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1979-03-14 - Orange Coast Pilot
' ,, ""'""'~ DEJECTED MEXICO CITY CAR OWNER WALKS AWAY FROM HIS CRU_SHED AUTO IN DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT Eight Cars In This Lot Were Crushed After Tremor and 18 Aftershocks Rocked Mexico's Capital Early Today Newport Dory Fisher Vanishes; Boot Found Begin Pressures Knesset Israel to Paramour Gag? Michelle Sex Notes R ejected LOS ANGELES <AP ) The judge in the Lee Marvin trial has quashed a subpoena for private notes taken by a lawyer about talks with a young actor who claims he had sex 25 times with Michelle Triola Marvin. Miss Marvin's attorney, who sought the notes, declared in court Tuesday that he plans to present testimony that the wit- ness. actor Richard Doughty, is a homosexual Ma rvin Mitche lson , who Search Ends For Doryman Lost at Sea An unsuccessful search for a Newport Beach dory fisherman whose e mpty boat washed ashore Tuesday remained sus- p e nde d today off Newport Harbor. The sear c h was la unched Tuesday mornmg when the 15· foot dory belonging to Donald Zeiller, 28, of Newport Beach, washed ashore at Cameo Shores in Corona del Mar. paused in his cross-examination of Marvin to argue the motion concerning Doughty, s aid evidence or homosexuality would cast doubt on Doughty's claim that he had a lengthy sex· ual affair with Miss Marvin while she was still living with Lee Marvin. "l am putting you on notice." said Mitchelson, "I will put on a witness lo testify about Mr Doughty's reputation in the gay community as a homosexual .. Berndt Lohr-Schmidt, an at- torney for Marvin, denounced Mitcbelson's comments a s "sex ist." Without denying the claims. Lohr-Schmidt said, "Whether Mr. Doughty is a homosexual or a heterosexual is not al issue m this case." Mitcbelson disagreed. saying, "If Mr. Richard Doughty is a homosexual. it would be unlikely he would have a heterosexual re- lationship with my client." Lohr-Schmidt said medical testimony could prove that homosexuals are capable of (See MARVIN, Page A2) Mexico Hit by uake WEDN ESDAY AFTERNOON, MAR CH 14, 1979 VOL H HO ll • SECTIOffS M ll'AGES Pact? ........... to Carter: Issues Resolved By The Associated Press The Israeli Cabinet accepted President Carter's two key com· promises to pave tht• way for an Egypt1an·lsraeh pea<.'e treaty but postponed until Sunday 1b decision on approving the trl'aty as a whole Prime Minister Menachem Begin told reporter s that h1· telephoned Carter with the new:. i m med1atel) after the Cal\met :-.ess1on. adding. "The president was \ery glad to receive tlus in· fo rmation " The propos al s go next to the Kn esset. or parliament Begm has said he would resign if they we re not accepted there In Was hington. Carter said "all the outstanding issues" between Egypt and Israel ··have now been s uc<.'ess full y re solved .. Carter <·ongratulated Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. saying. "the peace which their peoples so clearly need and ~ant ts close to rcahty " Sadat had already accepted the com promises I n Cai ro, Egypt's Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil termed the Israeli Cabinet move "reall y a success for peace ·' "I am extremely pleased that the Israeli Cabinet has approved the two rt•maining proposals that I discussed with Prime Minister Begin on Monday m Jerusalem." Carter said in a <See MIDEAST. Page i\Z) A Coast Guard helicopter was dlspat<'hed to the fis hing grounds off Newport lo aid in the search that included other dor yme n, commercial fishing boats, the Harbor Patrol and Newport Beach lifeguards. &Jn, Onofre Plant Pipes Not Dangerous PRESIDENT AND MRS. CARTER SHARE A PROUD MOMENT AT THEIR WELCOME TO U.S. lareell Cabinet Accept• Peace PropoHla, But Kn•H•t Haa Yet to Vote Coast The search was called orr in the late afternoon and spokesmen for the various or- ganizations said they would not continue today. "We're awaiting further de· velopments ," a H arbor Patrolman commented. AD GENERATED GREAT RESPONSE "l received great response from my Dally Pilot ad. That's the advertising success story ol the Costa Mesa woman wbo placed lhil ad in the Dilly Pilot: Sora sleeper. qu atae1 Modem sideboard, aolla wood IUUC·JUWl If JOU Died sreat reapcme to ••a ..... call tM fliend.ly ..._ .... at IG·M11. Tbe DaUy PllDl rwbll local eustomen. By DAVID KUTZMANN Otttle O.lly ~I ... Sutt The design of certain pipes in the San Onofre nuclear power plant south of San Clemente does not contain the same flaws that forced closure of five other plants by the government, a Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman said today. The five nuclear facilities or· dered shut down Tuesday were designed by the same firm - Slone and Webster -which told NRC officials earlier in the month the computer codes they used to calculate earthquake· related stresses on pipes and pipe supports were not ade· quate. Bechtel Corp. designed the San Onofre pipes. As a result, the spokesman said, the plants, ~ll located on the Eut Cout. were abut down IO tbe pipes could be analyied and moclUied., (Related •tory Page A5.) Tbe plpee under tlud)' ranae from tiro lo rour lncbea In diameter and carry water to and from the reactor. Tbe pl~ al'9 (lee N\JCU:il~ .... Af) Mexico Quake K ills I MEXICO CITY CAP) -A severe earthquake and 18 af- tershocks rocked this city for four hours today, damaging buildings and spraying broken glass over downtown streets. The Red Cross said a 14-year-old girl was killed and 21 persons in· ju red. A three-story buildin1 col· lapsed at Ibe reo-Amerlcan University, a private institution ln the southern part of tbe city. Moel ol lbe windows at the uni· veralty were broken. Police said many private homes were beavily damqed. But life quickly returned lo normal, and tralftc filled the streets durinl the morn1q naah hour. Tbe SeiamoJoctcal JuUtute i.n Mexico City rePorted the quake mea1W'ed 7 on the 1Uebt4\I' 1eale aDd the eplcenter wu atiout aoo miles southwest of the capital city. The U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colo., called lt a major quake with a Richter reading of 7 .9 and the epicenter 100 miles northwest of Acapulco, on the Pacific coast or a short distance al sea. Scientists there said that read- ing would make it the strongest quake in the world this year. No damage waa reported l.n Acapulco, a popular resort, but the blpway to ll from Mexico City wu blocked by landslides. Lllbta were out in nnral aec- Uona ol the capital of 13 million people wben a strong aftershock blt aJIDOll exactly an hour after the main shock rolled through the eapUal shortly after 5 a.m. The facade fell from a bank buUdlna on Juares Street ln the btart of the city. It aopeaNd at leas t one uppe r story of the building bad collapsed into the ground floor. Tourists gathered in small frightened knots in front of the towering hotels on Paseo de la Reforma Boulevard. Electricity was cul in many part.s of Mexico City. The sub- way system slopped briefly. but was running normally two hours alter the quake. ..Jladlo broadcasts said the q1lake was felt in Monterrey, 100 miles from the U.S. border, and in Oaxaca, some 250 m1les south of Mexico City. There were no reports or damage in those cl lies. The Richter sea l~ is a measure of ground motion as re· corded on seismographs. Every increase of one number means a tenfold increllse lo ('l•gnitude. ' Weather Cha nce of showers in· cr easing to 30 per cent Thursday. In c r easin g cloudiness tonight with lows 50 to 55. Highs "rhurs day in upper 50s to mid 60s. INSIDE TODA'\' The brilliance of Albert Einstein is being hailed worldwide today on occeut0n of his birthdate 100 years ago. Story . photo Pages A8-AJO. l•tlex "''' "_..,. 84 •'"' u..-n A• Mnlft eu MM!< ... AS M41tul,._ OM I Metie..1- C1I Of•'99~Y C11 5-b All S*ltM.trlMO M TtM¥1'*' aM Tlleeten C11 Wt•U. c1·•.n ,..,... .. ..,,. . ·--. ~ -&-----.----..=-= .... --------~--,_c.....--=--=-----:;----------~ -..--- ··~ ........ DAILYP_l_L_0_1 ____ _.:S::;._ ____ _..;.W~•~d~n~•~lld~•~Y_..;.M~ar~c~h--l4_._,_v~"' Ransom Cash OK. E/,ectio1is Go Plastic !-.\N 011-:c:o 11\P I ( J I I tu r n I 3 n ., l' ,1 n o ') l' 1 rt l11t t·;1rd' to ('011tr 1hutt• 111 J1olll11·.1I 1 .111rhd.1l1•' fur 111. r11 .. t 111111· I I\,• r11 .. 1 11H11·1,1lh l11f:.&1 11011 llhlll'-h\ otht'I lh,111 1,i..IJ 11111 1l11•1i.., lllOI) h1• r11.11le 111 llw 'ulf\ Ott ._,,. 111u11111p11I 1.>ll•1t111n 1111 .. ''" H1.: ·•<'t•ouhn.: to th•· \ JhC11111H1 f• .11r 1'111111< .11 l'r,11 ttl't•,('01111ni,11111n \ rult11~· h.111J1·1! u11"' 11 1'1w .. ct,I\ 11, th1· "·"' I •11·•••1 111 .. 1111 I 111111111 \ ' 111!11•1 ti 1111'>\ °' I It<' H '-t 111 I I t •tlt! I 11 11" I!\ Ill Ill 1•r Ill l"'r '•111 11111 11111 II\ 11'11•pl11•r11• f 'ro"' P o g r :l I lta 11 I 1 11• 1111 111 I h• pr• 1d,•111 ..,,1111 lt1 r' pr1111d lh11 I lh1 l 11rl1 ti .... I.ti•' 1·11ulil h,I\ I IH I'll ,Jllil' Ill ,1,"-l'l lht• l\\.u 'l 111t-..1 .. t n.1111in11 tow.1rd <& IH'<ll't' trt'dl} Mi io11ary' Return Sought .... 11 II \ I I.I ......... ,, 1/\1' I I !It I rlll•'il I 'hur I h or ( 'hrl\t Ill "ll1·1Ao '111 k hJ' ,iuth11111t•d 1h of f111 111 U1tlt11nort• I•• 11ro\>11h• $1i7 noel Ul ran~olll 111111wy for lh1• rrturn o( It k1d1111pp1 ·d mt) ... mn11ry tht" 1l1·v Llt>'!'tl v.rn \' .u ·tor \'Jn Vurtur :,o \\.U' ..c•111•tl frttm ht'< 11ff111 • I< rul.r' 11t lhc ll.111 .11.rn ,f111\1C1r c·ulll'tH' HI \1 11 ,1\Ao I ('II\ 1111 1111 l'l11nd or 1\1 1nd.111.11• \ 1111!1 'I u<·..rl," fr111n lh1· k11l11.1~(J('" twh1•\t•tl tu 114 · \1 1...,lt·o\ ~ut·rrlll." '111d \',111 \.ittor woulcl tw k1lh-d 1f ~111000 Jh''"" or SH7,000 "'J,11·1 th· h\>t>l t•d 1n thn·t· du)' l h." 1• 1111'1 1111r 1wopl1· m tlll' l'h1hpp1111•:. lo lw pl t·p11rt·1t tu rlo "" tll'\l'r' 111·,1·-;-;,ir' lo 'IJVt· ht' 11 t' '.11 rt ' h I f( t• \ I' 1.t 11 I l1r1.:111' ul lht• 1hurt'h' 1\11,1111 111 \\ urld M1n1 ,.trtt'' 111 Nl'\\. \ tirk I 111 m>l 1·~rtu1n when the 'lht et> day&. they spoke or wall ht! up, but I assume they mean to- tlay or tomorrow Th~ sooner we hundll' the ransom, the bt:llcr " mon• or lt•1111 Independently and thl'Y 11n• hard pn•111Jt:d for re 1wu rn•s " ·rhc mis11iunury wait descrtbed by his l'Ollt•itgues as cxcc1,Uonal- ly wl'll liked lry both Mo:ile ms .rnd Chnijlloni. About 95 perc.:nt of tlH' )';t·hool'1> !.ludenls are Mosle m11, many or whom are trying to help pers uade the k id · nappe rs to release Van Vactor "It's obvio us that he's being h e ld c losc to the college." Gr('gory said , "because of the frequent notci> But we just don't know ho w far." Curb to Oust Five Ex-Dymally Aides? MADERA (AP> A specl81 1111111&tant lo Lt Gov. Mike Curb inda«tlcd ht! will recomme nd lhJt """ .11dcs to form er Lt <:ov t.1t•rvyn Dymally be re · lllt>h'd from the ir JObs in a Cl·c.lerally rundf.'d youth employ ment proJe<:t here. Al Zapanta said Tuesday that th1• a1dt•s have dunt' little to Justify their JOb:i . They "did not cauM· too m uch lo happen" dur m~ thC'i r tenure on the Rural Youth Em ploym ent Progr am hen·. Zupanta said Reyes. a former per!>onne l assis- t a nt for Oymally. a nd Hope Fields. O y m a ll y 's pe rsonal secret ary Curb's ofhcc record!> show Ms Enriquez 1s not on the slaH no w and that a nother Dymall y s taUer. Margaret McCormick. 1s now the prOJC('t 's ftnancial d1rec tor The project was funded by a $415,766 LIS Dt'pa rtml·nt of Labor grant thut Oymally ar ranged She's a Real Doll Compost·r conductor Ll'cmurd lkrnstcm snuggles up lo 0 1lll0l'. a µu ppcl owned by Suuce Seers. at a party tn Nt·w York fo r thC! opening of the mov1t· "llatr " 'W1· .. 1.r11<1n·;1dy111 h1 •lp 111 th1· 1 rn plt-1111·nt .11 ion 111 lh1· IH·.i1·1· ln•atv. 111 tlrt• m·~olwt111nl> that ltc· at11•ad oil ottwr ''l>Ul'' of t·u11 1•1·r11. ,1111t HI "'orkllH! with the,t• two rrll'nd' lo hulld J -;tJble and pt•..ic·dul l\l 11lfill0 Eu't " l1 1111r' t•arllcr, C'.irter rc•turned from (',11r11 lO <t h1•ro '!t wdcome 111 W.1,h1ngt11n and !>aid ··1 lwltt'\I' that (;od hJ!> anl.wercd 1111 r 111 .1 \\ •r.., Gregory sa id T uesday that Van Vactor. president of the col· legl' a nd a native of Spearfis h, S. D., has sent several notes to the school in his own hand. "The co l lege h as bee n satis fied through those notes that Lloyd has not been mis· trcatl'd, .. Gregory said "In fal'l. I asked some of the students tha t had bee n in tht> program two and three months and they said they had never seen any of the staH members down here," he said. Gravel Project Backed ·1 trc• pr1m1· r111nr ... 11·r ''11d a tr1·.it\ "'th l';g.>pt t•oulc.l Lil• 'I g r11• d " Ith In th I' m {)nth . po-;" Lil.> 1n .r "t•1•k or two. 1f thl' I\ llt'"'t't ,1ppr11\ t'°' l':gypltJO F11n·1gn \tin .... h'r Butro., Gha h .1g r1:l'd with B«gtn .., ·"'-t'"sment flt ).!In .... rtd hl', Sadut and C'.rrtt·r "'ould "gn tht• iH'C'Ord m W.1 ... h1n gton Tht•n, Begtn !t<Hd. h1· .ind Sad.ti \\ould -;1gn the 11l'IH1•w '1·r..,11m an J t•ru!>alcm ;r111l lh1· 1\t iilJlt' lt•xt 111 {';11ro ("a rt Pr told J.000 rnng rc•s..,1onu I IC'.Jdt·r... member' or his ad Ill t n 1s t 1-.111110 and olht· r fl<J g \\.a' ing ~1·11 "1"oht•r!t who g recl- 1·rl hi m .1ftt•r m1cln11;t hl at An- tl11·"'" Air 1"011·1· BaM' "You ar« looking ..ii ,, t 1n·tl hut g rateful m.111 I llf' pr 1",1tl1•11! ,,11rl ht• J!t a.,k1ng " "I I 11 I 1• .t d I' t ... In JI r Iv at I' m•"·"·'V''' to ... upporl "what t-:n pl .rnrl hr;wl h<1 vt• done · < '.1rt1·r ,,nd h1· h.111 tr·l!·phont•d ""Ill'' 11r 1tw111 f111111 Air Forl't' ( h11 · • * * Peace Pact 111 Mideast !Stin; Market NEW YOHK IJ\P > The -.1m·k markl'l turned mixed lo- tlJ y .1fl1•r u round of buying al th1· opt·ning nn lht• proi.pect of a M 1deasl fM."UC'l' lr .. aty T lw Dow Jones avcn1gc of 30 ind us trials. up more than 3 r1<unts tn t•arly trading, was up I 04 at 847.97 two hours before thC' closl' Tht• braeh t•ab1n<'l a pproved loday two kt•y ('omprom1ses that hJd aln·ady bc•l·n al'cepted by ~gy pt 1n flt'got1 at1 ons toward a pc·a<.·e tn'aty Wall Strel't analysts noted a pos1ltv<' tnvC'stor response lo the nC'ws nut they said such other probleml-o a~ eneq~y a nd inna- t 100 worrt<''> kt•pt lhe market f rom mounti n g a l astin g rc!tponsc Study S e t Of Budget WASH INGTON (AP> Oe mocrat1c· Re ps Harold L. Volkme r of Missouri and Andy .Jacobs of Indiana announced Tuesday the formation of a bipartisan gr oup lo consider ways to balance the budget. They said 31 House members in both parties have agreed to 1010 the organization, l o be known as the Balanced Budget Caucus ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT fhr nt#f'tql>Cont~•• Puoe w1trt.,ruth•\t0f"' n•"""4ttl'l-P,.......,,-~, "~·~'»"'""'°'".,.. r 1..-~1 PL1t>'t~C~Y s.-.. ,.,,....,.,~•ft1 wt-t1\fl.-n ~· INOVO"I frlN'I •or (~t• /ll'#'lt-4 N,.WCl"t'1 IW«" HlilftllnftOI' IWKf'I '""' IAl"V•lln lhtM l~.,,..."4'.~IS0Ut"CM"t 1" 'ift41f> rr~l Httllof'f'I ti pue.f!'....., $.AtWf449¥'•M """°•'" '"' orffV •fJo.it• pVC>t1Ut+no .,...,, '' t'i )JO Wf'\t 8•• ,,,..... '°''• Milt".t C•••torftt•'"" ll-r1N-thnt0f1'1141"4t Pvbh~ , .... C-ln \lice Ptfr\IMf\t •nd ()lrnHM ~ n,.,,,..,., • .,., lOltot , ... _ ... 1111~ MA'W'QI~ lOtlOt O..r'19•H L-111«-~ IMM A\\f\tan1 M•n•O•ftO ldlton Telet>hOI\• (714)Ma-4S21 CltHlfl•d AdvertlalngloU·MTI ,, __ ,_ 4IMIOO The t·hur t·h 's offH'C in the Phd1ppines has $67,000 1m- ml•d1at<'ly available, Gregory :.aid Eventually. he said, the office will bt.• n·placcd by one f rom the J\ mer1can U nited Churc h of Chris t. a st•parate but t'OO pC'ral1vc entity Van Vactor has ser ved as a m1ss1onary in tht' Ph11tppmes for 27 years un· dt"r the U.S church. The former Oymally s taffers were quietly plal'ed in the pro- gram after Oymally lost the November e lection but before Curb took office McClat chy Newspapers reported Tuesday that the ftvc have remained m Sacramento ins tead of working here New Home Construction Gailis Priority ··w e believc the kid napping was motivated by purely finan- r1al reasons." G r egory s aid. ·'The gue rrilla g roups oper ate The ftve staffers are Ruby An· d c r so n . D y m a l ly 's a d m1nistrativc assist ant : Wtllte Ptlote, a st uden t int ern and Oy mally campaign aide: Mary J ane Enriquez( Oymally 's assis ta nt financia o fficer; Luc ha 200 Feared Killed In Airline Crash TOKYO CAP > -A British Tri- dent aircraft cras hed in the Western outskirts of Peking and 200 people were believed killed, Japan's Kyodo News Service re- ported today from t he Chinese capital. K yodo quoted witnesses a s saying that t he aircraft crashed into a factory near an ak port s hortly after take off. No inform ation was available about how man y or the victims were aboar d the pla n e o r whether some of the dead might have been on the ground or in the factory. Kyodo attribute d its re port to Wes tern reporters, who, it said , we re in the area of the cr ash. C h ina's o ff icial m e d ia, monitored Tokyo, mad e no men- tion or the crash. T he Tr idents are used by the Civil Avia tion Administration of Ch ina. the country 's national and internation al airline . The British-built pla ne is able to carry between 115 a nd 180 pa ssengers depending upon its design. according to the 1979 edi- tion of J ane's All the World's Aircraft. E'ro.aPageAJ MARVIN ••. h ete rosexual relationships. Dou ghty, 32. h as been t he tria l's most controve rs ial wit- ness. He testified first in secret while S uperior Court Judge Arthur Marshall pondered the admissibility or hjs testimony. Whe n Mars h a ll ruled the material relevant, he noted that Do ughty ha d admitted lying a bout the affair previous ly. The nC'<'d for sand a nd g ravel for new hom e cons truction out we1ghl'd the dl'!tl re by W1lhams Canyon rcs1denLc; to cnJOY their rura l lifestyle 1n the eyes of Orange County planning com missioners Tues day The cn mm1 si.1on r ccom mended that county s upervisors approve lion Dcvl'lopmcnt Com pany's plan to mint• sand and gravel rrom a 450 uc;rc site abut· ting the Clevela nd Nationa l Forest over the next 15 to 25 years. Com mission Ch a ir man Rex G acdc said hi: s upported Hon'!> request because of the need for less·expens1ve homes lie Semi local mining would help cut home costs because the s and and gravel would not have to b<.· transported great distances to building sites . Largest selection of About 20 Williams Canyon r<'" 1dents had appealed tc1 t"Om m1ss10ners to reject the com pa oy's plan Ma ny said they wert> con ce rned a bout traffic--.afi:h because Hon trucks would mah more than 700 trtp!t d day alon~ Santiago Can}on Road f1vt• day'i ;,i wct•k and 16 hour!> a day County offtc1als alsn .,atd tht m1nmg would r l'sult m carvtnK mountain ridges J nd would cause dust, s moke. noise and air pollution Hon officials expect thl• !tile lo be mined 1n 15 to 20 a«n· .,q~ ments. to yield 39 mtllton ton" 11r So nd and gravel Company offtc1als :.aid tht·y plan to offer to purcha,t· homt·" of nearby residents who could bt• 1mpac·tcd by the mining a nd abo \lo Ill mst<1ll berms lo r<·dUl'I' Ii I 11 Fuing Squad Toll Reaches 62 in Iran The boyis h actor. m a naged by Ma rvin's a gent, conceded that when he was inter vie wed by Marvin's lawyers in 1973 he loJd t hem he never had sex with Miss Marv in. He s aid he came forwa rd on the e ve or trial with his testimony about ZS sexual in· cidents because be wa nted to teJJ the truth. fine desks in the T EHRAN. Iran CAP) -Firing squ ads in Iran 's provinc ial cities executed fi ve more former of- ficials toda y, bringing to ~ the n umber known to have bee n ex- ecute d since the s ha h was de· posed last month. About 200 others a re believed a w aiting execution after convic- tion by Is lamic re volutionary tribunals. T hree of the executions took place at Dezful in Kuzeslan RrOV· inee. 'I'he dead were Lt. ~n. Akba r Ghafa rian , t st Lt. All R e hda ri a nd P o lice C hie r Mohamm ed T aghl Hajaidi. All three we re convicted or murder and torture. ln Shushlar, also in Kuzestan. the former head or police, Lt. Haydar J afarlnia, was shot after be ing found guilty of two murders during anti-shah pro- tests . In another town, another gov· ernment official was executed after beinJC convicted of ordering troops to fire on antl-ahah de monstrators. More than 1,000 chanUn1 and placard-wavlnt students dem· onstrated in front of the BrtUah Embauy In Tehran lo· day, denouncln1 forel1n "lm· peria1J1m" a nd proteaUn1 al· leced mistreatment of Jranlana at London's Heathrow Airport. The demonstrators, mosUy blgh school·a1ed 1tudent1, paraded in front of tbe em· baaay'a tron·arilled 1ate on Ferdowl Avenue. No violence waare~ M ilc h e l son s ought the la wye rs' no tes on their in- tervie ws with Doughty, but the judge ruled they we re privileged and could not be subpoenaed. The judge bas said that testimony concerning sexual in· fidelity could hurt Miss Marvin's case, impeaching her claim that s he was totally d e voted t o Marvin during the six yeal'S they lived together . Mlss Marvin is seeking $1.8 million, ha lf or the assets the ac- tor accumulated during lbeir liason. E',....PageAI NUCLEAR. • supported by hangers and rings m e ant to absorb the stresses caused by an earthquake . The NRC said the improper computer formula uased to de· sign the rive East Coast plants had led to inadequate s upport for the cooling syst em pipes. If the pipes failed, it said, two or the three m ain lines of defense a1alnal major react.or accidents would be breached. The NRC s pokesman sa id plants on the West Coast are de- signed to meet stricter earth· quake safety requirements and that stress factors used for the San Onofre pipes were much hither than for the pipes on the EaatCout. Southern California Edison Co. spokesman David Barron aald bi• utility bu 1one through the San Onofre plant ln recent yean to strenctben Ila abUity to withstand a major earthquake. Tbe new units under comtruc· Uon at San Onofre allo are belna bullt to meet 1ub1tantially touaher aafety requirements than tht ortatnal units, Barron aa!d. .. area. Desks from Drexel, Heritage, Henredon and more. ·------.. - no .... e In ac1d1tton. Jll mined land will b1· rt•plantt•d with nattvl' vegetJ t1un as mining 1<; completed. a1 cordmg to llon plans Supervisor" 1•arhc r ha d left • .c· door opt·n for possible c;and .ind gr<.1\d m1n1ng 1n Wilham' < ,, n' on ~hen lhl.') adopted a pl ;cn for th1· S1h..rado-ModJC!tko .trt'J, wh1t'h inl'ludes Wtlhaml> Canyon At the time. the property wal> ow nt·d b y fo'ulll'rto n pasl<1r Wtll1am Ci rad}, who ha:. sm1·1· ~o ld his land to lion An1trak Fund St-t WASlllNGTO"I IA f'l An .1tlm1ntl>tratw11 p lJn to <:hop 1 1 Mon m 1 I t• ~ r r om A mt r a k pa-;s('n~t·r I r:.11n route' l!t !tlill .ii I\, I' In t ht· St•natt• Orange Coast I 01 TI0 N I Today's Closin N.V. Stttt•ks .. VOL 11, NO 73 4 St CT IONS .t~ PAGFS ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1979 N . 4' Telllpers Flare on Teacher Pay .Offer} . I 1\ 11 all~I\ 'l'lllo.1·, 111.111 f111 "It•\\ ~Hll l \h•,,1 l 111f11•cl -.,, hu\ll l>t:.lnl'\ k.1dh·r' tnlll If u'h'•' TU l':.d,I\ lht•lf l'\llllll1•1 p l 11110,,11 fm ,, nt''<' h·.u 11111.: 11•11lr .11 t '" 1111th1n~ but ,, nip uut I do not 11•11,1J 1·1 1111, .1 pr11 P<"~' I. 1>1111 ... , Ill hh "' ''"1lt•11t of th-.. Nt•Y. poll \11•,,1 1' tl111·,1t11111 ,\,,O<'t<1l1011 . ,,1111 JI ,1 h11.t1 ti 11f tru:.tl·t-::. 11n•1•t111.: .iii. 1 .1 0111 PcJ~t· 1n11pu:-..1I .,.. ,p, 'utin11tt1·ll 111 r1·:-.1h111:-.i· to tht• fp,1d1t·1 hll I'·'~" 1•rf1•ri11.-I 1·1111,1111 I Chi• .1 1111 tu 11111 p1111111,..;il l\1111hh "111J ""''" .. th.it lht• 1111< 111110111 ll1d11 t 1·\1•11 111 llllll'l' tu k1•1•p 'JIM II'' oil lht·ll pl 1''1'111 h•\ 1•1 )\1111hlt 1.illt·tl 1111 II '>fWU,ti ho.1111 nwd111.: 111 tlr ·'" up ,1 IHlllHl'<ll \\I 1.1111lto.il \\Ith I t U'll'1' 1hd11 I I 1 'flllllCI l11 l\1rnhlt•' 11·m,1rk' lluY.1''-'' tlw dt">ll'll'I ' ch1d 111•J:1•l1.11111 Jl·,111 ll;.11 mun. ,,ud tnd,I\ ttw J1,1 rid dot•.., plan to .. uh1111 t ,1 l1·n totthu.•r propo-.al l.111•1 1111:. \H•1·!.. or t•arly nt•xl \\ l'l'" Wt· :-.1m11h dHI not have time lo 1h \.1·lop tlw l.rngucJ~t· lhl'v -Al•l t l'XJ>t't tin~ '\Jr.., llJrmon 1'1il Id "\h,• t'llt·d a l.u·k of t1 me and 111'1 '111\0l•I .ind J>otnh:d out thJt. in add1t1on to m•got1at1ng a new contnwt. 0Hic1ab <1nd teachers Jre n·nl'got1at1ng the curre nt rontnict in the llJ,lhl of a state Supr<'me C'ourt dcc1s1on throw- ing out the wag<· freeze as un const1tul1onal • Tut•sday':. counter proµo:.al. s ubm1ttt>d at a boartl meeting. not t•d that the lt•achcrs have asked for a reduction in l'lass SIH'. a 16 pert'l'lll Si.liar) Ill cr ease. b1ndrng arbitration of grievances. resumption of sub· bat1cal leavl' and an rncreas? in sic k l('ave Board President Carol M<1rtin read a statement that s:ud. "The board finds 1t c anno t concur w i l h I he assoc 1 a t 1 on · s n · quests "In addition. the board frnds 1t t·annot makt· any rccommenda tt0n relalivt• to future s alary ad JUStments at this time, Mrs M artm :.aid, and <·1Lt·d fl('pt•n dcnce oo state bailout funds a ... rorcin~ a dl'lay Ill ... alary pn• posa ls The <'urrenl thn·e yea r <•on tract expiru •. July 30 The s1tuat1on 1s 1·ompllcatNJ b) the fatt that tht' d1slntt fac·c.., a 1>oss1blc unwn dN·t111n 1n Ma) If leacht•rs ... hould d t•t•idt• lo <See TEA<.:llERS, Page \2) Earthquake Rocks ~exico City I I t 7 I I Doryman Search Halted An unsu('<.'l'Ssful st:arch for a \o 1•wµort Hl«Wh dor) fisherman "'hos<' <·mpl \ bo;.it was hed <t<.,hore Tut·~d <;.., rema1m·d SUS· µt•ndt'd toda~ o ff Nl'wµort I J.1rh11r Thl· ... 1·ard1 '~.i ~ launrhed T11t·-.da) morning "'ht•n the 15 toot dor:. bt·loni.:mg to Donald Z1•1tlt•r. 28. nf Newport Beach, .,.. .11'hed a:.hon · at Cam eo Shores in Corona dt-1 M:cir A Coast Guard helicopter was dispatched t o th e fis hing ):!rounds off Ne" port lo aid rn the se arch that incl uded oth er dorymen. commercial fishing boats. the Ha rbor Patrol a nd Newport Reac h lifegu<irds The search was called off in tht> l att• after n oo n a nd spokes men for the various or· 1Htn11allons said they would not cont 1 nue 'today "We're awaiting further de- ,. e I o p m (' n t s · · a H a r b o r Patrolman commented i Council Cool l To Police t· Station Plea r E fforts by Lado Isle reside nts t o get the pohce substation near the ir homes reopened met with virt ually no s upport this week from members of the Newport. Beach C1t) Council. T he request was brought to the council two weeks ago by Councilman Don St r a uss. himself a Lido resident. He said there was "a marked mcre ase in the incidence of crime a nd law- lessness on Lido Is le " The proposal wall to reopen the one-man s tation in city hall. That station operated from 1974 c to 1976 after the main facility was moved lo Newport Center. It was dosed by councilmen because they fe lt it was costly and inefficient 4 Monday. C apt Ric h ard Hamilton of the poh ce depart.· me nt gave a brief report on the subs t ation. in which he noted the m a npower costs would exceed $125.000 a year in add ition to .the department's costs in maintain· ing the exi1trng patrol man- power levels . H e remainded councilmen that the man stationed in that substation wouldn't be available to answer calls . "He has to sit there. 24 hours a day, seven days a week." Hamilton said. But Strauss counter ed with the contention that the request "has nothing to do with numbers. It's a n emotional issue.·· He noted that residents of not \. only his neighborhood but west and central Newport and the Peninsula were very unhappy when the police facility was moved out or lhe building at city ) hall on 32nd Street and into Newl)Ort Center. Strauss also pointed out that residents perceive an tspswing in crime rates I n th ese nelabborhoods. "They feel we need a more visible presence than we have now," he said. The councilman cited u an example lbe recent rape and tobbery uae1 involvtnc two Lido Ille boulewives. That suspect is In custody, Hamilton aald, addlna, "a the 1uy involved dldn 't know wta.tber the pe>Htt at.atlon wu ln N•wport Center OJ' on Udo.•· flee 11'.\'"'N, Pase Al> Af'Wl ........ o DEJECTED MEXICO CITY CAR OWNER WALKS AWAY FROM HIS CRUSHED AUTO IN DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT Eight Cars In This Lot Were Crushed After Tremor and 18 Aftershocks Rocked Mexico's Capital Early Today City 'Sunshine' Urged Oumiber Rejected in Bid for Council Probe Newport H a rbor Area Chamber of Commerce offic ials pledged renewed efforts today to "bring sunshine" to city govern· ment after their attempt al a polit ical probe was re jected by city councilmen. , Chamber members appeared before city councilmen Monday to ask that a "blue ribbon com- mittee" of former mayors be ap- pointed to examine the decision· m aking process of city govern· m ent. Ch am ber spokesmen said the committee could look into al- legallons that the c1tv council m ajority is being run by "a shadow government. .. As part of that request. more tha n 50 c h a m bc:-member s showed up at Monday's council meeting wearing red and yellow lapel buttons. The m essage. one explained . was to bring the s u nshine back to Newport Beach a nd dispel the s hadow governme nt. Ourmg the discussion of the chamber's request. cham ber of- ficer Mike Gering, a n unsuc- cessful candid ate for the council seal now held by Evelyn Hart.. presented the preliminary re· Anttflue• tor A aetion suits of a chamber s urvey. T h e s urvey, sent t o 1.500 chamber members last F'ridav sought reaction to four questions dea ling with the co unc il's policies on ~rowth a nd traffic By Monday. Ger ing said. 181 members had responded with results ranging from 132 lo 157 rn opposition to the city council majority. The chamber's reques t Mon· day was countered by o ne coun· c 1I support.er. Sue Ficker. who said chamber officials wer e resoonsible for the November CSee CHAMBER, Page A2) Dally ...... """ - Newport Beach police Sgt. Wally Kerr holds an antique double barrel shotgun that ls one of 200 unclaimed antiques and collectible& that wtll be auctioned March 24 . The ltems, which lnclu.de the wall clocks, muaic box and EdilOIJ phonograph, were recovered in a police investigation a year ago. They were never claimed by owners, so police wlll put them on the block beginning at 9 a .m . a t the depart· ment, 870 Santa Barbara Drive. -----"'< ~ -_-----,.. ~---=. __,,_~-,-.......... Trustees OK CdM School Restrictions Citing declining e nrollmenti-. a nd budg<'t l1m1l <tt 1on s. Newport-Mesa school trustel'S voted Tuesday to move s ixth grades in the Corona dl•I Mar area from middle school:; bat·k to elementary schools an Sep tcmber T he move. whic h affrcts An d e r sl'n . Corona del Mar . Eastbluff and Harbor Vi ew elementary schoob. 1s expected to save the district $67 .000 rn staffing costs and the renting of rl•locatable c lassroom s at Lin coin Middle School. trustel•i-. said Trustees e xpressed regret a l the actron. noting that they had moved sixth gradt•s lo middle schools originally to provide a more varied educational ex perience. with s pecialized teac he rs and more s pecial · interest subjects. Norman Loats, ass1st <tnt s uperintendent, s aid 1l is n 't known yet on what basis s ixth g r ade teache rs will be re assigned. Trus tees also des ignated Eastbluff Elementary a s the dis trict's hard-of·hearing center for k 1ode rgarte n th rough s ixth grade. No action was taken on a pro- posal to close Corona de l Mar Elementary School as of Sep· tember , 1981. and trustees gave no indication of when the m atter will be considered again. AD GENERATED GRE.4.T RESPONSE "l received great res ponse from m y Daily Pilot ad. That's the advertising success story or the Costa Mesa woman who placed this ad in the Daily Pilot: Sofa s leeper. QU size. Modem sideboard. llOlld Wood XXX·XXXX If you need great response to make a sale, call the friendly a d-visers al 642-5678. The Daily Pilot reaches local customers. Trent or Kills l; 32 Hurt MEXICO CITY tAP • ·\ "l'verl' t>urthquakl• a nd Iii af t1•rs hocks rocked this r1 t y fur four hours today cl am.Jgm g buddin~s and spraying broken gl • .-.s "' t•r downtown ">lreet ... Thv Hcd Cross 'illd ,1 I I \('..tr nld ~1rl Y.a:. killed <J nd :J~ pL·oplt• in JUrt•d ·\ thn·1· :-.ton bu1 ld1n~ nil l.q,...1·d ,1 l I bl' r(·o i\ mt' ri t·a n l 'n1ver:.1l). a pnv<tlt· rnsl1tul1on Ill thl' !>llUlhern part or thl• "ll~ Most or till' IAlndow:. at ti" 11 'l' rs1ty Wl're broken Pol1<·1• sJ1d m any r 1vo. c homes were• heavily da·naged But life qu1t·kly n·turned to normal, and lraHI<' fill ed tht· s treets during the mornmg rush hour. The Setsmological Institute 1n Ml"x l<'O City reported lhP quakt· mea!"un•d 7 on the H1eht1·r c..1•al1· J nd the epicenter was a bout 200 males southwest of the capital ('It\' Tht> L1 S Geolog1<.'JI Sune} 1n (;olden. Colo . c·a llC'd 11 a maJor quakt• \\llh a H1l'hWr rC'ad mg of i 9 and lhl· l'JJl<'enlN 100 mrl•·' norlh\\t•~t ot t\l'apulco. on tlw l-'Jc1fic coasl or a .::.hort d1stanct• .i l ~ea Scientists lht:rt· said that read ing would makt• 11 lhe s trongest quake m the world Lh1:. ~ear No damage was reported 111 Al'apulco. a popular resort. bu1 th~ highway to 11 from ~lt•xacn C1tv wa:. blockt•d bv lands lides L1g ht1"1 wer e o ut 1.n ">everal seC' lions of the <'ap1tal of 13 mtllton people when a strong a ftershock hit a lmost exacllv an hour c1fter I he main shock ·rolled through tht• <.•apital at a "~a m The facade fell from a bani.. bualdmg on Juarez Street m tht• heart of the citv It a ppeared at ll"ast one upper story of lht• building h ad collapsed into lht· ground floor Tourists gathe red 1n small fr1ghtenC'd knots in front of the towe ring hote b on Pasco de la R<'fo rma Roult'vard Glass from broken windo ws littered the sidewalk Electricity was cut m man> parts of Mexico City The s ub way systC'm stopped briefly. but was running normally two hours after the quake Radio broadcast:. said lhl' quake was felt in Monterrey. 100 miles from the U.S border. and in Oaxaca. some 250 miles south of Mexico City .. Or:~:a-::tsl Weather Chance of showers in· creasing to 30 pe rcent Thurs day. lncr('as 1n g cloudiness tonight with lows 50 lo ~s Hi ghs Thur~ day m upper 50s to mid 60s. INSIDE TODA l' The bnlliance of Albert Ernal e1n .., being hailed worldwide today on occa810n of his btrthdote 100 years ago. Story. photo Pages AB-10. Index Al Y•11r Soenke 8Nll"9 L. M .. yd •111IMt• QllleNtl• CIHtlllM ~l<S CreuwM O.•tllM .. lcn .......... ,. ... 111..n..-ll••tllf'I"' ..... Cll Cll .,.. 81 es ,.. "" ., ... •• •• ., .. •• .. . - NEWCASTLE O.olY POot SWI ""°1o THREATENS 'GANCHO,' CENTER, A MACAW. ANO GROWLER,' A PARROT Breeders Joseph de Agular and Mary Jean He11l11tr Love. Raise Exotic Birds Birds 'Held' Coast Breeders Protective Ry JA('KU: llVM .\N 0t '"° 041ly P1101 ~1•11 When dt•adly Nt•w•·a-.t It• 111.., l'a:-.l' i.tnkl•:-. h1rd.., dov. n .111!1 lh1· US [kpartml·nt of Agri(·ultur1• i.pringi. into action Or<.1n i.:1· Coas t bird bn•edcri. do JU:.t till' oppo:.1tt• "Tht• mll)utc you he.ir of .111 o ulbre<.1k. you don 't mo\t' anything." s;.i1d Mary J(.•..in Hessler o f Cos ta M<':."ci, v. ho breeds cockat1els. lovebirds ancl finc hes and keeps about 200 birds in her nock. "You d o n 't buy or Sf;'ll a n y thing ... explained M1 :.!'> Hessler in dascu:.!.ing the <·urrenl outbreak that so far has clmmed mor e than I 800 bards an Ornngc. Lo!. Angclt.•:-. ;rnd Hivl'rs 1dt· coun tit•:-. a:. well us L<.ts Vega !'> ;,ind Turi.on M 1ss llcsslcr ;.ind Jo:.t.•ph d<: Aguiar. a llunlangton Beach finl'h br<'l'der. s aid Newct.1i.tlt• d1sl'ase I!-> one of the grcatcs l ft•a ri. of those who r;.11M! birds fur love and money. ·'It's one of the m ost c:on tagious disease:.." explained dl' Aguiar. who al:.o kceµi. <.tboul 200 birds in his nock "We don't really have any treatment ror 1l yl•t." :.aid Ma:.~ Hessler. noting that New(·a:.tl(• 1!. an mrborn<.' virui. and cJn IX" carried on shoes or clothing as ~<'II as by birds 'Chickens a rt> dl•ad within l\0,.11 or thret• days and l ar~t>r bmb like parrot:. may li ve Jbout .i Rape Suspect Arraigne d on 15 Charges Tommy Allen Knox, the SU'>· pt>ct an a series of Ncwporl Beach rapes. other forced M!x acts and robbery <·ascs was ar ra1~ned Tuesday afternoon on 15 ft'lony charges Knox w;,is <trn•st<'d Fridav on Balboa Is land momcnh a fh;r h1• ned from the scene of an all<•J:ed robbery attempt Char ges filed in ll <1 rhor Judicial 01s tnC't Court <iccuse Knox of thl· rapP and rohbery of a Lido Jslt· wom;.in and a central Newport tecn·aitcr , the robbery of another Lido l!'ih• WfJman and the a tte mpte d robbe ry on Balboa Is land. Police s<11d thC'y lw lu•ve Knox may bt.• lht· l.U'>DC<·l in a dozen s imilar caS l'S rt•portcd 1n Fullerton. Brea. Tus tin and Los Angeles County , but no charges rt:>lat1n~ lo those ca!.e:. have been fill·d Knox. a re~iste red sex of. fender. is being held in Orunge Co~nty J ~1l an hcu of $100.000 bail A bail hearing has been set for fo'r1dt.1 y 1n the Harbo r municipal court °"ANOE COAST .. DAILY PILOT fr.Of-*"9feonf0ill:41,,,.~ •11~•""<"'''~ ,...,_,.... ,,,.. ~ """'' t\ OUNIU'W"d Dt '"" Ot...- (CM\f Pubf1"""'1C~' \ltPl~•l•fV'l~Mfl OUDl•~d ~ ftwevQlft f:"•j(t..tv tor (OU• ~•W H~ ... " ""'"•"""°" &.•h ti~ t•1nY•tl•• Irv.NO l~h"'" \ovtf'ICoeii.• A. ,.~. '*'9 ........ •MM I\ OuOh,IW>d ~wrdttn ~ \uf'rtd4tf\ 11W prtn(~ Pwfl4ttA1"4if O'Mti 1\ M JJ1 WH I ••• Sl"'"1 (OOI• IH'4 Colllofftl•ti.t. "-"-Pt-•~Ot"'.,. ll\llblt~ '"''" ,_, Yif • Ptt\fdirn• •"'Cj °"'••t Mitf'MtOf• ~o•ICM'lll l.OllOI Te..,tlon• (714)~1 CIH.tfled Adn11ltlng M2•MTI l.\l'l'k. hut lhn, .tit clh·. Ml'~' ll<'!->Sl<•1 .,,11(1 \ l1·v. m.1v :-.ur \l\l' tiut th1•v h1•1,1111w 1·1111 ll'I'!'> · sh,. .... .• Id 111 I' I'd(' I .. a r l' t'!->Jll'C'tall~ t'.trdul h1·t·auM' lh1•y ll·nd to \ 1:-.11 bMk .111d forth with t'•H·h ot h1•r .11111 n1uld in;,id \ e rtenlly !->Jlrt'ud l h(• d1 !->l'a!.e ··You don t le t in any body yuu don't know ... de Ai:uaar said He rcl'alled a b;,id outbreak of th<' disease a m o ng poultry an 197 1·72 an R1 vcrs1de and San Diego when m1lhons of chicke ns were lost A smallt.•r outbreak 1n 1977 hit bards 1n Southern Califorma Al that time. de /\gu1ar said. probll·ms arose bt'cau:-.e the U 'S Departme nt of Agri<'ulture "was killing birds without d1 i.crimina· tion." destro~ ang whole flocks 1r only one bird was infc•c tcd. De Aguiar and Miss lkssler s aid the Americun Ft.·dcrnt1on of Aviculturc. of wh1<'h they ;.ire· both fo unding members. went lo court to protest the destruction. They s a id LIS DA officials seemed relieved lo find a n or gan1 za t1on of !'>m al l bard breeders to work with. and we re cooperative aboul revising their procedures Currently. the USDA will quarantine any nuck v.here in· kctaon O<'cu rs Only 1f the mfec· t1on appears to h ave s pread through thl' rtc~k will the USDA purchase and 1ks tro} all th(.· h1rds Whal (·an s mall hrN•der~ and pl'l b1 rd ownt·r., du to µrotect lh1•ir much·loved and fn•qul·nll} quilt' valuabll' birds worth a!'> much as Sfi.000 t•t.1c h against :-o;l·wcastle'! Be w iHe or b arga ins a nd d~aler1; lhal aren 't rcpult.1ble. fie Aguiar said The mo!>t common soun·t> of Nt·wcustl e 1!'> fro m !'>muggled birds. and. with tlw ·hig h cost of suc h pets these d;.iy!->, !'>mugghng is becoming more common. r n addition. huy<.·r~ with more th<in ont' bird should quarantin<.' an~ new p<'ls for at least 30 days. Mass llessler said. They noled that t here <ire still problems in 1de nt1fy1ng s mug· g le d bards. especially th(.• s maller ones. which a rc d1fhcuJt lo tattoo. The U S quarantine station puts a leg b<ind on bards that h avE' success f ullv passed quaranune. but such bands can be tampered with or 1milaled. Miss Hessler said. "There's one dealer in LI\ who 's kno wn for buy1 n J( unything." she noted. Re putable deale rs ins ist on knowing u bird's origin. she said Another concern of breeders . Miss Bessler noted. is thut. as prices rise. so have thefts and even armed robberies She said robbers have been known to come to breeders' homes with guns. escaping with lar gl'r birds worth thousands of dollars But the main concern these day s i s Newcastle . both breeders said. Peace Pact lnMidea8t Stirs Market NEW YORK <AP > The stock marke t turned mixed to· day aftel' a round of buying at the opening on the prospect of a Mid east peace treaty. T he Dow Jones average of 30 Industrials. up more than 3 points in early trading. was up 1.04 at 847.97 two hours before the close. The l11raell cabinet approved today two key compromises that had already been accepted by Egypt In negotiations towurd a peacE' treaty. Wall Street analyst noted a PoSIUve lnvcstor response to the news. Bui. they said such other problems as energy a nd lnfla· tion worries kept the market from mounting a lastlni response. Teachers File Salary Suit In Anaheim Tl•Jt'h <'rs 10 the Anaheim Union lhgh School District filed suit in Orangt> County Superior Court Tuesday seeking a fi ve pl'rccnt pay hake retroact1vt' to Sept. 1 and seniority raises of fro m $350 to $700 per year . The Ana h e im Sec ondary Teachers Association alleged the rive percent hike and senaori· ty raises were contained in a two-year contract approved by dis tract trustees last year. Yet . they contended, distnct offlc1als have refused to grant the increase District officials have said they lack s uHicient funds to pay the salary hikes. T he l.200 district teachers vol· ed Sunday not to strike against the 34,000·s tudent dis tric t although a majority or them cast ballots in fa vor of a walkout. Union officials explained a two· thirds vote was needed to call the s trike Front Page A I TEACHERS switch from the Newport·Mesa Education Association <NMEA > t o the AF L-C 10 -a.frili ated Newpor,;t-Mes a Federation o f Teachers <NM FTI, district of· f1 (•1als could find themselves fac. 1ng a whol e n e w sel o r ne~otaators and proposals. Paul Jordan. president of th1· N M FT. said his group has more than the 30 percent signatures needed Lo call an e lection. In f:Jct. he said cards m support of tht> NMIT h<.tve been filled out by about 51 percent of the dis· trict 's 1.100 teachers . In the pas t. the NM FT has been seen as more aggressive than the NMEA. which is af· filiated with the Californi a T<'achers Association. J ordan stated that he doesn't believe the NMFT is any more likely to call for strikes. but that 1t does plan to monitor the dis· trict budget more closely and enforce the right of the public to review dis trict documents. Jordan declined lo comment on s pecific contract changes the NM FT would seek. He said the petitions will be submitted April 2 to the stale Pu bhc Employm ent Re la tions Board. which as expected lo schedule an election in May. .Jordan said that. while he hopes to win the e lection. he would prefe r to see the NMEA und the NMFT merge. "In the long run. I think that's where it's got to go ... he said. * * * Frortt Pflfle A I CHAMBER ••• defeat of the bluff preservation initi alive. She charged c hamber Ex· eculive Vice Pres ident Richard Spooner with a lack of integrity for his part in organizing the Newport Beach Citizens Political Action Council which raised more than $10.000 in op· position to the measure which she and the council majority ac· lively backed . That c harge apparently touched off a healed exchange of words between Spooner and another bluff initiative backer, David Shores, outside council chambers. Meanwblle, councilmen voted 5 to 2 with J ackie Heather and Don Mcinnis dissenting. to take no action on the proposal. Ch amber Director Dan Ro1;ers said today he wasn't surprised by the result or Monday's vote. Spooner further declared that the organiution's members "will continue to exrress ourselves on matters o con· cern." although he said no specific cam p aign is In the works al present. Marvin Sex Data Rejected LOS ANGELES IA P > -The Judge in thf' Lee Marvin trial rult•d today Urnt thl• lawyer for M ll'hellt• Triola Ma rvin may not dbk questions about the actor's sex life Attorney Marvin Mltchelson. heatedly disa greeing with the jud~c. prolt>Sl('d that lawyer!'> for Marv in had bc<'n pe>rm 1tted to explore• Mi&s Marvrn's <illeged c;c>xual inf1drlille!-> a nd said he wanted to question an the same area "Whal as fair for the goose as fair for the gander .. Milc helson s:ud "If Mr Marvin can make in qu1ry into her sex hfe. although he s ays 1t was not part of an agreement . I lhink I should have the right to 1nqu1re " Michelson claimed t here wa:. an "1mphcd cond1l1on of fldeh · ty" in the• r<'lal1onsh1p bc•tween th e actor and the rorm t·r showgirl during their sax year affair. "Isn't th<' implication that he would do the same thing. or are we o n a s ing le i.ta ndard?" M 1tche lson asked Superior Court Judge Arthur M<trs h a ll rul e d aga1n!.l Mitc he lson in has effort to ask Marvin whethe r he had sex with any partner other than Mi s.,, Marvin during a 1966 trip lo Lon· don Marsha ll !'>Sid that since Miss Ma r vin was the one contending there was a contract between them. her sexual act1v1t1es might be relevant. but not tus. "The defendant says there is no contract. that he was able to go his way a nd do what he wis h e d ." the Judge told Milchelson. "If you attempt to extract from him adm1ss1ons of ~exual activities with othe r persons than your elienl. you arc dem· onstratmg whut he has said all a lon g --that there \\-as no con· tract. .. But Mitchclson said the judge had mis read his question. that he w as trying to c heat from Ma r vin a state me nt that he did not have sex with anyone else. as the actor had said in love let· te rs in evide nce But the Judge declared firmly : _:.·The obJe<'t1on as sustained." Largest selection of STATION ... Strauss got no ii;upport from h11. council collcagucb who an dlcated they wouldn't be willing to s pend the city's dwindling tax dollars to man such a ~ubstat1on or increase the pohcc v1 1b1hly on Lido Island ·'It's a totally s ub1cct1ve thing ," said Mayor Paul Hyckoff "I thank 1t 's a ha rd qucs lion to ask for more patrolmen in one part of town becau:.e it will raise questions m ever y other part of town." (.;ouncalman Pau l Humme l said he feels it's a m atter of b<: ing "thin on police personnel" and suggested council members "k eep that in m ind at budget tame ." 200 Feared Killed in Plane Crash TOK~ 1 AP I I\ Rrit1sh built Tri nt aircr aft crai.hcd m to a fact ry on the outskirt-... of Peking t ay a nd about 200 pco· pie wer fe;.ir e d k i lled. the Japanese ne ws service Kyodo re po rted , The dispatch from tht• Chane.,,<· capital quoted witnesses as !'>ay mg lh<il the aircraft with 12 c rew members a nd o asscn ger !'> aboard hit the racto ry near Pt· kmg airport at 8.52 a m . (II 52 p m PST Tuesday 1 s hortly afll'r takeoff All passen ger s a nd c r E'"' aboard the plane were believed killed. Other victims included workers from an a ssembl y plant. Kyodo s aid. One or the witnesses. a Western correspondent. said he saw many Chinese soldie r s engaged in rescue work late into the night. He said de bris from the wreckage was scatter cc1 over a large area. according to the Kyodo rePOrt. No official confirmation wa., available from the Ch1nc:.l' authonties. it said K yodo noted that Tride nt aircraft are often used in Chin<• to transport governme nt leader~ a nd other tugh ranking officials China's last m ajor air dis aster occurred jn January 1976 whe n ._. Chinese airliner cr ashed near Changsha. capital of Hu An province. killing all 45 people on board. fine desks in the are a. Desks from Drexel, Heritage, Henredon and more. Witness Tells of Clwking By KATHY CLANCY Oft,_ 0•11~ PllOI Still A kt•y prosecution witness 10 th<' n•tn ul of Dr Wilham Wad dill of llunllngton Harbour testified today that he saw Wad dill pressing his hand a round lht' throat of an aborted infant h(• 1s ;.ice used of i.lrnngling two Yt!l:lr~ auo Pediatrician Ronald Cornc•IM·n test1fll'd Waddill also told him. "If this baby lives it 1s going to be the biggest m ess you evt·r '>aW "It will be bram damaged and 1 will wand up paying thousand., of dollars for its support and care." Corncls t.•n cont1 nu1•d q uoting Waddill to a n Orang1· County Suf)l'rior Court jury Cornelsl'n ll'"il1f1cd as Warldill prt'i.sl·d down on lh<' bah) ., throat hl· l'ompl<imed · I t'an 1 find tht• (;od ctumn lra<'hea .. Cornl'l:wn wa:-. called to th1• witness st and b~ prosec utor Hobert Che1ttcrton m an effort to convi nce Jurors that Wadchll -.trangleci thl· 1nf;,inl uft er Jn "t>o rtl()n t•Hort on hl'r 18-yt•iir old molht•r alllogPdly failed ('h;,itkrton 1·ontend!-> Waddill murrl1•rl'c1 tht• 1w11 pound lf1 ount:c infant known a!'> l~ahy C11 I Weaver. fear1n~ hl· would fJ1·1· a malpra(•t1 c·1> law-;u11 1f the in I <int lrvl'(1 und <,ulfl-rt·d bruin d.Jma~t· be<'<IUM' of 1mmer:.111n in tht· .,;J11m.~ abortion solution Deft•nw la\\ Vt.>r Charlt·s Weed m an ha:. t·1int1·ndcd th1· mfanl for Jll pr;,ict1c<1 l purooses wa:-. n1•vcr alive whl'n Wa ddill ex amant'<I hl!r anct th<il tht· babv'..., bra in h <td bt•t•n hopcles~I} damaged by sa line . Waddill 1s on trial a second tame His first trial ended la!-.t May wht•n juror!'> s aid they wen dl•;,idlo<'l-.l·d 7 to 5 1n f<.1vur of ut qu1llal Cornelst•n told t h1· jury tud;I\ h t• 1.1...1:. !'>ummon ed to th •· W l' s t m 1 n s t l' r < • o m m u n 1 t ' Ho .... µ1 tal ~Lm•h 2. 1977. b:>-Wa1i d ill lk lesllf1l'd Woddill told him "Ron I havt> a premature bah\ ovt•r here 1 w;,int you lo heli> wi th " Wedneeday. March 14, 1979 DAIL V PILOT A 3 Newport Set for Bush • Classic By ALMON LOCKAIU:V o.11, ,. ........ .,. wru .. Formt>r \\orld oc·t•an r 11cana cbamp111n Tom Gentry of H1w1u. "1nnl'r of the 197R Australi•rn runt 1nt•nh1I cham pion hiµ, and Rookw of tht-v .. 1tr Jerry Jat'Olly of N1•\\ York. urt• th lal~t 1•11tr1t·:-m th.-ninth nn nual Bus hmllli4 Crsnd Prix whlrb tokl's pl111·1• Saturday off Newport Ht•fw h Gentry. thv W7b \\or let r hum plon, Wiil b\• tit lht• "ht•t•l or tu~ JS.fool S1·ar.1h "ht•n hl' and Jacoby Join l' S d111111111on R<-tty Cook o( Nt'\\ 110r1 B1 .. 1c:h . dcfond tntt Bushmillli champion J~·y Ip poltto ol lh1ll~ndalc, F'lo . und South Amer1can rhamplon Dally MartmofClark,N J ,anlht•i:nwl mg 200-nu le r11c~ Tht• <'Our8t' of lht• $3S,OOO Au3hmlll1> <'h1Jl\s lt· hu!i b1•t•n alterf'd thas y,•ar lo 1U't'CJtll modal(' Vlf'WIOJ: by hundn'<is Of thousand3 or onlookN·s who wall hnr the Southern Cu ll(ornw bt>arh.-~ and thf' c1N·ki; vi hun dn•di. of i.pcl'tntor rrn(t m tht• Wl•kr bel~N.·n l>llnu 1•omt um.I Long fl<•ttfh Rllt't'l"S will p RS:i. in rt•Vl<'W tu the north of " starling ltn1:. obout l' :1 mtltts oH tht• N .. wpor1 l'll'r m1nule'I ~fort> the official tO a m start. lhvn lurn and r hnrt(l' N()Uth ut uround 90 males ~t·r hour toward Uana Point. wht'rt' they will turn and head nor th toward Loni( Beach Houte•n with sh1p·lO·ShOr(• radio!\ waif be u!Jlc lo monitor the pro.rrt-:ss of thl' race on Vilt' Chunnl'ls 6 und 7K Thl' IJwshmllliJ Grand Prix an nu.illy ku:ks vff the offshore: rac· 111.c b•'li:Jon which Uus ycur con· <'lud(•s with lhc world cham- p1ons h1p in Vl'llit:t'. Italy, in mad Ol'lobt>r Olh~r opt'n class drivers in· elutle 1977 U S champion Joel llDl1>em. Tarrytown, N.Y.; 1976 llus hmalls c hampion Rocky J\oka, New York; Bob Nordskog, Van Nuys; Howard Quam, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; Paul Clauser. Miami, Fla .. Charlie McCarthy, Warwick, R.I ; Willlam Ellswick, Miami, and C ha rles Pevy, Uradentown. Fla. Aoki, Cook and l ppollto, res pective winners of the last three Bushm11ls races are shoot· 1ng for repeats. Art "Snapper" Norris is the only driver with two Bushmills wins c 1973· 74 > and he has since retired from driving, as have other wiMers, Bob Magoon (19711. Larry Smith 0972) and Hal Sahlman U97S>. Smith is the bighly successful designer and builder of the famed Scarab hulls. Leading the smaller boats in a separate race over a shorter course in the same vicinity will be U.S. Performance Class champion Bill Gazell, driver of a JO.foot Sutphen. Other drivers racing the short course will be Da niel Patrona, St. Clai r . Minn.; Les Hewitt, Tustin, and Steve Berk. Bricklown, ~J., among others. In keeping with the spirit of St Patrick 's Day <and the Race sponsor, Old Bushm11ls Irish Whiskey) a giant pre-race party, open to the public, will be held at Promontory Point on Friday. Tickets are $12 each and include Irish stew, Old Bushmills and the evening's entertainment. T icket outlets in Newport Beach are Balboa Bay Club Grog Shop, the Ritz Restaurant, Newport Liquor. Hershey's Market and Grog Shop, the Red Onion Restaurant and Promon tory Point apartments . All pro ceeds from the party beneflt thl• Affihants. Hoag Hospital's sup porl 1-troup Treaty P e-nding Israel Cabinet OK's Peace Proposals • By The Associated Press from Cairo to a hero's wclcom<' 1n Washington and said "l beheve that God has ans wered our prayers.'· Kn t'sset approve), Egyptrnn Foreign Minister Butros Ghalt agreed with Began 's assessment .,,, The Israeli Cabinet accepted President Carter's two key com· promises to pave the way for an Egyptian-Israe li peace treaty. but postponed until Sunday its decision on approving lhl' treaty as a whole At the same time, Israeli stale r adio said the Cabinet ordered Derense Minister Ezer We1zman to go to Washan~ton lo discuss .S. aid and pohl1cal comm1t - ments lo Is rael The rad.Jo said Weazman would fly to Washmgton Thursday car· ryrng draft pro posals for American ~uarantecs of fman· cial and oil supplies The Cabinet was to meet agam Sunday when Wc1zman returned and would review and act on the final draft of the treaty. the radio said. Prime Minister Menachem Begin told rt!µOrlers that he telephoned Carter with the news immediately after the Cabinet session, adding. "'The president was very glad to receive this in- formation " The proposals go next to the Knesset, or parliament. Begin has said he would resign if they were not accepted there. The prime minister said a treaty with Egypt could bf' s igned w1th1n the month, possibly in a week or two, if thf." Began said he, Sadat and Carter would sign the accord an Washington Then. Begin !-.aid. hl' and Sadat would s ign the Hebrew vc.:rs1on an J e rus alem and th<' Arabic text an Cairo Ex-Iran Officials· Executed TEHRAN, Iran 1AP> Faring squads an Iran's provincial cities ~·xC'euled five morC' former of fi l'ials today. bringing lo 62 tht' number known lo have been ex t•cutcd since the shah was dt- posC'd last month A bout 200 other!> are beheveli awaiting l'xecutaon after convu: lion by Islamic revolutionary tribunals A,.WI........, PRESIDENT AND MRS. CARTER SHARE A PROUD MOMENT AT THEIR WELCOME TO U.S. In Washington, Carter said "all the outstanding issues'· between Egypt and Israel "have now been s uccessfully r e - solved " Three or the executions look place at Dezful in Kuzestan prov- ince. The dead we re Lt. Gen. Akbar Ghafar ian, l st Lt. Ali Rehdari and Police Chie f Mohammed Tagh1 HaJaid1. Israel! Cabinet Accept9 Peace Proposals, But KneaMt H•• Yet to Vote ~neyland Open 7 Days Despite Strike Disneyland s witched from a five·days·a -week operation to its seven·days-a -wcek spring and summer schedule today despite the fact that m ore than 500 maintenance workers arc still out on strike. "We 'll plug the gaps with supervisors and salaried peo- ple." general manager Bob Ross said. "But we're hoping that on F riday the strikers will take a new vote and decide to return to work." Ross said the operation of the magic kingdom has not been af. fected by the strike which began a week ago. "We wouldn't switch to seven days a week if we thought that we couldn't give people the Disneyland they've always known," he said . The 530 maintenance workers walked orf their jobs a week ago after park m anagement refused to give the m the salary i n· creases they d emanded. The workers are picketing the park. Injunction Lifted? LOS ANGELES CAP > -A court injunction ha lting con· struction ol the $670 m illion Cen· tury Freeway should be lifted aoon. Superoisors Back Canyon Road Plan A resolution calling for im· provem ent of death -marred Laguna Canyon Road won the e ndorsement of the Orange County Board of Super visors Tuesday. The resolution suggested by Supervisor Thomas Rile'y calls on the O r ange County Transportation Commission "lo give high priority" lo improving the heavily traveled canyon road. When askin g his fellow s upervisors lo support h is resolution, Riley said: "Many residents expressed a strong desire for prompt im· provemeot of Laguna Canyon Road, including the addition of a median s trip and additional lanes. "Such improvements," Riley said, "would turn the old cou.-ty road into a divided arterial highway " Riley cited 22 frame deaths and 841 accidents on the canyon road in the past fo ur years as justification to demand quick improvement of the seven and o n e -h a lf mile str etch o f roadway. He also noted that on some weekend days during the sum· mer months Laguna Canyon Road carries as many as 35,000 autos a day Supervisor Ralph Diedrich look a swipe at those who have o pposed improvin g Laguna Canyon Road as a means to dis· courage heavy traffic flow into Laguna Beach. "I hope they have learned from the 22 traffic deaths in the past four years that you can't u se roadwa ys to thwart growth.'' Diedrich said as he joined in the unanimous vote s upporting Riley's resolution Sit-in Ties Disputed PASADENA <AP > - Worldwide Churc h of God treasurer Stanley Rader said he had nothing to do with a s it-in by more than 400 church members, who gathered for round·the- c lock de m onstrations at the sect's headquarters. When asked Tuesday when the sit-in was organizded Rader said, "I haven't the foggiest idea." However. he labeled the pro· lest "a spontaneous demonstra- tion of SUPPort for the church." Meets Quake Standards San Onofre Plant 'Safe' By DAVID KUTZMANN ot•DMty Pli.clWtt The design of certain pipes in the San Onofre nuclear power plant south of San Clemente does not contain the same naws that forced closure of five other plants by the government, a Nuclear Regulatory Commlsslon spokesman said today. Tbe five nuclear facWtles or· dered shut down Tuesday were deslaned by the same firm -Stone aod Webster -W'blcb told NRC offldal1 earlier tn tbe month tbe computer codes tbey ued to calcalate eartbqu8:.:i related atreaea on ptpea plpe •cz:rta were not ade· ... te ~ Corp. dealped ..... OllOlfre pipea • As a result, 'e spokesman said, the plants, all localed on the East Coast, were shut down so the· pipes could be analyzed and modified. (Related story Page AS.> The pipes under study range from two to four inches in diameter and carry water to and from the reactor. The pipes are supported by bangers and rings meant to absorb the stressea cauaed by an earthquake. The NRC said the improper computer formula uased to de· tllft tbe five East Coast pla.ota bad led to inadequate support for Ute cooUnc system ptpn. II tbe plpe1 tailed, it aald, two or tbe three main I.Laa of defnle aaaimt IUJOI' react.or acctdentl would be breached. The NRC s pokesman said plants on the West Coast are de· signed to meet stricter earth· quake safely requirements and that stress factors used for the San Onofre pipes were much higher than for the pipes on the East Coaat. Southern California Edison Co. spokesman David Barron said h1a utility has gone through the San Onofre plant in recent years to strengthen its ability lo withstand a major earthquake . Tbe new units under construe· tlon at SU Onofre also are being built lo meet s ubstantially' tou1her aafety require ment• than the ori1lnaJ unlts. Barron 11ld. Carter congratulated Begin and Egyptian President Ariwar Sadat, saying, "the peace which their peoples so clearly need and want is close to reality " Sadat had already accepted the com· promises In Cairo, Egypt's Prime Minister Musta fa Khalil termed the Is raeli Cabinet move "really a success for peace." ··1 am extremely pleased that the Israeli Cabinet has approved the two remaining proposals that I discussed with Prime Minis ter Begin on Monday in Jerusalem." Carter said in a brief statement. OwkeTallu John Wayne 1s shown dur m g a Jan. 11 interview with ABC's Barbara Walters at his Newport Beach homl' the day before he had hts ca n cerous stomac h re· moved. Wayne said. "I like to drink . I lik (' women ... and I 'm crazv about me ... !Storv Page A51. . All three were convicted of murder and torture In Shushtar, also in Kuzestan. the former head or police. Lt Haydar Jafa r inia. was shot aftt>r berng fo und guilty or two murders during anti-shah pro- tests In another town. another gov <'rnment official was executed after being convicted of ordering troo ps to fire on a nti-s hah demonstrators . More than 1.000 chanting and plac·ard-waving students dem onstrated in front of the British Emba ssy 1n Tehran to day, denouncin ~ forei ~n · '1m Pl'rialbm ·· The president said he is proud that the United Stales could have been able to assist the two Mideast nations toward a peace treatv Coma Baby's Mother Dies ··we stand ready to help In the implementation of the peace treaty, in the negotiations that lie ahead on other issues of con· cern. and in working with these two friends to build a stable and peaceful Middle East." JERSEY CITY. NJ IJ\PI The comatose woman \\ho gave birth to a healthy .. miracle baby" last week has died a .l<'rscy City Medical Center spok('sman said Tht' mother wa:-. eight month~ pregnant when she i.uffered the s troke She we nt into labor March 5 and gave birth 15 hours later The five-pound girl wa~ born Marc h fl It wa ... tht• woman·s third child Hours earUer. Carter returned The 39-year-old woman. whosC' identity had been withheld al the request or her ramtly, died without coming out of the coma. • Gem Talk 811 J C llUMPllRll::S Ccrt1l11'd Cemolocmt . ti(;,, MESSAGE JEWELRY You say what uou wear Looking for a new way to tell people who you a re,' how you feel, and what you think? Then you'll be interested in "message Jewelry," the fast-growing practice of wearing pieces of Jewelry that communicates. We have all seen tint crossed golf clubs or tennis racquets worn by the o utdoors s ports set. But th e m essages a r e getti ng m or e imaginative now. Whe n Carol Burnett's TV show ended Its run a fter 11 years, she bought a gold • • 11 ·' to wear as a pendant on a chain, thus commemorating her 11 years of success. Zodiac pendants carry more conve ntional m essages. Some m essage pendants become conversation pieces because their meaning is not clear ... They evoke such questions. as "Hey, that's neat pendant -what does ll mean?" The first wearer of message Jewelry must have been lhe caveman who bung a tiger's tooth around his neck. His me111age was that he was a good hunter. Even the tiger J(Ot the meaaage. Wbat'a your message to the world? The ~::~~~~ #I jB tells your love story. Create your own wedding ring . . an individualized setting of diamonds and other gems that's special for your special love story. Border your diamond with birthstones ... yours and his. Or select the gemstone that represents the month you start your lives together .. sapphires for September. emeralds for May. Whatever your special gemstone ideas, our exclusive collection can make sure your wedding ring is uniquely yours. J. C. JJ.uniphrU!J J eweferj MEMBE~ AM[l!ICAN GEM 5QC1ETV @ 1823 NEWPORT BLVD CO<\TA MESA CONVEflllENT TERMS 8 ~ 32 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION an ~b~~S:.TJ'1 Cl'l1t11e ,I A.. DAIL V PILOT NATION I WORLD Jut ~ Draft to Ret111·n? '• . (;oa. iin ~ wilh~ R 1tlagon Officials Clash Over Issue Tom .,lurphiof' GOP • Squ ak Ul a r GRANO 01.1) Tl\1.1,V 0 1-!PT. Yr1u vww lht' lute t \IOh.•r rt't(ISlrallun tul11.lor, in Ontn r ( 11unl)' tud11) •nd, .-1th llt'•H't'rul IJih, )OU note that h11lory ~rncl tr 1dlll11n "'" 1• •&ah' n.·1.:n In our rt'l(ton 1'ht' k111lllhhC'1in~ Uw 1;1 llnd Ohl l'wr\\ ho w f11r.:t·d b.id, 1ntu tlw rt>.:1!ilr11.t1on k11d a1u11n ll4•111t'l(·ruh .u11I 11ttwr non <;op hlM'lli 1111••hl , .. .,. tl11· 1.111·,t t.tlh ..ind 'u.:.:1 '' t11'11u thut lh•• Ht·puhli1 H111111.11i.:111111 •IJ\ ''" l1·,.H th 1·nur11h111 \, J 11\Jlkl 1•f f n t It "prt'l l:<>t h 1 i 1, \ 11t1·r~ -TIU~ IL\ R Dl l ti \ RK t '~ h11t'k 111 1111' 11,n '> 111 • •1 •11111" t 'mint.> v.hvu )-1tU '"uhl hrl· 1 1 '"'""" \Oil.\ c1<1Yo rt ~1 l1111 <Jvt'rCQn/idenl CJmnye (ounlJI GOP Leader IWy1Ag Victory Sull Str('et 1n Sunta Ana or Balboa Boulevard 1n N(•Wport lkal·h on a hu~y day und strike nury a Democrat Ornngt• County's voter roll!>, however, are now l,c>m~ updatl'd each 22 d ays. The latest computer readout was as of March 9. It came out this way Republlcan1': 393,501 Democrats: 391,764 Df>dlnf' to State: 65,599 Amt•rkan lndt>JWodent: 6,118 Vegetarians, Tecbnocrat.s And Other Mlscellaneou: 1,448 PPact> and Frt>edom : 1,376 Wh1lt> the Republican l'dge here may be coniud~r~d touch an11 go, you still haw to realize it's a reversal of l'il rlil'r form fleforc last November 's election, Orange County Ot>mocruts 1:.iunchcd a massive voter s ignup drive The OC'mos thus forged ahead in Orange County last <ktobt•r for the ftrl>l time since a brief ride to the top in 1001 In thus doing, the Democrats a lso forged lh<'ms<'lvcs into :.i con..,1 dcrabll• deht from which even now they are try 111g to extnC'alt' th1•mscl vC's. SINC..:•: TH•: Ot;MOCRATS spent all that money they dido 't have and s tall fell behind when the voter roUs got pu r~ed. this may be neating some huge giggles among the GOP Shakers-and-Movers. Orange County's Republican hierarchy, however, best not be hooting 1t up loo loudly That l ,737 voter edge 1s about as thln :.ind perilous a~ a beUy dancer's G-slnn& It could fa ll apart at any moment Wi\:o,llJNliTON tAPl -The Arm>'• to11 malltury und civlUun II• u 1l c• r i. u rt• 111> u r r 1 n g o ver whl'thl•r to brlog back the draft. .111d kt Undc Sum toll up as 111 .111y II" 100.000 rt•c·rults each Y•'••r for mundulory trulnlng and "lundbv duty I h1· d1~1111h• c•ruptcd Tuesday 1fll. r u sur!Jrt'i~ cull hy Gen. 111 111a11I W Ho.c,•n1, the Army's 1'1111 r of '"'rr. for 1mmediutcly lfll1l 1tut1r1~· ii l11111lt1d vt·rslon or 1111 th 111 Pt·i~o11er ~·liange Reported t.fo.NEVI\, Sw1l1.~·rland <AP> l\n INr;u,•11 ~old1t>r was tradt.>d f11 1 76 Pall•strn1ans today tn the first pnsom•r t•xchanl'(c ht•twecn ttw .h·w1"h slate und Puleslinian l-:lll'rrill.as Avrahum Amram, captured It month$ u~o during Israel's in· vaswn or ~outhcm Lebanon, was swap1~ ror tiO Palestinian men and s ix womt·n at lhe Geneva 111rport. At th(' sam e time. 10 other Pulestinians were released h v authoratacs in lsraeli- o<'l'UP•Ni krratorics, but no de t alls we re given about their re - lease. The announcement of the ex· c h angt· was mad e b y the lnternal1onal Committee or the Red Cross, which said initially it acted "as a letter box" between thl' Israelis a nd the Palestin· iuns. The names or the Palestinians could not be learned immediate· ly. Negotiations for the trade wer e conducted over the last sever al months. The exchange announcement was made by the International Com m1ltN· of the Red Cross. which said initially it acted "as a letter hox" between the li-ruchs and the Palestinians. Bill '-Hims ' I U.S. Defeme ForTaiivan WASlllNGTON (API -Presi- dent Carter has won Senate and THEN TOO, YOU have lo remember that a Democrat residing m Orange County can be a tricky type who lurks under false title and clouks has presence until he's alone in the votmg booth. JU:-.t him und the Lord behind that curtain Where could an Orange County Democrat hide'' M.1vht• nmon~ tho<,1· 65,5.59 Declined to States Maybe .1mong the l ,448 Vcget<Arians, Technocrats or Mis· cellaneous. ~., llouse approval o r his new Taiwan policy, but with com· prom 1se language hlnting that the United States m ight come to Taiwan·~ ciid if Peking tries to take the island by force. Clearly. the GOP brass should be lookin~ over their s houlders «tt all Umes. The ncict Decline to State they meet m uy be in reality, the hidden foe. TrUman Trial Hit INDEPENDENCE. Mo. <AP> -A moclt trial by mnth graders or Harry Truman's decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan is itself on trial In the former president's hometown Two juries of ninth graders in Janet Fielder's social s tudies classes at Bridger Junior Hlgh School were to deliberate the charges of "wa r crimes" against Truman today. But the trial. in which studenL-; act out roles or the various personalities or the Lime. was as· sailed Tuesday by the director of the Truman L i brary as a "screwball" idea that represent· ed "an unreal situation that could not provide students with valid educational value." The Senate approved a bill Im· plemenling Carter's new policy 90·6 Tuesday and t he House ap- proved a s imilar measure 345-5. A si ng le bill mus t n ow be worked out for Congress' final approval. That could come next week al the earliest. BOTH HOUSES rejected last- d itch efforts by opponents to im- pose stronger U.S.-Taiwan ties than Carter wanted under his new policy recognizing Peking as Chma's only govemmenL However, Carter bad to com- promise and let Congress tack on the pledge that America "will m aintain its capacity" lo defend Taiwan if t he president and Congress s hould decide to do so. Cold Accompanies Rain Thundenhowers Dampen Southern States Teneperature• AllAlll• Allllnllt CllY l!O\lnn Bull•llO Clllt•OO C II'< lnN>fl , ........ ,,., O.llvtr Ott roll Hou•ton IMl•M~I' l<•nM\(lly U' V•QIO\ l.ouhvtll• Metne>llit Mit ml Mllw•u•• Hftw Yon. Ofl'l•ll• Phll.0..IOftl" Plll\DufQll Port IAIWI. Me "•no S.11 Le-•Clly HI u Pct n 51 •• 0 " '° f>O ,, .ts St 1' ., u ·°' /0 • ..0. tt •1 57 u ·'' ntJ ... ,, tS ~, ,. ,. " °' •S :i. 13 70 47 01 ,. ,, •I 11 ~ ., •• 77 ). '° •S d .04 >S ,.. ., JI t.C! JO 10 ., , . .,., ... llllil ···-~ ~llllCMrle4 l.AMHI~ '-otAnoei.. Mary,vllle s.tattle $po4raM $1,51.MMfjl WetfllllQIOn ~4 ~' '° n " .,. 11 Molll_., ........ C>Mlefld CAl.tll'O•HIA ll•ktrltlel<I 81Yllll'I £11reke HI L9 Pie• " ... ti to St St • hlpPWOtt•.., h ........ ~""'1~; ,,....., II you "° "'~ -yo'"' """"°' 17V ~:IO o t!I Ult l'l'IONI r " "' "''° i'"'" "<ltf ... 1>e o.•••eo Peto"*" ""''"" "911W001t Oty ktr~ lelln .. ~Olete left,,_,_ lelllt 8..,,.,. $IOCklOfl T ... rmll Ultl•ll .... 1 .. ~tntll"V .,., a.-11 _, <10 Ml tit·-•f!lf'"" V'>JI O'>l'Y ll; 9 I ,,_ e.f1 C.IAllllA I• tuo• I I t"' •"" l'INf COO. •I .. l!I c.t>lro Lefttled Mt.W1'-H••"'1 IMctl Oftler .. Pelm._,. ~..,__ ... Ur•··~ SAii~ s.m.1uw ..... Cl\lf $Allll MMle 7a M A T•-VAllAV 14 U va11AI• Ml .. ·°' 60 JS ·°' •S to $t ~ 11 ,, •2 ,. ,. I? ,lO ,, ~' .. lJ ., .. ., $4 .. SI .Ot 60 .. ., 10 70 " 10 " .1t ., 00 .. n ~ Jt .u "' SI .OS 1' ,. .. ,. .04 '° S4 ·'' ... SI .0 '° ·" tt so .01 St St .0. .. u ... jot ·" " " to3 JI ,41 r•nqf'CI '""" 6 9t Wln"Oed, M1nt1., to 70•tKey~,,. .. Calllentla T"-IJr1ef f'ltlrfl of felr _._, to Sou1 ....... CMtfoml• 11 10 eilCI Th~~ day •• • ...... '!Mm lro11t lrom Oreoon 11 ex119<ted to br"'9 llGl't re1111e11 toll•-· r ... NM._ WNIMr SAnk• ~ lll<ted • 1111 pwc..-it a-of ••In tor TM11'14AY, bUI Mid IN stonn pro- Nbly ...... ln<llMk lhu~, Alld llOflllllftQ Loi A-4ft Ovl< Ollttef" _.., • 11 lllcflff Of r eln T UAld.ty, Alld All ln<llOl-lell lf\tM Bit 9Mr .,.. •. TM MAto11 to4AI fw Los A .. ~ relf\ftll ''"'°' 9t u a lnctlff, fll9"9r lllAll I ... nom\111 HM lfw:llH lltlt 1lln .. IOW I.Kl '(Mr'I I0.17 Ille._. el tNI Ull'le. Lowt tflollld b9 In IN '-1 '°' IOlllOlll, wllll 11iOM lft tN IOW '°' for TllurHey. TOOAY Se<onotqw ):Msrm. 07 &e<Olld llltlll •;IS p.rn. 4.P THU .. IOA't ""'..... ' • 1.111. 0. ""' hU;ill • 4' ...... • , Seeflftel a. • ~:• ,,m. O • SKOllll 111q11 l0:11 p.m. t I 5114' rlW'•·CN1.111.,ll1UtOI II 111 • M.-n.•.ar p.m., .... • a.m . 8•rfllqert H E PROPOMED u lottery sy11tf'm for plcklni;c recrulta and suld the country mullt ht< wllUnK to Or<>et'<'ute drart cvudcrs . Uniformt'Ct leaders of the Air 1-'or et'. Nuvy und Marin es, nlthou1ih not 111)Cclflr1Jlly endors ing Rogers' propo11al, rm :dkted thut n drnlt Is likely. 1r not ln- t!vltable. They were unanimous In urging r<'n('wal of the system rt.'qulring younR people to reg. aster for po-.sablc st>rvice. W1lhin two hours of Rogers' recommendutlon, made to a con· gresslonnl s ubcommittee, bis elvilian boss dlstributed a state· ment saying the general'!! plan clashes with offic ial Army policy .• · ARMY SECR ETARY Clifford Alexander said, "'fo enact a draft, 1 believe, would be un- necessary. unfair und coun terproductlvc to thl· best in terests of the Army." lie· !laid there is no need now for u drufl of any kind -including the ono propo11ed by RoJ?crl' The disagreement bolw('cn Urn two Pentagon ofrlt'l&ls p robsbty will spread to Congre111. where the debate so far has focus<.'Ct on plnns for military rcRlstratlon which would 1811 s hort of a draft. Registration blll!I have been proposed in both hOUl68 Of Congress, and leglslaUon tor o limited draft is pending In the House. llogcrs. the Army's top person in uniform, made his proposaJ to the Senate Armed Services man- power subcommltetee, which is i n ves t iga tin g widely acknowle dged proble m s In mobilirlng the nation's military for a n emergency. ALTHOUGH ACTI VE-DUTY forces have fallen short of their recruiting goals this year, the biggest problem is in the re· serves, and particularly the in- dividual ready reserve -the ma npowC'r pool chiefly for use us rrpla<-rmt>nt11 for wartime battlt>fielct ca1multlcs. Rogt>r!I 1111ld thf' Individual ready n •11.-rvt> 111 500,000 pe<>Pl•· short of 1111 700 ,000 uuthoriwd Klr<'nl(lh Al'WI ....... M aur1ce Bis hop, 33, who h .. ·ads a democratic-socialist pa rty culled the New Jewel Move me nt. is r e porte d leader of rebel civilians who took owr the tiny Caribbean island of (;n'nucla Tuesday. Rt s hop's · · rt•vol utlonary urmy" :-,trutk h<.'forc d awn while P rime M mist er Slr Eric G:11ry was in New York. rt'J)(H'l<·•llY on Unit.ed Na lion:-. buM m•ss . Energy Needs Pushed Oil Companit~~ U r~cd to 'Roll Up Sleeves' W ASIUNGTON c A l'I Th" Carter administration Is W1k1nv. oil companies lo "roll up Uwlr sleeves" and get on with theJob or producing enouah unleu t.'tl gasoline lo meet demands or U.S. motorists. Despite industry warnings that demand is beginning to out· strip supply, a top Energy Departme nt o ffi cia l told Congress Tuesday he sees no rea- son why the manufacture of un- leaded gas can't be s tepped up -especially in light of a new rule a Uowing refiners to p ass on a larger share of their costs lo motorists. "IT WOULD BE an outrage if this industry failed to meet the need for larger shares or their costs to motorists. "Jt would be an outrage if this industry fajlcd to meet t he need for unleaded gasoline," David Bardin, head of the Energy Departme nt's Economic Regulatory Administration, told a House Commerce subcommlt· tee. (> n H r f' I IJ t I' !I m II tl I' r , th I' 11 o u 11 1• o r S C' I 1· n c t> a n 11 Tf•('hnolui;cy Com m llt1•1• w11<1 m('etlng Joler t.oduy on proPQAal" to hdp rt,'<fuce U .S rf'lrnncc on Imported 011 by trundorm lng coa 1 Into clean bum Ing fuel ONCE THOUGHT too ex· pensive a process to compete with oil. ene rgy officials are now t aking a new look al proposed projects that would turn coal in- to gas, liquid or solid fuel. Backers of s uch projects claim a clean-burning fuel can be derived from coal and would cost the equivalent or oil priced at $18 to S20 a barrel. With oil imports oow costing upwards of $15 a barrel at U .S. ports and e ven higher prices looming on the horizon , the coal projects are nearing the point where they can compete with oil. THE CARTER a dministration has said it will d ecide by this summer which or two proposed S700 mtlllrm 1•oul to rucl proj :ct.~ it will support. a coal·to-liquld rucl opt•ralion In Wcsl Vlrtelnill or a coal·t.o-ts0hd-fuel phml ln Kentucky Bard.In told lbe House Com· merce s ubcommittee on over- s ight and mvestigallons Tuesday that the Energy Department rule l.ssued earlier this month al· lowing refiners to pass a long a higher percentage or the cost of m a king gasoline will add about five cents a gallon this year to overall gasoline. ''NO LAW REQUlRES refiners t o u se this money in a n y particular way," Bardin said. "But it seems fair to expect that the refining industry will respood positively. We expect them to roll up their sleeves and get the job done." H o w e •e r, Bardin acknowledged that gasoline sup- plies would be tigbt -partly because or the 106S of Iranian oil and partly because or a sbortage o r U.S. refining capacity. FOR ME ? Local business and h this newspaper and see. T'I 11st1ngs and re111ews Plenty! Take a look ~~~~~~sing. Sports scores ~l~~a~~~~·0, two to keeP thern consume< reports. stomers get tussy. an entertain and intormation abOut And when your cu we've got more news lse Anywhere. out of your hair. Every day. than you'll tlnd anywhere e a ·spec:lal weekend. what's going on~~ th:. t~;ning a new shop. or p~a;o"~~~ids to college. ~ !~~:~~~1~0;~~~~~~ ~~!~ 1~~e~~~:h~~ettlng c11pped). or just trying ~o ~~Pt lace. Right here. you're In the .,g ~-" The an•.., Wttat't In It fOf yvu• of apP9119 on~ pff9 VOUR ·f CALIFORNIA N Plants Open in ,_ WldMeday. March 14 1979 OAIL V PILOT .1~ Ex-Jones Follower Dies California Fonner Aide Kills Self; Tape Revealed Ry TM Associated Press rht• t r.iJ:t•dy o( the mass murder·s u1c1de at Jonestown. liuy1111a, wu:. n ·callt:d loduy us a former s pokesman for the cult rn1nm1tted "u1<·1dc und NAC' broadcast a tape of the Rev Jim .lo1Wh o lwrt1n1< hill rollow~r1> amid screams to s wallow a poisoned Prokes. 31. never regained consciousness afte r finne one 32 caliber bullet into h1io. head He d.led three hours later al a hospital. SACRAMENTO 11\ I' 1 .\ doctors said • f~d~ral rulm.: lh•tt hul dov.n flv~ E l ('OO!'\l pov.t>1 plants for t>nrth.Qualte !>all'ty c nminallon~ bhouldn't nrfc<'t l\~11iforn1 1t ~· .. 1\' o pokt'"''onwn lot lht ,1,111• t:i;nl•racy Comm1si.1111\ drink -Prokes was one of 80 members at the cult's complex m Guyana to survtve the murder~sulcid& ritual last Nov. 17 in which more than 900 perished. Almost all were poisoned by a cyanide·laced fruit dnnk In San l<'ranc1sl'o. mennwtule, auctioneers orte;ed re mnants of t lw l't'Oplt•b 1\•m pll' headquarters for sale ( __ .,_;r_,r_i· ____ J MIKI-: PROKF.S. ;\ FORMER TV reporter who at one time s1>ukt• for Jon.::,. shot himself in the head m Modesto Tuesday 111.:ht. monwnt'> aftt·r dtofending the J onestown suicides at a news 1 onfrrn1n• NBC broadcas t portions of the Jones tape. which 1t said 1t got from unnamed sources. on the "Today " show this morning On it. Jim Jones urged his followers to "take the potion" JUSl before hf: learned that Hep Leo Ryan and fo ur others had been kill ed at a Guya na a1rstnp ~ Jiii I. t•' v. u Ill .1 n ..., t t• JI ha n 11 Ur.1clf1t•l<I l'Om nwntt'(I Tu,•,d.1\ 0 n l h l' I U I I II ~ tl \ l h t' l .... Nu<' 1<•-.ir Ii 1·.: u I .i tu r., ( nm mu1s1on 'l'H ~ot no nwrtyr eomplex." he said after reading a five· p.1.,:1• 11..C,·n:s\' 11( lht: rull ·Hut I refu e to let my black brothers and .,11\ll•rl\ dll' w vain · Ryan a nd lour othe rs. inc luding a n NBC news man and an NBC cameraman. were killed on the a1rslr1p ............. COMMITS SUICIDE Mike Prokes l'roke., tht•n walked out o( a motel meeting room into an ad1a- 1·t·nt bathroom. where eight reporters and photoeraphers heard a "''"~le :.hot ring out Meanwhile. in San Francisco. re mnants of the Peoples Temple headquarters wen• to be auctioned off today, BOllpftal Co•t• Dip L OS A!\Gt-;l.ES c,\(>1 Calaforrua ho:.pnals l'la1m to t:w maktng proi;in·~s 1n tht• v.Jr again~t mOal1on b) rrnrt1r1pa1 ing 1n a voluntary program tu hold down (·ost 1nt•reC1St>S anrl thus n-duc•f' pn·~sure for gO\ern ment re~ulat1on of lht•r r ratt·' 'I'm Cra%y About ltle' HOME STYLE BRIDGE TOMORROW NIGHT (Every Thurs. Evening) John WaYJie Talks A bout Life, Love on TJI ORANGE COAST BRIDGE CLUB ~45 E. 19th at Fullerton, Costa Mesa activities on his recuperation agenda Cah fomwns would ha' t' 'Pt·n1 $1 30 m1l l1on m orl• fu r hospitalization last y1:ar w1thou1 the Voluntary Effort. lht• pro gram's ch:.1rman. R Brurl! An drews. said Tuesday Mf»G#Ure> Adranc-e>• SAC RAM ENTO (AP 1 Penalties for r ape would rise sharply under a bill wmnmg ap proval of the Judiciary Commit- tee of the sta te Senate The vote was 6· l Tuesdlly on SB 13 by Sen. H.L. 81chardson. R-Arcadia, sending it to th£- Senate Finance Committee. The bill, for which a hearing was held last week. would add ~ive years to a sentence for one prior rllpe conviction and 10 years t'acb for more than one convir lion. By Tbt>As&0ci ated Press .John Wa~ llt'. rt.'l'uvering steadily at hi!\ Nev. port Bea<'h home from cancer :.urgl·r~ ~a)., 1t '.., d1fhC'ull to wa tch old f1lml\ \\ht'n ht• wa:,. a good looking, -io year old mun and s uddenly I can look O\t'r h<'rt' and set.' this 71 year old." Waynl' wa s 1nter v1e wed the day bl·fort> his stomC1 ch was removed in a nine ·hour operation Jan 12 Thl' ABC· T V tntC'rvif'w, conducted by Barbarn Walters. was a1n•d for lht' first time Tuesday night WAY NE ADM ITT E D ll E !>t'es himself as lht· rough , hard drinking h (• r o p o r t r a y e d i n m a n y o f h 1 s Holl ywood blockbus tt-rs "I lake to drink." he s:i1d. "And 1 ltkc wo men. and I 'vc probably ht•cn a lot softer than I should be on occasion with them. And a lot tougher on some rncn. mainly myself ·· Wayne said he soml.'t1mes has dif· ficult moments when watching his old m ovies .. It's kind of irntat1ng to see I was a good looking. 40·year old man and sud- denly I ran look over here and see this 71 -y('(lr-old I'm not squawking. but you know you kind of think. ·God, I was pretty wonderful then '· "Off screen. do you like you"" asked Miss Walters. · · 1 ·m c r azy about me." Wayne replil'd. "I just want to bt• a round for a long time " Thi• l \\ll'l'-d1vorced star. who separat l'd from his third wifl.'. Pilar, in 1973. said Ill' d1dn ·t thtnk he'd be getting mar· ried again .. If I Wl're a young man of 50 or so. ye~ Rut I think 1t 's pretty ricticulous at 71 to star1 l hmking about marriage," he ~aid Wayne said hl' has a "deep affection" for his secret ary, Pal Stacey "She's young and wonderful and thoughtful and has made my life very comfortable and very exciting at times." he said. Miss Stacey said Wayne walks and jog6 one mile daily and attends business meetings in addition to less strenuous "He plays cards lll lhE' J ohn Wayne Call for Info: 548-3302 Tennis Club. pla> c; backgammon and .. ••••••••••••••••••• .. r hess too." shr said "lie watches a lot _~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ of television He enjoys the game shows a nd watches a lot of old movies " Asked about the prospect of Waync-·s returning to the cameras. she added "he's ready to go back to work as soon as the doctors say he's up to 1t ·· MISS STACY SAID WAYNE plans to stick to the Newport Beach area and his Bayshores home <H~ has scheduJed no public appeara nCl'S Ills son. Patrick. will s tand an for tum April 9 when he 1s inducted into the Na- tional Sports Wnll'rs and Sportras ters Hall or Fame Wayne Will be the first tn· ductee m a category mtroduccd last year for persons who m ake a s1gn.if1cant contribution to sports and then go on to outstanding achievements in other fi elds fields Wayne wa:,. a s tar tackle at lhe Un1 vers1ty of Southern California before he became a film hero ~ .. • HERK f Rlf.DL-\'01-R I!' '1 \Kl'\(, f,Rt-.. \T Of-. \I_, BUY OR LEASE! Ax Attack Testimony "=.~ Fromme Hit For Attack FREE 50 GALS OF GAS Draws Hu~ Crowd S AN DI EGO <AP l Overnow rowds packed a San Diego courtroom where 15-year -old Mary Vi cent has been starmg down a merchant seaman charged with hacking off her arms with an ax a fte r a sexual attack. The Las Vegas teen -ager remained firm Tuesday in identify- ing Lawrence Singleton, 51, as the man who promised her a ride to Los Angeles but late r raped and mutila ted her. Miss Vincent. who was found wandering nude and bloody in a rural area near Modesto last Sept. 30, has been glaring at Singleton throughout he r t estimony, ma king him visibly uneasy. Singleton, of Sparks. Ne v .. was arrested nme days later and is being tried before Superior Court Judge Earl H. Mass Jr. on char ges of m ayhem , kidnapping. attempted murder. r ape, oral copulation a nd sodomy in connection with the attack. MISS VINCENT TESTIFIED Tuesday that she twice decided aga inst trying lo escape from the driver of a blue van she iden· tified as Singleton before she was assaulted. During an hour of cross-examination in her second day on the s tand. Gonzales a ttempted to port.ray Miss Vincent as a street-wise runaway, asking whether she told the couple that found her she had been raped. Alter Miss Vincent was dismissed subject to recall later, Stanislaus County District Attorney Don Stahl began corroborating her testimony. ..... t.ollf. ,.,. . .....,..... F r ank McNulty. 63. of San F'rancisco has been freed from jail after serving over four years for ref using to pay taxes on his 1973 Irish S weepst a kes winnings o f $128,410. ...... •ltnW L.-..i•"9ot•I ~8UOf •_..t.._~ ...... t ~nm ..,_.......... 1.AHM11A•1111w..-. .... ..,. CCl9fll •M • •1tt I&......,.._• ... ,.. IWffA MAml1'191 • tl .. L 11'11 a•__, """"""* .................. *4111 ... ,,..."". , ... e..11 llw. ",., .... .,, .. , ........ -.......... ..._ ..... _ ... _. SAN FRANCISCO •A P FBI agenrs say tht·y c•xpect to complt>le w1th1n a WC'ek 1n ves t1 gat1o n o f a wom a n prisoner 's complaint that she was attacked with a claw ham- me r by fellow inmate Lynelle "Sq ueaky" FrQmme . FBI special agent Roy McKin· n on said Tuesday that Ms Fromme. 30, was named an a complaint by Julienne Busic. a Croatian convicted of murder ~•~.-~ ~ . ~~ qcean breezes, greeix:ry; privacy, and peace of rmnd. Start with Jasmine Creek. ccr1ainly one of the choice locat1on' in Newport Beach. A<.ld 3 24-hour 1utendcd gate-house. Now imagine onc.,tory. 1wo. 'lory, and sptit.fevcl, i.1ngic-fam1ly allJched homl">. all o( them arch1tec1ural gems loaded w11h features. Then the Clubhouse with a pool ~ind nigh1·ligh1e~t tennis courts. (These and other common faciht1l-.; arc ma1111:11ne<.1 b)-Jtl residents who support a homeowners association.) Put these clements to- gether and you have a lifestyle most people dream o( and only a few reahLc. If you are the kind of person who demands a fine rcsrdcncc in a private community, Jasmine Creek dexrves your strong consideration. --JASMINE Clll"' In the Village of Harbor View Homes from Sl00,000 M. J. Brock & Sons, Inc. Phone ( 71 4) 640.4020 ,. Robtlrl N. WffdrPubll\her ThomH I( vii tEdlt6f orJnqoeo .... , 0.,,1, """' Editorial Page ------------------------------------------- Wednead1y, M11ch ''· 1979 Time to Giv Up On Airport Bu . ? Orw ~,I\ 111 rt•ht•vt• lVOftt•sUon a net rl1•m no for uddt•d :wn IC.'t' Jl Ot.m'-!e Count)' Airport ~uulrl 1'1. tu !Wl all lra vl'lt.>rh lo UM' other atrportl\ SuJ,>t1r ,'lho1 T homa<> RUe,y kno .... ~ thut fi e• h h t,.·1•n I ryang for two 't•ur~ to find a way to d•vt•rt ttt I<· st som1• l lran"w t\1u11l' tr"' t•lpr, 10 Ontur1 0 lnlNn.1t1onul A111mrt Dul Htk\ St>t>m~ lo ha\-~ Ktruck out m h1 .. t•fforl 1<1 t'!'tlJblL'h ht1' M'r\ 1c·t> that would carrv hH•6l Lllr tr uvl'll'r .. lo .inti from Ont R nu And lht• Nt•wport U1•.1r h \UfWn •~or ..., .1 ... o llttlt· m1Ht·tl ht.·t·au~t· ol 1 ht• lll'>(.llt\ •' t•ontt•nt " o( n rt'JM>rt fhut qutt ... ht•d lht• bus 111..: p ruvc1Mtl I ron1<·ully. lht• rt-po rt wu1>1 pit•purt«I .11 hi .. s Ul!J.!l''l1(111 .rnd Hilt•\ uft1moteh <i.:1.-1•d 1t 'houltl ht· t.•kt•n ut fun•' a lut• Tht• 11•1.1u1t lnuncl th.tt 'hurt haul Jll llil\t•ll'" \o\uuld tw un\\tllrn~ 1<1 'rh·nd mllrl' ttnu· tr..in•hn.: on ttw ground lh.rn m tht• .11r And that tht• t'08t of "'u h J hu ..... 1·1\u1• \\ould ht· 111 l''<'t''' ut $500.000 o Y<'ar ll!ln .tl-..1 1 11l1t·111•d lht· n·1><>rt .., l.H·I. (If 111110\,111\1· lll'!'o' 111 1t-.1hl\. thou..:h. tht• 'IU.:t.:t•'t1011 th.it .11r 11 .1\ l'l1•1 ' lw l'llt'Olll Ll~.wJ t(1 t1d1• hu .. t•, tu .rnd from Ont.11 ru ''""I 1t..1·ll 111 no v .HI\ l ' 111 lull• IH?:l tht· ,,1m1• hti..ing -.u~gt·~t111r1 "''" m..tc.lt· IJ\ tht• l<itt.• t·ounn Surwn •~or Ho n.itd l \t!'olJt't' fll!'o plan WJ!'\ Jbu fow11l to b•· w.mttn~ H1h•) !'ohoultl bl.' t'O lllfllt•ndl'd for d110!1n~ 11l JOd trying to <·om1· up with propos~h for ulle v1 a trng congl'skd l'Oll dtl ton:-. at Orani.:t• County Airport wt11d1 'cemmgly gruw ..., or:-.t• t'\ t•1 \ d u) Nt.•xt ttmt• around. howt>ver. he should makt• rcrtain hr 1:-.n t ... 1mµl) t'Ovt·rmg i:round that ha'.'> ~1lt t•;1d~ bt.·t.·11 Wl'll l'O\l\•r(•d Educational Challenge l 'C" lr\'tnl' ha ... lakt·n a step in the rig ht d1 r eelt011 b~ dt•c1d1ng to put M>mt.• tl'dh into 1ls so-eullcd br<'adth re qu1n·nwn1 Thi... 1:-. the pro<:ed urc unde r which student:, arc rt.· quin•d to take· at lca~t 12 courses outside the ir major fwlds to provide a morl' t•omprehe ns ivc un1vNsity cduca IH~n Up to now. tht· c ho1ct.• of the breadth eourses has been ,u ftt•x1hlt• that many !'.ludents managed to fulfill t he n• qu1 n·mt•11l \\'tth ('Ombanat1ons that fell far ~hurt of tht• t•rlut·ational go.it For om• thing , no writing courses <in · n·qu1rt.·d a nd ,nm\' stuclt·nb, fot·ulty membe rs complain. havt· gradual l'd without dt•v<•luping l'nough skill to writf• ;1 dt-rcnt English M'1lll·nc·t.· " T h<' nt•w plan will r~qu1rc three writing ('otJrM•:-. And. ln ass un" a truly broad-ba!:.Cd program. cour-,rs :.ilso will be required in lht• natural sc1Cnc·e<;. social :.ind bt.•havaoral .. r 1enrt·s. hum<inis t it· inquiry, foreign lunguag<'. 1tnguist1 ts. logic and m a thematics or computl'r !'o l'1t•ncc· Understandably. some students are less than en I husiastic about the projected change. But . while it 's ol~asant to be able to pick and choose among an array of t•l(•ct1ves en rout<.· to a diplom a . total freedom of <0ho1r<.· does not ncc:essanly add t•;., to higher education. llCI ~ruduatcs of the• future will have reason to take mon• pradt· in thPir diploma,., and probably will find lht•m sdvt•:-tw ttn qu11 laf1l•d for lift• Mi sing 'Students' Ttw J nnu•u·y riot sta~t·<l tJy l ran urn btUckrats outside th • Ht•\ t.•rly 1 lilb rt·:-.1d<.·n<·t· uf ttw :.hnh '8 :.lhlc·t hus had the bt•ncf1r 1al s1d<.· <.'ffect or focustnJ( a ttention on w1des preitrl ,dJUSl' of tht' s t Udl•nt VlSU i,ystt•m. Wht•n 1d(•nt1f1t•at1on of som1,,• nC the• dl•m onstrutors rl' 'l'alt.><l tht•\ wt·n.· nut altt•ndmg s t'hools thuu~h thl'y hud t.•n h•n •d tht• Urult•cJ Stute s on sl udt•nt vis as , Attorney General t;nffm lkll ord<.'rl'd ~1 full bc·a lc Justice D<·partm<.•nt in '\'St1fwt1on It no..., hub ht•tomt• :1pparc•nt that mon• lht·n '10.000 nl1c•ns holding studt.•nt v 1sns art· not t•nrollt>d Ht the :,t·hools t hey 1trt• .. uppose<l to ht· ath'ndinA · lndl>t-tl . 1mmiJ(ration :i~ents huvt• not t•ven bt>un uhlt• tn h1catt• manyofthe mis:,m~ "MUd<'nts " Tht' tn cst i~ntaon furtht•r rrveolt>d thHt :-.om<· sl'hoob hJvc been boostrn~ thl'ir enrollment by ~1v 1n.: ov1•rscub rt•t•rwtcrs prosl~nt.'d ucct.•ptunce formi; thot entltlt• tlu• holdt.•r tu opply for u stude nt vl:-.u It should tH! poss1bh• to c:ull u hult to thut prur tH't'. hut 11 muy tw morc d lrticult to truck down thC' mlstdnli( vh111 holders. Mony of them doubtlt..•ss rcgordrd the• vhm uR no more than a m cons or o~nlng the door to p 1rmontinl , If 1 llc-gal. residcncr The whole nff air has run up o red OUR on Mtlll onotlwr .1bust-ot ou r incrt>o~1ngly lnerfectlvt• lmmhcrullon Jlru l'l 'd u res • Opinions e•prOt.SOd In the sp cu ooovo era lhOH 0 1 m o Dnily f.11101 Otner v~a 01Cpreued on this page are tho10 or tho11 nulhora an<J art•sts Reader comment 1& 1nvlled AddreH Thft Dally Piiot. P 0 Box 1560. Coste Mesa. CA 9262e Phone (714) 642 4321 Boyd/Tongue Twist r llJLll. 90VD Wile ~ twlaten1 Tty lhlt one, three OmM 1wUtly .. Red Bulcll, blue Butck. NC'w1'pnnl lean mol"C' t•at1\ ly lht' way you wunt It to. vcrt ku lly , thl\n ll doci11 t'r0811WIYll -., T ht' aap In a tr<'f' dot'1 not Dear Gloon1y Gu Dubloua Achl~vem nt Aw.rd ol th pHl two y11ra m"8t JO lo lht<1 ad man who drHmed up 8tlty8"r A.R mon up In tho 8 prh1tc amt down In tht1 Autumn. It movu from tht1 t'f'lllllr (\UI toward °"' barlt In th S1,rlnic ttnd from lht• lu1rlt In tow111 1I lh• center In tho Autumn NnlhlnM h4U•t11 ll'mon drn1111 u11 moui;elrap b11ll Uf'thll' than t'heerut. 11;v.,11 ht1H1•1 than pnnut butter Mlt't1 llkt' awf'cb. Lllmon c1ropa Art1 l'WHl. And belna 11Ucky, thl'y hold tM mouH tor thci In tant It tallee th aprln• to 1nep. That'• what the rn searcht1ra now report. Oot thoao tl)I~. Q. "I've heard that If 11 rapltal crtmlnel 11 orttalally electrocuted but rail.a to di , that crtmlnal can't be u ecuted 111ln. n•htt'' A. Nnt rlabl. T•k• that lttlltr narMd Bulltn, for In at1no1. In 1• he .-nl to ttte chalr at &ena 81n1 But tnl'CMlt. to tbe~raveyant, he woke up .and umPed oul or bll Hlllll Dt n 1t help a bU. Tb lawmen eau1ht him and tleclroc:uted him 11aln, U\la llme for real. U.S. Has Real Concerns in Asia W i\Slll NG TON M ~mortes of thr tJ S o~ony in Indochina rnuke mo3l Amttrkttni; lurn l~lr lwud~ f1 om J\i.1<1 the11e doys. Sun'. C'h ant•fw Vl<'I! Premier T1·n.: tl,1011 l'1na l 'j cht•rmtnw . .ind we• urt• hup111ly detachf'd tt!i 1ow view thl' lnhu•t flithtang in Vat>tnam J1Jpanesc exports hotht•r U!I Rut m<>l4t Amtrlcans Jrt·n ·t 1ntc>rt·~kd In focusing on tht' 0 n·nt 1-t>onom1c a nd HOClal 1·hunl(t•:i ~c11na on In th<· world ':s 11111t-l pupulnul> r t•.:um Gt·or.:111 Sc•n Sum Nuor1, wh<.> ht•L1dt·d a Pa1·1(1C· Tu!'o k fo'<irt't• 111p fur lht• \ I fll I' fl ~ l' r \ I 1· l' ' Corn llllHt•c tn .Ju nu .irv. '' 1· 11 n (' (' r 11 t• II I h.11 111ar1y 111 f I u t' n l·a JI J\:-.1a n '> now doubt o ur 1om rn 1tnwnL Jn d t' rt• d 1 hthty 'l'ht• ft't!ltnK l!'I s tronge~l in .h1p1111, un t•1·onom1c powerhoust• which l'OUld J>USS the SoVll'l llmon an 1ero11s nutaonal product P a uJ Harvey by the year 2000 providefl 1l doesn't 108e its acces11 to natural tt1'ourceioc rmd encrJ(y "JAPAN i11 tcrr1bly vulner able bec111ust' It -:lt•P<'nds entirely on Sl'a lane:. for raw malt·r1al1>," Nunn says "So J11pan bu1hb 1t1> defense system to meet the ~rowing Sovl ('t naval and atr threat. They ure worried about Soviet intran.'\lge nee In refusan~ lo return four Kurilf' 111lands lh(• Sovi<'l'I seized from J apan aflt•r Wo rld War JI Tht•y ar t' al'lo w o r r i e d a b o u l :. n y IJ S withdrawal from Korf':i · · J a p a n ' 1 m 1> t• r 1 a I 1 !'I l 1 1· m1lita n st1c• iJdvcntures of the T hirties and Forties res ulted 1n such an annihilation of its n:ition and peopl<' lhal. wath Cl!n MacArthur's prodding, 1l wrote an article an the po:-.twar con i.lltut1on proh1bitan~ the creation or militar y forcc:- Uut Japa ncs t• courts have ruled that "self defense forcC'!-. .. could be maintained on the basts that the consta tut1on cannot take a way the sover('ign right of de· f<'nse This bending of the con s litutton allowed Japan lo spend 1 percent of Its hefty GNP for defenH (U S figure Is 5 per- cent >. Last year, the Japanese de· clded to buy 100 F·lSs complete with bomb racks and refueling pr obes. Japanlltie public op1ruon polls weigh increasingly in favor ol more sell-defense and the U.$ .. Japanese Mutual Defen.'IC Treaty of 1954. When Nunn was In Peking, Teng stressed that ~trengthemng this treaty should !)(' a top priori· ty for the United States. Wht'n lhe Chlnese publldy make the ... ame re<'Ommendat1on to J apan. 1l easc-s oppos1t1on to the• treaty by leflLSt-Mao1sti. tn J apan AFTER Tin: U S. group talkt:d with Te ng about th<· poss1b1hty of Chana tryln~ lo ~l!l North Korea to t alk uguin lo South Korea, Teng d1sa v<Jwed Ctuna "• ability lo influent:c the <.:o m munist hall or the penmsul.i. Somehow. a ccording to Nunn, tht• North Koreans did take iJ n e w po s iti o n a ft er th e Americans lt•ft a nd negotiation!-. resumed "Chana dealt with tht· issue before T<·n~·s trip," Nunn concludes. All ot this, plut1 China's bf'ntgn poli cy on Tulwon, Ii. <'Vldcnce that the Ch inese, Kor euns and Japan.-se alike want the United States to n·- maln a pow«>r In the Pocifi<' buln Rut Nunn 1K leny of the Ad m1nlstratlon's tilt on the f'ar East Ht> thinks that President Carter ls in the muJdlc of those who want active U S lnvolvt> mc nl all ovt-r the i:lohe und those who want to r"trnnch to "blue chip" Europt'. "We certainly don't need to t'O m mil nc•w land ror ces 1n l\sia. ·· Nunn ... ay... "We should follow lht· Ni xon <lor trint> o f h t• I 1> a n ..: 11 a t 1 o n s d e r c 11 cl lhf'mst>l vt>s Hut t ha.. rlortnnt' 1:-. not 1.1dhcrcd to an te rms of pro v1dlng .irms Look al Angola. Somalia , Taiwan <Jnd Lalin American nation!\ like RraLal They havt' all uskt•d for arms lo rem ain mdt·pcndcnt. but they ar c <Jll rc•buff<·d "I don't go aloni: with th<>M· who want the Unat1·d Slulefl to l(l'l into f'Vl•ry c11spul1• m lh1• world Evt·ry pr11hl1•m a:rn 't Communist 1ru1p1rcd. We sboul<I 'Ludy t'iJr efully on <.1 ca1w hv rai.t· basis. But w1· \huuld IN th•· Soviets know lhJl w1• 1•x1wr1 lht:m lo bt-rwutr.1J11•·d . tn U•rm•. of "IUPN1>0w1•r tw hav111r af w1 arf' to hullcl a lwllt•r rt'l<.tlaon .. h11i with them .. MORfo: THAN h:1 1f th•· w•1rlri poJlulatwn ll v1·' in A~1 .t ·r h• United State'> h<i' rl l&r f(n tratiJ wath Asia th.,n f'.ur11 p•· Th• l\slan •·conomy l'I th•· fa,t•· t growing In lh(' '"Wf>rld A"a 1, belled educated . ht'allhlt:r ;uvl more futurt-oraf'nte<l than It w:1 .. only a h·w years <.tl(r1 Hut m't'>l Amt·rH•ans turn a way · ·w,. go throuJ(h viol .. n1 'win~~ ... Nunn \CtY'> · In lht> mid ~t Xlll',. with our V1l'lnam 1n \11lvc·m1·nt. wt' luokN1 cxclu:-ol\• ly lo Asia. Now 1l hus <;wunl( tho· othe r way to Euroix· This b n1JI :Jn aver!'lton to l\s ia hul ;111 aver"1on to ~t•tl1n~ involved 1n" ~round war lht·n· ·' .. , am dom~ the best I can tu J(cl t hl' United Stat<.·'> to ht·lp with N.ian scruraty Wt· '>hf>uhl follow Mac·Arthur'' adv1c1· 111 stay out of land conn.ct hut "Ufl pl y naval and air powl'r 1f nl'ccs:-.a ry." 'Star W ars'W eaponry May Checkmate War War is going oul of s tyle lllg wars have become too d<'vastating to contemplate, and WC have learned On both sides or the world that small wars -hkc Korea and Vietnam -are too de· bllitating to tolerate. So now. like It or n ot , the ~n·at nation states a re golnl( to hu vt• lo figure oul s ome m or1• c· I v i I i z e d mt•ons of n• 1-olvlng 1ntt'r nutlon dlf fon·ntl'S 'l'hl11 rr1• 'IUflPOl'il'N, nr ('OU r fll'. thnl \\I' wtll k1•1•11 0 II I I t• 1• h rtOIOl(it'ttt rlf11I ht lhP f111•t• uf ll\11•'11 11111 lldVf'lllllrlm• WP "'""' 111•1•1• tht•tn "nt 1.r111'11 lt>nMth '' 1111tl1111"" ln1h•tlnl11•ly, C'f'rt1tlnly 1111111 "'' nrf' l't'rtoln lht1v h 11v .. lr•1111w1I llu•h '""'" na11n11 .. r11 W" m1111t 11111 a11t1 '"' \ ''\I I Tl ll 11h:-1111 tU V 1111t 4'"1111111111 to "''' y wh.., 11t 1tu1 .. , .. , k. 1i.10111., 111 tltl• 4'00Ult ¥ hMYtt t•h tUl.tlll 1111111 .. Wnrllt Witt' 11 II h .. 11 •IWM\'• """" 1111•111t '"r ,,., .. , .... , """' nlll Vlttl ltlna th" lllllll•ll 111•1111 • l1IHrn•N1 VIII v llllh• th1t11uth lhfl l1f111ll11 lat11, lhul lht• i\lhm1l1u1 "'"' I lut Now ,. 111 II 111 w1111 hi 1 t11u•I 11111111 1111111111 I~ Ill '"'' IHlllUI klmt "' 11111111111 11 .• h1111t t II 11111 II ll11Mtlt' 1111 wla11 I I 111111111 lly thl11 011tw,.r1 l 1'111tnQtt In th•• Amtt r l C'Mll C'hAritC'tctr I 11 1t1d lo thl'Ot l at' 111tll•1111\ly that t h ll ''*'""fCll 1•an1~ trntn 11ld11 e1ftort1 u' o u r u n luahln1 thl' 1 tnrn 1nf1 C1rt1lln1 • wup<>n that could dHtro)' u• 111. Now I 'm not tt0 •ur There ar. doubt1 e11 1 1re•l man~ thlnt• that contribute tO thl1 rhaftlt, and which really netd a boc»tc lo explore, but I In· or•ulntlY rocu1 on whal telnf •Ion hH done to th• Amtt ean charact•r 1lnc1 ll be1an t'° bur1eon ln lhe •ao.. la I k s \\ 1 l h n u r t'.) t' :-. op c n he cause "'tlho ut "'l'jpon!> of mass destruction in our ars<'nal forced to resort to fool sold ier wa r -our 6 percent or th1' planet is no match for the hm1t less hordes of Asia . P resident Carter's propos<'d hudget included Increases for the military. llow those dollari> will be allocated ts most s1gn1I1 1·11 nt: "quality" rather than · ·q uanl1ty · · or weapons 1s nt.•t•dt>d . t>'ortunotl"ly for us. in our pro· )t'('h•d ur11t•nul iir<• som e "11tar "or11" wt•11pon11 which 11hould de- "'' uny 11oknUul t•ncm y from I uk I lllol 1111 1111 c •n U11• 11t•11 k of U<·r<'n t1'e ~··1·11•t11r:v 11 1110111 llrown ii-om· I'' ''I"''""' Ill Vt•nr 1111111111 clollur 1110 1•t't rm II "1111r·lk l1• IH•11 m " • ''"l"lt' tltc'4111•tl1·11lly <'llpuhlt• of hlttlne& h11111h1•cli. or lnrHt.•I.." In 11 • 1116' h• "f'f'llntl t• i\ N 1•'1. 11f : • .1 •11· l1'nll11h llell •'C' thnl 1111" n urk lloac·rs de3th r3y" \\eapon fired at the s~ of h J::ht agaUlSt in truders on the ground or an space ~-ould fraule them. And that 1s JUSl one proposed weapon which promises even t ually to r ende r tanks and pla nes and a rtiller y and root so ldiers impotent Dr. W1Uiam Perry. an charge of research and engan~nng for the Pe ntagon , says the ne w "precision guided munitions have greater potential for rev- olutionizing tactical wa rfare than did the introduction of radar in World War II." T h ere are a rlllle ry Rhe ll!' which sprout wings and scan the la ndscape !or w t arget. Bombs with TV cameras In Lhem to home-In on anything. Rombrs lhut sprout wlnl(s and fly dlrec:Uy into a tarl(et. l'rojectilt.'t'I thot trull almtnM w1re11 ... ulmlng urtill~ry by n ·mot1• c-ontrol miles from lht.• h11ll l1•(1t•ld In the future. :rn in\t•,tmcnt nf SI b1lhon promts<."> to mm1mm· or eliminate further nt.:t>d for m1l11on·dollar tanb . $24 malhon aircraft and carrtl'r ' that co!>l S:! btlhon each WE KNOW that lht• nu. .. ~t:.Hl' are also emphas mng l<'chnolo.i.: v m weaponry and havr addt·d more than J.000 s trateg1<' m1:-. slles with nuclear warheads JU'' m the last yeur. Som e or our wc•apons 11' search, lnc-ludinJ( the propos•'<I "death ray." Is deslanC"d lo d, .. fung their offensiv(' capahlhty Flxed·base ICBMs a rc ulrt•ady obsolescent. And the cong ressional <'Om milt~ concernC'd a rc assun'<I that our military has w1•apon:-. upcoming more ~ophiRt1 cah''1 , m o re deciBive. Ground wars in Korcu amt Vlf'tnam end ed in u s tandoff Cf'aae -flre. Star wars may h · cht•ckmatcd before they start ...reates a New Kind of Loneliness A whllt• bnc-k Lo11 Angf'lf'll 1'1nu•" <'Olumnl11t Art Sl'ldCW· h 1H1m wrote hl11 h111t lhro<H• w .. ttk rolumn t>cror(' t aklnl( over 1lutlt1" H book editor. It was u httttr\ fl"lt plttto 1bout the fearful t11t11lvlty Induced In Amertcaf\11 1y hou"' ol prime tlml' 11pcnt In "th• aovorelan a tate or l'RIUlonJ•." "rtlmu time ltftC IC deKcrlbtl11 u unlvenit of "hut-Ina. Prime \Im•' 11Hd to b4> when pe<)J>lc <1ult tho doy '• l abon trnd we nt o ut amon1 each other, to eat. drink or even servo iood cau1e11. l.A!l1ure w11 wbal a pert0n w1nt C!d to do, not an eurcl11e In belntt tert alone wtth cleotronJca. "WREN t c levlalon bo11n mumerlaln1 Amerlcan11, we wondered wh ethe r lt would 1tupefy chJldren uncouraaln1 lhem lO be nonre1der1 and non parUt'-ll· Wt didn't wonder tnou1h wha t It mt11hl do to In· 1ial1lt tMlulla. I think lt levt1k>n tncttt1 people tt> do nothln1, mMt no one and p111 prlmo Ume ln a Pf'til"P .t'Ondlllon " I em bJ natun f 1r too puttvt for my own ww. It 11 ettitllr tor lh•$ rtatiOa,u.at l have decllnitd Lo eet -booked by tht tube. I ~ seldom look at anythln.c 11ove nt>w1 at 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. THIS CREATES n barrier bet ween m e a nd people who are hooked I om oware of this when. or a mornlnA, I find the converullon of adulta 111 almoftl nctu11lvcly or whtll they have l('Cn t.he nl11hl bc>fore. The other nlf(hl u plcuant young fellow came up to me In a rf>1taurunl a nd sold he wanted to meet me becauae he was 1 "now1 irouple" and wanted to m ef't people who workod on new1papera. It turned out he waa • celebrlty ol the flret water, .Robert Walden, lhe hot· shol young reporter who ap-. pcara on the Lou Grant show. l had never aeen the s how. and probably never will. I 1m a lmoet cnmplctt-ly Insulated from thtt telly world. &nd trual tt will 1tay that way . I pre!er that to belna lnautatl'd the other way. There are orawbackl to lhJa rl1td atancc, and I recoplae them . Columnl1t1 art1 a uppo1ed to how and 1h1re the concernt ol other people. and tbeee day1 moet ol theM concern• rlH ftom lhe lube. Much rtcb material for satire a nd rough comment 1s mlHed by people who do not de· vote hours or their llvea lo what lhe tube Hys. I don 't wont any purl or thl8 new lon<'llnt>IUJ that Seldt'n· b•um d<'ftcrlbcd. It ts a n In huma n condition. a deliberut.- removal of sl'lf from the con <'l'rns that huvt' 11lwny14 move.'<! humRn bf'lnr•· WorRe, u IR 1111 u bdlcatlon o 11elf EVEN if tclcvlaion wus good, It would bl' bud rr the com- mercta.la weN' not Ro a ppallln1. If lhe meretricious •Ps>eals lo the 1reec1 of chlldttn were not so blatant, ll the taste of the sit · com 1 were not "o appa1Un1, the medium would allll have the ef· feet of turnlnac 1>eople Into roboll. NothJ~ Orwf'll invented for 1984 Is quite a. ttorrlfyln1, viewed tub tpe<'lt o•lt,.,.UOlU, 81 whnt televl11lon has dooe to th• IOUI of man. And this WU not done by aomt m a levolent dic tator It wu don wUUncly by ~pie who de11l11nate their o w n s~cltt1 as uplent. The Sarnoff• and the Paloys merel.J round a nffd and filled lt: lbe need for nesc:lcnce. NATION Hospital Cofft Limits Studied 8) WALTER R. MEARS ... ._ ... , . .._....., WASHINGTON Pre ad nl Cntt"r'it hard w ll for n IJd on hoitp1tal coi;t 1n1·n •aH•'I ma~ prom1i.t• more than ht bill cun dt>ll Vt'r Whatt>ver the ml'rtl\ or a cetl 1n.i on soannJt ho P•t•I rat(' . It won't m akt• <1n 1mmt"dlate dent In l ht• 0\ t•ra II rlltt' or innauon, und 1t won't ht• a dt•\'hl\'e c,tep to war<t hulun<'1ng tht• frdt•ral budRet W ft AT IT W II. L du . It Congr~ n.:n"t.'S. I~ put ltm1b on tht' futun• pt 1c.'e o( hospital rooms and !'it'rvu.•e:., a d1fflr ult area bt>t'JU:.l' tht• ron11 umer buV1'1 out of nl'~d . not r hoace. a~d bt>cause must b1lb are paid m d1rt-ctly ·rn lht· ~l.1:.t, ho~p1tuls hJ\t> had liltlt• anrenllvt• tu bl' t•ff1 c1t>nl." C.irter siud 1n pro~tng his bill. a toned down Hrs1on of one that died in Congress la~l ~ea r "The hospital se<'tor ti-fun damentalty different from any othe r sector in our e('ooomy NormJI buyt•r \flll•r 1elu tionsh1pa 4trtd normal market forn•:o. do nut exlat ' THAT'' R•;('/\tJSE IH'tJlllt' don't usually cboo11c to ~l)(•nd m oney ut the hos1>1l I And about 90 l)f'rcenl or tho. .... who Ar<' hMpllallzt'd huvt-1ne.uranc.- to r1wt1r lb blllJ So Carter "unl11 tu to.t•t .1 nu lion al volunlitry llttHl · · of U 7 percent on hoApltal f'O•t 1n crc>h('S 1n 1979, then put mun ctatory llmats on ho!>pltol:, that r.ul to mt"i.'l lhat '1•H•I In UrT8, hos pital co~tb ros~ 12 8 1wrc·1.•nt . well above tht• overaJl 1nt·r,•a:.t• ol 9 ix·rct•nt in con sumt•r prtl't'!> 'l'h1• l\m f'rtcan- lloi.p1tuJ A!>'>o<·u1t111n '>J )'!> lhHl '>hO>A ., th.-!>Ut't't'" uf \-Olunt.ir) t"ff111 b , MO<'t.' prtl'l''> ro-..-by 15 fl p1•1 t·t>nt tht· )-t•a1 hdm 1• BUT I T WASN 'T <'nl trl'ly \Oluntary Nine i.tatt•i. have im· posed their own hospital CO!>l controls . C<Jrter !>ai d those con· trots have worked without am ,. pa1rlnR lht• quality of hospital l'are Tht' lndu!>tr> says 1t sho uld be ullowt>d prtl'l' 11w reases or 11 6 1w rrent m 1979 That's ne arly two poin~ h1ght.>r than the ad- m 111111ti uhon wunt~. although Its prupost'd hm1ts t'O uld be r ela xed If costs exreed c urrent torecas~ In proposing the bill, Carter said hospital ('OSl inflation ts uniquely severe , and uniquely controlJable · "It offers us one of our best oppo rlurut1es to bring down the ra te of overall inflation." he !>3td IT C'OllLD, IF 1:1dminis lralion forecasts prove accurate But not quickly, and not d ire('lly. The prke o r ser vices for hospital patie nts represents .363 per('{~nt of the overall Consumer Price Index, the government's basl(' measure of inflation Hospital services plus health in· surance represent 2 133 percent or the index. So al would take a drasti(' change m hospital costs to show ul as a change in the cost-Of· U~ng figures THAT'S NOT TO say that the savings aren't worth having. But they would not be as dramatic as administration argumen~s suuest. ·'Through this one pie('e of legislation we can, at a stroke, reduce Inflation, cut the federal budget and s ave billions of dollars of unnecessary public and private spending," Carter said. "It's one thing to talk rhetorically about balancing the budget ... s aid Secr etar y or Health. Education and Welfare Joseph A Califano Jr "This vote wall he lp balance the budget " Califano s aid the bill would save the government $21.8 billion between 1980 and 1984 prfn IS BLOOMING WITH SPECIALS UMBRELLA EXTRA AS SHOWN 5 PC. DINING SET s591s jiif~f--iiiiiiil BRO~'N JORDAN Reg . $295.00 STACKING 4-POSITION ADJUSTABLE ~-.;;.TAM ·~~I ... resh design. solid comfort. A distinctive~ look created by the unique diagonal lacing designed for long life and cool ventilated comlo". NOW $ 449 MANY OTHER BROWN JORDAN STYLES AVAILABLE UMBRELLA BONANZA SAYE 20-to 50% on CALIFORNIA, FINKEL & MALLIN UMBRELLAS CHAISE s99ss Rtt. s154.00 NOW Complete, ~~ready to use, outdoor gas cooking units A complete line of accesso- ries, replacement parts, etc. for charcoal & gas BBQa. •Burners •Knobs •Rotisseries • Lava Rock •Cookin Grills Honored Olivia Newton-John. Anglo· Australian singing star, re· ceived the covet ed Order of the British Empire from Quee n Elizabeth II at Buck- ing ham Palace Tuesday She was nominated for the honor for her services to Australian music. DAILY PILOT A 7 Radiation Fallout Questioned CARSON CITY, Nev CAPl It will be very dirrlcult, af not impossible, to accurately de· termine how much radiation ac· tually was received by people in the fallout areas from at· mos pher1c nuclear testing in Nevada during the 1950s. at· cording to t h e director of Nevada's health division. Dr. John Carr saad he ha~ learned from talks with the director or the Communi<'able Disease Center in Atlanta, G<J , that not all the tes ts in the 1950s were monitored "SOME OF T RE shots either dido 'l get re('orded properly or someone turned off the m onitor ang equipment So what actually is known to ha ve fallen out may be only a fraction or what wcis actua lly there," Carr said. SELECT FROM OUR MANY BEACH ACCESSORIES High Back Adjustable Beach Chairs Reg.$35 INCLUDING'. .. • Beach Umbrellas •Sand Chairs $2995 NOW ea. ;::::==:::J.::::::!::=!:-____ ~ ..... '(•d ,. •• 111 ..... .... .48 DAILY PILOT Coastal ZoneMov upport d • SAC:llAMENTO 1AP1 Jo n \ 1ronmt•ntuhst;, suffrr(•d u m11 Jor s t•tb1u·k wht•n it St·n•h' rom mt1tN-pprnvf'<i a bill rPmovma IH,600 orrt•s of lht> ~ nta Mon1u Mountulru. fn.un tht• <'o•,lul fln> h'<'llon wne tr ll l>N-omei; lo" thf· mra,un• '4111 111ukt• lht• f1 rs1 11111J11r 111lt•r.1 t 111 n 111 I h l' llHll• ' I n r l' t h I' L t' lo( 1 'Tu t u r t' 11 I' 11 r n \ <· ti <:ullfornw"• l.1ndmark t 011,t.d prlHt•t•h t111 lll't 111 197tl TIU: HILL C'l.E/\R•:u th1 "lulur.11 Ht''t•ur t't'' untl \\1ldlif1 Com m1th't· on u ~· :! 'otl' T111•s tidy. dt'!>Pltt• oµpcll1t•nts d1.1111h 11 "ould makl' dt•v t•lovmt•nt of tht· .irt>u more hkt'ly irnd humJ)l-e ef fort:> to mdudt• II 1n J N ut1onal Rer reauon An•o · Removing lht' land from tht: coastal zont> takei. 11 out of lhl' Jurisdtc·tlon of the stale C'oastol Comm1!!l!lon. u mo\e l'O\-l ron m1•ntalas t s µrt•d1<•tt•d '.llould loui.en tnnl rol' O\ t•r tit·\ l'lop ment Thl' mt>aSUrt', sn 39 b)' Stn Lou Cusanovrch . R-Woo<lland llalls. ~oes lo lhc Senate Fmanct.· Comm1UC<' The bill would move the zone boundary seaward between the Los Angeles County · Ventura County hne and a potnlJust castof the City of Los Angeles WodnHd1y. Metch 14 11171> Gronf Pd .'tf"" 111 ·111 · ...... l.1111"1' \, .i11d1•1 IJ1lr h ..... l1t•1•11 1-!I Jllll'<I a 10 tf,1\ ,,,,.,, 111 .tll t'\1('111111 111t.J1·1 11 11 111 ht•f ,q1.11llllt'lll I ll l '10\1dt•1wt· HI Mr-. V,111 d t•rh1ll \\ho p.11d h1 •1 Mu1d1 n•nt f1 v1· da ..... l.1lt• culh·d l h l' t: \ l C I I II fl 1111 l 11 t'. ,1 · gr o:-.s . unhl'11t•\ •tl>ll' ..,,, u11 t1on · 'llwn1~ Sel tA("lf"d PASADENA 1A I» · Mu..,1c o f Amenca" 1s the th1•me of th(• 9lst Tournament of Host's to Ix• held New Year's Day 1980 , tournament officials ~aid Tum. day. The theme was chosen from 3.710 suggestions sent 1n on postcards. The winning entry was s ubmitted by E li zabeth G i Ison of Pasadena Ei11s le in' s Brilla11ee Hailed Hy lbt> /\1omclalf'd Pr4'i.N A..rm1:; lht• worlcJ. µeoph• un· JHIUMlnAC to rl'memlwr u mun wh111w numt• m nny huvt• known 11lncc t•hll<lhood but whmw work m o11t t•ouhJ nevt•r u11ctc>n t11nd 111 o llf•·Umc 111 ... num1· w'" Albert 1-;10.,l1•1n 111ltl ht• w111> ho1 n IOO yt11f! s u~o totl,n UIS •'AM•: IS ul111osl t" huff! 111i: .1:-. th•• llww y Lhut r.1luf1ult1·tl 111111 111t11 h1 .. torv t"or lu-t•11p tur t•tl thl• llllJ~11111llon 1Jf 0111 llllll'" Ill J "'llY ft•W nwn l'Vl 'I clo i.llld IHI 11ttwr 'l'h•11l11tl h 1111 l'Vf'I 1lom• lh-Wll!! 1.1 qu11•t . w1thdrnw11 1·t11l d . whost• 1H111•11h f1•1tr1•cl lh 1l ht• m11i<ht ht• llut•kwurl l Wht·n tht')' 1111'<111111"1)1 l'Oll"IUltt·IJ t :l111t t c 111 '11 ht•ucl m u1>11·r .d 111111 o ,. u I t•t•r for 1111'11 'II" I ht• y WC11 •• told. "II d111·'11 I 111utt1·1 h1· II ll l'V1·r 111uk1· ,, ,, ... ,., .. ,., 11 1 u11ytl11n~: · 1':1n,t1·111 •w1•n1t·d 1lt•s11111·11 1111 I ht• fi11l11rt• th al l1•llihl1·il h h fil llH'r Hut 1111k1111w11 111 thrr,1• .1111und h1111, t h1• :.h ~. 1t'111111~: d11ld who luuuett lwh111,1 h•h classm11h.·:. wus h1·~1n11111.i L11 :.how a remurkul.;le ''ur111111ty A RELATIVE i.howt•d h1111 11 <'Ompass. f~instcin , hkt· u11y '1 year old. was mtnMut•d llul h•· ul:.o s1lt•ntly wondt•rt•d what un M•en fon·cs could bt• muk111~ llw <See WORl.D, Page /\IO ) FOR GOOD HEALTH ' I EXTRA INSURANCE FROM NATURE ealth0 ltrte VITAMINS VITAMIN c :~~1 HIPS VITAMIN E NATURAL d-ALPHA TOCOPHEROL 5.99 600 l.U. 50'a Plus 810FLAVONOIDS & ACEROLA 5 99 1000 "'" 100's • POTASSIUM GLUCONATE GINSENG NATURAL IOO's 1.59 :E!:AL 50'1 149 LECITHIN CAPSULES DOLOMITE TABLETS 19 GRAINS 1.7,9 CALCIUM MAGNESIUM Supplement 250'1 100·1 2.89 Doctor's Choice Medicated Acne Cleanser FRUCTOSE TABLETS PROPA P.H. Et The Natural Way To Lose Weight flat ,t'--:::=:=:=t At last a diet tor people who love sweets ... Helps clean out grime and oil-clogged pores. With a tempting low-calorie 7 day menu plan that takes the guesswork out of An aid in the treatment of acne pimples & blackheads. . J:,~;:;;;;;;;;:J dieting. 56lWOCIAll TAILETS 3.98 60L 1.29 CENTRUM Hlah P111ncr Mutt1vtta1111n Multlmlnn Ftrmul1 21 essentlal vitamins and minerals. Henn• Neutr.I Conditioner For everyone .. .lnclucllng tlntld ·permed and even damlgtd hair. ~~rllL 2.50 Henna Tint Condftloner Formullltd wlttl '""· Egyptian Henna to add color, condition and thicken yOUt' half. .. .ILaoe ·~ . -· Fiultleaa FOLDING ICE BAG 9" combination Ice cap /hot water bottle of soft. pliable 3 69 velour rubber. ma • Faultlm !!!l~!"fG~ 1.35 ·~ F1Ultlna EAR SYRINGE 2 ~:..1.49 Soft to the touch tip ,,_ i!.!~RAT!.1.45 ( ....... .... COMBIATIOI SYRIGE ............. Ouai.purpo..... 197 2 Ouart capactty - f\ ( l P ' ' 1 , I ' ' I \. /\. 1 t -Al t 1 ' P 4 ' , I ' i'. • 1 ; • r • ~ • ~ ' • r • ' 1 ~ 1 :. r 1 1 J ~ ' 1 ft ,,.. •.~ r.. 1 ~ 1 1 ~ · · • ~ • j 'f' • '/\'(I\ f\ 'II~ f I k • ' ' I". l.J l ! I t 'IM ,,A. I~~ [, t • 'I' I ''. I 11 • l I I\ ' • 'I I /, M I ( I • 1' 'IM . ' / l'..J I ) f1 ' f EINSTEIN I MISCELLANY AND • lL1 EYEWEIR FOR ·you AT CENTER MOST INSUR ANCE PROGRAMS WELCOME. WILL GIVE $10.00 REBATE OF THE COST OF AN EYE EXAMINATION TO PURCHASERS OF PRESCRIPTION LENSES & FRAMES OR CONTACT LENSES AT ANY SAV-ON OPTICAL CENTER. •===============================• THINKING OF Solt contact Lenses? (Come In and Check Our low Prices.) Just bring us your prescriptions and Doctor's O.K. for soft lenses and we can help you Join the millions of other satisfied soft lens wearers. •===========-===============?====· WE ALSO CARRY A Complete Line Of SUNGLASSES for All Sport Occasions! DISTINCTIVE Fashion Eyewear ALSO AVAILABLE AT A SAVINGS TO YOU! • Gloria Vanderbilt • Yves St. Laurent • Pierre Cardin • Oscar De La Renta And Many Others ~fr--...411ti1MtMtJMi ... for1Wff.C.. YCM1c..ptbe..ty&•1.-cehtafra1M wltll a comflrtMl1 ftt. SM w wWe Ml1diM ef ,...._ ., .... 111atr•11d11111W.p to JOU • IN HUNTINGTON BEACH 19121 Beach Blvd . Phon e: (714) 847-9833 ........ .... .. .. ,.. • I • . . . . . . . . . . I' .. , ' . . . . .. •. . . . . .. . .. :: . =: ~ . :""": :~ ·. • . • . . . · . :· . . . • ,.. .. i. POSOMA I BAN ROLL-ON ANTl.Pl!RIPIAANT DEODORANT ~ l)lsctnled or ~tCli Ory . 2.5~ l.28Q HEAD . CONDITIONER 1 ~9 ASS I SCENTS ll lj_ N . U. SHAMPOO ~ FUCKER PllSOIN AUTOMATIC SHAVING CARTRIDGES Lldles' Saf11y Sh1v1r n Leis you shave legs and Twin blades designed to 111 your Atra automatic ad1ust- 1ng razor underarms close. smoolh and sale 5.-S 99c PUOf5 99c .... .,.._ """""',....,.. 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SHULTOle OLD SPICE DEODORANT SPRAY Regular or Lime Fragrance 3 OL SIZE 2~1.49 TENNIS RACKETS •CONNORS CHAMP WOOD RACKET Designed lor the young beginning male player -#DMZ UP JOHN UNICAP M 10 essential vitamins plus iron and 6 more minerals ==2.99 ---- ----- .-CTOMMDrS CORD SHAVER Designed to help keep 1ender skin away from the blades. but let even lhe tc.ugnest whiskers through ...... 1995 ---------- LOWt "YAHTZEE" The fun game tllal makes think· ing fufl! ~~llEIAos •• -°' • 1 D FUPROP MAGIC BLOX lrJT~ISON Miracle tumbling blox ~~h perform teats that defy explanation ~v~ 1.99 ALBERTO V05 ~~ HAIR SPRAY ASSORTED FORMULAS. tn-flomt Nrly honll prlOMllCy tttt you do privttelyl ................. 7.99 PRESCRIPTIONS Portable design The fast easy way to curl your hair almost anywnere "'"° 1288 AFTER SHAVE LOTION 4¥.oz. Pt.USFIU SHAY£ atUM 6 11. PREPARATION H SUPPOSITORIES Helps shrink swelllno ot hemorrholdal tlsMs ... ir. ].79 4CJ l'IWI\ l'IU~All Vt f()!i f<..t14~ IURf.H J.a th THRU \41UROAY. MAR<H 17111 ,H(IJ' i OAY\ A WH M <I oo U• TO '' In P M MOljOlY THAii \ATUROO 'J 00 AM TO 7 00 PM SUNDAY LISTER MINT MOUTHWASH a GARGLE 1.19 ll~. MwnA nLTEI DRIP COFFEEMAKER VALUE PACK "f&UNQ FANCY" TDTUl£D PANTYHOSE Right In tune with today's leg fashion Assorted Sizes JOIE'S TREE FOOD SPIKES The tas1est. most elfec1tve wa y 10 tert11tze vour trees 2 ! 3.00 =~ 1.99 8ARft£S.fflND forCONTACT LENSES MAii CONCUrrun CLEAllR l.2 .. 1 §I_ 1£11111 SOLUTIOI l5 111. 1 II_ CIDllJG & SOMllG SOLUTION • el. 1 II COMFORT 169 DROPS 1w. - Count Vasya VODKA 6 39 IO Pf. t.75 l T. • Foster Creek STRAIGHT BOURBO• WHISKEY IO Pf. 1.75 LT. Canadian Reserve WAOIAll WHISKY 7 99 IO Pf. 1.75 l T. • HO UOUOA AT: • 5171 ........, ... hit....... . ml ...... ".,· 8 Clfll • -Clel,..... Or .. ..... PEPSI-COLA REGULAR or DIET ... POIT .. CH-tnt ......_ W........... M.Y.OIC)..a41n lu.... .... MIUIOM Ylll0~1212 ....... ,, fby. fOIMTMn'ALLn M ... 111 & w...... IAMTA AMA-Hit s-111 ...... St. l A J. DAIL V PILOT W~nNday, MllRlh 14. 1111 ' . AT YOUR SERVICE I EINSTEIN World Marks Birthdate of Einstein FAME BAFFLING Albert Elo1teln ... _ ~ fCo•U.IWd From p,, .. AK I Dt't'd)e flk kcr a nd movl' a101J bt la~r wrut(' tb al t h lll wuii tht• moment he beaan wofld,•rlol( about the unlvt>l"8C! Aa a yOWll( mon 1t lht• tum nf lht Ct'n\ury, ht' Wltit unuhlt to at l t hf' t a.C'hln«i jub tw wontf'tl and bfcamt> minor u"1t•1ol In the-SW'las poll'nt ufrl<'e For yC!Ar'I! ht• lubont1u/\IY wrut•• report.." bout t•v .. rythln..i frou1 \•alveA to prlmlt1vc voc·uum tlenners At nil(ht In u hlH'k room of hu1 l\habhv upurtnw11t, he aearrht'd for lhl• luwi.. .iovt•rn 1nl( n»ture s •:VF.RAI. Vt:ARS l.it1·r . rumor.. of .1 11·m.11kuhlc• "''ll'' of d1aroH•rw.. bt•g1Jo tu u11·kh· lhrou,,;h ll.1-,,room~ and LET'S RUM THAT RIVER! WH"IWATH.,._ GRAND CANYON MAY 21-JUMI 2 • SSOO (plw •• , 111•1 W1 HAY-I S,ACI ONLY UMm.. M.4.lCH 11 CALL 494-0763 lobort1tor1t'tt I\ rl4'rk nobody had tw11r1t of w1111 11ubhKh1ng ar11<'lc11 th 1t Wf'rt' 1h·moll11hlnJ( C'On<'l'Jll.<t of llnw, "IHH't• und muller on whlrh \t'1t•1H·1• hnd 11•<itrd for C'('l\lUrtl'I\ With ll hundful of c.·11uullons nnd fur mu lu~. l':ln11lein stutt>d th t tlml' wuk rt•lutlve, that 1t t• 1t 11.1 ll' ti 11 n I y 11i r c I at Ion lo 1>h)i.1rul nuillt•r H everything In th•• uruve~c were to dlsappcor, ·w wuulcJ tmw ttst•I( The Im· 11lk.1tw11' Wl'rc ~h•rtlcrlng J Ultl wht•11 OIUllY SC lenti~ts lwll1•v1-d tht•Y hud rt:achNI tht• hound a• lt'1> uf knowledge as utht•rs hud behl·vcd in other dJll'll rt.'lut1vlty 'wept them tn· to u \U t unavt·rM• of almost un uunli ,J hit• 1·omplex1ty THE EXCITEMENT and con· l rovt-rsy of rl'lullvity were to go far ~yond tho rurefled realm of ~<'lt'n C'P Wh e n In 19 19 n11t ronomer11 t'onflrmed some of t-;1n s t eln 's ..>a s lc pr e m ises. ncwspuper heud.Jlncs trumpeted thut the world would ~ever be the same again Einstein IJt'came a n almost myth!cal (lgurc whose every mo ment wa.'l followed by a rapt world. In the 1920s. thousands of l ectu r es o n r e l u ti v it y were packc..od with c urious, excit· cd throngs. THE LEADING London music hall told Einslt'in he could name his. pr ice IC he would top its bill for t h ree weeks. He never replied ....... 5 """ MOM. THlU NU. DISCOVERY TRAVEL Sell or trade your old ski\ f ast with a new Skiing clau ltied ad In the Dally Pilot 1 .111 '' pruhln11" f'ht•11 wnte to l'al f.>unn 11111 will c"ul 11•tl '"',." 11t>1tm11 th•• a11~!.Vt!rs and action you need to ·'"''~' ''"''1111t1n 1n mn•rrnmenl and bwune,,s Mall 11111u 11111••f1111u tn f'r1t 1>1mn . l\t Yo11r .'if'TVlce. Orange l '(llnl l>wlr1 /'1/nt I ' O f111r /[,(11. C'nsta Mesa. ('A '>1Mh •h 111111111 11•/fn,, IM /H>!l.onl1l1· I.fill be an.wnrd, /rut /1lt1111.'(f rr11111tn1"~ 11r /c'ttN.~ nnt 1ru:ludmq the r••n1fcor '!! /11/l 11111rw. 111tiln·~~ an1l hu.:;1n1•s.~ huur.~ phOn(' 11u111/ll'1 < ur111M /11· 1•1111,11l1•rc·tl 'f'll1H·11lumn <JPTJt'tlrl> dat· 1111•1 1 ··111 S11trmJo11~ · 207 Oc.-. A••· • Logmo 14HKll 642·S678 ,.. • Splral ~liceo tor easy serving "'l •Honey ·n Spice G1a1e • Cookml 3 01111111" f I r · n • Nat1onw1do sh1pp1ng so1v1r<• H l (' () 10 1ll0l' · · · •Full serv1co Oo11ca1o~stin l\~ey . 01d w orld Chooso shn11 W' • Sandwcc hes lo CJ<> Bu~d nu·~ ..... s _) (j1111.1n1r I JU r or. . . 'J111' r/011 ·1 l1mr 111 r~ l ~ .. -.,·l ~,I Wk SflY' f'ric" A.-. Always •IM!ft7 ~ "'° HOMEY BAKED HAMS 2oc !'RICES DROl'l'ED • • • • • • • • • • .... .. ~I The Quality I• the ume ... Onty price• have been •IHhedl 3700 E. COAST HWY., c-a cht Mer ,HOHi &13-9000 l ~ Ilg ~). 24&0 I RA YMOHO WAY at El TORO RD .. fl TORO, 'HOHf U7·ll22 ~ _ 190'9 BEACH BLVD. at GARFIEt.O. HUMT1"'6TOM IUCH. 'HOHi 141-1575 .... ,.,..., ,Anallo•m l)rfll'OA Pj!Am 51)11"<15 l• H1br• ~an O.~ NMn H<Wl_,,,., ...Ill • 1 • • • • •. t . . ' . Need $10,000? It's Yours For Just 5155.26 a t1onth! Your how;e can ht· .1 On a $10,CX)') l0a.11. ){Clod '-'>Lii 11· of morn·v wht·n mmthlv paynlt'nL<.; are for l~I \1111 1)('1'11 t•xlrn nrnk:v Wilh mont~ ,,1 an annu:il pc..1 ct>nt .1 "t'l 111111 inort,1MJ.(1' loan Imm a)o(c ratC' of 1i1r,. TOlal of p.iv- .'ti or_.·· Coll Pf" for ('on f rollfl>d I> J-:,\ fl I' I\ T <';in > 1111 I 1•11 mt· wh11t prvktlwn J hav1• ag:un!>I .1 htll t'Ollt•('tor who 1s harassing mt"' 1 ·111 part1c11Jarly 1ntl•n•11tt•d tn rc~ulal&ons concc:rn 1n~ clt-partmcnl st on· col lt•rt mn methods N.W , Costa Mesa The Robbins·RoHc nthal t'air Debt Collecllon Act {Chapter 907> places Umltatlons on dece ptive and strong-arm s trategies s uch as late night phone calls, threats , and discussing alleged debts wltb employers and neighbors. Only 10 percent of debt collection Is done by lict>nsed collection agencies; the remainder is performed by In-house colJedors s uch as banks. retailers and finance companies Alt.boudl the collection practices of licensed collection agencies are regulated by the !>tatP Bureau of Collection and Investigative Services, It was not until the enactment of Chapte r 907 that limitation!' werE> placed on in·house collectors s uch as dE>parlment stores. A federal bill also went into effect in 1978 which provides stringent Umilatlons on the prac· tices of priva te collection agencies, but not on the activities of in-house collectors. Callforola 's new law addresses the practices of aJJ individuali. or organizations collecting debts. The law specifies that communications between collectors and deb· tors' employe rs be in written form so content can be controlled. Oral communication wllb e mployers is allowed 15 days after a letter Is malled, bat only for purposes of localing the debtor and verifying employment. \liPtnamPsr Spotuor111tip Op#"tt'! To the world E instein was the ultim ate absent·m lnde d pro· fessor. People look delight wben he once forgot where he lived and had to telephone a friend to get his own address. YET ALBERT Einstein was far more lhan a scientist. An ar- dent idealist . he used his fame to pl ead l o r p eace a nd brotherhood . But e ven his frie nds often found the great man of science embarrassingly naive amid the grubby realities or politics. lie was, as one friend sa id , "exce edingl y straightforward , honest a nd cb1ldllke." His hope lhat the problems or m en could be solved as rational· Jy as those of science waa tossed aside by tM horror that be1an 1n the 1930s. In 1933 be fled hi.. native Germany alte r the Nazi ..,, who burnt his works and vUJ.ificd re lativity as a J ew ish plot. s wept to power. AT IDS UllGING, the United States began the experiments that culminated In 1945 with the first atomic bomb. For the rest or h is Ufe hl' bla med himself fo r h aving helped give humanity the means to destroy Itself. ''l have never belonged to any country, my home . m y friend:-. oc even my i mmedjate family with my whole heart." he told <-• friend. L.onlmln 1al Crt-'<lll. you {;111 ITl('nL"i. $18.nll .20. horrov. up tn Ui.Om (Jl"I th1· Call us today to nppl y. v;1lui· or \flllr hcim· :mcl we'll find a way to hdp DEAR PAT : I would like to rind out how I can bt'come a spon~or for a Vietnamese refugee I've heard of an organization called Intcrnalt0nal Rescue Committee. but I'm not sure 1f thi s ts the group that helps these refug~s. TL , Costa Mes a Bob Woodhead, director of the Orange County branch of International Rescue CommJltee Inc., has mailed inforrnallon to vou which explains how you may sponsor a .refugee from Indochina. In· formation about this group can be requested by writing to: 206 W. 4th St., Solle 227, Santa Ana, Calli. mot. or by pboolng 547·5683. Win a fabulous Brimhall piano or other great prizes! • See dohn BrimhaU's famous Glass Piano! NO POINTS. NO l 'REPAYMEITT PENALTY COMME"CIAL CR.,EDIT CQRJ'Of{ATION &Jc::\ a financial service of \::J r::J CONTROL DATA CORJlQR..ATION 1\ Jo.tn nl $.1.000 and ovc•r must Ix· serurt'fl h\ a 1 0111hma11on of n·al and pc:r-..onal prnpt'rl} @ U1t0t• I "" r \ \IE A • :!ill E. I /ch :-r • 1'1'.i·Hitlll Ill '\I I '\I .TO'i flEAC.11 • 1(1()75 <;uldl'n w .. ..i St.• an. 7771 \11..,.._l(l' VII.JO • 211'15 Aliria l':i1l"·'» ~uir,. I • 7711.2c,;1 1111>\ ''·~· • 1111 Tc1"11 ~ <:nunl" Hrl , Sutlt' :.!h • :>J/.~1871 ,, ~ f ,, .......... ,,. , .... , ... ,. I t t "' I •• • • • ... , " •• Pamphlet Covers Rmtae Deab DEAR READERS: If you have any questions about the ins and outs of purchasing real estate, you'll rmd all the answers In a new, 15·page booklet, "Buying a House," avalJ1ble free from the Orange County Office of Consumer Affairs. The purchase agreement , deposit, escrow, types of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-real e~ate~am,c~~ngcos~andconsumer com NEWPORT HARBO IN-THE-WATER 'BOATSHO POWER BOAT SHOW MAR. 14· 18 • SAILBOAT SHOW MAR. 21 -26 I H II /1 Ii RAT1181GIMJftTHAll JSI ta.,J •-Tiii-WAR VAUID AT $10 auDll HOUIS1 Wednesday-Thuooy Friday·S.turday Sunday 11•tt7 '9 11•te10 Pl' 11 •ti.,. plaint sources are among the topics included. Free booklels dealing with mall orders and landlord/tenant in.formation also can be requested at the consumer affairs offices in Santa Ana (511 N. Sycamore St.) and Huntington Be1ch C2000 Main St.). Roger's~--~ introduces a new concept in plant care ••• for those who care too much! Promote. Growth ... supplies essential nutrients to promote he1'1lthy plant growth. Pl'ovld•• Oxygen ••. ro the lmponant root are.a preventing rOOI rot. detoliarion. and plant death. Prevenu Overwaterla9 ••• an Indoor plant food that also supplies the necessary oxygen to plAnt roots. Roger's CllrdeM • 640-5800 San Joaquin at MacArthur• Newport BMctl • 9 am-6 pm • Now. there's an easy, affordable way for children. teens. adults and tieniors to learn how to play the piano or organ. And we make It just as easy and affordable to buy or rent a superb Brimhall piano. Play the music you really en)Oy. for your own musical self-expr~ion and for the delight of your family and friends. Lessons are only $25 a month for 4 one-hour sessions. At last, the Brimhall Method used by 50.000 teachers across America tS available to you. All ages learn to play quickly from 15 top music teachers in comfortable. conveniently located prof~ional facilities. You can do it, too! • Private and group piano and organ instruction • Piano and organ sales • P'tano rentals • Sheet music • Music gift center • Tape recorders JOIN THE GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION! • OaUy registration for a fabulous Brimhall piano: Drawing April 15. • DaUy drawings for 12 weeks of piano or organ lessons: • Meet famed music author-publisher John Brimhall . • See the Glass P'iano-plus 38 models of exclusive Bnmhall pianos and organs. • Hear Orange County church organists in concen Sunday, March 18. • Brown Bag music lessons. March 19-23, 11:45a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Buy lunch for $1.75 (or bring your own) ar1d receive a demo lesson. • Piano and 0tgan demonstrations nightly every half hour. • "Star Teacher" night. Wednesday. March 21. 3941·8 s. Bristol 5"et at SunfloweT. Senta Ana (714) 751·1121 Open Monday through FTfdoy lOa.m. to 9p.m., Sot\.l'doy, 9o.m. to 6p.m and Sunday 11 o.m. to5 p.m . ' I s " y ~I h i n st st Y• OJ da ea All Pol •ii N'1 i., J. ~# .... ~~ I ORANGE COUNTY I OBITUARIES QUEENIE • i\.\. (..,_, ·''"'ct., ; 'I 'I''° d1•f101l•·h nri-d J t hJ11g1· ~~--~~- .~~--------~ ~It N ot ire-. •LAI JOI LL Death Not it"E>• or.•t..q,r~Ntontn Funer•I Wr v1 t •Ill i. ""l<I on n.urw .. , M•rt" I) ,.,. •• 11 00 AM •• flfoll Bro.to .... (lllP<rl "'"" ll•v CIW"•• (l•rl OI Uc 1attl'\Qi f r•f'ncu, rrtdV c dll dt thfo DAIL v "LOT A ' J Airport Congestion Study Discarded fty GA RV GllANVIU..E Of , ... O.lly ...... t"'" A ~tutl)' u1nll'<.I ol l1nd1ng o w11y to hu!» dH lruvt·h·r11 llWl.IV rrom Or1mgc County Airport And toward Ont1trlo lnh.'rn~•tlonuJ Airport was abandoned Tut•isda)' by l'OUnty a upt.•rvltiOJ"ll It ~ u" S111k'rvt"lor ThomM Riley wh~l llrJ.(1-<l hll' (t•lluw NOf)('rVllllOfS lo ••bort tht-atudy undt•rlMkt•n l~i.t May hv tht• county·., (iN\cr.al ~crv1cti6 At:t·1wy ((,SA 1 R 11t•v flald hP w <1 ''d1-;u1)po1nted. rru~ll utcd illl\J ll1..,t·ouraged" by a "lhHI~ re11mt l'I 'h1t•k of Innovative llt"•I> .ind · 'bo:s11ws11 ui. usual ap- 11r11u1'11 .., I M l l. T \ 1' •; 0 l S L \' , l h e ~l'~ Vt>rl lkuch ~upcrv1sor s1ud he w.1 ... not alw11don1ng hi:. effort to help rt l11•vf• t•o11.:t>!»llon ut Orange County Airport by divl'rting air travelers to llH• Ontario 1rport I "111 l11: hack with another pro· po1<;1I •• lhlt>y !>81d a!t he asked that lht> GSA '\tudy be .. terminated " A ru1 . hl· added 1n a hint at what he m1~ht nt•xt prupo~l' wh en he said "Now that we havt! all the excuses of why the bus service will not work. hope fully we can find support in the private sector. THE GSA REPORT that had Rtley ao das<•nrhanted 1rn1nted out a number of flaws 1n the busing pro- po11al. One mentioned was that short haul air travelers are not willing lo lake Ion.: bus tnps lo and from short iur hops And. the study lnd1cated, a majon- ty or the air travelers who use Orange County Airport ltve within a lS·mile radius of the airport Furthermore, accor ding to lhe GSA s tudy. onJy 8 percent of those who now use Orange County Airport indicated in a survey that Ontario In- Newport, Huntington County Hires Guards NewJ>Ort Bearh and Huntington Beach city lifeguards were hired by Orange County s upervisors Tuesday lo provide rescue service thls year at two north C'oast beaches S upervisors will pay Newport Beach $35.277 for lifeguard ser vkc at beaches along the Santa Ana River J~lty whlle lluntmgton Bea<'h will re- ceive $56,1.20 for Lifeguard serVlcc in Sunset Beach County orficials said the lifeguard contracts are similar to arrange - me nts with the cities in past years Supervisors earlier hired a pnvate firm to provide lifeguard services to unincorporated south coast beaches. Approval of that $112,438 contract with Lifeguard International Services ended a long-standing coun- ty practice of eonlracting for the service with the c1t1es or San Clemente and Laguna Beach Speed Course Slated An eight-week s peed reading course is under way at the YMCA. 26706 "C"' Getty Ori ve. Laguna Niguel. More information and res- ervations are available al the YM· CA . 831-9622 or 495-0453 ternatlonaJ would be theil aecond choice. LOS ANGELES AND Long Beach airports finished far ahead of Ontario as second cbotces in the survey. The airport In Ontario did best among tourists, seen by them as :J satisfactory way to shuttle to and from Orange County's tourist atlrac lions . But the GSA study report indicated that 65 percent or those who travel to and from Orange County Airport are on business trips. To make matters worse for the pro· spect of diverting travelers to On- tario, the GSA report said any bus service would have to be heavily sub sid1zed. COST OF operating IS round tnpi. from Orange County to Ontario would run an estimated $503,028 an nually, according to the CSA report Such words or discouragement were enough to make Riley and his fellow supervisors conclude "the overall negative content of the report would doom the <bus 1 project to failure." So. on a quick S-0 vote, the study was terminated. M AZIE IU .. ~Ofll •ulo.m Of c ...... -.. C• P1s>ec1 ...... Ml•cr. 13 "'• •• ,,.. -ot U Y'I'•" S.loWd 0.UQ"I•• Of E\ltll~ l_.1n Of (0\11 Me.• (I ~IO...... mor..... of 010 lon4t,n Ot N•wp0rt Be•<" C• F..,,.,., \Hvt<e. w111 i. .,.l<I on "" .,.. M1rc11 •• .." "' ,... °"""'""" Fuf'W'r•t ~ '" f\atn MAl"'f' Inter morh.ti'Y on ~\O•'i' M11tr< n t) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------191' from l 00 PM lo I JO PM 8•11 tnf'nt to toUo-w "' t1'«> fH"i\.C'l~U f Amltv C emeter"¥ 1n Ph•PP\tH..rQ M.ttnt Sfn,lh & fVThill MoffUd'Y i"11 £ 11tn Strf'f'I eo.1 .. -"· ~ ... LOOM IS LfUAll VN CoARNl T LOOMIS r~ ~t~nt Ot (0"14\ Mt-v. ( • Of\\\f'od AW"Y M~.Hrf't '1 1•1'11 Hf' 1\ \urvhtf"d Oy "'' w1tt1 8tdf'•Cf' 0 loom1\ o• (O\l4t Mf''d C• .tna Oftf" ~ foo Loom·~ o t L.tguntt Afi'dt" (A one t>rotnf'r H•rold I oorru\ ot Sfiattl• W9'\tl1nQ1on ~ \l\fff lorr1nt> L•fl'rdt-t of Au..,._,m Wa~"ln91on Ml'mor1a1 ~rvt<P\ wilt bf> ht'l<I on ''''"'°"" M.trc" H 10~ •• 2:00 PM at 8~tt Aro.taw"y ("<>i>el wll" RP¥ Rot> ~"V offtc1at1no Priv•tt •f' t•rmf't'ft 8~H Ar")ddlfiif'9V M ort1.1•rv dl,..CIO<• ... , q1S0 -1101t1€ 8roadw•y MOttu•t'f' dlrector1 ... , . .,50 . Deaths ·,Elsewhere PALO ALTO <AP) - Retired Rear Admiral Paul L ee, a naval t'ngint'er who played a key role in the creation of the U.S. Navy's fl eet in World War II, is dead at the age of 82. .&GNfS 0 1111 M<llORIE. ••••O•nl 01 Co••• Mew C.11 PM~ ""'"" Marc" 11, '"' •I SI fOn.J (on,..IP\CPnt .. O•Pll•l In S.,n•a AM ( ,,· !;vrvlvto by ion\ Wllll•m •ncl J""" M( Ror.., both 0 AK LAN 0 ( AP ) -- Of Co\t~ Mf-'W. C• . \l\ftr M r"\ Annifl 0 R I b E Eom1\lon ot Gla"IOw Scol1<1nd lour r . a .P merson, a or•nat"•ldr~n <1na iou• aru1 University of California or1nochl1<1""' ¥rvicP\ .,.,. "•IO on botany proft'SSOr and w.a...,\day Marc"••. 1'~ "'' oo PM •• ,,,.. HM1>ot L"•" 1oo1erno11a1 ,,..pe, one of the world's lead· wltP\ R•v !lrU<• ICurtl• PA\IOr 01 I ... i n g e X p e r l S 0 n p,,.,bvtHIA" cnurc,, of t""f' Cown;Jnf • Of '"''" _..,. olt•cl•llnq lnt•rmpnl mushrooms a nd fungi, •H••< ~· 10110 ... a ,,..,...,..,1.1.1v has died of cancer at the S.rv1( f·\ un«1for fnit· Otn<O~n Of H•rbot- lawn Mt>ufll Ol•v• M()rtuMy Of (CXI.. age Of 66. -.. ~~~~ 11£1HUT w ASHINGTON I A p ) ETHFl l 'IEINEPT r,.,~, or M Co\la M~ '" P<>s...-0 awo M.trcn -ary Tinley Daly. ll. fqlhtll·•,_.Of~y•a" Survlv..a whose syndicated C'Ol- "y 1 .. 0 •on•. Jaco w llt1N'r1 0 1 "At O I I . , Newp0r1 e...tc". Ca <>ncl .&llrrd M Umn Ur OU~e ll•lnert. Sr OI '>un (1ly C• OM appear ed 1n Roman ..,,,, .... r "'°""""' F II tPAfr I< k of 0.nv•r c th Li . eo1ouoo. a... 9"",_""°"'•r .,,0 1 .. 0 a o ~ newspapers 1n the United States a nd 24Join Canada, died Tuesday of cancer She was 76 Dean's List Home Aid Twenty-four Orange Coast residents have b een named to the dean's list for academic excellence in the College or Letters and Science at UCLA Earning at least an A· minus average last quarter were: Fro-n c..ta ~: O.vld CNt~ D•wt, u-••rMI mator. Edwud i.un ... 1 FMian, pn-bloloQy; Aooen Jam•• H.-•, -l•rect; ... delf Wlnq•lt l(~yon. und<Kl•red; Suwn EllHMl.,WlQM und«l•red From 0.... ,...,..: 11-rt L~ Hlllnrd. ~y(l'O'OQY From H-1-.t.., .. ull· IC•ren Marl~ Jont\. pollllc•t l<lence; C"nstlna M Quinn. u...,.ctarNt; 8 arb•r• Ju n .&101, s0<1otoov. Gery Ed~• Brenclt, pro0btol09y: SM•lll A"" F~"· -yclloloQy, 1'91•• 01vlo Wrobl'I, llf\10f'V From ~ h.cll: Jiii s.r- M1nes. bloclwm•llrv From s.vt1I ~: Prl~llll Joy Howard. commU11lc•tlon1 >tudlu . Cllll•rl"• Ann McNatty, Ills '°"" IM>C tOI09\' of ""°'.,,.''°' 1tudln. f'rom N•w~ ••Kiii: Jellrev S<oll 8ettrenl, ec.,,,omlct : Marte Ann~ Oemp1•v Enolls.,, David O•nlet l(lfmer, -1n .. lol09y; P•11I Jullan Smith. matllem•llC$- <Of'f'ovt•• Kflf'n<• f!rom Sall J11111 C411"hlro11110: Mk!IHI Al~ HuntlnQ. -bloloQy; Amold J.., IC~ln, llt>'f'•<S, AlcN'11 T ldH -wok•. b10<11ef'nl1try. f'rom -111 Y•lt.y: Atleft M¥1! G1nt1>oro, unc1ec1.,,..a; Jetyll s ... •.loh , -~reel SMITH & TU'1'HfU. MOITUAIY WHTCUFf CHArtL Cre1T&tory • Flower Shoo •27 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-4888 "8Cl•01HM5 SMl'lM'S MOITUAIY 627 Mein St Huntington Beach 536-6539 .... , ...... , CO&.OHW. N•Al HOMI 7801 Bolsa Ave Westminster 893-352~ 'ACIAC YllW MIMOllAL PAO Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Paclfic View Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOIMICll MOITUAllU L..guna Beech 494-e416 t.gunaHltla 788-0933 Sen .AAan Clo'etrano 4'96-1778 M&.TZl•lmtqM ....... ~ &48-2424 Cost•MeN 873--9450 -.L. llOMW.' MOmMIY 1108roedw~ OoataMeea .. ~.e·~ Meet Slate A free home improve· ment seminar is to be held from 7 to 6 p.m. Thursday at Stale Mutual Savings and Loan Association, 4001 Ma c Arthur Blvd .• Newport Beach. Speakers from Ward and Rahi.ngton's home improvement center will di scu ss kitch ens. bathrooms a nd energy conservation. Reservation informa· lio n is available at 833·8383. FirmFmed SAN DIEGO <AP> A labor code violation has resulted in a SS,000 fine against the corporation which employed a 27· year-old geologis t killed last May when an un· s hored exc avation trench collapsed . Neptune Society CllEMATtON BURIAL ... T loEA 646-7431 Call for free poftfoMo FUNERAL DIRECTORS HarborLawu Mount Olive MORTUARY· CEMETERY CREMATORY • Interment In Any C.metery •Shipment •Burlel lnHl'llnce ··s.rtnng All Faith:1" •IOU.II. NAIDU All nan • PUITlll'I Ullll. fAll'lll REUSABLE PLASTIC DIOP CLOTH •PllTICTI FUlmTUM. flllll, O"* AIAlllT Pim IPIU.I, 1m1 'P,.µ> •LIVELY COLORS! Owr P.uu &9c . IT a U " r¥. DAILY 9-9 •NO WAX. NO WORRY • · • NO KIDDING! •FASHIONABLE DESIGNS, COLORS! •SEU-STICK BACKS! SAT., SUN. 9-5:30 P.M. WESTMINSTER 15191 Beach 898-3388 IVll M NOMI -.nMaf COfTllll CHIT TO COAITI COSTA MESA 2221 Harbor Bl. (Neer Wlteon) 645-1126 SANTAANA 322 w. 17th S47-n81 AJ2 DAILY PILOT Happy Rt-union . ' _ ......... ,.·FDA Delays Testing L<,ietrile on Cancer WASIONGTON CAP> -The Na- tional Cancer Institute 1s delaying Laetrile experimentation with ad· vanced cancer patients because the f'ood and Drug Adminislration baa not yet approved the plan. Such approvaJ Is a prerequisite for testing any experimental drug on humans LAST SEPTEMBE R the institute announced plans for a six-month test or Laetrile on humans with untreat.a- bll' tumors. It asked the FDA for permission in December and normally would have received an answer m 30 dayf- But FDA spokesman Wayne Pines :>U1d Tuesday cancer treatment division said some agency officials and others have ex· preBBed concern that Laetrile could poison patjents. It is made from apricot pits containing cyanide. She said negotiations were continu - ing ,to resolve the FDA 's questions. adding that there is reason to believe the human experimentation will pro- ceed. A PANEL OF institute experts vot- ed 14 11 on Sept. 27 to proceed with the human experiments at several research sites Dr A.,rthur C Upton . institute director. said the study was Justified not because of any evidence Ur'it Laetrile can cure cancer, but lo settle "once and for all" the debate about it NATION DENTURES $199 eacb 5.AMt DAY 5CRVIC[ AVAILA&LE ORTHODONTICS &OARD QUALIFIED ORTHOOONTIST '1550- DR. ARNOLD H. FLANZER JlO~ HARBOR, COSTA MESA l4C~S fROr.t HOCOJ 642-0112 SOVTW C04aT WM0M ..... ~'-t ... •tt4~tr_. J. 1 Pa uhnt• Jt•kr, h•rt . ttnd Carlotta Brown feed their th1ldren aftC'r thl' 1!1fants \H'f(' n ·Lunwd Tucsda} follo""1ng lhl'tr abduction earl) Saturday T\\u mcrnl>t>r:, of a rebg10us st-et. of wh1l'h Mrs Jeter •rnd Mrs Bro\\n Wt•rt• unct-mt:mbers, havl' bct>n eharged in the ab dUl'lllln ·we are stall an the process or t'valualing their mvestigational new rlrug application " He said the main questions mvolved chemistry. "WE'RE TRYING TO work with them on the exact substance they wa nt to test. its quality. stabili~ and purity," Pmes said. Or Jane Hanney or the i.nsUtute's The institute says animal tests ha.ve never shown . any convincing evidence that Laetrile works against cancer. It made a nationwide appeal 14 months ago for records from Laetrile patients who felt Laetrile helped them: L:.iiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii~~~~i;;;;;;~~~~--~ Travel Fund Cuts Sought WASHINGTON tAP1 The federal govern: menl is so gene rous with travel expenses for its employees that an aver age of 22,000 of them are in the air at any given time, a Senate s ubcommittee has been lold. Sen Jim Sasser, 0 -Tenn., said the administra- tion's request for $7.9 billion in travel expenses should be cut by half a billion dollars. "USING $380 AS THE STANDARD cost or a trip, the 1980 budget yields approximately 8 million government trips," Sasser said. "This means that there are 22,000 government bureaucrats in the air al any one time, every day of the year.·• · Sasser said a cut of $500 million "would still allow 18,000 government employees to be in the air l'Vl'ry day " AS AN EXAMPLE OF generous spending on travel. Sasser cited the Economic Development Admiruslration. He said that agency has a travel budget that averages $2,000 for every permanent employee. And he said the ne w Consumer Cooperative Bank wants "$7,900 for every member of the staff, including secretaries.·· Alice M. Rivlin, director of the budget office. agreed more could be done to cut down on travel e xpenses. But she said, "Inflation is the entire ex- planation. In real terms, government travel has declined about 8 percent." "How to Be Successful in Real Estate" Wlt.t doft It 'nULY ta• to beeMCceulil,...."t•l wi.o ....t.n l...t ttiri•HI • ...... wily ...., ....... _, ...., ...., lfte It. L.... llowto ............. . .... ~ ....... Fer -It .............. , ....... ...... R_..LMcC .. ,Plt.D ,.... ...... THI UAL lSTATBS Or Randy McCardle has helped thousands of people become soccesslul. He can help yau. His own success is a feature story In the current issue of Orange County Business magazine ·auotes from the magazine: .. One of the major thrusts behind this unusual company Is Or Randy McCardle. He was a kid who had a dream. one that began to matenallze years ago when he started a small real estate oompany He named that company THE REAL ESTATERS. "Mccardle. 47. embodies a success story that began In 1953. He Is the ninth-grade dropout who hitchhiked from Pennsylvania. bought an old car for 1285 and lived in a remodeled single-car garage for a dollar a day so he could 1t1Wf his real estate career. .. Four veers later. he was still driving that car and living In that garage -but things began to get better. "Some got to know him because of his tremendous enthusiasm for real estate and l)e()()le. Others. through his lectures. and still others through his ~ and magazine columns. A high-energy level lndlvldual. Mccardle seemed to have time for Just about everything. lnchx11ng hi• family. his church and hie community. ·His ~ to education la a at°'Y wttti a happy ending • for a kid who left home at 14 to aee the world. Eight years and 80 countries l~ter he decidecMo get a JOb and a formll education." This aemlnar not only explores the b88ICt of the Reel Estate bualnees. but much moret It wlll help vou learn how to Mii YoUrMlf ao that vou can be or help to otherl. You wtll IMtn how to understand various tyPH of ell..._ ~COAST coai "I W1•11•.,. Mmdi 14 '. 10,.... .... Artl#llt 2711MstlNM..C-.MIMtC& . ,, ....... .... ,_kl& P L ... OCCIHI• Whether you rww beef'! In the ~ for '°'" ttme. n new. 0t kJ1t tNnecinO aboUt a ,,.., cerew -T"ls ... .,. ....... ew9ftlng. Save money while you shop Home Federal now has two offices conveniently located in Huntingt.on Beach shopping centers. Th serve you even better, our offices in the Seacliff Shopping Center and the Village Shopping Center are open on · Saturdays! So, when you're out running errands or doing your shopping, we're in. Our specially trained staff will make sure you get fast, courteous service. Even during busy lunch hours, you won't have to wait in long lines. We have more time for you No matter how busy you are, you can conduct your financial transactions quickly and efficiently at Home Federal. We'll promptly respond to your questions on financial planning with good, solid advice. As an added convenience, our Main St. office has walk-upAND drive-up stations. They open early on weekday mornings, and they stay open late Friday evenings. You can catch us coming or going! Double your money with Home Federal We offer you many exciting opportunities to increase your savings dollars. Like our 8% investment accounts. They can literally doub/,e your money -in less than 9 years. (See chart below) OOUBU VOl R MONtV 111111 'rf.AK!\ 8 MONTH~ WITil Ol R "-INVf<inHNT <. tRlltl<. Art' llAl.ANC"f IN II~ IJ'llTIAL >IHAR'\ Annu.11 lnlt'no<;l' 0£.~IT 8 MONTH!\' 1113, Annu.1l 't1,.l<f' s 1.000 s 2.001 H 10 y1•11r lt'rm s 5.000 SI0,006 $1 000 minimum h.!Lann· SI0,000 sio.on tf'dtt•l •rac\lt•tfll'•,,~ '"""" .. "' "4.lh<lt 1nl1111ftlru,..., ft.f'f1' f~fl' ff'K t'.t(ty Wllndf4\ilo t1I 1\f tt•f°'" I•• •l\,fftl" l,,frr1 ...,_ o rtMnp.N~t \.l.til't 1n•J mfhH,..I ""' • U\'t ,..,, tuw~ 'Vt-Al" r1rr11nr' it 1nt•1..-.i1 ... lf'f1 n •· ·••Ht•'"' ·n• ••., 1~1 .. ,.,. ~M "-"'-' "''"'""I Hh rnt1"1r.,1 .. n.J nlrft'W nl thf" .._,,, Jf" ''I tf'w 11 If',_, High interest = high yield Why not consider investing in one of Home Federal's T-certificates? A minimum deposit of$10,000 is required and the term is only six months. You'll earn a higher interest from our T .certificates than you would on a similar account at a commercial bank. Check the current interest rate at your nearby Home Federal Office. Six months from now, you will be very glad you inquired. let us tell you more The next time you're out shopping, or simply in the neighborhood, stop in to see us. Reserve a few minutes of your time to find out all about investing with Home Federal. You'll quickly see why so many Huntingt.on Beach residents have become Home Federal Savers. HOME FEDERAL St\VINGS dSan~ Buntin.non Beach Oftlce: 2111 Main St.• 688-8511 Oftlce Houn: Mon-Tbun l :OOAM-4:00PM/Frt 9:00AM-6:00PM18at tool 9:00AM-l :OOPM Walk-up Houn: Mon-Tbun 8:30-9:00AM/4:00-4:30PM/Fri 8:30-9:00AM Drive-up Houn: Mon-Tbun 8:30AM-4:30PM/Fri 8:30AM-6:00PM Westminster Oftlce: 18091 Golden Welt St.• 898-0934 OfBce HOWi: Mon·Th\&l'l 9:00AM..C:OOPM/Fri 9:00AM-6:00PMl8at tool 9:00AM-t:OOPM ..... ,.....~ ..... -.-.... ., .. °"" • INSIDE : •Business •Television •Stocks •Entertainment OAILV PILO f BJ Baseball's Million-dollar Man Arrives kyrocketi~ alaries Are Making Rich Men of the Premier Performers By DAVE ('t1NNI C HAI" Ot , .. 0.11; ............ ~nw pt>Oplt' h a'..-twen aylng th\• t•r11 of lht• SJ mtlhon·a )t'ar ha5t>ball vl.1yer 1i.. JU'' ttround th rom l'r Surpr1i..t' 11 i.. alrc•ndy hc:n• l\llhoui;ch. 1'1lt-.hur~h .. l>.lvt> P urkt•r i.1~m-d J <'Ontrar t whll h o:. nwnt., with 1nt1·11•,t Rod ('.1n•w. ~hu 1111Hk ,1 4u1tk 15 m111ut1• a J(11•1·1111·n l """ l h~· l' a.., Utll I J J\ "•W"' r 111 SHOO 11110 111· 1 "t•..i r. r Jnk' 't·1·1m1I 1111 t ht· 1·u111·11t h:.t uf bJ'\4'11.111 m11l1un.u1 , .. , \983. r;m.ing has fiV€.' y t'ar tota l to $4 5 1111111011, ur an .&vcragl' of $900,000 a Yt'J r . ins tead of thl• re ported $800,000 come Obviously, the Red Sox didn't want their MV P pla ying out has op- tion. THE RICH YANKS include Catfish Hunter 1$670,0001, Reggie J ackson C$S32.000). Tommy J ohn ($472,000). Ri c h Gossage ($45 8 ,000) and Thurman Munson <$420.000> h.'Jl t-1bly C'llll' for $175,000 ~)('r !>l'll!>Un ht• '' 111 rt•,1111} lht• r1r'l SI m1lhon J ) t'Ltr :.up.•r:-.t.u in bo.:.~hull h1:-ilor) PARKl-:K Wll.I. 1u:At'll lhut loft\ fl .:urt' 111 t•Jd1 !'>t'IJMH\ O( hb fl\l' \l'clr IHH' l llt•t'dU~t· nt J !llGlllllg h1.w11-. ' SG~ .000 •. Jl'hlt'' 1• rrwnt J nd Ullt-nd l.l 1H' t• l'I JU,..t':. .1 nd d 1• r 1• rr~·d !)J} \n Jrt11'11· 111 .1 rt·• 1·111 ~p11r1111)! '-1·1A ' fllllllt''> a ('1111f11lt•11t1.d '>llUf<'l' •" '•' \ 111~~ ( '.11 t''-" " n111 t1 ul"I inl'ludt·'> ·' 1·u:.I .. r It\ HI~ 1·l.1U\l' f111 lht· r11111 th ,1JHI fift h \t'•tr' of I h t• p,11·1 <i 1·orge Fo'\tt-r of the Cincinnati lfr1h 10111ed the magic circle last "t'l'k ~ht•n he s igned a pact expected to \ l1•1ct $750,000 per year Pell• Hose. who stoic headlines for Wt>t•ks "'1t h has open bidding war .11111111~ M'H'r<il <:l ubs. no w ranks only fu ua th 111 big kague earnings llis J \ l'J'Ul!t' I'> l'XPN'tt•d to be about $7 1~i.OOO RANKING IN A F IFTH-PLACE tie w ith Rice 1s Vida Blue. the left handed pitc her who went across the bay from Oakland to San F rancisco for $700.000 per year T he New York Yankees. often re fcrr ed to as the best team money can buy. a rc eas ily the most active team in th e m illionaire making business The Angels, also active in the !rec agent market. have only two in the top 20 'arew at $900,000 and J oe Rudi at $440.000. T he Dodgers. d espite keeping an intact lineup over t he past severa l seasons. have found the need to m ake s e v t' n o f t h c 1 r p I a y c r s ··millionaires.·' H,\St·;u O"li ('t RK I-, '-1 ru ... t rd II\ in.i 'tJll,lll ' lhu:-1• JCfJU'>l1t11•111 ~oultl 111111~: t ,111·" ..... IJ111·~ uf Sl 11111111111 111 1·m~· .11111 ~I I nulhun 111 B11~l1111 '" .ltm Rice, who thdn't even t 1 :n l'l lh1· fr1..·c Jgl•nt ruule . was given $700 1100 ,1 •,1•ason for :.c\ t•n :,.N1rs to Five players who wear pinstripes rank a mong t he top 23 in baseball , l'a ch with a m1lhon·do ll a r deal that calls for at h·a:.t $'20.000 per season T he term is used loosely, because although a player 's contra ct ca lls for Sl million, it doesn't mean he will see 1t a II at once. $1 Million $500,000 ---., ., • GI • 'i • --GI c .,, .llC c: --; -., -.¥. ;; • e GI .,, l " -c = • "i • M -ca .. ~ C) -J! " l 5 gt ~ = cS ~ e • ' c c: ! ~ ... ... i ~ ! i II c ., CD ... e. -c i. -~§ • • ~ c 11 G> af I 11 !§ f 1 • "§ cg • ;1 Jl .,§ ~ . 0..§ <.> • ~-cc • ii . if UJ .,; .! . -gl ~~ .: ~f if Ii .,. ... ~~ • • l ·I o"' = .. ·=- ... If) ::; .a .=z ... Q cc 0 Q. > <.> t-a a: _, Approximal~ Ye arly Sala rirs ()f B.u~~haJl"s rrop 20 -" ---... Ill -" ., -G> 4> tO c .,, GI .. a> GI .. -• & -c .¥. G> • ;; ., ca c i .. ~ c c "O ~ CD G> e ca • ~ .. cc CD c ., ~ -.! -Cl) 1 c: J) c -> .!! «I E s:. c t1 &§ >-e>1 0 :a _, § ~§ ~§ ~§ m . >-• ~-isi .e · i:I ii ... : ti ri e5 t:4. -.... ·~ •: ~~ ~~ G> .. !); 0 o" CD CD .., 0 t-a: -ct) 4> G> .>t. c IV ~ G> Q • =1 8 . ,c-:t .2~ a: -., Qi Cit c ~ 1 ~ cc~ ·~ 0 .., STEVE GARVEY, for ins tance. 1s the h1ghest-pa1d Dodger wit h a Sl 9 rn1 lhon contract . h ut 1t 1s stre tched out over six seasons. so he actua lly takes home "only" $325.000 a season. Lest you start to reel sorry for poor old Steve. it should be pointed out that if Garvey we re paid after each ga m t>. he would g •t a chec k for $2.006 17 e very nine innings An umpire. ror compa rison 's sake. makes as little a<; $180 per nine in ning-. Those with 15 years scn1onty t a n earn up to $382 a gaml' Bt>s1des Care w and Rudi. the •\ngl'ls have four playt•rs with pa<'b t•xceeding SI m illwn The yc <1rl} bn •ul..down, huwc \'c r . m <1kes t he m relative paupers. not even worthy or thetop 201ist DAVE LAROCHE MAKES $225.000 J season . Don Baylor is listed at S200 .000. Frank Tanana co mes in at Jn even S200.000 and Robby Grich m a kes $150.000 llu ve baseball s alarn!'> gone fro m thl· sublime to the ridiculous? At turncy Tom Reich. ~ho negotiated Pa rk<.'r ·~ h1story-mak1ng contr act. doesn't think so "The 'a lues werl•n 't established bv the playcrs or the ir re presentatives.:. s ays H l•1c:h "T h e y w e r 1.: t•st ublis hed h y t hl· d u bs . T hey wouldn't pay the price 1f t hey didn't think the play1•rs wc:rc worth 1l .. Hosto n Re d Sox veteran Gari \'astrze ms k1 has a d ifferent view. "I dido 't start this escala tion of l>a I a ries and l ' m not going to stop 1t. · · Yal>trzems ki says. "But l 'm going to get my s ha re · And who can blame anybody for takmg t hat attitude? Oilers End Tars' 15-year Tennis Streak occ vs. Gauchos? A 15-ye<1r winning str eak in lea g ue actio n fo r Ne wpo rt Harbor High was snapped Tues- d ay a s host Huntington Beach knocke d o ff th e ~>Ts, 14 1~·131 2, in Sunset League~ nis. Singles star L ance Fedderly c apt ured the d ecisive mat ch a fte r Mike Bonfa a nd fresh man Andy Andrews led an Oilers' u p- rising that produced a 131.-'l-131-Z situation with one m atch left. F edde rly fe ll be hind Chuck Ble iker. 1-3. but rallie d by breaking Bleiker's serve twict'. then held h.i s own service in the 10th game to take a 6·4 decis ion and give the Oilers the victory. "We thought we could do it, .. said Huntington Bea ch Coach Tom Harlow. "We knew we we re playing against a legend. but we had the per sonnel to do it. All our s ingles player s d id as well or better than expected Everyone contributed." The last lime Ne wport Harbor lost a league match was in 1965 when the Sailors dropped their ope ner to Santa Ana. After that, they chalked up 199 consecutive victories before losing Tuesday. It was the first league Joss for Pat Wilson, who has been the Sailors' coach for 11 ye ars. "No one likes it but I knew it was going lo happen this year," Wilson said. "It was ine vitable. The league is well balanced and these other teams are ve ry good now." The players . however , didn't fee l any added pressure. "l never eve n m entione d the stre ak," Wilson said. "They just shoot for the league title e ve ry year. That's what we work for . "The kids don't think anything o f it. T he y don •t eve n reaJ1ze 1t." IMllY ~II°' ~lle•o by GIH"\' Am~e PIRATE REBOUNDER Brian McCormick Cleft), a 6·6 sophomore for Orange Coast Coll ege's basketball team. will be in the starting lineup Thursday aft ernoon when the Pirates tangle with American River in the state JC tournament al Cal State Fullerton. Coast Area ]Cs Could Meet in Finals By JOHN SEVANO Of tlle O•llY PllOI Sl•H Fo r the firs t time in st ate J C basketball tourna ment history the Ora nge Coast area will have two participa n ts -Orange Co ast a nd Sad- dlebac k in the hunt forthestatecrown · Prior lo this season, Orange Coa st had been m the toumam ent only twice in the school's 31-year history with a second round showing its best finish. Saddle back. too. is makin~ its t h ird go.round. having lost in the opening round in •ls f1rsttwo t ries . "WE'RE JUST HAPPY to be her e." says OCC Coach T andy Gillis . whose team will m eet American River <21-9), the Valley Conference co- champion. Thursday a l 4 p m in round two a t Cal State Fullerton. "The NCAA is the top of college bas ketball, a nd this is the top of j unior college bas ketball ... Gillis has to hke his team ·s pos1t1on. Seeded second m Sunday's tournament meeting , the Pirates wer e awarded Amencan River <not con- sidered one of the strongest tea m s m the tourney 1 as its opener with the winner playing either San ta Rosa or LA Southwest . two teams OCC ha s beaten this season. Saddleback was less fortunate, drawing Ox· n ard (27·4 >. the co·cha mpion of the Western State Confere nce. in round two (6 p.m . I with the w inner adva ncing against either San Francisco CC, the s t ate runnerup last year . or Cypress, the No. 1 team in the s tate this season. "I DON'T REALLY WANT to comment on the dra w ," says Saddleback Coach Bill MulUgan, which was indication enough of his displeasure. "Naturally. I thought it was a great draw for us." counte red Gillis, adding cautiously that things llke this ha ve a tendency of backfiring. The Pirates. the South Co ast Conference champions with a 24·5 mark, will be up against American Rive r'stallfrontline (6-6.6·7,6-7 >. "They play a zone defense and are fa irly con- trolled offensively," analyzes Gillis . ''If they play a tight zone we 'll have lo lake our shots from the o utside. If we're hitting, we should do fairly well. If we 're nol we'll have troubles." TANDY GILLIS BILL MULLIGAN GILLIS IS RELYING on his guard tande m of Paul Ak in and Ray Org ill for the bulk of that shooting. Together , the twosome combined for 48 points and 15 assists in the Pirates' opening ro und victor y over Riverside . For Saddleback a nd Oxnard. the game should be decided in the trenc hes where Kevin Magee, un de feated (ll·Ol since his arrival at midseason, will be pilled against Michael J ohnson . the 1978 Los Angeles City Player oflhe Year. Both a rc similar in that they like the power game with each-Magee (6-8, 240> and Johnson <6·8. 235) having the size to make it effective. "lt ought lo be a bell of a matcbup," surmises Mulligan, whose team is 24·8 overall. "What I'm hoping for is the two will n eutralize one another,." U' THAT OCCURS, forwards Randy Whieldon and Bruce LaVallee will be c alled on lo carry the load. "I don't thjnk we have to do anything in pa rticular." says Mulligan. "We just have to play well. ··w e re alize the difficult task ahead of us . . . but it can be done." Unseld Puts ~lamp on Abdul-Jabbar lf Saddleback can handle its end, and the Pirates theirs. an all Orange Coas t area fmal is not out of tbe realm of possibility. LANDOVER. Md. (AP> -Wes Unseld -won bis due l with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and that made lt easy for the Washington Bullets to extend Los An1eles' lotlng streak to four games. The Bullets' bulky 6·7 center scored 20 points, grabbed 16 reboundl and dished out six as- 1i1ll Tuaday niibt to pace the Bullets to a J..20.111 National Ba.sketbaU Association victory over the La ken. Abchal-Jabbar, playing llaUwlv at tJmes. scored only 11 polnll, m ade Just 7 o( 17 shots and picked off only nine rebound• in 42 mlnute1. "He'a not tM player be used to be, but -bo is?" Hid Umeld , Who 1rabbed five offensive rebounds. "He doelD't 1et a lot of help underneath, but he's 1U!1 ~ JN•t player." Bobby Dendricl,. wae partly re1poulble for U nseld's big point production. The All-Star forward sank 14 of 20 shots for a game-high 30 points and also dished off eight assists, mosUy to Unaeld. .. Bobby did a great job or penetrating," said Bullets' Coach Dick Motta. "Once he got past hJs man, Kareem bad to help out and that left Wes open." There were 18 lead c hanges in the third quarter before the Bullets took tbe Jead for tood on an eight-point scoring burst by reserve forward Greg Ba llard and led 93-88 at the end ol the period. Elvin }{ayes, who got In early roul trouble, came back to get eight points down the stretch to keep the Bullet.a ln command .. Adrlu Dantley, playlnt ln bis hometown, led the Lakers with 28 points, four more than Norm Nixon. The loss puts the slumping Lakers a full game behind front-running Se attle in the Pacific Division. Los Angeles plays again tonight, facing the Spurs in San Antonio. The Lakers then return home to entertain the Atlanta Hawks Friday nigtil. The Lakers have now dropped to 40-28. and Coach Jerry West is using the s ame word ove.r and over-lrustration. In an at~mpt to spark a chanae ln the team's perrormance, Wes t benched slumping 1uard Lou· Jludeon and started Ron Boone In his place. Boone re1ponded wttb 12 polnta. Guevara Fired at SJS SAN JOSE <AP> -San Jose State basketball Coach Ivan Guevara bas been fired after a dlsap- point.lng 7.30 season. Guevara will be replaced temporarily' by as- sistant Hal DohUng, but the school hopes lo name a new coach before the April 11 deadline for high sc hool letters or int ent, AtbJeUc Director Bob Murphy said Tuesday. Guevara, a graduate or Whittier College, headed the Spartans' basketball program for el1bt seasons, compiling a 99-116 ~rd. T he Spartans Clnlshed the 19'78-1979 season seventh ln the eight· team Pacific Coast Athletic As$n. wltb a 4·10 record. , fr.l 0All Y Pll U I Wt11Jnu!1ay "A11r It 14 IH I A Cap suto Report From the World of Sp ort• l-lru1tilto n ill Bt,. · irt•cl fi"or Br11i11-l f Sf."' (; anttA t rom \ P Dl\pa le llf'' 1.0~ \'\(,!-,I.I-.~ :-;t,lftllW I ( t \ I h•l•I m 1l11' llJllllll1111 "'ill h n1 I ""''tr .1 1ri11utlip11·11 rh111 ,d,I\ fll••tll \.\l11r1 thl' flr11111' f,11• .... 111 I r.111 ,1.,111111 ..1 1·1111h11.1I • '""' ••I th• '\.(\\\.\·II rr1 H1·.:11111.el I• 1•,lo..1·1 t1.1ll t11u1n.•11"111 ll11r111ltr111 h.111 twn hot th \.\frt 1! 1111•1 tlu•t fh1• "'' • k ,ft .. 1 h ,1\ 1111' 1111 111 ~ 11111k111 lon'I rhir1111• I f 'l.r\ 1> Ito II v1t·t111 \I ••~t·r l'1•111"·nl11w 111 .1 ,,.1•111111 lnli11ol t•l.t~olf •,1111• ,, l '.1111••\ I ,I\ 1111111 S11111l.I\ lhl 1111111\ 11111111•11 "'h1•11 l11111dlnl\ \.Ill' 11111lit1t Jll\ hit 111 th• 1111111111 '" th• t lhu ~ 11f l'"l'P• rtl1111 11•1111•1 ft,,, I I "' "l11h· tlu I""""'• I•' ~:11111~ (o r 1 r ..t .. 1u11rJ 1111· -.1•f111td r .111lo..1 11 Hr11111'> ltltd 1111 l~'I ti r •I• I I •1111 ""111 "tllt1 ••t11f 111l'111'" I 1.111 1111 l\llt11•r "dlf111 tlo•" "''' 111 I h., '"I\ 1111 hi ... 111111•1 "11111 ",, "11111 11 tl • I Ill~ f11•l' 1UI .11111 \I 111p1t•ll1• f111 1111 11 I l"fl,11 d1 .111 j1tl•ll 11q1 ..... 11111!,1 \ ------._,..,,, •· of th.;• flee fl -----. I 'l Ir \ IOI' 1... ". 11 •.ii I n' " h l 1111 r ift \\ " h ti I 111. IJd,lo..1 th ill 1·1 II ht I" 111~· lire ti I 11 1 I II 111~ I h• ol11111 ;1111111.t.'t'l'lll~ Ill\> lJJ• I. I•• th• ~.tll f'f11111or,. 1•urc·hn11Ptf B HJ(J.fJUO llomf- !\11 \MI I t•11111" '' .11 .J1m111\ < ''"'"'' ~ ,11111 \.\lf1 l',;ll1 \1<-1;u111· "·"' p11 r1h •• •·II . 'l..ll)CJllHI p1•11th1111s1• ~111!•· 111 !'li•>rth M1.irn1 ll1•,11·h 1 111111111 llU'llnt "' .111\ 1-.1·1 hJ' •,.1111 'II ' I""'''"' 'l lit•\ 'II lw dow11 ttwr•· 111 11 c 11upl1· tof "t·1·ks, .,,1111 .1111· H111111t r1·t·, ( 111111111' .1,•1•111 ;\rno11g tl11 tr 111•1i.:h•>11r'> will h" 111111\.\ 11 1111l't -.1,11 Vita" I ;1•1111.111.-. :•nil f11r1111·r J11c·k.1•Y t-,dd1 · l\rr·,1rr1 ('unr111r~. :!I., \\ ,.., 11n,1v 111,;blt· for c·omm• nt nn 1 ht• M1a m 1 lh·rulll rc·µ11rl Th•· r111111lt· s 1111.tht·rs t·onlrrmed l&st wo ·l'k th.it c·11nnors ,incl a.1c-e;111n" <• form1•r Pl:.t\ boy m;1ga11nt· l'l:c vma l1· 11f 1h1· Y1·ar. 1.\1.'re r11 :1rned ;.111d ari· l'X p1.•1•ting ... l'hlfd Bond"• llom~ Run S park• Indians Cl<•vt•lcantl 's f'.ob by Bonds gol three hits, 1n rl11flr n1: " g.11111· I v1111! s 1ni,:le m thl 10th 11 nang and .J ~.1m1• ~11rn111~ h1,r11t• run in lhl" llth Tu(·:, da\ ;.i' th, fn rl1.11" 1.dhul f11r .1 109e"h1IJ1l1on h.1, .. ti,ill \ l!"L11n ""• r :\1 1h•auk1·1· San Ulf>J;!o's Onlt• S mith 1·w.11nu1·il h" tori ad ~ri1 m g at the pldl<' "1th thr(;!t• 11111ri• h1h .1111! lhr .. 1· n111 ri• HUI tci lwlµ tht· Pi.ldrcs bl·al llJl.land. i. ·I "irn1th lw-. 1·1r.:h1 h1r ' an 11 at hats for n 57 l :1\1 r.11.1· ~1·lso11 :\c rmao uf Tc•x.;o; bloop•·11 .1 11111' 1nn1ng double t o ru:ht lo st•1111• formt'r Yankt·c M1kt• llt•Jth a'> tilt' l\ll'w York Yankl.'eS lu)\l l11t•1r s1xlli :-.tra1ghl, f,dJ1ng 3 2 Jerr ) Fr>·.., 1<1111 mnini.t s1n~l1• scored Tony 1Wma1ard to ~1•1· Muntrt·ol a 5 1 tnumµh over B11,t•111 Thi! Chicago Wh1 h' Sox Pl'J.>Pl'rt·tl Kan~.1s Ctly n • lit H'r ,\J llrabo,,&.l' "'1th f1\1• srnJ,!h:s and two run' m I ht• nan th rnn an~~ t11 n corcl :i 5··1 win V av1> McKay's ba:>t• loadt•d 110.,os sl n~ll· an tht• fourth inning sparked Toronto pa-.t Minnesota. 4 I TPd Simmons :rnf1 Dane lorg droVl' rn I wu r 11ns each in !ht· rr ve run f1ft h that car· rwll St 1..0111' ''' ;1 7 fi wm O\'f'r PhilacJdphia Barry llonm·ll 1111 ,, 11111·1· run hom1 r tr1 h1•lp All.,nt a cldcut fl:ilt anum• I ., 'I h• Y ..inks w nt ldl\ Da \'t' RhtbctU to thl'tr llollywuod Fl.1 1·amp for rt':..ssagnmcnt ~conri lrn!>.t>m.tn Hump \\iii" of lhl' Tex;,s fianJ(crc; prnbilhly ~ill ni a..s th•· nt"<l ll1r1•1• wt•c•k s cil '-lfftnl! tra rmng be e ci use uf a hont• chip m ha:. right~ n st Phornl.r ifforr• Into Tl«-1t'lth ~alc~r• t '11111hin1n•: ror 611 11oint~. Walter Uavl1 uud m Paul W1•1t1Jhal lt·d rtio<'nhc to a 12'9 120 National l\,1-.kl'll1.1ll A111m "11·t11ry ovrr t 'l!'vC'lttnd Tues du\ 11ulllnf( 1nt11 ..a t11• with tlw Lukl't)> al one .iJmt• off ~o;1ll h•''i Wostcrn 01v1111on leadlna pace ln- tha11.1 11u.mt Johnny Davl11, pn•is5urcd with time runnlna uut 11ul 11 fok1• 0 11 t-:11rl Tatum und <.ank a f1dd icoal with um ~•·t·uml l1·1l 111 ••'-t'rtlnw t11 .;1vt• tlw Pun·r' a 122 120 win m, 1 t>1•l111lt Mychal Tbompt'lun i.cort•d 19 points and Ma urkt• 1.uu11 .ulded tll llli Portland broke u nine-game \llJnt.1 ~11111111~ 'tn .. 1k w1lh •• 103 fl2 triumph Artl11 t.llmor t· ''"rr,•d tht• bull homt' with I 08 ldt to 1>ucc c l11c ·••'''' 105 102 'H·t111 y •1H"r N1•w J<'• !Icy Toby Knl1ebt 'rnn:d :n Jnd Marvin W1•b11t••r addt:d 19 to lf'nd the ~t·~ \ 11rk l\nH·ks tv .1 104 911kr1\10r1 nvn Nt"w Orlean:1 l•fattdrr•' llo••tl S~or'• Thr'r Goals Hit.hi ~lnl.l l\llltt> Ho 'Y '"orl!d threr goals ~ ''" lh·· luurth 1111u• th!'> . ...,,,Mm uncl \'('Okr Bryan , 1 frnltl1•1 took 11H·r th•· :'>: ..1l1onul llork1·y Lt.'aguc• 'l·or 111~ h•.1d ~1th four a'ls1:sh 1 twstlay mghl us lht N .. " \ urk hl:1111kr'> blJ'>tCd th1· Boston fl ru1ns 7 2 l '11lor,ul11 1·111pll·d for lhrt•l' 'lUCCt'\)>JH· 1o1o:alh during u rtv(• 1111111111· p1:111HI 111 -.ur ~~·· from twhsnd for J ~ 5 tit' with M l.oul'> 111 .1 b.iltlt· ht l\\c•·n lht-:\Ill.' t~o w1•11k1•'>l teum-. f'lltsburj.!h I rounr1•1I Varwouvt·r. !I ·1 b1•h1n1I lht• '''1•11ni,: of Roi.II Lon!fl'M•rrv ttwo i.•11,11 ... 1 :inti firf'I( Malon .. '.1 1•11.11 .11111 t \\•1 ·"'1''' • V1·1t·ru11 to: ct W1·o;tf;,ll, I h1· h l.111d1•r '' I hr r1I r h1111·1• 111 the 1'17:! 1·\p,111 .. 11111 tlr .;ft .'' rdu-1111! Ill the· 1·nd or lh1 .. ""J).111\ <'oloradu tr.ult-II Paul Ci ardtlf'r, th1• "J II r. ·, "'"One! le.1d1n1• .,, or 1•r , 111 Turon 111 for dd1•11s1·rn.n1 1'n•vor Johamwn 1\tla11l.1 "'"t (1\1 pl.1)1·r,, 1m•h11l111r. <ill lrrnt· lt•,lfl111 i.: "·•11 t·r Tom Lysiak, lo nrt\H Ch1<·:1g11 in 1·,.d1.1n1w for Ivan l\oldlr .. v , rbll Ruswtl :and Da rcy Rota l\forP rrtl'ri!n 11.;lk '> lll'l\.\t•1·n tilt' Niii. and Worltl ll11rk•·v l.1·L1 l!Ut' havt· Vt'l'n '>C'ht.•duh.·d for l,tlt•r u11, month tn ('hl(·J~ll 191r.! .-..,.,u .. r Bou.·I Spf ff>r .4iUt·,rd•n,._. rh,· S1lv1•1domt• al 1'11nt1,1c. '1 1C'h brnkc· tht· • ~:.1uth.., hulcl 1m tlw S11µ1·r Ho~I 'I u11sday wt11'11 tht• N.1t1cin;al V11otb:1 ll Lt'otj.!111 volt d 1" 1·ham pi.111.,hrp j.!:a rrll· for 19R:.! to lht· h11m1• <if tht• l>1•tr111t I.inns Tht• l!lkl g;1nll' ~111 lw 1n !\PW <>rl<·ans and tht· 198'.l t·tlrlaon 1·11mt·s tu llit• Hoi.t• Ho"I Two Fl<1nda ~chmils art• r;ink1•d N11 I an lht·ar rt•<,JH•c t1ve NCAA d1 v1s 1ons hy t'olh•g1all' Bas1'11all n1·ws papn Miami is 1 ankt•d fir\t 10 l>l\'1s111n I whd1· Florida Southern is lops in D1~1s wn II. Mai.as h! Kudo of Japan r etained his wnrld Jumor middlC'wc1ghl champi(Jnsh1p today with a 15· round splrl det'1!>1on 1.>vcr Argentine challenger Manuel Gonzalez . Patrick Wayne. son of Newport Beach resi· dent and movie star John Wayne, will acrept an award for hi s fJthe r next month at tht-National Sµorts Writers a nd Sportst·astt•rs ll;ill of l"amc in Salisbury, North Carolina, Wayne is bl·mg honort'd for his patriotis m . contribution tO lhl! t'lllcrt..1Jnment \\OrJd and OU lSlandin~ football l"afl'l'f at u~. TPIPt•l•io11 .. R adio f-ollow1nq arr lhf' ma1or <,port-. event'> on tel ev1s1on ton1Qht R,1t1nQ<, ,irp· , •• , l'XCPllcnt:. • ' worth watching . • • lc11r .• forgr t 11 6 p.m., Channe l 9 ../ ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL: Lakl'r'> at San Antonio Announcers : Chick H"arn and Pa t Riley. Trylnq to brt>ak out of a slump, the Lakers will be at San Antonio ton1qht at1er dropping a 120.111 decision a t Washington Tuec;day San Antonio le; the Centra l Division leadPr, while the Lakers arf' now a game off Seattle's pace in the Western D1v1s1on Horc;e Racinq nel 51 OTHER TV Today at Santa Anita. 7·30 p.m., Chan· TODAY'S RADIO Aaskf·tb,111 Lakcrs a t San Antonio, 6 p.m .• KLA C <570) Bast"bdtl DodqPrc. vc. Baltimore ~t Miami. 4 25 Pm., Kf.OC 1790> Ho<k<'Y P11t c;burqh a t the Kings, 7:50 p.m ., l<RLA (1110) THURSDAY 'S RADIO OilsC'ball Oodqns vs Texas at Pompano Beach. Fla., 10 25 cl m, KA BC 1790> Dodgers Win; 1 Messersmith Faces Orioles He's R eady Now MIAM I IAI '> R1ght·handt·r Carew Wastes No Time PALM SPRINGS <AP l Rod Car<.'w acts hke he '~ ready to win hi~ eighth Am<.'n t-an Leuguc batting <.'hamp1onsh1p. Ange les rcrovering from a knee his body in an effort to get more operallon. Nont• or the three can· power behind the ball. didates lo repluce him have yet Tanana abandoned that takenchargc. motion last year while trying to BASEBALL / ICE SKATING GO FOR THE GOLD 'J :11 Bahtlo111:i ;;11d fLH11h C • .ll rlnt r perform the: p Clll '> ...,h,>rt proi..:r ~m 1·\1·n1 d11rr11g I Ut·...,d:l\ ·.., World f'1gun· Sk~ting c hampicm!>htp..., tn \'ll'nna Au-.1 rt.i The California duo t urnc·d in ci n dfort V.<11 I h HJ..18 po1rr h, giving the m tht: ll-acJ >n tht:rr bid for lht c·h.1mp1nns h111 His Cro"7n Slips U.S. Skate Clw1np f,alteri11g VIENNA !Al'> World hAun• s k a t in g c h am p 1o 11 C h a r l H· Tickner or tht• nit('(! State,, h1" c-rown sturting to shp. set out lo make up lost ground today aft..r a bad start in the world tham p1onsh1ps He f1111 s hed tht• first stagt· or the defense of his ti tle, the com- pulsory f1gun·~ .. in fourth plact• His third round went <ill wronl{ and he lost points heavily GOI NG I NTO TODAV '!" second s tage. the shor t prn gram, the 25·year o ld U ~ champion from L1ltlcton. Cr,10 . trailed Jan Hoffmann of Ea~t Germany and Vladimir Kovall'"' of the Soviet Union. both forrn t•r world champions. and Amencan teammate David Santee or Park Ridge, Ill. U .$. coaches admitted 1t is go ing to be difficult for Tickner to repeal his triumph at Ottaw<1 last year. "He has not been in his best form lately and we must hope ht• will pick u p in time," s<iad George Yonekura, the Amencan team leader . "ll was clear from the s t a rt that these ch am pions blps we re going to be really tough." WHILE TICKNER falte red. Sant1·1• rr1-..· tu tlw 111·1·a...,11n 111 t ht• third 111 hi ' 11101pul-11n f 1~urt·" h1 • ,11111111'(1 'k:1I 1n 1· h1•1'JUSt' ht' th1111t!h l h1· ,;i~ d 111t'l't• of 111htwr 11n lh•· 1n llo· "''' :.illo~c-tl tu 't.Jrl ,1g.11n. Jntl h o• f1n ,...h 1•<1 JU'I ah t .1d 11( Twk nt·r llnffmann h.1d 4l li4 point:-, f\o' Jlt·v 42 10, ~unt••t• .JO 51; anti T1 t·km•r 40 52 :\ll'an"'hllc·. th1· N11 I l 's p<11r, C.al1f11rn1a11-. H;,ind \ <:ardnt'r and Tai Babilonia. 11 ·11 th1· fll'ltl 111 thc· p a ir-. 1•v(•nl . f11r whtt·h llw 11th-v.dl he clt-e1dt-d toni ght TllE AMF.RICAN S "''re · J!I H '11 a h1i.: uvatwn 1n V1cnn.i ' St<1dthnllc> ufll'r 1·0llC'C'ling 411 H4 pmnts with <1 supt'rb s hort pro ).(ram Two Hussian pairs ar" rhalleng1nj! th1•m S"r~··• .Sh:1hra1 anll M<rnna Cherkac;ova with 40 72 and Igor L1sovc;k1 and lrrna Vorobreva with 40 12 With thC' rN1remcnt of legC'n dJry Sovat'l -;tar s Alexander Z:.i1c•hev a nd Irina Hodmna. who ~on the pairs tstle !>1x years in :1 r o w . GJrdner and Babilonia "t>re wl'll placed to win I h1· nown in lht•rr riflh allempt They httve frna~ht'd third the las t two years. Andy Messers mith, having an 1mpress1ve spring so far 1n has co m eback attempt, and knucklehaller Charlie llnugh will try to gave the Los An~elt-s Dodgers lheir firth vic·tory of the: e xhibition st·ason tomght when they pitch agumst the· lhall1 mon• Orinlt'S T he vetera n f1r~l baseman, who was traded to Cuhforn1a by M·innesota last month. had two h1h. and a pair of run)\·batlt'<l-in Tuci.d<ty to help thl.' Angtds whip S l' ;\ ti I l' I I · :l i n l' X h I h 1 ll 0 II h11 sc•ball ac-t1on '·we have t hree guys capable deal with a constantly sore arm. or doing the job, Jn my opinion,"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - M es s e r s m 1 t h . ~ h o " ,, !> bothN<.od hv IOJUI 11•-; Ill(' pa .1 two scusonl> with lht• Atl<.i nt a llrnvc~ Jnd the Ne-~ Y<>rk Y:.inkc•t s, s truck out f1 v1.· und allowed JUSl orie hit m the three innings ht• workl.'d last Sa1urd11y a~iJtnst }fouslon. Daltimore will counter with .J r m P a I m t' r <r n d S c o t t McGregor Los Angeles built its u hib1lion record to 4 1 Mond<iy with a J t victory over the Clncinnuti Heds at Vero Beach. Steve Garvey had three con teculive singles and Don Sutton ~lt<.'hed six strong Innings to ace lhe triumph. Sulton has IJOW allowed only two runs in ll lftnings this spring. Teddy Martinez b e lted a .b ases-e mpty horr e r in the teventh off Fred N<'rman ror one Dod1ter run. TIU: s•;VEN-TJME Amencan Lcacue baltJO~ ch<impion now h a~ a 467 <ivt•ra~e this spnng und a tca m -leadinl{ two home runs. Carew was n 't lire only Angel to swing a potent bul Tuesday. U1rk Mille r had thre<' h1ls and .Joe Rud! and Dan Ford added lwo apie<'C as the Angels won their third ~a mc against four losses this spring. The Mariners dropped to 2·3 I Meanwhile, 1l was Jim An· derson's lurn to play shortstop He had one hit in rive at·bats a nd fielded nawlcssly as he con· llnued his battle with Rance Mulliniks und Orlando Ramirez for lhe openrnR day job DA VE CHALK, who played 97 game~ nt short m 1978, is in Los BINGO FIVE '250 GAMES WIHHIHGS TOTAL • EVBY FRIDAY MIGHT • DOOIS OPIH l:lO P.M. s aid MunaRcr Jim f'regos1. 'Tm looking for !iomconc lo catch and throw the ball. That is all he has to do" If none or the three is able to handle the joh, the A'ngcls will probably allf'mpt to swinJ? u den I. The re have reportedly heen talks with lhe Chicago White Sox revolving around Gr eg Pryor and the Texas Ranger!! involving veteran BertCampaner1s . F IVE CALIFORNIA pitchers teamed up to hold Seattle lo lhrce runs Tuesday Starter f<'rank Tanana. who hurled two scoreless innings, was the win ner. Sh ane Hawley was t he loser . T ana na has been s har p in every outing lhiR s pring, and say!! h111 arm is experaencr ng noth ing morr than the usual spring tenderness The outspoken southpaw has r everted to an old pitching mo- tion, whereby he throws across LEASING? IF YOU DOH-Y- HAVE OUR 9tJOTE, I YOU ARI PROIAIL y PA YING TOO MUCH! 111\Y lllD OAMH-6:10 P.M. llGULAI •AMIS ST.dT 7:JO P.M. Hew ..t UHd Can & Tnteb AIMalln&Modets SS, 3 CARO MtM_tMUM _____ _ SIMON & JUDE .~AO=AM;.;..+•1 ~,..__ ,ARISH HALL a.tic•~ lntk c ... Ow .. ...., BEACH 401t WHTllLY, NIWPOltT HACH zo•oo MA•MOUA ............ Hu.mt4GTOM llACl4 --··-----.... LEASING 833-9850 .. . -.. Baseball Football Soccer Tennis Volley Balls Soccer Balls Footballs Baseballs Softballs Play1round Balls Boo1ey Boards Wei1ht Sets Jump Ropes Racket Strinlinr t -.. . . . E~ (well nearly hefYl*I) for tM Altltete Duck Feet Churchill Water Wonder Spee do White Stag Rawlings Wilson Bancroft Jog Joy White Stag Wigwam Davis Victor Imp Yon ex ·Prince Speedo·Adidas Badminton Rackets -.. ~ . . . ., I BASEBALL I BASKETBALL I TENNIS ~.March t4, 1979 DAILY PILOT •:J Laguna Headed for Sea View? I.oara Rally Topples ·OV Nine, 4-2 Ttwy atre onh tn the lt1lk1ng 11la&l' •t Uus point, und It will tuke> ununlmou!'I approval by hoth lt!UjlUt'S to mokf' It o rft('I l. but It Ill • l ood I)( t thBt L•Quna Bt'Ul'h H1tth will bt-rompc tma 10 the w , View LHJ(Ut' wh<'n the 1~9 80 cuon bettina 1-:1 Toro lhKh u11111i.tunt pnnt"lp111I Moms Hawkins ron flrml'd his 1trhool's d~~lrt' to m ltt' th<-swll<"h ta th1· South Cow.t l.t•BKUl' I. Kuna Bcarh Hll(h Principa l Dr Robt-rt tlllf:ht•s 111rl1catt' h . nodr1wback11 to lhe !IUfUtl'~hon Tht• bt•nt>flh i.;1 'l'oro would be. buck in the i.amc• r1rcu1t ~1th rh·al Ml~swn Vlt>JO, Sun C l l' m t• 11 t •' u n d Cup1s tru1111 \'a lh') whe fl• lht' <.'hurgt•rt. belong And l,.J~unu Bt'.H'h wou Id bt· nto \ 111~ Io .l lt•agut• with k .,, JOJ derhnin~ t•nrollmcnl . while tht• South Cot"t League cont tnut•i. tu t:row tn t•nrollmt>nt Too. 1t woul1l rt· ci.tabhsh the CoronJ di'! Mar-Laguna Ht•ut h rivalry. "We'd be ha p-HUGHES PY to go to the SeJ View League," says Hughe!> 'Tm not against 1t at all The two leagues are so even and 1r tl would make 1t easier for El Toro, I would tw happy in either leu1uc " 1 Hawkin:. hull not otcic1ally pursued the matter "' or Monrlu>. tJut Informed of Hughes' remarklS , .... id h1• woulll ht• dialing th4' l.asuna Beach prln t 1pul I" ompt l> A I thut "ould n ·mu1n would be unanimous rulltlrut1011 bv 1Jt1th lt•ugues Although that seems a Mtnplt• tnJtkr. 1t 111 1111t cut 1tnd dried. llu11t1nl(ton lh:ach c "~mplrel and El Modco~ •r t•otun 1 wnnh·rl to "lw1tt•h pluct's in 1974.due to .:t·o.:r1.111h11·<.1I t·un:.uh•rauon. but the move was """'d h) t'u~t.t Mt·:.,a unJ Corona dcl Mar . . .. lu-'~PrT•: TIU. AUDITION ol 8 lOth football it••nu• for Orunttl' ('nu~l area high schools, there ,1ppt•u1" to ,._. nu nwvl'ment afoot lo consolidate t ht· rir 1·M~nt < >runu1· < 'ou11ty system. •\lthout:h tht· Suni.C!t, Emptre, South Coast and ~'"' Vw"' ('trcu1h ,m · !>l'<·lcam leagues. making for f1vt· non 11·..igut· ,111d fi ve ll'ague games lassum- 1111-: u .. 1·h1>t1l t ukt·~ lht· option of play mg a game. 1.1t h1·1 th.111 J st•n mm..igt.'I, things will apparently ri•rr1:11n th1· l>a nw through the l980-81 school year l'ornna dt•I Ma r Hi gh Principal Dennis Evans, a Ion.: wi th Katella 's Ve rn Horton and H.L. Looney or Troy h<IH' only a couple of options to consider at this point the F~llerton District wants a Garden Grove LA'ague s~tup and Brea·Olinda, citlng a deC"rea ing enrollment. wants an escape from the El t>orndo Esp<>ran1 a co m b1 ne in tl\\! Orange League Evans says a possible switch could occur in that area wi th Freeway League teams Sunny Hills . Troy and Buena Park swapping places with El Dorado, Esperanza and Valencia of the Orange League. But other than the Laguna Beach·El Toro possibility. that's about it . • * • NEWPORT HARBOR RIGH'S Hank Cochrane. who was recently appointed to assume the football reins on the varsity level, says he sees few defensiv& changes, but perhaps a move to split backs will occur on olfense when the Sailors re· sume their quest for a Sunset League cham- IPIOnship in the fall . The Sailors figure to have a good passing com- bination with quarterback Alan Gaddis and re-ce1 ver t.:nr1s l:ates_ .. . . MANY OF THE ORANGE COAST area's fin est football players will be honored March 22 at the South Coast Plaza's Player of the Year banquet. The featured speaker is Baylor University Coach Grant Teaff. who swallowed a five-inch earthworm to inspire his players before the Texas game last season. The ploy obviously worked wonders-Baylor. struggling through one of its worst seasons- stunned the nationally ranked Longhorns. 38·14 . . .. . SHORT NOTES Edison High football star Wayne Nabal is headed for Weber Slate . . San Clemente High defensive standout Mike Wade is ticketed for Stanford. Ocean View High sophomore Doug Irvine spanked a two·run homer in the third inning to give his teammates a 2·1 cushion, but Loara rallied to capture a 4·2 Empire League baseball de· cision Tuesday. Loara was the home team- but the game was played at Ocean View due to wet grounds at Loara. In small schools action it was Liberty Christian recording an 8-3 decision over visiting Lin- field Christian and Newport Christian dealt host Capistrano Valley Christian an 11·7 loss. Irvine's blast came with Jeff Fitzhugh on base with a single. but Loara 's two·run (purth tn· n1ng turned it around. Ocean View had runners on first and second in the seventh inning, but couldn't get the key hit. Ken Parker, a right-handed senior, was a one-m an show for Liberty Christian, striking out ~ dozen batters and going four-for· four, including a two.run homer and a double. Vince Donofrio had thrcl' singles to pace Newport Chns why not? ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~l~ia~n~'snon-leaguevictory . Boyd Puts End to Hali Of RUinors LOS ANGELES <AP 1 The Bob Boyd mystery is no longer. "This should stop all specula· tion as to what J 'm going to do next year ." said Boyd a fter it was announced Tuesday that he w il l become an a ssociate athletic director at the Universi- ty of Southern California ''I'm going lo be at USC working 1n the alhlrt1c department "AS I SAID in Janua r)'. I don't plan to coach use bns kC'tball any mor<'." addNI Boyd "I have accepted, and am looking forwa rd to, the job of being an associate ath let1 c di rector at use.· Boyd announced two months ago that he was quitting as the Southern Cal basketball coach. but the Trojans' fine record this season had led to a groundswell or i.upport for him from fans and alumni of the school. There had been a great deal of speculation that 48·year-o ld Boyd would change his mind and e1.>ntinue to coach the team. But Tuesday's announcement ended all doubts. USC, HOWEVER. is s till searching for a replacement. Boyd thus conclude d his Southern Cal coaching career with 216 victories anct 131 losses. His 15-year major college record he coached two years at Seat- tle University -is 257-144. The Trojan basketball coach for the past 13 years. Boyd did not reveal his reasons for resign· ing when he a nnounced this season would be his last. Athletic Director Dick Perry said Boyd will be in charge of promotions and ticket sales at Carr ff op Southern Cal next year THE TROJANS, an 89·78 loser to De Paul in the second round of the NCAA West R egion al playoffs last Sunday, finished with a 20-9 record and made the championship playoffs for the first time since 1961. Southern Cal finishe d second in the Pacific-10 Conference race with a 14·4 mark. Kenny Carr <2 > of the Los Angeles Lakers grabs a re- bound between Washington's Elvin Hayes <11> and Greg Ballard. The second-place Lakers dropped a half game in the Pacific Division standings by losing to the Bullets, 120-111 , in Landover, Md. Tuesday. See story, page B-1. "Bob Boyd and I have spent considerable time re-evaluating his January decision to resign as USC's head basketball coach." Perry said in a prepared re· lease "Bob has concluded that bis earlier decision was indeed an appropliateone." SoCal Rips UCI Vanguards Get 19 Hits Goox to Speak Marv Goux, a 22-year veteran of tbe USC football coaching staff, will be guest speakeT at the luncheon meeting of the Costa Mesa North Kiwanis Club Thursday at the Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club banquet room. Goux ls one of only two assis- tants to coach through the entire John McKay area when the Tro- jans won four national titles and went to eight Rose Bowls. The jinx Southern CaUfornia College holds over the UC Irvine baseball team this season held up for the third time Tuesday af ternoon. SoCal defeated the UCI Ant- eaters, 12·5, in a non-conference game played on the loser's field and there was little doubt about the outcome after the second in- ning when the Vanguards scored five times. The Vangu¥ds, 12·6·1, overall this season to 7-~ for the Ant- eaters, bad six singles in the second with Ted Taylor's blow getting two runs across and Steve Albin driving the go-ahead marker in. With 19 hits. it was one of SoCal 's bi ggest hitting days with eight starters getting at least two hits and the ninth player also denting the hit column. Leading the SoCal attack were Greg Hanson, 3·for-4 with three RBI and a double along with Mark Wood, 3·for-5 with three RBI and a triple. Brian Costelloe started on the mound for SoCal with Dwain Meyers picking up in the fifth with two away. Meyers had four str ikeouts and no walks. After today's game at Cal State Fullerton. SoCal is al home Friday to Southern Utah. UCI played Cal State Domingues Hills today and is at Azusa· Pacilic Thursday. Coast Pounds GrHfs, 12·2 Orllftle Coast College's Pirates ripped Gross· mont pltdllna for 18 bits en route to a 12·2 South Co11l Conference baseb•ll victory Tuesday. Larry Dotson and Tom Barnett were each four·for~flve at the plate and Roll Schwalbe and Mlke Sodden collected three bits apiece, wh.lle pttcber Dale Boucher retired the last 1' ballers be laced in 1atnlna credit for the victory. DOl'ION 8CO&ED three Umes and had one RBI with three •lnllet and a double, while Barnett bad tine RBI. tc0rtd three time• ad bad • dou· b~e to So wtlll three one·basgera. &Odden had four RBI and Schwalbe waa 1,304 Total Courts A.plenty In the County By DAVE CUNNINGHAM Oi IN O•llY ~llat Sl.tff A new, 10-court facility near the Disneyland Hotel has adopted the name "Tennisland." That might apply as an appropriate nickname for all of Orange County. ' Statistics just released by the Orange County Tennis Assn .. when combined with research by the Daily Pilot, show that the land or oranges is also the land of orange tennis balls WIDLE IT DOESN'T YET have a tennis court on every street corner. Orange County can claim a n average of about two courts for every square mate The OCTA lists 901 public courts and 403 private courts in Orange County for a grand total of 1,304. That includes all the private clubs and each of the public schools, as well as community col· l ) leges, UC Irvine and the TENNIS city parks. _ _ But it doesn't include _______ _..,, private home courts. of which there are many, particularly in the affluent areas of Laguna Beach and Newport Beach. NEITHER DOES IT INCLUDE private courts at apartment complexes, which are open only to the residents of those apartments. But all the rest of the courts are li sted. and it boils down to 1. 7 courts per square mile. or one court per 1.387 persons. Assuming only half the population in Orange County plays tennis, that should leave plenty or courts for everybody. But, as Dave Wells, president of the OCTA. says, "On any given beautiful Sunday afternoon. they could all show up at the same time asking for CASH FAST H o meowner s . Loans arranged tor any reason Credit. no problem . Borrow on your equity. Call now for courteous. fa s t information. (714) 547-7151 AMERICAN MorlcJage Co. FREE TB£PHONE DIAl.ER WITH POCKET PAGER RENTAL 10,000 SO. MILE COVERAGE $20.00 PER MONTH National Paging Also Av~ PER COM PER SONAL C OMMUNICATIONS 160 W. I 9ftt St. CostaMeso 631-0202 DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 642·5678 NO BULL .... • w ortiiMJ Mew Clftd W°""" • HottWWi•H • Sitlqln • A1tya. MakiftcJ Car Pcryw\ents Investigate Our Low-Cost Alternative To Buying A New Car. -----;- '1 \)\\ lli1 f\o/ ,, ')\,10 \\' "'"\\\\'1 \\\\ '';a'i\\\t\\\S\ ~ '" "-""J'Ori hocll e .. 759-9069 COURTESY LEASING a court." ----------!=========~ PREDICTABLY, ~HEWPORT BEACH shows an abundance or private courts and a lack of public facilities, while Anaheim is just the op- posite. Anaheim bas 158 public courts and only 21 sur- f aces for private use. Newport Beach, with its ex· elusive clubs, bas 75 private courts but only 26 for the general public. A BIG BOOST TO ORANGE COUNTY'S tennis court population is still under construction-Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club in Fountain Valley. Currently Los Caballeros has '4 complete courts. When the project is complete, possibly by next year, the complex will include 66 courts, male· ing it the largest club of its kind in the nation, and one of the Cive largest in the world. * *. THE UNITED STATES TENNIS ASSN. will host a tennis teachers workshop June 23·24 al the Anaheim Convention Center, to be held in conjunc- tion with the tennis industry's national buying show. ~J~ LDl'.1 "fi 1~ U.S. VERSUS WORLD 1979 International Finale Speedway Motorcycle Series HALF-MILi LONG TRACK I THURSDAY, MA~CH 15, 8 pm I ASCOT U.S. llAM ...... , u.w. ·-· ·-· ,......,. ..,., Sdtwertt .... ~"'" hleWMti • WORLD TEAM Topics of interest to teaching pros, college and bigb school coaches, recreation department direc· I ADVANCE TICKETS ~.11.u:.•anaa J tors and community tennis leaders will be _ AVAILABLE AT \Ill'~'...,.. . featured. O.••••, OfflcNI C.r Of .A.,,.c l'•r• A brochure with details about the program and "Where Harbor, Son Diego & 91 Freeways Meel"--.. pre-registration may be obtained by writing-------------------- A nabeim Workshop, lJSTA Education and Research Center, 729 Alexander Rd .. Princeton, N.J .• ~. ••• STEVE MEYE&SON DOWNED Blaine Pat· ton, 7·6, 6-1 for the men's A tiUe in the recent club championships at the Racquet Club ol lrvlne. Denise Ransom took the women's A division crown, stopping Caroline Street, 6·2. 6·2 The other finals : Men's B-Bot> Segawa def. Bob Cassuto, 6-2, 6·1, Men's C--stu Grant def. Tom DeFrancesco 1-6, 6-0, M; Men's D-Tom Finlay def. Howard Morris, 7·5, 6-3. Women's B-Laura Hunter def. Laura Vost. 6-3. S.2: - ... DAILY PILOT ~ ... . . . . . " a aMll lflOM &olll lolll' Al l'el"' '-''"'t V.111• 111.0 ... ,.., \ ,, ' ( .11 .... n•• NI llU •h It I• •••••• Ms..t\l•Qiv• ~·· ., •• ~ •• .. , .. ft~ '#'lff\A • !"I*"" '. 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"°"' <od O•Nollao ti -"'"· 1 121 roo coa, 10 •-tnCI 1\nod.,,_ VINTUllA .., ""°'"" MO rnc• •Od S.AHTll MONCC.A 21 •t>Ol4ol\, J ,..11°'1!, U honllo >On><k !>AU MolllllHll OIL 11['1' 21 anoi. ... eo1 roO <od.6m.<•ff•I I l1<tl•ll<ll \illN "IO•O l l"erh O' C•lll 11 aMJlt t\, SU toe• rod,) tow <OO '""' OlfOO IMvnt<l••I "l•rl JO •1101•" 1 oontto, ,.. m•O•••I, , Ull<O bo•.,, <OO """I 1Mr1otud•. '"•lllNI llVILll IA'I' Cf'et114'111.111\I ll .,.Ol•n 111"0 cod. 1n •0<• roa I.ONG •IACH 10..Hfl't Wloufl ,. •no•~··· M1 toe• coo., llnQ roa,. (OW eoa lllelMOnl ,..._, •l •nOltl\ .. , 100 <OO) tow rod H ( WPOllT 10.,,.Y'\ LoOer I tl•l'Qlfft , 7/0•0f• coa.••ow•nll 0111111 WHoll•f' '1 t l\Oltt\. 4 l>•U , i.1 botuto, "Jm«k"'*' II I 001100 \1,.,.Qltl\, tOro<' "'" MOllllO lollY IVtrt't l.•~•l,.tl 1C """'"" 1\ttnocoo. 11\111C ••o<I OClollN .. DI u •nQIU\, I} l\o .. 1n "'"K'll•,•• Misc. M>UTH•a11 CAL.,O•Mt.A 110 CONDITION• Mff"'aln Nltll -OM W" OI -•-°" ~ H l6 IMll-1-tlll\ tl()llt..tlnQ He4 ... , Miii I ,.._, of ,,.,. •now Oii • ..... U •)t ltl<-, IOU. lllK -••tll'O $111 ,_... TffK" Of ,... ,,.... Oft • 11.Ue all» !fl( ... \. tltr .. llfh-r•Un9 M•, ~ TrcoO \ Of IWW \llOW Oft e )6 I"'" ., .... 'P""' <O,.Clllto"', lour liltt Oll9'•""'' .. ,... .... , ........... Of,..., ·-Of\ • l>t .. •~lo'"" Ifft, -1111 OCl"••tlllCI. ,..,Cl pe(k C.OMlllllM Mt. w.---IYl lfl(""' of MW -Oii O btte »-Ft W iit\, l'<llO 1111\ Ojletofl~ IMWlllMlll -~11\<llet ol-• O<\ • &tM t.MO 1MIW1, llw lllll-t4ltl119 ' .... \1....., -Trot" Of IWW -°" • .... , .. "~· .... 'HJ' .,.,.u.,.. CM.._. -Ttlf .. ll'ltfllft Of MW IMw Oii •NM t+-• ll'ltM•, lftrM llfl\ ••tll119, ,_ ........ -·-60 lllthtt, ~ c...ollltM, fl\19 Hftt 4111tt01iflt, M•M--,._.... 9-.. lft(ltft. lt•fd 9Kk, t1 ""' Oft'41tl"O •• ......-""" .. ...... ~9CM." ... """ ..... °""""'. '" Al 11er·U 114 •ot"I le<I ClelllUll ......... OtM Hll" ~·-~ N. ,.,_.., ... """'"'ti; "-.,, ~ •• tall Cltllltfll• tUr•1-C11C1ltttl ''· w ....... ....,.,, ...., ••• """'., BASEBALL I BASKETBALL I BOATING Congressional Cup Sailing Set Thursday PUBLIC NOTICE "l(ftTIOU\ I U\IN•U NAMI \TAT(Ml lllT Tf\f' fOUO#HH~ pitt\.Qn\ .,. dotnQ °"'"""'' •• 'VMAPRn w 1Nr( llNollllONAI t rn 4CMOW , • .,.,._,,,., Aw•Mlft! '4tn•~ ...... c ""''°' t ••t•• IMW-NtttfW'\4't f"(Jll\lfn· A r ,J.l(,rntA fOltJIHAlll;n •tJj t) W ( n•ndtft' '""'"VI' *tAnt• A,.,._. f A ~lf1'j.j 'h" Ou\ln.t\\ " t onn•_,.. ••<' o' " , "' OO••tHlt\ ••t IA .. JN fl lt~4A llfmAI IN()i/\fltot .. Ml( n..t• l W OOO\ (.-rwtfAIMAnA-O"t By ALMON LOCKABEV O•llyl"llet ... l .... Wntff JOE CAMPANELLA Th.e luck or thl• draw Is over for the 10 top molch rnclna skippers and c rews of the Unltud Staltlll and Europ(l who start competJllon Thursday for the coveted Con1<rc sslona.I Cup and t he crimson blazers, aymbc>ll i1ng th•• cha mpioMhip of LonR Bl'uCh Yuchl Club's prestigious match racmac •i1 rlea ""' \t••~t Win f •l.0 w1ft1 tfw't t OV"'t (lttrtl Of Or•n(ll (nuntv un Mart h'· t'trt 1'111444 P11bll•""° 0.a/IQoJ C&a'I 0•11¥ I'''"' M•r I•, 7t 1', A1w • ''" _.,,,, 144 P UBLIC NOTl<.:E l'l(TITIOO\ llU,to•I U N""'°'a. U &rt:M( NT fhft h.1H~w11\Q 0-'\.0n\ ,.,. dU·"U 'IV tars Will ~lay In 1111 but two o r the l S yea rs or lht> Conarestllonal Cup has been salle<I ln agln& Cal·40 1tloop11, u.nd this year 1s no exception. The boats are 11uppo~y t'Vl'nly m atc hed in gear and sails and th\' final N'Rults will depend on the pluck, luck and °"''~'' ., (()MMI Mf IA.l. 'l"'ANf '"'• 'fft\lttt \ "61 \An M1101"' '"'"" MewOOl"I ,._M"ft t"AhfOffttll •1...0 t •on t 1rww ,.,.1 •"" <• c •If•,.'"' .. tl)•C>Of•f~I ~, ~n Ntiol•' I. Nr .woon • ._M" f ••• .,,~. V1tA0 '""' '-""'n->'' ,, ,~,~ f)f.. ,, In Pro-am F red MocMurray und J oseph Campanella a rc th..-latesl 8t &r" to lw added lO thl' Women·~ Ke mper Open celebrity pro-am at M<'Sll V..rdc Country <.:luh, W('dncb d ay. March 28 Both Mar Murrny und Campanella will be tN·· ing off shortly utter 11oon t hat day, a rrordlng to Chairm an Jim Poteet Fans atte ndi n g the pro-am will be a llowed to use camer as M acMurray 1s best known for his TV role us the father on ''My Three Sons." H1s career has spanned two ge nerations and tncludes a number or outslandmg rnovles Campanella has also appeared in a number or movies and TV shows . Tic kets for the lourna· m e nt a r c c ur rentl y availabl e a t Or a n ge County golf course pro shops or at tournamen t headquarters. 1525 Mc!>a Verde Dr. East in Costa Mesa. For further in fo rmation, call 540·1708 CM Hosts Top Speed Skaters T hree m ajor indoor s p eed s kating c h a m · p1onships will be he ld at t he South Coa s t I cc Capades Chalet In Costa Mesa on the weekends or Mar ch 23·25 a nd March 28·Aprll l mcludtnR the North Amc ncun e vent that will include skate rs from the U S .. Japan, Aus tralia, Canada and G reat Britain. The r1rst event Is the Na tiona l Indoor com · petition. Fina ls are set Sunday al l o'clO<'k with d e r e ndlnJt c hampion Sta n Wisniews ki . Jr. com peting. This e ve nt Is March23-25 11klll of the skippers and crc w'I OO••••Oft l l()N J H4•Nr IAI UH l N lN•f•••I ~,,.,.,, The Congn•ss1onal C u p :i.t:irh·cl 15 y1•a rs ugo us a more or less lo<'u l matc h ra<'1ng SC rll'll u t trat t1 ng Southl"rn Cultforn1a and Weal Coast Ra1lor!> who had aspiratio ns ror A m c ricu's Cu p <'Om petition. It has s tnr t' g r o wn l o rival t he Ame rica's Cup 1n prc:i>· tlgc, altructmg scvc·ral paist and ho peful w111 nt:rs of the famed 1n 'hi\ ,,,. ........... ~ ....... ' ,.,, -·" ,,. fount·1 t•••• ''' '-''""O'° fovMr >n M •1ff\ II l'lrf OU•T I• MALCOLM VITTI I t I tt ff/ O &l v • .. 11 ........ -' Lrw tJtt M•CA"""" IHM.tM"'i•td l"••I Ofllu a.. H •I N••-' .. ~• C• .,.,.l Pvhti\"""1 ,,,....,,,,..,,,.,,_ ,,,.,, 0 1111, ,. • • M•' t• 1' 1' ~Cl' • t'll.. •' If BOATING tt·rnuuona l c·ompct1twn PlJRl.I(' NOTIC'I-: (l"till NOTICP TOCllfOITOll\ \Ul'f 111011 tOUllT01' "'f H ATf O• (Al lfO<lwoa ,.011 TN( COUNT\I OP' OCIAOIGC .. o .. '"'" F"••• ot f"M lOE-•uc .. JO\.r PM TIUS YEAR'S LINEUP includes two t9KO America 's Cup a s pirants -Pelle Petterson or Sweden, a former Olympic yachting gold mtdahst and uruiucccssrul 1967 America's Cup chaltf•ngc r , and Bruno Trouble < pronounred T roublay 1 who will be al the helm of Baro n Bruno B1ch's l l meter France an the 1980 trials \IFffllMAH .. , •k• fl'I Of ••Cl' ' "f Fl It MA Of •• • f • • 0 J II I ( t JO\t PM \"l'f llMAH •Ir• , ltl I' J ~IP'~f ltMAN .. C.o•M d ... ,,,. • , .. ,,,,Of ,,, .,.. ..... ,,, ,. ,._, ... ~ ~, .. ~,.i '""' °"" i;.r·""'\ I .... ,, f I ••' .,_••I I tf'\r '••O ,.,.......,,.,.1 111•r ,.,,., . ..,,.,,, •, i • tr'°"m #ltti ttw n.11 W '" ,~.,, • .., This year's Congressional Cup also will s ee two former winners tn action. Dick Deaver or Newport Beach is the d efender after a perfect score 19-0> v1r tory In 1978. He also won th«: c up in 1976. Deaver Will be sailing ror the Los Angeles Yacht Club. Scott Allan. sailing for the New York Yacht Club. was the Con1otress1ona l Cup winner tn 1967 whe n he was a resident of Newport Beach . 'a1h ng ror the Newport Harbor Yacht Club THE OTHERS R EAD LIKE a "who's who" or m atch r acing fro m throughout t he l1 ~ ;i ntJ Europe Harolc! Cudmore. Hoyal Cork Yacht nuh of 'l reland, is t he curn:nl holder of the Royal Cup. symbolic of the match racing r hamp1on!>h1p <>f G reat Britain. 1 Ma rvin Beckma n , Galv<'!-.ton Bay Cru1sin~ A':> soctallon, was the 1978 Prince of Wales &1wl win ncr . symbohc of the m atch racing cham p1on,h1p of the United States Yacht Racing Union Richard C Hackett, Coyote Po tnt Yach t (;luh <San Francisco) was the winner of the San Fran· c1s co Bay sa1loH lo d ete rmine the Bay Area respresenlatlve in the Congressional Cup JOHN ODENBACH HR .. YACHT Racing Union of the Great La kes. was lhe 1978 w anner of the Rlcharmon Cup for the Great Lakes matc h racing champ1onsh1p Henry Schofield 1s the host c lub r e:.presen· tative by virtue of having won this year·, l.BYC sa1loff. He is a lso a t wo time intercolleg1alc s u11tn.: c ha mpion. Dennis Durgan, Newport Harbor Yacht Club, was the winner of the West Coast sa1loff and 111 u c hampionship sailor in several other c la:.ses of h igh performance boats as well as big ocean· racing yachts . Serious action will get under way Thurs day with a skippers mee ting scheduled al LHYC a t 9 :30 a .m . and the gun for the first p a1rtnl( scheduled ror 11 a .m .. weather permitting. TllF. SERIES WILL CONSIST of 45 lnd1v1dua l two -boat matches over a lhree·day period The win ner will bl• t hP skipper with the bes t won·lost r<'<'ord A pcrft•<·t S<'Ore 1:. 9 wins a nd no losse!-1. HacmJt will be over a 11"1-mile windward· le('w a rd rours<' with the !>la rt.-. about one m lie south of the ea:.t 1•nd or the Los Angele!> Long Be ach fede ral breakwatt>r Each pair w1lll start fi ve minutes a part. r<:!>ultmg In the cour:.e being :.prlnkled with five mulches o" .. ,,,,,,, .,. " .,,. • "' '" ...... l•lt~ fNrt <;t '' ("'•.itr•t I'•" a •• ,,. .. ",. ........ ,, "'JV'~'' ,, ,, .... , .... OoerUQ"'°" At • I t lt111·r. f ••;.fl/I ttirm•nn c n ''·~•n ~ t • -,. •1 rJ1 , •• t ; .... • .... , • .. ,. ' r •• ,,,,,-,,,. 'f),,u ,..n, •• r •\ """ c-. " tru'·~· \qt , .... ~ .. lo#,,_,, "' ... ,~ '"'' IJ>t''l••f\I""' ,,, .... r''""' ........ ,, ,, .. 't-f')r l"lt ""''""" •our ~o t11 \t pubhf •h& ~ 0 •\ ,.,,_,~,. lJ••..O M4•" ~ '"''~ ,.,., ,, \ ,.,,., .. !,... t ""'"' •. th'"'•"""' f l"'~'I• lfl t hl>.,,,, II tftt,,..111M•f'MnN-f1•,_.,,.,,..,q (OM(H ll Lt WI .. 1Ht O•n \t,.... " MO ....... ,.. •• ,,,, ... c .. ., ... 'ltt j UJ-n.11 ., ... ,,,...,, •~ ,...,..•Honw t1vb•••,._.11 '"' '"4l" '™'' r,,,,,, "'' ' M l'lr i A lt ~ttf"'Jl-1>' 4 l tlt " /'I i>URl.I(' NOTICt . NOTl(f OJ i.uu1 TltAHH ' .. I~• ••Ot •tOI U (; l I N (J f !t I I'. ••t tit h'f t.1v t t4 In H • (t•n1t,,,\ 11t 1'/\I OlJf._4f t r4 f ( ,.,1.'1'"'" , •••tlll')•11t•r1n ,,_.,,., .. ''" •f\tJ'\I (111111#91'.'i ,.nt)f• 'I'. t'f' h• • 11.111 ( ''''"'"' th I ,.,,.. " f • 11'"• t (",1u,l"IQr ',hth 111 t "1111.tt~•·' tr"'' 1 h• .., Hltt\"h t I .\t,.NI •. , .._ ff,.,,.' j f AUi J()N(' INt A r .. llfl1t1tllf • "'P'"' • t 1(1ft. ftAf\•.lttt .... ..,,.,,....,. '"'"''" \ .-tt 0'•" t' $1W A 1'•tf1111t I Oft> t"11o'r tn'\t4' M r "t ffWt'llftJfOt,.,",... \(Aff> tt (•liff')ff\iA In• ptue)lt*•t• to tWlt lt..+"\lr,,r-0 1._ IOf .... _, 1tt ll' I 4.outro. h t ht'il ,,,..,.., • • ,,, t 'u't• M•'"' rnu"1 v "' ()tAr\tlf \f•fr ()f ( .rtlfff')tt'llA ._. .. ,,,,,,,,...,, .. •\fir\.; r•Ortl '" flr"" ·~• A\ l •AV hU'd f l #lul"•\ ~Jlf""'~nt 111r11t QOOd t111t1U ol tP\AI r .. li11tt df'f"'"\ bv• in~· tit ._,._,.,wl\ ""' f•A ft')Ut ttt ftN1 tf., •'"'' "' ))) \ 1.()utr\ th •\lf'1I \hf>~ I a 1\1' (~IA AA:ti\.• c out'lt, ,.,,, (J'"'"Qf'°. '•'"'"' ur f ,..,. '""'" ''•"""'"' <Niii hr , , '"UIU """'•'1 n,. ,,, ,., ... , ff'w" ''"' OAY ut An,.·• i•t'f If fl• 11 ,. '"..-1 AMf hH /1-tJ '1 f A t f h I\ r'4 IJ f '"1 I ti 11 W Ot ''AP t Ml N f \Oft N•w1.-1H t 1 M•·• (>n.,,.., 11l.lth 14\ Nt w1011r t h1 ,.1 f1 '°""~"'of OtM()P \to11tfl f'>f r nhlotr"' VJ ,,., '" i nt1wn tn •~· '''"''' .. ,,.,. 411 hU\t#W'\\ ,,,1uw~, M\"1 ,\;(1flf_.\""' "'''it nv f••n\t ... ~ fOf thl ,,,,,* v • .,.,~ •~·• Ptt\• .,,. Nt)ifW fMt"tt M rtrr h \ lll/11 r •AI l(lNr .... """ ''""''·'~ ny ( "''•' c, JIJf'ft°'I, p,~t,,,.nt A"4fllCCollH,l llTr llANlt MO N••"'1 Cettt.f D•1v• ~vlle UI Htw"rt IH<lo, Coll t1'4.J IH,..wN• 1000 .. •fliF lA'or OAY r OI> I HIN1. c~•1M\ 11v ANY' r R£ 01 rou 111 \AIO t-'KROW •!> MAI<~•• lO 1•1~ WHI C.•• IS l"I I"'°'' RU''°"''" OA 'I' fff~OA I , .. , (ON''"'" Mil !ION OA If \I'~ ( 1Hrn A80Vt ..,",.,",,.,.,,, ()f'&nQP C.ott\t Oitt•ly •'•"•' .. Hh 14 l't>t• ~Ml'" PUBLIC NOTICE NOflClf TO CAf OITOll\ O~ IULlt T llA•OFf II IS«\ tltl tlOI UC C I T he world Indoor team tria ls will be held Man•h 28 with the· world r ham p1 o n s h1ps se t r or Queber, C anada T wo California skate rs are a m ong the t op con - tende rs at South Coast in· rludlng W1sn1 ewsk1 a nd Ala n Rattray. ·rhe North Amer ican eve nt th a t in c lude s sknters fro m fi ve coun t ries. will cap the co m p<'l1t1on with the flnuls April 1 ol t2·30. Raee G • g N011rr '' '" ''' uv c:;1v1 N , .. '"" rowm (rrtt1tM\ftfNrWMANIJtAVr t tNf 1 1111tort\i" 'O'"OllfAt1nn T '11tt1'•"''"' tlf'"<>\• bu'\1f'W"\' "'°°'' \' I\ 1 .. 10 ..... ,Our f'lvO • >01 ( ,,,,,. "1/4#\lt fnunt., l')f Tickets arc avallahlc for all events For the te am l•vcnt Marr h 28, admission is $3. For the o t h e r two e vents, a thrcc ·day pass sells for se for adults and $4 .50 fo r childre n &tancia, Artists Tumble Or an"e lllJih School c aplu ri·d n in e firs t pl ace!\ and pos ted a t r1ongulor meet victory over Estunc10 and Bolsa Grundc Tuesduy afte r· noon In non leaf(uP track and field action on lhe winne r's fll!ld. E s t a nclu '8 E agl es flnis hod 8N'Ond with Ocor-.e Pinc kney win · nln1 lh<' 120 yord high hurdles In 16.6 and the Polo v1ull at l2-0, whllc Gary Kr1u1 captured the 330-yard low hurdles tn 40.3. At Loi Amigos HJgh in a non·lu1ue matc h . Lasuna Beach s uc - cumbed, 13_.5, deeplte Al llcGavock'• triple In the Ions Jump, triple jump Ind pole vault. 36 l·n Cabo San Lucas •A"O• .... ,.,,.~ .. 1"0·n•A '""'"nu•• ,,.,.,,,,,.,, '' ,,h,1u1 tn bfl ftt•tOr '" l'll .. I fl I ( 11111> NAI I ~nl1 IH fl Y J IHH 1(~4AL.l ,,4,n\tM•·•\ wt'M'1•r: \tnfl'\\ 1t00t*'\ I\ f I~ t tJUtt~ p,,d, 0''"'" ~At f\ttMI'\ (WM'f tjl 0 f"00f" '\t •llfllftf (AllfO,t'llA 1 t\• Pfot.-itt, to t-.. tr1tn'\h•H•~t1 '' hx~tt'd lfl ~1() tMrhirJ• U1v11 n?O I. ( o'•• M•""· rounly "' flr•n0t'. ~l•tt~ ot ( .-.11tnrn1• The Ne wport Ha rbor Yuchl Club'-; Cabo San Luc as race has sudde nly blossomed Into u m aJor Mexico race wit h 36 e ntries s igned for the March 25 11tart of the 800-milc shdc down the coust or UaJa Callfomta h u rd· bod 1)1 (l(l"lly I\ '1*" I lbr<I In Uf'l•Po "I tn previous years t he race has been pressed to have more than a doien entries. u ,., All ''Ott. 1n 1r11111C1ft t1•tV'"'• ""'''" '"""' ,.,,,,, good wlll M ou1t ''""' ... AQ4"n t 'I hu\I""''' .,f'\()wn A\ ""'"., t•111111t CllAJRMAN GEORGE WEST said thf' r ace hns drawn 23 entries In the lntcrnotlonal Orfshore Rule Dlvtslon and 13 In the Performance Jland1 car, Racing Fleet. The lineup lists skippers and c rews from San Diego to San Francisco. with the largest number fro m local c lubs Entries from Orange County yac ht clubs number 16. Here l11 lhe way the Oeet will be d1v1ded f f .. Y11t6 ""'' tftf AHHI .. t 1¥10 .. tttr'htf AtvlJ • ,, l'n't (Ml " Mf"°'IA, ( ovnh ut 0'•"0" \t1tt• off .. morn1A Th• butti ttM\\t..,, w111 hli: ton \Um t'r'lat•f1 ()ft M a ftflr OW it•O fJAy flf Mertn ... ,. ,., lO ()l • m "' ,.,.o,,"' A\\OC .,.,., '"" "'0 r •mpu\ Or•Y• \t• • N"w&)()rt UP•<h (..Ouf\t., of Otano• \t ,.,,. of C..•titt"• ,_,,. So I•' ., kif\O'Wn •• t~ t '"'"'•'"' •II tH#\lt'W"'\\ "•f"Nlto\ And addr •'""' u~ t)y ft.t,.\t .. ff'H fat I~ ff\t .. Y"Af'\ IA\I C).fl\I At• t..f't'tt l•\t datr tnr I IAtrft\ I\ M•tt ~ JO ,.,. ••) 001> m Oe••ll I•"'""'" 70 lt1' II-{ 6 uO l\all een. J ""' •n..11 l tAn\fftt ... , HO••IS •HiOCIAfCI, tNC O lt C.-Ofl .... \I• • New,..,~.Colln ... I .crew ... 7MtJO Punfl\f'Wld 0..-•"0" (CM\I O"ilV t•llt\t Mart" ta ,,,. it•lf 14 YOUR DAILY PILOT CAN BE Rl!CYCLEOI Oranoc Coast CollvOI! operate~ the offlc.lsl c fntt•r fo r Co \l 11 Me\a. .. ..... ~ --... ._ .... -............. ~ .. . . . . - Business DAIL V P1LOT •• Proposed $1 Billion Oil Pipeline Abandoned CL~Vt;t.A NO u\Pl Thl' Standard Oal Co <Soblo 1. <'lttn.c I "quaimirt' ol fed ul and stalt re1ulaUona," 1uud ll has ubun doned a prnpost•d $1 btlllon 011 papllne from CuUtornua lo Te:u~ The company has ~ou1h\ rov ernmeni •PIH'O\ al ~•nre 1974 ror the projt-d thul "ould havl' s hlpp,•d ~00 .000 IJ11rrt>lh nt AIHk&n rul dully to th\• t-:Mt I'd Madwe t "t;Nl>l.t;&" GOVERNMENT pl'rm1t Pt'O<'t•durMi. ~nd1n.c tuld lhrt>att•nl'd ltt1j(1Jt1on , 11nd the prOSJ>t"('lJV\' \lOl.tVUllUblhh o( l W(l nulurul Jltll'l hnt•11 "hll'h ~111 propoist>d to \'011vcrt lo th<• 1111 p11>t"hnt!" k1llt'<I th1• prOJ\'Cl. saad * * • Allc1n \\ Wt11t 1h11usr 0,.11h111 C'ha1rm n Whitl'hous•• mtu1 lt11 unn11un ct•mtnt Tuesd,1v 111111 flJ\I' 1ha) uft c>r t:111 r1i1y ~·tr••l .ir~ J umt·, R Sthlr1unf'N t 1•hl .1 St•n •It· EnC"rgy n1mm1th t' ht-.1nn.i Ill W "11h1n~ton th .. t ttH· IJ111!Nl Stat~• n1'f'd d th1.· 1111M•hn" ~11h111 h.111 '1111.,J1t 'lllflrfl\'111 from (('d('r,11 \,it•· 11n1I r1•6(1orH1I authorit1t•111 for 1m1n • lh1111 700 fl(•rmtl"l tu build lUI r11I lunk\'I tt•rm1nal. 11torJJ:1• t 1111k:. und JH 5)4' h r\t! IO sll!JJ tJ ii Ir 11 Ill l..11 II I( Ht•)lrh to ·• IH1l1on.il p1pd11ll' th"' tr1but1111\ <'t•nlt•r 111 ~11dlun1t . ft> JI. 0:0. "lllT .. 'lfOl ~ ... ~\I 0 I lit• 1 um pan~ h.ut h111~·1t 111 'In•· 1~ t't•nt'i * • to Sl a burrtil by s h ipping oil throuuh ttw plpellnf' fllther uu.n u rnw th<' ranama <:anal lie 11 .a1d 1tt>loy1 und tnrtatlon had t•rudtd tht' nvtnst. fht> frdt•rul government MP JlrHVt>d Lhe plJn11. bul CalLComia t11td Ml comµlcled action on rwt'l''~ary 1.1t·rm1t11 , ullhouah Long Bt•ut•h votns have up flJO\'t'd t'On:Jlrurllun o( a p1pellne lt-rmiruil 1<:nv1ronmt·ntal und ot her dll,en groups httv~ CJhallenged 1 h1• prOJt'Ct on lht' .:round1> thllt It ""uh.I inc•rt-llM' u1r pollullon in .111 1H NI thc.11 already ~urrer1> f1 um poor .ur qua ht) * • WHITEHOUSE • AIU 11 foctor In the dl'Clt1lon was Information Sohlo received that changed estimate~ on the 4\va1lab1hly of two natural ga:s pipelines that had been earmarked for con- version lo crude oil pipe fiul he said regulatory delays were the principal cause of the action. Asked al a news confrrence 1r It was stlU possible fo r the pro· ject lo be revived. Whitehouse said . "I don't think so It's a lit· lie hard to see what could revive 1t." Wh1t<'house said 1n January that it was "very inefficient and dumb" for Sohio, which owns 53 * • • percent of lhe Prudhoe Bay oil ruervc>s, to have to s hip Its Alaskan ou through the Panama Canal Whitehouse said that 1979 ln· come, before taxes. wilJ be penalized by more than $50 million, lncludin1 amounts spent for planning and studies. as well as project-cancellaUon charges. City May Lose Millions LONG BEACH •Al' l Thas port city could lose $80 m11l10n because or cancellation of Sotuo i. oil terminal and p1pellne proJert, city offi cials say. blaming "a multitude or regulatory agen c1es" for lulling 1t "ab i.urpr1 .. 1.·tl ful'-.tl.J) thJt Sohto puJled out lcb:. thuu a wet:k before his al(cnry wa-. 111 dt:C'ldl' w ht>thcr lo appruvc lhl' proJt•t:t vwui1 1ndlculion that Soh1 0 was goin~ to cancel " McJunkm said the city expecl- 1•d to earn more than $2 million ,1 yt>ar for 40 years from the pro· J,,C't But Jim B1rakos. a s pokesman for the South Coast Air Quality Mange menl D1s tr1ct , said he ''OUR INITIAL rc.H'lton wa:. o ne of dis m av " :.aid Jim McJunkin, gcner.il m.1nagt:r or the municipally own1·d Port of Long Beat•h "We had no pre "He said lhe port already bas invested $5.7 million in obtaining environmental and planning studies and permits for the pro- Arches Due • Ill China? Americwu Push 'Great Wall' Ventures WASHlNGTON •AP ) -The official story at McDonald'~ is that the hamburger chain has no plans to put its Golden Arches on the Great Wall, but there may yet be a "Big Mac" m China's future Industry and governme nt sources say McDonald's represenhtlives have had informal talks with Chinese and American trade leaders about China's interest m fast· food technology PREPARATION OF TAX RETURNS Year Round Tax Planning .MARTIN I SCHNEYER Attorney At Law c.-..11••• C.rtll ... O P\ll>H< Ae<e...,IMll MBA IT•utleftl """"..-et Ulln tT.a~tlOfl) .....+HMM' Of T ... UIW 1..o<..,Mdt. .... e US Tia Cowt .oMI u s S--Court 1600 DOVE ST. SUITE 400 NEWPORT BEACH For Appolntm•nt Cell 833-9252 Eami1igs Increase Seattle -ba se d Nordstrom Int" . which owns a store in Costa Mesa, has reported net earnings for lhe year e nd ed Jan. 31 of $13.667,000, an Increase of 17 percen t from Sll.697,000 for tbe fiscal year ended Jan. 31, 1978. On a per-sha re basis. net earnings increased 13 percent to $1.80, based o n 7 ,579 ,482 average shares out- standing, from $1 60, o n 7 .318,170 shares out- standing, last year. THE DIESELS ARE HERE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ti NABERS ~ 2600 Harbor &lud. Co.slo.Meta, .54()..9100 A new marketplace for Orange Coast purchasing agents and busi-,. nesses begins March 1 in the Daily Pilot. Businesses can find or offer for sale equipment and supplies in the new classified column, "Business to Busl· ness." Sale of overstocked and unneeded items also will aid a wide variety of I irms ln the column. Look for .. Business to Business" in the investment, financial and business columns, in the classified section of the Daily Pilot. DAILY PILOT THE COMMERCIAL VISION of China's "one billion consumers'' is tempting many a busi- ner;sman to look at the world's most populous na- tion as a possible selling ground. When American business people dream about Quna these days, visions of dollar signs dance in I heir head~ "There is the one billion toothbrushes, two hillio11 a rmpits mentality," says William W. Cla rke. dfrcctor of People's Republic of China af. fair~ ror the Comm~rce Department ''BUT IT'S ABSOLUTELY wrong. ll's a markl't to be looked at with measured optimism, but not with euphor ia." Clarke said that the Commerce Department receives about 300 calls and 200 letters a day from Americans wt'.o are interested in doing business with China. "A large number of the people have products that won't fly in that m arket, like storm windows or African violets." he said, adding that other compmues have inquired about selUng s uch con· sumer 1lems as bluejeans and lipstick to the Chmese. "THE BUSINESSMEN WHO are making headway are m lhe heavy industrial sector:• he said. "We try lo encourage anything lo do with coal. iron ore. s teel plants, petroleum develop· men ts and communi~ations." It's for tius reason that U.S. Steel bas signed an agreement to build a $1-billion iron-Ore process· ing complex, and Irvint!'s Fluor Corp. an $800· m11Hon copper-mine processing facility. Coca Cola has sent 20,000 cases of "lhe real thing" lo China. but most will be consumed by foreign tourists in China. "BUT THERE WILL BE a s malJ amount for domes tic consumption," s aid Clarke, "and of C'ourse, Coke hopes it will catch on." With an average income or about $58 a month, most Chinese workers don't have enough money lo buy such luxury items as soft drinks or blue jeans or hamburgers. And though lhe Chinese govern· m ent says it hopes lo raise workers' pay, the raises are expected lo be gradual. Norman Getsinger, director for exporter services for the National Council for U.S.·China Trade. said the Chinese are not interested in con· sumer items. "BUT EVERYONE WANTS to go to China because it's potentialJy the largest market In the world." said Getsinger , whose private organl.za· lion often acts as a go-between for American com· panies seeking to do business ln China. The council receives 300 calls a day from busi- nessmen wanting more Information about dealing with China, one council employee said. "Companies that have done business In Taiwan and Japan do not accept the Idea that China will be forever closed to them." Getsinger said. "And one of the most successful McDonald's ln the world is in Hong Kong." QTM Sells A Better Mouse Trap The Remington SR101 All working parts and supplle1 of the REMINGTON are inter·changeable with the Selectrlctt Only one machine Is completely compatible w1lt1 the IBM':'and you've guessed It. It's the REMINGTON. (714) 957-1195 ,_Quality Typewriter 'f' ·~ .. Maintenance Inc. j ect, but added that Sohio had previously agreed to repay SS.l million of the costs 1f the proJect collapsed. MdUNKIN BLAMED Soluo's action on "a multitude of re gulatory agencies. . . pulling m all directions. Four to five years is a long time to wait to receiv<' permits on a projl·Ct with no end in sight. "In faC't," he added. "I think no major energy project can tw constructed in this country un der the present system." Long Beach Mayor Tom Clark said he was not "completely !>Ur prised " by the announcement . "SOlllO HAS expressed a great deal or concern and frustration over the great delays," Clark said. "I have some concerns about the loss lo Long Beach. hut l am more concern ed a bout thl' message to industries around the nation that Cahfom1a 1s not a place you can do business .. Ceramic Sandwich T echnical specialis t Neil Lund of the Lawrence Liv(•rmore Laboratory in Livermore checks the align- ment of 10 porcelain rings which were sandwiched together \.\Ith copper rings by a special process to form a C} tinder nearly three feet long and 28 inches in diamett•r A perfect fit was necessary becau!:>e the cylinder must be vacuum tight and will be used as pa rt of un electron accelerator Ovt~r T'lu· Count•·r NASO Ustinqs 13"' ,. ... s, .. ~ (} dD ,, . .,,.. ps an 010...- 1 1-., UPS ANO DOWNS S"• SJ., NEW YORK ! .. Pl -TP\t lotlowlnq 11.i JO',. l I'• Plow\ the Owr ""' Cou,,ter 6S\11 u•;, •10C1t\ '""" .,.,,.,,u ""'' ,,.. .. -up 1''• lOV> the moll ...., do...,, ,,.,. moi.1 "'""" on Jl'I• 40°~ ~rc ... I ol <'-r-clle\\ Of volume : ::'.: 1~o ~P1 lr-"<I tw-n ar• Incl '°"> ~"' UOMI NP! ...., p<>rctnl•9P CMn9P• UP I"" •vi, S a1Htren<:P OP•~ t1'fi' ;.',."'°"" ctos.ng ~:,._, :1, t)ld P,.Ce Mtd f()<Ui•;SIJHt 1>1d C>rtCft :IO<• 10'-..... ,.,.. 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In 80.(C)mlJ 8Hl8•"' 1(.,...,..., Rov.a<CP OtaOlm NT<t<hSY 8Uln\ FIArt1~ Jlrnm• .., Oy11~ SumllPr WnOtlS/I ,.ovP.im M"<IE<1 SIH-1 DOW HS Lw ~?,., 01i<llA I le'> ,.., Oft u • l()A' > 1 I' 1 011 1• l 10'1 1° I OH 17 $ 1 '• Off 11 I ' V1 O tt 11 t , Off 'J ·~ OU I l ' 0 11 • ) ,,, OU 8 l -'• Oft • J I 0 11 18 -~ 0 11 11 -'• Oft l.r 111 OU 1 • -~. Oii , • -\11 011 1) I. Off 1 1 -ft,. Off 1. \I• 011 7 I '11 011 I> I -'• Off 61 o.. Otr •1 MUTUAL FUNDS INVEST!~ cer,11 S 1.Ul ,.._ £mplr "21 . Hor Man leAol U 113 M.au.ac:nuwn l..O llme 10 •r "4A 1n1rp\I 10 13 11.07 COMPANIES (Alvn 8"'IOC• Four E 1108 .. INAFd II.SO 11-37 FrHd IOA I" OTC Sec 1703 llSI lru\I 118 '"° NEW YOAIC IAPl Bullek 11.IS I• 04 Hll<m ll Ml 10l ISi Group ln<l•P • 00 • 8• PMam M • 16 10 07 V•nl 8 93 • 16 -TN foOowlnQ QUO-C•Mn 71S ISi MonM 100 NL G""'111 S26 s.IS Me\\ IO'IO I,.,,,.,,., SQ ns NL SB fqly 10'1911S6 lellon,, wPl>lled by Olvld 2.76 l 02 MMM 1.00 NL lncom 3 S4 317 Fdln< 14 OJ U 33 p..,.,, Mu S SJ NL S8 l&Gr 17 M 13.:M '"' Ne11....i As-I· Monlh 11.n "•S Ootn 1310 •• 17 T"I "' 10 9A 11 .. ~n Fl~I PP\11& e oq I" o;oc; .. ,, In 17 11 116' •lion Of Securilln NIWS •19 IOlS TAFre 110A Nl TrPeSI> 19S MIT IOOA 1011 PllOI!' C49 Ill '°' s .. Inn 711 ,,.. Oe• .. "· Inc • ... NYVn 13.76 lS °" us Gvt 'Oii NL lll(histry J . ., MIG a 9' • SS p,_,. Fd • 13 ... ~ .. ,,. Gt s.10 s •s the prlc.es el """1<11 CGFuno 106311., FIO.lllY 0rouo lnlt&P 1.00 NL MIO IJ 87 I• 'IO Pllgr.m Grp Sottr I" 1111 12 •1 11\tse ~u<llln CGlncm 7.7S 1 311 Aoro• •Ml Nl I"' lnvst tl.Sl 12.se MCD '·"' 10 AS Pllq FCI 11 OJ n ,. 1 s1a111 BondGr· C~IO ...... -(lllASM '00 NL 8ono • Oii NL ... GulO •.tS NL MFO 14." IS 30 M•9 c J 7) J.. Com F • ]7 1·" Miid ,_ llSMI CepPrt1\ 1:00 NL (Apll • :JO • 01 Inv ln<lk 1 74 NL MF8 ... 0 u S6 M•o In • ,. • S4 Survpy F 10.:13 I 19 ¥.aluel °' l>oualll Ctnt CC 1.00 NL Contld 10 .. NL Inv Bos •.17 10.ff MM8 • 1't 'I\ P'-F...O 1 T8'MQCI 10 1111 ,_ (velue 1)411\ wilts CentSllT 11 11111S O•lly I I OD NL ln.,.ston ~· MSH 7 44 I 02 Fulld IS.06 16 4' Tempf Gt S 67 610 clla~) TueMS.a,. Ol.arlFd 14.ll IS so Ostny 10.11 . IOS 84 s 0 S.6.s Csll Mo 1 00 NL II U6 10 T.11 Tempi w 17 IS u . .-J .... ""' Cll.aM Gr 80\ Eo In( 1187 NL IDS Ort 7.02 7AJ M•INr\ IS~ NL Pl•" 11'¥ 1126 ll J3 Te"'P '"" , 00 HL AGEFCI A SI '67 FuNI 6 411 1 08 '-'•Gel J1... 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Fullel •Ot • ., Trtllel t3l3nn ISl•I U.5'2•.2' Mid AM )41 sn r.Fr• •.• , NL Unf A<CU 3 " NL Amcp t n • S4 Grw1h A 80 S 1S Fl1'•ntl.al Proq Ivy 6 » NL MOHY F '14. 'SS Pro Fund 1 16 NL Unll Mut IM NL AMutl icj_n11:1. lncom ,,, •• , Oyn• H I NL JP Grtll 10.3311.n MS8 FO U.lS NL Prolnc ,,, NL Uni Ca\11 100 NL Al\GU• 7.0A 16'1 Ootn 10,)3 11.Sl lnelust 4 11 NL J<1nu1 F 118' Nl Mui Ben I .. t 1' Pru $1 P t.'IO 10.11 Un81~.~¥< 1Gt0 rp; ,1 _ a-12." lA.15 tiiw Mo 14.GJ 1S n Inc om 1 01 Nl JOfln .. .ancock Ml F FCI 1.7' I Al PulMm ""--r.,.., S4 ' '"" CshMQ 1.00 NL Colu Glh 16 '7 NL Ftl lnut1ton Boi-11 u 1Lts Ml F Giii • 33 4118 Conv 11.'4 11.0 Nu•~~"" 1•3 ~ 6.!l Fcllnv 613 1 .. Cwlltl AB .•s 1 OJ 8llCI AP 14.17 n •• Grwth 6 11 t~4.! M111u11o1 °"*'• Eoull "Al 13 M u IP "" 14 • ..., Grw1h 7 6$ • » ~'"' c I. I 4' 01\CO 6 ~ I se Rtl•n 119 • 01 Amer 10." 11 SI Gtoro 1164 ll 16 " ncm lll<om J96 1"10 mp 8CI I» • 01 Grwlh 7.81 I 60 l of• Grwlll J '7 4 16 Grwlh 10 6111.~ II 1.3 11.00 ICA U.M ..... omp FO , 60 • 11 ln<om • °' I.. 13 11 lS.01 I Mom •.OJ •.n HIYICI 18 OJ lt,.. United F~. N"-" 6,2' • ,, oncord .. 07 NL SIOO • 00 • 74 Jol!Mtn 11 00 NL hFr• u 1' u .tO 1ncom 1 31 • OS Aec<m ~ S4 7.IS WSllMI ... 7 , SI Cons Inv •• , 10 00 FllMll A • ... NL KemP<tr FllflCh• Miii Shn 3S.l6 NL lnYHt 7 79 , .. oncl • .. 1.16 ,.,.,.., 0-.al; • ~onsltl G 7.IJ NL FIMllOI 94 NL 11\tm ... 1062 Natl lnO 1117 NL Oi>ln U Al U 61 c,on Gr t~ 1010 iepllel 1.2' •• onl Mui .,. NL Fst var 1000 NL Grow 1~ t-1' N•I S«ur Sar hE•t 11 "7>08 o" Inc a. ... '·" .aoGUI 4.41 •.n •YIO s. "" 1111 44 Wall 14.. NL HI YICI II AO 12.T.J 8alan •. ,. '.. VIS!• 17 S6 ,, /J ~(-1 : ~ '• !3, rlrp •·• 6 M try C~ 111' n 19 l'nel Giii 4,00 • » MonM 1.00 NL BONI 4.Jl 4 '1 Voy.ao 11 14I)11 ~u" •• ·• H VICI 11.7' ILM f C.aSll 1.00 NL FounO.r. Group Mur18 10 17 10_61 OlvlO •.11 4 S4 Aalnl>w t » NL eci.11 • ~ ! ~ IN:Fcl 6 11 6 61 Olyln(m I CO NL Orwtll 4 '1 S <1 Opln 11 S4 U 10 Grwtll S 61 •OS R~s.rve I 00 Nl en9 6.., • Munl n .•7 "4.tS O.l_..1,.. ~· lll<om n 11 ll J.I Summ 17 16 13.•S t>f Slk ._tS 1., A•ve,.. ) tl Nl Unit S•O ~ NL Tot Ret UI 1.... ~.at 11 ... 1101 Mui.al I.JI • 11 Te<1' I SO • tt lncom S.U 6 06 Sel•< e qt • '3 10 ll Val ... LIN •v. V9fttr 16-«I 11.ll aw II U 12 1S SC141c1 11 11 11 IA TotA • n I0.•1 Slo<ll LOI l.'4 Safe< Giii II" U 1( r•I LI 's tlQJ 's·~ Cm"ll Lot I 8' <II 1.n t Sll Fran-II" ~ K•otont Fund1. NEllte Fll!'Cf• StPC1p I 'IO • 41 n<om _, EQtGtll I 10 U2 ,,.. t Ot t SI Brow" Ul UI Liq Tr LOO NL l:qull 17.S7 tttO StPOwt '10 • 1'I L•vOt 17.!111.7S ftdAm 7.117 1,t1 la HI t.13 ONTC 1 17 '·" Cut 9116W17.21 Grwt11 ll .• U.J7 Scueleler SM,,_ VS411Slt. • ...l.!?. S.'7 Hal"l>r t.CIS t .. Olt C~ 3 45 J n Orwtll • 12 •·• Cut 92 It 67 21).AI I Mom 1t 7• IJ 11 Com St IO Al NL •n<• _....... •. Pact 17,Al ... QJ OOCIC1t8 21M NL \1111\ AM J·~ Cul 8' I 06 UO Aell.q l).a 16.71 lncom 1'.U NL :ll<°i 171~ ·~-= ,.,.,,kl ).17. °' OoclC•St IUO NL 'II(°"' t.12 ). Cus 1(1 1.27 7.tS ~ ...,... 1"11 FCI 15 "° NL nvH , ... AQtllFCI •. ,, •.G ~·· Bur 10 ~ NL us Gou uo • Clll K2 s ,, '·" Enr"Qr ,..... NL Mall R IO 00 Nl Comm I.OS 7 70 1or,tr1t1 1.17, .•• Oreyhn Cir'P. C..aplt J,Q >.71 Cus SI 11 n "J1 Guar• 27.11 NI.. MMB t.7• NL V 59e<I nl ::.:...:~ A lltlnFcr 4 .. S U Prey! I\ ... U 96 hyll J • •.II (Ill Sl I. ll UI ~ltlf!.Y_ •.a NL r~l I .,» II NL ~~·~ l4 6I ·NL Alnvtll • ,. NL ltV9* , .. 7. 11.n LCIA'Mt ''" s. s Ot U• ........ ~ --.ur ,., ..-.,,,.,,. ... Al!l•lll< 12 00 Nl Lio As 1.00 HI 1.00 NL Pelar J.:i. UI JM NL llOl'CI '21 t S4 F lcl1t 1' n ~L •HIGttl , • 3.79 NNl11e 1 n NL 'llllCIPll .. ,6 Ul lUll!Qfofl Cir'P: Ptf1fl 11.• NL E:quty • SS 0 7 ~II '• g NLL AIJl11HY .. II • " SOI lft( ... Hl """" Inc °'11: Cp lclr IUI le.CM S<""' IO,, NL lr1¥HI 7 IS • 03 ..-ro AoptE:ct -v•ll 'he,,, t4.Pt Hl °""'" • u :~ ln Gr IJ.., ........ 'MCI II» NL Ultra ti J1 u 11 : r.rt 1~ 12.. ~L A• HcluVNOft: Thrcl C IS.14 Nl ll'llPK 1 M I LU lrl • 7' I0,1' NetttOI ll.20 NL S.le<t.O """°': rm 1• .. L FllCI 8 1 7' L ... Eatlt ~ I.Al Ut lnel Tr IG.0. 10 L., II u 21 IUI !ftwl Inc •.ot NL Am$M •'Cl NL W LOflO U.A' NL IMOl!I U6 4 .. l!al011,t4owM'd: PHOi 1.0j N Lii• 1r1' •" IOJQ NltlllFd n.31 NL SPISll' 12 o NL :-111?.!_ 1~ M01 =L Sto<k '-It .,.. 8alan r.50 f °' GT Pee ISM NL LIO Cao 10 CO NL !fomur1 'tS 10 ?I Stnll...i 0.--1 "' l 8LC GI 11-" 11.. l<~r\ I,,. Nl GaNOp Ut2 NL L-11 S.llft' Non.at! 1>3' NL APO 3'6 AOO W.\l,,.IMO •: !:ll.. 1.-.111< 1 '4 NL Otwtll l0.14 11 .. Casa, S ,.,A3 Ceoll J 11 NL N11,,.t11 • 11 • 71 hl•ll 7 It 1 83 Wll .., '· nL BeM 111v •• , NL 111<tm u• • 03 Gtfl s.c "E Hl MUI 1)01 NL Om•O• 10 ... "·" Com s 1111 It oQ Wlllelr ·~ Nl Be«Glfl t 41 NL i i r Sf I U Or.cilM I Nl-"°'II Allllltt 8i:Wm IA.. NL Grwttl t.t2 t IS V1rt11 A,v, A :11 8-Hlll • ,, NI. ll t.01 •" Ortll lt'f tl 1111. AfflllO -viii llllel~ "cl' S.Ouol1 22 13 NL WallSI 0 Ul 1.tA .., .. r ar.... : ~ s. n.~ Nl HamlllC)ll: BMI • -" #ell • 1• 6 77 s. ... ,.., F 1US IS., Wtlll Eo 11.11 "'t t• ,. OJ Hl WIG .... HL .. HOA .... !1 °'"' GI -Yeti HIYlcl u.o 14 es $hH,._ f'Wllll: =~ ';<..~~. N 101 Itel .. it :t r, u .. Hl o-.,... , 4 •nc-_.,.,, 1ncar .,, '°' A.,.. ti. "·• .... v • .!·-~~.:· NL 8mC.... ' I. T• t.4J • , IMOl!I t Al NI Lullltftn lr'O• ll'on I 911 NL Inc-'1 lt.9' .... " .. - loftlhtll t .t !.it 10:: :a ~.,,: ~: 'f§ =~ r.=.i to u '~:n =· n~ t:·;; ,.;,~ ";!l ;r: .~·= :t ~~~ o.· ~tf .. Y111!0J· He:!Ytf lt n"~ M1111I ta 1u1 nicrt '" , .. SM""!> MA NI.. NL -"'° 1oM -~ 9.B. tll Alll lei! !•. ,, .. Mold9 tr 1: N\ us G0¥ •.-..10.u AIM IOM 11 ... ,.,, ~;. -'"'". ~IWQt) ....... --............ . . --~ ... . ... - DAILY PILOT N ••dnt" day" Clo ing Prict~ NYSE ... TRANSACTIONS c.u .. 1 .. 1."n' '"' 1 ..... ,,_,.., '"" ........... Ml-ti P~llll l>OW 10<\on. O.t•v•t•ncl C.i"' ''"'"'•UK • 11eo,, .. .-.a ••1)1" '"'' O• ,,.. ""'""''"' ""'111•1l0<' o• '>-<w•t .. • OHi•" •ncl '"'"••• ........... '• . I .... '· II II 11/t\ 1 1 ., •H I I '"' U M ( r , • Ultll f f r •I I lfN f Q,. • lo\ ~.fl I t1Vt nf1 ' 1 ro 11• IJVI,, f I I II llh""''. ,, llri l,nfU I/ I I I ,IJ'; /i • t IH ,..,,.o 1 •1 llJ f l'I ,._ • qn( •ff1 I 14'• / 1 .tO l.tt 11nr ,,,,,, Jn It •t 11 Uth1111( &• 91, ' IJ/ \ Unr t• t t o t ti.It I t Un ( I pl t 11'11 11 Unf 1 ut • ''J , ,,,, •J Unl I rill • /f(I ,_ U nf I C.1f 1 11 t )1 tJn{ I Ottt ij \ II t lln0( Al 1 ..0 1 111 .. tJl•l'tt t 1 •1 '' ., .. ~ U~<it' l.lf 41 I 1'1 ""''"•ltl '~"' ,... , . ' """""'"' • 1\tn Y tJf\t-\t n<I _.,, \ JU ' IJflrf't pf I }() I tt ~ Ufnfh 14't' 11\ot" tJf 1nC .-1 1 t t '" t ,. Un(,1ty 1~ t\t II tJlthJrn I \I) " )' II IJllhJ "' I ~-,,., /fJ u n.t1n<1 ... ,, • , .... Un1ttrm n 1) tt II It' tO I t)A t ' tt 1tnP•Mri I• I UrtP"l'l h-4 \ JI /4' IJ\t I ._, 1 til't \ "''Ht 'i t fl IV~ t• ••'•'•VC•' I • I/ ,,., IJ',r •'f 111 I WI ~ /I 1J\tt11111 I 4 Hlll UC)tn n ,,. """ tJ\l•lt"I \I ~ 14 .... • U\ Jltv tel ' U\f',nn.• t"" \ II )I• U\\I• .. ',.., ' ,.,I /I u\r,.t'4' , ,... 1 \II 11 tJnT .. rh I"' , y I ,, tJ ftrqll H I , \I . \Jntf .. 1 LU I ~IQ \1 1JA1I Jpll )I) \ II~• Un1tt0d )() t) fQ /I Un•v•r yo, t II '" ., . .· 1,_ t)nn,~rt tff.1 Ill 1'0 11-..' '• llnl•~ll '10/ 4 ~, ~j~lo.'~"r ' ~! ": :~~ • tht1t••fo ~ ,, ., lHl\l1l 1 lh HI itlf> u tr"l C1I I MO • v v vr r 1• V\I t S> • V4tth .,,,. v"nhrn y",.,.,, Vr• r'l "'"''' Vt JIH f t ¥1 14 llJ I •0 ,,. .,, ' .. ~· 11 .. . Vt '''" I lt,1 " ·~ ,, 14 '" ,. , II ' v "' (" , ... " • ¥ffl ''w I t/ I t)'\O lfof P n11 n 1'111 VAf ft ot1• i..t /140 111 • .. ~ " ,,, . I• I I~ ..... '" . \' .. " ... , . \ I ,, , .. II /I "" v,.f t• O'" ,,,. , to •1 • y,.r l~('ltQI\ tlO 'fl V"f"I' "" 111) I 1'' v.,r "' J / 11 11fuf1 1•. IJnt nMtn l1tt ''' 111 Vuh hu hit l l I STOCKS I BUSINESS Reports O.ut Company Booklets Abow By JOHN CUNNU'f '!:· A p 1114'"'"l &Ml¥'4 • • Hl f(f(l'r :ind ht·11v1<.•r than ever , they <in• o r M>On will~ wt•1.ehang down lht• 1>0stman':i bug, m1lho ns upon milhofi-' or lht-m , many trl full C'Olor It If> cor porate annuul rcPorl: llmt• E very i.h are holdt!r f(ets one, and when you con s1cler tha t JWll om· compuny. J\mcncun Telepho ne & T elegraph. has <iboul thrc<' mtlhon shareholde rs, you get an lnkhng of the volumt> But only an Inkling A STUDY BY ONE OF THE leading producers of an. nual reports. Corpcom Services, shows that ttnnual report dis tribution for ;:1 m1ddlt.• s ize <."ompany 1s likely to include t w1ce as m :rny t·op1cs for non shareholde rs . Thooc othe r rop1l's go out because com panies consider them good prom otional devu.·c~ Uut tht•y µ<1 y the price ror gelling their ('Ompanl~t. known Corprom 's 1974 s urvey of the 1,300 largest concerns s ho wed tht· lOJ> third s pent ahout 65 cents a copy. those in the m1ddh• St. <md the -.mallcst St it:i The· luri.w t·11mp<.1n11·-. o hv111u.,ly h.1v1• lht• l>c•11l'f1I o f vulum1• 111 lttWl'rtllJ.t 1 tw11 111 '"'' J>l'r t'OJH , but 111 11 1•s for all c·o mpanw:-. -twvt• so.1r11d in lht• JJa st h •w Vl'ars 1n !>om1· 1nstant•t•s by an t:st1m11t l'd 2!'1 pt•n •t•nt a ye<.1r N1•vc•rt ht•lt'!.s, 1·om p<.1ny OJJJX>Ml1Un to tht• ri·prn ts 1 ... probably lcs!'. thun 1t u"t'd to IK· In thl' 1960!> for 1·xamrih" m<.1n)' 1·mn1h•n1t·'t l'om1>lmncd th<.1t tht· r eport-. wt•r1• •' nu .... anl'C, mc.t1nly .. bet.IUhC lht•y oft I'll Wl'rc· unrc c.td CUNNIFF Tht.•y t•hang<•d the ir mind~. however , a!> the cons umer 11wv1·ml'nt gumt:d momentum and U"> government rcgulu· llOn ht•(·amt• a h1ggt:•r force to rontcnd with It bt:cam4' mo rt· important. tht.•y felt lo gel their story told i\S I\ ('ONS•~OU t:NCf:, i\NNlli\L re port ... today c.trc g1•n1•r:illv IH·tlN 1Jt.<;1gm·d and wnttt•n W1 l11am L>unk , pre· !>ICknt t>f l'orprom wh11·h produn·s or c·on.,ult~ on more th,111 ~~I n •pc1rt-.. "'"'" the· goul ,... to 1frJ1 v1:r a mc~!>agt· r.11111'1 llt,in 1u-.1 di...t i11s1• wh.1t 1!'. n ·qu1n•1l J\I ''""'' two ml''>!'.agl's c·un ht· d1i-.t t·rn('d 1n this year !> 11•1Jort :-. 1\!'\ \rtu m1 ~h t l'XIJ•'<'l . thl.' dangt·r., 11f 1nfl&t111n .ind lhL• dtfflC'ult1t·" of a u·urall'IV rt•11orl111i.: 1t., impact Jnd w ..... 1t'f11I ' fl·<kral rt·i.:ulal1n1h or 1111' latl<'r. Dunk ... ays tb lllmtng from l'Vt•r) ~here " More t·ompan1ei-. than 1·vcr, he .,ya:-., a11• h1•1•om an g c·11rJ)(1r<.1 h' adv11{'.1tcs, proclaiming tht· mt·rtb of lh1• pri vate :;c.•('tor '!> Was hington T iit: MESSl\Gt;S, O•"TEN OVER the ch1d exccut1 vc·, "'gna tun" a t count 1n part for the leng th of this year's re port!> Of thnS<.· :-.turtled so far lly Corprom . 75 percent arc longt•r. by bt•t wt.•t•n 11 pcr{'cnt <.1nd 38 pcrn·nt Hut l ht.•n• <ire othn rca!>on~ for length Corporate pro· fib wt·n· good last y1•ar. and annual r cpi1rt budgets pro. h<1bl y W('n : n :laxt>cl But an l'Vt'n mun• sign1hcant <:x pl.rna. 111111 Ill•:-. tn thl' grc·<.1tn 1lela1I requ1rt·d At·1·11un1111g for 1 h.11 dNa 1I I'> tht· · st·nm(·nh ... t.rn<liinl 1 11f lhl· l-"1n.m11.tl A1·1·uunl1n~ Standard!. Board. wh1rh 1n t•f, h·<·t !.l.tlt·~ th.JI you must d1v1dt' your c o rnpany mlo ._cg mt·nt:-. and lht•n dt!-.l'U:-.~ lht· M'gm cnb T HIS \'t:i\R'S R EPORTS l>lfo'Ft:R .tlso tn thl•tr m11r1• 1•xt1 •11!.1v1• <l is<·ussions of lhl· m a rkt·ls K,1ther thi.tn n•v 11·~ 111g t h1· 1·11m p.1ny 1n t!.ol.11 iun. n·porl wnlt'r'> seek to conv1•v th,• t·1rn1p.111v-. ll'l.1l1 v1• ... trc·n~th 1n th.11 m .1rkt'I Drij.ting Market Fails to Respond NEW YOHK 1 J\ P I Thi.' !.lO<'k m .1rkl•t s howt!d a :..11gnt g.11n today 111 .1 driftmg se:..s10n, making little rt!spolls t• lo thv prosJ.)t•L't of a M 1dt•asl pcact· tr<'aty The Dow Jonl'!> average of 30 tndustrr<.1 b closed off t S.1 at 845 :li /\1h.1nc·t·s ht.>ld .i narrow cdgt.• on d<•<.·lmt'!> 1n th1· hroud t:1lh of NL•w York Stock Exchannl' hstt•d 1:-.sues Wall Stret.·t a nalysts noted a pos 1lrve inves lcr response to rwws about the• Mideast, hut thl'y s aid s uc h prob lems a~ 1·n1•1 gy a nd rnfla tum worrll''i s1·cm cd lo kt.>ep lht' m a rket from mounting ~ 1a ... t 1nj? r:1lly .ttfo(•#.:11 IH 'l'h~ .tiip()f light NC'N YO~lf 'A' I .. ,,... 4 f) ,,, tU•(.• •f"O n .. ~ th~ t,;• thr llftr• n r'n(j .. t ,., """ N~w "'""" ~toe 11. t '' nttr\Qr' '''"""' hA01no "'"'•MttllY •I '"nt• '""" l l t .. 1,.• '"" NO tOI'> t i • r , .,,n )'w1 100 \1 Am \tGt• 11' 400 )/' • • 4 '--\1,.tt O•Ulll 14\ YMl t~ • '\ .. ,., \NorlJ /) .. 100 J 1 r 111"'\ttt\Wlft M 4(1r) \\ Am Mote;,.,, X.1 X>n I f,.•df O trw 1 .. ., /00 1\ • '• AllPq A1rt t~/ •00 tO , c,.-n t .,, t I) 100 )~ Snuth,.rn (o t~• 100 t J ' Grn M'llt')'' tfl/ \t•) '" A \hlnO()ll .., t \'Q A()i) l'f1 1 1 t 1m,.lnf cttA hfll 100 1tt1 Nat Jl.111!""" I\\ ..oc) "' • N£W YOPI' fAPt C.Ak'\ .. C> m l>ftt,. :~,.:;,·.,~ rww~,,. ~t ''f .:•"n.,;,;.o't .~~:,_.~.- tt•O•nfl n"'ttnn,.11., "' ttW'H• "'"n \t r on \up()•I i.1 Oil' "' , / Pq1(1AI ('\I 1/1/fWI ' R'"\rllnl A ~, ihl ,, ... , I P,.nq .. ,n,1 ~ .,,,.. '• ~~!::f.rJ"' =~ ~~: ·~·· . Cdn HOm\trt ~· )f')('I JI l11t ... IPfl NI\ Id 100 h Amf1At11 t;} 100 lft ( ry,1111 U•I \H Of')!) '" • t I p11 011d IJou•tu Nrw YORI< •AP I f"• lollowtnO 1"1 \MW' """' Nfw Vort.. \IC)(li! l il(P\'8"Qi" \tOC k' dl\d Wtl,,ftnh lhAt f"htYf' QOn• UP tf\f' tno~• end onwn ·~ .. "".,,, t>"n"'° on ~t(•nt o4 tMnQlf" t...q~t(tffl\\ nt wotum~ tor WNJ No \f'CurU••' hftdtno bt•l"w u .,,, ... ,< t ..,ned Net MWJ fl-" trtnl~ t "~"~' ,., .. tM dUf ... f f'ft(f' t»ttfliLt,..F'I tht ptft~IOU\ f ltt"r'tq one ... ,., tOtMv , ~Csm '"'" NemP l •'t ( nQ Pt I I 8utn\Rl )'.. Utt .... l P1MtmtAw11tf 11 • • f UO 14 0 ) Alb#llny tn" 1" • • uo '1 ~ •llOfl•l(O<&l , .... 1111 111 ~~•IV IM I ' IJD 110 1.0nrrC)tlYtt, 11~. 1 "' llR /((ICe>tll 8 .. 1 l/p •A "f\mStor"" 11•4 •'1. un ~I • l(N Ph1tttn ,.,_. • UI" • 1 10 C.u«ttdt\lrtd l\' t•" Uu I I t i (fll~fn INI I • • \JO 1 I t1 ,.,..n('At,, ' I ,. U(l I \ It Mt lf"lty1 ~n '1' 1 Up I 4 " r n111no OI• 1(1 • , llP I ' '' Pl,.vllnv I n 111• t "' Ill' t I :~ ~::~~x~· '")f .. ; '· • " ~~ ~: 11 ~,.,,,.,9,11 \• . 1• uo s • ;~ :1.T!:!."'.'~ •::.: ·~ ::~ ~ ! n e .. no 1 1St>< '' • • • 110 > • 11 C.ePw 111pl I\ 4 l/p )t 1' 8•ui.clt Ln 40"" • 1' • Up \ \ 14 PSEC. • JOclf 4\ • , .. Uo > > 1\ Borm... I ' • .. Up S J OOWN!o Nemt L•O\I 01.,.n Ind 4 Pten R~''" \\, ~:;:~ ~tP ,::; \ P.,.l>lo tnl 4•• 6 !llut()lnl Ill .... 1 , ,,......,,.. "'1 • , •• . ,, ..... '"" ' . ' G~O\HP • llO ... 10 C.MllProp -1 • 11 EMI I Id 11 ,, 1(., .. , ,,,., ,. ' I) Ovq 4 l!c>l 10 u Sto"" Con 111 I\ lllf'w 410pl 11 .. 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I 1'1000 4111 0-0 I)/ t!OO I \'>f> 800 M l1t11 .ttlfu•l.:11 IJid N( W "01h' tlll't Aov,,n,,.o O .. f l1nHI Uflft'lotn,,.d ''''"' •'"'-"'' N1 #I h1qh\ ~'4• W lt)W'\ Prr"' l CldttV d,,V ~·1 Ill>• ,,,, w .., ... a. •• o(t 181) " .., • I •11 W f OR• "'''''"" tin 11 p, • .,,,,.., ,, ,., A''' NY \tOf • ''"' ,. b.IO 000 Wt••'"' ,.,,.,.,,,.. "" y.,., u )t r ...-n v• '' •••1' IMH t " 1tnt• ,q,_ tn ""'' •Q11 tn ""'' WMAT AMI 1' 010 Nf W YQ~I( 11\l'I AOVll"("'d 0-clln~d Unc:fte~ f•ll•I 1\-\ Nt w h 1Qn\ New IOW\ 1• 1/(I OOQ 1• •111 O(lO 11 110 fll'O 1J tlflt~ II 14'\ 000 t Jt .. •I\ 0111 I ljj/ QJ() i"OO 1 111e~m1 p,_. ... f0d11t' o.,., 116 JM '" 711 n1 1&\ uo 8>1 l • Cl 4 I NC w voruc '""' .-."""'' " " .. ,,,, .. ,.. \001 \tl~r \I 111 • norlht\td \HYftt " 7t I h•O• If dletrt " )4)1 •• TIHI lloocl•l4MI ,.,.,. .,,." f. INI WOflc1 on1n o,.c,-., tonttv Lo11-'""'"'~ 11.ino ,,,. 'fl up \0 llO ~fl•lll<IOl\ 11 .. llQ 0)' \(\ UI) \0 40 ,,,.,,, yn""""·tOtft ct~ to " ,,,,.,,. ttt ,,... PArl\ f U~Qr ~'•"-'"" ''°"""'"I• (!nwn \0 1• h1IO \170\h<cl Vll\O )C) U4000~0NJ Ntw Y..,... UM't(ty A ... fttmAn t;>A\f> Ot•<r U)i /) W 0 40 I nQOtlll•rrt •~1111'() ll"t" '1'" IO 1111 \0 41) I l'Orl .... •d l•b1t< •1-.t Q010 U to 00 110\ll <I ··~·--· . . I I • 'ltlldneoday. March 14. 1979 DAILY PILOT 87 Saddleba.-k Chorale Lent Concert Splendid •I On the To11.•11 odel Cht•ryl J'lt'~:. .m<1 ht·r husband. mO\ ll' re~tor Stan l>rJgott1. clant.•t• togeth<·r ;Jl ud10 !>4. a New \ 01 k Ctt" thscotheque Opera's Premiere Set iii Sa11 Diego S AN DI EGO 1 t\ P The world premiere of Gian C~rlo Me~otta 's "La l,o<•a " w1lh Beverly Salb m the Litle role 1s planned in June by the San Daegu Opera The opera will bt• '>Ung 1n English with a labrel· to by the composer. Tito Capobaano will stage the opera. conducted by Calvan Simmons. with the first performance June 3 and others planned June 5, 8 and 10 Netherlands Opera baritone John Broecheler -will sing three roles. NG PAGAN RITUAL from the author a "'frenzy"& "Sleuth" "A unique. imaginative. thinking-man's shocker. If you like cliff-hangers, hypnotic spells and edge-of-the-seat stuff. see THE WICKER MAN !" -Brut e Wtlhc:1m:.on Pl~vhoy "A chilling and engrossing occult thriller!" -Jeanne Miller.SF Examiner fMTINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "HARD CORE" (R) "THE EYES OF LAURA MARS" WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS "NORTH AVENUE IRREGULARS'' "ICE CASTLES" (PG - (G) .. SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" (PG) .. CALIFORNIA SUITE'' .. INVASION OF THE SOOY SNATCHERS" (PG) .. FAST BREAK" (PG) .. THE ONE AND ONLY" ''AGATHA" (PG) •MURDER ON JHE ORIENT EXPRESS" .... -" ''MURDER BY DECREE. (PO) HTHE SEVEN PERCENT SOLUTION" .. MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" "TAXI DRIVER"(R) "'NATIONAL LAMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUSE" •MONTY F'JAl••u...,..., "CALIFORNIA SUITE" "HEAVEN CAN WAIT"' (PG) "UP IN SMOKE "A BOY a HIS DOG" (R) "TAKE DOWN" "ICE CASTLES" (PG) Man) Chrtbl wn wor,h1i>t•rs never becomt• ,1ware of Uw fut·I lhul "onw of our mo~l glor1oui. mut11t' wu~ "iK'<'lfl\'tally wntll'n for performunce durtnt( ltw l..t•nkn 't'lj'>Ull The musu· lh1tt 11ud:) .. u,·h grandeur to our Chn s tmo unll l':ush.'r ft•i.Uv1t1e~ comes, on might 'ti.). in tht· upproµrUtte gift wrupp1ng . Not so the l,t•111l'n worb. ufkll lht•n • l!!I htllt• or no refere nce tu lhl· r.11'1 th.11 lht"' ~t·rl' w111len to illumine lh1i. mo'>t \ltul "''~flu•nl of our 1·hurt h yt•ur A II th1· mon· t>rt'(llt thf'n to director Don W..ilhr who h•1I ht-. Suddlcbutk Concert Chorale ~u111l.t) 111.:hl 111 .1 dcl•Jll~ 11iovmg and utterly IJcautuuJ 1>aot:r.11n or Mu:.ir for tht.• Sea!>On of l.1·nt JI 1h1· <;l'Ot'\ •• 1'1 t•:-.hyknan Church, Laguna 11111 ... \\ A.LKt:K tl \~ Rl IL T u ~·auufull) balanced t h•>rttlt• oH·r lht· .) l'Ur:. umJ the cahbcr of h1i. ensem · hi•• "a.'> 1·h·urly dl·mu11:.tratt•d l.lt'fore a hushed au cl I t ' II(' t' \'I ,1 .1 .. t' ll '>It I'd' ... " l' l' ti y a pp ea la n g 111·1 form.1111·1•of \iJurat't' Ouruflt•., "Requiem " !'tu:."' ritt•1 1·un uCfrr no better commentary on lht• Uururl1• 'ol.urk lhan that provided by Andre w Adams rn th1• con<·t•rl program "'Dur.ufle in!uses h1-. Ht>Qua<•m with lrnnquality and !>eren1ty through lht• ust' of gl'nllt' '>pannang accompaniments and modal harmonit's uhoH \\h1 ch float ethereal phrast•s of chant " Adam:. knows what he as writing about. let at bl' added I It• was tht> baritone soloist Sunday night Jnd he and meuo-i.opnrno Diane Pllcher we re an r11w voiet• for lh('ar sputhghl otrcrings ADD T HE UNERRING keyboard accompana· mt!nt prov1dl'<1 by organist Darlene Rohrer and }nu hav<• what an appreciative audience so gt•nerously upplaudt>d an that lovely church a "n rk Of hOJ)t.' and pra ISt' that left those Of US WhO ufkn feel we can no longt>r cope Wlth a hostile en vmmmcnt wath the 1mprt'ss1on that we have been the recipacnls or a bcncd1ct1on The balance o f lhl' chorale program was de 'oted to four motel<; by Franc as Poulenc. They are equally suaLed to the Lenten season and they were splendidly interpreted and delivered by this fine chor ale Also on hand S unday night was the New York String Quartet for a performa nce which included works by Darius Milhaud and Cesar Franck. SIOrrlng SEAN DONALD CONNERY SUTHERLAND and LESLEY-ANNE DOWN ~ ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE DIRECTOR• ACTOR SUPPORTING ACTOR SUPPORTING ACTRESS PRESENTED IN 70 M.M. DOLBY 6 TRACK STEREOPHONIC SOUND RafRTCE NI~ A MICHAEL CIMINO FILM I UNIVERSAL PICTURES ,,., EMI FILMS -lHE OEfR HUNTER" C.w"'I JOHN JOHN MERYL CHRISTOPHER CAZALE ·SAVAGE· STREEP • WALl<EN "-" OERIC WASHBURN "" ., MICHAEL ClMlt40 a DERIC WASttBURN , .. LOUIS GARFINl<LE a OUINN K REDEKER -c-JOANN CARElll ,_.,.. ........ ~MARION ROSENBERG .,. JOANN CARELLt -STANLEY MYERS,._., BARRY SP1KINGS. MICHAEL DEELEY, MICHAEL CIMINO,.. JOttN PEVERAll .,..,., .. ......,.., VIL MOS ZSIGMOND. o c .. ,.,.. tt lttla4AEl CIMINO --~=~r:!':.~ Jl~~ --,~-----... -... ---.------=:-... 0...-..... --... ----~-.1 ........... .... Ml, ""' IOllllY, MO MIMS IAT. -'04ITHlll!fOAOOll"f ednnls NEWPORT MIAJCOAST HWY.IMACAITHUI Au.O•ttvl·tNIOPIN 6'MP.M.tMMn.T •&WiCm.ODfD 644-076 CtMMI u..-. II,,..""..... ~ ~"'..... I•--···············"-.. >---__ ... ________ .... _.__,,,. TOM BARLEY Music Box TUE MILHA UD WA S competentl y performed but the write r has always regarded the .. Sixieme Quator a Cordes" as a dull, luste rless paece or m usic. The Franck offermg that closed the quartet's portion or the program was. by contras t. superb in form and de h very. And that is more than the column can say about the performance Thursday night or William Fitzpatrick. who 1s thl' leading v1ohn1st and founder of the New York group. Fitzpatrick put down has violin and packed up the baton for a concert by the UC Irvine Symphony Orchestra and 1t 1s to be devoutly hoptd that he never does so again AS A CONDUCTOR. HE would make a good ballet dancer. But then the work of tht: orchestra was no better. It sounded very much to thas writer as 1r the ensemble had gone anto the concert hall wath no more than one rehearsal under ats bell The only redee ming moments m a concert that the writer as trying despera tely hard to forget came from violist Robert Becker and Ama Porat on the double bass 1n the D1tte rsdorf "Con certante ... Both artists gave solid. almost flawless readmgs of a difficult work One wonders why Por"t was not allowed to de putize as conductor an tht.• absence of Al varo Cassuto. lie has take n the baton with admirable results in earlier concNts and the dec1s1on to ui.t· F1tzpatn ck strikes this writer as ancredable MAKE NO MISTAKE. Fitzpatrick as ci mo!>t gifted violm1st and we are fortunate indeed to haH· ham a nd tus New York ensemble m this part of the world. But leave the baton to those who know how to use it. William. Let us have no more debacles on the Lines of what lhas writer sat and suffered through Thursday night Dustin Hoffman A fiction.ii !-Ohation ll' tht.> real mntery ot Agatha Chri.;tal·\ di,L1ppearann:. Vanessa Redgrave f~ A'-i.,,,i, ... ~ •. A SWEFTWAI l PRODLCTIO'I ,. , ...... -CASABLANc.\ FIL\IWORKS DUSTI~ HOFFMA'.'4 • VA~ESSA REDCR.\\ [ • ".\CATllA" ,... ........ TIMOTHY OALTOS ... uru~ MOR~l ""' ... -.. vmORIOSTORARO .. H ... _ .. JOH'i'IY l\U\011. \oof ,,_ i-.., ....,, \.•· .. PAUL WILLIAMS -"'JOH'iNY MA~OU .., .. ,.... "'KATHLEl~ nNAN ... ARTHUR HOPCRAFl ....... KATHLEEN nNAN • ..-"'JARVIS ASTAIRE~ CAVRlK LOSEY • -... .., MICHAD. APTIO llCH\~ llll~O !Ill llAIU\fi\lf\PU8\H( -j!'l'!d'tAi«'9'•\l'"'rn111.1'1,UIW!!I~ ''P 1yul MIT• llJlllMO IUlllSIU ~ -•• ~ • _ "" --· ~ tt --··~-..,j;;J ...... _ ... ,.....,""""" ._ ........ w Winner 6 Academy G£QP.GE c r: 1 /IA,,A! .,.,. L ~ HARD· Award Nornlnellona \COTT '~ ".:/'\' '~(!!] CORE ~\ Cht1s1opher Lee Brin Ekland "THE WICKER MAN .. PLUS !RI BEYOND THE DOOR II .;..,.....f'I, ... .. ·~· .... : SPECIAL PRICES TH IS ENGAGEMENT ONLY NEW SURFING FILM ''PLAYGROUNDS IN PARADISE" Mon Frt 7 15. 9 l!i CUWT IMTwooo A W1ll TVI .. 'rOU . ·~n .. .WM1CMWAY ' aUTLooH' ,, ... 0 PLUS (RI '"ANIMAL HOUSE .. Plua George P•1>99•d ~ • .-.... l ''·' .... l!Jll, , .... ·s DAYS FROM HOME" ~~~(" ~G~·1'f11\). l'~mhV ~9 llSllt·m ! ~ rr·~-~...,... THE CR EAT • CMl IWUll"S TRAIN -....... UAU.! > . ROBBERY " "STAR MON-THURS Plua (PG) 1:30. e:•s CRASH" FAST BREAK Plu1 (PG) Winner of 9 Academy Awerd Nomination• "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" f('E, 4fj ... B~~i_, 1";• @sTLDS Plus (PG) "ONE ON ONE'" 1 :· t'.\,.O m CD\'ofql Wt•J1•1l~J THECllEAT · TRAii IOBBERf .... 6 \ Plus "5 DA VS FROM HOME" Britt Ekl811d Chrl1toptler Lff ~llAI "THE WICKER MAN" "THE GLACIER FOX .. Plua (PO) "STAR CRASH" "THE GLACIER Fox·· "lut (0) "GRAY EAGLE .. ~----~ .. --... -, ....... .. -O~IL V f'ILOl WodnHday, March t4 1979 Telel'ision '' ~ n'\:~:sn:\ Y ~ENIHO e.oo Ba G NEWS botlAOENCV 0Nfl OtiSfttO t\•H m,w" tu thm.-.. ,,("()ut thtU\ tn.-i .,n ~•Qftfi '... lt\~I lOtn .. Lii> • .O h•- l'*f'f ••~ l0t • v t t. '" "•• n""llfhti • • L.t• 0 NIA BAaK!TIAll l f\\ Ar'Qf'Mt• l -•lii ... ~ ........ ,,, •(I "f G) THUIMOV~ M111 .. 1a P'·l~• l"tgm1thc" r t~ dun1,, .. ...,, \I''' 11 •ttt .,,,. ~"' _....~, t11t r1Jll"'-"W ·!:l_ • .Ut1ttthttt WJ STRU l :l Of tAN ,~o W AM NC.AN •~'~.~~~IN: I CBSNlWS t~ ABCNEW:I 6 20 t!i) Pi COO ._.(Alo. '''"" t, f l1a1 \ l\f ,. • ""''., .. '., n"v th\ h ,hJ• I' u ;;. 11 l:I m U ICl•.t.C l J.t.Cl\bllH • •I ,,. _. V l H t~>"\\ I tJ1 f II ,,Ila .. Pf!o rl 6 30 QJ I l O\/E LUCY U•., ... ,~If JI fl II 1u ti ut~ It t lo ••~ lht1 M•''l• 1m\J ••nu 1• aD PAOJECflJNl\IEFU;E ci1luu~ I lt-1· I )(•1• B1 •l l~11n ( h-ll 1 l'l'l 1111 llh v.1lh h1•1 I .1m1111• 11111t ht·t ('1·.11 I H.Hll•\ 111 ,1n \II SI 11 s.duh '" P1·dtl l~.llll•_\ 111\l:O.ll'cll \ ,11 tt•I \ "IH'l'l.11 llllll~hl 11l 10 Oil t 'llS ( 'ltanrwl 2 I CA088-WITS 10 MEA\I GAIF',.IN '• t'lr.f> If t 4 ]\Jt\ l ....... I ' I 'I nu )1.. t'Ct t.lt ~ ( tt .. t~, 1.00 I) CBS NEWS 0 NBC NEWS 0 NEWL YWE.D OA"4E 0 ABC NEWS (I) SIX MILLION 001.LAR MAN " 111,t 1 lt'~HHftJt)l't h~tli(J ~llf' IA-Ol"u=> ID SANFORD ANO SON &;) MACNEIL J LEHRER REPORT {Ii) INTRODUCING BIOLOGY $ JOKER'S WILD '31,.YI' l"H d l/J I/II ... 1r1 ... Ult: P•" '' ... nom nt~ nn('• rtt!!.oCue\1 in ..t M!t.HC.n tc-1 • 7 30 0 WORLD WAA II 01 DIARY l J•Qf!I 1 o~ >1l Chan n e l Lilli ing11 8 KN"\ T 1CBS1 Los An<Jeh-"• 0 KNBC 1NBCJ Los Anqt>'"" " KTLA ilnCI I Los Angele'). 0 MBC·TV tABCI Los Ange"" (J) ~FMB (CBSI San 01eqo 0 KHJ·TV (Ind) Los Anq1•1.,.,, @) KCST (ABCJ San 01t•Qo Q) KTTV(lnd) Los Angel,..., Cl) KCOP· TV (Ind ) Los Angc1.;s f1f) KCET· TV (PBS) Loo; AngPlt•'). CD KOCE·TV tPBSI Hun11ngton Beach 0 SHANA NA (1utt~h H1t• AnQ~l::t 0 OATINOOAllAE 0 S 100,000 NAllAE TH.AT TUNE «!) .ADAM-12 fhtt Jlf•'-t"'~ flot .... 11ri Jt ,u, 1n ""°"m,._nctt ""'"' .1 1.:1 m ~fCJtl~ Shi.Jkf'dl)Wtl Hl1!"•1 O!) 28l0N10Hf aD CONSUM ER SURVIVAL KIT (ylfS, f~t' (,IJ~~"~ W1ttrattllth B..tli) C.u s ... ,_,, 1l) UNTAMEOWORLD Soreng<'ll O~l FAMILY FEUD 8 00 0 fl MARRIED: THE FIRST YEAR J(l.i1111.i claim<, nol 10 t>u 1111ilOU5 wnen one of Billy s 010 Hames becomes (Jonny 'l>Pl'iJC!I 1herap1s1 0 SUPERTAAIN A 1101\llot prooucer trie!> to convince o 1amous aclle•• 1nat ne wolf be assass1n111- ed 11 she doesn't agree to llPPM• m 111\ 111m 9 !:DWAAO THI KINO ~>O.iil II•• mot'"''-"• lUtftlt' t>tiM:• , ... ot ·~JttrMI \t~n~Mll bul Cdwofd '• Jtt\oft"lfltM:I hV hi~ t•IOt••' ..,., • O..•th 0 \OJ EIGHT II (NOUOH 1.\1""' I •utl lu•t1~1' Jo.n111• 10 "'"" lh .. "'"-.. lo-..u ot "'"' hftt •htt run• Aw••v ''°"" t•1.t1Thl hJ b~ with thtt fttliuw (I) CAROL BURNETT ANO f"IEN08 < •llll~t• 11.1111 Bitrr I £ y!J111 C1v1m.- C1.) MO\llf • • t ''" H •• r·s, ll11uv•• t t\lt.ll ..... H1011 un fill"' Htt)-NlJffh A wily ut Uuwf t.. '"\.,. cnucJI~ 111l<J •tt<"'"'ll 1 Pho<.10\.I\ Go1• po1u1mu hotn ,, b&.Han11~n muiw111n 12 ha I {Ii) THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS Hor11t1u And Jultot t., , 1111111 Cut•lyud Ct>h.1 Jolll11 .. on M CfldVI .,.OfdC)fn •' ••• !--Ayttt;..·UI t' u f-ll•t•u t Sdirt'I ..tit•• IUu lvr• tl 1 1 ~f'ld"• PUdrt• :. 'l a 06 fl:) THE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS hom••O AnC1 Juht.:Jt ;:)Ir • 11 l1•.,IQUd Ct~lil JOhf\ "'' M1cno1e1 Horoetn 1•,11rit ~ RvPGJ•I .mo nut.t.<.t.i Sairu die 1011 tu•uo.I 1n Sh.iM1:.P<-a•11 ~ C.id'>:-.tt<. 8·30 0 JOKER'S WILD (I) THE ODO COUPLE f t>l11 '"•ll!ilS h1S ,1nd o~c.J• ~ money '" M• W1119 ., J.ip,m11s11 resldll 9001) 18 ONEOAYAT A TIME li.J•0.11.J oron9~ nomt> d rl4ttfl1.t ,.., fPt.JUJt\(J youth IO roplp 0111 ... nile Sthne1dP• I~ 111 (Al 0 STUDS LONIOAN S!ud. tong-.;wa•hKJ OJlt' ' .. 11h luc~ 15 o,~.;s1rou_, ..o he turns IO ,, proshtull• naml'CI S,1lly (NOril H(!lltnl for .1flt1Ct1(1n nnly to l0nd his IJt11e1 " nam• 1n Sa •y ~ l1llli' l>l.JGI. 000~ IPDI I 1 ot II 0 AMERICANS Tl'le lnd•an Ch•l'I 0 ~GI CHARLIE'S ANO ELS Former dllQt!I Joli Mun•oo tFatrdh Fawcet1-Ma1or:.t 1e1urni. home to announce TUBE TOPPERS KOCE ~ 8:00 & KCET@ 8:05 "ltomt·o and Juliet " Shakespeare·~ d11ss1<' tragedy is presented as the latest in a St'rics with a cast headed by Sir J ohn Gielgud NBC EJ 9:00 "Studs Lo n1gan " Stud~ growb to manhood in thib second of thrt-l' t•pi.!>Od<.•s and uncoverb a dark fum 1ly SCC'r('t (sec Story below I CBS 8 10 ·00 All-Star Salute to l'l'arl liail<.'Y Celebrities pay tribute to Lhl' singing star on her 40th annivers ary in show business. 1 Photo at left 1 "&' 11no11gomen1 10 a 1amous roce-car 011va. (Al 0 TIC TAC OOUOH G) MERV GRIFFIN Gu8't~ Sir Ftedo•e Laker Pe1t~ Ross Otv~le Rooon oaclle• F1e<1 Sonos AnJs 1as1os t1.y•1ilk•d11s 9:30 0 (I) THE JEFFERSONS Geotge oet~ camtlO awuy ""''" enlhu$•asm alte• be<ng 1n1rcducod lo Inf' 01sco scene 0 ~OVENlUAEAS Tl'le Soho GOid Hears.• 10:00 I) A SALUTE TO PEARL BAILEY A hOSI Of Gl'let>rol•llS 1nclud•ng Jack Albllrl&on Etld F11zgera10 and Belly F OtO Pt1V lr1bu1e 10 lamO<! cn1e11 ... ne1 Pearl Ba•lf'y with un hour nr 'Th..+'>•i.. comllOY ano oan~I.' 00 NEWS 0 11.2) VEGA$ A young worn.in enltM~ Dan 5 3•0 wn1in flll• llu5 oano 01sappedr!i cl\ .• rA'SUll Of htS invotvemunr wllll ollogal IJIOIOQ•t di w..:arlar(t ID NIGHT GALLERY A pall!>nl lrom d Of'••Jtll nosp1t.11 •s loo no mu•dA•f'd 10.30 m m NEWS 11:00 0 0 0 ({; OJ NEWS 0 MAKE llAE LAUGH 0 MOVIE • • 1 Th!" C,r.ind Duf'I r 19741 Lee \Inn C1,...1 Pele• 0 Brlt!n A court room becomes a i.001111•q !o.C.ene lo• •ugol m1nel1> "''es11ong o•&• 11 mans late t t hr 55 mtn I QJ CAROL BURNETT •NOFRIENOS S1<1ts Ca•Ol A"d S•s Bact.. Alley ti) THE QOOOIES 1 1 05 tJ1) OICI< CAVETT O~I BarOa•• C.artl<1'lO 11:30 0 CE YOUR TUAN V1ewm re~ponse to v~1101.1. •eGertt CBS Nt·~" o•oao CditS are P•es&nlAd Shdl ron Lov111oy ancnot1 0 BEST OF CARSON Host Jonnny Ca•SOI" Gu11:.1s J•m Henson ano 1ne M upp els P~'"' S1reuss D• Proul Ehrltch CarOI WaynP (Rt 0 TWILIGHT ZONE Escape C1auo;e Al•d•O 01 d\lath. "man md•eb .i oacl w11n tne dev11 lot 1mmondl ly 0 @, POLICE WOMAN Pepper d1~cover~ a Oae>y -.e11tnq 11ng white lrymq 1c 1oca1e 1ne m•ss.nq grano cn1to 01 Crowte1 ~ oe~t t11end Q) THE GONG SHOW (!) OET SMART Mai s undercovet ro1~ causes f'l1C', tflends 1c 1n1n ... thdl nl' """ gone t>anana~ 1Per1 11 Eii) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MORNING 12 00 0 ~ ROCKFORD FILES Rockford learns mat ' package ht> was a~~ ea to de11ver ov an 010 llamt " lull 01 co...n1erle11 monl:!y 0 lWIL!OHT ZONE Ttie lonely Conv1'1t'<l 01 mu1der a man '" ~nl to tJ de$&<led astero<O in >Pd<-•' TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS IO Mrve d •O·ytat ,a11 ' letm G) ALFAEO HITCHCOa< PAESemJ Firat ClllS& HOf'loymoon A m 11n m11k11• • oolll ••11th • lrlftl1d ol n1i. 10 ~MO lrom n;1v1110 to P•V lhl wilt .i11n1ooy Q) OETSMAAT MU s ltten<I S.O Krimm comM to the re.cue to 1111r1eve u 1111 01 KA05 ~nts f Parl JI 12.30 U MOVIE • • • , My Reputation 119461 Ba•born S1•nwyc1< tve Arden A woman 111(;4111 rte< Children , d•HOC>IOVl)t ah0t snfl 011111s c1n Army OHIGe• ' t IH 65 min I Q) MOVIE • • • Rea Or.toor 1 t967J Stew11t1 G•.ino0t Rosonno Sc111attino A D&" or Ame11can -.ec•el llQ!!"IS '>GOU•\ Hono KO••Q •or " q4nq of .muggier' 1. hr< (!)MOVIE • • •• 'Tn• ..,.a,. ~•QI!" 811 'tl' R•O"l• 1195:11 Lt" b~1~e1 M..i• , Go•Ody A oan1o,,, .. ""'I• 1h(1 • UOPO" of .. •pec1vl dgen1 tr, trttc• aow" 1 Qd""l of 1n•f!•e'> 1 i "' :SO rn•n 1 12·37 8 (\.]) MANNIX " pnys1c1.1n '!>On 1 ••O· ndOPbO •n ordtir 10 t>n!o<Jtn 1n" de•lh 01 ont> 01 tn<> OtlGlO• \ P&hen1~ 12-65 0 LOVE EXPEAlS 1:00 Q TOMORROW r.ue~I Cncn•* J •05 f""' ·OIO APdCh1 ndodn ""'no Gld•m• to bt lh .. 91 »nds.Of" Of P1t" h1SIOr t nJmf'sa•,, 1 10 0 (j) KOJAK t(ooa~ ; on1v sou•C•· 01 .nro•mJl•O" •n 1n1· 1nell or •.1• m1ll1on dOIUH\ •" 1 ""''man 1111ohO 1 c.orw1nc.t'd ,,, .... s t 'M.Or fRJ t·26 0 WANTED' OEAO OR AUVE Jo<." ,., rwed 1c ltnd 1n.; nit5-!l1n<; sor Of • 1>r1nt. ••t 1 45 0 NEWS t:55 0 MOVIE • *' 'l11f' lOVf' lOl'«'V 1 19~31 D11v1d Niven Peggy Curl'\min\ A mO\lt,.._ ~Car "tMmPI . to PdY 111• Qom b""Q dl'bl ~ t>v Of!t>ron<; 0a1•nttt~ti1p 1n '""'"ao.._ ., 1nr· w1nnt, ot. ' !Otlery ~ 1'r~' 2:00Q NEWS (!) OETSMAAT Md• ctnO G-9 .1rr rn1:..la• t:,, H K.AOS .nll tnd ,_v• • doll that 11 y.,y vllulble to KAOS =1= 2:30 M()Vltl • • • .. Adventure In Or•~ p940} OeorQ9 Brent. IH M111n<1a .,..,.,.. m .. V11S Ot1$e ll'lllU O(Mlrl• tl()tl• ,,, soutl'I Alrlea ( 1 nt 2~ mon I G) MOVlf 6 • "'fhe Brave Bulla" t t951 I Mel Feuer • .t.ntf'IO!ly Quinn " !Atned m.ttadOt overcomes hi& IOH 01 Mtt· con11oence 10 re1um to 11\e ttflQ 12 hrs I II) NEWS 2:60 f) MOVIE .. • •', · t3 west S11eet 1 •9621 Alan Ladd Aod S101ger A man seek• 1evenge lilga1n11 1ne o•no ol llOO<llum• who t>eal 1'11m. 11 h• J!im1n I 3.65 0 NEWS (')MOVIE • • • ·wn111le Down fh8 Wind I t9621 HByHly M1lh, BftrnarO LM An escaped mu•de•er 11U1tenllet1> 10 po11ce instead ol <1es1toy· 1nq 1he ,,.,,,, ot the c1>11dret1 ... ho <J•SC0•6'tl0 him 12 ht~ I 4·00 0 MOVIE • • l hlf GamOlet .t.nd Into Lddy I t9511 Dilf\6 Clark. Nnom• Chance A qo,....t>te< loi.ci. evety1h1ng wnun htr !alls tor L.ioy ~u .. an I 1 ,,, 30 mtn I 4.26 0 STEVE EDWARDS 4:30 Q) MOVIE • • , lhe Gnos1i. Ot bti•Vley Squ.irb I 19471 fiot>.;11 M n rl11y f 1Jln Aylm"• Tn~ gho~•~ ol two Atmy ot11co1• a•o: oovnd tG n~t0n1 a mans.ton tor~vtn Thur#day·11 Doyf ime .ffot•it-.1 AFlERNOON t2:00 O • , fa!>! Ol l\1hm<1n- 1.;ro I 196~1 M.tri.h.ill Tnompso" O.ioy A"!Jru 0) • • • Gunm<Jn s w1111> 119581 Va11 Hell•n. l.10 Hunter 3:00 @ I • * Sf'l('llOC~ HOimes AflO l"c St-crel we.1oon 1 14421 Ba~•• A.i1111>one Nooe• 81ucu 3:30 O • •' • A!o.,ignment K t •9681 Sropnen Boyd c .. m,ua Soarv Reborn CBS Challenging ABC Lead <ffi'MURDER BY DECREE "IS THE BEST SHERLOCK HOLMES (PG) MOVIE EVER MADE " REX REED NEW YOB K t I\ P 1 CBS ccmtinues lo mount an impres~IV<' c-hallc•ngc to J\Bc·.., supremacy rn the prime t1ml' TV rJtin~!:.. sconn~ with sevcrnl long running sl'ries and ~11 ll·w,t three new pro· grams. fi gure<; from th1..• A C Nielsen Company :.how AHC won the ratings compet1t1on for the week ending March 11 with six of the 10 most-watched programs. but CBS had the other four and eight of the first 20 CBS finished Just ovt·r J point behind ABC 20.2 for the 11..•ader . 18 8 fur CBS and 16 1 fur NBC. The networks say that means in an average prime- t1me minute during the week. 20 2 percent of the ,homes in thl' country with TV wer(' tuned to ABC "Li\ VERNE AND SHIRLEY" wus tht.: \\-Ct'k 's top-rated show. with a rating of 3·1 4 followed by ··Jlappy Days." "Mork and Mtnd) ,"and 'Three·., Company" all from ABC. Nielsen says the r ating means of all the homes rn the country with TV. 34 4 percent saw at least part of "Laverne and Shirley " CBS' run at first place is due in good measure to the success of "Stockard Channing in Just Friends." ranked 14th in the ratings in its second W<'ek on the air. "WKRP in Cincinnati" and .. Dukes or Hazzard ... The latter two got regular sµots on the schedule after the first of the year and a re both ranked in Nic lsC'n 's Top20. 'Studs' Comes of Age By WILLIAM GILLEN NEW YORK <API Almost 50 years after he appeared in a famous trilogy by the Chicago-born writer James T f'arrcll. that memorable character Studs Lonigan has made his television debut. In the second segment of a t hree-part miniseries tonight at 9 on Channel 4. NBC con- tinues this evening the saga of a young Irish· American growing to manhood in Chicago after World War I. The final two-hour segment will be broadcast next Wednesday. Farrell's intent ln writing "Studs" was clear . It was, he said. " .. to re-create a sense of American life as I have seen it." T HE RESULT WAS A naturalistic novel. in the tradition or Theodore Dreiser. Its frank portrayal. in earthy language, of lnsb·Americans, made Farrell an instant celebrity of the 1930s. Farrell. who celebrated his 75th birthday last month. now hves 1n New York. where he's still writing. The themes of "Studs Lonrgan" are nol far· re m oved from our own time: bitterness and rivalries among ethnic groups. the contemptuous altitude or youth toward their parents' hypocrisies. ON THE WHOLE , THE NBC version succeeds in evoking the spirit of Farrell's novel. The street· hardened world of Studs Lonigan doesn't translate Top Pop Singers Saluted on KOCE "American Pop. The Great Singers," a 3~· hour salute to and by m any or the musical giants who created and sus tained American popular music, airs Saturday at 8 p.m. on KOCE·TV, Chan· nel SO. Joining Host Tony Bennett oo this crash course in the last 30 years of American music will be Ethel Merm an, Sarah Vaughn, Billy Ecksllne, Jackie & Roy, George Shearing and Chet Alkins. In additlon to the performances, film tributes to some of the other great artists or the post-war era and some of the earlier artists who bad great 1nnuence on Am erican music wUJ be presented. llm'l'I _ Jill'l©lm~=- IRUIMlf .,.._,,,~ -C.Q .... ..WOh "".,..,, w_."""' -~ ., ............ Or*"Otll>tlflO easily. however. in the visual medium of television: the outdoor scenes. in particular, are too glossy to be completely cred ible. It's h~rd to imagine a Chicago street of that era as being so neat. Ha rry Ha mlin as Studs and Charles Durning a nd Colleen Dewhurst as his parents maintain good dramatic tension, despite the plot's limita- tions. Hamlin creates effectively what f'arrell called the spiritual poverty or Studs. his refusal to explore any emotions beyond anger, his belief that his fi sts are the best way to settle any argument. Studs seethes at his father's hypocrisy. The father is equally disappointed in the failure or his firstborn to continue climbing the middle-class ladder. But. as Studs says: "They <your dreams l ain'tmydreams." STUDS' F'IXATION WITH Lucy. played by Lisa Pelikan. who rejects him at 15 and again at 24 ("You haven't changed at all, Studs"l. becomes tiresome. And the etherealized image of Lucy which appears when Studs dreams about her is an overused gimmick. Structurally, the series is flawed by the failure of the second installment to stand independently of the fi rst. All things conside red, however. "Studs Lonigan" is an Interesting addition to the 1979 season and calls attention to good drama, a staple of the medium in its beginnlng and since then largely neglected. , .. , .. f'rtrna ~rnn .. rom OYER 100 Rtchoer Rotkers n6 'II" s2s9°0 S\VE s10°0 HURRY FOR BEST SELE~TION Wall lttthnt11 IN STOCK 8199 IMMEDIATE FREE DELIVERY I - THE NET\\ORK CONTINUES to draw strl'ngth from "Alice.·· ftfth in the ratings for the "eek. No 6 "All rn th<' Famll.) ... !\o i "60 Minutes" and "M·A·S II ," in ninth place A n ote a b ou t '"60 M1nutps'" Th e newsmagazine continues to score 1mpress1vely. and the s how came within two ratings points of doubling the tally for the competition It was anotht'r disastrous week for 1' BC The network scored with a couple of consistent hits "Little House on lhe Prame"' and "Cll1P'> · both in the Top 20. hut continued its search for succe~s t'lscwhere BOTH NBC AND A6C li sted two programs among the bottom fi ve. with ABC's 'Mak1r1 ' It" No 61 for the week. followed by "Weekend·· on NBC. the "Mideast. Carter Gamble" Saturday news s pecial on ABC . "CBS Reports Inside the Union," and NBC's ··Little Women ·· Here ar e tht' week 's 10 top.rated shows "Laverne and Shirley" with a rating of 34.4 representing 25.6 milhon homes. "Happy Days ... 34 .3 or 25.5 milJion, "Mork and Mindy," 32.1or23 9 mill ion, and "Three's Company," 31 1 or 23 2 million, all ABC. "Alice ... 29.9 or 22 3 million. "All in the Family." 29.8 or 22 2 million. and "60 Minutes." 28.7 or 21.4 million . all CBS. "Eight 1s Enough ... 28.4 or 21.2 million. ABC; "M·A·S -H ... 27 or 20.l million, CBS. and "John Den"cr and Ladies." 26.4 or 19 7 million. ABC THE NEXT 10 shows "Taxi" and "Charhe's Angels.'' both ABC . "Little House on the Prairie." NBC. "Stockard Channing in Just Friends." and "WK RP in Cmcin· nati," both CBS. "CHiPs," NBC : "Vegas ... ABC. "Dukes or Hazzard." CBS: "Love Boal." ABC. and "Dallas." CBS. "MUIDElt IY DECIEF' f PGJ "NORTH AVENUE lllEGULAIS" (GJ '~OHEAHD ONLY" (PGI .. TOURIST TRAP'' (PGJ Dally 6·30 '>af,SW1 1Hol 12·30 MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE "---"',. ••""O• .. ro ._,,, -·"""'""'"''._"' ,.., ... ~tlit..,_OO,IM•C- ALL am AHO II '"-MS R£CU/I !'H( SEAL OF llil MOflOloj "1CTUl!G COOf OF 5tlP' M.OULAf!Ok ~ ITllltU• ~ Dalllll ~ so.TICOAIT 1iiij' ClllllA ~c:•r-"11r 1~-THE SAVING PLACE (JACK ANDf.HSOI') Pockoge Includes: 1·8x10 3-Sx7's 15-Wollets 4·Color Ponrait Charms The perfect Color Portrolt Package for the entire fomUy at a super Kmart price. and in a variety of poses and backgrounds. One sitting per subject. · No oddidonol charge for groups. Poses our sekK· tion. Satbfoction atwoys °' depo5il cheeff\Ay ~. THESE DAYS ONLY MARCH: Wed. 14. Thuf1. 15, Fri. 11, Sal. 17. SI.in. 11. DAILY: IOAlll ·IPM SUNDAY: 10AM ·SPM Beach loulewtrd, w .. 1mln11er HlfW lovleward. eo.-.... MltftOll1 ltrMt, """"""°" hectl A!VEALS 1'1 the ·-.,--·--·--....----... ,-... , ... ....... -... , ........... . •• -<II, .. ENTERTAINMENT I MOVIES I BROADWAY .. Richard Pryor !Dirti Up Act """ .. ' ·~.,,,. , ............. ...,,ff HH•h.ird Pl\ 11r ~h11ulc1 tw m•lulr1·d tn hi' '"" tlmlC'-.l( t•t•t•t•t1lttl llll'~ v. ht'lh,1r It "'hoohn~ hi' r ur to dt•111h, ~.-ttmtc .1 h1•,1r1 JltJt k c.r 'll'Y,,trlJJ? m11th1 r .ii, onh half J \H11d. -.mt'\' 1t 1:-nol nnl> v.h.-1 mllkl-. •' l'ryor !•nm. but .ill vf "'h¥l h.11>J1t "' to tum 1 • ,., entu.1lh rt•c \\It d 111111 11\jlt'IHOU• rvm1r rout1m' 1'1 ~°' .. 1 HLllO-. l't, k :. l\1A1f n.,,. h .. -. mo,1•11 1n 1 t ht• 1111 t•C"ltcin 11( th1• l' ir h Sh1•1· ~' c: rt•,·nc· v.-h"''' "'' 11 ,rr,1 'l '' .• nt11 ., 11ro' 1ll1·1t lht• 1111r111 ftll• 1 lhrr1111'11 v.t11d1 h1 \ It V. t'tl t ht• Ill Ill< If f1\ ,1Chll'''l' "' r ht v.1ulrt .1r•,11nt1 1'11111 It • 11.t•' l tfrn pl I\ 1•1\ d1•lic· tit Ii u• Ii 1!1,_.:111 ••"' h' !h1 ht ul ti t I\ 11( I ht• .1 ppt Olli h . hut llll' lnm•r -.1·11-ottl\ ti\ '' "11.tl halJnc 111.: t ltt· , 1tr111u, hh net or llll~t·r p.1111 po•r'lh't 11 H .11111 111 ll I It ~t·nt , W\<' 4.t T \ t '\ l.l "'••'•' \11v. or l'nur on ~C'rt'<·11 111 th•· 111111 1 d .. Ii.in'"",,. Hl.111n1·r \ldt•mup.·11 p1t1<l11ct11111 uf Hnh.1r I l'l\111 I"" Ill (\11h'l'l1 -.hot '' \ \.\ l't'k' ti !II ;1! till' r t'I I J C'l' I h1«ll• r 111 1'41111-111·.1 h i 1 lttll ~JI..:• 111 Jiit' 'nt,1 t1111111! J St-,t-. f'l1t•.1t1•1 '\: .. 1"111 I. 11101h1111u11 ll "'·'' put toi;:tlh1 r v. 1th ''"""u' •f•\l·<I "'1th unp11·tt·111111u' 1·.1n1tr.1v.111I. h\ 111111 ~1ham11 \.\hu l'11nccnt1•att•d 1111 M1m1• '1 n 1111!11111n h1•,,11I on long ~h11h Jl\d <'lc1-.1•1Jp:-. v. 1th 11111 hJ• 11.::.t..Ji.;e 1·unwra th:Jl r11t'lL'l'tf onl\. 11n !'>lil~l I l~hl t\v r WCIS ll lht• must :.<-r1!>1ttH' l'tht1ng Joh with an 11ccu ... ional rouline ~hown tn du~1·1.1p thJt nt.·t'tltd lht. J>t>r'>f*C t i\ o.• 11( a lougt•r shot MISSING F ROM T HE FILM b P;1t11 LaUt•llt• Pnor's c·o ... tar on th1· ltH' 'ho". hut ho.r <:1b:.1·ncc nuted with an opening rdt>rc·n<·t· to h1.•r part having lo n •mam unshown dul· to t1m<' problt-ms Pryor's gen1u ... 1·omt·., 1nt 11 full v11·v. pr1m:ir1h "' m.11:m!~1ng tho· tl1ffcrcrn«·-. b<·twt•t·n '4h1t1.· und hlad .. m.d•· and frmale. and th .. n without trumpt'l Ill~ II. 1111!11ng lhf'm into f'C'r.>Pl'('tl \l' II'> hf'lllj! mt•rt·h f.H .ides tu\ 1.·ring f;.r rnu1 t' .,1gn1f1t-.1nl :-.1rnil,1rttl('S L 111' genius 1s not only 1n his material, th;it mixture of e:qwrwnce bent sltghtly for sardcm1c II Jus trat1on, hul abo Ill his r><.·rformanC'l', a ktnd or sledgehammer l hl'atrc that 1n<·orporat(·S lanli(uas.:e to m ake a longshoreman blush, a remarkably de- li cate actinli( approach. and above all a sense of WhtmSy and the ludicrous. There IS t hat Streak O( sympathy that 1s Jus t about all-redeeming, in m any way~ a black vcr~ion of Bruce Jay Fried- m a n U N IV&RBAL STUOtOll TOUR "'MCA .,,.._'" ..,, v • "' ACADEMY AWARD IOMlllTIOI BEST IRT DlllCTIOI ll•••os CIWtlll Cl•ll• ( !4 .,_, -4 h .. "1111& PAJlk !Nlltl·I• .. ~ . ' U NIVER8AL llTUDIOe TOUR 'MCA ., ,. ,.. v 1• 1'-I 'Y 4 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS Including: BEST ACTRESS Ellen Burstyn Alan Alda "Samc'llmc, <~t\.\far" 14;~•·-"'•"" L ••t··~ • NOW PLAYING CHIEDOME EDWARDS' NEWPORT Orange 634-2553 NewPon Beach 644·0760 Wldneed.ly. March 14 1979 DAIL y PILOT BQ She's a 3~·foot Star 8-year-old Girl Takes Over as "Annie' JENNINE BABO, 8, CUDDLES 'MISSY' The Newest, and Tiniest, Broadway Star By JAY SllAIUUJTI' NF.W YORK IAP> Met a chorus girl the other day She's In her h rst Broadwuy show Only now are her permanent front teeth making their Broadway debut But then. she JUSt turned 8 a rcw wee ks ago. She's J ennine Babo. Al 31h feet tall. she'!'i the llnlt>st waif in the hit mus1ca.I. "Annie "She !>hows no fear on stage. 1s a born scene thief and m1m1c. and a lways seems to be having <t ball. "Na"'." sht> explained when a s ked 1f au dtenres make her nervous "I feel good." She dtd ronct'de that when s he be~an in t he show la!>t June s ht• wus a tad fn~htent•d "/I. ltttlc." ~hl' said. repealing it for emphasis BROWN-HAIRED, BER EFT of her baby bridgework up front but possessed or a winning s mile, she's the daughte r of the Gene Babaui. of Oucks County, P a . Pop's a sales n•p Mom's a danct-t<>acher The mother. Pegiry . a short. pll-asant woman. l'Urrently Is ()II leav1• frorn ll'<.tChtn~ to lt\C here with .Jennine during thE· <·hild., 'Annie-" run They ,·1s1t home Sund<i)' ••net Mondav<; J ennine. pclustng o<·fas1onC11ly lo play with Missy. her gr ay and white cat. s aid she always wa nt<'<i to be 1n show biz Her explanat ion sel'ms logical enough .. It gets me out to meet peopll' She 's been in it. so to speak. since agt.• 5 She sta rted at an old folks' home in Philadelphia with a rendition of "Ma . lle's Making Eyes at Me ·She says she was 2' '.! y~ars o ld when she first danced Truff aut Retrospective Slwwn W ASll INGTON (AP 1 Fran- l'tll'\ Trufraut has op<>nt>d the f1r'>t full n·trospf'rtn·c of his work. ;ind hl• savs thl• whole ex · pt•ri<·nct· reminds him of ~u r· gt·n· "I fr·<'I a little older because of tl I wonder 1f o n e's f1r i.t retros pective 1s n 't com parable to ont'·., firs t s urgical o pe ra - tion." said the French director, whose first rN1 lure. "The 400 Rlows:· prl'mtered 20 years a~o and won the Gr:ind Prize at the Kennedy fl•ntl•r 's E1~enhower Theater despite a heavy snowfall, lo see Trurfaul und hi:. latest lilm. "Love on the Run .. old h11\ of ··Tht· •100 Blow-;, .. !ht· ;,tJuh<nnl ... u1tnr of "Lm e .1t T\.\ rnt> and "Stolen K1-;s<' :ind thl· wand<'rtn~ hu .. b<rnd of · Bed and Board · RePortcrs were asked not lo review "Love on lhl' Run ·s ince 1t will not bt.' commercially re· leased in the United State:. until Sep1ember. "Love on the Run" picks up and perhaps concludes the saga of Antoine Do1nel, the 13·year "REMARKABLE.",.._,._-<11,""°'° -· •v "SPLENDID.''-· •... r .. .,...tr. ·, Vt-...,, ~ ... .,..,.,.,,,,,. """"·niov ~- JEAN· LOUIS BERTUCELLl'S NQ TlM E t::i\ I-OQ ~ ~AKtMrr ......... · ,., •. ,.... ••.. (:[ ~ 8 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE BEST ACTRESS J•n• Fond• BEST DIRECTOR H•IA1hby BEST SUPP. ACTRESS Penelope MIHord BEST ACTOR Jon Voight BEST SUPP. ACTOR Bru~ Dern BEST SCREENPLAY AJerome Hellman1 ..... ,i;' .... "Hal Ashby1 .... JaAenw/a J01i¥ ~J)t/(Jt. ~f!UJHe " boJ Waldo Salt..i Robert C. Jones s.,.y1io, Nancy Dowd DiaJi d~Haskell Wexler ~~Bruce Gilbert ~tivJerome Hellman DrtomtvHal Astby EXCLUSIVE ORANGE CO. ENGAGEMENT 1, edw:,~~~LB~JS!~~~!MA ~I 540.7444 I TOURIST TRAP lftt'll ttll.J411 "U.'"'. OWtSS.1111ttJV•'°'-A\ ~ tttfh44'°'6 tt11&\• t••llll t.1110 "®'.ICllOll' "'1110!1 CHUCK CONNORS '" TOURIST TRAP """"'""JOCELYN JON CS RlN YAN NESS ROBIN SHERWOOD ... TANYA RoB£RIS ,.,, ..... OAWN JHFORY ,.. KCITH McOERMOn ........ ""°~• ...... .., .,..,.,,..._utAll-o • ..,,..,. °"'o ,., ..... 1 ..,.,.,(.U1QJ _,,. .,"':: ;,;.!:; c:;::.,.. HITlllCnD Ann THEATRES •N ORANGE cou ,. SUPERMAN hll-4:1S.7'11olt:OO 70_,.., .......... ..,,.I •LACIB FOX" I ,,..Ji I S.l:ff.6:41-ttJt. I It 11 .. , CIJ~Jr:.t. ~ J:le.a:tl ,,., . 1:4t w~The LittJeCirl \ . "TOURIS Whol.iws \ .. ~. TRAP" Down The ~ne I! 1,..1 1:10.lt:H r l :IO "THE GLACIER FOX" U5~:31·11:15 (Cl HER MOTHER CON FIRMED this· "When J was teactun~ danc·in~. ::.he really seemed to ha ve rhythm, a naar for at And she Joved It " So lessons m dance tM:gan, followed a year or so later by singing lessons fro1n a Philadelphia teacher. Ru.ss<:ll Faith Then cwne gigs a round that city for the Police Athletic League. of all thmgs Mr ... s Rabo Babo t<> hl'r sl:Jf,•: n<1me. o! cours~ -s uccet>dl'd Dannu;lle Brisebols tn "An n1e" when the l<Jtter got a Job m CBS' "All in thi.: f<'amily .. A famil y friend helped Jennme get here. her mother said Thf> fnend was Phyllis McArdle, mottwr of An- drea McArdle , the or1g1nal "Annie.'' She 'd !>ern J ennine perform, thought her a peewee Judy Garland, and urged that s he audition for "Anrue." "SO I TOOK HER IN," said Mrs Babau, w~o has two other kids. Tony. 14. and Eddie. 12. "Sh~ was onJy 6 then Martin Chamm. the s how's direc· tor . seemed to hkc her. h1,1l ::.aid, ·Are you sure ::.he's.8~' · I guess 1t'c; becau::.c c;h<''s so c;mall I said .} c-.. lie said . ·well. you have l l) he 7 l o be o n Hroactwa}. and I want to St't' her the day caftt-r she turn~ · .. This was d<inl' t\nd art er two wc•ck ... · rt" hears al. J cnnim· Babo. whose only other brush with the big lime was a n unsuccessful aud1t1on ror u Burger King commercial, bowed on Broadway Ill a hit musical. T HE TYKE, WHO TAKES her formal school- ing from a prt\~1le tutor. doesn 't think whdl .,he's doing onstagc falls in the c<itegory of work. "l'oo. I think it'" fun ... ::.:J}S the lady Ah. but ~omed ay you'll be too big to play a v. :11 C What then., Rroadway 's tiniest chorus girl ~Jvc tl con .• 1derable thought · 1 dunno ... s he f i na lly '\atd .. A mo\ it> may be'>" G.•f'··· ......... FAS TUIAK (POI PIUS OHl ONf ONl 1ll'01 Chwtii (Of'lf'IO'"' TOUllST TRAP 1•1 •lUS IUBY111 A '"~"t•fvl ftiir1U•,... MUIOfl IY DICtll (POI . ,,..... • .. ,. 9M 4hN ......... ., · STAI CllASHlll'OI Plln LCMlD Of THI arNGS IPOI °""'"' ............ v..-. ....... re"W. AGATHA fPOI ~Uj INTHIOIS '"°' o.1w1.i ~..,. •• " fAST l lUKtP01 l>l\/J OHi ON OHi 11>01 SUHCOHHHY "GRU T TIAIH ROHftlY" ll"GI MOM.-Fttl. -7:00 & 9: IS J .R.I . TOUCIEH'S "lOttD OF THE aJHGS" l,GI MH(AVfH CAH WAIT" •'RYI DAYS AIOM HOME" MOHi OH OHf" lf'GI ,.,..... ........ , llYOND THI DOOi 11111 PlU' "'S AUvt, II 1•1 ____ ... , .. ,., "•'' ..... "-'"-NOIMA ltAflPOI Pl US OllAT SMOlll IOAD llOCICc•o1 Cllo11 .. ,_... MIT WHICH WU IUT LOOS( (1>0 1 Pl US OAUNTUTl•I ..... 11,. ...... ,,...,.....,.,, THI OlAClll fOX 101 Pl US WINnlHAWK (POI •"'-u ... , llONO THI OOOtl 11 PIUS (I I IT'S ALIVI, ll 111 0.-C k.., HAIDCOU111 PIUS lOO«IMG •OI ... OOOOIAI Cit '-"' 1111-•-·" n• Gt.AC•• fOX 101 PLUS GIA YUGU (POI ''"""' ........................... .. THI WAHtORS111 . PLUS .UN fUNK & WIT TONY i-1 '"'-r -tt.. ........ °' ..,. .... ~r· THI WAHIOU111 l'lllt .UN RANK ' cun TONY Ill 0 1 ............ MU WMIOI WAT lllT LOCMI 1,.1 """' O&UMYUT111 , ...... -...... .... .... _.,,_.~·-· ...... .,.. .... ... •• .._ • ._ >• ---·· ...... ,... .... ~ ..... ' .. • • BIO CAIL v PILOT Laughs Aplenty World Wit Urirecogriized PAHi~ 1 \I'1 A< tor uuthor f't•lt•r l ',llno\ nev. w111111 r uf th1• ~obit• l'r111• from lhl· Pitns tuh<'d A1Jsot·111t111n for tht• Promol11111 of Humor tn lntt>rn1u tnn11 1 Mf.1ln, !>ay, there ti. 111t•nty to luu6'h 41 In 1nll'rnutwnul uH Jtr' I h•" ,. •It•\'\ T ht• probll•m, lH'<'Ordtnlo! tu th1• uulhor of llt'ar Mt• und 11th1·1 buokM or wit, " th.it .. o frw IH'<I pit> rN'0"11l11• I h1• humor Ustinov fullowll l'Ud1 t••rht-r w 1 n n t' r ., .1 l'I t' o I urn 11111 t >\rt Hut•h\\uld und t'l'llllllllll"t Juh11 K1•1uwth (;ttlbrullh If tr levuuon 111Hl I hl' 111' "'1111111r 1111 potl'ntlnl by poht11·1u11'1 h11" hud .1n ''"l'<'l In lhf' Wt•ht.11 hu11 bt•1•n tu l '~tl no\• -iuul h•lc ... 1 .. 111n luul ,. n d •· 11 I h ,. t' 1 J o ( .: r 1 • l ,l.-h: ... nwn lht• 11rnbub1htr. or uny mon• J,trc•ol fll\•n 1•xt rrh1 nl( t1w11 nt•fu rwu.o, 1nnu1•n1·c· 11(11•1 thos1• \\1th II fl(lll!llblllly II( t'hlllt't' t i.t 10(1\ \~11tl , ........................ CASUAL VINYL LOUNGE~ OR MATCHING CHAIR ~,~( COSTA MESA J33 E. 17th St. 1,d1u••oble bot k & leq ,.,, ~•u1dy tubulor n••tol loume & w l')Yon tubv'uf \t• UJJµ1119 \un ''°'" 1 t•mfur t tulth h>• ~u,., ''urou., GllBEY'S DRY GIN 111m POPOY YODIA IUAIT IESSUR .. IUNDED WHISllY •m CANADA'S DOMINION Ull •m GAUOWINI . 1.S ..... st.7 ti. Vin llOM •llhlnlGoNen LUCIYnn 4'' 439 ....... ·C.-t •°"91111 .,.,., •le.'""' •lul~ •Qlpt '•lit• ·•te&a..c.t•• •'-"'idl c.-1 .,. .. ,, ........ PROMOTES HUMOR Peter Uellnov GAUFOANIA I WORLD Milk Price Boost 'Shell Game' SACRAMl';NTO <AP > Oa1rym n hove 1111ked the 11tate for a milk pri<'e t>oost or nearly 3 l'cnts a half gullon. but con 11 umt•r spokcsml'n called 1t u "11hl'll ,::am t"' that will cost Cnlifom1an1' unolhcr $30 mllUon u year Jay Goold or the League or Cullfomla Milk Producers said Tuc>sday thul lht• increase 1s 11ece11sary lo mccl mounllng pro tluctlon costs and lo bring California farmers more rnlo lint• with dairymen in other hlllt<'S c: 0 0 I. O s A J D C a II for n i a rlul r ymen ~t'l $ll.03 for 100 CON. UMER ~·;~:; :::n~~f gallon an the next [ J 1t will mcnn a totul booi.t of 7 to 8 pounds or their milk. compared with a national average or $12.66. lie said il ranges up tCJ $13. 70 in Miami. But Harry Snyder or San •Francisco, representing the Consumers Union, said that un. der exis ting law , California dairymen are due for a price boost of 2.5 cents in April and 2 cents more in June. If they get the extra 2.9 cenU., RETAIL MILK PRICES an Callforrua r<Jnge from 73 lo ~ cents per half gallon. The state Mets only the minimum price d a ir y men r eceive rro m wholesalers. It no longer sets minimum retail or wholes1tle prices. Wholesalers und retailerb c·ould pass along all of any price boost dairymen get, or they could absorb it or boost their prices even higher. • ~~~!:-~Jr~,~-~~!C DRUGS 9CIU••olen1 ol ANO nomes fl Iha 0 drug lOld be bl YOur pre.. ·'• '' o ge HANO 0 •to •ove u 1 :'ropr.°" Ovoolobl neric fXA .. brand nom, 01 tL~ 0 50 • <ompor9(j ,. 1.,,•b YOu moy A "''if: AM( ,.., •tty 'ome drug ' uy1ng '"'-ct~" ftM =-fllOIOt ""'•mm.1 = ~. Lo:Jy LlJ SHEER STRETCH KNEE HI'S UG. S9C NOW 0 9 1 2 DIGIT FLUORESCENT DISPLAY APAIR 4 PRINT MK 120 CALCULATOR 'lfiJ~,,, PRS WJ 4 J. • .,, • lllNFOlaD TOl •leak 4 f•lldloa 1114 COMFORT TOP KNH HI'S :~e:::~·:.~. 59 99 __ ___, 4 hy .. ..,, '"' ,..,., REG. 19C NOW 139 •U141 tMnMI ,_,., Oe•k lop model w1lh lluore>ont readout repeoi, odd & wbtro<t 11em counte1 odd mode \wold• 8'd191t >uporlhof1 l•illflf or uud1ble key ope•o•1on Ac cumulor1ng momory flat keyboard muchmo1e• FLAYOl 11 •MONTH ~S,.a.10c-.. fllEEl CALCULA101 STAND WITH PU•CHASE OFAHY CAtcuu101 DUllNGSAlfl 'itothc~Ubs 6 OZ. CANDIES DOUBLE CHOCOLAR MALRD llUllCH laCIUM 199 •aum1SCOTC11 49. C llAU GALI.Oii •CIWU TOffll k• (tNM..._f\,..•rk•'• •CllOCOUTI No. I fQll\lly dfttertl TOffll ff •Olm Fon• nohonolly od•erll•ed cond••• by• RAWlll 1 19 .. ) 39 Rothch11d-\ure lo be 9''°' lovo,.1e, • • with the entire fom1ly. Try oil t'1ree • A PAii 4 • SANOAl fOOT PIS Keep cool ond comlo•toble under pon•' Cko•<t of Sunton Colt .. FOIMlll Y SOLD '"IU s5 S6 1uun SU,,LlllS FOi TO LOREAL . ~ ~ ~j roumo1c1 --~·:_, "·~·: .... ·:· :*~,~~.49c 8'r+. Mode to S.11 lor t. 00 I •. _; •6 Ol. SIJNTONH ':i-..!.:: Mode lo S.1110< ~ 00 Your chol'l<e to purcl>cne no11onolly odver. l•\ed 109 quoloty beouty 0td\ lrom fomoul l 0teol at fonto\t•C •Ov•l\C}l ,,.. \upet \OWt DRUG & COSMOIC KOTEX lllTWS MAXI-PADS ;;*' IEG.179 ~ 2.24 • IOI Of 30 fully ob\0tbenl. ....... ·-·--- R. SCHOLL'$ f AIR PlllO INSOLES IEG. 53c 79C Mtn's llHS 7.12. ondWOfNl'l'•S·9 SURE ANTI· PERSPIUNT aEG.129 1.69 ea. • 01 R99 unuenred REVLON NAil ENAMEL llG.119 1.45 Cr tom °' Crys IOll•ne 1n lo1h1on 1hode' MOAMUCIL NOXZEMA £1'0,--01) FOi CONSTIPATION llG. 2'' 3.tt SAYE ,. 01. V'91'lobl• ' • 00 powder. .. ~ ........... --.. "" -... -... -.. -.. ~ .. . I• ., ., I tf ) r 1 INSIDE : •Sprttal Diets •Ann Landers •Slim Gourmet •Club Calendar Begorra! It's St . P at's Day DAll.Y PILOT For Saturday's celebration of the Emerald Island, try Stuffed Salmon Slices and Citrus Spring Salad. CJ The lrl::.h h.1w u 11uying "May vou b .. healthy ab tht' i.ttlmon " And in many parts of Ireland, the :.1ght or "luln1on lt<aping from the nvers on the wn.> rrum ocean to fresb water spawrung ground 1s con::.1dered Ii sure harbinger of spnng Thl'Y rt• the natural partner of the fish that '' graced the uanquet tables of the Iris h kings of Given the re~urd of the Emerald Islanders for what has bet•n nilled the King or F1::.h . salmon would seem c1 most appropriate cho1ct- for a rou:.ing dinnl'r lo celebrate St Patrick 'b Day. the earliest or ::.pring hobday::. Since meat ha:. always been relatively scarce in Ireland, the peopll' of this island na lion have fine regard for expertly cooked fish dishes But our Stuffed Salmon Shce!-1 would do any Irish cook proud !even one who':. only lns b on March 17 >. Sandwiched between two firm, pink salmon steaks. their fl avor piqued with bits or fres h grapefruit and brisk-tasting juice, is a bread stuffing piquant with additional citrus . As the Irish know, the best fish dishes are never overcooked By observing cooking limes carefully, you'll find that navors and textures are improved and that there 1s no "fishy" aroma permeating the house. Serve the stuffed salmon with a green ve~etable of your .choosing. But don't forget potatoes. boiled, in the Irish manner, and sauteed m butter and parsley perhaps ) Ort' Sinre March 1s still prime season for Florida grapefruJl, you can take advantage of 11:. rcfrt'&hmg versallhly m many prepared dish· t'b, mdud1ng Citrus Spring Salad . A grart.>ful molded rreation, \t's an elegant uccomparument to poultry and roast meats as well a& f1&h And while making it does involve a number of preparation steps, the dramatic re· suits are well worth the effort. The salad is spectacular to present to guests at lunch or dinner on a rollicking. holiday like St. Pat's, and the ralone-counters among them wiU appreciate the fact that this dish contains ingre· dients recommended in most weight-loss reg· 1mens butcombioed in gourmet style. These dishes, plus a few choruses of "Galway Bay" and "Rose of Tralee," and you 'll be dreaming of the land where a familiar bless· mg asks that the wind always be at vour back. STUFFED SALMON SLICES 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, divided t,.4 cup chopped onion 1 cup thinly sliced mushrooms 1 tablespoon chopped parsley v" teaspoon sa lt 111 teaspoon pepper o/4 cup fresh bread cubes 1 F1orida grapefruit, peeled, sectioned, cut in pieces (about~ cup) 4 salmon st~aks (1 pound) 3• cup Florida grapefruit juice Salt and pepper In medium saucepan, melt 2 tablespoons butler. Saute onion until soft; add mushrooms. parsley, salt and pepper. Cook over low heat 1 CSee BEGORRA, Page CS> ;An Irish Beef Stew Serve Boxty potato pancakes and Irish Soda Bread I with Newbawn Stew. tr the leprech auns in your house don'l • s hout wtth joy at the prospect of traditional • Irish <Jamb) stew, treat them to another Irish favorite -Newbawn Slew. Thia hefty beef stew bas a captivating aroma to make even the moat + elusive elf appear like matic at lbe dinner la· ble. As most people will agne, tbe aravy is one of the moet important parts of &DJ IOOd stew. In thia cue, clnmb of stew beef, carrots, and celery are enbanced by a rich onion aravy, eul· ly made from an tAvelope of oaioD iravy mix. Tbe navar al be~ pnftMI • 4118Uaetlve and lrreai.Mible appeal. No rapedable lrWama __.. MtUe for dinner wltllaat potatoea. For a pleMIDC cbaqe, try BoDr, a tndltloul famte al leoi'eobaw and oeMr lllllaabitaem Of tbe Bmenld Ille. s.t1 a. •.,,. o1 potalO paean wWl bftt of green peppers added for an appropriate toueh of green. Tbb modem •enloa II ma In Jll· .Ume Ullal an ea•.&ope of pata~paealll' Ilda. To CS17 oat a 8'dat Patr'1e11'1 Dir &Mme, aene eolellaw ud lrteb IOda brMd. topped oil wttla a pat al tea ud llae aberbet. NSWMWNIUW <All 11'1111..., ... , 4 lie. bacon, chopped 1 to 1 'h pounds 1tewin1 beef 1 teaspoon salt l,iJ teaspoon black pepper 1 envelope <~-ounce > onion gravy mix l 'h cups water 4~ carrots, sliced 4-6 stalks celery. sliced Cook bacon in large skillet unW crisp, sav· Ing about 2 tablespoons b:f pin1a; remove bacon and set aside. Add to drippings in pan and brown well. Season with aalt and pep- per. Add water and contents of 1ravy mix en· velope; cover and simmer 1 hour. Add carrots and celery ; simmer, covered, 30 minutes longer, until tende r. Sprinkle with cooked bacon. 4 to 6 servings. BOX TY 2e11a "111 cup water 1 envelope (4 servings> potato pancake mix ~ cup finely cbopl*l sreea pepper 2 tablespoons butter or mar1arlne Ulblly beat to1etber eua, water, and eon· tent. Of pancake mix envelope. Stir 1D lrffll pepper and let stand 10 miautel. Heat butter la <See STEW, Pase Cl) ' . Corned Beef, Cabbage The beef is given a new flavor when you corn it yourself, with beer. Be sure to add frothy mugs of brew. You don't have to be Irish to create a truly delicious dinner of corned beef and cabbage This dish is given new flavor addition when you corn il yourself -with beer . The corning process is far simpler than you 'd ever imagine. The marinade is a delicious combination of beer. garlic and pickling spices; for three weeks the beef absorbs the various spices into its fibers, enriching the meal to give a truly "corned" flavor. Wben you decide to star this at your table, you will find this meal involves little time in the kitchen, and more time with your guests. The meat almost cooks itself, as it simmers on the stove for hours. Add a head of cabbage, corned beef's most compatible companion, bread or rolls, mugs of frothy cold beer and your meal is complete. TO CORN BEEF: One to S to 6 pound beef brisket, "4 teaspoon saltpeter <available at your pharmacy), l/4 cup warm water. 2 cloves garlic <m inced), 2 tables poon sugar. 2 teaspoons paprika, 1 tablespoon mixed pickling spices. 11~ cup salt, l quart water, I quart beer. Place meat in crock or large deep pot, cutting meat in half if oecessary to fit Dissolve saltpeter in the ·~ cup warm water Add garlic, sugar, paprika and p1cklm~ spices Dissolve salt in the remain- ing 1 quart water and l quart beer; stir in saltpeter mixture and pour over beef. Cover meat with plate lo keep it under brine . Refrigerate 3 weeks. turning occasionally. Dram. TO COOK CORNED BEEF: One S to 6 pound corned beef brisket, 3 cans or botUes beer (12 ounces each >. 4 cloves, 6 peppercorns. 1 bay leaf. l head cabbage. Place meat in large deep pot. Add 3 cans or bottles or beer and sufficient water to cove r meal Add cloves, peppercorns and bay leaf. Cover. bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer. covered. 4 to S hours, or until fork tender. Wash cabbage and cut into q uarters. About 'h hour before meal is done, add cabbage to pot and contmue to Jet simmer for remaining 30 minutes It's more than the luck of the Irish that makes this corned beef so flavorful. It's the secret ingredient -beer. .. ,...~ ......................... ,.. ... _ ···--····'····-.. .. , ., I ,, l r '• ~ ·---¥ .. .,. 'i .&. •• ~ (2 DAll Y Pit.OT FOOD ' Chili Soup Saves Cash, Calories 'Pronto' You can turn .t half pound or hitch prir t·d hambur1er 1ntu two 'quarter pounders" ur a meal size soup that '>f'rves four Tu .,,1\'e l·a~h Ub w ll w~ t a1<1nt·" try our Slim (t11u1mt•I Ch1h Soup Pronto It .. .i 1uty Medcan bh·nd of heel and v.-.:eluhh·" tn 3 i.p1cy broth or b•'l'' and tomaloeb o com plele mt•u l "' » bowl lhat 's 1H1tr1t1ou!'I and non fatt.•nani;( It frt'er.es "<'II. so )OU nui:ht Ilk~ .. lo doublt or t 1 1 pl1• tht' I t•1· 1 ~W UJld IJ(ll l hlll l he I e fl<> vers 111 t u 1> in ~d l' 't'rv11\;t t.•111111111\f'rli 1n our fr<'t'tt'1. tur nwab to tha w. ht>at and St'r\t' later ('1111.1 SOllP .. RONTO I '.' pou11d ~·t·f I U\11111 leun. tramnlt'd uf ful ground :! ,H\ct I ' t'll Ill> ht•1 •f hroth honwmadt> 101 w Jnd 1 i OUll('t-t•an, dtlut t.•d with 10 ounce:. water >. fat·sk1mmt'<l 8 o unc e r.111 to m a tot's, peell•d, un dra1nt•d 2 onion:.. chopped 2 rib~ relery, shnd I hell pepp t-r seeded. diced I 1· Io v e g a r l 1 1· minced I t ablespoon oregano I teaspoon j!round l'Uffiln salt, peppe r , hot pepper, 10 taste Spray a no nstick sk illet with cookin g spray for no-fat frying. Spread the m eat in a shallow layer and brown over moderate flame, with no fat added. Break up into bite-size chunks a nd turn to brown other s ide Drain and discard any melted fat. Combine hamburger chunks with remaining mgredicnts in the same skillet, if large enough, or in a soup pot. Cover a nd simmer 25 minutes Spoon into four serving bowls (Leftovers can be refrigerated or frozen , reheated for anot her m e al > Makes four lunch-or supper s ize s ervings. about 155 calories each. EGGPLANT -A N D - MEATBA LL SOUP, ITAUAN-STYLE 1 2 pound beef round, lean. f at -trimmed. J!round I onion. peel ed. minced I s m a ll eggpla nt. peeled, diced 2 ribs celery. sliced 16-ounce can Italian tomatoes. undrained 1 and If.a cups beef h roth, h omemade or (•anned, fat·skimmed 3 tablespoons elbow macaroni. prote1n - enriched, raw l rlove ga rli c. minced 1 tea s poon drie d o regano 1 tea s poon drie d basil 2 table s poon s parsley. fresh, minced saJt and pepper to taste 4 tablesl>oon s mozza r ella (pizza ) ('heese . part-s kim , shredded Use a melon baller to -.hape meat into tiny burgers. Slip under the broiler to brown. or brown in a large non- stick skillet which has been sprayed with cook- 1 ng s pray. Combine browned meatballs with remaining ingredients, except mozzarella. Cov- er and simmer 25 to 30 minutes. Spoon into four soup bowls and sprinkle with cheese. Makes four meat-size servings, about 195 calories each. MOR E MEAL ·Sl ZE HAMBURGER SOUP IDEAS -Crumble left- over broiled hamburger into canned French onion soup. Heat and serve, wttb a sprinkle or g rate d Parmesa n ch eese. Turn canne d vegetable soup into a no· work main course by adding tiny burgers, browned under t he broiler. * '* * It's soup time! Researchers are just now verifying what G r a mdma always knew: chicken soup IS good for the anunea. Why ? Maybe the ate am vapor1 help keep the nasal pluMbln• UD· c loc1ed. Or ma,be It'• tbe .. ctrtM laa ot liquid" prescriptlcia m.te easy. Wbatet* tbe nuoa. chickea toup doHn't have to .. bland aDd borla1 llck·bed 1tuff. And It ._'t It.ave to be rattenlnl, ellher. .. Toda\ 'i't· \(• i,:ut M>n111 t•lhrnc .ill •rnj,i&l\i {'' to Grandma ., pentC'11l1n ,. .. ty, nvory, wf'll lll'U 'ont•1t mt> al !I I 11· 8ou11-c lhtal "Ill put ru .. 1 .. an an\mW ' lht't'k" Uut lbe.) 're lt"an lultoi l'alor h 'n ~ ou won t look 11!1 tf v n u · r 1· ~ t• .1 1 1 n 11 u snowa.u1t l NOJo:R )'<>Ur doth&nf • TO MAKE sn p fli\SF ur..-rhi<'k1•n or '"rkrv n ~ck' nu, l'l111 k1•n or turkt•\ n1Tk' Sii• Gou~• frum th •upermurket. quart wah:r. 2 tea poon11 fir 'uvt• them 1n your aalt, l teaspoon MSG lr•e1er from whole topllonuJ >. l peeled and JIOultry c 'mnhane eoach 11u111·1t•r14<t onion. l or 2 J>e1und 111 111•1·k, with I r 1h., 'illt't•d celery Sim mer I ;ind one·half hours 1or 30 minutes 1n a prt•l\sure cooker> Slrain and chill broth. lift off fat btifore uMing. Store m refrigerator or freezer Separate bones and s kin Use brolb and meat m the following ree1pes Or. substitute canned diluted C'h1cken or turkey broth, and lr ftovt-r diced cooked l'h1 ckenorturkey SOPA DE TORTILLA I Mexican Chicke n Soup) 2 and 11'.1 c up s chicken broth . fat skimmed 1or t i,. cups canned broth, diluted, ful·skimmed 1 2 onions. coarsely chopped 2 ribs celery. sliced I gr een pepper , seeded. diced I c up tomatoes. ca nned undrained . broken up 'h c up pars ley , chopped, loosely packed oregano l bay lea/ 2 teaspoon:. cumin seeds l or ~4 t CU.S f)OOn ground cumin l l clove ga rli c, minced <or pinch of garlic powder) salt Clf needed> and pepper. to taste l c up c hi cke n . cooked.cubed 1 teaspoon dried up 6 com chips, broken optional 2 tahle spooni. extra-'iharp <'ht'tJ d a r or Jack c heei.t>, shredded Combine first 11 ani;:re - d1ents m a :.oup pot or pre· ssure cooke r Cover and s immer 30 mmut.es <10 minut es in a pressure cooker, follow- ing m anufacturer's directions I ncover. re- movt> ba> leaf and :.tir m r b1 cken until heated <See SUM, Page CO Join the celebration al Ralphs 106111 Birthday with per lb. . sSuper Freet! Soltd 38 &nm Clbblgl per II lb. Relptll-Ghfffed Flm of HM SNIOn Orange frllll Julc8 Strawtmles qt. II ctn. 12 oz. II bak1 Frozen Wrth Pop-Up Cootilno Gauge Relph• Butter Betted Shri Portt0n·Fully Cooked AMOr1ed Flevora Blrde Eye-froa n Non-Oeiry Whipped Topping Tom .... A Taney ..... ,,., II lb. Golden Premium Meats Fanner John Smoked Ham per II lb. . . Pantry Fiiiers Cool Whip CUpO' Nootles TGPl*ll 2\12 O&. II lo&. II pkg. ctn. Supe, Dell Super Produce ,.....fle1 Cu1 1'' ~ c111ct ........ orHn1111'* Corned Beef Brisket -MJB Rice Mix Ill 3 f0f 51 ~~id(;gna 1•• ~ f,..,,e-orRedL ... .25 101 ,, " Salad Lettuce pllg '*" •<ell ~· ... c~~ 151 ~ F.~,_Cat Food Chuck Shor1ribs -"' 11101 4 ro.•1 ~ c;oii 5Marganne llb e89 ~whiteo~ ,_ e25 Cllt! llllG Ill ~ P;ttsi~--~ ICIMMa..fleecll-ln 101 IMf 1" Facial Tissue Ill ~ l0tde"· IS Stoc.d Food 1c• 1;210o!W·- .25 200CI 57 Americmi Cheese 120l Hawaiian Pineapples -bo• e plog Ill ~ f•me< Joll,...Po<11 Shouio.< 1st ~ r ... s -1-1>1t111 Boneless Port< Roast IMf Grapefruit Juice lb ··~ 59 ~ Mitct;dd8, ,... 2'5 ~G; Band Celery H C" .39 , ... e lb ~smok~ii;n .... ,,. ~c;Cola • Frozen Food• Super Bakery ~&•Scrod .... 211 .. 2:o:t .59 ~$;,sass .... 2" lb IOL 89 pll9 • ~WiiWmCBn Stwe .40 wlltl COUS'Oft IMf V•tabl9, 8"f Noodte, CMckN Noodle ==r ·~~·~J Llmft One Item Ind One Coupon Per Customer Coupon Etfec:ttve Mar. 15 ttwu Mar. 21, 1979 SUPER COUPON ~·1•1n laWingsnlis At Ralphs Nomdcltlolllilpw'"d'-• .......... tD,....., ... ~ r--,gffP1 ••,r•·,~ffP•••,r••r{!ffn•••,r•••{!H•1 ••,r••rl'!ff•1 ••,r•-~tt,--, I 94$1 II ,.SI II IAUTo Ult.....,.Cvl ll4tO II ..... 11.-.c....,. .. fl II ...... 7t+.OITu wllllC-MU II a ... 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"--"·"" L COUPON . 'L COUPON . 'L COUPON . 'L COUPON . I --------~ --------~ --------~ --------~ ~ .......... 1111Nll.ctit1, 1t7t r ••,«U•··-.. r--'~.--,r••CB•·--,==~....,......,c......, .. ,. II ~~ "" II ... I 1 a: 1lP II ... , ............. 5o II ...,MMe 50 I :':"..:.:-..:...~ I l*Y....,,,...,,, llJI I =..:.=.:: .. I cm 1 II .._. .,.... .., II cat'fll ,. • I ........... .... .. ..... ....., .......... I ........................ .... I .-. ... o.c... .. c.... II ~----0..-0--~ I ~---OMC...,. .. C-.................. .., ":.., ........ ·--n... c..-............... ft,... c..-.... -,.._ ... "·"" ~.,.. ..... L COUPON . 'L COUDON . 'L COvPON . I .......... --------~ --------~ --------~~·~ 1UC1 I.... • l 1111 ST .. CIStl llJI -SM ... _. *1S -I ll9 ....... ,.. ...... ~U 1aew..-. ... 11Mall. CISTIQ IJZS 1 11a ST~ llSlll ., .-s ......... lbCI ••I. llM&. _.11'1 ..... .-r• IOCll • • 15411 t •••1. Mlllifbl(I $Tll( ._ .. " ...,, n si.u, ........ ,. ~"'· ....... ._ ............. . . . . . ~ . ' " ..- i J I FOOD ~. Marcl'I 14, 1979 OAIL Y PILOT ~ Recipes Aid Diseas_e It b bt.'(!n t'a.hmaltHt thal hypoglycemia af reels 10 p('f'('t•nt Of lht' popul&llOO or lbus COUO· try, producan~ l• t•ondallon kno wn a~ low blood ~ugar ll'. !t) nlptl.lrna-r nae Crom emotional complaints of d<>pr,• 111on, anxiety, and 1r ratablhly. to Jihy:uul t omplcun~ or l•Ck. nl energy and lnt.omruo Somt>ttnll's tlw ph-. 'ii<' al ullment:i m1m1c olhl'r dJst-aM••., "11 h ht•.1dacht•i., blH'k piun!'I, or c·hest puins thut n1Jk1• tlm~nosli. dtffkult G4>nt•rally <i flH' hour .:lunl.w tnlcnnce test c-an dl~close wh1'1twr lht• t'nU'l 1s h)JIOMl)'t't'mta Althou.:h h\ 1•u)ll) n•m1.i ha\ become u (. mlhur krm "llhlll th• '"''' dt•c.•adP, ll wa~ dt> tf'<'trd u~t·r ~ '• .ir ..... o hv l>r r&>oh.• Hun .. wbo obi.t>rH•1I th.II 1 h 01.:h JHoh•tn, low c•rbohydr~t· dwt ",,, h1•lpful to 1111twnh who had ~> mptom:"> thul h••1k1•1t h~1· dO 0H•1 dW•f' n{ U\.'luhn A«ror"ll1n~ lo l>r 1111 \I'\ M R I or Lo~ Anwt•ll'' h' pu.:h 1·1•1111 1 1., Jtl .1hnurm.-llly of nwtithul..,111 th.It ft''""' in ot lo"' hluod '>Ulo:••r ll•vel 111 n .,,,.,11,t• 111 1 .1l111t: c·<1rt,oh)'dr JH'' t·spt><'1all\ tlw q u11 kh .1h,111hc•d 11run•.,.,t•d <•a rb<lb.)tlr.ih•,, '"•:,1r Jll1I "'l11lt' flour If th1· sugur ll'\l'I in lh1• hhk•<I f.1lh. twluw 1t pqrnl whlt'h I~ norm.ii lot lilt 111cl1\ 1dual '>Vlllplom., Ufl!>e For tho.M• p.1111 nl • "huh.I\ 1• l>c·1·n cli;i.i nl"t'd .is surfc·n~ rr 11m In pu~I) 1·1•nrnt d1t'I .rnd pr111> t•r !>pll('IO~ uf tlll'Ul .. t'.111 h,• 11111.,l ht'lpful ft I:> bettt>r to ha\ t> th11·1· ,111 ,ill ht~h 11rol1•1n meab with protean m1t·b 111 hc•t"'1'1·n. than to hilv~ the us ua l thn."t· big nh1.1h •• tlu\ 1-;at1n)( ortt'11 abo helps to 1·ontrol th1• It•\ 1•1 ol hlc~ICI i.ugar Avoid refuwd whtll· rtour and white s ugar l.1m1l St'l'VIOI-!!'> Of (r1·s h fru1l, cannE'd Un sweetenl'd rru1t, ft llll Jlll{'l'. ur liaked sugar free . fruit desH•rts. to on<• tinw dall~ 1f pt.'rm1ltcd al all Avoid corn. dry JH'a" or bt•Jns. baked beans. hominy, ~hill' potuto<•s. swt·t•t potatoes, and Drug Mixture Spells Danger Mixing certatn foods and drinks with drugs can make some med1ca· tioQ useless and others daflgerous. says the Health In s uranc e Institute The presenrc of any food in the stomach or intestines may influence a drug's effectiveness by s lowing down or speeding up the lime in which the medicine can be absorbed while pass· ing through the gastroin· testinal tract But foods also contain natural and added c hemicals tha t can in· teract with dr ugs, sometimes to your dis· advantage FOR EXAMPLE. you should never wash down a tetracycline ran tibiohc I pill with a glass of milk, accordmg Lo a s pokes man for the Pharma ce uti ca l Manufacturers Assocta· tion I PMA I. In fact, any dairy products. includ ing yogurt, s hould be avoided when taking tetracycline because the calcium in dairy pro · duels slows the abs()rp· lion o f the dru g tetr acycline. he s aid. '·But one of the most d anger ous comb1na lions." says the PMA s pokesman "is tran quilizers and cheese An i ngredient in cheese ca lled tryptopha n e nhances the effect or the tranquil izers and may re s ult i n depression, coma, even convulsions." Nor is it a J::ood idea to take drugs with soft drinks or acid i.e .. fruit or vegetable juices, before checking with your doctor. ANOTHE R CO M · BINATION to avoid. says the FDA, is MAO inhibitor drugs <com- monly prescribed for d e pression and high blood pressure> with aged or fermented foods such as aged cheese, beer, wine. salami. pep· peronj, even pickled her- ring. Tyramine, a sub- st ance in these foods. can r eact with MAO drugs, ca u si ng a dangerous rise in blood pressure, seve re headaches. brain hemor. rhage. even death. As ror alcohol, it is best to avoid mixing it with any type of pre· scription or over·the· counter drugs. says the FDA. He re are a few tips from medica l authorities on how to prevent undesirable food-drug interactions: • When your doctor prescribes medication, ask him when to take the drugs -before, a rt er or in between meals and what foods or beverages to avoid while taking the medica· tion • Ask your doctor or pharmacist how specific drugs might interact with your favorite foods and drinks. • Read and heed the labels on over-the - counter drug prepara· lions and inserts with prescnption drugs. Nprrial Dit-i11 By Jun Roth )'JmR Uo 1•1111,ful ul>out tht• hidden thickeners 111wd an atri•v It':,. :,uu1:u. twd crcum soups . Do 11 ot dra 11 k u I t•uhol 11· ht• vc• r u tics. regular ~wet•t.-nt'tl t•ubonukd h.-vcruge8 or fruit punch. llc•n• un• i;oml' VC'j(etublc re<"ipeR that can tukt• th<> plac·•· 11( lhl' <'urhohydrule-laden potato 1n lht• dmnt•r mt•ou 8AKt:l> ('i\ULH'LOWER 1 lurRt· h.-a1I t'llultflower I muon, <lH t•d ~> W1lllt•:,J>cKlfl~ l' hoppt'\.I J>lirslt!~ I doH· ~;1 rhl'. mincl.'d I t·un t lfi 11u111·t.' 1 stewed tomatoes. or 2 1·1111' frt"'lh i.kwt•d lomato~s -~· lt'.1,1>00n ~u lt 1 ~ ll·u~~l(lll pt•pJ>t•r 1 1 t•u1; t!' ..elt·d P,1111w~<1n t•heese l'n•ht·.il own to :150 F Wash caullflower .rnd hrt'ak tnto .. mull rlowt.'rels In a covered t'assc>rolt.', t·umbtne onion. parsley. garlic. aod tomatoes. add sail. pepper. and grated cheese. Add t•uuhflowcret!i and milt thoroughly. Cover and bake 40 minute!>, or until cauliflower 1s t~nder Makl'l> 6 1ocrvin1its SPINA<'ll <'H F.ESE SOUFFLE l µal'ku~e < 10 ounce 1 frozen chopped spanar h 1·"2 t•up colta~l' chN·se ''4 teaspoon s alt 14 teaspoon nulmt•J: 2 egg whttt'S Cook spmarh m a :-.mall amount of water and drain well Add cottage cheese. salt, and nutmeg. Beat egg whites until st.Jlf peaks form: fold through spinach mixture. Pour into a greased baking dish Bake m a 350 F. oven for 20 minutes. or until firm. Makes 4 servmgs. ZUCCIUNfCHEDDAR BAKE 2 tablespoons butter 11.t cup chopped onion 14 cup chopped green pepper • 4 teaspoon oregano 4 cups shced zucchtn1 , cut '1• inch thick 1 tomato. cut in wedges l cup shredded Cheddar cheese Mell butter in a skillet; add onion, green pepper and oregano and saute until vegetables are tender. Add zucchini. Cover and cook over low heat about 15 minutes. or until zucchini is tender. Stir in tomato wedges. Fold in cheese. stirring until cheese is melted. Makes 6 serv· ings. Hot Dog 'Fishy' SEATTLE tAP l Sc i entists at the Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center a re hoping that some day Americans might find something fishy about their hot dogs. They have developed a wiener containing nearly 30 percent Alaska pollock. a bottom.fish be· ing caught by Japanese. Koreans and Russians and eaten in America as fish sticks. A reporter who tried a ..f ishfurter" said it looked like a wie ner , smelled like a wiene r and tasted like a wiener. with maybe a tang of fish. Maynard Stein berg, director or the center 's Utilization Research Division. has worked on the pollock frankfurter for seven years. He says it has more protein than a regular wiener. Save 25¢on Shake ii Bake~ COATING Mil' Regular or Barbecue Style! It makes the most of your diicken! for cmpv ch1Lkc11 ar II<. render 1:1.:,t, 1rv ~hake 'n Uakc • ~1.-a<.onl'<i Coaung Mix. Th1: golden wallnJ: "4:ah in 1hc 1u1cc-<;, to kttp your chKktn nxi1~1 . 1uu.:v, tend1.·r Or ha\•c real barbecue chicken w11h11u1 a grill All vuu nt't'd t\ Shake 'n Bake• Sc:asoned C.A111n~ Muc -Barbl!rnt' ~t vie. In your own. the coat mg makr-. 11' O\\ n tangy, mmJ· 10cv, harlx'l.Uc '><IUU'. with n:al harlx't uc OJ\'ur. l.11h1:r u.;iy \OU ll \J\'c 2S lt:llt\1Ju,11ak1.·1ht• rn11pm1 bl.k1~ th vour \ture. ,j ,, .,,, f .. ,.__, 1,..1,1JqJ IP'• • ~-------------------------------~ 25¢ SAVE 25¢ tnk,,r.,,.~ 25¢ on any Wie-size package (four· pack) of SHm.BAIE Shake 'n Bab'SWoneci Coating Mix =~..; -Regular or Barbecue Style. p ,,_"' .,_!iw'•F ..,.,..., ..... .,_ •-..,,..,,.y ( ___ M_A_IL_B_<_>x_· __ ) ST/MULA TES SAVE 2oe FREE MILK! For proofs of purchase f mm 2 packages of Nabisco Oreo Chocolate Sandwich Cookies and 2 lbs. of Nestle~ QuiJ< Chocolate or Strawberry Flavor, you can get a coupon good for a free Y2-gallon of milk. To receive your tree halt Rallon milk coupon send p1oof-ot-purchase conhrmation seals trom any 2 p.JCk.J~c-; ot Nabisco' Oreo• Cl'IOCOOtc Sandwich Coo611cs pt us proofs of purchase from 2 lbs of NGtlr · Qv1k Choc01.1tr Flavor or Strawberry Flavor 1onc 2 lb can or 1wo I ·lb c.ansot either llavon. with your name clddr~., .m<1110 code, to P 0 Bo-1220 Boston. Mass 02 I 72 Ma1Hn torms are available 1n the M.vch 1ssuesot Ladies Home Journal. Fam1lyC1rcle. Good Housckecpinc i!nd McCall s. or at part1t1patm~ grocer displays L1m1t one refund per family Allow 4 10 6 we<-ks tor dehvery Otte< VOtd 1n the States of M.imc NcvM1a .>nd Washi~on and where pr0h1btted taxed or restricted by law Offef" expires September JO 19/9 ! 0 u ~ ;; .. z .. Save on the Nestle Quik; too! J;. .. "' .... !!: -.. -......... ,....,.., ... . . , .... -....... .. ~ -.... . .. . -'. \ \ . . ' . .. ..... ' .. ~-. . . .. ' -. ··---···iii• •1 I f I I Cf DAILY PILOT FCOD Drizzle Butter on Steak Steak purasts may le I that a JW<')' portt•rhou~t' nt"tdl only l!I d1u~h of 'lull .. nd a pltu·h of 1~·p,wr to rearh pc>rft•1•tion. but the C'n hlonuu lle('( C'ou nt'1I haa i..umt• mouth w.itertn~ '!U.:l1Wl'll10n for opC'n m1 11 1lt•d bee( t• u l ~ r " l> t' I I t' u t t' I y rl.tvort•d -.h1J1~t·d but tt'rS to 1li.1b on a 'l111hn1 ~tt<ak form u hl(ht HU<'t' that <·01111ll1•mt•nt" hut nt•vt>t m1•r""'ht'lnH, lhf' 1..-.. r ,..or th1·~H· rt'C'llH''I, ll h•ndt•r 1•111 'ut·h ttN nh 't••ak N1·""' 'turk or portt>rhou.w I' !!>UAt<:t•st t•d Ov1•11 hro1h•lf 111 pun hr O ale· 11 . t h 1•' !\I t• .1 k ' 'tw ulcl ht• ,1.1rt.-.l JI ..i h11-tb ht•ul to wo.il 1n tht' JUlt'Ull < 'hOc.1:11• "'"' or rnon• of ltw fol111~111i.: hutt1•r:.. ttUll'kly OlJ1lt• aht'ad of ti rn c ui,in.: .,oftcnl·d but l..r for t·a~y blt•ndtng l>1Jon Uultt'r l:J made ~ 1lh drv white wint'. J:J rlk Jnd ..i tablespoon •lf DIJon mustard for the n1tcest.ary ed gt' Tar· ragon i:. tht· "~cn•l tn the muck bt>arnaa ... e, wh1<'h Jbo ha'> a hint 1Jf dry ~h t le Win(' "HU '>d mt•an)) kin~. anel th1 ... l..1nR of ht>rb ... JOIO!> ~J rl t<' :rnd fr e.,hl v i.:nrnnd IH'PJ>er 1n th~· la ... 1 vanatmn O \.'EN R R OILl'.:D STF.AK 2 l l•nder !-.t<'aks, '-Ul'h as rib, N<•w York. Spen cer. T ·bon e or J>Orterhow,l' Salt Freshly ground pep· Flavored Butler •IH'IOw > Preheat broiler. Trim c'"'·ess fat from slPnks. 11·,1 ving about 1'2 inch rrm Slash fol at about I 111rn inl<.'rvals to pre· \ t· n l <.' u r I 1 n g . Brush 1Jr111 ler rac·k with 011 and ,,., about 4 inches from '>oun·f• <1f heat. Place 'l(•ak on ht·ated broiler pan and bro1 I a bout 3 m1n ut t''> or until l>rowned Tum and broil about 3 more minutt•s, or until cook ed to de· "red dei:rec or done nl'SS. Pl:.rt• on heated <,t•rvin g pl ate. Sprinkle to taste with sail a nd pepper Add a d ollop of flavored butte r, or offer butler in in<llvidual dis· ht·~ on the· s1cl<• M akei. 2 M•rvings To Pan Rroll: Heat I to 2 tablC'.,po<>n~ b11 1 ter over mt•d 1 um · hq.:h h ellt 1n l<1r~l'. h ,. Cl v y .... k I 11 H J\ d d :,ll'aks and brown well on both s1<k~. Heduce hf'at lo medium and con· t1nue cooking, turning once, to desired degree of donent'ss FLA VOR•:D BUTTEkS Dijon Butter "'1 cup butler, sof- l<'ncd 2 medium t'love11 1 •• .Siim CFrom Pag.-C'2> through Divide between I wo soup bowls. Spr1 nk le 1 o n coarsely crumble d eorn chips. Sprinkle cheese on top of corn chip s and !>erve im·i mediately. Add hot pep· per sauce at the table. to taste, if desired. Two mc al·size servings, 290 calories each without c·heese. about 315 calorics each with cheese. I IT ALIAN TOM t\1'0 1 C HIC K EN NOO DLE SOUP Decrease chicken broth to 1 and 1/4 cups. Increase tomatoes to 2 c ups. Add l ounce f ine dry noodles. Omit corn c hips. Replace s hredded C heddar c heese with ~ra t e d extra·sharp Rom ano cheese, MekeA two servings, about 3SO calories each. G REEK C HIC K E N AND V EGETABL E SOUP Omit cu min, cor'n c hips and cheese. Add 1 tablespoon lemo n juice, \.4.c up raw r lce, ~· teaspoon clMamon and nutme .r. l teaspoon dried mint leaves. 3SO calories per 1ervln1. HUNGARIAN CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP PAPa8'A8R Om it orecano, corn rMps Ind cbffse. Add l o unce n.ne dry noodles, 2·3 le11poon1 1weet Hun11rt1n paprika, a 1bake of nutm~ and a 1h11te of mlxtd pound poultry aea1onln1. About 3JO calorla per H rvlq . ' .iarllC'. mtn<'ed I tablt.>11poon OIJcm mu1tard 2 t •• i11qio o n ., d r y Whit~ Wlnf' f'l"f'Ahh Kround Pf P pc'r Combtnf" all 1n1zrt· dlf'ntir. en 1m al1 bowl. bl•nd lhorouahlv Rt'friaer•tt' •t lu\t 1 hou r lO blf'nd Oa\Of'I MAk .. ~ ·~ C'Up MO('K B•:AltNAll\f: BU1T•:R ,., c-up butt t'r. "of tened 2 I I.I h I ,. Ill JI II II 11 1111111 t•cl "lhullot' or .irc•e•n 011100!'1 J l ) tNl"JlOOM drll"d tarrnJ((IO, rru11hf'd .! t t• I.I 'C JI 0 0 0' cl I Y Whltf' Wine 2 t<'U!\Vtlt>UK dry f''ra•i..hh .irvund IK'll lll'f ("omb1nr ttll 1n grt> d lC'nt'I 111 1'1nlllll bowl . b I r n 11 I h o 1 u u I( h I ~ llt•fr11w1 .ate .ti 1••11,1 I hOU t tu lih•1teJ rl.1 VIII ' Makc•11 12 c·up UASfl BUTIEll 1 , <'UP butter. 11or tcnl"d 11 ~ tt>:111poora basil. <'ru11hN1 I 2 <'lovl'S garli c.-. mlnc·1•d 1-·m~hly ~round pep iwr Cumbtne all lnJ(rt' dlenls in ti mull bowl. b l t•nd thoro ughl y ltt•fragerate at lea11t I huu1 to blend flavor:\ MJkt·" •~nip Steak wffh flsvored butters Is mouth-watering for beef eaters . You don't have to be Irish to enjoy CQmed Beef and Cabbage from Lucky. Corned Beef Brisket Points. Lady Lee or Dubuque' Fresh Green Cabbage 'lohd I 1.11torv lb. J38 lb .• 19 Lucky's low, overall prices keep Irish eyes smiling, and others, tool This St. Patrick's Day, enjoy a bit of tradition wit h corned beef and cabbage fro m Lucky. With Lucky's Separating the Blarney from the cold-cash truth. Nowadays, some supermarkets claim to have low prices while playing expensive games. Well , any respectable leprechaun knows everyday low price, you can afford to take home a 3 to 4 1/2 pound corned beef brisket from Dubuque or Lady Lee. Brine-cured and flavo r-packed to deliver succulence with every slice, your corned beef can be enjoyed on a raft of garden-sweet cabbage and carrots the first night , on rye with coleslaw the next. For top o' the marnin'. or · evening , as it were, you'll find coffee, whisky and cream for a traditional Irish brew. At Lucky, you get that without games Lucky can -t, offer overall lower prici ng, which means you can-get a lower total every d ay! And let's face it, this time of year, it's the saving of the green that counts! Whatever you're celebrating this week, come to Lucky for food to corned beef and cabbage and all the trimmings at prices that'll make you jig. make it memorable, at lower prices overal l. That's no Blarney! That's what discount's aJI about! Fre'th Meats CORN ED OEEF DP.ISKET McCOY~ POINT~ IOl\DOQ CUDAHY OONELESS HAM 1 IJll 'l'COO«I 0 'WHOl.l 2 1 9 011 HAl l '\IAl(A AO()(O ........ lD oun PORTION i "9 Of HAM ~ FW.VCOO!llO.. . l.D LAP.GE ENO P.10 P.OIUT llo'"JN14MIUI II• 1. 98 CP.OS~ P.ID P.O~T '°""'))~0(11 '""'~ •• 2.08 T·DOHE STEAK 11\JHl)(CJDlll ll)lh . 1n 2.56 TOP SIP.LOIN STEAK DOMIU\1DC)ol()fLDll11Qh lA 2. 78 st.KEO DEEF LIVEP. -.!...Sl4 14 .96 FP.YING CHICKEN Wlt'GS 18 • J 8 J'P.YIHG CHICKEN llVEIU ID • 96 DOHELm J'IWEP. OP.OOTS 2 59 c.r....,[)( • t& • CHICKEN WING DP.UMmcs1 28 lllY™<o '-'"'t4 • tD , OKAP. MA YEP. SL KEO OACOH ,11,.,11•1r•><1 "'C. •60• "' ...c.1.68 CJnned & Pac kaged bMAZOLA COP.NOil 239 4&0> Ott J: DEL MONTE 7 9 CATSUP :l? Ol Oft e r CITP.US OP.INK 6 -• IOC.<( • 3101 G'l .49 L ~H~.';!;INGSAUCEMI~ I ~ .49 r MAYONNAISE b '"..JA> ' .f # I ·•tit . 96 l. ~~~ll~~!~~.. t>JO/ IA"·89 I AHTHOMYSPAGH~(/ •••• 95 r VANILLA l.'Af[IU 6 W-tttOHt ttC\l bl;• ,69 r OL YMPtC MEAL DP.EAD .". "•11 .. 1 t •• 14 ' I at .69 r HEINZ GP.AvY 6 '"•"tflf\ •.(./ ~.39 LADY LEE DCYEP.AGE '4,.tHlJ /r\A~\ t/(J/ (1tJ1.16 LADY LEE DEYEMGE lf"fl'• """'" (AHtitll\ bf1 .. t". '• If•• .15 r LIOOY'S JUICE A io-.AIO .,,01 C•~ .4 7 I. on MOMTE PEACHES (&1"-.J ••M\ft\(.,_ ~W'l\ ')O()l C..H • 59 r LIOOY'S FP.UIT MIX 55 i (.-.uHH' • •101 (/ft"-• r VEG·All VEGETAOlLS ""' ~ MrUU •60 / (>.,. • '-1-t r EAP.LY CALIF. OllVE.S I> lhltlfllntD... . • oQl (,A~.63 r CHOCOlAT£ CHIPS A wPllll ''°' _, 1.39 p WISHOOHE DP.WING 98 6 nM.1411< li4lloO • It 01 Ill • Canned& Packaged J NOODLES P.OMANOFf fM'Trlf\111 ,.f\'1 • 10/ f't • .55 Dairy & F ro.n•n [AUTUMN MAP.GAP.l~E11 ''" • 76 r OlP.OHYE COD co~~ •• "' . 9 5 J STOKELY V£GOADlO ""'•AltAfll'_......_ """""'''''' '0..Jl"""' .85 J. ~~!~D!,SH mm~. •I "'(, 3.09 J Dl~.os.~~.~~AKE . / , .... SS Delicatessen J DOD'S DP.ESSING 6" °'''""' 'OlW'. \J J P.Ani OEEF' f'P.ANK5 .,., •II ·~n1 .. <. 1 .49 Ho u~e h old & Pet OISHlr'ASHEP. 0£TEP.G£MT 1 "9 V.11"UI )II ,/ l!O• , \J h L OOL DOW\. CLEAN.~~' n• • 5 J J ~!~H~IHGSOAP '°' "''·36 r GLAD~TICDAGS (. 1<1>11'1..,~•" •Cl "'" . 99 L ~~1~;>.9~~000 '. N u ... 19 Health & Beauty Aid~ AGP.[[ CP.EME P.INSE f AHllC(JHliolO<l~ lllt:.IA.~~ n.• 1 "9 I; IJ"'A(W')C" •>t.•I O'l .V r HEAD(, SH0Ul0£1U #, IOflOoolHANfOQ 1tOl II\ 1,89 L ~~TH~~USH ·"' .79 l ~~QUll ~01 ti\ 1.49 l~~v~~.~~. "'4 0leo4.79 liquor SAVE 10 % -DUY A CASE A , n .. r '''" nut• r ,._, Grvt ·~ .,., fll'-(A~ r1.-•t/i,.. '>C"' w1•.J 1, ""'""\ II\( 'OIJf llf •IH •(I t.L 1 I p IP.ISH WHISKY }, 'W •~f(fV ft'\C'W\ ''-"llii'I l 0 6 .99 r IP.ISH MIST llQU£UP. 5 59 I> 'M)M()f"lf ••"\I)/ I"' • r ANOP.E CHAMPAGNE 0 ••C. ...... CUvM_IL '"' ... r 1. 99 KEYOUYS ~ DvV\ ()rf" ·-"""Ch -o .. Obit' flt: pn<f" P yf9f'\ l()WPf ft\t)(\ It P4t ,,_(J.J<JI Ol\COvf'll ,,., t 0\ 0 lf"\f.111 ~ ll"O'IVlo< """" l!'m()C'>'n"f ~l'O"OI OllOWOn<'l'\ y,,.., n hnd hu<Vl•f'O\ ol !ley Ovv nt>m\ """'Y 11mo• you ~.opo1 L~~y °" "<• "°"""~~ ~ ~ ~ wtl'w ........ °"""' ~'\ol.,....'°'7io ~""'14~"""°'...,.vta' Moa>~ tOIO r"t"Y-f')"" t0~0Y1.,.,... • ..,~"" n a.tf\.y1\I\,.-.-..-• ~ ",.,r rtWI' lf'd,._,••o. l'Y"l')""w"> l'"••t(y'•·•~1 ........ , l~ "'l""''~<r"·' -....d'°'~ Pro duce LOOSE CAP.ROTS .4 9 l()PSl,.,Vll"""l"'A l()e -. ROMAINE ~[~~&;IN OONI ~. 19 PIPPIN APPLB ~8 )I PAIAI(~) C.llLIH LO e 451- MINN EOLA TANGELOS 39 I~ IN 11.>VO!\ lO e WHITE ONIONS .4 9 AOO ZIP ANO NIP LO e -. Lenten Menu Ideas }'STAR KIST b ~~i~~A~ TUNA .4 2 5 1?'" Ol C""' -. Fil.La OF DOVEP. SOLE •al"' ia 2.89 TUP.DOT FILLET U1 1.48 '"'"' ... SNOW CP.AD CLUSTEIU 1a n• u 2.49 OP.EADED flt.LET Of SOLE 1111)11~ ..... .. .Ill 1 .~ ~~OFCOO .UI i .&8 J: PHILADELPHIA CREAM CHEE5E !11\An • • • 6 Ol PKC, e 6 5 J: COTTAGE 12 S CH EBE l>O'l'llC . . J? Ci/ CI N r CHCDOAP. CHEESE ~EAD A ""°<•taa.Yo loo•"" 10 1 <uP·99 r KMfT CA.SIHO CHtD£ j, •Y4~~~ 6 0/ ""f, 1 , 13 ~~,:;~~t(,HI ~ 2 .59 , suc:ro CHEil( FOOD 1 65 I> 1>11"UI •oOI ""° . ... what discount i~ all about. . .. DISCOUNT SUPERMARKETS M6* .. ,,. •. u,,,.,....~..,.. ....... .. ttt to. ITATI CCIU.IOll ~AllO COtTA~U t1• """'°" eGul.l\IMO MU•tON isl lllO. IUOUO AWIJllUll l!UWfllllOt'OM •** • .... lllCICllUWf ... , LMUlltA """ 111'9 CMOT ltO.tO AT IA,., OHllOI "" .. ~ ...... ........ ..,.. , .. ,,~-~ ITANTOtl ,.UTaJ,AAW "''"""...,. cMllotN OllOVl ....,,.....'°" llACM •t Af\MTAA ..... tat" l llCUO AytMUI futTIN IU1'0 ~ AWMll sro..H ON N Oi\ILV t A.M. ... .. ,_,.,...,. ~·-·..._...~ . ..... . . .... ' FOOD Be lucky" the kitchen with Perfect Pattie's M1rty Pie. This no-bake dessert features the flavors of chocolate and mmt. Pie's A Bit 0' Luck It ... il fat·t 1omc pl•opk .1rt• lut'klt'r th1.in otht>r~ Wh:ilc\'l'r '1cy do I!-> un instant !>UCCc~~ And everything trey bake ~ecm-. to come out perr ectl:, ' Now 1t · ... you1 turn to be lucky in the kitchen. Your guests may tum "green" with en· vy when you serve Perfect Pattie's Minty Pie . This delightrul, ru-bake dessert features a natural cereal am chocolate flavored crust filled with vanilla JCe c ream flavored with pep· permint extract. The crust crea~ a pleasing texture and flavor contrast to lte chilled minty ice cream filhnf? For those• not~ompletely confident about making standard pas ry, this crust is,a breeze Th(• crushi•d c·c n al chocolate pieces and two t<1~kspoons v(!({ctablt' oil are simply prt·ssed into a pie p:in and frozc·n until firm. ThE• <'rust 1s s implicity 1lsttf and <i wonderful com plemt•nt to the smooth y elegant and utterly de licious pil! How can you go .vrong'! Perfect Pattie's Minty Pie promises to be a refreshingly cool dessert with the compliments warm and won· derful' PERFECT PA'M'IE'S MI NTY PIE Crust: 1 2 c·up sem1·sweet chO<!olate pieces ::! t 1lill'"'Pnon~ \ l'IH'lable 011 :! :-up ... 100 p1•rn•nl natural cereal. origan:it.rinl·I~ l'I U!->hl·d Fil1-g: 1 2gallon vanilla ice cream , softened a.teaspoon peppermint extract t{ drops ~reen food coloring Forcrust, melt together chocolate and 011 in heavy 1maJI saucepan over low heat until well blende4 Add cereal. maxing until evenly coal· ed Ca.1 about 10 minutes. Press mixture firmly onto bfttom and sides or 9-inch pie plate. Freeze a bout JO minutes or until firm. Fir rilling. combine ice cream. peppermint extralt and food ('olonng. mix well Freeze un- lll m:xturv mounds Spoon into frozen crust. frN.•1.1 6 to ll hour~ or until firm Let stand at morn t<'mp~ralur<' about 20 minutes befort: scrvhg. l\lakl·s Hinch pie. Recipes to add dining pleasure while subtracting calories. Wednesday In the DAILY PILOT c The Nestle Comoany. Inc 1979 r ------------------, 35¢ •H•te NO.in();) lr(W 35¢ t I I Save35¢ I I "'I ~. ~· ]' I I I ~y. March 14 Ul7Q DAILY PILOT CS •• .Stew <From Page Cl > large skillet Drop spoonfuls or batter into hot butter Cook until deep golden brown, turning to brown both sides Sen e with Newbawn Stew or I nsh Stew 4 servmj.!s IRISH SOUA BREAD I cups all purpose flour ••cup sugar t teaspoon salt I teas poon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 tablespoon Caraway Seed 14 cup butter or margarine 2 cups raisins 11fJ cups buttermilk or sour milk 1 egg, slightly beaten I e~g yolk 2 teaspoons water Combine nour. ~ugar. salt,. baking powder a.iiQ soda . stir an ('lir a way ~ccds Cut 1n butttr 11d.~ Combine buttermilk , and egg lend anlo flour m1xtun· Turn out onto light!> floured board Knead until smooth. about l5 times Shape into J :.muoth ball Place ir. ;) well greased 2·quart casserole Cut ..i 4·inch crosi-. a bout 1 4 ·inch deep across top. Lightly beat egg yolk and water. brush over loaf. Bake an 350 oven for 60 to 70 minutes. Makes I loaf ••• Begorra <From Pa&e Cl I 10 2 minutes Remove from heat. stir m bread t'ubes and 'r.i cup grapefruit pieces. Place 2 salmon steak& in buttered. shallow baiting dish. Spoon half the mushroom mixture over each slice. cover walh remaining steaks. Pour grapefruit juice over fish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. dot with remaanang 1 tablespoon butter and remaining grapefruit pieces. Bake in 350 F . oven 30 minutes. basting occasionally with pan Juices until fish flakes easily with rork. Yield. 4 servings CITRUS SPRING SALAD 1 medium cucumber mg I Florida grapefruit. sectioned ~envelopes unflavored gelatine. divided ~cup!> Florida grapefruit juice, divided 11 :• cups cottage cheese ;, tablespoons bottled Italian s alad dress· 4 teaspe><>ns grated oruon 1 , teaspoon salt 'A teaspoon pepper 1 4 cup diced radis h Parsley Radis h ~hces Cut 8 shrc~ from l'Ucumber 18·anch thick . cul 7 of thc't' .,·,<'l" 1n half. Place 1 wh o I<' r 11 t· u m h 1· r .. r1<'1· 1 n bottom of fi <'UP howl or mold Alternate gr3pefru1t ~ecuons a nd halved cucumber slices around the whole shl'<· In blender Jar. sprinkle I teaspoon '1 •• envelopt: I gelatine over 1 2 cup cold grapefruit JUiee Let stand 3 or 4 m inutes. ·Add 1,2 cup boahng grapefruit 1u1ce: process at low speed about 2 minutes. Chill t.o consistency of unbeaten egg whites. Put mt.o mold; chill un· tll firm. Meanwhile pour remaining l "2 en· velopes or unflavored gelatine over 'h cup cold grapefruit juice in blender jar. Let stand 3 to 4 minutes . Add remaining "2 cup boiling i.:rapefru1t 1u1ce : process at low speed about 2 minute~ /\dd c·ottage cheese. Italian dressing, onion. "ult Jnd P<'PPt:r . blend until s mooth: c hill unt:: consistency of unbc•atcn egg whites Peel and dice rema1n1n)! l'Ut·umhcr •:.bout I C'UP d:ced •. :.t1r c·uc·umhl·r und diced radishes into cott age chee~e mixture Pour over hrm gelatine 1r. mold. chill 3 to 4 hour~ or until firm. To serve. unmold onto !>ervmg plate and garnish with parsley and than shces of radish. Yield : 6 servings. • Fry light and Ii ) hten up on cholest rol. Once you taste how light food f ned in Sunl1te can be. you may never fry 1n ordinary 011 again You see. Sunlite's made of pure 100% sunflower 01 1. So it's even higher in polyunsaturates than corn 011. And Sunl1te has no cholesterol '\ And for frying. no other •l 011 under the sun f nes i your food ti ghter than ~ Sunl1te. It never tastes '~ heavy or g reasy Always light Sunlite <1 light And to start you ; off frying light we 11 . give you 30¢ ott on Sunl1te You can't fry l~terthan Suilite light. '• '• ... , ,, ~ ,j • ,. "' ., ,., '' .. . ..._,,_#_.,., •• _., ····-··----·· . , . ~ .~ . ' ' .......... .. .. • 1 -.. , I' • 1 . ' . . . . . . ' . ' .. .. .. .... . ... . . . ....... .., - ............. I •I ') ' '· (S DAU. Y PILOT FOOD New Diet Plan: Write it Down, Give up ene By llOBEltT LOC'KE ••s....-.-... l,OS ANG El.ES A dc><'C'pt1vely 11 lmflt- we1ght rf'dut'lftM p an uccf't•<b whare others '*'' ~ pouhd1 It f(' nWvC'S don't usually rt• turn bttauaf' ll evmdt. .:c1mplf'J<; and unl"f'lh&ll<' cit• nundl\, Rt•t•onhng t•> u 11sytholoay profe sor Jl Ctd1forn1• Sutt' l 1ntH>"'llY. Los Ant1eJe M ost re11pcctf'd and tu.:hty loutc-d redu<'1n11 111,lf\~ Ult Im itlt'I)' f • tl b1.'<'JU6t' tht'y "ask tht> o\ t•rw,•ttthl p r:.on lo fol luv. .. o m.u" rule' lhut the\ ,, . .,m to ll' m ,1 n I.I t' h 41 11 J( 1• ' 1 n \ 11 I u J 11 ~ .1 JI ,,, t ti" 1• t.. I s II II ... "' .. I I I'' I et b I 1 s h~, d l' 4 l In._ huhtls . ' sa1tt C"S l'I \ l'rort's:.or Ir-.. 111 l.ul>ltri Thdl oht'n worll.• fur .1 h·w montru. irnd pounds will dLSuppeti1, ht• bllltl hut the drastic c han.it·s .. re \.lrtuully 1mpou1ble- to ('ontmue 1ndefin1tuly "We ask them to do Clnly two Uun~s " Lublin -;a1d "We makf' them write down everything they eat before they eat 1t and v.e ask them 10 give up permanently one h1 feh calorie food that they eat often and can give up fairly easil) "W E NEVER ASK them to ~1ve up their favorite food s . Our clien ts are u su ally astorusbed at how ti llle 14 e ask of them " Lubhn described h1.c. · · m 1 nimum i nte rve n t1on" weight-control pro gram and provided sup- porting evidence in a paper and presentation Jt a recent Southern C'a ltfornia Conference on Behavior Modifica- tion in Los Angeles lie said more than 150 p('ople, most of them women , h<1ve gone through the µrogram .. ince 1t began in 1970 d nd at least 90 percent lost weight, some mor<' than JOO pounds. That m tlself, he said, 1s not particularl y ~i gnificant since "we could have put them on .. tarvallon diets and they would a ll l ose wright." Lublin said that last year he a n d his co workers resur veyed 38 patie nts all they could lo<'ate who had been nut of the program six months to five years The survey found 32 of Nutrition Senllnar Planned Malnutntion. m m1d - dle-clus America? T h e probl e m 1s greater than you might think , according t o Carol Grimes, Golden West College instructor or a nutrition course, w ho will present a seminar at the college on this subject, Wednes- day, March 21. T he free sem inar. from 9 a.m. to noon in the community center, is s ponsored by the Women's Cente r. · 'Ovemut.rilion -too many calories -is evi· dent in a large percen· tage of our population," Dr. Grimes said, "while undernutrition, a1 we try to diet our way back to a sire 10, is also a pro. blem." Some of the questions she will diacuu are: •What la a prudent diet, that' wUJ maintain or lower weight without e rodlq health? •What 11 the role of fat In the diet? •Should we 1ive up carbobydr1tes? •Who 11 the culprit In coronarr heart dlae ... ? •Why do we suffer fro m br ltt.le bones. . .anemia? Dr. Grimes received her bachelor'• deer• In tc h•mlatry from Im· maeu!lte HQrt CoUeae. •Los Anceles, and a doc· to rate f rom • Northeu teni Unlveral· ty, EvanRon, JU. She i. a l ecturer It the UnlvenUy of Calltornla, f Irvine, vi1ilin& au i.ltant professor at tbe C.'ntnnicy ol Southem le a It for n Ja , • n d· a t m .. llillf .t tM Golden W..iMlr• fenltJ. ahem 'till ~e••hC'd le·~& thun wh n th•y alart•••I the.• plan, h•· cla1mNI Tht Iona t .. rm w t•1rh1 lo"'t"' rltlltcd (rorn I tu 147 pound" lot an 11\ <'Ml ltC" or poul\d°' · On papC't · Luhltn !'lltld 'th1" h 'I lh•• hl''>l dO('UmC"nlMI •UC't'C"'I~ "' un) ..,ru111am thot 1 kn"" of · WHF.N TU•. Dlf;TElt MIVt"lt up tllh' frt•c1uN1ll) t~11tf'n hhth C'ulorw f1l0d. lhwt l!IOUt' will u•uolh takt' otf u f.OUnd or llo\o u ""«'«'k . tu.• C'ontlnut><I Hut lht• 11ut·rirtcl' 111uNI ht" perm1&nl'11l And thut tut n1 out not lo lK" 1&11 d1f (1c·ull M'I It llUUlld ", l.uhlin , llld The-fonl(t'r th.-y 10 de11. "'!._ _______ ~ I o"' ,.,. ••" •. l Y'-h•I ltt •. SLICED BOLOGNA :~,. "' 99c Ot"VtMf_;.INJA 99c CHICKEN BOLOGNA : • ~ , • WtENERS "" •. . .• $139 n•.t 4-AMAl'fM•t VAH .. Ut \ s14s suao BOLOGNA :::;' •• LENTEN SPECIALS . --c OL' Yl•OINIA ··~· CHICKEN -· WIENERS R~f.!T 12·0Z PKG 69c Cd $189 LB EA. LB. --$1•• SHOULD•• •"AK .~ HOf JY SLICED BACON !: :; • ....,,§ .. s1•• l• SJ 49 •• $ J 59 ,-11(!1>1 FllOl[N WHITING ,A(~HAOlfN 59( SFAFUIOHOS•118PfG s1••u•• II 99c .~·•,111•,PO.~ou·rr>•~ .. IC• •0 .IUMISO Wl.._u PORK SA'5AH s1 s• AICH !,o!Uh(Vt<A .. OP s1•• ,()•••~llLOI.• $,3. llll•tA~C.l l"D l • $, .. •8s1 •• .$239 '" PASTltAMI ·~ aun RCAST • • •• SRAI( SJ69 mC•H s2•9 ~·••£~1MO~·CCINI'• sis• 81('•°1-"All fl" TURBOT FILLET tAUtHllOll" SIZZUAQN •101 ,. .. ea.11 • O~AM .. •'ftR •'\#OP It t t"f.,"tO• $179 " TUIKEY llEAST '" IElf lllSJIT •• •1a ROAST laf~SA()/(lrlf•MAtA8A.A $1 "' ICHANDIC PERCH BACON •t~ •• ,, CHHSE SMOKIES ;~g" l• "Y OUl lJOUf s9•• PQ•• •80,.h l • •111 $ 59 ""' ...... , '" .... •_ED_SN_A_P_PE_R ____ .. _ __..(ANNED HAM !,'~. ,. SHOULD• •OHT •• I ••• S1'1All .s24• ........................... ............................ ...................... ............................ ........................... ............................. ............................. .. -0, s 175 ~~~W~oi~T~~lx '! !.:: :i 37c FRENCH FRIED ONIONS o•• ! no1 45c I Pl11K SALMON l l-OZ. POTATO FLAKES ~~~~~A· ! ••01 age I (AJf 008'0 " 0 "'' 23c HEINZ CATSUP ! ... , 43' .. MOWN, C...ct(£•t MU8HROOM. OR ONION ... HElllZ IRA YY liiiiiGENT "-0'91c '"r~~T=:i.~~ .. ··~&9c :•.,l(L£IESNOs··u"°"1nt>s•f'AMIL.Yl>IZE n-oz SAFFLOWER OIL HOUYWOOO ! JH>l s155 ';;: 95c HALFHILL TUNA CllY<M LIH ! 11~l $1.17 lER• m.cr. CHILI W/BEAN~ ~r~ OA"°' ! •O-Ol sl.39 '!PAPER TOWELS 69c DOG FOOD ll~~~~f~~fN O• ! ·~· sl.13 l !MNUllo.f•IE.I Ml4SW££TEL,2-0SZ ''.u. •OA.BUn.EAllC.Ol·C··li I.Pl(. WONDER RICE L0..0-0UIN ! •«>l s2.e9 ,2-0z $) 29 CHILE·O·SPICE ~' r~m" s , 1WJ1 32c I iiiii;ARINE ,.,-0, 61 c ~1\~! ~~~;. M• 59c I . (w•:ioHrEw•rc"s"'' S J l t &ODLE SOUP :c:,;:~~~ . ·! J-0/ z4c H I E . •o·oz. CA RONI & CHEESE :,~,·. ! , 1Hu 29c ADOLPH'S MEAT f EIA LIQUID e JERGENS B llNG MIX .. ,,. ! .. 01 79c MARINADE om1GENT • LOTION soAP FR STING MIXES ::~~::::::. CH(·~· ,.o 99c . .. 29c :;:.;•2-.. 19c BR 'WNIE MIX ~:~.u..· ! n-01 51.09 Low-Low Frozen Food Prices ,. ~l~lil~~ ~goo"'"''l0~""0~~$155 POTATOES ==-~~ ........ f . "'" 69' DETERGENT ..... ~-... ! ... , 98: ENCHILADAS VAN04111AW'I ' $139 DETERGENT WteTf •M<O ! •1-0l 94 IUf Oii CNCHC .. • . IM>Z FANTtiTIC • ~~ CHICKEN IAHOUIT f : $209 ~~~a0:1~.,uy ... ltOZ THIOHt•OllUMlllCICI .. • 2..0Z WIND • FISH FILLm v•11or0 w·· . , . I "'°' $3°9 LEATHER cI£iiER~::~~r ! .~,0s1.59 APPLE TARTS ,,,,rAM>OEmM1.!· PS-OZ 39 4 TRASH BAGS ~~~·»o•L ! w 79c HAMBURGERS :t't-~~·..... . ., '°'°l $1 1 s ·~ 01ET RITE oR s121 LEANIE WIENERS _, .. 11 c Nlr co~PiilNS ..... ,,.~ COOL WHIP ...asm .. ·•· . • .I.OZ. 59 mAR WAllfll~fHOAH LEMON -1'111AIO • 4 00 ••••uo,,vu JUICE ~ll .... • W. .... t.t-01. 58 ~ ODA tUH«llr . tTAft9tAYmSUY1Y•M~f ~! · p .... '--·-----~-................ ~ ..... --~., ............ ,.............. A 0 .._ ........ ____ .... ______ ... _ --...... . . • • -'1 Ii~· "l ~-· ·-. -. . .... C9FEE -~-·-... Pll(IS IFFEC. 7 FULL DAYS, MAI. 16 • MAI. 21 , 1979 ....................... ... ..................... ... ORMGES l'UA£ GOl.OlAJIC£ •""He. V SWEE• H"V£l ~ 29c lB APPlES fAHCY • NCrHWESI 004..0lN 0.i<:IOUS 29 l8 ASSORTED HOUSE PLA LUCKY LAGER BEE ,, .. ,0,$ I 99 SEBASTIANI WINE Ii ~ IOI IU~o.-• ·2· "' CH .. 111.0'• ttr r•-o• 1111ru a ~ .. ~'/ ... ,...ro·•""°""'" 95c SHREDDED WHEAT ·•~· ... ................... .. .. ........................ ... . . .. ~~ ' . :.·.·: IN• 'POT EA 99~ UIRTIRIS \n Y••• • aon .,..fl· ........ .., tiUC._U • \Of1Mt1'01t U tA • .. IMlf.Ml f-1,I• •CHll J$ ~ • ~s specials 011 ~ THAU ..... MARCH2• APPLE ,UINCAIE SWIRLS DONUTS ••OM• COfFH .... ,.. CAKE 79~ ••O Ot • lltO ... 19 4 PECAN SPICE CAKE • l<A•f•f "'AllFAST I tCUt" It~ fllU·OUTCt4 $ A"'lll l Ol.l f H , ·--·-.. .._ ........ f' . • '• ,: 11 ; ~ ·~ I II ' .. •I ,. .. . ---.... ~ . . ' ~ -.. .... . " . .. .. • I I l I . . OI DAIL y PILOT FOOD ~ New Diet Plan: Write it Down, Give up 0ne By ROB£1tT LOCKE Ui4.._._..... LOS ANGELES A de <'f'pt1vt>ly 1si mflf' w("ocht rf'dU<'lftl p an U<'l'~fli where otht>r fD1l Th J)()Unds It rc> move1 don't usually r~ turn lx-cau f' It avoids l'Oln ~1lex .and untealt. ts(' rlem andl'I. nrconhng to J psyrhuloay prol eMor ,, t C a I 1 fo r n I it S t a t .- t t n 1v1•~11> Lo6 An&~l("1t M Ost rtlsp~cted and h1j.1hly toutf"<i ""ducana 11l.1ni. ult1mutt'ly fail hf'C'UUl\t' tht')' "ask the- \)\ t•r-. .. 1.:ht Pl'ri.on t o folio" '" mun> rull'' fhljl lhl'.) ,,.,.m lo ck m J 11 d 1· h a n 11 t' ~ 1 n v ir l u a I h ,ti I o f l h 1· fl t ' r b '' n · :. w 1• I I 1• ~ t ,, l> I 1 i.. h ,. d 1· a L 1 n ~ hnb1h , · s1ml C'Strl.i\ Profes:.or Irwin Luhlin Th.it ont>n worki. for " few months und pound:. will disappear. he sau1. but the drastic change::. a re virtually impossible to contwue mdefirutely ··we ask them to do only two things," Lublin said "We m ake them write down everything they eat before they eat st . and we ask them to give up permane ntly one h1~h -calo rie food that they eat often and can give up fairly easily "WE NEVER A SK them to give up their favorite foods . Our c li e nts are u s ual1 y astonished at how little we ask of them ... Lublin described his .. m 1nimum interven- tion" weight-control pro- gram and provided sup- porting evidence in a paper and presentation at a recent Southern California Conference on Behavior Modifica- tion in Los Angeles. lie said more tha n 150 people. most of them women, h ave gon e through the program since 1l began in 1970 and at least 90 percent lost weight, some more than 100 pounds. That m itself, he said, 1s not p a rtic ul arly !:!1g n1ficanl since "we could have pul them on s t arvation diets and t hey would a ll lose Wf'lght." Lubtin said that last yea r he a nd his co· workers resurveyed 38 patients all they could locate who had been out of the program six months to five vears. The survey found-32 of Nutrition Seminar Plmmed Malnutrition. in m id- dle-class America? Th e probl e m is greater than you might t hink. according to Carol Grimes, Golden West ColJege instructor of a nutrition course, w h o will present a seminar at the college on this subject, Wednes- day. March 21. The free seminar, from 9 a .m. to noon in the community center, is s ponsored by the Women's Center. "Ovemutrilion -too many calories -is evi- dent in a large percen· lage of our population," Dr. Grimes said, "while undernutritlon, u we try to diet our way back to a size 10. is also a pro- blem." Some of the questions she will discuss are: •What la a prudent diet, that will maintain or lower weight without erodiq health? •What la the role or fat in the diet! •Should we give up carbohydrates! • Wbo la the culprit in coronary heart diseue? , •Why do we s uffer from br itt l e bones. . .anemia? Dr. Grimes received ' her bacbelo1'11 depee ln Jch e mlstry from Im- maculate Hurt College, •Lot Aqeles, and a doc· tor'ate from Northeastern Unlvenl· ty. Evanston, JU. She ii • l ecturer at the Unlveralty of CaWorn.la, I n"lae, vialtin& u s4c.ant prore s1 o r at the lrnl.eratty of Southern C'allfornla , e nd a me•• II tM Golden W•& Ool'sl leeulb. thf'm still wt'11&hl'd '"''"' than wh n thty started Wllt:N THE DIF.TEa without It . the lc's they plan 1t must be lasted rorces the dieter to most importantly, self ~e psychologist said a Ive• up one fn·quently m 1 ~" It .·· h l' Ii a 1 d before tn eaten "think tWlce about each pitying E ating I ter· he oubtl the plan would thl' pl n. hf' dolnwd Tht' Iona term Wf'll:ht lo~"'"" nmat>d from I lo 147 p o unds for dO aH•ntftt" ol 29 pound~ NllfO hiA&h t·:1loru• h)C)(I "That ·~ why 1t 1~ bt•tll'r Lublln's patients lis t act of eating." r ifle for self-pity " wot without a formal thttl alvcw v.111 u!\ually to .i1ve up on~ lood com the item and it.a calor ies. T H A T . S Lu b I 1 n & a 1 d the pr01'am. take off 111 pound or two iA plt"lt-ly thun to eat less h h average patient stays "don't lhrnk it can be Wt't'k,ht!ronlinued ulmanyfoodi. · t en rate their unger especially powerful wath the progr1m don on their own," he i on a scale of one to five. Lublln said , becaus"' hi i h Hut tht• titwrhlrt• mu~t The second rt'qu1rt>· Th led 1 d "' roug Y s x monl s. s ale. "U they don't keep tw permanc•nt And that menl Involves a daily e eer 5 presente "most overeating is not although he'!S worked the t<lger it won't work, turns out not lo bt.· us d1f log of e-verything that'1' nl once-a-week sessions done because people are with some people more andlf they don 't have ric·ull UK It aound 1>. rialt>n. T hat's u common with a therapist . hungry. It's done when than two years before p e o.J e lo s h ow the t.ublh111ulJ dlt•Un1 maneuver, ex· Lublin said the "food people are depressed. new eating habits were ledar to. they won't On papt>r · l.uhl111 <c111d. "lht<\ ha~ tht> tw ... t dOC'Umf"nl1>d SUCC~!l'I 11( 11.n.) prn11n•m th tt l I know o( • 'The Iona r th y JO cepl tbat with Lublin's consumption le dge r " anxious. lonely and, firmly established. kee lthe ledger." ~....:_.:__...__:_~~~~~~~~~~~~=============--~~~~~~~~_.:.._~-=--~~- ac·s DAY/~Wii44 USDA GRADI A STA ftll 810S. FRYING Lu.tlEON CHICKENS MEATS CUT·UP 69' • ASSORTED • ft.ct. PKG WHOLE BODY g 69C IA. 53c LB --c OL I VIRGINIA .:iT CHICKEN WIENERS 12·0Z PKG LAR~ENO LB . 69c EA. $1 89 LB. de11. '-----------~I l• 994 ()l'YIRfltHO" 99c CHICKEN BOLOGNA :.:I~ IA O"\t AA"-'AVfA•1Vlli .. lf flf' suao BOLOG NA ::t WtENERS m ... ,. SJ 3' 0~(.AA MAYER • 4 ... ~1£ lit ~ I A $14 5 P()l!I( $1 ... suao BOLOGNA ~i' MOULD•• swuec •8 .. $ • r~SM rll()ztN 5 9 ., 1111 "Of.. 1 • WHITING ~ ~a'"'"'os. I ... ~•<l $1-.. i• 99c •"'•,•t,•:;o•' ·ouroOH .. 10 SLICED BACON ~!~ • • in WO Wlll6RSu ,.... POltK SA'5AH .,. g-T S $ J 4. ,A[S>HllOltN s 1 5 9 lltC11 S • 'IUll•l V '1aM OR $1 •• ~Oh ' \HOUHl(.11 $13• 1M tf • 1 AAGl lhO ,. s1" 8 $199 s1zzuAGN 1101 P-.. l• TURBOT FILLET ,.. PASTRAMI .a aun •CAST •• •i• STIAIC' I. $JS• fll£S><•1101t" SJ6• AteHs $269 sarcAPo~·cOt<to $IS• eH•·w•11E"' 8•11· .. ICElANDIC PEACH •u TURKEY llEAST 1e IEEf lllSllT u Rl8 ROAST o..cu MATER . 'iMOt\11 llN• \011 •• $ J 7• •Ats-<rAO/fl~. M•••O•A $1 98 DUI UOUr $••• POA•. 80 .. lll\'> •\J!l $1 s• 11111 "MAI""'' BACON HU P•G .s2 3• .$249 L,C_H_E_ES_E_S_M_O_K_IE_S_!_~g_' ___ _. "-R_E_D_S_N_A_P_PE_R ____ '8 ___ (ANNED HAM t,•:R 14 SHOULD• .. ,.., .a RIB STIAK .............................. .............................. ........................... ,, ...... ............ ............ ................. ............ ... ........................ ... ............................ s 11 s CHICKEN NOODLE MIX lWTOH ! '" 4gc •&·OZ SUPER SOCCO DRINK ! ll-01 4gc 37c FRENCH FRIED ONIONS o ~c !,~01 45c l l-OZ. POTATO FLAKES ~~~:~llV ! ••-OI age 23. c HEINZ CATSUP ! .. 01 43c 11 6-0z. ' FRUIT STAND 59c I DE.iERGEflT tic . DRINKS g:~~.::iJ..~~" '"~"V:~z l .,ltlEIENsEJts·,.,&SOfl1TEsO·FA·"'·'l."'Sl .. Z.E 22 -0Z sAFFLowER mL HOU•WOOO • .J1·0Z $1.5& 85c HALFHILL TUNA c~rnc . ! 17M>Z sl.17 TERI 280-CT. CHILI w1eEaNs ~r~ 01\HOf 1 •O.OZ sl.39 :!PAPER TOWELS ....... •·PK.69c DOG FOOD ~~~·fJ~~[H O• ! • ·~· !3.13 ' NESTLE. SE....SWEE'T 12-0Z. S1.73. OA BUTTEASCOTCW WONDER RICE LONO.OllAI" ,,,,. IO-OZ. 2.8~ ; MORSELS ". . . . . 12-0Z. S ) 29 CHILE·O·SPICE A I fA(HCH s "~l. 32 ' waOHT ••TCHP ~ CINCH CAKE 59c 'llARIARlflE 211.oz. 61 c , MIXES mRiuws "G I Pi11K SAUIOll .. llAOW... CHtCKO.. Ml•HROOM.. ott ONION w HElllZ IRA YY . PURINA • TASTY TR£AT I-OZ.• AEO , KIDNE'I', l ·cii0iiiD . ............................. OlbWGES PURE GOlDlAllGE •FANCY SWEE• NAVEl S 29c LB APA.ES rAHCY • NtJHWESI OOUIEN o.+c!OUS 2~l8 t.AftOC • #MITf "5"A ... ~S .:r· GREEN ONION :·· '~t.IH • 0"9-• ftCD , RADISHES '-: lAflrOI • flUllA#llfiC.• • 0 AfUDU PEARS ~~ 12c -12c ,.34c ... .................... ... .. ....................... ... AVOCADOS U•Ol•llf•A .. ANf 'f t.AUl~OWtf I CwEHIGHTEw,.Erc"sEAEs S J 19 NOODLE SOUP :~=~~~~ ! >4z 24c . _ · •o-oz _ MACARONI & CHEESE ~~~;. ! , n.ol 29c ADOLPH'S MEAT I · ERA LIQUID .8 JERGENS BAKING MIX Jlm ! *oz 79c ASSORTED HOUSE PLA tN4 'POT .. EA 99.; MARIN~DE · DmRGENT • lOTION SOAP FROSTING MIXES ::;:;:g;;:~, c .. e••v ·~a 98t .o,29c =-'258 .. ,0, I 9c BROWNIE MIX :~~r· ! 12.oz sl.09 Low-Low Frozen Food Prices :.,i ~l~r.JI~~ :goom•>K"•'0~~$155 POTATOES ==..:~~~.:~..... ...2~~ 69 4 DETERGENT mm·-~ ! .. .oz 98t ENCHILADAS vANou•w·1 I $) 39 DETERGENT -·u~ ! o.oz ic CHlaEN IAHOUfT 9UFOllCHEHE .. ,.. .. .... ,1M)l. $20' FANTASTIC mo.c:.'t;.Pll•• ! . •t.OZ. c THtOHt•OllUMITICllS . ..•. • • 25-0Z. WINDEX • 5 c S FILLETS I $309 OlAllClEANUI ... , . lO.Ol Fl H VANOlllAMP"S .... ...... • • .. z~z. LEATHER CLEANER ~:=~~t ! •O.OZ s1.59 APPLE TARTS ,EmRrooEF•RMs.!; HM>z 39 4 TRASH BAGS ~~·>Ml•• ! .er 79c HAMBURGERS :""J:0~~All . .,-l~Z s 11 s ~. DIET RITE OR $127 LEAN11 w11N1RS -· .. , .. ~ .. $1 1 s _;0.c. ~PKiNs ~;.:·,:;::.St COOL WHIP llllOMY[. . ~.. . , M>L 59' i~ WAlflll•lNOALL e $2 UMON Ju C =rfMAIO ~ •• 84 •-lO,IVU ... ha 0 ----------· _E_OONCE_ .......... ~ ..... -5 .f~. P°.A _ .. , ! i "''m s1 =:..~=~-=:.=::::.';:"..:...";'.;::::-.::r=:'"'..::."'::' .... "'::~:: CA·CD . t E ~· .. _I -I -'1 g~· ·-c -. ·-affE( --.... '3. • ..... w ..... ............ t ... .._ .......... ...-..-...... .. I_.......,.... .................... , .. ,...._ ...... _. .................. I .. ... ~ ........................... .. ........... _..,,..... ......... ........ ......... -..... ___ __, ·-"\' PllCES lfFIC. 7 FULL DAYS, MAI. 16 • MAI. 21, 1979 Beer & Wine Spec· 1«f1tt wtNfU'f'Cf.ttJ 'U FfllflOHlii AiU. UOl'll f tCt•rt.OMAlt#lfOAt LUCKY LAGER BH ..... ~,$1 •• SEBASTIANI WINE I ~ ... ,~'I ~•a.M'.0 • toOC)oJ.l<H 95 C SMllDDID WHEAT ••<>; LIGHT lal.8S S•l¥AH:IA • IO"tWHlfl • J.WAYIU&.H• '0 10112\iO It Q IA • Milttll•.to 11 J.1 IA • 0. ... , .. 1..,$126 •• ~.T u··s specials '!Of1 ...... THAU MAACH24 APPU SWIRLS COfFH CAKE ... 0 ()f . "f0 ... 'lAINCAICf DONUTS 79' PECAN SPICE WE HAfl:Jlt ft\CAICl t t tt\ $ •• .. ~ . ... . ... . . .. . .. . ... 1 -· I I " ... : •• •I I I •• " FOOD Be lucky 1r the kitchen with Perfect Pattie's M1rty Pie. This no-bake dessert features the flavors of c hocolate and mint. Pie's A Bit 0' Luck It ' .1 fat I t<>mt• pl·opk .ir1· lu1·k1cr th.111 ulht·r<; Whalt:\·t•r flt•\ do 1·, :rn 1n!.ta11l '>U<'l'I''' And e\l·r)th1ni: th>\ tn.11.(• M't'm' to l'oml' out µe rf <'Cll} ' Nuw 1l ., vuu1 turn tu ht' lucky m tht- katchen Your ~uesb may turn .. gre<·n .. with en ''Y when you ser ve Perfect Pattie·~ Manly Pie This dehghlrul, m-bake dessert features a natural cereal ant c hocolate fla vored crust hlled wtth vanilla ace cream navored with pep· perm int extract The crust crca~ a pleasing texture and n avor contrast to tte chilled minty ice cream f11lm g f''or thoM' not -::omplctcly confident about m ak mg sta ndard pas ry. th1<; cru'>l 1s a hr N·zc Thi• rru:.lwd 1·1·real chocolate p1ecf•s and '"11 tahh'!>p<H111 ~ "~<'lahl1· oil are ~imply rn·,sNI into a pit' p:in aml fro11•n until firm Tht• c-ru'l 1:. s1mplie1t y 1to;tlf und a wonderful com plem<•nt to thl· srnoolh y elegant and ulterly dC' hcious pie fl ow can you go Nrong·• Perfect Pattie ':. M inly Pie promises to he a refreshingly cool dessert with the compliments warm and won der ful' PERFECT PATTIE'S MINTY Pit: Crust: 1 2 r up semi swee t chocolate pieces \ :! t1tih•.,11()(m:, H'l-!l'l.tblc ml :.! ~up:. tOO 111·rt·t·nl nalurnl ct·real. 11ric1nal.finL·I~ nu:.ht•d Flllfg: 1 ::~allon vamlla ice cream, softened 1.teaspoon peppermint extract lCdrops green food coloring f'orcrust, m elt together chocolate a nd 011 an heavy 1mall saucepan over low heat until well blende4. Add cereal, mixing until evenly coat- £'d Cotl about 10 minutes. Press mixture firmly onto bfttom und sides of 9 inch pie plate. Freeze about JO minutes or until firm. F'1r f1llin~. combine ice cream . peppermint extr:it1 and food coloring . mix well Freeze un- til m.:xturt• mounds Spoon into frozen c ru~t . rri't•1.1 Ii to H hour~ or until firm Let '>land at room lt•mpt.>r:1tun• almut :w mmutcs before 'it·rvhg Makl''i H inch p11• Recipes to add d ining pleasure whlle subtracting calories. Wednesday In the DAILY PILOT r ------------------, 35¢ •rt•tt l\j()qfl()") jft(r1' 35¢ ' I I I I I I :t ' I I Save35¢ on Sunrise" Instant coffee mellowed with chicory I I ~· I ~. ~· I I I . . Wldnelclay March 14 llHli DAILY PILOT CS ••• Ste"' I From Page Cl> large s killet Drop spoonfuls of batter into hot butter Cook untal deep golden brown, turning to brown both sides S<.>n t' wath Newbawn Stew or Irish Stew 4 servmf!' IRISH SOl>A 8Rf.AD I cups all purpO!><.' flour 1 • cup sugar I teaspoon salt l teaspoon baking powder l teaspoon baking soda l tables poon Caraway Seed 14 cup butter or margarine 2 cups raisins I 11:1 cups buttermilk or sour milk l egg, sli ghtly beaten I egg yolk 2 teaspoons waler Comb1m• ftour. '>U~:.ir. -.all. bakmg powdt>r a nd soda. stir 111 c-ara~c.ty :;l'NI~ Cut :n butter add ra1s111., Comb1nt· buttt·rmalk. and <'JO( bl end into flour m1xturt· Turn out onto hght!)' floured board Knead until '>mooth, about ~;; times Shape into J s mooth ball Place an .l wcl! greased 2-quart t•asserole Cut J 4-inch cro!>~ a bout 1 •·inch deep across top Lightly beat egg yolk and water. brush over loaf Bake m 350 oven for 00 to 70 minutes Makes 1 loaf ••• Begorra <From Page Cl I to ~ minutes Re movf' from heat. stir •n bread cubes and 1m cup grapefruit pieces. Place 2 salmon steak!. an butlered. shallow baking dish . S poon half the mushroom mixture over each s hce . cove r with remaining st eaks. Pour grapefrwt juice over fish Sprankle with sail and pepper. dot with re maining 1 tablespoon butler and re mamang grapefruit pieces. Bake in 350 fo' oven 30 minutes. basting occasaonally with pan JUtces until fish nakes easily with fork Yield. 4 servings mg CITRUS SPR ING SALAD : medium cucumber I Florida grapefruit. sectioned i e nvelopes unflavored gelatine, divided 2 cup!. Florida grapefruit JUICC, divided 11 ~·cups collage cheese ~1 tablespoons bottled ltahan salad dre:.i. 4 teas poons grated oruon 1 .. teaspoon sail 111 teaspoon pepper 1 ~ cup diced rad ish Parsley Radis h :.lice" Cu~ H she"<'' from «u<·umber 1 .. -1nch thick. t· u 1 i o f 1 h e., t' ., · r t" 1 n h a I f . P I a c e 1 w h 0 I l ' ('II,. ll m h I ' r "r1 ('I" I n b () t t () m o r ti c u p b o w I 11 r m 11 I <I A I t e r n a t c gr3pefru11 'et:t1on!-> <in d halved cucumher slices a round th(' wholt· sh1·1· In blender 1ar . s prinkle I teaspoon c 1 •• cnvelopl' > gelatine over 1 :t cup cold grapefruit JUIC<' Let stand 3 or 4 minutes. Add 112 c up boahng grapefruit Juice. process at low speed about 2 minutes. Chill to consistency of unbeaten egg whales. Put mto mold ; chill un- til firm. Meanwhile pour rem aining Jlh en· velopes of unflavored gelatine over lh cup cold grapefruit 1u1cc in blender Jar Let stand 3 to 4 minutes . Add re mai ning 1h c u p boiling grapefruit 1u1ce . pro<'ess at low speed about 2 rr.1nut«'> Add t·ottu~t· <"heese. lt3han dressing, un11Jn . ..,alt .ind p<•p pl·r btcnd until !.mooth. «hill unt:. cuns1stt•n1:y ol unllt'alcn t·g~ whites Peel .rnd <J1ct· rem:.imlnJ.( t·ut·urnhcr 1 about I <'UfJ d:ced . -.11r t'Ul·umht·r Jnd du·ed rad1she' into cotlagt• chel'sc ma xturt' Pour over rirm gelatine 1n mold . <'htll J to 4 hour' or until farm. To serve. unmold onto '>er ving plate and garnis h with parsley and than shces of radish. Yield 6 servmg.s. • Fry light and Ii \ hten up on cholest rol. Once you ta ste how light food f n ed 1n Sunl1te can be. you may never fry in ordinary oil again You see. Sunlite s made of pure 100% sunflower oil . So ifs even hig her in polyunsa turates than corn oil And Sunlite has no cholesterol '\And fo r frying. no other ~ 01 1 under the sun f raes "$ your food lighter than ~ Sunlate. It never tastes ~ heavy or greasy \Always light Sunl1te " light And to start you ·,o ff frying light we 11 . give you 30¢ ott on Sunl1te You can't fry 19\terthan Strite light. ~SIMONfC • 1979Hunl WeSSonFOOd~ tnc Ll._.. II NOnon Simon Inc Company 13~---sTORecoUP'oN ___ 30Cl .~ I ,, u~ed in accC)(dlrQ wtltl lhe oller '1aled herlOf\ tnYOrce(sl sa1tslacto11ty ~ I provino 10 Hunl•Weuon FOOds lnC that yau have PUrcha•l!d ~111eion1 .( ,.oc"lc to cover coupons piewte<i tor recterr1phon mus1 be shown on I 1equn1 Coupon II VOid 111.ul!d p1ot11b1tod ()I rntrtelld bY law ea,n I value •t20c Vaho only 111 u SA Thi, coupon 1Sno1 ia•sign.1bleo1 1rnn1ter1ble Mail coupon 10 Hunr Wesson Fooo• inc PO Bo~ 30¢ 1470 C11n1on lowt1 S2;"'3'1 t 1q1C111um·W 50n ~OOd' ll'l. 30¢ COVPOH EXPIAES Sf PT lO. 1179 21 OFFER UMITEO TO ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE --------------- ,. .. ,, . . "" ., •;. , . .., ,., .. .r .. r , ~ • •., ~ "" ' ' ~ • '' • ....... -.. . -. -' . . ' . ' ' . ' . ~ . . . ~ ....... ,. I ' .. FOOD Lively Fruit Plentiful Fresh fruits make luscious toppings for many dishes. M011l Of us art• awur1• t hilt hrt•ukfusl 1~ thl· most 1mvurtant mtal of the day. Starlin& oH "1th a nutriliOUI' mul l':ttn 11rnk1• u t:•·f'al ch••I of d 1 ff t' r t' n cc in t• 11t>1 .: \ If'\ 1•1'( lhroui,;h llw dJ\ anti lo ovt'rull ht••llh But ont•n we fort{N ho" 1h'l11·111us bn•ukf..ist 1•at1 bt• JS W1'll ouri:.h1n~ f rt'-.h frutl.S prO\ldt• l'\l op1•n1n~ 1nu•rt•'t tv 1h1· brcakfo:.t m1•11u \111t 1r you <.•hoost' fru1h 1n M'J'llO, tht•\ dt\' .tl-.11 el·onomtral · st>le1·uun' Arrordm~ to thf' l'n11t·d Fresh Frwt and Vt>gt-ta ble Ass n . aopl1·s. s trawberrie:., rhubarb, bananas and pineapples 'are now rn peak supply and make esp(•c1ally good buyi. Thev a lso m ake luscious toµpan~., fur dishes s u c h as our Oran~e French Toast. th<' trad1t1onal rC'C1pe up dat<·d \\1th 'the h vt>ly flavor of freshly squ1•Pzedorange .1u1ce G laH•d Apple Sl1rec; are JUSl a sample of the de lectable idea~ to enhance French Toast Served warm in a spicy. fre s h orange J ui ce s)·rup. the tender slices add a lovely touch to waffles and pancakes. too. Or try your hand at homemade applesauce, smooth and fresh from the blender rn j ust 60 Sl·ronds Us<'d al> a ·lop ping , or spread , or ~ poon<•d from a bowl. appll'sauce indeed all a pp le dishPs provitif' di\.'lary fiber that pro mutes healthy digcsll vl' tracts. or Is nnt alway,. n •ltutilt- nc :.un· lo slort> rhuhurh In your rt'fr•ac·rolor. •t ltonds to will 111 room l t m pt> rat Utt' ,,.\ 1•11 1r \OU don 1 h·" ,. (Im,· tu l'OOk bn•ukfaiot . \OU <'HO lflVe )'OUr..elf ll 11111111 1110 t'(ffl<' on the· iJj\ v.1th u qu1<·k l'ntr1ty h •-' n n 1.1 o r o 1 a 11 g ,. \\ hult•H•r )OUr St'r\ 1na 1111•(,•n•nl't' -.t'<1<;on1d fruah ft1r hfl .11.ru,l .. t.&rt \ 1111 uff nut nl 1ou"h .&1111 ll1•lll'lllU'>I) O K \ :'II fi •. •• R •· N f ' IJ TO.\ST ' 1•.:.:s bt-1tlen 1 • cup frt-:.hh ~4u1•1·ll'<i orange JUIC'e 1 • teaspoon l.alt 8 s h tes day -old bread 2 table!<.poons butter or marganne, d1v1ded In shallow bowl. com· b1n1• t-g~s. orange JUl<'l' and c.,alt, mix well Dip bread slices rn egg mix- ture, turning lo toat both :;1des In large skillet. ml'll a s mall amount of butter. brown bread o n both sides Repeat until all bread is u:.ed Serve with Glazed Apple Slices•. Fresh · Strawberry Rhubarb Sauce••. or Fre!'.h RI ender Applesauce••• Makes 4 servings. •GLAZED APPLE SLICES 12 cup fre s hl y squeezed orange juice 1 3 cup lighl brown sugar 1 ~ teaspoon ground ullsp1ce J large apples, cored and thinly sliced Or:.inge f'rench Toast ~.March 14.1979 DAILY PILOT C7 Add t he Ma y o HOMEMADE MAYONNAISE l large egg yolk V:r teaspoon salt White pepper or cayenne to taste V:r teaspoon sugar 12 teasp oon dry mustard 1/4 teaspoon onion powder 1 1,':z tables poons lemon juice 1 cup salad oil •.:: tablespoon rice wine vinegar In a 1-quart deep bowl. with an electric beater at lowest speed, beat together the yolk. pepper. sugar. mustard. onJOn powder a nd 1 :1 \ablespoon of the lemon JUiee Wltil blended. Still al lowest speed, beat in a dribble no more than 14 teaspoon of the oil at a time; make s ure each dribble is incorporated before adding the next but do not overbeat. By the time VJ cup of the oil has been added the mix· lure will be very thick ; gradually beat in the re· mainlng lemon juice and the vinegar. Beat in the remairung lh cup oil, as previously. by dribbles. Makes 1'14 cups. -~:I .:.. __ ~_;:..:.:.__:.::.....~----·-''"'-----~------ ~ another sociable sausage for meal time pleasure ... Thie; delicious K1elba-.a tombinL''> tOdr-.1.· ground U.S.0 .A. beef Jnd pod.. w11h J ~pcc1JI blend of garllC. Jnd otlwr 1,1ngy '>P•CC'>. then we hrd.ory -.mokl· •I until fully cooled for a special ml•a lt1mt.• lrt•,11. Ju-.1 lwJI Jnd .,l'rvc. Ideal butterflied on d ~andwich. chunkerl in a casserole or scrv1.•d whole. Four 1umbo links •n the 12 ounce pJc I.age. Look tor the little Schirmer's Sausage Maker on the package in your marlcet. Schirmtrs the Sociable Sausage Available in the Deli case of: If you're looking for a guaranteed wake-me · up, spoo n Fre s h St r a wherry· Rhu barb Sauce over Orange French Toast. or stir 1l into hot cereal. The sweetness or the berries In large skillet. com- bine orange 1u1ce. brown sugar and allspice. Stir over low heat until s ug ar dissolves and mixture boils Add apple slices. S immer, uncovered, over low heat 8 to 10 minutes or until apples are tender Spoon syrup over apples during cook· 1ng Serve hot with Orange French Toast. Makes 4 servings Seasonal fresh fruits ·make breakfast count for flavor and nutrition. LUCKY DISCOUNT STORES ,. prov ides a delectable foil for the tangy rhubarb Just a half-cup of strawberries eaten· out-of -hand s upplies m ost of t h e day 's vitamin C requirement Folding the berries rn to the sauce at the 1asl minute will conserve ,their nutrient content. Use leftover sauce throughout the day as a delicious snack in itself. or as a tasty topping for ice c ream, or plain pound cake. Look for fairly thick, firm . crisp rhubarb s talks. Since some varieties display very htlle color. choosing the fruit on the basis of col- Refuse Second Helpings Ry KEVIN McK EAN AP sci...ce Writer An animal study sug- gests that turning down a second piece of pie - or even the first piece - can head off diabetes in people who are prone to get the disease as adults for genetic reasons . Researchers for a phar maceutical put a s pecia l breed or hamsters who are prone to diabetes on a diet of less than three grams of rodent food a day. None developed the disease. Other members of the breed ate as much as t hey pleased and all got diabetes on schedule. said Dr. George Ger · rttsen and hi s co- workers. Proof that t he non· diabetic hamsters were atUl genetically vulnera· ble came when their off· sprint got diabetes with heavy eaUna. ••FR ESH STRAWBERRY-RH UBARBSAUCE 3 cups fresh rhubarb ll pound ). cut into l· inch pieces ~3 to 1 cup sugar 4 tablespoons water. divided 4 whole cloves l 1-inch cinnamon stick 1 table s poon cornstarch 1 1~ cups fresh sliced strawberries, washed and hulled In medium saucepan, combine rhubarb, sug ar, 2 tablespoons water, cloves and cinnamon stick ; mix well; bring to a boil. Cover, simmer over low heat 3 to 5 minutes or until rhubarb is tender. With slotted spoon. remove rhubarb to serving bowl, reserv. ing liquid. Disca rd cloves and cinnamon. Dissolve cornstarch In remaining 2 tablespoons waler; add to rhubarb liquid in saucepan. Cook, stirring constant- ly. over low heal until mixture boi ls and thickens ; pour over rhubarb. add s liced strawberries; mix gen· Uy Serve warm with Orange French Toast. Makes J'h cups. C7 Y.z cup servings) .... F RESH BLENDf;R APPLESAUCE 4 large apples , peeled, cored, quartered 14.l cup water 3 tablespoons honey '>ii to 14 teas poon ground cinnamon P lace all ingredients in container of electric blender. Blend at medium speed until smooth, about 1 minute. Serve at room tern perature or c h i l l. Makes: 3 cups. C6 Y.z cup servings) MORE FOR YOUR MONEY!. I § ;§ =t=fi' •lqp Compactor Bags ~1\d"8. __ • ~~ SAVE UP TO 50% OVER OTHER BRANDS LOOK IN THE PLASTIC WRAP a BAG SECTION OF YOUA LOCAL SUPERMARKET ... OR ASK YOUR STORE MANAGER. -----------------· Moat "adult-onaet•• diabetes ln human• can be contro\led tbrouara diet , accordi nl to a spok es m a n t or tbe pharmaceutical nrm . • SAVE1CK OH~ f'U"CHASE OF ~--·· °"'"' UlllMllO •O ON• couro• '"' ,UllCMAll -U'411ft OIC I t, •tte 'o. ... , ''"•to.o~-··eii.~•or ••• -~ °"" ... "' "'•"O"•"'O ~~ ... t1"19 (to'ffft•"...,.~~...,..,rf'ft""-~ ~"'•'"""''Jf"th1..,,,,..t11ve ,,.~~o ... '" ftyf .. "•... -.i• ,..,... ... ~ "°"" to (!I ... ~-., ........ ,,.,. ~~~·~ .. .,...,.ve91'1~tt ''"" ....... -."., ...,,.....,.,. .... "~'" .. ~ .. ,_. ..... ..... , ....... , .,.,..,. ...... ff Ofe4'1•9itt .. The hamster stud y 1uaaeat.a -but does not prove -that attention to dlet tn advance ml1ht preveM tbe dlHaM. ,. 'COMPACTOR BAGS WITH THIS YAlUABLE ST°"E COUPONI --·-·--- '''" • •Mlf'W' .. C"t...,.._,t ,,..,_,,.MY..., u••• ••· ..... 1' ..... cio"'' t~ ltfe, .. ,.....,._,, ,_ It(\ jll, •••• , C•"'-IA \I ,.. t .,., ~ "°I t •f'I U.jA t •"' '" ................... t "' ........ ()fir-.... ,. Cll-lllGI ---------I Save sI.IS On these MJB favorites ~- .-------------------------------~ on M7!:m! 1packapsol MJB I Rice Mixes or l Stuftlna Ml•e• I CPN pq.eo1 I I ~·· ...,......,Ott.. .. "O· ... tM, ~ca 80'117 "'""" ----------- PluJ "' """' "03·1'~1 ---------- <,1 I -0 lor>" ----""""'of-f'91\1ncl pet -llJ. llf'OUI»• ~ O< ~ No dU91l«llon °' N9fOduCllOl'I ol ltlft orOer IOfftl -lie~ YOkl w-pro-lllble.d laoM Of Ol"9nltff retlflcled Dy lew AllOw ·-· eo. ~ ...... °"91' • .,,,.... ........ '1. , • .,.. .. I Slore Cou()On L..---------aa19IN• Auguat 31, t911 I ---------------------' ._ ___________ . .. - ' .. . . . "' . . ' ' . ' .. ' . . . . . . . . . . . .., .. . ' -""""' ..., ,.,. . .. . . ... ---. ' .. -. ._ . .... ~ . d } ' " (8 DAIL V PILOT Bananas Economical Making t•ndi. mt.·t.·t h•h lktome u Wl4) 11( lafe for Oto~t l\mt•rtt .Jn' Mo't ltudgt•t' h1tH ,uff1•r1•d 11 ~lo,.. hut th1 ' dot•'n I 91cun w1• hu' •· to wr' t• monotonou' 1111 .. 11, In fart H•u t•un ,. 1 .... 1 .. , • ., t'llt'ffit•lll tn lht• lr.1h"ht'O Ulllll~ '01111' bihH lornl 'itu11l1•, .rnJ .1 ll1"h uf 1111 I talJh"HIUOn nou1 I ••l•1ilt• rurl'd u 1111 flu t•ci •do nut p.1r, I J:ft•t II l~•'l'IH'I I 111 Ill \I rtpi. l h.1n.rn." ~II 1 1 n k It' l' h 1 1· k 1• 11 lhll;!h" Wtlh ,. lf'11 .. l14Hlll ,,tll In l.10•1• !<kllll•I Ill I' I I It II I I I ( /\ II 11 I h1t•kt•f1 lhl~h• 11111~11 1111 holh ~HJt•"' 1.11111 It• 1110Yt' /\dd on111n 1·ufl \ powd1•1 ~111111·1 lt•m1111 lllH't'. r1•11rn111lnU I lt'U' 110011 "ult nml P''l'Jlt'r. 1·11ok ~. m1nuh•r. Spr1nklt• rlou t 11\.+•r cm111n nu 'Clure• .ind ln!'i' to m1" Wl•ll H \'!urn ('h1t·k1•11 I h1uh11 lo 'klllt.>t <.'nYt't 11nd c·ouk I!'\ m IOUtt'll Add a l)ple u ncl .:n't·n f>t'Jll)('r . <'Over .. ind l'ook 15 minute~ lonf.l{'r. until chi<'kc n i s lt•ndt'r Pct•I bananus. •·ul into din.ionul sh cei-. add to \lullH &nd cook 5 mlnuh•., Y1l'ld '1 i.cr v FOOD Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Banana Pl/af is an economical dish that's generous m flavor and appeal .: 11111111111 Tu k1• h.111Jl\J' fur 1 ' 1ltn1tl1• l ht' 11pµul.ir fruit ,, t'l'Olllllllll'UI Jn1l I h1~hh H •r-..11111• I ht• d1• Ill ult• n,1\'or 11f l1u11.1n,1• m n kt•.. I h 1• m .1 n "' cials on Fmnous Brands! 1· ,. I I \' n t t' h u 1 c 1· to r t::.=::=:;:;;;0~ 1·n•ath1• nwJI plnnnin.: l'om b11w tht• bun u nu w11h unoth1•1 \mt•rin1n f. \Orth• d111•k1•n ... _::,) "'--.: . ( 0 r u ll I m J .i I II .J 11 \ t• hud..:1•t "''"' Jhh \nil llkt• b iLnun.1' 1·h11 k1•n 1• .t\'llll illllt• \t•.11 IUUlll Monterey Facial Green Giant lnute Tomato Cragmont jl\tl \ 1•r \ p1.1pulc1t Jack Tissue Corn Maid Sau co Beverages fr\ ~IUff\·d l'h 11·lt.1 I ll t•"'"'" v.1t h l<t1n.:1n.1 I 1'11.tf .1rnan 1•l11u:o.I) 1.1, l~ m.11 n ch l>h fur (arntl\- mt•ab and 1•ompunv din nt•rl> Bunanai. h•11d th1•11 hont') hkt• n a\ or to lht i.an1ry rtl'l' i.t ufftnf(, t•n rnl>l'd 1n i.ure ulvnl t•h1 C'k1•n and top1wd with J ml'llow Crt'am ... 101·1· T1uly fin~ • N1bleh Coin. 12·01 Oronge Juice Hvnt \ A Relre1h1n9 Thor1f Ouencher• •Whole Kernel, 17 -oz ll1ch Tomolo flovo•' ·\ ll()lh1•r dt•\ 1•r n11n h I n .1 I 11111 I ... (. \I r r I t• 11 Chtdo•n Th1).!h., "llh ll:inan.1 ... a nnturul dun In lnch.1. b.1nan.1' .111 11-.1•c1 lo 1·ontr.1'1 lht 'l'h \' 1·urn fl:H or' ~Tl" FFEU ('lllt'K t :N B R t: A S T S W I T II Rt\NANA PU.At' :! tablespoon ... bullt•r nr mjrganne •-;o cup choppt>d onion I l'up c h opped celer y '• cup chopped «t'lt'r.\ lt>av"" I I (' U p (' h () J,I PC d par ... lt•\ '• c·up un<'n<>k ed i k>nl{ gnun rtt·e I c-.10 11:1·1 • ounC'l'S I hl'd hmth or l ~a t'UPh l)('d bou 1 llon I tahll-:.poon lemon tUH't' I 1·up choppt·d nuh :! t 1•<1 ... ponn" ... alt. <la vrdert 1 ll'lJSfX)On drn·d ll·a( th' ml· 1 , ll'aspoon Jtt•ppcr Safeway Fresh Produce Buys! ul 1 Russet v-Potaotes US No I To 80!.e. 8011 Fry or Mo1hl I I !' (' u p " <f I (' (' d b a n a n n ... t d h 11 u t '1 ............ q m~d1um t Sugg.,'"0" -~10-l b. ~ Bag Ii c·h1r k('n hrt·.i"t"· llOm·d <ind natt1·nt•d Fresh Asparagus Tender Plump Full T 1p1' Crisp Celery Tender ond frHh Stolh·for StvH1ng lb. 89' eoch 49( In larJW sk1lll't melt huttt'r Add on1<111 and c·1wk until tender Add 1·e h •ry. celery lt•aves. par ... lt•y. a nd rrcl' Cook until nee· IS golch·n Add yellow Onions het•f broth. lemon JUiee. nuts. I 1 :i teaspoons salt. lb 194 U S No 1 Flovor Fovorile for Meot thyme ~md peprK·r Cov cr·1sp Carrots ldeol For Cooking t•r anli c-ook OV(•r lo w or For Corrol Stockt heat 20 m1nuh•i. or until 4-ich Potted "'" Mums or Tomatoes '"-9 49~ of • rtCt' 1:-. lt·nder Hcmovl' from h f'at Peel banana .... 1111•1· <Hid iJdd to nc•t· Tu flall<•n C'htl·ken hrl'aM.,, µlac·p b<:twet-n p1e<'l'" of fwl or w;ixNI pa pl•r and pound with ma llct or side of roUing pin Place !)ktn side down and ~prrnkle with rem a1ning '" ll'u!>poon · i;alt Spoon 1 2 cup filling I o n l't:n ler u f l'ac h chicken breast. tuc·k rn t•nds and fold ovt•r !)Ide:-.. itl'l'Urt' with food p1cki- or "mall skPwl'r:. PlaC'e ~ ,.~-:, '=' Heather ~"--·. ~~ s 149 each Romaine Lettuce Leaf Spinach f 1 I Mn29¢ ll 1nrn25¢ c· h i <' k c n b r e a s t s 1 n :-.ha llow bak1ni:i pan Hake uneovered 1n 375 fo' oven 45 minute~. until tender Serve wslh Banana Sautt·• Yicl<l 8 Liquor and Wine Buys! ,,,.., Eff•chve In lie•"'..! Soloway• No Sal•• In hc•n •I 20 Gallon• No Sot .. '-• ... ale llamore Dew AnclentAge ,,·:.~~:.~··. 62 9 ~ ~~~-~.~ ........ 5 so I' 7SO-ml. Ouorr ser~ings • I -::.. Scotia Royal s5ee ~ Sebastiani BANANA SAUCF~ ~ scorcn. 12 Y1 Oto 86 Ploot • Finn ~ Z•nlaooet $299 /!IO m1 • .. c up bultt'r or margannc Old B h .11 •• c up flour 1 ms~ us m1 s7e9 ~Lord Calvert s5e9 7$0.ml .,_. Canadian Wtl1Slley, 80 Proof 01w1 2 h. k b h ln&n Wti1akey 80·Prool cups c 1c en rot • I 2 c hic ke n boui lion I ~'° IM s4se 0 cubes dissolved 1n 2 cups ~ rau asson %~ Id Calhoun s3se bot ling waterl eEl!1flaklOly eAn1neCasc1e 1 H11 S1111gt118ourt>on,80 Ploof T!IO·ml J cup milk I tablespoon lemon JUI Ce 1 1 teaspoon salt 1-. tea s p oo n powdered dried thyme 3 bahanas, sliced In large saucepan melt butter . Blend in rlour. Remove from heat; stir in chicken broth and milk. Return to heat and cook, stir- ring constantly, untll mixture thickens and comes to a boil. Sllr In lemon Juice, salt and thyme. Just before serv· i n g s tir In s liced bananas. CVllAIED CHICKEN THIGHS WITH BANANAS 8 chicken tbtghs, skin removed l 1·il teaspc>ons salt, divided 2 tablespoon» butter or maraartne l onion, allced 2 teaspoon• curry powder ~(I teaspoon singer t tablespoon lemon ilsrANT BINGO WIN\'E 52,- 9IO OIOUnCHt, llOTIMI TO PWCNASI ,.,., ,..~ • ...,_ "•~•ot ''' hf•w•r '*"•••.-•••• ilf't hc.t ...... ft t.J.t .. ftte .. HfH ~ 0.. .. •"4 ~ ...... , ... cw .. t•• I .. ,, ...... "' OeA c..,,,.,, ........ " I~ .. ~..-" t4'. ........... •A4 .. _,~I 1•1• h w .. •' • ._ .... ., •"'4 ~ ..... .,, wti.~ _,. Ht\••• ... 4't•••AIN• .. -CMft-~llfH<t!Yf-• ,.,. "'" HO CW OOOt I \IAIUI w1..,.co 11c .. 1 ..,_ •• IU •II ·-... .-.,.. , .. -..... 10 J 041 • 111 t "" J .oJ 1 IOUH ,,. f01AU .. , ... ,,, •Jnu.t.est• ........ •O.l.llecllett Lesa., ... , 000\ IJ 11(1111\ MOH . .... "'• "' 111 .. •• .. ...,,.,, ........... a..c. 000\,. ft(tl,(t• UOl1 .. ,, I l•I ... IH t • '1000 WINlllRS • fertune ...... •Lisi Auftlerhtldt .. vtrlf lltl1 S.te hrttara •lie...., Ctoltoft •Dione Sllftdf ..autMnt lldfecr11t • Emlte Schmltft • S.... lttt ....... Los A•lt• lei A•lt• •Irma J...,.1 • Yerle Crow Los Anttlt• Senta Marfa 'I 00 WllllllRI • llf'Mlf'll hritht Al•H..,.. • 1 'It (httftO L . ·"n!Jclet Cup 0 Noodles ~' :;,.,.c,"' -. 2 1~.1 Cup• --'Dinners 't""" ·~'4 '"°' $1 ,;;.;.:...w MJ'-11on1 & C.11+-~e Pi.vs ~H~ Enchiladas ~ 11.on d~l<.Jcnp famolyPJck ~Tomatoes --r Gl0<1tnJ s1eweo 1901 $139 Pkg 1t.01 39e C.m ~Peanut Butter •so: s199 ~Rt 11 Roast Ja• - \'on-Foods Buy.4'! Atra Razor From ' Gillette s 199 \---' i:..:.."::.:_"' eoch Safeway Toothpaste Corned Beef Brisket Safewoy or McCoy, Point Cut 88 Boneless Hams Smoli·A·Romo Fully Cool.ed Woter Added -.. 7·01 77c t'~-~_, Tube Asp irin Bottle 89' of 200 Round Tip Roast ~~i:~:~· Chuck Short Ribs ,.~:~~·.~11~·=~d ~/ Sliced Beef Liver J·~:i;.:·.~:~ .. lb '269 lb •199 lb 98< Saleway Tablets Lighter each 69 ¢ each 79c Foster Farms Saleway Disposable '-'"'-Wine Glass ·J WexF010 Safeway p e~- ~ Wishboneor ... •n1 , ..... 99c e l!olion e f1•nch e 1000 hla ndlollle Best of Fryer Co·lif•''"o Otown Fty1n9 Chlchn Sterling Sliced Bologna Sk' I F k Wotwn o• In eSS ran S SteohnQ Polish Sausage ~ei t tn sp 9 Pi.a ~~ggc ltl 11 ~g ~ Treesweet Juice ..... 69' ..-., ''"" O.a,..frvol Can Ma~onnalse Scetch luy Imitation 3'2·••·89C Jor ,·.=.. Margarine I _,-, c:.4AfMli pecial Photo Off er.' l une ""' ..c.. •• ltla<~ end whi•• "•tUt••• to ~•v• r'l•19hbotneed f ~ Soloway S•ore It t•1 a I • '0 ,. f' tnlo•t•m•n• 1., .,,,, SI 49 1 .::"-.. ...._.._ l "cTO" ., •• (' lnlorgemenr each Whole Shorr loin and , .. ,_,,hovu1 Steok' II •• 11-lh S••• llul .. Cut And W•opp•d C O Sattway B• ~oo orn ogs A G<tdl 1 ~\1• ht.a• z· 8 . A CllOIC, 1ppe umtos • v,'""'r' C tf h S k F101rno1 a · 1s tea s 0e110~11'\J M". Wdght't Heat ond Serve It 1119 10 °' 53' l>>.q 1n'P9 ~ •··0~1 ~ Cont "' ... ~ .. -· ..... ) ) Mer IS thtv ''"' Mer II, 1971 In S...th••" Callftrnlo (lac.pl Catall"a· Sen at.e-a"41 Im,_...! c:e.."''••1 k l .. In l•la~ O..anllli.t Onlr Juke teupoon pepper • 1000 l•r•lde Dr . Ntwport l 11ch • IH No Cou1 Hlghw11y l•QUlll GHCh • IOI I C1m1no ._ .... i 1n Clemente • 24 Monarch lay Plett • 211 I . t11h II .. Co111 M111 •Adami 111 Magnolia. H11nllng1on IHch • 14411 C11lver Or a1 W11n11t. lrvll\t South L1gun1 • Santa Ana Freeway at l a Pez, Miiiion Viejo · *' lo l t11to1. t1n11 An• I • •I I r • • • i-. FOOD Wedneeday, March 14, 1979 D~IL Y PILOT C'9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~-------~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~-• Irish Diet: Robust, Varied -By 'roM HOGE Ireland on Doc. 25, Jual 0 ...,..._...,.,_ after ml d nlghl had The approach of St endtod the Chrl tmH Patrick's D~ sttma a Eve fast good tJme to salute th Corntd bcf'f bnskt't. robust and v1rwd dlPt rkh ln 11pic1•>1, waa !llm · that dlataniul<ihf'S the mf'rttd to fork ruttlnic c-ulslne ol l N'land ttondc~~ dnd u!'l ually honor lbe patron Hll'll O( lht• Emt•r&ald Isle Tradlllonally. thu flavo rful brls k.-t II erved with cabbage und boilt-d potatoo11, but lht•r are 1omo othe r louche1 It has been said the t"rvt"d co1d to start off Jriah know 400 way& or lht• 1ala ft-nst l"nJUYed CO&NlN'G 18 AN an prtoparina tbe potato. throughout the land rlc>nt process by which but lbls dot-not mean In thll' rountry. ('omNI mu~. poultry and Cl.sh the apud ti. Enn'a mllln IM-t'f 11 ait!!O<'ietf'd with art' pr~rved 1n u llquld dish. even 11 t.M country March 17, when Jrtsh aolutlon of ult, aufar rotk onttUved almostu Am•ncam and• lot of a nd uHpcttr cal ed C' I u s Ive I y 0 n l h 1 t otht-r l)Mple a at her to brlnr Hert"• a veralon of corned beef and cab bate rrom N ew England. where m any lrlall·Amerlcana dwell. 2 tablnpoona butler v, cup cbopped fresh onion 2 cups pared aar- rota. sliced 2 potatoea boiled, peeled and cul In cubes 4 CUIMJ &hredded cab· bag to I pound cooked corned beef cut Into strips '" teaspoof\ salt •,J teaspoon pepper •, teasp oon dried leaf thyme • ~ cup beef bouillon In a large skillet melt butter. add onion a nd cook S minutes till te nde r . Add c a rrots, cover and cook over low heal 10 minutes. Add re· mainl ng ing r e die nts, cover and cook 20 minutes till cabbage i.s tender. Serves 4. Good with chilled a le. ' l 'ersauleve1etable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. IR ELAND IS AL~O kno"" for H:. plump llublln Bay prnwos, ah Count~ Down lamb and its A11tmn ham The breads.or lreluncl. mad e in m ost fa1 m kllC'hens from h Offil' ~rown ~rain ant.I but term1lk. are also legc11 d a r y They 1 n c I u 11 t' white soda bread, gnd die bread, brown breut.I, Potato bread and bun~ a nd scones, to name a few. Served with heather sC"enled honey or accom panied by t angy Irish cheese. they can be a de light. So well s tockt>d a re lreland's n vers that the country h a s becom e fa m ous for its salmon and trout, both brown and speckled. THE IRISH DIS H perhaps best known to Americans is the classic corned beef and c ab· ba~e. which for many of us Is an indispensable part of the St. Patrick's observance. Actually, this spicy meal was originally served m the homes of Contest Set-for County Teens A "T een Cuis ine" Recipe Contest is the latest special feature lo be added to the second a nnual Sout h ern California International Wi n e, Food and Culinary Arts Show, lo be held May 1'1·20 at the Anah eim Convent ion Center. according to Lou Bell. producer. Orange County teen- agers from 59 parochial a nd public high schools a re being offered the op- po rtunily for c re ative recipe competition in t i-esbow. The contest is divided into four categories - a ppetlzers, soups, en- t rees and desserts - and numerous prizes, in- cluding stereo units a nd record gift certificates. will be offered to the finalists as they com· pete in a "cook-off" right at the show. The show will feature famous chefs, cookbook a uthors and wine ex· perts for those attending to see in person. The deadline for teen- agers wishing to enter t he "T een CUis in e " Recipe Contest is March 30, and applications can be picked up at local high schools or by con· lBcling Lou Bell al P.O. Box 3348, Orange, CA 92665. For more information call 637-U88. Cooking Classes T w' o c o o k i n g workshops will be of· fered at the Sherman Library and Gardena, Corona del Mar, begin· Ding Monday, Mareb 19. Kay Paatorlua wlll teacb a ct ... OD t:le1ant Dinnen at 10:30 a.m . and 7 p .m . Monday, Mareb 19 with a menu of Clllckea Babreaae and LemOD lloulae. At 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. '11u&nda1, March 22 Ina Col• will teach advanced microwave cooklna. Tbe menu will be bon d'O.UVNI. Fee la •11 p er worUbop. Prereflatra· Uon la nqalred. for In· formatioo, call Van Bob· bltt at ..,,.2181. ,.ICIS mtcTM WtD., MAI. 14 lNIU TVU •• llAI. H . f97t. All GUAlmTT lnGICTS llSllVID. IO SAU TO DUUIS OI f'OI llSAU OI C'OMMflCIAl USI. -WE AT llAIKET IASKET AIE SO SURE OF OUI LOW PIKES, QUALln & YAIME THAT •.• WE'RE MAKlllG THIS TRIPLE GUARANTEE! rl••ADYOOISlD ITEM AVAILA"UTT GUAIAllTUl i ~· m&lSATISfACTIOll GVWlfTUI ---i r3----------MAlllTIASllfl tOW NKI GUAUWTUI •----------, I flOt • MV "-""''"u •U• • ... ,..0 IO f" .,..,., ~••'Al I I l'ltl'f"WIC ttJi111 w-•t llM.Mt .,.:»ft I'\ ••'1'0 r(ll .,,,. ,_,,.,I I M ..... ,tit -s l'M\I Nt 01ut-.•1 oin11 1 n1J (.NI •NtO to.ti' i1"()> ff\U·t ,,.,. •11 .. '' "'"' eNlft '11f1'.t¥•fti1t 11t11 ,._.,. MI I "IU ...,.o ~ti \f'084 f•"' '-,,,~.,.,_..., "°"' • ftlf'l • • _. C10 lotif'l9 l'few'\f\'S Of Mlllll~t " ""' ut " :.Al'9 • I Di' 1 "'~ r .,.> ..1 • _.,.., 'I r fta\t •IOl'l•" w 1 ""· •u ..,,., .:fii1• w •"'•I• ~rt , • '\ O-tflftil '"" ttl'W'• '""' ,. ....,, I I -.,.ou10t a.ACM1f111011'111.,~1 0t"•~1 rtAJ9 00Cllf•~• I I .., .. ~n •'""'VO'°"''"• ,..o. ft4 .. _.._.__.,."".I I u lllliAoi•lt ,...,..., (l')llf..-"" ""'· M'l .,,, • .. .,,_.,. '"~ n., er .. •.,,,......,.,,. ~ .... ,., •• r '""' ••• ,~ 1101"''1 1•1 • ..,. .. '"'"""' .. •tH•M h.it .,...._ ~·~ o. • ""i<Nft•...,. .,., I I ~•--Ot"'""°~~ma I 1Mttt•1U11••"1'n•wt .. N.OM•..,..,..,,..:ue1M1tt•MSN1M0•--..,.,•1wu • llllfll1•~ ,,., ·~•"'tCW.•"'t liOll'•'•l,fflUf M ..... tfNtt""'O _..._JIQn . I • ..,..,..,,,.,.,l,,,HOQ.tdO I ------------------~ L ---------------~ -----------------•----------------~· ON JUNE 24TH. 1978. MARKET BASKET SLASHED LIQUOR PRICES 15% TO 25" MAKE MARKET BASKET HEAD- QUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR uguoR NEEDS. YOU'LL FIND St.ASHED PRICES THROUGH UT THE ENTIRE LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. MORE THAN JUST A FEW ADVERTISED SPECIALS ... BIG SAVINGS ON YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS. \ FILLET OF TURBOT . • .... • ' ., ..i, # • " .. • • ..._ • .. " ' .... .: ~ ,..__ ' '" ' • • • • ' • .. 'I I " I ' " ... ,,. Cit DAILY PILOT W9dn..01y. Martn 14 19711 • MARMADUK E SUPERHEROES -------.1 ,,..., SHOE MOON MULLINS OH·OH·· TURN IT OFF ' IT'S ONE OFIHOSE W~IRDO SCENES~ by Brad Anderson \\Know what, Mommy? There. ore 25 inches of tooth paste in o tube." DENNIS THE MENACE FUNKY WINKER BEAN MISS PEACH YQV. KNOW, !5Z'.A, FOil' A ?~'r ~ VOi.A A..:e ve"v IMMATtAR'E'. $AY A Pf?A'tER, ~RICY·· by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta LOC'IC~ Lli<i:= WE RE. ' CASHIN' IN •.. GORDO Z1VI! RlrAo UYr60F 7'0"1$/JE TW/671E/CS CW THE cAe.E oorr~I fl£:PEAI • rtJ1s, ti 'Tit: "TWINE 70 T#REE Tl<EE TWIGS"/ JUDGE PARKl;R --~~~~~~~~~--. MY 51STER IH&IST£D THAT I ST'Of>6Y AND MEET \'OU, Ml55 f!PENCER ... 8UT 1 DON'T WANT TO IM~~ 8ESIOE!J, 1 HAVE A ~IENO WfTt4 ME! TUMBLEWEEDS DRABBLE DR. SMOCK .. ; • • by Tom 8atluk by Mell -11' 'TAKE~ 'THE CIA~~£ {;F OF "IMMAitA ltE' .. '!' 1(11..1.. If? "<>I.I lA1H JvST Kll.L 1f! lRf '10J 10'1'Al.L~ 1~SWSrf1'Jf: "? \.4A\/£: 'IOIJ l\IORU.ARO ~ l.lf& ? ~ CRotl. AIJO \)l.lUS\J AL I Ye AH, DOC · '"fHOSe PROPS Pl D s-roP /\AV f;ARS FRO""' R INGING ... MOTLEY'S CREW --- by Gus Arriola by Harold Le Doux M!>. PATTY, WE'VE JU!IT DEEM IHVITEO TO !>PEND ™f Nl6HT AT ~ER FA'l.H6, WHICH WILL ee &TTER THAN WHf.T WE CAH FIND WITH OOfl &ANK!n!. Of tlS.22! by Tom K. Ryan AN INPIAN wrTH A CHAUFFetJR ~N& HIS HOftSe ISAIJISOfW! • OH, COME NOW. HE:'P LOOK -n1:1o~ A85URP STANDING-1nz::RE P01N& Na71flN&. MAYBE AUNT FRITZl'S OLD GIRDLE WILL IMPROVE ITS SHAPE COMICS I CROSSWORD PEANUTS ~EY, CAT~f~.HOW A800T AN tN~VIEW FOil. MSCHOOl.~? f1u:~ AfE ~r; ~u~A'-1( llJA~S 'fo (,(.( ~·o CJ A 1,.1t'f1,.f 6'.>u ! !'1.L U4..iOLE ·n.11s 1 l . -u- by Charles M. Schulz WAAT ABOVT AU. nus EQUIPMENT '(O'J WEAA ? by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont eu-r NOVV j;.'M GE:"l"llN ' A vC:RY H ARSH BUSY SI GNAt..-.1 I by Templeton & Forman I McN ·· TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 44 Fal l Carch 45 Aby ss 5 Sprinl .s6 Wind 1nsrru- 9 Searcnes m!'nl 14 Leander s 48 Ancosrors love 52 Fruit dr1nt. 15 Inside 2 word~ Comb form 56 Hemal1h 16 Egyp11an " Q entertamer 57 Tootn Var S8 ASldr. 17 Aroent countrv 18 Duck 59 Mans nick· t9 ltahan name namf· 20 Matter Lc:tw 60 WonONtand 21 Explorer 10 Q1r1 Canada 61 CursE.- Z words 62 Or~ 23 Dean 63 Color 25 Residents 6<l Narrow of Suffix opentr1Q 26 To rile srern 65 N1·w York 27 Proo 1edm ?9 Suppos1-DOWN hons 1 Pungenl 32 Spa1kle 2 Ar no 11me 35 Broad 3 Spring up 36 Marsh bird 4 Supreme 37 Circular being band 5 Discover 38 Spanish 6 Reqarding title 7 Pollux e g 39 Interlock 8 Sacred 40 Pismires 9 Greet 41 Mote 10 Baffle •2 Fri"er t 1 O•scharqes '3 Spelling -12 Loller Jap JNITEO Featu• Syndicate 1 uesday's Puzzle Solved tJ LeQ part 31! Cdrd symbol 21 Weigh t 42 Telegram 22 Backpar lo.er 44 Stowe 24 Snake~ character wedpon~ 45 Parcel 27 Vedrned 47 Legislate 28 Scent 4~ Instrument 30 Glass-49 -Dame maker s !>O Characteris- ma1erial tic 31 Surle11 51 Transmits 32 Snatch 52 Tumors 33 Cable Sufh 34 Among 53 Roster other lhtngs. 54 Sails ' words 55 Russran 35 Dam 11ve1 36 Ray 59 Uncle - 10 :1 12 lJ .. .. ,.,,. .. ____ ,,.._., ........... ._ ....... ··- ' Home Tour M usiC'1an Joe Hoo,·e r c center > a nd singers Sus an Taylor <left> and Donna Tozer prac lice for the annual home and garden party tour planned by lhe Irvine Committee of the Orange County Philharmonic. The event will take place from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday. March 25, in the Village of Turtle Rock. WOMEN'S TRANS ITIONAL LIVING CENT E R: A Speake r 's Burea u has been formed for Orange County's shelter for battered women. Information. 992-1931. COSTA MESA M E MORIAL ·HOSPITAL AUXILIARY : A mem· bersh1p tea at the hospital is set for I p m Friday. March 16 CALIFORNIA FEDERATION OF WOM EN'S CLUBS: Orange District will hold a members hip tea Thurs· da y, Marc h 15. E bell Club o r Anaheim. Each home will be decorated with a the me and will melude m us ical presentations by pro· f t• s s 1 o n a I p e r f o r m e r s P r oceeds go fo r pro jects w1 th1n t h e Orang e County Ph ti harmonic So<:iety. For t1e kets. at fi6 . call 833·9267 or 752·0536. Wiid!~. March 14, 197~ DAILY PILOT f: J J Club Calendar Aaa Laadn-s lrl11 h mu1>1c· wlll be fe<itured at fumtf:ur.er til K p m Fr 1d.ty , March W. 301 N Pomona. l"ullerton In· form a UOll. OO'l·2233 OKANCE COAST BRIDGE CLUB: /\ new form or compN hlve bridge. llome Sly lt> Bridge. has been in \rodured In Orange County and will b<' 11h•yed Thursday and Saturday nitehlll Open to pubbc Information. !>4" J:.I02 Al.UANC't: t'fl AN('AISE: Dom Cl 11 ude Jt>im Nes my will lecture and i.ho w s lldt>i. on '·L a Bourgogne tlomane" at 8 11 m Friday. March 16, Congrej(41t1ona1 Chu_rch. 340 St Ann Drive. Laguna Beach lnforma· t1on . 495.3725 N F.WPORT BEACH FRIENDS OF T HE IJBRARV: Jan1<·e Rayhs will d1sc·uss her nt"W book. "Sleep on 1t thl' Pracllcal SuJe or Dreaming." 01 7 30 p m Tuesduy . March 20 10 Harbor Hills Reservations. 645·3332 l RVINE ·COAST R EPUBLICAN WO'W EN'S CLUB: Dr Gilei; Brown or Cul State. Fullerton. Will d1SCU!.S ··Glimpses of Chana" at 11 a m Tues day. March 20. m eeting Bahaia Corinthian Yacht C lub. Newpor t Beach. lnformat1on, 551-2528. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF NEWPORT k A RBOR: Seminar on proble m dr1nk1ng led b y 1ntervent1o n counselor Abbot Mills at 7 pm Wednesday. Ma rch 21. Corona del Mar High School AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Ot' UNIVERSITY WOMEN: Author , rtlm maker David Rals1ger will ad· dress the We s tmins ter·Fountain Valley BranC'h. 11 a m Saturday. Marc·h 17. Villa Sweden Restaurant. Huntington Beach. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF R ET IR E D FE D E R AL E MPLOYEES: Chapter 816 to meet al 1:30 pm. Tuesday. March 20. Com munily Center. Del Mar and Seville, San Clemente. HO USE OF WHIT E SHELL WOMAN: Henrik Ibsen's play, "The Master Builder ." will be discussed al 7:30 p.m Friday. March 16, and con tinue through Sunday. March 18 In· formation. 838-0985 PARENTS ANONYMOUS: The self·help program for persons with child abuse problems has opened a Huntington Beach chapter. Meetangs will be Monday nights Call ~5551. WE CAN : "The Ins and Outs of Buying Property" 1s theme of a din· ner meehng Thursday. March 15, at the Velvet Turtle. Newport Beach Information, 542·5636 LAMP LIGHTER GUILD: New mi:mbcrs are sought for ttus non· profit group which he lps s upport Orpnge County Ch1ldrens Hospital Call 997 3000. ext 277 ORANGE C O UN TY PHI LHARMON I C SOCI ETY : Pianist John Danke will perfor m for Harbor View Hills Committee meet· 1ng. 9:30 a.m Tuesday. March 20. Corona del Mar home. Information, 494 -6248 V ·INDIAN MAIDENS: Azle<: Tribe of M acama Nation will hold a m other daughter tea and fashion s how at I pm Satur,day, March 17. Newport Beach I nfor m ation . 646 i612 Fear Removed D E A R A N N DON'T understand that LANDERS: Sever al fr1 ghtensyou." weeks ago you gave a I looked her straight very en l le ht ened in the eye and an response to a woman nounced, 'Tm an epilep· who was afraid to invite tic." an epileptic relative to a t reahze J s hook her wt:dding . I hope you will up. but J had to say 1t print my letter also. . How many people know A m~ had an. eptlep-· that seizures are caused· ti c se uur e i n the by momentary dis grocery store yesterday. turbances in the elec• Th e m ana g e m e n t tric al c urre nt wha ·h responded prope~l y r u n s t h r o u g h Th e.y checked t m · EVERYONE'S br<1in " A mediately to make sure s eizure is nu mor1· there were no obJCClb frighterung than a hi e n ea r him wh1 c h h e cough or a sneeze if you mi g ht hit <1 nd hurt unde rs tand 1t It dOl''- h1m self The v did not not cause patn to the VIC' stick a nythrng hard in tim. It does not cause his mo uth (a common m e ntal ret a rdation mistake> instead they Socrates a nd Cac!.ar put a soft cloth between wen: epileptics. his teeth to prevent bim from biting his tongue. I have seen people The n they called the urinate in public. vomit . e me rgency squad and beat their children. or knelt by him and waited b e c <'me ob no x i o u !-. When the squad arrived, because of a lcohol A they remained a t h is seizure which usuall y side until he came out of la:;ts less than a manutc 1t. is much less offensive The woman standing 0 N E 0 F SE V E R J\ L n ex t to m e 1 n th l' MILLION EPILEPTICS checkout line :;aid. "I :;aw a bo} have a seizure JUSt last week a nd 1t ORANGE C'OUNTY E PILEPSY scared me half to death SOCIETY: .. Resources for the Now 1t has happened Epalept1c Employment" is topic aga in ! These people DEAR ONE: Your let- te r put things in the prop· er context for a grf'al many people today and I thank you. for 7 30 pm. Wednesday, March 14, s houldn't be running iiiii;;===;m;r::=:=:=m NEWPORT BEACH CHRISTIAN open house Information, 547·0748 loose .. WOM EN'S CLUB: "Through the I guess the devil got Looking Glass is theme of an 1145 WOM EN 'S LAW CE NTER : hold o f my t ong u e a .m. Tuesday, March 20, Manner's a .m Wednesday, March 21. luncheon "Motht.>rs and Daughters" workshop. because 1 replied in a Library, Newport Beach. at the Airport.er Inn. Newport Beach. 8 pm Wedn~sday. March 21. 640 brittle voice, "Why don't LAt-f P PARTS Harbor Lites Information, 673-8877. S. B' St Reservations, 832·2202. you become informed? UCI TOWN AND GOWN: UC I his· I t 's onl y what you tor y Professor Henry Mi Iler w i 11 -;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;:----------------,,-----spea k at 10 a.m. Monday, March 19, ... Social Science Tower Room 220, UCL Inquiries. 499·1842. ORANGE COU NTY ANTIQUE SOCI ETY: William Harrison. San .Juan Capistrano antique dealer, will disc uss 16th and 17th cen tury furniture at 6:30 pm. Thursday, Ma rch lS, Saddleback Inn. Santa Ana. Information, 637·5183 or 837-9428. fRANCI~-ORR fine stationery ccrona del mar WOMAN'S CIVIC LEAGUE OF M USE UM ASS OC IATION OF ---------------------------------------------;- NEWPORT HARBOR: Meeting at 10 NORTH ORANGE COUNTY: Old Monte Carlo Dealing the cards for "An Evening in Monte Carlo" are Mrs . Thomas Stys kal <left) a nd Mrs. Robert DiGruccio. The event, planned for 6 p.m. Saturday, March 24, at the Ma rriott Hotel, is sponsored by the Orange County Chapter o f USC's Town a nd Gown Junior Auxiliary. Proceed s will go to schola r s hips for USC women. Invitations a re avail able from group mem - bers. including Mrs . Styskal and Mrs. DiGruccio. ( Horoscope ] TBU&SDA Y, MARCH 15 By SYDNEY OMARll ARIES (March 21-April 19): Real· firm legal rights -someone may want something for nothing al your expense. Tie loose ends. TAURUS <April 20-M ay 20): You could meet someone who helps make everyday tasks more interes ting. .Emotional and physical health im· proves if you get to heart ol matten. GElllNI (May 21-June 20): Emo· lional respc>nses are boned to ruor- sbarpnesa. Family member wants you to "stay put." Respond to YCM.!1' own needs; cycle features chanle, possible travel and intensified rela· Uonabip. CANCD <June 21~uly ~>: What appeared to be "hopeless restric- Uon" could become an area ol joy. Know lt. enlar1e borilona and be op- Umlltle. LSO <July 31-Aq. 22): Bellll com· ,.. ..... need not be equaa.d wttb beiq ·~·" Don•t permit rel- •Uve to ~ 10'I f"I auilty for no 1ood reaaoa. VlaGO (Aq. 23-Sept. 22): Em· pbMlt on protectlnC valuablea, tm- provU., income potential tbroqb ex· tra curricular study. You might be riding a lucky money streak. LIBRA (Sept. 28-0ct. 22): You could be handed something of great value OD proverbial silver platter. SCOllPIO <Oct . 23·Nov. 21): Period of seclusion proves beneficial. Be quiet within; you are going to be pro· vlded with confidential information. SAGnTA&IUS <Nov. 22·0ec. 22): Power, emotion, investment and love combine, making this a memorable period. CAPaJcO&N (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Obtain valid hint from S.gittarius measap. Bull.Dess, career, ptestiae spotlighted. Take nothing for granted where superiors, a11t1nmenta are concerned. AQUAaWS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Ac· cent on original ways of communlcat· ma. wrttln&. makin1 contacts with thole wbo could "1yndJcate" viewa. produdl. Leo ftprea prolh1Dently. 'pUlca (hb. tt-llarcb IO): You ean MUie ·cmrereneea wttb partner, mate. Money quetUou are clariftecl. Cbeek 1 .... ~. tracts, clalma, legal rtabtl and Iuka. FamUy m e mber seeks uldance, but la •· "•hJ" about I cue. I • High gear! Polished woods on layered bottoms are generating big fashion mileage. Leather bareback, 21 .99; the smoothie, 18.99. 18.99 & 21 .99 bareback action! QUALICRAPT9 SHOE STORES Masler Charge • Visa AS SEEN IN serenteen APRIL ISSUE FASHION ISLAND • Buena Part< Center •Costa Mesa. South Coast Plaza • Huntington Center Laguna Hills Mall • Mall of Orange • Orange. The City Plaza South •Westminster Mall .... " . ._ .. . .... . ·····----~··· ... ·· .. I ! I • . I .. •• . MAYOllAISE W""'4 ..... Mtll 99c s.m...ec1. , ...... Dijon Mustard • • 59c (in·\. l't1u1,.•n lor il.'11ty tluvor' H ni Juice CWUlllT ••••••• 89c ( kt<un Spruy, in 48 (IUnll.• bazt• Macaroni •••••• 23c 12 PACll OLD MlWAUKEE $ 4'49 BEER 6. - Malwaukee'11 quality in 12 ounce cans Peanut Butter • • sgc Natural, from Hullyw1JC>d 16 ounce Buttermilk • • • • • &gc (;olden Creme dairy goodntlili· i,., gal. Refried Beans • • 39c Ro11ar11a IU:~ular or Spicy..:._17 oz can HEINZ 43 KETCHUP c That thick slow goodnes11! 14 oz btle ~Flour m ........ J9C lu•g., Self-rising, Unbll!uchcd-5 lb!< Muffin Mix ••••• 79c : B1:1ty Crocker's Bluebt:rry -1:i1 , oz • :Cup · 'o Soup ••• 59c Ne8tle'11 pkg of four-ell flavol"ll : TOMATO 59c 1 JUICE Sacramento's-the one that plops! 46 oz :: Puddin' Cake •••• &9c Duncan Hines-all varieties! 181'i oz. pkg Heinz Vinegars 45c Salad, Tarragon or Wine-12 oz ~Biz Pre-Soak ••• s111 ; It really worka! 38 oi pkg (20t ofO "' ~ Ivory Soap nm ••• &9c Bath saze b&rl\ ... 80 gentle! (St off) ~DOG '.DINNERS 2CJc Friskiee-all varietlee-14 oz can ------------------ a ... ~ IJtl -and II U.... ttllln. tie -• M lllllinC ... theJ • ._ _. _.. U.. rMly is to lie It fl ._... hr Ilia "" ....., •r -Md tt11er dip. tMI Ranchero $289 STEAK 1b Select small end-C'ho1ce bfff rib Beef Rib Bones $1 ~ Meaty! Choice! Hake or borhecue Beef Short Ribs $2~ Honeless-and lJ.S.O.A. Choice I Corned leef U.S.0.A. CllOICE lllSKET ~ure 8Jld begorrah, ya'll love the value ol El kencbo's own corned bfff ... cured to be tender and wty . . . lean bmiket that will be the hat of the day Whulr or pomt half at this price. CabbBgf! ...... II! Green and cri11p and wnder ..• eolid heeds that will win praLSes! Rib cut U.S.D A. Choice beef &nelet111 rib cut of Choice beef Chuck Steak .• s1 ?' 7 Bone Roast $1 ~ Cent.er cut-U.S.D.A. Choice beet Chuck cut U.S.0.A. Choice beer Beef Roast :S s2t' 0 Bone Roast s1~ Chuck cut Choice ahoulder clod Chuck cut U S.0.A. Choice beef 1111/ Bria&::~ 'I.If Our own milk-fed V1!11l, plum or stuffed with ground veal, seasoned, oven ready Ground Beef ~ s 1 ~ Lean! Doeti not ezceed 22'\ fat Meat Loaf ••••• s1~ Oven ready-made wirh fresh eggs FOR ROASTING! Chkken 79~ Extra large Grade A Zacky forms fryel"ll Sliced Bacon •• 51?' El Rancho's thicker "ranch style" Meat · Balls •••• s1 ~ Oven ready-and with fresh eggs! • VEAL $699 SLICES •• Milk-fed veal fo r Scallopini or for Wiene1'1!chnilzel-round and loin cut Super Fresh Produce Sausage rrAUM mu • ! 1 ~ Our own blend-choose maid or bot Bratwurst n RMOIO'S. ! 1 ~ Pork. veal, seaHOning ... no nitrite11 FRYING CllCKEN Uvers 59~ Or the five pound bag for 2 75! . App/11 REDDELrelOUS ........... II! Extra fancy quality ..• criap and crunchy with flavor you expect from Wa.ehmgton State apples AIUOU PEARS 39! Sweet, juicy, from Northern orcbarda PINEAPPLE :,": 21:c ............... ~ FRESH CORN Tender sweet kernels on large ears FRESH FlLETS! NORTH ATLANT1C $279• COD Flown her1• to a&1ure fNlflhneM! Halibut Steak s~s~ ('en~r cul from Northern fo1h Mahi Mahi· ••••• s1 s~ Mild nav<>r from tropical aea.s FRESH TROUT Mounuun truul fmm Idaho! 1-2 lb avg. TurbotflUTS •••••• s1~ Frvm icy (;rNmland wat1ir11 Large Scallops s59~ Alw.kan-for prnlerred quality CRAB LEGS Mtuty! . . fmm AIS!illan crabs • T /11 rtl(hl u 1rw makes a meal b1•r11m1• an nccwiwn ... CJlld 1-;1 llcmch<> '>, s!'lectwn o{{en. Inglenook~ ••• s211 Burl(undy, ('h11blh.1, ~! J.5 liwr Green Hungarian s449 Wt-1bel '11 !>llVI! J.60 on the magnum Liebfraumilch •• s221 .Johann Mt-ttster'i. Import! Fifth! Liquor Dep 't IRISH WHISKEY P1trd'1 ~':!$699 T.._, hw-fiftll Brandy •••••••• s1199. Snvt• 1.40 1m ('hri11t1an BrnH. t.71l ltr Creme de Menthe s399 Hiram Walker Green cir White-Fifth Save 2.50 on the 1.75 liter size Irish Whiskey •• s599 Murphy's-11ow that'll Irish! Fifth Vodka or Gin •• s399 Our own Hohdoy Time11 ... Quart REDUCED 1.00 s4s9 STRAJGKT Whiskey El Rancho's own-6 years old- C~unrt Frozen Food \ Prices in effect Thur Mar 15 through Wed Mor 21 Open daily 9 to 9 Sunday 10 to 1 No aales to deokl'I Delicatessen Lasagna ••••••• s1 • The Green Giant 1toe1 llaliao! 21 oi Chopped Onions 39° Ore-lda doet all the wcrkl 12 os pq VEGDAIUS I ::..~cT.. s• 111a...s--11. ., ..... EdairsCllCCUn ••••• 79C Rich'a tweet treat in 8~ oz ~ckqe Cocktail camm • • • J9C Welch'• ror full flavor! 6 Ol can POUID s119 ·CAKES: . Retu1f.r or Cbocolat.e-10'4 ou~c• Bar-M Weiners.6~1 29 Mild navor that wiU make them a family favorite for any week-end! I lb pkg Vlasic Pickles •• ggc Kriep Koaber halves in 32 oz SLZe Horseradishsm .. &9c Fiaberman 'a Wharf~ oz jat In handy wedgea •.. 6 oun ce ck Dressing ::00.:S •• &9c F1Hherman'11 Wharf ..• 8 ounce jar Tartar Sauce • • 59c Bob'• famous eauce ... 8 ounce jar BABY $129 CHEDDAR Dorman'11 8 oz (Americao, Muenater too) AR C A DIA P ASADENA SOUTH PASADENA tHJNTINGTO N BEACH NJ WPORT Hf A<:ti l A STAl Uff IRVINE LAGUNA HILLS . '1.ifl\t'I •"'' .... (I) J1 f t.l ..,,,, ,1, '". 'fll, 1 I • "' •11i1 ••11• I •11,t1' ""''' , .. , Mll't ,A 1,, .. ,,q .. r • ·: ~. •1 ,,fl ,,,~ ..... f ,,,tt1lufl Pr lln1wl"lti1I" ,;ind M1ctl•l•n'' 13 ... 1 Mouno,, .... ,111..,JI, f 1 '~•"',.... 1 11· f i '(J,,.11,~rtti' 111o• '""''•\I 1 ,,,,,..1 tt.-11 ... 11 M n1' (1 •ft., 1•, •• ,,. •• .1 t , .1t.i,,11 ~,11,,,, •. 1 1 '"•" I .uk \'•l"'Vll Cr r\t•' M ()t1 lton Pet11.•ay PIAJA Red, Oranp ar 0... ... 8 owa ..... STYLE Ml SPllY .•••••••••• lie R111 q.,_ ,... 11~,.,..__. ni1nH ~''" CIDT TOD1I Nm ........ tao a.-Reiular °' Mint In nw OUDCI tube SECllT IGU.·• ........... $1.11 Chllt'fY Retrul•r nr n~nled deodorant-I ~ OI la11Ya ~ ............ SUI CousiiiDl?---'1 elJ Dllbt rtUelt 6 OS "ocam , ................ s1.21 F'or thoM mlnor tth" tnd pe.lne-30 oount ' STIY FE llD Pm ....... 9k The Ollll that let 10\l "'1 b..1 pq ot 12 cazy • IEflLS • ;-••••••..• &9c Solo slvw you O(lY 7 ounce cupe per pq .. llllT 11111 .......... lie Chic~ ot the S..-to OU ••• 9\-\ cs ..a SAUSACES ............ 41C Libl~v·e '°' t•~I• YoU remtmberl 6 oe '*n ' .. ,.· . -... .: ..: . ..: " .· . "' .... -. ,..., . --: ~ ·, . . ,.. . " .. " .. -.. , ....... ,. .... .... ---. -..... -., . ~ . I t . .. . . .. w.dneeday, Meich 14, 191'9 DAILY PILOT DJ ' The Biggest Marketplace on the Orange Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It , Trade It With a Want Ad (642-5678] One Call Service Fast Credit Approval .... ..... HoenH for S. HovM. for Sak ..._,,.., for S. Houff' for S• HovHt For Sde Hoenes For S• Houses For Sde Ho.Mt For Sde ......•.•..............................•.....................................•.••••......•.. ··•···•·••••··········· ....••......•..•••.......•.......................•.•••..•.....•.....• ··•••••••••····•······· Gs•• 1002 G.......a 1002 c;. .... roa 1002 c;._,._, 1002 GeMral 1002 GeMt'ol 1002 GeMNI 1002 a ... r.. · 1002 ·············•········· ..•.....................•..........•••••••.••• ·····•······•·····••·•• ..•...••••.................................... ····•··•·•·•·••••···•·· ...........•...•....... EQUAL HOUSING OPPOR TUNITY ~·sHotic•. .\II n·11l 1.,,t.1ll' .tlh 1111,t-.I Ul \hi,. llt',. 'IMP<·t 1' 'uh lt'l.'t lu lht' l-'c"\frl •• 1 I' ,111 lluu ~1n.: 1\1•1 ul I''"" whu;h °'''"''' 11 Jh',.:.d 111 ,1J~l'lll 1>" .111\ tHt• ft•n •nc••·. 11 mtt .Atiun "' ilibl'nnunution h."•'11 1111 rac't'. rolo1. 1t'h,.:w11 ''' 111' nallooul 11n1on ti! '"' mtent100 to 111.ikt' ·'"' 'ucb ~~h·r1·nr1· llm11.1 lJtWl Or n1,,rn1llt11,1llun ll\I .. , nt'll.~pJ(ll I .. 111 llOl t..no .. 10~1) ... , n•pl o1n\ Jd\t•rl 1!>10~ fur rt•JI t':;t.llt• whllh I~ Ill \ 111f,1 tmn or th•· I"" ERRORS: Adnrlisen ~ check th~ir od• daily and reporl U• ron imnwdio+~ly. The DAILY PILOT ouu~s lcDlity for the first in· c:GrT'Kt ins~rtion only. Holan for Sol~ ....................... General I 002 •...........•.......... con COTTAGE YA l.mt•ly gardt'n hom ... :.! HH. hardv. nrnl flour' doubh• Rar-.gt: 0111~ Sftl.!Ol C;cll 64:> !HI:! ···""'JI . , . "'·,.':;· ... OPEN HOUSE "'. • •REM.TY ... ~· .->.;'i) ~ ....... ·~ CUTE ST ARTER $67.000 H 2 lot. tlt'lfm l'l•lltng, and patm an· :.ornc uf the ,1men111e~ th•~ 2 bt<droom I hatll ho m1· llas to off c· r It J b.o features a ~arage. small den & good Costa Me:.a locauon. Ju~t LlsLcd. call now. 5S6 2tJ60 «=SELECT I PROPERTIES OPEN DAILY I ·5 3620 Ocean CdM 3 UK . J8CUZ:tl, s pe 1· tacuJar view. hardwood noors ss1s.ooo 549 Irvine MB New homes! Two :.lory. 3 HR . s und eck 1t. microwaves 5215.000. Thi• 11ll1m.1tt• tn lu,11r11111' \\lllt•dront '''"'~ l·1•.1tur11w 1 '/H11·1011' IHhm:-m.11.i ... •111.1rt1·r ... dt•n c ram.1tu· f111 m.tl d111 1n11 111om lk!\111 tful h.1t11h rnltt·d O ,, k 1' t• a k cl t'l .1 ti Ni nrn Id 1 n ~·' , p .1 II I' I 1 11 1 •• 11 ti (I (I" I I" L' 1 Ii I ' Pllhl .trltlllll' pr11p1·1 I\ '' 'II II.ti 1•d Ill d prl\ ,1lt• pll'l tJr('~ljlH' '>t•tltnl.!. \\Ith !I()' nn t ht• ".1tt•r For I ht• \ <ll'htM11<111. "t' .1h11 pn•\ 1th-'fl~llT fnr o\ 1•r ,, 100' 't'':o.t·I 1"11r mon• dt•la1lt·d 111for11111t1on 1·,111 SPECIAL IUY -This 4 Dorm 3 bath splat kvel pool ho m e has a large fam ily room w/wet ba r . NC'w carpets, nt'"-paint and seclude<! bark yard . Priced under ma rket for fast sail' Sll8.000. Do n 't del a y! Call today 546-4141 3 BEDROOM +GUEST GIANT VALUE! t:11111l h1H'k ha) bar>!:.t in 1 ( l'\(•r 2AIJO fl of peaceful li\lrll! 4 lkodrms + :l h.ith~ OH·3 8C'd rm + wpar.11c ~ue::.t m011d 'i. <tin> Formal llvmf? rm l-';1m1I) rm 2 f'plcs Co'· cr~'<i bnck pal10 Pott1n1: house a nd much morl' at a barf?a ln pnce! Call now tosct'. 673-8550. MSlB>ITH QUALITY 4 &-droom tn-level with :i bath::.. big separ ale family room & formal dining Lorated on a lar~e <·ul·de·::.ac lot v.1th a 36' healL'd & r11tered pool Top rated school dJstnct & pnccd nght <il S145.000 Call 751·3191 «=SELECT T' PROPERTIES Rcs1dent1 a l + 2 com · rncrc1al r~ntable spaces. 5 Car parking, 1 block lo walt'r. 3 bedrm 3 bath un- 11 Fireplace. Super for s ummer /wtole r ralcs ti73-MSO •• • ' .. 11 \. ,, ' ; '•' , [~- TWO STORY $62,500! lmm:irulal<' 2 story hostfi red tilt· roor Acct'nlt•d bving room w1lh \H>od ~md m1rrur!> Co1y coun try kitc hen Clean as a wh is tle ' Enclosed J,:aragt' Air cond Pool. tlub houl>e and more' Owner 1s ltc agent. A best buy townhome! Call today 7~· 1700. •t'' ,. '. LEMON HEIGHTS AREA REDUCED Heal !::-;late OCEAN VIEW l\ton01n·h Uay T errace' 1:.11.!gunt 1-'r Pro\ tnl'ICI I Keduccd to S31~.ooo Call ror appl 64() fi259 c//@h/~11, R E A/LT Y •VETS• llome::. 1n Oranjle & H.1veN1clc Counties Up to ~IKJ,000. NO UOWN - DOITl''OW•• 1509 Dol ... loln CdM Huve w mething to sell? ,... Classified ads do 1l w~ll Af#. 547-2909 Vet C041nselor Lake new, vacant. 3 HR. ----- l•isteful. pool. mcred1hlt• ~-•lml!l••••lllll••••••lilllllii.. vww uf yachts $.5 I 5,000 2911EhsmtreCM 3 BR. big game room. near park. school. !>hops. bbrary. Slll,900. S06~uerite 3 BR. wood sidmg. two story, charming R-2 lot inoldCdM. $179.000. 1406 Westcliff NB 4 BR, s pacious single story, stores close. low pnce. Sl00,!\00. Uflllilf)Uf' 11 Ml:i Coronadel Mar 675·6000 Newport Beach M2·96411 C.OSta Mesa ~6 5990 Mak e lh O!>e g ood household items you're not using a r11lable lo some other famil> by ad- vertaing them for sale In Classified. Call 642-5678 ,. °"" ... ~ ..... 1Nlly""' ......... _.,.., ..... IOlllOllWAJ ... ...,,., "'*"'' • I HUNTING IH HARBOR VIEW HIUS? We have found the perfect family home for you! Bright, cheery 4 bdrm. separate family r oom . privacy galore!! . Fabulous for entertaining. $269,000. r A COLDWILL IA.Ml• CO. 644-9060 2111 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS RO IN N!WPOftT ClNTUl ~'-------------------..... ------,~~ q ,li·~ STAR GA"ZEK•~ t--................. --1!• C'Ll\Y R POLL\N---.----4 M Yow Oo.11 A<tm•1 C....i. M Y Auo•dutg 'o ,-., Stot1 V To ~loo ,.....~ tor Thu••day, •tod WOfdl. canf'lj)O"Cf.no 10 ,,.,,.,..,.,, nl "°"' Zod« b .. lh •11"'· U~l()U~ IN OUR MESA VERDE OFACE t>Hl)l fo: U)C'ALI·: -Mc!'a Verde 3 bdt 111 ';1C'anl. p r im e location near p.1ri... ~dwol ;ind librar y Great family hofll(' 1ust$ll t.900. 01\J BHOADW,\Y East~1de Costa !\lt>~.J. 2 n.-ntal units. sharp. new paint. high r('ntal demand. Just $125.000 IN WESTC'LI Ff<~ 3 bdrm Sturdevant built. 12.000 ~q ft lot . 2400 sq. ft. llllml'. parq u~t floors. beam ce1 hnj?s. .1 us t $1 n9.soo lJ ~I UUi: t1()Mf§ i 1.1~1 vl1 .. , V1 1cl1· l)11v1 [,1\1 Cll'.1.1 M··~J 1111 l ,,,,.,,,,. ·~1 •• 111,/11 111)0() BLUFFS EXECUTIVE HOME S p ecl <1c ul a r c u s t o m E·Pl a n : panoram1t· bay vie w. 2200 Sq . ft .. 2 BR . 2 1 :.i ba .. fa m. rm .. 2nd frpl , A/C. 40 FL li v. rm .. walk-in bar : luxurious c pt.. parquet flooring. pla nta tion ~hulll'l"S . L gc . b r ick cou r tyard . fountain . Custom kitch. cab .. new applianct':>. L!!l' J\~sum . loan. Appl $~59 .500 HELEN B. DOWD REALTOR, INC. 644·0134 List & luy Witt. The E.,.,+t CHARMING STARTER $46,900 FIXER R·2LOT Shady lreehned street. Swaying pa lm leaves blow entry lhrougb c·ozy l'O\ L•red porch. Charmer hving room all rrcshly paneled! Cheery & sp ac ious kitch en. Quaint brcakrast nook. /\11 new paint inside + new plush crpLS Lhruout. Delac·hl'd ~Jragc. Truly Needs work but ~ret•t a charming s tarter potential 3 b r. 2 ba, lg~ home·rull pncc $46.900 stone fireplace Room to Call 752-1700 ll'ldav build. SSS.000. 6'15 722 1. [®'IBJOntu!n ----tffi =m21 . SUPER SHARP Wntcffff Realty BELOW MARKET -- tughly u pgraded 4 br MRS. CLEAN w1central a1ron pool size UVE.5 HERE. 3 bdrm. IOl.C..11 no" 894«l611 xlnt loc. Only $71.900 HURRY. R&ITTIL YOURS 4 Bdrm. 2 ba. w /w cpt'g, Hl•JI 1: .. tJtc lge fnc d y rd o nly ---$495/mo . $69,900 full Sell with EASE! I t'-. a BH EEZE Cla~:,1f1t-d /\ds 6'12·5678 pnce. Mulhearn Rily Register 898-7853 PREMIERE RESIDENCE-VIEWS! Luxurious cottdomift.W.. OH WA TH of wpr~.-qtllCllity with VIEWS from IMide & outdoor bdcot1y of Bayfront & Oc.-. Finest decor 2 bedrOOlft wtth master wite inc1uc1ncJ berth. drflSiftg weo & snna. Prl•ocy, .-curlty & Hchttln facilities Include a pafatlal IClloft. ccrd crea, bllkrd "°°"'• pool mtd lac.al. $315,000. WATERFR10NT HOMES Inc. JI~' \~ C , ,,,~1 I liql" '" '\, '\\('k •rl K. II I 631·1400 $©\\4l}µ-L£ t,!rS • That Intriguing Word Gome wiflt o Chuckle -----141to4 1rf CLAY a. rOUAN 0 t eor,anQ• '•"•'• ot tke tau• 1<•a,,.bled word• b• io... •o ,.,,,,. lau1 """'"' WO<d> I 11 I* I I H A S E F I' r I I • I I AWNEX 1 ~ s I I I' I I Ovemean:I: "I went 10 my college claH reunion. Cleat of 1918. ~ .. ., • IOI ot Old l•c•• --------. and --," "ETMEC I 1--;.;..I ...;;l;.-;-,l~lrr' -,I':""' -t 0 C0!'111e•• ,... chvdt. ~ed bf 1111"'9 '" ,... ""Kollll -dt ...._.....__._.-\.__.._....._ .. you ~ ''°"' .... ~ ' ~ • r:~~~~.n I' r r 1· r r r I' I 6 ~~1,MSU fO•I I I • I I I I I SCUMUTS AMwen ht C._llflceffM IOIO IF A LAKESIDE LIHSTYLE With an exhilarating view is your dream. call today for your private tour of this ri ve bedroom, three bath luxury r es idence. Priced a t o nly $214.000. You and your family could be strolling at th<> wate rs edge in Ir vine in just a few s hort weeks . Ask for Bud P a rent 731-3022 MAINTENANCE Fftff T h is dramati<' pl a n is perfect for ente rta ining a nd relaxation as well Forma l li ving room with wet ba r a nd dining room plus a breakfast nook. All these rooms o ffrr a beautiful garden view. Upstairs find a huge master ~u i tc. prival<> bath. large dressing ;.irc·a and walk in closet. Priced at Sl 03.000 J\s k for Bud Pan·nt i 31 ·3022 PRIVACY A b oun d s wh<'n you l'n t e r th is u n a ttached hom e but hosp1tal1ty re igns supr emt' This three bedroom . two and a ha lf bath home in Irvine offe r s s t ri king d esigns. s t~pdown living room . dining galleria. huge family room with fireplace. An upper level bedroom wing offe rs s pecial privacy. Priced at $139.500 Ask for Bud Parent 731 -3022 If YOU ARE Tll!N KI NG O F SELLING. BtJY ING OR LEASING . CALL BL'D AT 731-3022 RE /MAX of costa nwla, ir•i11e, newporl beo<h, l11c. 234 E. 17tti Street, Costa Me1a 631 ·1266 l'at10n\\1d1• ~t'IYdlrk of Inell\ 1duall\ Ownt-d and 0 1wrut1·tl Ht•HI Estalt-OHit·"~ KITCHEN GARDEN WINDOW Plus skylight m the ad joining fmly r m makes Uus cheerful settml! for the gourmet cook You'll love tJu.s warm use of "''Oods & will e nJOY the new appliances & self cleaning oven. nv ac cess. Phone now ! Open Eves. ~-9491 Real Uitate TRIPLEX Great htcome!I Single story owner unit wtth 2 townhouse dcsu~n rear units . /\II w1lh pnvate patio. W 10 hook up & individual e nclosed g arag e s . Call n ow 67J..8.550 EASTSIDE SHOWPLACE real eslate JOG TO BAY SI 52,900 Cape Cod situated on treehned cul dt'·Sac -1 Ki ng s ized bt.>drm ::.. formal dine. l aq~e screened palio too Don't miss t h is one. ca ll 646-7171 .j, '• , • • • '• , I •. I [~ltVIHil MESA DELMAR WINNER! Very neat. Very clean You'll be delighted as you l read on lhe pluo;h crpls one yr new Th~ "Mr!>" wtll be CXl'lled & happy cooking on thl' new 0978> range & dble oven There's pnde or 0Wl'lersh1p here RV al' cess Be tte r h urry Phone today. Ope n Eves MS-949l **U.S.** *VETERANS* Reccnl changes m V i\ regs may enable you to qualify for SI00.000 hom e· loaM with absolulely NO DOWN PAYMENT Wortd Real Estate an Orange County firm spec1alizinl m VA homeo loans. We're the VETS that help the VETS. For more tnfo call Iii Morton. A~. 541-0800 When you need t'X pert service or repairs. turn to the Service Directory in Class1h ed to solve your problem. ~~ CE 110111 ILllNS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE SPYGLASS OCEAN VIEW Truly Spect Vu Fr This Beaut 3 BR + FR Portsmouth Mdl. Upgrd. Kit. Formal Din. Lrg FR W /FP. Co urtya rd •H as Pool, Fire pit. Glassed·ln Jae Off Beaut Decorated Mst BR. Call To Inspect. $430,000. DEHAILD, llYIME Spacious P lan 4' Located On E nd Of Cul-de.Sac. 4' BR 3 Ba & FR. DR. Kit Has All The Extras + Brkfst Rm. Look Out At Lovely Prof Landscaped Yds. Comm. Pool. Greenbelt. $139,500. IA YSIDE COMMUNITY ln Fabulous Bayside Cove Comm W /Sec Gate. Nr Pvt Bch On Bey. 2 BR 2 Ba. Orig. Model Home. Pool. Jae . Excep. Orterinf.t. Call To Inspect. $215,000 ·® 631·1• =:..=:: 11 l DOYla DllVI All you need :f~ to know in · Real Estate~ llll INO,ll Nl \11 ~ ~'\()( 1\11, THE UNIVERSITY PARK THRACE 3 bedroom. 2 bath. ::.inglc story. near schools & shopping Very motivated seller -Submit your terms. Offere<1 ' a t $97 ,500. ~ W ESL EY N R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640·5112 1\.YLOR C REALTORS si nt:c 19 . . SUPER SHARP "PLAZA" W l'LAM Ne wly decor a ted' 3 &.lrms <and udih)t( lge master BR w 1s1tting ar ea>. 2 1~· baths "Swedish " ftrt•pl an living r m Spanish tile in f:J m 1ly arN• & kitchen. mirrored ~al l in dining area. fabric & flocked papers wd paneling' S122.95'1 . WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO., REAL TORS 21 I I San JOoq11in Hilb Road NEWPORT CENTER. M.I . 644-4910 ClOSE TO BEACH LEMON HEIGHTS 2 lhd roo m . w e .. 1 EXECUTIVE Newport Excellent con HOME dJllon Room 10 grow 2 IDRM COTT AGE I year old dream col lJl:t' Vaulled beam l'l'll IOI(' & :.(drden p<1l111 l ndl•r mdrkl't Cd ~I SJ5S.(Ol -O · 4rJ:'l1ie!5• 8dlboa Island Really '"''I'\.' t ... """\I "'(""OIU l\\ Heal Estate 673-8700 ----Trade your old sluff ror f\nd what you want in ne w .:ood1cs w1t1'1 J O~ Pilot ClassiI1~ Classified~·~~ macnab I irvine realty FINER HOMES BIG CANYON EXCLUSIVE VIEW HOME Striking. pri\·ate pa tio entry leads to this s pacious s ing le -le vel c ustom ho me ove rlooking tht• 18th tee & fa irway. F a bulou s vie w of golf course from living rm. dining rm. kitchen & master BR s uite. Fa mily rm & lg. hillia rd rm open onto lovely patio & pool. 2 add 'I BRs + m aid's rm. Too m a ny special features to mention -newly listed at S7i5.000 < X · 125) A BEAUTY! Outs tandin g 5 BR h o m e - complete ly decorated by P e nni Paul (noted Pacific Desig n Center inte rior designer> w /m a rvelous use of c us tom m a t c hin ~ papers & fabrics + a w arm ble nd of woods, tile s & fi x tures. P e rfec t fo r e nte rtaining w /fo rma l living & dining rms + fa mily rm & ,ga me rm w /sepa rate "party" kitchen Lg. cove red patio w igas BBQ pool & spa. $645.000. (X-126> PRIME LOCA TIOM Spacious 5 BR home on the golf cours e -a prox. 133' front age!: Features forma l livin~ & dinin~ rms. huge wood-pane led family rm; w /brick fplc. lg. deck off master" s uite w /great VI EW. Awaiting yout' imag ination & pe r sona l touch !" S650.000. <X-127) 4 BR FAMILY HOME Situated on lg. corne r lot w /plenty of room ror pool or spa. Enjoy th& comfort of wood-paneled family rm w /lg. 1mck 1p1c, attractive tormal dining & li ving rm + g reat kitchen w /brkfst rm. Complete w /3-car g arage & security system. $425.00Q. <X-128) ... COMPLETB. Y PllV A Tl HOME Situated on cus tom-like lot _._ beautifully lands caped + pool w /covered patio. 4 BRs -family rm w /fplc -inviting k it c he" w /brkfst a rea -teak floors in entri -handsome wall coverings, cpts a appointments. A sophis ticated r esidence offered a t $575.000. <X·l29> LYNNE VALENTINE 644-6200 .. '42-1235 644-6200 tOI Dover Orlw H•rbcW View Cent« trvlne at Qlmpus V•ltey C.enttr 152-1414 ........ " ......... '" --... -... . "' ••• --L,,· -.. -.. . .... . .... ...... -... . -....... . 'i ' DAU .. V PILO r ... WoctMedey, Mwcft 14. UH'9 PUBLIC' NOTI Pl'BU(' NO'fl<'t: Pl("TITIOUl autllH'S p BU NOTI "t«ITIOU• AlltlNI O 11-1 lfAflMINf PllBU ' NOTICE "'" fl°'1a llU\INl\I N.UU tTATIMllOf PUBLIC NOTICE _1 ·_PUBLIC NOTICE -PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICt; ··~ "•CTtTIOUt 1u11 .. 1u ,u .. •••Oft COURT 0 .. '"' MA.Mr STATIMINT STA fl°"' CALl .. OllUllA "0" . "'"'.'°" cov•n o• TM• tT A Tl °"' CA.LI l'OIUO A .. Oa Ttl ( CIOVNTY Of' OllANO• ... ,. ... ~ NA"°'I \TAT.,,.INT lf\.• f 1ti,,.._lft9 mf'WH~l •te .,.,,.. ....... 1 ........ --.. "'""" ..... 1 "-• ••••"•'""' "'""no' ••,. oeu~q .,",._.,., '"• lot-""' °"'-"Ooi"9 °"" THE COUNTY 0" OltANOI ..... .. ... "'"""' i.011c1 o ' "' ...... 10 O P PC'TJll()fol flOtl ... O.ATI O• WILL ••• "°" ~·,..,. "' ,,,.,,. .... N T AttY ANO roit AUf>+Oa ftll llON """,,.,. \AHIA ANA llAWA)Altl 11'° l f <II"~' .. ,..,.,. 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M•1k OWl\1-• R01>1n""' n• TAllY ANO l'()lt AUTMOllllATION Mo~'"""'•" w., Cu•l• M,. .. fO AOMINl\Tt ll UNOt .. THE C"Alllornie9)t~ INOU'INOINT lllO"°'INISTllATIOH fltl\ l>u\lfW>\ "c-.Clt<l l>Y ""In O' l\TAT(\A(T l!l¥IOW l-kA I \IAI • nl lVI LY N S AK f ON It•• et NAH( ¥ l'NN O' t •ll\lN II IOI INC", •'• NllN( T ..... f lh.INU •U NAH~ \' a I I I ltNr, o.<u-~ -·-•l ""-" ,._,, .... ~ ... , . .,...., .. "" ,,... O\lf\h ( •• , ... , .... ~ (CH;ttt .. 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Of l eru"' f .,.l•mf'n P111Jll•""'1 Ot~ CO.•l 0•11; P1101 l•r y 10 th• P•IH•nn•• <1no lo• r •I> 7I ,. _ Ml<r 1 I• 1tl4 ~)I II •ut"Ofl/~lof\ 10 Mf•\lnl\I., un6'ot 11.,. , ..... )1 Publl\twod 0.Anqr CO•UI 1'>•11• l'11n1 NOllltl~ I •l\OCIUt't. 111( ,.,.c._on ....... ' ........ -... ~., ... Pl'Bl.I(' NOTICE .. ~011>1..U ()t-r CM\I [l•llt PllOI I •II JI 111 oNI ~, I 14 1'1• •O 1' lnO.l)O'~l Admlnl>lr•llon O' f'•l•lf• M•r I U 71 11. 1'1' l4J 1• PUBLIC' NOTICE ....... """"' • .,.. •4' ,,.. ...... """"'' !ef'd .,., • ...,,... .... _ 10 -'"""'' ...-11\0> ·~l"l)et"f •·')IW1h'h 111t1 1.n nt ' \itAIJ • A< I ,..,_,. ll~• ••I •I ••U I. •• , .. ~ ... -"'"'"" .. ,, ... ,. '•'' f1 •th•• .,.•itcv• .. , ~·• •"•' '""' ••"'• •"lf plf' •of ,_.r1nu ltw M•·• II\"'...,.,_,,.,, pt .,...,fill ,.... n..-cp-<•t.4 1 • •• t"llot Iii'•• u ,, • /WW I .,,, ... .. ?lrf11IWUU'"""' Pl'IUJ(' NOTl('E l ~A"'t \f&H'MUll ,.ICTITIOU\ lllJ"NIU At I, teter.n<• 10 -"'Cl' '' m.ot •or Ju't~, NtUrul~"· AM th•t th-• 11mr t\P'lri OIM~ of Mf41flf\~ thlt <wtmP f.l~h ~"" ""' tOt M4'•' P'I H '~'' itt tO 00 • m tn trwio <ovr1room nt O-p.-rtm•nt Nn I ot v•d tourt, .tt 100 ( •Y•< Centet Onve W•''· tn t~ (lly ot ~nt4' An ... C•l•lo<l'llf PUBLIC NOTICE PllBUt' NOTl('t; ...... '""'""1""1"'' •"' """"""'1,,... •tCTITIOU\ •U\INl!U NllM{ ''"ll!MENT 1 \. "'V• 1A 1 t \ 1•1111 .,.,, , •• ,. KAMI ITATfMIHf ne::~.'.,1._1nq "'"""" '' flO•~ll llu•1 ~llU( ..Ofl(f t•rlte• .,.. r.i•..,,..• , ..... r .... )e(. ..... 11 •• """ .. •11 t • llO , ...... <WH._..111 ""'''"''',."' "Q I , , • .., t k ,., •• J'OO f' ,._ I •hl'f.1 ltt hf Wt •t ~~l"'f(tty .,.....,,,,,. ..... 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",. ···~· ,.,~ ... , .. ,,... .......,,h •it' 1I1°'" IU~INf ., Nl'Mf Sfllllt .. llOl ..... f olll·•IUJ fMI Utt • r d l\\J thl~·hf' ., •• -~· ,.,,..,. ~' .. , ..... ~\1 n\I •\ifl"Of1•• ta (0t" ftf•h 1\ h 'flt\ 01 \.1"41 WWtflr"Q ptuo .,U t tJt' t•r"' ,._.th •·•1 '' tn ttw\M'f• ••-. ,.,., •J• .,,,, ',,. --·n•"4 f'WI• "°'"f• .t 1.l""·t,., .• , "'',"' \,~iMr'9.Nff f"~ (ANl'\t W(~t t•,TA t t ' ""' .. ~ft (O'\t• ~\4 (. •lit\tffH ... ,.,. (04h A W•ll•"'"" .-,...,t'ln(•' •nt 'a ~w0t1\1-d ()~ '-'-.._,,., (1.J1I.-P1uu M4tC P\ I) \J U 1Wrt W (• (Atl'UtRl• (Ufi'"-~•hut~ 1•lllt CO\l• ~'• ( •lifotth .. ·~.,Jfi _. atnft~t 0 ,,..,.,.," •4).t t "'~' ·~ CV""'" r •lllOrn•• -0.JY '11\JS 11\n•A••H I\ (Of\OU( 1"41 (IV A fOlnt ¥"• ., C0&11>&W&llA(r 0<"11£\l'll'MENf CO INt r,uyA C.,.h ~·M•''f P ubh'\Pwd ()f •'~ I • t I M•• u /t " Af'f • t·•/Cril Pt:eu(' NOTICt.: PUBLIC NOTICE CP.- NOTICE 01" ~lt\JSTE£•s SALE SPFH• 901~ It• SL ft>4 G•LBAltO IAl,,..'11 SAltTIAGO 8ANlt • c0<00<•1lon '"' d"-'Y •Pll01nl.O Tr11"H 11ndt'r llW 1o4low1J\CI dUtrl....., <lf'ed o • ''"''· Will SELL AT PV8LIC l'UCllON TO THE HICiM£ST 8 tOOER FOR <411:4 l~V•ble el Om• Of \41• In ...,Ill moNy of 1"-VnltM 5181••1 ell +)ftlt. llllt f'nd lnlett•I con•~Yt<I 10 M1cJ lllW lteld by II -\<tlO Oftd of ''"'' In tl'I• 11r0Por1V h•re1nltf1tt <ltloetlbood TRUS101t E. Cf\.tryl OllbMd, • 11>•" 1eo .. nm~n •• h.,, \Olt •nd wo.trwl• .,._,,., ... 8£NE,.CIARV S.ml&qo B•n\, • ...,Ort lion R!'<Ordfod N ... t'mDf' 10, 1'171 ••In ~\~ Ho 1447 In boOk 124'!, P&Cl<P bS•, °' 001<1•1 Record\ In tr. offlo ol tne Re<(!l'dt'• ot O<~ Counlv ; and ••· ~ Oe<JJmbe• 1, t'll7, ., ln\lt Me; US•. lft llOc* ,,.,6, PA9" i.114, 01 Qtll~l&I RKor~ In l"" otfi<e ol IN I of 0.~ (OUM't. •31d ~ •' O..CrltlH Ille lollowing PfO- •" l'f l'U8LI(• NOTlft; \..iw1;; 11 l:;1t•; ,• -:.~: ~• 11 1 • ..,,.111" o~!~~.,;·~~uwtno J»f\c>n\ •1• do•nQ , ~U.f.'Nltf AOAO PA(')QUCftON~, \.onC 1.,.-1,. 11>•1'11 l U~OP(AN AlllO \llPP~ 'r lo\ l~'tl M•nl" '°"''• Mull'I Le911n•, II\•\ ..... _., " ,,,....... 1,,11,. •n '" w ,..,m_ \I ~I•"'"~ ( • .,,94 C'alltorno" .,.n 01~ .. ·-· ,._ '-• 100.1 \ll'•t ~· Ml\ JOM ,.,.,..,. I -lU~ ')ummll ,.1,r,..rvl V•l'J ••Of'VIO,O (• tH/\ Ao.wt .,...,,,_.C•lll6'nl•'l•ll 1 f'u ,,.,,.n •"t "" , t i ... t ,.. o ,,,. t 11.....t• lJ~r••ttV tO\.t 11.wn~ouv ''"' bU'INn\ I\ c~t..c9 1''t" "" in '~"It , 1 .. ,. ' lh • .,.. , '• II• y\I,.. Mil'• c 4lt ~l"lt. l'J1v1duot f l'ti f> lftf I\. C Uf'(h,H ht&J b't • JOIW'f J l Of"O ,_,, .. ,. Y'••• ,,,..t,•• twt' f~1\ \t•t•~' •M fll~ •ltn tM 1•ubt1,,.,.,-.,.-"",.. '", , .. ,,.,. 1 1 1 f~·f''-.. '-"••nd COuf\h <..-Of Or.,_. County 01'I ... o ,, ~· ' •• ' , • ., l ~nc» ''"4iht.,.,, ... IM'ltllf'V , •••• ,. ft• f •1t11\ '"'•'~'I "'" 1 '1 ww ti'\ "" J'0011J Pt HI.It" N011( t; ~1(11 llOU\ e U\INl \\ NAMl \TAil Mt Ni ..... t ftoCJ•ltt\f ' •• ,, • 1101n4.1 l>v\1f'W,, ., ..... itl'• I M f U t• "' ,..,.,, -,._,,. Pff'Mtt\,.11••,.t t ct., ,,,,}," M•"•'Jll th•fllt '>•fVite ' IU•"C' •• t-'-ttn•f I t~tfl ~ •• ,, •• ~· t .. NI" ( •f f()f"I• ~)11' I hi\ W\I~\\ f\ , on,jut t.,rt OY -4 flm1t•ft rJ.Atif'Wlf'\h1p Pl<Or J S'IONAL I DIH 1' I 011'> M'ANM.EM(Nl \llll/l((S (,. .... , •' "•"N"' llv 111 r "'"'l''"v lh1• .. ''"'",,..."' "''" filf(J ..,It,, ,.,.. ( uuf\t y t lf"i t ut o, ·'"~ (' ()(.mt'f OH MM<h) H74 CAl'll(n &ICA\OAH l>Y J AM(\ T Cl'l'llE fl t•Ut Mtc.A,,_ Bl•d S•ll• 4'S ll'Vlft•. C.tll ...... 1~ tf11' l'ubll\fMod 0 •""<1<' to•\I M<H 1, fl 11 )ij 1•1'1 .. , ..... o .... ,, ~'''"' .. , ,.., PUBLIC NOTICE fo'"''' (t•r,. ot OrA •)it c l\i"'" °" P·1Dt•\"""'10tAt"IQlt (~\t O•UY PflOI Me1 t ft. ..,. I •b ) I n -M•r I 14 lt,. ..... ,~ FIH111 .. o..uu\twa t>P#'tl"' t °"''' O••tv P· tio• Nt•• t 1' fl Ii IV" •'3·1~ HUC-l\OTICF. CP 1»1 PUBLIC NOTJCE O•ltt<l -rc" ' 1trt LI;( & (IA&N(M CountvC .. rk STl!~MENC JC*I\ n1t11r<t1 •100 IO•w"n .... 11, CA '1WO hi "'-47111 "" .. ,,.,.or ,..flt_ Put>lo\-1 0.-CO.Oll 0 •1IY P•IOI M•' t 8 u ,.,. act 1• PUBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE "CTlflOUS •USI .. (\S H-E STATEMENT f "~ IOl""""'9~,.,.,,. .. "°'ftQ °""""" 0 PUBUC NOTICE J IC'TITIOUS •VSINESS '4A.M( STATEMENT NOTICE TOCREOITOllS SUPElllOll COURT OF THI!' STATEOFCALIFOltNll' FOii TM( COUNTY OF OllANGE No A*11 d1vt0u•I A.Hr--O~ld t ,..,.. •ott.Ow•nq 0-'°W'' ar• d01n9 bu'' rwo\\1n f\lllt Of MllAIE l f)UNNVCIC, e •e MAlll[ Lil LIAN OUNNUClt, O..cu~ NOTICE IS HEP£8Y G IVEN lo ttw t r?dllOt\ of ttw o\C>ow n.tmf'<I OKf'<lfl\I t'Wil •tt ~ "4lV•r"0 CM1m\ ~'"'' tne ••id c~o°"nl .. ,.. ~lre<I to 111" lnem wlll'I IN M<.t\"'l"V vou<Plel\ In Inf' Olli<t Of ttw cl.-k of I"" ~bov., en· titted t ourt-or to ~wnt uwm. wtt" lf\f' rtt<eS'\orv vou<Mn. •o ''°'"" un Ot'r\.l9n•d •t trut t&w office ot MADSEN & J ENNINGS, Su•l• 10> Ctl\l<t 8ullc!1na. 11817 EA" 1111'1 Slrl""I Tu\l1n C..1110<"1" 'lll>i<l, """'<" 1\ '"' OIMf' ot t>USll"tt~IJ Of tn .. un dfl"lonNS Wt au mttttt •'\ twr1t111nino to '"' t'1t1' fl! ~·a °"'~cl•nt w•thln lou• montf\\ oH~r ,,,.. ti~t publU.Atlon ot lhl\ nol;cJr OdtecJ r•0tu1•v u. 197' A Will IAM MOC-HO~~ (QCulOt Ol lN> Wiii of ttw' 1tbOll'f' nf'tm••f1 OK-I MAOSEM & JENNINGS S11ll• 107, C...lr. lldq 17117 EHi 171ft Sl,..et T11nl11, CA 92* hi· 17141 U2·17M An-ys ... h!tfVIOr P111>ll~ OtMlOt Coul Oa•ly P1101 ,.,.b 11. :rt. Miit 1. I•,'"" 6l1·1' PUBLIC NOTICE {0Unt1 (It'" ERNEST J SCHAG, Jll M ESERVE. lirl\JMPEA A MUGHES PUBLIC NOTICE Tht\ \l..:ttffl"tPf'lt w.t' f1l...O With lfW r~ntv C•w• of Or•nqip (f'Nf"h on F •Otuery •• ,.,.. (Jl\(0Vf HY '" 8clb M dr1n•n. ("..,,... 0,,..,,. Hunt ington &~•c f\ t •l 1 I orroA4ntAf> '440 .., ... "•""""· S..11• uo H•wPort a.Kl\. CJ> 'IU..O T•I 17UI H2~ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NIUIOE STATEMENT ""•* l'nl'-Y M'(! 0..ho••l'I ""'o••ro PYbh\NJ!G Or.liftQI" (Ool\t O"'llt' P 1l0t '41• M•rtt'W'r" (OV4' Or"'~· Munt1ncrton F" 4!1> 11 2t -~, I 14 1'r-.0) 1' S.•< ft (•h-•.,_ .,trpnpn •"" J•"*I Von. HJ "6n ""-'' ... -If·-· Publl\nt-<J 0.""'11' Co•nl Merell I 9. u ",., 011111y Piiot b4..l~~:,,~0~~°"'1"<1 ~'"°"' .,. dO•f\9 0 & '""' I N '.II II " N C E h I \ 8!!!:.7• Al•b"m• '!.•t ,...., t-tv""nfl'On 8••< n PUBLIC NOTICE 1112'1' SVPElllOll COURT 01' THC STllTE OF CALIFORNIA FOii THE COONTVOF OllANG( ..... -NOT I CI! OF MEllRING 01" l'ETITION FOii PROBATE OF WILL ANO FOR Ll!TTl!'llS TESTAMElll TARY ANO fOll AUTHOltll.AflON TO AOMl'41ST E 1t UNDER THf. INOEPf'HOENT AOMINISTllATIOH OF E STATES ACT £\lalPcll COWIN MIJ'fll P PRICE a~" £0WIN M PRl(f Dto<u°"'d C11tlttotn•6 (176-11 John "'1'"" Jonr\, t4'1 Atrr>W l-•"'"• ~unt•nqton 8fl'&th C.ahfotn•• ~w I 1f'di11 f'r,.f'Kt\ Jf"'4"'\ ltt7 Arrow L "n". Hon11nou~ &Nu ti (411tor n1• •>1148 t P\i\ ~u· an.;., 1\ 'nndur t•·O bv " Ql"nfo t +ti J~f'h., ~ \,,IU Jtrtlrt A r1tMJt lt)N"\ I +f'Wji, f r M'lf f", Jl'Jf'W\ Tn'' ''"''"_,,,..,,, w,.'t hlf"'d w1U\ ffW C'ountv flrtt. ,., OtAnqr Countv or, r ""nri'~'" 1~. 1•n GEOllGE L ROGER\ A Ln• (Of'l>OrMIOI\ 11111 Buch l'llvd :-101 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTI TIOV\ e USINESS NA.Ml STATEMENT l t\e touowtf'Q ptr\Of\\ •r~ Oo•no \tM1''\•~ l A llERA• DEV CO, 11111 s,o,._ tlaoo 81•0 , VIII• P•r\, (•lllornla ... , J•'""' NI f\l/IW• Jr 11911 <oe<> l1dQf 8•vd Villtt P•ft.. C•lltofnt• Q)l>61 '4flf\Vf (. (',yy Jr • 110. Pf'mt>tok• l •'1" Nf~port 8t"A<". CallfOf"'" •?Mi<> f~1' Du4-.1nt '' I'\ COf'\0UC1t'O OV " O@'ntral p.M"fnPr\h1p -rtNr (, (;uV It f"I\ •t•t~I ¥M\ t1h"(1 •11n tf'w- :ounly (l•rk ol Or&nQI' (oYnl• on Mar<"& l~/'i NOTICF l'i Hrl>Fl\V (,1\/rN lMI JOSE PH N Wf NNl A P\o\ llll"d tw1"1n HunillUllOI! &...:1'1. Cll ,,.,., F no•o1 F H I! II 11 l)f'llloon IO< 1'1°""1" ot Wiii MlCI IO< 1uuan<• Of l~tt•'"\ ti•'\\~f'J"llf'nt•'Y .. nd to r Ault\Ol'llAUM tn Aom1n1s1f'r undtt' 1 tf'lf' l"d~~ndf "' AC1m1n"fr-'tlC\f\ ot l'u!)ll\....C Or.tn<!" (OJ1'1 Odol\' Pilot P ut>I•"""' o..._ (Oll\I (\a1ly PllOI F'•D 71 1t""" M•r I I• 104 "41 19 M•r<" I 14 71 . 2t 1'1'1 l~l'I P UBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE E\tat•s .&t t, r•t•r'-n<• to •ru<f\ •\ ------ --- m-tor l\inl>rr ""'"' u'"''· """ lh•l Cl'-ti11 ---ll'le 11,..,. .,..i pl«" of ,,..aroro(l I"" \#m~ FICTITIOUS BIJSlN(SS FICTITIOUS llJSINESS ~:'oo ~,;: .': l::c:.:;::;,:.'o• ~!~~· TM> to~.!:!,5i!:.~~~:!,nq """ "'~ •==~T!T,~~N.~ .. 001nq tftet\t NO l of Wt0 (0Ur1 Al 100 (l'ilC M \\ ,it\ -\IM\.~*'° , ...... o .... w...1.1nttw (llYO•S.n1<1 S f l18ENV1ll f' W FST 1•00 s & N FINANCIAL 7'19 c,-., &na. C•lllotnia N .. •0011 81wd . NtwPO•I 8 .. •cn W•Y ')enlaAN,C.iiforl>l•t?XI< Oal•d """"""' 71. 1•1• (•lllo•n•a 'rlflhO St•-. N 8•~-· 700S 8 •1Htl< L(E A BllANCH, 8••• " 8•11n EnlHO•i<•• a Or . (O\I•~. c.11tom1•.,.~ (oonl\' c-• ( ell!O<nla (Of1JO<M•OI' l)•I A r •• rO<>n NOrA E 8•'oH~Uon 700S A•~•rl< JOSE"" N llENNElt C.•o•• 81..0 . ~ C.ro•• CAl•IO<I'•• 0• Ccx•• ~w. C,..l110<n•<1'1•,. UJ•·J h ••-rt t...M t?&~I fl'll\ ~'I> conclu<l.O by ..,."' Et, ..... CA'1UO Tni• bu\1~\\" I Ol""1<1.0 by . (Of '"'°""'sit ... H 8 ••VllOI! Ttl 1.a..110 C>O••l•O<\ Tl'l1\ \1-st ..... nl .,., l11N! with ,,... AlftnMy tor· poot1lloMr fff>'I 'I'•"" [nl•rc.>ro~• In< County c .. n 01 Otdn-C-·nty -Pubh!t~ Or •"Of' (O.A\1 0.tll~ Pitor 8y M erv•,, Wf>1tlrf"r M•r<". t'f1' ....,; .,..,,,. v-· Mer 1 •• ••. 1qf<i t-M I• p~,.,..,,. F1111H P UBLIC NOTICE '"'' \t.lf'fnH'I Wi1'<. fitf'(1 wtlfl ,,.... t Publt\N!id Orl/ltOtr (044-1 0•1ty PU01 Cnuntv CI••• 111 O••nO<' Counly on Mar 1 14 )I l1 ,,,. l"I• MMC"•. "1'1 • • ' • " W (\TEllN MIJfVAL £SCllOW COllP. 11 JOO ( • l7t11 SI .• Sull• 0 P UBLIC NOTICE l'ICTIT10US91JSINl!SS h l'll11. CA.,..... Eurow HO ~$110.A Flll"4 NAMESTAT(Ml:NT Pub"'""" °''"'<I' (o.1\I OA•lv P11o1 ,.,1 M>folio-onor>e•'°"""°'nob\l .. ,,..o M•r 14 , 71. ?8 ~oo All< •. 191' -.19 VNIVEASAL OESiC.N, 1119\ '>l>er· I 1191 °" Pi , N~WOO'l 8e<Kll. Cl' ~1..0 St•••" A•• Hollencl. 1'181 !>Mr· 11\0IOf'PI .H•-18.-Mll.CAO'l~ fn1~ Ix.IS•""' i\ <~tff b'I' ·~U' tn~ d1v1du•I Sl~,,...PayHo41- Tnl\ \l.ol~~ll W<I\ 1111'(1 w ill! 1 .... County Cl•n Of OrdnQ<' County on J..-u~ryll. IU9 ,. .. ,., Put>h,,_... OtanO!' Coa\I 0~11v Piiot F'•D 18,M.>r I. u .21.19,. l"'" Pl"<,. ('latpmont C•hfM"1act1111 "'"°"' .J--.. lSO W 4tl'I ~urtl P 0 6o• 611 Cl•r.-m<>nl, (<1h tnrn1,1 ""' lru-. bu\1nfl"\'\ ts cot\dvt ltO ov d QftMr•tSMrtfVf\l'ltC> AM"Of\W' T Pfl<.OftltffJ Tf'H\ \tAt• ~· Wd\ fllf'O WU,, 1t'tt Co"ntv """'" ut Or•nQe Count¥ on ,,. ... l'I ). lql"I F 110WI Put>ll\""" O..ono-Cootll O••ly PllOI MMthl. I< tl.11, t9)9 8'1'1-1• PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF M4flllf F·s SALE No U:1481 Tfll.' !HUM6 C.l.0\1£ CO IN( ., ,. WAN<TWf I HllN •I Al 0..•otMAnl f'y v1nt,,1111' of .tn ••,,fttut•M •~\t"9'J ,.., r ftOtu,;tr, ~ 101q ny th~ 'ctupl'r ,.,, Court COU"f'f of Or.t,,O'". StAh• ''' ( •llt(Jtn1~ tl()ll)n • 1~t ttntere-d 1n f.oor nt l t'Jtn T"°'"I> C,tovf' Co IM d' JW<IQm .. nt ( fPCUlor~ dRO ~0•'"'' ot••no -• .. ..,, •nd M•n •"" co. '" 1uoom•f'lt df'l>tor'\ \now•"Q ~ n• t WIMIU of S11.11'1 71 .Ct .... 11V du<' °" Yid lu0Qn¥nl on lfW' Clale of I"" " '\u•nt .. Of Vlad ... f"(ut1on I MYf'I h•Y•f·ft uoon AU'"" 'Ml"' tlttf and 1ntf'r,.,1 n1 "'4td fU~ni dPbtOf" 1n ,,... P'fOC'l'°lt• 1n '"'" (ovnty .-.t Or.-n~ ~tah• ot ( .tl1f0f'nt11 ~nC'Jl"<I •\tot~ l""' 0 • t tr•t ti&"' (tty of '"''"" ("-11\h fl'f Of~ \,._,,. fJf (""ht0t"f•t ~ prt m.-n f"(t>r(°)l"'c1 1n ~--1~ Pli'lt' )0 ""° lt f't Mi\C•Ub~ MAP\. rfl't (tit fl\"'',~.., t tlunh PrOfl't''1Y t\ tcM'T'lf'l'\ot\lv •f"Own ,. 111' M t Ci t1w ~"~"""· hvtn•, (4lifl\(t\1i' f nQf>U'U•r .Jnd '\tnQul lr 1 ~fl tr•w "'""'' f'H•r.,d:HAfnf'nts ctnrt ·'" Outt,.fi~f'IC'"-tnHf'ountO 1;>etonq1nq (,f 1r nny..,,-_,. Aoc»rtA1nmt> NOT 1(£ 1<, Ht-RF8'f GIV{" I"·" on '"u.-y. ""'" s. ,.,,, e1 10 Oil o c •o< • A M At M A In l uhhv Cou""ouv. 100 (tvic CentPr p,.v, Wflt.I City Of CM\nt.t AM, Count¥ llf Ot_,nq.-5f"f,. t)4 (+"'lifofl'lla, I will ~•'It "' PvOh( '""' tion to tnf' ru'l~'it b10""' tor c•\lt 1n •~v• fT'tOtft"'f of 1P\e Unit,.~ St•1,.\. •" 1rv-'•Qftt. t•llt' ttnd •ntf'n '' ot \.did 1~·nt Or-Mo"' 1n ,,._,,. ·•f'lrOv• 0-S< ftbfi<J P<«,,_,,., n'"' much thf1r.-.nt 4\ m4''1 bf' """P\Mr'f IO s.t1t1\fy 1-A•d "• ~< ut10t\, ..,,,,, tl(.(rvfl't1 1ntt"rf!'f .... nd (0\f4,, • O•••d •I !.anlll •n•. C•lllOM1.1 ffb<u•ry ,, l~,q RAAOf,ATfS '" ,. ~r1tf (OfOIW"' ('ount,,nfOr~nQf' C..tlUOt~1d R I \lf"l\t.11 \f+rQt';trH PUBLIC NOTICE . "°'W\•Ck, -& 0.NHt l't•1MIH .. A-y o-w ............. LMA"9'Hft,Cl'_I, P uor.\heel Or•r>CI" UN\I l>A1ly P•IOI M.,c h I 14 11 1'1~ PUBLIC NOTICE . ... ----. . ~ .. .. -.. ..... -~ , • I rs I • . 1 I ·. -. . , . ' ,. ~. Mlf'Ch 14 1979 DAILY PILOT ···•·•············•·•·· ···•••·········••·····• .•..................... ...._. ..... S• Ha.es tor Sale ._. .. , flor s• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • 4 1 oo • ••••••••••••••••·•·•••· CQAI .. G'4•d 1002 c.r.. .. Mw IOU ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LIDO ISLE Bay \'Jew from~ PHtlO dl'('k\ t•nhRnc·~" C'Us tom ~pat1ou:-. 5 hdrm a h.Jth l rad1tion ul homl' hkt' nc•w ld()al for t>ntttrtmnm~ C'onwr lot s...-,·!0.0011 OCEANNONT Quaht~ t•rufhnrnn:-.h1p rn nulho~ trim & oak noo~ ~('(:-. of( thl'\ lnnrtmark 1 6H. J ba hnm1· in fmt-..t locution t:~tubh:..ht'<i I rt•t·~ & l.1\\ n:-Mft5 1100 IACIC IAY fo'uw 4 bdrm . ~· hath fam1h hom•• ''" quwt t'ul dt• ~~•r o, t'fC\11('(1 rwol. J>I H\ hou~t·. ~1nrJ.,:1•, lf\!1 tWIU It 1 rw. IAYFIOMT ~·vl•rnt fmt• ll.1 \I ronl hom1·' "1th Jllt•r ,\ ,flp AVALON Wl'll l'On:-.trucll'd .. Inn I h.1 \lJ k floor p~1rt1:1l ha .. t·nwnl 1·11n1 rl'11• fo1111d.1t 111n Fli.1 b ttrt:>.1 Sl:!tUlOO Fl'l' BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J l' Huy\•dt· D• ·v•· N IS bl'l 6161 JASMINE CREEK Beautiful 3 bt•dr 1111m ra rruly room. -.pht It.,,., h o m c o n I y P I ,, 11 c>1SYrfs1d<» modd 1111 1ti1· r ei.Jle mar kt•l l.ux unow. master :-.wtc ~1th Occan-CatallnJ \ ,, • ...., .11111 RB>UCH>!!! :'\.1"'l"•r1 IWdl h rlllJll• '\ J hdln\... ;! h.1th" l'JI h 1111 II l\\'11> l'Jl'IX'\tlll: frpln hll 1n l.111·ht·n.., ... um 1111.•r v. inlt·r r 1•nlJ b \vu ov.11 lh\· l.inrl • .1'1"> um hi;.I .•i1•:i .~ 0713 ~,\1'" associated · BROKERS-REALTORS l OH W l olboo b7l JUI 1DULourux If FAMILY tS GROWING GOING a r l'all rt 4lir i. O!H1 111 I IUC + J llr f'n'tl.·1·1 11 '""' Ill 1411 t'rllJll )' l\l"•h'I' \II dr'\>O'Wllt •t1Jr1ll11' •I ( 11111 I) l1"111111· u .' J ur I 8'1nn or )Wit• h h.i1•lo. 1\ rort.h w ~l.1lh 11 , v.1 II loc'11u-d lh11rn111111 ''"tr •• roomv .. nd flr\lhll s:;•110 1 CALL 644-7211 /.Jn Nl[,[L UAIL[Y b. l\5J~UCIAl[S IMYESTMfHTS '9tOTfCT YOUR SS 1'1r.1 off1·n111: uri • \' r \ Urill:.h ll,1\-.. onh I hl11d, lu I~ o·Jn llh•I 'IMt 111 :.! 1i.1r h ... 111111111 rm t ..... "' .. lq1l1 ' "hJl.1· n11.ol ('i1rh JllJ1t•u l l'IU~ ~11rrv 1111111 11111\ ~ tl!KI :)ujl(l t.o !>IJl'I I'll lllV ( 11 ~t u.-..·r ' '"'nh' 1111 011 th1 .. Mtwi.h1n.: :1 heir111 .: h.11 h hclrN• 1 ·• l.14Jrm .: llJlh al)l PIJn:-. .J\Jtl Pnh ~l!>OOI '( (J/(IJI(/ (/(•/, II({/ .. -1Ju ju 1 Ii,.) f>'io/-,\ ~.'I~ 243~ E Coa51 Hwy CdM Costa Mesa 1024 an adJi:.lr.:nt pr1 v .. •l•· ••••••••••••••••••••••• :.t udy with 1t '!-> O\I. n ---------•I flreplac<•. Pn\ o.1ll.' tum mun1t y · with µuol JaC'uzz1, tenn1:, rourh $?44.500 COU OF NEWPORT REALTORS 67S.5UJ. TRIPLEX I 81<,ck o(( Harbor Bl\'d 111 Costa Me.a Kc\•p "' 1s. or r r eatt• \'alu1· 57'x203' lot "1th all•» in rear. Sl~.000 ON THE PATIO .. )Ou'll l>J>t"nl1 hair th1• )t•Jr out on th1!-> plt>asant pa110. "'hcthcr only for refn.-:.hmt>nl:. or rc~ular lll('Ub. lht•y'll lJ::.tc bl'I t.cr in lhc open air. I her<: arc J spo.1c1ou::. bdrm::. , lgc formal dmrng rm & hui:c h\rn~ r oom. J great home for \•nlt-rldlll rn~. IO<'uted in Ca m1•11 Hi~hland:-Only S!:!.'>.Ol~I llcatt-d t:>wl ......._ .... --.-_ ... ... Pt>Sll l'ool pal.u·r proul11 ~ 1m· s.•ntL'<.I l'n mJn ly p.1rl.~ plmuit.'<i 96M·3Jll NEED QUICK SALE .UCHITlCTUAAl OIGIST ~111111 "'t' th•~ l'l··~.1111 .. h1't11111 .lhuth t.111111 ) 1111 1 ~ I .. I • ' J II ' t II I II "'"'°"'''h d11·111.111·11 ,,. 1•11101t11111JI 1·,1rth t11111'' U111,111ut Ill• 11h•tl 111 pr•· •lll(llll.l'I \h•'lll \ 1•1111• lrt'W t'Jll I' II I 'lb-I .! 111 m 113:, lli!l 1 •1141111 I ST TIME OFFIRH> IHSSYlAIS It \llU \l' h\•1•11 "".Ht 10~ fo1 th1' nnt ht•n· 1t "' IC .: lol I 2 Udrm l11>Ui.t• 111 1 halt'tl 111•\'I lcoorn lor •h~lu 111\.1 .. llU 7J "I (l I !frt•al t'.ll~t~o<lt-hll'llllUll A"krni.t $11~111111 (.Ill ~111~1 ~HERITAGE REALTORS Toke Over 8112°/o Loan '>hwri> .: 1>1:11 r•1ort1 1·ond11 ""nh ,, fir" o.1\l· i.:·•rth-n 11,11111 t-:ll->:.inl lllllllH' (j(1Ul'llll"l ktt1•h1•n \\tth liutl11n. t 1111Ht111111l' pool 'I Jk<· O\l'I 11·•~ ll'\l'llb 'Ul>J1•1 t l'I ICJ.11\ ~ IW :..io 17:!\I TARBEil. --· Sdef'Wants Out ('utc 2 hc1lrm . I h.11h homt: l>oc:-. not nct•d wurk' Sure 1t'-. snlJll bul '° I'> lhl· 111·1ct• S65UO M oVl'!> \OU 111\U CostJ M1·"a & t hl· lll'l' a 11 l1ri•ol.'::. t'..dl P B I ~ 2431 or gJ,')·0211 =!141~ FAMILY W A ... TEO! Mu .. ,l nl·t'<l 5 bt'drm!> I I up. 1 dov.n \. :i bath 'lt·Jl d\\n ram rt) rm w ",., bur Hui::l' kll1 he n " t'Ul rn.: ;irc·u + form;i Ill 1nini.: rm So;1rtng ccrt1ng' w drilmat1<' ~ind t•m11 t1onal l1ccora1rni:: II vou qu..ili(y. apply <it I' U I ~-ml or8JS.021 I :i!J.11>8 ------- For You And Yours Ill.ANO HEW TOWNHOMES "lri"• Woods" 11'J,t•di.tcl1·l o,t,1 M1•'>11> J W ~~ntJ A11.1 ,\~I.' .. :111111~11 T111lor '.!&J Ur 'I' Ii I h· \' t• I , .! & ;1 I JI I'·' I •• ~ •• I ( II I (' ' lf\ll'fO\\ ,J\ l''· j{rt'l'llllUU'>I' \l.1111lov.,, 1.111111 "IJJ Tt-~'lfNI!\ 1•11ur \ From 91!1,!l~I fAI, (Xltl I 11r 115..\ 1!:120 Ot•\ t'lo~·d lov Wuudtn•1• Uev Cu ~ lirand nl·W :J bdrm :.! hJ. hum1·~ form.ti 'hnrni.: rm. 'l'P fm rm. 2 lrplc,. cl1'\'I' lut . .: \'<Jr J.:Jrai.:t• ~'mt> & .:11R11 Orani:I! I\"' $ I J J II II ti 1· ;1 l' h l'rt•\l 1.:1ou:. n· ,1<fc•n1·l"• 111• 1.1 r t h 1· 111 .1 r 1 11 .1 J ~!I S I I 1 . 1 !:I .I I 0 0 tJ jS31 ·3MO foulltain V all•y I 0 l 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• GOOD AREA Nt·ar OC'!>l bl'hOOlb. :.hop prnJ:. & rn'\!way I BR 2 BAhonw l'ark Pllll'l', Inc 842· NIH V.A TIBURON 3 Udrm. 2' • ba. many I"< lras P r1nt·1p;il only Mu:.t :.ell World V1'tl·riln Bkt 559-9270 ---~ ~~~ Op.n Hause Daily ~ftbt des1rabh· :J bdrm 11., ba. µlun FounL.11n Plazo.1 Condo Oouhlt· J:<Jntgl'. l'aS) rmanl'llll: S72.COJ C11ll 751 3300 or 831 2551 c>v..nl·r A)(l, 552 U19.I ur ---------b/J.\1782 R.V.DELIGHT I OWMERHOME J Bdrm. l ·11 bath. (n•:-.h and IJkc nl!" Cu:.tom d r a pt• s . n I! J r n l' "' t·arpcts. highly up ~·r;ided 21 Jt'rt• pJrk and 3 t'Omm w11ty pools .. Al> !>unw loan lTn1tm·-~-:1,..,.jm·· -... ,.,.;;-m .. m·· 962·44n (, .:')546·8103 ~PECTACULAR HOMES IH MONARCH IA Y AMD MONARCH IA Y TERRACE -FOil THE DISCRIMIMA TIMG IUYtl - This bemltlM 3 MdrOOflft ho.-ls ori...t.d aro1111d o central courtyard with ...t...tah•:•ftt in Miftd. $250,000. -GR.EAT LOCATION -This tpec:ICM11 a•d briC)ht 3 bedroof:t hOMt abo offft"S a den and fmnlly room. Close to beoc:h with pool too. S259,000. -GRE.AT POOL AHO SPA -I.a'" ceilings compfetMftt "''$. 4 bedf'OOM hofM wltt. 2112 berths, family room Clftd f~ dini..g room. Vwy tpocious lot. $275.000. -TOT AU Y ELEGANT -Masterful 3 bedl'OOM holM offeriftc) a faftiily rOOM, fonMlll dWnq, two fireplaces, wet bar Oftd oth•r IYsciCM1s appointuftcftts.. $339.000. Aungo •tiJ" w .. 11 ..... 499-4551 On lhf' Orange Coa:;Hook :o Longo lir~r lmne 1044 ~Beach I 048 ••.•.••••...........•......••.....••.......... HouM"S for Sdt ~g~q .~~~ .. "''"°°'· fo<'. rum rm . completely r1•modt'lt't..I £ti )( lot muc h mon· Owiwr will frnul\<."\'. No l·rcd1t needed Sl55.000 balunce. Alik for ~d (l)emow 964 2455 ---- EASTILUFF C'l\Olc•' corne r location. adJacent to park arc11 1 Hdrm 3 bathh w1Lh man} 1·.ft ,.,., Top rond1uo11 Sl!fl.500 Roy McCardle, Rltr 548-7729 NEWPORT DUPLEX Sll9,500 !-.lei* to bca.:h. Thu, I!> ~ r-.t>wport Cl.t.'>"'" at an af fordable prt1·t.'._ Goocl .. ummer 1wtntl·r mcom~· pou:nual lnv1·..,tor:-bet· tt•r hurry' Call S IO 1 l&J ~HERITAGE REALTORS ONLY $40,000 lbr 2bJ Mesa Vt·rd~ home. on lge cornt'r lol "" i.ep:.iral~ dnvcwdy & sl.Ora.:l' ilrt·a. l3fl x 60rt for all your H V needs l'onH•n1entlv ltll'JlPd worksh11jl w ·2 111 & 121) \11lt:.11ut l'h .1\,111 Clo ... e to t•ountrv dub ~ ~olf 1•1111 r't' 1> 1 :!:! ;,uo H v Owner %:.? it;21J _ _ _ _ 4 Bit + honu .. c 111111'11 t..Lko· 11v1•1' \J' ,•; lo,111 al SlllOI 1110 4 BH. 13 I b;i .... I IJl •>I llur1y' OwnrJJ!:I :;.x. 1m; EASTSIDE R-2 1-'rl'..,hlv p.11nt"d :! Ill< l'Oll.Ji!" (Ill lmr 111,1 hit• H .. I Pla.n. Coll l'I. SJ I I Ill~ 1 ~!'!~.~.~~~.!?.~~ HEW IEACH HOME I\\ hull<l1·1. blod• tol licach. t)l'l•lln \It'\\ J rm. I' • h.t :10011 !>'I I l. Ir~ hJkOllll'!> :!UIS l:ith :-01 I ~195.IXKJ A b.o I II H. :! ' .. lld at tiOl li lh SI Sll'J llOU i!ia~;tinnn & l£11 .. . ' .l tl\ra torn -- WATERFRONT CONDO lo)I :$7 1.\lllU ,\ 1-!t'lll ~ ;:jli7 EASTSIDE CORNER 3 big bel1ruoms. l '• halhs. Ill'\\ runl. n1•\\ p;irnt 111 oul new l'l'l 1hru1111l. OUert•d ,1 t SHYl.500 FULLER REAL TY 546-0814 [>.1tH711S BEST POOL VALUE IN HMTG BEACH Sharp 3 Bdrm 2 bJlh. ;id Jarent to park. hu~c lnve:.tor mus t 't·ll h ma:.h•r bdrm .. ulle. home!> in Coi.1;1 :\fo:.J Nu hWTY on L111s onl· 1\sktn~ brok<:r:JAt' 0111) 915.950 CJ II ;, 16 ~ Rrng 640-5560 Anytime Eastb!ull Prof Bldg. lhr :llia V1t•v. :-1111 1-,~· opt Sl:,H.500 ~r1:iti:r.1 TRI-LEVEL ·HIGH ABOVE 11t1 l'Lt-:X-In 111\ ••I\. REDUCED ! L .. a.:un.i 0\1·rlo11ktni.: tht' ;>.wpt 1-f).!1' Hl<M n"' NOWSIOl 900 l tll\&l'Jl'lfh l"lhdrm (lpo·n SJt /Su 11 I I , , • IKimt.· nn mon· I h.111 ' · 11!+-t :t!!3 ••\ l'!> Colll'lll' I ;irk~ 1111•..,ll i.:•· 1 .i1 n · Ut•n lorma I dtnmi.: ------- modl'I I bdrm .. I lid lrml rm 6 :! p..,1111:. ~It! 1.1011 , '.I BK :!' ~ BA, frplt'. pro dm, 1111· rmly rm" 1br11 k 1U(WUOI'1 , ft'o,,ronully clerorated I r p I t• H I I I I •· t , l'Ol\do SllS.000 ALSO 2 w1man1C'Url'd l.i"n" BR+ dcn.21 ~ !:SA condo. 1~ I.SOI hrdwd flr... nt'w carpet:-. 900 Gl._y" St. bdl·kbil.V \'tew ~165,0011 LOCfl"'o ln<h Hy Owner t>l4 HJIJ.I ZJ;J21-"ordh;im ~.:XIU •, hll. to Ol'l 'JO ~ ~ '.\olre Dame ~:!.;,UtJ THE I Nt-v. µort C1 hr + :! llr ~ 1 TRIPLEX PR ICI:: R t:::OLTl-:f)' S149.SOO Hdur bl\hl'd tov.nhousl' units in l'\ BAY& BEACH NcJr So Coast Pla1;.i Rrch & v.arm. ::.luint.·11 gl<1ss & wond ~ l'rorl.'!>,1011alh d1 .. ·nr.11 t'<i 1-'rml din rm. l~C' lvlv rm I y r m I\ r 1• ;1 I cha rmcr H1•tl u<·1·tl tu SJ 10.00U 759· l!llll Fall m low with th1:, -t bedroom ramlly hnmt' with 3 car i.:a ra.:t'. form:il 11intn~ room . family room ;ind :.lont.· rm~plaCl· UJr :.nd bJr stot>b Patio N1•,1r !x•Juurul park SI llS.~111 :>40-1720 TAABEU. 205/\mtwr~t "'>l:.!.~100 tkall·: .. t.1t• 714/494-9473 [ tlt-:.\t'lll>l'l'Lt:::X , ~ W;1k1• F11rl'!>l 8&1.5<JU I _ _ hr i.:u1.,.,1 a111 t: ro·at i.um ~lSt'rr-.1W.1) $'S."1.[,(l(t ---------TERRACE l.ocutaNiquel 1052 1m•r w~nt~;r.r1·~t·~~; .hint I I 158 Mi..:-tolll ~:'i . .Jllll ., l~lrrn .! hJ I.,\ HI' 1.. ..j.~................... lnOlfl"ll <-1.117~1 ~23:J lh (',1llKJl t•Ol:ll lur 111tur111.1 /\.'i!-.Urnabll'!S 11\1\ fJmrh 'kiti·ho·r• •• r ... i 11v.r11·r cellc nt rcn li.il ar1-.1 450 NEWPORT CTR. OR. --·· f>l:! 5ti71! North Col.ta \ko.,J, 11t ,ir 75~11 frcev.cl)!> l''ircf>l.Jl.'t.:,.. ---------·I Ht•.il i-: .. tall• Sdl 1dlertrm11 private pnuo:--------------642·5~11() - Pete Barrett.If ~~r 9" JUST LISTED!! Ocea./Conyon View rmm Lh1:-. dr.·;1m homt>. ;, BH. J ba. Pnife::.!>IOnalh lnd i.l'prl v. SC\cr,1·1 pat>u:, Also. formal I>H & fo.1m rm w bit 1n hat Don't mt~s tht:-. b~:o uty. Call !.17$1 5:170 ALLSTATE REALTORS Good as ne w! Don't v.Jll tosecthlsJewcl ! A prime locale! Closes\ q u;iltly home t-0 S. Coas t Pla1:. t;lcganl b ed room .... ~a cMJ Ma;--t"022 4'r ackllng f1rcplo.11·1• ••••••••••••••••••••••• v.arms I u:i..unou!> I I\ mg 507 JASMINE \VF room. bnghl & sun shin\ ' ~ lutchen. SUJ>t!r sw• yard Pr1111: only Sl~.500. 2 Hr. w t r e lax in g pool & lba.lrgpauo&garagc. jacuzzi! Treat your!>cll Super cute & cln. all today' Call64:..0J03 rn!Shly done By owner. ~8081 879·4073 o r (7J.I l 536-t.857. FORESTE OLSON ~. UI"" •t 11149' DUPLEX OM THE WATER :l>x8$' lot -Owner 1:. ob viouslY anxious cul it·:. only $239.500 JACOIS REALTY 675--6670 2 IDRM COTT AGE Plus Income Unit PelU!cd hardwood floor!>. beamed ce1lin)(!>. 2 bnek fireplaces and nice QOUn &.ry lutchcn -PLUS -2 Bdrm. 2 bath rncomc umt with pn\'ate patio and yard Red to SI 85,000 FOR INFORMATION Call 644-72 I I /.Jn NIGEL GAILEY & ASSOCIAT(S Invest o r 's dupl ex. * VETERANS * Positive cash now. Very Let 8 Vet Help You find nl~e corner . $235,000. that home you want. 0 Pnn. only. 64().4999 snzwxa zwr.anzw.. -----·----- A CONVENl[.it SHOPPING AND SCWlNC CUIOf fOR THC CAL ON IHE CO Body Beautiful Go-Go-Go Jacket 7395 ~~B~ Travel non slop lhru lhe sta $OllS in lh1s hip·len&th 1acket Knit µckel ,ffth lacy )Olle detail from the~eck down all on one piece 1nclud1n2 s~ Use w01Sltd·we1&hl Jatn P~ttern 7 3% d11echons foi Misses· Sizes 12·1( 16-18 1t1'l~ded downuptosioo.ooo. 1str .... Offered Cel....., A9· 24hrs 2 units, xlnt location on J WOILD R.E comer lot. HYie down. • Sl.50 IOI !Ith pallern. Add 40< uch pattern IOI l11St·cl1~ an mail and hanolrne. S.nd to: 543-1722 G. H. R~n, Rltr. -Suddenly e-wery diy feels like a SlllC & ._INfl CLUBS holiday when roii wNt ttus ~ r1 wonderfully fluid drm. lloclict C S k H 8 S A E T H T 0 E W R W I L B 8 C J 0 P S A T C T 0 S A Y U G E A E TJCBATTERINGRAMRANM O I A A A I 0 Y H W A C U 0 A S D G E N T S C t S L H T £ L E N A C B T I A W S M H l l T A 0 U C K 0 U E K R I R G A C k I Y A t 8 H 8 I 0 8 C R U R C A T A 8 P L A G N E N G l A E I N U S K E A K l S L T S A E U J k S C L D I C S A R Y E S L D k 8 L U T 0 I L N L D T I L G C 0 E E R U D HEOOTOEEAND '808IN L I A N E U 0 L k Q S S Y N C L 0 A W 8 0 L N 8 A U G H C R A W 8 A Y l C Y E I H E C R N R U I N E 0 R 0 T ' r,::: . . ....... ~., •••••• F Md! llld llotc In. F ... llclJ9ck Weddy ... !!!_ ICltOlllbnte a.tt.11119 fttm j i; T Mldlton llltinedo 9 ... :::-:: ~:;: T 1111onow: ._11lflll Wefdl curve$ close to the waist above a rrop/11>1 ~1rt. Sew •t now• P11nted P11te1n 948.4. M15se$ S11es 8. 10. 12. 14. 16, 18. Solt 12 (bust 34) tlltt$ 2 718 yards 6Q.inch lab11c. SM $1Jt .. tldl '9ftn. ... * .. Mell """"' "' mt.elm 111U1 llM4lill S.• • .. lilAllM IUITIN I Pattern Dept. '42 Dally Pilot m w.e 1• St. .... '"'"' 1•11. ,.... ... ..us. Z1r, SIZl •mu...,...., All t1lt MW dottlt$ Yo11 rited IOI your b11sy ltft aee 111 our SPRING· SUMMER PATTERN CATAlOG• Ormes, IDps, sbfs, ptlllS, wests. iaclltts. Plus SI ~ fret p1ttetn COUj)?I. Send 7~t • 1•ssa1srssu. •sc.fu• =""'--· uo 1-... ........ lJt 111.,.._., ..... sue Alit•lltlb eedlecratt Dept. 105 aily Piiot .. 1'3, Old a..tsea Sta., New Yon, "' 10011. rr1111 N1111e, ._..._ Zip P'ltttm llulribtl, NlWtNOW' bur 1979 NHOlC· CRAn CATALOG-over 200 PDPU· ~· desitns. 3 frte patterns punted inside Send 15< I JO..Swttt.,.Sim 31-S6 SI. 50 lZ'tOlid/lllf Tr1t11fels $1.SO 121-r~ Olritts .••. $1.50 127-N ....... '11' Dollies •• $1.SO lZUtlftJ "'""· ..... Sl.50 IZS.P'NI' llllllta ...... $1.SO 12~ ·~-an.-ts . $1.50 UJ.Stltch ·~· rlkh iltdl.25 IU..S"'ft '•' htt . SUS l2l·Nclw .... SI.SI !mi.diet ...... $1.00 ll "'1Mr Crtcllet ...•. · 11.00 11 Ulldltt with • I .DO 11'"""' FlftJ ~~. 1.00 us.-.,.. Cltdltt.' .. 1.00 114'Celllplett Af&l*W . 1.00 IU.trin... . .SUO Jll.ffairJllt Ctocllet. .. $1.00 ION•talll Stwilla .•.. $1.00 JOS.,_... Crtcllet ...• SI.DO IOS.15 Qliltl flt T"'1 ... Sl.00 102 ..... Qillll • ' .. $1.00 1014111 ~.. . .Sl.00 ll(Jll Sl2.500 D I' no qu,JI Laguna N1"guel I York1011m \'rib~.:! br 1 • · 111Jt•n' 1101•1 'our ''" r• SELLER WANTS I d F• 1 1 pn\!11\' pat1om1•r h1ol.1111.: I ~~. I "ACTIO ....... 2NEWHOMES J b t• d r Cl o m :-. 1'' H . c·atht'tlral 1't•1hn.1:' '.'>orth C06t:J M~ll. nc.1r South Coast Pl<11a. Sl 18.U(JO 646-4217 Ft'1.• EAST SIDE 1..1 r110 o. .ru· gar .1u11 1 1 ('I A I ,~..,. " I C' IT\aJOr j!rt'l'O ,.. \ 0 "'' '" ea ty ~;.. lmma .. L.·.·1stbluf( lar:ntl\ U) rm r,\'l "> 5:~1 tlUI I r•1tll .uld J•" w • .!k 111 ..,.~..,. ' ,. _ Hy~~r o,hopprn i.t t.ul ,1,. ,,,,. 1 hom1 3 Br.:! h.1. family VA RE.po ltM.'.!\ll)f\ • •--~·ful C t 1 rm .Ju.,t n·dut·t·d s10.ooo _...,.., oas a Ownt·r :.a)s "subaltl "" Jbr,2ba.fn•:-h p:.rnt tn & I G~lt View otfl'r,·· out. Nev. l'rpl. SSJ.1 mo 'Jlu., 10,t'ly J Bdrm 21~ Newport Pwr Rily l'TI. .lohn Van1iln Co bath home can b\> )"Ours 673-2058 631·0000. Owm·r v.111 con..;1dcr l ---- 1 radl· !-oe<'urt•d ar.·a . I bdrm. 4 balh on p\t ~e W /Option "".tlk1ni.: 111~1 .111!'1• t11 Chc•rry l.ak.-. Sunny :-.lcwl~ parnH•d . I hr 833·8600 I' 1 lwarhe'. p1>uf 11•nr11i.. dl.'<'k.' & hoat cJnck. llt11 · tuwnhomc. Nt>;i r th•· 1 · 'JUllJ. •·tt· :>t~'!l.!15'1 QUt· Sc!tl>.l tJOO. Pnn. 111\J.v. beach Call fordl•ta1b 1 493-9494 495-5220 :!215 llt'alhcr L;ine. N.11 Park Place.lnc·K42 71til '+523 C 496-2413 830_5050 Open Sun t-4 Pnn only PRICH> RIG~ AMPUSDa·/RVll'IE_ 642·1121 dy~ or 675-0:>111 Neat J bedrm. 2 bath m Loquna Beach I 048 Mewporl Beoch I 069 ~ood ~rea. Full pnce on· •••••••••••••• •• ••••• •• ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ly S7t>.!ISO. Park Place.lnl.'8--12 7•1til 2·Story Landmartc 1 Bdrm. 21 2 ba. rorm;il d1mnS!. t'·IH. 2 frpk!.. &!100 sq ft. 1 m1 beach A.'>lunJ! Sl~.000. Ov. nt·r !l64·2Ls:? 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TURTLEROCK SHOWPLACE EMERALD BAY LOT 673·6034 Causey & Company EXClUSIVE BIG & IEAUTIFUL & EAGER TOGO 5 HH J Ra Sonwr,l't k1t1•h1•n 11 o 11 k r :. m 1 I ' II' t \\ 1• r ti;1r· c1 Ill llH! rm ., lplr '· \ ll•" o ;\ •'" pnrt (\•nl o•r .\ JI 11 I I I 11 l' "h I' ii rr" J1·v ,.,_ ;i or1r1· v 1111 (' .J 11 't h I'·'' n,, no·r h "' ho11 L'hl ,1 n 11 I h l' r h o m •' S11hm11 .tit olfa!> ~!1!1 . .500 lll()I Pnrl C:1rlnw t'\'l'!'.Jwknds •IYOWHER• llo.1rhor View P.ilcrmll rust.11m1z1'(f r w.llc look. 4br ~1 2ba J:.C'. 2 BBQ':.. Ownl!r v.111 carry lar,:1· 2nd. T 0 . Sl!R!,000. 201:! Port Hnstol Cir ---Hcrbor Vi~w Knoff Hare J bdrm, F.R. Clp..- Cod Condo. tr1-l1::vt<I. ,llrl'al \ 1ew. pool. tenm~. ,i:.sumabh• loan. S179.W11 640-8181 Ag1mt. IL!rbor View Homes Mon- tc~o. 4br 2ba nt<wly dl· mraWd. dose to ::.1·hoob. park & pool. By Ov. ncr 551-612:! dys. lSJJ·Hlti l CVt'S W END. lg. fam. homl' :t +-HH. 13 1 ba, on R·:! !10 rt bwldablc lot. S!GSM OMLY Sl28,900 Walls or glass open to lushly landsca~d patios 1n t h is dramatic 4 BR + den, 2·sty. J Bt\. t.ownhome. 3 lge bdrms. 2 W<Jlled Ill rrnt put.10. ba. rrml din rm. COtY fm. sauna. frplc. lo~ of_ ex ly rm. cathedral ce1linJ,!:. trns. Excell location & air l'Ondit1onrn)!. Endl Af,?l.673-1760 __ ' urut. on greenbelt w1n1cc DREAM HOME Enjoy t•very amt'lllt \ )OU'\e alwa)<: dreJm1ll of. mar\'CI at lhl· rm·om· parable white wat1·r ocean and t1ty lights view, cxpcrienct• tru<' pnde of owner.;h1p Thi" beaulrful hrlltop l'Sl<1tc fealun.>s two lar#!I! de<·ks, formal patio Wllh faun 1 7101 St·a.,hort• Prin· r1pals only &lS·K-110 -------- Lrg. Prime Duplex NO !!~~Ji!Yffi&t pool home! Owner w ill fmance ! Call Now' TalltoRedC~t W•Usten! 754·1202 VA l.ovely Mesa Verde . 3 Bdrm. Family, 2 bath. fireplace. $89.500. <;o II ~9161 1. OPEN HOUSE , REALTY /. THI SEARCH IS EHDB>I!, s1ied lot. 759·1501 ACROSS STREET FROM LAKE Woodbndge Arbor Lake. beaut.JfuJly upgraded :! br. 2 ba. de n . h uge mast.er bd & bath. pvt beach & Jacuzzi. Cornc.•r view. $80.000 111 2rr Isl TD. Only Sll5.000 Possr· ble trade. 640· 1922. t a i n T w o I! .t r d t' n bedrooms. famrly room. dining room. entry gaUcria. Pnvall' ~ue!>t I quarters. too. wrlh o.1dJ,1· cent den/study Shown by appt. • INCOME PLUS Ocean. golf und ll'nnrs 1n this br and nt·w S.in Clemente duplex. Each u n t l f c a t u r t' -; :1 bedrooms. 2 bath:. :ind •• x c e pt 1 o n a I v 1 c w :-. $165.000 • PRICED RIGHT (or fast sale' Here·.., your 1104 So. Coast lllwuy $1.77 per DAY That'-; /\LL you puy tor a 30day ad '"tht· DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY 00 IT NOW! Colony. This beaut1fol 3 LAGUNA BEACH chance to ltve >n thr m Village Fair I bedroom home 1s ideally 497.2457 642·5678 located l block from lhc tennis courts. pool und clubhouse. Don'I wo1t! LogMMHic)uef 10521&.oqunoMicJ-f 1052 Only 186.500. • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••• e--HANCH HEAL.TY Partial oee<J n v1~w . Steps to bch C1..'<lar /t1k:. rrplc, :-.undN'k. 3br. :! bath t'dl.'h Bv owner . $!70.<ni 675 55iu v"NEW EXCLUSIVE ll.UFFS US TING Custom condo. Upgrad~d and enlari.t1..od e nd unit. i Br+den in lh1!> 1-i;tory home. $149.500. BURR WHITE REALTOR. IMC . 67~4630 Brokers full ocean view condo. Newport Cretit, many custom feature:., parually furnis hed. A:.· sumc 8' • loan . $149.SOO. Don Murphy 558-1313 wkdys. 642·7419 ~vcs & wknds IAYCREST Lo lo Down for J Bdrm, 2 ba beauty on LA.>ewoard Ln. Call Rob DickenliOn at RIGtff REALTY lo 979-153l Everything you've ever ---------w unted Is i n l hi s beautiful 4 Bdrm 3 balh home. It realures a custom pool and J.8CUUI and sundel'k orr the master bdrm. Price ha!t 1 l~) 1 2000 lllOM TO BUILD AN AIRPLANE jlL'll been reduced SS.000 llUIT)' and call 546-5880 ror more details. ~·HERITAGE . • REALTORS Get GREEN cash for WHITE eleJ>hants W'th 11 f'la••ofl~ Ad (. .. 1114.l ....,,, •RENT OPTION or buy blg 4 Br. condo. Pool/· jac .• teruus Call 644-5598 CVS. WALNUT S('f>UARI 2Bdnn END UNIT ONL V SS8.SOO 754-7100 -· CANYON Ir OCEAN VIEW Custom built home. 3 Bdrms. 2 full baths: la r 1?e yard opens into canyon. Bi~ trees. lots of room to expa nd. Wood burn fireplace. $1 l!J,500 A COU>WBJ. IANICB eo. 496-7222 831-0836 1"llrM M...-dl.., ,._ ............. with this Island WeU111 4 I br home with pool. Call fordet 1ls. ~21 NewportC...ter '40.5157 :-• ~ ...... -,.. ..... "" -."'"!'t . ----................... . • I ' rs l! I , . .. ' . .. . . . . .. .. . DAILY P1LOt . ~~!.~~.~ ........ ~~.~.~~ ...•.. ~~.~.~~~ ...... ~~~~':'.~!~~~ ..... . ~~~.~~~ ...... ,~:!!.~~!~~····~ II • Wedn .. cHy. Milch 14, '979 ~.... 0-l'oiftt 1226 N t U1tfwftlshed .Af-lwwnhllY,,..llM4 A--:m_ .. ·_u..tw., w_..... 2900 1 ····································································~···••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •••• ••••••••: 4br. 3tJ11 •fu· nr l'll'w. dcm· ,,_..,....leach l26t ~leech l7 41 C... MeM llZ4 ~~~.~~ ... !~.~· ~s:--· 1100 ~~!.~~!! .. ~~.~~ ~.~.~~ .. ~~.~~ $500 000 CASH I to 0;1n11 1111• ll111h :13101 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••• 11.a,1• I'll :111 w11h • ..,., """ i W1Cl'1ne«r 4'13·1771 . N lr~E'RAptl.1 "rnCvo1n11?1on Ll\GUNA HF:ACll MTll LA MANCHA AP'TS S11rS TO OCIAH ••••••• •• •••••••••••••. ·l:111·h r n1H.1h•d $16.tOO duplt.>11,, icoocl .. umnh·r STIPS TO 11.ACH h•ntMI "'"11 .!. lhJ rtn lnll'lt ho111,1 1.. 1 Mrm Dbl 'Wld '81 lrallt'nmM h CONU I 3 pvt bt-h ' ,1,~~ I ~~. r111w st~~ uoo rttt SUb lttuna allov.~ MIWPOllT llACH IJ>l••t('(I in Tr( Hu~ l1o -··TY 671_ 1....... 1 Par1ru· Co•"I Hwy --. •"a l.M, lkh Ortert'd b) R \tU, t'I "I> Ui1rbo1 \ i.·~ (\1rmd lbr b (111 rm , 1li11 t Ill l ' II I( I U J I' II OINlijthnut lflil\ t ~1t1,1·1 ~l'l "'o1H 1111 lht c•nl l'n1< I tu ,.,.11 >lti!j 101 Kroit•r 4111 1.0..1 J" UDOISLI l llUJllr) d\JI U1 h .. • .. 111 • r·•hlli', t h1 .I h.1 111•-. I\ "rou1foh"I i..1h h111 & l1111 1111< rm -. h11J,,.,1 11 ... 11 I• lot II ' """'"' ~IUI hl3 11111 I lir t b..t •Ill II\ t I ht 1 I \ .,.., ~Ullll\ 1111 "' 6. h Q,tl ''"' ... l llltpl• S:!l\A 111111 l'ro n "" h 1..a:> 11" I •I ., "I , u,, I 1t I\ "'l.11tb LO YOUR ... rlr'C'.1m h11u~1 0 11 I h1 11 ~ ut N1•-.1"1rt lk· .. 1 h Int 4i J'll;,n, 1111 1ud1·1I 1111 Ult' OCl'Jllf 10111 STEPS TO OCEAN .J ~room ~ 1111111" l.111t(I fl.11 111 n1·w • ,11111•1 I ""1wt Jinunn• 1111 ro111 t r.111 ""llh lo~ 1111,,.n 111 hi~· npl ion SI 3!J ;,.111 ~RT CENTER • REALTY • 640.1112 It 1• n .11 1 " 11 n " l' M I' Jt4 3816 NoUO\i\<N f1AY'9•.NT Jnr Jtil ~1ck MJdtaon 4 t1111 \{. pnu>d to i.c•ll ( 101 " .llOO I I ii2U 'JG. OAC: ............ s ..... M4I( ~I!> U \\ t HON J l~unuw. mublh hunw 11\1n.: "11 h "I'll' 111u • 111>.aJt.1 t hr """ h 1ll·n 1 • llll"flt 1),.\JU J11n1 frtlh ,, , u .. 11 Ill ... • I r f" 11 n. 11\ru uichoul Z I.' t I• 11po n lw11m1·•I 1 • 1111111~ \Int l"••nd 11111111· 111 d i.w11" ..... , , .• 11u1 rt·f n I! .11 .1ot11.·lw' o1bh Im• vr11 •· 1~ ~·t .)1111 h7J '"'1(1 \lot)1fr 1 llillh' I 111 jltf I\ I 111 I' 11 I ~ 11 1• I I J I I "' I tt.11.11"""' ,. 1{)11 Jl(lh l.11 ~·· ' l•l '1,,, ""•• ht I <\. tin, I Iii~ t .. lw.11 h \dull• "" I" t-'""' •IJ n·nl 111-.11 !1110 170;! IC\ I;; llll't' <jUIH p,1rl, hi).'. \1lfd nw1.t1 ,\ f1 b1·ru1,,.,~ 11.1u". i bh .. !h . h '>111.: rm w w111dowi. 1111 a :11111•:.. l ' M 11-1r>11011 MEARIEACH ,, .... ly d1·1·111 Jlt•tl !>1111-:li· ... 1(11• i\11•"" 1\11Mt1I ,,. ,., 11.llldot 1~11 1!>~1 l,t I Monterey MobileHomu IUJ ti.'..'!.', MOBILE SITES I ,\rre :.!' • At·rt•, !> A1•r1· 1J ,1 (Ct• I., 1'' 1 II U II l ' I II I! .1\;ulahlc• I lf77 5600. I IJ7!l 2X:?:J DROVER MU~T SELL My btll !lx40 S.CS..-..t• I 076 Mii, I\ I c·ond. ~crt!cned .... J•••••••••••••••••• 1n c·ahunu. move out Vril# RtOM THE TOI' Ht$L ofr 67S.2022 ~kan.c IK'C'lln vit·~ fMfll ltolh m l'n·,1dt>nll.1I ~for S• 1200 I h•1)!hl1< N1•w lli.llOI!. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111.""n11w :! Bil t'omlo. on 2 l)l111l1·x Lot~ Slunton. fill' Iv ~1;.~l.MI X 14~· w1 l'ln~. pcrmti1 & • HY.lfl'll/\ 111·:'1, I( y ••rljl 1111'1 Tt1l .ti llrl<'I' Ht-:<\LTllH~ S70.t(JU ~liorct ~.000 '! .1>..i \1 .or l!f' 11:1 1 l'nnonl\ 714 !llll l!'t77 ' l1lll1. flt h1-.11"h I 1111 : 1 .. 11 hlrlh,. 1'11"1111 1101111• l\t-..l f ("•lll1·1111.ol ....... I 1,11 •"· """"''If 1 .. 1 '"'"1n\1t )11111111 ~11.r\I l'~rOl h. liy tlWlll I 4!fh:'1 W DIRT CHEAP lluilol1111! lllh I <wr1·-. :!' , Jl'rt•~. ;, .u· n·~. 111 .11•r1•" Wh11 ll·v1·r \nu ... ;111t. ... ,. h;o\1• 11 ..... 111 Ill \l-,1A1ri. ll•rn" Sea J._, FARGO R.E. 1 ·1 CGpistrano I 078 1 tilt; 5717 1 g,z:J ·l•l1i:! ···••4••··············· !-4 lf<•:aut trl'lr, :s hr. :! ha rm IUlllChu l:;1hf an•a . 4 5 ' I lffl. l'll·C l!ar. f'I, to pool nc·rc• parrt+ ... $1UO,IJOO full IJkt'. ~d1h &. t>1·h ~2 11110 I'"~· ~t·r~· .. mu't M·ll IJu~· TW'JW twf pr11"C• UIJ /\J!I '.fl 1 <\9li4 "\rn11w• O"" n %5 :J:l22 IO ACRES (o4W"~'OU'I '°'hill' ""Utl-r ~, I >iuv1 llrhr vu 1.lJ1 . 111x1I ,.,, llPJ IJ.., C 'h,1mfl111n X Int ht1\< &: t1•1 ""' 'ltlll li:!ll 1 I t-'111 1nvc:..l11<' • X lot I ui.tnl'lrll! 1 li77 5(,11!1 I Iii! I :!ij~I DROVER ~.~ .. ~ .... !?.~~ °'f:::~~ 1800 HY OWNl':H :! Ill<, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,h,;1 I' I '• 1,,. twnh'i•' 111 EAST SIDE ~la ,\nu ~~l ;,.,., ('.all CUHtl'Jm units on lg(· Int; r1,1r appt r1.1l O~!i5 · rf'al Lc•ak wood 111lc•r1or. l).'l ~1.,4 h~e ffllk , Ol'W plumb· 1 Ur '::! ua . :i y1 old. FV mg & rool Only 588.ii()(J :whool,, 1":111m II'. loan 0wnl'r64tHl!ll7 l~ Ownl'r S7!1 .!I OO NEWPO trr m :ACll Lux· '1:J lrioo ury J twirm Units. Sll'ps WestnM•t•r I 098 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ QUALIFYIM<i LO PW"( base this 4 br, :it11:1 horrw 1n .:oocl area t-'Ull P'1 ("(' S'l:!. ~50 lo beueh. 1-·ee s imple land J>crf to live arr one rent the other or ror 111 vei-tmcn l As kin g $187,W1. Call for uppt .. 714 /968·5929. A !>k for Paul/Broker Plll'k t'lacdnr IS-12 741H New Quality NR Ouplt·x· EXCHANGE UP! Quual Plat·<-I> ropt·rt ll'b do,l'<.I csc row~ on over S67 m 1llwn 111 oles u nd exfhtm~W"·Jui,t yt•ur Our mventory of rmdt• of <>wnt•r'lh11.1 ond Nit'kt•rson type untt'I s how" fl'IOI'\' than 50 mc·ome projert.N ror 1w 1t• trom duplcxt•i, to the 100 ~ ranj(l' St•\ ttn1I o( our U~(\nls vlhll Tl''Ca:-. r•·J.:ul.11 Iv lo t•ollcl'l llstlt1M' • wd \\(' httv<> ·• brokt•r nn ..,alur1cd ... ta(( lu·1•n"•ct an Tt•x.1-.. .incl ~t·vuclu Wt• h :t \'\' opt•11 111 1• ... 101 ..,l'vt·ral ll t'l'fl~l'<l. t'\JH'rtt•rw1 •tl profl•..,..,1om1I.., to Join our 't.1ff l'n·' 111u' \.'\Pl'rlt•nr 1· "1th homt'" and rt•-..dt•nt 1.11 inc·omt• or c·omuwr1·11.1l 1n 01wrt11·' 1-.. nl•t•clt•d l nth ,1\ .11l11Ult· llll'IUd1· lht• ~ollO\\ lnJ,! ~ 2 s :1 :r ... !I .,· .... , -: ti'' :1 w ... 12. t4 lfl ., 111 ... ti ,., :! :m· ... ~2. 3 6!3''· 2 :! I °' ~'> :!fi :!7 'H '>'I :! :12 ' :l•I, :l~ :!ti 10 H.5 + :1 11 :!.., l l!'>. rnoh•I. holt•I. n •t1r1·ml·nl hon"' ..,hopµlnJ.! l'l'fllt'rs (lf'1c·t· htulchng-.. H V park. moball· homt· purk . 111cl11s tr111I l'>ulld1n i.:~. 111du~trlal stlC':-i. l<1 1ul iHHI lot!. Sonw ~·l erlt•d pro1wrt tt•s 4-PLEXES WOODIURNING FIREPLACES Eat'h unll ha!. ;1 woodburn1n g f1replact'. pravatt• patio and f•nclosed garag(• Actually l\\o duplt•xt·:-. on one· lot. 4 dupl<•x (•s a ll tos.:c-thrr lor<•l Nf in tlunt1nJ,.tton fil'<w h. Will t"'<<'h:mgt• PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP HOME PLUS INCOME Huy I. 2. or up lo 9 or these s uperb -1 ·plexes each with 1.500 sq . rt. t ow nhouse' w ith firep l ace an Huntington Beach. 11 ::i miles to beat'h! 34 UNITS Pride or ownership all acfult compl ex o n I y 1 1•:i m i I c ~ f r o m b e a C' h i n Hun t ing t o n fi C:Jt·h . Gu s llator f i r e p I ael's. pri v a ti• put sos . j!ar agcs Only l yc:,irs o ld 20 UNITS COSTA MESA 2 yt·ar old pndt• of owm •rsh1p. Many wi th l,(•am<'d 1·t·llrn ).!s J>;rtios. dt•<·h. (11'(•pla1·t•s. :ind pool 111 high dC'man<I 17 OCEANFRONT UNITS H 1 g ht on l h t• ht• a 1· h H u n a ~ :ipart mc•nl~ or pnh;1p:-. mot<.'!' Great 11ps 1dt• J)(llt•ntwl 112 UNITS Only 525.000 l'~H.'h for these 2 hdrm . l 1 ~ ba th praclt· cif nwnl•rsh1 p units m a prim<· r ental ilrl'<• Will accommodate l'Xdiange I 14 UNIT MOTEL Nt·ar 01sn<.•ylantl ;rnd frcewtiy acct·ss First own<.·r wr itl'-Off on this turnkey project. Sistn un it in opt •rat1on. OVER 120 IN-HOUSE LISTINGS! M ost in Orang(• County. from houses ::inrl 4·pll'Xl'S to b1gg1c-; with nC'arly htilf o f t hc·m int'om<.· propcrtic!. C'iJ ll one or our profcss1onal s turr of over 40. L argC' C'noug h to ser ve. sm all ••nou~h to <.·arc•. No clrivrbys please. AGEMTS .ct HOICHS We have a few posi ti onf' open f or licensed prof essionuls w ho would like to affiliate with Orange County's fastest ~rowing Real E s liJlC or~a nization . Cnll for an appointment ~ ..,.,.,. '"" n•n o.., en » .. • INN f7~/wk &. up Mau.I Wt11lt .. Or 1ttttet> (nun•\ Tu lt<vt•l 3 or 4br 21>• r1111'1 lT7~9lJ Bkr l'un·S•l M>rv eolor TV ht>ill «l Liu~ l.2&l bd ~r.ck:n v1111wrty L.111 l"hu1 t.. t I n nt ur --· · ~ aptA. Adulti. l>11hwhr ~1111l1•r It ~. llruk1•1 [::; ~~o~ac 1 l' )lf'T llOAT SLlr 3br Jb.i ~ ... ~~!1 <1 7 1 1 141 494·5M bllnll, t•nr l 1111r, gua bbq 1~ l!Ydl -1;Jndo Motor bt>ut only "°" 1~ ""'u" wy l'ool Orui I'd. 7711 Stoll HMtilqOft leech 124 0 .n 4 MO 4919, Clct•imfrcmt Nho rl ll'rm Pl 6'2 :IC173 . 64.S·~l I 2 br roodo IM•low S'l0.11<111 •••••••••••••••. •• ••• • • 1 1 'J • I ,,..,wr tlnom·l· tl4:i IKl18 New •lea1nt 2 bc-droom Jll:aullful Dovt.•r Shor~& 1n r('ntu II UIH' 2 1r, Wetttak• vm.,. HIHCJ ltlth • 1>2117 NU S!o50. c>r 2"bc>droom + den f':ltiwpOrt &:ach S bdrm. dt-ck; fr~l·I, gur. 1400 RcautHul hrund nl'W ·~.a C,7$ C.-d1r &. wlnduw s w I ITI rn In~ r 0 0 I. 2 mo <t!)4 ·57ll'.! ac:h.tlt opts No pct..s. 1•001. bUOlt' 1-·lvl.' blocks to (ll'cplllCl'& l OO & lawn twwportleoc.. 3769 jitCWU (~•nd111ly. .............. .. 1 ., l 2 malntcnonl'l' ind Only ••••••••••• ••••. •••. ••• "'·" 11 .. h St ~ ul!ut· 1 • r_ivu t! <'•Jr Sl175. per mo Utll xtro l~·h ... ~·s ;,, · ••••• ••• •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • .l(il r a Ill' ,. u I lr, nl al n J\.'lk for i''rank 04~.3000 ... { · ...., · ... 6S Ho.an llYmi•IMd tlilOOd yurd ~clull.'1. No iJa}'?I. 642 1m:11; <'VI'" .' Ur~·~ ••••• •• •• ••••• •• •• • •... IJ(-l>t. lnqw 1 c ttl :,27 lllth TOTAL .!. Hr ,JJ!>.CJ,.')O lal:loaldoftd 3106 Strt."•t <714 !0006331 N1•w Nl'wport <.:re11t Con TSLMl(mt ll4:J11122 ••••••• •• •••••••••••••• S h II rr & l' h • 11 n " b' ck1 JBr 2'·1 hulh11. t1•n11111, LIVING Beuut. lmmd new ;adult ~ ,.., furu. wlr µd, JtUr w h1•uvy 'lhukl' roof. lg 1· 111"11;,. .. ~ 'P7a 7 $1!7;,tnw Ul)l!i Sp!I<" I & 2 b1 odha.nuf)l'l~ 14:l~ 2:.!7•• IJ, rm w frpk & t.inirhl fjlMl·7...;,,.ort; :, t.Mli! w/tuwnhstl :!l)'lt!. l"rpk . Oiuinond, bi3 H~O rht.>erfUI kitchen $47~ Uluffs, lovcly 2 Oil . dl'C'k In.try rm lmmt-d UI' 847 1622or8411·91WO wide grel.'nbett. pool I Bodroom •"flY :!b1 tkn 111ba Nt•"" I) lit· 111rnlt-.I ('lc•;,n Sl;stJ mo m!>:u11 Corona ct.t Mor 3122 .........••......•..... '•wwport 111-;11 h ' I 1n .. •l .'br /.bu C In th1· ~ Jll't t ll·1•un & Bu} 11 ic·w $1400 11l0 fi mo IM· Ca I I for tit• tail\&12·4783 wkcly\ ~hoch 3148 ...•.••...••..•..•..••. ~hr "'m1 fum 100 t".rn~ou Mtt"' 1>1 S39f1 Ph <!13 .fl!f ~JI 11r 213 ,f,.U,.KIO!,IH ~ l'•llCJ!lel 3 I 5 2 ........•.............. J llH. 21">bu twnh!>l' Pvt La.: N1~ rommunlly f'ool. Jill'. al·e~" lo pvt hd1. Bat·hl'lors tu ~hart• or f11m1 l y $~1!lV •l!l'J. I I01 1'194· JOIG Mewpoti ~och 3 169 ..•.........••......... Ot·1·anfronl :!Br I ha ;J\<UtlalJll' "t·1·k I\ .. 1 a r! 1ns.( M 1tr 171 h li7J !IO!lll 111 631 1265 I Br l1t:.ll'h huu.,c• 1111111 rn11I .Juno· S:l.".Ct Aclulh no l>t'L'> 7:11 H Ill:! Souttl LOCJU"O l I 8 6 ········•·••••·••••··•· :! hdrm 1 b.1 b11ckyard . f.'rw l 1-:aragt!. k 1ci.. & Jwh Ot\ Pnvali• bcal'h, ll•n mi.. vu.·~. 3 Ar<'h Ba\ 1\,a1I Mar1·h 15th ''' l,L'll •~ ch•µ. s:;:J(I Pl'I 11111 ~ !l.1 Iii Iv m( ...... aiw Ho.es Unfumished ....................... a.oo lslOftd 3206 ...........•.....•..•.. Hoyfront ·I hr. :J 11.1. f;ornil\ rm. µH·r-. n•1 pd~ SI :!110 f ..t· .. t~(· 11;~. u:,.~:, :.! llclrm. f1rt•pla1·1• 11.11111 N1·w 11111111 ;-..,, pl'I~ s 1:.o vr ly 075 •1:!4!ll Jbr lbu l'lose to twiH·h Clean $495 mo No P ch ~7000 ~A"16'64 01.34 furnished I Ht. I H11 ----Apartmenta 2 nr. · 2 u .• $325 $33!1 s:m $42[1 li42 !141 ~ Back Uay ;1r1·11. ::! Hr, 'ffiL Mftmt on;J\111 vn:W CONDO J lkJrlll, 11 J ba $4!)() fOI I Ca II 54!1 3341 ~1r1ou.' t. !'ttory ~ 3 br 2'i ba d1n1ni.: rm brl'11kfast bar. IJvm~· rm Wl~lOnt• frpk lll>t.'11'> tu pallo Li:v wood 1i.tm•l1•d famJly rm w UM·cl hnck 1·onwr lrpk . WP IJUn fl ry rm $6!1() rn n Gt•nuru Hlty 2br :!hJ Nt•w ('1111110 11•0 "'"· pool. JU<' . n·r rm ~100 u~k fc11 J\ u~l111 fHC t:l71 Mm·r• rt~tht 111 :1 tir :.! ha, frpk . chhwhr. 1Jlll111. lrnt'll yard, Jtarai.;1• t\ 111~ & pc•h 11k $11 l:i i\~I . no f1 ... !lt!I 2''11111. \17 :1 :!'J7 l C:rc•at f111r11ly 11111111• with (Jllll' •\ l)r. :! lilt 1111110 hwd yd i:ara1:'· W•·'>l m<•nt 11ro'.1 I\ uh & 111•h ok' s.t•,!'J ,\~t 1111 lt-1 !Jh'I 2.'>l.t>, !17:1 :!'I/ I :.!Bl<, lh.1 !1:1·~ 1.1111o•h WJlk l<i ,,, h :S.1110 ITI(J A\ Jil J 25 ;>3t. llJJ:l f.:llrl'IS:e . lg potw ~ :iturt> adult-. No Pt'l ' $400 "'a1labl1t April JO ~~7 ltarbnr Vll'W 4Ur. 2bll. Ufl i:radt>". . "ni:h· ... tory. like· mcxll'I $775 640-073!'. 18' IOATSLIP L~ :1 llH t•undo. dbl ,:ar lt••N• 901. 67:;· 1225 Beautifully up~radt•d :i BH Condo. 2"• bath 1-:leC'lnl' RaraRC duor Qflt!nrr. pool. ull bll lni. $475 mo C 11 II I.ind a tf.11 06fl0 I V'J I l"jGQ ::! fir & tkn. 2 frpk. :! Ila. walk lo lll'h, adlL'>, 11r1• I 'd . tt-nn111. JJ<JIJI ~7f111110 Mt. ~.:i :1hr, <!' Jha rondo pal10. fJllll'. ~arai:c. 1-.us h 11lry hook UIJ Kids OK. $5~ ,,,. I """ llt'l '> G-15 U21;4i IEAUTIFUL COHDO with VIEW .'flit :!1.i.t Obi i:.1r 1•1.c1I l.J:I:! Un1q·ri.ll) Ur W10+dC'p !>:)1-i 77117 -•3280 W.tlk to bt:<1C'h 3 Hr .: Ba. •••••••••• ••••• ••••••• • lpll'. i.t~•r. S°JOll 5367[)4:!, Sharp 3br l'·,tn1 Condo :!IJ ~ 6446 Sanloi. I $t50mo Dbl .Jll itur a.a..~ ---t'arlhlone c•rpt~ pool. •~ .. ~..,.on I l'lou h.w l'am Al{t ;>;11 HarbOur 3242 ,,.,. 751 2000 •....••..•........••••.. t-:xc•lu"v1· na·" ,,.,1t a·r J ll<lrn.1&d1•n.C'OUnlr) k1l. 11ncnli'tl i·•rndo 2 Ill(. •• lltll ~.u1·aly~1tu., tn·~ '· or BA, fµh-, :! i·;ir u.u· 1 ,.11 ~I ( ~a',l I. la1.1. $1i00 + 111 ... Jll1l)I (. JflC'll/11 ~IH cl1·11 7.11 .>75.1 Iv rn1·i.,;1i.:1· nl•J 11(«11 h 011'1'1''"1 l\o·w Soutts LGqW\O 3286 rn arr n .c . -. I 1 p a v a ti •• ••. • •. • • ... • •. • • • ••••• fi7:, :i:t:I.". m:1 .111: .. 11·\ ··~ Vl l•;WN Sl.11' :• lklr111 t 'onclo, 111·~ 1 1 p h t... 111 1-"' L~1:ul1·d "' \lo·'' 11•'1'.I'.~' Bl~I 1:1'.1;1 lrviM 3244 I ~·1•JJ1 \'lt'W 111·~ \IJlll'IOll' lux :! ~I\ l111u~1· N1'711 l11-,11'h Fin Hm 11111111~· S.·11 1 in µattu. l! •·ur 1,t,1r :'lln 1'1•1 ~I :!1.IO.. 11111ultl111 I Id ()wrwr an •. µ111 :.'l:l h711fW\f, • l'lu.., 81K1111llul SlllQI• 6 2 S..d1oon1 l I um 6 Unlvrn ) • All Ubl1hek Po1d • Na lto0u Re<f\jued • ~wtmnu.nq TelVl .. e.u .... Ja • AC11nt1•• Ou.n01 ,., .. Sunday 8Nnch • Health Ch•b• Sauna• IOC'UU ll PLUS MUCH MORE' Oakwood Garden Apartments Newport Beoch/North 81!1) l1v1nfJ '"' 11.111) 11 f 4', ( l I Nowport Beach/South 1'100 ltlh :,1 C U·iv~I •JI 1t.1h1 1114 1 t.41111 Ill A·J..1t r.11ty n r ,,, M 1t ~ ,., 1 t J , PROMO,..TORY POl .. T \ ll'W V1llJ C "11mpl1•t1·I} rurmi.ht-.1 I llH & Luft Ava1lablt· now 1'1•11111'>. POQI. & 'l'J lfrlllll' Sodt:rll n ..:. l n111·d liroilt!I"'> 675-5626 Sllort ll'1 m r1•111" I'. I! iii :1 llH. fr11m s.'.i~I up i\~1·111 ~of Pt• t17f, >U 70 "111t-: Vll'lCHll1\:'11 2 Ur ~lUll1<1. I' .. bJ w ~ar udllli, c·ph, n.•w drpi. ranl(c. fnl'd yd w /patio wtr pd $305 11()7 V1l'tonu 6J6.4 l20. I 5 Nl'W 2 bdrm condos. frpk bllns . 2 ear ~oruge MSCl & up IO'W Canyon Or ~5637 MEW DUPLEX 2 hr, l a, ba. ~very amun1 I ~ lli50 '>Q fl Ul>lt· 1:.11 .1~1· llUl(t• )'!I tel 1-.1r11om for t rlr l'l1· 5\!Y.I 673·6JJG. ti4~! !IGI-;.; ALL ADULT At'TS MOW A VAil.AiLE :! br apl l'ool. juruz11 & 1111<~ an•a End J?art1141· SOHHY NO P t-:TS 177 t-: 22/llD ST O-.t;i Ml·i.a l'A5 2'1!»1 l hr :! ha. all t•lc1-. i.:rnd nour 1'0\ pa rlc . no 11\'h $:1!,IJ :110 V1r1or1a hi:t (fllQ ~ 4HlH S:f7~1 Nr na•w 2 hr <! hJ 14.1r I !llh . tJak ('loM· Ill .111 'ISL r.ti.:mt 642 1003 Ur 11 i Ua townhoui.t· i:Jra~c . p atio. puul Jtl<'WZI, fire place Atlulti. only ~ 63t 49144 1•11MO .. THS RENT FREE! NOWREHTIHG $~. mo ~rl} ttu I t~ar ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tustin 3290 l'ru1n1intvr) I 't . I lllt 'l'nl I 1111 11 .! 1111 h•·aul1lull) lurn llolh lu\ 1•1) ""~' m 1·llook 111..: ll<t) & Ol'l'Jll fj7,j .,, , •• BRAND HEW No Pt-L'> A\ ,111 ·I· I 1:1 :l:!IC () It J\ N ( i t-: T It I'. .. : Anwthysl. l':i II 511 -a:l,!j 1 ..•••..............•.•• Corono~Mar 3222 •.....•••.•...•........ 31ttVIEWHOME Spacious multi levt•I 111 ~111xlo;y l'anyon M·ttmi: :! hlk. .. to l11g Coron;i hr h ,..., c-lo'<' to i.hopp111 ~ & .. 1'111101 W1ll l'on .. 1dc•1 11111 111 mu or annu;JI $7fHI mo <\l>-1 Fnnll•ar Fo1 aµvt ti75·fili75 Costa Mesa 3224 ....................... Nt:ot 2 br, 21 ~ l1a <"<m<lo w /l frplc1•s, pool . dxhwhr. wa~ht!r /tlryl'r Sorry, no kids or pt!l ~ Sini:IC!> ok. $43!:r. 1\J.1\. no (('('. 964·2566: 973·2971 2 RR. house. pnvatc• ya rel . f'llr ogc. Pool. Small p('I OK. No kids. $385 p<'r m• 1 Manager 2453 B. Or anl!1' /\ve. t-:'s1dl.' Duplex. 2 Br, i.:ar. ('Omplelcly redt>e, no pets. $350. ~5·2994 Spal'IOU~ I Ill< t•o111l11 ~ p;•llo 1111 '>lrt ;im 'I t•n ru:.. pool, J.1r Adult' 1111 ly. no J>t!b SJJO 5fll·Jil75 l'V<'S Northwood., I hr. J hu. :!UkJ Ml fl . f:tmil) rm. lrpll', d'>h~hr, fm·d )II, i.:Jr Walt•r & i:.1 rch·rll'r 1"1 llr..md (H'W S'7~>0 mu l\11b ok. n111wl'> Al!t. 11u l•'i' !lbl 251.G . !11:1 ~'11 RENTALS 2 Wr111 'I ownhuu~t· 11, h ,1 ti I ' h ~ J !> h t' r . wa ... ht•r dr}l'f patio. frpll' u1r l·ond puols. '175 ~ 0'.171 -Condominiums UnfumisMd 3425 ....................... <!Br, llla. ch1kJ OK. 11001. J.11.'Ulll. c-lbh'I". nr ~1 l 'oa~t Pla1.1 & ()(T "!..l'IJ llllJ 673 57111 till ltlOK 7:"1fi(J7:! l.>t·1·anfronl .,µt·C'l ,1C'ular \'u t-:\t.•i; 1'um fort :!111 2bJ i.tud) lrvfe SJ:W ut1I ind li41l 371H 1111; W (){-canrmnt :! 1111 ..av:.ul now Wkly ur mo11 lilly 673 7(lT;. 11i5 ~:n snrs TO IEACH I All, 2 ha . wnl r $.')~ill :1 Bil. :? l>J . v.nt r S5!>il :! UI!. ::! ha . wntr $40CI :! Bit, 2 ba s.'11111 l llH. :.! ho. furn "''"' · <11.irrn111).! :! hr. :! b;o l'•>n :1Bit,211a S.17~. ltJClll tlo Nr So L'~l Plat.a associated BROl<EllS llE4L TORS l O]', W SolboCJ 6 1 I 'Ab :lllH,2'1'Jha ~12;, 1'1wl .,,iuna. Jac uzzi,, 4B1t,21.2 b;.a ~fllo Sorry no pel:... 25 11 2 BH. :.! ba. s.1:1111:,.HI Sunflower ----San Ch·ml•rllt• Tt•nru' and wulk to b4·J1•h' I lt.•aulllul :t b<lrm. condo - - V11·w of o rean from ~Ith '+523 CAMPt15Da·IRVINE 11111s li.'r bedroom Sunken UftfurN•tt.d 1lv1ni.: roorn . Wf•t bar. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1uo;tl'fully de<'orated . General 3802 romn1Wl1ty PoOls, I ~·nn1' ••••••••••• •• •• ••• •• ••• f(JUl"tS S625 pt•r mouth Call Denyse O 'Cunrwll, •Looi.: Ucal'h nr Pl'lf. 2 752 1920 Hr $275 !l:u pc·L~ Sngl fu rn . util s>d $1!1 5 2 Ult.:! ba apL., l'cr1t:l't fOf' ::! Cn·at C M lm·a tton' J\\,11labh: Marc·h 15th SI7~1 1<t ~5 Cu II fo1 rtc•tall~ "'hilt• '>dc1·uon l.L'>l" ~ R.C.TAYLORCO. 640-5112 IUeSliBllU N1·w b1•aut1ful l(.irdl'n apt.'>. pool & ~pa J.:!ti t; llllh ~trccl 11411 t>Slf! !! ~'(!room. I buth $3411 !GI F: 18th Street f;.12.l)ISil I tw-oroom 151 I': l ist Streel !'>41! 24011 2bcdroom. I b.rth EASTSIDE deluxe t'ondo. ' QUAIL 833~4 i\dull!>.. no~i... QUAIL PLACE ba. i.phl ·levl•I. frpll'. 2 Jbr homi· AC. spnnkll·r' A ••••••••••••••••••••••• .:ar l.ndry hookup. cl01'1' PROPERTIES l ..._.C car + s torage s:araRc •· i..~ .. 1na "1 .. -a v~rdc 1 rtt • l'ool S57S mo. 345 pvtcnl'losl'<IJOC Ow1wr l'ROPERTIES"' IBr.'ipoc1ou. .... n1•w,quah "'1 ~'"'l'r ..... " ~ ... CERB>UCB> es. I blk to buy. 3Hr/2 br f.'a. Ky bwldcr 548-6731 ' "woodsy" settm~. 3 ur, l ---PL •ce lc6oalaland 3106 2 Br. Iba. l'PU./drps, end Pays wal('r $575 rn" ty. l"" 1~ .. t1on (';in .. •rt area. $300. Adlt.,/no pel.b lh 4 .. ----1714) 752 1920 Un1ver s1ty Dr Day' I,,___ Tll 1·10 , .... I ~ .. """ . "" 871 """" 871 .. ISi .on assuJ)t!r ur, • .,.,,A...,.>-,ev""'".c.9rM13 Own/AJ..'\ 6402821 ........... . . S425.yrly67s-.&g57 ........ or ·~-21• bath. l.:c ramrm & ""~ .... .,......., ~ --- ror-.. 1 dm rm a..c.. Pro,.rty 2000 1 --8-och 3248 2Br Jll'fllhoW>l'. pool. no lc6oa ,....,0 3107 2 lldrm apt, unfum. fame ...... 1 Br house, fr-nl. SJVI I _,...... M L·11 I .......... I o f(;t """"' l'ark Place.Inc 842 74tU ••••••••••••••••••••••• . ,... ••••••••••••••••••••••• pelS Sf7S · ::ary r .. en ••••••••••••••••••••••• Y 'V1"P ex. n ~. <fW"IV 4 HouM• & Dplx ~~~l~~~· ~mo Monarch Summ1l. b•·aul ti61·Zll l. l·Vl' IOI 7584 Apt for rent. 3 Br, 2 bu, tt ~ upt 3· Col egc Ave . • <- QllJIKR•al &tote ••••••••••••••••••••••• s 2B R I 1 HR w Ith CdM TR•PLEX Heally s horp tr1 plcx J bdrm . :! bath 1·onrl11 ToWWllhouse blk to t>ch. UalboJ Call &t2-9'760 garages & yards. G real "' Slcpr; to b<'h Don't wmt Like new 4 Br 2 nn with fabulou~ \ l<'W • $75lJ u..funtidted 3525 b~7l ~. 38R 2ba, l'urport. No L•0 -•0 1de tocalt'on. ti:Ll.000 Three 2 Bd rm units l'all now Pnnt 1ples only NUIT\t Jlnhts. $600 • ~~ .... ,.. .. Id OK 1,..,.21 .,,.,..., #NII Sl""'OOO 67"1•1u O 3 ~... " LI>'.. •••••••••-•••••••••••• Oce~nfront l l'R S0 1. pc.-...s. ""11 rcn · v• o.J....IUl.. u--.. .......~. O..,..cr will carry ..... . ..-.. o, ev<'!> or p I e u se 6 4 4 · I t • 548·8038 Tunwr Asso1· 49:1·4S!H " ' ... v 1h .,,., """'" ~ nvwns. ...,..., _,. .. ,.._ .. _ l'nnornmu of the l'nr1f11· 1 d It N 1 a..:nr m .....,.,,.,.,,, ~e-A-1100 1•ontrac l. Full pric<' .. ..,...,. <.>wnrl./\lrt ---maurt-au o Pt'~ ---~ -m>OOO 3br2ba frpl<'. garai.:c" "''.I Lo!JwtoHlquel 3252 lux 2 br ~ar, sundeck, m>tutJI 1111 :•t;J 1!JJ4.J281!1 5'RIMGCLEAMIMG1 ••.••••••••••••••••••••• . · Triplex. by own<lr 2 Bdrm Loh for SoM 2200 yrs old, lo<'ated ne11r ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• patio, pool. jar. $395. San l'~Lo:. • l<~AMIL V PET PARK ~ f R€\ T IG€ lD'\lts, xlnl concl. L<•avinA ••••••••••••••••••••••• Comil Plaza. $4!15 mo Ni Aud ShorPs lwhnsc, 3br C.1emente 522-tl827 Strut fresh in a BRAND :18r. dbl wide Kirkwood. ___ HOM€' state, must sell. $125.000. Cholrl' vie w or harbor lot Eve!! 556·7947 1>11y!'o 2ba. romm poof, ten & Rcsporu>1bll' Adult need ed NEW h tory. 2 Bdrm. l h • .r*'ll fasl al $22.900 > 796 Scott PL. C.M Onv'' 2220 Pacific Dr. COM. 644-4450 beh ~ 19<\ 98tll .,....,. ... Fund Md to MAJllAGE 7 u n11i. h bolh duph.•x, Vaulted (s ·761 ........ w ·eo,·•tllwy NI' by the n ca l l . f'VC 8 0wn"r .. ulld ti> .•ult o r ---------1 1 blockt.obcath #l75·1{Y.)8 <'eilinics&skyliteslnea. r.::ltH St ......., '"' ·' G42SC1770 6730365 ... " "3 Mesa Verde3br 2ba frm •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• bdr m C'rpL .. &drp:. "" ~ 6° 45-6646 -· ; ays · -· s<'ll $200.000. 54 ·tit4H ( I blti f _... ,,_w-rl leoch 3269 lalM>a P...Ntsula l707 Clt•llJl ~hr. ut1ht1f"! 1n~ lh'"'w•ut Kaldwn 1ncldi. ..... ""'" eves rm. pc. n 11, en,.,.... ·,...-. • ...., .....,'VOl7;i Eust.s1dc-Costo MC'su G yr · ne wly d ecorate d No ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• eluded. S320 hltn~ & d11>hwas hl•r fAMILYPIT,ARK 4 .,.. old4·plex .all 2's,owner OX>il'cvicwof hor oorlot. Pets . $625. 646·1535 o r Newly d<!l' 3 Ur. :J ba. Weekly to July I.ocean· 675·71176t>vc~ l'LUSflreplacl'lnthc liv ~lharpdlbwldclBr ... .._ will h e lp finance . ml r aclfic Dr. COM. 751-402t Bar k Hay ovcrtk'J.l l(OIJ front l'ompl. furn. 2 br. Coroftact.IM la22 tnR rm. F /A heat. laun moor w /·•xp~.... llunUn"1onBcnr h 833-8714 or 83l·lll77AS(l "-·--r build to liWl o r rourse.SMOO/mo64~~00 f r pl . baltony, .:ar. _. dry fac1llties. Ample "" u.. ""'' On ""'"' r· VWJ"" Available now. 2 br. 1 hu ~4784 ••••••••••••••••••••••• j do efercc lndscrl. ~'" ·-"" inunc1ni;!. sell 1200.000. 543·61411 W f Mlor al(l' '" pr vale . 23 000 NoPolnta, fast escrow. Tl~rt.IX duple x. Small yard & New 38r Jbn twnhse. 11 - -2 HR .. So. of tlwy. No cnrloll~ Ru r age. O ne w st. al Sl • Own/Bkr. 8(2-740'7 3 blockll to beach. Older _e_v_es_.____ patio Adults. 675-0562 lsc w /opl lo buy Ornnf(c 1 Ddrm. yeurly. off ~lrN•t Pl"ls ~Mo AgC'nt has 1 yard lOO! Cloce to C~731 btJlding, SOOOmo Income. -Wot.r View Ave $800/m o. G45·246V ~k.1Phn~-,,.~~~!~ lmm('d &'73-~ &l4 2212 B<'hoots. shoppinlC & bub 'tte .. 1NJM.Hot11H I 2br fpk, +2 lbr. For fltakl uour dream homl' 2 Ur. Iba. h.ardwd rlrs. •••cHLIVl"'"".n. _, '"°""'"'°--,.__._~-31•4 Onl)"$400& ~per inu ~ 83!),&SM 7 UMTS.C.M. Sale By Owner/ Rrnk•ir on ..... 'lul of lt11 kind R I beam ee11mg, fncd yard, ._ .,.,. Very cleon 2 BR. ~'2 block _... _.._ & Kitf111 OK. Call now & BeauL. new bulldln g WiU cooperate. $130,000 lot~W:c;u rrounded by bllnll. Sm child ok, no M.w2&31RHot11t1 to beach. Rc>sponslble ••••••••••••••••••••••• movelnApnl lsth: Call "'~ve~!7~~tcrey '.21){~. low park re nt iJt' 10 Only 124.000 , 76) ~ t1> ~ttrty ... ,.. ............... I..,~.,,.~ <tMARK Rt:NT SlnRIC wl6-28r C homplon. i<bows lte new. owner 'ff O.JllOUS , U0.500 1 '.:m. .--s ...... J. ~ F1~places. xlnt location 714J646.f788 C\.WllDm built homes In a f}itaMf7s!s.l~n~ ~;Ya~~ Widen. LR . ram rm. adltsonly. S175 mo Avail Luxury 2 UR ma tnplex ~.6.gpm niL lnvmla 642 1603 wtldem~ area with 0 dm. deck, pat, frplc '1, March al. 675 3029 Pool. sundeck. Nwpt I lb -----5.:IO. elel' gar.ope ner Uoth area. $345, 770·2778 New 2 Bdrmw J b•th MIARlalAllVIH ,..._leachu..ff• 360de~.vlewor lhcoceon 2brlbaencl.gar. Yrd No profc11slonally dccorut c.taMna 1724 w/frplt', icar. Sml polio Ip;. DOW.. APPROX 3 YRS YOUNO f:ir~:USon ea~.,~~~'~~ Pet.I. 1375.mo ed. S600 & $700 Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~0~.b·~~e:e~~r. ~~32 ~/mo. 75&-007 __ _ •·Plex. A'8ume. Seller MUSTBESOLD lrv1.ne.898-3S74. 751~ Marlene at 631 3444 or SUSCASITAS Wallact', c.M 557.0085 HIWllHDAnS wlll carr y paper. SCOnllALTY 6+HJ889 u rre & teR I bdrm. $36.$mo 1 Bdrm &t loft ..,..,. t Mana~ement avail. 5•.i.75•• L"-~tnanlOl.Nt'IUeGait 2 BR. r ear of hou se, ., ...,_, •-•• ""'4""" 8 d S N C'nc gar S265. .,. up. - - -" ... rm -..,. R•r h r!i ... -....... o .Bo11ler u a-A".l.a•unaHJlla.Lu r oa wa y l . 0 3 bdrm 2•2 b ... 3 Bdrm 2 b ath apt ,_ ...,.,., ,,...... ., ,._,..., .. " tuld w • pd .. Adults. no pe t s 2110 • f"'lc. rec room. oot. 96()..4388 or ~249'f pad, view, clote to lMnls c rtn/~~· a~e11r • Townhouse. Heautlfully ~rt 81. 548-4968. ~udl.t~; ... 507 $450 3 m o Ga:-. J:; r u 7. z 1 • t' n c 1 0 s e d Prtndpalaonly INVISTMBtfT " swim c lub Owner . carport .... 5. Ava 411 decorated . boal s lip ,.... .,... illl'•l(es. Gas 11 wtr pd llOUIUNITS.C.M. OPPOITUMITY &11-*7or831·7~1 ~4318 • ~lo:'"; m o . Weeklv Rates Nc:wtydt'coratcd3hr,2 b:i Adults. no p('t!l. 39:1 Near DOW, 3 Br owncr3 2 house8 In c M on le11•I t ...... Dnert. 2 BR. garage. kneed Spac1ou"lstudloa" townho usu. SpaCiOU!ll, l~miltoo. c.~ 645-44ll unit. 2 ba. frpl. 2·car 3 1.1:\lt 8000 ·,q·. fl lot. ltftOff 24'00 yard, patio, ~et O.K. llh.lfs J<Ot&l'OUI 2br 2b11 1 llt.'<lro<>m Suitt~ fireplace & pool Quiel 1 Br. stove" refrtg. Cptt. pr., W Br. 2 ba. units. Prt;;;d to sell quJckly al ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• S30S. 546· 506 View, custom dttor. Wt't C.:Omplcte Kltchcne area Adu IOI no pt•ta. & dfllJ Utll Incl Adult• TSLlnvalmt3642·1G03 •19,aoo. By ownr. 8f08£ARLAK£ 5m1 1 Br. ~tov'*, refnu, bar,1nrdencr,pool.l550. MAldStrvlce ·TV ..,6'5.338J 611H'949 ....... · ... .,.-.,· · • • • • • ~'7. Unusual 2 l1land11 for 1.,, no~~. adults. 100 640·6269, 557·4700 ext. ~loalndlm1aJ~r $32S '2 bdr m'. ba ;; 1.., Ar:..:-M·O.,....,R~'""°"--'.-,...-- ule. 714 ·866 · 7738 / Vlralnia P1. '286. '493·0678 2312 dya, 640 • 24 26 ,.;:.=:!ree•a"h r1vr~~1e8. Sludio. A"''· Ahof pin a. 1'1o>oi>a. • wnnwu, part •· 714/14J..H16 CALL l"OR SETUP • • ... • * Six UlltJITS llfl&,6778 eve1/wknd1. ,...., .. ...,. • .. " "" • time. some rent dcduc · " 48rlc&!n,2"'ba,i.;b1Jc R~alSulte• drpi . crpts, b lln11 , lion. 3br. 2 ba. fomlly at • cood price. Six 9875.000 Fumilbed. Thu.n· froo Nwpt Back Bay. H.ARBORVJEW 111 A.dulta.21.3/592·522'7 comple x . 6 4 5 .asou lharp, urv:radect1• 2 BR derblrd Ht1. t$15,.000 Otym~c iJie pool. tennl& PORTOf'lNO 2Ca> ewport Blvd EASTSl'DE 2 br, e nc l. 1Gam·7JKn. -1arcfen1fypo un1t• Pw/a Unf. Bermuda Dunn ... 1 • a"'uaal ., sauna. 4 bdrm. 3 ~ba,F.R. 2 u2.2.i.11- b eaut ul poo • vt rns.ooo tum. 20 Acres tns llMt-ml 111.ory bonu.'I rm. pool & s•J..ZOOO aaraae. washer/dryer WI pd 1,.. bdrm patio patio•. 1ara1e. prk1 fandl3UOOOtot».OOOper --·-------Spa.lllOO 96().1326 ~-.~PM~~ ~~·11 t3~4 relrlg.' Adu1t11. No pet1'. •Pie• A laundry area a cre . Coml Buildings -00-'-AT_K_L_l_r-.-2-bd-rm-.-2 t-.W• 5'48 7157 • IZ30 ~79or648·U17 w/ .. unit 2 wi.itli...twnhl Mf0,000 Mitchel l 41 llMe .. W balh lower unit with ttul1• 3742 t~. 2 w1frplc \.:all to·, Rummo n1 Realtors . ....--•••TSIDI _._'-" Jlz.i. -f71..$3'70 '71U1 ttwy 111, Rancho VVI"._ Crrtplace. $7 50 /mo. •••••••••••••••••, .. ••• -. _..._ • A Mir•••· ca. Hl·H07 8 8drm.ts7Smo.& Waterfront ll omu 11\Jm.llunt.Harbourlbllt Dtluxe2br.Zbaloftapt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~'Pa rp~ I g ...,._or-.m'7 2Bdrm,9'$0mo GM400 l o bch . Bac h Condo . Patio It up1radet. No lbdrm. Clos ln. oewl.Y 1,. 1 a; 1 • AduJta. no petJ frpk. pool. Jae. SIQOper dliidren or l>(lta. 180 E. carpetfd 1275 mo lncld '• m: 1t1ave aornet.hlnr to tell? Apnt.,Ml-m5 Sr.LL Idle ltemt with • mo. No Pttl 213/M5.-S'7 2l 1l St. l05 Day11 uttl. Call 49•·3172 / ,__ OatMlf\edadado It well. DalJy PilotCIUAllied Ad nr714/152·0709 ttM.282: eved4~·"4.s ' •t 1181 ,_ ""' ....... " . • •• ' rs 1 v. , .. l -II • -~ •1t .,. . .-r ety .... t of ••• •c• ~"9 ~ t.ty Ii ,,, .,.... ...... ~ .•............•.•..... , ••..•..........•..... O..PeW 3126 t41is ~· a..ct. ll'9 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SIOO FREi: RENT 3 Dr. 21., ba *ludio Pvi r~ paUo Enrt 1111rn1<~ l...CJlll (II 1r~1 $495 33:..\2 Hluc Lantern. 400 w~o 496 m4 or $.%?) ........... c .. 3'40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Hr, IWW l'OIHIO, I rnllt• l1 It l' tt l h f 11 I 11 l f 1• \' p1u·ka111.• lnrl II 11111' lrnm\od, l>rl·upy 1\\ .111 t2.131919 »&I on·:'\N .. 110:--1 11•p•1 urut \ 1•n. n11 ,. l l'l' 'Hr IC••r $h7 ~ 11111 \ r I\ trl~UMIR SH.l'ST01)(.·t-. ;-.. '"'"' J Hr I. bt1 2 1·1u ~Jr bltin.'i ~ IM 67~ 1906 H\.llt H11rbor share 'un, :-kM Ud<> .!Ur. 2h.1 lu:i. sand & 1>11vmg in brJnd ury w attrfronl ar•l new 3br 3b11 d11plt'X Garage. bul('OOy. rrpk w lpvt patio. bit 1n,, S750 mo~ UI02 rrp1drps & wulk t. beach Days 536 tltlG3, 2 br. 2 ba. frph· ~t•·r:- 531Hl70Se .. e 840 5~!1 from ocean. hr;.1nd rww 2Hr 11-'lBtt Condo Ot'IA cpO.. pa111t !JOO) l'Urport adlt-; onl\ $33~ mu ~3097 • HIY S650 ti32 ~~U I or 675 51ltl4 ....... se..r. 000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROOMMATES -.tiar .. · 'IWI llU ul;.u ... l'Jll \ i.·v. J l11 :S tlJ h11u" 111 c't•ntr11l l .• 1~u11.1 I 1111., tu ltt·ul't1 J.sl'Ulll lrpl I ult k1trh('n v. .l'ht•1 J1 )'1·r i.:ur~lll' S11H:l1.· nnh ~00 4!f4 l}llUO l' H'n In~:-. & v.kndi. 1!14 7172 "'•·ek Ila)'!! Rmmli!A: wanted to sh<tre Pnmo hs•· in H B 2 blks (1 m bch, \ eg 1non:.mokcr pref $250 mo +ut ll 9fi(). 7331 fl mml WJOh'd :O.IO~le. i;hnre N L:1i.:. Bch hM-. 1n1 bl·ach , lt•nn ..,, $?15 mo <i9-Hi0611 aft " I Br. 2 ba. Ul)l>llllf'> .opt l'iewly rcfurbhh1-tl OIV J ll now i;n1305 3 li r . 2 H a . 2 !> t 11 r \ Workmit nur:-c "han· II II Town.houM,, Apl:-$450 to 2 BR I BA. r11k. I llll. ln horn\.'. malt• (pm or 'r Offb..... 4400 ·~;: •••••••••••••••••••••••N~ 5001 •••• ••••••••••••••••• ll.lrrbSt~ Offlce11 DINNER llOUSt.:. cktls l'nm<' 11round Ooor, 11™1 l.Af(\llla Beach Term s ~ I\ 'at 10t rt > Ca ll .\at m 1400. l\lrbara 9M 2274 --- 400 1111 rt 230 1'; P ih M , l' M .. \lrn 1nrl J d1·,k'<, Olln.it 1•1&b It 11lc • only PX> mo r.s 1 3001 HAY & l"F.l':O !,.,.OR 1-;. nct11 $2~.0()0 yr Only 123.500 full pritt• Agl 1:.1 1400 . . , .. Mul'2a 1.Trwt • • • DAIL 'I PILOT -·~ ~.Match 14. 1979 DeMi' 5031 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Loet&Fomd 5300 Jee.W...ted. 7075 HelpW...ted .71CM> l80.000 2nd TD. behind ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• •• , • eo.ooo l•L. View. hilltop L•~··-·· h i c I k A., ... hof»e eold al 9650 000 r uunu puppy wire a r o m pan o n I coo • , .. vert.1.1mi • ,., • Payable $800 mo 'inci nuxfd male Vic Wll!fOl'I maturf. isoclal y ullnc Cl'~SlflED: c. 10"4>. due s yrs 164,000 /Canyon. 646--3833 llvl" lady lo care fnr IW u,. 7l4 n s1-4824. 7141'93 11 53 elOOrly person. xlnt ref OUTSIDE eves f'ound male Si.moyed. 2U.652-94l9 Vic Magnolla /1'.111• ------- l"or sale. l6400 2nd TO Oil 983-6880 -E1<p Copyrcader will s••Es rm me pro perty Call Found Lrg rQMter & hen beautify mm11. pape rs ftL IDE.Al Dennis. 838 7428 ~s 1sos. 644·3656 NB etc. ~~702 tare. om1•h·t. sandw1r h Animal Shelter ...... W..e.d 7100 r WL SICLlf-F BLDG NI Wl'\JIC I Ill /\Cit It • ' ...... .. ~=-............ ./11 ...... /---· .1 --· /_., __ _ .r I .111 Mr ltow•rd h4'> ~101 • CDM SUITES • ( 'harmlll" 325 llQ rt off1l0l' p.1N;• wllh VC'r)' ullr r llvl' new wallp pn & whUc i.hullcrs Mu11t 'tT t.o 11pt>f\'('llllt' Ji!7!1 mo . PLUS s:>r<"lll~111ui. J ch·i.k :.p,1rc qwl'l orfll'l' i.uit~· µlush 'unuundln~i1 111 oh! C'clM !'harm, l"t'nlrully lucdlt•d w1th lw•11u11ful l.ar~1· ~un ny sund1.·(0k, tx't'uni.1cl1· of C:o.&:it llv. y Will 1nJk1.• ~ .. at corp olh ct.• r.tlO :-11 rt Only S395, mo ROGEAS REAL T 't 675-2311 600 sq fl, 2 blks to 0 C Airport. w;s mo Sharp upstairs front w 1l1ec balcony. pvt bu. A C 43Zl 81rt'f'I St. Suite 200. NB Avail Apnl I K lnv~tments 754·7900 +t2 476 &1 Ft. No. Co:-tu Mesa S!55 Incl ut el A c. Tom. 540 22LM) -------lusWss Rental 445 ....................... aho p wllh or without Alz~••nh/ ~~T................... Tiie Ua1ly Ptloi W .P'l eqwpml'nt All \•lt•t· & PWI t11A,j1/ Found Pii Bull-Boxer M ACCOUNTJNG CLERK Immediate op1.111ing. for plumbtn(I. in LOii & ~ m1x (''1 It gold w1wht Full lime w/som e ex per uuts1de ulespc:r1t0n lo llACHLOCATIOH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1.S086443656 CallS6l l3lS. bandle automo\1•e ac Agl-0wner f131 ~!nl 7717 ~:~!!'!'!!'!: ... ?~!'_~ huo;Wlb 5350 ACCOUNTING CLERK =kg~~;;~:~ p~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• TRAlNEE·Non smoker. rerred but will \rain Larae l.1quor Store in CM. Liq llcenae. hxturei.. (1<' ~.000+ 1nvunlory 1r1:.. 7812. 64ti 8262 UNIQUE BUSJN~ lllgh net income. re qwres 3 month:. work. wl'll l.'l'ila hl 1~hed r t• s l ..a u r a n l R u 1 d e publication ldcul ror lady desmni.: 1ndep(•n <k•fwt• 1'.xcellenl tetlllll ~.500 AJEUJE\..\.. ""~"c inc tJ .. , l itqun.1 Ht~ ,11 t, llt-l h~~ 5010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Business Ta Business A MARKETPLAC~ for Purchasini: Al(cnts and Nl.'w Bu.:.messc~ PENNY PINCHER ADS ONLY S2 54-11 any ttem or co1 b1nut1011 of lh!ms for S7S or lcllollo w11h " l'ennv l'lneht r Ad 3 hnei. (or 2 l'flOSN'UllV1' d>iyK ~,l\'h 11dd111onal hnt· " 00-ror tht> 2 da>~ Ch.•riw 11 ' No commt•n·1.1I Jd~ For mo1 .. informal 111n .and lo pl.iri>) our J1l 1 .111 642·5678 TilEATRICAL Modeb·AdrHHS .. Girts-Mett-«lck Exc1t1ng New Yo rk Hollywood type personal mgmt & development l'O now avail IO oc Onlr those w1sh1n1? a pro career m the modellnit. act111g or TV field should applr Call 714 tl28·0S83 ext~ RELAXJ.NG MASS/\G E 640-6111 Salary plus com mission BobJames·Llc Masseur -------Excellent comp-cu1y Outcall99,494·~111 ---------1 benefiu1 For uppoint J\coounltnl ment for ln1.erv1ew call Spiri._. R.ader 642 4321, ext. 277. • IBlSSo. El Camino Real ACCOUNTING ~GE COAST San Clemente. F\llly Ile TEMPORARY DAILY PILOT Jo'orappt.4~7296 _.SSIG._.M __ S :m W BaySt MICHELLE'S •Outcoll• llAM 2AM ~.3749 U ... DA & VICKI OukdlMas~ For TM Fvn of It! Serving all OranRc Co 835 7313 MASSAGE FfGURE MODELS ESCORTS OUTCALL OHL Y Doys.••es.hr 631-2140 GOLDEN GIRL •ESCORTS• 972-1138 ---COUNTRY GIRL •ESCORTS* "" " ~ • Ccr.ita Mesa Oran9e County ;, loan•19! Aftd 10 a,... we! we·~ AOBEflT HALF'& accounlenl)S 'fhe re a re many new firms mov1nJ( inlo the Orange County a r ea bnng1ng about an 111 creasing demand ror ex penenced Accounl1ng and Data PrncessinJC personnel Cf'A'S Audfton Equal Opportul'l1ly E mployer · AL TERA Tl OH I ST .lueger Inter Shop opt·n 1~ So Csl Plur.a M11JI 833-219'1 Appl.Janel· Serv11:l' &~~- PART TIME Ofl~Y Due to store ex pa ns1QI} tt'I Orangr ('o arcu wi,i OCA.·tl. several sharp pe<>ph; \o work 4 nrghL'I per wi:i:k 6 30 10, Sat 10.2 or 5 tv' 6 30-10 Pl'Oplc that &ri· sUible pre(errl'd $400 SALARY or PltORT SHARll4(7 PROGRAti.f.M ": Which ... ver you For mll'rv1cw c.ill a l'r lpm. 97!f31Jlil -Al'T Mi\NAC ER ~mo 964-1507 be<ich, SJ~!'! yrly ~00 1•1111. S m uk1•r pl'ls -----dep l::vs645-7386 IJ63.Jlf79 MARINER'S MILE PRJME t.OC,\TION Fem rmmatt• tinl}. lll !>hr 00 WATER. A\:lll::thle OP&t SAT /SUH I 0-3 7782 Newman New dli.. Wllls 2Br. 2ba & J Br. 2''J ba w Jfrplcs, \.'nc gar Quiet. nr Slater & Beach !l&G-4145 Luxury 3 BR. 2 b,1, At.lulls. no Pd.'>. Pcnmsula. Bay apt. Cdm 2 Or. I ba. dt•n r ( Thi~ 1~ :i nf'" 1>1\11 V J•IJ.OT rl11~s1f11•11t1on to l?PI huv1·r 1111d ~l'llt•r 1111! 1• 1 h l'f ~ l' ll ' our ~urplu•, O\'rrstockt•d or no lnni:c•r rwcdl•d i1cms or 'llUl:lht•' o( 311\ kinfl f'or more information or lo pla<.'l' your ad, call Pat McDonald'.., back t3lcnted singer gu1tanst Avail ror all t•nga~c fTl('fl ts 631 LS 16 **MEW•• PRIME TIME ACTION Tax Accountants Cost Accountants Sr. Accountants lootlll~ Accountiftq Clertcs Data &.try IC/P Operaton For SS un1h 111 Cole. Mt·sa 1-:i..pcr·d COJ.l\tlol• llusbanJ mu:-t havf' 111;.lllll t'XP W1ft1 blrkp.: l'XP Ca II 642 5013 or t213>865 3MSI ir }-ou ure not a~Jrl• or ----.,..._..,, S2l1.SO + 1, utll Oiane. or ret ail or pro csswnal d ys 6 40 1460 . cv i. offices. Total ot 3000 sq Ave nr 6 th $550 lht' t>cner1ts or work1nJ! ARCHITECTUR.l(' ~~Ti:r;:Jt u:. ~\v;uru~c! ProjKt Arch~t~s lolt&FC>Wtd 5300 673-~. fl. Can he d1\•1ded 1n10 1..4le&extremelynice3br, --------smaller units. Dnvc by 673-6467. 642-5678 between 8A M and ~.30PM. Monday lhru F'r1day for your ad to op pear lhe following d.i> or cau between SAM and 12 noon on Saturday for Sunday·s publlcauon .......•..•...•..••.... The way to meet new ---------•I people Pht<:c your .id. answer ad:.. sub:.c·nbe locauon We will be hap Job Captains MEWA"HOMES HOWRENTIMG 2 ba duplex a pt. 1''2 blks H.mmte wanted to share 2'>33 W. Coust llwy. NB. lO ocean, t house rrom spacious CX'eanfronl apt then call FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: Box875C M 92627 py to discuss 1t with you Well eslablis6ed O.ra11w.: We are lCX'ated 111 thr County firm w1lh sfrQI)~ design & advanced Pf~ COLDW ELL BANK EH ducuon systems orientl.. park & bay tx•ach. Fam1 mW Npt. Call 646'9160 Waterfront Homes ly or resp. adults only -631-1400 Hi ' Professional m<ile. IO yrs younR look 1n11 (nr pos1t1ve fnendsh1p w a beautiful IAOman ... ho 1:. t1 r1.•d or ··luh :.. ffil'lapt1ys1t•Jlly Orll'Otcd 1:anng. ~1·1111lllH', .dff1.•1· Luxury 3 br /2 ba , spacious antenor:.. J oe l DW. stove. f plc::.. & pnvate 2 car gara ge::. 5 Unique floor plan:-. n·nl ~ rrurn S.l:JS mo $550 mo 675.6715 or WANTED Pror fe male to ---------673-0068.. Open Sat & Sun share large b<'h hou,e. BUILDING lion ofrers perma'nent Suite 11200 pos1t1ons w txlnt bent.'fllK Manul(l·r !'-Ii l:tMIJ I lunttn,1.,'1.01~ lk•aeti 15 pr1v br & ha --W handsome huppy BAY VIEW casy,:fn1ni.: 2ti ~ r 111!1 m.1ll· 900-551!0 ukt• a h11ui.1• CiorRcous 2 br. 2 ha l"rpk l'nol In Ealtlblurr \1 atun.· udulls Nti pet~ S4!l5 . 6-10 (~!.! Rmmill<' 111 'h:rrl' :t l11lr rn h:.t•. SJ;,o T cit•µ • , ur 11 1147 JH!n NEW LUXL'RY \r'f. ll!t' ? BR. D1W . (pie. Ill' Luxury Jbr 212ba din rm patio, gar Tennis & puol pool, patio S500 mo M.50 751-2787 64&-0110or ~·6019 fem roommatt.• w.J11tcc.I w shr 2 Br apt 111 Balboa lmmed. occupuncy $175 mo.67~art ~ _J _D ~ropcrty M ~ml Ready for occupan1•y Z hd. den, rrpk . ~ar. 1 child ok. S350. 962 nss ---------- I b r c o n d o r l' r r i s: washer /dryer $275 mo 2tw refrig fplc. $32Smo 768-7633 Coodo 3 Ur, 2 ba Total r ec. pkj!. No pct!> SJ~!l+ulil. 675 1706. 64.>2223 ----llG CA ... YOH VU Pro< M 11" 2 BR 2 BA. S220 Shllfll 2 br, 2 ba East bluff ocean/t'anyon view Lag rondo. Cathedral ~11'~s. Bch 644·0563. 494 2475 wood burning frpk. encl. evs 2 car gar. pool &. rec. I---------- rac1L1ties. No pels. $525. Roommate wanted 10 752·2496 ask ror Stev<' share Apt on Bal Pc>nn ----Call 673 7652. WATER $475 mo. Yl'arly • l'Ule 2 Fem Lo share w remalc 2Br . no peL' older pre 3 BR apt Respon:.1bl1.; !erred 673-f!MS $120.mo Tustin 835·-1000 Olarnung 3 BR 2 BA. ten· nose to shopping 3 br. i •.2 rus. pool. 3 blks t.o beuch. Office Retttal 4400 ba. patio, t'arport. Kids Avllll 4/1. $525. 646 7852 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ok. no pets Ava il. now .Apcw lnants Fumllhed Deluxe medical s uite. $310. See manaRer al or Uftfumi"9ed 3900 l'?1'0Und Or . Corona del 7671 Commodore. 113. ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Mar. Realonomics Corp. _!t 8. or call 973'21!7..!_ _ THE EXCITING 675-6700 _ •Lrg 2 Br In Long Bch PALM MESA APTS 250-500 s q . ft. 0H1ces. Child okS27S. No pe ts MlNUTES TO NPT UC H From $145. Incl. ulil. 779 Has stv. ~8974. Bach, 1&2 AR W. 19th St. 54{).2200 -----fromS25S&up ----Spac38rapt.2 ba. Adults Nopet.s. Downtown llunllngton 2kldsok S325tmo 1561 Mesa Dr Beach. 2101'2 Main St Call847-0967art ').,.m One 2 rm offi ce avail. _ _ .. ,, (5 Blks East of Newport Blvd) i...:Sl_t_o_.~ __ 1sss __ . -- 9am·5pm 546·9860 Seawind Village New 1&2 bdrm luxury ---------•I OM THE MOllLE HOME w ATER! 11dult apts In 14 plans from S315. + pools. ten nis. waterfalls. ponds 1 From San Diego Frwy dnve North on Beach to McFadden then West on Mc Fadde n lo Scawind Village. <714)893·5198. lrriM 3844 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IHFORMA TIOH f'LUSH SUITES Repossessions. buy op 350to t300 sq rt tions. take over payment Fmwtcntic Views inror m at1on Ea:.y WetBars financing 01\l" Traill-Udo Marifta anytlung valuabll' Yil'- Sanla Ana 'iS4 · 70ill ~ Westmmsler ~ ~5 Newport 675-ij662 C. Anaheim 956·1011 $180 Up. OHice·slore. 480 3br 2"2ba Brand New E. Anaheim 956·4500 ft.. AtC. 17301 Beach Bl. WOOdbndge. $650mo. 2 ---------H.B. LEASE 842-2834 cargarg. 213/465·4841 ROOMS 4000 ---Plush omces. up to 750 sq New 2 BR condo, lighted courts, pool. jacuzzi. encl pal.lo. Upgraded. 960·3521 Orangelree Condo t br PoOI, jac, tenn crt., sauna. exercise rm. S295 mo 661-0633 l.agilllo leoch 38 48 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• rt in xlnt bldg. 18th & • Alllbcn1ador '"". Lovely gardens· Brooks wtr. ran •Kitchen Facll. avail. •Jacuzzi. heated pool •Wkly or daHy maid s r v. *'I'V & phone available Lowen $72.50 Wk 2Z17 Harbor C.OSta Mesa 645-4840 Newp o rt 81\d ~21 l I /646·6303. 523 sq. fl. office La Paz Rd. SOUth of San Diego Fwy. S308 month. Avall now. 642--4321, ext. 276. 3 Rm om ce. carpeted, a ir cond, Skypa rk Circ le. Irvine. S2SO m o 549-5033 For store & office !>pace at reasonable rates 500 to 5000 Sq Ft. ME.SA VERDE OH Pt.AZ!\ 1525 Mesa Verde 1',, ( • ~I 545-4123 HARIOR BLVD. Store 20x60 + orr1cc. 1150 sq. rt. total. S49S Per mo Bkr 675'6100 Newport Mariner's Mile Modem 502 SQ rt s tore or o(fice. 2630-C Avon. LOW rcnt.213/477·7001 S J. Cap. 600 sq. ft. store. 2 blks. No of m1ss1on 67!>-0176 IDEAL Cale. omelet, s andv.1ch shop with or without equipment. All elec & plumbing in. IUCH LOCATION Agt-0wner (2131598-77 17 MEWPORT BLVD 1000 sq ft commercial 17th St. CM $425. 546-3937 ...._trial Rental 4500 •••••••••i•••·········· Industrial 800 lo 1600 sq rt with offices Newport 645-2111.646-6303 *MISSION VIEJO• Pnme location s uitable for comm'I or lnd·1 use. t850 to 2060 sq . fl. A IC or. free. 100 a mp power Call (714 )522·4254 days . <714)675·3534 e ves lftnstment ()pporlwtity SOl5 .....•................. Investors earn 50': or pro· fit A suc1·css hullhh.>r St.-t.•ks runt!:.. $15,000 per house Short t t-rm. secured Mr Gordon ~2464 Money to Loan 5025 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • CREDIT HO ,RO BLEM 2nd & 3rd TD loans 547.54 02 Arranged by 642-5678 l.a<t or 1-'ound a pN • Call A n 1 m a l A s s 1 .., t a n t' t• _League 537 2273, n<?._~•· LOST Coll.Je dog sm. F child's pet V1r Npt Bch 848·9944 or 548·3611 aft 7 LOSr· Siamese t:Ul V1<' Newland & lnd1anapahs 962~107. Lost : Small frey Toy male P ood e . V1 <' Harbor & Baker, CM Reward 557 ·291 1 Lost Cockateel. College Park, C M. Reward 5'l5-4188. 5'10-7771 LOST 3.9:711 Male blk/tan shcp IJ'UX. Mesa del Ma r area. Reward . 979-4517 Coast Home Loans Me ns watch F o und 12·9·78. L.a~ Bch Police ~s, Trust 5035 Dept report #71\·07346. •••••••••••••••••••••••F o und prescriptio n LOWEST lfthnst Rates glasses . Brn h orn nmmed. gold eurp1ecc Victoria St C.M 631·01 .iO tmnalt' & o~n m1ndl'd 'Sptt•1al LJdy l'll'a::-1. 1·all I 'm wJ1l 1111: • H4M 52111) LORI'S WE'RENO. I ESCORT 962 2391 Ride to k{' Rink wa nted Harbor & Adams from CdM Jx 1week Ncgul pnce 6-IO 7429 Are You An Attractive> Lady under 40. who dreams or rly111g tu ('\; Ollc plac{'S or sailing un der gentle winds & J full moon., I'm .d gentle 40 year old pro(. w 1m and would llke t.o make your dreams come true P 0 Box 774. Westminster. 2 sharp guys want sharp gals for dll llnll. travel. saihniz. going. 834·0980 •SHERr LEF.• CERTIF'TED MASSEUSE Houseralls by Appl 838.6838 Z333 No Broadway & oppt>rtun1l1t'll tor ad Santa Ana vanc~ment M1111m11m :l 17141835-4103 yr.. 1•XJ>t•n1.·n1•1· 1n T~p(t I & Ill HOSPITAi~"· OM l"r ee Park111~ M E H C I A 1 -HECREATION Arrounlmg Cl1.•rk Phom• lnwt'lltdiate Openin9• ope rator n ecdl'l.I full Dan L Rowland tune lmmed111t1· op'-'n & Associatts, l..c.. Ing Full co be nefits MS-9671 ror appl. Ualqoa 776-11 SO. A.naheint Mari ne Hardw.arc -· E.O E M/F/11 Arctut~'tural Drartsm;Jn Space plannin~ firm 1n Accou.ntinR ACCOUNTING SECRETARY U you en.JO)' vanety & 1n 1ne needs eXPl'r s p a<'t! p ljl Jl- ner/draftsma n foe~ on comm office bld'Jl5. Call f o r 1nlcrv1cw 714/556-29()4 •• have a n accou nt l ni: ASSEMBLERS background & good typ 1 med I mg slulls you may cnJOY m . opentnJ(s for a this versaule posiuon levels or prec1s1on clt•t· Wort for one or our sub· t ro · mec h a n I ca I u-; s1d1ary controllers & sembly of small romp0 become a part of a gruw· n e n t s U a Y s h I r' ing national frrm Ex· 1 :J>4p 15 cellent working condi· • QS1t1on available for f!·:J>-12 JO pm shill ~ lions & benefits includang compary benefits •• dent;ll plan Please apply Stoco Switch Inc. in person between 8am llam & lpm-l pm. Nu 1139 Baker St.C M llonal £ducal1on. 4401 549·3041 Birc h S t • N ewson A..<;Sf:MBLERS W(I w1ri Be a c h · < N e a r C. t r a 1 n A p p I y 7 a m . Airporll to:qua l O p · MacGre..cor Yachts 1&31 porturuly Employer PlacenlJa CM ----------------htT.D.'s, also Found: S1ben an Husky 2nd TD L female. Blk/silver with Phys11.·al ma s~aRc by lie'{! --------=-=..=1·---------• • OCllt$. blue eyes Vic Sunset m asseur 1echn1r1Jn ASSEMILERS Frurest Terms s mcc 1949 Beach. 842·5962 Appl J.8PM 548·281i Accounung PRECISION . SatfferMtCJ. Co. PAYROLL Open1n°s ava1labl0 fn L,fl2 2171 5"5 OLI I Med sz black Do).(. red *t.1:nu1..... I .. . -" .. • v collar. Vic NB beat•h ~,. " WJ.Jlmg t.o tra m bnitht •n prec1:.wn 1ni.tru~t'J1 L ..... ,,......::y ... V ... IL ... ILE area. 642·8069 Models & Escorts dJvidual to ass1sl in pre :-hop Applicants mlhl ,_,,.,.. "' "' "' Malc·Ferna l(• parat1on111 computen zed COJOY the challl•nr:e or ~~~tZ1~~ FOUND: Grey /red Poo· Ann.Destiny.Sonny. payrolls Light typing t roublrshootinR & EQUIPMENT die diamond collar N B En ca. Marsha. C1:.sy slull-; reqwred, 10 key by c ustom r 1 t ting o t CONSTRUCTION pound. 644·3656 '548·2153 24 hrs ser1ttng 0 C touch. Prefer some re mechanical assemblies . WANTED OR A .. rv PURPO"L' FO Askaboutspec rates cent acrountang ex Goodmanualdext.e11l)'&. "', • ""' UNO: Whl Samoyed 1-' 752-8708 pe rience t;xcellent mecharucal aptitude t x· Industrial space w 1th David P. Carey & Assoc. N.B. pound. benefits mclud1og dental per a must. Mm. 6 rnos. elec. & water 20 x 40 In R.E . Broker, 960·l957 644·3656/548·2153 LOVELY t..ADlto;S plan Apply m person exper req. E 0 .E. Call Costa Mesa or Irvine PRIVATE PARTY FOUND: Female Afghan Areyoullredofordenng betwee n Sam ·l lam & 557·90~1 . ask for Kay Call Jlm494·2407 Eves & will pay more for your MesaVerdcarea. "beauty" & l(ellln i:t Jpm·3pm, Nat ional Gilman Wknds. 2ndTD's 542.3573 557.1285. "beast"? I( ::.o call F-ducataon, 440t 81rchl---------- 7'73-(8)l. Esrort.s avail Sl .• Newport Beach (Nr. - ------. LAGUNA HJ LLS·two ud Ca.hfomia lst TD for sale REWARD· Lost puppy. forlravel 0 .C. Alrporo. Equal Op- jac 5000 sq ft M·l units. Bal $1938.04. Will dis· Golden Retriever/ lns h porturuly Employer ASSEMBLY ne w bldg . A tC orrc. count to 14'1-yield lo Setter.494.53221.i99.17201 You can d1eoflone uness. ~~~~~~~~~~I See our jot>s und ur fronts on Moulton , n r malunty 642·8084 494-4537 lf you are 50 70 & lonely. -<'lerical for 1mme.tllJ.1lv Lake Forest , lease by ::::.=======-_!========~ call Oelons 848-8592 ACCTG CLERK openin~ owner 835-l808. Fnendly ofr seeks pers VICTOR 6# W 1W 38 looking for tall RENT Ml 600 sq rt $175 4:d9 • sincere run·lOVI0,1?. non exp in payroll & 10 key Te....-Cll 'f s~ic'•~ mo. 2944 Randolph, C M. .a. "5~~ """°" s mo k 1 n I( man for Ll typm2. 14 ill tram on """5116 ~ ~, .... "--••'1;.-·~... fnendsh1p. 557·6328"v{'S computer Sal to $800. ur.r · ~·....:;; ~··~ ., " Call Jean. 540 ti055 --------.-Storoip 4550 ~ ,..,.~~ ...... , SocidChllb$ 5400 Coa.5tal Per:r«>nnt>l A2en ASSEMBLERS ;~{~;i~~Li~::~i~·s·i,} ~'l~~~~t:s~~SIRCATIOM ~~:t;i~~¥?8~~;~~~~ _"Y_·_~_u_JO~rF~~E lnnediat•· Bch&Slater,8411-~. • .. ~\-_• r1denllal. Ad 11484. c 10 Adttslft-Models OpeMMJI few ~!'.~ ... !~~~ #501 0 ~.~:;.~ r:.;~~ .;!!~;;. Microweld : Resr:nsible, working T.....t 5450 fo r m ovies & v Ass bl wb rd t er see ll s one ••••••••••••••••••••••• · 'S . A. M .. ' <Sc r ec n em er .. e r oom cottage 1n ArtlstsMgmnl)comes to .} Corona del Mar or Costa The Daily Pilot now has a Fem. crew wanted. Leav· o.c. wtover 20 yrs exper Mesa. Quietness eisen· n e w • ' BUS I N ES S T 0 ing Npt. Bch 3.23.79 to 1n show business. If you Second Shift Only Ual. Write Classir1ed Ad BUSINESS" classification to Cabo San Lucas via 6Sft are interested in a career #206, Daily Pilot. P.O. provide a conveni ent method sad yacht 2 week min tn movies or telev1s1on WNh e--'...c• ... W-Box 1560, Costa Mesa Requirements : Good "S.A.M."wllloe holding ...,....... 'T' 93626. Of buying Or dis posing Of looking. cook . clean & interviews, Mo n · Fri . trclMNc boitdi"9' vf 15() to anyone who can rind me a low rent Bach. type apt in Balboa Peninsula a rea. De tai ls . Wil l 673-6172 Business items. ha ppy. Contact · Britt rrom 11AM-4PM dt 1s11 1-11 •IKfre>ttlc 01- Reynolds 'h.Ardell Yacht w K utt' 11 a " 1 29. Htll!Mles. lxfNritnu Se ll your s urplus . overstocked or no longer needed items or supplies of any kind. Whether buying or sellin#l see our "Business to Business" classification #5010. For more information and to place your ad, call 642-5678 Ship Broker. Npt. Bch Anaheim . or 1•an 633-2233 with Mlcro1olderln9 Slip1'30,Cha1lenge for eppt . as k r o r ....._ ~h _ ... ~ ''S.A M.··. _. _.._ -.. ,.._.-Est== l~~~~~~~~~I =It uu ... m.ly ••••••••••••••••••••••• ADtii41HISTRATIVE 7005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gourmet Thal cooking ~: J.sl. session free. Oall Van.porn S48·04SS .,. W..ttd. 7075 SICllT AlltY Wt offer uud.jt S m•ll psyc h iatri c wogea oftd f;t,ite hosplt•I. So. O range lltMflt .. County . Good s k1 ll8 necessary . Som e me dical termlnolog)' helpful. 496-5702 o r 831-1774 ....................... --------- Wanted ~ltJon H back office medical asst Gradu•le o f S .C .C flhdicaJ Ir Dental Coll C•ll 642·0063 As k for Patty ----·--...- ADt4M Tl to S IZK FeePald A.Siert bu." colleac grad sought by preatlaiou corp. Call 8111, 833-2700. AllO fee jot>A. Denni' & Dennis P e r 11 onn o l Service or lrvlne. 2082 Nicbelaon Drtve. ; • I ' rs 1 " ~ •r 17 ... IJ8 OAILY PILOT 111-:-t • 'r I' '.W I\ ~ ~ IP" I' ·' , 4 1 m.a .~ ...... 1 .. rl' ~ ~ I _)\_ T q A.,wt ltpuin C.,.. Senk e -.ctricll ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• <Save Mooer Licpr'd C.1'1)1.lt lnatallinj l:LECTRlCIJ\N l'n ~rd Dr1vmya•Park1n11 lot ' n •pal" RHironallle rllbl (rt.~ C'llht\lllC uo •RC'paln •Sulrn.it1n1 Tony1ll"ll1· <t!n 31M8 latt:\'1>t1n111llJ11~ •Lil' J'."B . C'M S&S MTllfWAYSPE\:IAl. U ct'NIOO bl.IOJ)9 ~phalt 64'; 411'1J l'a'll("ll Mram c lunf'd "-dMf .. *""'"' :any S•l at ~1.ulln& lu u ••••••••• • •• • • • •. • ... •••••••••• •••••• •••. ••. pn~ Comm ur ltt'.'-ld MowlllJl, ~11&•011 " UARYSITl l-.R l.lr'd M) ~·~~ m ,.."' M2 Mfl2 CIC!1U1 llJI Jo1>10 hofnt· Hot lwwht'!I I.()\ M..u~·r l"ti't' l'lt l ;irJM•I _ Oal 8311 31'.'IO 1011 rar t• t M ar•·oi u· _. 1 I ~ ~Ir """' t•flH' n h•lils:g t.C~ "'alkd \nur rarpt't In ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...._.•w•lce Hull""ct !1.\M )l'M (;~mr\lt ... 1i .. nu11 & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 4 landac:J:'"ll (,,,.,,,,H. UIVOKcr. Imm t1tin.: to Cebu... rbuiN 1U12 ~nal0 ~!JW ~:~un L.·11•11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• YAHi) IH.JlJV 1':NATlllN !)pi S l\111111! n.•h•n1I nutnl•"V' frl'I' trl mnHnll & r1 1"'\'PING An·ur,.11• r .. ,, ,., for SS>f1 OC'C'A'1111n tt!IJ'al Y•HI 1 lt•14nuf1 & 111•i.t 2\l )n1 1•\p M.irh' No au1tar, whl lluur 'Prll\IC pl11nt1n1t I ul1 ~~ ~~ ~~ RANh.ttl 1•n'\ c-..t/Co-c....t• •\'to.ft\' UlW l'Hh I ._ • l't't•i,»1rt'<l, f1l1'(I l\llllph•t ••••••• •••••••• ••• •• • • • Ill\ La111.l111·11fM' 111.11111 t••I Sii<> \ ll lllll l , , .. 1 l'omplrt~ C'\•nt n •ll Job ll H {,fooff, !l-l'I ?Ill) 1\-pm.I( ~· \4111 w t \ uu r t 11r m., ' .. 1 1• m111w\ R111> , .... ~.,. stJnnkll'f ln•1>1llalJ1111' ~ II ~011 .,. .. 11\ lh1• rtj.'hl l<l'p1u111 N1·w IJ.,.11'. ,_,,r(i.., l''Oll~Ull W·~:rfrr CWtd c.... d t•.an Ul.11\ .. nd ,hrul1 .... Wnl11111 '\II iu•t\" ._., •••••••••••••• •••••••• • u,.. rt•movitl \!'ii ~~l.•1 11\tm n·~1·u1 l'h 1hr..u11h t'tuld 1·iare. jll)()(I h111n1• h'lllll.IC 71~ 1;.a:i. 1tr.:~ companiuoi.h1p f1•n1r1l l 111rn up" llJul111 1•. ) ltl'd. C'll.·nur'I" 55t. Jll!lll I ,, nch 1 "11111 i• Im m 1· ii ~f•r ... , Vll'lllV. 1..1:! U:lll1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CGRtroct~ (~f11(•nlt·r fo't n: 1-.... 1 .\n ~ "'\' )ollb (\ill \II.tu 11f l'un)' tl.<W 8&'9 t 'llSTOM lott'nor ('.;rix•otry by ~y • 64:.!-l!Ao9 C-Ompl reoovat1Z. int 1•'<1 r11l1ine1 mnk" f'H/\11 l(('nll\'ating s.•rv1('1• .... ~ 37<19 IJJU'" C11rpenlry ;JO yr' t•At Door::.. w1nllowo, pat:n5. remodeling t'lt. !Jr Ins. 5.51 2054 Call 1>42 51",711 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~l.3htv St•rvh·•· ~1ov..1n~. lh•modt•I r«'p•lt 11111 1-<h~111~. 1h•11nu., t-11·•· l'aqit'lllr) vlt1° t11n1· l1>I Uon 7:'11 235:i l'N/bm11.ru.hip 16 ~r' 111 '1\.•u l.fr d Mr l'wl11m GtMrd s.t-vicH bo l"'2 831 ~ ~t·.,. C'(lfl>-1. apt & rt•!Jld•·n 1.11 li.alh &i lot r ..rnoch+. ~m l'oncrete & (lla,lt•r p11tr tun_g, hr 640 8'Mt. t: (' fo'RANK .. :~ lil'n Contr Add a room, 1mp11" .. ti73-S92011nyt1m1• I-ind what vou war\I in U.11ly 1'1101 CIJ::.::.1l w1I ' ••·•·•·••··•········••· •MR. FIXIT• \arpenrt-r JHll11l1nt: J<.,.ts r&tt'li 1:, )I '> rn Brea ~-1752 •ACC'OUSTI<' <'Isis rl's proy1'<I. 1·111npl ctrvwnll sc·rvit"t' 968 !WW7 IDOIT ALL 548 490!1 - f Wednnday. Marc h 14, 1979 : • L a ~~ 1 1 , ~ I 1 > ~~ , ... I ) I ~ ~l ·~ I I ~. I ',I 1 I • ~I ) ... 111 ~I • ~~ • .j .... Lia ...... ~-s,o.ti. ~ ....... u .... ,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ti" l\lum1num ~N1ml1•-11 lwat"Cl IJfl rruunrl Cu'llUlll m.MJ,,. 11n JOI> M:t r ill42 or ~I~ .. ~ .. ••••• 1 ••••••••••••••••• 11,\NDYMAN SK1tv 1n ;• l\ll kind.a ol l't'patr Fr l'l' t-lllJfNlt.,. !Wi! !1"2 • RO Hi N'S 11 oui-; F.· 0 .1'.:ANINC S~KV ICf': ror II thorousihly clt.'Ull howl•· s.w ~7 ----Waot 11 lll':ALLY CLt:AN l lOUSfo;" Call C.1n.:hwm Olrl f''r1-.• rttl. 645·512.1 Hartford & Sat.co <l.iom malOru')'. p11t1ot . SJ>('rioht1n1t In a uto 4i fireplleft. wa,lla. a ardon homeowner coverages "' retain. 100 • of local 11.,.._ m a MW512 l-.Alsoc..a-. ......... ~0582 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Moving Out & About'"' Jcfttortal "Don't Delay. Call To 11.emarlrnbly ciftectual ••••••••••••••••••••••• day" Locul & slate w1dr 11eaaon{'(Jl11dy \o Otr1C"1'. l n du~trial , serv. 24 hrs. 7 days ho~'\cllet'p & C'l•·11n r <'s t aura n t & hum c S40-4844 ltt'r••r•. ll11nJym.1n Notrworthyrefrrrncei. clt'lltling Rera L1c/bon· ---------1• ll m1 b I" I< t• 1 t' c. Audrt•y 642 OOSJ __ dl.1.I ·;;..;.;..;..11_na_~ __ 5_166 ____ Movi ng & h a ul1n g . wnnk er pa1n11ni:. l'lt' -f're1gb1. bldg maten all. Any h11hld rl•fiuil l'loy Walls. ('('\lings. floors & L.-dtc111Plwt tnhld goods etc. Lowest 1"'2 1• 11t\ 4 wtndows clea~ ... ••••••••••••••••••••• rat~• in to wn . J oho II u .......... -._ A 1 •. 1.... 846·614~ European La ndscaper ~~ "' .-" "' ·~ --Top work Fair prico. llt'plj~'fl, VIUt1lb 'rpntry • llotL'lel(et'pt'r & baby'11\ HefS. 64&-41171 dyK/eVes. ... ..... /Papering lllr t. 1t ha r1·nio1ld ter Xlnl refs ln~nda 1------"'-----••••••••••••••••••••••• t.U UJU2 h~ Own tra03 &46·5687 BEACJI CITIES ----Landscape & malnt. Hm6MJ ~ 0-.&tTell r.61-JGUeves ........................•••.••....••.••....... {)( ·c M11fl1•nt 1 Tun trut"k 1'1 w.h. tu~t' In m 01rn IMZ ;t13t Hon tl42 570J l.1lt' huulln~ mov1nl{ 1;.,r,1111· \'41rl.J de11n111i: IWti.'> I Utt'« &-1:' 1'105 I luuh11Jl & l 'lf·unup •~ 1•11rnm·1 •11..? 111~ rm :.tm ll.1111, :>klplouder. dump lr1t. 1;r:-.drni: trc.•e wrk. llemoht1ons ell' 831 1257 l'll'lUl up, concrete brenl< in.i & haulrng. Fast. ellr r1ent. Reas. 64s-85l2 Mike's lfauUng Servrre S20pt-r load maximum A11{ dump trur k ~-145 l ----H.dth& HMtttt Clubs .......••...••.••..•... II t' ad a c h 1• I M 1 g r a n l' ., ~llt'rtah11ng 1n prompt r r l1ef P hone Gl'nc ~ 19H.i Mi~our M anne~ Inc S P E C I A L I Z E 0 Uo 00 reliable people.• LANDSCAPE Atrium. v.111 ~ ror your home & Japanese design, r ain· ..., 5701 bow planllng, fountain pet:s 0 ' 11 wnterfall. Do 1t nl(ht thl' Malw-e youni< Chnstian 1s t trmr. call C le n 'l> lady seeks housesitt1ng L.andscal>t' 759-04511 arrange me nts. Cull art tl 213 434·730'l -hlcomt Tax ••••••••••••••••••••••• INCOMET/\X RETUHNS Prompt, reac;onablc Nl'wport Bch. !IJ3-8199 LINDA'S TAX SERVICE Pers1Bus Income Tax Call 8424>439 lor appt. ---------BUS & Pl!:RSONAL fm'(1ml' Tax rNurns Call 640 1700 ror appt If you're not rrnl11n1? thl' httlc ads in C:l:1!!s1f1c·d. you're mtS.Sm~ a lot or r\l'Wl'>Y mforma11on ,,.., w1•ll as some ~real huy!t - ---- Let Us fn~tall a N !<. W I. a n d ll c a p t' o r H£.JUVENATI!: The Old Onll. st. cont r. Ill'. ll:.i4419645--6716 --------Lawtt Sprinki.n ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUNIUSESrRINKLERS Plan now for Summer ' Conserve water w tour ir ng. systems Free est l.1r 367672 Hutcheson & Sllcf 632·11716635 35213. Mmonry ••••••••••••••••••••••• linckwork Small Joh~ Newport. Costa Mesa & ..!:_v~~5 3~ ev~- Clas1nf1l'd Ad11 642-5671! PETERS PAINTING Expr'd, Rea11 Rates Free Est. Call Gene ~ Prol pamting. Ext & Int Low rates Refs. Free est. 531H7ll0, S36"'4m ----- WAu.PAPERING ltefs offered t:ves. r..J1.ns. 675-1266 QUALITY PAJNTING lnt/Ext Neat Reasona· ble Wayne llXOY EI 646-8226 Save On Wallpaper Slivc On Paperhanging Prof & R~ason Call 751·9171 ~~-------C us t.o m Wallpapenng All Work Guar Free Est 673 4158 Int Pamt & wallpaper (Jual work. reJb pr f'r~ est Steve 547-4281 flsM: exter P&inung by R SI.nor St Lie· • rm. T ry me K36-S5.S5 24 hrs W""9/P.,.,..CMJ hal Stnlc•, R•pol" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EXCELLENT Action Pool Service PAJNTING l'ool &t<rvi"'' uvall. Reas. rtleft, Fret: est S:.iuatacuon 1tunr S48 2706 Expr'd Greg & f'r1.1n k_640 m1 Pa1nl.ln1 & pa penng. 26 ~ & R•pa.lr yrs Harbor area Sl Lie •••••••••••••••••• • •• • • 113281 Refs. &t2 23~ Kit . bat.M. romp room Addi\. Carpentry, rl<'rl Palntln a I NT!l•:X T H&(; Construction . Neat. hoMst. reai; . 12 !i'IK-05l2 yrs. exp . Llc'd. Oavr -- 964-100. Kitchen & flath fo'lnc11t in cabtnl'try d1°'9):n f'rr(' Cullom Pa1nUng 12 yrs ~l Ht·nta11c k1tc·h1•111o, exp.C.M •• NO.arPa I'm r.s1-0428£1ob small. prireA a re small .:-a_ ------ 67s.~4 an sPM. ._ .. ..., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.._JR.,..r Kllp&ir & ll..roo r. Al l ••••••••••••••••••••••• typl'' '<hlnl(lc•" ='iatcheil & tcxture3 rock11ht1h' rompo tJt IST. 1•1·109 Pr~ lllil 54 1 5930 t·rn --Ava.II PATCJI PLASTERING ---- A I I t y pes frrr ftc r oor & rcgnir /\II esthn::tes CallS38 71l3 t ype!! Lie" Work Plas t e r Pa t chlrll! P las t er. !\t ucC"n & gunr:-.ntced 2i hr M.2 ~196 drywall Int /Ext Frrc lt&n or Shuw 1(()1)(1111: est 546-1641 Goorr;:_I' __ Sh<•kc. i.hrniclt• 1·11111Jl • n•1·11v1·r Shinith· ::.ult• Ho m es. Add1t1on s. waJi tor your ext. John Re 'l tUCl'O Over 115 Blockwalls Low rate., !171.l 7779 ~4892. ------------r,.... S..-.ice ~ •............•..•...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Land.'leuping, spnnklc•r., Plumbmg repair Spec. 1n t rt-1! service & f.lnl remodeling.copper re rleanup M c Ween1·y pape Free t>!ll Top Hal L.anchcu~ f;.t~M24 Plumbing. 537 ·3l~ Upholstery Cl~anilHJ HOMESAVERS Plumb ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10$1 & healing. Free Any so( a Sl8 95 guar.111 estimates $15 hr . Honest teed Quality worlr & r cllablc service t;conomy prl<"e. Ml·'>a BA/MC OK 979·806S St!rv1l'f"l'o 548 9490 Ingram Plumbtnl! reas rates on repair !> Reprpes. r emodels . 64&-6394 ------ St-lllnf.l anything w11h a Da.ily P1 lot CIJ-.s1flcd Ad .. , a srmple m.itl.er JUSt call 642-5678 Help Wanttd 7100 HetpW~ 7100 ....•..••.............. ..••.•.....•.•....•.... ~~~.~ ..... !!.~~ ~~!,~.°:~':.~ ..... ?!.~~ ~~!.~.a.~•:.~ ..... ~!.~~ Help Want.ct 7 I 0 0 Http Wanhd 71 00 Hlfp Want.cl 7 I 00 H1fp Wanted 7 I 00 ·······················' .••..••..•....••.•••.......••••.•.••...•..•...•••...••..•.•••.••..... ASSIMILERS PACkOS WAREHOUSE TRAINEES OR EXPERIENCED c;oc>r> PAY NO FEE 1'1\IU WF.EKl.Y NO RELL TtftlPCN'ory s ..... ices f\;t•WJ)Ort ~49·8071 4341 Birch 11202 Santa Ana 558·9021 1.'iOI AN Tustin t: 0 F. M /1" --~ ~---- A.-...-.oc Rep t ra inee New Co in 0 C a rea needi. men & women or couple!! for P /T work . Ma ny benefits for n itht people OJ II for appt 731-8920_. _ l\uto Merh a n n·s . 1\11 cah•J?orr e:-. Ford ex µerwnce prc-rern'<i Top pay pl31f & benef 1t:o. See ~rv1ce mli(r. Phil Lon1t 1.-ord. Ir vi n e Au t11 •Babysilll'r for lnfonl Banldnii Fee Paid Live m hle h:.sk.: ref T!U.Y to $8400 n on . s mo k c r 0 an a Cash·in on golden career Point / Niguel a rea w /po p b r anc h . l'all 499-4597 / 831 6234 evt's Ela.me. 833 2700 Also fee --JObs. Dennis & Dl'nnts &byi1ltter needed. T ues Personne l Scrvll'l' or & T h u r s. 7 :30A M · Irvi ne, 2082 Mrchcbon 4 30 P M. 0 w n t rans On \'C req $2.00 hr. fi73-85flfi ---------- BanlunJ? TELLERS lndt>pendl'nl hank ha~ 1mmed opening fur Full & part time Tellers dl'~•r lf\IZ. advanceml'nl p<>h•n llal Contact Ms. Davis 841S-l.234 E U .. : I' ACI f''IC.: CITY BAN K Bankmg J. Rarmaids ·asw & exp no pmbl£'m, Port 17. (' M fi4G.3('~; (or 111 t l'f \' It' W BEAlrflCI /\:" w /loll for Nrwpl'lnrr Inn 644·ll™H or fi40·H~<! Acauty Operator HAIRDRESSER & Manirunst 11t•l•ll1·d !:>ca Mist flairst) lrng 963-8282 H B. CJIAIHSIDE DF:NT/\l. ASSISTANT. hrly, 548·1262 'hur ch Secretary. Laguna Beach. Xlnt lyp mg (70 WPM l. record kl•e pln g ski l ls, knowledge or off1re machines. Call for in t1•rVll'W, 49-1·7565 CLERICAL i\ppl now bemg takl•n ror suhstilUll' Cll'rk $o1 Oll per hr. typ1n~ spd 40wpm rerid Apply 11 B City Sehool Dist, 735 Mth St.~ll851. NOTE CLERK Minimum 2 years ('nm merclal bank Note Ucpt. expe r . Respon In~ Installment & Com'I Loan proceMmg & In· comin11: & outgoin11: 1·01 lect1oos. Med ty~nng. & ClERlCAL Mut urt• peri.on for clcriral office work Ml.l.'lt be able to use 10 key adding machinll, lttc Bkkprf f yp1!it P 'T You typrng & general offi ce name lhe hrs st 00 per 752 2598. ask for Sharon hr. Excellen t ror .----------h o us cw 1 v £' :o.. 567 9327 847 2212. Dk.kpr 1"/C. Contracting preferred. C M art·u . 548-5543 hvy calculator sk1ll11 We •-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.-. a re 1nt e r l'st e d 1n qualJl1ed applrcant!l for a professiona l environ· menl. Good salary & benefits. · Oerlcal CLStlCAL JOIS The following jobs arc available im mediately in lhe Orange & lrv1 nl' ureas. TYPl~'TS <4Swpm l KEYPUNC:ll S ECR F.TA RY (w /or without Sl 11 10-KEY C.:lcncal STOP SPOTS NEVER A n :J-! GLAMOUROFC $700 Entry level Gcnl ofr I l" qs fast lcanwr w /rwrur type, phone relief. RECEPT $800 Good pcr,.011al1ty 1 i.harp appt.•Jr for t111:hl\ vL"ble spot I h )' phone~ Gvod benefits. ClYKTYPIST $650 Sal uwrcusl' 90 dJys & Il!Udays Lovely Fash Isl of<' Must type~wpm GREET PUBLIC $800 Great arch1t firm want:-. bubbly ix:rsonah ty lnr front desk. Phones , t ype 60+. FTNVLY $800 f'ront ore recept, type 50. lot-.of vancty Ncwofr's Good benefits. Riv~ PH"Sonnel t714t 833-9410 ~Business Ctr Dr Ste2!ll In in1· 7()pen7:30 Ii Clcncal Customcr Sen•"·c Rcprl-:.enta ll ve Local olfrce or national <'Ompany ha<; openlnl! for pcri.ort who likes lo work Y.llh lhe pubhr. ra~h"'r mg, crrd1t 1nvc'>trgat100 & gt>neral off1re worl. Pd vac. 5 day week. TY Pl' 35wpm. Publw Fmunrc Corp Jt\11 r·: 17th St C'cit.tJ \fr'>a Ca 92627 r'41i-4*11 Equal Opportunrt~ l':mployrr l.>t•hvl•ry, your H'hrdt'. pu11crs 10 ('arncr!I Xlnt part-time 1ncom 1• Wl .. .,\m1n s tcr, ll u11t Bl' a ch . ~ u 11 l :s I\ n a lll'rald J:o:xam1ncr MS-M.2fl ---------·-Delivery & 8..'51St m non sl !thOp ~1744 DF:IJVEHY If you nd a c1ern1 pay P rr Job $4 $fi hr+ evs 5-9pm, Mst have own tmsp 531-0IUI ----Del men over 18 for I.A Times 10 NB & CM Perm/p·l. $350/$400/mo 64&-~ -·------- DEMONSTRATORS Your a rea fo'ri & Sal lmplor llNilf VETERANS Jobt&JobT~ Av ..... Fofo """"'°'td v...,..... U•incJ '" 0,... Comty PrOCJ"GIUn:er /~ SS.00 '"" How Pliant Sde1 $5.00 '"" How AdftliN1tratlvt MmtOCJ10Mnt Tran... $6.00 to $7 .00 '"" How M•tweMKa..dc $5.00 to $6.00 ,.,. How Cltrir CilftWGlf Offk• $4.00 Per How SMppiMJ & RK-'YlcMJ Sl.75 rtrHow MachiM S......, Opet"alor $4.50 to $7.00 , .... how • Die Mallw $5.00 rer How GARDENER Opening currently ex1~h for rehable 1ndlv1duJI Knowledge of plants & 1r nRat1on helpful. EnJ11y xlnt l'Ompany benc•frl' Applt 9a m ·l2 No1111, Moo/Fr• Per!>onnel. MARRIOTT HOTEL '.01 Newport \t-nlrr [Jr 1'•·.,. port Beach Equal Oppor E:mply m I <ias Allenrlant Im mt•cl ~·mployment. daily 1'nm · m1SS IOfl 644.446(} c:eneral INVENTORY Control & HC("('1V1ng person neetll'd 1mmed. Mus t be rxp w /Carde x sys. r;:oo cl w /frg & paper work. llarbor & MucArthur Bl. Santa Ana. 751-7901. --------·-c;aieral omce LOAN SALl-:S CL ERK - for warehouse & GNMI\ l'OOI sh1ppmg Exp dt' <,rrahle M us t t ype 4Swpm Cenlt'r. 768 ~. --~,Applicants should cnn· ................ ~ ~rt ILDG ENGINEER Expen r nre in h:gh rise bwldlnK ma1n ll•nancc.· /\Ir cond1\t0nJnj! CX · perrence wou Id I)(· helpful. permanent rull lime. Excellent ben<'r1ts Apply GENERALOFFICF: You can choose your own hours & days lo work. Top pay & excellent bOnus plan. E.O.E. STAND-By -$345 hr-to sta-rt. Call 541 07l8or 892·3fl00 Perts M• $3.50 '"' haw TYPIS'T P ff1me-4 hrs day To opt>rate Rur· lllUl{hs DOC Preparation mach Must type 5-0wpm a('('uratcly Hoth pos sal r ommen w /t>xp Ca II l'ersonncl, 640-4580 ext 244 .. E O.E. AUTOMOTIVE CAREER POSITIONS NOW AVAILABLE I I 12 "Ur'AJEDA MANUFACTURERS BANK 12()1 Dove Street. NA (714) 752-0600 K O.E. THE IRVIHE CO lint Cam elbark Newport Beach 644·9010 BOATS Call or stop in today. VICTOR Ttmp0t0it"f Servic•s 4341 Birch St , Ste 213 Newport Beach 556-8520 Dental Asst ROA Ortho. I Many hmporary posi· yr exp. lull or p/t1ml• tions for all forms of Npt Bch. Ph M2-2040 derical work w /top -0-'e-n_t_a_I _r_e_c_e_p_t_1_o_n_1 s-l Orang• Co. com• Newpo rt o frlce. Jo:x · pa.nies. Work tem· pcnenccd. Age not a fa{' t:;:ry whll• i n· tor 644-ms WincJ f« ~rma· •DEHTALASST.• Rhtt Carfridge AIM~ $3.50,..,. ..... Salet I J-'lor s.,,IH $3.50 ,.,. c ........ •S t-.:RV I CE TRAINEE •l'NSTALL~R •M&HANIC M G R Banking ~tLSt Pacific S.ocraft ha.'I 1mmcdia1e openings for lhe rollowtng . Touch up Detailer 777S. Main Orange 835-2622 Mnt. For mo,.. info Responsible. m a t ure cG1: Dtborah. "Stand-person ror d ynamic of By'". (A subsidiary of fice in Westminisler. 5 Bectro..lcs TKWcf• $3.50 ,.,. How GENERAL OFFICE F.lect ron1c d1s tn bu tor. located in lrvane, nf'ec.ls J(irl for oflrce d uties Good opportunities plus f'x cellc nt company benefits . C-Onlact : Boh Tracy. 8a m ·5pm , Mon t.hru t'r1 Phone 549-0954 Excellent starting 11alary and workrng condition~ ... 1th opportunities for ad vancemenl. f\Jll time l'mployces re cclve hospitalization in i.urance and pens lor fund Apply tn person to : PEP BOYS AUTO SUPPLY STORE 2796 Br111tol St Costa Mesa or ISJOS Harbor Blvd Fullerton or UO E lat Street Santa Ana or 15221 Beach Blvd Westminster Fulle rton S avings & Loan seeking Teller ror Newport branch. T yping reqs 35w_pm. c all 1714 l 871-4244 for appt. t-:q ual Opper Employer . BANKING NOTE TELLER St.ockroom clerk Only ex p e r lencl'd personnel who la ke pnde in quallly work need a P· ply :on S Su!4an. SA 751·1343 IOOIUCEEPER F /C Pos. w/prom. F' I R r-:. Invest. firm. Xlnl oppty for e x p & mat ure ~urily Pacific Bank ~rson. Call 640·01Z3 hM an immediate open· 1-'---------- ing for a Note Teller with BOOKK EEPER fu II at le ast 1 yea r e x-r har ge salary. days, perience In a bank or pnvate club. 673-3515 s avi n gs a nd loa n .1 -'-------~--1 Newport Beach area. IOOKJ<EEPER Cmlfor~t•nt C114t551·2136 SECURITY PACIFIC BANK Exper ienced In restaurant uccount m g ror the rinesl restaurant In Laguna Beach. Must have refe rences & be willing lo begin work Im· mediately. Salary open 752-6600. CAFETERl A HE LP. Irvine area. lull & pa rt An AtrirmaUve Ume, day,s & evenings. a.sue.AL NORRELL NEEDS YOU! <M.mty's Best Rates VACATION P AY No Fee Paid We ekly WF,HAVE NEE O FOR: STENOS Cl.ERK TYPISTS SECaET ARIES DATAEHnY PIX/RECEf'T GEN.OFFICE JOIN THE TEAM OF NORRELL PROFES.5IONAL TEMPORARIES! A<tloa Employer Servlnf · sandwiches & ~~~~~~~I ~ tie1p. 994.2331 ror ~ fl ~ RJYMrcl PenoM•ll. day week. Call Pegj?y. 2082 Business Ctr Dr 893-2'll. Ste200 Irvine Dental assistant, chair Open7:3().6 side. Newport Reach. Bectro MadtMlc .. A•se•.,tr $4..00 ,.,. How pleasant group practice Sectro.ica AIM...,tf' Ocrk Ty])i.st·Part Time. Exppref'd. 640-1122 $'".SO p-u-F\nancial Business de· ... ... .---- sl res mature wom an DESIGNER with good s k:lls ror 315 years experience in Strwchral Shel Wortiw genera l oHice duties. INAC&/orplumblng dc $4.SOPerHow Newport Beach. 752·8123 sign ror commerclal/m CLERK/TYPIST ln loan closing depart· ment for local mortgajlt' broker. Some expen ence preforred Near Fashion Island. Call 644·8824- dustr ial application Mechanical engineenng ~ w.tal '*"c.tor finn near O.C. AJrport $4.00 Per Ho.I' Xlnl benefits Incl. profit I ti A,.ty .. Er +lo1wat & T,......, A*JJtou-of sharing. thArt+.wjloa IHch. UI Mola Sfrfft .......... '-:h. Baum & AMoc. 54()..7622 Cul -17141 SU.2526 w Ht-H54. Y• _., DI SPATC HER ·Sm a II INioN) DD-214. a I a r m co mp a n y . -------------------dayll m e. 228 t~ores t COUNTE R Help ror dry Ave . Laguna Beach c leaners. Apply in --.,...--=-------1 pe rson lo: Dimmitt OistnbulJon Roule: So. Cleaners. 3200 E. Cst OrMge Co. Call 4PM · DRIVERS Equipment rental yard Newspape r de li ver y. needs man ror general Permanent part·time job duties. 2075 Harbor Blvd. delivering early momlng _c_._M ______ _ --------G ENER AL O F F I C'fo: T yp i s l s, accu r a t e 40wpm. call 549-3942. General Offi ce · Ille typ. ~ & bookkeeping. Call Newport floor Coven ng lor 67!).11136 mlerview. GENERAL OFFICE Hwy. Cdm. 7PM 64.S-4767. LA Times t.o homes In lrvioe/NB area . Mus t be reliable & have dependa· ble transportation. No colleding. Salary $350 The Orange Coust Daily Pilot has an 1mmedia1c operung 1n our Class1l1rd Department tor a full tJme person. Duties 111 <'looe 10 key a dder. f1hni: and hie typing. Some bookkt'ilPIO& cxpen t'nr<• he l p ful bu t nol ~ary Salary com me ns urate wit h rx. pt-rlencc. F.xrellenl com •ESCORTS• pany benehls For m· Lori's 12now hiring. l.ef"View. plea~c rall: COUNTER Help for dry DRAFTS POSOM mo.54&-0235 clea ne r !I. Apply In HVAC&/orplumblngex· person, YES Onr lfour pcri enc e ne cessary . C I e a n e r s . 1 !) II 8 5 Mechanical engineering Brookhurst. 118 firm near O.C. Airport. --------· Xlnt benefita Incl. profit sharing. HIVllS 962·2391/644 2978. Personnel Office ISC&OW MA.HAGER 642-4321. ext '1:17 &crow company seek· ORANGE COAST Ing quallried exper 'd DAILY PILOT wortllng manager Lo take 330 w Bay St. Equal Opportunity £mpl.oyer M /F Banldt:1 -------·rc_Atervi_R_E_;-;-a-~-:t-~-v-.-s-ta-t-ie ~ ~~ Farm Agency. needs as· slat ance In ca s ualty operation 842-7435 Counter Help: 11·3. Mon· Fri. Apply Delaney's Sal· ~y Sama. 280 S. Coast Baum & Alsoc S40·7622 ~A~ur~o~,A~RT~s~I SYt1TCH80ARO Taf11PUary SerYk•• ttwy. Laguna. DRAIMMEH! Men or women 25 y ra or older. Know lbe coast dt.les. Net $180 a week or mor e. Orange Const Yellow Cab, 11300 Mt. Herrmann . Fo unta in Valley. (No of Slater be twn Ne wh ope &i charge. Outstanding opp· Coela Mesa ty for flnanclal & pro-Equal Opportunity resslonal growth. Our t.:mployer employees are aware of --------- Mlnl~~~~!ber OPERATOR Cashie r Part Time. cicptS1entt.M"'8t be well H .....-.&fo-'becL Res t aurant Mon.Fri. Newport S49"'807t COUNTER HELP Top par .•. meddica l ~~· •"•1 Blrr h II""" Reiponsible .....,rson P tr. s urance "' pai va · ~ 'w. ... ~ t1ons . Must have own Santa Ana .558·9021 Captains Mikes f'1sh Fry l.Nck Wil l train. Apply this ad. Send resume & GENERAL OFC salary requlrement.s to . Variety pos handtin11 nll ClasslOed Ad 1415, Daily ore procedur es. cor PUot, PO Box 1560. Costa l't.'ll)lOOdence. ph wor k & Mesa. Ca. 92626 It bkkpg. Mature, respon &tOOrned ,.. per.,....abl.. Y.-.,... " 11·2:..n...m. Jac k·lrvlne Rard work' It gOOd pa"".Y htto th IHIHu Clu~. 754-7500 wtth .-rowinir company. Wortd md M¥• tMt ~l·A N Tualln ~2875. In person to 1337 S F.1 Toro Suite 200 1 S l An A k 23491 El Toro Rd Couplea·Mo l nte na n cc Bnslo · an a 8 · 5 .:-....•d Marine mechanics & tr 11 d sk for Karen Stewart. ""'" Id f Euclid) fnendly pe~ w 1$1ood typ. IJ\$1. Conslr bkgd help... Start sal St™> up. call Jean. ~0-60M. Coastal ~I Agency, 27!111 Harbor.CM Call 558·2500 for In · -...ct41.•• , .. , we t.ervlew appt. __...•to lff Y"- AJ&o trans. R • R man. ~. preferttd. MUst W. """9 • ....... HAVE OWN TOOLS. twl~1•:d op1rillor ___ 2-______ ............ .... Babysitter needed part OM.~ Orne 12.SO per hr. Own t notPortatlon. CdM -.11s-oz:n Bab111u er Wo rlclna mothu need s m a tur• woman Uv•ln babyaltttt ~~daanlt for room ' ~. 21.J.Q0.7'127. lllbyaiUer for 2~ yr. old boy ~ time. 6"·5U7. COi~ .... L a ,,... .. Tues·Wed 9: 00.3pm man w e. re e ve e ---------DRUG CLERK ror pre· painters. Top $ pa or E OE. M ,,.. ~ .. ~Is t m an ager DttlVHS scri ... '-store. exper 'd, qualified person.nel. App· ....,.__,, """"' I l,y Udo Ship Ya rd. 900 Fort:ousehold gooda,ex· IO·S. Mon.f r !, fr n ge Lido Park Or. N.B. CUSTOOIAN penenced. good drtvtng benefits. 1-1111 Pharmacy 673-7Z12 CASHIERS UTOTEM MARKETS Clerical To work in tchools days rerontover 2l.loca l611 1441 A voc ad o . N . 8 . ---------PJTIMIDAIMH "l\ipq. On call baal1 Westem ,3pc>111IUooaopen 6t0-6S64 E:rp'd salad lady. Exp'd liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ___ _ Enlr" level posit ion . on1¥ (&.lb1Utuw1l. $4.54 ln EIToro.788-0643 ~-Clerk . -metlclan wallen, busboys. Call GENERAL OFt'IC~ ALL JOBS FREE ODemna now avall1ble ~I exams. Vanout t,:s~m~ntitt~ ~c~~lj Or1ver wanted: your vehl· ";;..~en~;tlh cards Mr. Stockdale •ft IOAM T YPIST ttif' fuO and part•tlme aetalled duties. Llaht O\at. 14121 Ceda rwOOd cJe wllh Insur .. deliver· &gifta. 640-7373 411M078/49&-3939. Qimeworlt temJ)Orary Caahien on 2nd • 3rd t y P I n It • n d n e 8 l Wettmlnlatcr. E 0 .E . lna papen lo carriers. LE C TR 1 C 1 A N FACTORY TRAINEF.-Cora oompany who can.l" 1bl«t . No experience handwrlUng required . M F X.lnt pa_rt.tJme income, E • Oood pay. xlnt future In about you. Jmmtdlal<' neeeu ary, we train WepromcMfrom wilhln. / • Weatm 1n 1ter , Hunt. JoumeymanMartne.On· flltt 1rowtn1 p last ic work-top pay C.11 ror 8Lartat..,perho\rr,ad· Apply btwn 8•11 , 1·3· --------• Be a ch , S anta An a . ly banl workerneech pp. adhesive co. 15 37 anappolntmcnl. VanctrMnt opportunJty North American Cor· CUSTODIAN , Hera ld Examl n n . ly. Call aft 8 Ron Man· Monr ovia Ave. NB . 557·00" · formana1em.ntp011ltlOC1 ~~LSc~~p~4~~ Perm anent . full time ·~ nin(C.~ll. 548-512:5 ~o~ o ffic e • l~~O eer t ho 11r1 II Beach. (Nr OC Airport). position ovallablci e t DRIVER for Auto parta Electronic Auembly - q • or nterv e-w Equal Opporlunlly Irvine Compa"t apart· siottlnCOlta Mesa area. Poeitloos open, no ex· Ga rdener , S p aciou s 0 OVe rload C:IP:i° 38, Monday .,;Ei~mplol~~y~e~r·~~~~~1 =:.n:;;~ xcellent ~JJ HalS48·3443 ~Start~~: ~n ~nfocoS:t~~:~: •oteueyre :: THlllVIMICQ SJ!:LL idle tl4m wllb a MWmforappt. _'4W013 ___ or_c_21_3_>&_31S_1_. ~~~~~~~~ · Lat. 8dL' 4'6·8a$ N 1011 C.melbaelc 09'1.Y Pilot CluaUitd Ad. Clusifled Ad11, your OOC'· l'4MI Oppor Employer Cl~f;!.~~~2.~78 Newport leach G44-90l0 60-1171. Want Ad Result.I IM2·&818 Want Ad llelp ? G42·SG'78 atop s~pins center. ' . ,. . . . ' • I ' rs .. • II ... • I 17 ! I I f • • i ' ' t .• • • 0 • v. ti "' ti E .. lro 1 •to, ... PU, Ii moi .... ·:i J . r ' I I . • 1 H•lpW•t•d 7100 ....,W..ttd 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• HftpW•t•d 1iaal 'o'Wlllidav.Marctt 1•.1m DAtL'l'ptLOT D7·, ..............•.••.. ;.~ r..... 00 ... W-.i 710 W-.1 7100 HolpW-7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l.mW-.Mt" Aic)' hu 111lt!n In& lor i(ai w 1~mr. t'Jt. Jl 1n penon.al &: com 111 ln11'ti divW"lln~ duun " 11p1o1 U' to ll'•l11 wtu11 )'OO 111 ~)' not knuw Top aatary 6'2·QOOM ~.3206 MACHINIST MIU. llANU Miit• Ofs>t, fff' Paid 5lClllTAU USO Entir1n11: po1 ofr d by prommr11t to s1•ek1na actut'vttnenl orlt>ntrd in div Call D11wn . 1133 2700 AlllO '"*' ;oo... Dt-nn111 " u ~n n111 Pera nnnc l Serv11:e ol Irvine. 2082 follcht:llon Onve. NUR SES A ID ES,' Al'!~~~•••••!!~ ~~•~•••••!!.~!1~;:'!".~~•••••~!••t'•, 1hllt1. NrwPQrt <;onv I ~ t'tlr' prt>tO-l)'iloe ma<'hlnt< ~ tn lhe ln.strumf'nt d/\111111.lfl of U\e 011 tool in d1.11try Work1n1e fro m blut!pnnt1, aktitr h•• Ai , ... .,.UMJ d'°'1an~. d1rtt1ly Cent~r . ISS5 Superior "XOPU.ATOR :~ Ave.ND. Good opportunity exlsta SalH TH" LOOK • Nur11r.1 a1da, llithl for rellible ptl'Ml'O with ~ '• housekeeping, for di1· pleuant phone m1nntir Kn own for European fa shions ln111.1ranrf", l'ropcrty &· ('nu.II)' ~·, •• IJ~(lnt')' YU Maurine '1~2 0990 t: 4) •: With f!l\jllOMnn~. lo 11., iUll In n•'W prod!K'l di• 1bl1'11 lady. !lo day wk. 118 F\ell.lble houni. Xlnt ro throuJ!hout Southern Ca looki ng tor 2 flB2.S22A company bencflu Apply or 3 "''"r css1vc rash1on ori ented ladles Dam·12 Noon. Mon/Fri. ,...'-" \lt•hJpmenl (Cir world Modttl'I Mal• Or .. "t•rrui le- wnk• w~·ll borv nu.v1a1t We netd MW focet: P /\ n T T 1 M F. Pi:nonnel who hav e a definite f ashion WAR~llOUSE.h~fle11.1 · M •RR I 0 TT bac kitround & have mana,l!ement tl(>l1 e11u1pn1ent L•tho• We IUll! u prcles11onail ble.Sl~hr 75 1·3941 -"'-ed-r 11 & HOTEL potential. We h ave imm 1ate u IMSUUMCE 900NcwPOrt Cl'nt~r Or part time PoSition~ available. . Nl"<lilJOf'l 8each Salary + comm + co benelits •·Jt.i1t·n•·ii1·'" hi·lpful tor n\odct.ia ag"ncy looklllM *Part Tl.ffie Ji"llJlr vanrt)'of 11rn11•t f\ for eXp or potential. If •·oun111tn V•llry ttr-~nf h ~ IMt'I' autn lll&UfllfU. lj¢'rnl')' h1111 OJl'4'fl 111¥!' , .. ,,,,, ,,, ... ,.. 1.,1.t•llt•nl )OU art 11('riou11 itbout , 1, d • "" I" I II' Ufht l'l~an1na. •¥Pl l.crll!lltll nu.t·k&-'~ I!: tit: moclc •lit, P l'alll! ca or •· " f a :iry u.dvaneeme nt Equal Oppor Emply mll Call ror ~ppl Mon thru Sat 10am-6pm Tll.AIMUS Soc.11~·nt•11r•· nf'f' UMDl!llWllT!RS Jr. ACCMT CLERK S.. ACCNT CLERk Glt«.OfC JtSO M1n1n1um I \t 1n 111 .. \.,· l'-'ltJ ik.o.1""'1> '-''IJI 1J .. ,.,di)" ~W"llJM'1• •<'l'WflllO!ol U! I :-11-'11Uflt' llnll1n1e t.:nn tlppl. Supervisory poi. avail . El'T 1101 . C"orpo r 111e H••ad 63l·S600 Early Eve sh1ftunly. ftlX REC quu.rt tr,, Nt-wj1urt N1•wYork West 546.0766 Permanent.fullt1me t'lt•1•h c .. 11 f7 14 I~ ~I Muclchnn A!ll"nry 1----''-"-"-"-----1 Electronlc1 mfr needs ..,.k ror Mr Mull or folr 1 __ '7:::.:>cW;_::IOO.:::::::.Sl cN~pcl0Bc•<ch_ PARTTIME someone l o o pe rate l ~"',;;;;1'~~-,~-------·I M OONl.I Ci llTIN G ·Full CLEttK 11w1tt""hboard. open & route inrom1nff miul. & time p.a y P art time Speciall y Orua Store •~ keep up w/1to·ork from MIU(.b, 11pply 'l'hl" Inn Jt "'Ork Call tor appt se1"k1n .e :ii pf'r!lon to Personnel & other depls L-.i tiUn16. 211 N Cou.sll,;"";;·;:"";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; merchandise the bou\I· Type 50·60 wpm min lfwy. l.1tir:un11 lk":t<'h 11ue dept.&.: order srhool Pre\/ cleneal exper de· Tb1•1·h,1n:1•tntl11•)1lt1J:.hl .\. .. 1.-.., C'uun1ry !.:lull )t rr.pr 1n 111,ur•nft' lo lk· '"'t') &; ll$"t t ~~ 1;:11K') Mwd..~ Ap~I)' 111 j)\'f i'>OO MOVIE EXTRAS H1•;:1unoal M i.:r (',.IL lk~-,, ... , ,.111 , , 1, ... S1l1r) cumn\('n~urJt{' Syrf N '!i:ind IOl<.'I supplies & toys on a gired but not nt•c Com · permanent part tlmt"" pa ny ts mov1ni.: t o basis. 3·5 d:iys a week. Lagwta Beach by April 9am lo ~m. No n1&ht.1 or Call for appl. lk-rkl<'y weeke Controls. Pt>rsnnnel call the store manager Dept l 7 1~1 113;1 3300 ~lunun.1!133 170t1 i\l~ult' :~ """' u iut • ·~ .. 11h t'xpr &-11.bllH) AIL J.aj!un11 J~ach l)M S sou11h t hy llolly woud c'°". Ot-ntii~ & 1.>t·noi~ .. Jt.P•·1 ttnc1•1I Appl ~ mn1~yi.._.,W'(IU. Uwist l,"lw:!.y _____ rmv1efirm $2:0$.?00J)t'r ~'t'ri;onnl'I S1•rv1l·t ul l,.%>niJulJ) ltOjt(lr, l()):S Q.11~1<1~)~91116 1 tJay pols Looking for lr1·1111·. 2\RlZ A1 u:l1t!liUI\ (u.t.\1 11 ... ) I.a;: l\t'h AtAJOWANTf.O OUl~OlllR 18·10 yr olds fJn lt1'1W'IUK't: ra.1111 Qwxote Mutcl, ZIOO "''1tOtln11 to brei.k ln t!'I rur rntcr,·tew appt lfVlne E.O E THE LOOK 644-4500 R.E. SAUS ()perunp now avail In our •ttrartl1·e. wl'll furnished L.llgun3 Dear h offiC't'. !Of" exper or new . Jy llcensed, t'flthusiast1r salespeople. Xlnt rom· m1SS1on schedule-& a tru ty greal location on Coast Jtwy . 2 blks. from the beach. with ampl~ otf CLASSIFIED OUTSIDE SALES street parking 11'c Daily Pilot has an '" llOS1Jo;s~ ~111h1) lull A1:1•ru·v .,..ori.:1n io: 1toHh N1"Wp0rtijlvd. ____ mo•IH 17141 71;1·1244 1_;•:"' tJf .. IC't: ~l a111r llmi.'. Appl) bt-lur~ II Ai ._.mpluyl"e t"'11,.f1t 111.,11 -\'JDEO CAST I NG 1tovnuui, hki.i~ m iHh •'\ ufto'r 3 ,1\ l\oJb ltu111 .. n.._~l.~Gllll.t'lt l \l,\'t'(tu ~laid:; wanl1.'<i 6 d:..)'i l• SEK\'JCE. IOOW in 41 h THE GUILD DRUG 1610 S.Mi!JWI Or. SEA. UOM REAL TY 1mmed1a1e open1nJ;: for Piek up & Ot•I person 4'7·3318 out.side salesperson to J:(l()d dn1·in~ ret: f'(f 1----------1 handlt• automol1vc ar · ,.._,... R I E t t counts. Nl'ws paper Bd· ll\'f h.:lpful l'Ji·itu: Ind ~te1uran1 . :n Jo'a;.h1u11 s."'rrt;;uial ralln.: & 11r11 "'"t.'l'k Sracliff~tott>l )'!'UJ'I !-. up p I)' , ~ I 6 1 ~ u 1 .':-':'":":';;·~';'~';;,;;;;;;;;;..j puMil ""Ork four 111t\•r\ ;;;;;;;;'";;; ... ;;·:;92;..;;;;;;j -!«~~:;";';;~~:;;;~ 1,._th&1to'•}St S 1\ c..Jli!M!~c ______ 1 --NEED XTRA JOB? Girl f"'nday 1.11e bkkr.: ,1i; llolel l:-.O \lt:.'l1'1U<Y t;ONTJH>I. i\1all0epartment Pick yo ur own hrs . 111e machint.>ri·. Q.I ro IQT LEAD COOK & ltl'tc1\llfl\l l't•rsnn TRAINEE l'\Jtentlal unlimited. Call lntt•rvtl"w. ~ J3.&& •:\\ t!tlent {lpport un 1t) 1)t.'tid1-d 1nunt'tl. {'.lu.!!l ho• Posit loo availHbl~ In 111.ir for appt &i&7583. for rt>llohh~ iruhv .,. " (')(l)('r "'' r11.rdc.'< S)"'>ten1 , t>u:.y mail department Girl s fo r t ake OU J:Oo)dl'OOk1ngknh.Jg , min 11.uotl W/lij.:Ul"t'S & PJP~·I' W1 llln11. to t r ain On NUHSE AIDE live Ill Sand1to1rh Shop,1'olun t'r1 2yrsexper,al.oletow1>rl. .,.or k ll arhur & various 1n ach 1nes rM..'eded, Lal:una Beach da)'i;, i:a ll fo r appt flt'xibll' h o ur !. to.tul·Arthur lll. Santti r.1 :i1•h1ne a pl1 tud<' home. $760 per month. ~O Su pl' r,,. I '>Ory exp,· r ,\11;1 7JI 7:1lll. helpful, e11.rellent 1to•ork· Care for Z ladies, I 1s am· ·-"-------1 helpful .,;flJO)' xlnt t·o 1 0 ~ condi t ions 11nd bu.latory,lis bedpatienL G-R·E·A· T bent'(lls Apply 9am· 12 ln•entory Control benef1L1 inc.-lud1ng dental Pmvidt' per.;onal c.-a r,•1 & noon. Mon ,t'ri Person l"ncu1,11;. s h1pp1ns.: & re .. plan . Apply belween meal prepariit1on. on SALES JOI HOW ocl re1v1n~. !iOmt.' l)'pin~. 8am-11am & tpm·3pm. A~1 to Sal A!\I Call for OPEM MARRJ.OTI HOTEL man)' dt!lails. Nt.>wpoM Nallllflal Education, 4401 appt. L'PJOllN llE1\LTll tiOO D PAY. Goon OOONewpuM Cent('r0r 8e~('h11rc11 64.J-70-IO. Hirrh St . N~w pQr t CA RE SERVI CES. llOURS. GOOD CON NewPQrtHeach Bt:ae h tNea r t1 C E.O.E.752·0092. r>ITION S . P.1AN Y 0 I ,. Janit o r .. ·anted for AirpQrt1 . t:qual Op-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.\ E t:. ;\; I .,. .... , . I' p I FRINGt: Hf;NEFJTS ~ ... ...:. <'Y S izza ar or. portWUt)'Employer. f~A.5T c;no~'I NC; C(Ji\t 2216 Newport Ol\·d. or .:;;;;.;;_;;;;;;;..;;~~~~~· PANY PH O:O.!OTJo;S llousekttper for llotel 10 1!0'.ICI lJ('a<·h Blvd. ~lust Mewport leoeh 714/644·7330 t: 0 Jo; Part time Sec rel11ry 1 Bookkeepf'r Non smoker. f'am1har wuh account rE-ce1\·e 1pay Ins torun rrontofr1 ce for small Eng1n('t•r1ng Co. ~ Real ~tale MAMAGEMEHT TUI HEE Company <'X Pans1on pro· gram demand talented nt>W ~eaders. New com· ~ion split. Our Pt'<>Pll' t"11m twice lhe industry PART TIME '""" C•ll G"y 0!110\t<" 89<4·06ll EVENINGS (~1 ~111i!§ifli§j A.dult.1 1toith out.standing. real Kl.Ile attracti vc personal1ties j ----""'"°°"'--- "''ho enjoy working 1to•nh, ·--------• i.:n1B Over 21 Start atl1 SJ SO per hour Phone 642 432 1 Ext . 250. Bf:TW~EN 4 :00·5 00 RfAL EST 4 TES * S4LES * Fllf.1~1 WITHI N 'fRAll\ L...1,11;una Beach_ Must hl· have 01to·n equipment, P.tanagc·r f' o JI T o f' able to understand ••arly morn1n~ hours. l"IP.1ED OPENINGS in ~I AN AG E l'ol ENT S p an Is h . Ap p I) 1~,.,1ble income supple· Dana Pt for l'ol ~r. even 1'~1 LVN 'S A.sic fw Andr..io Equal Opportunity Successful brokerage fi rm has 1mmt'd1a tc operungs for rommercial & 1ndus 1r1al sal e s per.;ons wtlh the follow· u1g quahfica11ons Cahfunua R E License College Degret' ~hn1 mum 2 )'rs. s ur f'l'S..'lfU1 real estatl' s;1lcs (')(penence 1Comm'I & s TART s ' . I ,,, aa.ss1hed Ad•457, Dall) mt·n(. Ca ll 646·3224 lng, l!fo1MED OPENING ~1 ED I AT EL y · · Pilot, 330 W. Hay St l -"'='"'='c'c'o•'~'"c"c'c'c"---I ,\!gr. even!Jlg & P (f hl'lp " "-1• Mesa,..._ ""~""" 10 N B. No exp nee., co K E Y B 0 A l!j ;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;"•;;~;;";;;1 JANITORS k I E X P E R I F: N C E ._, II d N benefits, ins, SIC ~ave. llf.LPt'tJL. WE ll AVF: ~·1 time ays. wpt profit shar1ni;i . Apply OU R OWN THAINJNG lbel area, 1to·Qr k ~1 on·Fr1 . 4SM COasl Hwy, NB. or PROGRA~I PUT ON BY FRONT DESK must be U.S. Ciu~en, al main ofc: Stop 'N Go rut; COUNTRY·s TUP ~ood waj,(es, promol1on & ~larket..s, 715 N. Loara, o R G AN s A L E s CLERK pd holidays. Call da)'S Anaheim 774·9210. P EO Pl. E CA LL AT ;,Jl-~--"------1 ;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! (I N C t: f 0 R Position 1mmedlatf•ly JEWELRY SALES INTERV IF:W ORGAN a\•atlable Outstanding for hiRh fashioned EXC If ANGE . S T AN opportunity exists tor Jl'Wclry a1 era rt sho·.11s. !\'UNN 714/58f>..730Z. jlt!Ople onented person to p lime. mostl:-· wknds .,.vrk rlex1ble hours. t~n · &ilary+romm 497·2115 GROUNDS KEEPER MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE JO Y x lnt co mp a n y benefits inclufl1ni:: frrl" ml'als. Apply 9a m ·I ~ Noon, Mon /Jo'ri person. ~'- legal Advertising CALL TODAY! We have immediate t:mployer operu1JRS for LVN 's on j ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;~ our PM and Night Shifts. Our congenial facilil)' is a 59-btd convalescent (adlity IOt'ated in Hunt· ington Beach. \\'e offer an eJt.celJenl benl"f1ts paeka1e and romp..•ut1\'e salary Call or apply Garfield Care Convalescent Hospital 7781 G'ortie-kl ~on~ach,CA. (7 1 ~1847·9671 PART-TIME SECRETARY Permanent oppcrtun1I)' lndustnal I ea 5 a e vert.l.<;ing 1•11.penence pre· lrokft'S & Sole-smen rerred but will trai n. \.\'e ha ... e an opening 1n Salary rlus romm1s~1on . our lles1dential Div. for Er.c~t ent rompany an expenenced man or benefits. woman possCS!t1ng e n f'or apporntml'nt for 111· lht.1.!i.1asm and intE'fi!nly terVM:w. call 642·4321, xt If you are 1ntl'rested 1n 11 m beaut1ru1 orf1t""E' 10 the ORA.HGE COAST finest location. work1ns.: DAILY PILOT with t'o ngt•n1al <IS · .soc:1ate!I. we are 1ntercst· J:JCl W Bay St · ed in meeting you In · Cosla P..lei1a tervlew by appo1ntmt>nt. Equ:.I Opportunity We*y M. Taytor Co. Employer Rea.lloni 644·4910 RECEl'TIOMIST ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. for Uw Offices Some typmi: prcr. Start SJ ~ pi.T hr. 7 hr day. !133 010 1 Rect>pooo1s1t1ypist for 2 engr. sec Type liSwpm No shOrth!ind S7:.0 mo l m med ope10 1ni;: 10 lr.1ne area. 979·8733 RECEPTION Typini;i /clent·at duties for ener.l'!e l1c person . X!nt oppty & benefits Salaryopcn 898-<Xr.I. RECEPTIONIST Phone t""xper rl'qu1 red. t yp in~ 55 wpm +calculator Small firm w /s.:uo(f i;row t h possibd 1t1 es ror r1 i:h1 person. co~ta ,,l e:.a l'k>ase call &tz. 003 RECB'T S800 t'tt Paid Saks FOOD SALES GRANO OPENING ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE EVERYONE BUYS FOOD CU'ltRENT t'ull time openings available 1mmedia1el}· at Ir vine Company apartment t'omplex Some expenence helpful. hut notneeessary. AJ>pl y THEIRVIHECO 1071 camelb•ck Newport Beach 644·001 MARRIOTT HOTEl 900 Newport Center Dr NeWpOrt Beach £.qWLI Oppor Empl m If Clerk-Typist 11141549.7911 Position no.,.· available 1n Ask for the Legal Advertis ing T-222 F..qu.tl Opportunity Employer M It' in small New(J(Jrt Beach We o ffer a ~trnn fo! sales offiee of nallonal pc•s.1tu•e environment !or mar111e ma.ir:aune for in· su<.'l'cssful persona l tl'lligent. crr1t·1ent. wf'll Jo!fO\tolt.h in com1n·1 & 1n· organized r>t•r!inn w 1th dusLn al real c:.latc salt!S. .1tood skill~ 1tyJ)f' :,o.,.•pm. lt-asing and in\'Cstml•nts SU..'flO or tasl·lonf,!hand J tn Orange & San DU:"lolO and pleai;1tnt telephone counties For further 1n· mallM?r. ~1ust be a1·aila fOl"m:illoo ront<tct Mro;. ble 21 hours per -.·eek Appleman . 18552 ~Ion, Tues., and Wed . MacArthur Blvd. Ste 210. 9am·Spm. llourly rate SS lrvu'lt, California. 9'l715. plus paid company Ph 714/97~ ht"nefits. Please send re· [~~~~~~;:;;;:;;;:;;:;I sume and1« brief letter!; stating qua1Lfi<'at1ons and expencnre. Reply to Daily Pilot. P .O. Box 1560. Costa {'.1 esa, CA ...,._ Palple plcastng attitude ~ by O.C. rorp for vaned dutlCS. Call Kay, mzroo. Also f('<t' ;o~. De&ln.i.'s &. Denni5 PersOfl · nel Service of Irvine. 2062 Michelson Dnvt. STAFF EARN UP TO GU A.HOS Department. General of· -r-llotel fire experience and hghl •Nunery Work; Seeking H S KPG JNSPE C · 1yp1ni;: skills requi red A•ollable indu51rious pers on TltESS-7 :30 ·•1pm , (JS-4&,vpm L 24·Hows,Daily w /kaowl ~tJge of f'll.ime, inc weekends. E xposure to and/or horticulture & plants . Union benr. Call ror appt gl'Tlf·ral understand in.it of or send your resum<' to: One ytar ex per. required ~5000 ext52Q. court systems and ll'J.:al ~~ BOX ~444 An Equal Opportunity Employer ~1 If' _..- 'ONE FR~ INTROOUCTO Y LESSON SECURITY Hotel ~t!if::~~~~ad~ira· TACO NURSES AIDES HS KPG PORTER-LOS Staterertiried only. $1 PHXAnsservit'c,imrned F eaturin J: th<' fine P.1idnite·8:30am, Union Automobile necessary DE CAR Pt"' hr. Xlnl benefit!!. & openings. lo work \laned Telecourse 2000 Pro· Due to our rttent ell.· benf. Call fo r a ppt. for occasional local dri1· P.O. lox 4349 working cond. 59 bed hr.; & .,.,•kends Pd \'at'. gram. A last & easy way pansioo program, Wells &G-5000.ext52Q. rn11. Excellent t'Ompany .4.naheim.CA9Z803 facilii(; Bayview Conv . med in.<1 & pd training. ~P<[~s theStatc Ex1af f~argo Guard Services is 1~1~·~nerS·t0 ~:Ork 'rO~ beoefits. Attn: Elizabeth ~ .inn,C.M. 642·~ 4714 , 645.2550. u or apporntmen o· tunng Secunty Guards Eqi 1 Op . E.O.E. -""'-"""'-'="------; day. for Jam~·!! Rai::.i!edY Ann For intervie1to'. pleasc Eua portunity PIX OPER. SAIL R.E.. SCHOOL- ' --· Aaaw__. leaeh1cTc""'o::·"f'M.:.:.··c8c·3o·c..,_c=-c1800:::c· -: call· ~~~m~p~lo~y~.,~~Ml~>'~~·!Nunlng LPT's, R.N's & Ope r's for t elephone A Subsldi-of ·:~1_·::_/'"An°aheim Housekeep" part-time .Personnelorl'ice = mental health workers amwerin~servu:e. Musi _., ~-Parli Thurs thru Mon. Good 642·4321.exl 277 ~IARINE MEC HANIC needcd ror newly opened be able to work some a• f\Me: hM/lurna benefits. Nie~ work in.I'! ORANGE COAST Diesel & i;:as eng. repair )I bed adolescent unit in weekends . Typing 35 CottoMe-to&The d 0 0° ,,,, ... 1ew D•ILYPILOT &11\Stal.&.elec.NewPQrt So. Oran .. e Cty. rrr. wpm requi red. Ex · Whittier Area eon ' ""· · c.., ' ,,.. c"~'''''',.,.~'-3.lfl""-IC·----I 'Ftr. ill shifts. 496·5702or p.;-nence prefe rred or Conv. Hospita l. 2055 3JOW S.ySI 8Jl-l7ll II '' Thunn St C.~1 .642.:l.'Wt · · ".:'.'.:0.:::. _______ 1 1to1 train. any com· Reln1blt-, i;:ood natured. maturt' 5t'am:.lrt•ss wanted for monogr:1m· ing. PIT & S;1t morns. Exp'd prri"errt'd Inquire at 714-751·07.'.12. Terry . F'hO E. 1bt Athletes Foot 1n So Coast Pla1..:1 . RehefRN orLVN. Newport Convalescent Center. 1555 Superior A\'f?.N.8 . RfSTAURAHT Part& full lime day help 2. 4 & 6 hr sh1f\.s. lmmed opening s. C :1fl MrDonald's 49Z·242G for IMME 0 I AT E -<.:oslal\1esa J\!a.<;onrybelper.noexper. -pany benefits. Jo'ull time SAil PROPERTIEJ IJousewife Pff or t'ullff Equal Opportunity neces!!a ry . Full time. Nursing: LPT's, R.N. 's &.: er part lime, day & after· OPEH !H GS for 9·30.3:30. J\lust hav e Employer 675-3175 mcnW health workers, noon·cvening s hifts 675-4890 USTAURANT s•per•:sory l e-"e good personalit y 1 ----==~~---l -"::'.::"-"'-------1 all shirts. Pff & full a\•ailable. Please callj~~~~~~~~~""J MrDona\ds's NIGtlT ..... S..C.urity officers wh ~9-8373. 0 .C. Airport MasMUHfiRec"J1 time. Small psychiatric Mon. thru Fri. 543--4230 SHlfTS 650 Ave. Pico. wtriTOP P.AY, with a area. LEGAL ~~;~: s~a!si~ ~:!, ~:;_19!:~~7fl!~'~'~o~~83~-~?~;~;~~4~~-'-C_1_,_· [--'E.=O~.E~--~-;;:=::;::;---1 REALE.'tlATESALES ~~knft:; ij1Ft~ly in rt'lpKhdc~y. IMMEDIATE Mesa. Salary + profit. PBXOperator Liccnsedorwew1lltra1nj PARTTIME Sharing Bonus +lip. We Nursi1111 Aid!!, alt shifts. Alrporter lr:r: you for state tr. am. Re.taurant E.ARNSl.OOTO Sl.BS ACTION -.;11 train those without Certlflcalion classes. Hotel Limite d offer . Cal l' COOK'.·WAITRESS PER HOUR EMPLOYMENT eXperience. Zl12 Harbor Newport Convalesce nt ca~&Co.49<4-80$7 San C\emenlt'. ask for ·SANCLEMENTF: m. 645-JU4. Call arter· 0~C~•~·~"~'~';"~s~s~"~P~'~'~'~n~'b~"°"~1~'~"~"~'E-~"~'~"~";'~"-~;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;~~ Mr~--• 1 "" "'95 PROMOTION The DAILY PILOT is Ave.N.B. 833-2770. ow e1 14 14""'·""" CAH PAY ronsolidatmg a subslan· Legal Secretaries-""""""""'""-'-------Relired couple planl T0$4.25PER HOUR tial part of its distribu· needed for t empQr11ry MECHANIC Machinist gar den 10 my yard . lion mto paper roules re· service. Top pay for top Experienced w lair cond. Share crop 964·1314 evl'S. &OVER $600/$800 c.omnussion Weekly Selhni;: lli,i:ih Quality Beaullfully Packai.;:cd Meat. Searood & Gourmet f'ood Producls To New& Repeat Customer:. EXP. NOT NEC . NEW ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE MOWOPEMIMG FOii APPT. CALL: (2131 329-2625 Apply In person ~1ond ay It> Friday. 8AP.f to SP!\1 "' quiring afternoon dl'· skills. Positions im · tune .up . I i .It h t POMONA livery by moto rized mediately avail. Call mechanical. Good salary SALESGIRL Sales J.M. has a career transportation. Deborah, &. benefits. Goodyear . . oppC.y in shoe sales 1n our WELLS FARGO GUARD SERVICES 15]2 w COl'Nn onwf'Cllth Fulerton. CA OR . •Liberal income al· Ri•ientP~ .... _Stor-e EMPLOYMENT Experieneed. Junior O.ta Mesa store Prefer I bo I ••·"' .. ·omens clothing, full --·d sa~ person but lowM"P "' ""'P'" 171•1833·9•10 "'"'0 14 Th S d ~~· _ _... ..._.. 7 "' "' .._...., t1mt . t eco n 'lllill train qualified can· •Short "'"" -.ing ........ rs ( 2C:m Business Ctr Or Glance 2122 W Ol'ean daysperweekl 1 . •Mechanil'/Drivcr rarm BULLETIN · · .,_ · didate. 10% rommi1sion •Excellent parttlme In· St.eZ90 rvine dieie! tractors & truckt'. front. Newport <><:acb. against draw & xlnt <0me 1---"°"":.::c"c7c'30-"--&'---I Partorrull time. 842--8866 1 .'c;is.~336='-------1 benerits. Interview by ~,,,de}...~,"11',,',0,."'....,;act LEGAL SECRETARY. MEDICAL RECEPT Af· SALES aruepol•1°"'t1~·,~~u An· ...... ..,.. At General Dyn amics we're hard at work on solid con-0 IQU" between 9:30AM·7PM . Girl·lriday, 1 man ofr, temoons & occas Sat HALSTON B UT .... J(l';EPll!otAGNIN CO M·f". Airport are•. req : 1 AM. Must type, e11p not tracts that spell plenty of \l.'Ork ror years to come. Right South Coast Plat.a is 1n· Equal Opportunity yr/mag A. salary open. c"":o::·~ca=:u~-==~·c___ now we're rapidly expanding and we need the best people ter viewing ror F 1T 1 __ _:E~·m~n~•p'°"lo''~"'--- 752-!M:iB in Southern Cali[ornia. SALESPERSONS w1e:r.p1- Monday, Tuesday, Wed. nesday, Thurs day , I OA M·4PM, CLOSED Fnday at lNSPFCTOR TRAINEE To le~ all pha.ies of in- spe<'t1on. Mus t pass pt\l'sical & back x·ray. Irvine. E.0 .E. 540--7639 Insurance-Large agency In Santa Ana needs P /tlme clerical he lp, We ~/or group exp nee. Benefits . 558·1821 aft ..... --"'"""'-------I Mes&enger rrr 12·5pm In De!1g?ler Apparel. Top SALESLADY Uquor clerk. full&. port· Mon.-f'rl. Must have re· salary + comm . .,·or FU ii o r p ft i me. The time; apply bet. 10 & 4, liable trans. & good driv· If yo u're good at what you do, and proud of it -join the appt. ~all ~ Mon Show· Off. 22 t'ashion 1802 S. Coast Hwy .. ing record. SJJlOhr. + 151' Pomona team NOW . thruSat 108m·5pm. lsland, NB Laguna Beach. a mile. 979--5345 I 230 W Wanter Rm217 s.to ..... CA state-Uc. NoC·6036 Equal Opportunity Employer M IF WantAd.ResulLs SU.5678 --------------------, I INDUST RIAL PUT YOUR WASHING AWAY COME IN TO KELLY TODAY!!! NO IXPllllMCI I ISZDID lqttrl•c..t •ell_,, A111 ti c Awe1 ..... ,,.... '-flct1i.M ..... 1 ...... Orl~tr• Wast 110 Long & ishort term assignments. work when you want. Paid vacations, bonus program, never a ree. ILLl"ll.5...Gf" ~~::1 ~ L.:I ~ 2102 Bu1lnH1 Ctr. Dr. ee"'v1cas Sulle20l!I HuntJnl(ton Beit h LaJ:\Ull Nft1utl 847·ltl9 831-0M2 M07 9(1f'Mf' Ave •21f nt5J C•bot Road I I I I I I I L.-~!~~!1!!.!'!!~m_~-- '• Tile Cor\llr\el\lal l11!>u1.11 \cc Co11lpa111cs Insurance Halen WORK ON FLEX·TIME 1i vo.i "8~ •«Ol'ti ence at a commerc1a! hflf!• r11e•. The Cont<flef!Ull ln\ur1roce COlflllil!l•tll h11 aon Q<ltslaod+ng 01>PO•fun11y to wn•~ •n a rriode•n and progtelt!W tt1vuon~1 . Our ComcMlnv oltf!f1 ll••·l•mti no.,,, w~r• vou ten .. Itel luU·t-WOfllOl\g hOU•I l'l"O\I COO· ~n111n1 IO< vou . E•celh1n1 loc1110n, comPHI· htn111w eomc»f'lv bltnef1n ..na orow1h OOPO•· 1unuv. fo, #IPOlntrntnl e•ll. (71•) 975•772A or 171•1 975·7700, Ex1. 331 0t epplv '" pMSOft, lla\le somethinjl you want SHEET METAL MECHANICS 1o .. 11 ·c1.,."k"'••••• ales Girl wanted : Newport Surf & Sport. Experienced. 675-7874 GENERAL MACHINISTS ;;.,_~; C•ll NOW. JIG BORER MACHINISTS LATHE MACHINISTS MILLING MACHINE MACHINISTS TOOL & DIE MAKERS ENGINE LA THE OPERA TORS MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS GRINDER OPERATORS BORING MACHINE OPERATORS TURRET LA THE OPERATORS N/C MACHINE OPERATORS DRILL PRESS OPERA TORS Apply in person at our Employment OFfice. 1675 W. MiS· sion BJi.·d .. Po mona, CA BAM· 4:30PM Monday thru Friday ~ENERAL DYNAMICS Po-DlvlslOll An Equal Oppcrtuntty !mp1oyer M 1f' U.S . Citlzenahlp Required -··--··-~ .. -:. ...... ----. -. --. ~ . --.... .. . ,., ___ SALES CAREER MEN and WOMEN If you are truly interested ln a rarl?'t'r arld not just •nother job, this rould be your oppt1rt11nity to join OfK' or tht' most socces.srul i.utnmobi le cnrporalions in the Un1tNI S1ale$ lXHallHCE MOT MfCESSAIY ___ ,. ... -. ........ ;. ... -IH~h SC'hool F..duc111Jon -PC.'>1t1vt Altitude -Wl'lt Groomed -Good Driving Record -Ahlllty totrrat people like ~pie, wUh a stncl're interest ln tll!!lomer sati~fac1 IOfl, and above all, Integrity, If you think you'r. our type 0( perM>ft Don 't wall ., . Contact 111 today ,_,, .... " .. -'""-'-979.zsoo Dout:: Wit'dom .. ·- . J • I ' rs . , ~ " ' • w -.. .. 'Tl d ' _., ~ • 17 DI DAIL y PILOT W~nelldity March 14 1119 71.00 c.t. IOIO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ......... ...... W..tM 7100 Help W..ted 7 t 00 HMp W..ted 7 I 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Motul"t' vt't1<un lull I.Jin.• ~ :t .. ,..., & So.I 1 h,• fiF.f. ~'OR YOt HM•;l.I' Lill JI A ni \II J \ I) I' tnhutnr, .ar1 •·llJu\ lnl( 'ltra 1n1 um1 \\ •. ,1111\11 )'(it.I hoi. PhOIU f111 11111 bN,.nh 'Jl'M !MUI lllt2 (.~1"4,l(•l:k•ai1,M9 l7f.4\ l\l'r\IH1 ~ldtloll \11111 , J1n1. rxtJ1•r cl IJ1n & 'v\l.f:SPMt~>N 1\1,inn• "'"'" t Jll & p 11m1· \11 1'"JX'r N'qUlrt'<I I nr 1n foly Stwll St•lu111 17th & 'lllk> & ll<JU.ldt• t•lt•1·t 11.Hlll' n llW 'Iii It '"It"\ 111 ('.1llform11 SI 11\ 111 s:lUI\ 1•11,1tton It•· N•rv ~" lt..111 nt .. -<lNl 1m 4U1f\'!o .1 ni.u kl'lin1r 01 owll nail M r• 1 \1111h bwtm1-..., 1h·~ll"t' ~ubm1t tU I .. ~ ( 111 Iii.~ "II II rt"llll1W tu I'( I Ho\ Uo•I ~1•wpv11 H."11 h I o\ 1"1(4\.1 '°'I.al•"' 1•1,11111 'It·• 11111 full lft p Mr I I 1 1111 I' 11 I P.tubll'i·ht'I ","" • 1t111 .~/ ;ctt. '11t'lo litop Ir o11111·1 • She.t ~~·· fob f ''1111d buitv. •fl I r.11n Pun('h·11r1·"" hra,ltf' i.h;•ur lh ID ll>tll \\ 17lh ~l I •l<lt1 Mr-.o1 ~.!Ji~ 11111 ~h>;1 l )\1111tlHt t, l'ramt lnr r.-.-1•1\ H111 ~ tlt'tk•1 pullln11 lur "" 1111 \H'IH mr..: "'lo l'Xll•'f fk'\.'lk'tl .... \ Ill •• " llllljl I t.;$1 nAVl:l AGT to stoo l.itl )'OUf llllll ll \II l'\1 IL 11111 tour UI I 1111.itnlol '~" I 1111 ,.,l111nt', 113~ <!7011 l>l11J\Ji.' l)l·nnt t•n .. oo ut•l Sl'l'\IC'I' 1.11 In 1111• .·1~;. M11 hl•h1on 1In'1 I nirk U!Ht•r Ohl\ Ill•'. •'II JI I llf 11 I( I' W IJ I \' h ti U' I' \ol '" k 1 l\ \ol ,, '1 sh 11 I ~1 fl9ot I \' H1•p1.1ir111.1n •"I' l,.-n1 h /\ I l'dn 1 .. 11111 1•1:.'11 ll11rtmr UIHJ 1 \1 M.! 173;1 1:-w• 1 '>I r~~ I SAL+COMM +CAI "'"" 1.1"-"" t><•ri. t.,µ ,-::---.------, ... ~ l'\lf"l) ~1·1•k" \ 11lh·11•· 1n 1l.· .. 1••n hhht la. lto1~h 11 \ l'I'\ I f 1t111d tu \'all '"' 11·1.111 ''"''"1 \, .. ,,, 111 111 ....... i.. 1 7 Out Of 10 1 Jl't't'> l'.ill lhll llJJ • 1111 l\J llll .. li• 11l pf1111 5,ll. h\l•I I I lll'nnt' &. l'h•nn•~ 1 •,., •Ill llfl I I ""' ~·1 , •r·· ,,, 1., "" .~lK. sruoE .... rs Secretaries 1 \111ht 1'>011 1)1 I\ I " '°" rt-•·n p1111t1111 ,uo~hu I •01• "' "'-'•!''' "',ttth it \lu,1 h.111·, 't• ~ io •11111 ... ,._\\I'd Ill·:-. ... '""'' '\I .,, ....... ,. l'.iltl'.\1111 .... 111 1>1., .. ~II ' I ". I ( I ti71 ~IHll ..... JIJL'llfl''' 14 JClh'll I ,i,, '''Wini:~ Wor~ 111 \1HI hOllh' flll I •J'h f'l\'l'I' 140! k !Wt I~.:> SECRETARY t:irl Jo'r1du>. full tinw. 1111 n·ul t'l>t.ih· rru:ml 11111"1' M~t h;J\ t' •:u1wl t\ 1•1111' f. l)ll'lrll''lklll' ~LMl(nll SECRETARY 11 I I Ill 1• .! II h I " \rdltlt'l'I \ ht 1 1 \Ill I m·1·t1 .. c1 ,,1t.11\ 1111-:ot '''" 11711111 :11•\1 SECRETARY \l!l!r""'" t' 1nd1·1wnil1·nr hJ11). h,,, 1mm1·cl 111H"111ni: tor Sl'<·rt•l.tr\' 14 rl h n111"1 mt>rt-1.11 & ·,n,1.allm1·11t t"<P .i • llul nut n1•1· (J(JO('j '>l'C n·t.1 r1 .al 'k 111' n•quired ('unt.11 t \h ()a\ 1:.. !WI l~W lr1t i\JI\ 111111 1tlt1 I 1 h1w1I A ..... i...n1h lrnm11t .. ,, •. n I II ~· ., \ r• I' I \ I II I"'"'"' \I, H1111.1 •I • ,u '"' 1'11" .... in I I•"" 1111 I 1• I\ ht•I f'I t' ~' 111 .. I l t ti II II J l 1• "I I \ 1.11•n1·nn· I h ' I! kt 111 I 01 H Ju t11 I I .ell hrr ••Pf'I 1>11• HK'll 11'. \t'm ,tt Al lNT (; \ "ioulh l OJ'I hU!Ullt"'" 1'11llt•1:1· hu .. ''" 1m n11~1t,1tt• u1x·11111~ lnr "" JU'I I: & li,1,.. llllllh tn11·h1·r lt>r 11)nrn1n•~' t:.111 ~111MflO 1111 ;111 1111 11wch,1t1• inl1·n1<·l4 11° 1:.11rlin)! 1h1 .. \llll llf' I' t) , l UJl I ' \ \ I .. II I II h'l\1114111)! ollwr l11t1111· llll"IH''' ll'.11 hill)! flll" l111fl .. TELEPHONE SALES ;i.,•w!.papt•r ,.,11, \our phorw, I In ;, hr,.. .1 cl.I\ S.!110 ~ uµ r11mm 141. f-:\J> prd O\\'r :.!I I f) '\c•wi;papt'r l'.:nt H.1."1 G-i!l3 I 1u31'M Onlv Say : ! Kelly : I I ti 11 .1 11·1·11111 ... 11n ,., I I, II (I I II I I I~ ls 1•( n •t di II'" ..... 111•11•, l1f lht•v \\t'rt' lo 1work tt•mpo1 .11' "KELLY" Would Be The One! S~cretoriH Typists R eceptlonists I Word Proc. 11.11111-' I\ ,1111r1 1 ,.rm f.,.,..,i.:nm,•111, Top I"" I I 1111111 , •• r.1111111.. 11111111 .. I I l'lllL'r:1m '''"'r .1 11•1• I I I Aby1ilnn1an kitten 4 moll Reglaleott.-d ~~Wt I) "I ~ I r t I 111 w r I 1• r k R " 1• 1 11 I ) •' r " w 1 n fl 11)111111111 Nt'"' IJllll I ll4•ad1 llt•ul "'latl• l>t•\1•11111 m1·11l 111111111 111•1•cl' to11 OoC)I 1040 111111 h t \ J)l'il f1 l1111( I 11·1 k ••••••••••••••••••••••• U1t1111ilicH11• 1r1111'1·111>111111 Uermlln Shephc1'11 PUJ>tl. fl • 'Pl'rtt'lll•· 111·11•,,ul\ v.k:ii ollJ. pu r~b1·1•1I. '4hu 1 ~11111'1•1 ""' C.i II ix•~"' not av~1I "40 :>:>Ill I, lh11•1tlll ll:.!!MI Ol.O ENGL.ISll sm:r,p TYPtST to '800 OOG l'U l'S. AK<.:. cham l,1.Dh ufr mt11 l>t'' .. ,. ho pion lant•t> $200 & u1i l°f\)(l)'" t ypin.: & '" look u:f> pi!'JO Ull( fu1 frwndl) .1tmo.,1> Yotktt• l'up11 , t iny. /\KC: xrn~ ht'n~,. tlll'll'~ 111 thh l\li;o 2 lhK 'ltud 11ervlce. n11t I ru tn l11~1·ly .NH blu+• & gold 843·0771 O\l~l l•K•klllll 14tr I ull ------ 1111111 ~rn ~ Co1.11ilal C:ho1oo(;how11. champion l't'f'M.11111t'I A.:t•n1·v 2790 blood Une. 2 red. I gn•y. II rhor < 'M AK(' I · l 0 70 u ft ll. Al I. JllHS Hff I-!Ill!(, 6336 w l rtt to,;s~ l-.\1)11 1111 AKI..' tioldl'n Rr1r1\·\11•r rdir.•mrnt l1111n1· d1n111~ pup.1. xlut huntl!rtt, wtr rnom I' t1rrw /\p11ly do.:11 . f11 m p<'h 44 Ne•.., port \ 111.1 IOllO <.llamptttlNi 4UJt\lllll ll tl.11 1,1 V..i1 . Nit t,U!llltit Wmlrt'''t"• & '''I" 111•111·1•\J k11t h1·n h..tp \II 'h1fb ,1"l11l.1hk \pllh ,iflt'r I \11111 f'"ri \t11111t ' "7111 IL11h111 llhil l '\I \,k fur r1 1" \\:JI 1•h1111'' f 111 t lllJll 111l(ht hill 111.1111.1'1 l4r,1p• 1'\IK I lh'll'''•" \ 1·1111111111• 111.111111 '" .•• , li!-d Wi\IWllOl"SI'; AHillANS. AKC muh• 11how ~uahty Adult., 1111 ly Mu!\l 1wll fl~ !A2 ~~. <11'~1..,~l'J:I Afl(h.111,; fl Kl pup' II M pl.\llnum,.., It 1\1 '1'"'' •'- h l.1 r k ' I "p 'ho 14 Spt·1·wl 1·on,11lrr.1t 1n11 111 .,1141.., honw.. r 1r .. '.111 t .1.:1• I l.1'>'•11 b fl, 11111111 •'-'11¢11(1 S1•1· our Jul" un1lt·r ft-9etoYou 8045 dt•111·111 ror 1m1111•<11Jtl' ...................... . 111)1.'lltlll(I> VICTOR T~ory Senlcu $200 WEEKLY I ' I' r (' 'i l ' 11 r I' h I II I! 111·14,fllll"'r 1t11rn' Nu "' 111·111·111··· 111•1· W1 • l•' Worlcl W ul1• Puhh:.h1111' 11;t1 l'n...,1·1 1111 ..,1 h.111111 liu1).?.lll Wl'l'I ST 111°l'ch-1I. 110 "' 111• 1 m•1 '"" l~l.1 1:1•1,> WOODWORKER N1'loel hl'IJ)t•r lo cflmph•ll' <10 1•nmmerr1c1I f1!.hrnJ! q•si.l'I f'1bcrgla1>'> & wood l4 0r k1n~ l'XJ)t'r pn.•f d Call <l!fl 3263 cvt•' M <'-<it. hml( hu11 1"1•rn "horlh11 1r ~pav1•1I c·.it (rtlotJ w /k 11li. IYlll-lltil\!I H 1• a 11 I "' h 1 l 1• d " .: , Kn•i.hu · · 1 r•ltl l•it••nl . tra111t'll. h•val 1\1111 111 t•il m~. 111;;• Ill ow11 ,11f ,, bt•tl N1•14 m;ittrr ..... ll7;1 I Iii..' 1-h'<' 1u .:1111cl hrnm• 111.t\'k c·ut. hie 11111 Im abh" i.:cicHI 111·t 54114!1111 Blk Lab U<'l~nun Sh1·11 mix p11pp1e' b "t't'k' 64$-338!l aft ti Precious k 1tl} ·n<h ~d home l..n!! hair :.m fl'm Kl m 540-4-023 ------p,\n Flt: crn lll\NK I'. 0 E TELLl-:H NWhre 8050 ......•..•..•.......... 111Ll["·v~ ... ci11· ', ~ • .;J ~ WOOD WORKER I t ... , ' I Cab1n.:try r<irprntry ~'('rNur~ I I Sal:iry open C.M I ln1n1· l tmlfiHOor63l tlllli **I BUY** LUGGAGITAGS MllC.el-•• IOIO Offke,..wH .. & •• !.?!/ ••. !'! ••••••••••• from your bustnt" & card ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~,..... 8015 Send ooe card for 1:ach SO aial show aquanum. lall pl~ ont spare We loodcd. n tm fulurPs rt'l urn pu mun~ n L ly Oil otr over $100 645-724() M'Ull'd attr1&l'tlV<.' tag I. .,trap. mceltoll airline AM /FM Dodge rlldio $35. I I> rt>qwremt'nlK Pre 4 Do<hce von rims 110. :i vent I~ & thdl' f'or a cha.tn ~Hor dining lbl I l)l.'n.onalJ'4ld l•ll enclose Queen bedspread SS. wallp11pt•r , fabrll' o r Cash only Alt Sp in. · Oay Glo" paJ>('r & we 64S-9866. Wiii buck & tnm your1---.--------\.o1t~ Or 1 ry two curd:. UM'd 78 Mopt.>d $200. Used oocktobu('k Yamaha fram~ $25 l'IU<;t-;.s Surf boa rd rack S35 Cl I'll or :11~ _644_-ctS_1_9_. ------ 4/5 tags Sl 60 l'a 6/U lattll Sl.SOt•u . IOor more Sl.40 l'a Sak'!! Tax Included NO CARD~ Draw your own or l>l0nd n1,111w, 11ddrt•i.11, phQn(• & \\l•'ll make one curd pl'r Coloc Zerulh TV, $45. B /W portable $30 Both work good. 646-1525 1.9 Laying Hens Choice $3 oo~ach 6"2·5618 htl{ Add 25' t'arh statnless stt!el rook w1•ar • nd ch('rk o r mont'y or Tremendous deal Call drrto 964 l~ PILOTPRIHTIHG -------1' () liOx 1~ F1REWOOO Pnrne ~pltt C05la Mei.a. Ca 92626 1-.:ur F'r~ deh,·ery SI 1:, rord. SSO ~Horrf 726-82111 0 Nctll ~1wr:.wt Ta1w1I 'l' U 111' l t' l' d II n (' I" 014">1l 'I r II $111) ~~ 0256 l'.Jll'fl'·t M1ll t 'l1><o1•0111,.. 'llvltHI l'lu.-.h )II Ill) & up !>'l'l lillil li7:1 5!1111> WIHOOW SHADES W 0 11 d (' 11 '< h U I l t' r ' . 11u111hlu11h, WOH·n \\lllXh & win1low 11111in.: :!U 4U'. Be d . Cal1r K 1n1t. wht padd~<l hdbrd. 3 '>t'h hnl'n. SIOO complC'11· RP<i'pn·ad. hlut• krnit '' heirloom SSO Step 1•ntJ rir lamp lhl . 11nf1n"hl'd wood SS l tomni.! board w pacl, {i to: SIL·am & dry iron. both SJO Of<' chr !'IC>hd wood. "1nyl bark & !>Cdt SS Scar'> Crnrt.sman. wC'ltdr)' !>hOfl ••••••••••••••••••••••• CLOSIMG OFC. 2 m etal ••x .. .-dt..ltd,s . :.JX70. conforence tbh·. 42")(96". ltt'I Durot 1041 automatic tap dn v1·n typc·wnler. 2 punch tn C'locklll, 1°'6 of m1-.r ofr <'QWP & ('hr11 Mutchin~ walnut dl'llk & cr('denla 7S4-0800/640 sgg1 Con f tabh· w /II arm rha1rs. Desk11. c h111rs. b e n c h t• i; , r a h h • 546-~.or&io 1776 G•NI 9010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ offshore kayakl! 1250 each 673·4214 or S48-3431 IO' Gtalt-" Dtnqety Sl.2S 96}.23114 $.35,000 l"Y' It! Manne hdwc tiu-. 1r11"1 $.'5000 eqp $21 .oou 111 v 4 exrl dist. ete LYN<.:11 H t.: 731 5131 Desk rial lop. Walnut 40"X7S", 6 druwrr~. 71 , .. loGh. Meritt• overhang $350 494 1~1 lquipMtftt 9030 ---...................... . DESK. Offl('C type, 60x34 ..., JI p Sea King 0 8 metul, Sl~O/offor Oy11. motor. 6 gal. rem ow fud 7S2 1194 . F.vs673·438~ tank & bll1n r escrvt· Q;p1er. JM BQC Ill, t'IN1r Lanie _'1!5 !>36 7028 __ cop1PS. good rond. Sl9'JS or bt•!>t orfc·r Norini. lo~ p 90'"0 Realty 495 H0~7 vra. OWef" .., -..•.....••••.••......•• hh 8087 •.............••••••••• l'arrnl 111111· 1-·rnnl J\.mal.1)11. I'• yr"'. S' <'Jl!t'. Aft 6. cm 1011 SALE!! (,1CJhCd hid a" 1:. w lw n.• 1Joo 19711 Z7' Rayltn..r t'r Uh.t-r ('F514Hill On a HHll tru11l'nll' trail~·r, \t>s:.1•1 P\CllM)S & Orqon1 8090 ha.-. J.1 hf' or OJ>t.'rauon ••••••••• •••••• •• • • • • • • Wllh no v1:-.ablc• eta ma J.t•• UPlllt: I IT p111no" S<l!lS to SI !150 Grands from $2.250 l<ehld '1.t. re fll\L'lh01(!>, tuntnl(S otr ;ill 1t('m' /\. 'i I' t .:.N Harry 0. Oquilt 8000llam1llon Ave. JIB 536 8775 l;.1~ 11!151 1>ack, l6gal lank, xtrn at t.111·hm1•n1 , hke new S7S _ Nt•WIJOtt Ht•.id1 Tt•nn1,.. 5'1n4"35evei; ..... y h Cl' May b1.· Sl'~·n at Advan11· Hflul M nvrrl>, l fi 7 4! Plat'en11a. t' M btwn the hn; of 8 & 5 Sealed b11I operung will be held al 12 noon on Mar<'h 21. al th1• office or Sn. Coa~t Mannt.• Survl'yor:.. 573:! E 2nd St . LonR 8.>a<'h, Ca 90fMl3 (213 I 434 8471 The bid mus t lw art-om pan11·d with 1•a ,..h or 1·a:.h11.·r·, rht'r'k in tht• amount of IO': of lrnl t:h .. ck 1 ... In hr mJde puyuhlt' lo Omaha In rlt• m n 1 t v (' 11 m p .i n ~ halanrl' of hul rlu1• in ;, '1J'I' all1•r 11111 opt'ning 014nt·r r\''>l'f't''> th1• rii.:lll 111 refu:.r .in.) and .ill Cluh fo'llll f;'u mily Mt•m ,,,.,.w ama a 30 l'lt•1· ht• 111 h11> 1, 4 2 0 I I 2. lkovy duly 1·onc4:ntrakd t(~o5n0icl 1r2na.no. YI ran:i.ih;i l~W OtiH7 r I t' a n l' r' , 9 6 II 2 I S 1 -' · a m P t 1 c ': .,, I M·irv•inni• Ross rlunRcr Muro.I St•ll W1oddinr rtn·i.1,, dl·111~n..r • • 1 Maxe offer !lli2 !l!J:1t1 '>l)l.'<'111 Jlt•i.t off,•r Cdl llr.1nrl n•·w ll t'al1,11 r . , .1ft !i 11111 751 :l.'>11i c·u.,'>1•tl1• lJtl\! tlt·i·k & :! lkll~w•.n (,runif I ·~~n 111 ..,111 •• iki•r ' $:!IO h,3,..l'.IJ011yl1111'h $1.!l l(I Wtt House of Mi> 47;,;, • H.:t.! e.14 CoH"tiblH llpn"ht n1a110 ("hH111link11°111·1• JXIW .!' • I " .. Opf•n1nl( M .irl'h t:ith i.!ilh'. S7~ You n·mn\t' ~Mlor tw ... t 1JH1·r 1;rand Op;•nin.: Man·h li42 112,.~1 Call tl4U !JI I') 17th ll<•1:1:.trat111n f11r Wurll111·r ~p1nl'I X Int b1cl-. rlonr pn1r of L1•n11 ,.-rn~ Strolll'r. 111.·1 u:-i11n.1I t hu1r l'l:•h' Mun·h 15th 2J 372 $111 ht'l:J,pn•acb. r•·:.i..,1111J O•mino dt• Jo:,tr('lla. San hie (jl;I l!llt l:lem<'ntr <196 H8 t I I 'find ~JO 11 Y' n:,5 11322. 1·v~ K47 43.52 llo l> 1 11 n W h .i I ,. r . I , l\it'14 po r t , 11 \ 111' A<lnural 23" <'Ir t v c·ons ole SlOO WaJ>her. ~nod cond $50 642 09'J2 CVl'' Carpetinl( for ~ult-The Newport.er Inn ha:. avail C.:u~l from gul':>t rm:. grc>en or gold 336q. yd~ $25 earh Plcai.c CJll 644 1700x.574 Mano Turntablt· li I l" !MO Grado F"l t t'J rt r1dJ?t•. basr" dust• t'fl\'l·r S:,tl 673~ -----Misc.eHaneous Wmwted 8081 •····••····•··········· THE1\TElt Oltcii\N Jo""tnrl.Hl1'. l r ._, lln • ('O~N b511 Th re1• xtra' L1k•• nl.'14. Sh54)11 manual!>. rull J)l'dab & 613-8910 Lt .. -shc ext1:ns111n '>pkr ---- He., t of r 64 O 6 44 O. SKJ PJACK 2H, "i t. 200 h r" I0).3753 a.'> new $26,000 &Ml f)7ti!j Wurhu~r IJJby Crdnd ----... --- 1006 Beaullhll cubml't. Clru>s1c ~ 22 Ch.n sc•ralt '<Int tont• in1nt n111d Ope n Sl'.3 Sktfl $!54)1)'196-86118 Rcston'<l Subm11 buh H•1nk ~t'rk1ng 1·x p1•1 htl!hly moll\ illt•d plat torm :.;_•crrt.ir\ 111 ;i,,1 .. 1 111f.!r & 1·1>1nm l1·11d1n~· ul 111'1'1' T\11<1 1~1 Wl'\1 "If ·;, \Int h1•1wf1f:.. 1\J1ph .ii nw B<inh 111 •·.111111rn1.1 I mnw<l1at1• n1wning for r u II 11 m ,. I l' 111• r . t· ' 1wr11·1H'l' prcfrrr .. d l '11111n 1-·1~t.·1 al SJ' IOI:' ,,, ... ,,on \'ll•Jfl 71ili iXOI t-: II 1-. ~I F II l(:l:l 11 11 I :'ti(' n11 .. tll•"·' Ctr f Ir l Men:hondiH G1x>d usl'd Fum1lure & - flpphan<'l'" OH I well C..'ru~ar m:.ig~ I tx7 4 luc. fi WANTED·Stlvl'r I 01 bar.. & metab & token' & m11t' by collec'tor l'uy 1111( ~ pt.·r bar & I '~"' L11·t• vulu1• for prr 1•11;1 i.1lv1•r t•cun "' CJll Uam.' 557 35.'Y\ t'H'' TV.Rocio, HR,S~o ~ ... 7 ()<1{111 8098 8005 Mfiquff I t...;111t•1 'f~X ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tu"' ·1 rul'k Ort\ l'f:, \.'\ I scllorSELL fnrYou drawer drc:.i.t•r , n1ll' MASTERS AUCTION ~t:.inds. lov1·M0:H. fooshall ....................... ·77 :."ti (;1:1:0.lrnn <1•·1·p \' hulJ. lOOhp c\'tnrudc Trlr mJnV 1·x1r"' Xl11 1 18700 'orr !!~'I 3303 da~., 4.'J.l-410.°l l'\IC'S l llll l>m 1• !'ii . "' H Equ.il I 'Jlpl\' l•'.01•'. H:l:I :1~1 I "•·c·ri·t.1n t~ 111• min ,1114pm Front rll·,i.. 'l'C'ds µ11011 .. 1•xp1•r In !' 1\1 ~57 HHli I ............•.......... pt·r II I up 11a~ Appl\ I ll11nt11w 11"1 ll1'.1d1 <;&\\ 'l'•'-'.111 g .:'.~,~!I )o(I, ~l'lli Uhm~Wit).l '<I i.t .. ~-··-1 R!lll'i W.111w1 ,,,.-·•1., I l\nt1<1Ul' Musi<' Boxr~' Trainee Position I I ~ot Machine!\' Clocks' s w IT l' II fl() J\ I( I> I l .. I 'llllol ~I L'l1t•I I IJUGESELECTION OPEl!i\Tt>ll Musl Ol' I 11~11161:! I Amtricon ;l\,t1latlll' rnr ull :.hift~ I :!i%7 l'.1ht1I 1(11,111 ~ lntemationol 8 9 5 tahlt'. & :O UI rb(),1f(f 646-8686& ll· 62 lll•asonabll· 11r11·0 ~cal IM~nts l!t-aut1ful 25 ' 1•olur TV 2 yr wrnty. frl'l' dt•ll\ t•r>. 808 3 $121 t>Mi 178'i CASll l'J\1 0 For gd used furn . ..inti ques & cir TV':. 9~7·11133 ------ r.:i1 221JJ ftununt!I plah•s 72 77. ilrl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ruv Queen s l('l'pt>r o;ofa G11hon JSO l(Wlar & ra~c 1.td cond $175 493·11163 Offer · 646· 9609. 54,S.89'J3 • , :!II' Slarfirc '77 Ilk•· n1•l4 S~ll' T<1pt• r1·~·••1 dt•r. "'l'i OMC ..,,,00 !'145·1'"'1 Sony. Modl•I IT t>:ltl. ""r . . "'" u., Sterl'o rt'l'I to r1•1•I 0 55ti444<I w power amp. xlnt l'Ond. ------WJca:.h 547 IK45 dt·1wndabl1• & maturl'. I '-.1111.·11 <)1111 l'.11111 \I V I Galleries 01 lfnr appl 645-7;,t;.'i ,. I ..,t-1·n •tarvLtl!HI 11111 1·1• -----I t.)pcn WedlhruS:.it tt.itho,1 i..1,11111 Full o r t'l.w.1r1l'd \1h. )our OOI" I '1:111 ;1n ,1"<'nt' I 1!!02 Kettenni:. Jn Must sell new h1d1• ahc•cl , Lachrs Qua lity doth1ng pmd S3tl0. "'-"1 SIHO Can scarcely worn some ni·w debver. 842·8015 SllC.'> 12+ 14 71<1 552 ~All Wanted st.amps & roin' - Pnvale collt•t·tor Pa}s Ma~avox AM tFM raclen moret.handealer:. i':\t'S st ereo rC'rort1 plav1·r SEA RAY lntfMwahr t h >>in• cnlt'r L .J (714 1754·1777 Two Lou1s XV :.lipper llJrl t1nH'. :-hor th.11111 '"ll " ii11_~_1 . -------------------chrs Xlnt cond. Sl75 eu lll'<'l..,.,:irv li75 .-..11,11 Dresse r & ma l c h 1 n I! SECRETARY Xlnt opptv fur dlH-w1tl !:•ii 14 lO(I '''I rt (JI lid '"'II' lu 1411rl. in L"I l•Jt't'tl Nfll lkh I( I·. uf1 ( ·.1ll l..1l.1. H33 ~Ill SECRETARY tu \'Xl'<'Ult\ <' \'1t·1· l'n·,1 ill'nl Qualif1C'al111n-. :0-hurl hand . I\ ping. ph1111t• sa It•!> a htl 11 y Hookk1·rpinf( ac·rt., pu\'il hit·. knowled~t· ht'h>f ul >.'ii l~JJJ lx•t wn H & '1 SECRETARY ~kmhcr.,hlJ> dept or JIV l'luh Gond Lyp1ni:: und ll·ll' <'l)mmun skilb + knowled).?<' ofr 11ron•d L'..111 for ;ippt t;<i5 ~111 t·xl ·~1 •SECRETARIES* G 0 /R E. /Acct~ Siln>-S1500 Ranf!t' t-:mployers Pay All f·ccs l.J~ Hc indcr.1 Agency 4020 Birch St. Ste 104 Newport Bcat·h. ll.1.1·8 100 Call 1-·or Appt1f:Stah "64 SECRET ARY SI 000 Ell'g curp ore in beaut toe nds front ofc secy who cnJoys the world of fmanei'. Vancty of duucs & plent) of room for adv Unusually l!Ond pay raises. no Sll nl'<'. Call Rita. 540·6055 <:oastal PcrsoMel Al(<'ncy. 279 Ha rbor.CM ALL JOBS fo'RE~ SECRETARY No SH. Work for not'I mktg retiearch co. Salary toW?.000. Irvine Personnel AJ(eney 488E17lh. Costa Mesa Suite 22A 642· 147 Sccunty We are looking for pro ress1ooal Security of ficers. f\Jll & part lime ope.rungs t.hruout Orang Co. Transportation & phone necessarl . R e tiree welcome. Top wages & advancement OP · portun1l1cs. Apply In person. The Wacke nhu Corp. Suite O. 571 N. Poplar St. Orange. An equal opportunity employer . 097-1863 Seclll"lty Agcni for pre· atlglous N . 8 . hotel. Various sh Uta,· good beneflts. Apply In pera between 9.5, E"ccutlvo ()(flee. Ncwporter Inn, 1107 Jamboree Rd . N.B. .. E.O.E Secy• SH $900 Ila Land dvlp'J co. od1 well orajJn\a.d pen w/RE or pl'Ol)tr'\y bkdg Vuiety po1. w I very charrnln1 people. Xln ball ' raU.. Call Rita, ~. Coattal PHHn· ~I Afmcy, Z1'tO Harbor. CM AU.JOB! FRKP. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS We design, develop. build. test and deliver the best in hi~h ·technology syste ms and missiles. Our con· tracts and work are long-range - lastinE! well into the 1980's. We un- derstand persona I development. <:<i reer goals and challenging work. At General Dynamics we're looking for Electronic Technicians at all l<•vels. whether you 're just starting out on a career or you're an ex· pcrienced pro. TEST OPERA TORS TEST TECHNICIANS CALllRA TIOH SPECIALISTS ELECTRONIC CIRCUITRY MICRO-WAVE TECHNICIANS 'UTOMATIC TEST TECHNICIANS ELECTRONIC LAIORA TORY RELIABILITY TECHNICIANS R & D TECHHICHAHS MISSILE TECHNICIANS If you want to work where you can learn Crom the best en~ineers in the business, use the latest equipment. grow and take pride in achieving technological challenges. get In touch with us right away. Call me. Joe Stelmah (714) 629·5111, Ext. 4711 and let's talk serious\y. Or, come ln to ou.r Employment Office. Monday thru Friday, 8AM·4:30PM. Ir you prefer. send your resume to : GENERAL DYNAMICS Pomona Division, 1675 W. Mission Blvd., Pomona, CA 91766. An fo:qutl OpporlunJty Employt'r M 1y U.S Cltben11hlp Requlr~ Antique furniture sale hdbrd. S70 Overstuffed Victorian marble top chi'. $20. Wicker hdbrd. talllt•:.. rommodc,, $Xl Rerord cab1Dt'l. SIS hcotlroom !>Cl, safe, et<' 711-751·0285 Sat Marrh 17th 10·4 1201 Somers•:l Ln Npt Bch Sora & lovc:.Pal $1511 7111645·9'.!88 pp Eit he r 1n n}lon or Private d oll s alr Madame Alexander. old & n ew. reason:.iblC' price:.. Sacrlf1ct· 831·3887. 962 1961 Applancn 80 I 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FREIGJIT DAMAGED llCYrPOINT SALK 3308 W. Warner nr Harbor. _sa_n~ An_a_. 97!l_·_29_2_1 __ CASll PAIU Wshr I Dry rs I Ref r1 J::!>. ~orkmg or not 957-8133 BARGAJ NS..Usl.>d rdngs. herculon & all colori. U & J Matlres:. g:jg E 11>1 ST St • S A 838·5036 TWIN OR FULL Maltress or box 1pnng~ $28. each pc. I sets only 1 Queen sets $89. King sets $99. Samples must hf' sold 1mmed1atcJy from our warehouse. Wed thru sun. Credit J\ V:Jll '" lsn avail. Uvins.: rm. hdrm, bo<>krases. lamp:,. end lbls, clc. I Century Model Honw Discount fvTI. 549.3(Y77 wshrs.dryrs,garur. bcstl--------- buys, W(' serv appl Best 2 door refn~. 6 drawer Appl 536·0911.536·4330 dresser . o ld rattan rocker . Oak desk/w /chair. 2 ~ml s tu· dent desks. unique corree l<Jbles, dinette set. ant•· que maple wnting chair. 2 maple mte stands. s ml antique rocker . m1!>c. r urniture 646·9823 19 c u r t. upri g hl fo'r1g1dare freezer $275 84().~18 Gold refn g Gd r unnmg cond S25 Washer /Dryer Scan best S300 o r trade for newer F 1F refng Dys _9M-0322 __ ;.._• e_v_e_84_7·_4_3S_2 __ Beautiful lg solid Prcan wood c hina cabinet 2 Refngerators Clea n . w glass drs. like nu S350 work good. SSS & $150 I 1 Gas Drye r . rlean. works <Apx 1!l its HI Ul' good, $45. 548·4485 549--:!644 ---- . RB gi rls bedroom 19 cu fl sldeb~ 111de COP· furniture OH white dbl pcrtooe Admiral refrht. d · 1', k white Maytag wshr both resscr. corner c ~ b • xlntcond 546.0269 · chr, r <'Cord rab1nl'I. · bookcase hutch, Canopy Great for big fnmily ! hed frame. mattrc!ls & Gibson 2S.3 sq i.o. re fn1oe. springs. $100. 962·!15HI _s:n>;..__l_bes_t._848 __ ·_8!l29_. ___ 5 l~af old tbl. nds ri• Whlrlpool elec. dryer. I yr flnish'g, $65. old. $130/will lradc for Call 646..S60ll compact dryer. 661·2939. Bedroom Set. Obi box s pr· New l.'Oppertone electric ing & Beautyrcst mall. lg Kenmore s tove $150. d.n?sser. 9drwrs. nirror . M.2.932' 2 nite sta nds. Durk MkllMJMahriab I02S =•l f in tsh. $100. ...•..•..... , ......... . l 17xl.9 Lavatory for Ute. t Compactor. hke nu S275. cadette toilet. 1 S"'1 • left Antiq~ round Oak lab le h•nd cast Iron comer 4 chairs. S800 Wtj con· tuo. All tor $100 Oue Lo sider offe r. G?me table 4 remodeling w e a r e ch.alrs $400. 8 di v~ $95. c hanging fixture s. Swivel rocker S71 F'r. Perft'ct cond. Can be Prov. down chat( S7S aeen at 1986 Orange Ave. Massage table S50 Metal Costa Mesi. 548-49&4. file $60. Exerc 1so belt $60. Art s upplies <'lc. C-Nt.. 642-7178 ........ 8030 ------ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sears King s ize bed. box 35mm OAF XL camera. spring, mattress. txlbrd. GAF body with 50mm f frame. Also Med. dining 2.0 Chi non lens. Self set. tbl. 6 cbl'8, a-edcnza. Urner. 'lbru the lens light _eu._2932 __ , _____ _ meter. Shutter speeda h• S. 1051 1·1/1000 1ee. Llke new. •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• Pbooe962·53SS. Saturday, 3/11, IOAM· F• Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR &42·5678 • . 4PM. a root br+wn aofa bed. antiques. vacuum cleaners. r1a rnlture . m1ny other tems. 1 Paloe Rancho $an Ju•· ~.Irvtne.97~0239 ....... 1060 ..•••......... , ....... . ....... ,.... Wllh 2 1_lrtba t En•ll•b brid». Excell~t condl lion! Only $.75. Call &4.$.C287. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS 675-ro22 f'rench P rov1nt1al SIOll Offiu fvntiture & ~ 7'"9 Equipment 8085 25" C-Olor TV $125 lvr ••••••••• •••••••••••••• war Pree l.>t.•I & Setup lnlenl S ht•:ir W<1xrn Ci•mi•nt Xlnl new & ust.>d ore furn. 'Tl! plan f1ll'l>. wk bench<:'> Nl::WTF:E C E St "llPLl,;S631 27ii <.>vcrhcard "I 14 (•nt to _ _ __ my collci::c cl:iss rl·ur11on Cl~ or l!llll I .,d14 J lot of old fates and NEW TF:l'..111 '" If you want your :idvt•rt1~ init messa~c 10 reurh more peoplt• al lowC"r t•oi.t. Class1f1cd 1s th(' way lo AO' Call Now' &12 !'1678 T .. : L E P 11 0 N .. : A N g W E R I N (; MAC 111 N E M a Jo r brands. larj!c d1 s.-ounls, sales & :,crv1t e Phon Tronics. 150!1S llcarh Alvd Westm1n1sl er. li94-0720 642 S:WO 20~2 NewPQrt Bhd Stereo cabinet B.ir11l..1v Oiled walnut 4 door. Jd JU5liiblc '>hl'I\ l'"· $711 U62 0581 t!!' black & while port.1 blc t ,. S45 ca II 646-1!6()1 Have someU11n1t yr1u w,inl to M"lr' Clas."fll'li .icb dv It wt•ll ll42 5678 Coming In April BOAT SHOW Udo ViUOCJe ~wporthoch March 14·18 HARRISON ,S SEA RAY :111)'1 Coa!'il Hwy N1•wport Bca~·h 631 -2547 ------· i)~t; p~&p~UPPi That 's pot.pour-n a c.onfused collection, .i miscellaneous mixture. d hodgepodge Piiot Potpourri is our way of observing INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WEEK by extending savings of up to SO percent. It's a good time to clean out and spruce up. ,., .. ,.r:..~,;r:: ./ . .,.,. ..... . APRIL 4th (Wed.I thru APRIL 7th (Sat.I ... .,. .. .. • Have a GARAGE SALE! • rll , ... • Sell your extra PLANTS & GREENERY! "'C--·----.-:u:i:.~-• Get your neighbors together & have your own SWAP MEET! ! ! Ads are limited to miscellaneous merchandise for sale on ly! ! (No Real Es1ale) Write 1 word each space, minimum size ad is 3 lines. THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME TO GET IT ALL TOGETHER! Fill In the Handy order blank below -DO IT TODAY! ! ! ! NO. OF 4 DAYS WORDS 12 5.00 6.00 36 11 .00 40 $12.00 II you need more room lor your message just print or type 4 words per line and add S1 .00 extra for Heh addlllonal line -------------------·-----------------------------,. .... ecMdule my Piiot PotpOunt ed to run Aprfl 41h (Wed.)""" Aprll 7th (lat.)•"" no change of copy. No rebate tor Hrfy cancellatlon. lncloMd I• my checlc or money order for Or plettst en.trot ll'le ad BankAmertcord. VISA No .............. Expire\ .... E11olru ........... . Phone Aru COde U~f1Hto: o;ange coatt D•liy Piiot Cl•••lfled Ada, P.O. Box 1HO, 330 W. Bey St., Coate Meae, C•llf. 92828 or bring Into one of the Delly Piiot offices. DAILY PILOT Tnt Or•no-Co.\l 0111\' P1101 Fe\ervn tPle r19n110 l!d11 or rtlt<t 1ny aelvtrttMng copy, . ..... • I rs 4 l v. ~ . I r 17 ' I t t 1 I ' l ( l s s 0 " v • ti J Q u E e\ se I II\ to t: A a I Ira '1 •to ' .... PU Wodnaday March t.4 1979 A41to•. l..,orW A.t.1, a.p1rhd IAMfo•. IMptKW DAil. Y PILOT D9 loata.POW'ff 904 Trtlllerl.. T'Nvel tl70 v-9170 =··•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••9•7•5••0• blot I ~ Aldot U d Auto UMCI •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . --971J ..... 9721 ~ .......... ..-• .. •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '711 Scarab 330 TS out ""6 ........... ., .... M ••••••••••••••••••••••• y.-1..-97711 • ' ' "" ••-"l'2 GUT. 67.000 ml Xlnt "'"" a ~..... 9tJO ,_... 9940 ~~.,p~.~~~t'd ' &XCELLA 31' d II '74 Oodgt V111. «'built JM -::~~~·:,~~· ";~':, 12 .. ftD t'O nd 18.JOO . Ca 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •u•••0 ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tnuler Mu1l11ell l or MlctO wive oven an • e!lll AIT. N w custom MOO ITJ.ll39.'40-ll3_4 &ilU..,i 4&Wm/861-1161. VOLVO lt771MrALA ~PHIL lcr · ' nlraa. No mllea1e int.. Dt1W u,.,.. " hr1k~ FanwtJcCloteoul •29 9 731 .. 11161......_. $11000 Air cooler •mlfm 8 •77 5301. 4 apd. i nrf. 1....,.MocS.I ·oo Roadlter con verttblt-. ..,. 9 LOOG a -· ~orGT:.9008 tra r k . uuo OltO AM /P M <' .. •, AC. °':mMoctei/ Mint cond Rbll ena. SALES.SMVICE vs. 1utom11Uc. ractory FORD • .5.,416-l 200lwM) ..,..-s.~-,,--·-·~r -11 _ t 681 tJS7 • fkqundy, rtll.&ll H it ~t now arrlvlnl ~tofr 642 861S3. AHO LE.ASIMG &r C()nd .. pwr. :11tHrin1t . ........ _Oil' J•.--J,-~1n ·~ • .. uavw.: • a« , .. 11 -• 8 .. ..,Ol h OVERSE .. ., OELIV ERV ""'YI•-•-m"-' H rrv · .... ,, "-"• w/Ak4i (Of't'l!d air heal , ..._ W..e.d tHO f».o.kJ~ ome or MUSTSEL ·1u12 E. while. bl•ck In· EXP~RTS ~ c;;:;.";iu ,;tiu~lo~a ~ USED BOATS Sl-1t'd frotn o~ er lUO ACTION BOAT bit Ina, w £z:r Wt hJtt'h ••••••••••••••••••••••• DICK MlLLfo:K terlor. alloy whel"la. at tluapnce l <783SVG>. • 3$' $)000 bsl ofr ~waa•IUY '-MOTOttS 1t .. rt10. Vrry Clean lAltL£ll(E •• 825113.dl2·JOH ....,. -12111w. Wllmf'r .S:A fM2..tf388 v v • • ---YOUIDATIUM IOIMcLAllM'1 ~1·2W 0L 0 eo~.., .. CONNELL CHEVROLET ••••••••••••••••••••••• PAJD P'OK OR NOT Limited Edition 914 e. 19Sll Harbor Blvd. ~ Of' DOUAI ..... '727 yellow. blac~t.oP. narcd c.o&'TA MESA .'.~.'>dl.1rl••I Ill• •I l7141 SJMltl .......... ; ..................... _. Cse..JC• 9520 BAR WIC K OAT\UM T-C ••s $ ••••·•••••••••••••••••• fffilten. spoiler:1. 7" m a g 646-9303 540.9467 ""'" -...... "-• •79 fronl. II" rear 2.4 CIS. 1973 9ll·T e ng Pert•IU OltAHQ.ICOUHTY --------- • ··~-r ' \1 t-:~' 546--1200 \.. ............. s.. ......... .. .......... ~e..... ,...._ '71 FORD WAGON •C .. ISCIAFT• • WB.&.CRAFT • • IOSTON WHAUR I l'hoent ~Ol'l' Onh I •IVIM•UDI• l ompJl..'tt' o;er\ 11· .. Dt•iit !'l.1•wport lloa1 1 1•111t•r t~ Nt·.,. p.111 Ill' d t •"'la Mt''J 711 t•l.1 001~ .;1.':1 to: ,\p11d11 Hhd I ,. m µ ,. \ r 1 / 11 n .i t~C! K9o& \IM f loah, Rent/ Chcrtef' •oso .....••....••..••....•. l 'lh11'11..'t l ,\J\UI )' t><I 11r 1\ 1ni•lur > .i1•hl 11, .. ,,1111.1 hh• ltr , 11.td~ ,., I lo.I\ 1{1\ :!lilor 117~ u. ... $ 57" PUWl·r & :-,111 I• 1.1 I• ...... 1 tor l'hJ l 1• I IC\I llu.,hm11l Ran '\l..11 11 1m 1000 8oah, Soil 9060 ..••.•...•••...•....... :k>· ):;t{'hdh =-~. Jln,1·,11! 1tu1 l1 No\ · 7t. ' 1 """' hull. bl3< k m.1~1 J-;1111111 ~uil' Sltl.000 I 7~S 112111 ll\ I'S P·CAT # 138 Xlnt l't10rl M I I!>~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• io l"tl Rn wooon: t'Ulb rnlottd' SU . 111>'161 r:.u~ .. lur •loracf' r an nrrt VIII_, Neiweon l acll m 12'Tlws Sal 4'• I lo.•1•11• l't . 2 tom \Int 11•11\J i. l~OO b1·,.l 111 r "w :m111 1Jy~ 1oa 7 t)i <'"" wll111t .. II u 111 1• r 11 a r 1 1 • T h 1' \11111m11tuk I ""'1111 1111 Put •'t'll' ol ""Vt'•1r•111··· un )'llUT ~ult' l'ro\ 1<1111.: l't1't.-.ultatton & "in 11'11· f11 Id" 1111~riu~11b. to pru dn1I ""'11\'f' /,. pr1~pt·1 I I \ • \1 tJ \ 1 f ._ '' I I N V t. ~ I M t; N l .111111moh11t"' ll ttil..h ,, I' (II r l''' Ion a I t II d .. u nnuw r~.il 'alul' 1114 l .>57 77l2 J l8 7 /\ \11 ... 1\ I Cu!lt,, Mel.I l'l.I Ir~ m Rumhln Amu 1{'.1n \lllt 1 \IOll. 'lt>.l /il'l l-"\l•' l'lb4 H1v1..ra. C'xtc·llt·n l\HldllUHI If tnll•rt•:.led In i 'l,i.:,:,11·,, vou -.houlct 'l'l lhl~ ·~· .. utv Orlt' OWOtr Uri.:111,11 . µ,11nl Nt•w Lm ., $25()() &.>no us in - qu1r1es only please 551 3497. lt.ecrMHoftal ' . 8 ]1 1)1'>'1'1) IJ/'J lt:iO N &·u1·h 61\d. l.I\ HA llH A "•; 1• \ V 1'0P OUI l I\ It I At Buch & Wb1tUer I tut tw Ulf'(l ra,... lon·1g11, l7141 U1·5lll ~uca ur ~lualr• II Clok'dSunday11 yuur or la Nttr• dran ________ ,_ M'C' F1 R.."1' ' ,., .. e>r.,.C....., ~lhirhot Blvd CX~li\ M t-!...,A 979.zsoo WE BUY CLlAMCARS &TRUCl<S Ill 21102 M U!lt rll A S I\ I' $6 650 ~ Tlti/Mc1tn111.:1 78 BMW .1.!111 lll.1 l·k w/bctl(t' lnt1• 1\1r. o,,111 f. m~ ulloy Wht'dS. Cvn rortl )ten'() 1fanta:.t1l'l Wind oerl\!t'to r 1-·o~ b1thlll Sh~p 11eut foveri. . Mut.11. car rover $12.~ Uici.ng lrlU\B(erted O\ ,. r !>eas 714-498-11511 'T7 BMW ~ pa~ll•I hlul', .4 i>pd, :o.un rf. :oi t c.>rco {'asseth· l\t' 17000 m1 Assume !IUJW r lo l ~t' pa) m "'n t bu\ PP 581 7(llS ~D _. Cars CN 36 ure:.. 11en1.11ne VOLVO nVf"'ll "' . IHther intenor. P JW, MAMY A /C . s ter e o . Im . EXO..USIVELY VO LVO . (6~ To ChooM From! maculate! Expensive. l..lrlest Volv,-t>ealer ( • UNIVERSITY ~,r~~.age person. lnB~:"LCJ>~~! ~~~ ~ '°folrwwt Squire" V8. automatic, pwr 11teer1ne. factory 1tir cond , AM /FM s ten ·o. luggbge rack «r ONI, V 8,000 miles! (107VOZ l . a...aMle DIRFCI' '(§~ lk .::.;:~•:,,:MC ·~;j~;::r! ~ t0~1;f'!"Y· $5171 (ht_a_M_e_!la __ S<W_ 9640 cng & tram>. 842 2Sl11 ui.k 2025 5. Manchester '76 Accord A C. AM /FM. (or Hob. 770.2.841 art 6P M Anaheim 750-2011 SUll undt'r warra nty. RA!ftCIMft 9755 ---------54~ 9923 d )S, 759 11:116 C'\t'l> -.------'76 CiYll', AMtFM. xlnl t'Onrl1lto n $2.fiOO !l62 ~l, eV('$ 673·2286 72 Honda 600, stereo. $1150 Eves twknds, 675 3152 'Tl Acrord AC. Elet' 1f(nl1 MH:hehn tires. Snrf. silver Perl {'Ond Call $7981art5PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• TiST DRIVE OUR "LE CAR OF THE YEAR" Good inventory in sto('k. llurry while th<'Y last ! MIRAClE MAZDA/REHA ULT 2150 Harbor Blvd . COSTA MESA 645-5700 70' 164 Volvo. 6 t'yl. t\C, 4 dr Good cond1t1on. $1400 ~5393 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mdt 9910 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 1-;1ert ra. a ll extras. good, clt!an cond. ~.ll'J5! Call Art 675-7060 673·918i '71 El Camino SS454 . xlnt C'Ond. very lo m1. A!C. PH. PS. l\M /l'M H trk 1n THEODORE ROBINS FORD '2060 ti.ARBO R 8lVI> COSTA MESA 6 42 · 0010 da!>h. ('1>tm boc.ly & patnl. ------ 2 :.ets o( wheels. High,·ss Mustang m good cond1 perf. susperuuon. Musi uon. S85(). Call bee lO appreciate. wll 631-4195 536-Zl85. SJ&.8405 -----·73 Pinto. ROOd t'Onr1 '78Capnce . gold with lan Mags, r~c·c•nl tunC·UP ('lo01 int Xlnt cond P $900 /bst olfr . ('.tll IC :, windows. I' door locks. 54C}.8340 ext 261. Mter 5 '>Len~. t'rws <' control. ult 540-57!11. wheel. Must sell given a -------COHMRL CHEYIOUT :x;~ ll.1r ho1 111' d I t"' I ,\ ~ t::-. \ 546-1200 ~••••••••••••~?.1.! ...... 9730 Rolls Roye~ 9756 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Skyhawk. Loaded Lo m1 Neat t'ar , g re at rm lea Rt' S2895 640-8!1!19. tompany car S539S or iO f.'ord Cortina 1600 CT best offer Call Mike Good rond. Very <.'lean 964-3657 or 963·3222 $W0 968-IH02 'C6 Malibu. xint coot!, re· '74 LTU 2dr hard top, rull l>cnlly rerurbLShed . $700. pwr. air cond. 4!1K m1 WE BUY USED CARS (•ALL Ui.(od Car Mgr 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN -MERCURY ·73 XJnt cond s unroof, new tires. radio. vnyl roof. Sl700 1..11·7508 ·n 4 spt.I am irm, air. low m1 $11\00 l'a 11 a ft 5 54&8279 9720 . ...•.........•......•. "l DEALER IN U.S.A. 75 Ja~ XJ6, 2 dr. dk green, lo IDI, fully loaded Comp ROY mamt book. Xlnt t'ond. ~ CARVER $10.500. PP. 714·675-9273 ROLLS-ROYCE 870-6500 Mr. Spnn~er l~J.emoorn JaR '68 Mk II. 3 4, 4 dr NewPo<18U <" ~an One owner. Xlnt \'----' MC>-'444 rond. Mornings. 640-2973. ClOSlO WNOAYS Maida 9738 '59S1lv<"r Cloud I '71 Le Sabre P S. A/C. !lOOO m i. $1000. 673-33S7 '70 Riviera. 1 ow ne r . 50.200 m i. 1mm.H.'. all xtra.., $2000. 752-7022 !.lys. 644-4949 eves. Codllloc 9915 ............. !••······· &l5-6804. 640.2156 $2.lnl 962·8061 '72 Nova. V8 3.'iO Xlnt '75 Granada, 2 dr. •• met'h cond. s tandard ('ylmder . good condrtion. trans. Needs m inor body $3.400 497 3MJO work. Sl~50 Ci r m · C '40 Ford pick up. Not ruu Wel.ls67J,322J __ rung. no bed. Bc'l oflc1 1966 a>evy Impala, good takes 963·2H63/536.m74 Wanted: Mo.sis f11r Kite. n" Dl n~h}. In t 11. u jlhtrun.: OK 1f hrokN1 but repairable ltt•pl) Ad 11 t!ii, Datly Pilot PO Hox 151it>. Coi.ta Mt·=>a , Ca. !0i26 VehldH 9530 2626 HARBOR BLVD. ••••••••••••••••••••••• SJ9.000 91l.5-4144 m~h fond: $31.15 Call '71 LTD nt·w eng & tntn.., 642-0092 e ,es. Makl'l>Her All power ••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA 4J' St'ho1·k l\N t·h 50hp illl'1>el. I hghl·<,1 qua hty M;nter ll ui I d e r ·~ l'('r'lona l Sllil.5UO 17 U l 5"11! 1:>42 l•i llobie Cat. :-.Int cond lllJ.:J.:l'd for ra{'lllj! c~tm <111\c'r w1trlr. lk'!lt 0H1•r "" :-i. 751 3S48 Boats. Slips/ Docks Transportation 9070 ······•······•···•····· ~.Sale/ Refit 9120 •.....••.••..•.....•... F11r Sale '77 Vat ;it1on1•1 ('.Jmper 817 '. lloor .ur. rdn g. Mono 10111·1. l.1k1• m•w. S2HOO. Ca ll ·ill:J l;ot;i ar16pm. -------·;:, Dreamer ca mpe r l..iaded Mini ('One! 493-11154 -------Motoriud Bikes 9140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TilE MO-PEDDLER New P EUGIW T MO· P EOS R t'g $46!.I. Now ~f.1631 ~ ------1 Mots:,~s/ 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 n t'amper she ll. fits GMC-Che' y short bcu. Brund new. 1979. L1gh sm cabinets. A:.k fo Jim (714) 955-0539 m AM 4 Whet'f Dri'IH 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 CHEV 4 whl dn ve P.U Truck. Camper s hell. Loaded & s harp, $7000. 675-2571 '76 Jeep Cherokee S . rad.Jo, heater. air rond. pwr slr & brks. snow u.res. ~200. eves 495-5360 *DATSUNS• Le1np Setedioft OfAIModd1 SALE.5-LEASING PARTS-SERVICE COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 HARBOR BLVD. 540-6410 540-02 13 "We need to buy <.'lean Datsun used cars" S Will Pay Top Dollar$ COSTA MESA DATSUN 284S HARBOR BLVD. 540.6410 540-0213 '78 280Z. AC. 4 spd. AM /FM s tereo cass. $87951orr. 838-2430. '76 710 Wagon. mags, air. AM/FM. luggage rack , $3500 496-0917 '78 280Z. 8.900 miles. air . Must Sac ·w Yamaha 7~ ~ .. lHOO m1. Sells ror ~UIS Will sell for S2HOO. 645-8.SlM . 0 A.I 9707 Trucks 956 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AM/FM stereo. factory warranty. $9250. 645-2821 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74FORD 1!172 HONDA Elsinore COURIER Entire fhkc Ht·cc•ntly Many extras! Must sell. llcbuilt. Excell<'lll cond Only Sl595. Call 645-6287 ~ t . 0 0 0 . C a 11 c • l' s 64<M>37S 4!14-4747. or sec at 462 Sl. _or ____ . ____ _ ,\ n n · s Dr.. I. a J: u n a Chev. '79 I,'!! ton SUverado Beach. short bed C -10 HO _1 ,1 k .. """"' • Xlnt blktwlne ~phol~. P 1.s. • • us.) ~<.' brakes . win. air. tilt C'Olldluon 8 spct:'d. new wheel. duel tanks. S7,200/ shocks . Must sell. $385 offer 714/499-1919 dys After 6PM & weekends · · 631 $497 76' "'1 ton Chevy pickup. 2 Dirt blkcs & 4 rail trailer .ill aoo<l cond. $650. 5'19-2794 Windjammer II w or w /o moununf( for K2900 /I 000 Air. Power. 8 ' bed w/shect Mickey 645·4493 '73 I}! ton GMC pick up. PS, PB, auto . V-8 . S2SCJO /hit of r. 892· 3210. lnl/1000 LTD seat. exc. 68 Ford ~ Ton w/3 sleel 1·ood. Make ofrer. Bryan tool boxes & lumber ti42-0328 or 54().1759. racks. SJ875. 645·9969 SOzukl TS-185 motorcycle '()1 Chev "4 ton PU. Good SIX> nu. St\"eel/Oirt. $490. cond. Call for d etails. RemJ.l transferred over· 49:>1054 seas. 714·498-1158 ----------·~ Ford PU. Reblt eng. '78 Honda 350XL St /Ort. New trans. new tires . Set up for st . 2 yr w.Jrran· Cmplt brake job. $2500. ty. 8)0. 645-9657 646-S2SO aft 6PM. SUZUKI RL 250. Tnals. '76 Ford Courier, 4 spd. Excell. cond. $300. Lie i;poke wheels. roll bar. B76Jl7.548-3842 low ml. Uke new. $2800. Motorc ye 1 e tr a II e r . 2 _848-00!5;...___;;..._ _____ _ rails, room for another '77 Ford Courie r . $100. Eves. 831-18-19 AM /F M. S·spd t rans. Must Sell! 74 H onda long bed. 5~·000 mi. XR75. Orig. Owner. Ar· $3\00.&04783,170-2&82 {'CSS. incld. M t 5 :30 v-9570 751·5680 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Motor Hoftlta. W. / Retllt/Sfot• 9160 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '18 Ford Van conversion· Has pwr. stee rtni & brakes. air ('Ond., rad1al Rfm: Luxury "78 Motor \ires. crulte control, llome 22' Slel'ps ti. AM 1PM 8 tract • W I n t IS u m r a t ~ s . cuaom t.attrior wblcb ln· -~---------• cludea Icebox, t abl-. ~la, awlvel chain· Toyot• Dolphin m ini· home, llu new,. rea l gu &VTI W /JdrU. 8*eQl. Uke NEW! Prl. J>\Y. A aacrtOce at -95. Call (714) m-S6S9 or <71'> RENT 2.1' FIREBALL. G7-381N. SSLP' CONTAIN£ D · -'72-f'ord--V--8-w-· tndow--v-a-ft REASONABLE. CALL Id Cllnd. 35111 tk. fl.track 64.$.ZaD. ft.UC. $Z3e5. 673-4621 T ....... T......... 917 '77 Dodf• Van 8 200. •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• 1utoma le. p /1, p /b. 18' Tra...at:ae Mii cont. am/fm ciwette. Runs on Cuat. built, 117~ 8, rec. -u. Asking $.'5200. Xlr-. ... m. 552-811 ~~-~-~~~- '77 AUDI Wagon. 15.000 mi. immac, AM t f'M cass, A /C. $6500. P h 673-6360 '70 510. Good s hape. runs well. 22mpg, AM /FM cass. s lereo. Recently tuned. new s h ock s . $1175/ofr. Bryan a t 9709 _642-_1328 __ . or_~ __ 11_S9_. __ •••••••••••••••••••••• • i3 Oauun 610. Gd cood. Little red sports car. New $1795/bsl ofr. 551-9179 or engine. SJ.S()O. Call eves. 759-lOll 646-4064 or weekends. --------- IMW 9712 '76 KING CAI ••••••••••••••••••••••• WT CHANCE FOR 19715101'1 SAVE! IUYOttLEASE NOW! 7''1 MOW ARRJVIMGI Al80 limited number of 1978 320l's ls still availa· b&e. Call us today! ll 1·2040 49S.494t OltAMGI COUNTY'S OLDIST $ SaJes-Sttvice-Leasing RovC...er,IH, Rolls Aoy~ BMW 1S40Jamboree Nf'wport Beach 640--64-44 CREVIER .. Spokes and Sunroor SJ600or bestorrer 645-7286 '76 610 wgn. AM /FM. 4· spd. lug rk. 62.000 m 1. S!6(Xl. 645-4783. 770-2682 The fastest draw in the West. . .a Daily Pilot Classified Ad. 642-5678. Rat 9725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ntCK MILLER to see an Italian work of art F I A T ef..c>HT ~l ORIVE e EPA -11 .. IWY miracle mazda 21 SO H.-bor lt•d. Coda Meta 645-5700 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ANO I YearFREE SERVICE or 12.000 miles in addl· lion lO warranty on a ny new 1979 MAZDA GLC, 626&TRUCI< ALSO FRE£ AM/FM Radio "'1th the purchase or any new 1979 GLC and FUIGAS fiUup if you <.'an beat our deal on any new GLC. 626 orlruek in stock SEE US FIRST! Miroc:~ ~/Renou" 2150 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 645-5700 Toyota 9765 ••••••••••••••••••••••• BEFORE YOU saL YOUR TOYOTA, SEE US! MAJtqUIS TOY OT A MISSION VIEJO 831-2180 495.1210 VERY CLEAN '70 Toyola Corona 4 dr 701\. runs but needs engine work. liOO 646-3104. 'T7 Trk. Conversn, fgls shell. spec. mt & paint. hi-fi , whee ls . t ir es. Demo. 12K m1. 3tl.'il S. Main. S .A. 549·0966, ~ 'Tl Deluxe Llftback. Air. AM /FM cass. Auto. 1.S,OOOm1. $4300. 581-9266. '78 Corolla SR5 lirtbk . perfe t't t'ond . many xtras. Must sell 846·8190 HELP M UST SELL ! MUST SEE '77 Toyota Cehca. lo miles . xlnt rond. blk on blk 848·5163 eves Mtrcedn~ 9740 Tri...... 9767 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 280SE 3.5. xlnt t'ond, '78 Tr iumph S pitfire s lvr classic cpe •. snr(. wh.lte exterior. Blk in- reblt eng, auto, air. blk terior. luggage rack hhr. Sl3.900. PP. f.40-9260 AM / FM Rad 1 o . I' 1 n dys. &W-1795 eves Stripes, J 1,000 miles Sult FOR SALE MERCEDES under warranty S4800. 870-4564. ! Fu lie rt on I '72 280 SE -~ark. blue .. 76 Spit.fire. Xlnt gray lealher mtenor -17 700 mi $3900 Sl.900. 532-4091 after SPM · 979-8826 M. W. F.or83<Mi686. t'Ond. ·59 190SL con vert ible VolcswOIJlft 9770 <.'lassie. completely ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~tored. Less lhan ~ vw . Having trouble sell-rru on eng. lrans. Asking ing your car? Try us Top $10.500. 498·0150 or dollar . Paid ror or Not• 498-0368 Bnn~ your car to J im 'T7-450SL. 21.000 m i. im-Marino Volks wai:en, mac. rompany cared for. U17U Beach Blvd .. Hunt· must sell $24.900. 752-1510 inglon Beach • Ask for dys67S-5491 eves-Frank Marino or Toro Aikin. '78 Silver 450SLC. 9500 mi. Perfect cond . $32,000 . 644-6887. 71 VW 411 Sq_uare bat'k. Good r unning, good body. FM r adio, auto l.961 220 SE MB. Sonr'f. trans. Sl650SS2·3.S65 nds eog work. SlSOO/bst .64 Bus. Must Sell. of r. Ca 11673-0498 $900 fi rm. MBZ '77 45-0SLC. 27M, 979-5765 842·6760 I ·m Concour!I Sid Wi?n. __ new brks. n<'~ l>dll, I' 1S 1-V1B. air, wc•ll ma 1nt. lMcoln 994S • J:ooc1 con<l . on~ ownPr S9951bst ofr Art t.i pm. ·•••••••••••••••••••••• S48-71M>O Pvt ply ·77 Vers1ulles . load,•d °'1lftcJt COtMfy's Bdorodo Center • PURCHASE OIL.EASE YOUR MEW 1979 CADILUC MOW! • '78 El Dorado: re tired G.M. Executive . Owner dn ven onJy. Pn me cond. $10, 700 493-7893 Oinverlible Classic. 1974 Cadillac Eldorado, im· mac. Loaded. Must sell' Make o f fe r . Call 7 14 /3 2 7 ·3 2 28 or 714 1324·342.4 "76 SEVILLE Dark blue . Sacnrice low wholesale bk. 6424097 & 64<!·4i36 '76 CDV. burgundy W whUe cabr top. Xtras. very gd cond. Must sell. 644-6421 • 1979 El Dorado* Every conceivable extra icludulg C /B. Cedar col- or wilh saddle leathe r in· tr. Neve r reg. $17,200 lease o r pur c has e . Va u gha n Leasing & Sales SS&-l.502 Leavmg slate. musl sell. 1.974 Monte Carlo. Xlnt l'O nd Orig o wner . ~ 11.30 '74 LAGUNA Sl Su.per sporty · a ll pawe r -stmroof, et<.'. Best offer Day s . 833 ·98 11 t>ves/wknd 644·5121. '67 Chev Impala . 2·dr, hrdtop. nl·w llrcs. xlnl cond. si.50 5.56-8761 ·~Chevy. l'ront end. fen de r s. gri II & ho od. Perfct't t'Ond. StOO . 96J.2863/~i4 '61 Corva1r Lakewood st3. ~ agon . !600 or bl.,; t offer Cal I 6'12·5324 66 lm~:!!· All or part New • lifters, auto trans. 2bl & 4bl & man1£ , 60·15's w /mags, shocks. 540-4478 air Pa;111vely can sell your ('ar·truck-van at no cos t to you. 547. 1018 '71 Townsman Wagon in xln 't t'ond. Equipped with air cond1t1oning. radio. luggag<• rack. mort'. MUSf SF.LL IM· MEDIATEl.Y Jus t $1495. Plea:.l' pho ne> Mane at ~~3 hefore 4. 962-0401after 5 Qrysler 9925 • •••••••••••••••••••••• •'76 CORDOBA 21.500 m1 SUver /blk llhr int. u1r. bit. ('f'OUSe, etc. AM /FM like new $5.t95. 714 / 586-9534 or 957-8433 CoMIMntal 9930 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7t A real classic. Super '77 Coupe de VilJe. elect sunrf, mint. Stiver . llkenew.$2950.759--0705 p added ~roor. $7900. I 846-1172. '72 Cont. 2dr. Orig owner, clean low mi. car. Runs '78 Cadillac DeV1 lli!I fully equip. WM. Very D'Elegant-e fully loaded. clean. $2500. S48·0888. moonroof. lo mi. mu:. 1 seU. 498-2.827 '64 Coount!nlal. 4,dr. lth1 SlimJbst offer 642 1155 Movtridl 994 7 •••••••••••••••••••••• '71 auto. New en g. 2 n1• w ~· ures. Clean $600 963·57 · ~ 5S40-4366 Days --- iO Ma.,erit·k engine. ROI. cond. N(:L"<i:r. body wor Bei.t otrcr ~eve' --~ 995 0 .........•.••••..•.... • ORANGE COUNTY'S MEWlST UNCOLN-MERCURY DEALERSHIP RAY FLADEBOE LlNCOl,..N-M ERCUR 16-18 Auto Center Dr v SDF'wy·Lake Forest ex ll IRVINE 830-7000 i2 Col. Parle 9 pa:.s. wa While. fully lo ade I! \J ' X!nt! S2.000. 675-6161 -- ·72 Moot<'r<'Y 4 tlr hdtr ), ,, blue. AC. PS, PH. aul rej? gas ~. 962 Ul 14 J 6PM --------76 Me r ('u r y S l at t n wagon. totally loadcc auto. evl!rylhinR. CIC. trl<. 499 !'>333 Mmlmg 995 rt n I ;.. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• '77FORO MUSTANG II ~· Automatic. a1 , pwr. stccnng I' &• bralceS. radio & vinyl to " l673SMQ>. Stk. 1789A. $3678 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 206 0 HARBOR Bl Vi> COSTA MESA M2 · 0 <'10 well mamt. Take over :I ~ 9932 yr lse. 2 yrs re mam1ng. •••••••••••• •••• ••••• •• '68 new pamt.. tires. trans. 552-1725. i2 T Top: auto. air. p/s, mech sound. vinyl toµ am/fm 8 track, new Urcs s:z;ocp.cash. ~9-0012 '68 Cad de Ville. Clean. Wif~ car. wtute/llhr mt sras.834""489 slvr /blk lrthr. sunrr. Mexico cassette. Im· maculate. $27,000. 1~.P. ~l wkdys 9-5. '68 VW convertible. New 'Tl Eldo. moonrf, r~Un· eog, 5,000 m i. Great ing s t . all extras, co n d . S 2 2 5 0 . silver/red, $8750. P.P. & brakes. Needs some ·a; By Owner. Convert deta1hng. $6800. Call New top paint n t.·~ Tom at 968·5235 leave f\restooe 'ures. US ma~ message. wheels. new exhaust. c:o..gar-9933 s t ere o cass . X l nt •••••••••••••• ••••••••• mechanical cond. Need 549-7113/64$-9003. g.5919 some interior work ·m Cougar. pwr str. pwr f' 520 BY OWNER 'T7 450SL. fully loaded. incl. wire whl'l, only 9K mi. Milan brown. must '76: VW 7 passenger bus. air cond. radio. days 673-1435. aft 6pm ~S-4119 see $25.500 firm. 646-7768 '79 VW Das her Diesel af\6PM. Wagon. air, stereo,. MBZ '73 450 SL: burgun--~-~--·------ dy, tan Int. Xlnt rond. '70 Bug, AM /FM. needs a $15.000Prv Pty. 673-4183 UtUe work. Dependable. $1000. Susan. 6«-J704, '750 _s-_s. _____ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Oiesei Rabbit C. 96200. '64 Porsche 356SC. xlnt 838-2982 dys, 631·5335 mechanical, ne w p1lnt/· _eves __ . ______ _ tlres /uphol. $6800. 'lllVW,clean, t owner. &tH536 $1250 I '73 914 2.0. running cond 984-3729 xlnt. bl/bl. Asking ~190. '7S vw bus. Uke new In· 861-0279 aide &out. $3800. 1 '75 914. loaded. very 768-8275 clean. Mustaell. 549·7966. "T1 VW 81&1 7·pass. sun- 558058.eves. root.AM/FM.only 19.000 '71 9118 Targa. fully mi. SIS700. Dys 64S-4783. lotded, 8K mi, blkon bllc, 770-21112eves. ~--------1976 SeVillc. Metalli{' Bronze. Tan leather 1nl Cnn.c;e cootrol. new tires 39.00Q mi Xlnt t'o nd mx>1ofr PP. 833-2424 1977 CDV Carbr l lhol. "Fire m ist Bucks kin" brks. i\/C. yellow. gd 5i.2SO. irm 543·7 tires, I L1{' ZS V74 I >. Oi*mobi~ 9955 $1425. '61! XH 7 ll'athl'r. ••••••••••••••••••••••• a ll xtr ai., Art-en , '75ToroBrhmFultpowcr. AM /FM. tilt. µwr str. xlnt rond. S34 00torrr pwr brk.s. auto. A/C 1L1c 968-0200 ~~'· $1~0. 846·7019 Plnto------,,-57 fi nish with ha rmonlus ••••••••••••••••••••••• leather lolerior. Fully '74CougarXR·7 Pinto Wagon V-8, autu equipped. S7~. 835-5981 Loaded. $2.300. trans 20mp~ low m'I,. d ys . 4. 92·6990 eves & ____ 67_S'3005_____ • • ' .. s wknds $2900 /ofer.(714 1 '68 Cad t'onvt. claasic. New top, PIS. P /8 , nds IOIDe work. As is $1500. Call S3M955 or 631 ·06S6. 700.Y• ~ 496-0509 "18Sevllle. Cully equipped, llhr interior. must sell. $12.000. 646-T788 aft 6. DodcJe 9935 548~ after S p.m . & ••••••••••••••••••••••• weekends. or (714 1 '64 POLAR/\ 4-dr. Good 498-1000. ext. 307 wkdays solid car. PS/ re. AC. '74 Sport Pinlo r unabout Steal at $675. 631·5823 Michelin tires. auto, u1r "76 ~e Colt 2 dr. 4 spd. Z)()Oeng. lmmat' $1,8!1:• X1nt cond. $2000 Farm .1_493-_3350 _____ _ 00-8328 Plywm.... 99 60 PoslllV-el can sell your ••••••••••••••••••• • • • • ('ar-lfUct.van al no cost 'Ill P\y. good rtton cnl!. ioyou. $47·7018 radio. A/C, S gd tirc~. '79 Eldorado. 2 tone runs perf. S48·4040 bt•I Blue/Silver. Loaded. Sky Ferd 9940 6-9PM. Mu.st sell. l$00. _root __ . ...;.si_s_.ooo __ . tt0-__ 1_796_. __ 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,...._ 9965 m\8tM. t46-7768 art 6. 70TAl6A ft IT Blue/blll, 5 apd, ortl• air. alloys, atert!O. <CKY2631. V.,_. t77 C u 0 9917 l9'71 1-'ord Custom •·Or ...................... .. -•••••••••••••••••• PS, PB. Factory Air. '73 Flrebird Dprlt, A/C.:. ... ............... ..,. ...._ W.c+Mlt Camaro 78 LT, •Int cood, Good ronditlon. Make of. Uh. Loaded. ~-Xlnt Ol'NEW '79 tilt. cruiae. full pwr. rer. Pnvate Party. Call cond. ~. VOLVOS xtru. See~ akppr.,,PP. _e_ve:runp_· ...;;.......645-__ 26_13 ___ ,'73 Fireb.lrd. Blk, T top IN STOCK $6200 or ma e 0 er FQsltlvel)' c•n sell your auto. AM /FM 8 lrk. S3SOO tmmedlateDeUverrt $31).&7 car·t..Nek·v•n at DO cost f\rm.831-4418. MAIOUISMOTO•S '71 camaro. New p1in1. W)'OU S47-70l8 '62 Pontiac, needs work. Priced for quick ule. aaliarruerit.aPk'wy. br.U.. ahocb. llre11 It '70Ford LTDWa~on.Xlnt 1175. ·77~ llrnlted addition. MJSStONVl&IO accesao(i~. Vinyl top cond 90 846-0329 r l antc, model 924 131·2110 4tl·t210 can In 'l/eey aood cond · .ooo m · 11275·1r.;;;;~~·..;._91 Martini. Xtra equip· szsoo o r best oHer 96.l-466.1 n 9970 mtllt. All/J'll I trll:, CB. ~ '11 .. CL Oreat 52883/53S-11174 '77 Gran ada V8. 4 dr. ••••••••••••••••••••••· Alr,.,..roof.MuatHe cand.U.OOOmJ.•Upower Ohl•. silver 1rey, 1lr, '7S All elec. 1>0wer. One ~r1cl1le . Call ~p. tta"eO. '1tcJO or f1ftd What efN want In atnf(m w/ 8 track. VMY Owner. sssqc>. nll. 1blltdf• ..... 7Dlalu. Dell.yPilot lutlfieda. 1owm.1 • ..,_, 888-1967 ~ .. • • I ' rs 1 I ' ~ ' 17 1 WtdneMhl , Ma1c:h i. 1979 NOWATATLAS BRAND NEW 1979 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Auromar1c 1ransm1c;s1on an economical 31S CID VS oower i;toering power brakes and glass belled wsw radial ltres ( 10640S) BEAUTIFUL, BIG SELECTION OF VANS AND CONVERSIONS AT SPECl.AL SAVINGS! FOR FLEET SALE OR LEASE INFORMATION CALL HARRY GLAVIC 546-1934 All Brand New '79 .CORDOBA$ LE BARONS YOLARES OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE Actual factory invoices oo'ited on all car windows on cars in stock Does not include factory incentives or dealer holdbacks '76 PLYMOUTH ARROW COUPE Economical 4 cvl 2000 cc en11ine 5 speed trans bucket sears air cond . power brakos cusrom wheel<; radio and wsw riros (934REAl 175 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPE \18, automa11c trans . atr cond , pwr steering & brakes pwr seat & windows. leather 1n1 . pwr dr locks. AM/FM slereo w/S track. vinyl lop till & more' !464WR1l 17 6 CHRYSLER CORDOBA COUPE '74 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Automatic tranc;m1ss1on VS arr cond • ,lull power steering brakes. door loclts. windows & seat. AM/FM stereo radio vinyl top & WSW tires !080U0Wl 173 SUBARU SEDAN Economrcel 4 cyl engine 4 soeed transmission radio. hearer and white sidewall lrres (S20KZYJ 176 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE VS automatic trans arr cond VS aulomattc transm1Ss1on full power steering power brakes power tilt wheel cruise control AM/FM stereo radio 1111 wheel. arr cond . AM/FM stereo radio cruise control. vrny1 top & wsw leather interior. vinyl lop & more• tires (440PCVl _ (742P0Nl J 53895 56195 '70 LINCOLN COHTINEMTAL SEDAN VB. automal1c trans . air cond power steering. power brakes power WlndOWS. radio & S track. split power seats, vinyl top & wsw tires (nSKKY) '78 DODGE VAN 1200 MAXI SrotrrSMAN VS. automatic. front air cond & rear arr cond . pwr steer111g PINT brakes. cruise AM/FM S track stereo, custom. ext. moldings. travel package. road wheels & morel ( 124929) 51095 ~8995 BRAND NEW 1979 CHRYSLER LE BARON 4 DOOR SEDAN VA l'nQtne auroma!1c torouPll1!A tran">m1o;<;1on oowPr <;fflering, whit .. <>1dewall QIA~c, bellPd radial !irpo; dnrt morP' I 166251 l $ 4DOOR BRAND NEW 1979 VOYAGER VAN Vfl rnorn" aulOfT'lat1c 1ranc;m1c;<>1on trntf'd Qlass :> 94 rPRr aJtle ra110 raaio oowPr o;feennq Iron! disc brakPs and Old'>'> bf'lled rad•'11 tire' I t2f'183l ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SERVICE HOURS · MOHD4Y-At1DAY· 7-• S.4 TUIDA Y: 1:00 ~ M.JOT0.4.M. TO S:JO P'.M. "'· . 5:00 p .M. ..., .. J I ' I l I .,, ;11 , .. ., .. AA .,, 11-4 .. .. . , .. ,. . ... . - Huntington Beach Fountain Valley 01TI0 N Your llo1netown" Daily New~pape.~ VOL 72, NO 73, 4 SECTIONS, 4~ PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1979 Israel Near Peace Pact Agreenient? J ,, ~ ' B)' Thtt SO<'tatC'd Pr"' rht• I nwli Cubmt•t tH <"t'Pkd l'rc111dt•111 <'11rt1•1 ''"" lw\ l'om prom lflt•i. 11} ~M \ ,. Ow "11 \ fur .in F.~ ptl.in l1or.id1 JW.H't ' t r\'UI \ but po~t11orlt'd until S11ncl1t\ 1h dt•t·1~11111 011 •'l>IH'\1\ llllo( tlw ll"Clth .1:. J whult' l'rimt• M1111,h·r ~h·n.u·ht•m Bt'J:ll\ tohJ r1•1111rtt·1' thul tw l\'le:phollt"'tf C'arlt•r w 1lh th1• nt•wl. 111111w1h .ttl'I)' a ftt'f lhl· l .1btnt>t M''>:.11111. Jl1J1nj( I h1· 11r1•,1d1•nt """ VU) ~lud w tt•('f'IVt' th111 In form .. hon Tht• 111111111i.u I'> 6:0 n1• x I Io tht• Knt·~'wt ,111 i>urhuriwnt lll·.:111 h." 'llld ht• would rt•111~11 If lhl'y "'l'I t' nut 41i('('t•pt1•tl tht'l t' In Wu11h1ngt11n, <.:arkr ~uul · 1t ll lht• ouht11 nd111t1 ,.,.,u1•., · twt"'1~n Jo:~\ pt mul hrut•I "huH· no" lH·c.·11 s1u-1·1·:.:.full y 11· wlvt•d " C.1rtl't c·on~rutulu l t>cl fit'gln .1n11 .. :101>l1un l're•i.uh•nt Anwar Sudut, l!Hylng , 'the ~uce wtuch ttw1r peoplei. so dtarly need and wirnt Ii. dos(' Iii reality." Sadat hud uln·udy Ut'cepled the com- prom 11>t':t I n Cairo. Egypt 's Prime M 1n1ster Mustufa Khalil termed tht• lsraeh Cabinet move "really a wuccci.i. fo r peace " • • 1 am extremely pleased that thl• ls ral•h Cabinet has approved tht' two rem aining proposals t hJt J d1scu!)~ed with P rime Minister Begin on Monday in J erusalem," Carter said in a brief statement. The president said he is proud t h at the United States could have been able to assist the two Mideast nations toward a peace treaty. "We stand ready t.o help in the implementation of the peace treaty, in the negotiations that lie ahead on other issues of con- t'ern. and in working with these two friends to build a stable and peaceful Middle East." Hours earlier, Carter returned fro m Cairo to il he ro's welcome in Washington and said: "I believe that God has ans we red o~r prayers." T he prime ministe r said a treaty with Egypt could be ·s igned within th e m onth . possibly in a week or two, if the Knesset appro ves. Egyptian Foreign Minister Butros GhaJi agreed with Begin's assessment B egin s a id he , Sad at and Carter would sign the accord m Washington. Carter told 1.000 congressional leaders, me mber:-. of his ad ministration and other fla~ waving we ll-wishers who greet ed him after midnight at An drews Air Force Base "You arc looking al a tired but grateful m an .. Earthquake Ro·cks Mexico City Witness Tells of Choking By KATHY CLANCY Of, ... Oall~ Pilot Sgll A key prosecution witness m the retrial of Dr. Willia m Wad- d 11 J of Hunting t o n Harbour testified today that he saw Wad· dill pressing his hand around the throat of an aborted infa nt he is act'used of strangling two years ago Pediatrician Ronald Com elsen testified Waddill also told him, "If this baby lives at is gomg to be the biggest me~s you ever saw. "It will be brain da maged a nd I will wind up paying thousands of dollars for its support and care,·' Cornelsen continued q uoting WaddiU to an Orange County Superior Court jury. Cornelsen testified as Waddill pressed down on tbe baby's t hroat he complained "l can 't find the God damn trachea." Com elsen was called to the witness stand by prosecutor Robert Chatterton in an effort to con vince Jur ors t hat Waddill s trangled the infant after an abortion effort on her 18-year· old mother a ll egedly failed. Chatterton conte nds Waddill mur dered the t wo -pound 15· o unce infant known as Baby Girl Weaver, fearing he would face a malpractice laws uit if the in· rant lived and suffered brain damage because of immersion in t he saline abortion solution. Defense lawyer Cha rles Weed· man has contended the infant for a ll practical pur poses was never alive when Waddill ex- amined her and that the baby's brain had been hope lessly damaged by saline. Waddill is on trial a second time. His first trial ended last May when jurors said they were deadlocked 7 to 5 in favor of ac- quittal. Cornelsen told the jury today b e was s u m mon e d to th e Westminster Co mmun ity <See WADDILL, Page A2) Bill Lo Help Senior Suits S A CRA MENTO <A P ) Persons who are over 70 years old or who are Ul could demand that their civil cases be given first priority on court calendars, under a .bill approved by the California Assembly. The bill, AB 146 by Herschel Rosenthal. D·Los Angeles, went to the ~nate on a 58-0 vote. Rosenthal said some courts have backlogs of three or four years and the plaintiffs covered by his bill might well die before their suits come to trial. AD CENEIU.TED GRE4T RESPONSE "l received great response from my Dally Pilot ad. That's t.be advertiaing success 1tory of the Costa Mesa woman who placed thil ad in th• Daily Pilot: Sofa tleeper, qu slat: Modem aickboanl, toUa •oodX.U•UU If you need cre1t respome to make a Hie. call the lrienclly ld·Yllen at MZ·51'11. Tbe DailJ PUot ~~-loeal customen. ·~·· ........ DEJECTED MEXICO CITY CAR OWNER WALKS AWAY FROM HIS CRUSHED AUTO IN DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT Eight Cara In Thia Lot Were Crushed After Tremor and 18 Afterahocka Rocked Mexico'• Capital Early Today Huntington Artion Part-tiille Teacher Pay Hikes Nixed By JERRY CLAUSEN Of -DallY ~li.t St•lf Substitute teachers a re living at a near poverty level, trustees of Huntington Beach Union High School District were told Tues· day night as they considered a nd rejected-a move to in· crease the part·time instructors' salaries. The proposed 7 percent salary hij<e was rejected, 2 to 1. when T r us tee Stephen Smith voted "no" to allow consideration by a full board. T rustees Doris A llen and BriaQ Lake were absent. Board P r esid e n t Zita Wessa a nd m em ber Helen Dille voted for the increase which would raise daily substitutes to $41 and long- ter m substitutes <on the sa me asshmment for more than 10 days > toS53.50a day. Subs titu tes spokeswoman .Jeanine Roland of Huntington Beach told tr ustees s he had worked almost daily last year in t he district as a subs titute teacher and earned little more than $4,000 for a year . Ms . Roland said the 173 s ub· stllutes on the district 's call list mus t be a vailable for work every day to rem ain active un· de r current rules, a requirement that makes a second job nearly impossible. She also noted that while the d istrict's ave rage teacher earns $114 daily and r eceives othe r be n efits Including health in· surance, substitutes m ake only their meager salaries. "We are truly at your mercy." she implored in s upport of Supt. F ra nk J Abbott's proposal for the 7 percent pay hike , the first suggested in more than two and a ha lf years. Substitution , she said , is no longer .. a few good dollars for a few good hours." T he jobs now, she said. are nearly full-time. The district's s ubstitute lists re portedl y swelled to 700 in January when nearly half the high scbool teachers walked off the job in a strike that eventual- ly led to a 7 percent pay raise for regular teache rs. A district spokesperson said the list is down now to 173 na mes. Ms . Roland said many "good" s ubs t itu te teach e r s h ave dro p ped o u t o f th e ranks because they no longer can af. ford the luxury or teaching, a task most of them enjoy and would like to continue. Study Set Of Budget WAS HINGT ON CAP ) Democratic Reps . Harold L. Volkmer of Missouri and Andy Jacobs o r Indiana announced Tuesday the fo rma tion of a bipa rtisan group to cons ide r ways to balance the budget . They said 31 House members in both parties have agreed to join the or ganization , to be known as the Balanced Budget Caucus. 0 300 U.S.A . ·~··,..,.... CENTER OF QUAKE Southern Mexico Hit Midget Clown Loses $600 in HD A midget clown with Circus Vargas told Huntington Beach police Tuesday that somebody broke into his wardrobe trailer o n Edinger Avenue and took $600. David Beaver , 18 years old a nd about 3 feet t all , s aid the cash and travelers' checks we re s tored in a locked cabinet. Police said his clothing was not dis turbed. Navy Seeks Land SAN DIEGO CAP> -Condem· nation proceedings have been riled by the U.S. Attorney's of· rice on behalf of the Navy to ac· quire 13,812 acres or land being used as an aerial gunnery range in the Chocolate Mounta in area in Imperial County. Search Ends For Doryman Inst at Sea An unsuccessful sear ch for a Newport Beach dory fisherman w hose e m pty boat washed ashore Tuesday remained sus· pende d today off Newport Ha rbor. The searc h w as la unched Tuesday morning when the 15- foot dory belonging to Donald Zeitler, 28, or Newport Beach, washed ashore at Cameo Shores in Corona del Mar A Coast Guard helicopter was d i spatched t o t h e f1 s h 1ng gro unds off Newport lo aid m the search that inc lude d other dor ymen. comme rcial fishing boats, the Harbor Patrol and Newport Beach lifeguards. The search was called off in t h e l ate afte r noon a nd spokesmen for the various or· ganizations said they would not continue today. "We'r e awaiting further de· ve l op m ent s," a H arbor Pa trolman commented. 'Hot Roe~' Not Perilow PO RT HU E NEME <AP > The Navy hopes to r esurface a st orage lot with 900 tons of radioactive rock that it clajms presents no threat to pla nt or animal lire , officials said. · Thomas Crane, com mander of t he naval nuc lear power unit at the Navy's Const ruction Bat· talion Seabee Center he re. said Tuesd ay the load of crushed rock that a rrived from Antarctica on Monday is "very. very low in radiation. Kids Told, Get Shots or Out Parenti of more than 2,000· ~lementary school pupils in Hun· tlnJtou Beach have been warned that younpten will be turned away from school unlas they meet lmmuni11tlon requlre· men ti. Letters recently weN sent to the puenta ot 1,500 1tudentl In tbe HunUn1ton Beach City <elementary) lebool District beeaUM tbe youq1ten bad no proof that they received In· oculatlons 11alnat pollo, dlpbtberla, tetanus. wbooptn1 IOU•hadma.tlel. District nurse Donna Stewart aaid that unless the records are upd1ted by Friday, students would be excluded next Mond~ from Burke, Eader, Hawes, Ket· tier, LeBard and Smith achoola. Parents have unUl next f'ri. day to take care of the require- ment or thet?' younptera will be barred It Moffett, Perey a.S Petel'IOft Scbooll March 2'· Miu Stewert said today, however, that 1be doetn 't eq>eet any ...... uPQllton from city tchoola. •·we upect only very minimal numbers to be affected by the deadline," s he said. "The response by parents has been ter· rifle." The diJtrlct Jut month sent almlla.r warnlnp to parenta of 1,IOO middle school pupils Cslxth thJ'Oulh eipth arades.) Onl1 50 of the 1,200 pupils failed to comply when the deadline exlJlred ud were barred temporarily from attendlac school. • Offtdala In the Ocean Vlew Sebool Dlltrtet 1ald ~ ebUdten are IM>t curnntJy lit compUance. The pupils will be excluded rrom school March 26 if there records are not up to date. A spokeswoman said the dis· trict operated two free clinics to alleviate the s ituatJon. Meanwhile , omctals at the HunUniton Beach Union High School District re ported that more than 900 percent of the pupllJ bad complied with the lm· munlut1oo goal a nd none ls fac· ina e"pul1ion from school. Otnctals 1t Fountain VaJley Elementary School District re· c&ee SHOTS. Page A.I> Treinor. Kills l; 21 Hurt M EXlCO CITY f AP 1 /\ severe earthquake• and lb af tershocks rocked this city for four hours tod ay, dam aging buildmgs and s praying broken glass over downtown streets The Red Cross said a 14 ·ycar-old girl was kHlcd and 21 persons in· JU r ed A three '>t ory building col lapsed at lbereo Am t'rtC dn Unive rsity. a private institution IO the southern part or the rit) Most of the wmdow~ al th• ,. ve rsity were broken Police said m an y p "" l homes were heavily da1 1aged. But hfe quickly returned to nor m al, and traffic filled thC' streets during the morning rush hour. The Seismological Institute in Mexico City reported the quake measured 7 on the Richter scale a nd the epicenter was about 200 miles southwest of the capital city . The US Geological Survey in Golden, Colo . called it a major quake with a Richter reading or 7.9 and the epicenter 100 miles northwest of Acapulco. on t he Pacafit' t'oast or a s hort dis tance at sea St'ient1sts lhere sa id tha t read ing wouJd make it the strongest quake in the world this year No damage was reported in Acapulco. a popula r resort. but the highway to it from Mexico City was blocked by landslides Lights were out in several sec lions or the capital of 13 million people when a strong aftershock hit almost exactly an hour after the main shock rolled through the capital shortly a fte r 5 a.m The facade fell from a bank building on J uarez Street in the heart of the city. It appeared at least one upper s tory or the building had collapsed into the ground floor Tourists ~athered 1n small frightened knots in front of the towermg hotels on Pasco de la Reforma Boulevard Glass from broken windows littered the sidewa lk. Electricity was c ut in many parts of Mexico City The sub· way system stopped briefly. but was running norma lly two hours after the quake Radio broadcasts s aid the quake was fell m Monterrey, 100 miles from the U.S. border , and in Oaxaca. some 250 miles south of Mexico City Weathe r Cha nce of shower s in· creasing to 30 percent Thu r s day . l nc r e as Ing c loudiness tonight with lows 50 to 55. Highs Thurs· day in u pper 50s lo m id • 60s. INSIDE TODAY The brilliance of A lbert Eln~!ein i3 being hatled worldwide today on occasion of hia bfrlhdate JOO years ago Story, photo Pagea A8-Al0 l•dex C:H Cll .,., 91 ., •• All .,~ .. .. .,.. •• A4 ' ' 11 . • I ' rs j ; ~ 1 r AZ DAIL v PILOT H/F Marvin Sex Data Reject d LOS ANG El ti;~ <At• 1 Thf' judge> In tht• Lt-.· M 1rvln trial huh •1uui.ht•d ,\ "ubpoc>n• for pnvalt' oolt'ti lukt•n by ,, lnwvn ubout ltllk11 with i. youna uctor who r lalmi. he• had :wx 2S hmt•\ ""1th M1cht•llJlll'nola Muvtn M 1~5 Mt1rvin 'ic tltlOrn<'~ ""'h" st1ut:ht th•• nott•" 1h•d11n'<I In t•ou1 t ·1'\u-sd1J)' I hat he• 11litn"I 111 pr<''>t'nl ll•i.llmtinv that tht' wit nt'llll, tt('tor H1 <'hnrd HouJCht)' I' u homo!'lt•itutil M <I r v 111 1\1 111 ht• I 'Ion "" ho ll•'U'l"ll Ill hi' ~ ro.'li. t'~dnllOUtlOll o f Marvin tu .1q1ut• the• mot111n 1· 0 II 1 • t' I ll I 11 J: I) 11 U .: h I \ ' ii 11 I t•v1dt•111•1• uf ht•m11"•11ual1t\ v.ould ra..'t clouht on l>ought} ' dt11m thdl ht• h,HJ ,, l1·11~lh) w~ uJI JffJ1r v.llh !\11'' !\1 ,1rv111 whllt• '>ht· '"-J' .. 1111 la\ 111.: v.1lh I .t•t• M,1n an I .1111 111111111.: \ uu un nol 111· 'JHI Milt ht'l-..111 I v.-111 11111 on,, y, 1tn1''' to t1•i>t1h J houl "1 1 Doughty .., rt-putJl1tm an tht• >!·1' 1·ommun1ty a.-. a h1 1m11't'XUJI Berndt Lohr &·hrn11Jl .. m .11 tornt>y for Marvin dt•nuunntl M1tc·ht!lson.., l'omnwnh ..... 't' 1st " Without 1lt•ny1ng th1· di.um,, Lohr &·hm1dt l.J1d , .. Whelht·r Mr Doughty 1s a homosc>.ual or a l\eterosl•xual as not at l''>Ul' in tht!> cast> .. M 1tcht!lson d1sogrced , ... aymg, •·If Mr Richard Doughty 1:. ·• homosexual. 1l would be unllkPIV ht> would havt! a ht1lt'ros1·xual n· lat1ons h1p with my chl'nt " Lohr-Schmidt !>illd mcdH'itl t1•st1mony cou ld pr ove that homosexuals a r<· capiihlt• of heterosexual relationshi ps Doughty, 32, has been the trial's most controvers ial wit ness He test1f1ed first 1n ltecret while Superio r Court Judge Arthur Marshall pondered lhc admissibility of his testimony. ·Wh en Mars h a ll ruled the material relevant, he noted that D.oughty had admitted lying about the affair pn·vwusly The boyish al'lor. managed by Marvin's agt•nt. t·onccdcd that whl'n ht' W<Jl> inlcrv1<•wcd by Marvin's lawyt·rs 1n 1973 he told tht·m ht• nl'V<'r had sex with Miss M a r vin Firing Squad Toll Reaches 62 in Iran TEllRAN , Iran IAP) Fmn~ squads in Iran's provincial cities executed five more former of· fi c1ab today, bringing to 62 the num ber known lo have been ex e<·uted s ince the shah was de· posed last month About 200 others are believed awaiting execution after conv1c· tlon by Is lamic revolut ionary tribunals. Three of the executions took place al Dezful m Kuzestan prov· inre The dead were Lt. Gen. Akbar Ghafarian, Isl Lt. Ali Re hda ri u nd Police Ch ief Mohammed Taghi Hajaidi. All three were convicted of murder and torture In Shushtar. also m Kuzestan. the former head of police, Lt Haydar Jafarmfa, was shot after being found g uilty o f two murders during anti-shah pro- tesls. In anothe r town, another gov· ernment official was executed after beinJ;t convicted or ordering troops to fire on anti-s hah demonstrators More than 1.000 chanting and placard-waving students dem· onstrated m fronl or the British Embassy 1n T e hran lo· day, denouncing fo reign "1m· perialism " and protesting al· leged mistreatment or Iranians al London's Heathrow Ai rport. The de monstra tor s , mostly high school-age d s tudents, pa ra ded in front of lhe e m · bassy's iro n gr illed gate on Ferdowsi Avenue . No violence was reported. ORANGE COAST "'~ DAILY PILOT f,_.Or•ntrtc.MI Dtfl'r Ptt04 wttftWft"f111\f°"" blftlilood tM ~ Pr-~\ •\ °"°''~ b-y , .... ()r_... co.--.1 •v•Kl'WIO~ S.N.-•t•f'dit'°"'•' .. pub41t.Nd AAeiN:f•Y HW'OWOI" ~rHt•'r fOf (~I• -... Ho_,-" H--l!Ht" ,_ 1.-nvell•y l"'HW" L..,,_. IM.atft Soutfll(~ Ill \•"'O.,. r~ flid1t..,, •t ~·w. kiwr-oen M'G _,, f1w "'""-....,.,.,,. ... IM..,, ""' J3C WMt l•y ~,_.. (OM•..Ww C•ltfor-"i•'1'1' ·-·-,,, e\~t ··"° Pweifl..., 'M• 11 C"""' v1 .. ,....1--o.-.. _ TIM-m••tC ..... l!GllOf' T-:,.m:;.~ ... Mrr.:- O-. H L-It~-" ... n A\\0\16111 W ... Q•"Ot•1en .. _,,,_ WHI 0t•"tt Covlll• EOl!O< Hllfttl~Oll hec:ft ~ Meth~~~(~~,:, • ._ °'""' ~ .. <Kt\ llM O-"ilt"1 ""'•*V• UOW.•t .. ,,, ...... WtdnH<l•r March 14, 19TV Press /tleet, Death M1kt· Proke:-.. s pokesman for J im Jones' Peo ples Tern· pit.•. ddl'n<kcl his dead leader to the end in a Modesto prl'::.::. eonfer<!nce Tuesday (a bove>, t hen excused htmsdf a nd fatally shot himself in the head. Modes~o Bel' rt•porter J .. Robert Basemore attempts to atd Prokl·:, Rdutcd story today, Page AS . District Off iriab Junior Colleges Exchange Opposed By WiLLIAM HODGE Ol tM Dally Pli.t St.ff A lop Coast Community Collel'?e District ofricial said to· day his institution probably would not support a proposed open ex· change or s tude nts between Orange County community col- leges. The proposal received support Monday from Saddleback Com· munity College District trustees. "It would be very costly for our distric:t." Coast Business M a nage r Correll an <Cor ey> Thompson said today. "I would r ecommend that we keep the same agreement that we have now fort.be 1979-80school year." The existing interdistrict al· t endance agreement between Coast and Saddleback calls for an exchange of tuition in addi· lion to state support for each s tudent. Under that agreement, Saddleb ack paid $814,432 lo Coast in the 1971·78 school year. At the same lime. Coast paid Saddleback only $17,807. •That's because more Sad- dleback District residents chose to a ttend classes in the coast dis· trict, prompting the Saddleback balance of exchange funds def· lclt. Under the proPosed open ex- change policy, districts would only trade state apportionment.a they receive per each atudent. That meana, using the Coast and Saddleback example. the Cout Dl1trict would be out about $1,200 ror each Saddle back student it ac· cept1. "<Under the propo1ed open e>e· change> they <Saddlebacky would· be receiving our appor- tionment which lt aboul '850." Thompson e xplaine d . ·w e would be receiving t heir appor- tionment, which is about $230." The dmerence in apportion· ments Is due. Thompson s aid, to slate formulas that consider the Coast District as poorer than the Saddleback District. Rancho Santiago Community C ollege Dis trict Bus iness Manager Tom Wright agrees with Thompson's assessment of potential problems to the Coast District but Is ready to recom- m end that his trustees support the proposed open exchange agreement. "We are favorable to free ex· change with all Orange County d istricts," Wright s aid today. "There are some complications in terms or cost that would have to be worked out but we 're sup· portlve of the proposal." F,....Page.4J SHOTS ..• ported that only rive students had been barred thus far because or extensive followup · procedures. The spokesman sald the entire proce11 ahou1d be completed in all the d.IJtricl '1 19 schools by May. School diatrtcts are respond· Ing to 1978 le1lalation that te· qulrea every atudent rrom kin· deraarten throuah lbe 12th 1rade to be lmmunlaed. Parema were allowed to alve affldaritl ln aome caaea when tt.etlcal ~ •ere k>sL ........... ~.4J WADDILL. • • tlospltul March 2, um. i,y Wud- dill He testified Waddill told him, "Kon I have a premature baby over here 1 want you to help with." After Com elsen arrived at the hospital, he said, Waddill lold him. "I am sorry , Ron, thiit I got you in on th1s mc:,s but lhc baby came out ali ve from the• s ulint> abortion." Corne l11en testif1cd he saw Waddill put his h and mt.o the 1solelle holding baby Weaver and press down on the throat Defense attorn1•y Weedman objected repeatedly today as Chatterton had Cornelscn dem onstrate with a plastic doll tht· way Waddlll's h<.ind was on th<' neck "The doll doesn 't have either the d1mensioru. or the tissue, the lack of res1s t.ince that the fetus an question had," Weedman obJect ed "I Uunk 1t 1s palt.>ntly m1sle<td · mg and unfair " 2fXJFeared IUlled i11 Peking Crasli TOKYO IAP I /\. fir1l1sh Tri de nt aircraft crasht·d m the Western outskirts of Peking and 200 people were belteved killed, Japan's Kyodo News Service re· ported today from the Chinese capital. Kyodo quoted witnesses as saying that the aircraft er.ashed into a factory near an airport s hortly after take off No information was ava1luble about how many of the victims were aboard the plane or whether some or the dead might ha ve been on the ground or in the factory Kyodo attributed 1ls report t.o Western reporters, who, 1t said, wer e in the area or the crash C hina's o ff1 c1al m edia . monit.ored Tokyo, made no men- tion of the crash. The Tridents arc used by tht• Civil Aviatwn Admm1strat1on of China, the country'::. national and mtemallona l a irline The British-huill plane ll> able to carry between 115 and 180 passengers depending upon its design, according to the 1979 ed1 lion or Jane's All the World's Airc raft. Largest selection of , Cam.era Trap Pictures of Speeders Vrged SALEM. Ore. <AP> State Re p . Nancie F'adeley wants Oregon State Police to be able to tell speeders to "Smile ... You 're on Candid Camera." She s uggests that some s tate vehicles be equipped with cameras and boldly lettered signs saying "This car is going 55 mph ·· Ca r s passing such vehi c l es wou ld be a utomatically photographed, while the time, date and speed of the s tate auto would be recorded. "I think many folks who temporarily forget the consequences of speeding, to our country's energy supply and to their own driving records, may volun· ta rily go a little slower when they see the marked s t<.1te cars," Mrs . Fadeley said. San On of re Nuke Plant Pipes 'Safe' By DAVID KUTZMANN OI ,,_ O•tly Polol ~tall The design of certain pipes m the San Onofre nuclear power plant south of San Clemente does not contain the sam<' naws that forced closure of fi ve other plants by the government, a Nuclear Regulatory Comm1ssum spokesman said today. The five nuclear facilities or dered s hut down Tuesday wen· designed by lhe sam e firm Stone and Web,,ster -which told N RC officials earlie r in the month the compute r codes they used lo calcula te earthquakt· related stresses on pipes and p1 pe supports were not adl· quate Bechtel Corp designed the San Onofre pipes. As a result, the spokesman said. the planls, all located on the East Coast. were s hut down so the pipes could be analyzed a nd modified. <Related story Page A5.) The pipes under study range from two to four inches in diameter and carry water to and from the reactor The pipes an· supported by hangers a nd rings meant to a bsorb the s tresses caused by an earthqu<.ike . The NRC said the improper computer formula uased to dt•- sign the five East Coast pla nts had led t.o inadequate s upport for th1· cooling system pipes . If the• PIJ>l'S f:tllt'd , 1t said, two of tht• thrt't' main lines of dcfen:.e <.i~aanst rnaJor rea<:tor acc1dcnb would be breached. The· lllR\ s pokt•sman s aid plants on thl' W<·st <'oast an· dl'· ~1gnl•d tn rht•t•l strickr earth quake• s:1ft't v rt.'qu1n·mPnts and lha l stn·ss fot·tors usc•d for the San Onofrp p1p<•s were much hight•r than for the pipe:; on lht: fo:a,t Coast. Southt•rn Callfcirn1a Edison C'o ssx,kcsm<in David B<J rron .... 11d hts ut1ht y ha:. gom· through th1• San Onofrl' pl<int 1n n •ccnt }t·ar.., to stn·ni:(t hcn its ability to ~ 1thstan<I J ma 1or earthquake. The new units undn construe 11on at Sci n Ono fr,, a ls1t ;.ire bt:tng hullt to meet subs tantially tougher s<Jfcty requ1ri•mcnls th<tn the original units. Barron said Home Burglarize d A lt'lev1s1on, C'loth1ng and t•aml•ra equipment valued by lttt· ownt·r at $1 .00U w<Js stolen Tul'sdJy from a llunt1ngton Bt·at·h hom1• P olat't~ s aid bur~lars apparently pried opton a door to take items fro m Robtn Ouke's horn<· on Parkside Lane. Sht• rt•portcd tht· IOl>l> al 11 p. m. Tuesday fine des k in the f area. Desks from Drexel, Heritage, H enredon and more. .. . ·s 1 ~ ! 1 I Irvine I VOL. 72, NO 73, 4 SECT IONS '' PAGES OR.ANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ~ Your llomefown • Daily ew spop~·r W E DNESDAY, MARCH 14 , 1979 , ,, TEN CENT;S Mayor l(opefuls Headed Off at Pass·; .j 8) PHll.IP ROSM \RI"-' 00 -O..lt ...... "•" T14o lr\ln1• l'll'I' <"o un1·1l 11wn1htr' v.ho l411nhlJ I• l1u1k th•• m.t1untv amt 1•lt•1·t ,1th ·-. m11'l'11r 1'111•\thn -w1·n · dont· rn h> ~w rhtt111,·ntun prtH't•dur1• MJI") Arm C:.lidv und l..11 1 \ A•: run n1•\ t•r l(ol ,, 1"11.1111•1· 10 1lt•b11t1· lhl' '"Ul' 11( ..... hdh1 I ltlt' \ OUlll 11 uu1.:t1l to 11 (' 11.:11111· no\\ or "'"''Ill Jul\ IR\ 11'•: Kt'.Slln:!\T~ \ut•·d h"t '\mt-mlwr to t·h.rng .. lht• datt• u( UIU11l ll 1•lt•1'llUll' from \IJr1·h uf t'H'n numlwrt•d )t•Jrs h • Jurw l11 t·11in1·1d1 '>'Ith it• n1•1,tl 1>nm.in 1•l1•1 t11111, To bl> rom pat1ble with that date change, the council -. a' 111 th1· n11ddlt• of approvmg a city ordmance lo change tlw dJtt• thJt 1·m111C'1lmcn choose a mayor and vice mayor f1 om amoni,! tht.:mM·IH·~ Tht> t•hang,., from March to the firRl meetmg tn July of ,., t•ry yt>ar was giv••n fi nal approval Tuesday but the new 1,,....., 1..,n ·1 efft•,·t1vc until July of 19RO ('OUNCILMAN OAVID SILLS. With the s upport or \!a)or Hill Vardouhs and Vice Mayor Arthur Anthony. plan~ to c·undurt this yt:ar's mayoral e lection m July to t•stabhsh th,• 11utt1·1n of J ul1Y reorganizations To do that, Sills has had lo m ake a special requt'sl to place the item on thl' July meetmg agenda To prevent deoate Tuesday. Sills used what he called a "pa rliamen\Ary ploy" lo table indefinitely the t>lecllon of mayor, wh h:h undl•r ex1stmg cit y law was scheduled then UNDER ROBERT'S RULES of Order, a motion tu ta blc cannot be debated before a vote on 1l Mrs Ga1do <itlempll'd a procedural ploy or her own .10d called ror a "J..lotnt or ordt·r." which 1~ u:-.ed to rci1s.· .i ques tion but for no other purpose <See MAYOR SQUA BBLE. Paite A2> Earthqu~ke Rocks Mexico City Wiring 1 Issue Settled The lrvme City Counr il com- pro mised Tuesd ay on an out- • right ban of aluminum e lectrical wmng in homebuilding to allow the use or lht: material under Cl•rta1n rircum sl<1nl't'S r Last month the counc il voted 4 to I. with Arthur Anthony voting no, to ban the ust• of aluminum ' '°' 1 ring of a size gaugt' t:ight or 1 s m a lle r. the s izes common 1n ho m ebuilding The council cited . among its reasons, the diffic ulty of insur- ing proper ins ta llatio n of the wiring to prevent fire hazards. The city did not have enough J 7 ! ins pectors. the counc il reasoned, 1 to check procedures adequately. J Among city administ rator s res olute ly opposed t o the \ aluminum tec hnology, was Bob Storc heim, who is in charge of inspection services. On Tuesday. Storcheim an- nounced to the council he had \ a('hieved a compromise with the } Building Industry Association, I w hi c h fav ors the u se of t aluminum as an alternative to ) the traditional copper wiring t Storcheim said a new joint ' proposal met his previo us objec lions l "I can assure you." Storcheim J said, "and I can assure you m I the name of a nybody who has \the job after me. that you will be given a high degree of sale· tty" b y the compro mise The new regula tion pe rtaining to a luminum electri cal wir· \ ing. to which the coun cil unan· imously gave initial approval. states in the main that copper . w i re ''shall be the preferred f mate rial" used in jobs calling for s ize 10 wiring or s maller. \ Aluminum wire would be permitted by exemption, on an individual case bas is, by • Storcheim 's department. Storcheim's decision in turn • would be reviewed by the coun- cil. for approval or denial. Conditions for approval would include all of the following . -lnst.allatlon procedures would be specified a nd assured • so as to provide an equivalent degree of safety that is obtaina ble with copper wire. -Proof that there is a s hortage of copper wire supply so that it is una vaila ble, or proof or ex('essive costs for copper wlre in sizes 10 and s maller . -An agreement for the de· veloper to reimburse the city for the cost of a ny ins p ections needed to assure safe install&· tiOA Evangelist Guilty EL CAJON (AP)-Television e vangelist Dennis Goodell faces sentencing and a probation bear· ing April 10 after pleading guilty ~ to sexual intercourse with a 17· f year-old Los Angeles girl. Ml GENERATED CRE4T RESPONSE ~l received great response t from my Daily Pilot ad. ~ That's the advertising success 1tory ot the Cost a Mesa woman 1 who placed this ad in the Dally PUot: Sota aleeper, qu alze, 1 Modem al~board. tolld wood JUUMUUUC AP WI ...... DEJECTED MEXICO CITY CAR OWNER WALKS AWAY FROM HIS CRUSHED AUTO IN DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT Eight Cars In This Lot Were Crushed After Tremor and ~8 Aftershocks Rocked Mexico's Capital Early Todav Witness Tells of Oioking By KATHY CLANCY Ol ti. O.lly Piiot Sl•fl A key prosecutio n witness in the retrial of Dr William Wa d- d i 11 of Hµntrngton Ha rbour testified today that he saw Wad- d ill pressing his hand around the throat Of an aborted infant he IS accused of strangling two years ago. Pediatrician Ronald Cornelsen testified Waddill also told him. "If this baby lives 1t is going to be the biggest m ess you e~er saw. "lt wtll be bratn da maged and l will wind up paying thousands o f dollars for its s upport and car e." Corne lsen continued quoting Waddill to a n Orange County Superior Court jury. Cornelsen testified as Waddill pressed down o n the baby's throat he complained "I can't find the God damn trache a." Com elsen was c alled to the witness stand by prosecutor Robe rt Chatterton in an effort to (See WADDILL, Page A2) <Weiwatl•• .............. Margot Einsteln, the 79· year-old daughter of physicist Albert Einstein, smiles in Tl'enton, N.J ., on the lOOt.h birthday of her famom.father, who she re· members as a .. warm and gentle person." (See Page A8 ). Marvin Trial Judge Asks Ban Of Gay Testimony LOS ANGELES !AP I -The judge in·· the Lee Mar vin trial urged attorneys today not to pre - sent testimony about the alleged homosexuality or a key witness. saying he does not believe the matte r can be decided con· elusively. Superior Court Judge Arthur Mars hall said that even if the witness , Richard Do ughty, is a homosexual. it is not proof that h e could n ot h ave bee n Michelle Triola Ma rvin's lover. ··Eve n assuming he is a h o m osex u a l , aren 't m a n y h o mosexuals bi·sexua l and engage in bi-sexual activities?" the judge asked. He addressed ·his remarks to Ma rvin Mitchelson, the attorney for Miss Marvin, who has said he would raise the issue of homosexu a lity . M itchelso n claimed Doughty lied when he said he had sex with Miss Ma rvin some 25 limes during he r a ffair with Lee Marvin. "If your eviden ce is simply that he is a homosexual and nothing more, how conc lus ive is this?" the j udge asked . He said if Doughty is bi-sexual. "these sexual activities m ay have oc· curred ... " M itchelson . aq~uing that an a ffair with Miss Marvin would be "highly unlikely" 1f Doughty were homosexu a l , said h e planned to call several witnesses on the matter inc ludtni! a <Set' MARVIN, Page A2 ) Ekctions Go Plastic SAN DIEGO CAP> - C a l ifornians c an u se c redit cards to contribute to political candidates for th e first time. The first officially legal donations by other tha n cash and checks may be made in the San Die~o municipal election this s pring. accord ing to the California Fair Political Practices Commission. A ruling ha nded down Tuesday by the San Diego district a ttorney's office • a llows the use or credit cards by mail or in person but not by telephone. C'emmunity Colleges lion Safari Helicopter Plan Aired The president of an aircraft company that wants lo opcr all' a !>Ceni c helicopter ride al w on Country Safari complained lo· day that the Airport Land Use Commission 1s trying to shoot down his project before 1t gets off the ground . Bo b Loomis. pres ide nt of Loomis Ai rcraft of Long Beach. whic h operat es a s imila r helicopter ride at Po rts-0 -Call Village in San Pedro, said the com m1ss1on had no right lo vote last month to oppose the pro- posed Lion Country he liport. In the fi rst place, Loomis said, he has not applied to either or t he two government <1genc1es. the city of lrvme and the state aer onautics div1s1on. from which permits would have to be ob· tained. Loomis said so far he has only requested the Fede ral Aviation Administration lo do an airspace s tudy of safety factors. The FAA has approved the proposed helicopt er ope ration. with certain conditions . The Marine Corps, however, which m es field earner landing practices into El Toro Marine (See COPTER, Page A2 ) -·Transfer Pinn Rapped By WILLIAM HODGE Of-o.lty ~ S\tlft A top Coast Community Cotleie District official said to- day his institution probably would not support a proposed open ex- change of stude nts be tween Orange County community col· leg es. The proposal received s upport Monday from Saddleback Com· mu.nlty CoUep District trustees. ·'It would be very costly for our dl1trict, :· Coast Buslneaa Mana1er Correllan <Corey) TbOmlJIOD ••Id today. "J would recommend tbat we keep the 11me qreement that we have now fortbe Jm.801chool year." The eliltinc lnterdlatrict at- tendance a1reement between Cout and saddleback calla for an exchange of tuition lo addi· lion to state support for each student. Under that a1reement, Saddlebac k paid $814,432 to Coast in the 1977·78 school year. At the same time. Coast paid Saddleback only $17,807. That's because more Sad· dle back District residents chose to a ttend classes in the coast dis- trlct. prompting the Saddleback balance of exchange funds def· tell. Under the proposed open ex· chan1e policy, districts would only trade state apportionments they receive per each stude nt. That means, using the Coast and Saddleb9ct example . the Coast Dl1trtct would be out about $1,200 for each Seddleback student it ac· up~. "(Under the proposed open ex- c hange> they CSaddle bac k > would be reeeiving o ur appor· lionment which is about $850." Thompson explain e d . "We would be receiving their appor- tionment, which is a bout $230." The difference in apportion- ments 15 due, Thompson said, to slate formulas that consider the Coast District as poorer than the Saddleback: District. Rancho Santiago Community College District Busin ess Mana ger Tom Wright agrees with Tb8mpson's assessment of potential problems to the Coast District but is ready to recom- mend that hJs trustees support the proposed open exchange 11reemftlt. (See TUITION, Pa1e A2) Tremor Kills l; 32 Hurt MEXICO C ITY I Al'I .\ St'ver «: earthquakc and UI af tersho<.'ks r()('ked this c•1t y for four hour:-. today, damaging bulld1nj?s and ~praying broken f;!las:-. over downtown s treet.., Tht• Rl•d CrOSl-said a 14 yl•ar old ~irl "a" kllkd and :IC! 1.,..opl1· an JUrt'd A three story b~ildsng c·11I IJps1.•d .it lbt·n·11 Am1·rit·.i11 C01vt-rs1ty, a pnvatc 1n-.t1tut1on 1n tht· southern part or lhl• city Most of lhl· windows Jt thl· uni vt•rsily w1.•n• brokc·n P ol ice· :-.aid many pr l' homcs wt•re heavily dan Rut lift> quickly rc turr d l 1 normal. and traffic fall• d lh1 streets dunng the m orn1rg rush hour The Sc1smolog1cal Institute• in Mextc<> Cit y reported th£' quakc measured 7 on the Richter scat .. <ind the epicenter was about 200 males southwest of lht• cap1l<1l City The US Geological Survey in Golde n, Colo .. c<t lled it a major quake with a R1chter,r~dtng of 7 9 <ind the ep1centtr 100 mJf('s north wt'st of Acapulco. on lht• Pac1f1c coast or a s hor t d1stanc<' at sea ' SC'tenllsts therc s aid that read ang wouJd ma kt' it the strongei-t quake in the world this year No damage was reported 1n Acapulco. a popular resort. but tht> highway to it from Mt'xttn C it y wa!> blocked by lcindsltdc" L1 ghL'i w<'i:e out in st•veral ser lion s of the capital of 13 million pt>ople when a strong aftershock hit almost exactly an hour aftt•r the m atn !>hock rolled through the capital at 5.08 a m The facade fe ll frl.'m a bank building on Juar ez Strccl tn lht· heart of -the city. It appeared al least one upper story of the building had collapsed mto the ground noor. Midge t Clown Loses $600 in HB A midget clown with Circus Vargas told Hunltngton Beach police Tuesday that some body broke into his wardrobe trailer o n Edinger Avenue a nd took $600. David Beaver , 18 years o ld and about 3 feet tall . said the cash and travelers' checks were s t o r e d 1n a locked cabinet Police said his clothin g was not d isturbed Or:::ci:as• \\·eather C ha nce of showerR in- c r e as ing to 30 pe r cent Thurs day . Inc r easing cloudiness tonight with lows 50 to 55. ffjghs Thurs- day in upper 50s to m id 60s. INSIDE TODAY The brilliance of Albert Einstein is being hailed worldwide today on occaSton of hl1 birthdate 100 years ago. Story. photo Pages A8·l0 l•dex AIOM~ M """ u..-n ....... .., .,,. Mlttk ,, .. AS Mtlftljll'° ..... OMO NollM•I~ Ctt Of'•~ Ce!IMy C'lt SMftl All 5*11 Mtftlltl M Tt .... ltltft .,.. Tilt••-Cll W.•tMf CM.ttWwN"- Cll Cll ., .. Ill ., M "" ••-4 .. .. .,.. A4 M ,; . . • I ' rs ~ I :r J ,. AZ DAIL y PILOl Ransom Cash OK Mi ionary' R turn Sought ~IOl>. h\(U, <,U '\Pt Tht• l 1nlh"d ('hurc•h 11( C ll{ut 1n Ntt~ \'ode hu'I uuthonn:d 1\JI of I H'l' tn Hull1mo1 t• tu lJtO\ 1d1 $'17 000 In ran"nm moot•) for th1· rt'lUt n of 11 k1llt11tf.pt-d nu' .. 1t1n.H\. lht• f<t•v .loyc1 \'1111 V ·I l'tor V .1r \' .1rt11r :Ml w ti" 'l<'Ul'd lrmn hi'> otfll '' l-'11d..1) .11 th1• l> ,Ill\ 11 l.rn J UOIOI t '11 111• 1(1• 111 l\1 .ir.1w1 I 'll\ on ltw ''fund 11f "' 111111111.111 \ 1101t• ru.• .. dn) fmm I h1· k 11it1L1p1Jt.•f' tit•ltt vt•tl 111 h1· '\t11 .. l1·m >:1w11 lll.i.. ..11111 V.111 \'.111111 w1111ltl ho• 1.1111•1! 1f •,oo mu f"'''" 111 S.17 0011, ~.1,11 I 1!1 II\ r r11I 111 I hrn ti."' I h.1, 1• told our p.«1pll 10 tht• l 'l11hpp1111•' 111 Ii.· p11•1>.1nJ lt' 11!1 '\\ h.1lt \t I -. 111'11'''·11 \ tu '>,1\1· IH'\ ltl1 1111 I lit• Ht" l1 .1ul f 'ro• Pa"*' . t I Wt• .ir1· fa\-nrahlt• to fn·1· ,., rh.111~: .. with .di Or .111g1• < 'ounl\ d1~t111'1 " ' Wri1:ht .,.itd 11111;1\ 'Th1·11• :111• '>111111• c·11m11lttut11111' rn 11 ·rm~ of 1·0:,,t th.ti would huv1• to h1• worked out hut w1"n · :.up 11ort1v1• of 1111· pr 01>1>'111 · So mt• of t hi' n 1mpl1•xrt14•-. Wright !>et'!> mv11lvt• lht• 1•,w1t1r1g 1ntl'rd1stnct -.tudcnt l'Xchani:i- 1101tc1t•s llndt•r tht·m. nanc•hu rc>et•1vc~ mo n <•y frum Sad dll·b41ck for studcnb that th1·y rwss to Coast to support Rancho -.tudenL'i attending there Th::1t problem could be ovN come, howt•vcr. becausl' exis t· mg agrt-cments expire July I and Saddleback ha:. gone on rec· ord supporting open exchange Saddlf:back has prompwd us to ~ay we cannot <•ntcr into an ar.:n•t•ment with Coa'>l becausf' we won't be r,:t'ltm~ the moncy to support our n •!i 1dt•nt:-. attending t•lasscs at Coast." Wrig ht swd · 'Coa!>l 1~ gomg to J::(·t hurt h1•c<J U!>t' th<•y havt• m ore ~tu d1·nts c·oming in than going out. .. Wright '>atd h e 1 ~ ph1losoph1c<11ly OJIJ>O!-.Cd to the t·x1i:.ting 1ntertl1strict attendancl.' agr<:cml'nts "The rt.'4u1rc•mcnt for a tu1t1on paymt·nt amounb to a tariff on lht· cxcban1w <if student:,," h<• !>aid "It tnh1b1L5 the !rec now of studcn~ which s hould be based on the quality or t ducat1on. not on somt.· art1f1 c1JI barrier " Suspect Arrested C HICAGO <AP> Roger Dalt:' Stafford. wanted in the killings of nine J>t.'()ple 1n Oklahoma, W8S arn·stl'd Tut•sday night in the lobby of a y MCA hCrt'. polt('I' -;a id Police said they had been t I ppcd a week ago that Stafford. 27 . wai; 1n Ch1cugo and had <;Ought him s1ncC' t. n·gon nf th•• ..t1urrh '11 Uourd nf '4-orld Mant)trtc'> 1n Nt-v. \'uric I m nut t•1•rt1un 'Ahl'n lht• thrt'(' d11)-.' th1•y 111>11lt1• ot will tw up hut I ••'H1ume th~ m~1ul lo da)' ur lomurrow Tht• 11oont•1 wt· ha ndl.-. Uw 11tnl'Jorn, thl' b.•lltlr " ct ruon Melfi ·ru1'''''*' lhut \',in \*.idor pn•1>11.ft.nt uf the• 1·111 lt•f:t-1tncl u nulJvt· of Spt•ud1i.h S I> . hJs !>t•nt i.t·vt•rul nul•''> tu ltw •;thcaol in h1i. own hJn1I 1 ht• I 4111 l• j.( (' h ll ... I> I' I II \.itl .. ft~d lhr OUl(h lh11bt' lltltt ' I h ti I lu\11 h,1, 11111 lwt n 1111-. ,..,.... Pafl# 1l I COIYfER ... ('orp' \tr St1tt111n f>ltrnlc•d 1111l lo t It.. .\ 11 p111 I I .ttrcl l ..,,. ( '11111 1111,'.'\lltn 1111 fo't-b 15 that 1nt·1m\ 1r1.: )t'l~ "11uld bt' pt• ri ltJU'>IY dost· Lo the tourist hehtopkr ('!l-,nanre between lht• craft would bt! a'.'\ small a:. 250 ft>t·t. ;11·c·111d111~ to t'ol A /\ D1tt OWll'I . :i~ ttw Jl'll-> ('antt· Ill for (I 1.11ul1nJ.( Tht• d1s t otn<'v norm ~1lly rt• qu1 rt)d 1~ I,()()() ft•t•t In uddttwn, Dittmt•wr Slild, jct pilot:, would I><· ('OIH'l'lllrattng on tht• landrng ~trip rulhe r than t h t• m u t' h s I o w c r f I y 1 n g ht.>l1copter. <ind looking 90 degrees to 120 degrees awuy from the chopper, pos:,1bly not able to see it at all That was enough for com missioner Arthur Anthony, who 1s also an Irvine city coun· c1lman, to move lhal the com· mission oppose the heliport proJ· eel. The commission unan- imously agreed. Loomis, who said he was not invited t o the commission meeting and was unaware 1t in· tended action or even discussion or his plan. prott>stcd The commisi;ron itself wa1> confused about thc appropriate· ness of its action. according to commission officials. and has sought clarification from the state d1v1sion or acronautics. Those officials say now that since the Fe b 15 act.Jon they have learned it indeed was inap· propriate. that no action should have been taken until after Loom is files for a permit. T he commission will be in· formed or thal position at its mectmg at 7 . 30 p m . Thursday <iL the Air Caltfornia Corporate lleadquarters Building, 3636 Birch St .. in Newport lieach Loomis, meanwhile. said hi:.' h::asn't been given a chance to present his side or hts hehport proposal. Already he has received let· ters o f mte ntion to oppo:,e an ap· plication for a pe rmit, among them a letter from the lrvlne Co Loomis said he is trying now to a rrange a mt-cling with Irvine Co. officials so he can be heard. r tn•utc."d." Gro1tory 11uld Th•• 1..·hurch'a office in the f'h1l1pp1n.,1 h u $67,000 1m· ml'dlatcly uvullabl~. c;r11gor y 1rnltt P:vl•nlually. h<· suld. the o!Cll'~ will bt-rcvlul·cd by ooo from tht> American United Church ol Christ. a Hparat.e but rtlOpl·rativt• <'ntlty Van Vactor ha~ Ntirvt•d all u m1~li10n0Ary in tht' l'tubppmcs for 27 ye1ns un- d1·~ thl' l1 S church. · Wl· bt.·hl'Vl' lhl' kidnapping ~.1 ... nmt1v11tt•d hy purely finan 1·tul rcclsoni.." Greg<iry said. ~h~: J4Ul'rnlla groups operate rnl)n· or ll''>\ tndt'J>entlcnlly and 1 ht•.,, .11 1• ht1rd Prl'!>!>l'd for re "lilU rt'I'' fht• nu~s1c11,.try was descnbed In his <'Ollc.•aguc!> as cxcepllonal-1~ wl'll hkl•d by both Moslems J11tl < 'hr,..tians About 95 percent o f tht• 'rhool '!> s tudents arc Muslt·m~. m:.iny of whom are trymg lo h(:lp pc.•rsuade the kid- 11ap~rs lo rt•lea1>c Van Vaetor. "ll 's obvious that he's being held doi.t: to the college," Gregory ~aid. "because of the frequent note•.!. Hut we j ust don't know how for " f'ro111 Page A l WADDILL. • • convince jurors that Waddill strangled the infant afte r an abortion effort on her 18-year. old mother allegedly failed. Chatterton contends Waddill murdered the two-pound 15· ounce infant known as Baby Girl Weaver. fearing he would face a m a lpractice lawsuit if the in- fant lived and suffered brain damage because of immersion an the sahne abortion solution. · Defense lawyer Charles Wecd- m an has contended the infant for all practical purposes was never ahve when Wuddill ex- amined her and that the baby's brain had been hopelessly damaged by saline. Waddill is on trial a seeond lime . His first trial ended last May when jurors said they were deadlocked 7 t.o 5 in favor or ac - quittal. Cornelsen told the jury today he was s ummoned to the W es tminster Comm unity Hospital March 2, 1977 , by Wad dill. lie testified Waddill told him. "Ron f have a premature baby over .here I want you to help with." After Comelsen arrived at the hos pital, he said. Waddill told him, "I am sorry. Ron. that f got you in on this mess but the baby came out alive from the saltne abortion." Cornelsen testified he saw Waddill put his hand int.o the isolellc holding baby Weaver and prci;s down on the throat. Gravel Project Backed New Home Comtnretion Gains Priority The need for sand and gravel for new home construction out- we 1ght'd the desire by Willlams Canyon residents to enjoy their rural lifestyle in the eyes of Orange County planning com- m1ss1oncrs Tuesday The commissio n reco m - m ended that county s upervisors approve Hon Development Com- pany 's plan t.o mine sand and gravel from a 450-acre site abut· ting the Cleveland National Forest OVC!r the next 15 to 25 years. CommiRsion Chairman Rex Gaede said he supported Hon's reques t because or the need lor less-expensive homes. He said local mining would help cut home costs because the sand °"ANQECOMT DAILY PILOT fN 0.lllt .... C.._t o.41t ....... ..,...._ Wfttt'fll I'\ f°"' °'""°,,....Hf'--. ,.,,""'' .• ~ ........ °', ... a..,. ( ......... l!'-C...-t .._ ..... ,_ ... OVbll\twd .....,_,_,.. IWOyeft I rfdA• ,., C. ... -u H_ llH( .. _._ .. ~ ... ·-'"'"V•1....,.1"'.,..,. ~~,.,._,~CM• A \'"9M ,.~ .. tti0fllft~;..,_.\MW" .. 1't41f"'1 ""'4••• ,,_ """'-_, ...... Pl""I " .C DI -.... , .. ,_,, .. CO_ (6111t< .... t7'1-·-lt -"'" ...... __ _ --· c....., Vko ,....,..,.,., ., ... O--• "'"- '-••IC-htlAlr ,,.._. . ..,,..,. M.I ........ ,.,. ... --. .. ~ ......... _ 40114~ Mf-flt&dlwt T etepf!Ofte (714)~1 C1eMffl..t Mffffl .... MN971 and gravel would not have to be transported great distances to building sit.es. About~ Williams Canyon res- idents had appealed to com · m1ss1oners t.o reject the com· pany's plan. Ma ny said they were con cerned about traffic s afety because Hon trucks would make more than 700 trips a day along Santiago Canyon Road five days a week and 16 hours a day. County officials also said the mining would result in carvlng mountain r idges a nd would cause dust, smoke, noise and afr Pollution. Hon officials expect the site. to be mined In 15 to ~-acre tel· ments, t.o yield 39 million tons of sand and gravel Company officials said they plan to offer t.o purchase homes or nearby residents who could be impacted by the mining and also will ins tall be rms to reduce noise. In addition. all mined land will he replanted with native vegeta· tton as minmg Is completed. ac cording to llon plans. Supervisors earlier had left the door open for possible sand und gravel mining in Williams Can yon when they adopted a plan for the Sllverado-ModJeska a rea, which Includes Williams Canyon. Al the lime, the property was own e d by F ulle rto n pastor Wtlllam Grady. who bu since sold bis Jand to Hon. Curb to Oust Five Ex-Dymally Aides? MADERA <AP) -A special aaslalanl t.o Lt. Gov. Mike Curb Indicated h e will recommend that five aides to former Ll. Gov Mervyn Dymally be re· m oved from their Jobi ln • federally funded youth e mplo1· ment project here. Al Zapanta aald Tue1day that the aldet have done llttle to ju1llfy tbelr Jobi. They ''dJd not CIUH too much to happen" dur. Ins c.hetr tenure on the Rural Youth Employment Pro1ram here, Zapanta tald. "In fact, I Hked IOmt ot the 1tudent1 that had been in the pro1ram two and three months and they 1ald they had Mver teen Ml ot the ttalf members down btre," M Hld. Tbe former Dymally 1tatten were qutM1y placed ln the pro. 1ram after brmatl1 loet the November elect-Ion but before Curb took omee. McClatchy .,.._ New'apapers reported Tuesday that the flv~ have remained In Sacra mento instead of working here. The five 1taffers are Ruby An· d eraon . Dyma.lly'a 1d- mlnl1tr1tlve a11latant: WHiie P e lote, a student lntern and Dymally campal1n aide; Mary J ane Enriquez Oymally'a Ulil· tant financial officer; Lucho Reyet1 a former personnel uals· tant ror Dymally; and Hope rteld1, Dymally'a peraonaf secretary. Curb's offlce records show Ma. Enrtquea LI not on the staff now a nd t hat another Dymally 1t1fter, Marsaret McCormtck, ta now the project '1 financial direc-tor. The pro)"l WU ftanded by I t4U,TM tJ.8. Department of Labor ...-tbat J)ymally ar. rt.need . r Camera Trap Pictures of Speedera Urged SALEM. Or<' (Al' I Stall' Rep Nancie Fadeley wa~t~ Oregon Sh1te Police to be able to tell Npec~t:rs to Smale You'n• on Candid Camera." ,Sh e !\U~i.fcst:, U1ut som t.> stutc v~hicl es be c qu1pp{'d with cameras and boldly lettered signs :,uymg "This car is going SS mph." Ca~~ pussing Su<'h vehicles would b e uutomut1cally photographed, while the time, dal4: and .~pee~ of the state auto would be recorded. . . I think. many folk~ who tcmPorarily forget the c ons..-quencc~ of spccdmg. to our country's energy s.u~ply <Jn~ Lo their own driving records. may volun tarJly go ~1 little• s lower when they see the marked state cars." Mrs Fadc lt.•y said Rape Case Motorcyclist Aids Suspect's Capture A 22 year old Gard<·n Grove man faces arra1i:nmcnt Thurs- d ay in South Orange County Municipal Court on r harges that ht• rnolestc.-d u 6 ycar·old girl 1n LJguna N1gu<•I S he riff's Ot)partmcnt ln vest1gator i''red Geller said Layne Sweaney was llrrestc."() by deputies after he was ch8Sed by a motorcycle driver who broke up the alleged uttack Monday near a shoppin~ Center at Crown Valley Parkway a nd P ac1f1c Coast l{jghway. the shoppin~ center. The older girl fled the scene· and flagged down a telcphont- company re pair truck lo obtain help Thr repairman. who asked authoriti es not to rclcat>1• his name. s toppcd <i molorey!'lt· rider and got him to chasc tht· s us pect while he t e lephoned deputies The two Laguna N1gut.>I girls we re not physically Injured 1n the 2 p.m. incide nt. Gelle r said ,200 Oead In Plane Cr -"'h? as . TOKYO (APl A British t>utll Tndent aircraft crashed 1n. to 11 factory on the outskirts of Pe king today und about 200 peo. pie werf' fc•arC'd killed, t he :~ap=~ news Herv1ce Kyodo T e di atch from tht• Chmesc capita quokd w1tncs~es &s say ing that thc,.aircraft with 12 crt·w membea s and ua .,.,e n~t·r,. aboard hit the factory near l'e kmg airport al k .52 u.m (4 52 p m PST Tue:,day > i.hortly after takeoff A II p asi.cng(·r<; a nd crew aboard tht• planc wt•re bcl.Jevcd killed O the r v1('t 1m !> 1ncludt·d workt.•rs from .tn a :.:,embly pla nt, Kyodo '>aid O n c o f t h c· w r t r) " ., s es . a Wt'sll'm torr<.";ponde nl . said h•· s ..cw m · ny Chrnt·sc c;old1e r ., t•nga in rcseue work late into th 1ght lie -;aid debris from c wreeka~e was !-.Catten·d ov1•r ,1 largt• ;1rc•<t, ac:C'urd1ng to tilt' Kyodo n ·vort No offlr1al ronr1rm &.1tron wa:. :1va1l<.1hl(• f rom th•· Chine~·· authonlw-.. 11 i.atcl K yuc1o nnl•·d t h.i I Trident airC'ruft <Ire often u.scd rn Ch1n .. tn transport ~ovcrnment leader-. a nd olht•r hJ gh ranking ofhc1ab Sweaney is being he ld 1n Or ange County Jail in heu of Sl0.000 bail. Fro• Pag*' A I MAYOR SQUABBLE. • • Accordlng t.o Geller. Sweaney a llegedly confronted the 6-year- old and her 9-year.old fe male companion as they were leaving S he asked whether a nomination nccd c'<l d wcond and learned it did not. then quickly tric.<d to sneak in a nomin<t· taon. Fro.a Pagt! A I MARVIN •.. woman Investigator and a male member or the homoscxu<JI com· munity. "The 1nvcst1 gator wouto testily that Mr. Doughty 1s a m an known as 'a walker.· a term we will define l<1ter," Mllchelson s aid. Al that point, Marvin's at- torney, A. David Kagon, rose and protested that Doughty has denied being a homosexual Largest selection of fine des ks in the area. SIU.S PROTESTED THAT he :,till had. 1n parltamen tarv lingo. the floor. and would not rcl1nQu1i.h 1t for other than a point of order Under the rules. Sills sucC'e!>sfully 1ns1~lcd on <t vol•·''' table the matter. which W(l!> a pproved :i to ~. with Mr:-. Ga1do a nd Agran on the short f·nd THUS, MRS, GAIDO and Agran. who hc1th want Lo be mayor, didn't eve'n get to talk ab<Jut 1t Anthony, who wants to tx• m ayor . llnd Sills, who has been mayor before a nd has indu·atcd he would SUPJlOrt An· thony, didn't want t.o talk abt>ut 1t. Vardoulis. who does n't want to be mayor and insists he won 't accept a nomination for another te rm. wall be mayor. at least until July Desk s from Drexe l, Heritage, Henredon and more. Laguna/South Coast Yeur llon1etown · Daily N('lw~pape r I ' VOL 72. NO 13, 4 S C TIONS. 44 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1979 TEN CENTS ·Marrin .Judge f:lsks Gay Hearing Ba~ LOS \NC:f:I F.. c \Pt l't)f' 1ud,;e in tht• l ~·t• Mc1rvtn tnnl urtti•d .ithH'Tlt''' tod a\ not to in'\' ..,t•nt tt•,.,t1mo11) ttho ut th1• 11lll'~1·1t homuM•:-.u:.il1l\ of .1 kt•\ w1tnc: ., '•') in.c ht• do1•:-not twllt•\I tht· mu1t1•r t•an lw 1lt•t 11lt·d t'un du l\t'h Supt•nur l\111r 1 l uilt:•' rthur \1.11 'h.tl l ... lld th.it l '\ t•n If th\• "'alrtl'l>-'. tt1 ehurct Oou1o1hl) ti. .i hulllOM':it.U.tl II I~ llCI( pruor lh<il h t' <' o u I ct n o t h u v 1· b t• t' 11 MM ll'ht•lh'Trwlu marv111 '' lOVl'I ' to:' t' n u., i. u"' 1 n ~ ht• 1, u h 11 rn v .,1•' 11 u I . .. r t' 11 · t mu 11 v hll lll O!tl'XUu h tu "' )( UJI u ncl •·n~nf(l' In b1 ·\f' uul •H'llVtll1••11" lht• Jlld~t' II kt• tl1• addn•i.wd h1i. n•marks 111 M.irv1r1 M1tdu·l~on, tht• utton w\ for Mt~' Marv1u who has ~aid he would ruaf.c lht· issue of h ti m '' ""c u .ii 1 t y M 1 t <· b t-I ~ on r lu1med Doughty lied when he :-.lid hl' had se x with Mi ss Mur van some 25 tames during ht•r uffuar with Lee Mar van . .. U your ev1den<'e 1s simply that tw 1s a homosexual a nd nothing more. how conclusive 1s this ?" the Judge asked He said 1C Doughty b bi-sexual. "these ::.t'xual al'l1v1t1es may ha ve O<'· t•urrt.'i.1 " Ml l(•helson, ar~uang that an affair with Miss Marvin would be "highly unlikely" ir Doughty were homosexual , s aid he planned to call severa l witnesses. on the matter -including a wom an investigator and a male member or the homosexual com· munity ·'The 1nves t1gator woutct testil y that Mr. Doughty 1s a man known as ·a walker.' a term we will de fine la te r ,' Mitchel.son said At that point , Marvin's al· torney, A . David Kagon, rose and protested that Doughty has denied being a homosexual. "Mr. Doughty has vehemently denied to us since this matter hit the press that he has had any homos exual r e lations with anyone." Kagon said The verbal cx<'hange came afte r Kagon opened the court•' day by volunteering to turn over notes that he a nd another at· torney had take n during in terviews with Doughty. Kagon re fused a ~ubpoena Tuesday for the notes and th1· Judge has quashed the subpoena. ruling the noles were privileged Kagon asked the judge to re view the notes privately and to make a pubhl' statement saying <See MARVIN, Page A2l Earthquake Rocks Mexico City SC Pair Won't Budge By RAYMOND ESTRADA Jr. Of tit• D•tly Pllol Si.II S a n Cl e m e nt e m o bil e ' hom eowm•rs Richard and Mary Mr Do we l I r efuse t o budge despite orders to relo<•ate their roa('h from .m ever widening r rat•k m a road.way near the scene of a DC'c 18 landslide McDowell, a former San Juan ' City Council me mber who mar n ed Mary Wt>ber last week, said he and h1s wife are "not afraid '' of a recently released geologist's report that rccom mended the re· location of four more homes at I Shorecliffs Mobi le Country ( Estates ( Geologist Jack Sticke l, of Stickel and Associates, Santa Ana , said his company's monitoring devices show daily movement of the earth abutting the bluffs at nearb) Estrella Golf Course. Stickel, hired by operators of ' the mobile home park. said the earth is moving at a more rapid rate now, "and will definitely take out four or five spaces." He said the spa<'e housing the i M<'Dowell s ' mobile home, "is I s howing quite a bit of stress , nght now," adding the couple > has received a court order to I leave , Th ree othe r Shorecliffs homeowners on Mira Adelante ha ve already packed up their ( houses and left rollowmg the 1 Dec. 18 earth slide th~l dropped thejr bac ky< rd about 60 reel down the side of an adjacent bluff Park manager Ray Paine said ' today the McDowells' home, in space 95, and the homes in • spaces 96. 97 and 98 have been • ordered moved due to the possibility or another slide. Pame said only the McDowells , h ave refused lo move. The ma nager (,teclined further com· ment on the situation. McDoweU, a councilman Crom 1976 to 1978 when his former wife '; died , said mobile home park at- torneys sent a letter to the four latest Mira Adelante residents who have been ordered lo move. McDowell said the letter, dal· ed Ma rch 1, threatened legal ac- tion if the homeowners dld not relocate their coaches. (See SfAV, Page AZ) Calendar Set For Clemente City For11ms San Clemente voters wiU have an opportunity to see what can- didate's forums and events are upcoming prior to the April 24 City Council elections. Members of the League of Women Voters of the Capistrano Bay Area have installed a eaten· dar of events in the San Clemente Library. Tb~ large caJendar has been placed in the library , and .forums, coffees and other public ' events to which the 36 council candldates may appear will be U.*9. Candidates are asked t.o post informal.ion about fund·railen, recepdous and otber meettnp on a W card under tbe date of theactMty. San Clemente votera will elect tbree auaell memtiera to ffll the tenn1 ol llayor Willlam Walker, and councll me mbe,. Donna Wllk1DIOQ ud Howard Mushett who were recalled from office tn January. APVfi ....... DEJECTED MEXICO CITY CAR OWNER WALKS AWAY FROM HIS CRUSHED AUTO IN DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT Eight Cars In Thia Lot Were Cruahed After Tremor and 18 Aftershocks Rocked Mexico's Capital Early Today San Onofre Plant Pipe Said OK By DAVID KUTZMANN Of OW O.iHly Pl .. t St.If The design or certain pipes in the San Onofre nuclear power plant south of San Clemente does not contain the same flaws that forced closure or five other plants by the government, a Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman said today. The five nuclear facilities or· dered shut down Tuesday were designed by the same firm - Stone and Webster which told NRC officials earlier in the month the computer codes they used to calculate earthquake· related s tresses on pipes and pipe s upports were not ade- quate. Bechtel Corp. designed the San Onofre pipes As a result, the spokesman said, the plants , all located on the East Coast, were shut down so the pipes could be analyzed and modified . <Related s tory P age AS.) The piJ)es under study range fro m two to four inches in diameter and carry water to and from the react.or. The pipes are supported by hangers and rings meant to absorb the stresses caused by an earthquake. The NRC said the improper computer formula uased to de- sign the five East Coast plants had led to inadequate support for the cooling system pipes. If the pipes raHed, it said, two or the three main lines or defense against major reactor accidents would be breached. The NRC spokesman said <See NUCLEAR, Page AZ> AD GENERATED GRE4.T RESPONSE "I received great response rrom my Daily Pilot ad. That's the advertising success st.ory d the Costa Mesa woman who placed thJa ad ln the DaUy Piiot: Sofa sleeper. qu site, Modern 1idtboard, solid wood ~<JUUU( If you Med areat re1ponse to make a sale. call tlae friendly ad·~ a~ "2·5611. The DaUy Pllot reaches local cuatomen. i Rape Case Motorcyclist Aids Suspect's Capture A 22-year-old Garden Grove man faces arraignment Thurs· day in South Orange County M unic1pal Court on charges that he molested a 6·year-old girl in Laguna Niguel. Sh e riff's Departm e nt In· vestigalor Fred Geller said Layne Sweaney was arrested by deputies after he was chased by a motorcycle driver who broke up the alleged attack Monday near a shopping Center al Crown Va lley Parkway and Pacific Coast Highway. S weaney is being he ld in Orange County Jail in lieu or $10,000 bail According to Geller. Sweaney allegedly confronted the 6-year old and her 9·year·old female companion as they were leaving the shoooin~ center . The older girl fled the scene and nagged down a telephone company repa ir truck to obtain help. The repairman, who asked authorities not to re lease hi s name, stopped a motorcycle ride r and got him to chase the s uspect while he telephoned deputies. The two Laguna Niguel girls were not physically injured m the 2 p.m . incident . Geller said. District Of firials Junio~ Colleges Exchange Opposed By WILLIAM HODGE Of -0.11., l"ll•t , .. " A top Coast Commun ity Colle~e District ofricial said to- day his institution probably would not support a proposed open ex- change or students between Orange County community col· leges. The proposal received support Monday rrom Saddleback Com· munUy ColJege District trustees. change policy, districts would only trade state apportionments they receive per each student. That means, using the Coast and Saddleback example. the Coast District would be out about $1,200. for each Saddleback student it llc' cepts. • "(Under the proposed open ex· c h a nge> they <Saddleback > <See TUITION, Page A%) Witness Tells of Oto king By KATHY CLANCY Of IN 0.tlf Pilot s .. 11 A key prosecution witness an lhe retrial of Or. Wilham Wad dill of Huntington Harbour test1'°ied today that he saw Wad· dill pressing his hand around the throat Of an aborted Infant he IS accused of strangling two years ago. Pediatnc1an Ronald Cornelsen testified Waddill also told him. "Ir this baby lives it is going to be the biggest mess you ever saw. "It will be brain damaged and ( will wmd up paying thousands or dollars for its support and ca re ." Corne I sen continued quoting Waddill to an Orange County Superior Court Jury Cornelsen test1f1ed as Waddill pressed down on the baby 's throat he <'Ompl amed "l can't fi nd the God damn trachea " Com elsen was called to the witness sta nd by prosecutor Robert Chatterton m an effort to convrncc jurors that Waddill strangled the infant after a n abortion effort on her 18·year· old mother allegedly failed Chatterton contends Waddill murdered the two-pound 15· ounce infant ~nown a s Baby Gi rl Weaver . fearing he would race a malpractice lawsuit if the in· rant lived and suffered brain damage because or immersion in the saline a bortion solution. Defense lawyer Charles Weed· man has contended the infant for all practical purooses was (See WADDILL, Page A2> "It would be very costly for our district,:' Coast Business Manager Correllan (Corey) Thompson said today. "I would r ecommend that we keep the same agnement that we have now for the 1979-&0scbool year." Pair Tripped The existing interdistrict at- t endance agreement between Coast and Saddleback calls ror a n exchange of tuition in addi- tion to state support for each student. Under that agreement, Saddleback p aid $814,432 to Coast ln the 1971·78 school year . At the same Ume, Cout paid Saddleback only $17,807. That'• becauae more Sad· dleback Dlttrtd Tetldent.s choee to au.end clUlel ln the cout dis· trlct, Pl'OlllPllnl the Saddleback balance ol excbant• funds def· lcSt. Under the propoeed open ••· Caps Nab Tlwft SUBpecu Police arrested a Laguna Beach couple inside a Forest A venue 1hop Tuesday night wben the pair allegedly tripped a silent afarm wbUe rifling the a tore. Cbar1ed with commercial bur1tary are Richard Alan Palmer, also known a1 Richard Alan James, 32, and his com- panion Marjorie Howard, 26, both of 871 OJenneyre St. Police received a call rrom a buralar ~rm compan~ J after 9 p .m . Tues day. and rush ea to Laguna Collections, 260 Forest Ave. where they al· legedly spotted Palmer and Miss Howard lnside the shop. Investigator Ron Ltste-r said the pair had gained entrance to the rear of the shop with a pair o f pliers, and were rtfUng drawers when police •rrlved. T he pair were to be booked In· to Oranae County Jail and the women's jail In Santa Ana, cliveJy with ball sel at eaqn: '. ~ . . .. Trelllor Kills l; 21 Hurt M'EXICO CITY CAP > A seve re earthquake and 18 ar ters hocks rocked th1~ city for four bours today, d a maging buildings and spraying broken glass over downtown street~ The Red Cross said a J,1.ycar-0ld girl was killed and 21 persons in JU red A three-story buald1n ~ col laps ed J l l bc n :o ·Am e r1 t a n University, a prsval<• inslttution in the southern part of the city M OSI or tht• windows ;.i t thl' un1 n • rs1ty were broken. Police s aid many privaH- homes were heavily damaged But life quic kly returned lo normal, and tra rr1<' rilled th1• streets during the morning rush hour The Se1smolog1cal !nslttutc 1n Mexico City reported the quakt• me asured 7 on thl' R1 cftter scalt• a nd the epicenter was about 200 miles southwest of the capital c1tv The US. Geological Survey 1n Golden. Colo .. called at a major quake with a Ric hter reading of 7 9 and the epicenter 100 miles northwe~t of Acapulco. on tht• Pac1f1c coast or a short distanc1· at s ea. Sc1ent1 SL'\ there said that read mg would make 1t the slron•;est q uake in the world this yC'ar No damage was report,.d in Acapulco, a popular resort , but the highway to it from Mexico C:1ty was blocked by landslides Lights were out m several se<' t10ns of the capit al of 13 malhon people when a strong afters hock hit almos t exar lly an hour after the main shoc k rolled through the capital shortly after 5 a m T he fa<'ade fell from a bank building on Juarez Street in the heart or the Cat y . It appeared at least one upper story or the building had collapsed 1rto tht• ground noor. Midget Clown Loses $600 in HB A midg<'t d own with Ci rcu:-. Vargas told lluntmgton Beach police Tuesday that somebody broke anto his wardrobe trailer on Edinger Avenue and took $600. David Beaver, 18 years old a nd about 3 feel tall, said tht- cas h and travelers' checks wen! s tored in a loc ked cabrnet Police said his clothing was not disturbed. Or:~~as t Weathe r Chance or showers in- c r easing to 30 pe r cent Thurs day. Increas ing cloudiness ton ight with lows 50 to 55. Highs Thurs · day in upper 50s lo mid 60s. INSIDE TODA V T he brilliance of Albt>rt Einstein ia being hailed world!Dlde today on occasion of ht$ binhdate 100 years ago. Story, photo Pagea A8-AIO. (It (11 '"' ., " ,.. '°' •1-4 .. .. ., .. ,.. A4 j 11% DAIL V PILOT LJSC It ..., 11111~ ,1l'tur Hoger T 1.mtham, pla~ mg .1 n A 1 r Fon·e I! UJ rd in f runt of the Z1~ · gurat 111 Ltgun.i :-..1~ut·I l''or the purposes nf a TV mov1t• of the "'eek being filmed th1·re. ttw l.t\'l'I t'i.Jkl' fedt'ral building has lweom1• a n·M•an·h ct'nll·r 1n tht• Spelling ' . o I Goldbe r g Co . production ca lled "Ma n With the Power." The mm crew has been t he re since Monday and was scheduled to finish locat ion s hooting today. The film st ar~ Art Hindle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gravel Project Backed New Home Construction Gains Priority The need for sand and gravel for new home const ruction out- weighed the desire by Williams Canyon residents to enJOY their r ura l lifestyle in the eyes of Orange County pla nning com- m issit.mers Tuesday. . T h e co mm iss io n r ecom - mended that county supervisors approve Hon Development Com- pany's plan to mine sand and gra vel from a 450-acre site abut· ting the ClC've land National Foresl over the next 15 to 25 years I Comm1 ss1on Ch a irma n Rex G at:de said he supported Hon's request because or the need for less-expensive homes. He said local mining wou ld he lp cut hom e costs because the sand Frott1 Page A I TUITION ... would be receiving our appor t1onm ent which is about $850," Tho m pson e xpla ine d . "We would be re.ce1ving their appor· t1onment, which is about $230." The difference tn a pportion· ments is due, Thom pson sa1d , to stale for mulas that consider the Coast Dis trict as poorer than the Saddleback District. Rancho Santiago Community Col lege D is trict Bus ine ss Manager Tom Wright agrees with Thompson's assessment of potential problems to the Coast District but is ready to recom- me nd that his trus tees s upport the proposed open e xchange agreement. Frot11 Page Al STAY ••• ''They should have contacted us personally." McDowe ll said. Mc Dowell said he pla ns no counter legal action to stay in his home at this time. "We don't want to go through the expense of moving," he added. Mrs. McDowell. prior to her r ecent marriage, r e rused to move from her home when park owners ordered her to in late Decem ber. "We're j ust going to stay and see what happens," s aid the former COW}Cilman. On the e vening or Dec. 18. residents heard t he sound of the earth opening u p and slldlng away. ORANGE COAST LIK DAILY PILOT TN o. ..... C-1 0.0y POOi, wHlo wlolO I\ c-. ... ...., .... _ ..... , .. _ • .....,b,ti.0.- ( .... 1 Pubh\N<IQC-y S.-"'•-llOM•,. publtsht!d Moftd•Y ""~ ,.,kkly tOf' CM•• """w . .,._, Bff<ll Hunlt"91°" a. .. .., .. -. t•tftV•tt,... t~.L~&t•PllSovtft(;M'd A \f"'O'tf' t~I f'OltlOf\ I°' oubfl~ s..tvrot".,.., S-.S.n T .......... ~, _ .. Nno Pl*"' ,, "'AO w .. 111.,si,.... c ... 1.-c.11•-••i.,. ._ __ _ Pr .. IClt~l•"CI-•, ... " (...,.., llo<t .... ,..,.,.. •IMIO.-.. _ l.._ ...... 11 f ClllD< T-•A•.,.,.,.... -....,,..e•tot 0..t!O't M UM ltl(tlarf P -A'\-'\.IAM M,t,._..1 ... WW\ and gravel would not ha ve to be transported great distances to building sites. About 20 Williams Canyon res- id e nts had a ppealed to com- m 1ss1oners to reject the com- pa ny 's plan. Ma ny said they were con- cern e d a bout tra ffic safe ty because Hon trucks would make more than 700 trips a day along Santiago Canyon Road five days a week and 16 hours a day. County officials a lso said the mining would result in carving m ountain ridges and would cause dust. smoke , noise and air pollution. Hon officials expect the site. to be mined in 15 to 20 -a cre seg- ments. to yield 39 milUon tons of Israel Nears Agreement on Peace Pact By The Associated Press The Israeli Cabinet accepted President Carter 's two key co m· promises to pave the way for a n Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, but postponed until Sunday its decision on approving the treaty as a whole. At the same time, Isr aeli state r adio said the Cabinet ordered Defense Minister Ezer Weizman to go to Washington to discuss U S. aid a nd political commit- m ents to Israel. The radio said Weizm an would fly to Washington Thursday car- r yi n g dr a ft p r o pos als for Am erican guarantees of finan- cial and oil supplies. The Cabinet was to meet again Sunday when Weizm a n returned and would review a nd act on the fin al draft or the tre aty, the radio said. Prime Minister Me nachem Begin told reporte rs that he tele phoned Carter with the news immediately after the Cabinet session, adding, ''The president was very glad to receive this in· forma tion.'' The propos als go next to the Knesset, or parliament. Begin has said he would resign if they were not accepted there. In Washington, Carter said "a II the outstanding issues'' between Egypt and Israel "have no w bee n s u ccessfully r e - solved." Carter congratulated Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, saying, "the peace which their peoples so clearly need and want ls close to reality." Cancer DiscU88ion Set for Hospital A medical discussion of the com pllcaUons or cancer will be held Thursday at San Clemente General Hospital. The medical conference will b e led by Or . Raymond Lenhard, a cancer apeciallat from the Johna Hopkins Unlveralty School of Medicine, who will adclreu •1Tbe "Diapoela and Treatmeat of Medical CompllcaUons ol Cancer." Por information on the e a.m. con· ference, call lbe hoapllal at . 411-11.22. lloaae B~arized Saa Clemente ra£dent Dale Ovtrtoa, SM AHnlda Victoria, told police Tuelda1 a burslar took a lf.lncb eolor telffllaon, linen and a MCWib' ,.i. Ol*Mr valued at MIO from bit bome. sand and gravel. Company officials said they plan to offer to purch ase homes of nearby residents who could be impacted by the mining and also will install be rms to reduce noise. In addition, all mined land will be replanted with native vegeta- tion as mining is completed , ac- cording to Hon plans . Supervisors earlier had left the door open for possible sand and gravel mining in Williams Canyon when they adopted a plan for the Silverado-Modjeska a rea. which includes Williams Canyon: At the time, the property was o wned 6y Fulle rto n pastor William Grady, who has since sold bis land to Hon. Fro..Pa~AJ WADDILL. • • never alive when Waddill ex· a mined her a nd that the baby's brain bad been ho pe less ly da maged by saline. Waddill is on trial a second time. His first trial ended last Ma y when jurors sa id they were deadlocked 7 to 5 in favor of ac- quittal. Cornelsen told the jury today h e w a s s umm o n e d l o the Wes tmins t e r Communit y Hospital March 2, 1977, by Wad- dill. He testified Waddill told him "Ron l have a prem ature baby over here I want you to help with." Arter Comelsen arrived at the hospital, he said, Waddill told him, "l am sorry, Ron, that I got you in on this mess but the baby came out alive from the· saline a bortion." Cornelsen t estified he saw Waddill put his hand into the isole tte holding ba by Weaver and press down on the throat. De fense attorney Weedman objected repeatedly today as Chatterton had Cornelsen dem- onstrate with a plastic doll the way Waddill's hand was on the neck. "The doll doesn 't have either the dimensions or the tissue. the lack of resis tance that the fetus in question had," Weedman object- ed. "I think ills patently mis lead· log id unfair." F,....PageAJ MARVIN ••• there was nothing Improper In tbem. He speclfically asked the judge to announce that they did not refer to Doughty as a homosexual. The judge refused. saying it was not a task for the court. He s aid he would re view the papen t.o see if anything other than "an attorney's work product"lscontalnedinthem. .i ud1e Marshall, fut¢ber ex· preaaln& a desire lO avoid pro- loaclnc t.be trlal with extensive lelllmony on the lasue, propoeed that attorneys reach a auputa. Uon, aubmlttlng on paper an a1reemenl atallng ..what lfllchelton's wltne11e1 would teatJfy lO if called and lhe de· nlal1 Douchty would present from the witne11 atand U be were recalMd. The attorney1 tentatively ~to tty for Alda • aohaUon. Letter Campaig11 Freeway Logos Idea Backed I\ San Clemente woman who ~a y s th e on l y way t o gl'L CalTrans to act 1s to "na~ them to death," received C1ly Council support lo launch a letter writ- ing campaign lo the slate agen- cy last week Janel Radford. aesthetic ad v1ser to CalTrans for a $35 million road widening project on the San Diego Freeway through town, 1s s~k1ng attractive logos lo go with lhe project She says the round business loJCOS, allached to offramp signs. would divert motorists to gas stations. restaurants and other freeway-oriented bustnt'sscs But CalTrans orftc1als say San Clemente ts nol rural enough for the pilot program. which will Ix· tested in northc·rn Cal1forn1a la te r this year. Th e f l'1s t y frf'l'Wa\ s pokeswoman s<i1d '>he won t take no for a n answer She told San Clcml•nte council m embers last week the '>mall logo signs would n•µl<i t 1· th1· larger pole signs that l'Ut m·1•an vie ws from the frcew;Jy. And she asked the council for $600 to conduct a massive letter writing campaign to CalTran'> Di rector Ad riana Gianturco and Gov Edmund Brown .Jr. to gel her ooint across Artist Plans Niguel Talk Danna Bradford, an a rtist who uses a medium that e mploys five to eight separate processes. will be the featured s peaker at Thursday's Ni guel Art Associa- tion meeting at the crown Valley Com munity Pa rk building al 8 p.m . Miss Brad ford will d em o n s tra t e m o n o pr1nt 1n g, a medium that combines l'mboss mg. watercoloring and pt'ncihng with a printing process th at creates umquc effects The artist has e xhibited in s eve ral galle ries a c ross tht' country and exhibits each year a t the Laguna Beach Fesl1vaJ of Art. Largest selection of "My buddies te ll me. 'Don 't take no from the state'." she sa id "Nag them to death " And that's exactly what she in· lends to do. With the $600 awa rded by the council , Mrs. Radford s aid i.hc will v1s1t community organ1zci lions. the cham ber of commerc(: and busmessmen. asking them to send their requests for the logos to Sacramento. A rt er rece1 ving u nan1 mo us council blessing for the cam· pa1gn, Mrs Radford turned lo the council audience a nd began pass mg out postca rds "Take a couple. Give them to your fnends." she quipped as the audience laughed Front Page A I NUCLEAR. • plants on the West Coast are dt• signed to meet stricter earth quakt· '\cifety rcquir€'ments and that ~tress fac tors used for th<· San Onofre pipes were much higher than for the pipes on the East Coast Southe rn California Edison Co . s pokesm an Da vid Bar ron said his utility has gone throu~h the San Onofre plant tn recent years to strengthen its ability t<J withstand a ma jor ea rthquake The new units under construe Lion at San Onofre a lso arc bem~ built to m eet subs tantially tougher sa fety r equireme nts than the original units, Barron said. Historical Club Future Discussed The city's Recreallon and Social Services Committee will look into finding a permanent hom e for the Laguna Beach His· ton e al Society. and will discuss the future of a park in the Top or the World Community when 1t meets March 27 The council-a ppointed pant·I will meet at 7:30 p.m at the Girls Club, 1470 Te mple Ter· r ace fine desks in the area. Desks from Drexel, Heritage, Henredon and more. -· E/,ections Go Plastic SAN DIEGO tAP > Californians can use credit cards to contribute to poltt1ca l candidates for the first time The fi rst ofrtc1 ally legal donations by othe r tha n cas h and checks may be made in the San Oie1zo municipal elect ion this s pri.ng, according to the Ca lifornia F air Political Practices Commission. A ruling handed down Tuesday by the San D1eito distract uttorncy's offi ce allows tht' use of credit l'ards by mull or 1n person but not by telephone. Schools Split M~et Set Tonight A pubhc· hearing is schcdult>d tonight on the proposed split or San Clemente area schools from tht' Capistrano Un1f1cd School D1str1ct School officia ls expect a large t•rowd for thC' 7 30 p m meeting at Sun Clt'ment1· lhgh School's Triton ~ntc·r where the hearing bl'for e Oraniw County School District Organi zatwn Commit Let' mt•m tx:rs will bl' held County Sl'hool offi cia ls havt· n·cp1vcd a petition from 300 San Clcmt'ntl' a n •a rcstdl·nt.., ad voc•a ting the breakup of the s prawling school distract. The• Capistrano Unified School District encompasses about 20 percent of Ornnge County land a nd 1ncludl'd the com m umti~ or Sa n C IC'm e nlc , Sa n J u an Capistrano. Dana Point. Laguna N1gul'I and more than half of M1 ss1on V1CJO Some San Cleme nte residents say they want the split becaust· they do not like payil'\g for Mis· s 1on Vtl'JO a rea schools. Som<: M 1s~1on Vie Jo residents s ay thcy , favor tht: d1v1s1on because San Clemente residents voted down st·hool bond IS'IUCS. The school boa rd, San J uan Capis tra no City Council a nd n ume rous c 1val and school groups have c•xprcssed oppos1- t1on to the spht due lo the cosL'I involved. s OAILY PILOT A3 Newport Set for Bushnillls Classic By ALMON LOC'KABE\' o.#yP'li.a...lllii•~twt Jo~ormt>r "'orld ocean rat'in11 cbamp1on Tom Gentry of Rawah. wlont•r of lht• 1978 AuatroJlan contlnental chi.m plonah1p. and Rookie uf the Year Jerry Jacoby of Nt•w York, an· the lut .. -.t entrie~ In tht' ninth ain nuol tsushmalls Grand Pr1' wblcb tak place Saturdn) off Newport tk•urh G rntry, lhe uns ~nrld r ht1m pion, \lo ill oo at thL• \lo ht>e l of h" 38-foot S<'arab when ht> and Jacoby JQIR lJ S <'h mplon llt'lh ( 'ook uf Nt•wport Rt.•aeh dt•frnc1 Sued for $10,000 SAN DIEGO IAP1 A ::ian Diego attome) 1s fighting to col lect an e~llmatL-d $10,000 in t•ourt C'Os ts from Judith Exner and her husband, who retained ham lo promote a book about Mrs Ex ner's relationship with tht• late President John F. Kennedy A Supenor Court Judge Tut•s day ordered attorney Brian 0 Monaghan to file confirmation of an e arlier $30,000 award in a rbitration of his c1v1 l suit agamst the E xners. Monaghan's s uit cla imed Judith and Daniel R. Exner had retained him to publicize a book the woman wrote detailing her relationship with the slain presi· dent and numerous underworld figures. The Exners ca n cel e d Monaghan's contract shortly after he aided Mrs. Exn£'r in ob- t arnmg her FBI file under the Freedom of Information Act Monaghan won an arbitration a ward of $30,000, less $7,500 the Exners paid ha m. but seeks a court order to obtain additional court costs for representing Mrs. Exner Teachers File Salary Suit In Anaheim Teachers in the Ana heim Union High School District fJled s uit in Orange County Superior Court Tuesday seeking a five percent pay hike retroactive to Sept. 1 and seniority raises of from S350 to $700 per year. The Anaheim Second a r y Teachers Association alleged the five percent hike and seniori· ty raises were contained in a two-year contract approved by district trustees last year. Yet. they contended , district oHicia ls have refused to ~rant the incr"ase. District officials have said they lack sufficient funds to pay the salary hikes. The l.200 district teachers vot· ed Sunday not to strike against the 34,000-student district although a majority of them cast ballots in favor of a walkout. Union officials explained a two. thirds vote was needed to call the sltike mg Bushm1ll:; chnmpaon Jot•y Ip 1,K>hto of tlnllcndalL•, fo'lt1 . und South Amerlt'un dium111un lltlly Martt.nofChark,N J .inlhl'~ruul antt 200 nut,• rart> 'fhe cour<st' o( lht• S35 .000 Rushm11l~ <'111 ,,ll' ha\ bt<t>ll ullt.'rt'd this y .. ur lo ucrom mo<h•U• v1-,w1ng l.ly hundn'tb v ( thou!lun<h M onlot1kl•rs wtu1 will lln.-the South•·• n ('allforn111 bt.•tu•ht'S MO th1• ckrk11 of hun drr d1' of 1"1Pt·rt.1lt1r rrnft 111 lh1· 111 all•r bd"t't'll IJ,11111 l'uaol 1111d 1.on1it Ht-_.d, Ra«rs will ma1111 111 rt•v1~w tu thr north uf u 'turttn, lln1• ulx>ul 111 mllt•H off lhl' Nt•w1>ort l'1..r rrnnuh'!I bt'lorl' thl' omclal 10 a m 11h1rt, the n turn and c-hur.it• M>ulh ut oround 90 miles pl'r hour towurd Duna Point. wh.-rt• they will turn and head north towurd lAlng Beach Do.itl'nl with 11 h1p-to-s hore radios will bf> able to morutor lht• 11rot:rt>. s of tho rue\' on VIW < 'hannt'll'l ti und 78 Tht> Rutthmll11' <:1 and Prix an· nu1tlly k1l'lu1 orf the offshore rue mtt M'uson wh1<'h ttus year con dudt>s with thl' world cham· 111011i.h1p in Venice Italy io nud <ktober Ottwr 01wn cluss drivers In dude 1977 U.S. champion Joel Ha lpern, Turryt.own. N.Y., 1076 Rushmllls champion Rock y Aoki, New York; Bob Nordskog, Van Nuys , Howurd Quam, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Paul Clauser, M14ml, Pia ; Charlie McCarthy, Warwick. R I ; William Ellswick, M1 am1. and Charles Pevy, Brudcnt.own, Fla. Aoki. Cook and Ippolito, respective winners of the last three Bushmllls races are shoot- ing for repeats . Art "Snapper" Norris is the only driver with two Bushmills wins <1973·74) and he has since retired from City Hit By Tow Firm-Suit Operators of a Huntington Beach tow truck firm, involved 1n nearly a year -long con troversy Wlth city officials. filed a $2 3 million lawsuit against the city Tuesday Charlt•s C James, owner of Ace Towing Company, and three of his employees accused city police of "selected and dis · crimmatory law enforcement'' an the Orange County Superior Court complaint The controversy flared last year when about 50 motorists al· leg<.'d the company charged in· flated fees after illegally toWlng their cars from the parking lot at E l Don Liquor, 416 Pacific Coast Highway. Liquor stort.> owners, however, have contended the towing firm was s ummoned when motorists parked in their lot and then vLsit· L'd the beat'h and other places driving, as have other winners, Bob Magoon (1971), Lurry Smith (1972) and Hal Sahlman Cl97Sl . Smith ls the bighJy successful designer and builder or lbe famed Scarab hulls. Leading the smaller boats in a separate race over a shorter course in the same vicinity w11J be U.S. Performance Class champion Bill Gazell, driver of a 30-foot Sutphen. Other drivers racing the short course wUJ be Daniel Patrona, St. Clair. Minn.; Les Hewitt, Tustin. and Steve Berk~ Bricktown, N.J ., a moog others. In keeping with the spirit of St. ~Tallu ..... ,......, .. Patrick's Duy (and the Race sponsor, Old Bushmills Irish Whiskey> a giant pre-race pmy. open t.o lbe pubUc, will be held al Promontory Point on Friday Tickets are $12 e ach and include Irish stew, Old Bushmills and the evening's ente rtainment Ticket outlets m Newport Beach are Balboa Bay Club Grog Shop, the Ritz Resta urant. Ne wport Liquor, He r shey's Markel and Grog Shop. the Red Onion Restaurant and Promon· tory Point apartments. All pro ceeds from the party benefit t9e Affillants. Hoag Hospital 'i. sup part group. Canyon Project Backed A resolullon calhng for nn provement of death marred Laguna Canyon Road won lhc endorsement of the Orang(' County Board of Supervisors Tuesday The resolution i.uggested by Supervisor Thomus Riley calls o n th e O r ange Co unt y Transportation Comm1ss1on "lo give high priority " to improving the heavily traveled canyon road. Whe n asking ha s fellow s uperv1 sQ r~ to su pport h 1<- resolutJon, Riley said "Many res1acnt~ expressed a strong desire fo r prompt 1m provement of Laguna Canyon Road. mcluding the addition of <i median s trap and add1t1onal lanes. "Suc:h improvemenL-;." Rllf.!Y said. "would turn the old cou.:-ty road into a d1v1dcd arterial highway " Newtons in Co11rt Filing the s ui t along with James wen• Ace tow truck operators Miles Skogstad. Clyde Christ and Michael A. Close. James Cl scekrng $2 mmion In punitive damages and, $5,000 m attorney foes for what he con tends was his illegal arrest last Sept. 25 while he was towing .John Wayne is shown dur- ing a J an. 11 interview w1th ABC's Barbara Wa lters at his Newport Beach home the day before he had his ca ncerous s tomach re moved. Wayne said, "I li~e lo drink , r l i kt• women . . and l 'm cr azy about me." <Story Page AS> Riley cited 22 tr::ifftr deaths and 841 accidents on the ('anyon road m the past four years as JUSllhcallon lo dt•mand quick improvement of the seven and one -h alf mill' stretch of roadway. Huey Newton and his wife. Gwen, a rrive at the Oakland t•ourthousc where he is on trial in the s laying of a 17· year-old prostitute. Newton is a former leader of the Black Panther party. cars at El Don. He aJso noted that on some• weekend days during the sum mer months L.iguna C:lnyon Road carries as many l.IS 35.000 autos a day. lie was found innocent in West Orange County Municipal Court March 1 of resistmg arrest stem· m mg from that incident and a second charge of assault on a police om cer was dismissed earlier by the district attorney. Capo Valley High Campos Curb Eyed The suit also seeks f;J0(),000 in punitive damages for tf\e alleged illegal arrests of Skogs tad and Jerome Thorns ley a nd high Christ last April al the liquor Rape Suspect Arraigned on 15 Charges Supervisor H<.1lph 01edr1ch look a SWlJ>C at those who haw o pposed improving Laguna Canyon Road as a means to dis courage heavy traffic flow mto Laguna Beach. "I hope they ha ve learned from tbe 22 trafflt• death~ in tht> past four years th<it you can'I use ro a dw ays to thw a r t growth." Daedn ch said lls ht• Joined in the un<1n1 mous vote supporting Ralc•y's rt•solutmn By RAYMOND ESTRADA Jr. Of Ille D•llY Pllol Sl•fl Parent s liv i ng n ear Capistrano Valley High School have urged that students be kept on campus all day because resi· d e nts allege truants a nd youngsters not required to be in classes are to blame for many burglaries. vandalism and other crimes in the area. A mother, who feared r etalia· lion by students if identified, said a group of 50 parents will d emand Capistrano Unifie d School District trustees declare the school a "closed campus," Monday night. Speaking as a parent and not a spokesman for the Orange Coun· ty Sheriff's Department. Deputy Phil Griesbach, a burglary in· vestigator, said the closed cam· pus idea may solve the problem. But District Supe rintendent school Principal J ohn Smart s tor e, the alleged improper Tommy Allen Knox, the sus· said Tuesday they do not think seizure of Close's driver's p eel in a series of Newport keeping students on campus all license and the issuing of a bout Beach rapes, other forced sex da y w ill he lp. "It's not a 15 citations to Ace from last acts and robbery cases was ar· prison." Thornsley said. March through June ra1gned Tuesday afternoon on 15 The unjdentijied mother noted felony charges. that burglaries in the area were The pla1ntiffs accused city Knox was arrested Friday on almost unheard of until the police officers of attempting "to Ralboa Island moments after he school opened two years ago. annoy and harm .. them without fled from the scene of an alJeged While Griesbach said he did cause robbery attempt. not bave an exact number of Charges file d in Harbo r burglaries to re lease at this Judicial District Court accuse Coma Baby's Mother Dies time. he did say the figure "has p . ff Jd U Knox of the rape and robbery or skyrocketed" since the school filr 0 p a Lido lsle woman and a central JERSEY CTTY , N J . <AP t was built. Newportteen-ager.therobberyof The comatose worn.in who gaV<' a nother Lido Isle woman and the birth to a healthy "m iracle "State statistics s how there is Pastry Shop a ttempted robbery on Balboa baby" last week has died. a direct correlation between Island. truancy a nd Off Ca m Pu The39-year·old woman, whose · s A gunman held a Winchell's Police said the bel' Kn burglaries. If they want us to get Y •eve ox ide ntity had been withheld at the th . . 1 11 ,11 d Donut House cle rk again.st a may be the suspect in a dozen r equest of her family, died e statistics oca Y. we 0 wall Tuesday while his partner s imila r cases r eporte d 1n ' .t "Gn'esbach sai·d without coming out of the coma. · · · vaulted the Fountain Valley Fullerton, Brea. Tustin and Lo.s "We ant the to p od a J ersey City Medical Center w m r uce s hop's counter to rifle the cash Angeles County, but no charges hard evidence that crime is up register re lating to those cases have spokesman said De's in Agony in the area before we e ven con· Police said the two fled the been filed. The mother was eight months si der a cl osed ca mpus," d o u g hnut s hop a t 18856 Knox. a registe red sex of-pregnant when she s uffered the Thornsley said "They (local irate res idents> Brookhursl St. and piled into an fender. is being held in Orange stroke. She went into la bor auto driven by a third man to County Jail in lieu of $100,000 March 5 and gave birth 15 hours want us to keep the students in escape at about 12:30 p.m bail. A bail hearing has been set later. The five-pound girl was class or a study hall when they The clerk said the three men for Friday in the Harbor bo rn March 6 It was the have an open period." he said . made off with about $105. municipal court. woman's third child. Police Hunting Killer Car PLYMOUTH. Mass. CAP) · Somewhere in this his toric coastal town, police say, a man must be Wtdergoing the agony of remorse, five weeks after his speeding car struck and killed a 10.year-old girl and irtjured her 6-year-old sister "He's here, here in town," said police Capt. William Murpby. "For some reason, this person cannot come forward himself. I'm sure he's feeling re- morseful." Hls evidence: An anonymous note scrawled in child-like large red letters of a grease pen: .. Please Help me. Get Me." The note came in the mail over the weekend to a witness to the Feb. 6 accident. The witness' identity ls being kept secret; he bas received anonymous telephone threats from someone claiming io be the driver of the d eath car and bis parents• tom!Mtooes were defaced with a rou1b swastika, Murphy said. II urpby said Tuesday that although the note may be a boax, it was received after another caller apolo1hed to the witness and offered to mall blm compensation for:' cleanin1 the tom &stones. "Through bis conversaUoo," ll:urpby aald of t be second HlJer, "be bu commented on thlan about the accident tbat •e \ave not put out In tbe papers.•• llUl"Pb1 and t..o other om~ .... done DOtblq .... lot • moatb but bmt IOI' tbe killer ~ar. ':'o 11..-, tbe eue la ''tbe I . "iiiosl frustrating damn thing I've ever been involved in. "This happened at a busy in· ter section, a t a peak traffic time. There were about 30 peo- ple at the scene. Five people have come forward." Murphy said all five agreed to be hypnotized to sharpen their recall in the effort to identify the tan car that sped through a red light ~illing Denise Rose Kapolls and injuring her sister, Gina "It worked to the extent we got. a better description, but not good enough," said Murphy. "The worst of it is they 're all parents. They all paid attention to the injured children . They dido 't think to look at the car." He is searching for a woman seen i n a parked car. He believes she bad a clear view of the death car coµling and going. ''She could probably be tbe one who could help us1" be said. "For some reason, sne doesn't come forward." Murphy said be consulted psychics who offered help. ''I'm not above going to them," be saJd. "One said we'll get our man on or before Sat.ur· day." The date la little .olace to the Kapolia family. "Tbil trqedy bu sot to bo tearlq tbt. 1uy up,·' Dennis KaPGUI said of lb• man wbo ttlfed Ida daQlbter .• .,,.,.. l\IY matt • a real kook. Bat ...., .. tu ally, be I• 1oln1 to break down," But Thorns ley noted thal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- study hall proctors and extra teachers would cost about $120,000 if the 300 students with free periods each hour were kept al school. Many students finish their cla~ses by noon and go home or to work. Only a small number are involved in local crime. Tbornsley said. One local businesswoman said clients can't reach her office because of "dozens of smoking and drinking students running into them in front of the build· ing." The woman said her neighbor's mailbox was blown up after she reported that a student was tampering with it. She said she suspects the blast was caused by the student who was reported to authorities. Game Show Tryouts Set t>otentlal participants in one of four Hollywood game shows wUJ have an opportunity to audi· lion at interviews to be conduct· ed at the Laguna Beach Festival of Art.a grounds March 29. Interviews for the "Hollywood Squares." ''High Rollers.'' "Hotfoot," and a new show to be announced will be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m . In the festival Forum 'lbeater. Partidpanta muat be 18 years of .,e or older and muat not be members oi any of the theatrical unions. • Gem Talk By J C. HUMPHRIES C:er11fled Gemoloqrst. AG.\ MESSAGE JEWELRY You say what you weor Looking for a new way lo tell people wbo you are, bow you feel, and what you think? Then you'll be Interested in "message jewelry," the fast-growing practice of wearing pieces of jewelry that communicates. We have all seen tint crossed golf clubs or tennis racquets worn by the outdoors sports set But the messages are getting more imaginative now. When Carol Burnett's TV show ended its run alter ll years, she bought a gold "11" to wear as a pendant on a chain, thus commemorating her 11 years of s uccess. 1.od.iac pendants carry more conventional messages. Some m essage pendants become conversation pieces because their meaning '"' not clear ... They evoke such questions, as "Hey, that's neat pendant -what does it mean?" The first wearer of message jewelry must have been the caveman wbo buna a tiger's tooth around ha neek. Hl1 message was that be was a 1ood bunter. Even the tiger got the me11qe. What's your messqe lo the world? .. The w~edding ring that tells your love story. Create your own wedding ring ... an individualized setting of diamonds and other gems that's special for your special love story. Border your diamond with birthstones . . yours and his. Or select the gemstone that represents the month you start your lives together ..... sapphires ror September. emeralds for May. Whatever your special gernstoneideas,our ...... -......,,.. exclusive collection can make sure your wedding ring is uniquely yours. J. C. ..J/umphrk~ J~we"1rJ MEMBER AME"CAN GEM SOCIETY @ 1823 NEWPORT BLVO COSTA MESA CONVENIENT TERMS B ...... _.....,. __ ~ o' 32 YEARS IN THB SAME LOCATION •·~~~1 l'tlfOe I A4 OAll y PllOT NATION I WORLD ,)o§Jt Draft to Ret111·n? · (~oastint.e l,entagon Officials Clash Over Issue GOP qu aker • Ul a <•IL~O (ll.O T'\U. DEPT. You \ 11•w lhr l.1Le•-.1 \Hle•r 11•.:t!'lts .1tim1 tut.ill'> in Orn n~r ( •1un1v t 1~luv .uul with pt••1t•t>ful ,.tRh. you ncllc-that IU,tor> uml tr .ldltwn on1 t• .1.:.1111 I l'l~ll Ill 11ur rt'jlOI\ l'hl• 1\1•11uhl1t .u1' lht• 1:r11nd Ol1t f'.11 1) htl\t (111 (t•tl h,11·k 11\to lht• rt•l(l,ll <t llUfl lt•61d u.:,u n lh """ r.1h .1nl\ 11lh1 r m m (,O l' h l>e'> m11(ht 'I\ w llw I 1t1•,1 t.1ll\ .1111l "•'I'•'''''' \1111 lh11l l h1• ll1pul•lll'.111111,1111111 ••1 •I I\ "" t t ,11 I h t mu n111u' \:, 1J ru..ittt·r ul f J t l 11 '" 11n.•C-ll!t'I>' J. 7'.t7 'ult·r Tiii' Ill\ K UI \ II\ R~ t 'Iii!\ ha1 k lo tht tfa' s 111 Or 1inr.• \'1111111\ wht 11 \11u ,, uhJ h11 • c:annon v11lll \ lluwn Mt11n <>ut>rnm/uuml Orange County GOP Leader Buymy V1rtury ~ull Stn•('t HI S;inta. Ana or nalboa Boulevard JO Nf•WfXlr t H•·<H'h on a busy duy and slrrkc nary a Democnit. Oran~e County 's volt·r rolls, however, are now t>t'•ng up<l att'<l t·adt 22 days. Th£• IJlest computer reudoul was a:. of Ma n ·h 9 It ram<· out this way· Rt'publlcan8: 393.501 Demoerab: 391.764 Df'cUne to Stat.-: 65,599 Am('rtcan Independent: G, 118 Vt'gf'l3rlani., Technocrats And Other Mi~cellaoeous : l ,4•tR P.-act• and Frt>i'dom: 1.:m; Wh1lt· the Repuhl1can t•dgc here may be rons1dcn ·d tour h :md go, you still ha vt• lo realizl· it's a n ·ver!>.tl or t•arlwr form B('fore last Novemlx:r's f'\l!Claon, Oran~t· County Dl•mor rats launched H m assive• voter ~rg nu p dra v•· The l>e m(1!> thus forf(ed ahead m Orange ('Qunty la ... t <><-tobl'r fo r lhc f1ri.l time since a brief ride t.o the tr>i> 111 l!.16i • In thus doing, th<' Democr ats also forgrd th1·ms<'IVl''> '"to a Mni:.1dcr<.1blc dl·bl from which e ven now llll'y <.srt· tr; 11/g to t•xtr1 catl' themselves. SINCE THE DEMOCRATS spent all th11t mom•y tht'y didn't have and still fell bc•hrnd when the vnl..r rolls i:111 purged. this may be creatrng some huge giggles among the GOP Shakt'rs-und· Movers. OranJtc County's Republican hierarchy, however. best not bt• hoo\lnJ! 1l up too loudly Thal 1,737 voter cdg<' 1s about as thrn and perilous a1> a belly dancer's G-string II 1·ould fall apa rt ut uny moment THl!:N TOO, YOU have to remember that a Dem on a t r('s rdm~ in Orange County can be a tncky type who lurks undN false title and cloaks has presence until he 's alone in the votrng booth. JU:,t ham and the Lord behind that curtain Whc.•r<' c.•ould nn Orange County Democrat h ide" M.1vht• :1m11nJ.( thoM• 65.559 Declined to States. Mayb<- ;imo ng the J ,148 Vegetarians, Technocr ats or M1s- <·cllanrous. Clearly. the GOP brass should be looking over their shouldt•rs al <ill trmes. The next Decline lo Stale they meet m ay be an rcahly, th~ hidden foe. . Tiuman Trial H it INDEPENDENCE. Mo. <APl -A mock trial by ninth graders of Harry Truman's decision t.o d rop the atomic bomb on Japan is itself on trial in the former president's hometown Two juneK of mnth graders in Janet Fielder 's social s tudies classc.•s at Bndger Junior IUgh School were to deliberate the c h a rges o f "war c rimes" against Truman today. But the trial, in which students act out roles of t he v a r1ou~ personalities of lhe time, was as- :oiailed Tuesday by the director or th e Truman Library a s a "screwball" idea that re present ed "an unrea l situation that could not provide students with valid educational value " WA~JllN<iTON tAP) The Ar111y t1 top m1Utury und c1vlllan 1 .. .llhin a r c :;parring over v. lwlht•r to brlnH b1i1ck the draft ''"ll lt•l llndt• Sam c all up as 111 .111 y u .. 100,000 n :cruib each )l'tH for mundutcuy training und t.11ul bv duty l'h.-d1~wuLc erupted Tuesday ufl t•r u i,urrm•w ciAll by Gen ll..r11~u ti W Rot:t>r~. the Army'1> t h lt'f or st.iff. for 1mmcdutlcly 111'>t1t utrn~ ,, llmtll'd ''t•rs1on of 'h· 1lt •• fl t•ri 'Otter Excliange Reported t il::N l-;V ,\, !)w1tzl•rland CAl'1 An l'>rueh soldwr: was traded for 76 Puk slinians today in the ftr'>t pri~un<'r exchange between t111• .Jt•w1sh !>late and Palestinian ~Ul'ITtllns J\vrntwm J\mram, captured 11 months ago during Israe l's an - v:..i<1 1on of southern Le banon. was "wapp<'d for 00 Palestinian men MH1 srx women ut the Geneva :d1 port At th~ same time, 10 other Pa lestinians we re released lly ;.iutho r1ties in I s r aelt · 11n up1N.I t erritories. but no de tails Wl're given about their re k asc The announcement of the ex· rhan1:e was made by the lnkrnallonal Committee of the Hcd Cross, which said initially it acted "as a letter box" between th<.• Israelis and the Palestin· w nc; The names o( the Palestinians t'<H•ld not be learned immediate. I) Ncgol1at1ons for the trade W(·rt· ronductcd over the last M'nral months . Thl· exchangt> announcement was mad1> by th!:-...l!}j&rnaUonal C'omm1ttt•<' of tlle-rted Cross, which Raid initially it acted "as :i lt'ttc•r box" between the Jc;ruc·l1s and th1• Pulcslinians. Bill 'Him~' U.S. Def e m e For Taiwan WASIONGTON <AP > -Prest· dent Carter has won Senate and Ho u se appr oval o f h is ne w T<11wun poli cy , but with com· promise language hinting that I ht-United States m ight come lo T a iwan's u1d if Peking tnes1to take the island by force . The Senate approved a bill Im· plf'mt·nting Carter's new policy 00·6 Tuesday and the House ap- prov<'d a similar m easure 345·5. A s ingle bill mus t n ow be work(•d out for Congress' final approval. That1could com e next wc.·~k al the earliest. 80TII DOUSES rejected last. ditch efforts by opponents t.o im· pose stronger U.S .-Taiwan ties than Carter wanted under his new policy recognizing Peking as Chma's only government. However, Carter had to com- promise and let Congress tack on the pledge that America "will maintain its capacity" to defend 'fniwan if the president and Congress should decide lo do so. Cold Accompanies Rain Thundershowers Dampen Southern States Temp r rat ure• r•nri•d rrom • •t WarTO.ICI, M11111 .. to 10 Al K fty Wfll, Fla, HI L• .. (, CaHf ontfa All8111(0 " $8 )0 All•lll1t f1ly .. 0 80•1011 •• '° T,,. brief nltum of fair -.ttoer to Bufl•lo .0 ,, ·'~ s.u111em c..tlfoml• It to end T ,.,.,n .. C,.,lc.eoo u ,. d•y •• • --tlorm from from C1nclnn"" u Jl ·°' OrtQOft It estMCllld to brlnq llO"'t Cltv~l•t>d 10 ,. .o. relnlell to Ille.,. •. ()etWtllr ., 41 ,,.,. H-91-' Wfft .... WYIU - O.trolt ,, JJ 11 Clltllld • :IO pertMlt (-.0 Of r •In for Hou•lllfl ,, tl 1',.,11~¥. M Wkl ttw '10tm pro- lndl•n•POll• ... u .~ l>•b•¥ won't lncl\HN lhunct.r •1td IC•ll .. l(tly \1 7't llOf\lftlftO LetV"O"t ,. SI 01 l0t ,..,_ ... Clllk Otftter t-.cOfdtcl louhv111~ t\ ,. ,, .11 111( .... ol ..... ,._.,. -4lfl ~mDfti" 10 ., 01 ln<ll01 -felllfltt1t8108Mr•re•. ·~11•ml 14 11 •••Ill T,.,t i..oHOfl totel fw l.IK AllQt ... Mtlwau_.., •• " ~ ••• relnfell -~"' 14 4.1 "'<"'•· JllOfler New Yoo \0 41 -, ..... , ... ,_,.,., 11 .. 1nc .... wt '"" Om•"'• •• ,, DelOw Ifft yNf"t JO." lfle"'" et tltll """e(foolplll• ,. 10 .. c ........ 11 ..... Plll\IW•Qll ., .. , 0. '·-"•"•" ~ 21 l o•• \flOutCI i. Ill lllf ~r SO\ Po<'tl•fld, ""' n ,. F""M ,, ,. .41 llNllQM, Wtl,., N(IM Ill U. tow .0. for Rt no . , •• ''"~' .. 14 " V•ll•to tt u Tlltil'\dtY $<111 l.•-t CI tO lO l•ll<••lff' "° .. ,Ol IJ.S. s ..... ,,, c I It' lu! 5Ulllt 10 ... LO• A/I091t'\ '° n ,QI Soolt•"-•• n Merys11111e •S )0 ltaln e<~llOO e tOIO f•Olll U • ••••• f!8t r •t \I Nt n tCI ,, .11 ~nlt,.Y St S4 i.nci•no 1ooey '""'°' Ille ,_, Gre"1 ln<rN\lno <!olldt t011'9M IMdlno W••ltll\0.0.1 .. ,. ""°'" 11 u L•kH r•olon 111rouo1t '"'' 0,.,10 to• cllMK• Of~ TI!t#'Wy. Offlltl!d ., ,. Ut.lp:c)•H•• .. _It __ ~ 41 .10 V•llo. whit• SOll•••U '"""' HIQMTllundeYlfl...,..., 50llOfftl4 H' ~ h• .... ,"" n n d9nh0-.n M""""'9CI •fl erN ''°"' 609. ··~""f"''" " ... n •ICIMMOtY .. u -••••fl IC~luOr IO ArkenNS. con••• ,_,., .. _ wlll r~ ltlYI ... 14 S.t leer~ ., .. laolaltd llQhl relntllow••• •II• llthrttn u end 67, Tiie witter Wfll• lh•••\• ., • SetfN• ., SA P••••d rrom H•w 1 11ote11d to, oeretu,.wtni.n • -....o .... .. l l ·" "or111a, ""'"• more •~ •tllv•tv s.11crr-r.co tO .SA movtCI l"'•OUO"' IM Pecllk Coe.I, St1tt, Moo ... Tide• .,.., z:: .... "" ......... ltllftNI•• H SO tPrHdlno atrott ,,.,. SI•""' 11110 '>toe•tlfl 70 ,, 'Otlllltlfl Nt¥ada Al\d flOrtlltffl TOOAY ... , ..• ArltOfl~. ~ .,.,., ........ , It 'f".>tl 00 f\114 t.-.,. Tlltrt!\tl 70 u ,I) S.colld tow J •a4p,m, Ot ... .,,to""""'~ 'IOo~ '"'' ""'°'" 1 11•1~11 " 00 Sllllt were cloudy over Ill• k <Oftd 111(1111 t:uo.m. .., f " • '' ~ • tu<_, •lM -OfthvtftO t ., .... .. n $0u\llwn t TMU .. DAY Tr.. Honr.(11 .... IM end Ille "°"' ' .. t t •.: ,,.,'-t ~., ,, "°" 00""' LI~ .. ., )0 JI .n OfHl let.fl rf1910n r'90f'\IO -l'lf\I tow .... ,... °' .,~.,.. Y'iw " lf'f' •I t I l'I e.tf C•l•llf•• ... SA o~ •now •10• WIK-In ~ Mltnt .. 1\ ,,,,, "''°" . "•·'"· .., lt , .... ''•"' .,..,~c-.-e. I.I 0tM,. ,. " 'ffllHl lly 1"' IMll.,. INll IK....Stow , ~·"'· ~~ o... ........ l, .... h«fl .. ,. .04 Wl1141t fl# U Ill JO moll OUthtd lrMr• S.C OM Ntfl 10·1 °'"'· Mt,Wlr-40 ,. .o I~ ltm,.,et\lnK lrtm lllf Hor1Mffl '""'"-' ............... 0t11111. c .......... ...,...... .... ....,~ " \A ~ 11-•·0I -.fft., Mtt6u11. "' ' ,.,.,,.,. c;o.,.w, ,,,_ '4MUI r OMM• '° JO •• l"lelflt ltMl•-1.nt K.,. .. """-~nt..,.on &.Mft .... '" ..... " " ... f.llt toulMrl\ t1etu n•d p.erlly .... ---........ ~..,~ •• n °' c=r. Ml* Wiii\ l!llkl lamcltreturt• S•rl Repert e·--~·---n '-'-.. ).1 ltttf .,.,, ,,, .... CW!t c.M.i ·~It· ."..-~'*"" ... ,, .. ,N ... M '° were Ill IN tot, "9111t IM Hon-I °"""""' '¥11 l..-,... Mfll!llW~ ...... ""rlflt • Hu11111191-.., "'"'"" .. ecllt11 ,...,........,. ....... , ..... ow " ,, l•rly 9'\•flllllt 19'11,ttelvH' We"" -t6 ~ .._. QM!tl9ftt ieM•M«t. ~ ., .o ,..,, • II t; PROPOSt:D a lottery system for picking recruits and said the country must be wULlnK lo pros cuw drttfl evaders Uniformrd k aders of the Ar r Jo'orct', Navy and Mar1 n u . although not siwclfically cndori; Ing Rogers· proposal , preclicll'd that a draft Is likely, if not in t-v1table. They Wf'rc unanimous m urging renewa l of the system r{'qulnng young ~pie to reg aster for possrbk· ~crvice W1Uun two hour1> of Ro~t"n; recommendation. made to a con · gress1onal subcommittee. his civilian boss distributed a stale· ment saying the general's plan c la s hes with ofl1c 1al Army policy. ARMY SECRETARY c 11rrord l\lexander s aid. "To enact a draft, I belJeve, would be un necessary. unfair and coun terproductlve to the best in· terests or the Army " lie said there 1s no need now for a draft of any kind -including the one proposed by Rogers. The disagr~ment between the two Pentagon officials problbly will s pread to Congress. where the debaie so far has focused on plans for military registration which would fall s hort of a drart. Reg~tratlon bills have been proposed In both houses or Congress. and legislation for a limited draft is pending in the House Rogers. the Army's top person an uniform, made his proposal to the Senate Armed Services man power subcommiletee, which 1s 1 n v t" s t 1 g a l r n g w 1 d (• I y ackno wle d ged problems tn mobilizing the nation's military ror a n emergency. ALTHOUGH A<..TIVE-DUTY forces have fallen short of their recruiting goals this year. Uw biggest problem is in the rt·· ser ves. and particularly the in dividual ready reserve -thl' manpower pool chiefly for ust• as replaceme nts for wartiml· battlefield casualties. Rogers s aid the individual ready reserve is 500,000 peopl{· short of its 700,000 a uthorized ~ (OMp Leader? Mau rit'l' Hi s hop. 33, who lt·uds u dl•moc rat1c-s <>ciahst p:.arly t'alled the New J ewel Movement . i s r e porte d h·adL·r of rcbd civilians who tw>k owr the tiny Caribbean l')l and of Grenada T uesday. n1 ~h op·~ "r evolutio na r y arm y" s truck before dawn wh1ll-Prime Minis ter Sir Eric Gair y was in New York. rcp<>rtedly on United Nations business. Energy Needs Pushed Oil Companies u_rged to 'Roll U p S leev es' WASHJNGTON CAP> The Carter admi.njstratlon 1s askmg oil companies to "roll up their sleeves" and get on with the JOb of producing enough unleaded gasoline to meet demands or U.S . motorists. Despite industry wa rnings tha t demand 1s beginning to out· s trip supply. a lop E nergy D e p ar tm e n t official told Congress Tuesday he sees no rea- son why the manufa cturP or un- leaded i::as can't b<' stepped up cspcci::tlly an li~ht or a n<'w r ule allowing refiner~ to pas~ 011 a larger share or their cos~ to motorists "I T WOUl,D BE an outrage 1f this industry falll.·d lo mcl'l the need for largl'r shares or their cos ts to motorists. ''It would be an outrage 1f this industry failed to meet the need for unleaded gasoline:' David Bardin, head or the Ene rgy Department'!) Econ o mic Regulatory Admrnaslration, told a House Commerce subcomm•l· tee On a related m atter , tht• H ouse o f Sc i ence a n d Tecbrrology Committee wa:. meetmg later today on proposab to help reduce U.S. reliance on imported oil by transforming coal mto clean-burning ruel. ONCE THOUGHT t oo e x pens ive a process to compett· with 011. energy oHicials are now taking a new look at proposed projects that would turn coal tn to gas. hqu1d or sohd fuel Hac ker s or s uch pro1ecls claim a clean-burning fuel t un be derived from coal and would cost the equivalent or Oil pnced at $18 to $20 a barrel. With oil import.'1 now cost1nl{ upward'> of $15 a barrel at U S ports and even higher prices looming on the honion. lhc coal projects arl' nearing the point whe re they can (·ompelc with 011 THE CARTER administration has sa1d V: wtU decide by this ~ummer which or two proposed $700 m11lton coal to·fuel projects 1t will support, a coal-to-liqwd- fuel operation m West Virginia or a coal·to·sohd-fuel plant in Kentucky Rardin told the House Com- m C'n 'c s ubcommittee o n over· S1 ghl and rnvt~lrgatwns Tuesday that the Ener~y Department rult-issued earlier this month al· lowing rerrncrs lo pass along a higher J)t'rcentage of the cost or making gasoline will add about five cents a gallon this year to ov<•rall gasoline. "NO LAW REQUIRES refiners l o u s<• this m on ey in any particul ar wuy," Bardin said. "Hut 1t st'('ms fa ir to expect that th(' rchnrng industry will respond PQ!>ttlvely Wt• exp<'ct them to roll up t heir sll~V~ and get lhe joh dont· ", II o w c v .c r , B a r d \ n al·knowledged that gasoline s up- µlu•s would be· tight -partly bN'dUS(! of the loss or Ira nian oil ;,ind partly because of a shortage or U .S rt•frnmg capacity. W ~'SIN IT FOR ME? Local business and \his newspaper and see T\f listings and reviews Plenty! Take a look t~~~~t~:ing Sports scores and tea~~~~·or two \o keep them oonsumer reports. :iomers get tussy. an enterta1n1n;d intormat1on about And when yo ur cu we've got more news a lse Anywhere out of your hear. Every day. \hen you'll find anywhere e a .spec1al weekend. what's going on In th•~ t~;enn1ng a new shop. or p1ann1~~1ds to college, So If you're thinking o h Ifs going to cost to send you lipped). or wondering how;;~~ best out of life (without getting c or 1ust trying rlto ~~pl~ce. Right tie re you're in the g 642-4321 "' l Orange Coast l OITl()N ,,, ,_. , Your Ho111efow11i . Daily Newspape~ VOL. 7?, NO 73, 4 SE CT IO NS. A4 PAGES O RANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 , 1979 c ,. Telnpers Flare on Teacher Pay Offe:f~ An u11~n 'l'okt•'n' .an for N''" port Mt·<ia \ln1f1,.,1 School 01!\trll't h' ,.h,•r' told I ru-.1,-.·, Tue ... dJ\ tlw1r \'llUlll1•1 pro1._..-.,1I for fk'" 1t•.1d11ni: ,·1111t1 .id 1, nothtnjo! but ·• ,·oµ out I do m11 n111 ... 11lt•1 1111, ,1 pro poi:..11 ," U1111 l\1mblt• 1111•,tclt·nl of the Nt'"'""'rt M1•,,1 t-:du1 .1t11111 Ai.i.11t·1.1t1on •-.11<1 ,11 ,, ho,ird ul truslt>l'~ mt·1•11111ot .Jft1•1 ,, urw µagl' pro~l\"Jl ~ ·'' 'uhn11ll1'd in rt''IHID't to tht• lt·11t'ht•l !\ t.I) 11.1.i,· offrr 111.: I C'Oll,ldl·r th1 .. u IHI ... llUI propth.11 K1mhll· ''"'' 1111t1n.: lh,11 th1• ct111·um1•nl d1dn l 1•v \·n 11101111w tu lo.t't'I' '·"·" W't Jl llwir 11rt· ... ·111 "'' 1·1 "I mhll" I all\'<J for ,, 'IWl'IJl bo.11d lllt't'lll\g 111 d i"'"' UJI ti pro111,.,JI "''' 1·..in d1•;,1I with Tru~ll·"' d11.ln l '''"fllllld 111 t\ I Ol lilt• '> 1t•lflill k' llmH•vcr tht• d1stnct 's chief lll'J:Ollato1. Jean Ha rmon. said tud.iv thl' dts lnl'l do~s plan to -.ubm1t J ll'ngth1cr proposal latt•r thJs Wt't'k or early riext "'t•t>k Wt• -.imply did not have lame to dt·v l'lop the language they "°l'rt.' cX(>t'l'ttn~.' Mrs Harmon ,,11d Sht• ~·1lt>d a lac·k of tame and J>l·r.,u1111d .ind po1nll·d oul that. m addition to negotiating a new contract, offi cials and teachers a re renegotiatmg the c urrent contract in the light of a stale Supre me Court decision throw ing out the wage freeze as un cons tat utiona I Tuesd ay's counter-proposal. s ubmitted at a board meeting, noted tha t the teache rs have asked for a reduction in claS'i l>l le, a 16 pcrcl'nl salary 1n crease, binding arb1trat1on of gr ievances, resumption of sab batical leave and an increase an sick leave .1 Board PrM>1dent Carol Martin read a statement that sa id, "The board finds 1t cannot concur with the a ssociation 's rt' quests "In addition. the board finds 1t cannot make any rl'commenda lion relative to future !>alary ad Earthquake Rocks Mexico I I l J ' I Witness Tells of Chokillg By KATH\' CLANCY OI ti• 0•11• Pilot Staff A key prosecution witness in • the retrial of Or William Wad· dill of Huntington Harbour testified today that he saw Wad- dill pressing has hand a round the throat of a n aborted infant he is accused of strangling two years ago. Pediatrician Ronald Cornclsen testified Waddill also told hjm, "If this baby laves it as going to f be the biggest mess you ever 7 l saw. "It wilJ be brain dameged and ~ 1 will wind up paying thousands f of dollars for its s upport and care," Cornelsen continued quoting Waddill to a n Orange County Superior Court jury. Cornelsen testified as Waddill pressed down on the baby's I throat he complained "I can't f find the God damn trachea " Cornelsen was called to the I witness stand by prosecutor I Robert Chatterton in an effort to t convince jurors that Waddill ~ strangled the infant after an abortion effort on her 18-year· old mother allegedly failed. Chatterton contends Waddill <See WADDILL, Page A2> Costa Mesa police a re seeking 1 a thin. long-haired m an who r threatened a liquor store clerk > with a knife Tuesday night and escaped with $80 and fifth of vodka The robbery occurred at 10·5-0 p.m at Sunshine Liquor, 724 W. 19th St., police said The suspect is described as five feet rune inches tall, thln, in his early 30s. with long blond hair tied back in a ponytail. He a lso reportedly ha d a blond mustache and short beard. ""w1~0 DEJECTED MEXICO CITY CAR OWNER WALKS AWAY FROM HIS CRUSHED AUTO IN DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT Eight Cars In This Lot Were Crushed After Tremor and 18 Aftershocks Rocke d Mexico 's Capital Early Today Ethel Reinert Funeral Set In Mesa Services a re scheduled at 11 a . m . Thursday for Ethe l L. Re inert, 89, of Costa Mesa, mother of a Costa Mesa depart· ment s tore owner She died Tuesday. The Rev Char les D Clark of First United Methodist Church will officiate a t the funer a l sche duled at Be ll Broadway Chapel, Costa Mesa. RuriaJ will follow at Pacific View Memonal Park. Corona del Mar Mrs. Reinert leaves a son, Jack Reinert of Neltport Beach. who in 1949 pur c ha!>e d Fitzpatrick Department Store and changed the n a m e to Reinert's. She is also s urvived by her son. Alfred M. Reinert of Sun Ci· ty ; a brother , J ose ph Fitzpatrick of Den ver. one granddaughter and two great- grandchlldren. Maroin Judge Bans Sex Life Questions LOS ANGELES <AP> -The judge in t.he Lee Marvin trial ruled today that the lawyer for Michelle Tnola Marvin may not ask questions about the actor's sex life. Attorney Marvm Mitchelson. heatedly disagreeing with the judge. protested that lawyers for Marvin had been permitted lo explore Miss Marvin 's alleged sexual infidelities and said he wanted to question in the same area. "What is fair for the goose is fair for the gander," Mitchelson said. "If Mr. Marvin can make in· quiry into her sex Ufe, although he says it was not part of an agreement . . . I thfok I should have the ri~ht to inquire." Michelson claimed there was an "implied condition of fideli· ty" in the relationship between t he actor and the former showgirl during .. heir s ax-year affair. "Isn't the implication that he would do the same thing, or ar1.• we on a s ingle s tanda rd ''" Mitchelson asked. S\J~rior Court Judge Arthur Mars hall ru led aga in s t M itchelson in his effort to ask Mar vin whether he had sex with a ny partner other than Mi ss Marvin during a 1966 trip to Lon· don. Marshall said that since Mass Ma rvin wa s the one contending there was a contract between them, her sexual acti vities might be relevant, but not his. .. \\'<1~ the basis of your rel a· tionsh1p with Michelle for six years predominantly sexual'! .. the attorney asked Marvi n. The actor stared at ham glum· ly, then said: "f·don't really un· derstand that auestion. ·' Mesa Meeting Scl1eduled On Route 55 Th e fu ture o f Newport Boulevard. and what should bt· done to improve traffic now, wall be the topic of a public mcctm~ at 8 p m. Thursday in Costa Mesa T he meeting. first by the policy advisory committee for the Roule 55 trans portation study. as scheduled at Costa Mesa Caty Council chambers. 77 Fair Drive. The committee as composed of representat1 vcs of cities a nd public agencies and as studying various proposals for the future of Newport Boulevard between Mesa Drive a nd Pacific Coast lla~hway. It will make recommendations lo the state Department of Transportation. \ Coast Bird Dealers Dold IJine I • By JACKIE HYMAN 01 ,.,. Dally ~llot Sl•fl When deadly Newcastle dis· ease st.cikes birds down and the U.S. ltrpartment of Agriculture sprin gs into action, Orange Coast bird breeders do just the opposite. "The minute you hear of an o utbreak. you doll 't move anything." said Mary Jean Hessler or Costa Mesa. who breeds cockatiels, lovebirds and finches and keeps about 200 birds in her flock. "Yo u don 't buy or sell an ything ." e xplained Miss Hessler in discussing the current outbreak that so far has claimed more than 1,800 birds in Orange. Los Angeles and Riverside coun· ties as well as Las Vegas and Tucson. Miss Hessler and Joseph de Aguiar, a Huntington Beach finch breeder, said Newcastle disease is one of the greatest fears of those who raise birds for love and money. "It's one of tbe most con· taglous daeasea," explained de Aguiar. who also keeps about 200 birds in bis nock. "We don't really have any treatment for it yet," aald Miss Hessler, noUng that NewcaaUe II' an airborne virus and can be carried on shoes or clothing as well as by birds. ·'Chickens ar e.4 ead within two or three days and larger birds like parrots may live about a week. but they all die," Miss Hessler said. "A few may sur· vive but they become carriers." S h e s aid breed e r s a r e especially careful because they tend to visit back and forth with eac h other and could inad1 vertentJy spread the disease. "You don't let in anybody you don'\ know," de Aguiar said. He recaJJed a bad outbreak of the disease among poultry in 1971·72 in R iverside and San Diego when millions of chickens were lost. A s maller outbreak in 1977 hit birds i n Southe r n Callforrua. At that lime. de Aguiar said, problems arose because the U.S. Department of Agriculture "was kllling birds without discrimJna· lion ." destroying whole flocks if only one bird was infected. De Aguiar and Miss Hessler said the American Federation or Aviculture. of which t.bey are both founding members, went to court to protest the destruction. They said USDA officials seemed relieved to rind an .or· ganization or s mall b lrd (See BIRDS, Pa~e AZ> JUstments at this tim1'." Mri. j\1ar tan ~aid, and cited depcn dence on state bailout fu nds a.-. forcing a delay 1n salary pro posals. The t•urrent t hrel' year con tract expires July 30 The s1tuat1on 1s co heated by the fact that the dist ct foce~ u possitill• union elect10 1n May If teach<.•r:-. should ec1dt· to < ee 'ACHE RS, P. g4' A2 > • I Trelllor Kills I; 32 Hurt MEXI CO CITY u\ P 1 A severe earthquuke and HI ar tcrshocks rO<'k<'d tha... cit) for four hours today. dama~1ng buildings and spraying broktn glass over do\\o ntown street.. The Red Cross said a 14 }t.'Jr·old girl was killed and 32 pt.-opl<.• in JU red /\ thre<··~tory building 1·01 lap.;;ed al lbt•rt•<J /\ml'rt<·:.in lJ111vers1l)'. a private inslllut1on an the southern ilarl of thl· <.·1t)' Most of tht.• window .... it th• "ll vers1l)' were broken PollcP -.aid man} p ... 1• homes were heavil y da r 1a~ed But llfr qui ckly re tur icd lo normal. and trafftt fil led th1• streets during th~ mornin~ rush hour The Sc1smolog1cal lnstilull' m Mexico City reported lhc quake measured 7 on the Richter scall- and lhl' t.•p1c<'nl<'r "'a" ab<1ut 200 miles southwest of the capital cit ~. The ll S G1.•olog1cal Survc•y in Golden. Colo . nilled 1t a maJor quake with a Richter readm~ of 7 9 atld the ep11•entcr 100 male:- northwest of Acapulco, on the Pacific coast ur <1 short distance> at sea. Sc1ent1sts th<.•r<.• .said that read in~ would me:tkt• at th1• .. trongest quake in the world lh1s year. No damag£• we:ts rcporli.•d in A<.·apulco. a popular resort. but the highway to 1t from M1•x1co Cit.,. wa~ blocked bv handshdl•s 1:1ghts were out in 'tt'H'rJI s1.·c lions of the capital of 13 millwn people when a .strong aftershock hit a lmost exactly an hour after the main shock rolled through the capital at 5 08 a m AD GENERATED GREAT RESPONSE "I recei ved great resr>0nSl' from my Daily Pilot ad That ·s the advertis ing sutcess story of the Co!'ila Mc'a wo man who placed th1:-. ad 1n the Daily Pilot Sol.1 "lt•1•1ll'r. q 1 '"' l\1odl'rn ~1drb0Jnl "''"' wood lOO. XXX'- If you need great response to make a sale, call the fnendh ad v1sers at 642 5678. The Da11}- Pilot reaches local customers Or:::Q~-:a~• \l'eathe .. Chance of showers an· c r easing to 30 perce nt Thurs day. Increa sing c loudiness tonight with lows 50 to 55. Highs Thurs d ay in upper 50s to mid 60s . INSIDE TODA,, The brilliance o/ Albert Einstein ia being hailed worldwide today on occasion of hi• birthdote 100 years ago Story, photo Pages .AB· 10. lade:x Alt M•rot<• M Allll Ufllltn •• Mo•lfl 81,6 M .. lc .. , At M•l•al l'\Mlh OMO NaU~tl N•W\ (1t OHll .. Qtolottv Cit Sfiwb All ,,__ Mt111 .. & A• Ttlevlli. ,,., T11ea1.n (II W.tl-CM.1l • .,,. HOWi f ' J\Z DAILY PILOT C College Exchange Oppo d R> WlU.1 \M llOOG f. °' -°""' ~ ... , .... I\ t 11 fl ('II•" I { II Ill m u n 1 l \ nlln!t' lh'<l11l'l ofh1•i.il 11t.11ll lo d.1 ~ h1,10,t1tullunv111h11hh "uuhl not llUVllOrt u p1 uposc•d 11i.wn 1·~ l'hlln~l' Of t-tudt'l'llS bt'tWt'l'n 01 angt.• County l'OlltrflUOll\ ,·111 k.:t'' fh1• 111 11110,,11 n·11•1\1·tl 'Ul'Jiut1 \1111\11.t) f1 11111 S,11hlh·h.H I.. ( 11111 munll\ Collq~t· llht11l'I tru'ltt'(':- .. lt "1111111 ht• \1•n n1,ll) for 1111 1 111 ... 1r11·1 ( ,,, ... 1 uu,lllt''' M J n ,, ,_ 1• r < ·" r r t'l I J 11 1 t '11 n · \ l'h1111111MHI '•11\1 lllCJJ\ I "1111111 (t'l'lllllt111•111t th.it "'' kl'l 11 !ht 'JOit' .1.:1t-t•1111•11l th,tl "l' h1H 1 now f11rlh1• l't7tl 1i(hd11wtl \ 1•,1r Thi· t''ll'tltni;: 11H1•rtll')tr1rt 111 I 1• ruJ ,1 n1•1• .1 •! rt•t· m ,. n t ht't" 1 1 11 ('oasl .md S,11tdll'l>,11 k 1 .1lb fur .rn 1•x1·h1111.:1· 11( 111111110 1n Jd1h 11nn tu ''••It '1'1111111 I fur 1·,11 h '' 111l1·nl I 1mh-r I hJt .1..:111 1111•111 -., .111 ti It 11a1 · k p 11111 SH I l , Ll2 t 11 l'11a.,t 111 th1· 1!177 7H 'l'lwul ~·1-.ll J\ t tht.• .,Jmt.• 111111., < 'ou:,t p,11d Sacldlt'b111·k only $17 H07 That ., he<•au ~l' mon· ~.1d d ll'li.i<·k U1:.triC"t rt''ldn1t:-. c·huw lo all1•nd t'la'M'' tn lht• l'llll!tl d1:. tnl'I, 11romptmg lht· S<.1ddlcl.>ack bJlanl'C Of t•XdH.IOJll' fund:. def l('lt Lr ndc>r th1· propoM.•d 1>pt•n t·x rh<IOgt' polwv. ch:.lrH·t:. would on!) trndt' slalt• appc'>rl1onmcnl:-. tht'\< rec1•1vl• lll'r each i>ludent Th;.it ml·ans, u .... 1ng tht· Coast and S addll·ba<·k l'\,1mplt• llw CoC1:.t l>l'otric·t "'<111ld bt· out a bout Sl.200 for t'ac·h Saddlcback '.'It udenl 1l ac l'l'Pl:- • 1 t 'ndt'r lht• propo<,l'd 011('0 ex cha nge 1 tht·y 1Saddl eback 1 would be rt'Cl'IVin~ our appor. 11onmcnt wh1t·h ,., aboul $850." Thom pson Pxpla1nc·d "We would be rt><'c•1v1n1o: lht.·1r appor· l1onmt·nt. which 1:. about $230." The• d1ffc·re·n1•t• in a 1>port1on m t>nb 1:. dut·. Thomp!.111\ :.aid . to :-tatt• ft>rmuJ;i<, th;it t1in:.11lt:r thl' Coa:.t 1>1stril'I a:. JHiorer thun lhl· Saddh•Lat•k D1.;trt<'l Hanc·hn S;int1.ig11 Community (' 0 11 t• g l' I) I .. t r I (' t n u .. I n (' s:. Manager Tom Wright agr ct.•!-. w1lh Thomp<,on's uSM''ismc•nt of polt·nt 1al rrohl1·m., to the Coa:.t D1stnl'l but ts rt•a<ly to rerom mend that ht!-> tru!-.lt>t•:. !tupport the propo,l·d 111>e·n <·xchunge ugn·l'mcnt "We are '3vorablt> to fre<> ex changt' with a ll Orange CQunty d1s lrtC'l!t ," Wr1~hl !tatd today "Ther<' ;.ire !.OmC' romphcations 1n l<'rm!-. of c•ost that would havt· lo be• "orkt-0 oul but wc> 'rt.· ~up port1vc· of the prot><>:.al " Some of the complex1t1 c!"> Wn~ht Sl'1'!t involve th<' t.·x1stmg 10tcrd1!tt nl'l !>tudcnt exchange pol1c1c~. Search Ends For Doryman Lost al Sea An unsucc·c:.sful search for a Newpon licach dory h~herman who!tt• 1·mpty boat was he d <.tshon· Tu1·.,day rcm.iined sus· pended today off Newpor t I la rbor The search was launched Tuesday morning whc>n the 15 foot dory belonging to Donald Zeitler. 28. of N<•wport Beach. washed ashore at Cameo Shore~ in Corona del Mar A Coast Guard helicopter was dis patc he d lo tht' fi s hing g ro unds off Newport lo aid in the sea rch that 1nrluded other dorymt•n, comm<.'rc1al fishing bouts, the flurbor Patrol and Nt.•wport Beach hfcgua rds. The search was called orr in th e lat e a ft e rno o n and s pokesmen for the various or- ganizations said they would not continue today. "We're awaiting fu rther de- v e I o pm en l s,'' a H arbor Patrolman commented. OftANOECOAST ' DAILY PILOT ''-" O••"Ol't..u 0.tt; fltt .... •ff1'-"Kf\1\tom bt~•tw~,_. ... , ''"'*'""""'···-o.-"P '"'' Pub't"-"'~ Sr.., ...... ...-. ... Ovhlt\MO MiliN-. ttw..,,... fir ... ; tOf (_,14' ,._....,N ______ O>Jl- te•ftY•fl..., lfYWW' '--~....,._ ~ ... c .. • • •~l"ql•r~•t..,.,,OWl•~ ... ""°M".,.. "--·' .... "'"" -_. .... ,,.pl-,, .. uo w., ... ,~'"' (.M.e .. ~w C .. •..,M•~ ·-·-........ nt-•••11-,. ... c......., y,," tJitMff).,\t ... (,.,... .. ~ ·-··1(-lfltOt "::::::::z::- CMm•• U.. •-f' ... 11 11 .... , ................ l_, .... Co••• ..... 0...0. ..... ""' l:::::' :·o ':..~,.. . .,.,. , Wodnno1y, M11ch 14. 1010 f',....P ... AJ BIRD • • • t>reeden to -work with, nd wt-re C'OO,Perallvt .abOut rt.'vl11n11 lh<!1r proeedur Currently, the lJ~l>A wtll quara.nune any noctt where In· recuon OCCUl'I Onl)' I( tht' Int . t 1on appeara to havf' 1pread throu1.•h ttw flm II will th1• lISL>A purt•hu t' .111d dt.'i.lroy •II tht• b1rdll What ran 'mull tm•1•dt'fl\ and P<'l bird nwm•n d11 to rm1tN·t ttw1t mut·h lovrd und ft1•111wntly QUiil' valuable b1rd!'I worth "" mv<"h ait $6,(l(IO l"nrh ogamst Nt'"CaaUt•" Bt'"llr1· of h.irgu1n' hnd tl1•al1•r' th.11 .1r1•n t n•11ot,1bh• d1• \.:11111r ,,,111 lht· m110,t 1•11rnmon !\llUrt 1• of 'lot•wt a.,tlt· Ill from '>mu.:.:lt"<J birch 111111 with lht> h1~h ro ... t of "U• h pd' lhht' d.1'' ... 11111.:i.:1111.: 1., bt·l'omtnl( nuir1• ronut11111 I 11 itdd1llon hu\ t'l'i with 0\011· th.in 1m1· b1rrl 'houlcl quitrunttnl' Ull\ llt'W pd .. for tll l1•t1 .. l .l(J 1tJ\' \1 ,.. ....... ....,,,.., .... 11cl Tht•\ l'lOlt'tl lhJt lht'ft' Jft' .. 1111 prnblt·m, 10 1dt·nt1fy1ni.: .,mug ~ll•tl h1rth t''lll'l'IHll\ lh1• '\lllJll1•1 11111 ... "'h1d1 JI I' 1ltfrt1 Ult 111 t.iltuo 'lh1· l..., qu<11 .111t1n1· ,1,1t111n put:. ,1 h·g hand 1111 bird:,, lhJt h ..t ' 1• :. u <' l' cs:. r u 11 y 1> as !tt' d 11uar.rntmc. but ... ul'h bands can bi· tJml>t'red with or 1rr11tuh:d. Mt:.:. lll·~~lt·r !t:.ttd "'fhl'rc s unt• 11t•a lt·1 10 Li\ who 's known for huy1n~ anything." she noted. Rcputublt• dealers insist on knowing a bird's on gm. she said Another concc>rn of breeders. M 1ss Hessler noted, 1s that, as prices rise, so have thefts and even armed robberies. She said robbers have been known to com e to breeders' hom es with guns. escaping with lar~er birds worth thousands of dollars. But the main concern these days 1s Newcas tle , both breeders said In a ddition to worrying about their own nocks, tht•y said they're concerned a bout the disease's spread to commercial chick ens and turlreys "Our fear in the U S is the propagation or the d 1~easc to poultry." d t' Aguia r !>atd. "lmagme the loss in the U.S. when we lose milhons of turkey~ and chickens." Front Page A J WADDILL. • • murdered the two -pound 15· ounce infant known as Baby Cir! Weaver. fearing he would face a malpractice lawsuit if the In· fant lived and suffered brain damage because of 1mmers1on in the saline abortion solution Defense lawyer Charles Weed- man has contended the infant for all practical purposes was never a live when Waddill ex- amined her a nd that the baby's brain ha d been hopelessly damaged by saline. Waddill is on trial a second time. His first trial ended last May when jurors said they we re dudlocked 7 to 5 in favor or ac· quittal. Cornclsen told the jury today he was s ummone d l o the W(•stmin s tcr Co m m un ity Hospital March 2, 1977, by Wad· dill lie te~tified Waddill told him, .. Ron I have a premature baby over he re I w:.int you to help with." Arter Com elsen arrived a t the hospital, he said. Waddill told ham, "l am sorry, Ron, that I got you in on this m ess but the baby came out alive from the saline abortion." Corne lsen testified he saw Waddill put his hand into the isolette holding baby Weaver and press down on the throat De fense attorney Weedman objected repeatedly today as Chatterton had Cornelsen dem- onstrate with a plastic doll the way Waddill's h and was on the neck. Rape Suspect Arraigned on 15 Charges Tommy Alle n Knox, the sus- pect i n a series of Newport Beach r apes1 othe r forced sex acts and roboery cases was ar- r aigned Tuesday afternoon on 15 felony c"ar ges. Knox was arrested Friday on Balboa Island momen ts arter he ned from the scene of an alJeged robbery attempt. Cb arges flied In Harbo r Judicial District Court accuse Knox of the rape and robbery ot a Lldo h ie woman and 6 central Newport teen-ager., the robbery of another Lldo lsle woman and the attempted robbery on Ba lboa Island. Police said they believe Knox may be the suapect In a dozen almllar cases reported In Fuflerton, Brea, Tustin and Loe Ancttea County, bul no c har1e1 relatln1 to those caaea have been nted. Knox, a re1iatered sex of- fender, la beins held in Oranse County JaU Jn lieu of Sl00,000 ball. A ball heartn1 haa been aet for Frid ay In the Harbor munlelP.&t court. Who Goes There? 11 ·i-. only ,1ftor Roger Trantham. playing an /\1r Forte guard in front of the Zig- gurat 111 Laguna Niguel. For th~ purposes of a TV movie or the week bemg f 1lmed lht>n.•, thl' layer -cake fe deral building .has hl'('omt• a research center in the Spelling· Coldbt:rg Co production called "M :.in W11 h lhl' Power · The film crew h as been thl·r<• sm cc Monday and was scheduled to f 1n1sh location s hooting today The film ~t:.i rs Art I lindle Frottt Page A J TEACHERS s w1lc h from the Newport ·Mesa Education Association CNMEA I to the AFL-C I O -affiliated Newport-Mesa Fe d e ration of Teachers <NM FT>. district of· h c1als could find themselves fac· 1ng a wh o le n e w set of negotiators and proposals . Paul Jordan. pr esident of the N M FT. s~ud his group has more than the JO percent signatures needed t.o call an election. In fact. he said cards in support of the NM FT have l>een filled out by aboUl 51 percent of the d1.s· trict 's 1.100 teachers. In the past. the NM FT has bee n seen a s m ore aggressive tha n the NM EA. which is aJ. fillalcd with the California Teacher s Association . Jordan slated that he doesn't believe the NMFT is any more likely t.o call for strikes, but that it does plan to m onitor the dis- trict budget more closely and enforce the right o f the public to re vie w district documents . J ordan declined to comment on specific contract changes the NM FT would seek. lie said the petitions will be s ubmitted April 2 to the state Public Employment R elations Board. which is expected to scheduJe a n e lection in May. Jo rda n said that. while he hopes to win the e lection, he would prefer to see the NMEA a nd the NMFT me rge. "In the long run, I think that's whe re It's got lo go," he said. llis counte r part with t he N M EA. D o n Kimb l e, h as cha r acterized his group . as a · · profossion al o rganization " rather than a union and stated he believes il better represents the interests or teachers. Kimble took time in a recent interview to review the N MEA's contract proposal, noting, "You ask for what you t hink you're worth and what you beHeve is an ideal situation, a nd you com- promise." lie said that. althoug h the 16 percent raise asked by teachers plus the 4 percent sought for the current year lwhen teachers re· ceivcd no raise l may sound like an unrealis tic hike. statistics show that teachers have had a 20 p ercent decrease in buying power since the 1974-75 school year . Kimble s aid teache rs are also seeking an adjustment in pay- m ents ror a fte r-sctu>ol activities. tn part because teac hers. don't believe men a nd wome n are paid equally for all activities. Teachers File Salary Suit In Anaheim T eachers In the Anaheim Un ion High School District filed suit In Orange County Superior Court Tuesday seeking a five percent pay hike retroactive to Sept . 1 and senJority talses of from~ to S700 per year. T h e A.nahel m Secondary Teac he rl Association alleged the five percent hike and seniori- ty ra1aes were contained ln a two.year contract approved by district trustees last year . Vet, they contended, district olflclal1 have reft11ed to grant the Inc rease. District officials h ave aatd they lack sufficient f und1 to pay the salary hikes. The l ,200 d l1tr1ct teachera ~Ot· ed Sunday not to 1trtke a1aln.st the U ,000-atudent dla trlct althoup a majority of them cut balloll tn favor o f a walkout. Union oft"lclal1 explained a two- thlrda vote wu needed to call UM ltrtke. Schools Cut Back In Corona del Mar Citing declining enrollments an d bud get l i m1tat1on ~. Newport-Mesa school trustees voted Tuesday lo move s ixth grades m the Corona d cl Ma r a rea from middle schools back to e lementary school~ in Sep- tember . Tht.• move. which affects An· d ersen. Co r ona del M ar, EastbluH and llarbor View elementary schools. 1s expec~d lo save the district $67 .ooo 1n s t affing costs and the re nting of r elocatable classrooms at Lin· coin Middle School, trustees said. Trustees expressed regret at the action, noting that they had moved sixth ~rades lo middle Largest selection of schoolc; originally to prov1dt.· J m o re varied educal1onal t:'X p erience. wit h 'pec1alin·d teachers a nd more ~pccrnl interest subJects. Norman Loats. ass1~tant s upe rintendent. said 1t is n't known yet on what ba~1!> :.1xth grad e tea ch1>r s w 111 bt: rt· assigned. ~ Truslet's a lso de~1 gnatt•d Eastbluff E lemc·ntary as tht' d1., lnct's hard·Of·heanng center for kinder garten through ~•xth grade. No action was taken on u pro posal to close Corona del Mar Elementary School as of Sep le m ber , 1981. and trustees gavt· no 1ndicat1on of when the matter will be considered again. fine desks in the area. Desks from Drexel, Heritage, H e nredon and more. J 200 Die In Plane Crash? TOK YO I AP 1 A British built Trident :.i1rcraft cras hed rn to u fac•lory on lht• outskirts of Pekrnr.t loday and about 200 peo pie wen· h •u n•d kille d , the Japan('St! news M!rv1cc Kyodo r eported The dispatch from lht• Chine~e capital quoh'CJ w1lncss1·s as say. 1ng that lht· a1rc·rart with 12 crew m c m bl' r' a n cl u u .., .., t• n I! c r:. aboard hit lht· f<H·tory nPar f'<'· king u1rport ;it b 52 <1 m 14:52 pm P~I Tut.·.,day 1 ~horlly after takeorr All pa~.,t.·ngrrs and crew aboard tlw plane were believed ktlh·d Other v1rt1m s inl'luded workt•r., from an a!-.~e mbly plJnt, K~orlu ,,11d 0 n <' o f t h l' w 1 t n c ~ ., es , CJ Wt•'>ll'm l'OP l''>JXIOdent, Said he 'a" m.1n~ ('htnt·'-1· <,11 ld1t·rs c•ni::a~rd tn rl''o!'UI' work late into I ht' night Ill' ,,11d dt•hrts from th<• wrN·kJ~l' w." M'atlt•n·d ovc·r ~• lar~w an·:.i .• H·cord1ng lo the Kyodo ri ·oort No offt <•iul t onfirmat1on Y.CI' •1vutlabh· lrom llw C h1nc<,1· authonttt•,., 11 'aid K ymto 11ol 1·d I h J t Trident ;11 n-rufl .Jrt• oft 1·n u:.i·d in Chio;i to t rJn:.port gov .. rnnwnt lcadc·r., Jnd oth1 •r high r:rnk1ng ufflctals. Retarded Kids To Compete 111 "'Olympics' t-:1i;:hlN~n mt•nlally rf'lara('(t ) oungskr' fro m lh1· Orc1ni.:•· ('oa!tl YMC'/\ will bt• .among l<JCI frnm Ora~t· County <'•>mpl't1ng FrtclOJ) 1n th<· S1wr1al Olv mµ1n Tht· mt'l'l "111 bt• hr•ld Jt Ill a m al Wt:sh'rn llrgh ~l'h()(Jl, 501 S Westt•rn Av1· , An.tht•1m Tht.> <:ount~ w1d1· Oll't'I 1:. tw111g ht•ld :Ji. an d1m111.it1un louma rnt:nl pr wr to tht· ... t.1lt·w1tlt• meet s latt"<J for .Junl' 23 <!~> .1t UCLA T ht' I R () r .1 n g 1· (' o a~ t )'oung:.t('r<, ha V(• lwt•n purt1c1pat 111~ 1n a µr11 grJm to fos t er 11 h y :. 1 c :i I <· o o r d 1 n a t 1 u n s pon:,nn•ll by lht• Y .rnd th1· N1·v. 11ort C.'t·ntt•r K1"' an1 ., Club which abo 1s undt·rwntmg thl'tr l'nlry <:tl Fnday St>Vl:'nt Business W•dn~•Y· March 14, 1979 DA.IL Y PILOT •• Proposed $1 Billion Oil Pipeline Ahandolled CLEVEl.AND t Ar I Thr Standard Ott Co (Sohto 1, llllnA a "quqmirt of ftdt>ral and stall' r-e1ulationJS," l 1d It hu~ ubrtn doned 1 propost"d $1 bllllrui otl plpline from Cvhfornrn to T\1\J' Tbe rompany hu~ souahl tt<>' ernmcnt appro\•al llU\l't• 1974 for the projt'ct thlH would ha' t> a h l ppl'd ~00 ,000 bu rrt•I of Alaskun oil dotty to th,• t;,a"t 1t11<1 Midwe3l. "ENDLL~ GOVt;RNMt:NT permit pf'O('l'durcs, pt>ndlntc ond threatened llt1iat1on. and the pros pet'U Vl' u1rn v t11 I u b1 II t > of t 'A-o na tural gas lln<>~ whll'h ~1h1v proposed to convert to the> 1111 pipeline .. lullt'd the project, :.aid * * Allon \\ \\ h1hh11u'i1•. Sohw cha1rmun Whlhho11 c math· tlw 1rnooun c-emt>nt 1\if"\<1111\' JU t unt• day t1rter Enu1n :-.t·cra·tun Jumt's fl S('hlP,IOg( 1 told 1 S1·n11tt• t:nl'rgy Cornm1 U1·1 lw.1r111~ 1n W 1sh1n~ton t hut thP llnitt>d Statc•i; nt•t'(lt·d t)w 1111whrw ~Ohio h11rt llOUj(hl 11p prov11I trum l..J1· 111l i.t,111• und r t•.:wnul .1uthonth•t-ror nwn· thJn 700 1•~·rn\lb to build an 1111 tankt-r t t>rm 111.11 is tor J .:•• t .111 k' 11r11l ptpduw to h1J1 fll l from Lo111( lle1H'h lo .o nutwn.11 1111wllnt· <11'> trtlHJthm t 1·nlt r 111 .,111tl11nd . Tt•\,\lj \\ ltlTEllOl St'~ \IO lhl· c:nm 11u n) twd h11µt•d fo ...... ,. 7~ c 1·11h * lo SI ban't'll by t1h1pplng oil lhrtiual\ tho pll)('llne rMher Ulan u 11\at th.-Panama Canal. He 11n1d dl'lny und mflutaon had t'rtltkd lht• $l1Vrtl.i/\ Th.-r~"th•rat govrrnment 31>· prov'1rl lht.> plan11 . but California hud not compl1.1tcd action on nt·t•t•IS&ury ''t·rtn1U, a ltho ugh l.onl{ tit'M'h votns have ap. 11rovl'd coru1ll uctton of a pipeline lt'rn11nal t;nv1rc11wtt•ritial i1nd othe r 1·1lut•n grouµs have challenged 1 ht> 111 OJl'l't on tht.' .:rounds that lt lo\ ould int•rt·a~t· air p<>llullon in .rn urea that ulrt'sdy suffers ftttlll poor .lll (\U..lht) * * • WHITF.HOlJSE SAID a factor in the decision wu 1nform11llon Sohio received that c hanged estimates on the avallablhty of two natural gas pipelines that had been earmarked for con· version to crude oll pipe But he said reguJatory delays were the principal cause of the action. Asked at a news conference if it was still possible for the pro· ject to be revived. Whitehouse sa id. "I don't think so. It's a lit· tie hard to see what could revive ll ... Whitehouse said m January that it was "very ine£fic1ent and dumb" for Sotuo, which owns 53 * • * percent of the Prudhoe Bay oil reserves. to have lo s hip Its Alaskan oil through the Panama Canal. Whitehouse said that 1979 ln· come, befor e taxes, will be penalized by more than $50 million, including amounts spent for planning and studies, as well 3s project-cancellation charges. Citg M ag Lose Millions LONG BEACH (AP) This port city could lose $80 millton because of cancellation of Sotuo's oil terminal and pipeline project, city officials say, blaming "a multitude of regula tory agen- cies" for kHling it. But Jam Bira kos, a spokesman for the South Coast Air Quality Mangement Distract, said he "a~ ::.urpri:.t>d 1Ut-!!\day that Sohio puJled out less thun a week befon' his a~cncy was to decide whether to approv{· the project "OUR INITIAL reaction was o ne of dis may." sa 1d Jim McJunkin. genera l ma nager of the municipally ownr d Port of Long Beach. "We had no pre- Arches Due • m v1oos indication that Sohio was going to cancel.·• M cJunkin said the city expect· cd to earn more than $2 million a year for 40 years from the pro- ject "lie snid the port already has inves ted $5.7 million in obtain.iog environment a l and planning studies and permits for the pro- China? Americans Push 'Great Wall' Ventures ject. but added that Sohio had previously agreed to repay $5 l million or the costs 1f the project collapsed. McJUNKJN BLAMED Sohio's action on "a multitude of re· gulatory agencies. . pulling an all directions. Four to five years is a long time to wait to receive permits on a project with no end in sight. "In fact." he added. "I think no ma1or energy project can be constructed in this country un der the present system " Long Beach Mayor Tom Clark said he was not "complete ly sur prised" by the announcement WASHlNGTON 1AP) The official s tory at Mc DonaJd's 1s that the hamburger chain has no plans to put its Golden Arches on the Great Wall, but there may yet be a "Big Mac" in China's future THE COMMERCIAL VISION of China's "one "501110 HAS expressed s Ceramic Sandwich Industry and governme nt sour ces say Mc Donald's representatives have had infQr mal talks with Chinese and American trade leaders abo ut China ·s interest in fast-food technology PREPARATION OF TAX RETURNS Year Round Tax Ptannlng .M ARTI N I. SCHNEYER Attorney Al Law CA<Mll11al\ C«fif!H ~I< •«-IMf MBA ITaa.alloftl ~ -911.A.n ITautloftl J --MTO Law l.KeftSff w .... e US Tn C-1 -U S. S--(OIWI 1600 DOVE ST. SUITE 400 NEWPORT BEACH For ~polntment Call 833-9252 Earnings lncrea,se Seattle ba se d Nordstrom Inc . whi(•h owns a store in Costa Mesa. has reported net earnings for the year e nd e d Jan . 31 of SIJ,667,000, an increase o f 17 percent fro m $11.697,000 for the fiscal year ended Jan. 31, 1978. On a per-share basis, net earnings increased 13 percent t o Sl.80 , based on 7 ,579,482 a ve r age s hares o ut- standing, from $1.60. on 7 ,318.170 shares out- s tanding, last year. 2600 Hotbot 81vd. Cosio Mete, 540.9100 A new marketplace for Orange Coast purchasing agents and busi· nesses begins March 1 in the Daily Pilot. Businesses can find or off el"i for sale equipment and supplies ln the new classifled column, "Business to Busi· ness." Sale of oventock.ed and unneeded llems also wlll ald a wide variety of firms In the column. Look for .. Business to Business" ln the lnvestment. financial and business colu1DD11 ln the classified section of tbe Dally Pllot. DAILY PILOT billion consum ers" is tempting many a busi-g r eat deal of concern and nessman to look al the world's most popuJous na· frus tration over the great· Tec hnical s pecia lis t Nell Lund o f the Lawr ence Livermore Laboratory m Livermore checks the a lign- ment o f 10 porcelain rings which were sandwiched together with copper r ings by a special process to form a cylinder nea rly three feet long and 28 inches in diameter A perfect fit was necessary because the cylinder must be vacuum light and will be used as part of an electron accelerator tion as a possible selling ground. delays," Cla rk said. When American business people dream about "I have some concerns about China these days, visions or dollar signs dance in r the loss to Long Beach, but I am their heads. m ore concerned ~bo ut the .. . message to industries around . The re 1s. the one ~illi~~ toothbru.s~es, two the nation that California 1s not b.rlhon a _rmp1ts m enta!Jty, says W1lha.m W. a place you can do business " C larkl'. director or People's Republic of China af· fair::; for the Commt'rcc Department. "BUT IT'S ABSOLUTELY wrong. It's a markd to be looked at with measured optimism, but not with euphoria." Clarke said that the Commerce Department r eceives about 300 calls and 200 letters a day from Americans who a re interested in doing business with China. "A large num ber of the people have products that won't fly in that market. like storm windows or African violets." he said, adding that other companies have inquired about selling such con· sumer items as bluejeans and lipstick to the Chinese. "THE BUSINESSMEN WHO are making headway are in the heavy industrial sector," be said. "We try to encourage anything to do with coal. iron ore, steel plants, petroleum develop- ments and communications." It 's for this reason that U.S. Steel has signed a n agreement to build a $1·biUion iron-ore process· ing complex. and Irvine's Fluor Corp. an $800· million copper·mine processing facility. Coca Cola has sent 20.000 cases of ''the real thing" to China, but most will be consumed by foreign tourists in China. "BUT THERE WILL BE a small amount for domes tic consumption," said Clarke, "and of course. Coke hopes it will catch on." With an aver age income or about $58 a month, most Chinese worker s don't have enough money to buy such luxury items as soft drinks or blue jeans or hamburgers . And though the Chinese govern· ment says it hopes to raise workers' pay, the raises are expected to be gradual. Norman Getsinger, director for exporter ser vices for the National Council for U.S.-Ct\ina Trade. said the Chinese are not interested in con· sumer items. "Bt.rr EVERYONE WANTS to go to China because it's potentially the largest market in the world," said Gelsinger, whose private organiza. tion often acts as a go-between for American com· panies seeking to do business In China. The council receives 300 calls a day from buJi- nessmen wanting more information about deallhg with China, one council empJoyee said. "Companies th at have done business ln Taiwan and Japan do not accept the idea that China will. be forever closed to them," Getsinger said. "And one of the most successful McDonald's in the world ls in Hong KODJ·'' Sells A Better Mouse Trap Q. The Remington SR101 All wol'f(lng parts and 1uppllM ot the AEMINGTON are lnter~hangeabfe with the Selectric•. Only one machine Is completefy compatible with the 1e~1nd you've guehed Ir. , It's the AEMINOTON. (714) 957-1195 ~ality Typewriter V .a .. Mainteunce Inc. I Ovt--r Th~ Counlt-'r HASOUstirMJS ]'.) ... " .• I ,~~ ~.. Vp• and Do"'ns 1 ,.. UPS ANO OOWNS W• S4, NEW YOAIC CAPI lM IOll-•"9 list lO" 31 '·• S"°""\ !tit Over 11\t' Counlf'f U'" 41'"' Uoc:h enil •• ,,..,,,In.ti na.,. -uo 78' > JO"> t IW moll -oown IN """I twW<I on 3:v. ~~ f:.'c~~~ ,_.dim ot vOlu.- • '' • NO \e<U<lhf'\ lrlKH,.q Of'-U •rf' on< I ..,.., '3"> uOed Hf! --Onl•9t CM._) itrf' l"-•"'1 j d1tftr•K• bP'.....,, the' ;r•VtOU\ C.loSfr\9 11:,.,, :~. 1>1d pr.ct -IOd•i·~s1 .. 1 IMO prlO 10 ... JO>.• Name L"'' Clltl Pel u "' 1 MicrPw ~·~ • 1r. Up 111 13'• 13.. 7 Porl•Pro 7 • • ', Uo 78 • 11' '> 11'' J C.c>Enqy 1 ' "° Up II 1> 10\• 10'• 4 Cold~ ~"' '• Up 11> 1 11 11'• S CpclllS -t 7'• • ~ Vo IS o ,,.,,. S'' • Ol0tu<' ? • • • Uo 14 l Ah '''• 1 M•nttM 7 "• Up U l :;~ ::~ : f~'."\(~ ; I \. 8~ :g ll>w 11'' 10 AEL Ind ,,., • '• Up ll 7 1 11• tt T8&rtn< ''H• • 1'" Uo U • I•~ •• • 11 8kCO.t '" • I . Up I) s l ~ IJ Mf'Uvro ••• • "· Up ,, s l-"'i ,.,.. u 0•~" I '• _,,. '• lJp ,,. 78"' ?''·• IS Mini"" 4 • • t h Up II ~ 71 111\/o •• llanc!rEn ''• '> Uo 118 6"'° ... 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M .. , flltl)ll(I: Phlle • 09 IM SoO•n In 17,11 U,6' etlon OI St<llf'lllt S NIWS •.1'1 10 1S TxFrt 12,CW NL Tr Pe Sn 1.9S .. ·' Ml T 10.04 10.12 PM• Ci.p 8 l1 9 OI Sw Inn 7.71 • 34 Oeelers, Inc., •rt NY\/n ta.14 IS.CW US Gvr 9 06 NL lndu"rY J.~.... MIG 1.16 9.SS Plloen Fd • 13 t.'9 'iwln GI 5 SO s.•s llW prlcH 11 Wfllcll CGFlln<I 10'3 ti 49 Fidelit y Group· lnt<•P 1.00 NL MIO tl.11 14,4'0 Piigrim Grp· Sovor In II II 12,'1 '"-" M<•lflllt s CGln(m 115 I.• AQrH t 68 NL l"I lnvst 11.SI 12.st MCO t ... 10 •S Pl19 Fd 17 OJ It 1' Stat• &ondG<: could NW -C"'A'M 1.00 NI. Bond I 06 NL nv Gukl 9.95 NL MFD U.1' U.30 M119 C l1J 3 '6 Com F 4.37 1,71 50ld lro.t Mtel CePPrH 1.00 NL Capll I 30 9,07 Inv lndl< U• NL MFB 14 . .Q IS S. Mag In I 'l'I t S4 Surny F 10.33 I 7'I v•lutl or bOuoht Ctn! CC 1.00 NL Conltd 10'9 NL Inv BH 9.112 10.S't MMB t.2' t TS Plonffr fund 1 T .. Moc:I 20.17 71.'l'I lvelut 0!13 wlts CentShT 11.77,, 1S Delly I 1.00 NL 1n .... 1lors 0""4): MSH 7 '4 • 02 Fund IS.06 , ... Tempf Gt U7 6.10 clllrQtl T-y. ChartFd U.111550 O\tny 10.17 IDS&d s.o us C~lll\9 1,00 NL II U&10lJlTtmOI W U7SU•l Sell 941Y CtlHt Gr 80\ EQ In( 17 '2 NL tOS Gr1 7.02 1.'3 M1tt1er1 15.0S NL Pl•n In• 1U6 IJ XI Temo Inv I 00 NL AGEFd 4.W '47 Fund 6 .. 101 M•Qtl » • IOS ndl S • S." Menlll Lynell: Pll9rtll 11 11 11.71 Trrl\ Cao 1.n 1.39 A<ornF 11.n NL FNllll 'S7 •.. Mun Bd t.,. NL Mutl 1.12 t.S't 8e1lc 10.16 10 st Plllrll<S " :19 no Trn' lnvs • 07 •.9' AOYnln~ unev111 Share 1.n 71'1 Flctel 15 '3 11 OI Pl'OQ l.» 3..65 C9'111 i..n IS 1J Price Fundl· Trav Eq 11.'1 ll.02 Aruture 12 rt NL $119<1 • 2' • 11 HI Yid 14 14 Hl TUE>t 4,65 ,_.. equl8 t ... 10.0I Gnrfll 10.. Hl TUdr Hd 11.... NL Allttet• t .11 NL ~!!lo 1102 NL LtMun •2• NI. Stoo 11 1119.75 HI lllC ,., 1007 lncom tu NL TwnC Cit 5''1 NI. !:r.':::r \U~ 10~ coz.:.:~ F~ I.Ill ::.~::: 1:11 I~:: ~·:<;.., :; u~ :~;~, u~ ·N~ =~~~Ir 1.:i: =ti~~ I~ rn =t Amerl<ll'I Functs: S.n $« I 11 '.. TIH'llt • " NL Inv A•lll S.61 6 20 5PV•I t.ll • 1'0 Prlrne 10 00 NL USAA Inc 10., NL Al•I 111 .... """" '°' •n T-1>137.577 Islet 23..s61Ut Mid AM )..., ,., T•Fr• U7 NL UUnf,fAMccu ._a!? ~LL ""'<P 1.11 ls. Orwttl •.IO s u l'ln..nci.1 Pl'OQ Ivy '-JI HI. ~V F '·" t .JJ Pro FUtld 1 •• NL n Ill .u " AMull !On1 :11 lll<orn 111 191 OTfle u• Hl JP Grtll 10.$311.D ~e FO IUS NL Prolnc ,., NL uv"'1 c.~~1.00 NL A11Gtt> 7-04 ,... Ooln 10.Sl 11 SI lll<SuSI • " NL Janvs F 11.t' NI. Miit ,.,. ..... ,.. Pru SIP ''° 10.'1 "e~~'""" ·1 811'1d ,,.,. ,..., Tit• Mo l•CD u ~ lncOM 101 NL Jolln H-k MIF Fd '-" l•I 1'111Mm Funcb: ,_. ll• C"'Mt I oa NL Cotu 0"' ,.., NL Fii '"""''°"' Bon 11 '3 IL'S MIF Gift U3 •• c...... 11 '4 n .o N•I llW ''1 '·" l'dlnv •a 1 .. Cwlfll AB .t s I OJ Biid AP 14 JJ I~" Grwtfl • 11 M11tw.I04 Omefla. IEqull n .. ll 9' U C1eo ll.SO 14.56 Gtwtll HS ••• llfl c 1 a I .. DIKO '.. 1 SI S.len 1.2' t .01 ....... r l0.'9 II SI Ge«O n .. 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Muna 10.11 to.61 OMCI H I U • ltelnbW t.• NL S<v 19'\ H! 67.1' tll<Fd •• II • 61 OlylllClll 1 00 NI. Grwt" 4,'7 S 09tn 12.Sol ll.70 Gr'°'"' S 61 '·°' lteMr.... 1 00 NL •"9 -~ ... Mllfl8 ll.6114.U Ot.l•waN Gfe«O: ln<om fUI IJ, Summ 1U'1US Pf Siii 6.'5 '·" lilevore 561 NL V11n11t Svc1.t' 2.,c01T HL Tot lllM 6.f1 f,.. e •I It '1 U02 Mutal IJI t I Tt<ll 1.50 '·" lll<tn\ UJ 60t Slit< Eat t .4J 10.fl • ue nt r • : \lefllr 1:n It.JI law 11IJ12 IS Spec• 11.11 12.1 TolA •.n 10.61 SloO l.OI l.M Salt< Giii 11 ... u .10 v1 al ll 's· .. GJ :-~ (111$"' ,Ot t... Lcll "" • SI l'renlolln o--· l(eytlOnt l"Ullft: NElll• ,,_ SIPC.. f.4'0 '" llCOM . 'Al l!lltGltl 1.10 .tt l11rre • Ot U2 e rown >"2 1. Liq fr 1,00 l"I. l!qtilt 11.'7 tt.10 SIPOwt uo Ut l•~.,i,• 151 l,J '•!J "dMn 1.(1' .41 Oelll HI •.U ONT( U1 It? C111 81 lt.$4 17.27 Orwtll 11.a IJ.31 Scudd9r 549-.si Sp a ... ~.,. Htrllf t.OS ., E' r:£ us 't1 Orwlh • n •. CllS ea IU1 20.41 lncom 1U6 1U1 Com SI 10.'1 NL vr~· ~ " .. Pete 17,41 l'-03 C• tl,.. 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( T ) Pri NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ~l-W l-tr_,.,."'9NewY11t• Mlf(..•I l'.Ctflt "I W llO\lOfl.,:.0.trOll...OCl"ClftMlhlOO ·~~·_, ..... Wei"', ... N•llolo•I 4 UO<f•ll0" Of ~v•fllet ue ...... ~ ·~•lfntl ..... ~ ... ~ '-' ..... .. ..., ~.... .... 1 I "m 1._ •I~ C.,_ I 1 rt ") ~t II L> I\, <••t •I "h ( ,., (lw) I I ..,_ (-("<l ,._,. c ... c.. I I "' ~"" '"''" I ,. ,. .. lft((( I.,. 1 ,.. ... lf\o"\1 I.. ,, "'I. .. •. c. pf , tO I tt h i Cm I Cl • n ,, ..... .t.Ct , It I U JI'", i,, f.,, J1f IO 11: • , 1 111<11 • • ~ '""'"" !Ylt.. ''°', M0NY 9" • M I llt10 of HO I\ 1111• l'o hi!~ II 1 :IO t '" O'io, "' .... ~ ' .. I * ,. ""' r_ 1 • .. • r 11 .. ne1 l 11 10 lllOIM 111J 11 ' JI • I -·""' I ' •1 '"" "'"" ... U I ' 1''-• hE r pf 140 JOO ,.,,, '· ·~ '"" .... .,. 1•i.: -<•11~ -' ,, U"'''" tlO • 1 11\dl~·· hl 1 H ' .. 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O•ltGell 1S tO Uc>" •~ G11llOll t tO • Sii 1S"" , Matl{t 41 \ 67 8'> • "' PtP\ICo 110 382 24:\, • '·• 51ernclnl SO 10 31 14 , , WUnlOtl t.«1 8 77] 191, -'• Be<km ?I 11> 10 23'• '" Oat•f er .l'Oe 16 n .,.., .,, GulfRH .n I SJ ""' • Macmlll n 1 .a II'• PuklnE .n u 1211 lOV-r-'" Sl•v•nJ 1700 s 1" u•~-1'1. w nun 011 60 1 "''•-'·• Bect"O M n 293 33''" • ·~ Oatapnt 1• tH 11'7 "• GullR pit 60 3 llh Mctnl pt 1.70 . 6 111' Pertee 7 46 t•11-,.., 51owwa 1.10 • 16 31'1t • 1,tO WnUn 1>14.'IO 3 SO'!) 1 • 1 8 ttch ,., 8 ,. 16'" ~ '" O•v<o .51)1) ' " UV... GlfSIUI t.36 i 20? 13 .. M•<Y u s • Ill )6• .... \Ii Petri• 1 40" 11 36\lo. "" SIOllVC ',,to )6 ~ '·• w un dpllfl " 10•1t .. 8•••· 1411 7 DolHd 1 . .0 • 181 JI'• Gt.1llUtCI .n 7 ,. ""I .... M•Cypl • 7S ' 110 66 t Pt lroln 1 G4 • 32 ""'-"'" Stonaw 1 I~ • S1 4"\olt-.... WUTI pl ,,,.,, 1 n v;. '• Bel<OP S IO 6 14 11''7 • lit OaylPL 1 '6 9 17 IS.. ''> Gulton 40 9 9 ti. . MdSFd I,,_. 60 13\11 • ~It Pell!\ 1 '1e . 11 '1"• SlonCon 6011 H 71'ft-h Wt llQEI '7 1> tll\ 19v,, :::~~~ 'it: ~ ,~ 1:.. g:~~·p : : : 1!~ n:~· ,,. HMW -~~ ;-3 .. ::r~~~f : '~ ;: J~ .... ~.·.~~ "'rn II .: ~~:-~ ~:~~~ llO 1~ '~ ~~. \,, :~:~:: g·~ 7 I~ ~r .:. ~ 8t11How ,. • " ""' ...... Otllt Alr 1 • 1S3 '"' . M•1oc• s "' • \lo Mal'lnlll JO ' ., ........ PMlpO 60'4 ?St Zllolt ..... SIO<er8 1 lO • ,, """ .... Wtyerl'lr ' , 4ll ,,. ... '" Bellllld ,,. s 117 1•. • ... Dell•< \.!Alt 20 71 ' H• ,,B , ,, 10 JI n .., Mltl\lll.I lO 1) 13 81• ..... Pllllafl , ., ' l\S 16'1!1 Stuw or I 1S s so ,..,,_ •• Wllfflf l.'10 • ,. 19'>1!- BtllCd 4 '6 1 1 S5 Oeflon1 a 23 11 ... + '"' H•lllbl t to t .. , .. \'t 1 \Ii Mir Man , 111 6 '11 371 • PhllE pf 4 olO 1<!0 41\<o • 1~ SllavSno 20 11 11 3~ Wl\fflF f' 2 1 331i, Bendl• 7 '14 6 t~ :II'-" Oen"'t s I I 7l 11\\ t '"' ... mrp 1.<IO , JO 23\'t MAPCO 1 40 9 140 1t'~ ~ PhilE pt I IS 1'10 ew, "7 SubPrG 1.n 1 10 nv. • V. WltttlPI 4 1>6 17•1> • 1-.. 81ntC1> 1 IO 6 M 13'" I ,,, Oennn .IO • " "" '. H.tll.JS '·"". n UV. i \<II M•••IM 80 • 314 31'• "' PhflE pf I ftS ISO 18V, .,.. SunChm 60 I 10 ,. \It WhtlPll"' ' r lO 39 ... -"' 88!~11 pf S SO 9 110 101 • v1 0Mhply .80 U S7 11'4 t ... H&llJ I 1.M.t . U II''> ... Ml ralO '<IO 10 312 bl'"' "'Pl'lllE pf • IO 101 ""'' >,, Sun El .0 13 U lS WPllrlpl 110 141 18 "' ... ,, B lS 1''>. 0.Soto I 6 31 17 .. HnOlm" I 6 ~ U"• + 'Ii Mar•ml 1 I IS 7J"' • "" PhllE pl I II I.SO n•11 I SunCo ) IO 7 116 •S t v, Wl'lltC 1 )() '7 '10'1t Bttllt•I> 7 134 •'-. v. Detfd t '° • ~ ,,-1(, 14 H•110yH '° I J6 11~. 'At Mer Mid ., • .. IS' ..... Phll•Svll I 10 • ... ""'. '"' !.11nC pl , ,s 16 """' • .,, Whit( pl(. J ' 31"'·. I. Bttf Pd 11> • 29 )II• O.IE pf S SO • •1 6'''>-..... tllnl 1 IO 11 ll 3S ... t "" MtrlonL "6 10 •3S 1''• PllllMr 1 SO 10 640 6'1 • I.\ SUllCIM 1 «> .... 11 Wl'lll•MI ,.. ,.., 1 • • Belh511 1 40 ' •11 ,,.. OttE pf I •s •'OS 71 • "" H••BrJ I 4A '3 30 ... 11. M••-Cll 3' 13 1S ,, • ., ... Phlllnd ,. s ,, •'•. 'It Svndslf .IO , .. 1'V>-"' Wllfll<!~ so • IS6 13.,, .... 8 191 11• 111 13 ' JS~ \, DetE pf 77S .. .., dt•~ . . Hatd4't• ,, s " .,_,,_ .. M••••Y 1 , 100 1?.. l'tllllnd pt 1 • 10.... • .. Sllf\IM .10t ,, m U'llt-\0 WIO e\ ., I 8' ,..,, ... B•nne1 IO • 13 U\.lo. "' 01! plB '1S.. "' 1S ..... H•rhli l\f '11 91 ll • • Marriot 16 ' ,., ,,,. • ,,,, Phil Pel 110 7 .,. 3"' ..,, SlltV•I S4 • uo 17"'i Wl•llldl .. • 1 fth. '"' flliF5 1 S S2 1•~ • '"' OlllE pr 7 ,. , >t2 71" + "• Men•h SO 11 1S1 14'111 'llt MrshM 1 10 1J 47 U>i, • PhllVM 60 4 1 11'"' ' '--SuprOll 1to31 • u.)A6 + 1 Wiiiem\ 1 40 )4() 10 ••, AUtO Or ... 11 240 19'•.... ~xter .to 9 10 11"41-IA .. arrl1 • .0 12 m 161 ....... Mf\111' t.7• • Sl 16"1o • '"' Pl-.tAvl ,A 6 314 11~ I I SupmkG 47 S 40 11'<\ WllohrO 104 100 9~., '" fllelrJn 119 6 ,. ,~ "" OIGlor .... 7 165 ,...,,_ ..... H••rso 1.80 • S3 79 I "" MMIM I ., 6 •3 31~ Plec!HO 1 SM 7 l 17 ..... s.ir,"~ ,, s~. ' Wino~ ' ... 111 ~v. ll~~~lt f ~. 7 ~ ;~: -~ m::~r gg ~ ;; ~:. :: ~=~=~~ : ,: ~ ~". :: ~rl~.. ~ ~ ~ ~·~. ~ ::r:ri~y I ~ : ~ ~~·-. ·~ ~:k ,,:: : s~ ,:~.:. ~ :I:::'.~ 1 ~ ~~ I~.· .... 91ue8 160 • m U'">• v. 0111~1 .,., 20 .. 6 II • 'At H••lltd .«> • 52 I) • ,,., Mt\KO S1 • 3!11> )O' .. "Plofttr ',, • .. 30~ ..... SybrOfl "' • " .... WltEP ,,, , "' 741-. '· BluebNI .10 • U .... "-Oletn$ 1A 6 Ul 11 ""' HallS. t SO 10 11 U'4-'llt Ml lOflll 1'0 t :117 2•' • Pllney8 I 20 I lS 2' "' Sy,lron 10 10 1' '""· .. , WlsGu 1 9' 1> 11 ~ + 1~ ,11o11&i.llr ' ,, •'•. Ot•mS •• .• , 70'111-Iii H•YH A I.JI 11 ,. !IV. ... Meu_y, "' 101> 1 .. PlllFre 'Cl • , 70°'11 . .... -T-T -Wls<PL. 1 ,, ' 10 ,.. ...... llotlll I so • "' ~ .... Ol<lt48 ·* " " ,. . ' ... H•••flll .olO 1 10 ...... "" MOtP I .. n ....... "' Pllhln t.20,, 161 191'7 TltE ,14 • ,. 1011-\lo WltePS 1.61 1 " llf-11-"' 8 0lM C I so 7 M 31 • I.Ii Dlclepll ·" 10 31 " .... HHlllTt< • " 73'11+ 14 M1nt11e I OI 76 " v. PIAnR" I t,. 6 v. TRW 'to 6 149 lS ..... Witco 1.70 I> .. 12"'• .... 80tdtft 111 . l07 ttll>-v. Omllc>ld .6011 ,, ~· \Ii Ho<kl .14 . ,, tO'<.+ "'M•llull' ·""' • • )t\4' .. l>l•ntrn .16 14 ,, It~ ... TRW pr •.so . 1 67\/t-..,, Wlll•A .ao s 61 ''''• • .., 8orQW , S .. ?l'h. . 0 ll•IEll U 33t St~ 14 HetltM .. 4t 1'1.+ 14 MAii•! .Ut 1 '"" IV. Pl1y1:10y 1130 01 7l'-' t IV, T•llBrCI . .0 1 16 20>4 .... Wol'irW .lO 7 '6 IOV.-'• BotmM .o. ' ,, 7 .... v. 01 ,,,.,, .S2 • JM ...... I.' Ht /Ima . 1 " 11h 14 Mattel W1 . 13\ 4.1..i . ""' Pl•HY It • 14 21\l't. 'At h l<OO " ,~ ..... w o ..... 1c AO • ,, Utli .. llosECI ,,.... • ,. U\4+ "" 011*' 1l2t>10 1 "~"" ~ll'ltH ' • 11t ""'-"'Mty05 1.21 • ,. n .. PMumo I 10 41 1t'--... Tat1•Y 1 • .. '°"'I ""' WOOCSP! .... u us 7'V• ... ~I! Pf' 1 11 • n 10'tl "" o ~ ... n m a -11t Ht~t s t '"'· .. MaytrO 1 to 1 n v. ""-Pd .10b 10 m u~ "' T•l •l' l1f 1 .. 2 1rn-I'< w o1wtl\ tAO , ,., n ~E fW 1.•. 71 U"' • Ill OIYrtfdln 10 JIM 4'1lt-Iii HeffrlM I 10 • 1 1''\, May&JW 4 n 4~ ... l'ofero+o 1 11 ~1 40""--" TtmpE' Ut 7 109 1114 • lolt World/Ilk 11 .. lllt, v • .era11lff ,116 s 1n 1114. 14 g •n•Mla ... 4't'I-\Ii H•fll'lfl> •• to , ....... ""M•Y•O u o. ... 1J\/) \/) PllCltOY .., 6 St 11 -,,. Tandy • 133 ~ .... WrlQty ,..,.. • )3 64 •IV· .&r•vrtt .90 • ,, ,, -" ·~ .... 2'0 .. " •• + "" ... "'C:•P .. , ,_.. "" MC°'""' 1 ' ,. d19V>-"',._T•I ' ,. ' • "'--14 Tanclrch 11 16 71 -Wuiltlr '... • ,. 1~ IA llffo$1 l llf t 11• ,. ... _ "'DOl!WM ... II "4 ~. " E t "11nt .... , I 7~ Yt Mc Or P! t 70 , 346 1' 'Ill PcwtK .IOll t 17 '"'-' t.1t Ttpoen .1'1 S3 22 10th-~ WYl•ll' .90 6 f 1l . rlllM 1,44 II tn .. 14 OolllJ .1411 ~· ,~..... trctslft 1 t 475 tc»li• Yt M<Or i>f 7.60 , 411 ""' 14 Portr pl S.so , 110 7l • 2'h Tcl'lncolr .60 t JI ,,,,.. 1 V• Wyltl b ,SO 6 lt ·~ IA flt~pl 2 · 1 21-..-V• DoftJllY 1 t •' 2!~ ".ri.: •"'1Y 1-*0 t J> 1'\lt + \It M<OnlO .» 10 t60 0 11)+ ""PortOE I 10 IJ 7J llV.. Ttclllll<n 10 141 It~-Wyly tt 20 '"' Vo llrlt ... til «II n14>-... Oot() lot M" m , ........ ·-H\1611 1 ·~ ..... Mc OollO ,IS 7 113 '°"' "'PoG .,. 11 so IAO '°'""· Ttt1'11-... u lO S.1-". -X-Y-l · i'11w I Ut I 3S '7\li + 14 ~yy .60 I U 1114>-Yt !it\1111111 1.n t It 21 . , , . , Mcm 1 70 S l I~ .• , Por'G pf 7 60 I U Ttlt<or I •2 tO'llo ... , I!.,,,,. 1 4010 tOJ SJl'f- •YU Ho 1 :n lO'll • \Ill oov.r l'o111 • ' •1-. ..... He•ttP!l • .o tt 1• '°"' i.. MC ee1 IMI • m itl4-14 """ t " 1 111 34" • "' r.1..,... • m • 101 '" -11o )(TRA , .u , 11 , .... WllSllO-S 4 10 + Yt OOWCll 40 '!Od 2~14. ·;,, Het'IVll ,101 6S 1''11 • Yt Mc rH ;29 10 ,,. 1~ .... lmEI I 3-1 t '1 UV,. Yt ltfprmt 70 J\2 Ulolt• Y•IH ,10 I 1 1~-11, 11,_., .-1 n 17" • OowJ11 ,._,, "» -... EtOll no,,.,,.,.. 11o M<111tv• • noou11~. "'Po•EfpHOf 11so •• -1 •f•• to m s111-IM z•,.Co , 1 tl '•""' ll•11Go '"° s 2' 1sr,r+ Mi o0r•vo 1• -! !!~+Mt 1 1.oe 1 " 't~'"t: M<t.Hn . .., • • J'·"'• "'Pr•ml., .6'10 4 u-... ""'T..,Mo 220 1 1a JO~• z..,., •. Dtt 3U U•A • llWl'I~., ,.o 10 .. ,,,._ Yt '9\S( t .......... -14 Clo .s. • , 1 ~ "" M't.O\lt • n 1~-... PrlmtCM » u s J1\l't 14 T•soro • • tO • v. h y"C" s IO ,,_ ... =~::-~ ,:: t 1~ m:• Yt ~~ 1.Af •• 11J 1~'A-~ ~~y,. t.10! •• ?!~.!.Ill M<f:.Or0 .,liO 171 i•'.'11 1 V. Pro<IG l 11 U6 .,_,., \(j THo• 01 7.lt 61 »~ Z•nflP!A 1 11 11• 14 • ... e uotlr ... 1 u1 1,._~. ~ dvl"nt ',.._,:.. , u = .,. tt.:./8 llfi 10 • tt I~ ~ =.:11 1 f6 t ~ t~~. ~ ~~.~111 .so,: ~ ;:i.. 1 ~ h•p•<o J • •• u • l11rn111<1 .IO I • 1)1At w,::. u o .~ ~ ':~ ~ .. g:::i;,. ~ti .~.~ ~14 • ,""Hom~•••),'!",;' tt nv.: r; =~, ~ '~ 1r, 11~ :z ~r;:1 ~1: 1: t'~ ~i:· \Ii enney Earnings Fall ., .. s \ ,, .. _ 0\111• ~· .. --d~J\li I uo •• ,, ... ......_ .. """'"' 61 ll ,, "~ "'"5111 Of..... rso 10'1 ~ LOS ANGELES fAP> -Des pite '" Ut . t 1•1a ... Ollltt r JM \l. t ,.._, .. • 'IU U • t 1t tt . -11111i. 1 40 • U9 21'6-.. PSvHH t tt t U "~· . • rd al 1t C p 1111 ,,. 1 11 "'"H '" 01M11 ·• ~ " ,,..,_ "' '"" ii j J-.:. Y. ,.,,,.,.~ , 101 m.-~ PSNH °" 1, 1«>0 ,. • OAt r ecto 1 es ior 1978, J . . enney Co "" 1.w .. , ,,.~. " ~Lt 1·" 10 • uv.. .. HMoCo .~ ""'• ..,. l"erh 1.• • a ,. -v. ~""M 1 " 1 10S ·-· ... 1 led d tin 1 1 " ..-1;: i 101• """'\t ~o'" ·ll··•"o nv.+1 ~r.\1 ,.., • ll ..... Mtrc:~. uo,. ,, .... ~-i.:;v£G t:to 1 ., 11.,., . nc. poa a ec e n eamngs ,or rlH~Otf I jt,. -; ':~,+ .,, lt'!f. ,.Ji. :i1 :: ,..& r:=:: ~ ~ 'r.l; ~· 16 4J : l! =~l~ "' * J1 n -::: 1>$18 :Jtfi • ~~ ~=: ~~ the, l&sl quarter Of 1918 I nd for the ttHu n1 .• u :r· .. , 0vAGI i:. : m· .. ~ IA 7 • '""• "'Nit ........ u Ull c · "!>$!~·., .. rtoo n •• ent re fiscal year. ... JO .. m I • ' .. .. ~~: . ;;. ~ ft-11-.~· ~ =· J~ .. : Ii~ 1f 1a::.·"' ~-:.11, ll .a l= +. 4i. R~o ci:n: . =-·~::-... Adjusted net lncome ror P enney. ~" ~ 'l iJ 11tl\'t • · i4 ,. ·• 1 '"" \ .. =:,r t : ,1 U ·+ ·" =. "; ' .. 1150 ftVt ~. ~ ~~:.tt ·, ~ ~: ~ one of the natlon •s largest retailing ~ Wt• .;:, 'i ,.r: .-. .. o ':n 21\o,+ 14 :'if~ Of ., l JM .... ~a~ 1.~ • "' , ..... ,,. cbalnt, declined 4.8 percent to $276 !r U. ~ If _...@; ::fl., '· ii. i ::::: ~ ,;:: I •;; l!~! tt N111w{,rt1 't I *:~:~ ::m,..t~ i ,j fi ! ~ mllllon ror the year ended laat Jan. ,,ty ~ • 1 ... -... ~,,~ii J ..... Ir j, 11 1'"' ~· , .. •. ~ m;. ~ .. llNtJ[ 1.• ' ' n . .. 27, with stock valued a t $4.12 per """ , n::· · ..,.. 1 I to. t1tl:"" · "t ~ ~ r.j'j '' n--"' = '·!j n nll4+" 1bare . , ~"' 'tj· 'f ;,~ ~ ' '! il:z. ,,.';.'iJ. """'fl"· it I: • :..·<. .. :.. t ~" t~-~ ~., i ~-: 1~ Tboee flsures compare wtth an ad· ...... f._ ~-I j n~.. =~i . 1 ;._. ... 'MM f 1 -'-'°' .ao t al• ,..,._" jUlt~ Mt income ol $290 mllllon or ,. ~ ""'• ~"' , ~: """'\ 1' : , "'-::::: :., • 1 "'i' =~ 1u•fJ-".tt';-. sc.u per abare ln 1977 when there 'is ..,} =;,.. ' I lit\-. M,.. ,-;. ... .,-..... "' r . !?. -~= t ltL! 'ft ! :~ t: were 1.7 mlWon fewe r shares out· ..-" f,...:'"' .u ",. ue .. • •1~-·1. 1• i et"'"' "•""'". • 1r-:-:-,. at.anA'-• 7 Allt 11' .-._, i m ..,.. • -. ::IM " I ,. ltat91M , I tt 6tt 11 ...,._ " ..._...._ • 'f"'1' ': .... 1,1 ,.,.~ .ft f ~, 't:! ~ ·~· -1 m! ~ "::i~ ... j U 1::::-.~ GE Seeks New Markets " l i i ~:. · · • -· 1 a.. ... ;·u 'i , ~· 1% trlc Co. la maklna an all.out pitch to , I : , ~· · ~ 1 4 t= ~ 1. : '~:;: "nc111 •• t~a•nli.._ to Mexico • + ., ~ .... • ' • " 1 u=-14 1 tbe P9oole • •IMlblie of Cblna a •• ~.. • -~ 't ' :~ ,_ a --~.~ com~ ollldal .. , •• So, apparent. 1 I + ~ All 1t: • .. '"" I J · ·.-~) .... other V 8. ftnna I • t • ·····""~. ..... ..,. + • • STOCKS I BUSINESS Reports Out ~, Company Book lets Abo un4, By JOHN CUNNIFF ~ ... .....__.,.. v:. Bigger and heavier than ever , they are or soon will ~ weighing down the postman's bag, millions upon millio~ of them. many In full color It ls corporate annual repo4"1 lime . Every shareholde r gets one. and when you consider that just one company. American Telephone & Telegraph, has about three million shareholders, you get an inklini ot the volum~ But only an inkling. A STUDY BY ONE OF TU E leading producers of an- nual reports. Corpcom Services, shows that annual re port dis tribution for a middle-size company is Jikely to include twice as ma ny copies for non-shareholders. Those other copies go out because companies consider the m gocxt promotional devices But they pay t he price for getting their companies known Corpcom 's 1974 survey of the J,300 largest concerns showed lhc top thir d spe nt about 65 cents a copy, those in the middle SI. and the s malleM Sl 43 The large co mpa nie~ o bvious ly have the benefit or volumt: 1n lowering thE>i r price J}('r copy, but prices for all companies have soa red in the past few years. in some instances by an estimat ed 25 percent a ~car Nevertheless, company oppos1lton to t he rf'ports is probe1bly less tha n '' used to bt· In the 1960s, for cxampll' many com pa mes eom plained that lhl' r e po rts we re.· a nuisance. mainly because they often were unread c uNH1F1> They chang(•d their mrnds. however , as the consumer movement gamed mome ntum and as government rcgula. lion became a bigger force to contend with It becam~ more im portant . they felt. lo g<.'l their story told AS A CONSEQU ENCE. ANNUAL reports today are. generally better designed and wntten Willia m Dunk. pre. s ident of Corpcom . whic~ produres or consults on more tha n 50 reports. suys the goal 1s to deliver a message rat her than Just d1sdose what 1s r equired At least two messages ccin be discerned 10 this year 's reports As yo u rn 1ght expect , lhe dangers Qf infl ation and the d1fficult1es of aet·ur atcly re porting its impact and "wasteful " federal regule1t1on-. Of the latte r. Dunk !>ay~ "'1ls coming from every whe re " More l'ompan1es than ever. he syas, arc becom- mg corporate advocates. procla iming the merit:-. or the private St'CtQr vs Washtn~ton THE MESSAGES. OFrEN OVER the chief executive's s ignature, account tn part for the length or this year 's re- ports Of those s tudied so far by Corpcom . 75 percent are longer. by between 11 per cent and 38 percent But there arc oth<'r reasons for length Corporate pro- fits were ~ood l a~l ) <'ar , and annua l report budgcL'> pro- bably we re relaxed llut a n even more s1gn1fi cant explana- tion lies in the greatc-r detail required • Accounltng for that detail 1s the "segm ents standa rd " of the F1rrn nc1al Accounting Standards Hoar d. which 1n ef.· feet slates that you must d1v1de your company into seg. me nls and then d1st•uss the segme nts T HIS Y•:AR 'S RF.PORTS DI FFER also 1n their more e xtensive discuss11)ns of the markets. Rathe r than review. mg the company tn 1solat1on. report wnters seek to convey the company's re lative strength in that market. A subtle change of perception accounts for the change.· "They're focusing on the portfolio manage r rather than the analyst." said Dunk. "They feel he has m ore whack: tha t he's the dec1s1on·maker " ll 1s year·to-yea r variations such as these that per mit aca demics. a mong others, to assess some broad.gauge, cha nges in the corporate psyche . Concern for environment· one year , 1nfla h on worries in another . WHE N ENVIRONMENTAi . COf'twCERNS rose lo the forefront or corporate co mmuntty pro ble ms a few year~ back the chairman qI a muJOr <'Ompa ny was piC'tured standin~ up to his <1nklcs on the factory's lush green lawn This year. amon~ other things. the reports tell u!. thai; com panies a re up to the ir necks in inflation and govern.:' ment regulations, and that perhaps more so than ever before they wa nt that message understood. , : I On the Links A painter at Temmeco Inc. 's Newport News shipbuildi ng subs idiary in Virginia puts the fi nishing touches on more than l ,400 llnks o( anchor chain ror an ultra-large carrier. The ship will be the largest ever built in the Western Hemisphere . Dividend Announce d ' , • , l J . 4 .I • Trustees of Continental IJllnols Properties. a n equily' real est ate investments trus t based In Orange , have declared a dividend distribution of 34 cent.a a share for the quarter ended Jan. 31. The dlatribulion, tbe 2kh consecutlve one declared by the lnlal slnce lncepllon ln 1971, is payable on Aprtl 24 to shareholders of record on April 2. Net cash n ow from operaUona for the flnst quarter e nded J an. 31 was $1.801.000, com pared wll.h Sl,565,000 for lbe corresponding quarter in 1978. ( t.. M. BOYD ) INFORMS lrt the DAILY PILOT •• . •