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1979-03-28 - Orange Coast Pilot
f II , I • 0 l ~o Mile~ t , ... ,., , .. ,, .. ,, o., .. ,., 4 '1WI<,.._. SCEN OF ACCIDENT Nee' State'a Cepftal 'Weary Willie,' Emmett Kelly, ' Dead at 80 - Seven Arrested In Huntington Ma~age Parlors ~) • • . . j am u SI es; $24,000 Fire Loss In M esa An Orange C,oast College stu· dent who t1 melled smoke <ts h ' was wallung home from ch1ssc-t> T uesday alerted firemen lO what tu r nt:d out to be the city's largest blaze so fa r this year, Cost a Mesa F'1re Mars hal Ru1ts Henderson said today . lie said Martin Le mke of Coflla Mesa discovered the fire al 2700 Peterson Way. Apart ment 6L, al a bout l I 4-0 a m . a nd alerted neighbors They tried Lo put the names ou t wit h fi rl' e xting ui sh ers befor e firemen a rrived. but the bl ue was too large, Henderson saM. It took fire men 20 minutes to br mg the fire under control The apar tment's r e111de nt, Oorothy Peluso, wus away from home and no ln1uries were re· ported, Henderson said. Damage was estimated al $20,000 to the bullding and $4,0CJO Lo the cont ents. Most of the damage was Inside the apart. menl. Henderson aaid cause of the Ure , wh ich star ted near a k it chen cabinet, 11> und er 1n veallgation. Flynt Case Linke d To Area Standards ATLANTA t AP) -Jurors must apeak for the re1ldents ot Fulton County in decldln1 ob· 1cenlly char1e1 aguinsl Hustler ma1aline owner Lurry Flynt, the preaidiag judge told them. After clolin& a rguments TueA· day, J>lltrict Judge Nick Lam bros told t.he juron that Flynt. CCM.lld be convicted under the Ob· 1cen ity lawa only 1r lite avera1e Pullon Count.y realdenl would th ink his publlcatlons a ppeal prtmarUy to a prurient lnt.ereat ln nudity, aeic or excretion. FIRSTCAUER COi' APMrl'MENT "The Daily Pilot don a areat Job. • I Nntod my a partment t.o UM first penon who called." TMt'• the auccet• 1t.oey ot tit• Costa Meu woman who plaeed Udl ad In the Dally Pilot: • tj aee...aor •Ill w/1&o\'• 6 re1rt1 Utl11 pd. fl•ua•JCUX -~ ........... FAMOUS CLOWN DIES Emmett Kelly, IO Emmett Kelly, Sad,. f aced Clown, Dies SARA..<;()'f/\, f'~la. <AP> ~m m e lt Ke ll y , 80 , w ho mudc mlllionB smile as the droopy faced clown "Weary Wllhe," died I.Oday in this Florida circus town. Kelly suffered a heart attack at his home here, said Dr. Boh Windom. He said Kelly was pro· nounced dead after h is wire, Evie, brought hlm to Saraaota Me morial llospilal. The 50.ycar vcterun of the big top atJtrred for mony years with the Rin gling Brothe r s a nd Barnum & Bailey Circus. Though he had not perrormed actively with Rln1lln1 Brothers for aeveral yeani, Kelly refused to rellr• and remained busy wtth enaa1ementa in nlghl clubs and televl1lon comme rcial•. Kelly uld he felt a deep alfin.I· t y with "Wearr wm1e." ··A c lo wn s m a ke u p and chara.cter that's all he hu to sell," Kelly said ln a 1975 In· tevlew. ''He love1 and believes ln that character. "Weary Willie Is very real to me. He la a man who haa 1Jiven up. The boal hH gone and let\ him, The cards are !Stacked ar 1ln1t him . lie '• content to m i ke out with what he'• cot ... he knows he'll IO no lurtber." Kelly •• IVtcu. m bia froal ,.,. ......... out .. &Me .......................... ............... of ....... . ............. C!llftl ud .... , Crfonnen It.ave ttaelr bDIDel ,., "ff• di.cl tlMre In our own ( .. a.DWN, .... Al) Lea • ~oast 7Held AtHB 'Parlors ' By MlCHAF.L Pi\SKEVICll °' ... 0•11• ~ ......... Seven e mployees from fi ve llunllngton lleac h m a ssage parlor s were a rre s t e d on c harges of w llriting for proslitu lion Tuci;day rul(hl Police viC'c invest1J(ators !iJ ld today more arrcllts arc expected. Be nni e Storc•y, 60 yea r-old o w ne r of Huntington Health Center, 504 Mu in St., wal'I taken Into custody along with two fe male employ•· •s Vice Sgt. L ar r y Cain s aid Storey hus been charJ(ed with al lowing a n unltt·cnst•d mus11eui;c to work in hi!> parlor. a misdc me a nor Sgt. Cal n fatid there was no connection Ix-t ween the Tuesday nlghl arrests and the Cit y Coun ell 's recent action concerninJ( m assagc parlorio. "T his wa1:1 an enforcement ac lion," :mid Ca111 l''our undercover a~cntt1 began a n lnvcstlgutlon of the cily'ri eight massage parlors on Marrh l, and Sf(l. Culn said officcr:-1 we re ortered sex for pay about 40 percent or lhc tim e "MOit or the gl.-ls also offered to meet us oul.!lide for further proalltutlon, • • Sgt. Cu in added. Police recently obtained ar· real warrants rrom the Orange County District Attorncy'11 Of fi ce and bc11an making arrest.H Tuesday night dur\ng a five·hour operation that ended about 10 p.m . Arreated were Joann Cordero. 25, or Hunti n g t o n Sands Ma11a1e, 18385 BolH Chica.st .• Kathryn Nogaml, 23, or Town and County Spa, l lJM2 Beach Boulevard and Laura Ayen, 81. ot Spa ot Hawall, 17434 Beach Boulevard. Alto taken into custody were Ba rbara GreenM r1, 30, and Pa mela Lorln1 , 19, both of (flee VICE, Pase Al) lfSKOSllER FORCOVNTY •'The lwlher utche r ls like an antt ~~· Or1n1e County'• only kotner bute!ber. Sam 8Dofall)'. "You'll ..., 1et rld of b•m." IDollkJ • tbtrd 1•aeretlon lro•~~! butcbe r from u .. Ca&aWla. dARUIMI ftae po6llta ot ht• trade ud Ida pbUoeopb)' on cua&omen on P•1• Cl. ArW ........... ARROW DENOTES SITE OF NUCLEAR PLANT STEAM LEAK No lnfurie• or R.ctletlon Oemege, AuthOrtt .. • Sey Ro.tliation Escapes At Nuclear Plant HARRlSBUl\0 , Pa. CAP> A water pump used to cool the re· actor at the Three Mlle lt1l1nd nuclear power plant broke down today, and some radloac\ive steam c1caped Into the al· moaphe r e, a utho r ltlea said They aaid no one was Injured or terloutly expc)Hd to radiation and the leak wH not coMldered dan1erou1. Ofrlclal1 at the plant. located on 1n a.huwl on tho Susqueb•n· n 1 R lver a b o ut 10 m11 e11 toulheut of the •Late capita l, decl1rtd a "1eneral emer1en cy" followln • the accident, which occurrtd 1t I a.m. PST. Tbe1 llld thlt me1nt the f aelllty would mn•ln Mlled olf until after 1n lnv11~1aUon. "There waa a 1m1ll rtleate of r1dl1tlon t.o the environment," Penn1ylv1n.la l.t. Gov. Wllllam Scranton Ill. h ad of the state Civil Oefen11c. t1uld In Hur rl1bur1e. lie 11ald "n o lnc rt'usc 1n normal rAdlalion level~ h11s bc·"n detected" In the ulr oulaidc the pla nt. Concem over possible effects or ~a rtbqu akea on cooling m echanls ma had cau11ed the fed eral aovorn~nt to sh ut down rive other U.S nud ear pla nt• two week1 a10. Dave Kluc1lk, a s poketiman for Metropolitan EdllOn one of the couorUum of ullUllea thllt. run• the ol1nt, H id "there Is 1b 1olute fy no da na e r o f tt meltdown. We are not In a 'China Syndrome ' situation.'' "China Syndrome" 11 a mm atarrlna Jane l''ond• and Jack IAmrnon about a cover·up ul a ne1r-c at u troph e lrwolvtn1 tellurP nf a roolln11 mecharil1m (!Hie NlJCLEA&, Pate Al) 2 Inche s Dwnpe d By Stor01 By TOM BARl.fi;V Ot , .. 0•••• ,.,, .. ''•" A spring i.torm that left many Orange Cousl roud:. and slr<.-ct:. aw:1s h and halh•d Lraffw on h1~hwayi. i.t•t•m-. t'Prla1n to movt· out of lht• a n ·a T h11r!-.1lay , th•· Nationul W1•,11twr S1·r v11·1· 11• porl<'ll loda y · "l'h1 • s lorm ha:-. 'ihlll 1t o; 111111. • :I fOrt'C"aSlt•r 'i:JHJ "1'h1• C'hdOt'I' of r:tt n will lw clown to 10 t)(•r t•t•nl toni ght und Ill pt•n'l'lll 11•.,i. t han thut on ThurMl:.iy " 1:-..·1· photos, Pu~1· A:1 1 In many OrJ n~:i-f 'ouo;l an•a!> I hl' :.tor Ill t11h11·<I m o rt· I han I WO indl\•:-. of r:11 n 111 l ht• i.vaM111 ':. tot JI Wc•11th1•• nn aly.,1 .J Sht•rman l>t-nny mc·a11u1 t•cl 2 Ill lnt'h t''i or rain 111 his llunt111itl11n HPtt<'h gauit1.• llt' f11~ur(•i; tht> season 'i. total thus far al 17 52 1111·hl':., tl 70 11w hc•x lw low last o,1•aM>n ·., tot al Tht• l.J~uria Ht·al'h ur1•t1 rt· c·ord1•1l m·a r ly two 1nt'IH':. of ru in d 11r1n1-1 t h1• '>lor111 und th1· down1>11ur at.h11•1l LO lht• prohll'rn:. Of ('On SI rtl<'I 11111 c•rt•Wo, Ill :.lllll' r:wa~t·d Bluc·h1rd <'unyon Tht> turpaultn -.ht•c•t-. lut<J clown CSei· STORM, 11•~•· i\ZI Orang•~_C•>H~I ._,.L , Wt•n ther C'huncc• <>f ra111 d('rreui. rni.c to 10 pen·cnt ton1uhl und near zero Thursday <;us ty Wl'Stcr ly w111d8 10 tu 20 mph this ofturnoon Lows to n1 ghl -tR to !>J lltfl hM "rhurt1<1uy in low (iOi. INSIDE T OD.4 Y Af tr r bemo 1y11emoticully t1rcllnWCJ4llw."1 to tlu-uergt' of no return f>u dt1eipll'11 of tlw lteu Sun M11unu Moon, Chrut~r Edward• wcu <k termlru>d to prarhc,. tht11I' method• on others '" lh1• Mo•ter'• norm! &t "/leaven IJI Of'crpt&on," l'OIJf' A.7 ...... ... A II AM t.•""'°" M Me•let M II M Mlltk .. • ................ ............ -. OM t Or ..... c..ty c:r ,, .... ......, CIE ............ .......... .. ,,, ......... CIM ,,_...n Ct•.•M....., a .... ..__ •• ., •• Att .. ., .. au .. .,, at II •• •• Until Death, Principal Lavished ·Love on Kids SAN FJtANC'ISCO 1/\1' J lov 04' 11111 14!f) 1 hlhln·n J•r1m·111al fhll 01• Avllu loY1.ht 11 • t hlldren, lh•t '1 whul h cons dert·d trnportont " In n ·turn, th~y fou1ht fm th•· pr1v1I It" 11/ wh 11111u him throuah ttw ('OHhlor11 or lht• J)U(Jh v Sltjn S.•llfHll Thf•)I lo\-flrl Ml tthout hJ11 1l~1na of mull1plf' ""' ,,._," "A k>na tlnl ugo, wh n hJ11 l>tmeH w1·rN1'l so bad. h 'd come 11111 1nd ti•)' with ulf In lht• courtyurtl lie c•ame whenever we a1kud him," H kl third •rttder K,.nny Mos11 Dt• Avllo, •n Ht yHr v ·tf'rM1111f the Sun l"ranclaco 1chool1 1111 1 h11rht•r . vien prlnclpaal uncJ prln ·l1>ul, rontractt!d multiple 11cltrotila 1n 1977 TOf)/\ ". s t•o• ~T .\Nil Tf; , ...... , AT 1111' 'Cl hrn1I I ,.111•11 111 ··~wmhly 111•1•h l1r111t lt11 nu mor y ur th• 11, .,,,.,,, ulil IH• Av1l.i "'hu w1111 fuurul 1h-111I HI lu" hum1 t lo\-o "'''' k11 uMu un l'llll>lY Yl ul of U t; 1'UOK A M IUHC:AL l~t!A Vt; l"ltUM work In Nov mlwr Jtf17 liut rt•lurnN1 lalt Aµrll i11 U Who1:lchelr. dt.tlc:rmln d W llf)()nd 11111 lu11t month• with the c hlldrt•n. ,Jrt•111ntr 1>111111 l1t· 1111• him 'W do 11ut 111tNul 1111 lhl• to lll ,j 1o1t1 affuu Wt• 1><·11 v1 U11i. 'll rrwant' 110 mu<'h to lhe kid• lhnl he wu11 b•ck," M11 Mur ldu hu1t.J · 'l'ht•y didn't liuy Olli wu11 b11t'k l n u wheelch1lr They jutst IW ltt 11111 WMK bark .. <Aould h,1 v1• U.•f.ln t1»nt1 ir~ to 0111 w111h1•1. 1uHd 11 lf•tl1'r lo 11111 unta lo hJi. ''"'" )t•ar 11rh1r1val 01 lh1 llal"hl A11hhury •111•1111·11 lor y 111·1\11111 111...o<'IUl •111d , lk> Avllu 1141111 t«I ull h1" 1•nt'rl(y 111111 lw lµrnM tl11 111 fOllf' •1th hf• nil ft>t'I Jovf'd lit· l1vi1 ·•111m uod •luuwhtt-r 1111111 own who ltv wllh hi~ u wlfti 1n ~I ll V.ill •y A f m •111t. who Ulfktid to rt-ma.in unonymoua, aald of Ut• A vll11 1 It-w1111 JUlll kn<X•k ·d out by lht· whole h.luu of beln.c physlcully dt• 111lllukd. ll li rr th•d him " I h•'tl 111 nut 111111 huy "ht"'' or 11 11Wf'Ull't r11r ,111111• klll who I.AMT 01': t :MBV.ll. Ill': WltOTt: A •A1u:wv.1.1. INt..r 111 IHll t•llh•. ufll'r M11 yu1 <:1•ori~1· M11111•un1• uni! SUJJ4•r vlwor llurv<•y Milk Wt'rl' 'lhlll Ill tll•Ulh oJl ('Jly llull 111•1·1h ti llwru •uthl lu,111 fh , u11 11urr.1Tt 11111-.1111 wui kt•• "1111 11111111 )' .... uu hl 1 111111• out of fhll " 1101 lu l · T Al'U a ft~aNAO•~TTI< •t.AIUA ~AIU: "Ht; w.., hu1111llllhllt Ill· \\1·111 ht:~ond lhl 11.11• of J rHlfll ~r1JI 1.111tl Ill' Wlutlt·•I &H 1111lt• uruuml hrm to hrt•11k lh111u11h lht•1r rolr loo C11nn1e >1l111u1 ~ Ill!\ 1111''1"1.tMI! wu-. i.1rnplt• 'T iu• Hlfl 11f l11111· 1., p11•c·lomi ll 11> 1.1 .c1H or lovu Would you a1>end '>Orn e llrnt• with your children, In th 11111111' t1f OUf llt'Jllll lt•tl rt1 :1yor ••lld '1Upt•rv1 .. 1H Ill 1111' llJ)lrll Of ltW hol11lu y ~ 11~m·1•· Arab Set Boycott Of Egypt BA(:llUAI> l1aq I A l'I A111li l1•1Hlt•r'> wdl llfl J•t>'I•• al lt·ul'i l u purtiul 1·1·111111m11· h11yl'11I l ••HIUllHI ,.;uypl IJut Wiii not up p10V4' hoJIH•lltHlll Ul(Ullll>L lht' lJ11il N I Mutt•:. ot llw ll11•thd11d 1•1mfrn·nc•t·. 11ffwiul .,11u11·t·h 11• pm lt•tl today Dl'ap1l•• a rull from Pulti11l1 Ill.JO lf'IHl.-r Y.tl\l'il'I Ar uful for l'l'llfllllllll' Wiii :JJ!:tlllhl 1111' 1111 11 1•11 ~I :ti 1•:, I ht· '>llUH'I"'• "uld I ht• m1n1:.1 .. r., 1111·1·11n1: l11·n· hav1· 111·llht•1 1111' .rnll1111 rl y 1111r lh1· 111 , ltnullon 111 1nq111.,1· 111111t•lw11' ·'l!ll 111-.1 I.lily t·111111l1 y 1•xt·t•11I ,.;,. y '" Th•· 1h•l1·uu1P-. 'ohow1•tl llll 1" "" lhw!la:.111 r111 Ar af;d ' 11111 f1ir ... 1111 111111!'! .11:11111 '11 llw llrul,.d CALL BY SADAT TO KIDS FAILS-A4 ---- OPEC HIKE HURTS INFLATION FIGHT-A16 Sl.1lt•!'\ h1•1·.111M· IL l>flllllNlllt!tl 1111' t·.1• ypl 11111 hi :t• Ir flt'oll'I' I I 1'111 y l"•1r •·1M11 r11111h l•·1., of 111 Ar air 1•1111111 rt•"•, rr u·•·• 1111: 1•1 1111.111 r •· l.llr.11111 y 111•111111 ·•l!lllfl'il t:~y11 l1a11 1'1 t·'>11J1•11l A11w.11 ~11dut urttl I to ut•I , lrwlt•rwd l11l1JUM,l v1•ly T u l"Ht.1 y 11 1"1 1 h 1• P a I t• Kt 1111• l.1lw1 :.t111n Or 1tun11.1t111n !'I c·h11•f told llw111 lh1·v .,h11ulll 1111t hf•ll 1111 10 1tw Un111·d Sl:Jlt'H m IJuy from 11 ht•c·u111w l'ri•i.ldc•nt Cort1•1 11lottc••l lh11> c·11n.,111r1H·y II lb tuk1·11 for HI IJnlNI lhHI S11<1111 '11 r1•u1m1· will hi• r111111'lhNI hul clt111'l Juhl 1111 llw t111I t1f Liu· hll,1kl', 1111 lh1• ht'.Jll 11f lhl• bOIJk••, 1111· 1Jn1t1·1J !-,t11t,.•1, .,u11I Ar11fot I un.w y1Ju t11 muk1 · .in 1111 h11 y 1•ol l lll(lllllHI lh1· tJnlll'lf Slalt•K I lll f!t' you 111 111:1k1· ;i I 1.1111• l111y1 ult of th1• llr11l 1•d SI UI l'h I Ill l(l' )'llU to mu kt• /I pctrndnllur hoy1·111t of I he• lloit1•d 8 t11h•1t "W,. i;h11uld iit1111 huyinu lJ11< A mt•111·u11 1·:1ri. uml other vrod u c· 1 " I f y 11 u m u v c y 11 u r p1 .. t rodollt1r1> ur uund, Hl'Vl'rul hu1t c· Anwr1t·.in 1·om111.1n11·1> would collu1.1Hu " I r111t1 V11•1.· I'• 1·:s11h·11t Sutluru 1111 11111•111 W ;11 rWJ M•1•11111lt•d Uw .J l' Ill a 11fl I Ill IJ 1111 J\ Ill t • II I' 1111 mc•J bUfl!h l' ..... r.9,AI CLOWN ... front yurd In hi11 puJnmuw," htit w1f1· Kt11d "I run out. uuve him mouth to mouth ruin111c1Lullon A ne1ghhor r111l1•1I 110 11mbul11nct., but It wu11 loo luh• " JOE ANO JULIA QUINLAN KEEP THEIR FAITH Comatose Daughter Nears 25th Birthday Karen Now 25 Fourth Year in Drug Coma MOH IUS l'l.J\INS, N .I IJ\l'J Kuri•n Arm (Juinlun will lw 25 Thurt1eluy To murk lht! occu1H11n, u Mu:.:, will he t•t·lc hrntt'd at bcr ~th~ldCJ, woorc llhtt lluti 10 M Comu. "Wt> hov•~ so murh t.o be lhunkful for," suys her mother, Julia Quinlun "W•' never thouAhl Kun•n would rulehrntc her 25lh b•rtl•duy Wt• die.Jn 'l t:XJX,'<'l Koren to survlvf• tht:. l1111 u " DEVOU'f ROMAN CATllOl.IC:H, Tl .. : <~ulnlunK huvo leanN1 heavll)' on ttwlr faith 111nrc lht• April duy four ycuri. ago when their duu"hlc•r Hll p1w<I wto 11 comu lht• rt•1tull 11( a n ovcrdo'>c Of 1J!<-Ohol 11ntJ tJ1 U~H ttl II fr1t!Od''l lllrthduy pur1 y Tlwy twlwvt• Lhut G11d 11> w 11ng h1 •r "for M11111· 1111rpo:.1· known only lo him " KAKl~N ANN (~UINl.AN WIU, Ht: rt•m1·mhNNI hy her pun•nls ' fi ght to let hn drc hy 11w111.11nu ww 11( 1;xlru"rd111ory Jl)CUJlll 111 k1•c 11 lwr 11 ll VC On Murch :n . 11176, lh• New Jt•rM·y Supn•mc Court 1sK11e<I rt Jundmurk d c 1•IK111rl that i;ttJvt• Oumlun purmlt111lo11 lo order rt• movul of lus 1l11ul(htc!r'I\ life liUl>J>'lrtmi.t rc•1111irut11r fi'ro• ra~AI NUCLEAR PLANT. • • al a nuclcur plunt 'l'hc te rm rf' fens lo I ht> Uwory that u con• m<'ltdown would gcnernlf' ttllrh heal It woul<I hurn hundrudl\ of focl down Into th • earth "Thhs is a mudhoutu• l'ni g lod we'rt' not otr the> mop," Hald Les ,JMkl\-On, York County civil df'fc>ruie director. who wt•nl lo the scene Mt>lropolltu11 Edison, s u1cJ 11 vul v1• In ttw prcssur<' 1'lc:1m 1iy11lc•m blt>w <1111 1"11h111n 111.1111 lhc 1.1 cc1dcnl uutomul1cully 11hul down the re actor , but some of I ht! rudlour t1vt> 11lcam vent<'<! mto the at rnospherc before the hulld1nu was scuh•cJ ,..,....Pap Al VICE •.. <i 11ltl t·n Wc:i l S r>u ut tJIUU Vw kluwn Ave .. and llunllngton 111·111111 Cenlt•r employcet1 l't!nny Allmglit . Ill. 1111tl Juana BN·crro. '11 . 1ml11·t· htllfl liar I r11r Llw ur 1 t•i.lt•tl women WU:. 111•1 Ill $1 ,2~;0 1•t1Ch, t.IOh<•t• .. :1111 Th•·y wn1· lodged ul tht· wom••n 'w flll'llrl y ul lluntingt.on lk11d1 Jllll Sc•rgt•anl ( '1.1111 111Hd more ar fl•1>t1> 1.11 t• dut• at ruu11sui:c purlori. 111 llw l·1ty T1.1kinA part in the police in· vt·,11~ut111n w1•11• Sgl Cain und tlc•l('1·l rve., Hon Pomeroy . Uull' M a 111111 111111 I .en f)u me row Lu tit w1•t·k . llw llu11t 111Jtl11n llPuth 'lly <:ounl'1I dcC'lurN1 u .,,x month mor:11orlum 1m rww rnm1:.ugc 11arlor1> OJ)Nllni.t rn tt11· (•It y Tl11• :IC'I um WIJ1> 1 ukt·n ut the• r 1• qu1·sl of 11,.. polwt• <l1·1rnrtm1•111 wh11'11 t'l,Jlfll!\ HC.'tb Of JJrflHlllUllOll h11v1· 1>1·•·11 1·ornm1lt1·ll 111 11 11u mlwr 11f llw 1rurlor:. llf~url 1 'runsplant 1'1J<'SON , Arr.1. IA P J /\ -tU yc •ar old 1111rn with 1•11m11ary arl1•1 y d1111•mw ha:. 11•1·1·1vt•d lht· heart of u tramc Ul'ctdc nl v1ctun in lht· first liOl'h tra o11plunl 111 Ari.wna. Norman "Dutch" Turr. whow" dli.eucd heart wns 1>0 wt•uk that ('vt•n walking wu., 11uinful, was rcportl'd 1n 11lahh· c·or11l1twn a fter th(• or>orut1on 'l'ut•:.iluy , ......... .4. STORM ••• to ahleld the slide Drt•u from lht• heavy r1i1ln did thf' Job they wcrt· I UPl>OfiL'<1 lO do. H~aerve Officer Lance lahmael auld . Ml•a nwhll C!, a hlutf ul Shorerllfl8 Mobile F.t1l1te11 In San Clemenl.e <.'Onlluued to erodt• a1 at brick wall on the cllfr t.'thW crumbled Tuesday Thu tlrat land1dld1· at tl1t· mobile h.cmw r>41rk ocrurn•d l>t•1• I H llco Y.Y rnln h11a 11t•1•clnuh•11 thf' earth 11h&lPliUI' und a wlclt•u mg crack lo the· roadway of M11 11 Adcllmte hm1 forcC!d the •vu1·uu lion of at lt·ui;t K(lV(lfl rrloh1lc· ho m us No mjurlN1 huvu been n ·11111I t•d Police 11nd firemen 1u1• mntntulninl( a constant v1u11 111 tht• area. In llunUn1o1t11n lleuc-h , u lt four lancw of lwue'h lioult•vur1l from AdUtr)ll Slrt'l't lo l'll('lfit• ( '111J'1I llit:hwuy Wl'IC' l'lo:.cd CUI ly t11 duy for more than two tu111r., l>ecauae or noodlnu And twuvy r u111 ut lliut tirrw scored an undouhh•tl l\lnkt· .. t the home of formf'r ma1or le aauti ba1wbttll pitch er Irv Pallca, 1592 Indian Wells Carel •, flu ntlngton 04.!uch Pall<·u Hald his 1u•l1t1 11wnr11v, t•ollap1>4.-tl und(•r tlw wer uht 11f wutcr gencratt•t.l by tlw tori 1·11 llal downa>0ur. Road cn·ws 1n Co!.ita Me1u• w ere ke pt bu.sy hy severe flood lfl~ whic h lefl rar11 on m 1111y lhorou~hfurcs ux lc d1·1·p 111 wulcr They li uld llwy 1·nc.•ou11l1•rc·1t l h c ir w II r II l pr II II I 1· m ., ol I An{lhclm Avenue and ltJth Stn·t·l an~ Pomona /\venue and 17lh Street when~ wuln C'uvcr •d t lw 1>tret•I and sic.I ·wulk CoRtu Me:.u hu11w11w11t·r1> r 1· 1>0rled tteYcr ul t rc •11 ft-l lt.'CJ l1y the c·omtunuUon 11f w1111I und wutt·r ul lh(• tu-1i.thl 11f th1• i.1111111 Tht>rc wen• no lrlJu111''> <1ntl 1111 property damal(c A fallen tree 110 Sayhmtik Lune in lluntlnulon Bt•1u ·h hlorked the tncyC'le lun•· for J few houri. oofore tl Wa!\ 1 t•lfllJVNI by workmen Rain was hed out 11 h11dg1• on Santiago Canyon ltoad twtwe1•11 Chapman Avenut• and !'\11vcrudo Cany()fl Road l.octtl rc:udcntb a re being forced to uiw El 'f"' u ftourl t.o r each their home11 Power hlat.·koulH at lh1• hc1gh1 of the 11t.orm Tut>11day uffN·l1'fi horn1•nw11N'1> 10 M 1111111111 V11·111 :.inti l':l Tm o Souw 71J<J .. 1111lt•11l11 .11 Ol1v1•w11od f':h•rn1·nl:J1 y S1'1111ol rn El Toro w1·r1· •w nl h11111t• 1111 lht• duy wt)Cfl the l>OWt:r '>UJlpl y fulled Sttn Otego Gos and Elt>t'lr 11 Company outhorillch scurl th•· outage was cau1>l•d hy th1• nil lapse of a pe>wcr pole thut fell 111 to a trench al a com1lrut'lt0n prof eel north of Sun Juun Cap1i,trano M rtt K(!lly 11t1lcl her h11tt1>un1I would tw hum:tJ m l.uffl,yt•llt•, I 1111, rwxt to hlH mollwr 1.1nd His lt•r Shti 111.11(1 urrungunH'nlw hud not Ileen <'OmJJlt•Lt•d Ill• Raid thttl tl8 soon a11 his de• portmenl wOR notlfwd of tht• ar cldent,' "we put our evucunllon plun Into effect, uncJ hud ull our ·rncrl(l.'ncy JH'Opl<• 011 11lunc.lby " llowcvcr, plurui to cvut·uulu rc:;I dents we re called (}(f 111 ft 25 u.m., Jackson Rold. M clropolltun Edl11on prt'lildt'nt Wttlwr Croilz 11uid: "lmrncd1ut1• ly when It hu1me ned wu ilcnl lou m8 oul Into the fluid , varllculurly In lht.' <lirN•tlon that the wind WUll blllWIOI(. lo KCl.l if wo could m akt• 1111y d1•kcl1on Kurl Abruhnm, puhllc uffom. o ff icer f o r th e N u c lear flrl(ulntor y Commission 111 Phlladelptuu, 1w1d lw did not know for r t• rtn In w h<'thcr anyone was rwur th • conlllln mcnl 11tnJC'turc whnn lhc uer1 donl occurn'fJ, huL 8nld that <1ur inK normul opcrullon11, no j.K't)l)lc fir(' 1>n 'Ht'fll In lhc contalnm<:nl huildtnH I April Vpbolatery Sale. "llo WRK ti l(Oo<I, l(()Od mttn," Hhl• 1H11d "Hown to 11urt.h. 1 'm r f'nlly f40inK lo mls11 him Wr ull lovt·d him l!O. '' ORANGa COAST DAILY PILOT u~ o.~, .,..,, 0.-.1, ''*"' •••" Wfl",. ... .,,, ........ ,.. ...... ...,_ """'4"' ....... ,1 .. 0. .... , .. , ....... _,_ ,.. .... -.,. ~trfl M-• MuNl4t tN~ ....... , ... { 4"1• ,...,. N•-..... """I-...... ,_ f••f'V•U .. , ••vtf'W t ~·"'..,,. ._,.ft(a.tt A • "'11•'-""~""'""""''-"°'4"'"""-··· ,,,. ........ poc,1 • .,. ... ,. ........ o. W••I •••\1"<1.f .. leMo,. t .. 11 .. hle••• . _,,._ "'•-'"•""""'"-Jedll cw-, .,,, ... l'r•,MtJl\t ... ,.J,_,.,.... .. 'M""""' ~-.. ··-........ ,_,.,,...,...... 1111.t~••'"'' .. "" 0..tl•• " "-"""'"" ..... ., " .... , ... , Mil1141'1·11!1*1•""· Teltl>f'Ont (1t i4) Mat4'21 CIH1lfl.O Uvttllllfte 142>M1t CAfr'1': ::" °'=• '~~!':;=:..ww~~. =r .. , .. ~.::r.~ ........ ""'* ;i ,..., ... t•11tr•lfV~•• ., .... ~ t'4'rl•f "''""'+" tf .......... - ........ 1 ................ , ......... . , ...... ,.. llJ\"' ,., •• -··,..ell .... . , .. , U tO -''"'' ltr .... ,, '' M -•Mr ......... , •• _ ........ If ~IMf "W~ could d et ect nothln~ u ho v natural back8round r1.1dlotion," Cr••ll 7. t1111d "Tht•rt• wea-a amoll rc•l<?:uu•, hul you know. thi• e<ttddn't dc>tcrt ll the exact amount. I 'II hc.1 honf'lft about ll, I don't know " Creitz, 11peokmu from hll1 or • flee In Reading, old: "We'rti aoln1 to contlnu to monitor It In all directions b ocn u u If 1ometh1111 doe• gel Into tho al moaphere . . . ll rould ael Into • wind current, und t hcrf'for w11 want to cbc!ck In 1111 dlrc<'llnn1t away from tho plunl " 8111 Dornslfe, 1o1 nuclear •naclneer wllh the Penn11ylvanl1J l~partment ot t1;nvlronmtintftl R.-1tourro1, told a ne wH con fernc• In J larnffhura that no r•dlaUon le1tked Into the river waler. Dom1ife uid the company did not contact the •lite Civil Oefenae unUI 4 •.m., thrff houri after the accident. ·•we will lnvetll~•l• whethf!r there wH any 111.' h Hid 11• aaid the plant would re· main 1hul down for aev rlll d•y• lllHll. Bl•IM Ji'1tblan. 1poktl•m1n for Sto L•: Police 11pok ot1 mu11 Jttnl <'K C ox 1111l d th u t M t•I ropolltm1 Edl11on offlelals "' tlllf'Hli'd u 11tnw J>Ohl't' helicopter "lhul will c·urry u mon1Lorln1o1 team ." llf' 11old ht> chd not hinow whut would be monitored SI nte poll(•f' wc>n• on the !'IC'<'rtl', controlllnA trnffk n •or tlw tt1t1• T h e gcn1:ruL1nu ·11 t1tllon e mployi; ~00 per11ons Plunl 11pokeftwoman .Judy flotvln 11u1d 11h<' did not know how muny were In lht.1 J)lanl when loo ff't..'C.I waler pump malfunct1oncd. The other generaUnt< unit alrudy wa1 1hut down for re tut1lln11. Mlili Ootvln tJald The •• bllllon f(t!ncrallnlC sta lion, whl{'h b un opcratlnu tomm~rclitll)' In 1974, 18 acce111'11 blc only by a brldgr. from the rur1JI township or Londonderry C...thedral Cloted STRA.'JROURO, l<'r1nce CAI') Th" 13th century C1tht'dral ol Str11bour1. one of France'• moat prestlClou• n1Uonal mon., menta. hu bet'n partly cle>Md to wonhlppera followln& the dil covery ol danceruu1 cracks In the vaultad roof lh•t offlci•ls Hid would lake •l lea1l two )'lltl lO r"PMlr -· Fabuloua value• on auch line••• Woodmark, Stanton Cooper. Selected price• from Drexel. Heritage and Alrloom aleepera etc • Don't delay! We are aleo accepting •pedal order• at ••I• pnc••· Um Billy Be 'Saved?' I ATl.A.N'l'i\ I Afl } Avowt..-d while• rudHt J H • St.tmcr, tlcmoruitrotln" <mt •ldt• Uw Gt..'Ort(tu Cw&titol. blliJ ('llllt'fJ 011 Gov Geor11.· Ou1bN• lo "rt•11cu " Rllly ('url#•r from 11 Ci1llfornlu ho111ntal wht'rt• h .. lit heinK lr•·okd for u c.Jrinklng pro- hlt•m S t111wr d 111rl(t'c.l Tu1·"d uy lhut l'r1•t11de•nl C11rtn'N hroltu•r h all lw<'n "kill nu tl&Jcd by the .lt1w11" 1111d t•t1ll1•d the l.onv, BN 1d1 N:JVu l Mt•dlt-u l Center "thut ,J,•w h<>Ht>ltul." l'> l o n ,. 1 • J " •· I I ' tJroc lu1 met.I unt1 Som Ill'. .111.,.wcJ lhul lh1· 11r1·111 ch•nl '11 hrol lwr h111I h1·1·11 wh1 'l k1·cl awu y 111 lh•· 111111 1111111 to ""''flt'l' h1:. t•fll 11'111111111 .lt•Wh Coast Guard Seeks Origin Of Oil Sli ck U S Cousl Guurtl 111fw1ialtt ur1· ltlVcllll~UllllJ.; 1111• 111 rg r11 of an Oii suh11t 11n•·t· <li11rov1•r1•1I 111 :i 11t11rr11 l'l111111wl l1·:11lr11g 1111111111· 1·1111nly 'i. S1111111·I J\qu.1111· 1•111 k Wt•l>l or llu11lr11gl11n B1•a1'11 Oruogc• < '1111111 v Sh1·riff's t>.•11v Ly I'' red '1'111 1111111·11 , :.1 :01 r11111•d al ltW \'OUlll Y f1•1·1 t'.11 11111,il ful'llll y Pihl 11011111 11( 1111• tJ S Nav11I W1 .. 1pmi.. S l.1l1111r 111 S1·ul lk•ad1 '>•l llf 1111' '>lllr'ol.1111•1• Wll'o dt'i. ,.,,.,,,., 1•11 hy il•·1111l11·., ,JI uhout i. a m l0<lny Tor' 1ir11•·11 '>.1 rd I ht• laq~·· :.Ite k .. 111 hllrt·ud1nu into th1· 1111rk 'tt h.irh11r J1cu l111t was n•1I hum r>..rm~ OfX!rull111111 I ht·rc th1 .. rnorn111g Tht· 1111 y NU l1'ol Un r t• 'iffit•ll'> l1kt• d11·11c·I f1 wl." Ill' btrnJ lie· ll•lld t'UIHll y f11111!1 l'Ont rul 111111 r111• il1·puH m1·11t 11ff1rial11 Wt'11• null f11·d or .• hu s pl II al1111u With lht· Cua11t Guurd. Government UpKel ExJM~ctc~d iu V ob~ 1.0 N HllN cA f't M11.,1 JIUlllll'IJI 11hM•r v1•r., ··x111·1·1 1'1111111 M 11111tl1•r .J.11111•., (',Jll a~han 11, lo'>I' 1.1 y11t1• u l e11nl1<1cn<·e 111 l'ur l1.rn11·111 l11111glll hv u sm;ill 111 :11 ~111. f1trf·1nl! hr '> l.ulH1r J•urty 111111 .1 1t•·rwrul 1'11·1·11011 Ill wh1t•h ( '11n M•1 vat1 vt· 11·,uler M argar.•I Thal1·ht•1 l'I f:tvor•·d to tk•t•omt• l':ur111w ., f1r111 woinan ~1nm1· fTl 1111'>1 l'r .. ~-~-O~r~ange Coas Today' , Closing N. l:'. Stoeks VOL. 72, NO. 87, 4 S CTIONS, S2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1979 N TEN CENTS Error Links ltlesan to Long-lost Dad t • J r t. FATHER SON H G 0.11, P•le4-.. ~Y ltic!M.-. K-k• • U AFTER 52-YEAR SEPARATION Edward Henry Carey Jr. (Lett) and Dad Reunited In Mesa Planners 'Set Up' ·. In Road Plan Tiff? By JOANNE REYNOLDS 0t , ... O;all, Pilol SUll The Newport Beach Planning Commission was "set up" for the knock it took Monday night from city councilmen, an i.ln· noyed commission chairman said Tuesday. Bill Agee. a fi ve year veteran of the commission. said he wasn 'l s urprised Monday when councilmen rejected his group's ~ recommendations on the city's road master plCJn 1n favor or a I 12-point list development by a citizen's committee ~ · He said the counc il action made it clear to htm that there was a plan ICJid out in advance to get the recommendation the council majority wanted by hav- ing the 12·point list submitted by the Transportation Plan Citizens Advisory Committee. Leaders of the city's influen· tial environmental groups are members or the committee. "Our recommendations were t he product of a long series of 1 public hearings,'' Agee com- ~ mented. "I dido 't sec the in- ~ formation that the committee I had until it was brought to the council. .. T he list adopted by coun· cilmen calls for rejection of un· derpasses lo move t r affic through two or the city's clogged intersections a round Newport Center. The council-approved list sets a limit or six lanes on road size a nd nine lanes on intersection size and puts off indefinitely the idea of having an environmentaJ impact report prepared for the extension of University Drive around the Upper Newport Bay. The cons ideration o f un· O.Hr Pl ... SIMt ....... BYPASSED ON RO~D PLAN Commission Chairman Agee derpasses along with conven- Uona l intersections and the University Drive E IR were the key points in the rejected Plan- ning Commission recommenda· lions. "I'm really kind of annoyed that the s tuff they <the commit· tee) had wasn't brought lo us. In fact we didn 't get much participation at our duly noticed and advertised public hearings. I guess that's because they had all the action, wherever 1t is they meet," Agee said . Agee said the commission will <See ROADS, Page AZ> Ry Ji\ KIE: llVMl\N OI ,.,. 0.ltf l'lle4 it.111 UenlUIS\' or a long-distance I ·ll'phon(• operator 's mistake. 54 yt•ar old l!:dw ard Henr y Curt>y .Jr or Costa Mesa met his father , whom he hadn't seen :.inct' he was 2 years old He also discovered s1~ brothers and si:; ll'rs he du1n 't know he had WhJ l neither the open.itor nor t'urt'y km.'w is that there are two mt•n namt•d Edward Henry Carey Jr in Southern California a nd they have the s ame father. Costa Mesa's Carey said his parents divorced when he was 2 and contact WCJS broken. Al 17. he tried to locate his father. but finally gave up and decided the elder Carey must have died. Young Carey went his own way. pursuing a career in the Navy and then working as " computer programme r and " sa lesman He never dreamed that his father had remarried a~d had ctuldren. thinking that his mother's two other children m Whittier by her second mar riage were his onJy brother and sister. 1:he discovery that climaxed thi s week b ega n with .,. telephone call March 20 on Carey's unJisted phone:: number on his boat in Newport Harbor "The long-distan<.'c operator had an emergency call and I was the only Edwa rd Henry Carey Jr. that they could find in the area." Carey said The oper ator gave him the name and phone number of CJ Northern Caltfornia woman. !leather Walton of Aptos, who was trymg·to reach her brother 'It mtrigued m e," Carey said "It was my name. complete I thought, is it worth the phont" <See FAMILY, Page AZ ) Radiation Escapes From Nuclear Plant HARRISBURG, Pa. IAP> A wate r pump used to cool the re- actor at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant broke down today. and a small amount of radioacllve steam escaped into the atm osphere. authorities said. They said some workers may have been contaminated. but the leak was not considered dangerous. Officials a t the plant, located on an island on the Susquehan- na R i ve r about 10 m i les southeast· of the slate capital. declared a "general emergcn- c y ' · following the accident which occurred at I a .m. PST'. They said that meant the facility would remain sealed off until after an invesli~ation. Jack Herbein. vice president for generation at Metropolitan Edison. one of the utilities that r uns the plant, declined to specify how serious the con- tamination might ha ve been, but said, "It's nothing we can't take care or." "'There was a s mall releas~ of radiation to the environment." Pennsylvania Ll. Gov. William Scranton 111. head of the state Civil De fe nse, s aid i n Har- risburg. He said "n o incr ease in norm al radiation levels has been detected" in the air outside the plant. · Concern over possible effects of ear thq uakes on cooling mechanis ms had caused the federal government to s hut down five other U.S. nuclear plants two weeks ago. Bi ll Dorns lfe. a nuclear engineer with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. said the amount of r adiation that esci.iped into the atmosphere was 1 m11lirem per h o ur. On th e a v e ra ge Americans ar e ex posed t~ between 100 and 120 millirems per year, from everything from the s un lo X·rays. A chest X-ray could give a person up lo JO millirems. No residents live on the island. The closest community "is 200 yards away. <See NUCLEAR, Page AZ> Womelf 'S Vnit Flays Judge in Rape Ruling An Orange County Superior Court judge who granted a new trial for a convicted rapist was accused today of .. outrageous disc r imination against the female vicUm in this case." T h e c harge was leveled against Judge Mason Fenton by members of the North Orange County Chapter or t he National Organjzation for Women. Fenton. howe ver. said he won- dered where the group gathered information to make the accusa· lion since he had not talked to them about it. "I treated th.is case just like I would treat a murder case or a robbery case or a drunken driv· in~ case ... Fenton continued. <See JUDGE, Page 1\2) APWl .... 1• ARROW DENOTES SITE OF NUCLEAR PLANT STEAM LEAK Some Workers May Have Been Contaminated, Authorities Say Coast Storm Has 'Shot Its Bolt' By TOM BARLEY Ot Ille O..lly Pllel Sufi A s pring storm that left many Orange Coast roads and streets awash and halte d traffic on bigh~ays seems certain to move out of the area Thursday, the National Weather Service re· ported today. "The storm has shot its bolt." a forecaster said. "The chance of rain will be down to 10 per- cent tonight and 10 percent less than that on Thursday.·· In many Orange Coast areas the s torm added more than two inches of rain to the season's total. Adams Street to Pacific Coast Hit:hwa~ were closed early to· day for more than two hour' because or flooding And heavy ram at that time scored an undoubted strike at the home o f form er m aJor lea~ue ba::;e ba ll p1l<:ht"r Irv Palica. 1592 India n Wells Circle, Huntington Beach. Pahca said has patio awnin~ <·ollap::;ed under the weight of water ~<'neratt'<f hy the torren- tia l downpour Road crews in Costa Mesa we re kept busy by severe flood· m g which left cars on many I horoughfHrcs axle deep in water 'Weary Willie' Dies Weather analyst J . Sherman Denny measured 2.18 inches of rain in his Huntington Beach gauge. He figures the season's total thus far at 17.52 inches, 6.70 inches below last season ·s total The Laguna Beach area re· corded nearly two inches of rajn during the s torm a nd the downpour added to the problems of construction crews in slide· ravaged Bluebird Canyon . Curb Called 'Idiot' by Brown Aide They ~aid they encountered t he ir worst pro ble m s al Anaheim Avenue and 19th Street and Pomona /\venue and 17th Street where water covered· the street and side walk (See photos. PagcAJ.> Emmett Kelly Sirecumbs at BO SARASOTA, Fla. <AP> -Em· melt Ke lly. wh ose sadsack clown "Weary Willle " delighted audiences for half a century , died humbly today. befitting the soulful character be created. Kelly. 80, wH wearing pa- jamu and carrying garbage to the rront or his home in this Florida circus town when be col· lapsed of an apparent heart at· lack. FIRSI' CMLER cor APARIMENT "Tbe Daily Pilot does a great Job. •·t rented my apartment to the nrit penon wbo called.·• That's tbe success story of tbe Costa llesa woman who placed tbis ad ln the Daily Pilot: 8al'bt'lor' apt w/atove 6 relrlt. Ulll1 pd. IJ.• JDUMUDUC .. ll w as s udden , a nd peaceful," said Dr. Bob Win· dom, Kelly's physician. ''He jus t collapsed and fell over. It would have been the way he wanted to go. He would not have wanted to be restricted." Kelly's wife, Evi, tried to re· vive him but Kelly was pro· n ounce d dead at Sarasota hos pi(al. The two had beel'i' together since they met beneath the big top and were married 24 years ago. She, too, was a circus performer. Evi Kelly spoke fondly or the dual character she'd lived with. "To him, Willie existed," M_rs. Kelly said. "Willie was another person. He lived him so long. Tbe suit still ha.nga in its own closet. NobOdy could rm his shoes . No way. Weary WUlie, I guess, now will retire.·• Kelly, who took his droopy. eyed character trom the balll or burlnque to the palaces or k1qa. abumed tbe spatUlbt ln Ida prtnte Ufe. He bated ero_. ad made DO NCret of it, saJbll, "I deplontbem •• (a bis IMl yean, be Uved a quiet life outside show buliMM, prererrta1 newspapers. telev..._, or evea bla oraqe ............ FAMOUS CLOWN DIES Emmett Kelly, IO trees to outilders. Even at 80. Kellv rerUMd to retire bla ailmt sreaMpaint bud· dy who would stumble into tbe center riq ln ra11ed clotbet, a dumpy bat, biC floppy shoes and wttb an old broom· tultlel)' try to cba1e awar a botheraome spotlllbt. But Kelly's art ran deeper than IMN 1lapRlek. He •• • (lw aA>WN, .... Al) The tarpaulin sheets laid down to shield the slide area from the heavy rain did the job they were supposed to do. Reserve Officer Lance Ishmael said. Meanwhil e. a bluff at Shorecliffs Mobile Estates in San Clemente continued lo erode as a brick wall on the cliff edge crumbled Tuesday. The first landslide at the mobile home park occurred Dec 18. Heavy rain has accelerated the earth slippage and a widen· ing crack in the roadway of Mira Adelante has forced the evacua· lion of al least seven mobile homes . No i.JUuri .. have been report· ed . Police and fire m e n are maintaining a constant vlg.il In the area. In Huntington Beach. all four lanes of Beach Boulevard rrom Flynt Guilty ATLANTA (AP) -Hustler maaallae owner Larry Flynt wu canvicted tbia afternoon on all fOUllU of an 11-count oblceni· ty indictment after 10 boun 0( Jury dellberatloa In Fulton !kapertor Court. By TOM BARLEY 0t tM Oitllr Pl ... SUit Moments afte r act1n~ California Gov. Mike Curb ap pointed a Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge to the ap- pellate court for that djstnct he was blasted as "an idiot" by absent Gov. Edmund G. Brown 's chief aide. "He was wrong," Gray Davis said or the appointment ap· proved today by Lieutenant Gov· ernor Curb. "He was told not to exceed his authority while the governor was away and here's a clear ex· ample of insubordination.·• Davis said the appointment of J udge Armand Arabian to the Second District Court of Appeals <Los Angeles) will be withdrawn as soon as Brown returns to Sacramento from Washington, D.C Davis s aid Curb was well aware that Governor Brown bad another candidate in mind for the key job or presiding justice at the Los Angeles appellate court. He said CUrb made thr~ other appointments today one to the Com miss\on o r Economi c <SeeCVRB,PateA2> Coast Weather Chance of rain decreas· mg to 10 percent tonight and near zero Thursday Gusty westerly winds 10 to 20 mph this afternoon. Lows tonight 48 to 53. Highs Thursday in low 60s . INSIDE TOD~ Y After bemg sy&temahcally bralnwruhed to the verge of no return by disciples oJ the Rev. Sun Myung M oon. Chmtoph.er Edwardil was de· termined to practice these metha<U on otheri in the Master's name See .. lfeaven· ly Deception," P.age A7. •••ex ~ ..... .. " .. AM .. ., .. • •• • ... ... 11 A4 A4 ' Jl2 DAILY PtLOf N We<JnN<tay, Maroh 28, 1919 llnt•I No Mesan to Fill Schools Post Jt•ronw M and~w••ll<' 11 < ll" tu M 1•' .1 1• n a11n1• ,. r ~ u, 11amt•d 'l'\h•,1111, w rllt a vJ1 itn\.')' 1111 th~ N wpurt Mua St·hool Hoard until Nov1•mlx.·r Vand~w lit' \H1'1 ~..-1 t'h·d by I rul\h 't'' h om t1 mun~ Ht u1111h l'Jllh lo r 1•11lm•1• Uukt• o th 11'11 who h l> r1• ljnl·tl tK•l'nus1.• h 1 marr) HI~ and m1>v1nu out of Tru11tt't-An•tt ~ In <'OJ l·• M ("•II \ u11ll1·wall1• ZIUO Son Juon 1.Jnl'. u, .,c.•ht·dult.'tl to t>.• l'l.lh.>tJ .1fkr 1\1J1 al .!ti Ourinti thl' In lc.•r1 m ~ lht) b 1•1t ul'n~ h.i v(' t h1• rt~ht lo 111.·1.•k J vuhltt \:lt.'C.·Uon for the i.t.'Jl It Wllh tht• ""'C'ond llmt• tha-. vt>11r that ml·mba" of tht' seven nh•mbt•r bourd 1H•lf'Cll'tl J I t•pl :..l('l'llll'lll 11 u-,lt•t' 1)11n.il1I Sm.111~111111 11( t'11 -.lJ Mt'"' rt• ,1i:11t·d 1·.1rlwr th11-> t•ar K1·111ll'lh I. Waymun wi.a. up 11oint1·11 tu 11111-;h SmflllwoocJ ·, lt•rm, \\hH·h <·11ds in Novl'mtwr. n c.· , ••• u '(' () . n r I l' n . <; t c.• rm 1l1w:-.11 '1 1•1111 1111111 IHll 1. lr Uhlf'l'!', 1h·c·11h•d tu appw11l .111 111lt-r1111 rt:pla t•1·ml'11t u11t1I lhl• Novemh1•1 t'11·t·t111n th1~ yPa r whl•n voters l' an c hooM· ii t rui.t cc for tht! re ma1ning Lwo yeor~ of the term Va ndc·w~lle hald toduy ht.' hai.n 'l w t decided If he wall run The m•w lrui.le<' has bt.•t:n a n •!>1d<·nt of t'ol>la Mes a li lnCC t9t>:.I He has five children, all of whom altend parochial school Vandewalle s turts a ne w e n!(ant.>erang JOb next week at Auto m otive Engineering Sy11tcms Inc. an Westminster a nd siod he 's also enthusiastic about Lackllng his new 11chool boa rd ctutll'i. 0•111 l'li.I •Ylff PIM4t GETS NOD FOR SEAT Costa Mesa's Vandewalle "I t'XJlt.'<'l to hu vc a lot of homt·work lo do in the next rcw wecki;," Vandewalle said today I le said his chief goal ls ''to mars ha l all the human re· sources in the distric t and try to focus on what it is we're really all here for: to provide quality education for kids." Vandewalle currently serves as c hairman of Costa Mesa's Housing and Com munity Development Committee and formerly served on the city's Goals and Objectives Commit· tee Curb: Dock Brown's Pay During Trips Lt Gov. M1k<> Curb told sup· porters of Stutc Sen John G Schmitz . H Newport Heuch . Tuesday night thul Gov Ed mund G Brown Jr s hould huve his pay docked for the time ht 'ipends pursuing his presad enlral a!l parations . "After all, he·., been out of the s tall' six liml'!I In les11 thun 10 wct•ks." he told more than 200 St'hm1tz supporters at the Bag Ca n yon Co untry Cl ub In Newport R4'ach "Don't worry. I cun mind the gtorc," he told umuscd listener!! ·Aut there are p le nty of l)('mocratR none too happy at the thought thul we aft a in have u Rc•publican at the head of af· rum! .. Curb stre1u;cd thul he bad the "full support und confidence" of Brown when the J(overnor left him in {'hur$tC of CaliCornlu ar rums "l 've been s1J(ninA bills and cluing all lhc things the governor would be doinl( if he were here." Curb ~aid. "In fact, today I m<icle two aµpointme nts that * * * 'Safe' were based on my personal 11clcctJon." Curb refused lo elaborate on the appointments or Identify the two people selected by him. ''I 'm i;ure there are going lo be more, .. be said. "We wlll fi nd, I think, that the governor will spend more and more time out or state as the presidential election campaign steps up and that wiU mean more lime In the governor's chair for me." Schmitz commented during the Sl.25-a-person reception In his honor that the proceeds should cut in half a campaign debt or "between $35,000 and $40.000.' "Another affair like this and we !!hould have the debt re- Llrcd," the senator said. He said hl11 s uccessful campaign had cost "In the neighborhood of SG00,000." It was reported al the limti Schm itz filed his campaign dis· closure statements that he had waged the most costly campaign . for state senate in California hjs. Lory. * * * .Jokes Sclunitz Recalls 'Mutake.' Many !tupporters of John Schmitt have always felt that a remark he once made about then President Richard Nixon cost. him hls seut In Congress. Schmitz told a Republican i;tat.he rlng In the state o r Washington that he could find only one thing wrong with Nix- on's visit to China. "And that 111 the fact. thot he 111 coming back," be quipped. Out the comment angered many RepubUcarw. He recalled the costly Joke Tuesday night when he told la ughing Republicans : "The on· DAILY PILOT , ... o.,.. (#fl°"'"'-. ..... ..,... _,, .. ·-.,._..,. _ "'" ........ ,.,..(),ttoo0<- (• .. , .. _,.,..,.,_ ...... et .... -... ""!lll•llt• Motwl ............ ,,._.., ,., (-... ,,.. .. , -'""' ........... ilk'•"'"-'"'" ¥•h•t ''"..,. ~ ,...~,....,."c.. a ....... ,....,...,ldlliMl•"""'--tllo,._ --. t .......... n.. •ifw;iflo't jlOlllll ... ,,.. ............. w,.11.,'4,.... c.i.MoM.C.i,..,,.. •• ..,. ' .... s=r.:.:::..... , ..... c ..... Vot•l'l'Hldttlt• ... o.M/M~ •lleo!l••lt""" ._. ... T..-1A,M..,.._ ....... , ..... , .. Clltrl" M l.tM llltlton I', NIM .......... Mtftetl ... bMlt\ ly thing wrong with Govemor Brown's out of stale trlps ls the fact that he comes back to California. "But I'm s afe this lime," he grinned. "I've d ecid ed that when I make jokes they wlll be at the expense of DemocraL'I. And he laughjngly told Curb: "Don't tell the governor though, will you?" * * * f',...PageAJ CURB ..... Development and two to the Commi.sioo of the Callfornlu. Davia uid no dec ision h .. been made on tb011e three ap· potntments. "We'll Lalk aboul them when the 1overnor getis back." he Hid. Brown's visit to Waahlnston o.c. Is believed to be Unlltd lo hl1 prHldentlal aapi ration1. Davi• .WOUid only comment to- day that hJs chief is ln the na· tlon'• upltal "on a bu1lness trip." f',....P ... AJ NUCLEAR. • • Dave Klucslk, a 1pokesm1n for Metropolitan Edlson, one of tbe con.ortium of utllltiet that runs the plant, t11ld • 'lbeN la 1b1olut1fy ao d1n1er of a meltdown. We are not ln 1 'Cblna SyndrOme' 1ltu1Uon." "Chlnl Syndrome" 11 1 film 1t1rnn, Jane Fonda and Jack Lemmon abOUl I eoYtr·UP ol a n1ar.c1ta1tropb1 lnvolvtn1 f allul'f' " 1 cooll.at m~banllm at a nuclear plant. , · ,,....,,..,AJ FAMILY. • • call?·• Ht-decided It w 1 . C'urer Sol hold of Mrs. Walton "l lold htt. It Ju..!lt tan 't be me." Allhouah U.. woman reallied •he hadn't re.c:hed the brother 1 htt 11ou •bt, she then asked l'llrt'Y af ho hud becm born in M •lhtHJJ IJ I llOS{>lta l In Lolj AnH<1leis and II M s mother':-. mime was fltlutrice The 11m1wer Wt1• yes. · ·1 can't t-veo explain how I toll," Cart-y sald. ''She said, 'I think we're reluted. '" M rll Walton ~oul.dn 't talk· ut ll•ngth lhcn , tJeC UUIH) lh~ nuwbom baby of a sister had dlf'd ood 11ht• had to rl.'ach olhcr fumllr, mcm~rs But the next morn I\& 11h•· i.nd Carey bad u two hour convers1.1t1on by long di&lWlct! und the whole story 1·:une out Carey's father had remarried and haad sax children When one "on wu~ born 41 years ago, ht• was lo be named after h b maternal grandluther llowevl'r, al the last minute, the second Mri;. C1Arcy apparent ly changed her mind, crossed out the numc John Moore Carey on the birth certificate and wrote In Edward Henry Carey Jr. And s o there we r e two or them , 13 years apurl. The st•cond fomily knew of the firs t son's existence but hadn't been able to locute him, Mrs. Walton explained, until she tried to reach the second Carey Jr., who had just moved to Hemet and whose phone number wasn't available. The next day, Edward Henry Carey Sr. telephoned his son. "He said, ·r suppose you'd like to punch m e In the nose,· " Corey Jr. recalled. Instead. the younger Carey in- vited his 76-year-old father lo drive down from his home near Merced and so, o n Tuesday, the pair were reunited for the first lime. "ll 's been a long lime ... Carey Jr. said as he hugged his father at the curb. "You .don't look like me!" As the two got acquainted. Carey Jr. 's wife. Beverly. ex- 1\Jained that the lucky coin cidc nce of discovering Carey's family was followed closely by a second stroke or luck. On Monday, Carey Jr. taped an episode or NBC's "Wheel of l''ortune" a nd won $10,450 In merchandise. including a new car. ·'He's on a s treak ... Mrs Carey said, noting the good luck was more than welcome after a diHlcult three years during which she's been Ill and medical bills have run up. Currently , plans arc under way for Carey to meet the rest of his new family, who li ve in dl((erent parts of the s late. In addition. the two Edward Henry Car ey Jrs. and Edward Henry Car ey Sr. are planning to pose ror a group photo. "What arc we going to cto, call the m Ed, Eddie and Big Ed?" Mrs. Carey asked. F,....PageAJ JUDGE .•. "I have a job to do and not a very popular job sometimes," t-'eoton 1aid. He said he granted a new trial f.or 4S·)'ear-old G Jen Howard Hutcherson of Whittler because he felt it was the right thing to do •'despite any protests ." Hutcherson had been convicted by a Jury or rape kidnap and as- sault wtth a deadly weapon. NOW members Nancy Ut.5ler and Karen Peters said In a press release that Fenton showed "a callous disregard for the righ.ts or victims of violent crimes," when he ordered a ne w trial for Hutcherson. Fenton said be granted the new trial because he didn't believe the testimony or the al· leged rape victim. Hutcherson was accused of raplna 20-year·old Catherine Hardln after he picked her up whlle s he was hltcbhlklng in Buena P a rk ln November of 1977. p,....p_,.AJ ROADS ••• take the 12·poinl Uat and launch the aecond half o( its council· ordered study to flaure out how much traffic that road ayatem wlll handle. Once that's eslabll1bed, com- mlaalonen are to recommend a cltywlde reductlon in land uae denslllu lo ma tch the road capacity. · Dul ARce, as one of seven comm iulon me mbers, sounded IHs than enthuaed about the project. ''If this is the w11 thlnp are, I keep wondering why we (the plannlftl commluioft) are w!_llintoutllme," he1ald. Talka Reeumed WASHINGTON <AP> NtlOUaton for the Tea.....,. union IDll the truckln1 bldultr1 reaumed contract talta today wltb tbe Carter admtnlltndlm watchln1 1nxlou1ly from U.. 1ld4alln11. Pair Warned DUln't Heed; One Killed Newp<>rt Beach policemen Ray Clever and Ore& Arm1tronc had strong words for two young m<:n they •topped to.-traffic violations Friday night. CllAtSTOPllER ALVIS and Stephen Bronder, both 21 and both or l19'h 37th St. got $19.50 tickets Bronder hecau11e he was 11ltllng on the trunk or a borrowed sJ)Ort!i car and Alvis bcca.use he was driving it with Bronder on tho trunk. The patrolmen told the pair they'd best settle down and ao home before they got lolo more serious trouble. fo'our hours later Alvis was dead and Bronder. then the driver, faced charges of vehicular manslaughter following u »mashup. ACCORDING TO pohce reports, the crash occurred ut I a .m . Saturday on Bayside Drive near Carnation Park where the roadway ls narrow and winding. The car. police allege, was driven at a high rate or s peed through the curves, went out of control and flipped.• Bronder was t rapped inside the ove"lurned car Firemen had lo cut him out Alvis was crushed to death when the car landed on top or him. Betty Ford Visits Mesa Kemper Open Betty Ford. wire of former President Gerald R. f'ord, was at the Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa Mesa Tuesday to tape several segments for this w eek e nd 's NBC tclevlslon broadcasts o f the Wo me n 's Kemper Open golf tournament J ames S . K e mp er Jr .. chairman of the board of the Kemper Insurance Com pany which spofl80r& t.he tournament. presented Mrs . Ford with a check to be distributed to four women's recover y homes In Southern California for alcohol and drug abuse treatment. The major charity for t he tournament is the Southern California Arthritis Foundation which wiU receive $30,000. Each or the four recovery homes. In· e luding New Dimensions of Costa Mesa, will rectlve $5,000 with the Joey Bishop Pavilion f or si milar treatment In Phtladelphia getting a nother $5,000. Jn all. Kemper will distribute $55,000 to charity despite having lbe pro-am portion or the tourna- ment washed out by heavy r ains today. Opening round or play •~ scheduled for Thursday with the fina l two rounds on NBC television Saturday and Sunda} Channel 4 will air the broadcal>l., Saturday rrom 12:30 to 2 and Sunday from 11 to 1 Headwinds Hit Racing Yachts Yachts in the 800 -mllc Newport to Cabo San Lucas race were still bucking s outherly headwinds today as the lead boats neared the halfway mark Ni ck Frazee's 58-foot sloop Sw1flsure widened her lead over the other 33 boats and was 358 miles from lhe start. She was about 50 miles aheud or the next class A boat. lier position report placed her abeam of Thurlowc Head , a fe w miles south of Tur- tle Bay. The yacht Tres lle rmanas re· ported heavy rains al the San Benitos Jslands weal of Cedros Is land. The escort vessel Jubilee was anchored at Turtle Bay report· ing southe1tst winds of about l!; knots. Whistlewang V, near the heud or the fleet. reported southerl} winds of 12 knots. and Bagatelle . near the tail end , re ported southerly winds or 25 knots Rampage, the leading yacht in PHRF, r eported s he ha<I dropped out and was returrung to San Diego. Brezhnev Has Flu MOSCOW <AP > Soviet President Leonid I Brezhnc\ has come down with a bad cu.sl· of flu. French diplomatic sources said today. April Upholstery Sale. : Fabulou• value• on •uch Ila .. •• .... - Woodmark, Stanton Cooper, Selected price• from Drexel, Heritage and Alrloo• •leeper• etc. Don't delavl We are aleo accepting .... ' •pedal order• ( atealeprlea. ~ Trustees Approve Pay Hike Newport-Mesa school trusle<!s, t eacher!> and no n ·teaching personnel ralifi<..'<I a rctroaclivl' pay ra11H.' T uesday, giving employees un acrosa-lhe·board five percent hike dating back lo last July. The increase wai. approvt.'CI as the rchult of a state Supreme Court decis ion ruling o ut a statewide governmental wage freeze last year. Spokesmen ror both the Newporl·Mesa Education As soclatlon <NMEA>. representing teachers, and the California School Employees Association. r e presenting nonte aching workers. said their memberli had overwhelmingly approved the increase Tru11t.eeh added their stamp of approval al Tuesday night's board meeting, ending weeks of negotiation Trustees also Improved a five percent retroactive wage hike for adminh1lralors and others not repreHentcd by bar gaining units The agreement clears the way fo r the school board anct t eacher11 to proceed with negotl.at1 ons ror li new contract The curTCnl three-year pact ex plres In July. r Barl(atning on that contract It. expected to begin Friday. Don Kimble. president of the N M E/\. Tuesday apµeal ed to t rusteeh lo proceed with lhc negot1at1orIB dehpatc litlempts by a rival lca~hers' ~roup to win away from the NM EA the right to repn.•s cnl t.-ache r:o. 1n the bargaining proce'i. •. ,..,.PageAJ CLOWN ... virtuoso <i~ hl• fas hioned a dt·I 1c·alc mold of comedy a nd tra~l·dy Kt•lly c•rc:.ilN1 Willie out of <"h:.ilk d ust :.ind palhoh lie l>rought him rn pantom1mt• from tht• d rawing ho:.ird through ... auc1('v1 llP. th e Ringlin g Brother-. and Barnum & Bailey Cirr us, trade shows, movies . plays , 1c<> s hows. te levision. s ports arenas. to command performanrci. before kings and qu<><>ns, and in later years into gamhhn,:t casinoi. and concert oprra And :.ill without a change of dothch I .- • Wldllliild8J.Mwch 28. 197'9 DAILY PtLOT Fun on the ~osta Mesa Waterfront THAT'S MIDTOWN COSTA MESA WHERE ROBIN LINDSEY. 23, IS BASKING IN AN INNER TUBE LINDSEY WAVES A THUMB TO PASSING TRUCK AT WEST 19TH STREET AND MAPLE AVENUE Diedrich's _Jury Pick To Begin By GARY GRANVILLE Ol ll• 0-tly Piiot Stall SAN DI EG O Fifteen m onths of legal infi g hting neared an end here today as the bnbery trial of Orange County Supe rvisor Ralph Diedrich and architect Leroy Rose almost got underway. But before altorn'eys began selecting jurors for what is ex- pected to be a six to eight-week tria l. defense la wyers began making a series of last-ditch pretrial motions. As defense lawyers J a mes R 1ddett, Keith Mon roe a nd Sylvan Aronson ha nded San Diego Super ior Court J udge Ross Tharp their legal bnefs. Diedrich was still holding s way at the <'ounty Boa r d o f Supervisors. He hopes to cast the deciding vote for approval of the pro- posed AJiso Vi ejo development a nd to lead a move lo quash ap- prov'31 of the Rancho de los Vie- jo housing development. Consequently. Diedrich was given permission lo delay his court appearance today until 2 p.m. Rose will not be in court until possibly F riday. His father died in Los Angeles Monday morning a nd funeral s e r vices a r e sch eduled for Thursday • In his absence. Aronson asked Judge Tharp to delay the jury selection process until Mond ay But the judge quickly derued t he request, meaning the at- torne ys wi II s tart sorting through prospcctjve Jurors late today. Diedrich is charged with two counts of bribery and u single count of conspiracy Lo commit bribery. Rose. a long time Diedrich friend and political ally, is ac· 'cused of conspiring lo commit bribery. In the 15 months since the lwo me n we r e indicted b y the Orange County Grand Jury, their legal battles have carried lbe m through s ix judges in Orange County and three in San Diego County. lodge Cleared AND THE TRUCK LETS LINDSEY HAVE IT WITH A BIO SPLASH AS THE GRINNING COSTA MESAN ENJOYS HIS 'POOL' Seven Arrested in Vice Raids By MICHAEL PASKEVICll OIUllO.Url"l ... St.lff Seven employees from fi ve Huntington Beac h m a ssage pa rlor s wer e a r rested on charges of soliciting for proslilu· tion Tuesday nlghl. Police vice investigators said today more a rrests are expected. Bennie Sto re y, 60-year-old owner of Huntington Health Center 504 Main St., wa s taken into c~stody a lon g with two female employees. Vice Sgt. Larry Cain said Storey bas been charged with al· lowing an unlicensed masseuse lo work in his parlor, a mlsde· meanor. Sgt. Cain said there was no connect.ion between the Tuesday night arrests and the City Coun· c il's recent action concermng massage parlors . "This was an enforcement ac- tion," said Caln. F our undercover agents began a n investigation of the city's eight massage parlors on March 1, and Sgt. Cain said officers were offered sex for pay about 40 percent or the time . "Most of the girls also offered to meet us outside for further prostitution," Sgt. Cain added . Po lice recently obtained ar· rest warrants from the Orange County District Attorney's Of· fi ce and began m aking arrests Tuesday night during a five-hour operation that ended about 10 p.m. Arrested were Joann Cordero, 25 . of Hunti n g ton Sands Massage, 1638.5 Bolsa Chica St.: Kathryn Nogami, 23, or Town and County Spa , 18582 Beach Boulevard and Laura Ayers, 31, or Spa of Hawaii, 17434 Beach Boulevard. Also taken into custody were Barbara Gr eenberg, 30. and Pa me la Loring. 19. both of G olde n West S p a at 9891 Yorktown Ave .. and Huntington Health Center employees Penny AJbright. 19. and Juana Becerra. 41, poli ce said. Bail for the arrested women was set al Sl,250 each. police said. Tbey were lodged at thl' women's facility al llunlmgton Beach jaH. Sergeant Cain said more ar rests are due at massa ge parlors In the city. Taking part in the police an· vestigation were Sgt. Cain and detectives Ron Pomeroy, Dale Mason and Len Oamerow. Last week. the Huntington Beach City Council declared u six -month morator ium on new massage parlors opening m the cit . WaJdill Defense Opens By KATHY CLANCY Of U. Dally "ilolt S~ll T he first d efe nse witnt·M· called in the murder retrial of Or. Wtl l 1a m Waddill h a ~ testified he found physical de· terioration from saline abortion solution in the mfant Waddill a l- legedly strangled. D r . Ben jamin La nd i n~·~ testimony Tuesday connieled on se v e r a l ke y poin t s with testimony offered e a rlie r by othe r pathologist s who were called as prosecution witnesses Landing. a -USC professor of pathology and pediatrics, for ex- ample. said be could not tell if h e morrhage in the infant's throat a r ea was c a used b y physical injury. Two other pathologists, Or . Shirley Dris coll or Har vard University and Orange County Coroner 's pathologist Robert Richards . h ad teslifi~d they believed the throat bleeding was caused by inJury . "I d o n 't thi n k t hal microscopically you can m ake t hose kinds or dist11\c lion!-> ... Landing testified . adding t ht· he morrhage could have been prompted by lack of oxygen, a bleeding tendency "or anythm~ else that makes lillle vessels_ bleed." Or. Driscoll had testified Jast week that she found no saline damage m microscopic slides of infant tissue she examined. · · 1 t hink th a t is s impl y wrong ... Landing .said. ,.e ferrmg ~pccifically to shdes of the 1n· fant 's kidney tissue . Anet Landing repeatedly said da mage he found on severul bod y organs was cons istent Wllh that expected from saline solu- tion Landmg·s defe nse testimony was allowed out of order desp1k the fact thut Prosecutor Robt,rt Chatterton has not fini shed pre scnting his s ide of the cast• Landing is to be out of the coun try when the defense portion of the t riaJ begins. Prosecutor Raps Probe Gem Talk THE MOST IMPORTANT JEWELRY YOU WILL EVER BUY . - A d istrict attorney's probe tbat cleared mlleonduct charges leveled a t Orange County Superior Court Judie James Walawertb w• attacked today by the proMCUtor who1 made the allegationl. Deputy Dlatrlct AUoraey Bruce Briqman claimed lt is "abaohrtelf false" that there haa been • complete IDveetlla· tioa GI .U f.U •urroundilll tM aeeallllllm be .m8de lat week ......... worth. . ADii ... eeemed a.w Depaty Di1trlct AttorneJ JamH EnrlllM. wbo ordered the probe, o1..-.. ......... ture .... meat ••. baed • aeaat1 ID· form.U." to "protect bill old lrleDd Jim Walnortb. '' EMllll& eoald not be reached for comment aoday. • !:.!.,e Bo~ert Rickles, crt C...-prwldtn1 Judie, ••llO'"ftd .,._..., tbat a cfia. trlct atto""7 lave1tt1atlon lllond .._. na .. no faetual ..... " .. ~ .......... t..,.. • ••= euurt ud c1aae ai"kl • fnudulmt. ........... rtpaNdlJ ebarled. .... --lut ... tlaat _ ...... ·~·· wt ...., frJ!"'llll aoart neunll •· .olW.. • poltpOned trial date bl aD alleted ... 000 real lltate swindle. He ane.d the trial date wu ' canceled Without the defendant's consent and records showing the postponement wrongfully listed a deputy district attorney and court reporter as being present. By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cmlfl«J G~sl. AGS .. Rickles said be did not know ' bow the record in that case was handled but said lt is common practice to arrange postpone· men la informally. WE'RE AHEAD in tfu> diamond sweerutakes Accordlng to a worldwide survey. American women o wn more diamonds than the women or any other country. That. didn't surprise you, did it? Rickles also provid ed a tra nscripl or a verbal report or the dlstricl attorney's lnvestiga . lion offered by Enright. and Deputy District Attorney Jack Ryan, Bridgman's supervtlor. "It appears that there is no basis for an allegaUoo of an ii· le1al act or fraudulent act by the court." Ryan sa id on the tranacript. Ryan aald today the investiga· Uon la caaUmdnl and decli.ned addlUodal comment. l!Drilbt, OD tbe transcript, Hid, "Al tbll polnt it .. clear to UI that tbe ltatemeab tbat ""9 mad• ID open court by Mr. BridllDID ... not aupported bJ faeta. DarUeularlJ taie ute- meata tbel clirectb appnnd to accuM .Jud1• Wal1wortb of fraudallat and Wetal actl.tlJ. '' ("'\ What may come as a surprise, 1 though, is the fact that our young women rank fourth in the world when it. comes to the percentage or brides who own diamond engagement rings. Our girl• DO. get the biUesl diamonds, however . • In Australia and Canada. 74 percent ol all brides 1ot eogacement rings, accordinl to the s urvey. Great Britain ranked third wlth 68 percent, followed by America with 87 percent and France with 43 percent. However, the rin11 11ven to American lirls avera1ed IO polDta ol diamODda. Japanese en1a1ement rtn11 aver.,ed 25 pointa, and thole of 'other aaUoal 'raqed between 4 and 10 polnU, tbe survey aald. Our 18CIMe an well ahead ln total diamond oWMnblp, with 15 percent of U.S. women ownin1 diamonds. - \.1oM11114'' "W(1111 IJ11(" ·""' '"''"""'tllul JNll nl ltk it fJ\.'"'" lit,t 1tt k~f".p.tht:-nf•' Jtw.J "'~''""-"' "-' w1•• ''"'' ~"fhllf1>( ttfl)it rtlffiM_ I'° ~t1ur .. JYI. tt'l \Of~ t'hWUf\tn..m\IUt' •lll '4llo ntM do"'""' ·J. C. JJump,ried Jew11ltrd MfM8f~ AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY ~ 1823 NEWPORT BLVD COSTA MESA CONVENIENT TERMS .~&~-~ Uu• -~ 32YEAAStNTHESAMEL0CATION ·~-e-~,--- • I - ' t -+ •A" DAil Y PILOT Jut ting ~ -··· ~tt Tom~~\ Mlll'plala .. U1rhing th Gov rnor f i a T THlJNDt:a 1..APS D .PT. Tht' Kt vublfo1n .:ovt"raor of C'11Jfoml1 •PJle•~ on our co&&atal lt'en IH l night al a hlUt! fund rat r ror Stat" Senator John C ~bmlti It 11 nJ~ lltll buh held w1lbin lbe confines or 81w l'anyon 'ountry 'lub In Newport Reach Somo 200 of Uw faithful were oo hand Whil tho nouon 11 wl<kly ~Id lbat a Democrat, t.AI mund 0 flruwn J r , la iO\ltrnor of California, thll clearly wHn't lhto ca • 11 the &hmlu hlndla lut veninK Governor J t rry, )'OU • ha d parted our atuk bord(•n and was te t fytna OI\ oal ptpellne matters an Waahinatoo. 0 C It 111 also rumored he may find Um • for :some prctld\•ull J type pohll<'klna whllt: w•nd rln6' ubout IJuck yonder Thws wtule Jt'1 ry 1 uwuy, Make geb lo play l~T. GOV. MIKE C RB, u 11taunch ft ,,ublican, ho ud mt: govflmor I Ii· wa11 1n lhul capacity last night while vib· 1lmu our region You rould tell by the• .:xurber»nce of the gat.berlnll thul the OOP faithful dcurly enJoyed haavlng une or their own Uepubllcan.s Gathered to MOlml Gov. Brown Playtng llooky bu<·k in l'hurgc or the Cuhfomia statehouse, no m atter how bm:fly. It may. however. not be so brieny. Governor Brown has deparlt'd our Golden St.ale t1ix limes within the last 10 weeks or so. Lieutenant. Governor Curb m ay end up doing more governing lhun he does resting. Brown may be oul hot on the presidenUal campaign lrull but ho better keep looking back over his shoulder. VOlJ SUSPF.CT THAT the governor's ~adaboul role us a prt·i.1cJcnt1ul hopeful hu& to be generating a measure or concern among tho Uemocratic ranks. For one• thmt<. e very time he nitters off, he leaves the :.tutt• in tht• hand:. of GOP. Curb is in charge. Adcl1t1on:illy. Brown's C'hallenge is against a fellow Dt•mcwrnt So wh:it If lightning dad slrtke with the Brown t·ampaign., The L>emocr;,its would retain the White House but they'd lose Culifomaa'b governorship POLITICAL STRATEGISJ'S might fairly charachmze this us a oo·wrn s1tuat1on So much ror JndivlduaJ a m bition. Anyway, 8peakmg of J1ghtnJng, along about 4:30 a.m. loday. f t'amc bolt upright out or the bedding when the moi.t tremendous thunderclap in memory shook our re .:ion Maybe that wul> J erry Brown. coming home Death Meaningful? ATMORF., Ala . <AP) Con· demned killer John Loul11 Evans Ill, eigh t days rrom bis scheduled execution, says he wanls w g1ve hJs death meuning. Evans turned down a plea Tuesday from an American Civil Liberties Union attorney who alfked that he be permitted w try Lo 11top the electrocution In doin~ so, Evans said he wanted the occasion or his elec· trocutlon w dramatize the need for reform ol death row condi· lions and w discourage young people from following his cfam· pie. "These klds who think this la a glorious type of li fe, they're crazy," said Evans. .. 2ndBrealc-ln Hunt Claims MIAMI <AP> -Water1•te conaplrawr E. HowaJ'd Hunt aaya he hopett t.o keep former Prealdenl NiJcoa ln retlrem•nt by publiabln1 •l· 101atlonl tbllt Nl~on autborlaed the tecood of tbe two W ater1ate brea.k lftl In 1Wl2. Jlunt, who wu lookout man for tbe June 17, 1'72, break·ln at the OemocraUc NaUooaJ CommJttee 8 t Hun& would not tell headqua.rt.en ln Wubln1ton. eaJd u re. T tsday that he had evidence portersatanewtcoa.ferencewhal u .... to the evidence was. Nor wou.ld be 1t1alMl Nlxon strong .:nou.,. reveal who wou.Jd pubUab It or 1l1nd up In court. when. Ruas Ships Anchor in Viet Port WASHINGTON CAP> -Soviet wa rshlps ror the first time have dropped anchor in Cam Ranh Bay, a major base built by the United $lat.cs on the Vietnamese coast , defense sources sajd to· day. T he sources, who declined public Identification, said there we re not immediate indications whether the visit of a Soviet guided missile cruiser , a guided mi ssi l e fri gate and a minesweeper marked the begin· nlng or Russian use of the huge a nd costly base. But they said such a base for the Soviet navy al s uch u str ategic position on the South Ch ina Sea would represent a major gain for the Russians. THE SOVIET navy in the Pacifi c now has only one mujor base, at Vladivos tok on the Siberian coast. Eleven Russian warships, in· telllgence-guthering vessels anct support craft have been cruising off Vietnam for weeks, starting with the rise in tension that culminated in Chjna's invasion of Vietnam. Although the Soviet Vnion is a n ally of Vietnam, it dill not in tervenc militarily in the fight· ing, but it has sent supplies lo Vietnam. One mission of the Soviet warships off Vietna m was be I icved to b e protecting Russian cargo shJps bound for Haiphong or othe r ports from possible attack. THE VIETNAMESE are thought w have resisted the idea or permilUng the Soviets lo use Cam Ranh Bay as a permanent naval base. They a re cons idered jealous of their independence of a ny foreign presence since wan· ning their war with the United Stales and defeating the South Vietnamese to unify the country. HuntaaJdhewaa upset that Nix- on wu "gathering a certain a mount of momentum" by male· Ing public appearances after months of pos t · Wate r gat e solitude. "I tblnk thJs would be dis· a strouarorthe American people tr he were to be a llowed w con llnue,''besaid. NEITHER Nixon n o r a spokesman could be reached for comment at lhe former presl· dent's retreat In San Clemente. Hunt, 60, pleaded gullty lo con· splracy und served 32 months in federal prisons. He was paroled in Feburary l978. In a news conference at the of. fice of his alt.orney, Elias Huban, Hunt gave no specifics about his charge that Nixon authorited the second of the two Watergate break-Ins. It was at the second bre ak·ln that burglars were caught trying to fa x bugging de· \liC'es that had been ins talled in a previous illegal entry RUBIN sa1cJ he wanted to <1vo1d "compromising the manuscript" by giving details or the accusa lions. Rubin s aid llunt's writing was designed for .. periodical" publication. Rubin said llunt's article as - serts that Nixon "not only knew In advance of the two Watergate -break ·l'\s , but an fact, hud authorized them." llunl agreed with thal, hull al.er adjusted the contention to uy that Nixon "authorized at leas t the set'Ond" break· an . Asked repeatedly to m ake one s pecific stateme nt a bout h11:> charges, Hunt ended an interview by saying. "I'll give you a key thought and then nothing more the 18Y.a m1nutegap. •· The reference was to the e rasure or part or a Nixon While House tape. NATION WORL.0 Aardvark AIHan~e ~iss i:acoma, right, has dinner on her arrival at the Cin· crn.nati. Zoo with Alvin. The female was brought t-0 the Ohio city afte~ offi cials found the zoo's two aardvarks were male. Miss Tacoma is from Point Defiance Zoo Tacoma, Wash. Cincinnati sent the other male aardvark to Cleveland. 1 ~~~-!..~~~~~~~~~~~- Disappointment Sadat Call to Kids Fails OAK PARK. Ill. CAP> -Egyptian Prr·s ident Anwar Siidut tried w call a class or enterprising sixth graders. but bccci ui.e of u security breakdown and a telephone foulup, the call dad not KO through. Sad at had set aside 10 lo l5 minutes for the call on Tue·sday the day after he a nd lsrueh Prime Minister Menachem licgm signed the Mideast peace treaty an Washington On the other end of the line were lo be 21 gifted i.tudentb ut LongfeUow School. BUT SNAGS DEVELOPEU. Tht· roll to'lk nearly 40 mmut<!:> to complete, and instead of bpcakan.c with Sadat. th ... d1sappo1nh:<I children talked for 20 minutes with Muhamed llakka , minister of pr ess relations at the Egy ptian f;mbassy an Washington Dan Koblljak. one of the lefl('hers who coordinated the project. said e mbassy officials told him that Sudut's telephone number 1n Washingwn had been le aked t.o tht· pre:.:. und that it was lied up for most or Tuesday Sadat made the first lry. but has cull failed lo go through THE STUDENTS THEN lm•d Lo call from their end T he first time, the· i.tudent!'> ~ot a wrong number. The si·t-ond time, lhe number an Wushm~ton was bu!>y. The third timt'. someone answered, but said Sadat wus not av<Jt lable and hung up On the fourth try, the call went throu~h But by that lime , Sadat ha'l returned to a ronferenl'e <Jflcr waiting al least 10 mmutes for the connection to be completed, or. ficials saJd. The students mas!>cd lhc president by about two minutes. Hakki apologized and offorcd to send the students an auto· graphed picture of Sadat However. Vietnam Is exJ)e<!tcd to become more dependent on the Soviet UnJon for arms, am· munition a nd other support because their feud with the Chinese Is likely to continue with the ever·prcsent possibility of a ne w Invasion from China, U.S. analysts said. · FOR ME? Therefore, these analyst.s say, It is possible that Vietnam may reluctantly agree lo Soviet use of Cam Ranh Day. T he bay Is considered one of the finest anchorages along the entire Eut Asian coast. dour newspaper. and d 11wer-t'Tl()ney. Rea and How's this tor a g~ ~ues discount coupons, food ~ew:ek cash In on advert! v • e you money every singe w . consumer reports that can ts~v s important for busy women ,..,..,. also save you time Wh c ' other respons1blht1es ""' hlldren and many managing a home. c We cover weekend enter· Weather 'Break' Eyed In the market tor tun? und town. Tv and 1a1nment and special events ar~b1es a whole package of __,les RecreeUon. sports, ho •' e you a Utt! Whenever "...,. · d features to 9 v in teresting news an . e been teehng a httle So 1t you v you hBVO the t1mo. t some help. Gel the paper sh<>pworn lately. ge 2,000 Still Homeless From Flooding Te•p~rat11r~• ·calflontla Alb<lny Alllu'q..o Allellte ll•lllm0<~ 81rt1rn111Wtm lltlm•fO 8 01'4! "' u ,.,, ..... .i ............... . JI n bl d 13 SI ~o ,. ,, 4) e ... 1on llfOWtl>vll .. 8 1111e10 Ch41rhlnWV Cllt(AQO C1t>c1nn•1I , ....... "" (Olufllb<n Oelf'I Wll> °'""'' O.ttoll H••tlOrd Htlene "-'"'" HOU"Ol'I Kell I Ciiy L•\ Vf9e' LllUe ltotk LAl\Af199* L011b¥111t -mpflit M l•ml MlhH11ll• Mpl .. 11 P ............ New<WIM Hew Yori! Olli•. (Hy Onl•~ 1111\llH'llN• "-"ht PllblilWgtl Pttet141,"""' PttlMICI, O.t "•"° 51 LOlllt l 4 " .oe H 40 t• 44 '° eo 10 ,. " •> ,. ~ ,. 0 11 ~" .. t• ., .. ..... lA " 0 ,, 74 IO .,. " ..... 1t '2 ., ., 6S '° .• , At ,, !l HI.JO ~~ )4 .OJ SJ u .u II ., .. " .... " •• 11 !: : .. " 44 ,. " " II ., . " .. 11 ,, 44 ••• SJ n ·" ...... ...,,........., ........... M,.ndlt h•MY II "'"' 4» "'" ,_ ._,. -11¥ ~ lO D"' ~1 C"ll<~• 1 Jilt; •ntl tooif '1'4'V ..... ~-...... fi..t11<•l .. ""' llu"'14f II tV11 llO llQI 19' "c"" r"" ., l>v • • ... tllfl W~llt I •"' •"'I..,.., "-'Pf"' I i.. .... _..., , I i A two-<Ny Peclfk t'«m eM1 htcl •lre•dy drenc ned tovtn•rn Ce llfornla wftn J-lnc:Nt of rein, fl00cll119 ..,,_end atr•la tncl Ulll Inf Mvtral f'lllll9tl .. S, ... ••-Itel eo brl119 • ...., """ clwllllur'l" to-d•Y IMl_Wllldl..,..._,,. "f'or~• c.11 fOr .....,.,-. #Ml e._._,..,_, .._ .-1.., c ... rlne 1111• .,..,_ .... __._ ..... .. H•llor* ..,._ letvlat W.C..•~ JMAu•llft. H• .aid a flMll ,._ __,. ...W. remtln 11'1 eff«t 111'1111 S p.m . lor <.N•l81 ,,_..,, fffft -o..,,.. MIG I.ti\ Ditto ~le\. wll" Ille IWO ..utllefn ~ie. •~tecl lo Ofl e"9 mo•t rein licom ell.,llOOn Cloud· IMHttt. M•llllv Oll\Yoft ltoecl •nd MM!• dnlllt ~ ..._., -°' 1..os A11991H, -· ..,.,. '"'' mornll'IO •ftff _. ,,_ c-mlld end ~u from tlldft tn.tl <-111em Tutlday. TN l..ot A119tltt C-ty tlHtrlff'• • ...,,_, w141 1Ce11en 011-.-094, #lll<n ... nil by • meu lvt ..., ... """*"· 11 nie -ry Meu-.,...-.....--ctMM. C•••••l lt'e.dwr ftMUOAY la<.,..,.. a:t••·"'· .0..1 • lecand llltlt • r • 1.m. u TMUIUNY ""' ,_ l .4ol .,.... .... • ~'"' n1t11 to•t1 a.m . u la<ff'ld19W ,.......... • ... tf(eM llltfl IO:ot !Mii• U ~ "-·····"'·· Mh •••• • .... --, ..... ti .. ,,.., -,:., •·"'· Stwlllqlert ""'"' ....... 9N01; ·-... . ...,.. .................... .. 1'1'1111 CtMllllat1• '"'· H••"" 9Ncn1 a...,-•""-•t•.-,... •llfl ........... u,,,..... (Mo ......... r"'l ? The anewet' Wh•t'• In It tor you of appe•r• on •very p•1J41 YOUR ·- ' -- \ I CALIFORNIA ~. Mweh 28. 1979 DAIL v PILOT A S ManSlwt To Death Over$1 Marvins Rest Case Final Arguments to Come April 10 a.o ANG&L~ tAP l A RU btallon attf'nd1rnt wu k1llC'd •fter an argumcmt OH·r SI "-Orth O( ll&.oline Wllh • CU,lOmt"r Who repontdly relurnNi to ~ st• l on armed wHh a shotgun. pc>hct! nlpurted Uuokt'd for lnH' 'tl1tat1on or murder TuC'tt<iay wa~ 20 , ur old W ultt'r W•lk\"r who allt-a:f'dh fought with allt'ndaot \ u Sull when ht' tH'l'ldt•ntlllly pum~'d SJ worth ol tt~ aftt>r Wall-.t·r ba1J asked for S2 worth LOS GA1'0S 1AP 1 Patm·k tluzel's attempt tu build h1' $150.000 dn>um houbt' without n• qu1 r t-d p~ro1 1t s was 1lt·~lt ( __ sT_,.fT._E _J a notht>r hlow Tut!~duy when a Santa Clar:.i <'ounl\ 1ud~e 0 1 dered construction temporarily halted. Supenor Court Juctge Wilham J . Fernandet, responding to re• quests by couoty offlc1als, pro hibited further construction or the home pending a full trial. . 2 Landlorfb Fitted LOS ANGELES CAP) Two landlords have been fined Sl ,592 a s the fi rst defendants convicted under the city's new rent control ordinance Muruc1paJ Court Judge Jack Newman imposed the fines Tuesday after Abe Hecht and Harry Harari pleaded no contest to violatmg the ordinance. Teen Trial Ordered SAN DIEGO CAPl -Sixteen· year-old Brenda Spencer has been bound over for trial as an adult on two counts of murder in connection with a fatal s niper at- tack at Cleveland Elementary School. After hearing 19 witnesses during a closed preliminary hearing Tuesday, Municipal Court Judge Robert Cooney or· dered the girl to appear April 10 for arraignment before Superior Court Judge Earl B. Gilliam. 0...ge ol c ... •a•d SAN DIEGO CA P > -Maj . Gen. Charles G. Cooper has been na med lo succeed Maj. Gen. Richard C. Schulze as com- m a nding officer of t he Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego. Coope r , a nativ e of Clarkesville, Miss.. and a 1950 graduate of the U.S. Naval Acade my. is curr ently com- m and e r of the l s t Marine Division at Camp Pendleton. ,,,. . ....,..... Comedians Picket About 65 comedians, seeking payment for performing at the Comedy Store in HoUywood, took to the street Tues- day to picket the Sunset Strip nightspot. They are seeking 50 percent of the S4.50 cover charge to be equally divided by regul arly performing comics. The club's owner. Mi tzi Shore claims the club is a "training ground" for them to learn their craft and break in new material. Redd Foxx Loses Suit by Default LOS ANGELES CAP> -A default judgment of more than $30,000 bas been banded down against comedian Redd Foxx in a n alleged pistol-whipping of one of h1a company ex~utives. Superior Court Judge Ronald Swearinger made the judgment Monday on behalf or Heywood J ones. an executive of Oder Manufacturing Inc. of Los Angeles, a now-defunct firm which pro- duced cosmetics. JONES HAD SUED Foxx. contending the comedian beat him with bis fists and a pistol and verbally threatened him Dec. 2. 1976. but Foxx never responded to the suit. Swearinger's ruling did not address itself to whether or not the alleged incident ever occurred. Total damages in the judgment were $30,285. court officials said LOS ANGELES (AP> -After 11 weeks of tears and accusa- tions. lawyers for Lee Marvin a nd Michelle Triola Ma rvin have rested their cases with the fo rmer l over s givin g fina l testimony In a Hollywood-style trial that is far from over. Still ahead are legal briefs and fina l arguments in the battle over Marvin's millions. BUT FOR THE STARS of the courtroom drama -the 55-year- old actor and the 46·year·old former cabaret s inger who added Marvin's name to her own -Tuesday's testimony ended a struggle t o r esurrect bitter memories of a love a ffair that soured nine years ago. "It was worth it." said Miss Marvin. who sued Marvin for a $1.8 million. half the fortune he accu mulaled during the six years they lived together. Miss Marvin, who frequently wept over the baring of lurid scenes in open court, said the precedent set by he r lawsuit would help unmarried couples everywhere . "I TIUNK THAT NOW people going into relationships such as I had people living together and sharing their lives -will give it a lot of thought." she said . The California Supreme Court. in a landmark 1976 decision. ruled that Miss Ma r vin and othe r unmarried coha bitants had the right to sue for property division when they parted. The M arvln trial is expected to pro· vide the first major interpreta· lion ol'that decision. Ma rvin, the tough-guy actor who denied he ever loved Miss Marvin, said after Tuesday's tes timony, "I'd do it all over again." THE TRIAL BROUGHT him perhaps the worst publicity of his career. Witnesses portrayed him as an abusive drunk who swore. spit on the floor and cracked his bead open during drinking bouts. "I don't think any of that dis- turbs me," Marvin told re- porters. "I'm sure it disturbs my family and friends. I know the facts, a nd othe r people don't.'' He equated such testimony to getting a "bad review" in a movie. As for the allegations about his drinking and disorderly con· duct, Marvin said simply, "It fits the image. doesn't it?·' JN THEIR LAST MOMENTS on the witness stand. Marvin and his former girlfriend had a final dis pute over a heart· shaped rock. :·Lee gave it to me for my Ex-church Member Guilty of Extortion Try PASADENA <A P > - A former Worldwide Church of God member 1s scheduled to be sen- tenced May 15 for trying to extort $180,000 from the fundamentalist sect a fter its leader s r e · portedJy ordered him to remain celibate for six years . Gary Bagley. 45. was convicted Tuesday of at- tempted extortion. In a tape recorded telephone conversation, Bagley allegedly de - manded that the church pay him $30,000 com· pensation for each or the six years he abs tained from sexu a l contact with w omen whil e .. rH URSl1-\Y! awaiting p e rmission from the organization's hie ra rchy to remarry. The church bans re- marriage fo llowing divorce. Bagley testified dur- ing the t rial that he beca m e disillus ione d with the church when he found that its then chief ()l 'R SPEC:lAC:l rLA R SPRINCi APPAREL c :I.J~:ARANCE TC) C>FF <>RJCil~AIJ PRIC :ES Sorry. no mail or phone orders. All sales final. spokesman, Garne r Ted Armstrong. had alleged· l y h a d se veral adulterous affairs. Bagley contended he had been defrauded by the c hurch and was merely seeking restitu· lion. Howeve r . pros- ecutor Aaron Stovitz said the jury found he threatened the church with disgr ace if it didn't pay the "hush money." Tnt*&n ....... .!!l!l hmllf ... .. .., tltt\•tW'• fl• plmf ~ ,\ \ '\ I \\ I I I ' , , I I "/, I I ~ ~SERVED PIPINe HOT ~ WITH THE SIZZLE STILL IN tTI Me-n-Ed' s are specialists with dough, cheese and meat, birthday in 1967." Miss Marvin said. Marvin denied ever seeing the rock. His former lover gasped. Then il was over -42 days of testimony from more than 60 witnesses that filled more than 8,000 pages of trial transcript peppered with details or abor· lions. drinking bouts and alleged infidelity. THE TRUTH OF THE tangled testimony was left to the judg ment of Superior Court Judge Arthur Marshall who will decide the cue af\er final arguments April 10. Lawyers are to s ubmn legal briefs next Wednesday. Marvin said be would return lo bis Tucson, Ariz .. home unlll ' the next court session. Miss Marvin said: "I'm look- ing forward to starting my life again. I've got some thinking to do. "Now," she said with a smil<'. "I wonder if 1 'll ever gel a dale again." 'Wants Jtlore Profit' Brown Hits British Pipeline Interests WASHINGTON <AP > -Gov. Edmund G. Brown J r. is accusing Dritish interests of trying to torpedo a pipeline project the Carter ad. ministration considers vital to moving Alaska oil to the rest or the nation. A Standard Oil or Ohio officiaJ denied Brown's accusation leveled Tuesday at a Senate Energy Committee hearing but said only "a miracle" can revive the Callforn1a ·Texas project now. MEANWHILE, Re publican legislators at the hearing said Brown was merely engaging in pres ident ial politics with his testimony. California's Democratic gov crnor sugges ted Sohio's at· te mpts to abandon the pipeline project were orchestrated by its pare nt firm. British Petroleum, a fter the London-based com- pany decided it had nothing lo gain from the plan. "l 'M NOT GOING lo be pushed around by a roreign com· pany that wants a few extra pen- nies of profit," Brown testified. citing British Petrole um's 52· percent ownership of Sohio. Brown said be wa rned BP of- ficials in London in 1977 that if they wanted tbe pipeline built, t hey'd have to m eet s tiff California anti-pollution rules. T heir only response. Brown testified, was: "They gave me a cup of tea.·· BROWN ADDED that Sohio still would be welcomed as a "good corporate neighbor" by fulfilling a pledge to help im- prove the over-all air quality of the Long Beach site of the pro- posed pipe line oil tanker terminal. Brown a nd Soh io board chairman Alton W. Whitehouse Jr. traded healed accusations at the hearing caJJed lo determjne if the Sl billion project can be salvaged. ONCE UNLOADED at the pro posed terminal. the oil would lw shipped over an existing pipelint• to Midland. Texas. for dislribu tion to refineries 10 other part~ or the nation. * * * Fuel Costs Could Rise 'Three Cents LOS ANGELES <AP> Fuel costs could rise by 3 cents per gallon in t he next few weeks and the already-shortened hours at many Sou t he rn California ser vice s t a tions could b e trimmed more severely if the c u rre nt gasolin e s hortag~ worsens, a survey reveals. The Automobile C lub of Southern California report re - leased Tuesday said that 60 per- cent of the area's station owners reported plans to close on Sun- da~. Several others said tbey would begin closing at 6 p.m . Saturdays. The poll of 291 stations in the cities of Los Angeles. San Diego a nd Santa Ra rbara. and the counties of Orange, Riverside. San Bernardino showed 43.3 per- cent or the metropolitan area stations planned lo c lose on Sun- days. Full-service prices in the cities currently average 77.4 cents per gallon for regular gasoline and 83.4 cents for un· leaded, the s urvey showed. At self-service facilities, the report said prices average' 73.7 cents for regular arid 79 cents for un- leaded. Taste so01e Zestilink now .~ •• l!c"'"" ..... --....... ~ Items in stock on sale are marked in each department. Intermediate markdowns have been taken on some itemi. We serve one single product ... it's the I .. ,.. Before itS all gone! ... FINEST PIZZA YOU CAN EAT/ ME M .. S Pl1IA PAILOIS - ZESTILINKe Is bedc ... jlnt In time fof Its role as the treditlonal hotidlY ...,..... BrNllfart, lunch Of dinner will be k>n9-femember· ed wtlel\ you _.,. ZESTILINKe Smoked Sausag1 to f1m1ly or friends. Thi ftlM>f Is outstendingl Goes -11 with o!Mf foods sudl • ..... hlltt bn>wns, pentllkn °' • tn llddld entree to your holldey dinntr. It's •o popul• •., appttiHf. zEmLINK Smoked S.uaage la available only for • Hmned time at ff ickOr1 f'Gffit$ . OF OHIO WESTCLIFF FASIHON PLAZA ISLAND tNt 6 lnble, N.B. ta.em ·Newport 8e1ell ... H• ·Wiil T: n 6 f &Ut: 8•t&Ut; ._ ... , •·t&Ut;8aLtllt,S-~·I or.n9·eo.,.o 1•vP1101 Editorial Page ____________________ .... ____________________ _ ·,,. . Wtdne.d•v. Metch 28, 1979 ~obi-rt N Weed1Publlshcr Thomas KMvll/ dltor Uarbdrct Kr lb1ch/Ed1torlal P• Editor Health Security A Slow Proc I !\l ,. •k Pr id nt C'urt r rttcommalletl hlb Jd mnl\ trutlon to ''th 1oal of providing t'Vl'fY AmNkan With <'OWrJai(' for b IC ~alth , •rvl('e " It wui. hur dly u n w Roal 1-"or more than 40 ) cur~ pm pofi I for \'Ortou fornl!) or nationul hculth ln!\ururu:c ht1\ l' ~n urlur mp only to . ink lnto obllvwn nd stall onl\ CiO i>t•rrt•nt or AmPric:uns t•nJoy rl'luttvl' frl't•dom from -.orry uhout medlcul bill~. or Lh(' rl· rnumd\•r, uhout h 1lr ha\ t• no mt'<hcal protection ttl nil . lht• n..,l haH· l'U\ l 'r alo(l' that ~ould be 1nudtquutc for " muJnr lfll'111t•al t·ontult(<'nt y Thl• l•hJl•rl ho\ c• tt'l11l·J1 t'. the poor t-1c'd1r1.1ld (Medi L il an <.'.ahfo1 na,1 i Both h.t\t• bt'c·om • arc 1.·1>1t:d µurt11 of our "t('l('ldl ( ihtH' Fnr th1N' \l.hu .in• nc•1Lh •r old nor VQOr. but who ttro n •gulurly t·mplu~ 1·d. »• oup hl·utth lmmrun('f' progrnm~ 1irm 1111• I rnm f .ur to t•,tt•llt·nt µrotcetton But l '\ t•11 thc tJ~ .... t prug1 am can lc:a' t' un t•normous hill tu Ill.' pirkNl ur> by tlw 1nd1 vlduul In ease o( u t'JtJ,truphu· nwda(·ul t•mf'rg,•rwy f<'ut lhh ~mup, t ·.1nt·1 µrnµo~C'.'> a n~&Uonal htwllh an !->UI anl'C pro~r.Hn l o p rokl'l ugaanst maJor rncdlcal t•mt·r~t·ncw~. with lnc:rt:u:-.cd IX"nef1ts tor the poor a nd the Jgt>cl 1-;,·t·n th1:, rood1flcd proguram c·ould add $10 billion to $15 b11J10n lo .:ovt•rnmurlt i-.p ·ndin.: on heiilth cu e . Like other pre::.1dent before ha m Cart~r has ('Oncluded this 'onJ(r<'Ss is not rttacly to "digt!sl a com1>lctc nationul health plun u\ one lnll'," bcC'<tUM: of the enormous cost. Tht! llm1tc<I ans ur<Jnee phrn still would be cuntin~ent u pon passage of lt>g1!,lutmn l o put u lid on soarin~ hospital rnsti-. Last y<!u r thob • <·o~ts climb •d 13 percent. The lt•J.:blalion huck<•d by artl'r would give hospitals until rH'xt .J an. I to low •r their rnlt• in<·rcaM:s to ~.7 p 'rct•nt u '1•:1 r or facl' m:inclutor y l'Ontruls. Ttw~.rrwy ht• t•as1cr said ttwn done. Sal<•nl•s account for two-thm ts of hospit:tl operatin g c·osh The proposed legislulion would not attempt to con· 1 rol t hnsl' sahmes, so the cos t-cutting would have to he m<J(lt· m ulht·r areas. ('omprPht•ns ivc medical care for a ll mus t rc - 11win Hit· ult1matt· goal. Starting with protection against 111:11ur inc<lw:d <·atastrophes probably is a good idea. But t v ing ltll' progra 111 to hosp1tul cost l'Uls may well be u slurnhhng hlot k l 11t11rl unalcl y. I ht· only M·nous alternative national lu·alth progr·am l1kl'l:i-to rt.!lH'h Congress is the com· prchl·ns1v(· plan s 1xm:-.orl·d by S ·n. Edward Kennedy, who lopms as a ma 1ur polillcul opponent of the president. ~frnls of th•· I wo pl<Jns as ide, it would he disastrous if un 1s ... iw so 1·rtu·1:tl to lhf• wt'll ·bci ng of the nation s hould IH•tomt• t·1lt :111gh·tl 111 ti pohtu:ul tug·of·war when it seems t:lost•r lha n c•vt•r lo sol11tm11 And th1·n• u 1 l' ... 01ut1on-. Our n<•igh bor~ to the n orth Ira vc mac11· llrt• m~1tl<·r of health protectwn a provincial r~1t ht•r tht111 <J n:1t1onal issue. And lhe health protection program ol Hrlltsh C.:olumh1a •~ regardtd <•Sa model, pro v1din~ tol ;J I t·on•rnJ.!t! ut minimum cost to its citizens. We <0<.1n do as w('lt -if W<' arc not ra il roaded into a • legis lat1w pr essun· t•ookcr that wi ll produce still anothe r ~ l'Ostly, incfflc1cnt social CX(.>l'n ml·nt Fllllds Coming Ho111e WhN'I the s tate Legislature restored Sfi6 million In hi~hwuy construct ion funds for Orange, Los Angeles and V<•nturn counties tifter Gov. Brown ha d lopped t he sum from his hu<lget , optimism was revived. When the st~al • Department of Transportation de· l'Jded the e ntire amount s hould go to Los Angeles County, gloom return •d. Now l:\Ome effective lobhymg has succeeded in ex· tnc<ilrng Sl4.4 m11lwn of lht! $00 million for use in Orange County. For that effort. thanks are due to Supervisor Halph Clark , Oran~e County Transportation Commission Director Thom as J enkins a nd others who got the word to Sac rumento. · About $10 million of the $14.4 million approved for Orange County use by the stale Transportation Com- mission will ~o toward widening 14 miles or Pacific Coast Hi ghway between Corona del Mar and Huntington Beach. I t Will take a couple of years to purchase right-Of· way, complete environmental studies and get the pro- ject under way, but at least it's encouraging to think there's hope of casing the horrendous traffic congestion on that stretch of the coast. The state also has boosted its next four-year alloca- lion for Orange County highway projects but, according to Jenkins, the additional funds stlll will cover only 34 percent of needs which have been identified. Meanwhile Clark is pursuing the idea of cr eating a separate CalTran:; d istrict for Orange County so we could hope for a bigger s ha re of our contribution to the state's gus tax funds. Whether or not this happ4.lns, we 're gr ateful now to havt• even the $14.4 million. While Orange County tax· payers produce much more highway revenue than is spe nt here, it's still uood to have some of it come back • Opinions expressed In the spa0$ abOve ate those of the Daily Piiot: Other views ••pressed on this page are thole of their authors and ert1sts. Reader comment la Invited. Addrna The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Phone (714) 642·'321. Boyd I Violin Secret . ByL.M. BOYD WH reported here that An· tonlo Stradlvarl u sed a 1peclaJ varnl1b, which he Dear Gloomy GU8 If NewcuUe Dlteate ii carried bJ t;nrdl from !{oulh America, what'll happen .._ the fedt with their little 111' chambers dllcover lbe •••llowt tame •k to Caf.lttrano after win· ter q ln Argentln•? . TWSETY' <Aeefrll 0.. ,..,,._., -... iif.C'UA' ' bou1ht from • 1oca l apothecary, to 1et that tone from Ida vk>llna. A client who claims to kpow 1ay1 otherwise. Writes S.J. GonJalei of Vlc:torta, Texu: ''Th• perfectkJn of tbe sound wat not related to the Yanda Rather, tt bad to do wltb a 1lrap1e 1ub1tance S'radlvarl found on the beacb. It wu, In fact, the produd of a conttlpated wbale. It wu a IOl't of para!· na ln utun. 'l1lil be UMd to coat tbe vlo&Jaa to produce tbe ...., ... IOUlld ... Q. "How many traffic U1bta an tlMN on Interstate to •t.nt.cbtnl from SeaUle to Boston?'' A. JUlt .-. At Wallaee, Jda. A third of tbe people worldwide eat witb kalvtia JDC! fora. A lhlrd eat wtlh =··· A tMnl nt wtdl ,,......, Brown Takes Difficult Route Sy ('.k . Mtt'LAT fV Ml0.111,....,.t.fvke In .-mbarlcin• on hi" hl1h risk que t for tho Whit House. Gov Jerry Drown or California II'> aeeklo• 1upport by goini cJJrcet ly lo lhe people, rcuc blng ovf'r the bcJdA of uJI thf' tradlllonul pnl1tlcul 1\ructures and or aanlied aroups. T h Is road hu~ not b<>t-n truv<'led 11ucccii!'l ruJty by many but It has worked spectacularly for a few One that COJTICS to mand 18 Huey Piercu U>l1g or Louhilana. the .covernor and then senator who 10 the eurly 19305 WH absolute dtclalor or Louu~lano l.ong, known Il l( "The Kinsn:sh," .:111twd hls power by uttucltln~ the exisUng polllical and t>conorruc establishment. lie achieved i mmcnse vopularity with the voters by proclaiming "every man a king" and oHer· log a "Sharc-the·Wealth" relief p l an tba l guara nteed a mlmmum wage for cvc.,-y family aod promised to take money from the rich and give it to the poor. Needleu to say, the political establishment opposed him , but In thumbing his nose al the old pollt1cal groups, he had wide public su11porl, winninR victory after victory. An a~ sassin's bullet In 1935 hailed h111 drive toward the White llouse. Ry making himself lhe most visible leader in lhc national movement t.o require the federal government lo balance 1ls budgel, Gov. Brown bas found a cause that could match tho popularity of The Kingfish's "Share-the· Wealth" rcltef plan. The Gallup Poll shows public sentiment running In favor or a conslilutional limitation oo the federal budget by a lop-heavy 70 percent. The present establis h m e ol, as represented by th<: likes of President Carter , Vice President Monda le and A FL- CIO President George Meany, all attack it. This bothers Jerry Brown not at all. As a matter of ract, the more the old line pob attack it, the greater becOmt!S Rr o w n's opportun ity Lo capitalize on his s upport of it. UNDERSTANDING this makes a lot of unomalies le-.!. confusing . It explains why Brown was willing to give up most of the bulwarks or µoliti cal s upport Democr a ts normally musl h ave to win. The first political building block he cast aside was a good working rela- ti o n s bi p w i th California Democratic leaders. While he neve r had a warm, close relu· tionship with fellow Democrats in the state Legis l c.ture, in Congress or the party structure. those relationships now have become generally cool and oflen frigid. Paul Harvey Side-stepping Parties To Reach People ffi:sky Varticularly significant was Brown's willingnes1 to give up his polltlcal ulllance with As 1 mbly Speaker Leo McCarthy, who awudlastly came to his aid on th~ occasiorus during lbe past four yeanJ when Rrown got Into hot water 1n lbe Legislature. It Is not s urprising that McCarthy feels Brown has treat· td h im with whimsical d is· reiard. CALlt'OltNIA labor leaders. fe w of whom ever warmed to Brown's non-traditional polllicaJ style, are now downright an· tagonistlc . Many or the other u s ual De m ocrati c s upport blocks pubUc employees, en· vironmentahsts , socially con- scious hllerals look on with dismay as Brown tries to make a balanced federal budget his political cause. Whether or not a limllaUon is enacted, they know Brown's efforts in behalf of has "cause" pose a direct threat lo their own interests. Already many politicians are hedgin, their s tatementa on the budget limltallon proposal. They can read the Gallup Poll, maybe nol with the prescience of J erry Brown, but certainly arter it is publlahed. No politician wan~ w argue against 70 percent of h1~ constituents, even though most know they should. THE APPEAL of the proposal is obvious. If only the federal government would live wllhin its means, h e c onte nd s. our ~cooomic problem s of inflation a nd unemploym ent would be solved. The argument l11 made that city and state governments can be requJred to balance their budgets, so why not the federal? The answer is complex, but in part it is only because the federal budget exlsts tha\ It is possible to balance city and s late budgets The proposed amendment ls phony because it is filled with loopholes. The a m endment would permit un· balanced budgets in case of a "national emergency " which 1s ''DrAft~ It felt to me more like hot bredth.11 defined to includ a "Mrlouis thrcul to nat1ooal security, ia war, a naUon1tl dls aat.er or a 11erlous condition or une mploy- ment." How would Congreu <k:· floe these? Wall Vietnam a "war?" ~ for "serious unem- ployment," ll could be defined ao a n unba.lanct-d budget would have bet>n acceptable under \his a mendment for any of the past JO .years. The requJrement for a con- tH itutional conve ntion if the ame ndment 111 not adopted • Congr~s would be both confuli mg and hazardous. A modern ('onstltullonal convention wouJd have the potential to do great harm to the 8111 or Rights pro visions that protect our basic freedoms. f'or the moment, 1t may sound good to 70 percent or the voters, but actually il is a sham , If mccbfsnism that wouJd e ither be tffi.ally inetrective because or built-in loopholes. or . 1f followed with exactitude, polio an extreme da nger to the well being or the country. THOSE WHO kno w J e rry Bro wn tend to be lieve tht· California governor secs it a1> a harmless exercise , a statement of good intentions with htllc danger or serious consequences. But the truth is that he is orrer ing a simpltstic 1>olut1on to " complex proble m lie is doing 1l tn a manner lo maximize emo tiooal response, not enlighten- ment. When llucy Long offered his 1umpl1s l1 c "Share the Wealth" relief plan to solve the co mplex proble m or the Depression Ul\d all its ilb., he was deemed a demagogue . Gov. Brown ts obviously no Huey Long, but in his purirntl of the White House he Is running a parallel coun;c, for he Is goin~ dtrer tly lo thto p •oplc w1lh a simpltsl1c, emotional pitch thut disto rts und make~ more d1f f1 c ull honest examination of problems al hand Brown's divis ive campaign to wan the pn•s1dcm·y wi ll huve in <'reasing coru.cqucnccs he re in Caltfomta A governor who ha" i,1gnalcd his dt!><luin for lh(• Leg1s lat ur•', ht:. purty. 1mpor tant lubor ll'ad<·rs und othl'r pohtically pot.e•nt per1>on:> <'an.not reasonably expert to ht! lfble lo ,. x e r (' 1 s ,. h 1 !> e x e c u t 1 v t· respons1bil1tic1> with either eaM· or !>UCCCSS. Thi s problem did n ot bother The Kingfis h because ht· owned the !>lcilt: Legislature a!> i>un•ly as Charlie f''inley own~ the Oakl and Athlct1rs. Brown, m C'ontrast, has ubout as much con lrol tn the <.:uhfornia Lcg1slatun· as thl' shah ha:i an Iran. The un fortun<tte thing I!> that unltkc lh1• s hah. Brown 1>llll h1J~ an 1mpor tant JOb. W~y Not Hook Grain Price to Oil Price? If we need oil and the oil coun· tries need grain, why don't we s wap? Historically, In effect, we dJd. But then in 1973 the 0 11 naUons decided to multiply their asking price fot' oil. But we did not increase our asking prlce for food grains. It's not too lat.e. U n til the OPEC na · tlona got their h ea d s to - g e ther and decided to blackmail us for ever-higher oil prices the price or a bushel or wheat and a barrel of crude was about the same -about $2. ON TUE world ~xchanges the two commodities had run neck- Art Hoppe and·neck for years $2 wheat, $2 oil. Now in 1979 foreign oil producers have escalated crude . oil prices to more than $14 a bar· rel. But wheal is still selllng for $2 to $3 a bushel. Make no mistake -the United States controls or bas the autonomy to control the world price ror wheat and o.11er rood grajns. We represent 40 lo 50 percent of the to tal wo rld market in lttls commodity. Japan and the European Economic Community <EEC> countries are the major Im· porters of American g rain and it Is In those countries that our dollar I.a ln the most trouble JAP,\N purchases American wheat for $2.50 to $3 a bwihcl . then adds a tariff when it reacbel her shores to increase the price to Japanese millers to more than $9a bushel A S6 ·a ·bus hel t a riff 1s u windfaJI for that government Is it noc. we who should be gel Ung that m arkup? Better still , why not pe~ the price ol wheat to lhe price of oil , then, even if lbe OPEC nations should elect to charge us $100 a barrel IL would balance out More log1cally, however, the r esult would be to hold the prices or both commodities down as the law of s upply and de mand dJd hold them down for decades preceding 1973. One out of Lhrec harvested acres In the United States goes for export. BECAUSE our farmers have been so efficient, we have been much too gene rous with our neighbon. Any objective evaluation of world 011 consumptaon und pro duct ion projected a few decades down the road confirms that the oil-rich nations or the Middle East will exhausl their reserv<.-i. If history repeats itself :md il us ually docs those now fat nations will look to us again for handouts in the lean years . Perhaps we s hould encourage the m to cmululc the Biblical Joseph, who wisely sel asidt· Jtr::11n tn prcpar:1lion for a time of fammt• AND n· they arl" not wise enough lo do so on their own, wo s hould encourage them lo pul their money m rood rather than in lavish living We could rebalance ou r foreign trade and slrf'n~then our dolla r abroad und at home by servinil notk•· now. u bushel of wheat for a barrel of oil Take il or lea ve1l. H Peace Keeps Breaking Out I'll Cost Plenty No llOOller were the delaila or the E1yptJan.Jsraell treaty re· leased lut week Lban the Rau of Phynkla declared peace on the n •i1bborln1 Republi c of llbonaa. ''Wftb headl held hl1h. wttb prtde ID the valor of our soldiers •od with faith la ultimate victory, we proml ae never to fight llbon•• •l•ln. '' the Ratt an · DOllDe.d bl • wlH to the Whit. Houle. "Pl• ... cable .. blWoa IOODelt .•• TIN,......... wu merred to the newly·ereated Bureau of PHH SetUementA ln lht bale· mmt al the a.te Oepartm.m. Two days l•ter, • h•rrWd elen, Hom• T. PetUbODI, cot around to ealpt U. Ratt beek. "LOOK HEaE, Rall, ' said Pettibone. "If you think for one moment we're going to pungle up $5 billion ... Excuse me, my other phone's ringing. Oh, oollo, Prince Sihanouk. Sorry, we can't gtve you Cambodl&M $3 bllllon. U we give you $3 billion, Vietnam wtll want S3 billion and China wtll want S3 billion. Wl'ay don't )'OU be • real prince and aettle for hall a billion? Okay, 1'11 get back to you. Hello, Ratl? You stUJ there?" "J'U Uke hall a billion," saJd the Rall. "Not IO fut, .. 1aid Pettibone. "Wby 1hould we pay you for proml1ln1 never to flgbt the Mbon1ana 11aln? You never foulht them before." "hold ft a He," Hid tbe Jlatt. There wu the aound of an U · cl ent fllntlock beln1 fired., "Bull1e111" cried the Rau triumphe,ntly. "fortunately UM llbll Mbonl of llbo,,ga w11 ,....., bJ my palace ~lndow. ,9\ • Now do I get that half a billion?" "You and th Mbonons may fight ?'' .. , GUAaANTEE It. And if you're 10Ln1 to pay the EaYP· u,.ns and tareella $5 blUlon to fhake peace In the Middle Ea."lt, It '1 certainly worth half a billion to make peace lo U'le Southwest <!entral Nether Hom of Outer £ura1la. JUlt pop the check ln the mall." "No cub deals," Hld Pet· tlbone. ''You bave to lake It out la trade.'' ••OkaJ," Hid tbt Ritt. "Klnd· IJ HDd a llfet ol Cadillac• In U · eortecl ~Ion~ . a doaen Pierre Cardin uurnaalff, a cou~le of 11mbollc.,.,nctvhare1. . . · "Plou1h1hare1 I Are you, mild? Uke .veryone else, you'll set tt In weapons. Let •a .ee. I can let you bave two doien of qi our dumb old l4nk1, a bushel clor latett s mart bomba, a lf'OaS or surface.to air and v1cc·vcnsa missiles. three .. " "WAIT A minute!" cried the Rall. "JI we and the Mbongans algn a peace treaty pledging eternal friendshJp and swca.nng never to fight u1ealn, whal would I want an ariten a l o r new weapons ror?" "fl'or the same r eason the l1raell111 and Egyptians did," uld Pettibone. "And once peace breaks out In your area, we'll arm the Mbongans to the teeth, too. When it comes to peacemak· ln1 . wtc're certified n on - partisan." The Ratt said be would t.hlnk It over. He did An hour later be· called PetUbone back, collect1 to say the hell with It. "Dul tt'1 YQUt duty to mankind to slan that peace treaty," pro. titted Pettibone. "And I would," l'lald the Ratt wllb a IOb nf ahame, "ii at beart 1 weren't such a coward." .... ;.. NATION Wldneeday, March 28. 1979 DAIL y PILOT A 7 'Hea1'enlg Deception' Sells Flowers A/ttr Mnf1 ~11att•mo111.:ullt1 htrJJ11wa.shf'd orid ''11'/orahlLlltd' l() tlw '''''1f' o/ no r. turn l'r11 cJ•~c 1¢.-~ o/ thfo Rf'll Sun M11ung Mu.m ut a cull tro1ru119 CO mp oul od Hl'rlidt 11 nf"11>1y QrodMGtt'd \'oh.-('hruloplwr ~dwordl "-'" ddt•rnum•d to pnl<'hu tlwa~ melhlJ<U on "'""" '" the "°""'& D01Jk' I H• ''"' hctuJ h~ com• 111 lu and c~ol uw11lohngl11 in It.. ~He/ lhal. cu o ~ue>r m u iJ11mg ~111Ul ioorld fhf' motW'I/ he l'IMIM from tclJmg /lowtrt Oft llw ""''' U't)Uld bnnq 1.U-umqs lu all and n clw• to the MOfl•r. Tlau &i the-tlnnJ m ta four port ,."'' r¥N>rptrd /rom "''book "Croi:v /or Uod. · o &mnuriy obotit thr s1o·nb ol (•u.llum 8y CHRJSTOPll .. ;R t U~ARDS "Chns. Chra:-. c;l'I up' 11 , 5.30! Get up, hrolht•r l h•'H' ~ much wurlc to do " "lt'1 s.30• In tht> mornln~" "Yea . This u;n 1 ttlt' baby farm. We 're """ ht''*' t•nly workers ln lk'rkt'lh \h· h." 1• a who It! world to c-011 Vt: rt KE1111 TOOK M\' h.1mh .1111t pullt:J me out of Dl) \\ .11 m 'h·1·11 log bag. lie lt•c.l 111t• to lht· shower. wht·n· 20 b1 ot hl· r., \\ 1• r 1· busily i.crubbang up unlit•• r I\ l' s hower nonles. Jn J rta .. h thn had dried otr. Jum1wd 1010 tht·1·r clothes, adjustl-d Utt'lr ~kanny lil'' a nd second·hand i.u1t.5 It wouJd be rave month' until I would be glvcn SUl'h <J I'll \I lt•iw ' a pinstnpe from t he Salv<.1t1on Army with a $7 price tag. The n followed an tnll'll!lt: period Of prayer in \\ htl'h Wl' were admorushed to pr.iy /or our new mission and then our True Fathe r and True Mothe r <Reverend Moon and his wife 1 while bowlng to a framc.'<1 pie· lure or them on the floor. Final- ly. intoned the leader. Chnslinc. * * Cult Spellbound "Pruy for you,...elvei., h:arfuJJy und rt•p..rltfuJly " Tl .. : ROOM •'IU.t:O with a low mounan.: •ts tht' Family, their faces t.ouchinu the curpet, m u mbltd and i.obbed Ais the voi<'<'I gn>w lo udtor, 1 rt:aU:tcd thal f'ach heavenly child was re· peatin~ h1I perM>nul prayl'r ror uthl'n• to h('ar ThNc secm\-d lo ht· a kind or unc·anny l'OmpetJ 11on betwe<ln the group members e1t<'h trying lO out do °" other an r1ghteous ne1us, volume and l'motlonal force. Aftt>rward came breakfast-a cup of hot chocolate and a glass of o range Julee. C hris tine explained th1tt here In the city, we must live on a liquid condi- tion that is. we must refuse to cat breakfast to s how God how much we can.>d about llim and how much we were willing to suffer and sacrifice for Him. Then she passed out cards a nd told us to write to our parents . . . tell them how much we loved them and missed them and how happy we were. We had rive minutes to finish the notes. * 'Father' Had Plan For Everything The morning of Father's arrival dawned bright and beautiful. San Francisco Bay sparkled in the distance. The man we called our Father marched briskly up the slJlirs and through the doorway . I le rushed down the hall passing me and the others in line, and burst mto the living room as though he owned the entire world. TIUJtTY PACES BEIDND HIM FOLLOWED his sad.eyed fragile wife. They sat down toge ther at Father's Table. magnificently laid with silver goblets, Lenox china and the finest Waterford crystal, which gleamed in the morning awillght. After a brief introduction, the Rev. Sun Myung Moon pushed back his chair and stepped up to the microphone beside his trans lator. The t'rowd. i;1tlin~ in rows. applauded wildly, and everybody rose on their knees lo get a better look at their Messiah. The chunky Korean began lo scream at the top of his lungs. pausmg Intermittently for his trans lator. Colonel Peck .• to interpret. I looked on in wonder as Father danced across the room, ra nting and yelling. Peck spoke, and I re· member hearing: "Father asks you what you expect lo see In the Messiah. Father wants you to know that he is human, too. Father wants you to know that even he goes to lhe ba throom. Have you ever thought that the Messiah is that human?" The crowd cheered and laughed wildly. FATIIER CONTINUED TO SPEAK, CHOPPING the air wtth violent strokes, s las hing at spirits , wrestling with invisible de- mons. throwing out kung.fu punches. We watched him with awe a nd delight. Now he was saying something about how he was planting spies in the Soviet Union, how we are steeped in world wa r, and how it is time for us to build the final phase or the material foundation. I heard rum unveil his world plan, frightening us by telling us that G od had given him only five more years to win the war. Flve more years! If America did not accept the Unification Church. if everybody djd not follow Father, God would the n leave America once and for all. Tllt!N w~ GUT DOWN lo hui.tnC"ib I follow,•d K ·Ith down the Stl'p:i, Ollt lei Ollt.' of lht• n owt.•r vunJ of tht' Family ':-fl eet. t• white Cht'vy vnn wh1C'h pulled u1• to the OOU~(' With t•nough nowt-rs In the h ack to J:IOrlfy any funeral. Within JDmulcs, eli;ctH or u• 1"ttt ridJng ulong. 1>inglng children 's 1onga as we sped throuatt the atreet1 of Berkeley Alter a 45-mlnutc drive. Curl, our team lt•uder. finally puJlt-<I up at thl• t'<lgc #,)if a small city somewhere ln thl> Bay A rt•u. I It' ordered me l.O lio flower·selhns with Keith, who promast.>d to show me nil the tricks "Keith's our l)('st salesmun lle 'll show you the real Heaven- ly Way!" We shQ~ o u t or the van clukhJng armfulb or fresh roses. sttll wet and icy cold. Keith directed me to a space behmd a nearby Shell stallon, where we knell for a final prayer. then turned and ran into the station. s miles on our well -scrubbed faces. "BUY SOME FLOWERS for a Christian youth group?·' "What?" - "Some flowers. Look, fresh· cul roses." Keith waved a bouquet in the (ace or the sleepy attendant. "What would I want fl owers for?" "Don't you have a wife?" "NOPE, JUST A DOG and a cat. a nd they don't need no flowers around." "Well. well ," Keith paused . "Would you like to help some n eedy childre n ? Have you thought how God loves little children?" "How muc h?" "Only a $3 donation for half a dozen. $5 ror a dozen ... "WeU, if it's really for need y childre n ... Okay, 1'11 buy a ha lf.dozen." "WHAT ABOUT ALL the pro· grams that Christians run for these children? Think about it, think about all of these poor, deprived children , think about "Oka y, godda mmit, give me a dozen. Here's $5. Now, go get lost, )'OU do-gooders." Keith paused lo wra p a bun· die. greedily fingered the bill, and stuffed it into his pocket. Within my mind a grateful voice whispered. ''Thank you so much, Heavenly Father, for letting this man follow the road to your Kingdom." We hurried out or the office, leaving the daze d attendant holding a bunch of flowers in his grease-stained hands. Keith turned to me as w e trotted along, smiling triumphantly. "See how I did it?" "YES, VERY <:LEVER. But does lhe Fa mily really work with needy children?" "Did I say we did?" "No, but you implied il ... "Old I q we did?" "Well, you gave him the im pression." ''Well, what's wrong with that? He certainly wouldn't believe me if I told him the truth, if l told him that the Messiah walks the earth a nd that buying these flowers is an invitation to Heaven." "BUT THAT'S STILL mis- leading them. And you know that we aren 't even a Christian group. We don't believe in the divinity or Jesus." STATION ATTENDANT 'PERSUADED' TO BUY Keith, Cult's 'Best' SaleatMn, Showa Author the Ropea climb out of the van at t he same time l did, working one s ide of the street as I worked the other. Each morning, we picked up our order of r oses from the San Francisco flowe r district . We slept in vans al night. eight in a row, brothers at one end, sisters at another. When Family members were on the road for several days. we couldn't c h ange c lothes or shower. To even change a s hirt in this crowded. smelly vehicle cou Id tempt the s i s te r s or brothers to fall again. might sllr and excite the sexua l drives buried deep within our un- conscious. Night alter night, we worked until 2 a.m., doing bar runs - blitzang, as we called 1t -coax- 1ng drunks to buy wilted ro!.cs for the angry wives awaiting the m at home. Al 2:30, we would drive to a local park, praying in unison in the darkness, s houting and pounding in the back of the little white truck, punchjng at demons and screaming for Heavenly Father to protect u.11. I ONCE BELIEVt;D as a new membe r that l could forget about all sexuality completely and hoped that my body would not respond until Heavenly F'ather wanted it to with my new bride -whom Father mh~ht choose for me after three years as a celibate membe r . For weeks at a time It seemed as if my hope wouJd come true. Li ke the others, I became neuter, enjoying the frct'dom from sexual desire. something l never thought possible from my s tudies o f Freud . Then som ebody would come alonA or a dream would appear and poof -back lO fallen life. Sunday morning In Berk~fe we awakened a t 4:30 and sped to what the Family caJled the Holy Ground -sacr ed ground claimed for Heavenly Father IJy Reverend Moon several year~ ago at Oakland Park. APl'ER INTF.NSE pr.iycr and muc h shouting and scream1n)( 1n t his dark park, we formt•rt a nother circle and sang ror 15 minutes. bouncing up and down a nd shaking our interlocked arms. We soon piled into the van .ind after a few more minutes or des perate s leep headed for another town on the outskirts of the Bay Area. It was 6: 15 a m. and we were all terribly tired. I felt drugged. I was exhausted. my hands infected in a <lozcn <See CULT'S, Page Al2) As Father told or his political plans for this country. I was ashamed or how I had doubted former President Nixon as Father had come to his aid during Watergate. placing ads in major n ewspapers for Nixon , sending hundreds of Moonies lo fast on the Capitol steps for three days and march with "God Loves Nixon" signs. "So what? It's for his soul and the glory of Heaven. Look, wouldn't you deceive a little to ~====~'1==~:~=~ save the man's soul? It's called ~ Heavenly Dece ption. Not Satan's deception. mind you. It's turning Satan against himself, using Satan's money to build the Heavenly Kingdom." I TIIOUGHT OF HOW WE AMERICANS had persecuted this man e ven after Father declared him to be God's choice for America. I thought or Father's plans to lake over New York City, as an older brother had told me once, and I thought or all my tired friends who had been promised lbe7 would become senators after only a few more years of grueling nower-selllne • . . And suddenly it was all ao clear. God did have a plan and only Father knew it. All we had to do was follow Father -that was it - that wu all! The world was turning to Father for help and all the seeds that had been planted would sooo be ready. WE WERE BUYING UP LAND, WB were growing, one worldwide Family and we were already millions stronf - millions strong! Faiher bad a timetable for everything, and 1 we worked, ii we worked just a UtUe bit harder . . . "Pulbus, Father,"1 whispered. "Push us ... " ~tel tt1tbV Clwlst.-I!~ "I, I just can't buy that. l can't do it." Maybe I couldn't but I did. Goaded on by tbe flower team motto -"Chanl·Pray·Run" -I bad been s chooled to use Heavenly Deeeption to sell my quota or flowers. Our group was collecting over a thousand lax- free dollars daily, all or it quick· ly and quietly deposit ed at local banks by the driver. ON llOST OF MY stops I was accompanied by an older Faml· Jy member Uke Keith who would CHARTER MORTGAGE•COMPANY Conrinentol and Fresh Seafood Restc:ucint Lunch • Dinner Fmh Seafood • U.S. Prime Beef Milk Fed Ved • Prime Rb 3201 Ea5t CO<Kt ~. u.o,,c, del Mo R~b7S.7S1S ConllaU1t lnvtl11 Yo. to Attend A F'rtt Seminar On TM TOJJic- '-rie Effects of lnllaUon on tlae American Sodety" Topics litel'*: •Inflation tProblems ccn.caed by Jnflalion •Effect on retired ugment of our socitty • Altmaative $0lution to Inf lotion f) v • DAZZLING ARRAY OF COLORS! • SCRUBBAILE FOR EASY CLEANING! o::':t~~ ~ i Westminster COSTA MESA liiiiil ..... s 15191 Beach 2221 ..... mvc1. a C-Wlton> ; 898-3388 , 645-1126 -· --.... Santa Ana mw. 11th 547-7781 \ - • J l JU 0.\11.Y PILOl I f I llJln STOREWIDE SALE • \ SAVE '15 RICH T RADITIONAL-S fYLf' TABLE LA MP TO BR IG HTEN YOUR HOME 3488 1-"ACll Rf. S&O A B••11111 1lulh hound ..clniu. 1'C1ll 111.cht hMht ~ l'l'<.'1111 l1n11•lwJ p111uc..,1h1mn.:1 wuy l'Wtlt•h Loq•lv 11nt1qw.J hrM1414 look . :1 woy 1tw1td1 o S:JO. 1.•t•rn 1111C' urn lump ....••••••.• ID.AA '¥ c I~·• lo l'>O't ufr n.•irulur price of H••lt-ckod lam1t11. ~-~~~~~--~ ~ i SAVE •7 FINE WICKER-LOOK 30" OVAL MIRROR W1ckt-r·look pla&- uc fro mt' 30"11 I Yl off l'f'IC· prlc.i 1n·Bt.ock mir ror.. 1097 REC. 17.99 ~~ SAVE 260/o SOFT BATH TOWEL IN SOLID COLORS Thick, ehHCJrlX'nt cotlon/polyester 219 velour 11urface :!4"x44".Havingtf! REC. 3.7i SAVE 31 % STANDARD-SIZE POLYESTER PILLOW Dacron• Hollo· 549 It)• II Wtlh COL· I.On/po ly COVt'r, cordt-d 1-dgc. REG. 7.99 Choke ol J celw1. UOI UJf.if• I ,,, I 11 111 1111 1111111 Jr,101111P-• I "' II J11 111 111 lllH, J,1.111 1111; 114 f ,,,. Oii '1 1~),t 11111111( l1•l•, ,,, 111 ,, ... ,...,.,,,, •1"1Jrll1.; M~~ ·~JM4• ...,,~,. ..... p,,u l.LECTRIC TO MAK Ll l'P. EA 1£R Vour rhmr• ut r.-.hNUftl s•• h-'1up hot ,.ot l ...... _. r•n ufHltHtr or muJU . .._, f.A , dry ''°" llurry In and ... v-.. : ,. .... ... ,_ ... ----... . . ... .. :. ti· • ....... ~"""'~ ..... ~~~~~~~--~._..._..~~. ... ' .... - / -- * •regular low price 15,,, ff''' ,. 0 ··recline rs, dinettes, dining rooms , lamps, bedrooms. 4 'h110"'' li11111 11 1itln11t ~wl1-.·1'1011 ol 111y1 ..... fuhricH, 111ln1,. 111111 l1 1111<hf'R All 111(•k41r11 ur" tm 11010. too! 15'7 (1 off* summer furniture, sofas, sleep aof as, corner groups. ... Muny l14.•11ut 1lul pott.NnH, 11ty ll'H und cuHy-<:ort• fob. r1c11 All low 1100LH 11rc ulHO <i n 1mJ " B1u HavtngK! I ~ .. ~..__-...i •• ;-.... '> __ ( I . 20°1°to30o/o off* our entire stock of discontinued furniture. At1KOrtmcnL of furn1tur~ HLylcH for every room in your home. ChooHt! from lovely colon~ 1tnd la lmc" 20°1° to 50% off* all Style HouaeQy mattresses, foundations. Get a great n11<h t't1 sleepon reHtful m ollrcHHCH 11nd foundations at low priccK your budK ·l can aOord FREE DELIVERY AND SET-UP OF FURNITURE. Wt• dPl1v•·r' 01·p1:nd oo W.1rd1t for fn'4: di:l1very and ht'l Ull in your home with 11111111 111ujor purrh1111e1> ~ Special fe •turea: • Looktt. n"" llk.-ordlrutry heddlnat • Extrit ftnn un .. UuUKif08111 border • Thick ini;ulldicJn; nc>1-d11 no hcull•r • . .... -... _, .. .... • -... _ .. ~ :,. .. ~ >-... .. -"' ... ·~ ( ... -... . .. • .. . -· 1'71.•, tull·el11et, ., •• ,lC., I 11Ur7 :i•.81, qu..n·.&1e Ml, *·W7 ....... klnl·•l•• IM!t ••• 3:Jt.lt"7 • Touxh, prok'c· tJve vinyl liner Save 1/2. Twin-size Style House Puff -Qullt<w luxury bedding. 79!!. EA. PC. RF;CULARLY 159.99 Oct cu11hlony comrort with Holm· II kc pol ycRler cover dt:ep-qullt.00 to 2 layers of foo m, p1uit Hupport of Orm innerspring. Non-Allorgun le. Ah1o·ov111lobl in fOMm Save $70 . Exclusively designed comfy twin Riviera "flotation" bedding. 199!?m REGULARLY 269.99 Evenly d1strihu1.t.>d Hupport of wute r fl otation n.,-ducc11 prc1111un· ogu inHl the hody. "floot.11" you to s lucp in 11t'm1·wt•1.chtlt'iu1m·~"' Expcricncl• thiK rct1lful thorupt•u I i1· l't1mlor t now und 1u1vu! :J~.99, fuU·11l:afl Mll ...•••••...••••....•••• ~.97 :tet.W, quetin·•l.w.t1 ,..,t .................... :189.97 ••tt.18. klnlJ·•ILu 1t••t ..................... :we.97 H11vu :.eo~. ofr rtia u lar low 11r11·u of "IHl1tnd Bed". SAVE 20°1° TO 330/o 8x10" OIL PAINTING COLLECTION Hcloction of ~noH, subj<.oetH. 4l 12 '35, •••~ paJntlar ••••• l :lK 'P 1-40, 18.:l.c· palnLlnc ...•. 1.1:.t '80, :l.CxW paJ ntln1 ••.•. 164 REC. tl8 DECORATING ON A BUDCEn NO MONEY DOWN WITH WARDS CHARG-ALL CREDIT We like yom style. COVINA ltOSEMf.AO SANTA ANA MOfCTCLAllt EAcu: ROCK SAN 8£RNA.-OINO LYNWOOD IUVUJIOE L.U1WOOO COITA Ml.SA CANOCA PA.ltK wt..\T LOS ANCtUS NOltWALIC TOMAfllCI FUUDTON ~NE PANORAMA CITY tlUNTINCTON lf.ACH YIN'nlllA I AJllTA MAJUA IUU f1£LO SHOP MONDAY ntllOOOH FRIDAY 10:00~TO 1:00 PM ..• SATURDAY 9:30AMTO1:00 P~ •.. SUNDAY 11 :00 AM TO 6:00 PM , r, , r -.,P9.._.. --• ._ • ...,_, ...... \ ' •"' "•!IV• '" · ·· ~• Vl\UAI ~:·•u AM I 0 9 00 PM SUNo•v >IV : • • • ",' 11 :00 AM TO 8:00 PM • ( , V, I 'P ; , ') • •I ... ~.March 28, 1979 DAILY PILOT .49 STOREWIDE SALE Take advantage of fantastic savings on any of Wards major appliances now in stock! SAVE*70 17.9-CU.FT. REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER Frostlesst.op·mountunithas 399ss 3 slide-out shelves. 117491 · 369.95, 14.4-cu .ft. model, $338 299.95, 10-eu.ft. model, 239.88 REG. 469.95 SAVE•so 20-CU .FT. REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER Full-length side freezer, 499ss crispers; frostless. <2049) 469.95, 19-eu.ft. unit .... $448 879.95, 23.8-cu.ft. unJL, 799.88 REG. 579.95 SAVE •30 BIG UPRIGHT OR CHEST FREEZER 15.3-cu.ft. chest has counter-2 59ss balanced lid; 16-cu.ft. up- right has 3 shelves. Cold EA. dials acijust. <4518, 8525) REC. 289.95 SAVE•40 CHOOSE CHEST, UPRIGHT FREEZER 18-cu.ft. chest or l6.l-cu.n .299ss upright. Both have a<liusta-., a ble cold controls and spa-r.ft., cioua interiora. (8838, 4538) REG. 331.95 ' . • Major appliances! ffec. 241• touch 80()().Jb. force 21988 &rUh OOIDpllCtor, 12" wide. (6013) Re,.391.16.16-cu.ft..tot.ally-~ 33088 1etMJ refrlprat«/freezer. < 1630) -.,-- :!:1&.::r~ !=. ~sli2;; 39gaa Rec·--. bi1 lku.ft.. upri1hl 32088 freezer wfth in8ide lt1ht. (4838) -.,-- R•I· 211.11, deluxe 6. t-aa.ft.. 19988 compact freezer wltih lock. <8068) I SAVE•40 18-LB. LOAD CAPACITY WASHER Features 6 wash cycles, 5 2 8988 temperature combinations, 3speeds, water-saver. (6308> 299.95, gas dryer ..••. 269.88 REG. 329.95 \ SAVE •40 5-CYCLE PORTABLE DISHWASHER Easy-to-move unit with en-2 49ss ergy-saver switch and por· celainized in terior. C965) 379.95, JO.Cycle model. 299.88 REG. 289.95 SAVE•40 MICROWAVE WITH AUTO DEFROST 600-watt microwave with 2 59ss-20.min. timer, signal bell. Delu.xecookingguide. (8029) 499.96, microwave •••• 399.88 RF.c. 299.95 SAVE •100 GAS RANGE HAS TWO-OVEN DESIGN ~el:saving electric igni-4g9ss t10n tn both ovens, burners. Clock, 4-hour timer. (3358) 811.fft 1•• ranse ..... 599.88 REC. 589.95 Major appliances! ftet. NI.II, kyde wuher with 31988 3 wub/ipln IP'eid comboe. <8329) Res-311.16, 20-lb. cap.city, 2.. 34911 epMd •uher bu 10 cydee. (6339) ae..41t.ea,20-1b~2-c:ycle 3791a wUher baa 6 &emp • (6489) a.c. m-. k:Yele ••ectric c1ry. 24ft&8 er wfth 20.)b. capacity. (7389) 'fl- u.,. 319.86, IO-lb. eep. eleetrlc 2791a dryer hu 6 temp ..Ulnp. (7839) -----· .. ---· ~ -.--;. ':: ' • I , Ii ' SAVE•too STEREO SYSTEM WITH 8-TRACK Component AM/FM stereo 19988 ~ith 8-track recorder, full· size auto.changer, speakers, unassembled center. (6129) REG. 299.95 SAVE •25 SOLID STATE COMPACT STEREO Quality stereo amplifier, 79ss full -size record changer, dust. cover and 2 speakers. Plastic cabinets. <6038> REC. 104.95 SAVE•t30 19" DIAGONAL AUTO COLOR TV Solid .state P<?rtabl e with339ss negative-matrix tube for a sharp, clear picture. Light- ed channel readout. ( 12960) REG. 469.95 SAVE '60 13" DIAGONAL AUTO COLOR TV Lightweight portable fea-2 79ss turee blbck-mat.rix tube for sharp, brilliant color. AFC locks in fine tuning. ( 12317) REG. 339.95 TV's, radios, more! ~. 349.fft AM/FM·ltereo COD· 23988 80le: 8-tTack. 2 styles. (2228/9) •Replar low price of all CB n-20o/o dJoe in •tock. In lllan,y etJ..._ OFF- •Rel\llar price of all CB an· 21\C!o tennu tn stock. Bir 1election. U ,. Otr- Res· 99.N. deluxe portable mul· 6988 ti·Oand radio. AC or DC. <1479) Rea. 3t9.95, portable 19" diag· '278 onal color TV with AFC. ( 12909) SAVE•20 2-MOTOR POWER 1f11> JIFFY VACUUM 2 powerful motors combine 59ss for deeP. cleaning action. Has 2 pile heights, automa- tic dual edge cleaner. (7170) REG. 79.95 SAVE •40 GREAT OPEN-ARM SEWING HEAD Ideal forcolla rs,cuffsand ggss tileeves. 2 stretch s titches for knits, 2 utility stitches for regular sewing. (1 304) REC. 139.95 SAVE •so EASY OPEN-ARM SEWING MACHINE Slid~·On tray for na_tb~d 129ss sewmg. Has handy bu1lt-m buttonholer, 3 stretch and 3 utility stitches. 0 909) REG. 179.95 SAVE •so TWO.MOTOR POWERHEAD VACUUM Beater-bar brush pounds 14988 out dirt, fluffs nap. Adjusts to any pale height. Two-sided edge cleaner. Tools. C316> REG. 229.95 TV's, radios, more! Relf. cn t .96, 25· diagonal color 479aa TVwithAuwColor,AFC.(162101 •Regular price of all outdoor 20o/o TV an&ennaa and acceuoriea. OFF- Ref. 149.N. deluxe 25• diagonal 52988 Auto Color conaole TV. < 16232) FUJJ.1iie aigzag 11ewing head. Op. '69 erat.ina control ia extra. ( 1260) •Resatar low price of all eew. lSm. ln1 cablneU. ln may etyles. -1o OFF WHY PASS UP A. GOOD BUY? APPLY FOR A. CHARG·ALL CREDIT ACCOUNT TODAY -Service? We have experts. COVINA R05EMEAO SANTA ANA MONTCLAIR !ACUlltOCtC SAM IEltNAJU>INO LYNWOOD IUVE.RSIDE LAKEWOOD COSTA ME.SA CANOCA MIUt WEST LOS ANCF.l.£5 NOltWALK TOUANCE f'UUERTON HAwntOME PANOltAMA CrTY lfUNTINQTOH BEACH VENTURA SANTA MAJUA BAKU.SFIEU> SHOP MONDAY THROUGH nllDAY 10:00 AM TO 9:00 PM ... SATURDAY 9:30 AM TO 9:00 PM ... SUNDAY 11:00 AM TO 6:00 PM • -r-• l ~ ' ~ • .41• ONLY PtlOT W9Ctn .. chry. March 71. 1111 ORANGE COUNTY TAICHOMES MAGNIFIED 5.000 TIMES Muahroom~llk• Protruak>na Found on Scorpion Junior League ~To Fete Riley Fifth U1~tru·t Sup..r111~or Tom IC 1lt•y will lw one of five Orungc <:oun~y resident:; 111 n ·c1·1vc awards whc•n the Junior Lea~ue of Nt•wJ><irl llarbor mC<!ls al the N"wportcr Inn, Nf'wport Beach. Apnl 5 Me mbers of the women's nrgunlwtlon 1'1JHI ftr)cy IS being IH>nored (or his SUJIJXH't or lht· leag ue 's wo rk In crimina l justice. his backing or Nt.'W Oarccllons <a halfway housf• for w o m e n r ecoverin g from alcoholism > the Chill1 Advor atc• newsll'lle r etnd his support of th<> Natural History f"oundulion of Oranj{c County OTl .. ~R RECIPU:NTS of a wards includr. (ormt•r KOCI'; FM rudio commentator Bruce Anderson. Or. William Sanbornc, director or Ill 11hlutional media In the Newport Mesa Un1f1cd School Dls tnct and Muriel Zink, director or the Comprehcn11lvc Car<' Corp. Anderson pluycd a m ujor role m the lea.:ut:'i. radio progrum. "Commur11ly Forum " Mrs Zwk is the co founder of New IJ1rt•et1on~ County OKs Park Gifts Orange County S upervisors arcepted more than $.1,500 in u1rts for the Crown Valley Commun1 ty Park Tuesduy. The 48-acr(' pa rk is located twtwf•c•n La i'at a nd Niguel roads It opl.'nt.-d last Orlnbcr, county ~luff said. fk•Ca USC Of a Jim1ted hudl(Ct the park ~ recreation cenlt.lr and pool were not equipped TllE GltTS were purchased by a community rommlttec wh1l'h huh hcen raising money from loc·ol bus1n('hscs· county ofhcwls ~aid Included urc cur peting a nd light installation for the recreation center, 11wlmmln~ r>00I cqui fl· menl. a micro-wave oven und a rcfrtgcrut.or. 'Mesa Park . To Get Fence A $20,500, six-foot c hain Link ft.lncc for a pro· posed regional park in C08ta Mesa was approved Tuesday by Orunge County Supervisors. The 3,000 reet or renclng will be erected around a pond on the planned site ror Talbert Re11lonal Park. county staff s aid. The acreage Is south of Victoria Street and adjacent lo the Santu Ana ttlver. County officials described the pond area us a wildlife habitat. The fence will serve to protect the wlldlife until the park Is developed und will ulso ensure public safety, they said. Baby Sitting Courses Set The Oranf(e County Chapter or lhc Amer ican Red Cross will otrcr baby sitting courses ut two coaataJ cities beginning In April. The courses will teach aspects of child c ure and basic baby silting procedures. The first course will ---------be ofrered on lour con-Tllburg Drive, llunt· Hcutlve Tueld•Y• Aprll lngton Beach. 17 throuah May 8 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the Marine View In · termedJate School, !1682 Sand Walk Scheduled Memben of the Sierra Club and ta.. Friends of the lnln• Co11t are 1IJOlllC)rinl a beacb walk alOftl an -0ran1• Coa1t octanfront area Ul•l hH beta de1i1nated as a marlnl Ufe retu1e. TM a.iU wUI leave at t 1.m., Aprll 'I, rrom the El Morro lehool parktna lol In La1una Beach. IUken lboWd we.r hard eoled 8hoel fOf' the six· mlle round trip hike and they 1hould brln« 11ck lunch•. I THE SF.CONO course wlll begin on Aprll 21 and run through May 12 on lour con· 1ecutlve Sundays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the San Juan Caplatrano Hot Sprin1s Dance Hell, 32506 Paeco Adelantc, Stn Juan Capistrano. A '1 m•leriallJ fee will _,. eb•rsed each 1tudent. J'or addlllonal lnformeUolf ortrto pre· resl1ler, phont m.5111. ltenl•J Leon• rd Jere•lu~,;.!~7 Kln1let caw. .. .... hu It••• ·aamed to lit• deall'1111lfGraelldemle aeblHement at rort Lewh Coll••• In l>vUID, Colo. r Shrubs Ba:ard to Health? Th•• Yl'r)' t rl•••11 and shruli thul drcM up lh(• hll'ii l 1r hoolvunl m uy ht• h1uardou11 lo your l'hlltJ '11 ht• 1llh. IH'('IJrdlflU to u 11ulr of UC lrvlnil re NH \•h••r t 'liuhurrw Oun"f nd J.;tc1y Kodrlgucz stud ltd tht• n•lut1cu1"h111 u 1;d1oolyurd lund1H'Dplol( lo •tudt·nt ht•ullh 11n1hlt•mj1j DUNGY IH ASSISTANT PKOF'ES801l of pt•dlutt11·111n ttw U 'I 'oll1•gc of Mftllclrui Hodnttu<•1. l$ un a1111 h1llml prof 111Wr with dual u111wl11lmt·nla, in t.•1•olouy und cvolullonary bloloMY uncl 111 d~rt:lo1>mt•11tul onct t•i•ll blolol(y Tol(C'lht•r Uu.•y havt· 1l<•lt•rn1tned lhut tilmply hN'UU114.t th•• aul>J• et htusn'l been lhoroul(hly ex vlon·d bt-fon· In their l'onccrn to find hurdy uod attt •H·Uw •IH't'll'"I 11cbool lund. C'a1>erl> have over lookl"J lt\4" ht<ulth cffccta on rhildrt>n Many of thl' 1pcc1cs I( rowing within easy rcuch or t'lultJu•o. ttwy 1w y arc ullcr.:t'nlc and evcn l>Ol"lllllOU!S M~T S('llOOL PLl\NNEllS AltEN'T even .iwun· of tht• probh:rn . lht• rt'M.1archers say : lhelr 1.11111 111 w lnfm m pllu1111•rs s<J thut the more harmful bP t'lt"1 may tw uvo1d cd M uny i.<'hc>ol cltstrn.•ts. they say. plan land1cap- 1ni.: Lhut m<'ludes ph111t:1 mtolcrublc to children with ullt·ru1t·11 Tht•y 1>('rfurmcd a p1Jnt rt'f>earch study in lhe I r v1m· Unaf11.'<1 S.-hool 01bt nct. which they found t-0 tw r.•laUvl'ly free of s uch wol>lems . Dungy took immplcs of foliage al 10 or the dis· t r1<·t 's e lemt>nturr Nchool11 I k also sum pied pollen und mold eounts m11lde uud outside clus11rooms . T1 .. :1R 01\TA s uow•:o THE Irvine schools lo be rejallVl'ly free of toidc or nll('rl(Cn1c plants, and lht• c:lus11room urcuis low on indoor pollen und mold rounts. l>unl(y uttrlbuted much of the district's sue· Ct'!lll lo tht-fact that tht• H<'hools tire newer thun most In the• county , und have effective air· <·ond1lloning syste ms. Hodrii;cuci 1mld there were some potentially harmful 11pel'les ul Irvine schools , though there wen• few reported ln!\tnnces or ullerglc reaction. AN •:XAMPLt: IS •:NGl.JSll IVY, a ground c·ovcr used t·xt<'nslv1•ly In Irvi ne st.•hool11. Frequent- ly the plant causes ullcr g1c contact dermatill~. or I lorn<.: is the one savi n.g~ and loan Californians turn to more: than uny oth<.:r. Mor<.: depositors. more loan!\, anti mort' a'i~t~ - ovc.:r 10 hil11on <lollar!\-m:tkL· 1 lomc.: the: number om.: savings am] loan -not just in Califor- nia -hut in all of Am<:rica. No surpriS<: t hc:n that we al so have more.: T-Bill Accounts th an any other savin~s association. Homc:'s T-Bill Accounts ;m .: fairly new. Yc:t they 're al n:ady the: hiAAtSt th i n~ thar's happcnc.:cl in sav in~s for <ll'cacJc'i. T-Bil I ratc.:s vary from week to wel'k. Bur one: .glancl' at t hc: fi~urc:s below should tell you that Hom ·'s T Bill Accounts pay rnw of the hig hc:st ,guara ntt't'<.! rnH:'i of intcrc.:st you c::m <:;11 n. No hank or ~avin,J4~ and loan pay' mon·. T Oill Account~ <lon·t tit your money up fo r years to <:arn that kind of intcrt•st. Th<:y mature· in only 6 mont ns an<l ou ran makt arrange.· mc..:nts to h:ivc: Hon'k: autommic.:al Iv rei nvest them nt thl' rnarkt t ratL· M).yrn1 won't loS<: an hou r'!\ intc:rt·M. /\n<l there arc no fl~s or S(:rvic:t char~t:~. I tonic's T-Bill Accou nts requin· kin rlush. when I.Ouched ll.S berries arc poisonous 1f eaten Anotht•r harmful plant. which Rodr lguci iJald s hould not be ul any school playground. 1s oleA ndcr The leaves and !'lap of oh·ander are polsonou11 Irvine school offlcial1t reported that lhe district uiwK n<> oleander. or equally lrouble1mmc castor ooun11, In lund8CUPlflj( The one example the sc1cnllllts found of olean Planners OK Business Plaza County planners have approved dcvcloemcnt of n small business plaza 1n south M1si.ao11 VacJo which includes plan!\ for five restaurant!'. Orang(• County planning r om m1st.1oneri-. however. addt-d 11 eondll1ons to lhc1r approval of the Joint project proposed by thc M1ss1on V1cJO Co and Standard Brands paint co THE 11.6-ACRE plaza will be built o n th<' west side of Marguerite Purkwuy on a s1le Just 1>outh of the Mis11lon Vl eJo Mull now under c<1r1struct1on. county officials said In addition to the f1vt· rcstaurnnts. the pro posed cente r 1ncludcs plans for t w(I Standurd Urand11 buildings. a mf'd1 cal ofrlcc hlruclure. t w11 rl'tull sput·cs and a Maranuthu hu1ld1nl( Firemen Plan Easter Feed The Orange County F'1re Department will sponsor it.8 22nd annual Easter breakfast from 6 a .m . to noon on Easte r Sunday, April 15 al the Sllvcra<k> f''are Station, 29402 Sllve rado Canyon Road. Breakfast of ham. eggs, puncuke•-. oranges. milk and coffee will be prcparc-d A donation of $2 for adult.a and SI for children un1kr J2wlll be r cqucslcd dt.ir wu Dl ~I Toro Marin(• S<'hool , but the Hrhool wu built In l!MX. Th1· 11t·hool d istrict wa?Jn'l forn1 ·d until 1973 und, dh1trkl t1dminl11trulon; bohcve, lht• offending oleander hu'lh•·s arc ucroius tho street and part of the Manne buHt• DIS'T&ICT Of'fl'ICILA8 SAID TllF.V a re !Slu dying th · Dungy I Hodr1gucz report 1'hc scientist.s also rc<'ommcn<.led lhut hve oak and olive trees be avoided. for their high polle n counl11 A number of li ve oaks were found on Irvine rampUbC!i, but becuuse of th· huilding filte ring systems. they said, their e ffcr l wus min1m11I. DENTURES $175 each ~A Mt DAY 5LRVI( l AVAILA&LE. ORTHODONTICS &OARD QUALlfllU ORTHOOOl'llT I!> l '1 550· DR. ARNOLD H. FLANZER J 10~ HARBOR, COSTA MESA fAfACX\ f A~ ff()(()! 642-01I2 • er osa !\,t\ tn,L:\ and loan. T f3ill Account\ ar<: 1rl!-.Url'd jtJ!>I ,,.., I Jorm·\ rt·~ular savin~!'. ac.c:ou111 ... ctn· 'f li<H' 1'1 ,1 'lllh\t:1!11f,iJ 111 IL"fl'\I l"X'nnlry for rnrl y wit hdrnw;,il. Bur till' full tt·rm i~ only (l month!-.. Arn.I 1 htll \ not long 10 wair . A.., a \hort cc.·rm inw st nl<'nl . we.· think TDill Accounts'arl' ju~t ahou 1 unlx:atahk·. /\ncl we abo likt· 10 1h1nk tht' rcu.\On we: have r he.· I ion·!\ \hare: of the: T-Di 11 Account husinc.·ss is that when 1x:oplc an.: invc:.sr ing thi!-. kinc.J of monl'y, they know of no saf<·1-'pla<.:l' rhun I lomc.·. Mavlx· vou should jom r hc:m. You can ll'arn all ubou t T Bill Ac.:count.., 111 u kw minu1c:s ttt any brnnch off IC<' of l\mc.·rica 's lar~est savings and loan . In fact , \'Oll can tVl'n do 11 on your wt-c.:kt·ntb. !\ll1et· nc:arly all our branchc.·.., Hit' orx:n on Sarur<lavs. Assets overSJO 11111ion. ,\, 1t•t1lll .Ill 111 lll"f lo• ~ • '1t11•0 \\uh M11h11·I• \;,I . . rsfX '''" •1111 f11,111~11" ,1 l.111111 .. 1 LENDO! • ' 1••11 111~1 ~',l'"l'*"''11'tUM1t11lh llt"irnl i\1.111l~r 11 Ill l<i\I "·*' uw, .11ol l ... 111 lm•tr1111u· <.11q"t.1t1011 e\~ 01h t 11 Ill 1(1\1 I ~ ... ~ ''"'" ll.111~ "''"Ill I t,k:1.1l IJ11 '"''""' I 111"1tnt1,tl 11lft (!"'I I• tl,lh\ IHI 1,111\ \\llhdtJlO•ll llPlll I! 1111 """"''' •lt 111 dl11tl\1 \l11d1 1t1 l1J''l1h11>11~•h •\1·11I 1 1•1''> 1(,,4, Ill.II I h.tn,1(1 ,ti \I\ lnlflth 111M"11.ll ti.th' l11h•11"\l 1~• \ 1•>1 1111n1••11~l 1111 *"*' "ti ~om •')*'kl 1f f"''" 11\11 .okl HIM•"'' \\t IV h I It lllJlll •"itk f""' h N •0 \l,11 .JI tf11• IJh'. 'Laguna I lills: 23861 El Toro Rd. (7 14) 768· 5105 Nc:wport Beach : 190 Nc:wport O.mttr Dr. (7 1 I 6 10 {,JOO Samu Ana : 1300 N. Ma111 r. !7 1'1) 558 1212 \V~stminMcr: 695 113ols1 Avt·.17 111)897·.15 1 • Stop l y any I lonw m ing" hr:inrh off tCl' an<l pi<..~ up your fr<.Al' copy of our''Saf<.· u1 1 lnnw" hook." hik· 'u1fi1l1c..·~ la .... t .. AT YOUR SERVICE I LOCAL w.ctn.dey, Mateh 28, 11119 DAil y PtlOT M 1 • "Got 0 problem I r ht·n u:ntr to Pat Hunn /'(JI Will cul rtd lapt', 1J1•H11111 th1• an!wtr.s orvt (l('llOn I/OU nrw lo .\olti.• ll'lr(1uit11•, m 11111 t"fnmffll und htmneu Mall II."'" qut•atwns 1t1 l'ut t>1mn. M Yvur ."i.•ri11c·"· Orang,. ( Utur llmll/ Pilot. f> t> ll11r 15611 C't>Kla Mesa c A 921;.!6 A# mo111J l1·ttn) cu pu~11blr will ht> onl\L~rtd. hut p/km.f'd 11u1u1nt·~ '" le Ut•ra r1111 mdudany tt11• rtoa1•r •/till 00111t'. 1Mltlre,, ond btwni>tt hc>uri· ph(Jni' num~·r C1.111n.1t l>c nm MJ,•rr•d 1'hU'c<>lumn OPJ>earida1 ly Ul'~ilf ~lurdu1J\ " ,,_., •afu-r P••pltw• p,..., • .., Saddlehack Trustees Back Exchange Plans Ry WILLIAM llODGF. Ol 1'-O•llf l"I ... St.ttl U1•11pitt: a potential "exodus of stu· d<•ntit ·' from the Saddlobuck Collei<e Oh1t rlct1 lrusttoes have voted un tm lmout1ly to bal'k a hard-line stand In bUppc-,rt of so called "free flow" Qf !itudl'nlil between community col leteCJI T he mov • means the district will only ciH·haoge state support ~th other colleges which accept Sad· d leback s tudents Present agree- ments rail for Lhat exchange plus the difrc ren<'c that would equal lhe cost or educatmg a student. about Sl.500. full·timc student. Support for u full time Coast student, on the other hand. was a bout $800 The difference fostered an inade- quacy in cxchanglog studcnL'>, since the state support followed a student to the campus he attended. Existing agr~emcnts that include the state a id exchange plus education fees were designed to oCfset the imbalance. Singer Sh aun Cassidy Is suing t h e m a n who sold rum a home in the Hollywood Hills, contcnd - i n g th at th e house was left in disrepair. L> 1-;A It I' i\ T Wou Ill OU l>ll'll\t• ll'll ml' '4 hen· I <'tlll ~t·t '"''" 111u11on uhout r>•H't•mukl'r'>., M> molht'r hu~ 1u~t h.id J pnct•m.ikN 1mpl.cnl aod sh<: was not told '4h.11 ~ht• can do .,c.1fl'I> or how to lulu· cure• of h1•rwlf Wt"d 111'\o JllH• to f111d out ubout thl' fatahty 1.Ut-or !Jl'r'>On~ who hU\ t• JIUC't'fnllkt•r' . LO\ e ll Thoma!>, the UNDER THAT agreement, Sad- \\ Cl! knowu t.•xplort>r, dle back paid $947,672 to the Coast got lo:..l Cur a n hour in <.'ommuruty College Dislricl, for ex- "THERE IS A STRONG possibility that the uruts Cdollars of state akl per full-time student> or support may become fairly even." Olslrict Bus i- ness Manager Roy Barletta said "Whether a district 1s a so-called poor or wealthy cti~trict, s tate sup- port coul d be about equal .. .. ............ < • I-' • t'Ol>la Mei.a A gf'fW'tal Information pamphl.-t, "Uvlng with your Pacemaker," 11' being mallf'd to you b) the American Hurt Ah uclallon. Although thli. matf'rial wUI u1awer some ol your questions, you should urge your mother lo dl!«'uss ber l)t"nsonal case with thf' phyttlclao wbu Ii. treating her. Gener~llzt>d advice may not :.1•1>ly t.u her 1>Pf'clfic condllton. ample, in the 1977-78 school year. l h l' :.. P 1 ..i w I i n g Saddleback received $35,331 in re-Hcna11-.:rnc·c 'enter. turn Saddleback's action puts the baJI in Coast's court. s ince the sprawling coastal coll ege district 1s opposed to the free now system. Sell your boat fast with a Boating classified ad In the Dally Pilot. J $350 rnalhon collec "We have paid and paid and paid ·• turn of office build-Board Chairman Larry Taylor said. ing::, 111 Dt·troit. "I don't see why we shouldn't take -----the lead in this and let our students Coast must move to decide whether to accept Saddleback students in the future under the free flow system. 64 - lt'Mda b Lo~al Koo•~.,~••"! DEAit l'AT I ~ontlt·r 1( yo u could help me fmd out whi<·h of tht: Hoo~cvt'll ~ons lives 1n Coronadel M<1r Jamc:s or 1-:lhot'' I w<.inttoas k him a question <.·onct:rn1ng a dwry l lrnv1· N .S .. Laguna Beach You can contac·t James Roosevelt by writing lo James Roos4tvelt & C-1 .. J It Newport Cent.er Drive, Newport Beach, Calil. 92660. Your mailed Inquiry will be answered. Refugees' Health Study Set go where they want to and let others come here if they want.'' College officials b elieve in- tcrdistrict attendance concerns will change as state officials begin to work on a method of financing com- m unity colleges in the wake of P roposition 13. PREVIOUSLY. DISTRICTS were paid state support on the basis of as- sessed valuation. breaking the in· stitutions down into wealthy or poor dis tricts. 90.CENT BET PAYS MILLION 1:-0NDON CAP> An uncmplQyed~ hairdresser got a l'hcck tod<ty for $1, 765.056 after w1nn1ng in the English soccer pools Irene Powell. 20, of Port Talbot. Wa les. won with a 00-cent stake in her first attempt. She said she intendW to share her winnings with Ian Mortimer . her 23-year ·old f1a ncc. "We had planned lo wait a year before gelling married, but 1t hall all DEAR PAT: I'd like to tell your readers about several cents-off coupon donation sources. These orga nizations use the coupons to get things for their hospitals or patients. The addresses were or1ginaJlypublishcd in a New Jersey newspaper and I've been sending my coupons to them for more than a year: Sterling Chapter of Deborah Hearl and Lung Hospital. c/o Joyc1• Wheaton, 701 Mildred Ave., Som erdale, N.J . 08083 ; Children's Asthma Center Allan~c ~ity Chapter, 3529 Paciric Ave .. Apt. B-3: Dis tricts with a higher assessed '1aluation received less support on a per-student basis. Thal meant state aid lo Sadd.leback was about S233 per A conference designed to acq ua int doetors. n urses and m ental hea lth authorities with the problems posed by the influx or lndochlnese r e fu gees in Orange County will be he ld S aturday al l h c ---------------------------------------========== changed now. Allant1cC1ty, N.J . 08401 ; Children's Asthma Center 1999 Julian, Denver, Colo. 80204 ; and lladassah, 125 Byron Terrace, Cherrv Hill, N.J . 08003. The Heart and Lung Hospital also welcomes pre mium stamps. such as Blue Chip. These groups are very grateful for any donations, and J 've re- cei vcd personal thanks from them. E. M .• Costa Mesa Thanks for sharing thJs lnlormatloo with A YS readers. DEAR PAT: Is there any Jaw that care labels have to be provided when a person buys fabric? I do a lot or home sewing, bul it's not very often lhat fabric stores give m e care labels for Ute material I buy . J .T .• Santa Ana Fabric manufacture rs mast make qaantlde:a of care labels available wllb yard goods, accord- ing to the •'ede ral Trade Commission care label- ing rule. Fabric retailers are required to provide these labels to customers. A.II wearing apparel <except bats, gloves and shoes) must have care labels, and.all lf'xliles used lo make wearing ap· parel should have labels you can take home and sew Into the seam. Just ask. Labels do no\ have to be included for leather, 8uede, fur, plastic, or most vinyl garments or fabrics. Ollropr~tor Co..,~rage Ll•lted . DEAR PAT: I've been going to a chiropracto r for treatment of a back problem for several years. l 'll be eligible for Medicare soon. Will it cover my chiropractor 's services? R. L., Foun tain Valley Medicare medical Insurance helps pay only for manual manipulation of t.be spine to correct a sablu.xatioo that can be demonstrated by X·ray. Medical i.osurance does nol pay for any other diagnostic or therapeutic services, Including X· rays, furnJshed by a chiropractor. Sp1q Cotdd Pro1'e Fatal DEAR READE RS: 11 you're planning to use an airless paint sprayer for some spring paint- up/fllt-up projects, be careful! The possibility or individuals using airless paint sprayers acciden- tally receiving an Injection of paint bas caused the Consumers Union to rate five out or six models .. Not Acceptable." Operating on tht-same principle as the air gun currently bel.ng used by doctors to Inject vaccines, the airless sprayer can administer an injection to an Individual wbo may accidentally pull the sprayer's trigger while clean.Ing a gob of paint from &be nozzle. The Injection may not be painful, b•t coald result In drastic tissue damage or even amputation. Airporter Inn, Irvine. Spons ored b y th e county's health planning coun c il and m e ntal health association. the meeting from 8:30 a .m . to 4 p.m. will stress that th e presen t h eal th screening or Incoming In- doehlnese refugees is in- adequate. COUNTY s upe rvisors recently Qoted that the re is an In c r eased in- c idence of communica- ble diseases a nd· re f- ugees are not screened for such excluda ble dis- eases as tuberculosis. Conference partici- pants will be told that Asians bad 80.S cases of tubel'cuJosis per 100,000 population in 1976 and that it increased to 96. 7 in 1977 in Orange County. THE COUNTY'S de - partment or epidemiology attributes the increase to immi- grants lrorfl Southeast Asia . Com p arable fi gures· for other ethnic grou p s are 3 .1 for whites, 22. l fo r His - panics and 14.9 f or blacks. Indochinese and Viel· namese immigrants will be among the featured s peaker s a t the co1.n fe rence. Refugees wil also dis play art a n participate in folk dan - ing and singing. Immigrants lfp LOS ANGELES CAP) -An increa s i n g number of immigrants from South and Central America, As ia and the Pacific have brought a 10 percent increase in tube rculosis cases to Los Ange les County while the national r ate has dropped 19 perceftt, says Dr. Matthew 0 . Locks. director of tuberculosis control for the county H e alth Services Department. Need $15,000? It's Yours Fo r Just $232.89 a Mo nth! Your home can be a On a SlS.<XX> ~ good !IOUrt'e d rmney when nmthly psymenb are fOr ~ you need extra rooney. With a mnhl at an anmal percent. aecond nm,pge loan from age rate crf 14,, Tcul d P8Y· C.0111ne1cial Cnxl.it. you can mms: 127,946,s). borrow up to $l5.<n> 00 the C.. UI '*19D 91Jiy, valued your home. am we'll find a way tQ help. NO POINTS. NO PREPAYMfNr fENALTY. CO\W~AL CRPJIT CORrQRATDN /';JC\ • ftnlndll service d \::10 CON11P. D'1'A C~TION • A loan of IS.000 and OYtt mull be eecured by a combination of real and penoaal .. operty. . . --~---...-.... COSTA Mf'..5A•370E. l7thSl.•6CM1IO , HUNTINGTON BEACH• 16071 Gow. W• 9L • M7·777t MISSION VIEJO• 14.'95 Alida Parliw1y. S.ltia l • 770-2651 ORANGE • 1111 Ton I Cowry Rd.. 5'iill 26 • 5'7-5871 C"•~ Lile ... ,._ A.,lloW. e bi.i. I.,,_;. ti c,.., ·- - --.---. --- - This open house is worth looking into. You'll see ways to trim your electric bill. - Follow these simple tips. It won't take any extra eIJergy on your part. But you'll be saving another kind of energy that's important to all of us-electricity. A little change in yo ur everyday habits. That's no big deal. And when you add up the savi ngs on your electric bill , you 'II find it can be a nice piece of change in your pocket. Want even more savings ideas? Read our booklet, "Conservation of Energy is Everybody's Business:' Within a few minutes you'll pick up such worthwhile tips as how to make yo ur refrigerator-freezer and even your swimmi ng pool pump do their jobs for le~ money. For your copy, drop a card to Edison, Conservation Booklet, P. 0. Box 800, E Rosemead, CA 91770. Qui! 0()00t1un1ry lmployor \ ' \ ( r • .. AJ% DAILY PILOT 16,000 Women Victims Cervi al Cane r Linked to H rpe Virus? 1)1\, ro A BE C ll . F.'la. t /\ P ) varu that tnft t ta rnun ua <M> pe1 c: ol ur all wo~n jt <t<imt pol.nt an lhC"•r II' r1 hu \'Oml' undt'r 'iUl\Jn h•n a-. J PQi t bit• pn>frltJlfr of t'llO('Cf or thr t 1•r\ I'<, .a t unt c•1 n •11o,. rrhrr "urn .. A \ 1rulcnl for rn of Ith' \II U.\, hl'rpc-1 vlru'!t h P<' 11 ha ll('en round ln ti ~U(' arn(llt'!t from t wo thirch uf ~11m t•n with t't•rvh'ul <'IHll'•'r "'" oppo~•-d to (t"~t•1 lh.m 0111 "ornun 1n :~who \o\Jti fr1"t' of n 111t·1 r l>r Jurn1• h. Md>oUJ!Jll or tlw l 111\t l"'\U) 11( W u'h1ngton tuld u11 4't1ll'nran (.',11111•1 ~Hll'l\ '>1'11\tnJI T HE CANCF.• SO< rn1·v -.uy-. rer vfrul C'unc:c.•1 will utt.H·k abo ut 16.000 womt·n u11tJ kill ul>ou\ 7,4(X) wom..r1111111 y1•111 Octt'ctlon or Uw twr1w:1 vii ui. rat e h<1pt'S tor 1 vul' W · or for u moll' nnslll H ' ll'!ll lor llw l'lllnet\r thun lht• c·11rrt•11\ f'UJJ •mc.-ar , Mt U o u t(u ll ,.juld . ;slUlruAlf\ both jlOM•llJtlllll''> Wiii H'<IUlrl' rnut•h mu11.· it·\t·.ir< h Eurh"r wor kl'rt dt•moD'tralc.'d u J)Ob•&ble link bt•lwcl'n th1· vlr u ... und the cnncer, l>ut McUour,ull wuft Uw flr:-.t to d<•mon1111 ott• th1· llf~tWnN• ot lhl' vtrU'I wl11l1• ll ""'" bttll tn.'>ld · tumo1 t'db Grand Jury Indicts Former Bank Chief /\'l'L.ANTA t AP> A fl'<it·t ul J.:i «md Jury hui. rmlu:lNI a formt•r Ot·or,;w hanker in t'on11l'clmn with un ullcJwt.lly allt•gul Imm he ni;.1de lO .a clo:.c fnend und bubtnt:t.:. <ibl>OCIUlc or Uc rt Lance Thl• lmnkrni: :Jl'l1v1tu:s of Ltuit•c, who rci.lgncd us d1n·l·lor of lhu redl·ral Orflcl•o( Munagem t:nl und Budget m 1977 , ha ve bct:n u111l1·r 111 't'SI 1gut10n bv thl' gnind Jury 14 month:. THE FOlJk -COUNT INDlfT~U;NT rclurncd Tut•sday uga1nst I.a rry Bea!>lt·y, formt•r pn•'o1d<•nl of the Firs \ N<il1onal Hank of Newlon County. wu.., lht· ti<i11l'l'b f1ri.t public uct1on The grand JUI v, which dut not numc Luncc in the rnd1 clmcnt, wai. to recoovcm• toduy The 1nd1clmcnl t·hurgL'(f Lhat He us ley misapplied his bank's fundl> an Nov<'mlwr 1!177 when Ire urranged a $37.000 loan to lllchurd Carr, who in the early 19708 was Hll officer or the C:illtoun Firbl Nu tionul Hank, which Lu nee hcudc.'<i .• <:ARK, W"O WAS NOTCllARGt;D IN the 1nd1ctmcnl.1.1b11 was a volunl<'cr worker in l.ttnr ("S unsuccessful 197'1 cumpalgn for gov 1•rnur . CULT'S HOLD places whcrc• ro!>c thorns had p ierced my fingers For SIX days I ha d SUrYIV('{I on burgc•r rolls a nd choc·olatc milk, took1es and doughnut donation .. S udde nly I couldn't s lttncl al any more The· Pxhau~l1on. Uw !'>Ufft.•nng, wl'rt' unhcaruhlt· I dropped orr to :.l<•(•p, drc:..1n1og of va-;t baskets of flower!> "G"t up, child ! Gel up' ll 's 1·xercise limt•1 "· I BEGAN \ H E SP F.RAT t: prayer, as l s1lr awlt'<I amoni:t the c xerc i s 1n i.: r bodi es , tu H eavenl y Father . hegg an g for for~ I VC nf'l't!t, lhankms.? him for r<•S('UIOg me from Satan's, world EOWA~OS I r<'me mlX'rcd what one Fami· ly mc•mber once told me about Re verend Moon 's the me several years ago. "We must become C'r11zy for Cod." Yes, thal'!I what he 'd so1d • • • Crazy for God f'athC'r said Mi. i-.o we mus t bt·eom <• crazy fo1 God. And w<• nrt·, I thought /\nd :.oon the Victory will f)(• wrm Wt• a re bccomini.t Cr;u y for G•id Y t•s th:il ':. 1 t And no o ne "'1 IJ understand us until lh1·y ht:comt• crai'y for God . loo. T iit: VA N WlllPPt:D uround the t•ornc•r, right rc<.ir wheels fl y. 1ng over the sidewa lk a nd down, i.call<'ring hcuvcnly c hildren a nd buncllcs or pape r hugs filled with dollar bills nc:..tl y ha11dcd in hundrf'd-dollar :.lat'ks Soon we wc·rc traveling down ;1 long stretch of California highwuy, facing a iilorlouR s unset which :.hot red n t1me:. ac ross the awrc !>ky So ml' body !>houtC'd , "Look1t the s un.set!" "T hat's llC'avcnly Fa ther's way or \honktn~ us fo r a ll the good we 've do ne today for Him." Keith exclaimed. "Thank you, Heavenly f':..the r. ·• "T h a nk yo u . H eavenly fo~a ther," we echoed. · NEXT:.Kkb14pped c;09,r1on1 cc 1 1t1• llY °'''~~ l!dward• Mt•OOUGALL SAtD muny Anwrlean men a nd women arc CJrrl{'l 11 ()( Cllhc r lhe herpes type If vln11~. which causes a vcnoreul dl!leasc. or 1ls close rt•lullv ·• thc type I virus that l'UUll'S ~old isorcs T he exact numtwr or currlcn; 111 not known. An ovcrwholmJng m ajority or thcisc JX:ople har bor the virus in thf'lr bod1t·s In an Inactive form for y1•un; without 111 effect. 8 T I N SOM E wome n lhe \l lrus takes a virulent form and r11uscs a painful venereal dls· cuM• that hus recently surpnssed ;i,yphihs in the numbl·r of its U.S. vlt·tams One recent study of cervical cancer v1cllm s In Washington County. Md • found that 40 per· cent of u control group o f women who had never had cancer suf· fcred a herpes type II infection al some time in their life. PUC Views Refund Plan Of Utility SAN f'RANCISCO !J\PI -The Sun Diego Gas and Electric Co. :.hould liberalize rl'fund policies for electricity c ustom ers over · billed because or ina dequate l i f e l in e a llowunccs, the California Public Utilities Com· m ission staff says. Lifeline allowa nces are the minimum qua ntities or electrici· l y the PUC feels a rc required lo supply t he• avcra~e residential ust•r a nd carry lo wer rates . T llF: PUC' APPROVED a let t~r lo the compuny in which H. 'I' Srpei., l'UC's chief e lectrical cn~in<'er. lukes thr ee exceptions lo the fi rm's refund plan. lit.• s uid the s taff r ecom · mt.•nc.Js 1 I l Rl.'fun<l<; should be m ade lo all <·ustomers who overpuld. not just those whose service began a fl<'r J an. 1, 1977: C2> refunds s hould cover the e ntire period in whic h cus tom e rs we r e over- blllc d . no t jus l th e la st 12 m onths: and CJ> lh:.il ·refunds s hould be made lo all entitled to the m , not me re ly to those who request them . SIPES ASK ED San Diego Oas to advise him whether these s ug- uestions we re acce pta ble. He said if lhoy wer e not. he wouJd recom mend public hearings be held. The PUC s ta rr and. company offi cials estimated up lo 29,000 custom ers may h ove bee n short c ha nged because of Improper lifeline a llowances. Sipes said the P UC h a d s tudied lifeline ·a llowances at Pacific Gas and Electric and Southern California Edison, but had nol found any improper practices. COMI HOllW 10 • WT1m IMOMIOOM l10al 1MIOU9MOUT THI WIST ........ '-' .._,.. r DAn a Wllll • WKICDAft wt ~ t • MT\HIDAW It """ t • IUNDA\' 1Ht """° I ........ 1mw......-en.111t ~IUCM•1Mtl ....... •...., CDITA •IA• tfll II, ..... ._.,•...,., LA llWlllA • U• W ....._ • ..,..,,, ~ • t• ._.. 1.1119 ..._ • ....,, IMTA MAIMTll •IM t. l'NI k • ....... ................ ,, ........... ~~ W7 ... A-·-... •-t·WUV•l9ft6 ·W-llfta t ~q.11t111111 l!tdutl•'"· ~.111 ~.,., Eltodl r•Gt111191 COMOenr ...._. I NATION I CALIFORNIA IND • ™ EYEWEIR FOR YOU IT MOST INSURANCE PROGRAMS WELCOME. ~VE $10.00 REBATE OF THE COST OF AN EYE EXAMINATION TO PURCHASERS OF PRESCRIPTION LENSES & FRAMES OR CONTACT LENSES AT ANY SAY-ON OPTICAL CENTER. •=====-===========================-= THINKING OF Solt contact Lenses? (Come In and Check Our low Prices.) Just bring ua your prescriptions and Doctor's O.K. for aort len111 and we can help you Join the mllllona of other 11t11f11d soft lens wearers. WE ALSO CARRY A Complete Line Of SUNGLASSES for All Sport Occasions! DISTINCTIVE Fashion E yewear ALSO AVAILABLE AT A SAVINGS TO YOUI • Gloria Vanderbilt • Yves St. Laurent • Pierre Cardin • Oscar De LI Rentl And M•J Othen I ......_. .......... stlllcthtlr ....... ..,,..,..._ Y•cmsetM•& .... we••tr ... ...... .............. .............. --......... .,... ........... , .......... ,... IN HUNTINGTON BEACH 19121 Beach Blvrl . Phon e: (714) 847-9833 ..... .. CALIFORNIA ~.Match 28. 1979 DAii. v PILOT A J 3 Fresno Mapmakers atline Red Light Dlstriet FRESNO <AP I -Ev r go lo a hew tOWll a.od drive •llml "'Y around looking ror I& vro~lllutt•" "No mol't' dnvina around t-0wn preltndln~ you n-looking tor )'our dot(.· JOktd onf' or two bttS1 nt'11men ht•re who ha~ d(• velo~ u ~uide to tbt! r lt) , .. ~ U1bt" d1slr1cts r lled "Th• Mopm•kcr , " lloy thP1r four pag~ hro<•hure aport mg a p cturt• or an old taahlonl'<.I lamp Poll wUh a r<•J llicht bulb r111 .. u c•rt.oGroa>hJcul void 'l'h" map w1JI ait<> on ¥tth· 1n u ft<w \H'Pk ul a llrll'N>fS2. ht'r from rour part or town. Nnturally, lhe four districts. one of which includes the C'Ourthouse ;,and city hall. wcrn d~scribed In court und pubhclzcd The Mapmakers insist they do not adv()(ate prostitution but are merely providing a service. The maps are somewhat or a ••tongue -in-cheek'· promotion, but The Mapmaker s hope to laugh their way lo the bank not onlr through customers Interest· ed an a novelty but also for those who intend to use it. They also are planning a similar map out· lining San Francisco's vice cen· t.e rs. Although it ls all In fun. The Mapmakers say they want to re· m ain anonymous because they a r e legitimate businessmen whose re putations would s uffer if a ssociated with the "red light" map. "My priest would come un· glued." said one Th two mt•n, who prt•frr lo be The t\o\-'O .:ot the ldl•n from 11 ca11t• lwr In wbkh u pro:, tit 1lh' C'ha llt•nKlld Uw c·ourt for bunnln.: .. ft was all del ncuted m the paper." Hid one of The Map muk~ns. "We wanted to make Ho m cltllng tangible ror people <'o m•nc to the city .. ( L. M. BOYD ) INFORMS In the DAILY PILOT Blouse & Skirt ENS EMB LE Bt.~ullful prints on gauze make vou teel like a m1ll1on dollars• The Idlest fashion designs SIZES 10-18 BORDER PRINT Blouse, & Skirt ENSEMBLE Fashionable pnms h1ghltgh1 your hgure with a loose com1or1able fit Cool guaze material SOFT PR INT Blouses MEN'S & LADIES' Warm-Up Soll comfortable and great looking Triple knit acryltc. also with suede cloth In assorted colors 10 choose from Elegant shured draped sleeves on a lull tunic body Enhanced by an all over llor al print ~ Rayon and SO°. Polyester ~um~ 9.99u\~ ~cu ... , HAND LOOMED Sweaters Full lash1oned 100% virgin acrylic allrac11ve detail w11h long sleeve SIZ£S S.M·l 8.88u HIGH HEELED Shoes .,. Italy Now ycMI Clft get I pelr Of shoet ""1 ire the current fashion craze al a real Slvtngl I 1.1 11111-11 P& ( DRUG STORES A ........... Place To Shop! SHOP 9:00 AM TO 9:30 PM MON.·SAT. 9:00 AM TO 7:00 PM SUN. Houe1GANr Musk eoNus SUP£R·SIUlY·SEXY Musk Hand & Body MOISTURIZER (8 oz.) FREE with any 15.00 Purchase from our Musk Collection. EYLURE ARTIFICIAL Fingernails Easy 10 apply. Stay on until you lake them all 4.00 KIT ~ .. ( ... ~~t '-I . ' -. ii~ --~~u~ ~ -U~ ~ HOUBIGANT ~1 :' Chantilly ~ -I '-. SPRING BOUTIQU E SPECIAL ' I ·1 ·' . SPRAY MIST I I NON AEROSOL 4 00 I \... 1.75 oz. • . ;\ ~ PURE SPRAY MUSK OIL 1.5 oz. .48 oz. DUSTING POWDER 5 oz. DOROTHY GRAY EAU DE COLOGN E DUSTI NG POWDER 5.00 ,, 6.50 5.00 COLONIAL DAMES "1886" VITAMIN E ALL OVER Hand & Body Lotion Soflening. non-sticky. 1 25 soothing and vanishing Conta111s IOO 1.U. 4 oz. TUBE • Satura ·.I loz. 3.50 2nd Debut LOTION WITH CEF 1200 l oz. 3.75 ~o~~ b~~:~.~~l~nd 3 99 4oz. • DANA TABU ALMAY FABERGE Ceramic Glaze COLOR RICH 2 75 Eye Shadow • u llCJIW OllU 16.M EAU DE COLOGNE -PURE SPRAY Un. ,_ ...... __ --· 0 '"';)_ .. L'OREAL F rusting Kit THE Hair Fixer with PARFUM v. or. Surround yourself with luxuryl •1uo VAlU£ 6.50 AZIZA CACHET by PRINCE MATCHABEW NATURAL LUSTRE ~~~~!!~~"' 2 50 rt Ch • ~!~.~.l~~s 3 00 single stroke • by PRINCE MATCHABElU ' SILKEN BODY FRAGRANCE As Individual as you are• 4 0L ~ 3.50 LOVE'S BABY SOFT Shfne I Bounce Nail Enamel CltEM£ fROSTtD 2.00 .. 2.10 DOROTHY GRAY SATURA The cream that can be worn 24 hours a day even under lac1al & eye make-up Eye Cream ·44 °'· 3.50 OGILVIE Mist-Mate PROFESSIONAL NAIL TREATMENT Enriched with protec11ve nail hardeners y, .,_ '2.00 VALUE Throat Cream !oz.· 5.00 • < WITH PANTHENOL Natural spray styling • /';) cond1t1oner for blow· · ~~1 ~·'~'"··:': 13.25 ~ SALLY HMSO Hard As Nails ~=-2.1 Ultra Rich ~poo 12 ti. l79 ·. WITH NYLON 2 Fashion shades 1 5 .45 ti. ... . . .... D1ttJ condltlon- lnO trMt"*" for probltftl hair 'FASHION Hair Combs SHADOWBOX Initial Necklaces ~r ""'""""""" "'" T.r """"" COTY FACE OF FASHION GLOWING FINISH ALL IN ONE Make-Up Moisturizes GLOWING FINISH Bare Blusher 3.95 "'"' '"''" Silksticks Luscious lipsticks Oil FREE Make-Up Wllh astringents. J&-t21 ~:&}5 2.75 11. to•o-zo12 lecW!eN • .., ... ·' ~'- . . . . . . . . . -~ : , . . . . • . . . . . . • . t YU BAN COFFEE All GRINDS. ·-. C•H•B CHILI with BEANS "REG. or HOT" 15 oz. ... --. . .. -= v-:r=== CINCH BUTTERMILK . '.7-~ PANCAKE-~ MIX 32 oz. HONEY -...- =-SUE BEE """ Orange. Clover or Sage 12 oz. JAR Y.. CINCH '";S :p COOKIE 'j MIX -. _;-_-~ --- WISHBONE SALAD DRESSING 16 oz. BOTTLE CREAMETTES ELBOW MACARONI 7 oz. BOX ' LIPTON TEA BAGS BOX OF 100 PRINCELLA YAMS Cut Sweet Potatoes In Syrup 16 oz. CAN OCEAN SPRAY CRANAPPLE JUICE 48 oz. SIZE DRUG STORES Place To Shop I WIWAMS INSTANT MASHED POTATOES Equals 1 O lb. Sack of Potatoes. 18 oz. CAN ROYAL GELATIN DESSERT Assorted Flavors 3 oz. BOX PLANTERS PEANUT BUTTER Creamy or Crunchy . WIWAMS ASSOITED SPICES Economy Sizes . C•H•B PANCAKE & WAFFLE SYRUP 31 oz. BOTILE f SH n~ EARLY' wr: H-A~[ s1NcrnrLv rn1E0To .".·~· '. .," ·.1 P • ANTl\IPJ\TE THt OlMl\ND ' WAMYALLIT 111 .. •alW..-t I t_ .. DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES ASS 'T. FLAVORS ~ C•H•B IMITATION MAYONNAISE = - No Sugar Added '32 oz. JAR DEL MONTE -TOMATO .-. CATSUP -:? ~--=. /12 •• \ - 32 oz. BOTTLE ~ CHICKEN OF THE SEA OYSTER STEW 10 % oz.CANS C•H•B BEEF STEW , . SWEET 'N ~ow CHIFFON DETERGENT CREST TOOTHPASTE GRANULATED SUGAR SUBSTITUTE FACIAL TISSU E SAV·ON BRAND With Fluoristan NORELCO . Gotcha Gun STYLING DRYER Compact and lightweight with 1()()() walls of power m n 11.88 Super Curl STEAM CURLER With pos11tve temperature control and swivel cord ..... 10.88 HI WITH 26" LEGS ~~~~~I~~~~ iron 9 8 8 Ponable and easy to take • anywhere . casr "'°"Double Hibachi 5.49 REVLON MILK PLUS 6 ·twULX CONDITIONER & SHAMPOO ~~~ 8GL 1.59 WONDRA REVLON ... FLEX NET HAIR SPRAY lllJ Holds firm. yet ~ looks shiny 2.nd 1~$3 •• •l•' 13 oz. : EXTRA STRENGTH TYLENOL con~ins no aspmn• ·------ IKTAA sn,•NGTH VLENOL --· -· 24 CAPSULES 8 9 c or 30 TABl.ETS EA. OORA STRENGTH EFFERDENT Denture Cleanser WESTCLOX Alarm Clock Al!ractive colored dial KITCHEN PRIDE'S wH1sTuNG Teakettle Ll.QUOR ,, ~~· with compact styling / ~ C? ~ #12242/4/1 IO :? \~(Ji ·: 4 88 -• EA. ASSORTEDS JuMBo ponges SELECT MOP Soft. absorbent and durable AuToMAT1c Sponge Mop l ever operated self wringer action Assorted Shades. Has push-button I hp-cap 2'12 Qt. 2.88 saSAL Twine Approx 1 Pound ball 99c TRAC II COUNT VASYA VODKA 6 39 eo PIOOf 1.75 liter • FOSTER CREEK 6 YR. OLD BOURBON .. ,_ 1.75Llter 7. 79 MacKINNON'S NO LIQUOR AT: • ..,, ......, ... t111...... • 1111 ~""' e ~ ... ca.....lr ....... --COVEi ... -TU"'ztl UPSTICK ....____, U~l~Mrs' 1 J 9 .19 REVLON MOISTURE ~~~k~ LOTION ~ FOR DRY ::::::." SKIN RELIEF 15.8 oz. 1.88 SIGNAL ' MOUTHWASH & GARGLE 18oz.1.19 78 c r• c;;s_t; __ 5 oz. TUBE - FRISKIES CANNED DOG FOOD from CARNATION SUNBEAM Iron SHOT OF STEAM • ·today Dial the steam you want DAZEY ~!!':!·,~!!!.. •·~~ and economy• IBags also ava1lablel TRASH TOTER WITH LID Large. ptasllc container with wheels. takes drudgery our of 1rash dav• 32 GAL SIZE 12.95 VIGORO OVAL Braided Throw Lawn Fertilizer Controlled time-release lormula tor beauttfuf. green lawns• 6.4925LB. SERGEANT'S Flea & Tick Collar For dogs & cats ~:?~ ... ~-159 ~s 111•·---• EA. ::: .. :::·:- BONAPARTE SPAR• Plue Cleaner Easy to operate• Connects to any 12 volt battery. 4.99 ALDING" . TENNIS BALLS RACKET BALLS "ACE" CAN OF 2 YOUR CHOICE 1.99 ACM RUG f or kitchen. den or any room in the house Acrylic and polyester in beauttfuf colors 2 8 8 APPROX. SIZE • 11"130'' COMMUTOR Auto Cup Insulated and spill p1oot For hot or cold beverage~ 2.49uu QUAKER STATE Motor Oil 30 Weight. WelllM,._ a TOIO-l4171111H .... ,_ lllllW ....o-8171 Nap;I .. Pllwy. , r r;AAMA-itlll..a ...... 11. ( \ .. ,. A •• QA.IL v PILOT QUEENIE With Sureharges Adds to Pain Nl':W YORK IAP) The decision hy the >r1tanization of Petroleum Exporttnl( Countries to 4llSC crudeo1I pr1t'eS by 9 percenlApril l Will forther •omphl'ULC' the (1,;hl ug:uru.l inflation, anuly~b varn "There's no w3y we can handle the pressure" r the OPEC boost "without som • pam," Allan II. Aellzcr. a Carnegie.Mellon University economhil, 3id Tuesday. U.S. CONSUMER PRJ('F.S ROSF. 9 percent Jsl year. a nd Jumpl'd I 2 pe rcent hctwccn anuary and f'ebruary alone Uut the future im· •act or the latest OPEC ITIOVl' on the American l'<·ono m y Is h a rd t o ---------gauge because of th1· CONSUMER J Ion~ distance between • fort>1"n oil pumps and US. industries and t'On· sumf'rs. Ac·cording to Leon T1tub. an ec·onom1st at lht• nn:-ullmg firm of <.:hase Econometrics Inc .. the pril OPEC mcreusc <'O uld raiSl' American infla. on by 0 2 pcrc·cnt this year. If OPEC were to 'U:.e prices 5 1~rccnl in October, mnation would .!c•c•111c a o 4 percent bo<>st m 1979 and anothl'r 0.4 en'ent boost m 1980, he s;.ild. Analysts said the OPEC t}cJOSl also will in rc>asc the U.S. bill for foreign oil by at least $4 llhon from 197K'~ $43 h1lhon. possibly puttinR new rc:-~un• on the dol I ar on roreagn t.•xchan ~e tarket.s BUT THF. ANAL VSTS SAID THE import tally ould go higher when producers' surcharges and 'dss1blc additional OPEC Increases are included. : "This year . we're goinR to go over S50 balhon • ;y a sil(lllficant ma rgin," said Theodore R. Eck. hlt'r economist at Standard Oil Company or In iana. Taub. meanwhile, es timated tha t another •P EC increase and s ur"harges could raise the :r19 import ball to S50 balhon to $53 billion The lalt•st produc rs' action set.s the price or rab1an Ught crude oil the rererence point for lhcr grades of oil at $11.54 a barrel, 708 percent hove the base price for a 42-gallon barrel when >PEC was rormcd nearly 19 years ago BUT OPEC ALSO IS Al.WWING member:-lo ontlnue addinJC surcharge~ to posted ~clhng rices, meaning many customers may be paying ubstantlally above "official" rates. T he 11ur- hari;tt.'tl alone may add a penny to the price of a a lion or gasollne hert.' The surcharges became widespread in the 1ake or a 69-day shutdown or pet roleum produc on In Iran due to the revolution again11t. Shah lohammad Reza Pahla vi. The Iranian shutdown helped to turn last ear'a crude oil glut Into a shortage, with oil· un~ry consumers scrambling for shrinking sup- hec; and bidding up pricc.-s well above posted :!Vl'l!I THE CRUDE OIL SQUEEZE, AWNG with a hange ln federa l price rules. allowing renncrs to 1asa lncreuing proceKsing coKts to customer!\, haa >ecn fell at the gasoline pump In recent months. According to the Lundberg Letter . a newslct. er that covers the industry, lhc average retail >rice of a gallon or regul•r gasoline ut a rull· ;er vice station jumped 3.68 cents betwee n F'~bruary and March to 73.25 cent.'l. Moat major oil companiea have limited de· 1iveries to dealers becaWte of light crude oll sup- plies. The latest to announce a cutback was Tex. aco Inc .• which ft&ld Tue.day that dealers next month will receive 85 percent or the gasoline they sold In April 1978. Texaco this month limited dea1ertto90oerccntor March 1978dellvcrles. The cutbacks have been ordered even though> demand for gasoline haa been running S percent over last year's levc~ Color Yoar Gardea "SPRINGTIME" 10% Diacount If ~ purchaM a full flat ... 6-Color Pack• 12-~hck• 16-4 Inch Pot• Each fal flat muat be the .... twecont-...AND ...... v.n.ty of plant. (Celon ... be mlucl.) lonl' ... NO EXCEP110N8 .....,.. a.d.n.. 6to.8IOO ... ........ • NlicAntw. NNpot4 8-:tl • 9 .... 6""' ' ..... ------- --- Libraries Win Honor lroine Schoo& Share Final,ist Award Shirley Wood• think• lrvioo'b elem•·ntary l'IChool llbrury 1>ro 1n1m11 arf' Lht1 ht! t 1t1 lht' West. Som.one back ft;11.11t •ttr 'fhf' Aml'rtclO ociataon or Sc-hool Ubrariana d ~ t:n cyelopa~la Dr1tunn1c11 1ie<>1)le both hued m 'h1cuuo hav., b u towtid nullo na l ranall:tt honor• on lht• Orang County dl1lral0t '• i'br.iry progrum11 Three-other 1whool dh1lr1ctis 11\ th Unllt'd Stutes ull ea!'il of th•• MlMlt111lP1>I were a1milar1Y booo re<J. IN A LETT•:& TO I rvine nlfil'd SchOol Ol.!ltr1cl Supt. A Stanley Corey. lh librarian &S· 1ocl•Uon uld the SouthC'rn Call(ornla d l11tr1ct wilt being credited for · ·o uti.tanding •cblev~ment in 1uov 1ding ex t mplary Hbrary m e dia p1 o ara m 1 lo 1t1 cl mentury echoola" Ms Woods, coordinator or m t1trucllonal resources ror the dill· tract. concurs. She 11&id thtt library as the hub or a school. "We JUSt doo't hove books." she said. T h e l l b r1rleK o rrt.•r tl variety or wachlng tJH18 that an · elude film alripis, l.aJM'a, record· 1n1s and lnatructionul equip· mt.1nt to supplement whut the child learns In u chu1:sroom. Ms. Wood• said. 8Ht; WO THF. district has continued to fi nancially nurture the library programis in an effort to keepthem at high quality. While other districts have re· lied on pa.rent volunteers lo man ccrtaln l.Jbrilry posts, Ms. Woods nld the lrvlne schools have u•ed only cn.'<lentlaled personnel those who possess library credentials and teaching creden· Lia ls. "We say we 're the best In the West," she said. The library association gave special praise lo the district's ef· forts lo expand programs or. fered in the libraries. your total 1n1trucllonal prc>- gram. "lhe letlt>rtoCorcy said. "A• one or only four 11ch0ol s ys tems In the nation whOI<' achievement is being recognized this year, your district should serve as an Ins piration lo others," the letter added. The three other districts cited were the Greenwich. Conn .. public school syslt'm, the Com· munaty Consolidated School Dis· trict or Park Rid~c. 111 .. and t.he Shaker Heights City School Dis trk t in Ohio. 0 F T II E F 0 V R , t h 1• Creenwich district was picked to r eceive a SS.000 prize as the School Ubrary Media Progra m of the year. Irvine and the other two dis· tracts also will receive citations us f i nali sts. An Awards ceremony is set for May. T he Los Alamitos School Dis· trict was honored as the national program of the year in 1977. A selection committee com. posed of school Library ad· minastralor s and educators screens stat.e entries to make nomlnaUona. LOCAL /NATION PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE """" ltO'TIC• Of' UIT.ltTIOM IU••lltOll ~·TO• CAUflOlllUA TO •MOAG• llt TM• .-La (OUWT't Of' IM ........ ou•o O• •• OOMCM IC NV&aAOal 'tlC'rOllVIU.tl OIVIMOM J.17 ft 1 .... (Mf o.tw To W_.,, tt¥ey ~ VIC...,.., CA tt:lft S\IOIO(I .. ,,_.of ui.11(-<ti> CAH .. uMM• •l UM IVl(I Pll9d to<, lltl~• I\ ........, elffll llMI '"~ CMAll•IAAH.1 I"• WllO."len•d .,,.,. .. , 10 .... In re 1IW -n1.., of Pellll-11t_.1, _...,~ et llM prem"-•· llQX IE MElllTO 811!9ER •nd CH\(rlb9d•I01towtllllhtt0~1)fO llluponOtnl JO HN CttAltliS WIO<HJllOtOW l11!9ER ... W lttll ". MOTICllt T• ............... Tw C.OU.MeW ~ -Y -'* ...-,_ wl...,. PvrwM\4 le """ tnl4'ftll0ft, 1i. 1111 .,.., ........... -· .,_ ,...-. Clet\t11MO I\ -1YNIO 10 lllt ~n wll ... • .. .,.. ........ ...__U... mtnl of ~k llNwreoe Qlntrof -...W, tor t•-.e 01 t11 ll<Alhl>llt b9ve<•ll9 AVt$0 t u-i.. .i.. ..,.._. ... llet"'• ( .. 1~..,.,.,, tor IMM ptt •• .,._ ..... ~ <Milt• u•. ,,. • .,., •• to1klw'l1 \1111 ~•--U•.r....-"O" N ......... • .i.a. 1.eoll le 1111..,_· ()fl $tie Beer I. WIM , .... -"-· ·~I( p,.,,.._, I Io li.At~ TOUCHO'ClA!>SE. INC.. • Tiit s-111'°"9< N \ fli.d • Dtll &I HM'OICI C H•frl- llon t~nlnt '°"' "'•"1"90 You Pr ... -1 ~ M•Y II .. • Wfllltfl ,,,,_. .. wlllllfl '° Pw1M1\n.o 0r"'9t Got•I D.ollf •11t1 O•Y• ot , ... Ml• 111.ol llllt ~· ., M•rcl\ "· .. ,. 1201 /~ ••• vtd Oii you, PUBLIC NOTICE D 11 vw 1•11 to ui. • wrtlten 1 r~M Wllf\ln ...C.11 lllnt. yOWr de· toull mey De "1\IN.0 ~ -c-1 ,,. .. , _, • ·~ c.on .. 1111119 '" HOTIU TO c ••OITOllS tvn<llv• °' 91"" .,...,,. Ulf!U•nl"9 su,..•10ll COU•T or THE 01¥1•-ol ""-""· '°°""' WCIPO'I, STATEOf'CAU•Otl .. IA~Olt '"II" con-... ctllld _,, •l'IMMY'• TMR ~lllTY O" o•AM0€ , .. ,. (Q\t .. -""" 04Mr ,..... •• Mo. .. 9'IJt m•Y be e<Mlttel bY t"' t-1. wlllC" E & I• I• 11 I MAR G A A E T M tO<lld rHvll lnlll<l e.,nhllmtnl ot FAllGREN •'• MAlllGAR l!T IC ....... lekl"9of -yor ~IY. or rALlC.AEN, Dol<..e•wO. 041Wr ...... NOTICE IS HfAE9Y OIVli!N to'"" C If,.. ...... W _..Ille -IH .. (ltdllOh of 1 ... --.. -""" dt<:td*nt 1111 • ...._., "' t:M• -... r• ~ 11••1 •II _,.,,., n•vlfl9 cl•lm• •9<0tn•I ... M .....,..., .. -,_ .n.w. '"" ... a._, ,,. ,_.,.., to 111~ ,.._... ... If-·""' M ttlM .. u-l,..m, w1111 uw neo•Mrr """""'' '· In O•led F-ue<y 11, 1t1' tl1t ofllo .. lilt <Mlt~ ot -•llOv• •n v o.nn1, w ... e1... 1111..i '°""• or 10 ,, • ..,,, '"'"'· ,.,,,. Cteni 11\e """'"' vwcn1tf\, lo lllt un Bv a..-111 •• M MO>t•V. Oer\l\)nl!(I •• ••o Newpotl C•ntM °"""'" Ott••· :M.11• 'l'fO, ..... po,, 8Ull\. Al.VIN w ·~AltOSlE y c.e11torni.. Wiiien ,, '"' oi.o of l>u\I Attw....., M...... "'" of the -·IOMd In ............ ' P 0 .... 2t1' perl•tnt"lj lo lllt ~•I• Of MIO Cle<~ ••• .. ., LaU, CA mu o.n1, "'''""' '°"'"-""•It••'"''"'' Tel 17141 _,_ ..,.o<k•llon of 1110\ nOll<• Att-Y ... : ........... O.t..i -<1121, t~l'I r=z:;::::;:::wilinr====iriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I~ i Al I VIV._,, lle!Wltr PWCM"'*I 0.~ c,o.,1 O•llY PllOI. CAM<Ulrla OI I ... Wiit of Mt• 11 lllt -,,_ Oe<.edenl "IT IS APPARENT that in your community the services and activities of your school hbrary media centers arc re· garded as an essential part of Mesa GI EARL'S HOME STYLE BRIDGE •ndAt>f 4.•1 .... 1,,. 114,,. ~,~::=c=~ .. ve · ':-~~~ TOMORROW NIGHT PUBLIC NOT_ic_E_ ~::._---.CA.,... A•M co..o (E ery Thura E • I 7 30 ) ·-A_ .. ,._.119<1'1'1• E ngie n . SI lK, 711•)1 V • V ft ng ; p,m, Pubh-0.-Colwllt Dally PtlOt eer 'A••l<f' ltnlll '>IMholll '°"'Door onaNQE ,..,O ... ST BRIDGE CLUB 'u••••omc:ouno•CAU•Oll .. IA Mert .. 21-Af)rll4,ll,11,Hl9 . •C.oll '>IOt• Not .. ,.,,"°"' ...... , nft ~ "' COUNTY ors.. ......... llOIMO 120~ ,., CO\TAMl\A642·17S3 145 E. 19th at-Fullerton, eo--M••• CAHNV .... ••r1..UMIVICI I P if ,.~.._..I.... ... '" ,. --.. ~ °' "-lll•-n ac. . ·--· AO.XIE Mll!ll l ro BIEBt:A .... a IC M•~~~~~1 Call for lnfo:548-3302 :.·e·::~o.111 JO HN '"""lu PUBLIC NOTICE Pvt. Bradley Conners F• · .. " ... ' • 1 ro R~ '°"H CHAttLU f C ta M ' i l 8tE81EA Vow M• or-to ._ .. su•t:•tOll COUltT 01' THE 'TATEOFCALIFOlt .. tA FOil THE cou .. TY 01' o•• .. GE o ~ ~a 1s asss · -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiii~~1 ~ ~~~.~-~ •~»0•1< i ng the 8'th Engineer °''"'· 111e .... v111e. c:.111°'"'" "1m on .. o. "'""1 B I. • h bill Meyl. "7t t1l:aG 1m .. o.o¥1,,....t NOTI CE Of' HCAAIN G Ot atta ion in a re a ta· •Spiral sllceo for easy serving .. Room "'° vit 1. to 91., • .,,,, ~· Pl" r10H i-.o R PROBATE oF w 11 '- tion project at Eniwetok • Honey 'n Spice Glaze • Cooked 30 hours , .. _.. ..,,, unaln Ofclen •• q ... •tfll •NO ltrlER!> I U TAMENTARY . l·n the Western Paciric's ov P•••••on., rtox1E MERITO •urHOR1z•nOH ro •OMIHt!>llR 1( ""' • II •Nationwide shipping service e•E&EA """""no4 oe ,.._..., ""' uNOEA THE •NOEPt:NOENT •o Marshall Islands. H l lP. 11111nu1nv... • Full service Delicatessen co..tt ., .... '°"'" '" .... •lloKl\ed MINl!>TRATIOHOF LSlATES A(I Q :Jey REOUE!>I FO ii ORDER A'4 0 l.\l•I• ot C.E NEl/IEllL M Eniwetok, 2,300 miles •Old World CheeseShop oECLAA•riOH.10-oc:"""" .... _, H•OM~.Ot<e-southwest of llawali , Sandw~ches togo oa-f"°""""'u,1~" No11<:E •S HEA1.evc;1vEN111.1 " · ~· l(alt C:ROCl(C A NATIOHAl 8ANIC , w as a t est site for !j~d Hii"'Hall s ALVllllW ••AllotL EY tormerlv CROCKER CIT IZEN'> ouc I ear explosions In the A"-' •11..... .. ... rt OH Al BANI(, "-' 11'" 1141•••11 • •• 0 .... .,, l)<!tlllon 10< P<-l• of Wiii "'° lllf I> 1940s and 1950s. • ...... Ulle, CA tnU W•n<.• of I.el .. ,. h~•-nlilry to IM Tel 11141--~Lii._, -tor 1'1ilhO<UAhon 10 A<I The rehabilitation con· ,.._....,._ ,..._ !"'"m' ..-, ,,.. 1no.oen<Wn1 "° 5 i s t s 0 r r e m 0 v I n g _A g t J\Jt Q l . t ( t ~ , P .. 111 • .-°'-'-'' o ... , PllOI. mlf'lt\lrtlion of E\lal<O\ Ad (PrOC>41• ( ''""i1~e (li'1J ll()l( COil 1ovr. 0 roo -· 1'-AOr •.•l,11,9'1'9 1Ul1' C-~9tfrtw,qt r~•··~•lo -l<llt\ r a diologi ca ll y con lJ\All •, l\1 ••• lJ '; • ------m-'°''""""'""rtt<ut."'·•nd•n•• taminated eart h from PUBLIC NOTICE •f'Mt1tm•-"4«•of"'•"""1"'"''"" 11•\ bffn "'' IOf "°''' II, 1~1'1, •I 10 00 selec te d islands a nd ADER N w ------•m.1nOlt<O<Klr11«nolO-•lrMnt tra nsporting it (rOm ~1Cl1TIOU$9USl .. l!H Nu lol "'41 tOlif'l, .. 700Ctw1< f•nl •• H-f. STAT€ME .. T 0•1.,. w..t. on tne (Hf of S.nU. And sealed burial to a select· FOR EASTER ,,,. ••11-•"4 pe,_, .,. dolno ,.uto•"'· ed crater. llu\•f'le'o•~ D••eo-cnu, ""' ,. _ _,,. .. USA SU RVl\/Al TIME s p 0 8o• u f " llR•H(H . Connors is a combat Re~mb4tr ... We Ship Anywhere In ,,..m,Mnt , ... ,. '"'""' c..111°'""' 97111 ,.,,, c:-.1, c.i.rw M<C.•w A••nv., lrv•tw. C•l•torn" MAlllVI .. A. eutt .. an engineer with the bat-n11• ott "'''*~ ai .... talion. His mother, Mrs. l700 t. COAST HWY .• C.-., Mw '"°"' 67J.t000 • H A A v e s ' H o u s c '"'" m. Patrl·ca·a Conne rs, lives 24601 RAYMOMD WAY .. a T~O ID .... TORO.'"°"' 117-JUJ ~.....,,,:;;;;.... PU8llSHER\. tHC .. ''"'"'"'• <O< lff A--. CMW "'10 19069 MACH llYD. • •~. ~TOM MACH, PHOMI 14Ml71 poutton, a.1 M<C...., "'"""""· ,,.,,.. r.1 um w ..-n at 1417 Shamrock Lane, Also Anaheim. Orange, Palm Spnngs. La Habfa. San 01900. North Hollywood c:.uiorn•••111• ""_,._ -.ti.o-_~~-0~s~t~~~~-~·~a~-------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,-~ n '~-h ·~ ~~-0r-~•~••Y ~~ '"' °"'"'-Mier H.19-AOr l , 19M 110).I~ T,,H ~ •4·\ ..... •1th the ----- •· I Better Homes and Gardens' Book of Vegetables and Herbs. The origjnaJ, full - size, 100-pa!,'C version. It tells you wgctahles, and ,gives you some int<:rc:!'lt - ing and uniqu<: uses for herbs. It 's yours for the picking· at any of our 87 how to grow your own offices statewide. For a limited time. we'll also be demonstrating rhc· vc.>r"<ttik•. c:a.")'·to·usc: KRUPS f3io- master Juice Extractor, from Europe's lead.in~ ~urmt:t applian c manufacturer. So you can set: how to jwcl' your own vegetables after you 'vc grown 'cm. Stop in anytime. For your f rt~ book and a look at the juicer. And a quick rundown 0t our many savin~s plan!\ to hclpyou,grow l'Vl'ry- Orlt''s favorite greens: Morx.')'. •111• ·on-... , -----------, For your fr~ book, I just fill ouc this ooupon and I bring it to you r rx..>3J't'St • I Allstate Savings and Loan Off ice: I Name : IAddreu~ ......... ~~~~~~~ :City rmmm.1 i I State Zip [!!!!!] I I. _ ~ -~ ......... _. I '-'-------------.-J 'ANQ..D9HT1 l)ll So. f'I t.mffio W ,AN'IAANA 12<.klW 17th Sc. " ' • '°""'Y aeo. ot or..._ '°""'Y on PUBLIC NOTICE -<11n.1t1• •ttK,. 1 PuOll-0. .... C.,.$1 O••IY Ptt04, flMI, 2t end A0r 4. II, II, lffl II ... " PUBUC NOTICE •talTIOUI •USIMEH NAME IT ATE MIE MT TM 10'-"4 Pet\O<\ •• oou19 °"" ~\oil\ PURE AIR PROoucrs .••• 84>11•• S4fMI. ~·· ~. (Oit.o ,,... ... .. OTICE TO Clll!OITOltS OI' euuc C..lltorn .. ~ TltAMIPR• ANO OF IHTElllTIC>ft fO M. Wily,. IC..nt, JIOI P•<~••~""• T • A N S • E It A LC 0 14 0 l I C lrVlflt. (At1f0f'lll4'711S 8IVEltAGE LICf. .. SE ISI IS•et. '"•s b<N-1\~led by"" t1I ""_.,., u.c.c. .,..,., MllJ .... , dtvtOot•t NOTl(E IS Me RE BY GIVEN IO """ ,,. Wayne Kun• Cred1lor\ or WllllAM GtAM8AT ff\i\ \Ul-1 wob llled wlln ,,... 11!> I A. SOc1•I ~"er1ly HO 1)114 »lJ'.11, (o .... ly Cl..,_ Of 0.onoe (°""It "'' rr.,.••••0< -LJ(tft-. -w 0..M Mart" 19, 1t'9 """ -~\ •• liOOAO.om• A!tt. W.•• ....... J IOI, '".,..(•If ot eo.1• ~ .... C-11 ""°'"-Or-C.0.•l o •••• Pt1ul 01 0••"9'l \tAl~ o• C..1t1orn1.t .,., •. Mo r 11 7'-Apr • 11.1~1<1 10'11> 1~ !Ml a OUI-tren\1~• I\ ·-· 10 .... m•d • lo I,( H•lOtNl M RlOC>Gr Tl ''""''e'"' """ tnl~nd.c:I PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE P\JBLIC NOTIC.: NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS Prince of PHCt Lutheran S<hOol admits students of 1ny rec•. cotor, natlon11 1n<1 ethnic origin to au the rllf't1, prMltOfS, pr09r1rns, .net ecUvltltS generally Keotdlel ., mede aw1lle1Me to studtnta 1t IN schOOI. II dlDel NI dlecrtmlnate on .. Miia of race, color, netleNI • .awe or1t1n "' ed11tlnl1tr1tlon of ltt. edvt1t1on11 poll<IH, 1dml11lon1, pollcles, 1clMll1rlftlP end toen progr1ms, 1nc:t 1thlttlc and other IChOOI admlnlattrtcl progr1m1 • Put>lllhtd Or•noe Coeat 01lly Piiot, M1rch 28! 1979 ~ , ,~7.79 • LOCAL I NATION Wldt...a.y, Mwch 28, 1979 DAil. y PtlOT Al 1 6apo ·DUJtrict Dropouts Getting 'Fresh Start' Kids 'Don't Skate' While Earning Diplomas By &AVllONO T&AO Ja. Ot•OeM• ...... ,_ lliah chool drope>ul11 Wbat<'\er happens to th.-m • A bout b1lr lht h11h at>hool dropouts i n the C'a pl trano U nifi~ School D1sl rlcl v. ho let\ ~t>hool during 1977 7K Wf're ~rouahl back Lhrou1ih • progntm called "Frt.>ab Start" 110 thut they could am diploma. P&OGaAM Ol&t.:C.,.OR and ro1thtimat1c11·1clence l t1a1chtir Ktllh Stroud Hy• mo t t maier~ who drop oui ot tJchool ar,• u u1ht ln a rinanelal bind and hav~to find a Job 46 Ranchers Lose . NBC Suit Appeal Pl ERRE, S D (AP> US. D1str1ct Judge And.rew Bogue was right m dlsm1ssmg a $45 million ltbel suit against NBC stemming Crom the Wounded Knee takeover, an appeals court has ruled. ··The distnct court properly found no genuine issue or material fact exists," said the 8th U S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis. SOME 46 RANCHERS joined the swt against NHC. c·ontending that re porte r Fred Briggs libeled them on the NBC Nightly News in an April 6, 1973. ch~· patch from Wounded Knee Briggs said more than 90 per· cent or the land on the Pine Ridge Indian Res ervat ion is_ leased primarily to non·lndian ranchers. "The Indian lives his squalid reservation ltfe wondering if any of this will come lo pass." he s aid "He lives on a s ub-welfare level dole ... furnished partly by the collective rent from white ranchers using his land." THE RANCHERS ARGUED that the report would cause millions of Americans to con- L ALL 1HE ADVAlllAGES ., ... ,_.., MUIMUM MIBtEK Because of new U.S. Government regulations, the interest rnte on Wells Fargo Bank's 26-week, SI0,000-mini· mum Treasury Certificates now matches the maximum rate offered by any other bank or savings & loan. At today's high rates, there's never been a better reason for moving to a bank, because Wells Fargo offers serious savers not only maximum interest but valu· able services -some of them exclusive to Wells Fargo. elude that they were responsible for the Indians' s ub-we trare standard of li ving by taking ad vantage of lease arrangements with the Oglala Sioux Tribe. But Bogue called the state· m e nts unambiguous , non· defamatory and non-libelous. And he granted a motion for s umma r y judgment. s aying South Dakota la w does not permit a suit in the absence of s tatements that are obviously libelous. ··The record conta ins no specific allegations of special damages," agreed the appeals court, "and we conclude that the appellants have failed lo de- monstrate a genuine issue of fact." . Among California's ftve largest banks, the average savings balance at Wells Fargo is substantially higher than at the other four. The reason for this outstanding perf or- mance, we believe, is Wells Fargo's commitment to serious saving. We offer the know-how and the services-like the new Wells Fargo Serious Saver Statement-lo encourage people to save money by making the whole process more convenient. Othen.. ho says, Juat become "dlaencbanted" or "don't give a dumn •bOut dally attendance 11nd ~come a discipline pro· blem." Ourina the first half or the 1977 -78 s choo l ye ar. 118 Cap11trano students left school for "ome reason. Some 379 dropouts left the year before and 321 were reported in 1975·76. STATE LAWMAKERS recent· ly enacted legislation allowing school districts lo provide pro· grams for dropouts who want to earn full diplomas instead or an adult night school certificate. Stroud says the Fresh Start re· quirements are tougher even though students go into the of· fi ce for only ha ll an hour a week. ''They don't skate.'' he says. Pam Wright, Fresh Start social sciences teacher. says students in the program re<:eive "very concentrated." self ·paced instruction by means of lesson contracts they must agree to. STUDENTS USUALLY study when they are not working to earn 220 high school credits. The F)-esh Start progra m, in· itiated last spring, has seen 20 students receive diplomas. "We have about a 50 percent rate" in keeping students in the program, Stroud said. Tracy Robert, Fresh Start English teacher, said the one-to· one attention each student re- ceives allows the three pT<>@:am instructors lo see each dropout's problems and deal easily with them. AS MANY AS 120 students have been enrolled in the pro· gram at any one lime s ince it 3. 'llmWBIS Fll80 IEWllD. It's a Wells Fargo exclu- sive. Keep a $2,000 savings balance in any Wells Fargo savings plan, and you can get, on request and without charge, unlimited check writing and personalized checks. An SS safe deposit box, where available, or credit toward a larger size. All the U.S. dollar tra velers checks, money orders and cashiers check s you 'JI ever need. Plus your own Personal Banker. ii.i A Treasury Certiftcatl.! more than qualifies you. ~FF TO A FRESH START -Diploma plan involves, from left. Anna Ma rie Poncino. clerk ; Pam Wri g ht, teacher; Tracy Robert, teacher : Denise Pedersen, stu- dent, and Keith Stroud. teacher und dircc· tor . began. They have ranged in age Crom 16 to 'J7. says Stroud. Miss Robert says one of her firs t tasks was to find the dropouts by reading attendance sheets and calling the s tudenL'> at home lo inform them of the program. Many students had been out on 4. 1UlllOWI PEISOIYL 8llmR: Wells Fargo Bank will assign you. on request. some· one you can call upon by name who'll tell you what you need to know about bank mg. Like current Treasury Certificate interest rates. Or who can help you re-invest in a Treasury Certificate six months from now, automatically. Of Cali- fornia's five largest banks. Wells Fargo is the one offering a Personal Banker. their own for a while and some found that they needed a high school diploma to join labor un-ions and apply for many jobs. ··They saw the real world," Stroud observed THE PROGRAM DIREcrQR says Fresh Start clerk Anna If you're self-employed or you wo rk without an IRS qual- ified retirement plan, you may be eligible for our Golden Guar- antee. This plan allows you to shelter from taxe s up to 15% of your annual income (to a max- imum of Sl.500) for retirement at a current interest rnte of 8% (annual yield: 8.33%). You can still reduce your 1978 tax lia- bility by whatever amount you contribute uy April 14. This interest rate is guaranteed until you reach age 60. Well s Fa~o is the only bank off enng this guarantee. Your Personal Banker can give you full details. Marie Poncino must keep tabs on students lo see that they com· plele the ir lesson contracts. Stroud and Mrs. Poncino are U\1• only district-paid e mployees m the program. Miss Robert and Miss Wright arc Comprehensive Employee Training Act employees. Of course, Federal law requires suhstantial intere~t penalty in event of earl y with- dmwal from Wells Far~o Treasury Certificates tJn d oth~r high-interest savings plans. Also, Federal regulations prohibit compounding of inter- est on Treasury Certificates. But helping people save money is what Wells Fargo is really ull about. And has been since l he days of stagecoaches and strongboxes. There's 127 years experience behind every Wells Fargo savings service. Come in today and let us show you how to gain by it. WEllSFARGO BANK .. :· . : . . ~· "~ .... ,,•le Adams Avenue Office: 1850 Adamt Awnue. Costa Mesa, 92628: Coeta Mesa Office: 450 East Seventeenth Street. 92627: Fountain Valley Ofhce: 16025 Brookhurst Street. 92708: NGWPort Beach Office: 860 Newport Center Drive, 92860; ~range County Airport Office: 4525 ~acArthur Boulevard, Newport 9each, 92660: Parkview Center Office: 5401 University Drive, Irvine, 92716 ~ '\ .. ~ . ··-.. . ' ..... _. . J ,...J WednMdey, M.,Ch 2t 1171 WOMAN OF THE VEAR Betty Jeen Beecher / ordan, Beecher Due HoIWr in Mesa . ·WI llurd T Jordan und Betty Jtiun Beecher will be honored li8 lhc 4:1y•a ··Man and Woman or the Year" at an April 6 luncheon l900nKOred by lht• Costu Mettu Ctwmbtlr of (.;C)mmcrcu. :··Both have been uctlve In clvlr 1.1ffoir1t for m uny years. ... . JORDAN. AN arc hitect. WU!i :-: m ayor of Costa M 'l>a from Hl(l6 ~.'..! •ef's Loot LO 19fl8. flt: was VICC mayor from !.!I. Ill 1961 to 1900 und IU70 to 1974, and form erly scrn"I ax t·halrman or .. :-• ·ucli·oned Off the Pla nn ing C'om m11111ion lie ~ has be<·n u ml·rntwr or the : .. ··.· or 812,000 Orange County (.;Oalit Assoeia· lion . Kiwanis and Sceni c Highway Advisor y Commlttf' • • : Newport Beach police said that and has served on the board or tht.> 200 antiques und collccliblei. the Boys Club of the Harbor <Oley uul'laoncd o rr over the· Areu :,,eek end brouitht morl! tha n Mrs. l.k.>echer has hvcd an the :St2.000into th city treuiwry. city since 11):16 She has been uc :~ 1'he item11 wne se1zC'd durln~ tivt• ID the Girls ('luh." 41 h Das· 1lte a rrest of a bur~lury and lra ct PTA. th<' Costa Mcsu Ills (11pe SUSIX'Cl who was tnkcn anto torical Society. Co!> ta Me sa (UStody more than 1.1 yf'ar ago Tomorrow and the l"rccway !>:.i Much of lhc property connl!ct Commit tee 'e4 to the case was returned to '(J wner s. but lhe items left over :w.,re put on the auction block ~alurday · Sgt Lt.·s Chapmun said lhc )U~hl'st prwe wa!> the $1 ,050 thut one <.·ollc•t·lor paid for u large :mu1m· box THE.LUNCHEON, which costs $8 per person, will be held al lloon April 6 1.1t the Mesu Verde Country Club, 3000 Club House Road. Costa Mcba . lnformalaon la available from the chumber al 919..()536. Guest speaker al the event wa ll be GU hcrt llamblet, re g1onal VICC president or TRW Cred.lt Dula lits lopac wall bt· "Don 't Tukt.• Yours C'lf Too Seriowily." .. Office Center Backed After tevPral yearH of plan· nlntc. a rropoaal to build ll pro· fe1111lona ottlcu center in a OanM Point r8lMnUal nel1hborhood hull won approval or the Oranaie ountv Plunn1ng Commission. 'rhe propo1u•d Oana Point f'rofe tonal Cent.er will be built Ml 23631 La Plaia Orive with one aidl' or the s tructure abutting neurby Lu Cre~la Drive, county ortlc1als said THE 31,tH-SQUA&E ·foot center wiU be aeared primarily to bownng m<.'<ilcal officew, the developer s:ild. It will include a two-level parking garage Residents from La Cresta Drive opposed approval or the office buHd1ng. They s aid it will create more parking und traffic 11roblerruc an un already congest· cd area . THE 35-FOOT height or the pro· posed cent.er was also an issue with residents. Tbey claimed It wlll block ocean views from som e or the existing houses and apartments. Planning comm lsslone r s. however , praised the structure as making good use of an un· developed loc ation. Parking proble m s wi ll b e minima l because or the lesser traffic generated by doctors and related medical laboratories, they sa.id Mesa History Group Meets Information on how lo be a t o ur guide u nd a film on m useum procedures will be featured at a gener a l mJ?m· bershlp meeting or the Costa Mesa Historical Society at 7:30 tonight. The meeting will be ht•ld at the Coslu Mesa County Watler District, 1965 l'laccntiu A vc. Mrs . W. Lee Spencer or Bowers Museum will s pea k about lour guide procedures, and a ftlm ... tt<•gastrution or a Museum Object"' will be s howQ. The public ts Invited. Addi· tional information is uvailahle by calling 548-4442. LOCAL I OBITUARIES I NATION "'·~ VICTIM OF CONVERSION PACKS BELONGINGS Fourteen-yeer Realdent Rlcherd D•rtlng Forced From Apertment • 'Condomania' Pinch On Wn:versions Cause Problem for Chicagoans c m c AGO I AP ) The city's latest craze Is not a dance step or a parlor game It's called "condomanla" and some local wags say it's lht• hottest lhlng to hit this town since the Ch.lcugo fire . But the rapid convcri.aon or this city's rental apartmen~ an to condomimums as no Joke to many people, espcc1ally thl! young a nd old who either can't arrord the initial down payment or s ustain pay ments l h uC sometimes are three times the monthly re nt. THE PllENOMF:NON IS not UOlqUl! to Chlca1;0 Conversion or apartment build ings to con dominiums has been accelcrat· ing In San i''ranc1sco, llouston. Wa s hi ng t on . Atlan t a . Milwaukee. New York, Bost.on. In Ch1t·ngo Its s wiftness is m alc hc.'<I only by worr y over the Impact · g';.owth In Chicago have come big profits for forme r landlords who have sold , as well as for the developers who havt• bought and converted. Most indavadual con do buyers have aJi.o seen their lllitaal investment double. triple or do belt.er tha n that An efficiency a partm ent an th · 100-st.ory John Hancock Ct-:nlN sold for about S20,000·S25.000 when the building con vPrted an 1973. Now, it runs a~ut $76,000, saJd Phil Moss. u~ent for Sudler &Co. "IT'S THE GOLD ltush all over again," says Louis Masott i. di r ector o f Northwes tern University's Ccnler for Urban Atfuir s . and cons ultunt to Democratic mayoral nomtnc(• J ane Byrne . who hus put the condo Issue .. No I on my priori ty last. .. Uu t where lhen· I!> profal for som e , there as g rief for others Sandburg Village, built as ... bulwark against that ne mesis of lhe '60s called Urban Blight. ii; going condo. The village hal> more Lhan 2.600 renta l a11art ments on 16 acres walh 8.000 re 111dcnts ·"The whole lhang is a d1!> a!'llcr."' sayli sta.le Sen Uawn Clurk Neli.t:h. who n•pr1·!>t:Ot!> thal d11'1tr1ct "'We are losing all those units from a virtually non cxlst1m~ rental market " ANNOUNC•:MENT Of ' thl'. Sandburg project spurn:d Lalk of thl' <'aty 1mp1111cd moralorium and many dcvl!IOpl·r~ s ent ou1 lellers of intent lo l'llOvert to get under the wt re or a mornlorium Since Jan I , an estima ted 8,000 apartments hav<• either b ee n co nverted t o con domlnlums or scheduled for con· ~-~=== •====~ I version, a ccordin& lo a :.urvey i • by the Chicago Sun-Times Critics fear that without some better protect ion for tenant:.. renta l ava1lab1llty orten raght In Chicago might disappear an areas. T h l' r a n g 1· u r r I' n I :.. a I Sandburg as $26!"> to $5W u year lla rold Loua s M11lt·r. hea<I of the ""arsl Condominium 01·vclo11 rnent Co • announ1·t'd prices for 1 nl' condomanaurn!> 1n u ranJte from $30.000 Lo ~.000. Current tenanUi wall receive a d1,.count of about 17 percent, he said. to enable the:':'l t.o own apartment:. at about $70 u s quare foot Tha t 's a barg:un compared to $8S and up e lsewhere . . . . . ,..c••ontas IMllH'S MOITUAIT 627 M1tm SI Hunhngton Beaoh 63M539 .... , ..... , COi.OMA&. "*HAL HOMI 7801 B<>lsa Ave Wes1m.n11er 893-3525 :- )kCOIMICa MOtlTUMlll • UgUM8each 494-041 6 ~~1$ San Juen Cepttlrano 4e&.1770 wn••••OM N•+&MONI 048-2424 CostaMtH 873-9450 l&LllOMWAT ....,...., 1101foectway COet•Meea 142-t150 -...... MMU. .-nlAIT Wll1Cl.W CMAllL OwnlOfY •'~Shop 421 E 17th It. CoacaMeea . ,.. 4-~ FUNERAL I RECTORS I Jarbor Law11 MountOliIB Mortuury Cemcte1-y C.:rcmato1-y • Interment In Any Cemetery •Shipment •Burl• lneur•nce • Cre....uon 1211 •. complete 1 • Call for tne t~POrtfoUo PUBUC NOTICE , ll fo.Kfi •RI I·. HI.\,, I> t. H I~ 'lAKI"• (,HJ-.. \1 u ... \I.~ BUY OR LEASE' FREE 50 GALS OF GAS PUBUC NOTICE NOTICIOf' PVBUC NOTICE I . Last week alone. n~arly 3,000 ' la k e fronl tenants r eceived notices of con ver s io n, the news pa per s aid As many as 45,000 renta l unals have been converted In two years. com · pared to uno when there were only about 10,000 condo units lA the entire city. TO GIVE IT TIME lo study ne w lows, the City Council has approved 11 40-day moratorium on converting large huildingi. Unde r existing luw, tenants . must have L20 days' notice or conversion before being forced to move. The e lderly a n d physically handicapped get 180 days. With the rapid condomlruum '"They're coming too ra:.t. too aoon. too on.en ... says Rulph Ax elrod. alderman or u North Sad<· lakefronl ward, who Rupported the an\.c!rim moratorium on con· vers i<JDS ... Block a rter block of la kelront property haa d asap peared from the rental market. "NOW, UKE AN octopui1, the condo m i nium ('Onvcrti, 11 r e spreading their te ntacles anJund Smallf'r uniL'I ure be ini:t gobblc.od up. and in block after block the people or Chicago who rent their dwe lllngs are asking An· wt• next?"' The most recent rush or con versions was triggered by the a nnou n cem e nt th at Cur l Camera Gear 'Seeret' Dolphins Trained To Hunt 'Nessie' MIAMI C AP)-A noturali11t who ts training two camera-equipped dolphins to seurch for the legendary Loeb Ness monster says he hopes to loculc '"NP.s11lc" by mld·summer unless his animals get overly a mbltlou!l. "One problem hi that dolphins lend lo get Innovative," saad Harold "Ruaty" Nielsen. "One or lhe animals brought me back a live 1ha rk. We don't really want to capture one of the Loch Nc1t1t creaturet alive nol yet " HE SAID TWO 511-POUND, female dolphJns are being trained to 1eek Odt sharks and sea turtles as preparation ror this :iummcr'i. aeardl in the cbUly1 land-locked waters or Scotland'i; Loch Ness Project officials refu sed to dis play the equlpmen,t being de 1llbed for the aearch, but at as believed the cameras mounted on UM=,,,.. backs will be acUvated by a sonar·llke device when a larse ~la approached. 8oulht by reporters since general re port!'I of the project were publilbed. Nielsen agreed to an Interview with The Assocaalc..>d Pr ... on the condition lhal the precise site of the training project ln lbe '1orida Keya nol be d1scl08ed. TllS PaOIBCT 18 BEING BACKED by the Academy of Allied Selene., • 9olton·ba1ed or1anlJaU9f'I tbal haa apouored some or U.. IDOlt unbWoua search" of Loch Neu ln reeent yean. In 1972, It produced a picture ll claimed s howed a hu1e nipper hangln.c from • animal, but aublequent pho&o1raphlc mlaalona sponsored bJ U.. i..u&ute failed to produce any new evidence. Uut som e Sandburg tcnanl.!>. und others. arc trying lo fight the move ''l'M 61 AND rut1rt!d :.ind we're t(otng Lo fi ght like h(lll." 8ays Mrs. Charles Walson. who hus lived for 26 years in a buihl Ing going condo in I fydc Park 011 the South Side. ·'They offered u:.. our apartment for $45,000 No wuy we cun do 11 fl would nm ubout S650 a month We p:.ey $2 111 W L• don 't wuol lo a l>k •1ur t'haldren for help ·· Tenants (1ghtang another con version on the North Side point to the c-ase or Mrs Ro l>er1 Campbell. un 83-yeur-old wadow. who wus paytni; $350 a month rt•nt w1lh her son. The monthly puymenL'I would double af sh1• OOUtlhl. With the down payment .in addoo cost .. My whole laft• as bean~ d1~ rupled I'm beln>: lorn from my ne ighborhood and at my Uj(t! ,. THE TENANTS AT thul hwld in.c had tried lo buy 1l for t he mselves when the rormc·r owne r died und offered $2 mHhon. They were Loppc..>d by 11 S2.21 million bid but said lh•'Y would have gone higher IC ,::1ven the chanrt:. rteul estute luw11 an Chicago do not gua runtee tht:m that chanc•· one reason why many apart ment dwellers huve been finding that when their building goes condo. they muHl deal walh u m iddleman landlord rather than buying their apartments direct al a lowf'r pnce. Under the proposed tenants plan. an apartment which ront«.'<I ror ~ or "°° In the bu.ildJnl( would have been sold as a condo for M6,000. Under the new de· veloper, that a partment Is going ror 1111,000. Alderman Ross Lathrop, who represt.>nta Hyde Park, sa ys the aim of new lealslatlon s hould be ·'lo correct the severe 1m· b1daoce In the rightll Mnd protec· lion s o( {'O ndomlnlum dc N...._, M. and owner or three dolpblna. aaid dolphins are be· lq Vied bluuH of the murklnetJA of Loch Nt111 , which Ui 25 miles Joq ud 1.qlO feet deep. -''The NMOftl we're ualq thetle an1mal1 11 their bullt·ln sonar 111te•, tblllr lntelU1ence and their moblUty," he uld. "They un ''"'.,...ad rlnd the an1mala." • velopera compared to the right.ti and prot.ectloru1 of tenant.a llnd pro1occ:tive purchU11crK." YAlllGlll oaoun uvs a&&N = for decadea to ,...,.,. =:. ovetMedateneeol ''NilM, '' bed bJ peop&e who claam tD 1Umpeecl it M be6ftl ....., ... , repti.liu in nature and lromll .......... '"1'111 abjeeltft of the 11eademy ii to set 1 e .. u picture of UMt animal Md to PNMtll lhal p6cture to autllortllet la lbe Brtllah llUNUlll ot &bl Smlthlonlan lmUt.uUoa • tllbtr placet where ~ ualJ• lt. and dMermlM wUt lu.d ol utmal It la," aald Curtll, lhe in1Utute'1 eaeeu&ive rice pntldent. I , ~ Homing Meet Set Houalni aoal1 aqd f~lns wUI be dllCUIMCI by the Cotta Meaa fl o u1ln1 and Com munity Development Committee at lt.s meelln1 April lO al 7:30 p.m . ln the Fifth F loor Conforencc Room at City Hall, 77 Pair Drive . ' •I • 4 NATION I CALIFORNIA w.a,_., March 21. 1979 DAILY PILOT AJ.9 Shroud That of Jesus? New Romanee Sex Emphasis Dips BUrial, Cloth's Pot.e111,ial /11erPdible' SEATTLE CAP> -The man who writes sex advice for Playboy magazine says America is beaded ror a new blossoming or romance, with less e mpha sis on the physical aspects of 1etUng together. 'ANTA BARBA RA lAl'l Tt ts tC'I <k!krmlne 1r t h Shroud or Tunn ~really lhl' bunal r loth of J us Chrutt 1o1i on t bt! com pitted untU ".-~t yor. but on•• rt•st'nrcht"r II)'' "th1•re ,, a 11tron1 t'n.'lf' th t "''' n• d<· lln~ with u potrnt1al \mp.u.•t thnt lb Ill(' "'~ti bl,• .. T h t r t• " ,. u r c h t' r K t' n Stt•venson. .111 I UM dull• pro rri.llor from Nt~w Orlt'lrn!ooo '" one of tho t' who h:u. tw•1>n t''<llllH~l\I thu 14 foot lant•n hrnu'1 how1ed Ill rurm. Italy 11' SH()WS /\ PAU: wplu Im Jj¢l' or lht• rront unrl hud• !\Id o ( t hl' ('tlrp!H' of .1 5 fool 7 ht•atnh-tl mun Dur!. blotch"' a p ~t·ar ttl th1• "rl,ts und unklt•-.. on one l>ldt> of th,• ,.h 'xt und uround Uw l'alp Thl' murt..mg, sug1¢1'l>l tho8e s uffl'rl'tl by Jt·~u i. u t th o Cr u1:1f1x1 on ahuut Jo A 0 Although many 111·rMlllb believe lhe !lt\roud lO Kho~ the im,1111• or Chru1t, lht> V 1ht••in hns "''' 1•1 taken an offlr1ol J)()l'ltlc>n Bii rl • Sehwo1lt , lea.ti 1>110111 wr•_pher for the lt1am lhul cx nmlnt>d tht• st111111<1 1a11l Od•1llt"r, "iaid 11 will t>•• 11t IC'usl 1980 b(tfort• uny t'lmclu111on3 un· •n· OOUftC't>d A MEETIN(i Hl a .11 the · Brooka lnst1tu t c , ~hure Schworl2 "'ork11 , was held to dii. cu tt4 chtu .iatht'red IJy tho var1ou' re•iwi1n·h tt••m1. ht> 111tid "Thl· imaR<' 111 proportionally vny aood." 1tlenll11l Uonuld Lynn uld abo ut tht1 MO('ll'Ol cloth "It has to ht> a pr0Jcc·t1'<1 lmttie ll would be mlr1.1cul11u' 1( It were a ror~tJry Tht' research learn spent (I\,. da ys I st Octobe r m uk1ng various te~ts Al lho1r ml' ·tang here. researchers divulged no details about theu data I U 'f , SAJD A SPOK•:SMAN, 11 th••Y had uncovt•rt:d evidence of o fruud or found ll tmposslble to duU• Uw hni.'n to the first cen- tury, ''lht•Y would have walked 1111t th door lontr aao " A key question is how the lm· .• ~._. ,.:ot on the Uncn. Tests over tht> yN1rs huve ruled out theories H wat. J>mnt<.-d on the cloth or thut body ollt o r s imilar 1•1n•unutan<.'+-11talned the linen. Tht• history or the shroud can be uccuraMy traced only to tbe 13th century. t:Vaot-:NC'E THAT IT dales to t h l' t 1ml' or Chris t is only t•ln·umstanllal. as 1s evidence il ''umel> from Jerusalem. t-.:vcn 1r 1t s hould be t'i.tabhl!hed the hnen came from Jerusale m 2,000 years ago. acienlista say. 1t m ay be im· possible to prove beyond a doubt the 1 mage 1s that of Christ. British rock star Eric Clapton married Pat· ti Harrison, former wife of Beatie George H a rri s on . in C:J w este rn -s t y l e cer e mony Tuesday afternoon in Tucson. Ar iz. ·'The next 10 years will ~ P layboy writing about the romantic lifestyle. about exciting places to be. We know what to do in the bedroom now, so what about the rest of our live1," say1 J im Pet ersen, 31, t he m a n behind the m o nthly "Playboy Advisor." HE SA vs RE R ECEIVES ABOUT 700 letters . month from people telling hlm things they would never tell their lovers. Petersen shrugs off accusations that he makt>s up some or the more outrageous or explicit letters. "I don't have to invent them." he said "Besides. I lead an interesting sex life. but •l's not tbat interesting ... P ETERSEN SAYS HE TAKES HIS work .. ,..,.., Singer Frank Sinatra has b een n a m ed g rand ma r s ha l for the l~ Tournamen t of Roses which has as its ttreme, "The Mu sic of America." seriously and enjoys the research. -:::::::======~==::-- .. If l were a baseball writer, I would become DAILY PILOT · s uicidal after· just a rew months," be said ... But for CLASSIFIED ADS me. every weekend is the world series." 842·5878 Elegant Wrought DAILY ARRIVALS! Iron Sofa Group GROUP INCLUDES: Sofa, Corner Table, Spring Chair, Lounge Chai r an d Coffee Table. 42 " post ''I lllSS to, II II Ideal tor loonglng. Reg. '825 with 4 dining/lounge chairs sall$499 5 PIECE GROUP 42" glass table-tempered. Ele- g ant and rugged with bo ld massive look. Every detail reflects detection to craftsmanship. Thick plush cushions. I FACTOCY BOXED I ~ ~ The Monterev Set 3 PIECE GROUP: LOVE SEAT GLIDER. ADJUST ABLE Hl·LO TABLE. SWIVEl ROCKER. FACT~Y BOXEO Reg. sau$219~ --· . ' W.ait(td ........ ...... ... \ ,c • • Tam1am1 A CLASSIC D ESIGN BY BROWN JORDAN 5 -PC. DINING SET 42" glass top table and 4 dining/lounge chairs. -r \ \-. -\ \ -... -\ --·---.~ I \_ -' ' Reg. 7 ... $39!1' MAUNAKEA CHAISE LOUNGE WITH ARMS ALL ALUMINUM ... WILL NOT AUST! OAS BARBEQUE SALE ,1111, naq II Ill llt~llf' Ill CHkfll 11111. .... ~Flll/l/l~fl~ COMPLETE WITH TANK & DUAL CONTROL Et$199 DOUBLE BBQ WITH FANCY CART ........ $1:19 .... ii MLAl.UIW• W11. NOT RUST I PC. Dlllll &ROUP 42" Glass top table and 4· dining lounge chairs cross-laced in 2" vinyl straps. UMBRELLA RECOVERS SAVE20 to50,_ A DI ...... 1Mot•n111rtee. rapl81l1Wl ,.,_ .. tor ........... 19Qe. --------------.., : =' : ~ • Cootdnger1111 HUNTINGTON BEACH .. Reg.$629 SALE $509 ,.,.,,,,.d ,. ........... ,,,,,.. ~ DAILY "ILOT Wedn.edey. March 2t ltt'TI~ , MERIT Filter • • 'EnriChed I 41avOC ciga1-ette scores · mar in ·five areas. Can MERIT d e liver the flavor of leading high tar brands? Does MERIT satisfy smokers over a long period -or are MERIT smokers slipping b ack to o ld 1 high tar favorites? ~ Read the bottom-line results of research conducted with smokers like yourself. MERIT Breakthrough Confirmed <:onfumed: Majority of smokers rate MERIT taste equal to -or better than-leading high f tar cigarettes tested! Ci garettes having up to twice the tar. Wnfirrned: Majority of smokers confirm taste satisfaction of low tar M·ERIT. , ;\ And in detailed interviews conducted among current MERIT smokers: • - Kitaa: 8 mg"11r:' 0.8 mo nicotina-100''1: 11mg"11r:' 0.7 mg nicotinuv. per cigarette, FTC Ripon Mey'78 Warning: The Surgeon General Hes Det•rminad That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ........,_ ..... ,. -·---------·---.................... ,. l Confirmed: 85% of MERIT smokers say it wa an "easy switch" from high tar brands. · Wnfirrned: O verwhelming majority of MERIT smokers say their former high tar brands weren't missed! . Confirmed: 9 out of 10 MERIT smo ker n o t considering other brands. Fust Major Alternative 10 High Tur Smoking MERIT has proven conclusive ly that it not only delivers the flavor of high· tar bra nds-but continues to satisfy. This ability to satisfy over long periods of time could be the most important evidence to d ate that MERIT is what it claims to be: The first major alternative to high tar smoking. ~&lOO's ' .\ • • 'J ' I \ •' I ' i INSIDE : •Stocks •Movies •Business •Television ~y. Morch 28, 1979 DAILY PILOT Bl 'I Hope It's a Good Drea01' Mulligan Accepts Loyola Basketball Job By JOH St:V NO Of U. 0..ly .. , ... II.HI Coniu l't.l, rwrvous um.J t'11t·llNI Tho-.P an• thl.' rec>hnic~ ur rornil·r S.1dtlll'bud .. Colll'Kl' C'oarh Hill MulhJ:on loduy ufltir uct•epl tog th1• hN1cl b 'lu•t hull pw.t ul Lo~olo l nl\ l'r"ty 1 ue~duy could bring guys with me when I left Riverside for Saddleback I c·.1n't name a ,::uy who would go with me now. "I'm gomg in to build a program a nd it's golng to take somt• lime," he added. 'Trn going to try to build with freshmen, but ir t Jon 'l get who I want 1 ·11 go after some redsh1rts." I ~ouliJ !.U\ th.it~ vc'n art.·urntt.•, · 1ulll.:un '•ml u\ d1·111·111> 1118 lus t•mtillo11:.. ' Wh l'llt'H'r )'Oil 11H1ke •1 nwvi• llkt> thl~ you hJvt• MULUGA • <t!f, SAID HE was first approached about tht· qualm:. nbout "hul you d lil Jnd how your tt·um 1:, 11011\.: Lo do " k d h M ulhg.rn, 11, Ut'C't'Jlt 111~ thi· l>O!>lllon al L<l)olil t·nkr!\ .ilmu't Loyola JOb two w~e s ago, an t al he went on his firbt intervlew the i.nmt• t) Vt' or Mluulton hi• ancurrt.·<l "hen he t ~•mt• lo !',.,11 lhe duy following hi s team 's 75-67 loss to Orange Coast an the r1nab dlcbat•k four" t•ar:. U((O o( the state J C playoffs. lhs dec1s1on lo make the JUmp, though. " d-1dn 't come unlll ll p.m. Monday. PRIOR TO Mlll.l.IGA~'!'\ \KRIVAI •• tht• G • .uchos had t•n "I took the JOb because I knew I couldn't beat Tandy <Gllhs , JOyt•il httle. if anv. !\Ut'l't>'~ 111 tht'lr brief seven vear historv In ll1t• the Orange Coast coach) and I thought this would be a good time 10 I f " • get out," said Mulligan Jokingly. ast our Yt'urs. thou~h. Mulh)(un ha'!> brought the campuis three In a more serious ve1ri. 'h e said. "They offered me the JOb and coor1.•r1.•nel' lttll·s un<l 11 Plan· in lhi· ht1;ll:, of the i.tate JC tourna they decided to upar!lde their pro~ram . Plus. they're bu1ld1n11 " mcnl .... n new ~ym which should be ready a year Crom December " . Rut tt1ulhgan might find hts task a Little bit hardt!r al Loyol<1 Mulligan also s aid Loyola met his conditions -reportedly a The L1oru.. of lhe Wei.t Coast Athletic Conference had a 5-21 O\ erall f1 ve-year contract. a n automobile. and more money for the record this past season ~rnd were t 13 10 confereo~e recruiting proitram "Yes. I took a s 1tuat1on almo:.t as bleak as this and turned 1t "l got a long term contract. an automobile. a !>ummer camp _a_r_o_u_nd_._ .. _s_a_id~~-~u_l_h~g~a_n_r_a_n~d~•d~ly~a~bo..:..::.ut:.....=.S~ad~d~l~e~ba~c~k~,-·~·b~u~t~l~k~n~e~w~l ~~~~~~~~~~'Se::..::.::e~M=..::U~L~Ll:::GAN,PageB2 1 APW1re--to NEW USC COACH STAN MORRISON (LEFT) IS WELCOMED BY BOB BOYD. Morrison Ends llumors Coaching Retirement Short-lived LOS ANGELES <AP> -His· torically, it has been the pre· rogative of women to change their minds. but in this day or equal opportunity the guys who coach basketball also are doing it First, four years ago, he djdn't want t he coaching job. Two years ago he did and now he does n't. So today UCLA is expected to name as their coach a fellow who stepped down just last February as coach or the Denver Nuggets -La rry Brown. Latest example is Stan Mor· rison, who quit as coach at the University of the Pacific to go into private business and then d ecided to seek the head coaching job at the University or Southern California. Morrison, 39, a member of the California team that won the NCAA title in 1959, replaces Bob Boyd, who resigned after 13 years in the job. Boyd becomes .a n associate athletic director at use. ·-· The 6·7 Morrison got what be soueht, he says. His wife and son convinced him he should s tay in the game ACROSS TOWN at UCLA, Gary Cunningham quit a fter two years as bead coach to seek another job that would allow him more time with his family. He was a double mind-changer. Also on the undulating basket· ball front in the Los Angeles area, Bill Mulligan from Sad- dleback College was named head coach at Loyola. PEPPERDlNE RECENTLY chose Jim Harrlck, former UCLA assistant. to replace Gary West to Quit? Laker Source Says Yes LOS ANGELES (AP) -It appears that the Los Angeles Lakers will be playing under a new coach next season. A source close lo the Lakers said Tuesday night that J erry West, finishing his third year as the NalionaJ Basketball Assocla · lion team's coach, ''is definitely qwtling." West, however, would not confirm or cleny be plans such a move. · "WllETllER Oa NOT he's talked to Mr. Cooke <Lakers' owner Jack Kent Cooke) yet I don't know.,:• said the source, who requested anonymity ... They're very cloee.~be two of them. I think Jerry's quite disillusioned with the large player contracts and ao forth." Re9Ched in Phoenix, where the Lakers play the Suns toni1ht, West Nici, "First of all, t have a coattact that's up at the end of tbe HaMJD. I would not be able to ,...Ip If I didn't bave a contract anyway. "I tblak a lot about my future with the ball club IJf Loe Angeles will be determined by bow we play the rest of the aeuon," Weal added ... .., future wltb the Laken will be decided after the aeuoo 11 over. t have no other commenta at th.ls time." WDI' llGNED l three-year coatract when Cooke bired him· u tbe Labn' coach prior to the tm.71 season. It baa been 1peeulmed nftntly that he would call it qultl at seuon'1 ncl. "I ea tall YoU for sun he's not belna fired," 1aJd the aource. "You malt know Jerry West. He la aa uapredtctable aa rain. l k1IOW Jlr. Ooolra ii very. very fond ofhlm. ··r bow If be wanted to stay be could, and be certainly could (81ewal',Pa1ella) Colson, who said he wanted to get away from the game for awhile. Str a ngely enough amid the coaching turmoil. Southern Cal. UCLA, Pacific and Pepperdine all made the NCAA playoffs this season. Terms or Morrison's contract were not divulged although Perry said it was for more than one year and "comparable in structure and salary" to Boyd's coaching pact, which was $40,000 per year. MORRISON ANNOUNCED he bas retained use assistant coach Rudy Wash ington and would hire another shortly with each to have equal status . The new coach said he already has embarked on re<:ruiting and knows run well the power of UCLA, the team that Boyd's Trojans couldn't beat out of the Pacific.a or Pacific-10 titles. ... give high priority in my own thinking to the prospects or winning the city championship," said Morrison. "I played on the last California team 0961 > to beat UCLA so I am acutely aware of that school's prowess." MORRISON WAS an assistant to Boyd in 1971 and 1972. coaching the USC freshmen to 13·6 and 18-t records. Then he went to UOP where his record was loo-88, including 18-12 the past season when bis club won the regular-season Pacific Coast Athletic Association title and also the league's post-season tournament. The Trojans return all five siarters next season from the Boyd club that went 20-9 last season and fiDlsbed second to UCLA. in the Pac· 10. Expected back are leading 1corer Clltr Robinson, Purvis Miller, Maurice Williams, Don Carflno and Dean Jones. llorrilon said, "I demand a lot of my athletes. I know that it takes three thinJt for us to win -onc:e fOU have the talent - condiUOftlnl, fundamentals and esprit de corps. That flnal one ls moat Important. When players work bard toaether, they de· vtlop pe1t mutual reapect.' • ~- Kemper Pro-Am Canceled By HOWARD I .. JIANDV n4 11 .. O.Hv Pllonu.11 Heavy ruins a nd a drama~e problem that finds hve Co~ta Mesa cit y s treets dumping water on the course, <.'a used can c e II a ti o n o ( t h c W o m (' n · ~ Kemper Open pro·am comp<'l1 Lion today at Mesa Verde Coun try Club. A II tu:kct oolders for toda)' '5> pro·am will have their t1ckcl.!:i honored ror Thursday's opemng round or the 72-hole women's tourname nt, barring further rains. TOURNAMENT OFFICIALS were uncertain this morning on whether Thursday's opening round would be played or 1f the tournament would be cul to 54 holes and start on Friday. "If the greens can be dried sufficiently, we will probably play Thurs d ay." publicity chairma n Don Ruhter said. "That ls if no more rain falls between now and then. A de· cision will be made this after· noon late." Jn either case. the cut will be made after 36 holes for the low 60 player s and ties. NBC television 1s scheduled to show the tournament live Saturday and Sunday. If Thursday's round is washed out. the tournament will be cut to 54 holes. Friday through Sun· day. Betsy Rawls, the LPGA tournament director said. If the first round is delayed until Saturday. the tourna ment will still be 54 holes with the final round on Monday. No plans we re made beyond that point. "AT TIHS POINT. we have lost the pro-am but we haven't lost the tournament." Billy Booe, executive director of the ·tournament s aid ... Personally. I sat down and physically cried after all the work we have done "Everything was going well and I fell like we had things go· mg our way Sunday I a m disap- pointed for the public because they won't get to watch the celebrities. "The people here at the club have done their job we ll and they were beginning to lake great pride in it. .. Jim Poteet. Mesa Verde club president and chairm an or this year's event, was equally disap- pointed for the crowd and for his <See KEMPER, Page 8%> ..... ...,.... JOANNE CARNER REACTS AFTER SINKING A KEY PUTT. Family Affair Carner Reflects on Career By HOWARD L. HANDY 0. u,. Dotty ll'llet Staft It ·s a family affair when JoAnne Carner goes on the golf course and the chain·smoking veteran or nine years on the LPGA tour that started at age 30 alter a highly suc - cessful amateur career. loves every minute of the life she lives. Carner. the second leading money winner on the tour this year with S38,000. has won two of six tournaments to date and is stJll playing with all the enthusiasm of a rookie. SHE IS HERE TO PLAY in the Women's Kemper Open at Mesa Verde Country Club this weekend and with Nancy Lopez. is one of the favorites. "I played 30 years as an amateur and won a pro tournament during that time, .. she says. "When J came on the tour, l thought l could win every tournament as a rookie "I shot more 80s than I could shake a slick at because I put so much pressure on myself to win. "NANCY LOPEZ DIDN'T PVT that pressure on herself She didn't change her attitude when she jomed lhe tour. She had played enough with the pros that she wasn't afraid of anyone. "She came along at the right time after our com· missioner started promoting the women's tour and the press was looking for more young players. Things were ripe for a rookie sensation. "Laura Baugh got a lot or press for awhile but she didn't wm and Nancy did." Carner a nd her husband usually trave l in an Airstream travel tr ailer with all the comforts of home but left the n g in the East for a four-week swing to the West Coast "I love golf and traveling gets in your blood." she says. "When we lake a month or so orr in the winter. we sit around for two weeks in Florida and get restless. "My husband, Don, roots for me on the golf course but he ·s superst1L1ous and a lways stays ahead or me when I play. I le figures that if he stands close where I can see him and he's thinking or a bad shot, I'll start thinking the same thing. He doesn't even talk to me on the course. "We work together a lot and when I play, he's making mental notes on what I do wrong. After 1 finish. il 1 've <See FAMILY, Page 84) Beckenbauer Faces Surf Cosmos Invade Tonight By ERNIE CASnLLO Of tlle O•llY ll'lllC Slaff It's only an exhibition but don't let that fool you; tonight's soccer match against the Cosmos is a very important one for the California Surf. Without a doubt. lbe Cosmos have the finest collection of players In lbe North American Soccer League though there Is some debate whether they are the NASL's best team. After winnjng back·to· back NASL titles, there is some talk that the club is riddled by dissension and strained management· player relationships. ON 11IE OTHER RAND the Surf. 1n its second season in Anaheim, is still trying lo cement its im· a1e as a major league franchise. The club has overhauled the lineup in an effort to beef up lts of· fense but lt sure didn't show in last week's season opener when it managed just 10 shots and lost on the ro8d \0 San Die10, 1-0. And with the regular season home opener two days away, )be Surf players need a good showing tonJ1bt to prove lo themselves and lo their fans just how lood they are. THE GAME, SCHEDULED tor a 7:30 kickoff at Anabetm Stadium. will be a mlol·reunlon ot aorta for three former members of Germany's Bay•m Munich team. I • The most notable one is Franz Beckenbaucr . who was the captain of the German national team that woo the 1974 World Cup. A midfielder for the Cosmos. Beckenbauer is generally acknowledged as the NASL's best all-around performer. Trying to stop him wiU be former teammates Wolfgang Suhnholz and Franz Kraulhausen, a pair of mldfielders who came to the Surf via trades. BECKENBAVER isN'T the only world class player the Cosmos have recruited. Giorgio Chinaglla, a forward from Italy, set the NASL scoring record last year when he tallied 34 goals and 11 asslsts and as if that wasn't enough, the team recently signed defenders Marinbo from Brazll. Eskandarian from Iran and midfielder An· tonlo Cerbognani from Argentina. The Surf's scoring ace is St.eve David, the NASL's Most Valuable Player in 1975 when be won lbe fint ol two leque scoring honors. Purchased from Detro.it late last season, David scored five goals and banded oul four asalsts in 11 1ames for the Surf. Other free·wheellng Surf forwards are Jim Rlncb~ tbe MVP of the American Soccer League in 1976: Dave Huson, who scored 1.8 goals l .. t year tor South Africa's Arcadia Shepherds; and Steve Moyers, a eurprise 22·yeer-old walk-on who scol'ed. six 1oa11 in the Surf's final nine 1ames l11t year. Ill DAILY Pit OT A Capaule Report From the World of Sport• ,.,, . ., ...... TRADED The Philadelph1a Phtlllcs t raded f1 rbt baseman H1ch1c Hebner <left> rind a rook ie inhclder to the New Yor k Me ts Tuc~day m return for n l(ht- handed pitcher Nm u t.:s pinos u !n ghl). Templeton Now Regrets Statements He Made f'rom AP Obpat.cbes ST . PETERS B URG , Fla. -Unhappy ·· s hortstop Garry Te mpleton emerged from a meeting today with has &Rent and withdrew lhe demands he mad!! Tuesday to be traded by lhe St. Louis Cardinals. ·'I regret the statements I made yes terday In the heat of anger, for they do not accurately r eflect my feelings for the Cardinal team, the city of St. Louis or the fans," Templet.on said. "I feel my problems have been prop· erly aired, and I am anxious and ready to get back to playing bascbaJl to the best of my ability." Templeton, a product of Santa Ana Valley High, who has waged a biller feud over rus contract, lashed out al the club Tuesday after meeting with General Man a ger John Claiborne-. 'Tm not going to play hard. I'm not going to do my best here." the 23-year- ,.,,.,,LllTOH old infielder \towed. ''Hopefully, I'll be traded -if the Cardina ls aren't too chicken to trade me ." Templeton acknowledged that hard feelings from St Louis' original contract offe r linge red but said disagn '<: ments over his performance as a player outweighed them. .. The <'rux or my problem with management has a lway:, hl'l'n m y "' y l(• or play ing :-.hortstop , •• s a id Templeton. who in 1978 led the National Lca~ue with 40 er rors "Since l was seven years old, I developed certain habits and routines which have now become second nature to m e," he explained. "l believe they give me more mobility, speed and range. l can gel to more balls because of my style, but the more ground you cover the more er - rors you a re likely to make." J85·t .. i Slaet l..eus Pna9 .. •• r ight for you. Ron Stack.house scored on a 105-' When you're hot. everythin~ seems to go ~ foot shot while attempting to kiU a penally a~d the Pittsburgh Penguins went on to e xtend their NHL unbeaten s treak to nine games by romping over the Minnesota North Stars , 5·1 ... Goy LaFleur had three a:-.· s ists and a goal as the Montreal Canadicns scored on their first four shots to down the Atlanta Flames. 6-4 ... Down 4 ·0 in the s e c ond p e riod , the Philadelphia Flyers rallied to tie the New York Rangers, 4·4. Mel Bridgeman scored the tying goal with 2: 54 remain- ing as U1e two teams battled to a stand- off for the eighth lime in the last 10 meetings in New York ... A short handed goal by Bob Murray with 22 seconds left in the second pe riod enabled the Chicago Black Hawks to lie the Colorado Rockies. 1·1. It was the 18th goal for Murray, a defenseman. uf'Lau11 The Rockies, shut out In their last two tries against Chicago goalie Tony Esposito, broke the spell at 17 :38 of the second period . . ..... 8•ttS••le• Plllll•• A.,•• 'I h<' Sc>ntllr Su()('rSonlcK ore bt·~anntnH lo m turn llw NHA Pu<'ar u· U1v1slon rucu into u r unoway With l,onnle ShPlton and Gu~ WllUanu t:Omblnlna for 16 Of thu tl'l\DJ1B final L8 point•. th SonJcs dctca ted the San Di<"go CllJ,ptm1, 115-108, for lhtlr 11iicth victory In ll row. S.-attle lncreused ih d1v1111on It-ad over Idle Phoc.>nlx to 2~ •tnmes us Wllhams's 30 IX>lnt.." 0H1ct Lloyd l!'rtt'• 28 . Rudy Tomjanovlch <tt'orl'tJ 29 puant~ und MOHi Malone ud11t•d 27 3 1\ lht> Houston Roc kch d1 uhtw11 lh<' Chi<'a~o nulll'I. J22· ll6 . Hob McAdoo scored <12 rx>inls for lht! Uo11h>n Celtics but it wasn't enough lo 11tu11 thl' Clcvt'hnd Ca valiers who 1tnop11{'(1 un f'lght·i::ame losing streak by pulling out a 111 109 decl!iion . . . Con- vt•rllnit two steals by Eric Money Into fou r qw<·k pc"ntb, JuUu!f Erving r allied t h t• Phtladcl f>h ia 76ers pas t th•~ Wu h1nRlon Hu let~. 100 97 . . James f:dwardli Rcored 21 points nnd Mlke sHauoH 8aotom grabbed 18 rebounds to lead the fndlana Pacers to a 10 1 101 win over Lhe Ne w Orleans J azz. It kept the l'<1t crs' playoff hopes alive and spoiled a strong ef fort by .111u c~nter Klcb KeUey. wbo s cored 30 points and grabbed 2J rebounds . Mychal Thompson and Maurice Lucas com baned for ~ points and 24 rebounds to power the l'orlland Tru1l Blazers past the New York Krucks, 123 112. r------Quofe ol •~ Dat1'-----. Bjorn Borg, on tennis rival J immy Connors' ma· JOr weaknt>ss: .. He can never say hls opponent played wl'll That's why it reels good to beat hi m and that's why other players would rather beat him than any other player." F.,,•a• S••rp tor M011treal Talk about team victories, five Montreal II pitchers, the last of which was Woody Fry man, combined lo shut oul the Baltimore Orioles Tuesday in a four-hour marathon that wasn't decided until the bottom or the 15th inning when Lury Parrish drilled a two-run homer ... Speaking or homers, Cecil Cooper blasted a 450-root tape measure Job as the Milwaukee Brewers scored 10 runs with two out In the first · _ L , inning to beat the Chlcago Cubs, 14-7 e,19 . . . Ray KnJgbt, the man who must replace Pete Ros e at third base for Cin· cinoati. boosted his s pring batting average to .358 with a pair or doubles tha t highlighted the Reds' 9-3 triumph over the Chica~o White Sox "A " team ... Homers by Rick Bosettl and Dave McKay helped Toronto score fiv e runs in the first inning and whip the While Sox "B " t eam ... Johnny Grubb rapped out fou r hits and f'erguson ~RYMAN J enk.ln.s allowed just one run over five innings as Texas trimmed Minnesota, 8-5 ... A grand s lam by Amos Olis paced the Kansas City Royals over the Pittsburgh Pirates, 2·0 ... San Fra ncisco's Jobo Mon· tt'fusco went six strong innings as the Giants tripped San Diego, 3·1 .. Mike Norris, Dave HamUl.on and Jim Todd comhincd to hurl a three-hit shutout as Oukland blanked Cleveland. 2-0 . Vta• State Dire• Tueller Utah State has hired ass istant coach Rod Tueller to t ake over the head basketball job to re place Dutch Belnap ... Louis iana Tech has hired Arkans as offens ive coordinator Larry Beightol as its football coach . . . Dave Nickel has been named offensive coordinator for the Long Beach State football te am. Tefee&fo•, Radio Following are the major sports events on televlslon tonight. Ratings are: 1 11 1 excellent; 11 1 wortn watching; I 1 fair ; I forget it. [-) 6:20 p.m., Channel 9 ./ ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL: Lakersat Phoenix. ANNOUNCERS: Cnick Hearn and Pat Riley. Both the Laker s and the Suns appear to be 1n decent shape for making the playoffs, although either one could nil a cold spell and be on the outside looking In. Currently, the Suns are 1117 games In front of LA, which would give them the home court advantage It both reacn tne semlflnals In the playoffs. OTHER TV 7 :30 p.m . (S2l -HORSE RACING -Today at Santa Anita. 9 p.m. (9) -BASKETBALL -Athletes In Actfon \IS. Coaches Al I-Americans.Taped at Ananeim earlier tonight. RADIO Basketball -Lakers at Phoenix, 6:20 p.m ., KLAC (570), simulcast. Hockey -Detroit at Kings, 7:50 p.m., KRLA (1110). Thursday's Radio _ Baseball -Angels vs. Cleveland at Tucson, 11:55 a.m., KMPC (710). Walk-on Defeat a Shock l.ngww Beach's Hughes Responds By ROGEll CARL'40N oe.,. o.ltf ,, .... ,._.. Laguna Beach lliath Principal 8ob Hughes expressed shock and amazement at Monday's vole lo the California Assembly, which tell one vote short of pass· Ing a biU to require so-called "walk·on school coaches" to have taken coaching classes and lirat aid. "l•M ASTOUNDED that a person fn the assembly could come to this type or conclusion," aays Hughes, one of the prime instigators in getting the bill !AB 454> to the a s sembly through Dennis Mangers <D- Huntington Beach). blll, 41-36, but a recount of the voting found the tally 40-36, fall- ing short by one vote the re· quired margin. M angers has a s ked for another roll call at Thursday's session. ·. BASKETBALL ,. ...... ..,.J MULLIGAN SELECTED. • • und I don 't have to teach " s aid MullJun, not wanting to b~ i;pecific ws far us dollar11 and N·nts, »lthough he admitted with the fringe beoeJits be would receive more than what hls s alary w H :11 Saddleback, whk b was believed to be ln the nelgbborbood of $40,000. Mulligan doesn't pretend he'll be a mlroclc worker either . Ill' reallies the difficult job uht.>ad of him and koows h~ won't be able to chance things overnight. ''l'M LOOKING AT Tms from a long range point," he say~ "Anybody who gets a phone call from us will koow we want him. We're not going to settle for any seconds or thirds. "Gelling th(' job so late has hurt.us and made lhlng:l more d1f (!cult," he admits . "Stan Morrison <USC> geu the job and hl' almost gets a whole team returning. Long Beach State bad rour re- turning starters when they hired a new coach (Tex Winter ). "People have always said I'm a recruiter. We 'll sec now JWlt bow good I really am." THE TOUGHEST PART for Mulligan a t Loyola will be tryi n~ to selJ kids on what has trad•· tiooally been a losing program. And what complicates mat ters are the eligibility requirements <2.S g rade point average) ''I'm going to try to sell them on me, my style, the ract th.at Loyola ls a very good academic school and that we 're locaU.-d an Southern Californja " Mulligan's JC Record Year 19417 19H IHI 1170 1111· 1172 1173 1974 1975 1978 1971 1971 1971 Seeton Record 22.- 20-11 ,.,.,3 , .. 14 1&-15 20-11 2s-e 26-4 27-5 22.- 25-9 29--4 28-1 League Record 15-1 13-5 13-5 10-4 w 1M 1&-0 15-1 12-2 12-2 15-1 13-2 13-1 Finl th Fir at TNtd Third Second Third Flrtt Flrtt Flrtt Artt Second Fl,.t First Fl rat Mulligan says he doesn't pl<1,n on deviating from his usual styli· of play which workt·d :-.o :,ucccssfully ul Suddlcl.i:i ck and brought big crowds in the process. ''My philosophy will stay the same." said the ~oa~h who hah complied a 13-year JC record of 298-117 for a .718 wanning perce11 tage. "I f~l ll's eas ier lo l!Ct players that way and more people to watch you. "ALL WE llAVF. TO DO is gel the right players'. Gu ys with quickness who can run " The cupboard isn't totally bare at Loyola. Mulligf)n wall havf• eight relurrung players off lasl season's varsity squad with 6 6 forwa rd Jim McCloskey. a graduate or Estancia Hi gh, probably being the best of the lot. "I hope to tum things around quicker but realistically I reel it's going to take m aybe three years," says Mulligan. , "We need two guards , two forwar d-. I · and a center . or two guards and thrc•· l fos:wards." he said an sizing up the team'!> needs. "Then it will be whether we can do the rtght thing according to the talent.·· MULLIGAN ALWAYS seemed to do the right lhang while at Saddleback and. by his own admission. he will be leaving behind a myriad or me morlc.-s upon bis de· parture. "Or cours e I 'll have a lot o f memories," Mulligan s ays. "It was great b'e in~ the re a nd this seas on was parllculurly satisfying. "I don't know how l"m going to react ir MULLIGAN we lose:• he says as If pro1ecting into the future. ''I've never experienced a los ing year in my life . ··There 's no conference tournament here . It's not like the PCAA where you finish eighth and s till play. We have schools like Arkansas and Oklahoma on our schedule next year. H we can finis h at .500. I'd be happy "Naturally, we 'll pomt toward the c0nference because that's where it counts. But I could be in a situation where It's the end of January and the race is over already. That's very possible and I've always bee n in a race until the end." Mulligan paused for a moment the n said. "This ls something I 've always wanted. J just hope it turns out to be a good dream." Mulligan said Dob T alc will serve as his a ssistant coach after being with Gary Colson al Pcpperdanc this past season. Bill Brum~ mel. Mulligan's assistant a l Saddleback. as actively seeking the va- r :int Gaucho post KEMPER TOURNEY. • • workers. But hl' didn't throw 1n the towel "WE BORROWED u pump from th" city that as drammJ? 5.000 gallons a minute out of thl:' lakes and they should tw prt'lt) W<'ll down by toni~ht "The d na in from lhl' cat) s treets is our ln~.t:l'Sl 11roblt•111 because the w:ilt>r ~om"" an hl•rt• and has no plucc.· Lo ftO Wl· Hrl' pumping il inlo the• rlOOd l'Olllrol channel lo the Santo Ana llh't'r "We are Ot'f?Ol1utan~ "'1th lhl' city to do someth1(1g ubout this type of thin~ hap!J(.'nang agum 111 tht• future but nolhini.: has lwen sett ll'<i yet. .. T llF. COURSE Gt:TS wat1·r from fi vt• city streets that a n· abQvc the levt'I o( the playani.: area Loss or the pro·am evenl wall l'Olll tournament sponsors adclt tional money fo r lhe1r chant v dona tions Some $300 from each ,1m a l e ur e ntr y f e e v.a -, earmarkt:i.d for the $55,000 chart ty portion of the event. Tbe key to the a pparent nar· row defeat appears to be Teresa Hughes <D·Los Angeles) who uid: "We're keeping out or coacbinf people who dem- on.atrat.e prollcieocy ln athletic endenor wilb alupld Mickey Mouae replaUona." •'This is a vehicle to gel people In the coaching rank~ without teaching credenUaJs. It Ill not a cure to the ultimate problems of walk-on coaches, but It Is a step toward it. "The viewl'I of Teresa Hughes are Just not true." The btll was prompted by the trans fer of many coaches to classrooms following Propos i- tion 1.3 cutbacks. A number or acbool s have hired non - credentlaled walk·on coaches who are ~ually former athletes. Baseball Football Soccer Tennis E~(wellnearly EvtfJ!*I) Fer IM A~lete Duck Feet ChUIChill Water Wonder Speedo THE ASSEMBL 'Y origlnally was thought to have passed t.be , ..... _.J WEST TO QUIT? •• e chanp -. mind. rr I bad to tau a auess, I would tb1nk a..•1 1ot.n1 to leave. I think he't 1oln1 to stay with lbe oraanlzatJon, tllou'91. I think be wanlt to very much." THE IAKl!ll8 are currently ln third place lo tb• NBA •1 Paelfle DM1loa wttb a .Wl record, but t.bey bave JOit MYen of their lllt 10 lalMI. Wiit, a pard who was one ol the 11me•1 1reai.t plaJen dur· tn1 b1I 14-Jear caner wltb tbe Lakerl, 1uJded Loe Miplle to a sa-21 reeord la bla ftnt 1ear and a 0.1'7 man tut tea-. o... report 1ut wen ·~ tbat Wett would Nlip bit coac:blal Job.r .,.,...,. ~ tM Laken' 1neraJ .......... aw Sharman, wno e••ITllllJ lllGldl tbat poelUoa would taU MOllller Job ln the orpldutloa, PGMlo':,t!" clreetor 'ii play:r:-•11. Tbe ~ lal41 tUt bM already taJ wtdl Hall6e Brown, the MlaMa Rnb .... -Kevin ~. tM N .. .lerMJ Netteo..• ....... IAbn job. OPPONENTS OF the bW , re· portedly lncludlng most of the members of minority 1roups. viewed It aa a barrier to employ- ment. Said Teresa Hughes: "It lJ an action to keep people out." Bob Huahel. who testlned two weeks 110 In backln1 the measure, says: "Thia la a way to 1et quallfted coaebet ln, not out. I really ftnd tbla upeetUn1 wben they take tb1I approach aad aWtude toward tomlthina wttb onl)' poelUve overtones." Bowie to Kentueky LEBANON, Pa. <AP) -Sam Bowl•. ,...., boaond u the .,.Uon'• bltb tdl'bol baaketbell r.aJer ol tM 1"I' bJ tM NCAA, I heeded for ~llJ to play bl1 eollqe NNW, llftOl'dlDI to hJ• hip Wbool C!GMla. Tb• '7·foot. 1 Bowle, wbo .. ........ ,....... ud 11 re- llaadt:i! .... -IAbMon <Pa.) llllDOI W11 nenlted "' ... -... , ... Volley Balls Soccer Balls f 1otb• Baseballs Saflals Play1rml Balls 8111eya..ds WetPt Sits Jump hpes lac~ltSbllllitl ··~.. "-"• a White Sta1 Rawlin1s Wilson Bancroft Jot Joy Ne Sta1 Wipam ~Vlctlr Imp Yllll·PrinCI S,.edtlllidas ...... lacbts TENNIS I BASEBALL I BASKETBALL -ET Sllm IP.! FROM ROO LAVER 9'j ""'' () •" -" Future tt! Jta!~~~- t\.• r FOR If NI~ ~ ,HOT 11/AMI Y«.c' SUI' ID T1IOIK. N«lll.F' 1$1 /l'A)fll'S It' ~A! 'P~,Y'"f" ~ l'llWO 141 Q "'' tAJ'% rJ¥KJJAJ P A #ICI' C'P UNI . tar Jaeger, 13, Plays in MV By DAVE CUNNINGHAM 01 IM 0.llf P11et Si.ff Now that Tracy Austin has beaten Chris ~vcrt a nd Martina Navratilova. 1t would seem lhat no fomalc tenrus player in the world can instill fear and trembling in her l6·year-0ld groundstrokes. But lhd Austin default out of a tournament in M 1ss10n Viejo last year because she was afraid of losing to a 12·year-old tyke from lllinois'! THE OFl-'ICIAL REASON. spoken by tourna · m ent off1 cials. was that Austin had blisters on a root It rm1y have been a convenient way for Aust in to duck Andrea .Iaeger, whom she probably would have ml•t in the sem ifinals of the Seventeen Mag:mnc Tournamt.'nt or Champions at Mission • o I ,. .• .• , Wedi~. March 28, 1979 DAIL. Y PIL.OT 83 aOGEa CARLSON Volleyball Str~nglehold lt 's no st>crel O ran1i1e Coaal »ri:a prep volleyb'111 I• tron11 year 1n and year-out, but lhis year it 11~an1 th area has a stranglehold on the IF SoutMm Section Th<lti~ deeply involved state with a matter of racl ullltude thot San Cl~mt'ntc• uod Nl'wport tlarbor Jf\• lht· two bci.t teams m lhl' Cl I" 8 T I T (; 0 E BEYOND that Such p'O w er s ii 11 Lu g u n a Beach. Estancia, Foun t a1n Valley and llunt· engton Beach have few rivals outside of Oob Pu eb l os and Sa n M urcos, or others on the fringe of the Oranue Coast area -such as Mhusion Viejo, El Toro. La Qu inta and Westminster ENGEN So why iis Onl' particular area so overwhelm- ingly strong an comparison to the rest of the CIF? The answer apparently lies somewhere in the combination of better coaching or better athletes. It may also be due to the long.time presence or Laguna Bcac•h "as:sista nt" coacb Rolf Engen. ENGEN, ALONG WITH Lat?una Beach s taff member Mi ke Duncan. have put together a pair of Cl F championship teams and another CIF finalist in the past four yearR, and Engen 1s considered by many as lhe best prep volleyball coach anywhe.re. His expertise on tbe subject goes deeper than 1ust Laguna Beach, however , according lo Newport llarbor Coach Charlie Brande. "Engen Is not out just for Laguna Beach kids," says Brande. "He's out for all of them." The next question is just which league <So uth Coast, Sunset or Sea View I is the premier league or the area'> The South Coast boas ts San Clemente. Laguna Beach and Mi ssion Vi ejo: the Sunset has Newport Harbor. Fountain Valley and Huntin~ton Beach: and the Sea View includes Estancia. El Toro and Irvine. AN EXCELLENT SOURCE for the answer 1s San Clemente Coach J ack Iverson. on the scene for the past six years and the tas kmas ter or the cur- rent No. 1 outfit following Monday's conquest of the Orange County Invitational Iverson's answer 1s typical of the tighl·knit feelings the area volleyball coaches possess. Asked if the South Coast was indeed the toughest leaf!uc of the bunch, l vcrson res ponded: ''I'm never going to say that. Newport Harbor and Estancia are very good The South Coast League 1s .good , but we don·t have a monopoly ·· IVERSON DIDN'T HEDGE on the next ques· Lion, however. which was where will the next Cff champion come from'! "It's going to be us or Newport llarbor." ht• said without hesitation Davis Excited AIAFaces Collegiate All-stars Angels Sign Ex-Dodger Louis and San Diego be fore go· Ing to J apan. where he played for two year s. M eanwhile , the Angel s trim m ed their roster to 27 By JOHN SEV ANO As for the strength of San Clemente. Iverson says this year's junior varsity. or last year's for that matter, would defeat his first varsity, which included Bob Yoder . The reason? Better ball control. according to Iverson. BRANDE. WHO GOT into vo lleyball as a basketball player under Dick Davis at UC Irvi ne. says an additional bonus to volleyball has been the influx or the better athletes <such as outstanding basket ball players). He also includes girls specialist Dale i''lickinger on his credit hst for the boys' success The popularity of prep volleyball 1s also ex- emplified by the fact it 1s ont' of lhree I football and basketball the other l wo I money makin~ sports at Laguna Hcach and San Clemente. Others like Newport Harbor, Es tancia and Fountain Valley. sure ly are also picking up some loose change. Says Marina Coach Tim Reed · "Spectator· wise, we'rl:' equal to any spring sport. Once you see it. it ·shard not to get hooked." WITII LEAGUE t\{,'TION JUSl under way, here is the Dal ly Pilot's predictions for the South Coast, Sea View and Sunset lea~ues : Soulh Coast San Clemente. Laguna Ueach, M 1ssion Vtl'JO. Capistrano Valley. Dana Hill::; LaJ!una Ifill!> Sea View Es t ::i nc1a . Irvine. El Toro, University. Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa. Sunsl•l Newport Harbor, Fountain Valley lluntington Bear h. Westmmster, Marina. Edison Supervisors Praise Pirates T he OranJ!e County Board of S upe r visors has passed a resolution pra 1s ing t he play o f Orange Coast College's bas ketball tea m cap· lured the state J C cham- pionship this year, de r ~ali ng Saddleback College in overtime. 1978·79 basketball. ========:::;;; The resolution was FREE TELEPHONE DIALER WITH VieJo ·s M ar g ueri t e Recrt.·at1on Center. O n e week late r Auslin was back on the court. ~inning another a m a t('ur tournament TEMPE . Ari z <AP > Veteran Willie Davis has been signed by the California Angels, and he 's excited about the up· coming baseball season. ( ) "l 've got a pennant feeling TENN JS about this ball club," s aid Davis _ _ after the Angels' wild 13-12 ex- --------hibition victor y over Seattle _playe rs. two over the opening day limit , by releasing pitcher C ha rlie Willia ms. ass igning catcher Ike Hampton outright to Sall Lake City of the Pacific Coast League, and optioning pitc hers Steve Eddy, Jim Dorsey. infielders Dickie Thon. Floyd Rayford and outfielder Bob Clark to Salt Lake City. OI U. O.lly P1lo4 Si.ft A bevy of top collegiate talent will be on dis play tonight <8) at the Anaheim Convention Cent.e r when Athletes in Action faces the Coac~s l\ll·America team presented to the board Ma rch 21 by Thomas F. Riley, s upervisor or the fifth district It was duly seconded and carried. Coach Ta ndy Gillis' POCKET PAGER RENTAL The hl1sters obvious ly weren't LOO serious. If Austm djd indeed duck out to avoid m eeting Jaeger tprnnounced Yeager, as in Dodger catcher Steve Yc•ageri, the obvious question is why. The answer is simple : it would have been em- barras:-ing and may have even put a s nag in he r rise to world prominence if Austin were throttled by a relatively unknown child before she e ven reached the fi nals. BUT JAEGER IS NOT relati vely unknown anymore. Last December s he became the youngest to ever win the 18-and·under title in the prestigious Orange Bowl international tournament. She also won the national clay court cham · pionship in the tough 16·and·u.nder division and is now ranked fourth in the nation in that group, although she's only 13. Next month Jaeger will be competing in the 21 ·and-under bracket as she returns to Mi ssion Viejo for the fourth annual Tournament of Cham· pions. AT AGE 11 J AEGER was the youngest player In the 1977 tourney and won the 14·and-under trophy. Last year she jumped to the 21·and·under group and. once Austin defaulted. J aeger got to the fi na ls before losing, 4·6, 7-6, 6·3. to Maria Rothschild, a woman six years her senior. Austin won't be returning to Mission Viejo May 15-19. Presumably, her abilities have im- proved such that she no longer worries about amateur competition. So Jaeger, unseeded last year. will be among the favorites. Rothschild will be back to defend her crown, and also entered is Andrea's older sister, Susy J aeger. a 16·year-old who took the consola- tion prize al the National Indoor 18's. G ROUNDSTROK ES-Hi11 a nd Harbo r or iginator Paddy Speyers, who manages the South Coast Plaza Hotel Racquet Club, is organizing a league for working women to be played Monday or Tuesday nights. Any club interested can phone her at 752-0306 ... New board members installed by tbe Oranl'e County Tennis Association are Don Ralls (chairman), Barbara Mosber <publicity), Craig Neslage (sports manship), Val Goodbody (junior development) and Dean Moore (touma· mentsl. Vaqs Stun Estancia · Irvine High's Vaqueros stunned visiting Estan- cia High in five sets Tuesday ni,ght as Sea View League volleyball action got under way. ~ With Fred Verteles and Wally Jones leading the way, the Vaqs dealt EslaQcia a 15-10, 11·15, 9·15. 17-lS, 15-7 defeat. Elsewhere in the Sea View circuit, Unlvenity; behind the hitting of Ben Hooper ana blocking or Keith Slover, stopped Costa M.eta in five sets. San Clemente swept through Capistrano Va1ley in three sets behind another all·around perlormance by lbe Tritooa, while La1una Beach, wilb Kevin Norick playing exceptionally well ln the front row and Lance Stewart getUng tlle job done u the team'• prime setter. s topped Dana HUia ln four sets. LEASING? •:YOUDONT HAYI OUI tuen1. I YOU All PIOIAIL y PA 0. TOo MUCHI a..&_. .... C..Olrtf1• ... , •••• , • ....., llACM 133-tllO Tuesday. "It's the same kind of feeling I had with the Dodgers." DAVIS, 38, HAO r equest ed and had been granted a tryout with the Angels this spring. He was in danger of not making the club because he injured his left leg during the second week of s pring trainlng. "T hat didn't bothe r me at all," he said. "I've had this t hing for seven years. I did something to my left knee joint stealing second base in a game for the Dodgers seven years ago. "I can sUll run. It feels great to make this ball club. It's got lo be great to be back home." DA VIS, WHO HAS a career major league batting average of .279, played 13 years for the Los Angeles Dodgers and still holds m a n y club records. lie then played for Montreal, Texas. St. They a lso returned pitcher Dan Boone to Salt Lake. NOT INCLUDED on the 27 players on the California roster is infielder Dave Chalk, who is on the disabled list. The Angels scored the winning run in their victory over SealUe on an infield single by Willie Aikens in the ninth inning. Singles by Rick Miller and Dan Ford off Seattle pitcher M Ike Parrott preceded Aikens· h it that won the ga me. There were a total of 40 hjts in the contes t. Both starting pitchers, Byron McLaughlin of Seattle and Frank Tanana of California, were bit hard. Messersmith Sharp In Six-inning Stint VERO BEACH, Fla. <AP) - Andy Messersmith, attempting a pitching comeback, a nd Joe Ferguson. battling Steve Yeager for the starting catcher's job. turned in impressive outings in the Los Angeles Dodgers' exhibi- tion romp over the Boston Red Sox. Messersmith gave up only one run on four bits in six Innings, a nd Ferguson drove in three runs with a double, single and sacrifice fly Tuesday to lead the Dodgers to an 8·1 victory over t he Red Sox. "It's still a little s trange for me," said Messersmith, wbo im- proved his spring record to 3·2. "1 still reel uncomfortable on the bill and it'll take enough times out there to get it back. "Don't forget, it's been a long time (July of 1977) since I pitched cooslstently. It's coming along ... it's just a matter of getting my confidence back.'' M esse r s m I t h . a forme r Dodger who was bothered by in· Juries d uring the pas t two seasens with the Atlanta Braves and New York Yankees. struck out three in the triumph over theRedSox. Also impre ssive for the Dodgers were Pete Broberg. who pitched the final three m- nings and permitted only one bit, and Teddy Mart.Inez, wbo hit a two-run homer. After Boston took a 1-0 lead in the first inning. the Dodgers jumped on Red Sox starter Mike Torrez for three r uns in the second and two more In the third. F erguson doubJed home two runs in the second. Dusty Baker singled home a run In the third and later scored on Ferg~·s s acrifice. Martinez belted his homer lo t he slxlb off Torrez, who was tagged for all eight runs PITTSBURGH tAP> -A s uburban Pills· burgh man b aa filed suit against professional hockey player Oreg Polls and the New York Ra ngers, alleging the athlete deliberately s truck b i m w ltb a hochey stick al a game here in Novem ber . BING ••••s 5200000 TOTAL ,.tMMT FIVE '250 GAMES .... Ollllr'I •IV8Y ... AY.-HI'• IOOIS OP9e WI P.M. &llf' .. •Atie-WI P.M. --...~ STAITNIP.M. . SS J CAID ...... SIMON & JUDE __ _............_. PAllSH HALL ~~=.a-.:a- Such collegiate stars as Steve Malovic of San Diego State. Gary Garland of De P aul. Sidney Moncrief of Arkansas. J ames Ba iley of Rutgers. Ollie Matson of Pepperdine. Vinnie J ohnson of Baylor. Rickey Williams of Lon~ Beach State. Tyrone Bran· yon of Texas, Larry Oemic of Arizona and John McCullough of Oklahoma will be on hand with Arkansas· Eddie Sutton handJ- ing the coaching duties. CASH FAST H o m eo w ne r s : Loans arranged for any reason. Credit. no pr oble m . Borrow on your eQuity. Call now for courte o u s. fas t information. f 7141 547-7151 10,000 SQ. Mllf COVERAGE $20.00 PER MONTH National Paging Also Av~- 160 W. t• St. GARLAND. WHO LEO his AMBICAN Blue Demons into the semifinal.s Mortgap Co. Codaw.SG 631-0202 of the NCAA playoffs. is a last ~========~========:::~ minute replacement for Duke's Jim Spanarkel, who has d ropped out. The addition of Garland brings the number of All .Americans to 10 for tonight's contest. LACK OF TALENT will cer· tainly not be one of Sutton's pro- ble ms with the team. but he may face an absence of cohesion due to a lack of playing time together . Besides the obvious talent fac- tor. the game will also mark I.he last appearance of AJA's Bill Oates as head coach. Oates, who quit recent)}. has been replaced by J im Poteet. who will take ovt.r the coaching chor es at the e nd of AIA's season. OATES WOULD obviously like to go out on a winning note. while the college stars will be trying equally ha rd not only to win, but to impress the scouts as well. "The National Association of Coaches is doing a great job of lining up some outstanding com· petition for us." Oates srud in talking about the game. "In fact." be chuckled. ''they might be biting off for us more tha n we can chew." Oates took the AJA coaching job four years ago and turned the amateur team into one of the world's best basketball squads. Hia (our-year record agalnst col- lege and international competi- tion is 170-2.8. Only 18 of those games were played at home. "Skip,,_, .. Al•n H•I• I m ites You To Th• With each paid admission. you will reoe1ve a ticket entitling you to spin the Daily Pilot's "Wheel of FOf'tune. •· Hundreds ot prizes w ill be awarded every day of the show from opening to closlng. · HERE ARE SOME OF THE PRIZES VOU CAN WIN· • FI SHING ROOS • FISHLANOING NETS •PLASTIC UMBRELLAS •FRISBEES •PICNIC JUGS •BEACH MATS • FISHING LINE •SINKERS • TACKLE BOXES •ROAD ATLAS , SEE ONE OF THE BIGGEST DISPLAYS OF POWER BOATS ON THE WEST COAST. PLUS MARITIME ACCESSOAIES ANO EOUIPMENT. DAILY PILOT r SI C>All V PILOl ~ • • I AMii i HOii I A)llAl.L AM ltltAN ~··oul • I.. "'l u. ..... It I ... ci.···"' • '-" Mt•••w•• II • l• Ceflf•tn.• It • ) h•O • • ,,._ '""'"" II • ·~ ~•nW\Ult " • •• , ........ • • .. '-·-~· • • 411 ... u .. • • • ... tl\h-• II 0 1 "'"'w•le1'9 I •t .. u.utunu#jio • II HI N411" ,.,. ' •• ,... "ATll>tfAI.. 1..&.Al.Ue " ... l'tl ..... "'"""'"' II 1 IC. \I l~"" II • .. , All•nl• II I .,, ~ ............ II ' ))<) ''""'"" • I )/'I t>n1t4HM•llh•• • • ,,. lllWllll .. I • • U• Pt1hD1;tQ1> • I "°' :.ttnU•• .. • 10 •I• t.·~ iUl\•H • • ..,, .-.o"\ton • • •II .... ..,.,. • Ill :;/) , .... , .. c..-. Al t•Mte,A'U <.•tttooue ) II OM 001 ll /1 1 ltetlllt 10J IC/) 010 It II t hn•IMI, Leif ..... '" 11.,, 1/1 I> Mlli.t 0 1 •"cl HwmptH•Y Oo11011we "' M• l •UQhhn ..,.''"" ••• •"4 -..11nwn W f •rr I.. l'oOQll HH\ C•ttlotn••. C...'"" S.1111~. Monon Al Ve,. itM(ll, Ill• llt>IOll 100 000 000 I ) I LO\ AnotlM vn OOl <n• • ll ' ftHtet, 01~ 111. 8urvm.1er tti •M (j lt•"Y· -\\•t •ttulh, lttOU.t~ Ill •"'1 F-etQU\On w M•,'-•' ''"'"' l f Otrfl HN LY\ At'W)tteo\. M.ett1ne1 At TtK-, Atlt. O•• l•nd 000 cno ooo 1 • 1 , ...... ,.., 000 000 000 o, • ' NOrt .. , H•MlllOll (II, focld (41 •ncl Ho••·'· MillafW•IO Cll Wiikin\, u .... , -Al•••nd .. , He\\•Y WP NOrth I.I' Wlf••n' Al SI. "9Wnllw9, flle Ne• Vot-CAI IJOO 120 110 ) 10 0 !>t I.°"" OOQ 100 001 J II J r1enl, Mot-lie 1/1, !Mir-IYI and Net ron, C>llMt , 1.111•11 Ill, WtllOUOflby 1•1 - tCtnntdY W -f111lll I. Ovnny HR SI 1.w1" •oro ····-·"'•· Kan••• c.11, 000 UO 000 • ll 0 Plll\IMltOfl 000 101 000 1 I 0 Pe\thell, Tnroop 01, Ml119011 Ill, MtC.llb"''' Ill •Ill.I Porter, O""" 111 k-••, Homo l•I. Wh•t\Oft 111 •nd 011 w P•>thell 1.-k-•t. Hlh l(•nM\ C.lly, Om All'•_ .. ~ ....... M1nMMlle 001 001 OMI • ) I I '•••• 001 on 10• -1 1> o Jt""'"'· Um1>41rQ<rt ••1. k"tn 111 """ ~undhetQ, Goll/, Tl\O<mo4'9'ftd 1•1, ltot<\1• ltt And WyMQer, t1019men11 ltl W Jtn>lll\ L GoH1 llR• ho>, ~ndtlt•v M lnt\14'\0l•# K.u'MC.ti Al Sllft Clly, Arll C.111<-00 INI 000 104 100 I 11 ~ .M•l••lill• 10 U 000 00• " 1• I l •Mp, HetM . ..0.1 111, Suti.r 0 1, l<tley "" c,e,,.., II > -Ul•0-11, GorOOft ll• S1•1on, Rt01091t Cll, C.ltve1•11d lt l end Nl•rtln«t. W SlelOll. I. Lemp HR> M11 .... 1t .. , eoo,er, lhOm•~. Vounl O••I~ At Ot.,..... IMCl1, l'l.t. li•H•mo,.1000 000 000 000 000 o 11 2 M""ltHI 000 000 000 000 007 1 ~ 2 McC.tegor. Kt rt•o•n • 11, Fo10 191. Merlt114tl llll -Oempwi y 8M1n>tt1, II Mey 1\1, S.0W Ill, Allllll\Oft 111>, FtyMMI c ••• end CMWr -"""' w "''""""' I.. M•rhMI HA MOtltr•••• P•''"" Al l'"-!a, Arlt.-. Stn Olt QO 000 100 000 o I ••n I t •n<•-100 000 011 J • I Ow<ll111M1, """'" •••· b A<.Q111\lO Il l -Tt114'<t, MottlMtu-, MOMfh Ill. Pl.,.ll ltl tno Hiii w MUnletu~o L -Owch1'"'0 Al S.tt•MU. fll .. (.Ill< llllltll 001 010 J10 II 11 0 (.hl••oo IAI." 01• 900 oo. , \ I """''· &.tr 111. 1--1t 1 .no w,,,.,,. •v•v•<. '-"_ .. , •••· H11•1<•" 111, L• c,,.,.. ,., ond ~ott'f w Hume 1 K••vn Hit <.1nd11n410, FO\ltf AID--.a,l'le (lltUQO IAI "8 001 011 000 ) 10 1 1oron10 UO 010 UO• ., • 1 froul, T0tttelll<t ,., •n4 Notdft•Qefl. (;lell<.y, "°"fiflY Ill, Wllll\ (91 end Ofvl\ w (ttntY 1. rroul 11'h -C'1•~•oo, '41'""' Toronto, 80Mlll, Mel(..,, Al .............. l'lt Pllil-IPN• .00 * 100 11 IA I O.lroll 011 000 000 2 I O Rulllotltll, Mt;Ot-C.I <t11C1 eoont; 8111 lllVl\tm, LOl>et ISi, Hiiier (II _,,. Mty W R11 llutn I.. 81 11111 911fm Hlh l'hlleclelpftle . l.1111ntk 1 CJI i.c11m1c11. M<Ot1e1t, Ct~ Al W"4 ~ IMKlo, fll•. Ntw ..,., .. CHI 000 no 101-• 10 > All.,.le 420 JOI 10• 11 II 2 Aller1, RwrclOfl in. 8nllltrt co. Mlirrty 4'1 fn4 Ho09n, °'"''Oii Cl>. Mtl11le, CMt'P 11)1 l:lt.otMO m tl'4I Ml/rplty, INMdk l ell, w -M.thlll. 1.-Allln. HR . Atltlllo, Ill'· roW9fl,, '°1.LIOt l>•fl 0 .... •tele / 10, C..I 1..lllllor.,. J'4. JUNIOR COLLI Gil tTANOtNOI SOUTHl llN CAI. CC*PIRI NCI c, ...... C.010.11~1 L.4Hortior Senl•_,.,. ~o .. • 119t•~ ct LA ~ll-\ol Alo HOftdO W L oa t I • a ,,, , J ' $ ) • , .. .,, I t I t ' • SOUTH ~u CON,.11.NU ltenlo At>t 0••"9t (N)I ~·11110. \en 0!090 MltW Ml ~AMM!o ~ vi i.ttt11 Qron,_. W L oe 4 t a t t ' t t i/) ' ' t \1 t t l\11 ' t ,~. t 2 ,,,.. MllMON c;oNl'IRI MCI .....,.Olw"*' ~"'"'"'" '4IOcllf8Kk W L T 01 S t I J • I t l • ' ' $MO .... CC. ...... _, 0 • I •'l'I .....,.DI.,.._ (It~ Wiik .... ,,. Clletf4')' 1u,,.n1• W t. T .. I I 0 t t O Wt •• 0 > , •• 4 1'-111t "-1 t ta tl1 I I in.i. .. ICl.ti- #t•ll t °" .. HI M1ti.f11, I M•l .... MI lth•lll9 V•ti.11 I It II I IU.,•oll"'f 10.-W••ll I >t • I Otllle IMN.,l•I t H H • •••un '°'',... <-•o 1Cit11, ,, ~.,,,, • ._ ·~ WOJI I•» '" Ir• I H•fhOIHI IOl••le Veli.rl • • I C..1tt1t1' ''-111• -.Oul •It I I ••ltr ,....,_, ... J '#~M 1a..- "'•WI .. IO II l••t IOI..... tll .. Jt •• "•tfe l~w • .i>••lt 111 ••O C I ltttle lO l<O•Ulen Wttll t H ... t .. llllne ltll ... e V.ile~I I 01 • l f-.V IOi .... V•llO I I 01 .. ) Hl<- •W.1-tl t •JO • CAltNtl '°' ..... ~llJ., .. tit lrw I JI<~ lllle• COit• .. '11•11••1 o 4/ 10, I l•YIOt 1(1l(1Cj141 V•li.11 o ,. 10, I k,..nft ltll!Mllo V•ll•rl •Of.ii, 11 ....., 1~11 -J 4 M It 14 I tf>lle141 11.411-.,.,.,11 . ,, • toe llf••" I P.Utell llii•-Y•li.;1 1 14 II 1 ..... It• 11>1•* V•ll•tl t 14 40 ' P•ll•tWin IC>l•lllO Vellu• I ,, 10, ,, Al\lntlWI l~I W••ll 1 JO .0 * l rM rtley I lllOl•JI Htvet l .0 1 IJI•••• v.11 .. I ,, ., ) WUI Y•ll•r I '' .... ) CAI.-W•\I 1 It 01 10 Qt-t O.>I J I) U , lJ '-II, __ J I• 111 ~ > . NAllONAL aAU a fl•LLAU OCIAllON (( ........ c-...--· All•lk Ol•to~ w ... • Wa\ftln(j!Oll )0 H Ph•f-llif>I• " ).o Ntw It'"'' h J<t Ne w YOtll )I •• llO>Hifl ,. •• Cellttel Ol•lt•tfl ~en AMOlllU ., l1 HOU>IOfl ., )1 All•nla ., Jo 0.1to11 ,, 0 '''"•l•ftO n •• New 0th.,., I • )J WOHerll C-le~9"'• ~ •• 0 .. 1.- 11 ..... , titr 0 n O.nvtr 41 u 1nc11 .... H .. Mll•euk" }4 •• C.htc"90 11 .. f'~llk Dlwll- ~•Ill• ., ,, Phoent• 0 JO LO\ AnQVlft 4J ,, l'Of"llend " :M \<on D1eoo •I J\ <;olden !>ta" !J " •-<ltll<necl Ol•l\ton T-,··~Utt\ Cleveland 111, Botton 1001 PhllitOltlt>hl• 100, W•>hlllulutl ~I Hou\lon 1n. ClllUIP 1" lndl•lle 10., -Oti .. M IOI '>Hiiie II), SM 0-ICl'I Pot1ltllcl 111. Ntw York llt r-....·•G•mn WHftlfl(llon •I Nt w JetMIY Dell••• ti Otltoll c..n•t•90 •I Pft•l-lplll• 8o>lon •I M11w-" N•w Orl..,M •I 'lotrl AnlonlO llldl°""u1 HOll\lflfl L°' Aft9'tln •I P!loltno• I( •n••> (.lly •I G<Jlo.n ~I alt Ne w Yorll el ~•lllv LOSAUU•1UTOS ,.,..,., ........ "'' 0 1 .,. ))J • 411 0 .OJ 10'. 11• 11 )IJ ~ \\1 I I m ll'• 311 .. Jl1 IO .~ .,W> ~. ••I ' OJ .. ' . MI) .. ,, ''°° t \1 "' • ~·' . ' ,,.. I •1' I) ,,.., .. ,..... ... ,_ .. -''"'' ~ "'' , .. , 1mmlnwft<• 1Goudr .. 11I \JO, ) •O, 110, f,.n1on AOOr• C~•Oe,1 ) 40, l llO, Clt..U.I• MO<Kt lGll•onl J 40. l1 L""'le ll-11 Ptld UI 00 S.Cond tlKt R<l\ll COt-tl "00 LOO, ~ .0, Top Linc tC..•ln•ll J CIO, 1..0, vou i.e., fhlflq ('#llllMMI • 00 Tlllrd •e«-John M•ro1n •Ou•"••olol U 70, II 10, t 00, C.lell 0 Lm.,•vdt 1 llt•lonel. '°· ... .,. "°'' I.I~ LC.OVOrt ... I • 00 ,.011tlll te<e WhlrlOfl Ght1\ IW1fllem\I • 00, J 40, 1 -0. Tr,_ ftlO l()uetlerotol I IO, J . .0; NOtlh W.>ltr11 Clocldl l .llO, l1 (...Cle ,," p.,dMI 60 1'11111 •Kt-<.«-Ar .... I CAO ettft<lftl ) )0, 4 60, 1 llO. Wtl<.-Imp t!>v<t•rOltel I .0,) to, Pe\tr 8t-llltott>yl J 20 ~lalll •MA-S•lll M.t• IC.ftntl 11 00, 4 «I, ),IO, Adlot Oou9 IV•llendlllQheml J.IO, 2.eo. S.rtt ... e ... 1sucu r011tl 4,.0. S.vellth •••-<.rt•nt• l(ioudr .. vl J CIO, > 00, J .cl, Coote f ro>t 1 Ael<11fo101 •.ao. 2M , "-'lfen Bey I fr0119I' ... Ellfltll rce c;on.. L.OU• cw1.-01 "'°· t .10, 1.t0, wr.tto Jau IMelulfl U to, uo. Sfledy Ott l!IP<l"'I \ 00. t ? E~~lt 14 )I pelcl t l .. AO. Nlnlh rec.e Otlbr .. 11•\h •tlll U tO. I 00. • 00. kn Gl-.tle lV•lltlWllftOI\•"'' l to, ) eo, A•r ""° 10...rt••ot•l 1 eo u e""'i. 11·•1 Ptld"' ..,, Alt~ 3,llS. MORU 114<11110 $TANDIN05 ~..., ,,_ O.llr RK iltt ,._ T___.._.., ~·.,. ·-Plll<ty ...... tit, ... ,.._ ... ,,..,., eor••• M(Htf'WI M<Cem1r1 ~INl!er VflWtr Arllr ·--""'I" >'O '' .. t i.IOU.., )41 " .. lµ.1,101 2l4 )I .. I, 112,Ht '" .. •I '·,,, .. to •Ot I• St I ,1111,W HI "' o 1,oe1,•n >It /1 n 1.0.0.~ Ht .. 41 1,oot,t.17 •It .. " t1J-"1 ,,. 4t .. ., .... ,. r••1•••• ... _ Ut B•n•r• ,,.,. .... , I.Ill\ •• ,,.,. J,Met11n Out.-WllllU~m 0.10 l,,HIMfourt 1"0<111\ l(olly """' ,_. tM .._ 111 11 20 ,,.,,050 ue t• >• ~, ,4j '°' n 14 .,,,,,.. 1., ,. 10 •n.m 2)f ... JI 404,HI I~ 10 11 ,._,Ult ••H t uJ.-S•• .o .. au,101 '°' 0 ,. "I .. .. .. U I 11' .... S MOR .. t N-AllltmH Sfle(Cec.111., 8lcl Nwi.0-..11 Tllltf S.Mlllft l'tlMA Pk l-..- Oo141eft AC1 • Aytl..,leH.,.,.t fl 1-•"*" Utlll l ,T.._.... twtt ht 4 l • • ) , i ' , J , . J I ! I a I '"'I.~ MONl'I' LIAOl•S NeMy '-'-' .. UGI .JOAMll CMntt .11,IOO .. .... """ J),N • "•t .,_, ''·* ' AM' AKtO 1' Ill • Mlh Utt.. 11,JN I J-ll•IOO .. ,l'l'J I HOlll>fMe<'r ".All • 0-.. c. 'l'oun\I ..... 10 W-• l'elf-II Hiii " .... ..,...... .. .... '' ''"'""'-,, .. u ll Jo AM W-tn II Ill If l'ellfW l'llft 10,U I It P~ c;,on1er 10 )14 •• ,,,..,, °"""' 'llO II JAJI~·--• ... 11 J"'1'1 MM\t lll ¥Ill " Ot lt LU!IOlt\ll>I :, Jiql•I ,0 OOflllt H Wllll• )I KtlhyWhllwonn ,,10> n 1te111 --1,0'IO 2l C.IOtl• htfi I Ul t• 5.,. 11etn1nv • .,, 1' ieOt Otll... • U\ h ICe!llY MfMvll~n •.20 " :.erlOt• ~..... ..111 21 f'•m Ml119illl ),II.II l• Alt•...,,• Me11111eru1 S.,.1 JO I.Oft Wt-I ),.Ml HOI• c.i..o H'°""hl ... Jejlefl --ll.000 Olll "not . mem.w• 01 lllO lPOA l'OAMOHll'I' LIAOl•S M-y ,_,. Oii i ... PrUC1oklllel Oollof\ A\-lellQt\ I-t l•nny We<l.,ln\ 1 ~Ult y .lutllff > Lon Mlnlllt • f om W•I""' \ L•rr r ~1.00 • An<ly °'"" I C.tter- 1 Met• Horn ' le• ft•\flM 10 HuO.rl c,, .. ,, ".).I .... '"·"0 t'lt,)41 , ...... t..o .. m "' 1)0 "' '" .. J,11• '"°,.. \110.11111 NATIONAL NOCICIV Ll'.AOUI! ~II CM1ftrt1oc;e f'.Vk k Olwl• .... 1 NY hi-\ NV Ae"Ull" Plllled•IP"•• Atl•llle W I.. f ~ 0 1 OA ... I ) 14 10. J) I I~\ j'l 1) 10 ... lOO J)/ Jo 2' I) II 7\1 72' J•?Y IU7"1i.J )myllM DIWI\ .... ,,.,,_ V4n<OtiYtf '>I l.Ollt\ <.01oreoo ,. ~ .... ,,, w 1J 41 11 SI 100< 211 II 0 11 4" 111 )?J U )I 10 l8 1'1 l11 80\lon 8vtlel0 f0tonto Mtnne\01• W•ltt CMlle,..,.U ~s OMt .... .0 ,, ,, )A ,, " lO n u 11 J) II Herth Dlvl\i... ., , .. 211 IJ HJ 1"' n UI 1M •S 10 1W • Mclnlteel •8 I• 10 10. >10 1.i P1tu1>uron Jl 11 n " 1..0 1~ 1.o• AnQllV\ ll JI II 13 1~ 2'0 Cl•lfOlt 71 JI .. )I 1lt llJ We\lllnQIOll 71 J8 I\ SI 7~ JIO • t ltncht<I dl¥1\lon T....-.v·•"'"' Pllll-111111• 4, llY R•not" • Monlt••I •, Ale.nle • Ptlh-Qlh S, Ml-'°I• I (.ftl<~ I. (.Qlot-I, II• V •llCOll'fet S, 0.lrO•I 1 ,......,. •• 0 ...... NY R-"•I Pllhl>u•gn k>ton •• 81111•!0 Wnhtnqlon <11 fOtMID 01lr0tl ti U» A"911ln WOllLO HOCKEY AHOCIATIOH Ill 1.. T Pll 0 1' OA l::dmo<1IOll 40 1• 2 I? t... tJI 0ut0e< JI 1t ) 1' 1' I 2)} Nt• ff!QI-JJ ?t t /) 111 7U WIMI-)} JI 0 /1 1t• 1/0 C1nc1nn•ll n 3" • .,. ,,.. 7» 111tmlft9lltm 11 a1 • •1 u1 ,,, , .... ,.,k.,. OlrmlnGll*'ll J, Mew t.nol•M I , ... , .• o_ Edmonton et OulDK ''"""""" •' w111111pe9 104.ITMUMO TROUT l'LANTS l•rtll\Q -~ _.,,,.,, w•ltt °' rotO c -II'-, tM IOllOWlfWI ltkt\ t nCI .. , .. m>. ll"H il'Y c.ountf, Wiii be rettoclled tllll -II, With t •tthel)le•>llt t•lnllOW ltOUI lrom ~fUMllt OI I'll!\-(iemt h•IU1tt .. > LOS ANO•Llls -41royo kco e re_.. ••1 1w11tff Fore\I Sl•llOlll. llo Aoo er-. G••l•I< L•k• end Oowl\Urtem Pool, l!fltt-i..lle, HenMll .... ,.....,, 1..tt9 1.tUt, UtUo Roell Ctttll, Pe<k RO.O P•rt< I.t ile, P11ddlllOllont I.•-'•. Pyttrnld RtMrvotr, U-Ilg f vlllft99 C rfftl, SAM l llRMARDtMO -Lytle C·••tll IMld ell• .... -l'«lltl. '"""""'°°° .......... .. SA N DllOO -Ooa11• Po lld, Sen•• M., .. ,, .. 111"9f, sw .. l••ltr Niver 10rtt11 V•llo FeCl>I. O•A ... -5"' J..011 C.rffil, SANTA u ••••• Oor ••own ~ffll, M•llttMO-, 'l'INTURA Ptrll l.•U COi.LiM Atllltt .. Ill A<I..., Ollf GtC Lvl11trt11 u U. IM, U tO, i.14 ...... ICMOCH. U11lvettffY ... C.. ... tt.tf, tt-11, 1l-I, ..... t•tt. lell C..,_... .... c.ltlr-y .... , IM, t ..... , ... ..._. INdl _,,Delle Nlllt IMI, IN, ·~i.t•• lrwlllt .,, ltl•le 1 .. tl, '"'•• •U. t,.U, '"'· Misc. --• p BulH•la RrfJound T h • ( 'hlc ugo Bull:-.' Murk 1.undt.hcq~t·r !'>ni:tl<·hc'i <.i re bound uwuy frurn lfowiton ·-. Hud y 'l'omlunovlrh 1n N U/'\ uctaon in C h ll'Uj:(O Tu ·1:1du y r11g hl. The Hoc kcls won . IZZ I Iii FAMILY AFFAIR . • • played poorly, we don't talk about a nything ror :tn hour . "Then we s1l down and have a Coke and das r uss what we lh1nk 1.s wrong, then go out and work on ll." SINCE SHE T URNED PRO. she has 1wen the LPGA purse.s rise stcud1Jy but say1> the bigg •.sl change i..he has seen has bet'n an t.hc quality or the courses that arc bt!1ng 1>layed today "They arc so much helter than they were und the quality or the rookies IS also SO much beller lO· day. ''Shelley tlamlin told me t.has course 1s hke a U.S. Open course after she practiced Monday.'· Carner. after a long week m Las Vegas, slept around Lhe clock alter checkmg in at Mesa Verde on Monduy and planned on getting a prucllcc round 1'ul>sday when the r ains tut. She prefers match play to the standurd rn crlal tournament..s but knows t.hc rt.·ason for not hav1ng more U1an one such event each year. "You lose too many good players on the first round in malch play and w me or the glamour Is gone." s bc says. E ven though she set a course record 64 on the fi rst day of the Sahara National pro-am last week. !She doesn't favor that type of toumamenl. "There's a lot of luck Involved and it's really ha rd when you arc on the course for six hours each day. I was rortunate and 1eol some good amateur partners bul some of the girls didn't and that can cost you from one to four strokes a day " The winner of two U S. Open titles and 23 I. PO A tournaments -In her lime on the tour. Curner c redits much of her s uccess to a good a tlllude. "I WA.NT TO PLAV because I love the game." she says. "If you arc thinking or money, it hurt!> you." Her record speaks for it.sell and thOtle who foll ow the J...PGA lour will verify her achieve menls. She has been one of t he tour's most con- sistently dominant players s ince 1974 when tihe won six tournaments and last year became lht- flrst player ever lo win more than Sl00,000 In three s uccessive years. And she gives much or t.he credit for her 5uc ccas to the ustute observations and advice of tiuaband Don. Truly a family affair. * * * * * * Kemper Pairings •1 fH •IOh• l ft11r. J'tl, I 00 U 00 Aiko lllttme~ t 09 IJ'O'I 'Cltl .... lnt Htnlon •• ,. "; 11 '5ut e.nn.11 I '1 11 ti ',,_.,. Pfl<lllO I lit 12•M Amelle ll0ttt 1.0 n·u ICet!lr ~n•n I ,.. 11 ,.. si.-Joltn\0'1 'I OJ IOI P .. MilfOO t 11 I 11 -Joy<t • 11 I JI Wl!ncly S... RHt U 00 1.00 c;.111v Mon• n " I °' l.,OUIM 8•uc• U II I II Clltl•tlne 1.•t'9f0td n " I JI Dot Gttrme111 " ~ • » 8ttl'I s._ 11 d 1·0 Jt11nr I.ff sm1111 n. M • M ,,.... .. Slullbltfltl<I I OJ t OJ I. ynn AGem\ 'u tit ltoatn.~· I t i •JI Jey<A 8elltofl •IOT" 11 f" '""' ,,I, t :OO tr:• ......., CO-.lty l <O'I IJ,ot ~ lllOll<hl I II tt·IO 1Ce111, CMNllll\ I " " ,, ...... o.n l•I I ~ n Ill HOiii• Stec., : 4\ 11 0 OofttM tlOfllill Wllllt M ,,,)4 5elly Lillie • OJ I ti C..olt Je Sllalo • n 1 · 11 J04nnt Gerner t ti I '1 .Altaelldf • R•11111trdl n 00 1 .00 JoA1111 Wetl\.tm U it .... S.Me ~<1111 It It I. II ~Oll'N h<lt•\W U " t :71 Yh•lell ,,_. .. It • • • """" [ftflefltrll U 4J t ·CJ Mety Mlll1 IJ W t 1M """" Al<Olt t oi tOJ ,....,...., I n t :U lletty Qllfell I JI t 21 lil>trlftyPvft • 0.ll04ff ..-..,, J-1• .... Atllff"-11 c.111, f llemptOll Conn•• C1t111tn11 0.btlyRllOdt• Ml<lltl .. W•llltf J.Wr c1.,., IC .trtly11 IC"1ttNll ICelllr Hiit lletlMlre Ml1tM11e Merill• M<MIM 11 .. C"'°"' c.llldv ,........,.,.,n AU<tMlllet Julle~tenett Ottlly Slltr-M,J. •m1111 VIOi F.,CMll Kt lllY VOUftQ 1..e11ro11._ JOAIWI Oo\I Dl•M P•llet'°" •n111t f wl llerkr•Mo.,,.,, Ol_IC_ )OJOICAUTlitftal Srlvlt ,,.,_ lthY Kl119 I-or• Nth.on Glotle l"etlll Jt fllYll lrll1 8twtr1y kl-Mtrr L_.llrl(e M "9-·0t•lln Mttclell Wll-1"' 1.11y wv M.ttbo Sftelll S-lllfM0.9"'\ l erlMre..,,o. FOR THE RECO~O I GOLF I BOATING Welcome Aboard By ALMON LOCKAIEY In most yacht races from southern California to Mexico weather condltion8 are predictable - stron.c north ·rly breezes providing a rH t api.n· maker run down the Oaja Callfornla coast to C~bo San Lucul'I ut the Up or the peninsula -a nat a lr parking lot. orr the cape for X number ol ho1.trs - and lbm a light to moderate breeze across the Gulf or CaUfornia to Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, Munzanlllo, or wherever . For that reason. race offlc1uhs devised the Cabo San Lucas race. u medium distunce 800 mile run with ratr wi nds all the way to the "parking lot" where the r ace would end But the l>t!sl 1.ai<J plans of mice and yacht raccris, etc etc TllF. Wt-;STER l"'V AND northerly winds failed lo 111ulcrtul1zc from the start or lbe fourth Cabo rlH'f• lrutlead the 34 y1tcht8 took otr In a li ght 1muth<•astnly brec1.c thul had them beating or tac•k inl.( 1111 tht.· way lo En.8enada 'l'h1•n whuL happens? The forecast for stron~ 11111 tl1wt•xl winds by Tuesday are only half correl'l Tht· winds are strong but still from t.he sout.hea~t lk1mlt Still hard on the wind and beating. Arni a lt•ad escort boul approaching Ccdro.s lxl1t11d htlll>d to offlor much hope for lat.er Improve mt·nt "Wt•'vc got almost d ear .skies only two 1'111111.IH calm seu:. and utmost no wind," wus the report frorn the escort vc.sst:l Jubilee " MEANWHILE. HUNDREDS O•~ w1veb, girl friends and just plain yacht race followers Ifft' ulroady flying to the famed fishing resort, hopmg to greet t.he yachts on un anuc1pated ear ly arrival like Thursday night or Friday Some or lhem might have delayed their fll ght 1f tht>y had read compuler·nut Tom Wilder 's pro. Jecllon on the fi rst boat to finish. Wilder 1s a yucht measurer who cr anks data mt.o computers which comes out with a yarht 's six.oe.oct under all cond1 t1ons or sailing beating. reaching, running under various wind velocll1ex Based on 1>uch conditions. Wilder hus come u11 with proJC<'taons such as : Sw1ftsure. which hit!'> been leudin~ since the :.tart, wall fin11ih al 6 p.m fr1day, give or lake u few minutes und seconds Ml &AMAR . T H E SCRATCR boat , «1 nd Hawkeye w1U fm11~h three hours later, Wh1sth: Wlnj:! V at tO p m and RcguJus II and Ghost ut rn1dnight. Thow are Class A boats . Shamrock will lead the Class B fleet acros:. the finish at 2 a.m. Saturday, rollowed by Fr~ En· tcrprusc ut " a.m . 1'he entire IOR fleet will b4· finished by 10 p.m Saturday, leaving the Plllff group to straggle in sometime Sunday So J(<X.'6 the prujcct1ons. Now 1t will bt! 1ntcre.st mg to see what t he whca ther gods crank 1nlo t heir romputcr:. Inspections Set For Mexico Race Sk1ppcri, plannin~ lo sail in t.hc Newport to Ensenad;J yacht race urc required to have their yacht and equipment ins pcctc.-d by one of Newport Ocea n SaiUng AssO<'ialion's equipment commlllt:c members before they can be certified for lbe race a nd receive sailing instructions. Inspectors arc located in all ports from Sun Diego to Sanla Barbara. INSPECTORS IN ORANGE County arc: J e ff f'a r wc ll, S wa les Anc ho rage. 28H8 8 ay11hore Drive. Newport Beach. Chuck Avery. 3336 Via Lido, Newport Beach John Sigler, Balboa Yacht Club. 1801 Bay:;adc Dr ive, Newport Beach. J OHN MARSHALL, NEWPORT Jhtrbor Yacht Club, 720 W. Bay, Dalboa. John Kim ble, Bahia Corlnt.hlan Yuchl Club. 1601 Bayside Drive, Newport Beach. Inspectors al Dana Point arc Bob J oyt. telephone 402-3616, and to'errts Murdy, tele phone 492·2648. * * * Pre-race Seminar Slated Next Week Yacht skippers who arc cru1Ung covetous eyeH on the wealth of ha rdware at stake In tbe Newport to E nscnada race will be given u chance to gather a re w pointers from past wi nners at a pre·race seminar next Wednesday at lhe Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. t'eatured speakers will be "'Doc" llollday. past owne r -skipper of the previous wlnntsr Aquarius and now part or Ra gtime's uf\crguard; Dennls Choute. bullder ·sklpper of lhc CF-.41 f"lv •r, one ol the winne rs In last year's r ace: Mike Sch achter , president or Hood Sallma ke r 1 Calllom Ja and veteran of the past 14 En11enudu r aces, and Al Oleson, this year 's race chulrman. Moderator for the seminar will be Al NelM>n who rrewed the lost t hrei! years on Carl !!;lchenla ub'11 Cadenza. For more lnformnllon phone llood Sallmukers before 5 p.m al $48 346J, or Al Nelson after S p.m . 642-4598. Sulberlaad ea.me. South IOAT IUILDRS & MAIMTENAMCI LOI Amlaoa 11t1h bHketbell coach Oene Sut herland hH been n a mtd lo 1ul de lhe South In t he annual Or1n1e County All·atar bukelba ll 11me at Or1n1e Coaat Colle1e . The 1ame 11 set. for Ju .. 1e. luthertud ·r Loboe of Loi Aml 1 01 we r e Garden Grove Lucue c h a~n • and a d nae o the Cl r 3·A •••I before la.lna to Downey •Steering CNMne & SprodcMI • HYO Hole & Flttlnga • Sella TITT::iE::!llld~ • Abr81ivet • Cutting Toole • Bearings & Pillow Blocks • Power T oo11 • Lubricants •Hand Tools ' SPECIAL VALUES £OR rODAY J!~!Jpo.§UNDAY Wildieeday, March 23, 1979 DAILY PILOT .. COSTA MESA FULLERTON SANTA ANA WESTMINSTER 2946 BRISTOL ST. 1530 S. HARBOR BLVD. 120 E. FIRST ST. AT CYPRESS 15221 BEACH BLVD. SO. OF SAN DIEGO FWY. PHONE: 870·0700 PHONE: 547.7477 PHONE: 893·8544 Dt.lnNC• CAO. 1 K'2'2 OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 8 A.M.·9 P.M ./SAT. 8 A.M.-6 P.M./SUN. 9 A.M.-5 P.M. "TIUCICllS SPICIAltt HIAVY DUTY VENTILATED SEAT CUSHION ..... _ ... , .. ,._.. ..... .. ::-·--·· ....... .....-. -····--·· .... -· . ........ ____ ... .. ..... _ .. ... _._, .. le1tof• Sh,,,. &. h1•t•t to yOUf Mo9 Wheel1. n" TO, IOTilt I~ e Quleta noisy waives & lifters e le1tore1 lost comproulon e Quicker Storts 98 e Sfftootttor ( "'"""'• en9lno u•n • CRAGAR ~SCHROM* "' IOYS mLL GIVU A UMmD IQAD HAZAID WAllANTY* M NO IXTllA COIT ArAIMUKll -.snc.-.rs lfa·.SAlelY'S ~~~:39?! SUPER SPOii . WHEEL ; AUCmoMIW'OllW& , irwnr • sr_,. ~ 44•s ""'CM & Wlf lACI l'LUS $1.98 F.E.T. -~LYPtLOr PllBl.IC' OTI('•· lll0TIQ tOt•IDllOtl• Fl01fl0Vtl U\lllftU PIC1HIOU\IUllNI" •Ul'e•IM to\lllf OIJ THI N""'t UHt~Nl N&Mf U.o.H Uf Nf aYan CW CAlll"O•llllA "I lne f011 ... lfl41 ... ''°"' ••• •<o•~t IM f<>U . ..,lf'O ..,.,_, "tto•noj """ fMl C:OUlllf 'f OF OllANOI .......... _. .,.,, ., ........ ,. t u•or AN "'"'" IJP"' • .., , NANI•' I .. \ .... ,. I \I ..... II t f "•t. ~ M,A'r i.. NY0H HAllllt\ 1111' "9-S4 , ""'""",._ C• •11.. .. Jhl \l•••I ll\lnllft(ll1>11 i .. 1" 0.t H""ll h-~.?~I \t)<l~\I M l\ l •ttll•l,,•¥1"4 NOfl(( I~ tol 111( IV {rt VIN .. 11\• 11 ... llt• .. (• ,,.,, C.t •ll' A111,.....,, t ••o•l.11,. .... lht ""'""'"'ll!t~,,.,.,........, ...... ~, 11.,.,.11.,.,,.._ l~h•n,.....M\lr"I •" Ui;nllnQlen "•••" lNI all PH-• ""•Oft9 cl••"'• ... lflll ti•. (O\lt ........ (• .,.,. (•HI.;""•.,.. 1rw '••• ••"'"'• t"'• r .. ou., .. t• f••• '"'' l)Vtt._,, •• '•m•1Jt '"" t, • 1tt1t .... ,.,.." •• .,wt()t.H.t•O tt1 •"10 '"'"' Wtllo llW ... _., .... ,. -Mf\. I~ Ot~t<tl Dolli .. f\l\lp li•lllv•I ''-o!Uo •I"'" fl•W 4W -.,....,. .,. 1-~·••hi (',.,. 41'tltl0fty 1 ••n~lln llllM •-1,,.. to D<•!lffll ""'"' Wll~ l1"1ja ll-H"°' llU\ •1•14·-111 *•\ ltlooJ with llY W.• "•<•U•t.-V4iile IWn. .. tf\fi' "" Tti.I\ \l•ht...._,,t Wie• tllflft •Hf\ '"' ( vynt., < t•rt r • ()t•n(le (OUhly ••n .. , ""'"' .. ,._ .,.I<• ,ef I AWi r II <•"'"• (lpr> t i °'•-"""'• D" 1111•• "6 lt l'f 1'(1111 & MAil P00 nvl" ,.,._, llllar "' "" •llllU "'"' lw .,.!ft. CA "'""" '" ,,.. r 1111t1 ru1>1"-Otfln\llt '"•" Oe•I• ••1101 ,..,. et Ur.l\l-6et Ille.....,,._'" "11Mt..,,.. 0--,,..,, l•••I• I" ltJI ""'•""I 14 JI 1• lt1' tH '" ....... 1 ... ~ -"''"'"' .. l'W •••••• .. -· 1 " ,, "" ..... u lq ••'-'" "''""" 19'1i ,...,.,,., •II•• I,._ linl PY•lfeth""' •I 1111• ..... ,. o .... -("' "" \{ ('VAITY "A< If , 1 H"tl~L MH" ··~1.1...,,.,.,,,.,.,. ''""l~i.. .. 1,.. .,..... ___ I LAWll• ,l.1.IX A llALl , . ...,......_ ....... U t A.,...,CA_,, ""-'-..Y•tw ~-............... ... f>llDll\,_ °"-, .... u .... .,,,.., 1111 ... 1 .. 11 n "" ' -.. ,. PUBLIC NOTICt; PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICYITIOOS BUSINESS NAMI SYATl!MfNT Tf•• 1oi10 .. 1no per>on I\ clolno bu•I n.,,, ., HOUSE Of C'.E'RAlOIHf •&11 l U\tn Cit(•~. HunllnQlon 8••<11. {•1.,ornle'1M G•r•ldlM P• Ml HOU9Mon. ~JI I •\\en Clrtle. Hunllnoton B••<ll C..llforn•• m.i. Pll8t.I(' NOTI{ t P ISi.it ' NOTH t. PUBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC N"OTICE . . PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT r he toll-•ng P'"'°" I• dolnQ bu\!· MU•\ l"°"""' C HOUQlllO<I ODS, '&JI PICTfflOUS BUSINESS l Hten Circle. HuntlnQlon Buc11, NAME STATEMENY C•lllor11le,,...,, I lie IOl-ng Jlef*l I\ doing DU~· C ALIFORNIA SPA Tne IOllOWlng per'toOn• ••• dolno DISTRIBUTING. GRECIAN SPA DU\lllH\IH DISTRIBUTING. 1100Hu•rdAvenue. PICTlTIOUS IUSINl!SS NAME STATEMENT Thi\ ~1 ... u I\ <-..Ctt<I Dy en In "'"' •• o .. 1ouel I OMFOOLE RY IOS E B•IO<M G-rrl HouQhlon 81•0 , Npwpon 8e<Kll. C..htom1• 9~1 Tl\1$ " .............. W8\ "'"" Wiii\ ,.... , llomn G•Droel Cosolelo, sn County c1.-.. Of Or•noe Covflly on Ollio, Apl. J . Lono B<tkh. Celttornl• M•r<ll •. 1'1' Ml~ "·11111S Tnl\ buMne-\\ I\ tOl'ducted DY efl ln-PvDll\Ncl Or""Ot' CO.•t 0.lly Polol, dlvldu.tl NI""" 1 14 71 111 lt7' IS).1' 1 llOmoH G. eo.oi.to ---------Thll l141l-I -• llled will\ t.N PUBLIC NOTICE Cowlty Cle<ll °' °'-<-•rt.Urch "· "''· S.O.NlA ANA KAWASAKI. ltiO E WUlmoMler C.lol0tnoe'1161J EOlng .. A ......... S...I• AIW, CA TllOrN\ 'e. Roi•, 11651 LAOulnt•. (Ari C 8•~. 111 Cl<ll PIKe, Ml\\1on Viejo, (AlllOf'no.t C~t• M-. CAllloml• Thos buMnKS II ~ondu<lltd by "" 1n ,,_.,,en• L Brown, 117 C•< 11 d,.ldvAI PIK•. C.o\14 -... C.hlornl• T~ E Rlfo Tl\I\ bu-.IM\\ I\ t-tecl DY In Thi\ \llll.,_,I wH llled wtlll t"" Ol•IOu•I• CHU\bollnd & Wll•I County Cttr" ot Or•nve c .... nty on c.r1 c. B,_ "°"'"" "· 197' ~ L 8r0Wfl 1'111 .. 1 Tiii• ·-1 .... """' ...... ""' Publl\l\ecl Or-Coast Dally P•IOI, County Cl•r• of Or•noe County on Mer n. 29-Ar>< ~ 11. t97' 1~?·1' M.,th 12, 1'1' _• ---- PUBLIC NOTICE . . ' . BUSINESS Countg A l'erage Beef Goes Up 42e in Month In line with predictions, lhc price of beef in California increased In March for the second month ma row. 'l'h~ CalHornia Beef Council's monthly 12-city ~urvey of five popular cuts shows that the average price per·pound reached $2.21. up from $2.11 in Jo'cbruary THE ORANGE COUNTY I NCR EASE averagt.>d 42 cents in March, going from $1.84 on Feb. IJ to $2.26 on March 9, according to the coun- cil. The year ogo average price for the same cuts of meat was $1 47 an Orange County and $1.57 in the 12 cities used in the s urvey. According to the council, the average Orange County price for ground ~f ls SI .29 a pound this month, compared with Sl.18 last month and 74 cents last year ....... ., Virginia Sink, fir s t wo m a n a ut omotive engineer, will retire this week after 42 years with Chrysler Corp. (:ON.';U M f.:U Hone-tn round steak costs an average of $2.45 a pou.nd in the county. compared with $1.78 last month and $1.61 last year. Bone-in sirloin costs $2.91 thls month, $2.41 las t month and $1.96 last year Time Management Seminar Slated A pound of T bone :iteak sell s for an average or $3.01 this month, compared with $2 41 last month and $2.M last year tn the county. Seven-bone chuck roast costs an average or $1 .66 a pound In Orange County this month , compared with $1.44 last month and $1.01 a pound last year A seminar that examines the economics and philosophy of time w ill be offered at Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday. Titled "Getting ResulLc; with Time Manage. ment." the seminar is part of OCC's "five-star certificated business development program." TllE 12·CITY AVERAGE PRICE per poun(I for ground beef is $1.JS this month, $1.32 last month and 81 cents last year. Bone-in round steak costs $2.21 this month, $2.10 last month and $1.60 last year. Fee is $15. Tickets are available at the school in advance and will be sold at the door on a s pace. available basis. More mrormituon 1s available at SS6·51B>. Bone-in sirloin s teaks average $2.78 a pound this month in the 12 cities, compared with $2.73 last month and $2.08 last year. T·bone steak sells for an average or $.1.12 a pound this month, com· pared with $2.91 last month itnd $2.36 a year ago. The seven'bone chuck roast costs an average of $1.61 a pou'nd in the overall s urvey this month, compared with $1.47 last month and $1.0l a pound last year. TllF. CITIES IN TH E SURVEY inc lude Bakersfield, Fresno, Los Angeles. Modesto, Red· ding, Sacramento, Salinas. San Diego, San Fran· cisco-Oakland, San Jose, Santa Ana and Santa Rosa "The recent increases after ~•x months of p r ice stability occurred because tale winter storms ii11 the Midwest disrupted the normal now or animals lo market," said Robert Rolston. coun· cil manager. "On top of already short supplies, the un- seasonal weather aggravated the price problem." he said. "Smee CaHforn1a imports roughly 65 percent of its beef from other s tates, consumers here are directly affected by what happens elsewhere." BEEF PRICES ARE DETERMINED by available supplies. Since J an. 1, 1975, the U.S. cat- tle herd has declined 16 percent from 131.8 million head to 110.8 million head on J anuary 1, 1979. During the period or cattle surpluses in the QTM Sel Is A Better Mouse Trap The Remington SR101 All working parts and supplies of the REMINGTON are inter-changeable with the Selectric . Only one machine'js completely compatible with the IBM: and xou've guessed II .. it's the REMINGTON. (n4) 957-1195 fi"@ @eQuality Typewriter '1€ ~ ~ Maintenance Inc. GET RICH SLOWLY-SURELY. INVEST $83.33 MONTHLY. YOU'LL HAVE $136,699* Anothe r High-Pe rformance·Money Ac· count from Republic. Our "$83.33 Per Month Plan.K A safe, sound investment with a sur- prising pay-out Look how your money grows ·Start with $ t ,000 minimum In o ur 8-year 8% CertJOcate account. Then add $83.33 every month. In thirty years you'll have a lump sum of $136,699. (Your total In· vestment Is $JJ.OOO. And It earns St05.699 in compound Interest alone!) Minimum lnJtJal deposit •t,000 •nd addlng •83.33 per month. On the shorter term, for example, In flf. teen years you'd have $33.414. In eight years, $JJ,138. Or, deposit SJ J .000 outright with us ta. day. In thirty years. thanks to the power or dally compound interest, you'll get an even higher return-$341,627.35, to be exactl Call, or write any of our offices In South- ern Cellfomla. 8-Year 15-Year 20-Year 30-Yeor Total Tot.al Tot.al Total 13,138. 33.414. 54,522. 136,699. PYojectlona ~ on evelleblhty or thl'J type of account for entlre period. Penalty for early withdrawal on cenlOcete accounts. Add1tlona to certllkete •ccount.a e11tend motuntlea Drop bJ or phone for more lnformat.l~n about thla Republic Hlgh·Performance Money •ccount. Every time the rooater crowa your money gro .. REPUBLIC FEDERAL SAVINGS • r . ..,. . , .. . . Business 'A\dlwlet. MM:h 28, 1979 ONLY PILOT 87 What Happens to Buyers? Oii tlte Ground By JOHN(' NNU'F ................. ,,'4 It h"4 had bOlllC succc~g. us In 1•duc1Ung the amutc ur ~hopper to Uw clever tcchnJquc!'I of tht' prole'lsJonlil markdt'r, but thl' ('011sumcr movement hu11 hud 1t~ ubJcct fallurt'~ too It Mii bec11 unable to do much nbout pri n:~. for t·xumpl e, ailthoul(h thut prospect was u 11<>wer(ul thrust when the move ment built :>team a doien or mo rt-year-. ago The steam c <'aped. and then··~ nothing but tl htss now TIO:Rt: Wt:RF. ATTEMrfS to exert pressure I lomt.'tti"lliers l>oycottt.•d Hrocery srol'~s They !->WOr t' ofr rt'd meat They bought Brantl X r ather t han name brands They scart'hed their tH•tghborhoods for w ee kl y specwls T~t· ~g Co .. h':l:, •rnnounrl'd tn ~wa tt Iv that 11 h:J!-> begun at 757 lWtnJet prog ram. The <:nmpany ~igncd " $580 m1Lon c:ontrart with Eustt·rn Airlines for 21 ol thl· flew 177-a~scngcr planes No1w of thcSl' techniques pers1sl<.>d long, evl•n though new· Ir emerged experts, self styll'tl belabored the obvious in books'. programs and seminars. often at gr eal prof al to them sci vcs but little to society. Prices rose. and they have hccn rising ever since. Educated to the ways or the marketplacl'. the consumer gradually begun to realize that it was awfully dif· f1cull to beat it. no matter whul lechnique was used. Oriinge Firm Hears $120 Million Bid BOYCOTT T HE grocer '' Not when the consumcr 'l!. m•w con- sciousness I.old him a nd her that the poor grocer was probably m a king less than one cenl on c•vcry dollar of sales. Less. in fac t . than the delivery boy made. <Sec Sylvia Porter. Page ORANfE CA P ) Continental Illinois Properties, a Ca lifornia real es~a~envcstmcnt trust, has announced that it has received a $120 m1lha purchase propos al from a Netherlands Antilles com· pany. The of'tr by Bra.ba~t. N. V., Is being prepared for a vote by s hareholdcs. A m aJorily of the trust's oulst.anding r.hares 1s needed for pprova I 88.) ~ A void red m eat., For oneself. perhaps. the discipline could be imposed . bu t n o t fo r th e <'h ildren. And even for oneself. lhe discipline us ua ll y tfrokc do wn a fter a while. Health was the rntionalization used. The c01puny's stock c!Jmbc(J 6~ to 25•1, in New York Stock Exchange t<tdtn~ Tut·sday. Bra~at r epresentatives have indicated they w1 r.h to tw passive m\'xlors, retaining a management group that may an· elude two .:Onlmenta l trustees <.tnd al least one of the trust's of f1cers. Brand X ? Mothers found they cou ld upg rade s uc h brands through s k1llful kitchen work. Hut not those women who were If the purchase is approved by shar eholders. the takeover lrunsact1011s expected to be conr.ummated in 90 d<tys offk 11.1b •>f Brabant ulkS Continental said ' LEASABL ClDILLACS AT ~ AFIDRDABLE RATES. NABERS ~ • 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-9100 ESTATE and FllANCIAL PLANNING SEMINAR off•edbJ RDB.ITY FEDERAL '9f"9 & &.o. Auoclalloa St>lect Matters to be Discussed: ~voidonce of Probate -llse of a Revocable living Trust -T ox Advantages of Gifts -Avoidance of Double T oxotion of family Assets Rese1"4ons limited to the first '45 persons at eachbca[ tlon. Seminar hours from 7 P.M. to8:30 M. (7141642-4000 APIJL 4, lf7t WtyP1•1 .. S&L 151tW..tclffDrtYe .............. * * * BEEF PRICES ... <Continued from Page 86) mid-70s, cons ume rs paid lower prices while thousands of beef producers were forced out of business due to losses on their cattle. The council expects the improv<.od flow or cat· tie to market in the months ahead to stabilize or moderate prices. "Most importantly, we see signs t hat pro- ducers are beginning t o rebuild their herds. especiaJly in California where the drou~ht of '76 a nd '77 caused early herd reductions," said Rolston. * * * Produce Prices May Hold Steady SAN DI EGO CAP1 -The outlook for prices and s upplies of California strawberries, tomatoes and other vegetables ready for harvest is good despite a t wo-month s trike by union farm workers. agricultural spokesmen say. But for the second ----------creased labor costs. but no thing like we had from l a s t ye ar 's storms," he said year. the weather is ex- acting a toll on the state's flower industry. Growers and shippers, fearful of a repetition of 1978 's d e v as t atin g storms and fre tting about the United Farm Worke rs Union walkout. have been leary about predicting an effect on con s umer's pock e t · books. "BUT SO f a r the weather and the strike have had relatively Ultle i m pact o n prices , a lthough lettuce did Jump when the s trike first hit," says J oel Nelson of the California Fresh Fruit Council. "l think you might s ee the 5 percent or so rise in prices some of us talked a bout early this ye ar beca u se of In- "In fact. as man y crops start coming in with better than average yields, you'll s ee better than average pril'C'S for a lot or things ... Oil Firm Reports Increase Oxoco, a Newport Beach independent oil and gas producer. has reported r ecord rev· enues and Income for the year and fourt h qua rter ended Dec. 31 , 1978 . Revenue for the year reached $3,274,470 from ___ __,. __________________________ $2,421, 184 last year. It l•lce • he hone while net Income I putting t P climbed to $307,463, or 6 cents a share, from pOcke $97,076, or 2 cents, for .; in your t. 19 µourtb quarter re- venues role to $1,0« 658 from $743,406 for the hkc three montbl last year and net Income raebed $133,MS, or 3 centa a abare, from $79,868, or 2 cents, for the prior year's fourth qu1rter. ··our total proven 1as re1ervee lncreaaed 22 percent over lu t ye1r and oil NMrYM roM 58 percent compared to a ye1r earlier," uid Robert Frledenber1, prntdent. -- So anrnn~, •• •c ........ .,e -~ <'ell•-...-• Hc••e •I l•te tlwd tltefl ,...,e ••de 1 .. r. •I .......,., .. Tiie eco•o•bt• ••Id tlee 11•11••• co•lfl•'t c••· tfallP • • • • A •d Claetf 're •••••• kClflGI•. ,_ gomg out lo wor k to ease the f1nanc1aJ burden . they ('Ouldn't s pend the hmc S H OPP I NG T H E nl'1ghborhood · spec1a1s·1 Sure. you still can save food money but tl usua lly comes out of anothe r budget category. Work ing women don't have the time And gasoline is loo expensive these days. One very positive thing can be r.a1d or the cons umer move ment . It has produced much wiser shoppers. But there is a dispiriting consequence too It 1s the knowledge of how d1fftcult 1l 1s to cul costs CUI00,.1' Could it be this rea li zation that has caused so many former b udget cutters to become big spenders instead. adding pres· s ure to prices instead or re mov· 1ng i t as t.,ey once s o idea listically sought to do') TODAY'S CONSUMER 1s well named. being the devourer or m ammoth amounts of goods ancl services. Price seems to be no obstacle . and neither does wa llet. If the paycheck doesn't cover it. the credit card will. So aggressive, so acquisitive have consume rs become of late that they have made fools of economists. The econo mists sild the buying couldn't continue ; the y said It a year ago And they're saying it again. But the economists also u'rc re-e valuating the American col'I· s um e r . They 're wo nde ring whatever happened to lhe innatt- conservatl veness and wisdom that they had always atlribut.eO to him and her. FEW HAVE ANSWERS but many h ave notions . they s peculate : Has the cons umer become so dcspairinJt as to f~l that it doesn't matter a nymore because .t omorrow m ight be worse? Might it be tha t the consumer. no matter how much smarter than a dow n years ago, has bc\'ll o ulmarkclcd again by. for ex a mple. the promoters or credit cards or the i ma~c makers who sa y you aren't living unles~. . ? Or could the answer be that the consumer is really on top of it a ll. doi ng what he and she feel is the onl y way lo preserve what they earn. that 1s, by con· vert1ng the ir pay<'heck into goods as fast as they l'un·1 Coast Firms Hired Nine Get 1979 Military Project Contracts Nine Orange Coast firms have been awarded military contracts totalling $188.3 million fo r work that must be completed before Dec . J l. Rep. R obe rt E . Badham, R-Newport Beach, has confir~d. The lop contract went to Ford AN-Ospace and Communications Corp .. Newport Beach. THE FIRM WILL rct'eivc $37.6 mmion for F -4 and F·l 11 a ircraft parts and $40. 7 million for Chapparal missiles for the Army and an mlercept m issile system for the Air Force McDonnell Douglas of Hunt- ington Beach won a $56.9 million contract for the construction or a n advanced maneuvering re· entry verucle. The Bnndcrson Corp. of Costa Mesa won a $10 3 m illion con- tr act. THE COMPANY WILL buHd a low-temperature separ ate gas plpnt at the Naval Pe troleum R~serve in Elk Hills. Calif. Ove r The Counter HASDU .... Wylie Construc tion <.:o. of San Di e~o was a wa rd ed a $5.R million contract for the con· struction or baC'helor e nlisted qua rters at the El Toro Marine Corps Air Sta lion. Other contracts include d · Pa rker Ha nnifin. Irvine. $4 K m1llton; Hyland Laboratories. Costa Mesa, $3.9 million: Flight Systems. Inc .. Newport Beach, $2.3 million; Barry Miller Co .. Irvine, St.6 million and Hughes of Newport Beach. $1.4 million. v. 0 I t b ~ j.. -•• 0Jt • J 10.._ 1 .. OJI • J 1•. -'• ()if •l IJ1,0. '• Oil &.J u. V• Oft • 1 I"-°'' OtJ •I • lo. OtJ H • •,. Ott ~· MUTUAL FUNDS ••dn••mla ' Clo in~ Pric•c• NYSE I ~\ ,~, •'' ' ... _,. t •tMH ti ' ..... "' ..... ~ .. , ~ t ... h•~• ...... "" .. ~::.;~:'!! t IH 6f\Mt t f"\h.t.r\ '"""'' I~ ' t rt ., •• , •.. 11 • t :f •• ,, . \1 • TRANSACTIONS 777 ... ' .. STOCK~ I BUSINESS 2 AlternatiV\ s Assist Sho By SYLVIA PORT•;a Latl .. llwu- AllhouRh fury about high fo()(J prices mu t)f' dwindling bccuuse of rcslunut1on lo mnallon, anta1: ism Low<tnJ supermurkels bas grown. i.lt'l'ordlnR lo u 197 ::.ludy for lht• Food Marketing instJtutC', Lhe \rude orl(un •lion for th<' S172 billion ~roeery indus try. hy pollsLC'r· a11kclov1ch, Skelly und Whitt' Most r><.-oplc bclll've supcrmarkclh ure >1n~ u worst- JOh now lhlul In 11rt•vious ycarH in providing >ti vulue. t 'U 'TY·TllREE PF.RC:ENT SAID supermarket profits are higher now th un of 10 consumers blames stores for higher f To fll(hl the Callout of c·onsumcr reseJJ ta1leN1 hove begun lo provide lowcr·pric /\monJ;C the most import<1nl are cheaper "J: na me" 1>roducls and warehouse or "hm1 thut cater lo custom ers willing to trade c cheaJ)l•r prit•c. th1n1< ore•. and orw pn cos 1 c nl, f~ r~ alter nativeA l'n c " or "no hnt"' storw, vent nc<' for Gl•ncr1c· produ('t:1 wl'rl' Introduced an I Ch1cuJ.tO area late In 1&77 Since tht!n, lht•y huvc sprc;.id l olht•r 1n1rl8 of the country us shoppers seem w11lini.t t forf<'ll r;.in1·y pu<'kagcs. toil quahly and advertising .mt• ons for a sm ulll'r f(rcK'ery hill ( ft.'IH' r I l' I l l m ... U"I Ually indudt• S lll'h s t a p I t• s as c· a n n c• d vegetable !-. and fruits, dry pct roods. IHIJll'I l(oodis. trush hogs uncl dctc r Jo(cnl.' Tht•y l'OITH' 1n plain packaJ(t'!>, Cr1•q1Jl'11tly in only unc ~ • uni! without pul I tabs. pour 'llout 'l 111 p1rtur · lalll'I I 111!rt'!ll<'1l1.., generally a rc· lowt•r in cost and quuhl)' Wit th1· 1•x1•t·11t111n or a k1ckoH campu11(11 ltlt'y an· !-.eldom <1dvc •~t·cl ca:N•:RIC PrtOOU('TS c.a:NEKALl.V 111 ... av1· 1·un 111Jl1• n:1t111n.1I 11u11wri. an avt•rage of 2!i 11c ri•t•nl over com p or nu mt• 111 ancl produrts uncl ahout 15 pc r1·1 ov1•r 111 1\ :it1• h1hl'111r .,torl' l.irands Mort• than 100 firm'> cur ry gcm •n t''>, h ;.1vuilahlc• t•vt•rywh1·n · s.,m1· r1•ta1 1t'r~ ·;ire· t hc•y Jf" not 1lcl11n: off 1111 t·o nf1rmat1on that 1·11n~u11w1 -. will lluy ·nt·111· 111·111" regularly The w archou:w "lton • 11> unolhc r wuy to 11 II food 11111-. T h<•r<· an· :.shout fi()O of tht·M· do·1l yourl>l'lf 1rt'!-. ..,•·lhn1: IJ lim1tt•d sclcct1on of ih ·ms ul price: ... rang1 from IO l o :111 rwn•t•nt lt•ss thun in ('onvl'nllonal su1,t·r 1·k1·t-. Many d(Jn 't 1·r1rry 1ll•rn!-. n "1u1 rin~ rc•fr1gcrat1on hc·n· .trt· t w•1 h~•<' I YJ>4.'S the Al'nc ral wurchou~(' l>torc t ('U 1111·" :I ooo to !l.000 1l1•m 1>. t·omi.wrt·d to lhr 8.000 in w t rnc.J1l11111 .tl :-.upcrmark1•I, ;.incl lht• 'l11n1tNJ lino" or I x ... tore• th.ii :-.t ocb ahout 500 itcrnl> I N.. BOTH TYPt;S, GOODS usu;,illy rt1 ~1111t 1·;.m v 111 d1v1d.ual pr1t·t• markings. Often they :.irt• s11lilt111 1·1·ll> fn1111 p at'klnA c:.a rtom, So~ Stocks Re(reat From 1979 Hig~ NEW YOHK 1A1'1 Tue~day·.., shur p ~~un"I to<luy 1Uu1•C'h1p issue:. g.111 lllJ "'"ll' of us the stock murkct ~' rwd m1x1'<I 't'tw l>ow .Jonci. av<•ragc or :JU 1ndu"1 l<lh, Whll'h JlllO!ICd 1G 54 Point!> Tuesday for 1ti. lar~r" mlva nc1· 111 m·u rly f1 vt· month!>. d ror,pt·d lmck 5.11 toK~i 25 I Jay Cmners und lo~"rs wt·rt· ahoul even m tll ully of Nl'IA York Slo<'k t-:x<·ha ni.tc lu;ted 1ssu ·s Tuesday'" r:.ally, which put all th< lcud11 av..r<1g1·-. <.11 their h11.thci.t lcvcls of ltw ~t·ar NC.W 'l'OlllC 111,PI '>•,.>. • o "1 pmt •no net tf\e"'Olt Of ,,. t•ftHn mo'' "'''"* N•w Yor9' \toe• [ 4't ".-oy• '''ll*"' ,,.01ng f\ltHOt\dll'; •I mGft' •n•A \I C.111!.tiinllly .cw.JOO I"" • "' We$1gll l:I •lfJ 000 10.. .. MldS«MIV• .... 'iOO I\ • l.cOUl,.d C.•P IOol 100 11"' • .. .... Duu.·.luH.-•.· Ntw 'f'Ot""-fAPJ t-•nl'tl STOCl(i JO tno IQ rrn I\ 1111 6\ \I• anou' lt•n Ut1h •\ .... Ooe<l 11111ri w <lo"' c llQ .,. •) II~ 9'I U ~ H \ I I 11S 01 1U 07 I Al 171 AO• ~ 111 t()< 'lo 10) )) I II> ICM II 0 UI 1«\0",... "° ,,. 1<;} ., 0'6 • 11' ll)j I W 100 .. ~, 100 • ,,. ntYr M< ()er mot I .ICM,IOO 11 • J"•1rrn ~ )01.100 "', • ''• ,.-----------...-11•1 !Mmkn 711,000 n.. •• h -•'o Int. tl•.100 1•"> •· C..non 71•.•00 )7 • Con1111 Proo , .. 400 ,..,. "" H11onet root 1u.soo .~.. 1 • Cnamo Int Hl.llOO ))•o • 'I> T•UtWCO 7•1,400 )J • .,. PolMotd l0,100 ..,..,, I•• Am MOIOf\ 140,4'00 I ... '• N(W YORK IAPI \•le., • pm l)toO •nd net (~ .,. ,,_ ,.,,, tnt>\I .. t fiWtf AM4trtc..n Stoc k I nn•nQr '''ue' treotnQ MllOn<tllf •• mo•• tlMon •• JunlP<tr ""'' /~I 'l(o(J I•• , .., l •nt1e<.O oft 1 ... 1()0 I'• HouOllM 111,000 191, " R•n11uOll te.t,200 II'• • "" Rnrtlnl /4 l'.0,000 •Ill. '"• All-< CO'o 100,llOo t NelCSS 'lt.IOO o ... <;enl E •Plor ~J flOO I•, • 1 1nvOlvto B U,IOO •• ~ (;.,ll'ICm l t1,'IOI) I)" ... M hat .'tine ·~ llid N E W YORI( 1AP1 A<liwo•nCfld Ott '"'"° u nr nanQO'd f U1•1 1\~\ Nt w nlQM New IOW\ N(W YO RI< Appro" t1n,al Pr•v•Ou\ d•v W•~-<tOO Munln •oo .,, .... 4QQ f WO VftAf\ 4tQV Jitn t to Ml• •~II to 41•1• I~// IO 4141~ \Al r~ Pr1•1it l4K.I0 '1 tiny If J 1()>11 /rt·; 4111 Jllll •Ot , .. ,., ,...,~ 111 I\ •u '>t<>t. '""'f'I' l'I •IU.Wll JI ~•<JO.IO II l/'I CllO J\ (l';<I O[l(l I\ ... IJ 000 ••.~•o uw I""' /H 111 I /)J /JO WU I llR 141),(IOO W"AT AMC X 0 N(W VQRK tA,..I Adv.need 0.cllneo Un,ll•nGe<J ro1at "'"'°' ..... 111(11'1• N•w tow\ Sil N £W YORI( l/4P1 -· ••lv•r ll ~SS ( n~ll\e<O 'l'l•er l/ •S) '°"•• 110 ,.,, ,.~ ""' •o l ' I . . . t I ENTERTAINMENT I MUSIC BOX I MOVIES OIHO Ol lAUIHW Pl_.. A llOWl CltC:tftON '!'._ mil DONALD fiiiNERY SUTHERLAND .. LESLEJ-AINE DOWN Dtmin Hoffman Vanessa Redgrave A fictional ~olution to the real my tery of Agatha Christie's disappcaranc\?. IA Phllharmonle Program Stravinsky Show Solid It wus ~OM to 'l't' l hl' Ln5 Antt<'ll·i. Phllhurmonk Orc·hl'hlrtt luru UJHllfl t.o ~lr·u v 111-.ky for thl' bulk of 1t11 Music Ctmler pro w m und ll w1111 l'Vl'" l><'tte1 to :iee I wo lOJ) Oltcht lnlt-rprete rs of t hl' grt•ut Igor \\<ork ing with lhl· on·hl' l1 a Ct-rt1unJy. \\<l' could havt• bud no rnor" itlllt••rl ni.: rendition of tht' ConN•rto for Pwno and Wind I n'I rument., th .. in thut offered by Zoll .in Kot•:.ii. ut tht.• kl'yboard f\orM:. i:. fas t becoming kno\\ n a!\ a Struv1nsky spt-t•1uhsl umJ 1t \\lb t•w.y to M.'e why an hj:t de- It vt<ry of the form1Jable and rar rJng1ng wo rk lie bro ught authority to the work and newr more so than in the finale, a movement that has m any perils ro r the concert p1<.1n1s l un- familiar with the intr1cal'ies of the Stravinsky scon'. KOCSIS WAS undoubtedl y helped by and dr<'w 1n1>p1rat1on TOM BARLEY Music Box from the baton of guest conduc· tor Andrew Davis. The Toronto Sym pho ny Orchestra conductor Jed the way to a s uperb reading of the con· cer to and then urged the LAPO 1 n to a r e n di lion o r "The Ftrebird'" swte that had lo be the best such offering in the Music Center for many a year. It was easy to see why the girt· ed Davis is being eagerly sought by major American orchestras. lt seems safe to predict. on the bas is of thls concert alone. that his days with the Toronto Sym- phony are numbered. ~1ANY SUPPORTERS of the Irvine Master Chorale will want to be reminded of the organ.iza. ti o n 's fund raising benefit, ccheduled for Sunday, Aprll 1. The benefit is being held this year at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse in San Clemente. starling al 5:30 p.m. The S2S tab includes cocktails. a buffe t dinn e r and a pe rformance of "Man of La Ma ncha," plus door prizes and a ram e. It seems a delightful way to support a chorale that richly deserves all the support it can get. CHAMBER MUSIC lovers s hould also note the visit Thurs- day night of the Trio di Milano from Italy. Their Laguna Beach Chamber Music Society program will begin at 8 : 15 p.m. in the locaJ high school and will feature works by Haydn, Ravel a nd Beethoven. The Milano is a chamber group of international stature and this promises to be <i memorable µe rformancc. Now, Comes an Osear? By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD I AP I I le has doubled for most or the major m<1le stars O\'er a 40-year span. Now Richard Farn!)worth at 58 finds himself in the s lightly uncomfortable position or being in the spotlight himself. si rcw up around horses and aimed to be a Jockey. lie abandoned the notion in <.i ~ingle year. When horsemen were needed for the 1937 "Marco Polo" with Gary Cooper. Hichard answered the call OVER THE YEARS HE did the rough stuff fo r s uch stars as Henry Fonda. Montgomery Clift <" Red River"). Roy Rogers. a nd many others. For three year s he doubled for Guy Madison io the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV sen es. worked for D~ncy from 1960 to 1964 in "Texas John Slaughter" <1nd "The Swamp Fox ... "I never doubled for Gary Cooper or J ohn -. ~··........ .-.. RC.lfl~I u I* "'c'O • rM1 DEER HUNTER M ..... 'f...._ .... I'•• , •. ,.,. .. , ••. 1-. .-:• -···--··· HAIR cxm.-i ... '.""! Tl-l[ FILM llll*lrllltl RICHARD Pf'YOR FILMED •.IVE IN CONCl'.'~T AOUL TS $3.00 THIS ENGAGU11ENT g:g~~f Chrlstopfter L•• 8rttt Eklend "THE WICKER MAN" PLUS (R) "BEYOND THE DOOR. II" Pdward1 CINEMA CENTER Farnsworth appeared in well over 100 movies as a s tunt man. He played hls first major acting role in "Comes a Horseman." s t a rring Jane Fonda. James Caan and Jason Ro ba rds. The western drew middling reviews and similar business. but critics praised Farnsworth for his portrayal of Dodger . <.i rootless cowhand for whom time had run out. Wayne. who were much taller than me ... said the a..;,...., HerbOf •I AOMM Co>10 MeH 97M141 I A°'DEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BEST PICTURE BEST ACTOR Jon Voight BEST SUPP. ACTOR Bru~Dern BEST SCREENPLAY FARNSWORTH Last Feb. 20 Farns worth was working on the Arizona location of "Horn," s tarring Steve McQut-en. That morning McQueen walked over and said. "Congratulations. Dick, you've just been nominated for an Oscar." "I had been sweating it out all morning," Farnsworth <1dmitlcd at his home in the Cahuenga Pass between Hollywood and the San Fernando va lley. "I had a $5 bet with Alan Pakula who directed 'Comes a Horseman' that I wouldn't be nominated. That was one bet I was happy to pay off ... HEARING TUE NEWS FROM McQueen was an added pleasure. Farnsworth had doubled for rum in the television series "Wanted: Dead or Alive .. '1958·60) and had done stunts on .. The Reivers .. and "Papillion ... Farnsworth expected to leave soon for El Paso to play Ellen Burstyn's father in "Resurrection.·· but he'll return to put on a tuxedo he 's already fretting about that for the Academy ceremonies on April 9. He is a strong contender for the supporting actor award. The rest of the field : Bruce Dern, "Coming Home"; John Hurt, "Midnight Ex· press"; Christophe r Walken. "The Deer Hunter"; Jack Warden, "Heaven Can Wall." Richard Farnsworth never expected to be anything but a stunt man. Born in Los Angeles. he MAIM HAIR HAIR tt· 1H 1 HI·-,,,.,..,,-,. . JA ~ .. ' -. film veteran. "But usually it didn't matter much whether you matc hed. You jus t put on the wardrobe and keep things moving and nobody noticed." After a lifclim\' of f:.ill ing out of saddle:.. Richard F'arnsw.orth could blo! expected to be a mass of broken bones Not true. "l'VE NEVER BROKE ANYTHING, a nd I've never been laid up over a week, .. he said. ··i:ve pulled a lot of muscles. that's all I've come awful close to being hurt bad , a nd I've seen other stunt men hurt seriously or killed. But I guess I always had luck going for me:· On "Comes a llorseman," luck ran oul for stunt man Jimmy Sheppard. He was killed while being dragged by a horse. doubling for Jason Roba rds. Fa rnsworth is still upset when he thinks about it. FARNSWORTH REMARKED THAT be was neve r among the top 10 stunt men, "but I always made a good living ... He and his wif~ Margaret. now married 33 years, raised a daughter and son 1 an ace stunt man l and indulged their hobbies of show dogs and race horses. Their colt Ima Pete. grin has won a race al Santa Anita. As Farnsworth aged past the time for stunt work. he began playing bit parts in such films as "The Cowboys," "Rooster Cogburn" and "Roots." The big break came when Dennis Clark. writer of "Comes a Horsem an." pointed at Farnsworth and said. "That's Dodger." W ..... ltlACAOIV'f ... ...., -•flOtd "'~=.~~2 - • .....,,. I ll II• 1..-'S¥A 1 , •• •.t ,.. ...... I \I I ... tl\I \ "" " II t--... Plus "THE WIZ" i\i., C~i•JJ'~. ~.,.cBm.111 =-@ Ui<fl-L\\I \ ,.,....·~~ _,. THE CREIT · 5ME UPU1ts -TUI• MM111GAUUI -~ RDllERY ·•· ''STAR Plue Plue (PO) CRASH" "ICECASTLH "RICHARD PRYOR, FILMED LIVE IN CONCERT" Plue (PG) Winner of 9 Acedemr Awerd Nomlnetlone "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" ..... , •C•DC•Y aw<lllD ~ Soon you SUPERMAN ~ lutow. MA'""*a•a1100 ~.., ~ '"· Cllfl MACIHllAIO •O•·r-•, • •• •• Mon.·Frl. 7:15, 9:30 ,., • • • u 11 ,. Set/Sun. 12:45, 3:00. 5:30 ... ,_ IUI J ...... 0 II·~ •·OO. 10:15 WIMNllll aCACKln • •AllD -AflOMSHICl M 9TPICTU'll ~~HEAVEN~ CAN WAIT PLUS ,,, WINNEA 4 ACADEMY AWAAO NOMINATIONS "THE WIZ" if'1g ~ill): - Ptue "'' "THEWICUR MAN'' CHUCK "°"''" "GOOD GUYS I WEAR BLACK'"''°' ..... ''ILITHll" CIMldl_,.. A .... ANMf "GOOD GUYS 'PHANTAlll ' WEAR • ft ,. It •• Television TONIGHTS LATEST LISTINGS IV NINO D t:DWAM THE IUHO li••IO At l»t OVMrl II~ IClWI Iii.. NICI. 1t ti() ~rt ut llQO, r d•wd lm11fly l*~KlflO TUBE TOPPERS lemt find lllM 10 help lllW pererttl wttll ''*' lfOUlllM Cl 11t • 55 min I • MOYll Bod" ( t911U) .,aul Her.roto, Anne f 1MlCl• A d<JC:IO< llf emc>ll ft) '"'-'I IOft\e CMaC*•UllY n.ded tOCial refOttll• ti~ II ljlllt' l.O<• rectlOnlll tc.hOOI ( I l1r • 2& mlf'I ) tJIO.D8 H(WI 8 11 I l!IOHl 18 Kii.i 0 o zo Lllk(•r ttasketbalt. • t t • "TN fflf(llmet" {19,51 Vk:IOf Mc~. .,...,.,., Ano-I A tr11tor "' the lr1th Rebellion It OV«• comt by lit• of aonldenee he dOetrt' I Ul'\CIWll and ( I hr,. 30mln I "•f•"'..Sit • uao• •"'" o.• •IO 0. .,.. llUI f itl '"" l'W'°"I h'>ult.... 11,.,, .. (II IM ... "°'I U'fOUOH Joonie runt •w11y lrom hi.II ... "' 1111 Wtlh IM l)fonnl ht~• 1-001 Tom torblld11 Mr IOIW Tlw Lakl·r·i. t ry to gl't lw<·k on lht• win- 111ng tru.11 ns t hl'y l<.1kc or1 the Phoenix Suns. :t:aa l NIW8 4:00 M0"'£ II. "fn.. llfYlilble Cr111turn" t t960I li11nofa O<lfne, l"'1y Wt1ghf A "lrlttndly Oh<>•I" lolls the plot ol • ... in t haa•no nua• b8nd tn d•~fl0"41 ot n11 wlle (1 hr 30 m1111 • lAt( Al l'f\( AM lMI eAAOV MJNQ4 ~.,Ilia 111•~• ' n. ·m..i illln iOj'flllott•~ "''" ,, ... L1 1"9 "'Of\ "ho JI lll"f"I~ lr"4 tC.• ID CAAOl ~HETT AHO FA.ltNOS KC J•;T 121 !L OO "H1 chard 11." • MOVll • llfW IOf &AH '"IWQtCO o,, .. ,, !lt•ve I a ... rllt(;e Cl) MOVIE Slwkcspt•an··s duss1t.· trngcdy featurcs Sir .lohn C1d~ud . Derek Jacobi, Jon l•'111t·h :md Wendy thllt.•r * •1.t "MY O.at S.Cr•· tery" ( 18481 l.Alrlllne Or.y Kirk Oougt.. An llulho< • MCret•ry llndt lhClt llfo 1111111 glr1I llnd s>l•Y• lhe field more of1en th•n ho writ• ( 1 hr , 30 min ) Riv• 111-11""11• • • 'file Nak.O MAjll f t'>~91 Av• G•1<Jnt11 AntM11y Frlll\GIOSI I he l(lv11 11ll1<1f flfllw-. the 1.Ju<.n...-Ot Alb•""'° r1at;. 1.1..c.o C.oya •• 1mm')f llttrUld '" ntt P••nttoQ ol '"" 1n t"* 11U(Ju c2 na 1 K'l1'V gj 12.30 ''Thl' Informe r .'' Vic to r Mt'Lugll•n ~t<.iri, in this c lassic movu • fro m HJ:J5 <i boul a traitor in the ln~h Hcpuhli('an Army 8 MOlllE *•'It ''Co<vette K·225 .,., 11\)<lw I '""" .natM •01 ....... 'll u... n-. ... .... Clf19 ol I~ ....... l .... I e OYt"lAIY C>UMI .,9'"' ""'"" 1AJ a!) AWJitlCAN ~flHMCHl ( .wnJMltOf• • ~ {f CUNl.WI A9CHCW8 UO N8A eAtllaTM LL l u. A~ l • ..,, ·~ .,l'ICMltlo•W•• I &0. I lO\lf LUCY llnieed ltlo• lll<t H1<.-1ao. 111 •• • uc..a ... ,, .. f. Ht<.lly Wdl•ll I • mttoduG• tw1 ruiatt~ut tu ht• ..... Allcl "'"' fl) MtCHAti. JACKSON Gu•I Wfll .. l lltry f•toboll fl!) ~ECT UNIVERSE Evolu11on Ot ''"' '>l1l11t t '11rl1•1•n (\1rr pluy~ a )<JUJ1g wurn a n \\ho dwo:-i•s unmarried mothl·rhood t-ind El !toll ll<·HI 1s twr fut hn on t ht· nf'w 'lt•n1•s "1\11:.s Winslow 1111(1 Son " pn:mH.'nng tonight at R.:.IO 011 CBS. ('hanru:l 2. ~'1ttm CA088-WITS MERV GRIFFIN GUii-ti l"'10•V 11., .,,.,y Lynoa Ca11•1< Jac.1yn Smith &uJat1nu So<t111t1 7~1 C88NEWS N8CNEWS NEWL YW£O GAME A8CNEWS G> 8AHFORO ANO 80H Whfln Fte<l'• &116mpl lo h11ve ii hypnoHll cure h•a toothache tail•, Lamont 1111111~ on hflllll'lg his retri.w ~ to Intl tr1111 clmlC SJ MACHEIL / LEHRER AEPOAT «!) IHTAOOUOIHO M>LOOY • C1tcul1111on" (I) J0t<EA'8 WllD 8IX MIUJOH DOLL.AR MAN Stov'I 111111mpi. to 1., .... ,,.,..., o.c1., 1 tru~tf'd sec1e 1ary 11 le111<ino govotnment l«fl!I• tO 0 IUbYetllVft 0<gan11a11on 7·80 8 WOAl.D WAR N Ot OWn' • Olunawa At TM Emoe<· 0< s Ooo<alep" 0 SHAN.ANA Ouet1t F•bten C'laann_.I ~btin9• 8 KNX-T ~SSJ La. Aog41~ 0 KNBC (NBC) Los Anq!ilt"> 8 KTLA (Ind ) LO'> Angu10'> 1J KABC TV IABCJ LO'> Anyulf•'> Cl) KFMB (CBS) Siln 01oqo IJ KHJ rv (Ind I Los Arrqulos (IJ) KCST (ABC) San 01N JO • Krrv (Ind I LO'> AnflOh•'t a> KCOP TV (Ind) LO'> ArtCJPIC~ S) KCCT rv (POS) lo•. Any111u., ~KOCI: TV 1PB~) H un11nqll)n Beach I DATIHOOAME I t00,000 NAME THAT TUHE • AOAM-12 A tOOOuty tn Pt0Qr6U 1111c1 II poasll)ltt Cnlld bellllftg CRIMI pol6 prOOfaml 10< thllOl11Ce<I fJD 28 lONIOHT "Paumo It On" A COM!!< HllOn With llOflrO<I wtto 0116' the 1W1nett1 ot tht!lt ytl8fe of ,,. Pllf iene. 10 the younger genetlltlon• «!)CONSUMER SUfMVALKtT "Unlve<aal PtO<luct C006. Ttarn f ,.yef Appllonce Repalf' Cl) UNTAMED WOALD "Ynnomamo" (P1111 1) -®L~LYfWO 1:00 8 (I) THE JEFFER80NS An evening ()\jf DI IM dlM:O turns Into "every niorit l llver " wn11n 01to•o e •••11tcn115 a good 1h•ng 100 I Ar D BAOTHERS ANO SISTERS 71ppor ruscu11s 11 lovnbkl chtmp11nz~ dllAtl~ lot a h11111 ro!Wlarcn OOf!fB1•on m THE SHAKE.SPEAR£ a 8ABK£TBAU PLAYS Atl\141181 In Actoon YI H~hllld II °"'~ Jacob< ~ AH·Ametiean6 • •t Jonn G•e!Qod. Jon • MERV GRIFFIN fu><.h Chllrl111 Orey 03tM Glilllll Len0<e H«llhey w .. ody Hlltef and Mory Lynda C11tt11r. Jaclyn Mom• jlf8 teaturllO in Smith. Suzanne Somera ~nekMOtlOI• s "Nd 110-Lauren Hulton. S1mpucity rM11 ot Ille Oe&lll or ktrigt .. Penlll'nl F•Nllon Snow '11) ACADEMY LEADERS 0.'i) DAVID SU88KJNO fhll 8ol.,o.' "Letsote" • Three 8et111r11d ono ' lhe Concert .. HusbAnds • I Bobby 1:30 G (U MISS WINSLOW HllP•tn A Reel live ANO SON Rocky" (Pt8ml.,,e) A YOUf\O unmtllf· rMld mothet (Darleen Carr) tO:OO I HEWS 11166 10 me1n1a1n a jOb and (])} VEGAS mllk8 11 Ille lo• herS(llt and A be8utlfut modol (Crl1t1n11 twit ~on Fw tare) wtto It tht vie.um 1J THE DARK SECRET ot an e•IOl'tlOfl plot hires OF HAAVf.ST HOMli Oen to n~ tile ~pie Supernatural oeourroooes retpOnlllb~ (Fl) e;ompol o wlll&r to k!mn g) NIOHT GALLERY lhe secret l>ehind tn•1 "The 81g Surptt"" An 11rnnge 1nlluenc11 e widow eccentric IOtflle( pl'ons e Ml OYt)f thO peopkl Of h•S 1peclll .,... tor thrr~ tornmunny (Part 2 ot 21 ovfl<fy curk>ut youno•t8rt tR) "Ouotn The Raven E:dgor CD THE OOOCOUPLE Allen Poe w11to1 nil Oscor 08" the doftdllntt r mou1 poom P1ot11UOr Jllte<s alter comm1111no ~•bo<t)l'1 Lasl lectur11 A 111maell to writing • l>OOlt c.oltege profe1sor rnoc:k1 t:OO G (I) DEAi' OETEClWE ancient QOd• (P1em>ete) Poliee a.orgeant m THE ADVOCATES Kole Hudson (Brenda "SllOuld Your S1a1e Stop Vaccllfo) l)ftCOfneS roman PYOMCUttng Juv6t\llM Fa< tlClllty lmlOIYed wttn • COi· Slatus 011"'1~\ 1 141ge prot-and protl!S· t0-.301 Cl) NEWS aionally lnvotved 1n tou• t 1:00 0 G () (19) NEWS b1Ze1111 murden MAKE ME lAUOH 0 ~ ---· "1R)v1E -- "The 0<1t11Ct Allotnoy • * '"' "Brolhf!fly lovl'' Oosmond Wolcoa nottates ( 11170) P&tur 0 ' Tuolt1, 1111'1 protl~ or Fred Co• Su111nn11h Yo rk A 0 A ror Cotroll County, woman's t n1111c111 all&<.11 New Hompshtre mont to h8r muntully Ill Q ®.l CHARLIE'S b1otne1 ceuses mnvere AHOEUI cornptic11tlon11 111 twit ma11· Thu Ang vis pose as 1 .. 1 rot111on11h1p (:ii 1111 I c;twerrooders to 1nv1;s11g11t0 Q) CAROL BURNETT II 'ltlflOll or doa1h tnreat• ANO FRIENDS (RI Guett Tl)lly $&v&l98 New Turkeys Unveiled 'Mackenzies' Cale but 'Chislwlms' a Yawner By PETER J . 80Vt:R LOS ANGELES (/\P, ens and ARC loun<'h n<'w family shows this wet•k, try 1nu for in $tant au<l1t•n<'t' hy plonttnu lht· flP W COmt·r~ in Lh~· t1 mf' -.to t.., vacated by tt·m pt"1rnr1 ly lu1d off family h1tR, "Tht• Wullon!>" and "Eight 1s f:nouJ,th " TV coultl t•ertutnl y usr> ~omt• more good flrmtly '\hows ; un fortunate ly. lhNw n~w 1•nl rtl''> arcn 't very good A D <.; ' s c· ff 11 r t 1 ~ • • 'I' ht.• M arkenz1<'s of Pu rad 1st· Co ve." born of the m adt• for TV movit' about n t.ounh sk1nnNI but kind· hearted r1shf'rmun who adopt.11 a bunch of kids wht:n their 1mrnnls die In an occident. ( 1V REVIEW J likes to dispc nst• nuggt'l'> o r wisdom lo the ktcJs. i.u<·h a'I "Reing in lo vt• as likt.• g('lt1ng a mos quito bite : you · r e ~orr y yo u've got it, but tt sure fcl·b good lo scratch it .. BUT HE'S A lovabl<' guy, and besides. il's hurd lo crtliciz" an old s ail who r uns all ove r Honolulu doing nice thingi. for adopt<'<i orpha ns. a t H on Channe l 2. J'> :·T he C hisholms " H your kids are re luclanl t.o ~o lo bed. put them in front of t his for a few minute'> They'll bt•it for beddy-hyc They'll e ven brush their lt'clh. The s tory 1s a bout lhe Orl'gon trail und one brnve family tha t s urvived the lo n g. u rduous JOUrnt•y The opening c hapter i.hows us the· Chis holms 1n Virginia ancJ tells us wh y they o pted for the Conesto~a route The ir cornfie ld w~1s somehow loi;t lo their cncm~y .ncighhors. and off they i.:o. Prf1'ate E11eltd ., THE OOOOtE8 The GoodiM bell lllf' Wellh 1ntern111onals at r~lootbaH • OO<CAVETT Guetl Peter UlltnO\' (Pet1 I OI ') 1 t:30 • Cl) AOa<10AO Fil.ES Rodtlord trlea to rfllurn SS00.000 atOlen trom an Otl compo.ny by a now-r9')et\· t/l(lt peraon ·Q TONIGHT Holl Johnny Ceraon Guesll Buddy HACl<Oll, Mei Tfllfs, Ron LHJl)mlltl, L0411 Fetono I 80UPY SALES (fl POLICE WOMAN Pewor ooe-aflar a drUQ ting roaponatble ror 11111 de11111 or 11 Y°""9 girl CD THf OONO SHOW CD GETSMART When 11 5eefllt weapon •b atolen from CONTROL ~•rte<•. Smllft and 99 w tl)ftCI KAOS 1185 1nlll- 1t al8d CONTROL &;) CAPTIOHEO A8C NEWS MORNING 12'00 0 TWIUOHT ZONE Q) ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS Tne last ~11tn1· A man trleS to n.oo 11>11 ""'t · -·~ of ':!I• _l!usinou port_ "'" Q) OETSMART A KAO') ktngp<n send~ an 1nv11111>+e agent 10 kidnap a sc1on1ia1 from Smart \ "pertment t2:30 0 MOVIE * * • "Daughters Coura. goout" ( 1939) P11acm11. Ao1.&mory ond Lola Lane. John Garl1old Three 'l•S· 1ora With tOmantlC prob· 11:11 e 9 MANNIX Mllt\nl• ..,epec11 n am•" time etOOk ot betog lied Into • tllO poltllc11 cempaiOn 12:40 8 Cl) KOJN< l<OjtMl MJIPllCIS II tOOIUll cop With mlllly llfl~ll prc>blema of lllklnQ t>r•l>4HI (R) 1:00 0 TOMOMOW 0 uM11 "Poalllve T111n•· ino' propo nt1n t w Clement Siona Don Selrnt11t. an llCIO< wllo ct111ms to heve ~ • pro- IMSIOflll klllef fl MAVENCt< "tau With The P0t8()0()Ut. Air" 1:46. HEWS 1:60 NEWS 2:00 8 N£W8 8 MOVIE * • * "Hollman I 1117 11 Pfltflr s 1111 .. 1s S•Ml)jjd Cu111c~ A young llftflogra phlH enoao11d ,,, bl1 married, 11 conMd by 11 011preaaed m1<101e-11g11d mon into ~Ing ii ''"' weel\ond Wtll\ htm tn h1i. 11part""'"t t ;> llt ~ I CD MOVIE * * • ru1111 t 194111 Susan Hll'fW&rd Rober• Ptot10ll A ternpo•tuOu• lem•lll blle()mf!I OYOhlm bttlOUI ...,,,. he< °'' inter 9'18 8nd DlrYIMI IOSOS thtJ IOv•no man in hOf 111& 1 :.i h" I ti) OET8M.ART Mu " trutlteted '" "'" -· lffiliiTfl!fi-lln'tlll'leve pt•,,,- l•om KAOS 61)<ltlll 2':20 I) MOVIE • • * "E1.1gte Squndrl)n I t•H 21 ROl>«l Stilek. fdrl•ti Albetl In 1940 o hllndtul or Ame<o<:ans IOIM the RAJ 10 ltQht thll N8ZIS (2 htA IOmtn I 2:268 HEWS 2:30 MOVIE • * . ., "So Younq <ot1 ( t943) Ranootpn Scott Ellu R11nt' A t..OU•IJQ4tOUI Catladlllll Olf!Gllf Utt81'1fpl \ 10 protect e Navy deatroy. "' rrom enemy allack 11 "'•) m MOVIE ** It <. .. me f 1um Serwlath l ll<tt So.a I Ill'"'' F111n 0..ne<QUtJ. KHnnf'th 1 Obey A g111nl Qr lt>IJU• enteu. ~n Ft anca,c;o fHir br,t •11•'1 °"'"? """'""' ,,, •n H t>•m l'J 11 h• 10 m.r I 4:30 I) & T£11E EDWARDS 'l 'lr•r#duy·,, IJn~Jf lme 'tludf":<f AF1£RNOON 12:00 0 • • 1"> • Swam11 w,11 • ., f l'r41) Ottrli• A111tr"""' w,,ullf' a,.,,,nJri n.,,., 1Mt t iy iilt1fU f41UU)ll f fJ (Uf•\1Hfl1 tm11 ''''"' rK\/Wthtt(J h1• t11fj 1ru1t>IJt '* ''" .,._,, •Jr1••c1 "'"' d"fOt t\Old~ • yt;•H•(J tu 1tt < ,'Pfi"'" 1n a ~wdmp f t hr • 'lflmon) .. * •. ,, '"" ( ,, ...... ( 19'> 11 L<>N Ay"" 1 o"''·" J!lr ijht A m.tn •fl M1uu 'J b"C(,111"WtS 8 f 1/_JIH n w h t,•(I ~ •'· un,u·itly tt'' , •· l t1I tnht;+-4ff rt ''' '-> n '" ' 3-<JOftO) • • . ',YW•··' Ut1J+•frl .,.~, f' if/11 ..-•hd1 r)t '1•wa Ar.the' t Now. ·~r ,. t "''" Otlllf .fl f ' lff 'J ft! Ut Ul ta.Jo tt~ in U tl•flt•tttf1t It)""' U'f•J'fy "''''tth m t1td•o1 HJ llelp It...,, '"''In l>W D o;<t· -~.--.... .,,... w hflln • ._o t .111.._ m 10"'' -N•'' ht•f P.l'J'Wf•ml)fll lt·•·'•fl t l '" 11) '""I 3.30 0 * • r Rnll I "'''''- r4oll (lq74j hm f,r.nw1y, JiJn M11 t 'I t~ fuihnt '-'"'' 'Alff'O t°Jt '11~ !>t'Jf -. dtf,•U lton df'd ,,,, .. ., f'• w 111 1 ')htC.P 1n O•tt f__.1,HUJH'1'• book i;.I 'llorl<I H•'<.o•tl~ 4 I hr 10 m•r I ABC Rules Roo$t; NBC Still the Pits NEW YORK IAP I Ten of thl' 23 program .., on 1JH "~ rmnw t1m~ schedule for the wt·t·k ending Murd1 25 "'''r1· rt•plat-., anrl lh1· No. I telev1~10n net'A ork 'AU!> still a runaw.1} w1nm·r II tht· ralt11)!'> competition. fi gures from A {' N1ctsl'n Compan y 'ihol( F1vl' o f /\BC'" re run'> frn1s ht'<i in N ll'b t·n·.., 'I op :O. 1n1 h11l111•• No I "Three'i-. Company," runnn u p · Mork ;inti ~ind :, a111l "LaH rne and Shirley" in third phu·<· NBC, AT THE SAMt: t1mt'. '>Uffor1•cl qu1 l1• lht• 1rpoi.1lt• falt• Tht• netwo rk·!) top rntf'd '>how. L1tll1· llou~1· 0 11 tht· I J trll'. • \\ ,J.., rank('(] 16th. and "Harris c.tnd Compan} . 'itarrrng Bl'tlt•· ('aM·y Ill rts primc>-timc d ehut, wa~ nitrd la~l among fili prni;rai•·· hrnadt•a..,I during tht> week. ABC also scored a gatn 'Atlh rw w wm·.., l.1:1 ()111•f'n~ Roulevard." "AnJ!ac " ond "The Hopt .. r..,·· :among th1• rsl tJ 111.t.•n 111 the ratings. Meanwhllt•. four show!) 1n1rodut'cd hy N (' rrfl•'r llw hrsl of lh<' yt.>ar · 'Swecpst;.akcs." "Clrrrhangi·r "·" "1 r.., Col um bo" and "Turnabout" were among lht• I<! lt·a~I wutt· 1·<1 THREEO•'TllF. nv•: IOw(•st r:Jlt'<l program'> WI' '1111 NBC', N11 R2 Big E vent "Supcn,tunl II,'' No 65 "Wcckl·n< · and No titi "llarris andCompany."C BS 'li "Marril'<l 'fh(l f''ir'>t \' r " WJ'>ti:1rd. und a rcrunof"What's flappcninl?" on ABC' wa~r.4 th tler e are the week's Top JO ~how~ TUE."DAV'S DEBUT episode 1 ll moves to Wednesdays next week l was certainly pretty to look al, Ir not much more. ThP series is filmed in Hawaii, and 111ome of lhP scenes ure a lmO!>I. enough to sus ta in the material. 0 ( the orphans tth<'r c arc five >. all I can s u y is. lhe younge r. the more tolc rablt• The oldest of the five are twans, Kevin I Shawn Stevc•ns > and Bridget !Lory Wals h 1. a pair that behave like no l7-ye1ir-0lds I've ever heard of. Whe n K evi n 's younge r brother. M ic h a e l 1Sean M arshaJl > wants lo join a club. Kevin becom es stern. "If I re- m e mber correctly ," he pre · aches, "those c lubs are against school regulatlons." Yeah. · RobNt Preston. Rosemary ,..orsythe and flf.!n Murphy are the main Ch1 s holms , with Preston heading the clan. He's a Oib l e ·quoling f a rm e r . moonshiner who has an une.<· plained fascination with s nakes When his daughter-in-law dies. Preston gets mad at the pre· acher hec ouse he ui~cd too much from r 11ulms at her funeral. Brenda Vaccaro s tars as Detective Kate lludson m a new limited ser ies. .. Dea r Detective,'' airing tonight at 9 on CBS. Channel 2. Thr"'' Company, w•tr-• t .t•l'tQ Of Jt J t"'P"'wntlnq 1J J mtthon rw>ntt" ,. "nd Mtnd'f lO ' Of ». """-· .. i... ... tne -<;r111lcy ,. , Of II . m1lhon All AO( ... M ....... I• I Of 11 4 m.11~. (8\ HilC)Cty O.v111~ 71 I 04' 10 •mill.on ~"·~ r rw f 4'ft c.omm•nu nh 11 •Of 20 • m1ll'Ofl ••• ., ~ l;louWv•rd 1•. Qr ••• million_ r •O"I I\ LnouQf'I .,,. • tlf I HHlllOf• •ncJ Any;:. ..::,1.: ~"""""'· ... A8C •twl "" tn ,,,.. , 4m1ty 0 'Ii• II I m1ll•UO "IM R_, .. ABC; "Vov,.. '"" C.ro .. 1~.i. Cn.trh• IJrown C 8\ (.n•fl '""O"" AttC 0 11te•" -••AJk e," !>0111 CB\..' L•ttl~ Hou~on IM l'1•1t.., HOC. OM 0• t • ,.,,,., Mc>v1• "TMWliMclofOt"....,"Wl(~P1n(111C.1nn.o11 •llC.ll'> •ncl tt•ne•M•ll•• II( Clu Gulager plays our hero. Cuda Weber, "a C'rus ty, frcc- spiriled operator or a fishing hoal," as the network publicists describe him I think Gulager is a graduate of the flriun Keith school of a<'ting, wherf' actors urc taught lo Arunt through their noses and talk without. moving their tips. lie has a "MOM" tutloo a nd The kids are a little too goody- goody. Cuda is a little t.oo much of a diamond in the rough, and the mat.eriaJ looks like recycled "Brady Bunch" with a s untan. CBS' ENTRY, Thurs day night SO, HE CHASES the preacher out of town with a rattles nake. I don '.t know why Life on lhe Oregon trail may add iwme spice to this family, but judging from the opening ~egmf.!nt, I don't think so. The Chlsholms are too boring ror even hostile Indians t.o fool with. WINNER GOLQEN GLOBE AWARD A SHOCKING PAGAN RITUAL 1 from the author of''frenzy"& 'SleutH' "A unique. imaginative. thinking-man's shocker. If you like cliff-hangers. hypnotic spells and edge-of-the-seat stuff. BEST FOREIGN FILM see THE WICK ER MAN!" -Bruce Williamson. Playboy 15THWEEK ACADEMY A ARD NOMINATI S BESTPICTUR DIRECTOR • ACTOH SUPPORTING ACTOH SUPPORTING ACTRES PRESENTED JN 70 M.~ DOLBY 6 TRACK STEREOPHONIC SOUN RCBERTDE NI A MICHA(L CIMINO f llM I.--~ 1------- ----- "A chilling and engroulng occult thrtllert .. lr====JU=s=T=w==;.m=..-==POl==THl======i11L.--l -Jeanne Miiier. S.F. Examiner 611AT WHITI 3 HOlJB SALE NIDAY IVIMltffi 6 lo t P.M. EVERYTHING DRASTICALLY ~6""'19 REDUCED! ,_., .. i...w.. ........,.0.. ........ = :-..:.. ':.!..'":.; ............ -... I •Ill ........... , • ........ , •• Ill• LOWHT PfttCll IYUU OIG?+UllJ. ·IRTTDINfl tlAN OJ.NIU -. . , . ... . ... ' ' . .... UNll/lR'li'I P1< ll1HI ~ IMI l llMS lt11 (J!IH lllJNllH JOHN JOIW "ffRYL CHRIS IOI CA/Al[ S.AVAfil 'irRHP Wf1Ll<'I • " O~Hll, WA!>IHIUlm .... ., MICtiA(l CIMINO< 0£RIC WASttBUkN. 101 GAHHNllll , ou1NN r< Rrorr<~R 4· • , JOANN Rl 111 , , MARION llU~I N81 HCr . IOANN RH lf • , SIANl fV MVlHS. !IAHHY ')t 111(1~ MICllAfl Q((t[Y MICHAii CIMINO JOHN (HAil h , .. , \IH "40l> LS.1Gt.40tlD .... • .. MICHAH CIMINO edwards NEWPO MIAICOAST HWY.IMAC .,.., .. · 6 • 0 I • ENTERTAINMENT I MOVIE REVIEW DM.YPtLOT 8JJ T11rftldeat Era Recalled 'Hair' Dazzling Film "HAIR'' (PGJ By aON P£NNINGTON , ...... v ..... ..- Mll( f'or m un oncl r onwany hitvc dc>ne a re· mar knble Job In trnnl'fn rini; 'lla1r" from stt1Rc to M'rt•t•n 11w tllm v1·r,1on l'I con.'lldcrably dlHt>rent, but ll <'cll'hruh·H ttw :.1>iril of ttic origina l an duzl In& and uruqut'ly c:tnt•11111t1c l't>nccpt.s On !ill.If(\', "llu1r ' wa i. 1.10 extremely vatel. de· fuint rt>fll't'llon of u ... youth cullun· of the 1960s. It wua l'M('nl11:1lly J CClllN·tlon or vibrant rock songs GOOD GUYS b y compo tit•r <;all Muc Ot•rmol and lyricis ts Cero m e Hag ni a nd ( MOV.£ ] Jumcs Rado which wer e WEA . .ACK F' • given shape und inte rest Chuck Nor rls 1s back as John T Booker ANNE AACHl:R LLOYD HAVN(5 OANA ANDREWS JIM B~CKUS and JAME.S FAANCl&CUS H Conrad Morqlln Paslones de sangre explot•n en el boulevard -y el bo&.tlev.rd exist• de noche Everything h•ppen1 on the boulevard - and the boulevard h•ppen1 at night. a tm 1a11111.-~ -.am. .-tr St-. ..... Yillm.z .. u-. MlmT R lA I'll tedbof ...atl MSSllMI '1oMedbot 111.-[-f'lolMe ""111 Wl·•""llw ----!Mcby Lill SC.. ..,. mm 1m.. l'lllSftldb\o._ •- ~ • -. 'REJl'IEJJ' by the flashy, g1m m1fky ---------s t a a 1 n g of To m O'Horgan SOCU .. TY HAS UNDERGONE con:,1der able change durmg the pas t 10 years. howeve r, a nd the 1111ues that iwem ed Important then have now been mostly rt'lK>lved or bypassed "Hair," as 1t was in 1968. would not have the sa me impact today. That was one of tht> dange rs tn doing a film ver sion al this point 1n time, bul this has been overcome beauliJuJly. The late '60s , a lthough not that long ago. were 10 unique and s pecia l that they can already be vie wed with nostalgia. Th1s is the a pproach the ftlm takes. glorifyi ng and rom anticizing a brief per iod in history when the cruldren of Camelot - that possibly impossible dream tha t keeps re · surfacing in various ages united tn a colorful re· hellion against what they felt were outmoded <1nd hy pocritical values . Michael We ller. whose play "Mooncb1ldren" dealt with the s am e pe riod, has provid ed an ex· ccllent scr eenplay which s hapes a n t.'ffective sto ryline involving the characters a nd situations Ra gni and Ra do sketc hed for the orag ma l. It's ob· viously a collective effort. though, a nd Weller 's nicely shaded sc ript creates form and a realistic LUe 'Missed' Waite on the Wagon TALLAHASSEE. Fla. IAP > -Actor Raph Wa.lte,_ who plays John Walton on the te lev1s1on ser ie s "The Walfons. ·· says he's-a "'"recovering alcoholic" who m issed a great tJe<1l or wh at life has to offer because of drinking. "If they had taken atte nda nce for m y life. I'd hav-: been marked absent ... he s aid. THE 50-YEAR·OLD actor said he began drink· ing at age 17 "behind the gym at high school dances" and continued until a ge 44. "I personally have nothing against people who want to drink," he said. "I enjoyed myself drinking a lot of years. but in retrospect, not as much as I thoughtl did." Waite made the co m me n ts at a m ental health festival. ··IT'S WHEN THAT drink· WAIT• . Ing becomes a pattern or avoidance -to avoid grow· ing up and maturing -then you can find yourself in !rouble," he said. Waite said he missed 27 years or growing because of he avy drinking. "One charac ter istic of the disease is that whe n you start drinking, you stop growing emotionally and spiritually. And when I shopped drinking at the ageof44, I was emotionally 17." AWINNER! ~TD• HllntlnglOll lleK~ 141·03&8 OllMllEMAU OrlftOI 637-03AO • .UPlAZA 8111 51'B339 UOOlllACll El fOIO !>IH18IO C•llAWllT Wes1mlns1tt 192·4493 ITutllM Dlllft·t• Or"'91 639'1770 .... narrotlve on which Forman buHds lhe attitudes und ideas that were the essence of the play THE CONNECTIVE TIIEME ls one of dls· covc ry and friendship as Cluude (J ohn Savage>. a naive a nd clean-cut young man from Oklahom a PrOd<><•" 01r•<l0t S<rHllPl<IV C.llOf eoQr ... v MU,•< NAl lt · Lfl&tr Penl!V,M i<-1 8111 .. , • M1IO\ Form.,. , • • • • Ml('h .. I w.11• .... f wyl;i T~•rp • C.11 M«O.rmol "•M•l•IMl/TK .... i<Mw~ Cut JOhll ~v-. fr••I Woll1•m,, a.vertv O'Anoeto. A""'• (iotoen. oiw .. v WrtOlll. Do<! 0.tll\, Chef'fl BMnn, AICM rd 8r191>1, Hlll'IOI .. A•V. QwlrlOlle AH Mil .. 0..CWll, Fttn f•li.t, C""tln 0.11•v .... r,,..n ~•l•r, AOM\\ 8r!Mfl. Anlortl• lley, c;.orci- M•no\, AMI WooO ... f-y W•lkll\\, CMI H<ill, How#O Por1.,, Nell C.nff, 1("'1 Y.rillMI, U •t• a.11-0 , Cv-.n• ~.Aon 1'0Uf'Q, L•11rl• 8-;-, 8-DI o.-. EllMI FOiey, .IOflll MMttn», Frw Ftr· ••t•, Jim AOlt<•. Ctwrl•IM WOOO•rd, fl'UCIV ~l'klll\, ClluU p ... ,.,._,, H Dollcll• Bffrj119. A11\Wll C011e11, l(fflly 8•-r. Lee W•ll\, AMllM MOort , ll011nle Oy_, fl\1Mlnqtlme -lllmlnv~ ,..,. •••• 11 ... -"0 W•LTDISNEY "'NORTH AVENUE tRREOULARS" fG "ICE CASTLES" (PO) ). "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" "CALIFORNIA SUITE" (PG) JANE FONDA "THE CHINA SYNORONE" (PG) "HARO CORE" (PG) "EYES OF LAURA MARS" "AGATHA" (PG) "MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS" RICHARD PRYQR .... -.. "91 ........ , StMllWM "IN CONCERT" CR> who trave ls to New York to be inducted into the "WHICH WAY 1s UP?" Army. is introduced to the space age !which in·i >-------•••••------c eludes inner as well as outer spjce J youth sub· "EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE" culture by Be rger <Treat Will a ms 1 a nd his "BEYOND THE DOOR, PART 2" (R~ friends. The tone of the film -which traces Claude .. ATIONAL LAMPOON'S through these experiences and on into the Arm y -ANIMAL HOUSE" is sorter and less defiant than the original due to "UP tN SMOKE" the perspective of viewing the period from the pre-~------------------~ sent time. The drug , language und se xual as pects "CALIFORNIA SUITE" Honed down for <1 PG rating> are no longer as WHEAVEN CAN WAIT" (PG) shock ing a nd the Vietna m Wa r protests have s ince been accepted a s valid. The attitudes and messages are s till ther e. although lh('y a re expressed more su btly and Fo rman avoids overly didactic state ments. The , a nger and d('fiancc have been elimmated in favor of a spirit of fun cele brating youth, love and the I unity of ma nkind. "IT'S NOT THE SIZE THAT COUNTS:' "SEX WITH A SMILE" (A) "ICE CASTLES" "TAKE DOWN" CPG) A l.L OAIVlt·INS OPEN 6:J0P.M ..... HT\.Y Child Under I 2 l'"rtt Un .. u e K tdd'4 ""•YtrOUlld THE SONGS A RE STrLL <1n integr al part of the piece !although the score has been t rimmed a ::!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bit> and one of the film 's m a1or <1ch1cvements 1s the manne r in which the music is welded to the plot. There ts a prec1sl' and 1mpress1vely vis· ua lized concept t ha t For man totally s ustains from beginning to end and lhe songs -which progress ideas and attitudes a re a marvelous part of this fluid structure. Nevl'r once is lhere u feelin~ of s topping for a mus ica l number A major contributio n to this s uccess is T \\ yla 'Pharp'!t ~x('itmg, oftcnl>realbta kjog cla nc.es, whi~h a re rapturously exe<:Ut('d by a lar~e en~emble con· sisting of the Twy la T ha rp Dancers, m em be rs of the American Ballet Theatre and others . Tharp's cre ations re pres ent so me of the finest h im choreo- graphy since J erome Robbins' work in "West Side Sto ry." to which this film will probably be com· pared. Savage is perfect in his portrayal of Claude. projecting a tota lly belie vable naivete und sense of a we . Th.is should firmly establish ham a.s one or tod ay 's m ajor youn1: talents. Williams also comes to the lore with his engaging perfor mance or Be rger. which is filled with vitality and buoyant spirit. ANNJE GOLDEN IS extreme ly appealing as the childlike Jeannie , and enjoyable cha racteriza. lions are also provided by Dorsey Wright as Hud and Don Dacus as Woof, either of whom could be the lather of the child Jeannie is carry ing. Beverly O'Angelo is espec ially a musing as the societ y girl who attracts Claude 's attention and who. after a bit of coaxing, joins the tribe. Every role is pe rfectly filled and the lar ge company of actors, singe rs. dancers and techm· cia ns work as a total ensemble in executing this in fec lious. high-ener gy mus ical. "THE PASSAGE0 CIJ "l'rSMOTTHE Sill THAT COUNTS" CRI "PHANTASM" CRJ Doily 6 lO Sat s-Hot 12:30 AU. 0 ll!lJ 1'HO IRJ 'ILlotS llEOElllE ™E &Elli. Of' ™t MOTIOH l'ICTUAE COO( Of Sl'lf AtOUU ll()H ........ 11 1:40 (PG) \ .... --.. • \w\·•BINWW '" .... , ... ,. ~ . . . ''" • J;IS • l:H • 7141 & 10:00 AHT'NOfn' QU-• MIMI *SON , .. PAHAOl 111 Pl US IN "'ISi Of OUllt WO.N 111 M<I II-t ... -t -I '°'*Al '* CHtNA SYNDllOMI 1Po1 1210 • a.oo • s.ao • a.oo 4 '°'" ., WITTlllHO MAHf .. AT NIO+IW" IOUUVAIO NIGHTS 1911" ~ IUI-M~llOUU ..SMIOllUa.wa,_ MU.Dll IY DICRH (POI Plln Tll GllAT TIAIN IOllHT !POI ....,11'1'1,_~----~ "llOM A I/Alf AND DISTANT O.UlllT" ... • • . .. STAI aASHfPOI Pl US , .. ,ASSAGI 1e1 YAMISSA llDCHAYf '"AGATHA"' Il l "'GHAT TUtM IOllBY" "IMYASIOM OF THI IODY SMATCHHS" lf'GI -Y~J:ll 6 t:H U.T ,,_, .. 1:4.11!4.__ ""HO<:CHIO"' IGI "'THI SMAU OMI'" *IVlll'lNINO MllPl'UCS AT HIOlfT IOULIVAID NIGHTS 111 Pl US WHO STOLi MT W .. ILS? SAll'f ••10 •IO .. LlllMA .. HOIMA IAlll'OI Pl US Oii.AT $MOQ IOAD llOCIC fll'OI THIOI llVIS I llYOND THI DOOll, 11111 Pl US IUTHISll'Ot "l!flll!l!mr;;;::;";") MCI U-t ... -t Mlllll 00U0W Tt• CHINA IYNIMIOMI f POI PIUS ,.. DllP ""11 C11UC• t«lllllS 8000 OUYI WIAI ILACIC 1..0 PlYI MB KNUCtCUI 1..01 t~ IOMml e WCINT Nta IT'S NOf Ill llZI TMAf COUlftt (I I "'"' llJl WffN A IMIU 191 •f111 IAUI e "'91 ION TMI .... 'I IOatNI "'"' ITAa CIAIM 1N 1 , t ' .. * l . -. \ ( • . . ' ' .. . ' .. 8J2 DAILY PILOT HEALTH -------Early, Correet Illness Dlagaosis Ini~rtaat a DL STEINCaOUN Tb outcome u( llOY IUD )'tJU may ha\' olttn d ~no1 upon f.'ur I )' it II lf (' 0 r r , •• I d I i[rl fl 116 OtheN1~· trt'almt•nl wall ti.• lnl·f ft·t .l\ • t'or yC' I k .. pt nyana Lo in l«-rn11 and ldt•nl'J on my rrwdh• .. 1 youuw lcr l ~v~n 10 uafun > blffil> Jy •~•'llU'W wt• thoughl thry·were> Loo .YOW»! to bov•• tl Or, (or -.:xum pie, overlooked rnononucll'Ol$1~ 10 lh l•l<krly l>t·t•uurt lhe.Y wcrr too •>ht h> h~vl' It < Ht•c 11tly. I report t.'d fuw c~u.c11 In lht!lr 70s 1 ( . DOCTOR IN I THE HOUSE ) DivNt1culil1ell 111 Nol ltar In You nu AdulL'l." dlverticuht1:1 w.,K nol lhl.' rmmury diagnosas missed beruusf' oC tht' patient's age. lnsteatd, ~e 1nlltal 1mpreMion.s were appendicitis, lD· flammalory bowl·I disea11e and Jiustroenter1lhs. Uut barium enema X ray t.>xa minat1om1 revealed the true diagnosis. M EDICALt.'TTES Jeive f alse 1mpr •salons Most udulls ca n d1s(•ern truth from rals ily , but our younf(, 1m . pre11sionable minds ere bcmg fed garbagt• tr\llt l and also 1n tulkll wlth 1·01 leal(u lo pra<'ltce) th ML lho cull Aldt'rahon or Uf.tl' Ofl<'O thrt•W ll uff th\• dhagn<)!IUC lra U I d hcu "lll''a • ~~too old for thla " or "Sh •'• loo And 80 I huvc ~ •n 11uyina It's 6Ul>t~I flllOU~ for dOl'l0r8 lO ll'lk pit llt•nt. "J~l how old urc you? .. llNtlly, what <llfforvnco d<WK 1t mukc In dluuno11l11 or lrl'ultrll'nl 1r you tell hJm yuu uro 41 or 4U" <Or , old(•r or youowl·r ·• > USUALLY C:ONR1D•;1tt;U only a disease or tho elde rly , they round antlammatlon or little sacs or pouch('ff In tho colon or seven J)ll· Uonllt 35 years or age or youngor. They con c l uded lhul ucutt• divcrtlculilli. is fur from a rarity in young adults. and that Lill' d1agnos1s 1s frcc1uenlly maiis<.'<i . Dear J)r. Stetncrolao: It's lrue that TV Is a most errectlvo means or a lert.Ing the public to the nl-'Cd for better health and care. But the media have failed in many ways. TV has become a pot.cnl1al killer ROMF. llAVF. SAI D that the American TV ud uudiencc Is nothing but a muss or nrncom· poops. I don't share this view. f think the 'l'V Industry thinks we are scvoral ,runl(H lower thun an utter nlr1comJ>001>. ., • '"" • ,_ )uuna fc>r that " All thu• tuu• bN•n broul(ht •o mind ufll'r reudinu un urt1 ck 1r1 U ud lolo.cy Newtt l>u·u<·t.l In which t hf' ht• 1hntc wui. "X r ay11 Show Jusl because l buy 11 rcrtain prod· uct does not mean l llkc the show or sponsor . I r hoose it because of cost and pt•rformunc·e.-Mrs. ('. •001•' l \t ~T ~.&UNO lllf rn'I 11.~oo 1 )'OR t:XAMt-1.• •• vt; ft1'i uHo For exumplc. I dislike the bt•cr corn m('rc1als and other ad.<1 th al JOHNSON'S 14-0Z. IAIY POWDEI Soothet, protect• tender tkln. llO. 139 1.lt PEPTO BISMOL FOi UPSET STOMACH 1 :l~t ptnk liquid llO. 149 2.M we O\t'rloolcrd duod1•n11 I uh-1•1 111 B[~§~:~i!R~ loll & Ii~ with 1emoy 01og1eotly1edu<ed p•o<e l houtolul luv lody. lodo Down RoH & New Come dft•gt'll on tho• •ole Pfl<ed group TWIN OR FULL REG. 14.99 TWIN SIZE REG. 16. 99 fUll SIZE 12 ~0?. CHOICE QUEEN or KING REG. 20. 99 QUHN SIZE REG. 21. 99 ICING SIZE 17 99 YOUR CHOICE l 1.so vno1 If iOUGiff l SIPAUnLY-S19C1VPI RIGIDENT Smooth, •furdy plo•IK In decorofOf White , Yellow. Green, l rown. DINTUll IRAIND lonut 3"· ounce 1lie. liG. 111 2.42 In most cust•s 1l was found that "CAMP MASTER" 3LB.DACRON® "808" Fill SLEEPING BAG · ?' COLEMAN I ' CAMP LANTERN 119t · •• •• / Ooubf,. monol• ··~ U••• cotnp"'q luttl 22!!a Fruit-Of-The: loom LUSH FUECED COTION/POlY MEN'S & WOMEN'S HOODED SWEAT SHIRTS Fleeced 88"1. cotton/11% poly with con tro.r uripel, rlbb.d cull . wo"' S ICl •Dr'"""""~.... 8 99 THRtm NICI REG. 16.9 ZEBCO 202 FRESHWATER SPINCAST REEL'& ROD F1berglou rod lid alole w11h PM .nd•cotor FARIAHFAWCEn PREPARATION H l ·OZ. SHAMPOO FOi HEMORRHOIDS formulCK for normol. oolv holr. 1 ·oun<.e lube of 01ntm•nt. llO. 137 MG. 133 '·" 1.7t HIRAM WALKER'S TEN HIGH IOUllON 8'' GALLO WINES ~/l.~~~~ WJMO TMCMOK11 •llOSf •tlWIO•Cll...... LORD CALVERT IWIC •flDOI COlOMWO •wt1u CANADIAN WHISIY 5 2 9 1.5 llTEIS QUAITSIH ~.-50.7-0Z.219 SMIRNOFF REG. TOUI VODKA 539 3 .19 OMIKt QUART SIZE ""'"'° ANACIN IOTTLI Of 100 Dolly tvppltmenl\ pl11t Iron, 60, 7S, 100.wotl Soh Whtie bulbt. TAMPAX NUTRI· TONIC IOI Of 40 TAMPONS llfl HAii LOTION F0ttpolflre4itf. = 139 3; ':,ca149 llG. 4 2.92 llegulor, Sllpet, Super 'lul In<. ltevulor. e.ctro•body form11lo• llt.2."1'' &Ut 110.179 U t TURF BUILDER LAWN FERTILIZER 99 . no. "·" FAMOUS BICYCLE PU YING CARDS ~!~J:.•;;o;;~ 79 c polo.tr. pinochle , llG. 1.09 IWI DIAMOND HOIMEL LOWIEY'S · 4·0Z.aJIBY CHICIEN RUDY ·~ 01. IPllAD NIVEA 6·01. •IN CllMI ~ .'+'R lf? PRESCRIPTION DEPAnMENT OUI PllAIMACIS1S Will TIANSfll 6 OZ. CAii AIJJMI 12·01. COlllD B ....... ,......, ...... lettfvlt WMe...., .. ,, 99!: . · 1~-59~ .............. w............. ............... Wlllle1 Whllettoditlott • ,. ............. =4~1 ,~,,,......~, ilnooltltt ond to! tent. PllSCllPTl~lm fOl YOUI Mt btl119 In the lolitl to 10( fhrtfly pholmocltt, ond he will OllOftP fOt the lrOMtef, YOll hoj)py with Thflfly't '-w prlte lot lll111t9 preterlptlont which coal m11ch 11101• e ltewhe re, -~. . LOW PMIS ABM MriuY flAMl wml lmTY-STOllSI P..'! 159 •• '·" • ClmAmA I COSTA.a l lllllf•YMllY 1 ..... YMllY I WISll!IEIM I I tunlSTOlllAOf 1~11MH 11 ·· ~IUOI 'JllllM•. -~·-:116MI ......... r••ll••Tllllrt. Wllllll:at••...._._ 21111 ... M.at-... .. •1w.. : .•tM1111•"91Mlsnt RlOIO :BTnatWWd J • """·--·· ......... .- I I 4 • l J l 1 \ . . INSIDE : •Ann Landers •Slim Gourmet =~· ...... Horoscope •Special Diets DAJt..V ~~OT \ ' CJ From the Uatskllls R•portedly the only kosher butcher in county, Sam Stt.ofsky says customers are his "closest friends ," talks al:)put kosher butchering over the years and today II) J lUTH Ol~.,ON OI ,,.. 0.tly ro,._ \I.oil S..m Soolsky 1i. .i ko~her but('her the only ont.> II Orange County Tho:.e wl10 hve l.I)' the ko btr laW11 ne er eat pork or ~hellfish because ol tile lrict dietary bans . SllOfaky takes most Uungs in slnde Lile is a blg joke aod you'd better get used to some teasi"' when you buy kosher meat from Sam SnofSkJ'. He offers lo ~how has guei.t the meal m hu; Garden Grove shop Then grins. "I only Lake special~omentothefreezer " He peers at his guest ''You're going to make me fam ous, huh?" He s hafts his ever-present hat. fie promises to put on a clean shirt the day the photographer comes. Such is the life of Sam Snofs~y. the son of one kosher butcher and the grandson of another .. Surh wonderful people, my customers. so help me God," be says. "They have confidence in me. I'm really pleased. "My closest friends are the people who come here." It was not always so Snofsty said that when he was a butcher in the Caskills, customers -mainly women tried Lo convince him to cut prices. Since there were 40 to SO butchers competing with him. he wou ld ask the more unpleasa nt customers lo try another shop. "He re, business is better. I should be 20 years younger." Snofsky laments. "Times have made the customer different. She's more of a lady." Snofslty finds his patrons now are younger Jewish people who are exhibiting· new interest in their traditional faith. Ninety-five percent of bis customers are Jewish. he said . and he has a lot of Moslems and some walk an trade for emergency purchuset. Though his walk an customers may not realize they are buying kosher meat. his regular patrons are fully aware or the historical s1gnif1cance oflhe "U" which marks it. The custom comes out or the Jewish way or hfe which dictates that every living being is sanctified and that people. therefore. must not be cruel lo animals If meal as to be eaten, it must be from an ammal thal was not tortured while it was killed Under Biblical ordinance no flesh from any animal with a cloven hoof. blood or shellfish 1s a llowed , the latter because s hellfis h are scavengers and mig ht contatn something unclean T here 1s s trict code about h ow a n animal is killed for kosher purposes and what the conditions must be for acceptance of the m eat. Specially trained religious men who have authority from a rabbi do the work. They kill with a special extremely sharp knife with no imperfections so there wall be as little pain to the a nimal as possible. After the slaughter the animal's stomach is inspected for impurities. If it passes. the meal is treated by soaking and salting to remove as much blood as poss ible and it is stamped "kosher." Meat which 1s barbecued or broiled is exempt from the soaking and salting, Snofsky said, because the excessive heat will drain out the blood. CSee KOSHER, Page C2> "Such wonderlul people, my customers, "says Sam Snofsky. Serve .Joggers 1 Bn111eh If you're one of the growing hordes who jog, you probably love to talk about it -bow far you ran, what route you took, your "time." J ogging offers an excuse to socialize with fellow joggers or anyone witb•a friendly ear . On a Saturday or Sunday, invite people to drop over right after jogging or, preferably, right after running mates have bad a chance to take a cool- ing shower Serve refreshing fruit juice drinks and light a nd healthful food. Since it's important to replace liquids Jost during strenuous exercise the stars 0£..your Jogger's Brunch should be a couple of delicious drinks. Easy to prepare Cranana Shake combines cranberry juice cocktail, plain yogurt, a banana and an ice cube. For a quick energy boost after running, of- fer Cranberry Apple Bounce -a blending of cranberry apple drink, eggs, wheat germ and apple yogurt. Running may sharpen your appetite, but you shouldn't overeat. It's better to have a snack. Curried Cranberry Spread makes for tasty munching while you're relaxing. It's _a combination of whole berry cranberry sauce, cottage cheese, curry powder and sliced almonds. Runner's Spread offers a more substantial s nack for both joggers and laiy spouses . Simply toast wbole wheal bread and spread with whole berry cranberry sauce that's been mixed with honey and wheat germ . Garnish with celrd· carrot sticks. C&ANANA SHAKE 'h cup cranberry juice cocktail 'h cup plain yogurt 1 small banana 1 ice cube Place all ingredients in blender on blend for 20 seconds. Serve at once. Serves one. C&ANBEllRY APPLE BOUNCE 1 cup apple yogurt 1 cup cranberry apple drink, chilled 2ega 'h tablespoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons wheat germ 1 tablespoon brewers yeast (optional) Place all iqred1enta in blender and blend for 20 seconds. Sprlnlde cinnamon on top. Serves two. cuaaJEDCaANBEaaYSPaEAD 2 eup1 cotta1e cheese 1 teaspoon curry powder "' teapoon garlic aalt 8 ouacea whole berry cranberry aauce 1 small apple, peeled and chopped fine ~ cup sliced almonda Blend cotta1e cheese untll well blended with 1plces. Mix in whole berry cranberry sauce, apple and , nuts. Serve with crackers, toutormelbatout.Serv•slx. atJNNE& '8 IP&&AD 4 lllces wbole wheat brelld '4 e-. whole berry cranberrJ aauce ~editboaey 2 tablmpoou wheat 1enn ... meaeedl · ToMt bread in toa1ter. WbUe tt l• toutlq, mix wbole berry cranberry uuee, boaey and wbeat pnn. Spread mixture on tout. 9pl1akle wltb MMme Hedi. Serves four. I (l Sam dem0n~trates his Instead of Pasta, Sausage Loaf Spicy ltallan sausage, sauteed green peppers and onions, creamy mozzarella cheese and a little of your favorite spaghetti sauce -all enclosed in a fl avorful yeast bread -now it's Italian sausage loaf! These traditional Italian ingredients com· bine to make an excitingly tasty all-in-0ne din- ner that is easy to prepare using frozen bread dough. Served with a salad or fresh apple and cheese, the Italian Sausage Loaf is sure to be a real favorite. ITALIAN SAUSAGE LOAF 1 <one pound l loaf frozen bread dough 4 bot Italian sausage 4 sweet Italian sausage l medium green pepper, sliced l medium onion, chopped 'h cup spaghetti sauce 3 ounces mozzarella cheese, grated 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese. grated 2 tablespoons butter, melted Let dough thaw to room temperature. Cook whole sausages thoroughly. Drain well and re- serve 2 tablespoons fat. Split in half lengthwise. Saute green pepper and omon in fat until tender. On lightly floured boa rd roll dough out to 15" x 9" rectangle. Fold \-3 or dough over middle to make a 10" x 9" rt>ctangle. Arrange cut sausage on folded dough. Spread green pepper, onions. and spaghetti sauce respectively over saus age. Sprinkle with grated mozzar ella cheese. Fold re ma ining 'h or dough over sausage filling; seal all edges tightly. Place on lightly greased s heet pan. Brush dough with melted butter ; sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Let rise 30 minutes . Bake in preheated 350" oven for J0.35 minutes or until golden brown. Slice and serve. Serves 4-6. Delicious Italian Sausage Loaf. , \ I • . ' . I , (2 DAILY PH.OT Wean.tdav. Marci\ 21. 1179 FOOD Brown-Bagging I s New Status Symbol f Kosher l By JUNJ: a ' wtae to omit foods with empty calorl •. or lh<Hle Taking yot.tr own nutrltiou. lun<'h lo •<'hOOI or Job 1 fa. t romln1 lbt! Mw atatut symbol In Amtrka The 1U1ma of IYMh·wtlnl b.h dtHp peared, •• conaum ra bf-com mor awar of 0.. po.1lbiUUtttt or controHinc the dally m nu for apednc dielJI nr for aooct htta.Jlh lo 1t1neral Wtwttwr the ronta n r • rf'aUy • brown b.11 or • w ll trucled lunch btn 11 ammatcr1al. What la amporunt la dt'via na method• to k r• hot roocta hot. end C'OOI fooda cool The t m ~ntur~a bC't w ,.n 45 and I 15 help bac t~ria to multiply, l'au.slng polla1e or food 111nd Poe11blt.' lnt. tlnitl 1lln a. TOllnat lunl'h live. lhct OPPOrtunllY to try h tlU\I r tuaih ntxor brudl Pack IC'rapcd car rota for crun<'hY \'llamln A ~t t.o lh~ dttl. H r ' y P nna. p~lal D~•• 6y June Roth and uae rret1h fruit for dM&ert. lJae the lunch '™rlod w molntaan your family's well belntr by plannlna brown bM& menus that ue blah In nutrloon Remember lh•l lunch 8hould provide one third of UK: dally requlr.,menta of vltamlrl8, miner , prnlolna, carbobydralel, and fata. It's Labels Bl LOUISE COOK --~··"-fAftiiiiiiii~•i•·a-.~ • F......C...,111.elld I &IAm with blah auc•r end bith salt content Hen are tome brown ba11er recipes that wlJI provide your famlly with healthier luneh me ala. Some people make their own chllltn5( devlr1• by freezing water ln a s mall plastic contamcr and Wllng It for drlnklna waler when thawed at Juncbtlme. Sandwlchel may be froien when packe<t, thawinc to a just rl1ht. temperature for lunch. Or Just the bread may be frozen and made into 8 sandwich with chilled fillings, then placed in an lnsuJat<.'<I lee cream bog that will maintain s afe temperatures for several hours. Meat, fish, poultry. eggs, and cheese an· (See BROWN, Page Cl> (t'rom PafeCJ > , Some ew1tomer8 HY kosher me.at 1.8 touabtr than other beef but that the liver ls the best there ls. Soolsky's customers come from as far awa~· as Laa Vegas, he Sitld, but lbe average per11>1 travel11 about 12 miles to get to hi K shop. Peoplt often buy up to a moolh'11 supply at one vial:. Snof1ky said. ' Whtie h e m ay not be putting ttt• supermurkets out of bui1incss with h1:1 meat market, Snofsky sayK be wlll always have a place ln society. "The kosher butcher 1s like an ant," be said. "You'll never get rid of him. He'll alwiys be around." Check the fane print on ~• next box of rookies r baK of tato chi r>s OU buy un~ou 'II 11ro~ llbly find the wordi. •'Reglst~red with the Pennsylvania Depart- 91ent of Agriculture " 1 --aaw.... coupoft i r vr 1°1'111111 ~ fnl: =..0ne I Julcli ~=-,:_-: a. ,,,....,.. IDBFCIJIN p,~tfft '""''"11'\t"f/IWjW"'° W'l;'J"•,.,,.,.1,114 I t• t•~!· off ,.~,tM ,..,.,, .. ,,-... ",. .,,.,..,,, ,.,,~.,.~ ......... ... 0' t•.-i Ha,,V'J"''" •• .. ,tt"-""""'·• """ ..-'".,,..,.,• .,", llf't#llllf1,,,. ... ,." •t .. '"'' The product may not. come fr om Pen · 111yl vania; 1t may not 4ven come from the United St.ates. But lhe words. or an abbrevlat· ed version or them, will be there Why Pennsylvania" •A 1920 law requires anyone who s e lls a bakery product In Pen- nay I v anl a to regis te r with and gel a license rrom the st.ate depart· d)ent of agriculture. And 11JJder the law, the term "bakery product " in - cludes not only pies, Nkes, cookies, bread. etc., but also such things as pasta, potato chips and pretzels . 'The program Is run by the stale agriculture de p;utment's bureau of roods and c hemis try. Sxecutive Direc tor Joseph Br ennan said 'ennsylvania Is the only · l\ble In the nation with spch a comprehensive 9.e g I s t r at l o n I a w . {leither Brennan nor anyone else knows ex- actly why. I "Bas ically It 's con· sum er protection," he s aid. The program works like this · A m a nufac- turer wbo wants to sen produ c t s i n P e n · l'\iYlvaola applies ror a license. When Brennan's office gets the a pplica· tkln. it checks with the appropriate age ncy lo t h e manufacturer's home slate or country • and w;ks for the most rl?cent inspection report OJl sanitation. health, etc. . "If we d eem that. tbey're in good shape, tfaen we register them," Brennan Hid. "It as· !(urea u s that this particular bakery la un- der a routine lnapect.lon pro1ram and we have no worrlea about aanila· don." '"Tbe reglalraUon must t1e renewed annually. riot every product. that qarrles a "registered lliUb . . . " phrase la sold ip Pennsyl vania. A ri anufacture r with dlleveral different lines -only o ne of which la ma r keted In Pen - rilylvanla -will have all hla labels s tamped t.)le same way to avoid ~tra print1ng expenses. • How many Items are 'j~lillered with Bren· MD'• omce? ''I can't. _.en tell you," Brennan ••id, adding that the total ls easily to the tiaouaanda. Jlelpful Hints I Nowadaya leotlla do -' need aoakU.1 before ~111111. And tlMy cook &eu time tlaan cKher u ... Cooked lenua. ltd wttb eooked rtce dlake aa ncelJ•t. aide dllb. I -..t.Jf you have a 1unny 19UMD wtndow. JOU can ffllluU1 ,row • pot .,......, oa t. You can tM ,.,..., from •• ' g .. , ,... 1011 llil&dDll't bean ., ...... , ..... It •H to water1a11 .... ~r.:..= •prhii up fairly rapidly. . .. • limit 0-"-end OM CCIUPOft ,_ C...._, I l c...,. lllecttM ...... ti "'"' ..... 1171 TlaC_V_Otlt.Y-~-.......... 0..C..C .. ·········~Oii·····-----.-.------------------------.................... 5 ...... ~. i+ : COUNN : • • ••••••••••••••••••••• ......... ·-=-··· -~ . ?..:!?--:.~~ ~-DOUBLE · -- BeefChudl·81ede Cut .............. °' Clad 18 Mid Roast , .... ,......c ....... Gtwa Lm~FNlll Sllwtng .... • -:. II 2::-m Gold•n Premium Meats ~7-:a;.Rom 1• ~a-. ii.-., Meet .... •• ~-caslllkl ,., ... 2'' ~ ,,...llloM 'BelfLIVlr ~...,c..,. 11• ~ ..... -.............. .... BullltJel enT li2! ~ Bant ROMI Ill 1" ~iNCoct Clu*ShortR .. ,., •• .. .. 211 ~, ........ Aid ... ': ,. ~----··-~ Coakld Stw••IP Pantry Fiiiers ~ r;.y-a. 80IP ." .. II ... . ~, ..... Hlll11 Ktlctq> ~o..tP ...... I '*"Soup Mix ,~.II ~ K;;p,~ ~ ••bu ._....".,..._ lnlckC,.... :.: .77 ~ Gr.tld.iAu ~.......,.,.,..... .... tha. 111 ~ G8lc Powder PtpllColl -~;;;;;..-..... 1" ~ c'i;;;'p., Dryer u .. .... .. _ .. ,... ...... .,,.... ..................... .. at 1'1 l'trfc .. .,,.. .............. ,. . .....,... ·--.......... ,..... • llllhlllull M 9 I M II t i I MllloMlll ' 1a. 88 .... . ... 88 .. I ··II .. . ·:• t I 2:: II 12oz. II pq. Super Dell .. .. 2" ~---~ ...... ChedtW l.ollgflOl'ft 81 ~ ,., • Torllllll .. 95 ~~._....,.i..c:. ':.'. WllPfldeCh1111 .. •• 2" 11 ,....,,_,tt ............ , C~F"'*' 221 ~~11Pim1Cru1t .... • • 2" ~ ........ ,rwlt' ........... ~ Orll199Mlllllll8dl Frozen Foods , .... 44 ..... , .... Bl -. ~.79 '" ... , .. ... Super Bakery ... , . .. .. ~ ......... ..,,,. ~ Granall 8...t 1D1U E r.IUON ~ "..,.....,._ IJlt.•0'~_, .... .,,,,,....~ • • ....,,.. I W9 .,. ... ..,f'" ...._ ....... '• ~ '.. • • ..., ft •• .. .. • ..... • ,. ' J"' • ., ... .._...,..Crop .fnlll,SWlll c... 2-•• IO ct.11 pq. Sup•r Produce ':.' 1 •• ~ a;.p;n ':' .49 '::;.39 ~c•c• -.29 .... 1•• ... , .. 99 ..... I ;:.89 , .. 93 .... '!:,45 • Po ~ ....... .., .25 V1l1ncil 0rangee ,.. lb • ~~,.. .... .39 •• ~~Pe.us 2:: 121 Super Floral Health & Beauty .. ··~ =-.~:.;..)· • C""."\_.,..~ ... J··- ·1'f.u~ ~J .• ·---. . ·- .,,,. .57 ·~ .. , .. ·:.· ,. . -. \: 2• ·-- Bll\i'..iti#.:"~~ ---·-·-----·----.--.-··-·-·------___ ......... ______ _. ___ ~_ tS411 s ··-·· ll'SWltt n.msctltlllJ.Ms.I, • ' t .. .. -........... . ...... .. - .... --• • .. • • .. ...... 41\_ " "' • • " .... '"' • FOOD Wldt_.,,, Merch 28, 1979 DAIL V PILOT Q • •• Brown ( t'rom Page Ct> good j()UTC or protein for lW\Ch So art J}tlnUl butler. dr1ed bC'aM, drl d pt-• and olhu nulJi lmacln1t1vr romb1nationl ol lwo or more or 1 htt11e can give l'Xtt>llt'nl prutt'ln tntalte th»l will hl•lp In the job perlormanc.-for UH! af\.-rnoon U t• wide mouthr d vacuum bottle• thot hUVl' ~n thorouithly v.-ato>hc.'d and n OJf'd with ~llhntt wat<•r . to kl'q) l'\oup or t~w •bovt 155 and hot for lunch Similarly prtparvd vucuum bottlt' will kN>11 hot drinks "are ror ('Vt'r I hour C'tllU ('() aNE L CRJI G 2 Utbl • poo~ t'OOklna 011 2 mt'tlium onions, thinly sli ced t PoUnd ground beet :.! teaspoons chi li powd r outl1' Favorit I Crisp Apple Pie I lt't'llipo()n 11011, 1 t lt'll.llJ)()C)n puprlkw• • 1 • tt•ai;WQn ·rabu11eo &u\lce I can n& oun<'t'~ I tomotoea I l'tln 16 ounct·' I lomuto pa le I cun 120 OUn<'l''° 1 k hlJley 001.1m1 I h•at oll tn u 1tk1ll1•t Snutc onions until tender Add t(round t>.wt and bruk apart with u fork wtulr bruwnlnJC Sprinkle with chill powder. •oil, poprlk11. und T•h• ro u uce Add tomalool'I and tomato p08h' Cover ond simmer for 15 mlnulu Add kfcln ey b<'ans and simmer IS rninutt• lon.it•r 1"111 t wide·mouthed vacuum lunr hmugs, Ju l beton· parking htnch Makes 4 St'rVlnl(t' NO'ft; C'hall muy tH' cooked th~ night b•·fort1. N'tr11tt'rall'd In u S«'lll d container and lhttn retwat d In Lhl' mornjng Rinse vacuum c:ontawra wllh bolhna waiter lo Insure heal re- t•·nUon Add • small packt t ot 1r11ted Cheddar ch~•'M' to 1prlnkl • on ch1h Just before eating. Tuck a b»rnlna 101.1> earh lun<'hbox. EGG CLtJB SANDWICHES 4 hard-cooked e11a. chopped 1 I carrot. scraped and grated ·~ cup mayonnaise 'l'l lcaspoon prep11red mustard 6 sllct'fl Swiss cheese 6 slices tomato G lettuce leaves l2 slices dark rye bread or whole wheal bread Combine chopped <'ggs. grated carrots'. mayonnaise. and mustard. Place a slice or cheese on each of 6 s lices or brud: top with a layer or egg mixture Add & slice or tomato and a folded lettuce leaf to each. Cover with bread slices Makes 6 sandwiches. NOTE· Sandwiches may be prepared the 01ghl before. "Refrigerate in plastic sandwich bags unUl ready to pack lunch. Add a pack or mixed raisins and dry roasted peanuts to each luncbbox. MEAT LOAF SUBMAIUNES 6 long hard rolls 6 s lices cold meat loaf 6 s lices Swiss cheese l green pepper. cut into thin n nl(s '2 Bermuda onion, cut Into lhln rlngs fJ Uun slices tomato Butt.er or margarine SplJt rolls. Arra nge a layer or meat loaf on the bolt.om half of each roll; top wllb cheese. Arrange rings of green pepper an<t onion on cheese. Top with tomato slices. Spread butter on top halves or rolls a nd cover . Wrap each roll in aluminum roit before packing in lunch boxes. Ma kes 6 sandwiches NOTE: Deliberately cook an exlra·large meal foal for dinner an order to have lenovcrs on hand. Sandwiches can be prepared the night before and refrigerated until ready to pack lunch. Slice oranges into small pieces and toss with grated coconut; fill small plastic con talners with mixture for dessert ,.KlS lfrKTIVl WlD., MAI. ll TMIU TUlS., '"· l , 1'19. - All IUMTTTl l!Gtm llSUVl.D. NO UU lO DHLUS OI JOI IUAU OI COMMOCIAl USI. Crisp, fragrant 1-~rled Apple Pies arc a special t y o f t be S outh e rn S lates So metim es they're made using a rich biscuit dough, but the best are made with pastry Like all versions of ap- ple pie, they're delicious to eat bul these a r e g r e at f o r p acked lunches, because they don 'l have lo be cul and served. COMPARE MARKET BASKET'S QUALITY I VALUE,& PRICES WITH OTHER STORES! WE'RE CONFIDENT THAT YOU'LL FIND THAT THESE 3 CAnGORIES COUPLED WITH THE FOLLOWING GUARANTEES ASSURE YOU OF FINE QUALITY AT GUARANTEED LOW PRICES. 1 • ADVERTISED • • 2-TOTAL 3 LOW SATISFACTION •• •••••PRICE••••••• I ITEM AVAILABILITY 1· I I t GUARANTEE! I I GUARANTEE! I I GUARANTEE! I I .... -............ -""' -• ... ""' -·-..,.I I :c--=.:: =::a.-::.:..-:::: I I Ml"fftMI .... , ., ......, UMlt " '*..... I "9MA .., -................ rr ....., ..................... I .. ~' --• -.. • .. .. .,. ,.. ,... t9t'4 Mf9iK'Nlll ......_,. I .. •Jiff,. au.a•__...," ,.., , ..... , .... --. " ...... Mm'f IMllt ., • .. ...,.,.,, m•. wt ••u ""' '" I • ~ • •• * ..,. "',.,.. •• » ......, ,... ..,. ,,. • -... ....,.. Milfl c.-.ut ._. I ,...Olll('l •• ~ma.-••6&Mll I MIU! ... " ••u ""'° .... ,.,...,,... I I fM -• ,. .... mm at ....... ....-n"' n ,... ,., .. "l .... I MfUC'lllllt M IAt8I .,.,_. • t. ..._. U. ..... • 6 C'.9W.._, .... ..,._ -... ,,._, .. UM:l'I IMlf't IKlrrM rut ._ -.... ....,..-, ._.,. I .mt• .... '9ICUilil"' .....,_ma I I t•fWCMW""1CI I I ... 0...,, ....... ,.. .......... ,.. .......... !.!!!!.. I t f ,_~*1--ltMft .,, "~""'lr•·•\tt1•t, ·--------··--------··-------------· Most pie bakers have a favorite variety of ap- ple for pies Often it's a local variety available dur1ng ha r vest time. · This time of year, fewer varietjes are available. but try combining two or 'three different kinds for interesting texture and navor. Canned applesauce and apple pie filUng are cidd1 tion a l po s .!>1bllllies. If you have mincemeat or candied fruits left over from the holidays. add these to applesauce for a special . treat. • Fried Apple Pies are rich and satisfying. they need no acco mpani- ments. However. cheese lovers u s u a lly a p preciate slices of tangy cht'cse with apples in any form. llol coHee or apple cider makes an appropriate beverage. FRIED APPLESAUCE PIES 2 packages pie crusl mix 111 ounces each) 212 cups sweetened applesauce 1112 cups prepared mincemeat 12 c up c hoppe d walnuts Prepare pie crust mix according to package directions. Roll out crust on a floured surface to 111 ·inch thickness. Cut do u g h into 5 -inch rounds. Mix applesauce. mincemeat and walnuts a nd place a heapin g tables poon on ~ach round of dough. Brush e dg e of dough with water. Fold over, enclos- rng filling and press edges together with the tines of a fork. Place on a tray and chill for 2 hours. Preheat oiJ for frying to 375"F Drop the pies into the hot oil and fry 2 to 3 minutes on each s ide or until golde n brown. Remove with a p ancake turner and drain o n obsor b e nt pape r . Serve warm . Makes 24 Fried Apple Pies. Fresh Apple Vari•· lion : Pe el, cor e and chop 6 medium apples. Mix apples with 2 table- spoons flour, ~ cup brown sugar. l teaspoon cinnamon. ~ cup raisins or walnuts. Proceed as for Applesauce Fried Pies. Makes 24 Fried Apple Pies. Avocado Good For · Salad A firm ••oe•do peeled, HedH and 1Uced -mabl an a · cellent addition to a toaHd lfND salad. A •• dnlllnl for um c:omblaatloa i• mad• wi&la oil, riMp,r, talt, pepper and Just • little ntdnlp or dlW nuee. (j!) -· -~ . t AURA SCUDDER' . (sAvE\ LOOSE ~ CARROTS ~ AYONNAISI ~ ---~ \~ CAMPBELL'S IOMAIOSOUP i! LIQUOR PRICE ·SLASHED 15% 10 25%1 ON JUNE 24TH. 1978. MARKfl BASKET SLASHED LIOUOR PRICES 15\ TO 25\1 MAKE MARKET BASKET HEAD· OUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR uguoR NEEDS. YOU'LL f IND SLASHED PRICES THROUGH UT THE ENTIRE LIOUOR DEPARTMENT. MORE THAN JUST A FEW ADVERTISED SPECIALS .. BIG SAVINGS ON YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS • ,, •• , ~1h ~t, .. u•1• IA II ·N "lt6' .. t I 1-'A ti' "" I fo:f fl A, ~ °'"'' t •t•fhltl , •. J ,,.,, •• '"" CUT & wumo FIH TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS! IUlln IASln IS PIOVllNttG OUI CUSTotlllS wmi ... AlTlhATIYl TO MIGM l llf rtKU. W11lN YOU IUY l ltll lllf AMI Tll fllllrl, " INAIW "' TO sm OVI IRF AT A •uat l.OWll PIKI. llY All rxnn CUT ' flllnl ... , YOUI PUIC.MASf ANO lNJOY Tll mM SAYlMGS Of IUtl IUYING. I · 12 ll . AYG. IONIUSS IRFI• ~WHOLE $269 ~SPEllCER . La. 12·15 ll. AVG. m_;r'.m'·-s2' ~EWY•KS ~ ~•=--· s24 ~SllL• TWtS •••.••• la. ~ IMUl.1... s21 ~== ........ ... ..,........ s3• H!;;iLi lll•DLOlllS .... ~........... s1• ~=······ ....... ... ' .. , .............. ~ ... _,,, .. ,.. .... ......... ._. ,...,,_., ........ t , .................. , • . ,.. .. . ,,,,. . . -. . . . ,. ' .. ' ....... .. "' -..... ' t I - ine >fa 18 ice 92 ce 00 h t 85 f I (}I DM.Y PtLOl 0.-er Sii• C..r•f't I )&ail aaw your cohunn on "h•ih clan Junlt rood1." and ~oo made .ume valid polot.a Many peopl who r.,1 aiit 1'wlnltl and 1u1ared cereaa. to ~ Junk lood utetc~Y IKOO lh ruct that Mom'• cbcH.'Of•l 11 ln tb\l NIUCt ('(IU)p Al the 11amr Umc-I h•v w l(ul r acuuo coo pun 111t.,odtll I lo lbe term " Junk food .·· Therl' 11ren'l any Junk fooda. only JWlky ~•lJOI h•bU M otl diet.a ru l l"Nm rnodate aomtt "f'mply calo r ie1" (whatever that rneam) u looa u un 1ndavedl&.ll a.u auffi clonl ~rotttlo (very ea•)'>, f arboby cl r a 1 t• Ca li o eo1y) and rat <uau.Jly overdone> Only ~ v ry lndolMl or t1oy old J.*>pl are Ukely lo have no room for purely tlnjo,-uble foodJJ supplyina primari- ly calories. Obviously many over do In toWt culoncs, und many make up lhtl lr dul l y die t s lrom low· nutrient foods becauKc they lack mlormuUon or don't care. Muny others, however, eat senKlhly and allow a cuabloo. They ought lo have that freedom, as long ai. they do It knowledgeably. Your article and others atnuing the prop- er method or evaluat· "'' the compoocnu of a d.let -will help m aucb decisions. 1'hc phraso "junk food" really doesn'lhelp, I suspcet. Cof4iaJJy, Howard K . llattHa, P•bllc: ID· formaUea DJreclor, lastll•l• ol Food Tee~Mlo«UU. Dear Mr. JlaUMll - rhank you for comment- mg, but J don't think I :an agrc.-e that "there aren't any junk foods ." When half the populu- fon la overweitthL and 1bes ity la the nation's ~o. l health proble m, 1o m cthlng 1H cleorly .vrong with the food sup· 1ly. Food t.c:.-chnologu;ts - he people who gave us 'op Tarts and Cool Nbip -must sh.are the 1lame for contam ioat- ng lhe menu with too oMny "empty caJorit>S'' c a lories lhut don 't arry lhelr own weight a nutrition that's 1hatitmeans!) No juok foods? 'Junk" means worth· 1.-ss. What better phrase 1 or producl.8 lbat pro· d d e littl e except a lorica t.o an already- .verweigbl population? . The current "back·to· alural" food movement ' an inevitable outcome r the hi gh-calorle bemlcal cuisine of lbe IOs. But food ls a com- ,1lex subject , and many \mericaoa have simply witched from fake Junk ooda to real junk foods. lomemade eboeolate a ke may lute better 1nd coat more tban 'winkles, but it'• aUll a a Inly s ugar. alarcb 1nd fal. It aeema to me that be food tecbnoloty f6eld bould concentrate ill onalderable talent on leveloplna more lower- r• a l or led non -Junk alternatives for the aml liar-bul-fattenln1 avorllcs Americans 1ave grown accuatomed o. W e h ave food ecbnololy to thank for ;ucb welcome addJUou . o 1upermarket 1belv• 11 low-rat cbeelel, low· ·alone rDaJONlalM i nd il lad dre11ln11, diet nar1arlne, no · :boleaterol e11 1ub· 1Ututa1, Upt beer, au1- ar-reduced lam a and ;eme1, b11h·flber bread, eaner wleoen and de· 'au.cl pe....u. MaRJ ol tbHe .... f atteDIDI alternative• are more DUtrltlOUI tbaD th• et•DCl•rd produell. Helpln1 Americana ••t .........,....,, ...... u,........,.,,11_.0I Lb• mott l•.Portant c ba~e• &be food ieelt IUfwlalbe , ..... not &ryln1 to coe•._ * publle tbat J•ak food len't rHllJ Jaak, to IODI H you doll't el& too mucbt ••• With a •umber of, br .... al ...... low· ealorle, lllllt·flber ..._.....,••aUablela -,.,Uflltlleeom·· trr, neatl•• ••lorl•-c••MI•• eook 1 1 re ................... " .-...~ ........ tMo llf J '•lell ... , ... , I ~ .. ' ...... . . . . \ ood r you can m with btRh fib.r bttad How •t>0ut d eaaert ? An o ld fHhlOD d t r a& 111&4' bre•d puddlna tu on new appeal wbeo II • bl1b ln Ober and caJorw Hahl Hu are two cu lty. "~utheSoh And luttef, Heff't Corn to feast Onl" PtJODING • •lir.:• b ah mwr brl•MtJ, dlc4'CJ 6 l bletpoona raisma ~ teM I J>OOO CIO• namoo or pumpldo pl.s aplt~ 3t'QI v. cup hooey l ~ cup-. OT1lTIJIC JUiee l teaapoon vanllla v. teupoon u lt Spray a 1m all non stick io.tf pin with cook- In& apray Olce bread (cao be •ll&hlly 1tale>. Combine bread with r1l1loa in loaf pan. 1prinkle wilh »plce, mix well. Combine remain· Ina tnarodlenh In blender, processor or eleetr1c mixer bowl and Stick Margarine lml 1-lb. .. Carton beat untll blended. Pour over bread. Set the loaf pan in a lar1er p•n. add boUlnc water to the laraer pan. Slide u..., p1m lnlo a preheated 3~· de1ree oven. Bue ~ to 46 mlDUtes, Ju.tit unUI set <until a knife Jrwert..wl in the center eomes out clean). KakelS alx 1erv- ins1. about 170 calorle11 each. S PICED CHOCOLATll; B&t!AD PlJDDING 4 slices blab-fiber bread, diced 6 tabl es p oons rablna, IOlden ~ t easpoon cin- namon or pumpkin piu mix 2 cu.-eo&d water California Grown, Foster Fanni Fr .. h WhOleBodV 3 t-UB, aeparawd 6 tabl4 poona honey l t.eupoon vanllla 3 enve lopea b ot coco• (low-calor ie> C"Jr chocola te mllkahake mil Clow-calorie) l cup bolUng water ~ teaspoon aalt C ombine bread . <See 8UJI, P11e CS) I v Monterey Jack Paper Towels So....,,a_.. S afeway Fresh Produce Buys! ~:!!1169 _,,~· ..,, Wetehh lb. -~49c U -Sq. • Ft. toll Saf,~way Inflation Fighter Special! ,,-. Apple Juice Beef Patty Mix ""' Sii• , ......... A Tender and "-hi Defwtpnt Tree Top \'-lllR:t I 149 C-•1.u-4 11...4 OfO•-"" .......... 19., ...... V•e••<obl. c ~~~149 ... I Oollon ,, ... laladOll lb. Nu Mode Honeydew Melona"-f ... •llllCh Spinach .. "::. L•l'9• Awocacloa~':" .... Sprouts-:=- .. a .. ......... 25' _,,3 .. •99c 24-oa. loltl• Check Out The ~Hso?c~ Beef At Safeway i:-9> ~s:!:!'!... '!....~!!-........ lb .• , 79 •. 3 .. ·-··· Whit• 30 Ille• Breacl ~~~.bun<h2 9c ~!~~ ...... tb. 2 9c ...... .. ... lracleWhlp ~":~~~..., 49c ~~···•· 39c Safeway Lenten Suggeltions! .. ~ , ....... ....i Cup 0 lloocllis Kroft a-.. Spread '239 ')-2 .... · ...... sh6Chlps lloocll•• Taw"""'-•WW. ~~·~L•1 3• :.r..~s9• Liquor and Wine Buy• ,,.. lffoKIW .... u--4 .................... ·-.............. Se6.o ........ Cuffy Sark ... ,,... .~h 1710 750-ml • ~ Old Crow Straight '4" .... ..,,.. Bourbon. 750-ml~ • =~~~···· 1.5-Ut9r'2" s; Almaden 1.5-12" Mountlln IUguncty ... Uter Aaplrln ....... . • ...... a9• "' ..• Gin or Vodka m=fi:.•10• nut Buffer ._, •-t -Sc.tch luy ~L'l99 Jar Safeway Good Buya! -.--.:'ill Frlskles •!a·~~!!.~.!~! lb. '209 ~~!~ut~.!~~~b .• , •• --BeefStewMeat '2" -~ ....... &aooo CwlM•. "·····-····-···· .. ••• .. •• •• Skin less lmoked Franks Picnics Veal Steaks ···••d, Sohway lf'Oft4 ~ .. •1•• r.~.~l~ ~~!!~o.53C =~~.~~g~·oz.Pkg~1 59 Little Slzzl&iS.Frozen s119 HOf'mel Pork Sausage .... 14·oz.Pkg. ~~e~B=: .. ~.~~~ .. lb. 1189 Still Time 1'o Play & Win ... Jn lllS1lll1 mlGO .... ··-..... , ...... 111. ........................... 171 ................................... ~ •• ...,. .... °'-... ......... C--..l1 62),9'14J.ia.. C-W,,....,..{IS). Thl•1M••-lerilt..._.vt,~te encl A,.tl 1, 1979. It ....... fkloley .~. fteW9"f, wt.en ol tklwta .,. ttlet~ted, Whofe 99 rork Shouldof c ~lb. (Slked & Tled ... lb. '1.09) Catfish Steaks .. •1•• ~~~!~~'~!~~.~~~~ s42e Haddock Fillets ,1ee Captain's Choice, Heat and Eat lb. ~~~~m~aj.~.~~.~~z0:0.11 79 Fishsticks 1129 Captain's Choice Ff'ozen.14-oz Pkg. Dodger Tickets Half Pric:e Sale! (In Loe Angeiee a Or.,. C:O..ftty) lA ~ (Ve) Neut,_ Atttet 11t ~ Stedium M.n., Aprtl 1', 7130 l"ular •....-v-4 s.c...... Seat• ').so New Onfy ... -~'~' ........ , ..... ......... (l)lelllttl211 • llodacolo• Fiim .::::.:~ .. .... • .. Oltiy ...... ,. r'\•• .... . ,, I .. IU a IH :c 2 e 0 l ~ FOOD ..... . . DAILY PILOT CS Szechuan Chicken Easy to Make Arnvln.: tn th Unll peppeT llU<"e auce. Add to 1 klllttl ed Stat«':I a few )Ur z C\IPJ Jullennt' cu with carrou. SUr fry 3 befort' tht> diplomata rota mi nute . Add 1n ow rooct rrom th Stt"cbuan 1 p 1 c k a 1 " c 6 peH. atlr fry 2 mlnut~a Pro~mc or h•n• bu ouncea) rrozen aoow lon1er Servt' hot, with c rept into th buru Qf p ~a a . th 1 wt' d • n d cooked n c • U desired, Am~ri c-a na "ho lov drained serve with addltlona l food With navor Spicy. Coollf!d nc Tab11co 11uce. Yield 6 hol , ateamlo& hk•• In a wok or lar1~ n rvlnu t h e c I 1 m u t o r klll~t. ovM blah b at. POU Pal£D &ICE Siechuun ooc«.> tut hut 01t Add 1arllc. 1,1, cup ve&etatble oll t'<I, nt>ver for«Ollcm Tht' aaute 1 mlnut e . Add 2 clo ves aarllc , fl avor <'Omt~ from tb chic ken . atlr·fry unUI minced bot chlll pepp r and plecea tu.rn white Com 4 CUPI bolled n ee al pepperroms which are bine aoy aauee, &berry. le11t 1 ~old 1&1edlnlhe s11uc•t-s u11 r. co rns tarch , ~cup diced cooked v. <'UP IOY aauce 2 ta bleapoona dry abtrry ~ teupoon 1round atnaer \.\ teaspoon Tabaaco pepper uuce I 2 e1tc11. beaten 2 tab&etpoona finely chopped parsley add ha m , atlr·fry 1 minute, atlr Into rice. Combine soy sauce , 1 herry , gin1er a nd Tabasco sauce; pour over rice. ltlrrinc to mix well. Puab mixture to slde of wok; edd beat.en eggs. Stir until •IP are aet, then break into smaU pieces and stir In· to rice mixture. Serve hot, s prinkled with parsley. If desired, serve wltb additional Tabasco sauce. Yield: e servings. Bring detente· to your dinner table with these new recipes from Szechuan Province in China. Szechuan Chicken ia an easy-to-prepare but impossible-to- forget dish. ' In a wok or large 1klllet, over high heat, heal oll. Add garlic ; aaute 1 minute . Add rice, stlr until 1ralna separate and rice la bot. Pu ab rice to side or wok ; Our Sieehutan Chicken ga ogn and Tabasco ham« pork •• anlUIDllY •h.)' to r------------------_,..-------------------------------------------prep.tre, Uk I j u~t m1nuU-S to cook. and ls budget w1ae. The secret o f tht> recipe i the s a uct! a romat ic.-and spicy T ab .. sco pepper s auct.-. blendt>d with ginger, sherry and a rew other mgredat!nts, bnng~ the flavor of Szechuan Province cui sine to your table. The sume sauce recipe may be used for many other dishes. It would s park beef or pork, for example. Even leftover cooked meats could substitute I for chicken. Restaurants specializing in Szechuan dishes lis t the m a s 1 "Hot" or ''Very Hol." 1 You can cater to dif· • ferent palates at home I by bringing the bottle or I Tabasco sauce to the l a· ble for those with a taste j for maximum spiciness. I Pork Fried Rice is a variation using lhe same · spicy sauce. Jt calls for I pre.cooked m e at and rice. making it a quick· to-prepare dish which will elevate a meal from humdcum to memora· 1 b l e . T.ry t h ese two I specialities and see if a little spice in your cook-I mg doesn't bring detente I What's · making beef prices go UP? I to your dinner table. . • ( SZECHUANCHICKEN ./fi ·l l 14 cup vegetable oil 1.r1. 2 c loves garlic, minced 2 chicken breasts, boned and s kinned, cut mto thin stnps •1 .. cup soy sauce 2 tablespoons dry sherry l teaspoon sugar l teaspoon corn· s tarch ~ teaspoon ground ginger If.I teaspoon Tabasco .Slim (From Page C4) r aisins and s pice: stir to~ether. Combine cold water, egg yolks, honey, vanilla and chocolate mix in blender, mixer bowl or processor. Beal on high speed until well· mixed. While beating. s l owly a d d boil i n g water. Stir into bread· raisin mixture. Combine egg whites and salt in a clean clec· I tric mixer bowl DO J NOT USE A PLASTIC BOWL. You could blame It on the weather. But most1y It's a factor of the laW of supply and demand, coupled with Inflation. Beef production has steadily decreased from the record high levels of 1976, When escalated feed costs forced growers to send a maJoritv of their herds to market. Harsh storms over the last two winters <not to mention Intense summer drought conditions> resulted In fewer cattle being sent to market. Yet the level of spendable Income has Increased, and so has our demand for beef. It takes nine months tor a calf to be born. Then, It's another 18 to 24 months before it's matured and fattened proper1y. This means a total of three years for supplies to even begin to meet u::o<I demand. In the 1r6TH& meantime, ~. ~ cattlemen -'-' ··11'"1, oencatessen are holding back cows to replenish their herds; and until these herds are back up In number, beef prices are expected to be higher than we'd like. vou need Lucky now more than ever. At LUCkV. even with wholesale beef prices being what they are, vou·n continue to find the best buys on beef at lower prices overall. That's because we sell beef In large volume week after week, and tack on a lower profit percentage than most other stores. In addition, we offer fresh pork and poultry items at prices so low, it's easy to consider an alternative to the high cost of beef. For a dinner with a difference ... May we recommend for this week: Swift's Butterball Turkeys, . ' young duct<lings and Cornish Game Hens, all at Lucky 's low discount prices. every Item In Luck'{'s meatcase is guaranteed to deliver Qualltv to your table, or your money back! Get to the meat of your budget with Luck'{'s overall low prices. They mean a lower food total fOr you, and that's what discount Is all about. Dairy & Frozen LEO'S !SLICED MEATS ~~~ .. 49 !WHIPPED TOPPING 59 LAOY&.EE ..... 13'hOZ CTN e GO Wll/.'f, ALl I !'If~ ~ T Al'a>•JOtlU~ tS ~WI. .. t PO f',V F\ESf., lf!e1NO l~"W£ ~ ... ~n:: .. s.umi:i~ BUr l'<m<J" """'JC""''~ l«JIJ> _, • ...,. "•CUllSQ\'Js n• w .....w,..r ...:o. """'"P .,_...~·~Aif"C'JUl: .. I W11. r SO... S IOEUIASA l> • .. ...... .. .. ..... 1JOlJICi 1. 77 b ~~.uoz~.79 HOFFYFIMKS b U>S vtCAS. • • • • • 11 Ol '°'"' 1. 45 l ~~~~.~Ol.~.89 Lenten ldeaS ORANGE P~c;! 99· 0 CONCamfATE ...... 160Z.CANe . With clean beaters, beat egg whiles until peaks form. Gently fold egg whites into bread mixture. Turn into a six· cup casserole which has been sprayed with cook· ing s pray. Set t h e casserole In a lar ger pan partly filled with bot water. Pul the pan in a pre heate d 350·degree oven and bake SO lo 60 minutes, until set. Makes s ix servings, about 195 calories each . Fresh Meats Fresh Meats canned & Packaged .;SUNSHINE Here's a wide·awake idea: GOOD MORNING HJGH·nBEB F&ENCH TOAST 2 slices high.fiber bread 'h cup skim milk t egg o ptional : s alt, vanllla to taste The night before, put bread slices slde·bY·•ide in a shallow pa.a . .Beat I remaining ingredients I to1etber and pour over bread. Cover w'itb foll an• s tore in refrl1.erator. la tbe mornlDt remove from refrl1erator. Spray a noa-11.kS *1llet or frJ· tn1 paa wllb cookla1 1pra1 for no-fat fryia1. Heat pu over moderate name. UIAlll a 1patula, .-u1Uft..udllre9d from paa to tbe bot 1klllet, .... t•"'!:S ODff, tmt8 1lrvwa crl1p on botb 1lde1. (lpnad u,lltlJ witlt low· 1•1•r preaer•••· or ................... etaaamon-1pleecl, uat" 1.....C11 d y:-nce, I · de1lred. > all•• on• ....... ulor* (re --: .., two lllcee N ......... ), CORNISH ~~=~ .. a139 TUllCEY llEASTS ==-~~ .. ~.~ ... !~-.."!~1.1 .. 59 IONll.mNtllY ARQ.llt, 't'OUlllG, ., 1.1&., llOBN. • 1.1.1. 58 OIOUNDNtllY l'l:N1 ............. , ......... 1Lt.IOU•98 POIKLOIN~ i1UOIO,WT,MI09!QIT ........ POllUtt1'llll -48 COUllllWtrM,•l!IOIOlltlOlll,ll.1. POii LOIN •CHOPS ..................................... 1.88 POllLOIN0t0n· ~ ..................... 11.1.98 alCICINSPLlf mMTS :~~~~~· .......... 1.19 DIUMSTICllOIMQtl 111'1'111110.-.CIMOIA •••••• , .. , •• l&..99 lllTOPTMIPIYR =r~=r.t.\.s~r. ..... 98 ILICID._ Ltva ................................ 1.11 ...... .. .......... ~ ... ~~eox.89 1~~~.~.39 b ~~.~~. 110Z.CM.39 b ~.~ .... IOZ.9011.09 lllllAUDllMS A ...................... JIOZ.CM.69 r GIANOLA IMS 99 l> *"'9WIUIY,4VM. ••• tOOZ.PC,. r POTATO IUDS 1; emvaioo. ....... aar.•1.37 r Oil MONTE llMS I; -.MOii '"'90t . .. tlOI. CM. 35 ,MAMC#IOY l> MMIUMmOllllMI 1soz. .... 1.69 I ~.,Jll ... ~.1.29 r II ld&i DIMS 79 ll llUlf. •fUlllllS. ....... Ill OZ. CMI • ...... -··r"""' L ~~~••OLrn...69 ~~.~ ...... 1.12.48 SNOWCRAI a.usmrs fllOml • ... • .. ... .Lt 2.49 MAHI MAHI FIUIT RIOlBI • .. .. ... .. • • .. • • .. • • ... Lt 1. 29 ~.~.~~. 1.1 1.58 ~:!~~PKG 1.98 Health a Beauty AldS WHITE RAIN HAii SPIAY A ~.~.~toz.SD 1.19 l ~~~~~-1.59 to WCNOIA LOTION 9 ll llCulM. UICMllO ... 1001 ~ 1.1 l !2'!~ ..... soun.89 l ~.~.~.mr1.09 HAWAIIAN · PINEAPPLE 69 RR. aAOYTOfAT IA.e HONEYDEW ~IATJGl.e39 Liquor SAVE 10%-BUY A CASll A 10..0ISCOUNTISG~ONFUll CASE PUllCHASES OF WINE & SNfTS. «EY BUY ITEMS EXClUOEOI. r ICAMOtATICA VODKA I; '°"°°' ....... I 1'llfll.~ 7 .99 MAMSCHEWITZWM L m;:...,~llUl(lt,::r,1\.1 .99 to OORDON'S CIN b IOl'llOOf ......... 17'1TI ~9.99 FRESH ~~~~ .. 79 RUSSET ~~~ .. ll .• 16 ... what discount Is all about! "''...,,.. """'- '''" 91! n II '"8 ITM&T , ..... ...-. .... ' - ln e of a 18 lice 92 fee 00 h t 65 r ' co Ml .. Q DA.IL Y PILOT Wtdnetdly, MlfCh 28, 1879 FOOD Brunch P-erfect for Enter.taining A brunch party, especially one with a Mexican flair, can be a simple way to entertain sunrise guests. Greet them with a hearty meal of ham and raisins In spiced sauce. Mex/call Sunrise Eggs and Brunc h tha t In Hlwttn m al that c l'l ttretch all the way rrom tuor' to nlld •fteJ"DO<>O can be • SM"rf t tlmt to f'nt rtaan IUC'Rl• A bt"arty C'Omblnution or brtakl .. l and lunt h un b ea t••r o n th c- bo1t Al than th tradl t1 o n1I dlnn r party . HAM AND &Alf\IN I SPI ED. AU('E .. rr .. ,h frou n or cookt!d rlc . Mall 1 1ht s~rvlnp Mt; I ALI 8 Nal E F. .G 1 un '10 ounc a > ent'hllada aauc l 4 <'UP tom•lo pHl J l1rg ~ o n1 u n , chopptid nne t l'IO Vt' gotllC' cbopJ)l'd r1rw I t ab l e s p oon chopJM'd &Jkr If)' I teaapoon 1uaar 1t.eaapoon11Jt ._,. te .. poon 1round r lrtnamoo ~ tH1poon around rlov•t Freshly tcro und bla<'k ~p~r to taate Cooktna oil I tablt>t poon red win•• v1neltar or cider vme1ar 'o mblne t'nchllada sauce. tomato pute. c userole : 11et ulde. onion, IJMrllc. paritley. Roll •U• for 10 mlnulea aucar. Hit and apfcea; according lo favorite puru In batches In method: drain and cov· blender or food proc· er with cold water to eaaor Llahtly oil bot· a t op cook Inc . Shell tom of lar1 skillet and carefully and add to add pune; bring lo boll. cooked puree. Heat ens . lmmediaWly lower heat and sauce over very low and toe>ll, atlrrlng con· be•l Jual until both are 1t1ntly. 5 mlnulH. Add he ated lbroucb. Serve vine1ar Pour mixture with hot cooked rice. into flam e pr o of Make111iuervings, hot fluffy rice. <•nnt>d <·0 1 n tt1rt1 lhu. --.--~-~~------================::::;:===========;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;miiiii;;iiii9miii;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRiiiiim'9i'iiiii <'ooillnl( 011 2 t'DD~ I t OUD('<'a toCh I l tlN IUIUI.'~ 1 .. r up t'hk kt•n broth z tablt• poo11a r ttd v.1 ne 111 lt'D"poon all. p1r t I euv rc.11r.1n' J cu~ l'ubt"tl t-ooktd ha m cabout 11., pounda I J ~, I IA b I 1· p o o n " cornstan ·h 2 t ~blt•111mona rold water Cul tortallu~ 1nl11 thin 1lr11•s and r n :ir> an hot 011 1 n s k 111 to t I) r fM.O o n papn towela and re ter ve Combine taco sauct', chll'ke n broth, wine and allsplce, cook over low heat until hot Add ra1s1ns and ham, continue cooking unlal ht>ated throug h Blend co rnsta rch with cold water . stir into ham m i xture Cook unl1I uuce thickens Serve lmmedJalely. garnished with crisp tortilla strips, and accompanied by hot Applesauce Versatile, Convenient The most versatile of converuence foods has lo be a pplesa uce ll 's a t home on th<' breakfas t t able as Wt'll as for lunch and dinnt•r . rt mak es a fine 11ccom pan1mcnl fo r meal and a fine base for sauces and chulney M a n y good coo k s lt'<.t m 1l with squas h, 't W<'<'l pot:t l <H!S and !w ans as well :.is usinu it m gehtin salads . It becomes the liquid a s w e ll a s fla vo r in qu1ckbre<.1ds , cakes and cookies And the poten -Ual for dess •rts Is un- bmltcd. Available 1n chunky as well as smooth ver sions, a p1>l csa u cc c an b e purchased in a variety of s izes of containe r s runging from one cup (8 ounces> lo over 6 cups I 50 ounc<'~ l Wh ethn th(' family 1s large or small. lhen •'s a size to f 1 l a II ncc·ds· If you prcf<'r 1l un· swcclcnL'<i, look for that mformal10n on the htbcl. And if you're hankering to make an apple pie, look for Apple Pie Fill· ing In a can or Jar a nd th e appl c11 wi ll be peeled. cored, s liced, seasoned and precooked, ready to go between 2 crusts. Creative cooks turn out delicious breads and d esserts, pic king up rtaky bisfults and dinner rolls at the refrigerated s ection s o f the supermarket. Following are some s uggestions f or combi nio a ap · plesauce with conve- n I e nce r efrige rated doughs: • Cut naky biscuits In· to 4 pieces, roll each piece In melted butter or margarine; then In a mixture o sugar and cinnamon. Scatter over hot applesauce In a ba1c. Ing dish. Bake al 375• F. for 20 minutes. Serve warm with pourin1 cr eam . • To concentrate navor and thicken ap· pleaauce, cook for 10 t.o 15 minutes over medium h eat, uncovered. Add walnu t•. ca nd led 11n1er, ral1lna or cur· tantt and UM al f11Un8 for crescent rolll1 tart• 9r fried plea anape d from refr11erated dinner rolls. • llalle an Up1lde Down Apple Cobbler UI· tq aa t.IDcb eal&e pan, butter It well, .,....d hont1 nenlj 09tl' the bottom. Add 1llce1 of freab apple 41DMCI In lemon )utce, lop th• 1Hce1 with t0ncntra&ed -ppleuuce and arraqe refrl1erated bllcult• oHr au. Bak• at n:r I'. 'or ao mtnuttt or unUI lold4fn brown. Invert on I 1ervtn1 plale end Hrve with v.nUla Ice ertam. • Cut up date• and .............. &ocoa· eeatrated ellu1k1 ap· ;;--· Uoo la I flU· for eNMmt rolla or etelke. ' I ..... ,_AU .. •r•na-a. .... ., lOCAft8 Al' IJIM ,. ...... __ ,. .. ,. ."' .... ' r U&•--MG " ___ _.. ... ,. ----.......... ,. ... . ......... , _ _..,, ........ . ···'""••I.I ..... ·-··~···· -· ............... -·· .J del.i. ~-'··-····•'"' •nnos '°'°' ,.o ~OllO••' COOIED HAM >-01 H o u 49c u 79c LENTEN SPECIALS c .... RIB ROAST LAROE END s1•! TAaU ••••• BACON HS.PKG. FRESH LAMB SALE USOA INSPECTEO SMALL LO* CMOP Siil.OHi ClllPS t:~ 111c•s SHU.DER IUDE CHOPS SllOllDH CHOPS :::0 tJm LEGS U~lf LA• I.I 'zte ll '2H u 'r' ,. '2" f I ~ \'!" II l ltt II 1]41 IOI.OONA 1-<ll ,.o l• s 1 ° 5 ·-···-"""'-'O'l"f' SJ 0 , llOWN w SEIYI 1-<>l N O lA l• 59c '"'"''llOllll $13• COOllD SHRIMP 1-0/ .... o IA °' ¥111G .... A•tl-0l "'G ••• .... namr• •u ·11.•0I t ut • 107 '"' .... Dl tu• •• $11 • ....__ ______ t_• __ __, c.CK ltOAST II C..cK SftAK .. -·---Oii"°' $14' "NN SAUSAGE u iUiiOiF1un l l $-1 1' awon \ •1•• •t.• • t HUC• • -• _, $139 llCU • C-• • llONlll '" $ i •• uzn •a• ,,o, ... o t• NT ltOAST .. SHOU .... • ... ST •B H()flY•IUCl D •1•• IW•Cl<llC• ,,., MH •I AllGlt;;(!'-t H s1•• OllCM-Vftl•ll.ICtO $14' IOLOGNA •H>Z l'•Cl (A $23' •ac .. '"~"'· "' 7-a-HAST •• ••••na1< ·~9"(110ll11 ICELANDIC COD fllCllH FllOU" • ClUSTfll' SNOW CUI ~M-YCJl•ll-M>l)Alll OllM.U $1 '' VAllm PACI ij"S' t• " ,l. s2•• IWl41•&UC::IO •1 •• tlltll•""°''OIXCH D»"''"' 'I" MU •IM&ll tNn l tt $239 aACON , .. ,.o •• UA•M-IED ll ••••OAST OUllUOUl•lll C&" •11• IH••IOHflL&S 'I" ····-ltNO IM •2•• cat• 11AM .• snw MaAT .. ••• snaK u t c 11.iN11noN • L•TE 68C ORANGE MARMALADE .. "'"'"'! 10.01 11: CHUNK IUllA .... . .. e ~oz RED RASPBERRY =·:v11 L 1 \ I •.OZ 51.34 rf!(i l'OSAAITA 45 DREAM WHIP • .o, 51.12 ~REFRIED BEAllS ... . 20-oz. c DETERGENT ~rYl ! • ..Ol 51.34 I~ Sl<IPPY•PCTSTCW • 2· 2c ~mRGEMT l~•ll ! .. O•l 52.53 'l!T.l~I~ . i 'f , -~ 19c ·f: I " 't.~-APPLES · ~ U lf!jL fANCY • WA~l..OION • OOlOEN • OCI ICIOU'> DOI FOOD . . . . . . ........ , ... oz DRY tllYU 49c CAT FOOD lftr&C14USCOll FRISl!IE •DINNERS, OR MAGIC SAUCE CUll[S · lllHA &COO n ot . I DOG FOOD .. .. .. ........ '"' Sf 14 BEAUTY BAR : .. _.. ! .... , 47' SHROOMS I SUNSHINC 93 LUX LIQUID • 11 01 83t Pi'tiEAPP*L('"'*' •• •• 69( ~~I AN<;Y•FRE?•· rfH(ir R 29c LU . HYDROX (001(115 ... IM>L c FABRIC RINSE ... "'" .. ! .. o, &r PEAR'S ." .. ~. .• 34c 59c I OIAL ·AOU•.OOLDOAWHtTE 38c FORMULA 409 CLEANER ~ .. o •• sl.51 cucu6Ma£jis"~ .. 19• l" BA TH SOAP ................. •~>l PINEAPPLE tMttrr•M•N~ I tnn1 50c ----------\ I PINESOL TOFFIFAY CLEANER .. . . "oz aac ~ CANOY ~--~-~-----~-------- SCOTIISH HEATHER IN4"POT I iii L vi c itl c KL ES .... n-oz 95c LOW FAT MILK ~:::r.m~o I '"" 35: 11,.,,r & 11 im• sp,.t'i•/,, , • MUSHROOM SOUP 'AMrMl II I on •I •JI 26 MICHllOI 1111 MIRACLE WHIP . · SllPPY C!EAMY ow PINEAPPLE :::.. 1 M•l' 60c t ~\·~lt'1 ~~:~~. SALAD DRESSING t CllUNIY PEANUT IU11ll APPLE JUICE ,:·:· ~·.:u~ ~ ... , 1.~ ~ ~~ ~ s 1 •! t I·~ t 1 •• JUICE D~ltl ,1~~·~··· • "°' 75 . ~ ' . Low-Low Frozen Food Prices PRCSCRYfS ··"1"' 11 "''""' ···" c ILUI •••WINI .. ., .. N SMUCKERS 94 I ~ CHILI W/BEA S ·~·.. ·~"' 65c I s3u0199 . DUTCH APPLE ~~!~C:.",1t ! 1--01 s 11' SMALL RED BEANS ·~~·. t .... , 61 ° ~ PUMPKIN PIE .o.110.. ! nor s 1 St BIHi BEANS ~,:~:~· .. MU• • .. ••• , 2t' "'11,':,'~::1~~·/J~~J:•U CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS =~~·~1 .. ~l 11• UVIOLI ~:l\···"11" t .. , 60° GRAPEFRUIT JUICE t•tUWfll I ttOZ. 65• PICAITE SAUCE U \11 ggc WAGNA ::.::r~ .. 1...... 21-C)l s2 11 SALISBURY DINNER OllCCHOJMff I ,~, $1 2' SAUSAGE PIZZA -mun . f u oL $2 3' DELUXE PIZZA Ct'lllTl .. f .. . 2Jt.Ol . •2•• BONED TIOUT ow•.,... .1 .... 1001, • 1 n llNG CUI MEAT ... ....,,. M>l. '4'' SNOW CIA•EAT •MINUl .. 1 .. s3 2• ... s2s3 PEPPLE .. ,~. I PAllCAKE MIX =~·="~--I ... at BISCUIT MIX .. ~~~ I WOI 51.32 SALT =o:i-no I M ot 21c s• ..... _. 1 .. ~, st84 , . ................................ ., .. ..... ~ ....... _. ............. .......... ~ ....................... . ...... ...... .................. ._., ... .... _... ...................... ........ I ..... ...,..M~ ...... . PllCIS lfflC. 7 FULL DAYS, MAI. 29·31 API. 1-4, 1979 I Huntk I .... , 44c t-t•• t 1a,~U\••t ... , TOMA TO SAUCI .. ... " .... fOMATIMS . .. ,., 41 c ..... TOMATO SAUCI "'"' 93c •ITCMU, ""' ~~~-·· '1" SPAOMlm SAUCI ,..,, , ........ ,. 93c ~Oil 0 <'# .u#ISCllWll/ msom SPlCIAIS MATZO .... '3" MATZO SINGLES MATZO MEAL BORSCHT GEFIL TE FISH Purex ". 7gc "• 79c '"' 85' l t U/ '1" 0()0\H M )f I s 1 n FAlllCSOnlNH f ..... , """' · ........ .,, .. · ....... s2 u DfTHGINT 9 ""' .. -· DITllGINT ! ""' 99c ,UllX IUACH ! O•l 65C POTATllS ::.·.;: •• ~ ,,. .,,w caaJJ[ msflS =~····-,r.: '1'1 •sru lmllS ::-::::;-... ··I .... 'I" Clfft( ::~'::.i ,.-.::. • Cl'f[( U'!•,:.t..:.~· SIZllEAll =:: ..•• , ,, .... ... ,,,. I of 1411 .,.~, .,.. • • c • • b t• 8 a • ti ~ 0 . . . . C ~:-:O-::M:-:1c_s_1 C_R_o_s_sw.....:.o_R.;;.o ______________________ ,:_ _____ ..,. ........ ________ w...ww_i.y. Mruch 26. 1n~ _____ oA_1L_v_PfL_o_r _C1_ MARMADUKE by lrld .......... PUNKY WINKERllAN r----..-.~ ........ ----..... ----...... "Meet my adviser on purchases from door·to-door aole1menl " SUPERHEROES TMA* FOR. P\.AY1"6 TltUANT ()l(lllCllfl, ~pt:/IGIMNI ~~;...1 SHOE MOON MULLINS By Ril Kcont~ "Eddie's family hen a machine that watchn TV for ·them.'' DENNIS THE MENACE ~fll.J I@) l JUbT ~ A LlfiU: L.AmcR l~TO 1HE ffiL..M OF tN.J HANO-,__ _ _, ,_ ___ ..., MI SS PEACH I MAO AN #f'll(· tGHOOL J09 'OC A WMILI ... l~INAN JNTONAT~L.. GINTWI', ~'A CMtNA Al'"-'llf'f SP•GIA&.lf T'. by Jeff MacNetl by Ferd & Tom Johnson GORDO JUDGE PARKER ~ . '::.Li,~ ' o~so~fr ( ' J ' FINE ... euT OOM'Tllf 100 IDHh! W'fEU. 8E twirtb OIMNU flMORTLV I TUMBLEWEEDS POCKJ POCK! I 1141Nt( I rlJU.l!P A HAMS1WIN& IN M1tl ftlf11'f NANCY WOW···I FOUNO e10··· l THINK l 1L.L fAT IN A t'ANCY Re6TAURANT SORl'Y···YOU CAN'T OINe Hll!AI! WITHOUT A Tlf. DRABBLE ltltu., ~"417'4, ·nus 1':. flte ~IUSfAl't1t omc.t I °1"1-S IS ~~E t wK11't: Vf:Of'l.E AR£ UWAll.'4 fWtJllJ(J IN E~C.f{'f v1~ut10tJ, ~t1N£r '0 ~ A flRS~"''4 MC1't(LtS ! DR. SMOCK tL.A"1'> PAPER \ He's .;us~ eN-rE!!RING "T'H6 e>u 1t..c:>1 NG, POC"T'OR POt..t..E!!Y! HIT -rHE! "FAST'" euT-rON FOR THE? RE!!VO t..VING c:>OOR .' MOTLEY'S CREW )OcJ ~. ! 'THINK 'NE CAM~ 1'0 1H~ ~Pt.AC~. by Harold Le Doux bv Tom K. Ryan ~ .. , ~ by Emle """mllltr PEANUTS ~•I ··~~~ l ·.U _..;~;.... 'fMAfS NEii., OUR £Ort~ ~·s ~-. W{(1n~ A 'S(~INU (O\fO~IAL A6a.1f ~ l.OtJm::Ht(<;1&1.. 19S"!. ••14 U"'l<ICI I o•IUI• u MAYO CLINIC by Chirles M. Schulz by Kevin Fagan l.l\4At ·c, A 1141t0:· t.~R ~O 1'\C At.i1t.l(J "CW£1t~t:l(;~rr? .i Ji t' d • ... by George Lemont SO .MUCH FOR MY -rRY AT "T'HE! e>tG- TIME! .1 ...... " J.21 by Templeton & Forman TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS I Ph11 ~ Motor 1><H I tO Now" 14 Fin.ii no11c;o l'i Agav1• t8 Lily II Auumblod .tg.i1n 19 Mrx 11t1mcal ~ Cotrodnd ~· 011' uo111 c;om ~1 Rtoull ~I Mort • pl· '1U1l nl 61 Mild UK• pll'llYI' 6' Ro11llcU· ruu111111 64 r11·111 Comb XI 0k1 .1u10, lt>rm r• IJ &'1 At1,1<.k ?I An1u1u11v 6f1 M•1 Moreno T.rWilfil•· rrhll 61 5oom1111yor ll!r Gii Equ11111 ?~ Pr1or 10 fl'I Road 11gn i't1 -•,t•J DOWN 111 -r.111¥•1 I Wino 14 r 111>0001.1n ? Ov1•r Our J~ Army 11llh1 ) IQnH()U'I II Cl'lmoo•.1111m rotk .~ Wheln 4 Orriomunlcd Comh lorro ~ R11,m>nob10 l9 Foll 6 $1gns 41 LoM on ' t On1 city Big -8 M1rgar1no 42 Lovo It fl Kind of bird 4A Hurrloo 10 Sincere 4'1 r on5o t I ice mass 46 C1rna<1111n 12 WM one1 radar 11nu 11 V18u,.ll1M 'wo1ds 18 An111oxint1 48 f1utunt1111 '2 PtHCll(l(J •• UNlffO fo,11ur11 Sy11d11. .. 111 ruo·.day t. Puulo Solvuo ,4 Alo nol~1ly 47 C<lroln1'1 16 Compcl'lllrS' 49 lOS'lur QP Sun<J,11'llan11 11 01ooro!lm 5? Habit 28 Boaro " Harom 2 wore.I'\ room·1 30 Wint plf<.IW S4 Co11~ 3t Of 11 l>Ody ~b Wou1I duct ~ Sono 0111 3' Th1I 1~· Lattn !Ill Monogro1n1 33 Coins part· Abllr 36 Know1na ~ Ou1n1d1! J9 81101 llghl Proh1 .a T auohl 80 Obta111 43 Nuc.loar -eJ -Woo 4!1 V•110 makort1 Roo110 ... -· ... .,_._ ..... ,. .... I DAA. Y Ptt.OT w~. Mwch 21. 1111 Club Calenda~ LIBllARV WEEK: Sh ·ryl Monroe. creator Of a new j lune. "Hcun100," Wlll peak at 3 30 p m. &t the COita M a Branch U.bruy, 566 Center St. Bookm ark awards WlU be 1tv n At lO a m. Tbursduy Apnl s. Friends ot th~ ost• M a ubrarif' Wiii have • coffee at ("f'nttr Slrttt library Loi& Cano, who hub fituched the hie ol M1cht'lana lo, will apu1' BET 'IGM PHI : t\rt a uc>tlon I "cbtdult'<1 ut 1 p n•. S:Hurtluy, March 31. an th S11ota AM• l<:lks Club 'flckf't.s may be pur<'hu cd at the door Proct't"<li. ~ 111 bcndtt the Cy5lk Fibroeia 1''oundallon E•B•OID£a t.:a s· G 11.D : 1o;xh1b1t of mtimbt"f'8' work wall l4kt-ploce from 9 a m to ~ p m. Saturday, Ma.r<'h 31. at the Uunllnaton llt•aeh Ubrary, and from noon to 5 pm Sund fil)' a nd Monday, Apnl 1 and 2 C'ONCt :aro COMPETITION: The ninth youn)( urtlat concf'rto comp..•t1l1on, sponsored by the Or~e Brnm•h. Mu1>1c Tt•uctwn; Ai.socu•lion or Cahfotnla. IS Sd •c-dult'd &It Chapman Coll<'fW May 20 Mu icians 21 und under may com pete Rt:gastrat.ioo deadltn~ 1s Ma)' 6 Informal.Jon Lt-ath Millt>n . 525 5462. or t:lu rne Dysu1 l, 633·9677 MEDEL.LAS: A hair and fastuon s how 1i. ~whl"duled at 11 a m Monday, Apnl 2, an Los ·Coyotes Country Club, Buena Park. Proceeds wall be used !or scholu.r~hiPti Tickets: Mrs Gearge Asawa, 870 l51l8 LlJTllERAN HJGH SCHOOL AUXILIARY: /\ fashion s how and luncheon are planned fo r Saturday, March 31, at the Marriott Hotd, Newport Beach. Humorist Em1he Barnes will s peak al the 11 : 30 a . m event 'Nckels · call the school, 998-0125 ASSISTANCE LEAGUE : Huntington Beach chapter will honor new provisions during a Talking Strategy Lucie Amaz of TV and theater acting fame and 5-year-old Tobi Sauers · ~. ,discuss campaign strategy fo~ this ~rs Easter Seals campaign. Mrs. Amaz is 1979 Orange County Easter Seal Society campaign chairman. Tobi appears on this year's Easter Seals. March 31, in the Newporte r Inn. Fund recipient IS Ray of Hope. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE JUNIOR AUXILIARY: Fashion show and sale are planned from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m . Saturday. March 31, al the league thrift shop, SOS E. 32nd St. Newport Beach. • O~GE COUNTY ARTS ALUANCE: A recept.iOO-piembership party honoring Laguna a rtist Craig Kauffman will lake place at 7 p.m. Thursday, _March 29, at Bowers Museum. lncluded will be improvisallom by the Matu Lascoe Dance Theatre Co. and readings by poet Mitauye Yamada. Open to the public. LAS BIUZAS DEL MA&: The Children's Home Society auxiliary will have a Nigbl at the Harness Races at Los Alamitos Saturday. March 31. Tickets: Mn. Jim Williams or Mrs Nick Morenc, Fountain Valley. · NIGll'l'INGALE CHAPrEa: New officers wiU be ialtalled by the Nightingale Chapter or Hoa1 Memorial HospUal Presbyt.eriaa Aux- iliary durin8 lunch on the Reuben E . LH Tues· day, April 3. Mn. MaUbew Gorry ls lhe new chairman. ....,,,..£:Dr. llvrray Janik will discuss tbe role ol nicotine in sJDOldne at 7 p.m. Wed· netday, April 4, at Ha•= Hall, Chapman Colle~CLA w ol psychiatry and • Admlutoa free. PBX ...... ,.. -........... ...., w.tt,... ••• ...,. • 1R1t1111nllnRI• a -..... ?. •• .... .....,., rettaMe...-1e-'-., ..... .. .. cellle ... ' ....,.,. -. .., H•~•"S 111•• CALL -11• llON. TMllU Pll. - In the .. Logo Designer Brian Noyes, winner of a $300 cash award for his logo design for the Newport Beach Thealre Arts Center, lunc•heon <•l l he league house at 11 u m Sunday. April 1 FASIDON SHOW: Auxiliary of St. John the Ba phst Cathohc School, Costa Mesa, will host a show at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 31, at the Harlequin Dinner P layhouse. CUPPED WINGS: Orange County Chap· ter 's annual benefit dinner dance is Saturday, soum COAST JUNIOR WOMEN'S CLUB: The club has invited women in Fountain Valley. ages 18-35. to lunch at 11:30 a.m. Monday, April 2, in the home of Mrs. James Ellis. Reserva- tions: Mrs. Robert Fellion, Fountain Valley. ZONTA CLUB: Fashions by Mr. Blackwell will be shown during a 5 p.m. event in the Balboa Bay Club Sunday. Aprill. Reservations: Peg Forglt, 673·5965. RANCHO VIEJO WOMAN 'S CLUB: A fashion show and luncheon will take pla ce Saturday. March 31 , in El Adobe restaurant, San Juan Ci(lpistra no. Proceeds will be used for scholarships. Tickets: Lynette·Holmes, 830-8845. WOMAN'S CLUB: The Huntington Beach group has planned a scholarship luncheon and cards for 11 :30 a.m . Friday, March 30, in the clubhouse . Reservations : Mrs. Elmer Addison, 536-7118. LAGUNA BEACH EBELL CLUB: Rum- mage sale 9 a.m. to 4 p.m . Saturday, March 31, at the clubhouse. Phoenix Rising Is Party Theme "The Phoenix Rising arise from it s a s hes from its Ashes" is the Yo u n g e r a n d m o r e theme or the Designing beautiful than before ... Women's benefit to help said Mrs . L a ure n ce rebuild the recently fire· Reynolds, founder or the ravaged Laguna Beach Designing Women and School or Art at 2222 the prime mover in rais· La guna Canyon Road, ing funds for building Laguna Beach. the original school. As a support group for Mrs. William Beack. the school during the pa rty c ha irma n , has p a st five y e ars the pr o mised g lamo rous Deaigning Women will s urprises including a hold their fifth annual disco exhibition during dinner dance in the the evening . Laguna Beach ocean· Mrs. Beck's commit· front home of Mr. a nd tee includes Mrs. Alex Mrs. Boyd J efferies, for Robertson, retiring pre· the Sa turday April 1 s ide nt or Designing party. W o m en , a n d M r s . Coc ktails a nd hors James Crowshaw. pre· d'oeuvres from 7 to 8 :30 slden~-elect, w~ will be p.m. will give guests an r ece1 vlng with M_ r s . opportunity to tour the Beck; Mrs. J effe ries, multi-storied residence flowers; Mrs. Raymond and enjoy the oce an Contino, seating and re- view as extensive flood servatioos; Mrs. An· ligbtinl will illuminate drew Morthland, invita· the coast and the rock Uoos; Mrs. Fred Colin, clUfabelow. decorations ; Mrs . · · · Thomas Kemp, hostess A sit.down dinner wall chairman with Mrs. be served al 8:30 p.m . Alex Bowle, Mrs . on lbe tented tennis Richard Outcaull, Mrs. C?Urt, followed by dan· Jack Lyons, and Mrs . c1n1 to tbe music of Jim W i I Ii a m W a c ht e I , Wood and bis group. ho st e s s es ; M r s . "We hope the school, R eynolds, coordinator ; lite the mythical Egyp. and Mrs. Ralph Tan- lian Phoenix bird, will dowsky. publicity. shows his work to B.J. Skilling (left) and Councilwoman Evelyn Hart. Center was dedicated last week. OPEN HOUSE: Hilltop. a parent participa· lion-cooperative nursery school. will have an open house from 9 to 11 :30 a .m. Wednesday, April 4, at 1259 Victoa::ia St .. Costa Mesa. In- formation· 549-3720. NEWPORT HARBOR PANHELLENIC: A display of porcelain sculptures is scheduled fo r 10 a .m . Wednesday, April 4. at the Glendale Federal Savings building, Newport Center. STEPHENS COLLEGE ALUMNAE: A tour or the Hortense Miller Gardens ID Laguna. l unch a nd a fashion s how at Andree's a re pla nned for Saturday, March 31. Jnformalion: Mrs. James Colclaser. Irvine. MARIPOSA WOM EN'S CENTE R: The film "I'll Quit Tomorrow" will be shown at 7 p m. Thursday. March 29, at the center, Town and Country Suite 116, Orange. Reser vations · 547-6494. LAS AMIGAS DE SAN JOSE: A rashion s how from Rodeo Drive will take place at 10 : 30 a.m. Tuesday, Apr il 3, in the Disneyland Hotel. Tickets· St. Joseph Hospital. Orange. J UNlOR EBELL CLUB: Newport Juniors a nd the American Legion Auxiliary <1re co· s ponsoring an Americanism css<1y contest. A.wards will be presented during a 6 30 p m. dinner Tuesday. April 3, in the American Legion HaJI, Newport Beach. J EWISH FEDERATION COUNCIL: Col. Sa muel Mor of the Israeli Defense Forces, will address the Wo m e n's Division Ke ynote r luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 3. in the Balboa Bay Club. Informa tion: 754-1944. FOU NTAIN VALLEY WRIT E R ·s WORKSHOP: Romance versus reality or wril· ing abroad will be explored April 2 during a meeting in the home of Clara Schultz, Fountain Valley. Jnformalion: Ms. Schultz, 962-2532. WOMEN'S LAW CENTER: A lecture on "Whut Your Body Tells You'' Is planned tor 8 p.m. Wednesday, Aprll 4, al the center , 640 s. B St .. Twstin. Reservations : 832-2202. VEAR OF CHILD: The Orange County Committee of the lnternatJonal Year of the Child will present a program titled "Children are our Future " at the Newport Sheraton al 9 a .m . Thursday, March 29. Co-sponsors are the World Afhurs Council. Golden West College and the Mart h of Dimes Orange County Chapter. Luncheon speaker will be J a mes Roosevelt Information: March of Dimes, 979-2270. WOMEN UNLIMITED: Workshop series 1s pla nned by the new South Ora nge County w~men's center , beginning Wednesday, April 4. with a lecture on "Caring About Work." In· formation: 661-3640. . FOUNTAIN VALLEY SENIOJlS : Vacation traps are planned by the group including ex curs1ons to the Canadian RockieR, the Carib· bean, Panama a nd Hawaii. Info rmation· 847-3339 Happy Birthday A "macro E=mc2 " cake was c ut in honor of the 1 Oath annf versary of Albert Einstein ·s b irth at the Scientific - Technical Book and Copy Center, Irvine. Entertainment was a reading of Einstein's '7he Principle of Relativity". Champagne was enjoyed by all in a toast to the noted thinker. Cutting the cake is Marie Walter. Walking Latest Exercise Ci:aze C HICAGO <AP > The next b1~ trend in ph y s ical fitness i s a lready here. In 1979, Americans who ha ven't ca ught jogging fever a re exe rcising and ::.hmmmg down by walking. .. Many tim es. th e punis hment a Jogger 's reel have to bear causes him t o q uit." Ms Robarge notes That's the word from HOUSTON <A P l -A (e r e n c e durin g a fitness expert Maurita h, · · t Houston meeting of the Robarge, professor of Diet Hahits Defended With each joggin g s tep, she explains. tht! foot absorbs up to five times the body's wci~ht 650 pounds or gravity induced pressure for a 125· pound woman because the body is sus pended tn air between steps Mic 1gan sc1ent1s con· physical edu~at1on and tends American eating ror the Advancement of k i n es i 0 10 g y at th e ha bits a re being pre· Science. University or Wisconsin· maturely and perhaps A great many cancer Lac rosse unj us tly a c c used of a nd heart researche rs cau s ing c ancer a nd a r g u e t h a t di e t . ··Many Am ericans are heart disease. r e d is co v t! r 1 n g th e ··on t he basi s or especially high intakes pleasure of walking. and ava il able evidence. it or rats and cholesterol they're discovering that d'oes not a ppear re a -a nd a d e cre a se in walking isstill one ofthe sonable to recommend vegetable fi ber, a ppt>ars mos t natural. hea lthy any major department to significantly increase forms of exercise ... she the risk of heart disease says.· from c urrent dietary and cancer. practices" said Gilbert. · 1 b A. LeveilJe. chairman of Leveille . howeve r . A brisk wa k urns M i c h i g a n S la t e said such conclusions about 300 calories per Univer sity's Depart · are based almost entire· hour While you can JOg ment or Food Science ly on studies that com· orr twice that amount. and Human Nutrition. pare the incidence of an hour spent driving a disea se in differe nt car burns only about 120 W i t h c u r r e n l populations. calories. she polnts out. evidence. he said, "it is certainly not possible to For in.stance. he said, Wa lking he lps the support the contention high fats ar e linked body's cardiovascular m a ny have come up through studies that system transport blood with that changes in diet show 8 highe r incidence and air more efficiently. are responsible for an or cancer In countries which in turn increases Increase in mortality where more fal is eaten. the body's capacity for from cardiovascular dis-The problem, be said. work and reduces blood ease andrromcancer." is "There are a host of pressure, s he adds . "In a wa lk. the body 1s ne ver suspended, so 1t doesn't produce as m uch stress on feel when they h it the ground. T o he lp e xe r cise· minded Americans reap t he benefits of wa lking. Ms. Robarge, who is fit· ne ss cons ultant for Scholl, has developed a nexible, fitness-oriented wa lking program. "A walking exercise program must include at least three days a week of 30· to 60-minu te walks," she suys. "plus 15 lo 30 minutes a day or s hort, brisk steps while working or doing da ily chores. for a total of a bo u t 15 mi le s p e r week." In fact. he said, death other variables that are Wa l king a ls o ton e s r ates from heart at· not taken Into considera· muscles a nd promotes tacks, strokes. and all lion in these kinds or better posture. in m uch w E J G ff T . c ancers exce pt lung studies ." the same way jogging CONSCIOU walkers, cancer have decreased "Such data can never does . s h e s ays. c a n 1 o s e C slightly in recent years. prove cause and effect." pounds without decreas- D L e v e ille w a rne d he said. "At best. they BUT. WALKING is ing food Intake : fo ur -areer ay against a national rush can provide some clues less s tressful than jog-hour-long wa lks p e r to alter American eating which need to be tested ging. "A big plus for week, plus 15 minutes or patlern1. e xperimentally before walking as an exercise da ily short wa1ks burn Scheduled Sat. irmH~e~mia~dfieiiitiiihierco;;;;m;;;;;j-f:w=e=ca=n=d=r:a=w=an=y=c=o=n=·=i=s=t=h=e=red=u=c=ed=p=r=es=s=ur=e=3=,5=o=o=c=a=lo=r=ie=s=· .=o=r =o=n~e men~ at a news con· clusions." on feel and legs. pound ln two weeks. A day.loQg Women's Option1 Conlerence will talte place from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Satur- day, Jlarcb 31, at the Long Beach Convention Center. llore than ~ representatives from local and1 DMional companies will share employment opt ona, and there will be workshops on various fields ol bualneu. tntonnauon is nallable from the Career Planntna Center (213 > 273-41133. • DAILY PllDT 0 ASSIRID ADS ..... ..,. FRANCI~-ORR fine staticrey CONTRACTORS! MOW AYAI' AU .. OIA.ttelCOUMTY COMPLITI HOMI STUDY PI04HAM YIDIO TAPl IMSftUCnOMS ..., ... COMllACTOIS STATI UCIMSI .......................... ...,.., ..... ,....._.. •s. -~ .._ ,_ .. llie,...., .. ,_.,_. .... a. .... II ...... PMOt• Ml.JI II CAU1•P01M,.... ... llA COMllACTOllS LICW • 11m111ou 1 •au-s..a..c r r -.......... ,...,_.-. . ..,._ .... ~ I • .,, --~ ••••• -,.. • ',. -~,..,,. -" , ',, •' p ..... ·-. • •• ' ,... • ,. i ... -. -. . ... " .. ' ' . . . ··-, .. , ................. __ • IC ·a l8 ~e 12 :e •0 il, 5 FOOD/ ANN LANDERS I HOROSCOPE Saving Suicides Said Waste of Time, Effort OE KANN LANDERS Ma y l rf pond to the man ~hon said w t> hould nt>Vf"r try lO aave people who et t•mpl suacld 9 You t•alleid him ultous ind unffflin~ Well, l gut> that makM nu• ullou~ •nd unfeetan.i . too f'urthf"rtnort1, '' you poll the mt'<lk~l pt>r-.onn,•I 1n ho ~Hals. you'll d1-. C'O\fr ltw mu1nr1t y 13n•t-Wlth nw not ~ ou t ~ork m an t•nwr)!t•n cy roon1 of a lurjl1• ho!\p1t-ftl w .. ~t~ Lt lot of ~'Opl(} "ht)'Vl' lJ'lt'«f to k 111 th,•mseh·t<~ Tht') O 0 on pill ~. ~h oot themsetv~ m th.-ht•nd, or ala h tht•1r "ri ~l:i wtth rnorl> Most or 1 hl'm don 't die We ~pt-nd a lot of time and energy and montty sav- ing those null; E m c rge ncy roo ms have enough patients good people who w:rnt to live. Sukidal t•reep:. cul into the qua lity of care for the emergeney pa tients. In my opinion. the law s hould be c hanged. Would.be suicides shouJd be given a notber dose or the same stuff they took when they came in. The world is crowded as 1t 1s. Why save a person who places no value on his own life? Wh enever I read about a cop or a fireman who risks his neck crawling out on a window ledge to rescue so m e c rock who threatens to jump. I do a s low burn. Screwy peo- ple just louse up the en- vironment. Who needs ·em? -NOT COOL, JUST HONEST DEAlt COOL AND HON EST: Yoa work in a hospital, Buddy? You should be working in a morgue where it doesn't ••Un ....... r N DcM '" c1 nl1rr UM ,...,1 .. .. , ... ·····•· . forhn1trly, t•lt ted d1er1~ra llb yoe ua eake 8 bit dUft"ltDCf, °'~.....,.. yoier •led a. •ol ••I ~••••d. but oaltr.d 11Jhut. I won't •••I~ J!ood •dvlu oa otl. DEAR /\"'-I ll o " mu<'b "untl1•1 -.tondlntc and palll'O('t' must a ... ~<'ond w1f1• hu\lc t u prov1• he n•all) lovl' her hushnnc l'" W h l' n I n1 . .1 r r 1 t• d Elmer ht• ,;url hus hrlil wire wa. .. 11 hur. J <'h •at. und a l<lt} no t:ood tram1> E\-erylh1ng iot tt-n sbe Wlb It Now I find he ii. meeting her aflt'r work to tulk abOut lh4> <'hHdren He is al~o takang her to lunch in lit lie out-of-the·way pluces etgam, to talk about the cluldren. lie takes off from work 1n the middle or the day lo go to PTA meetings with her because he doesn't want to d1sappo1nl the children. The children, mc1dcn- tally, are 21. 20, 15 and 8 years of age. The three oldest are m a rried. When I tell him I think he is handing me a hne of garbage and that I a m going to leave if he doesn't stop seeing his ex-wife, he begins to c ry, falls to his knees and begs m e t o to forgive h.lm. Somebody has a screw loose and l"m beginning to lhtnk it's me. Wha l do you think? -SUSPICIOUS DEAR SUS: Face It, lady. You are not golag to win this on e. Husbands wbo are una- ble to disconnect from ex-wives are incurable. A•• L•llders Vou art" Ol(bcla1 a loi.Jug baUlf'. l>EAR ANN I.AN 0 ERS I h <tvt a fr 1t-nd who tx-gans ~very l'00Vt!nl8llOll With thlb 'I 'vc tK.-en t1·ying lo get vour hne for an hour. Who'w you been 1alkang lo"" l always answer her question by naming the person and then I gel mad al my~elf After all. what busmess is il of hers? Also, it burns m e up to think that s h e somehow has the notion that I shouJd leave my line free in c ase s he should decide to honor me with a call. I'd like a suggestion from you as to what l s hould say when this nervy dame puts me on the spot like that. - NONPLUSSED DEAR NON: It is clearly none of &bat lady's business wbo you were talklng to, and you should let ber know It. Tbe next tJme she asks, say the Queen of Sheba, Bobby Orr. or King Tut. She'll catch the drift. trying ln vain to get hlm to give up drinking. He Jolnl!d AA . went to two m~ctints. and decided it wasn't for him. He also tried hypnotism and that d1dn 't work either. I won 't go into d e tail because the man is no longer a problem to me. r•m writ.Ing about my bed s h ee ts and pillowcases. They keep coming back from the la undry with my old In· itials stamped in indeli- ble ink. Even though the initials ar e In the cor- ne r s. I koow they 'r e there and il bothers me. Do you know of anything that will remove them? REMINDERS OF THE PAST DEAR PAST : A scissors. DEAR ANN LANDERS: A while back you printed a letter from a man who com- plained because his wire undressed in the closet. He said it had been go- ing on for 15 years and he was sick of it. Well, I have been undressing in the closet for longer tbao that and it h as D E A R A N N taken me until now to LANDERS: My 14-year-understand the reason. old son is driving us Whal opened my eyes nu ts. He is obsessed was an article I read with cl eanliness and about nudists . It said neatness. This has been they think nothing of going on ror nearly two nakedness because they year s -dating back to h a v e be c o m e a c · m y second marriage to cuslomed to it. No one a man who is a total turns his head to look slob. after a day or two. It J have always been a stands to reason that good housekeeper but anything on display con-,,,..________________ now I 'm running myself s t an l I y Io s es it s [ J ragged trying to meet "mystery." H the standards of "Mr. I am gJad I read the OrOSf!ODe Clean." He becomes up-article. Now I know why r set if everything isn't I have been the way I ""----------------~· exactly where it should have been for so many be -and s parkling years. What do you THURSDAY, MARCH 2' By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Accent on in- come, collections, recognition or personal worth. Count your change. .Read fine print. Take nothing for granted. Relationship in- tensifies. Member of opposite sex confides, "confesses," makes requests and inspires writ- ten ma~naJ. TAURUS CApril 20-May20): Lifestyle comes under scrutiny. Make concessions. Avoid ob- stinancy. Remember promise made to loved one. Gift for special occasion is indicated. In matters of speculation, stay with number 6. J<eep resolutions concerning that "sweet 'tooth"! GEMINI <May 21-June 20): Look behind scenes -perceive the threads and wires which make the beautHul lady "float." You are pro- vided with privileged information. You undergo mystical or spiritual experience. Adventure of romance is featured. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Accent on sur- prise element, the unorthodox. Checking aspira- tions with friends, reviewing desires, wishes. Bring priorities into line of vision. Invest and produce. Nothing is halfway in romance -it is all or nothing. Be prepared accordingly! LEO <July 23 Aug. 22): Emphasis on con- sultations, "learning the business," checking sources. You're due for added recognition. You can s uccessfully complete assignment. Civic honor or duty -could be coming your way. Aries, Libra persons figure prominently. Vl&GO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Accent on depth perception, sensing potential, understanding distance and language. Message will become clear. Leo. Aquarius persons figure prominent- ly You could make marvelous new contact. Young, vigorous individual might become a valuable ally. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Mystery, intrigue and intuition are featured. You gain knowledge by teaching, sharing. Regain sense of direction. Straighten out family affairs . Frank budget dl!- cussion should be on agenda. Know it, proceed accordingly. SCO&PIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Accent on home base, meanjngful relationships, choosing quality, holding together the family. Marital status, partnership, legal documents -these are apoUigbted. You gain by avoiding direct conlrontationl. Diplomacy, moderate pace are e1se0Uala. SAGl1TAJUUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Obtain hint from Scorpio messap. Strive to complete basic tults. Avoid extremes -accent essen· tiala, det&UI. One who accuses you of being too slow or conservative . . . is envious. frustrated and ii not a friend. CAPaJOOllN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Accent on emodoaal fulftllment. swift cbaqes, specula- tion. Member of oppoelt.e sex ft1UJ"81 prominent· ly. Give f\all reln to creativity -Imprint your own method, technique and style. Taurus, G...u.i penoaa play key roles. MllJ&aWI (lae. 20-Feb. 18): Dig in fol' aeeuritJ-tate a •tad. Refuae to be inUmldated bJ oae wbo bhdra. bluten. StUe your claim. ~tltW. You Sala ~ to inform•· tloa ..... 111• •'1'8· Taurua. IJbra • '"'=-Ian promtMd.IJ. CPei. it.llareb 30); Accent on IMrt jamlll)'I, venaUUty, MWiq differenfftl wttll rwlllliYet. hreel tend to be scattered - doa't permt& l~ detaill to escape yow ...,._ Vll'ID ,._ eould p19 key role. Be ..................... ' t'boot. think? -GE'ITING TO I'm sure this problem KNOW ME must be related to his DEAR GETTING: I reeliogs about )jis step-think yoa are kidding father. Can you help yourself. If you bave m e ? -M R S . N OT been undressing In the CLEAN ENOUGH closet for over 15 years, DEAR MRS.: Yoar you bave a severe llang- dlagDOdl abows keen In· up end it bas ootbl.ng &o sight and now you must do wltb trying &o maln- learn to deal wttb tile taln an aura of mystery. problem. Tell yoar son tbet If In tbla day and a1e die "mess .. botlten blm. when so many people Ile can pick ap. poUsh or are coming out of tbe scrab &o hb heart's con· closet. It woald be good tent, bat not &o expect for your marriage If yoa yoa to do It. could brlng yourself &o If tbe boy 1ppe1rs &o do the same. be getting more DE AR ANN persnickety es time goes LANDERS: I learned on, consider taking blm something today that for profeSBioael belp opened a door to un- before be develops some derslanding and peace fall-blown plM>blas. of mind. For years I hat- DEAR ANN: Should I ed my older sister. Now be expected to pick up I know it was not her after my mother-in-law? fa u 1 t · It was m Y I'm asking because the mother's. She always woman is an incredibly favored Sis and gave her lousy housekeeper and 1 everything she wanted am accustomed to living and many things she in orderly surroundings. didn't want at all. I My mother-in-law never seemed to get nothing cleans house, ·she mere-extra -not even a good I h d. word. No compliments Y rearranges t e trt. -just criticism. I orew To put it mildly. her e messiness gets on my up thinking Sis .was nerves. m ean and selfish, but now I know that if Perhaps 1 should tell Mother had been fair to you that my husband me, I would not have and I moved in with my mother-in-law seve n bad these feelings. months ago 00 a tem-Now that I am in porary basis. <We are possession of the real trying to save money for facts, I can love my sis-a down payment on a ter. Will you please print house.) She ts a widow this letter for others who and we go 50-50 00 all h a v e bad re e Ii n gs the bills. I do my towards their sisters husband's laundry (and and brothers ? -my own ) and our ENLIGHTENED AND bedroom is immaculate. HAPPIER Please print this DEA& E. AND II.: b th A•d ••• If YO• CID ecauae o er young forsl•e •o•r mother. couplea must have thla J same problem. altbouib yoa wlU bve aelLleved • I doubt lbat anyone 'a ;fall;;;;;;;;;;Yl;;;ld;;;W/;;;;;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; motber-in·law ls •• slop. PY u mine. -GREEN BAY GRIPE DEA& G&IPE: 'Yoa moved brio ,_,. modler· l•-1••'• llo•ae, alle dJda"l move I.to 7oua. Her......,.., kabl&a were eatabll1lled I••• before ,.. CUM ..... ................... ell••••· Lean• 111u1te...., ................ , .. . " ......... .. .... ......... ..... abo•t IL' <P.S. I &nil ,_ .,. •••'hi ..... ,... aflaee.,,._ .... , DEAR ANN: Several Dlal Direct 642-4321 Call Colfect Sub1enbe to the newspaperthot ceven rour holMtown beat ... YOUI H ..... tewn Dally Newspaper DAILY PILOT moatJll 8fO I dlYOl'eed ·• man after tbne yean of ._ ______ ..._ .. _..... .. ..-...... .... .._ •r ",r 'Nldnelday, Maroh 28. 1979 DAIL V 'ILOT Cit 4,500 Gallons of Water Used Daily by Average . California Resident BERKELEY (AP> - An ordinary California citizen might not realize il , but i.I be eats three square meals a.day he is also theoretically con- suming 4,533 gallons of water. H takes that muc h water just to grow the rood 1n those three meals -not counting s hipping, processing. packaging, distributing. se lling , cooking, washing the dishes and us ing garbage disposal. This compilation, re- ported recently, was prepared by Herbert Sc hulbach and Thomas Aldrich of the Unive~i t y of California's Cooperative Extension Service. ounce potato, nine gallons; one helping of a second vegetable , 18 gallons: half-ounce slice of margarine, 92 gallons; 32·ounce s lice o f wate rme lon, 100 gallons, and eig ht ounces of milk, 65 gallons . WnsU111ers Want Ingredient I .abels Findings of FDA Hearings Reported to Senators BA SED ON AN average 2,500-calorie diet per person, they said it lakes 5.08 acre- f eet of water a year to grow the food that one Californian eats. For 21 million Californians, this adds up to 105 million acre-feet a year . If the population growth is 0.5 percent or about 100,000 persons per year, Califorrua will need an add itio nal 500.000 acre-feet of water each year to raise Coffee Drinking Okay W ASIDNGTON CAP) -Consumers seem lo be nearly unanimous in wanting labels to t ell them every ingredient in foods, the head of the Food and Drug Ad · ministration said recent- ly following public hear- ings on what the gov~rn ment sbouJd require on food packages. FDA Commissioner Donald Kennedy report- ed to the Senate nutri- tion subcommittee on hearings held by three fe de r a l agen cies in Wichita, Kan .. Little Rock . Ark .; W asbington; San Fran- cisco; and Boston. "Fu1J ingredient label· iog is the issue that was most frequ e ntly ad- dressed," Kennedy said of the hearings held by the FDA, Agriculture Department and Federal Trade Co m - mission. Though the agencies have not yet formuJated the ir proposals for changing federal regula- tions. on food labeling, Kennedy said he "can hardly disagree'' with the importance of listing all ingredients in foods. ·•For example, many people with a tartrazine allergy could experience very severe and alarm- ing reactions" because they unkl"towingly ate a food containing a type of yellow food coloring made with tartrazioe. Kennedy said 100,000 Americans are allergic to tartrazine and can be hospitalized if they eat the food dye. Other reasons con- sumers have for want- ing to know all ingre - dients in a food include religious beliefs and a feeling that they have a "right to know," Ken- nedy said. Check Can Even when canne d fruits and vegetables a re on sale. don't over-s tock your eupboard! Remember that their s h e lf life Is about a year ; after that they may d ete riora t e in flavor, texture and color . food alone. Coffee drinking ha s But much of this could received a clean bill of be rain that falls on h ealth in a study of farm land. The r est deaths in Evans County, must come from 1rriga-Ga . . tion. whether from un-Dr S1egfr1ed Heyden derground or reservoirs. and t•oll<'agues at Duke U n1 vers 1l y Medical HERE 'S THE cente r f ou nd n o water·use table, meal by statistica lly significant meal. the researchers as-relation between coffee sembled: drinking and deaths, • B re a k fa s t • 2 0 9 whether from heart dis- gallons. Thjs consists of ease stroke or from all one g r apefruit, 26 cau s~scombined . gallons of water . one Their results were re- ounce of rice ce~eal , 18 ported rn the medical gallons; two s hces of journal Archives of Jn. toast. eight gallons; a tern al Medicine. ha lf ounce of margarine, "Medicine's accusing 92 gallons. an~ eight finger. habitually wag. ounces or milk, 65 ging at life's pleasures. gallons. has not bypassed the • Lunch. 1,427 gallons. coCfee cup." said Dr consisting of a quarter· Sa mu e I v a is rub , a pound beef patty, 1,303 sen1 or editor of the gallons ; a hamburger Journal of the American bun. 18 gallons; four MedicaJ Association in ounces of french fries , a n a c co m pa n y i n g s ix gallons; a half ounce editoriaJ. of margarine .. 92 "These r eassuring gallons. and a soft dnnk, statistics will cheer the 10 galJons. coffee drinker as well as •Dinner. 2,897 gallons. the abstainer ." Va1srub consisting of an eight-said . "How would our ounce s teak, 2,607workada y world fare gallons, quarter-head of without th e coCfee lettuce. six gallons; six-break?" A free box could change youn. If you've never used Oxydol with built-in bleach, you may think it's an old-fashioned product. But once you try it, we think you ·11 change your mind. Oxydol's unique formula combines detergent with built-in bleach to get white clothes white, so you know your wash is clean. • . . ·-. . .. TO GET YOUR FREE BOX • Call Toll-Free 800-141-8444 (ask for operator #36) • Or, send a postcard with your name, address, and zip code to: '\ ,. . ., "Change My Mnd" Box 48, Maple Plain, Mnnesota 55348. We'll send you e coupon good fa a fru f'SlJWw·size bac,or the equivatmt amount df the priced IKf'f ~ $4z~ avai~ In your eree. TRY OXYDOL WITH BUILT-IN BLEACH. rr COULD CHANGE YQUR MIND. ., . . . . ~ APPLE SAua . . . \111t1 °1< jlff UI ~Ith purk 1 'J!1 111 JU D · -59 c ress1ng lo.ell • ., •• I tt•111 h, 11u,1 h1l11111J, l111ha11 , Hu 1a11 Cake Mixes ••••• &9c Shortening •.••• st•• .,1111wclralt 111'1 r11vut1tto' I Ill 11111 TOMATO 59c JUICE L1bbv'11 m h lt'•orln~ ..... 111 46 ot c1m Gorton's Clams 79c ( 'h111JJ>t'll or M inn·d 6 111 un Morton's Salt ••• 23c ( ho·~· 1'111111 or l11di1.ed ~ ot Rice-A-Roni ...... 49C 1\lf n11v11r!! from (;11lrlen (:mm· K 117. Jtunt'11 garden l(<J<idnet111! 14 11 11t c11n Salad Oil ••••••• &9c 'iµran1efield, fur vulue! i 4 tJt. IHle Sue· Bee Honey 79c C'lovt-r, Oranae or 88Kf' n m: Jar Dr. Pepper ...... age lkl(ulur ''' Sul(ur frt'l' :.! llr hlt1· Peanuts • IOAST •••• s1 31 l'lunt.-Or'a haa ull tho 1(1KJdoeKH! 16 oz SHASTA s119 DRlllS ~~at tihHta-fl.el(uhu nr Oiet·Cola, H.oot !leer <ir Lemon·Lime! 12 07. cttn" White Tuna ••••• 99c Humble Bee, in Oil or Wawr-7 01. Noocles .......... 59C Widtt, Medium or Dutch· 12 02 pq Nanlrins _.1111 •••• 55c <'hi~rn~:'nn...1 Packaa• or eo BM Food ••••••• 49C ~airan M PS Chunky· 23'h oz can YUiii SJ49 COFFEE Choice of ll'ln<ft.. 1 poW'd c•n . . . . . . . ' . . .. . . . s.,.,.Shoppers know th1t the1·11 fllHI .. ,. to Ille It El l llldto, when thtJ'rt pl•in1 the 1Mnu! lore selection, -• I IMrt Hlue, more service! If you h1ven't discevertd the 1dded f t1tures 1btut El l1ncbo we invite JOU to drop In this week! --------- Sausage OU fASIMI •• s 1 o~ Our own 11p<>c1i.1I blend. no nilral-0!! Sausage rrALIMsTYU •• 111~ Mnde by our rcc1111:' Mild 11r hot Bratwurst a ....,'S .• s11? FR£Sll flllTS! OCEAll PERCH s2s. The larnaly wall wel<'ome lhe goc)(lr\1'1111' Turbot Fillets •• '11~ l"rom 1>ff Grl'Cnland'K cold shores Crab Legs ••••• s21~ 1tult!.. -~ tftoML -Jtdpotk!-;....:m Al•'"••"•~ Park lain Ina& ~~:4E~AVG •• 'l/I. ~~~!: ....... ~}~ 10•»1 """on n ""'""" A"Kln"'' 1h;, ....,k •nd ,.. how you• folk• wm "'"h """' m<>•• I' '""'' l>"k •I '" h••t ' -ft Corvina Bass 0 0 • '2'~ Pork Loin Roast s2·~ ~L2!1ERN s 119 ~.11 .. lli of II Pocif1c lu111mt.u FRESH EASTERN PORK LOlt ROAST s1•! Bonelest.· Emtlurn l(tlllO·fod 1>4•rk "'""" ""' Cooked Shrimp. s41~ Cubes of Pork .• s2·~ ROAST • I he ttl(hl nl/IJ ,.,, hhnm1> c-ocklaal Whole or rib hull lt>un , l0Jlly1 Loan c·ut~ for Orll'llt 11 I n•1 1111•"' C'1•111er l ut ltw hl'orl ol the l1m1 Pork loin Chops CENTER CUT •••• 1l II. ::.s:-s11' RIBS 111 ~~~-.~~i~.,.~.~!ps s32~ Pork Loin Chops s~ Th1rk ( ut to IJukt• •1r lmrlwnu· FRESH STUFFED .$1,, PORK LOIN ~ CHOPS , .. W11 Ii hrt•111I dn..,"1111<. IJULt••r, trt•,.h llnw York Sirip. -~~:r' 14.71. 1..mn cu t of lJ SJ) A ('hon e twcf, no1urnlly 11ged l11r 0111mr ond l•·111ltr ~1,11dn1"'" 111111 tm11111t•rl fur 11111r•· \111111·' Sliced Bacon ••• s 15~ Beef Roast :mss s21~ r-:t ltench11'11 thickn "rOOl'h Ktyle" Chuck cut Choi<:<: Kh1Juldn dud Chuck Steak ••• 1 14~ Ground Beef ~s1 9~ Center cut.I U.!;.0 .A. Choaco beef Lelln· doce not exceed :.!2' ;, fu t ==r SJ19 STEAKS . 111 lJ.S.U.A. Choice ... Wt!l!t.em rai11Cd Does oot exceed lf1' r 1111 e<mtcnl Super Fresh Produce . New Yort Steak .'4~ l..11111 l'UI 111.wct ti S D A < 'ht11n· l1t,,oef Split Broilers ••• 79~ l..1Jrge meaty Gr. A. fryent (witll l!Mttat -.K.fED VEAL SUCES Fnr Sc11llop1111 or Wit'nor!K'hntliel· 111111 111111 round cut"' The rf'ul lhan1<1 · PtnBapp/11 FRESH FROM HAWAII! ••••• II! Mtllurlty fruit , •• picked to offer you tlw 11111 nuvorlul 1<oodnc11to of lu1toiou11 H11w111111n fruit! BROCCOLI 39. -YAMS 39~ U.S. No. I quality .. greet with pork HONEYDEWS ............... 3• ::. 7; FRESH WHOLE PACfJC RED s 1 n Snapper • ( 'lt•urwd 11nd lwudlt·.,.. fur ron11en1cncc ------~--------~~ WINE GLASSES Steel"• • ..,_ l'fi .-.&tasMS 69~ Paul Masson ••• s399 I0111w1..i,,Lh., Emuruld Ury • J..1 ltr . Gallo Wines •••• 12'1 liurf(undv '" Ctu1bl11t Blanc .•• J .5 ltr L iquor Dep 't. ROMJCED $2.00! Voiu 57" Suvo now on l ho J.75 ht.er size Early Times •••• s599 S triu11ht whiskey-11uvu J.00! Quart Cutty Sark ...•. 1791 f"amOUK HCOl.Ch reduced 1.26 Fifth 1 TAIQUWY$1649 Gii Tho ntamu 1;r>tJt1k11 tho quality! 1.75 hr Black Velvet .•• s4•• Cunad1on whiskey· 88VO 90e "'lfth Rlln RW'S • • • • • • l3ll Puerto Ri cun Wh1to or Amber· Fifth B. Rll:llO'S J9 SAVE $1.00 OI $4 TEQUILA Chor}l;C White or Oold ..• Quart 11ize Frozen Food l>ricl'lf in t•ff1•rt 'rllur Mur :t!I tl1r<>1.1HJi Wl'fl April 4 Delicatessen Jeno's Pina ........... 89c Your choice of ChreMi, Pepperoni or Stu.age, In the l:l ounc J)flclu1gr Lemonade I llCM ••• ne Cookies ..... 99C Mlnut.t Maid Re(ul•r or Pink Choe Ch11>, OatmNl/Reitln· 18 ~ Chopped Chives .49C Arman1no make1 11 .... yl 2 vi okl Apple T n ..... 39c f'rom Pepperidae F1tm1· 6~• oa pq 11111 •............••.•••.. .$1 .. Soothel llNd .,,... "' °"""" ....... ..., ~ .... ~ ......... .a.a ~ dl9t ,,...._. 12 01 .. ... T&m ......... .$1.11 • , f'tlf minor 1ehM and ptlnt 100 GOUnl ~ I •..........•....•. SIM S.,per Ory, &toted, UMCtnc.d 4 oa Open dl11ly H t11 II 8undo.v JO lf1 7 Na MJle1 to dro li!ra PlmlE aim .............. lliO P1M-e-add Mt w your inenu• I'*' -. . . .-. . ., .. ,,. . . . -_.. --' . " .. . Caniled Hams ....... s 4'! 1..ean and luaciou11 ..• Polh1h ht•mH with un1c1uo goodneM1 'I. lt)ll 1>urfc t for four! R• tta s11s ICO ••••••••• Preclou" creamy cbeet1el 16 02 Potato Salad •••• &9c KnudJMln. 16 oz (CIU IUI ... Itel K011htm Hcbr w N11uonul· l'I. 07. FRENCH CHEESE SALE C..•trt or Irie 11" lllllhilC Cow Spread nc Fnwih· IP"llt with fru it· l:t 02 llud11c'1d ralorl81, bol not t111tol U oi Clll'lllldile ........ 'I" mm Ymm .••••....•••• ss.a Rkh Ila.or in Juel mlnuLtal IJ O& .,_, Vlml ......... lie "1avw WOii'& be.a. OUt ••• 2 01 boUle I h1rsi1 Clletse ..•.• 1111 m•o Fllf • ......... 1lo Mi.nut• M1_ld lAmoft, Puocb, Onpt· M oa • I •l'"•··-,.·-..·~ ..... .. .. '79MARK Vs , '79 LINCOLNs We have a great selection of Marks, Collectors, Designers and all. Up to Over 2 5 to choose from. Coupes, Sedans and Collectors. Up to . $250000 OFF* $2500000FF* '79 .VERSAILLES We have 30 Versailles ••• Your Choice $250000 OFF* '79COUGARs '79 MERCURYs '79 MONARCHs '79ZEPHYRs We have over 30 Cougars, XA's, and Regulars with discounts up to Your choice of 9-Wagons and Sedans ••• Your Choice We have 1 9 Monarchs ••• Your Choice We have 35 Zephyrs ••• Your Choice '79CAPRls We have over 25 Capria (4 cyl) ••• Your Choice '79BOBCATs We have 20 Bobcats ••• Your Choice • $1500000FF* $150000 OFF* $ 900000FF* $ SOOOOOFF* $ 700000FF* $ 750000FF* Orange County's oldest Lincoln-Mercury Dealership THE FAMILY LINCOLN-MERCURY STORE 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-5630 .. ~ ...... "' ..... _ ,,-t • .. • ... • • ' I .--, DI DAILY PILOT .,,.. MO'ft<a TO CatOITOa• -.M1ttt &una toa c;:OtuaT Ofl TMt UATI Oft CM.,lflOtlltlA l'O• TMI C**TV Oft CMIAMI '" .... .-... ., •f .... ( ••••••• AL a •t ll'ANI)() 0.. .. ..... NOrta I\ H UIY 0111 H Lt c ,._'-" l\tv•,.. c '-'"'' .... "'' IN .... MC-i.11 ... w•• c l•1mt '" h ... k• • "", .... et ,,,. -4 .. n..i. ,_, .... pr-• ·-...... -•n i.-el ,,_ "''"• ol l()lolN H WH I V• A"""''"0..6 •1LaU• ICN()t l ltA TC'll fJ t 1 A l'f ·~ '"'' 0 11\ell ...... ll"* ltO ... , .. , '" llW CllV f# °""""'9'1' I" l9' ..... , C-t•, wfllclli.11• Cllfko ltl!W ~ .. . ., '-''..,.._ .. "" llf!Nni.-"' •" -""' """""'"'9 '9 .... n l ... )"'" .......... Ill ..... Mt ..... ., ....... " """' ......... _..,. ............. , wlllll" •--lllt el\Of 1"" 1.,,, .-i1e ........ lflltllvlk• o .......... , ,,,. ltOI "' ,.ANM ~ ......... ... . ...-..... ... --~-.. Wll.IV• A•MU'"*O WILI U• •llfOl •• f(l.11',. ......... . •rt11.--. ,.0 ... ,. o.-•. c. .... .. .,_.,,,,_ Ot-I .... I •'' t•o ... ,,.., , •• "·JI ""' ... ,, <rrt<'t: . ,.,.,,.. NOTIC9 fO(•IOITOtl' .... _, •un•1oa cou111 o• ,.,., U Af &OI' CALl l'OtlltlA 'Olt TMt COUMfYO,O•ANOI 111 ,.,. """" .... .._ C•I•" Of OlH •II\ C \TfWAltl Oo Ol NN I~ "4AllL t •\IL..,Altf o.tooM<I NOTIC[ I\ HCAE av C:.IV[N 10 Hitclllor• l\ov1no • 101,,.,. ~'"'' ,,.. -..•• --to 11i. .. 1a <1t •"1• '" tne OfllCO Of lht , ... n. of IM "101oiel0 <9<0•1 11< lo C>r~''"" IM'll 10 '"° lift -·•OMO ...... Ofllu o• VllUUI! .. SCH£ CIC. l.••Y•"• II c..oroo••to Plot• 0. , P 0 8o• tt10, N•woort ~~II. Ce ~. _I<,. l•tlot otll<o It tll• p l•o ol butlll•u of lllO 11n .. ,.10 ... 0 In tll ..,.,._.,, 11'1'1•tn1119 lo .. 10 ttl••• !>IKh clOlm\ w llll 11141 rwu• .. •Y _,,..., Mvtl " Ill@<! Of' prnenll"ll •• efOfO'olcl •lt111n tour -lht fOI~ It.. tint 11u60cell01> of ""' noltc• O•loG ~" S. "" -Es ..... ,, A.clmllllttreto< of,,. ~IAll•ol .. .o -VlltfUI &KMCOl, INC ""_..., ....... ,,~-~°' ........,.._.,c.n ... P11bll"*I Or-I 0 .. 1 OOllY PllOI IN>< 1. 14. 21, 1t. 1'1t IA) t• P UBUC NOTICE ~ICTITIOUS •U\1111!\!I MAMI! ST,Ul!Nll!NT ThO lot•-1"9 "'"'°"' .,., Oolno busl~, .. UONEGATC AU!>TI H LTD, tOt2 T•lbert A ... Ml , t-01J11t•l11 Vet...,, Ce. .,, .. Byron L Wllll..m•, ltllt Seflu C.C:lll• O r.. Fount•ln V4tley, Ce '711le J•,.,... I-(l•ylun, ll'IOI Po .. o 11o1111e, L°'A1em11~. C• '!Ono Ste...,11 J Sh~rwood, ••789 Nit , Achr,.,... Qr, fOUf'llOlfl V•ll•Y. C.. '710I Tiii\ bu"""' '' 1onducled t>y • llmlleCI ...,,,..,_,.Ip I SINenJ.~..- Tlll\ ····-I .... , tiled Wltll '"" founly ''"'" ot Orenoe C.OUnly on Mor(IH, tt1'. f It 1109 Publli.hecl Or-Coo\I DAiiy 111101 Me• '· 14. 21. ,._ 19/T "°'" PUBUC NOTICE C,._.,11 ~ICTITIOU$ tU~INl!U MAMI! $TATfNll!NT TM lof'-lno 11'"'°" t\ 00."9 Dull M U •\ STU8C:NV1Ll f W('~T. 1•ot Mewpotl 81YCI • ll•wporl 8eull, Celllo•llla f1t60 8••• & ft••n r nl••Pr•u" • Celllou.&e <«PO<•tlon 17&1 A (1Md•n (#rove Blvd , Geroen (,.o..,, C •lllornoo .,,,, Tiii• ""'i...u I\ uinOl>tl.0 bV • CO< pOrelkHI 6"f A !lf!•n fntct•P<l .. t, IM. By Me.v1n we1N&r, Pl'etldtnl llll\ Jlt\-1 Wft\ Ill"" Wllh I"" Gou"'' Cltrll ot OrenQe Couflty 011 Mart II• •.. 1'. WltTl!llN M UTUAL CSCtlOW C:O•I'. 11* E. 11'111 k , Stittt 0 T•tll11,CAnMI • \( ... -"411 ... 1'111.444 Publli.hecl O.enoe r.11<1,1 0.11, l'llot Mor. 14, 21, 71-A.pr 4, .. ,, ... 1' P UBUC NOTICE l'ICTITIOU\ IU"NEH NAMl!ITATEMENT lll• lollowlno per.OM ore Clolnq .... , ... ". (ICOAGll CHAAL S Rl ALfY, :uu Vie I.Id•, Hewpon O••<". c.i1twnl• "* GC:OAGL C HARI. S INTEltUTS, I.TO . • ~111orn•• tor· por•tlon, M .. Vie LICIO, Newport .. Kii. c.tlt-•'2MO Tnlt ..,...... It CAl'ldllctecl .,., a ~ llJCl'•llOI\ Gtof'etO\e•lt•lnttf'•\lt,lld. o-i..s..~. 5ec'91At"f fnl' tt•-' ••• lllM w1111 the G-ty Clt<!o. of 0ro""'9 Coul\ly Oft M•t<ll 2', lt1t MllallM.~ ... ..., .. '-- "TM Cl"(' ... _.... ..... ,_ ... CllY ...,._., -.. OfMtl,CA.-..e Ttll """"' '"Mn f'tlllll.,_ OrMllllt CM!lt Oelly "ltol, Mar. 21 tftll •· •. "· 11, "" nu,,. PVllLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE .. -. . -. . . . ' .. . . . Wtdneeday, Maroh 28, IG/t 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 a _ D A I L y p I L 0 .T G L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • Ttie Blggeet Marketplace on the Orange Coaet -DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Find It, [ 642 •5678 ] One Call Service Trade It With a Want Ad Fast Credit Approval ._...... .._..,fer S4e H111n flof' S. ..._..._.. ....._,For S. · . H4Mde• For Sde Hotttet For Sde ...•.••................ ··················•···· ··········•············ ............................................... ······················-···················•·•· .__... 1002 •wr.. IOOJ 8Mu4 1002 ~-IOOJ Q .e o G at 1002 u••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••-.•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~·•r I 02 4'Mf° •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EQUAL HOUSING ~COATS & WALLACE ~REAL ESTATE, INC. ,, tlllAll~ UWNl ll IOMl'AN¥ \I HVING • IHI \0111 141UA\1 ·"Ill\ \INll I'll.I IAITSIOI COSTA tmA -Just Ust ed • ll'a a neat , trim 2 Bdrm beauty with 1 ~ baths, double 1araae. hardwood rtoor.,, fireplace. built.ins, patios, with BBQ. large back yard, fruit trees. HEAVY SHAKE ROOF. $92,000. Ctll 14"'4141 -~ W 1-.S I. I. 'r N TAYLOR C 1 u-: A 1 . T < 'H s .., 1 1 i. t. 1 ! I u~lvu~ • OPPOATUNIT'( ....... I •a Mofke: All '"1 tal., dvt'rtliu·tl ID I.hilt Of'WllJ>lll)f'r '" 1ub )ec.1 to lbe f!' .-<! n I ... a Ir llou•ln1& Ar t of 111011 wt\tC'b m1akot1 ll lllt-1al w adverUao "any P• e Ctirence. hmllaUon, or dl.M•rlmJJllUOO bHed on ra(.-.i, oolur. n\U11lon. au . « oaUOoal unl(lt\, or an 1t1tc0Uon to malu' .1rny auch pttlt.'rt'nct. IJmltu Uon,or&.cnmloatlon " nu. ncW11paper will not lu>owlnf ly 11c:ccpl any a d vert alnJC for n1oal mt.ale which la in viola· liunolthelaw. Sl•r-111HJ Cost .i M c~.i lrvirw Huntingtori Hl·.ich-Nt.•wport BP.tCh SO. CAL REAL TY PUSEHTS: TRIPlEX Invest wtaely I This pro· 2 br 2~ cond o In =fee land and II rl k/I 1 orated. Two e ta"e P ar rv ne . and 1 single $87,50(). st ory unit. All have 4 br 2 ba S&S home lo bulllloa and p r lvut e Glll'OOo Pk, Gurdcn patios. Convenient to -s •d -...&.1 Grovu $95,900. fwys for the commuters --: "' Y...-nMn Xlnl rental recorlls _......check their ads 2 br l l.'J ba twnhm In $149,500. dulily 9d = .,.. Anaheim, $63,900. Call 642·5200 =L~~T as~ Del Lars~ 5005. Pete Barrett,, ..aty for the f irst 1,..l--iiiiiiii...iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiml ~gtsal~r 1 cornet iltwrtkHI on1 EAST SIDE u:; y. COST A MESA ... MSULA POIMT AllAJ TW04-UMIT APAITMIMf M.DGSt $375,000 IACH l&.MI Quality-bum, beautifully maintained. 4 Units in eacb building with lge ce n tral courtyd f i lled with m agnificent matur ed specimen plants. These two 4-unit bldgs are l.n the best location, rigbl al the entrance to Peninsula Point, just steps from the beach. Each 4-plex has two 2·bdrm. 2-batb and two 2-bdrm. l ·bath units. Each front unit has fireplace. Super ocean view! OWC First Trust Deed. WISLIY M. T. YLoa co .. UAL.Toas 2111 S-Ju .. • ....... MEW~rPOl:--IT .. CIEMTH. M.I. 644-49 I 0 PRICE PLUS LOCATION! Su~rlor south Irvine location or tbts 4 bc'<irm, 2000 sq.Ct. townhome makes 1l IHVI Nl':'S tt •: s T B u y I Particularly since the prt<'t' wa :. J ST 2 IR..OEM-POOL ...,_..for S. Li.kc oew 3 bdrm., 2 bn.; l'omplclcly re modeled On larftc lot. with de· t.achOO 2 c:ar garage, ex trJ parking. Pnced nghl ••••••••••••••••••••••• R EDUCEO $7100' 2 TRIPllX Story, ule roof, galt.'<I en Gnatl~!! try, bnck fplc, master $161.000 Gorgeous Monaco plan· Harbor View. 2 Hedrms + den. Beautiful l8X40 Pool! Huge patio. Easy greenl>ell arcel\s. Owner will finance laq(e 2nd Tn. Please s ubmit iwller anxious! CaU now, 752·1700 1002 • •••••••••••••••••••••• at $12:8,000 associated IAOt<EAS REALTOR;, lOH W lolboo •''JUI EASTSIDE EST A TE Home & guest c1uarters o n approx . •;. acre Secluded cul de-sac loco lion cklee lO Upper Bay Jo'catures Incl ude. 2 ftreplac<.~. beam1'<1 t•t1I mgs, used brick buldwr block kllch •n & load:-of c1.111tom woodwork 1-;xtra Mira Loma. nr Hlverside large double ~araitc 4 Ur hoW!C. Unng the w/eleclrtc ol)(:nc r & at kids & horses 1~8880 tactk,-d workshbp Ownt•r will help w fm:mn· "'ull CUSSIM' prt<'(' $104 .~00 . <.:all YOUR COMDO? 566-aiflO «;:SEL ECT I PROPERTIES NJCEREDUCl:D!! Why not trade into this 11e•at little 2 bdrm +den hi11.L'lt' rn liayercst Eaay t.o lu.:.ep yard. $184,000. H's u lx!tter buy than many condos and there's no a'MK: duC'ii <;all Uob 1.>t clunson. A i.,'l 979-8533 Single alOry owner unit swte w /2nt.l C1replan., wit.h 2 townhouse dcs1Kn patio wtHHQ & flrcp1l rear units . All with owrl<10k1ni: i:rcenlJct.: pnvatc palt0, W/U hook Oon'l m11slt It pnme up & md1v1dua l encl01ot.>d value c:all nuw 752-1700 garages . Call n ow '"'''"' .,. '""~""'" ' ~ ....... , .. ;')' [ ~ lfl~ltll [ ~ lfi!Hd------ * *U.S.** *VETERANS* INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY R.ecl'nt t•hurtR4>!! tn V A re~ may enubh• you lu qualify ror $100,000 home I0.111.'I with absolutely NO DOWN f'll Y M ENT Wortd R.al Estat~ an Orange County firm l>IA.'elaJmng in VA homt? loons. We're the Vl':TS that tie11, the v i':Ts For more info rail : Ill Morton, Af#. ""'''Hr-l•U\1 ff"'*"""''' !~•t~&ll SACRIFICE Lvly Broadmoor 4 br ex· ("(·uUve home This home has never hf'•·n It vcd 1n Walk to pool.I;, park & school:i. ~lier mollval ed Submit! 646-77 11 ~00/MO. FREE LAKESIDE JleUe11e it• Seller will p11y $5(JO a month towardi. t;uyer's monthly vay mrnu. for one full yt'ar• Sharp l akc ~1dt· town.home. Huge llvlnfl rm & farruly rm. Highly upgraded thruout. Fan· lasllc v1ewT Pools IN NEWPORT BEACH M C LAI N Townh o me wit h cootemporury look. tenrus, pool and jacuzzi plus an incredible view of the Big Cyn. Goll Course. $220,000. NEW IN NEWPORT -2 new custom homes. both Unique! 3 Bdrms . 2 story, sundecks, mic rowaves , etc. $215,000. I I N THE BLUFFS -3 bdrm,'2 story, exciting und tasteful decor, cedar paneling, beams, etc. Some view. only $121,000. LARGEST ONE slrORY -Spotless 3 bdrm, 2 bath beach house, single story, assn. pool, tennis and nearby beach. Only $109,500 incl. some furniture. .. Up..jl()Ut= ll()M l:S AE:AL TORS'. 675·6000 2443 East Coast H1qhway. Corona rfol M..ir ,11•,(, m M1 .. .,1 Vt 11h•, ,11 '>llf1 5940 IALIOA SPUTLEVR MASTYPIECE WrapUuaapaciou'I ram• Brand rww <!bdrm. con ly home Jround ytJur. do, l blk from bay & loved one~ and l'OJOY lht· 11\:l'an ll\:aChes. Frplc: . good life. with 4 glonou' ~l'l h.1 r & f'DClosed bdrm:., 5Ul)t'r tillt«I 11111 ~.1r.11t•· X Int term!. ing rooro oomey 1-·ren .1 J vullJblt> to qualified doorsOiat opt:nonlnui.~d buyrr $147,SOO 1''uU brick patio. formal l)nl't• Ra r\!1• n s t• t t 1 n It .n11I J a CU ti I N c· v. IHll I '' flnl'Sl So t'Jll t11dJ) 64:).()303 FORESTE CL.SON .,.., ... .,, •u•• ORIGINAL ILUFfS Ideal ror the liusy 01 tra11t•hnit family . prt1 fr:i ... cJl't'Urtllt'IJ. :J 1Jdr111 <! bulh rondo v.1th ""•llul v11-:w OF llA<'K BAY • You'U en10y th<' um11t· nieoce & St'CUnty O( thb locauon. $178,000 i\ I 11 \1 lttn or I l.1111111 '"""'1 mt·n1 "" BEACH DUPLEX Ju.-.t sll'ps lu the sand & surf Orw umt has hug" liallo, other i.undeck & >Jl<'uny N<'wJ)Ort in & out A He.ii Buy' Open "·"t~ C<1ll now for appl ~lH!ll (~IW111 !t~tl)I IJfi COSTA MESA AttenUon builders. 10 vest.or s, e v eryone 1 Large R·2 lol w1lh cute 2 bdrm. home on r cur, on ly 183,000! lalM>o lay P'rop. •eatton 2 houses in C.M. on legal 3 WI.it, 9000 sq. fl. lot Priced to sctl qwckly al $89,500. U y ownr. 64S-8557. GREAT INCOME! 541-0800 tenrus courts a nd murb BAY & more• CaU fast, 7S2-1700 '"1'' I• I• I l llt' f t-114 I• kcal Est.a~ MOBILE HOME • 675-7060 . SPOIL YOURSELF hy relaxtnJt around the Crplc & llcrv youri.clf Crom wet bar while lhl· stew are 111uhng on t.h1• bltn BBQ • ull under I~ oov'd pat.lo. Th111 dassy <t br , 3 bu-ttome hus 2 wl'I bars, 3 rr1>lcll, frml din rm & much, mu<'h mon· CaJI !Y19 5370 ALLSTATE REALTORS J IEDROOM +GUEST ~AHTVALUEI Glanl b1ck bay bsrgaln• Over 2400 fl of pcac:eru1 Uving. 4 Bedrms + :1 baths OH 3 HecJrm 1 separate gue11t /m111d '11 Qtn Formal hving rm Famlly rm. 2 Fplca. Cov· ered brick paUo. Pottlng hou se--a n d much more al a bargain price I c.a.u now to see, 673-8S50. 0 111 In Q •II\ tur1 I ltl ti I' [e11111 Sunny , bright. 3 Udrm llluHs condo with fonl~l1c terms $142,000. Call Cor appotntmcnt.. 524J CONCHA 675-1411 IALIOA ISLE Residential + 2 com mettial renluble space~ 5 Qlr parking, I bl1wk l11 water, 3 bed rm :I bath un rt. Flreplocc. Surw•r for ,;umme r /wtnler rates 673-8S50 • lll'tNflll;•ll'dUlllOll N 'I ' · 1•m1m1 BEACH HOUSE NEWPORT FIXEtl $122.500 Thi'! 3 lldrm home 11> SWJltl from I.ht' IJcach, on the Pen1n:rnlu ll dt• f1rutcly nl-eds TLC, hut has tremendous poten· Ual linng your tools and lm1q(1n al1on . Ca ll 54().1151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS [~ ll~rdi1tl BEACH _ --·-•••··~· 450 NEWPORT CTR. DR. MESA WOODS -759'«1l l CHARMER Must see thl.S btfl 4 bdnn home built for Cahf I.Iv· lng w/lge se parate fmly rm & Crml din rm plui. much more. Open Jo:11c11 ~!HSI IRVIME Utrl T1"t1n Meadow., m11h1h• huml' adult park l'.11JOY <'.11tr living out bv th1· 11001 & Jal'utzi Bar n11J!l1111 m•ld .. t. Xlnt coo· d1t11111 l'hon•' now. Open t-..11cs :><t5 !>4!11 cwsi0® CREA LTV 2 Bedroom , brick1•._._._.__.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiil fireplace & ~arage. Take -------- over loan. Trcmcndoult 1t•:tl1·state ~l lOl'l'EllS SP1';CIAIA & hard lo beat foe I h1• pn1•t• 11-t Im. lovely 2br . :!Im C':qw < '1id 'tylc cond1• m" pl1.,1•,ant 1·ommun1ty 1 locaUon. $122.500. JACOIS REALTY 675-6670 ---- SllK & Ff Nit RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS C l A N W Y T R E G W l M S E A W T M S 0 C 0 P N D V ,...._u...>1 ...... ..u....i"-'-......_~_._, 8 8 8 I I 0 E T R A D I 0 A C T I V E R Y T T N l W G I l H E M Z M N F l l E 0 C A 0 S E M C L T U U U I E R R E A A M A 0 B U K M S I Y I T E P A A H R 8 T D A I T U N N E L C N B I N T E C l L P R H I I l Y E A I E 0 0 C 0 N K I R U 0 C E E K B L T R P N T C D T L W C R N L T N 0 P A K E T 0 l U E E W I A A S 0 N E T E 8 M U T C M L S T U R N N 0 P N S l I E A N U 0 B P P M F I I W I I A I R N R P I L A A I 0 EJE U I NSUTUEkUUPNNAP CA UMRIM UMMMMAMIT LEH Ont: 'epp9W IC • -d. ""· da.I Of dleeon114v. Find •• encr boit 1t in. Curtum Actinium Artltlnt ~ Redlum Americium Nobelium .4 Aldon 8trhllum Polonium u Thorium Einminium Plutonium .., Urtnlum Neptunium Frenclum T omonow: Ctptaln • '~ t ' V.A APPROVED HOMES Don't wall lo buy rPal l'Slalc Huy rt'lll estate & wait $0 down up to $100,000. V /\ Salcsbroker . 24 hni 543 162G Don1t Uk~ T oday11 lnt.ttst Rates? We have "12" Vil house1> Crom $00,900 lO show you. Xlnt locaUona No money down Ba lboa Island Realty, 673-8700 --------- file~~ MEWPOIT SHOUS Wa lking distance to ocean. 4 Br, ram rm, 3 baths, patio w/jacuzzi plus waterfront deck. All lb.is for $199,500. A COLDWIL&. IAMC• CO. 644·9080 2tlt SANJOAQUINHtLLt .. D. IN NlWPOfff CENTUI macnab I Irvine realty With •• """' "" JllC' • Tht• pn(t• • Onlv $7 1.500. <;all 11uw !ti'• ·>rm ALLSTATE REALTORS MOMORE6°/o ltmlt1•r v.orh for hourly ralt'lll nut fl'e 968 6710 New prol(rn m I rr \IOU make $1.200/mo you m,1\ qualify• I.ow 1>ow11 ' Loans lO $100,1100' IA•t u ... show you how nrl1· ~.m1 can help you w1lh your house payment' Talk lit Red Carpet, We L1liten 754-1202. Sell Idle Items 642-5678 cae: IBDBIB ELKINS CD. • OVt.R 50 Yf A/IS or SLRVICL SPYGLASS OCEAN VIEW T ruly Spectacular View From This Beau . 3 Bil. + FR Ports mouth Model. Upgraded Kitchen Formal Dining. Large Fil W, l·~rcplacc . Courtyard Ila:-, Poo l, 1',irepit . Glassed-In .r ucu1.1.i Off Beautifully Decorated Mnstcr DR Call Now $430,CKX>. I I 631-1800 It I DOYB HIVI * DAILY PILOT DS "-wt For S. ....... For S. ~.March 29. 1971) Hous.t Fors. 1~ .. For u. H FM !Ml• How'e' Fors• c:;;.:.;.:;;;;;;· .. i;;;j ~·;;;,;;···ic,.ii ........ For w. Mo.dH For w. HcMtHI For w. ..................................................... .,.., ..............................................••.........•.......••••......••••••.. •··•·•·•····•····•····· •·•·•••·•·····•·•••···· ···········••··••······ ~~ .......... ~~~~ :~~ .......... ~~~~ .. ~.!'! .......... ~?~~ ~~~~! .......... ~~~.~ ------------· ~ ............ ~~.~~ ~~~~ ..... !~.~~ ~~~~~ ... !~~~ --------SECLUDED UDO ISU 11.t~ \!WW from 2 P11ll0 d k' rnhanN• t u~Lnm. ~pat·tou:, 5 bdrm . 4 bu th l rad1t1onul horn • like nt•w lde11I tor l'Oh·rt,umn.: Corner lol ~.000 llG CANYOH GoU l'.uu rM.' vww from spar tous !\ bdrm . 4 b tr dtllon I homP. lgc r m•ly mom pool. J.tC uu.1 S7SiU,000 IACI IAY '"'"''•I bd r m • 2'n bulb tumilv hom ~on qu1t•l 'ul •fr ~•H' Ov\'r<turd pool. ph.a.> hou. .... t'. ~•••ra~, •. $1t)9,0l)I Tt•rm !'t IAYFaOMT ~' t•r .11 hnt' b ~ front horn•·~ "1th p&t'r & :.hp AVALON Wl'll t•tm...,lrul'li.'it J liR. l b.1 . ouk floor. p u r t 1 a I 11 "' ~ ,. m t• n l • t' o n c r c t L found,ttaon FIJt::, Jrca 120.000 - t-'t•t• BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 8 uy\ldr• Drive N 8 o7> 6161 *VETERANS* (.(.1. a Vet Help You find th.ll homl' you wanl. O down up loSI00.000 • H-• of.._. rTo•"' ,.~.~ •H.t1-••~· ,.""T_ ............ .. .-.--. ---C8'1 C~ 1-".y 631·1266 .._... ... _ .. ___, --~---- DUPLEX Easts1de CO!>ta Mesa. 2 HR each . ha rdwood floors, double garal(e, Sra>,000 .. '"IACK IA Y VILLAGE" :i lu r~t· b'•diuom:,, 2~'l baths. 2 8t~ry t•rul unit I\ d,•1 1~htful communlly • dose lo lh • HH<'k Huy & Newport Golf Cour~•· v••ry rnot1vul~ sdler & the lu"'t":'!l 1>11l't' 111 ttw V11lugc. make this JU t'\l't•ll •nt 1n\ •M mcnt opportunity. R.C. TAYLOR CO. 64~5112 9¥•% ASSUMAILE Owner will carry 2nd TD. 3 bdrms, honu:-. room. 4 buth~. double garage. Only ~70,500 NO QUALIFYING lkaut1ful J Bdrm Deane garden home. 645-9161 1763 Or•n;• Coal• Me•• -------• COf"OIMI del Mor 1022 WRITE OFF Brand new 3.01)0 :.q It arelutecturally des1i.:ned duplex 3 Bdrm. 2 bath., and l! Hdrrns, l! baths. l! f1replJrl'.,, 2 d1n1ni.: room. ... 2 doubl\' i.:arai.:es and easy upkevp. A supn hom1· and 1n1·01n1• S2t5.l.IOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 507 JASMINE AVE. Prmc only. Sl.29.500. 2 Br. I ba. lrit pauo & garaJ{e Su1wr cute & t•ln. all freshly done liy owner. <SOIJ> 819·4073 or (7141 536-1857. can Randy AfJf. 24hrs WORLDR.E 543-1722 Roy McCanfle, Rltr 548·7729 400E.17'" ------·1 C.M. A~~ 21DRMCOTTA~E Plus lncOflle Unit Pcllitcd hardwood Ooors. bcumed rcilinJts. 2 bnck fircpla1:es and nice coun· try kitchen 9149 SIZES 8-20 ,,,, 1ff ,,,_;_ 1lft.l\i' ..... Benhlul. Boct1-conK10us. AbM all, ~To-Shm ~ MfY pnftCm.Q!Md rtlCll of tM • .,. Nott the news of tlle noiiel nl5t be. Sew lor S911ftll ~ ""9rft 9149. Mmes Silt$ 8, 10, 12. 1_4t l6, II. 20. Silt 12 {1*sl 34) mn 3\li ,.G$ ·~~ SeM SUI .. _......,._ ............. ...................... ,.... ...... Pattern Dept. '442 Dally Piiot 212 ...... = .. ·'" 1•11.... -. ..... _ .. All 1119 ... dGlMs ,.. ...., lor 11M •Ide M Ill°" SNINO-SUMtllA PATTtllN CAlAlOCI °"'*•~ll!lllts. .... jlCllllb. ,.., $1.50 ..... CllUP!llL s.d 15' - DNll•k ... ••.sue •==:-'--·§ I Ollla .. .. 111..,_or ..... . ·········••·•·····•···· -PLUS - 2 Ddrm, 2 bath income urut with pnvatc patio and yard. Red to S 185,000 FOR INFORMATION Call 644-7211 /Jn NIGEL GAILEY & ASSIJCIATES Open House. By Owner. Vacant J006 Killybrook{' l_.n, llah!t·resl home 3 Br. den. 16x20 xlra room. CUSTOM HOME frptr. nt'w d1i,hwasher. J1.LSt completed & ready hcaut drcssin~ room in for oct'upancy' 1 ho;c lla. poolsize lot, 2 blks b from all shops. $89.000. from oceanfront. 4 r ()wnf>r will carry 2nd TD. 3ba, wet bar, rp. beam 548-3681. c lg!I & muc h m o re ' ------- $210.000 • * • WOW SUPER DUPLEX t.rke new 4 Br 2 Ba on lge Jbr 2ba ea. unrt. Upper CdS lot. ror only $76.SOO. has full din rm. ocean New parnl. carpet.Ing, & view & all bltn!I. 7 yrs dream kitchen w/wood old. new c pts. drps. cabinets. luminous cl~s paint. Xlra :.harp & &more. Agt. 559-6330 n eve r a vacancy ! $240,000. EST A TE SALE COAST PROPERTIES 3bdrm separate itarage. 67J.5410 Cove St. All offers s ub· ---------1 Ject lo Court approval. ~5678 ' CoroftCI del Mar 102 •••••••••••••••••••••• WESTSIDE Investor's duplex. Very SU .... SHl .... E nice corner. S235,000. "" "" fie ti weir and wear and loft this 1rut QSUal a1d1gan. Prin. onty. 64G-4999. 3 Br. 2 bad+ poo 7 500 1 & low ---------1 m1unl. yar . S77.: Coloilul afgtlan ~ual?$ trule botdef inlfftsl on an all-seaSOtls iac~ Crochet ol synthetic 2 ·lllY sPort yarn tasy. th111ty1 Pattern 7S76 Mtn·s Sizes 38-40: 42-44 mcludecl. O.ThMOffer 754-7800 .. $1.50 !Of taetl l>'tttm Add 40C uch pil1ern lot first-class atr· mail and ~ndhn&. Sefld • ..... For Sale by Owner. Cameo Shores. Pri v beach access. Walls or glasstooceanview.4 BR, 3 BA. DR, den, lncompl remode ling w /new carpets/paint. S329,000 lit assum loan. Broker-Coop I ________ _ Needlecraft ~t. 10s Dally Piiot .. m. ow c...-Sta.. ...,. '"'-'" t•n. rritlt ,..., ~~bu~'t'm =: 3% Have llOIDethlng to sell? 673-136'7 213/243-5390 Oasall'N!d ads do it well. $©\lol}lA-l&£!fS• Thal ln#riguing Word Game wi#lt a Cltudle -----Hoto4 ~ C\AY a. r<>Wo'I CRAO CATAlOG-MI 200 pcpu- llf c1ts1111s, J fret pattein ponted 1nsic1t. Stnd 7Sc l»-...SU. JM6.SUe JlMlld/blr ,.....,._1u• Ill-,..... Qlills.. . . 1.10 I T 0 D N E E m...,.._ •t ~ ... uo --1-1 ..... , ...... 11..-.lr-T'"I -1~ ............. uo .... . IJS.Mii ~·.. . . . . . l.50 '-..._..._...__..__..___, 12"iftl •• a....ea.. Ut I s y H u B I lZMM '•~P· IJS w--...-...-...--rT"~ IU.$1111 ... "" • . 1.21 ( I I I I* m.,... ... sue .... _.... ____ .... l 111.._ In•=· .. SI• 1 1 II.._ "'-. ..l.M M A F E R ! .. ..... c..t ..... SI• i---.-..---i"r"-Trl"""1 Wife: Whet do youy 1n .. 11 b'f ll~ ......... SI• I I r r ~ coming llOme helt ON!lll7 Hul>-11•1• ..., ... . . . .SIM by. I ran -of-. ..................... ·~ I T u R " 0 u I ......... ...... • I I I' I I' I ft CO<l'f)lt ...... (h\Kl.i. qYolfd ......... =· · Lii . . . . . . V 1W 1.H.,.9 In the ""UHIO _ _, •11, .. ,_ .... l!Ml~r....Jbe• ................... .......... fl!r .. . ......... ...... . ..... flllilll .. ltBALDIAYLOT PATIO & POOL 673-6634 ~mmlM;(' Wllb WI OOW ---"-. those golden d•yic or S12.5.500 Contl•mp()rury yesteryear His toric wood & 1tla11s 2 br. view GOLD RUSH EXICUTIVJ ESTATE HIHIU.S Privacy is a special feature of this cbarmin~ 3br. den home. Peek·a·boo view. Nt!ar beach with land option. ca11rornla architecture _~_7_084 _____ _ Locat.ed on a lgf' green belt w/private pool· •I ltH· bdnns. Crml din rm. fml} $189,500. ...... a.tMta. ........ 675-2373 1n Willo w Creek 1n NORTHWOOD. Elel(ant 2 bedroom homr w 1th <.oentral air , vaulted c•\•11 1ngs, s kylight.s, garden and alriums . Ali k1n.; $100.300 ------------· e-IU\NCH H!:\LlY ~hl 2000 1024 0-,.. 1026 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Here c pru;vn ;w s llOWJNG omes MARIN IT A 4-S BR BlSCay. $175,000 2·3 Hot S11111mer! Prest1g1ous rl's1dences BR Oakwood. Sl05,000 Be rtady w1lh this s uper near l he mar 1 n a · 642-0112: 644~ ~home on Diet' corne r 549 5 111 ; 4 93 -4006 . 831·3540 100/oDOWH 3 bedrooms. dmmg Nearly new 2 Br, 2 ba room new plush carpets. w 2 patio!!. S parklln~ OCEAHVIE condo Henlage Park S WIMM 1 NG POOL. New4 br, 3 ba 33932 Blu Nrpool&tenms. $66,900 Hurry. won't lastS99,000. Lant.em Trade/L:.c/Op t ~1720 !Jon oc s mall down. Ab'l ~ . _li_AA ___ UIEl_:_. __ L __ ;,~;.:: ...... !~.~~ :i~~r! "MAICE OFHR" On tbas lovely Mesa Verde home. Owners are giving new buyns a OESrERA TE ~ ... ~ 752--0283 BY OWNER 4Br. 217Ha. 2 sty. 2100 sq rt . :.pJ. Jewel Wi"th pallO, m /W:lV('. 0 1W . huge y rd, 4 mo o ld A Pool $2,000 carpel allowanc{' $11 5.000. Prrnc o nly Home features heated 837·1228 A s parkl in).('d e lu xe pool, covered patio and -------io,wrmm1ng pqol .ind gas BBQ. Allking only Fo.taift Valley I 034 ckoekm~ Ideal 4 bedroom $112,600. Call 546·5880 .,•••••••••• ........ •.. family-sty It> home walh d1111ng room. parquet l'n I OWNER HOME try hall . rozy brn:k J Bdrm. fl• bath. fres h f1rcplaet• and brec1.y _________ , and hke new . Cu~tom kitc hen wrth butllan:, drapes, near nl'w ~.950VA.1'.HA term:> ~HERITAGE •". REALTORS carp1•l i.. highly up Call·SSS.8451 Large Family graded. 21 a cre park :indl YW~L Needed Here 3 community pooli,. Ai, I~ 5 spacious bedrooms 1s ~ 1~~ • • • JUST an entertamer's delight. If~ Executive with supe r 962·44n r.::)546·8103 IMAGlllo..IE family room. comfy f""lll ft~lace, kitchen w1.th ..._. ---.. ---.. -och--1-0-4-0• .. enlertauung an this lov· bwltms. Covered patio .....,.on ely 5 bdrm .. 3 ba . ram. Lush land.!>cape. $129.900. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rm. + formal din. rm Must see•Call540-1720 HEWIEACHHOME S t e w a rt Mo de l 1n TARIBL. -· IRANDHEW TOWHHOMES "lrittaft Woods" (EaSL'lide~la Mt•sa> 2432Santa Ana Ave. English Tudor 2&3 Br s plit level , 2&.3 car g arage , frpl cs. microwaves, greenhouse wiodows, pool . s pa TENNIS court. f'rom $89,950 646-0061 or 955-L920 Developed by Woodtree Dev. Co By bua Ider. block lo 1\utlerock Highlands It beach. ocean \ll'W, 5 BR. has had over S32,000 4'n ba, 3000 sq fl. Ir~ i,pent m upgrad inJ!, + a balconies. 2Q8 15th St VIEW ' Truly one of $195.000 Also 4 BR. v ,2 trvme·s best 1 ba al 601 17th St. SIZ'J.000 536-1718. Euc: Townhomu 'Lr f<1t: Several lo chOOllt' rrom If c.~ / ~r Pnccd from S5ti.900 lo '"''-°I'>' $256,000. Sornl' with no 83 down VA terms. 3·8600 Park Place, In<' 842·7461 llwill~fa~ 21 3 '+523CAMPU5l>t·fRVIWE bdrm home ror sale un der $80.000. Prd de l.alJ-aS.ach 1048 tached ~ar. No condos ••••••••••••••••••••••• please. Pnn only 960-5844 ---~!!!!!!~---$68, 000 llUCSFROMWATER y A, FHA ~~ d~ch hse. $77,500 Terms HwttMcJ°" a.ach Take over 81<z'-' loan • R..tty Sharp condo wit h 2 5364565 This rm. 2 stone frplcs. A rhou:e Broadmoor 11 Olde House hofm! Nt•wly orrored at IS HEMINISCF.NT OI" ~.000. 759-1501 ~tY~ ac: tth~ ~~as1~ vor (-.-1Wtf !@1$M{j "R OCK HlliBEO HILLS" in l.;1.:una·., Real ~tale rustic canyo" st•t·t1on NEWPORT CREST Chamung oldc La.cunu architecture w/Cl!:DAR CONDO SllAKE ROOFL1N~:$. Plan J. 3 br 2h bu. i.:d SMALL PANED WI N· local, upgradt'd, wet bar. DOWS & wt-:A'rll r.10-;o rrurrort.'Cf wardrbs comm B 0 A R 0 & u A TT pool. J:lCUZl.J, ~nnrs t'l"Uo. E X T 1-: R I 0 H (.' 0 N $135.000 TAINF:o BY STONt-: f>(;M Realty833-8430 M EN D I NG W A L J, -- Archaic 2 bdrm noor PRESTIGIOUS plan \{'rv1nd ti v full llG CANYON bath. f1:atur1·" II USTIC P A H LO It 1 V I' 1'; LlVING ltM 1:ilmust 24 feet loni: 1 w /wood ('(•1 I mg C.:ount.n k1U•ht·n with s mall danm.: an"' h.1:. sepa r ah· l'ntrv pon· h Tius l'OZy hlllt• (•(IUa.:e has "ALL KINDS Ofo' POSSIBILITIES•" It Custom11ed horn(' 111 1,pat·1ou.' lot Rl'laiwd fm ly hvm~ 1n this dramalw \'JUILl'<i t"t'lllllll hv rm hU.:L' frplr, frml rlin rni \~IZY fmly rm llt'/SL'<'Ond frplc. 4 1~1· bdrm-;. m~r :. I I •• ct m :.. t r s u I t t' wl~anlen bath. 75!1·1501 would m11k(• an 1•x 1·1·ll!!nl f lfl)l!il I ti f1r.;t hom1• fnr 11 1·ou1.11t·~'C! iHJl'l!rFI that would Ilk(• to prl' neat 1-: .. Late !l(•rvt' a h1l or lht• pa:.t W<-doubt thtit you . will 1-Jartx1r V1t>w I-Jome~'> Mon (and anylhmg lrkt· 11 '" t.t•l(o, 4br 2b<1 newly d1 .. Laguna fo~ only . t'OraU.'ll. dO~l' to s1·hoob. U2.SOO fouH Pnc~ park & pool Uy Own1·1 MtSSIOH REALTY :,:-,1 Iii:.!<! dyi,. 1133 t8GJ 98SS Cst llwy, La.:unJ PttOM 494-07 31 LG9ft'MI Miqwf I 052 ....•.................. Laguna Niguel ~ Realty • A MEDITBlRAMEAN VILLA Overlooking t ht· ... 1-.1 AJIJl06t 7000 sq ft uf un belll'V ~t blt.> ht'.IUt y t•\'{'i, M.B. BLUFFS ONLY $107,500 Sphl lcvel l·ondo is newly offerl'<l Charmingly de m rall'<l thr:. I vly end I'> opt·n & airy Wa lk tu 'hopprng, schools & ten OJ!'> crt" 2 l~e bdrm:.. View of m o untain., 759 1501 Rl'al 1':.Stall' Tremt'ndou., l·nl ry w Jo:ND. I~ ram homl' J w/pool·~/ hllror~·d pond ._ kH. p 4 ba . nn H·:! !111 <l 5 RR. maid ' 11r1r ... ft buildablt• lot. S2ti5M gym w/trle<I :.p.1 , M:.tr 7101 Sl'aShnr1' l'nn BR s wll• almo-.1 70 lnni.: tipalo;only 645-8410 wls1tllnl! rm Sc.•t• 1t tu ---- t>elll'V{' sm:;.ooo. BEACH INCOME 493-9494 495-5220 Lvly dupll.'x Just a half 496.2413 8 30-5050 blork from th•' sand & UY OWN EH :1 Br, :! 11 UJ . 3 r a r i?ata14c. prof d1•cor;1h·d & landsc.1pt'<I. mml 1·on d1t1on. 1 •r,..,ll~!l1JU'> neighborhood W.Jlk l<l golf. U:M ts, rat"tj ut•Lball rlub:.. 2 m1 to be:wh t-:x tell :.ehooh. Sl 7tl.5UU 495-1007 Mtwport S.och I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IS.OW MARKET! located m a highly ciil• s irablt• rc.nLal area Leased the year round. It offor, unhm1h'<I 10l'on1e potential. Fee l::.i nct. Phom: 641;. 7711 EASTILUFF VIEW l.rl( 5 BR 3 UA. exp.an<kll bVUll! rm. marble fqik lormal dmml! rm. h: urrl -,,ml down A-,,:.um 1· ba lant·c My Ownt•r &WTnH bed r ooms, f amil y --------- kitchen with bulltins . 4 BDRM, 2"'1 Bath, family Private garden pal10. room. with wetbar and St.eps Lo community pool fireplace. Ht»tc ma11ter Great opporlunlty to bdrm w I m a r b I l! take over payment. Call fa r eplace Country Elegant 3 Br. 20x40 pool s pa. huge yard . xlnl ~a-Agt, 673-431..!_ __ Causey SfllB WANTS ~-"ACTION" IJGCANYON TOWMHot.ISE Swet•pang golfcour:.1: vacw. J Ur. wel bar, :!' ~ Ba . ht AUJ!ust.a mdl, end urut. pools1zc J.<IC. & k n· rus. l.ml down p:ay menl. A:.sumt• balance. U} ~r. 640· 777lt today 540-1720 lulchen w/bltns + bnck ,,W~L BBQ. Lge corner lot ~ w/room for RV. Under I rru to schools, s tores and beach. I year old. -· 2 Brand new 3 bdrm, 2 ba. $154,000. Call to sec. homes. formal din ing RB> CARrET rm, sep. fm rm. 2 frplcs, 536-8836 deep lot. 2 car itaragc. --------- 2076 & 2UIO Oran~e Ave. 6 Bdrm house for s uit'. S 1 3 9 • 5 0 0 t• a c h · Coldenwcst & r-:dmJ!er Owner/Af.'l, 552·4894 or area. H n 840·6242 art 673-0782. 5pm.Pnn.only. · Com~pany Immaculate Eastbluff faJlllly home J Bdrm, 2 DISTI .... CTIVElY bath. family rm. Ju:.t re · " duced $15,000 Owner DIFFEREMT says .. submal a ll offers " J 0 0 0 S Q . F T . 0 f' Newport ri.r R.atty LUXUR IOUS LJVINI. 673-2058 WITH t'IRJ<:PLACES. 3 ---- MASTBR BIWROOM IAYFtlONT S U I T Jo: s · WITH SLIP LI RR A H y I FAM 11. y t'anla.'>Ul· view frum 11th ROOM. OFF'ICE1DJo:N. floor. 2 bedroom:.. total DINING ROOM. (;Jo;N ~unty bldi.t. Commun TRAL GARDEN PATIO EASTILUFF VIEW l.rl! 5 HR 3 RA. exµand1•d hv1n~ rm. marblt• frph'. formal d1nUlg rm, lg ynl, :.ml d o wn A:.:-.um•· halantc. By Own1·r . 6'I(>. 77714 LUXURY + POOL 1rviM I 044 3 br. 3 ba E -s1de. Onl•ntal ••••••••••••• •••••••• • • PLUS EXTF:NSIV 1': ~IM>RTCE ... TEA DECKING OFFERS ~ ..... .-..., "" WALK TO BEACH PANORAM IC Vt EWS REALTY gardens covered patios, approx 2000 sq. rt. incl pl;ms for 2 mon• un1to; $149,500. Owner/ Agent. Drive by 31<t Rochester SL. then call 642·0282 IT'S HERE OF CATALINA TO P1' 640.1812 $105,900!! F E R M I N Nt-wport Short'S 3 Rd rm. A AOlfers d el t ~hl & REPLACEMENT COST BEACH OUl'L~X 2 bath, xlnt cond. Sell1•r elegance loo' Th~ homl' l-"ARAHOVE$375.000 1,._. Blk to O<'l'.1n W moc.1vatlod. Ai.:enl. Gary offers the Rood things ol Nl'wport. Zbr + 2br +-Hoslcr960-43811. 536·2491S lifo at their besl Auna-• lbr ~uei.t apt. Gn•J t,._ _______ _ que ('Ombmat1on of loca ll04 So Coast H1way ,ummeriwmter rentals ,. Looklnc) for Costa Mesa 21 3 bdrm homf' for s ale unde r $80,000. Pref d et a t'hed gar. No condos please. Pnn. only 960·5844 t1on \' tew. des l!?n & rn Village Jo"a1r x I n t 1 n " 11 m ,. value. Situated ID the San LAG UNA BEACH <213 a790-223J. Hy ownc·r Joaquin J?olf l·ourse 497-2457 Openhousc Sal&Sun 1·4. elllates rn ln·me. Only 12439thSt $145.500. 552.4477 ~~~~~~~~~1 ---IE THE Ft_R_S_T TO C EXQUISITE! describes this S Br 3 Ba --------- Mesa Verde estate' 21---------1 waterfront, 5 Br. 3 ba. d en. f'. DR. op e ning 11kylights 3000 Sq rt Decorator papers Uuy 1t today's pnrc. t'losl' .luly '79. s 2 10 .uoo D :ays !>"73-3822. eves . 645 3051 COUEGErARK TOBE SURE EAST BLUFF Just reduced to $144.900 Ab!;olute lv 1mmaculak J lldnn. i•., bath. formal d 1 n 1 n ~ . ~ ~II i t I l' v \' I townhome Open spt11•t· vww from hvm.: roo111 and ma:,ter swh•. N11w. • vacant. Owner anx1ou:, Call 540-1 l51 ~HERITAGE '.. REALTORS frplc's, formal dinini;t, s tep-down fam rm. & secluded mslr suite do not begin to descn be this truly beautiful home. Call PBI. 964·2431 or 11gt. ~O'll I pager 9468 4 Bcinns., 2~ ba .. fam rm. + nm.shed bonus rm Pnm<' street. Gorgeous c.ood!Uon! Sl 13.000. Agent 640·5560 • WACIOUS LOT For Coast Royale 2 bdrm. h ome. Very private residence close to beach w/room for pool & Jacuzzi. Recently re· modeled. Cou ntry kitc h e n . $205.000. (BOSJDP> St'e this North RluU U --------- Clean3 Br, l ba, 2 car gar. lge landscaped yard. $94,500. &l&-8202 IUILDElt'S SrECl.AL Westside: rm. for 10 un· Its. $210.000. Agt. 675-8170 833-0523 Eves PRIVAnS,A Beaut. l yr old Condo with it's own SPA. 2 Br. 21Ai ba quality home. $87,SOO. So Calif. Realty 546-5605 tOO Gle .. r11 St. Plan. f1replact•. pr1v:au• covered patro. 3 lir. 2'"' Ba. close to school. park. pool, teM1S & markl'l Loan fell lhro~h. make you a hcckuva deal. lndudt>s land . Im· medial<' poSS('S!\IOQ Open daily 2728 V111ta <k'I Oro 640-5891, 754 0800 Would like to trade m y PllVAnSrA 1178 :Mx60' m obile home Beaut. 1 yr old Condo HOTICE in Beach park (5•Adulll with it's own SPA. 2 Br. bow Daily Pilot Class· Lt9Ma.ecll for down payment on 2•~ ba quality home 1f'1ed "ds dis· play the ir olde r h ome in Co11la n • • a? 500 messattes Wlth legibility Mesa or H.B. areas. Call 'So: C.lir. Realty and impact? Our ads, we for appt. to see. 960-5844 5,/f..1..5605 --~wt to say re•lly Sl Home on Lido for one dollar,. buy lot on LuJo Island for $214 .999 & ror one dollar more. we will mctudc> lhc house ... """""'"",,,,....., ....... . -___ ..,... ______ Make your shopgtng -~ .,...,_. • IUCC ..... •41-M ~•-.... lhe I gel r esults . Phone -----------Woa .. ridp COftdo ,,,_...,.. •q uslllg a a y Big be.ut.irw Buccola 4 Br Ba 1 k PUotC1asalfled Ads. 642,S678, Bdrm + Fam Rm. + 2 • l'h , nr a e, --------- 1 .. , In R · pool/s pa. Selle r m ay ~INdl 1041 ~a.och 1041 rorma wn g, oger s fln•rtee. $69,000. Bkr. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••'• type 1 nds<' aping. 6 558-617l .. 111111!1111•••••11111••••••-.. years old. Owner moving ---------.411 o ut o r a r ea. On l y -••••••-•I tis Sl.24,900. Ruth Laurie. u.MnltyP-11 Coldwel Banker Rltr,6'H380 .......... .._ RrSI NllAl BRQK(RAC,t COMPANY WCotteMeH 4 Br. omce. dbl 1araie. 4 "*11• MOMAICH SUMMIT 11 rec room, roocn tor RV, Rare4 bdrm Com"ll pl•n Iota oe storase. unique. :nc.~ru,~t.1bri~~r• Btrly. decorated 8 -Plan, 2 bdrm + rt9dy to move ln. School " d e n , 2 b a t h e . P an or a m I c I 'kl di • airy wtth a 17~.IOO H • ~ &..:; •• ~1 ,;·:,;:i.:: sumab4eloanatt"4%tnt. Saddleback Mtn views, loctd on Open Sat/Sun 12-4 . ~'}£ac1r.SAVE cul·de-sac. City lights by night.' $48-5119. 72,11 Must sell. Comm. pool, jacuzzi & o-,.. 102' clubhouse. $127.500. .. .................... . ~"'i, ,'Al\ T \, .. ' .. ( 'I I 1l Jl 1' t I Mqnlflcent ocean view. New 3 bet. ll• rm1. <Srd ~-aulte>. A1t . ; 844-5742. -------- sa.L ldJ. Items wllll a Dnib PiJol Cl111lfiM Ad. SeU wttb EAS ! ! lt'1a lREEZE C1-1l\ed Adi '42-W7t • COWW&L ..... co. 496-7222 831-0836 ......... .., .... L..-..... COURT SALE Must. sell beach house to 11t,We estnte . 3 br, wood ooam ceilings. br ick frplc. 2 blks lo beach. Ex· '-'Cutor says "Try any of- f er". Please, hurry 1 ~7221 ~ W..tclff RHlty IASTl&.Uff l.« comt"r k>t 4Br. FIR. 2~ tMa. Walk lO NB. Ten· Dia • Swim Club. shops. .ch1t. snuoo. 644-11187 o..un.d Ada 142·5678 ., ' . DAI LY PtLOI Lingo RulbuTI tl'S SNIMG '" sount LA6UMA! JUST 11> AOC• TO llACH c ... ...,... ................... . ... ~ ......... ...,. 1'ah J ...... ... ..,_ .. ... • ....... ,, .... Wtdlea. SJ4t.tl0 ............ h 1069 5'~m.o 1078 ....•.................. ~· •••••..••••...........• SHORECLIFFS VIEW t'\&:>wm. fUOlU MH l'\IU ll try k1tdk'll, m111:nir11 I'll! mHtC'r !IUll(' lrcm \'n Joui. 'Vl("W SHOWPLACE! HACl&IDA Ir HOA SES Mm1 t'!llltll• rur I ht• I ' ('('Ullvr huy..r room for tt'f\ltt'I & pool + hur:u•N ' Stunnani;c !. Hdrm ho1111· .,.llh t.1 1111n~. fu111 ll} roum. 2 I irc vl:1 c1:"I , ht•um1·d t 1·1hn ~. tn 1.-rrom -.unJcco tub. J11cuul & Span111h flavor C'n•nt1\I' rmancm~ .. 1:1v1• tl o _try' BKI< C.d l 1131 27K or 493 l34 I TARBELL •.•.•••.•••............ CHILD•B4 WU.COMI i' Mlllll)' Iii. I 1A. tlr 111111 l t'u JUr , at tlll II 11 flDiCllJO, 1111111) lllUi. IUI It 011.ll I A (I nl!J Iii I MoWeHOMtSto .... IUH~r.t T 4X llFUMD77 c .. 11kl mulu• 110...,n Vfl'I m .. nl ou >'"'" """" Mobil•• llonu•' M oy h11t 11'10l1t•l ll()fl\I' 10\ iJll (111 itli to: pnly 1low11 ()Al' You'll nc•\11·1 h11\lt ,1 h4-ttt•r l'h1rnt o to lw •• hufl)f J'Wllf·r' to.M")' tfU1tll ()'~l k voe .... hill HCHM Stott '56-4500 ~for soa. I JOO ••••···••····•········· DIRT CHEAP H1,11k11111( Inc .. I UI r." .!' iHH 'i ,Jl'rt'll J11 jlfl'• Wh •l• \IH \tlll w.inl WI' lluH II w1tlt 10 H t.uri. h' fl II FARGO R.E. I t.711 ~7 17 I :>.!.i I th.' ltund10 C'l.lhf a11•.1 1 ~ u1·1o· Pfil't'\'" $lll0 CMIO lull Iii H't', h•1 Ul'>, 111 U.>I ,1•11 t\•:t !rtll 4' i.~ ~71 /\<.'ltfo:S Only 12 m11, ... l rom Oru11~w !>llO H frunt.1~1· 1111 "'''"" l11w11 v MC'lm Wltlf'I II\ .111 $7 000 w·r ,1,·n· T"r"" I .hto<ll'll IUty 25 ucre vu.-w ,mrn•I V1 .. 1a WI II YOl' UOll /\d llltrll n It d1·vl'lopmvnt 11nd1·r.,. .1y Slt1.000 PN Ul'll' «7 11) 75'• 14ln, 4~ O!l:N1 ~rclal P'ropHty 160 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CARLSBAD Comm <'t'nlt·r for 1rnh• l},000 Ml ft of store-8PUl'l' oo 2 f;7 at rt"• fo:tl l rt'n ---------mfs..ta._ 1080 1ral lot•:tt1on s1·Vl'rul hlk., WAUC TO HACH ••••••••••••••••••••••• frnm ot·<·:tn t-;xt·t•ll COZY p1it1•11ttal SI .!150 000 t'ot ll 11111 l),111.-\ M.11l11w W1lh 3 bedrooms. 3 ba'lllll 2Br. J rJa 11lurtc:r home K I' n II ,. d . )' c ti ( 11 "ll view. YOU still j(el ::i $&,(OJ 751-8!1CJ7 aft :JPM 7141(14'1 ~llli:I t.-ommwiJly pool, tennu; T..,. -I 090 5 J\ c; ll ,.; 1, u 0 .J 1·., .. I court.s & ja1·uz.i:1' Evt•n ••••••••••••••••••••••• s1101•J'I N(,' C'l•,'N'l'lt bu& a mi.n1-0fflcc off the -mast.er t>.'<.lroom Owner·l•---------1 Cimwth area rw xt lo 1'11111 mot1votc d . 1·al l now, TUSTIH HILLS ~ orr1l·c• & <.:1ty llllll Pl:111h 1154,900 Cl.Ill Dc ny1H• Custom bullt In lc:vc:I. 5 :tvail San {).-·1\11 C:o O'Connell. 752 l!Y.!Al fldrm 4 huth, i.ecludt•d l'r1nc1plc:11 only llkr J nuAIL rust11: hllltop with VU llC')' ll l3 1~ 1.5.1:) T v1c:w All ni·wly detorat ·---------1'<.1 U1l-. of w1H1d uod PLACE 1 l(IJi.'> ,1n 1I 11rn1·d f11r COSTA MESA NOf'HTIES'• hol"M~ Call 5111 5fl8() ror Conwnercial ITIOrf'di·t.ul~ I~ '>~ rt hu1lthn" nr 10,-TII l :lO, M.I " ----------i hu.,y c·i.ti.ule 11ll••f"'" ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS HY OWNt:H Lovdy 3 Br , 2 Ha. hm w/i''am rm Walk to sch l. vnrk11. ~hop'Jt Rl'<'t>n tly ·r., Wft .... tw 1098 mdl'd kit e-hen & rt' ••••••••••••••••••••••• tk.'<Tl 'd lhru out Tcn1f1r ... or sale lly owner. 4 br , blzy itl Sl3S,OOO NN-d Lo ljj\Och & F:tlln"er area Mc'C t.obclJevc 645 m:n J>ri red for f!l !l l :.ale llflll Owrwr Wiii r111.Hll'f 11uu1Jf1al buy(!r S92,500 BURR WHITE REALTOR. IMC. 67S..4630 CJt"C<MJfronl homl·. 4 Ill 3 8'17 <»14l aftt>rlipm Condominiums/Town· lh1 . ltvin)( rm. d1•n . Ollet-Red&tah housffforsale 1700 d~. w ttl l>ar. :!' t·.tr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... •••••••••••••••••• garaJW. 2 put.101-4 Yl'li olll MobM. Ho111H Sneak prcv1('w • Newport Uy Own er S"~o.ooo For Sal. I I 00 <'rcsl, i bd with m·1••Hl 2\31283 n11. 8 4 Mon fl'r1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• vww Mirrored wt·t h,1r 21:Jl900-337S 213/577 70:J3 ;i i•;ir i:ur $1 111,000 eve. 7141675 !l4Go •MO DOWN* ARcnl. 4!)7 :j(JO!t IALIOAOCHFRHT •rAYMEHT• °"*us/al• o o lde r un1t11 (;<J tnror u1at1on O/\G . OnihSc 1800 leverage & mc. Supc·r Ii! :1 Or-oll or{'o!t · /\cJlt, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jocaunn . Playu Rily & tomlly & 1>el parkh EASTSIDE '4nvCfllmcnt 631 49'JO Mofttet ey M . Homu c u.,1.orn ur11L'\ 011 li.tt• lot. l ... VEST/Write Off 1---·>13!-~.6!.SJ5 ____ 1 n •11l trnk wcwxl 1n11•m1r. Ueach, ~Uni( & l"nrws hune frpk , ni·w plumh All this with th1A N n AXED IHCOME in.: & roor Only ~.~I OlJPLEX. ~Bdrm un Mu1J1 lt-Home Jus t th1• Owncr64S O!ll'I 1u. IU19,000 lhtnR for 1 or 2 on r1xed LOW X GROSS J0.-5 RIAL TY, Inc. 1nc.-ome. 12x52 Biitmore, 114 l 2 Bed rm unit p1111c1 67J.6210 I Br. L o p k r c nl al)ls In nl'W cJcvl'lo11 C8LS17·721 m 1• n t u r 1• J ~ 11 n ~•Hl•t• I °'*'~··· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ,,..,.rty 1000 .._ ,,..,.rty 2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• )*FACTS * • l'rof111l )' \1.!111 wlll continue upwurd • 11••111" will 1 untjnuu to rl»t• il!i M1l11ry & ulhcr 111111 d1mb • l utu :il r uh"' will ''° cv1:n h1uh11t •I .. 11111 ~ h111hl111H t'08t11 contmuu Lo ris11 • lluihh111t ~t.11 t11 art• r we r \ uu 11huull.J11't 1,1ul off buyml( a bomu or income ptol./l'rty W11 buvc over 90 propen.J41a now .1v.all11hh· ~·rJt..L UN~ Of" TODAY'S WISJ!;ST INV .. _.')fMfo:N1'S "1111nd un hvur w11h une ol our lnveatmcnl vivh .,11111 .. 1.. Wl• «Dn c1ns wcr many ol your 11u1 i lto1111 rl'lul 1n& to financing. llice:>, & 1•111H·1 ll·d ••rowth Wtth your increaaecl 1>.011wl1~I~\' you will b4' an a bnter (>081llon to 11111kt· ,. w11w tlt-c11'1Uf1 Ofl ,. pr()pl"rt)' that will bl' 1 l)(hl r0t you Soml' 'elected properties art' DUPLEX $79,000 1111111•· • 1monw or l ancomei1 Large ya rdi. 1·111 h.1:.c~I 1,.tra~t"I. & clo~t· lo J1bopp111~. m ake!! t lh· 1• i:urtlt·n 11tyle un1t.:1 u bt:~l buy at 179.000 FALLEN OUT! I lll'11 I~. your ~ain We'v\• got some neat I r1 JJlt.''"" ·•t $1 14.500 & Sll5.500. Ile ally neat "I/we· r1•11l11I u111L.'I for the investor jUtlt 11lartt01< oul $58,725 l.1kl· to buy u house in Costu Mesa fur onJy $511.72.5" Crc•ut. how ubout 4 or lhern'' 4 SCP.Brule hou!lc:'t w1lh new roofs. ucoustac ceilin gs . t·u rawl'i, llrup1•11, painted lns1dv & out a nd 1 C'flna"'h!'d k1tch1:n cabinets. One 3 bedroom, & thn•1• l! lw'flm11m hOU'\C5 alJ by th •mselves. Buy .tll 4 !you v1• uollu I ut $234,500 COSTA MESA FOUR-PLEX .Just Ilk<' lht• old duy., whco you could buy u <.:o:.l11 Mc~.-4 plcx for Sl55,0oO Not quill' N~·wport lktl<'h, but nol far rrom 1t 1•1thtr We hove 2 of th<1'l' 4·plc:xei;, so you can buy either 4 units or II units. Garageii & laundry rooms help the· income in Lhe stron g rental urea Very close lo 11choob, bus, 6hopp1ng & freeway . Call Cor an lt l)pt11ntm('flt plea.'1c. 16 OR 32 UNITS WITH SPENDABLE L(')I' th11n !.I um •s J.lr<>i;s & owner lS m11nauing thc•m with 'lpcndobl1· Owner will finance· & •wr mu:ily 1·on,,.dcr t•xrh.rni;cc OWN YOUR OWN STREET Th1•M· :JIJ units t·111111>o:wd or nme 4·1>lc•e1e ur.· ltll'alt'fl in llunlmgt1m Beach & each one hu1> ,, 1:100 11quar1• foot lt>wnhous(· uwm·r"• UWl All un1t<1 hilVl' f1n•11lacci., 1tarugei. & rem cnt dr1v1• Onlv , ,,., mile to beach & near :.ton.'!! & -11chools 111 a s1rnn11 nm tul ar(!a. These: cun IX' boul(hl 11:1 un 1•nttrl' stn-ct or ind1vldually Huy all !J & fl't'CIYl' II dlllCOUrll 1 Only 4 ye:1r:c old. PrlcJe or 11wnerbh1p. but they mah· :.eru.l' loo' <.:ull ror un appomtnwnl plcjltc IS THIS A DREAM? 111 ani:t· c'ounty i.ho1.111111~ center with a11l!umuhll' r111.uu·1111• Own1·r INtll l'Jrry w1lh nu pwnh Ii iowlh un•a & up~11l1· 1111l•·nllnl & no th rt· at u( I Clll l'Vfllful l'll'tllVt• Cl"h flow $640.IJOO [u Ill DISNEYLAND MOTEL 11 1 U111t'I ready l•Jr :..ummer occupont·y in ,, • •mlPl<1ely 111rnk•·> operation Sister un1l 111 1Jl•erat100 in lh1· area i,.l block from freeway 11Hraml) local<-d JU!>l n siht lo J?Cl the overflow from tht• 1)1.,n<·yland Hotel & Sheratoo H lh111 11rw wo11 I do Wt' have an operating lfohday Inn rf,, :\ale 1011 Wt• ran !'.how you how v\ll'll a 'lmall Ol.'lil egg can lw pul lo work for y1111 lo tukt-advanta'l(c: of t11x :-wvlni:tH & li.•1:1n hutld1111: ;i fortune for you t'ull for ovriomtm cnl nov. J\(:f:N'l'S /\NO UHOKl':HS. We have a few 1111xil11j" opt•n for llcllnsed profei1s1onal8 who wnuld 1ke tn url1llatc with Orange County'N r.1st1•sl J.:rnw1ng 11rsiun1z.at100 Call for urt llllJ)OlllllllCnl 9UAIL PLACE PROPERTIES, INC. 17 I 4J 752-1920 0th~·-··· Wednffd1y. March 28. 1'17W • •••••••••••••••••••••• tt ••• D_....., "-"• UttfwW~ Hou.1 UafwwtallltC9 if tw•~ ....... 2400 ..................................................................... . ....................... C:O.S.Mete l224 Ml.,.,....... l2•t 111aoo, .. , ... l707 SIS.(J(I) "'"''-•hed. T hun .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... ••••••••••••••A•••• de rbird JIU• S~IS.OOU 3 Hr 36¥ Uam1lton l,(lf' , llG CAHYO... WN"kl~ r<'ntaJ<j l~ 1uly 1, unr tjermuda Dunc' 1ot ~ l<> ~verythln~ DIANI CONDO OC<"a11 root comp . 11.m 2 msooo (um 20 Acres 142.\ 833 ~ Jo' I I br, Crpl, balcony, aur landl30000lo~000Pt•r · Ot ltll.M'. avaL now 3 &t{M71f4 <'rfl Collll Huildlngs MIS"" YHDE li<lrm1 , :I b11th'l , w1lh - -~880 000 M ilc hl'll &, "' llt>MCiC>WI hv ur1•11 Lovt• ~wly d<.~'Oratc:d 3 Ur 2 li11 ltum'm or•• R•a ltor11, l•rt1<13 0R.2 na +Pam1 ly yard & entry arl•fl. b11y vlf'w . 1~75 . yrly • ~ " ly ltm-~ patio., auper Sl.200 M I I d 673-4221 71M7 llwy 111, R1mcho l\c)m~. Avail now. 141>5 o nc Hitr t•nt•r MlraiH!, Ca :u111 3007 mo ELHHHUDSOH C.-.. Mar 3722 F.ve1156R6728or 346 33'.!7 l':DRIDOLt:. HLTlt REAL.Tott 644-0122 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 64641811 NO PE•;• At>l & Condo Small CO~)' At.udi,°. Nu l.Mf ARROWHEAD -MESA VEllOF. n'flllll.'l. Ht:"ntnl Povilion IUt.cllcn. Pool. SU:.. lni. No. Shore luke front, perfect 3,000 + s to' • :1 mS-4912 Rkr Ulll. No-t1mokti 6'0-.ill!MI 4Ur. 3011. Ii< rum rm OR. Pfl. Oil. :i cur )(:tr . :1 h d rm 2 1 ~ 11 11 eo.toMMa 1724 w/wet bar. pvt d ock, CJfl cul di' 11nt· Nr KOii Townhouiw HN cutifully ••••••••••••••••••••••• belowrnktat$220,000 1•our11e u:,1) Ai:t dt-COl'Ult'd , boat 11 llp Weeklv R tes Looi& i!,_~··· ~!Ii() u v;,tl SllSO l>l'r mo Sµat'IOU~'l~lud:i. ~ _ O-roiftt 3226 117!Hl310or525 00l_s__ 1 BcdroomSuill'1; R4llKhet. FarM:t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ;w.,·r llOA'I' SLI 1• Jbr Jbu Complete: Kitchen~ Gro•n 2700 4br. 3bai spu. nr new, !'1111w modn Motor boat only M111d ~rvlre TV ••••••••••••••••••••••• to Dana Hiii& ll11:h :1;no1 nit '1640-<t!H!I ('1()1..l' LO nll major 320 ACRES!!! tiuccaneer 493-7771 fn..-ewoy11 and Irvine llarbor V11'W 41:>r, 2lla, up Nf•wµort Uc•nch nrea:.. In centra l Cahfo rnrn !"a•t•Valey 3234 11ru.t1.., .'9ni:h·.,lury,llkt-R IS "t t P .t iw Rob I c-; . rt <' j r ••••• •••• •••• •. • •. • •... a0tldt'I $750 l;<tO 073.'• OYG .. eS Wwnl ll200/a crt• 2-&ly 41lr xJnl area Walk ZOHO'!licwport Blvd Be«utlful 4S acres·fenced t.o Mi. Sq Prk Prk 1117l. Uark Uu y :m·.1 ~,2 Ur. 642-1611 or for ho raea. nume rous yrd 968,2720 OOJ-6008 1:.•ra11e. li.t put1u M;itun· 543 2000 ~~R~ie~b~25~~e an ttwtt'""°" iJoch 3240 ~~u:~~~J:i•:. ~·~~1154~ StnRle kar h .tra1h'r:.. Srno Also. numerous lols & ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1112 zai1 ll> $135 C<lllait<' SlS!i lit ii a m a I I e r Par<.' e I Ii 1 n New legant·2 b<'droom meld. <..:all aft. 4 IJ m Ellmore & surroundm" ~. or2 bedroom + d{'n ROAT SLIP, 2 Br. 2 bath 645-7?33 atell·good terms <1va1la $575 Cedar & window lowt•r umt w/firc placl.' ble home fo'1ve blot•ks lo S7SO/mo ....,...ach 3748 Pnnc1pals only please beac h Private 2 i·ar ON WATfo:R 2 llr, z bu ••••••••••••••••••••••• Contact Ken Mork~ ut J(ara l(e f'u lly m l•lu C'.Awlo $tl~llmo Edith W. Hettick tained y;ml J\flulh, Nu W11tcrfro11l I lomch lk 11ltnr &t /\11s0t·111tc·" pets lnqwn• .il S:.17 lijth H3_!__!4C_10_ 1646~pnniiStrt'et Slre<·t C714 l 960rl3:H .. :xt·l·uti v t· Wt·'>l«l1rr l'al!O ltohh•h -----ho'm<'. z nr 2 Ra , l'X lra 1805t238-5350 JOGTOIEACH lrg l1v1nR r m . frplt- l.J\C.UN/\ 81':/\Cll MTI< INN. $75/wk & up. M1111I M·rv .. 1·olor 1V. hcutetl 1X>01. Ulil. 1714 > 4!M-52'Jit !!&'JN Coui1 lf-lwy 1805) 466-3049 2 hr,<! ba. 1mtio hnt. form bt!lWC'C'O llYIOI( & <ltnlnit thn.fp,bar.OW.dlilitrtr rm 1o, 2 l'll r ~a r 4:1/\ ltul>y ltcd Crapt•fruit $.«AXX> P IA Wiii <·on111dl•r trudc ( 714 ) 9i2 73'JH T ennlh. IJOul . It V -.101 d •· Villa Pac-1f1t· (Uroukhrs l wlt1 Jil'n••r i:ar •'rtl'r "" ll11m1ltni Vat· '1 11 . S450 w.it•·r pd Shoo m o 545-33.')9 631 -02.'il} Red &tote ------. County <.:har111111i.t .I hr. i W..ted 2900 F..xcc home 4 Udrm,, J b11 homt· m 1·rlnukin1: ••••••••••••••••••••••• balhs, fa mily rm +boOU'I ~u·I f l' 11 u r ., '' w 11 h nn 3100 sq ft $750/m u forrulytdanani: rm mm WI 1..L nuv vmrn ltou..,c· or Unit-. S<·ott Rlty ~ 7533 BkrS36-146J bu. frpk , 2 t·,1r ~ar . IK4' :lbr, Iba, close to l)c•11th y d Sj7~ mo 0 //\ (..1can. S495 m o No l'l·h 549 m ._1 __ _ IJ30.3ti02 .....•................. Ho.es Fwntilhed .•.....•....•.......... LorJ-o leach 3141 .•••••••..•............ 2br, adullh, tOO ('.1 nyon Al· res I> r $395 I' h 2 l:J 1 Or1•11n Pad 2 Y" old, 4 bdrm 2'~ ba ftr~plJc\.' wt't bar Mc>x1t•an t1lc·, 1 blk llt><1d l No Pl'lN /\va1I /\pnl I Mli:> m o ~I 22!jJ a (t 4 :W 2501 or <!131645 H~l!I r.oo 16th St .1 hr :1 ba tll'll xlnt .Jr1•;1 rn:unt Iii~• 11111 K-16 71lfH. ••• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Townhou~t"" 4! lir 1' , Ii;• General 3202 frrih'. pall<i. l)O•>I. J.Jl' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5'10-6:114 t·v~i.lwknd~ d IJft l nu Ill Ora11a.:1· Cornpl rcf1r111>hcd 1n111<1c & out 1-·1,lc•, S4llO mu ll:K) IYJllG 5Ztl 50tl I lab>o rtt1lns.1la 3207 .....•.•............... 2 Br ru111 tw:lf'h n 1u .1i.:1• mo to mo ~ns Mttr11h11ll ltt-alty. IJ75 4t100 Coroftact.I Mar 3222 •......•..........•.... Dc•luxe Jbr 21J.1 rrpll Harbor Vu I lom1·~ SG50 mu No IJl'l' fj44 2-105 l';dlllgt'r / [!ohm Chu· a J hr, l'r1 hu, f1•n('rt )'llrtl. li(Ura11t• K1dt1 & i.wt11 ok $ 4 2 5 J\ I( I, n II ft• I' 004 2.'illll . !17 :I 2trt I ~°" ~ 3242 •....•.••..•.•....••... v 11-:w & s 111· 2 u .. trm Condo lll'W l'rlJ(l'o & dr-po.. Loudt-d w xtru' l'c~.:y. 9fi0.43'J2 Studm t-ondo acroi.i. rrnm beoch Frplc. pool. Jdl'. 1se. s:r75 847 4525 Modem charm1n1t c·ondo 2 br. 2 be. frplc. pool, all appl1nnrc'I S unn y bakony Walk Lo shoJA S450 mo 64il 7::,1$2 cvci. & wk.nd." :S month rent.ii ti') Jbl ti I~• Jflr. 2Ra , 11001 1·1''' lo '<lClrt•<, IJ('h $~1!1~. "'" M."> R.'\.SI 1-;"-t'l' X lw· 1·o ndo '""' r :.u· • 2111 :!' ih.1 ln11. f.1111 rm. 1>o11I. 11·nn1:., .. pa 9:75 tl75l!I11 l Hdrm. <! ba, lrpk , a.:ar 36th nr Bulboa lllvd Sjj)IJ mo SI l~J 10 m111.-1· 111 N11 !Jt'L' t>Ui 1141111 111.UFl"S I.a.: 1wwly r1•tl••• U1 . 1111 F l< l111n11 ' r m lk•uul .irulJll t'11m111 l)OOLJ I l'nll" l'f II h I, hnp rub)' 7011mu>1 I ~ It··"' fUcr b<ltl •·4!5!1 Nt•14Jlflfl ll h I 1\1 w o;tov•· & rdn11 $."IOCI. nu JJ('l.~ 64~ l)'jj,,1 a rt '1 run Irvine 3244 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Hr.llJavtl•whom.,,. l'\I lA:cimfronl. Beaut I hr $..'.ijX) Ill(). l\pnl thru J uni: 4!n·20tt2 or 41J7·32Hl -Newport B.och 3769 ....................... TOTAL LIVING I Bedroom Furnished Apartments • PIUll Buouttlul S1119i., 6 2 Bodroo111 (I uro 6 Unlu1n ) • All UllJ111" Paid • No LCHUO Hoquuod • S\lf1mmlnq T.nn ... ll1lho11i. • Anav1lut111 Ou.c'tm r .... M:und<ry fhunr•~ • "'"'Ith c1 .. 1 .. Sttunuc. lm.ut11• Pl,US MUCH MORLI Oakwood Gardon Apartmenlll New por1 8eac:h/Not1h kl!O ltV•O• '''' It.th Newpor1 Beoc:b/Soulh l100 lfilh St (;,. ""' ot ltilh) '141 M / Rl70 4,1t• t l">Uly IV Po"~ Moo•I ""'" -v.11v 1 Walk to l><•.1t·b , J UH .• I bJ . 11und1·l·k ut1I 1 m WllJl Will :! t·ar l(ll r i\j.'I 675-S'JJO I fl75 IW 14 Northwood11 4 111 .I h.1 am i.q rt . JJ1111ly , 111 frpl<', dhh w hr, ( rw d HI itar W!itt•r & u;irct1•111·1 pd Rrand nt•W sms "'" Kid' ok, no PN" i\gt, n11 ft'<' 964 256fi . In 3 2!n I \.1rd <: .• r.11:1· S I H ~I , _________ _ N'1'W1•r Du11lt•x ~ Udr11111. I'• bu. f.1m rm, d111m u rm. l.'1<' $.'i75 No f>\•l:. Ouve1/\i.:trM 7211 l.ov .. ly 2 bdrm :: bJ hou."4•, l.1ri:t• k1tdtt•11 v.1 hlltns 1"1 r1·pli11·1·, p11 t m. FrC'nc:ll fl our-. $:iOO S44 mo:-1 Ouplt•x. s.ri:-111 mo. f121 Iris. :1 llH 2 1111, n ·rr11:. WI D. W/f/\11 ~llr l>yi,, fi4Q.!l:j~(I . fl40.(ltl12 t•v, .• Joc:k Lur~c 3br. 3hu wlfrph• & hltO.'I ~ (.;lllf !';lt•Vt' t144.r.'i10or M(I ll!il Walk lO on•uo . 2 Ull. l ba . frpl, uttl r m ~.zs Net 675 5930 67fl ti494 ----RANCHO SAN .IOA(J( 11 N 2hr, 1',.,bu ron1lo $51,~ mo 752· 71155 d y11. ~:12 1031; 1•v<"1o Hud y RENTALS 2 OR. 2 ba ,~I041 :! DH, 2 bu, turn $ti00 2 BH. 2'1'1 bu $1i7~ J Bil, 2 ba SIOOO 4 Bil. 21-, ba S700 4 llR, 2 bu S450tl500 San ClcmcnLt· tl't2 :m2 :1U1 :!ll,1 lrpl1 N"" 1'1 11._'ls, •.uu 11111 1,7;, 71:17. li73-4705 ;: MU$Lt•r lldrm' .lll.1 {'1111 do, u111~1 :uh•d 1111k S~l(I mo :1itli I :rn:• c i'I :11 7111 !\,'.;-'" ChaM. (' br. JO' II\ rm STErS TO BEACH 4 RH. 2 bit , wntr $.'1'10 :1Hit,2 ba . wnl r $!>'.10 2 Bf(, 2 ba , w11tr $100 associated · DllOKEA5-llEALTOllS 101', W 8alboo b~l.)66l wlbourn d~11 & 11> l.~t· - 1·ow1try kit 11Lovi•, rdrii:. 171tlW.<>.·\.'anfronl /\\,111 O /W . hup,1> V • ti flllW wk ly .t .<1 .o .·t Gardt•nt•r uwl. 11,. lw;wh F'am1ht'li only i.7.1 71177 $71111/mo y r l v u n i\ 541l785.'i /\v111I /\pr If• ~nts u..fwnish.6 3276 ••••••••••••••••••••••. WATEIFttONT MobMeHow. Ston &mardano ltc-ccntly ro 6158a~kle0r.NB 848-8895 Juvenalt..>d. J U!>l IJ11h•d al -------------CostoM.sa r J 10% DOWN! Two 4 PLEXES ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Two 'boat dOC'kli -----$320,000 Ask or t•.tttnt•, 3224 ••••••••••••••••••••••• e.oo PMnMlla 380) Canyon be a t h hOm l· 3 hr . •••••••••• ••••••• •• • • • · 2 ba, l levd, pvt rear N ,. t' d r ,. :. 11 on" 1 h I • yard w/v1e w o( Ol'Can mamootc'f' ror i.mntl 7 11111 1 ss.51) 313 C'rttad or Lun1• hl<li: ('ull li7!i IOSH Quid°" 12131 434-441) I. Yrly l.w Bayfronl h.irl apt l'rv heh New J)Jllll '''llt, f'lt• Only Malur• over :llJ ~·rsoo, n1·1·d ~· 1111 ly S.:1011 mr, inrld. 11111 673 7ll!Jorli73-6765 •Q:lnl('mporary 21ty I ll'UNA 03l·l26Gor5S:.l 7367 i\l!t 4 Br & den, 21'1 ha , •-, blk •3n00sqflln·levct LM .__ ,_....., 2000 No n e w loan necessary. o wner will fron Nwpt Ru·k Roy •3('arl(ara1<t' $12 950 --. ._.._..-.~ tarry paper! Prime Huntington Beach Olymp1r i.11.(• pool. tcnn1~ S7'5.ooo ••••••••••••••••••••••• . Id b ct11. J8CUl.ZI & sauna •"-d. ros.-ssion , I o cat 1 on . s e y s ide with ~75 ea11 w, 0251 Shown by appt only Low ep11ce rcot include~ 7 UHITS-C.M. SEPARATE lot, all 2 Br, lBa u nits. ' 't523 CAMPU5Dl·IRVl~E. 3300 sq ft. exec ho mt· HOH CLARK 673-0053 utal. ($140). 8fo11uliful Beaut new h111 ldln1< Nc.-w sp acious condo ;: br . ---_ _ near Dana t111rbor, '1 1111 ~strano leoch 381 s ('Ofld, JOXU Sparton new Fireph1l'eli, Xlflllocot1c>n b llnS, cpls/drp!J, enclosed garages , 2 2 bu w/C'omm pool ~I UNIVERSITY PARK 2 21.., &. 2 fplc'11. :I c·ar ••••••••••••••••••••••• •BACKBAY liEAUTY' l.1l(Ji, tcfriJI, wilt lo town, 'TSl. lnvml!f Ml lli03 8 Il Q 'S, 2 Sep a r a le 1 n dry rm s, mo. Nope~ 64-4 IWIS lift l 01\ hou1w Pool. 1tar . 0<•t•on :1cw, m11ny 2 bdrm ;i Im Neor l>••at'f !lon38r't2~bomlhl•s ~a .. c!~'. bt~~H39!!!5 .. _.... F<i"uRUHITS·C .M. indiv id ua lly m ete red, lo maintenance ;acuzz1.1ur. cit••· ~nrnJ<l' xtras S89;i Nl'li.1111 . '" l'ollsudl's Nu 114.1:-. ... .... ... -... ---.,_,.. .. •1n1'l", 1'n x lnt s hape .1 Minutes from 2 Or, l bu. clO<'Jed l(aragl•, Ofll'nl'r, l)flllO, (orf•'>I hke ~1070· 957 0226 Obi .iur S:lk.'l mu 4911 4!12:1 a halt. ~ien.ivc u.o ot t5M500 Near nc.>w. 3 or OWnt.'l'I> • 0 lawldry area. fcn<'l.>d yd, Kreenbclt SS50 a:wr mo. nldwood 4s •lua a('.cent unit, 2 Im. Crpl, 2 1·1u beach. Gross income $30,348. Both 4 new crpt11. drp11 & p1unt nay" 213 149ff.52w 1-:ve8 3Ur, 2U.U , Sil50 m u Sun Corofto def Mar 3822 lhe extra Ill fencecUd.4.!r· IAYPIOHT Rin,i 312 Br, 2 ba6.ui°'~11. pl exes $410,000. '340. l11t & l1111l + dt•J)(not. 2L3 921 ·2388 Holl~ IJ!Jll. 7SI 28~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• rac~ b•c kyard. Prof. Luxunoua mobile hom<• • nvlllmLS 1 ilM Tierra Del Sol I~ Ca ll (7141770.5629 2 nn. So. of llwy. Adul111. l•ndaeaped, many ex livi ng with apacloull REHTSCOVER ...... , 2 brt hllrl.'tlcC'flm/out UNIVERSITY s.HILCICJlllHI 3216 1111p'1b.S450 lrws.$134,500. By Owner. "8bana lbr with den. 497-1744 1 k 1 d P.6'11( ••••••••••••••••••••••• Al(t!nl673r.35it I D •••.a tno.. " • MOITGAGE ('OUJ> c no tt If or Oils ~ l'nn on y. yg ""' '• p.ttUo, 11tonc frplc. plullh ------------• S005.548~311lt/lallt 0C't'8n V 1t•w Mu1lurt'h ~veil 642-CilOO. Ask for 11(,'W Clll"J)l'ting. 2 lcvelll, 15% Down. 4·Plc•x. As :i ht'droom. 2 bath 11ord<>n Summit. ndult comm 2 Cotto M.sa 3824 R.8. open beamed cellln111, 11umc. Sclkr will corry IOUHfTS.Nptlch 1----------:mr, 2t111, frpl, yd, tnrlcx !1..~.~~ oln .:lr1•1•1,1,btl•lt HK&deo l600/mu /\1110 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s lnt. cond llome In· paper. Manu~•·mtnt HOMIGATIVE unit. no dous $400 mo '-GU"-"ra cei '""· awn ·fl ft 1!>5 0 <:ti mm IAYCllSTIUUTY cl· ... -stove and re fna 1.vull ARcnt Gory () (;lty itpproved for con 6~8197 642 4005 1 lilt• New carpct111 ..: .. _ .. ___ on Leeward Lane New ~~U bl I pl'I n floslrr domlnlurn eonvcr111o n. 31 un.lta in prime C M cvc-. c •Y Pool. Jaccu:u1, tc nn1K rlubr........c, pool, 1nru7.11 , MOYE IN MA y I ST' & ... C ... $'•",000. tor thlA al w~ evu YOW ce ,.,,,.4.....,0, .. .,,..u,... S800.~.Cal1645·1103or locution Prlctdtosell al 3 br hou•" ull utll n"I $575/month. t•t<• T1•u l & Ua h <•ork n "' .._ 2 ... ... dS.,600. 873-7890. ..,., UDO ............. ,., 5'4110019 WMJer 134,000 per W'lll ., ... , ~ ... . 67< "192 rtt-11lly Int• 499 4W7 Jlf(ANO NJo:w duµli•x :! ovely 3 Bdrm. """' Pnnr apols Only Xlnt terms •vall No maJnl ancl. new pu1nt .,.., llll, J'. huth ('rph & home Jlallt rittbt ror COi.i Newport Beach 18t, I blk --. ----------•! drive.by pleaae f'or ~~ ---evt.'8. only ~....... dfl.,tl thru1111t, bwlt 11111 & pkl. Olli Bob Oickm1on. to~an.112.000. OF:J,UJU~ 4 Pl.EX Nr So 4UMrTS mo re info. call Paul Col'-rc" J'ark .. Oil , 2 bu •-leocll 3241 Ullfwwl"'-d 3425 d111hwr111hl·r t'1replt11·1· Al/.. 141-56711 C6t Pino Own1•r'ic unit. 3 n..•-home and den .... ei.i "' ... .. I ...,,..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prvl, e nl'loi.l·d 1<aro1i1· '7t .. lll -Undt•r m11rk<•l Pnn. on· •JUuu " ""up&l'Oll trp c. d s hwsr fo'n c< ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/:u.ldilton.d llloru "c' Mobile llome Improve · ,., ..... "'""l""" 3 new 2 13drm 2 bath un ..... ~rt, ..... _.... lard, cul·dc sue. '485 LM> ()ea ocean view rem 2 Or. 2 bu, muny t•ictra , ... v ""' _.. ...,.. It.II m> 000 ·-·r " etuld olt SJ95 642 IOOff or C'lo!;t• lo Hchools. i.h1111 ---------. m o n t S I>«'(' i a I 1 • l ----• 6 J.ZOll deys cl eel Pro ptir t I e 8 . do, 3 RR, 2 bu 1625 ll7!J.S7lll Ptnit & bu. w c.,t<1ldl' ADULTCOMOO Rmaissece4"-...!.!!.. owe RoyMcC .... ltltr 67J.lt00ens 75MU91 Occanfroot 38R,2 hu,N C M.Ont.•un1tha~u y.1rtl Walle t.o ~~b. l level, •••CH l 541.7729 dbl bi end SLWO Mo, l!'lt Nur So Cst Plaza 2 br. 2 KJdA OK. S4()(1 & SJ8S 1>cr beU. Pool $16,toO -A IA 3 fV.2ba. 1arage, ~ AJCen\499_.591 bD New crpLM & drp11, mo ('1111~-4900611pm ...... a ' • U.STOllACH RcsUmectmottic•1tc.no ltDIYOUlllll yard. No doltll 900 A/C,pa1io.poo1!1.jacu1,1 ~ ;:::: &':!i::· Obi wido ·11 Tral~rama loon tees. J!'Ht escrow J UMfTS 1'0'111£ BEACH Wilton. $475. 54S·7983 MOBILE llOM E. Screen & luah lnd ll<'Phlf<. S3'7.S LA MAHCHA ArTS ..,....,. (DNSlM) :s pvt bch ...,." ~n!:kdy~h r~ ~9 Ctntral locaUon In Costa from thla 1 unit, 3~ year 1 Br bacht>lor. w/stovc & i:c~e~~u~t 1.r~:~~u:~,.. '"'-" dlsrount. ~ 444hict I.Argo, l,2&:1 bd ll&rd1·11 --------• JMr.8Ub-litttJn1a1low~ • · Meaa. Renta und e r old t.op qu1llty 1p1rt· refriR. ulll pd, 1275 mo liland. sr,()/mo Laauna 308.1163-7418twe&wknd. uptN. Adult-. Oahwhr, LoeaMd ln Tr .. aute It . _eva;...;;./;...w_1mdl.;..;....._____ m orkel. Call Broker, ment houee. Wiil 14!11 or SlllHamllton i'h 557·1255 ruty-...,..,..,., bllllli, l'lll'I uur, 1(111i bb11 a.-a1 •• _,. Padnc Coast Hwy. 561J..3327. trade! .... ,.,,.,, ' Oranietree l.g Jbr" lmt. l'ool GH Pd 778 Sc1111 --· L. Reh Oflered bv BY ow11r• ~ ... "'· scon1····n p; SIDE 38r 28• dbl bd b F' I AC, ten nis, pool, llP ll. Pl 6423(17J,645·5'11 1 •••• .. •••••••••••••••• • · ' U -•· · ' ' $4415' 3 rm. 2 •· anip ace, Adulll, no pet11. Le1111<1 YllWfllOMTHITOP .:..amCll ll.P. C1l4) 2 DUPL£XJ:8 for Salt-MISWOPPTY 1 ____ -._7_W ____ ~I~ ~':n111 mo. :: .. ~~!'r9:J8~=IOmo. S3M.W -lt.122.Avall4/15 SporlouM 2 br dc lul!v ar.dlUldaa ~u •h Ownflr wUI urry with OdM ll'tplea. 0.,..,.11 un· A ._ .. H.... l>.thwhr, new palnt. i-: fnlmllAlbla~a IMMACULATE· Mobile 15% down. Corona del it w/rplc, l f'~ dwn. .. 2br lba rww t rp drps Pl t.e,...Hllh 3210 0 N T If E WI\ T to; R 111dc, nr. frwy, encl, .cu1 .H.11 .. hl. Netr ll1tln1 Home, 20x16, tull.Y Mar.ffl-aMI ••-ooo &&"L P"" 0..0ctmfa... NoJ)ft llll·llll~dep$4'15 ....................... Vil.LAGE C Rfo:•;K , t..1!!0.M(lf1J.fl7fH849 u Al.·~:;;: f·-'•.._. Ind pd n e ----------• -· · · ,. nt. ••0<' .... C:le II Partrum 6"6·20.18d1ys w Id • 8 blPJy up"r1d4'd 2 Bdrm ----wrMWIBR\iOllllO,Oft -·---· ac • .. 25e.ryC-rtC91 only.'1~J.703lownr • .-• Lel~ure or new a r +den.l •11c•$GOO.Al(ent.2bdtm.l bo.laundryr111 Jy.,,IOO. .....ITl-'1114 Sen Dtf P 11 h a Iott, 4 1 ' 18 •pll, S.r1aln 11\or.pert rH d 2ba eondo. W U h l'r / J1cklc~·54MM> No P Cl ll $305 P•· r 81tR11tAJU:NRY FOil i AL ·. D•luu1 •0d· °"1t1~000°' llOUIPLDH hqe atora1e ••rau t.hellUleada n Clahlfled drye_r. AIC. MOil COUtlle. ----mo+SlOO dt•uning 'l'i' a•••ro•e •. " no.t.25% wn ..... . '"'12 Br 2 Ba •~nh""t• Owner wlll cerry IO'll .-_-SS: ..... _ • R I ' ,.... 7 2 -"° JblD'UpcrMtd.Sllflln• ...... ~ ..... IV --..,... ~ ..,. reeularly And they find ...,........,., ........ ~ r .... movc11 you 1n IJ' 215Dll llar •·•Ill .... BNt'll Park. 2 Br, 2 wp• type wilt.a. Eledric bit· r;ICbt~:u~ .U:~~Y l\'hMthty'~lootlln•for ~........ JHZ M , newly decorated. Shallmer. Cull l)cbhu• 1'111l to .... t.19. 1br 2 r f\illa.,famll)t rm, W.nd le.ly taa~ced ai r hut, an.tl&ll ....................... WI 1ar. Kida OK, no 1131!110'1or9629962 ba, epa /otun vu , lllkben0 1Hnd porch , HMAI :: Wc»m':'i;r:d f!c~ --------Nl.-J Shor• 4 br. i b1, ,.....JnS.tl1·L&sievl'iJ O.Ch. torr nt w/utll In llt1'dowa ••• u .oot * ru .... pottd ~· TWO 4-11.DH Lion. owe 2nd. Two to ""Pt u.J..U. !:!-~~-.two famllY rm, atrtum, 3 car Ta;;tJN,, Cid. 12:.>. ~II 552·938\I ON• Ho••• 8al/8u awhl&.' moN. A "' 2 tbot~ Covlnaton 4 dlaoMtroftlll•,500.a. 21aft."i;'°~iro'; .. p1r11. pr Comm pool, te_nnl1 •fw11J •• H25 181 E. lllh.1il_ - i.-.ll. cn.,p:r;;-_:.a.. :;at.~ ,'i;,0,~t:~!,~ fl~'TIG~ lltr.5164l11 Abeedl.'HIMAM -•**•••••••••••••••••••• 1'wnhKApt.2 0r11r1t b11 _ --~' ~ ............ 1267 Hew 2 Ar,..._ w/enc l C'ptj drpl, walt'l' pd, I COSTA... wthrMIBr,Jha·IM. HOf'I€~ TWO....... -···················· pr, lldWtl no peg. 0)'1, chlj;I, aml pet OK. $300 Nft 11 IAIK'ff, at••· ~ ~~ Rllaltor aM'rl4 amW Coutffwy,Nlt Nr ........... I ml to DlllACULATE 4br 2bl . 117 ... lO,MS-•t eva mo ~Ull :r.-••· red••d to uw646 bHdl. -g. uaut 2 BR coratr tot a ll u tr11, -- .... , -IDd. pr 6 ,,.., IMORM r.,d. kid 1i1e batltyard llawlOlnlWftl rou w1nt Sa.&. &die l&.ema wa&la • AmrM.H.... SM.•.9Dtltbtl•.•· Avaif\ now $560 mo to..Ut~adldo DIUyPUotCIMalf\edAd 117...., W•Adl C.tl•Mf• ...... Ml-14110.. . •1«9D1,-..& h"IJ tu-Ifft eo.tm. ---- _,,_ C..-stn.o ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1278 ( I .. • J '/ • . . - Ge .. 1 h'wMI_.. 4450 ......._ Wlldt~.March 28.1979 * OAll.VPILOT D5 ........... 4110 ...................... or .......... , 5010 ; Af l•M•u.fww.. .\pef ... •h~ •-twoc•t•...... ....................... .. ..................... &.ottlrfo.d 5100 P'tt.-Cllls 5 350 HefpW..ted 71QO •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• =-•••••••••••••••••• S.~•ou.' dbt l9ar 1ar1_1e MAllMB'S MlLI tleik. tha_ir. couch 6: ore ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••-••• ~ t M l"or '11~ 11tt11"a&f' PRfllfELOCATION r urn1ture. 499·2il t Fuunct9h1c:kmalerabb1t C_. ...... Y,,,_llL A omt&P .wt CilMMIM ........... edt 1140 S.Clt•.ti lll 6 f1r1llty l'vt cntruncc on WATER. Avallablf' •asT Oorooadel Mar VVl"llllll w ~~pty :'work ln -·-................. ··-................... ············•••••••u•• f?srno 21a ~ m tOf" rt'ta11 or froteu1onat ~toLo. 5025 673..o?lt •ESCOITS * Iii"*". etennt 11urrouno I ltlt with .. ro!Ct' walk 111 <Jlf1cm. T<X~ of 3000 aq .._, lngJi Th s delux corp ok .ich S2:l(J Offke ...... 4400 f\ Qin be d1v1d1.'<S Into ••••••••••••••••••••••• U)ST: PARROT. pink/ :M Rn 951 847' a:1k only I yr exp. Sfur1 ~1l2•1(t>nl • riat11u Nu Jlt't~ I':"'" 41111>31!1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• i.maller units Dnvc by ./NEED lray, Meu North sal too0w/two7~ raise z8drm. z batb Oelu f' 2'!M l:br 1 1.,bo~l lOll "' 11 Dt•h.10 meth~a l sutte. ~~11CoHt Hwy. NB. ~da~~9 3107 eve. •FOXY LA.DY * per yr. Man{i oth~r job~ ~ du,hwuhrr 139,, Townhoua. e IQH•ly aput· fl'\lk ~l«''-! tu i, a ch llJUWl(I fir . orona ifol w~~H-1 OUTCALLONL.V avi.11 Cull R ta. 54U-605:J ~51 lJ a.ient 6 ho>tM Ilk~ 2 br ,.1th 5200 4lri tt44i6 Mair Heolonoin1c Co11> , -...-..---FOUND: Fem. lnsh set· 972 3 8 Coastal Pcnmnnel Agen f>\1 l•lt'il rntt•nrt• + 2 6756700 631-1400 /MONEY terwelltra111ed, 1>05slble * ·I I * cy.279011arbor.CM Nrwlbdrm l'On\J ,lrpk' p.;Uos Somr with •tl s.t.AMI l llO 2~500 II~ fl of!h:e11 V lo&t longtime.&'29094 •SHERll..1-:E• NeverucOtiUoyo~ bit~. 2 1'11 ~ f:~r ~·· 14~ tiu•"" ~w1n1m1n11 pool "-· s I I l I 77" (;L'R'l' MASSL'USL' •cCTG OFFIC111 & U&l 1\Ylo {t1n)nn llr Jitnllll T<'DOlll ~uun.. 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... vn1 14 n<' u 1 . ,, Forstorc&otr1cu11puceut 1-'ound: Raccoon, rooster. ., "" ., ~ .. MS~ hlll lu fluut.inljtoi'I t1hop Det.tched Alth. W l!lthSt MO 2200 rea.'IOOable rates e & gry cat. NB Ammal llous~!~~ Appt. ASST MAMAGER AU AOULT Am Jll'\I N'flll'• m•U Adult& :l ltdrm 1 hi. ktil• Uh. L>ownlown iluntLngLon SOOto 5000 Sq Ft. ShJtr. 644-3656/S48·~lS3 Un u.'iual opportunity for NOWAVAJLAILI No pt'lt. •'r(lm S43S S32Ulll<H dl'V Ava1lnow Ot•uch 2 10~~ Main St MESAVERDEDR CRB>ITMO Found : Lg puppy, vic t-'ANTASVLINE an ambitious. mot1valed ~ .. wind \tlla1u 1 5~~'1 Orw ll rru orrit•c uvu1l PLAZA NOILIM Santa Jsabel /lrv1ne. Call&flrrdO"ut,Morfl' per.ion-who11saoa-lytiN:1I, J br 11pt 1'1d JA111i•1 ttununjlton Vtlliull' 1 O£nt• 1 u d r m 1 11 11 t h SllO l'tl(.l 1$58. ~Mesta Verde F,, C.M. W & lrd TD IOClftS S4S-4309 7..SPM ~~ 244 t fast. accurate, not afraid Ill~ l'\'14 l:"nd j(1m111ti 11 U 17141 ~I '2?5 1 tlt•i> hvl111 llllW 54§.4121 of hardwork f"ull charAt' ~lltRV u l' .. :TS ('ull ll11l1llll ~)Cl 1107 o~ THE 547-54 02 Found · I yr old Golden Seektn~ while widowed hkkp!( for fast ~rowin.: 1n f ~'\'U t ...W APT HOMES " S J CAPISTRANO 600 Arranged by Rtvr ·Nr. Dana Manna nice looking man, 50·55, J.Stort• chain. Nr 0 (' t\w.La MC'.. -..~ :l-l MOW IEHTIHG TuttiR 31 90 w ATER! S(j I\ store. 2 blks No or ComtHotm LOOlts WelJ trained & friendly ror la s lt n g l'Onl 1)11 Airport Start up lo & &C.fSIDI • •••••••••••••••••••••• PLUSH su1·TES Ml.&Sion G7S 0176 T t Recenlinjury. 1-496·266l nlonstup financially W('ll SllOOtmo Mail resume 5Aoill """to•··""~~fl 1-...1.-~...aR ......... _. 4500 MDit91ps. ntS 5015 off, good JOb, enjoy llre. to. Mr Cl.irk. t71i<!:! •la·.,t-dec .. r w li sLor l u "n 3 hr ~ 11.. fl•1d1•0Vlllec)e _., L"""'" _ ....... .....,... Deicfi FOUND: Be1fie kitten HONEST . home t ype. Armslron.:. Irvine. CA • o w .,..uo lndn rm -.pal~ 1ntN1c1r' Ind 2 br. 2 b•. 1¢ui den 11ptis F.f91tic V ws ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• V 1 c H a m 1 I t o n & lJke dancing & truvchn~. 92714 •Sp.'<'uAlt bin l r art-OW .. tu\t' tplt .. & Tustin Gy m , i.uullJ WctBimi lndustna1800tol600 sqft Magnolia.Call960-4027. m a rriage m1nd u d . --- •(;a& aw11t. ~dll "'"!Okin~ Pfl\dlC :! r11 r g11r".:"" !i pool. p<atlo $;13) Adults, Udo M..U. wtth offices Newport LOWEST respond to PO Box 2634. Acct.'I Payable Clt•rk, ~·' ~WI hot Wdh•r all frw llrutjut' rlOI r plilta, rent norL. 1~9'l Pall 1deno. vi---a 64.').2111,640-6303 f'~UND: Gold Beagle M1ss1on VtCJO Cu 92600 per . for eonstrucllon co ....... 11•~""l"'"t "'~rn>m $49Smo ( N t L·r ......., w.rettRat.1 Mix,small.645·1S08;NB ----· NB area Call Hell)" '"" ib:i~ro~ ~-w11ur " w y Ntiwport 675-.8662 LAGUNA HILLS·two ad htT.D.'s,olso Aruma1Sbelter644·3656 WE GOOFED LAST 752-8141 .,,..,,, L•1·• A , .. r.tano•'1'r ;w1 til.lill JllC 5000 sq ft M·l untl!.. ~.....aT D Lo WE i': K W t:: AR a-: _...., r. ~!:?7~!.' ... tlUnUl\l{lnn Rurh w............ 3898 $141 Up Off1ce-store. 480 new bldg. A I C o rrc . ..,_ • • •1· FOUND· Blk log hair. so RR v I T 11 1 s "0 ---------.,... """ ....................... fl. A1C. 17301 &:11ch Bl. fronts on Moulton. nr f'a.LrestTermsslnct•t949 mix dog. s malJ.med sz S HOULD Rt:AO AS Admses-Models l'omlot111bk nl'"' ~hr. ;!h.J ktdb t>lt. "" p~·~ 2 WlolllJn'. l' ~ MT I~ ~ITh\ ('.,.,.WI.Rd v1·11age ll~TTm.: lllGH II U L~E 842·2834 Lake Forc:st, lease by Sattler M~ Co. fi45.l~; 644-3656 FOLLOWS S.A.M WANTS YOU '1G4I Bt:A<.:H PRICES 2m1swle 390 sq fl, ample owner 835·1808 642-2 I 71 545-0611 FOUND Tan. shep mix. Are you a l'ULI.' l>exy al· SA M CSc:reen Artii.t .• Nc:w 1&2 bdrm luxur.> I & 2 BH rurn & unturn park. utl incl A fC adja Storw 4550 L L some dark markmAs trae woman" I'm a su1• Ml(mnll wiovcr 20 yr-. adull Jl>b 111 14 µluns ndult ·•l>l'> ~orrv 110 cent l<r Sec Pactft C n••~•••••• ......... MONEY.AVAi •• E Med sz.64.S-1508;644·3656 ces!'l fu l , hand'IOnl l' eicptn i.howbus1 nt•s:-1l> from S3 ~ • pool,., h•n pcu, 5.JI 6200 E h 2NDTD AND wtmalt-. 40 yrr-. old <.:all looktn.C for t hoM' 111 J lidr m :! bath JIH rus. watertalli.. pondi.' Bunk. Near · i 7t & WarehouseSpace 3500 sq SWJNGLOANS . FOUND· Sm white I'' meanyt1mt•'84115286 tcresledina prof caret•r Adulll~ .• !:')7503 mo GJ 1-'rum S.in Utt:f:O 1-'rwy ~llbhndth•d 2~aXJ•negc. c M . 642·4210 n. $6()()/mo. Irvine 12' lNTERESTONLVOR Cocker Spaniel. L.A H-APPV ANIVL'ltt.'AltV tn movies or TV. Cull pa1t t;.&2,,. dnve North on Bf·in·h lo orUnfwMtlMd 3900 ...., cir. spnnklers. 20' ce1l FULLY AMORTIZED .. Li ce n s e tag . Vic M 1 d M Mr. ·;_,1vL•, 63.'l·2233 ext95 Nt-wty det'Oruted 3 t>r, 2 h Mt•l-'m1den then West on ••••••••••••••••••••••• ;j Rm oHtcc. carpeted. air mgs. Ava1l 't1l August IS Duv1d P. Carey & Assoc Yorktown & Bus hard. i an . r r 1---------- tuwnhou:.e Svdcious Mrfudd~n to Seaw1od Tiit: EXCITING cond. Sky park Circle, _642_._11_2_1______ R.E. Hroker. 960·1957 963-7948aft3. MONTHS' --------- fireplace & pool Qu•l' Village f7t4>893 5198. PA.LM MESA APTS lrvlnc. $250 mo549·S033 llefttah W~d 4600 Found: black r. Husky/ Per'SOftCll Seniees 5 360 ADMINISTRATIVE area Adults. no pets Deluxe bea<'h apts Frpk. MINUTEShTONl''l' liCl l Office space for rent. Ap-••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .... nh/ nux'd. No tail. Bristol & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ASSISTANT MOO. 645 33111 , 675 5949 end gnragc, pat1011 Hue • 1&2 BR prox 432 sq. fl. New epts. Res~ons ible. working PtnOIMlll1/ Warrier S4S-451S. Exciting f:NTJo;RT Al N REAL EST A TE 1 Sr ba<'helor upt, utr 1 pd Peggy. 960·43'J2. ~ Afrodumll.!255No&peut'!, pa.mt & 1.Jghlinl? system w r I le r s e c k s o n e Lolt & FoWtd Lost fem a le Chi' huahua M RtN T b Y S t i• v I! Challengmi: carecrpopp ., ., 1 ..,,"' bedroom colt a"e 1n ••••••••••••••••••••••• Schr<>1ncr. D1snt•yland ty a!. assistant Lo res1 stove refri" incl S9 3br 3ba brand r1ew Llu11l ,...,1 M·•sa Dr. Pd Ult . .-.u/mo. 64S·2SSO ... 0 v d r d It 11 1 s"" S20 r ...., " orS33·2~ Corona de~ Mar or Costa Alaw.,..nh 510 P u P P Y . 1 <' Mag1c1an -.1n 1·c· 1965 ent o expan mg mu 1 11m1 ton l , S mo Harbour area $475. mo IS lllks East or Nt'wport Mesa. Qwetness essen-••••••••••••••••••••••• Li ster /G arf1eld . H B Ma.git• and Coml'lly for t'orporall• Reul F.stat•· 642·7671 or ~7· 1255 Days S36·6663. 536'8705 Ulvd > lndJvidual offices with re· tial. Wnle Class1f1ed Ad 963-8079 all ages 1-'or mfo, 1 all oper atH>n Prestrgiou!> ST\JNNING lar"e 2br 2h· eve. 840-5949 9am·Spm 546 9860 cept1on1st . secretary . 11200. Daily Piiot. P .0 PENNY 539 24 44. 5 39 !'i 4 I 5. oHtcc. N U · nl•ar 0 r n ~• Bo u'" C .. Lost Newport H S. <'lass c.,. 73l2 airport area. M ST ha\1· garden apt. Pool, rec Large homelike 2 br, 2"'2 ROOMI 4000 \.vrn erenre room. xerox. x 1"""• osta incsa ring. In scribed !-'red ....,... Heal ~Lale J.,rcense & area S32S 710 W 18th St. b a t o wn hom e a pt . ••••••••••••• ••• ••••• • • lwich room: San Diego 92626· PINCHER Bockm'tller S25 R0 ward EnJ: -"' & b k d ------E 1 d & Frwyaccess &exposurc. --.------~ yn.m -.iron~ at· S?roun m DELUXE. lgc 3 BR. 2·~ nc ose pvt patio Fountain Valley Mo. Lo Family of 3 w/dog needs •OS 646-4005 ~ atiOft brokeraRc. development. Ba e~r Dbl L garage Deluxe k1Lchen •.,._&Odor IM• 1 be 2br house w1garage " ••••••••••••••••••••••• -.ynd1c;it1on. or prop • n .. new. pa 10 w/bllns. incl refrig mo. renta ginning al . · ,1, · LOST Golden Retnever gar, grdnr. ctr. Close l Small pet ok. S4lO. mo Lovely gardens· Brooks S340 per mo. 714/963-6445 fcl'IC'ed yrd & frp c. Max Dana Pt. area. Ma le He4p W~ 710 shanng & o5ppty for ad· bch $6()() mo. 548·3365 wtr fall S37S. By. S· l. Rent or lsc ONLY I"> Has h •••••••••••••••••••••• van\:emenl. alary open 17610CameronSt. •Kltchen Fac1I. avail. B1rchStreetOff1ces 836-9586anyt1me. • scar & shaven ni: 1 ---------•Send rc:.umc "' s alan· Large 1 & 2 bdrm from ~miniRJty 839·6623 •Jacuu.1,heatedpool Pnmegroundfloor, lSSO ---------s h ou lde r . Reward . history & dates lo Mr S26S. Qwet bwld1ng wit 3b ba . . 1 •Wklyordallyma1d srv sq. ft. 1at 70< ft.) Call Pror man. n eeds apt. So>ll .my 1tt>m or com 661-0268 Accounung DC Berman. Pr1•:. beatuf1ul landscaping. r 2 new. tenms. IX><? • •1V & phone available Barbara 955-2274. Irv/CM. No kids or pets bmJt100 of item:. for S7~ Qurul Place Companie:. ldeaJ for adults over JS. drapes. frplc, sec. Avail. Low OI $72.50 Wk ~HIJ88 or less with d Penny FOWld gray/white Dutch ACCOUNTING I~ Quail St. Suite 135. No pets . LE EWA R immed. $550. 213·919-5541 2277 Harbor l'lncher Ad 3 lmc.-s ror 2 m a I e bun n Y. VI c TEMPOR &RY NB. Cahf. !12660 E h Bushard/lnd1anapohs "" APTS, 2020 Fullerton New 2 & 3 bdrm. large Costa Mesa 64S·4840 luslneu/lnYest/ cons«ullvc days ar 536-8998 eves, 645·0545. J '-\U .._IL Ave, (1 blk east Newport sundeck or yard, encl f1Rance .tdd111onal I.me ·~ liO Cur !H_ ASSIGNMENTS ,,-A /\ve & 1 blk south ol garage, quiet area, no ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• lhf'2days Char~l·rt ' Bay). 631-0397. pets S3SO·S42S. Days froom w/k1tcheneu c ~~ lusiftets No comml'rt'Hll Jth Found Fem Sprini.tcr Oran9e County is PLACE New 2 BR . 1 ~, b a 534-2306, eves. 534·2306. $60548w~97k S&Sup. ~""',~-Opportunity 5005 For more informJ11on Spaniel. hver/wht. v1~· loat•HCJ! AMI t.o ar PROf'ERTIES . " -••••••••••••••••••••••• andtophH'e youratll·all Placenttal 19lh, CM 1 townhouse. frplc, pvt ,.1,,.11 ___ , 548·2389 we. pallo. encl gar. Adlts. 9"ifte 3844 Beautiful La~una Motel ./x..oa _..._ WANT ED . B U S · SJ)O. 645-4074. ••••••••••••••••••••••• aplS. By week or month ~~-~~a11. PARTNER for Fantastic 642-5678 SCR M 494.2494, -..--..... Jewelry Business!!! Will A -LETS New 2hr 2 ba apt s . 3br 2~~a Brand New make money! Designs Ba I c 0 n y & r r p 1 c Woodbndge, S600mo. 2 zconnecting rms, Nr . bch never before o n the ANSWERS S39S. mo. 64S·644 l or car garg. 213/465-4841 w/k1t. priv. S28S. utll pd. market! Need craftsman 64().1645 lsl. last + SI OOd cp 1----------familiar wts1lver-work. Miss Conunental USA Denote -Bushy - -----WALNUT SQUARE 675-5.Sl.1. 64S·6499 * CDM SUITES * metals. sem1 ·precious seeks charm1nf{ girls Frame Outrun - Duplex 2 br. 1 ba, encl. 2 8 cond A/C h / n......ug ous 3 desk s pace stones. Call: 548·6427 . or ages 3-28 to enter beauty OtrrofMONEV itaragc. Mature adults. d._:er suo'nporc'hwasp00er1 N . B. Eas t bl uff. pool. qr.'.uct 0}fice suite. plush write Ad 1*48S. clo The 1._t'Ofl-t•es•'···2•13•/•00•7•·2.J•l•3--Wife : What do you m ean Nopcts.$310mo 964·1055 .,, • · · frplc. well-furnished, surroundings in old CdM Daily Pilot. Class1f1ed ,1" by comrng home half K_l_DS_ OK---l~S450~·~mo~·~67~5-ao42~~~· ~~II $225. 759-0896 ch.arm. centrally located 330 West Bay St. C.M. Loltlrfomd 5300 drunk') Hubby I ran 3 br, 2 ba, pool. $325. mo. Brand 1 BR d Single room for rent, $200 with beautiful large sun· 921627. ••••••••••••••••••••••• _OUT __ o_f M_O_N_E_~_Y __ _ 64S-808410am·7pm. 1 !'ew t. 1 co~~s mo. On the bea ch . ny sundeck, oceanside or -New--9-us-iness--Op--po-rt_u_n_1.1----------FOUND . Med s z -.----------• poo. spa~ eons. 67s.J.8S9af\8PM. Coast Hwy. Will make ty. Be your own boss. Shephe rd w t lea s h 3 bdrm. yard, pool. Qulet Mo. Red Hill Realty great co11>. office. 560 sq Small investment Is all FOUND ADS Monte Vista/ Del Ma -type fam . pref NO JaneTrabucco~2·7SOO FUm. bdr m. & ba. C.M. rt.OnlyS395/mo. 646-1055 PETS.$38Smo 54!1-1240 •-leoch 3841 hse. prlvilages. Malure ROGHSREALTY that is req. for exr1ling •---------~ employ. S17S. 545-9866. 67"'2111 lucrative res1denual and AR£ FREE FOUND: Male ln sh Set qulCKMOVEIM ••••••••••••••••••••••• :r commercial video bus t· ter. Euclid / Warner . New E side townhouse 2 2 bdrm. 2 people max. G.stHOIM 4150'---------ness. 54()..2505 <Mfr) Call: 1 f'.V. 537-2313or636·2247 -' 3961/z 3rd St $475 plus ••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • ----------br, l'h ba. Over 1100 sq . · .1 d .. t CH ) Ruth'B&Ch f h •442-476Sq.Ft.No.Costa 1'""'-l·-t---1 a __ _. 5350 ft. Small child . pet ok. securi Y e posi s ome or L e Mesa. $255. Incl. ulil. -..--·~ 642-5671 retwwwl $395, mo. Drive by 2536 543-~ .IW> 634-6548 for aged. Semi.pvt avail. AJC. Tom .540.2200• High annual net. Re· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sant An A th II application 1192-5493 quires 3 mo. work. Well RELAXING M~SAG E 00,~ a ve. en ca ---·----orn r l l800 n established restaurant BobJames·L•c Masseur · Deluxe 1&2 bdV!m apHts on Vacaffoll Ret1tolt 4250 $7:,err::,~ ~~.or U:~rn: guide public at.ion. Ideal !Ast or Found a pet" Call Outcall 9·9. 494.s1 tt Nice. 1 BR. refng lncld, oceanlyned ar 1ctedorb ugtedo. •••••••••••••••·~··•••• So. H.B. location. Ideal for woman desinn~ m· Ani mal Ass 1s l ance1-----....;.... ___ _ patio deck, adult. no pet. new eeorat • ea ~ for rent_. Big Bear rea I estate 0 rr ice. dependence. Exe. terms League. 53'7·2273. no fee MICHELLE'S S27S. As k for Bill , pool. elevato~. subterra· City s.'ps 6; hnens furn. 962.2458 $26,500. •Outcall• 546-5880 nean parking S62S. S25 mtely pr cpl. Call ----· ------Co I I 1 e G er m a n 494~. after 3p.m.S48·1989. CitrnEnc Suites Shepherd/Lab 4 mos. UAM·2AM 835·3749 $325. Beaut. brand new 1 had 3 shots & booster. br, frplc. laundry rm. 1 BR apt,""' block from BIG BEAR Cabin.sips 14 , Frotn~200~mo. Nee d s good hom e . UMDA&VICKI laJmed.occupy. Victor Hugo. $300 mo, pool table, color TV. 2 FulJ services avail at 't.I 640.8720 days S54·4814 OutcaltMoHa«Je TSL Mgmt 642-9412 util paid. 494-9964. frplcs. 545-0016. <:05l. Pf'.ime O.C. loca----------eves. For The'-of It! We're ROBERT HALF'S accounleqis There art• many nt•w firms movmtit into lhe OranRe County area bnn111n1t about an 111 creasmR demand fo r ex per1enced Account 1n1t and Data l'roCt''''nR personnel CPA'S Audfton Tax Acco.tants Cost Acco.t•h Sr.Acc-t•ts looldl"fM"S Acc.owtitMc) Cfertls Data&.try K/P Operators If you are not aware of the benefits or worktnJ! temporary -1{1ve us a call or v1111t us at our new location We will bl' hap· py lo discuss 1l with you We are lornt<.'d in the 10,... fil t :)O P.M.l 7S2-1920 Advertising JR SECRET ARY Work in the f'XC lttn ~ world of advert1sin~ 1111 mediate openin~ for un t'Xpenenced ~cc relan Good typmg skills amt d1claphone l':xcellcnt working cond1t1ons anti benefits includmg dental L11Surance. Apply Sam llam or lpm·3pm, N11 l1onal Education, 4401 Birch Street, Newport Bl' a c h. I N ca r 0 (.' Airport I Equa I Op portumty Employer. ANEW CAREER lrv1m• Personnel Agent•v 488 !'.: 17lh. Costa Mesa Suttc221 642·147(1 --s all 2 b 1 b t -lion. Adj. to S.D. Frwy. MorthAMtrican ---------Serv1·ngall OrananCo $32S. 2br, l lf• bu. balcony, m• r, a co Lage. BIG BEAR CABIN (714 )964-2880. LOST· Ens.t . BulldoA. .... · COLDWELL BANKl-:ll laundry rm. Adult. No all wood. frplc, yard. 2 br. frplc. sips 8. Wk or _;_________ Ymt LiM1 ftffds you.. white. 60 lbs w/tao mask 1 ____ 835 __ ·7_3_13___ HUILDING AnswerinCJ Senice pet.s. Adults, no pets. $450 mo . u li I inc I. wkend. 17141640·5565 5© 1250 sq ft. looking over AS A B US I rll E S S Bilbo. Dana Pt Reward M ..,SS ..,GE Suit<.• 11200 TSL Mgmt 642·1603 642·9401. Lagun a, underground PARTNER IN OU R 496-7050 "" "" 233:JNo Broadway PBX operator s for 11 -. a.ntalltoS.._. 4300 parking, New carpet, GROWING ~LEET OR ---------RGUREMODELS SantaAna ll!IC'phone-ans wcrin i.: 1 Br apt. pool. palio. I Brw/deck&v1ewof c1· ••••••••••••••••••••••• dra~&paint..aircond. OWNER/JPERATORS Lollt .Ladiesgold ESCORTS 17141835-4103 scrv1t·1· expcncnced or balcony. adults only. no ty. Walk'? town & beach. ROO MATES SG-U86SS7·S870 You'll have more than Helbrose watch Fr wrll lram Pull time 01 pets. S26S. mo. 1887 s.150. mo. mcl. uttl. Avail. M just a job including the ~-28SS OUTCALL ONLY ---· •ee-P•a•rk•m•~--•I part ltmc shifts ;iva1la Monrov1a.64S·0030 April I. 661 -1161 or Shew .... S..• NEWPORT BEACH 600 freedom or ownjng your Day& • h hi e Day:-. afternoon 494-3672. • sq fl. 3 bl ks lo O.C. own small business with Found Golden Rel. type • ns. r 1----------1 c\erun~s or grave yard 2Br. IBa. new cpts. drps. Enjoy more. Pay less! airpor t a cross from all the advantages or a female Golden color 63 I ·2140 ACCOUNTING Must be a,ptc lo work upstairs, encl garage. Mlwport a.ach 3869 All Ages & Lifestyles. SheratOO. S46S mo. Sharp big business behind you v 1 c Brook h u r s t GOLDtEU r-IRL ' som<' weekends. Typtn$! <'lse lo shopping, Mesa ••••••••••••••••••••••• We Check References upstairs front w/lge We'll give you the pro· Hamilton 968-8785 '""w 3.5 wpm reqwred. Man' Verde Area. $295 mo. PAM NEWPORT Cal 546--4212 balcony, pvt ba. A/C. fesslonal assistance to ---------149 yr old M. 6'1. 19S lbs GENERAL co. benefits :S\•a1labll.' J\dlt.s, no !)('LS. 871·9656 or Bac h e Io r s. i o r 2 Cut Living Expenses I 4321 Birch St. Suite200. help make your business STOP!! nnancially secure seek· ACCOUNTING Plea'W call Mon·l-'rr 871·S1SI Bedrooms&Townhouscs K·lovestments7S4·7900 a success. Such as t·om T-.. e ume to relax and mg warm. aHecttonate CLERK Fashion Island are.1 From $349.so ~M•l' a tiomo or epr I I . f ..., ..,.n 1~191 2 Br, I b11. encl. garage & Spectacular s pa. total House-Mates Unlimited OFFICE FOR RENT CM ~~e . tr~d"g , .1 1 1 frou shop al home. It's simple female companton 30·40 ~ patio.Cpts,dr-rw,blntns. p Roommaro N..,.,,Bchaea400sq fl ,..,._...,it. we 0 er with Dally P ilo yrsofageloen1oyf1ne An l d h l'os la Me s a are.i .,.v recreat1'on program . •On!'c•••n " -..... r ·. · ht lhk the outsan mJ:l-(rowt 67''tt=L'.QL' Call548·7529. rna1cr11nq,1nccl971 ~ ., pd $200 youw a we in IS Classified Ads. And I thmg.soflife .prefernon J uur. u social program. 7 pools. 8 Fl'orureo on rv sno~ cpt.s, • uti · best tractor deal 1n the s moker. t rt m Ci Au re. opportunity is uv ail able 2 Br w/gar. $300. New tennis courts. Al Fashion written up m Tome mo91111nt• mo. Pre er lse. 548·3878. trucking industry Down you have something t '·k-sports. Pleas" rnp. tn the rapidly expandinA APT MANAGER pd lsland.Jamboree •-San /11'/;r (./irnttlr t betwee n sell. call a friendly u.... ""' accountma department f''or 55 un1b 111 Cost.1 cJ1>1,S & tile. Waler . "" OFFICE space available Pa Y men Classified Ad· Visor a ly · Daily Pilot, P .0 Box ,... 2176 "C" Placentia Joaquin Hills Road. 71 832-4134 at 1787S Beach Blvd. $290().$4600. This invest· •=nc M 92627 Bo 486 or Columbia Saving:. Mesa. Exper'd couple 636-4120 C714) 644-1900 Roommate w anted to near Talbert in Hunt· ment also rncludes your 642-5678 .....,., . . . x Pnmary respons1b1ht1es Husband mus t han share expensive 2 BR lngton Beach. $50 per interim hving expensc5 ----------'----------""~ will include daily rheck mrunt. exp. Wife hkkpg Q\det, woodsy, 2br. 2ba, OCEAMFROMT condo.$12Smo+ ....,ulil. month. Phone message du.ringtrainlng.We have I d is burs ement s on exp Call 642·S073 nr condo. Nr. So. Cst. Plaza. 3br , 2 ba. w/ofrice. Year· v.i ml. so. of S.D. fo'wy. service $10 per month. an immediate need for ~ ~~ ,,,,.• lJpayabl les andd .cl onstruc-_1_2_l3_186.5 __ ·J8_s_1 ___ _ Newly dee .. pool, jac, ~rnlc,gar,$1050. 848-963e. dcsk $5per montb. Daily owner /ope rator s . If ~ ~ ~·fl~ ·~,.• ~, ,oans., ah1 Y krccdon· "'RCHIT"'"TUR"'L pd . $400. M I c he I e. m "' · Fem have own llv/din/· ~.~1 ~t'.~6· o n e tbe first step towards be· • .-..T. ~ bursemenls to vouchers: Prof.ct Archit•ds A/C. dishwh. Water /gas L g t ,,.2 1603 ---------P 'J ff' P h you're 21 or over. take ~ _.41 ~ 1.•:.-.• ., c1 ia ion o c ec 1~-~ '""'" ~ ----------from ocean,.brand new. $235/mo. +~ull. chlld Bayfrontortlce. Newport. NorlhAmcr lcan as o .._, ~ Uobillty and expense UC· Well established Orange 64().6363or 536-6104 2 br, 2 ba. frplc, steps br /ba . Lg hse 1-'.V. ing your own boss with ~ .~ Ill-and monthly analysis or Job Captains ...__ • ......_. ,126 yrly. $650. 632·8344 or ok. Pvl y rd,garden. parki n g etc. $37 S. partner by calling Toll ~'••tt oowits.OnetotwoyeHrs cowity (irmwith strong -.--~ 67S-5864. !IN-1433. 673--1003 Free800-3'8·219l. '6._~ .. ~\t\Wi' CLASSIFfCATIOM expenence tn payable & design & advanced pro ;;.;;;·~:~·;·;;:~:·;~·r: ____ W_.A_T_Bl ____ • F/share w/same 2br 2ba. --MEW--OHt--C-E_S__ O=~rican VClft C\\~ #501 0 =';.1:1e~~~~n~~~~t~:rsk ~i':~o:ff~~~te;:r~"a~~~t refrig. Oc:ean view dtck. $475 mo year ly cute No n · s m oker • Tc n · O>mpletely redecorated L'---and reeonriliatlons is re· positions wixlnt benefit:. Adult1, no pets. S32S. 2Br, no Pets. old~r pre · nis/gym. S170/mo Incl offices with use of con· _. quired. a lon1t with & opportunities for ad --18 rerred673-8l•S u t l. Res. S48-703S ; ferencerm.sec'y& copy· P.O. Box 49S, Dept. 3S knowledge or computer vancement. Minimum :J Bus.838·2851 Newpor t Ing achlne AvaH now Fort Wayne. IN 46801 reports, 11b1h t y to tn· Ty 3Bt28a,veryclean.tm · STEPSTOBEACH.2br,l Beach. Furmn or un'turn. Near· terface with other de· yrs.expenencein 'P<'1 _ _.. ·~so ba ~ I und I I 0 l it T he Daily Pilot n o w has a & Ill HOSPITALS. COM ........ occupancy . .,. . . , • ry, enc . House to b NI 1 Newport BHch As low Equa ppo r un Y n e w , • BUS J N ES S TO par tments rcitard1ng M E R c 1 A L . 49Ml2ll8 gar. S. 640-5078. tion CDMs .~ mcoe, locst~: as S12S monthly. Call Employer payables. ~rof1c1ency on RECRt.:ATION ~ "" 3 9 BUSI NESS" c lassi ft'cation to otr1· ..... mac In"'" and typ 2br. 2tMI. bit ins, dshwshr, P restigious . All •dult Jast. Fem . preferred. _7S_l·_l_t. ______ hluu u • "" . ...._clcrh 0,.ttiftcJs ~vu. sm mo. 24831 garden apt.s. East Bluff 673-7358 FULL SERVICE SUITE. to...-.s 5010 provide a conve n ient m ethod tngof4Swpm O.LRow'-d lAPu.881-1192. nea. 2t>r. 2ba s4oo. M p S 40 'I office USO sq.ft) avail ••••••••••••••••••••••• o f buyin g o r d isposin g o f Columbia orrers an ex· &A.11oclatff, Inc. Sorry, no pets. 644-8726. Jlic!srriOk!r. ·p~a!':. ~~ April. Newport Center . Business item s . ~llent benefits program 77~ 1150, Anahei• 1Arge 2 Br 2 ba DI R area~ Gateway Plaza. 110 Including dl'ntu I in· ,........_.. .... 3140 patio frp lc a:' poo l: · Newport Center Dr .. Se 11 yo ur s u r p Ju 5 • sW'ance. a top startina•-------· •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• U119tafra. No pet.a. $475. Fem. only. Sr. Citizen to ~.644-4492. overstock e d o r n o l o n ger salary and a congenial ARTIST zBr, l "'Be Condo. new Ph5e4>19or646-6710 sbare 2br, 2ba a pt, Par k Approx 400 1111 f\ c.2 130 work environment . cpta,peint. pool,c11port, Newport . UOO/ m o . £: t7lh St ""Sulie "M" n eed ed ite m s o r s upplies of Please call Personnel for adlta 0011 . S3H mo. LIDO. Lrl I Br. new de· .....ao. ..·80 Do. 1 u o 1168 · a ny kind. an Interview appoint· 9l!loa7 "°"· 1ar. $U5. Own/ Allt •• ·mo Y e .,..,. men t 0 n I y tho ~ e · l75-0130or6'5-50M Share 2 BR houle, N.B. Whethe r buying o r sellin~ qualiriedshould apply MIW 2&J IOI UdoW'""•rf l SUO+utll, 21·35, Fe m A MARKETPLACE ror "B in t B . ., Exira 1~ •private. 3 BR. 2 ba·.""" adronJ•· only. pref. 845-9574 ....... ...._. 4450 Purcbutn• Aieott and s e e our us ess o usmess Dra .... ........_ 1a ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ......... _, ___ ..:._ c lass i"cat.ion ~so10 F o r m or e .. m91U•eV • ....,.Bp na. •1n mo lease. Bkr, Udo b lander (F ) to 1h.r ........... u,__,., 11 w · mater an uren GM800. home w1111 or ~pl for HAllOl ILVD. Thia Is a ntw DAILY information and to place your M ·nrr NCMJTO aununer mos. Aprtl·AUtJ StorelOdO + omce. t460 PfLOT ctwlncatlon to a d , call 2 • 1 Br • .__ 2 .,..1_ Plulb . new 3 Br, 2"' ba, u. m.rrae eq. fl. total. $495 Per mo. 11et buytr and aelltr • • -.1 -· condo, 2 c::;Jar, acceaa Bkr f7$..eTOO t o1etht r 8tll YO)l r bltaa, t int • e ael. lo tamla/ /Jae. t8'75. L1Joldal for yomc fem. to · aurplu1, ovent.od1ed or 1ar•1•.. From •no. ,,.'l'OGlorl40-'18at. ahan lbr 2"'bll dplx oc. NewDal't Mariner's Mlle. no Joni« ltftldtd lttm• _... vu...._,, H 115-lM wit Modem 502 aq ft It.Ore or or H POijts ot 1n1 kind •cltelor •Pl. AU/mo ~~apt, -..... at.• omee. JB»C Avoo. LOW IW more llllorm1Uon or u lll. ID cl .. ed. N 0 ..:.:&" · lltr ... ,, ,,. old to abr nm. N /4T'M001 to plllce 10W ad. call lddl/,..._IJl.Olll, S.Cle•• •76 ~~~~: ..wPOITILVD bttw:::-~1: and l Ir, erpta. clrle, 11'"9 • --·-••••••• .. •• /jac '"*· 1., llOO mo UID tq fl commercial. s:•PM. llon41:. thr11 ..... ,._. ll9it bMcb. u.. -b•lll6w&. I • 2 ...a........... l'7Ullk. CM S17S. 541-191'7 ~ ror5 lo •P· ............ -..n ..,..i..1 ayor . Ba ... aYadalllil. New· Reel mttatott1'9 fOf •ale call bltWWlft IA and l2 .._ -.._.__ • ar. a "'-, ... ,....,...,.,. *" • ,. to....,.. lbr, lba, 1 blk or ..-• . t.a11111• on -... s ' rd r -~.:...MM:, r=-:a. prtHl. patio. NI SIOI+ u curHy . ~Hwy w/parlt.ln«. ~i ... :U~~ or ••~•.-...wa. orDafMS.l.155 ITMU& -.zoru-.m T. 642-5678 DAILY PILOT ~ -.... "' . .. ... Coluuibla Sa•htcp mdlomt A.stoeloffoel 910S Brookhurst. Anaheim <7l4! 776-7101 F,,qual Opportunity Employer M/F ~HILP? Help JOUntlr to• ~Hledk>nof QlllaW*9 Hoeerui. In &be DAILY PILOT HELP WANTED ADS • PASTE-UP ARTIST Part.ume paste·up artist needed for Jtrowin~ NeW'pOt't Beaeh weekly newspaper. Must be ex perienced In layout de· sign and paste•UJI. Work schedule is 8 boun plu:s on Tuesday. call Brlan NEWPORT ENSIGN 2721 ECout Hiahway Oororut del Mar (714) 873-0650 l t • ' I .. . . I , t t f .. : \ 81 OAl\.V PU.Ol • • ;~ )., 1,m ~ ,~ T _( ~-J;j :_•J . .,. .... I 1~1 ) ._.;; .,__ "' ) ;;~ +. : .1 t · I 11 ;•I>. Ii f.f~I., ...... ; .. ~~ .. • ...... .,.. c.,..ter c... ..... ..... • ...... .... T.. .. I 7, I~,......... " .. , .. ..........•............ ·················•••••4 ······················· ........ ~ ...........................•......... ············•······•·•· .............................................. ·····•·······•···•·•··· "" Ofll'\'' cu ITT>M IUe1111n. ,,.moddinlC 1uJd1 S f\ll)t·;NTS 1n:AT Al.I, OCC Studc'nt. 1 Ton truck. lNCOMETAX RETURNS Brickwork. Small Job11 . lnl Palnt & wallpaper Beach C1ty'1 Plumbing Urh ~•>"••l'a1lt.1n11 l11t lnlf'n1trl°llrp.'nlry tnui. nl'w Nll\11lrurUon l'll1Cfo:S 11 L11wn1yurd 1'ruh. lree trim Dan Prompl.rnaonable. Newport, Cotta Mcu & Qual. work. reas. pr willbtallu\ynt.bylO'l.. 1 •Rt1i1al1• •Snl111at111• hyJ.v • M2 MC~ l-'t d 64070:?0,!I~ maJnt, Roto. 11od. Sl'e<I, &u:m..tton6425703 Newport8ch.W.a199 lrv1oe 6'75·3l7Seves t"reeeat.Steve.547-4281 Rcp11 1r, rcvlpes, re· •f,1(' R t t s"\ dt•wiu.-h•uhnjt • ERSONAL a.tom m IOn t i ------models.631·3470 . ~ h 11m r~ •--1 .. : <' Jo ltANt\. t.N <iro Joo • ~:I 0498 Uewi up concrtlc hMik BUS & P a ry. pa 03. F\ne extt'r Painting by K .. -r· ~ ce Contr Add II 10011\ '"' " int(" hiullna .•••• ,.em-Income TU returns. fireplaces. wa,11s • .Cllrdan Slnor. St. Uc .. Ins. Try ...... & Repelr ~ ••••••••••--••••••••••• pruv1· t?T3~201\nyt1mr l'lnu1). ln•t11llullon, & dent R .. 1111 6458512 C.llM0-1700forap pt. Is retain. 1~11 of local me.8J6..555524 h,.., ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• :.hampon .. t11<·11m <It 0 mwnt 1\'1111blt' wl( 111 rl! -----rela.64.5-85l~ Kitchen" Bath. FinetJl m ~l1!lll4•1 w11l to1h II u~n 1-.,hll'" hncl\trnrr11 't\-ltl litctrtc.. WI ruil . ._ au111'<1 to llll!Ct Uaullna & C l e3nup, ..._.Ct ~ Exp. palntlnl(, reasonable cabinetry dosi~n. Free q..,.1ominltlt•111h ( h•11n ••••••••••••••••••••••• yulir ri(I~ JcJn ... ,,.,1. re"lcomm 'I. 962·1462/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,._.~ rates. Available now• ..:;i 1 111.lnll• Moc1 "'r• 1J11"• 1111 h~. iim rm !uiJJ ll>J A"'"· " "., " i3 ,.,,.. ~df rd 1 ._.__ .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Clill Oruce. 543.ZQ45 Clll Hentol(c lchen11, \)' ('-.lli4~-o844 .,. fl.1-)f:"Jllf( IAN 1 •111•1·~ l . 6 1~-1 nm'l"l'OF ~.....,.o "Movlng Out & About"" 001042.8 8ob. l•~•·y11tl '11 " i11" "·1•1n~1 m1 ~Tuar' c~h~h ... ~oi:,J,~ rticht1N' t1Um1tk on f,' .. 11l"n'11", cl••a11 u", Ho.eel...-'-A.reyougettlng f}lllvaluc "Don't ~h'2'· Call ·ro. Dllvc'11Palnlm~. lntr/Ex R _,.,,,II I -.,.., 1 ,. • • • , .. ,.. lll1~1· Of •rrllill )ob:t u r • ,. • '' -_... t'('fllt~meol COlll on your ·•-y" r ~Aul .,, "te·Wlde tr. [.auuer & slain. fo're" emvue ng ayout <Ju-da)', ~~.IO. m~ h11m• l tl( n•1>:.1r Ci " '""'" IA1·1"flll4'<1 flT:I 03~11 houllna, y•rd mu1n ••••••••••••••••••••••• homeownR~~t.s? ~.;:F"hrs~·:; dav ... <!Sts.646.ISCll "' signs. Rt>11. comm, & or-1\lttl4-t'V•'" ar,•11 l(J;\ .•1111 ll>.1 ""orl. nw1wlf Ht•f• ll'1uu1ce I do 11 all. no Nb • KUBIN ' S JI 0 US t~ · __.._ ....,.._.. "" __ nee. 493-3089 a·'a.u c~•lc;e · l l <llol ........... tt.drfc lmwrr111ll' Clu)' IW! <tfl30 <.;f:t,IW"t r:!C ShEI RVl1CE, 1111. Assoc., 1.-c. PalnUng & Accowlllc Cell· • ......__------~ UO 1~74 or a lnuroUI( Y C ean ..,. """-"'" Mo· v Ing & ha u It n ~· l.1111•. Com pl lnt/uxt nrof -·~ ....................... {'.;irpi•t Miii tlllt•l't Wood G•s•r• W.lc" hooll ~7 v•........,.. j " ,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Olv()lt •L I f fluon. "Ultht~ 1n~111lla '""cl 1~1t('h.. •-n~··· ••••••••~•••••••••••••• e Freight, bldg materia • pa n ll n IL Ii C'. • n b • R I •· R f 11 l r. "'"' llit11l Ill l .. ' , "'w -~ • •... W REALLY CL EAN Wttior°"'91 t\'ihld goods etc. Lowest Reasonable 957 ~ epo r .. eron . A r1n111 SC.o ,\1\lun I • .: .. 1 hnn 1 art ·~ IMl) Dll.l&I lnal llt'<i ~ ~ i'lt •MR FIXIT• ant a ••••••••••••••••••••••• rate• In town John ---t YI.le s . II h Ing I{' II I 11111~ !lilO WI'> w t' t • •1 bill llob 7~1 !I!~ • • HOOS~? Call Gingham 2l6M · Up to ~k off on lal>Or, 1r rO<'kshakes·compo·lur .. u c •ll"'l t'anM u pcoter. p111nt1ng Gtrl.Freeest.645-5123 CUSTO M pa Int. 965-YoU buy w p from Dun Free est. ~l-5931> Yi n HANh.IHW f\ \ ~t·•n\ d.,,... AllO uv ~ltWllu Kt•wi talc• JS yr11 In draperies. 1 •• bllnds. O.W... .. al lrOR Schwarti53'1 2004 Avail. 1 ........... -•. (111-• '''"''''"' hol\lt'rY Work RUar ••••••••••••••••••••••• ilf't'll ~17~ Walls. ~)l.ino.s, noors & w WAA"'s t•r-paper '"..-'"" -.. , .. """ . ' .,, . ••••••••••••••••••••••• --.;::_/R--' --t-d $611 /\ll ivn I • IC,., l'nA>. k mowit urul I-1 l:.;lectr1.101c 114 oJlfll·ioilloo t'OH SAi.i-: -Wllldows cleaned IUWI, carpel. lic'd .--.,..... ,.,_.,. Roofing-hot tar roofing 'I 11111.i :HI·• t'!' t, ,.. .... r•ll (;o&~ J711i •w1td110P, " ddt••llnl( ('CJ"' s TR u c 1• 1 0 N 646-Gl•S 556-8000 Fabrica~ion. repa ir· & ••••••••••••••••••••••• spe<'iahsts. Lk. 11\5ured •• alteration s pec. Exp C.,..ta:· Hi > r.. l'1J>t an t'..irpe\ J 11 l k • I " I' Ir o 111 I ' S1'AKt;S Ahce's lfousecleanlng. Jcmlfforial work. 10 yrs exp. No Job Neat patch ~ & ll'xturc!; ~· Rea.s Jolly Assoc. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ln,1,1ll1nf. & rl'111\lr" ~U2lll 231Cubrlllo,CM Reasonable. reUable & ••••••••••••••••••••••• toosml 962·2384 Rl&EST. 891·1439 ~7-4089. <~rii.•nlt·r l-'r1"t· ht Au) R. .. 1,,cM'l,1h ,. luny lholle ~ ~ 1444 ref 673-12661646-487 1 Offi ce. Ind ust r1 al. Pciwl~'P--'-PATCll Pl~ASTl.;itlNG ~ ShraoR_,;.-,.-- 11w· )obi. c .. 11 \11 ... n 01 '4V1 uw ••••••••••••••••••••••• Steamclean )'Our BBQ. For excellence 1n restaurant & home ••••• ::?" •• :?::"":~·~··••• All t~p cs t'r Pc ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1iioy tAO HM!I C...."'/COttCrete MQwing. l'~lg1111< & l.ownmower, motor house cl ea nlng . Ca II clearung. Refs. Lic/bon· PETERS PAJNTING csuma1.e11 Call 53R 7113 All mak~ & .mooels. Dis ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ch•n11U1;Jc1l> Na11W1l! Low rales!C:ill Cleaning Unllm1t ed. ded/lns.552·S166 R --- -<·ount prices. USI\ 11°) ....... 31 .. 'I "'r•m •"'• 2818 - ---Expr'd. eas Hates . PI a 'I ler Patch 1 n" · Stt·N.'o 3721 S. Bnstol l.11u l) n1111(•Ull¥ .Jo yr" t-'uund..it1on,, rl't111111nw • °"° "' ''' """ __ 546-3728 Maintenance & o r Free est. Call Gene Plas trr. stui·ro ,.,& 5.'l&042I t•x t lfou1 "· w1ni.Jow ' ~t11l1. hludti., J•alJu1; GardenleMJ ~.ct~ "JUS~ US" llouscclean-jarutonal services, in-552-0458 drywllll Int t t:xt .,.r .. i· T s.,.y· ---r.Jtlll!\ 11·m11cl<·lin" l'll l..ic'd ~ 5-013 MS '1309 .... ,._...... "' d·""...:al •-mA"1cal bldgs ~ ~1 ''" 551 :tOM .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing. We're Honest& EU1-""u' "' L"\J • t>sl 546 H141Geori:e '" •c• ('('mcnt work ol ull lunds Gurdenini:. l'le11n upi. & 5" Aluminum scam less -clenl. Call 673-0163 848-~ __ 'i!'w P~:::~:.g. R~t~. & F~~~ -- -•••••••••••••••••••• • •• ltl'mui.Jt•l, rl'Jl-41r, 11,.11 th-t• t•st 1:-, yrs t•xJWr I ndscaping Ocor11c bukedonenamcl Cu.storn l.Cllldtcaplng e5l.~780,536_.J8J Home,, Add1t1ons. ALPINETREE 1•arprnlry, ulc.J t1111 t' Ahobl11ckwall<; ~'160757 l~h1 S4~17CY72 mod on job S42·l242or Complete HouseclcAnlng. ••••••••••••••••••••••• -Re .. lu Cl'O O vr r EXPERTS f u.7 c.,..., Efficient, reliable, de· W"'' 1 ..... _., .... G Hlockw11lls. Low r at"' Tn'mming p un g t 1 •·ru t.11mun)>h1~ llo \ r' '" VA"U 1•1.:J UVENATICJN .,., """"'-l European Landscaper. ~-..-~" . r in • c 11 llN"• l.1(''''1 "r l'J l•1n1 GomplNe t'Oncrt'lc Job t>ll n u . =ble. The Persona k ... I . n-f ffe ed E ~411!/l p In~ & re m o v a Is • • '' ' 1'r1•4 tr11nn1 i11•• & r'•· H-+,-" ''""'h "Anded 1'nsurcd Top wor . r ll r pnce. '""so r · vc:;. ---,., .... · bu 00211314 i;ct your forms. !WY(' r .. " -llU1•n-,,..... ' Ull • • J r 646-487 d I 631 3(ll5 675 12()f 714 8ln Vl>'tV, LJc/ins. nlOllt'y Ho-,, MS ill:t6 muval. yard dNinup & ••••••••••••••••••• ••• • 552-0105 t.e s. 1 ys oves. · , · • ~ __ r:xpcr .. 1m11r.11111u11 t' 1>pring plantrnii 1Job.JI OMES & APTS . Very dependable rello·SPEC fALI ZEOPaintlng. INT /EXT •••••••••••••••••••••••TuforincJ finlshc-0 rarpt•rlll't wall Chimn.y Ct.an5"q tl4G-!Yl.88 Repipctl. plumb, crpntry. ble, own tran i . Cll ll LANDSCAPE Atri u~. Neat, honest,_ :cu11 . I:! Plumbm~ rcpu1r !>f\l!l' 1n •••••••••··~·•••••••••• beaul1lyyour hom1•oruf ••••••••••••••••••••••• tile, klt/ba remodel. KarenS42·6030 Japanese .design, rain· yrs. exp. L1cll Va11c rcmodellng.c<11,1wr rr· TUTOR. Jo,lcme1llury flee wth1.~ •ktll • d0.~1"" (111MNEY SWt;l':P .v .. ;nv I.OW PfUCt-:"i• ,, •• '"'""' IM>A 1""5 ' ll" ch r R 'd n , m ti l I ~ "' "' r" ( II r I un land:.l'tll>l' moint .,..,.....,.,.. ------ -bow plant mg. rounl&in ""' vt • pipe. fo're<: CSL l'op II oJl •a I.' t!U I I(. a I, "J11ty Spec. in l'Stm dl• ;J ,, ll'C'P ace expert Ge 549 2015 Reliable housec leancr. waterfall. Do it right th,e --EXC"',LL-"'.N'r -Plumbinl( "7 Jl!14 IJnguagc s pec ialty tall In cill wool11 Have u John Childs 97fl..0620 :orgc· · It oof 1" B • m 3 bu~ r Y • Dependable w 1th r e· l ll II Glen s ,., ... -"93-0094 vroJec't''9il:t SJll(I Cl II I carpentry, paint, I st me. ca PAINTING HOMfo:SAV .. :HS l'lurnh -We'll knock youri;oot orr can ~p:., au in~, wallpapers. All type t~7~t"~Ca 1 c.Jays. ~cape 759-0458 Reas rates. l<'rl!i!e1>l. 1nl( & hcaur1,i: .,.rH TypnqServic• Gorn pl rcnovtg, 1nt1 l'Xl. profc11s1onally & keep f .and~t 11 P~~m m~d home improvements. J, Let Us Install a NEW 548-2706 i'.xpr'd c:slJmatei. Sl5 hr llone.,l ••••••••••••••••••••••• c.1b1od mJk.:. ('hur your house clean. Top scrvlC'lng. Waw;h 631-2233 HouMslllittq Land s ca p!' o r ---& rl!l1J IJle "·r111l'c I.Aw cost typing or idcu ltl•novatins: St•r111tc• Hat Chimney Sweeps. Garden<>r 35 yrs «>xper. ----••••••••••••••••••••••• REJlNENATF. The Old Painting & papenng. :tfi BA/MC:OK 97'Jli{.165 llc·al on j.?1nal letters 011 645-3749 64().9188 ll('al, rt'iiable. complete Have ,YOU read today's Mind Your Manners Inc. One. St. Conlr. Lil' yrs Harbor area St Lit your letterhead !<'rec 111 serv. F'rec f'St 642-4389 Classified Ads? Ir not. Bonded reliable people 11364419 Call 645 6716 _l83Z8l Refs 642 2356 . Plumbini: repair.,, dn11nt. fo Kann 7~1 6893 mH•e someU11ng to sell" Find what you want In you're ml5sing the beat will care ror your home & ---clcart•d . lo ruln . .l:.x - - Class1f1ed ads do 1t well o-.uty Pilot Clawf1eds. Want Ad Help" 642-5678 bargall\S in town! pets . m .57o1 Oasslfled Ads 6'2·5618 Want Ads Call 642·5678 pt>nenc·ffi 642 71'83 Want Ad RL'Sults 642·5678 tWpW•ffd 7100 .... W...ted 7100 HetpW..t.d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hatp W antflt 7 I 00 ················•······ Help W..ted 71 00 Help W •tfll 7100 Hefp W .t.c1 71 00 Http Wanted 7 I 00 Hefp Want•d 7 I 00 ........•...•.......... ··········'············ •••••••••••••••••••••.•.•..........•.......•.••.............•........ Mliembly TRAINEES IOR EXPERIEMCB>l Micro Electronics W •· a r <· 111.• t· k 111 ~ 1 n AUTO PARTS COUKTRMAH Minimum 3 yrs johl>t.•r expenenc•e. Must be wt·ll l(nX>med & pen.onablc· flard work & 1wod p11y with i.trowin~ c'l;mpuny. ('ult 55fl-:tr11JO (r.r in terview appt. -Auto Truns. It & R man Jo:xpcr. Pref. M UST 11/\VI': OW N TOOl~S 5'111 22AA Huby:;llte r nct•df'd t11 baliy-.1l Ul m y hOUSt' lkf''I & de 1wndable 1192·01111 ('VI'' 1hvuluals for I ht• flr.,I 1>h1rt poi.Ilion:. 10 our l'rochK'tlUn rh·1rnrtm<·nt Wt• wlll tram the n~ht rn d1v1duali1 111 thr m1<·ro t•ll-t'truOll'l> andu,try Ruhy..,1iter On·u1>1onal I) u y s • l' ' 1• n 1 11 .: 11 & w1.~kt·ndi.. My hnml' or t'omprchrns1vc rorn yo1.1r·11 Newport lle1ghtt1 rxmy benel1t1> 1 dudini: ~a 548·~-- ITIJJOr medical and den Loving woman nel'ded lat <.;all or upply 1m 1•are for Teachers prrr. pen.on -.onl9mos Sehl dys my f7f4J 540·6080 tun. 58f>.3197. »abyl>ltlcr. Monday aflt'r ... c·hool & every other wet•kencJ. 111 i:,h S1· hool :.ludl•nl OK Own lran.. .. portallnn. tl45-19fM> Ranking OPERATIONS . OFFICER A car eer position is available In our Co11la Mesa branch which or fers a dcsiruble, warm work1nl$ almo11phcre. The ind1viduul we s eek should have 3-4 year!! Savln i.t11 & l~o an ex pcnence includm.: l year supervu1ory expcncnce IBM 3f.OO 1s helpful. If you are inlcre:.lcd In 101rung our vrol(resa1ve and growini: Savings & Loan please call Thom us 0c..'MIS (714 ) 979·3910. Banlting Bookkeeper. Cull charge, CASHIER/CLERK. ex Clencal 1---------t;OU NT F. it <;IHI.~. TEl.lERS expenenced ''! sml bus•· per to work 10 CdM WESTERN T llRIFT & COlLATOR Sandwich s hop, Mon thru Saturday only at our ness.full or P/f.64.2-7671 Pharmacy, Mon lhru l,,OAN is looking for._. PACKER l-'r1 9am4pm Call rur Costa Mesa Bran('h. BOOKKf;EPf:R'S AS· fo'r1. 12·6Pm Call Mr'i bnght pleasant appe<ir· Willmg Lo tram an '" ·•PPl ~.or.71~· _ _ P lease cal l George SISTANT ,.~or dub In Young, 644-7575 for In· mg 1!ld1v1dual to fi\I a~ dulltriou., 1-.iri·i·r in Counter Cooking.\ Part Wanner at !>411·2300. 2700 F V , Art e xper , wall t.erview. _ opc~IOJ.l in their Co11l.a dividual 11, p,oc·kJl(l' llrnt.'. fo'ull time. A:pJ>ly'" fhtrbor Blvd. Costa Mesa train on compuler Must Mesa office .. This ii. ,, L'<lucationul matn1als lll'™>O Cary':. Deh. J:Jj~' !f~l k •ood Cashlers-RosleRses. full & ctencal pos1t1on & rlo'· fo' 11 k 1 f\111 time new areounts t~, non-~mo er. R part lime. Please apply quire!> " ~ood ba<"k t1~~ :~~;f.t~n~o":',r:;u'r m: <.:-Oai.t flw y CdM - for our South Coast Plaza benefits . 004-l7SI Oelly in person a fte rnoons . El ground in baMc math week App 1 y N 0 rt h COlJl>l.E needed p/t1m1• Branch. Please call Bookkeepcr/Reccptlonl:.l C 8 m 1 n ° He a 1 Call for 1nter v 1e w J\merHa n Sl•rvlt·c t11run lurgl·family llu:;1 Ralph Klnnings at J g>rl office. payroll bk Hcsta urant , 20 111 645-3153 Center. 13~ K Warnrr. rwsi. Call53fiRUil !>10-4006, 3333 Rnstol St. kpg, b1·hngual 1n ~ng. & l:Jrookhurllt al Adams. --------Santa Ana ~t1ual Op · C-Oet.a Mesa. 92626 Span Good working con· II B ClcncuJ portunity Employn CuMoml'r i.crv1tl'. w/cxp Calif. ffltttof d1tio.ns/bencf1ts . $900 -ACCl'G CLEllK .... /lime. ---------· llrly wa~t· +prnr.t 11harc S i-& L S!rl 5521 T d O.urch Nur!lery . Atltm M.»5.00 Mon lhru fn ---Mfln/fo'n. 5 9 ~!) 5045 av."'l'. OClft mo. • · a · dent for Sun. a.m. & p.m Call for appt, 04S..5000exl ,.. __ ucn·I w0u.......11 An Jo.Aiu al Opportunity .-& We d . a re u C . M 52il ~' nw-w __ Employer .. M/~-Bool<Xeeping 556-7787 ____ -----School BEAUTY S llOP CASH RECElrTS Earn up Lo $300 per wk 1.1001.h for rt"nl J al'k 's ACCTS REC CLERK Cl •~SlflEO CLERICAL ALL SK ILLS I.ow lwtion Placement '' F h i ''~f IW s Of a'ISISt.7519194 a ir as ons . "'" · F/time pos. in cash re ense --- We offer such benefits as 549'1811 -eeipts w/some acctg exp ADVERTISING g roup m edical in -Beauty Operator & 10.Key ability a must. 1lle Dally Pilot 1s seek-f d COLLECTOR U1•hvNy, your v1•h1 1'11•, JJdpers to carn~r11. Xlnt pa r l l 1 me i n co m t• Wt•<;lm 1 n.,l l'r. flu n t lJe ,1 r h . Sun ta An a JI e r a I d 1-: x a m 1 n 1• r ~ surancc. i;roup Ion~ term Man icuris t With or Please apply in person. Ing a person t.o augmenl ree om Uehveryman ror early disabllitv. l(roup hre In w 1 l h o u l <'I 1 c n tc le. Mondaylhru Friday. our Classified Advert1s Patiilioo available 111 our LA. Times home de " ---·SG"'RDE .... S Costa Mc!>a 0H1ct• M surancc. p•ud rcl1rcmen1 963-6257 evenings. "~ • " mg department (or m· hvery route. ust hav<· plan. stor k p urchase, --2301 San Joaquin side telephone sales Thal 's what you get Mirumum one year ex NU10m1cal car. Adult-. and free p<Jrkrng. ---------•I Hill'! Road Classified or telephone when you Join Norrell perience l<'mancc i·om only 2""2 hrs pr day. $41.111 llMDERY Cdm 640·5944 s a I cs exp er 1 r n re Temporary Service:.. pany expcncm·e helpful pr mo net takehomt' No ... aur.r. Salary bai.ed on t>X w BRENTWOOD '"A"g; ~sary. d c II I II l'Crll1•l'!IOJl esl/11 11 ,.....allenge van "'lY an pe nence a i1 Collate and package BOOKKEEPE R .. $1200 REQUIREMF.NTS "'" · " area 638 !IL26 SAVINGS & educational materials. Xlnt oppt y . Good INCLUOF.: exposuretomanyexc1t 1-w.a.tk.t•ns-(7•1•4l•S4•9•-4200-•._I ----Will require lifting or benefiLs. + profit shar· Must type 45WPM <clec· ing companit'S. We l(ivt• UEl.IVEJIY/SAL&.'i TRANSMASK CORP LOAN t..avy boxes Willing to mg. tncJ you t he freedom from1 COLO R MA 1'C 11 E ft. Tel ... phone soles. xlrtt liabys1lll·r Colleg£• girl train to operate forklift. 100% Dependable boredom .the choice o f')CPf'r <•olor matchers to JOh, :.ludt•nl~. Sr c1llzcn. with car to sit with a 6 104-0 /\dum11 /\vc F;xccll<:nl working condl-Employe1 Relafoed Oood speaking voice woriung or not wurk ;n our nt·w roat1~~r. S4 50 J><'r hr. poss. (714 l :.1%2 l:ompui, J>rivt· N1•w1>11rt. flt•11t·h, C '/\ yL·ur old boy. from 2 till 6 Cabla Mesu. CA l1:W2fl li""S and benefits includ-1.. t 1 t 1 IJ 1 t 1 1 495 5971 I Oa m -4 rm . ' 4 I A ., Joth ,,... Pleusccall ror appt. ,-,easan persona I y c-at. ~ompany .. ~nef1l!.. UCI ty o.-a N '" rvllll', ."pm O.)m •Or < ayi1 . pn to m" derltal nlan. /\pply M Ill kl A Salary comm"n uratc '" ~ "" 'I tu " yrc x1u•r In · II " "' 13th Mu s t adore ~ualOpportunity Si~m-ll am."tpm.3pm , ary c e gency ~... .rl "5 hkepaidvacat1on.froht •1 "r" d,,,: t '1 ------ h l I .• •. mployerM/"' 640-2920 Newport Sch u• expe ence +com s haring. mhdica in YJ>C" o in · l'O"'· m i:.,, Dchv('"" man & installt•r .. .,,uul ()pn.o1rtunlly l' u r c fl "' ~ r National Education. 4401 . I L' II t ~ l t I S7 uo . ~ r~, ,.. rru!IS on . .:.xcc en cum· surancc. plus top puy• rrun wagc o s ar or applwn<'t'!I. over :11 1-.:rnploycr m lf 1h grandmothers $3 P!!r ---Uirch Street, Newport Bookkeeper pany benefits. If you are N f ) h r w I x In l fr 1n11 t' mu.~l ha11P ~uod dnv1n1• _________ _. hour 759.9592 l•---------1 lie a ch (Near 0 .C full charge to $1200 ambitious & wont to bc < ever a l'<' · tw>ncf1ts. C<intatl M1k<• rt'1.'<>rd Sulary open .• I & ____ ;; ____ 114 llahys1tter -Banking Ar rpo rt). Eq u a I Op· Want to be spoiled? This P~laci·~~afcoarll "o"rulrnt;rrvf1~•rwt~ Want that s ame sense ol ~.~~\u1ght<1n Deft . Inc: II. ApphanceG~'1 Laguna ASSt::M Rl,l':Rs Trum,·e Mature babysitler wanl-r>ortunity Employer . very generous emplyr ~ fl "' "' r~m' . .,.., °" __ IWnrh ~ cnncyn· A!!semblcrs n1•c'<lt'<I rm •·d Part time . M cs a LOA.._. nds dependable pers to e~~321 Dlcept.l 277 ~· COMPANIO-N--Lrve in. ~1 Cl51_16 ____ _ l V''rd 97n 4t"" 1""11 / run sm ore. Ir you enjol '""... • x · k .... •· h ITll'thntc· y Thn·e lit11ft!> ~· l' area. .,. ""· AGEii..JT lldlpr S.Cretary ,_ .6.11.U!.E CO _.ST non·smo er . .,.,rm, ual . JA•I. men over 18 for Lt\ ~''f' :1ur ud undn RAK r-:;:--wrnchelt 1""11 Exciting challenge, part working on your own ~ "' • -lv, salary. Call 000445tl T1mP.o; rn N n & CM c,t:Nfo.RAI. f)nnulb, 2.'13 i:;, 171h St. lime lO start, full time in ~~~~e~I=~~:.';~ DAILY PILOT eves l'erm/p t. $.1501$400/mo VICTOR C'nina Mesa . Baker New office opening in future.SmlreJ'co.needs yours . Coost.r bkud 8 330W.-B~yStrcct ,..1 w.r•'(S-ic ... 1 CONSTR.CUSTOMEA ~~ T-CIM'f Senlces wttrain lOPM-6AM . Orange County. Ex-"PeNIOn Friday". with 1 M th "j b Co!lta Mella •' mpv• ..... • • -··.......-· per1ence loan &Ren t 1·3 yrs exp . Work PUii. any 0 er 0 11 Equal()pportunlty Newport 549-8071 SERVICESCTRY ORS needed immediately. w/pres. & directors. avail. Ca ll C hris . Im 434t81rch11202 Cons tru ction b111'k DIMONSTRAT Assistant Man:igcr . , f~brics . <'xpcr1cnc1· IJIC(!SSftl"f 6'6 MMO AUTO CONTRACTS Beach area dealer ne('(b dependable girl with OMV experience. Phon(• Mary494 1131. Al!I'OMOTJVE SALESCLERK . EXIN'rience Hot Hec"1ary but hero's what ls ... ... Hil(b school educ a lion ... AblUty to learn ... Well groomed ... Type40w p,m ... Detail C-Om1clous And most or all, the de· sire to RtOw with one or the natlon's most sue. cet1rul automobile cor- porations. Ca.II Patti Buehn ~ BANKING LOAN SERVICE CLERK Flexible benefits Good Joicxible hrs. Nice area ~.Coastal Person Emp oyer Santa Ana 558 9021 ground nee Nr Adam~ & Your area S:t4 +a day working condlt 1ons. CM. M7-G995 nel Agency, 2790 Harbor, Cleaning & maintenance lSOl·A N. Tustin Brookhurs l 1n II un l Car nee Fri/Sat. ~l-07lll Please sub mil resume CM Ne er a costto vou for pre·sc~I. Waxing El Toro Surlu 200 lnlolton lkach. <:oil YAM urll92 JHOO _____ _ lO: Bklcpr F/C. Contracting v , floors, clearung carpets, 23491 El Toro Rd tn4PM 962~ preferred. C.M. area. IUSIOY &odd Jobs during Easler Tues· Wed 9 30-Jpm -- -~1a1 Assrstant/Recen 548 5543 tf, $3 oo h E.0 E. . M If COOK/COM P/\NION v•m .. CENTRAL . . F /llme days . Ex · vaca on. . pr r ---------.. retired couple wanl uoo1st wanu.-d ror youn~ Wellcrafl Marine Corp perienced. Apply 3-5pm, -~--------------------t healthy. and pleas1111l Corona dcl Mar practice FEDERAL exp. engine Installer/ Jolly Roger. 400 S. Coast CLERJCAL Medical lab ---------mature lady to hv1• 1n Experience preferred t:xcellenl opportunity SAVIMGS & LOAM electrician. Apply In Hwy, Lag Bch. needs frnt ofc recep· CLERK Musl be goOtl l'Ook & F\Jll time Salary open. for experienced loan P.O. Box 8LSI 1 p e r 8 o n : I 6 6 8 0 tJonlst, type al least 50 Friendly group nds lndiv dnver. lleavy clronms.c & 67J.644J_ service clerk. Primary San Dlego,CA92138 Armatr ong. lrvl n e . c-raSalespenon WPM, diversified posl-w/some payroll exp & 11 lndry nol expecll'd l'vt responsibilities will in· 951-1M4. for leading camera tlonl pleasant working ......... g.Thisisagreat op room & ba. w/own t•n OENTAf.l\SST,Pllime.• elude beneficiary s tate----• s tore. ,Photogra phlc conos. Mature person, ~'t.;,join a :sm compata l ra n c e . R cf :i I\ fl lO 2 days per wk, sturt mcnt.s and demand. In-~~lp~:ec;,~;J.ty BOATS background. Please call non-smoke r . 494-0701 , bleco.Gddisrount.son cc noon/eves,6738043 -~ l_IB_962 __ S:_$4_5 __ surunceand dataln~ut w ---------.. rodffcSeacroft forappt.673-4670 8:30-5.F..0.E. prod. Sal lO $11()(). Many DENTAi.ASSiSTANT ~s~~in~~i::Y~~ue has lmmedlatei°penlngs Carpenter, retired needed other jobs avail. Call COOK t:Xper'd , rci:istratioo de· , __ ,,,, .. _ fit 1 1 d for Stockroom c e rk to do P /T finish & roof Jean, 540-~5. Coast al 4 days ""r week Conv :ur{'(I, So. Lal(una ofc S..uowng ..,.,ne s nc u • Banking Only e xperie n ced ,, .. -try R•fa ac1.2054 CLERICAL Personnel Agency. 2790 ... ~ 499-11111 1ng dcnlul coverage and peraonnel who take pride ... ~....... · .,. ·"" Harbor. CM exper . Exlnl work111 J: -- opportunity for advance· TELLER In quality work peed ap· Cashier-Hostess, .Pl-time Become a member of our Never a cost lO you l'OOd. & benefits. E.O . .-~ D":NTAL ment. •'or an Interview ply. eves, start Im med. Apply dynamic Newport Center Bayview Convalescent, RECEPTIONIST appolntmcnt,r.leasacon· TRAINEES 3301S.Susan,SA In person at Two Guys Financial Firm. We are Cl.91/M........,. 2055 T hurln. C M Frnl ok. must know all tact Pcnonne . 75J.l343 from Italy, 2267 Fairview expandJng " there are for drugs, cosm etics. 642 3505 phaJlel of frnl ofc pro· c-..1.s..-. ..ctLo.u Anoe ....... 778-7101 Equal Oppt7 F.mplyr m/ kl II Rd;C~ 1NftY opportunlllea for ..i"•&cards.640-7373 CooklHo""ek-·""r, l,avc• cedures. Ins billing & We are see n g we B 0 0 K K F. E PER -..:.--·-·------advanceme nt. The iY"... ""' """'" abletomakc fmarrange- groomed, career minded F/CHAROE Established CM!tlER-Full time, ex· following positions are --------•I in. m ature lady Sm menL'I, exper a must. lndJvlduals for our Teller medium ailed Or ange per. Musl h ave basic now ivallable: a..ERKS 8&C Sdriy!I. 89'.!·5493 Salary <"ommunseratc TraJ.nlng Cla11 atartlnl Co.· Real Estate de· photo exp e r .Pboto· SWITCHIOAID . Come work temporary C()()t( w/exper.fi3.1.1382. April 17. veloper, located In Brea teraphy Unlimited. 16889 Experience requl red. ror a company wbo cares ta1J R --- areahu lmmedlate need Beach81vd.H.B. Hourl7:30aml0•:30Pm. about you. Immediate ~~ui~~~;~~~: .. ~~~ Dent.al #I Iii 0....,. C-.tr ·----------t ~~~~~~~!a~~~ ~:.~~::~el ~~~f. ~ •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil CURITY'9ST work-top pay. Call for call ?AM ll:30AM. HELP!! vacation this )'ear and repon cllred. ly to the pre c·~HIEIS Good lypln( •llllla and an appointment. COOKS I will top S$ for tap notrh t7t·ZIOO Atfro.METALMAN M/f La. clean. very buay ahop. own toolt, 60% <lOfOm. Larry Hunt Auto Ctr. UIZS lAfUll• Ceny0n Rd. L.a• Bcb. •N-3000, or .... AUTOMOTIVE P.tn- PBX operetor • 1ervlee cublel'. l:xceJlenl U).I• portunlt1 for mature PlftGD aeeklnl emplo:r· mmt. MoecU1 Ulru P'rl· dey,4totP.M. CluUleml ~ ,. , .. 0.-. c..tr ' . t7NIOt . ~ wm be paid whJle be· ildent. XJnt prospects for Al ~ ablUty Important. 557.006 I dental assistant & dental r DOINO ... trained. CHhlorlng ·-· and additional '"" time poolllona ~0·'111i. office • ~Y. Hoep. Gd u lary. r eception ist. Xlnl .. BUSINESS ~ence wlll help you ..,.ponelbllJty, xlnt start-UTOTEM MAR"ETS {bounlnexlble). • a ~fl~. w~rklnR1 condt bmdlts.83H~J. H: UNDER A toqualifyfo rtbJlclass. Ina salary +periodic ft ASSISTAMT • ()' overload ,...!'!! .. ~ .... o nva ecen •-.-_...--.. -L-... -~5-15-T-.-• .! FICTITIOUS bonUleS. Please send re Real Eatate lie. o r "' .,..,_.,...... .,....,. -_ N ...... 1 Foran Interview call: a u m e t o 4 7 • 0 Opeoln .. now available almllar experience re-•lliil•------tCOOKS wanted, all shirts. Responsible matur•· -PATMAOlLL Vonkarman, Newport for full a nd part·Ume t.::}· Wiil be work~ WILi train. Wiii pray up w ~for dynamite or· •• ,._. ,....,. ,_ fltett 8'5-5333 Beach • ..OAttn:Sklp er-Non 2nd• 3rd neerploc:!~nl~~. · Clmn'95T S5.oo hr. Gri nde r day !ee~~·g:11rsi~g: '~:; .. ;:: ..'~::!u::: ~ IOOICll_. :ece!i.,;, e~~~':.1~~ Eltcellenl worklnJ condl-Oyn' amtlch 5"1L ltsl lookl dlnll ~te•!'!!i~B 8'2 8881 .. _._a._11_. _____ _ "•" '"" "' ''*'*'" ~ PoalOoD with promlnenl d Uonl" company be.nefiU or en us II c n v -·-'.., ,..,,,.,.. -a Bank N.8. Rool Eltale ln•etl. ~~=lo::.po~~n~ty ottered. Pleue contact who la not af!!!d or halnrd Cook wanted for the Ruaty Xln~~un~l~~oi~e •n- -.11•1 , ..... '"' '" of nrm. Oen. ledter thru fi 1 I IWloontl or apply dally work. We 11""" 90 " t p Ii E er\J « h • ....,_. • ' " ::~·= ~· .:..-;c New =~a:.'~: ~~:ai~~~.:. t:' r;:.~~·e:e~l.::: ~~ 9.a. • ~d~~ ~:1:,<!!:, ~:t: =·~t~!~~~~ o{•~ ~:r'~~: e"::~,:rmk~~~ ~Y,:.:,L:!i..:~~ port C.llNJ.-Ol2' qualified, For lnt~rvlew A.D..-. di.Abunment de pt. Real Mon .·P'rl., 2735 w. Toopay,rringebeneflta. ~·.1.~~::;.,,.o;,: M/F -BOOKK--K-.E-P-E-.R-.-P-/t-lm-e-1 Cn,'?lP~ 18' ~~onds ·~ PENSION ~ta~~~r~~~t ~~fie Cat . Hwy., Npt. t~: :=.c~~ .~~~~: Htl•• °''• c .. ,, .1..0 •.• z. _____ I ..... bldlv needed Im 117'2.LotAnJe-l , SERVICES (71.t)-...:I 6M-Oll85 -· _. ..... ....... me4. <»•tan wk >. Cal '::l:;-~.~ s.. ...._. S&L ~Help • part ume, DISHW~HER . full ume :::r:-:.=:e: .......,, .. ,.1c1 =~~:r~::~:: EllualODDnrEmployer J.tONewportCenterDr. 400lllacArthu.rBl.NB. Uamto2Pm.Mon·frl. JllMEDIATELYI San 1 t 11••1 a 1 11 , a.II 11,110 "" !!!!fPB. '1l4/"4.uell ext. E.0 .E. 11/f' $45-4M'1 ,..___.._ 491l-at9S •~•..... b otl I lOam or 5:30·7:30pm _ -m~ J••llutlH iud ~t ";~ po:~ r~ Montbru Ftl. CASHIER (Food > Full f.qual()ppor Employer Obunt.ar Help . part time :r.'1T':' /:1' .::r .. ; lmowledlHble tndl• _ UIDe 6 part Llmt. Call h~uaew1ft ~r ltUCltnt ""°'· 11.0 .... t•. 1Hlllnt urHr . Celi llCC0-N0:Jtl11Ull•PIB• lltclley Zemek Daya a.ERICAL SALP AS· a.rte·~· butt C.M. JJ.llem to 1.31> Pm dal· = =:. °!.,-::; Mary Roberti ....... Xlllll oppt'y for NUable ......... lon."4-11001 SISTANT lleq telephoM otnce. ulra detaJled ~ -=l·~p~y ,:,n .. , ... 14 _.. -Denni• Peraonnel aceounta P•11b1!1 lllUll!YJM•WPM (telt OOW,m at ten ke11 au.er'c,.urser. · DISHWASHER D•peodabl• mature womaa lull time Mon· Fri. Xlnt benefits . £.0.E. Beyvlew Conv • ....., 11 .... ..... A11o ,_ Jobe. o.tuu1 Ir 1MbnMll·1tarttr. Exp. -E.O.E. tldlll IOOd ortaaJullon, s · Bi "lz lo•oictt, And)' B • lOl7 w' ...._.__ a.nice of Hotlnl\oo PQTOll, full lime. c .. mL Idle Ile.-.,..... • ~ 1a1ary to JTIO cno 1.c benefLu. C•l • · ~·~-~M~·~-~·~-~·~m~~~-====~~~E~~~-~~~~~~~~~==·=~=-===~~~~~~~~· ~GI~ ~M~~ ~~ · 1 !;.... .. . . .,-.;' ~-Tburio. C.M . I -··~,..··· r • ' I .. t r ' [ ' , ' . -. YW~. Mwch 28, 1979 * DAILY PILOT ~W..tetl 7100 .... W..W 7100 HW,W..ted 7100 I tw.W ~~WWICI ~W lie •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~•T ••• ~ ••••• ?~.~~ ••••••••••••••••••?!.~ •••••••~ 1100 OmrrelOfflt JlolrStyhlt INYIST...-r tWpW..tH 1100 HlfpW-.d 7100 iHefpW..ted 7100 ~----~~~~--~~-~-~--~~~~! •••••••••••••• .,..._. .... •t.l1t. 8tallon1 for rtnt at COUtitSILott ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••,lie•••••••••••••••••••••• =---=--~ OJ;NL 011'(; fRAIH , , Ade$& uldlv (or vtu1el)' &u~y Hatr fo'Hh1on1 In £ and In Ne w 0 t MEDICAL NURSE AlDES '1 t 3 Ir PIX OPIA. Employment Amve nln ok req1 POI coord11utlo1 ft R C.11 for dt!tall1. S:/ch F. ~"u Co .!Ji RECEPTIONl. ll o-1 F. • o Oper's for t clephon .. .. f'lrit 11 ff'-t.• I OOPw.._. Drefhpar._ S4.00.$4A60 ........ ...... w ..-... U .tS rw H01r .._.. .... ••M•1gcr tl,.._. sa.oorwHo.- Uzi: fH•C• Mtc:ti.k SS.00 to $6.00 P'« Ho.- tf1ckwu s.t-.p O,.• .. "' $4.50 to $7 .oo ,.,. How S.CtroMCI Tec.Wd• $5.06 Per Haw &.eta o--W.Ca..Mcal 14.ueu..,_. $4.00PerHow 8ectroMCI AtMllltJat $1.SOPerHow SllMt ..... Ftlbricator $4.00PerHow Apply at Employment & Training Adm1n1Strat1on ol Huntington Beach. 538 Main Street. Huntington Beach. Cell now (714) 536-2526 or 63!HSS4. You muat bring 00-2t4. W/11, ~ tndJv lo h1n i·reallve depl a, work ~•7ur91M·3l.50 (2) expe1·7tinveslmen~ MeclicaJexperienceonly. ~ed ·S3,;;~~rj,. &J' am~na aervlce. Must d1e lt'td oft: duU tnt ld flow Call 1 .. 11a Ka)' -Coun1elor a, top com. dependable. Port lime Me.a Verde Coov. Hosp be •ble to work somt t)11Ul1 Ir pb ront1<11 w t>n aunnt•I St•rvl r e ~n~6i~~l~~: !fe!t~ ma:.ion. COOfldenllal m· M·W·Y. Busy office 661CenterSt.C.M weekends . T yplna 3S f::Jr';'~ Jurm P<>• 841 t Dt-nnl • O n CompaUble frli'ndly at tA!l'V1•w eau '75'~ M&-380.1 wpm r~q ul rt·d . •: x • ·call; Cc.>pyma flrodl.l(·l• ma of lfw1uni.tto11 Bot•h mosph~_re S"JS l&46 ... _._,_ Nuning ~nence preferred or J1Jtl'ill&1n•h _,_,.. RH P/T will tr•in Man)' e-orn c;ti;N•:RAL Ol<'t'I ·It. • -Handyman, •O hra wk. JAM'TOllAL We ..... ..wfocH: JUleleh llllls HOllpital, p;&ny bc:nefil$ Full lime 1'fJd.nnaa 55wpm flllnii. Gt'n HOMofc.r~p•u't<LIO-$375 hr. Co11 I• Mt•u Lite clee11l119 Modtll·Malel. femule. 1.501~.161.h St,NplBcb. orparttlme,day&after t~lephon •tc t•uhlon 11;I -art:•&45-3381 /8'7S.SIMD / k d I Id If your fa ce ha s ~S.707 noon·t'venlng ishlftw Island w 'auon l"or N il · rnj.'tlna1bl 1od1v --••H w 11 •· •p characte r . is high avallable. Please call Ol\rnti•I iolt•rvil'W tall w IWIUITI" vi.n1.-d duties Uead .cwitodlan for lora~ Nllery Cld••c ..... t. fuhioo or looka like tbe ... ----------• Moo. Um1 Fri. 543-4230 Mr An"-tr<Hllil, °"' 68()() C '1 I I C ii r o I St c ~ 11' chui't'h. J,a1runa Deuh S 46·016 6 . C • t I girl next door. Call /or Ill I Office I E.O.E. Avt't• .,·ui•nr••I &·r Vll't!\ 841112.111 Al10 fco job11 Extcnalve eJtperlence & • appoi ntmc n~ for 11 I WE ARE 1 --.. -------b 0 E lk'fu1I• & f)to111111.t•cr11-0n roferencoit. For In • personal lntervtew You 1 I renMOll Tech ' rM·l~rvu•eofltuntln.iton tervlt>w ca1Ut4·7MS could be modeling u t Newport Beac h area c~ral Oml'f' Ill•• 'l P Ot11,·h 161&1 lfclactl Help Wlll\led for clnnin" Kennel Work. Sun-Fri., early u next week! So I lfilYf 11 want I + yrs of exp w '"" &r llCIOklct-t•p1ng (all , • co H 0 IJAM ·noon. Min wage, dm't hesitate, call now, • Pension Admin. Slrontc Nt"WllC>rt Jlioor Covt-nnit C.lllL t-IUVAY Ct·n~r•I n. 9AM·3PM Muat merft ralse:s.~7-6000. llJlkforHazel. I lZ y...,. I math apt w/some typmf( lur b"1~ Ui36 iolcrv1ew lmowl~l(u of bookkc P· own transportatio n . 631.5600 I rt!Qd . Must b<! able lO lnii. t11in11 Ir dt•po:.lt11 963-1381/~ • ••0111 New York West I J~!.._ to.~ work independenlly GENERAL tl\il] Um ~al1try o~n lloatesa 1 / Id _.. Mod u A ---· Salary comme nsuratt' J & II Applu1n~u. · If yrs 0 er Ap· Six months screening/. e ng .gency I la t1,_ ...... arwy w1ab1uty & cx""r. Call OFFICE l.quna n.,ach 1188 <.ilco· ~caUons avail at Front glazing experience re· 8'15 W. l6thSl, NB t.4p 'ferry for 1nterv iew, ooyre CJH o:ioo _ Th~~a ~ti2roni ;'2:m~ qt.dred ror re·screening, MOONLICHTlNG·Full I 644 7MO. Jlle Uranae Colul Oa.11)' (illU.fltWAY IJwbook Warehouse Restur auot CUUlng & clean·UP work time pay. Part time (.'all or vmt nvw & -------- i'lkll hl&ll 11n 1m1111.'d1ah· lctwpin11. nun itmoker :MSOVla()porto,N B al apartment complex. work . Call for appt discuss the temporary U(lil-nmic1oour ClaN ll100 2076 Pl11 cc11t1"' Av1·, llOll S tt d t-l AA>.!,r.lllVl .... ECO. ~ long & s hort t erm PEOPl.EPEtlSOM Ocpaertn1ent for a full C M • c · pa a eo an ° '" " Motel Ma nager. Exp'd ass1g nmenl$ available Execullve needs r tliml' tu'14· p<.•nwc\ lluUt'I '" -clean ..vomens apa 11 ~1 Camelback 1 bo for Clerk:.. Typi:.ts., aSS0<'1ate 1n whole~uh• d~lOkey ddl'r,fmna G..O./SEC't S900 private club. Part time Newport8eacb 644·9Cl10 ~l~.l02~~g:l . n"c; Sec r e tar1 rs. Word supply Pullycap11ali2ed und hlt-typinl( !'.MHrte ~~mploytt In Uw record morntngs. Call for utt hildre 67s.-Olti6 Processing, Kcypunl'h :~ Mr ff_!ll.!...642 1634 ~eeninu .,",..." ·oce but 13 rt locut.1n" lu NB. apPl.~5000XS20. c n. · A & I L .1 --.. " """ " Legal Secretary ccountmg a so 1).(hl, :! pos1t1oos for hard work ht'lptul but n ot Xlnt oppty for 1od1v's Hotel Newport Beach 2.~ yrs Industrial TCJp pay,1 lngyoungmenwhohaH• rw~ary ~11l1ry rom wlltM.-cyex,ri Goodbenf HSKKP'G MAID-P vt lltlgatJoo exp Xlnt typ. MOVIE EXTRAS pu 1tl v a c at1 o n s:1 boa tin g knowled1t l' mc-n i.urate with e x &proflt~h• ng club 7am-4pm Union i n g , no S H . Good bonuses Never afet' ·1 Should be l.tmibar with pt·nt·nr~ F:.11rdl1'nt rom 100'!. beni. Call for appt, benefits Send resume to sought by Holly wood I hardware, rigging, rt' j)any bt!ncflla 1-·or Ln Employer Hctuml'd 645-SOOOext S20 #427, Dally Pilot. PO Box movie firm. $20.$200 per IEL[~ The I rm1..,hmit. hand & small wrvit•w,plt•u!ie c111l Pleat."callfora ppt . 1560. Costa Mesa, C111 . day poss. Loolung for ·~tyGlr,-shop tools Must bt· Personnel ()(fire Mary Hickle ARency lloteJ ' out 18 10 Id ~ I 642 4321, ~xt 277 04().2920 Newport Bch HSKP'G ASST MGR/ 9'21626 going · yr 0 s I familiar with sa1hn ~. _.,,..._.'-ECO•ST lNSPECTRESS. Must be LEGAL S L',C RETARY wanting to break into s eRv•c i:c, Hi gh school grad. with ~ "' GRAHDM/4. b 1 .. movies. (714 1 535·0120, Call ur referent•es. Starlin ~ DAIL y PILOT · 1-ingual. F/lJme, union w/min 2 yrs exp. Heavy ext 94. VIDEO CASTIN<i t Come in Tod:iy $700+ Apply at 447 N • Part time. Cblld care for benf. Call for appt. t)'J>Ulg. lrv. Ca ll833·362S. SERVICE. (now m 4th lrvm1• Old Newport Blvd. 330 W. Bay Sl. two 7 yr olds. Reifs. req'd. 645-SOOOext S20 Costa Meaa 67549l.2:751·0774 eve11. LEGAL SECRETARY, year). R331441 645-4520. Eqwd Opportumty ~I for general trial prac· 2102 liustne.s Ctr. Dr. PRINTS ltftCkd. Emj>loycr G-R·E-A• T S p A ,ATTN D -f o r Uce. TypmR. shorthand Moving Suite 20l:I P/tame. Youn", reliabh· women sspainpvt club, & dicta phone. 9·5:30, IF YO U WAN T "' SALES JOI HOW to handle reccpt. re· salary open. Some exper SOMETHIUG MORE H1rnlin1-.'1.on Bea1•h trans Pnnt'1t cxpr pref GENERAL OFFICE Come work lernporary ror a company who cares about you Immediate work-top pay. Call for an appointment. OrEN servallons, etr. Call for pn!l'd.833-0101 ntANJUSTAJOB-1:117 3491-1 lfl9·28'7Jor540~48- GOOO PA y , GOOD appt,645-5000ext520 -6lld dnving a big ril( 89o7 Warner Ave 11215 557-0061 LO~ o ffice • ~OJ overload llouf{s GOOD ''ON · . LEGAL SECRETARY for -~-.. the country ap OI T I ONS . M ANY HOUSECLEANERS partner 1n Newport ;~to you -th e ~ 1-·R1NGF, BENEf'ITS carnt;c. PIT. Top$ Beach law firm Top pay NorthA m e rican ha s F'ASr GROWING COM-GINGHAM GIRL for top person . Xlnt whatyou'vebeenloolunR PANY PROMOTES 645-51.23 skills, minimum 5 yr.; for. It's a business all FROM WJTIUN. TRAIN Housekeeper experience. gen e ral yo ur 0 w n w 1 th .,. O R T 0 P I have 2 k.Jds & a house practice 759--0234 NorlhAmeracan a s a MAN AC E M ENT that need love & care. partner. See our ad in LaAuna Niguel 1131 054.l 27957 Cab<Jl Road 11 Equal apportun1ly I t:mployer M 11" I -----------· S T A R T S • • l M . u ve-i.n preferred. Refs L~uor clerk, today·s classtfied section MED J ATE LY ••. S48·0IU4 eves, 759·6230 rrnight.s. under Business Op · Part time Secrct1ir>·/ K E Y 8 O A R D dys. 642·6537 portun.illes-Bookk eepe r Non ---------1 e X P E R I EN C E LIQUOR CLERK fo'ull ..:.---------smoker. 1'"11m1liar with Gcneraloffice llELPFUL. WE llAVE Hoosekeeper,Sdayweek, llmerughts.Mature.ex· MOEXPR.HEC. account rece 1vt•/pJy •alEI OUR OWN TRAINING 8 hr; day, Npt Bch urea perienced Apply In Full t i me rece1v1ng lns. lOrun frontoff1re ror RECEP'TIOMIST PROGRAM PUT ON BY Exp d. 645-1828 aft 12. person 895 w 19th. St clerk. Com Cort ab le small Engineenng Co PnntJng BINDERY HELP bp. orTroinH1 TECHNICAL PUBLISHING SYSTEMS 22:!0 S. Dupont Dnve Anaheim, CA 9'.!806 TRAINEE ~l GC~~T~~SL T~~ H OU s EK E E p E R • _Cos_t_a_M_es __ a_. ----;:{!~· For interview _&tS-800 __ 1 _____ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!Willing lO train bright. PEOPLE. CALL AT ~ed. mature hsekpr, LIVE IN/CH ILD CARE,l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jPartllmefem alc to ass1:.t -wcll·groomed lnd1vidual o N C E F 0 R P/t.imeCMarea.735·1418 Boys7&10 Lt Hsk.Pvt I• the Director of Enter l-A_t,.ualOpportunity DRAF'I'.SMEN-Rapidly""'crow feepaid l o o p e rat e n ew INTERVIEW. ORGAN Corooaaft7PM rm&bth.ldealforstu· NURSE ta1nment for Private 1'.mployerMIF expanding wood working L<V SEC' TY $14 400 dimension t elephone EXCHANGE. ST AN HOUSEKEEPER/ LIVE· dent or ~randma. Nr. Club Ca II 675·6090lit_•_•_-_•_•_lli_ll_lli_iil_• __ -_•_•_•_-• company need s sharp • • ~ru::ri~°:i~~ ~~s~d~~ NUNN714/58~i-7302. IN M/F. Beautiful N.8. buses. 759 HMS LYN'S belweenJ·6pm PRODUCTION d r a fl 8 men w Ith M g m ~: · 1 e v e 1 duties. Light typing. In· home. All modem conve· LOOKING f''OR RIGHT Part lime help in toy shop TRAIN El'~ mini.mum 4 years high ~~lbihtie\~0rtfres. tervlewlngbetween8am· GROOMER niences . 2953 Cliff Dr. PERSON One girl offc: We have immediate & ch1ldrens clothing Rubber hose products. :=~~'!°~eU~~~~ pe,.:o~w!'~~~~ch ~n ar!t~ uam1 lpm & 3pm. Apply AnlmaJ Hospital CDM, N.B: 548-4366 Also send neat, mature, good on openings for LVN's on store. Gef.µc tto's, So Irvine area. Must pas:. 3123 w Mac Arthur t1tude. Call Do.on a Nortn American Cor · e)(perienced in ah breed replies to Box 455. Dally telephone. lite bookkpR. ourPMandNightShifts. Coa!lt Vil a ge. 3840 S company physical in · 848-1288 Also fee Jobs respondcnce ~hool, «OJ clipping. Salary + Pilot, P.O. Box 1560 CM trpmg,. Subcontracting • Plau1 Dr S A eluding bal'k x ·ra y Blvd. Santa Ana. DennlS & Deruds Person: Birch Street. Newport percentage. 673·1058 9'21626. flrm. Good opportunity Our congenial facility is ----~7!09. E 0 K DRAIMMEH! ncl Serv1ceofHuntington Beach. <Near O.C . ...;:.....---=------IMMEDIATE Pennaoontposl.Jon.Call a 59-bed convalescent PART TIME l'roduction /L ayou~ Beach. 16168 Beach. Airpo rt ). Equal Op· 'iUARDS afler 9am : 631·3627. facility located in Hunt w 0 r k e r n 0 0 d Top pay, medkal In· -------portunity Employer. Full.. /U AU PARTTIME 'ft«"" ... Beach. We offer EVENINGS · surance & paid vaca -EXEC SECRETARY ---------1 "'P me. areas. EMPLOYMDfT lA Attendant must be 18. ;:";~cellent benefit:. Sailmakcrs. 4 day wk, tloos. Must have own MUlltbecapable ofwork· ---------•Uniforms furnis he d . ..SANCLEMENTE F''ull & part time. packageaodcompetit1ve Adults with outstanding, !~1 ... t;,m.e. $3·25 sta rt truck. Will train. Apply Ing und"r pressure, Ages 21 or over. Retired Sll&-0031 sa1 Call ,,..,......,, 1 " GeneraJOllice welcome. No experience The DAILY PILOT Is ---·------ary. or apply attractive per:.onalit1c!>1----·----- n person to 1337 S steady & dependable. -........... nee. Apply Univer s al consolidating a substan-lul •CHl .... IST who en)Oy work•ni.! with Qualified Construction Bristol, Santa Ana. Ask Typing, ahortband <a ttUU"ao Protect.loo Service, 1226 tial part of its dislribu· l""IA " Gcrfield C kids. Over 21. Start at :.upenntendent. Apply ut forK.areo St.ewart. must). car. Real Estate Clerk t yplal needed. w ..... C•~t s l An tion IJllO parer routes re· Logan Turret Lathe are $3.50 per hour. PhOnt' Bart.on Develo~ment {."11 -rience des1r able but Vanetv of duties lnclud · .... ' ""'"""' • an 8 a. 6 • 2 32 1 ,. . .-. ., uf ct ri --..... 1 • Jnten1ewa hours 9-12 • quiring a terooou de-operator Also machtne Conva•--c•nt .. 4 ~ • '< t 2 so . 17406 Mt. Chf wood Cir ..,.._.. .. an a u ng notoecessary.NearOr. ingfiling,lypUlg4Swpm, M ... _·Fri hvery by motorlied sho!plralnee. Lok-Fast ~... PBMETWEEN 4 00-~ Oii 1''V 92708. 540·4531 CUilom workroom needi; Cly A1 rpo rt. ·Good some experience In _l_-6_on_u_ ... u __ • ---H if I · t.ablen, pleat marker & ~,.1 /''"'"393 "eoeral off1'ce •. good·----------tramportaUoo. Jnr. SIU· w. 16th St. OS~ a . JWsume requested . .....,ary.7\4.,...,.. 1 .,. 1• •Liberal income al-~Beach. Alkfor/4.,.._.o fiolsbed end operator. _ ____;::..__ ______ • 1gure aptitude helpful. GUARDS • ..., .. ....,.. 7711 orfiead Ex per1Eence1d or kw 111 FACTORY WORKERS Excellent working condl· .~a:Jcweoprllcin~ bog nhus0 .. ~an<7 M Ac H I N E s H o p ........... teoch. CA EquaEI ~p~oyrte~mty Real Estate train. xce I. wor in& F e mal e machine t.ioos&bendllsincludlng "'""Jays""rweek)" SUPERVISOR.Schedule 'l~J --.....,...&SaleMMn conditions. E x tra nn..rators. No exp nee. dental plan . Appl y SECURITY "" & uperv•--NC M h 171 JI0-'67I P"'YROLLT"'XES W h benefils. Beach Dnpery ......-B S h 1 200 •Excellent parttJme In· s """' ac ine "' "' e ave an opening 1n Service. 16692 Miiiikan Will train. Xlnt company rymann c oo s. · come operators. KnJdg of NC EQual Opportunity GoJden oppty to 10111 one our Res1dent1al Div. for A lrv 540-6464 bencfits.Call 545--0403. McCormick Avenue, ITPAYSTO For details contact program & sel ·UP tmployerM/F or Irv's prestige co's an expenenced man or ve, · l•--------t Costa Mesa. Equal Op· Fosler Ouellet 400·6800 helpful. Xlnl 11dv poten· 1~~~~~~~~~1 Must be familiar w/all woman possessing en· Driver wanted:yourvchl· FACTORY portunityEmploye.r. SHUS between 9:30AM·7PM. Ual.Call 557·7626. 1. Ms>ertsofpayrolltaxes. thus1a.,m and integnty. cle with Insur., dchvtir· MALE/FEMALE ---------• Come in and see the ex· M·F. NURSES AJDE all shifts. Sal SUOO w/grt potential U you are interested m :1 mg papers lO comers. --------•! citing lh1ogs that are & Rebe! RN. Newpart Many other Jobs ova1I b<!aullful off1l'e 1n tht· Xlnl part·lilne income. TIME happening al Wells INSPECTOR ror growing MACHIMIST Con valescent , ISSS Ca ll R1to . 54().fl0 55 fmeHt location, worlcm~ Westmln:.ler , Hu nl . GeneTVICTal Ol.,.•EDS Fargo. We need ex-<;oml(>uter Pe.ripberal MILLHANO SuperiorAve.NptBch. Coastal Personnel AJ~cn· with cong-en1al ii i. Beach. Santa Ana . ... .... 0 "'" perie nced S ecurity firm in E . Irvine. High For proto-type machine cy,2790 1farbor.CM soc111tex,weareinterest· Herald Examiner "'" WOMEH&MEMFOR C~ln School grad, lift SO lb. shop In the instrument Nursing Nevcral'osttoyou ed in meetin~ you. In ~ MONEY WA.llEHOUSE PEOPLE some shipping/rece1v. diV1Slon or the 011 tool in· REGfSTERED HURSE terv1ew by appointmenl --PCB BOARD l"'-e/Mewporlleach ing. Able t o r ead duslry. Worklog from Supervisor 7-3:30, im· PBX Ans service. 1mmed W..S.yH. Taylor Co. DRIVER·f'ull·timc, good ASSEMBLY s.taAllo/14.ftahelM Micrometer & other in-blueprints, s ketches & mac 41 bed.a, Country openings, lo work van ed Realtors 64i1·4910 driving record. 18 & W/Wire, Soldering, dicators. Stable person verbal designs, directly Club Conv Home, 20362 hrs & wkcnds. Pd vac.1--------- over, 24Jt W. C11t llwy, TIME!orfriends &Mechank al exp. ,...rt./a.....Partc desiring permanent job with engineering, to as-Santa Ana Ave .. C M. med ins & pd training. N.8. 'flM Eforfun TRAlNEEASSEMBLY ColfaMno&the & growth. Call Gladys sLSl in new product de· 549-nl (714 1 64.S-~ ClasstfiedAds __ 642·~78 TlMEforerrands SECRETARIES WMtffer...a S59-000Hor interv. velopment for worldi.----------'-----------------. •DRIVER• Expanding ro. lookinf( for people w lllln~ to won. Neat appear Good drivinJ rec. Over Ill Co vehicles. $2 .90 p~r tlr+ln centives. Cull 'Mark 751·2680 OllVER with car Deliver L.A Times, 3.30 to 6 AM. 7 days, SJ25 per mo+ boom. 892-8422 TIME for spending S$$ RECEPTIONISTS wide well bore oaviga· Never A Fee, Work your IMMEDIATE Insurance lion eqwpment. Lathe MONEY for bill'I MONEY for acbool MONEY for clothes MONEY for vacation raid Weekly No Fee NORRELL TC11yor.., Senlces Newport ~9-80'7 l own days 7 & hours. Call OPENl.NGS experience he lpCul for immediately for supervisory level ACCTS CLEAK more vanety of projects VICTOR security officers working Auto agency has open· Salary open, excellent T .a--cr.-~ices for inp In cuslomer service benefits package. E.O.E. ssa:xwr; ~· area, insurance exper Sc1enU!lc DrilUng Con· 4341BlrcbSt,Ste213 TOPPAY belpfulbutnotnec.Call trol, Corporate Head · Newport Beach with one ol the nation's Kalhyat~9-8161. quarte rs. Ne wport 55MS20 largest guard services.---------Beach.. Call (714)557-9051 777 S. Main Apply ID person to ask for Mr. Moll or Mr Oraoce lmurance ... _ tJS-2622 Mon .-Fri.,8am·5pm Fountain Vly branch of1_,....._ms ••. _____ _, J..532WCommonwealth lrg auto lns agency has--------- Fullerton, CA opening for: Maids, apply The Jnn at 4341 Birch lt202 Santa Ana 558-90211--------1 lSOl·A N. Tustin UMOEIWRITEI Laguna. 211 N. Coast Dl.IVEIS G88AL OfffCI Mon.·Thurs.ttoam4pm TRAIHH Hwy, Laguna Beach Men or women 25 yrs or ---------• Typewriter&t lOKey CLOSED RIDAY Noexperienceoec. MaJds wanted 6 days 8 E.O.E. M/F older. Know the coast. Fashion Show Director. Ba1ncmathknowledge 230WWamer , Rm217 Salary comme nsurate week.SeacUff Motel. dtlee. Net Sl80 a week or PT or FT. Exp helpful Attention to detail Santa Ana. CA w/exper & ability. All co 4!M.4892 more. Or anl(u Cout butnotnec.645-2632. We willtralnfora benefits. Call Kathy, ---------1 Yellow Cab, 17300 Ml. --------• varietyofactivlllea waLS FARGO Sf9.8161. MANAGER Herrmann. Fountain FILECLE.RK '700TOSTART GU•RD TOlteful& Valley CNo ot Sieler INSURANCE tntormalenvlronmenl "' INSURANCESECTY Tn'sllfldP--betwn Newh o pe & Beginners apot. for right Job8ecw1t,y SBVICIS PenonalUnes -... _.. EucHd) penon. pteuant working Company paid medical Division of Baker (2l3) 436-983'1 to handle a beautiful an· conda1 opp\.y for t.ralnina HIGHER SALARY Protection Services llque store In So. Coast & advancement. 37~ hr WITH EXPERIENCE Insurance Coata Mesa Plua lncludmg buyinK . .... _. UPTO S"SO wk, S500 mo. lo surt. Please no Job hoi>pera! F.Qual Opportunity Agency. Your opponunl· seUlog1 dUlplay. & store _.. ,. Call 549.,.100 ask for An· 64S-66301n Newport f; ty to work for an admu:uatrallon. Excell. A wmc. P.tthm ~droa~~E~.~O~.E~·~----1~~~~~~~~~ --•m-.p11loilye•r•M-/F __ 1 established agency offer. working condlt Ions . No apr. AeCasary. We Ing permanency without aallll')' S1SOO-S2000 pr mo wtll tra1D you. I-' In Is b Ca r Pe o t er .1•--------Hair cutter w /followinJ. the usual agency pre· hued on performance. SAIL Mlnlmum•yrarequired. Geoenl Pays up to 70%. Harbor saure. Top salary for Call Mr. Reynolds _.a.a APP I Y at Ba rt o n SALIS uu. 642·538'1. qualified gal. Mutt ha\'e 846-H76 l9·6>. 846·0583 -ISTATI Development Co. 17406 Weekend P /T . Patio ---------• experience In com· <aft6). SCHOOL Mt. Cliffwood Cir. FV, fumitW"esales. KAJRDR~ERw/cllen· mercial&personalllnes ---------1 c.1671-41f0 IJIZ108.~1. CASHIR tele. Ftn Vly salon. 6G-6.'i001s54&-3205 . MAHICUllST "'9h1n,C reel as rod repair 11\aU•part·Ume IC-00Mot546-31'73. ---------Neat appearance, full •1 ri t El I I per•on . Will train . flOllST Find what you want ln tJme for busy salon 10 • eet e ••· ec\r ca Knowled1e of fisbln1 P/tJme. Mutt baYe e1tp In Sell Idle items 842-5878 DIUlJ PUot Clauifleds. N.B. Richard Ouellette = q~·r.cs~~-~ tackle pref. Mon· Fr\, lloralc~f;y' AUTS r--------------------~:e~ Newport Ctr 1reasTn e lectr l clan, a.taMaa,&46-1183. ._ INDUSTRIAL I _______ _, WlllDI to 1row w/ntw FLORAL DESIGNER· ~~l!!~llM. M/F I· I MATERIAL HANDLING Co. a.syn exp. pre· Top w. Oraaae Co . IOOIUl_.M6 I l'UI YOUI lr&Ul' I Part.Stoclrpef'llOf\ ,.,.,.... P1eaae contact Ji1odsl shop. Salary de· FIT. Exp In caah re· I a 11.NN I Experience desired not an. Ballard E1ectr1cal DSldl on qullflcat.Jooa. cetota • acctc. lO•ltey I Mal a WOMB4 I required. Wiii train Oaatntdon.~·1112. lllMll2 alldttyammt. I C•Or'"-.... ~ ........... .-..... I Must fau company llCY/llC.w' -,..._., -.-pby,lea Including back ~!~~:.Sn: PT 1aJel penoa wanted. Ftr, exp w/lYJMI •or· : L...., Or Slllft T:mJ:,.... ..... •b I x-r•J: Irvine. M0-1639. b'blrdwork4tf'needapp. ~t ~~nquire 1anlaatlonal 1kllls, I Ille> mmlMCI .ClllAIY 1' E.O .. b' Call aft I Ron MID· BriMolSt Nonb NB lOOO b11VJpla'1. Mature lady. day hra for -.. 54Mlll. · • · ~seembly, M alntenance, lnJectlon 1 Kentucky Fried Chicken. -'"·ow furn S tri ppe r F /T, U JOU Uke Planll It I*>-Molding, Forklift Drivers, Etc. 11_m.-_______ 1 ~ man••• store, no u p pie, Ude it your GPP'1 to llC/llC.-r nee. SUO hr -.. comm. Woll ln • untqtat retail Ask how to earn extra money on our bonus • ti M~~!!!~•fsrl!!atnot'rf·aecxo·. Youa1. 1Uraetht, lluat b• res po a .,,..-..ry.Plealtappbln pr ... ram Paid acaUon feet ou 11 "'"'·..., "" •l tJPlDI 6 1pellln1 raaturt. Call ror la· ""'°"". llond.aythru Prl· M-" be it v ·..no 0 Y · n1. blllln1. eollec· 111:1111.. Diil pae..al1l 10' tM'Yiew, 541-tm. Appl.J •· _ ... ~ with own tranaport.UOO • bom• I dam, appolntmeall. ln· at.aral•I iO btcomt , '111W. l'1thlt,C.M. .,...,.... I 1ur1nu. Salary com· ....... om .... •llal1ll IOl•'l•AIDIMI IE~• fl'\'lM I m1neura u •I t•. 6J!L ..... , W/I IUC• Llltlalltll ml°'~JOllCIUlD CJlrf° a3·H4l I ~.IM-1.Ml ....,.. •..,..,.... eo. a-i-l'ed Adi an -u. .-a..d 2102 Bualneaa Ctr. Dr. I llr.Tsl m•J91 .... ..,..... .. .......,, OD1 ...... ee,,_v1oea Sultel!OI Medlcal=.Ptnoo•· ' ..... elllt _... Ma ,.. RUllUnlton ~a~b LalUJI• Nl"uel I =..~~. ptul. wtll ):: ·: ! • ·.::: :-.q,=. ":.= .. 7.. 131-050 " .... M..... ..... ..._ 0 "!_lr,!1"fl!!' 11'7WamerAV"tmJ ,,.,Ca'*Roed .I lllL Idle~.~ a ·· L-------~ ... -------~.M IJllUrPllol Ad. -,, .. --- POMONA EMPLOYMENT BULLETIN At General Dynamics we're hard at work on solid contracts that spell plenty of work for years to come. Right now we· re rapidly expanding and we need the best people in Southern California. If you're good at what you do. and proud of it-join the Pomona team NOW. • SHEET METAL MECHANICS • GENERAL MACHINISTS • JIG BORER MACHINISTS • LATHE MACHINISTS •MILLING MACHINE MACHINISTS • TOOL & DIE MAKERS • ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS • MIWNG MACHINE OPERATORS • GRINDER OPERATORS • BORING MACHINE OPERATORS • TURRET LATHE OPERATORS • N~C MACHINE OPERATORS • DRILL PRESS OPERATORS Apply ln person at our Employment Office, 8AM-4:30PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY GIEN&AAL DYNAMICS Pomona Division f 675 W. Mlssk>n Blvd .• Pomona. CA. • An lQual ~uf'llty E~ M1F u S Co1anahlp ~IQutreo .. . ' . \ "" .. ' . ·- fll 7100 ....... W_..., 7100 ""to Yott 1041 ~.~:':'! ............. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••, .. ~ .... h• Wt 1055 .._Cll••.,, IOIO "--:.~.~!!'.' .. ~!!.! Help W ted 1 H.tp W twd 7100 SICllTAIY WAMTIO DllVH Afahnn AKC Mo''· 2 yr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• N ........ ~ ......... !.~~ !~.!.-:'!~~···~?!.~~ ....... ~............. ... ........ M -·· ...-.~·y O ..... LY Dtllut.. l''r ·lo 11dulu C>O fl>T.4TS SAt.•:. Ma reh u.GAGI TAGS 'DiEA'IEJ\N ec oORGT~ r ee DAILY PILOT * W.OniNday Maren 28 1879 1ac....-•• to Sl4t fop nat 'I co hH po. u~n lur -p1u 1n1 P4 r~alll> ~ho 1, IJ'UI tor 1d \I IKI ll'Ot Mi>d ly Jllfl& & l(OOd ph \Ht\1• will hl'IJI •1 ur" thl "'"'°' rn .. f'ry fr1rndh 11h ?.h n y oll11 r Job• ,.._ "'"' -"" " ty 646 or~~ OJIV 30 3l l~ s llayfornl C 0 N ., • "tAL•'S I'' T llt1flt'f~ w .. nf"(ll d 11 h lllhly To dt-hver o a ily f'ilot e,i;1 1~ 9AM ~r.M Kim· rro m you r b uiuneu manuals, fllll pedalll " ak 1wnoo Mu't h1Hl mntlnlt'<l, •per ()fftc<> bundk-t lo urnera Re· f•Rf:Y. ·ro GOOD llOMJo: b 11 baby grand pauno ('a.nt Send one n rd for Leslie e•tenslon spkr. PR' umr,.11 ahirv •·x rn11nlln&••r to take com q1.1m von or larttt• •tu 4 yr old Wct.l ll11i1hland ~a chi's dtnninK rm e.ach tag ptu. .. one spare Bu t ofr. f 40·U 40, pt'f '1 (WJ(J lrnowlcdart Of p.k~f' rh1m1r nf adfnlfl, Uon waaoo and {I &ood whl terrier, fcmult•, lbl 'Sllvf't l'Ut Jelabi<. We return perrnanently 8.'K).37$3 l"'ul l'<JulJI r'hotuicra~h)' liklJUJC, 1.1nd l)l.'r&0nn~l for (.lti vl It ecord rfiurw a; p J y c tJ . .i o <1 cJ tu' • l · 1 1920 radio scaJed altraet1vc tag & ------ UnhmltC"d II l\f-1.1t·h o 1row11111. buty. hmm fH~.4~2lr •nd uk for wlchsldrcn. :,48130:> tift ~~~7~,t~jpintiques ' strop. meetin g 1u rline Unlvoic C PllO r 111odo HIHI fl H tlal eoo&ullln& ore II you ltarry Sech:y or uon 6 :KWM '-~ _ -I D requJremenlt1 Pre w/hard case. Mint coo · , .. sou 11.1n pMrform 1nd.-pen W'lliamw vent I01>1> & lbefl' f o r a ~firm 631·2744 SALIS " dt•nt1y" with 1tlnt 11d ' i-:QUAL Ynl( mull' S:1moy1•cl, out MOVING. MUST Sf;Lf~'' pel"!IOl\alm.~'(l 1l11( cndO!lt' S T S I!: LL' Ml l'OAS'I Pl.AZA ul1Jll~tr11tsvt•& nalyucul OPPORTUNITY 6lWldJn~di11po:11t1on 2bdrm seL'I & llv rm :wt wallp ap •r, tahrir or M U . · PilT TIMI O .. LY 1ltll111 lli Itri UllJJtrUt·turt•d EMf'LOYl.;H ooa GIUIO Xlnt cond. ~~<1434 "Oay Glo" p&pc.>r & W(' Gu lb r a n sen M lnu e l Ill' .. I I ( • 11 ,. h I I ' :144.. C:o• t,11 r1•1 1111 no I \i: nl''. 71111) If r hnr l" t . Nt•\ 1•r 11 I OO.t I l HIU F'hr\lh d1•111.inrr b'uU flUillll)(l whw<' you de will ba\•k & trim your Console. Xlnl cond. t&lll" l'-:!auurul urrnuml nm11w how the Joh 111 Wi..rehol.ustmun, rc11p<>n:s1 2 Male !)hep mixeb. 1 yr Hones 8060 laK.'> Or try two ('11rdt1 fl,<XX>. Ca~~-9130_. __ ln11'111 t-IC1111111t rlh•111t•I <-omrih·t1-d u1v1· u11 11 <•oil blti perawn for fulJri <" 0111• ni•c•d uood humc1t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• back to bat·k 11 rl t Muat l)t' mt1lun•, 11U11w1I Cu1111wnallllllon b1ut'd warchou11t•. Cood 111> ~~F.S Kll>S S4ll·l037 R yr old lhorou.ihbr(ld PHlCES ~~n'"d11 ~~~~~ ~·9r.74eis w.. .. , lJl rt~ pialcl Ai 'UPh 111· <•lt"J C 111 I upon 111:llllty WIVl' Ull II portw\lty wltJrowtn~ 1·0 '1 · Gcldulf.I, 11:1 2 h andi.. bi1y. S2 ClJ or :J/SS Westmimiter ---------4 H fA lTH FOOO S ~221aro1 .. 1••>t r1ll '1Wllll!f lrvmcurca Salory f om FurMtw. 8050 <•xcall hunttr. 1-tood <\/5la"s $ttl0ca MFI. SALlSP'OSITIOH ~'("Y,l'i<t·cll orportunity mensuratc w /cxpcr ••••••••••••••••••••••• plt<•Nur<" MUST SELi, 6l!Jtug11 Sl~ea Nearlynewwooden c~or~ ll.c.-/T,_...f 1 iut1-vm". pN'\1·ntJlll1 ru A 5561915 Cl\Sll PAIO 675-7257 eves. 10 or mon· I 40 ca orl(an wilh :.eat. pc ec 1wt'd1'1I i~ ro';;l'n111 I 11&\ rur import.mt tluu.. We tlMd ........ ::: !~:1.1.~r:;r ~·~llat;:;;:::1~ w A H r-; 11 o lJ s 1-; For 11d used furn. 11011 HouMhold Goods 8065 SalcN~~~~/\W~~1:d llha pe· SIJO. 552 6451 ,ah" ofht t' I-\JH'nt·rh r c .. 11 Uunn• MR l:!IQI J\I"" ..ti•tlNd. ,...~, tifr u..-tm1kt'ruy,i.' dept TRAIN~i:; flOOd com ~Ut::. & cir ·1v ·s 0:,1 Hl:.13 ....................... Draw your own l)r ~end SportiftcJ Goodt 1094 11n•frrn-;I '°\l'lt1nt11rn1I rt ~.~ f,~;''"'~~1~'1~.1~ 111:l :!r ..... to ._.... , ... , 1n vl~h l)fftt•t: nr 0 t.: munlcat1on ab1ht)I, :1hl1• t'or sale, t:arly i\ml•i ican Dining room tabl1· v. lfi name. uddres:.. phone & ••••••••••••••••••••••• llum·d lull llnh· 'I :'I iteal t lo•. S•IH ••· :Uf'Jl()rt l'.xpt'rlt'Ol'C not w hf! 100 lbs. w1lhOE? lu ..... m ". "t w/m"llr"~s • chts Sl25. Wov1•n wood we'll m:•kl' one card per Browni ng S keel ~ u n. llu11tllt"Hlfl l\t'J I It 11.JIJI ,.-II l h r I l UUJ ~, ., "'-lY d S.11.1" 1111\•n •1111 t.J'l'l Im 111., .. h" peri..ce helpful but n1•t'l'nur} wf ruin lraill Ill wart' !W or a er box S450/ofr U-03 Jl8l bhnds $45. '151 6707 Lal{ Add 25· eac h s upe r 1 mp o s s c · <1''l•l llOt ~M. W e will 'l'yping & llWlll'tlll off1cc arowth 1n ale1> dept u!t 6 St•nd l'hcck or money or lightrung, l2 guage 26" ---------... flt h tui .int rn .. l'hlnl! !iklll& ulonic S350hr 556-8871 -St.CJve. Portable d1shwhr rh·rto barrel like new. m u:.t N tun ~ 1•11.~ traM. ~ t1....tiel. w vh•iti.ln,:: pcn.onal"> 2 pc :.ectionul i\nl1qur i;tute proJel'lor, oak turn PILOT PRINTIHG i.ell 497.22114 mornings & lt.,l. ~.l'l'ION l~l' "0U>:hl 11-•M lunn1o; ro1 I' umi• & 557·08~\ -rl'llWn:d !>alary rom WAREHOUSE whrte golct leaf coUee etc 631 2957 p '' llox ISOO eves II y l u Ill Ill In ' u r f llm . JM nin~~ \'tl"Vlnj( 1nt'i\~un1te w quuhflCJ Adv oppt) ror pt>r'I wtw tbl Lamro 195 2\J'lO ._....._, 8070 ('""-l'• M"l>", Co 92626 M -,-s-c-.-0 I v I ..... G tlll\f\l:J.:\· l1rm hH "'"' Ila) '&"h~u,... ldl'I' 1>up ~11 llep l-'t-i' 1•1.11d 11ontt Coolacl M r i. would like to train into " -........ r ·~" ... " " ulftll' 1n ~u .. ~l•to:•' ~ Ii plt>nl<'nr .. 1 uu·omt• Will P'tNrMaceuticab flo6a.k.~ 2066 mgmnt or sulei. w Rd Ant14ut• 1115 v1ctoria n ••••••••••••••••••••••• O'Neill Superswt Tapt>d l Q U I P M E N T l11u1t1M Nt•111 tt·~puml \\Ork 11round i.c hn o l Jo'ortww 5oO<l flrr11 IWl'kN dnv1ng rec Xlnt n.il I co sofa IO rw wulnut d111 H~v1unc1>1> ii.. 'l'lling "''am -. U1>t•d on•·l· 751-1967 oft lPM llll' ''l't'°'lll"'IJ"' t 1 .. , ... h. .. lulc muM tit l l! & md1v mt'd mkll(l••ll'nlN, S\'t\tt'e SlJt1on Allen-nds sharp pcrs look1111o1 set. 111la1d Jrmo1r<' Caroline 1-J mml)i\' i~n'tf11S110 5480256 - --__ ,,.., pri·f l "I' '111 & m i•i 1Jply in µl'r..on 1·ull HJll. alMJ ft•t> JOllli J<tnt, cxpcr'd 1J:ly & for caret-r pownt. Stan muhog t hesl & drebi>l.!r. Jewclrv ' It':. rt·alh l2 iauge lleminJ.,rton 780. ltt'llt' "'ur 1.1 v111 '.111 '*" Jl\)Olil)' ~ 41700 ~nnh. & lh·n t;vt>:. t'ull & plt1mc i\JI saJ to $84!1 Many other mort> IH~ 7347 l1eaut1fufl 1-'or rnlo <·o.ill 111 .... wport Hei.H·h Tt•nn1~ <.:ost new $256. Sell pnce XJ:i ~~ -'II .. '• w t '···,,·n'1•1nl ru• ""r""mn•·I ~··rv111• or ply, She ll St41ttrJn, l7lh & JOils avail. Call Chrn., Uotllc fi'll ~12H1 1•ve'> & t'luh "\Ill t'um1ly M em St75 12 1tau1tc Jin mag -'" "'~ • Q '" '~ .. ·~ I i NR Sura Chr,2wl11t1·mllhb , kn"· h ··2 ,111 ., t<i-;<•1-:l'Tll>Nl~I "l'"'IX•ttik-Al'h 1rvli\c.~M1l·hli.on rvnt', · M()..60.55.Coai.wlPt•r'>nrl bkshlf.apl saLcl'loth<'' w us lH·~1p 6.. '· <:ostNewSt99Scll Pnec l'hon1• t•icp1·r rt:~&llll l'd. ---------•I Si\1.&~ 'l'HAIN,.;t-;s Snvir1• Stulron ulll'ndant cc~ Agent•y , lWO llJrlx1r . dr}er. bollywood bt•l.I Ut u moods. II':.~ 1 ll;rn 644 $125 775-1774 or 962·2-!_58 -l Y l>ln~ 5~ wf.ru l{c:.lournt 1-;QIJIPMfo~NTSJ\Lt-:s nt.'l"1cdfullor purt tunc Nevcru t·iJ.,ll<J you rramc,headbou1d.m.1t who le..,alL•, lulJy .1p POSTOt'FICt:l:JoXF.S Sonsel 6'l "Surlboard & ~l'ukulalor S111:ill arm IMMED openin9• for: NUM HEH ON t-: ,..t:OM Apµly In person La~unu - -ttcS..,, b<nc ~pnni.:s. JJI pra1:.ed For 111f111 m 11 If your are 1n need of wet s uit w / u rclha n e w 1 good grow t h ('OOKS l'ANV. Oranf(l' Counly Chevron, 604 S . Coast 111ianN• tlJI &Ill 70'15 tloo, wnte Mt:crbchaum I' o l)IJX in II B Cull lcui.h SlOO for both 11o:.i.ibil1ties for rl"h' W"l't'R ... ..;.., ... ._ ul't'a, rnulti mJJOr hruod llwy. l.ag Urh. MerchahdiH Kin g, PO Box l 77Ui) t.ka1·h Poi.tu I Service ~ !i200. Peri.on, Co,,1a Mc 1>a ,. ~.,,.., l,1vin•• rm lahle:. ;1 for I ine CA9'"'1Jc11 l'"" c.u, .. .M\I\ f'leu.w call 6(2 1~9:1 fJ&e o fr e<JPY•nf sy1>tcmH Serv Stu He lp net'tled Im-••••••••••••••••••••••• $75. tlvy duly hdfruml' rv · '' ~ '"" """'' R WILL 1'll I N hi~hl y med. f\111 or p/l. Apply ........ 8005 $30, clel' qn. blunkt·t 7!4·559·11239 TJCJ<TOCK"j:;j(--TV,·~· RECEPTIONIST e r il'IOtlvatL'ti & l'umi>ct!llvl.l 000 ~ C11t Hwy. N.11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $10 f\:ll 1552 Machinery 8078 Tlllll 1-'T SllOP HIFi, St.no 8091 ANIMAL HOSP .,er iodiv for l'arctr poiutaon ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1,.~ Pnce sale. elolh1n1o;. ••••••••••••••••••••••• t;xtv•r, m 1tlur.-1-'IT an 1 111 ~ale1> G ua ranteed Shippmj¢ Cle rk lull time Antique Musil.! Boxe:.1 Fur111ture Sulc, n·fn ~, C.:rafts man 10 .. r .1<Jial 31~.2!1. 30 & 3l ~O w Heauliful 2.5" <"Olor TV. 2 e 1Jd1na wC'ekends & SAL.AHY ~ AUTO + pos 111 o n avail f or Slot Machines! Clock.;• l.'Ouchc:., dml'~W :.cl. f1 sr.h arm_ s aw. /\II cxlra .... rnt.hSt CM yr wmty, free dchvl·ry. ... 16 11! __ ._i 11 d BONUS. 1f you un trainee. Call 546·0601! llU''t.'SE LL'C'l'IO"' l"nk" "l" <.IJll :.rfl ) 2 f J l'M Sl"'" '"".17'"' l'Yt•n1111t~ fi44 5463 NrvMt °':.~' onh dcrstand thut the se,·rel IX-tween IH 2am . u "' "' ,. : .. , Wti6~ ' . . U,IO 6'73·67 I u t UJ ....., "'' cwpart .,,.,ac to sueccss 1s hurdwork. -----A,..rican ";r 5PERSIAMRUGS OL PAGFHS It 1-; c.; 1-: r T I 0 N I S ·r dcd1caUon & pcrs1stcnl·e. llO PPI NG/PRODUCTIO~ lntentatiottol 9' Custom ~old !fofu $1 <!5 UXXJ lb hyd i·n1i1rn1· hoist. :1 Pvt Pty 731 9107 art 61' M ~ Mffl'.?~ : 0 ll 1'1..1-: t'<lhm4!tology bk.id l'ror 0!11 Kart!n Ornida Sales Small mfr needs ug Galleries or bt!l>L offer ~~1(~~w conu $225 l'h RAl>IOS Jtilude Adv for rii;:ht Mg r 9 7 9 2 J 3 3 gn:ss1ve mt11v lo learn ull Open Wed. thru Sat li7:J 33511 .,...,.. Mi~s 1 llT'l20 UHt' 898·7~ ~~nl: ~~~ici~ t~111i'1;:r RESTAURANT C A L I t' 0 It N I A phases of shipvmg, pro ll!O'l Kellenn~. Irv Mi~IGMOUs 8080 Wonted 808 I ·' COPYING P HOJ>lJCTS ducllon. rnspec·t1on. etc: n141 754.1177 LEAVING ST A TE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Solid oak 112" stereo. f''1:.· JI/Pl 113 .. H >.'1(>1 COUNTER Apply '" person. 9am·l2, MUST SELL!! CARPET DIRL~C..,. heJV.' W.A.MTED SILVER S her Gerard com ponent.'>, T SALES 837 W 18t h St, Cos t a L' h h Id ,._ ·' -' ~u:n 840-0903 Ht•1·ept1ona.,l y111s1 Mesa ""..-.inuE SHOW c.nUrc ouse o nylon plush e w.lOm cot & 1 <u bar.,. pay $7 ca ~ ____ _ Law f irm • N cw ~IHl Traditional men's shop. "'""T 63l·!Jl50 or~. $6 95 yd. 13alboJ Pn· I~ t'Otn~. puy 4 5 X One MXR equalizer & one Ht-al'h 1 ''lcai..in:x,g Ollt' SERVICE N 8 . seek~ ex f. c r SlllPPING CLERK ANO SALi': Kin~ St Lt' lkd F-:ni:lunrkr Carpel Mr I ls S49-8U!I fo<'t' Dane• 557 lS34 San Sui amphf1er . S200 ~~:1~tiy ~~n s 1/rt1 ~a11:;~~~j !~:u'i~:~ ~:Ccu~~1fi':,1e Rpe~!ft~~~ ~~~nf~.~cnt~~1~1~~r Xlnl <·ond s 1uu orr Old sofa with wood rra mi· OLU POCKl':TWAT('llf:S or nearl~t ofr. 640.24 \6 rc:.umc Lo ll4Z7. U~lly t'lothinJl Xlnt hr:., wit h w/small pro~essive co. space :na1labl<' f':M fi45-0'J72 ror rec·overin~. S75 oo. & :10 ~ • "O ·' 't YI t· orfi4o 2444 1'11(11.f'(>Uoic 1560,Cmolo.i J o in th• Tac o de benefits Send b n e r re S350 hr.Call645·3632for PIR~ fo:X Jll Hl1'10NS h two wat~r turtle'> with Wfl '>lWJl<he., M1"· Mt">a, C:.i !llt.:m Co r Io s t e o"' o sume to-PO Jlox 1055, 645·5341 4 Maple C:ipl :. " am., l lank $50 00 fold an)( urn p:in.-.. touh., ck 'ond ~ I f New port UeuC'h . Ca. uppt ----bur 1>lool.., for :Jfj' b;,r, hrell~ type' rlothe~hrw unimponanl 54/i :Jli:\2 1<~.t'l•:l'TI ON IST 11..irl e Hr'fcepeop 92li63 StnRlc needle operator. Old wooden fr<1ml' -.ora !>l!I bi•il , swa~ lamµ:. SIOOO PhonctiJl Jl.\!t tam<•. 111<'h.Kki. wl•c•k1•11cl:.. who realty ettjoy thei expenenced needs r ep a 1 r u nd re i:un <'abml.!l 5Ull Cil'lcl w;1lt•rfr1111t ll1" M4 fll~li work. We hove bo SALES 1141592•5282 upholsi t>ry S75 uo 1ni.: Cr, llB IH6 71\48 Ht:CEPTION IST ro1 fullandporttimeposl •$500WEEK 631-3149. ('oul·h & l11 \1•:.1•ut . tionsGYailabl«. Special i-; discount to c·ru.'>hl'(J i.:m vd11\'I , very dncr:.rfi«.'tl c·ompaov Comm + l'ii nuu. fc>r Heal F~tllte Sl.!hool. Call lndian Baskets & unµquc 1 1 W 11 .. 11 P t11nt• II 151\M l .:llll'M. ' ·' Ooi\673-7300 display cast.' ror s ale l!<><>C 1·001 1 h ..' lwavv phone'> Som•· <·x P9Hse apply in pt"rson Closers Fullerton 738 5905. iwpuntll.' S:WO 11:11 <!fi6~. fo'1rt'wood Spel'l<tl ulJ•JUl 1~cdS35 995-2558 IH98 2:112 Pull Irvine C C . Ml'm berstup. F·or hale $800, O:tll 6"73·5410 IJt'r prl'f'cl K1111wlt•dgl• of' d . t CALLON IU~TAIU:HS. START SlOK u1·t1111! vrin1·11111ls & hlc urln~ res au ran Hefcrrals 955 2271\ , vr. Beautiful 7 pu.'ct· Sterling WutRrlx.'11, 4 poster, hlr tvµini: hc·lpful <.;;.Ill or operation houn or --ulV'\KKEEPIN'b / Silver Ur l'sscr St.'l clr('a hoc r. 1lhceti., $125 M..irk 6' I " Sunset s urfboard & l f~f':U t:X EHCY I. I': f..12 4139 evc:.lwknd:. Office Furniture & ~pment 8085 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnl Jll'W & uM•d ofr furn, plan flle:i. wk h<'nehe:. C 1-: SUllPLIJS 63 1 <!77'1 apply 111 111:r:-on ht wn stop by and s peak to Screen prinlrn~ produ~ uvvGEN Of'(; 1910. 530.3247 K4X 1357 hm, li36 3501 wk wet i:.u1t w /urclhanl' 101\M 2 1'!\1 N1•w1rnrt the Mona<Jer, 2·5PM , lMt~~t~~~~.~clJ·r 54~~.~~~~c GIRLFRIDAYTYPE 18th Cent 1-:arly Amt•r lea:.h $100 for bo th 1----------t'1·ntl'r, C:a11·w11v l'lutu. Tuesday t h r o uCJh ......, CALL MR.NEILL Geroge Sale 8055 548!Y.!O!l TE I. 1:-: I' II () N 1-: 1• N I) 1 I) h a n d m a ti t' P I n I.' ••••••••••••••• • •••••• • A N s W I-' It I N G t •> ,..,.,.,.,,rl 111 "' r · C.--"'--s at: si:;AMSTRF:SS. sorm· t.'"I' MEtLLMEOM, IMC. r~produt'ltnon 5:1" rnd 5 .,,. Walnut dinette ~et, • · ..... , '·"I "•.1:' -·-..... , d I' t " I " 1•~ .. u11·ru1 c·h11"1 l' 1hmct ,,... r MA C II I N I': M J J o r "'" rr ...... -de~1rc . a lls on ... 111 531-3374 tit-lop trei:.llt• ba:.l· tuble ..... " • • redwood p1ckcl cncrn~. loah&MariH ·~ ... ··········•·•·········· GeMrol 9010 .....•....•............ .....•........•..•..... Boat Maint~nancc. clea11 inf(, lop &rdf• only. F<d s Qill Clay. 8411·4930 laah. Marine Equipment 9030 D"s·1nns . Tucs 1-'rr t.c v<'l l.!d l!lu s:.. I 1 · h brand.;, hir~l' t111ool·ounts. ltl't'l.!1Jt111111~t. , u lloJl Taco de ~ .. S250. 552 92H9 drawer~ Key for "11 be t exerc1::.t" mac in1: :.ales & :.ervH't• Phon cypc bu!>m1 . .,.,. PT now 6'1J.2UIO. TECHNICAL E DITOR l•""·ks. $lli5 646 !lH23 551-5574 Tronic~. 150!15 Bl' a<'h Wanted Boat trailer for FT surnmt·r in('lucl<·' Carlos d d Enf:&n deg, journalism Wanted Anhc1uc Ed11m n "" W 18' LapStrake Boal. Buy k nd ,. II M " 7100 Seamstrtiss.exp, nee e tram 'g or exp & com· or Victor phono w1morn· .,. ur ON SO"'A Shde pro1ector & scrC'cn. Blvd e:.l mrn i:.ter , t ror Ul e dunn o •·······•·············· W\.>e ·c s ..,::i ·• 210 BRISTOL bysa1lmaker . ..1 ho '1518875 r llr~RC , ,. . Sl25. Yellow vel vcl ~20 or. re~ s , ... G7S.W71) prehcru11ve knowledgcof tng~ry_orn _:_:_ · dinette. T v . Di s cha.tSe lounge.$75 King restoration 751·5006 RECEPTIONIST COSTA MESA· motorcycles req, com-Antique Onk furn1tun·. hmaster. flame's. J spd sue bed with wood hdbd. - ----•-~ p eo40 CLERK/TYPIST f'~qual ()ppty elllplyr SECRETARY for pvt puter exp strongly pref. from Montana. vanou:. bike. PH ON E M ATE:. 5 2 5 0 T w 1 n b c d Exttutive desk & eha1r, llUUn, ower Y Co:.la Me i.a l''ull o r m tl club,tcmp 1>03 Apnl 2nd F'orn.auonalmotorcycle pie<-es.559·_4984 _ Used lumbt.•r. plywood, w /h dbd&ftbd , $25 oceas1ona l cha1r1>.m1M· ••••••••••••••••••••••• v lJ~ 557-8961 l•---------i thru Junr 4th, gd typing Magau ne. Send resume guller i,, pla:.t1c p ipe . 957-8580 846-79'15 JI' Roston Whaler with 15 ----------I Retail Camera Sales &steno.Call 6455000exl t.o: Sheila La;~or2Jk~99 l!KJ5tol92'7Cash llc111ster 48x36 aluminum wi n -& hpt'lPL' t:vmrude Sll'l'r· 520 Monrov111 Av .. 9 · s:.JQ. dow . TOOLS, misc 7 Bla de M c Cullou~hVanous office· de:.k:. ll'll!t'1)rn,ul.runn1ngh~hl RECEPTIONIST Counter help Full t1m1· - ----646-3450 hOUs('hold 9.4, Thurs mower. braided rug. furniture for ::.al1: Mai.:h rte 675 395H Muln 1'hot0Sen1c1· C':ill SECRl:."fARIAL position Te leph on e Solsc1t o rs l"n Sut 61 21 Pah~ade bike misc item:.. all desk:.. xlnl t•ond Nl'W. --- Mr Oroke r for n ppl w/diven.1f1cd company. Insurance leads. $3.00 to A m e r . 0 a k bu ff c l . Or ll.U 2 blks s <if ~cl · 645-lSl5 aft Gpm $420, ask1n~ Sl!I~ ~1any :.1· S.·aray, 1978 Spt llrdi: flltry b••I 5'12·'9'>8 Good shthd & l yp rn g $4.00 per hour College carved. all onR1nal I' P in~er I hlk E of S pr ----misc furn1turt' <,01nA many extras. lo hrs. hk1: We 11rc i,cckinR a h1Ah -----r.k1lls reqwred. Cull or roods. Call 835·3010 Mr. d '1 Pool t ables 4x8 rci: l" out or bu.>iint-s:. 775 1774 nu 6402039 S42500 :.d1oul 0 ruduate with t• H~fAJL SALES, CLERK apply in v· erson. btwn llyde 962-1961 in.I! a e. 1 I · · 1 962 2458 • · -~ - " d d p rr . Id, ~--------• . • s ate. c ass1c an aq ue or Wan t to buy a boat " lnon'hs r"l"l "d rx nee e inc II 10AM·21'""· Ncwr.orl ( t'\llACESJ\I I' 1· artist c p1·no ' u .. I I t "' 'I ,..),,,_ S I ' ' '' rep icas, · 1 u ,_..... 8087 l'r r"cd r r .,ht• .. , .. ft vencncc t.o li<:t as Rct•eµ weckf'm s. rndoor Pun Center, G a teway I' uzu 'le e.,...,.,e a es l.ot5 of 1tood1l's Bikes, legs. SlWO valut'. this ....,.,, • ' " "0 llllntbt. Oullcli w11l 1n nurscry.Mustbc knldga . llONcwport Ccnler Or , •$2500 FOR A 5.AppimteH 8010 furniture, and m1 sr week ss95213_631 7005 •••••••••••••••••••••• Buyliner. tw1n en~ .. tly t•lutlc ans w1•r1n~ t he blc & reliable abnut 11200.644·4492 HOUR'WEEt<• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20031 Ehu 1hcth Ln , llU Two water turtlt•s with hn <IAe. etc (;all Chut·k, tuleµhune, s:n•1•ll11~ v1:. tropical plants. F'em pre --------. NOW u .. 'TS GET BACK FREIGH T 01\M i\G ~; D f'r1day & Suturday Only Oog run. chum link, l'OSI tank. $.50 00/offor Phone < 11 > 54 6 · 5 l 3 9. < B l iton,, f1h ni.: und h~httyv f'd. Cull for appl. 645 3392 Sec'y.Gal F riduy. Set'Y T O R EA L I TY T II E HOTPOINT S ALE. :J:l<»I !.Ito 4 $140, sac. $50 631·4944 6.11 ·3149. 633-~11 I 1AA'fyp11lgWwpm l:.~· ~tlr~ M aln~n ~r ~r Pro~y Mgmt n r m . R~~ TIIAi SAYS W. Warner nr Jlar~r.1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~D ('w .. w• 't'ronl o(fu•r UV· s s Ex}' tele phone / t y p . YOU CAN EARN """'n A Santu Ana. 979·21121 • 1 • ..,... ind. bid to sup . . or bkk g ~ • I A p r llCUranee IS neeest.ury. pension.Eve.673 1417_. -~L M"~l 642·1603 WEEK COM MISSION CASll PAID Com Ing n I __ FORA2.5 1fOUrtWEEK. /P f · , J\ o t• x c• t! I I c n t Sales ECRET~RY •Photo Copy Su pplies Wsh r /Ory r s ,e r1 As . t'Omb1nauon of s ul<t ry. Shoe salem a n. Looking S "" •NiceNcwportOHices workingornot 9SH1t33 i I ' t; i bcnef1ls lcom1J1Jny prHd ror aggressive individual Xlnl oppty for effrcle nl •Highest commission in BARGAJNS·Used rdn gs . o p ~ p 6\ T J AD l'Tlt.'(f1cal and dental und for high fashion shoe gal w/to p secretaria l ~Industry ws hrs, d ry rs. gur ur. \ti Wl .-I - l!rowth opportunny 1. st.ore localed m Fashion s kills to wo rk in fast •Early AM hours best buys, we scrv a ppl 1•"'-..~ avai lable 1 F o r 1 m lsland Succes:.full can ~ced Npl Bch R.E ore. •Telephone sales. expc.r. Bes t Appl. 536.0911 , mcdrntc tons 1derut1on dtdate must projel.'l neal Call Lila. 83.1-2900. __ preferred. but w11l lram c:uJI o r apply m pcrsun a~arance & m ust h11 ve S«reta ·Newport lie a ch highly motivated person. _5364330 __ . _____ _ hilth level of eneru & be LawO(frce Call 6'15·9910 Mon -Fri WASHER DRYE R SALE , able lo s tep up t o ~4 8am·12noon.!Uk forMr. Deluxe mult1 ·cyde11Ltc:::.:1-__i:;.....;ir...AJ 714/540-6080 That's pot-pour-rr cl confused collecl1on, a miscellaneou s mixture, a hOdgepodge. management. Top pay & Huahan. mod e ls . Complet ely TRANSMASK uce,lle nt comp~n y SECRUARY rebll. rehn1shed, I yr benefits. For intcr vrew forNewport.Center Slock TELEPHONE gua rantee. De liver y call Mr . Wasserman Brokenge f'irm Need SALES Your choice $139 ea CORP 7~ mature per&Ofl excellenl Sale ends 4·3. So. Coast Sales Full-Time t)'Plng & shorthand. $'150 Newspaper s ubs . Your AppUancc S3'7·2542 Exper'd No-Niles to start. Good benefits. phone, ti to 5 hrs a day. h sr.o ~Campus Drive Ladies fine Appare l Ca.JI Margor1e &«·2442. S200 & up comm. wk. Ma ytag was r Sso Nl•wpor1 Beach. CA MARY MILLERICK Exp. pref. Over 21. 1.D. M~ytag d ryer .(e ec> 3.5 Fashion Sq Santa Ana SECRET ARY /l. New:tpa~r Ent. 835·6453. GE frig, $50. 962-5228 ~ual Opportunity MATURE 547-5866 Newport Be a c h ar ea. lto3PM Only. 2 REF'S. both clcun , t;mployer m /f /h Dlctal>hone. typing, eit· .... ,. & $l50 G ___ ._ ____ ... _________ , pr . desir a ble . 975·0077 TOW TRUCK DRIVER work gd . ..,.,. · ,ax RECIPT to $125 SALE.S ask for Kim. Needed, must li ve C.M .. dryer$45. 548 4485 "'"e Paid FOOD SALES mu.,t beexper. 646-9638 "--8040 r ... Secretary f<'ee Paid . w-r Pcoplo pleaslnl'.( attitude GRAND R.E. t $12 000 Tow Truck Drivers ex· ••••••••••••••••··~··•• l!Ollghl by corp ore. fo r "8ENIH4 l 0 ' I per'd. Top pay. Apply AKC Keeshond puppies. 6 cslmr se r vice J)()s. Coll """" 9 lnlluenUa corp ore. ux o&W To win g 740B wits, s hot s M·$175 . Dawn, also fee Jo bs. ORANGE CO ofcs & challenging pos. Ohms Way C M M2·12.52 F·S200. 642·3408 call Kay. also fee Jobs. • · · 833-2'700. Denn is & Den· OFFICE 833-2'700. Dennis & Oen· Trainee Min . Schna utze r . blk nlJll Personnel Service ot IVBYOMI nia ~nel Service of Fountain vty branch of m ales. 10 wks. AKC. lrvtne.2082 Michelson. IUYSFOOO l rvlM,2082 Mlchetson. trg auto Ina agency has s h o ts. 1 ·5 2 8 ·3 109 , CUUIMT STAFf openiaw11TM .....;1.....;-87_1_-8_182_. ____ _ EMMUPTO& •SECIETARIES• ...... IMH Must have good home, 4 OVB 5'00/$100 •-mo old puppy. Has 3 G.O./R.E ./Acctg Noexpernec. shots t booster . Collle, Commission Weeklr. Sell· ..,_SlSOO Ran~e Salary commens urate German Shep & La b 1B'!.'aut"1,1J\rv Qp~c\'~c\ :d Emp&oyen Pay All Fees w/nper & ability. All co Ca ll Michelle 640·8720 " ' U z Rel.ndersAgency b e n ef. Call K a thy , dys,5$4-4814 evcs. M ea t , Sea f ood & 40JBlrchSt,Stcl04 S4Nl61. Gourmet Food product.s Newport Beach, B33-8!90 ---------1 Bicbo n f r ise . powde r r to n ew " r c P e wt c..tl For Appt/Ealab ,64 Truck Or1ve.r • J ton truck Jdf fem ale . Pure while. C\lltomen. , L.A. fr O.C. 5-dy wk. Call purebred puppy. Cost ltlC8'T $ 700 "'° t.omblne your ll typln11 &kilt. with your bnghl person1Uly to work et this fun compa n y. beautiful ore's " xlnl benefits Including den· lal.Call A m e r ic an Cu r e Ag ncy 610 Newport Ctr Dr Newport Beach No Fee Receptionist CJ ,., ... d1 ~ ... d. .. NOT NEC ~p.m. 7141846-9419 $425, beat offer, 9f:l8.9027. NIW OllAMGI SICTIY /4Mrt Pridey nPIST Mahan AKC P ups. D-M Jilll'AllW9'V,,..,. Stlrt lmme d . S alery -F--.. Isl land plan· Platinum slvra, 0 -M ~• 1 ~ eommenaurate w /expr. ,...,.. -· 1 t 1 Blkl. Top show or pcil. MOWOPIMIM6 New Colt.a Mesa baaed nln1/e nv r onme n ~ SUIC).$1.50. Terms . Mua\ -.. -CALL: ftnn ...... 7735wlrdys. 8R'h ftrm. Xlnl work I •ell now 848°9601 o r ,._,_r, atmoll) • betll. Top typ· " · . tJ I Jtllt·Z621 s • c 11 r l t y or fl c u · tna. 1petl101 " tdlt1n1 ..;;~.;.:....;..It_. ____ _ 1--------•1 Elll*'l.nctd. Full time 2 ~ reqd. Word pro· A.KC Afgha n puppies, • I~ '9dftt.Ta.m.tol:30p.m . ~exp helpful. Sal IMJea•females. I I I 3:30 to 12 m ldnllht comm w/exper. Send re. 714/64f.2014 Partorfwl me. PermaMnt P91ltlon. C.11 1ume to Judi• St.lrMr, . toy 1041 ftlESHOWOFF -..t E.O.E. aeo Newport Ctr Dr, St.e ,,_ • 22 P'abion ltland, N. B. 211. NB. CA 111110 .............. H••••••• s.... ---•• SICUllTY w...._Expmeaced on· =-~~r0C:::fea. -·-&1••1D ty,putU,.1!1!~ v.,., ua. typlna duU.. we11 knowa n•t'l corp --~ _._.. IUKiOo requlrea •peed atn xlnl apply to• pm Wable penon nMded Free to 1ood h o m e oltOWpm •• U5perhour. w/..,labulorm1rt1 • 1 ~~tlble 1 houre. Wantecl· Experlenud w/yard, Dane Aus l r . Houra ar• IAll·IPll yr ap cou11111er prod ~._.... Y°', .. !•1 r.-1· uw 1 DI ma c b I n• Sbepberd m ix. bU1. 5 ..,....y lltnl P'riday wltb _,.. 11a... Willi, to ._..........,men ,,.. P•• . g::· -le needle. - -_.. bourforlwaeb w s -"-oulltandl"• ~· ha"11-....-. ..._, .. , .. Pilot Potpourri Is our way of observing INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WEEK by extending savings of up to SO percent. It's a good time to clean out and spruce up. APRIL 4th CW•d.l tt1ru APRIL 7th tS•t.I • Have a GARAGE SALE! • Sell your extra PLANTS & GREENERY! "C ... -..... --.. ... • Get your neighbors together & have your own SWAP MEET! I ! = :r:::::.::;r- Ads are limited to miscellaneous me rchandise for sal• o nly! ! (No Real Estate) Write 1 word each s pace. minimum sire ad Is 3 Jines. THERE IS PLENTY OF TIME TO GET IT ALL TOGETHER! Fill In the Handy order blank below -DO IT TODAY! I ! t NO. OF 4 DAYS WORDS 12 36 "40 ff you netd mort room for your men age lu•t print or type 4 word• per lln• and add $1 .00 extra for 11ch addltlonal llne . 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9 .00 -------------------------------------------------,,. ... ached~le "'' Hot l'otpOUn'I ltd eo run Apttl 4ttt (Wltd.) tttru Apttl 1"' (Set.) with no ohante or {lOpf. No re~•t• '°' • ..,., cancellatlon. lncloMd It"'' ctteok or"'°"'' order for Or Pltt"l'A ChOtl;jt tr.. ad 8clOllAmerlca.d, VISA No . Exe>lrt\ , ...... Mn\lf rChdrOt NO. . , . E11plres ........ .. Ntmt .... ,. ........................... . • Phont Arte COde ••••••• cm Cll ..W..... :.=c ..\°sis ::ow!" co ca; ;:; Mnt f1t 1:-Ap•lr .... i!Futt;:c:.11...; ;.;;..CDOl-....old_Y_ortc_l_t _T_erri-e-r. 1714tlll-2•• + ...... Many otb•r ·12 oooa. Mon/Fr , '"· U{B. low9I dslldnn. ..... M~r.nto:' Or'eftie' COaaf Daiiy"PiiOf c18aamect ~de',"i(o.''ICax forMappolatlDeftt ~~~rp:r=: ,.~HOT& ~aaw&nedldll _9¥9._______ 1llO. S30 w .•• , It., Co• ..... , Calff.12121 or ... AllDCJ.mDKarbor, •NewPC>rtCenterDr •.., • dlda1 your,., .. lo aoo4 llome1 : ; brtnn Into one of the o.11u Piiot office•. -. Nttw-n Beat h =· GAve • • all. •mall mix.cl pupplet. • •7 ... ti 1 op '--·~~::;~~~~~::J~~~~r-~~~~~~.J~~~~~~~--~~..,.~~~ .. ~~ ... ~~-~·~,~~===;IF=:Jb:=:=:=:~Th~t~Or~a~,.....;:.~~::;··,~·~0~•~1~~~P;1~~~·;~;;:~'v;n~tn;e~r~1~oh~t~t;o~t<1;•~t·or~~''•''mc1t~•·"••~ ... ;;.v••'~'~n~o~c;.;;;;.Y ............ __ -'-----....... ----= NeYer a ~t t.o you t'll f'elll. -•n• . .,,... ........., • , ,I • DAILY PILOT • I ... ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUPS AVAILAILE '79 MG TD YAC Newport 646-0SSt REPLICAR loat SllDI W..tH BRAND NEW l Mr. N e, 645-6015 Vour choice or beautiful ____ __..;.. ____ , black or elegant cham· Wanted 25' slip. pagne. these are rare 768-6274 classics not to be round 554·1700 elsewhere in Orange ----1 County. Leathe r In · Slip wanted ror 43' Gran ter lor, wood da s h , Mariner Cruiser with 13' AM/F'M stereo cassette, beam. Quiet live aboard glass s ide cur ta ins on beauurolly m ain· highlight this collector's tamed boat. 645-948-1. item's features. Must be seen to be appreciated. T1E1partatlow JIM MARINO vw -··-•••••••••••••••• 18711 Beach Blvd. C flrl. S./ HUNTINGTON BEACH ..... 9120 842-2000 ....................... I • - AIJ>len 10, Cab-Over. All 68 Pon~ac Flreb1rd 400 utllitlea, toilet & a ir convertible. Auto. A/C, cond. Good cond. S800. PS , PB, Call eves . 675-8123 ,_963-_~ __ . ______ , ....................... 11.t Sae '19 Yamaha 130 8Dec .. 1800 mi. Sells for 0185 Wiil aell for ......... 9590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COHHRL CHEVilOLET .~11.Hlw•r /11.•I I ( IS I \ ,, ~ .~ \ 546-1200 l .. Mtot W..e-4 HtO Mfot, 1_,o..w ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • Match 28, 1979 900 So. Coett Hwy. ...,... .. oc .. 494-1 ll I '67 Cougar S800 493-6330 uftt:r I 1nn '67 Cougar 289, 3 -.ixl. xtr;.1 t'lcan. l\'j! 1-:J ' . i:ood nu, 5SG-ti2!12 DAILY PILOT Dft THEODORE ROBINS FORD 10o0 HARllOR IUVO. COSTA Ml!>A b•\'2'0010 "6H Must., rblt t·ng·'\11" 1111 orig o wne r , $~11 1111 n~~Ol1able. Oys 7&1 llS5•, l::vf..~ 4\13-618\f·Clark "78 Olei.' ~t'l(COl.'Y 98, :! d I . hllk'. loaded, Exc1 • ·"" "' 1\1,0<lll m1. s p11t l1•-.-. l'ond S72tl0. SC'e & clr1 \ .. in N R 752 7K:t:I 9957 1----------· ··· ................... . Dodtp 9935 ·75 Pl11Lo WaJ:on Y·G •. IU\11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tram., <!Om R. low 111111•' PositJvely can :wll vour s 21;011 1uri.c r . ( 7 1 1 1 car·truck·vun ul no cost 54K !14;z.'> after s p m ~ toyou.5477011! wc•c·k1·nds . o r 17 11 1 '75 STATION WAGON~ ~~~~J~OIJ , ext . 3117 po we r s t ee ring & _Y __ _ br akes, <nr, r a c·k . P9ynDuttl 99 60 a.7888 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ford 9940 '71 PLYMOUTH FURY 2 DOOR Autom JUC, u1r 1·111111 AM/fo'M, viny l top. 11~1 i.tccnn~ & 0 11ly flS.:1110 J,()W miles. (557<.:ZN 1 ISlk. 10.1lA). $1978 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 10o0 HARllOR 8lVO. COSTA MfSA 641·0010 ~ l r l • BRAND NEW 1979 PLYMOUTH VOLARE BRAND NEW 1979 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Automatic transmission. an economical 318 CID V8. power steering. Power brakes and glass belled wsw radial tires. ( 106408) BRAND NEW 1979 . CHRYSLER LE BARON 4 DOOR SEDAN VS engine. automatic torouellite transmlaalon. oower eteering, white sidewall gl8's belted radial tires and morel C 166261 l Th1'1 fl(Onu1nu 111 r ou1H• h1111 11 '''' C 111 ll 1 vllmlm 1111u11•n ttu• m(J'1t ormmn for 1H r11111mv A tturntlllltv 11111t "" 1ulom11t1t tron1;1111•'11t111 I Ill 1111111 2DOOR SUPER SAVINGS ON FINE USED CARS SPECIAL OF THE WEEK! 1977 CHRYSLER H EWYOUER COUPE VB automatic lransm1ss1on Power steering. p0wer brakes spht oower soat. oower windows. atr cond1t1oning .. cru1se control 1111 wheel leather interior. AM/FM slereo radio w/8 track 1ape. sunroof. electric door locks. 111nyl loP & wsw !Ires I 1474011 s3995 '76 PLYMOUTH DUSTER COUPE V8. automatic transmission. air cond1t1oning, power steering. p0wer brakes. vinyl top. radio & WSW tires. (268T JC) '7 6 CHRYSLER CORDOIA COUPE vs. automatic trans . air cond . power steering. power brakes. AM/FM stereo radio. tilt wheel. cruise control, v1ny1 top & wsw tires. ( «OPCVl s2995 s3995 '74 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Automatic transmission. V8. air cond . lull po wer steering. brakes. door locks. windows & seat. AM/FM stereo radio. vinyl top & wsw tires. (080UOW) 178 PLYMOUTH VOLA.IE COUPE ve. automatic transm1ss1on. air cond1t1on1ng, power steering. power braJcos. vtnyl top, radio. buc ke t seats & w sw tires. (858UUR). '76 CADILLAC COUPE DE VIUE VB . auto matic trans . l ull power-steering. brakes. dr locks. windows. seats. air cond t111 wheel. cruise control AM/FM sl oreo 111n v1 l op & more• (742PONI 178 PLYMOUTH VOLAIE WAGOH VS automatic transmission atr cond1t1onlng. power steering. power brakes. luggage rack, radio & WSW ltros. (314UWV) s3995 s4895 NEED CASH'I We'll pay top dollar for good. clean & late model used cars. See Curt Davis or. Bryan Hesketh today ... ••• AND WE ALLOW TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TR.ADE-I~! • NOW. IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY! BRAND NEW 1979 VOYAGER VAN .... VA r•nq1nr> automatic tran~m1s'l1on t1ntf'd qla<1•, < 94 (Par axlf'l rn110 radio powPr 'llPPring tront disc brake<. and Ql8'1'> b«lle<1 radial 11rc~ ( 1261831 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SERVICE HOURS: MOHDAY.fltDAY: 7:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. SATUIDAY: 1:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. : Buntin ton Beach Fountain Valley ---------• 0 I 1 LO N ., VOL 72, NO 81, • S ·CT IONS. S2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FOR NIA 'China yndrome' J!enied Your Hometown Dally NewHpaper WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1979 TEN CENTS .. u e • • ·! at1on ea a s Rainfall 2 ln•·hes Clearing Due Along Coast By TOM BARl.E\' Ol IM 0.11, P11•1 St•ll m a1nta1nin~ a constant v1g1I m thl• art.>a In lluntmgton Beach, all fo ur lanes of Beach Boulevard from Adams Stre('t to Pae.Hie Coast Highway were closed early to· A spring storm that left many Orange Coast roads and i.treet!> awas h a nd hulled trarrir on highways seems certuin to move ' out of the area Thursday. thl· t National Wcathl•r Serv1('l' rc ported todav "The storm ha:. shot its bolt." a forecaster said "The chunce or rain will be down lO 10 per cent tonight and 10 per('(•nt lesi. than that on Thur~day " day for more than two hours bet·ause or nooding And heavy rain at thCJt time scored an undoubted strikf> at t he home of former major league baseball pitche r Irv Pahca, l592 Indian Wells Circle llunti nglon Beach. ·7 . In many Orang<' Co<1st areas the storm added mor<' than two inches or rain to the season's total. Weather analyst .J. Sherman Denny ml•<1surcd 2 18 tnches of rain in his llur1t111~ton Bcarh gauge. He f1gurt•s the season's total thus far at 17 52 anchcs, fi 7U inches lx:low last sN1son 's total T he Laguna Heath areu r~ corded nearly two 1nchl·~ of rain during the storm and thl' downpour added to the problem:. of construrtion crews in shd£• ravaged RluPb1rd Canyon The tarpaulin s heets laid down lo shield the slide urea from the heavy rain did the JOb they were suppost.>d to do. Reserve Officer Lar.ce Ishmael said .M eanwhile, a bluff at Shorecliffs Mobile Estates m San Clemente continued to erode lrs a brick wall on the cliff edge crumbled Tuesday. The firs t lands lide al the mobile home park occurred Dec 18. Heavy rain has accelerated the earth slippage and a widen· ing crack in thl' roadway or Mira Ade lante has forced the evacua- tion of at least seven mobile homes No injuries havl' been report· ed. Po li<·e a nd .firemen ar c Palica said his patio awmng collapsed under the weight of waler generated by the torren· t1al downpQ ur Road crews in Costa Mcsu were kept busy by severe flood Ing which left car!> on many I horoughfar cs axle deep in water. They said they e ncountered t h ei r wors t probl e m s at Anaheim Avenue and 19th Street and Pomona Avenue and 17th Street where water covered. the s treet and sidewalk. CSet! photos, PageA3.' Costa Mesa homeowners re· ported several trees felled by the combination of wind and water at the height of the storm. There were no injuries and no property damage. A fallen tree on Saybrook Lane in Huntington Beach blocked the bicycle lane for a few hours before it was removed by workmen. Rain washed out a bridge on Santiago Canyon Road between Chapman Avenue and Silverado Canyon Road. Local residents are being forced to use El Toro Road to reach their homes. • Power blackouts at the height of the storm Tuesday affected homeowners in Mission Viejo and El Toro J0£ AND JULIA QUINLAN KEEP THEIR FAITH Com•toae D•ughter Ne•r• 25th Blrthd•y KarenNow25 ·Fourth Year in Drug Coma MORRIS PLAINS, N.J. CAP> -Karen A'nn Quinlan wlll be 25 Thursday. To mark the occasion, a Mass will be cele brated at her bed.aide. where ~e lies in a coma. "We have so much to be thankful for," say,s her mother, JuUe Quinlan. ·•we never t.boqhl Karen would celebrate her ~birthday. We didn't e:llped Karen to survive lhls long." DEVOVT aOMAN CATHOUCS, THE Qalnlans have leaned heavily on their la)th since the April day four years ago when their d8u1hter slipped Into a coma -the result of an overdose of •lcohol llftd drugs at a friend's birthday party. The)' believe that God la ~lnl her ''for some pu~ known OD1J toblm." • KA&SN ANN QUINLAN WILL BE remembered b7 ber ,......., fttlll to let lier 4lie by ~ UM of extr.......,, .... •lllllp llllr alhe. Oii ........ 11. llN, tbe New Jeney Supreme Court illUld a llillld•-' dlJllll• U..l ••~ Qulalan pennllltoa lo order re· moHI,,, ......... UIHupportiq Nlpirator. .. ,. ............. EMMETT KELLY SHOWN IN ANO OUT OF CLOWN MAKEUP World-famous Circus Performer Succumbs •t Age 80 -Circus Clown Kelly, 80, Dies in Florida SARASOTA , f'la. <A P I -Em· m elt Ke lly, 80, w ho made millions s mile as the droopy. fa ced clown "Weary Willie." died today in this Florida circus town Kelly suffered a heart attack at his home here, said Or. Bob Windom. He said Kelly was pro· nounced dead after his wife. Evie, brought him to Sarasota MemoriaJ HospitaJ The SO-year vete ran of the big top starred for ma ny years with the Ringling Brothe r s and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Though he had not performed actively with Ringling Brothers for several years, Kelly refused to retire and remained busy with engagements in night clubs and television commercials. Kelly said he felt a deep affini· ty with "Weary Willie." ''A c lown'lj m a ke up and character that's all he has to sell ." Kelly t1aid in a 1975 in· teview. "He loves and believes in that character. 'Outrageous' ··weary Willie 1s very reaJ lo me. lie is a man who has given up. The boat has gone und left him. The cards ar e stacked against him. He's content lo make out with what he 's got .. he knows he'll go no further." Kelly was stricken in his front yard as he walked out to take some trash to the curb. Sarasota is the winter home of the Ringl- ing Brothers circus and many pe rformers have their homes here. "He died there in our own front yard in his pajamas," his wife said. "I ran out. gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. A neighbor called an a mbulance, but it was too late." Mrs. Kell y said her husband would be buried in Lafayette. Ind, next to his mother and sis· ter . She said arrangements had not been completed. "He was a good, gooo man.'' she said. "Down to earth. I'm really going to miss him. We all loved him so.·• NOW Raps Judge On Rape Decision An Orange County Superior Court judge who gr anted a new trial for a convicted rapist was accused today or ·'outrageous d isc rimination agains t the female victim in this case.'' The c ha rge was leveled against Judge Mason Fenton by members or the North Orange County Chapter of the National Organization for Women. Fenton, however. said he won· dercd where the group gathered information to make the accusa· tton since he had not talked to them about it. ·'I treated this case just like I would treat a murder case or a robbery case or a drunken driv· ing cue." Fenton continued. "I have a job to do and not a very popuJar job sometimes," Fenton said. He said he granted a new trial for 45-year-old Gle n Howard Hutcherson of Whittler because he felt it was the right thing to do "despite any protests." Hutchenon had been convicted by a jury or rape, kidnap and as· sautl with a deadJy weapon. NOW members Nancy Utsler and Karen Peters said In a press release that Fenton showed "a callous d11reaard tor t.be right.I of ridtma of violent crimes," when be ordered a new trial for Hutchenon. ' Fenton Hid he granted the new trial becauee be didn't belleve the tettlmony of U.. al· ...... npe vtettm. Batcbenon ••• •ccuted of nplDI •-year-old Catberin• Hardbl 8ftel' be picked her up wbUe 1be wa1 hltttabikln& in Buena Park la November ol im. She claimed Hutcherson tied h e r u p , blindfolded her. threatened her with a knife and raped her. But Hutcherson testiried dur· ing his four-day trial that the woman agreed to have sex with him for $25 and yelled "rape" afterward when he refused to pay. NOW members raulle<J Fenton for making r~marks that the r a pe victim had no c uts or bruises when she reported the event to police. They said those factors "have no bearing on whether or not the victim was kidnapped , raped and assaulted wilh a deadly weapon." NOW members s aid they are forwarding their protests to the Judicial Qualifications Com· mission and are cons idering cir culating r ecall petitions against Fenton. ''The Dally Pilot does a great job. • "l rented my apartment to the first penon who called." Thal'• the I UCCell at.or)' of the Costa N~H woman who placed tb1a td in the Dally Pilot: Bachelof' apt wtatove ic retrl1. U\111 pd, 1140 XXX•XUX u ,.,.. need • )Ob done sreat, call \he O.Uy Pitot'I friendly •d·vilen 8l 942-5"71. " ·Facility Shut for Probe HARRJSBURG. P a. IAP\ A water pump used to cool the re· actor al the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant broke down today. a nd some radioactivt> ste am escaped into the al mos pbere. a uthorities said They said oo one was inj ured or seriously exposed to radiation and the leak was not considered dan~erous. Officials at the plant. located oo an isJand on the Susquchan n a Riv e r about 10 m11 es southeast of the state capital. declared a "general e mergen cy" following the accident. which occurred al 1 a m. PST They said that meant the facility would remain sealed off until after an investi~at1on. "There was a s mall release-or radiation to the environment," Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. William Scranton Ill. head of the state Civil Defense. said in Har risburg. He said "no inc rease an . normal radiation levels has been detected" in the air outside the plant. Concern over possible effecL-. of earthquakes o n cooling mechanisms had caused the f ederal government to shut down five othe r U.S. nuclear plants two weeks ago. Dave Klucsik. a spokesman for Metropolitan Edison. one or the consortium or utilities that runs the plant, said "there is absolute ly no danger or u me ltdown: We are not in a 'China Syndrome' situation." <See NUCLEAR, Page A2) * * * OieckUrged OnAll U.S. Nuke Plants WASHINGTON CAP> · An a nti-nuc lear citizen s group urged the Nuclear Regul atory Com mission today to check all the nation's operating atomic· powe rplants for edrthquakc safety. in light of the recent commission shutdown of fi ve plants. On March 13. the comm1ss1on ordered the shutdown of fi vc large atomic plants to recheck calculations of their ability to withstand earthquakes after a computing error was discovered in the design of one of them The Union of Concerned Scien lists said it was asking the NRC to a~ain analyze the earthquake- proofing of aJI the approximate· Jy 70 operating nuclear plants in the United Slates . ·'What we are asking them to do now is the elementary check ing that should have been done years ago when they licensed today's operating nuclear power plants," said a statement issued by the group. The plants that the NRC or- dered temporarily closed for re· a nalys is a nd, if necessary , structural c hanges, were : Beaver Valley plant at Ship· pingport, Pa .; the two Surry unit at Gravel Point. Va.; Maine Yankee at Wiscasset, Maine ; and the James Fitzpatrick plant at Scriba. N.Y. In the study or the shut-down plants, the NRC is questioning whether essenUal cooling pipes and fittings are strong enough to withstand earthquakes without breaking and posing the threat of a catastrophic melting or the reactor'• core of radioactive ruel. The anti-nuclear group's statement came a rew hours alter a valve burst in the steam preasure system of a nuclear Power plant near Harrl11burg, Pa., sending Irradiated steam Into the atmotphere. However, tbe ll'OUP said the two eveata were colncidental. On Tueeday. comml11lon or- nc1at1 ln Waahlngton said they bad no estimate when the 1ov· emmeftt would conclude Ill ln· vntl18tloo of aarety at the five nuclear power plants. ·O ~O I I Milt~ Gu tr el f.,,,,.,, Otel•rt' r'• AP W1r-to SCENE OF ACCIDENT Near State's Capital Huntington Vice Raids Net Seven By MICHAEL PASKEVICH 01 1"9 Daily Pli.t Stall . Seven employees from five Huntington Be a c h massage parlors we r e arres t ed on charges of soliciting for prostitu- tion Tuesday night Police vice investigators said today more arrests are expected. Bennie Storey, 60· year -old owner of Huntington Uealth Center. 504 Main St.. was taken into custody along with two female employees. Vice Sgt. Larry Cain su1d Storey has been charged with al· lowing an unlicensed masseuse to work in his parlor, a misde- meanor. Sgt. Cain said there was no connection between the Tuesday night arrests and the City Coun- cil's recent action concerning massage parlors "This was an enforcement ac lion," said Cain. Four undercover agents began an investigation of the rity's eight massage pt.trlors on March 1, and Sgt. C1.1in said offi<'ers were offered sex ror pay about 40 percent of the tame "Most of the girls also offered to meet us outside for further prostitution." Sgt Cain addl'd Police recently obtained ar· rest warnmts from the Orange County District Attorney's Of f1ce and began making arrc~ts Tuesday njght during a Cive hour operall that ended ubout 10 Pm. Arrc.>Sled were J oann Cordero. 25 . of Huntin gton Sa nds Massage, 16385 Bolsa Chica St., Kathryn Nogam1 . 23. of Town und County Spa. 18!'\82 Beach Boulevard and Laura Ayers, 31, of Spa of Hawa11. '7434 Beach Boulevard. Also taken into cus tody were Barbara Greenbe rg, 30 , and (See VICE. Page-A2) Coast Weathe r Chance or rain decreas- ing to 10 percent tonight and near zero Thursday. Gusty westerly winds 10 to 20 mph this afternoon. Lows tonight 48 to 53. Highs Thurstlay in low 60s. INSIDE TODA" A/tu being 8Jl•tematically brainwcuhed to the wrge of no relum by dildples of the Reu. Sun Myung Moon. Chriatop#ier Edwarda um de· termi~ to practice them:! method• on other• in the Ma1tu'a ao~. see .• Heauen· If/ Dec~Wra,".P.age A7. •••• a ••v-....-a11~~ ....... .. .. .,... L. M . ._.. M Melle .. ....................... ... " .. ., ~ .......... ...... ca-t.... OMI Or .... c..y c-k• C1 ..,........., ~ 0 ...... ............ AllOr,....__. ....... ,.... ................ ............ .,.,, . ....,.... ,...._ CM~ ..... ,,.,.,. ...__ ...... ,...,. a .......... ~ Att .. ., .. •11 .. ... ... u M .. t t . ' j l I • ' l l I I • • , ...,, ...... CENTER OF STORM Judge Jamet Wal1worth utor Raps Probe Of.Judge 1\ dl'•lri<'l .11torncy '• protw th.it l'lt•J1t'tl 1111M•m1durt t'hJ1 l(t•i-. ll'\•·l t•1J Jl 01111\g l' County Su1H'r1t1r Court Juuge Jamei- Wal1>worth w..i:, atllll'ked today by tht• pro:.c•t·utor who mttdti the alle1tal1on:-. Deputy Vt NI ric•t Attornc} llru<'<' Bridgman rlaimt'!I 11 ., 'uhsolulely falM"' lhut there hai. bet>n u 1·nm1,lt•te an vest1gC1 twn of aJI tact:, s urrounding the ••<•rusat1ons he made last week Jga1ni.t Wal:-.worth And hl' accused Chief Deputy D 1:,lrn·L Attorney J<iml"• t:nrri:ht. who ordered the probe, of 1si-.umg a "r1rcmature slat<· m£•nt l>a..,ed on l!C<1nty in rorm11t1on .. to "protect his old frll'nd Jim Walsworth " 1:o;nri~ht t·ould not be reached ror comment today Judge Hobert Rick ie :-.. t·rim1n<il court prt's id1ng judge'. ,1nnounn·d Tucscfay that a dt!> 1 ri c t attorney Inves tigation :-.huwNt there wwr, "no factual basis " to all<'~<ihuni. that anytme 111 Walbworth 's n1url had done anything ill<'~al or fraudulent Hruti.:man n ·1x1rtt•dly ehuri.:cd 1n open tourt I ust week th<tl :someone m Wabworth's court had falsified t ourt rc('f)rds m volvmg a postponed trial date in an alleg<.'tl $200,000 real estate i.wmdle II<.· alleged the trial dat<> was canceled without the defendant's consent and records showing th<' postponement wrongfully li sted a deputy d1stru:t attorney and t·ourt rcport<.•r as being present H1<·kle11 said he did not lrnow how the record tn that case was handled but said 1l is common vrC1t'l1cc to arrange postpone ml·nts informally ft1 ckles ulso provided a transcript or a verbal repon of lhe d1s tr1ct attorney's mvcst1ga· I ion orrcrcd by F,nright and D1•puty l>1stntt Attorney Jack H.y:rn, Bndl(man's supervisor "It aJlPCars that there 1s no hu1rn1 for <Jn ullc~ut1on of an ti · legal <ict or fraudulent act by the cou rt." Hy un su1d on the tram1crii>l. Ryan sut<J today the 1nvcstiga· lion 1:. continuing and declined add1 t1onul comm,'nl. Enright, on the transcri pt, said, "J\l this point 1l ts clear to us that the statements that were made in open court by Mr Bridgman wen• not supported by facts, particularly the st.ate· m cnts that directly appeared to acc use Judge Walsworth or fraudulent and tlle~al act1v1ty." 11,'SKOSHER FORCOUN1Y "T he kosher butcher is like an :.int, .. says Orange County'a only koKher butcher. Sam Snorsky. "You'll never get rid of him." Snofsky, a third gene ration kosh e r but c her from t he Catskills, di8CU88e8 fine points or his trade and his J>hllosophy on e ustomers on Page Cl . .. ,, DAILY PILOT Wednelday, M11~ U17U Diedrich J)efe••e Ope•• Trial Doctor Backs To Start Waddill Case 8 )' G ltY GK NVILt..t; °' ... ~, ""'" ..... S N l> 1to;C:0 ... \ft •t•n munlh!I of 11•1-t II 111r1"hl1n1t m·ori•ct un t•ud lw11· toduy u11 lh1· ht 1twry 1r1ul or Orunut· (.'mmty s11vnv1..,m Halph 1>11•clrif'h uml .1rr h11<'cl ),l'ICJV ICWll' 11lfl10!il 1i1ot und..r wuy Uut bcfon• ut 1111 ru•yi. lwicun 11c>IN·tma Jur111 11 for what 111 1•)( 1wr h•d to be J '>Ix to 1•1uht wt·•·k t 11 td . <1eren1w luwvn oS t>eatin muk1nu a twr it·'> of lt1t1l·dUch prtt rial rnot11111., O..tt "' ... "*'9.., •c..,,. " .... ' By KATHV CLANCY CM tM o.llJ Pllel Si.II The firs t defense witne11s called In the murder retrial or Or. William Waddill has tesllfied he found phy11lcal de· terioration from 1wline abortion solution in the infant Waddill al legedly slrun~lcd Dr. Uc njum in Landing 's testimony Tuesday conflicted on sev e ral k e ~ p oi nts with testimony offe r ed e arlier by other rathologists who we re called as prosecution witne!'lses Landing, a USC professor of "athology and j)ediatrlcs. for ex· .1mple. said he could not tell 1r A• defen1w l a~ v•·n Ja mce Ulddt'lt. Kl'llh \1 1111ro e and S vlv .111 i\run1>i111 h.indt'd San l>11•uo S Ujll'rl()I c·ourt Judgt• l<o'iis 1'hur~1 tht·lr ha, .. 1 brltf:.. t>11·drtrh w<11 1t1ll holdlog !lwuy II I I h e l' II u II l y IJ f) u r d 0 r ~Ui>t'(Vll>Or'll Ile hope• to ca1tt lb~ d1·c1dln.i vote for tapprovul of the pN1 1><n1f'd Alli.o V ll'JO dt•vl·lopmt'nl .1nf1 to l~ud 11 mov1• to <auu:>h up wo' '-" of tht! Hanl'h<> de lo:. V1l' JO hou:ong cJ,cvelo1>m4.'nl FATHER, SON HUO AFTER 52·YEAA SEPARATION ,.,.... P•ge AJ Edw•rd .._nry Cerey Jr. (Lott) and D•d AeunH•d In Mela VICE .•• Conlif>QUf>ntly, Ol<'drld1 wu~ given permiM11on to tkluy h1i. <'Ou rt <JVJM'Drance today unlll 2 .,m. Family Found Pamela Loring , 19, both of Go lden West Spa a t 9891 Yorktown /\ve .. and llunlinRton 1 lealth Center em ployees Penny Albright, l9, and J uana Mecerra, 41 , 1><>lice said. Pl1011R Gi'ves Mesa11 a Link Rose Wlll not be In {'ourt until possibly i''rlduy His father died in IA>i. Angel'l'l'I Monday morning nnd runer ul se r vices a re sth •dulcd for 'fhursday Substitute Teachers Get Wage Hike Substitute teachers. one of whom complained she was hv ing at a near-poverty level, were j?rantcd a seven per cent s alary increase Tuesday night by llunt ington Beach Union High School District trustees Trustees voted unanimously for s t a rr-r ecomm e nded in creases that will rcsuH in dally pay or $41 for regular subs_lltutcs and $53.50 for those serving on the sam e s ubstitute assignment for more than JO days. The increafies become cHcc tive July 1. A bid by two board m embers. .Zita Wt>ssa and Helen Oitte. to make the pay re troactive to Feb. 16 was defeated, 3-0, u was their move to give $53.50 a day Lo so-called resident subs titutes Resident substitutes are as signed to one high school, but fill «n where needed on a day-to-day basis . Jeanine Rola.nd . a spokeswoman for district sub· sl1lutes. told board membe r!> l'arlier this m on t h that s he personally had worked almost every day as a substitute last year and earned little more than $4 ,000. Substitutes. sh e reminded board members. receive no in· surancc or o ther e mploye~ benefits and mu11t be on call dai· ly for assignment whelhl!r or not one is forthcoming. Regular district teachers. who earn benefits as well us pay, make an <1vcragc Sl 14 for each day taught, a district spokesmun said. ,.,...,.a~AJ NUCLEAR. • • By Ji\('Kll'; HYMAN Ol llM 0•1ly 1'1191 "•II Bee a use of u lonu 11il1t11m·'" tele phone opcrnlor'N m l11t11k1•, 54-yeur -old Edw11rd ll1•1H v Curey Jr. or Costa Mt•HU mt·t hi•· rather, whom he hudn'l 111'1'11 since he was 2 years olf1 Jll' ulHo d1scovcr<>d s ix hrotlwr!> anti M" ters he dJdn 't know hl· had Whal neither the opt·rator nor Carey knew ts that there are two men named Edw a rd lh·n1} Carey Jr in Southern \ahforr11.1 and t hey have th~ !>aml' fathe r. Costa Me11a's Carey said his pa rent-. divon·cd when he was 2 and contaC't wai, broken. /\t 17. he tried to locale his father . but finally gave up and decided the elder Carey must have dit•d Youn~ C<Jrcy Wl'nl his own way. pursuini:t a career tn thl· Navy und then working a~ <i computer proArammer and <1 salesman. He never dream1·d that his father 'had ·remarried and had t•htldren. tlunkln~ that his mother 's two other childn:n tn Whittier IJy h£'r setund mar rlage were his only brother and sister. The discovery tha t climaxed thi s week began w ith <i te lephone call March 20 on Carey's unlisted phone number on his boat in Newport Harbor ·'The long-distunce operator had an emergency call and I was the only Edward Henry Carey Jr. that they could rind 1n the area." Carey said The operator gave him the name and phone number of a Northe rn California woman, Heather Walton of Aptos, who was trying to reach her brother "ft intrigued m e.' Carey s u1d "It was my nam~. complete. I thought, is 1t worth the phom· call?" lie decided it was. Carey got hold of Mrs. Wult.on "I told her, il Just can't be me." Although the woman reahzl'rl she hadn't reached the brother she sought , s he then as ked Carey if he had been born 1n Me thodis t Jl os p1tal in Los Angeles and if his mothe r 's name was Beatrice. The answer was yes. "I can't even explain how I fe lt," Carey said . "She said . 'I think we're related."' Mra. Walt.on couldn't taJk at le n gt h th en, becaus e the "China Syndrome" is a film newborn baby of a s ister had starring J ane Fo a and Jack died and she had lo reach other Lemmon about a co r-up of a fn mllr members. But the next n ear-cat astrophe I ol vin~ morntn~ l>hc and Carey had a failure of a "1X1lln11 m1>rtl'""""U--ocWO·hour ('Onversation by long at a nuclear plant. The term re distance and the whole story Cers to the theory that a con' came out meltdown would g1::nerate 11uch Carey's father had remarried heat it would burn hundreds of and hod six <'hildren. Wh<'n one feet down int-0 the earth. 11on was born 41 years ago, he "'l'his is a madhouse . I'm glad we're not otr the map," uld Les Jackson. York County civil defense dJrector, who went to the scene. He said that aa soon as his de· partment was notilled of the ac cldent, "we pul our evacuation plan into effect, and had aJI our emer1ency people on standby.·· However, plarui to evacuate real- deoll were called off at 6:25 a.m .• J acklOn said. wa" to be named after his maternal grandfother . However, nt the last mlnul.c. the 11econd Mrs. Curey apparent ly changed her mind, crossed nut the name J ohn Moore Carey ()n the birth ccrlifi<'ate a nd wrok tn Edward Henry Carey J r. And 50 there were two them . 13 years apart. ··I It· Httld. 'I t1u1111011c you'd like to 11u11rh m~ In the nose,' · · < 'urt•v .Jr rN·ollcd. lnHlt-ad , th1• y11uo1o:or Carey In vll1•d h111 76-yoar old Cuther to drivt• down from his home near Mcr<·ed un<I RO , on Tuesday, the !llllr Wtire rt•united for the first t 11nt• 'lt'i-h(•(•n a long time," Carey .Jr 'lttld ••~ he hugged his father at lhC' <'urb. "You don't look like Oil' I • /\~ tht· I wo got ucquarntcd, Ca r<'y Jr "• w1fo. Hc\'erly, CX· plained that the lucky coin c1dcnct• or d1s<'overing Carey 'i, family wa:-. foll<iwcd c-lo~cly by a ~ccond !'>lroke of luck On Monday, Carey Jr. taped an episode of NBC'i. "Wheel of Fortune" and won $10,450 in mt•rdw.nd1M·. including a nt•w car ''lle 's on a streak," Mrs Curey saicl, noltnR the good luck wus more• than welrom<· after a d 1H1cull th rN• yt•ars during wh1t·h s ht•'s bct•n 111 and medical hills haVl' run up Currently. plons are under way for Curey to meet the rest of his new family, who live in diff<>rent parts of the state. In add ition. the two Edward Henry Carey Jrs and Edward Henry Carey Sr urc pla nning to pose for a group photo ··What are we going Lo do, caJI them Ed, Eddie and Big Ed?" Mrs Carey asked Bail for the arrested women was set at SI ,2!'>0 each . J)C)lin• s aid. They we n • lodged at th(• women's facility at Huntington Beach jail. Sergeant Cain said m ore ur rests are due at massage parlor:-. in the city. Taking part in the police in vestigation were Sgt. Cam and detectives Ron Pomeroy. Dal<' Mason and Len Dame row La s t week, the Huntington Beach City Counci l declared a s ix-month moratorium on new massage purlors opening in tht• city 2 Ex-mayors Plan Debate Two former H unlin~ton Reach mayors will debate the merits or electing City Council memhers from council m a nlr d1 slri('l:-. to night. Norma Gibbs. who i~ 1n fuvor of retaining the present sy11tem of citywide elections. wllJ debate Jack Green who supports ele(' lion by districts. The debate is schedul<'d by tht• HOME CQuncil in Room 8-7 1n City Hall. The meeting starts al 7:30 p.m. and the debate 1s slat ed a half-hour later I April Uphol•tery Sale. Fabulou• value• on such line••• Woodmark, Stanton Cooper, Selected price• from Drexel, Heritage and h e morrhage 1n t h e i nfant ':-. throat area wah caus ed by phy11cal injury Two other patholo1ists. Dr S hirley Driscoll of Harvard University and Orange County Coroner 's pathologis t Robert Hie hurcls. had test ified they bclievt.-U the throat bleeding wah l'aused by inJury "I don 't thin k t ha t microscopically you can make those kinds or distinctions ... Landin11 testified. adding the hemor rhugc could h ave been prompll>d by lat•k or oxygen, a hlecding tendency "or anything cli.c that makes li ttle vessel~ bleed " Ur Driscoll had testified last 1 week that she found no saline <lama~e in m1c~copic s lides of infant t1i-.:-.ue she examined Betty Ford Visits Mesa Golf Tourney Betty f'ord . wife of former Prc•sid~nt ljerald R f''ord, wa!> 'at the Mesa Verde Country Club in Costa M£'sa Tu<'sday to tape sever al se~ment s fo r t h1 'i we e kend 's NBC t e levision broadcasts of the Women 'i.. Kemper Open golf tournament Ja me ~ S Kemper Jr . chairman of the board of tht· Kempt•r Ins urance Company which spollllOrs the loumamenl. presented Mrs ford with <t check to Ix! d1stnhuted to four women's recovery homes m Southern California for alcohol and drug abus e treatment The major charity for the tournament ii-the Southern C'altfom1a Arthritis f'~<it.v;dalton which will reCl'1ve SJ0,006. Each of the four recovery homes m e luding New U1 meni.tons of Costa Mei.:.., w1JI ret·c1ve S5.000 with the Jt>Cy 811;hop Pavilion fof i.tmtl ar t re:..tmcn t 1n Philadelphia getting another $5,000 In all. Kemper will d1str1 bute $55.000 to charily des pite having the pro am J}CJrtlOn or the t.ouma mPnl wusht:d out by heavy rams tod:.iy Opcn1n~ round of play 1:-. s cheduled for Thursday with the final two round~ on NBC tel<'v1s1on Saturday and S unday Channel 4 wUI air the broadcast:. Saturday from 12·30 to 2 and Sunday from 11 to 1 Metropolitan Edison prealdent Walter Creita aald: "Immediate· ly when It happened we Hnt tea rns out into the field . particularly 1n the direction that the wlnd waa blowlna, to aee If we could make any detection. The second family knew of th.e first IOll'S existence but h1tdn t been able to locate him. Mrs Walton explained. unlll sbe tried lo reach the second Cerey Jr · who had JURt moved to I fcm~l and whole phone number wu n t available. Alrloom aleepers etc. .......... ··we could detec t nolhlni above natural background radjaUon," Creil1 said. "There waa a amalJ release, but you know, tlala couldn't deted ll ... the exact amount, l 'll be honeat about lt, I don't know." Cretts, 11pealdq froru bl1 ol· flee In ReadJn1, Hid: ·•we·,. 1otn1 to eontln\M to monitor ll ID all dlrectJona becau .. If 1omethtnc does let lnto the 1t,. m0tpbere . , . l& could fet ln&o I wlnd ~. and tbtrtfort we want to check In all d1racuoa. awa1 from lbe plant." The next duy, Edward Jl enry Carey Sr. Lelephoned his i on. Government Upset Expected in Vote LONDON l AP ) -Moat polltlcal obeerver• expect Prime Minister James Callaghan to loie a vol• or confidence In Parllam.nt tonl«hl by a •mall mar1ln, forclna hi• Labor Party Into a iencral elccUon ln which Coa1ervaUv• lead•r Mar1aret Tb•teber 11 favored to become t:uro.,.·1 flrat woman prim• au•• ...... Don't delay! We are alao accepdng •pedal ord•• at •al• prlc ... ,.. l t ; ; Irvine EDITI O N ~our llometown. Dally New~paper \IOL. 12, NO. 87, ~SECTIONS, S2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1979 TEN CENTS '. 'China Syndrome' Denied u e a • • 1at1on ea s Irvine Official Named By P HILIP ROSMARIN Oft• Dally l'I ... St•lf The I rvine City Counci l narrowly confirmed the &ppomt menl of the city's fourth d1rertor or community development to- day. The post went to Larry tlogle, who currently is director of com- munity development for the city of Oxnard. The confirmation of Cit y Ma nager William Woollett Jr. 's appointment. normally a routine matter. produced a s urprising 3-2 vote. Council members Arthur An - thony and David Sills voted against Hog.e's uppointment , though each said his vote had nothing to do with the quatifica- tions of the man. Both said the process by which he was picked was dcfic:ient Si lls called it "hokey•· and ought lo be changed Anthony suid he intends to bring a resolution before the council that will invest in Woollett the total responsibility for hiring new city directors. Previous ly the council 10 terviewed finalists in meehng.!. closed lo the publi<' This time those intervie ws weren't held because An thony couldn't get fellow council mem bers to swear oaths or secrecy promising not to discuss In public matters related lo the secret m eetings. called ex- ecutive sessions. Anthony had ins isted that his (See DEVELOPER. Page A2> Womelf's Vnit Flays Judge in Rape Ruling An Or ange County Superior Court judgt! who granted a new trial for a convicted rapist was accused today of "outrageous discrimination against the female victim m this case " The c h a r ge wa s level ed against Judge Mason F'enton by members of the North Orange County Chapter of the National Orgaruzalion for Women. Fenton. however, said he won- dered where the group gathered information to make the accusa- tion s ince he had not talked to them about it. "I treated this case just like I would treat a murder case or a robbery case or a drunken driv- ing case," Fenton continued. "I have a job to do and not a very popular job sometimes," Fenton said. He said be granted a new trial for 45-year·old G len Howard Hutcherson of WhitUer because he felt it was the right thing to do "despite any protests ." Hutcherson bad been convicted by a jury or rape, kidnap and as· sault with a deadly weapon. NOW members Nancy Utsler and Karen Peten said in a press release Ulat Fenton showed "a (See IUDGE, Pace AZ) oau, PtleC s .. tt ,_ CENTRAL IRVINE -A GREAT PLACE FOR MUD HENS Rainy Day View Near Culver Drtve and Barranca Road Storm Moving Out After Heavy Dose By TOM BARLEY Of ta. Daily l"llM 14.ett A spring storm that left many Orange Coast roads and streets awash and baited traffi c on highways seems certain to move out of the area Thursday, the Na ti on al Weathe r Service re· ported today. "The storm has shot Its boll," a forecaster said . ·'The chance of r ain will be down to 10 per- cent tonight and 10 percent less than that on Thursda)I.." In many Orange Coast areas the storm added more than two inches or rain lo the season's tota l. Weathe r analyst J . ShermCJn Denny measured 2.18 inches of rain in his Hunt ington Beach gauge. He-figures the season's FIRST CULER GOT APARTMENT ·'The Daily Pilot does a great JOb. · 'l rented my apartment to the firat person who called." That's the success story of the Cost a Mesa woman who placed this ad in the DaUy Pilot: Bachelor apl w1stove & refrig. Ulil s r>d. $140 XXX·XXXX tr you need a job done great, call the Daily Pilot's friend!> ad·visers at 642·5678. total thus fa r at 17.52 inches, 6.70 inches below last season's total. The Laguna Beach area re- corded nearly two inches or rain during t h e s torm a nd the downpour added to the problems or construction crews in slide- ravaged Bluebird Canyon. The tarpaulin sheets laid down to shield the slide area from the heavy rain did the job they we re supposed to do. Reserve Officer La r.ce Ishmael said M ean whil e, a bl uff al Shor ecliffs Mobile Estates in San Clemente continued to erode as a brick wall on the cliff edge crumbled Tuesday The rirsl lands lide at the mobile home pCJrk occurred Dec. 18. Heavy rain h<is accelerated the earth sli ppage and a widen- ing crack in the roadway of Mira Adelante has forced the evacua- tion of at least seven mobile homes. No injuries have been rePOrt- ed . Police a nd firemen .are maintaining a constant vigil in the area . In Huntington Beach, all four lanes of Beach Boulevard from Adams Street to Pacifi c Coast Highwa~ were closed early LO· day for more than two hours because 9f Oooding. And heavy rain at that time scored an undoubled strike at the home or form er major league baseball pitc her Irv Palica, 1592 Indian Wells Circle, Huntington Beach. The waning storm continued to agitate the ocean today. • Facility Shut for Probe HARRISBURG. Pa. <J\PJ A water pump used to cool the re· actor at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant broke down today. and a small amount of radioactive steam escaped into the atmosphere. author ities said . They sCJid some workers may have b<'en contaminated. but the leak was not considered dangerous Officials at the plant, located on an island on the Susquehan- na Rive r about 10 m11 es Sbutheast or the state capital. declared a "general emergen- c y" following the accident. which occurred at I a .m. PST They said that meant the fo c1l1ty would remain sealed off until after an investi~ation Jack Herbein, vice president for generation at MetropolitCJn Edison. one of thl' utilities thill runs the plunt. dcc l incd ~to s pecify how serious the con- laminCJtion might have been, but said . "It's nothing we can't take care or. .. "There was i small release or radiation to the environment, .. Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. William Scranton Ill. head of the stale Civil Defense. said in Har· risburg. He said "no increase 1n normal radiation levels has been detected" in the air outside the plant. Concern over possible effects o f earthquakes o n cooling mechanisms h ad caused the federal governme nt lo shut down fi ve other U.S. nuclear plants two weeks a~o. Bill Do rns ife, a nu clear engineer with the Pennsylvania Departm(•nt of Environmental Resources. said the amount of radiation that escaped into the atmosphere was I millircm per h o ur . O n t h e a ve r age , Americans are ex p osed to between 100 and 120 millircms per year, from everything from the sun to X-rays. J\ chest X-ray could give a person up lo 30 mi Iii rems. No residents li ve on the island <See NUCLEAR, Page A2 ) Can Billy Be 'Saved?' I ATLANTA I AP I Avowed white racist J . B .. Stoner, demonstrating out- side the Georgia Capitol. has called on Gov. George Busbee to '"rescue" Billy Carter from a California hospital where he is being treated for a drinking pro- blem . Stoner charged Tuesday that Preside nt Carte r 's brother has been "kid- napped by the J ews" and called the Long Beach Na v a l Medi cal Cente r "that Jew hospital." Sto n er, a se lr - proclaimed anti-Sem ite. alleged that t he pres i- dent's brother had been whis ked away lo the hospital to silen ce h is criticism of Jews. APWl ....... lo ARROW DENOTES SITE OF NUCLEAR PLANT STEAM LEAK Some Workers May Have Been Contaminated, Authorities Say Flights Resuming Marine Jets Irk lroine Residents Alarmed by a recent increase in jet flights from E l Toro Marine Corps Air StCJt1on . a parade of ·northern Irvine res1 dents petitioned the City Council Tuesday seeking to stop the noise One man suggested blasting the jets out of th(' sky with potshots from a .22-('CJliber rinc T he council professed the small likelihood that it could win a war against the Mannes. over whom it has no legCJI JUrtsd1c lion But a co m mittet.· was formed to talk peace with them J et noise since early this year has been heavy m spurts over Deerfield. Northwnod and other northern Irvine neighborhoods near the marine base, according to the complaints. Col. A.A. Dittme1er. El Toro Ii a is on officer to the city of Irvine, had further news for the council and the residents Beginning today. he said. and continuing through F'r1day. the aircraft carrier landing practice will be rene wed , with repeat performances April 2 to 15 and May 14 to 28. , The June through Aug ust schedules for intense jet .nights. he said, have yet to be devised. The practices involve four limes the regular air traffic. After then, jet noise will re- turn to normal levels. he said . Colonel Dittmeier explained lhal a combination or a major runway under repair-forcing USl' of an ;1ltc•rnallV{' ~lnp and mtcns1vl' a1rc•rafl l'arrrcr lanrl· In~ priH'lll'C lH'SS IOnS. huvc C'auscd lh<• h1~ht·r-th<.111 normCJI din Rl•s 1dent ~ lc.•st 1f1 c d that bl'causc of the clamor thc·y C<l n 't us t• their telephone~. are risking hearing problems. and are abl e.· lo read lhmgs printed on thc bot toms of low-nyi ng jets that they really don't wCJnt lo be ahlt> 111 l"l'Cld One man remCJrk1'd u11on "hat h~ c:alled CJ "sad commt>nlan .' that the first word his 11 month old daughter spoke. was .. Jl'l .. Last Thursday. a squadron of 12 F 4S boomed ovt•r D<·t<rfo:ld homes and. ai·<·ordin~ 10 res1 dents. som(' brokt· formation a n d bu l7. l' d an c It• m e n la r ~ school and a Junior high :.chool A Deerfield homeowner com· mcnted that so low dirl the a1 rplunes fly . that he• eas ily could have knoc•ked tht•m out or the air with a rifle . ·one or these da ys . he began, but was c:ut off hy Ma vor ISee J 1':Ts. Paj{(' A2) Coa~t ftcaaher 'Weary Willie' Dies Chance or rain decrea:. mg lo 10 percent toni~hl and near zero Thursda .v Gusty westerly winds 10 lo 20 mph this a fte rnoon. Lows tonig ht 48 lo 53 Highs Thursday in low 60s INSIDE TODA l' Emmett Kelly Succumbs to Heart Attack at 80 ~ SARASOTA, Fla. IAP> -Em· ror severaJ years. Kelly refused m ett Kelly . 80, who made to retire and remained busy with millions smile as the droopy· engagements In night clubll and raced clown "Weary' Willie," television commercials. died today In this F lorida circus Kelly said be fell a deep amn1- town, ty wilh "Weary Willie." Kelly suffered a heart attack "A clown's makeup a nd at bis home here, aajd Or. Bob character -that's all he hd to Windom. He said Kelly was pro. sell," Kelly sajd In a 1975 ln- nounced dead arter his wife. teview. "He loves and believes Evie, brou1ht him to Sarasou In that character. Memorlal Hoepttal. "Weary Willie la very real to Tbe ._,.., veteran or the bis me. He la a man who laaa liven top •tarnd for maay yean wltb up. The boat bu cone and left tbe Rln1Ua1 .Brothen and blm. Tbe cards are stacked Baraam 6 a.tier are.. •l•illlt him. He'• content lo Tlloulb • Ud aot perlGlllNd malce out with what be'• 1oc.. acUvelJ wtUl RJqUq Bro&bln he knows he'll ~o no turtber " I Kelly was stricken in his front yard as he wa lked out to lake some trash to the curb. Sarasota is the winter home of the Rin11l- ln1 Brothers circus and many performers have the ir homes here. "He died there in our own front yard in his pajama11," his wire sa14, "l ran oul, gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscltalloo. A net1bbor called an ambulance, but it wu COD late." Mn. Keby aald her husband would be buried In Lafayette. Ind, neirt to bla mothe r and sla· ter. She said arrange at en us had not been completed After being sy11temotically broint.00$hed to tM verge of no return f'1J di$ciples of the Rev. Sun Myung Moun. Chrlatopher Edward$ was de· termfMd to practice these method& on others m the Maater's. oa'"'. See "'lleoven 111 Dec~km." P.oge A7. l•tlex ct ... " •• ., M "" .. ., .. ... .. . .. ... II A4 A4 Assault Susp Prob l''I d11a1r1111" ~•·rt• 111 r ,.,urm• tt~11t1mnny tod11v 1n n Jory tnal 111 lll'tl'I muw 1f man 111·1 UM'<J or 1t1f•m11un11 lo klll u U,tnu I hlh I ll~h "'dto11I ''nt•cl lu'l Ut•n•mlH·r 11' 111t•nl11ll)' 111 l•t "'.amt I Iii.I 111• IP> nut 1 upuhll• uf .. 1 Hr..lln•• t1 i.11 '"'" 1>1 My1u11 M,11 ,t111ll .... ll l'ut•JHIO) oi 3J )'t'IJI 0111 ('h,irll•" llu lJt'rl (1ut•nlht>r u r111 ntt•r ht\ 1•n1h• II .ill t oun' .1 Im M ur .. h11ll Yrho t"&1tm1nt>d (; ut1nlh1•r l.utl ~ 1•1'k, t1• .. ll(h'f1 In Or .-na11· t'C>Uuty '\ul>("rlor ('ourt thut <Ou llttwr vrob.tbly un dt'r,tund1 h<• 1., 1n rout1 hut Ill n1t•11t ull)' 111iuhh• to 1 •1m1111·h1•1wt thl' I" uc·1""hn.i' Thl" In 101• rt> ... tdt·nt "' uct'u 1•cJ of att~mpwd 11111nf1•r 10 u l>t•t It l(UH»hot und haimmt-r 11lluc·k on I ~ Yf'~r o ld Judi M ic•ht.'llt• Con:ialtvt 111• a lioo fltc.·t'll chur.Ct"b from am uJl1•t(t>d pl'\tut wh11'11mw IH t l!hrch of u 17 y1•ur old S1111 ('I •mt."nk .:1rl Buth k ('nagt:'rt> bUrv1vcd the al~l(ed aSNhults Ourmg u prt•hmlnury h1·ur1ni.c 1n Junuury. Miss Gonzult•z 111 •11 t1f1cd Guenlht•r us the mun whu picked her up ul n local 11h11p1m11( cent •r . the n fi r<'d ri vti shuts into her hcutJ, 1111 hc.•r num~row1 ti mo11 with u hum m e r IHHI dumped her ut u construcllun Sii t! G ut"nlht•r's utle>rncy. W1lhum Dougherty, s u1d he will prove thut his clwnt 1s unuble lo uss1s1 1n his defense of lhf• cuM! or un dcn1tunct the chargei. ugu1nst him Hut Prost•cutor Puul Ml'ycr has contcnd(.'<J the evidence will -i how otherwise und p sych1ut ris l 1t who h uvc ex am1nt."'<J Gu~nther have conflict ing op1n111ns "Cun P'>Y<'hiatru,ts h11 ve ll d1f fercncc e,f opinion·•" Mcyt.•r miked Murshull on the w1lnes1> stand -. y (' s. . I h ,. f) s y (' h I u l r I 8 l r<'pl1 cd l>r Burh11 rn I lundlcy, who has bt•t•n tn·ut1ng Cucnlher in u locked wurd al Cuny1m Gt.'ncrul lfoi;p1la l. l1·11tifll'd that :-.tw originally d1a,:(nosl..'d lh1· Jrv1M rc•Kidt•nt 's '11 :-.o rtler u s "1•11 ploi.1vt> 1>..r11011.1l1ty " lier l:11t·r 11tag1111M~. 1111:-.i·d 111 purl on t•xaminutwns hy other phy-.1cums. 1nd1t•utcd ~•n organ11.: bruin <11sorctn c·uusc•d hy u liver "' a I r II n l'l 111 n . ·u r II II n d It· y lt•i>t1r1('d tr Htl' JUry rincts Ci111•nl her una hlc to s l:.rnd trial now, ht· wouh1 IH• s t.· n t lo a "lat c.• m c n l u I hu!:>ptliJI for lreulmc·nl llt· would rPturn for tli1>pos1 tuin of th1• 1•r11r11nal t•hargt.•s tf and wllt'n µhvswians llt•ll'rm1n1· (;ut•ntlll'r has rN·<iv<·n·d :-.um <· I(• n t I y lo 11 n d " r Ii t a n d t he c·rl m I nul <'hu rilt'I> u ntl us1.i-;t his 1h·t(•n1>1· ;,ittornt·y f'roM Pa9,AI JUDGE ... callous dls rel(ard for the rights of victims of violent crime11," when he ordered a new trial for H ut<'herM>n. Penton 8UICJ he urunted the new trial h ccau1.c hl' didn't believe the testimony or the ul leged rape victim H ulcherson was at·cuRcd or ra pln~ 20-year ·old Catherin " llardln aft.er he> picke d ht:r up while sh<' waR hitc hhiking in Buena Purk in November of urn Heart Transplant TUCSON, Arli. I AP) A 49 year ·old m un with coronary a rtcry diseiuw has rt>r<'I ved lht' heart of a truffle uccldent victim In the first surh trunsplunl in Arizona. Norma.in "Out.ch" Tarr. whose dlscusccl hcurl wus so weok t hat even · walking wui> painful, WllR rcrKlrted In 8tJtblc condllion ufl<"r the operation Tuesduy ~ANOICOMT DAILY PILOT IMO.-r-10..1.,._ ..... -..... _ ---....-..... _._..,, .... °'_ , .... l'IM1-(-y ~ ... fllll-M• -·--· ................ , ... , ... . Mo .. , H-IH<fl _,...., ... fN#llll'- 1•111V•l...,, tr.-I-~ ...... C-lt A .,,....,,.._..,,...,,,_,_,.,.v,.., .. ,_ ......, ... , ..... 111( .... -................. . ...... ,w,...,, .. t•Mow ( .. ,,.,,.., ... ._ .. .... .... --...... - J•O II c..ri., VIC.•l'fttlMftt_(ioNr., __ , ............... ...... ,_, ......... ._ ... tlll*• ~""-............ .. ... ,"""" -~ .... . , .......... (1141MM»l O.lly l'i ... ,. .... , ... , ... ,.. 1(-1•• FATHER. SON HUO AFTER 52·YEAA SEPARATION Edward Henry Carey Jr. (Lett) end Dad Reunited In Mesa Family Found Phone Gives Mesan a Link 8 y J/\CK1"; llVM/\N Of lM O•llr l'I ... SUll Occau 11c of a lonJ(·dislunc:1· telephone upcrator'x mlstukt:o. 54 yeur·o ld Edwu rd lle nry Carey Jr. of Costa Mesa met his fathe r , whom he hadn't seen since he wos 2 years o ld. lie also dlscovcrt.>d six brothe rs und s1~ le rs he didn't know he had Wha l neithe r tho ope rator nor Car ey knew is lhul the re arc two men name d F.dward He nry Car ey Jr in Southe rn Californw and they ha ve lhe same father Costa Mesa's Ci.Irey suid his parents divorced when he Wli~ 2 and conluct wa!-1 broken Al 17. he tried to locate his fulhcr, but finally gave up and decided the c ider Carey must have died Youn6( Carey went his own way, pursuinj.{ a c areer in the.· Navy und tlwn working a s a t•omputcr programmer und 11 sulcs man. He n ever dreamed that his fothcr hud rcmarracel and had t·hildrcn, lhtnkini.{ that hi1:1 mother's two other children in Whittier by her i;ccond mar riage were hh; only IJrolher and slater. The discovery that climaxed this w eek be1ean with a te le phone call Murch 20 on Carey's unhstt•d 11horw numtx=r on his boat in NcWJ)()rt Harhor "The long-distance operator had an f>mcrgem•y call u111t I wu11 lht• only Edwurd llt·nry Carl.'y .Jr that they cuuld find m the area," Carey suid Tht.• opcraLor gave him llll' n;,irne and phont• n11mhcr of a Norlht.'rn Californw wom11n lleulhc•r Walton of Aplos, wh1; was t ry1ng lo reac•h her brother "It intrigued me." Curey Ralcl "It wus m y nam1•, complete•. I thought, is it worth I he· phone call?" lie dec1dc1l it w:1s Carey got hold of Mr11 Walton "I told her, It just can 't be me " Although the woman rm1llzed s he hadn't reached the brother s h e 1wught. s h e the n u11kcll Carey Ir he had been born m M ethodist llosp1lul 1n Los Angeles and 1f his mothe r 's name was Beatrice The answer was yeh "I can't even exphun how I fe ll," Carey smd "Sht• said, 'I think we 're related "· Mrs. Walton couldn 'l talk ut le ngth then, b eca u Kc lhc ne wborn bi.lby of a s is te r ha'1 died and she had lo reach other fum1ly members But the rwxt mormnl-( she and C'arc•y had ;1 l wo hour 1·onvcr~at111n hy lonil dis tance anti the wlioh· story came uul. Carey's father had n•rn.1n 11·rl und hud six <·h1lllr 1•11 When one Non was horn i1 I Yt:ars aj.!o, hf' was lo bC' n:.11nt•fl i.lfttr his mat<>mal grnnclfotht•r llowcvf.'r, ul lht· last mmulf" the scc·ond Mrs (;;1rc·~· appurcnl ly chunilNI lwr mind. l'ICl'ISl'fl out lht.' numl• .John Monn• ('uH·v o n llw hi rlh r1•rt 1f11·alt• ;,i11tJ wroll' in J<;dward ll<·nry ('.tr t'\ Jr . And '>O thc•ri· w1•ri• two 111 Lhem. IJ yC'ar'I 11parl The SC('OOd fomtly knl'w of the· first 1mn'i; 1·x1 sl<'n1·<' hut hacJ11 t lwcn ahl<• lo hw11t1 · htm, Mr., Walton 1"q 1la1nl'll, u11t1I :-.he• tn1·rl to rc:wh llw M'l'llrtd <:u1t•y Jr . who hud Jllsl rn11v1•d t11 I t.•1111•1 a nd whmw 11h111ll' nu11tlll't wa~111 uvatluhlt• The Ot'Xl d ay. l•:dwarll lh·11n Cart·y Sr tt.·lcphorwd 111., ~on "lie said, 'I i.uppu:w you'd 11k1· to punrh nw 1n th1• uosc , · ' Carey Jr r<•callNJ Ins tead, the youn~er ('arey Ill· vltcd hls 76-year·old father to drive down from his home nettr M c rtcd und so, on Tu1·s1Jay, th•· pair we re rcun1lc<l for the ftr~l limo "It'~ ht•t•n u long time, · (',ar•·> .Ir. s1.11d a11 lw humwd hi'> fatlwr ~1l lhc 1·urh "You rlon'l l11ok l1k1· m (•'" As tlw lwo got ucq11 :11 11t1·d . C:ir ey Jr. 'i. w1f1 ·, lk vcrly, 1·11 plained that I hi· lut·k y coin cidcnt:C' of d asc·ov1•r111i.: <'arc·y'•, fnmi ly ww. followt'!I c·l<1st'ly IJy u scro11d i;trolo.f• of hH'k On Monday, ('ar1•y .Ir lafJt·d an t•plsodl· of NllC"1. "Wh1•1•I of Fortunt.•" und wo11 $to,450 111 mcfchu11d1se. 1nl'lud111i.c u new car "llc 's on iJ s lrl!iJk ,'' Mrs \art.•y i;alcl, noting ltu· good luck wui> mon• than welcome <ifter a dlfricull lhrt.·c ye urs d uring which shr's txw n ill and mPdlci.ll bills huvt> run uv Cu rn•nlly, plani. u re 11n1lr·r wa y for Curey lo m<>et the· r1•sl or h111 new famtl}. who II\ e· in dirforc nl par ti. or thl· 1>llllt' '" ~1dd1lion, lht.' two Edw:1rd llcnry Car •y Jrs and Edward llcnr v ('nrt.•y S r arc planning to ,-w1sc• for a group photo "What a rc we going lo do, 1·all lh<'m Ed, J<AJdie und UtK F.d ., .. Mrs. Carey asked. f'rowt Page A I DEVELOPER OK'D. • • fello ws swear lhcm selvos lo s ile nce. art.er newspaper ac counts disclosed the events behind then·Dlrcctor of Com munily Develop m ent Eddie Peabody Jr. 's r esignation In Januory. The council majority hud In tended that Peabody's quilting be und e r ro n ge nlul circumstances. It wus dls<'losed. however, that. the majority ac tually had demanded that he quit and lnM.ructed Woolletl lo obtain lhe resignation Anthony felt lh•l knowledge could heve t0m e only throu~h the tettllnl ol one or more of the councUmen. He vowed nbvcr aicatn to meet In execut!ve aewon without the oetbl ol secrecy . IMtead of the confidential In· tervlew1, Woollell t1c heduled an "open hou1e" luncheon In t.ervlew with three tlnallat can dld1te1, Including Ho1l e, on Mereh 7. He lnvllttd coun· etlmemben -and the publlc to attend. Only Councilwoman Mary Ann Galdo did. ll WH otberwtM aparaely attended. Tqdey Anthony 11ld the telec· tlon proeaa "provided almc>1t no opportuntty tor Input by the ctU1ene ot Jrvlne " He Hid the C!o uncll w11 unable to pertldpet4 "tOf' tM tint tJnw ln tbe hlltor)' ol thl• ctty." "I don't Ulle th8t," Anthony Hid. I I $ills m11d1.• no <'omment a1Jo11t his opr><>sltlon to the appoint mcnt during the public portion of the meeting Afterword he said, "I'm bfom~ a s ked to confirm Romeoody I know nothing ahoul, othur tha n a r esume." lie added, "You don't scle•1·1 som ebody ut lunrh . that'11 not the wuy ll's done " lloglc, 41 , wlll stort hu, Job April 30, ul a n annual solary of $36.000. lie haa been ftirector or com· munlty development or Oxnard, 11 coHtal community of 100,1100 located midway hclwcen Lm1 An1elea and Santa Bubara. for the p111t four yeurs Hoale holds mas tcr11 dcKrc•os In fubllc edm lnltlrution und civl and 1truclu ral e n1ilncerlng from USC. H e Ht tttolcally lhrou1h \he marathon council m eeting , w hich bet•n Tueaday ni1bt, for eeven houra with h it wife, Phy Illa. Ht• only orflclal purpoee for beln1 there wa1 to be confirmed In the appointment. The act.Ion took nYe minute.. Only one QU•Uon WU uked ol Holle Mary Ann 01hlo Hid, .. AN ~ aure )'OU WIDl to .. , here? ' Ho1I• 1mlled blurtl1 and Hid nothlq. C11rh Called Idiot Brown Aide Blasts Judge Appointment • lly TOM ll/\IU.•:v Of lite O•llf f'llel 1 .. 11 M o m t• n L Ii 1.1 f I t> r u " l 1 n u (':1llfom111 Gov Mlkt· Curh UP· 1111111tf'll 11 I .c111 Aul( ·ll'll 'ounly Su1wnor < 'olll t tudi;<c• 1<1 lh<' llll 1wll:il1• <·uurl for lhul rl111t rlcl he wai. hl1111ll'd u1o "un Idiot" by 11h:w11l (;ov l•:<lmurH.I (,j Urown':-. c•hll·f Jl<lt• "tit• wull wronj!," Ciruy Uuvii. l>fl ld or tt ... uppo1nlmenl ap provNl t.oday hy L11.'ulenunl Gov 1·rnor C:urh lh 1v1i. .. a ad C'urh wui. well uwan· lhut Gt>Vl.'rnor Drown had another canthdulc In mwd for 1 lw key Joh of prc1oldlng JUSt1<·1• of th(• Los A11uolo11 u1>1>l'lh.1lt• l'OUrl lit: 11ald Curh llllld{· thr1•" other aepomlmcnl!i LOduy ont.' lo th<' (;II m ffi l 111> i Cl 0 () r Jo; I' U 1111 In I(' l>e vcloprnc nt ;.ind I wo tu the Com m1s.,111n of llw (;~1 II fornw:i Oav1i. said no tlc1·1s111n has * • * i.)N·n mudc on th1>11c lhrC'f• 1111 1>0111tmcntls 'Wti'll tulk ul>Qul lhtim when lhC! l(OV(•rnor gt•li. huc·k." he· llUtd Urowrl's v•:.1t to Wt111hlngton I) (: 111 l1t>ll<'vcll to ht• hnk<.'<I lo h1 1> pn·i.1dential u1111irutio11•.; 1>11 v111 woulll only 1·0111101:nl to (l:t y that ltt!l l'ltrl'f I!'> 111 th(• llh t1on'!i c·up1lul "on u l,)u1>1ncs~ lri" .. • • * . I le Wu!> told llOl lo CXCN'd his aul honty while• the governor wa .. away and hcrc'i. a ckar ex ampll• of tnfoluhord1nation " f>,tvt., <;~tel llll' .1JJl>Oinlm1·nl u( .l111lv.1· i\rrnund Anihwn lo the !-.1•1·111111 l>t'>lnt•t ('uurt or /\p1x.·uh 1 Lo., n~t·le'> • w1ll lw w1thdiuw11 .... ., 1om111 .1~ Brown rcturni. lo Si.11·ra1111.·11to fr om W Jshinl(lon, I) c Curb: Dock Brown's Pay During Trips NUCLEAR. • • Thl' C'los1•st c·omrnunlly IN 200 y<Jr<h! IJWllY n ,1v1• KIU<''>tk, a s 1111kc·s mo11 fot MHro1x1lttat1 fo~dhwn . ont• of the (•om.ort1um of ulil1l1(•1> lhul runs llll' l)lant. <;uld "lht•rc• n. abs o lul1•l y 1111 ll 1111111·r of u rn1·1ldown W1• 11r1• 1101 1n a 'Chinu Syndrom1·' 'lltuution." "China Syntlrornc" l1o u rilm s tarrlni;? Jum· l"onda und J t•C'k l.t'mm(m about a rover up of a near catUhlroph c 1nvol v1nK fuiluri• of :a t•1w1lrnu mN·han1s m al u nuclrar plant The term re r1•rs to the tlwory thul a core· nwllclown would gennttl<' !iufh ht•ut 11 would hurn hundrcdb or f1•t•t llo111n 1nl11 tlw t.-::irlh f 'roin Pagt-A I \ JETS .. .' Bill Vurclouhs. who (•;1ut1oned Jga11111t ":-.tarting a wur " Lt Gov Mike Curb told sup porters of State Sen John c; Schmit.e, R Newport Beac•h . Tuesday ninht that Gov. t:d rnund 0 . Brown Jr s hould hav1• his pay docked for lhe lime lu· s pends purs uing h11> µrc111dcnlwl aspirations .. A rt er ull, tw ... l>t'f'fl OU t or tl11· stale• six l1m••1i in lcs11 th.in 111 wt•eks~:.' ht· told mort• thnn ~"' ~khm tlz 11upport<-r8 :11 I hr· 1111! C a n y o n C o u n t r )' <; I u h 1r1 N(•wporl l.k•uch ' "Don't worry, I c·1111 mtnll ttw s tore•,·· h" told umutwd li31f•nN .. ··Hut there urf' plrnly ,,r Demoera~ none IA>O happy al th•· th<>uli(hl lhal Wf' aga11') h&vt' .. Jlepubhcan a t thf' head ,,, ur ra1rs .. Curb 11tresst-d that ht• h1-ut th•· "full support i.ln(I conr1dc>nc'f' 11f Brown when lhl' govern'>r h·ft him in cha rge of C';.1ltfo1 nw .1f fa tr!! "I've been Mi.tninll IHll' untl doing iJll lhc lhtngs the governor would he doing 1r he• wl'rt' ht-n· Curb s a id "In fa<'l. t o<.luy I mJclt• two up1minlmt .. nls th.ti * * • 'Safe' w1•ri• t>a'led on my perOJoni.ll ht'lt't'llllO .. C'u rh r 'fu'>t·d lo t·la ho rat.· un lhf• :1pp01nlmcnlis or 1d ·nt1fy tht• two pt'OPI<• St>lectcd by h1 m I'm 'iurc· th•·rt· firt• ~1111111 ,,, 111• lllllr f• • h1 'I.ltd W1• will f1n<l I l11111k t 11111 lt11· ,,nw·r&ir will .,,,.·nd m11r1· 111111 "'''"' '"'"' 0111 11f "'·•I•· 1141 H1• rir<•'l1<l1•nt1,1I l•l('l'ftlll\ I ollllfl•lll'f'I ~ll•fl\ lllJ 11(1(1 lh<•I will (ltMHI ,,,,,,,. lirn1 tn lhl• ~ll1V"I rll1r '-I hot If fo r (flt ~1·hrr11t 1 r•,mmrnt••rl t11ir1n1. 1111· $t;C1 .1 flt•r ~<m r"f Ppt1nn ,,, ht '4 h1m11r lh,•t lhf' Clrt1f'l'"t1' 'l h1111t1I 111t ,,.. h,1ff ,, r 1rnp;11f1() tl ••l1I ,,, Ill"''"'" ~H·. ;1.,0 M t1 ""'' '""' i\ntJtW>r ·•ff,.., Ilic,. th1" Anrt w•• 'l h<111llf t,,,,,,. th,. <lf'tit r ttrl'fl lh1 -.1•niilr1r ,11t1 HP 'l1t1t1 ht , •1111c 1•'1 ful r nm".11itn hMI t·11<sl 1n th•· ""•Vhh<1rh<i<i<1 '•' Sf ,(JO .<10h It wa 11 ;.111rtNI ,ti lh1· ltlTI' S1'11111tt1 r1l1·1f hi' t MTIP81ji(O <11 1• l<l'•ur1• .,, al 1•m1·nl.' t h.1t tw ~ •• ti Wi.1J!t•1l th1· mosl ro-.Uy t·ampa1gn for s late• ,,..,1.1L1• 1n California ht., tory • * • Jokes V ;_i 11h1ul1s Ki.I trl th al I hough tw h;1s lots 111 fallh 111 l'oltt·c· ('h lt•r l.1•11 l11 .. 11t 111111 l11s l111ncl of hlut• 1·11,1ti., lw d1w-.n't plan to tcht I ht·111 11gwn-.1 I lie M :.ir11ics Schmitz Recalls 'Mistake' . ' Vunloult» wiU write ii 11..'ll<>r of (•11mpla111t to lt\t• huse C'omnw11 <I ant . mul a l'<llTlffilllt•t• c·o11i-1'>t 1ng uf ('uum·tl ffi l•mlwrs l>uvul S ills and Mar y Ann Ga1do, und City Munage r William Woollett. would morutor ruturl' problems lt1•.,11h•nls wt•re urged lo C'all rtt)' hull with ('Ompla1nls, and tht· Plunmni? ('omm1ss1on was 1lirct l<'<l lo rl'1·ommelld u w:iy lo l11•t11·r 11011() 111 w h11m1•11w1wr.., of lht• likt•l1lt1HKI uf nlllSC' fllllll lht• .ttr hai-1• M uny .,11pport1·rs 111 Joh11 S (•hm1lz havt• ;ilwuyi. f1·lt lh:Jl ... rt•mark he· onC'I' mudc· almut lhi•n f'rPs1dt•nt Ht(·hurd N1x1m co:.l him his ~cut in Congr ess Schmitz told a Republu·un ~alher1ng in lbe Slate o f Wus hmgton lhal he c:ould find 11nly one thing wrong with No; on 's v1s1t lo China .. And lhal 1s lhf' fact that hf' • ., l'Om1 ng hac·k Ill' qu•JJpt•cl But the comml.'nl ... ngc·rccl rua11 v Hcpuhhcuns I April Upholstery Sale. ' Fabulous values on such lines as Woodmark, Stanton Cooper, Selected price• from Drexel, Heritage and Airloom •leepere etc. Don't delay! We are aleo accepting epedal order• at eale prlc ... 11 ·I 't •. •• 11 1• 11•1·alll'tl I ht· <'Olli ly Jilk•· '1'111·.,<l.1 v 1111:111 111'111·11 ft,. l11l1I l.1ug h111g H•·1wl1l11·,111:. Tht· 1111 ly l11111j.! IA'rnnµ w11h <.;11vcrnor Hrtlwn ·., out 11( s late• I rtp~ 1i. lh•· lurt thul ht• 1·11mcs ha<'k lo Gnhfornw "Rut I'm safC' lh1~l1me"" h1· IHI n nt•cl "I ' v1· d<:<'1 clcd lh1.1 l when I make· 1ok1•' th1·y v.111 he· 01 the• <·xpc·nw of l>1·mot·rati. /\nd hi' lau~lttn~•ly told Curb · 1)1111 't tl'll the• ~o vcrrwr t he1ui,:lt. will you'' , .. " , I ! ~ f , , . , { l 7 I I { Laguna/South Coast (OITION l' our Hftn1etown . Dally New8paper VOL. 72, NO. 87,-' SECTIONS, S2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1979 TEN CENTS 'China ndrome' Denied = u e a O.a11, p, ... St.att PMto WORK CREWS WELD SOLDIER PILES INSIDE MAKESHIFT TENT AT SLIDE SITE Rain Slows Efforts to Reinforce Eartb Beneath Bluebird Canyon Homes Two Inches Of Rain Wets Coast By TOM BARLEY Cf' '"° O..ily ...... SI.all A spring storm that left many Orange Coast roads and streets awash and ha lted traffic on highways seems certain to move out of the area Thursday. the National Weather Service re· ported today. "The storm has shot its boll." a forecaster said "The chance of rain will be down to 10 per· cent tonight and 10 percent less than that on Thursday " In many Oran1?e Coai>t areas the storm added more than lwo inches or rain to the season's total. Weather analyst J . Sherman Denny measured 2 18 inches of r ain in his Huntington Bea.ch gauge. He figures the season's total thus far al 17.52 inches, 6.70 inches below last season's total. The Laguna Beach a rea re- corded nearly two inches or rain du ring the storm a nd the downpour added to the problems or construction crews in s lide· ravaged Bluebird Canyon. T he tarpaulin sheets laid down to shield the slide area from the heavy rain did the job they were supposed to do, Reserve Officer Lance Ishmael said. Meanwhil e , a bluff al Shorecliffs Mobile Estates m San Clemente continued to erode as a brick wa ll on the cliff edge crumbled Tuesday. The first landslide at the mobile home park occurred Dec. 18. Heavy rain has accelerated the earth slippage and a widen- ing crack in the roadway of Mira Adelante haa forced the evacua- Uon of al least seven mobile homes. No i1'iuries have been report- ed. Police and fire men are mainl~ a constant vigil in (See STOaM, Page AZ> Curb: Dock Brown's Pay During Trips Lt Gov. Mike Curb told sup porters of State Sen John G. Schm itz. R-Newpor t Beach. Tuesday night that Gov. Ed· mund G. Brown Jr. should have his pay docked for the time he spends pursuing his pres idential aspirations. .. After aJI, he 's been out of the state six times in less t han 10 weeks," he told more than 200 Schmitz s upporters at the Big Ca n yon Co untr y Club in Newport Beach. .. Don't worry, I can mind the store." he told amused listeners. "But the r e are plent y or Democrats none too happy at the thought that we again have a Republican at the head or af. fairs." Curb stressed that he had the "full s upport and confidence" of Brown when the governor left him in charge of California af fairs. "I've been signing bills and doing all the things the governor would be doin~ if he were here.·· * * * 'Safe' I Curb s aid "In fa<!t. today I made two appointme nts thal wer e based on my persona l selection.·· Curb refused to elaborate on the appointments or identify the two people selected by him. "I'm sure there are going to be more, .. he said. ··w e will find , I think, that the governor will s pend more and more time out of stale as the presidential election campaign steps up and that will mean more time in the governor's chajr for me." Schmitz commented during the $125·a-person reception in his honor that t he proceeds should cut in half a campaign debt of "between $35,000, and $40.000.' "Another affair like this and we should have the debt re- tired," the senator s aid. He said his successful campaign had cost ''in the neighborhood of $600,000.'' It was reported al the time <SeeCURB, PageA2) * * * .Jokes Schmit~ Recalls 'Mistake' M aoy supporte r s of John Schmitz have always felt that a remark he once m ade about then President Richard Nixon cost him his seat in Congress. Schmitz told a Re publican ~athering in the s l a t e of Washington that he could find only one thing wrong with Nix- on's visit to China. "And that is the fact that be is coming back," he quipped. Bult the comme nt angered many Republicans. He recaJled the costly Joke Tuesday night when he told laughing Republicans : "The on- ly thing wrong with Governor Brown's out of s tate trips is the fact that he comes back to California. "But I'm safe this time.'' he gr inned. "I've decided that when I make jokes they will be at the expense of Democrats. And he laughingly told Curb: "Don't tell the governor though, will you?" • at1on Lea s Facility Shut for Probe HARRISBURG. Pa. <APl -A water pump used to cool the re· actor at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant broke down today. and some radioactive s team escaped into the at- mosphere . a uthorities s aid. They said no one was injured or seriously exposed to radiation and the leak was not cons idered dangerous Officials at the plant, located on an island on the Susquehan. na Ri ve r about tO m11 es southeast of the state capital. declared a "general emergen- cy" following the accident. which occurred at l a.m PST They said that meant the facility would remain sealed off until after an investigation ·'There was a small release or radiation to the environment ... Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. William Scranton Ill. head of the state Civil Defense , said in Har- ris burg. lie said "no increase 1n normal radiation levels has been detected" in the air outside the plant. Concern over possible effects o f earthquakes on cooling mechanis ms had caused the fe deral government to shut down fi ve other U.S. nuclear plants two weeks ago. Dave KJucsik, a spokesman for Metropolitan Edison, one of the consortium of utilities that runs the plant. said "there is absolutely no danger of a me ltdown. We a r e not in a 'China Syndrome' situation.·· ''China Syndrome" is a film starring Jane Fonda and Jack Lemmon about a cover-up or a n ear -catastro phe involvinJt failure of a coolirw mechanism at a nuclear plant. The term re· fers lo the theory that a core meltdown would ge nerate such heat it would burn hundreds of feet down into the earth. "T his 1s a madhouse ... I'm glad we're not off the map, .. s aid Les Jackson, York County civil defense director, who went to the scene. He said that as soon as his de· partment was notiried of the ac cident . "we put our e vacuation plan into effect. and had a ll our emergency people on standby." However, plans to evacuate resi- dents were called off at 6:25 a .m .. J ackson said. Metropolitan Edison president Walter Creilz said: "Immediate· ly when it happened we sent 1~NUCLEAR, Page A2) FIRST CALLER GOl' APAKFMENT "The Daily Pilot does a great job. "I rented my a partment to. the first person who called ... That's the succei>s story or the Costa Mesa wo man who placed this ad in the Daily Pilot: Bachelor apt w stove & rerrlg. Utlls 1>d $140 XXX·XXXX If you need a job done great, call the Daily Pilot's friendly ad-visers at 642-5678. Alw1re,...to ARROW DENOTES SITE OF NUCLEAR PLANT STE~M LEAK No Injuries or Radiation Damage, Authorities Say Biley Opposition Asked on Roadways By STEVE MITCHELL Of tlle D.aily Pii.t St.all In an eleventh hour move Tues day Laguna Beach C1ly Council members voted to hand de Ii ver a note to county Supervisor Thomas Riley seek ing his opposition to e xtension of two hilltop roadways. The action came on the eve of a Board of Supervisors meeting scheduled for today to decide the fate or the proposed 20,000 unit Aliso Viejo project inland or Laguna Beach. Councilmen voted 4-1. with Sally Be llerue opposed . to forwa rd a letter to Riley prior to today's meeting. asking him to protest the extension or Alla Laguna Boulevard linking Thieves Loot Laguna Store Sex aids. adult films and cash were taken from a book store in Laguna Beach that suffered a similar break-in exactly a month ago. Operators or the Book Bout1 que, 1495 Glenneyre St.. said burglars a gai n r emoved louvered windows to gain en· trance to the shop. sometime before dawn Tuesday. Last month the thieves made off with a Mi ckey Mouse telephooe.L. cash, and stag fil ms valued ahH30durinJt_a break-in. The operators did not set a dolJarloss in the latest break-in. Laguna 's hilltop communities with AJiso VieJo's proJeCt. Mrs. Bellerue's objedions did not stem from lhC' reques t for deletton or the two roads The council maJority has long sought county a pproval lO re· move Alta Lag una Boulevard a nd Temple Hills Drive from the Orange County Ma p of Arterial Highways. They were prompted by hilltop neighborhood associations who fear extension or Alta Lagunu wi l l bri n g hcach ·bound motorists from Aliso VteJO and other inlund communities up the hill and through their rcs1dent1al streets. Councilmen said they t hought they had made their desires known to Riley months ago. hut a recent letter from the supe r visor warned that other routes \\Ould have lo be taken off the city and county ma ps tn conjunction with l'11mina tion of the two controversial routes. But councilmen said Tuesday they opposed t•ltminat1on or several connector routes from the county and <•1ty maps, claim· ing they m ay need Arte rial <See ROADS. Page AZ) Or:::'-4,:asl \\eatlaer 'Weary Willie' Dies Chance of rain decreas ing to 10 percent tonight and near zero T hursday. Gusty westerly winds 10 to 20 mph this a fternoon Lows tonig ht 48 to 53 Highs Thursday in low 60s. INSIDE TODA\' •After being !y!tematically broinwaahed to the verge of "° return by duciple., of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon. ChrbtopheT Edward.! was de- termi~ to practice these method• on others an the Maater'& aame. See "l/eaven ly Deception," P.age A7. , Emmett Kelly Succumb1 to Heart Attack at 80 ~ SARASOTA, Fta. <A P > -Em- m e tt Kelly, 80, who made millions s mile as the droopy. raced clown "Weary Willie,'' died today in UUs Florida circus town. Kelly suffered a heart attack at bla home here, said Dr. Bob Windom. He said Kelly was pro· nounced dead a fter his wife, Evie, brought him to Sarasota Memorial fbpltal. The 50-year veteran of the bl1 top •tarred fOf' many ye.n with the Rln•Un1 Brothers and Barnum 6 8alle1 Circus. TbouCb be luld not performed aetlvel1 wttb JUaaUa1 Brothen for several years, Kelly refused to retire and remained busy with engagements in night clubs and television commercials. Kelly saJd he felt a deep affinJ- ty with "Weary Willie." "A clown's make up and character -that's au he has lo sell." Kelly said In a um in· te vlew. "He loves and believes in that character. "Weary Willie Is very real to me. He is a man who bas liven up. The boat bas gone incl left him. The cuds are 1t1cked 1g1lnat him. He's content to make out with what be'a aot .. be knows he'n go no turther." ' Ke lly was stricken in his front yard as be walked out to t ake some trash to the c urb. Sarasota is the winter home or the Ringl- ing Brothers circus and many performers have their homes here . • "He died there in our own front yard In his pajamas." hJs wife said. "I ran out, gave him moulh-t.o-moutb resuscitation. A neighbor called an a mbulance, but it was too late." Mrs. Kelly saJd her husband wouJd be burled In Lafayette, Ind, next to his mother and sis· ter. She said arrangements had not been completed. l•tlex _, a ... " " •1 A4 "" .. ., .. IU .. ... 119-tl M A4 "A.I OML t S'tL,,..,;CJ;;.;..1 _ _i:;u:..1r---:.= i -Residents To Appeal Nursery Rt-aWknla ••IJA1 •nt l11 • ''"' puud C"hllrt 1•n • our•••)' o n Muunu011 V1•·w.' Dt t \i• 1n I 111u11• Oc-r h 1•l•11 111 1o111pr I 11 l1J1•nl •1f dJU lllW Ill.It flt I ltolflrl lt1 •1111• lht f&H 1111 )' 111 •tjM r11ll IU lttt r 1111 uf Uw \\iofld m 1achhr1rh""'1 ·1 htt m·111hhorho1MI •• 11 n;c1 ~, 11 pok1·-m1tn W1ll111m f rr.•11 111 wdro w ,., 111 • t 111 1 .. u 1 thl• ~•ll hi Irle ti) l1u•111••1111 n r1 1iJ.-nlrnl n •11thtw1rh11111I • " l"W Wrlll ht II""'• Ill I hl!I hou•., ••err1 II, whu ll\1 .. 111 •I ~ .. 14 Mountaaln Vh•w "' h aid ht e 1•11r nl • 17 ut ttl ff hh·rll• ""h11 11\lt-1)11 th• 11n1• 111111 k u 1111 f1rol)OfH"(1 nunil r~ 111 "•• 1 Mou11 Mlll Vlt"W ()fh'I' tit! •»hi IWit'hhlll Ill 1111'1 MOii daf 11n1I 1111111 to IOt•C•I ••killll 'fhurttd•v w 111•1 w111 ,.,, a.1111•'<11 ol I h ti Uoanl 111 tlj11111t 1111'11I " 1h 4•h1lo11 lo lh1• ('ll)' C'oum 11 1111 srnu11 hu .. 1111111 1\111 II 11 tu UI• rwul . Wt• \II• l11lk1•1l ~ llh 1111 111 1111 1w v u111I w1 • IHl'•tt·ullor l11H•1 fuUI WUYll Wt' It.Ill •'U lo iillt•ll "'"'ti W1• 1 l' w11111t1 lu It \ 1111• 1111 , ..... 1 , .... llt• I c•fwwil lu 1ll1il'lll01 1111' HI h1·1 lhfi•t• 1w,'l11lh1hlh'• 1111111 llw up rwul rout•· wu11 1·'1 h1rn"t1·1I 1''11r14•ll d1u1 Ul'll lhul OtH•rOllll J 1t111(•4• (°OlllM'l l\lt'lll 1t1l11h•cl lt''ll tlt•nlll wh1•11 'lh•• 1·11r1 tt•ll ,, 1H·l1 tion urouncl lht· 111·1tt hlmrhoocl t•nlh1t1nw 11up1H•rl r111 llw 11ro po11NI 1111nwry "Whf'l1 11111· wt•nl 111·11111111 1111' nelghborhootl 1-oh1· :1111<1 llwri• would IK· fl v(· or 111x t·h1ld r1•n I h(•rc , ·' he uts s t·rlc d · 'Thl• l1N•n11e ~hl"s MCLling u llow., up lo 24 "And we havc> r('u11on to bellc\le Toi> of The World S<•hool kids will be cared for lhl•n• on u pa rt·t1mc basis " Farrell also complumc d or pote nllal parking problems and trouble from noise a nd traffic conget.tion 111 the neig hborhood . Mrs CoopcrsLC'in said Monday sever al t·ondit1ons imposed by the Board of J\dJostmenls would m1t1gale potential no11w a nd traffic probll'ms by staggering hours of the nursery w1Lh hours of traffic ~enl'rated by Top of the World School Today, Mr:. co(1pN:.lt:in tk nwd that sh • phmned to hou!>e TOW slud<>nl11 in the home or that h<·r 1x·titi11n indll'akd tht· home would homw only fi ve or s ix childrc·n "f nt•ver did say that," she r('spondl'd to the allegations "I'm not l11·l·nsN1 Lo t an· for anything olhn lhap 1nfa11ti. <incl I have the.· pc t1t1un thut said ispce1 fir ully f 'm ltcenscfl for nursery 1wh<-">I infant!> " Sht• ;wknowh·dJ(t·1l thut nn on<· would h<' livi ng in the horn<· ht•(·ause "you cun't be a lic't'nscd nur 11 <•r y school a nd h11 v1• someone.• hvinl( in the homt• " Shf• alK<1 u1111ertc.•l1 that no one could use one <0ond1t1onul u:-.c pc•rm1l us :1 prect'd e n ce for a nother "ff so m £•one were taking c h1ldrt'n into their hom e-in lh1• neig hhorhooil. I <'ouldn't use thnt as JUsltfication to get a permit for m y nur:-.ery." she said "Th('re ar<' only certum lond:, o r businesses that can be al lowed 1n r esid e ntial areas 11chools. (•hurches und duy curc center s " f'.-... Pag~AI CURB ••. Schmitz filed his campmgn di:-. clos ure statements that he h ad' wal(ed the most costly campaign for 11tate senate In California his tory. Disaster Probed MORGANTOWN. W Va IAPI A federal gran'1 Jury has begun lnvct1tl"ullnli( the April 1978 Willow Island coohng towc>r disaster lhul claimed 51 liv<•s. sources say Of'ANOI COMT L '>< DAILY PILOT 1~0. ..... u ... o ... , • ..,,.. .,. .. _,,,.,..,. l>'_IN_ ..... ,.,,...,WdllYl""Ot .. ( .... ~ ..... .,...,.,_ ..................... ... ...... , .... 0 -·· , ......... ,,, .. , ,., , ... . ... , ... _, _ .. -llfltl,,.. llf•~·""'" l•lftll•ll•~·"""'" ,_ ..... ,., ....... ,_,, \1ftOI• ttl~I ~t1ot1 *' pu«tt6\h11Mf 'M1HMn.,.. "WM•n r,,. "''"' 1.,.1 ,,...,.111\ll'f ~1~1 h Al DI "'"' •••MrNl,""'l•Me"' C•ll•o,,.I••,.,. . _ ....... ,.,.,,.,_ •• ,.. "*''"""" , .. ,. c-11~• "'"'*l\IOlld O._.,,,......,. I """'41• ....,.. ·~··-·-·· ..... Me.,.."'....,, -........ ~ .. -"'"-~ ... ·-· CM••• .. ~..,, .. , ... _......,._11"':'~"--" T1111hD11117141......,., Cfg ..... ..,_ ........... 11 ~ .. _.. .. D.,.._.-, TllllM"' ........ ,, __ 0.----~· t:: ""Or~'= "~·"'·~· ::;r,., •., ""::.;.r.;;-.. r.•·.::,4:1'~ .... , I: ~::;:or::.::·--···_ .......... .. ... _ fl-,..._ ..,. .. , .... -(lit........ """ , .... , .... , ... ",., , .. , u. _....., "' .......... INMfll• ,........,._., ___ ,._,, 0'"41, ,., ..... _ .. , lltl ll••• .. _ ... fAHtlA, I ON HUO A A !52-YEAR ICPARATION f dlHHI Henry Carey Jr (Lett) •nd Dad Reunited In MeH Fa1nlly Found Pl1011e Gives Mesan a Link Hy Jt\C'KU: llYMi\N °'''" 0•11• ......... .. ll1•1•11t1Ht' t1f 11 111111( dl'llOn<•t• h •h •11l1111u• 111w1 ut111 :-. 11l1 11I ukl', : .. 1 v t• rtr 11111 fo; d w 11 rd 11 1• n r v C11r1•v J r or ('(111111 Ml'HU mot hlh folh1•r, whom lw hnJ n'l l'.ICl'll 1111H't• ht' w11K 2 y1•11rs old. llt• also 1!111t•11vt'rt'<I six hrotlwni nnd 1>1H l1•rfl ht• ditln't knnw ht• hacl Wh111 1wltht·r tht• oper<1tor nor Cun·y knC'w IN lhal there urc two m1•11 numt·d J•;cl wur d lle nry Cur('y Jr 111 Southern California und lht•y hnve the i.u mc fulhcr. Costa Me1u.1 '1> Carey smd h1., par enlh divor<'t•d when he wa!> 2 an'1 contut'l was broken. At 17, he t ried to lo('at c h is father, ·hul finally ga ve uµ a nd decided tht• elde r Carey must have died Young Carey went h i:$ own way, pursuing a c ar eer in tht· Navy and th en working as H compult'r programmer and :.i s ales man lie never dre amed I hnt h1s futhc r ' h<1d rem a rried a nd had r·hildrl'n, thinking that hu, mother·~ two other ct11ltln·n in Whittier hy he r second m<Jr riage were• h1& only brother :01nd 818ll'r The dist·ovt~ry that cli muxcd thi s w et·k b e~a n w it h u telephone coll M a rch 20 on Carey's unlis ted phone number on his boat in Newport llarbor "The long-dis tance operator had a n t•mcr gcnc·y caJI and I was the only Edward Henry Carey Jr. that they could find In the <t rea." ( 'nrey trn1d T he operator gave him lh<' nume and phone numher of 11 Norlht•rn Cal1forn1a womun. I leather Walton ()f Apt<,:-., who was trying to reach her brother "It lntrigut>d me." Carey 1'aid. "It was my nnml'. complete I tho ught, is 1t worth the phone c all?" 1 il' d ct•1ded 1l wm1. Carey got hold of Mrs Wolton "J told he r. 1l just c·a n't be me " Although Lh<' woma n reuhz<•d s he hadn't rPac hed the hrulh4'1 s h e sought. s he th en u ked Carey 1r h1• had been born in Me thodis t llos p1 l a l In Loi. Anl(e les a nd 1f h is mottwr'i; nume was Beatrice The an.'lwcr was yes . "I can't e ven explain ht1w I fell." Carey su1<.1. "She 1111111. ·1 thank we're n •lukd "' Mrs Wullon N111lilr1 'I tulk 111 l e n gt h lhl'n , be ·a 11 1H• l h t· newborn baby of a si11tcr hutJ died und !>he• had to n •ut·h oth1•1 'Outraget11111' rumlly llll'lnltt•r H But llu: m·xl 11wru111it she· 111111 ( 'urt•y hu<I :a two lu11w 1•011venwl io n by long thslanc•t• und tlll' wholl' ~t.ory came oul. Carey':; folhN h ad rt·marrwcl und had 11lx d11 ldrn1 When urn· son wats born '11 y1•ars ulo(O, h1· was lo be n umod a fte r 111:-. mate rnal urandfutht·r llowC'vcr. a t tht• last mmutc. the second Mrs . Curey ia pparent ly chan~c·d hc•r mind, •·rosscd oul the name .John M•>fire Carey on the lurth <'crllf1catc and wrote in Edward Henry Carey .Jr And :-.o there wc.•rc two or them, 13 years aparl. The s1•cond fa mily knew of the first son's ex is lencc hut hadn't been abll' to locale him , Mr!> Wa lton c•xpla med, until she lriL'tl to rcac·h llw second C.:a rey Jr . who had JUst moved to l lcmt•t and whose phone numbe r wasn't available. The• next day, Eflwurd Henry Carey Sr tl'le phom•cl his son "lie s:J1d. ·1 suppose• you'd hkc• to punrh m e in t h t> nose .' Carey .Ir. recalled Instead. the younl{e r Carey m viled his 76-year-old father to drive down from his home near Me rced and so, on Tuesday, the pair were reunited for the fi rst time . "I l's been a long la mt'. .. Carey Jr. stud a H he hu1rncd his fathe r at the curb. "You don 't look like me•" As lhc two ~ot acquainted . C.:arey Jr 's wife, Reverly, t'X plained that lht• lu<'ky cu1 n cidenc<' of d lscovt'rtng Can•y'" family was followed d osely by 1:1 second stroke of luc·k. On Monda y, Car1•y .Jr taped an episode of NBC's "Wheel or fo'ortune " a nd won SI0 ,450 m m erchundise. inr ludlng a new car "llt"s on a s treak ." Mrs Carey said, notln1< the J<ood luck was more than welcom e after a d1ff1r ull th ree year s duranJ( whic h Rhe 's been ill a nd medical blllfl have run up. Currently. pluns are under wuy for Carey lo meel the rest of his new family. who live in cliff •rent parts of th(' state In udd1taon. the two F.dward He nry Carey J rs. and 1':dwurd He nry Carey Sr. nrc rllunnln~ to pmic for 11 J(roup photo. "Wha l a rc wt' 1<olnu to do, t·all th um lt;d, t;dd1t.> and lhK "Al''" M ri. Curey asked NOW Raps Judge On Rape Decision An Ornng1· County Superior Court jud1te who grontcd o new I r lnl for u <'o nvlctecl rol)IKI w1u1 accused Loduy of "outroaoour; dlarrlmlnotton ugu ln11l the female victim In lhl8 case " The c hurgc wa l\ lt•vcl.-d 1tgalnst JudfW Mnson I'' •nton by m embers or the North Orun)(c County Ch1apler of the Nallon11I OraanluUon tor Women . Fenton, however, suld he won dere.d where the grOUJ) Uthcred lntormaUon t.o m•ke the accu••· Uon 1lnee h• had not. talked t.o them about It.. "I treated this case Just llke I would treat a murder CIH or a robber)' UM or a drunken drfv· ta, UM," Fenton continued. "I have a Job to do and not a very popular job aometlmet," Ft'nton Hid . He 1ald he grante!d a new trltl for 45-year-old Olen Howard Hutchenon of Whittler lM'cautt- he felt It w11 the rlaht thlftl to do "dHplte any protHt.11." llutcberlon had been eonvl~ by a Jury or rapei kidnap and H · Hult with a dead y weapon. NOW n.-mbera Nancy Ut.aler Ind Kann ~rt uld In I.,.... releaM that Fenton 1h0wed "1 t:ullou11 diKr<m11rd for th(• n J(hti. of vldlrru~ or vlolt•nl c·r lnwll ... whllll h ordt.<rNI u new trlul for If Ull'h Cl'f!llll Fe nton irnld ht• ttrunkd ttw ne w trial hecou111.! he didn 't believe the tl'l'llltnony of the ul letet•d ru~ vle\lm llutcherimn WllA ••N •1111<'d of raplnic 20·Y •er old C'uthorlnr ll•rdln erter hc> pkkc>d ht>r up whlle Khr wuft hilr hhlkln1<1 In Buena P urk In Nov m bc•r o r 1977. ,. .............. STORM ••. the area. In Hunlll\lton Ouch. 111 rour lanH ot Beach Boulevard from A~lltml Stl'Nt lo Parlnc Coatl lllthWaf were t lOHd Hrly to day tor more than lwo hourK beeauu of nooctln1. And heavy rain at that limo scored .n undoubted 1trlke Ml lhe bome of former major leatue bHeball pltc:btr Irv Pelle•. Im lacUan Wtlla Clrele. HunUastoa leacll. SMdeArea Utilities Cut Forces Move A H_,n CtMn nt~ couple have lw..,1 forc:td out of their mobile 11111111• urter city fire o m c1als 11hut 1ilf ttw·lr ""'1.llla for fear lh111 a Alow movln1 l1ndalide 1111.cht •·rNJang.cr thetr lives ltk hurd 1md Mary McDowell, who 11\led (>fl Space 95 on Mira Adcl•ntl' In the S ho r eclifla Mo hlle l';litut.ea park. have been forced t.o find n w quarter& after lnlt11Jly refusing to budge from thPl r hom . T ht' lund11l1de beh ind Mira Adclunw firftt struck Dec 18 and <lro1>sx,.'<J backyards 00 feel down Jn ul1Jaf'f•nl b luff onto the f:i.lrella G<ilf Course H eavy rains o r l ate have 1;p4•eded lhe slippage o r the earth beneath the $50,000 to $80,000 hom e1S a lo ng Mira Adelante . Early lhJs month, a cr ack ap. peared in lhe roadway and has continued lo widen. San Clem ente Fire Chief Ron Co l ema n s aid t oday the Mc Dowells' utilities "had to be t'Ul off" because fire officials feared bro ken gas and water m ain Unes and electrical prob· I e m s Utilities have a lso been shut off at s ix other Mira Adelante homes. Four coaches have been relocated Shorecl1ffs park manager Ray P aine said today a ll seven en- dangered homcR, including the Mc Dowe ll's coach , will be re· located soon. No other home:. have been ord ered relocated, he s aid. "It appears we're going to lose f'rotR Page Al ROADS ... H ighwa y Funding Program money lo re pair those streets. Those routes that Riley said would also have to be e llminat· t•d i nc lude Park Ave nu e . Hluebird Can yon Drive. Nyt!S Plat·c ;md Ralhoa i\venue The proposed lette r to Riley said t he <·1ty would rather hold o ff on a clecis1on to e liminate thos<• roads from the c·ity a nd county m aps until a circ ulation s tudy is completed by the city s oml'timc· next year Rut lhe letter rc-e mphas1w d the desire for the immediate elimination or Alla Laguna and Temple HiUs Drive . Councilwoman Bellerue said the le tter lo Riley should be a me nded to show city suJJport fo r all six road11 being ta ken off both maps. another big rhu.nk of that land. n 1d Coleman McDo111rell.,. forme:r S¥n Juoan City Counc&J mt-m~r. iud he and hu1 wife, Mary rulaw Uutl the evacwitwn of lht-1r ocean view home 111 ould come at uny time They m ti\.'1-d 1tC'r<1~\ the street last Friday McDowell i,a1d mobile home park attorneys and city bulld1ng off1r 1als had been warning him for monlhs that the area was dan~erous and he 1Should move. It wa i. onJy when the utilities we re shut o ff that the couple fina lly gave up thcu-battle lo ~lay . But McDowell s aid he a nd his wife plan to return lo their space .. as soon as rcpa1 rs can be m ade." Park officials said a decision on how to repair the stricken a rea won't be made until after the rains quit and ground set lies . M eanwhllc police patro l lhP lands lide area ever y e ight houri. to make sure no major s hdc e n dangers the lives of a ny mobile hom e park dwellers. Fire department officials have s taked o ut areas lo measure the gradual earth movement. City officials s ay all they cun do no w as watch and wail. Bomb Threats At2Laguna Schools Told A caller with a "young vo1t•c" told of(iclals at two Laguna Beach schools Tuesd ay that bombs had been placed on th1• ca mpuses . The calls were the latest in u se ries or bogus calls that have olar.wed LaKunu llt'ach :-.chool offiC'ials. pol ate J nd . fire me n the past two months Ca lls were placed a l J ·ts pm Lo the Top of the• World Elemt•n tar y School a nd . shortly ci r te rward , l o Thurs t on In tcrmcdialc School. Police and firemen respondm~ to the calls found no bomb:, /\ false bomb report 1s pun1shahlt• by a year in jail or a $1,000 fi nl' or both. Youngsters at T o p of tht· World had a lre ady gone homl· for the day. and s tudents cit Thurs ton we re not evacuated alter police determined lhe culls we re a prank. I April Uphol•tery Sale. Fabulou• value• on 9uch line• •• Woodmark, Stanton Cooper, Selected price• from Drexel, Heritage and Alrloom •leeper• etc. Don't delavl We are aleo accepdng epedal ord•• at eale prlc••· Pre.P-...41 NUCLEAR. • • H:'-m ou t into tht• f1 <'ld , par\Jt'Ularly In lhl' dltt-rt1on that Uiii •iii! • biO"lDi , to M"C If wt coWd mab aoy delectloo "We t<>uld dele<'l nothing -bo \~ n~tur ¥l ba c k ground r;;du1t.1on Cn.•tt7 ... ud '"l'ht'rl' waa a mall rt>l~lUSe, but ynu know. Uu• rouldn t dt"tcrl ll . the t'Xftc 1 ilrn<>unt . I II be bonN!t ubout 1l . 1 ckm 'I kn"111 Cre1t1 i<ll('ukang rrom his of fice 1n Rt-admg, sa1(J , "We 'r<' goinfC lo M nllnue to mon itor 1t in Jtll d1 rf.'rt 1o n s beca u se 1f i.omethtnA doc1-o ~t·l mlo lht' at mosphcro. 1l could·g .. 1 into J "ind curr('nt. und lherefort> ~ ,. w<int lo ch<>ck in all d1 rect1on.' away Crom the plant " 8 1 ll Dornsifr . a n11clt•u1 engineer with the f>Nrnsylvun111 Oepartm<>nt of f;nv1 ronmenl11I Resourt<''I. toltl a news con ferencc in llurn s liurl( thut n1o rad1at1on leakt.>d 111t11 the rsv1·1 water Dorns1fc su1d the compuny dtd no t contac t t he s llltc Civil Defense until 4 a m .. three hour' after the a ccident * * * Check Urged OnAll U.S. Nuke Plants WASlllNGTON 1/\l'l An a nt 1 nu<' I cur c 1l1 u• n' I( ro up urged lh<' Nut'11•1.1 r ltt-Kulalory Commission today to check all the nation's opt•rnl1ng a tom11· po wc rpla nl !I r11r t'arlhquukt• safe t y , in ll~ht of the rcrcnl C'omm1s:-.1on s hutdown of f1v1• plants On Man •h 13, lht• t·omm1Hs1on ordered lht· s hwdo wn of flvt• large atomic planls to rnchcck calculations of lht•1r ahility to withs tand f'arlhquakci. ofte r a com pulmK t•rror was chscovcred m thl· design of om• of lht·m The Unum of Conc·l'rned SC'in1 tis ls sa id 11 was usk 1 ng 1 hi' N ft(' lo a~ain unal yzc lht· l•arth<1uak1• proofing or all tht• a pproximat1· ly 70 111>e·r:1t 1ng 11u1·lt·ar planL'> m the l1 111tcd Stuh·:-. "What we• an • u'kmg lh1•m lo do no w 1s lht• 1•l1·nw11t.iry 1·h1·1·k 111g that should ha v1· 111•1•11 1lm11· yc•a r s ago wh1•11 llwy I w1•ns1•d today·, 01w•r:1t1n~: n u1'11•ar l"•wt•r planls." 'u1d u :-.lat .. m1•nt 1i.'1u1·d by I h'· group Tht• planl' lhci l th1• NllC or d1•recl l1·m111 1rartly t'los1·1I for r•· anal yi.1s a nd , 1f n1·<'t''>'>ary s l r u t·tura l l0 ha11 g1·:-.. Wl'rt' Hl'avcr Vull1•y plant al Sh111 ptngp<lr1. Pa . I ht' I wo S urry un1l at Gravt·I Potnl. Va , Ma1n1· Yanke• al W1ircasset, Malnc. und t he Jumes "'ilzputru·k·plunl at Scriha, N Y ~.-V.March 28. 1979 s DAILY PILOT .43 Fun on the Costa Mesa Waterfront THAT'S MIDTOWN COSTA MESA WHEAE ROBIN LINDSEY, 23, IS BASKING IN AN INNER TUBE LINDSEY WAVES A THUMB TO PASSING TRUCK AT WEST 19TH STREET AND MAPLE AVENUE Murder ·Try Suspect Evaluated Psycluatr1sts were to resume testimony today in a jury trial to d etermine 1f a man <Jccused of a ttemptmg to kill a Dana Hills High School coed last December ts mentally fit to stand trial. .. He IS not capable or standing ln<1I now," Or Myron Marshall ~a id Tuesday of 33-year-old Charles llubert Guenther , a forme r Juvenjle tlall counselor. Mars ha ll. who exa mined Guenther last week, testified in Orange County Superior Cou rt that Guenthe r pro bubly un- derstands he is in court but is mentally unable lo comprehend the proceedings. The Irvine resident is accused or attempted murder in a Dec. 8 gunshot and hammer attack on 15 -yea r -o ld Judi Mic h e lle Gonzalez. lie also faces charges from an aJleged pist.ol-whippang last March of a 17-year-old San Clemente girl. Both teenagers survived the alleged assaults. During a preliminary heanng m January. Mi ss Conzalez iden- tified Guenther as the man who picked her up al a local shopping center. then fired five shots into her head. hit. her numerous ti m es with a ha mme r and dumped her al a construction site. Guenther's a ttorney. William Dougherty, saJd he will prove that his client is unable to assist in his defense or the case or un- de r s tand the charges against him. But Prosc.-eutor Paul Meyer h as contended the evidence wi ll s h o w o th e rw is e and ps yc hrn tris ts who have ex- amined Guenther have conflk t· ing opinJons. "Can psychiatrists have a dif- fe rence o f o pinion?" Meyer asked MarshaJI on the witness stand. "Yes." the psychiatris t replied. Or. Barba ra Hundley, who has been treating Guenther in a Jocked ward al Canyon General Hospital, t es tified that she originally diagnosed the Irvine resident's disorder a s "ex- plosive ptrsonalily." Her later diagnosis, based in part on examinations by other physicians, indicated an organJc brain dJsorder caused by a liver m a lfunctipn , Dr. Hundley testified. If the Jury finds Guenther una- ble to stand trial now, be would b e sent to a s late mental hospital for treatment. He woukl retura for diaposi- tJoo ol lbe crlmlnal chars• ll and when Jlbysicians determine Guenther 1aU recovered auffl. cieally to understand the crimhlal ebart• and Ulllt bll defeme Mtorney. UCI Student& · Seek Homing Tempor..., aDd permanent .._.. la wded for foretp 1tlldeata atteadln1 UC Irvine tbla 1prtn1, campua ollicialt •87· llOme need temporary lodiinl •lall• looktn1 for 1ometbln1 perlllaneat accordln• to Ba,.ara Palombl, Hal1tant ... ., ..... &I. ou..n, • ..,., .... 0 .. tor famlliel lo llftwlla .... llil1 .... UCI =, ........ ,...... . ••sf'w.._.., .._,,.l1 s'11a&• Saddleback Mulls Fees For Parking Saddleback College students and staff members could be pay- ing up to $20 per semester for parking beginning in the fall ir trustees vote to support fees next month. Boa rd members directed col lege offi cials this week to prepa re a policy that would allow fees to bt: c ha rged for pa rking a t the . s prawling M1ss1on Vie1ocampus. A vote on the pol icy will be taken April9. ·'The state seems to indicatt.- there ·s not going l.Q be much s up- port for parking <lot construe tion 1." Superintendent Robert Lorn bardi told trustees. ·'They seem to say you have the m ea ns o r ucquiring m oney yourself." Under the state Education Code, community colleges can cha r~e up to $20 per semester or S40 per academic year for park- ing. Those rees could be used to build new lots. maintain existing lots or support campus security personnel who supervise lots. "If we go to the limit to get a lot or money in a hurry we're going to cause a great deal or disension. ·· Trus t ee Ha rri e tt Wa lthe r warned. "It <the fee> s houJd be kept smaJI and reasonable." AND THE TRUCK LETS LINDSEY HAVE IT WITH A BIG SPLASH AS THE GRINNING COSTA MESAN ENJOYS HIS 'POO_L_' __ "I 00n·t think SS is e nough to make them see the importance or raisingmoneyandmaybesome of the m will take the bus." Hoard member Norrisa Brandt shot back. San Diego Blackouts Forecast "It wouJd probably take $20 per semester to mamtain our existing lo t s and build ne w ones." Facilities Coordinator Don Trent sa id. "Or we could use the lesser fee and try to run it out over a period of years ." SACRAMENTO <AP ) -Mex· ico·s oil and gas would only de · lay "perhaps a few years" the lime before San Diego faces blackouts, says the presidenl of the San Diego Gas & Electric Co. Robert Morris testified Tue~· day before the s late Senate 's E nergy and Public Ulllities Committee. which is lrytng lo assess the impact or Mexico's oil and gas. Both Morris and the ooJy other witness. William Owen . vice president of the Pacific Lighting Gas Development Co .. said the impact wouJd be minor. Morris said a s hortage or Incident Hurts 6 SAN FRANCISCO (AP> Authorities r eport that fi ve passengers and the gripman suf- fer ed minor injurie s when a California Street cable car stopped abruptly on Nob Hill. power may cause his firm to re· fuse service to new customers before the end or the century. He said the shorta~e would result from the s tate's refusal to author ize construction of the Sundesert nuclear powe r plant. unless replacement sources are developed. "If we were unable to replace the power from Sundesert, we cou ld e xpect having rolling blackouts in the mid-1980s. We will reach a point where we just can serve no more customers. We will have to refuse lo serve them. "I'm not a rguing the Sun. desert proJect again. We argued that. We lost," Morris said. But he refused to name an ex- act da te when his company might start refusing service. Unde r r epe ated questions from committee members, he said the first crisis might occur ''perhap5 in 1987, when our de- mand curve crosses our supply Pbato Fire Death Ford Motor to Pay Family of Victim Ford llotor Co. bas agreed to P9J '450,000 to the family o( a Santa Crua woman who died five 1ean qo ID a crash of a 1972 Pinto Runabout while on her bOlleJmOOD. Mm Rob6nson Jr., the Santa Ana aUol my barM1Hn1 t.be cue, Hid tbe award was approved 1109d81 bJ U.S. Diatrict JUclce lluuel Real ID Loi An1eles. Rollinloa Hid be believes It wu tbe ftnt ..Wemeat the eom· PUl7 ma reacbecl over a Pinto fire diatb ID CaWbrnla 11Dee a Sota Aaa.J.wy ID 1'71 awarded a reeonll mHUnD to R.lcbard Grlm1baw of Or••••· Grtmabaw, •:.::. tru MY-.ly buned but •ed • Plato er ..... • ., Lrm Pal..-, 21, ol s.. ·ta Orm •• kDW Nov. 8, 1'71 ..... .... ..... ... aad J81De1 - Palmer, he r husband or three weeks , were r iding In was rearended and exploded Into names on Highway 50 between Lake Tahoe and Sacramento. Palmer, who is now 28, escaped with second and third de1ree burns. Roblnaon, who bandied the Grimshaw case, said t.be Palmers' car was Identical to that ID the Orim1baw case. The U.S. Dlatrict Court suit on be baU of Palmer and Mrs. Palmer'• foar cblldren by two r.revlom marrta1e1 was filed aat September ln Loi Anteles. A tn.J bad been scheduled for .. xt .... Pal_. ,.U ball the '450,000, wttb ... nmmnder to be 1pUt ••oa1 Mn. Palmer'• four ddldr-. RobllllOD Mid. line ... we will be pushing our ability to serve our customers m 1990 ... Owens said tht• agreement with Mexico wh ich S Energy Secretary .Ja mes Schles inger vetoed would have provided 375 million cubic feet of natural gas dail y ror Califom1u. an amount equal to about 7 percent of th1:: state's cons umption. He said if an agreement with Mexico 1s compl eted, California could expect only a bout 125 million cubic reel. which he described as an importa nt but not maJor source Morns said he believes Mex- Gem Talk WE'AEAHEAD in the dMJmond ~epilokC!s 1co "will sell electricity to us when we reach terms on price." He said Mexico will probably have new geothermal general ing plants in operntion by 1982 or 1983 at locations where they could serve the San Diego re g1on. But Mom s said the amounts of Mexican electrica l generating capacity Jnde r cons ideration a re far short or the future needs or his region, and the prospe<:- t1 ve purchase "only extends the period. perhaps a few years" b e rore S an Di e g o r aces blackouts and refusal or service lo new customers. LombardJ suggested the col- lege could sell bonds to support parking lot construction and pay the notes off with revenues from a parking fei!. ··w e need new construction and we need upkeep." he said. Offici als indicated a SS fee would raise $37,710 per year while a SIS fee would raise $113,130 per year. Three other Or ange County community colleges charge park . ing fees. THE MOST IMPORTANT JEWELRY YOU WILL EVER BUY ~\Jrn.1):'• ,, 'U(h., IM~t•* .tn<f m.·~ulul l'M'"' of htt fl fdl-•°"1 4 •ot f)f '1"l\t•, s;MIH fl(_. llfl(j tn...ptf.tllf)n ft..• '4Jlt \hllf ~·"'Jd""M '"''K 1t+ft.f1if't ... "'"'' .. ,.. •• tn ~ fbWfNii.n~11• ,.n<1-11~ rwhtl do'\•fll" According to a worldwide survey, American women own more diamonds than the women of any other country. That didn't surprise you, did it? Whal may come as a surprise, , though, ii the fact that our young women rank fourth in the world when it comes to the percentage or brides who own diamond engagement rilics. Our 1irls DO. get the biggest dJamonda, however. In Australia and C anada, 74 percent o( au brides got encasement rings, accordlng to the survey. Great Britain ranked third with • percent, followed by America with '1 percent and France with 43 pe rcent. Howe ver, the rin1s 1lven lo American 1lrl1 avera1ed 30 point.I ol d iamonds. Japanese e n1a1emenl rin11 averaged 25 points, and thole of other u&ioftl r8Jlled between 4 and 10 polntl, the survey aaid. Our ladles are well ahead ln total dJamond ownenbip, with as percent of U .s. women ownlna dlamondl • J. C. JJump~,.u,~ J.lfff.,.~ MfMBH AMUICAN GEM SOCIETY ~ 1823 N~T BLVD COSTA MESA CONVENIENT TERMS ~ Ua•a a._. 12 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION PHONE ~1 ) ' tf DAILY PILOT W.ctnaday Marc:h H , 1079 NATION WORL1'. 2nd Break-in Jut oa ·ting ~ wid1 ~?/ Tom~~\, Hunt Cla~ ~lurpbine orbing th Gov rnor MIAMI (AP l Wftlf'riiute C'On.'Jplr1t.or E. Howard Hunt aaya he hoV\'lf lo kt.'t'I' former PretSldent Nixon lo rcUrement by publlsblng al· lt•g llOOll Umt Nixon uuthorlied the second or the two W ateraat.e break IM IO IQ72 . a AT THU Otl LAPS Ot:ri. • Tht• ller1ubll u n ~ov mor ol Cahfom11 1ppc>art'd c1n our l'O lal i.c:'f'nt h1'\l ul&hl ul hlllt> fund rt l ·r for Statu N·natm J oho G fh.\ul, who wu11 loo~out mllD for tbe June 17, 1972, bre•k·in at the l>umO<'rulJ(' N11t1on»I CommlttctJ hcudquurtf'rl' In WashlnKton, HtUd But Hunt would not tell re· TUt>'lduy thut ht• hod ''vu.lenr•· portersatanewaconferencewh•t i.1M1un..l Nixon .. t ronK cmou&:h to the evidence was. Not would he ala11d u1>uu·uurt reveal wile> would publish il or Sch1n1u It 1..0 R nl<"eo htlh.• ha h twld w1tban Uw conr1n1• ''' 111..: C nyon Country l 'lub In ewpon 6iCh Some 200 of ltw rallhfuJ -.croon hand Whllt• the notion t wldt•ly held that o r,.,mon11t, to:d mund G Omv.-n J r . t JtO\f'fOOr or ('uhrornu1 lt111t f'l1•u1 ly waan 'l the c seal the Schmitt 11huwU11 l•M ''" ·11111tt t:ovt•rnor J C'rr , you c.-c. ha1. dep11rtt•d our "ll1.1l1· bordeNi 11nd wu h'st1fying on oil tnl>\•ll nt• muttt•r11 111 WHhUlJC\on. IJ l' ll 1~ uoo rumort'l"t ht• OH•> fi nd tune fut SOm" 1>1'" l<k'nUa l l ypt-l>OhUck.int wtUll' WIUlth'rlnJ( i.lbOUl back )'Ofl<k r Thua whtlt.• J t•rry 1s away, Mlk1• 11\Jl11 lo play LT. GOV. MIKE ('l 'Rft, ii 1<Uiunrh Ht•11ubltru11, 1'1 ul'I IOA lCOVl'lnor Ill.' wa.a. an that capat"lly I· •l mnht wh11t• v111 alinjC our ~g1on You rould te ll by th1• ~xurbcrum·c of lht• 1-(htlwrtnl( lliul the t:OP faithful dl•Jrly cmJoyed huv1nJ( on•· of llwll ow11 Uepubl1carui Gathered to Mourn Gou. Brown Playmg llooky IJa('k in c harge o f the California s tatehouse. no matter how brudly. It muy, however, nol be so briefly. Go ve rnor Brown has dcpartt.'<l our Golden Slate six limes within the last to WN·k~ or !>o Lieute nant Governor Curb may e nd up dom~ mon• governing tha n he d0<•s resting Brow11 m ay be out hot on the pr:es1dential campaign I rail but he better kct·p look mg back over his s houlder. ' VOU SUSPECT T HAT the governor's gadabout role a:. a pre!:tu.hmtaal hopeful ha:. to be generating a measure of c.·011ccrn umong the Vem ocrutic ranks. For Ont.' thinf{, every lime he flille rs OH, he leaves the :.t<1tt~ in lht• ha nd1o of G OP Curb is in charge Add1t1ona lly, Brown's c·hallenge 1s against a fe llow Oemocrat. SO what 1f Jightnmg did strike with the Drown campwgn"! The Ot!mocrals would reta in the White llouse but they'd lo:,e Cahforn1a'i. governorship POUTICAL STRATEGl!)'TS might fairly characte rize this a s a no-win situation So m uch for individual ambition. Anyway, spea king or h~htning, a long about 4:30 a .m. Loday, I came bolt upright out or the bedding when the most trcmendouli thunderclap in me mory shook our re· gJOn Maybe Lhat was J erry Brown, coming hom e Death Meaningful? J\TMORE , J\lu. {/\Pl Con· demoed killer Jo hn Louis Evans 111, eigh t day s r rom hlb schc•dulect execution, s ayR h1• v.anls lo give has death mcarunK EviJns turned down a plea Tuet1day from an American Civil Liberties Union a ttorney who a-.ked that he• b<· permitted to I ry lo stop the electroc ul1on. In doing so, Evans said hl' wanted the occasion of his e lec trocution lo dramatize the need ror reform of death row condl tionR and to d1scouraRe young people from following his exam pie . "'These kids who thank this 11> a glorious type of life, they're crazy," srud Evans. Russ hips Ariclwr in Viel Port WASlllN<;TON IJ\1'1 Soviet w.~r14hl1111 rcw tltt• fl rnl tlllll' h11v1· 1lt 01111•'<1 111wh111 111 ('um Hanh llnv. 11 m111111 huN•' h111ll by lhl· t111tll'1I St1tlt"' on lht· Vwtnamt'Nl' 1•11t111t , 11t•l1•11!-f1' 11ourt'l•11 111uct to 1h1v 'l'h1• 11our1't''i. who 1l1•c ltnt!d t1Uhl11· 111t•11l1f1l'utum. HOid ther e w1·11• 1111l 1m11wcla11h• ind1cullon& Wh1•ll11•r llll' VIHt t of a Soviet i:wt11•tl 1111•1.,1k c·ru1M·r. u guided Ill I 14 tt I I 1• f r I lo( ll I l' U n d U 111111t''<Wt•c·1><•r m.1r kt•d the t>t>gin· 11 1 11~ of IC11K111un UliC or the hUijC • .111d 1'\l'll ly hm.1• Uul llll'V :.:ucl such a ba1tl' for I ht• Sov it.'l nuv y al such a 111m l1°E(W poiution on the South Ch ino St•11 w<1uld r<>prc!:tcnl a m UJOr l;UIO for the f{us:,ians. T llF. SOVI F.T navy 1n the Pacific now has o nly on~ major ba sC', at Vladi vos tok on the S1 b<•rian coast f'.}!even RUlilillln warships, in· te lhgencc guthcr1ng Y<'SSl!ls and s upport craft have been c ruisinJ( off V1<·lna m for weeks, starting w1lh the flM' rn tension that culminatl'd 1n China 's invasion or Vietnam. I\ llhough the Sov1<'t Union as an ally of Vil'tn;im , 1l did not in tcrvcne milil<1nly w the fight mg. but il has sent supplies to Vie tnam. One mission of the So viet w a r s hips off Vie t nam WCI S b e Ii e v t• d t CJ h c pro l e c l 1 n ~ Russian cargo s hips bound for Haiphong or other po rts from possible attack Tllf! VIETNAM ESE are thought lo have resiste d the idea or pc.'rmittin~ tht' Soviets to use Cam Ranh Bay a i. a perm anent naval base. They are considered jea lous of thPrr independence of any foreign JJr ·sence 'il nc1· w111 mng their war with the Unik d Statc>s and df'fo ating the South Vwlnamese lo unary tht· l'OUnlry Ho"c.'Y('r , Vu•tn:..m 1:' l'XIJ4.'<·tcd to b<'come m ore de pc-ndcnt on I he Soviet Union for arms. am munition and o thf'r s upport hccau:.e their fl•ud with the Chinese 1s likely lo contanuc with the evcr·prc:.cnl po:,silul1ty of a new invasion from China. U .S anulyslb said Therefore, thciw a na lysL'> :,ay. it 1s ib;s1bll' that V1 •tn.im ma} reluctantly agree to Sovwl use or Cam Jlanh Hay T hl' bay is considered ope of lh <' finest anchoru~cs ulcmg thl' 1•nllre East Aswn co<.1sl. Weather 'Break' Eyed 2,000 Still Homeles!f From Flooding Tentperature• Calllornla Alb<Ony Alllu Cl"" ""•"'" 8•111mor• 1J1rmnvn..m 81vn•rc~ eo .... .......... Brown.-111• 81111•10 (h•rl\lnWV ClllC•(JO (ln(lnn.tll Ctn•l•nd c.o1 ......... , Oalf'I Wiii Oen••• 0t1ro11 H•rll'OrO ..... ,,. ~1 .. 1u H91111on K•n'\ Clly U •V•O-• '-1111• Roo. t.0> A notlft L .... •vlll• MtmOlll• Ml•ml MllWIKlk .. Mplt-SI P. M illvlll• .... 0 1111\ New YO<-. 0.1a.c11v Om•ll<t """". 111\1• ""°"''• ~11 ..... (111 ~ ...... ,,,,. lleleflt,Or• "-"i..v11 Ht 1.e lt<11 JI ll ~I 4) 11 ~· )0 7Y /) •\ J4 " 01 '.1-4 40 •• •• JO '° 10 7¥ 19 ., ,. :i. u ., 21 )t n •D 1l> ., " ~ .. :i. " 0 fl ,. ,, ... , ...... II '2 ., ., " so .01 .. ., .. "'·· •• ,. .01 "st .u ?I " II H . " )I ... ,11 u .. • ao tO ., 44 .It . , ,. " ., . .. .. ,. SI ..... N 9t ,14 ... , .. ...., .... ....., ........... , 'il~ld•V ~rltlilf II ""' 00 'ICI f'wlYll .-~-'' ..,. bf' V> 0"' ".,..,,..,, ' , ........ "°'-• .............. .,.~-.. a.. ... __ ....,., fl'IOVO!lt!l'.ll " .... -'"" ......... .. .. , •• '' ""' -tWCIOO\' '"'*°" ........ "° v.s.s .... r. loll_lef,., _., woltc.111119 lM ••ttl>tf <IO$ely IOd<ly, llfl)lftt tor •n U lfllCHcl llre<tll Ill rall\ tlNI -Id el• tow '"''' •WOiie!\ ,,..,.,. to c.onunw f~tdlng Winter tlorm -c~ -• ,..., .. tor not111<1•f'I 1>•rl• 01 Wyomlf'IO, COlor.00, MOlll-. Utllfl, N•vecU -Cellfomle, A lrevtler'• H lllNtr SI .. .. .. .. N .. ,. '" .... I Hued IO< IMnll Oetloce, ""'" •• ~ -lr•tl"I •eln ••• UDKI• ... "· ,4f M-tllMwellfsfromtMllllMle .1t Alld 1100 ,,_, -¥11'1Md""'" 1114111 .• , ''* _... ''°"' t'eW.114119 10 lflelr ,., llOmtt,M(MdilllttlllllttciCrou . S1 '·" .H .. ,. ... 110 u I.IS Ml 1.IJ ... OJ .. ,,, )0 " ti .. » "' SJ I. II, • Olllc lel\ MIO It t4111d 1111 mor• I hell e WMk ~ ..-1 tf 1t1t N!M--ICI llt-IO retWft, s.ctien. of llllMlt ,.,,,.._ ...... _,.....,, -_ .. .....,. .... CIOWd ••IN -ttl' ltl'M!Me •lflne a t•'"llt H 'llOfl •I Ille IO .. •IYlnt n11nwa, 11e1wu11 H.,0111 a nt K•ml>t~llla '"" ...... ,.I ·-·", ..... ,.. -•IHI •I e ,._ P«t UP\tf .. m .... ,. tlMI ,_."' tlllMI• (Mlfiftlltt lfl"l<llM. Al ,.eorle, ltlt rlv.t •foN 11 21.4 '"' tw1..-,, ""111en 10 Iott •Ot,,. lltell ti ... , -II Wft t111K..i te .,., _,,...... 1 .. ,_. .., 'fl\llr ... y, e<<t<Olftll .. 1"9 N•lleNI WHtfltf .. rvk•. llN"lllfl arttu"41 Ille Chl\lff, tl\Ow 'l\tllclllll It r e111 wee t •llKIN ll'OM Ille Ollie Ylll .. t Wltltlt IN "°""'"" ...... A IWO <Ny P«lll< \IOO"m IMI h.od ~••••OY d renc n ed Soutn•rn Ulllo•n•• w1111 ,.,, In<,,.• of "''"· 11000 onv llOfT>8 IJtld ttr"' • and <•u•· 1n11 \AYtral rnlO<blldu. ••• UiMJtled 10 b•lnQ • ,..., mot• c1-..r>h 10 o•y .,.,ewe wlndif'9 oown 'TotKfili Ulll IO< "--~ •nd lhundtrtlonm, then perliel <l•MlnQ 1n" allernoon MIO tomorrow;· u1d Nellon•I w .. tMr Strvfq lorec:elil•r J041 Au\llll. H• w ld • lie\#! •-wetcn wo.ilo reme 11t In elf.cl 1111111 S p m lor 'o••l•I moutll•ln ••M• end 0•<1ft9e •INI S1tn OI-c-.11 ... ,.,.,, ll>t! IWO \Olltllern <OU!llln tXIMl<I" 10 Olll lllf! mo\t r••n from •ll••noon <'O"d """"· MalllMo <;.enyon Ro.ct <1t1d M•n de•lll• ~)'On Roecl, "Orth OI LO\ An0-111, -re O!Hll\ 1111\ mou11n11 •lt•r "°'" crnn cle•reo muO •nd roOt from "'dlh lhel <10\.c:t 1n.m , .... oo The LO\ Af'IOtl .. C.O..ntv 111er1Cl"t o.perlrNlf!I w ld Ke11•1t Dume Roeo, wlll<h w•• 1111 llY • maulvw landllkle MOl!day, a.'"".., 11' M•illlll fOilld !Ml re!NlM <IOMcl. s-.•oe-.Tlfk• ~ ...-111 wlltl Mr1tel <,.•, 1111 late '"' ""'-· Per1ty ci.wv 1"1'9111 Mid~ ... Liglll YfflMle Wind• l\ttflt el\d mor111111 Muta. HllM ,_ ... Y In I ......... C .. tlAll ~etllf'M wlll 'ltflt9 ••t•Hll Sl ...ct M. 1n1a1td ttm• Pt••t11ret ""'" , ..... --., •1111 tO. Tiie w-.r ......., .. .,,.. wlll lie 51. C•••t•I lt''•tller welNllUOAY le<Ollll IOW l ti Pm, ... t SKt114111111\ ' n p.m. >.I nN•IOAY ,lrtt i.w J U e m, ... 1 ""' 1111111 10 01 •.m SO a.c--,, .. '·""· • J le<Al\CI llltf\ 10 .. ··""· u $11n '"" l .4'a m., WI• •111 p ""· Mtofl "'" • !7 e.rn •• Ml• t ;01 11.m. 8•r1Rqert MIMll""'91\ IMCfll WeVM IW6 t• ,,.. .. tetl Willl WfM wltlll of tf .. IO 1111111 cone11110"' 11oor Newport CMeclll """1_ .. 1'"9 .. ,. .... l•t Wltft ....C --.. IS,,...._ C:.-flt...,,...,. .... whe n . I lunl said he was upset that Nix· on was "gatherin g a certa.in a mount or momentum" by mak- 1 na public appearances artcr months or poBt ·W a l c r gat e solitude. "I th.ink this would be dis· astrous for the American people if he we re to be allowed to con· linue," he s aid. NE ITH E R Ni x on nor a 11pokesman could be reached ror comment at the former presl· dent '8 retreat In San Clem ente llunt, 60, pleudcd guilty to con. ~piracy and ser'\ic.'<.1 32 m onths 1n tt-der al prisons. lie was paroled in Jt'eburury 1978. In a news conference al the or flee of his a ttorney, Ellis Rubin, 1 lunt gave no specific!> about his charge that Nixon authorized the i.econd of the two Watergate b re uk·ins. It was at the second break in that burglars we re caught trying lo rix bugging de· vices that had been ins tall<.-'<.! in a pre vious illegal e ntry RUBIN s aid he wanted to avoid "compromising the manuscnpt" by givin~ details of the accusa· t1ons . Rubin said Hunt's writing was designed for '"J)(!riodic al" publication. Rubin s aid Hunt's article as· scrts that Nixon "not only knew 1n advance of the two Watergate bre ak ins. but 1n fa ct , had a uthorncd them " I lunl a greed wi tb that, but later ad1ush!d the contention to say t ha t Nixon "authorized at least the se-eond" break·in. Asked repeatedly to make o ne s pecific sta tement about his charges, Hunt ended a n interview by s aying, "I'll give you a key thought and then nothing more the 18112 minute gap." The r e rer ence was to the e ras ure or part or a Nixon Whjte House ta pe. .... .-............ Aard'i'ark AIHan~e Miss Tacoma. right, has dinner on her arriv~l at the Cin· cinnati Zoo with Alvin. The female was brought to the Ohio city after offici als found the zoo's two aardvarks were maJe. Miss Tacoma is from Point Defiance Zoo. Tacoma, Wash. Cincinnati sent the other male aardvark to Cleveland. Disappointment Sadat Call to Kids Fails OAK PARK. lll. <AP> t;gyptian PrC'side nl i\nwar Sadat tried to c all a class or enterprising sixth graders. but because or a s<.-curity breakdown and a telephone foulup, thl! c11ll did not · go through. Sadat had set as ide 10 to IS.Jninut<.-s for the call on Tuesday - the day after he: and Is raeli Prime Minis ter Men <.1chcm Begin sign ed the Mideast peace treaty 1n Washington. On the other end of the line were t.o be 21 gifted student:> al Longfellow School. BUT SNAGS DE VELOPED. The call took nearly 40 minult.!'\ to complete, and instead o f speaking with Sadat. the disappointed children talked for 20 m inutes with Muhamt>d Hakki, minister of press relations at the El(yptian Embassy in Washml(lon. Dan Kob1lJak, one or the teachers who coordinat.ed the project. s aid e mbassy off1c1als told him that Sadat'::. telephone number tn Washington had bee n leaked lo the press and that 1t wus tied up for most of Tuesday Sadat made the first try, but his c<.111 fa1h:d to go through. TH£ b'TUDENTS THEN tried to call from the ir en<f. T he first lim e. the students got a wron~ number. The S('l'Ond lime. the num ber 1n WashinJ?lon was busy The third time. someo ne answered, but said S<idat was not available and hung up On the rourth try, the call went through. But by that time. Sadat has returned to a co nfere nce artcr waiting at least 10 minutes for the connection to bt· completed, or ricials said. The students m1::.~cd the pre1111Jcnl hy :!bout two minutes. Hakk.i apologized and offer<.'<.! to send the students an aulo· graphed picture or Sad at. . money Read our newspaper. and Hov/s lhas for a good answer iscoun~ coupons. food news and cash in on ad11ert1sed values. d money every smgle week consumer ieports that ca~.~~v~s~~uportant tor busy~omen W. lso aave you ume. W ther respons1b1ht1es e a hlldren and many o managmg a tiome. c cover weekend enter· In the market tor tun? We ound town Tv and taanment and special events ar bb1es a whole package ol movies Recreation. sports. ho ~e you a lill' Whenever · nd teaturos lo 91 mteres11ng news a , been teehng a httle so 1t you 11e you have the tame help Got the paper 5h0pworn lately . got some . f· ~· I j . I { J ( . I I 7 l f • Orange Coast r DITION Yoar Hometown I Dally ew~paper ·l ., VOL 72, NO. 81, 4 SECTIONS, S2 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALI FORNI A WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1979 c TEN CE~TS Error Links 1tles0n to L':'fifJ•lost Dad . ~ly Polet ,,_.., lll<N r• ll-1 .. FATHER, SON HUG AFTER 52-YEAR SEPARATION Edward Henry Carey Jr. (left) and Dad Reunited In Mesa Engineer to Fill Vacancy on Board J e rome M. Vandewalle. a Cos ta Mesa e n gineer. wa s named Tuesday to fill a vacancy on the Newport-Mesa School Board until Novem ber Vandewalle was selected by trust.ees from among 10 appli· cants to replace Duke O'Brien. who has resigned because be is marrying a nd moving out or Trustee Area 2 in Costa Mesa . Vandewalle, 2810 San Juan Lane. is scheduled to be seat~ after April 26. During the in· ler im 30 days, citizens have the right to seek a public election for the seat. It was the second time this year that members or the :1even- m e mber board select ed a replacement t rustee. Donald Smallwood of Costa Mesa re· signed earlier this year. Kenneth L. Wayman was ap- pointed to finish Sma llwood 's term, which ends in November. Beca use O'Brien 's t erm doesn't end until 1981, trustees decided to appoint an interim replacement until the November election this year . when voters can choose a trustee for the re- maining two years or the term. Vandewa lle said t od ay he hasn't vet decided if he will run. The new trustee has been a resident of Costa Mesa s ince 1963. He has five children. all of whom attend parochial school. Vande walle s tarts a new engineering job next week at Automotive Eng inee ring Systems Inc. in Westminster and said he's also enthusiastic about tackling his new school board duties. O.Uy Pli.t $ .. ff ....... GETS NOD FOR SEAT Costa Mesa's Vandewalle ''I expect to have a lot or homework to do in the next few weeks," Vandewalle said today. He said his chief goal is "to marsh a l a ll the human re· sources in the district and try to focus on what it is we're really all here for: to provide quality education for kids." Vandewalle currently serves as chairman of Costa Mesa's Housing and Co mmunity Development Committee and formerly served on the city's Goals and Objectives Commit- tee. By JACKIE llVMAN Ol IN O.lly ......... ,. Becuuse of u long-distance ttilephone operator's mistake. 54 year-o ld Edward Henry Curey Jr or Costa Mesa met his futher. whom he hadn't seen -;mce he was 2 years old. He also lh COVel'ed S IX brothers und SIS· ters be d.Jdn't know he had. What neithe r the operator nor Carey knew tS that there are two me n named Edwurd Henry Carey Jr. in Southern California a nd they have the s ame father. Costa Mesa's Carey said his parents divorced when he was 2 and contact was broken. Al 17. he trie<t to locate his father, but finalJy gave up and decided the e lder Carey must have died. Young Carey went his own way. pursuing a career in the Navy and then working as a computer programmer and a s ales man. He never dreamed that his father had remarried and had children, thinking that his mother's two other children in Whittier by her second mar riage were bis only brother and sister. The discovery that climaxed this week began with u telephone call March 20 on Carey's unlisted phone number on his boat in Newport Harbor "The long-distance operator had an emergency call and I was the only Edward Henry Carey Jr. that they could find in the area." Carey said. The operator gave him the name and phone number of a Northern California woman. Heather Walton or Apto::.. who was trying to reach her brother ·•tt intrigued me," Carey said ··it was my name, complete. I thought. is it worth lht! phont• (See FAMILY, Page AZ) Radiation Escapes From Nuclear Plant HARR ISBURG . Pa. <AP I A water pump used to cool tbe re- actor at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant broke down today. and a s mall amount or radioactive steam escaped into the a tmos phere. authorities said. They said some workers may have been contaminated, but the leak was not considered dangerous. Officials at the plant. located on an island on the Susquehan- na Ri ver a bout 10 mil e s southeast or the state capital. dec lared a "general emergen- cy ·· following the accident , whi ch occurred at l a.m. PST. T hey said that meant the facility would remain sea led off until after an investi~ation. J ack Herbein, vice president for generation at Metropolitan Edison, one of the utilities that runs the plant, declined to s pecify how s erious the con- tamination might have been, but said, "It's nothing we can't take care of." "There was i small release of r adiation to the environment," Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. William Scranton III, head of the slate Civil Defe nse, said in Har- risburg. He said "no increase i n normal radiation levels has been detected" in the air outside the plant. Concern over possible effects o r earthqua kes on cooling m echanisms had caused the feder al governme nt to shut down five othe r U.S. nuclear plants two weeks a~o. Bill Dornsife, a nuc lear engineer with the Pennsylvania Department of E nvironmental Resources. said the amount of radiallon that escaped tnto the atmosphere was I millirem per hour . O n th e ave rage , Am ericans are exposed lo between 100 and 120 millirems per year, from everything from the sun to X-rays. A chest X-ray could give a person up to 30 millirems. No r:esidents live on the island The closest community "is 200 yards away. <See NUCLEAR, Page A2) Wome'f's Unit Flays Judge in Rape Ruling An Orange County Superior Court judge who granted a new trial for a convicted rapist was accused today of ··outrageous discrimination against the fe male victim in tbls case." The charge was le ve led against Judge Mason Fenton by members of the North Orange County Chapter or the National Organization for Women. Fenton. howt!ver. said he won- dered where the group gathe red information to make tbe accusa- tion since he had not talked to them about it. "I treated this case just like I would treat a murder case or a robbery case or a drunken driv- in~ case." Fenton continued . <See JUDGE, Page AZ> ............... ARROW DENOTES SITE OF NUCLEAR PLANT STEAM LEAK Some Workers May Have Been Contaminated, Authorities Say Coast Storm Has 'Shot Its Bolt' By TOM BARLEY Of tlw O.lly Pli.t Si.ti A spring storm that left many Orange Coast roads and streets awash a nd halted traffi c on highways seems certain to move out of the area Thursday, the National Weather Service re- ported today. "The storm has shot its bolt," a forecaster said. "The chance or rain will be down to 10 per- cent tonight and 10 percent less than that on Thursday." In many Orange Coast areas the storm added more than two inches of rain to the season's total. Adams Street to Pacific Coast Hi~hwa~ were closed early to day for more than two hours because of flooding And heavy rain at that lime scored an undoubled strike a l the home of forme r ma1or league baseball pitcher Irv Palica, 1592 Indian Wells Circle. Huntington Beach. Palica said his patio awning collapsed under the weight of wate r generated by the torren tial downpour. Road crews in Costa Mesa were kept busy by severe flood ing which lert cars on many thoroughfares axle deep in water. 'Weary Willie' Dies Weather analyst J . Sherman Denny measured 2.18 inches or rain in his . Huntington Beach gauge. He figures the season's total thus far at 17 .. 52 inches, 6.70 inches below last season 's total. The Laguna Beach area re· corded nearly two inches of rain during the s torm and the downpour added to the problems or construction crews in slide- ravaged Bluebird Canyon. Student Alerts Firemen to Blaze in Mesa T hey said they encountered t h e i r wors t p r obl e ms at Anaheim Avenue and 19th Street and Pomona Avenue and 17th Street where water covered.the street and sidewalk. <See photos. Page A3.) Emmett Kelly SUccumbs at 80 SARASOTA, Fla. <AP) -Em· metl Kelly, whose sadsack clown "Weary Willie" delighted audiences for half a century, died humbly today, befitting the soulful character he created. Kelly, 80, was wearing pa- jamas and carrying garbage to tbe front of bis bome in this Florida circus town when be col- lapeed ol an apparent heart at· tack. BIM'C4ILER "It wa s s udde n , and peaceful ," said Dr. Bob Win- dom, Kelly's physician. "He just collapsed and fell over. It would have been the way he wanted to go. He would not have wanted to be restricted." Kelly's wife, Evi, tried to re- vive him but Kelly was pro- nounced dead at Sarasota hospital. The two had been together since t~y met beneath tbe big top and were married 24 years aco. She, too, was a circus performer. Evi Kelly spoke fondly of the dual character she'd lived with. The tarpaulin sheets laid down lo shield the slide area from the heavy rain did the job they were supposed to do, Reserve Officer Lance Ishmael said. Meanwhile , a bluff at Sborecliffs Mobile Estates in San Clemente continued to erode as a brick wall oo the elm edge crumbled Tuesday. An Orange Coast College stu- dent who smelled s moke as he was walking home from classes Tuesday alerted firemen to what turned out to be the city's la rgest blaze so far this year, Costa Mesa Fire Marshal Russ Henderson said today. He said Martin Le mke of Costa Mesa discovered the fire at 2700 Peterson Way, Apart- ment 6L, at about 11 :40 a.m. and alerted neighbors. Coast Weather Chance of rain decreas- ing lo 10 percent tonight and near zero Thursday. Gusty westerly winds 10 to 20 mph this afternoon. Lows tonight 48 to 53. Highs Thursday in low 60s. · COi' AP Mrl'MENT "To him, Willie existed," Mrs. Kelly said. "Willie was another person. He lived him so long. .Tbe suit aWJ bangs ln its own doaet. Nobody could fill his aboes. No way. Weary WUUe, I gueu, DD'V Will retire." ............. FAMOUS CLOWN DID Emmett Ketty, IO The first landslide at the mobile home park occurred Dec. 18. Heavy rain has accelerated the earth slippage and a widen- ing crack in the roadway of Mira Adelante has forced the evacua- tion of at least seven mobiJe homes. No injuries have been report- ed. Police and firemen are maintaining a constant vigil in the area. They tried to put the n ames out with fire extinguisher s before frremen arrived. but the blaze was too large, Henderson said. It took firemen 20 minutes to brinl the fire under control. INSIDE TOD-"V Af t•r being syatemotrcolly broinwaahed to the verge of no return by ditciplea of the R ev. Sun Myung M oon , Chriatopher Edwards was de- terminal to practice the•e method.a on others in the Master'aoome. See ··fieoven ly Dec~ion,".P.age A1. ••The Daily Pilot doe11 a great job. ''I rented my apartment to the lint penon who called." Tbat'a the 1ucceaa story of tlle Coeta Meaa woman wbo pl....S tldl ad la the Dally Ptlot: 9acbelor Qt w/llove • ref111. Uttla pd. IMOm·un Kelly, wbo took his droopy- eJed cbaracter from Ute balls of b•rlH~~~e p.aJacea of ldap,--'QOtltlbt-llls pri•aw Ille. a. UW crowdl'ud made • l8CNt ol lt, NJial, "I dellloretllem'' fa Ida .... ,..,., be lived a qaMt Ille .... abow .,. ....... p~eferrtn1 aewapapera , \tleftllaD. or nm bil anqe trees to outsiders. Ev.en at 80. Kelly refused to ...Ure bil au.at 1reqepaint bud· dy who would stumble into the center riJ11 ln ra11ed clotbee, a dumpy bat. bll floppy aboea and with a old broom -Mnely trJ to ~baae awa1 a bothersome •l*lllH Bat Kell1'1 art ran deeper tban llMl'9 alapltick. He WM a ( .. a,GWN ..... M) In Huntiqton Beach, all four lanes ol Beach Boulevard from Flynt Guilty ATLANTA (AP) -HuaUer ma1a1iae owner Larry Flynt waa coavtdecl tbia aftenooa Oil all COUll&aol • ll·C!OUDt obleefti. ty ladictmeal after 10 boun ol Jury deliberation in Fulton Superior Court. The apa{tment 's resident. Dorotby Peluao, was away from bome and no injuries were re· ported, Henderson said. Damage waa estimated at ··-to the buildiq and $4,000 to tbe contents. Moat of the dlimqe was inlide tbe apart· meat. Headll.,.. said cauae ol the fire, wblch started near a kltelum cabinet, i1 under in- veetiptioa. l•tlex At'r-...-.la At1 AMIL.A~ ........ .. ..... ... ........... .. .... ... ..................... ~ ................. ~ DMt or.._.c-., -· a,,._..,... c........ Cl ..... .._....._ attor,.....,... ........ P"'9 M _. ...... , ........... ~ ~ CIM T'llNeln ..... ~-..... .... 1191 "--- C' . .. " ., ., M .,. .. ., .. .,. • •tt ... ,, M M • C.1--__ ... w ... ecs.._M!G• Match 21~1~ Curf): 'ldi of. .Appointment Draws Fire 8 ) TOM &AIU•:\' °'-., ........ ~ ..... M o m t• 11 1 11 t t ~ r .i t I 1 n _, l'•llronua Oo.,, Mth ('urh a p l)(Jlntt~ u Loi nacf'I < ounty Supt<rtnr C'oun 1ud1:~ lo lh1 11p lH'lh•h' t•our t Im Ulut dt1>t m f h1 Wl•• blu~tt-d .1'.\ un 1dw1 1,v 11h11,·nl <l1." 1'~1lmuntl fi U•o•n ' t'hll'' ~ldt' ' tit wu,. •litrlJt Ur11y lhtv1 " '>.!Iii tif lht• Uf1potnlm1·t\I KJl p1 m•t•d 101111\ hv Llt·ul nanl (ill\ t•rnor < 'wh 'Ht• •ll" lulJ llOl IU <':lll'C't1.I tu" a u1 honty wh1lt• tht• MOvt•rnc11 w ~ awB und ht•r<· 11 rll'•r t>>. um git> al '""'"'"" ~lmat um ()u Vt• utd tilt' J l>lMllOI ""'"' 11! .ruclNf rmuml At 1.1burn lo llw S1•1·ond 0 1 ... 1 r1rl ('our1 or "l'fM'Ub 1 L.o~ 1\11.it•h•i.' "'111 h1• w1th1li 111W11 J 'I 'tll\lrl u:o, lfr11¥. n fl•lufl\1> lo Su1·1 Ullll'11t11 l r11rn \\ ,1 h1n••lo111 , DC' • • .. l>uv111 au1d C'urb w1111 Wllll """''' Uu•l t;overno1 Hrown hlld nothcr r 11nd1d ul1• 1n mtnd for the.-kt•y Job of pre.ldlna JuttlH of thC' Lo Anael•• ap~ll1te r·ourt H t· liuld ('ur lJ rnudt• thrtt• 0H1tir ppolntuwnt" todt1y on~ l/1 lht• Comm11+11 ton o f fo'!~ono ml C' 01•vrlo1>mn1l nntl t wo lo Uw ('orl'ltnlMihlll Of lh11 C:allrornl81i I>• vi" olll no dt·t•ialon h.iit bt•(·n m1.1dt· ori thot1t' lhrt!t• uo 1101111 m• nh Wr II talk Jhout th1•n1 wtwn thr Jtuv1•r11or Kt•la but•k ,'' ht• :u11d Urown·, v1111t lo W•!lh1n&tcm U'"C 1., ht·llt•vHJ to be· llnkt'd lo hta pn·s1d en\1ul u111 plrat1on11 Uu v 1" would only t•orn Ull'Ol lo 1hn 1hu1 h11. dllflf " 1n too nu I ion , t•u1>1tJI "on a buslnt>hl> lrt JI .. .. * Curb: Doc k Brown's Pay During Trips LL Guv M1k~· Cui IJ told ""II porlf'ri. or St:11t· &•n .John (, Sc:h m llz, I< Nt•wport 1St•J 1·li , T ues duy nt~h l lhut Gov ed mund G. Brown .Jr s hould have his pay docked for lhe time ht: spends pursuing his prei.1dentrnl aspirations. "After all, he 's been out of the l>tale six llm •1> in lei.& than 10 weeks," he told more tha n 200 Sch mitz supporters a t the Big C an yon Cou n tr y C l ub In Newport Beach. "Uon'l worry. I can mind Ule slore," he told um used listeners · · 8 ut the r e n r e p le n ty o f De mocr ats nont• too happy al the thought that we al(aln have u Re publican at the head of uf fairs ." Curb stn .. '1lscd that he had the •'full support and confidence" or Brown when the governor left him m char~c of California af fairs · 'l'vt• been 1>11tn lng bills :md do1nl( ull Lhf' lhingi. the governor would be doing if he were her e," Curb 11ald . "ln fact. today I made two appointments thul .. * * 'Safe' we r e bu:.cd on my persona l i.t•h.•<•t10n " C'u rb rcf11M•d lo t'luborutc on the a ppoinlment:s or ide ntify the two people selected by h im. "I'm sure lhere a re going to be more ,'' he sa id "We will find , I think, that the governor will spend mor e and more llmc out of stale as the presidenllal election cam pa ign s te ps u p and that will mean more tim e in the gove rnor's chair for m e." Sc hmitz commented durini.t the $12.S-a-person r eception in his hono r t h at the p r oceeds should cut in half a campaign de bt of "between $35,000 and $40.000.' "Anothe r affair like thlR anti we should ha ve the de bt re· ured ," the senator said. He said his s uccessful c ampahJn had ('08l "in the neighborhood or $600,000.'' tl was reported at the time Schmitz filed his ca mpa ign di s· clos ure sl~lements that he had waged the most costly campaign loT 1tate senate lo CaJlfornia his· tory. * .. * .Jokes Schmitz R ecall& 'Mistake' Many su11po rtc r s of John Sl'hmilz huve ulways felt that a re m a rk he onC'c ma de ubout then President H1chnrd Nixon cost him h1s seHt in Congress. Schmitz told a Republican ~at h ering tn t h e Hlalo of Washington tha t he could find only ono thing wrun~ with Nix on 's vlsJt t.o China. "And thul is th" fad that ht: ii. coming buck,·· he qu1pncd. J:Jul llw 1:omm1•n l 11ngcr t:d many Ht·pu hlrt·u n" I He recalled the costly Joke Tuesda y night whe n he told laughing Republicans : "The on ly thing wrong with Governor Brown's out of state trips ls Ule fa ct tha t he co me s back to California . "Out I'm Aafe this time," h · grinned "I 'vt! decid ed t hut when I m uke Joke H the y will be al the expense or De mocrats. And he laughingly told Curtf. "Don't tell the governor thou~h . will you?" f'rOM Page A J NUC LEAR PLANT. • • l>ave Klucs1k , a 11pokosman ror M •lropolltan Ed1son, one Of I he t·on.!>ort1um of ut1lJUeA that runs the plunt . ~u1d "lhcrc 1:-. u bsolutely n o d a nger or ll m e lldown We a r e n ot In a 'China Syndrome' t11luat1on. •· "China Syndrome '' iK a film sta rnnJ( J ane "'unda und J uck Le mmon a bout o cover -up of a n c ar -cat~u troph e ln volvlnu failure or 8 <'OOllnll m erhanlsm at a nuclear pla nt. 1'he term re· fe rs lo lhc theory that a core m clldown would gcncrat.e such he at It wo uld burn hundred11 of feet down Into the earth. "Th1s Is a m adhouse ... I'm "'lad we're not off the map,·• sa id Leis J uckson, Yor k County OMNOIC~T DAILY PILOT r,,.C)f_(_C)loil•l't~ •M!t-"IH-... .,. ..... _l'f~.1\-t-.., ""'°'""" , .... ,._..,,..,.~· ............ , ..... ,..,..,.,... -•r ""-''~.., C•I• Mow N.,_, e-.. n .. ...,.,.,...,. .... ~"-••>fl Yoo .. ll•IM W. ..... ..., .. 1""191'--. lo ........ ..-........... ---··--. .. , ......... ll)oll "'411j_, .... ,, ''"'. .,, • .,,.,.,,... "'91a•oa.,•lll.,"'••• . _ ....... "'"'*"' ___ _ , .. ,. c;.,.., ""• ~"*"'_<.. ___ ...,... ............... ... , .. l'1vil defense dircclor. who went to the scene. He said that as soon os his dt:' partment was notified of the ac cldenl, "we put our evac uation plan Into effect. and ha d aJl our eme rgency people on standby." llowever . pla ns t.o evacuate res1 de nts were ca ll ed off at 6:25 a .m ., J ackson said. Metropolitan Edison president Walter Creitz said: "Jmmedlale· ly when il happened we sent learn s o u t Into the llc ld , particularly In the direction tha t the wind wa H blowing, to soo if we could ma ke any detection. "We c ould de tect nothin~ above n a tura l bac kg ro und radiation," Creitz said. "TMrc was a small release, but you know, ttua couldn't d etect It . the exact amount, I'll be honest about It, I don't know." DtltyNtl ............ BETTY FORD, JAMES KEMPER CHAT AT MESA VERDE COUNTRY CLUB IN COSTA MESA Rein Mey WHh Out Gott, But Cherttl•• Wiii Stlll Beneftt from Kemper Open f'rotaPa~A l • • ('811°1" He decided 1t was. Curey got hold or Mn; Walton "I told her, It JUSt ca11 't he m1· " Althoui:h tht• woman n·ulized s he hadn't rl'ucht.-d the lmither s he s ought. s hP t hen ai.kt·tl Carey 1f he had been born in Me t hodist llos p ilul in Los Ang eles and Ir his mothe r ':. name was Beat rice. The answer was yes "I can't e ven explain how I fell." Carey s aid "She said. I think we're rc•lalc.-d. •·• Mrs . Walton couldn 'l Lalk at l e n g t h t h e n , bctausc lhc newborn ba hy Of a sister had died and sht' h<1d to reach other fa mily mem bt!rs Uut the next morning she and Garcy had u two.hour convn sut1on by lonn t.lls tanct: and the whole s tm·y came out. Ca rf'y's f:J lht•r ha d n·marrwd and had six ch1ldrc•n When on1· son was horn 41 years ugo, he was t o be• na rrwd ufter his mut<'rnal J(r:rndfuthe r Ho we ve r, at th« last minute, the second Mrs. Carey apparent ly eha ngc.'<1 he r mind , crossed out t he na me John Moore Carey on the birt h certificate and wrote in Edward Henry Carey J r. And so the re we re two or them , J3 years a part. The second family knew of the first son's existence but hadn't been able to locate him , Mrs Walton explained, until she t ried to r each the second Carey Jr . who had just moved to Hemet and whose phone numbe r wasn't a v allable. The next day. Edward Henry Carey Sr. telephonf'd his son. "He said, ·r supfK>se you'd like to punch me In t he nose,' " Care y Jr. recullcd Instead, the youn~er Ca rey in vlled his 76.year old folher to drive down from his home near M<'rced a nd so , on Tuesd ay, th1· pair were reunited for the fm>l time. "It's been a long lime." Curey J r. said a:. ht• hugged his father al the curb "You don'l look like me!" Al the lwo got acquainted , Carey J r ·i:. wire. n everly. ex· plained tha t the luc ky coin cldence or discoverin~ Carey's family was followed closely by a second slroke or luck On Monday, Carey Jr taped a n e pisode of NDC's "Wheel of Fortune" and won $10 ,450 in mer chandise. including a new car. "He 'R on a s t re ak," Mr s Ca rey said, noting the good luck was more than welcome after a difficult thre e year s during which she'" been Ill und medical bills have run up. Currently, pla ns a rc unde r way for Carey to meet lhe rest of his ne w ram ilf , who live In different p art.s o the stale. In a ddition, the two Edward Henry Ca rey J rs. and Edwa rd Henry Carey Sr. ore planning to pose for a group photo. "Whal are we going to do. cull them Ed. Eddie and Big Ed''" Mrs. Carey as ked. ,.,.... P•,,eAJ CWWN •.. vlrtuoeo u he faahloned a del lc ate mold of com ed y a nd Ln1edy . K elly created Willie oul of c h alk dust a nd p ..thoa. lft> broupt him ln pantomime from t he drawin g board throu1h v eu devllt e, the RlnsllnK Brothen amd Ba rnum & Balley Ctrc ua, trade 1how1. movle11, play11 tee 1how1, le le vl1lon , aport• are nH . to c o m m and performanceis before kings and quee na, and ln later yten Into ••mblln1 catflno11 and con~rt opera And Ill wtthoUt a chance of · cJotMll. Tb• t.aU.rtd eottume. wel1ht· td with ml1matched patcht1 and balky llfety plnt, hHtl lft a 1peclll cloHl In hi• otnce den. I Betty Ford Visits Mesa Kemper Open ~Hy l"ord. w1fr of former P re8ldent Gcrnld n Fo rd . WW> al the Mcsu Verde Country Club in Costa M<'sa T uesd ay lo turw s eve ra l s cgmcn li. for th1 ., Wt:'e kcnd 's N nc t e l evis io n broadca sts or th e Wo men ·~ Ke m per Open golf tourna ment J a m es S K e mp er Jr , cha1rm;1n of the bourd of Ult· Kl'mper Insurance Compa ny which spon:.ors the tour na me nt. presented Mrs Ford with •· c heck lo be distributed to four women':. ret•ovt•ry home~ 1n Soulhcm ('ah forn1a ror alcohol and d rug uhw.e trt-atmcnl The ma Jor c hurity for th•· to urna mt•nt 1s t he Soulht•rn Caltfornia Arthritis f.'oundat10n whieh will rPce1vc $30,000 l'.:uch of the four rccov(•ry homes, 1n eluding Ne w Dim e n1>1o ns or Costa Metia, will receive $5,000 with the Joey Bishop P avilion for s 1m1la r Lr ea lme nt 10 Phila delphia getting another $5.000 ln all , Ke m per will d1&trrbuh: $55,000 to cha rily despite huv1n~ the pro am portion or lht> tournu mt•nt wash4.'d out by heavy rain:. tocl uy Opcn1ng rouncl of play .., -.c·hl.'dUh"<J for Thur .. duy with th1: fi n al two rou n tl .., on N BC.: tt'l1·v1i.1011 Salur<lt1y anti Sunday C'hannl'l 4 will air the IJrrwtka .. t.. Saturday from 12 :10 lo 2 .inti Sunday from 11 to 1 He adwinds Hit Racin g Ya c hts Y a<:hls 1n lhe 800 m rl1.· N<'w r>ort to Cabo San Lucas ract· we n • s l1ll bu<'king souther ly h cadw1nd11 tod ay us the lc.·ud boatR neared the• halfway mark N ick Frazce's 58-root s loop S w1Cl8ure widened her leud over the other 33 boats and was 358 miles from the &tart. She was a boul 50 miles ahead o r the next class A boat l ler µoi.1t1on report placed her abeam of Thurlow(' Head. a few miles south of Tur· lie Bay T he yacht T res llermanas re ported heltvy rains at lhe San Bcn1los Is land:. west of Cedro'> Island The escort vessel .Jutl1lcc wa.., :.inchor<.."<1 at Turtle Hay report lnl( southeast winds of aoout 1:, knots . Wh1stlew1ng V. near the head of the fleet. reported southerl'r winds or 12 knots. and BagHtellt·. near the tail end . r <'J.10 rtt·1I southerly wm d.s of 25 knots Rampese, the leading yacht in P HRF . r e purlt:'d s h e hull d ro pped out a nd was returruni.: to San Diego. April Upholstery Sale. · Fabulou• values on auch llne• •• Woodm•rk, Stanton Cooper, Selected prices from Drexel, Heritage and Alrloom •leeper• etc . Don't del•vl We are al•O' accepting ·'' •pedal order• / . at ••I• prlc ... Trustees Approve Pay Hike N~wporl Mesa 11c hool trustees. lc uc h e rH u nd non -teach ing personnel rut1fit•d H retro McUvc r>ay ra1st> 1'uc11day, 1 ivl ng ~mployt'eli a n ar rot111·t he·board flv~ per cent hike d1alln1 back to la11t July T he lncrN11w wu:. approved as I tw result of u slut<' Suprem(' Court dt•c1t1ie>n r uling out a 11tutew1d<i J<O Vt-rnme ntul wage rreeic last year S po kes m e n fo r bo th th~ Ne wport-Mesa Educutlon As sociallon lNMEA>. represenUnl( leaehers. and the Cullfornla School Employees Assoc1allon. · r c pre11e n t1 n g n o n te 1a c h in ~ wo rkers. su1d their member~ had ovcrwhc lm1ngly approved the increase T rustees added the ir s ta mp of a pproval a t Tuesday m ght 's hoard meeting, ending weeks or negotiation. Trustf'es also improved a five pe rcent n>trO<H'live wage hike for udmin1sl ralor s and olheri. not represented by barga1rung units Th<· uitrccmenl c lears the way for the Nr ho nl boa rd and tc• a<· h f• rs to p r oe c e d with nt:'gol1ut10011 for u ne w contract The c•urrent lhr ct> ycur pact ex prres in .Jul y Barga ining on lhol contract 1:-. expel'lc::d to hcl(1n Friday Don Kimble, (JreH1dent of the NM EA, TucRday appealed to t rust ees to proC'eed with t hc m•goliat1ons despite a tte mpts by a rivul teachers· group to win uwuy frorn th\• NMEA lhc right lo rt!Pr<'i-t•nl t eacher:. tn lh1· bu r1ea1rung procc111, f 'Nnlt Page A I JUD GE •.• I hav1· :1 Joh Ill do a nd not " \Pry 11011ular JOIJ i.omcL1mc!>," "'•·nLon :.aid tit• suHl hf• gra11 Lt.•d 11 n<·w tria l for 1 [1 yt'ar 11111 c;11·11 lloward Uu tt·hc:r '>'111 of Wh1tt1cr IK'cuus1· hl' ft·IL 1t wa:; Lhc right Lhing tt,1 <lo ''despilt• a ny protcsli.." llutchtori.on hud b•·Nl M nvicled hy a 111ry or rJIJl', ku.lnap :.md a~ .,:Hill with a dc•adly weapon NOW m1•ml1..r:. Nancy lJL'>ln aml Kan•n l'l'll'rs :.aid in a pres:. rl'lf'a st· thnt l"cnto n 'oho wed .. ;i 1·ullous d1s rl•gard for the rights of v1t tl ms of v1olt'nt crimes," when he ordered u new lrial for I I ult·h1•rs1111 f'c nton 1rn1d he granted the ne w lriul ht:'<'O use he did n'I bd1t>v1.• Ul<· Lest1mony of the al lf'ged ra pt• v1C't1m ' DAILY PILOl s Weclnnclay, March 29, 1919 TRANSACTIONS Ot/41.tl-'"' ,_ ,,..,, ... tlw ,..,., ~•••. MIClwHI l'!•tlh(, P8W iootOft, 0.lrolh ftd tlftel,.Mll •IOcll •• '*""' """1 r-IN llv the Hellor,.IA•W 1•1 .... ol 'i«"•IU.• l)H ton-111\llMI- STOCKS I BUSINESS FoodPriees 2 Xlternatives Assist Shopper~ By SYLVIA PORTEa ............ ~ Although fury about high rood prices may be dwindlln1 because of resignation lo inflation, antagonism toward s upermarkets has grown, ucc.'Ording to a 1978 study tor the Food Marketing institute, the trade organiiation tor the $172 billion grocery industry, by pollsters Yankelovlch, Sketly and White. Most people believe supermarkets are doing a worse job now than in previous years in providing good value. FIFTY-THREE PERCENT SAID THEY think s upermarket profits are higher now than before, and one or 10 consumers blames stores for higher food prices. To fight the fallout or cons umer resentment, food re· ~tailers have begun to provide lower-priced alternatives. Among the most important are cheaper "generic" or "no· name" products and warehouse or "limited-Line" stores that cater to customers willing to trade convenience for cheaper price. Generic products were introduced in the Chicago area late in 1977. Since then, they have s pread to other parts or the country a s shoppers seem willing to forfeit fancy packages. top quality and advertising come-0ns for a s maller grocery bill Gene ri c ite m :s us ually include s u ch s taples a s cann e d vegetables and fruits, dry pet foods. paper goods. trash bags and detergents. They come Money's Worth in plain packages, frequently in only one siie and without pull tabs, pour s pouts or picture labels. lngrf'd1 cnts generally are lowPr in cost and quality. With the exccpti"n of a kickoff campaign they are seldom ad vertised GENERJC PRODUCTS GENl!:RALLV will i.ave con- sumers an average of 25 percent over comparable nation:.il or name brand produc ts and about 15 pe rcent over privale label or store brands More than 100 rirms carry generics, but they are not available everywhere. Some retailers are holding off for confirmation that cons umers will buy generic items regularly The warehouse store 1s another way to curh food 1)111!. There are about (i()() of these do-it-yourself storPs selling ~1 hmited selection or items <1t price:. ranging from 10 to 30 percent IPSs than in conventional !>upermarke~. M~iny don 'l carry items requiring refrigeration. There a re two basic types. the general warehouse store that carries :1.000 to 5.000 items, compared to the 8.000 in the traditionul supermarket , and the "hm1tcd-hne" or "box" store that stocks about 500 items . IN BOTH TYPES, GOODS us uully do not carry in- dividual price markings. Often they are sold directly from packing cartons Associated Grocers operates 57 Mark-It Foods ~lores m the Seattle area. Fisher-Foods, the Ohio-based chain. is reported planning to open 10 warehouse stores in lht• near future. In the Northeast, Purity, Slop and Shop, Star a nd other chains are exploring the ide<1. "Interest in warehouse and limited assortment stores is picking up," says Willard Bishop of Bishop Cons ulting Economists, a Chicago-based f1rm that pubUshes a monthly news letter. "They are spreading fast. and to my mind are two or the more important signals of chanJ,?e 10 the• 'oorl markl'l ing field ·· Active Building Sea.son Forecast California homebuilding w11l remain fairly active this year, but not as strong as last year due to a number of fac tors, including recent regulatory t•hanges that may reduct• mortgage fund availability That is the opinion of Willard F'. Sprague; ass1stcint vice president and California regional economist at Well s Fargo Bank. STATE HOUSING PERMITS WILL total around 195.000 in 1979. a 20 percent dip from the level or 1!178. he predicted. "Wh ile there are several fa ctors that will come into play, the one that bears close watching 1s mortgage fund availability," he said "Recent regulatory changes by the Federal Reserve Bank may lessen the attractiveness or money market certificates as investments. As a result. mortgage lending institutions may find deposit inflows ebbin~ somewhal. '' he added. MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATES, authorized in 1978, were largely responsible for bringing in new deposits at commercial banks and savings and loans last year. Sprague said. This helped make 1978 a strong year for the state's housing industry. "Mortgage funtts should re main at reasonably ade· quate levels," he said. "But if there are additional reg- ulatory changes on the money market certificates and if we encounter a prolonged period of high, short-term In· terest rates, then mortgage funds surely wut be reduced. If a reduction occurs. the economist said, the housing industry is in good s hape to handle it. * * * IO-county Survey Shows V aloe Hike COostruction for January in Southern California's 1 O counties showed a 23 percent growth from January of the previous year. with building permita registering $671 million for the month, according to Security Pacific Nu· Uonal Sank. Senior Vice Prflident Paul J . O'Brien, administrator of the bank's real estate finance department, said the re- 1ion'1 strength was lo slnglo·famJly home building. '"TllllEE COUNTIES -SAN llEINAaOINO, Los Angeles and Riverside -accounted for nearly two.lhJrds ot Southern CalifornJa'a 4,600 new aln1le·lamlly homes," be said. "Southern Calltornla '1 nonresldential construction - wi~h S2IJ1 miWon in permit valuations -ia conslderably ~trouer than the rest of tbe state,'' be aaJd. "Alrnc>tt baU ol nonresidential volume w•• in new commercial construction. lneluded wtthla the nonreslden· tlal c•teaory WH an•• mUUon e>ennlt. for a water supply plant In Loe Antelea County.•• 1'lw bad'• report eoven &M eauatJ• o1 Imperial. Inyo, Lei Aft8eles. Orup, RlV.-..., Saa BenlUdlno, Saa Dfeao, San LuJ1 ObJapo, Santa aan.n U1 Veatun. 1 Business w.. 'sf, MM:h •· tm DAIL V "lOT 87 What Happens to Buyers? Oft tlae Ground ...... ,.~ By Jl>tfN f'llNN ... t' ...... -.. ..,, .. fl h hud »Offil' 11Ut'C'l:h8, Alli ln Nluutlna th.-um111t·ur ahopf)Cr to U1t1 dt•vrr tf'C'hrlltnws of thl' prot .-.111oual m rkoh•r . but tht• •·on•urnt•r rnov1•int>nt hu" had lhl oh jN'l feAllUT<.'11 too U t111H bt•t•n unubh• to do mut•h u h o u t 11 r I c1•1L (or \' x um &:>It'. ullhouwh thut 1Ho111w<·t wa11 u p<1w1•1 rut lhru'll wlwn u.w movt• nwnl hullt 11l1•1u n 11 dotcn or 11l ort• )'\'Ur'I ui;o 'l'ht• lll\•um 1·au·•Vt'4I .• 1111l l1M 1··-, nolhlnl( hut .1 ht 11 now T Ut:lo; Wt:Kt: l\TfEMPTS 10 f'lt1•rt 1111•t1'1U11• llomcmukurt. hoyc•otl1'll i:r~·1·1 y 11l111 c•1t Th1·y ~won• orr nod mt•ut Tht•y IM1Ul(ht Ut 111111 X rutht•r lhun numv 111 u nd11 'l'tw y '"''" c h1·t.I lh ·ir n1'l•~hlw1 h1111th fo 1 wt•ck ly b l>t'i'tlllK T hi· l\0<•1 11~: c·o lt.J -. .1nnmtn1't •d 111 C...i•.tlllt· that 11 hJ!-. ht•J.;un 1L.., 1~.1 t WtnJ••I pr OJ!• .tUl Tht! «nmµany -.1g1wd J S..XO rnillum 1·111111 ,tl'l "111t l':u-.lt rn \rrlint"• for ~J <if ll1l· ru•w 177 pw .. \t•r11wr pl<lll<'' Notw of tht''IC' lt·c·hn1<1u1>s 11t·1 ~11itt't1 lo111o1. t•vc·n thou~h new I y t•o11•rl(1'(J t·x 1i.·rt~. 'lt'lf 'ltyl<'d, lJ<•lubo14-d th1· ohv111u" w tJoolo.. 1>r<>l(r<1m und w1111n111 'I, otkn ul 11n •t1l profit l(I tlwmM·lves but ltllh• to soc:11:ly 1'11<·c·!\ 111111•. mul lh1·y have l1e1•n 111ilng t•v1•1 ..,11,l'l' J>:duc·atcd 11, lht• wuy11 of th1• rnar kl'tplan-. t lw l'11ru1unwr ~ruduu lly l>l'Ut111 lo r1•all1.t· lhul 1l was awfully 1l1f fll'Ult to lwal It, no muller what k{'hOICjU(• WllS ust•d Orange Firm Hears $120 Million Bid HOV(.'(YfT THE i.:1111·1•r " Not wtwn lhc c:onhumt·r·i. ni·w 1·011 ...i·to1111n~s lolil turn and ht·r that the• 11e1t1r ~roc·1•r wa!'> prohuhly making It's~ than one cl'nl on 1·v1·ry dollur of !>ulc•s lA·ss, in fud, thun t.hc delivery boy rntidt· IS<:c Sylvw Porter. Pag<: ORANGfo: CA I'> Cont1m•nlttl lllinot'> f'roperth·s: 11 C'11hforn1a rt>al •':stale 1nv1·~lm<'nl trust, hws annoum•cd that It haN rt•n •lvf'1l a $120 mllhon purC'ha.,.. 1m11>1N .il from a Ncthcrlund-. Ant.Jiit·-. ('orn pany The offer hy Brabant, N V . 11> twing pn•pared lor a vr1k hy t.ha rcholdcri, A m aJor1ty uf lhl· tru-.t i. outi.tandrng '>hiJ rt•s 1.., rwedt•tl for approval B8 J I\ v1mJ rl'd mc•al" f"or on~clf. l"'rha1i:.. th · <h.,r11lltnc• C'ould !Jt• 1mpul'1l'CI , h ul not r or lhc t'htldn•n And l'V\'ll f11r l')llt''""· t h1· 1l1M·1pl1n1· 11 ... u.1lly h1<1kc flown afll-r a wh1l1• I l1·alth wus th1• 1 a1Jon<1l11.almn u1>Nl Tlw com1iany·.., ... 11wk 1 llmlwll Ii• .. 111 2:;1 , m Nt·w Y11rk StoC'k 1'.:x 1·hansw tradrn~ Tu1•<t<luy Hrab;Jnl rt•prt·h•·nlal1Vf•'I huv(' indt{'tllt•d th1·y w1«h lo hr· pa1>i;1 v<> tnv1>Stnr'I, n ·tuinini: a munu~<'mPnl l{roup that rnuy 111 l'lude two Omhnc·nt<JI Lru'>tt'<''i und 11t leu!>l orw of the lru<.,l '1> 11r fic:e rs Ur:rn<l X " Motlll'r.., fouud ltwy 1·ould up~r111J1· ~ur·h lir:111cls lhrou1~h s killful f<1 l<'hn1 wcirk llul not thuM· wom1•r1 wh11 wt·n· ff lht• purt•hmw Is opprovNJ hy i.hnreholdcrs, the lt1k1·ovt•r transa<•tton lh t'Xf)l't'lCd IO lw C'OO"illmtnal1·1f 10 00 day~. orr1<'1als 11( Brabant and Conllm·nlal twld LEASABL CADILLACS AT AFFORDABLE RATES. NABERS lil!t 2600 Harbor Blvd. ~ Costa Mesa 540-9100 ' ESTATE and FINANCIAL PLANNING SEMINAR Sub1ect Matters to be Discussed: -Avordonce of Probate -Use of o Revocable l iving Trust -Tax Advantages of G1f ts -Avoidance of Double T oxotion of Family Assets Reservations limited to the first 45 persons at each location. Seminar hours from 7 P.M. to 8:30P.M. 1714• 4t4-71M .APllL J. 197' .... ~ ...... sa.a. ,... .. ,,.St. Lrpz1 ..... (7141641-4000 APllL4. lt7t ............ SM. 1111 ........... . ... ....... ...... * * * BEEF PRICES. • • (('ontlnucd from Page Ufi) mid '/Oi., n1nsumcr'i pa id lower pnc1·.-.. whil1• lhousund.'I of bcc•f producer., wnl' forl'l'd out of buslnt.>S!I due l o lo1>M:'i on I h1·1r l'alll<· The council e xpects I he· 1 mprov(•d flow or cat tic to market 1n the month., :.iht·ad lo !>lab1ltzl' or modl'rale pncf'1>. "M05t importantly. we sr1• ~11un.., th:.it nm tlurrrs urt bl'~trrnin~ l o rt•h111ld th1•tr hnd'I. i'spec1ally in Catiforn111 whl'r<' thf' droui.:ht Qf '7fi · und ·77 t'.wsc•tl c•arly hnd rt·duc-twn .... " ... :11<1 Holston * * * Produce Prices May Hold Steady SAN DI EGO (AP l 'fli<> ()ullook for prtC'<"!i and 11uppll•·:1 of California s tr:iwlwrri«s, tomutoci. an<f other vegetohlt•:i n ·:i<Jy for hurvt·~.! i s gc,.1d dr·sp1te a two month slrlk t• IJ y union f arm workers. ngriculturul s1><1kesm1•n sa y But for Uw serond ----------- year, lh · weather 1:, t•x 11<.•ting a toll on lht.: 8latl''i-flow<•r lndwilry Grower s and !\hlppcrs, fcurful of u r<>pcl1llon of I !l 7 K ' s d <' v a s t u I 1 n P. & tor m i, and rn· t tin" ;1bou1 the Unlli><l f"urm Workf'r~ Unron w:1lkoul, hu Vf• l)!·•·n lt•ur y 11hout c:rN•st•d lullor <.'<1sl11, but noth 1nn llk1· we· hud fr om I,..,, I y <.'a r ·.., 8lorm11." he i.u1d "In ra<'l, a!i muny cropi. :-.lurt t•om1ng 1n with hclwr thun uv<'ruut- ylcld'I. you'll st•f' lwllf'r th:1n uvcru1w pru·,-.,_ for D Jot Qf lhlOj(S " prt'd tc·tmg un 1·((('('( on Oil Fi· rm <.' o n 'i u m <' r • s 11 o <.' k r t . bOOkK "BUT liO fur the Reports weuthPr und lht.> Hlrlkc· have hod rclatlvl·ly little 1 ffi JlU Cl on l)r l Cl'M, Increase although lt>lturc did jump when the ~trlk1" O xol'o, o Newport first hit," trny.K J ()i•I Hc•nc h lnd<.•pcndcnl oil Nchton of Uw Cullfornrn nnd ua~ producer. has FreBh l"ruit Counetl. reported r('c·ord rev ''I think you ml1tht 11CJo enue11 and income for the 5 percent or HO rftic th<' year and fourth In prices 11omc> of 118 qunrtcr ended Der. ll. talked about curly thlR 1978. yeo"r because of I n · ltevcnu<' for the: year ---------------------------_;,_-r cac-h<'d $.1,274,170 from lti like putting the phone in your pOclcet. $2,421.181 lnisl year, whllc net ln ('O m <' clim bed lO $.107,463. or G cent~ a 11har<', from $97 .076. or 2 cl!nl11, ror 1977. 1 ,. u. Alfllll c.tlty 462 ·PAGE ...... c..., 731-7777 Or•-----------... . ....-. .... I .J fo'ourlh quurtcr re venutt rose to $J .044 658 from $'743,406 for the hkc three monthl IHl yoar and net Income rached •t33,363, or 3 centt a s hare, from S19,668. or 2 cen ts, tor the prior year'• fourth quarter. ·•our total proven gas r e1erve1 increased 22 percent over laRl year and oil raervea r08a 58 percent c:ompartd lo • lear earlier,'' uld Robert Yrledenberg, president. S. ._,....,11e, •• •e4..utcf .,e ,_.,.. t"ell•••rr• hr••• •I ,.,. dMd tlwfl .. .,. ••de 1 .. 1a •I tte11••,.ts. TM er•• .. ,.,. ••Id a flu~ •••'"• eo•ld•'t e•11• ,,,...,. • • • • A 11d 1.Nfl're ••91119 kagafn. " HOln.i out to work lo l'U!lt' tht• f1narw1ul hord ·11 , ttwy 1·ouldn'l spend th(• llmt• S JI 0 P P I N G T IJ t: nt•IJ:hborhood !>pt><•ial11'' Suri>, you 11l1JI Cim save food money but It UHi.Hiiiy <:O m l':i Qul of anothn hud~flt cute-gory Work 10~ wom1•n don 'l have th1• t1 m1· And gahOhnt· ill too t.:XJK•ll!\tvt• these days One very poi.llivc• lhtnl( 1·un tw 11 a1d of ltw c:onsu rrwr mov•· mt•nt It h1.111 produ1·1·cf much WIM'r '>hOPJ>ers But lh<-rt• ,.., a 1hi;111ritinit l'OOIW(jlH'fl('(• too II l!o; llw kn11wll'1l1W 1)( how '11ff11·u1t 11 lh to l'Ul l'f>.'11~ Could ll bt· this rcaltzutlon thfll hos cuuM•d so many form1•r hudget C'Utlc-rs LO bc•corn1· 1>1~ s penders lf}.'Stead. adtlln~ prci.· 11ure to pnct.'S 1ru;tead of r cmov 1 n (( 1 l ;1 s l h t• y <1 n r· <· !\ o 1dcall11U('atly sought to do ., TODA V'S (.'ONSUM •:R Iii Wt•ll named. bt•inli( tht• devourer or mammoth amounts of Hoods und M•rvu•t>s Pr1N· sc·cms lU be no obstuC'lfl. ;,1nd nf•tlhcr d Ot''S w<1llt'l If tht· payc-h<·rk d<H·~n ·t c.·over rl. the <'rc<.11t card will. So as::~rl'!is1v1-. M> ncquu1llive hu v1• f'rin:1um1·r!'> ht·comt· of lute• thul they h<ivc mad•· fool:; of economi•ls. Th · economist.I saJd lhf' buying couldn 'l continue: tht>y 1Jald It n ycnr ago And they 're aaylnii It ugaln. Rut the «'COnomlbltc also are r .. <·valuallng the Amorlcan con sumer. Thcy'ro wondering whntt-ver happened to tho lnnatu <'on1tervuUv ·nc1111 and wh1dom thOl lh<ly hnd a lwayis nllrlbutA=d to him und ht•r. FEW llAVt; ANSWERS but many h avt• nollon!'l They 111wt·ulutc:: Uu11 lht• cons umer ht>t·uni.-MJ d<.'spmrin" 11s to tecl that 1t cl<K'i'ln 'l mutter unymor • bt·ruuse tomor row m1~ht be wor ... ., ., M il(ht tl be:• th:1t the coni.umor, no malk'r how much smartc•r lhurl u dozen years ago, has be<'n outmurk l('(f ttKuin by. for ex. "mple. th promoters or credit t•ards or the Image makers who 1>ay you ur ·n 't llv1ni:: unles!\ ... ., Or could th~ uns.wcr be thul the consume r ill rcully on top of 1t a ll. domg whut h1• nnd she ff·cl ls the only wuy lO prnscrve whi•I they t•urn. lhlll I~. by <'On v<'rl ing their p11y1·hc•<'k Into ~oodH an ra11l as lhtlY c•tin" Coast Firms Hired Nine Get 1979 Military Project Contracts N tnt· Ornnitt' ('(mst firms h11v1· bc1•11 ;_1w;_1rdl'd m1 htury f'Onlral·h totulltni: SI~ 3 m1lhon for W(Jrk thut mu.,t tw rompl,.11•d 1.>t·furr· 0 f' l' J J • H t• p It r1h1• r I 1'; Bacllwm. H Newport lleuc·h. ha~ c·onf1rm1·d Ttw 11111 """' r;wl w'·nt lo Ford A<'ros p.11·1• ancl C1>mrnu1111o;1t1on ... Corp • Nc·wport lil';11'11 'l'llt: t 'lllM Wl l.I. n •t•1·1v1· $37 fl m1lhon for F 4 :1111! F 111 a1rl'raft p arti. und $40 7 m1tl1<1n fo r Chupp:.1 ul m1 1-1...ilc11 h11 th1· Army and an intt-rcl'pl rn1i-Mle sy!'>ll·m for the /\1r 1-'on·t• M c Donnl'll Dou~lus of lfunl in~ton Heaeh won a $56 9 m1ll111n rontra<'l for the c:oni.truc:twn 11f <Jn odvanc1-d m<1neuvc:rrn1< n · 1•ntry Vf'hwh• Tiii' Hrin<kr<.,on <'orp M (.'11..,1 a Ml·..,,1 won a SHJ :1 rn1ll1on <'On tr.wt Tiit: ('OMPl\NV Wll.l. hu1ld a low t1·m1wrutun· M'JHlrah· ~ai. plant ul lht• N:ival f>1•truh•um Hchl·r v1• in Elk IJllb. Calif Ov••r 1~he Count•·r MASO U1tl1t91 MUTUAL FUNDL W yllc Construtllon Co. of San Diego was awarded a $5.8 m 1 llmn l'OOtraC'l for th1• con- i.t rud1on of bachelor l'nl111tcd 11uarters nt lhc El Toro Marrne Corps Air Station Other euntrac-t 'i 1nC'lucfrrl · Parker flunn1f111, lrv1m•, $4 R million; lly l;in1I l.nhorulorws, ('oslu Mesa, $.3 !I mllhon. fo'hghl Syl\h•ms, In<' , N1·wpor1 n •ach , S2 3 m111ion , Barry M 111<-r Co., lrvlnt•, $1 ti rr11 lhon and llu~he:; of N1·w1>ort. Jkat•h, SI 4 m1lhon. "' II I I • ) J\.i '• Ott • l ,..... llo. (/II •l ''"' 1 'I Oft • J ti • "• Ot1 • l l '• •. OU • t l11w ,,, OU 6 f .. '• ()ff \'f 4'• '• Off \• H&W YOlll( IAPI C•ndn • ·~ •• , Mt.nM I 00 HI (irwtl\ '"' tO\ Mau to .. II 'flt .... nn \Q , ., NI I V•nl ~ IJ • 'Ill rn. 1ooow1ng Cl!» OM!I '" J °' MMM I tJO Hl lll(Otn ) ti J ts ~din( 14 1> '' .. "'"" Mu \ tJ NI !>fl l 1111 II .., •1 .. l•flOll~. •UCJOlltO .,., MOrllll IJ JO I• 4) Opln u 41 14 ~ '"' "' II 11 117\ Ma\\ ••IW><I l>l\lla • tO '01 i.u •&<>• "/J I~ !IQ ""' NallONI At-I HIW\ It 41 ta II r •f •• ., OS NI-''"·~ l 07 Ml( 10 ~ 11 I\ P"6• '"II • If '\I s.nc;.11 "' II~ It"' alkll\ Ill '«u••t•• PIYVn I• u 0.. U\ Cvt '04 "'L lll4U\lr1 • 04 Mlv • .. • ... 1>no.n '0 • j~ ton !ow Inv• • O'l •• , l)Hltr\. tl'\t •• ,. ~Of und to '111 "_, f"IO~llly (Houp Hllt•P I 00 NI MIO "°' I) .. l'Ufl"m (If P '>•In 0 1 s •1 • C1I "'• ,.,., .. •t wllirn CrlnCll'I / /) • II AQtf\ 9 ,, "'' fnl ..... 1 n '° ll J) MCU 10.1• I~ •l l'HO HJ ,, II ·~ 06 'lovt• Ill "00 IJ 11 thtW -u1tlla\ \l\M\M IUI) NL Onnd 10/ NI.. In• Cluld 10~ NL MFO 14 /t 1>1111 Mtll C l .. •OI 51•1• B~ ((IUld ....... tie.n •Pfite\ f (I() Nl (•P•I I 0 ~ 7) Inv tndlc I 11 NI M "lt 14 "9 fl •1 MaQ In •IM • S'I (;OJm f 4 .. 4 'Ill ><11<1 llWI ..... C.nl (.(. I !JO ttl ( onlld 10 ll Nl ''"' Bo• 10111 10 Ill MM& 'lO ',. ,.,_., ........ P•• ,..d 4 '° ) ,, •• 1 .. ., 0( btlwllf (;e11t\ll f II )If".. Da lly I I 00 Hl lnve\IOt\ r..-. Mt ti > 4ii • °' ~ und I\,, ••• , Prc>v ,. • .. ) 11 •••• .,. Oii/\ wJH Cllarll <I 14 ,. I• 01 O•tn, 10 ., Hf 10~ 6d s 45 U \ MCM I 00 NL II v., '" w 'll'ffn ,,,, I 10 HI '1'1••1191 T,.\dity CllOt Cl ll<l\ I 'I Int It It "'L 10!> C.fl 1 ti t IO ';ltll\9t\ U 40 t<l Pl•n In. It .. t'1• \,.rm Ot 10 • "'I. AGL Pd ':":. ~,. ~~:it n~ rn ~:r&o _, ;~ ~t U> .. 11 ncJ• H~ rn ""r:!:~ L'~'l. 10., ~::P:~ :: ~nan::::,,~~ .. ~·.:.. ... ,~ At11,,1f>. t~ ,. NI ~a•t I II i U\ I 11111 I)"" ti d P"'11 J SI J t) C•Pll "" I\ \1 l'tlta ( ull<I\ Am ln<l 1 41 NI 41ulur• IJO/ NL ~fl • \\ I I• 1•0 Ylcl 14 7t NI T .. Eo 4 U • 9' (4ul8 • 14 tO I\ C>t•ll'I If 11 Ht Auo I " HI All\ltl• 9 U NL ~ttupl,) 1111 Hl I t!>Aufl • n NI ~100 11 11 )() M tit Inc. t .. 10 Ge lncom • '1 NL ln•o\I t JO Nl-Alllflel' U '4 Nl ... 111 .. d I W 1 lO l'urlln If) \111 'tl•tl 111 t,, Muni '14 t )l N llta t) \\ NI. ()(H n • 10 Nl .lllll1111r IOJ' llJI l<M'"' FUftlh \.ol•M \41 )'if a• P., 'S ,.. ll!IA•I 1oO Ht N tior11 10l9 Hl S1e1n HtA '"' ..... .,.,.,. 1111111\ ... n 'le< • ., • IS I""'' 9" NI 11\v ll•VI \ • ,1 S9Vat ... 10 04 Pttme 10 00 NL ll•l•n ti Oii NI •U•I • )1 • OI .... no '7\ 10 'I '••lld H )I It )I hltl ,. t 24 '14 ""'" AM s,.. • T.' •• • •J Nl Cep n 01 t•l ""''P .'° •• , 0••111 '"° \.it ... ,. .... , .. 1 *"<14 IYy •)t NL MOH Y,. , .. ' Pro'""" ,., NI ~too ''" Nl •Mull 10 '° tt ~ lft(om • °" • I~ l)yn.. '0 NL J I' Gtlll to 61 II ~ lli\\8 f . 14 '1 14 '14 Prolnt ''1 NI-,,,.1(';111 ,. 0 NL AnC.111 I 'Mo I 'ti Oot11 tO 14 11/4 lfldu\I 4 <16 NL J4Hhl\ F tt 14 HL Miii le t U tO tt fl'r" ~II' 10 10 II t\ '4.tv;-:r:" 10 6'I II# .. Ol\Cj I)·~ 14 'I t •• ¥0 14 04 n J.4 I"'°"' I 11 NI JOM lillll<OC-~ Mii fld I 9) I P11tr1.,n fWfYt\ f alt 211 IHl 01 (.\"MO '00 NL C.O•u Gii\ ".,'NI f\f IA•lt\IO<\ 84llWI 1/. 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