.u''"'' f'hy i714 ' ·:"ill < 'lJ)HJI ~ 10 LAIWTU; l.l llWNIT llMI ll< ~ II• ~ ~''P'• I"! I~'/ C.11\'1~ 1'11 I Ali N '' • f i;,, I AO J.•Hl'oc.,. l!o.t I "' 1ri.\bt-a.•1 1 'l•l1b40b-14A I &Mt II~ l':i lfllTI Mtawt0t I •fl\. I~ l It hM\... !\(~'l't f.11M~~n.1n lo• m C'tw•rv "'' !11ot· .i m 1.~•k.,..n.11 l1 v11 •'I !)4, 7"4•ot (i I 11 lt>lt>l \J 11 a.a.&.a le __, lly(ll Pl'llMnt<n H1•lit!'>~"'Bl\•W l-\4., Wi 1 4 lrn M,,,., t()1.l(l r"""'°''" a ... ,, (2\:tl2'l'13.?IO (~IJ18o8J2J.1 (714) bJb-6775 Cltl'lllM'lll.,,..,._•"" I 1 Hla SNtl5S VIP !>I • ( ,. I' .1()1'1 r I ~ ( • , n ('It ('I I) l.'1-: uh,~ l!IMltSlll ( ~·(Ill 11,1\'I I' ) I '• I 11 /'X' 1-l I l 11 Mina MIA • I l 1 j ~ . INSIDE: •Interm ission •Movie Reviews •Out 'n About •TV List ings DAILY PILOt 1 'Command' P erformance 'Man for All Season ' Leads Show Strength By J llllY H ltT NSTEIN Ot .._ O•llV ~ ... 11.tft Sar 1bomH More, Thomai. Cromwell, Kin• Ht'nry vm Thoeo names from 16th Century tne1and usually conJur c up lmaa a of bl& men pby ltally, 1nt II ctualJy and aplrttu&Uy, ll'a Lilli wond~r th(•n thul director Jack O'Brl n has caat thr <-hellVI s for those rolt•a ln "A Man for All S.-aM>ns" playing through Mareh 31 Dl tho Ahmuruion Theater, LO" AnJ:l'I Mu. le C«>nter Charllu11 llH lon brrnt(I'> "ower and maturity to Lh • lead role of Sir Thomas Mote. Ken Rulu. admittedly not a name act.or, is superb as Cromwell and Stephen Macht• de· light as the youthful King Henry Vlll. It's the king who spars intellectually with More and eventually causes the latter's downfall. Whtie More is serving as Lord Chall· • cellor, Henry VI II seeks an annulment of bis marriage t.o Catherine of Aragon. MORE PRESIDED over, but was al· lowed no vote in. the House of Lords. He in- troduced the matter or the king's divorce t.o Parliament. abstaining rrom comment and orrering, instead, a dozen learned opinions from various European universi4es. \ Sir Thomas resigned when articles were CHARLTON HESTON CLEARLY IN COMMAND AS SIR THOMAS MORE In Prison Scene He Bide Farewell to Hl1 Wife,. Inge Swenson placed before the convocation or Canterbury • effectively depriving the Church of Its power to act without the king's consent. A~chbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranm'er, played at the Ahmanson by Earl Boen. declares the 'king's first marriage void and Anne Boleyn is crowned queen. MORE REFUSES an oath validating her position as queen because it entails repudia· tion of papal supremacy. H's More's convictions to a "higher authority" and th e suffering he endures that are the strong points of the play. No scene has greater emotion than a tender moment between him and wife. Lady Alice, played by Inga Swenson, during More's imprisonment in the Tower of Lon· don. More thap one sob was heard from the audience opening night. The staging and lighting are tremendous aids to the prison scene. Sam Kirkpatrick and Gil bert V. Hems ley, Jr. deserve speeial commendation for these effe<:ts. HESTON, MAKING his fourth ap- pearance on lhe Ahmanson stage, is clearly sn command whenever he appears The same goes for Ruta, Macht. John Glove r who plays a scheming Mas ter Richard Rich. J Kenneth Campbell as William Roper and Patrick Hines as Cardinal Wolsey. · Gerald Hiken is cast as the Common Man, playing several roles including the ax man who beheads More in a somewhat shocking, closing scene. Hiken is constantly moving about and is comely in his many asides to the audience. ONE OF THE PLA Y'S most dramatic moments comes when Cromwell and Rich sit at the top of a rathskeller stairwell and plot their moves against More. Lighting and clever props again have an important part in the scene . Ms. Swenson is beautiful as the elegant Lady Alice. An equally beautiful , but bit more earthly Katherine McGralh plays Lady Margaret, More's daughter by hss first wlfe who eventually marries Roper The production has its weak points during the two often long commentaries by More and someoflheothers. It was difficult to hear opening night. BUT FOR THE playgoer steeped in tus- tory and stung by the de pths to which a man will go to keep his personal convictions, .. A M an For All Seasons" is definitely worthwhile, rewarding theater. Curtain Monday through Saturdays is 8 :30 p .m . with matinees Thursdays and Saturdays at 2. I f , tl ' .. ' I ' EMMYLOU HARRIS TO PERFORM IN IRVINE BOWL Emmylou Harris To Sing at Fest CJ Country-western ~tar Emelylou Harns and the Hot Band will appear m concert at the lrvme Bowl Sunday, March 4. as part of the Laguna Beach Winter Festival. A recent Grammy award nominee for her album. "Quarter Moon 1n a IO-cent Town," Miss Ha rris will be making her only Orange County ;ippearance for 1979. Last year her show was a sell-0ut. Tickets are S7.50 purchased in advance at all Ticketron outlets. the UC Irvine box office or in Laguna Beach at Sound Spectrum , Guitar Shoppe or Bojangles, or $8.50 at the gates that open at noon. The 17-day run 6f the festival will close with the seventh annual Museum of Art Affiliates Antique Show f eatunng Oriental. country French and early American artifacts, jewelry. glass and silver from noon to 10 p.m . Friday and Saturday, March 2 and 3 a nd noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, March 4. Admission is $2.50. 'Eeeentricities' Alluring By REBECCA HELM 01 tlle Dally "'°'Slaff "Beer does more than Milton can to justify God's ways to man." The A. E. Housman quota· tion tops the description of "Beer: From the Brew to the Bottle," beginning next month at UCI. Previous debuts at UC Riverside and UC San Diego were greeted with enthusiastic enrollment, George Edgar Slusser, the instruc· tor for the university extension course, says. ON TAP FOR students is a review or beer's history from medieval to modem times, a dis· cussion or the art of home brewing, the economics of the beer industry, and the art of tasting. The latter aspect is the star of the class. "People come because they want to taste the different beers and learn bow to taste. They are interested in the history but are more in- terested in the gourmet aspect,•• Slusser says. Would-be connoisseurs will be provided with samples from many of the almost 50 Unit· ed Stat.es major breweries, the more obscure and harder-to-obtain regional brews, recom· m ended Lmporus, and some of Slusser's own homemade creations. "111E IDEA IS TO taste and sip and enjoy. not to drink.'' Slusser says. "Tbe one-ounce samples leave ev'eryone at a high peak. There are no problems with people golng overboard." But there is more to the class than the froth. Slusser, who bas a Ph.D. and teaches Com · paratlve Literature at UC Riverside, says he of· fen students as ample an historical view of the 10Jden brew as possible. From his own extensive travels through Europe, a brief residence in Germany and bis <See aan, Pase en Top Notch Ca,s t Sets Off Tale~ Of Smuly D~nnis By JACKIE HY.MAN Of Ille Dally Piiot StaH Sandy Dennis, an actress whose talents have rarely been shown ocr lo best advantage on film , lights up the s t age in the Long Beach Theatre Festival's prOduction of "The Eccen- tricities of a Nightingale... • AND FORTUNATELY for theater· goers, Miss Dennis'performance In the Tennessee Wi lliams play IS set orr beautifully by other top-notch work from an outstanding cast The play itself is a slow-moving character study that will seem familiar to those who know the plots of Williams · other plays an eccentric young woman fighting against madness tn lhe stifHng atmosphere of a small Southern town. But the artful direction by Michael Flanagan, the performances and the fine production qualities help sustain in· terest. MISS DENNIS IS delightful, believ· a ble and heart-btteaking as a second.rate s inger. Her quick mood swings, hyperactive chatter and painful love for a man who only likes her are powerfully moving. In suppor ting roles, the talented rcrry King shines as her mother· nominuted beau. with the {>art of his snobbish mother realistically played by Nan Martin. J en Jones Is captivating and electric In her moments as Miss 'Dennis' Insane mother . with Harry Townes a bit plod· ding but believable as her rather . THE COSTUMES BY Diana Eden and lighting by Thomas Ruzika are also RENDEZVOUS IN PARK IN 'ECCENTRICITIES OF A NIGHTINGALE' S•ndy Dennis St8r1 H Second-rat• Singer Wooed by Perry King noteworthy, as is the theater Itself. Tucked into a corner of the Long Beach Arena , its design is strongly reminis- cent ot the Mark Taper Forum "Eccentricities" runs through March 11, with lk kets priced from $7 to $11 and information available at (213) 436·3661. Q DAILY Piii.OT Frld-r, f'ebruwy z:s. 1171 ,.AM D PIANIST Van Cllburn and conductor James Peul return for the Long S.dch Symphony Orchestre's fourth subscription concert at I p.m . Saturday and 2· 30 p.m. Sunday In the Terrace Theater, L.ono Beech. Fe•tured on th prooram wrn be Overture fo the Princess Jeune by S•lnt·SMn , Beethoven's Plano Cone rto No. 4 •nd Prokq_ffeff's Music From Rom o and Juliet. Ctlbum ha" attr ted national Attention as winner of the Moscow Competition In 19S8 and for his cl•sslcal recording . Paul Is currently assoc.toted w ith the M llwauk Symphony. Tickets Me available t the box office, 121 Linden Ave., Long Beach . . .. SHOW TIMES Al'OLOOlll 642·2697 BIRTHOAYS I LOVE YOU ANNIVEASARYS EVERY OCCASION ROAST THC 80S$i BELLY OANCtRS Iii MAGICIANS • 0000 LUCK 'ff!llOAMEO IN llEASO .. OR OY PHONE THE TICKET SHACK •CONCERTS•SPORTS •THEATRE ... YOU DOM"f -ff US ... CALL A .. AK• TICKETS AV AILAAI MOW! * .... IOS.._TON ..... * J. GEIS * ALICE COoPa * llUMETH • MIMY IUfftT • AMllOSIA Showtillie, Ceneerts Outlined • THE DIG Ale I • ANNIE • zoor SllT • lMBtS * KINGS • THE WIZ * PWSMOIE "SCE!'ES FROM AMERICAN Life" by A . R. Gurney will be presented by UC Irvine's Orama Workshop at 8 p.m . Friday and Saturday In the Fine Arts little Theater, HH 161 on campus. The comedy features many short scenes taken from U.S. history ranging from 1932 to the present, accentuated by llve piano music of the periods. Graduate student Robin Pollack directs the.nine-member ensemble. Tickets are $1 . TONIGHTWILL BE "Some Enchanted Evening" as Long Beach Civic light Opera opens Its lavish pro- duction of "South Pacific" at 8:30 in Jordan Theater, 6500 Atlantic Ave. Show runs Wednesdays through Saturdays with 2 p.m . m atinees Sundays until M arch 11. Tickets, ranging from S4 to $9.50, available at 518 E. Fourth St., Long Beach or by phone at (213) 432-7926. ' ANOTHER RODGERS and Hammerst ein c lassic Is showing at the Pantages Theater in Los Angeles where Yul Brynner and Constance Towers are starring in "The K Ing and I." The oroduction broke a ll house records In New York and Chicago. Tickets ranging from $9 to $20 are available for showtlmes at 8:30 Tuesdays through Saturdays, 7 : 30 Sundays and 2 p . m . Wednesdays and Saturdays. BELLA LEWITZKY Wiii premiere her "Rituals" Tuesday In t he Los Angeles Music Center's Pavilion. The decor for t hJs modem dance Is by designer Rudi Gernrelch, Music by Larry Attaway and lighting by Darlene Neel set offthedancethatevaluates intoleranceforvarloussoclal differences as well as dependency upon conformity. Also on the program will be "Recesses" and "Pas de Bach." THE GRAND KABUKI Japan's National Theater, lsperlormlngat Los Angeles' Shrine Auditorium. Shows at 8:30 tonight and 2:30 and 8: 30 Saturday w lll feature dance dramas entitled "TM Priest " and ""The Double Lion" In which fathers and sons portray Samurai w arriors. ( CONCERTS ] WINDANDPERCUSSION compositions w ill be heard when the Symphonic Band at cal State Long Beach performs in concert at 4 p.m . Sunday in the recently reopened University Theater, directed by Larry Curtis. General admission Is S2; student t ickets are $1 . MEMBERS OF UC lrvlne's music faculty, the New York String Quartet and students w ill perform In the 1oth annual Faculty Benefit Concert at 8 tonight In the Fine Arts Concert Hall on campus. The entertainment plus wine and cheese reception afterwards will be sponsored by the music section of Town and Gown. Proceeds wlll support music scholarships at UCI. Tickets are $S general admission and $2 for students. REMEMBER GOOD, old-fashioned concerts for the family before the days of television and racquetball ? Recapture the feeling at 3 p.m . Sunday during a classical music concert In Phillips Hall at Santa Ana College at the corner of 17th and Bristol streets. The musical event will feature solos by Huntington Beach concertmaster M ike Maureas and tenor Herbert Lasker of Corona del M ar. Ticket s cost $1 . ELIZABETH COTTEN, an es-year-old singer who Is one of America's handful of surviving folk originals, w ill play her guitar and banjo at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27 In Phillips Hall at Santa Ana College. Best known for her composition, "Freight Train," Cotten weaves stories and anecdotes of her llfe in between a r epertoire of songs ranging from blues and spirituals to originals. Tickets cost $3. THE VERDEl:IR TRIO will present music for violin, c larinet and piano at 8: 15 p.m . Sunday In Laguna Beach High School, 625 Park Ave. Player s are heard In solo and ensemble roles. Tickets are $6 at the box office. a>Mlli SOON • LED ZEPPBJN • STYX • VAii HMBI • TED NUGBfr • MIOSMITlt • THE llOWNG STONES • IOZ SCAGGS • ZZ TOP • IEE CIES • BAD CO. • R1flWOOO MAC • EAGlB • IOD snwART •KISS •Sll•ru•• • MC CMTNEY & WHIGS • IOI SEGAR • STEB.Y DAN • NEil DIAMOll» • CAT S1tVBIS • STEVIE WONDER • Pl.US MUOt MOREi DIPOSfTSOt4 COMIM4t Petn ~ ~nn (714) 645-8990 2400 w. C...t Hwy ...... ,.,. .... The Associated Students of UC Irvine Proudly Presents With Very Special Guests SATURDAY. MARCH 3 • 8:00 P.M. Crawford Hall • U. C. Irvine TOl>la ,..,__ • l&JO BcJI< ()11\(le rel T'°""""' U0 ~ S6 00 C'n'Oal ~SI 00 OURRRST FRESH VEGETABLE SALE! Looll At ,,_. Low Pricft A•d YOll Get H•wport. P'rodllct 9u•t, ! C• Y• ........ n.te ~? o,..-.,n·' CLASSICAL GUITARIST Pepe Romero will perform Rodrigo's Conclerto AranJuez on Sunday w ith the Orange Coast College Community Svmphony Orchestra. The music startsT at r---·R1llr:l•J11-----1 r-----(fe11J;N1l----, 8 p.m . In the auditorium on the 1 IT'S nut! 11 IT'S nuE! 1 I ICBBG II GOODSrn I ' Costa Mesa campus. Remaining 11 HEAD 1111 FRESH 1 1 I tickets at $4, $3 and $2 w ill be sold at the door. Joseph Pearlman : LEn'UCE l l TOMATOES : · is directing the orchestra In Its 1 2 9c 11 2 5c 1 18th season. With family members 1 HMil 11 u. ' in world recitals, Romero has !----~!.':!..":!. _____ ! !---~~~~---! I premiered works of numerous major • "INSTANT NOSTALGIA. A Musical K lss Off to the '70s" will be composers. 1-----{(1l~l-----·r-----('{1JlUilil"----.1 ---------.&--------------------I '" I' IT'STaUll I I :. ..... , 1 I OUR FAMOUS J I staged at 8 p.m. Saturday In the Chapman College auditorium, 333 N. Glassel! St., Orange. This muslcaf<omedy revue w as conceived and directed by Paul Frlzter. Tickets $3 In advance, $2 at door. '-~PSYCHIC PHENOMENA ,, · on Trial A candJd report C7 on the search for the true fecta about thle controvenslal eubJect with Norma Bowle• & Fran Hynds Friday. February 23rd Crawford Hall 7 :00 P.M. UCI STUDENTS & FACUL TV S2.00 GENERAL ADMISSION 13.00 Tickets avan.t>ie et ASUCI Box OH'lce ~ TlCKl!TRON Speakers Committee I IUCCNMI l' CELIRY I I A I 1 1 L_if ~;~_J_;~_:if :_ __ _! : -----«•m:ItJ1t----... r----"'l~11•1:l11Jt----, r rn ltUif '11 IT'S TRUE! I I .000 .. ~ I PUSH CUT : 1 u;;~~ '.I DAFFODILS : I 5 ,...! I 00 ! ! I 2 FOR I 19 ! L--~·~::!~---J L---~~~--~---I Ca .. IRI lxplN n.r..,. Mm-ch ht, 1979 "40Y~ of~· Know t-foiw . .. •• ' .... WI AC~ .aoD STA.MPS ..,.. -~ ........ .. ,...., .. ~ ... ,, U""'4 ' ' • • ' ' '. • • • A. ; , > • • • .' lJCE 1' ' .. ' ' I , ,. OUT 'N ABOUT· F"nda'(. February 23. 1979 DAIL V PILOT (;:J Five Crowns, entrees and 15 singers recommended in Corona del Mar A llandout amon1 Oranae Count y rHtau.rants alnee it opeMd in l~. OW Five Crowu has more than nne tood to recommend It Sunda.)' and lllooday oi&bUI Then you can en Joy fel another couru -IJ'f•l entertalnmrn\ Tbat'a ~•UM, ror more th•n a yur now, the Cc>rMa Ml Illar pot baa bwn pttt~nun1 a mutkal mt"IM of wtndln1 down t.M okt w k or cranll ln a up th n~w one Th 1 1ty and vivacious sroup ol perlor mcra 1.1 known H the Sbowtue Sl~ rt INTEat:8TING1.. V. TOO. you m~&ht ratch lhf' ll"OUJ> vtral times over a couple of weekli and note an apprtoclable rhange of face aloe · l~ mt!mbf'r1 rotal\! und appur aa quintets, quartet.a. traOCl, duoa or 1olol1u. At f'lCplal ntd by th froup'11 effervescent 1pok man, t0pr1no Jan Knowlton, tbla steady hurmna lnsuru one diaUnculsbi nc feature wilhout fail ''vari tY In each performance." The repertoire includes show tunes from Rl'oadway hlla llke "My Fair Lady" and ·Sound or Musk", operettas s uch as "The M•rry Widow", arias such as "Un Bel Dl" from 'M1darn 8uttcr0y" and the "Toreador Song" fro m "Carmen". und popular contemporary salt'clloru. A{·comp1m1sl and a commendable artist in her own right h• a plunust Landa Baarker If you have the opportunity lo sit throuch several performances by these talented enlert.a.loera, I don't think there's any question but what you'll rind each sttow fresh and dif- ferent. They seem to thrive o~ ''rehearsed spon· tanetly," asking requests or the a udience and weaving them into their program. The Showcase Stn1ers entertaln Sunday and Mondaya only. re membel', from 7 p.rn. to mid· nlcbJ.~ But you should count on having dlilner too, a meal that's bound to please no matt.er what evening you vlsll the place. As for what to order at the Five Crowns. ri ve possibilities immediately come to mind. So GROUPINGS AND SELECTIONS OF SHOWCASE SINGERS VARY SUNDAYS ANO MONDAYS AT THE FIVE CROWNS Linde Hertler, Petrick Dundon, Jofe Bucknum, Fred Wlcknlck end Jen Knowtton ReheerH Show Tun•• Real Cantonese Food eat here or take home STAG CHINESE CASINO 111 21st Pl., Newport Beach ORiole J.9S.O .._ to MidlliCJM Dally-We.-"9ds Until I :00 o.M. O•M U "'''"IM W.HOtl AllA NOW AT THE WHITE HOUSE "Orange County's No. 1 House of Jazz" The New Management Preaents . . ~ 2w.-..-wtt11MM ~T~-~fRN l..c:o..;,a IMe .. EDDll HAHIS fTi •• s.t. t :JO, 11 :00, I 2;JO S-. 5:JO Ir 9:00 494·8088/9 .,.._.,.,, M9'. I°"¥ HO \ COA $T MWT ,,..,,lewJ L•OUK• NACM Tiie •-H-.ti Trio ~ 24 Houn lpfclyiftcJ T1tn. & ~Ill Msclll A NEW DtNING ADVENTURE mAnDAn1n CHINESE Geurmet c u1s1NE PEKING • SHANGHAI _ '{;L.Jtt: SZECHWAN •HUNAN £ ~~.te::~' • l."~li.i Daily Lunch + -( And Dinner Je .. ~ y., Holt_. Hosteu -lfi . ... ...... C"'-1 l'tl ,. ___ ,,,. (Former Chef of tne IO tbe name, perhaps, symbolizes that quintet or sucgested entrees. A PE&SONAL FAVORITE Is roasted prime ribs of beef, cooked in the traditional manner a nd served with c reamed s pinach a nd Yorkshire-style pudding. Three gourmet cuts a re available -as manager Philip Crowley ls a lways quJc)._to point out -lbe Five Crowns thick and English thin slices, $11.50 each: ext.ta thick KJng Henry vm, $13.50. Another popular entree is fresh fllets of turbot. drunkard style, which are sauteed In butler and served with tiny sherried shrimp and slivered almonds in vermouth. $9.75. The king of the deep himself would pro- bably wax over the Beefstake Neptune, $11.75, a Out\ 'N About Norman Stanley met mignon topped with cold water crab legs, asparagus and bearnaise. Fourth up is skewered beef, $9.25. Here cubed filel mignon 1s marinated in wine and broiled to perfection. FOR FOWL WVERS, a sumptuous entree is roast duck. $9.50 A half duckling Is crisply roasted and nested on a compote of apples and prunes. Complete dinners include a choice or either chicken and leek soup, a tureen of the soup of the day or three var ieties of mixed green salad. An authentic reproduction o f one of England's best known inns Ye Olde BeU Hurley the Fi ve Crowns is divided into a series of small dining rooms as charming as they are comfortable. To take a table in any of these areas is to all but tum the clock back to the days of England's lusty kings. The restaurant is open dally and there's Sunday brunch. The address is 3801 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Reservations : 675·1374. ----------------( IN S llORT ) SUMS it up. 1500 ADAMS A YE. tAt ...-....,, Twin Oragons-Anahe1ml A Dining Experience Beyond the Expected Your favonto cuisine: steak, chicken, ::calood, dcl1c('J!C 3oup:;, dazs1-:al salad::. pr .... poroo 10 plr,asu your tyilatc. Served 1n thu ambh.mc) cf most b •auti!ul oncmtal 3urround1nCJs. Make your fL'S•;)rva tlon::; now for a truly t.'IJIOyabk t.hn1nr; uXJX'rnmc1.. 1JBD1Btll ~60 Fashion Island, Newport Center Reservations (714) 844-4811 Century Plaza Hotel, Century City Reservations (213) 277-1840 NOTICE! To our many friend s and customers who were unable to purchase our delic ious "Hickory Smoked'' beef. pork ribs or beef ribs. or our own homemade chili. please accept our deepest apologies. Th e ove rwh e lm ing public response to Mr. Norman Stanley's article caught us totally unprepared. We have now corrected this oversight on our part and urge those of you who were unable to purchase our fine products. to please return and allow us to serve you the "best in the west." Thanks again, , JEFF & ANITA 8UN N"&ARRE a.a.o •• BICKOaY SMOKED MEATS • CHIU 0,.. II AM. .. I P.M Dllp In the DAILY PILOT COST A MESA 540.1 H7 rl'w 111()',t po•oplt' can pa) for · 1bM<·r at our houw "$1.95. For all Ult'}' can ca1 You'll ~1.irt with crll<'kcr' .1nd rht•c..,t• Tlwn homcm.ldc '>Oup. ~ r•·'h ,,,t;it1 I-n. ·d 1 h11 ~tn p/11~ J -nr,od fllt•,11 1·n1 rn · Of1lE and l(Til' y ltot cornbread .U\d hO!lt')' botlt>r. Hut ~Ille ~·oplc can p'l)' c\1:11 11:,~. Children lll'c c h:1r11t'<l .tffnrmnl( tot llt'ar Wl'11(ht 011 our old·fo~luonct1 ~l.ik· l.•xl.:tdll, .ind ,.,rw: .an· ·"~U.ihlc. M.i,tcr Ch.trl(l' .and \'h \ ,.c-fcom•· B.uiq111 I t.1tilal1t'''"'.11l.1bl1 "BIG OJ'ELLOW tlHOUSE ORESTAURANT 16.'N 1-. lm~·nal lla)tfl"'a'. Brea• 171 ll ~:.19 ll!Ql • JOlll ll.1rbc" Blvd . ~t.1 ~lc!oa • (71 4) 549-0319 Oinnt>r· \lon.-Thu" 5-9, Fri. 5-10. ~a1 . 1·10, Sun. 12·9. COtlta Meaa i1t o~n for lunch Mon .. fn. 11:30-2:00 p.m. Plus Specials Served Monday thru Thursday !Friday. Saturday & Sunday ·111 6 PM l -Excluding Holidays specials mclurle soup or sal.Jrt, cf101ce of baked potato or nee Cc.an Perch . . . . . .. 3.15 Atlantic Cod . . . . . . . . . 3.95 P1elflc Red Snapper . . . . . . 4.95 MMll MMll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U5 Ofltled S.• .... .. . .. ........ us Top Sirloin SteMI ............. 5.95 Sfftood Brocttette . . . . . . . . . . . . U5 SttH a Loblter .. . .. . . ..... I.IS plus Jl other m1et1es of superb seafood and beef dishes lunchllft aervtd dally 111 4 P M. Private P1r1r flcllllltt 11 300 3901 E COAST HWY . CORONA DEL MAR RESERVATIONS (714) 675-0900 16278 PACIFIC COAST HWY .. HUNTINGTON BEACH RESERVATIONS (213) li92·1321 You could lose your head over our Henry \7IlI cut It ·s that good. So is the Roast 'd Duckling. the Rack of Lamb and all our other aide-fashioned feasts. We serve them in royal style. too. ln our own 17th ce ntury English mn. It's a heady atmosphere. ~1 FIVE ~s :~: 3801 East Coast lfWiway, Corona dcl ~1ar • (714) b7C:..-l'.'174 • t • • -' .. -Cl DAILY PILOf GALLERIES I Eyes of Artists, Camera ~atch Moder:n Look P£aFOUllNG CIUU>&J:N Sornelhin1 •~cial ror ctuldr~n and adults la l (heduJed Saturday at the Newp0rt Harbor Art Museum, ISO an Clt'mente Ortve, N wport s .. cb Cblp Conway, on lhe educatJon 1tatt of lb o f'ran cl1co M~um of Modern Art, will dl1P11y bla tourlna art •xhiblllon. relatini vt1ual elemnt to movemtent. dance rbylbm. 1ouad and lan1u•1• On the 11me bUl l1 lb• Irvin Con ervatory ol lluaic'1 Cblldrtn'a "CbUdren Perronnll\I for Childree." Conway I.a ~beduted 16 .,_,m al J .30 pm , ands: lO The Ottbeltra ta for 2 pm fl'or informatJon. call f'tu'lll• Lut· n . 7»-1122 Galleries/ Exhibits Mt:a1c PA JNTI G~ Linda thurt. ruutor at th~ Albn1ht Knox Gallery Buffalo. N Y . ~\II ix-u ton.l1ht on the 47 ,.-.·--.-rk•n Paint 1ng or th 19'10'1 now on vtew tbe Newport Harbor Art Museum Tbe dl&· ion ~110.:, at 8 o'clock Tickets ma ~,...chued at the door at 7 30 Museum mem· "'9n. senior clUien and students : $2. non- •mbers. $3 l CROWN HOUSE RESTAURANT 32102 COAST HWY. LAGUNA NIGUEL ••• ~ v .... , ....... ,, ~ 499-2626 496-5n3 IVY HOUSE RESTAURANT 314 FOREST AVE. LAOONA BEACH ~ ,.. 11~ n.. Lo .. •Mfl )· Ample ffff Parlting • ' 3 • ..: ••• : !':..: -• ~ 494-9491-752-8558 HOW IN COSTA MESA GUADALAJARA RESTAURANT HOMEMADE MEXICAN FOOD OPEN DAILY 11 :00 A.M. to 11 :00 P.M. 665 PAULARINO Conter of lriatol-P_...._ ,,_. Own to Ice c.,... c......1 COSTA MESA 540-2392 ~~otlgltose" DINNER SPECIALS SERVED NIGHTLY FROM 4:00 P.M. MON. & TUE .... Bro111ed Chicken ...•....... $2.95 WED .... S11i1bury Steak . . . . . ••..... S2.65 THUR .•.• Brochette otlleel. ...............•• $3.35 or s.,.ghettt ...............•...•••• .S2.85 FRI. •.. Tertyakl Stelk ....................... .14.25 SAT •••. Brochette or Beer ................. .$3.35 or Chlcilen Fried Steak . • . . . • ....••.. .$2.90 SUN ••. RoHt Slrloln or Beef •.......•....... S3.3S All served with soup or salad, choice of potato, hot roll and butter, beverage, jello or sherbet. ..... .: BEER •WINE 400 S. COAST HWY. LAGUNA BEACH 494-3137 Bl.ACK tU ·Toav vu;w In rccoanHlon of Black Kl1tory. Bowtra Mu.eum this month Is f aturln1 Charle Dick on and Carlos Cobb of Compton Dickson works primarily In wood and Cobbl la 1 araohlc artUt The museum at JOOJ N Mala St In Santa Ana Is open 9 a.m. to $, T\Med.,-&alurday; l p m. to s Sundays; and 7 p.m . to 10 Wednetday aud Thursday Adml11lon fret. INITaUCl'OU• 1'0aU -Works by nine Orana• Cout C0Ue1e photoc'raphy lnatructors a re on ~Jthlblt lhrouttt March 28 at tbcs 1919 SOut.krn California f nvftltlonal Show ~t the Untverstty of Southern Callfomla campus. OCC 1natructon1 lnclud II Arthur Taussig, Ken Sloabt!r, M 1cbael Oe stJarewslty. Martha Ro••ler. Susan Rankallls and Barbara Kasten the lar1est represcntatJon trom any Southern Cullromia coll A?•' OUT., IDEllN Works b y De borah l''eldmann, "The View l''rom Outside/In." will ao on exhibit from Tuesday Feb. 27 through March 3 at the UC lrvlne art gallery. A recep- t oo for the artbt ls scheduled Feb. 28, 4 p.m. to e CONTE•PO&AaY -Frlh Smilb is sebeduJed to exhibit contemporary pbotograpby at BC Space, 235 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach from Feb. 27 throu&h March 30. For informa- tion. call "'7-ll80. AME&ICAN OOWBOYS -Status ·Galleey is . featuring the photographic canvas 1'American Cowboys Series" or Nathan McCrei!ry Feb. 23 through March 1. He Is nationally recognized ror his on-location portrayaJ of cowboys. Hours of the gallery al 3337 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach, are 10 a .m. to s. Tuesday through Satur- day. Forl nformation. call 673-8393. KACIDNA DOLLS An exhibition of more than 60 Hopi Indian Kachina dolls on loan from t he Heard Museum In Phoenix are on display through March 15 in California Stal.e University. Fullerton's art gallery. A s lide·sound presenta-· lion accompanies the exhibit and a photo- graphic catalog is available for purchase. Kachlnas are wooden dolls uniquely carved by Hopis since 1870. Gallery hours are 1 p.m. to 4 Sundays, and 12 noon to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. For inlormaUon, call 7'73-3347. SIO OA ZUNI. CRAFTED IN 1911 ~fted Kechln• Showing In Fullerton COJllC BOOKS -A display of comic books s panning more than 40 years is on exhibit through March 11 al California Slate Universi- ty, Fullerton. The widely-varied books are dis- played In tbe lhe library lobby. For Informa- tion, call 773-2414. TRUFFAUT ON TRUFFAUT -Leading French filmmaker Francois Trulfaut will make two personal appearances at the Los Angeles County MUJeum of Art Saturday and March 1 to launch the first comprehensive retrospective of ,,. ------------------------------------, ! FIND .ANTHONY'S PIER 2 I NOWHERE El.SE AR£ THESE COMPl.fTE DINNERS A&GREAT A UALUE I Our dinner till• you ll'om drinll to ci-t. Ml at an unbellrtably low price. WMt IMlk• K a Clf'8ll vellle i. the qualtty Of 1000 " UM ••• aged cN>lce tteak .. prime rtba, 1M Miine IOl*w, hell~ Even Clf'8ll ~I ~ C«*talll. In lhOn, _. I wor1·1111Jmp or cut comers. Nobody cen bell!! our epec191~dlMerpnoee.°""_....3/5/79. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I ANTHONY'S PIER 2 YACffT-Sl)(ONTil'.SCOICUCKIAY lOJ N. IAYSIDE • (714) 640-5123 .""" l.&11 McOH·s , ... , OPEN DAIL Y-5 PM• (CLOSED MONDAYS) i0-20 FRESH FISH DAILY• OVER 200 CALIFORNIA WINES• BOATDOCK PRIME Rll OR l.Y. STEAK Choice of highball. cocktail or wine. Special Pier 2 Salad or Botton Chowder Choice of Enlree with fresh vegelables.Sherbert or Chocolate Mousse. Tea or coffee and piping popove<8. • uT. 1-7 ... O&Y tlM llCTM a.es· -----------------------------------~ ' h11 films, ''Trurrout on Trulfaut · Filmmaker and Critic." to be presented March 2 lhrough 17 in the museum's Leo S. Bing Theat~r The program was orauolied to celebrate the 20th anniversary of his tlral feature Olm "The 400 Blows." Tickets for each evenin1 are $4 for museum members and studtnta. and SS general admission. Tickets may be purcha.aed In advance. For lrtfol'maUon, call ( 213 ) 937 -4ZIO. SEASCAPES AND f'LOaALS -J an Bryant, artist and concert sln•\!r. Is nQw ex-hibiting paintings at Mutual Sav1n1s and Loan Assocfatlon, 2867 E. Coasl fflabway. Corona del Mar. The seascapes. n orals and scenics are on view through February during. regular banking hours NEEDLEWORK YESTIVAL Stltcbery will be presented Saturday from 10 a m. to 4 at the St. Paul's Episcopal Church. 1221 Wass St .. Tustin. Embroldet y, needlepoint. patchwork. qullliog, appllque and soft sculpture by the women or St. P aul ·s will be displayed. Ad· GENUINE CHINESE MANDMIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo U>rte Dishes LUNCH•OINNER DAILY Food To Take Out 11 .30 A M to 10 P M 20JJ H..-11•41. COSTA,,.IU 642·7"2. 631-ttl I m1ss1on Is $2 50 general. und $1 fqr seruor clllieos and students. For mformation . call 544·0875. SHOW AND AlJCflON -ChagaU, Miro. Dall. ptcuso and Rockwell are some of tbe artiata whose worka will be exhibited Mare.b 3 at the Boys' Club, 1085 Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach. The art show and auction is sponsored by the South Coast Communltles J ewish Center. Artists' collections will be avallable for viewing from 7 to 8 p.m. when cocktails and hors d 'oeuvres will be served. The a uction will begin at 8. Tlcketa will be available at the door ror $2. For information. call 497·20'70. ADVANCE TICKETS A new city or- dinance limiting attendance at the Huntingt"°n Library in San Marino on Sundays 1s requlifng museum personnel lO turn away hundreds of vis- itors. To avoid a wasted trip. museum orficlals re· commend getting admission tickets in advance. Admission ls free. For information. call (213 ) 449-3901. Of'ltf 1 DAYS ROM I l•f :lO rM IH FOUNT AIH V AWY 11120 •ooteHUIST fAT TAUaT..()flll S.D. PIWY. Visit The APADANA OLD WORLD 52 Specialty Shops GERMAN RESTAURANT AWARD WINNING RESTAURANT SUCCULENT FOOD UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT COCKTA~LS 3:30 P.M. • DINNER 5 P.M. NIGHTLY Banquet Facl lltles 10 to 150 People 600 0 Newport C.....,. Or locross fro.,,...._ Island) Newport leodt 640-7502 Opt>n D1Uy 11 to 9:341 Reserv. 893-111% 75411 Center Dl'. •Al Be .... Bl•d '°SD t'") -Wooteom~n-v. •rd '14.1-IO ltl>fttlftllv<\ ( ~nltr • llu.ntlngton Beach 897-1470 • I ., 2 GREAT Theaters 2 GREAT s.POUTER j ~ SALOON 1 ·· ..... " rf ... ,,, •• \ •• ,.._ ... I t•1d Y. 9'4i1 '"" 'Hl•..-ti. Can you keep a French Secret? Rumors have been going around that we have plans to expand our restaurant: that we will use all three stories of our unique building to provide more dining area and better atmosphere. Some have even guessed that we plan banquet facilities and intimate cocktail lounges upstairs ... and an outdoor patio dining area. Rather than foster any more rumors about our unfancy French Restaurant. we thought we'd give you a peek at the plans. Better yet. come for dinner and we'll talk about it. This we promise. you'll enjoy your meal and also what the future holds for Hometown France ... le Biarritt. . J Yves and Christine Brlee IJE BlfiRRITZr M French Restaurant Dinner 7 Days. Lunch ~onday thru Friday. 414 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. For Retervatlons (714) 645·6700. Cocktails. f . . ENTERTAINMENT DAILY PU.OT Slllp Barbers Entertala•mat Queen a Nighttime Charmer MACRAE, MATE MULLAVEY P atk thl' kld1t nff t() wrandma'a, put a few thin@S In U llUllCft ', ll 'a tJme ror a n1a ht out AnJ th(' Qu n Muy, that venerable and still t1 lt'11ant li n er docked permunl'nUy 1n Lona Uoach. ml&ht maktl ... •real dn tJnallon rur a oJaht a ~a IN ADDITION TO the normal toura. "hopplna and twt•nu, th Que('n's decks orrcr romantic vlt'wi. ur city ll&hts and tht liner· <'Ublnll art• avDJlable for .rue ltt who d hkt' lo make believe (t){'y'\t• t1h1pped OUl Of the city 's fast ()Bet• ,\ monJC l ht• t•nkrh11omenls to be found bc1ord " the Qul'CO Mary Dinner Ph1}'ho11~1·, which bcrves cocktu.ils at 6, c1111nt•r ut 7 4tnd. t•urrentJy. Meredith M at'lt1w ,and m•te Ort>g Mullavey in Tht• Owl ..in'1 tht• Put.i.ycat" at 8:40 fl lfl MarRAF. IS TUE da ughter of Cordon • m il She ila M1H·Rac and has been pe r r 111 n11 nt; 1>1n ce age !>even Her Thurber's Wit Captured One of thl' most challenging forms of dra ma , accordmg to most cnllcs. 1s the one-person show 10 which an actor or ac tress 'becomes' a litera ry or htst.oncal figure Wall.tam Wmdom has ae«pted that ch allenge and, according to those same critics, 'become' James Thurber, the mordant and fey New Yorker columnist and cartoonist. He will appear al Knoll's Be rry f''arm':. Good Time Theatre at8:30 1on1ght and Saturday. Tic kets for ''Thurber," al $8.50, $7.50 and $6 50, are availa ble at Knoll's Guest Relaltons window or by phone. There are specaal rates for groups of20ormore. Next weekend, March 2-3, Knoll's Cele bnty Concert series presents Opera A La C.-rte in a lavishly mounted and un- abridged production of Gilbert and Sullivan's "H.M.S. Pinafore." "! u: c:::= ==+:::" ? A ACADEMY AWARD 'A-NOMINATIONS i::;;;:======================='===========-~ BEST ACTRESS Q husband, Mullavey, ~came a ramlllar face at Tom Hartman In "Mary tlartm1n. Ma r y Hartman " and "Forev r t'emwood." Following the performance. the pair will vlalt with the audience. After theater. the Observation Bar of- fers cocktails and pop-rock music by Ch arlie, whic h features a fe male vocali1t. FO& A QVIETEll hour or two. a pianist entertalns oo weekends in the Hall of Maritime Heritage where the nautlcaJ decor is enhanced by model ships. The Capstan. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson restaurants provide a trio. of pleasant eating places. On weeken~ the Queen Salon on the promenade d~ features vocal groups and bands playing music or the '30s and '40s. Times are noted in the salon . During daylight, the Stowaways wander through the s hip in whiteface and costumes doing song and dance skits, and on D deck a group of enter- tainers in spe<:ial makeup and '30s cos- tumes do an unusual act billed as the Robots . THE QUEEN MARY is berthed on Pier J . with signs at the end of the Long Beach Freeway providing clear direc- tions . Res ervations for the dinner Playhouse are a vailable by calling (213 l 432·7428. Information about other at- tractions are available b}'-calling (213> 435-4747. Hungarians Rlaapsodi~ Violinists are only a part of the musical entertainment provided by the Rajko Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra and Dancers who wili: perform in the Music Center's Pavilion Saturday at 8:30 p.m. ir( the first performance of their fourth U.S. tour. The 35-member troupe uses elaborate costumes and lively dances to evoke thd s pirit of the country's Gypsy youth. Reservations at <213{ 972-7481. ~ ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS \7 BEST CllEMITOGRAPHY BEST OllBllAL SOii C? -------Including------- BEST SCREEIPLIY ~ -------.... .,..., ~ EDen Alan Burstyn Alda NOW PlAYING CllEDOME Orange 6~2553 EDWARDS' llEWPOIT Newport Beach 644-0760 ANAHEIM DRIVE-IN Anaheim 879-9850 ~ -==================::::!:==============================- . ~ - r' ICIDEMY IWIRD IOMlllTIOI BEST ART DlllCTIOI Diii 11 l.AlllNTllS PRESENTS A WlJJAM RIEID RM --.PmRFAl.K _........,.... .. PETER BOYLE Al.I.EN GOORWltz \WHN OATES GENA RJWLANDS PAil _., • ''Tll lll«'S .DI" '""":WIWAM FRIEOKJN s--; WALON GREEN _,..,.-;:..._"' UL BEHN '-:RALPH SERPE -: RDtARO ADEY BENNETT A~llUASI ~· ......-wlfl'il -·--~ :::,•,-.:.;z::-...... ~.,......,. ....• :;;;.;-~· r.-.... _ ... ...., ... NOW PLAYING ...... ctllMA CllTUI UA CMMAI MU PHI •m-111 Costa MIN 546·3102 wes1mins1er(714)893·0546 Buena Park 821 ·4070 • 1. BEST PICTURE DIRECTOR • ACTOR SUPPORTING ACTOR • SUPPORTING ACTRESS PRESENTED IN 70, MM DOLBY 6 TRACK STEREOPHONIC SOUND - ROBERT DE NRO 'A MICHAEL CIMINO FILM UNIVERSAL PICTURES and EMIFILMS present "THE DEER HUNTER" Co·stamng JOHN JOHN MERYL CHRISTOPAER CAZALE ·SAVAGE· STREEP · WALKEN screenplay by DERIC WASHBURN Story by MICHAEL CIMINO & DERIC WASHBURN and LOUIS GARFI NKLE & QUINN K. REDEKER Production Consultant JOANN CARELLI Associate Produce rs MARION ROSENBERG and JOANN CARELLI Music by STANLEY MYERS Produced by BARRY SPIKINGS. MICHAEL DEELEY, MICHAEL CIMINO and JOHN PEVERALL Director of Photography VILMOS ZSIGMOND, AS C Directed by MICHAEL CIMINO A UNIVERSAL RELEASE llMIJ PANAVISION• oo ooUlVS:S.O· I Now a JCM Book I -~-.. Ctt7' UllM:llSAI. CITY llUOIOS, llfC ~l ll!(JHlS llUUIVI O --~~~~~~~~~~~~--...~INl!I--~~-----~~~~~~~~---. ()Je IO Iha nature of lhls fllm.16W 17 r~es ~ Parent Of M.JI. Guar0an (There Wiii be slnct achlrcnce'to lhls POiiey l MON • ..fAI. 2:00 and 8:00 NEWPORT CINEMAS MUI COASTHWY.&MACAITHUI •mWIO&T. OlilftD 644-07 60 .. ' SAT./SUN. 1 :00, 4:30, 8:30 --... '. • \ . ' . . . . --............ ~- d DAILY PILOT THEATER REVIEWS Fresh Crop o• Stage Cotut Theaters Ope11 Vnuaual Offi rings The l«'Ond round of lheatncal enlert~ln ment alona lb Oran1• Co t f r 197'9 1 ll und r way th w nd, with a numbe>r of MW ind unfamiliar ortertn11 dotllna t.b chedul• Local premiere and r vlv1l1 of playa whlrh bav n't been • n locally ln •rood many yeara .,.., happlJy, lbe rut r1thfor t!Mn ltHt f cepUon lht. Um • 1tnnLn1 wuh 1 ~ r of newcomenl bow1n1 ln tonl•hl at UC lrv\nf end the addJ baelc Vall v Commurul.Y ~attr lntermiSsion Tom Titus M1m1. Nu Pap.a." • <'<lmrd ad r.>Ctd from • Spanlab rrlpt. •hl<'h wtll t on tht" bonds for three nd l l<'I • muuotlnt a t'4'"0 f'v nlna producUon of A R Gum · ''Sc-t"n from Amertcan Urt>, which "'L\ '" n It only ex poaure • t~w 1H•a·H>1l:J .110 at ~outh Coast Repertory Tuesd11y ~111 M't• th1• ~1rrnal of ··v1amUH" at the Ui~un.t M1111ltu11 l'l1n httu"""· 11 how ali.o int roduc~-d b) ~(' tt "'hll back And next Thursday rtnc.J"l am tlrt.:mul drum . "The Fox Laughs," mak&ng its ~rl'111tcn• at ttu.• Sun Clemente Community Tht•ntt>r Three plays with limited lcx·al exposure will he revavt'd lhl' second week of Murch "The Good Woman of St,t1uan" ut Saddlebac k College, "Sunday 10 Nt>w York" at the Westminste r C'ommun1l) Theatt.>r and "Ladies an Retirement" al the Newport Harbor Com munlty Theater All have been ubsent from the local boards for the past JO years AT THE COSTA MESA C1v1c Playhouse. they're pulling out the cat and bringing m the hound That is. ··cat on u Hot Tin Roof" <lhe February 23 - March 11, 1979 1 At Jordan Theatre HUR RV! for best selection $ 4.00 -$ 8.50 Sunday Matinee at 2:00 p.m. Wed .. Thurs .. Fri .. Sat. eves at 8:30 p.m. Ticket Box Office & Information II ........ ,... at 518 E Fourth St. 'Phone 432·7926 STUDENT RUSH POLICY: All tickets $2.00 30 minutes prior to wrtaln. with valld student 1.0. CUJngBeacJi Gvic~igJitOpera NOW BY POPULAR DEMAND WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "HARD CORE" CR) WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS "NORTH AVENUE IRREGULARS" (G) "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" CPG> "ICE CASTLES" "INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS" (PG) "FAST BREAK" (PG) "CALIFORNIA SUITE" "MOMENT BY MOMENT" {R) 'THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY" (PG) "QUINTET" (R) "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" "TAXI DRIVER" CR) 'NATIONAL LAMPOONS ANIMAL HOUSE" "MONTY PYTHON" (R "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" "THE ONE AND ONLY" {PG) "UP IN SMOKE" "A BOY I HIS DOG" CR) "CALIFORNIA SUITE" "THE CHEAP DETECTIVE" {PG) AL.L DIUVll•INI 0 "11N 'llf,.M. ... KT\.T Clllld Ur1der 12 .. , .. U111eu • Kiddle "'•YttOUftd HllOn . hlthlla&ht th1111 fnrl •IV('ll WO)' to "The llound ul l'"' U11kervlll<"11," whl<'h OPtn• March Ill Thfi Harlequin l>lnn"' f'layhO.All(), which rurr nUy hH "Th Mind With the Olrl.Y Man" un th board•. will rc;vlvt1 N~ll , lmon'1 vary rlrat rumedr.,.; "Cum Olu.w Yuur Jlom " on M art-h JO th~o rurno1 un A1nlha CbtleU m1atery, "'t'ht llollow." t Ooldon Wf.lat l~ollc;J • openlni M11r h 23 ~th C'out Repertory, which Ju11t upened "The1 Sorn1w• of ,..rt..JN k k." call• on on or flll 111•l 1>ll1ywrl1hl•. Mollc1r ... for " FN-nch farce en· lltlf'd "Th lAu•rnMI I odl •11," dt1butlng March I AND TH 1.rno 1su ; l'h1yeni. who have <'Omto up with 1urh prnvorallvc UUea as "Sheep on tb Runway," "ThrN' Gouts und " Blanket" und "AJI Bcuual' of i\tculh41" In tht: p1&st. will be out to top th m •II wht•n lh4'y open their bian· nuol producUon on April 3 TIK' liUe "Bud Duy ut Gopher's Breath." Peddler Ali Hake m <Frank Corsenlino > shows off merchan· d ise to Aunt Eller <Barbara Zeiher >, Ado Annie <Peggy Goh > and Laurey <Holly Hancock > in th e mu sical "Oklahoma," now , • playing at Sebas· tian ·s Din n er Playhouse al the • Grand Hotel, l Hotel W ay, Anah e im . Performances night· ly except Monday with a Sunda y matinee. Call 772·7710 for r~rvalions. Young Cast Wings 'Birdie' essential to her role. But she, too. needs to be more convincing. Paul Prebz is Birdie. He m ight be more effective with a few more shakes in his spangly, orange jumpsuit. "Bye, Bye Birdie " is u play for and about youth It 'is a story or tet.•n ugers (mostly re males) who worshJp a greasy ha1r rock star, Conrad Birdie, obviously patterned by playwright Michael Stewart, ofter Elvis Presley. The Laeuna Showcase Theater ls currently staging the production at the small Forum Theater on the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts grounds as part or the city's Winter Fes tival. THE GROUP, newest or numerous Orange Coast amateur theater units. showcases youth. But as might be expected. stUI developing voices lack the maturity required to present a polished production. For example. red·haired Judy Benowitz 1sn 't convincing enough an the prominent role of Rose Alvarez. secretary to Albert Peterson, the lead played by Mark Clark. What these ladles do to the mob ts highly IRREGULAR! 3 She's on stage much of the time yet her voice does n 't ring. Her ·dancing le a ves something to be desired. A runny sequence in lhe bar at Maude's Roadside Retreat In which Rose goes on a drunken spree saves an otherwise lackluster performance by Ms . Be09witz. Paul Bauer has a small singing role In the bar scene. His tenor voice is the most beauWut or any. Why he is cast in a minor role is questionable. Broken hearts and homes, caused by Birdie. are t he play's S\,lbjects. One broken·hearted teen·ager is Kim Mac Alee. played by Sandy Soelgrooes. Sandy Is a young. pretty blonde whose "cuteness" is J ean Hyde is funny as Mae Peterson, Albert's nervous. overprotective molher. Her antics draw the biggest laughs. And Scott Meadows as Randolph Mac Alee has a surprising singing voice for a youngster all of 10 years old. BUT IT'S when lhe stage is most crowded, i.e .. the fainting scene when Birdie is to be pre· sented the key to Sweet Apple, Ohio, or when the MacAfee family and friends gather for lheir ap. pearance to witness Kim's kissing of Birdie on the Ed SuµivanSbow. that lhe production sparkles. The show continues Friday and Saturday nights at 8 through March 4 with a 2:30 p.m . staging also on tap March 4. nn THEATRES· IN ORANGE cou ·-· ·;;;~:;.':,; 70MM DOUT STBIO l:IM:l5-1:11-IO:OO YOUU ... YI A MAl4 CAM R.T 875,0 ~ ,;,.::..":.~ "CW~ HAI It. CAUf , .. "'' "' 1111 • I THE BESTOFTHE NEWYORK · ®EROTIC FlLM 'FESTIVAL JACAHMYAWAD HOM!t4ATIOMS IOYS AIOM IRAD. •• 8:35 IC•llY IWIRD IOlllllllTIOll -IEIT PICll• • IEIT ACTOR BT 111'1'111111 ICl•D •IT m'Plm• ICTll IEITmBTll IEIT •REEIPUY_ ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE BEST ACTRESS-Jiii CL\yburgh BEST ORIGINAL SCRllNPLAY-PAul M.uursky '°"'c.......,10 • ......._ -~~~~-rAULMAZURSKY~------ AN UNMARRIED WOMAN --·---------JILL CIAYBURGH . 0 Af.AN BATES MICHAEL MURPHY Cliff GORMAN NOW AT A FLAGSHIP THEATHL NlAR YOU UA CINEMA eo.11 Mtll M0·0!194 FOUNTAIN VAUIY CINEMA Founllln Valley 839· t500 UA cm CINlMA Orange 634-3911 D!Wtlf MAllOrangee37-0340 ---E-'Br -.. rBTA-~ lllOOIUtUlllT Anaheim 772·6446 MESA Costa Mesa 646·5025 ST ARTS TODAY FOUITAll IAUEY F<>Untaln Valley 839·1500 OIWIOE MAU Or1nge 637--0340 NUITAll IALLIY ..... Fountain Valley 962·248 t ITAll• DlttfHI Orange 639·8770 CIMDIA WIST West Westmlnsler (714) 892·4493 IADDl.EIAta El Toro ACAOHIY MIMIClll ,_, cM ........ ,_ ... 1 flft11Utlf ...... ti. ~ .._ ______________ ....i~------------------~ (714) 581·5880 • • .ii ,. • • • • • • • • • • t. ..... • r ' r ROCK TALK / POP MUSIC Foreigner Prefers to Tour Country By LJSA ROBINSON II\ cut> you've been hidlna WNk!r a rot'lt for tbt> put couple or yurs and hav n't pald alttn tioo to l-'orei1:nf'r, they have an aatoundlna& track n><'Ord. Their debut ulbum t"For n T"l sold four milhon rop1e!I, and their beCOl'ld LP (''Double Vmon" l dJd t'\oe n better Add to lhll a 1trln1 of Sl'lt ron.wcuth t' hit •lngh" Dnd It becomes ap pan·ol that f'ote1anl'r 11 hl'r(' to slay MU'K JO , • s , I Mc Oonald, l.ou Gn1mm. I Cir m~ood. Ed GaclJardj and Deon ms l':lhot mJkt-up .Fore11ner. th half En1llAh, half ,\nlt'nl'an b nd that flaya lb hH\'}' r()(k and roll thut ttll so w<'I \Cn t.n lhi1 •If' nr di co f 'ro• Pa~ C' I DRE DUE ••. formul •~1ur t11m, he ha"I dc\ot'loped a ht tory of bt.·l'r \o\-h1r h w ill ~· includf'd an has soon to ht Jlubh-.ht'<i book. "l\t.•1•r Yesterday and Today " IT'S AS OLD AS gnculturt'," he 58)'!1 ot th\' bt'\erage .. A, -.oon as man bt-•aan to l(row ~rain h~ mus t h&vt' lt'urnt>d to f Prment It, we don't know how · · The far t reul n·c-ord!!I of tht> ale are found an the 3,000 8 C h1t•roglypM of Egypt Excei,s .:raan wa!> ofkn brewed tnto beer as a hedge against famme. Slu$ser explains It was made with yeast and referred to as "liquid bread." Brewrng wai, the work of housewives.then, act>ord.Jng to Sluss<'r It wasn't until the time of Cha rlemagne, centralized government, tax laws. and commodities exchanges between t>ountnes that beer became a saleable liqwd con· cocted by brewmasters . SLUSSER BEMOANS THE dwindling of manv dafferenl breweries that has happened over the years. lending a sameness to the general product. lie does recommend a few beers as favorites. however Toppiog the ltst is an import, Pilsner Ur· quell from Czechoslovakia. Domestic brands follow including He ilmens Special Export brewed m Wisconsin. Stroh's from Detroit, and Genesee Drewery's Fyfe and Drum from New York. He also recommends home·bre wing. "You would be surprised at what you can do at home." he says. What's the most enjoyable feature of the class for Slusser? .. Just watctung people have fun. becausE everyone has fun." he says. The class ls scheduled for Saturdays March 10 and 17 ret> is $40 HEAVEN CAN WAIT WARREN BEATIY WIHH[" t ACAO[MY AWAllO lfOllMHATIOHS DINO DE LAURENTIIS presents A MICHAEL CRICHTON FILM starring SEAN DONALD .. Bot Mu icians Like Vacation After Trip Now they're aetllna ready to record their thard album, prob bly with producer Roy Thomru Baker at Miami's Crlt.erla Studios. and by now one would n1tume that t.be)''ve been ble to a t rid or all thost cyruca who compar-e th m to olh r eommerclal. beavy rock bands llkc Bolll()n or lllid Company "It'• UT1talln1 wh~o we get compart.'Ci to oth r 1rouPt." uld lead lnaer Lou Gramm. telephonint rrom hia "tiny little bouae on a cou· pie of acn.'A" in up1t1to New York. "J try not to takt" it to h«-art I auppo ll '11 normal for people to make comS>4'rtJWM, but we <loo'l see It like that l think Iota of bands JWlt draw from the same 11rnups "WE'V " MADE LO'f ot progress Since oul hrst rl'cord and there'll be even more with the out one," !\&Id Gramm "I have ideas that a ren't l..lkt unylhing on the huit two albums and I 1magmo lhaat al '& pr<>tly much the same for the rut of the guys .. Aftrr tourin(C ror a year and playing a lot of the same aongb, you ran get into a creative • lull But if you start listening to other people's a:ood work, at inspires you toge{ back into it to do thP Md album "I don't party with the music celebs.'' he said, "and you won't see me turning up at every rock concert lhat hats New York. I try to do normal lblngs to counterbalance the Ufe I lead on the road. But I lis ten to a lot of music. Rankin's Appearing Pop artist Kenny Rankin will perform at 8 p.m . Friday, March 2 in the Orange Coast College Auditorium. Tickets. priced at $5, are on sale in the OCC Ticket Office, located in the coll ege's Ad- min istration Building. The Qffice is open Mon- day throu gh Friday from 8 a.m. to s p.m. and 6 -7 p .m ., an d Saturdays from 8 a.m . lo noon. Some may be available at the door for $6.SO. Rankin, a guitarist and song writ.er, records for Atlantic Records. ( ·ROCK TALK ] ·'I don't think of myseU as a celebrity. People who know wbo I am trea.l me a little differently. but I don't think of myself that way. I don't even Like to dress up at all. J have a silk top or two. but it 'a even difficult for me to feel comfortable wear- ing that oostage. I'm fe&lly a jeans and T-shirt type person. "The road is a very strange existence·. It's harder than I thought it would be. It's wearing. both phys ically and mentally and I thought It would be much more glamorous than it is. There's only that portion of the day when you do the s how and maybe afterwards when It ·s really fun and exciting. ll can get pretty tiring the rest of the time . "I try not to get to the point where I don't know what city l 'm in, but towards the end of the tour it does get that way. "As tiring as it 1s though, we really thrive on it. By the end or the tour I couldn't wait for a vacation. and now I'm anxious to get back to plaXiog live again. That's why I want to get into the s tudio right away and do the next album so we can get out on tour again. I really mass it ... The Long Beach Theatre Festival . ''IT'S AN EVENING YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS:' -Dick Saunderr;, IPT "SANDY DENNIS ... a brilliant performance that must rank as one of the major achievements of the American Theatre." -Ron Pennington. Hollywood Reporter "PERRY KING proves to be an exciting stage actor w ith a commanding presence and a firm sense Of Character."-Ron Pennington. Hollywood Reponer "N~N MART/N's snooty and domineering mother is also an outstanding rt e " pe OrmanC . -Edwa. Daily Variety "HARRY TOWNES is impeccable as the Reverend."-Lawrence Christon. LA Times · "JEN JONES gives the right measure to the dotty mother." -Edwa. Daily Variety • CONNERY SUTHERLAND Academy Award W1nn~r · Ton1 Award W1nntf • SANDY , E RY NAN HARRY and LESLEY-ANNE DOWN A JOHN FOREMAN PRODUCTION Screenplay by MICHAEL CRICHTON based on hiS novel Music by JERRY GOLDSMITH • Produced by JOHN FOREMAN Dfrecied by MICHAEL CRICHTON •A Famous Alms N.V. Produdlon PANAVISION~. TECHNICOLOR~ IAEAOTHE BAHTMe 900KI 001 CDJlf.,.., I" ~otJ•t1tU!*OM• .. ~AI .... -T .......... ·~ca..-. ........ DENNIS "1 KING· MARTIN· TOWNES "'TENNESSEE WIUIAMS' lb• Ecc1ntriciti1s al · 1 Di1btln11l1 Wrtll cumTICllll .. , JEN JONES (21 I) 438_3881 Directed by MICHAEL FLANAGAN u:!-:.::'R'J"1' Center Theatre LONe DUCH CONWNTIONOtranatUIMINTcana JOO l OcNn 8twd , lOftl hid!. CA 90802 Students end senlots tvSh -crut disco'unl one hour befort 111y petfonNnct! .. .., UUI -Tiii CM.L (2111 ~ . . . . . ... . • . " ! • DAILY PILOT • edwards cinemas * WHERE THE BEST PICTURES PLAY l'dw<ird'> Nl WPORT ... .• .. ' ·~ ...... _....... 644-07 60 ~. t t1111 f' • .... I ' I .. ' t If .. ~ ... .._.. ~··­_ ..... _ rKAt.m u Lt Ill~ DEER trUNTf:R '" MON-,9'1 2:00, 1:00 SAT/SUN 1:00, •·)O 1:30 aAllU>tlHAJoOO ' C:Dtll'. IUIC:llMA• --1'•.•9'11 ,., ...... u\ "''• UT-11.-,>•J.l .... l ... fl,. --ACAOlMY AWMO -notol NOCI. HST l'OC'T\lllt ~t'f.H HEAVEN ~ CAN WAIT PLUS "· W1NNEA 4 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS "THE WIZ" _,_S••••" "", , ... '"·" u .,.,-....... . 'u ••. , •• GABE KAPLAN (P.G.) "FAST BREAK' MON-THURS 7:15. t:30 FRI. 7:15-9:30-11:30 SAT. 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:15 9.30. 11:30 SUN. 1:00. S.1'0, 5:00, 7:15 9:30 MON-FRI 7:30, 9:30 SAT/SUN 2:00, •:OO, 8:00 •= .s. 10:15 ~· , ...... , ... , "· ..... " , . .,.,_ ••• , ... i» R088Y, ... ·-~·· 81!1.~N JCE. @'>TLb.5 Sean ConMfY "THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY" -· ACN/IUl'f AWAllCI-- ' HEAVEN CANWAIT =~ot~ "AN UMMAARIEO ~LUI 11'1 QA I f KAPLAN IN Paul Newman Bibi Ande'90n F•m•ndo "•Y HEAVEN CAN WAIT ~·£ "FAST BREAK" \ "'°' N·F"l 1:30, t: T/SUN 2:00, 4. 1:00, 1:15, 10:11 Vittorio Qa- ''QUINTET" IRI i-tua • Nell lllMft'e ''CALlfa..NIA SUITI" ONLY PILOT I Wii l \\ • IV.NINO .. ,~c.t A ~11 ~·old WOINfl end • ~>O e-.outiw l)foVlOt prot>· '9ml • ., •• ice A h.9bltUlll C)M\b... lwntl paid 1ntoir1Mt 10 pay ott 1111 cMlbl• • TMI IMD't IU04 .-.... utillll hi• cs.a • 1111)9 recoro.t to M-0• on ... ~otti.I 111'11 .. , .. e 8Thii11 CW IAN ~ 111.4•• at\d OM\ .,. (1(111• ln>tll.O ~ ..... ··-llOO,-lV'P& "'W<ler al'\1 "'° :tt. • l'MAm.a ~ Hand Wal\ .. "''°'' OOloHia "' ~Ill ..... Ral'l'Ofl ~ ..., 10 rMO 11'1111• ., ft\jllll\ • CONG IM>HAL OVfl()()I( Television "*'' ~ phOlogrllPll a C.0· ~ary hwnttct hov" 1Par•11tal cllacrallon ~)j1hr ,)()mil'll •• WAIHNnON walCINMVllW UO 0 HCIJ.O, u.MV I #ry lnvtt .. RU1llle'1 ''°" ~· cl ... Mll .. 10 tll 1n on hit 1adlo atiow e O WHArl HA#ININOJI lllob llfM 6'11rtey wnen •"- cMtNind• • rlllM •lier he hlr• a bMulltul bUI IMC>I wilt•• .. 8 THI 000 OOUl't.t At!Alt being I-I.cl by OIC'.ar l<lf being eon. Mur· llY 1n. cop 1rr•ll lllt PO"•' p1ay1no buddl .. ;a•::::. n...,. Wiii< ' Atfoape(e rt-. Number One Ofoupl Ou.t Wott• Q4ll'O H Damltch, llttl vlGe pr~I &n\llh 8afney H11raa Upnam "'°Co . inc t 00. Cl) THI OUKU OI HAZZAfllO TUBE TOPPERS KHJ e 8:00 -"The Owl and the Puuycat. • · George SeaaJ and Barbra Strelsand star as an intellectual and a part-tlmc prostitute who become in- volved In lhJs 1970 movie comedy. ABC 8 9:00 -"Roots : The Next Generations." The marriage or Alex Haley and the beginning of his writing career arc depicted in this sixth of seven episodes. CBS 9 11:30 -The Super Fight. It's the late Rocky Marciano vs. Muhammad Ali in a hy Pothetical battle decided by a computer ln this 1969 movie. are dlepl.lyed 11 an exl\lblt tn Chicago tn the '9'11'1Q ot 1975 tO:OO 8 Cl) DAUM A ,_ friend ol Pam'• unwlttlrlQIY glvet J R lhe opportunity to ruin boll> PllTI end Iler br01her Clltf. * * "Tl>e Super Flglll" ( 19") Aoc:tiy M8'Clln0 Muhlrl\lllad /.II Rocky M uc11no vta• with TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS 1y T~ A renowned .,n,., 1n...,.ugat• ~ vOOo doo acn11111y on • 1r01>1Cel ill&allO ( I hf , 30 min.) • MOW * * "S.lln'-Y"' I 1112) Alex Roc.c:o. Chris AoOlnlOll A r•lllMllalra bec:omll a peraonal wt1po11 of 1evenge ao11n11 manlclod by a Vietnam vet.,an (Peren111 011cre!lon ICMMd 112 hrt I 12:3't 8 MOVIE Toe. Announced <II MOW ••'A .. Berlin All1lr .. I 1970) Oiiren McG•v111. Fflb WMVf/I Two trlend• art pitted agaonst MCI> Other by en attanlru!llOll ~(211n) 1;00 • Cl) C88 LA T1 MOVIE **"" "One Ot My W...._ .. Missing" ( 1976) Jactc 1uugman, Jlmet Fran· elacue A l)Olice 11e1ec11.,. •• confuMd wnon •wealthy man 1 wife 11en1tnea ano .. ,.,,~ a.:111 NIWI a:ao MOY11 * * * "Thr" SlrlPM In TM 81U1" I 1~5) /.ldo Ray, P'1ll CMey (2 llf• > 1:11 8 MOVIE a* ')f "V•M 1" (1970) 811• 1y Raid. "°'*1 up1 on. 12 htt, •!Olll MOYtl **' ... "TM Wtb" (19'7) Edmond O'Brien. Vincent Prla. ( 1 l>r., 52 mtn) •:21 1..wa UC> MOYIE "Pttv1la POOiey" (1N0) _QlfY WAQntr ( t l>r • 30 min) • NEWS S.\ I l l<t»n MORNING 1:00 8 MAl'l.O AHO THE MM'MOMOVIE MACHINE I YOGI'S SPACE~ 8IG IUIE MAMlE Man)Ut!NI l 1"" t '""" CUNIW8 MCNIWll Boneeon l..1inr ',.. Duk• !Ira up unci. Je ... 1 old "'" 10 moll• • t>atcn ot moonthlne I • NEWS NOKT GAu.EAY MUl!lltnmed All tor the all· llme lliNvywaighl ct11m- pton11>1p lltle In thtt mOOk battle wl1h the outcome blled on computerized anlly8;1 8 MIDNIGHT SPECIAL HOii Broolclyn Dream• G.-•• Donna Summtr. Mallu1 M 1ne1>e1tar. EdWln S111r. EdOMI MOM)'. Jett Kuta.n o.nc:.rs 19 scooev ooo HOTFUOGE ELEMENTARY NEWS G) WOMAN: MEL TO REAL 9-llO I LOW UJCY ~~ • ..., of -..,Cl\!'41N tl>lff141'>t tl>e FllUIUOe and M•• II•• lllP I 0 fUfOC-1 ...c:HA!L .IACK80H ~T UHIVINE [C:ll PHI Alld lun•• ~m Adn nne n .. ulw1u1 nnd Normon To\\ ne:, ha\'l' hlRh hopt•1oi foe th,•lr n('w home on tonight' t-if~t·t I l n\lnul l' ~wt(nwnt of ·• ~w~t ke-. " Ht 111.: ,1t tl JO on NBC Ch<lnn l 1 ~ Cl) ~wtt'I CfJ WAVONmN Gu.ti ,...,,,. V~l\aile Jack C1r1•r f1Mm1 Wyrietle. M4N6d1 OtlnC:e r,_tr._ LIO<I She># G1r11 I r:AAMO.O Sl 1 30 NO'T ITV llYOHO 7:001 C88 HEWS =rv::oOAME MCNEWI Cl) JOK£A'8 WILD 8U( MIUJOfil DOU.AA MAH S•-II lef1 on tho OONn 11oor tn • d1v1ng bell wtieo • hosllle nation sel:r.fi "'' SIJPC>Of1 lhlP on the oc.an lurl- Soft °' o.n.-D DANCa~fll Gu•••• Tne bylve•• Celebnty ~ Wottmttn J'°"'. PTl)'l~I OllNI< Ted l•ll\I• I OATINO QAMI HOU.VWOOO SOUA~ U TICTACOOUOH • llDA»-12 Malloy 11 wounded and 111k en p1190n;w w'1«I 1111 w•lk• Into a cate '"'-• a rot>oety 15 in progr .... SI JUPfTERWATCH Cl> VOTERS' PIPELINE 'FacesAnc:tt~·· • SANFOAD ANO SON A OUflOUS WlllOf llfflVft 11 lite SanfOfO l'IOme 89 MACHEll / LEHAEA Cl) 11.IMI BEAUTY SHOW 7:35 fJl) 28 TONIGHT Channel ~i11t Ing• 8 KNXT (CBS) Los Angele~ D KNBC(NBC) Los Angeles D KTLA (Ind) Los Angeles 8 KABC· TV (ABC) Los Angeles Cl) KFMB (CBS) San Diego D KHJ·TV (Ind.) Los Angeles crJJ KCST (ABC) San Diego • KTTV (Ind) Los Angeles e KCOP·TV (Ind) Los Angoles tD KCET·lV tPBSI Los Angetes ~ KOCE·TV (PBS) Huntington Beach t 00 8 rt J IHCALD!kl HULK O..viet Bonnllt ,,_.Ot • ~·~ wOmlll' rlluin 1<1 tllf faml!y l\QIM. ,,.. -OI 11n eorly lraQeOY In lier Illa 0 Dff"fllENT 8TAOKE8 Arnold ~I 10 be IUCh a peat 11>111 Wlllll Olvldea 11>a1r b•droom and d«:lal'M nil hat! Olf·llml11 ·~ *•'It "Cold Sweat .. I 1974) CharlM BfONOn, LIV UlllNIM. A man ,.,_ lllmeell and a woman trom tMinel>rnen wno ar• hOldlng !Item l>OtlAge. (2 llB I 8 9 MAKIH'rT Biiiy dec;idet 10 go wrtl> the swinging ura and moves In witn l>ts t>r01hef Tony (P1r1 2 of 21 D MOVIE * * * "The Owl And The PUS$)'Cal.. ( 19701 Bart>ra Streisand, George Segal An lnltlltc:tU81 becotnM lnvollled wf1h a Plrt·linle p1os111u11. (2 l>rs.) • CAAOl. IUANETT ANOFAIEH08 Guetll: AntllOny Newtey. Betnadena Palat• e MOVIE * * "WrtCheS' Mounl11n" Pally Shepard, Johll C.lfarl. A news photc>g(a· ptMW acc«>t• en aS&tgn· D MOTHIN AHO ltl'TIM Clleclllo end Ron.id 1re laced Will\,,.. ~·al lute of convincing ZlPPer"• 11111er 11>a1 1111 '°" I• • model lludenl • QI l'OOTS: THE NIXT QENEMTIOH8 All., dropping out of col- lege and IOlnlnO ,,.. Coasl Guud. Alu (Damon Ev•n•I rneelS and marrlff Nan Bfanctl: "-re-enlitll and.~ by a wllila olflcef. begjM his wtltlng C#-· (Part e ol 7) • .-.VGIWFIN GUM!s: Herve Vlllechatza. Jack Cer1ar, Temmy Wynetta, Nev.0• Dance TM8tte. Udo Sllow Girts. V\/Of\rle Elllman. The RMI. Senor wenc:es . • WE INT£RRUPT THIS WEE( ~ ..OVA '"The 111vlllbla Flame" TM potenUal of llydrogen u a uro-pollullon tual I• explOred. e-.30 8 SWUPSTAKES A polltlc:ally minded lawy8' (Frederic Forrest), a book· le (Hertchel Bematdl). 8od a cockleil waitress (Adrl- enll8 Batbeeu) become llnalllt• in tl>e lotter;. • NIOHTOAU..mf "Frlgtll Night" A writer and Ills wife move lo a larm- llouae lett to them by 1 late cousin. S) MONET Franch lmpreaslonlst Claud41 Monet'• paintings "A 0..111 In The Famlly" A wounded gunman. llMlng lrom tile lew. mMt• • If range morllclan • MASTEfllPtECE THEATRE '"Coun1ry Mallar• Tl>e Simple Liia" A loMly. alco- hol-9rone '#lie *""• com· 10f1 ll'orn a 17-year·OIO boy.(RI Im WORLD .. lntlde Eur099 lite SM1 Ort Ywr Btc:k'" The etlt>lli· ly of Iha European clothing ladUllty la threa11'ltd by lmp0f1a.. 1~ II VOUTH ANO THE IS8UE8 Modcweted by John /. S1tern1. Guest: Paul Qonrld, cartoonist for the lot AndgalN TlrnM '1:001 IG Ol NEW8 MAKE ME t.AUOH MOYIE * * * "The Far Country" (1955) James Stewart, Ruth Roman. A cowt>oy learn• IM lawleunna ol the land flrll·l>and wl\en he Mt• out on a cattle drive to Alask1. eTHEoooOOOPLE Felix"• pet parrot tel! .. a 1um tor the WOf'N. and Oscar olfera to hand .. the burlal 11Tangernents • e THEOOOOEI The GoodlM are running a nawapaper and juat ca1!"1 seem 10 081 a good teao SIOf}' fl) DOCCAVETT Guest: Will o. Campt>atl. 11:30 G Cl) C88 LA TE MOVIE 8 TC>HtGHT Hoel Johnny Carton Quasi• Sieve M1rlln. Pel ar Uellnov, Judy COlhnt. 8 TWIUOHT ZONE "Two .. Tl>a IOl4I aurv1vor1 ol a terrible war metl In 11>e ahamt>IM ot a cuy dell royac:t lllJC years p(IOf 8 9 IAIETA Batalla po.es u the tta1n- ar ot a t1urn1-ou1 box• to trap 1 klllet' (R) I THE OOHO 8HOW OETSMAAT CONT'ROL 11118 to l>lda King Cn•rles lrom KAOS !1l9"ll (Perl 1) • CAPT10NED AllC NEWS MORNING 12:00 8 TWILIGHT ZONE "Probe 1 •• Over Ano Ou• • JU(E80X Hostess TWlg9Y- ll) GETSMAAT E\'8"1 99 l>as prot>lems tell- lllO IM King and Ma" ~ (P8<12) 8D NOVA .. Tho lnviSlbla Flame" Tl;e poten!ial ol llydrogen as a zaro-poflulion luat 1s explored 12:30 8 MOYIE * * • "Houu On GrM111pple Road" (19701 CllristOPtl« George. J-1 Lelgn. Clrcumstanllal ...,.. dllnce Implicates 1 man as l\la Wifa"1 murder« ( 1 "' . 55 ""n.) • MOVIE • ·~ .. lloodoo 111and • ( 1957) Bona Kartott, BeYet· I LCM! El(P£AT8 1:30 WAHTEI>: DEAD OA • ALIVE "8al-811 2lOO D MOVIE • • •,;, ··vo1c11 In Tna Mirror · ( 19581 RlGhard Egan. Jul,. LOtlOOn A reformed llCOl\OIOC: rl(;•ll• l>il pa.ti Iola in llUh~I (2 llfs 8 mon I • MOVIE • •Yt "DlnoNUrua • (196C)I Ward RamHy Paul Lukll"" DUiing IM eon. t1ruc:110n ol a harbor' on • trOl)IUI ISiand, a caveman anc:t pt8'111toroc: DeMll are u,_,lltd anc:t found 10 be E i~r ~~,, • *''r "The Tlllrd Sevel « 19641 Staptlen Boyd. Jlell Hawkins. A psycl>Oan11· tysrs daugl>l8' co1wtncea one of n1a patients 10 netp ltar find l>ar ratnar s murderer. ( I "'., 5!> min l G) GET SMAAT Mu and Ille Cl>oef aaell 1111spac1S lho Oll'tlr ot mur • dertr>g seven CONTROL 2:5e r~~ EDWARDS a:00 • MoviE * * •,; '"Tl>a Batlle Al Apache Pus" ( 1952) Jonn Lund. Jett Cl>andlel' An ln<Uan and a cavalry ma)Of wor1c logatlllf 10 SIOP Geronuno from maSSllcr- rng 181llerS ( 1 hr , 30 min I 8D YOGA FOR HEAL TH (I) SPANISH 7:30 8 DUSTY'S TRUHOUSE @ FAHGFACE la~~" THE LONE AANGEA '04AT"8 ENOUGH AOMPERAOOM F.Y.I. 'TIWI Legacy Of Vietnam" An e..-mll\lflon ol IM tall· oot rrom the wa<. tooullng on Amttrlcan veterans Cl) HECT aTEP BEYOHO l.:00 8 (I) POPE't'E I =I.I.A SOPIR 90 • ,_.. "Ma.ssac:re River" ( IU9) Guy Madison. Rory ca11>oun JealOus rl1111ry erupt• •l'n0r19 tnraa caval- ry olttoer& wtlO 818 all on iova with 11>11 nrne woman (11>1 .30m1n I fJ 9 SUPEIV"RIENOS G AOUEA SUPERSTARS G) MOVIE • • • .. Tate 01 Two C1t ~as"' I 1958) Dork Bog1tel8. Oo<otl>y Tulln BaM<I on Cnarles Olcllens· c1au1e, two men .mo took altka 1111 In love with tile same gtrl during ll>e Francl> Revokmon (2 llfs . 30 min.I t :30 II) SOUTHERN CAUFOAMA 8l) NOVA '"Tl'Mt tnVISible Flame .. 1 he polenllal of l>ydrogert IS a zero-pollullon fuel 1s explored Working Addicts Viewed Deaf Stuntwoman 's Story Inspiring KNBC. Channel 4, will air a program about two workaholics, the li ves they lead a nd th e 1 r motivation toward their careers, "Living in the Fast Lane, .. Monday at 7:30 The host narrat~r or the program is Warren Olney. The focus or the pro- gram is on two young professionals, a lawyer and a real estate in · vestor, who reveal their com pelling inner drives and the personal price they pay for their hard work T"ffE LA WYE R 1s Howard Krom, single, 34 years old and head or his own Beverly Hills law firm. He describes how it is impossible to s low down when there is so much work to be done, and how he a lways does several things at once. As the camera follows his work day, his legal as- sociate, Nancy Bornn describes him dictating AJ' WI,...._ .. PLAYS STUNT GAL Stockard Channing Genetics Explored OnKOCE even at discotheques and Mo dern medic a I the World Series. knowledge of genetics - Vickie Cooper is e and what wom en of real estate investor an chHd-bearing age should owner of the Tonu Lei know about it -will be Motel and R discussed on "Voters' Malibu. She descri'-&s Pipeline" tonight at 7:30 herself as totally ob-p.m. on KOCE, Channel sessed whenever she is 50 involved in a project. She The special program gets so wound up, she will be repeated on can't sleep nights. her Tuesday at 10:30 p.m . mind is always racin~ Joining newsman-host andthereisnevera letup. Jim Cooper, wiJI be Dr. Atpresentsheisinvolved Kenneth w. Dumars. in 15 projects: ch id of developmental Experts 1.n the pro-disabilities, and clinical gram. descnbe the un-genetics Department of derly1ng psycholo.g~cal · Pediatrics, UC Irvine and cultural conditions Medical Center. and tbe long term ef. Also 00 the program fects on health from will be Chrys Kelly working too bard. h o m e m a .k e r , a n d formerly an engineering psychologist , who bas t wice gone t hrough genetic counseling, and the procedure called amniocentesis, in which many potential birtJl de· feels or unborn babies may be di$covered. She Is the mother of two children. OTR£1l SEGMENTS in the program include warnings from a former workaholic who re- formed and from the wife of a workaholic who died atanearlyage. Dick Gunther, a suc- cessful entrepreneur and former workaholic was 3 trick e n 20 years ago at the age of 34, by cancer. His illness made hlm reallie that be was miaalng a lot of life, chanted his lile style and now defines work very diflerenUy. The program will ex· plore new methods in which the medical find · inga oo aenetlcs can be ot help to couples wlth hl1 h·rl1k of having chlldren born with birth derecta. ~ By JERRY BUCK HOLLYWOOD CAP > -Kitty O'Neil holds the women's world land speed mark. and she's out to break every record on ''land, snow, sea, and air." Her goal is to hit 748 miles an hour and break the sound barrier in a rocket-powered car. "I love danger." says Miss O'Neil, one of Hollywood's leading stunt women who is, not incidentally, deaf. "I grew up with danger. I rolled my mother's car the day I got my driver's license," she says. "I was kicked out of school three times for beating up boys. I don't worry about myself. ~can take care of r0yself." THE STORY OF her daring, and of her fight to overcome handicap and the prejudice against deaf people. is told in the CBS movie "Silent Vic· tor y: The Kitty O'Neil Story." The two-hour film airs Saturday at 9 on Channel 2. Srockard Channing gives a r e- markably stirring performance as the tiny daredevil, made deaf by ill· ness as an infant in Texas. Yet, Colleen Dewhurst nearly steals the spotlight with her gritty portrayal of Kitty's mother, a woman determined that her daughter would lead a normal life. She discarded all tradi· tional methods of teaching the deaf and, by sheer willpower, taught Kitty to read lips and spe~k. James-Farentioo plays Duffy Hambleton, who quit bis job as a bank vice president lo become a movie stuntman. He and Kitty O'Neil lived together for seven years, during which be trained her as a stuntwoman and encouraged her quest for speed. BRIAN DENNEHY plays Miss O'Neil's father, who never agreed with his wife's method of training. He was tormented by the fact that keeping her in a regular school sub· jected he r to r idic ule by her c lassmates. Later . he tells his daughter, ''I never objected to what you are. I only object to not having a say so in the matter." Edward Albert plays an early boyfriend who introduces her to motorcycles, then ends up taking her for a financial ride. look good'." "IT'S NOT REALLY a stunt mov- ie," says Miss Channing, whose own series premieres March 4. ''It deals more with the characters. She had other setbacks in her life. ll's a story oC her indom1tabihty which peaked with her trying to set the world land speed record. "It's no secret that it was felt un· seemly that a woman should set the record. She was only four miles from the record when they stopped her." Il is an inspiring film . On the des------------------------------ e rt sail flats. where she sets the women's speed record and comes within four miles of the men's record of 622 miles an hour, she says, "Be· ing deaf isn't a handicap -it's a challenge." Duffy tells her. "'Kitty O'Neil. I think you can do anything - but cook." IN AN INTERVIEW, Miss O'Neil laughs as she recalls the scenes about her cooking. ·'The cooking part was so real. I don't cook." Miss O'Neil, who is now writing an autobiography, says, "I got interest· ed in speed when I was 4 years old . My father let me sit on top or the lawn mower while he mowed the grass. I-could feel the vibrations." David Deben, Stockard Channing's hus band and co-executive producer of the film , says. "Usually the star says to the stuntman, 'Make me look good.' This is the first time a stuntman said lo the star. 'Make me School Gangs On TV Movie HOLLYWOOD <AP) -Melissa Sue Anderson and Robert Carradine star in the CBS movie "The Survival of Dana," about high school g ang warfare. The movie, now in production. is about a teen-age girl whose tradi· tional values are challenged by her peripheral involvement with a mid· die class high school gang. The film also stars Marion Ross and Talia Balsam. Jack Starrett is directing from a screenplay by Frank E. Norwood . MAJOR STUDIO PREVIEW TONIGHT AT 8:00 PM ~~~~~~~~~---=----====== 'Jesus ' TJI EpkSet m ~ SOlJ THCOASI ' PLAZA 1 M10Ma•l tteat CO.ti.._ • 541-2111 ., . ' .. MOVIE REVIEWS f'.ndly. February 23. 1979 'The Deer Bunt~r' Misses Target BY808nlO•A.S ,_....~.,...... ••T B£ DEER BlJNTD.. might have been • auperb document ot the devHtallon to human Uv caused by the Vietnam war Tbe &rime of a Ptnn~ "lylvanfa mill town and the flerce beauty o f Southeast A la have be n maanUlc nlly J>hotocraJ>Md by VUm Zaiaaiond.-and the cast l.s flnt ratf'. But di.rt!ctor Michael CimlDO allowa the 1tory to dra1 on put three boura, with endleu sce nt• or m le camarad rlc and war atrocity. H a1ao aeem1 to blV• allowed lb IC· ton to devile ~ r own dl1lo1ue. a cr•v• ~rror Tbe character o f R obert OeNtro II cruclaJ, yet lt ttmalns amb~auous . HI• rt-tClnt ponrayals hne all bffn 1nwanMootin1. ~•th ht ( .. tie t'Ommunlcallon to the a~l D( Illa talent ls too 1reat to remaln •o hJdden Th raUna la R. much 1wearlna &and point· blank kUUn1. • • • "atCOAao ravoa. uv•: IN ON F.aT" pr~i.cmta A ma ter romt> drnn 1n pe k form . Pryor 11 th whole show. preat•nted on1tul(t' ln monolot\H.' durto .. one uf hJI ('OOt't'~'I No Owhback~. no In 1ert1 J1111l Pryqr l"or devol<'t'S o( OUlrllftl:'OU~ h11mur. lhut should be enout:h A Ou/ck Look at the Movies alOUUH,. k e tw!IOl<ll Olww, lMledY, -~I ...... Uft ffl .. V •• -11••-'llrt '"• ..... I• M\I< Ohl'n Mw "''"'"ff Ill -"''"'' ~, .... , .................. _. .... ''"111 , ... et ... h ""''°"" .... bftly ~ lntQV.ftl 11 .. 1 .......... <l••••<l•ft ••• < •rtlllllY dr•wll, 111011011 tlley •OMell-• IM1141¥t lllle .. ce""' ·~.,... \ll<Om .... ,.. ... ,,_ ,._.. .... .. '•fflllllfl ....... "In .,.. ..... ,, ..... _,, .. , ~ '°4kll'f •• lflt ...... MllllO r.--. <tnd ... rt<ef\lt\ llM WllN•I I~ S.-e H.orrl\ "1..,. Cl••~. C••ll ~H<llm•ll Vll"Olnl• ,_,.....,11'.abyKellv 11•1.0G · 1c• ~T\.11" t• tt1 un.o.t•hllclty .. ,,t.....,..,.. _ .. .,..I ........... N.01 .... Ill~ t ... llMrll• Alld 110w ,...,.. 11._ II•• th<tt come •tono In • ... '°"' , .......... ,~ .... ,....., -91•1 wltf\ OIY,..·\IYlt Ice s"1tl"9 \lllll• Htr llt.1\ Pllfltil 11111 .. Cll•e<llont l>Y lttt ltoMelO..... \W"l""Arl lllOl>O'( ll•llM>nl. • 00\Wul..,. ••lllff (Tom )kf,,ftU, alld IOC•I "'"" owner l(OI ... ,. ~•11, • ... rcHlrlvl119 coaclt IJ..,nllt• W•rrenl. tllCI an •moro..t "'°'1KAUer I Oa~td Huff· ·-· lyn11 HoflyJ-.1u~1onlllll110fn lttr film 0t0ut H llW •llll•fe whO .. "''"' -"" _ ... .., by 1>11-u. Her ••<k ol oo•l•lt m•ku t1tr perlo•"'4lllCeat11he mon "'°"1119. IJnd \lie lk•lffflkttllewlrlCI. E•<•ot tor• ._..,1oowr1en9tt1, Oo11alC1 Wryt·• Cllrt<llon " tu••· "81\0td ll~ pc; Ttl\11 v.., ~ .... lltd But!On• "4dkhol1Mlate.1Mt '110wWllteelote 0•1;1o<1te. ~ •• ltli4M f'(), !Mot II "'._,..., ... llMG ••• "MIDNIOHT aXPlllH" hla~ tor prt\Oft --l I•• •••, comotll 1119, ~Y ••Ouel .c:c-t ot •n A~kan yclllttl'\ O.YMtnt IO< t Ir .. It ... 1ua11t; an etttmpt to '"'llOOlt lle\lllUt OlllOI T unev Bitty Heye\. a ~QU1tt11 Unl11t••llY tlvdent. '"""°" ~ tondl ttoft• '" • Tllt'kltll prllOft eftCI aolum btfO,.. --"'9 lo O'-•· OlrttelOf' Al•" "'"'""' dllt>l<1• M1yH'\ torment In • film that I• often 0<mlSlll119 to Wtl<lt H" t••t I\ -I>. -l•lly Brff Devi\ H lhe 111 1•-""""'CAI\, ht ll Mu<ll"'O -......,., • Wiid cen d141t .. IOf' \1¥dem Tiie rat1no I\ II wlllt m•"V vlolem "'"" •nd one of ...,., ""°"' N04tor111uquHrr"'"· "CALIPOtlNIA SUITE" or~"'"". q<Hrtel of ""''' '""'°" ikeitlW• el>Ollt ~"·•I !tie Btvtrly Hills tiOl•I , ... plav .. u • \Olir a. 10<<• , .. 111 the M me lour «I°" ptey1nq H Cll •Cl n.. movie llfl\ ovt ol tM hOtel '"''~ •net onto '"• tfnn•\ courh ttna l>H< lie\, emoloytnq d IMQt' ~nrt lllent.O C.UI Altln AIO. dnd J•M Fond• .,e • CllVOfteCI cOUl)le bl<k•r lnq ov•r CU\IOCIV ol IP!elr cleu9hter. MAQQte S""ll\ •nd M~ C41ne ere 8rttt\tt 1i11\tto'' •l oOcb 0¥fr h1\ llheautllty W•tt•r M•llnau '' <AugM wltlt a -4!<' l>Y lus W•lt ElatM ~y 8111 ~y .onCI Rl<hd•CI Pryor •'• Ot•<4'QO doctor~ on a d•\ •teer·rtdOen vacation wttn """•' wive~. ) °'°'"· It " ""' -'°"' tllei< .. , IAIN FMM. SMit~I ,,,_. - tllt ""°" ffltcltve. ,...,. "-1flO ti•• ,,,._It,..\ .. -. lll<n l~y Miii• '' • !Mlteot ....... Ila\ fled A IO«lotomy' I tftd lllt lerce mlld. R•ttd PC., llKAUM Of • .,,.,.. "SUPlllMAH," lor •II II\ prt• ""''011 --.. ~ •.•• '"" lllt -~ ~ bOOll IC>ovt • ,,,.., WllO can 11, n.., •-.,., .. .,of._., 1,.. eld leCIOft ''°"' burll'"9 bvtldtftO~ lie'• PA•<.Nno lilt tM S... .......... Fault lmi~ In Illa lllOY••I. ChrlS"I~ lltAyt I\ ldllel •n 1,.. <l®l>fe role, .-.., M.tr11111 1(-• '' rt1reslllltqly '°llll••llcatlld •• Loi• L•ne I~ ftOt llr>Oltt t-.oii too. lee 1 Ille ""'''•rth t>•I•••" $uelerrnan tfld Clan Ketll Tiie SD«IAI Hf«h ..,LM<lj •re Ille neroe\ ot lllt ptOOUChOfl, •Itel 1"" "<ipt wrlt.n llouf I tre lftf •llletn,, lellfno to WOCMV .,.., Of'lglntl •"' b•ll•sllmtnl ol flltt ltettnwvrd tormula. ,.WILD OEESI!" I\ a <r•Otr· I IC~ .M!Ylniur. n11 N "Nev•rOM tr •dt Uon ... •rv 1nvo1v1no, iU\· pen..,tul Four &Qi"'! mercanttr le•. A1c111re1 Burton. Ao9er Moo,., lll<IMrd Harris -Hanly K"'llfr are t11lls1.c1 bl'• 8'HISll c--lno. Slewer1 c;..,..., 11o '"' .. • 1>1.t<i.. ··--ht\ ..... ~-...... Dr•-bl' 111 Alroc1111yr-. I t s 9000 l<I Sft Burlon'• ...Wrn lo v190r Ind G<M>Qer shoulcl ltew • •llOI• new tMW< as • .....,. lwevv. R11tc1 A, wttll '°'Cit« '•'-...a more , ......... e>f• l>iOoClslMICI. • .. ·. . . DAILY fa'LOT Hu. malt•r1al c-0vers a w1d~ range or once tuboo lop1ei.. a11 well as gt-ntler toph':. l\Ul'h as how poorly childrt'n lie to their pitrtnts Pryor r~malos in command of his material and his au dieoce, sputtering four l e tter phrases for punctuation .. INVASION 0, TH• IODY SNA Tl:Hlllts" I' Ille n.toolttl Wr· prlw of• IKlli~ter winter w•'°"· a ---------------------------------------------..;._ PRISONERS OF WAR TEMPORARILY Co-stars Robert DeNlro, John Savage Film Stresses Daily Courage Five friends. Michael, Nick, Steven, Sta n and Axel. Good buddies. They live in a small mill town in Middle America. They work their butts off in the stifUng beat and infernal din of a steel mill. They blow off steam after work at Welch's Bar. They go deer hunting~Steven gets married. One day in the tall of 1968, Michael, Steven and Nick leave for a tour of duty in Vietnam. "MY MOVIE IS basieally about friendship a nd courage and what happens to these qualities under stress," is bow Michael Cimino, the director. describes "The Deer Hunter." The film is a celebration of "the ex. traordinary qualities so-called ordinary people are able to bring lo the face of crisis," says Cimino ... and or their ability to build mean. ingrul lives out of the wreckage brought on by events over which we have little or no control. ·'The war is really incidental to the develop· mentor the characters and their story. It's part of their lives and just that. nothing more. So the war is simply a means of testing their courage and will power." "THE DEER HUNTER" spans two de- cades. moving from the simplicity of life in a small town to the horrors of a relentless jungle war in Southeast Asia. Journalists who covered the production during its extensive shooting scheduJe have described the film as "a three· hour saga on an epic scale." "I would never suggest that the geography or visual environment of the film is more im· portant than what's going on with the people, but it's a major influence in getting the right tone," Cimino said. "Certainly, it influences the actors tremen· dously If you have special locations, it gives peo~le a special feeling. Bob DeNiro in particular loves to work in actual locations." DeNIRO lS NOTED for the intensive pre· parations he makes for every role he un· dertakes. Few actors delve into such meticulous detail in researching. ''You have to earn the right to play a c haracter," says DeNiro. "J like to think through a character. but it doesn't mean that I lose my own personality. "l like to get inside him -the character - and feel U1e situation as he might. I'm interest· ed in wh at motivates a character I'm playing, and I really don't like to be distracted when I'm working on these things. · "When I was preparing for this role I spent a lot of time in Mingo Junctloo and Steuben· vllle, Ohio, soaking up the environment. I talked to the mill workers, drank and ate with tbem1 played pool. Tried to become as close to being a steelworker as possible without actually work· ing ashiftatthemm. "l'D RAVE DONE that too, except none of the steel mills would let me do it. They let me visit and watch but not actually get involved. '·No one recognized me as being an actor during that time. Friends of mtne just in· troduced me as Bob and 1 went from there." Able to combine strong public appeal with extraordinary creative ability, OeNiro bas become a critics' delight. For hla performance in "Taxi Driver," he was named best actor by the National Society of Film Critics, lbe New York Film Critics and the Los Angeles Film Critics, and was nominated for an Academy Award. He II already the winner or a best support. inl aetor Oscar for "The Godfather, Part II." "YOU ALWAYS BRING something of youraetr to a part," De Niro SIU'S. "But to me acting means playlng different parts, trying to get as close to the reality of a character H possible. For the role <1f Michael I studied bow steelworkers talk and dress. bow they relate to their job, their towns and their frtends. "It's hard to do, because it means you always bave to keep looking. Some days I found nothing, other days I was inspired as I saw Iota of Heiting things. I 10 tbroUgb all of tb1s so t can feel I've prepared as well as I can. "lt'a my Job. I want to feel I've eamed the rlabt to play a person.'• ·7 • No ratin~. 1t 'it not for the prim und the puritan 111rll1tr Of t•nt -lm~Nllon lltat "''n Alfl'\ld Hltclt<ock could ""''"•· PlllllD Klull'Nn directed on a llQ!lt (SJ S mll!IOll) ....,_, wrtll • keen eye tor eerie mooo ano om1nout •I· mO\ollere Tl\• <••• '' hHdeCI by Donald • THIE OlllAT TllAIN 110•· Sulll••••nCI. Broo"• Adams end a1E1t'I''' otters 111911 ldventur• In Ltonard Nlmoy lh.,lr Sklll..:1 un· ~DltMICI Uyte. wntten •nd Cllrt<led C1erpl•yin9 I• ICle•I tor the l>v Mlcl\eel C•i<lllon lrorn "'' own mlndUtelc111n9 premise Can o•· Nl•tl flle ,_,.., 1.-.u lllK• not tn tenlsm• fro"' anollter unlverte tlW Oki ~t WI In llSj Enqt•nd 11, replace fltt mlnos ol ordlnarv " w 1d lo be -on the fin I rH f <1!11-• Ille,,.,,, ol • lnO'ollnq tra•n ti's •l>surCI. of COUf'W. 8111 •lltr s.M· '"• crlrnt " oerpelr•teel l>Y • 1"9 lhe lllm. you slan to wonder Tiie group ot poll"*' croolts !lee-l>y ••llnglsPG,at>Cltltelttrormayl>eloo Seen C~, Who Is able lo tun< II on fnttnse for IN young Ind lmoreulona. -.i ... 11., -II In 1119" WKitly •nd ,... l>le. unchrworlel. Tiie ~· Is lehurtty, m<ttt ot lllt "'"' con<e<ned wltlt the theft of tour "•n '-'""' to -111e stroftgbo11 ol go1e1 "-adeCI to• the Crl· ,,,.. ft bMtteorOUl\d Tlte c 11,... • I• 111rlllln9, w lllt Connery lllmUll S< raml>llnt •IOI> Ille rKi"9 lraln. "MOVIE, MOVIE" Is •n Ifft<· tlonete sOOOI of OUf <"->a lte• lt.9t. Finl comn • oarooy of all It.ow r~t~lcllft Pf'fnfigt'lt lllms, onoio. 9rapfl9cl In QIO<fous l>fkk 8"CI wf\lte. Tlte b.KksU19e Broedwey stOf'Y con- <luCles IM doullle 1>111 In color. IHYl"9 no <ll<lte untumtd. 111 between ha tr a lier 10< a comlnq attraction,• WO<ICI War I tlylnqecM<. He Olh lines.._-. trom Donald Su111ertanC1, Lesley.Ann@ Down l"Up•t•lrs, Oownst1lrs"I e"d 111 Englltlt cest Rated PG. the 111 ... con· 111,,s • """*' of double enlendrtts 1>111 tltlle •IW 10 <~ t ... \"'All 011u Exe"" .,.,.,_ llte mn._ 111.tt crime CM! not onty pey 1>111 pro- "~ 10HvODOC1fllfl Movlu of llte 1931X ltave "'" PAl"Od..0 betore, l>UI ••rely wllll SUClt hlg1tsolrllenctlonclcar1. .. THE NOltTH AVENUE Ill· Sl•nlty Oonen h•s Clrewn ltlgh volt-perfonn~"' lrorn llte expert cast wllll ~ge C Scott, Orange Coast College Symphony Orchestra In Conurt With PEPE ROMERO SUNDAY, FEB. 25 -Bp.m. OCC Auditorium -Tickets: $2, $3 and $4 RMrOtti 5t«fs -Ticbf Jnfonn«llO" • 556·5880 "REMARKABLE." ---"40t0-.."' "SPLENDID." _._._,_cu."' ~,~ .... ~ ....... ~ .,,.._ JEAN· LOOiS BERTUCELU'S ~E® BQEAKfMT ~~ ''One of the year's 1 best films~' .. Fiimed UVEIN CONt1Iln' Exclu•lve Orange Co. Eng•gement Enda Thursday AllleMed by IP£CW. EVENT EHT£AT~ • I COIUl!'T ~~ON-1111(119'IOI. lllCOl!OI AHDfUU I· ..,....._ __ ....,, ... ~ .... ~~ ......... . . ... . Seturday a Sunday 1:15 . 2:8S. •:30 8: 10 • 8:00 • 9:45 Monday tttru Frfday 1:10. 1:00 -1:45 f •• • 11An original and astonishing plsce Of WOf'k.' 1 -Cho.-les (ttomplin, l A Ttmes "Compefting ... o kind of metophl,lskol tMler that contains elements of the Western end the sdence·fktioo fable " PaulNeumon Bibi Andersson Ferner.do Rev ~ Vittono Gassman =.:-Aobett Altman ~-konk 8atiydl & Robeit Altmo<i -PocJ'ldo Aevltd< :--Robeit Akmon. 0one1 Oletwynd flocnclo AeYtldc -rom Pierson ®-!~ "'~~~:;::. ·---tiil ~~Qi.~ ... -~-..--=. EDWARDS CINEMA SADOLEIACK Costa Mesa 546·3102 PLAZA CINEMA CINEMALANO Anaheim 635-7601 El fOfo !>81 ·5880 STADIUM DRIVE-IN Orange 639·8770 NOMINATED FOR4 ACADEMY AWARDS 'DAYIOF •EAVEI 41M:ld(f1d\W LIDO Newport Beach 673·8350 w .... • ....... O'"l•ft f U.S. (or •tJa•r •aule•I l••fnl•nt ) for Cla~C'd Ad ACTION c.JJ Ao.llfl'let~ MJ.5671 •0--1 ... 11.too HIAVIN CAN WAIT (flG) -C.K01T HAID COU1111 12.U.MM.U..Mt4J a 11141 CMH•l UPlAN PA.STU.UK 19'0I OIOIOI C SCOTT HAaD COii iii 11.-.. MM1U..:4W14t & 10t4S .,.. __ ........... y ...... , __ DAYS Of NIAVINCHI 12:>0 • 21lO • •1U -• 1:00 • 10·00 CUHT LUlWOOO MU WtlOI WAY IU'f l.OOSl 19'0I 'lUS ...._ __ _, THI OUT\AW JOSIY WAUS ll'Cll •<-.. _ 494·1!>14 l ( ..... ,. ,.., .... .. 494 1!>14 ALL STAR CAST "CALIFORNIA SUITE" (PQ) T\J(U.11.+'\• • ....... ~, ..... , ... , .... , ... ,0:1. J.a.R. TOUCffH'S "LORD OF THf a1HGS .. f~ fllts..ffl.-r-.H '"''-.....0......~Je.-.Jt .. REfatDI"' 1 ........ $08YMOP.UMI CUNTWlWOOO MIT WMtOI WU MIT lOOSI IN! 'lut CIAUNTUT111 •'111 rAUI e ""' IOYU THI .. IHt('S JOI (POI 'lUI .. IOH111C11 • OKAI NOMIN&flONI HIAVIN CAN WAfffPOI PUK HOU51 CALLS (NI Ol~OI C. SCOTT HAID CC>al Ill PUii =-=-M &OOIDNG POI Ml. OOOOUa 11'1 ..... lUPUN fASTMIAK !NI 'lUI AVALA.NC .. r..01 . , The 1979 Ja'guar XJ6. Deeply luxuriou lectronically fuel injected. I ncredibly responsive. !Jcu.1r' .in: n1l1.ibly IU\UrlOU'> But 1he'c .ire lmnK lud 1n1cc1iun '~\lcm coupkJ Ill II' Joublc 'urcrh r11JJ lJh ljUicl.. and agilt' and 'lrong. "11h mcrhcad cam ">. l')lindcr l'lll_!lnc. ·me comh1na- l"ur "hn·I 1ntkpcnJen1 ,u,p.:n>1on. • .. •T••" 1100 of \Ol111,1h. qu11:1 Jnd \Cl) rc,pon~1\'C r'""cr·J"l'll'd rJcl.. and p1111on <.leering ~ pcdormJn c w11h 1rad111onal JJl!UJr lu'<urv Jnd four "-hnl d1'>C' hral..c'-J<or 1979. the .1Jd, up io nn Jho!'cthcr uncom'mon mol<;r- l.1)-'UJr '\Jh 'cdJn kalurc' 1hc Jim'"' mg l"<pcncncc. We wggc~t lhJt )OU C\pcn- 11i. 1nlil'lk r.:,pon'c or an ad\ a need dl'< · .. "'-AND cncc the XJn 'oon (}pen ·fill IQ P.M. Mon . .Saf. Y1·1".01wn f.i't'ry S11t1da)' 'Till 5 P.M . 3 hlr1elt1 S11urh of !ht• .\an 01t11lO Frtt"tt'a.1 ALL FULL'( LOADED HARBOR Bt VD /SAN DIEGO FREEWAY 2925HARBORBL VD. 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Something else: you 'll drive the ca r you lease for two. three or even four years. Most .cars look out of date all too quickly. But when you lease a Mercedes-Benz. you drive a ca r with classic lines and timeless- ness that 1s never out of date. We have several leasing plans to offer you . One 1s certain to make it more convenient for you to drive a Mercedes-Benz than you might have thought poss1-( ble. Call us today .for the , ,1 surprising facts. / Ask about our many convenient leasing plans. Mission Viejo Imports 831-17 40 2:::!==::.:~~y. 495-1700 San Diego Fwy. at Avery, Mis.sion V;.,o .~ ,· ROBINS READY USED . CARS 171 DODGE COlT Automatic transmlss10 air condlllornng and low mile on ttus fine hnle~r Lie #284 OE Stk lr755A '167 '74 CHEVROLET CAPmCI 4 DOOi V8 automatic trans . power steenng. p0wer brakes. p()Wer windows. air cond1honlng, radio & low miles. Lie #252KPY Stk t696A. '2178 '75 FORD e.aAH~4~ Automatic trans.. factory air cond • p0wer s1eenng & brakes. tilt wheel. vinyl roof and radio Lie t016MCM Stk tP3575 '2878 '75 FORD B.JTIZDOOI Automat ic trans .• radio. air conditioning. vinyl roof. power steering. power brakes & low miles. Lie #660MCE Stk. #730A. 92978 RD M.AY8tCllSIDAM Automatic trans . air conditioning radio heat9f tinted glass wsw tires wheel covers & low miles Lie •521LIA Stk J307A '.2278 •75 CHEVROLET MONZ.A COUf'I 2 Door. Automatic trans.. factory air cond1t10n1ng & low miles. This is a sharp earl Lie. #766HOA Stk. #P3632 92778 '76 AMC MATADOa 2.oR. HAaDTOf' Automatic. factory air cond . pwr. steering & brakes. radio. heat9f & only 32.000 miles on this gas saver. lie. J560NIG Stk. #646A '2978. '76 DODGE Sl'OltT COUPI Hardtop. 3 speed "gas saver" standard trans.. 6 cyl. engine and radio. Uc. #WVJ323 Stk. #P3603A. '3178 "ROllNs-READY" •e..s e•ery med c.-we HI wt ha•e paued these rigid inpection for saht, mMI Allabilty In our own modem reconditioning department - BRAKES ~,._.~,..,• .. cs,.e... ELECTRICAL ....,........, ..... _..,_sp... FRO NT END W11M1 Ml; t. S11ecb _.. s...ri11t Sy1M POWER TRAIN T,..._, .._. W. _. lk<hellk Sape, ..... Dt 91 uh LUBRICATION LllM. ota.-p ......... OIFWtw OVER 2 ACRES OF USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM! COlT2~ Cute little gas saver with 4 speed trans .. AM/FM stereo cassette. 111nyl roof. bucket seats & rallye wheels. Lie. t221SVZ Stk. #2642A '3378 '77 FORD HAMADA SIDAM V8. automat~. factory air cond . pwr steering & brakes. radio. heat9f. wsw tires & wheel covers. Lie. #209SAB Stk #P3'462 '77 MERCURY MOHAACK A sharp car with automatic. factory air cond. pwr. steering & brakes. vinyl roof. radio. heater & low miles! Lie. #549SAB Stk. #P3661 94578 '77 FORD LTDn2H. HardtoP. Automatic. power steering. factory air oond . lllt wheel. vinyl roof. radlO. heater. wsw tires & wheel covers. Lie. J733SGK Stk. •P3459 94778 MUSTAH6 va engine. automatic trans.. factory air conditioning. Power steering. Power brakes. radial tires. radio. heater end ONLY 7000 miles! Lie. #665,Bl Stk. #P3716. Business eaderstiip is won by people serving people on a straight forward basis. We owe our 58 years of constant growth in Orange County to the unique· loyalty of our customers and we know it. co·me in~ Buying a better car STILL can be a very satisfying experience! 2.3 eng., 4 speed trans .. front disc brakes. deluxe wheel covers. cloth & vinyl bucket seats. mink::on~e. tinted glass. bias tires & metallic pajnt. Ser. #186403 Stk. #932. NEW 1979 FAIRMONT 2 DOOR SEDAN Automatic trans .. power steering, power front disc brakes. radio, radial tires. tinted glass. all vinyl seats & morel Ser. •164986 Stk. #747 NEW 1979 MUSTANG 2 DOOR SEDAN FlllAL SELL-OFF . CUSTOM VAN CONVERSIONS ANY NEW 1978 CHOOSE FROM- LEFT IN STOCK •SUNDIAL N 599 OVER .. SIERRA 0 OUR •HOLIDA y WHEELS INVOICE •RED-E-KAMP W •LEISURE TIME •REVCON WHILE THEY LAST! Invoices include freight. preparation and all factory hotdbacks. COME IN AND REGISTER FREE .... TO WIN A PANASONIC AM/FM Cassette Recorder AC/Battery Operated NOTHING TO BUY! ALSO DAILY RENTALS Selet: Mon· Fri 8 to 9, Sat 8 to &, Sun 10 to & Service & Pert1: Mon 7 to 9, TuH·Frl 7 to S Partt Dept: Set 8 to 1 pm 642-0010 2000 HARBOR. COSTA MESA S40·8211 • ... 1 I N ORWICH . Conn tAP l -Martla J . • aa, a deis41n r and ker ol football ~ulp· t, died Wedne&d•Y man, 71 , was best wo for tht-dummy -.ed ~ football pra ffce. LANCASTER , S .C IAP) -Former U.S. Rep . James P . ••~••rd a, 84 . a Democrat who beaded the Houae Foreign Rela- tions Committee from =$ to 19S3, died ay. He served as ~ assistant for the •tddle East during the Eisenhower administra- tion. PACIAC 'fllW MIMOllALPAll Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3600 Pac1f1F View Onve Newoort Beach 6.U.2700 ~oaMfCK MOttUAlllS Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Captslfano 496-17'76 t.U.TIAll611<* N•4L HOMI 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 t&L tlOADW A Y MOl'TUMY 110 Broedway Cost1Mesa 642--4J150 "9CI •cmt•s IMTN'S MOllTUAIY 6i7 Main St. Huntlngt<>n Beech ~ --........ Tb• Ronald W Caapen Regkloal Park will ttlrbrate its firth anniversary from to to s p.m. on April 28 1n San Juan C1pistnno Olsplays hagbllghtmg the park'& natural en vlronment and wlldllle will be available, alon1 with guided nature walks . Exhibih of nature photography and mounted animal specimens abo will be displayed. The oormaJ $1 parking fee will be waived. More iJ"formaUon Is available at 63M019 and 4~12. PUBLIC NOTICE ''llil•••• • _ _..., •• ,,_ • •rt/!ll~C..·flll ~ M • .,~----------------~--~ "111UC NOTICS PUauc Nones . ~. • • • OBITUARIES a PUSUC NOTICS P118LIC NOTICE PtTBUC NOTICE •• a ••• • j • •• • • .. . -~ Yott Cen Seti It, find It, Trede It With a Want Ad :The ll81e•* Mark1tpl1ce on th• Orenge CoHt DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 842•5878 One Cell 8ervlce FHt CredH Appt0HI . . \ , DAILY PILOT ....................... ·······••·············· ··•····••·•············ ···········~··········· . t 1 • 1002 811a1• 1002 Ger.r.. IOOJ Ge•r.. IOQl ................................................. ·•·······••·····••· ...........•..........• ~~~ ........ ~.'!':~ ........ 1~!.":':..~ ....... ~.~.~ ...... . 111 • IHl I • IOU 9aaar.. IOOZ 91aasil 1001 UDO ISLE Bay view Crom 2 patio decks enhances cus tom spacious 5 bdrm .. 4 bath traditional home : like new Jdeal fot .entertaining. Corner lot. $500,000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~rotlfr -.aA1 TWO 4-UMIT .. AaTfli94T aoes. $371,"' IA~ aM. Quallty.buJlt. bcautlfuUv mo Int ulnt"ff. 4 n1~ in each build n.r with l~t• cc ntroJ co urtyd r 111 d wl~b main1ricent malurt•d ~pt-C'lmcn pl. nl . Tb e two 4 unat bld,:t, r~ In the bt>st locntion. riJ:hl at thE' entronr<' to PeniMula Point, JU'tt i.lt•ps from tht> bt•.irh Each 4 pit>'\ hu t\\O 2 bdrm 2 bath i:tnd t"o 2 bdrm. l bath units fo~ <'h,..!Pont untl hJ'l » wood bummp r1re.pface 2 J>l huH· .:r~at occun '1 w' For quahfted buyer. owner will c-orry I t T.D "Ith 29', down IST TIME OFfRED h!L.~ ~ ... IWf•ecy -Miid c ............ 3 ....... .,,... c,.. .. C..._ ~ o-.r ._ ,.t loh of ~ c ... Wo testeM -.... c ... lff •ca aalty wWc• offwoa • ,..ceoM .............. ~ ...... ~ foe ....... ...,,_ ftt. s' 34.100 IA YSIDE COVE COMDO Loc•t•d I• tlth •Hit so•9llt •fter •••hf111 .. _. tMa dtl .. tM ..._. ._. "- prefnu...aty decor.ted .-d .. ...,.., ,_.,.,.. ~Hilty both l"slde .. d O•t. U2t,SOO co•ONA DEL Mil DUf'LD Co ... atety r...adaled w*' MW cwpett.g, tla., ... .,,r .ct flnpl1c• in.._.. mfh. Spec:5-rwta1t _,. a.. oc.-•lew. Low ••l•tH•c• with CMl•Mliftcn •.tty. rm• ed to s 1t1 .soo. ------..... •· WH&.IY M. TAYlOI CO .. llALTOIS JI 11 S-Ju .. 111 ... loed ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DOM"T MISS THIS! Debahtful 2 Bit. 2 RA condO. Pool. m any new amenities. Cls lo ever ytlung. A home to really enJOY Only S71 ,SOO 979-5370 ALLSTATE R~TORS a.tffHAVIN 2 Bdrms .. 2 baths, den. rrp&c. Close to schools & churches. Short escrow possible. Sl49.500 673-3663 6G associated BIH_lk filS IHAt TORS JI).' ~ f'olt •J c.•1 1h61 MIWPOn CENTB. M.I . '44-4t I 0 STOP LOOKING ,Ofi loyCll 12-styt Seo Vt.. holM Hen· ·s. a beuulifulJy decorated & professiona lly landscaped home. 4 BR·huge master suite. 3 full baths. lg family rm w/fireplare & elegant wet bar;-vaulted reili n~s in li ving rm w /fireplace + dining rm. sliding doors to New Orleans style garden & covered patio. Separate laundry. Lovely breakfast area. Kitchen is gourmet delite : self-cleaning oven + m icrowave. trash compactor & lots of cupboard s pace -2 car E!arage w /loft & stairway to s torage. Guarded community + tennis courts, pool & jacuzzi. Ci ty lig ht view. Asking $315.000. Owner transferred. 01 ····- WATERFRONT .LIVING! 640-6600 759-1111 Ask for Ho,. Gerrie llEACHFRONT MANSION Lingo Rf.Al&o.n 644-7020 21 ?l SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD NEWPORT BEACH 180 ' Fantastic Ocean View 2 br 2~ba Townhm. bl>autlfu\ty up· graded $96,500. Terms: Conv or Contr act . Owner will Coop. 0 .W.C. lse opt 714/492-4948 LUSTIMGFOR SAL.ESPY SOM ll YoU like the reaJ estate btWness. you will love tt here; comm1ss1on split to 90%. Call Smilin ' Melvyn, 646-4463 E'Sl5-100/o DH! GIANT master s uite, 3 ba, den. GREAT patio, tennis, pool, Jac +more! GRAND VALUE $82,500 Bruce, Bkr 962-8377 TRIPLEX Gnat htcOIM! ! Sl.OJt)e story owner unit with 2 townhouse design rear units. All with private patio. W ID hook up & individual enclosed garages. Call now ~ A mag nif ic e nt ex penence o( ocean hvang• --------Private road. guarded **VETS** Reduced Real Estate DO YA THIMI l'M SIXY7 .you bet! You)re a s mashing Bluffs 3 bdrm condominium with oak plank floors. plantation shutters throughout. r e modeled fireplace, darling wallpapers. a fun game room and an alluring view of green open space . Really one of the nicest listings Unique has ever had. and realistically priced at $199,000. U,._,IVUI: li()Ml:i REALTORS', 675-6000 2443 Ea$t Coast Highway. Corond del Mor Jlso m Mt'SJ VNCIP. J! 546 5990 hell office indetMndelltty owned and operated. CONDO BUYERS UMIVEllSfTY PA•K TlltltAC£ 3 Bedroom. 2 bath. s ingle s to ry "Cambridge" model. End of cul-de-sac. Near schools & shopping. Anxious sell er, asking $97.500. R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640-5112 4 BR + den $11,500! Sunke n living r oom Bnck fireplace. AJI re· modeled kitchen. Ex· celleot location. Im · SUPBQ.EAN maculate bargain! Call 4 BR l~ BA, formal fast to take advantage! D.R:. Wbiteb.eall l·sty. 752-1700 beaut. decor & priced to • 0-1•. ,. ' • ,, •• moveatS99.7SO! OCEANFRONT Qua lity crufbimanship in mahog. trim & oak floors sets off this landmark: 4 BR, .3 ba. home in finest location. Establish~ trees & lawns. $485,000 . IACI lh\Y Fine 4 bdrm .. 21/2 bath family home on quiet cul d e s ac . Oversized pool. playhouse. storage $169,000. Terms. IAYFIONT Scv~ral line bayfront homes with pier & slip ._AVALON We ll constructed, 3 BR. 1 ba. oak fl oor . partial base m ent.· concrete foundation. Flats area. $120.000-Fee. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR J ·I I fl 1, y \, d, [Jr " ~ j h ~ I~ 6 16 I ~COATS & WALLACE '::rJJ REAL ESTATE. INC. ~ lOCMl Y OWNHI CO M PAN' SERVING fH l sour COA SI l\Rll\ SINCE 1%J SPECIAL IUY -This 4 Bdrm 3 bath split level pool home has a large family room w/wetbar. New carpets. new paint and secluded back yard. Priced under market for fast sale. $118.000. Don•t delay! Call today 54M141 Servinq Costa Mesa-Irvine Huntington 8Pach-Newport Beach COUNTRY LIVING A tree hned. quiet street. 3 Bedrm, family roo m. 2 fireplaces. Country kitc hen. Double detached garage. e nclosed garden. 140' Lot. Act now! $86.950. I ~ 1s1m1 ~;:;~~::.~~ . ~=11:1::"•=' law qtrs. l/4 A. on priv st THE REAL ESTATERS l BEDROOM equestrian community Only $112.500 ! 546-2313 $70,950 All THIS '"MOVE IN PERFECT0 $3400 entry! Sec luded s andy Homes in Orange and beach! 5 spacious wood Riverside County. Up to d ec k s! Secluded SI00.000.NODOWN! DO ga r dens ' A true IT NOW• 3brstarterhome,lgece-Jus t $67,500 qui e t ---------• ment patio, sprinkler Anabeimst,J BR 112 BA. system. separate laun· den cov. patio. bonus BEACH HOME CANYON CREST Charming condo 10 .. Ba c k Ba y ". Professionally decorated m popular earthtones . Wet bar. plush crpUng le minaed walls. Close to pool. Only Sl 16.SOO 7rJ9.~l 3 br. 1:i.i. ba, nice yard. Xl.nt cood, $92,500. i.hut· tered. S43-74S4. by own mas ter piece for lux AQt.557-1041 urlous living! Don't wait. Vet Counselor there is nothing lake 1t ~~~~~~~~ anywhere!! For details - call64r5-0303 --------- FORESTE OLSON '~ ... .. • t ,., ... lmmaculat.e single story beach & waterfro n t townhome on Wood · bridge Lake. Watch the sunset over the bridge just s teps from your beach side palios. Lovely oak walled fireplace. Convenience kitc hen· ' llllcrowave & breakfast nook too. Mirror walled formal dining r oom. 2 Patios. Steps to spa, """' __ beach & lake! Price JUst•.·-;_-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-;.-;1 o•-1!.v~ reduced. $3400. ror fast --~ sale! Callnow752·1700 RNIEstate Soles Soufhof ay CO%YCOTTAGE ONLY $69,900 !! , ·. ·,, ., . • •u" • • ·· ·· Seeking progressive ID /\ttentioo Investors: Call ~~~~n~~~·i•ts I~ ll~tdl:tll t£v~~;;~ih;ft~:~: ~~ ~1it11~{~th~fJ best. Dramatic hv rm ~ ----··-'·-missions. Reply with Cor Be h c w/vaulted cetliogs, huge _ brief qualil1calions and b 1°tnar ac2 ·b dustom Looking ror a ver y private sharp condo w/new eartmtone crpts &cstm~? Then this 1s 1t w 1 d ·eco r ator wallpapers, fenced yrd. sprinklers & 2 patios Don't hesitate. Call now Open Eves. 545-9491. frplc, lrmJ din rm, cozy SBLER WIU experience to Ad. No. ~ts:-t~~rone t!ch-:~ fmly rm w/2nd frp~c. 4 PAY COSTS 466. Daily Pilot, PO Box units: built in kitchens, lge bdrms. over sized on this be autiru I 2 1560, Costa Mesa, CA fireplaces. decks and/or mstr suite w /g~r~en Bedroom Condo with all 92626 private patios; seven bath. Truly a prestigious the goodies ; pool ,l~~~~~~~~~I garages. Jntereslingly home. 759·1501 clubhouse, etc. And the ~ & Te.D POOL priced al $460,000. seller will pay all none ~ 1 5 COLE OF HEWPORT re-0eeurring closing cos· 4· BR, 2 s tory . Only REALTORS AVOCADOS Real F.Btate ts . Orf-er ed al only ~000. Don't miss Olll. 67S.5Sl I $52.000. Cal1!>4().3666, Call Agt , 646·74 14 . , ________ _ +DOLL HOUSE Camellias, doz.en rose bushes. freash pa int. New carpet and tile. Flagstone porch Very bright. Only sm.ooo Call 1ii81DITH 9UALITY 5411-1000 ,. 4 Bedroom lrl·level with o D •--OC-EAN--FltO--M-T-- 3 baths. big separate ~~!!!~!!!!~ Duplex on big R-2 lot. W family room & formal · dlning. Located 0 0 a __ Npt near new tennis large cul·de·sac lot with rourts. Easy access a 36' healed " mt.ered 1lie fastest draw ln the street to beachfront lot pool. Top rated school West .a Daily Pilot S37l~o1s REALTY d.tst.rict & priced right at Classified Ad. Call Today 671:.6670 $145,000. Call 7S1·3191 642·5678 ,,. Peoplewboneed People Thal 's what the DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY is all a bout! SUPER ACTION IN THE COMICS SECTION OF THE DAILY PILOT ~.;....-----.1;;;;;-.;;;;;;;~ IALIOA PENINSULA Outstanding first floor condo near yacht club & beaches: 2 bdrms .. 2 baths & 2 car gar age. Nicely decorated , co mpl e tel y air-conditioned, fireplace, mirrored wet bar -priced right at only $147,500! SllK & ,,Nit HAPPY C W M T A l E l K 0 B J Y 0 H U C 0 J S C l R H H A T H U l U R E l U 0 0 0 H R R A P T U R 0 U S S P T l 0 L B Y A H C U I I E Y H R M R 0 H Y l S G 0 0 1 S A S V A T E E I P l G Y Y 0 R U H R T C H H 0 J A I l E R I S 0 l Y S P 1 M A T 1 0 J P E J J E l J N A I Z T B G R C I l A A G H 0 M E R R~R E E S l I C H 0 S A T G l A 0 M U P G I Q T G I A S E H 0 H I G A R 0 J P E H l H H A T D D E N D S I V D E C A H Y 0 G P L I H N Y R E L N S A V l H E H R I T 8 H S E R T Y M C E P R 0 D T H P R H R E M Y 0 U B G t U T t A J C T S 8 T A U E B G V C 8 H 0 W l E X I G Q.ASSY COMDO Xtra lg. Jbr condo. Fabulous throughout Cozy frplc, pool, jacuzzi One yr new Seller wall finance No loan fees. low interest r ate. Call 979-5370 645-9161 , OPEN HOUSE ,0 REALTY ALLSTATE· z REALTORS Want Ad Results 642-5678 ''WHAT A. VIEW!" T hat's what they'll all say when s h own this 3 BD. 2 1h Bath extraordinary view home. You 'll love the courtyard. pool & jacuzz i too. This is what Harbor View Hills is all about ! Presented at $280.000. r A COLDWB.L UHSa CO. 644·9060 21 61 SAHJOAOOINHILLSAD ~'--------•N_NEWPOA _____ T_c_E_Nn....,.~~!!!!!m.-.....-~~ ~ STAR GA'ZEK~~ t---~"'T---8' Cl\\ .. l'Oll.A•N-----.---., K .,_ ~ A<tMfl' c...do ~ V AnenJ,,., •o '"• S•on To dowlop meuo9t tor Sotu•dov. •tOd worO. <orrespond•"!J to """'1>t" ol yOllf l od« bonh ''9" ·-,,~. sc-... ·-.,,~. ·~ ·-IC. ... ·--.o-...... •10••• ltL.wtft.ft !"""-':;.;...;..;;..~ ti w"'"' "°" ··~ ... ,,....,.,~ ....... _ , •• ,~."°" p::::i~!!....j ;:::--,, _ n•°"' 1.1 ... _ t• fo ,, ....... , .... It-.--~~"­•w ... ,..,. .. ·- .l' &.'°"911 ''"°'"" »....... 12,.,._KK .. JJOt ., ....... . .M(,CNC.' ......... .. »-•-• Mo.ct,....• "°"""' ··->'°"" .. c:. ..... ·-· -~· """°"'~•''°" WOo "°"""-• 10.,..,,. .,,~ ,,~ dS004 .. u '' 'oa•~ 0,f~ "'l'Wf'\I• ft ()of\t /tWMft d~Mt 1$AIO• .. -..... co-.. .,,._ ,,.,..,. .. ~ ,. ... ,~C;• ;:~ •• -:::--·-··· ~....U.1.Sq )t ~ ., ...... ,,.. Wtl 11"'° .,... &If .. ... ~-~ .... ""' .. c;.i.~ .. __ ,._ ··-~·-f1C:- M-""--·-1 ., ....... .-... to-M • :-.C..1ul dry room. Earthtone up· rm' ""odes co01Jng. Fast a p· TtndCo•....t•rs $137.200 A ··super .. location, with numerous converuence:. shopping. schooli. & recreauon -only s min. to Newport Center . Tht' decor or t ha s condo shoWd appeal to the most d1senminating buyer . there are 3 bdrms .. 2i,, batbs & plen t y or Drivacv. S'l79,500 prectaUng area. 646-7711 Move back to hug e Rare beach home on cee Wilshire center home la.ad. St.ep& to the beach. (~IWi] !a91it (;.HI with the elegance or the pools & t.eruus Absolute -• past. Almost 4000 sq rt ror ly immaculate & highly Real F.state SJ..21.jOO! upgraded th.ruout Great CHEAP starterorsummerhome l llDROOM Choice of 2 BR house SelJers are hqwdaung & + ~UIST $12,SOO or 3 BRnouse on are mouvaled 646-7711 G1an~:!:'b~~~~!arn' t!.lot s.-B.500 Both rn (~IWO!fiijjfl(§fj Over 2400 ft. of peaceful HIGHWAY llvmg. 4 Be~rms + 3 frontage land on US 395 Real F.statc baths·OR 3 Bed rm + to &shop & Reno. wath J BAY& BEACH separate guest/maid ·~ wells&small house ~ qt.rs. Formal living rm 646-5096 552-1321 Family rm 2 Fplcs. Cov· ~~~~~~~~ ered bn ck patio Potting - h ou se--and mu c hi-------~ more at a bargam pnce! COROMA DEL MAR · Callnowtosee,673-85.'>0. Immaculate 2 Bdrm 0""' "' "· '' \ •ur• '''N •• 1 home on extra wide 40' I• ~IHil =~.?,l:~·~;~~~~ · ~ --tropical landscaping $68,000 Sl95.000673-4400 31DRM Lvly. pride of ownershi HARBOR home in desirable re· sidentaal area. Hug p ark hke bac k y rd . Ter m s available 64&-7711 PARK SYEHITY Overlooking a w1d greenbelt. Bluffs condo 3 bdrms .. 3 baths. fam1I rm., 2 frplcs A honey o a home for those who ap precaate quiet elegan & sen s ible values S16UOO. Held open Sun l·S. 2216 Vasta Dorado N.8. FtRST OfflllMG Large 2 bdrm. & de home with formal dioin area; cozy frplc.. man upgrades! Not lease land ; xlnt Newpo r neighborhood $139,500 Held open today l ·S. 19 Port Claridge, N.8 C. F. Colesworthv RIALTOIS 640-0011 EA.STILUFF 4 BEDROOM. 2~ BATH LARGE TOWN HOUSE, ~D UNIT. Sl.22.500 ON L.EA.SE LAND. CORONA PACIFIC &M-8567 \ l>I\ 1'11111 "' ll.11 h111 10\\"•llOt·nl ( •• MEWPORT HEIGHTS ..... $94,'50. Pe rfect location ror ruture family. Close LO schools. excellent yard for enlarging home. EVERYlJODY'S DOING (Tl 400lD"~ FORM! C.Mtelfb•us Wl'Ell IA Y FIXER 5 bedroom, 3 bath. built by John Lytle. Needs TLC, but the price is right. Located I block from m illion dollar custom estates. a soar mg 2 story. open beam entry way with skylJghts & Indoor garden lies just msade the front door Over :.JOO square feet or luxury living. Full pnce $159.ooo. ca11 s56-2660 C:SELECT T'PROPERTIES INDIVlllAUTY & CHIUCTEI ,,. ....... c..tt .,,... ..., ...... - ..... l"-d. Two-•twy J lt•*H• h••• wltlt ler9• ltrlclr flN,lece, lterchwood floon ht R•IRg roea 9d roe. to •1p•ll. Two-cw ....,. ,... ........... .,...,SJH.000. WATERFRONT HOMES ;;i30 W C0tt,1 High" .11. Nl'Wf)Orl &•Mh 631·1400 **U.S.* * *VETERANS* Recent changes an V A regs may enable you to qualify for St00,000 home loans with absolutely NO DOWN PAYMENT Wortd RMI Es .. te an Orange County firm specializing m VA home loans We're the VETS that help the VETS For more info call .. Nortott. A.fl. 541.0100 A TEAHOUSE OF THE 450 NEWPORT CTR. DR. 759-1111 WESTCLIFF NEW LISTING Picture your family in this immaculate 3 Bdrm. fanuly room home. Lo\'e· ly heated/filtered pool olf added lanai. So many nice features-extra RV parlung-move·in cond1 bon. Sl75.000. CALL for appomtrnent PETE BARRETT REALTY 642-5200 AUGUST MOON can be yours for only 1-------1111111• M .500 Lvly 4 bdrm. 2 ba home located on qwet cul ·de -sac lot 60x 120 J ust minutes from Mile Square Park. Phone n o w . Op.en Eve s . ~l. $HB.r $ Tr ansferred. vac ant Owner pays buyer's cos· ts . Big 4 br. 8 yrs new. Al- t r act 1 v e Cam neighborhood. $98,900. Call now! HALPlNCHlN REALTORS 675-43:92 cae: IBDBll ILllNS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE ORIGINAL BLUFFS CONDO 3 BR W/Conv Den. Choice End Unit. Hi Wood Beamed Ceilings Thru-Out. Vi ew Of Night Lights A c ross Bay . Sep. Qt r s . F o r Teenager Or Mother-In-Law. Huge Patio For Entertaining. Formal Dining. Custom F .P. Room For Wine Cellar. A "Joy Of Newpart" Listing. $169.500. · S"SLASS OCEAN VIEW Truly Spectacular View From This Beautiful 3 BR + Fam. Rm. Portsmouth Mode l. Upgr aded Kitc hen. Formal Dining. Lrg Fam. Rm. WIF.P. Courtyard Has Pool, Firepit. G l a~sed-In Jac uzzi Off Bea utifully Decor a ted Mas t e r Bedroom. Call Now. $430.000. --.......... I &31·1• HI DOYll DllYI .. COUMTIY &.m1• Onl' l'r bone ,,,.,,_.Y ln oron• With • flaltOm bome. Nnrl.Y a.- tquare feel. 4 bedrOom. 2YI beltia. Proleuiooalb' lancllcaped. Aak for R gg1 Wym n 651·1288 M1WP01rT coeeo Three bedroom, n, batbs. Larae ma t\'r :,u1to with open ht-am celling. Vf£•w 15 aere m adow. k for Regs•~ Wyman 631·1208 MISA DIL MAI Larn bome for your 1arae famUy. See this beeutlluJ nve bedroom home near OCC. Shon Uke a model. IUlUOO. Ask far R~gte Wyman 831·1M8 DUPLll 'Two 3 bedroom, 1 bath unlta. Lota of l•nd. Room for more. t14~1~. • lnterelted? Ask for Robert Muuken 811·1288 EASTSIDI 3 bedroom, 1 bath home tn Costa Mesa. $89,900. A s k tor Ro bert MUltken. 631·1266 Liii HEW 3 bedroom on corner with n ew , upgraded carpeting. Lar1e llvlne , room plus famtly room -FHA • '!Humable loan. Only 188,500. Ask for Glen HeJJwarth 831·1288 '. All COMDmotla Combination fa mily room and country kitchen with fireplace, 3 bedroom with a trium orr master suite. Only $96,500. As k for Glen Hellwarth. 631·1266 llYIHE SALE OR LEASE OPTION Gorgeous 4 bedroom. trt-Jevel YaJe Model. $109.900. Ask for Roy Siemens 631-1266 IALIOA IA YPIOMT 45' x 100+' of the most desirable buyfronl property in Newport Beach . 6 bedrooms, dining room, den, 4 baths. pier & dock. Boat to 35 feet. Two delightful patios -3 car garage. OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday, 1 :00 p.m . to 4:00 p .m . 2254 Channel Road. $745,000. As k for Curtis Herberts. 831·1266 ASSUMAIU VA · Irvine Village of CuJverdaJe. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, central alr, detached home with a 9'A, assumable VA loan. I rvlne schools. Ask for T<>lT' Baron 631·1266 ). ' of c• .. --. W.t.. •wpert Mecll. Ille. 2J4L 17•~.C.... .... 6Jl·IZ'6 .... ,. 1 I •1 t007 nowe• qumT llSIOIMTIAL IHYllOMMIMT ,_Iara. bedroom~ two bat.ha, lauce eatarialo· meQI. ~. V\eW of bllla. private beacb acceaa. trns,soo. 1-771·°'56 or ~ .. - · , ~ HERITAGE . . RlALTORS ~.4» HERITAGE ' • REALTORS Duplex, 717 F'emleaC, 1 Br l Ba each, cute ~ clean LAVISH + r oom to bul Id . $Ul2,$00. By Owner. Pool ac Jacuui, rambling ~l.MO averaize one atory In ---------1 Mesa Verde. Hurry, --------won't 111t at SlJS.000. LOWIST ,.tel 99-3371 ~ Walker l: I t:r. IN J&VINE TERRACE Wi&.b a 1parkUn1 bay & OCMD view. 2 Larae en· tertainln1 pa ti 0 1 t 2 ___ Re_al_Ea_w_te __ _ bdrm .• den. 2 b•lh81 OID· -...... 0 MIW llll room. wot neouced __... to $119,500 leuebold: TOWlllOMIS Ga,llOO t.ncludini land. -.1Nw;W ..... ()pea ~n. 1·5. 1&14 Sao· (Eastalde Colta Mesa) taneDa Terrace. 2432 Sama~ Ave. Nauonw\de Net1ir0rlt of lndMd~ r.· Owned and Operated Real Eltata ~ Jel cAlat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I . ~ ~b Tudor 2"3 Br apfit level , 26 3 car 1ara1e , frplcs , microwaves. treeabOUte windows, pool, apa. TENNIS court. <4 r '"' •FMl•OOI* llOUI ltOYCI C ircular driv e. courtyard, fountain, aooo sq ft Spaolsb Hacienda. Spectacular vu overlk'g 3+ac ol AvocadOI. 5 car 1ar+moreM5C),OOO. ~ macnall /lrvlnl . rnlty SIAYllWlt Excitin1 residence! Located la one of Newport •s preetJ1tou1 guard-gated communities. Thll l'la• It all -Vlewt Location! Eleaantly decorated & prt ce lnclude1 furnlthJngst BeautifulJy landacaped w/enclosed Jacuzzi -you'll love It! $395,000. Submit unfurn. Jane Paquin 642-8235. <V·ll) .. 9 .. ... 679-8/J!J~ 2(35 IE. Coe8' .. CdM • From $89 9:50 IN&-0081 or &1920 Developed by S 191,000 Woodtree l>ev. Co. 2 houie!t la lot, 3 BR 2 BY OWNER! Monti cello BA, 1 BK l BA. Reduced Tw11June. 3 Bdr., 1"4 ba, ror fut ule. Call Scott llharp bm, below market M).tl)O price! Call ~. or AfWST-tJ.SELL ~7-"400 . , .. ATTENTION BUILDEIS EASTSIDE R-2 YIS.YOUCAN HAVI IYllm llU_.11 Set aga&Dlt a cbangiog baa drop of green " golden 1lopu, long shadow aod twioklio& llgbta rJ a ttt-clty view · e nter101 a n Interior which reflect s cstm elegance, 11a11 walled fmly rm w /Alick baJance form. Located in the San Joaquin aolf course eat.ates. ll4S.~. 552-4477 ~ Walker & lee IMJOT WOOOlllMI UCllATIOM Grand award winning Adame Plan al Wood· ~.:&. F.ltatee by l.rVtDe 3 Br. d~a1 2~ bath. SU7.SOO. \AJI Georae al M2-3700 between 10 ts s daiJ.Y. lrvaoe Pacific IMHBI 't523£MMDI:~ WOOllllDGE SPECIALS ~ ol UviDI ln the beauWw lakttlde com- aulllty al Woodb11dfe? We have bomea avad•· ble In the range from S'n.iOO to SlAS.000. Jr /•l"'''"RIOGE Rff\l TY C,') 1 3000 MOMAICHIAY 1'9liCI ==.... f1oor plu '°" 0peo reel· lQI ol kJtcbeol ram&ly room and IUDHD wet ti.. overlooklnC the blue Padtlc. AZS.000 CD Coldw~ll Bonker a Monarch Bay Plua Lquna Nlluel 4'6-7U2 I 1.otH QIOICE oceanfront pro· pertlel PegAllea Rltr 494·7~78 A~..otYllMO ~ CUIOl FOlt lHl GM.OH nil 00. Sleepy Puppy Fabulous At a.per E'skle Coeta Me1a Freahly painted 2 BR locatlon. Older 4 bdrm oo cottap oo build able R·2 1111e C\11-de-su lot with lot. $74,900. Age ot. room to b\dld z or maybe 562-73lr1 $73,000 ..... 3 men uaita. Llated at --------SIJ5t000. * $69. 900 • PULi.mt UAL TY rue 3br bome oo true ,,,._ R .. L •• 14 t1Ded streeL No mooey ~ .,.._ down to Veta. Call NOW ~ 2 BR. lY. M . bome Afeat 546-0351. w/Jacuzzl Only $85,000. EASrSIDE 3br, l~ba , 10% Down.. OWMr will (rplc. 2 patios. nice yd. Can)' COClllnl't. "' int. Xlot COGd. 181.500 Open only. P'ruk Leard, Dally, 548·74S4 By bkr /f1ft'IS, 546-aut Owns'. .._.Verde !Meola built -~------b­ bome, a Br W/C\11\0m 8Yvw~, 4 ~· l~ a . POOi. Jacunl off matr New root, pa.mted 10 " bdrm, finplt, covered out. Cloae to acboola & patio, prof. landscaping. :f':ie~· ,;:o::P·P~ A/C, upP'aded lhruout. · · or park/golfcourae. _~_1'_638_. _____ , Priced to teU 1149,900. 0.. roW I 026 BY OWNER. 751-3666 •••••••••••••• ••••••••• VA F1IA TERMS Maplficeo~ocean view. Serene retreat wi{b a reeunc of volume has lh1I cbarrnlni 11Agle Cm· ty house. Situated In Irvi ne's Caltrornla Homes area. My advice to YoU la compare the pnce. 55a-4477 ~ Walker & I t:P. Real Eltate WOOOBRlDO E PLACE ruRNISHED MODEL SCooewood near the lake. 3 bd, 2 ba +family rm. Profenlonalty decorat· ed . b e autifully landscaped. Price lo· crease or only S2000. St39,SOO. Call Le r oy PearlOO.. lrvUlO Pacl!1c, 45H!Ol. COSTA MESA New3bd.()penSat•Sun Oeu 3Br lYiBa lg lot au. Dl8 Colepo. Alt --LAIC--EAtO--MT--IM--(llAettt.1~ mi r..0.0 bcb: m.oai: 6"-s742 WOOOllJQ(il $74,.llO. Prill ODl~ue. tuurtoa1 ocean view NewWoodbridte Eltatea °"""1:r/ait. 556-slQgJe family bom• 111' Waah•natoo Plan ready U. baa1>0r· 2IOU to 3208 for mow IA. 3 bed A deo1 --------i aq. rt. com I AC aooa 1 1~ ba. $181.000. Speclai 'UCIFllOMAU Y MM1ll up11rade pack•I• ID· HACK>US" SACRIFICE dudec1 ean Geors• at 'lb1I beautiful ' 8drm 3 • & •• •unFUL m5•>M2-.3700 between 10 t:~uatom home 11 .-. •sda.lly ~ blodl from &be 5 Br1 a.. lmmac. up· 1rvioe Paclftc lltH Verde Countr)' 1rd·d Thunderbird Club. It futures a home. Fam rm ts bobby 1\lrtlt Rock Olen 5 Br, I eeparata family room rm ceuUy conv. to 3 car ba,Jcar1ar .. A/C,1pace =roomitlaoaa par), buge used bnck for RV. Owaer /•IL larll a1J.ct lot. Call rplc. Cbolce area, Pboae94S-O'nt.eva. for IDOn! detail•. O.W.C 2od TO. Open dal· Hf M'S TOWMHOMI -~~HERITAGE . • REJ\1 TORS ~ Sen Bright Dr, Sbat'P • lmmac. 4 BR. 496-9788 Fam r m. d10'g rm. Taste(ullf decor ated. Outstanding va lue . Audrey K1pelus, Agent, • UH CUMINTlt 844.7767 111·2401 --------JrtC __ ._.. IY OWMll _______ 1 1\lrtlenlck Olea. SlDCle 8r ft f amil)' Piao 3 OD C\ll-clt• ~vt!.-=. ~ .. :::. ·~ ba~2 frpk1. ...... lJ•i. mat Slue deck Jae. Lantern. By owner. ~ lot. SI ,SOO, •·1111 . SQ.ff sleepy. ht 1ust flops 111to the Clldcll~hOllS. Bedtrmt lot • lil'ld tot. Stw this et11J puP9J ot toft fur lebnc. He C05tS doflllS to buy. ptftftits to maa P.il~n 1341 0.rKl•OM '°' ~ttern Pi«t1 SI.SO for HCll Ptltttn Add 40C uch Plllefl\ '°' hBHl•ss 111 mail ind handhn&-Stft4 to: Perfect p1opor1ton1n1 IOI Allee hlb tllt sllOfttf full« ficurt •.. a Ntedltcratt Dept. 10S cunt ol MCW1111 tolttr Dally Piiot ,...__.. .. .., Ot•~ ... t11tou111 tlM lll!Clnff. A m:r ,..., llY 10011. ,.~. P""'*6 Pattern tOU: Hiii M*-. llPt ,,.....,. ""'*'· S.. 1016. 12~.i._!4~1• Iii.. N£WtNOW1 Ollf 1979 N((Oll lli., 20'6, 121._ M 14" o.t CWf CATALOG-... 700 popv. 31) ... J ,.. ...... tiMc. ,., .... " l "" petttfnS Ir .It':.~..::-: ~Hlttd "'1:. =· ........................... ·oo ..,. m~'flllllaa .. ue ·~ ............ ue -.... 12'5-helf .•••. UI 124'iftl •t:ma 11 .. IJt D ""--~.... 12J.Stitdl't~-I.ZS ,.-attern ..._.t. -~ lU·Stlft 't...,. .. l.ZS Da.llv PllOt 121_,-. .... I.SO p.t-1111 II,, .. '-' IY 1211-CttcMt I ...... . l.00 Htll. "1at IMll, ..u&. 11,.,...._ Ctedlet ..... 1.00 DP, Siil .. STYU _.. 111-CitdMJ .... '""'" l.00 AU tM llfW dotfles yo. nted lor 111-11"'7 ""' Qllta. • . UO fOUf bllly It~ Ill 111 Oilf 5'RINC-I IS. .... Cltdlll. , • • . • 1.00 SUMM~ PAnlltN CAfMOC• 11~~-· •. l.00 0-.. -Wt\ Ats. *b. I 12.,,. . . . . . . 1$C )adllts. Pl11s Sl SO t'.: Pltt•n 111.....,. . , , • ·r.• ~ Sefld 7!>C 117· ...... s..._. . . . . . .IO .... -·--·u ·--..... .... tai,T....... lU.11 .... llfMllf .... n. =at Qllla." • 1• I l ........... n. &11 ......• , .... • • • .... *""· ... ···"' • • •• ~ • .. ~~:!~.~~. ~~ FwS. HM.tea P..,. S. ..._.., Pw S-. H.Ht. P..,. 5* ~..,... "ioi·2 ;······ .... ·ioi"i ;;;~·.;;:~ .. ··io69 ............................................. . -·•• .. ••-.. ••••••••• •••••••~••••"•••• ....................... ~~~ .. :~~ ... ~!.~~ .._...,. ltech I 06t . --1111111---....... -----------....•.................. 0..-1.. ...... Ft1d!f. Febtuwy 23. 1979 DAI(.\' PILOT Df •••••••••••• ........ ••• • .;.;,;:.;;;;ir.;..;.~;.;;;·;;;.;~~--------;;;.;.;.;..;;.;-...-.-;-.._,;;::;.~ ,.........._, oee.-.......... ..._..,_..-4 H1•a.nUtrlwl:I~ '-'S. 1100 ..................................................................... . ....................... .._,,.,...tr 2000 ... .,.,...... llff .,.. ' l!Ja Cl.I.Al 11.UI. ILUI PACIRC b,... ............. ~ .......... 4 II. HOO ~ ft -c_..., ....... 9'" bric• dl9www I w-, ... ,. wtk .. ..ty ~.-..... ; ........... di.., t .-r r • c • • P r I c • d b y o• ..... 1'••1r ... $171,000. 499-3700 0,.-..._.W&S.l·S'M UltJA..,...1.-d * NEW IN NEWPOIT * ...... =-r.:== l'u SH.....,~CI. ... _......_ o.ht•••• ftetwtL Jlf ..... ,,. .... , ........... zv, IM!ftlt. o.tv 14 ......... . ...................... 0,, • ......., o,-W /S-.,._ f O -T...._ & 16ttl ,._..,.,, huHttoS" c..._t,,._~ thnllrt ...... ~ S4MIOI ... 1111 •• ... u •• ., .ew .. oou llACHHOUSl NWP119Klir1 pool lt'nn llGJI. J prttmp11la unly S.:l~1 -CONDO IY OWtitElt IW'Z·~h• S,W,!.00 Nt•o1r llmJIC ~) :Ml:\U SURAIS 0 'Ii t-: II I, U (" t\ I I lll'. \l 1l J hclrm ti. "Ith lob. or Ii.Ill nt1 .. t 9) r f'Mtehtll Pauo hofnto. i lb' 2~ U.a . dtn rm lh "'" rm, (1'1111.'. dbl lii'T \ /\. t , \h'W J~ um ""Al It d \ li.1111 ----------i SNeCTUA.lY !tf't'luded ! u~droom buch ~. Qnly 11t ll6 to on•on l..3r1iw bonu~ cuom rnv11lc pa110 l'u1uniun1ty vool a od n ·cr'°11t1un 1>r,·11. 1-:x 1'\.'llt:nt tt•rina. S11hrn1l tlu~u p11ym~·nt Sell on ~·onll'J<"t. no ~uahfy1og Gn:at 1 cnt11l .trt'll /\:.k 11\a f1311,:.W lltll.lW .,.-AMILV tlOM lo' u liar gt.· lu l , rlt>a.t' t •chool:i Th•• i.tan..- homl: lli by fur th.-bl"'" pnc,.J honw In Ult' Jrt• SIW.900 Slashed $5400 To Sell! fl'nn'Cf nl(ht I f.llt't'Ull\ t "'k'\t'l on loH•ly 104 ~ •lh Ht'W u/ ()('!'.AN 111id C'OI D)'Oli W1lk lo bf'll<'h from l.hu1 3 ~droom t·on do. dlrull,i . fom1ly urt'll and Z hn.-platt!t Call for mformallon llX H Ca ll 540-1120 TARBal. -· LA(; ll N 1\ IN l."0 M l'KOl' E RTV N l'Wl• rom~r\"tal bldg 1n th• hcurt of d u ""ntuw1 l.agun11 Xlnt 1n\t'~t !TW'nt $41~.ouo , ________ _ HIGURSHOHS l!QI ::-.C1 COa!el Htl?h'" J) l.AG NA BE CH 494-a519 tSS.1570 REAL ESTATE l lf:DROOM In th,• lovt:<I) 11rl\ .i ll• rommun1t o{ N1~u\·I Short:' bot>hind l(U:Jrdt•d gall'"· J "PU <'I CI U ~ beautJfully kl'l)l 3 ttcJrm home walh hu~t' rnulll'd wood twam Ct.'thngs in Uv\ng rm Formul din• in..:. family room and breakfast nook. All walh large yard. cu:.tom •OAK/TEAK s tonework rronl n nd rear. a nd 1 mp o r t e d t 1 I e -PLUS - donunale Uus 3 bdrm fabulous rl"creat1on ·san 1\11 rno" horn e rac11Jt1es with rcaturei. Lar ge masler i.u1te 100 numl.'rous to men W/VleW from t)akony lJOll 1-~am1ly r m 1215.000 AND - 10l5LDP1 a1·ces ... 10 pnvate be;.ich •CATALINA ONLYSlbl.500 custom llu1lt 3 bdrm n· s Suru.cti. rrum quaht\ M.Bn .1dence Koomy floor ~ plan incl fam rm, clrn & ~ 21 ~ bath:. l-'l1>h ponrl, - pool & Jacuw S226.500 EXEC EST A TE Monarch Bay Tt-rract.' Whitl•water vu. new 4 BR w/hi~h wood ceilings. 3 frpk"s. 2 skylights. IR lot Only S32.5.000 $e.lle r w 111 help financt.> Pleasl' call ~~ 1()).'llOPl 900 Gi-yr~ St. l..,...ln< .. Top of tM Wortd SUSHED SS.GOO UVU\g rm w/frplc. dLO· 1ng rm. ram1Jy rm. 3 BR 2 BA. poul ocean vu $1.29.500. W1ll lse/opt OcMl'I Vi•w Dupln 2 BR +den w/frplc. wet bar & hU,lte 1 RR unsl. declts & skyhghu;. Walk lObeach. Sl89.500. A.\1 ER I CAN H OME REALTORS .t94·i~l3 4!14· 1001 EMERALD8.-t cfi4 t .J_,(})/ R E A#L TY t'oople Ht'lpmg People Laguna Associated Brokers CUSTOM VALUES Gorgeou~ tn-Jevel 4 br. 3 ba. frml din & more. Golf course view. S189;000 Magruf1cent view, lg SBr. nomc. owlU' moving Mar. MONARC.11 TERRACE 1s t. $525.000 ( 7 14 1 Soptusticuted hvsng at 1t:. 4~·1432 best. Custom built ocean view. 3 br. J ba. $299.0oO. 2 BR. North end. walk lo beach. frpl . hdwd. nrs • patJo. R 2. can add unit: owner finance. $1~9.500 PEG ALLEN REALTOR 494-7578 MORTHEHD surrounded by homes of distinction, this solid 2 bdrm . 2 balh home or· fers niw locallon. quality con.strucllon & exciting. expan!>1ve plans & permits for a 3 bdrm . 3 balh home, by an in· noV'Stlve. architectural designer Ofrcred lodilY al mt. 500 CREATIVE ... ELNJGUELC C Dreams a re made or this Arclutecturally uni qlk 5000 sq rt. .. ~airway liVlllg + sparkling pool. ~.~ Exclusively with Laguna Assoc. Brokers· 31645 Coa:.l Hwy. So Lag. 499·535i Laguna Niguel Realty ... 11•.RRH'I<." <.'ON UO, 111 ~ 1•1 Uw 1•1.trl.l"'t 1 hi'><· lt1 t.•nrh 11 .. ~ pool JIH'UILI. It llU&uru& :! !l. •Jl'n It ., ha 1101 Wl I loUu. Wood RI Lr HEWPOltT Clt4TU REALTY 640-1112 1)7~76 ---------lllurborVil"w Knolls Cupe Cui coodo. 2 BR 21.'t IM , ~HOUSE Ooltr 1-4 21 9 Vio SOii bMO Lido Isle ~ SodertifMJ \MITID UOKERS 675-5626 SI S 3 .000 &I0-9900miill l367 aft. 5 NEWPORT DUP'LEX $139,500 t.cps 10 beach Thi:. 1s a Nt.'WJ)Ort Classic at an af· fordable price Good summertwintcr Income J)Ol.enllal . Investors bet· ter hurry! Call 54U 11~1 ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS 000 'ON BY OWNER • llarbor Highlands Home. B G 4 Bdrm, 2 bath home 3Br. 2Ba. frplc, wood wAs>09l. 1ac. fam rm. deck. remodeled kilcb & completely remodeled. baths. hrdwd nrs. brick Big lot -much mor e work In rront. new paint Owner wi ll finaocl' N outside. $119.500. may as· crcdtt net!ded Sl ~S. sume loan. Call for appt. balnncc Ask for Ed 642·11188. Chcmow9M·2'1~ __:_ _______ _ OHL Y $40,000 DUPLEX tnkc over 91 ~·; loan ut Oy ownc-r. r1•<lun•d l Sl!MH mo. 4 BR. l •I• IJu & $175.lnl Bt,lh <! BH unlls pool Hurry• Ownr1sgt. 1 hlk to ocean (:11od 1n s.;&0777 t·onll' a1 t-J tr.5 IH7il RARE 1..100 :l.'i" lol ~uict EAGLE'S MEST end of 1:.land On" ol ~ B&trfh Lido':. finest ~lrccl to RARE OPPORTUNITY :.treel loc. J ackie. BYCO TO /\C~ U I RE F H 0 M _L_nc_._bi_J._844_1 __ _ ~'TATE Of' ORIG IN/\ OWNER. THIS ··L:N BAYSHORES Corner lot. COMM ON"' &SCARCE charming int brick UR . EN 0 U N 1 T pat io. wood floors. J U N E Q U A L L E bdrm. 3 ba. coiy den. PRIVACY. COMMAN Must see! Call for appt. DING BAY VIEWS 64&9057 UNLIMITED POTEN HARBOR VIEW llOME TIAL VALUE i\ften Phase 11 Portofsno G'° 5560 ________ 1 Finished non us rm, 2600 sq rt . fee land. by owner. BEACH DUPLEX S20s.ooo. Court esy to bkrs. 644·0413 I Blk lo ocean: newly ----·----- renovated. $155.000 HEWPORT IEACH REALTY 675-164 WATERAtOtitT COM DO E Bhlf exec·s. lg 3 Bd. 212 Ba. ocean vu 2 rplc"s. beaut rock gardens, iron picket fences. pror decor. mint cond. 644-0484 1 br 2ba V sew /!>Ii P Lse o r Lse w /o pllon Ls e /opt S l 59 . 500. Properties from Nt>Wport !H.S-3639 to Lag Bch. Ry appt. G llG & IEAUTIFUL &EAGBTOGO 5 B R . :1 Ba . Som r rset. kitr hen nook fam1h \\ wethar. clinin11 rm. 2 fplc"s. \iPw o Ne" por1 Cl'nter A potlin .11 s h<•d . prh 11ry & a pric<· vou t•an "t bc•at O'" nc•r has hou~hl anoth c-r homr S11hn111 all orrrr' s211 .soo llilll Pnrt C':irln\\ Sl.llzcl. agnt. 673· 7300 SIOK BELOW MARKET! BIG CA."IJYON. 2 br codo 1550".Sl5R. 700. ALSO· elt:gunt 3 br home. 20x40 pool & jacuzzi, lgc yrd. $129.000. l\gt 673·431 l NEWPORT HEIGHTS Oianning older home 3 bdrm. 1 ba. Hujlc R2 lot $119.500. 631 0130 or 64&S076 Ocean r r onl 3 ~tory duplex. Owner fi nancing available. 548-6230 ---DOVBl SHORES Gorgeous housl'-bes t view 4 Br. 4 Ba. ram rm. 1\ C. 3 ca r S4SO.OOO Owner G75·60001641l·4700 eves --- NEWPORT Bl-:ACll 2 Hr dhl Skyhnr 1 encl. room on '" corner adult $10 000 down pa=renl wlll bu)' I.Na love1Y"'3 bdrrn tri levc!I w/CO'IY den 6 wet bar 'r 1u.1c owner will finance. No loan CH& so Y°'-' .avti. Vacanl. 11u call oow00.7221 Walk'° beach. u · 'Expo· ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••-•••••••'.·•-•••••• ·-···-· .. ~-··-.. do, (ll'IC*I to tell. 1 8R. 1 1 UMITS-C.W. Dlx Bl)'fl'ODl R plan~· 91ory, 4 br. a be. da.w.a ba. lrl porch. ~ Del etu1t. new bulldl111. do tn Blults. t er+den. rm. (rplc, ~wta·.~UO.. O>i.po. ttf, Dtna Pt f\rrolacH, lll.nt location. 21.\ba. Nr pool 67~331l fncd )'d. aar. K..IU pei. TSt.lr u M2 1903 ok. tom. Att· rtD l ee lOx.:I Mobil• Home with nvm • s-11 Lepm l 116 •~: ma11 __ 10x31 •dd on r oom " Ml,Aa RIAK IYIH .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ( b ~b. El NorroBeacb In o L D F K L<; N c H Condo or lse. 2Bt 2 a, Luun• Ocean v H""' 114Yo00WM NORMANDY ic u eat s wlmmlna pool . Im l'il"llaJJy fumltmod. Xlnt 4·Pl•·x .Usume. Selle r howle. Oceanltont. 2.1~>'· mac u1aw . Av all S/~$- coodltion. S'l7.000 Prv w ii I c • r r y P • P ~ r tbr 2ba, P vt . Comm . 1375• •*2 P\y 213·91.9·2977 M11n a11ement avull. trolc:.p1t.11ra.S650mo/ F1 'alRY.m.y lJl4 Ai~~.!7 ..... o~~!J!!' yr'lyS57S/win. •99·4439 ••-••••••••••-••••••• lOx .. wilh add on.Liv Rm, ......--.,. .....,..,....,. lo rent park. CM $11.000 Pnnclpalaonly Buutitw Tiburon Twabi . tto.Ms ........,sa..d :Ir.~ or poola" p1_,. n 1-4383 FOUi Uterrs.c.M. ••••••••••••••••••••••• cround· M:IO mo. ss1.m1 ~=;;......;....---,_,;,._-+-~ fW s.lt fzoo Near new, 3 Br owner• c.,l* w IHdt llll atlt for Heory. ~ C.-• I 07 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• llDlt. ,.22 Orb•.,. bfrpl, -~·ear -••••••,••~:••••••••Id•• to elementary schl, ••••u••••••••••••••••• gar.,.,. ·• a. u ... ts. 3br ?ba fl>"'· w/e'llf: , 38r, 281 w/ll den. frplc. V.-W MOM THI TOP' Hreatbtak1n• ocean vie from bl&h In l're111denllal HetKhts New llet 1ng, otar ntw 2 BR Condo. on· lyt87.~ filo:RnL\ H&N RY REALTORS 2l5 Del Mar 4112·4121 81\Y CLJF'Jo' VILLAGE lbr 2ba hom4' in pleasant adult commuruty Single sty home, full mainl lrplc kllt'hen has all ap pie ~.500. Call to see Relll U>r 2l3/lll1 ·5663 5-laAM IOIO ••••••••••••••••••••••• H~Yard FnitTrees Super starter Cor $59,000! Built ins. d i ning . fireplace and m ore .2 bedroom home. Cu II for dcta1ls. BKR 540·1720 TARIEU. ____ ...,,,.·~·--~ 2br Condo 11 .. ba 1200 sq n Pool. S52.5'l0 646-3591 1NVE.5TORS SPECIAL Assume 9<J.. $464 mo. 4Br, 2Ba. 2 yrs old. nr Harbor/Edinger . $79.900 FP. Owner 557~199 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OeAnza Bayside Village. 326 Mayflower $25.900. 2 br. 2 ba. lge covrd porch & patio. 0 WC balanCl' with 12 down. 675·2758 493-7~ ------- $16,900 STEPS TO HACH Obi wide "61 trallerama <DN51861 3 pvt bch & pier. Sub letting allowed. Localed in Traeasure ls. m>l Pacific Coast Hwy. Lag. Bch Ortered by Re n aissanre M .P TI4-499·3816 lnfor~tiop HOTLlHE! Exclusive! BANK REPOSSESSIONS NO DOWN PAYMENT •FREE BUS• *TOURS DAILY* 1·2-3 BEDROQM HOMES IN PARKS ALL ARE~ CALL HOW MOllLEHOME STO.ES E. Anaheim 956-4500 Westminsl.Cr 848-8895 C. Anaheim 956·1011 Sanu.Ana 554·i070 on approval or credit '78 Skyline. 2 BR 2 Ba $40.<XXJ. 4 star park. pool. clubhouse. 11.;i blk to bch. Hntg Bch. 960·5022 ATT'M IUILDBS Jl'antullc bid& lolll. i,., acttS up in great area w/utlrllles on paved road, clubhouse. tennis courts . riding trails . Terms. Broker. 1/676-5717 1/523-4462 SACHS SUN CITY Lots s plit. investor terms. S3S,OOO Call collect l ·677 ·5609 DROVER LANO& INVESTMENT CORP CITY RAHCHEtlS AD Beautiful ranch setting in the Sant.a Rosa Moun· tain.-s, south or Orange Cnty. 5 full acres w/aJI uuliUes. loaded w /oaks Terms. Broke r. 1/677-5691 1/522-2080 10 ACRES 0000 FOR LOT SPLIT South of Sun Cily. call collect ror details I 677 560'J DROVER LAND & INVESTMENT CORP 16ACRES B EL A I RE OF FALLBROOK PRIM E AVOCADO LANO IN PREST I G I OUS HELEAH ESTATE CAN BE SPLIT 29% balance down owe. $368,000 Prine. Only. Mike Wink. $7-05.54. Agnt. PALM DESEttT 7JJnc for approx. 56 ron dos or apls Approx 5 acrei. All util avail I street frontages. Pncl· $37 5.00U Ownl'r i14-328-J720 1300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• By Owner 2 4-Plexes S2(X;,000 each. Prine On ly 494~ or 540· 1219 lusiwss Property I 400 ...•....•.............. Transferred ! Must sell lee Cream Store. Fananc· ing 545-6701. Costa Mesa Renting 1320 sq rt 1n · dustrial space. Santa Ana. x lnl loc.71ion Parkg. Also 660 sq rt or fice. Lloyds Pest Cont. 979-0021 C-hryLoh/ Crypt$ 1500 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 IOCS, Harbor Lawn Ml Olive. SZ50 each. Phone 213/322·0819 -------C:O..-rciil Property I 600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• UAHDHEW 1600 sq ft commercial proress ion al building. NW corner Euclid & Talbe rt. F ounlaan Valley. $142.400. MIJ.2655 dys . 536 -4873 wlcnds1eves Prin. o nly _,.,.-r IEACH C· I Six retail s tores ror sale SD>.000 w (terms . J\gt T ri·Co Rily 645-0621 --- TSLlnvstmts&42-1603 yrd. Ocean View. $525. diabwu her , covered I * * * * * Call4M-U77. patio w/BBQ. kldJ OK. C:.-.. Ms 3222 No pets. S5l5' mo. ~ no It F ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• fee-...~: 973-Zt7t ~~·· 2 BR 1 BA. b~k unit,...i IMclt l240 By owner rices C?t· blkatoocean. ~+lat.-•••••••-•••••••••••• =1Y8111°;in=~i; w~: latit It dcp. IW0-4090 anl·2 bedroom 9h% CdM Charmer. 1st lime ~.or 2 bedroom + de n 1 ~ c -'-A orrered. 2 BR ._ d e n. S67S. Cedar & window -.... a-ow hon)e, f ive block ~ to LowDowaPay-nt ~bl~r. J~!r~:tig~ beach. Private 2 ·e11r lllr. 714/542·1676 CALL f b R SETUP ***** Launne.673-llSSOugenl. garage Fully main tained yard. Adults. No Modem 3br. 2 tile ba. Nr pets. Inqui re al 527 18\h :.trs & bch. Adults. no ,street. (714~ 960-6331. pets. $500. 67~2763 ....;,_ ________ Bolsa/Sprlogdalc 4 br. 2 ---------Quiet Hazel Dr .• ocean & ba. fncd yd . garage. Kids RACH DUPLEX can.yo1t.view, 3 bdrms., J & pets ok. $445. Agt. No Price reduced to only ba .• pfa)'Tm . ~ decks. fee. 9M-2566: 973.2971 $86,9:50. Muatsell. Vacant & shtrung. S89S l---------- SCOn REAL TY Mo. 536-7533 New Dplx ·s . 164· 16 8 Mugnotia. Cost~ Mesa. $178.500 Owner (Agenl. S'n-9'179 •16UMITS* $298,000 200/o Dowft Hoq.ify BR. nr Lake Pa rk. w /Vr , dr apl!,.., gi1 r ai;e . C:O.to Mesa 3224 gardc11cr & w:ite r pd •••••••••••••• ••• ••• ••. Clean. no ~·ls t: pl:. only $350. 5J6. 7940 4 Br & den. 2•2 ba. 12 blk -- -- from Nwpt Back Bay • 4br. 2ba. frplc. DtW. Olympic siie poot tennis V c r y c I c a n N r cts. jacun1 & sauna . schooli.t bch $411 5 sooo. cau 646-92Sl 973-9099 ~ves. 541..04ZSlroll.r ---------•I New 2&3 bdrm condos. br 2.,.,ba Oc Vu. 2 cur frplc, bltns, 2 car garage. ga.-g. GardeninJiC !>l'rvict· $4.5(1. & up. 1076 Canyon $651)./ls.53&1956,957 ·18.51 Dr. 64S-5637. 6SHARP UNITS East Side C.M. OWC. $238M. 11.6. X gross. ownrfagt. 673-4457 2br lba hardwood fir . ----'------beamed ceiling, re nc. 7 BEACH UNITS yrd. Bit-ins. Sm child 3 YEARS OLD. OK. No Pets. $390, 1982· B 1---------SCO'IT RLTY. 536 7533 Meyer Pl. 549·3484 BR 1 BA. yard. kid:. & pet OK . 504 10th SL. HU I $I 09, 500 DESIR AILE blk.ti ocn s:150 mo 54r,o TWO ON A LOT E·SI 0 E HOM I': dep. 642·5717: 536· 18.57 Thesetwo unitson onelol 2Br.dcn.2Da.cpt.drp:.. ,., 2 8 .,, -b--1 of(ered V.A. For ull de· forced a ir heal. ~arb ~ r ... ., a ,<.'om 11 tail:.. call Century 21 d1s p . blt·in:.. p.H10. w/frpl~. full rt't'. l'\r b~h Gold Realtors garage. W01tl'r fu rn $475 Call 968·8224. i\\a1I Adull., only. no ~I!. _4_1 __ ..r ICH TatrLfX RATE REASONABLE C.OZy 1 bdrm hou~. yard . ut1I. paid. downtO\\ n H.B. Only Sl9S Ownl.'1 ~ Open Sat /Sun I 4 Across from Counlry $189.SOO 1804 C la y Club 4!M-3223 27S Mesa Dr. ft 548·ii706 * DIUVEIY • 2544 Newport BI vd COSTA MESA then call concerninJiC th1!> outstandmg property AA)tftt975-0616 SACRIFICE 1Wo duplext's on adJ01n ing large lots n ear Newport Heights OWNER MlJST SELL F\nancial Consultant Broker 645-2509 ........... , P'roperiy 21 00 • •••••••••••••••••••••• PRIME INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS •4!119 sq ft orc /ind"I •6390 sq rt 24< gross. machshop o8XJO sq fl 23'" gross. 91 Fwy •5500 sq ft. Tu s tin S2:SUOO •3949 s q ft. Tu stin $191.500 CALL 17 I 4J 831·5970 dys Neal 2 br. 2' ~ ba condo. New Condo 2br 2b;-;nd w/2 f r p lces. poo l . util. Tenrus. pool ljac, rt•t• dshwhr. wa.she r /dryer rom. ssoo 972 IOW Sony. no kids or peLc; ---- Singles ok $-i3S Agt. no per new remod. 4 BR 2 ree. 964·2566. 973 2971 Ba. clo:;e lo all SS2S. 0342 Royal Oak. 968·9300 •2br coodo. pool. J3CUUJ. --- Nr. S. Cst Plaza $345. ernf1c 3 br. 2 ba. palio. Ctuld ok 833·8974 rencd yrd. gar. Kid;,; & ----pet s 0 K . S44!'>-S45:, Mesa Verde 4br. 2ba. New A ge n t , n 11 f c l" drape~/ca rpet:. $550 964-2566:973·2971 CaJI Roy. 898·2ts41. o r -- 968-9332. BEAUT. 2 sty 4Br. I' 2ba Twnhse. P ool. tenn1:. . S450, 213 /870-lgSO. 714/96C4L5S 3Br. 2.Ba. W. Side kids OK, S400 mo. 548-8382 S400. 3br , Iba . n on ·~~ 3242 smoke r s . Ref 's . 989 •••••••··~··••••••••••• Arbor. 548· 1605/548·0358. 2br 2ba bltin. pool. SHA.RP Mesa Verde 3 br. l.Cnrus. beach. S600mo ra m1ly rm. frplc. all lst/Lsl Dock xtr. da) bfw. new crpts & drps . 7 14 !894 -17 1 7 e \' l' Walk lo schools & shop-l-21.3_1_59'2_·2977 _____ _ ping. $525. 955--017i Enghsh hunting •lodge 111•• $11 ·5717 eHs/wknds Loh---for-___;S... ___ 2-2-0-0 Jbr 2 l.'z ba new duplex. dishw .. patio. gar g . Children OK. $475mo . arp HU,ite <2200 sq fl > 4br condo. 2hb<t. ram rm. 2 rrplc~. dbl garg. io Uruvers1ty Park. SS4S ~1-l.549 or 551 -S790. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 contiguous R· l lots. 2191 Miner St ~7-4579. VIiiage of Northwood. RENTALS (former parking lots ror 2 Bdrm. lge fen~ed yard. models). Plans included. completely redec. Use of OLDLAGUMA 54.5.~each. pool & jac. S425t mo. Downtown business 640-~112 Broker 6424758 3 BR. 2 ba ....... $4751650 3 BR. 2"'2 ba ......... $650 4 BR, 2~; ba ..... S6SO/SSO prop. com e r loc Ill the 1 BR. stall shower. patio. ~ retwl area. app. ox ~ ad. heading p ALM lndry rm. ~ blk to t; 2800 sq rt. Asking OE.5ERT. 56 condos un S290.000 Realoriom1cs derclassl.200 l7th St. shopping & bus -----New crpt. drp . tile. ~s._s_mio__ Mowt.homr/ stove & pa1nl. Mature COftdoMiniums/T own· Trir Prtls 2300 adlts. no children or pct:. houws f« sofe 1700 •••••••••••••• •• ••••••• _S295 __ ._955-_1_1_1_s . ___ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4BR.21,ba .. N.B. $1000 28R.2 Ba . San Cle m $450/SOO rtoanCIDll avail. for lhl 2 bdrm. & ram1ly rm home. SU per ocean views rrom bolh levels of this Arch Beach Heights of· fering. $13:2.000 Sprcrwlinq Calif. RonchHo.-park Nr Hoag Hosp & -BAYFRONT Eastside Cosla Mesa JI I Al.TA LANE 1n 2~00 hlock Sanla Ana Ave 3 br. 2 ba. prof. decorated I s tory end unit Fireplace. kitchen bltns. l>Olar hot waler heating L1v1ng rm & master bdrm w/tinled windows open to pnvacy walled outdoor car peted & shaded patio. Double garage w /elec. opener. Laundry facil. m garage Pr ice S94.500. Owne r leavsn11 area & will con sider sale of rurnilure . For a11p1 to see, please ilhone Nelson Robinson. tlroker. 548-5647 OeAnza Bay Side Villaae. EASTSlOE 2 lltt. NO J br Mobile Home. Newly DOGS. S375 268 I B 1 decorated. S27.SOO lerms Cost a Mesa S t r e d Boal Dock . Pvt Bch. ~9341 LOVELY ... ramiJy home slluated on large, irregular sited lot ; this h ome h a s spacious e nte rtaining & living areas 4' comes comple te w ith ocean view! sw~.500 llO:slew&Pool Ope. 11·5 21615 <kun Vls 1. South Lquna ... drive thru the Alpha Bel• Parkin& lol to <kean Vista. For onJy Sl.118.500 you may move ri.lht In to this gracious 3 bdrm .• 2 batb home on ~ acre m at.rvlbng distance of the beac h. Large. ceramic free·ror m awim· mlna pool. Anxious owner moving out of area ... Mceenmclt ..., 494-7551 Want Ad ll~lp? ....... 4 bdrm m rolhng hills or Northview. Graciously upgr aded w /entry kitchen cente r island s h opping $36.500 Luxunous mobile home fi4.>9627 living with spacious BY OWNER cook1n.t. Family rm, Newport Shores 3 OR. spaciou s bcky r d & 2ba. Clubhouse, pool & privacl!k'!orc $127.500. ---------•I ~ii avail. $911,000. Hr. part& Ar.a EASTILUFF Relax In your own pvt OIOice corner localJon. spa set in redwood deck adj k c off mast e r su1 t e . acenl lo par area." spacious ramily home Bdrm 3 baths wilh mony wl•Br. 3 ba. ram rm. wet extras. Top cond1t1on bar & lrg brick patio. $192 • .500. centraJ air cond. orrercd Roy McCordl., Rltr ill $124.950. 541.7729 493-9494 495-5220 ---------$7000DOWM 496-24 I 3 830-5050 STEAL IT! Ru re s ingle story . 2 Bdrm. 2 bath, formal OR. double ~aruge, elec opener. Only Sl 15.000 Cal 645-916 I .. '.;. OPEN HOUSE _ REALTY /> IEAUTIFULPATIO Desirable foothtU home 2 Bdrm. 2 ba. 1 stry Highly upgr"d model with open ceiling True value at '!9..._900 (495) No credit needl'd 3 bdrm. 2 bn ram. rm quiet loc Owner will c&JT)'. Sl58.000. Balance al 1~ int. Ask for Ron --------- IC.a. P'KVPRTl!S 493-tlll Lee964·24~ 4 Bdrm .. 4 balh on pvt Cherry La ke . Sunor decks & boat dock. Uns- •IESTIUY• EastbluH Condo Views. well kepl. many r ustom reatures. ---------•I que. SZ68,000. Prin only. 642-ll21 dys or 675-0516 $16.S 000 Financial Consultant ftn••Oc--Co . lty Slethe4 $10,000 Ju :able t O/o .._ ~eat of Garden mdl"· liv rm w/frplc, 4 OR'a, family rm 2 BA, hi cell- 1.np. Close to clubhouse. t.ennaa crtt1 &c pool. Owner must sell! Now $1S9,SOO AMERJCAN HOM E REALTORS '94-nl.3 4!M 1001 Looking for a M me of your ownt You'll find tnlnY homes advertised for aalc lo Claulfled everyday . evtwk.nds. Broker &45·2S09 BEST VALUE IN NEWPOIT CREST l"""llQIWe Tri-IA•el, Z ...... Hw ............ OC ... Yf•w ONLY SIZt.500 o,..w&s-1.s cabana. lbr with den. cc· mcnt patio. stone rrpk. plush new carpeting lhroughoul. 2 levels. open beamed ceilings. xlnl. cond. Ho me in- cludes stove and rerrig. at uobebevably low price of M9,500. 673-7890 Lovely I Br Skybne l2x44 wilh 8x12 fully glas:.l'd expando room orr frnl porch, bll ins. \'t.'ry clean. set up tn park 1n Garde n Grove ~111. 750 Call owner 63IJ·8508 or 91l).,5'53 Pool. J a c u z i 1 . --------- Clubhouses Broke r / O wner . 63 1·4 920 1 67s.&458. <Mot~ ,,.,., ty 2550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ASSlfME 7~% noquaUfy· 1ng SS2.000 Condo. 2Br . 2Ba. frplc. Pool. Jae. nr golf course . Ownr <keam1de. 1-757-4035 CM of State P'Nperiy 2600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BeauUfuJ high desert. S hlcOftW p~ 2000 acres. mobil & view East.side 4br. 2ba. Garage converted Into rec rm. $8)0. 847-47881675.SSOO. n.o!.:..~rick :m.c M'arguerile Ave Corona dcl Mar You are the winner or Two,.... Tick ... to CIRCUS VARGAS Feb. 26th or 28lh 4:00PM Pe rfor mance The City Shopping Center Orao~e br twnhs . Un iv Pk Frplc, Pvt. yd. Garaaei.. Pool, t.enrus. cable T. v . ~lse.~53. A new 2br townhouse $390 mo. 759-0721. i.496-1206 aft lO:~AM. e Rock duplex for lse. 3br 2ba rrplc. 2 car gar. Next to park. PoOI. It schls . Cnll 955·23'7 anytime. ...... l.ach 1241 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••. Good well. Low taxes Extras. 25 m1 lo Carson To claim your t lekets. call 642·5678, eJU 272 *** BR. frpl, near ever )'thing. No ~ls. $450 yrly lse. «M·lMl •EXCITING• DUPLIX ~i:;·ooo. 102-6211.0111 ltoc:h ,.,.... E/side Costa Mesa 20'1 .__. .. ......_ Beautifully uparaded 3 Br 3 BR. 1 ba. fncd yard. down, llO'N financing, no _ _ " Be au l Ir u I I 9 7 Ii ~in ls, fai;t escr o w lxcll JIOO 2 Ba, ram ii y rm . deck, secluded. $SSO m o. Silvercrest :IOr. 2Ba. 5 /Bkr.S42·7407 • gt frplc.Av11l. March 1. No lyrlew.1-481·7532. Star Adult Pel P11 rk ~~~~~~~~~~1 ·•••••••••••••••••••••• pets ~15 646 3627 (MT1027) .:.; Trade for Hawaii Condo · · • ....... HMh 3150 4 Ha.Ms & l>pli or llouse. llavc I rrvlne 1 Bil. beamed ceilings. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.wporl lch s 28 R 1 18 R w i l h Townhouse . Owner. yard. no cblldtto. new &.per 3 bedroom, 2 ~a. Smack dab in the middle garages " yards. Great 955-2258or55l·3877 ~;=-as::~· l807 frplc:. dshw;br. patio. (1cd or beautiful Ne wport Eas\$ide location. '60.000 yd, gar. Kids" pets Ok. Har bor A garde n down Owner wUl carry ....._ 0-,._. l226 S43S. Agt. No f9c Par ad Is e + pets . contract $320,000. • .. ••••••••••••• ••••••• •••• .. ••-••••••••••••• -.25811: '7~2971 Marvelou5 pvt. beach. ~ .......... llMd Lovely 2 BR 2 BA ~an ............... l 2 Walk tu s hopping 1n PR€\TIG€ ....................... vu , f~ gar. "5o mo ...................... .. ~~~ ,/1f~r~r~' r ~~st ~ ~ HOM€\ ~!'!~.~~.?~.~~ lndutil. Eveag>.1919 4 BR. den, a Ba, fplc, U<Z07S71 333:JW.Coast Hwy,NO Brachwalk 2 BR+ a ueat Oc.-VlewC.-t bltns, ~vt •rum. 3)0 [, 645-6'4' l"OOOl, pooi, jacun l. cl~ DI x 2 " 3 8 d rm a, ~ ~~n ~in&.~0.-,o. t.o bch. Grut loc .• ~ Watbettdryer ind. Ten· '7»l4M CA&JfORHIA P'AClltC MOIUHOME SALIS 2706 Rarl)()C'Sle. 206·A 140.Hl7 4PUX Hunlinllon Beach 20'l-On.~ flnanc:ing No Poin~. faal escrow Ownt Bier. 842-7407 mo $38.3507 .U. poof. Jee. From $400. --------• ---'-3141 _..-, _______ Ocean view TownhM. 3 _,..... __.. BR. 2 ba. rec fac!l~._pvt ••••••••••• •• • •• ••••• • • ~who Mf'd people bcb, 415-lMl "S58-~ 2BR .eml furn, l90 Ca· should alwayt check the n,yon Ac~~ Or. 1385. Ph Servtce DlredOQ in lbe Have somethlntt to All? N /a-2501 or &4~ DAil.. Y Pl LOT Ouslfied ads cfo I\ well. A •• • . • ............. . .................... . ••• e #f • .. _ ............. Al• ...... u..... .......... Uillhn. .,. ..... h.,...,,., .. ... ... ,.,...a.d OHke...... 4400 ~•••••••-••••••••• •••••••••••••••-••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• wu.... ....... JtoO ••••••••••••••••••••••• C.. ....._ tl14 c....._ ll14 _,.._, l126 ~ J144 -·•••••••••••••••••••• m SQ. ft olflct •i>ac. to ••••••• • •• ·-••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• nrF. EXCfTINC aub-leaae ill La1uaa liiiiiiiiiiilii~~ ..... lllll!llll!-----.m1111111i11 1•-------Oralllell'H Coodo Zbr 'M.M M1SA APTS Hilla. l.a Pu Rd. )"'fl ~11 .i11 1ha• 1,•1lr1.11•'e" .. , I IMll•• '"""' M.,.,~ntl1•t P.•~I 111111hfi.•t 1 11t •I.• i mtl 411111 I f" ooh I r 11·11 In thl' '"''"" "' l•11to41h1,.1 '"''•"1" oul 111 '"""I lhnur ''"" 111111 ·•ri.1111111 .,, """'' 11 l '111\'\ h'••kV1IL1q. I~ ,, I•,, 11 ,. h1 ,11 11. II 111111 ..... 1•111• ... lllllhll11I Pll\ld(\J "It 1111 ... 1111 tu c JU 1 IUN PAHAOI" 114"' 11•11111, t uun .. , "'""'"'I I"• 11 1 •l11, 1<1tkj11>• \~•114'~lnU pool J.'l(.Wll '> u1;l 1. .. 111,.~ ill•• 1\Jll M1111111.1111 ~"''"' tlubhou •I.' 1111h lhi pl 11 ,1 1 P•li •'I lflttt1 pu t.1lh11r.J, •NM'\ "1un 1 '100 MOVF. 1.N lba, ~ •• pool, Adults: IUNl1l'ES TO NPT BCH ~w~y ~anm~n~to Al.J.OWANCI! ~. e.dl, 162 HR · · = br, I ha DIS 2 br. 2 ba from S2SS •up Av all. aow U>-8030 • d f'o SU5 Enc l. ...... .._. 3141 AdWtl Nopet11 Delux.e medical sultt', aara10, pvt Cntd crua ••-•-•••••• •• ••••••• • l!iill Meta~ R7'0Wld llr., Corona del yard 33411 Ch toltam Or an view, paUO. cov· (5 WU ~~t, ·wporl ilar. Realonomica Corp. Wa~. •1ot?or41&-SJ15 creel patltini. 12 UR, 2 I 9 <... ..... "'""" 675-6700 --_ BR, $35014'75 Wik . lo am • ..,.m_._,., 250 500 •q (l. omc.-is u lh9• .._. 1140 bl'h. 84-ll.1165$7·~ --·,·._-1•0••• .. ·--Ftom 1145. Ind. utU. 779 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm, 2 peopl~ max PAYul!U9 W. UlthSt. S40 2200 ___ _ SHA.RP. beach 1.2 ls 3 BR. 3981,\ 3rd Sl '475 plus _..' "-b~ fl'J)lc, dl11hw11hr. garage aecurity dei><>slt ( H ) INl''ORMAT10N OAC •• " p11t1 o1. N u p e ta. 543-326.S (W> 634-G:MS for llMTOPTIOMS s.ffe. fl00.2358 appilcallon TO IUY 400 HOMIS Private suite with recep- ALL Aal.AS lion 4' aecreurul • • 2br, a:tra l~erms. Canyon 11ervlcc, confer e nce N~ndbd¥~~J!ry 1.:t.~.·A~~a:s:: ~Ml ~:l~!~c~ti~I~ adult apt., in 14 plans ~II 3932· 8MntJI AAa ~SC 7070 ~-0'2::M I l,111 1°111 ... '"""'bf, 11 " I •h• 11 ri•Li~ from *3.U. + l)OOU, lc•n l..artte lbr apt. uW " car ~: =::~ _Oo_w_n-to_w_n_H_u_a_t_ill_g_t_o_a t'ROM tl."'t O J.U5. nl•. wa~rfa.lll. ponds' &pace incl<f Ill; blcka lo Weltm.iJ:lster 848-8895 Beach. 2l0!1; Main St. I'" l11dllttf I I, 11 (.,, \!,, 11•'1 I'\,• l l' l"l.' f(1"-1Ulll'd From $an Diego f'rwy bch. $450.mo. 4fM·634-t 0oe 2-rtn Orfl~ &Vail drive North oo Deacl\ to suo 9&>-1M8. I\. ) ,J .. 1 i. ... 1~~lr1111m o,,.. l~11h McFadden then West on •-Hlh JISO ._ 4000 ---------#di Q~ I • I~ h··~11 1-." B .. iti M.cFadden to Seawlnd ......--•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~THE \ ' ,I .~ I ~.,A I 1111. l\\•' Ill C'thl I ~ .... , ~. (714 )89$-5198 ••••• "" llGCAHYON DIANI CONDO tl'f' k-•\all "'""°' . l lrmi .S bath• •1th pat.OW. llv •n•a l.O~t' I 'ft "' '"Ir·~•· C ), ""1'' Cci.\\r Colli~· -------,---Spac 38R, 2bndu condo * +• ss•r •• W •TERI. ··'I Townhouse, love y, apac Obi gar., lau ry, rec. ~ , .. ll<WCI ti"'"" •lllU '""''''W & home-like. 2 br with facillUes. Adults only Lovety garden.,·Brooka PLUSH sums L'°" 1 fll1 rm •Jll w 1111n1 vu 1 1 11 .111 I "• 1 NOW RF.NTING pvt, a at.ed enlraoce + 2 SC75. 642-8264. •KJtche::f.J~1avaJI ~ t.o 1300 sq. ft QI llC"t'•n SW~ Lot lun.----------111!'11---------i ~::;. ~'f~m~!~ ~L ... wpoooit.odt J16t •Jacuzzi, heated pool Fmlsstlc VW.s <.'ow l'vt dtvll kiU mu Jacuw. Tenrus eourts I ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Wkly or dady mw srv. Wet Bars IV yard .. t•ntr •tNI I UW Mo t11d anh•ll(•r _,..H DSON MA\. TO. u.e.ou Nc"W :?tlr ~ In<' I uttl Tl' n 11-0 • t;• Apt ., t'ood 011. puoJ J•'. r.-~. rrn ML ADU&. T Ans MESA PMS bUt to HunUnstoo shop. lAf'lle 3 br lower duplex, •TV ar phone available Udo McmiH l°'ll••I> rf'm•llA J lhlr 111 NOW AVAK.Al&.E l Br $005. Frplc. pool, iMa center mall. Adults huge encl patio. Nexl to Low• $72.SO Wk ViltocJ- lront htHOl' '"' I rs• It ' hr •P4 l'ool, 1acuu1 & J•<'uu1, «as bbq, closed No-~ pets. f'rom S435 Ola.noel Park, i.; block to 2277 Harbor Newport 675-8662 M>O blu d. M .,, 1.i1olll l:U~ •ll"• .,N I aaraaie !(at. AduJts, no pets. 2650 Seawind Village, 15555 bay. l i,i, bJocks to beach Ccsta Mesa 64S-4840 M::.o mu SORRYNO Pfo:TS HatlaAve,549-24-47. H&mtingtooVUlageL.ane, ~. famizy. $S50. yrly. ~~~~~~~~~ Sl.811 Up Ofrlce-store, 480 ty" 67 S-Z5J5 <.~~ .. ~~D~H498 Newly de<:onted3br,2ba H.B.(7l-4)89S-996l . =t~~~ 1;· ~ Roomwlkitchenette rt. A/C, tm i Beach Bl. :? Ur. fn•:i.h, clt>an, r l()llt' lo -townhouse. Spacious •Walk t.othe beach• 67J.0068or87S4!0l8. S60 week & up. H 8. LEA.5E 842·2834. bt·u<'h & shop'g Call 2 br • 2 ha. •II ~ll'{' • .:rnd rtreplace 4s pool, Quiel Cota .. Sol S48·97SS Uruquc office space for """•h R<'ntaJ J'.vlw ~ tn lOtll __ ~l2 llkr 1\tt•" s .. 1 -........... ,.,,.llM4 ~I br. I b.i. li;hwhr. n«>W ..... •••••••••••••••••• ,.rpt. am•!> from Ila) l llllo. l"-d 37 06 tlllt to lw-h, 1wr 75.2 ~s •••••• •.••• •• •••. •• ••••• lit\ Y <.: H ~:s 'I' li 11t 11n111· Ma1ure marnl'ii <'Pl only hui<k )Td. "J' m, 1111mu• ~. M'll fumlliht'd, iury, l"Jnk'. J tir, 2 ha SOOS mo ~. hlk from S Bay P1l'r- 1 yr l('ui.c r\'q b4Q 511 >"l"onh1 nowN·ed patio, ~ ~. f>46.3176 noor. rov park, no JK•ts. area. Adults, no pets. Beautlful PAJUC HEWPORT k?ase. Approx. 300 sq. rt . 1350 3 10 V1c1oria s.aoo.~1 ;675-5949. AduJtApta Bac h e l o r s, 1 or 2 House to i.harl', non ~bl.It to beach. Busy t1t? 21&t/073 0782/Mi-4894 n...o---•-T nh smoker Neat & clean. alfi 1 p k' Jl24 ;\jrt -673-1977 ---- J brl rm 2 .'' b a COINMffe 3724 Townhoo~ llc'.ntt1fully ... •••••••••••••••••••• ~or.Ht.>d . bo111 ~h p SUS C~TAS .avail. SllSO per mo LarJce 6 small l bdrm , ~10or525 Ste5 encf gar. $245. & up .. S A r .,, J ,-:-r Adults, no pets . 2 110 " t y . r a m.. u , Newport Bl s.-4968. d!ihwhr, frpk ~arh . _ __;. _______ , ~. tenn1s. S62S Munna ~. 1 Br. nr &hops, bus, Realty, 64.2-8850 ocean. carpets. dr apes, Bll.l'fs l:C>r'lte<>us 2br 2b1t stoYe, frig. 645-1.223 View, custom decor, wet I' II gf011t.ocll 3740 bJr.gardener,pool.SSSO •••••••••••••••••··~··• 640-6259, 557 4700 ext ~~ R Je 23 12 dys , 640·2426 T'YI Q 5 l'\'CS/wknds Spacious tud1os & HARBORVJE W PORTOFlNO 4 bdrm, 3 11'.rba.F' R 2 story bonus rm. pool & Spa. $900 960-1326. l Bedroom SUltes Complete Kitchens 8e1tul. Patio/ Pool Maid Service · TV 1 MiletoOcean Roval Suites 12"fYorlttown at J~MINE CRE EK . New Beach Blvd & ne v e r 11 ve d in I Deautlfully decor ated 53;.o4t or 2BdTm t-den. Mini view, ___ 5_4_3-_2_00_0 ___ 1 a ll amenities. Tennis • .....,......_. 3748 Jae, lg b ac k y ard••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LA MANCHA UTS Large 1,2&.3 bd g11rrl(' n apl.s. Adults U11bwbr. blt..ns. encl. .;ur, a,:ai. bbq Pool Gas r d 778 Scutt Pl 642-5073; ~5611 MESA VERDE home at mosphere 2&3 br dlx apts, no pets 546-1034 __ w..-... .... BeauUfuJ brand new adult apts. No pets. Pool, Jacum <>Pen dally. 95$ W. 19th St Bach.~$2~ I Br 129().SJOS 2 Br~$350 TSLMgml 645-8122 MEW IRES> UTS 1 Bdrm Ii loft $34{) I Bdrm $300. Ba ch $250. Frplc., rec room. Pool, jacuuj, closed garages. Gas & wtr pd. Adulti;, no pc-ts. ~ Ha milton, C.M. 64..>4411 . ----~1 ., .. _. 2ba. encl. gar, $375. 21661 Brookhurst, HB "'"""""''"'"' ow ouses 1 & 1 t lr c ocatJoo. ar in.: 2 BR 11.'J Ila, Easts1de """ OCC N t 96• 6653 From $349.50 Sl40 per mo. st ai; space incl. Call Carolyn twnhs... (pl{\ bltns. gar, ..... 1 2'"' Near • 0 pe 8 · ". · Spectacular ·spa, total _Foc __ a.;;..p_pt_._~_·8300 _____ a_t67_~--e>r642·5l71. d '" · ~ 8 1 recre ation program. b b yard, no pc•tK. Xlnt con ·. NEW 2 BR 2 A, enc ~•ai prna·ram. 7 pools, 8 Room for Rent 4 r., 2 a . HU DEC FURH S:Wmo 117>3568 N:/pw~ dy~~a~~/c~~ 8~,:~~~:ach. ~s ~.AtFashion frplc, furnished, 1150 OFFiCES · 0 "'-1 °··th •'kfi OK $300..-lsland. Jam'---•-San 67!>7SG4.eves. 0 -·· rr I 0 -c r 2 .,... "' ua • ......,., mo. location. Children . ""'""' .,. ---------, ..npt e e . _,cpt, on 2J89 l'ac1f1c, no pets. Call 640-Sll2, agent. 2 & 3 Br, 2 ba. frpl. patio. Joaquin Hills Road. Rm. pvt bath. mature rm. Ample free prkg. I !>16-SIB>.Pam s m yrd , no dogs . C714t644-1900 empidlady,lJtpnv,rer. mi. from Beach. Full ---------1So.CoastPluaarea,dlx3 $450/m o. 7 52·7474 ; ---------nso +.Lag Bch. 494·7346 See r . & Bu s i n es~ Coodo. nr bal'.k bay. Ideal Br 2 Ba •·plex, encl. gar, 900-5376. IACHB.01 UHITS ~ces avail. lmme<I . 2 singles. 2 bdrm e a drapes. carpets, blt·ins. ---------i _25+..._.sit, Sonny Fashion I. su11e occ. Reasonable.646-7448 w/ba Bllns, cpls, drps, $4JS. 768-7336af\5PM 1.-«2 Br, encl. gar. & back 20- 1 E.~ ~a. w/ba & patio Ma ture dbl gar S400 mo. 998-4761 patio, arpet.s, drapes, & - " empl'd gentleman $265 Office space avail. 400 sq. be! 5pm, 646·1812 aH ATTNIOOMMATES blt·1ns. Call 848-8300 Ask <:4 ...... 556-7707 ~. ft.. p vt restroom & 7pm/wknds. Adlts, no NOWREMTING (Ol'MiJte. ---------storage rm. Crpts & pets •• ....... D NE.W 0 ..... ~, 1 2 bd d Near Lido. 2BR, 2ba lux· Lovely rm 1nRpvft h!"d · <irlls. elec & water pd. _,.,... ·~•Of' you. • en, ury Waterfron t apt. Female only. e req · \'ears lease. $200 mo. 2br tbaS27Smo. 2 BR. 2 ba apls. Perfect ~'J_lcror' gMara.ckS350. 962·7788 Gauge, bakooy, frplc. $12S.S46-151.Sa!l6PM. S48-:B'78 Adults. no Pets. for 2. Grea~ C.M. loca · .._ $750/mo. 559-1802 645--0J43 lion'. Available March Room. kitchen & launctcy PIW!h Olftce1l. up to 750 sq 11 3 8r,newcondo.lmile to Oeluxe4BR.2BA.gar.no priv. S an C leme nte rt Ln xlnt bldg. 18th & Townhouse, 2 Br. 112 ba. lsl. $375 & $395. Ca beac h . T ot a I r ec. pets. steps c.o heh. $575 $175/mo. 498·2227 a ft 4 N e w p 0 r l e 1 v d ~~~~~t yd, no ~~=T~!lst ~~.e·oc'cnuc~y. t~nv'!i'it yrly lse. 644·1103 . pm 6'>2lll/~3. 1 BR. stall shower, patio, lnd.ry rm. ':i blJc to E 17lh St shopping & bus. New crpt, drks. tile. stove & paint. M aturt> adults. no children or MOMTHllNTWITH (2L3)9J9.5541 I AYVIEW Christ ian M . pvt hm 1--------• LUXURY DUPLEX frplc. Huge patio. Pool. Verde. 549·-7 2 Story detached and Nr. Hunt. HarbOur. 4 yrs Ma· l"'""' aduJls. No pets. I •. X I 2 t -.. shingled "Hanse "' I EASTBLUFF. 2 br. 2 ba, K.ttch. pn':',;.AS120 Mei.a CdM SUmS new. lra rg. 5 orD. $565.640-0349. VacalloeR_...s 4250 Gretel" s tyle oUice R.c. Co•• 2br, 2ba. HJgb beam ce . ---------1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• suites. WaJI to wall cpt. ings. Sr,ir1tl staircase . Dix Jbr, 2ba lower dplx. I Hou9e rw rent, Big Bear warm paneling, beamed 640-51 I 2 Marble rplc. Bll·lns, dis· blk bch. No pets. $500. Oty sips 6; linens furn . l'eiling.<; plus pot·bellied Beaut. brand new adult ""'pc"""·-ts_._S29_s_. 9_SS._l_l7_3 __ _ apts . Spac. I & 2 br NEWPORT hwasher, carpel, drapes, Uie. 979-0493. .,< ru·•-ly pr cpl. Call f..-nlc in ex~ office. 710 sq patio, garage + carport. ..., ~ • ,. Xlot cood. 2 BR 1 Ba, Nr bch. Adults. 00 pets. Sharp 3 Bedroom, 2 ba, after 3 p.m . S48·1989. ft at 75< a sq rt equaling patio, no pets . 3319 $450. 714-968-0637 eves & nice carpeting. bltns, Cottage in Wales. Grt. $532.50pe~r~s Balter. Apt. B. $350. Aft wk.nds.. cov"d pa tio dec k & 8ri b It 1780 • 14 S 25 I wn ua s on Olamung 325 sq fl office 4,968.3636 ---------1 garage . 5 • y r Y · '-'"ino Lake w/townhse style. Frplc. APARTMEKTS ~ rm. lmmed. OC· 2 8r$2~. utl incl. 1 Br, 1 Ba $325--$335 lalanL'i only. Mature 2 Br 2 Ba $39C •A2s adults, no pets. " .,...,.. 2450~wporl Blvd S&'iO/mo. LAGUNA BEACH MTR BOAT SLIP. 2Bdr-m, 2 INN. S7S/Wk & up. Maid ba, lower unit. frplc serv. color TV. heated S7SOW/~ ........ __ ~ Util. (714) 494-5294. ~.---s 985 N.CoastHwy. 631-1400 t H• 67:Hi670 Jacobs Realty. acres over ............ · space with very attrac New 3 BR a pl, $450. n omes P\Jlly furn W/ modern t1ve new wallpaper & Children welcome, no apt.snow renting. 3 STEPS TO OCEAN. View Cacti & apph 's Fish / wtuie shutters. Must see Camsh f S.tfflMJ S200. 1 BR. nice. quiet pets. 600 W. Hamilton. bdnns 2 ba & encl. gar 3Br. 2ba. 2 car gar, nde/walk/goU or Just re-to appreciate. S275/mo. 180 E. 2Ist Stree l area. Yard. Non.smoker . 8:11-2917 Under• $500. Locat~ v; bltins. $675/mo. 67~1906 lax. Sips 6. $150/wk ROGERS REALTY F..astside 2 br & den spht n-f 'd N ---------d Brochure avail. Box U74 le vel. Frf.lc. d eck . ~s.req · opets. 3Bll 2 BA, frplc, fenc. block from Beach Blv ' Near Hoag. attract2 BR Orange, Ca. 92668 or ~~~~6~7~S.~2~3~f~f~~~ TSLMgml 642-9412 Costa Mes a TSL MRmt 642· 1603 ad 1 c o r n e r o f 1' e r r y BA ts d ~~~~~~~~~ skybt.ht. aJ extras. $420 yrd, encl. ear., u ts, nr Dr.fVlewr.linl Ln. just twnhse. 2 • cp . rps, 6.'D-9.178 -Mtwporlleach 3769 mo. No children or pets. Duplex 2 BR l Ba, encl S.A. Country Club. $42!>. W/D hkup. Adlts. n o ---------ft 3 ·te N "'UF,......., lovely 2 Br •c:ui. • 282 .,.... 0 •""/631 1816 south ol .0. fwy. Open pets. S375 mo. <~0 . .,.,.,5 BIG BEAR CAnlN 900 sq rm sw · r ~ ,.., • .....,.,, •••••••••••••••••••••• Days 646·4 ; eves uar Matu~· adults no .,,.....,......, .,.,.,_.~-• NB A ·1 3 Br. S700 Greenbll, pool,1._ _________ 1 ~9543.. .. •"' · -----·-----1 hou5" Sat & Son. Call for 2 Br. frplc, cpts: s leeps 8 O.C. Aiport. . va1 HKR.644-0134 '" 5-r.sTOIEACH ---------1 pets $3lO mo.964-IOSS Dlx 2 8r,Z-Bll. in4·Pl4:x. lnto.848·3133/847-6001. WATERFRONT Weekorwknd.640·S565 Marl Cootact752-8263 -Eastaide 2 br, bltns, no SJ75. Nr. new 2 br. 2 ba . nr So. csr ·Plaza 9wet 40'dockavail.2 brw/aJI _,......,...._ 1 CH 3 PR 2 BA. fplc. pal.Jo, dbl 4 BR.3 ba .• wntr.$600 pets. Adults . 1316. gar, frplc, bale. Close to c ul-d e·sac blt1n s. Clean 2bdr, dlb. gar, 5 xtras. Quiet. pvt. huge BJG BEAR Cabin, sips 14. r-IUl'Olll:""".-' ft.Jr. S.530. Yrly . Agent 3BR,2 ba,wntr.S42S .,Mt.,.....,,c:c .. A""l"vesaft all garage no ·pe' ts ..,.,., blks. b ch. NO Pets. deck . •"'75. 673·6336; ~table, color TV, 2 LOCATION t.~9060 2 BR.lba,)'Tly.$435 ~"'0•...,,......,.,"' """'M ....... ~1• • ..-.. Avail. Feb.24. $375. 642.9666... frplcs.~16. Office sr:ce avail. with ,..,_,.,,u ...... _ M ... R ..... _•_ .x.__,;,g_m_t ___ 642_· 1_603_ .,......._ ...,. 2283 afl 4 -"'""'wsa. "' ---------1...,... · · use o s e c retarial BayfronL fabulous \'tew. 2 3 BR. 2 ba .• yrly. $1000 2 Br. beam cell.ings, pool, 2BR. I '~ba studio, bltns. 2br. lba. 2m "C" E. 16th ---------OCEANFRONT. uppe r services & all business RR. spactOlL<; li ving area. Mo. bhn range. No pet.s. $290 refng, pvt patio. new Pl. Ldry rac: cpts. drps. Beach/ ~at.er brand new urut. Very nice. Large 2 ._... liD SMre 4300 office ~uipment. CALL Sl2SO lse. References. '""""''A. 313 17th Place. adl•· onJ 11 No.-.. -. 544.0452 d1x uruls . 1·3bd 2!1;ba BR. g ar. S700/m o . •••••••••••••*-••••••••• ANYTI E""'< ..,.,.., 0 . 644-9793. '""'..,...... cpt.c;., "" y, nr. a · ......... ......,. · Owners studio. 3·2bd, 675-1906 ____ iNool' __ ...,,_• __ No. L. S360. Avl 3110 642-8528 Sharp, clean 2 BR apt. I 2ba. wood burrung Crp lcs. ROOMMATES Mewpo<1C..,1 ~ 2&. 1 ""all elec. Bnnd Mm V«de .z bd•m. ,,. old Weslslde •·plex. .... ,, .... •••••· Re<. """"'" beoeh.2 b•. '"· Sltari-H San. 3 Br, 2"7 bo Some ocean new. 187 E. 18th St. 135<>. q ui e t cu I d e .s ac . No pets, $325. 64.5-7479 area. LmJ bch. Adults. No new paint & cpt. Un!urn P 1 , view $600/ mo. Agt . mo. Ag\.S41·5032. References. UlO/mo. pets 900-4145 or furn. Yrly. $425 w/ utl, ErU<>y more. ay ess. f~ 4!J8..1936 HEW DUllLEX · · 896-1362. 213-670-7933 NJ Ages & Lifestyles. Comfortable new 2 br, 2 2 br, 2\7 ba. every ameni· Hunt. Harbo_r share sun, We Check References Dana Pomt, deluxe offi ce space, 56" i;q.ft .. acros:i from BofA. 495·4975 : 495-4245 f'IJ'J'E 2 Bdr m w /frplc, r---------,1 ba, kids ok. no pe ts. x.w 3 BR, 2 ba upper. ty. 1650 sq. ft. Obie sltlld & saving in brand Large . 3br 2ba lower Cal 546-4212 IJrick walk11, Ir,!! p~t10 & TOTAL 657·m&$365. mo. c u st m OR / k i t ch aarage. Uuge yard . new 3br 3b1t d upl.ex dup I ex N ca r L 'do -C t L E pensest yard, $485/mo Ph wt brkfir;t bar. Adlts . ;/room ror trlr. etc. W/pvl. pal10, bllin-1ns Vtll age. $550.yrly Open u ivrng x NEWPORT BEACH. 65' 2800 sq fl. Good lease. 8 ofrtcCll + Conference + lit. Reception I fir 751-4520 Pelc Wendt'll ~'> M&oa81iBnU M""adelMar.AvallMar rp/drp ' & w ulk to 1·5 Sat/Sun. 514 Club "~""'"'"'""'•>•.ipt LIVING ~ ,.. ...., S495 673-6336· 642·9666 c s Hou"-·Mat"s Unllmiled t. $375. Apply 979-2416. · ' beach. Days 536·6663. House Dr. 998·5868 or .... " 2 bed. I bath, Lido Isle New beaulirul garden SJ6.870Seve 840.MM9. 82&-1928. ~"'"' ,,, '" Rr.nmm~1i- home, mo to mo SGS-0 apartments. pooJ&spa. 2 Br s t udio , no pets. DClllaPoint 3826 ---------1---------M111rninQ '"" .. 1911 Ouldren and peL'> o .k. Apmtments. Bacbelor $260 gur age. New cplS ••••••••••••••••••••••• l Bedrm, large yard, dog All adult. no pets, 2 br, 2 ft.,~11.orf'O on 111 'N'tw' En · • ..,..,. J · wr1t1t-4ft up 1n f im~ mctU·tlffiO ~l/64o.164Seves tertcnnment. 1 Br $305 ~2899 842-0927 Ocean view lge 2 br, 2 ba, OK. near bearh, SUO. ba. from -.N· acu:r:t1, / "'"' U int1tl• OF.CORATORS • desk ~ac.!. samples. delivery area Npt. Bch. 551-1572. UDO ISLE Recreation ... 28r S3ro BR BA. k.d 2 balcorues,encl.dblgar. /\vail lmmed.536-7105 pool, rec. bldg. Localed 7141832~134 2~.wu~ =:is'i~tca::Ct,!~ y,our.-l~c AduJts.nopets 2 l carport, I s Vorv pn'vate. S37S. mo across from Newport ....., .. 3 Bdrm,2 baths.Freshly ~ 2250VanguardWay OK.nodoRs Cpts,drps, ~·; Bea ch Gol! Course. Roommate wanted for rent to Sec. P ar1f 1t• pawt.ed, new cpt. frplc, days a YttaJ'I <at Newport Blvd) S29S mo. 979-013ti ~. .,.,._ 3144 Shown by appt. only lge. 4br Ilse. Fem pre· Bank Near E. 17th & dishwas he r r e rng 646-6816 540-9626 ••• ~ ferttd. Sl44roo. shr. Ul.JI. Orange. C.M. 642·4210 washer /d rye;, Gardn; • &.autiJuJ Smqle. or I lge Br apt. No pets. Xtra lrg. 1 bdrm. some ••••••••b••••B•••••d••N• ---------91'!Ml63 Roxie incl $850. I 6 2 s.d.room "TifE VlCTORlAN" Adult.sonly. Pool & patio. view. Sunny & very 3br 2\'a a ra n cw Udo Isle. 2 BR access to --------- fumiahed 6 2 Brstucho. 1~ ba w/gar, 1887 Monrov1 a . S260 clean. gar. no pets. S280 Woodbridge, S700mo 2 tennis & clubhouse Yrly Seaside condo w /sltp CdM dlx i>w leS. ut1I pd. BURR WHITE REALTOR. INC. 675-4630 Unlum.iahed adlts, cpt.s. new drps, 645-~. mo.66J.l.33S cargarg.2131465-4841 Util pd. S600. 107 Via ~e~_MN8sffk673s~mte AC, am,pl Pkl?d· ~5~ Apanmenta range, fncd yd w/pallo, h 3140 HI itiRgt .. h 3140 IWIRgto.IHch 3840 f1orence.213/281-3406 lm'-"C. ~ :or No sercq_._u_•• _ •All Utilities PcDd wtrpd. S3l5. 667Vtcton a. ~':'t~~.~~ ....... :=;:::~ ... ~ .............................. 281', 2ba. ,., blk to bch RM. BA. pool. H11e use. Laguna Beach. 500·l200 sq •Not.ecui.Requued 636-4l20,l · 5 . $475 Yrly . No pets. lit.II pd, N.R . Sl70 mo , ft air cond. new cpt, sr~.,....., 3211 • SW'1mfTW19 TllNWI. 2br Iba Encl. garg . & 67~1706; 645-2223. maturewoman642·2732 ~~~ .. ~~~~s1b1lity 8uh.,,.da pa tio . S265 m o . 2210 APARTMENT HOMES l br an1. w/gar, lst & 1st, Fem lo shr 2 BH apt •Ac:t""ti"Di.r.ao.. Rutgers'lfB 846- 7 129 aft . ~ BI w/same, $150 inr uttl & Conlidt-nlial private of. "••• Suodav ln&nelMe &p.m. SlOO cleaning. c 1 area . pool. Nr bch & OCC fices. 2 compl furn. Setr ••••••••••••••••••••••• NIJ'lf 3 bdrm. + den. Rt.>c facil.tt~. Close ti> Dana Pt.832-0264 • Heahh Clube. 1oai.ta1a East.side 2 BR I~ Ba, 842-0'l52. 53&-9806 contamed. New bldg. Ex· I 1 N. 6 ON BEACH 111E COVE·Bayside Dr. cept.ional value 240 sq.rt. PLUS MUCH MOREi fpk, enc patio, poo • no HUNJI J Luxu~ condo, ms t r Fem. roommate wanted C M 754.7744 0 ood pets. Kids OK. 1375. b f I to share 2br 2ba apt. at -·__:_ ------ akw 548-0916 suite, n, 1~ a, P c, Promontory Pt. Ocean :m sq. ft. DI~ ofr . nu Gwden Apartmeota IASTSIDE =.' 1=· pvt bearh. View $220mo.Call Cecllia crpt. nr C.M. OMV. Sl30. N • ....,..rt •---'-,..ortb TI4 /67$-0797 a.fl. 7. UtlJ loci. 546-4714 eves. -..-..... .....,... •Lockedgar.w/lg11t.or, "'-··"' d ted l g 2 3210 ....................... Coodo unfurnished. 2br. 2ba, pool, Jacuu 1, A/C, ¥Una· Watlctng distance fo So. Coast Plaza. $415. Wc..3754 eve!I & wknds. 2.P-354-6262 days. 880 lrYine •0/WpaUo1 lndry rm . 'b';;~ .. iC:~~ed ;0 0 1. Female roommate want Bayfront Office. Lido 101 16th) •Speclal caolnet spa~ II f 64S-81S2 ed shat'f' 2 br condo. Nr ViU~e (714) 64>-0~!tO tlt-O'as beat, gas cooking, A Apts eature: occ. 972-9195 art 6PM . 549-5033 Newport ~ch/Sowh gasbotwateullrree. s.a.-.... 3176 ........ 3216 1100 16th St •Adults, no pets. L'enced Yard ••••••••••••••••••••••• Need roomma te Park 3 Rm office, carpec ted. (Dewer en J61h) 2 bdrm $335. r 2 BR 2 lia condo. encl Npt. M/F bctwo 30-45. 8Jf1'()fl!l Sky park ire le, (714)642-8170 2323EldenAvc,C.M. Enclosed Garage gar .. 5350 mo. 6334720 S200 +~ util. 640·1987 lrvl~ 5495033 642 • 7 oos Fir cpluce .. ·-(714> _.n_.3_=_~_. _____ tm sq n. 2-bl-ks-to-0-.c- . Adult• only no ~· ....................... Mtld•I• open daily 10.1 Be tif I fo'Mtastic View· Monarch ~-========~ au u panoramic v1f'w summit. ad It comm Short term rent.als, 2 & 3 twnhsc. 3 mast.-riuic 28Rltdc n $550/ mo. BR. from $375 up. Agent. bdrms, 2~ ba, balcony, Comm. clubh(ll{lfc, pool, 675-8l70 f r p I, tras h co m Jl , jacw,z1, etc. Teal & Bab· dshwshr, 2 car-gar with cock Really Joe. 499-4797 PIOMONTOttY opener. Av ail Mar 1. 5575 TIBlht l2tO POINT _mo_. 963-_9'184 ____ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yaew Valla. Completely Imm a c Q u I e t 2 8 r The Co&ony. L• Colina " hrniabed. J BR " Lofl. townhouse. Patio, pool, Newport. Fncd com . Avallab&e now. l800/mo, adulta. $325. 646-950'7. 755 mually, 2 br & den. s.> day minimum. Denne W.18thSt. Avail. March 1. No pet.s. Soderllne. United ___ OC_E_AN_& __ _ Tennis. s wimming, Broken. CANYONVIEW j~. Green rees pd. 675-5'26 Newly redecor. 2br Iba ' Trllh "water pd. S700.1---------1 +study. Huge me. yrd. M«S.111aft 6. lt$&11N"!t..... Panoramic vu or Utt•11. ..._.,...IMdor "u.fwN-.v J1'rplc. stove, rcfg . w11t. &Wuwl•d 1300 ....................... FIT gardnr. Avail 3 I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... ,....... 1106 S500mo. Dys m.~88 ask --------•1 •••••••••••••• •••••••• • !or Rick eve. 687~ 1tft MOlfLIHOMI lbr boet ~r only. Nent _6_. ______ _ ~ATIOH " clean. Rtf. yrs. lse. 2bJ' cptB/llrapes, carport, Rtpoue ... lons, buy OP· ~ + bo:at sUp $4. ft . paUo. 33+ pref. No chlla t.\<lo5, \Me over payment ·Pf'\'(. &44-0439. No pets. 642 1740. 1nrormatlon. F.uy sn.Jl bach apt. Util pd. S'IUNNJNG la.rre 2br 2ba !lnaociDI OAC. Trade Ul'Dl~ oooklna. lal, l~t +den ia.rden afiL Pool ~valuable. 6.ee. ~. 128~ Aaate ....... ., 7lOW ,.,, .. t S.UAu SS4·7070 m.zm -· ......... W81tminster IMl-88l51--~~~-~-- C. AMbeim 85&-1011 Sm lBr, avail now. $3CIO The r-..t dl'aw ln t~ F:. Anaheim ~ mo.. yrly 67S.254• or Welt. . .a Dall.)' Piiot w..m4 a ... mect Ad. "2·W71. ....... .,,, .. ,,, ____ ~-- L :.iundry F ac1lif,'r •Fr-RN Roommate need t.>d . Airport. $4M mo. Sharp Deluxe Kitchen l..or,• 1111 " -o.!rrrl ~~ tG-,~8~0. 2J; ~:!' baaut. CDM home. Call up5tairi. front w /lt!l' Plu~h Curn1•t =I= ClOOLn, i\pt o 4.92-4584~ Marc for details. S26 balcony. pvt ba. A/C 4321 t'' :m2or759-0646 Rirch St. Suite 200. N.B 1-'ully Draped 2 or. extra sharp, nu Ava II . Apri I l. K 1 Ulock off Bea ch Blvd. Corn~r of Terry & V1l'wpolnt 3 Beef room 2 Bath Under $500. lental lnform1ti1n Call • 847-6001 2 Car Garage 7921 MOONSHAOOW CIKCU : A JARRARD DEVELOrMENT PROJECT 848 3133 drapes & carpets, $300 pr >' e m f o r 2 H d r m lnvt'stmenls 754· 7900. Peni.nsula. $192.50+uUI , mo. --~ anyt.i me· Eu g e n I a 6 42 -7 s l 1 I "'°* Offic:. S.itft '~.r--Olarm1nR 2 BR. 2 ba, 5'&1.923evea. HUNTINGTON BEACll great ocean view. $325. Female to share my Central loc. Just off 4112-~. Promontory Polftt Villa Beach Blvd at MaJn St. ~ ... _ JllO in N..-. Beautlrully THE MAIN OFFICE --~-...... 847·5338 ••••••••••••••••••••••• furniabed 2 bdrm, 2 ba .. i---------NEW A.PARTM ENTS rrplc , harbor /ocean NRSO COMT PLA7.A view, teonl.t, om. pools. 2 BR 1114 Ba, air cond, etc. Very re asonable O / W, po<> I • A au n a • _ren_l_. _<7_14_)_67_5-_11327 __ . __ jacuul. + many xtns • ~.~PROPERTY MUMT 7Sl..27A7 Share qu.let, rurn. apt near bch w/neal. pro!. male. 4lM·"64. ~:... 050 I br + den, Condo. n •w ••••••••••••• •••• • ••••• cpqi pool. 3 bU<a S Coast Plaz'a I yr lae. 1375. Eaat•lde C.M . 1lngle HB.P! must sub-lea~ super ex· cc olc 11po~. NB are11, l bloc:k from alJ'J)Ort. 5 ex· ec oles. lge /rcpt/gent o(c area. J11nltbr & utll incl Lge new modern comer loc. 00" per fl. C•ll ~a.n el Newport lnt'I Univ. 152·2541. Otht'r 1n:nallt'I' 11pact' also av all IVail Mar 1. 67$-9226~ fl 1ar~ ·!ees alt S. We I zL atw R.....e 445! ....................... ()fflc:e...... 4400 ..................... . m . Dix 2 Br 2 Ba condo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mariner'• Mile. t;ype. eocl. 1ar • patio, OtM Grnd nr. eoo 1q.ft, 502 aq rt at.oret. Infant OK. 7211 Trask. Ideal f« int dealtn. 2155 m>(C) Avoo. Low ttn · -..-, •1.a1cc E. Oil Hwy 11M1'7·'1'00l • A •• • • .. . . [)All. Y Pl!,OT ....... ..... a C:.,1.,11 C1 I i:ida Hi••• • ! ...._ NllllmlP.,a,.. Pr•r•'!r . ......... , ............................................. -.............. ............................ ............. •.••..... ~~-;;: ..................... ;;,i"M............. •~1·-· '61veMooey. Cupentry It Orywall Homt ampronmeot•. tlaw, 1ki~. duatp Car~·· HouHcaeanln1 Don't be fooled with JilcMnl7 At.olute &owesl o.&omW~ ·0 ·-.--·-·•-••••••• Dnveways•ParklQt lot NeW•repairwork An~ dedtl6tlddllJou R•u Vlt. vad.lq. ""wrk. Av&U. 1 d)'S wk• ~ea •eeona. Anyt.ime la the ratet ~re. Call• AUWorilOuar.~~\. rorBuayOwoen-•Rcpaln •Sealcoatln Glejob.IU.T.m,ukfot,.... Ucd c:ontnctur demollt.lonutt IJI U51 foriUhtworUra.1$bpr perlecl time for try OW' unique w1y of l'TMUI Smalltomed.cornml/ •Lie NB. CM S • Da.14!. RraalaHnte O.nlop t' • ht 811).JOl.9, S38 1114 ~ sod 6 haul movinl. MMOT3 &adutt/alAlkl family . .\IPlalt-.en -IDlllL--IS •V.R IQc. Dl1·h ·Laod1c1pe . ........_19_.._ ~. IUlr. worit. ~ . ..en'\c:.-&eoanl ----c.,.t W.kit ..... :••••••••••••••••• Have )'out home aparkl· &68-"/0'10 • --w • .....-•-. lal/nt. aota ol ref a. re as. liaiaoft. receipt.a, diapuns, ......... ...................... 9'clrte411 lf•odymao Plumbloa. 11'1 lnlurt!d dom~au~ ....................... Jackt7S-8338 rnalJlt, re·le•alna, etc . ..... ~ ................ Shampoo 6 .i.eam t lt11n ....................... p1lnUoc. ele<'trlc1J EVERY NOOK 6 CRAN ...-..s.. •ke PETEBSPAJ.HTlNG Meyer-M1mt~1* llabpaau11r, evenln11 Color bn1b\&"nf'.t1, wh El.Z('TRJC1AN·Pne'4Hf ~llmate bid by hour NV ~28311.9682810 ....................... E•pr'd. Reas Ratea. , ... u/5'tit Retpooa.abl n yr old <11&110 llWI ~~ch Cle• l'ICl\l fr'ff utJmale OD Jabn4te QOM Ml.Di Maid ~rvice. Euro Free Eat. Call Gene _ ......................... & ...... Exp aQ •• Me '7230 ""·din rm hall SIS Avi latt0or1m11llj<>bc .J.._Ja__ llouaedoaoJna Service peu trallled pert10t\MI . ~ Wall Graphka. Murals. -··••••••••••••••··~ nn f1..50, nJUt"h 110. ch u~ m 0359 ...__, ba~ ~n1n11 for ne1w ~'1899. n....1 _,.1_,,_ft E .... io Add a &ouch or clug. ~bit.ha. comp. room W\U ~ ln O'tlrO bom". '5 Cu.u Um octnr - ---••• .. •••••••••••••••••• custocners. 8 yrs. eap n nv-.,.......... xt • . t. TocnNiebur n4/891·1479 . Carpentry, elect. dl)'I !)DI)'. Mon·t·r1 ()'It r.patr, u Ill t'Jlpr Lamp ~r • M111n OOCSbdent lTontrurk Onn11 Co . Pree t1•twv Low rates... Bell. ~ ' BlrC Conllrucllon . 114/114.5-0leot Do ._ark rntUll Rel ln.atallallon anL~q1.1ea 'l'Juh. !rte ll't"' Dan cM.lmat., iMured. Aft. ••••••••-••••••••••••• est.53&-4780.53&-4383 ....,..,,..,_. ~12 • , •• •-•-• ~~101 n.e.. rolea ~ toaS__ IQ.mt, llon6'J.5'703. M>M. C.11 Ann.~. Brtckwortt. Small jobis . .,.._ __ P . ,1 b .. --·••••••••••• ----------' • __,,..., Lori9'1t-7t6J, Newport. Costa Mesa Ir .. u.., ~· IUJwOI Y Nealpetd>eslrt.exhU'ft ...... •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Wi tan-Olrpel ••n ,_..., Wle baulln1·movlng lrvine.t'B-:Jl7Seves. R.Sinor.St.Uc., lns Try .... ,. ltJ.1439 ---··-••-••••••• Vnt"Oni.&lddtvQtt9~ m deao. AJJ.O up •••••·--••••••••••••• Gvat .. Vard cleaning Hou1e.cleanlna ; Honest me.a$55.$3'hn. Repair &: Reroof. Alli. Pim-baNrrvptl'J ~ bot11e17 Work ICW•t lt6.B rl'o{'U\j n.u..rai Ma &705 Oepeod1ble. Ho mes, Cuatom Ma90N')', Patios, WM.&IAPlllMG PA1CRPLASl'ER~G t y . p4e1 . 3 b I n I I es ArnoN Tnlt~ l'.DOUllt wm Ft c-..-1&:CanuHplUr Ute . F'urnlture, AJU. All.5·$31Ml93 Walla, Fire..r.acea., Re· Rd on red E A 11 type a . Fre e rocklbakes·compo·\a( LEGAl.TVPtNG -.. .... rata.161U6 M>Gl,M.t~ "JUST US" hou".,..lean talnlq W a. 1001 or ,...!~ 81;,,,~· estitmtea.C.USS.7113 P'ree e.t. 541·5'30 Jl'in. ~~lt MS ---cnlac. ett'. Reasonable ._... locar refe rences . -··-· ........... Avail. -• ·-.......... _ .. ,, ........ 111.l' ... I I I A-...... _t JL ,,. """" ..., ....... .,. ,...... ,. rw.tta. ~u :::!::.. .,.CaJ,e re1 ~l"" • • •· ~12. tv, .. ._, p .. ""'"'""G PI a• t • r P 1 Lc h l n g : ---------MAJUNA MONEV MG Ks carwu.noora.wtndowt •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ~ v • ....,.... """"""''' ''"''"'04'" Pt t t 1i: Roollna reasonable Hkb«. bud11eU01. bill Dult'b M alntua n<' Oatdpnin•. t lun us-" l..OW C061" STUD£NTS a....~ T ......, lntbl /Exwt. Neat. R.e1XuooaOY · ~~~rint~/E~f.c~ee Res1de~tial &c Mnbll Pl.Yi~ Sml bull • _m 11.5' __ land1t apin11 G•ora4" a.NUP TR~H TREE -ax .... ••••••••••••••••••• o. ayne < E> est.54&-1641 homes . Fr ee cs t UXl.IYidu&l.11 6'13·7Ul C-../Cwl•.. lbulhl_~7072 54)01'8'1 ....................... Mania Moving: Llc'd 41 64&82216 Richard M arshall. INCOME TAX RETURNS lo.sured . 1' 1158,86 . Int/ext. Reasonable. " II I ~-Typiua rv1no, l'rul \)'I ......................... EaJlCT aardoocr Cleao thm1dl1af•1 Prompt. reasonable. Professional service. De dabl Fr st ....................... --------- ' n I · Bu' 1 o" • s n t ~ hrw!UJ.na •haul up& ~'rtt nt K.t'•itOn ·•-••••••••••••••••••• Newport 8cb. 1133-8199 MC/Visa accept. 962-4242 Jar~~-ee e · Pl~repalr. Spec. in Roofs done reasonable:. PffWQMJ.Aaltfor\'1tk10 1n1 1"ut 6 •1f1 c-1ent CM art• ~-4191 *ROB IN'S HOUSF. · Ir copper re· A11ldorJ1m. 636-8284 or _'TW-~ _ Reu ~.&1l! Ga a .. -.~ CL~NG .SERVJCE. T~~~·~CE '',~~~y&c ~txr~~: G & M ~alntlng, lot &c llipe. prices. Top _11G-_s_105 _____ _ TYPING All~ pm t-·~auon•. rC't11nl.o• ••••-••••••••••••••••• for a thorc>U&bb' clean Pers/Bus lncome Tu day" Loe I &c • late Id Ext. Cabt.net flJlisblng, Ir hat Plwnblog. 5'7·3194 Th f~worit wal11, blot'k•. P•LIOI •Mll.FfXIT• hooie.S400M'7 CllllNZ-6439forappt. serv. 24\rs.s 7 d~ys~ ~7repa.ir. 751·3448/ PUJllBlNG.LOWCOST. •••••••••••••••••••• .. • M1·3$Sl U<"d~50l3.!>4&-4309 ('arpenler. palotln & W&.111aREALLYCLEAN ~ . AC R YLI C WAL L •CERAMICTJLE •All• ,._ A ~ rontme Job OR Beu rlilH U yrs lll HOUSE! Clll GinJham ....................... M . &c ff u1in S EXCELLENT PAINT · PATCHING MS-078'7 types. Reas. rates. Ftee '"*'Ill•• s"t your form• ~av e a&rea ~1'762 _____ ,_G_'u1_1'_"r_ee_es_l_.~ __ ·5_i23_ ~al.I I I an a uto •-~"-~ .... 8· laErv· EXCLNTPAINTING I Pl bl est. Llc'd. 83S-7775 ext ••~•\•••••••••••••••••• " ... " ---• ing~ge ........ ents. x· CAU.5418--2706 n1 r •m um n g . 221. ~nt.tr. t'\'ee l'llt A.ny money R4U ~99U LMMED1ATESERVICE C.ll ,Janice's Raggedy coverages. perleoced 751-7799. Save Reuoaat>N! rates on any ---------~ JObs Call Alla.n or Ca I ator trv area AU rMJor appl. AM• bousecle~ for lobt1t10W lhianumber! ~perH~~ plumbioa problem. Ceramic tile Ins talled· Tony.64&-a84i ••••••••••••••••••••••• A.G &G . Appf. Repr thorough. rehab e & -.AMoc.,IK. M . •. h 1. "'--""-~Unlim 66QN. flrs.shwrs,tubs.s.47·2639 -831·76.W coi>rleou s service. 6'1s--OS62 ovang .. au 1ng. "'""""""Umates751·91'11 dys.~'1097eve. CUSTOM RC'model, repaar, un ~1800 Freight. bldg materials, Wbea you call Claulliect lntenorCarpentry car~nlry. old time Renovation, apprllaser . hsbJd goods elc. Lowest lat.ext..servlngareafor7 toplaceanad,you'reas· T,...s.r.ic• by Jay.•. 642.8809 cndtsm11J181up. 16 Yl'fi· in filcuptt;tenanl mov~. ~peLS an b.1.11mc5s Whether you're bizying or rates iJJ town. J ohn. yrs. Prof. qual. work. s ured or a friendly ••••••••••••••••••••••• area l.lc'd Mr Palom cleanups, repair s , StoCe 1974. Honest, de· selling, Classltled ad· 915&.2654 Res ld/Apts/Comm . welcome and -help fo NOWls-'l'H&'l'lME _ CARPENTRY. bo.~8314 plumbing, painting, pendaWe, efficient Of. verlising will get your Reaa.Dave.58&-M2S wordingyouradrorbesl ExperiencedTrimming REPAIRS.CONCRETE. hauhn&. lnatallataon. fices, bomei, vacancies. mess~etotherlghtpeo. F\nd what you want an Se Id! response. Call Nowf RemovalsandCleanups C&ll anytime. 673-~ Want Ad$ Diil 642·S678 S4S-0787 Lic'd. 546-239.1 pie. call Today! 642·S678. Dally Pilot ClassiCaeds. U e items SU·5678 642-5678 U C. & lNS. MS-8285 • =-ce•llh 5100 Lost&,.._. SlOO Lost&"-d 5300 ,_.,,..., SlSO HelpW..t.d 7100HelpW..ted 7100 .......................................................................................................................................... -------------------·-----------------• Found: part Springer SiogaPorean wishes to Alh'.tlJllng Asst. ~ SENIOR Spaniel M. pup, flea col· contact Singaporeans or Needabarpperswbocan AutomoUve FOUND ADS lar. 646-0939 Orieolals. 646-2606 after 8Mill io our prod dept. " FoundBrn/BlkM. Yorkle _5_P_M_. ______ ~rm secr e tarial CAREER CITIZENS ARE FREE &Blk md. Poodle/Ter Widow, white lady. look· "be ~u:! !f::=P: POSITIONS BUY NOW!! CONSIGN NOW •Net $140-$200 pr wk. We have 2.1 million contractura l reser vation backlog on "fly.drives" with Pan Am a nd Nation a l , a lso exclusively publis hed by over 60 U .S . & International wholesalers including but not li mited t o Triple AAA . Amtrak . CP Air . Trave m a n (Au stralia), RACV , N urGut <Germany) TCS (Switzerland). rier mix.846-aJ i.ng for honest unmarried work . Sal lo com. SPECIAL Call: Found Male P e ke , bomet,ypeflDanciallyset meosurate w/abllity. MOW ....... 5671 wh.ite man for lasting Send res. Ad ..is. Daily •V •IL •&LE --Garfleld/Brookburst rompaltiooshlp, 50·SS. Pilot. PO Box l.560, Costa " " " •10% investment tax credit + double the d~lining depreciation. •Current fleet is at 210RV 's require 350 by AJ?ril 30 (overbooked in certain sizes>. •Purchase at factory net invoiC'e 4·Slar Mini's & cfass A's. •100% financing of invoice. sales tax & license through major banks at 13.0 A PR-7 year note. Investment S e mina r s h e ld on Saturdays lOAM-lPM on March 17th, 24th & 31st on loc ation. (25°/o DISCOUHTJ Durtpit the month of Februarv. Senior Citii.ens receive 25% off on their .Pri vate partr ads for men:haodise for sale in the Classified Section of the Daily Pilot. <Real El!late is nol included ). Bring your ad into one of our offices listed below between 8 AM & 5 PM any d ay during lbe week and we will start your ad the next day. Costa Mesa-330 W. lay Strfft L..,.. lffcll -1116 Gle .. JT• IWl:st•IHdt-17175IMdla MDI lo !1 llo T,..t 5005 .,..... 5035 962-0514 Respond P .O.Box 2634, M-· C. - MW1on Viejo, CA~. ....._ . -· FOUND: Brwn/blk fe m. LDst or Found a pet? Call cocker type. No collar Advertisa.ng Animal Ass istance Ellls/Ward.841H511. ftul:)'Mttlt& ~tiot1Penot1 League.537·2273, oofee. FOUND I G ,,. ~" •-Ma e erman ••••••••••••••••••••••• • l.Dst: Scottle/Keesbound Shepherd, HS Hi Sehl, no Joe. W..e.d, 7075 Art AMist.f mix rem. "Bernice". Blk coUar,SJ6.24S8. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Must have experience In w/sUver. F1oppy rtghl ,_...,.... 5350 --------•! typespeciq6produc1ng ear. Tail curls up. Vic : ••••••••••••••••••••••• PERMANENTLJVEIN clean, well·deslgned So. CM. Reward. Call no.isbed a.rt. Apply in coll: 213 /569 ·8333 or RELAXING MASSAGE COMPANlONS/ person between 8am· !5&0206 BobJames-Lic Magseur HSKPRS Spm,oraeadreaumeto: Ouicall &-9, 494·5111 PRACTICAL NURSES Tiie ...,.:::: IK LOST: 2 blk cockapoos. WELLSCREENED Vic. Goldenwest & PREGNANT? Caring, EMPLOYER PAYS 17042 A•e McFadden. M & F . confideotialcounseling& FEE '"'-,C.92714 &3'768. ~erza'iree~00• adop· DYNA SEARCH 1714154'-0ll I Lost M. Sib. Hus ky APCARE 547·2563 PenooneaServtces wbt/slV/ift)', blue eyes, --~--............ --.-~---321 ~m.1.cn.S.A. black collar, Reward! -_..,. .....,. ....., l9lh./Pecan. H .B . l8U EICamiooReal !la)..3446 Sao Clemente; Fu Uy Uc. For appL 492· 7296 Lost Siamese l yr. old1--------- male. No front claws . Vic. Ha rbor /Fa i r . Reward. 549-5005 MICHB.LE•s •o.tcal• APT MANAGER For SS units in CostJI Mesa. Exper'd couple. Husband must have maiol. exp. Wife btkpg exp. Call 642-5073 or (213)86.>3851. -&ALES FUUrTIME •MECHANIC FULL· Tl.ME Excellenl starting salary and working conditions with opporturulles for ad· vancemeot. fUU time employees r e- ceive hospitalization m· suraoce, life Insurance and peosioo fund. Apply inpenoo at: PEP BOYS AUTO SUPPLY STORE U22'l Beach 81vd Westminster Equal 0pPorluruty Employer MI F D .. IVl ..... IK. 15092 H..ard Ave, I", Ca. 7 I 4/SH-4446 O.tMde Co. I ..aOM54-0lH C .. xJ Dale's lllN 6'-2371. ••• lllthA.CCIM l.9361 Brook.hursl Huntington Beach You are the winner of Two Free Ticbts to MOMEY AV All.AIU 2DdTDLOANS SWING LOANS EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION OR ANY PURPOSE David p . Carey & Assoc. Lost: University Park, Irvme; Looghair Calico cat. female, 3 yrs old. Wearing bro suede collar w/yellow st.ones. Please call 552-(m6. Reward. 11AM·2AM 83S-3749 Primary school ~Kher experieoced w /children. Refs. Looking for child cariog, anytime. Can also do work in & around the how;e. Ph 613-8422 APT. MANAGER. lS UD· ils, San Clemente. Prefi--------- Computerized r eservation system Locations also in San Francisco & Denver. l ·way fly-drive. CIRCUS VARGAS Feb. 26th or 28th 4:30PM Performance The City Shopping Center Orange To claim your tickets, caU 642·5678, ext. 272 R.E. Broker, 960-195'7 NEWPORT PACIFIC FUNDING Any amt Lst, 2nd, 3rd, TD's. Days, 955-1055 ev 675-5535 UNOA&VICkl o.tCGIMas~ For.,... Fn of It! Serving all Orange Co. 835-7313 LOST: Norwe g i a n Physical massage by Elkhound. male, Mesa Ii 'd t h 1 Verde Harbor/Baker. c · masseur ec o · a 1111• ._... 4450 seio. 4550 ----*-*-*---• ........................... ~ ...•........... LOAN PACKAGING -PLACEMBO'• Equity LoaftS Ans to Buddy. Reward! ~;n7 4·8PM Appt. 566-63)() LOST: Female blk cat. Seu -s torage, 17601 Morgan Lo., H.B .. off Bch &c SI ater, 848-9998. Marine Maintenance Co. VentureCapita.I NICOLE'S for sale in Newport MinimumSS0.000 Beach. Excellent poten· F\oanclaJ Consultant Arch Be acb Hg ts . REW ARD! 49'1·2538 tial for right individual. BKR. 645-2590 L BI d h d Modll & 0-C• Shldio Woman seeks PoSitaon IS cpl. C8H-K1lf"t 835-3700 companion to Sr. Cit. 646-9277. AIR lee.pt. ---------• 4.S wpm. 10 key, full or Practical Nurse, part· time, references. 494·5684 part ti me. Apply in person. 350 N. Newport Blvd. N.B. AIR RECEPTIONIST HlfpW..W 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 40to50wpm.10key. FUil ACCOUNTING CLERK time, fringe benefits . Ellper. accounts P•Y•· NewPort Beach area. ble, payroll & general of· 714-MS-'1(M() ~~ta Mesa area. ASSIMIUlt ---------1 for ~tine fiXlUtt CO. IEACHSTOIE °"Newport llYd. O.tr 2000 sq ft. ..... W..ted 4600 Wat.erlrootlocaUoo. Call ---------ost: 00 oun • Beautiful girls-private I brown/blk fem. Reward. Accounting Mr. Faris, 9.3 Monday Jw -••llh Please call 496-7665, rooms . 2031S.E. Main, Irvine. BURR WHITE REALTOR. INC. 6H-4630 lhnl Friday. 67S.7994. P..,.,.s/ 8:11-202.3 535-4021 Responsible, working Lost& FcMlnd Call us you won't be ROllellT llllLFll ASSIMILllS wberdartoeorm sceoetklasgeonlne F~T FOOD, Npl Bch. ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOST: Turq breasted sorry621So .. Harbor, '"-abeim accountmn'5. ~ ~~mlonble~e.jSomo Coe. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Divorce. $13,000 mo. At11111..:11Mnh 5100 wbte parakeet. friendJy . nu ~ ..._........... • .. Qirooa del Mar or Costa _T_e_rms __ . Agt __ . 7_S_l_·l_400 ___ 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HB. (SUe) seG-1700 Come In yoo'll be glad :f:r. pttferred. C.n· ---------• Mesa. Quietness esseo· ROU.ER SKATE rental PENNY youdid. Proudly Anoou.nces Our tes must have good ---------.. tial. Write Classified Ad oetstoS6SOOmoothly. No FOUND: Ladies' 11J Moo-Sal. lOam lo 2am, Move to Larger Ofrices. manual dexterity, be MAIUNllt'SMILE #3>6, Daily Pilot. P.O. trooble w/cily, cty etc. glMses. at Hilgrens Sq, Fri.till3:30 ·3:30am. V1s1l Us At Our New oeatloappearanceli:de· PRlMELOCATJON Box lS60, Costa Mesa p · d 11 A PINCHER 2SO E. 17th SL CM. Call•---------Location. peodable. Won is in life on WATER. Available 92626. rice to se · gl. 646-1235. SUFFERINGfromsebor· COLDWELL BANKER s upport MEDICAL for retail or professional ---.-------'lSl-1400 ADS mea. psonasis, or dan· ELECTRONICS. Only dfices. Tot.al of 3000 sq Attenl1on LIDO HOM E ...._.. LOST gold brace let. druff? Ask about Perla ~~~ respoosibe persoos seek· ft. Can be divided into ~ERS or near prox· tolMsiMss 5010 lnltals M.l.L. Vic of de Jojoba Hair & Scalp Z333NBROADWAY log permanent employ· smaller units. Drive by 1rruty. Do you have a .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ONLY $2 Irvine on or about Tteatmeols. Ph LaCoir-SANTAANA meal need apply. Call 2633 W. Coast Hwy, NB. =llally beautiful 2·10·79. REWARD. feur,842-4244 We have an increasingl•SJ.aan--58•1•·3830----- thencall ?lslabortoo cosUy II...-• ~I any Item or com-8:J3.94SO. ---------•de mand throughout --------- Walvtf1Mttto..s for r e m o d eli ng ? DU.lllllSS btnltionof1temsforf7S Found: Female, black •S~UIM• Orange County for H · ASSEMm..BS 631-1400 ;~bfb~nJ:s'i~es~~!r;;n~ Ta or less with a Penny puppy, white c heat. ModelsMale·"FeEsmacolerts perienced accounUog & needed for swing shifts, ----------t house in exchange for lsl Pincher Ad. 3 lines for 2 Tualln Ave., C.M · last bookkeeping personnel. for MIL.Plant in Costa cl f cons«'Ullve days. Each week. S38-008> Aon, DesUny.._Soony, Call ·-'-·t tod ,..__ 30 h Call II Forstoreli:olficeapace at ass c~otry. All re 5 addJUonaJ line 1s 60< for Enca. Marsha, Ci.ssy or • ..,, us ay-we .,...., r. r. reuooablerat.es. aftfrom7 U o isle. 493-1910 11...-.,:•, • ..._ the2daya.Charge1t! Found: Small brown fem 34bnserving0.C. !!!..,~ flnorward to Qifford,6C2·5254 SOOtoSOOOS.Ft. pm. auaa........ Nocommerci1lads. dog W/flel collar. Vic: Askaboutspec.rates &'~-YOU our new ---------1 MESAP~~!!~EbR A MARKETPLACE for Por more Information ~alrvlew . CM . 752•8708 ioc~4t13Ml0l ASSIM ... S Automotive J.C.PIHMEY · 24 Fashion Island Newport Beach bas immediate opening for: ~ AUTOSBVICE snctALIST Experience requl re. Outstanding be nefits. Apply in person Moo lbru Frf.1oam 4pm. E.O.E. M/F AUTOMOTIVE SALES CAREEI Experience Not Necessary But Here's Whal Is; ·High School Education -(Preferably two years olcollege> -Well Groomed Positive Attitude ·Ability To Leam \ ·And Most Of All : A' ~ desire for an Olll•· staodinR career with ·~ succes5lul, enthusiuUt• growing corporation. -Top Company Benefits Call Doug Wisdom for complete inlorma~ ~:. ~ Purcblaioi Agents and andtopleceyouradcall FREEPARKING ructStOM LZ Meaa Verde E, C.M · New &miDeases. .LOST: Female Collie, whl 1---------1 ·---· -----•I Openin1a 1vallable In .. 545-4121 ;:: ................... • This Is a new DAIL V --• ... IW I I I --------t ...... PILOT clasalficaUon to 642-5671 ~.~~7~ad, Irv. AUfOMOin.1 Admin.Mgr. :::.•.::,u:a'~[su':,~~~ 979 2500 ·, •MIWPORT llACH• O,• • lwitt 5005 get buyer and seller Executive secretary . enjoy the chaUen1e of • I PrimeretaU space/3100 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• together . Sell you r Losl : 9 mos. old everyyearfor TbeAJclnsCo. Aas'tto l 0 bl ho ti 1 & sqft.Prest.loc.Fasblsl. PLUMllNG surplus, oventockl'd or ** * Siamese/Tabby fem . abouUSOO ·SlOOO ~ a. r u es 0 n AlfI'OMOTJVE ft...Jll non •-td lond __ .... _ ... It 5 J.lt-Ho M-t""akes .,. ......... ot res ... comm. c ustom fltlln1 or LOTDn*IL II '"""' .or •l. ... ttor • repair & draln service no .,et' '"'"'"" em .,... 2 / l 5 · The W 111 ow s • ""' ... real est.ate development mechanical assemblies. * ~ designer• art l~llery · bu,,lness. Excellent loca· or suooUes °'any kind 301 Promontory Pt. lrvioe. Reward. 551-4023 644-2526 co.. Adm.in. of corporate Good manual dexterity &G ParHhne. 8 AM to l Pl\( artis~. gift bout1q~e or tioo. Complete facllity. For more iofonnaUon or Drive West aft Gpm, 645-5333 dys. legal. profit sharing pro-mechanical aptJtude ex· Mon. thru Fri. at one flit f sandwich shop. Landa Grou.$250,000 yr. Write to place your ad, caJI Newport. Beach ....,. t.eS .a.AE gram, office manage-per a must Min. 6 mos. 0raoae County's leading . j 833-3511. to Box '37, cto Daily 642-5671 Youaretbewinneror L ost: 2121 V isla l a ~ "'., ment, ina. program, exper req. E.O.E. Call newcaragencies locat.ed \ Pilot, P .O. Box 1560. between SAM and Two,....Tlcbts ~vrcto~~m~:~: FIGUllMODELS penonnei.Careerorient· SS7·90Sl, ask for R1y In Costa Mesa. Mu•l _...CITY SHO•s Cost.a Mesa. 92627. 5:30PM, Monday thru to CM "-··ard 631 ,..,.,. ESCORTS ed w/good trowth poe.en-Gilman. ha~ valid Calif. dnvers _,, .-Friday tor your Id to ap. QICUS y .a. •a. t.5 · ~ · . .,_.. ual. Musl have excell. 1--------•I licenee. C.11 for a ppl to 4 unique ooe ot a kind BEER & WINE tavern, pear~ roUowtnc day or ""'.,"' $.100 REWARD OUTCALL ONLY skills, leg.al exper. pre· . Chuck Cozart or Paul sbof18 • rood services. Npt Bch. Nels $3000 mo. call between &AM aod 12 Feb. 26th or 28th Black Toy "Poodle Male. °6fi ""-lw' ferred. Tustin lociUon. An>c. Rep tramee. New DeFabWI. Quaint Seal Beach Mall, Terms. Agt. 751·1400 noon oo Saturday for 4:30PM Performance lost In vie Flor ida / •2140 Salary $HOO + benefits. O>. in O.C. area needs 540-9640 3ll Main Sl. A(t/Owrter $inday'1 public at.loo.. The Cily Adams 00 Feb l.2. Call Qill Karen 832.2881 men• womet1 or couples UNIVERSITY m.sl-'T717 """°1"HBAPY Sbop~C:otes: ~dayor nit.e. GOLDBt GHIL ror PIT work. Many SMn"SERVlC£ CLINIC store Fixtures, 1Ut To claim your tickets. led Boa r •~JISIYP ~~~forrtlbtpeopte . .._ __ ..._ ____ _ ForSale.Ownerretitlng warea, cloChea ~ otf. FOUND: Welmaramer Wan : tpuaage or Nitta na ....,..,,.appt.541-0IU. MITOPAITS -................... aft.er tt yrs. Will train if Glft Shop Cloaing. 12 call 6C2·S6'1'8. ext. m male, abt 2 or 3 yn old, a doc to Hiwali. For info l'nfS· DILIYIAY PRIJIEINDUSTRlAL oeceuary.642·5982. ' Fasbionlsla.odNewport, * * * ~e~~~riend· pboaeTMTyali3H?39. .JM._ :S::~~~~ Wett 1roomed fem1I ButLDING,s SIGN BUSINESS For cal.1838-2Mllor644.oo31 . ._..,._.. 5300 . •ESCORTS• 1be Dally Pilot bas an betweeD7am-1JNooo. owrJ1.Gooddrivln1re· "4flt Ill ft olc/~ 1 Family. Make atyrofoim ...., to&... 5025 •.•••-••••••••••••••••• Found 2·21. Collie mlx. tmmedl1te opeDl.al ror a ccrd. lluat Uve lo Colt.a _..., iq fl 2' 1ross. letters io home. Install••••••••••••••••••••••• L ost : 8 mos old Blk rtoi oo eye. 6 mo. t7~11ll ulea person with AUJOllonvE Mesaatta.Call556-2'00 macbabop for big profits! $1500 Money to Lou U0.000,000 brn/t.an/wbL .J"tm doc. pup. F. Vic. Ora1nie1 MODELS/ESCORTS =~~:e,r e~:!~!n::: • PAITS for1*rview •PP'-= 1q I\ 23' grosa, 91 ~piete.67$-109'7 to $100,000,000. Box 400, Sb epherd mix. NB l'1tb.548-09'78 Ever ordered "Beauty" Good aala ry . com· COUMTaMM MITOPA.ITS -500 •5500 sq ft, TuaUn DISTRIBUTORS: Sm, Balboa Island. W~lilf ~·· Reward. FtJund youni male Aussie & tot "Beast!" Then try mi .. iom and ucelJeot Bmy Cbnt-olet duler COUMTBMAM 1254,100 HOVERCRAFTS ror ....._., .. y,.., 846-1.540,53'1 .5000 Shepherd mix. Vi c. us. Or. Cly's most ea· fringe beoeClts. Ex· nur Oran1e County Minimwn 3 yrs, jobbes •380 sq It, Tua tin commerce at sports. Min DJ:ti 5035 LOST: ouoie Perslin Placentia/19th. 2·21. ct..ive. 773-0801 cellent 1rowth OP· :!.~:rtm::e!,ufa0;_: ~. lluat be well ~ $3300.Paul'73l·l881 ....................... Cit. M. Vic. Poppy &c 648-70 Mhtw'so.tc..11 ~:~~b~ perta nper1eoc:e. Good r:;oomect 4k penoaable . 714:r.) lll·1t7o Palnl·metal finishing LOWEST ~.v!;:J:#J:s-3972 Loft: Si1mese fem cat •NOS!!RVICEFEE• Calllor1Pl)OlntmtaL ~ oa•lt,;n'fut. ~ .=,: ~~ C 1 abop. Paint booth, spray U•ht Chocolate Point. 981-'7'758 MZ4l,ext.m vHce::'D·t . •p •.• or.~b· Call SS8·2SOO for lft · 714) -571 equipment. compreuer, W••lt ..... Found: Med blond M dos Ana to Mai Lina. Vic: ~COAST Si ..... terview ......... ~ .. -•-i-sq .. vapor degreaser, clean· llfT .D.'1, tiho w/llVT Unit collar Vic Lldolale. m.uw Staior CiUaeo would like T c=w.--•r•t , ___ APPl..;..;.._' ----a:;ib;,,,k';.~ N;';por\: Ins t1nlt1, hoist, etc. WT.D.Leml. ar.~l·MZO comr,-ny of• youna DAILYPILO -- -.. .......... -Rent 9225. Located In nlreltT.noum~lMt Ftiund: Black male pup· fema •to enjoy the bet aa>W. 8-ySt. °""94kQaallSU. ~bl~Clua'~ .. ~ -~----------i o.t..Mesa.&t&-1234 Found: 8.lktwht M. pup-py. 2122. On Newport nr tt:rlhiftla lnllfo. Must be CoataMeaa NDPOR'l'8£ACH ~ '"""" u l!IN,,.. Wier'~ C.. py, nr Oraqe St. NB. 11th St. White nea collll'. ab6e to drive 1 c•r. Call F.qual ()pportwaity --------" 1 .un• •tier ... Want Ad Raulll 6'2·5678 Want Ad Reeulll tu.56'11 64~2171 r4M611 fW.&..5«r7 eo.9'1 eGt5i58. Emp&oyer Want Ad Help? .U.5"78 juJt call "2-Sl1t. ... ~ • QM.'! "9T ,r!d!r, ,. ZI, 1f1t ~?~ ..... ?l!! ~~~ ..... !!~ ~~~'!':! ..... ?!!! ~'!~ ..... ?!~ ~~!':':'-... .?!~ ~~~-..?!.~ .......... 7111 ......... 1l11~w---7111 ~ ......... Ctwll MAINTENANCE·llH Nunes PIUN'l'Dpenoa...edtd Salee Clen·Re•DODaible ~"··---·-...,;. .......... -............................. ~Offtte Rc1lnnor'1 1pot for rl0tdedi-4bndail)'.NOO RM to nm Ha.IOWa. Elper. penoo needed lo .. .,.. E ._,~ ... "'1 o.rw.-t1...-.srowta COOi MCaOPllATOI brtlht prnioa. proceu· pwmo.CallltooatJOllb 8llCIMIU'1· Pleate call omc. tuPe1 bulMM. n.-t :• \o •• 46. OD. OoGld ..,., ....... MMvnl -.at fM COD CProofMAC'blne) "" ~ " out•oln1 Slacum····-IWI lime day1 •• bed ror .... Ubw\1 PriDl· Bui)' • --work. ........ profit 1hrl•' pin. v.._... ~· Pull Memooa ahHl, nulba. mall. Ooporlunlly for f::l1:1!£l'cell· beiaerl~ UC.$P.W. Blach 8 Uwn. 40llO 1111rvc.rw ... pt.tau u-~ avallabJ houra ao H"riuu traln&nl•.ctvan~ement • eK:a i>ar. I _pa., <.:ampmDr.N.8. BAJIYSl'rTSR lt••e1111 .. IWtllrBhd.C;W. ApJ>IY 1'1aiehlp Coo~ ~ Mu.at be ab141 Muf l work wtll with llalntct · HolldlYa. BayviewCOov. PA 0 DU CT I 0 N atlliJ .. &owa~ lt)'! ~aJeteHt Cea'-r 4IG t.u wor\lodeOtotknll)' othrtt £Hell.al ~ Holp. D5Tburio, C.11. WOIUCB&S Hood Se.Ila. SMISIADY tW. , .. to I .I.SA• M/F CAIHID.a.u.t.:S "lllblpM NB, • Oood tneflla. Im bend!'-37~ hn~k. Call ....,. ea.m a&·ouUs MCODd ••ti out for achaslve cbJJdrtal llllJ ._...,. 8...unt Pori 0 ' Call or Lado ' _ 1...tiata ~nc. In ma AndnJ, )49-4'700 ctxt 2T' Full llme poaltloo . ,.,,_ .uDIS worken. Pull t me. lkJreSo, eo.t Plua, Le 6 ......_0allal\,lp.m ~lakM*llla ... the& c~s iOfNcwµort Beach firm 1o:o E Gener al dutlea doln1 """--~ Mu11ln. !xp aaeoUal. •MD. llllclalptrlOft ft$-1110 """' C.uol•rt --~ minor repeira. cleH·UP MOO per br. State C'ert. u.s·•-Call~ 0 OQ, olitlt 6 pre11 cMk•. lnflura11c.: Cliirk Typist. le p&lnOq, and ao forth. only. Xlnt be o eflta. _. · .....,._~hU tlme day Ca1Jllna <Pood) ,.art ,..r pttft'l'ffd but 11111 l.ynn8tanaflt'ld pc1uonal ll oct1 n pe r fo~ceJlentworklntcondl· Ba)'vlew Conv. Hoap. ODeoLnll DOIW avail. lo SIAMSftlSS ::::.Jor 3 c hi ldren thnt. ~ c= neC'. 0Cloc1 •lMrlllll <1H)7~TW hclp(ul Ju)' & lll'nfro, Uorwandbenefltl.Apply 20U Tburl n . C.M . our attractive. well Alt.ea'atloo exp. belpfw . ..._ ..0:11\"~~l!;'a r ...... l••·llOO Jl~tO waaea, dnt comp1tn) Ui•lw~ .. m lllllll ~llOOO Aam-llam.t 1'>m fs 3pm, MZ-JiiimE.0 .£, fllnUbed lA&Una Beach wUl ltaio rllhl penoo . ._ " blal'(da Appl) 10 Pt'n.on -NaUonal Education. ..01 -otnce. for exper. °'new· ~ atU PM Midle1"""*'· E O.&. btwa l • ~ Mon S11t INSURANCF.: Ftn Vly Rlrch Strert, Newpe>r\ ctn~ Help, some exp ly Ueealed. entb\ISlut.ac · · ii; El Toro UH, ....... Jl.artlag J ft: dQ1l 1m h1 4:• Care f« Infant. W,..q.,.TMI 811'*olemelbtal ~ ... led PT. " tor ;--~~~ foi' ~ 'io't~n-l w, .... 1111. _, ....... ~ N9wpon ~nlel' buor h e•l'lrl J f'raunabl" n d!Wlu wit mmi Tl'Jll'r \0 do PllYll\I tr "-' \.'lna 6 nolah-d OfWU t Oftl •ork 111 com meeawat.e w /np Con ~· C. Bnltoo. .. "'rc:nth '9nl or Calllonu1, ~ "'9wJl(lrt Ct-ntff' Dr. N 8 ~CID Ta&aS SOlT1'H COA.'it'T NATIONAL BANK An lftdepe.neitnt bank. 849 Sunflower St. Coa'-Mt'U -·-·-· -~ l•M ... CID MEW ACCTS CLIK SOU'mCOAST NAnONAL HANK an lDdependent bank 849Sunflowt-r St Co6ta Mesa Oilnklng TELLERS NEW ACCOUNTS ,........ Oardaba fte-ta"ranL.WO .cdf.~~ bnocb ol Ira auto 101 Beacb. <Near O.C ~see.bot~. work~. lo aalelpeople. Xlnt com· Seamstress, 1m1ll 1a1I -B•Jtlde Or • N U oroducln• aaency has Mr por t> Equal Op· "" touc • :..~11t • na.kloadMiduJe• a tru loft. Exp. l"Ull Umo .._tauraat ••Pttteet>t lft.llll ~ lhe tollowln1 Im mod Portunlty Emptoyer. • opm. .... me. lypeatlocatioDooCout &'IJ.llG. ~ Dot ,,p... ,.._ t"· ••• n-i=....... Al/IOt:J ..._., 2 ....... f ... _ -------... .,,_•'ltJ ea.... COUN'f8 Har MIWPCJI ~n..,.. "'" ,_. -30K.J Or CM """"'' uoaa. rom '""' SICalTAllY .-...... . r ~0.a(b &&-*"""'........ ................ ..-n~'i'! .. . . beach. with ample off· .-.-,,, ........ waa. art U..._. f..quale>ppor£mptoyer Noex:peroec. •-• (.,.,_,fslJaker) llt.Nltperkiaa Qaperb opponuatt1 for OLU~~fll or -AcdCltril• ~ =3i:~ SIAUOM-1iu.a.n ;:e:=:n:":=: C .. llKH -F.Jpbe.lptu.I, but DOt Dt'C ~:::::.:r,.::;"" 497.J me reapoa•lblUly and 111--... l~an Wrap around •••ALOMCI Saf cornmenaurate brt.._ u 1 Ooodornce~~.!':~or ..... w.u to won with pro. _.,. J•art Um 30 W/Hp " abllltr . Call • -t eoet'le e •• to ---·1 •' llU' i t c 11r h UllT01 M&Mf1S hr1 per wtek M"u ~RrC:~:~~hr~~ Kat6 y S cb m dt at t.ra.1n in recelvtnc It ad· vWJemeet WWU'abl/ RMlDtat.e m nu • ome lllAIUl . v area t'•ll MT·~ -·rrcct c~ 548-llf'lorcomelntoour miniatraUve functlone. esperieoce neuaH~ c:..-0,,1 lulll• builder. Buullful Ir MClft>..,..I t U 1 !I ?~~e~k ~1~trf:u' otc. at 17400 Brookburst. Mutt be orcanlud " MUlt be 25 yrs old or f\Dd out about the real IOPhisUcat~ work en· al bJ ' ttoo Otlpt The: P<>Jllllon Ste21.8. t'tn Vly. good with • uJculator. older fs be avail. on e.tate aalea career op. viroome~t •n TU.~. ~ for r~ a'!t :.\~ l~n:: OF.I.I llt~J I' o"-r llf, t•all•roruct>llenttyplng Work with line women.a Saturdays. 557.0924 or portvni\ies with The ~ yappt.o Ykl r Cub ?!tilt " !rd f'lllmol UJK"r rt•4u " ~klll11 • • pleoaln111 lnllur~ clothing. l800 SlOOO per '774 ·6090 . 1525 Mesa RtaJ flltaten. Licen1log ttencourt at AC na •bUla ~wt C!. perienc• tdi~JM-4561» ~lity DuUe• wlll F&f~~K ~~C::,di~~~J=r Verdeno6.CoetaMe1&. icbool fees com~ely fi:,~l~rn c~t 0 n.it~ at)', •~ train Dl'li""'>'J''Umf' AM , l.A also loclud~ fllloa & oot.e or resume to Prui· One Ji.rl office, matutt. rel\md.able to ac or Stan llt JW'f bout, ad TiltH'r. tllv •100 IJUf IC\'nt'l'al olfict! work Xlnt dent. P.O.Box at?9. Seal neat. rood 00 phone, typ· your cbolce + exteoalve SECRETARVTRAlNEE ~aa«>m .. l '>PJIOl'\UDltY w.Hlt La1una l:SuC'b ~f1ta Ir workllll coo INSURANCE E1tpr'd Beach,Ca90740 In&, £ite booltkeeplac. aUel ~ pc'Olram Typuig&Shorthaodreq. f°' mall.,.~Dt po&&Uon ~ dJboOI with a 1erowing COCDml'ttiaJ llabW•" and ,._..._~tioa .._ e aftet' liceosmg to assure For inte rview/ a ppt. to Jl .50 p.r hour •f company Apply lo ~ MAMACHlforY CA .......-.-ex,_ •. pre· tbebigbestopportunllJes pbooe7l4.-.l3'7. f,IUM/'C'd Vor mure \n O\'llver rttSw•papu to proptl't¥ ~to hat1· M fened. Perm. poelt\oo, fonuccesa.Johaand1uc· ---------formation, ull thf' vmdi~ inachlnefi, tiuly Pl'nOnttt. dJe accounts and market SUMMER RESIDENT Ca.IJ btwD tam·l0:30am. ceed with the most out· SECRETARY rrr for a _._1,....,,1_. m 0 r n In• C. M . & 11'e Joh lottr l..c their inauraoce. Salary CAMP located in San li40-74M st.aad1q team of auc· law office. Aft.ernooo • .............. _ """'' "'---,..11 ,. 170UGluett.eAve opeo.Ot.11644-1530 Bernardino Mt.DI. Hous· -..1.u1 -.1~-1--1-I Iv's n -'bl N I aJ Uiml.aml»OOStn.'et ....... ""...,.' ar a ...., a .. t•r lrv'~.cA ;.,., •· emc:;ov"""nt for PANTRYWORK.ER·5dya ._ ... -~·..,. n . e.u e. o eg ex· G ......... ,.. ,._ ........ ""'m fM2 ll'"' """ ~"' • , """' ..... .... .__ Pvt the bu1ioe11. For In· per. necesury. <lood _ _,a ..,ro~ • .,..,_ ...,.. -. (n4) M&-0331 other ol f ·1 -approx ......... . EquaJOppor Employer oEU•n-oy lf vou _,. .. INSRNCEFiLECLERK availi'r:~.,. .. ~rne:!!r. ~,.u~•ll for appt. fonnaUoo call Monday typing easentlal. Call • c.n , <K• .. Beginners spot for bright ..,.. ..--.............. tbru Friday. aak for L1Dne 752-&BU. decut p.11,y rtr job ... $6 Clri Fnday run Ume for i:' Pleua.nt work· tioo only. Call 2131 OuieaeCoe. OWd care. m)' ho~e ror z hr + E\.·1 ~ 9pm, M1l decoratmg s tore. Wiii cood.itioos. GeneraJ 41&7043for applica.tioo Paal1y penon for private n. ..... ....., SICttlTilY )'r old Mont'rt ~~.30 haveownt.mspS.310842 open & close stor e. o e experience pre· Manicurist w/followlng. country club. Part Ume 714640-2500 Brancbofnceofnati<l!'al ~;,::•ILY Pk • r.-0 Dental Receptionist, full answer Ph.ones & ht>lp !erred. Opportunity for prime N.B. location, own oow, c:oWd be tuiltime In ~~;c'l:ia:,:::~n!. ume. Expl.'r. Cr & t.Sr customers·~ salesman s tra.ini.ng & advancement. stat.ioo675-0703 summer.496-5767 Top typing & shorthand Q..EANER 2 re11pons1blt pract1c<' XJnt benefit:; 1&bsence Will learn to 37l;!i hr. week. $500 pe~ paDT TIME Real Estate skills required. Must mawre adJ~. 7 dys wk. NB &M 921l construc t & d esign mo. l o s t art. Cid I MECHAMtC '"" ••rs& Sill-• have knowledge or accts 4AM to 7 30AM Pvt 11hades & do some ~700.askforAndrea. Experiencedw/alrcond. club. call ror a ppl DbEN,!AL.r ~ST· front & speci830alty 1tew1ng. Cball E.O.E. tu a e . u pd Jig ht EVENINGS :': ~!de8:u:rDt~~r:,i; ~~1&· n[!.~et!:::!:t ~ ac. o <' .. ut1\'11, x ruy 673·7 or come Y. Interior Design ass1slaot mechanical. ood salary Adults with outstanding, an experienced man or at figures. Will a ssist --ccl1 nt.'<' Would pref exp Cu s t om S h ad e & , ..L...: E & benefits. Cood)'ear ... _ 1 -"U rmn&g·er 1n aJJ as.....,..e of CLaJCAL RDA Slll open. Call Drapery Shop. 353S E. .or u=ogn comp-:J. X· Tire Store a•wac:t ve persoo ... M woman possesa1og en· braMh ~--- P.O. Rettlvera. 8·S. Good 642118> Coast Hwy, COM . ru::ue:at~~~~~ 646-4814 =· ~ ~~i~ ~:e r:ttere~::J1~Y. ~fru::rbe°:i1is ~~·. 1"T benef .. Busy desk Dent.al MM. OraJ surgery G-R-E-A· T lighting, plants, ac· MED I c AL Ass T . $3.SO per hour. Phone beauWul office In the di.ding health, life, den· ~~h:!gd115~~e:~ ooly. ~.8. lnqwries con· cessories etc. required. Urology. Geol ore & 642·4321 Ext. 250 , finest location, working ta1 m::urance. pd vaca- lnvokes. A~ly Avnet fldenUal.644·6161. SALES JOI MOW Some schooling pre· medicalexpreqd. Others BETWEEN 4:00·5:00 with congen ial as· tioos .13 holidays. Send ...,...,._, Lar OPEH !e rred. Mus t r ead need not apply. Call PM. IOciates.weareinte~st· r esume to Barber """""""'uca, e gest DullAHlde GOOD PAY, GOOD bhaeprinls.AAkfotTony. ~7.NptBch. AlkfwAlldreia ed in mediDg you. lo· Colman Co,POBox71SO, ~C:..o~~~.bu~s"o Dri•ers HOURS. GOOD CON· 566.31137 F.qua!Opportunlty t.erviewbyappoi.nlmenL Npt Bcb9264i0. Attn; Rbl McCormi c k C .M Operate modem iwp DJTI ONS . MANY JANITORlALworkPrr& Medical: Need mature Employer W_.,,M.T.,torCo. _H_lll_.E_·._o_.E_. ____ _ Need sharp. pcrSonable 7S4-«l63or60N ' · ment & door lo oor FRINC E BENEFITS. eves c~ .. •e & couples person interested in ell· ReaJton 644-4910 Secret.ary·start Marth 1. Tellers and New Ac· -,-----·----• transp. Call!. dnvers lie F/ISJ' GROWING COM· · -· ciung career assisting PASl'E UP. part·tJme, 4 Outgoand -rson•lily. counts persons. savings a.RICA&. req'd. No pnor exper PANY PROMOTES Irv., Lag .. & Npt. Care Ophthalmologist lo alteroooos wk 12·4:30. ~ wlftt.ed ror 11 .. ""' b ~ Loan ex..,.n enct! pre· nee. Good driving rec a FROM WlTiflN. TRAIN area. 41M-71.85. Laguna area. J ob in· 497""'4 ~ Irvine based com· se ·starter. capa le or ed Fur-II I . Z Z Girl, heavy adding must. No &.inday work . volvet1 both secretarial & ~· call 7S4-67S4 ask h a nd I 1 o g a bus Y rcrr . ·l me pos1· mach.filinglnbusyelec· 0 F' 0 R T 9 ~ J-'tor/H...,. cllolcal dulles. Must en· P~&UPARTIST.Prr. Barb Chamber of Commerce Uons available Please trorucs otc. Good fringe range Cou11l Yellow M A N A. G E M t, N 1 for bio medica) corp ara. office. Able t.o supervise cull : benefits. Hrs 9·6. Mu"l be Cab, 17300 Mt. Her ST A RT S • • I M . . . . joy working with people & F.T. Exper'd. Apply small s•~'f, •ake board .. rmunn L• Vly flexible hrs approx 20 & be eager to learn new pen Dy s • v e r • 1 6 6 0 RECEPTIONIST ..... • fa.st & accurate. Avnet -....... · M ED I ATE LY '' Good. I T , _ ___. ~1ft f meeting minutes. 15~2600 E 1 . K E y 8 0 A R 0 per wk.. so ary. o skills. Typing 60 wpm & Placentia. C.M. ........_. """'.108 tor al· eclroni cs, 3SO Dnver. LA Times. So EXP E R 1 EN C E s tart 1mmed1ately . transcription exper. de· tractive recepUonist for coordinate comm1t~s & IRVIHE McCormi ck. C .M . Hwit Beach. Must have JIE1.Pf1JL. WE HAVE Newport Beach. 631·18S5 s ire d . Salary open. PBX~service, lmmed ya&mg dynamic develop programs, host at mix· SAVINGS Ir LOAN 754-«>63or60N. dilpeodable car. Good OUR OWN TRAINING X41 2131963-lmB optWn«s. to won varied corp typing so.a> wpm, en and orientauoo. EQu'10pportun1ty ~· eaac . .U salary +comm.as.-8307. brs • wkeoda. Pd vac, .... '100 a mo lO start. creative & journalistic Efployer M /F ~ ~ PROGRAM PUT ON BY Jewelry salesperson for -med ins Ir pd uaining. 549-3142. ability considered a plus. --·-------1 Capablepersonfocorrice DllVIEAS TilE COUNTRY'S TOP high tasbioo gallery in Medical (n4)~25SO. Knowledge of oUlce ----------• posiUon requiring phone 0 R GAN SA LE S Laguna Beach. Full or Tramcriplionist RECEPTIONIST for pvt machlnea necessary. &mathappitude.typing Menorwomeo 25yrsor PEOPLE. CALL AT P /T salary +com· PBX mm'sdubooMononJy, 35+ hr work wk. Pd Bank 65wpm. Medical dental older. Know the coast OlNTNERCVIEEW. F0 RoGANR misskio497·2US l'/J•weft Answering ser vice 6:30am·2pm. $3.50/hr. vacation, group insur. •tal.ER * in&; Fabricated Plastics ciUes.. Nel$180 a week or Legal psyc6.latrlc ore. ~full Ir Prr. Call 'JSl.1905. Call 962·4441 for 10· PARTTJME lnc. 815 W 1.8tb SL. CM. ~:J~ ~~.n~h~o:ist~ NUNNEXCH7A1.N/"C:,,,E7,302STAN Lepf:i~::~d~l1)'{.' Ce~~ Type mwpm. Ooe girl, R.&s.Jes t.erviewappt. ~3279 • .-. ~ lite fh.l111ft .. , type --.m. _,.. -Immediate opening \n Herrmann. F ountain airport area. 752·1211 .,....... cbe --r .--_...-.. SICl.ITilYP/T our Laguna H11ls office. Cl.ERICAL Valley. (No of Slater GROCERY CLERKS, all phone " sc edullog. Oper's for t elephone -s ma 11 , p I ea s ant Savings and. Loon or '"--~P-so•el be twn N e whope & shifts, will tram. Mature LEGALSECRETARY &:IJ.8585. a.aswenng sef'Vice. Mu1t IJc tm\ ~ · off M bank experience re· -~_.::y • Euclid) indiv apply at 7·Eleven Fulltime, exper, San be able to work some ~ ~oeen.ng tee. OO· red E II I _,.._ Slorc, 1097 Baker St, JuanCapo.8JHl2l Models. Fem. Sharp CIR Fr1. l·Spm. Must be good QUI • xce ent sa ary, Has IOlS of J bi .1 bl C.M. figure only. $1S per hr. weekends. '.fyping 3S typist. 549·S234 working conditions and with, o,1 avai a e UMODRIVER 642"6282,645-~1228ob. wpm re quired . Ex· tr.~UT••y~ benefits. Call or apply many nc. Bu~r DRIVER P/T perience preferred or ........ ,... --Monday, February 28. rompanies and they r e GUARDS Prv. Pty. Newport Bch. Models wiU traln. Many com Are you worth more but f'u II ti me . Me 1 c a I l::l>to4:00PM. alJF'REE! fro m Ne wpo rt t o F\IU&p/time.AJlarcas. professional, exper. We-.d.wfocu: panybenenu. Fl.Ill time Uttd of g1mm1cks? No benefits. Waterrront A UERIC A a...J ,.~~055 I :-~~:'~t~e'. re~:M~gl Uniforms furnis hed mature driver. 24 lO SS Models·MaJe&FemaJe ocpart timea!l:t &even· "off the top" or fees for N.8 .olfice. 548·2283 ~ Al"'lll --.-.-WMW .. AJ.tes21orover.Rellrcd yrs.$17>S200perweek. If you r f ace b as angtbift.aav · le. tbo6e few that want ia ---------SAVINGS AgHcy ~~· ~rs~~~~!r!~: welcome. No expen ence Rerere.nces. 64.Hl56 or character. is high Irvine Airport area call straight Secretary. Immediate ~ElToroRoad 2790tWbor,CM Must be 21. Hours are nee. Apply Univers al 2l3-822-061lext.284. fashion or looks Uke the 546-3333or8J3.3333. 903 o pening fo r c hurc h LagunaHUls ALLJOBSFREE 8 :30·1. Call Naocy, Protection Service, 1226 Lot man. General help. girloextdoor.Callforan FMbloolalandareacall 0 secretary. Gen . ofc M.sGoldblatt 779·2816 644·5()70. W.SlhStreet.SantaAna. Mustbe18.ValidUcense. appointm e nt for a 640-WO dwes. Hrs. 9-4. 979-8234 Equal Opportunity CLERK for HD drug ln1 •ll!rVM ietbruws houFr,rs 9·12 & 847.12411847.12(2. personal interview. You Costa Meaa area call commisaion. 11 YoU a re da.)'s,545-1450aft6PM. Employer M/F store. ellp oot nee. over ... oo 1. could be modeling as 673-1188. E.O.E. , ooe ol tboee rare ones SlCIET ,.__ 21..CalJN'7·~. Dry Cleaolog counter Hair stylists-make more LUNCH SERVICE help early as next week! So -. PllSOt•• thlll really are lndepen· · ARY,--. Beauty Operator exper. Oerk·Fl.IU U.af'e billing, 10 belp, f\a~;~ ume. ~!· &ReL~:d:~gC:· ~C:-rs:." ::f.'5 gu.~ :~i~ ~=ior~631az.e.L:all now. DlllCTOlt ::.:.~n~~o~~ ~:~~ ;-:~:Fbyg with or without the clien· key by l~h. Marine ....... 1....., $3..50/hr. 752.7905, -Hltbly motivated In· tdelmmed.openina. Ap-kmwledge helpful. App-Dry,~anl~ plant needs ·~· ·~· NewVortWesl dividual ta belq IOUlbt 646-50'6 552-IJZI worth llSOO. willing to ply in person. Ask for ly In person . Lido comb1nat1on presser . U-L.Stylat MacbinistHelper. Modelin&Agency to assume the dlrec· ~~~~~~~~~ stattatll200 7Sl-4824 MS. Fafar. Regis Hair Shipyard, 900 Lldo Park 759-9901. ,,_. m. loc Au tom at i c sc rew t«'Ship of the penoonel - Stylist.. S.C. Plaza, C.M. Dr.N.B. Elderly man needs 24 hrLarg hairestSalooylist 'w~fofl~~ machine Acme Grir1dley. MOOHUGHT11MG7 dep t w It b I u 11 RCelstbaburant lrv,lne ~ ~'l 3od:y~.rrJ 714/540-8888. Clerk <LOAN SALES ) care. Uve-ln or two 12 hr ing. HB area. Call Susie, ~e l::::S~~~efoof~ ~ 963-'1225 =~:!!>!~tL ~e~r.~ 11e~era~"~:1:ef~~ t~! Memoruy ty ~ewri le r . Beauty Operator wanted Xln~ opportunity now shifts. Aid/bskpg, cook· 963-CY117 yr. min. experience. Mote.I Housekeeper. s dys tloo of new employees & counter. dishwasher elc. Small congenia l ore. just graduated fro m avall. Newport Center ing. Mu st have cor . Ho6tesses. New Ichabod's Hood Precision Machine pr wk , 9·2: 30. lnexp. the cooUoued develop· Small sandW1cb bar. Ex· Seod resume & salary to school OK. AJso p/time M0f't3&1te Banking fll'm Dependable. Ref's. SJC Product.s.89H955 $3.00, exper. 13.25. meot&admin..istrat.aon of per. not nee. Must be POBoxl.88.CdM.92625. manicunst .540-2474 needs ind1v1duaJ for con· area.496-4226. Restaurant ope ning. 54S-!M71 penon.neJ policies. pro-neat ls personable. 2pm· ----------vent.ional loans. Wiiling Roclt, disco & dancing. ~~ •-.... ft lOpm. Moo-Fri.or Sat & BeUmaoudApplyrfmperson. to train. Must type ELECTRONIC ASSY. 6 Hunt Bch. Full & Pff. MACHINIST M<YrEL MAIDS, Part or ~w~g~abor-""'!:1~. Sun 9am·Spm. Jack See J y Su a. Sand 45wpm. Good company Mo ex~. Day & swing Students OK . 714/ MILLHAND 'f/tlme . Appl y to : tiom.Adegreeinperaon· 754-?SOO. H«Ml.497-4477 benefits. Contact person· ~· o fee. Good PtY· ~&~Beach :~vd. For proto.lype machine Kir1twood Motel. 4030 E nel management, In· ---------nel. ~.EOE Pa weekly. Irv ne ouotry OP· shop in the i.ruJtrument CstHwy,Cdm 673-4S20. dmtrialrelatl.oosorbusl· SAILBOATSALESMAN Boat Hardware Sales S 1 area. plngCtr. division of the oil tool in· M~ NIGHT CLERK. ........ _..._1_1_,·a••~ •-a Experience preferr ed Penoo. P(f'2days a wk Clerks 7·11. a ea. All Norrell HOSTESS dust.ry. Working rrom v•......., -min ol.....-2 .,..: e._.xper•ln K.onaMarine67S.1403 Schock Hardware shifts. Good pay. Will bl · •• .. t b •-3 Daya per wk, Moo/· 1 ·• 2900Lalayett.e train.151.SGisler,C.M. Temporary~rvlces Prestige restaurant. Ap-uepnn .... s.e c es .,. '1\ae/Sat. 6pm·l :30am.13 personnel or industrial S.U euuer, fulJ time, wUI NewportBeacb ply 59 Fashion Island. verbal designs. directly or $3.25 exp. Call relaUooa Is preferred train. a.alCTYPIST 558-902l E O.E. NB. with engineering, lO as· 545-!Mn. w/educaUooaJ. Salary 631-18'2. 67>3324. B h al.st ln new product de· ............... com-• .. •a•-.... ------------------• New po r l e a c ENGINEER·Aasl Bldg & ---------..., """' .............. ""• lbd:)'·Man, Harbor Body J.Murance Company of· Grading . s alary : Holless-Cashler,5nlghtsl velopment for world MOTHER'S HELPER, profession al exper. SALfS An exciting new Works. 2076 Placentia, rers an entry level potri· $1S87 ·$1935/mo. Asst 25br. week. Musl be wel wide well bore navlga· live ln, rm le brd + sm Please forward resume, concept related to lhe in· o.taMesa lion as billing clerk. supervisor of Bldg & groomed, able to work tion equipment . Lathe s alary , expectant st.alingsalaryltlstory,in t.eriordesign industry Is ·-KEEP.,,. £</C Minimal typing. $500. Safety Div. Dept or ~th fig~ea. Will traJn experiearinc~ hofclpfujl cftor mother OK. 770.2551 complete confidence to expanding to the Orange -~ r Good Company benefits. Public Works Grad Civil nght g1_rl. The Derby more v e.y pro e 5 · the Penoonel Dept. San Coast area. Applicalloos FMb. Isl lovstmnt firm. HourslH: IS. 833~50 Eng, Registration (CE or Restuarant. 546-8390. Salary open, excellent Clemente Gener a I now being accepted for xlnt or ply Exp " CEIT> desirable. & 4 yrs H t el FRONT DES K benefits package. E.O.E. MOYIE EXTI'~ Hoapital. 6M Camino De comuJtants who aresro-maturl y reqd Ca 11 Clerk Typtst·CETA pos1· exp. Will manage ofc & o Scientific Drilling Con· M L os Mares , Sa o fess1onally or1ente • SECUTAllY Experienced Secretary for the Equipment le Design Division of a rapidl y g rowin g restaurant cllaln. Past ex:perieoce in this area a defmite plus. Typing & Shorthand skills r e· qWred. £xcellent work· log coodiUoos & benefits whic.b Includes various group insunnce & profit sharing. Apply in person between8am-Spm at: Orange County Restaurant Services 2001 Daimler Street Santa Ana S46-0a48 84().0123 ti on. Must be u o . supervi.se plan checking. CLERK-7am·4pm, s trol. Corporate Head· sought by Hollywood Cemente, Ca. 92.672. highly motivated A com· --employed lS wks. resl· Apply : City Hall • ...,.00 day week. Ca ll for appt. quarte r s, Newport movie firm. SZO.l200 per r;o,..,,.1 plo ..!Aoa tr · · ., pPIVI ---------BOOKKEEPER/ AC· dentofFt.nVly,&lo ln· Paseo Adelanto.San 64S-5000ext520. Beach.Ca.11(714.,557·9051 day poss. Looking for ..,.._opptyem yer Pr~lderblgb-~~a:.1--------- 00UNTANT Huntington come bracket. Start at Juan CaE':<J CA 926'1S by ask for Mr. Moll or Mr outgoing 18·70 yr olds * fll.UMmS & misaioa plan. with no ln· B111chCPAflrm offersa $550. Good phon e 312,.,.. o'E /A.~AE HoulJe<'leaneratoworkfor Adams. wanting to break into _ _... ......... -.... oomelim.it.67'J.8230 cseer apportunlty for a penooa.Uty & rrootolflce ''"· · · · · · · Janice's Ragedy Ano. movies. (714) 781-1244. __......,.. Flail Charge Book · appearance desirable.~ Tuea·Fri,8-3.84$-1800 VID EO C ASTING Top pay. Medical lo· keeper/Accountant. Typln1 40wpm. Call EXPTELLER llakla. appl,y The Inn •t SERVICE. (DOW ln •th euraacet.. paid vacaUona Btoad expe rience • 962·..._.l for lntervlew LAGUNA BEACH LOC Housecleaners needed. Laguna. 211 N. Coast year). It aawt nave own truck. b a e k a r o u o d 1 s appt. Topaalary&allbeoefit.s. Pleuecallaft«SPM. Hwy,LacunaBeacb WWtralA.Call ueemary.Wortdlreclly l.rvlnePeraooneJAgency 67$-2ll38 NEWPORT BEACH 751 Lf42 SALIS N.B. line Jewelry de· liper offen dlalleqiq perm. p/t. poeiUoo w/ future to reapooalble mature woman w I sales •Sealtaries * G.otc/Bkk_pr/Recept Employen Pay All Fees Liz Reinden Atenc1 m> Birch St. Ste UM Newport Beacb, UMllO Call For Appt/FAt.ab '64 wltb ctieata. CPA firm Coddll W ...... s 8 E 17th, Costa Mesa HOUS1K11PB M.aJl -V =~nee preferred. ~'d! FuU or pF/Ume. &lfteZM 642·1470 No. Laguna family In ntAIMH M~a;ra~ 1'1,~0 "l't"Y '" peraon. oreist ....., -----pvt be b mm nit 5 Some h II! I t OP""'"NGS FOR POUsta exper. Gem k:nwldg. de·---·-----• D1411ASIB sira.ble. 67U734 Lanes. 22771 Centre Dr. -----~ . ac co u y. eavy l og o c.i-.1 •IC>o.IC•B• EIToro Female factory pkgrs day week . live In. stock shelves. Wiii be ntEFOLLOWINO POS. f\111 charge thru tr illl $2.90 hr to start. Merit Separate nlce quarters. tr ained to operate LO AN SF.RV I CE balance·reta1I s tore Cocktail waitresses. New raises. 1537 Monrovia PosiUoo avail 2/27. Refs, v a rl o u s ma i 11 n g COU NSELOR: Prior De1reuer h e l per SALES fs NURSERY w/some poUabina exp. MAINTENANCE, FULL 00318.E. Main. Irv TIME. CALL548·3257 multl loc. 4 yrs exper Ichabod's Restaurant Ave. N.B. S48·Sl2S. pre( driver's Uc. Salary machinery, Excellent loan servicing exper. de· nee. 833-9961 opening, Rock, disco & & board. 497-1636 benefiU, Including den· sirable, preferably lo ---------S-.•Ordtt" o.. --daocmg F\111 &: P(f'. We Front desk help. Apply In tal plan. Apply between mortgage banking or re PRINTING E DCll 1 t 1 IOOKKEEPER train. Student& OK . person See Judy. Surf & Housekeeper. fem .• live· 8am-llam le lpm·3pm. lated field. Immediate open.Ing ex· p!~~s :fs~re.c {;0~i: 714/96M402. l.825 Beach Sand Hotel. 497-4477 ln. cook ft drive for lady. NatlooaJ F.ducation, 4401 SF.NIOR ACCOUNTS latlfor: bMe+iocenUve. Blr1Jmd for 1rowln1 Corf. 1n Blvd. Town le Country Pvt. rm./ba. Npt Bch. Birdl. Newj)Ol"t Beach. PAYABLE CLERK : PllSSOPllATOI ,.,...UOoal field. I refer Shoppln&Ctr. Gardener ln exchange for 642-fl033/6*-1524. (Near o.c. Airport) Qualllled candidate w1U Experienced pros !':les~.~ pub~g;~s~~ computer exp. Salarr. apt rent. Spacious ·~l"''TI F.qual Opportunity have mlnlmum l-2 yrs. i::; to operate multi· --. Hl·Rel J>tstribu•~ COjllUMDlurtte w /abll . grounds for 55 unit com· -"' _...... .. ,. ....... in ac""''"''· pa ·-• .-.. ..... • ""' SICUllTY J.C.P .. NIY 24 FUhlon Island Newport Beach Has part tJme opening for plain clothes Se<:urity Offlcer. Experience re· qui red. Out1tand10" company beoefl"' Apply l.n person Moo Um& 'Fri. 10e.m>4pm, &O.E. M/F t,y.NGIMmoker.Sendre· COOi plex In Costa Mesa. .!..Al!!"M'y.....-.... r:.uw-/f!r· bi::-ablUty'"t;;''t)'p/i; sala~':titSW:::,a: ~~/UM54l. AM .._ to Hui1b Maot .. Expudlo& restauraot 6'2-5073or(213)865-3851. ~ _.., operate 10 key addl.n1 meaurate wltb ••· ---------•Service Statton Atten· ~ Paaeo Cer veaa, cb&lnwttbcwer50walu. GENERAL OFFICE ·SANO.DENTE Maintenance man full machine by touch Is r-MDcit.eoetaet: SALISPERSON,mature, da.nt, ex_per'd. Day"· ...._C.&IC, tOl7S. Famib'-owned organha The DAILY PILOT la Ume, $'750 per mo. to abWly to eurclae In· , ------A-LI ~aper. F/Ume. Npt Evta. P\IU It p/Ume. An.. looU-.eper: Exper'd lion offers pleauot !l!!.'~!uS::~• te comotidathur a aua.tan. •la.rt. N. Oran1e Co. dependent Judsemeat ....,,___ ti .......... 10. aitY. Sbell 5'.aUoe, l'ltb 'fr Tl1 11 worklnc condlttons. __ ,,.... · UM part ollu dl1tribu· 'JSl.2573 w l l h min I Ol um <n•>'1S-1m lM.ne NB = w:. ~=j Good opportunltlea ror General • Mature wom1n, UOn Into paper f'C*tAI• re· ~· lltween lam·llam SALESPEASON needed•-----· -·-----l.nlal ...,..d. Pleaaa.nt lldvancement. ~cellent 31,; hrt dally for abop· qulrln1 afternoon de CLERK TYPIST: tx lr:m;necf. Gift Sbop. Will Service Station Attnd. dftae-. iOC'a1 CP~. Hra. company benefit•. Ex· pine. lite cooking &-liver)' by 'motorised celltnt entry level poal· tnm...,.1211 Mecb'l exp. preferred. Yll1eble.&&2.... pertence desired. Apply hllework. $.1 hr, Alart.lng tra1111portaUon. rOf Ad Action Uon. Mu.Sll)'pe4.5wpm. d~~ Sales perAOn& wanted. Cb~vron Stilton, 3000 lnpenonto: March lst.6*1610 •Llb•ral Income al· r, CLERK TV P fS T : The Bay, 303 Main St .• FairvJew. C.M. BUSINESS 11 1>00mln1. 3oUg ~ low&IK'e plus bonus plan (J>enonnel> Temporary, S.IOO. M • w .. ....s~help: • ' • GENERAL OFFICE Lt -short'WOl'klnt hours (7 Call a t •PP'OX· 4 mo. may lead aNeWportCeaterDr. . eu omeM ServkeSlatlonemployee. •AMem61e.ra typln1 fl bkkpg. Call dQaperwectk) into prrm. J)081llon wllh Ntwport8each fJ:r'J::r~~e:I'~ Apply at 158%2 l>.C.H. •llec:blnlca ·~ ~.,..;.• •-. Newport floor Covenng, •ExceHent partllmc tn· ft.ii.. Pilot fulun!. Equal Oppc: Employer --~.Call 6'13-S650. UUoL Bc.h, 213/582 1511 *1\"lltk Drivera 2300 ...._ •• 8'7$-1&18forappt. come .,.., Salary for au the above Serv Sta He.Ip needed Im· Ea p • l r a I 11 ee 8 •1~~~C~:o.t~~ta~M~e.a~~~~I For details contact IDVISOI po1lllon1 w ill com · Your friend• and med. P\llJ or p/t A-.Jr ...Oretor Yacllll 1p 11. •••~OfflCE Folter Ou.ellet •N-8800 .lfll" meoaur•t.e with u~r. You daa't need a 1un to ne&thbon use Clualfled •E Cs"'* N·a...,,. Plwlltia.CK. COOl/l••ll•H =: "llJ:~-+;.,:fu':-1e =-~HD t :30AM·?Pll. 642·5678 ~:e~ '7>:49~: ~~.!•:ran ~o:~ :::.:.:.n~~~. ~;.~ Sewto 0 f, llN;~S~RIAl. line 10meWn1 t.o NUT 5 Daya, call H8·74tl penon. for furn. mfa. ael for furtber l.nforma· Not Waet Mal Call now te.ll you bow well It Hot AJr Balloou. WW a.an.dedldollwell bltWeen'7a.m-l2Noon. ~ WllltAda CallM2-5t78 tlm.MMSIO.E.O.E. -tOa'7I. ...udfort.belnl tnia.Call-....S .... , r. . . . ... . ,. ..... • ......... 1100..-wmlM 7100 .... 1011 ........ IOIO ..... s. IOll ... 11ta1w IOIO F'ridly,Fet>Naty23,1979 OAIL.YPILOT " ;;.;;~·:;·~·;;;;~:·:· ~iiouiiMAM1··-·.··.·.··.·.·.··.·.·.··.·.·.·.··.·.·.·, .... tw;. .. Qi•;w:•U• ~;;;;;~·a;;::~:~; .••• i., •• ,. tt1c1••·-IOIO ,._,Ort-IOtO ............. i:•/ t aerls, full time Cal FuU UllM. So.-e ..... PUBLIC FUllNITUR MMtaw1 ot bOJt t-'ft~I Park ~·· At· 2 .._ __ ,__ ard ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-··-• .. ••••••••••••• Ser*e fOJO 1 "-... ..... • "'--' ··-.,_ .. b oU lnJUI 10UI' _ .. c ._._ c . .. ...................... . ._ .-•ppt. ~ req. Pactfnl/ablppin1 • *MIC THIN* a MCh pe. (..U only -·•-o.\. • .,. · Stod one ratd rOC' ucb Ch•ll• llnltW ._...,...ay r&Dd 7 • r.X· lt>ll clu.oiQI • det.a.lllnl ,....,IWmvt"' t:lttk ~ a--·•Co M ~1a':',C: :!:!t~ ::r~~~.,~~ro~bra~;! ""r tu"'r~ ooeerm'P•~e'otW1• C1zl I 1r1 ;:~~D~~:u1~t.1·8: •l*ialltt.s. A1lo Weekly, Koowleclse or PS 1aw ....... 0r---~~ .. -....... 'IUMl11 7ll0 ft ~...J..1 -:.....• I I f b • N P N L • .... -· ._ ..,.. 'I I moa&hly Reasonable trurk tbl-•· Pa'm p":".ae -A~.,. -lm-.ately from ae er& on o o m e ...a.cs attractive lq .,., •• · &u·~ Ebony. A. b•aut, u 0-....:..... .. , Sal Callto-Uii.__ tto..n• _00 tDilli tW*-I our warehouH. Olien rum;.blap, houiew•re•, strap meetlaa alrliot llallbt awall. . piano. S7IOO /bat otr. ~-ve 61;sm 6 -APT_"' ITUR Mcidal tbne P'Ut1Ul11te c-lotbla1. loya, baby l D .:......iremeota Pre JU-.-0 6Q.TS7. •-·-· · ~· .u -.. "" 0.11 . Mt.aOn WC'd. Ulru tt.ema etc. Be Hrl,r for • ,.,_ • • ---. •WAllHOUSI• STOCX UQUlDATlONb a.in Cftdil Avail (AJao belt atAe.ct.lou. Al Oleo Vftt ~ 6 tbtftl for a PlllWOOD Yamaha VC-45-D port•· ~ ....... P/1hne. mu or womH o~ ~rs dil Lo\'ely bdrm uu. avaU. lMq rm, bdrm, view P1tk. corn.er of ~:;' ~e'floee 2l5ltl9 a. rree deUvery . ble:3Ke1boardllw/batt. allt tolO ~·dioramJ&.Y hoewo trb. l't11 Vly, n ef'd• armolr tl baby hud , bookC'uot, lam~ end Glt n Dr fs Sw tbriar, ~o.:m: .. ·P r l or ~ aft I pm, $49-1'32 New.CafiM2·S385, .. ?.:-.............. .. wUJ lJ'alo rtahl i>em>n Warehounmen, have china, Ibis & eh rs, I.bl&. etc.> · vie Soul h w ea l · of wUl btl k 6 ·~~ we 11uudalwayal00d. a.a... IOtl •%0DIAC• AMY~~ Nik fo WllDlt won up, fd at rocti • rt"b~r. ac>lu. Gol<Wnweat 6 Maet'ad· Orr !~~ . ,._ .... "-·-•-Cl b --. ..,.~ Ot_. Ul.Wie, bl_,,,.. \'•• 6 w uh~r1 Ir d r Y•rt 1---------den.HB taca. try two e ..... ltviae~....,.... .. ,, u ••••••••••••••••••••••• PORT·A·MARJNE KEMPlUU.SHOES Wll~ L , 1 refrisenlon, •l•r•o..1 ••I IUY• * ___;_..:.:...;,_______ bacllU>bilck. memberabip. Mu•t aeU. INFLATABLE BOATS 54fasb.ionlJlaDd,Nn n~ ~ .. ~ca I Jerry. lun_ps l'LUS l.OT:t APSRUMMAGESALE PRICES: '1»W6 2112SCOLLEOE,C.M . .......m ' ._ NORE Oopd \lied Furrtlturc A. SoVSuo 2124,2125, lOAM · 12 ea or 31'5 (7W 540-2070 ••• s.w.•· ._. w·.... lt.&Vll S"'VI s·v1 APoll1.nce1 OR I will SPM. 3201 Detaware Pl, 4/5lAIJ$1.80ea. BaWecreek tretd~Ul~o:· __ , ,..,mil .,,.nr; "' • ae1JorSZU..rarvou CM 619lal.ttl.50ee. pr·w•lker...U · "niHF-JohMoll-llotor ...... -MAIMTIMAMCI W• hooor OofA. M IC, ~TllS AUCTION 10ortnoreSl.40ea. erciae bone $15. Fioor S275. A'pllcetleat •r• Cuh.itt check• & u1h ~-&IJJ..H21 Antlquu. furniture , SaleaTaxlncluded laa sis. Stott spreader s.-~ NO p EB S 0 N AL ~aded glus. Sal 10.8. NOCA.RD? 80.640-~ ~~uhot ~ .... I ...... Of S J\LE~E •'ood 1102 Temple Kill• Dr. Dnw )'OW owo or sendh.LZ ---P'D-.-•• -,.,--b-10 Sldafor1al4l1Na&.a0. ~,-904t G\O o.Law.,.. Y~ .....__ :._......l._ r 1• NnlcH avaUabko 1 i..rn1 1ubJ"rt H PA.I 0 Lq, Bcb. name, lldclreta. phone 6 wool .-~· f Aak for K•o -.......... ·-~ ,_.,. ....-•/re.A ....,-t.opns.Ue l"or Id UMd fu.m. aoU we'll make one card per ~ea, ro 50 a --••••••••-••••••••••• '° ............. •tr MASTllS AUCTIOM qurielu·lf'TV'lllS18llJ:t MOVING TO CONDO ta&. Add~e•ch. MQ, 6 '40. l•&e 675-S5112. IT' BaYliner Mutiny '?$, CllCUSYAl•AS fl.w. c...a-~ am"'N porUUvd<'M SACRl"IC .. P"rfe"'l ~~c~~Sd~•~.°'tf:~ derSeodcbeckormooe)'Of" ~~l~~~= ::i Sfl 111•_. 1094 130 Volvo eng, und&r. ~ _._,... .. _._., • ~· --~ "' ic.· " .. to: •10 fir polls .. er $10. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• warr. Jnclds trlr. bnstol 4• ,.P'MP:iO'nna';,e41 S't41·11111 petj ---<'4ad. rocai.nta ot S br willows. booka. tools, etc. PILOTfttllM'l'1tiKi ~--. 11 ""° Siie: Calf PIO IV re· CQDd. Mu1tsell. MS·l.271. ThH'lly .,. ... , M t•f'f'· boullr Lee Mockw~JfSuome ~~~~A':.' <~I P.O. Box ueo eut~ _,,.. misc. dive 12 ... , . m boat_ ('"nl"r ._. ......_. .._ -._.,_ 1020 •\Im 549-301?, oi:u o "-"·M-a Ca 92626 For Sale· AIR COM· -•-nt 751......., n.1ununu .,..,.,. • ' --'I -., ~ ~ loll trt.'<lit ava11. A.»Jc. ror of Brook burst ac lo ~ .... • · PRESSOR 5HP Jpbase _-_ .. -... -· ._..,, 7~HPSearsmotor S150. t MllM _.,. •aper to ••••••••••••••••••••••• l"'an-ab chana.pobs> O'Neill Supenuit. Taped motor 2 cyl. Jn:f.eraol· 2 &ufbolrds. 7'2, Round· Milon Boal 536-88tl ;?,,~~~ ... ,>'C!~rt ~lit"~ D.J . Celli••• C~O 10 a.,..-_...,,, T"'"-nll A~H· ---U d -'-I •75 "'8 H ead ,.., __ ,..,,.,., .,.. '""""' """ Irvine C'hurcb Rummage sei~s . se o nce Randpump.601 .ta11&. P n . • "' · E '78 Scarab·330 TS ou.a. .. * • • So•tla Ceeat o. litli. w ta<'c-eeont' ,good So111Bed Qn si Blue/f rn Sale. Sat. 2·24 9am lo doesntrit$110.~ $750 or best offer . aids/boots, 101,AJ. $70. x driv-.85bours.Loaded'· W .. -D ist. ) 'st• C"OOd ~firm b46 38tll l1or~aJ1 ...!. com ..... ~reorDU!,81. .,_ ~-coo.146-3202 "" ... a ... '"' .. , • _..., ., 4pm C«ner of Univers1-Carpet MIU Closeouts _._ 65 m,ph plus. Stored oa ________ .. Wd St.. So. LIJ15 1, 8m llf\JI Swhwmn V1r111 21J/aa18HB. ty & CUlver. Irv,. Quality Nylon Phash '4.00 •up. * * * Scuba ta.nka . twin 53's, trailer. Muslsell/best o(, Spor1.lft1 Ooocl• · nttd C..tU77 ~mini lt>aod sub A I used toy~. books & 549-8181/675-5806 DellllieGeit.. 1800 PSI fill zin c fer. • F /T 111lU m11n1r road 400 •W~ ..... ~..a... IOSS clot.bmg. • coe~/gal. back pak. 7ll .. ll6l..._1 ,, ~.Ibo rrr H~ ....._ • --For Sale: Tirtany's of 167640leanderClt. flow. ru boo·-. carr)' ., ..... 1200·~~1 •j -M """'--1040 ....................... Movio• Sale. Marine N B C aUe wo --1-. ~· JIC'tftrably morn ··--••••••••••••••••• ......,... .. i . . or Porat e Fount.aln V Y case. Xlnt cond $300. • ... CorJe......, Perkins .. m11 lnqw"" at Fron .,. 1005 ....................... Mobil Home furnlture & equlpmeot. sit Is, Mmbrsbp.CallOebbyB. Youarelhewinnerof Grea.SS6-6588 ,,._ .. ,, ~ 1000 Bn,1tol St ._'!.'! .............. -oennan Slwpht'rd pup., O\IJC. 78.SOSl•ter Ave. sp ru.rniture, misc items. 644-9030 TwoFreeTlcbts U 'venit Atllldj Cl b 17' Glasspar Seafair ,d N. Npt. lkb. Ask fo only 3 lert. $U uch 35.11.8.Sat/SUnM. ~&G~!e~e:~·.H:: Moving boxes & expert to-.=-~ Ybe bi c $3~· Volvol/0 .Amtrlr$1495. "-· MUque liluak Boxes! 8'7 7813 SAT 10 to 4 Washer. 963--7550. packing aasis. Complies CIRCUS Y Al&AS ~':s, ~ aft Adloo Boat S36-889l SUPERVISORS ror lunch waoled Orades. 6,7, Ii 8. Olvilf Sehl. 2 hrs daily. Moo·Frl $3.25 hr Call Oleryle ETSavas ~ 3430 Slct llllaclUDetl Clocll81 ~rman Shepherd pups, dryer, aofa. aotq chrs. & state movng. staodards. Feb. 26t.b or 28th ePM. BW. ~25· Twin ~ng.loe Chris lllJGESELECTION $50-$100 Lrg boned, 4 Olina.Priees S2U>$500. Garage Sale ! Ca r . SS2-3441 4:~PMPerformance Craft s peed 6oal Almrie9 whl, 1 blk/s tlver, l 2239Vista Hogar.N8. furniture, misc. Fri, Sat TheCity SIDrw,I..._.,., (classlc).XJnt673·777l. Sliver Thorbred No & Sun. 338 Rochester, OverstuffedoccaschrS20. Sbop~'""Center ... IOts lzf•r•lfla•• . . MoV'lnO Sale. Lo·· of good A...._ b all r S2 ..... """ .... ._...,av·n·1 ""'1 .... 1'> ...... ~ CM g ... ...,n oses or • anoe ••••••••••••••••••••••• 16' Glass nar lOOH p ~H ,.__.,.. ......._...... ......... blfYS sun. Oi'lly: 12·S. 113 · Odd pcs of crpt. mk ofr. To claim y~r tickets, ClotJWlg rack ai rounders, Evinrude, rtice trlr $995. Open Wed thru St1l. Aw.tr Shepherd puppies, Vla QuU.o. Lido Isle. HUGE GARAGE SALE. misc drps, $1-$5, misc call 642.5678• ext. 272 cash arawer w /adding ·Action Boal 536-8891 &lperVlsor·Kitcben Must 1802 Kettering, lrv. (Blue Merle) unreg, $35. 422 Belvue Ln. Bal Peon. bike parts, & frames. ch t 499 3793 l'J have exper. with de (7141754-1177 673-2948/675-3345 Moving Sale: Washer/ Sal10am-3pm. Dodge van rims, make • * *' ma .,coun er. • ::A}CabinCrulser,25' loni:;. velopmeot.lly disabled Dryer, refng. couches. LIDO ISLE MOVING ofr (4), Med it queen TV, -..0. auto head, xlras +. Eng C.all835=3Sll Ask f L ---------Regtstered Male Shetland bikes, 1n1sc. S7 Meadow. SALE Sat/Sun Feb. headboard $45, Medlt Like oew King·O·Lawo tlR St.no IOtl nds wotk.(Oo trailer) · or 10 ....-vBSAaYSALE Sh ee p d og. ~m os . ~· (Woodbridge) 2ttb&:2Sth lOam to Spm room divider shell $25, Lawnmower.$50. ••••••;•••••••••••••••• Bstoffr.1·688-4359. _da_or_SU_e_._E_.o_._E_. ___ 1 IS% all ow en.Ure slOCk. Sable /w h Ile Sl 00 . .SunonJy. U9Viazu:rtcn.-·· chr. nds upholstry $2, 548-9748 BeautifUl 25" color TV, 2 70 Cheetak 45s Olds T E A C H E IL · Feb. 23rd l.bru 25th. 10-5 _~_5292 _______ Garage Sale. f\Jrniture, ---------• moving must sell. Call Yards & Yards o( wht yr wmly, free delivery Berkley Jet custom trlr. KINDERGARTEN each day. Largest selec· Poodle pupp1e blk/male Appliances & misc. MISC. Plus lots of lights. ~s1~C.wkM.db!'.r~~7e naugahyde never used. $128.646-1786. $1995. , • 7 ~°hoJ. 8J1~~~/e~t~a:: ~olin~~:~~~ 3mos.mustsell.$200. lt.ems.l6002FanlasiaLn. Crystal Chandeliers, ; ~~Feb. 25th, last ~nolroomfer.Solitbl·~.1.mcahrsple 23" Sy1v1n1a console. AclloaBoat S36..s891' daa. Hrs.1:3>-1. Please se I e c ti on o ( oak 493-52!12 H.B.Sal/Sun.840-l833. =~Alta Vista, day.227-22nd St .• C.M. M:k:olrer. 548,H · F\ne quality rherrywood 28• Fairtaoer, 196S. must caDrorappt.646-8820 furniture. UKC Ptt·BulJ pups, 5 wks, Indoor/outdoor plants. ---------crirst garage). Lots of cabinet& set. Ong. $600. sell. Leaving for Europe 11Mt Brus Register parents purple n bbon antiques. (rplc screen, Hones 1060 thinp to be sold. New fully equipped Tun· Sellfor $185. 64().1431 in 1 week. Will take any TIACHBSAID 148W.MainSL Tustin breed c.'hamps. Sire 110 water bed. Hawiian ••••••••••••••••••••••• New twin ttres S6S turi exert'ycle, $295 cash WorZenithconsole, reasonable offer. Days: ~-~seb) 838-5778 lbs. Huge pups. 559-1336. ~ & misc. 548-4912. Western saddle with pad. Child's ~r &s shell 675-fil2.5 $125. call Mike Nusbaum fWER 4MDS ,..,_to Y• 8045 --------Used twice. Paid $295. $40. 2 chrs, coffee lbls, & ntfany's Pvt Diseotique 754-6835 all 6PM. S.7810. Eves; 524-0375. ' Atfrl'~"!llllESHOP ••••••••••••••••••••••• Counter top 8', s m . Sell$115.644-734ldays. ilrls Schwinn bike $40. membership.$'200. IDah&MmiM 44• Manne Trader 1978 , ~ICIAM ..,._ M. Cat. long b&1r. Fem. refrig's .• c hest of Glrlssklclothes&more. 67>6720/54&&73. ~........ Diesel. radar. allexlras\ Electronicsbaekground, ~::?:·~~~~!; shorthair spayed c at. d rawers. Avon btls, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9S7·28Z4C.M.aft.6pm. Westlnghouserefng.IBM ••••••••••••••••••••••• wtthNwpllJveabrdsl.Jp 3yr.exper.mlrumumfor b book Mah Goodw/kids.64&.86m ~C·M ... Sl359at.l0-8a4ker, Apl. 82 " culture d marble lrvineCoastmembersh1p elec lVTW>writter. Kirby Gau•d 9010 $125.000 AY 646-9000 Medical Component M rg ca .. cases, og. "" · h f r al CalJ "...-. dental cab .. much more. 18 mo old Female Blk pullman wit aucets, ors e. vacuum,53IHJ950~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 Ft Century bay t>oal. Co. in M.V. area. Perm. ~w ...... SL c M Lab spade shots love' Pauochairs, girl bike, as· sink & splash. 640·9590, 64().91.86 N~"' 1 •-b t Wor.. Call Susan for "'" . ""'' ' . . • . . s S7S 7' n-a1 """'""h SlOO. Sp1·net .,.,..s c eao-up • a . •· · MC/Visa 642·7331 lads, great watch dog our sorted tools, misc. 857 · '"'" ....,._ 11 t.enes. In the water . No .a.ppt._ .• ss.1.·~-----1AntiqueBarber Chr.wood yd to small. 831·7006 art _Se_oa_te_.c_._M_._s_a_tl_Su_n_._ ~ 1010 SCRAM-l.ETS ~l~S.Please ca B . ~· Make offer. w/porcelain, rechromed _5_. ---..-------1 Gigantic rour family ••••••••••••••••••••••• lM~W X &reupbol S85(). 551·3051 Female Newfoundland to garage sale. F\Jrniture, l4K-6ol.d charm bracelet ~ asblca gan SOmm, 1.7, OA JING '76 Cruisers lnc, 22· Cutty h C 11 PPI mattress box Spr Wl'tb gold jade charm, 1 Tri cood. Wide teJe lns. Sm cablo, 225 OMC J /0 . TELEPHONE Antiq ..... Oak reverse S carin g ome. a alogs', molas,'orl-ta.I Pepe n -pe-tpd add.it lns fiash etc • -963--3485 .-u $350/bstofr.640-2202 dys, Gus\y-lmpaJe -· · great for camp'g, f1sh'g desk $850. 642·2164 or · lte~ nautical items. 6754788eves. MISSING $13>. S57-0097 CM $31.000 a.y. ltt or sld'g, asking sn.soo.-. SALES 673-0782. • AKC Irish Setter. Cham· etc. ~at/Sun 9-·4. 31M2 Uvestock 1075 News nasb : "The head ...._. · Marine hdwe bus-incl Call546-4070; 646-8645. I Newspaper aubs. Your OAK-antique 6 stack ~p11ioe. 6 mos old. dMon81terrey, So. Lag. No ....................... ol tbe lost and round de· ........... 1013 $5000 eqp, $21000 inv. 4 ,.....,,..._ 16,L' l/O t phooe, 4 to 5 hrs a day. bookcue, Glass front, beautifu .642·7778. e era. l'"'•YGO'"'TS ~nl at the jail Is ••-••••••••••••••••••• exddisl etc ur•o"'u"'" n mus ...,,,. "-up comm wk d e ....t 8050 -""" G." Ovation '""th case, book · · sell. $2000 below lisl. .,."" • v i · lawyer type, xlnl coo . tawlwe Garage Sale Sat & Sun -· ~Exp. pref. i ~r ~· Two blade ceil'g fan. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 a m . 4 p m • 6 1 1 Nannies& Billies . up for amplifier. Xlot LYNCH RE 731·5131 M'Hi827..!..~·3918 __ _ ia~ ... n. . . worts.$.SS.548-2153. Must seU: Beaut. sora. Marguerite, COM Cin al· 1-637~ Herrig: G.E. Americana. c:ond. $400. 661·6195 or 17'Cal.JrI /0 . M On.,,, I' ) Ask for Kris beautiful custom d is· 494-2012, ask for Kim. * * * $1800 Oak Ubruy tbl carved ·Ukeoew,sacririce$37S.2 ey . peoser , P e rf. cond. ec.-.c . .._. 23 • TELE SALES w /exp, legs lg drawe; See to gold velour chairs. S6S Terrace Sale. 8' American Hay s.5.95 per bale. Bale & Frigidaire elee stove, all Oarinet: Like new. Sl1S. 5201 Thorn Tree Ln. 548-3204/646-16 sharp, guarantee NOW! app' r ec1ale · S325 ea. stereo S?5 or any re· dory fb lilass dingy shav. $3.00ea. 2544 Npt. aulomalic. 673-378.,· Callafter6. Irvine zr Baylioer N1ssqually, C om ID • 8 as · 9 6 9 2 ; 548-9&18 • · asoo. «fers. 646-3375 Blvd. 64.5-5686 !.'-9034 SJS.'1296. • w/oars. uroiture . 8' Aluminum ladde r. ext 640-Youareth~nnerof :fthnyixtrngas.brdstog .. ~acdaedll, Furniture sale : sofa, Pio neer bay boat. MiteelmMCMtS 1010 • ·~·-8 dru Zud·1 TwoFreeTidlets -· """ Tow Truck Dnvers ex * * * tables. lamp, pictures. wloan. Plants. Dolls, & ••••••••••••••••••••••• 28", pa.tot sprayer. all LAAJwig ms, J an S41M1S6 days. 675-2213 per'd. Top pay. Apply C.WS L AorH Must sell. 847-6827 Toys. Sat 9-4. 706 San· Fencing Problem? ~· + equlpml. Also garden cymbals & more $575. to eves G lcW Towing. 740 S722KingsfordTerr. •· ---------• taoa, DCdm. lrvmeTer· usedgrapestakefence,2 equip. lc some furniture. Call54S-0987. CIRCUS VARGAS --·------ Ohms Way, C.M. 6'2·12S2 Irvine 2 tables & chair. •~me race. 640-9734. gates. St/ft . 540-2687 fl73.3782 Office r..ililwe & Feb. 26th or 28th Will sell •,, interesl 18' Youare ... -win""'ror funuture.~. ---------~-"""" 1015 4::.>PMPerformance Ly man w /d ock l o TR EE F Vl ... .., ~ _, G Sal · it Gu coosoie heater w1lh -.-...--'bl AIN : to y TwoFreeTlclwh 551-6294. ~ e, ausc ems Newport Beach Tiffany's thermo thrust blower. ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• TbeCity r::feonsJ e pe rs oo. branch or lrg auto Ins. to 10< • 00. Sat/Sun 9·3. 340 Membership, pvt club. Table & 4 swivel thairs. Xlnt new Ii used o(c furn. Shoppmg Center P eel cond. 640-1136. agency producing ageo S Qlll SALE RomooaPl,C.M. $250.Call879-4078. ·Orange ·--cy, bas the following Im· CIRCUS Y AltGA * M * Antique book cupboard. plan mes. wk benches To claim your !tickets. medopenlnga: Feb.26th or 28th Press back ch.rs $59.9~ & Moving Sale. Tumbled TIFFANY PRIVATE 438 Old Newport Blvd., C.E.SURPLUS631·2777 ca1JS42-S678.el<l. 272 •HARRISON* UsdaswritwTrahtff 4::.>PMPerformance up.OakParquetcolfee & drirtwood, bous~ald, CLUB MEMBERSHIP. NB Lg exec desk $32S. * • • . NoExperNec. Tbeaity end tbls set $299.95. trudiv:r~!~!g~ ,1!~~:; $350.Call2l3/598-6140 Apt sz refrig. works line secretary L desk $300. *SEA RAY * AcdCl«tu Sbop&lngCenter Saloon chrs, rockers . Websler al Loyola. Electypewriter,xtra long f7s.AnUque stove6Syn execchair$75,sec.retary ID9h.Uai:otH•C\{, ~belpfulbutnotnec., ange l'\tll n matt & box spr· Fri/Sat./Suo carriage. Niagara old. works fine SlOO. chair$50. Sole chairs $40 s.r.ice ZO BUY NOW! To claim your tickets, inoC! -" n•-• M t•-<'.Mt A.Hie: , ,._ ndltl ••••••••••••••••••••••• S . commensurate ~ ..... ~-......, a ... ..ss, recliner w /massager . .,.,........, ea ....... e new co on. wtexp & ability. Call call&f.2.~*e~.272 838 E. lsl St.,_S .A. 't~t~d.t~~~~:r.~.~t~s 5*-1074. Artist easel, brushes, oil Walnut.64().5563 ~h:':'~!~ro~ia~o~ Kathy Sc~'!'1dt, 549,-8161 ----------54-7-·5636-------& gear. Boys & womens TISHIBA Copy Machine. paints & frames 'tit price Shaw.Walker 1 hr keyed L.elymans. New install .. & or come m.., our 0 c 8 J•o..1R1111t '"'...-.1.-..uES 7' Couch"· matching lov· ,_, .. __ · I """Do th L r· _, Call Bob 17400B~..... l S"'218 -"""~""""' ..,.... "' c vu~. misc. 1715 Port also makes offset or ess. luvr ro Y n. ires ... e. mo maint. 646·4005, rnuouiurs "" ' Sale oo selected items. eseat. earthtones, xlnt Ashley, N.B. ma·sters. 714 /962-7033 Npt. Bch. 642·7178. 962-7280 Fred. -1 FtnVly. We buy, sell & ta.ke con· cood$150.631·1087 Travel Agenl·Exper signments. Open M?n· Complete white canopy 148· I 588 ~n.10-4, Sat ll·5. Closed bdrm set. lncld. aJmosl Typist. Repro-quahly, 2721 East Coast Hwy new box spnng & m'lil· tDwpm min. Exe. gram· 67J.S752 tress + s pread and mar, spelling, punr . . . canopy. $1.SO. 546--0945. skills . 20 hrs w eek. ~ue secretary side by Hide-a-bed, $7S. Large de· 641Mi363. Michelle. side, chair. Oak. Make signer coffee tbl, $65. ---------1 oiler. M5-0826. 631-1322. TYPISTS Antique En~lish wing -Everythln---. -g-M--u-st_g_o_. -N-ice-I STAT-GEHR.AL chaJr sub.mil offe_r. 2 furniture. m odern . Work Local Tem ra w10g chairs. ,Anl1que Velveteen cc.uch set, uomediat.e ~ork po ry c o u r h & 5 I o n g $850. Plaid couch set, c:.n For A,. ~.67J.2877 ask for $350. Lots more. Call Billie. 67>1900 aft 6 t.ppah:lwM Today ANTIQUE WICK ER Match'g 6 drwr dresser & 557-0061 Wicker & mahog. tbl.. 2 end tbls & 2 Imps $140 ~o~ off i c e • Sl25. Old wicker chrs.. for all. Gd cond. 752·6788. 0>-$95. Comer chr .. $135. ---------1 0 OVe r 10 ad Matching beach ch rs., King size roam rubber S2S ea. Plant stand' $20. mattress. $50. Equal Oppor Employer Vanity chr .. $20. Rattan 646-5558. :::~· $45. other wicker Full sz bed, bookcase Utility Penoo-f\Jll lime 130 E l?th "G CM frame, foam matt, box pos. open for person with · " · · · sprgs, matching while IOU)e mecb'l apUtude for 6'5-8448 anytime. dreAer w/mirror $200. 7' genenJ clean up of of· W..cH 1010 sofas:;cl.644-4585 fices Ii manufacturing ••••••••••••••••••••••• . • areas. Some minor re· FREIGHT DAMAGED Cocktail bar 11 • L pairwork. OOI'POINT SALE. 3308 Iha~ lthr w/formlca l>AUL DOSIER ASSOC. W. Warner nr Ha.rbor, lerV10I .area. 2 wrou,hl IN~. Santa A.oa...979-29Zl Iron SWlvel bar cbatra. :HiORedhill Ave. C.M. $175. 842-9658 714/5:16-7075 CA.5H PAID Kn g s z b e d c m p It E.O.E. Wshr /Dryrs/Refrigs, w/heavy duly frame, workir:fg or not 95Hll33 v>-__.... $125 N d W/\lTRESS-Part·llme, JUUlwuu., . · ew C· wknds&partlesonly, ap. Maytag Drye r. super corator custom Qn prox 16 hrs. Pvt club call cood. Avocado. SSS. Eves spread. gold brocade. re· for appt. 644-0050 ~l Days 541H1757 verse sham, cost $280, -~'"--------1 -------.--. -priee $110. 556·6996/ Waitress wanted exper. Frosl Free Frlg1da1re, 754-1648 ID both rood lc cOcktalls. sldebyslde, w/ice makr. ---·------1 Between 10·4: Irvine 22 cu ft. wht. bsU>Cr over Two pc. sora. 9'. gold Colst entry Club, 1600 E. $fi00. 640-1925. w/blk &: bm velour. Xlnt Colstffw)', N.B. &'4·9550 Sears Kenmore waaber & cood. $7S. 962·5339. --------i dryer, $200. Call Drexel bdrm !!el. wood • Wareboule 675-lllOO brass, inc. kg sz mat· r OIDB........ F F ..:.-6 • t/bxapring. Pc.. or set . ,'"'-a Gibeon I nang, SlOO. $7'50675-9747. -Admiral F /F, $100 ---------1 Our Santa Ana dhstribu· 842-0252. CUatom saddle leather lion center baa an open· couch $750. Custom kln1 inl for an individual with Frost Free 18 c u ft. siz.e bed, mattress. box· t'Xperieoce in llhlpplng, Refrlg. Coppe rtooe . springs$275. 640--7173 rereivina or warehous· Brand New, used l wk. ing. Dutfea loch.Ide some Cost $450. aell for $325. Antique oak Armolre $150. foC'kllft and some driv· 545-0882. 4 antique pub chairs $50 101. Valid Callfofnla El.EC RANGE-dbl oven, each. 640--5345 . drivera license reqwred. aelf·cleanin1. West· MI o t Con d . l 9 2 S Apply between 8am· lngbae. or new. xlnt Mab<>1any bdrn ael 5 1lam. 6 lJ>m-Spm, Ao· cood. $275. 1830 Port pieces $850. Portable l.boQ)'Schoolt.44018eBitthh Kimberly Pl, N .8 . elec.1.. frplc. $6.S. Walnut Street. Newport ac • 6't-,572'7 "--'--•• -...... ~'"10 <Nur O.C. Airport) ""~-·---· E qua l Opportunity Small refrlaerator for Sola• Loveteat. Tulted ....,_, H ie . $40. CaJl Terry betcWon. lJme • 1old 60-1546 ltripe, $275. 7~1115. f FIND YOUR NAME A return to the rich tradition of the circus as it once was in America FEB. 26th to MARCH 1st at 4:30 and 8 p.m. CALL 937·0547 for info. 150 ANIMALS BEARS 3 HERDS of ELEPHANTS Cm MPS WD...D ANIMAL Acrs • • ,. t .. • • • • • THE CITY SHOPPING CENTER ORANGE City Drive Exit oM.be Santa Ana Frwy. It'• eaay. Look for your name and addreu In today'• claaalfled aectlon. Call 842-5871, ext. 272 and we'll arrange for you to pick up your tlcketa at the neareat office of the $$SAVE$$ Price incr e ase d ue • March 1st AU.MODELS 17'to36' HMRISOH SIA RAY MewporilHch 631·2547 20' Car avelle, 200 HP Volvo, 6 mo. old. Sl0.000. 548-26.2 20' Sea Ray, 195 OMC, 1975 low hrs. SS.600. 548-26.2 $750 14' Glaspar. 40hp Mer~ Trolling cng. ~ trai1er. 2075 Harbor. Blvd.C.M. ..· '78 Mako 20' ctr console, lfllS & 7.S Mere engine Roadrunner dlx t rlr equipped for all fishin1t- SlO.OOO. 754-0368 '78 24' F l ybridg e , 22SOMC. Full canvas. maoy extras. mint cond, $1000 TOP of $171 mo. 642·9401. '9050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Clw'ter Luxury GO' or 75' motor yaehl. Reasooa· ble Hr. dail)', weekly -625-2172 or 675-3256. C.ollege Professor would I like to rent Wdo 14 or lo 1 rooter for occasional , week-ftld.675-8067. ..... w 9060 ..•.................... ' Hobie cat l& llm M1 ng. girlll w/traller. $1.300. or ; best ocrer. 900-1339 afl. &pul 14' Chrysler Sailabout. 1 brand new 1750. 548"2652 Montaomery 17, Te ak int. ' custoc:o mast, s bags s ail. 1, 2 anchors. Seagull 08 •• '31lX). 548-8528 CAL 2·29. BALBOA DOCK . Olesel·wheel· 1uto pitot·furlln1 Jib·~ PUJS. 673-QT2 al\er s. J ll' 7" Kitt, bdl tnHl, ~onditlon. $17$.) , • fJ• ON\.Y PtU>T ,.._... tlM .._LI Ar 1 tlla .............................................. ............... , .... /S ....... tl6 ...................... ........... 1-..1 .~....... tllO . a..t/la.... ----t IM ...................... . ....... ............... . "Jlo.n.r. •.:oml . lUMtODd . ....... ,., "14 0 II C. El Camino w/Oeln e.op, apoke whl4t, IUY MOW!l CONSIGN NOW • ~-..ole.1*lNILa. UM eond. ~ atrH 116 Ml-l .. •Net Sl-40-$200 pr wk We havt 2..1 mt!hon contractural re'iervatlon hacldQfil on "fly-driv ·• v.ith Pan Am and Nat10n I. al o ~•tlu ivt>I)' publishe d b y over O U .S & f ntemational whole.ale 1ncludlna tiut not hmlt~d to Triple AAA, mtrak . (':'P A i r , Trl \lfm n (A u stral i a>. RACV , NurOut <Germany> (Swtttet'tand) •IOCl-mv lm nl tax c redU. + double the d 1 lrun«i dej>tt~Ultiolft. • ul'ftnl n t lS al 210RV•s requJtt 3.50 by ApnJ 30 tover ed In ~•ln Sit~) • Purchast> ot f ac:tnry nrt ln~c~ 4 Star Mlna·s & rlo. A tJlll l.nt I foul' whNJ dnvu w/ nWUI t'aml)&'r abell, ma&tne •ork lllOO ~ ---'f'a(..'hev. pickup •eyl auto, clean a:o 6a:t4 -------· 'TJ t"ord F2~ l'ltkup with 10~', fully al t t am1»r 4 1pd, lo nu 917~ Kl 4«>1 aricr $ JO i•t• '76TOYOTA ptetl .. •/CAMPll ,..l Hew pMiat. Ol«ll tbb t'nttl OC11U4> Sl4tl ..... ey TOYOTA •t Beach Blvd HUN'l'lNOTON Dl'>A<:ll 847-IMS ·1~ financin1t of lnvo1re. M h .... tuJC & h ft"RM' through m 11jor b nka a t 13 O ~~, ............ ... TNdla t160 Utll.ily body GMC dual• '' PR-7 .)1eor not e' ••••••••••••••••••••••• l':xtellent t ond 1t100 I DYt.' tnle nt S mlnur held on Su turday:, IOAM 1 PM on March 17th. 1915 CHIYIOLIT !M.000 miLN New t lutd>. &CAMtNO ~ patm 41'7 2G 24th & 3lal on location. ~· .. -. ..... ... i\UC.omllUC, pwr lkf"MnlC • btU.a air cood ' v-t570 rnacw...,\a. 14071011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 IOH ................... c .. 714/llt 4446 CM , .. C& 1 ... 0••11tt ........... ,.'" 6f.J)71. Computenzed rese rvation sy tern SJttt Mii lwUtHC.-. l lot Hatbor/Ham1ltoo OOSTAMtSA '31·1330 Locations olso in San Jo)'ancl8CO & 'i1 Furd •• 00 &cl uuto Denver 1-way Oy -drlve trw:. P/81 P/D, ... :ioo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ~ 1280 be1. '1 or an u .._Sail f060 ..._...._a.Wei 3:"~~-~~":x-= . ....................... ... /S...... 9160 M&-l7SO/G44·75l2 FllEE TO YOU ••••••••••••••••••••••• -------.....,.Hom...... 'tM li:J Camano !J:iO Auto, 12 rt. Outnruter wblcb .20-to JI' Run14 1ood. ad tires. needs glasswork You f'·llu··" ,_, __ _,, siax> Call8'73-3110 ml15t pick up 11t 881 l ......, otCU coo .. J&ft.,-u C t H L reserve now or oas wy.. aguna Hotid "W k nd Beach call 41M·7122. REG~CY ~oToRS 'i1 Qwyenrw Pickup VS. aulonu1Uc, Pr. 556-0181 '76 16' Hobie· Ready Lo HOME RENTAL.5 race . 64 5-7353 Eves . 92SN. Harbor Blvd. S.A. '74 Maz.da RotMy t.rvck. ~2"103days ••S312503•• Auto trans. stereo. CATALINA 27 fl, '77 an· Mu:ro·Mlna Hom~. 1978 camper shell, good cond. board. XL.NT COND. Toyota, 17'-. s elf ton· $17119. SJ6.8086 wkdys aft LOADED. 964·2830, after tal.ned. 10,300 ml. S8000. _6_::.>_PM_. ____ _ 6p.m. _S3&-3M3 _______ _ Lido 14 #3805, r acing For Rent: 20' Motor gear, trBller & cover. Home, comrletel y 561-094.S equipped. Aval Easter. Udo 14 #48 Good Cond. _m-_5_133 _____ _ TnWer 6. cushions meld '78Trans·Van: a/c, cruise $90 0 . 6 4 4 · 7 0 8 5 or control, am/Im cass. 19'. l .s28-8383. &11.31(;1 '76 DATSUN P.U. alll CAMPER (1899129) $3595 o.l. HAA.M INC. ZomElst Santa Aoa 541-4471 Take ove~ J:!ay men ls "11 TklP. 23~ ft. full ai_r. Dawson 2.16 • Dieael. 2 yrs A·P, loaded. 6000 ma., -------- old. «M347. warranty. $16,.500. (Lie '416 f250 camper special, 941 VA F) Pvt Pt y xlr• hvy dly t.hruoul, SSl-4584. every extra, ladder CONNELL CHEVROLET "'"I l.11 I• •I JI, • • ( I I:'-. I \ \I ~ '. \ 546-1200 '72 Ford Van: New eng. & trans. Custom int. Many xtraa. Best offer. Call 1'oQy eves. 496-8197 HOUSE OF IMPORTS 300CD LEASE 36 MOS. 48 MOS. Oii 60 MOS. AVAltABlE NOW ~-._,. .... 11.-0.\IP CU fM QUOTE ()i AU Olhe( '79 M(Xfels Available f Of IWOA T£ OCLMRY HOOS£ l1 IMPORTS, INC L.A. 213/921 ·8588 o.c. 714/523-7250 or 714/750-7201 --~--.. ...... -°""---·"""'.., ·••••d• ,_~,,.,,...,.._ 0.- MERCEDES BENZ COHN ELL CHEVROLET .'~II.HI• r 111»1 ' ' '-'I \ \1 ~ \ ' .... W..e.4 tlto .... ••ported ....... l...,...W .A.tos.1-~ I ......... , ............. ······················· .............................................. . ~ llll~ ~ ••••••••••••• !?.~~ ~ ••.•.•••••• !?.~~ ~ •.••••••••• !?!.~ lJSED CARS '74 200Z. All/FM. uu. $181J2 PEI MO J~ Healy '74 Wht\(' CAJ.L PAPPY 45.000mi.Ooodcond. ?7 21012 2 • w/blk top. Cot\vtttlblt'. U.ed Casi~' 4M.-ell. + . XlD\ cood. H ,000 m I 540-f1VF.BMW 6 c~ a11tomatl c . $T!JOO. 'U·2808 or ...... -..... 1v .. --c"RS AM .. lr•tk 1t.crco, 2u1~ 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTAM!SA WllUY USIDCAIS! W•'"' the new Chevrolet du.14nhlp la LM lrvloe Auto Center. We need your UMd rar I JOI MACPHRSOM CHIVIOLIT 21 AutoCtn~r Dnvo IRVJNE 761-7222 WANTED! Late modrl T oyotas. Volvos, Pickups a& v iini.. C.111.111 today! ~U I &6 n ftWgJ, (Cap, C09l l8SOO --------EXAMPLE Cap. R~uctlon $1500 .._..... 9135 llOI JWtidual $4000. 36 mo al ••••••••••••••• ••• •• •• • 4 1peed, Sft1rn behce. Sl8U12 lncl. lax on up '74KARMANNOH1A awvoot. leather, 1t.er~o Prov~ d c red I t . > Sharp, Jtlnlcond. $3,100 "The Works l .. w I Ii (OUl'I'WP) 499-4.224 oper•>tAD on regular fuel MACH UASIN• WM'l 401iWn tnly, Suitt-66KARMANN GlllA. CREVIERMOTORS Newporttitacb Runs xlot, rbll oo& i.u, Broadway lll-tlSO SID>. Pbl75-l.29'1 SANTAANA IJS-1171 ••• NM.lf-t 76G Anita Lane Huotiniton Beach You.,.. ihe wl.noer of Two"" Tid&ets to CllCUS V Al6AS Ytb. 26th or ZIUI 4::.IPM Pt•rformrrnc.: The Cily Shopping Cenur Orange To claim your tick<'lJI, caJ.164.2 · 5678. ext. 272 *** . 71 Kannan Ghia Wanted 76 2'JJ'l 2+2, aut(), 111r. No rebuilt.. Good Body AM/nf, f12IOO. -~ Nooewpalot ~ att5.Z -------. .... t7ll 'i1 ~ z 2+2. u .ooo ml , ••••••••••••••••••••••• APW. l lf, •kreo CHI • rmp, xtn. mtnt m-~ "12 510, d>ttTy, OM O't"R4"f', 2 dr. ""' tJru . auU>, flll'J)~ 546-1200 lll65 Austin Healy Sprite New e°'., trans., rear. New punt and brakes. racks, toolbox, super clean. Sl650. 07-4692 ...................... T,,...._ T,...el 9170 '66 VW Bus. Rebuilt Partially reupbOOtered. ~AVAi.AiLE ....................... '17SR5lngbd.wbtspokes, ~ne·~:Goodif"es, 11 )'OU're not reacllna the ~ar la road reMSy. '71 250 Coupe Xlnt. t ond. & exceptional a p · pearance. $6,000 . 64().1.81& YACNewport646--0551 TDIT Trailer sleeps 6 new w Ide tires. y, an erior. vea littk ada in Claasll1ed, -------- NEEDSLlPlornew $100.After6PM ' ' radlo/cas1 .. 38K mi, &Sl-14$6. you're missing a lot of IMW f712 '64 Mercedes 2205. en~ ~t. $2SOO. &fS.-0519 a fl 'Tl ~at Xl/9. One owner. 1-6P_M ______ _ l6'Sailboat 968-4262 great shape. $3800. "'IODodgeCamperVan, "'-newsy loformatloo as ·-·••••••••••••••••••• Dick 6'15.-1393 841-9020. Kuptrylng. ton. sink, stove, lg ref rig, well as some great buys. Xlnt cqod . Fully eqwpped. wkdys 9·5. 54S-T117. t72 MBZ 280SE SiporsideUeneededfor T ....... U.ty 9110 v-9570 =~.~l~bl, V-9570 25' sail boat. Urgent. Fin· ........ ••••••••••••••• ·-•••••••••••••••••••• ---.:..._------....:..;..:;..:.._ --·•••••••••••••••••• ~4e:~ ~~ res. ~s:~.~e 5:!e~ .YOU'LL ALWAYS FIND ---------~-~ P5 rum. ~ueo a~. WANTED. Mooring SPM. Avalon for sea.soo. Dys. -------- 7141549-2120 Eves ........... ~~-P--£-714/631--0688. -___..._, ---.. Ir AccntOrin 9400 Free 1DOOnDg exchange ·-•••••••••••••••••••• for~asionaluseclyou 6 mag rims. four bole for smloutboa.rd. 6'1S-9'53 Capri or MG Midget. 646-4064 Ta I lulica ....................... ~-~ c .... , .. Sde/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 9120 ...... , ....................... --ClilMC. 9520 Older camper 4-sale, w/o ••••••••••••••••••••••• tru~k. S150. ~love & '46FORDW00DlE reirig_. 540-2100 i;UUy re.tore<11 $13,ooo '10 Dodge Camper Van. ~ ___ 67S-6l_~61;;__ __ too. sink. stove. lg refng. Garage for storage, Cao· etec. & gas, lg bed & tbl, nery Village, Newport cabmetsS2600. 540-1053 Beach. bl5-4912Tues ·Sat. Motoriudlibs 9140 '':Tl Ford 2-dr, 351 eng, ••••••••••••••••••••••• P/S, P /B, A/C, s tock 11fE MO-PEDDLER Io o k e x c e p t r o r New PEUGEOT MO· mags/radials. $14,500. PE05 Reg $469, Now &tG-1.932 $299. 631.3830 -----------Mercedes Benz 1950. 170$ Ne w c lnr M o p e d , Convert. Mus t see. w/belmet. $500. Call Kim $15,000 or ofr. Aft 5, OOJ.6195 494·2012. 673-ro72 -------- '60 MGA : Good cond. ~s/ 9150 Loads cl back up parts. •••••••••••••••• ••••••• , s:llOO/ Best offer. Serious Must Sac '79 Yamaha 750 lllq. only. Mike Perkins Spec .• 1800 mi. Sells ror 71"551·51m ~ Will sell for S2900. ---------i 64S-IS94 . I l!IOOSTIJDEBAKER ·11 Husky 400. $500/bst Hawk. Black w1lh tan ofr. '71 Ya maha 250, int. Must part wilh this ~.clean.831·2828. well cared for car. v..a: --------• automatic. Pvt pty Ask 1972 HONDA Elsinore . for Mr. Falk 955·0235, EnUre Bike Recently 493-8887 Rebuilt. Excellent cond. --------s 1. 000. C all eves. Recr-ealt.al ~47. or see at 462 St. VtNdn 9530 Ann s Dr., Laguna ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beach. 1976 Mot o G uzt.I. Automatic needs front eod. $1000 or besl. Call mornings from 8 to 9:30AM. Ask for Bill. 67a-3t62 Karley Davidson 1000, sport-76. Elec start, K/Q seat. S417 ml. S2600. ~7585 OLPHIM Mini Motor Home (9'1r IJ71111 °""' s7975 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA I t I • I,.•• ., I • r1 1 f • ~ \ \ \ •• ""' Mt,.,ll)M II ill H Tri 650 Super dean. Ex· --======;___ tns. Make Offer c..-.. a.. ___ <7_14-"-)_98f._237__;_6 __ • ........... • t540 ...... •.............•.. Yamaha 650CC runt icood. Needs some work. $350. VW OunebUH)'. J.500cc ___ 462-_2309 ____ eDI tac bit. Fram tat.ea camandos tires ar T trlr . $1500/ bat ofr. M7 ·220a. '75 Brickln Stioww lovla« care, a rare white perform1nce RENT: Wx'"l •1a 11 automoblle unques· Home 22' Sleepa 6, tkma~ a flM lnveat· W 1 n t /S u m r at ea . IDld. i:qUipped wlt.b air .._... doors. atereo 1y1tem. ---· ------1 mart. 8Mt Offer •bove SELL idle itema wit.b a =· Dml)' PUot ClaMilled Ad. u llr. Falk • • ,. .. .4T OIUIVCE COVNr('S #1 BVIC1' DE.4LERSBIP ouerBuWk IN COSTA. MESA.-----.. Some of the lowest priced, fully reconditioned RJ's and J'ans in town ••• Here are jrut a few of our super values priced from only 11999 ... '70 VW 3 SEAT BUS In LIKE NEW condition throughout' (651BXO) $ 1999 Won'1 last long at only' '71 '\'W 3 SEAT BUS 4 speed transmission and LOW. LOW miles on this S 2 444 one' ( 196DLL) '72 DODGE 388 '\'AN Long wheel b ase Automatic. pwr, steenng & S 2999 brakes and extra cteenl (624GOT}. '72 '\'W 3 SEAT BUS This one 1s extra clean thruout! (778.JES). Priced S 2999 right at only '75 '\'W CAMPER Get ready for summertime fun! Runs great! $ 3 999 (458PCX). '78 FORD 2se CB"TE"IJ 12 passenger model with 4 seat1. Hu LOW, LOW 8 6 5 5 5 mllesl (555PNR) '77 FORD IMCIJSTOM VAN This one h8ll been eu1lomlzod Inside & out! A real S 7 444 beauty! (866SLO). SEE US FIRST -NOT LAST {OlJR GUARANTEE {OlJR RECONDITIONING -{OUR PEOPLE-utvice To Do Brulta~,. Wit1'0 SALES -SERVICE • LEASING ··~~~ . Bu1rk , .. ....... Tut lt4 P .'9. "-··"_.~-~.: .. ., •• C:tHtHllf'" IA\, ............ -....,,,,,,,._.,:~ "' HHif'I• ,, .... , •• ,. ::.~ ~'!:~~'r ... :::,":; HARBOR Bl VO /SAN Oil CO HUEWA Y ~ 1oc .. Mt11IMI011 '" A <J,.,,~,on vi Am11¥ MolOf\ = ...... • "'* Ope-I Juq1q 11111111(1/l MG 2'21 HAUOI .. VD .. COSTA MISA t7t.ZIOO WT CHAMCI FOi 1971 UOi's SAVE! IUY Otl LlASE NOW! 7t's MOW AUJVIMGI Abo limited number of 1918 320i's is still availa· . &>le. Call us today I lll·.2040 49S.4949 C>llAtGE couMTY·s OLDEST Sales-Service-Leasing Ray Caner.Inc. Rolls Royce BMW 1540 J amboree Newport Beach 640-6444 CREVIER &I Sf & HOAOWA'f SAtHA ANA 835·3171 tHlUUIMAfl:OfltYtNO MACHIN« I •USIDIMW1• '7320024 spd (384.JSP> '132002Til !187JJL) "7620028/R (497PHJ) '77~: 4spS/R (0179) 'Tl ti.'kSI 4 sp (TR5962) "78633CslS/R (004S) '78320.S/R (910UKU) Clotect S.ftdays IOIMcLAR&rs 850N . Beach Blvd. La Habra t!!~~~~~~~~ ~··-········!?.~~ c..rt 9715 .... .................. . 'H V6~ sunroof , A /C, stereo. $2395 6'1~ 9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• *l's* DISCOUMl'ID SHOP &COMPARE BARWICK DATSUt-1 ._.Mew.79 HONDA Cars MAM'f Toc:Mawf'roM! UNIVERSITY Okll•bile tta.da C... • GMC Tnadrs 2850 Harbor Blvd C.OSta Mesa 540·9640 '75 Civic, clean, radials, $1715 . SUNROOF F\lel 1nject1on, power steering & brakea. air cood.iUomog, 601 miles. This elegant brown automobile with bamboo Ulterior ls immaculate. shows the care or Its one owner. <2S8KGO > ..., 1ti 1111111 ·'•' tr''"' 831·1375 493.3375 675-0401 1B711 Beach Blvd. •DATSUNS* L-. W.ctiOft OfAl~s SAL&S-LEA.51NG PARTS-SERVICE ~ 9730 HUNTINGTON BEACH ··················-··· 142-2000 COSTA MESA DATSUN 2.845 HARBOR BLVD .... ,,,.Ir lt79 JAGltARS XJ~.XJ12Ls &XJSCoupes Most t'Olors avatlable for Immediate deli very. TEST DRIVE ONE TODAY!!! 540-6410 540.021 l IAUB MOTORS '72MIZ 280SE 4.5 Sedan. Automatic, a ir. powe r windows, Becker stereo. "This ex- ceptional automobile 1s flawless!" (213G1R> CREVIER MOTORS 1st & Broadway SANTAANA 135-3171 1976 DATSUN 2925Harbor Blvd. 210% COUPE cx;v.~;:~A MB '78 n CD. Perf 10.000 4 speed, air cond .. m ag ---------• nu. Snr'f, $19,950. Call wheels, one owner & '76 XJS, 27K mi, excep· 673-9336. ONLY 42,310 miles! Ex llooal car. drk blu w/tan c e lle nt conditi on ! int.Sll.500. Eves 6'15..0255 (illMEO>. NOW$6488 ~ Ma:lda/l.....tt 2l!i0Harbor Blvd .. C.M. 645-5700 1976JAGUAI XJ6C A bard to flOd 2 door coupe with an economy 6 cyl motors. Old Enl(hsh white with b lStu it leather. (2573). Was Sl2,995; on s ale this weekend for only SI 1,995 IAUBMOTOIS HOUSE OF IMPORTS 0 EXCLUSIVF Inventory of MBZs • Sls 292:SHarbor Blvd. 7H50Sl«Ser•r&l~ COSTA MESA :::::::::::::::: .u.:i~~ .. :,w~~•l ___ 9_7_9_-2_5_0_0 ___ 1.;: :=::=:= '70 XJ&. black/red, ps, pb. ~~===i:-.i;:"' ~ir. runs well, S2995 • OIES£lS 1976 DAfSUM ftrm.497-2068 t11:>000rs-~1•~1wM• 280%2+2 1973 JAGUAI ~:==:::::::, Loaded! Silver exterior. _,EV 12 R-~~ automatic, wire wheels, --.....--• St.Cs one owner & m ex~llent One of the most a p-71•50Slc is. 1sm~luf> cood.itJon! (034Sl3> preciaUng cars on the 79450Slccs.o:rr•ts-.o- (At Beach & Whittier ) 1114• szz.u11 CJOKd Sundays market today Has fitted • COOPfS l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I MOW$7288 chrome. wire wheels, ;::~g::;:=: '11 530l A/C, slel'eO cass. ~ automatic lrans., pwr. 7S2'0CISHIOltlA o.wy 4/s p. Mlst/blk. Inter. Maldm/l...et steering & is in way 1ueoccs.M••1s~ Looks • drives new. 2150Harbor Blvd .. C.M. above average condition. •SEDANS ~~~:rii3~~~~10 or 645-5700 ~MuST SEEJU ~==:.L~"' "Woae~~;~~n IAUIRMOTOIS ~=~=1~14 ~' "l'6 BMW 3.0Sl. 38,000 ml, ........ _... Bl d ·-,_, x1al cond. Clean. AJ I ea. $Will Pay Top DoUar a 292:S Harboc' v . 7usosui. 01M111u ·'· ·-----1 COSTA MESA .., .. sosn ........ 11111 tru. auto, au, SWUVUI, 77 .--~ -~11•-Blau AM/P'M slA!r cass, 979·2500 ..,..-t;;4ii1~ l , ... l t h'> 000 pp Aote • ~ .-.C.IOll ~ 011" ea... n r, .-. . ........ 9712 -i.1o.--• 494-258& 2.845HARBORBLVD.· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 213/921-8588 '77 5301. 4 spd. snrr, 54°"'410540.0213 '741.t JENSEN HEALY. 714/52'>7250 AM I FM cass, AC. LO MILES. XLNT .J- Burgundy. Sll.900 or ... New7UllOZX Arr. P /S. 4 CONO. $6800. CALL • 714/750 7201 aume lie. $271 r:no . paas. silver Lie. pd. m.1129 • 873-no? res. 833-0433 olc. --'S11.--'-:M7_S30-&t09_____ HOOS{ (1 "IO 2iXR It.IC, 1tereo cus. 4-tPd. "73 ext. trtr:n. nu ·urea, clu~ch .tr tr&01 . '$3300. 404-5752 -JerwenHuley '74, yellow, '74280Z •tk..t excell. cond. AM /FM . mu1t sell. INTS I~. A/C,AM/r-M8-\.rk, Days U ,000 mi's, 18200. ..,.,._""" .._, •• 6M-821l -l-~~ Qft TN~N\41,__, 1'17 C.Uca GT: Excellent "74 White w/blk lop. Conv. '71 2002, 1nr•t fully condition. AIC. A.M /FM Xlnt cond. 14,000 ml. f'8llOl"tid, IOK, PtOO/blt. t Vil: 16 thou.a. $5.100 $ 7 5 O 0 6 1 S • 2 9 0 I mat a1k lot Chrl• mn11 21J.55H236 . MERCEDES BENZ la. IOO , ... r ' •• r· AMtos, .. ,....... .... l .. orW Mto.t, IMporhd Mttot, IM,.,+ed AMfot, IM~ ...... t_,ort.d Fndmy, Febfuery 23. 1979 DAILY PILOT DJ J ai;:••-;.••.:.:::••••9•,4• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ::;:••••••••u•••974•J ;.;;;i•••••••••••••9744 ;;...-··•••••••97••5•0• :.:.:_~~··••••••••••••••......._Mew t ...... Mew • tlOGA ...... Mew tlOO Cl ·--.. f74J ...,. .-~ f750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••;.-.-;j••••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... . .......••.........••••••...•...•...•.•..••.•.........•.••..........• ·•····•···•··••···••··· ····••····•·•····•••··· 'm6 JllBZ llOE. Tak u.n:zy lt17 W. MIMIT "17 M61 "12 9ll lo/ml, iclnt. conct 'M tlJ Porsche. Rblt owwlleor ~. _, me 110 lfkilet. 1$,000 COMW•t•I IK>AD5,. H ,&Oo. 49'·3612 or ~-Dark 1.-eenttao =--~l~arr--~nt· ml't on rel>lt eoa. A ~ar with fan enu.hr•cU..ireenwllb '8l·ll61.aakforDarleoe. 1*.lm00Pb:$$1·3IOI -~.... oe_._ AM /FM. tOGMau, lua tllllfc ec:oaomy (2''7> ac:lld dKaJ• • ~nstrip '"" ea 2 0 XI ..... -~..-112 ---------•...,.tact, 8RO wlfOld WM ..-S: on 11te thl• a,. H.as ntU'd AM /l"M '" 4 · nt. cond -.---- "75 W. ~tto brwn, dM.all, $36i50 Set> ln CdM * 11h11d l1tno (2157) Wu ~~i~v'l ~fr er. Dy Rr own <llc U58SW ) llOOll au ml Xlnl cQftd or Saa Clemeo\e , $42'5 HO$, on ulc \bit e/ nS»6'42 Shari>! ... 191 New ~lcbello1. Oat m...oG •otl, •'3.tm IA&m MOTOIS ~od for only '&1&aper90, e11.cell. cond. 11111.,_ic--~~'D~~ Owner. Aft. 8prn . aftcipm. Harbor8lvd $4695 Top dollu. Call bet a:uoee lt7'M6W.DGIT rosTAMFSA IAUaMOTOIS HPM.98.'J.5Slt - - d> SJ::L.. Ml't.all.tt-bl1.1 , rnat~hlnt l••lhtr Jnl Ster•o t ape d•c k Load.-d I L.\k t new 1 Pnvate p,any, lovmw rotU1Cr.Y Makeoft r Call ti·O 2613, alh·rno<>n• ~-·-- •••••••••••••••••••••• HEW 197' Y.00.. '#1th bt•<'ktr1m &i t7t·2500 ZimHarboc' Blvd --lq """~H fatlt'd >u11•1• r ack ca>l'A MESA lfS7 CAlllOUT ,_,, """'°' °"'° C*1). Wu Ult5 oo M91 '744 91'·2500 f'aol.Ullc Oc>POC"lunJty to a.-a.-... ..,.. >\hi., kend ••••••••••••••••••••••• own an ~xCt'plUonal car. •--•111495 '•11111t 9741 Immaculate • It's llke - •... ,,:: ~----·•••••••••••••••••••• monty In the bank. a fan. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~'e""i~d,. ·75 ~ W11roo, am/fml t tk Investment. Red/· TISTDIUYIOUI OW".... • uew r.ud.ialll ~ <.:al tan. convert • all service ... • C ""• <.'OST M A ........ '"""ti3&tl ~ aince new. Un· ..., ~ t7f·Z500 ::__..._ 9750 fortunately muat sell. OFTHIYIAlt .. .,._._ .-io. ~9:M6eva Good lnventocy In stock. '7 6 ...c9 MIKIT • •• •••••• •• •• • •• •• • • • • • HWT)' while they hut I Maroon Low m1lea 1971924 '73 914 . Appearance MlbC&.I Priced \O .. ,11 • (LIC' More With ulr ('ond . 8 track group Mal(a. $4000 MAZDA/llMAUlT r.6PRXl i.t<.•«:u. removubl~ sun 7S2· 7851 days, 673-0660 2J50Harbor Blvd. ~ people buy root . t•u11tum whee l s eve11______ COSTAMESA • IJ&) 1i~-~ 1:1..~ nwh'' 1821'1"~W ) '78Targa. mel copper, all 64S.:S700 ~~{ the MGB I r1 cf'd woy under extras, 12K ma, sltll un· ------- --··-" 0 •" ~~~ value for 11 der warr. Musl sell. 1t'ilaai.AULT MCk a MIDGETS Ill e.todt fOf' 1mml'd11&t 11\<hW'f)'! All rolors' S. us belon you bu TODAY!!! than any SAVE$$$ ~.ooo. 7:)4-6383/M2·3Bl6 GTLDILUXI .,., .. m i ET AM , F M other Black on Black SI oo DOWN _... plus t.ax ar license COMHRL CHEVROLET IAUllt MOTOIS ~ m;'""· DIOO M bt-at convertible. '78 "ft24" $104 4J per mooth for 48 ~ months on approved ·x.,. 11.11 r ... ,, ft,\ d ?!mHart>or Ulvd '11'! "lGA Mark ll Xlnt ~OOF credit. APR·12.98'l.. <.'OSTAMl"Sf\ t•ond Convert ~llver. t7t-2500 newures $400CJ 494 2589 BRITISH 1 , i:--1 ' '' r:... ' SU-1200 Excellent car equipped Deferred payment With air conditionJog and price-$5427 .00. (3025895 >. --------t AalliM.. Mew .... tlOO '74 91' 2.0. bUt w /blk int. Alloy wheels, fl m cassette 26.000 mi. $5700 631·9~ days. 675-8638 eves. more! (4C»lJSO) Cub price is • rriced tow $3972 L.vLAND '78 924 · Xlnl cond. sun· roof. am/fm stereo. $1000 under mark.el. 752·0888 plus tax Ii: license Mllode ~/ ........ 2l50Harbor Blvd., C.M . 645-5700 AND NEW 1979TOYOTA CELICA GT LIFTIACK OUILOW DISCOUNT PRICE ONLY 56199 BRAND MEW 1979TOYOTA COROLLA -~ DOOR SEDAN '75 DATSUN IJ I 0 2 DOOi SIDAM 4 spd., vtnyt roof and radio (180NOK) s25M 1974TOYOTA C&ICA Me1. gray. 4 sPd .. air cond. & 8 track Good solld earl (837KHN). s33M 5 sod trans. AM/FM stereo steel belleo radials and fully fa c 1 o ry eau1 oo ed (RM2559193) 1977 COROLLA 2DOOISIDAH Silver with black interior 4 sod. and racho. Economy. rellabtlttyl (253$PM). s2999 1971HONDA CYCC 2000. 4 spd. and radio. ONL V 4.325 miles!ll (610WCK) 537M ~ I 1975 COROLLA 1975TOYOTA 1975 DATSUN Srotn' COUPI SIS COllOUAYI f'tCIUf' ftUCK s sod • 111r cond rallye 5 Sod . Stereo & vtnyl roof 4 spd . shell. rallve wheels wheels a vinyl roo f. Nice car. nice price & & stereo. (11<78310). (89-CMPI) 47,800 miles (60680Fl s2999 s2999 53IM 1976 AUDI 1976 VOLVO 1974 DATSUN FOX J DOOi SIDAM 241WAG-OH 260ZCourt Pre1ty wt'ute car w11h auto. 4 sod .. oower steering & 8 4 sod.. AM/FM radio & trans .. air oond. A radio. track tape Good car 1ust In silver w/bltci< inter.or-A (689RJF) lime for Spnng. (143PCM). beautiful buy! (067163) 537M s3999 · 5t999 ALL '79 B-210 STD.'s IN STOCK saa~ TAX IMCLUDIO NEW 1 78 LONGIED PICKUP I 00°/o FINANCING ON APPllOVID CUDIT! #1 s4477 IMPORT TRUCK "' .. t •. 1.-•o..i........,°""°"' FOR 21 YEARS!11 NEW 178 FIO WAGON __ __,_ S9UIRE WAGON FRONT WHEEL DRIVE WoodGr*P...t1 AMlteclo ~ ... ,.,_. ...... lu41r.....,1 THE IMPORT CAR OF THE YEAR! AND W.E'RE DEALIN'! MANY TO CHOOSE ROM AT llG SAVING I • DRIVE A LITTLE ••• SAVE A LOT!! I 00°/o FINANCING! o.A.C. SALIHOUIS MOM.-SAT. t && te t p.a SUMDAYStte6 > • \ • l i ; . • UNDEl=l $ 999 \497-3914 ;.iJtl'l' • JO PM 'fill t'hrvn1lr1 lmp11la .. 1.11 1nn v.n~on f'fod' rt ( Ihm Qnd Pov.es hr u k•·' !<!lcrrtnr.. 11r1n1l1'"'' front •t-1111 ~t'I l"U'h fl~,! 4 '• (11" &itS ~~'flt 11trr :'lf'~t $1499 '71..,...CW. n PaH. Wason VI. auto. lraa. , pr at , but't.t ••u lt mor ' O&H)-. ~~ Sl4tl .... Qry.,..ftw, -Herbor Blvd , e.11. ...... ,,. $1999 A Family 0(1tfl/td Stort! ... AMC AMX Coupe Automallt, or.., Hl , pwl' 1lffr• lnl 6 braku. •lc tJUBQX) SltH ...... UM4C_.. ~lot Harior /HamlJtoo 6ll·IJIO F•M ktiln Call a -Pillt AD-VISOR 642·5678 $2499 '74VW SUNIUG 4 j)ff!d, AM /FM rvdto, 11te•I a>.lled rad 111 Is. ~aome body work A HARGAIN AT SZOts Pnvate party M271W Olli S.t or Sun only .... '75 '-"I Me•ericll Automatic. air cond .• rlldk>. tint.eel •hm. low mlleJalfrnorel (S21WA). SZ271 .... ,. ....... Ford 3)80ffarbor Blvd , C.M. 642-0010 '74 HONDA. CIVIC 2 door, 4 1peed, radio. blue w /black 1nL. (741KPY > $2495 JIM MJt.ltlHO VW 18111 Beach 81/H B 142-2000 $2999 I '71MAZDA.114 Wlll(On. Aul0111-tlc trans. (731#NJO>. Priced lO lhla ~•t()l\Jy SZ611 Mlrwct. ...... / ....... 2l.50Jlarbor Blvd., C.M. 645-5700 I '71 •--• GWo 4 speed. Super n ice! llard to find model I Cfl0'1TZW). Won't last at $2660 Mncle ...... / ...... 2~Harbor Blvd .. C.M. 645-5700 '74 Che•y Coprtu • Or. V8. auto. trans . pwr. st. Ii brakes. !.wr windows. air con . .tt more! (252KPY). SZ571 ,,.. .. , ....... Ford 2000Harbor Blvd .• C.M . 642-0010 .'7lW....+6ollCll TIA YILJt.1.l V<S, automatic. puwer st.eerinit " brake11. air cond. Brown & white (lf.3.WD{) JIM MJt.ltlMO ¥W 18711 Beach 81/H 8 842-2000' 11161 Rolls Royce St•dun. fine cood. Elt>ganl white '7J VW s.,1 1bocll Automatic, rodlo, blu w /dark blu e 101 <672.K~) $2995 JIM MAllHO VW 18711 Beach 81111.U 14Z.2000 tm 610 Datsun wagon. AM /FM •·s peed , lug. aaae rack. $2700 /bst ofr. 64~4183 770·2682 '71 DA. TSUN 1600 ROA.OSTER Convertible Cuslum ~ls Very shurp• $2750 Pvt Pty Ask for Mr f".ilk 95S--023S. 493-8887 '75COROLLA STA.TIOHWAGOH '7Zll.-dertWd Clasalc. Loaaded. Mui;t Sell-Sacrifice. SZISO Private Party ~·TIW •75 Pinto Wagon-. V-6, auto I.rans, 20 mpg. low miles. $2 90 O I o tr e r . ( 7 14 I 548·8625 after 5PM & weekends or (714 ; 4.98-1000, eXJ. 3/07 Wkdy~ . '7(TRIUMPH Sl'fTFf IE Roadster Burgundy. 4 i.peed. radio (.679LOY J $29'5 JIMMAllMOVW ·113 VW t:unvt Huns g reat Body munchcd. S65U Call hi3420K -$20,500. 640·4900 -- --5 speed. air cond1t10111n1<. Saab 976 lal)l!. l(ood m1lcugc 1i1cl '74 VW 412. 4 i.pd. perfect ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll'r (li67NIL> oond new mtr, new llr~i.. 72' 99E. auto, r11d1al11. $2695 AC.'$2400 536-3&18 Good cond. $1400 lill Moxey 1;.<; vw Oug. ir:ood en.:. ___ 536-_46&_ TOY OT Jt. looks <1K. nc'-'<ls work SMbsv 9762 L8881 Beach Blvd $.500 536-2915 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HUNTINGTON BEACH ,74 VW Bus, needs bod> '76 4 wheel drive Station 847-8555 work . rbll e ng. call Wagon. with aJI pos OP· __ 64.2-71.51 S2800 t.l<lm. 3.5.000 mt. $3750/ T"'-'* 9767 '74S rbeetle AM /FM bestolrer. ~-1360. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ... upe n.: l rr r ..... o casi,. ueS o ert 71 Subaru . AM / f' M HEW 1979 S2S.'l5" Mu st ... ell. xlnt stereo. Good cond Good SftlTFtllES l'OOd. L1:.a ti73 0861 llreS Xlnt trans. 46. 111 '>Lock for 1mmed1ote --nu. 642·2073 dcllvcl')' All colori.' See Uuggy Swider!\ Dcltght Toyota 9765 IL., before you bu) ·oo VW Bu~. nl''->di. wori. TODAY!!! S4W1t>s1otr 04~;~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1975 TOYOT Jt. CB.ICA 4 speed truns & 111 ex· cellenl cond ition ' C681MXUI Pnced to sell at , OHLY $3188 Miract. Mcnda/ReMUlt 2l.50 Harbor Blvd., C M 645-5700 IEfOREYOU SEU YOUR TOYOTA, SEE US! MARQUIS TOY OT A M~ION V!fo:JO 131-ztlO 495-1210 1977 TOY OT Jt. c.lca Uftback 5 speed. air cond . stereo. one owner & showroom fresh! (744TYW I Pneed t.osell at ONLY $5188 Miract. Mcnda/RfllCNtt 2150 Harbor Blvd .C M 645-5700 ·77 Corolla 4·SPd 2 rir. R1H. cxcell. rond1tion l2K mi. $3250. !">5 I «!240 '72 Corina: Aranli m·w trans Goud ro nli $700/0es t ofr 1\40 3567 days, 492-8498 evt>i. -----'16 Corolla S/W, 5 spd $2375 Good cond. 536-3411. '74 Cellca. 43.000 m1lci.. xlnt rood1llon. make or fer 542 1771 call l·vc:. '11 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER TIW>one'sgotetull1 <: B . AM /FM stereo. pin stnp 1ng. much m or"'' Like New 0 49TJ8) Selle Pri~•d Pre- Inventory TAX SALE • C&ICA.S • COIOHA.5 •COIOLUS • CllSSIDA.S • TIUCKS ALLCAIS TAGGED ..,_.LHMI BILL MAXEY TOYOTA • I• I • ~ I I • f I •• •• ""' • ' •N If A • IA.UER MOTORS "OOC'allf Bu11 Cu:.tom1tt!1I. ~'i Harbor RI vd t·omph:Lt•ly 1wt•r hauled COSTA M t::.'ii\ Conw:. wt many cxtra~ 979-2500 S2500 firm 551 ·~4 1976 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE With both topx & ON I. Y ~.1116 mill's! Excl.'llent L'OndJt1on! <73!.IPCP > MOWS3588 Miracle Mcrzda/Renot.1lt 21.50 Harbor Bh d . C M 645-5700 1970 TRIUMPH Ta-6 Aln·ath clJ11nt•l1 ,,., J classic. b~ t•11lhu~1a .. h' Exrellent condttmn & r1tted Wlr(' Wht•cl:. 125631 Wu:. $3995. on !tall' th1~ w<•ckend for onl) $3495 BAUER MOTORS 2!rl5 Harbor Blvd n.>STA M f:SA • 979-2500 IU76 ·triumph Sp1tf1rt·. A l\t t t·M . '<lnl rontl H'IJ-O'M aft 41'M twkduys '73 vw "12 WUl(On GOIMI 1· on d M u :. t S c I I SlKS01 bsl ofr. 4!14·2521 3 TO CHOOSE! '73 CLASSIC COMYERTllLE • '72 CLAS SIC COMVERTllLE • '72 ConcOtW1 COUPE (72()137 ,012258.493920) All Arc Vl•ry Shai:p tlURRY IN,NOW1 TrW. "73. S3H50 Yl'llow '72 (;amµl•r Van: ne w 50,000 ml Xl nt 1·on<J 1•ng t hrakl's /wirlng 642 8007 496 7titll Xlnt runrun~ tond. $3200 ~~II 7J.I:! '75 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE tlt!HPQK I S2995 O.Jt HMN IHC. ~~:Ii.I S:.i 11t.1 ,\11.1 541-4471 l'11.,.1•rful 73 THh' Xlnt t•ond' s.lM!i 4!f.! ll.17 Votklwogen 9770 .••.................... ·77 VW Hubh1t 2·dr. sun roof. 4 :.pd , AM /F'M ~ll'rt'O. 1mmuculalc. Msl :.l'lt SJ:):)S 492·~14 tll l:hta Sac· M u:.l Sell 47,lnl Xlnt cond N~w pt AM / Fl\1 8trk S2800 642 24~ '77 DASHER HATCHBACK 1\utl}rTlattc. stereo lupt'. mr t•o111llt1on1 ng. 17000 m11f.., l'lean a!t u p111 1972 VW CAMPER ctiGJVQUI $3995 ~'l ready for summt•r' lt17•t9781 Pnct•d to sell at Iii Moxey OHL Y SJ 188 TOY OT Jt. Miract. 181181 Beach Bl vd. Mcada/R ...... t HUNTIN~~'i BEACH 2l.50Harbor Plvd .. C.M. 1 .. -~~~~~~ 645-5100 ,- '71 VW 411 Square Back '72 VW Ous. Curtains. Runs great, Auto Trans .• carpel, fold out bed. ""M radlo. $1700. 552·3565 sodium valvt•11 $2000 Dou11 957 8"44 ofc , Vol•o 9772 675-2402cvcs ••••••••••••••••••••••• lll76 7 pai.s bus. lo m1. 1uxxl cund1t1on. mu!tt sell $4500 (Ji~ J I '8 l'\ l'i. -- '64 V/\N 2000 m1 on rlilt el'\lt & tram; Sornt• hrk/ steenng & botly work needed $650 h-.l flfr Y((.!.2596 VOLVO SALES, SERVICE AND LEASING OVEltSE/\-; DELIVERY EXPF.RTS EAILE II< E ¥0L¥0 '61 wfltlOO rblt tm1< body 1966Harbor Blvd &. chroml> rt"•lon•d COSTA MESA Ocan. l.tkt' new S3000 646-9303 540.9467 Call 49' 6:lJ8 evei. '66 VW Squarchat•k Xlnt ~ECOUNTY mech cood New cng & VOL VO lrll'L'J, Body hur SllSO EXCLUSJVEL.Y VOLVO 67&-SOOB. Lar8;.sl Volvo Dealer '64 VW squart•back. tn angeCountt mo/bet orr. 497·3984 art. n~~kEASE ~~~h~~;."t •• , ·12 vw BUI Xlnt. cond. 2025 S. Manchester Sl.700.orbestoHcr. A he 750 2011 642·2515 na 1m -. ·• PC>PtoP. Ntw valvt' Job. '7$ ~L Volvo. 96K ml • AM /lr'M cus. stove. ex tx~ll cond:-Uest offer tnt. SUl>f'r In/out S2800. above l2lllO D)'s 549-2400 Ph~l9 eves 1·'127·2143 -----"77"' 2840L. ucept clun, ISi< ml. ask1nt: IDJ0.616-7~ ''II Rabbit. Xlnl eolld Low mlleaae c.11144·'7722. 9to5 ~~~~~--~--~~~~-------.:..---....:..~..__..,:_ __ ...._..._ __ .._ __________ _. ____________ .1..=:::;~~-;;:::;;::-=-c============-L=::=========== .. .. ~ .. . .. . . -,, -.... """ .... .-.... UtH ...... u... Mlet.UMHI ~.Fetwuwr n. 1'7t .DMLYP!LOT eJa ....................... ..................... ....................... ....................... -------- ·.-MC ttl C B "ti C 8 I Htl C e ttl7 .......... tlOO .......... flOO .......... ...... .... · t100 ........... tlOO -............................................................................................................................................................................................................. . lt16MC -·-, "!.' ..... ~,, ~ ~· 'Tt Camero, t1pe LT, MATADOllN. . ~ ••-· .-npQ' All/nl cueela.. bttt ••11 ~Ck. fee· afr.'66 laMWUO ' .. tGrY air coed., ,.,. I CM. iaC11V. IOOll ~ ...... --··-_... _.. ~ ............... ,..,. Uoe. MK ml, SHH. --· _..... ... ._ . ........ ONLYD, ..._ •mt '· ................. "' • <5af!G>. 1?._IDV, Dtx.1 !lutwi.t Clleuu•t HJO • Ut71 • ·--IA ID . m:.• eG9d. ...................... . PUICHAll tcm .... ,.,aft s. MOY As OI LIAA ~·rr r,_:~~· Clloict ot io. AU C!Olon, a YOUI MIW .... 1 doon 6 4 door'I. AU with •••ftlll,.. '' .. ..,. 8"We .............. lo llUIOmaUC U'AU., pwr. 'Y -~ radk>e • M Oit CAIMI l AC 1116• ~ tinue, om have afr coad. All exam· ....,, all ~. loct ..a.. <-·-D> N .. 1~ NOWI ~ .... dD11'0P.Bud ...., -~ft.,owo...., LYtte~. 11 .. auo. evea .. aJ.tlJt l•HOPn~t ROBINS I •.>I.' I• (". ONNf-l l < tOYIClJltl ., 11 ,_ ' •1Jr,., ...... W int""-..•.........••.•. M74t.• NO CAP. '-Mcwtttl ~~! ........... ~-'674P 17 IUICI llECTIA t.oadldl <311SRSM > i: : oa.EIMC.· -·.. laaMIAaa 141-4471 C OHMfl l CHfVRUll I ?~.ai:-ro:!: • ~ 11 • 'r \ \1 I ' ........ JlahlPll '>4b I JOO ----------·------l '11 llh'Mra. Loaded ln· "II El Dorado: reUred ~ PiGDMI' AM /Fii G.M. E:unit1ve. Owner ~ m ml. "350. Pb: driwo ODly. Prime coed. 711·Mll 111.400 .. 7113 CONNELL C HEVROlfl '7S Ill&* Wp. 9 pau '10 ledan De Ville. Good air, All/Fii, loaded cood. $1600 Pvt Pty. W/fl'IW'Y acwy PQSll· 548-8215. ble. l oww&M-IMI ___ .;..;_ ________ ~ .. )t J f.11 ha 11 I I 11r,)\\I~ I S46 1200 -------------1 "11 8evUle Pewter Gray '11 Rdal Landau, air, X&tu. XJnL Must SeU I loedld'" w/extru. llake ~eve.,wku. t89-480I "'•· P.P. MMTM 'T1 Coupe de Ville: Xlnt '11 !Qbwk. Excellent ecmd. fow tnl. Buculdn. eeM. Gnen, All/Fii, ~P.P. 758-IM2. lt7J CHIYIOU1' CAMAIO • apeed trans., at.reo. maa wtaee&a • wide Urea. (J4GIEV). ···•.-o.•-_..._ _. ...... .11 ~ '77 CDV bro voltop • .--J'Ol&I' -·-aor bl/lelbr lDt. crae am/rm Sll50 MllwclwUMclC... U:: lot-Harbor /HamUton COSTA MESA 6Jl·HJO ~!!~la~ • ~~~~.soo. ........... ...... ..... ...................... ............. , ___ .... 71 T-BIRD g_n:, -ljllll -IHll Cf..SO COM•OI 1 POWflf \llW'1not1w$ 11ereo 8 11ack t'Pt ' ir.IJVrCi t 7999 71SEVILLE l"""'· "'*'""' ..... CfUtW Jl!G 11'11 llOW If C635MWZi '8988 77 COUP£ DE VILLE lM~ ntfq ~ Ill .-0 CAUO"of -.ip 6 """.-""-"> 1<f'lilRSl1 '8599 75 FLEETWOOD BRH. 51)111 ""' suu.. crUOK Mt tul myl too ••t-&f\111,... ClflfllMJI '8188 71VOLVO 2M Ol WAGON l....... lo<GtWQt ·~ -latlOly • *'° .s.-o10li03, 15988 77 SEDAN DE VILLE '""""'ioo--.-----..... ~1~1110 18899 '74 MERCEDES 450SE l t•t •~'A 111 MK. tmUtl\:~ ,. t'' O.b~t.11 s11,999 '12 BUICK ELECTRA 226 low ""'"'Nlly ~ 1ir. I 4084J01 •1eee 77 CAMAAOLT OOllM COllllll ~I-1111 .,.,,. lkl .. •NltO 1.-·c.a'5ttlt lOldtll t IClSI. I I '8588 '71 FON) STATION WAGON 11111 t.,,,. $Quott YI -..... -#!Cl .... ·-........ lie' A#llltl ..... llMfWGI •3999 74 COUPE DE VILLE '-<!IOI>. UI powll. 11111 ,_ """ i......, .. Ill -. AM/Ill -t hct. -pw.,.. -IZ254CIVI 13998 71 DATSUN 280Z f''tt'°O •lll:Pt. • SPd """ '"1 twn a•• ~unroal tlm cono 1009\JlVI '8899 '73 BMW 3.0 CS !N ·~I ,. 1 • .., rfOIJ\. tl 1.i'JiM\ r'1 1 10 900 77 PLY. VOLARE ~ .. ""OC!C> ,._ ... _ -P...Pll I.cl . -"""'000 ..... 111-1 •3999 . '7S COUPE DE VILLE . .. _..... ___ ... ,...,._ ..., .. ,.._IM_,.1 '8199 '7S COUPE DE VILLE l-lilP"p&oytt ... ...,.lllP ~c ... UI p.1 1-1 15499 • A C.C.•"" IOO !l'f IOI"" -U I>"' "'<;I ., 1.tino f« Whf!t1 &. Ctll!M' c.orit lo• tow "*" 1••.~llJ •5999 '73 S!DAN DeVILLE '°'"° -...... '"'"° ~~ llllw.t 11111 ~·"" I /:lUJWI •3499 2GIANT NA~€1 ~ -=-=a: eolfa_....._ ~- OVER 150 OARS TO OHOOM f'AOM ' ,., I \ ,, I ' \ ..... o....~ .............. , .. ... !>41> 1 lOU __. ,..tClftlll• ................ 12.U F"'-'dlll 0..-· ', o o • • 0 ••Lt• Ll17".ll ........................... '~ PlutTIX I Uc. IMMIDIATI DILIVDYI OPEN EVERYDAY (714) 495.080() YOUR CHOICE '71FOID4HAMADA eHSA ' Automatic. aircond .. power sunroof a stereo tape I. '71FOIDB.m Automatic. air cond . power Landau top (337MFWI IOTW I .. EXCIU.IHT COMOfT'IOtlt '°'OML,$306.94 .../$96.85 .-1 ........ T•IU. ..... Fot 48 Mos. efe ed a ment nee 1495!5 74 AP 7 '77TRIUMPH Tl7 5 soeed air cond1honcng AMt FM stereo & stereo cassette sunf'OOf & luggage rack Ont of a lond' IStk •5521l1Ser a3()6121 SJJM 77 OLDSMOllL '72 JAGUAR .,,. 8 cyt1ndef automltle tflM air cond oower tt9efrng oower windowl I AM/FM rtdio Lw•Uf'Y It a fllf Of•ee (39eE>CWl DRIVE IT! ... , .• , .... .,,.,_ ............... ..-.n NEW 1979 COROLLA 4-DOOR CUSTOM AUTOMAnc Ser. n E 31-393723 ' I LVO 141WAeote 4 speed. air condlttOnlf\9 I stereo A very hard to find e111ceo11onally maintained vet11cle Slk t5806) (lie 2960SCl COME SEE! - '75 IMW Hll e cytfncter. automettc ,...., ... elr condttioN11Q & AM/FM ,.,lo One of lhe WOl'l(fS orett reed can (404MHT) SEE TODAY! IMA A u to matic trans air condltlort1nQ AM/FM stereo Oeoendab1htv at a suoer once' (Stk •58021 (Lie 176RXFl DRIVE I '78-PONTIAC IOMMmUI~ V-8 engine. auto trans .. air oond • power ttterlng . wtndows. Ofaket & seats. vinyl roof. 1111 wheel I AM/FM ~ Up8 Too nice to ...,...n, (953YOT) .. . ' \ ' •• I •14 ONLY PILOT ....... u .. d ........ u .. ct . Avtot.UHd ....... u .. ct .... used ....... u .. d '· ~;;,.;;;;..-_ __________ r_r ... •de ... r..,._r ... e0_r ... u!Y~n~. •' •;..n... •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••• t.... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. •• .......... ••• ........ • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••••••• I ~YOU'LL ALWAYS FIND AT ORANGE COUNTl'' #1 .,...., uae4 , a. ... , tt20 a.w•t 9tZO Cutia atll 99JO c. ,,.... tt32 e.g.-ttll Ford tt40 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Qevr•t ttJO '&4 Chiv)' Belair. 4 dr. 6 1tt1 Uncoln Continental COIYmlS '74C~ar XR7 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• * * * eyl. automaUc satio. PP. 6',000mlles. X!nteood. $2,700. f"ttvat.o Party """9• 11 .. r I. l . ....._.. •19 6'M064 Two 19766 631·2'83 =~ ur ur truc k. 10Admlral •73 Moote Carlo, A/C, DealerwtU sell his loaded One ia a }lrown T·Top. '67 Cougar, stick, 8 track, Irvine AM/f'M redlo. l owner. M ar ~ V for be low Automatic, fwr. st. & goodcOnd.1895. vou .... U..wlMWof Good cond. U .HO. wholesale Bluebook. brakes. a r c ond.. 847·7017 ,._..,_Tlueh &U,&347. .->.Mi-7513 AM/FM stereo caHetU! ~ 9935 to & CB . Nice car!.......,. CtlCUS y Al•AS Clll ,.._. ttH '70 Mark 111 Claasicl (»3PCC). The other 1s a ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ginger bm. tan lthr. al s ilver T·Top with '77 Aspen. 4 dr One 11'\'b2tllhor2tth '68 New Yorkur. Im · power. ruoa n ice . aur.omatic, pwr st. & o wner , like n e w , 4 »P~g~~m•ncu marulate. ~Int. mecPhlj $3100/0C' bst ofr. 841M8tl6 brakes, air cond .. wire s:m>/bstof'r. 546-4tll4. new Urea btaa •s ... ~. 183-6857 eves. Ask wheels & AM/FM stereo. na Cenl_,r .,.._ • ' · ft; Oeonia. (776VCE). Both were '75 Dodge Coronel. 2 Dr '71 flOID W A60M ....._.s.-... ·· vs. a utomatic, pwr. steert n1t. factory air cond., A•/Fll stereo. l1.C1&1e rat& " ONLY 8.<XM>milel! (107V0Z). $5771 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1n1e 19'1'95; now hardtol>. Gd cond In/out. DE"_.LER fflD----1,.. To rlalm our UC'kct11, l'UDVrl(I '73:4dr.Xlnt cond. Ott.JStl75 Radio, A/C. $2900. Ph ~ r -.--.-.,__,,__,..,....,,.,_.,..........,.~·-i~ • • "'9RtilL pX>O Miracle Used C•• _900-_l.966 _____ _ I ~u1,u ttARBOR ~t "i' CO~lAMl'>A t,;; ''"' IN CO T;4 ME Co.0081 6?J.2027 UC lot·Harbor/Harnilton Ford 9940 •• Ford Station W1n. 'rt !I Camino. loaded, " '64 OW1Sic. Great for col· COSTA MESA .,,.,,,,,,, ............ Auto AJC Great'29eat riwr wndwll. crulau. till. Loaded ! ('190\JOU> lector who likes to '31·5330 ~HIL C·6 trans', minor body AM/P'M rua. maic a. ~ restore. S.'iOO or best of. LONG work.$250.631·2408 16000 ml $6000/oUr ler.556-9096a/t.4:'3Cf '74COIVITTI .W..12D7-o.L ni•c. White. auto, air. 1Stereo '62 FCll'd Fail;laM, nuas Zl02 E Jal Santa Ana 1967 Linci>ln (UcllOOKFP> ~ "' xlnt, good traoaporta· 541-4471 Cootinental64,000mlfes. $7tt5 t.10b.l8>0.548-1726. f) MaJthu ("la110 <'. 4fdr '74 CAMAltO LT 646-4064 "c. r •. r ,n. -.ulo F\aUy equipped. "nice. Culll•..tll tno eor.ette 9932 ·_11o~~ tr•"" M•nr 'tlf .. 1 " 1 "'•·•n c-url <566LFQ > ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• a.r, '75 GTanada Ghja: 2 cir . 18 .000 ml. Loaded, S3SOO/Offer. 497 1827 . OME OF THE LOWE TPRI FULLY RE 0 DITI ............. , 1-1< RcHI" vf'ry S35tir '""" M .. -k Ill "''"" '" " ~ "" .. . 'fi6 ~in"r&y, 327, 4 Spd, --lTO ED 1lOC~41JU f'rv P ly 161Mexey Mustsell.$1200. AC~g ahowrm cond. °"'::;3~~:'nn '76 Granada: 4 dr. auto, TOYOTA 642•2533 mus't see 963·9 180, pwr str. air. S300j) . ..... , ..... , ....... _.~,, .... , 673-2027 ..,: 0 '111 lk•I AlrStaOon Wuaion 11111111 Beach Blvd .. c 0 0 t . · 7 9 M K V . 96IMllB7 '63 Rdstr. Classic convt, ••11-•-c-.. , .. _ •-------- .. _ Nt'w bralt a. Needs HUNTINGTON BEACH LOADED. 1845 mi. P/P . Havesomethlrigyouwant braodnew eog,cln body, '76 Ford LTD, 2dr. Like. P•lnt Good tr•ng-p, 847-&SS $1 3.950 b est o ff e r . tosell?Classifiedadsdo must sac. $6500. Ask for Find what you want in new. Loaded w/extra~. D'J010 1l09618329 714 /644·9217 • it well. 642-:ms. Kim 661-6195or 494·2012. Daily Pilot Classifieds 64&5252. --------....... Mew · 9100' Alltot, Mew 9100 Alltot. Mew 9100 Auto•, Mew 9100 Allto•, Mew 9100 Autot, Mew 9100 ._,..,,Mew 9100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• USED CARS I TOWN ... "Je PL 'l'MOUTB Si\ TELLITE --------119ot-I• n us one has low miles a n d I s a s u p e r '2999 transportation earl t1P (283CBG) •72 A UBI I .. U A uiemat1c transmission and Q 1 7 7 7 air cond1t1on1ng 0 (21 4GORJ '72 l'tlERClJR'I' COLONY PARK . Has everything on '1J' 3 seal WAGON. Q 1888 ti! (982FAF) "74 CllEV'I' VEGi\ KArtiBACK W i th less than Q 1 999 34 .000 mi les! 0 (923KRY) '"74 FORD l'tlA VERICK Au tomatic, pwr. $ 2 3 3 3 steenng. air cond & less than 34.000 mlles• (932WD). 74 PL'l'MOIJTH DUSTER COIJPE Au1omat1c. pwr. steering & brakes. Q 2 666 air cond. & less 0 than 34,000 miles' (963MCC) FR()i\'I ~2999 •70 LINCOLN Mi\RK Ill ~11~0:x1~~:,~1~': 82999 miles• (122SWS\ '75 PONTIAC VENTIJRJ\ S PRINT :~~~~iJC~~~:~ s 3 3 3 3 than 21 .000 miles! (044Ml0), . '77 FORD MAVERICK Automatic. pwr. steering, air cond. & less than 15.000 miles! (723'TWX). 8 3666 Ll Xl iHY \l TO:\IOBILE~ '78 BlJICK RIVIERA Has everything Q 8555 and LOW. LOW '1J' mites! (150ULA) '77 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM. Has Q9999 less than 18,000 4iW mlles! (2585). '79 OLDS TORONi\00 Leather ~~ltuex~i o;plt~~~ $ 11 5 0 & balance of N E W C AR ' w arran t y (2639) ./Our Guarantee ./Our Reconditioning ./Our People HfYice Peopl.P To Do BruineH Wit1''' 5.-fLES • SERnCE • LEASING 2125 Ulml m.YD., COSTA IESA 0.-h9rJ NIPt Utltll 10 '·"'· SIM. '11 9 ,.t11. 1979 • CiYIC SEDAN_ SALE PRICE B~;;;w • ·-~~ CIVIC 5 SPEED iALi.PiUc1 • -... I , 1979 ACCORD AUTOMATIC BRAND NEW 1979-- CIYIC BRAND MEW • 4 SPEED HATCHBACK 1979 • ACCORD LX (2350)!SMD10501271 SALE PRICE (2138J(SGC50057031 SALE PRICE (2331)(SMH10494'48) SALE PRICE -Plus Tax & License Plus Tax & License IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 55979 Plus Tax & License Plus Tax & License Service & Parts. Depts. OPEN 'TIL I 0:00 P .M. Monday Htru Friday Se Habla Espanol All Sale Prices Do Not Include Tax & License• Sale Prices Effectivethru Wednesday, February 28, 1979 . . -..... ,,. , p ...... Ulff •••••••••••••••••••••• .... '' 11 rc...t auiieau. saw. ,.._au . Clean, pow A/C, Shrp J U IO -..ZS. ....................... "'/O Maverick l <tr. P /S, air, ~o, .&.ood llreS. Good ll50 "' 83 ~~? .......... !!.~ ORANOE COUNTY'S MIWIST LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALUSHlP IAYfU.DBOI t.INCOLN·M !RCUR Y ~11 AAl&o Cent.er Dr f ' S0Fwy Lake P'Oftlll Ull IJlVlNE H0.7000 "72 Col. Part t pass wa1. White, fully loaded ! Xlntl S .000. 67S 6161 M£J(Cllcma.rcn '76 Ghia, ~ V-8. A/C, PtS. P 18 , P1w, AM/FM stereo, lgt lrlr pkg u1cl trans cooler, slull krt, hvy dty shoc:b, x.lnt cond. $4200. ~ '74 ~ ColOQY Park wa1on . F ull pwr, AlllPll stereo, cruise COllR, rblt eng, radials x1111t coad. sms. 541-2335. "13 CdoD.>' Park W lb al pwr, 1 owner. $1800. Cal.I 551 ·ZMa . ..... g tt5 ...................... "16 Must•~ U. Auto. air, PS. D1.x tr. Gd cond. $.'BIC).Pb~ '75 Gbi.a 11 V .fi. AC. PS, PB. $IOO under bluebook. Must Sell by Sun. 9IMMIB. '6 6 Mu s t. CON · VERTlBLE, 6 cyl. 3 spd, 28 mpg! lmmac. l2400. ~ '67 319, auto. Mint cood. Oae()wner. ~ 65 Muslang Fast Back Clean w/ 3spd. man tram Nu Ures bartr rad elec $ value w1I ap. predate Stock wt xtras 6'1Mtl2. '66 Must•ng, disc brakes. ParUaUy rest, new paint "top. $1950. 75&-91'3. '6• Marauder. 4 dr, PS/PB, A/T, very good cond. 1.12.000 mi. $450. Ph 833-31118 ....................... '75 To.r.onado. Bris tol cond. Crull C. & all ex· lras. $4400. 962·7033. ..... 9957 '75 PintD Wagon V-6, au trans, 20mpg, low miles. $2900/oHer. (714) 548-8625 after 5 p.m. & weekends . o r (714) GHOOO. ext. 307 wkdays. ·71 PintD automatic, low mileage. $1000/ofrer 5.51·9543 '72 PintD Runabout, run perfect. AC. $1100. ~19aft6PM. '74 wgn, air. 4 s pd, AM/FM 8 tr, nu rdls, Perfect. $1800 firm . 831·9829. '72 PUit.o. Runabout. new tares & eng., am/fm c aas .. xtra clean. $1000/of(r S38-6732 '74 Pinto Wagon. AM /FM st«eo. 8 track, etc. $1600. Ph~ ptpm• . '960 ........................ '74 2 dr Duster. Xlnt cond. Pvt Pt)'. Best Orf er. 548-3215 POl6lc ·········~············· 1'75 POMTIAC ....... The sharpest one in town! V8, automatic air cond., ~wr. steering . mereo. vtnyl top ft rallye wheels. <.UXG). llADY MOWll! CONN Ell CHEVRO LET .... ,.11 .. 1.,1 ' t "" I \ \If \ 546-1 200 tf71POMT1AC ,...,..n,..._ Blue exterior wltb automaUc, air coDi'.:.1 im& wbeela ft AM 1..-. radio w /I track stereo tape. (551711). OMLY$1191 Mll11hUll4C... OC lot-Hart>or/Bamllton OOITA llF.sA 611·1110 '73 ar..s Prix: J type, One OWD«, A·l cood. ~ "IO C•aha: 4 dr . .aood traUJk Needs paint . -/OBO~ '11 Tr-. Am. Gold, eatra IMr1> low ml, all pW1' ell· t.rat i T-top. llust sell. 962·1'711 aft 5, Ml-3015 1"ll'k A FLEET CUSTOMER CANCELLED THEIR ORDER FOR 22 NEW -" MUST BEA BIG BAG!. FORD FAIRMONTs~~~~ AND L&-1 us HOLDING THE BAGI •7 3 PLYMOUTH DUSTll 8 cylinder. automatic transmission. po we r steering a brakes. air conditioning. (628RSCI '78 FORD fAllMOMT 6 cyhnder. and 1utomitrc transmission. (807 UKY) 54 177 •77 DATSUN FI0$9UIHWA~ 4 cylinder 4·speed. air cond1t1onrno AMIFM C324SWF) I I • • • Air Conditioning, Auto. Trans., -Power Steering, Power Disc Brakes, Radio, Tinted Glass, Body Mouldings, Dual Mirrors, Dix. Bumper Grp., V-8. '7JCHEVY MAUIUWAM>M A utomati c . power steering. po.wer brakes. ai r condit ionin g . (303MCCI 71FOID MUST~ 2.0001 Automatic. radio. heater, low mileage. 1240WCPI 54477 '74 FORD MUSTANe2+l •·•Peed radio. heater (632J)()() . 52977 '74PIMTO W..-oMS..,.. 4-cyllnder. automatic. radio. ne1ter. roof·rtcl<. (8"0LXI) ''6 CHEVY "•TOM YAM Automattc transmlaalon. cu s t o m I nt eri or (1808191) SOMETHING DIFFERENT . ' m the DAILY PILOT "76 FOID •UMAOA +oool 6 cylinder automatic oower steering stereo. (423NXW) U.mual Cars. Clas1lc1, Anti 1, Race, & One of a kind! . .. Example: #3422 St #2442 '77 FORD THUNDaltllO Full POW9f with lots ot extras (197GYSI '76 FOID LTllWA90H A u t o mat i c pow er sleenng & brakes cruise co n1ro1 root ·racll C515PWPl ' .. •Jf DAILY ptLOT 4DOOR BRAND NEW 1979 CHRYSLER LE IAROM BRAND NEW 1979 PLYMOUTH HORIZON VB engine, automatic torouell1te transmission. l)Ower ,teertng. white sidewall glass belted radial tires end morel (166251) FOR REIT ... 1700 c.c. engtne. 2 barrel carb . • speed $ - transmission. bucket seats. folding rear 4395 :~c,/i~~' =;,."~/~~de d~~:~~~ wheel trim rings. cargo compartment carpet & sound Ins. and wsw glue belted radial tires ( 1773'41 l SALE OR W'SE INFORMATION, CALL HARRY GLAVIC '546-1934 ' BRAND NEW 1979 air cood1tlon1ng. pwr sunroof. CHRYSLER CORDOBA ~~~do8:1nodr& i~t~~ss:e:;S 160 I DISCOU .... control AM/FM stereo radio "• w/8 tiack tape. elec. dig. Off Of Manufacturer's clock. Landau vinyl top. JUt Suggested Retail wheel. pwr. bucket seats Price leather int . wire wheel covers. w8w radials & more! (14'0373) ATLAS CHIWSLER·PL YMOUTH SERVICE HOURS: .MOMDAY-FllDAY: 7:30 A,.M. TO 1:30 P.M. SATUIDAY: l:OO A.M. TO 5.-00 P.M. BRAND NEW 1979 VOYAGER VAN 56495 SUPER SAVINGS ON· FINE USED CARS '• "\ l J ' ,., Huntington Beach Fountain Valley EDITION .. '1our Hometow• Dally ewspap VOL 72,.NO. S,,' SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1979 TEN CENTS Thie{ Guilty Qf Golin Murder Vietnam Waif are Escalates BANGKOK, Thall nd I AP I ln an escalataon of the w~lt-old war. Chinese warplaoea; stnking deep into Vietna m pounded tar gets near the port or Haiphong, where Soviet ships were unloading m1ss1les and radar equipment for their Vtt:t namese allies, That mtelligence sources said today Japanese r eports said, meanwhile, that a thud Viet namese provincial capital. Ha Giang, may have fallen to the ID· vaders. and that the Vietnamese defende r s o f Lang Son, a strategic crossroads town on the eastern front, apparently were under siege by Chmese ground troops. Farther east, closer to the South China Sea coast, outnum- bered Vietnamese infantrymen were fighting fiercely today to keep three Chanese divisions from cutting off a highway and outflanking the Vi etnamt!se forces around Lang Son. • • Daily ~-.._.., LM ... ,,. WHERE CORONA DEL MAR ROBBERY S'AGA CAME TO AN END THURSDAY OFF MAC AATHU~ BOULfVARD Arrow Marica Where Officers Stood; ~ad BandH'• Body Clrcted; Pickup Truck Uaed by uspec • Soviet De fe nse Minister Dmiliri Ustinov, an a speech to· day in Moscow. de nounced China's "dangerous provoca· lions . . against neighboring sovereign states" and s aid Pe- king is trying "to plunge the world into a war." A Yugoslav corres pondent re- ported from Peking that East European diplo mats the r e believe the Chinese have run in· to rougher terra111 and heavier Vietnamese gunfire than they e xpected . and tb~t _Peking'~ declared aim or punashmg Hanoi ror border provocations and get- ting out quickly bas become a fl exible concept. <See VIET, Page AZ> Sunny Skies Predicted for U>ast Weekend A weekend of blue skies was promised today by weather rarecasters who predicted an absence of clouds until late Sun· day. Thursday's storm dumped more than a half·inch or rain on the Orange Coast, bringing the season total locally to nearly 13.5 inches. J . Sherman Denny, Hunt· ington Beac h 's unofficial weather historian, noted that the 49.year average of total rainf'aU per year is 11.62 inches. "So you can see we're having another wet winter," he said. Last year at this llme. the Orange Coast had nearly 18.:> inches or rain fall. The late night rainfall caused few problems a lthough Irvine police had to close Jdfr.ey Road overnight when an agricultural culvert overflowed, flooding the roadway between Irvine Center Drive and Barranca Parkway. The road was reope ned this morning when the waler drained off Pay Hikes At Schools Approved Pay raises a mounting to $753 ,170 were given lo 906 e mployees of the Fountain Valley <elementary> School Dis-trict Thursday night. The increases bad been agreed upon in previous con· tracts that were suspended until a statew;de salary freeze was overturned last week by the s tate Supreme Court. The board of trustees ap· proved the following increases: -Five percent increase ror 469 teachers. -Six percent increases for 10 key secretaries and 391 other classified employees. -A 5.16 percent pay increase for 36 management and ad· ministrative employees. A spokeswoman for Supt. Bill Plaster said the pay increases had been budgeted. They are retroactive to July 1. Egypt to Aid Peace Effort? WASlllNGTON CAP> -Presi- dent Carter. staking out a peacekeeper role for .Egypt in , the Middle East, s ays its troops might legitimately be used to protect other Arab ~ountries against outside aggression. Appearing Thursday before hundreds of out-of-town editors, Carter also hinted be will ap- prove new U.S. weapons ship· ments to Egypt, but not at the level requested last week by President Anwar Sadat. Newport Shootout Robbery Suspect Held; Pal Slain By JOANNE REYNOLDS Ol ttle OMIT .. ,..,. Staff Federal authorities are ex· peeled to seek an Indictment oo multiple criminal charges against the robbery suspect whose partner was killed Thurs· day in a shootout with Newport Beach police. Robert Lee Held, 38, or Foo- t an a remained in Newport Beach City Jail today. He was held without bail as a suspect in the $1,460 robbery at the Corona del Mar branch or Western Federal Savings and .Loaq. • Police said Held, who original- ly told officers he was Robert Lee Grant, 34, is also wanted in San Bernardino County for as- sault with intent to commit murder and violation of parole. His dead partner has been identified as John Edward Daniels, 31, of Pomona. The two men allegedly walked il'lto the savings and loan at 2744 E. Coast Highway at about 10:30 a. m . Thursday. One sprayed black paint over the office security camera before they both pulled out handguns and announced their intentions. After taking money from the tellers, the two men fled in an old white pickup truck, while bank employees activated a silent alarm. Officer Hurd Armstrong pursued the truck as it traveled on East Coast Highway. He was joined br moiorcycle officers Paul Herusey and Tim Riley. Held drove the truck north on MacArthur Boulevard for about a half mile before swerving across the road in an attempt to drive across an open field. When the truck bogged down in the mud Held jumped out and surrendered, but Daniels fled on foot, police said. A rlilatrong and Henlsey pursued the running s uspect. They said be turned and fired at least._tbree shots at them. They returned fire, fatally wounding Daniels at a range of about 30 yards. Capt. Richard Hamilton of the detective division said today that Daniels' mother told of- ficers her son was paroled from McNeil Federal Penitentiary in November. He was serving. a term for a bank robbery conv1c· lion. . Meanwhile, Sgt. Jim Carson ts heading an internal police de· partment investigation of the shooting. Such probes are con- ducted routinely when an omcer is involved in a shooting, a de· partment spokesman explained. Police Strike ShouxlownDue NEW ORLEANS CAP> -The police sbike that crippled Mardi Gras beaded toward a showdown with City Hall today as pickets blocked garbage col· leclion and moved lo disrupt the fire dpeartmenl and upset the port. The angry escalation came after l,000 strikers met to con· sider a contract offer from Mayor Ernest Moria!. Details or the offer were not announced , but un ion spokesman Nell Curran called it "a joke." Officers burst out of the meeting shouting: "Strike! Strike! No amnesty!" ------'Watch' Word: Timing Burglars Pester l'alleg By JERRY CLAUSEN Ot th IHily f'I ... Slaff On Tuesday night, the president or Neighborhood Watch Program in Fountain Valley told city councilmen bow successful his organ.i%ation bas been in preventing burglaries in the community. Wednesday and Thursday, burglars seemed to be out to make Ed Bekas eat bis words. · . TWENTY BURGLARIES WERE reported over the two· day period. A cat burglar who bit homes in the southeastern portion of the city while his victims slept in upstairs bedrooms accounted for six between 11 p.m . Wednesdayand6a.m. Thursday. Police believe that burglar, described as ab6rt with fuzzy hair. was surprised upon entering one home when the owner awoke from a sleep on bis coucb in the den at 1:05 a.m. Thursday. Homeowner Delbert Bender said be thought the hl- tnader who ente~ through a sliding glu1 door in the kitchen wu hit wlfe. PoUce said he told the intruder to leave the "damn cat outalde." INVESTIGATOaS BEU'EVE THE abort man, who Oed without laklng anythina ~m Bender's home. la the ( cat burglar wbo took small amounts of moMy from rive other two-story homes in the Greenbrook Homes area. The burglar entered unlocked doors or windows as his victima slept upstairs, officen saJd. Re took only money. ranging in amounts from $10 to $38, rrom purses and wallets on the first floors. officers sajd none of tbe other 14 burflaries could be attnl>uted to the abort, fuuy·baired burglar but that one man or one team is believed responsible for three burglaries during the period ln the central-city area . The largest loss over the two days waa reported by Vincent Petrus of 17051 Ave. Suenoe. He Usted bis total los: of money and property at $7,518, lncluding $1,300 in cas and about $78S in jewelry. THE SECOND LAaGEST loser WH Letgb A. Boo\hout of 17050 San Mateo. A burglar uaed a pillowcase and a blanket w make off with jewelry, televillon aeta and 1tereo equipment. Bookbout lilted hla total 1<191 at $2,221. Petite -.Id burglan ailed tools to pry open a aUdinf door to enter Petrus' home and a window to enter Bookboul'• ..,artmeot. Potiee oft'ldala bad no nsuree available. but reported the •urte la buralariet tbe larseat duriaa a two-day period "la a long, long time." Crackdown 1Jegins on Kids' Shots OCficials in the Huntington Beach City (elementary> School District are cracking down on pupils who can't prove lht!Y have received a series of childhood immunizalion inoculations. Fifty youngsters in the dis- trict's three middle scboo~ were barred from attending classes this week because their reeords were oot up lo date. School officials said that number had dwindled to 25 this morning. - In barring the students, tJ:te school officials are acUng in compliance with new st~te leJi?islation requir:ing proof of.1m· munization agarnst po1io,d1ph- theria, whooping cough, tetanus and measles. Officials said reports that l ,200 pupils were barred.from school this week were greatly exag. gerated. . They said that report might have become distorted because 1.200 letters were originally sent to parents explaining the new re- quirements. Another letter went to parents two weeks ago, identifying the s hot requirements of 3,500 pupils. . or that total, all but 25 were m compliance today. school of· ficials said. Clapp School Prir:tcipa l Du~ne Dis hno said revie ws of tn · dividual medical records has been a "huge task" and that audits began first in tbe middle schools because of the larger enrollment on the three cam· puses. Auditing of the elementary students has not been com· pleted. . Dishno said free immuruza. lions can be received at Lake Street Clubhouse at 12th and Lake Streets on the first. second and third Wednesdays of each month rrom 8 a.m. lo 4 p.m. Dishno said youngsters can re · turn to school as soon as they get the shots, or if parents sign af. fidavits that youngsters have previously received them. Si.lo Preservation Award Saturday The 'Huntington Beach En- vironmentaJ Board will give a community service award Saturday lo the Huntington Beach Company for preserving t)¥o landmark silos. The ceremony will be held at t :30 p.m. al the silos at the COr· ner or Main Street and Yorktown Avenue. Harvesten Battle SALINAS (APl-A brief con· front.at.ion between striking UnJl· ed Farm Workers members and caullllower harvesters resulted in four arrests amid heavy security. The four UFW mem- bers were taken Into custody Thursday on trespaulng charges. Jeweler Killed In Heist A man descn.Jed by his own attorney as a professional rob· ber was found guilty of first· degree murder Thursday ror bis role in the slaying of a Hunt· ing ton Harbour jeweler 13 months ago. . An Orange County Supenor Court jury deliberated just five hours before finding Edward Tyler Burnett, 29, guilty in the murder or Wayne Golin, a 41· year-old father of two. The Long Beach man also was found guilty of robbery and burglary In the Jan. 30, 1978, holdup of Golin 's Leisure World Jewelers in Seal Beach. Judge Lester Van Tatenhove ordered Burnett to return lo court March 30 for sentencing to a possible life term in pri_son. Golin was shot three times as his wife. Barbara, watched. The accused triggerman was Burnett's alleged holdup com- p an 10 n Jo.year-o ld Robert Edward' Crane, who still faces trial Burnell was tried for murder for his role as an accomplice. Mrs . Golin told jurors she dropped lo the floor and at- tempted to crawl lo a door and s ummon help after she saw her hu sband shot. Crane walked toward her, she testified, pointed the gun at her and said, "Take another step and I 'IJ kill you," before leaving the store. As Burnett left, she testified, he also pointed a gun toward her and said, "Don't move or I'll kiJl you." "I put my hands on my face and scud I can't see you." the widow told the jury. "Don't kiJl me." Prosecutor Richard Farnell told the jurors Burnett is a rob- ber who "goes for the big lime. "He robs jewelry stores ... and now he is a murderer." Parnell said. Defense Attorney James Brustman admitted his client is a robber, but argued that alone was ins urficient evidence to prove Burnett was an the Jewelry store on the day of the murder and robbery. "I am telling you that you shouldn't convict him because of his background, his lifestyle and the people he bangs around with," Brustman argued before the jury. Burnett's trial was conducted with extra court security and with two bailiffs stationed al the doorway to watch s pectators coming in and o ut of the courtroom. Farnell said he asked for the security because Burnett. con· victed twice in the past for rob- bery. had escaped in 197~ fro~ imprisonment at the Cahforrua Conservation Center in Lassen County. The deputy district attorney said he feared Burnett might at- tempt to escape again and that a n acquaintance might come to court lo help him nee. Guerrilla Camp Hit SALISBURY, Rhod.!sia (AP) -Rhodesian warplanes stuck at what was described as a large nationalist guerrilla cai:nP· within 22 miles of the Zambian capital or Lusaka ~oday , a military spokesman said. Coast Weather Fair tonight and Satur- day with lows tonight in the 40s. Highs Saturday in tbe 60s. INSIDE TODAY Doe• Chorlton Heaton fill the bill °' Sir Thomcu More? See 0 ~ of "Man for All Seaaona" on Page Cl. l•dex 92 U.t u M 04 .. aw .. Cl CM M CMt •• f - I A.2 OAJl Y PILOT H/F 50,000 Challenge Ay,tollab TEHRAN. lrtan 1AP 1 The "Ma rxlat Peoplf''I\ fe'~dayun JlUt'r n ll cb1&llcngud Ay tollah ttuhollah Kh-Omclm tud•)' ~ilh 1t r ully by ~.ooo lrsn1an1 dtmund ul' th \ he ltansform tho C®D try into • lf'flist ,.orkers' l•lt> The btgge.t I rt t 1u rrtll1 or .:1&nutth on oru nttf'd tht' rally at TPh ran llnl\t'f'l th 1t head q u a rte r ~ . lo ch; nu> 11 :. lr • t •• trt·n~ allt'r Khomt•\nt urdttt"CI 1l not lo hold m1rcb It plaJUK.'d chrou.:h Tehran on Thur'lda) T ht-<'11n,1•t\ ••ti' t• M~lt'm I> ;a t rt u r <' h l u n d t Ill n •· d t b ~· 1-'t'duyt-t•n a!I 'Communist and t•nc1n1t'l> of lhl• l"l'\oluuon" In "ha t apl)t'1111·cl to tw 1 ~·nrnplrk bn.•ak Spe1Ju~l"b ut Lht! rail~ rud lt't ters of support they ~•ttd ci.mc• Crom wo rlH•r, .ind fur mc:r' across ttu.· \'Ounto Th\' lcllcr' <'alle<l for DiuoluUon of the tmpt'rtal Army und tls rcplarcml'nt by a "peop1~·~ a rmy " Open "people'!> court.' · to try offll·tals of Shuh Mohommed Reza Pahlavi':, s.·~1tm~ 1nlitt•ud of Khomeini ·s s cC'rct f:..l a m tt· revol utJonnry court:s The dlstrlbUtlOn of u ll Brll blc lund much of which 1s owned or udmin1sh!red by re llg1ous authorities among the farmers and that they ~ given free ele<'lric1ty a nd water and interest-free loans Nationalization of banks a nd foreign investments , can- cellation of contracts with the. consortium of foreign oil com · panies which markets much of Iran 's oil. expulsion of foreJgn 0 11 workers and no import or for e ign goods t hat could be manufactured m Iran Navy Divers Aid Hunt for Ship Victilns A team of US. Navy divers was flown to BaJa California Sur today to join Mexican divers in the search for three bodies seen in the ocean near Isla Natividad. Mexic an authorities gave permission early today for a Coast Guard C·130 to fly the divers lo Gue rre ro Negro. a town about 65 miles east of the island The Navy divers will JOin Me xica n dive r s who hive worked for three days in heavy seas in a vain bid to recover the three bodies which reportedly were tied together Authorities believe that the bodies are those of Dennis and D e bbie Vow e ll and Gary Newton, all of San Diego, who left that port J an. 22 in Vowell's 45-foot vessel, the "Armistice." The trio was last seen ali ve Jan. 24 by a fishing vessel which pas sed the "Armistice" near San Clemente Island. V09.le11 a nd Newton, both 22, went to high school together in Costa Mesa. Their families live in Costa Mesa Debbie Vowell. 21 , is the daughte'r of Mrs. Bun- ny Scott of San Clemente Is l a Natividad is 10 miles south or Cedros Jsland and 50 miles west of Scammon 's Lagoon, the winter home of the California g r ay whale. The gene ral search a rea is a bout 450 miles by roid south of San Diego Realignment Asked LOS ANGELES <AP ) School Superintendent William Johnsto n ha s propos ed a realignment of some schools in· volved in the Los Angeles city s chool's integration program. The recommendations Include breaking up 11 pairs and clusters or schools currently in· volved in mandatory busing. ORANGE COAST " 1 DAILY PILOT I "f' (It tl"l')rt ( ~\f °'11•1\o J •""t ... '""'""ft f f O"' f,N-«llhl NtW\Pr~ • '>vOll1\.,...4lbwtNO.r,. 'e""' '"'"''"'·noCOfnt ~,.. ""'Pt'•'~ra·t•Of' ..- 1 1(1h ~ •t llA. ,., ..... tf't.r~ f t •J-'9 I f ()".I• "'" t Nt .....,.,,, t\f-.cf't. t1•.fCl'lt oM• "I'• It' n f 11to«t t ••"" ~..tHry-lr¥1N L..-W "'--4 ~ ' .. 1tP\( fM t A '•-'1 • '''l~lf'ftthOn+\""°'IW"'\.itt\>'"~'° *f'O ...... ,.,,.,,, ,,.,,. ~tflWINI ~l'"'"O 0••11t ..... no W•-tht'f)h• t r.,.,l•AAr-"'-'t C11t~1tC>f~*"'Htlt. .. _. .. _ .. , ...... ,,,.flt41ftff IVJf1"""' J.C\. c ....... VHt P"f•\MWl'll •"4 Gl""•I M.liMOtr ,_.,"'"" (ltltM ,., .. ~, . ..__,....._ .. M.fln•Q•l'WI r omw O..rlnlt l.H• 111cw•f' ..... """' ... ' ""'~··· ... • 111"" lloMrt lortOf W.~I 0,."" C.""'w l cln<w H11ntl~o11 e .. c11 Otftc. 1111J11"'" 11<.1.,.. ... 1.1 W ll•"'I Afdr•\\ ~ 0 lo>,..,_ 'him OttlcH '•t~.~ ':.'~ i•"w~=~~;--' Tel~llon• 1714)~1 Cleultled Mve"lelllQ M2·11'11 '"""Ntnt<Of-C.-•·~· ... M0-1210 ~Y"l: ~ o::;r:, '=!.,~~:s.= .... r •••• , ..... ur-"" ... ~" _, ... ,,.,.41 __ ,, .... ~ ... , .•• "'"'"'."' .. ...... ~·~ '-""" t1•li M lftt .. ,, •I Ce\lt ,.,., (•llf,.rfll•• '"''(r•otlO"' h ,,.,,.,, U Mt """'""' bit ""'•'· \4 ,. ,,.,..f\l\f, ......... . .... ........ \" ,. ........... . r1day, ebruary 213, IO?p -~ .. Galleon Saved? State Mulls Catalina Project ACRAMENTO tAP> -The <1t1te -•ll"f"" to wal\'e an o· 'lronmental 1mpac\ t quire • mtnt ror tht-5WIYllllt.' of oi 16lh ce ntur)' Spa n! h galloon off C1t111nl b land bul ll •Ull hHn't 1rantl'd per m1 •Ion Th..-Sca\t• u nd Commli.. Ion 111,ul'd the waiv~r Thur,d•> to Jim Mu\lbf' of \ho F1thom l':ighl Corpor1Uon But a romm1 on aipok(•11m1n. Roa,.rt lheht. aatd n mu1ht talfc h~o n'WlN' rnonth'I for tht· rom ml'L ton lo •1•t on "'1 urht"' 1•nlllt' propo&&I lo alv111itt! lhti ~c t_•I S.Jn t•t>d m 'Atut·h 'unk !About 1 uche told Thr A'aocllllcd Prt'U, · Ir tht' car10 m11niff'l l:t •rf' rorrttt . porcl"ll ln, m•ybe omt' or the wood car10 and muybt> tc>mt-~ ldue of 11plces" ~•ll ~found ·There '!> not toN of 1old bulllon or anythilll of that natu.rt-.. He said bit 1roup ts • noa· profit ucMo101lcal outfit which would eventually turn over the niul..-rllll "for public dl1play and Ul t»•• lll.iht. when Hked exactly wha:r.-tht> ve. sel H nk. uld th6 rommlas&on ill bound by co.n· f1d1nUaUty requh-.imcni. \0 pro· Wtt Much · .Ht-u1d UM' commh.uilon found th project dldn'l need an en· vtromnenul •mpact statement lwuU5c iiulv•tit • "won'l mes:i up t h1• '•nvlronment " M ucht• s aid the galleon ap· it rcnUy brok" up In a storm. He utd It had bttn ln poor condi- t Ion, und had been battered by aeverol s torms on It~ hn•I trip. Hut ottitnal doc:umenta from an 1nqu1ry held In Mexico City Indicate there were only three deaths umon.i thtt crew ol 200 lo 300. Muche said. 'Hooker Re111ark Michelle Breaks Up, Leaves Court L OS ANG EL ES !Ar> MI C'helle Triola Marvin broke down in loud sobs in court today a nd had to be helped out of the room alter a witness said she once told him site didn't want to be mistaken for "a hooker." ~ Miss Marvin sat quietly for a few seconds after the comment by Lee Marvin's press agent. Jim Mahoney . Theo she buried he r head in he r hands and let out a wail. As she began sobbing uncon- trollably. Superior Court Judge Arthur Ma rshall asked that she ~ taken to a nearby jury room until s he regaine d her com posure. She left the room. leaning on a w o m a n lawy e r , P e n e lo p e Me r curio. Testimony continued . but Miss Ma r vin's sobs could be heard from the other room . It was the first time she has broken down during testimony in her property suit against the actor. The outburs t ca me shortly after Mahoney took the witness s tand . H e was as k ed b y Marvin's lawye r to tell what he kne w aboul Miss Marvin's de· cision to legally change her name Lo that or the a ct.or. Mahoney said she d iscussed the matter with him in 1968 and he told her it was "ridiculous." "I said, 'Michelle, if Lee want· ed to change your name, he would marry you·." He said Miss Ma rvin then pointed out she would be accom panying the act.or to Japan for the opening of the movie. "Hell in the Pacific." "She aaid, 'We'll be meeting the royal family and I don 't want the emperor to think I'm a hooker'," Mahoney s aid. Miss Marvin gave a loud gasp and laughed as he made the comment. Mahoney added, "I distinctly remember that." After Miss Marvin had been he lped from the room, the press agent said he believed tbet when she made the comment s he was being "facetious.·· Marvin's attorneys, seeking more details of the movie col· ony's view of the Marvin affair, said they would call Sharley Wynn, the wife of actor Keenan Wynn, Lo the stand today. The Wynns , friends ol the M a rv ln s when they lived together. were in the courtroom Thurs d a y whe n a forme r s tuntman testified. Boyd Cabeen told of a night wtien he threw a drink in Miss Marvin's face and she smashed all the glasses on the bar in an argument with Mar vin. Another time, he said, Miss Marvi n threw Marvin's watch against a wall in a public restaurant while they a rgued loudly. Ca been, who did stunts and acted as stand-in in several Mar vin movies. said the first in· cident occurred in Indio, where Marvin was making a film. "I threw a drink in her face." the witness said. "It was after she swept all the glasses off the • bar. They broke ... I was holding a glas s and I s aid. 'Here. Michelle. You missed one'," he testified. The second incident, be said. h appened at a Mal ibu restaurant. "Lee and Michelle were argu- ing and Michelle grabbed the wristwatch off and threw it against the wall in the res- taurant, Cabeensaid. · · . . I went over and picked up the watch and he <Marvin I hung his head. She tried to do it again but I caught her arm." Cabeen's testimony was of· fered to support Marvi n's claim that he never intended to spend his life with Miss Marvin or sha re his assets with her. She is s uing for $1.8 million -an estimated half his earnings in those years. Cold Shoulder 'Silly' Bikini Hypes Alaska JUNEAU. Alaska <AP ) A $150,000 ad dis play featuring a bikini-clad model extolling the glories or vacations in the frozen North has raised the temperatures of Alaska legislators and feminist s. "Silly and unforgivable," s tate Rep. Fred Brown ·of Fairbanks said Thursday. "There are ways lo make Alaska ap- pear attractive to the tourist market without taking such a degrad- ing attitude toward women." "IT'S NEITHER REALISTI C NOR RELEVANT," sai~ Suzanne I udicello, statewide coordina tor for the National Organization for Women. The uproar ls ove r an eight.page spread that appears in the February issoe of Vogue, the fashion maeazine. The picture of the bikinied model, who looks up adoringly al a bundled-up male com- panion, ts accompanied by the narrative "Summit conquered ... here we are, half·naked on an lcef1eld, and loving it. It's called Ruth Glacier Hovely name for an lcedream l." The magazine layout also boos ts Alaska's museums and natural wonders. But it was the bikini. and the picture of a couple an a cabin with copy like "sultry .in the Far North, there's a reason for the long nights ." that got some Alas kans angry. "MY OBJECTIONS AJtt: NOT BASED ON some Victorian standard." Brown sa1d. "It's based on the undersuodJn1 ol Ala1kana' atti~de, that race, sex or national orilln ol individuals doesn 'l make any dllference to us." "Our Territorial Le1lslature gave women the right to vole In 1913, we a mended our Constitution six years a.ao to prohibit aex discrimination, our Surpreme Court baa cited the 'traditional and unique' attitude of Alaska ln marrying lifeatylea," be said. "They're using sex to sell Alaska," said Brt1n Rosera, a 28· year-old legislator from Fairbanks. "They aay Alas ka '1 travel ln· du1try Is 'really golng to mature,' but they've shown me they don't have any maturity.•· - .. PEOPLE AIU!: INTO Oll'TDOOllSV THINGS today anyway," said Ms. ludicello "I'm offended they find It necesaary lo sell AIHka with a woman's 1>o4y. Tbe sex ~ell went out 10 yeart 110." Robert Dindinaer of lhe state D1'V11le>n of Touri1m, said be ls "somewhat 1ma.1ed" •l the reacUon. "'nMy f1tJ to uftd1r1l1nd the publlcaUona this ad la In and wh.Y the readen re1d lt. Women •ho read Voaue do feel glarnoroua and attractive," be aatd. OINDINGEa SAID Tim t.A.8T S1J&VEY taken on Alaska's lmite lbow.d tb1t people thouaht It waa "cold and cliqy." "We're lr)'tng \0 show it as warm and attracUve " be aald. "The Intent wu not to mike it appear lbat sex ls 1 whole11le com· mocUty in Aluka." Stadium . Job Bids Too High By GAaY GllANVJLLE Ol .. Oetty~J .... Tb~ puah to cnlor~e Anaheim Stadium In lime for the Los Angel~ Rama· 11eoson opening game in 1980 hlt a ~naa Tbun- day when coMtructlon bld.s ex ceeded the city's $23 milllon eetlmate . Low bid on the project de- signed to increase s tadium seat· ln1 capacity from 44,000 to about 70,000 was $26.1 million Th1t bid came from ConUnen· t.al Heller Corp., a S1cramento· based construction firm and dropped a quandary into the lape of Anaheim Stadium Corp. dire<:· tors. The direct.on next week can either scale down the project by deleting "extras" or go lo the flnancial well for more money. One extra Anaheim Mayor John Seymour talked of deleting ls the placing of a layer of sand beneath the grass playing sur· race and Installing heating pipes below the surface for use In cold weather. That extra was worth abo~t _.$600,000 on most or the five bids opened In the stadium Thursday. Bids on moving the stadium's "big A" sign ranged from $111,000 to $472,000. Though the s kyscraper "A" must be moved to make room for new spectator seat.log, it& re- loc:ation near the stadium is not considered a necessity, Seymour said. Other features of the ex- pansion plan will be more dir- ficult to con.sider eligible for de· letion, the mayor said. Included among those ls the construction or 80 suite·type ex- ecutive boxes, an additional 500 parking spaces. team dressing rooms and a variet y of con- cession stands. Whatever decisions are made by the stadfom directors next week. Seymour emphas ized . "time is or the essence ." Time in this instance means having the stadium ready for play in September 1980, when the Rams will pack their football gear and lea ve the Los Angeles Coliseum behind. Continental Heller's low bid set the estimated time of com· pletion at Sept. 15, 1980. The Del Webb Corp. 's second low bid of $26.3 million carried with It a completion date of Sept. 30.1~. In an event. S eymour acknowledged that any delay in awarding the construction con· tract ia likely to mean the ex- pansion project won't be done in time for the Rams' Orange County debut. Co nsequ ently. h e said , stadium directors and city coun· cil members will look at the possible deletions from the proj· ect to bring it closer into line with existin.g Cioancial arrange· men ts. And should cost s till run higher than scheduled in the bonding program financing the project, the directors and coun· cil me mbers c ould look elsewhere for financing. Not ruled out as a possibility for additional dollars was the football team itself, a possible lending source to fortify t he bond program That progra m was geared to raise roughly $26 million for the projec t , i n clud i ng n on · construction costs a ssociated with t he ex pansion of the stadium that cost St6 million to build 12 years ago. APW.,......_ CHRISTINE JORGENSEN HAS NO REGRET~ TODAY Sex Change Newa Startled World 27 Vea,. Ago No Regrets Jorgensen: Sex Change Paid Off SAN DIEGO <AP ) -Now 52 and considering a comeback in s h o w business. Christine Jorgensen has no regrets about the s urgery that stunned the world almost 'l7 years ago. "l think in the early days I had regrets about the publicity . I was a bit of a puritan myself.·· said the blonde, bejeweled man· turned-woman who pioneered the sex change operation. ''I thought it was a pretty strange approach that s uddenly West County Cities Given Baseball Route Huntington Beac h and Seal Beach won baseball bus service to Anaheim Stadium Thursday while Newport Beach lost its baseball route. · The baseball route action was taken by Orange County Transit District direct.ors. The ne w route will carry baseball fans from Rossmoor Shopping Center in Seal Beach and Huntington Center 10 Hunt· iogton Beach beginning April l. The Newport Center run was canceled beeause it has not at· tracted enough passengers, bus district spokesman Patrick But· ters s aid. A si milar s ervice fro m Laguna Hills Mall has been highly successful , however. But· ters said. with individual bus trips carrying an ave rage or more than 40 sports rans. He attributed the success of the Laguna Hills route to the high concentration of both young and old residents in that area. the two age groups most fre· q ue ntly u s ing the s pecial service. Many requests for th e baseball bus service have come m from Huntington Beach and S ea l Beac h . wh ic h ha ve populations similar in age lo Laguna Hills. according to But· ters. Although the new baseball route operation's cost will be the same as the canceled Newport Cente r run. OCTD officials an· ticipal4? that passenger load will be twice as much. and generate $840 more in revenue. everybody was interested In my huma n sexuality whe n they didn't want lo talk a bout their own," she said.· In San Diego to address a sex change symposium Thursday.. s he belie ves the pu blic ity. though hars h at first, helped her "As the years passed. I came to know the benefits . Had I not h ad the notoriety, I wouldn 'l have met and know the people l have. I wouldn't ha ve met so m any people in the a rts who have done so much that will last fore ve r . I feel in that respect. ve ry lucky." S he values he r p r ivacy. spends her spare time gardening at her Laguna Niguel home and e nJOYS "schlepping around" in her blue jeans. "I think I'm as happy as most people. A hundred pe rcent'? No way. But ma ny years ago, I de· clded on New Year's Eve at midnight to sit for a few minutes and say 'How's the year been'? Put the pluses and minuses together.' And l 've pl used out. I would say, most years ." Not all of it has been pleasant. "It was djffi cult carrY1ng that load 26 years ago The pres!> wanted. in our puritanical socie- t y, for this to ~ male and this to be remale and never the twain shall meet "They would not a ccept the basic scientific fact that then! are no 100 percent male and 100 pe rcent rema le a nimals We're all a varying degree of both. That degree can be physical, psyc hologica l. hormon al and possibly even genetic. ··But today w~ know the frameworks " f'rota Page A J VIET ••• The Soviet news agency Tass cha r ged today that Peking is "concealing the-irue scale of the Chmese aggression .. with state· me nts that the operation is of a "limited nature " The Chinese air strikes around Haiphong. Hanoi's main port and a frequent target of U.S. raids dunng the Indochina War. seem ed aimed at destroying Russian supplies before they could reach the battlefi eld . the Bangkok sources s aid " - I ir e e e d ·r c l- ,e tr 1e ~ ll • r t Irvine VOL. 72, NO. ~ ... SECTIONS, 46 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAL IFO R NIA l'our Hometow n Daily ew~pape.r F RIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1979 TEN CENT~. 0 VCl's New lJ Loses Wet T·Shirt Suit By PHJLJr a~ 9UatN 01 o .. 0.11, ,., .. , \ult A s mall d 111m ~ l v.<1u1 t brou,;ht b) th,• l'th tur" of a l c lrvlnc-s tudent 1ww11 p 1 pe r ugamJl u rt-nuah• tudc-nt bod) Offlt't'r who ch«1l ro>t•d cop1e or the P•per tth~ uaert<'\.f cont1&tn<'d UO &rtar le o rrt•n IVt' to WOffit'n wai, won lod11y by th«' ft>male ceni>or In Juou111r), tbti 'tudf'nt Kar•n UJOrncb)•. AU'ld a& ff'w fc-m1mi1t fn fld<\, t Ahed a.bout 3.000 copw or tht-Nl'W u Into lr 3 h CAN 1 hr nt'W!'l pa pt-r carrat'd ll tor) with phoU>gru1>ht.. of u wet ·r . h1n contt'14t for youna -.om n conducted h) a Sant11 Ana b•r New lJ F..d1tor Ric-hard Cluc1&~ u1d Ml BJomt'b)''• ructloo to the $tory amounlt'd to dt:~truc· h on of student 11rol)tlrty UCI pohct! d Hlrt' d. i.nd con te nded th •t. b cau e the nc·w pa~rs are dlstt1buted free, th •y bud no value, itnd so there waa no crime Th~ UC'I odmin1stratlon, Wh08C' l&SfiOCl4tC dean or SlU· dent . Sally Peterson. expressed 1ympathy for Miss Bjorneby's cause. 11nored the incident, det pite Clucas' appeal for help A s tudont traculty review board has been directed to look into the issue, but it has yet to meet. Mi&S Peterson ls in charge or coordinating the meetini. MeanwhUe. Clucas sought rem· edy with a small claims s uit filed ln Harbor Municipal Court. He claimed damages of $700 in discounts to adver tisers who published In the issue that car- ried the wet T-shirt story. Howe ver. in court t oday. Clucas presented proof or only $40.51 or advertising rebates. Judge Richard Luesebrink Chinese Plalles Strike Targets Near Port Attack Su.spect In Jail Charles Hu bert Guenther, 33, th e former juve nile hall counselor accused of attempting to murder a Dana Hills High School coed last fall. was back in police custody Thursday. Guenther had been free since Dec. 15 on a $500,000 property bond that covered his $250,000 bail requirement. But the 33-year -old Irvine resi· d e nt was take n back into cu s tody Thursday after two psychiatrists told a judge he was incapable or "conformtng his conduct to the requirements of the law" when he assaulted 15- Y .e a r · o l d J u d y M i c h e II e Gonzalez. That finding by th~ two psychiatrists satisfie d Judge Rirhard Beacom that Guenther should be confined and that he be taken back into custody was agreeahle lo both defense at· torney WiJliam A. Dougherty and prosecutor Paul Meyer. Judge Beacom s aid the defen dant should be confined at UC Irvine Medical Cente r and raised his bail lo $500,000. When property is offered as a bond for bail, it must be worth double the amount of bail or. in this case, $1 million. Guenther has pleaded inno· cent and not guilty by reason of insanity to multiple charges <See ATfACK, P•ge A2) Angels to Sign Willie Davis Former Los Angeles Dodger outfielder Willie Davis and San Fra n c isco Giants pitcher Cha rUe Wilhams are expected to join the California Angels, ac· cording to Angels Gener a l Manager Buzzie Bavasi. Davis,,38, bas sp en t two seasons with the Crown Light.er Lions in Japan while Williams. 31, was acquired in the free agent re--entry draft. Ea~h will be offered a contract Tuesday. Bavasi said. Davis is a .279 lifetime hitter and will be a pinch biller and utility player for the Angels, says Bavasi Coast Weathe r Fair tonight and Satur- day with lows tonight in the 405. Highs Saturday in the 60s., INSIDE TODAY ~' CharUon Heston /iU the biU 01 Sir Thomai.Mort? ~t a mMw of .. Man /OT AU StoloN" on ,,. CJ. •••• ., C.M al M ~ ... .... ... a CM o.lty l'tlet Swtf ..,._ BATTLE OF LAGUNA CANYON ROAD CROSSES GOES ON Meanwhile, Two More Accident• Logged on Winding Route Soviet Ships Periled? BANGKOK. Thailand <AP> Jn a n escalation of the week-old wa r , Chinese warplanes striking deep rnto Vietnam pounded targets near t h e port of Haiphong. where Soviet ships were unloading missiles and rada r equipment Cor their Viet· namese aJLies , Thai intelLigence sources said today . J a pane s e report s s aid , meanwhile, that a third Viel· namese provincial capital, Ha Giang. may have fallen to the in· vaders, and that the Vietnamese def enders of Lang Son, a strategic crossroads town on the eastern front, apparently were under siege by Chinese ground troops. Farther east, closer to the South China Sea coa&t. outnum· bered Vietnamese infantrymen were fighting fiercely today to keep three Chinese divisions from cutting off a highway and outflanking the Vietnamese forces around Lang Son. Soviet Defens e Minister Dmitiri Ustinov, in a speech to· day in Moscow. de nounced China's "dangerous provoca- tions . . . against neighboring sovereign states" and said Pe- king is trying "to plunge the world into a war." A Yugoslav correspondent re- ported from Peking that East .,European diplomats there believe the Chinese have run in· (See VIET, Page A2) Two Crashes Accent 1RJ11NE HIGH DESIGN HAILED laguna Cross Clash Two more accidents in as many days on Laguna Canyon Road accent the battle between those who advocated while crosses or death beside the dangerous roadway and those who want to see the sym bols re· moved. A minor head-On collision on the seven-mile winding roadway Thursday and another accident this m.,-ning came as lbe fac- tions were alternat ely tearing down and replafing the crudely constructed crosses symbolizing 22 deaths on Laguna Canyon Road in the past four years. The cross activity has grown out of contention over whether two-lane Laguna Canyon Road that meanders through the coun· tryside s hould re main an over· loaded country road or be turned into a divided four-lane arterial. T he crosses appeared at the side o f t he r oadway las t weekend, and in the interim, motorists.Jlave pulled off the road to tear m any or the lath s ymbols down. But angry advocates or a safer roadway keep putting them up, and vow they will continue to do so until something is done to rec· tify the dangerous s ituation. Sare road advocates John Lara. 23, a nd Sean Cunningham, <See caoss, P•ge AZ> Irvine Boy Killed In Fall From Car A 3.year-0ld Irvine boy died after be fell from a car and struck his head on the pavement Tburaday as his m other was backing the vehicle out or the ramily driveway. Matthew A. Fenn-Anst ruther, o r 15 Willow Tree Lane, University Park, reportedly was dead oq arrival at Tu1tin Com- munity Hosplt.al. oner's office scheduled an ex· aminati~ today. Officers said he was not struck by the wheels ofthecar. T he boy's mother, Barbara Lynne Fenn·Anatruther, 31, said her 10D wu trying to cloee the front puse111er side door u she wu backin& the car slowly from the driveway, when be fell out, police reported. Sbe ltopped the car, rushed to him and carried her unconscious child to a neighbor 's home for help. Irvine High School recently gained recognition when the Los Altos -headquartered a rchitect firm that designed the school plan received a top award in a nationwide competition. The architect was cited for de- signing the nine-building cam· pus with "an environment which is comfortable and aesthetically pleasing ins ide a nd out of doors ... Story, photos Page AS. ... said he ruled in favor of Miss Bjorneby for that and several other reasons. Luesebrink said that, while Clucas claimed to represent the student body as the offended par· ty, Miss Bjom eby presented a petition of students who said Clucas was not authorized to represent them. Luesebrink said further that no proof was presented aboul how many newspapers actually • Airport Case were des troyed. Conflicting testimony put the loss a t bet ween several hundred and 3,000 "By. their own admission," Judge Luesebrink said, "the circulation easil y could have been 10.000," onl y 1,000 below production, and the' crrculation number guaranteed to ad· vertisers. A bout 25 students were soec ta tors In the courtroom . Balloon Fliers Found Guilty By PlllLIP ROSMARIN Ol l ... D•lly Pllot'\b lf Two men. residents of Orange, we re convicted Thursday by a Harbor Municipal Court jury of manufacturing and launching exploding hot air balloons in the path of s mall craft landing at Orange County Airport. Terry Randall Huff, 26, and Timothy J osep .. Ropchan. 24, were found guilty of nine counts each of misdemeanor charges pertaining to the crimes Sentencing was scheduled for April S before Municipal Judge Frances Munoz. A misdemeanor carries a maximum penalty of $500 or six months in county jail Both men were employees of Control Components. 2567 S E Main St.. an Irvine pipe valve company where police s aid the balloons were built and la unched on at least five occas ions. ·Huff. a company inspector. and Ropchan·. a trainee, were fired from their jobs after they >¥ere arrested as the "practical jokers," as a fellow employee described them. The arrests came Dec. 14 wtren Huff was injured in the ex plosion of what police said was another balloon be wa s readying for a noontime night. The baJloons were launched a nd timed by fuse to explode at altitudes varying between 850 and 900 1eet, the sa me height and in the same path of incoming private airplanes fly into the county airport. No aircraft were damaged. An I rvine police lieutenant, Jerry Boyd. stopped what ap- parently was intended only as a way to break the m onotony whe n h e witnessed the ex plosions of balloons on two days Boyd c us tomarily runs for recreation during his own lunch hour and watched amazed as the balloons, which carried bags of acetylene ga s s lung beneath them. burst in 40-foot fireballs. Police were ready the th.ird day. waiting in h iding for another launching. when the ex- plosion occurr ed at ,Control (Stt BALLOONS, Page i\2) Irvine Traffic Aide Saves Trapped Man A civilian Irvine traffic in· sca lded by a leaking coffee urn vestigator engineered the rescue as he lay trapped beneath the of a man trapped under an over-truck. turned lunch truck Thursday, Mrs . Matte r was burned commandeering so me three seriously over 40 percent or her dozen motorists to help him lift body when she was thrown onto it ore the man. a hot gnll, police s aid. The investigator . Chuck -1:1le ~ver of the pickup truck Leonard, who \vorks for the which h.it the rear of the lunch Irvine police department. waved truc k , Ch a r 1 e s Eve.re t t e numerous cars to a stop and Hensley, t?. of .west~1nsler . enlisted the aid of every man in· esc.a ped. with mmor tnJuries . side pohce said. · Hensley reporteqly told police They m a nage d t.o lift lhe he was traveling on Red Hill, ap- h e av y -duty catering truck proacbing the Alton intersection. enough to free the pinned left when he leaned over to pack up arm or driver Gary William something that had fallen to the Strickland '. 31. of La Mir~da. floor. When he looked back up, the Both. Stn ckland and his assis· traffic light was red and he tant, Linda Matter. 49, of Buena couldn't s top in time. he told P a rk. who was r iding in the police. kitchen area of the truck when it Leonard was JUSt on the other was struck by a pickup truck at side of the intersection. taking Red Hill and Alton avenues. details of a minor accident in· were in critical condition today at volving three other cars. when he UC Irvine MedicalCenter. witnessed the collision. Strickland suffered a broken Leonard said his biggest fear left elbow, a broken left fool and was that. with all the cars he second and third degree burns had stopped to get help to free over his upper body. The burns Stric kland. a third accident were caused when h e was would ()('cur 0.11• ,.. ........... .., "'" ~ ..... A4 CMI .... An l rvine pollce officer , Den· nJs Howe. had tried to keep the boy alive throu g h cardio · pulmonary resuscitation tech· niques until county pa ramedics took over the rescue try. PoUce aaJd tbe cbJld may have broken hi• neck. The county cor· Funeral services were pend· Ing at Harbor Lawn· Mount OUvu Mortuary in Colt.a Meta. FIREMEN CARRY BURNED LINDA MATnR. 49, TO AMBULANCE Cook Wa1 In Back of Snack Truck. Feff Aplnat Hot Ortll ,, t . ' • A2 DAILY PILOT , ............. ~~~~....;...~~--~~~~ ................ ...;;.;;.:..;:..::~:;.:...;.:.;:.:.. =stadium ,_ ______ ........ lob Bids oo. High By GA&\' GL\NVlLLE oe-. o.i"' .....,. Matt •rh~ pwsh to enJarce An1h ·1m· tadlum in thne for the Lo Angetea Rams' uoa opt>run1 gam In 1980 lut a oaa Thun· day when comtrucUon b •dit t'll· ~fled d the> <'It) 'a J23 m1ll1on HU matt• Lo w btd c.m th • proJt!~t dt stJtned to in<'re e tad1uro •at tng r p city from 44 . to at>ovt 70.000 ~ ~ l million T hat b1d camt.' rrom Contanen t.al lleUer Corp • ~ SacrAm ntu based con trur uon hrm and dropped" qutmdi.ry 1rlo lht' I ps o( Anaheim Stadium 'orp dtre<' tor>. T be dl.reclon. nl' l ~~~ cun t•tthe>r c..ill• Jo" n the proJeet b) dl'lct ang 't.>Jttrj~" or •:o to th hmtnc1al ~t'll for mort-m11n1•) Ont' l' lra l\n.Ahe1m Mayor John St>ymour 1.1lllt•d of dch•tJng 1s lhe pl .. H·ang of a htY\'r or and ben~alh the grabs pla}tnt; ~ur face and 1ostalbng healing pipes below the i.urfacc tor u:w 1r1 cold weathtir T hal extru was worth about $600,000 on moi.t or th\• rave bids opened an the stadium Thur~d11y Bids on moving the stadium·., "big A'; sign r a nged from $111.000 to $472,000 T hough the skyscraper "A must be moved lo make room ror new spectator seatmg, its re location near the stadium is not considered a necessity, Seymour said. Other reatures o f the ex pansion plan will be more dif- ficult lo consider eligible for de- letion. the mayor said. Included a mong those 1s the construction of 80 swte-type ex- ecutive boxes. an additional 500 parking spaces .. team dressing rooms and a variety of con- cession stands. Whatever decisions are made by the stadium directors next week . Seymour e mphasized , "lime 1s of the essence." Time in this. instance means having the stadium ready for play in September 1980, when the Rams will pack their foot ball gear and leave the Los Angeles Coliseum behind. Continental Heller's low bid set the estimated time or com- pletion at Sept. 15, 1980. The Del Webb Corp. 's second low bad of $26.3 m1lhoo camed With it a COmpletaon date or Sept. 30. 1980. I n a ny event, Sey mo ur acknowledged that any delay in awarding the construction con- tract is likely to mean the ex· pans ion project won 'l be done m time for the Rams' Orange County debut. Con seque ntl y . h e said . stadium directors and city coun- cil members will look at the possible deletions from the proJ· eel to bring it closer into line with existing financial arrange· ments. And should cosP s till run higher than scheduled in the bonding progra m fina ncing the project, the directors and coun· c il m emb ers could l ook elsewbe.r..e for financing. f'rmR Pag~ Al BALLOONS Components They found a badly burned Hufr lying a mU:t pieces of plastic which the jury derided were the remains or Huff's and Ropchan's -practical joke. A third d efendant Dawn Francisco. 24, of Cost~ Mesa. , who was a typist a t Control Components and also was fired, was released when Judge Munoz ":ruled there was ins ufficient evidence to connect her with the Jaunchings. 1 Her defense attorneys assert-~ed she was only a possible wi~ p ess to the incidents. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT '"• O••~ (OM• 0.11., Ptto4 """' *""" ''(OfT' t>-•N"G thf" Nit~ ~.-n '' CNib'l\IW'd ow t~ OrMQf' Co.t\t P~bh\htf'liQ(omcMn• ~Pit'•lf'•Ofl10M4ff> pvbhtr.#-0 ~ ltw'~ frtOtf\f .. {Ml• Mt\a Ht-I l!<>Kh. li..,,hnolon llf..oc'h "-t••" "•'tf'• hv1M.l""""1t9'-.C:Pt ~C0t•t" \1f'Qt~ tf•Q.on.ttf'dttion l\O&A)lt\l"floO~tvrO.y-\M'IQ ~•ftCMiO TN' Pf'O''<•C»I QiubllUU"'Qi ~l•nt ,, At J,JO Wt\tll.tyStt~.c .. ,.-Celttoin,.,1',. . ...., .. _ ............• ..., Puel•- JK•. G110 ty ""· ,., ........ ..., r..-·· Mtftf9t< ,_ .. 11_ [000< '-··""""""" llM••0'"9 EdOO< CMtlnN.l-.M• • ._ .. 161A &nl•t••I ~ ... tl"t [d<t°" ''-"'"°'-....... ~·1!'::.::. °'..:%, <ri"•·="":\.~1 ~;rltr ., .-WtrUHf'M"r. "•Ntft mey .. ••prOdM<•• ••t,._t \MC.HI HrMl•\I~ of ,.,., .......... ~~it:, "t' ~·'\::~~~r. .. ':!··.:· c ~~. ~ ':. ,,..._tftly Oy M tit tf M ,_..lflty mHll•tY .... , ..... _..,,._,"'• o.llYl"lleCSIMf-0Nf-EYf0 ·BANDIT' STRIKES OUT AGAIN Laguna Mutt Disenchants His Third Owner Bandit Bites Back to Pound for Pooch By RAY ESTRADA Of , ... Dolly llllot Slaff It appears the one-eyed Laguna Beach pooch named Bandit has struck out. Joanne Reynolds, Bandit's third owner in the past months. took the hound home Tuesday but return ed him to the Laguna Beach animal shelter Thursday after the dog allegedly nipped her son and a neighbor boy and tried to bite her husband. PHJL MAY, PRESIDENT of the Pet Responsibility Committee, said he is personally going to keep tryin g to fi nd an owner for the dog. "He's a good dog but we just couldn't keep him around children or where he will chase cars," Mrs. Reynolds lamented. "He chases cars even when he's on a leash," s he said. Bandit was first adopled last year after he had been turned over lo the s heller as a lost do&:. He was later aban- doned and struck by an auto on South Coast Highway. A VET E RINARIAN HAD lo remove Bandit's damaged right eye. When the i.nJury healed, ttte canine was put up for adoption again. A month went by before Bandit was taken home by a lO·year-old girl and her mother who noticed the hapless hound in a "Dog of the Wet!k" newspaper photograph. A day later, Bandit was back at the sheller. "Some people just won't give him a chance," said May who was not cntical of Bandit's former owners but noted the one-eyed carune needs special understanding. DR. MICHAEL R E YNOLDS, who was almost bitten by Bandit. said he's sor ry his family could not keep the pet but he was just not "right." Reynolds said his wife was not told that Bandit nips children or chases cars. And so, the search continues for a permanent owner for Bandit. An yone interested in the dog can reach the Pet Responsibility CommJttee by calling 494-2000. Rain Going Away -For a Few Days .. A weekend of blue skies was pro m ised today by weathe r for ecasters who predicted an absence of clouds until late Sun· day. Thursday's storm d umped mor e than a half-inch of rain on the Orange Coast. bringing the season total locally lo nearly 13.S inches. police had t.o close J effrey Road overnight when an agricultural culvert overflowed. flooding the roadway between Irvine Center Dr ive and Ba rra nca Parkway. T he road was reopened this morning when the water drained off J . Sherma n Denny. Hunt · in g t on Beach 's u noffi c i a l weather historian, noted that the 49-year average of total r ainfall per year is 11.62 inches. "So you ca n see we 're having another wet winter," he said. El Toro Man Arrested in Boat Blaze Last year at this time. the Orange Coast had 'nearly 18.<> inches of rain fall. The late night rainfall caused rew problems although Irvi ne Police Strike Shouxlown Due An EJ Toro man, whose cabln cruiser was destroyed in a fire at sea last week. was arrested by Newport Beach police Thurs- day on suspicion of destroying ins ured property. NEW ORLEANS CAP) -The police strike that crippled Mardi Gras heade d t o w ard a showdown with City Hall today as pickel.8 blocked gafbage col· lection and moved to disrupt the fire dpeartment and upset the port. The angry escalation came after t.000 1tr1ke.rs met to con· sider a contract effer from Mayor Ernest Morial. Details ol the offer were oot announ ce d . but unio n s pokesman Neil Curran called it "a joke.'' Officers burat out or tbe meeting shoutlnf . ''Strike! sirtke! No amnesty•• Edward Michael Lager, 33, of 2270 Lake Forest Drive, was booked into the city jail by de- tective Lee Roberts. Lager is free today on $5,000 bail. Roberts said inveatlgatJen of the fire aboard the 40·foot vessel, East of Eden, indicated the blue had been set lnten· tlonally. The boat was valued 1t about $75,000. The fire, which was seen by coastal residents from Hunt- ington Beach to La1un1 Beach, occurred last Friday when L1ger was aJone on the vessel. Harbor Patrolmen who rushed to the scene found Lager ln the cruiser's dinghy. They were able to douse the names. but,, they said the boat was destroyed. Michelle Upset l Hooker Statement Brings Sobs LOS ANGELES <AP > MlcbeJle Triola Marvin broke down In loud sobs in court today and had to bt: helped out of the room urt~r a witness said she once told him she dido 't want to be mistaken ror "a hooker ... Miss Marvln sat quietly for a ff'w seconds after the comment bf Lee Marvin's press agent, J im Mahoney Then she buried her head ln her hands and let out a wail. As she began sobbing uncon- trollably, Superior Court Judge Arthur Marshall asked that she be taken to a nearby jury room until she rega ined her com· posure. She left the room, leaning on a wom a n la wyer, Pene l ope Mercurio. Testimony continued, but Miss Mar vin's sobs could be heard from the other room. It was the firs t time she has broken down during testimony in her property suit against the actor . The outburst came shortly after Mahoney look the witness s t a nd . He w as ask e d by Marvin's lawyer to tell what he knew about Miss Mar vin's de· cis ion to legall y c hange her na me to tt1at of the actor. Mahoney said s he discussed the matter with him in 1968 and he told her it was "ridiculous." "t said, 'Michelle, if Lee want ed to change your name, be would marry you'." He said Ml!IS Marvin then pointed out sbe would be accom- panying the actor to Japan for the opening of the movie, "Hell in the Paclfic." "She said, 'We'll be meeting the royal family and r don't want the emperor to think I'm a hooker'." Mahoney said. Miss Marvin gave a loud gasp and laughed as he made the comment. Mahoney added, "l distinctly remember that." After Mias Marvin had been helped from the room, the press agent said he believed that when she made the comment she was being ''facetious." · Marvin's attorneys, seeking more details of the movie col - ony's view of the Marvin affair. said they would call Sharley Wynn, the wife of actor Keenan Wynn, to the s tand today. The Wynns. friends of the Ma rvins whe n the y Ii ve d together, were in the courtroom Thurs day whe n a forme r stuntman testified. Boyd Cabeen told or a night when he threw a drink in Miss Marvin's fa ce and she smashed all the glasses on the bar in an ar.gument with Marvin. Newport Shootout Robbery Suspect Held; Pal Slain By JOANNE ltEVNOLD5 Of ttle Oally l"li.t St.ff Federal authorities are ex- pected to seek an indictment on multiple c riminal charges 3~ainst the robbe r y s us pect whose partner was killed Thurs- day in a shootout with Newport Beach police. Robert Lee Held. 38. or Fon- tana remaine d in Newport Beach City J ail today. He was held without bail as a suspect in the $1,400 robbery at the Corona del Mar branch of Weste rn Federal Savings and Loan. Police said He ld, who original- ly told officers he was Robert Lee Grant. 34. is a lso wanted in San Bernardino County for as- s a u It with intent lo commit Fro.PageAJ CROSS ••• 22. say they will continue to re place crosses pulled out by those who want to see the route r e m ain a two-la ne country road. Meanwhile, a minor collision occ urred Thursday on the can· yon road, and a Laguna Hills woman was Injured this morn- ing whe n he r car struc k a telephone pole. P amela Dittman. 39, of 23541 Marsala Drive, Laguna Hills, was taken to Saddleback Com- m unity Hospital a fter being t reated by paramed ics in the Big Bend area s hortly arter 9 a.m . Police said it a ppeared the woman Jost control of her sedan a fter it was rear-e nded by another vehicle. The woman's car went up over the curb a nd knocked over a wooden telephone pole. Police are investigating the crash. murder and violation of parole. His dead partner bas been identified as John Edward Daniels, 31. of Pomona. The two men allegedly walked into the savings and loan at 2744 E . Coast Highway at about 10:30 a . m . Thursday. One sprayed black paint over the omce security camer a before t.he y both pulled out handguns and announced their intentions. After laking money from the tellers. the two men fled in an old white pickup truck. while bank employees a ctivated a s ilent alarm. Officer Hurd Arms trong pursued the truck as it traveled on East Coast Highway. Re was joined by motorcycle officers Paul Henisey and Tim Riley. Held drove the truck north on MacArthur Boulevard for about a half mile before swerving across the road in an attempt to drive across an open field. When the truck bogged down in the mud. Held jumped out and surrendered, but Daniels fled on fool. police s aid. Arms trong and Henisey purs ued the running s uspect. They said he turned and fired at least three shots at them. They returned fire. fatally wounding Daniels at a range of about 30 yards. Capt. Richard Hamilton of the detective division s aid today that Daniels' mother told of- ficers her son was paroled from McNeil FederaJ Penitentiary in November. He was serving a term for a bank robbery convic- t ion. Meanwhile, Sgt. J im Carson is heading an internal police de· pa rtment investigation of the shooting. Such probes are con· ducted routinely when an officer is involved in a shooting, a de- partment spokesman explained. The second incident. he saJd, happe n e d a t a Malibu restaurant. "Lee and Michelle were argu- ing and Michelle grabbed the wristwatch off and threw it against the wall In the res· taurant, Cabeensaid. · ·. . . r went over and pick~ up the watch and he <Marvin> hung his head. She tried lo do it again but I caught her arm." 'Best Years ' Unreirorded MORRISTOWN .. N.J . <AP > -A H a nover Township man. who says he spent the best yea rs of his life caring, cleaning a nd cook i ng for the woman he lived with 24 years. says he is entitled to more than the $2,000 she left in he r estate. In a s uit fil e d in Superior Court here. Vin- c~nt Brangt) is sceki11g tQ _ --~~­overturn a wi ll in which Gertrude Lang. who died Nov. 27. left him her dog, her furniture and $2.000 fro m the sale of the ,house they sha red for 19 years. The rest of Miss Lang's estate was lert to her two sisters. a broth'er. and a nephew I f'roMPa~AI ATTACK ••• lodged against him after the Dec. 8 attack on the high school sophomore. The victim survived an attack t hat incl uded five g uns hot wounds in her head and multiple bruises about her face that al- legedly were inflicted with a hammer . Al the same time . Guenther was charged with multiple of- fenses against a 17-year -old San Clemente girl that occurred in March, 1978. Afte r being freed o n the $500.000 property bond last December, the accused man has been undergoing ps yc hia tric treatment while confined in Canyon Ge ne r al Hospital 's psychiatric facility Al a preliminary hearing in municipal court last month. Miss Gonzalez.Jdenlifi ed the one ti me Ju ve ni le h a ll g r oup counselor as her assaila nt. F,....PageAJ VIET ••• to rougher terrain and heavier Vietnamese gunfire than they expected, and that Pe king's declared aim of punishing Hanoi for border provocations and get- ting out quk kJ y has become a fl e xible concept. The Soviet news agency Tass charged today that Peking is "concealing the true scale or the Chinese aggression" with state· me nts that the operation 1s of a "li mited nature.·· The Chinese air strikes around Haiphong , Hanoi 's m ain port and a frequent target of U.S. raids during the Indochina War. seem ed aimed a t d estroying Russian supplies before they could reach the battlefi eld, the Bangkok sources said. .. J 1 I l t. ' t Q t ' fl p 17 l Laguna/South Coast VOL. 72, NO. S4, 4 SECTIONS, 46 PAGES O RANGE COUNT,Y, CALlfORNIA Your llometown Dally Newspaper FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1979 TEN CE NTS -uspect in Teen Assault-Back • ID Jail Chari H <9tt nlber, 33. tl\e rormu JUH'n llt' h all couna tor ar~·o d ,,, .aUtmpllna to murdt-r a D»n• Hills lllteh School ('Of'(i I t tall " !I ~rk in µohce rustody 1'hun.d Ouelllht·r haJ bt't'O lrff 111ct Oec lS on u $500,000 prol)('rty bond that l'Uv .. red hi $250, b1all requ1rt>nwnt But Uw 33-ye r old In In ttSi dent wn" takt-n b1u·k lntu cu1tody Thur~day ~fter lwu ychl truu \A)ld a Judat' h • waa ncapabl or "l'ooformrng hu. conduct to t~ rt"qu1n·mentJ of lht' luw" wht•n h4: u ~mulled 15 year ·old Jud y Mirh~Jlc Gon1 lei That f1nd1ng by thl" two psy<'hl lrt ts • t11.f1ed J udg_, Richard ~acom 'that Gu nther s hould be confirled and that be be t k~n back Into cus tody was agreeuble to both defense at· torney WilU am A. Dougbert.y and prosecutor Paul Meyer. J udge-Beacom said the defen· dant hould be confined at UC I rv int' Medica I Cente r a nd raised his bail to SS00.000 When property is orrered as a ' bond for bail, lt must be worth double the a mount of ball or, in this case, $1 million. Guenther has pleaded inno· cent and not guilty by reason of insanity to multiple ch arges lodged a gainst him aftet the Dec. 8 attack on the high school sophomore. The victim survived an attack Chinese Planes St e Targets Near Port Charges Expected In Heist By JOANNE REYNOLDS OI ttw D•llY Pli.t S~tt Federal authorities are ex peeled to seek an indictment on mu ltiple c ri m in al c h a r ges against the robber y suspect whose partner was killed Thurs· day in a shootout wit h Newport Beach police Robert Lee Held, 38, of Fon· t ana r emain'ed in Newpor t Beach City J ail today He was held without bail as a suspect in · the $1,460 robbery at the Corona del Mar branch of Weste rn Federal Savings and Loan. Police said Held. who original· ly told officers he was Robert ~ Lee Grant. 34, is also wanted in San Bernardino County for as- s a u ll with intent to commit murder and violation of parole. His dead partner has been id entified as John Ed ward Daniels, 31, of Pomona. The two men allegedly walked into the savings a nd loan at 2744 E . Coast Highway at about 10:30 a .m . Thursday. One sprayed black paint over the office security camera befor e they both pulled out handguns and announced their intentions. After taking money from the tellers. the two men fled in an old while pickup truck. while ba n k employees activated a silent aJarm. O ffi cer Hurd Arm strong pursued the truck as it traveled <See SUSPECT, Page AZ> Youths Held In Burglary P olice appre he n d ed t wo Laguna Beach youths Thursday on charges t hey stole $1,100 in cash and Emmylou Harris con· cert tickets from a local record shop . The youths, aged 16 a nd 11 years. were released to their parents pending their hearing in Orange County Juvenile Hall on commercial burglary charges. Police recovered the 1250 in cash and $850 worth of March 4 concert tickets to see the county singer at the Irvine Bowl. Coast ~ Weather D•llYll'lllltStlt" ....... BATTLE OF LAGUNA CANYON ROAD CROSSES GOES ON Meanwhile, Two More Accidents Logged on Winding Route Two Crashes Accent Laguna Cross Clash T wo more accidents in as m any days on Laguna Canyon Road accent the battle between those who a dvocated white c r osses of death beside the dangerous roadway and those who want to see the s ymbols re· moved. A minor head-on collision on the seven·mile winding roadway Thursday and another accident this morning came as the fac- tions were alternately tearing down and replacing the crudely constructed crosses symbolizing 22 deaths on Laguna Canyon Stolen Mail Truck Wrecks In Laguna Road in Uie past four years. The cross activity bas grown out or conte ntion over whether two-lane Laguna Canyon Road that meanders through the coun· tryside should remain an over· loaded country road or be turned into a divided four-lane arterial. The crosses appeared at the sid e o f the roadway la s t weekend, and in the interim, motorists have pulled oU the road to tear many of the lath symbols down. But angry advocates of a safer roadway keep putting them up, and vow they wllt continue lo do so until something is done to rec· tify the dangerous situa tion. Safe road advocates John Lara, 23, and Sean Cunningham. 22, say they will continue to replace crosses pulled out by those who want to see the route r e main a two .lane c ountry road <See CROSS. Page AZ> Soviet Ships Periled? BANGKOK, Thailand <AP) - In an escalation of the week-0ld war, Chinese warplanes striking deep into Vie t nam p ounded ta r get s ne ar the port o f Haiphong, where Soviet ships wer e unloading missiles and radar equipment for their Viet- namese allies. Thai intelligence sources said today. J a pa nese r e po rts said, m eanwhile. that a third Viet- nam ese provincial capital. Ha Giang, may have fallen to the in- vaders, and that the Vietnamese defenders of Lang Son , a strategic crossroads town on the eastern front. apparently we re under siege by Chinese ground troops. Farther east. closer to the South China Sea coast, outnum· bered Vietnamese infantrymen were fighting fiercely today to keep three Chinese d ivisions from cutting off a highway and o utflanking the Vietna mese forces around Lang Son. Soviet De fe n se Minist e r Dmitiri Ustinov, in a speech to- d a y in Moscow. de nounced Chi na's "dangerous provoca· lions . . . against neighboring . sovereign states" and said Pe- king is trying "to plunge the world into a war." • A Yugosla v correspondent re· ported from Peking that East European diplo mats t he re believe the Chinese have run in· to rougher terrain a nd heavier Vietnamese gunfire than they e xpected, a nd that P eking's declared aim or punishing Hanoi for border provocations and get· ting out quickly has become a Jlexible concept. The Soviet news agency Tass charged today that Peking is "concealing the true scale of the Chinese aggression" with stale· menls that the operation is of a "limited nature." The Chinese a ir strikes a round Haiphong, Hanoi's main port and a frequent target or U.S. ra ids during the Indochina War, se e med aime d at destroying Russian supplies before they <See VIET, Page AZ> Capo Beach Home Singed by Blaze A Capistrano Beach family had a fire for breakfast this morning when a malfunctioning toaster touched off a blaze that caused an estimated $1,500 in da mage. No one was hurt. The 7:22 a .m. fire was quickJy extinguished by Orange County firemen at the home or Frank Dutra, 35591 Beach Road. t hat i n c luded five guns hot wounds in_her head and mu.lUple bruises about her face that al- legedly were inflicted with a hammer. At the same time, Guenther was charged with m ultiple of· renses against a 17·year-0ld San Clemente girl that occurred m Ma rch. 1978. After being freed on the $500.000 p ropert y bond last December. the accused man has been uttdergomg psycluatric tre atment while confined in Can yon General Hos pital's psychiatric facility. Al a prelimmary hearing 10 municipal eour t. last month. Miss Gonzalez identified the one time juvenile hall group counselor as her assailant D•lly ,...., St.Ill PMY ONE-EYED 'BANDIT' STRIKES OUT AGAIN Laguna Mutt Disenchants His Third Owner Bandit\Bites Back to Pound for Pooch By RAY ESTRAD°A Of IM O.Olly P1 ... SYff It appears the one·eyed Laguna Beach pooch named Bandit has struck out. Joanne Reynolds. Bandit's third owner in the past months. took the hound home Tuesday but returned him to the Laguna Beach a ni mal shelter Thursday after the dog a llegedly nipped her son and a neighbor boy and tried to bite her husband . PIDL MAY, PRESIDENT of the Pet Respons1b1 hty Committee, said he is personally going to keep trying to find an owner for the dog. "He's a good dog but we JUSl couldn't keep him around child ren or where he will chase cars," Mrs Reynold s la mented. "He chases cars even when he's on a leash." s he said Bandit was first adopted last year after he had been turned over to the sheller as a lost dog He was late r aban· doned and str uck by an auto on South Coas t Highway. A VETERINARIAN HAD lo remove Bandit's damaged right eye. When the inJury healed, the canine was put up for adoption again. A month went by before Bandit was taken home by a 10-year-old girl and her mother who noticed the hapless hound in a "Dog of the Week" newspaper photograph A day later, Bandit was back at the shelter "Some people just won't give him a chance, .. said May who was not cri(ical of Bandit's former .owners but noted the one-eyed canine needs special understanding. DR. MICHAEL R E YNOLDS, who was almost bitten by Bandit. said he's sorry his family couJd not keep the pet but he was just not "ri~ht." Reynolds said his wife was not told that Bandit nips children or chases cars. And so. the search continues for a permanent owner for Bandit. Anyone interested in the dog can reach the .Pet Responsibility Committee by calling 494-2000. Fair tonight and Satur· day with lows tonight in the 40s. Highs Saturday in the 60s. INSIDE TODAY ~. ChorUon Heaton fill tM biU cu Sir Thoma$ More'! See a mliew of "Men for AU Se<UoM" on ~ CJ. A joy·riding thief s mas hed a stolen post office vehicle int-0 a brick walJ early th.is morning and then a bandoned the vehicle with its motor still r unning before Laguna Beach police at· rived at the scene . Fur Flies Over Pet Ref errah l•tlex at C.t IU M CM M aM M Cl CM A4 CMt ,.. Police found the U.S. Postal Service vehicle at 2: 15 a.m. near 320 El Camino De l Mar. But police said there was no sign of the person who bad been driving it. The vehicle had been parked at a nearby gasoline s tation where it was scheduled to un· dergo repairs today. Jt wlll ba\'e to undergo even more extensive repair work now beca use it sustained heavy ·damage tn the pre dawn smaah'-P. pc>Uce said. By WILLIAM HODGE Of• Deity l'lle4 SIAtf Referral practices of Laguna Bea.ch'• Pet Responsibility Com· mittee, Inc. have gotten an Art Colony veterinarian's fur up, Dr. H. A. Carper, operator of a cat clinic on North Coast HJ1hway, bu charged that the privately operated commit.tee la usln1 city-owned f aclliliea to re- fer ·~ and neuterlnl cues to a MllSion Viejo veterinarian. And that veterinarian, Carper s aid, ls offering a $2 per animal rebate to the committee for each animal pet responsibility volun- teera refer to hlm. "I'm questioning whether or not the city should put reasona· ble controls on them (the pet committee)," Carper said, not· ing the group operates out of a city-owned animal shelter. Carper confronted city coun· cllmen Tuesday and demanded · they look into the P e t Responaiblllt.y Committee's practice of refer ring people to the Mission Viejo doctor from city·owned facUjUes. City Manager Fred Solomon has asked for a legal opinion on whether or not the group can make referrals whlJe based in a public bulldlng. but noted the co mmittee u ses i t s o wn privately·supportcd telephone line . Carper said today his com· plaint stems rrom a belief that there isn 't any need for or· ganlzat1ons such as the PRC to make re f e r ral s s in ce veterinarians are now allowed to advertise. H e contended that many animal doctors charge two sets of prices one ror the pet owner who says he was referred by an organization for l ow cost neuter /spa y a nd o ne for a person who j us t brings llD a n im a l in for t he operation without me ntioning any group. <See ANIMALS. Pa'e AZ> I l • A,I DAILY PILOT l&r r11ttay, February 23 191'0 Michelle Upset I Over Remark t .. os ANGt;l.ES IAP t Michell<' Triola Murvin hrokt down In lt1ud hOb In t'ourt today and had lQ ht> hel~ vul or lb rc>c>m after a w1ln • ' idd he on~e told him l\ht> dldn 't w nt to bt m1 ttlt~n for ' hooltc>r " Miss Mia.-vm 'lat qu1etl) for a r~w t.'ronlb ~ftt"I lhe! ('()ffimt"nl by ~ M rvln ' pr nt. Jim Mo.honey Thl'n !>tit' bur1t'd her ht-ud lo ht·r hand• an~ ltt out it wu1l ID nt An advtsory measure asking San Clemente residents 1f they want to form an ass~ssment d11s· trict to buy about $26 m1lbo_n worth of ranch lands for open s pace will be on the city's April 24 ballot. E a rly in their meeting Uus week, city council members de· cided againsl putting a bond m easure for the proposed purchase on the municipal ballot. They did this on the ad- \•ice or City Attorney Michael Bartlett. He said it would be im- possible legally under guidelines established by the passage of Proposition ll. Howeve r , l ater in Wednes- day's meeting, Bartlett said the council could place an ad- visory measure on the ballot, asking voters if they wa nt to set up an assessment district for the purpose of buying the land. The results of this stra w vole wouldn't be binding, he ex- plained. The advisory measure, ap- proved 3 to 2 by council mem- bers. will ask voters if they want to form an assessment district under the 1908 Park and Play- ground Act in order to purchase about 2,600 acres or ranch lands in the bills behind the city. Council m e mbe rs Ho ward Mushett and Myrtis Wagner op- posed tbe action. ' A& h(' "'R•n oblUnat uncon trollubly, uptr1or CtJUrl Judi Arlhu• Mal'!lhall a1'kt"d th•I 1ht- M> &aken to • Of!atTb)' )ury room unlll t h rc-(laln d h r com· po:<!Urt' Sbt ttn tht' roorn, h•ftnlnK on• w o m :a n I a w y t· r P e n <' I o pc: • Mt"rNnu Testamon) conllnucd, hut Ml!iS Ma"~ ~ rou~ ~ ~u~ from tM othrr room ft wu tht' ftnrt time.• sb ha.s broktn down dunnw k1Umony 1n htr pmPf'rt)' bull against tht- actor 1 he outbur111 c~mc shorlly aftu Mahon~y look the w1tocMi 1.t a n d It t· w u 1.1 11 i. k l' d b y Mar..,1n· .. lawyer to tdl what ht• knew about M1s11 Marvin's dti c.-151on to h.·~ally t'hangti her numc to thut of lbc actor Mahoney :,aad she dlSCUbht'd tbe matter with him m 1968 and be told her 1l wu.8 "ndiculous. '' "I said, ·Michelle, IC Lee want ed to change your name, he would marry you'." ttrn:nt1trss1,rarvTn lhen pointed out she would be accom- panying the actor to Japan for lhe opening of the movie, "IMl in the Pacific." "She said, 'We'll be meeting the royal family and I don't want the emperor to think I'm a hooker'." Mahoney said. Miss Marvin gave a loud gasp and laughed as be made the comment. Mahoney added, "I d1stincUy remember that." After Miss Marvin bad been helped from the room, the press agent said he believed that when she made the comment she was being "facetious." Marvin's attorneys, seeking more ·details of the movie col- ony's view of the Ma rvin affair, said they would call Sharley Wynn, the wife of actor Keenan Wynn, to the stand today. The Wynns, friends of the M arvin-s when they lived together, were in the courtroom Thurs d ay when a former stuntman testified. Boyd Cabeen told of a night when he threw a drink in Miss Marvin's face and she smashed all the glasses on the bar in an argument with Marvin.· ' F,....PageAJ ANiMALS DEBATED. • • "There's a double standard," Carper claimed. "If a vet ls in· ·teresled in domg spay/neuter work for the public they ought to do it at one price. "I don•t hke the practice of de· ceplive prices one for the peo. pie who know and one for the people who don't know.•· Phil May, a member or the pet committee, said Thursday the group has a poli cy or referring cases to veterinarians closest to the pet owner's home . He said someone at the animal s h e lle r had in advertently crossed Dr. Carper's name off the referral list recently. result· ing in a reduction of cases sent to the North Laguna Clinic. He denied more cases were being sent to Mission Viejo because of the $2 contribution per animal lo the P RC "We don't have anybody in Laguna Beach who works on d ogs <f o r lo w cost neuter/s pay)," May asserted. "Most of our referrals are dogs and Carper doesn 'l do dogs." May a lso indicated Carper used to keep a jar in his office where he collected donations and turned them over lo the committee to support their ac· tivi ties. Dr. Edgar Folkers. the Mis· sion Viejo veterinarian, con- fir med today that he does make contributions to non-profit animal groups to support their activities. - OAANOE COAST L•~ DAILY PILOT '"•O#ett0tCOMI o.i11t Pttoe "''"•'Pllo("*"f(lll'ft- O•IWd ltw -..""""' Pftl"\' '' publl"'"'tt1 tl'W" Or-~ (ff'\t Publ~\~ftO('~y St>o.rflltf-"'t"°""''"" ouDtl\MO Nofta•t t.,rovot\ F HO•t' tor Cott.t ~..,. Ht W"Clflf1 ~t" MUf't•ftOton f\•A-·,. r~ 118•" V.tUf't l11i11l"W l ~ l"•«h SO\flh(<wt'\t A not• ,,o..,.1~t•"ovf)f'~''°"'"'.,..."f"° ·~ntt••• TM CWtf'l(•NI °""4h~if'f0 1>l1tnt "•t lll w ... ,, A1~ $1'"' (•t•fHIW ( •htOff'll•t~Ai .. _ .... _ Pt.., •otf'll ·~ PtO'.lti .... JHllt (lllllflt' 't/oe.e P,e..O.ftt 6nd C..,,., .. Ml.MOer ,,.....,,l(ff•ll f dltcr '~""\A M~IW M•n .. o•rwa '°''~ Cll•""' K. '--llitlWt,.. f' Nolt .,,"''."' ~ft4QlftCll l Oi\00 TNtMIO"• (714)~ CIHalfled Advertlllftt ~l't l.e91'"1 luctl All Deflf:"tMnte: Tei.ptlo"•4 ..... ,,..,."""c.._ .. 4IMIOO "I do support local organiza. lions supporting low cost ne uter /spay." Folkers said. "Like Dr. Carper, there have been times I haven't had cases referred to me for a period of time." Folkers said he initially gave annual contributions to animal organizations but eventually set- ll ed on the $2 per a nimal formula as a more equitable way to contribute. "I onJy give contributions lo non-profit organizations whose goal is to get the over-population problem under control," Folkers said. "I just increased my form of participation." Folkers said he d idn't ad- v e r l i se bis practice. but acknowledged that his clinic does charge different prices for the neuter·spay operation. "Prices are depressed m this area anyway," Folkers said. "Our fee is around $40 to S50 for a small dog, but that's a break even cost at best.'· Folkers said he offers low cost neuter/spay to those who arc re- ferred by a non-profit organiza. lion as a ser vice to the com- m unity. "If we don't provide the service the government will put a clinic in, .. he said. "I want to do what I can to make sure the private sector survives." El Toro Man Arrested in Boat Blaze An El Toro man, whose cabin cruiser was des troyed in a fire at sea last week, was arrested by Newport Beach police Thurs- day on suspicion of destroying ins ured property. Edward Michael Leger, 33. of 2270 Lake Forest Drive, was booked into the city jail by de· lectlve Lee Roberts. Lager is free today on $5,000 bail. Roberts said investigation or the fire aboard the 40-foot vessel, East ot Eden, indicated the blue had been set lnten· tionally. Thu boat was valued at about S7S,000. The ft.re, whlcb was seen by coastal resident& h'om Hunt· ington Beach to Laguna Beach, occurred last Friday when Lager was alone on the vessel. Harbor Patrolmen who rushed to the scene found La1er in tbe cruiser's dinaby. They were able to douse the names, but lbey said the boat was destroyed. • O.lly P l ... ~ .. .,. 1..M PAY"' WHERE CORONA DEL MAR ROBBERY SAGA CAME TO AN END THURSDAY OFF MAC ARTHUR BOULEVARD Arrow Marks Where Officer• Stood; Deed Bend"'' Body Circled; Pickup Truck UHd by Suapecta Navy Divers Aid Hum-for Ship Victi11U A tl'.'am of U.S. Navy divers was nown lo BaJa California Sur today to Join Mexican divers in the search ror> three bodies seen 10 the ocean near Isla Natividad. Mexican a uthorities gave permission ear;ly today for a Coast Guard C-130 to fly the divers to Guerrero Negro, a town about 65 miles east of the island. T he Navy divers will join Mexican diver s who have worked for three days in heavy seas in a vain bid to recover the three bodies which reportedly were lied together. Authorities believe that the bodies are those of Dennis and Debbie Vowe ll and Gary Newton, all of San Diego, who left that pQrt Jan. 22 in Vowell's 45.foot vessel, the ''Armistice." The trio was last seen alive Jan. 24 by a fis hing vessel which passed the "Armistice" near San Clemente Island. Vowell and Newton. both 22, went to high school together in Costa Mesa. Their families live in Costa Mesa. Debbie Vowell, 21, is the daughter of Mrs. Bun- ny Scott of San Clemente. Isla Natividad is 10 miles south of Cedros Island and 50 m iles wes t of Scammon's Lagoon, the winter home of the CalHornia gray whale. The general search area is about 450 ma l es by r oad south of San Diego. Crash Victim Escapes Harm A 25-year-old Dana Point man escaped serious injury T hursday when the motorcycle he was rid· ing s lammed into a pickup truck, hurling him over the hood and onto the pavement beyond. A Callfomla Highway Patrol s pokes man said Douglas Crowell was approaching Street of the Violet Lantern on Santa Cla r a Avenue in Dana Point when he failed to yield to the truck that was crossing the in· tersectioh. Crowell was treated and re- 1 eased from San Clemente General Hospital following the 9 :30 a.m. incident. F,....PageAJ VIET ••• could reach the battlefield, the Bangkok sources said . They said rive MIG-19 fighter· bombers struck arsenals about rou r mil es n o rthw est of Haiphong on Thursday, shortly after the Soviel.s ships began de· liveries. The raiders apparently hit outside the city so as not to risk bombing the Russian ships and triggering a Soviet reprisal. The Vietnamese fired anti· aircraft weapon.s at the jets but there were no repom of Viet- namese aircraft going up to in· tercept the Chinese attackers, the sources said. There was a report that l3 secondary explosions occurred during the raid, indicating the bombs detonated explosive material. the sources said. Chinese jet fighters knocked out most or Vietna m 's radar emplacements and missile silet In air strikes Saturday and Sun· day, the Thai sources said. The sources, who asked not to be identified, said the Kremlin also is airlift.ins heavy weapons to an unditclosed destination in Vietnam. Rabies Shots Set Pet owners may purchase rabies shots for their animals for $2 Saturday from 2 to 4 p.m. at the La.iuna Beach Main Fire Station,~ Forest Ave. The low· cost rabies clinic lt •Pouored by tbe Pet a.tponaiblUty. Commit· lee. Dana Point Trio Face Burglary Raps Two Dana Point men and a woman race burglary charges a fter sheriff's deputies dis· cover e d stolen televisions, ster eo equipment. si lver. jewelry and crystal in a vacant apartment in the seaside com- m unity. A sheriff's investigator said today Ja mes P atrick White, 22, a nd Richard Anthony White, 19, we re arrested Wednesday after they were discovered atop the roof of the apartment building al 33842 Street of the Copper Lan· tern. Also arrested was Julie Jenice Freeman, 22, of Apt. C al the same address. Deputies said they located the stolen goods in a vacant apart- m e nt across from M iss Freem an's res id e nce. In· vestigators asserted the two men s ta yed frequently at Mi ss Freeman's apartment The whole affair began. an in vestigator said. when the v1ct1m of a Dana Point burglary earlier this week allegedly confronted the White brothers. accused them of the burglary and de- manded that bis property be re- turned. One of the two men allegedly pulled a gun on the burglary vi e· tim. The two Whites also face charges of assault with a deadly weapon. possession stolen property and possession of drugs. Miss Freeman also faces possession or stolen goods and drugs charges. All three are being ~held in Orange County Jail in lieu of $10.000 bail. {Aiguna to Handle Lale Items First So-called "off -agenda items"--tbose usually brought up in the wee hours of the morn- ing when the public bas deserted City Council chambers -will get an earlier airing in future Laguna Beach council Se6sions. Council m e mbers voted unanimous ly, with Wayne Baglin abstaining, this week to discuss off.agenda issues follow - ing the public communications portion of the SIJenda. That means issues brought up by councilmen will be discussed much earlier in the meeting se- quence. Off.agenda it~ms would be discussed just before public hearings. The issµe leading to the vole s urfaced when Baglin abstained on each vote called by Mayor J ack McDowell on several Items brought up at the conclusion or Tuesday's council meeting. Baglin said be was refusing lo vole because the items had been brought up after most residents had lert the meeting. "Whal are we goMa pull on the public next?" Baglin asked after Sally Bellerue asked him why he was abstaining on all the votes. "There are things you have to bring up to get things done," McDowell answered , defending off-agenda items. ''Then let 's bring them up al 6 or 6 :~ p.m when they're <the public) all sitting out there." Baglin countered, nothing he would abstain on items brought up at the end of meetings . Mc Dowell called a vote on whether or not to bring off. agenda items up earlier in the meeting. Baglln abstained. IRJllNE HIGH DISGN HAILED Irvine High School recently gained recognition when the Los Altos-headquartered architect firm that desig-ned the school plan received a top award in a nationwide competition. The architect was cited for de- signing the nine,building cam pus with "an environment which is comfortable and aesthetically ple a sing ins ide and out of doors." Story, photos Page A8. FrtMI Page Al SUSPECT ••. on East Coast Highway. He was joined by motorcycle officers Paul Henisey and Tim Riley. Held drove the truck north on MacArthur Boulevard for about a half mile before s wervmg across the road in an attempt to dnve'across an open field When the truck bogged down in the mud. Held Jumped out and surrendered, but Daniels fled on foot police said. Armst rong and Henisey pursued the running sus pect. They said he turned and fired at least three shots al them. They returned fire, fatally wounding Daniels al a range of about 30 yards. Capt Richard Hamilton of the detective division said tod ay that Daniels' mother told of- ficers her son was paroled Crom McNeil Federal Penitentiary in November. He was ser vi ng a term for a ba nk robbery convic lion. Meanwhile, Sgt. Jim Carson is heading an internal police de· parlmenl m vestigatton or the shootin~. Such probes are con· ducted routinely when an officer 1s involved in a shooting, a de· partmenl spokesman explained. CROSS ••• Meanwhile, a minor collision occurred Thursday on the can- yon road, and a t.aguna Hills woman was injured this morn ing when her ca r struck a telephone pole. Pamela Dittman, 39. of 23541 Marsala Drive. Laguna Hills. was taken to Saddleback Com munity Hospital after being treated by paramedics in the Big Bend area shortly after 9 a.m. Police suid it appeared the woman lost control of her sedan after it was rear ·ended by another vetucle. The woman's car went up over the curb and knocked over a wooden telephone pole. Police are mvesllgatmg the crash. Reno Trembles RENO. Nev tAP l Mild af tershocks continued 1n the Reno- Lake Tahoe area after an earth quake shook the resort region for several seconds on Thurs· day The jolt was centered about 30 miles northeast of Reno DAILY PILOT A3 r 'l Fri 5 Economist Says Prop. 13 'TiDle Bo 81 tDECCA H UI Ol•o.M'f"-•tlltt Propo Ilion U ta a "l m bomb tJcklntt aw&)' omin0\1111, ' conomlst Coorad c. Jamison •4 • .. ,. Trial! lold • 1roup of bualnH• repreaeotaUv 1 ln Anaheim Tbur~.Cllelaledatory Paa A&>. PHACt" ol the property w r uer lrutiat.av hall Jun oded Jury Chosen For W a·ddill 8)' nrv Ct.ANCY Otn.OoWIY~~ Tbt 12 }ut'Ors who wtll be a.sk~ to dec1dt' 1r Or William Waddill str11n1lt-d an lnranl abortion s urvivor "'e r 1m paneled late Thursday 10 Ora.nc County Superior ourt Attorne1s 10 lhe murder r etr1ul or the HuntlOIJlOO lharbour ph)'Jilc1an will ttturn to Judge Byro n Mc Mi ilan's courtroom Monday to plck five a lte rnate Jurors berore teshmony opens m what is ex Pt-ct~ LO be a four month trial. Waddill. 43, •s a ecu1ed or murderlna a baby alrl at We •tmhu hr Comm\lnit.y Ho pttal nearly two rears _,o Jl fl r an unsucce. fu abortion v. performed on an t8-year-0ld unw~ moth r. Th~ doctor's flrst murder tnlll ended la.st May In a mistrial when Jurors siud they were deadlocks 7·.5 lo favor of acqwt· tal The JW')' deadJock followed 16 weeks of testimony and 11 days or deliberations. Waddill has insisted that the baby already was dead when it was brought.to \h~ nursery from the mother's room. He testified immersion of the fetus for 12 bours in a saline solution usea for the abortion destroyed the unborn infant's brain functions. TIYlllSit Proposa~ Endorsed Prosecuting Attorney Robert Cbanerton had put doctors on Pl ans for an Irvine Company· the witness stand who testified s ubsidized s huttle that would that the baby, even if it only had what they described as minimal ca rry passengers around "brain stem activity,'' knew life Newport. Center and Fashion and could not be regarded as Island were endorsed in concept legally dead. Thursday by Orange County Physicians called by defense Transit District <OCTD> direc· attorneys argued the baby's tof:ut directors made it clear brain fun ctions h ad been they weren't ready to commit destroyed and, if the infant bad OCTD to continued operation of lived. she wouJd have been no b vi if . more than an unthinking, un· s ue :use~ ce.1 at proves UD· • coordinated being. ec.ooo !!a or 1 passengers re-When jury selection in the fuse t.o nde. · They also said lbe service retnal opened last week, both wouldn't go Into operation until J Chatterton and Defense ,i\t· 1984 when the Newport Center torney Charles Weed~an said area wt11 employ17,000 workers, they expected th17 selection proc· up from the 9 ooo working there ess ~ouJd b<: ~mdered by .ex· today. ' tensive _p_ubl,ac1~y su_rrounding, Creation or a mini-bus shuttle the phys1c1an s first t~rnl: was ordered by the Califorrua Ho~e~er, after the~r f1r_sl day Coastal Commission as part or of quizzing prospective _Jurors. the Jrvi Co , . 1 the attorneys focused their ques· ne mpany s propos~ lions on issues concerning abor· for a 40-acre Corporate Plaz~ m tion and the role of the physician Nt;wport Center, OCTD officials in cases where a patient is hope· s aid. l 1 · ·t ted As a result, they explained. ess Y mcapac1 a. · . the company offered OCTD 3 Weed.man sa_1d t~at , whale subsidy or up to $300,000 to start many prospective Jurors bad the service and joined the dis· rt;ad of the case. he was co~· trict in studyinJ? the transit v~nced most bad ~o~med. no op1 need s for worke r s in lhe moos about Waddill s guilt or an· NewPort Center area . nocence. . . OCTD planner Hil Hornung The ~hyslClan has been ac· told directors Thursday lhe shut· c~mp~ed to court e~ery day by tie would be operated with three h1~ wife. J~net: who ts pre~nanl vehicles and is expected to at· with tbe couple s second child. tract 2,000 to 3,000 passengers daily As envisioned. he explained., the service would cost about $205,000 per year. Hornung also said employers might be asked to provide their workers with free bu:; tickets as an incentive to use the system. He noted. however. many de tails have yet to be arranged and it could be that the Irvine Company. rather than OCTD. would operate the sys tem. Rampage Man Enters Plea CHICAGO <AP) -An Indiana man charged with driving his snow-removal road grader while drunk bas pleaded innocent to reckless homicide in the death or a man whose car was crushed by the grader. Thomas Blair, 46, of Cedar Lake, Ind .• had come to Ch.icago to help clear up the str~ts following a January snowstorm. He was charged with driving a grader that crushed a car in which James Holman. 45, of Chicago was a passenger. 'Smn' De11Wn Tak a Hoax ATTICA, N.Y. <AP) For months. he stalked a terrified city as the Son of Sam. the .44-caliber killer. eager to satisfy the blood· thirsty desires of bis de· manding demons and talk· ing dogs. Now, l 'h years after the last or h.is brutal attacks in which he killed six pepple and wounded seven. a calm, coherent, smiling and polite David Berkowitz says be made it all up. "l've let people step on me just once too often and now I've had enough. It's time for the truth to come out -not a story a~ut de· moos, talking dogs and legions or sata n 's henchmen,'' Berkowilz said Thursday in his first prison interview. Report on Eclipse light Up Sunday the •· .. ml·reelaened, almo•t· dtfealiat" attitude of oppooeota or bl• l()vt'n>ment. he said. Major etfeda or lbe &eaLslaUon arc aUll to come, b added, and ma>'~ explo1lvely reatructure Calllomla'• ent.lre tu and IOV· ernmenl expendltun •ntema. 1 J aallloa, • vtce pretldent a Security Pacific National Bank, spoke before the Orange County c hapter o f Town Hall or California. He admitted voting for PoroposiUon 13 wilb "horrible 4 APWI,.._,. FROM VOYAGER I SPACECRAFT 12.4 MILLION MILES AWAY CLOSEUP VIEW OF JUPITER Syatem Shown With Moon• lo (left) and Europa Largeat Ptanet in Solar l.obbyist Issue Delayed Faced with a 2·2 deadlock. directors of the Orange County Transit District. <OCTD ) postponed a decision Thursday on spending $15,000 a year for a Washington, D.C .. lobbyist. OCTD directors and members of the eounty's Transportation Commis sion each had been asked if they would like to put S15 ,000 apiece with $100,000 county supervisors plan to spend for a lobbyist. Transpc>rtation commissioners agreed earlier to support such an effort in principle with Com· mission Chairman Al Hollinden opposed. Hollinden, sitting Thursday as an OCTD director. was joined by Direct.or William Farris in say· ing they would vote against hir· ing a lobbyist. But OCTD Chairman Ralph Clark and Director Philip An· thony. both county supervisors, said they support giving the lob- byist. effort a one-year trial to see if it wouJd generate extra federal funds . Director Robin Young was absent so the board put off mak· ing a final decision until March 19 when all five members are expected t.o be present. Farris said the county now bas three cong r es s men in Washington and each have 18· member staffs. ,.. $2 Billion Job Goes to Fluor Corp. The Fluor Corp. will build a $2 billion expansion of a South African oil-from-coal plant. doubling the facility's capacity, officials said today. T he Irvine-based firm is building the first. two stages of the Transvaal area project, ealled SASOL 11, for the South African Coal .. Oil and Gas Corp. Ltd. South Africa 's minister of economic affairs announced the expansion project -also to be built in two stages -and the award of the contract to Fluor, today. Spacecraft Enters Realm of Jupiter WASHINGTON <AP ) -The Voyager l spacecraft bas en· tered the realm of Jupiter and its swarm or moons, giving Earth its most detailed look at the colossal planet Scientists said Thursday that Voyager was about 7.6 million miles from Jupiter, second only to the Sun in its dominance of the solar system, a nd closing at about 600,000 miles a day. On March 5, the spacecraft, laden with cameras and instru· ments, will soar to within 173,000 miles of the 89.000·mile diameter planet. Everything about Jupiter is oversized. Bigger than all the other planets combined, in com· parison to Earth it looks like a grapefruit next to a child's mar- ble. Scientists believe Jupiter. with its brightly-colored s tripes and giant red SJ:if>t. is a turbulent mixture or liquids and gasses around a small solid core. Project scientists told the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration briefing that nine of 10 scientWc instruments on the 1,820-pound craft are working well. Robert Parks. p r oject manager, said there was a potential problem with the earth ... at a st-0 receMng stations . Antennas in C~lifomia. Spain and Australia bring in the spaceeraft signals. In a test last month, scientists found that water from :: rainstorm absorbed most of tbe frequency used by the prime spacecraft transmitter. If this happe ned dur i n g k e y trans mission times, some valua· ble information could be lost, seientists said. Another potential trouble area is the powerful radiation field surrounding Jupiter. In 1973 and 1974 , two U .S. Pionee r spacecraft. the first to visit the planet, were almost disabled by surprisingly intense radiation trapped in Jupiter·s powerful magnetic field. Parks said Voyager 1s better designed to survive s uch radia· tion. but be added that no one knows if the radiation 1s even more intense five years later Voyager 1. launched from earth L8 months ago. will swing past Jupiter !our months ahead of an identieal s ister s hip. Voyager 2. With the gravity of Jupiter working as a kind or sling, the two craft wtll use the momentum of going around the planet to propel them on toward Saturn. 50%011 Regular Priee Bare Root Fruit Trees and Roses ::! ~.~~ ........... '2. 99 ~~ ............. '4.49 ~~ .............. '6.99 St••" l'nlff s4 99 ,,..... ..................... . ...... Dwwf ~ '7 99 ,,....,..................... . ......... ~ .. .... """', ............ Next Monday won't be blue tf you bu.y Sunday's Daily Pilot. describing bow the world will be looking up -at. an eclipse of the sun. ( UNDA Y'S BEST) Together, the projects amount to over $4 billion for the petrochemical corporation. A spokesman called it. .. a big shot in the arm for the Southern California division.·• Before expansion. SASOL II was scheduled to use 12 million metric tons of coal per year, from which a n undisclosed amount of synthetic crude oil will be produced. In other 1tories: this genre is short-lived these days. The inllial plant. project. \.s expected t.o start production in 1980. 1be new, third• and fourth s tages a r e ' sche dule d Cor m laglvfnga." Criticiliog the r le1l1laUon. he 11.st.ed 10 neaat.ave result& or its passage. f Included were loss pf local government control, a rise in op. position of cities and counties to gTowth. and a "tremendous un- certainly" in the business com munlty and government that wUl lutfor years. Because of the questions which have arisen from Pro~i· lion 13, JamJ.soo said, Security Pacific cooduct.ed a study of tax· es and ex penditures or California's state and Jocal gov- ernments. The =m-page tax study will be released next week. be said, but h e reviewed the report's b1ghllghts. Findings included: California state and locaJ taxes during Ciseal year 1978-79 exceeded the national norm by ulmost $6 billion. With Pro~· lion 13. tax.es are expected to be only S500 million above the norm. California's death and gift taxes are double the national norm and higher than any other state's. Only one state. Michigan, has a heavier tax burden on cor· porate net income t han California. Californania 's personal in· come tax collections have s kyrocketed during recent years at two to three times the rate of increase in personal income, ac- counting for about 40 percent of tbei dollar increase of all state taxe,s combined. -From 1973 until passage of Proposition 13. public employ· ment increased more than two and one-half times the rate of population. Since the initiative passed. employment bas been reduced 5.5 percent. Jam Ison went o n to say California Is in "excellent" financial shape. Proposition 13 was the first s te p of the voters demanding lower taxes and government spending in general. be said. The mass explosion or change is yet to come. .. tr we don't boggle. if we don't turn the state over.to people who want to stop growth no matter what the cost ." he added. "California should continue to be highly regarded nationally by in· vestors." ~al Group WorkshQp Set A two-day workshop on the operation of Lawyer Refer ral Services will be he ld this weekend al the Surf and Sand Holel in Laguna Beach. The conferen ce i s co· s ponsored by the Orange County Bar Association and the Legal Ser vices Sectfon of the State Bar of California. Lawyer Referral Services are provided by the Bar Association to help people find qualified at· torneys and obtain reduced rates for first consultations. SWEET AL YSSUM ll;~t.· ·~ feotu!'"'l toity blossomed ~-~ ~).:-\' .. : plonrs tn wtitte. r-.-1' · ·'"1:~. • pink Of purple ·1:~, ... , ~1-f. 4 Pol size , 1-:· Reg 99 -'~)1~ ::Sa lt Price 49e ~~~-DWARF , -f{j~ ~AVOCADO I · 0on·1 tef 10~ of space • Slap vou from grOWIOO Reg 5 Gol Sue y~ulr o2w"99 ·19 99 Solt Price • ;~)i -.:' PEACH ~~. I TREES :J.Jw-A·1 c11oose1rom ell.Ira r .. ~· 1 ~;'\torge3/4 -1 cohper ', •• size 1roes In six tasty voneues Salt Price 53.99 ·aoreroot R90 '499 DIEFFENBACHIA ' SUPERBA r creomy 18XfUfed 180V8S hlgnllght ltllS eosv-to-grow ~ riouseplOOI -6 Pot Size Reg '6 99 I $afe ,rlet '4.49 :.OAN ;. UIPEalAL JUDICIARY Federal Judaes are acting more like accelerators than brakes or social ac:tion. Thell' recent de· clsloaa run scbpol sygtems, prisons and mental Lnslltutions. la lhls natural, cons\ltutional or Imperial? An Aaloclated Press survey cbecb the nation. CLEA&JNG PICTURE -If home video recorders offer temptations to re-run favorite lare, they also serve up a con· fusing set of choices between systems and fe atures. A You/Your Money story tunes in on home video. TlLT·UP TEAM -Don Shaw a nd J. Thomas Talbot. bulld hig h.priced s pread s for in· dustry. concrete tilt·up buildings they say cost more than other in· dustrlal developers• projects. The Business of the Week feature esplains wby they're always IO&d out. completion ln 1982. """W Coal will be provided from two mines cons truc ted for tbe project. The crude on product is refined lnto aaaoline and diesel products. COSTA MESA FOUNTAIN VALLEY ----"' 1)1( (.0 ::;> f w' : l ll•':> 8 a -~ SOMETIDNG'S FtJNNY - The NBC network 11 ••ttJn1 serious about comedy, but eo far few people are laqbln1. Read \be predictions for "Olff'rent Stro~es." "Brothers and SL•· t.er4. •• .. Turn. about'' a{'d "Hello, Larry" and fiDd out Wft1 - Floor's Irvine headquarters will be responsible for engineering and procurement tor the project., wblcb will be buJlt by the company's South African dlvtslon. • 0,... 7 ~ • W ... 1-· l :JO f1.M. JIZJ .-WPOlf ILYO. COSTAMISA l4l4t2I ~ .... 11420 llOOIHUIS T '= POUMf AIM Y AWY '" ................. ,_ ........ ,. PMOMI: tU .. 171 ONM 7 DAYS '-· l:>f ..... .. - .4if ~y PILOT F11.-,. '*r a . "" NATION I WEATHER Just t ing Perot Forag: No Pro.he· Hang;ng In Ther oa. PAI • ~ PF•atNG D "· -Jutt"" Olbu momln,, ahortly aller dawn. I tl.aU•l'ecl dowltalaJn lo the telepbooe and called my ~. ~-1 WH • ruJ t1merseocY. She tJUW4''1'd b4're ln tM ,,....room 1JMI I croallod hoa...ely O'ffr the phone, "ti ~-~-· I've fol I problem lhl1 momlna· 1 1\e up aun: nq &om OWi acute rue of WASHINGTON CAP ) -If Texaa mllliooalre H. Rota Perot thou1ht blrlns a aquad of American commando• to 1ta1e a · rreectorn raid on a prlsoo ln Iran mlaht have gotten hJm Into trou· ble wlt.b t.be U .s. 1ovemment. hia worrletl appear to be moot. Tb FBI ia not lnve1U1allD1. the JUIUc. Department aa)'l lt kn.ow• only what Jt reada la the ne wapa pera an.d tbe State Department .. ya It bad oo ln· volvement In lbe "alle1ed'' 4'V•nl Te.nu Cea Ma• AND 1'11£ D·A••Y Green Ber.t colooel wbo commanded lb• mlulon ia out of 1l1bt, leav· Inc beh1Dd word he won't ha" anytblna to HY about lt even U report.en catch up wllb blm. When Perot, tbe computer wbb "trith a t.Mte for tak1nC mat· ten lDto bla own banda, called a new• coaference ln Dallu llcD· day to ctve details of the raid - word waa faat IHkln1 out, aoywa)' -be-Uid be thoulbtbe mlcbt have aome explainJ.na to do w the lJ .s. aovemment. "I 1uppoee our atlornen wUJ be wortdnf on thl• for the next •everal moftthl,'' Perot .ald. "8 \JT 111AT WAS not the l&· sue. To save the men was." A• Perot told lt, he stayed behind ln Turkey ma1termind· Ing the operation wh!le bla 15- man aquad hired a mob to storm the GUN prilon, His employee•. en1lneers WHltam Gaylord aAd Paul Chlapperonl. escaped, along with an estimated 11,000 Iranian prisoners In what bas been called bl1tory'1 blfgeat Jailbreak. Unlt~ Stat.es ~d been caution· in& tbe Runlans a1alnst in· volvement. "We'~ aware of the news ac· counts of what went on, but beyond that we don 't have a n y thin g lo say.'' Justice Departtneat spokesman Robert StevenJon 11.ld. PaE88ED ON WHETHER even a preUminary l11ve1t111Uon has been ordered, he said, "We haven't made any deci,slon as to what to do about it.'· •11ravaled haqnaJJ , • •·Ob. l'm ao aorey," she replied. "WlU )'OU be comlna 10 work!" "Wtll yes." I expjaiofd bravely. "J'tn foln1 to aut out thla bomble b1to1nall. 8ut 1 ma, be • UttJe ate. ·1 iffm to have m1aplat'fd lbe car keys 10mebow "~1des lha\, I lhlnk t.M battery mlabt bed ad "ALSO, THE FaONT DOOa lodt OD tbe boUH 1eems Billie Sol Estes Indicted Again GA YW&D AND Cblapperoni, who work for Perot's Electronic Data Systems. Inc., bad been Jalled seven weeks. apparently in connect.ion with allegations of offtcial corruption Involving a contract won by Perot's flrm. An FBI spok esman went beyond that. "We are doing absolutely nothing," he said. "We haven't been asked by the department to investigate. The people whq handle neutrallt)' matters don't anticipate that we will.'' At the State Department, spokeswoman Jill Schuker re· (erred questioners to the Justice Department. "We had no in· volvement ln the ~Je,ed event. and. I stress the word alleged'," she said. to be )ammed l 'U b.a"e to nx tt aome way before I come DALJ...AS (AP> -More lndlctmentl have been retunied a1aJ.nst paroled West Texas con man Billle Sol Eat.ea, U1il Uine cbarglna that be plotted to bilk investors, operate bualneaae1 in violaUon ol h1a parole and conceal assets to avoid payin1 income taxes. A federal grand jury returned four len,uiy indictmenta Thursday But Perot apparently need not have worr ied about U.S. in· \C.eaUgators asking lf his action violated American neutrality laws or introduced a new ele- ment into an internationally ex- plosive situation In which the The breakout occurred the same day the government of Shahpour Ba.khtiar fell to the revolutionary s upporters of Ayatollah Rubollah Khomeini. t.;:·! 1.:"" SCnclcn Worker Suffering Fnda~ HOllfl"t11l Danoae m. if I can do it while suffering with this ghasUy hangnail thing ... " Now. my newsroom aide has been listening to staff members phone in sick for years. ll took her about 2.5 seconds to catch the plot on all th.is. "You overslept, didn't you?" she suggested. ··well possibly. Maybe the alarm is busted. Or maybe it was a sneaky power outage that came upon us in the middle of the night. . . " Anyway, it didn't matter. She had me. There is no ex· cuse for tardiness or absence that she hasn't heard over the years. These particularly prevail on Mondays or Fridays. wmcn BRINGS ME, somehow, to the obscure news dispatch today from up in Northern California in the township of Fremont. There is a General Motors plant up there. One of the workers therein is a welder named Ernie Ornellas from San Leandro. Ernie bas been welding for GM for half a century now. He started with the company ln Oakland on Feb. 22, 1929. Yesterday marked bis soth year on the welding line. I don't know how Mr. Ornellas did during his first 27 years on the job. But a company spokesman said that dur· ing the past 23 years , Ernie has never missed a day of work. THERE HE WAS, for 23 years, suffering the hazards of hot metal, burns, blisters. aches and pains and commut· ing through Northern Callfomia's miserable weather. And always made it. For 23 years. he punched t))at time clock every day. This isn't just an amazing record. In this day and age, it's astounding. So plant officials and civic dignitaries turned out Thursday to honor Ernie Ornellas and his one-half century with GM. They gave him a diamond stickpin, a clock and the use of a car for a couple of weeks. TJDS SUGGESTS THAT the GM execs were ignorant of what a real jewel they had in Ernie Ornellas. They should have granted him half.interest in the plant. Or at the very least. given him the car. Wlson Gets Blame MIAMI <AP) While he was in federal prison, former At- torney General John Mitchell blamed ex·White House Counsel Charles Colson for Watergate. ac cording to an a rtic le in ,"Mi ami" magazine. "lf it were n 't for him <Colson), Watergate would have never happened," Mitchell is quoted as telling other inmates. "A born-again Christian? Ha! I'd take my chances with the lions ." The copyrighted article was written under the pseudonym Ronald. J a mes by J . Ronald Beas ley, a former Miami television news producer. He met Mitchell while serving part of a 14-month sentence at Max· well Federal Prison Camp in Montgomery. Ala .. for cocaine possession and conspiracy. against Estes; two former u - sociatel', Raymond K. Horton and M.L. Copenhaver, and bis lon1·li me secr etary . Sue Goolsby. Estes' attorney, G: Brockett Irwin of Longview. said bis client would plead innocent at his arraignment Mar ch 1. HE WAS CONVICTED in 1963 or building a fortune on mortgage loans using non· existent fertilizer tanks as col- lateral. A similar scheme in· volving the financing ot DOD· existent oilfield steam cleaners (;as Supplies Due to Dip Next, Summer WASlllNGTON lAP) -The Carter Jldministration is predict· Ing motorists could find gasoline in short supply lhts summer due to the Iranian revolution and that it will cost al least 3 to 4 cents more a gallon·tban now. Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger told a House com· mittee Thursday that unless lra- n i a n production ls restored speedily, there will be a gasoline shortage of "noticeable but not crippling" severity durlng the summer driving season. HE SAID THE administration may be forced to take man· datory steps to make sure there is enough beating oil for next winter. meaning a reduction in "gasoline availability." "There will be a gasoline prob- le m -in all likelihood-this summer," he said. Testifying before the House Budget Committee, Schle11inger said there still has been no word from the new Iranian revoJu. lionary government on when ex- ports may be resumed. LATER IN TEHRAN, Deputy Prime Minister Ebrahim YazdJ said Iran will resume oil exports very soon. But he did not say precisely when that would come or how much oil would be sold to which countries. The new government in Iran has promised to resume sales to the United States, but officials here have raised the possibility that it could be in curtailed amounts. Snow Warnings Posted Vpper Midwest Braces for New Stonn Te•p e rat "re• CaUfor•la .,., .... Dtil•-.y ..... '"' ,,..,...,.,..rr.o.>f II"°"'"' nOI....,.. 'fl u• ~ b\I .. JO~ m u ,u n.1tnc• I 0 rft •IN:f 'lfN' '-.-00W wrtt ~ ••twirflld ""'"'Olly -"""'° .. II ,,<~• n<J -00 , .. ~ .. WOii' • 0. II'"' Oo·I·•~ II•"' ..., -COCIY -11<1 °"'-"° c._....,...,._.. M I c:'lfMIQ" C>!inty II-UMUI ...,,,,., ""'., '",,''"''!\.),, ..,..,.,. ;1' I -111,.'41'°' .... Int a. .. l lt .. M nl• C..00\l•AIKI 8-Kn 4w•"'-'-"'-o.~. ~ SO..•" l ...... . l ............. ...... Drug Meeting Site Changes Th e Or ana• County Alr Station on March 2 Drua Abuse Advlaory beflnning at 1:30 p.m . Committee will ahilt Jt.s The meetiq 11 open to montbJY' meeUq to the the public. More ln· El Toro Marine Cori>s formatlon can M ob· T S d tained by contactioc Op tu ent El\aabeth Henderson at 834·5117. David P. Lassen, 629 Sb u t a Lan • Co t t~ lleH, WH ~unon1 588 <COOll4l Weatlwr tllJo""o- Denver Uoiveraity alu· ''°" ~ C. Joe.I °" ~ d ent• aasned to Lbe AU '°1111JJ dean'• honor Utt•. was involved in Tbunday'a in· dictmeotl. Tb un day 11 indJctmenla detail a plot lo defraud four leaaina companies of more than $588,000 by financing 38 bo&us steam cleaners and using a dummy corporation to sell th em to another phony company. According to the Indictment, the sell.la, and purchasing com· panles existed only on paper and were created by Estes, Horton and Copenhaver. ANOTHE R IND ICTME NT naming Eat.es and Horton al· leges that the two ran firms in Horton's name lbat actually belonged to Estes. who, accord· ing to his parole, bas been barred from sell~mployment or promotional activities. That indictment a lso charges Estes with conspiring to defraud the government of income taxes owed for 1959-1962, 1971 and 1977. A separate indictment says Estes reported a net income of $11,200 on 1975 income tax lorms when he actually earned more than $45,000. Oaarged With Murder THE rouam indictment al· leges that Es t es and Ms. Goolsby forged the signature or Billy D. Pyron on a power or at· torney agreement and numerous lease agreement guarantees that later were used to obtain a van, two electric cash registers and insurance on those items. Pyron, a Tyler businessman. has testified be did not sign the documents. Lottie Gallucci, 44, left. was charged Thursday with murder and conspiracy in the death or Dominick Galluc- ci, 59, her husband. Also charged was her daughter Laura, 20, right, her son, Mark, 15, not s hown. and William Whaley, a part·time tavern bouncer who, police say, shot and stabbed Gallucci to death. The Mount Hol· Jy, N.J ., family wanted to collect a double·indemnity $10,000 life insurance policy. police say. They help you put your world in focus Viewpoincs of columnises Jppearing regularly on the ed1corial pages of che Daily Pilot help you sharpen your perspcccivc of the events shaping your world. H ere's the lineup of Daily Piloc columnists: ~\ NICHOLAS VON HOFFMAN pokes r tt at scuffed shirrs everywhere -with a if _.. f T particularly sharp needle aimed ac chc: Washington scene. ~ SYDNEY HARRIS mixes his delightful dissertations with quizzc:s and thumbnail observations co keep readers on cheir toes. EARL WATERS has spent 30 y~rs reporting with unique msight on California state government . EVANS AND NOVAK Rowland Evans and Robert Novak tt•Jm co examine the political scene as ic affects tM nation . . CHARLES MC CABE places his rongue firmly in cheek for hwnorous looks at everyrhing from sex to sandwiches. l . JACK AN DERSON rt.'Veals. His talent for prying government secrets from burcaucrau drives Washington bigwigs t0 dlscract ion. ' Find your favorite columnist on rhe cdiconal 'Pases of rhe . . DAILY PILOT - 642-4321 DAIL'( PILOT s Friday, NYSE ' COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS 2 p.m. (~T) PricP.e &1t ... .... ~ ..._l • t ~ .... ,. <"i 1 a •1 l •• • l• <.-..i • • •-i ,., '"" < u t•, •. _,. -S~l1lte• ' ... ,...,.. l"'"I">• '""--,. ·. :.1·;·1~·,· ... "..1;'l !"f. n~ '=~?&l~ :: :, ll ~~· tt~· ... ~~~:.:ri1~ ': m~. :~ :t~ r ;! t •:; ir · c.~;11 ~ ~t .., r; · v ... ., '"-! • -, ~ " :.:. , • r, .......... 1 .. o , • , u... 19'.. T"°"''" Dtl , • • .... -'"" • , .,, ,,... ~ .. "' ~ • 111 •lt -:r..r l • • ~ " .. I"'?:"'' I I , ~ I • '• .... o .. '"; ·~ w w.,. v. '""'JW ''° .. tJ t• AP\. 1 f '"-'" lll••l t l • Jtl ~ • ctw I ilt I ff '• "l -t !l • '• '-"'•I~ 11 '" • ~. lty .. r$ t7• TNlllW' $1 11 ,. IJ" '°' ·w ' ... "" • ' H•<• H ,. lf~I :-... '"" tfl• '• '" fi.. • I 11i. 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Gould 1 60 8 •I 7•'• • -., V.ACOM . .0 1a 37 3''• -., Petrol" I CW I 2 33'1o + 1 • SlrldAlt 1,oe • 10 13"' Wt Pt Pe 7.IO s l ll' t Avo" 1 .0 '' 901 16'-~ral9 11: : O 2''1.,. '• Cr11<e 1.90 6 110 26,, Y,CA 1.10 I ~ .. ,'> '• f'9tAS ) Oe U 11 '• StuWot 1 ?S S 11 ""' WSl<IT .IO • 11 II '• 8 T MIO -·-· l 1.., 1,. c~!:F ... S • 1'• •1> Grait1Q• 1612 ., J2V.• >1o V.£1 .0 I U 12'• ,,. Pf1rer 1.2010 906 30 •• 5<JAvSllo 2012 t 31,. '• W"Alr l «> 3.. lS l''o CrocllN 7 S .. 11 .,. Gt•nllvt 1 J7S • 111, • '• V.GIC 12 1 st "'~ . PhtlpO 602• 1'8 ,,,_ •• SUbPrG 132 1 It 11 WA1t pl 1 11 1• ... • '• ~~"' ~I~ ,l: ~""· CrctiN pf ] , I 41"1 '• Gr•YO• .IO S 11 ll~ .. "'"'•<"F I 1 32 IS'• , .. Ptlll•EI 1"°10 US I•'• "SunCllm 60 s Jl 71> ... '• W118nc I 36 • ns 74'• • '• BAICIWU170 S a '4 ~-1 CtONpfl.11 s 2•''• ··Gl/41Pc SS l..S ""' "'41C0n ., s 33 • -... PllllEplllO 1110 37 5'HIEI "'°" • ,,... w .. coHA .0. l3 7S'• '• 81dUpf 2 0t ....... -n· Crou~. 1.21' • , ... '• GILll.O las , ~ 1, v.eclte .. s 8 p. I PtlllEoUlO . LIO 0 •1 s.i11co JIO. SI ~. '· WPACll' I 130 40'• BallCI> llO •• 1 11,,. 14 C•wnCk 1 SI,.,.,.·~ Nltn 2.25e It I U>. ''o Mtctnlll .n 1 12• 121.\ I\ PllllE Oll.1S t!IO ••~ SUnC pt 7,J J •S'• ... Wt1Publ •1'•107 1• ... '• BellvMI I0?•20ll st,._1,._ CrwUI 1,'IO I 2S Joi'••'• GINol01.40 I 17 ll'• 4 Mey 1.6S S 12 ~-'• Ptl11Epl7.IO 1110 76~ '' s..tlbfl'I t . .O 6 tlll It'•• .. WUniOl'l -0 I J&I> 1• •'• BAllGE 'Jt I ll ll"-<;rumF 7 • • •2 36"' GtWFin Uf> A .. 7jl', · M.cypf 4 U rlO 0 1'> . •• PllllE pt 11S L.fO 1• . Sur>dslt 10 9 210 U ,., WnU11 plf 'IO I 4'-'• ' BlllCJll "1 S 6 I~ .. CUll>rO I 1• •1 1l '·• GGlanl 1.0l 13 al 2''o • I• Md.sFd l.l'P . » IP't •• PtllleSvb .9' I I 2~ ... Su"5M 1ot JS 1' 11 WU" dpll II S. .lo>\ 1• B•r>d•t so 8 7 IJlt-"" C11mEt1 1.IO • •tS ""' •• Orey1' 1.0' • 194 ""' Maolcet .60 s 33 •:i.. "' PtollMr 205101Sl9 ....... 211o ~"·'. Sol • 3A 11'•. •\ WUTI pt 2.~ l ,, •• BenQPl\I .60 • JI? 20\o-,,_ Cu,.nOro ,J? I 10 ,,,,._ ,,. 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Consumers Cut Sa vlngs W ASHINOTON <APl -Consumers are savtng only a tiny part ol their in· comes while they keep borrowing to buy merchandise, the aovemment repe>rts. The Commerce Department ••ld Thursday that American• saved only 4.6 percent of tbeir after.tax Income in the fourth quarter. of last year. That waa the s mallest amount ainte a 4.2 percent aavlnc• rate was re· cord~ at the start of l977. In another development, the ad· mlnl1tratlon lea"'ed that Its anti· lnrlatlon proaram faces a teaat cballen1e by the nation's tarceat. labor federation. • · STOCKS / BUSINESS • TasTlae Over-55 House Se llers Aide d IJ SYLVIA POaTEa *-911t~ ltom!Owners ~ years of a•e and older wer• buded a fantaatic Lax break by the 19'18 Revenue Act In the form of a on.ce·in·a·lifetlme elecUoo to exclude from lneome up to $100.000ol any profit on sale o( a prllleipal residence. They ordinarily would bave to pay capital talna tax oo profit unless they bought another residence for at leut as mu.ch u the sellina prlce. TO GET TID8 OPTION, YOV must have been at least ss years old and sold the house after July 21, 1978. You can e xclude only up to $50.000 if you are marl'ied and fllina a separate return. Your profit ls tax-free even if ,roll don't boy another house. Here-are the requirements y~ must meet: (1) You must be 55 or older w~n you sell the house. cooperative or condominium. 12> It must be your -----------principal residence . (3) IF YOU WERE 55 or over but not yet 65 when you sold, you must have owned and used the property as Money's Worth your principal residence for t.bree years or more during the five.year period ending on the date of the sale. If you were &s or over when you sold. and the sale is completed before July 26. 1978. you can qualify if you owned and oc- cupied tbe property as your principal residence for five out. of eight years before the sale. :· C4 >This is a ence-in·a·liletime option. It may not be r«!.- peated by either spouse. ·: lf you sold your principal residence after July 26, 1978;: and before Jan. I. 1979, a nd you meet all the requirements;: you can treat your profit as tax-free on your 1978 federal income tax return · Nezt · Capital Gain& "' Thomas C. Slmonek. Dana Point. bas been appointed branch vice president at Fkklity Federal Savlqa aa4 Loan Association. He is manager of the association's East Long Beach office in Bixby Plaza. • Gloria J . Heatb, Huntington Beach, has been named general lending officer at Baak of America'• Fountain Va lley branch. She is a forme r aulhoriiing.officer at that branch.... _; Her career wlth tbe bank began in 1973. when she Joined the Boule vard-Fairfax branch in Oakland as a part- time teller After holding a number of positions she was. named platform a~sistant at the Main and Ellis branch irlLJiu~tington Beach in 1975 She has ta ken several banking courses at the American Institute of Banking a nd Coastline Community College. She bas also taken business ad· mmistration_courses at Long Beach Ci .. ty College. ·· • L.O. Deli of Barney's, Costa Mesa, """.;" has been named to a national commiV tee of men's wear merchants set up to select 1979·1980 of· ricers and board members to direct affairs of Menswear Retailers of America. • Bob Leeper, Huntington Beach. has been appointed marketing manager for S&aadua Packa&lDI Sy1&em1, an Ontario manufacturer of flexible packaging for the pro· duce. flower and meat industries. He is responsible for establishing and directing the sales and ma rketing strategy. The company. a division of Sta ndum lnc., manufactures and mark.els lettuce wraps, vented fruit and vegetable bags, netting for fruit and vegetable baskets. (lower sleeves and netted ham bags. Leeper spent 1,3 years with Mobil Chemical Plaslics Division. the last three as regional product and sales manager . • John L. Bagnard, Fountain Valley, has been appointed lo the newly created position of national sales and service training manager for Liken Home Furnlsbln1s, a manufacturer o( woven wood window coverings, blinds. decorative shades and accessories. He i& responsible for implementing sales training pro- grams for the staffs of the company·s network of dealers. service representatives and corporate employees. He has been an e mployee of the company since 1973. serving in sales in Southern California and the Southwest before movi n~ to the headquarte rs in Westminster. • Ed Lynn has been promoted to sales training manager at Allergan Pharmaceuticals. Irvine. He had been a professional service rf presentative in Florida since 1975. • Elvln H. Campbell, Garden Grove, has been appointed to a new Golclea Wea& Cotlece position as liaison to area businesses and Industries. The appointment is aimed at strengthening the Hunt· ington Beach college's contact with the business·industrial community. staying current on job needs and developing more full· and part-time s tudent employment. He also will follow up on jOb placements to determine employer satisfactio11. An assistant dean at the college for three years. he ts former assistant registrar at Cal State Long Beach. • Charles Taylor. San Clemente. has been promoted to vice president at Home Federal Savlags aBCI Lean Aaeell· &Ion of San Diego. He is the manager of the association's Santa Ana conventional loan department. Before joining tbe association in 1976, he sold real estate at Rex L. Hodges Realty. and previously worked in community de· velopment for the city of Long Beach. • Jean Roney of Fountain Valley, a 22.year veteran of Flnt Amedeo nu. ~ c.., Santa Ana, baa been named plan& maMger alld assistant secret.ary . She succeeds a.er& D. Steee, who hq been appointed assist.ant vice president and adm.in.btratlve asaiatut. She jOined the company in 195'7 u a file room clerk. became a po1t.er and subsequently became respomible for poster trainiq. Jn 1980 she advanced to locator and hu U · aiated witb a variety of duties in the plant. • K~ 8 ... -.1 has been narned director of manufac- turing for the "Naked Ml.ru" division ot Co• .. ler A• .. ••· tlon, r.c., lrvlne minicomputer company. He Jolned the comp1ny from Memorex Corp., Santa Clara. where be was 1enerat managerofta.,e1111tema Pl'Od· ucts for the ftrm '• large storace system.a "°"p. Be ls former vice president of opentions for Tel•oa Cirp., Houston, Texas. and d1red.Or of rnanuf aeturiq for the Compute.I' Product.I dlvitlon ol Tela Corp., TWla, Okla. Ke wu also bead oC lndustrlal ~· for ComputM> Control Corp .• of Peterborouah, N.H., a d.lvtaloo of Ho~l,1.ne. --·----- l T f I Business DAIL V PILOT •3 Coastal Finns Report Douney, Ot~n Lui Higher lru:ome, Earnings Rerord nt't eamlqa ror dTt have bHo report· eel by Down•y Savln11 and Loan: A 1tton. ~ ln Cott.a Vt a Nt't ·aller·lax Hrnlnp t.otalfld SU.oot.000, or $3 II • hare. compared •ith 1m mutt.a or M.7•1,000, or s:! 17. h a t.he fll'll year In wbkb DowM.)' a\Yraaect Mt umlftp of •• mlllloa ~ month. •"ourth QVlrt" Dt't HtftH\&I Of 12.tr.lJJOO. or .88 t nts a ah ,.., v.hiJ I than In lbe previous lhr reporUna period•. Rprunlf!d the t<>mpaf\Y'• beat fourth quarttr perform•~ to de~. For the bh period ln tm. S2. • • or 11 ceu , was potited. lhe la50ClaliQo aatd. CONOlldatt\l a ts lncreased z:s percent to pus the St btll on merit. 1m loan produeUon was ISS8 oulUon. • ~rd TM )' ar' oet aavmis •n· crnM! ol $1~ ~ mlllion also u a f'ft'Ord. .... . ........ ,,,~ , .. PORTLAND. On-<AP l Daon Corp . a NewPorl Buch development company. and Northweit Natural Gas Co ba"e aveed Lbat Daon wiU 1n!Uate plans for a 5\'a·bloclt office project lo downtown Portland. part or whkb would house the gas t'Ompany Df'v~kJpmenl Co , In<".. al m'IO BualneH Center Ort v l.l rvtne Tho f•rm acquJtta aod deve)ooa raw land for uae by ......wteuUal and e-oaunerclal builders. n.1r,,..,, .... ,.... Arbo t Aaaoc al•• bu o~ned In Newport Beuh to ~ muaa llMnt tralnlftc procnms (or corporaticlu and bualne11e1. It wu founded by Robert R Arbolt, former ""'"" pttSidrnt of orcanbaUJoe maoacement for tM Aetna R.falty Group. He ls atr.o former personnel mana rot t.b houa n1 dlvisk>ns ot the Irvine Co. &a••N'r• •..-.. £ .. .,. .. ae. Sbuirman-Ro1oway & Auocletes, Los AnfelH, and Richard E. Borltoveta and AS· 60C ates, N wport Buch, have mer1ed to fonn Rogoway I BC?rkoveh Asaociates, a consulting toaln rina flrm. . It W\U malnl•in offices in Newport Beacb and Loa AnaeJea. Arnold Haasoldt, a principal or R&A, wtU be a partner in the new organbatlon and John F Carlson, John B. Black and Jon M. ZJt'gler will be vice presldenb. DUSENBERG: AHEAD OF ITS TIME AOAIN? Kenneth, Left AbOve, end H•rl•n Don't Plan AepHca Pac Tel Hit,s Cost Of Decision SAN FRANCISCO CAP) - Paclflc Telephone Co. 1&)'1 the U.S. Su~me Court's ref~ of a request for reconaideratlon of a December rullna could coat lbe uUUty .-> mUUon in "bates and rate reductions and aa much as $3 blllloD ln back taxes. The nattoo's h igh court cleared the way for those moves t.bls week by denyloa Pac Tel's request that the court bear tbe tax eligibility issue before the state ·Public Utilities Com- mission, which will meet in ex· ecutive session Tuesday on the matter. The petition before the PUC asks for reconsideration ol the commlsslon's J an. 16 order Im· plemenUng a 1977 decision to m ake refunds and rate reduc· tions. .. I Oaon will conduct 1 s ix month reaslbality study to see Lt a hlgh·rlJe eommerctaJ develop. ment tolallng 1 4 million square feet can be built economically The land is adjacent to Old Town tn northwest Portland. and 'I'\ KI (' is owned by the gas com-Prestige on Whee&: $100,000 ' " . • . , pany. STOCK Daon is the U.S. arm ---------of Daon Development Corp .. Vancouver . B.C. Northwest Natural Gas President Ronald T. MiUer said the study will include preliminary de· signs for an omce bulldlng to be joinUy owned with or partially leased to the gas company. The agree· ment to transfer the land is for $6.6 million. The feasibility study will be Daon's second major venture in Oregon. It is the owner of Moun· lain Park, a 152·acre resldenUal development in the Portland suburb of Lake Oswego. s.itlt'• ••~o~ ••~ree•e• Net Income or $52, 119,000, or $5.35 a share, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1978, compared with $39,352,000, or $4.07, ror the year 1977, has been re- ported by Smith International, Inc .. Newport Beach. Net Income increased 33 percent over 1~ to a · record. There were an average 9,762,000 common shares and equival~nts outstanding in 1978, com- pared with9,670,000in 1977. Revenues for 1978 increased 27 percent to a record $451, 714,000 from $354,356,000in1977. .:.: Net income for the fourth quarter of 1978 was :-$13.480.000, or $1 .38 a share, an increase of 8 per· cent from $12.530,000, or $1.29, reported for the comparable quarter of 1977. Revenues for the quarter were $120,383,000 compared with $97,366.000 last year. an increase of 24 percent. • Net income and revenue results for the 'quarter were the second highest in the company's. history. The 1977 fourth quarter earnings include a non·recurring gain from the sale of Vetco, Inc .. common stock. After deducting this gain, tbe 1978 fourth quarter was 16 percent higher than the 1977 period. Benilfl Gai•• bfl I 7~ Bentley Laboratories, Inc., Irvine. bas report· ed revenues for 1978 or $34,075,000, a 17 percent in- crease over 1977 revenues. As a result of discontinuance of development and production of its hollow fiber dialyzer product hoe, there has been ao aggregate charge to 1978 earnings before taxes of $2,588,000, reducing net in· come to $6.15.000. or earnings of 29 cents a share, compared with $1.21ashare in1977. The impact of discontinuance on financial re· sults for fiscal year 1979 is expected to be positive. because the product accounted for only 3 percent of 1978's sales, while heavy development, capital and start-up costs for the line have depressed over- all company earnings for the past two or three years, according to D.J . Bentley, chairman. The company manufactures and distributes blood handling and blood processing equipment used in cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. llmtlc Report• A••et• Gro.,llt Bank of Newport, Newport Beach, has report- ed more than $119 million in assets at yearend 1978. up from $106 miUion in 1977. Net income was reported at $1 ,425,398, a 35 percent increase over 1977. and tesulted in $1.30 a share income for stockholders. ~ ... Report• laere .. e American Home Mortgage Corp., Newport Beach, bas reported a record 150 percent net in· come lncrease in 1978 over 1977 earnings. The company attributed the rise to "Lbe rman· cial flexibility that Lbe corporation provides for pro· fessional real estate investors for their real estate equity." Arddteet Olllee 1'ffn'e• Albert C. Martin and Asiociates, a planning, architecture and engineering fll"Dl, bas opened an office at 17305 Daimler St., lrvloe. Jack Spak, an associate, has been named prin- cipal to bead the office and Euaene McLean bas been named director of deaifD. Projects for lbe office mc:lude a master plan re~vaJuet.ioft and expansion ol the Parker Han· nifm complex in Irvine and plaoning for a 400-acre ,develooment ln San Juan Capistrano. Gfeller Aet•ra c...,_ ... Douc Gfeller bu aDOOUDCeCd acqulrtq an the 1toc:k lD Ak:lnl/Gfeller Co. and wUJ c:oaUnue to operate tbe tJ.m•neM under the name of Gfeller EVANSTON, Ill. <AP> -The Duesenberg, a ·car so luxurious il slgnlried l.nstant prestige in the 1920s, is being revived. It will have its familiar bow.tie bumper and "Ouesenblrd" hood ornament -and an un· familiar $100,000 price tag. Most people dreamed of owning a Duesenberg a half century ago. when it was brought out by two Indianapolis automakers,.Augie and Fred,Duesen- berg. EVEN BEFORE THEY STOPPED making the car in 1937, it bad earned such a reputation that arzyth.ing extraordinary was referred to as a doozy. . Today. collectors are willing to pay more than $200.000 for a good Model J Duesenberg produced from 1929 through 1937. About '80 were built in that time. at pric~ ranging from $14,000 to $20,000, a fortune during the Depression years. A prototype or the new Duesenberg was un· veiled this week by Harlan and Kenneth Duesen· Victory Dodge, Costa Mesa. has announced new management team . General manager is Michael Norri&, used·car sales manager is Vic PawloskJ, new-car sales manager is Roel F'ebmle and general service m anager is TOily Perry. * Ricllard P. "Dick'' Ritter, Laguna Niguel. bas been named senior vice presjdent and controller at Bank of Newport, Newport .. , Beach. ·· · Before joining the bank. be was a manager with Arthur Young and Co .. where he worked in manufac turing, banking. reaJ estate and as a computer auditing specialist. He is a certified public ac· countant and a member of the California Society or Certified P u b Ii c A cc o u n ta n t s , the ••nu American Institute or Certified Public Accountants and the Orange County Financial Society. * Wallace O. Laub has been named to the new post of executive vice president or marketing at National Education Corp., Newport Beach. He is former senior vice president or marketing. He is responsible for the functional direction and assista nce to subsidiaries and their sates managers for advertising and sales activities. * Stephen Klas, Corona del Mar. has been named vice president for marketing and sales of Natande ProclK&s, Inc., P aramount. He will coordinate expansion and administra· lion of marketing and sales e((orts for nutritional supplements and cosmetic products. • Robert G. Reese, Corona del Mar, has been named vice presiden~ of Gfeller Developmetat Co., lac., an Irvine firm that acquires and develops raw land for residential and commercial builders. He will work with brokers and land owners in screening Jand for acquisition. He is former vice president and treasurer for Berry Enterprises, lnc., Long Beach. • Jane Ca1Jt1, Laguna Beach, bas been named public relations account executive with Coclara.ne. Cllase •Co., Newport Beach. She is former marketing director for Lion Country Safari in Irvine. • Juke Carleea Ben, Mission Viejo, has been appointed vice president and director of personnel for State Mll&aal Sams• ud Lou Auoetatioll, based in Newport Beach. She joined tbe association in 1974 as the secretary to the president and bas held various posiUona within the organisation. ReaponsibWties include recruiting, wage and compemaUoo admlnlstrat.ioft, tralnln1, education, employee relations and career development. • P.erlek D. Paw.., Newport Beach, bas been named advertialnl manager at KTl'V, Channel 11. He prevtoualy managed b1a own advertlaing ftnn. 103 FM STEREO.SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR ' ,,_ F ash_ion Island N cw port Beach ' 'A tlflOtle ..,... ~-· ... ,, OMe doeM'C lta1'r to tldak ahld ltete berg, grand-nephews of Augie and Fred. .. WE DIDN'T CONSIDER malciog a replica. There's already a replica on tbe market and it's a pretty good one," Harlan Duesenberg said. "In the 1920s, the Duesenberg was ahead o( its lime and that's what we want now.·· Tbe birth of the Duesenberg prototype took four years in a small s hop in Mundelein. 40 miles northwest of Chicago. It fulfilled the dream of Kenneth, SS, an industrial designer, and Harlan. 51. who ra~ stock cars after World War II and sold insurance to race tracks. "We wanted to bring back a true American prestige car and dre.amed of doing it ever since our dad showed us scrapbooks of lhe Duesenberg when we were youngsters," said Kenneth, who will give specialized, personal service to buyers. "WE HOPE TO GET INTO full production in two years, makjng at most 90 cars a year, all handcrafted," he sajd. Although it resembles a Lincoln, much or the new car's heritage is Cadillac. The entire chassis a nd drive train com e Crom the Fleetwood Brougham. The prototype is a four·door town coupe. Standard equipment includes lhe 425-cubic· inch Caddy V8 a nd all the other automatic and power equipment of today's luxury cars. THE CIDEF ENGINEER roa the brothers, Robert "Pele" Peterson, was asked, in view of ris· Ing gasoline prices, what the new Duesie's mileage would be. "Anyone who can buy one doesn't have to think about bow much a gallon or gas costs," he said. 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