HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-04-11 - Orange Coast Piloti t l t ,, i > t l l o.tly ............... •ic-• I(_ .. , Being an inventive and adventuresome fellow, Kaj Sorensen, 16. Costa Mesa . decided to have some fun with Tuesday's winds. So he made a sail of sorts out of an old bed sheet, two curtain rods and some tape. j umped on his skateboard and went sailing down the street. DAILY PILOT * '* * 10' * * * WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 11 , 1979 YO'-1Z. NO. H1, 4 SECTIONS, 46 l'AHS 'Ullman \Ve ' Irvine Attfl(!ker Guilty; ,.. .Jury Note Mulls SanitU, ' l r l oes Take 61 Lives HUJDan Wedge Shoppers Help Nab Suspects A human wedge around a flee ing car, and a grocery store as- sistant manager who used his belt to rusarm a knire·wielrung suspecl were credited with help- ing Costa Mesa police arrest three theft suspects Tuesday. Police ~aid the incident began al 4 :30 p.m. Tuesday when clerks at Ralph's Market, 380 E. J7th St., saw a man fleeing with three bottles or liq uor and cha sed hlm. The man a llegedly puJled a knife on them but dropped it when assistant manager Robert James Keller, 47, came up swinging hls belt. Officer Dennis Jefcoat said in his report that he arrested the man but onJy questioned his two female companions. releasing them after being told they didn't have a car. However. J efcoasl said that minutes later he s potted the women driving off in a car and Coast Weather F a ir and warm e r through Thursday. Lows tonight 46 to 54. Highs Thursday in upper 70s. INSIDE TODA W P.aaaeragers .aboard .a .. miracle flight .. from New York to Mioneapoli$ reflect on per8090l nocUona Jn their bnuh with death . oa the 727 jetliner went into .a auperaoraic . nosedive. See P.age AH. .. .,_...,.. ... --~ Ct .............. ~ .. L.M..... M ....,._ ..... ......................... E .................. ot·• Or-.. c..y ... . . ... • r,:, -,., .. .......... ,., ........... ., :=:"-,.., ......... .. .... -...... ... .. ........ CM ..... M .... cw ............. ... -I J C9 called lo several bysta nders to help stop them. The passersby quickly thrust themselves in front of a nd be hind the car. J efcoat said. When the driver paused, Jefcoat was able to open the car door and stop the alleged.escape. His report states that several bottles of liquor stolen from Ralph·s were found inside the car, along with a "shopping List" of brand names. About $100 in liquor had been stolen, Jefcoat said. Still in Costa Mesa Jail today in lieu of $10.000 bail was Eliseo Delgado Rodriguez. 23. of Santa Ana, who faces charges or a!>· sault with a deadl y weapon, co mm e r cia l bur g lary, possession of stolen property and possession of a needle and syringe. Police said Rodriguez' sister, Margaret Delgado Rodriguez, 19, of Santa Ana, was taken to Orange County Jail along with (See HELP, Page A2> Gasoline Near $1 a Gallon In New York NEW YORK (AP> -Pump watchers in the city reported to- day that dollar-a.gallon gasoline has all but arrived. The sign read 99.9 cents on the premium pump of a Texaco sta- tion at 31th Street and First Avenue, five blocks south or the United NaUons. The price had been inching up for some lime. 'The night manager, Thomas Carter, said he went home Tues- day morning with the price at 97 cents and came back for today's overnigbtsUnttofindit99.9. Sales at the premium pump were described as normal deaplte tbe price. The price of unleaded gasoline at the station was posted at 96.8 cents a gallon and re1ular was 91.t . Gasoline under 91 cents still can be found at many staliom in the city. · Twisters ~~-;;;-Paralyze 2States BytheAssocia&ed Press Tornadoes smashed into four com mum ties in North Texas and Okla homa. s ucking up people and property, tossing cars about and leveling homes and busi· nesses. Authorities said al least 61 persons were killed and more •. than800wereinjured. Gov. Bill Clements toured the no rth Texas city of Wichita Falls. site of the worst damage, as National Guard troopi; patrolled de bris·strewn streets today to ward off any looters who might want to take advan· lage or the disaster that struck Tuesday afternoon. Al'Wl ....... o THIS AERIAL PHOTO WAS TAKEN THIS MORNING IN WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS Tuesday Tornado Left This Restdentlal Neighborhood in Shambles Irvine Attacker Guilty Jury Hearing Testimony Regarding Sanity By KATHY CLANCY Of IM o.11, f'I'°' Staff The Orange County Superior Court jury that found a former Juvenile Hall counselor guilty of attempted murder Tuesday began hearing testimony today lo determine his sanity. Charles Hubert Guenther. 33, of Irvine, was convicted or at- tempted murder, kidnap and at- tempted rape for attacks on a 15-year-old Dana Hills High School coed in December and a 17-year-old San Clemente girl 13 months ago. If the jury concludes Guenther was insane at the time of the al· tacks, be wouJd be confined lo a state mental hospital for treat- ment. He would return lo court ror sentencing in the case if and when doctors determine be t as recovered from the mental dis· order. Guenther admitted from the Caah, GelD8 Taken LOS ANGELES <AP) - Pollce were seeking three ban· dill who invaded the Wilshire area home of Jewelry salesman Robert Boor and took gems and caab totalling SUM.GOO. witness stand that he was the man who pi c ke d up Juli Mi c he lle Gonzalez. 15, last December. shot her in the bead rive times. beat her with a ham- Thief Eats Sarmnes SUSANVILLE <AP> It must have been a hun· gry burglar. Or perhaps he needed the energy lo lug out all the loot. Lassen County sheriCf 's deputies saJd Tuesday that whoever broke into Neil's M e rcantile Store at nearby Standish took time to eat a can of sardines while stealing 10 watches; several boxes of candy bars, a number or hunting and pocket knives, apples, canned tuna, cheese, SO tubes of Daisy brand 881. a large quantity of s hotgun and rine shells, photographic film , nashllgbt t>atteries. blue jeans and c igarette papers. \ mer and dropped her at a con- struction site. He also told the five-man. seven·woman jury that he gave a ride to Patrice Matkins, 17, in March 1978 and hit her repeated· ly with an unloaded gun before she jumped from bis moving car. Guenther, who also was iden- tified by bis two victims. had testified an uncontrollable "wild rage" prompted the attacks. His attorney, William Dougherty, had argued that hls client was innocent of the charges, however, because he was mentally disturbed at the lime and not responsible for the acts. Guenther bad pleaded inno-. cent and innocent by reason or insanity to the charges. He has been lod."ed in a locked mental (See SANITY. Page t\2) Two Sentenced SALINAS <AP> -A Judge. turninc down requests rrom two reputed leaders or the Neustra Familia prtson gana for ne.w trials, has instead aenteoced them to life imprisonment for the execution-style killlnp of three penons. Vandals smashed plate glass windows io downtown stores and scooped up booty after a twister lore through the city or 96,000. One Red Cross worke r reported see ing armed homeowners guarding damaged homes. The body count in Wichita Falls bad risen to 45 by mid- morning and authorities feared it might go higher. Capt. Terry Denson of the National Guard said other unconfirmed deaths had been reported. ln Lawton, Okla.. where at least three died in a twister, Gov. George Nigh activated 100 National Guard troops to aid in search and rescue efforts and police patrols. There were re- ports of looting there too, but no arrests. ••As the storm started yoa could see the clouds being sucked into the center of tbe storm -the debris and buce pieces of house roofs, and tree limbs ." said Wichita Falls (SeeTOU... Page t\2) i l Plutr AD GEIS ns JOB DONE "I'm very pleased with tbe • Daily Pilot. "I sold everything in my ad.'• That's the story of the sue· · cessrul Newport Beach woman who placed Ulis ad In tbe DaU,y Pilot: Selfe 1tone on tonel 8~ ~so a HOO and pr of champaane slit velvet club cbn 1185. Like new lC IUt-JtXXX If you want to be pleued, tey the friendly ad-viHn at tbe Dally Pl.lot. Call 141·51'11. .. .. Bea~lagoers Take Cttt'lt-r Chilly wmds thul gusted up lo ·10 mph l'ut'' day uflcrnoon whipped anct into lhe f tu:t·~ or whot few Easter Week \IOCatione rs Vl'll tured onto west Or·anue County beat.'ht>:; Most who rem ained took cover behind suotJ fe nces like thes~ on the city l>t!uch near tho t11111t111g1011 lk :Jt•h Pier Lifeguards said the bcuchcs looked like a ghost town com pared lo some yt•ars in the past when daily Easler We-ck beuch attendance clim bed as high us 60,000 sun lovers on warm Spring days. E"ro• Pa~ A J TOLL ... Record·News reporler ~ky Scott. who watched the tornado from the county courthouse. "All or a sudden there was a trem endous roar . a nd the storm appeared to move very quickly. It seemed like at lasted about fi ve or six minutes and at looked like a hu~e snow cone " The fi rst major twister at 3·50 p.m . killed at least 12 persons and injured more than 60 in Vernon, a town or 11 ,500 a bout 75 m iles northwest of Wichita Falls. "It looks like we have been bom bed," one res ident there said. The National Guard armory was blown down. Two hours later. Wi chita Falls was hit. with the path or destrut· tion eight miles long and up to Ph miles wid e. About 2.000 ho m es were des troyed or seriously d a maged «J nd two s hopping centers were heavily damaged. ·'The only thinit left or my house is the closet I was lying in." said one woman. who asked ool to be 1dent1Cied . "I got so sea red J JUSt laid there and pr ayed. I've been through fi ve hurricanes. but hurricanes an: nothml? compared to this Takl' me back to hurricanes · · Some or those injured an Vernon had bee n taken to W1 ch1ta Falls hospitals . "We were laking inJurcd in fro m Vernon when this one hit here," s a id Or. James Lee. medical coordinator for the Red Cross in Wichita Falls. Another tornado later struck Ha rrold, a s ma ll town nint' miles west of Vernon, killing one pl'rson. Acr oss the Red River an Oklahoma. a twister killed at least three persons and injured ot least 70 in Lawton. "The destruction 1s going to ~ in m illions of dollars. We got hit '1ard." said Police Capt. Bob Edm onson. T he tornado struck there about 5: 15 p.m . 12 minutes alter a wa rning siren had sounded . ··it sounded like jets goin~ over." said Karen Lenham. 34. "It happened so fast, it wa!' over before I could hide," said Mrs . E. A. Hansen, peering ou1 from the stairs of her roofless house. Al least 25 houses were destroyed. , Other tornadoes wore reported about the same time in outlying areas of Texas, but a uthoritic:-. • could not say how many touched down. There was some damage at Lockett, six miles southwest of Vernon. °"ANOI COAST s DAILY PILOT TlteO._C_O..lyl'tlOC wtl•wfllt•l•<.--tlte_,,...'-l\P, .. Ul--Yl ... Or- ( ... \1 ...... i.._C.._y S.0.rat•f<l•lbo!IM• ..... , __ , ......... ,,, ... , ..., CM!• INw , ,.._ llH<" H--e.Ml\/1'- 1 .. fl Yolloy, I,_, L-llNch SovtfO("OM\1 A •. ,.. .• ,_Hit.,""""'-"''"" .... -Wftcl••· Tho llft"<lt•tl -l\nlnq ol6'11 I\ •t DI W•\I llO $1'"1,0..la ........ C•lllontto•1tJt ._,, .. -l"<r\ttlenl-l'l•Oll- JaOll (;-y "tel ,...,.,~,.t •"d G-t"ef1*f MANl'O"' ,.._ .. " ...... llcmor t~rM\A M...,....,. M.<naq1114 COM• Cl>f•lt•" ~ 1111<-~ .... """'""' M.<""Q•nt t••· f9141pf!one (714)MM!21 CIHllffied Advertising &U·M78 ,,_IMIC1t_., ....... Bandit Barks Mike the Mutt Licks Clwps POINT PLEASANT. N.J . 1 AP> To some. Mike the mutt is ju st the dOI! next door~ but to police here he·s the roast beef bandit. Police SilY Mike's c riminal career sta rted with th e forcible escape from his O\\ncr·s leash during an evening walk. T he 2·ycar-old brown and white dog hrokc from owner J oseph K ranick and r aced two blocks to a Route 88 diner. Mike r an through the back entrance. leaped on to a table. grabbed half a beef roast and fled quickly with his booty. ....._. Diner operator Joseph M3 ck called police to re· port the robbery and trailed the dog after an alert cus tomer pointed out the escape route. :Vlack found Mike. hut without the roast. Ile held the dog in li eu of SlS. pending his owne r ·s arrival. Kraniek promptly posted the p<.1ymcnt and took custody of has pct. Advoeates Eleeted Santa Monica OKs Rent, Condo Limits SANTA MON ICA IAP I Voters in thjs coastal city have approved a proposal to control r ents a nd condomin ium con· struction. and elected two or the measure·s advocates to the City Council. With all 65 precincts report· ing , the results of Tuesday's city election s howed Proposition A capturing 54 .3 per cent of the vote. The law calls for a tern· porary rent freeze rotlowed by a rollback to last year's levels. 1 Related story Page A5. > Vi ctorious m their race for two or the three a vailablc council seats were Ruth Vannatta and Bill Jennings. who r an on a pro· Proposition A slate. Also elected COUNTY TO LOOK AT CONDOMINIUMs-A3 Crom a,, field of 14 candidates was Christian Reed. The rent control victory came j us t 10 months after SantCJ Monica residents 80 percent of whom are renters narrowly defeated a si milar proposal. · In the interim between those two elections. however. renters claimed landlords bc~~m asking for unreasonable rent increases in the wake or Proposition 13. E victions soared as apartment buildings were demolished to make way for a wave of con· dom lnium building. Under Propos1lion A. any 1n· creases in rent and any appllca tion s to con vert apartment buildings into condominiums would have to be approved by a five -member rent control board. T he housing board would be di sm antled if the apartment vacancy rate, currently about 2 percent, rises above 5 percent. Opponents or the measure. in· eluding Mayor Donna Swink. said the rent rollback would be unreasonable because the cost or operating rental unlti> In Santa Monica has risen with inflation. T he rent cont r o l c r itics warned that passage of Proposi- tion A will result In cuts in build· ing m aintena nce to the point where bulldlngs "start falling apart around us." ''Rent control does absolutely nothing to address the serious lack of new housing in Santa Monica," said Robert Scura, SPokesman for the Santa Monica Tupayerw and Realdenta Com· miltees. However, proPonents of the meaaure cont.ended the inltlaUve won't result ln declinin1 condl· Uona In city apartment• but would ( 1 > merely allow renters to share lhc benenu or Proposl. tion 13. 121 let low-and middle· income families live in low and moderately priced housing, and 131 stop absentee landlords from do m i nating t he real est ate market. C h e r y l Rh o d en. a spokeswom an for th e Santa Monica Fair Housing Alliance, said Proposition A was also pro- posed because more than 3,000 units have received tentative ap· proval this year for conversion f rom a p artm ents to con · domlniums -often forcing cur· rent tenants lo move. Congress Cool To 'Wind/ all' WASHI NGTON IAPl -Presi· dent Carter says he'll work with Congress or do the job himself as long as the results meet his de ma nd: Ame rica's oil com· panics must use half of any new profits fro m d econtrolled oil prices to search for more oil or gas. Carter's signal that he might need congressional help to back up the demand he made in his energy speech last Thursd«Jy ca me during a Tuesday news conrerencc in which he also ap. pa rently softened his stand by gasoline-rationing position to put it m ore In line with Senate wishes. Congress has already given frosty receptions to Carter's re· quest for a 50 percent tax on "windrall profi ts" expected to now from the phased oil decon- trol he's ordered to begin J une I a nd t o his standby fede ral gasoline·ralionlng program call · ing for purchase coupons based in part on the number of cars a person owns . I Dead, 3 Hurt In Shootout SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -A shootout between two federal drug enforcement officers and two penons they were trying to arreat alter an attempt to buy $22 ,000 worth of heroin has ended with one man dead and three otbers injured. Police aaid David Castro, 46. waa fatally shot Tuesday night by the two officers on a Mission District street as the officers pulled up In a car wlth the second man in cuttody on a war· rant charging sale or narcotics. WASHINGTON CAP> -The Nuclear Re1ulatory CommlMk>n said today the Three Mlle l•land nuclear power plant accide nt shows a need for urgent safety corrections on nearly a ll the na· lion's nuclear plants . The agency did not s pell out the actioos needed, but said a design naw was fe>Und in some Power plants deaiped by West· inghouse Corp. The commission said the de· sign Oaw aimilar to one at the Three MJle Island plant built m Pennsylvani a by Babcock and Wilcox, could m islead plant oper ators and preve nt vital emergency cooling in the event of an ucrident. The.. operatm~ nuclear '\Jnit al San Onofre was designed by Westinl!house. The two units un· der construction wt!rc designed by anolherfirm. The agency said safety correc· lions were needed "on a priority basis for all llght·water reactor facilities." which would cover all but one or the 72 licensed nuclear power plants In the country. The exception is the Fort Saint Vraln plant at Plallv1lle. Colo .. which is a high.temperature. gas-cooled reactor. Wes tinghouse had no im · mediate comment on the NRC statement. In a "preliminary notifica· tion " wh ich th e age ncy telephoned to reactor operators. the NRC said Westinghouse sent plant OWTicrs a notice April 7 warn1ni;! tha t some West · anghouse·designed raciht1es de· pen<t on a combination or two in· strumenl signals by the plant computer to turn on eme rgency coolinA automat ically when there 1s trouble with the main cooling system. Burglars Hit liquor Store Vl•ndoml• Liquor ~tore of. ficials arc still conducting an m· ventory following a burglary at 1he1r outlet number 26 late Mon· day or early Tuesday resulting m what Fountain Valley poli<'e expect to be "a considerable loss ... Police s a id burg lars cut through a roof vent to gam ac- CC!>S to the liquor store at 1651 Brookhurst St and used the· store's hoist roll er to moH• merchandise up through the opening. In add1t~on to liquor. the thieves made off with S47 an coins. pohcc reported. Complete cooling failure can lead to a meltdown or overheat· ins or tbe reactor's core and the r eleaae or lar1e amount• or radioactivity. Westin1houae said it was believed tbat a •mall break lD a reactor PftllMll'ber eould leave one of tbeee aiinala appearinc hi1b whUe tbe other falls. In th.ii cue, the computer would not tum over emer1ency coollne and a plant operator could be mialed lnto "erroneous actions." Westinghouse recommended that operators at.art emergency cooling maaually if the pressure signal alone drops below ita trig. ger point. The NRC said it was still re· viewing the extent to whicb events in the Three Mile Island accident apply ge ne rally to p lants desi g ne d by West - in g h ous e and Combus tion Engineering as well as Babcock and Wilcox. "But it has been concluded." the NRC said. "that further ac· lions should be considered on a priority basis for all light·wate r power reactor facilities." Brown, Linda Visit North Kenya Desert N AIROBI. Kenya <AP I Gov. F.dmuod G. Brown Jr. and Linda Roosladt new to northern Kenya today to visit a United Nations project to push back the desert. 1 Related photo, A4 I The California Democrat and the rock singer were accom· panied to Marsabit. near Lake Turkana . by aides. officials of 1he U.N. Environment Program a nd two small planeloads or re- porters and photographer~ The couple <.irnvcd 1n Na1rob1 from Liberia and N1ger1<1 on Monday nt~h t. On Tuesday, Brown discussed envi ronmental problems with President Daniel Arap Moi and visited the head· quarters of the U.N. Environ- ment Program Ms. Ronstadt stayed most or the time 1ns1de her cottage at the Norfolk Hotel but came out to lunch with Brown and U S Ambassador Wilbert le Malle Tuesday and again early today to sign autographs for h<1lf J c1ozen children .,., ho had been .,., a 1tmf! outside ht'r i.u1te :-.mcc s he arnved Bro .... n and M~ Hon!>tadt both wore 1eans and i.neaker' for thl• trip today. and she :.ilso wore :.i ~ellow T-shirt. . ........ . .. , A ftN ........ ~ •t•rted .. • ..... ..... , ................ ,fll. llalfwe, IMMIM for Ute ................ """°' .... •••••~ &od•)' ............. . Six pertoU were lJE. Jured, cm ertUeal)J, la lite fire. Nei1bbor1 on tbe normally quiet reeideBtlal street la aortbwe1t w ••lliqtoa deMribed • teene ol'terrlfted ,...,._. at tbe ......... .....,.., outUned = • baek· 1roundol . One attelldaat wu oa duty to care for lbe nearly four dozen retldeata, in· veatlgat.on uid. E"NmlP_,,eAI SANITY ••• ward at Canyon General Hospital In Anaheim lince abort- ly art.er his arrest. "I didn'l know what I was do-• ing," Guenther testified about the attack on Miss Gonzalez. ''I was fighting the impulse. I was just shooting. She was scream· ing and I was screaming." Prosecutor Paul Meyer had' argued that Guenther was men· tally responsible for the attacks. He conte nde d the former counselor was in control suffi- ciently to drive his auto with one hand as he fired a gun at Miss Gonzalez with the other. Guenther's psychiatrist, Dr. Barbara Hundley. bas testified her patient suffers from a bra.in disorder brought on by a liver malfunction. E",... Ptlfle A I HELP .•• Melissa William s, also known as Melissa Gravelle, 22, of 2700 Peterson Way, Costa Mesa. ( T he women were being held on S5,000 bail each on suspicion of co mme r ci a l burg la ry a nd possession or stolen property. pohcesaid. They s a id the char:ge is burglary rather than s hoplifting because they believe they can prove the sus~ts entered the store wi th intent to commit a crime. Suspect Killed LOS ANGELES <AP> -One robbery s uspect . Billy J oe Graves. 29. was dead a nd a n other , Me l vi n Ch ar les Canada. 28. was in critical con· d1t1on after two sheriffs detec· lives walked in during a robbery and a shoot-out e rupted. SPRING UPHOLSTER¥ ~~SALE~~ lOo/o to 2So/o OFF ~ . Fantastic selection of the finest in upholstery now on sale. Special o~ers accepted on many of our f ous lines including selected pieces from Drexel, Heritage, Woodmark & Stanton Cooper. Aireloom sleepers, 20°/o off, your choice of color. Don't delay. 7 I Ora•ge Coast E OITIO Tornado Death .ToH Could Climb to I 00 • ' .; ,,.,..,,.,... .. P.S., We. • • • A lot of Eastl'r Week vacauoners weren't in love w1Lh PH Im Spring:. T uesday as high winds Lu rned the desert spa into sand city. Driver of this auto. for example. had to abandon the vehicle after it got stuck in a sand drift near Pa lm Spri n~s. Officials estim a ted t he wind!> caused ubout SJ00.000 worth of dam age to utility poles. new con- "tr uction sites and t rees in the desert community. Jury Mulls Sanity I Of Irvine Attacker By KATHY CLANCY Of -Dally P11et Staff I The Orange County Superior Court jury that found a former Juvenile Hall counselor guilty of -a tte mpted murde r T uesday began hearing testimony toda) to determine his sanity. Charles Hubert Guenther. 33, of Irvine. was convicted of at· tempted murder. kidna p and at· te mpted rape ror attacks on a 15-yt>ar·old Dana Hills High · School c~ in December and a 17-year -old San Clemente girl 13 months ago. If the jury concludes Guenther 1 was insane al the lime or the at· ta<.'ks, he would be confined to a state mental hospital for treat- ment. lie would return to court for sentencmg in the case if and when doctors determine he has recovered from the mental dis· orde r Guenther admitted from the witness stand that he was the m a n who pic ke d up Juli Miche lle Gonzalez, 15, last December. shot her in the head five times, beat her with a ham- mer and dropped her at a con· struction site. He also told the five-man. seven-woman jury that he eave a ride to Patrice Matkins, 17, in March l978 and hit her repeated· ly with an unloaded gun before she jumped from his moving car Guenther, who also was iden- tified by his two victims. had testified an uncontroll able "wild rage" prompted the attacks. His a ttorne y, Will ia m Dougherty, had argued that his client was innoce nt of the charges, however, because he was mentally disturbed at the time and not responsible for the acts Guenther had pleaded inno· cent and innocent by reason or insanity to the cha rges. He bas 011tr Pltet Slat!,.._.. ENTERS SANITY TRIAL Charles H. Guenther been lodj?ed in a locked mentaJ wa rd a l Can yon Genera l Hospital in Anahei m s ince short· ly after his arrest. "I didn't know what I was do· ing." Guenther testified about the attack on Miss Gonzalez. "I was fighting the impulse. I wa!> j ust shooting. She was scream ing and I was screaming." Prosecutor Paul Meyer had argued that Guenther was men· !ally responsible for the attacks. He contende d Lh e former counselor was in control sulfi· ciently to drive his auto with one hand as he fired a gun a t Miss Gonzalez with the other. Guenther 's psychiatrist, Dr. Barbara Hundley, has testified her patient suffers Crom a brain disorder brought on by a liver malfunction. Twisters . Splinter 4Towns WICHITA FALLS, Texas <AP > Em<>r gency crews strung lifeli nes today to splintered neighborhoods In this North Tex· as city and three other "Tornado Alley" towns hit by tornadoes that killed at least 60 and injured more than 800. Texas Gov. Bill Clements took to the air to survey tbe damage left by Tuesday's killer twisters and said the cost to rebuild would run between S200 million and S300 million. The Depart ment of Public Safety reported 44 bodies had been found in Wichita Falls by mid·dav. olus 12 in Ve rnon and one in Harrold. a few miles to thl' west. Across the Red River m Lawton. Okla., three more we re counted dead. ·'They're just piled up out t her e ," said Ke nne th Hi ll . mayor of Wic hita Falls. a city of 96.000. "We know there·s ,got to be more bodies out there. I wouldn't be surprised if we had 100 dead in the final count." With reports of scattered loot· mg despite patrols by National Guardsmen, the m ayor imposed a 9 p.m. curfew. "I was s hocked." Clements said following his helicopter flight. "Those homes are not da maged. They are gone. The damages will be high No doubt about it ... We should prepare for the worst. "It is a devastated area. We have a very serious fire hazard he re in the sense there is no water." Other major problems facing the crippled city were lack of e lectricity, disabled sewer pl a nts and a shortage of drink ing water. The governor said he will ask for federal disaster aid. <See TOLL, Page A2) Gasoline Near $1 a Gallon In New York NEW YORK <APl -Pump watchers in the city reported to- day that dollar-a-gall on gasoline has all but arrived. The sign read 99.9 cents on the premium pump of a Texaco Sta· tion at 37th Street and First Avenue. five blocks south of the United Nations . The price had been inching up ror some time. The njght manager, Thomas Carter. said he went home Tues- day morru ng with the price at 97 cents and came back for today's overnightstintto find it 99.9. Sales at the premium pump w e r e described as normal despite the price. The price of unleaded gasoline at the station was posted at 96.8 cents a gallon and regular was 91.9. Gasoline under 91 cents still can be found at many s tations in the city. ICowity OKs Aliso Plan &Lagww Mayor Questiom Legality By KATHY CLANCY °' .. Deity Plle4 ..... Orange County Supervisors put thelr stamp of approval lo· day on plans for the future 80 000-resident community of < Albo Viejo despite a last-minute ' request ror a delay. .Jon Brand, Carmer Laguna Beach mayor, questioned the t lqallty ot laking final action to· daJ. Brand, speatmg u a member of VUlqe Laauna. Joe., con- tended a supplemental environ· mental docum..eat that mentions sueb tblap u a hotel in tbe Lg1ID8 Greenbelt bad not been wtdelJ elreul•ted or beard at a pabllc1-rtnc. I Ji But Richard Munsell, an assis· tant director of county Environ- mental Managment .t\gency, said the supplemental report will be used during later plan· ning and is not part ol t.he initial plan approved tOday. Munsell said the report will be part of later public hearings. Brand also submitted a letter s igned by Arnold Hano , chairman of Village Laguna. wbicb objected to county efforts to withdraw the 8,823·acre Alieo Viejo property from the purview of lhe Coatal Commission. Supervisors this morning made only a few technical changes to a list of condilk>nl approftd in coacept for AlilO f Viejo two weeks ago. "As you know I didn't vote for approval o~e Aliso Viejo general pla " Supe rvisor Thomas Riley sa d at the start of today's session. "But I will recommend ap- proval of th~ conditions," Riley continued, commending the county counsel for translating s upervisor's conditions into a rormal policy document. Aa propoeed now the 20,000· unit community would be built over the next 20 years on 6.823 acres nestled In the coastaJ hills surrounded by Laguna Beach, Sout.h Laguna, Laauna Hilla and Laguna Niguel. t Testing Their Mettle Newport Beach lifeguard candidates Kelly Martz. Andy Carreon a nd Rob Sutton 1 fro m ri g ht> sprint towa rd wat er in s im ulated rescue during t raining session Tuesday. Another candida te. Roger An· de lin, carries Sutton from surf t below 1 w he n Sutton switched roles from rescue r to victim during testing progra m . There ure 19 young men and women who a re s pe nding their E aster vacation vying for su mmer JObs as Newport lifeguards. They are undergoing 56 hours of classroom and pr actical testing this week . To p score rs on fi nal written and practical tests will be hired first. Nuke Plant Safety Corrections Urged WASIHNGTON IAP) -The Nuclear Regulatory Commission s aid today the Three Mile Island nucle ar powe r plant accident • shows a need for urgent safety corrections on nearly all the na· Lion's nuclear plants. The agency did nol spell out the actions needed. but said a design flaw was found in some power plants designed by West· PIUH AD GETS TIS JOB DONE "l 'm very pleased with the Da ily Pilot. "I sold everything in my ad." That's the story of the suc· cessful Newport Beach woman who placed this ad in the Daily Pilot: Beige •tone on tone1 ill~ sora $500 and p r of champagne silk velvet club chrs $165. Uke new XU·XltXX Ir you want to be pleased, try the friendly ad·vlsers al tbe Daily Pilot. Call 642-~· I .II inghouse Corp. The commission said the de- sign flaw, similar to one at the Three Mile Island plant built in Pennsylvania by Babcock and Wilcox, could m~s lead plant operators and pre vent • vital emergency .cooling in the event of an accident., . <The operating nuclear unit at San Qnofre was designed by Westinghouse. The two units un- der construction were designed by another firm.> ~ The agency said s afety correc- tions were needed "on a priority basis for all light-water reactor racilities." which would cover all but one or the 72 licensed nuclear power plants in the country. The exception is the Fort Saint Vrain plant al Plattville, Colo., which is a high·temperature, gas-cooled reactor. Wes tinghouse had no lm· mediate comment on the NRC statement. The NRC said Westinalaouse oo Saturday telephoned owners or plants built by the firm warn· Ing that some Wealin1bouse· designed racililies depend on a c:ombinauon of two instrument <SeeSAPETY. P••• AJ> •'l·· ~ 'Jl.A1 , ( UCI Council 'Unfreezes' NewU Funds By FREDERICK SCHOEMEIO. Of .. Detly ...... $Wf The Ne w Unive rs ity once again is the officia l UC Irvine newspaper following an about- f ace Tuesday rught by the As· soc1ated Students Council. In a 12-to-10 decision, tbe coun- cil voted to restore SI0,000 in previously frozen funds to the paper. the target or controversy for the past several weeks. Ne w University s t affer s hugged each other , a pplauded and shouted victory whoops as the council endorsed the resolu- tion proposed by Associated Stu- dents President Steven Kaplan. Clearly angered by the coun- cil's action were students work· ing to develop a new campus news paper That group had been formed following action just e ight days a~o by the council to strip the New Uruversity of funding due lo complaints over alleged racist and sexist editoria l policies. Kaplan argued that the New Unive r s ity was needed lo publicize events. including up- co m 10 g s tude nt el ectio ns, through the end of the quarter. He said he doubted that a new paper could gear up by April 24·25 for the elections. The council's reversal was at- lri buted by observer s to two· factors: a pro-New Uruversity ; lobbying effort on the campus ; and a la rge turnout 0 1 Ne)"• University supporters at the! . ' meeting. · 4' _,,.-~~~~~~~~--~·.! I oMi'nge Weather· Fair and •warm•e ~t{ through Thursday. Low!I\ tonight 46 to 54. 'Highs'· Thur~y in upl>er,70s!: • . ; . I INSIBETODAY. . .P.auengers '.abo~d /~ '· "mnocl4! /Ught" from :N~\ York 1 to Mimaeopolil re{l«t.1 . on peraoaal rcoctionl m tlwfr' · bnah with death . at tM 127; j etliner w e nt into 0 1' supersonic noaedive. S~e •• P.oge Al4. .... J AtY _ _.... M ,._.......,. Ct (!' ............................ L..M..... M ......... ....11 ' ...._ ..., .......... .. ~ Al .............. * Q ........... 0.....0., .. c-ks • ..... •1.s 0.Ka•illl • Dr. I 11 1.-Ala ........... Al ......... ., • ........... M ,.....,.... h a-.•lr•• • ... t1 .......,. •u ......... CIM...._ M ..... cw ..... ---... ...... "" Ct l .. Cowabunga~ Bah11 Surft>r hunMS u ri~ht thi morning nt>ur lhl' NPwport Pier urf wus up toduy and ~ur ft~rs W(ffl' uul. despite 56-de~rec wull'r tem 1wruture. Newport Beach lifeguards said wuv(>:, were five lo eight feel and described lhti s urf a!) the biggest this year. San On of re Cites 'Safety Systems' Hwit Continues For Santa Ana Missing Boy, 7 Water level gauges at San 0nofre Nuclear Powe r Plant could give false readings durine rapid decompression operations like one that led to lhe Three Mile Island d1saswr but would be backed up by automatic safe- ty systems. plant officials said today Concern has bc£>n raised by Nuclear Rej?ulatory Commission offi cials that the gauges at 43 plants including San Onofre could give operators fa lse r~ad· mgs and pose a serious hazard. But S an On ofre nuc lear gt>neration manager Hans Ot- toson said it unlikely all three aauges would fai l In the event that they d id fu il. water pres· ~ure baC'kup syslt'ms would bt• ;.ictl\ ated and t·ompeni;ate for any chan~c in cond1lio11s. hl' .icl<ied Ottoson said tht• t.?auges at San Onofre are similar to those usl•d at the Three Mile Is land plant in Pt•nns)lvar11a but arc made by d1 Hcrent manufacturers. * * * F.-...Paf14!AI SAFETY ... -.1f.!nal!> by thl' plant computer to turn on cmcrgc•ncy cool in~ automatll·ally when then· 1:-. trouhle with the m ai n coohn~ system T he NRC s l<.iff fo llowed up "'1th a writtPn "preliminary 1111tirici1lion .. or the situation to ('f)m mission officials Tuesd;.iy a nd 1announ ced th a t action publicly today. Complete cooling failure can lead to a meltdown or overheat· 1n~ of the reactor's core a nd the release of lar~e a mo unts of radioactivity. Wcstinghousc said it was beliPved that a s mall break in a rt>actor pressurizer could leave one of these signals appearing high while the othe r falls. In this case. the computer would not tum over e mergency cooling and a plant operator could be misled into •·erroneo~ actions." Westin~house recommended-4 that operators start emergency cooling manually if the pressure signal alone drops below its trig. gcr point. The l'IRC said it was still re- vie wing the exte n t to which eve nts in the Three Mlle Island accident a pply gener a lly to pl a n ts des ig n e d by Wesl - 1nghoui.e a n d Com bus tion Engineering as well as Babcock and Wilcox. DAILY PILOT '""°'•..-.t•nlo.+ty ftHot w1tn...m+c:f'tt\t9f'" I><_ I"".._.__, "-'"'"""' .... Or-(oa\t Pul>""""O(-• 'kH••l•..,.1-M• ND""' .. ' _.., ,..,_ F"d•f lof Cal• M• .. N-_ .. '4""1"'91M llo""IVF°"" IAff't ., ........ ~ .... l•..,,.,. IM•"''°""'CM"M A \tnt1t rt0t0Mt f'd•t'Of'l I' out>t•llWd ~t.lf"Mft_,. -.. , ... 00•..C-IMll>l••lllfto "'""' " .. »II '""''' 11.,11.-,CMl•~w,C•lllo .. •••~ ._,,,._ .... _, __ T"-t4M ...... 1111'1 ... "9 Uhor 0.Wl"'M ...... -I' .... N A•\1>141'11 Nlot-"9 £ClllO<'t TetepfloM (714>-...n1 ~ Aclvertt••'°'"" NRC officials said last week the gauge may have fooled Thr ee Mlle I s land plant operators into shutting down an em ergency cooling system that had switched on automatically and thus compounded the acci- dent. This revclat1on prompted NRC Chairman Joseph Hendrie to is- sue warning letters to plant of- fi cials across the country Ottoson said San Onofre of ficials are looking into the poten· tial gauge malfunction and other concerns raised by Hendric 's • letters. Santa Ana police s aid today they have n 't ruled out the possibility of foul play in the dis- appearance two days ago of a 7-vear-old boy. "We a r e looking at all possibilities,·· said Sgt. Kenneth Reioertson. II c n oted that the boy 's parents are i nvol ved in a custody dispute but that, since a court date is pending. neither a ppears lo have a motive for hiding the boy. T he youn gster was identified as Charles Christopher Francis. known a~ Chrissie, of Santa Ana. $50,000 Savings? Cost-trimming Policy Expanded Newport Beach city om c1als are thinking about expanding their cosl·cuttmg experiment m contracting out city services by h1rmg a company to provide custodial services to all city build· mgs. · Wayne Schwammel, city personnel director . says the city could save SS0.000 a year by contracting with Universal Building Maintenance Co. City Councilwoman Evelyn Ha rt read through Schwammers 22·page report on the s ubJect Monday and sighed. "They may be a big time custodial service, but I see they don't do windows ." * * * * SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL was the message deli vered to two builders Monday night when city councilmen turned down their projects Ernest George was told to cut in half the size of the 25,000· square.root commercial building he proposed for the block in Corona del Mar bounded by East Coast Highway, Dahlia Avenue and Fifth Avenue. And Paul Shapiro was told he couldn't build a two-unit con· dominium on an oversized R-2 lot on Newport Island. Shapiro, who could build a duplex without council a pproval. wanted to get the city 's okay on the condominium. When neighbors protested, councilmen said •·no." * * * * IT WAS THE SPIRIT of Proposition 13 that was at work last s ummer when Newport Beach city councilmen decided to drop out or NOISE. a national a nti-airport noise group to which the cily had belonged since 1971. Arter last week's Ft'deral J\viatlon J\dmlnistration hearings in· to the possibility or putting more airlines into Orange County Ai rport, councilmen say thc•y'll reconsider. The $750 mem bershi p fee is lo be included in the proposed city budget which councilmen will be studying betwe~n now and June. • * * • COUNCILMAN PAUL HUMMEL thinks there ought to be a lit· lie wiser expenditure of city dollars al Corona del Mar Main Beach. At his suggestion. city offi cials are looking at ways lhat lifeguards can do some of the work assigned in the winter months to policemen. Hummel wants lifeguards to be a uthorized to get visitors off the beach and close the facility al night when patrolmen are usual- ly occupied elsewhere. Lilcguurds normally take care of closing the beach during the summer hours. The Corona del Mar councilma n also wants to see lifeguards issuing citations for viola tions or various laws involving litter, dogs · and alcoholic beverages. •• * * IT'S LIKELY TO BE sometime in May before city council members get their fi rst official look at the latest Irvine Co. de· velopment proposal. Last week. planning commissioners approved preliminary plans for Harbor Point, a 20-home subdivision proposed for the triangle off MacArthur Boulevard south of Roger 's Gardens. Company officials estimate the homes will sell for more than $300,000. * * * * NEWPORT BEACH CITY councilme n aren't shy about telling Congress they want thu roposcd 24,000-acre national urban park in the Irvine Coast, Laguna Greenbelt and Aliso Viejo area. But councilmen got to squabbling among themselves Monday over a resolution backing the park, which also backed the concept of the' San Joaquin HUis Transportation Corridor running through it. Councilmen Paul Hummel and Don Strauss wanted mention or the proposed roadway deleted rrom the resolution. But Mayor Paul Ryckoff Insisted, noting that It would be near- ly impouible to get a major roadway through the park after It was bou1bt unless all concerned were on record ravorin1 it from the outset. · "I wouldn't support a major park when the only acceaa would be through my city," added Councilwoman Jackie Heather refer· ring to the already congested Pacific Coast Hlahway . • ) A human w9dae around • nee. ma car. a.nd a grocery store as- sistant mana1ter who used his be lt to dlsarm a kntre-wielding suspect were credited with help. Inc Cotta Me111 police arrest three theft 1U1peda Tuetday. Poll~ 1ald (he incident began at 4 :30 p.m . Tuesday when C'lerks at. Ralph's Marlcet, 380 E. 17th St .. saw a man fl eeing with three bottles of liquor and chased him. The man allegedly puUed a knife on them but dropped it when assistant manager Robert James Ke ller . 47 . cam e up swinging his belt. Officer Dennis J efcoat said in his report that he arrested the man but only questioned his two fem ale companions. releasing them alter bemg told they didn't have a car However. Jefcoast s~id that minutes later he s potted the women driving off in a car and called to several bystanders lo help stop them. The passersby quicltly thrust t he mselves in front o r and behind the car . J efcoat said. When the driver paused , J efcoat was able to open the car door and stop the a Ueged escape. His report states that several bottles of liquor stolen from Ralph's were found inside the car, along with a "shopping list" of brand names. About $100 in liquor had been stolen, Jefcoat said. Still in Costa Mesa J ail today in lieu of $10,000 bail was Eliseo De lgado Rodriguez, 23, oC Santa Ana. who races charges of as- sault with a deadly weapon, co mm e r cial b ur gla r y . possession of stolen property and possession of a needle and syringe. Police smd Rodnguez' sis ter. Margaret Delgado Rodriguez. 19. of Santa Ana. was taken to Or ange County J ail along with Me lissa Williams. also known as Melissa Gravelle. 22, of 2700 Peterson Way. Costa Mesa. (Friday Bank I Hours Cut Good Friday and Friday the 13th arc one and the same this week. if you plan to do your banking on that day. you m ight e nd up with the bad luck that ·s said to go hand m hand with the latter ~any banks 1n t he Or ange Coast area plan to c l ose at no o n . o r thereabouts . To be on the sare side. C'all first to be s url' of your branch's hours , >. • 0 .... fert Wd• • TEIAS 50 tto lilts AP ....... 'TORNADO ALLEY' HIT OeathTol RtMa l'....,P,..eAl Newpart-lleea eehool Uwleel took .. aetiaa T\lllclaJ OD Ne· om meedatlODI bJ • clllHDI committee cm &be future ot U.... eo.ta ... tellool att., but Nici tb•1 probably WOD 't tell the propertiee. Trueteee 'Voted to naive tbe report and than the committee members, wbo bad beld public he.rtno on what mould be done wlth Monte Vlata, Meu Verde and Victoria teboole. AU three are scheduled for closing becauee of deeliniq enrollment. Committee ebalrmaa Roser Blanchard said the eommiUee recommends leasing rather than selling because be wu told that, if the schools are sold, the money wlll go dfrectly to pay off ro LL. • • . slate loans on the property Law .-10l'cemenl and military whUe, if they are leaed, the dis· 'l:'UI' • trlct could keep the money. authorities threw a net of secun-, · However, tru1tee1 said it's t y a round th e w rec.k ed still not clear whether lease pay- n.eighborhoods, requiring iden-ments can be retained or mual tificaUon from those t'Yiog to be applied toward paying off the salvage property. . loans. Caravans of packup trucks, vans, and cars with rented trailers -piled with furniture and p ersonal belo ng ings - trekked back and forth from the stricken neighborhoods . . Hospitals we re overflow~ng with injured and those seeking word or missing rela tives. Doctors, nurses a nd allied medical p e rs onnel worked around the clock on patients to "clean them up, stitch them up a nd get them along." "I lhink we are gomg to have one horror a fter a nother when they clear the rubble." said nursing s upervisor Peggy Horn at Wichita General Hospital. one or two hospitals lined waJI to wall with patients. 500 of them requiring s urgery . hosp1taltza t10n or a doc tor's care. The Texas Electric Servi ce Co had 150 crews in by th1-, morning Seventy high \Ollagl' tran s mission towers "A cre knocked out. affecting ahout 45,000 customers. said Geori:tt• He ndrick . s e nior e lectrical engineer for the ut1lil) He ndrick said 1t would bt• se\'cral d;;iys bt:fore a ll power 1:-. restored A few twiste rs touched down m remote Wes t Texas today. but there were no reports of in1ur1e:-. or serious damage. About 60 miles north of Wi c hita F a lls i n Lawton. Okla homa Gov. George Nigh in· spected an area where another twister cut a path a quarter or a mile long a nd a block wide . damaging 250 homes and a number or bus inesses. Ill' estimated the damagt! at S30 million to S40 million. But they said they want to keep the sites in case they are needed again as schools . T he committee report noted t hat residents near the schools requested restricted night ac· tivities. continuing availability of playgrounds and no heavy in- c rease in traffic. It w as pointed out that trustees face a dile mma: If they choose to lease to a private school or ~roup, such as the Orange Coast YMCA. a public auction must be held. The property mig ht the n become available to Coastli ne Com mun1ty Coll ege, which. committee members believe. would not meet the requests of nc11?hbors. I lowever. other public groups wanting to lease might not be able to pay as much rent. Trustees asked staff members to look into the possibilities of writing re~tnctions into a lease. They stated that they want to protect both the interests of tax· pay1.•rs in genernl and of the schools' neighbors . School Budget Meeting Cancelled A special meeting or Newport. Mesa school trustees tentatively et for Tuesday to discuss the 1979 80 prelimina ry budget has been canceled because the bu<1get won 't be ready. Trui.tecs sa id they hope to rl'Scht.'dule the budget meeting for May I 100/0 to 2So/o oFF t ,-Fantastic selection of the finest in upholstery now on sale. Special orders accepted on many of our famous lines including selected pieces from Drexel, Heritage, Woodmark & Stanton Cooper. Alreloom sleepers, 200/o off, your choice of color. Don't delay. NeWport Boatyard MUitant Sella OUt ""~ 'I HAY£ TO START ALL OVER,' SAYS SAND SCULPTOR TED CONIBEAR For the S.cond Time, Vandallam HH Struck Hl1 'Laat Supper' Scene 'Supper' Destroyed Vamlal Rui1u Newly Repaired Sculpture CJ\ LIM BSA • t\ t> 1 It was past du~k By JOANNE REYNOLDS OllllfoeitJ ........... Sana G~darlan ea yR a good clu~ to her husband's churatl4!r ts his uJ>e or the color orange. It took 15 years for all of the equipment aod some or the walls and floors -at Blackle's Boat Yard In Newport Beach to a cquire that disllocUve color. The o ne -lime proprietor. Arsene ''Blackie " Gadarlao, even wears orange shirts. Not sort. sherbert orange, but stand· righ t -up-;and-punch -you·in-the eye orange. AS SARA SAYS, it's a clue to the character that has rankled Newport Beach's establis hment for 20 years. There's something new at the boat yard a l 26th Street and Newport Boulevard-it's a sign done in blue that proclaims the business to be Uie Ba lboa Boat Yard. It was instaJled by the young couple from northern California to whom Blackie a nd Sara sold out. They're moving lo Maui to start "a new adventure." when Ted Con1 b('ur rlnls hcd 18 months of work repairing d amage vandals did to his lifesm .• sand sculpture of .. The Last Supper." llis joy was shortlived. By Monday a Sl't but 1101 balle r <Al I ht' new attack. \\hi ch s her iff's de•puues t'!;l1matcd caused $13,000 in damage to thi:' 20·ton sculpture. A religious ma n . ConJ l:>t:ar said hl' would work toward completi~ a t'on<•rctt• rl'J)l it•a of the Resur· rection Tomb. a four·yl•ar proJeCt he intends to have reud y by f:a~ll'r Relaxing in the seldom used "executi ve offi ce " at their form er boat yard . the Gadarians talked about their decision to leave Newport. Sara says they n eed new cha llenges like t he ones they faced when they built their boat yarct in 1964 . RARE PHOTO OF NEWPORT'S ORACLE IN ORANGE Arsene 'Blackie' Gadarlan Captured Actually Smiling day after he rinished the painstaking repair aod thret.> days before Holy Thursday, the day associated with Christ's Last Supper the heads of J <'sus and 12 disciples had been bashed in again with a·hammer "SO THERE I WAS," THE 73-yea r-old ar t ist said Tuesday. ··1 just finished a year and u half of work repairing it and I ha ve to start all oH•r .. San Bernardino County ~her1H's deputies l>pN·uh1tc that an adult man disfigured the -;cu lpt11re~ 10 ahout lht· samt' way vandals at· I al·kcd Corn hear·~ \\Ork in November 1977. cau~ing Sl0.000 in damage. No arrests have been made. Conibt:Jr, u sand artist 52 years. was up- 54o/0 Approve Tilt: T0~18 A~D "THE LAST Supper .. are amoni:: <t collel·t 1on of handcrafted works t ha t Conibcar d1spla) s at a small park he calls Bibleland. located 1n this community 75 miles east of Los Angeles. Admission is free, though Conibear asks for donations. He says hi~ 1>rojecb Jrc financed entirely through l'Ontribulion~ .. \1' obJl'l't 111 making these rl'lig1oui. statUl'!-. as to )ll'l pt•oplc to read the Bible," hl' said. "People come here and go home and say. · 1 woncfor what the Bible says about this.· and then they read the Bible.·· Rent Freeze OK'd In Santa Monica Veteran Recall Flayed SANTA MONICA <AP> Vote rs in this coastal city have a pproved a proposal to control rents and condom inium con· struct1 on. and elected t wo of the measure's ad vocates to lhe City Council. said lbe rent rollback would be unreasonable because the coi.l or opera ting rental units in Santa Monica has risen with infl ation. T he r ent contro l c rit1('S warned that passage of Propos1 lion A will result in cuts 10 build· ing maintenance to the point whe re buildings "start falling apart around us ." WA SHINGTON IA P > -A Pentagon plan fo r mobilizing combat troops at the outbreak of war calling on discharged veterans ahead or raw recruits is running into n ak on Capitol llill C\l>n before receiving ap· proval from Defense Secreta ry Harold Bro\\ n. Blackje says he's Just plain bored. "If' THERE'S ANYTHING l ran 't stand. it's com placency \\'ilh e veryone sitting around here telling each ot her what a wonderful plact' this Is "It's gotten so boring that I've started calling m y friends at rught JUSt to pick an ari::ument to maktc• th\! c' ening more interest· ing, · he tc•xplained . Just because he 's moving to Lahaina doesn't mean Blackje h as given up on his m ission in life: "To expose civil servants for what they really are people without an hone t job." I "We've already gotten alter the state harbors people there." Sara said. GETTING AFTER PEOPLE in Newpo rt Beac h has kept Blackie in the fray for more yea rs than local politicians and city s taffers would like to re- member. With his mililary·style hair cut, his high top black tennis s hoes and orange shirt, he was a distressing s ight lo those in the seatc; of power. He ·s fought -and occasionally beaten -everyone from the l adies of the Ebell Club to federal safety ins pectors and the caostal commission staff. s ta ff. But his special ta rgets are city polilicans. be they the former pro-development majority or the no-g rowth group currently in power. "I feel like I've had a couple of failures." he observed or the present city council. "I HAVEN'T HAD THE TIME to teach Ryckoff. Hum mel and Williams rMayor P aul, Coun cilman Paul a nd Mayor Pro Tern Ray, to expand on their charisma. what little there U,. "l haven't had much time to t each the m what humility is, either. "Another thing I h aven't had time for is to teach the husbands of all these mil.itant Newport Beach ladies the value of sex in keeping their wives home at night." Blackie decries the loss of humor among c urre nt city coun· cil members. •'The only one with any sense or humor at all is J ackie Heathe r," be s aid. HE DOESN'T WASTE much affection on the mayor. ··vou can quote me. he's a horrid man and he got there because of our apathy.· On the other hand. Black.ie is none too complimentary when it comes to the c ity's deve lopment interests. He refers to the Irvine Com· pany's chief spokesman . Vice President Bob Shelton. as "the C h i n ese dinn e r -b ecau se nothing he says would stay with you very long." Despite it all, the Gadarians concede that moving isn't going to be easy. "We·ve had some awful good times here a nd we love everybod y. e xcept a few." Blackie said . Clearly it's time to move on. "You know. all the guys who owned boat yards when we start· ed out. a couple or ·em a re dead , of a couple of 'em had heart at- tacks and one dodders around town boring everybody with his sea stories." Blackie explained RATHER THAN WAIT to fall into one or those categories, they will move to Lahaina a od run their boat yard full lime while Sara "te nds her properties." They've got plans to build a marine hardware store and open a ba r on their lot and they talk about buying Palmyra Island, 1,000 miles south of Honolulu. AU that will still leave time for netlling the powers that be on Maul and tangling with tbe "Callfomia whites" as they've du bbed Lah aina 's r ecent ar - rivals. a few of whom we re so lacking in judgment a s to pro- test when Blackie's ora nge s ign went up at his new boat yard. "It needs action over there ... he obser ved, 'which we will give it." With all 65 precincts report inJ?, the results or Tuesday's city e lection showed ProPOsition J\ c apturing 54.3 percent of the vote The law calls for a tern oorarv re nt freeie followed by a rollback to last year's levels. • RelatL'<i story Page A5. 1 Victorious an their race for two or the three available council seats were Ruth Vannatta and Bill Jennings. who ran on a pro· Proposition A slate. Also elected from a field or 14 cundidales was "Rent control does absolutely nothing to address the sen ous lack of new housing in Santa Monica, .. said Hobe rt Scura. spokesman ror the Santa MoniCCJ Ta xpayers and Hcs1dcnts Com· mittees. Defense rcsen c manpo\\er of· fic1als sa id Tuesda y they are drafting legislation under which discharged veterans would be <'ailed in an emergency and sent into combat ahead or recruits with no prior scr\'it'e ·a re· versal of current policy. Waste Dropper Faces Fine Christian Reed. T he rent t:ontrol victory came jus t 10 mo nt hs a fter Sant;\ Monica n.•s1dcnls 80 percent or whom an.• renters narrowly defeakd a ~im1lar proposal. In the interim bet ween those two elections. however. renters claimed landlords began asking for unreasonable rent increases in the wake of Proposition 13. Evictions soured as apartment buildin!!S were demolished to m ake wav ror a \.\:J\'e of con· However . propone nts of the meas ure contended the initiative won't result in declining condi lions in city apart m ents but would rt> merely allow renters to share the benefits of Proposi- tion 13, «2) let low· a nd middle income families livtc• in low and moderately priced housing. and 13 > stop absentee landlords from d o m ina tine t he r e a l es t ate market. By law and tradition. veterans An El To r o M a r in c s taff erly''whentheaircranlanded. who have completed a six·year sergeant will lose $170 in flight 1 The Marine s pokesman said obligation a re the last ones pay for dropping a pl astic bag the guilty party "has been re· called in wartime. containing human waste from a lieved of his fight duties for two Se n. Sam Nunn. D-Ga .. told military aircraft near a South months" resulting in a loss of defen se ofCi cials the plan is con· Laguna home on March 24. Sl70 in pay. The drop was con· t ra r v to "a fundament a l princi· Gunnery Sgt. Bi ll Grindstaff trary to Marine regulations. he pie of our country" a nd would said the name o f the s taff said. require veterans to sen ·e twice se r gea nt. a qual i fi e d a ir Marine officials launched a "when millions never ser ved crewman riding as a passenger probe into the incident when once.. the day of the drop. will not be South Laguna s a nda lma ker "You 're not going to get released since the punjshment Chris O'Keefe said he saw a anvonc on Capitol llill to handJe against him did not involve a shiny object drop from the skies that." said Nunn. chairman of court martial. near his home at 10 a.m. from a the Senate Armed Services man· Grinds taff said Marine in· KC-130 Her c ules tra n s por t power subcom mittee. where the vesligators be lie ve the starr plane. legish1l1on would be sent. sergeant jettisoned the bag "ap-O'Keefe ran to the object and Defense officials told a sub-pareotly to avoid the inconve-found it to be a lar ge baggie con· human waste .. The irate homeowner contact- ed Ma rine offic ials a nd de· m anded something be done. Ma rines removed the bag. O'Keefe said Marine officials had not contacted him Tuesday concerning finding the g uilty bag dropper. Blast Hurts Six KANSAS crTY. Mo. <API An explosion rocked a grain elevator in North Kansas City late Tuesday, injuring at least six persons. a company official said . Four persons were lis ted in critical cood.ition. dom1nium buildi ng Under Proposition A, any in· c rea ses in rent and any a pplica· tio ns lo con vert a partment buildings Into cond om iniums would have to be approved by a C h e r y l Rh o d e n . a spokeswoman for t he Santa Monica Fair Housing Alliance. said Proposition A was also pro- posed because more than 3.000 units have received t entative ap- proval this yea r for conversion fro m a pa tlm e nts lo con dominiums -often forcing cur re nt tenants to move. com mittec hear ing the plan nience of disposing or it prop· taioing what a ppeared to be would be a short-term solution to _:~:::.::.....:::....::.::!:.::.:.:.::!?.....::.:......:.:.....!:.:..:::.t: _____ .:;_ ___ .:...:.. __________________ _ s hortages in the reserves and potentiaJ problems in mobilizing for ces in an emergency. . ·- five·member rent control board. Jewels Stolen The housing board would be dis ma ntled H 1 he apartment vacancy rate. currently about 2 percent. rises above 5 percent. "We don't see any other solu- tion in the short range." said J ohn Brinkerhoff. a defense Gem Talk Opponents or the measure. in· eluding Mayor Donna Swink. * * * Orange C'ount11 PARIS (A P ) -Two separate three-man armed teams held up two Pa ris jewelry s tores Tues· day and escaped with nearly S2 million worth of jewels . ma npower specia list. He acknowled ged that the plan. which would require con· gressional approval. faces ''lots or opposition." c d e e p Ii Set A GLOBAL TRIP on OIDIDlllfil 0 cy The ;:::~:~~;oc;~d=:ia. the · forbidding Burmese rain forest. the 1 Citing a recent. surge or ap-ningstudy iscom pleted. housing which also would not. be intrigue or Angola, the mystery of Sri plicalions to convert apartments Riley noted 18 Dana Point helpful in the Dana Point area," Lanka ... these and other faraway to condominiums in Dana Point. apartment buildings were con· Riley said in a report lo fellow la nds are available to you through Orange County s upervisors verted to condominiums io 1977 supervisors. your tra ve l agent . . . or your Tuesday ordered a new coun-a nd 1978 and so far this year five Riley noted the only guidelines jeweler. tywlde policy lo assess such pro-more such applications have now used by the county plaMers Your local jewelry store is full of sals. been received. In evaluating the merits of con· tbe products a nd the mysteries of upervisor Thomas Riley. who While such conversions may verting rental units to con· those and oLher ra r-orr lands. The su ested the new policy for provide an opportunity for less· dominiums include findings that gems on display reflect not only the apa ment conversions in unin· expe ns ive home purchases. the proposal: natural beauty or their own mineral cor ated areas. said tbe coun· Riley said. the s urge or applies· components. but the history of their ty no has rew guidelines for lions in Dana Point. should be Complies with long-range origins as well. Wrapped around the Judging tbe suita bility of \umlng watched until such things as an county planning guides. diamonds of South Africa and the rent.your-own npartmcnl com· inve ntory of the types of housing Will not create unusual traf-rubies of Burma are lhe enigmas of plexes into buy.your-owp con· available in the sea side com· fi e, noise or other objectionable the history ond politics of those ilominiums. munUy is completed. conditions. lands . Will political upheaval in Will not harm the general f i th n r I "In the interests of good plan-In addlt.ion, he continued, A r ca cut e ow o prec oua stones welrare o( the surrounding com· r th bo 1 r th d ~ ti ning," he said. "this loophole som e new developments in.Dana rom e we s o e ar~ con • 1bouJd be plua&ed up." Point likely will be rec»ulred to munlty. nent? Wlll the natural resources and Include proviskJo.s for so·called standards. Riley said, it now Is their value transcend politics? The atrordable housing In coming possible for standard a partment gemstone market watches from the montbl. buildings to be concerted to con· sidelines as the. intrlgue continues. At domlnlums when they lack least ror now, pr~lous stones and A Watch For The Serious Sportsman •• Sw iss technology has broUQht us a watch tested for waterproofness to 150 ff. Clatm.) and all In a steel fiberglass case for very tight weight. It has the date and Is supplied with a black bracelet. $89.95 J. C. JJump~!UtJ J.Wtlf.rtJ MEMBER AMUICAN GEM SOCIETY (§} 1 82~ NEWPORT BlVO COSTA MESA CONVENtENTTERMS ~Ollrwe 32 YtAAS IN THI SAME LOCATION PHON1 .....a.o1 At RlJey 's urging , 1uepervi10r1 also asked county planners lo give special alt.en· tloa to appUcationa for apart. ment ~Hrslom lD Dana Polat •'This could hn e the de· many of the amenities routinely their importance to tbe world have leterk>ul effect of overburdenifli required for own.youN>"·o "'""· continued to cross troubled borden. f.!iiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiii~tiiiE!i:iiiiiiiMiiiiii;;:;;;;iiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i~! one community wtlb affordable plexes. ' untll a community.wide plan· ' '1 ................. '"' mY 'l'lt'KY POUTD: WUt 1011M ol our Oraq ~aetw Med UNee daJa are IMIW ln crowd con. trol. ,.. .. .._ .-a.ar. to keep tMl.r cool Pllllle ~.for nample. Med'DOt hit tt.49 pule ....._ jult t.Ha ... a 1.,..... lb• usual audl M Aon• et• rit1 touMH OC' achool board .... 1on U aM rolb .-0.p tbelr feet. cheer, boo or 1how other form1otlllllotentHuMrance,10mtaehlhemtrrier. PoliUdua Med le\. ckifftlldve oeJy IC the throne IP· pean elblblUftf 1 rope wtlb a nooM at the e nd or atart» burlU., ovwrlpe vqtabtes. NIWPOaT 8EACH •AYOa Paul Ryckoff, for In atance .• wa.a a e11P•c example ol ov•r·react to a city coun· en croWd Juat the otheroi•bt. A aroup trom a condominium complex ln upper Coroea del Mar, llnowri aa JaHm\n~ Creek. showed up at the HMSoe. ... Amin KAMPALA. ur1nda <AP) -Ufaeda't capita feU to an ln· v11lon forco of Ta"11nlans and U••adu ull.e9 earl¥ loela.v and realdeola •reeted th "liberators" with rtow r s and bananu Some ot Prettldeot ldl Amln'a remalnJnr troops were beat~" to death. • 'Tht' racist tasclat is no longer in powtr." vletoriouis Ugandan r e bel s bl lired throu c h loudapeakt'rs In K ampaJA :and on state radio. AMIN W REPORTED ~ hav'' fJ~ Kampala on Tuesday for hltt ~w head<tuarters In Jin· Ja. 50 mll~ to the east, and some uncoof1rmed reports said he heutkd \!Ven fllrther east to Tororo. near the Kenyan border . Flees; Dntlopmeat ~1m, I West Germaa named O«t Kallwu. and b1I wile were ldUed wben • rocket bit tbllr car d~ U. battle for tbe dt)'. R•dio Us.ada. off tbe air slnee 'l'Uetday nlibt, returned today .. lb I vietory •DDCNDCe· m~nt by U . Col. David <>Ytte Ojok. who tc»aW...i b!meell aa mUltary leader of the Tan- zanlan·t..ckecl rebel UaaDdan N atiooal Uberatlon Army. He urged U1andau ~ Joln hand• and "elhn1nata the few re· mainlng murderers and tooters, and he called on re· mainlng Ugandan soldiers to surrender. MANY KAMPALANS believed the troops moving in the dark· ness overnight to be· Ugandans, but they came out at daybreak and greeted the invaders with cha nts of ''Nyerere Only!· and "Nyerere. Nyerere!", referring to ·Tanzanian President Julius aet up a prorillonal ~ TBS INYADSU ll'AllTSD Into Kampala Tut141ar after. noon efter a ..._.._. arUUerr bombardment. followed bJ a fierce rodtet. arWlerJ and ~ rtgbter 1tt.ek ln the mornlDC and early afternoon. Despite the heavy bombard· ment, there was little vlaible damage to homes ind cosn· mertlal buUdinas. ..The Kamp1l1na were NATION/WORLD cat11PN u1 «• •'CJ• ; .... _ ...... to...... ..... Am--.-,•,:rd ...... i AHocl•ted re11 takea lato Uaudaa.,tMTauMdw ''INWIOorUIOldMl'I .. looked Ha tber ............... todeatb." . .,,. .... ~ ... -.. air ot a rietory perade." uld tbe~.--~ panled tbe foree wlpld toe• ture tbe dty. ( They outnumbe~ the uauaJ Newport council h1111ee~ on. who uncfto lapse into bllalul lnOrlftB In the back ro~i:. The Invaders. movtng In Crom the north. south and west. were upparcntly pushing on toward J inJa, w~erc residents reported u1tlY seen-e s with wounded soldiers s traggling t hro ug h while others went on a rampage of tooling Firing could be heard t:ast of Kampala •Nyerere. The Tanzanians estima ted that 25 lo 30 Ugandan soldien; were killed during their advance into the center or the city. They said the invasion force suffered vi rtually DO casualties. A FRENCH DIPLOMAT said t he actlns:: chief or the U.N They also swarmed over tanks that led the Tanzanians Into the o uts kirts or the city. looted stores and offered the booty to the invaders. and beat knots of Ugandan soldiers to death. In Oar es Salaam, Taniania, Ii be r ation army sources said they planned lo move into Kam· pala within one or two days to Fath er Opposed Sclwol Nixes Bid as the council's brilliant verbal commentary walls out into the night air For Gay at Prom Anyway, the Jasmine Creek people bad a parking vex· ation in their complex and wanted the council to solve the problem. The Jasmine s pokes man was one Norm Smedegaard. CUMBERLAND. JU. <AP > -A 11.year-0ld boy was greeted by jee rs from some students and by a negative response from school of· ficlals to his request for permission to take another boy lo a high school junior prom. The school syste m said Tuesday that it had decided against granting Paul Guilbert a hearing on his request because the boy's father opposed the plan and not because homosexuality was an issue. Touring Kenga Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. and rock star Lind a Ronstadt board a s mall plane at Nairobi, Kenya. They went on a United National Environmental Program tour of a desertification project in northern Kenya on Tues-day. As he addressed the council, he asked his group to stand. probably in the effort to demonstrate that what he -was about lo s ay had strong support from fellow residents. That was when Mayor Ryckoff blew. He told old Sm etJegaard if he wanted to put on a show, go someplace else. Guilber t. a rtcr a lle ndini: classes a t Cumberla nd Jligh School on Tuesday for the first time since accounts of his re quest were published, s aitJ ht· was "very nervous." Then he advised Smedegaard that he was goi ng to vote against the Jasmine Creekers' request. NEVER MIND WHAT fact s we re going to be forthcoming. OISCU ING THE re action of fellow students , Guilbert s aid "They were yelling und scream ing. practically the whole stu dent body. Every class I went lo. people stopped to look al me They asked m e for my auto graph. It was kind of s ick." You have to be some puzzled by the mayor's unrest at seeing the crowd. Nobody was carrying sticks or stones. Jn the end, the Jasmine Creekers got what they want- ed. But not until hizzoner had chopped off Smedegaard's speech and then did what he promised by votmg Nay. When the Jasmine Creek folks all stood up, what the m ayor could have said was somethjng Uke. "My goodness. how nice to see all you voters and taxpayers out here tonight. However. Guilbert. who says he is a homosexual and has th~ support or the state chapter of the National Gay Rights Task For ce. said he will continue his fight for tht• ri~hl to take a male. a student al another school. to the May 4 prom "WIBLE WE 00 NOT have demonstrations within the council chambers, you are all very welcome. We hope you will stay for the entire session or brilliant verbal commen· tary. We hope you will return again and a ga in and participate in budget discussions, planning and traffic phasing decisions. The Cumber land ~chool dt' parlment decided against grant· ing the boy a hearing on lhc ad· vice of its attorney. V. J ame:. Santaniello, School Supen nten dent Robert G. Condon said. "We want all of our Newport Beach citizens to help us labo r in the vineyards of good government . . . " Why, a speech like that ought rm the old city council chambers every meeting night. In Newport, of course, that might cause some added problems. They'd have to fix the air cooditioning. Apricot Pit Sale Nixed "TtOS HAS NOTHING to do with the homosexual situation," Condon said. "All we were doing is abidmg by the request or the parents with respect to a minor child " CONCORD N.H. <AP> - New Ha mpshire, which allows the use or Laetrile by cancer pa· lients. has rejected a bill that would ha ve a llowe d the manufacture and sale of the apricot pit product. The New Hampshire House voted 254-76 Tuesday against the pro pos al after s upporters argued unsuccessfully that any s tate which has legalhed La e trile s hould all ow H s manuracture. In 1977 when the Legislature agreed to legalize the s ubstance, many votes were swayed by a cancer patient who told the House be had been cured by Laetrile. But he has since died. Condon added, however, that the student council and most of th e stude nt b ody o ppose Guilbert's request. "ft's a bad situation:· he said. "We're concerned about the youngster's safety. We feel the atmosphere is very tense." Rockies to ·Get Snow Western Plains Mercury Below Freezing Te,,.~rai11re• HI 1.e ~~ ... ~.ttl!!!!'!'Ai ....... Albu QllCI Atlente 84111more ..... lloston l rown)vllle ........ 011ce90 Cintrnn.roh Clne••nct O.IFI Wth Oen••• Detroit OulU1h f•lrOnks ........ Honoluh1 ~Ion Incl •llOll~ Jaus'11111~ 1Can·sc11v L•S V~ \.illle Rock \..OSA119tl~ &.oulswlllt Mempflls #ltft'll .... .., .. Mpl5"St.P. Nes!l'flile .... ~­.... .,.,. Ollla.Cltf ~ Of...-""··--~,. SS » 10 60 ..0 lll " 31 .OJ )() J9 SJ ,. •O 21 ., J3 SI JI •• 2'I II ., .II )0 » .n ., 2'I :i. ,. 2S I •1 ?I .21 11 "' IO ,. •• ., .11 13 ... S2 44 .70 u 41 •o H .02 •• )4 4t 40 .01 u ..... IO 1' 40 J1 .. lt ~ Al 19 74 SI 31 '1 SS t.40 4' ,. ... " u $1 ,. 11 •1 .01 S•nle Marla 0 40 T •hOe Vali.,. 41 11 ~AN AM&IUCAft Acapulco 14 .. BoQola .. TS Cullec.., N Fr .. port U 7J HeveN f1 /1 ~.ea., .... Mu•lleft IO ~ -rkl• 91 10 ..,,,.,,..., ts 10 .. _ .. 10 v.s.s .... ,,, A stro..o tow over the t uu P~ llt'OlolM ~_,lo tilt <Mtret RotalH ..i tM W.sttm Pieln1. A .... ,,., -waml"' -'"'°" fOf lM ~ ot ColoreclO, Wf'llle a tra1191 MvltDrY w• lft ell.Cl tor most Of ~ A ~ llOf"' WllCll -llOIAed fW Nftl!WeMtm tC.enNs elld ......,n Nellra6ka. t•"' ...... _. ,.,,,_,,..,, ......... lrMllftl..., ..,,!OM fJf Ille -Nrn Pitlnt Mid ffWll nort .... i.<n M«lfl OallOf • to~ "9Mt.ylwet11a enf ....... ," .... .,.,... In Ille Soulll\ ,......... ltt lllt 1" -..... _, ... IWll'Mll "'" ., l'let-i. .... ""Quit C-t. SlllH ................ _ c....., ...._ ti•,. ... tont• Cl .. r WffllMr 011 tlM N0'111Htt c....i. CaHlo,.,d a Gu"y wllMll ~•MPl"9 through Souttwrn C.lltoml• -• ••Pt<lecl to \low -lltte IOder. 8ut IOf't<•'t." w•• MCI Ille! !tie l>luster, .... ,,,., wllt con11r1ue In IM ll'IOllnlaln1, CIHern an<l tMSUll•,..t.. Blots of '#lnct l'ff<lllllQ to .a mp11 contlncM IO w111111e through Ille S.n Fernendo V•lley •nd Wtsl LO\ Angeles eren , wllll Oroken lret limos •net tr~secl pow11r lines ceus· Ing OUl'9H of varying le1>91~ tor t0.000 O.Pllr1nMnt ot W•l•r en<I Powercuslomers Soulliert' C•lilorn•• Ed•son of tk1eh •190 rtPQt1ed nume<ou• sm•ll ouleQH 1nrouonout tn11r serv1tt ., ... No<11'twe\ltfly Wind!. $llO\lld ton• I/nut blowing from U to 60 mpft In I.lie mounl•ln _, end 20 10 JS mQll In t.,.Clewrts. flair -t~ •Ith hl9", lhln CIO\lds •no Oust kicked uo ov the •lnct1torm were U P9Cled to c.ont1nue lhrouQh Tnur*4ey. Coa•tal It' eatlaer Fa Ir llWOuQll T'l'tunder. 1.111111 .,.,IM>lt w lllds 11111t1t IHIO morning'-•· .. 1911, Tllurtdoly _, 10 CH\tel t..,,.,.rat~I will ••"'9 l>tl•Hn SJ eno ... lnlana ''"'' peretur" will •11119t bet-50 •nCI II. T ........... Mmlleretut'9 will lie M. s-, 1'1 .. tt, Tide• WIOMaSOAY Second low t:JO 11-m. o ~ s.<ond 111g11 1. 40 p.m. s.1 1 fMUltSOAY FlrtlloW J oo.,m . o 1 Flr\I 111911 •.01 e.m. u S.Cond 1oW l 'SS p.m, 0 1 So<OftO hl9'I t . OS P "'-U Sun rtWl S:tl e.m .• MU •:fl p..m, Moon11-s:.,p.m., wls StOl•.m. I S•rlRq e r c Hltlltlfllltlll etedl: W-ON lo tM" tet1 Wilt! IS mtlll Wllldl Nktl fOf POOf tur1"'9 ~OMlllOfl ....,.,, aat(f'I: ·-., ............. wltll lltftt ...-..."'1y wind /Nit .. rorj ...,, (~llOM. Teamsters End Strike Tentative P act Falls Within Guidelines? WASl-U NGTON <Al'> -The Teamsters union and truclung companies are getting ready to r oll again, ending ~ naUonwide shutdown after reaching a ten· talive contra_c,t agreement that r eporte dly m eets President C arte r 's anti -Inflatio n g uidelines. turn lo work will be made within 24 hours," be said . Tbe new package would pro· vlde increases in wages. cost-or- living and fringe benefits t.ot.al· ing 26.5 percent over three years. assuming a 6 percent an· nual inflation rate and not count· ing exemptions granted lo the Teamsters. said John N. Gentry, a de puty lo anti-inflation direc· tor Allred E Kahn. negotiated three years ago. Gen- try called it a victory for thP Carter anti-inflation program. "The strike and de fensive shutdown <by the industry> a re being terminated .• chief rederal mediator Wayne L. Horvitz said s hortly before midnight Tues · day, as he a nnounced a settle· ment in the 10-day work stop- page. UNION PRESIDENT Frank Fluslmmoos said be would rec- ommend ratification by the 300,000 members covered by the pact. 'Tm sure they'll be satisfied with this agreement; at least I hope so," l\e said. Gentry said the admin1stra· tion was "delighted" that the T e amsters s e ttleme nt rails within Carter's wage guidelines and is "substantially less" than the 34 percent increase provided in the pre vious c ontract The union said it would take four to six weeks to complete the ratification vote. ''PROCEDURES FOR re· The two sides reached their acreement under the prodding of federal mediators in a final marat.boa round of bargaining that stretched over two days. BUY ONE DINNER RT REGULAR PRICE AND GET THE SECOND ONE FDR JUST •1.00 That's the special offer being made by Spires Restaurants In Irvine and Costa Mesa through April 15th, 1979. When you buy one of the four dinners shown below at the regular menu price, Spires will give you a second dinner tor just $1.00 more ... served from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. dally. Both dinners must be the same and are not prepared for take-out The SECOND DINNER FOR $1.00 offer Is good only at Spires Restaurants In COsta Mesa, 3129 Hatbor Blvd., and lrvlne, MacArthur at San Diego Freeway, and pertains only to the dinners shown In this ad. All other menu items are at regular prices. All dlnn«S Include a choice of (1) aoup, salad, or tomato Julc:e. Vegetable. French fries, hashed brown or mashed potatoes. (Baked potato Of rice pilaf avallable from 4 to 9 p.m~ warm roll and buttel'. Breaded ~ Veal Steak (pure veal patty) Brochettes ~ of Beef - First $3 75 Dinner • Second 81 OO Dinner • First Second $1 00 Dinner $3.35 Dinner • liver & Onions '@id Fish & Chips ~ First Second $1 OO First $3 35 Second $1 DO Dinner $2.95 Dinner • Dinner • Dinner • Served from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. d•ll'f. Second Dinner for St.00 offer goo'1 only at Spires Restaurants In Irvine and Co1t1 Meu. COSTA MESA 3129 Hart>orBlvd • - Birdnapped? A "substantial re ward " b bt•tng offe red 'for the return of Beaka. a l.a lmon-erc::,ted cockatoo belit-vctl stole n from the San Oiego Wild Anim al Par k on April t. Of ficials :,ay t he rnr e bird \Hts on bre~dmg loan Curiain Going Down LOS ANGEL ES <APt -Mlchetlo Trlola Marvin'• l1wy r tearfully ur1fd a Judae to (Jive tbt1 former how,lrl half or Lee ~arvln' milllom1. err.Int out: "I mplore thit toUrt to treat her fa rly.'' Marvin Milchitllon wu the last lawyer to 1pHk An final araumeots u u,., Hollywood·1tyk courtroom drama of lo\•e und m<>MY near d tls crudat lalt act T\atiday. HJI COMMENTS CAME at t~ end of nearly six bourl ot aummatlon an which Marvin 's chief 1tto1'1K'y, A Oavld K1aon, 1uud tht) actor n~ver promllfd Ml 0 Marvin a share ol property and 1n aaa~ lhat •h<· I~ enUUed lo nouuns "Oor of tht' rea1ons l)t'Ople don't aet m ar ratd." Kagon Ml d. "13 that \hey don't want the r "i.ponslbUIU.-11 und obH&MtiOf\I. ·· The laa;t word11 In th landmark Ube were lert to Supenor Court Jud11e Arthur Mlitshall. who said he will ponder som • 8,000 pages of · lcslamony before I wng u written ruling. MAJlSHALI., WHO SAID ~ hopes lo rule ear· ly nt-ICI w k . must dt!c1d1.• whether Miss Marvin i a enUU('d to hulC o ( the fortune Marvin made dur Ing the a1i< yearl> the actor and the former showglrl llved toflclhcr as lovers. Miss Marvuf :, l>Ull asks s pecifically for St.8 million. "tie tOOk bolh ha lves and we want our half back. or part of our hotr back.'' Mitchelsoo told the judgf'. Ile stressed that Miss Marvin had loved the actor and was devoted to him during their affair. "M1chd le has broken down a few times on the s tand here und shed a few tears." he recalled . ·'Thal was not an act Jl 's ob\•ious she was in love witb this man and would have done anything in lhe world for tum and hated to lose ltim." i\T DAV'S END. Miss Marvin, 46, quieUy we pt once more a:. M1tchelson recalled her for mer role as helpmate to the 55·year-old actor. "Just think of how m any times she comforted him . and I don't mean sexually' "he said. "Think of how many limes she held his head up. bow many hangovers he had. how many times she got him off a barstool.·· The white.haired Marvin stared glumly at M1lche lson as the attorney's voice rose to a cre:.ccndo an the cro\\-ded courtroom. "Fairness 1s what this is about:· Mitchelson said. his voice breaking. "I implore this court to treat her fairly. She gave something to this man She helped him acquire this property. She de· serves somethin~. · · THROUGHOUT THE AIGtJMENTS. M arshull sharply questioned both lawyers on their lnler pretatlona of the California Supreme Court declt lon ln Marvin vs. Marvin that gives unmar. ried cohabitanll \he rhlht lo iue for property. Katon. meanwhile, minimized Mi&& Marvin's contrlbuUona ~tbe actor's welfare in performlq chores generally done by housewives. "When abe ~Jled. she a1lo ate.'' said Ka1on. ''Whftl she c:le~ned. she alao participated in dirty. Ina up the house.·· Ka1on brushed off testimony about Marvin's dr inking, saying lhal Miss Marvin knew be was a heavy drinker when they met in 1964 on the set of the mm "Ship of Fools ... MITCHELSON, WHO HAD the chance to s peak twice because he carries the burden of proof, cited Miss Marvin's abandonment or her singing career as proof that she devoted all of her efforts to Marvin. Kagoo called her s inging "mediocre" and said she earned little money. Mitchelson replied: "She was a working girl. She had a carr er . It wasn 't much, but it was her career and he took bet et way from it.·· Outside the courtroom. Miss Marvin said the rinal arguments helped her understand her role bette r. 'Spirit of 13' Initiative Set For Election SACRAMENTO I AP> -First at was Propos ition 13. Now it's lhe "Spirit of 13" irut1at1ve that will go on the ballot at the next general election in California. Secretary of Stale March Fong Eu reported Tues· day tbat the new in·---------- itia t ive, sponsor ed by Proposition 13 co-author Paul Ga nn. q ua lified through the collection of a s ufficient num ber of s ignatures on petitions Mono's GuUs Get Reprieve LEE VINING (APl -; The •uUa of Moao Late have ~ blui.ct into safety -for the time be· Ing -thaaQ to Z.500 pounds of dyumlte UMd b y the California Na· lional Guard to remove a natural bridge used by predators. But the ultimate fate of the birds and or the lake itself may not be decided before another hundred years. MEMBEaS OP t he National Gua rd's l32d Engineer Battalion needed three d ays of blasting to remove an 800 root long bridge of land between the shore and Negit Is land. where the gulls nest and raise their young. The land bridge pro- vided a highway for predators to get lo Neglt Is la nd to dine on the gulls ~nd theireggs. "It took a lot longer th a n expec ted .·· Ll. Scott Belford of l he Gua rd said Tuesday. "It was mostly because of the gunk tmud> we en· countered. We kept get· ting our feet stuck ... THE LOS ANGELES De partment of Water and Powe r as u s ing 100,00 0 acr e -feet of water a year that would otherwise n ow into s a l· ty. alkaline Mono Lake, and the water level of the la ke is -dropping about two feet a year. That is why the la nd bridge appe<i red. JUSt as a noth<'r one did las t year The Guard blew that one up. too. "'WP 11 u CL.CmmllAIC& THIWOIMll ............ , How~ .......... dlrferente! Gt",_,..., lhe tell( ti,.. ............. this •:· e.e ,_. bairr9-lalieaUt&le e xtra tlm• wlUa your ma~e ••• u..n•• tomellllllf llft and cine. I wW 1~ YoU wm '" a treme11doua peycholocical aft • . • you will have u air ol eon. fidenff, and 10'I" Walle will t ake on a laswr .... ,.., ude11ce. Spriftl II UPon • and now a. the Ume to abop tor that NEW outfit that wtU give you a "lift." The Lll· tie Shop Around tbe Corner 1 in the mall on Crown Valley Parkway and in the Holiday lM at LaPaz and the Freeway> now hu on display ao excJtlng collec- tion of spring and summtir clothes that will give you an sar ot confidence and your wardrobe an aJr or excitem(nl. Included in t he s pr ing line now featured at The Little Shop Around the Comer are ex· citing fashions created by outstanding deslgne..S that will g ua r a ntee you a "come hither look." 'Malia" from Hawaii bas on display a complete line o f fun sun dresseli. ··Califom1a Girl" features lunc heon and even inA wear dresses that will get you the best table in the house. Fa med ··t.e ROy Knits.. hi,::hhghl elegance and summer comfort. California designed "Sir J a m eli " t ops a n d coordinates feature style. casualness, and qualit y unsurpa~. For those of you who enJOY the freedom of T-Shut styling. be sure lo check out the novt>I Hampshire lmPorts that a('cent prints thut are truly unusual and are now on display at both The L1tth.! St>ops Around the Comer Also on display are eX<'•l- ing Jewelry. accessorie~ and gift items that will g1 ve you the look that makes a di£ference' Was Dymally Illegally Paid? T H E I NITIATI VE wou ld am e n d the Ca lifornia Cons titution lo hmit the growth of state and local gover n· m e nl s pe nding to the percentage rise in the U.S. Cons ume r P r i ce Index, plus population. went on the ballot six yea rs a go unde r the s p o n so r s h i p o f Re publican Gov. Ronald Reagan. It was re1ected by the voters. But that was before the growth an public senlaml'nl t ha t led to the passa ge by nearly 2-1 of Propos ition 13. whkh cut property taxes 57 percent. Gann. a retired real e s t a t e a ge nt a n d p ubl i c i s t . s a ys the "Spi'rit of 13" imliati ve is the logical next step. Environmenta lis t s bt'h eve that. as the lake recedes the increasing salinity of the water will kill the millions or brine shrimp which hve in the water. wiping out the chief source of food for the 50.000 California ~u lls that show up every spring. Sixty other kinds So. treat yourself to a new YOU for that Easter Parade. luncheon. br1di.:1· pa rty. dance. a date with your boy friend . . or u ni g ht ou t with you r husband All you need 10 prove that clothes make the wom an Is to dash down to one of The Little Shops Around the Come r and try on one of their smashing n e w s p rin g c r ea - t1oni. ... make a date .>our ~our favorite hair stylist ... and watch the man m your hfe PU Rll. LOS ANGELES •AP J Unscaled courl doc:u· rnents reveal that recent searche~ of M ornin~lanrl Church a nd offices of attorneys for the church were to scm .• evidence of an alleged illegal St0.000 paym ent from Morningla nd to then-Lt Go \' Mervyn Oymally Affadavits fil ed by the state attorney gene ral's oUice state that former members of Morningland. a Long Beach· based church, claim the money wc.s paid lo Oymally through attorney Edward L M asry of Los Angeles SAN FRANCISCO IAPl Campus orricials req uires the perm1ss1on of the police chaer to con· duct s uch :icarches. The policy a llows searches · only as a last re sort ... and then only a ccording to a l>trict set of guide lines Kl'D IJttrrib Plan11 LOS ANG ELES I AP > -The Southe rn California Rapid Transit District bas unveiled a year-long plan to double the number of riders a nd make mor" effi cient use of buses. RTO oHicaals said Tuesday the success of the plan depends on employers switching to staggered work hours along the Wilshire Boulevard corridor from downtown Los Angeles to Fairfax Avenue. The district also plans to add 300 new buses to the present n cel of 2.600. ofric1als said It is to go on the ballot ·an June 1980, unless a !>pccial election is ca lled earlier -and there 's a possibility of a n election Aug. 28 of this year . GOING I NTO effect of water birds use Mono for the 1980-8 1 fi scal Lake , as well. year. 1t "ould permit THE DWP be li eves state and local govern-that the lake. which pro· m e n ts to tempora rily vides-about 20 percent of r a i se the limits in the a nnual water supply A BILL BEFORE the eme rgencies -with ap· for Los Angeles . will Legislatur e would ca ll prova l of t he vot e rs. stabilize in SO to 100 ----------s uc h a n election o n Whether this would be years at a bout one-half _________ ... a n othe r pr o pos itio n by two-thirds or simple 'ts c urrent size. Put some red sails in aimed at halting school m ajority vote would be "This means that the your SUMets. Buy one b u s ing f or r a c i a I up to the governmental salinity will be two to Of the drNm boats fist- b a lance in the Lo s entities. three times what it is •d in the Boating An I d classified ads of Ute gc es-area. Surpluses would have 0 0 w • • · s 3 i Du a n e Daily Pilot. are drawing blood samples from University of California Medica l School employees to see if they have contracted the animal·borne Q rever which has already heen blamed Rent Control 'Illegal' Also. Republican Lt. to be returned to tax· G eorge s on . he ad of 642-5678 I' Gov. Mike Curb has said payersevery twoyears. DWP · s Aqu e du c t ~--------"' D1 vis1on. for the d e a th o f on e ( ) WOODLAND 1AP 1-T he rent control luw in he is thinking of calling ----------------~----------------- pers~7ood samples will !irf ATE the university town of Da vis. passed by the voter~ be taken from l ,OOO to ..___ _______ __._ last Novem ber. is being held unconstitutional. s uch an election in tht' absence of Democratit· Gov. Edmund Brown Jr in Africa. He says he will discuss it a t a meet- in g with other officials tod ay. Yolo County Superior Court Judge Harry 2.000 pcrsoru; on campus. A kl 'd T d h I h' h · Or Selma Oritz. of the San Francisco Health c ey saa ues ay t e a w· w 1c requires landlords to roll back rents and pass on Propos1, Department, said today tion 13 tax savings. impairs contracts and denies MedfaSearrM• l.h•ffed LOS ANG ELES t AP l -The Los Angeles Police Commission has adopted a new policy which hmits police searches of news media om ccs to matenal that cannot be obtajned elsewhere and OUR LUXURY CASHMERE SWEATER. SPECIAL $59.90 The softness of our classic cashmere V·neck sweater really is incomparable and so is our special purchase price. Find his favorite color I ram our selection of grey. black. blue. camel or navy, s·m·l·xl. Men ·s Sportswear SUllOC~5 'W1lSUIU NEWPORT landlords due process of law. Suits a,:tainst t he law were brou ght by landlords Pete Ande rs a nd Peter Amato A SIMILAR ....... ~ ... ,, ... ," .... .. •ltf tH \...W't flltlf ttml ~ ,\ \ \ \ I \ \ I I I ' , , I I "/, I I ~ -..... SERVED PIPING HOT/" Me·n·Ed' s are specialists with dough, cheese and meat. We serve one single product ... it's thB ~ ... FINEST PIZZA-y(JU CAN EAT/ M&.M-ED•s PIUA PARLORS tEWPORT (™) 759-1211. 10 dally. Mon.-Frl. tO 9. Sat. tll 6, Sun. 12 to 5 Taste sonte Zestilinh now Before·· its a11 gone! ZESTILINK Smoked Sausage Is •v•lleble only for • llmlted time FOOD GIFT PA.KS FOR EASTER take with •• er s•I ! ff ickory ftrm~. OF ONIO WESTCLIFF . FASWON PLAZA ISLAND 11th ar rntne, N.B. ecz.m: Newpen BeMll • 1111 ... di 7; n. r 111 I ; Sat tU •: Su UI I •• ,1111; SM.111. .. !N 'j .... ... . • .. .. ' ;. .. . • " • • • ~ # . • .. • " t Hear~gs lgpore ,Public Interest The Federal Aviation Administration' performance ar tut weet•s bearings on dascrim1n•lion agains~ air - carriers at Orange Counur Airport ral some quc~uons. Clearly the case as presented by th FAA :; two attorneys was le s than whole ht>arted. The questaon is wh..-ther the wtndow d~inll perform ntt wa the rt>Sull of no real interest en the issue on the part or the oRency or whether il was the result o( the ls~ue bem" prl'judg\!d against the C<)\lnty. There are furt.hf'r questions rai ~ In the quulit or testimony offtrt'd by one ol the PAA's top m en. At best. the rt.-n1ark.1t mad~ under oath by Ger Id Dalluit. chief of the F1\A' Airports Oastrict office an lA~ Angell·~. were t•vush•c n to the r asons behind thl' dascruninallon '°"l'~ta~at on. Perhup~ the msw(lr 1 to ht.• found m th(.· t •stimony offered by uirhne l' ccUll\t-testimony thut r<.'H'al •d :-.om~ of th<.' antcost.• compettt1on to ~ ·t mto tht.> lucratiw •Hl'lin<' murkct an Oranfte County All but i~nort.>d by th• FAA b the IS. uc of \\hNhvr tht.• llUblic would tx>m:f1t or lo~w by fon•n\Jo: the a1rr>0rt tu tukc on moN uirllrws. The count ·. tht' <'lty or c\\1K>rt..B ·•.u:h ant.I evt'n i\1r ohfornrn c rit.'Cl to ('m1>hus1Zl' lh1t1 po1nl S tH.'h action would •n<'req~l' no1 t· µroblenl~. \\Ol1ld rncrt!Hs<.' airport con~esllon and could l'Vl'n Jt>OpL1rdl.i:t• lht• cxi~llng turltn • M.'r' 1cl' Is tht1t n·ullv 111 lhl• l.it·~t anlt:rt>:-.t of ull Or<111gc L'uunty ' · HoIDeowner Help About 3.000 Orange County families may be uble to purchase ho mes they otherwise couldn't afford ir county supl'r••isors proc~d with financial arrangements for lower interest home loans. As e nvisioned last week. a housing authority would sell S200 million in tax-exempt revenue bonds and use the proceeds to finance home mortgages at interest rates 2 to J perccn•. lowcr than conventional bank·financed mortgages. Monthly payments on a typical loan for a n $80.000 home would be $150 lower than under conventional interest rates. And that means low and moderate income families would qua lify for a m ortgage they otherwise could not afford. Supervisor Ralph Diedrich first proposed the home loan program last fall as one way to meet the county's l'ritical need for Jess costly h omes. County offi cials and representath·es of financial institutions now have completed a s tudy of the propo al and have concluded it is a practical one. Rules should be built into the program to ens ure that the lower interest Joans go only Lo the needy and that the program i n·t abused. But as planned now the program is a creative and welcome county go\'ernmcnt endeavor that s hould help ~·ounger und ll'!>5' affluent familic~ purchase their O\\ n homt::-. in today 's hig h·priccd housing market. Cleanup in Order t 1rcum!>tanrc::. s urrounding two rl'Ctmt c·1ty count·tl elections in Orange County indicate th<.1t it might he past t ime for som<: cities to swrt cleaning up their politic;.il campaigns. In Santa Ana last week. ;,i typical las t ·minute. \ 1c1ous politi<:al mail ('ampa1g n was l.iunched agains t city coune1I t·ancJidatcsStt've Knobloch and Dadd Grandt. And an SLJ n C le m e nte, cump;.i1gn distlosure ~tatements· fi led recently by two candidtates in a J<Jn. 23 i·ccall election s howed they had received heaq contributions from development interests. There's nothing w rong with that except the candidates weren 't forced to reveal the source of their t:ampaign money until after the election. That policy isn·t much help lo voters who have a right to know who is s upporting whom and for how many dollars before they step into the ballot booth. After years of shameful abuse. county government in Orang e County has done a reasonably good job in squaring . around disclos ure and mailer abus~s in campaigns for elected county offices. Judg ing from \\o hal has been happe ning recently in city elections. the cities could do worse than taking a look ut what the county has done and the activities of its Fair Campaign Practices Commission. Without a turnaround il seems likely that cc.impaigns for elected pos ts in some cities arc headed for the shame that has been the unfortunutc trademark of politics an Qrungc County in rec1.:nt years . • Opinions expressed tn the space above are those ot the Daily Pilot. Other views expressed on this page are those of thelf authors and artists. Reader comment is invited. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321. Boyd I Best Lifeguard ByL. M. BOVD Best lifeguards in the world. it's claimed, a re trained Newfoundland dogs strapped into harnesses with rubber handles high on their backs. They work some of the beaches in France. When a swimmer calJs for help. the nearest dog paddles out. The party In trouble hangs onto lhe harness h andle. The plucky purp then heads for shore. Dear Gloon1y Gus Controversy over nam· ing or the judges in· dlcates there may be a way to Curb the 1ov· e r nor ·a c am pa i g n. lravela. B.E. Q. "Two sons each owned a fine horse. Their eccentric wealthy father died. His will provided that the boys should race their horses to a village normally two days away. The son owning the horse that finished in second place was to get two-thirds or the estate. The SOI\ owning the horse that finished in first place was to get one-third or the estate. The race began, but slowed. and slowed. How do you Jlet into second olace and stay there? After·a day or going pritnear nowhere, they put up for the night at an Inn with stables. They told the innkeeper their problem. He told them how to solve it. What dld he say?" A. "Tomorrow. boys, each ot you ride your brother's horse." No. I dldn 't figure that out. Seattle's Leland Williams deciphered it. Carriage or the typewriter that prlnts ln Arabalc moves from left to right. And that of one that prints in Chinese moves from bottom to top. ~.Apriltt,1111 Rowland Evam/Robert Novak Soviet Intrigue Threatens Iran 'J'EHRAN Wltb U... lf'ffl unlfyttta (ore~ ~hind the Ira. nl1n rev°'uuon havln1 vanlt&h<.'<1 with the t.oppl~ 1h1h. architett& of the new ''l laml<' RtpubUc" tacci the gravest peril in the Im· mediate future from Sovl l In trlau.,, border war·s apd o diN· astrous ttonomy. with th U.S. pow rleu on the sidelines Expulsion of the shah was tht• h rtl l'hoe: the second has yl'l to drop ''The Sov1N U ni on prl' tends to be ,, friendly ('OUn· try ," the minister ot the interior tolcJ us. "but we url' quite av. I.\ r(' that they ore try· 1ng to t•ausc t roubles with a gen~ Ampliryrn~ that st~lemcnl \Jli hl' twisted prayer beads around his wrist, Ahmad Sadr said hts government makes no charges but that "l personally think·· Mo•cow i• helping to exl>toit I rao '1 aae-old set11rily problems with the Turkoman. Balu~hl. Kurdlah and Arab minorities. THE PaESENT strongman ot the revolution. Deputy Prime Mlnh1ter Ibrahim Yaadi, t<>'d us he could not aay "precisely" that the Soviets stirred up the trouble In the western Kurdish regions. But it is assumed by many here In a capital city rich If\ assumptions but poor in rc rt1tudcs that when the Ayatollah Khomeini received ucc Soviet Qiplomat Vladimir Vinogradov -· the first am· bassador admitted to his pre· sence Soviet fishing in Iran's troubled waters was ono subject. But warnings will have no Im· pact from a country without an effective armed force · the de· rense minister, air force chief and army chief of starr change with the regularity or Italian governments. and the revolu- tionary regime 1s hard put lo field a healthy division or two. A huge new edifice is nearing comp&eUon on U.. o.a.acauare· block Soviet embuay grounds here ror houslne even more Sov- iet "dlplomau," commercial ••ents and the Hite (moat or whom are undercover KGB operaUves > with aa obvious mls- aion: weaken and further divide the forces ol the revolution. With Iran's access to the Persian Gull and Its rich oil reserves. lts switch out or the American orbit. has made It a glittering target for Mostow, THERE ARE no illusions in the interim government headed by mild·mannered, goateed Prime Minister Mehdi Ba.zargan as to Soviet intentions. Ex· tremist elements or the gun. toting fedayeen, whose numbers are now multiplying. may show few signs or pro.Soviet inclina· lions. but there is no doubt about ' their Marxist ideology. A second organized raction of Irregulars. youthful "Mojahadeen"" Islamic zealots. is anti-Soviet and anli·American with strong xenophobic tendencies. Tbe pow'•vacu• ol .1ra·a turbuleot &raaaJUon from I.be shah'• dldatorial Nie 1ID a eaa-: stitutional ••lalamlc Repaa.lie" bell to be fUIM.,.... ........ number ol tramed 8ovMt .-_ many of whom 1peak v81'11Mt11ar Fani, ii obvioualy lateadld bf Moaeow to nu tt iD a way tUt wtll maximlae Soviet •ad eliminate American laf1...-.. Western authoritlea here 1ay there i1. no doubt tbat anU· American broadcuts from across the Soviet border, ii· nored by the State Department for months, were a major factor in linking anti·shabism to anti· Americanism. "Those broad· casts by themselves made the t Feb. 14) attack on the U.S. em· bassy inevitable." one Western ambassador told us. THE nasr test of whether the weak interim government. can build a bridge to the mystical "Islamic Republic." greatly reared by the middle and upper classes, will come when Iran's 35 million people vote on the new constitution and its plan for some form or popular representation mixed with the discipline of the Koran. There is frightening impatience among Tehran's roving bands or young revolutionaries for instant change to "popular" rule, and constant proselytizing in the villages by T e hran-based redayeen. .. W.e are tired of these old men in the govern m e nt ," an American-educated youth told us. This reflects the demand for quick. massive change and ex· plains the barely-controlled tension lym~ under artificial surface placidity. L::iw and order is m the hands of Khomeini's mushrooming "committees.·· With the shah's poltce force dis· integrated. most drivers ignore red lights l"No Police. no stop," a cab driver gleefully told us 1. The tension seems certain tc explode some time soon. creal· ing more assets for Sovh~t trouble-making. One reason for that forecast 1s the danger of economic chaos. a subJcCl for a future column. States Eye California Nuke Safety Laws By RICHARD E. KIPLING Edot .. -..1 ltHHrch RePOrltr SANTA BARBARA -For ad· vocates of nuclear pow('r 1n Ca li fornia. the Three Mile Island accident m Pennsylvania could not have come al a worse time. On March 6 Judge William Enright of U.S. District Court in San Diego gave supporters of atomic energy their first cau!>e for celebration in three years by striking down a state nuclear· safety statute as unconstitu· tional. The law. one o( three on nuclear power passed by the Ca lifornia legislature in 1976. re· quires the state Energy Com· mission to refuse to authorize construction of a nuclear facility until it is satisfied that safe means exist for dis posin.J? of nuclear wastes. Enright ruled that the statute. which has had the effect of imposi ng a moratorium on reactor con· struction in the slate. is pre-empted by federal nuclear reg· ulatory law, which clearly al· Art Hoppe lows nuclear plants to be· bwlt Utilities officials were elated · until the breakdown of the re<1c· tor at Three Mile Island. ANTl·NlJCL.Et\R sentiment m California has again become mobilized. Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr .. condemning the "soothing elaims'' made by atomic-power advocates. called for a "precautionary and tem· porary" shutdown of the Rancho Seco nuclear plant near Sacramento, which is of the same design as the stricken facility near Harnsburg. Brown and California have been in the forefront of the de· bate over nuclear energy since 1976. when Ca lifornians were th<' first in the na tion to s ubmit the question of nuclear·energy de· \'elopment to popular vote. Proposition ts. which would have imposed a virtual moratorium on reactor con- struction and an eventual shut · down or e.<isling plants. went down lo defeat but not befort:> tt scared the teg1slalurl' rnlo pass ing three compromise nuclear-safety laws 10 days before the June 8, 1976 election on the ballot m1t1at1ve ONE OF THE laws 1s the Onl• overturned by Jud~e Enrt~ht. A second provided that no permit!> would be granted for new atomte plants until the stale Energy Commission determined that the federal government had a p. proved a tcc hnolo~y for reprocessing s pent fuel. The third law called for a study of the feastbtlily of requiring nuclear reactors to be built un- derground, in view of the state's earthquake activity. These California laws have in· nuenced the draftin~ of other state. local and even federal reg· ulalions. Iowa and Wisconsin have enacted similar legislation restricting nuclear waste dis· Posa!. Numerous localities now have laws limiting the shipment of rad1oact1ve materials for reprocessing And the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission recently ordered the c losing of ftv<' reactors in the East when they were found to bt• vulncrublc to earthquakes. LAST VEAR. thl' stale EnerJ(y <:o mm1ss1on cited the wa!>tc· disposal requirement in turning down an application to build a huge nuclear facility in the southern California desert near Blythe. The 16-year-old Hum · boldt Bay plant near Eureka has been closed by commission or- der since 1976 because of the earthquake danger, and it may eventuall y be dismantled. So California. wh ich was sup· posed·to have 56 nuclear Power plants by the year 2000. has but two functioning at present. and no plans for additional ones. The Three Mile lsland breakdown seems sure to retard the de· velopment of nuclear power in California for years to come. An 'Insignificant Mishap' at Dewdrop Dale WEDNESDAY -A public re· l alions s pokesman tor the Western Consolidate d Power Combine today confirmed re· ports that there had been what he described as "a very in- significant mishap" at the cor- pora lion 's Dewdrop Dale Nuclear Energy l"ac1lily . He said he believed a bobby pin may or may not have ac- c id e nt a 11 y fallen into an e lectric pen· cil sharpener causing "an ex trem ely brief powe r outage ." As ked if there w e r e any radiation danger to workers in the plant or nearby residents. he said this would be "absolutely impossible." "These nuclear reactors have so many fail-safe back-up de· vices that they're homier than a post orrice." he said with a chuckle. THURSDAY-A plant official conceded today that a "teensy cloud or steam " may or may not have escaped trom the rac11ily during Wednesday's malrunc· lion. which was perhaps caused by a defective monkey wrench. He described the cloud as "no larger than a man's hand" and said it certainly posed no heaJth hazards even if it was .. slightly radioactive." He said all plant workers had been given a two· week vacation as a bonus for their "outstanding safety record.·· FRIDAY Dewdrop Dale Mayor Herman Goodheart. who had campaigned for building the nuc lear plant. said reports of local cows producing green milk with phosphorescent cream were "grossly exaggerated." He said the color was closer lo chartreuse and the phenomenon was "nol unusual for this lime of year." SATIJRDAY -Scientists for the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Agency, which had approved the design of the plant. said it proved that it was the unusual "seems to be functioning s leet which caused the ears or 83 perfectly at this time." They pe rcent of the r esidents or said they planned to determine Kragg's Corners to fall off. the cause or last week·s dysfunc-"These things happen." he said. lion, which they believed MONDAY -A spokesman for d u e t 0 a n 0 v e r h e ate d Belknap & Dudge, builders ol ~e spbygmomanometer. as soon as De~drop Dale reac.tor said investigators in lead suits are ' engineers we;c studying ~erial able to approach within seven photogr~phs m hopes of fmally miles of the facility. dett:rm1nlng . what caused the mischief. "It 's amazing what they can deduce." he said. "merely from the size and tbe shape or the hole that power plant left' behind." SUNDA V -Governor Hiram Peabody. an advocate of nuclear power, said no state agency had been able to rind "any rel a· tionship whatsoever" between the Dewdrop Dale incident and last night's magenta sleet lb at fell on kragg's Corners. 150 miles to the east. He said it had not even been Meanwhile, in WasbinJton, Energy Czar James Schlesm1er said the cloud that now covered the eleven Western States should give no cause for alarm. He.s&!c;\ it would soon pass eastward over the AUantlc. ··All forms ot energy have their risks,·· be said. "and we ahouJd weigh the benefits of nuclear energy against th e known risks. whatever they may be." TUESDAY "America is a "When you hear the tone you wtll have rMChed retirement IOI· B1111111t Thank you for worktng for Conglomerexl'' wonderful country.·• President Carter said today in an address from Air Force One ... And RosalyM and 1 shall miss it. We plan to return, however, as IOOn aa it no lonler glows In the d•rk -even if that takes 250.000 years." Sclentllta said that would be about rl_..t. ·--·-- ' ...,. ____ ,,__ ,..--·--------------------------... -----------------------'""="~ NATtON I OBITUARIES QUEENIE HospitalS S&y Expenses ESealate WASIUNOTON 1AP1 Amt•rlc• ·s hospitals. fac~d wllh higher prices for food und ruel.plus u blaatr demaand ror m~1ul services. found their HPf'RIH'll In Jun'tary 14 4 ~rc~nt hlRher thun In the first month oC 1978. th(' Industry soys Ale" McMahon. prc!>ldcnt of the American Ho1pltal Asl'oc11llon. au1d It wlll oo dlHlcult ror thf' md"•lr'Y to m~l 1hi voluntary t l.6 verccnt lid on ho11pltaJ·eoet lncn•1.U1es this yt'ur. .. BUT IT'S STILL Ol.Jll GOAL," MeMahon told lh<' tlou~{' Commerce h alth subcommittee. "And we an• l(Ointc to try lo ffil'(l\ 1l.'' About lWO·lhird or thl• JonuAry Increase. h<' aid, Wli~ euusl'd by rl!ung pr1cl':. ror the goods and •ervlcl"tt ho.ilp1tuls must buy, such Wi food und fuel 'l'ht> rr:tl of tho hike . t\l' t1u1d ... was caused by a l!IA1n1rleianl incrtMSt' In thl.' volumt• or tlo~pilal 11ervi~ rcn<t rl'<i dur10.i the month ·· h\ u tuteml'nl li.sul·d from the assoc iation·!> _______ Elderly Treate d ..... IW•litte ··~· Well in China 011.U • c.,,, ... 1(•••11 '*-• •"" J•v"" N1-;w YOR.K 1AP) • The United Statt!s has VCifNt l.UtE" oru s. s• •• \1tl11~• •" .. ir .. -C• "''" 01 mur h to It-Orn from the "ay China treats older ., .. ,., OI C.0.•11-&ff<ll C• N¥ i.•••tll \I•"' .. ~1HIU <.• Al .. 11 ..... "°'" ·~-., I "',· •"4 ..... ~t•m •110 0.1111h ll•lh 01\111 •• PN>l>le. l>U)'!> Hll' founder or the Gray Panthers. an "•"' •. '"' '" Mi11 c .. """''•· c:. t.n .-r wvo"""' •"Cl ,,,..,., Ell• <>r""n1' atlor1 tkul l1••hts fo the rights of the I04IOWlllQ • hf9to11Q oll~• °""flt PIPt• 01 MU •, lot111111• fu"tr•I ,... z '' " • r , ... On\1 .,.._,,. (\IOf"" l 0.11\ 1\41\ -•Kow1llb9 llti.totl ~luroo Apr11 elderly, . ...... • ,......,, ., <<Nll••r-11 ... ,,.. ••. 10~ '" r"",,_." Wyom1119 1... Mago11• Kuhn. 7:i, cit ed a guaranteed meome. C• "-_, • l t 'om"'•~. ,.,,,.,,.,, w.11 oe 1n '"" '""'mo"''' " VS N 'I , lt911ttMINA•V Pilol .. ,,. .. ,. Ctm•lfr, 1,..rffiOMllS Wyor""'O (r(!e h('Q}lh l'HrC and burial benefits a nd aCllVC •tll•• oi;iy -i!IQ 1M1111 won• w., 11 SM1111 & fu111111 .,..,..,,.r,. m E 11111 roles for the elderly m community life in China. $o":,:.Z-"' t<r:,:_~11j!!:; '~:::"'lf st co.i•-::;::'~ __.... .. If one ha!> lo be old and we all have to Commallller Otll\ ••• ., ntlotto •• •11 1111'-AGIE SWANSON. •o•clwnt ol ~f(IW old. and I am old and proud or ll China IS a tGu<•lor ltom lh• (owont V•lftr Co~•·,,,... .... <.• P•u •a .... ,on Aprol ~ood plac" lo ... ~ old."' Ms . Kuhn. '"ho h"S \•1's1ted Un11111d Sc'-00\lrKI I" J-ot 19'._ 10. tt1t S..•Kt• Cltf\Cllno 11 H•rDor " ""' " " Chicago headquarttn. the head or the industry's voluntary effort., P1ul W. Earle. suld the average lenalb ol ho1plllal stays actually decreased in Junuary, but the boos t In the number or ad· mlSlllons wus the second largest for any January since 1963. "CLEARLY." EARLE Sl\lD, "HOSPITALS are doing a good Job controlhng the expenditures they can. But they can 'l control the cost of food a nd ruel. nor the number or people who get sick or the number of births." · 'fhe overall rise In hospital costs in 1978 was 12.8 percent. McMahon reiterated the industry's opposition to President Carter's proposed standby hospital cost controls. "The adm1n1strat1on's cost containment bill . would Umit boepilal spendtnt or reveDUll bul aQt Umit inllaUon or the demand for health oat9 services." he said. .; THE ADlllNIST•ATION'S ...... WOllLD.,, I pose controll Jan. l. 1880. on holplta.11 that fall li> keep their total costs from rialne roore tb.aa e.:r percent this year. · . A top official of the Department or Health, Education and Welfare, meanwhile, said hospital'• are In effect admitting they cannot make ~ voluntary goal. · HEW Undersecretary Hale Champion toW .c reporter the hospitals ' goal ''is only a Band·M.a anyway." : Champion said the apparent failure of u.,. voluntary effort "is all the more reason for the e ministration to get control or things that llMt hospitaJs cannot manage to do ror themselves." · .. ~lELOlQJ ~t IS J\l~N! . , .. RE.JOICE AND WORSHIP WI TH US ON EASTER SUNDAY ~~~~~ Me " \II•••••" by "'' •o~ono "'"• 1.1wn MOU111 °''"' ""'°"'"'' 01 co-1• hrna lWlce, said at a news conference Tuesday c..oro•• °' l1 ..... •NI I lOtl E-M llM•• )~~S4 ··--------------------·------------------------------------------· l 0.11\, Jr. of VIU•, c.. A fr\emoro•I ~·•lu Wiil be,..ICI al Cllr1\l l.u1,..r•n Cllurtll en TlluodtY. Al>fll 12. 1919 •t 10 00 MWI In (APlstr-B••<h. C• T"- ltmlly r~\ in lltu ot lloweo <On lrol>\lhOIU lie -10 111'1 ... 111<t<ICGll , ... tt, SocM!ly •1ouo10 VENCENTE R BAUGIO. tt\lcltnl 01 Santa An¥, CA Pu-•••Y on El he •prll •• .,,. ~'"'"'" l)y "'' wole sew re Tina, '°'" Uluto.t. lJ1ueo. ~ ... Semo, Tom and Vlu Auma•toe •II of ti•w•11. aau9111e~ font Slrlbmo of Moss1ss11>111. Sona P•c••npauon ot ~am04, f on1 ru1111~ .,,., Ar\• S.UO•O, DO\ll 01 S•n· ta A"•· Ca Soerw•<•• w111 .,. held on Ft•O•y al 2.00 PM al '"" HarbOr l <twn MtiMOrl•I °"'""' ...... P<1pv Soote•e. E loer ol tne Samoan lln Oay Adve"'"' Cl'lurcl'I ottte••t1nv. tnterment "'"''-'•(l'\ 1mmed1a1ety to1tow1no at H.Ht>or l.•t1rrn Memot'1•t P•r~ Sitrvt<.e\ undt;r ll'H? d tre<ffon Of HarbOr·Lawn-M?unt Olowe Mor111ary ol Co"" M oa S<IO HS• PIPER MARJORIE L PIPER P•\.eo awAy •n lne C11y ot Oranqe Servou •• Ptlnd•"9 a1 H.JrDOr l.•wn·Mount 01111e Monuary 01 Colla ~w S..O-SS)4 CLARKE ... L.BERTA r Cl.ARK£, <U lcll'nl ol NewPOrl B<!ach. C• Pa'"'" ,..,~y on Aprll f. 1'19 She ,.. wrv•wed bY one d•ugnter Oe""n• Floyd of Aramor<'. Ok••hom• • .ino 4 Q1'4tndcn11ctren. C.r avt\10. "'rv•ces ••nl1 "" '>eld on TnurMSay, "P<•1 17, 1'7q al 11 oo AM di the Lom• V•~t• Memo"•' P4r9'. Fullerton, Ca. w ttn Rlh Jonn A L1ncl•all ottocoatonQ. 8'!11 8ro~dw•y Mortuary aorec;lor• WAlllll!N BRIAN MICHAEL W4RREN reSO· c1e"1 01 HUr\llllQlon Beaci.. C•. Pa-.! aw<ly on .Al>to• 8. 1~1' '" L~ Ar\Ol'I•~. Ct. Surv•,,.., bY ,,,, •• ,,,.,r Mitllael Warrtn ol Hunlor>Qlon Betcll. Ct ., molher Roseto,.. Bl~noe> of L.a9un• Bet<h. ca . -her K. Paino W.Jtter\ ol La9un• Beach, Ca. •"a ~iSln Mtroutrtte Warr.,. ol l<19un• Beacl\, Ca. •nd orandmolhen Paullne 0.19...i.11 ot P•lm Sl>rino~. C• and Mtrouerile Warren of Santa B<trbart, C• Serv•C.9' will t>e Mid on I ht.1r':>dc1y ll ""°"" •• '"" C.l\d04'1 OI M<Corm1(1' MOrtu-drW'. l bQuM 8ea<f". C.a OUIL.TEll EOW4RO S OVIL.TER RETIRE O CAPT \l.S ,., '" S..n Fraf\C•S<O, April 10. 1q1'1. belo•ecl •••her 01 Meure KlllhlHn, SM1la, Jud•lh, Oeoor•n. MOl\0<a Mliry •nd Ille lat" George P1mo Ou11ter, cle•oled t•lhe•·•" law 01 R•cnara R. Wnttle• •rid Paul "" lnony War•, IO••nt and lo<>9 ele•ot..i lr.eno ot lwt>el Fin"""· Gear orother OI Ror Adtnor•I J. F llr\CI Brt..a.r\ Olloll•r ana Ille 1t1e M•1or Cer\er111 Cn•rlH J Ou1l1tr. and s.sters FrAl\Co> Oona••n. """rv Lou1.e. E '""~'" •oo Patric•• Ot.11ner, •1'4 \urvive<J by tov 1n9 nltte' dnd rwPhew~ ._._. w cl\> a rl"\• aen1 ot ''"'""· ca. F•11•ncl• all•r>d•d Ma•> ol CIV1S1I"" Burt•• on Wedrw'ida. •I SI C.ec1l1aC.at110hC Cnur<n. S.n Fran C1\(.0. ,. •nd•r~lf\Yt1fCHO•tt•nd 1n1e-r m t-n1 ...erv1te~t0Deheldon FrtdclY April 13 191~ ., II ;)() 4M ., tne Fo1 I 'Ro\etr~rn\ NaUonal C.emetC?ry ~an O•tQO. C•. Oon<thon reQue51~cl 10 your 1avor11e<llarlty WEEKS l.EONAAO MfWEEl(S, re.1<1en1 01 E• roro, ai Pa"4!d •••Y o" AP••• a. 1919 Surv•~ l>y ho• w•I• Estller. two aauollt•r. Oorlna Lff Snow of M••s- Vt1110, ar\CI """'•lrn Ruth Jonnwn 01 L•~t' Forest# C.• • 1 ion t.eoncHO Wee,s, Jr • Houston, hus 1tncl 8 Qr•r\GCholaren. Crypl\oae ur••<•• Tnursdar A!>r•I 12. 1'179 at 1 oo PM Patohc V.ew ~mor1111 Pltr,, Patoloc Vi•w MOtlU¥y01ftClors.. STEINKE AlPHA ltll.IAN STEINKE, rt•S• Ck!nl ol lr•ine. C•. Born Au9us1 21. l'IJ.t •n 09<kn, Utan. 1><1ssect &way "" Aptol 'I. 1919 ,JI Ille 000! of « 8e1oweo wile OI flont •a Sl.,nke of lrvlne. Ca • 1ov1n9 motn., ol ~Ma N0<1on ot l.illletOfl, C.olor•Oo, Cneryl Stein•• ol Our.tnoo. ROME IAP1 Nino Rota. 68. who wrote the mus1e for Francis F Coppol a's movie ··The Godfather.·· died Tues day of a blood clot. I le a lso <'o mposcd the music for all the films of Fedt"riro Fellini and for Fra n co Zeffirelli 's .. Romeo and Juliet.·· NORW A LK . Conn . t J\ P > Garrett Price, 82, a n artist and l'ar· toon i s t for the New Yorker mai:tazine. died Sunday. Price 's ca r · loons and magazine cov· ers appeared in the New Yorke r . Collie r s a nd othe r weekly magazines for 50 years. LOS ANGELES tAPl Anila Veale Robbins, 82. died Sunday. She was g raduated from USC law school in 1918 and u \'car later was the flrM wo m a n lo re<'eivc u master of law dcgrt!e fr om G e orge Washington U niversity. SAN FRA NCI SCO t AP I Matthew F . Connolly, 64. who spent three decades as the .. waterfront priest .. for thousands of s ailors :.ind dockwor.kers died Mon· day night at a local hos pital after a year· long battle with cancer INFUTION IN CHURCH LONDON CAP > Inflation has caught up with the C hurch of England, which decided to raise prices for wed- dings and burials. Weddings are going up from $32 lo S40 and burials from $22 to $27. the General Synod of the Church decided. The in· -----------creases st.art July 1. ,AClftC VIEW ~,AllC Cemetery Mortuary Chaoel 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach &44-2700 McCOltMICll MOltTUAIUIS Laguna Beach 494-941 5 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano '495-1776 IALn..186HOM MBAL HOMI 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 1&&...0AOWAY MOaTUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa &42-9150 SMl1M TU1HIU. L4MI ~AIY WllTCW. OtAPIL Crerretory • Flower Shop 427 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa ~888 ...c1•ont•1 llil1M'I MOITUAIY 827 Main St. Huntington Beach 538-e539 ,.,.., COlOMIAL N•.u NONI 7801 Bolla Ave. Welcmlnster 893-3625 c Neptune Society CREMATION BURIAl Al SEA 646-7431 Call fOf ''" ftO'tfollo 2• IWs. Gem./._, "'---------------~ . FUNERAL 1 IRECTORS Harbor LaW11 Mount Olire Mo1iuary Cemetery Crematory • Interment In Any Cemetery •Shipment •Burial lneurence • Cremetton $255.cornplete Call/or free Cremation Portfolio. Tshi ~CPenney Garden Shop Thurs., Fri., SaNrday Only 00 ~j ~ ;)J, 111 ct Sale 5.99 Special 1.39 4" African Violets 4" Cyclamens Special 3.49 Caladium Special 3.49 Easter Lily \, c '\ ~~· -I 2 Gal. Pelargonlums Reg. 7.99 Special 3.99 6" Tulips 6" Mums 6" African Violets 6" Gloxlnla Soil Prep® Products 2 Cu. Ft. Potting Mix R19.4.99 2 Cu. Ft. Planting Mix ..... 2.99 1 Cu. Ft. Potting Mix Rtg. 3.19 112 Cu . Ft. Potting Mix Reg.1.99 lardtn Shop Hours: Mon. -Frt. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Saturday 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Sunday 12 Noon to 5 P.M. I/ Special 1.99 1 Gal. Geraniums Sale 3.66 Sale 1.99 Sale 2.44 Sale 1.22 • Sale 2.99 2 Gal. Roses Reg. 4.99 Sale 8.99. Miniature Tree Roses Reg.15.99 Decorator Pottery 7" size Reg. 5.99 9" size Reg.10.99 Sale 3.99 Sale 8.99 FASHION ISLAND STORE ONLY 144-2313 ---....---------.c=.·r= -------1 r .,.., ••• .,,April''·'"' County, Cities Split U.S. Funds · Orante County aovernment 1nd tbe eouty'e 2' cltlH •Ill share $28.3 mUlion this year through the fed ral fOYerDment 's revenue sharin1 pl"0- 1ra m. TM same aaen<'1es have ~lved lle:t.8 m illion In ulJ durln• the ft'deral proarram 's ·even y ur h ili· tury. a<-rordin1 to s. Rep. J rry Plttenoo, D·&Anta Al\a. • Pattef!M)n nolt'd ulloeaHon.1 tor the • flt ll quarter of 1979 all'Cady have : bffn made und nt>arly hatr the $7. t -: mllllon lh~·month s hare will ao to t ·county Jl0Vtirnm.-nl. Wllh the rt> ~ ania inder split umoni the 26 cltJei. .. •• (.'OUNTV G0\1t;RNM £NT ,.111 N' ,. t lvl' $3.2 m lltlln for th.i hl'lil quitrt('r of 1979, P~lh.•r:oiun Mud. followed b~ '.Santa Ana ut $719,022, Anuh •im ,;t :s~91.602. llunt1n.:ton Dc&tch 4'1t . $311.303, C::i.rdt•r1 Grovt• ut $277,113 • und C~tu Mc~u 11t $263,67~ i· Rvv<>nuf" ~harmtl dollars nrt• ell!! .; tributed to l<X·nl ~oH·rnml'nl 011 the :: bu11ls of populutlo11 . Follmqn;.:. urt> 111.,1 quurtcr ulloca lions for ('tltt•s .1long lht' OrunJ,:t' • Coli~t along with the totul pa) nwnh madt to each •••ncy durlnc the pro- •ram. Huntlngton Beach, "77.805 for th(' ttm thrN month or l9'nt and se.2 million ainc4i! Ow recteral Protsram'a atart. C-Oilta M a. *263.615 ror 19'19'1 fir•t quart.er and 98 "2 m111loo over the p~•t even yura .,. .......- We tmlnster. $128,SM for l979 ............ ~ Ind IS 2 million Alncf 1972 -.. c. Nf'wport Bco<'h. S91.6l0 ror tho first quarter tM" yur end St.9S mtlllon for lht> Pll1't Re>vt'n yenr Fc.mtam Valley. $77,64a l!O Cur this yf'ltr and SI 8 million ln<'f.' lhc prcniram'a beumnlnfl Slln Clt>nwnte. $~2.8.'lO for th•• nrsl quftrttr or 1979 und Sl l million Ince tm lrvm•-.. Sl 15,0:\H ~o fur lh1i. )'('ir and SI 4 m11llon """'' 1912 Stru IWo<'h. $33,3'1R ror the first quarter of llt19 and $889.2f~ thv pu11t "l'' f'n V«'»r11 l..U~ltnO ntu<'h, $30,49(1 ~O (l,lt 10 l97U u11d $820,347 sine•• 11172. Roy Clark. counlry m u~ic entertainer . hos l>t.>cn admitted to Ma yo Cli n ic in Rochester. Minn .. for ll'~l~ and treatment of a persis ten t l>ronch1al condition. Contest Announced S n ~unn <:aplstrano. $28,0.J7 for . 0 range Co u n l y 1hl' f11"1ool thrff months or 11179 i.nd \\'rilers and illustrators $~5.296 "lllC'l' lh•• ft•d<.'rul µroi;trum ·:. 17 and under are eligibl e mco1Jtion. to e nter the Orange County Fair 's you th ::Mexico Women Talk literary competition. Deadli n e for s u b · missions is May 21. En· tries can be mailed or deli vered to the rair· ~ro un ds a t 88 F air Drive . Costa Mesa 92626. 'fhe fair wi ll run J uly 13-22. "Wom<'n 1n Contf'm· porary Me xtl'O .. ,., the t1 tic of a talk schcdull·d to l t'a d orr the "Pring quarter Chicano La tino ! Colloquia at C lrnnt-. Inte rnational Studit>s . What Does this llold for the ChJcan '! •• 5:30 p.m Apri l 19 . by Dr . Consue lo Nieto. pro· fossor of education at Cal State, Long Hea(:h "From M ('x ican Pt.a·blo!>.> to American Barrios." 4 p.m. May 24 . by D r Alberto Camarillo. professor of ha s t nry a t Stanford Uni vers1ty Entry forms and de- tails can be obtained by calling 751-3247. :. T he talk. by Dr. Maria , del Regugio Gonzalez or f '·. Mexico City's Nationa l Autonomous University will be held at 4 p.m . ,. Thursday in Room 178. ~ Humanities Ha ll, on the : Irvine campus. · R eading b y~~~~~~~~~~~ ........ ~~~~~~ Chicano Writers ". s ·30 p.m . April 25, by llCl poets M anuul Gomez and Lorenza Schmidt HOLY WEEK 1979 GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 13 12 Noon: THE WAY OF THE CROSS f O the r p r og r a m s • scheduled are ~ "Perspectives on Chicano t.ltcraturt: ... 4 p .m . May 3. by Dr. R aymond Paredes. pro- fessor of English a t UC (Music, Meditation & Pr•vers :: ··New Languages J Focus on Foreign and Los Angeles. 1 PM: THE LITURGY OF GOOD FRIDAY (Veneration of the Cross & Communion> ,. ' ~ • • 8 PM: "TOMMY", The Rock MusJcat UCI Lecture Set FREE FILM ! A s ix-part lecture ser ies ... The Future or HOL y SATURDAY, APRIL 14 Science," will open Thursd;.iy on the UC lr\'rn<.- ca m pus. 11 PM: "A MIDNIGHT EASTER CELEBRATION' The initial t;ilk exploring contro\'ers1al an~as With Gregorian Men's Choir, of science and social S<'tence. ··Modern l'hy!>.>1t·s candles, Chants & Communion •rnd £astern Myslk1s m ... ·is planned for 2 p m. 1n room 178 of Humanities Hall. Information and details on each of the lecture., EASTER DAY ure a~·<1ilubk by teleµhonmg 833·6922 8 AM: HOLY COMMUNION DAILY PILOT 9:15 AM: FESTIVAL EUCHA RIST OF EASTER ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 428 Park Avenue, Laguna ~each ~ -'-''-=::=::..::...;:==;;;..;;;:.~~_;;_~..;._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • • -' .. ' • • , • • ~ . , • • < ( l • • • ~ Bigs3oo ~ing! Fuller-O'Brien Ful-Shield Latex Flat Enamel The new all-purpose paint you can scrub! • New standard in scrubbabllity • Finest quality latex wall paint • Enamel-like stain & scrub resistance •Available in over 1,000 fashioned· structured colors • Easy clean·up IEG. $15.45 SAVEU.00 NOW $12.45 GAUOH c > ~.,., ..... _-. Deco1ate To Sult Your lifestyle wttht"'- NEW DECORATING BOOKLET _...._.,April is National Home Decorating Month. To celebrate we offer you a F r ee, 32·page full color decorating Ideas booklet. Every page Is jampacked with fasc inating tips and hints to m ake your decorating more rewarding. Beautify your home and decorate to your taste. Pick up your free copy now. Booklet s can not be malled so stop -in today t No obligation, of course. . BUKER PAINT Ir WALL COVERIM& VJSA' 516W. IMSt .. c .......... ~ ... ., Fr•nk & Elten McDonald, Owne~, 141-0171 ....... 73 Agency Nixes Road Proposal A proposed move by the C alifornia De pa rtme nt of TranaportaUoo io turn over the o ld fto ute 73, MacArthur Bou levard. to ~al a1enciee W- opposed by Lbe Or an1e County Transportation Comml11lon. Brlelol Strfft from lnteratate 405 to Bonita Canyon Road . and ian't related tO who Jmla. taisia the old route 73, they Mid Commissioners said they don't like the CalTrana idea beca\&M the stale agency baa not yet mad e a commitment to com· ple t e the Corona del Ma r Freeway. CalTl'aaa ort1lnally a1reed to main•aln old ~ 73 &&DUI the. freeway ia comple te, co m · mi11lonen said. Tliey believe the state agency should stand by that aireement. The cities or Irvine, Newport Be ach and Co•ta liteaa are directb inYOtved in t he Caroa9 dei Mar .Freeway project, Tom J e nk ins, county commiulol\ director. said. All oppoae the current CalTrana proposal. T he par tlally con s tructed freeway Is supposed to run along However , CalTrans ofncials argue that state statutes allow them to maintain only one route ror a designated .,ate hi1bway. Completion or the Corona del Mar Freeway is a priority blue ·'There ii great concern that if the old route 73 is rellnquilbed by CalTr ana, the rema1nln1 rreeway to be completed will be aort of forsotten about,·· J enkins aaid. P9 ~@ ~¥- Perrier ~•NERAL • WATER , J SPARKLING '\.NATURALLY • ~ 1 23 oz. BOffiE MAG. • Mt. Vin Rose •Burgundy • White Chablis 229 EA. Blue Nun LIEBFRAUMILCH 23 Ol . J99 Carlo Rossi I •Chablis • Vin Rose I MAC. I • Pink Chablis •Burgundy Andre DRY CHAMPAGNE 750 ML. 1B9u I 19-9 EXTRA BLENDED WHISKEY 80 PF. 750 Ml. Smirnoff VODKA 80 PF 1.75 LT. 999 Chivas Regal BLENDED ~1~" 1199 750 ML. Bacardi RUM light or Dark 80 pf. 750 ML. Cuttv Sark scoTt!H 86 PF. 1.75 Ll. !~L~9~~ray GIN 94.6 PF. 1499 1.75 LT. - HIR AM WALKER S Ten Hi~h BOURBOPf 80 PF. 750 Ml. 439 Ancient Age BOURBON 86 PF. 599 Full Qt. J & 8 BLENOEO 1.75 LT. SCOTCH 80 Pf. 1555 Matues ROSE tMPOR TEO f ROM PORTUGAL 319 Sth. Christian Bros . BRANDY 80 PF. 1219 1.75 LT. Manischewitz CREAM WINE "XOSHER" Dos Equis LIGHT BEER 12 oz. eonus &PAK Mr. & Mrs. "T" BLOODY MARY MIX sth. 79c • ............ c ....... PUblic .. S01oking Harmed TRENTON. N.J tAP> The New J t'ritey f'ubllc Health Counc il has 1aclopted ruJca ban· nlng smoking in most public pluc~s beglnnan1 J an. l. The counrll vo\ed 6· l with o~ ubslentlon to l\pprove the regulations. DEAR PAT OM ol your rettat rolumn an <'ludfd a ""'"ren ~ to •orld-wade teat hlnt and educ1nlon admin11itrat1on J)Ol'l1hon1. I 'm tnttrttttl~ m l*lnal into lhas, but nt>&l("('lfd to aave tbe 'n formaUoD. Can )'OU rel)t'ot al form ...... whach will ban smoking •• _ . .,.....,,,._. at p h urmacies • l'upcrmarkets with more than 2.:SOO quare feet of s p ace and s c h oo l c l ass r o om s a nd E.K • Oardl'n Orove Y• ~!lied Joy<'l" Lalw Kt"llllf'dy'a "<'•ffer CorlM't''' C'Olumn • Ut. A Y . S.•rba• f"ea&are• la<'. WIS C'On&atled. ud &IMo lllw111a&._ JM re . qut1&H lu ~lnJ mall4'd .. Yoe· H'a .-laarcl rw rHdtrt&olt't•'M~••omlnd••lttl•......,.r,bul II caa be qmu-dlmu11 for C'Olua.a.&I &o 411• up I•· formatk>a pnovlou81y pablls.hed, npeclally w~• ao tJIN'tlfk di~ ts auUablt> for rdtre-.. NH& Ume you now an lnlf'rt"sllng ll~m In any eolu1aa, cllp aad date ltforfulure r.-ferenc.-. . W••t 11..-. Siie# f'fc ........ 1 DEAR PAT I dct"1ded to lake up jogging as an exercise anJ "ent to my doctor for a checkup before I got Shtrted. He told me to be sure to get "good" jogging shoes utter he approved this ex crcise for me Do you have any information about what kind of shoes a re bestforthb :.Port? K.L .. Huntington Beach Medical experts say good running slloes should cushion and &upport the heel and arch of the foot and provide toe n exlblllty for easy push·off. When buying running shoos, shop lo lbe late afternoon or early evenJng bt>cause feet tend lO swell. Stand while being me>asured for your shoes. Be sure the bee I fit s souftly, and is not stiff. Also chttk to see the front of the shoe Is wide enough without being too loose. Vou should be able to move your toes freely without pressure. Prior lo running. wear the shoes around the house laced loosely at flri.t. and gradually lace them to running tightness. When you can wear them for rivt> or six hours without dlscomrort, the shoes are ready for jogging. l 'enuon Bas Stro119 Tast~ DEAR PAT: A friend gave me some rrozcn dl·er meat. but I don't know how to prepare it. I 'vc heard that venison has a strong odor and taste if it isn't cooked proper ly. an<1 that it should be soaked in soda water before cooking. Is this true'! S.L .. Newport Beach Reques t the pamphlet, "Prt'pare to Enjoy Venison" from the Cooperative Extension, 1000 S. Harbor Blvd .• Anaheim. Calif. 92805. T h& booklet, which includes tips on the care of deer meat as well as recipes, advises using spices in combina- tion with some alimentary paste, such as noodles, or with a bread dressing. Do not soak meat In soda water, but do aoak wounded areas In salt water to draw oat bleed. Re movlag r.t before ceoldng also helps &o eUmlaale strong navor. Cl• lt'a•t• to Sell St ... p• DEAR PAT· Can you find a place to sell can· l·cled postage stam ps·! My women's club has dis- cussed the poss1b1lity of saving these stamps to sell as a fund-raising project. but we don 't know where to ask. K.K .. Costa Mesa General information about types of canceled stamps that can be sold, necessary sorting and otlaer details can be requested from H.E. Harrls and Co. Inc., 645 Summe r St., Boston, Mass. 02210. San J 0 8 l' Mu y o r .Junl·~ Gruy lluycs. ~1,otling u <·ur· run n1n 1-: u r ed li ~h l. pur :,ued 1t u n <I stopp<.•d thl' 15-ye<•r old driver. After glv ing him u lectur<.?. :,he let him ~o -on foot. auditoriums. Designated s moking ureas will be required in restaurants Cind bars w1lh more than 50 seats. theaters. schools and health care facilities. ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2100 Mar Vl•t•, Newport Beach SPECIAL MAUNDAY T H URSDAY SERVICE 8:00.PM Presentation of Messe de Requiem by Gabriel F.aure Wzth Chancel Choir & Full Orchestra Directed by Leslie Johnston DENTURES S175 each SAM( DAY SERVICE AVAILA&LE ORTHODONTICS &OARD QUALIFIED ORTHODONTIST s1550· DR. ARNOLD H. FLANZER JlO~ HARBOR, COSTA MESA f ACROSS FROM HDCOI 642-0112 CO. NOMI 10 Iii WW IMOWIOOM-l10RIS lMIOUGHOUT ntl WIST ........ c..., • '"°" t DllYI A wa1' , WRICOA.,. '41 UlfTL t • IAT\lllOAY '41 UlfTl. I • IUHOA't 12 30 UflTL I ~. 1m w. ,.,......., , n.1n1 ""'"110toM euc" • 1,q1.....,""' • ~· cona-.. "" .. -...-. • ....,., LA....,..,.• 1111 w. -· •HJT11 P\IUMTOll •J_..._...._ .... ,.._,, IMTAMA/1WTlll• 11'DL11111k• ..... 1 ... , ...... "'" ......... (71•1.....,, .. JllMnA-·-... ·-··-·-··---· t ~'9"1 19f'llA8111CMWM Int •t1""""'*'$1ocH•~Comoeoiy To ·Youl MOST INSURANCE PROGRAM S WELCOME CENTER DISTINCTIVE EYEWEAR BY: • ELIZABETH ARDEN •GLORIA VANDERBILT •YVES ST. LAURENT •CHRISTIAN DIOR •PIERRE CARDIN •OSCAR DE LA RENTA • AND MANY MORE The Time Is Right For That "Real You" Look! During this tax refund season. the Sav-on Optical Center wants to complement your unique visual style with a PREMIUM OFFER ON Soft Contact Lenses ... REGULAR ~ 150°0 00 INCLUDING CARE KIT Just bring your Presr.r1pt1on wtlh yuur Ooctor s 0 K tor Solt Lenses Then bring out the best 1n your eyes And remember. your new Solt Conlacl Lenses may help you reduce next years taxes' % . "'' ~© OUR REGULAR LOW PRICE oN Youn 2n·d. PAIR OF GLASSES (When You Buy 2 Pair At The Same Time) OF THE SAME PRESCRIPTION DETAILS AT OPTICAL DEPARTMENTS IN HUNTINGTON BEACH 19121 Beach Blvd. (714) 847-9833 • I ,. , , ~ .. "· -. .. . . h ~ ' . . . . ~ .. MOUTHWASH & GARGLE INSTANT CAMERA Wllh Bu111 In Electroo1c Flash 59.95 24•. '-''· ~It I ,,. "" t•lt "' Ill• .... 'Ill I >'I It(' jll hi lwo pnc\..1·1-. .11H11 p.utlt I'> 111 VUlvt''>l!!I COllllfl V•·1y Afl1.l1 l•~1 6.99 u . flash Without Balleries KODAK Instant Print FILM VIENNA SAUSAGES ASSORTED COLORS DINNER SIZE PAl7.la Of 60 SECRET ANTI· P£RSPtRANT Of DEODORANT SPRA Y • a~oror 37C ~BAC EA PEORIA ''Fill 'n Thrill' ' • NOVELTIES ~111 with Easier Surprises • Singing Chic·a·dee ~"T'9t • Bunny & Wagon lmt..,..."W • Berry Basket •Purse • Bucket & Sh"el • Oval Basket - WHITMAN'S Marshmallow Rabbn CHOCOLATE COVERED fn1oy se1v1ng comto11 at nome • "'""' 8-ny 3"" Ol. • f llUJ '""1 3"'1 or. • r...., ._, J'li oi. HALOGEN Turns n1qn1 mro Ot1V •562 12 HOUR RELIEF ,. -L .. · -~·~t· '• ,.. ... ... ,._. ' .. .... • • .., 6' .. =-·. t •• . ·:.·.!(. ,,~-.. ~~ ••• # """·~·~·.·. . ' ·)·:·. . " •. ,.~ . . ~~ ~rJllll' ,. Table ENSEMBLE by C.A. REED "Bunny & Chicks" !or Your Party • ~--"-"" • r· & ,.. PWK • Cf'Ak Of 201 • (PQ Of I) t rgh! your 1mag1na- 11on wrrn a canore tr om unoer Ille sea MIWPOttT llACH-1020 '"""'-..... ..,,... a TOaO-l4J7Z .... ...., .... .,.SllOM ~n .......... ....,_ WUt •AL.Lil • t11• •• • W.,_, SAHTA AMA-HI I S.... ....... St. .. .._ -----------------------. ---.. ------- .. • -· -- DllHWASHING DETERGENT Luggage Carrier ·~· I I ,, 1: ; I , ,,H It ,,,, t J ' f, I ~~==~~ Large. plastic covered container with WHEELS takes drudgery out of TRASH DAY . ·l41f, .... ~.'; 'I{ , WEAREVER ~ \.~ SILVERSTONE* . COOKWARE 111 OUART SAUCE PAN Wrlh Cover •5'CM5 •"4114 7.99 9.99 111.''.• ·ouPont ApproYed Silverstone s· CHEF·STYLE FRY PAN ~(), ., Non·Slick Sur1ace From Tellon ~· .. i ... --------· ..... -· .............. BEVERAGES- Assorted Flavor s • ~ 12 oz. CANS ~:;:J COMBINATION 12 QT. ICE CHEST ASSORTED "PERMA P" 6P.1ck c<lo'"' v.111• HOUSE 01c·t.1~te11•·111 01•~ """'' . .,, 1.29 PLANTS COOLER & JUG 28 QT. ICE CHEST IN 6 " POTS 35 QT. COOLER Both tor ONLY I •()h1V.l "1~1 ,,..,,, "'"' pl.!'"' "''"' h"•Q• r. h~ tGAL JUG w1th 4 Ab~ POURING SPOUT f ¥.7!1 lJ'n·fl I 'l'"fll 11l.iH11 i:l401 . SEE OUR BIG SELECTION OF SUMMER NEEDS & SA VE! "PERMA P" GOOOTIME •Hl 1.39 6 PACK THERMO BAG fll~liftl1((1 10 ktf'll \'0111 beVt!tilQt'S colo 2 89 i:eooa • 12 PACK THERMO BAG 111!.Ulrtf~d tu1 f't'.!1 It ( IH"llllltJ 01 htJ,1lo11<;' :am 3.49 "PERMA"CAN COOLERS t.~nl(1P(j ff11111 llllffl !>lclyCOl11•e.i t• •IOQ PAKOf6ggc ~~~t.IJf.a. ASS'T. POTS FOR YOUR PLANTS (il,1/1°11 (l'I tllll' fl! •l l rl W <It 1)1<. 4" 1.69 6" 8" 2.99 4.99 yAtPJO'!-SPEC/Al$ ON J1J/!1¢f0 18" SPREADER for GRASS SEED • FERTILIZER DELUXE VINYL A11•.1rt1ve ~110110 m.1rcn111q piete~ rn i!SSOI teo tl,111(1!.0lllC tl)lOl!i Ir TRAVll l'l CARRY ON TOH OYlRlllGHllR 24' WHKl110£fl 26" PUl llON CASE 111/WHHlS & PUll STRAP 19.95 27.77 18" AROUN11 llf£.WOfllO 35 95 IOllh Witt HS I PUll SlllA" • R£VLON ''FLEX'' • .. .._ & ,,...... CondftfOMr (16 oi.) ....... & ................. (16 N.) • flea t1tt NON AEROSOL Hair s,r., (ll u .) Kttps yt11r hair shiny 1nd lresll anf ma111gulltel Our pha1mac1sts are highly trained 1n their profession let them help you wrth any ques11ons you may have aboul med1ca11on Call 1n your prescriptrons Today' Your tnendlvSav·on Phartnac1s1 will 91ve you prompt and und1v1ded a1ten11on lhe p1otess1ona1 way' CHECtt THE PttOllE DIRECTORY FORTllESAV·DM•U•HTYOU SHOP 7 DA VS A WEEK! 9 00 AM TO 'l'.JCJ PM MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9·00 AM TO 7 00 PM c;,lJNl1A) TOWELS "Tiit RltnfltM ,.,,.,, ...... AMERICA'S JUNIOR MISS SWEEPSTAKES (CetDeuils AtStores) You May Win s15,000 GR D PRIZE BRECK ~~~.~00 1 69 ~ F I '""''""' lh I ·~.1~· :;~ERi;;; 1.29 : _ -'. !;~ 15 oz. • . j ~:~Rs;E~AY ggc a ;.... MISS BRECK !U:z~ •• lu HAIR SPR~ !z. 1.59 ~ OIL OF OLAY "Youth For Your Skin" t.1,,,1Mo1fr11•,fl1:iy I 11111 , th ''"' I •. ~ •• I'"'~' t' y ~\11111> Ir ~ 2.99.0L SQUIBS Theragran or Theragran-M H1qh Potency Vitamin Formula Ht·t. '·''I; ... M., ... , .• h. WONDRA SKIN CONDITIONING LOTION A11 '" • ~ ''" I o t.' l'Y e,,~~··· ' •• ~,,. ~''!• ., c.1-> " ' '"'If I 1,-.• Wondra ~ ~ CLEAR LOTION CONTADINA "STEWED" TOMATOES HWT.llACH-W...Alrnttu at ...... 'AH 1 __._... • .._. MIWPCNITll4CK-lllt.,.._,W.....,,._ ILTOIO-a411Ut llllM .... ....WYIUO-IUJJMcplh ...... llOUMTAIM YAW'f M1•1l1 & W..., SAM'TA AHA-ltt 1 S..-. ....... It. ' . •' , :. A•W ........ STILL '8081:' STnSON MUNS MACHISMO, COURAGE Gary RoMnthal, President of Company, Find• New Marketa .... • Spiral sliceo tor easy serving • Honey 'n Spice Glaze • Cooked 30 hours t( (' ,.·n· ti •Nationwide shipping service H l \ Ohl.:JU\Or • • • •Full service Delicatessen lirsey . Old world Cheese Shop W' • Sandwiches to go B ~d uu·~Hall s ,_) Qru1111ef J LlooQ ... you don't l1ovc lo r.~ .: -V ··:'-' . ~·,:Ii. We Still Have Plenty EASTER HAMS Stop In TODAY! ~ 3700 l. COAST HWY~ c-.. ..._. f'HOHI '7l-toot , ~ llg"l.) 24'01 UYMOMDWAhtM.TOIOID.,11.TOIO.PHOHllJ7.JH2.., ~' lt06f IUCH ILYD.-* 6UAILD. HUNTIM4tTOM IUCH. PHONI MM575 ..._Also Anaheim. Orange. Palm Spnngs, La Habra. San Diego, North Hollywood Hop in toJ~raft Works for our Easter Special! 1bte & Sit-a practical inn.ovation for tlae beach. camping or !J~cial outinJrS. <rJ N \UOJr.''\IJGD BW Cra(Qpeople, artiaana, form their reputation witlt Melt MID piece t#Ny create. Craft Worha creates o marlletplace for reputation& to grow. Fahion l a/and, (114) 644 .699(), &twun Penuy!! & Robinsons MAILBOX . NeW Breea Brings Stetson Off Prairie 4 ST. JOSEPH, Mo 1API -In t~ mld·l800i, a COWboy 'I ldeu (If hCliVCn WOii U Sood horse, a trusty 11h<·11hoot\'r und a Stetson hut America's most famous western hat. "The NATION OLDCOINS SC4RSB411 LONDON <AP > Coln dealer SluMy Olb· bon 111a he bu tome Pertlan ec»m wttb the Lot No DEN'S faee of tb• 1b1b ob· 1)04tt literated by Islamic , .. ,,..... • ._.c..19 ...... Ctlf,""7 me11acee. ' .._..._.. •• ....,. :iiiiiJ#ai)ia: 0r••t• ,,.,.,. .,,, ........... The l1l1mlc 1ove rn· -::=::::::=:=:===============i ment did that to avoid ;; striking new coins after the abab fled to China -In 650A.D. Bon ol the Plaln11 ." won the hearta or cattle kings 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nearly l20 years aQo with Its imposing 61h·lnch crown. 5 lMh brim und "silver belly" color. J ohn Wuyne stJll calh1 it "the hut that won the West... . AND TODAY ,\ NEW GENERATION Is bring· mg lht' Stetson oH the pruiric -to the ski slopes or Colorado and th<' singles· burs of New York City. Ma<'hls mo. Jus tice. Courage. The Stetson has i.y mboh.ted those virtues and more ft became the idl•nllrying ma rk of celebrities from Tom Mix to Will Rogers to Gene Autry lo the Lon<! Ranger. General Custer wore o ne into the lll ·faled Baltic or the Little 81g llorn. Bttrt Reynolds. Dennis Weaver. Telly Savalas and James Coburn made the Stetson a staple or modern r1lm and television. And other men unde r tailormade Stetsons -notably Harry T ruman. Dwight Eisenhower. Lyndon J ohnson-spoke for the enllre country. THE BUSINESS OF MAKING Stetsons almost CORRECTION In the Sear's MC· tlon of April 11 , there was an ad· vertlaement tor a #45211 Swimming pool. The corre«,t size of the pool Is 12 x 3 ft. deep. We sincerely regret this error. !Sears !· Continental and Fresh Seafood Restaurant Lunch • Dinner Fresh Seafood • U.S. Prime Beef Milk Fed V eol • Prime Rib Banquet Facilities Live Entertainment 3201 £~1 Coast Hiqhwoy, Corona del Mar Reservo•iom: 675-7575 cn~d In\~~ IH y~~ uner t~ Philadclphia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ firm began shipprng its wares to rural America . Two dec11des of plummeting sale~ in thl' 'tlal in· dustry had mortally wounded John B Stetson Co. And the Stetson was doomed lo lalt'·nighl westerns and museum displays. But out here in the Old West. a small fa mily· owned hat firm had faith in the business and in the Stetson. Stevens Hat Co. purchased Stetson - machinery. label and all -and moved It to this historic city on the Missouri River . St. Joseph. the gateway to the Old West. "Nas where John 8. Stetson. s uffering from a lung ail m ent and gi\•en only months to live. r egained his health and made hjs first fortune. WHEN STETSON MOVED H ERE. it was a town fiJJed with tradfog posts to outfit expeditions ror Pike's Peak or California and would soon be home of the shorl·li \'Cd Pony E xpress. The ailing Stetson. son of a New Jersey hatter. soon hHd a suc·c·es.;ful brn:k business on th~ banks o f the 1\lissoun H1 \•cr. But JU~l as rapidly. the ram paging river S\H:p1 away the brickyard. Left with nothing. Stetson joined a June <'X· pedition for Pike's Peak . On the way. Stetson showed his companions the art of felting making a clothlike material out of fur without wcav in~. Using beaver skins and rabbit. Stetson form ed a hat with a high crown and broad rim to protect him from lh(;' sun and ram. lie ~old tht' l ru1I<· httl 10 a passrng hull .... ackcr for a SS gold p1ect•. 'E \'ER . .\L \'E.\RS J..\TER. Stl'tson returned r-:ust mid sel u i1 ht~ hat hu~m\!:.:-. in Phil<tdl'lph1a But things didn't gc1 \\Cll he \\a:-going brokl' t r~ - mg to sl'll the c110\'cnl1011al st~ les anti <'ompclc with t)thcr city lwlkrs. Reml'rribenng the m<>n ""ho so Y.11lingly part ed with the gold piece for a tall. wide·brimmed western hat. Sll•lson decided to gamble that the "Boss or the Plains " would sell out West. II<' sent :-amples to the trathng pos ts. and orders poun•d in Nearlv 120 \l'ars l:llt•r. "Tht• Doss of lhe Plains" 1s still · one of tht• comp;rny·~ biggest -;plie rs Rut mnn· 1 h:in JOO otht•r s t) lt•s of Stl'tson. ranJ!in·~ from SI!> for doth lo alx1u1 200 f1>r h1~h· gradP lx'a\er fur. art• produced h~ <.about 300 \1 orl.t•rs in St .Jos1.:ph B :rn rnaterwb for thl' felt cd hats :.ire pn·11:1n:d l.ll plants in Newark. N .J . and Danhury. Conn IUT ISOl'STR\' SALES TOOK off in the mid· 1970s anti havt• more than doubled s ince 1974 up to more than $700 m illion last year . Meanwhile . Stetson ha~ lriplt.'<1 its \'Olume. posting sales m excess of S20 million last ~car\.\ 1th a felt hut production or 600.000. Orders from more than 12,000 retail outlets nationwide pour into the St. Joseph office raster than they can be filled. Menagerie Factory Caruly Heaven CANONSBURG. Pa l t\P • -!-'rank Sarris· candy shop is something of a chocolate menagerie. lls s helves are <·rammed with w hole ba rnya rds of critters from a giant 60·pound rab· bil to a candy inchworm you can s wallow in a gulp The re a re a lso rockets and air planes. automobi les and trains. a lifesize telephone and a chocolutc copy of Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Sup· per.·· The standard chocolate bunny is no longer the most popular Easter basket treat among Sarris' customers. T he cottontail has been replaced by Be rt and Ernie. two bug.eyed characters from television's "Sesame Street .. The factory. the largest in western Pe n· nsylvarua. mainly supplies candy ror fund.raising work. Youth Criticized T OKYO I AP) -The Peking Daily newspaper has criticized som e Chinese young people who are too choosy about what kind of work they will do and others who engage in · 'hooliganjsm . thefts and fi ghting ... The article, broadcase by Xinhua I Hsinhu:i >. the official Chjnese news agency and m onitored here. said that only a s mall number of young peo. pie were Uke th at. but those who were had to learn tha t "anarchism is not socialis m " a nd that "the creation or a happy life lies in their own wor k ... Two Rob Mailmen COPENHAGEN. Denmark IAPl -Two youths a ttacked a nd beat two mailmen a nd snat ched their mailbag containing S577.000 in cash and $327,000 in checks. police reported. This book is your invitation to join the f Los Angeles Federal . ..,. ~ ,,.......,,.., ..... Fam ily of Savers.~ Come in for your complimentary copy. With food prices spiralling, growjng your own vege- tables rs lrke gro wrrg your own money. Whether you save a few dollars or a t ew hundred dollars depends on how much space you have tor your garden of course. but this book makes 11 easy and fun. It shows you how to plan your garden when to plant lettuce, tomatoes. brusscls sprouts. broccoli. corn. cucumbers. herbs and so on so you'll have fr esh vegetbles for your table all season What you save can be earning high interest - higher than commerc1a l banks pay -compounded every day. Any savings accounl entitles you to Travelers Cheques. money orders. document dupl1ca11on. oth er courtesies. A deposit of $1 .000 or more qualifies you for a safe de- posit box other money·sav1ng services. LOS ANGELES FEDERAL SAVINGS NEWPORT BEACH 3201 Newporl Blvd · acro~s from C11y Hall• 675·4500 OPEN Mon. through Thurs. 9 AM·S PM; Fri. 9 AM .. PM Prem,11urely w1lhdrawn Cer111rca1e Accounts oarn in1eres1 at rhe 1-'assoook rate tor rhe 1erm of 1nves1rnen1. fess 90 days It. ao 0" c~ Le 11,,q, Ir· r e>d1·'1• S.>"•"<l~ Jl"O Loan Assoc1at1on Qrtt; \IV ,,,,, l O! A" W't ~ 0001 l • 01111 '011 tt; irvougnoul 1rie aroa TV's Chuck Jones MAGIC SHOWS All Tbita Wedi. SOUTH COAST PLAZA •\ Fa1nlly Courage Dveree•• 81 Da. Sl'EINCIOllN Dear Dr. ltelmr,.lt•: II our ramtly put au our pbyaltal aod emotional complalnl• on lhe &op ol ooe tabM, ,ou'd '" qulle a varle· ty ol Kbel and palna and di Al ttsli 1pread about. For •um.,a., comld r lh nve ol u1: my husband at 42. m~U at .o and our thNe teen·•1era. Take myaelf tlr1t You'd find thal 1 bave 1 ut~rtne tlbroad that had bffn blNdJ01 lately. I'm not oal.)' Vf1'Y Ured always, but 1J10 t:::=:::::=::!::Elii::::::I nervout whe n I lhlnlc or th• "•AT•~ •~t ~ hy1terectomy I may need. .._ ... ~~ oc v~u.r . NF.rr. •v ff\J BAND. IJw.lly 11 atrona a the prov411rblal ox. he hH be..a havlnt cheat palna untU lal•ly. At ftr1t he thoutht the trou· ble WM ana•na. But .u klndl or ECO• and other testa ahow bis heart'• aJI rl1ht. X·ra11 '°'vfd the my1tery. Ha has an hhiltal tt.rrlla. Tht. eluted hl• thMt peln. &Ince he b.. been eatln1 smaller meal1 and 1leeplng with an txlra pillow. he no lon1er hll the paln1. We're both thanJcfuJ It '1 not hla btart. Now, what kil\d of conlribut.lons ar~ my tcen·aaers 01aklna t.o the table top! One of them hu he r rlaht lea In a cast. She broke her ankle &n M ca r accide nt. DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Otherwlae. 1he'e okay. THE MIDDLE ONE Is a boy who sulfe~ rrom acne. He Is ml•· erable. Ooel not go on dates or to dances. Keept t.o himself. At last w e 've take n h i m to a a kln 1peci1Uat who promises to help him. The third ls our oldest girl, now 18. who has dropped out from her first year of college because she WH nervGUI and hollleekk. 8lae .... --..... co ... ,., ••• wbo ..,. •·• eomlnc alolll aad .w ....................... The,..,_....,. u. I've.._.._ story .e. a numa.er ol ,.,.. puW., t.1116r U.bles • tM table: mJxial ..... ri.b tM ......... ol otberl. WbM dwy looked aNUnd. they were glad t.o pk& ., tMir own troub&es again. aod-'* • tbem, r ather than take on t he heavler and more aerioul pro- blem• ol othen. WELL. THAT'S W~T our little fa mily has decided. 've l6opped worrying about a ysterect.omy. /~ All PUIPOSI 100 % POI. YESTER LOYILY PRaD OI QIP mu ALMADEN MOUNTAIN WINE REG. 239 3.29 ea. •IMtM •IU•GUMDY • WNrTl CMAllts • NlCTAI VIN •OS£ ., RENE BOUCHARD PINkORWHITl CHAMPAGNE or COLD DUCK 750 1111-2S.4 oz. '·""· cunY SARK SCOTCH ULTU•m V0-5 TOOntPASll HAii DllSSIMG SAU 99c llG. J09 PllCt 1.47 ... 7" • 0t ·-~ .,,. I' 1 01 •eq 81Uf' f111e If PflflCT l.29TO 1.39 7 9 t').~ •otton loc.ed l.01,h<•n C 01 l>on<t 10 .. ut~ "' lo •m11•t.1 \Ol•d colo1 Sunloght ond mvlto colOt l1>uo10 ~'9"' ~)\) -fj~ RIG. 4.SO OCULENS SUNGLASSES METAL FUMf, 11Ml£SS 2 99 Utlh ew sryle\ outloMd with """"°'' gold °' \Mt1one metal or romleu \lyle• grod•e'll & "''"Of len•M Cool oor• l19htwe1ght wo¥en \Ira~ 10< gol\ populo< Pion totoon ho•t worh bo!>d 10< guy' _IH PRESS-A-DRINK 1" NEW 1-GALLON I AUTOMATIC ,_____....._, ·~ DISPENSING 72"x84" BLANKETS fOICAMPUS, TUVU 333 Strong. duroble. ecny·core & modl1ne~I fOf holM, tr.-1, t'OIHn, conipe<. beoch. Colonl 1'11._ 01 this Pfl(e. FINE OR COARSE \ ROTARY uuo•• poo•• •110 00 a e o .,• .. ~lnuleta ~ -STRIPPER f O\I whopponq ac 1oon do{» 100' ol 1ob' on all •utla<c\ pcole•s•onaJ ly No more \Ondonq OlkL llOt llKlUCMD ELECTRONIC BLACK JACK 21 GAME IN CASE 10 do91t (Ol<uloror wtrh reol•U>C (O\ Vegas <ulf'\ A gom,.. plus colculoror worh outomotoc o<countonq ELEORONIC MASTERMIND FUN GAME N1nr qom~' lor "''r o' moro pfov_,,, J'J v•"o '' tu 80 Wo•k\ on borr•••r 01 odop•e• no• oncludt'J V:i -IN . X SO·FT GERING GARDEN HOSE llG. 2'' 3.79 f omou• Getong q11ol1 rv 0 tii S I -::::~::- 4000 SQ. FEET scomTURF BUILDER l~~. 8'' r °' thoc ~ q• l>t>n I own !·-'1 --. . 9 ;M_' [2G1.1 . . ..... , scorn FAMED YIGOIO GRASS SHD MIX POnlNG SOil REG. 399 IEG. 43c 4.99 S9C 3 lb' qq q•. ''"'l>dl•f<' H('lps hold mo.''"'" t -' •a~'"° ~ ~~~ FAMOUS ORTHO VITAMIN 8-1 ___ @] .~~~;~~~G -~Hokb gallon liquid & oce ._ __________ ... _____ .._ ____ _. TN .. ITT 149 fltlCI fot •ogo<ous q.owth RUGGED BRASS HOSE NOZZLE ltG. )69 l,99 f0< hle11me \t'fv>ee df!-_ [). Lindsa1 I (.a/ifontlii 1'111.-J ai,,..OI""' LINDSAY llPl PITTID OLIVES :59c Whlle stoc:h lost' SELSUN BLUE SHAMPOO l lG. 2'' J.6' Notniol Ory Of°''~ NABISCO SNACK CRACkERS =69! Whole \IO<kt lost• TYLENOL UTIA mllGTll TAll:::.159 2.1' Cont°'"' no O'PI''" ARRID AITl-PllSPIUlm llG.129 1.79 4 ot W1ftl .0-• more free' A.R.M. AUllGY TAllm ll0.129 1.7' 8y moi.., ot (Oflloc: MARASCHINO BfACON CHERRIES ~i'49c Whole \tO<ll\ lo\!• BRUT 33 AHTl·PlRSPllANlS llG.129 1.7• ... f'roin famous F•rge• PILLSBURY QUICI( BREAD MIX SUPH2s1 flttcr ,. Whoi. uoclu lo\11 BAYER CHILD'S ASPlllN FASHION EARRINGS . IEGUlAl 1.99NOW ''c: Choo<e of posMI. hoop pet· : ., •. w«idtng band. _.,., ot • J*)rl. or~ ••clrif>t new fOUI . ~ klr&nw ond ._, CIOI AND NOVEL n TOYS FILLED WITH CANDY I GOODIES AND FUN TOYS! Mr Robb11 •n (O\ter '"''' ready ro ooncc• CAMEO ASSOlnD JlllY BEANS 12.01. 9c BUNNYHOUSI MALT Milt( EGGS H ~·Of. c 1rc; 49c · "' Crate al I? Eve<Yone, lo"°'''• E0\19f qooooe\ FRUIT /NUT EGGS 401. 69' Mlll CHOCOlATt : 2'A ·OZ. IAlll1S ; SlmMG& 69' SHAll·M· COLOllNG Ill "°"I" COSTA MESA I COSTA EA I FOUNTAIN vAUIY I FCUtTue vAWY I WBTMINSTa IUfTllGTON 1U01 I IUmNGJOl IOOt I HUNnNGToM llAOI I a TORO : 233 f . 17th St. 23001bt. at WIMn 161'1 tabor• Nip ... ot Talllrt ...... _,at GoldMI West 21131 llach lhd. at Allena •1 Womer 9161 M.s at......... 8 Toro at WIWd ----..---... ..----..._._ -...,_...,.....,, . .................. , NBW YORK f AP> -G•aldine GauWer boped ...... wouldn't hurt. Pl•Mt Rueher k"8ed bil wife and Nflect. H on dY6nl before he tOUld et\ie>J retlNm•t. Keltb Kya. rememt..NMI that be bada't told b1I • wlfe ta • morn•q tetephofte Hl4 thM M ie¥4td bH. • ~ had tM Mint' brulll witb deadl. but the .~ .. ..,.. aboard • "mlr~le fti1bt" from New ·York to M'8nf'apoll1 had diatlnclly penoul NH· taon1 when dtaut.er threatened lut. Wednesday. .. . THE llOEING m .lt:l'UN • t'arryln& 80 • P9Hm1HI went Into a 1llJl Uftf~plained barrel roU • and ,...,......'" noltedive But TNA pilot Hanf'y Clbton Uuwa down lM lancbng 11tar JwiL Mtonda from the 1rouod and sue:~ 1n 1lowln1 UW plant' liO he rould land 1t Th<' l"'~ral Aviation Admlnistnt on ralltd tbt• evt-nt "mlral'ulous " and ,.Id no such plane has •v r survlvt.'d • 380 dtatr~ mil. "l ~mt-mbctr thinking that ttH-dutb 1l lea t &erwanl. hll wlfe added. "All I eould think 1o&n1 down wM U..t If lhla 11 tbe way I have to 10. pleue make lt fut J waa boplnc l would 10 out HmDletely." a ........... who Wll return1n1 from • Euro· peao v•ce•loo wiUl tt]e GaulllelJ.l. Hld hie wife turntld to hlm aad Hid. ·•well. we've had u iooct Uft." He hkl taey killed each oth r ''and that waa U." Soda.I v..orktra Sheryl "" her. 33. and Holly Wl<'ktr. 29. w re acrompanyang rour orphan alrls wbo bad joumeytd from India to New York on their way to MW ho•e wllh adoptive parents. One wu a 21,') month old lnlanl who weighed rive p0undl. .. ftlE t'I UT TttOUGtrr I HAD was. 'Com~ on. Ood, theff kids huvl' mad 1t through so much. don 'l blow 1t now,"· Mr , •"lsher said. "I KNOW I ALWAYS WD..I. ln·tbe future - than for auni." sheuid. "-' · It a1lo dawned on ber that the fatal crash of a U.S. military aircraft evacuating orphana from Vietnam occurred exacUy four years earller. Keith Kyle. a 42·year·old marketing executive from Hamden, Conn .• said he didn't really think the plane would crasb. Yet he considered that il was. as be put it, an "Inconvenient" tlme to die. Hll grandmother recenUy d1ed, Kyle went on. VISIT THE • qukk, ·• rttalled CheU Roberta, a 22·yur old Salt t' lty llUd~t Thi t'nt ft>lt. as at lM plaM Utt>ra11y would •b•ke apart s 1t atround the pa~ng•rs 1nt.o their w1 ta and bro the sound barrii'r. She OIJO thought ()( her own 7· and S.year-old r hlldrt'n al home lo Brooklyn Center. Mlnn. They had ~'<'n unhappy when a snag kept her in New York n extru day, and the odd notion crossed her mind that a crash would keep her away even longer. EASTER BUNNY . ' "YOlJ COUl.DN'T MOVE VO a arms," Mr8 Wicker. who cradled the tiny infant dur- ing the night, also considered her charges. Now Thru April U/Carousel Court · Arthur Gault1~r. '70. of St Paul. Minn : r counted "It was liko you were glued to your sea\. I was Just plain frtghtt.>ned und horr1h~ " "ll seemed unfair l remember thinking that l do remember thinking, 1f my body crushes th1 i, kid. I don'L want to be around lo know 4About 11." the motheroftbree recalled SOUTH COAST PIAZA < • Say111g hl· couldn't sll-t:P for 48 hours llf u JILU c1wm11 INCLUDES SOFA, COFFEE TABLE, EID TABLE 11• LOUISE CHAIR ·~ ---<·REG. $754.00 ALL ALUMI NUM · WILL NOT RUST.' CUSHIONS MADE / FROM FINE / ('- TEXTELINE MATERIAL 42° TABLE 4ARMCHAIRS REG. $714.00 Sal• •549 Sale •549 REG.$310 SALE '219 LOOI WHAT'S IEW FOR'7911 FllE FURllTURE bylALLll UMBRELLA EXTRA ALL ALUMINUM, WILL NOT RUST! HEAW Dl.TIY SOFT V INYL STRA PS CHAISE LOUNGE ALL OTHER FURNITURE ON SALE! BROWN JORDAN• TROPITONE •HOME CREST• MALLIN '9MBRELLA BONANZA SAYE 20 to 50% ... CALIFORNIA, FINKEL & MALLIN UMBRELLAS High Back Adjustable Beach Chain Reg.135 .•21•!i W.~d ............ ,,, ... •BBQ Cast Body • C.rt • Regulator • Tank • Rock a Burner ILLl .. 'S IPElllLLY PllOD FllTlllULE _____ .... - -----..... ,,._ ..,. ____ -- --~-~-... -......-.A_ ..... _·--....-... --.------::~-=--...... 40..:.· .... _ •• 5 PC. PATIO GROUP UMBRELLA EXTRA AS SHOWN ·••" UMBREUA EXTRA 54" CAREFREE FIBERGLASS TOP TABLE 4 ARM CHAIRS REG. $530.00 Sale .s399 AU 1"~ 9-¥ 5 PC. Dllll& SET 42" Glass t op table with 4 chairs REG.1215 NOW ,$19995 S-.•'Jld ,.,,...dt .... .,,,.. ... . . ..... ··---.. ,... ._... .... Aprll U, 1179 D•llY P110I :'Mio> Cly P.;lroO 0 l>oflnell DON BAYLOR SCORES THE LONE ANGELS RUN ON A WILD THROW. No Luck for Tanana Angel Star Now 0-2 With 3.94 ERA By DAVE CUNNINGHAM OI ... 0.11'( P•l•I $Uttf The Angels' Frank Tanana tbas never been one to get out of the gate slowly. Fast starts arl' his specially. Like last season. for instance tie •as 5-0 and the American ~ ue PJayer of the Month for ON T UES D AY N I GHT Tanana disappointed a home opener crowd o r 33 .171 al • Anaheim Stadium by absorbing an 8· 1 loss at the hands or the M innesola Twins, and ht: was m no mood for talking. Angels Manager Jim Frcgos1. however, said Tanana was s1m- pJy a victim of bad luck. "He could have gotten out or the fifth inning without allowing u run." said Fregosi .. And it would have bettn a d1fft'renl ball ga m e." Fregosi was refcring to a close play al first when the Twins ' Ken Landreaux was called safe on a n attempted double pla~ Instead of having the third out. Tanana had to keep pitchin~. and that's when he surrendert•d three s traigh t hits a nd fell behind. 3-0 - LANOREAUX. WHO CAME to Minnesota in the Rod Carew DAN FORD SLIDES INTO SECOND TOO LATE. • dt'<il. also contributed <in Htil single in the ninth 1nmng. "hl'n a three-run r ally ag<iinst the Angt'ls' Jim Barr put the g<1mc out of reach. Another ex-Angel. fin.t basem an Ron J achon, provHfod u crowning touch by blasting a two-run. home r to lcrt in the eighth inning. "'That was one of the biggest thrills in my career." .Jackson :.;ml. "I've been looking forward to this series for a Ion~ tlml'. and il"s exciting to do well and beat your ex-teammates ... M inncsota finished 19 game~ out of fi rst place last season C:1nd the winter departures of CC:1n•w and Dan Ford were experted to make the Twins even worse B UT TIUS NEW PRODUCT 1s now -1 -0. off to the bes t start of any Minnesota clul> since 1970 How can that be explained" "'When you can send a 1-!00ll pitcher out there. you always have a chance.·-s:.iys T\\ m s Manager Gene Mauc·h "And wt· have an <.'xct•llent p1tch1ng staff. .. M ost notablc 1s J l'rn Koosman. the ex-Met who limit- ed California to eight hits and a single run in the eighth inning Ile did it with a baffling curve. a much-used change-up and an 0<· casional fastball. Koosman was brilliant in tht· spring, sporting a 2·0 record and 0.96 ERA in fi ve games, but he hadn 't won c.i r('gul ar season game since July 13. If(• lost h1::. final six decisions of 1978. "I FEEL I STILL have to prove myself." Koosman said "My record won't nwe very many people." Last season he was 3-15 While Koosman and the Twin:. certainly looked worthy or first place Tuesday night, it should be 1 noted that the Angels did not re· .i semble the pennant contender 1 they arc supposed to bl' ':· J oe Rudi cam(' up twic·l• with runners in scorin~ position and squandered each chance. 1 lis o- for-5 performanc<' drops his average to a microscopic .053. Bobby Grich. who drove in the only run with a single. isn't pro· ducing much more . He's hilling . 105. THE ONLY PLAYER \\ho may fe~I worse tha n Rudi and <See ANGELS. Pue 82> ' By ROGER CARLSON OI Ult O.lty ~11 .. 5&eff f1''irat of.a Three-port Serl•1 J Hlgh school athletics· bread and huller 1s the enthusiasm generated by its Cans parents and boosters. But. seldom , it seems.' is the re the perfect blend, spawning a conruct with coaches on ~ne side, parents and boosters on the other, leaving the athlete In the middle. At opJ>Os ite ends al Ne wport Harbor Hij[h arc former basketball coach DaJe Hagey and boo.,ster member Dr. Robert Moekett. Today. Hagey. who coached basketball at Newport Ha'rbot for seven years. gives his. views on the life or a high school coach: Wb.ct 1s your opmion of boosters? "Boosters means big bucks. a nd I mean big, like $1 ,000 a crack. Boosters become very powerful when you depend on them for that kind of money. But it's not the purpose o( a booster to be in on decisions regarding h1rinl'! and Ciring, or paying the sahlries. "Boosters a re very powerful men in their own right. They're usually very successful people and clearly one or the most organized groups of people in educatio n. They get things done, but there's a certain amount of intim idation attached to iL For some, money is M object .. As a coach. it's diffi cult not to sell yourself to the company store. "My last year as a coach at Newport Harbor I had a bud~et of $2,500 to handle supen·is1on. officiatinf(. tape. basketballs and uniforms. When you run out. you run to the boosters. I asked for n(•w "arm ups on a Der. 3 and by league we were w<:armg them. ··These guys ~el it done and done no". but there a re rn tf:Jlls .. Wlwt's your bes(prote<:t1un J11 this case" .. Make sure the boo::,ter president ·s bOll play-, Make sure he's a ~ood player Better ) et, find your best plc1yer. then try to get his dad elected a:. president · It sounds like yuu re nut c razy about l>oui>tl'rs "Some stabbed me m th~ back. bOm~ d1dn t As long as their son played. fine:. Hut \\ ht.•n their son was on tht.' bench, that wa:-. thl' end of the s upport · · Was tins your biggest problem.a~a coach'' "No, the main probll'm w<i::. not having l'ouchel:i below me lh<1t knt'w thc game of basketball." Aside /rom buo:iler~. liuw about parents m yeneral" "I can rel'all only ont.· µar<.?nt with a tot al- ly reahsl1c v1c" who expressed has opinion and fcclin~s-The di£f1culty lies in that we look al .our c hildre n a lot d1ffercnlly Vicarious living 1s one or the major prob. lems. That's why there is so much trouble "1th kids. Everyone wa nts to be " s uccess. It's d1fflcult to resign yourself that your son is not a starter. It's ego defeating." Yvu ve been on boll1 ends of th1~ situation • right" · ·\ c~. whl'n I wa~ the Junior vars ity toarh a couple or parents came over to me at a banquet and all they did was tell me l '>hould be the head coach, that Dave Was· man tcurrenlly the head coach at K1vers1cte City College 1 can t do the job. ·During my la!.l year the re \\as a pel1- t1on to get me out. a lthough no one would ad- mit to th(' fact. It"' as JU St enough to keep me worried. · Well. then, you really didn't haue that much trouble With boosters. "Not until the end. There was one time when boosters callt•d one o r my player5 and told him what a rotten job I had done with hfm. I have biller feelings toward boosters. Naturally, 1t·s easy when you're winning. And. of course. a basketball booster is a dif· fer ent arumal than a football booster. Foot· <See NEWPORT, Page 84> Dodgers Baffled Rangers Not Concerned Any More Houston Wild N EW YORK <AP1 The Ne\\ About Richard l !. York Rangers had been con cerned about poor play in reCl'nl weeks. The defensl' was bad, the power play was worsc, a nd the goaltendmg was only fai r. The concerns dim1n1sh cd Tuesday night against th£> Los Angeles Krngs . The Rangers scored seven ~oa ls. three of them on powe r plays, and got a fi ne game fro m goulie .John Davidson to rout the Kings 7-1 en the opener of th('i r best-of·threl' National llockey League playorf sen es. HO US TO N <A P t T h roug hout h is c1~h1 yCJr career with the Houston Astro~. J R. Richa rd has been cnllc1zed for his incon...,1stent pitching . a dogma the tall right-hander has been forced to t'ndure league strikeout leader last J season. came back to strike out. t Ron Cey. Baker and Rick Mon-41 day to end the threat and help '\ · s nap tht? Dodgers' rour-game "inning streak. ··Let "s b e h o n est w ith our selves: we didn 'l beat the Stanley Cup champions ... SCAid New York dcfenseman Carol Vadnais . ··we kept them to one goal. and it 's nice. But we beat a team we should beat. .. They beat the Kings with a cons istent pe rfo rman ce something that had been lacking :.is they won just two of to games 1n the closinn weeks of the season. They beat Los Angeles with hard work at both ends of t he ice. especially when the Kings were on the power play. ··o ur power play ha s won borne ~amt's for us this year ... o b ser ved Kings Coa c h Bob Berry. "but lheir penally killers played well."' Two of those penalty killers were Pierre P lante a nd Ed Johnstone, forwards who played s paring ly during the rcgulur season but were key factors. 1n ke('p i ng Los Angeles o f f . balance. tufd while the forwards were doing the cheeking, the Rangers' <See KINGS, Page 84 > "You have to take the bad with the good.·-:.aid Richard. w h o s tru ck ou t 13 a nd established a maJor league rec· ord with six wtld 1>1tches m Houston's 2-t triumph O\t'r the Los Angeles Dodger Tucsd<.1) nig ht. "WHEN THINGS go bad, the ' orsl thing you can do 1s worry about what you're doing wrong "I was aiming the ball tonight. and that got me into trouble ... h(' s aid. "Maybe some of them should have been stopped. but I 'm n ot easy t o ca t c h sometimes. The six wild pitches broke the major league ma rk or f1v<' rn one contest last a ccomplis hed by Larry Cha ney of Brooklyn 1n 1918 . "I DEFINITELY think I had better stuff tonig ht than I did 1n the opener <whe n he pitched 5':i innings in Hous ton 's victory over Atlanta ), They got my best stuff at the end, and I beat them with it," he said. Houston scored its only two runs of the game in the fourth rn· nmg on consecutive do4bles by Cesar Cedeno. Jose Cruz and Enos Cabell off losing pitcher Burt Hoot.on. O·l. The victor y was Richard 's ~ eig hth straight over the defen· ... d ing National Leag ue c ham· , p1ons. and aided the Astros to their best start since 1968. ! BRUCE BOC H V, who •] replaced Houston's injured reg-, ! ular catcher. Alan Ashby. said ~~ catching Ric ha rd was an ex· per1ence. "It could have been my Otst · night ever." said Bochy, \vho t was told he would have t04 replace Ashby less tha n four hours before the start of the game . "I 'II bet I have about a · dozen bruises. "l d1dn 't expect a rough night ~. like this. but the first time I caught h.im last year, he threw 184 pitches. -That was quite a sta rt,·• he said. The Dodgers threatened in the ninth whe n Ferg uson walked with one out and Richard wild· pitched pinch -runner Teday Ma rtinez into scoring position. Martinez advanced lo third on pinch-hitter Von Joshua's fly-out to deep center field, but was stranded when Davey Lopes struck out to e nd the gam e . ~-~~akers Must ~hange Strategy Los Angeles came back with a run in the fifth. Dusty Baker led off with a single and look second on Richards third wild pitch of the game . Baker scored on J oe Fer guson 's double to the ten field wall. .. Richard is the best," said Lopes, who struck out three times. "His last ball and his • slider are one-two, or two-one, J however you want to put it." ~ ln8 Al to Reopen Los Alamitos Race Course will .4 reopen Friday night with non-· ' union help operating the pari-I mutuel windows for the curqm harness meeting, a epoketman for the track eaid today. ·DENVER IAP> -Dan lssel's ~niperb play against Kar eem Ab· dul-Jam.bar left Los AngeJes Coach Jerry West searching for an alternative strategy when the te•m• meet aaain. btel, who has given Abdul· Jabbar fita all year despite a fl'!e·lAcb fleilbt deficit, did It •1•tn Tuesday night 'as the : Denver Nuueu won the open- .l.Jlr 1ame fl their besl-of·three · HMlillll IMlstlball Association pla)'Gff..,.... 110.105. THE SERIES SHIFTS to Los Angeles on Friday night, with a third game scheduled for Sun- day In Denver. if necessary. The 6-Coot.·9 lssel, poppine his deadly jump s hot from the perimeter and driving inside Cor easy layups, scored 30 points and hauled down 10 rebounds to spark the Nugget triumph. Abdul-Jabbar. m eanwhile. finished with 23 point.a, five oC the m late In the game when the outcome was no longer in doubt, and a game-high l2 rebounds. "ISSEL PLAYS an outside game -it. 's a tough ma tchup for Kareem," ,$&id West. ··He ns .. set > plays like a forward and he 's a 50 percent shooter , so you have to guard him . And he's crafty enough lo drive 11 hJs man gets too cloee. • · Abdul-J abbar clearly didn't relish the matchup. "He's play· ing out there where Corwards play. I can go out there and ... --·-...... -·· .=- IJother him. but it leaves the center wide open. It's hard to go out there and then he lp m y teammates inside -in fa ct , it's more than ha rd, it ·s impossl· ble.·· THE BENEFICIARY or that vacant middle often was Denver forwa rd Tom Bos we ll, who started in place of the injured George McGinnis and scored 19 <See LAKERS, Page BO ....... RICHARD, WHO scattered six hits in winning his second game of the season in a s m any st.arts. was tested again i'n the sixth when Reggie Smith opened the inning with a s ingle and stole second base. Steve Garvey followed with a n infield hll, moving Smith lo third, and later advanced lo second on Richard's record-tying nn.h wild pitch. However , Richard. the major· . ~ -...._-......... --;· A full card ol Dille races will be run Friday ni1bt ud every Monday through Saturday ~t to the conclusion of the meet. The race e<>Une wu cloled Tuesday when a union ~ expired at m idnl1bl llooday night and a threatened strike de·· veloped. l . • CHICKINO ITRAOEOY talks to M•nag~r J lm 'light's home open r ot threw out the first ball. OeilY ~ ....... .., ....,," 0 ........ Angels ownt·r Oene Autry Frcgos1 bcl o r t! Tu<'sday Allah •am St:Jdaum . Autrx $1 Millio n-a-year Pact Sought by Larry Bird From AP Dispatches BOSTON Indiana State s ta r Lar ry Bird m apparently wants lO be the highest pa id player in National Basketball Association history, ask- ing a $6 million, s ix·year contract from t he Boston Celtics. Tbe opening salvo in the contract talks was fired Tues· day by Bird's Boston-based agent. Bob Woolf, who m et ror three hours with Celtics President Red Aue rbach The team made a counter offer, believed to be about $.500,000 per year . but Au<'rbach wouJdn't comment. He did say the two sides "are apa rt ,·· while Woolf te rmed the gap "substa ntial." Both sides say Bird wants a six- year contract, and ta lks will resume Thursday. Woolf would ne ither confirm nor de· ny a request for $1 million per year. He said David Thompson of t he Den ver Nuggets 1s the highest paid 111110 NBA pla yer , at $800,000 per season. ad · ding, "If you wer e starting an NBA team , who \.\ou:d you ratber have, Thompson or Bird?'" The agent s aid Bird himself "doesn't know what he wants. That's why he hired me --to ma kt' sure he gels a fair contract for someone of his stature." The Celtics. 29.53 this season, need Bird badly, Woolf said. Auerbach countered that Bird needs Boston because. "No one will pay him if he doesn't pla y. He 's a great player. but we'll operate Cwilhout himl We've been in business 33 yea rs." -----q.of~ o f fM D q ----- Yankees Mana~e r Bob Lemon to new Wh ite Sox Man~er Don Kessinger ufler someone suggested he give Kessinge r some advice: ''I'd like to help you. but you don't d rink." Penguin•~ Toronto, C'araU<"k• 1t'ira Third·period goals by Blair Chapman, Gary ~ McAdam and Orest K1ndrachuk earned the J'1tls-, burgh Penguins to a 4-3 victory over the Buf- falo Sabres in opening National Hockey League St anley Cup action Tuesday night _ .. Walt McKtthnie scored twice m a span or 2 :48 m the second period to lead Toronto to a 2·1 victo ry over the Atlanta Flames. Six playorr penalty records we re Sl'l in the contest as the te ams amassed 219 pe nalty m inutes. 115 on the Flame~. with 99 coming in a hectic second period . . Stan Smyl gave Vancouver a 2-0 lead just mne seconds into the third period, sending a low s hot between the legs of goalJe Wayne S&.epbenson as Lbe Canueks defeated Philadelphia. 3·2. Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE West Division West Division ............. ,.,,, ..... r.111 .. INGL&WOOD -Plclteu mattbed, b_'lt B ... ,.... ...... tile .......... ltl' 7'1·d•Y Uaorouahbrfd meeUna toay after U.. C1Ufom)1 HorH Racllll C-om•'Hkm CW'Md down 1 unk>n bld to hill opcraUou. ~rvlce Employees lnttmaUoul u.-m•mben, ID· eludlna the parimutuel cltf'k.a, wen oe a&like aad • perenlly far ftom a1reemonl With muasement OG MY91'U laaue• althouah some pro1ffiJI wu reported. Thll' track's lntroducUon of lta Tlm•,ver Tote beU1na machlntl waa the cause or much ol the un1on WU111t anCl brouaht fttrs many ~mployeee would M jobMu. 8-ts' Ne.. 3 C'••dter IA•• It' .. A two-out , two·run homer ln the bottom ol II the nlntb iMin1r by Jolla T1•1r10, the Olanta· No. 3 c1tcht•r , broke u 2·2 tie to 1lve San f'rln· c aco a 4·2 victory over Sa n Dlet10 brfore M.191 at CandlKllck Park Tuesday In NaUonal Lea1ue baMball action ..• J.-rry Royat~r had rour hill, drove In a run and scored anoth\lr as the Atlanta Braves dereated the Cincln· na tl Reda. 6-' •.. Home runa by LM Bnek and Geotcei Heodrtck alona with triples by Toey ScoU and Keith Hernandes and the •hulout pltchini;c or three pitchers gave St LOuil a 7·0 wan over the Chic1go Cubs ••• Pete AOM ripped two doubles und a 11,,,le. walked once and scored a run to lu d the Philadelphia PhllUes to a 7 3 win ove r the Pittsburgh P\ratcs. R~e·s lwo doubles gave him 504 for his ca~er as he passed Charley GebrlDgtr for elghlh place on the all.time list. He also Increased has al·bat t()tal to t0,210 to pass Trb Speaker for eighth in that ••ooc category . . Andre Daw!IOD's 14th·lnning triple scored the tie-bre aking r un a nd the Montreal Expos defeated the New York Mets. 3-2 ... Mike Caldwell pitched .the Milwaukee Brewers to a 3·0 victory over the Boston Red Sox before 54,392 at Milwaukee in American League action . . . &e«P.e Jackson's two.run ~mch homer m the ei8htb inning and a solo blast by Graig NeUles ralHed the New York Yankees to a 7·6 victory ove r the Baltimo~ Orioles ... i\J Olive r drove in t hree runs with a pair of home rs in - to the teeth of a 38·mlle·an-hour wind as the Texas Rangers defeated Cleveland. S·O ... Bob Bailor drove in three runs and Rick Bosetll, John Mayberry and Dave McK1y each knocked in two as Toronto defeated the Chicago White Sox. 10-2 . . Bruce Bocbte hit a three.run hom l'r in the fifth inning to power Seattle past the winless Oakla nd A's. '4·1 ... T he Detroit at Kansas City ga me was postponed because of rain. CART Threaten s l nd11 Bo11r oti With the entry deadline approaching , of. • ficials of the dissident Championship Auto ttac- ing Teams are threatening to boycott the In· dian apolis 500 l:lnd slllge thdr own m illion. dollar race on the same d ay. None of the CART ent ries for the May 27 Indianapolis 500 were among the 28 that had bee n submit ted to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway as or Tues day ... The champions of the wome n 's profl'ssiona l sort ba II league have been invited to play 1n China in May .. The 50-nation World Cup golf tourna ment which the United States swe pt last year will be he ld in Athens. Greece. No\.. 8-11. the Inte rnational Golf Assocrntion sa id ... Fo rmer Mar q ue tte Unive rs ity basketball coach Al McGuire has talked \\1th the Chicago Bulls about takm~ a m anagement job with the NB/\ team Olympic gold medl:l ilst Sup;ar Ray Ll'onar d has signed to fi ght North M<G u1u Am<'n<'an 1unior m iddleweight cha m · pion Tony Chiav<'rinh n a non.title bout in Louisiana May 20 .. PauJ Hansen, baskNball coa ch and athletic direc tor a t Oklahoma City L'niH•rsity, \\.US nam<'d as the nc\\ ht>ud coach <1t Oklahoma St:.ilt- Tef,., .. i11ion, Radio Following are the ma1or sports events on television tonight. Ratings are:" "". excellent ; 1" "worth wa tching; " " fair; " forge t 1t n 5:30 p.m .. Channel 11 ./ ./ .( DODGERS BASEBALL: Dodgers at Houston. Announcers: Vi n Sc ully and Ross Porter . The Houston Astros will send Ken Forsch to the mound against the Dodgers Don Sutton. Forsch is coming. off a no -hitter in his last start against the Atlanta Braves while Sutton defeated San Diego, 10-1, 1n h1sonly start. OTHER TV 1 p.m. (52> -HORSE RACING -Today di Hollywood Park. RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Houston, 5:30 p.m .. KABC U 90>; Minnesota al the Angels, 7:25 p.m .. KMPC C7101. Horse Rac- cng -Hollyw60d Pa rk Results, 8:30 p.m ., KLAC (5701 . JOHHSOtiil & SON SALESMAN O F lMI MOMTH w L Pct. GB w L Pct.GB Minnesota 4 0 1.000 Texas 2 0 1.000 Kansas City 3 1 .750 Seallle 4 2 .667 Angela 2 3 .400 2 112 Chicago 1 3 .250 3 Oakland 0 5 .000 41':? East Division Milwa ukee 3 1 .750 Baltimo re 2 2 .500 1 Boston 2 2 .500 I Detroit 1 I .500 I New York 2 2 .500 I Cleveland 1 3 .250 2 Sa n Fra ncisco 4 1 .800 Ho us ton 4 I .800 Dodgers 4 2 .667 Cincinnati 2 4 .333 Atlanta 1 4 .200 San Diego 1 4 .200 E ast Division St. Louis 3 0 1.000 Montreal 3 1 .750 New York 2 1 .667 Philadelphia l 2 .333 Pitts burgh 1 3 .250 Chicago 0 3 T,...d.ly'ak.i-ea .000 HOU\10<\ 1. Oootters I 1,., 21,;i 3 3 1'2 1 2 21111 3 PETER "THE GREEK" PELE USES RONJACKION , ...... _.J ANGELS ••. . Grich is relief pitcher Barr. Picking up for Tanana in the eighth, Barr was credited with hiss~ straight disagter. The right·hancjer was touched for four hits, three walks and five runs in Just l ~ innings. In Barr's only other appearance he gave up two runs in one inning of work . Tonight another luckless pitche r takes the mound for California-Nolan Ryan. He OP· poses the Twins' Dave Golti I 1·0 > at 7:30. Jn his firs t s t a rt. Ry an couldn't get out or the s econd in· ning as the Seattle Ma riners s helled him for seven earned runs. * A"OEI. ..OTES.-TM A119tlf ..,.,. ••Dtellnt • crowd '" ••<•U ot lfle .,.._..,.., recorcl lot .., ootner ,.,•S-4 111.11 <001 -••11\e r llel.-4 di\· cour•9e •IOI ot woulcl·t>e 1rri•1I\ • TM Twin• clOn I pley ltw<r --Mr unltl Ap<u IT, I wffll Ille< 11\en enf other <\muocen t..•<t9UI! Cluo TM KMCNl•nt WI~ dH1~ lo ell.,_ Ille .... ,,,., to wa rm uo "' lilhnne\011, t>ul Ille tem1»retur1 '" AM"4!tm •I 911-··-W&> ~q OlqrH•. -ii 901 " IOI coio.r •• IM l\lq/11 -·t OI\ M1nnucio1" l..,_C-.'~"'11. _,, el..-1 ioen\t<el • • 9(\M Oe•"'"' ''Ille only Aftqel 10 1\11 '"•II ltw Qotme\ "'-'-~•~ W1lrt it J rcw S Pt'ft0tm•nce Oown,no o\ "°"' '"11•1\Q •T• llOd Cerew oll\O II•<• Moller '"d tn~ir ~ftta'" ~toootd •t lour Qdmh 1" w 1t1n9 • te<.Ofd tOt tf\t tn1t o < on\.t-< uUw <t••'. thf' An9f4~ (~ W•\On tt<.fl.•1 ~·~ "'•tn • t ount or II Od U•C re•' IM CIUO Wlcl 4 uo. -··~ ""' ~ount trom 1'1' •A'> \,Ill. , I~ uml)trt\ •Ot' '""'CllY ntQnt \ 911 ..... \Ul»ll\Q IOr IM \ltl-•"11 0'0'· •n<hiOeO .tn E nG"'" ff'otl°lf't dt N0ig41..,, M•9f"I. • ,e\t.ur~t "'M'tiQE' tram E..1 None.:-" \90'1~ <.OOf'OINt'Of ffOf'T\ I~ LO~ ,.,.,..,_., (1fy \t.C.hoot \y'\tem .. ano ... n ump 1rom Int:-.,..M•l•t Con t 1.eeoue NASL P lans Indoor Slate NEW YORK I AP 1 Phil Woosnam. comm1ss1ont.'r of thl· North Ame n can Soccer Leagul'. s aid Tuesday that the NASL would begin u reg ular rndoor season next Nove m ber with 14 of its 16 teams partJcipating. Woosna m said the teams plan· ning to com pete in lhe 1979-1980 lOdoor sea so n a r e Atla nta. Ca lifornia . D et r o it. Fort L a ud e rda le . Hou sto n . Lo~ Angeles. Mt.'m ph1s, Minnesota. New En~land . Rochester . San Diego. San J ose, Ta mpa Bay and Tulsa. Chirago and Dallas art' l''i peeled to field indoor l<'ams for the 1980·81 s eason after con- s truction is completed on arenas in those ciues. The league. to be known as NAS L Indoor So c cer . w ill feature six players on a team with free s ubstitution from a roster of 14 players. The games will be divided into four quarters of 15 minutes each. Toronto 1 3 .250 2 T__.,"l k e<ft Ml ...... t. "'"'9tf I TO<Onlo 10, Chi<-OO l MllwNll• a, Bo\10<\ 0 MonlrNI J. New Vo<ll 1. 14 lnn11>9> S..n FrWtKO •. ~ 01e90 2 Pn•l-lllfll• T, Pi1tst>ur9'1 J AClent• 6, Clnctnne11 • St. L.ouls 7, c111c490 o USED CAR SPECIALS '75 COUGAR Bu rnished brown. with contrasting tan and brown 1ntenor. eQu1poe d with AM/FM stereo and air cond1t1omng. ( 101MTNJ. Baseball Football Soccer Tennis EYlfJ1llinl. (wel n..ty Everydtin&) rw t'8 A1'1ete ...... New Yori! 1, &.ill'"°'• 6 Tu.ss, C>tVl!llftCIO 0.(ro04" IC-City, Pod . rt•fl s .. u .... Oell-1 T..Wy'aO- Ml-..U !Golll 1.01 et A1191ls (Ry8ft 0-1 I, I\ T-to el Olk890, POtlPC>flecl, rein -New York IF19WrM 0-11 •t 8el\trnot .. IP.ti_,.. , .. , Detroit 1811111\tlltm 0·01 tt K•nsH City ''--•dl-01 , .. ,,., .... (Wll•lns 0.01•I1 .... IJenkll\I Hh 0.IMll (~ 0.01 el Seellle C~\Authlln , .. , ~··o-e. ,_,__.. ""'911," 6oalon M Mllw-*• New ... _ .... ttlmo<e Cleft4efldetlues O.lellll It SiNtlle T ... y'aO- ~(Sulton 1-41 el HOl61on !Fon<11 l.01," Clli<•9111Ho1Uman 0-11 et $1, LOUtS '°'""' Hll MonlrHI IG<lrmley 0-41 el New Yori< tF•IC- 0-01 Cincinnati (Humt 0.11 •I Atlente C!>olOmOl\0-01, n PttODvr9fl l8lyleve11 0-01 •1 Ptuledelllftt• CC.rllon 0-11, n Sen 0 '-0o ,,,_. 0-11 et Sen Fr.in<iKO (Mof>. lefut<o H)), n ,_ ... , .. ~ Alle111ee1~11 Only G8IN\ sehldulecl 54250 '71 ZEPHYR SEDAN Sky blue with vinyl and cloth bucket seats. w11h ·an economical 6 cylinder engene. automatic and arr °'"" ....... """"'" ___________________________ ... condihoolng. (('47UZV). JDHISDK & SDI THE f AMll.V l.INC'Ol.N·MERC'l!RV STORE 2626 Harbor Blvd. CMta Mts• 540-5630 54995 '71ZEPHYR SIDAN Arctic white with blue vinyl Inte rio r . 6 cylinder. automatic. air condn1oning and AM /F M st ereo . (454UZX). 54995 Volley Balls Soccer Balls Footballs Baseballs Softballs Play1round Balls Boogey Banis Welpt Sets Jump Rapes Racket Strinlinf . .... -·~,,...,. OI ·-· a Cr ... 1111« .............. o1ll o..rCN11> I am•a* UMt ftllW$in& .. .. ,.,.... ........... ... ... ............ ,tlllY~• tporttnl ..... ai1'J'1 y bu al~ ..... tliat •tveat warrlllla tbl toY•r• -II tbe event 11MWIWGIUW ..,.1be CO\'· ., ••• wW be then.. h ' . I am bnakl.-. \Q,1 ml•• lbe caM ot UM Dtd.IJ P&IGt bee.-e I feel you, Hown .11..ar. Dave Cunnin1ham, a~)'0'4r pboto- araphen diet ~ job of cover8'e bOth befbre dur· ln1 the Women 'i Ke~~ Ogen. As a former reporter my.,lf, I am acutely aware or the :P.rob~ lema 1n al\ernoon newspaper hu covering an eyen\ of this type. The f~atures develoV!ICf in the Daily Pilot day lo bet day out were the most readable and enjoyable that J read anywhere . Dozens of. individ..als with whom 1 spoke durlng the ~e of tournament week· specificaUy qi'entioned and ~ommented on the fea~ in the Pilot. . I feel Howard's j.ndust.rlous · ness and creativity regarding the tournament weie un. paralleled among au th~ re · porters covering t.be ~went. It would have been ve ry easy Jo do a single daily wrap up, or one or two features for the week.~ and the n sit back and watab the leader boards as so many or the reporters do. .. · l know Howard's ~0ePtlvity and gentle m a nly bearing through the--course of the week has won the Daily J?j~t new readers among golf entht.lliasls. He is a pleasure to assist. with background and other ioforma· lion that h"lps bis work, a nd I look for wurd to workipg "ith h 1 m . you and the re:;t oC your staff in the years to cocpe . Thank you for the excellent coverage. ~bmnly, Oo9 llutber Women's Kem;er Open A pp~atioa Sports Mailbag : As parents of two young men who have pa rt1c1pat()d in t he wrestling program at Estancia H1~h School. we would like to ex press our a ppreciation to Coach J im Warren and Coach Dave Knott for the fmC' coachin1ot. time and effort they put into this pro- g r am for the past 12 years WresthnJ? has CQmc or age! The early years whell wie were two of the .. few pare41ts that at· t ended the rnalc la e s . a r e me mories. T hanks to .Ji m War. rcn. the program has grown and J i m and Dave have hrought class to wf'lestling . Est ancia lcai?ue m atches a nd tourna· me nts have been the best eve1 a nd the Sea Vie w League finals this year . were run in un ex n·llent manne r. Well done ~entlcmcn' Elvira and George MUJer For quick rewlts. set . r.our wits for the Bo..t· ng classified ~s of the Dally Pilot. 642-5671 Dick Feet ChYJ.ctdlt ''Water · Wtdder 'spiedo 1 ...... 11111.AtNt• "· ,.,. nges Needed lroD8 Bench Play Key for Phoe~1ix Rustlers Split Twin Bill Dora Youn,'1 trlplt! with lhe on a fteJder'1 cbolce by Connie r II 0EN1 X 1 A I» Strong bases k>aded 1p•rked a rour·l'Wl George. l'la)'Off Format Not for Ji'wu btonch pluy ~nd • kfy olrtnalvt rally ._ t.be host Golden WeiJt Gol~n Weat out·hil San Di•to rebound lly Alvun Adam• ln the Colleae Rus tlers wom('n's State In the lffOGd 1amt, M. cloi;lng fi<'COnds .:uve Phoenix a isortbaU team handed San Diego but acored only one rwa. Two ol 107·103 win In the opener ot the State a 4.0 defeat tn the first the thl'ff GWC erl'Ql'I camt la ., HOW"aa I,. •ANDY ....... ~ ..... . U &Mn.aeaa ~ lM4 ~ l.e eon"tCMd lof Mat ye.r'• Womfft' k••PH Open 1oll tourn1m n\ at M•aa Verde Country Club. 1t woukt have to be t.be tartlng hol for u playoff. Wht-n ttM> f"\t.>nt endtd 1n ah\ ,.a)' tit thls )far. pht)'t'r'S .. t'rc taJc n to th 15th tH by aolf cart a nd fall' h•d to try and ~ alk to the te~ in tam«-to -. atC'h a l)Of1ton or th~ 1>1a orr A lar.i~ throna hod·uath<'r<"d nt lhc t8th gre-t•n anc:t watd1cd ~-. Nancy l.opn m1s11cJ a to.foot J)Utt th11t would haw "Un It ull '"""lt•;ut. 1ih1• m lssC"d untJ hrouihl uhout th\' playocr T •:l,£\'I. 10 • CAM£ R \S nr1• lc>ca tt-d on the 17th ~re'-·n unrl lhl· ISth ll't'. Wh)' lht•n . couldn"t lht· pl.1)11Cf GOU ~tart on th,• I Hh holt.> nt•ur tht• c lubhousl' und ~tH' thl' fon:. \\ho PJ)' to gl'l tn a brl·ak •ni.ll'ud o( lt•lttn~ UC d1t·t ah' the µrOl't?t•drng., ot where a pla)orr "'Ill start Thl' l nh 1:. bet~e<.'n lhl• \7th .md 1:,111 uml much c."loser to th(' clubhouse ThC') could h3\'e f1lmecJ th\• playoff on tht• 14th hole as easily us the 15th and f:lns "lli OUld ha\'e h ad un 111) portumty to ~et to the tee bdore the players slartl'd. Only tho:.e who '1rtuJll) run to the 15th hol<' W<'n· uble to gN a gllmpst• of the pluyoffs frum a i;outl 'antagc point T U E PGA MASTERS tournanwnt this weekend will ~et suC'h u pn·C'l' dent by startint! a playoff on the IOth t ee if one is necessury It's some thins; for NBC to consider for m •J1.l year's tournament at Mesa Vt:rdc• 1f that net work do(•S the television agmn Anoth('r thing th;,il could hel p v. ould be a la ter ~tartin J.! time, l'Spt'cially on Sunduy. ~h en the tournament had lo end rt'gulat1on play b} I o'cloek to g(·t on tL•k\'is ion • * • O~ t; 11.\S TO WONOt::R at lhl· wisdom of som<.• or tht• players on the L .,GA lour for 1 he1 r criticism of N .in cy Lope.t and lh<' foci she gt'ls more publicity than the older. l'~t<iltl1sht'd s tars on the lour. Perhaps som<• of lhOM' who art' bt.•· ing critical and p<.:rhaps Jealous of hl'r pos ition "1th the ne\\:. mcd1a should lake a lesson or two 1n l'harm and graciousness from Nancy Shti hl&S not. only lifted the tournoa-best·Of·threc, Western Con· game ol a doubleheader Tues· the final iMlng will tbe otber ment to miajor .vtatu• .,. ith her play fer~nc\~ mJnHeric1 ot th Na · day night. contributing to lhe flnt Alt.ee "Of\ the aolt courn but ~1th ~r t>vH tlonal Basketball Association score 1n tbe eighth. Catcher Sll>lllna manMr In the-lnlt!rYI ·w playotrs The second game went 10 ln· Karen Owens singled for Golden room as wtll. The tour could u (' Th word on the minds or rival nlnga before San Diego State Weal in the bottom or tbe elahtb. more playet'fl with ht•r r hurm thun coaches Jack Rnmsuy and John scored a run on two Golden West was sacrificed to second and tho t> \\Uh blUm1 nmrnrks. hopln~ McLt>OO aftl'r the gumc Tuesday error In the flnal frame to PoSl scored on a San Diego State er- he -.lll mis• ii putt on lhf' rinul hull' nittht was .. ntcn tty .. a 2-t victory. AH three runs in ror, ~~~;i~~~;j~ or hln,t' i.omc oth(•r 1)roblrm lhlll A d1sappolnlcd num11ay told the nightcap were unearned. The doubleheadel' spill brings j "'ould lokt• h••r oul of» vletory reporters, "We played we ll. As Kim Ubel pitc hed a one·hilter Golden West's record to 21·4 for And lt'!ll Lb "I h.i v<>n l look~'<l lh1~ lonti ~ wu pluy with lntcn11ity ror Golden West lo the opener to the season with three or the week. lAp..o1. 111 thl' hmchn.: rnon..-y the n·st of tho .iumu will come benefit from catcher Young's losses at the hands of four-year "'tnoc-r t>n the tour ugu1n tl11s Wt'l·k _:a~r~ou~n~d~·~--------~b~l~ow~. ~Tb~e~fi~rs~t~G~W~C~r~u~n~s~c~o~red~~s~ch~oo~ls~.-:--------~=====~~~~ \\1th S7 ,47S 1'h11s d t•:,1Hll' tnlHMOG t~o ,... ('\(~nc' i\monJt lh~l' "ho H'fJC1r1t•dly huH' been trilll'al ""' SuruJru l'.tlOl\'t'. lloll1i. StuC')' un<I SUMl' B1·1 ninu ·To Whlt•h (,(llWl '•IY"> 'Thn1· <Ire OHln)' ~n·~•t pl11y('r~ out hc•r'-' und l do feel thl'y dt''li'r\ t• mua 1· 1·n•tht lhun \ht' rl' >it•llmg n ut ,, lhl'\ hJ\l' to °" rn to ~d It. thl'n ltu·, rl• .:oing to h11\'C ltl 1>l.1> lwl11•r th.111 11111 I'm 'l1ll i.:otn~ W J:U out .1n11 tr\ tu ~ tn ,., l 'I) \IOI" 1 J)I U,Y 111 ,J llJUnt,lllll'lll ' .. . .. TOP Pl .. \ \'t:Ks ON Tut: ~n:~·s tour \\tll Ix• t.•111111ni.: lw1·k tu Southern l' Jr1rorn1.1 tu 11u1 t1 <.·q rntl' 1n lh\! r ou1 narrwnt of Cha mpion:. al l~<i t'O!>tu l ount1' l 'lub 111·,1r t'Jrlsb;,id Apnl l!.I ~ • ,\l lhl• :.,1nw linW. llt111 ''lltnt:r~ of the pa:.l )t'i.tr \\Ill lll' "lu~tnJ.! al T<1llah~1:.st'e But the L,1 Co~ta l'\Cmt " 11 1 h ,1 ' l' G a r) PI J y t' r . J <i ck Nt<·klaus. Tom w.1t~u11 and l.l'l' 'I re' 1 no among ul ht'r:. Clat-~ldng ,, r ea ('o .. rs,.• IR\'11'\E COAST \\11m(.•n ':. C'lub most pars lourn.1m1•111 ,\ !<'light Nanc~ Ne~land 15; B Flti.!ht Hc1~c Harolcl. 15, C Flig ht flit' 1 Doroth~ Jo S\\un..,on and Ccorgannt• Daughl'r· l~. t5: I> Flight ~t.1nlyn l'ninclm1 . I ti COSTA MES.\ E II C'hamlll'r'i. 22. !'C'Or<.'CI a holl··in one <it th1 • t 'o:.la M esa (;olf :incl Count rv Cl ub n·c1·nt h whilt.' µl aying 111 a four ... om1· that rri- cluded Or L Emt'rv. lknt.' llJrmon and Wt•s Hurrison. · SF.WPORT BEACll \\'omen i. Club low net : i\ Flig ht Ht.'a McCraC'kl·n . 5 1: H Fli g ht Lou Larkin. 51: C Flight J an ,\ll'iH'ham, ·'6 T and F 1\ l''lighl Ma ry Smock. 25 Onl'" A Flight c;1llcte Perreault. :.If>. H F'l1 ght Lou l.arl.111 . 26 : C Flig ht Jt•<111 Dion. 25 Lo\\o Nt>l A Flight Mury Smock. 48: B Fli~hl Connie Barnett. 47 . C Plight Shirll•y Andl•r:-.on. 52 ~l <'n ·s Club: Lo" :-.OC't \\innt·ri. J ack f'n nn•. -Hi . Hon Wild . .n . ll1 ll Stephcn~on. ;,t) OLD SMUGGLER JIM BEAM SCOTCH BOURBON 1.75-LITER 846 BLEND 1.75-LlTER 9e2 c ... Retail Calvert Extra, QUART ...................... 6.32 71 .47 5.96 Wallcer Imperial. QUART ................... 4.37 49.41 4.12 Kessler, t.15.LrreR ............................... 9.79 55.33 9.23 Seagram's 7-Crown, 1.75-ureR ...... 10.98 62.07 10.35 c .. BURGUNDY Bottel ..... ,. Beringer. 750-ML .................................... 2.03 Buena Vista, 1so-ML ............................... 2.63 22.00 1.84 28.60 2.39 AlmlClen Mountain. 150.ML ................ 1.43 15.53 1.30 Bea1lleu. 750-MILLILITER ....................... 2.03 22.00 1.84 Charles Krug. 750-ML .......................... 2.03 22.00 1.84 CHENIN BLANC Christian Bros., 150.ML. ....................... 2.39 26.00 2.17 Sonotna. 150-Mt ..................................... 2.86 31 .20 2.80 Angelo Papagint, 1so-ML..., .................. 2.39 Bennger. 1so-ML ..................................... 2. 1s 26.00 2.17 30.00 2.50 Cresta Blanca, 150.ML .......................... 2.63 Gallo, 150.M1LuL1TER ............................... 1.36 28.60 2.39 14.72 1.23 Monterey, 150.ML ................................. 3.19 34.71 2.90 Paul Masson, 1so-ML ............................ 1.67 18.10 1.31 CHABLIS Beaulieu. 750-ML .................................... 2.58 28.00 2.34 Buena Vista. 1so-ML ............................... 2.42 26.32 2.20 Charles Krug, 150-ML ........................... 2.03 Kenwood, 150.ML .................................. 2.23 22.00 1.84 24.20 2.02 Souverelgn. 150.ML ............................... 2.30 Wente Bros •• 150.ML ............................. 2.01 25.08 2.09 21.84 1.82 CHARDONNAY Cresta Blanca, 1so-ML .......................... 3.24 35.20 2.84 ··Tars Slug 8 HRs BOURBON Wiid Turkey, 101-PRooF. us-L1TER .... 23.85 133.85 22.31 Earty Times, ouARr .............................. 5.57 83.00 5.25 Wal~er 10 High. QUART ....................... 4.91 55.45 4.63 Franclsc.n. 750..ML ................................ 4.84 Los H......,01. 150.ML ......................... 2.46 52.80 4.40 28.14 2.24 Esta1icia, MonarclUJ· Win Newport Harbor High ·s ba ... l·ball team set a slew of rt•cords In the Ap· µle Valley Easter Tournament Tues· d ay afternoon, one or those b<'ing eight home runs, as lhe Sailors pounded Barstow, l9-9. In other action, E s tancia cap1taliied on seven errors lo easily defeat Sacramento Valley. 6-1. for fifth place In the Bolsa Grande tourney and Mater 0~1 scored all its runs after two were out in posting a G-4 nine·innlng triumph over Bishop Montgomery in Angelus League play. At Apple Valley. the Sailors had 20 hits an winning the ir consolation bracket semifinal contest. -BESIDES THE RECORD eight home nma, Buddy Daniel tied an in· divtduaJ tournament record with three round trippers of his own. Chris Johnson smacked a pair or homers, loo. wblcb gave him eight RBI for the game-al.so a tourney record. Others hitting s hots were Brian Freeman. Don Selby a nd pitcher Brett L 'Ecluse. who went into the fifth inning to get the win before be· ing relieved. Only two Newport players of the 12 that played failed to get a hit and ironically, Clarke Smith, one ot those who went. hitless, won the hom e run derby contest prior to the game. The Sailors met Victor Valley for the consolation championship today. ESTANCIA CASHED IN on the majority of Sacramento Valley's m•scues to win easily. Pitcher Glenn Donnelly Wl•nt the distance for the Eagl<.'s as he re- cord<'d his sixth victory of the year against only two losses Es tancia. combine d a pair of er- rors. a w&lk and three singles into four runs in the rifth inning to blow the game open. Donnelly. besides pitching a five hitter. was also the orrcnsi\'C star us he had a double and single in rour trips to the plate The win raised Estancia s rt•cord to 10·7 for lht> season. t\T BIS HOP MONTGO)ll::R\'. Mater Oei had t~o on with two out and two strikes on its hitter when lht.' Monarchs scored rour times in the top of the seventh to tic the game and send it into extra innings. Tony BeaJI started the seventh by getting hlt by a pitch and he moved to second on Phil Spencer's single. Following two force outs. Pete Beall was down two s trikes before la<'tnJ: a single ror two runs Brian Orazba then followed with another stnglc. Steve Shaeper was inten· tionally walked a nd J oe Donohue singled for two more to rinish the rally. History repeated itself again in the ninth when. after two out. Sh<Jeper and Donohue singled. pulled a double s teal a nd walked home on Tom Baine's single. Greg Brown pitched the last three innings to gel his firth win agamst one defeat while lhe Monarchs raised their Angelus record to 6·2·1. Jim Beam, us-uTER ........................... 10.20 55.70 9.62 BRANDY & COGNAC Christian Bros., 1.1s-L1reR ................. 10.85 61 .37 10.23 Walker Flavored, auART .................... 4.92 55.64 4.64 Courvolsier V .S., 150.M1LuL1TER ....... 11.93 135.00 11.25 Sallgnac v.s .. 750-MtLLtLrreR .............. 8.38 94. 76 7.90 Rlcttlleu Napoleon, 150.M•LLILtTER .... 6.49 73.35 6.12 CANADIAN Black Velvet, QUART ........................... 5.85 66.02 5.5 1 Canadian Club, 150-M1LuL1TeR ............. 6. 10 75.54 6.32 Seagram's Crown Royal, 150.ML ... 11.37 128. 72 1o.73 Seagram's V.O., QUART................. .8.40 95.01 7.92 GIN Bombay, QUART ..................................... 8.38 94.93 7.92 Seagram's, QUART ............................... 5.17 58.42 · 4.87 Tanqueray. 150.M1LL1L1TER .................... 6. 77 76.52 6.38 RUM Bacardi Sliver, QUART ......................... 5.58 63.06 5.26 Castillo Lt or Die., auART .................... 4.22 47. 75 3.98 Myers Jamtcan. 150.M•LllltTER .......... 6.85 77 .so 6.46 Bacardi Lt. or Dk., 1.75-LITER ............. 10.11 57.54 9.59 SCOTCH Blaclc & White, QUART .......................... 7.65 86.52 7.21 Chtvas ~al, 1.1s-L1TeR ..................... 26.97 152.63 25.44 cuttv sn. '· 75-LITER .......................... 15. 90 89.95 15.oo J & 8, 1.75·LITER .................................... 15.48 85.20 14.20 Johnny Walker Red, 1.15-L•TER ........ 15.89 S9.93 14.99 TEQUILA Montezuma.Lr. oR aoLo, QUART .......... 5.06 57.19 4. 77 Pepe Lopez. wH1TE. QUART .................... 5.29 59. 78 4.99 Two Fingers Gold, 150.M1LL1L1TER ...... 5.48 82.01 5.17 VODKA Crown Russe.1.7s·LtTER ...................... 7.92 FREE tB.EPHONE ---=-...... KllllChatlca, QUART ................................ 4.19 44.80 47.33 63.06 85.41 55.00 7.47 3.95. 5.28 7.12 4.59 DIALERWITH "OCKET PAGER RENTAL 10,000 SQ. MU COVEIAGf BOO Pa MONTH Smirnoff, QUART .................................... 5.58 Stollchnaya, 150.MtLLlltTEA .................. 7.55 Wolflchmldt, QUARli.:i" ... ,_ ................... 4.87 LIOUEl)R Grand Msnler, u-ouNcE ................. 11.1 9 12a.5o 1 o.55 Amareno di saronno, n-ouNce ....... 9.74 110.05 9.17 Drambuie, 23-ouNce ........................... 10.03 113.50 9.46 CLOSED EASTER S<JNDAY ..,......,.,,.,,. ........ -·- CABERNET SAUVIGNON Almaden. 750-ML .................................... 2.94 Buena Vista, 15o!ML ............................... 4.03 Charles Krug. 150.ML ............................ 4.04 Christian Bros •• 150-ML ........................ 2.95 Inglenook. 150-ML .................................. 4.32 Louis Martini. 150.ML. ........................... 3.13 Mlrrnou, 150-ML .................................... 4.48 Souverelgn, 1so-ML ............................... 4.03 Stone Cniek, 15o·ML .............................. 3.08 ZINFANOEL 32.00 43.92 44.00 32.00 47.00 34.00 48.40 43.84 33.55 2.67 3.86 3.67 2.87 3.92 2.84 4.04 3.86 2.78 Almaden, 1so-ML ..................................... 2.11 23.58 1.97 Buena Vista, 150-ML ............................... 2.92 31.80 2.85 Ch.Sea Krug, 1so-ML ............................ 2. 75 30.00 2.50 l~lellOok, 750·ML .................................. 2.94 32.00 2.87 Kenwood. 150.ML ................................... 3.24 35.20 2.94 Parduccl. 750·ML .................................... 2.92 31.74 2.85 Robert Mondnl, 1so-ML ...................... 5.24 57.20 4.77 CHAMPAGNE Andre.150-ML . .' ........................................ 1.97 21.48 1.78 Almlden Blanc de Blanc, 1so-Mt ...... s .21 58.00 4.14 81110, 750-Ml ............................................ 2.28 24.80 2Jl7 La Domal• Ex. Dry, 1so.ML ................ 2.84 28.IO 2.40 PU Mii_., 750·ML ............................ 4.88 51 .00 4.2S Mumm's Extra Dry, 1so-ML ............... 11.1 o 121.00 10.09 IMPORTS ,.,. Mlteus Rose, w1Nr. u.oz .................... 3.1 o 33.12 2.81 Lancer's Rose. w1Ne.1so-ML ................. 3.08 33.38 2.78 21012 HACM ILVO. HUNTINGTON HACH "'9CIH EFttECTIYE Af'RIL 12· APftlL 11. 1m • HOURI 10AM TO I PM DAILY ~ • WI ACCPT YIU AND MAITlft· CHAROI CAM>I DM.YN.OT Memllers Oatraged Turnbull Axed, Then Rehired By DAVE CUNNINGHAM Olt .. Dally .......... Thanks to a vocal and supportive membership. tennjs director Glenn Turnbull still has a job at the Balboa Bay Racquet Club. Turnbull was fired for budget reasons three weeks ago. As soon as the dismissal became com- mon knowledge, club president Scott mghtower was nooded with phone calls, letters und personal vis its from outraged members. "The response was absolutely overwhelming," s ays Turnbull. "It was very gratifying." Turnbull was given J une 20 as his termination date, but when Hightower suw the response, he re- considered. Turnbull wus cordially asked to stay. ( J "Th ere wa s a TENNIS tre m endous amount of member opposition and "-------- t ha t 's certainly one of the reasons we thought twice about letting Glenn go," Hightower told the Daily Pilot. "But it wasn't the only reason. "We're trying to meet the rising cost of run· ning this club the best way we can, .. Hightower continued. "You win the war by saving a few •-e••ll UCI, Vanguards Breeze Past Foes The UC lrvtne bueb11l team had a fi.ild day Tuesday after· noon al UM,, t'x~na or •Ix 8'ola Col le10 pltcher a• the Ant eater• collected two home rwu. and 16 hllll en route to u L3 l bombln111t mola In othet' <'Ollealate action, Southern Citl Colle1c al110 scored at will aa fl Jum pt•d on Pt Loma for 13 ru1111 In lh first four 1nnln111 and roll d to ul\ easy 17 4 triumph Pitcher Lee H~l an ger. 3 3, went MW~ lnmn.i• for the Ant alert u they r 1uirnd their record to 18 20ov<·rall. • peppered three pltchters for 18 hilt in thetr Distric t 3 Con· ferencewln. The Vanguards received top errort1 from Tt'd Taylor <H or-S wlth rive RBI ), Dave Wilson 13.foNJ with three RBI > an<t Gr e1 Hanson <3·for·3 with a home run and three RBI >. Brian Costelloe pitched the rlrst seven innings to r aise hls record to 6·0 on the year. The victory upped the Va nguards' record to 6-2 <tied with USlU ror first place> In conference and 21·15 overall. BRIAN COST£LLOE UCI HAD SE\lt;N players who 1>0 ted two tuts In the game with lack Jernigan nnd l\1)b Rucci f'ro• Page 81 lcadlna the para~e. • Rucci, who went 2·for·4. ac· ('Oun ltd for his team's ,firs t run In the ~nd with a home run to ll'ft·cenler. Teammate Jack Jernigan rollowed four innings later with another blast over the same spot to e xtend a 2· I lead to 5· l. Jernigan n rushed his day's work with five RBI. • TH E ANTE ATERS' n ext game will be T hursday night <7> wh e n they pl ay Cal State 1 Fullerton> at Hart Par k in the opening round o~ the Orange County Tournament. At Pt. Loma. the Vanguards Two Universities Fill BasketbaJJ Jobs From AP Dispatches Oral Roberts and Detroit un· iversiti<!S selected head basket· ball coaches today. New Mexico State head coach Ken Hayes takes ovcr at Oral Roberts, succcedin{! Lake Kelly who resigned after two years . Willie Carter Is the new Detroit coach. replacing Dave Gaines who moved on lo San Die~o State. Mccarter wal) Gaines· as· sistant <It Detroit NEWPORT ••• ball boosters a rc more rabid. , Maybe it's the number involved. but football boosters are more adamant. vocal and outwardly criticaJ." H ow .about the .athletes themselves? "They aren't hungr y . A lot of them don't know what It means t o work hard, generally. There are some very hungr·y players. but many that were not. Ob· viously, I wasn l us hungry as l should havebeen, either." What sort oj.odd1t1onal salary did you receive .as.a txuketball coach, m .addition to your duties .as .an English teacher? "fl meant $600 a year.'' 11 nd JU.St how much . add11torial time would you aay you worked'' "ft was about five hours a day fr om September lh roug h February, about two hours a day during weight training in April. May and J une. a dozen hours u week during summe r basketball in June and July und an hour or two a day in August ... Any regrets? "None, really, only in the m a nner in whi<:h J left. The overall coaching experie nce was very positive u nti l the last year ." Would you take the Job n ght now 1/ it ~ olfered lo you'' "No. If all I had lo do was to concern myself about coaching' maybe. But the other pressures, t h e parents, boos ters. ·ad - ministration. the won·loss factor and the of(iciating, I don·t need it. There was a time when l was mad every day ... I/ you could have had three wishes when you were a coach. wlwt would they have been'' "First. a budget paid only by the S<'hool with no dependence on anyone else. Secondly, a new facility. Third. a s upportive coaching staff of my choosing ... Thursday, Dr. MockeU, a parent or two forme r rootbaU players a t Newport Harbor High . a former booster a nd as-sistant ~am doctor , gives bis views about th~ system. ,,,... .,,,.,., ··-~~ .. !!Jl,JLE. Welt. ia •effort to, ................... la S two, •uaested a awitch la cllftMl"~!lllt~lelll~ "We mi1bt put a forw Wllkea, on h sel, ... b Boa well,'' Wflll aald. WbUe lllel .... .at~~ Laker counterpart and expected, Denve r's Dav points, 18 of them In the lin t ••188EL PLAYED JABllAR u weU.u an I can. and kept hJm occupied the wMle 'l&IM, "'al Denver Coach DoMie Walab. "Bolwell .pY!t • great lln h11lde. Charlie Scott Played .., e&Ueael lntellJgent point guard, partlcularl7 lD U..l ... fty minutes. David Thompeon ts Darid 'l'lllmtl'IOllf. What else can you say? He's the bell" . ~· The Nuggets, leading 80-52 at balftime, the first seven points of lhe third quarter a moved to an 18·polnt lead with •>SZ left la I period. But the Lakers then staged a fµri~ rail with Adrian Oantley gelling SOQ\e layupa a1 . end of rast breaks and Lou Hudson canmn, so clutch jumpers, to pull wJthln three early ta fi~lperi~. d They got no closer, however. West said be i Boswell made "the key play o( the ~·· wt about eight minute len . DanUey appeared to hav'- an easy layup. but &swell ~ocked it and unload~ a lead pass to lssel, who scored for . 98-92 lead. r 1 rr:~S:fONERIDGEL= \11~ 1' ~ '/'~ ' '\ HUl'fTStS.JUMPlls.EqUIT~Dlll LESSONS. TIAIMIMG-SAUS Complete t r aining facility with top level staff. Riding lesson program.beginner to advanct•d well-man nered Schodl Horses. All or our Instructors Ride. Show & Attend riding teacher clinics on a regular basis.ins uring you of the finest quality instruction as well as . the most current methods. Available for market-Quality Show Horst's. Selected young prospects at 'ario us stages or training. · WESTBMTl.AIMIMG MOW AVAJLAll.£ rte-..T ..... Stock Horw 5"offle llt-E_,.att. 202S6 Lagune Cyn. Ad:. lagune Beech 1714) 494-4144 bucks here a nd a rew bucks there. But keeping Glenn certainly isn't going to sink the ship. It isn't •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.-.. a crisis situation.·· Tur nbull, who runs the pro shop in addition lo organizing most of the club's activities, says he was ubsolulely stunned whe n he ~ot the a x. "He 11lightowerl turned his back on me and s aid, 'My bottom lin(' shows me you 're costing the club too much money.' I was shocked." Turnbull said. "I've been a member of this club for 20 years and I've r un the pro shop for nine and a half." . Apparently. the Balboa Bav C lub higher-ups didn't t ake into consideration the h u m an factor when they decided to c ut loose Turnbull. As tennis di rector, Turnbull organizes all the tournaments and handles the daily opera- tion or l he club. lie works closely with the members and knows many of them ''ell. ll was this human ractor which saved T urnbull 's job. The TURNBULL members would not sit ~ still for his firing. ''We were very impressed with the amount of ! affection the membership displayed for Turnbull,·• Hightower says. "I ~ot a petition with about 30 names on it, some phone culls and about 15 let· ters." But now that Turnbull has seen how fragile his Job may be, has he had thoughts about hunting for ·:something more secure? • "Oh. l've had a couple of phone calls. But I m ade a lot or changes in my life in order l o stay at • the Balboa Bay Club." Turnbull says. "I bought a • house here, and I really don 'l want to make a change." As far as Hightower is concerned, the mat~er is finished. T urnbull can stay as long as he likes. "I have no plans to reevaluate our situation. ' We 've made our decision," Turnbull says . ••• •, P ERSONNEL NOTES: Golden Richards, an : open class player and certJned instructor, has ·~ joined the staff or the Dave Saltz Tennis Clinic in Newport Beach ... Don Soss, a student al Orange Coast College, has been appointed court director at South Coast P laza Hotel Racquet Club. Soss is a 1 member or the Newpart Beach Tennis Club ... Don Baylor of the California Angels has become a member of Laguna Niguel Racque t Club. . *** TICKETS FOR THE TENNIS LEGENDS championship at John Wayne Tennis Club a re available by wriUn1 or caUing the club al 1171 J a mboree Rd., Newport Beach, phone 644-6900. The tournam ent features rormer champions , over the a ge or 35. Among those slated to play are Rod Laver, Roy Emerson, Ken Rosewall and John Newcombe. f're• l'flfle SJ .KJNGS LOSE, 7-1. • • defensewasdoingtbescoring. Dave Maloney scored twice, Mike McEwen had a goal and two assists, and Ron Greschner added a goal and an assist. "I've bad a couple of two-goal practices. bul never 90methlng like th ls," said Maloney. "Ny get. ling two goals was Just one of those things. The main thing ls we Ugbtened up and played good de- renae." Good defense against an offenaive -m inded team . The high-scoring lioe at Marcel Dionne , Charlie Simmer and Dave ~-spent moet of the D1'llt trylq to elude U.. Ranaen Une of Walt , The"*• Steve Vlcken and Mllen Hedbera. • The l*nne Une coa1blned for 14 of the 32 abatl • • We all want a deal ••• Service is Important ••• / BUT HOW ABOUT SERVICE? Of course we do. No matter what we're buying, we all want the best deal we can possibly get. We certainly realize that at Johnson & Son, we try to meet any deal you may have been offered. With the biggest and best selection of Lincoln-Mercury's we've ever had, we're now in a position to compete with any and all dealers around. Our service dept. just won for the 6th consecutive year, the Ford Motor Co's. top dealer service award. After being in this business for over 50 yeafs, we realize that service is just as important as price. At Johnson & Son, you get both, plus our friendly, family atmosphere. Orange County,s oldest Lincoln-Mercury Dealership THE FAMILY LINCOLN-MERCURY STORE 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa S40-S630 Home of the Golden Touch .. at DaYldlon, and Simmer leOl'ed tbe Killll' goal • power play l l 9:17 of the n rst period. But tbe I~--------------------------------------------~~~~~ t of the garae belonced to the New York net· miader. ______ .,,.,._. __ ,,,...,,,. ..... _.,. -~-... ---.. --------........... ----· .... ---.------.. . ------~ --......_.. ~ --...... ---.. ----""-. .. ·····-· ... -__ ...... --.--· ... n MllS•ICMfLllMU• ......_.,... .. .,.~ .... .. ..... ·~,,_. ~ 0 a 1 Mii ... (f • I I I ....... IOI I fWllrt JO I 0 ..... -~ ' • ' c.-. .. " • 0 •• :-:f I I I .. pie( flt I I t o Vllk' • • • • ... It • 0 0 0 •••• Ufl•tw••···· N•t'll•U• • I a Cl a.-.,., 4 0 a 0 W~t f I 1 0 Oto<ll • 4 I 1 I ....... ., 4 I I I -..Wll• a J 0 I 'O ·~ ) I I O 0.•I• • I Cl t 0 ....... ,. I • I O lllfftlret a t I t o c.M•a I I l I c....~ •••• . ,....,., 11 0 ti I f•l•I• n I I I ......... .. .. otJ.t ,c.i...-Ofll ...... I • ~. C..-lwe OP C•H'-"'• I l09 ...__.. t Coltlor"'" ll JI )Molle r , t elllftO NO,WI OO, H" • JM:a-111 -........ , ...... ••M> 1 1(--IW,l•t 14> I I I M.f~I I ' f I I T~ll J , • • .... M11tt1 ~Ye I , • ) ) I •100000 ~11 111 ' J Ml A )J "' -.. -........... . e Ol.lon CIOO GOO OOI o ) O Mth•tulr.ee 100 010 •OJI J t O Ef '''~''' .... 0 8•trr Allenlon 111 CMdwell -Moort W C..•O•tll t 0 L EO•"••r. I I. Hit M11 ...... ~ ... v.,...n, , , , , ..... , •• Ok"9l Toronlll 101 000 ~) 10 • I cruc~o GOO 100 100 l 11 1 Hullmon, Wiiii~ Ill. l're1\ltben c • ""Cl Cerone, Kr••~. Rot>ln~ Ill, foroeo100 lit, K1Ktlr. c•1. L60ro"' co eno !'01.,; He11oroo11y 1t 1. W Huflm41n, I o l I( r•••<. 0.1 New Y-1, eat11Mtrt • He"' 'l'orll 000 012 OJI I I) 0 8 0111mort 000 000 •U1 o 10 O Oll10ry, GoUo!I• Cll, Mir•1>•ll• '" I 1e1row 191 -MutlsOn, M<GreQOr. S1ew•rt i.1. Slannou.,. <11 anCI Oemp•tY w Go~w~. 1.0 L Sltw•rl, 0 I HR• New York, Jack'IOll 0 1, Htlll~ O• B•t"mor~. o.GineHfll r ..... s.c1e ... •-• Cle•el•nd 000 000 000 O 1 1 Telr111 103 000 10• • s 9 1 Wl>t, R .... \< ... I 111, MOllge 111 ano G AleHnaer O Al•••nOer, Kern 1~1 """ SUllC!btro, W K•rn, 1 0 L W1>e Q. I H lh Ttu\,Oh .. r 111 1 $1o1llle 4, OlllllllM 1 O••fo1110 ooo ooo 100 1 1 o Se•HI~ 100 030 OOa t ll 0 l..•nglord, Me••erto 111 ano E.s1•n. A~ 0011, R•wley <I> .onO !IUnton W Al>OOll, I 0 L Llltlg1orCI, 0.1 HR• O•kl- C.roo I I I !ie•lllt. Bo<IH• 111 fll ATIOHAL LEAGUE A\lro• t, Ooctten 1 4..0l A..,.19' H~l°" LOC>e'i 10 4 0 0 0 ab r ~ OI Ruu.11 u l o 1 U Pun1 rl • O O 0 ..... '1 ~ 0 I 0 C.Re1101CISSS4 0 0 0 ~llOtn•s<t o o o o Ceoeno cl • 1 1 o Oarvo 111 • O I O J Cru, II 3 1 1 1 Gey II> J 0 I 0 CJllDell 111 • 0 I I Saker II ' I 1 O WdlSOn 10 J O O O Mono•., rf • 0 0 0 L .. nd>IOY 111 0 0 0 0 Ferguson t J O 1 1 Howe 31> 1 o O o f .Mrllnr pr O O O O 80CllY c 2 O I O Hootonp 1 O O 0 R1<ll1rd p l o O o Tlllrlsonl)ll I 0 0 0 H0¥911.0 0 0 0 0 Josll11• 1111 1 o o o Tot•I• Sl 1 • Total\ 1'I 1 S 1 4..0SAllOl!e 000 010 000-1 Houifon 000 100 OOll-1 t.08 LM Angel~~ HOU\10'! 4 1B Cey. C.-121, J Crw, Cobell, Ferguson SB R Srnilll 121. lhO<Ns. U SA ...... HOOi on IL. 1>-11 Ho1>9n ""' .... H 9' Efll Ba SO 4 1 1 I S I 0 0 1 fltt,...rO IW,1.01 <t • I I 4 13 WP -R1ch•rd • P8 Botll'Y T -1 •O A ll,WJ Menlre•l l,,..wYwtlt "'°"'"" 001 001 000 000 01-J ,, 1 .New Yori< 1GO 100 000 000 00-1 11 1 Lte, ~ (ti, Pllmer 1111, Billln~n 110 anO C•r1"'; Swe11. Lou-1101, M11rrn 112• anCI S'-•r11s. w Polmer, 1.0 L Murr•y,0-1. SI. L-t 1, Ct11cato I Cn1<ego 000 000 000 o 1 o SI. LOlll\ ~ 030 00• 1 I 1 McGlolntn, Burrli UI. Morxe UI. Umc> Ill on0 Foote. Stkt,., Bruno 111, Know1n 1•1 t~l,,....Of\~. W-SVkH, 1•0. L- M<.GI • o.r. Mfls-Sl ~IJ. Broc:lt m. HenOri( Ill TUIES°"'t'S HOMI! fhJMS 4-1ca11L119.,. Yo11nl 111, Br .. •uf\: OeC1nces 111. Or.Oles; JKkMl'I ((). NtUltt (I/, V.nketS, Ol1vtr 121. Rllll(lltrs; Bocllle 121, Mariners Gron 111. 4's. Jt<ltton 111. Twins, NatlMalLe ...... Wlnlllld 111, P•ctru: lamugo 111, Glans.; Murpnv \1). Br••"; Bro<.k 111. Helldrlck 111, C.rolnats. COLLl!G• UC tr ..... t;a. alel• l • 2 UC lrvh>t 010 ~ U l-IJ 16 81011 000 100 000-I • S 8•1•"991'. Wletstoo 111 •I'd K1uw; Dis- bro, RKlltlllfe 171, f'ullCMrller-Ill, NortOll Ill, Scllm;cll It/, Alcllt 191 tnO Sudttman. W-ii.ltn91r. L-Olst>ro. HRs -UC lrvlM. A11t.cl,J1ml9111. S.C.. C:-...17, ....... L-a f 5eClll eoi1.,. m .o> 010-11 " , Pol"IL-11 J Coll•lto., Oii \ti end l l'lol'MS; PhlllipS, ~s i.1, Qllroy 10 to>CI M11w ..... W- Gosttftoa. L 4'nllll11$. HRS-<S.C.I Goll191, .. _. . Cllrvt Wll...,_..M CNIMr ,.,...,.,,. , .... ,,."91 .. CM ... fU SMl9"-.. MI tt16"KMOCK. ................. ..,. ...... M--' H..-?.U t» • 1t M ao•.-011 O)I 0 0 t I L [<lllW. Wink'°" OJ eflll Ctlf-.1 ,.._,, M•r~r l<I -Ci41r•IO W l l::(IUW l ~111ner H"• -...,1 Hef ..... 0~ .. I J. Je1111M111 '· .,,""'•" .. tb'Y. 1 t:c l11\t, a.rt.tow t •• CMwt•lA lutetu ...... ~ .... "'--·..-.rr. M•l•t 0.1 000 llOO ~l • 11 J ....... Melll~1¥ • 110 100 • .. • 0 \ollownl•. 8•o•n 1 II end \l11ee41er '>ew•IO -tl<tllfl>{joMltw• w Brown l l>eweld a ~.-w .. Mtr-Alt ll•lleY I 5•<t ••ntnto 11•11•• 000 100 O ' EU•M•t 010 Otl ' o I 0 (11 .. nuy •llCI H•rl<>• 00111\fll'Y •n(j L•llm~• w (M:\1)0Uy L (.ll(lntrf 4NGlLUSLlAGUt. ~•1v1te M•ltt Oe1 SI P;i111 Pius X Ot•llOI> Moflllll)1nvry B"hoi> Am<>I W L T Cia • l 0 \ ' 1 ..., 4 J I 11' 0 JI I U I ' I 0 ~ SI P•ul Ii, BtW>Of> Am•I • tolM Oro-To11rn•mtnl 8 olsa Gr•no• 8, I.• Ou•nl• I 1tnam PIOO\llipl Rancno Al.,mll~ !~ Nell I I fl\1101 Pac•llt• S, Rowlond 11sev1n1111 LOS Am191>s 10, L .. S.rlW 9 INlnllll Tusun 9, 5anlld00 0 IE1Pv1n1n1 '"-•TovrN-nl c ...... '"""' a...n tt1111a11 WH"°n 1HH1 •.Ocon v.., ... 0 s... ... AN T°"'""-"' Viii• P<I" II, Weslm1n>hrr I ICll•m P•Otl•ll•l>I Orll"ll<' <. Recll•nCIS J I lllirOI El Mooena 11. LB M•lllkon. 1F111n1 Los Atam41os 9, Gordefl Gro•• I U:on>Olo t1on1 H• TIOHAL BASKETBALL AH OCIATION H...,.b 110, L•llor> 10$ Ot<IYtr LO> 4 .... lt'l 19 It Ill I• ti Ip W1 l1Cerson J 0.0 • ForCI I O·O , 8o>well 8 J.I 19 w11~e\ 1 J J I/ l\!>el 11 o• JO At>out.Jal>r 1 9-t 1 1l SlOll I 0.0 u N••on • 0-0 lo T110tn1>son 11 S-1 71 Boone s o-o 10 RObetl• 3 s.q 11 01nlley 1 I I 11 Sm111> 0 0-0 0 Pnc• 0.0 1 Hughes o 1·2 1 Carr 11 o Elli; I 0-0 2 RobfKn 0-0 • Huo~n ~ 0-0 10 Tolals 34 20-:1'1110 lolal\ 4$ 1s-11 1~ S<-.. , Ov•rttr• lOS A"9C'les 2o ,. 21 U -IO) Denver 19 JI 31 >' -110 Total loul.S Lol Angel" 2j. Denver n Fouled out:,..,,.,.. AU...a.nte 16,011. NM HOMIHIOAD Cl4411T Here are 1M 11.,.1 nome anCI rood rec; oro• compolt!CI 111 1he n NdllOndl B•s•et °"" Auoc:1a11(1n re.ms 01mng I'll 19/f./9 reQul•rs.~ -SMTIEllM COMFIE•SMCIE , ..... Boston New Jerw, NewYorli Pl\11-lpl\~ Wa.sll1nglon Allolll\11< Olwi•-tteme 11- 11·20 t-JJ 1S-I• 11·:1'1 1J.18 t-ll 31 10 2l-11 31·10 2:).11 -.11an1• 3,. 1 n :l'I Clevel•nCI 10-11 IQ.JI oe1ro11 71·1• t-JJ Houston J().11 11.J• Hew Orie~ 12 I~ 4oJI San An1on10 1'1-12 19·112 WESTEfllN CONFERENCE Cll\l•90 Denver ln01•n• Kansas C11w Milwauket' Go1aen !.lotle Lo••n~1n Pfiool.r.ir Poruano San Diego S.allle Mi ...... 1 OIYlllOll 19 12 IM~ 19·11 18·23 H .. 13-18 J? ~ l&·H 18 13 IQ.JI 13-lt IS 1b 31· IO 11•·1~ lH 18 ll Jl8 .,.,, 19·12 1•21 JHO 1110 ttYA ..... "7,LMA .... le>l LOS Angel~ 1 0 0 I H V. Rangtt\ 2 4 I I l'1rst Pi!rlOCI I New 'l'ori<, O.,Bton I IM<Ewen, Maro.•1, • IS , LOS A"91JIH, Simmer 1 10.oline1, <r 11. 3. '""' Yorlt. McE-n 1 <Tllauut<I. u 16 Penall•es Palmer, LA. 4:2l, TavlOr. LA,• 1s, Plante, HY. 6.a ; Fams/I, NY, • "· (;olCl\lp, LA. m1nor·rn•lor, 10. If. 0011 M•lona,. HY, m1t1or-maror. 10 18. Holl. LA. 11 31, O..•• Maloney, NV, ll:U , G<llOup, LA. 20.00: 11aona1s, NY, 20·00. Se<.onO Pe"oo • New York, Vickers 1 I n .ocrutt, Grff<.hfll!r I, 6· IS. S. Hew York, Oa•• Maloney 1 !McEwen, Pl•nlel, 9.09 •· Ne"' YOf'k, Gre\Cllner I IHtdllerg, HICkeYI, l3:31. N-York, Tka<.tUk 1 IOon Maloney, VaClnahl, 15 •9. Penallles -Oeve Melone,, NY, 6tS1; Mallery, LA. n :3', F•rrlsn. NY, 1S:S9. TlllrCI Per loa ·-1. New Yark, Oeve Me1oner 2 1°"911ay1, 13 02 . .,_narllu v a<111•1s, NY, ''SI; Oave Maloney, NY, 11:49; Menery, LA, 11.:53; Hickey. NY, 1•:53; EdHlrallCI, LA. 19 .... JOllnslone, NY, 19."4. ShOIS on gcNI -los Angeles l•·•·,-12. Hew Yorll lJ.lw-30. Goalies -LOS A11geles. LOHtd. NtW Yortl, Oavlel50n, A -11 .372. T .... r '•SufM P iltSINrgll •. Butlalo 3 vancou-l, PhllaotlPll<• 1 TOfaf\tOl."-llanle l ...OIHUUI ..... ---~ .. a.. C.111llerfN Vil• •t l•l•l• J4rOQY, M, • J, 6 J. )OM Altunder dtl 4dtlttl0 p.,..,. I• I ), •I. It, O.Olt AM•tort Ot' ~ ICrltlt, • t a.-., VII•, Getulalll• o.t. ~· f.1•11<0!' CM.ijollt, •3, •I,.-... TOMU Smid Get .,..,._ l>tlll-. t-J, "', lttul Rem1re1 IMf ~-IM ...,,, .. , I~. •I, ~Oii Gelltlf\9 '"' Corneo IM•u111u, / t , • t, lfklw PK· 11 0.1 ,.,.,. ~ndl. •I, t-1. 8torn 8or9 Clotf 11>.010 lkttoh1«i, .,.1, •'4 0Hllif .... -.n l.CJNM'tt,1-l•I .......,, .. , II•• HtflWIO Gt! S•tn OeYICl~n 1 •• 1 ) ~,, ... U•wlll\On torlleft Ultl<ll 011. l'•llCllO (;Qll1•I•• ..... fl• ... ,, '·. ) , ...... ,_ lathlWI ''"*" ..... 1.1.01 tell~-def Erik ••n Olllen .. 2. , .. M•tk EOI-Otl hHy Moor .. 1. • I Jtl-,lllOI Oil Rus,_.tt ~m-M , • J Fr.ni:•Ko Qotwlln Oel Altllll Si-1-ll, • ) £••n1ng m•1u1•' wtrt r•1ned oul. re>tneouieo todav WOME .. ,.,,, .. ,Circle T..,noMfttftf 1.ol H ll-H.W h i.MW, SCI Plna•...- C.•onM Oool~ Clet CMOI""' SIOll ...0, • •. I S, A_. R•t."-r<I'> Clef Sl~y Milrg,>lln 1 •· •·2, •-2, B•rllllu Joro11n def. t1e1n NOrlOf\ .. , ..... Mimi JIU\O'YeC oet. Zeno. L••" • l, •I. uuro DllPonl 0.1. 11.dLlwr..i. Poller I•, .. ,, a.mna 8u11ge Clef. Renot• rom•110•• ._,, .,.), ...... Linda Sl9991 del. ""· "" Maria Fern11nelor l·o, 4·4. 1·4; Lotle Forooa oer. IMl>y N11QelM1n •1 , l·S ... , DIEP 514 FISHING NEWPOfllf ID•vay's Loe -tr) " •ng1ers. 2IS roe.le <.00, ''°"'coo PA•AOISIE COVE JS •nglers. I 100 rotll cocl.311119 coo. ac-<00 OCSA .. SIDE -l'I a119lers S4 II•••· 94 maoere1, m roe It 11'11. M4Llau S1 anq•e•'i 1 -·lo. 1 nellb<ll, '<•llco 116ss, S _,., ~u. LONO aEACll , .. ,_, Pieri -... rou COO •• ,.. JI 1N>9ler> 12 l>on•IO, 11 ro<lt t•\n OXNA"D -•S o11191en 191 roti. <00. 1 cow <.00, l llnq <00. I naliDUI S4N OIEGO IMuR1c1p•I P11r1 4S .,,glers 41 ~rr.t<uCla 21S m•cker rl. 1 nal1bul, S calico bass. 1~ Sdn<I l>a•'i. ISi rock t 1sn. 9 wnlle .e• bliss ~ \ I "' " WOMEN'S SOFTBALL "'"IG•-~11 West 4, Soln 0 1190 SI. 0 San 01e90 SI 000 000 0 0 I I Go10ttn West 000 040 • ' • 1 Hoersc11 """'we1u1e1n, L•0.11 """Young s.c.-o ..... • Stol oi-St. 1, c;.ldetl West I S•n 0 1ago SI. 000 000 OIO ,_ 2 .. 1 G<11oen west ooo ooo 010 0 -1 1 J WDrlt'f Md F.el; Andtr--. llnO Owens. Misc. TWMlty's Tra11uetieoos B.A.SIEaALL A!MriunL_,... SEATTLE MARINERS -S1gnt0 Bobll'Y va1en11ne, ,,.1,.10er, 10 • one-year con1ra<I. •u•g neCI Juan Bernll•rdl. 1nf1e1C1er. 10 SPOUM ol llw Poe Ille Co.tsl Lugue. PllCifk C»st lA...,_ VANCOUVER CANADIANS Changed 111e1r ma1or tug~ •lf111allon from uw OO.t•nCI As ID Ille M1i.11aukee Brewers. f'OOTB4LL c....-;on F-11 LHt~ rORONTO ARGONAUTS -Released Rodney Alll:><>n, quarlerbaci< HOCKEY World llockey An oclahon NE W ENGLAND WHALERS C•llt'CI up Pierre Ao,, oe•ttn'S man, rrom lhr Spr1"9l•e1<1 lrl<llans of Ille AmPtltdn Hocuv League. SOCCER Atnatlca" Soc~ ._..,._ CLEVELAND C08RAS -Su;ined Denn" AlmelOt, m1dlle1oer. •110 Mike Bells. lorw•rd. INOIANAPOLIS OAREOEVILS -Signe<! 1Cev1n Mluey •no Roo..rlo Ar<.1n1ega, m1d- ht1oer s, •nct J.., OollnSI< y. '"""aro. COLLEGE 80WLING GREEN-Named Gerry YOf'k Mod llOckey coocn MANH-.nAN COLLEGE -Nam.O Jock Power\ atntett< C!Orec1or M ISSOURI ST LOIJIS Hamed Tom B••low lltaCI t>asi<ellllll ""'cn NOR TH CAROLI HA CEHTPAL -All· nou11cte1 rtt1gnollon ol R•v Gr...,.. ne .. a IOOIWll Coa<ll OKLAHOMA STATE Name<! P•11I Ht n .. n llNO llaslctlDOll COll<ll TENNESSEE -Name<I Ralph C!Wn<.ey HSISl•nl loolllall CO.Ch WASHBURN • Hameo Bol> Clt•&>m .. n llHO l>a•Olllall (oatll SKI CONDITION~ M0¥11t11t1 Hltfl-hM: 20..a 1n<nes. spr1no cono111ons. Hollclay Hill~eato: 11·3" >n<llt'S, 51>rlllg <onClllions, MollW!r'• Oay run cl<>Wd. Siii s-1-a.w: 3" 1n<nes, spring con. Clillons. Mt .•• ....,_._, 4S.60 lllC.heS, SP""9 ton. Olllons. Kralttt It~: 60-84 lncnes, spring conClllion Ml. w.---•-: ... ~Inches, sprlf19 conClllions- SMw s.twnit-atw: 24-40 111cnes. spring tOfl<llllOfls, 1119111 sic if no on Frid ay •nCI S<t<ur· O•y only. s..... Ytltey-._: Sot-It in<nes, spring conClillons Cry11t1•~e.w.. G-Ytlley-<-.._ ~~-M--• --..,.,_..,., 100 1nc.nes. ~Ing <c-'llons, .tll lllts _... ,_ -...e.itt-aate: U-70 tllCl\U, spring COftdllloM, Oii lif!S -. LEASING • FLEET Introducing ... HOWARD FERRIN BINGO (Lease & Fleet Manager) ~p••ICl/KMO~I ,._a past experience C>f giving the highest grade of eervlce to his customers CALL•..=: MmMe Oil LIA ... TOUI MDT YINICU Our ltoCk of Capricel • Mont• Clrlol - Mallbul • Cltnlroe Including Z-48 • LUY Pfckupe lncludlna 4•4'1 Are Alt RM:tv To Rom HAL &RIEHi CHIYIOLET ''The Home Of Super s.vtce" ••s..•~~s.a . I l l... 4tMHO WE WILL IE CLOSED APRIL 13 IN OBSERVANCE OF &OOD FRIDAY SS. SIMON & JUDE. PARISH HALL Happy Easter! Ensenad& Sail Entries Fall -Short of 600 The ma1lc number &00 continued to elude Newport. Oce an Samn1 AasociaUon1s famed Ensenada race this year and the total of 565 en· tries fell about a doien short of the rerord. But it will still be a massive fleet that sets sail S11turduy. April 21 in the 32nd annual renewal of the world's largest -but shortest-international yacht race. As usual, the Oeet will be broken down into three Classes of International Offshore Rule Mark lll <a > ratings. eight classes or Performance Han· dicap Racing Fleet, a class of multihulls racing under the Ocean Racing Catamaran Association handicap syste m and one class of Midget Ocean Racing Fleet ratings . THE FIRST START will be at noon with sub· sequent starts at 10-minute intervals until 1 p.m. Nothing ne w is anticipated by vet er an Ensenada race observers. A s mall percentage or yachts whose skippers have filed entries will withdraw ror one reason or another before the race sta rts . Sttll others will aban<Son the r ace after the st a rt at s uch ports o r call as Dana Point • Oceanside, Sa n Diego -or even Catalina Island. Reasons for the dropouts are either too much or too little wind. MANY SKIPPERS and crews consider the Ensenada more of a weekend hi-j inx tha n a serious race, but keep coming back year after year to be par t of the colorful start and even more hilarious and colorful festivities al the terminal end or the race. The festivities which almost led lo the de· mise or the race a few years ago-have been much ta mer since NU~A inaugurated the Saturday s tart a week or more ahead of Mexico's Cinco de Mayo r May 5 l holiday which draws hundreds of non· sailing celebrants to the once s leepy fishing resort Nevertheless, NOSA still lists "improper behavior in Ensenada .. a primary reason for bar· ring entrants from future races OTHER SERIOUS "no-nos" are failure to identify one's boat at the firush line. failure to notify NOSA if one drops out and failure to notify NOSA if one foils to start after picking up one's race packet. NOSA also warns skippers that failure to check in at U.S Customs on the return trip could result 1n a fi ne or up to SI ,000. Attempts to smuggle in such contraband as foreign liquors. fi reworks. fruits and vegetables and narcotics or dangerous drugs could result in prosecution and even con· fiscation or the yacht by the government. All yachts entering the race must adhere to rigid safety requirements laid down by NOSA for offshore racing. Balboa Series Amwunced ,491!11f!W U.Ca Cllellca -LaWftllce Alan Stem Public RelaUou/ Ad- Y.ert.iaiu .. Newport Beacb, hU been ae&eeted to handle the frand openln1 ol lhe brantb al eerrtto. Valley 8anJt ol in Anaheim. -Glorla Zigner and Aaaociates, Inc., of Newport Beach and Loa An1eles bu been nam" public relations counsel for South Coast Tb1lft aJl4) Loan Aasoclatlon, an association in ortaniaaUOn. -Socaland De velopment, a Soutber4 California homebuilder with projected 1979 sales ol S2S million, h~s named Clay Publicom, Jrvi,ne, ~ handle it.a a<lvertlalng and public relaUona aei- count. .. i -Lawrence Alan Stem Public Relatioaa/A~ vertising, Newport Beach, has been elected • member of the Orange County Professional As· sociation. President Larry Stem will represent the agency. The association consis ts of 32 men and women selected rrom businesses in Orange County who meet weekly to share ellperiences pertaining to their occupations. -For the 10th consecutive year, Walker & Lee, Inc .. a Santa Ana residential _real estate Cirrn; has retained Clay PubUeom. Irvine, to plan and implement its corporate relations program. -Gloria Zigner & Associates, Jnc., Newport Beach.and LOs Angeles, has been named public re- lations counsel for the Orange County Economic Development Corp. ll is an independent non-profit marketing agent with the obj~tive or identifying, encouraging and assisting industry to locate or ex- pand existing facilities in Orange County. -·Reiser & Williams. an advertis ing agency in Costa Mesa. has won three awards in the 1978 Busi- ness/ Professional Advertising Association eompeti· lion. The agency received a gold award for a total communications program with a budget of less than Sl00.000. created for Electronic Scales Interna· tional. South El Monte: a gold award for space ad· vertismg campa ign under $50,000, for the same client ; and a s il ver a ward for a promotional brochure created for Coda Enterprises, Irvine. --The Final Touch . a Southern California-based chain or furniture stores, has selected Myra Her· rem a & Associates, Costa Mesa, to handle an ad- vertising and promot ional campaign for its conlem· porary home rum1shings. J Musch & Asso~ 1ates, Inc., of Newport Beach, has been elected into me mbership of the West em States Advertising Agencies Association. The advertising and public relations agency represents financial, consumer and industrial ac· counts The llotel, clothing haberdashery, has select- ed Pacific Media Advertising, Irvine, for assistance in ad vertising, -Estey-Hoover Inc .• Newport Beach, has ac- q uired Inde pendent T echnical Publications. Orange. a firm specializing 1n technical publica- tions. programming and related services for the computer industry, as a new division of the com- pany. lTP services Include technical documentation. ha rdware and software manuals, advertis ing brochures. data s heets, camera-rea dy copy Ba lboa Yacht Club h as a nnounced the re production, applications and system level pro- schedule for its (979 66 Series of six races starting gram ming and technical consulting. and finishing of£ the Balboa Pier. First race is the Ron Levine, who founded IT'P in 1976, remains 19.S·mile 20-Fathom race . May 13. in charge of the new division's activities at Estey- The BYC series takes its name from the Hoover. format which is composed of six day races or ap· --------------------- proxim ately six hours each. The series is open to ya chts rated under the International Offshore Rule llOR Mark Illa> and the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet system or handicapping . BOTH THE IOR a nd the PHRF fleets will be divided into three di visions . Other races on the schedule are the Around the Buoys race June 23; Dril ling Islands race July 22: Balboa lo Long Point Aug. 11. Long Point to Balboa Aug. 12. and the Coastal Race Sept. 15. 3 Sailing Classes Set T hree nTne-weelr courses in boatw.g_ a nd m a rine activities will be offered by Coastline Com· munity College beginning Monday at two separate locations. A class stressing aspects of living on a boat w ill run from 7 to 9 p.m . while another course will teach vessel and equipment selection from 7 lo 10 p.m . at the Bayview Center, 2531 Orchard Drive, Santa Ana Heights. THE THIRD CLASS will teach boate rs basic m a intenance work from 7 to 9 p.m. at Marshall Sails. 629 Terminal Way. No. l3. Costa Mesa. A $10 material fee is required. Registration can be taken care of in the col· lege's administration office in Fountain Valley or during the first class session. For information. phone 963·0824. l.Rcture R e adied A four-part Marine Lecture Series opens April 20 In Science Ha ll on the Orange Coast College campus, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Lectures are scheduled four successive Fridays at 7:30 p.m. with the initial session a d is· cussion or "Selection and Preparation of the Cruis· ing Boat." Tickets are $2.50 at the door, $7.50 for the series. Information and tickets are available at the administration building 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, 8 a .m . to noon Saturdays . Telephone 556·5880. Assistant Land Acquisition Major Souther.n California builder/developer has immecUate opening .. Requires R.E. Broker License. Submit complete resume including education , experience, .and salary requirement. Ad #87 c Io Daily. Pilot P.O. Boz 1560 Coata Meaa, CA., 92626 --------.._ -.-.... • ... OlllllJ!llll!R11111111111D .... ER_Y_O_U_R_ DIESEL NOW! For European Delivery and SEE THE OLD WORLD BEHIND THE WHEEL OF YOUR NEW VOLKSWAGEN DIESEL Why pay high European car rental Pf1ces and come home wilh nolhmo more than land memories? Writ! our Oeltvery 1n Eurcpe plan. you save the rental charge. come home with wonderful memones. and bnng baCk the u111mate sourvenir as well -your very own. sparkling new Volkswagen Diesel. On some models you'll also en1oy additional savings wnen yau compare the lactQri delivery once with what you would pay here Ask for complete dela11s on the money·savmg plan that lets you see lhe Old World from behind the wheel of your new Volkswagen 01eset. CAU LES GOLFOS Ol llU. PATS& 673-0900 VOB£N AGAIN ® CHICK IVERSON YOllWAa •e POllCI• U. 441 ... c...e ti•:, ":ir"' .... cc.-....,. ..... 673-0900. 133-9160 Mew O,.l•J ,, ...... ICollt Hiwey at B9Yllde Drtve) \ Badness Merger Leads to Confrontation By MILTON MOSKOWm Tbe meraer that wHI j(11r American Stores or Wilmlnston. ~• •• with Skaggs Comr•nles or Seit Lake City ls one o the big 1ut mall comblnation ever puttopthtr It ·1 abo lhe late11\ t hapt.er Jn an lncr't'dibae ramlly 1.1• THE KAGG8· M l\a1 A marrtq• will brin.11 undf'T on,. torpor1lt1 roof '» Atmc and SuJ>('t &i\·er fQpermarket.t U. stwcn ust rt1 SlllH 300 lph a R c-t t1upermtarkt>t \n Call(ornl und Ar bona. l 23 Ht>a &. lhrlrk· drucsto~s 1n t>w York .ind Carter Wants Eads '"on Pmiel WASIUNGTON <Al» Pr~I dent Carter has announct.-d he will nominate Gcor(tc C. Eads, u former economist with the Rand Corp .. to t h e Council of Economic Advisers. tr confirmed by the Senate. Ea ds, 36, will replace W1lliam Nordhaus. who has resigned. Eads has been a consultant to th e council s ince last March and previously was director of the r egulatory policies and institu· tions program with the Rand Corp. SkagpAmeriean Combination Revitalizes Old Family Links Ptnn11ylvlnl11 12 lly Lo dru11torus In C1lltom1:1 -lh f.l(AGtiS dru~11lorc1o 1n 20 al•le•. wnh the hlg&e:it ron c t\lralion tn ~11 ouri. ArltonD. C'olorado and ( ttah 39 Skuug<i rornblnauor1 drug and food i.lort>l4, with th<' maJor concentral1or In Teu~. Oki hon't.t and Arkansas 'llu· Value t ' 1r (len,•r•l mf'rchundti.~ 111lor(•w In Culifor ria -53 RF.STA KANTR, loclud 1n1 12 llardf't•'s rust food unlt.s in l't•onsyh anJa. New Jt'rt.t.•y, New Yo('k u nd Ot'l ll ~ .If\' .rnd 33 Alphy·s cutcri<'l'I In California. T hal tvrm1duble arruy of re tail outlets will 1tcnerate 'mnuul ~•ilcs or SS balllon S4 bllhon from Aml·ncun, $1 b1lhon from Skaggs The newly created com pan)' will rank as the nation's nanlh largest retailer and fourth 1n the supt>rmarket field I behjnd Safeway, A&P and Kroger >. Although it's the smaller or the two companies. Skaggs is the one that's doing the acquir- ing. IT WILL PAY, in cash and ~tock. some SJIO million to take over the Delaware-based re t ailer. The na me of the new Money Tree company will be American Stores. That Skags:s wlU acquire but ntlow lhe Amerlcun Stores name to survive .as the corporate hold- ing company is typical or a re· markobl<' fumlly. The Skaggs ramlly 111 hordly known to the Ame rican public But it has prob- 8 bly had more influence on Am(•rican ret&Ailing than any othl'r family . The first Skaggs grocery was ()pt-11ed In 1915 in American Falls, Idaho. ll was oper ated by M B. Skaggs, the son of a Bap- tist minister. S.M Skaggs, who had built the store with his own hands OVER T HE NEXT decade M . 8 . Skaggs and his five brothers ex pand e d that American Falls grocery into a c hain with 428 links in 10 western states In 1926, the Skaggs stores combined with the former Sam Seelig groceries of Southern California to form the company we now know as Safeway Stores. ·LEASABL CADILLACS AT Allergan Expects Quarterly Record ~ AFFORDABLE RA.TES. NABERS 8u/~ • 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-9100 Allergan Pharmaceuticalb, Irvine. said it expects to report the highes t first quarter sales in its his· tory for the three months ended March 31, Gavin S Herbert, president, told the New York Society or Security Analysts. According to pre- liminary indications firs t quarter sa les s hould t otal a pprox- imately $18,152,000, up 3 3 perc e nt fr o m S13.648,000 in the li ke were Sl 1,549,000, up 29 percent from 1978. In· tcrnational sales rose 41..' percent over the 1978 total to S6.603,000, he s aid Tuesday quarte r o f the prior HERBERT SAID th<' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y~e~a~r~.~D~o~m~e~s~t~1c~s~a~l~c~s compa~ did not expect .: to r eport fin al results ltS like putting the phone in your pocket. Ari Answer Page .. beePef .. 1S11·1 a phone. but ifs tile next best tt11ng n alerts vru to important calls anytime, any· Where in Los AngeleS O!ange. San Semardloo RM!f· SICle c1nc1 Pilns ot Ventura coumies. aH tor one kN 1roothty rate There s no hml 10 tile number ol ·tieeps · you can receive No exira phone cmrges or speool eQUIP" rren1 10 msklll. ectller. 11 S0"16008 wants you. they dial y()Jr numtlef on any Phone and your · · beePef · Q1VeS you tile the SIQ!\ll It s as eas, as tl\al Catt us tooay tor your Answer Page · · t>eeper · · -il s like tla\llng a phOne 1n your pocket 1 Ja.-1.os An9elu County 4 6 2-PA GE In Orange County 731•7777 0t Cl I 1ntOM ~11(1f' 1111 IN.I An ""' Pt<1" Oii• P """'"'' Y'MI /.?f'MYff+•Mf...1t t•" CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION December 31 , 1978 ASSETS: Cash, Certificates of Deposit and Other Cash Investments Loans on Real Estate (unaudited) Loans Secured by Savings Accounts Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES: Savings Accounts Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank Advance Payments from Borrowers Loans In Process Income and Property Taxes Deferred Income Other Liabilities Stockholder's Equity 998,716 11 ,817,821 _.33,&M 718,075 13,968,168 11 ,~9,104 500,000 20,036 296.2•5 2,864 7,933 32,861 2,049,125 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY 13,968,168 _ 1700 Mimi Avenue, '·All or oor customers receive Individual attentTOn, for we know they are our most valueble ueet. And this, we believe, la what aeta ut apart from all ttie rest." Richard P. Bond President • 24 hOuf' telephone transfer eentlce FSfic' _....,. ___ _ • !fee deposit pick up for buline• accounta C.otUi Mell, CIUlorrHa aea (714) 754-1801 until later this month. ··The compa n y h as been makint; heavy in vestments some of a one time nature. in building its international business." he said. ··Research a nd de · velopment expenditures have been increased. A s a res ult, our pre-tax ear nings wrll o nl y partia lly re flect ou~ sales ~ro\\1h .. However . net incoml' will be well ahead of last year's firs t quartet due to a lower tax rat e. he said. Safari's Revenu~ D eclines I.ion n11111t rv Sufnri. In<.' .• lrvlnt• h:&., n•port <•d l!l7R n•v 1~11111•s o f S2. 721.21R 1•11m1rnrt•d with $!1, l!l:t.:111K for th1• 11n•vlow• Yt•ar Thl' IU77 11•v1•11111•11 111 d IHl\o ll $2U11, Mm r U Ill from t11rtnt0lll10ll II (ht• Jnpun(•:11• v1•11turt•. Tin: J,OSS for t:>7K WU8 $494,7MJ or 2)4 ('I'll" u shnrc'. rompnn-.1 lo n profit of ${1.07:l, 72:1 111 $2 AA 11 i.h 1u-1• HI IU77 Thl' W77 lnrom1• 111 clud('~ un extrnordlnnrv guln of ~.:JOI , 2l!I · llarry Shu~t{'r. 1m·~• d l'nt . s uld pr ox y mrakriol for th<' 11t1nuul A«'nernl mC1•llnf1 nn<J .for th<' shurt>h oldt·r~ uv proval for th{' SUI" or tltt' (;ullrornln pnrk. rrc• vlou11ly unnount'l'd, wm1 be Int: p re po r ed nnct would be suhmltkd to sharcholdcra "oon. Dmmey Pays23c Downey Savingi. and Loan Aaloclatlon. hetd· quartered In Cot.f a Mesa, has Increased Its eash dJvtdend by ts per- cent A a eml ·a nnual dividend ot 23 cenll a share Is payable Aprtl 27 to stockholdera or record as or Friday. Maurice L. McAl11ter. president, Hid the ac· lion conUnuea Downey's record of lnueased 11arly dhtdtads to 1tockholdert. Me. Skau• ... pretkkmt or Safeway WltU llM and chairman until hi!I ~ment In 19'1. But more than Safew1y came out or lbe Sk•H• family. lhe Skal(gs brothers and their c hildren he lped to launch a number of m ajor ret ail or· ganlnUoos. L .L. S.kAGGS, ONE or the original brothers. fQunded lhc Osco drug cbaln or the Midwest. n o w a part of the Jewel supermarket chain. The two Pay Less drug chains that operate in the West were fo unded by me mbe rs o r the Skaggs fa mily. Pay Less California, based in Oakland. operates 5S drugstores with an- nual sales of $270 million. It's s till largely controlled by Skaggs' interests . Pay Less Northwest. based in Beaverton, Ore., bas 82 stores doing $340 million a year . It's no longer connec t e d with the Skaggs family. A DAUGHTER OF M.B. Skaggs, Vera Mai, married Joseph M. Long io 1932, and it was Long who then founded the Callfornia·based Longs drug chain, the sixth largest in the United States. L.S. Skaggs. generally known as Sam Skaggs, is chairman of the Skaggs Companies in Sall Lake. He is a nephew of M.B. Skaggs and the company he heads is the nation's t hird largest drugstore chain. Skaggs or Salt Lake has ex- perimented for many years with combination roOd-and·drug cen· te rs. first in a partnership with Idaho's Albertson's c hain and more recently on its own. With its absorption of the nation ·s sixth largest supermarket cham. it will have ample opportunity to mix food selling with drug retail· ing. The new Skaggs-led American Stores will also lead to a more head·to-hcad confrontation w1Lh the nation·s No. 1 supermarket operator. Safeway. the company whose roots go back 65 years lo Sam Skaggs' uncle. '/.,;;. Point, Co .. terpoiat United Farm Worker s !>resident Cesar Chavez~ right, jomed a Picket line at United Brands in New York City, claiming the firm ·s subsidiary. Sun Harvest . Inc.. is un;on-busUng in the lettuce strike. Seymour Milstein, left, chairman of United Brands. derued the charge and said his negotiators are willing to resume talks. Engineering Series To Begin at UCI -·'.\dvances in Software Engineering Research'' wUl be the topic of a series of lectures beginning April 19 at UC Irvine. The biweekly lectures. open to the public without charge, are s ponsored by the UCI Department or lnformatlon and Computer Science and the UCI Industrial Associates. The lectures wUl be held at 3 p.m. in Room 220 of Social Science Tower. DR. PETER FREEMAN, ASSOCIAT E professor of jnforroa- lion and computer science at UCJ. is coordinator of the series. The following lectures were among those scheduled: April 19 -Freeman. 'Directions in Software .;:nl,!ineering Research." May 3 -Dr. Susan. Gerhart, member of the technical sta(f or the in!ormallon Sciences Institute at USC. "The Delta Expera;· ment: A Probe or the Power of Spec1ncation and Verification Technology.·· May 17 -Richard Van T1lburg, senior scientist at Hughes Air craft Co . Fulle rton. ··Software Engineering or the Design Ac· tivity.' Ov~r 1"h~ Count~r MASO Ustinqs l 'ps and Bourns MUTUAL FUNDS ' IN\11 '""" Capm • , ....... ,,_••ltd fucti' 11>(.otn .. ~, NL ana Ob 10.0 II.~~·· ti.fl ll.9J S.ntlnel ~: I 1)110'1\Nll~ C•ptl ') I.SJ NL Am Ldr I.II I.JI Herl Gtll 11.42 NL Oev Gt 12.• 1a.S3 i;?M wrn. 1UI NL """ J.1' 4.11 NL w voqK tAPI C.••ln BUllotk: Emp1r Uf\.tYell H.,1 L•w II°' HL •~om l 10 J JS ·-·""" Fil: Betan 1..-I .Of In• tol-nQ -81>llt11. ll.ll le.U Four E UNYell HIOllYld ti Jt 12.11 LUIMr'" 8'o ~n '-S1 7.11 Com S 11.1112.V .......... """"l4'CI tit ,._ • " ' IJ Htlcm fl.II 14.7:1 HolOQ fr I 00 NL F .. no I0.5J IUI HIYIO ZJ 45 1S.U Gnni\ t.D 10.20 ""' N••·-· l\\\Otl O•••O 7117 l oe MonM I 00 NL Hor M ... l'-1' "·" tncom a.n '·" lnc8os •.» f.10 s.q,,c,1. U.7' Ni. ,.111>11 of ~<l.tllllt> Monlll 13.1114 . .eQ MMM 1.00 Nl. INAfd 11"4 IJ.4t Mny Ml< 1,00 NL MOn8 1,00 NL Selltry f IS.JS It, .. 11••1•" Int. Art NIWS t 4' 10 3' Opln 114' 14 .eQ 1$1 GMMIP: Munl 9.41 10 l6 Oot.n U 41 2S.6' SM.t<son ~: "" pd(O\ •• wl\•(11 NVVn 14 11 NL la FA£ Grwlll ,,.., •. ., us °°" '2S 10.11 St>e<I IJ" U.lO ...... _ ... u .... CGF<lnd II 03 11 '7 .......... -N l. •ncom ,.. l." llMl\MC-11 Co hf•• f.S. NL !.-y F to• IU7 '°"'d ..,,,_. ""°" CGlncm 713 t.l6 US Gvt 9.0I NL lrtl s/\ "·" 17.2J Fr..O 113 f.10 "'M 11.'7 jf.64 TuMod lt ... 21 .... Wld IN•I .SMll CslllhM I 00 NL FIO.llly Gn>IH>i TrPaSll J.ot ••• 1..,0.p 'S4 10 Q Time 10 ... 1.99 hfl'lpr Gt s.• •.• .... .,.., Of bOuolll Cat>P•H 1:00 NL Aoru t.80 NL INOUSTAY M•u 11.03 n.os k>Tc Sec 11. lt.00 '•"'Pl "" 1J.211 l4..S7• tUIU<! pl<n ~Jes Ctnl CC I 00 NL Bono 10. NL ¥t • 1 -.. .. fdln' •l..14 IS.Ii PerMI M t~ 10..X r'•"'P Inv 1.CIO NL,'. nerool fWICWy C.111St1r 11 n ,, '4 Caplf t.w t.4) fn"•P I 00 NL Men Flnentl p-Sq 7 45 NL fM Ceo 7.93 .. ., Se" ky Cl\•rlFd 14 1• I• U C:onttq 10.13 NL \t'I tnwst llM 12.96 MIT 10.JO II.II f>tM Mu •• 02 NL ffM In"' •.1• t ... AC.Hit •.M • ~ Cllne Gr ea-.. ' Oe111 t.CIO NL n;,· Guld '10.11 NL MIG 9.21 •.n Pl\11• e.n 9.09 r rev E• ll.54 '"'' A<O•ll~ 20,11 NL F11nd .. ,, 1.0 OilflY IOIJ Inv lflCllC 1 21 MIO 1190 14.'9 '"'-CIP .. ,, ,.., T ... r HCS 20.1. Nl. AMv•~ U'.JO NL Front •IS s'.JO Eqtnc 11.1,·:·.: Inv Bos IOOO.i0.it MCO 10.IO IO ... p,_.,Fd 9.J'IO~fO#ltCGt •• Joi NL '"'''"• '... NL Sll•re 1.:a • 01 M...-1 .:1.1' NL lnveslon Group· MFO 14.10 IS.IS Pttvrlm Gn>. T-C Inc L<ll NI. AIJ>ll•I un<1V•il St>e<I ._,, 1 11 Mu<1 8d 9 47 NL. rOS 8d Hl .SU MfB 10 6 ll/O P'llV Fd fl..S41J.l:J USAA Gt 1.07 NL 11111rn1f 10.~' It.SO Clle•PO lht NL Fidel 1.:1s n.•~ IDS Gn 7 o .:06 MMB 9.29 9.15 M9q c '·" • u UMA tnc 1.7J NL. Am.,i(olll FIHIO\ Cllemfd ,, .. 1.a1 Ho VIO 14.U NL IDS ncll s,.. • • MfH I S4 • 1l """ In 'IS t .11 uni """ .... NI. All•• • 40 ' .. Coienl•I F .... · llMun 9 ,, NL MuU ... '.s MCM I 00 NL '°""' FVl>d. Un f M<lt 1.10 ffl. l\mtp 9 0. ''IO Sen 5« ·~ ... Purlln 10,,. II SI. Prot. "' iJt Mathen 1S '8 NL f und IS II 17.lt VII C.111 1.00 NL. AMllll 10.., ti f4 Fund t Jt 10 fl S.ltm s st 6 11 Tu Ea 4 U I.IS Merrill Lynch, II tM j0.11 Union SW Or'P: AnGll1 I XI I 01 Grwlll i"4 s'.o Thrift ,' 1' NL SloO ll.i4 20 SO 8as1c 10·6.5 11.09 Plan lnw 11.12 3.13 8r'Oed tO ... II.# Bond IJ ro ••. ., ln<om • 01 .:., Trend ,.,,. 21,0. S.lt<I I.It ,:,, CAl>ll 15 11 IU1 P11~111 11 .. 11.11 Nat '"" .. ,, '·· C•llM\. I 00 NL ()ptn 10.11 11.13 Fln~l•I Proo· Var Py 7.10 7 IJ Equ18 t 11 10 .. Pflfrncl 12 00 1111 u Cep M..4 "·" Fdlfl• I 0/ 1 n Taa M9 IJ,'4 1i.» Dyne S.ti) NI. Inv Aesll 6 01 6J7 HI Inc: t .n 10.1• Price f ... l Uft lllCnt Grwtll • ,, • ., roiu Giii 11 . ., NL IMU\I UI NL '"'' tito 2S.lt MUlll t .10 t.2'1 Grwtll 11.21 NL II.an.is •ncom 101 I,, l'wlth AB .tt 1,()1 lncom 1.JI NL Ivy .... NL AOASI 1.00 NL lncom ..... NL V~ltd F~t ~Ct.,. rn 7:~ = i. u: u~ fl~n~~Se tS.n j~r1; :~~ti.:"'~~-";-~ I~:~ ~p ~:.:11 ~,; ~Ht ~:~ ::,: J~ W'llMI 7.12 1.11 Comp fd 1.9' I.ff OIKO US e tl JOl>n "-:II MONV F f.14 f ,.. rime ...._ L C... ..,.. ......... Amer o.NrM C-aro HM NL G""" .. ,. 1.•1 Bond 11.oM 11.tt MSB FO IS.II NL hF•• ..... NL Con Inc '·" 10.~ C•PBd I.JI ••• COiis Inv 1'.00 lO.JI lncom I.It 1.92 Grwtll 6."9 7.0.S Mut Ben '26 10.IJ ~I Fund ~~ =L ~ ;·~ i ·?l C•pGlll ..... U • <*l•lel G ..... NL. S1oca I.CW I A a..... 1.41 '11 MIF FO "°' .... II( ....... 0 L ScMtl .. ... ,.; Enttp U4 1.,. Cont AIWI 6,.45 NL ftstMlt A U NL TaaEk . Mlf Gth 0$ •=tO ~~~IP 10.• .26 V 6Ji J'as HI YIO 11.a fU4 CVYt• St ti 10 IUI FIMllOI .t> NL IU:I tSOJ M411U.IOf 0..-: .-vmelft FWIOs: U 1rlc • 1ncF• •ts •.n Ctry Ceo 1u2 n .... Fst var 10.00 NL Joftniln 2u2 NL Arner 10." 11.0 Conv 11.7' 12.tt v:i .. Lr,.~ NL MUii. U.'5 J•.ll DI' C.slt UO NL '44 Woll 1 .. 22 NL ~emper Funcn: Grwtll I.OZ o1,a7 EC111ll 11.19 IS." 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Otolle.Aor I • 473 "°'" .. GIWFin s.14 s "~ 1•"o-.,, Ltllon Pl 2 .. s lO . P5A s .. 14 ~ .80 9 •• ,.~. ~. W•llNtl '·'° • 100 2'\o .... 8tndut 2.S. '" •O \t 0.llK s soc n 3 •• ). Grey!\ I°' • '°' 12 '• LOOM s 6J1 22+n-h • PKAS 1 l•.. 7S IJY. .... SkyOne ... • .. ·~. "" W••N 1>12.!0 .. 2 ""'-I OtnlCp '·'° 10 73'·> •;.. Dtllona JJ II 13 • •11 (;reyhl\O W1 . " '' • . Lotlllt '° 11 93 2•1~ Vo P•cGE 7 J7 I 516 23 -~. Sll"llM l.IO 4 II !')\--'" Wast>Sll 1.40 ll I u19~· ,,.. Bt nefpt•.30 . 3 4S•tt21/J OenM I\ I' S6 II"> "GrowC .. ., • 71 , ... 11 Lo. ... 1.10 4 41 .,, •• ,, PKLl9 , 1 JI 21'1t ... 5rnfll\l"I .'210 •n Sol'·.,, Ws!IWI 2.CI I ., 21~· .... BtMI pf •.SO .. 1110 .,..._ '" Oennn .tt I 198 17'1 •, GlhAl1 10 S"° • '' LomFn ,to I 3' 1l -111 PKLm 2 20 11 I ~~-Vt Strealn 2.IO 11 )IC) '3 lol-.. WesttM . .IO IJ IOJ ~ ~ d -pf 2.SO • 1120 14h . • Oen\Sply .80 I• 11 "" + • Gr"'1'\"I\ l 10 I IS 11'• '-LomM I.~ 10 J7 18\'\o • -. !'N•Ttl 1.64 I JS 1111> .... 511Tr .tO \ • , • .._ ~ ~. 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Pe PL 1.04 1 IOI 19411 .... , PS 1.21 ; 111 14 -'A WM91F 1.20 • 30 JOY>-lit !lrllilM 1 ... 11 •11 :M .. -Vo Oonnly I 10 IGll 28'\t-'!lo HtrrBll l.bt o S 11 -I• MdH'd I"-, . ISi 1'14 ~I PeL pl •.40 • , 1100 45 + 1 rtF .40 1 10 Ul/i • "' -II' r 2 • s ll*-"" 1"t•M"' t.. t 40'~ .. Ill OOrOll~ .tO 10 :i.s 7111>-"' Hlrrl• .0 17 40) 1'\17-Iii MeQl<CI ·'° • Jd H»•. "' P•"L P4 ... Ml .. zJO 0 1» .. • .tO 17 10 12\'I .... WllHIPI s ,.. ""' .. .,., llrltflitl ~·1 ..... u "'Doney 60 s lO ll"'-~ '.·.'° •' ,,~ 31\'0• "MafonH '"' J 30'\• .. P•PLplt.e0 .. 1100 t6"'r +llO. t IS 110 ,, .. _,.,. WllolPllllfe rlO ~ .... 11.oa • 21 11~.... Oowf I «110 s ~. ~ ;:;;,,·~Hit .~ 13 •s 11~ .... M•nlll'l .JO 4 .. Ill•• v. PaPL pf I.«> •• 1100 1,y·, • ...., l'\'H ~ .s ., 'i .... wtlelPlt pl ~ .. ,,., ., ... t .02 I ' 20"'""' OowCll 1.40 '1a10 7ttM ... v "" ., 2~-'" M•MLI ,J 14 10 ' Ito PePL pf ' 24 .. uoo 103 Vo ryA I • s•1 ' \oll-114 Wllifr. ••• 1 ''° " "' -1 I 10 -... OowJll 1.44 12 IS 34~"... r1IZO 40 s 4 ls~-YI Mt•H•n , •• 11' ~ .. P.tPL pf II .. '* IOS • ,.... ,1 .7 ~ I 1:. ~ Wllll I.JD • '°' " + "' i ! j. ul~. l" Or•'f'O 1.a • 19 ,. ... yt = t~ 1 ': '·... lllMPCO I«> 10 Ut lU• .... PePL pf u .. 1100 111\11 -"" 1 ~ • Wllll : .. , a.. 1 Jt ..... t I l'~ + '• Orenr I • "° '4'h-....... _ .. 1"" 11 ~ 1,1'"-. ~ ~re1M ,., • 320 "'" .... P•PL pf ... 11.0 ,~. ~ ·~ n'~ 'l ~ II~ ~ Wllll•MI w ti'-"' . • 141.i.:.. i" D•ea8 ... ., ' .. 15'4. "" ~ AO , 21 1s11.:: ~ Mereco t . .o II "' .. ~ ... i>.PL r a..10 •• 1100 llS°'t. I Ric. • I ,. 4, 20·-~ Wllllt.. •• ·; Pl Ula-"' ' .. 1 ~~ ...... 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P11t1111 I.JUI tOI ti -Iii 1.oll f I• Uh,._ l11tnlt10 ,Ill I ,.. 11\4 ..... - N ., Not So Fast Who ~bard Pre/iut By JOHN ctJNNIFF Al'IU I ...... In speaking or profits, etpeclally beforf they're made. lJUCh d~scrlptlve11 es exce11ive. win~tall, ripoff. W\· derserved. and enormous usually renect an attllude rather than a meaauremen\. TheTe ts no dearth ot profit mcasuremenu. Prec1a~ re- cords are kept tor practkll! re~ns. such •S determtnlng corporate health . taxe!S owed. cash dist r ibutions to shareholders. funds to be reinvested. LAST VEAR WAS A GOOD ONE for profits. with cor· poratlons reporting u 17 percent a rter·tal< Increase over 1977. according to figures compiled by Citibank. Return on Investment was 16 per cent. on sales 5.2 percent. Whether these numbers are ex- cessive is a matter of judgment. They do s how an improvemeot --return on invest· ment in 1977 was 14.9 percent. on sales 5 per cent but rew reeords were set and few even approached. Since Its fi gures were derived Crom returns by 2.491 publicly held companies <with alter-tax profits of $98 bfllion on sa les of $1.7 trillion in 19781. Citibank's s urvey is considered authoritat1 ve . cu""'"" It shows that as an industry. petroleum production and refining earned more net income than any other industrial category. some Sl4.9 billion. a 12 per cent increase over l977 's $13.3 billion. BUT, AS OIL COMPAN\' Ot'FICJALS anxiously re· mind the public. big is relative. Their investment 1s huge. they point out. nearly $104 billion in 1978. From that Invest- ment they received a return of 14.'1 percent. Is 14.4 percent large? Not when measured against the 16 percent average of all manufaclurers. Nor is it la rge when matched against the 20-plus percent return earned by many consumer products manufacturers. The baking industry. for example. earned 20.3 percent fo r its shareholders. Soft drink manufacturers earned 22.8 percent. drug and m edicine producers 21 5 percent anc! soap· cosmetic concerns 20.8 percent. THE OTHER COMMON measurement. return on sales. sometimes gives a ctiffcrent pccturc. hut mainly because of the varying nature or businesses Last year the return rose to 5.2 from S percent. Once again. oil companies fell below the average. re· taining 4.8 percent of their sales. a percent a 1most imperceptibly higher than in the previous year. And 197!f! That now becomes the big quest ion. With price controls being phased out for U.S .. produced crude 0tl. President Carter has blrongly expressed his belief that oil company profits will be exeessivc unlc!)s part:d to size by taxes. HIS CHOICE or WORDS has especially angered some corporate executives What. they ask. does he mean by ex- cessive. windfall. enormous. ripoff. underserved words he used in seeking support for an 011-profi ts tax'! In defense or their companies · and they say. in de· fense of the Cree enterpttse system -more each year in· elude in their a nnual reports a breakdown or what hap· pened to revenues they rcc-e1ved Corporations maintain 1t cs only by breaking down the big numbers by return on e<1u1ty. ~eturn ?n sales. profits in relation to other years and the d1strcbullon or revenues -that a fair picture emerges "Excess," they m aintain. 1s immeasur<1ble Especial· ly in advance. Srock Market Slips; IBM Earnings Cited NEW YORK IAP l -The stock market took a Splll to day in selling ascr ibed to disappointmenl over fn ternu tional Business Mac hines' quarterly earnfogs report. The Do" Jones a\•erage of 30 industrials. which rost' 5.02 points Tuesday lo a six-month high. dropped back 7 Ot to87t.71. Losers held a 9.5 advantage over gainers in the tally of New York Stork Exchange-listed issues Analysts said encouragement over various c-ompan1c~ · firs t-quarter earnings helped the marke t advance Tues day .ftitot1k# In The Spolliglu -. .. ... t • I A..wrf<-an ~radrrs NE W VORK IAPI· Seles ... pm """ eno ntl chanoe ol lne len "'°" .tel•"'! Arne•K.,, Sloe• E«"""'9t' •ssuo. lrecllo9 Mllonally al more lfl•n II eruc•n • • u•.100 20..., • 1 RH'11nl A 1 .. .700 .. .., -I~ Synlt~ Corp IJUOO ,. -'O Tuoos Mn 9S,IOO 2S .. -7>t McC1>t1 Otl , '1,000 ...... " HouOllM • ts.<00 1q l.o M•rlnduo 8 11,ilOO I J ,. • l·I• Nel P•tent 1>l,SOO 9~, '• PIOl\fff Sy . U .300 61 • • '"' COlnCm l H,100 It~ • '• Ptt. UP U.1 VP I._, VP IJ.' UP •• VP 1.5 VP 1.J UP I 0 UP 6• Uo ''' UO H UP •.J Vo 6.J UP •1 UP 6.1 Up " UP J • Ull S.t Up S.I U• s.f VP M VO S.l Ull S.I uo .. UP •.1 DoarJone•1I rrrage• s~~c:r1AP1 F1na1 Dow·Jonu ••er•!le• ()peft HoQll L-Clow Cllq lO 11\d •1 76 884 •1 8"1,118 811 /!-I UI 20 frn 23) 79 1Jt.ol 1J1,IJ lJl.•9-I Sc IS Ult 104.30 IOI 81 IOJ 32 103 -0 Jll •\ S9' 1'19 •1 300.• ~S SS 7tfo qe_ 2 01 I nous 2.J8'1 soo ,,.,, ......... ' ' ... 11•.00o Uhl\ W ,JOO .S Sr• J,146,800 M'hal S1o('k11 Did NEW VORIC IAPI SALB Due to late transmission today's listing will not appear in the Daily Pilot. WHAT AMEll 0 10 NEW YOAI( tAPI Ad .. need Oecllned Untllol\Qe(I rotel •Uut5 Ntw hlQM New IOWl -I , • I • OM.VPl.OT MAllMADUK! )I II ' I I SUPERHEROES SHOE ., MOON MULLINS FUNKY WINK I RBI AN I .JJ6T CAU.ED NIJ UFE ffl> la.O HER IE GOT I~ (l(~ #ID 1MM WE WERE~ 10 ~~UffLE 1V MD~ HIT 1ME 5ACK . M ISS PEACH I • I 1 A '2. l"t-1" IL p.e V•EWS' ~ .. , NEW F tLM~ by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta by Jeff MacNelly ANO !'vt GOf NO WAY Cf~NG iHQ<E ... <!!.. REMEMB'~R, WE CAN REPLACE you WITH A By Bil Keane "I think you'd do better if you tried NOT singing to him." DENNIS THE MENACE GORDO JUDGE PARKER I'VE UOT TO 00 &AClt TO THE OFFICE, A86EY .' I'VE 60T TWO TICKETS FOR lHE SYMPHO~Y TONlb~l ! ARE YOU FRH ? TUMBLEWEEDS by Tom latl• by Mell Latarfus t ~ l(NOw, IRAT IT COIALO se ~eovr A 6<AY WHO 6«1~ §ICtt FR'CM IATIN<i ~,: PtfrTY PLAT'IS ... "fl.l~T OClt C1'1"E 15 S\JC.~ A. K\..\JTZ. \ I-low !OUl..O l N'IONE SE. i~A"f' OVMf> '? NIELSEN rtt.Y, ~1£t..S~, ~ aor we COOtJTRn 8166rsr (.161\1?.fl're Ml AWlJNf 1N'fl.lf: NWN(Y iODAV. <Jl.IE. S5 WHO fl-OIJ(jl-J f UP 'lllE' lAMPAIG~J'? ~'< P).li:?,A!£ ? .,-·•"""'""',.·· ~ ........... · ... ·" THE INAcrNllY OF l<E;Tll<ED J..IPE WOULD 1<11...L MEr . by Harold Le Doux bv Tom K. Ryan ~00 'THINK '(Ot)'LL MAVE F~60TTEN WHAT If WA5 t.IKE iO HA~e SEEN A KIO l(OIJRSEL~? ;C WOLJt..c:> HAF"T"'A P l C K ,.He ON t..-Y R I GGec::> PHON5 e oo..,...H 1N Me:TR O POL...I S .' I CAN 9LOCl(1!T OVT OF Ml/ MINO t ,,. . by Jeff Millar and Jon MctntOltt · TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 46 Den UNITED Feature S)'fldicate : 1 Seaweed s-Cas1ro 9 Foots 48 Part ol USNA Tuesday's Puzzle Solved: S2 P1eman s ---. Lo! \.J-! ~ S f A L l u II 1 COO --A C (lt ( Ill TI~ "0 It $ ( It ... c ( . ,. 0 f. £ I s [ .. ( • 0 It l .. ' ' I r "' It • .,., ··- 14 Italian com· Questioner mune 2Ywords 15 -F1tzger· S6 Lick aid 57 Perteet 16 -Davis 58 Last word l ... II .11 • 0 0 O ... IL .I It ' .• 17 Adorn 59 Land· Abtlr. A I 0 It , __ I A IMI I A I l •o 11 r •l llla " o-it>ll I T l I • u r I clot• G ~1 l ! y s r 1 C «w T 'i ( 'i -c 0 Y I 0 )f iilY '" A II I A l II It • Dll 11 0 A S T<l UlllA I It f s N T II 0 l A rl° tT i l ( s s .A D ( -r ';:j ~~ .... 18 Skirt style 60 Cents 19 Iowa town 61 Span1sn art· 20 Id •St 11 Tol>acco 62 Friend Ft product 63 Stulled 2 words 64 -code 23 Renovate 65 Baked items 25 Eteao()(a -OOWN 26 Ktnd t Modify 27 Swards 2 Be greedy 22 Serpent Can. PfO'I· 29 M0tsture 3 Farewell. 24 -rne Tofler .nee 32 Poorly Sp 27 Born 47 Rapidly 35 Neap. e g 4 Brow 26 Poems 48 --a 36 Arias S Comment JO She Fr. m1nule 37 City on the 6 Breathing 31 Barbilric 49 Solt resin Olla 7 Arm bOne 32 -llde SO Sault Ste - 38 Blunder 8 Reclined 33 Russian sea 51 WW blltle 39 Shear 9 Adding de-34 Mischief site 40 Armed force vice 35 Frog's kin 52 Taetes 41 Delays 10 Some trucks 36 Saw 53 Thought 42 Entangled 11 -Johnny 38 l oud noise 5' -tountlin '3 -Balla 12 Heater 42 Stingy 55 1ronwot1c. « TV dissolve 13 Scathe « Occupied pl~ 45 Discern 21 Steased 45 Nova -: 61 ira~ 2 ) 17 - . . . ' .... .,. ............... . NANCY OH, 00Y--·AT LAST I'M GOtNO TO SEE WHAT A REAL COURTROOM ~__, ......... L.OOKS 1..IKE ~#1-.-...,,;;:=.;::.;...-..-.....i ·----· ·-· ·------· ...... --....... , .... _._ ... .,,,,... by Ernie BushmUler --~ ., .. -... -.... ' .............. " Wldl Hd1$, April tt, 1'71 DAIL V PILOT .. . BAAGAIN MATINEES Gang Movk PredictabW ~~-===--:---...i~ ,,. ........ ......... -== ....... ..,. ..... ociology Shows at Expense of Drama 1111~ By ARTHU& KNIGHT n. ........... ....- Wh1le it's unlikely lhat M real· ly lood movie has ever been made for bad reason • 11n 1wfuJ lot of bad movlt have been pro due d with lhe bt'sl or lntenllona. And thoutth l don't rount tht• ( M<ME REnEF) IN~ 25th CENTURY" l'ony 01118111 Rcncn.on produc ~• ~ lion of "BouJ,v,rd Nl~ht'" ais Nakano acr1pt and throu1h • lack ol emotlonal Involvement tn ever~Lblng they do. From a PTA pofot of •iew, it's an Impeccable movie: you ju.st kee p wishing that something would boppen. AIM{ JU~ • ...: ___ ...,_..., ... -.. --•>fPG bid. I muat u ay lhnt Its = tr we-,.., .. --1 socloloKY ke.-ps ehowlng ut th m Hee *'" ""' °'• .._,, OJott r al d _,._,, ,..... v.-.. .,.,"°° -·. _., ,_ expense o " roma The ingredJents arc all there. and so are the actors. l•lll1111c11.-.1,,, ....... _.,. +++w.,.._ l"'1kt• Parumounl'H "Th~ Wu· ~"',."' ~o ,... -_.... rior"·" th1. Warner Uro~ re OI.,_ ~ 1011 ll'U5C' (OCUSC Upon th\• lt•rrlll,)rtUI iiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiillliiilllliiiiiiii~iil-lll'\~rllUVl'it of 1Jlu1r1 brl'd 1ttrcet RICHAllD YNIGUEZ Is im· presslve as an East Los Angeles chlcnno who sUJI likes to cruise Whittler Boulevard with bis date 1 Marta Du Bois>. but who bas disengaged himself from the barrio's gang warfare. lleM• de aangre explot•n en et gnnw~ laeulftlll'd -y el boulevard ex.lite de ftOOM lvetftNne htippen• on the bouln•rd - •ftd the balll1v•t'd happena •t night. • a Tll'f au al...-'9IOIUCta ~ ~r si-. lllCUll ~ •&ITA lllllOIS MllY • lA rt Drlclldllw -.al'l PllS1llMI Pndod Ill' at ••-t ....... l'!cme. T011 , v.l'rnt1111¥._llAl.t• M«b¥UltSCW• s..i-s11111 m1w l'tllllrm11ll~ Ii(-IUISOll .ca..c..· ., ........ ..,. ... _..,._ ~-....... ~~ ... ~ ....... ~--~~, .................. ~---'-~~.!.'1~l 11STmm111 ... -. 0 , ... ~w ro..y 8111 11•11~ llo\i~llffl P1~illMfl M1m( 1.•IO °Kt\tlrlfl >l llo<MIO 'l'l'lllWI, fJ•M"I' U. l6 fl•t M•••• °" IMll\, JIWIW\ Vl1hll IHlly '-A<W•lllO, C.••m<tl' ~I._ V•tlO• Mtll•n l!-lf\Q .. _ lllJ "''" BUT WHF.Rt: TIU: one re pellt•d audl<•nces by 1ls excess1vtl v1oll'n<'e, "Nights may well turn them orr lhrough the l-Olal pred1ctab1hty of ewr) character und sltuut1011 in the Oesmond * * * Not so his brother. Chuco 1 Danny De La Paz>. who rinds his 1dent1ty through bis gang. T he inlergang warfare ac· celerates from fights to shootouts. culminating in the ac· cldental shooting of their mother at a wedding reception. Now both br others prowl lbe street s * * * Violence Delays Release of Film llOL!.YWOOD u\P1 The rel ease of a film about gang life in West Los Angeles w1fl b<.· delayed in four a reas. following a rush of ''1olence that ~rcett•d othe r gang-related movies. Universal P ie· turrs announced . The premiere of ·iw atk Proud" the story or a young man who successfully bn•a ks from his Venice based youth gang will be postponed hen·. m San Francisco. Dallas and New York. Unl\'l•rsal Executive Vice President Bob Wilkinson said. WILKINSON SAIO OFFICli\LS DECIDED on the delay after 15 persons in California \\ere rnjurcd after seeing Paramount"s .. Boulevard Nights ... At least 10 wer<' inJured following Los Angeles s howings of lht! film about Mexicun-American cangs in East Los Angeles. Four w<'re shot and one was stabbed outside a Sau f''rancisco theater showing the movie. THE NEW YORK-BASED MOVU; "The Warriors ... by Warner Bros .. has been blamed for a rash of incidents in which two Southern California youths were killed. New York City subway riders were also assaulted by a gang of youths who had just seen the movie. Universal said "Walk Proud" will open as scheduled 1n other parts of Lhe United States. WINNER of Academy Awards EST PICT BEST DIRECTOR MICHAEL CIMINO BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR CHRISTOPHER WALKEN BEST SOUND BEST FILM EDITING BEST SOUND PRESENTED IN 70 MM DOLBY 6 TRACK STEREOPHONIC SOUND AT EDWARDS , BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT CINEMA A MICHAEL CIMINO FILM ----~""''~-----. Ov..io,.....,,,.IU<~ol-1*" -· "-~ ... ,~ p,..,,. Ol /4.A c::....ito.n IT 11\.W Ml 0811• <I ..,,.,et'C., 1u .... OQloC.w I UNIVERSAL PICTURES 1no EMI FILMS l)le,en1 "THE DEER HUNTER" co-.. 1111n9 JOHN CAZALE ·JOHN SAVAGE· MERYL STREEP ·CHRISTOPHER WALKEN Streenp1av o~ OERIC WASHBURN s101y by MICHAEL CIMINO & OERIC WASHBURN an0 LOUIS GARFINKLE a QUINN K. REDEKER PJoducttOfl tons1M1t1t JOANN CARELLI A!>soc111eP1oouu•1 MARION ROSENBERG and JOANN CARELLI r.tusic 11r STANLEY MYERS P1oouceo ov BARRY SPIKINGS. MICHAEL DEELEY. MICHAEL CIMINO and JOHN PEVERALL ........ CJD---· -..-01 01 P1101001<1plly VILMOS ZSIGMOND. As c 011tc1td bv MICHAEL CIMINO A UNIVfRSAt AELEASE 1.1ma1 PANAVISION' ,..,,.,.,,,o.,••'~> Dally Performance 1 :00-4:3G-8:30 to brln1 down the killer. All with • mlnhnwn or violence. ••• NOT AN advocate of OR· screen violence. but where the violence is dramatically mollvat.ed lu is clearly the cue in "Boulevard Nights"), I think it'• a m.tatake to play it down. Director Michael Press,uan - with all the best intentions ln the world. I 'm s ure -ha s m lnimallzed ll to the point where you almost expect to hear Leonard Bernstein's music soar as the principals go into their dance. The real tragedy, l'm afraid. is that "Boulevard Nights" has a real sy mpathy for the Chican os. and a basic un. derstanding or the reasons -· the macho reasons -for the street gangs in those squalid, un· derprivileged neighborhoods. But well-intentioned as the film may be. I don't expect it to have anything like the impact or the totally unprincipled "The Warriors." fl knows what 1t wants to say, but has failed to gauge its proper audience. and how to reach them. Hean Trouble Puts Comic In Hospital HOLLYWOOD 1AP l -Come· dian Jerry Colonna was resting comfortably in s erious but sta- ble condition after.sp<mding '"a very good night"' al Riverside Hos pital. where he 1s bring treated for an apparent heart at· tack. hospita l officia ls said. Colonna. 74. who was partially paralyzed by a stroke in 1966. was taken by am bulance to the North Hollywood hospital from his Studio City home Monday, hospital officials said The Boston-born com1r 1s pro· . bably best known fo r his bushy handlebar moustache. bulgin~ eyes. and his work with Bob Hope entertaining overseas troops .. MUIDBIY DECUI .. CftGI ''THE PASSAGE" CRJ "IT"S MOT THE SIZE TH.AT COUNTS" Ill "PHANTASM" IRI Doily 6 JO Sot Sun Hol. I 2 JO (~ICM 'l'HIMMt:sCH) la THOUGHTFUL In the DAILY PILOT ---·--·--•awm•o. .. ............... a .... .__ .......... Mell ... " •H--TMI STll MUlllRll 1"1 !Wt•Nf• ........... .... --AC .... YAWMeS "COt Itta NOMI .. llt ... ..... ._,.._,. 'IMI ~VACI MANI "IUCll ICMMS" ·~·· -.,,.~., ...... -TIAYOUA "SATUIDAY .-.HT FffM" "tCI CASTllS" IPGt •tr ACTlfH. ACTO. & iCllll..,IAY COMING HOMI 191 •lUS COMIS A HOtilMAH1,01 ~':'ftl"llTITrl-T.:"l=--, SoQ u-.... IOlell. -· ~ T .. CHINA SYNDllOMI 1'01 •lUJ THI DIE' 1•01 /QM -• "'" _.., T .. CHAft"('OI 'IUS ... ou1,01 •n ACYlltU. a~ & SClllllWLU COMING NOMI 191 ,l.,. COMfS A HOHIMAN ''01 .llllMU Cc>ecll!N e '°'-IOlllN HllPOWlllWI ,tut ,HANJAIM11t1 W_. -•ST flltCTUll S~. ACTOll, Dll. UlfTINO & SOI/NO IOU., Dl .. 10 , .. Diii HUNTll 11 •n ACTllUJ, ACYOC a SClllOWIAT COMING HOMI 111 'lllS COMIS A HOHIMAN l'Ol "T .. OlllOINAI S,Aa MANI 0 IUCIC IOOUS IP'OI •UIS INfU-MAN101 wan 011 .. y-s tt'~t~I MOT IUD i'~J> Rff 101 -ocKJtNAI sua MANI IUCK IOGH$ l'O> •LUI INfaA-MAN101 --.,-.,...---,. "Titll ONI Wiii SCAU TOU TO DUTH" ,HANJASM111 •t~ CUUI Of, .. DIVIL1111 T .. o .. OINAI Sl'AQllWIH IUCK IOGHS (1101 'lUS THI IND Of T .. WOllO \ I l ...... .. , .... DUeOUT' •• _,.11\Mi .. r•a.u. ....... MlfOI YI Lot -...o:J; ' --.. , ...... n .. crc.-,..,Ml9dlc 0... lindt II ...... ~~Ind of OOUFllt IO '809 ~ ,_ .. *Id o.$<>10 "- to Mwit ...... ..... ~...,.. ....... '° ... ...._ .... ~ fnlll'ld, ftOW a IMtfOIM l.':'°'MH , °"' ,,,.._. Ith • ' *"Illy OUtllO ho91•Qt and ffC.,. OUt inQ • lof Ill'\ l>ll'9fll• 9THllAINT • MOYtl •• '• .. w ........ Wl14ll1 h •• 0-" I IHOl lt!IMI Kew.ca. Mtf'OO MOofe A ~ .. eimo.c coun.mttt•Ntd f0< t.11111d!na • '"°'' 11o1t1 on a ftdfll P<»I In '"-,., feel. l!_hrl) • TMl IHN<llNAM PLAYi ~· rOI MeMUrt ' 1<111e NelkOln· CtwlllOOhtr 11.uu. f1m PIQOU·Sr111111 .,ld Jolln MeEntt) tier In on• Ol s1111r .. p .. re'1 motl COlllloYefllal come- "'" G ACAOIMY l.IAOIM Aaoi.~e " "Neigh· bO<t lllld • Ct1y 01 Gold 1:)0 8 ti) MIM WIHtLOW & IOH i•IOcal~ty 0¥IRIAIV .,, •• cw. ~ •· T lie u $ C<w1~11tut10t1 Straight ~a~ed Sua.lll 11 Q•~" the C>PC>Of• tutllly 10 fUfll* Mr Cllf- M lht •~~-ot tiav;no 111;r molllef move 111 to 1111111 ""' • of the baby • THIOOO~ Anm dt1Y1"1) eaCh Olhe< 10 nea. CllS1rac1oon Fet•'• ano O!o.Cor aHf'flel • group lfle< 8"Y 50IM>tl i1 ::::: .. .._. ~JACt<ION G1111a1t "°twn ,.."' Dote> lh't o.tloil !.IMl'fl~ UI MJ*1y 11 JI() ~ 1l\IJ l.!!J.OOflfy C.lllldl~ Ttm Pl$lO ll Smith play-. i\n1~clo . th e -.lrttlf!ht hH'l'd young ma11 ldt 111 ('ha1·~.c of \'1enua b~ lhl' n·1..:Jlin~ clukl' •md K ate at ~UNWAff El9'1t0<t1Ui}f'9t"-Adlll•I llOll C"°88-WITS MPVOAlmN Guei.h A•1111 Ru,. .. 1 t•lhi;, n •~ bnhl'lla, thl• woman An~elo ha:, clt•sii;:ns on 111 tht' BB<· TV produ<:lion nr W1lhom Shuk(''-IH'W I'.. l\h•,1sun.• for tt.·u~ur '. · tum~ht at 8 o 'l'lm·k on Chunnt.•I :!ti ~ 8 DEAR DETECTIVE Ka141·1 SUSPICIOllS 11\ol ao .llppa<t!flt MJfCrcte was e<:lu· a11y a M<HOOr "'"' with a perhlot llllb< Cl WHEILS 8QOOY fhu C.611 Awo '1l) COHSUMER 6UA\llVAL KIT Alt9f Ence runs olt "'nil "er rac;i c r dover. Adam m •es plans to temilff'I, bul tne oe 111 OI Erica s IOv•• seoos her back st1a1. le<eo 10 Aaom on 1he eve 01 hts wedding IPorl 2 or ~ICRl l o1enco l..im•~ Am11 S 1tw•n Jhninv """ P4111en. G1 .. n1 C..OOCle•• 1<arm11Rock 1:30 8 WOALO WAR II 01 DWtf MOIOt 0.1• PdyH'>g ~OI CCJlltlQit r "uc.a11on 1 SmJll C..launt Couri~ ?~,~~GAME ft>e Flying FO<llOH Cl 8HANANA Guvs• Jor>nnv T111ot!>Ofl 8 DA TIHO OAt.AE l THE t.AUPPETS (lj) FAMIL't'FWD AllCNEWI 8 &100.0QO NAME THAT TUHE t.00 8 TME JEffER80HS U AMERICANS "The 1mm1gron1 • 66-y11ar· Ola Leon S1ern aoscusses h1s 1ncrcM1no awareness Of 111s 1mmogran1 •ools • ()) JOKEA'8WILO SANFOAO ANO 80H lomc>nl and ROllO Ir'/ IO mo~• big 51ar~ ot a s1no1ng 0 TICTACDOVOH Q) ADAM-12 Ge<Hge lrtUS •o (luck OUI OI c~at1ng hos ... ooaong ann<vttt snry wrlh l ou1se 0 DISNEY ANIMATED CELEBRA TIOH "'° . 9 MACHEk. I LEHRER AUOftT MollOy .ond ~ .ite 001 10 ClllCh an lllUS•V& ~9DOlt!iJI on a 0t11iHT111n 01nto-1>ot1u. hon campaign m 21TOHIGHT "GoSOllne uo. Up A11el Jomlflv Cnckel h11s l>fOD· IE'mR C()nv1ncong tus lrten<IS Mic~ey Minnie on" Donald to cul their vac1111ons sh0tl .ind be on hos lel4W1SlOll show D @) CHARUE"S AHGELS The Angots lflves11oate a • tiaunled porapsychotogy rnsl•tule t>crl\g paHon•zed by a rldl lcmale lrtenct ot Bostey s (RI D INTAOOUCIHO Cllaaa.-1 Li11f h19• • KNXT fCBS) LO> Angelo<, • KNBC (NBC) Los Angeles e r<TLA (Ind ) Los Angele!> 8 KABC· TV (ABC) Los Angoles ()) KFMB (CBS) San Diego D KHJ-TV (Ind) Los Anqeles 0 KCST (ABC) San Diego I KTTV (Ind.) Los Angele!> KOOP· TV ( rno ) Los Angeles • KCET-TV (PBS) Los Angeies fD KOCE· TV (PBS) Huntington Beach 0 EDWAAO THE KING Gooa Ola T eaayo' Eaws1a retuses 10 allow 011 nea1111 10 1mpeae hos .,uon~ 10 saloouara lhu Pt;ace ol Eur<>Pe 0 l10 THE MACKENZIES Of PARAD48E COVE The MllC~e,we kras rry to «11se enoug" money 10 c.loom a crate wtnch may be ,l link IO lh1•or mrss1n9 0 THE GOSPEL ROAD " \IO•Y ol Jou~ Wn\I l>Y JollnnvC.•>n G) MERV GRIFFIN Guests Rene Russo l orenzo l'lmds Amu Stowart. Jrmmy \Ian Pq11en Grant Goodeve K.Jrm<J Roe~. S1ep11en St>ortroelgo a!) OA\110 SUSSKIND 'Overnight' Amusing Special Highlights Linden's Career By JERRY BU<.:K HOLLYWOOD < i\ P 1 If you thought all Hal Linden could do was ride herd on the dotty detec· tives of "Barney Millt•r ." here'!> gOOdnews. Linden. a former Broadway singing star and Tony award winner fas if you didn ·1 know 1. takes an a mu:-ing look al his "overmj?ht" ril>e to fam1> in hl'i firs t s(><'cial. i\s ht• s~~s. "If I was an overnight s uc'Cl'!.S, it "<.t!> one hell of a long night " HE SINGS ANO dances his way through those ~arly days with a ble assistance from three former Broadway companions Linda Lavin. Bonnie Franklin and Cathryn Damon. ll is a cha rming. dcllghlfol. funny hour of the ups and m ostly -downs of breaking into show business. "The Hal Linden Special," created by Ken and Mitzi Welsh and Joe Layton, airs tonight on ABC. IChannel 7, 10 p.m. I IT FOLLOWS YOUNG must· ciao Harold Lipshitz. who re· names himself after a city in New J ersey and becomes Harold Linden except the printer misspelled his name on his cards and for t.iree years he was Harold Lyndon . Cards cost money. Finally, he em erges as Hal Linden. "ll's not just about m y career," says Linden. who was interviewed backstage during filming of "The Ma ry Tyler Moore Hour.·· in which he was appearing as a guest. "We took bits a nd pieces Crom the careers or everyone connect- ed with the show. But I think every first specia l has a certain autobiographical touch lo it. The audience finds out something about someone they see on television. "I WAS A UTl'LE nervous that it would be too ·me-ish, · too personal. Take an hour lo tell my story? Who cares? This is really the story or all or us in the special. I thought it might be too inside, that only theater people would a.ppredate it. Then I re~ alized it's the same in any busi- ness -we all have our put. downs, defeat.a and triumphs." Linden didn"t achieve success ( T\' REVIEW J until 1967. when hl• was 36. In 1961, he m;ide only 53,000. the low point of his car('er There "'tre many t1m<·o; \\hen hl• b<'gan 111 '4 0ndc r 1f th<.· s lrugglt> \loltS worth it. ··rt didn't hit me unlll I had kids." savs Lindtm, no1.1. lht> father of four. HE MET IUS '4ift'. 1-·ranccs. "'hen they played summer stock in Hyanrus. Me:1ss. "It didn't occur to me earlier that I was wasting my lrfe . I was doing what l 1,1, anted to do. as unsuccessful as I was. When my eldest daughter was ready for pre-school, about 1964. I began to worry where the money was going to come from. ··At tha'C point it occurred lo Television Movie Set On Hideouts SALEM. Ore. IAP> -A two- hour television movie is planned about the stormy marriage of John and Greta Rideout. The movie is to cover the ear· ly days of their troubled mar· riage and the incident which led to Rideout's trial and acquittal on a charge or raping his wife, the Oregon Statesman said. Co-producer Vanessa Green of Los Angeles said she and a partner bought the film rights to Mrs. Rideout·s s tory. The prices we re not disclosed. Ms. Green said the two com- panies then got together to pro- duce the mm. The producers plan to be in Salem for the Rideout 's divorce trial this month in Marion Coun- ty Circuit Court. The couple re- conciled an.er Rideout's acquit· tal Dec. 27. But they split again March 9. .. TREY AREN'T LIKE 08?" Co_..9 April latla • 8pm ----~ me that e\'l'll 1f I had 1 he munc•y to send her to school that year. there "as absolutely nothing to convince me I'd have money for the next year And CC'rtainl.v I'd never be able to get enough aside for college ... THEN HE READ un ad for announcers for the Voice of .\men ra in a trade ma~atinc for actors. Ile ans .... en•d the ad and ,got back an a pplic ation and material for hrm lo rl'ad for a trial rec·ording "l kept it for two weeks. then I got a JOb." he says "I put it aside. arid the next timl' I was un· employed I took it out. Then I got another job. I kept that letter for six vears." Linden wasn ·t in the chorus long. He became an understudy and replaced Sydney Chaplin in ··Bells Are Ringing" and was in the movie version. "I SPENT SEVEN years as a standby." he says. "So when the kids in the chorus were making S175 a week J was making $350. It was a Jiving wage, but the jobs never lasted \'Cry long." Linden landed his JOb in ABC's "Barney Miller " when producer Danny Arno ld s potted him perf o rmin g in "Th e Rothschilds." which won him a Tony. With "Barney Miller" came n ational recognition. stardom and that "feeling that for the first time I was being overpaid." He has since been in sever a l TV movies and the theatrical film. "When You Comin' Back. Red Ryder ... Action ThriJler Airing Sunday HOLLYWOOD IA P > -Dale Robinette stars as a J ames Bond type secret agent in the actioo- a d venture thriller "Billion Dollar Threat." airing Sunday on ABC. Patrick McNee plays the villain. Horatio Black. who wants to blast a hole in the earth's ozone layer with his mis· site. Robinette takes him on with his bag of dirty tricks. .,.,.,. l.Mf(l &. w wma.preenc - .-.... llCMAID In "'ntl lO'I'" ~ .. a film wilU~ arid prodllce<I b')' JlANCJS W8 wlcll IA<QUIS f'IANCOeS. MKMU. ~. OANti CICCAUI ~ JAIM:l CillCO DAILY 1 At PM IUHOAY MATINHI • 2:00 PM TUBE TOPPERS KTLA e 9:00 -Americans. Leon Stein, 66. discusses an increaa.lng aware· ness or Ms immigrant roots on "The Jm· misrant ... KHJ e 9:00 -''The Gospel Road." Television premiere of the story of Jesus. sung and told by Johnny Cash Crom the producers of "The Hiding Place." KCET .fB 10 : 30 -Frankie and J ohnny . Tribute to the first American bullet includes interview wJth Ruth Page. the 9riginal Frankie. and clips of the 1938 production. 10;00 8 (I) KAZ K111e go1e1s Kai 1n10 delend1og her O•rllrienel, a b111111<ed wife wt>o kll*I /!« husband IR~NDEN 8P£CW. Hat lu\den ana h•S guests Linda LA1"'· Bo<inoe Fran~­ lin and Calhryn Oamon pay troDute to "ovarn1g1>1 sucoesa · · 111 lllOW bus•nes.s Wtltl an hOur ol sorig. com. edy ano dance. g) NIGHT GAl.L.EAY The Rtng Wllh The Red Vetvet Ropes"' The new &ell-c:onllr:tenl heavyweight bo1ot19 champion or lhe world 11as one more. unscnectuled. bOul '11) THE ADVOCATES • ShOuld A Ta• Ot Fee On Commercial Broaelc.sUflil Help Pay For Public Broaacasling?" 10:30 G) ti) NEWS fD FRANKIE ANO JOfiNNY Tl11S 401h anntV&fSa•y fflb· ule 10 Ille first Ame<ican balll!C 1neluctes an 1nl6f\ll- w11h Ruth Page. Ille ono•· nal Frankie. ana clips or 1he 1938 proouct100 11:008 0 G CIJ®l NEWS Q MAKE ME LAUGH 0 MOVIE • • • "Sacco Ana Vantol· 11 • (197 11 Goan Man a Volonte. Aoccarao Cucc•OI· la Two llol1on 1mm1gran1s ona pohtocal ac11v1s1s are 1a1sety accu~ 01 murae< at1er a payroll robbery (2 hrs I G) CHICO ANO THE MAN ea recerve$ an onv11a1r<>n 10 hrs ola Army batteltoo reunion. but is embarra~- Id IOlltend • THl MNNV HtU. SHOW •oocCA~ ~I: Slephetl Spendef IPll'I 1of2) 11:30 9 (I) YOUI' nn.N "letltfS To CBS News" 0 TONOKT Ho11. Jo!lnny C1r1on GuoslS: Jonnnv Mathis, Merllu Tolo. lftalrlce L~«. IC.tll'( MonletUI I SOUPY SA.LES 1tJ POUCEWOMAN Peppet's t>udcty Pele lt111 In tove ""'" 1 ICl\aoph•en· oe 11 tller he llle*IS whlle protecting a wi1MSs, «D THE GONG SHOW G) GET SMART Mu. an e•&c1 fooll·al1ke la< Ille 1<1ng, agrees 10 take llJS place &J a Oecoy 6) CAPTIONED ABC ~ 12.-00 8 ()) ROCl<FORO ALES Rockford uncQY1!rs a web 01 bribery ano conS91r acy wlltle trying to clear a man 5uspec1ed 01 murcter•no hrs boss U TWIUGHT ZONE Gregory West s wile 1s 1ealous When she seos him wllh anothe< wom'ln 1n h•S arms G) A1nED HITCtiCOCK PA£SEHT8 Tnt' t<euv Blue" A mans IOVt' IOI ,,,, pet dog leads 10 C11$8Sle• when lhe dog a•M m OETSMAAT MO• and 99 a1SGOYer 1na1 a guru is otolung o wide SG11le 11ypno1tz1ng scheme 1:2:30 0 MOVIE • • "Tnt' Devol To Pay" C*" ...... ~v ... •.-YOWIO._..._.. .. .... ........ of.~ .. '°"' ... °"' ..... .....,..._,...,c•w .. H"*'.I • llilOV9 •w-·a.•--. ... ..- Ao!M" (1*1"""" ~ M . Cyd ~A ... '°' ............ ..... ~ ..... !NII tfWOUQll the ....... undtlWOfid. (2 In.) • MOVll ••'A>"IWMA~·· ( 1960) Scott •ecty. Mone Ftttmen. A Geno Ol e•I«• llOnlltl lftcr..... ''*' membeftNC> by .,....... ino 10 blQW IM Whl6lle on k ltc>lom.,,i.c, unMltl 11\ty jOin lhe Olll'll (I tit , 30 lz:i? e D MANNIX Manni• rurn1 11111 • recently deceMed Nllow 09'~ owned • roll of lllm ldet>tltying the l*i>e- trllOfl of• rot>t)efy. 1:00 D TOMOMOW Outtts. Glynn Wolle, whO clalmt 10 '1..,. bMfl !NW• rled n ,.,,_: o.orve Scnlatter. CfUIOt ol T\l'I ,"Leugh-ln " G MAVENCK "The Mar~" 1:108(1) f(OJAK" TM -Ch for I l>fOIM- slonll .....in •• hindered by Ille rinoelly between KOjllc Ind the Olfleor 009 ~=iwor=lheCW.IR) 2:00 NEWS MOYIE * * •..; "TOfllllhl It Ouis" ( 19331 Fr•drfe Merell. Claudette Colbert. A pm. oess and a coinrnoner IMI '" love on Plflt. 11 h,., 2$ mini Q MOYIE • * * "Llfet>oat" ( l~l Tanu1at1 Banllhead. JOhn Hod11k. OWectect by Allred HllChooett The comm.net· er Of a German U-boat 10tns lhe survivors of a lteigllle< he SUIW< In lheot 11tebolll 12 tws • 3 m.n I • OET&MART KAOS slartr. drying up the Unti ed s 111es wtth a secret lonnula (Part 31 2:201J NEWS 2:308> MOYIE * *'~ "Terr<>f On Hlllt Moon Slreet" Serg&anl l'ePoef Of Scottaod Yard 1nve511Q31e. the murcters ot llOOC!turn and Ills girl- T••nfla•'• ........ ,, . .,.~.' AFTERNOON U:GO •• *"' "CWry On NurM" (1HO) Ken~ll • Connor, Shitley Ealan. Troub4e and conluslon reloi' ~ lhe men'• ward and the ltl" on en Englltl\ llOlpltm. (1 llf., 30 """''' • ***"~.And Mrs. Smith" (19'1) Carole Lombard. Gene Raymond. Olfetl.S by Alfred Hiteh- cod(. A oouplt ~ by a "'*• tlllt "*' mer· ,.. • illtgll. (t hr .. ·00 min I • 1:00 ••••• "Stloeshlne .. 11947) Oirec1ed by VIUOfiO Oe Slca. A.,.... of lnipoyir. !Stied youths. wanting lo purct\ne 1 l\otM, In pOlf= wa1 uaiy. ve• mixed uc> Wllh UftSll'</OtY cnar.cttfS and .. Mn4 lo • retorm•I~ '1.. (2 llfs.I 3:00 Qt) * * "The Miracle" 11968) I.Us». Mictlael- J-Wuel«'. A lllVle lot- Tie bOy belriendtl L-.. and her pups and sa>JM them from e11tr9'me oanger. ( 1 hf .. 30 min.I 3:30 •••• "Cepftoe" (TNT)~ Dey, Aicnerf Harrta. A tllOlftlft Ira..,.._ irlocogMo to nctc down tbe l'WCOllcs ring t'espon- Slble t0r her tattler'• dealt! 11 hr ,30min.I ABC Wins Ratings . ~Despite CBS Mark ;'l:EW YORK 1AP) -CBS listed four ortbe 10 most-watched prime-time programs during the week endmg April 8. but ABC had the bigger s hare and won the network's ratings race for the 13th consecutive week, figures from the A. C. Nielsea Co. s how. ABC claimed Coor of the five top.rated pro· grams. including No. 1 ''Laverne and Shirley." runnerup "Three's Company" and "Happy Days•· in third place. All three prograll\6 were reruns of previous episodes. THREE OF CBS' FOUR top-rated programs were new, including No. 4 "00 Minutes" and No. 6 "All in the Family." The exception was a rerun of , "M ·A·S-H " thatfinished IOth intheratin~s. Ttie configuration at the top resulted in a slight edge for ABC over-all , 18.8 lo 18.6 for C~. NBC. s uffering anothe r dtsmaJ week, was thtrd . with a rating or 15.7. THE NETWORK SA VS THAT means in an ~ average prime-time minute during the week, 18.8 pe rcent of the homes in the country with television were tuned to ABC. For NBC. it was the eighth week in a row in last place. . .. The rating for "Laverne and Shirley was 33. 7. Nielsen says that means of all the homes II\ the country with TV. just over a third saw at least part of the show. One of the few bright spots in the week for NBC was n 't that bright at all. Tiie troubled network's top progra m was the second installment in a four-part miniseries. "Jesus of Nuareth," 4 " •• ,...... and a rerun at that. It was ranked 17th. The con- HAL LINDEN SINGS AND DANCES eluding chapter Sunday night was No. 22 in the rat· Actresses Lavin, left, Damon and Franklin ings. Don't buy one La·Z·Boy SAVE '50 - L M.'BOYD ) ..... INFORMS In the DAILY PILOT MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE All am AHO llil FR. ""5 Al CCIV[ ™E sCAl OF rnc1.ionoN P1C1um: CX)(l( Of SfV AEGIAA TIOH YCXM DAILY PILOT CAN IE RICYCL!DI Orange totst College ~rates the offldat center for Cost• ~. wm,.nm., ... 11·12 ..._ ··-·-_. ..,. ..... ... vi -. , .. '~---------~--~~---· THE/j~ 'CHANP [Pel ~OWYN rMV\Rpiesl'nhArRMfO!HTIRllU f" .\ llN \'000 rA~[ l\l"iM.\Y RM.:!'.~ SCHROOlR 'lHI CtWK He lives in a world of music. She lives in a world without sound. '.-Voices,' A love story beyond.words. METJIG.GOlDWVH-MAYlfl 011St11b11VOICES" slJfMQ MICHAEL ONTKEAN ·AMY IRVING ·ALEX ROCCO 'MlllCll by JOHN HERZi-HO ·Sooos & Stole by JIMMY WEBB Prooucea Dy JOE WIZAH Olrtt•ed by ROBERT MARllOWITZ A JOE Wl~N Produt110rl • M[TROCOlOR' , At.ia nt \\lo.P•tER l'Jplo<ti. • ()ni;otwl --;;,,,, ~-17, P\J.N{1 Aqas-..0 I~ PG _, .. GllllMICJa.a:l1iff<» G .T .. "'i:.::-_ _,_ .... ..,. ...... ..,, ___ • MGM ;; unir1WVAltllts ft19..,.-ttil0-00l~W."'lll""'-• Ai,,.,..,..,IW~ DAILY MATINEES Audience · Calculated Voices' Mixe1 Reality, Sentiment, 'Heart' a, A8TIH1& kNIGllT , ........... .._._ Thf' ttturM won·t M In for another 1»on\b or 10 on .. V0tc:e1," produffd by Joe Wlian for Metro- Gnldwyn·llaytr: but I had Pf'e(I ly th u me re· action to It that I did to IHl ytar'1 "Vou Ll1&hl UJJ My Lare " flolh, It ise ms to me. had colc:try pre ultutated thf> audlHce, m • urlna out the proper amounll ot reality. tentlmentallty, pop tunca and heart. "YOU U•hl Up My Life" obviously delighted u ronaldHabJei teiment or the ticket -and record buyers IMl y ar Thero 11 no rea1'on to beheve that "Volcf'tt." with all the u me :Jal able clements. ~on 't do tut well this um around IMAGINt; It~ YOU WILL • mix of "The Turnlna Pont." "Bloodbr;others" and "Welcome lo l...A. ' Michael Ontkcan 1 from TV's "The .. ~.._... ~WI,... Olrt<ll' R-rt ~~k-lll Mwlt< Jlmmt Wetlll C•'4 Mk -OitA• .... Amt ll"•ln\I, ..... """·· 8••rv Miiier, Herbert lie,.~. VI-• llf\dloo, .41114111 Al<n, JO~ CAii • • AllNll"V llm• 10. tnon allhouah they· attm to occuey two distant plueta. l'he plot. auoh as It la. tonceraa itself primarily with 1ettln1 up roadblocka to prevent Ontkean from getting to the Jersey City tryouts in time l<> ~el up lht' loudspeakers so that. lrvln1 can feel and resPond lO the bettl or the dance numbers. He does. She does. And one can presume that they dance and aln• toeether happily e\'er aft.er. IT'S ALMOST AS SYNTHETIC as that. except that I came a~ay with the feeling that if Ontkean were given the dynamics or a ··Saturday Night. Fever." he could easily be the new John Travolta: and that Irving has all of the grace, charm and personality lhal Leslie Browne needed to turn her into a major star after "The Turning Point." For both. it's a 'matter of being in the wrone film at the wrong time. And yet, maybe it isn't the wrOnl: film. Certain· ly. Robert Markowitz. graduating from the TV ranks. has ~iven full value to each of his charac· ters. and Alan Metzger's razor·sharp photography adds its own measure of reality to them. Jimmy Webb has contributed a be~uiling score. making Rookies"> pl"ys u smger who must sllll contribute "VOlces" an extremely easy-lo·take movie. Un· to hla family's laundry busines.-. in Hoboken. fortunately. not everyone likes lo be "taken." Attracted lo deaf mule Amy Irving. he is de· ------------------- trrmined to help her achieve her aspirations to ctunC'<' Although she ls content to teat'h other deaf children, dancing •~ upparenlly scnptwnter John Herzrt>td's metaphor ror ( a6o•nE J "the riner things ... 1n 1 r-• The Camtly constantly REJ'IEW interferes in this anct· , pie nl ro mance. The ---------father tAlex Rocco> is a <'hronic gambler, always thrdtenin~ to gamble away ha s family's modest inheritance. The grandfather 1 Herbert 8ergbof1 only wants that everybody should be happy. AND ONTKEAN'S STREET·WISE brothe r 1Barry Miller ) can't see why a i?uy can't make out with a good·looking chick without having to marry her. V1veca Lindfors is brieOy effective as the girl's understanda bly concerned mother, Minnelli, Haley Coniplete Divorce SANTA MONI CA 1AP l Academy Award· winning actr€.'ss Liza M innelli and televis1on ex· ecutive Jack llaley Jr. have been divorced after a year .tong separation. Miss Minnelli. 32. and Haley we re married Sept. 14. 1974. and separated Feb. l. 1978 Haley's divorce pet1t1on cit1n~ irreconcilable differences was filed April 18, 1978, and the divorce became • final thjs wce.k. The couple had no children. and lhe divorce in· a volved a property settlement 1"'-mpoeer --o--·eQ Miss Minnelli won an Oscar as best actress for '-Al " 1'• '-' ~ the 1972 film "Cabaret." Haley was prQducer of Monday night's nationally televised Academy Awards program Haley's father, Jack Haley Sr., played the role of the Tin Man in the 1939 movie "Wizard of Oz." whic h starred Miss Minne lll 's mother, Judy Garland. IT IS NOW RATED PG EDWA"DS' CINEMA CfNlf" Costa Mesa 979·414 l CIMEMAllMD Anaheim 635·7601 NOW PLAYING DIUMGEMAll Orange 637-0340 IMAPl.AZA Brea 529·5339 UAMEIM ORIVE·IM Ananotm 879·9850 FIRST RUN ENGAGEMENT She haS to say yes to the feelings Within her •.. befoN she can know herself. A lARftf PEERCE/R()&RT A OO..OSTQ.I f*11"THE BEU. JAR" Sbilf'1Cl MAfUlYN HASSETT JUUE HARRIS· ANNE ...CKSON 8AMAM MME ~ M:>IUT KlSN a.~ .-~by ~IE KEUOGG · Bolod en !tie ro.G bj SYIY.A AocMad bJ JtRIO.D BRANOT. JR. ore MICHAEL O:Q .IA. <oAoa.c:.d bJ 'ONV loMAfO ~ MK)REW P OClNIME ~byGERALO rnE0 ·&ea.M ~ A()BERT A~ 0"9t'9d lARRV PEEOCE ~.~d.-anls~~ R DAILY HAllOllATADANl,COITA...sA MATINEES IA YHDI CIMTR t7M 141 Frankie Curit', sonS{\\'nter a nd composl'r whose greatest popularity came during the 19-tOs, is movrng from Malibu to Mes a. Anz. But the i6-y('ar·old mus ician s ays he doesn't plan to retire: the move is aimed at easing his wife's a rlhnt1s. THURSDAY-APRIL 12 THE DINO DE LAURENTllS PRODUCTION PARAMOUNT PICTURES RELEASE "HURRICANE" FRIDAY-APRIL 13 OUR DOORS OPEN WITH THESE THREE BIG ATIRACTION S 1be Promise";· ... 10 to-each ~r otMr fore\ler ... l"'; Plua ·VOICES ~-­-.. ·--•'CC*fNQ HC>m'' -=-=-"HIAVIN CANWAIT" I \ ...... -. ................ ., -· "THE CHAMP" CPG> "MMe TIME NIXT VEAA" "CACl'<>ANIA IUtTI .. (PG) JANlfONOA "THa CHINA 8VNOROHE" (PO> "THI"""" MUSUTUR" "THI THRla MUSKITllAI" "AGAfHA" (flO) "MURDER ON THE OAtENT EXPRESS" ....... "' 'EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE" "BEYOND THE OOOA. PART 2" (R) IONAL lAMPOON S ANIMAL HOUSE UP IN SMOt<E "CALIFORNIA SUITE" "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" (PG) "THE WARRIORS" (R) 'LIPSTICK' "ICE CASTLES" "TAKE DOWN" CPG> .. A L.I.. ORl\fl INS 0"C"' 6:JOr.M.NHIHT\Y Clukl Under 12 '"" V"1eu e o<klch• Pl••n•o""" ~--.......................... ...;,.;,.;..;..;;.-;;.;~ ... .ti! fWR Let the sun shine In! • LESl[R Pf.RSt<Y" MICHAf.l BUlllR •• ·MILOS FORMAN ·~· RAGNI, RADO • Mac0£RMOl'S "HAIR' .. , OfN SAVN:'l. • TRCAT WltWMS · BfV[RtY O'AtnlO • ANli1E GOU>lN OOlS£Y WRIGHT·OON OACUS·OfCRYI SARNES ... MHBA MOQR[,RQNNl[OVSQN -.:~-:..":GEROME RACHI, JAM(S RADO ._·,.:.:CAI.I Mac:OERMOT w; ~lOM PIE.RSOO •..;; RO&R1 GRE£MiUl .:;"~ MIROSIAV ONDRICEK --·MICHAEL W[U£R .--• 1WflA THARP -· USlE.R Pf.RSKY .. MICHAE.L BtffifR ....... Mil.OS FORMAN AOPfdture ,..,,..,,,.~ i 1 ..,., , ............ ,...... .. ....... , • .,..I T Umt8d Arnstl !PGLW"'·~-J!llOl .... .,....,.._. ... ~. ~~----....... ·~~ IN SENSATIONAL DOLBY STEREO AT EDWARDS HARBOR TWIN ( Piiot Logbook .J 11ie Oscars. Price Success? 8 J t;RltY tlt;KTENSTt:I N °' .-. o.u, "'"' ...... ltet om• Tht· rTIOVH'"I J.11 I' u 11poof Peoph• ttrt• a hpo<>C Th<' Acath•my Awurt.b 1!> u 11poor 'rhf' box orfm· l"I a 11poor. All of lht' ubo' t• Nou~ of lht• ubm t• Nt;AR\' 48 110 RS h1nl' clusped since the 52st Oscars i.ho" bul the dt•httlt• wot·~ on about whether "The Deer lluntt>r' WWI 111dc•c<l lH'i>t VINUrl• 1'h •re hui, been much written pro and con aboul tt1e film wluch also \\IHI for Michael Cimino best director Oi.(·ur ll ~ bt•t.•n "EltT£NSTllN noted repc.•tedly that movie and "Coming Home." a story of the war wounded . ha' c helped keep bu ming a question thul will n'Cv er be settled , should America have been in Vie tnam'? The point i~ While the 1>tory goals may be clear In earh movie at what price for llollywood ., It'!> ironic that while it's John Q. Public's choice to buy a movie ticket. "The Deer Hunter." on lhe sole basis or winning besl piclure stands to gross an estimated SlO million ON TllE NIGHT I saw "The Deer Hunter." there was 11 hue al the box offi ce although it was mid-week anq ram· mg ll was S4 for the ticket. another wait al the concession for on 85·<·cnl popcorn. much or it burned and unpopped. T he mo,•ie had much cursing and gruesome scene~. one in which pigs played wi th parts of bodies ufter the burning of a s mall North Vietnam village. Therl' were S('vcral children, ages 5 and 6. in the t tll'alC'r audiencc When the sound of shots rang loud over the theater's elaborate sound system one child responded time uftcr time• with cries. AND WHEN TllE three buddies from a Pennsylvania :-.tcel town escuped their Viel Cong captors there was <'heering and applause from the audience. Why" The scen<'s just before the escape, rats crawling O\'<'r one captive and the oth<>r two prisoners outbluffing the Cong m a game of Russian roulette. were terribly dcpn:ssing. J on Voight reportedly "li \'ed " m a wheelchair seven \\eeks to learn his role as the paraplegic in "Coming llomc .. Voight, besl actor. and Jane Fonda, best actress, who playl•d Vo1~hl ·~ friend and lover in the £ilm. each made the point Monday night that their Oscar wmnings would keep the film acll\'C. enabling more people to see it. T HESPIANS CANNOT BE denied their success but again . at what prt<''-"' While man) of the \\ ar wounded are still confined to hosp1t:ils and M uld only watch the At'c.idemy Awards on tt•levision. Voight \~a~ s1c•t.•n after the ceremony fleeing in a ..,l<>ek gray llmous1n<• Th<' c<i r sped away into th1• black night Along the ... trl'<'l a )Oungst<>r in blucJean~ and dernin Jackt't was t r y 1n J? to pc·rs uadc those leaving t he• l'l'remon1e~ latC' to part with the Oscars progra m. Who's spoofing who·.' MOVIES HOLLYWOOD IAP} -After Jane Fonda won her first Oscar for "Klute.·· s he claims -i he couldn't find wor k for four years "because of the Nixon ad· m inistration." With her second Academy award it's a different story. Miss Fonda a nd co.star Jon Voight were hailed best actress and actor or 1978 for their ro l es as a Ma rine wife a nd h <>r paraplegi c lov e r i n "Co min g Home." With l h <' s i m · ull aneo u s 'iUCCCSS of the l'ONOA prophetic "The Chana Syn d r o me," another fil m 1>hc sponsored and s tarred 1n . M1si. l''onda appeared at tbe peak of her career !laving become top box·office as well as a prophet with some honor in her own count ry. what ch allenges could re main for Jane Fonda'' Nol public office. she declared "I IL\VE no 1ntcnt1on of run mng for office." she told the post·awards press conference at Mo nday ni g ht 's Acade m y Aw a rds "Mov1ci. arc what I do And I happen to think that they should be something more than a procession or powderpuffs . Fo r Jon Voight th<' (hear signaled the end of a career ·drought. Nommalcd for best ac tor for "M1dn1 gbl Cowboy" in 1969. he endured a long series of forgettable movies Originally he was cast as Mis1> Fonda 's husband in "Commg Home." a role that "as played by Bruct• Dern "Once I got tnlo the proJect. I suggested thut I might be right for l~e other role ... said Voight Dad Hospitalized C HICAGO 1AP 1 Actor Henry l',ondu will r<'main tn a hospital for four or ft\'e day!-> for treatme nt or a sore hip. a the ater spokesman said Mon - day All o f thi s w<>ek ':-. performances or "Fir1>t Monday in October." 1>t arrtn1? Fonda at the Blackstone Theater. haH• bl'Cn cancelled .... ,. '4untingt0n lllth 8'8·038& CllUIACUTU Costa Meu 979·4141 Whof do you do when eaylMQ --I the two cJ you ~ wwong? ~ . ' ttC*'C()I CM!. ~ : • • • • • • • • • • : l)l)()C)CJCTI04• : • • • _,,,_ .... ,.,Lo ....... JI><. ... _ ...... ._ ... '" •• t•~· ... ·· -.w ...... 0 "!._ ... o....~ .... \. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• STARTS FRIDAY!· . WINNER 3 ACADEMY AWARDS BEST ACTOR • JON VOIGHT BESTACTRESS•JANEFONDA BEST SCREENPLAY Story by Nency Dowd now playing together 4 ACADEMY AWARDS AT EDWARDS ''HEAVEN CAN "COMING HOME" WAIT" Winner Of Academy Award For Best Achievement In Art WINNER 3 AWARDS BEST ACTRESS JANE FONDA BEST ACTOR JON VOIGHT BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY AflO Showl1t9 wHh Awercf Winner "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" At Edwercft Huntington Edwllrcft CIMIM WHl Edw•fd• Seddtebt.Ck Pl•H Call Ottlert for Co·HH1 A Jerome Hellman Produc1ion A Hal Ashby AJm JtJAefiltda Ji~¥~~~ . iftlhte Screenplay by Waldo Salt and Robert C. Jones Associate Producer Produced by Bruce Gilbert Jerome Hellman Stot"y by Nancy Dowd Directed by HalAshb Director of Photogoaphy Haskell Wexler For Centerpiece, Do Popcorn Lamb HERE'S A CHANCE to get the family logethe r to decorate for ' E asler. This year. why nol lry a pop corn Jamb? Make plenty of popcorn. then make a corn syrup lo coat and hold the popcorn together for mold- ing. Perha ps you have a lamb cake mold : if so, pack the coated corn in it: if not, let the creative spirit take. over for sculpting this fellow. POPCORN LAMB 1 package 1 5 oi. l popcorn 1 cup sugar 1 2 cup corn syrup 1'2 cup water 1-2 ta blespoons butter or margarine gumdrop~ Prepare popl·orn according lo package d1rcct1ons Save 2 cups or popcorn for eulin~ :ind pour re mainder into a IJri.te bowl or pan lleat sugar. corn syrup and waler in sa uC'epan to 250 de~rc('s or until u drop of syrup in cold °"" ater forms a hard bull Save a lillle syrup for at· taching decorations: pour remaining ~Y ru p over pop<'orn a nd mi it thoroughly with two large spoons. Coated popcorn is now ready to be formed into a lamb. Coat hands with butter. and \\hile working quickly pack coated popcorn into lamb mold or mold lamb rree·handedly Decorate with AUmdrops, surround with nowers or colored eggs l Morning Treat FRESHLY BAKED yeast rolls with t he del- icate flavors of apricot and pineapple swirled throughout can be a col- orful addition t o your Easter breakfast. The st icky buns a re said to be easy to pre- p a re us ing a pricot- pineapple preserves and frozen brea d do ugh. APRICOT-PINEAPPLE STICKY BUNS 1 c up a pri cot - pineapple preserves m elted Let frozen loaf thaw to room te mperature. On 1 one-pound loar frozen bread dou~h ''" cup brown s ugar 2 tablespoons butler. <See STICKY. Page C2> Hot Cro ss Bµns MINIATURE-SIZED and filled with hidden treasures, these inviting little hot cross buns seem perfect for Easter brcckfastor brunch. Pineapple Carrot Buns a re m ade with part whole wheal flour and enhanced with gra ted car rot and canned crushed pineapple. You'll find them more moist and na vorful than similar breads, according to a s pokesman for the Hawaii Pineapple Growers AssociaUon. And a light spicing and a few currants 1or other similar fruits) keep the traditional bot cross bun flavor. I F YOU Pl.AN to make the rolls the day before serving, omit the glaze until reheated so they will look freably baked. Serve Pineapple Carrot Buns with b utter or cream cheese. Or. split and toa1t under the broiler. Drizile wtlh honey-butterwblle hot. PINEAPPLECARaOTBlJNS t cl~ OI) can crushed pineapple I envelope acUve dry yeast Z tabl•poons water l laraeeu. beat.en '41 eapqar t b cupe lifted all-purpose nour ~ cup flDe1y arated carrot ... &eupoon HJt ~ teupoon cinnamon IM teaspoon nutmea 2 tablelpoom currants ~ bl' whole whHt nour v. np.....,. or mar1arine, melted 2 teupoona aynap from pineapple ~ tup lifted powdered sul{ar Turn pineapple into wire strainer to drain while preparing yeast sponge. Save 2 teaspoons syrup from pineapple to ~l aze rolls Sprinkle yeast over warm \\ater, and stir to dissolve. Add egg, 2 tablespoons sug- ar and ~3 cup all-purpose flour. Beat well. Cover batter, and let stand in warm place 25 to 30 minutes, until light and bubbly. Press excess liquid from pineap- ple and add to batter. Turn carrot into the strainer. and press dry. Add the dry carrot to baller. Stir in re m aining 2 tablespoons sugar. salt, spices and c urrants. Blend in whole whe at fl our. the n melted huller. Add remaining l cup all-purpose flour gradually to make a soft dough. Cover bowl apd let rise in warm place until doubled , a bout 1 hour. Tum out onto floured board and knead for 1 minute, kne ading in a lit· tie extra flour if dough is loo soft to handle <but keeping dough as soft as possiblel. Divide dough Into-18 small pieces. shaping each into a ball with floured hands. Arrange on greased heavy baking sheet about I inch apart. Brus h with melted butter. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise until doubled, about l hour. Balle in moderately bot oven <3'15 deirees) about 20 to 25 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from oven and lel stand 5 minutes. Stir re· served 2 teaspoons pineapple syrup into a1fled powdered augar to make a thin glue. Brush over the hOl rolls. Serve warm or cold. Makes 18 small rolls. DAILY PILOT TH t; f':i\STER BUNNY'S best brt'ads re port e dly are m or e healthful, wholesome and delicious tha n ever before. The secret to two new recipes HI cottage cheese. a versatile. nutritious dairy product thul seemln((lY works wonders in mukinc breads m oist. fresh·flavored und protein-e nriched. Consider these ideas for Easter morning entertaining; serve with 1trawberry butter and offer a cream rtn eye-opene r lo grownups a nd milk or hot chocolate to children. Cottage cheese cart;ot bread is a yeast bread m ade wilb cottage cheese plus wheat germ and grated fresh carrots. Shape the dough Into a ha ndsome brllided r ing a nd bake un· til golden. Or consider m aking little individual bas kets to set at each place . Di rections fo r shaping and baking lhe dough around the eggs are much easier tha n you might expect. according to a spokesman for the Cal ifornia Manu factu ring and Market Milk Producers Ad visrory Boards. A SWEET, FRUITED QUICK bread is another delightful offering, he said. Cottage cheel!e, wheat germ a nd chopped dates give the recipe its "remarkably good flavor." he noted. and. "It looks a ppealing baked in a bundt pan or other decorative ring mold." F ood light and mixed with strawberry pre- serves. It is delicious. lhe s pokesman said. on both lhe date and the carrot breads. CHEESE AND DATE EASTER BREAD 1'l cup butter. softened I cup s mall curd cottage cheese a;, cup brown s ugar , packed 2eggs 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract J teasPOOn Rrated orange peel t%cupflour.1.<z teaspoonsalt % cu~ vacuuin-packd wheat ger~t;:f~ns blfking powder in cup chopped da tes Beat butter with cottage cheese un· til a lmost s mooth. Beat in sugar. eggs. vanilla and orange peel. Com· bine flour. wheat germ. baking powder and salt. Stir into cheese mixture. Mix in dates. Turn into greas ed and noured 5· cup ring mold. Bake in 375-degree oven 45 minutes or until pick inserted into, center comes out dry . Cover with toil if top begins to get too brown. Cool 10 minutes. Invert onto rack lo cool com p le te ly. Ma kes l loaf. Reduce o ven to 350 degrees if using ceramic mold. CO'ITAGE CHEESE CARROT BREAD ' , cup milk. I teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butter I package active dry yeast Whipped strawber ry butter tastes gourmetish but is nothing more than s weet or salted butter whipped until (See DAJRY. Page C2> Make cottage cheese breads for Easter. Offer Festive Treats in Basket INVOLV E TUE WllOLE FAMILY 1n Easter preparation ~. "'ith creative projects. But be 1maginat1vc lhe t raditional Easler baskets and decorations arc easy to make with some novel ingredients from the supermarket. Assem ble family and creative friends lo help make Easter decora t10ns The focal point for your dinner ta ble or buf· fet could be a handmade Easter basket. fashioned from an easy mixture of m elted ma rshmallows. margarine a nd cris p rice cereal. Green-tinted cocon ut i~ the final touch to the "nest." F I LL THE COMPLETED b aske t with frosted cupcakes, brighlly colored eggs and small animals made from m ars hmallows. The Bunny.Face cup- cukcs arc s aid to be easy to prepare Simply cut mu rshmallows to make the face and bun- n y ea r s . t h e n add features with cloves. red l'a ndies and broom straw "whiskers." Tint har d ·cooked eggs or mold e~gs out or the crisp rice cereal m ix- ture and roll them in ti nted sugar. Ma king the ducks and ra b bits to a r ra nge around your basket is the most fun. according to pe rsons who·ve done the m before. ASSEMBLE THE DUCKS and ra bbits with r eg ul a r o r p as t e l - colored ma rshmallows plu s miniature mar s hm a ll o w s . S c issor s, dippe d in warm water . s ho uld make cutting easy. The cut marshmallow sides slick to each other as well as to other uncut m a rshmallows. You also could fasten together the mar s hmall ow a nim als with toothpicks. Candy decorations s hould stay in place with the help of m a rs hmallow c r em e . For a festive touch. dip the cut marshmallow sides in colored s ugar or frost m a r shma llo ws for \ar1et y . th e Ea s t er bunnies and du cks can be spread w i t h m ars h mal l ow c reme and coated with \\h 1te o r t oastl'd coconut It m igh t be h el p f ul to u se ma rshmallow creme to secure facial features MINIATURE EASTER BASKET Hollow out center or t SiUing Bunny Step I l!la n dard :.1ze ma r s hmallow Fill ba s ket "'th p ustel · l'Olorl'd m 1n 1a t.u r e marshmallows or JCllY· bean halves. Make han· die with pipe cleaner ~ 1 water Do this in a 1ar . Add coconut. fillin~ 1ar\ <See FESTIVE, Page Ct>f MARSHMALLOW CRISPY BASKET 8 cups minia t ure marshma llows or 80 regular marshma llows 10 c up~ c risp rice cereal 1 z cup mC1rgarine Melt margar ine an 6- quart dutch o ven over. l o w he a t . A dd marshmallows : stir un- t ii m e l ted and we ll ble nded. Remove from heat. Stir in cereal until well coated. P ress 112 cups of mixture into 9· inc h circle . P lace on cardboard base or ser v- ing tray. Form 312 cups or mixture into a 9·inch . ring : place on top of cir- cle Repeat to form second ring Duck ' ' ' I I I &ep 1 ' \ ' • I -, , ~ ~ Step l ,,----------.wi t h m arshm a ll ow To form handle. "rap a luminum foll around 20.inch length of ht!~l\ y "'re or coat ha nger. bend into "U" s hape 9 inches across Leaving t inch uncovered a t eac h end. press re ma1n1ng m ix t ure around forl Insert handJe ends into base of basket Decorate with tinted coconut . 1f desired Bunny Standing Upright .. ; ... ___ , Step I Step % ' ' ' I I I I J,. I I 1' , I , , I 8'ep3 cre me and roll the m in toas t ed o r tinted coconu1 . The fi lled baske ts seem to be so easy and ap p e al ing that )OU m i g ht wa nt to make several as gifts. For variety. )OU can llere arc the direc-Slep 2 make m arsh m a l low t i o n s r o r m a k i n g c r 1 s PY t' g gs . n a 1 ,. c m a r s hmallow dccora. recipe. preparing in J. lions· quart saucepan Use 'a DUNNY STANDING cup of mixture to form UPRIGHT each egg. Roll in colored To make head. cut t s ug<ff Makes l ' 2 dozen (•rosswise s lice fro m 212-i nch eggs. e a c h e n d o f a To tint coconut. dilute ma r s hmallo w . Use a few drops of food col· .t oothpick lo f ast e n ._ ________ _, orini? in •-.: te a s poon rounde d side or this mars hma llow to fl a t s id e o f a seco nd marshmallow. For ears and paw s, c ut m a rs hmaUow s lices in half. Press cut side lo halves lo head and body. For tail, cut I miniature m a rs hmallow in half: press cut side of one half to body. Decorate face with small red candles, wh o l e c lo ves o r miniature marshma llow pieces. SITl'ING BUNNY To make body, use a toothpick to fasten the flat si de s o( 2 mars hmallows . For he ad, cut l c rosswise slice from each end of another ma rshmallow: fasten rounded side of head to rounded side of body. Create ears. paws. tail and face features as for other bunny. DVCK For h ead , cut a crosswise slice from each end of I marshmallow. Secure a gumdrop beak lo 1 cut side. Add cloves or small candies for eyea. Use toothpick to fasten bead to rounded side of a second marshmallow. Create wings aad tall from 3 sUces cut from another marshmallow. Step 3 ~--------------~ Marshmallow decorations are easy to make -and tun, too. • • \ o...-y CIP1-PqeCI) I cup flaely •rated carrot& l eup 11nall curd cottaC cbMM -. cup v acuurn pac eel wtMal m.reswar '•cupaqar. ien '1.i ~ cJnnunon '• te•poon nutme1 3'• t'USJll f'tour. appro1imata)y Ueat mllk and butter, atJrrl .. UDUI mlxturt" ~at'hes 110 to us ...,..... Add Y•Ut and 1th· untU ~ved. Beat carrots wllh cona,. chffse, wbea& lel'1n, ~ ICI, Nit, clD• MIDOD. nutm•• ,._mixture. Ill• la a capt Rour to .... .....,, h•U rull Cover ond •h•ke BUNNY-FA Tura out onto floured t urfate. knead ln enou1h ol the r malnlnt flour to pt 1 1Ulf dou1b. Place dou1h lD 1rMMd bowl, turnlq lo snue ab aAMI. Clover with plUUc wrap. IA& rile la warm plac:e uaW dalubled, about 1 v. how-a. Turn douth out onlo ll1hUy nou~ turf ace. Dlvide lnto Utlrda. RoU ach toc~r Pl~ on lt1hUy snut'd baldac .a.e.t. Let 1tand t5 mlnutet. Balle In JaO.de1rM ovt n on 1Utht-t 1bell .o minute. Conr top loos~ly with rou an.r baklnit 30 mlnulet lo pre"91t over bro-nlQI· Mak• l loal. s.una EGG aat:AD aAS&ETS Preput1 dourch H for ottatit' CbMM Carrot ..,.ad. Let doqh n.. once. Cut off '• dou1h. Set •Ide. Dlvlct. ntma!ftlna doulh into I equal porticJM. Roll Ht'h porUon 1n&o bell Hd ...... lMo bullet to llold M ... .. n1UawlM. R..-at with remainlnl 1 portiom. Roll reHrved douah into alKlMnl~·to3·1nch ropes. CrlalcroM 2 ropu ovtr tach tlC. plnchln1 ends to baabt. Brush bHketa and handles with 1 •11 beattn with I tablespoon waler. Place on ll&hlly 1rea1ed bakln• a ht' l IA't rile In warm place t ~ houn or untU puffy. Bab on top atNll ln 3ll0-4el"ff oven 40 minutes or until tolden. Oe~ate 11 dealred. MakH 8 bukM.I. naAWBER•Y BlJTl'EA h cup butter V. cup strawberry preeerve. n •at butter unW aof\ and nutfy. Blead ln •lrawberr1 preHrvet . M akea about '4 cup. &"8Ta ca&A• na ·~-fJ&alaiMpoom) 1 J...., lemon Julee 1talileepoon 1u1ar 2 Jlaen whlpplna cream teuwhlta 3l0flcecubl. cracked Combine ,ua. lemon Jwce. 1u1ar. cream, ea~ and lee cubes ln electric blender. Wblr unUI blfnded. Straln lJ\to ........ Mak•• 2 tervlngt. Club Colfftdor nma tOd W,._a. doll tn the oau., Pilot ortd "°"'., nottcet OJ WOtnffl '1 ortd ltt'tlkl club mtthll(JI ond ftlntl /or 1"-follow- mg week -Tlluradov through Wfd. M~ Smd "°'~" lo Club C<Un· dar. OoU11 Pflot. P.O. Boz 1560. Cotta MtlO. CA 92Gf, Qtl k Pl --~'-• ~ e y .... -,.. • ..,fl_. -ar aad ~ ali· (....._ .... Cl> --·,rr-:r~lf ..... ll1bt1y noured board. wMll .....,, roll doulb out 1o u . by Let rl1e a war• tf.lncb rectaale Spread place, free ol dnftl. u- 1 tabltlpooa ....... but· tU doub1911 la alae or ter o.-douib JeaYial dotllla ...... to "'·lMla l·lacb mar1ta on aO •bcw• ,.._ aa. 18 ,,... •ldH. Spread "' eup ~~ ::=. :: ::~::'C:,=• pre-1old•• bro••· Im· BelimUI wttb lf.IDda mecll•• tan out of aide . roll cloulb UcbdJ P••· 8poaa remaillla& In JeU)'roll f ublon. cut topptq ta ca.ttte• on dou1h roU tn 12 equal roll1 · lerve wttb 101 • plecea. Ill• remalnlDI taaecl ...... Yield : 12 pretervea wltb brown ~-~"!!'!~!!"!'l"!!m!~~- 1"11r. Place 1pooalu1 of mixture in cavity of greased muffin paa. C\JPCAK£ i.• cupauaer 2eawhltn 2 tabl•IM>Ol'\& Wll~r l l-01 Jar m arsn mallow t reme 5 ~ teupoon vanilla Food colonna 24 cupukes Marshmallo>ws SmalJ red candle Whole cloves Gumdrops Colored sugar Broom straws Combine s ugar. egg whites and wate1 in dou· ble boiler ; beat with electric or rotary beater over bolling water until sort peaks form . Add marshmallow c r eme: continue beating unt.11 s llff p ea k s f or m Remove from heat ; beat in vanilla. Tint frosting with food coloring. fo'rost cupcaf(es. f"or e.ac h bunny fac·e. cut l marshmallow 1n half. Place I half. cut side down. on cupcake. Cut rcmatnin~ half into 2 round slices ror eurs; dip cut sides in colored sugar. Place cars on cupcake. Decorate with small red candies. whole doves or ~umdrop pieces Insert h room straws for whis ke r s Makes 24 cupcakl's. F ood T ips Helpful Turmeric can ~ useo m yeast breads and cof- f ec cakes to give them a lovely golden color. But use the spice cautiously because just a dash or two goes a long way. Now that papayas are widely available. you may want to ser ve the m at a company brunch. You can offer them as a firs t ·course fruit. pared ;ind cut in wedges, with accompanying wedges of lemon or lime. Team ice cream with sherbet for desserts for calorie·watchers . One good combination is vanilla ice cream with lemon sherbet; another. chocolate ice crea m with orange s he rbet. Make the scoops small! CA.ol Punch GINGER PUNCH 3 cups unsweetened grapefruit juice 2 cups unsweetened pineapple juice 1 large bottle about 1 quart ginger' ale, chilled. Mlx fruit Juices and chill. Just before serv- ing, stir in the ginger ale. Makes 16~-cup servings. W tddlng and engage· ment announcement• ""' on Sunday in the Daily Pilot. Forma ore available ct aJJ Doily Pilot oJlice• or b11 colling ll1e FNturea Dqarlmftll. 642-4321. To avoid disappoint· mtru. pre>SJ>tCU~ bride. ore reminded to ho~ rhdr w.ddmQ stotita. with o blaclr-and·whlte glotsv o/ tllt bride or o/ the couple. to IM FIGIMrf• ()qort· ~ one IOftt be/ore tilt Wfdding. • E:~t GnftOUtaef· '"'"''· wtth biock-and· ""'"' "'*" ol tlW ,.,,.,,.. br1M or Uw couple, "'"" b• r1c1fu•d br th• FfGhlrn Dtpenmne IV tDHlcl t.fort ,,.. ~ dol~ • (-----------+---------·-" wa Olll CLUB ' I ~\I ~-C0U ·~ ••••. so .. ""c°"POll 50 -.. ,_r pon : Ealt8r .,, • Saulngs for i Gmdy ~ on Number One Club I with c~pon M-a.--s On!" I Umll One Item and One COU9Qn Pet Cuatomer .. ....,._.-, _,. : Coupon Ef'lectin April 12 lhN April 15, 1171 '"""c.....,."-.0-. • ....-.....,_._.......,..~o..c~c~• '-···------c~·----··---" SNlnll Portion-Fully Cooked Cheddar Styte-From W19Coneln famsJDhn Ralphs Smoked Ham ="' per II 8 oz. II lb. pkg. New ZHland-Frozen L~leiana t=.: 58 Pl lHcella Ymns 16oz. II can Golden P'emlum ,., .. ,. ~ P«kL:;gRoast p., ID. 1•• ~c-'ti~;sli<* ~ Wtleon-COtf\ l(lno·'> o• WtoOle·W•I., Added 211 ~ T~ Brand Bacon Boneless Ham -lb. U\Ooll a .. t ll-cMl ...... eu 2'' ,.., autt1t 8--"'°'~yUp Tl!Mt ' "'1 Sirtoin Tip Roast .,., · .. '-·Ralphs Hen wt<ey lb ~sik*teacon .... lb. 12• ~· 9littw 8•1No#rw~ Tltllet • .!. Ralphs Tom 1\ney ~llHlll°""o..a.,..,... 211 ~p;s~~ ~ Sirloin Tip Steak -lb. IHI II lb-Smell E "° 21• ~c>Yiiers ro'rij Rib Roast P•• lb. ~ ;:;ti~l-urt<eys -a98 ~ c~;dstirimP lb. Panl''I Fiiier• ~r~Sauce l or. 17 can • ~ i(';ft Marahmallows ~'"'!CNP Dole Fruit Cocktail '::..'" .49 ~ Piii8cto11ve1 ~A-'eclY~ Upton Ute Lunch ttor. 57 '*• a ~ H ..... ·HlckOf) °' Wllll Olliofl Barbecue Sauce l;?J~Foil .!.~. 73 ~Vleeic Sweet Pickl• (;?l .... ~ Tide Detergent ... ,. z-boa ~ ,., o..._..JOOt,,ecll Dawn Del8rgent -2'' lb. .99 11b. P'll· a88 -lb. -lb. a85 11• -lb 1•• 1001. I•• -3•• lb. ltN. -~ pie•.~ lot. 59 Ull a 11N. 59 btl. • Ralphe-Twln ot Party Flake Brown 'n Serve Rolls 12oz. II pkg. 20oz. II can Super Dall [J 111..,.....e •• _, ,.....,. Whipping Cream ~ Prec1oU1 Cl lb·207) Mozzarella Chaaae ~ L.eecco·D•I""°"" Stw hnp Cocktail ~Mikic~r ~ ~tlloed LllftdleOll ..... Ham & Cha•e Loaf ~p~~-~ Frozen Fooda Super Bakery 220L 99 I•• a ~I'll.....,..._.. .. o.t. 111 ~ Honey Ruft Breed ""· ~~Cake "P'· 55 ell\. • 1" I O& P'IO a5" « O& I•• -1" lb 1" I or. ""' Uor. 59 cup • 12ot. 79 c:.l ft • , .... 89 loel • ,;: .. ,. We_,,. 1118 fitM to llmft Of~ .. i.e 10 ~I .....,.., ......... , ... Prlcea etfec11ve Aprll 12 thru April 18, 1979 Visit Ralphs Super Floral Boutique freel\Cvt .-.79 l"POI Daflodla EaltlrUU. • CelefM 1• ............. p .. Mixed Bouqmla IMICfl Tulp Plants ,,....c.. 11• CelortllM'"PM c....non. _... Man,,__ 8"Hct eorug11 1•• ,, .... _.. Hydrw.g11 Pienta While l upplf Laetal CW8106TH PRIZE TilollllMll of ... .......... 1ow1n ••• Prln awll .. lft1 =to prevtoue wertftecl lat winners. ~--"'""'"-... _IM'toe_ .... "' .. ....... ..,.... ..... ._ ..... --~!Mr*': ................ $ ................. ~ Frnh ==Ties 12oz. II bnket ~ btil8 Rldl 1 9 Ice Cream qt. ctn. Super Produce· ~a= Band Celay .-.29 ~R-;dv'&m. ,.. lb. .39 ~,,..,. Clip Top C•ots -... .15 ~,,..,,H ....... Dole rtn1 appl11 .... .. .25 ~a7*candy ,,., .. .89 Home 'N Leisure ..:...89 ·: .79 Wine• & Spirits ~m Roee '-:...""· 2•• 0 Ge& Pranlum Wine'S:..':"·2 11 ~Bh;o.:d. U~N. 211 ··~"'· 9•• ~s~~~~~ -----·--------··-·-·":""""....:.-:.:.-. -------------- .. , ..... .. , ... •t naSY .. CISTID NIU• fUlll. ~ lalS •SM -.-r lllS 12'4-. Tmll. .._. ' ...... 111111111 ST. llSlll _, __ nsra n ,., a.i ........ , .... ,,.,, ~~ •1. m1wu mm ... ._ .. ...., 411 •. llMl -1142 ...... ,., ... l I ~.~11t,1179 Russian Easter Breads Especially for AdUl.ts CANDIED EGGS and jellybeans .... nae for the child ren, but perbape adult eatertainiu calla ror a treat &Ml'a a little less sweet. a bit more ran1ed on your ravorl\ •rvlnit flour. corn meal, 1ugu. yeul and n it In l1rJCfJ mixin1 bowl . beal atl low 11peed on tol~trlc mixer until lngre· d1enl 11 urc blcndt,'<.I plate. they are worthy of the celebra tJc>n. Pua them around• K UU('tl IOPb'*-ted· tor JOW £aster brunch or desaert., H rve KuU ch or J\uaslan Easter Breads ••. ak>Ga whh tea°" tOffee. TM delicate le mon-a lmond navor CH ....... UM palate And Ute heart)' tn t_. MetM }~ r\abt lo cele.bra\c the MUday tba l "' 50 tnlw\ned •Ith lhe bealnnlna ol 1prlng. <R l1881AN t;A_8Tt;a Bllt:/\OS) Beat at medium speed 4 to 5 mlnutts or until smooth. Add eggs, "' cup flour. lt mon peel a nd vanilla : ooat at low s peed on electric mixer until Ingredients are blended. Beat al bl~h speed 4 lo s minutes. Bread• I cup milk I cup butter or muraunm• 3' a <'UPI all purpo t flour -.. cup nr•ch, '<i corn mell.I h cup suaar 2 J>kJ. a<'llve dry )'UJ;l I'• lea poons 1wlt 3 l'P Enncbed rom mu l adds • fresh &raia ftavor. Interest ta be1ahtent-d In lhHe loevH wltb ~n ra1 lNI, can dled fn.Ut ud toaated almonds. And a 1pri¥llftl ol C'Olort'd nonpart"lls a tM ~Pt final touch on the ron I lablcspoon j.trttlt!d lttmon Pt>cl I leaap()on vumllu Gradually s tir in remaining nour. nuts. raisins and candied f ruit. m ix tn~ well. Cover. let rise in warm place about 1111 hours or until doublt m site. SUr down batter; spool\ cvon· ty into 3 w\'ll·greased 1-pound coffee cans. 1 , rup loatttt.'Ci NII Yt•rt'<.I ulmond:. 1 • c·up .cold •n raisin~ Let n se in warm place about 1 ~ hours or unttl batter Is l inch above edge or can. Bake at 350 degrees. about 35 minutes. Immediately loosen edge or bread f rom sides of can; remove from can. Cool com· pletely on wire cooling rack. fer MaR•r ' ana 1 • cup diced mtic\-d candwd fruit lc:l•I I cup <"Ol\f Uont•n. r.ugar 2 lahl poonli mllk Colort"d nonpare1 l11 THE a lJSSIAN Eo!ll('r breads -.111 Invite conv~r~ullon T ht'y will f1I right into our ~utht•rln~ Rccaui;\• they arc prt.•parl'd atw ct. you •. Ull' holteu. l'an l'l\JOY lht1 fe!1UV1l1f'!i, too They only requl~ cutting at t•rvmg time . Sltccd Into rounds und ur l,.or brntuJs. hc.>at cQmtm1cd rmlk and huttt~·r tn I quurt !!UUc\>1)aJ\ over 11wdium hNll unul vt•ry wurm c 120 to llO detcrees1. st1rr111u occw;1onally Add milk mixture to conlhllll-d 2 cupi. For icing, combine sugar and milk~· mixing until smooth. Spoon acing over top of loaves: sprinkle wtth non· pare its. Pork Cro wn Roast' howy But I nexp ensive Bob Hope's P ie Bob Hope 's lemon pie makes a tangy treat for winter entertaining. HOPE'S L EMON PI E 11..-:s cups sugar 6 tablespoons corn sta rch Dash of salt 1 1/• cups boiling water 3 eggs, separated 1r.s cup lemon juice 2 t a b l e s p oons margarine 2 teaspoons lemon r ind l 9 -i nc h bake d pastry shell Dash or salt l 7 ·ounc e Ja r m a rshmallow creme Combine sugar. corn- star ch a nd salt in sau cepa n ; g ra dually add water. Bring to boil . stirring constantly. Cook 1 minute or until mix· tur e is clear <\nd thicke ned . Stir s mall amount of hot mixture into beaten egg yolks: return lo hot m ixture Cook over medium heal 3 minutes. stir ring constantly. Stir in lemon j uice, m a rgarine a nd lemon rind. Pour into pas try shell. Beat egg whiles and salt until s oft p eak s form . Gradually add m ars hmallow creme. beating until stiff peaks form. Spread over fill- ing. sealing to edge of cr u s t. Bake at 350 degrees. 12 to 15 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool. C R OWN VOU K Easter d1n11\'r with a crown roast of pork. Now's a good t1mt' to pre pare this showy roast as pork curn•ntly 1~ lcs!I exponsivt' than many other meats Have the butcher t rim 1l and lie it for you. then m a k c· a c o r n b r l' a d dn•ssing and placl' in tht• hollow on lop. Cover th C' dress in g w ith aluminum foal wh ile )ou're roasting the pork Sern· the roui.t with a ct ellghtfu l ly piquant saU<~l' made from sp1<'~ brown mustard that ·s y um m y ~ood and not difficult to makt· Co mplel\' the mL•nu w ith m ash l•d sweet potatoes 1n orange buskcL~ C R OWN ROAST Of' PORK l,2 c u p (' h 0 p p c d onions 1z c uµ c ho pped <'l!len 2· tablespoons butter or margarint• 2 packets seasoning and broth ey Read our newspaper and How's this tor a good answer =un.t coupOnS. tood news and cash \n on advertised values. d• money every single week consumer reports that can s~ve y~upartant tor busy women ....... ISO save you time. Wh•c is ' other respons1b1\lt1es • .., a hildren and many managing a home. c e' weekend enter· f t n? We COY • In the market or u nd town Tv and 'ainment and special events ar~~1es a whole package o1 .--vies Recreation. sports. ho . e you a hit! Whenever ,....,. · d features to gav Interesting news an . been teehng a httle so 11 you ve you have the time. help Get the paper. 5h0Pworn lately. get some Wh•t'• In It tor you? TM enswer • ppears on ev.rt P•9• of YOUR 1..: cup water 2 cups cornbr~ad crumbs I six pound crown roust or pork Sautc onion s und cel('ry in butter: add one packet of sea son ing Combane a ll ingr e. dients and simmer gent- ly for 10 minutes. Stir occasional l y . Se r ve warm or cold ovt-r pork roast. pork c·hops or ham. ~ .... ~· ~~ ~~-~.,:;-• ,, ~ Kulich (or Russian Easter Breads) is a treat that's a little less sweet. a bit more sophisticated. It's especially for adults at Easter time. and broth a nd water .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ stir Pour over corn bread ('r u mbs : tOS!> we ll. Rub contents of r~ maining seasoning and broth packet into pork roast Pack stuffing laghtl) rnto top crater of pork roa st CO \l'r w i t h aluminum foil. Prt•hl•at ove n to 1~0 degrees . Place ro:.1st 1n oven lo 325 dcgrel'!-.. Roast ror 25 to 30 minutes per pound or approximate!)' 2• ... hours Sen·<· with '4 a rm f'ruity Mustard Sauce Serve!> six F RUITY M USTA RD SAUCE I Jar • 8 ox. l brown mu!>tard I Jar • 12 oz. 1 1>lum or apple Jelly I Jar C8 12 Ol I mango chutney Save45~on delicious FolgerS andtrythis Hot Folger$ Roat "' ~ ~ I ; ~f, ; ~~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ $ : :;-' ~ ' ' ~---·---·-= ~ -_ ~ ~~ ~,.j ~ A double treat from Folger's1 Here's d (J a coupon for a 45¢ savings and a @~ .... quick-and-delicious "float" recipe ~:?~ .... ;--;: .... ~.~·-= ~ ~~~.,,..~~ ' . ~ .,,.. ................ ..........-~ .,~..,,,,,,,..i"/,. Folger s • 1s mountain grown cofw\! That's the richest. most aromatic kind of coffee there is. In the cool mountain c1ir and gentle sunshine. coffee npens mor~ slowly, so it stores up more rich flavor. Folger's Coffee (in the red can) comes in several grinds-then~ ·s one 1ust right for your coffeemaker. And. for automatic drip coffeemakers. try Folger·s Flaked Coffee. It's specially made fo r these machin~s. and it"~ naked to release more of Folger's rich flavor so you use less and save money. Ge t your favorite Folger·s today and save 45¢. Hot Folger's F loa t 4 cups brew\!d Folger's Coffee 1: J cup) nonfdt dry milk powdl!r I I cup un!IWCl!tl!nl!d COCOd powder 1 J cup sug<lr Vamll<> 1cl! cream Prepare Fo19'?r':. according lo dire<:- tions on can. In saucepan. blend nonfat dry milk powder. cocoa powder. and sugar; grilduallyslir ln the h0tcoffoe. Heat through. ~11rnng Ull sugar dlssolvt!s. Pour into cups or mugs. float a small scoopful of ice cream dtop each serving. Makes 4 servings. ~ The Folger Cottoo Company, 19711 -------------------------~-------------sii~!I~:!~~!21oerse m ONE 2 lb. OR 3 lb. CAN OR ONE 26 oz. OR 39 oz. CAN OF FLAKED OR TWO 1 lb. CANS OR TWO 13 oz. FLAKED l OM.Y PILOT Controversy Continue8 Over Low-Purine Diet For Gout Also, strict low animal fat diet said to cause rerrissions of multiple sclerosis patients. aa u re with cook t d chicken and noodlH . apoon into 1 llthUy but lt red ~k; diah. Top •f lb cru anc1 dot w tit rem n1 l table· spoonbutt..- ervtngM. nJFFt:D EGGPLANTS 2 medium ctuiplunt J oolon. dlc:cd 4 atalk!S cele r y. diced l cup cornfluke crumbll 1 ~ c up g rat e d Purmesan chee c tomato Juice. salt und oreaano. Simm~r until vegetables are tender Remove from he al. with remalniDg cheese. Bake ror 20 m l nutea. Makes 4 servings. cHll\al nmllliom bave resulted from a 1t.l'ict low animal tat diet. A leader of di« re· By June Roth Bake l5 manults. or until c rumb• arr browMd and 1n1rHlents are bubbl hot M11ke11 4 l cup tomato Julcl' \ i lCHpcl9n NUil Cul eiRPlants in ha lf a nd scoop out flesh Urefully, leaving Un· broke n s he lls . Dice scooped·out eggplant fle s h ~ pla ce 1n ~ sauce an with celery. Preheat oven lo 350 de1ree1. Add egg and cornflake crumbs lo mixture ln saucepan and s tir In half the cheese. Fill eggplant shells with this mixture: s prinkle WHILE THESE IS forrn in tb1I fteld la Roy NOT a tnown cure for L. Swank. M.D., PbD. the 2~.000 Americans head d the Neurolo&Y who suffer from the di•· Division in the lledlclne eas'! or tbe brain and Department a t t he s pinal cord known as University of Ore1on multiple sclerosis. s uc· <See GOUT. Pase C'I> T H Ea•; IS t>On troverty . about whelh•r suffe~ rrom aoul Df'ed lo folio• a low purine dlt>t when \·fr~rt lvtt mt>dttaUOfl can kN•p lh problem under control Many d o('l\)n and h011>i\al dwtlclan con hnu<-to prt>scrlbe this '1ltl, at leut IUllll theo m•dlct lion takt!a over c om pl et~lv . Gout usually t1trlkes lM big toe. but u n ljf- fert any olht'r body JOlnt Of lhO'i{' Who haVl' UO over producllon or unc ucid in the blood MosUy men suffer from lh111 m a l ady. but women may be vulnerable to at· ta ck a ft e r t h e m enopause years T H E LOW·P UR INE diet restrict.~ tht' site or meat. poultry .ind fish p o r t 1 on s l o i. t• ,. e r a I o un ces u d a) 11 t•lim1nale!> all on:un meats sudl ai. li\e r . kidney ;rnrl all rl1shc>s made with dnc•d Pt'<1::. <1nd rlned twa ns . ft'ats <1 re generally limited to one tablespoon a day. In <.i ddition. ~omL' doctors p1·erer that the pe1tient avoid alcoho li c bcvcragl.'s. coffrc. lea and co1·oa. The problem of plan· ning such a diet m enu is to get cnouf.'(h protein in the form of skim milk prorlurts. esrn whites and peaoul butl er t q_ t·o m p e nsat c l<Jr lhl' s ma ll portions of al lowe d m eal. fish and poultry protein Lul·kil) p,J ::,la I S 1.w rm1llt.'d. :rnd that cun ht• lunwd .into a rilling 11 1 s h "' 1 l h a I i t t I t> 1·11hnar.v 1muginution f: X (' E P T t• 0 R 1wanuts and peanut but I •• r 1 n r <' a s o n a h I t' .1muunts. all oth(•r nut:- mui.t ht• orn1tted /\void -,pH•cs. cnnd1mt•nls and ric·h dt•:->sl'l"ts that OJrC' ha:.ed o n but lt·r or c·rcam Rc mcmhcr I he l11n1tat1on ul ont• table· "JIOOO of Cal" rlay Omit gravies. m<.>at hroths. cJnchov1es. ht•r r 1 n J! . s a r rt 1 n t' s • m u c k t• r e l . :. h r 1 m Jl . • st·allopi. and oystt'r:- \' ei?<'lablc> ... to omit bt•!>1d cs th e dri e d l!·11umcs arc asparagus. t·a u lif lowcr. pc•<J!>, m us hrooms. peppers .ind spinach Ir \'OU or ~omc·unl' IO 'our· familv has been · r\.•St rJCl .. d . lO lJ low· purine diet to help to control a high uric acid t·ount. here arc som e rt.•c1pes that will make the diet easier to bear. NOODLE PUDDING PARMESAN 1 packagP 112. o u n ccl broad e gg noodlt::. 1 :lleas poon s uit t quart water Ser"e Sousage and 81s<u1" for FREE ' sfer Breakfast! ( 11 O"• l ·o• Con of Mrs. Wright's Biscuits With the Pu"haae of One ~ Safeway 'fl"'"b~'6... Whole Hog ~ Sausage ' 11-0.S 109 bit 11 teas~n oregano t c Farmer .lohn Smoked Ham or Former brand. Full Shonk Half or Whole. !wf"" ,.., .......... ., l.,~· 1.ah .......... ..._ ............. ~ ..... 0.!Wt.~ 3·H•"' Keck '-'"' . ..,w........ (Butt Half lb. '1.49) lb . Boneless Ham Fully Cooked Waler Added Smok·A-Roma lb .• 2 19 Cragmont Cola Regula r or Diet He n Turkeys Swift Butterball, 1 ~A••• , ·~ Fro1en. 1O-I4·1bs. , .. " lb Health & B eauty A ids A nd More! Vitamin ''C'' • Sofewoy Tablets ri Chewable 250·rng. '2 '9 Bottle ... .,. of 100 B-Complex Safeway . Liste rine Moutflwasfl Bottle $219 of 100 32·0Z. $219 . Bottle Fresh and Crisp. Large, Fi rm Head1 H d M I Chillfor oney ew • ons l reokfa•I i Large A woe ados ~;:,~a M h 0 S Greol With Safeway US r om Choice loef Steaks '.I E~i~e Celery White Oni ons us Mo l Red Potatoes US No 1 Miehe lob Beer lb.39- eoch ~9· Whipping Cream 2 cups crushed corn· ~----· Coppertone flakt:li I cu p g r ated Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon sort butter 2 tablespoons rmcl) <·hopped parsley Preheat oven to 350 degrees Cook noodles in boiling sa iled YllJler for 8 minut es: drain t horoughly. Combine corn flake crumbs. and r heese and a dd t o noodles. Add butter and parsley and toss a ll lig htly. Spoon into a li g htl y buttered c asserole and bake for 15 minutes. Makes 6 servings . CIOCKEN TETKAZZINI l tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour l cup skim milk ''• t.eapooo salt I/• teaapocm paprika t teaspoon lemon juice 2 cups cooked cubed chicken 1 package <8-ouncel broad noodles, cooked 1.4 cup C1"Ulllbs from white toast 1 tablespoc>n butter Preheat ovht to •oo degrees. Melt 1 table· s poon butter in a saucepan. Stir ln Oour and cook until bubbly; eradually stir ln milk and cook, stirring con· stantly, uri\il mix lure thickens. Add ult, paprika. and lemon Julee .. Combine ... Additional Savings From Safeway :~Canned Yams cu~1.h'W~~'e 3g:,,'· 49' ~Cool Whip o..~!~·,~~ne •Peat• Peat and Cul Corn • Canots • M1 .. d Vegetables hl-olt "91en ~--c~ Hawaiian Bread tclng• ~D I I 9'ocade .. e ergen 1111.Uqvtd ~Orange .lulce ~--c~ lweel PICkles '•~u .. Time Te l'vt "Greetl'" ..... .,_ ....... -~· l-01. 19' Carton 2 ~~.99c 'to:;· 99c 22-or. 79c lottlo ~:~ ., .. 22.oz. 79c Jar .. .... . . .. ..,, . ... . Safeway Liquor & Wines For Easte r Price1 EffOdive In licensed Safewoy1. No Sole1 In EJ1C9tl .t 20 Gallent. Ne Soles fof ....... flmaclen Mt. . Burgundy •Mt. Choblit .... ............ ~ .............. -"'-.. lebastlanl I. Vin Rose • Mt. lwevndy •299 1.5 -· -=r Liter ... ...... ' .. -.. , ..... 'FOOD V.C.ieect.y. April 1t ,1979 OM.VN.OT ••• Gout EAaLY SIGN o( multiple 1clero1t1 ire 1eveN faUiue, lmpalr(td <From P••e C4) senS1tlon in the le111. Medical School. who has and abrupt bUndneas or written a bOok. "The double vlslon. ll'a am- Multlple Stleroals Diel portanl l o get early Book," lhat off en ex-d ia1no1l1 a nd to &t't cellent tnformaUoo and ple nty ol rn l during the l for ... _ .. s day. Diet can pJay an rec pea wn: •· • pa-Import.ant rol tn "'to lleat and for thoae who " suffer rrom heart d ls· longing remiss on. , u .aae or strokes. cording tC) Dr wank. oa. SWANK recom· who baa J)('nt the pu t ra.nda the UmllaUoo or 30 yeart In C'l<>ett contact -~r -...all for his pa with 1 tudy of Plll lent.11 .,....... ..... a l l h e M o n I r f' a I tlenta to twl~ a week, 1n N I 1 I 1 t 4-ounce porUona. 6l"tf euro og u l\11 alutC' 1elertion1 s hould bt' a nd al t.M ntvcnaty or from the leaoeat cuts. Oregon Mt•<h<"al School a ll ex.ceee fat Mould tNi Here are aome re P<' t d m m e d aw a Y a nd _1r_o_m __ h_1_1_· ·_M_u Ill PI ,. a ravy ronta.ining rat bt• eliminated Seofood ond poultry m ake up lht> balance of m eal1 during th wc<'k. wlth poultry s ktn re moved !or the patient s ince it ronlH1ns f at Coo k poultry !>l ufrint: • e p a r a t t' I > 1 n a easserole rathl•r than 10 the bird whe re \t would absorb too much clrhl plnit rat Easter Buffet Rice Ring Platter Cheese Tray Roi ls Daffodil Cake RICE RING PLATTER A food processor will make quick work of slit• ing the vegetables. 11~ cup olive oil 1,:! p o und s n a p beans. tipped and cut in· to 1.4 to 1 2-\nch lengths 1 large onion, cut in thin strips 2 s m all z ucchini I about 1"2 pound>. thinly s liced 2 small straightneck yellow squash ca bout 1 2 pound ), thinly sliced 1 large clove garlic. minced Salt. pe pper . a nd oregano to taste - 1 cup convert ed rice, freshly cooked ac- co r ding to pac ka ge directions and hot Thinly sliced cherry tomatoes Thinly sliced ham In a 10-inch s1d llet or a wok heat \he oil; add beans. onion, zucchini, ye llow squa sh, garlic , s a lt. p e pper a n d oregano; mix well. Cover tighU y and cook over moderate heat. stirring occa siona lly and adjusting heat 3$ "n ec ess a r y, un ti l vegetables are tendc r- crisp 10 minutes or so. Pack rice into a 4· to 6-cup oiled hot ring mold; let stand about 5 minutes. 6" POT IA. IASTll FRiil IASl<ETS ~;'. 52.49 • ll Siil U 'I ti • ll Siii u " .. S<-l•ro1 1 Diec Book" to (iCUide you In low anlm11l rat tooklnal 8T VrrnNG FO• MEAT oa POUl.T•Y t tah t es p oo n p0lyunu turatl'd oll l laqie o tll o n . cho1>1>ed l <'Ull r h o pp ed ctlcry tchop with omr O( th~ le&VC'S ) 4 C'Ul)!I f)r t'ftd ('\Jh{'8 t r u11 broth • S<ilt. pt!j)p<•r. lhynw nd """''' to tu,tr ,., <'U P mushroom:i •or r h f'~l n ul s. or .clblt•l& I, OPllMfll P reheat OV<'O lO 3SO d ('ar et• Heul oil an S8U('l'(lDn tlnd llR htl Wlftl( SUPl'lY lASTSt aaule oniOft I nd c~lery . To ' tocether wlth othtr tnarfdlenu. u1ln1 broth to moisten Plucu in buk Ina dlah. Bake l to l \'\ hours. Cover with roll to It ·ep from drying out Makea81trvlngs. F AT: None 0 It.: Totol 3 l e u spoona,or ''teaspoon pt r servln.c Lt;MON FRIED CID KEN I broiler chicken < 2 to 31, pound 1. cut into ~l·rvlng PICCt"S 2 l abl~poons IC'mon JU lee 2 t a b l es p oo n s poly unisalurated oil • ~ u•a1ipoon garlic ---...... powdtr ~. teaspoon 11lt t' te111poon soy sauce 1 1 teaspoon ground thyme '~ lea.spoon ground manor a m Mi teaspoon pepper 1~ teaspoon grat.ed lemon rind i.Aa cup nour i.Aa teaspoon paprika Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Wash and skin chicken: d ry well and place In la rge sha llow pan. Mix together lemon juice. oil. garlic po wder. salt. soy sauce. thyme • marjoram. pepper and lemon rind. Pour over chicken and marinate ln refrigerator at leut S boun. turnln& o c:c:aalonally. Draln c h icken on absorbe nt paper. Mix nou.r and paprika . Coat chicken pieces with mixture; shake orr ex· cess. Place ln baking di s h . Bake f o r 30 minutes: tum and ba1'e 30 minutes more, or un· l il chicken ls le nder . Makes 4 servings .. FAT: 2 ounces dark m eal -1 t e as poon While meat -none . OIL: Tot a l 6 tea· spoons. or l.lh teaspoons per serving SPANJSll BAKED FISH 6 slices whUe fish · -/sAVrE ) .. ····-1ow•-& cou•1•Y-· LOW .. o• MARKET 1As1n RED-X Invert r ice onto hot serving platte r ; fill center with as much of t he vegetable m ixture a s it wi ll take: serve re· maining vegetable mix· lure separately. Garnish top o r r i n g w i th tom a toes and surround with ham. JI Makes 6 servings. {'-'10/ FRESH SWEE1 --BROWN & SERVE ROLLS COMMITfEE LUNCH Omelet Creole Salad Brownies Coffee CREOLE SALAD Ok ra. long popular in the South, is now win· ning favor in other parts or the country. 10-ounce package frozen cut okra 7-ounce can whole· ke r nel golde n corn , drained 8 l a r ge che rry tomatoes, qua rtered Dressing, r ecipe follows Cook okra according to package directions, but omitting salt and on· ly until lende r-cris p ; drain and cool. T oss with cor n . tomatoes and Dressing. Serve at once or a fter chilling. Makes 4 serv· ings. Dressing : B eal together unlit blended 2 tablespoons sherry wine -..Oegar, V• cup olive oie, ~ teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons pre p a r ed mu11tard. 1bis m akes a tangy dressing. DINNER FOil TWO Lamb a.ops Pota toes Spinach Salad Banana Dessert BANANA DESSERT 1 tablespoon butler <I tablespoons ginger mar malade Juice of 1 small oran1e 2 ripe bananas , sliced 2 tablespoons light ~ rum, II deslred ,,; 2 larce_ or 4 .unall allc:ea pould cake, toast· ed ll de91red Jn 1n l ·lnch skillet ever moderate heat stlr C8ee BtJFFET, Page Cl) m YAMS - m ................ ,, ~~- lt·<T. NS. !It Si\~lliCS CAl.CWllO r•OM R!COIM l'OSllOl'RI((~ l'RIOl 10 IUlil I 1918 ON JUNE 24 TH. 1978. MARKET BASKET SLASHED LIQUOR PRICES 15% TO 25%! MAKE MARKET BASKET HEAO. QUARTERS FOR All YOUR uguoR NEEDS. YOU'LL FINO SLASHED PRICES THROUGH UT THE ENTIRE LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. MORE THAN JUST A FEW ADVERTISED SPECIALS ... BIG SAVINGS ON YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS. • v. t.eupoon salt "-te11poon blnk pepper v. teupoon mace or nutmea l lar1e onion. thinly sliced 2 t-ablespoona diced pimiento 6 thick sUces tomato 3 tables poon s snipped green onion tops l cup thinly sliced mushrooms lh cup dry sherry or white wine l cup toasted bread crumbs .. Preheat o ven to 350 degrees. Wipe fish with damp Preheat oven to 350 ........ 1ftl'8 ft9b ..... damp dotli. Sprinkle wllh tall, pepper and mace. Arran1e onion 1Uce1 and plmleMo lD bottom al bakinl dl8ll II by 8 by 2 ..-... Top with seuoaed f~h slices arraqed aide I by aide. , Cover each pteee · ot ri1b with a tomato 1llte; s prinkle with artlen onion s . Scatte r mus hrooms over all: a dd wlne and bread c rumbs . Bake UD· covered. about 35 to 40 minutes. Makes 6 serv- in gs. FAT: None OIL.: None •• PllClS lfFICTIYl WlO., APR. 11 THIU SUN., API. IS, 1979. AU tUAlfTfTY ltG#n llSftVlD. NO SAU TO DUUIS 01 fOt awu OI COMMllCIAl Int. ADVERTISED ITlM AVAILABILITY GUARANTW lath of 1neo;e ao.rrt1~ •IPm\ •s rtQuueo to ti.. rf;cl•ly aYa1lable '°' sate 1n each Ma1let 8as••r \IO<e. e•etPt as \l>f'C•f•olly no1eo •n this ;o II •e do run out 01 an IOYefl•'W!O •IPm ,.p ••II olle1 you filU• Cllo•ce ot a comparable •IPm when ava1laDtP r Ptlecting lhf' ume \dwings 0< a ra1ntheck ,.hirh will ent•tlP yQu to purcha~ 1he llOYertrsecl •IPm •• the .tdwerltsed p11ce w1tn1n JO DAYS , - I Glazed Ham, Pork or Lamb Needn't be Jelly-Bean Sweet •••· POa1' oa LA•• -they're •It lradltkma• l•vorit• for ltaat•r SUnday dinner. AllO tnditloDal, but not if.•ttary, ~re those bMI\ .wen aJuea .,.,, ••••r·packed ••ce1 can mu your Eaa&er rout add up lo 11\0re calories lb•n a 14).poUlld ~ate rab- b1t. Today, w•'ve playf'd Eaatt>r~Bunny ·in · Revene. Wt've taken away the '"'ary ex «'alori._ from your holi- day main roune, but not lht! IWl'~tne . ThC' t' apecl1) oct'uion roa t. are alaud with natural ••• Buffet <hem Paa~ C'S> together the butter, marmalade and uranal' juice untll mb.ture bub bl es. Add ~ bananas and heat Stir In the rum. If used . Spoon over th~ pound cake and servtt at once. Makes 2 servings SUPPER FARE Baked Bearu. S.ila1l Wheat Soy Bread Fruit Beverage WHEATSOV BREAD Ad apted from "Recipes from a Small Planet,·' this rec1pt• makes hearty nnd de· Jicfous loaves. 1 package dry yeast 2 11.a c ups warm water '•cup corn oil l/.a cup honey 1i,...i teaspoons s alt n~ cups soy nour, available at health-food stores 4 to 5 c ups whole wheat flour Dissolve ye<J s t in waler: stir in ml. honey, salt: gradually stir in soy nour Gradually work in t>nou gh of the whol e wheat flour «4 cups J to make a manageable dough. Let rest for 15 minutes : On a smooth surface floured with as much of Ute remainini;( whole ~hea t fl o ur a s necessary. knead until smooth and elastic 10 minutes. Let ris<' in a draftfr<.'e 80-degree place until doubled 1 hour. Shap~ mto 2 loaves and place each in an oiled 8~ by 4"2 by 2i,...i.inch loaf pan. Let rise as previously for 45 minutes. Bake on the rack below center in a preheated 350-degree oven about 35 minutes. Turn out on rack and cool Makes 2 loaves. SPRINGTIME BRUNCH Tomato Cocktails Pancakes with Spring Conserve Sausage Coffee SPRING CONSERV E Tried-and-true com- bination that's as de lee· table as ever 4 c up s di ced rhubarb 4 cups strawberries 1 orange, seeded and ground "'a c up sliver e d blanched almonds 7 cups sugar In a large saucepot over 10'4 hea\, ioti r together all ingredients until s ugar is dissolved. ~ Over high heat bring to a boil : boil gently. s tirring occasionally, until thickened. At once pour into sterilized home canning jars Adjus t caps . Process for 10 minutes in a boiling water·bath canner Makes about nine 6-ounce jars. .. COCKTAIL FARE ..Bloody Marys Anchovy Blend Crackers ANCHOVY BLEND Easy, quick way to produce a spread that is deligbUuJly s mooth and b'as interestlng flavor 8-ounce package cream cheese, cut into 8 equal p ieces and let soften 4-0Wtce wedge blue chePse, cut into 4 equal pieces and let soften -V. cup sweet butter. cut into 4 pats and let sorten 2-ounce can rolled anchovies With metal blade in place in a food pro- cessor, dialri bute the cheese and buller in the processor bowl. With a fork, lift each anchovy Crom the can and -diattibute in the bowl: discard the oil. Proeesa until blended. Pack into a serving con· tainer. cover Ughtly and ebm to let n avors blend and mixture become ftrm. llakes about 1~ eupsspnad. t rruit juJc:e conteatratat, undiluted. the lltnd Uaat come frozen ln alic-ou.nce cans . Sii• bake. butln1 oftea, u- tU lbermometAtr nau 140 .......... In each case, we've chosen the let portion fo.r our J:ater ~t that '1 the leanest. least fattening par\: Tbert' are th ree pletu of kltchea f'<lUipment we heartily N."C'Ommtod for roasting mHt · a non t llck roulln« pan equlPOICI w•th a ta<'k, a bulb·l)'pe batter 1 for ba1tln1 and sklmmlna fat trom drtpplna• > and a meat thermom e-ter llhere's no ~r way to know IOI' ..,,.. WMO a ro11t I• rtallr done 1. •tNRAPPLE·GLAl£D 8v &arbara Glbbone Oft a reek In a routln1 akin and fat from u.e pan . I n1e rt meal ham. Score aurfec:. lo· thermometer ln tblckest to a diamond pattern part, not touchlnc bone. and deeorai. WUb whole Bake, uncovered, no c:lovet. Arrange pin .. p· water added, in a 325-pie rtnp creeene Juice> agrM-OYea <•bout ao on top ot ha..., teeut"e mfnulea per pound>. wlth tootbplc:k1 or After .U to eo minutes. c loves, If nec:e11ary. remove from oven. Comblne remalalftl ln· Drain and discard melt· 1redlent1. lnc:h&diac ed fat lo tbe pan. juice from rin11. and Remove from oven to a euttlal boent and waJt ii ...... befor9 earY'· tns. Skim fat from pu Julces and uae H a HUCe. Makes 12 MfY• Inga, about 2SO calorl• each. plua 25 calorlel r0r each Slhieapple rtq. BAXEOllAll def rotted, undiluted s~ to s.pound fully rooked, ru.rt'<I ham <ltan only> whole cluvc:a 8·ounC'e can Julee .. parked plnenpple rlnas 6-0w'lce tan pineap- ple Juice concentrate, 2 teaapoona pre· pared muatard Pia~ him rat-side up With a sharp knife, pouroverbam. lleWl'1lto trim away moat of the the oveo and conUnue \0 <See GLAZED, .... en ll&ftl-.. , ... °' ........ ~tlHI\ ..GlllNIMll ····-... . -............... , I ....... •••1 ••I· .... , -·· ............. .. deli. I MINUTE M,\11). OllA~t,llUlf ·JUICE ...... . •• .l()HldON"I • UTllA AllOllUNT •QA YTIME 5DIAPERS ......... . •• 'LlllCHMANN't . •on. OttT CT\111) ~MARGARINE .... H·Ol. 61 ( lt~T s219 ... ve.oz. 68C !·ii1CHUP .... .. .............. u-cz. 8.9c ... llOVAL • ALL n.AVOlll • 5 IELATIN ucc'Tmaw1E1111v ....... e.<>z. 34c I DOI.I • CllUIHfO. IUClO ()411 CHUNK · ·PINEAPPLE ....... . • IUTTlllHUT•MO.Olt~ ~COFFEE ........ . •. It.CZ. s21' liiiiRGEllT ... . ,OO<>z. s2•' llU91 'KID c LB. CRISPY CRACKERS ~~~;:: . ! 1Mn. 59c LAWN & LEAF BAGS "mv ! 10<• Sl.59 PRESERVES :m:,m•v .. ! 'H>Z. sl.39 SNAROL SNAIL MEAL ~:Llt•• .o!z s1 .89 CAT FOOD DINNERS :~:~::f1~"" u-0z 24c MRS. SCHLORER'S 59c HAM GLAZE.. u oz BLACK PEPPER '"tNc" s ! •-0z 79c TORTILLA CHIPS :fil~tM~:ucoo• >-OZ 75c INSTANT NESTEA .. ! HJZ s2.09 APPLE JUICE ~· ! ••oz sl.45 ' GOLDEN GRAIN ..... ,,OI ,._.,.,or 49c RICE·A·RONI ~~r,0-,·:;,~t~~. llJCf "., -"'"'"'"·· t l•Ol SPREAD MARGARINE t Atu ••m u-01 38c 9 ~,~~Y:t.~.. 1 • ov1J3,,'lt°C11PERS CREAM CHEESE ~~~l, .. ,. ! • •-OZ 55c ~,_'J 5 c t22a DISINFECTANT SPRAY l•SO\ ~~l sl.42 ------·a.<:T ___ HERB DRESSING ~u':f~~ ! •oz 53c Health & Beauty Aids Specials PITIED OLIVES t~~J:· ! POLAIOID FILM M08£A.S50• • OllT·NEA ,,. VllA FRESH • ll -7-UP ____ 36-c' YRAlllllS .. • I =-·~~C~~~~U s 1 •• I llfAl ~~::g:~~~-OLIVE OIL l'()M9£••.. ! 901 99c ... ' 11111 llOA9T LA"OllND • 1 •9 LB wn SLICID llACON HI.PKO. • 1 19 EA. ••c• •' lllAll'• llOlllLISS HAM V• OR \'i WATER ADDED EA. ., •• LB. Beer & Wine ~:..·::.·:· LOWENBRAU ANDRE BEER LIGHT OR OAllK 1112-0l $199 ! Stokely ! cu smE con ""'"' .. OI 31· ME KERllL con ..... . '°' 31' SW££T PUS ....... WOI 39' POTATO SAW TRAY LI •1 2• "'I" LI •2n LI •2•• lt •2•• .. 75< NLAIOID RLM IEYL• • FUI 111' 5633 ~~!!Ty SJ 59 SAllMUUT :.~ .. ,,, • MACAD SAW TRAY ... 75< .. -01. 29c lt'mT'lr.~:"· :::: ~: POTATO SAUO TRAY ••• '1.35 ,..oz, s2.44 11~'\llf ::i'.''" :: ~ :~l~IUIT Rll1 : :~:~~ YEAST HflCHlilA"N ' COFFEE l+lll s 11101 R.T. FRENCH'S HI s7,09 _L_o_w--L-o_w_F_r_o__,zen Food Prices ~~°o:~(CT POii COFFEE 'IM.l 'I 8"0S ~~OJ~CT mK lll-10 lA. • .. IDL••FUX llAL f 000 COLORING Uto"ll0 I S.CIZ -69c LEMONADE ::~~~~:~ ... f ... . a.oz. 25c .__LAR-GE_'_'A'-' E-GG-S __ _;.,___i73c LEMONADE ::1~~:~ . ···! .. 12-0Z. 49c DIXI COLA .... (OOY ~U-OZ00s1.09 POTATO TATER TOTS Off[40A •• ! n-OZ. 89: ~~ s13' SYLYAmlA UL~ um 99c flA5"MAOICCU8EI~ SI 59 DRINKING WATER ~mll11 & 1301 73c· LIMEADE _,TC.,,~. !.. · ......... f{)l. 29 PEPSI COLA :l:w:~:m ! ,.. ~noi. Sl.45 CORN COBS 011EEHG1AHr •••••••••• ! ..... •IE~s. 98• 100THPAaTf • S 1.71 • Fl.ASHCUK J.4'tt. .OZ. Sl~l•FlAS"8AAl~LAlt4 ... f t.ff• FllPf'U.Sfil~LAtH ---· SWEtT PICILES .... t CUTYAIS -..... t CUT YAIS -· I t -87° U. IUI RICE r=-'-r-Sl.04 STifF•m~· I .... 7t ' .. , VANILLA EXTRACT ~''11<-• l-OZ &SC COOL WHIP TOPPING .. ! ..... 8-0L,65• WERUEAVl l11f AIG11l TO /11~'9!Pfi9ijliilll LIMIT O'I Al FUSE SALES TO COWt~IAL Of:ALEAIOA W..OC.HALlllll .. -···-~·--... --.,. ' .... ..• ""--, __ ....,_ ....... .-. ............. -&-•:'--...... -.............. -....... ,. ... ,~~~41'9.4'/IJ -• -........ ' :;;::;:=:.:...= ".. . ....... FOOD ~.April 11, 1119 Ideas Offered For Glazing, Decoratilig Easter Ham HEaE"8 AN tD£A for 1luint and The Potato cauerol• un be prep1ted Wholeclovn bro wn more. U1ln& 3 slices of pineap. d-o Un• aala EH~ bam to la mlnutea by u1ln• p1clla,.d tt" cupnuedc()(onu• ple. trim to petal anapes. Arrance on .;;11!•the-ta!n auracuve. TM •ty acalloped potatoH and canned ~ ham. Cul remaining pineapple into •laae ol .J-a pie Jule "'-naired mu1brooma, the home economl1l1 Placo ham, fat •Ide up, on rack tn thin wedges: add to remalnin1 glue yeHow ~laftd bro:;_ ;.1a; ~· IQ. Bak• the potato dlah 1n I.be ovtn 2~!11~: P3•na,::~: 1~:2~~~~,r ,::~~ along with coconut. Serve over sliced portedly ls made ln mlnutff, and aloes Wl\h the ham. th ermom~tor rudi. 140 degrees. ham. CJoubl11 u a sauce to aerve with the To romplfte )'our dinner. aerve • Drain and m easure juice from POTATO MtJSH&OOM C.USE•OLE ham. 1plnacb u lad wlth 1Uced e11 plneapple; add water If neeessary 2 packages ( 5 ~ ·Oz . eac h ' Balle the ham as u1HI, and bruah samllb. uu.tty roll• aad roM wine. to make ~ cup. . scalloped potatoes on alaa v.ihen ham l• al moat eooked. Strawberry hortcak would be a do· Combine juice, cornstarch, brown 4 cups boiling water, l \ii cups milk Tbtn, ~lnc these aunesOona from llghttuldffaert !l u gar 11nd mus tard i n small l can l4-oz.> sliced mushrooms, the bom ttonomlat.s at the R. T. GALA EASTt:a HAM asaucepan. stirring until s mooth. Heat drair~aapoon parsley flakes French Co., rut pineapple 1llca into 1 bonelas ham. 8·10 pounds to simmering, sllrr1ng occasionally. Combine potato sUces, seasoning dal1)' lhapt-s and carnlah U>e ham. 1 can c~i. > sliced p)ntapplc Stud ham with cloves: brush with mix, water. milk. mushrooms and t•aaq TENDt;a A8PAaAG\J 2 teupoona cornstarch glate parsley flllkes in 2 or 2~·quart with lemon bult~r and a m\&Shroom 3 tabl poona brown 1u11r llake 30 minutes longe r. until casserole. Bake in 325-degree oven l potato casserole art' sald to 'be ideal 3 tablespoon• pr parl'd yellow j(laied. If d~slred. tum oven to 400 hour. or until potatoes are tender. 10 , 1ccompan1mtnts to the ham dJnntr mut Urd dtAgrees during last 10 minutes to servings . . -----;.;;.;..;.;---~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--,::,--~~~~~~__,;.~_.:;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ j Try Poultry With Sauce CJIJCK£N ROYALE "'i ch icken breast I about \.'t pound I 1 tabl espoo n shortening Y.! can t1:V. ounces> semi condensed tomato royale soup fabout ~ cup > I• cup canned whole mushrooms • • cup sliced onion 1 small clove garlic. mincPCI In s kille t , bro wn chicken in s hortening; pour off fat. Add re- maining ingredients. Cover; cook over low heal 30 minutes or until done. Stir occasiona lly. Makes I serving. Cover and refrigerate remain· ing soup. Use the follow- ing day in TANGY TOMATO SAUCE ... In saucepan. combine re- maining ·~ can <7~ ounces > semi·condensed tom a to roya le so up f about h cup l a nd a generous dash crushed oregano leaves. Heat: stir occasionally. Makes about 1h cup. Serve over hamburger patty o r cooked spaghetti. •. Glazed (From Page C6> "fell" 1 that covers the leg of lamb; this cover· ing r etains moisture. Place the lamb on a rack in a roasting pan a n d in sert a t he rmometer in the t hickest p a r t. not touching the bone. Combine remaining. ingredients a nd pour over the lamb. Continue to bake. basting often. until ml'at thermometer r t> ads 140 degrt!eS I rare> or 160 <medium). (Lamb is b~st served with some pinkness re m a ining.> Re move to a c utting board a nd wail 15 minutes before carving. Skim fat pan juices and ser ve as a sauce. Makes 12 servings. about 240 calories each. ORANGE-GLAZED FRESH HAM 5· to 8-pound bone-in fresh ham ha lf (lean only> J thin-skinned juice orange 6-ounce can orange J ui ce concentrate, defrosted. undiluted 1 tables poon soy sauce 14 teaspoon ground cinnamon With a sharp knire, trim most or the rat from the out.side of the roast. Set the roast on a rack in a shallow pan. Ins e rt meat thermometer in the center of the thickest part, not touching bone. Roast, uncovered, no waler added, in a 325- degree oven <allow about 35 minutes per pounds>. Alter 2~ to 3 hours, drain and discard fat. Slice unpeeled orange very thin; pick out seeds with a p<>inled knife. Discard small end slices. Arran1e remaln-illa slices over the top of tbe pork. Secure with toothpicks or cloves, if desired. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over port. Continue to bake. basting oft.en, Wl· Ul meat . thermometer re1d1 170 decrees - well-done. Remove roast from one to a eutllnc board and .no-It to Mt 10 to 11 m._.. before c•rv· Au. aim fat from pan drlpp1a11 and 1pooa Oftf lllted meat. llakea 11 tenlnp. about 2'11 calorie1 each. .... ,, Put on a we can 't say enougn about our hams, boneless, water-added. or bone-in, halved or whole, succulent sliced hot or cold . But this page only holcis so many words, and we have a lot to say about our standing rib roasts and USDA Grade A turkeys, too. Not to mention the trimmings ... sweet yams, pineapple rilngs, relishes and mustard to slather on leftovers, bread for sandwiches or stuffing, eggs for hunting and brunching. pretty bird. You can also count on Lucky for a Qualitv·bondeci standing rib roas.t that will make the beef lovers at your table rejoice. Perfect for special occasions, it's at an everyday price you'll rejoice over too! vour Easter holiday fOod bill needn't be all It's cracked up to be. In fact, you can actually save money at holiday time by shopping at Lucky. so why be egged on by games and prizes to shop anywhere else? At Lucky, you get low discount prices on all items throughout the store. And this week, you~I even find them on Easter baskets, greeting cards, giftwrap and egg- dyeing accessories. Make Lucky your one-stop Easter store. Lucky lets you do it fancy for a plain anci si mple price. our turkeys had to pass a beauty contest to get where they are today. They're 10 to 16-pound, plump, fresh hens, with no unsightly pinfeathers, bruises, crooked wings or torn skin. That makes them USDA Grade A, which are the only kind Lucky would have around. so for occasions like Easter that deserve nothing but the very best, you can count on Lucky for a g~-:l:rf RTION 2 9 FUUYCOOICEO •••.• l8 1 b~~~~ORTION 29 FUll Y COOKED. . • ••. l8.1 Fresh Meats ~~~ND RIB ROAST UI 2.39 CROSS R1B ROAST 80NllHHOIQOBlf•O<l.Ot Lii 1. 98 !2:(~~~~~-. l8 2.89 T-BONE STEAK llOHOfD9EfHM< •.. l8 2.88 r~~~B~~~~ LI 2.68 BONELESS TIP STEAK SO'<OED 8ffF llOUNO • • • • • UI 2 • 68 GRADE A CHICKEN F•vw<; Wl40ll llOOY. Cl,UI lA(l("f •• LI • 5 9 FRYING CHICKEN <;t&OU OJT-uPSO\IT>tt_,. ••• , ••••• LI • 68 PORK LOIN ROAST ~CUT.SI.I A..0 WT ••.•• la 1.39 PORK SPARER18$ COUN111V$1YLl,llllfNO~l.OfW l& 1.48 FARMER JOHN BACON suaD .................. HI Pl(C 1.19 HORMEL LITTLE Slm.ERS llOllt SAIMCI. RIOZIN ••• 12 OZ PICC; 1.19 LADY LEE BACON suao ................ 111PtCC 1.19 canned & Packaged ~~ lllVROPIO a PltlNTIO 121~ ZOtlcPOSUll 2.69 3.89 BONELESS WHOLE HAM 169 CUDAHY. 5·7 lSS, WATER ADDEO ..•••. l8. ~~:~g:~ 98 BONDED BEEF ••••••. l8.1 canned & Packaged CRUSHED WHEAT J:BREAD HARVEST DAY lSANOW1CH OR 5 5 l!OUNOTOPl •..•••• 24 OZ. lOAFe r PAN COATING 0 lAOYll( .• • •• \JOZ t~ .89 LINDSAY OllVES I. OOllAWUPITTID •.•..•• 60lCAH.59 l ~~-~~~ ... 1•01 )Att.89 L ~~~~:~.~~~~?oz )Att.57 l ~~.~"!.~~~ ... 170ZCAl<.45 LADY LEE SUCAR [. ~~~ .... 1601 IOX,35 r PARTY MIX NUTS o lAUfASCUOOElt •••••••• UOZ UI; 1.39 r TORTILLA CHIPS b lADYLH. JVAlllUIES ••• eoz P(C . 59 STUfANC MIX r MIS allllSOH S. AU Ml'O!IE 79 b Olt COflff 8l!fAD • • • • . • U OZ IOX • ,. b ~S::-tJ~~ .... M D181\ 1.39 STtWEO TOMATOES b 1.AOYlU ............ llOZ CAH.35 Ollf llnc• ~ DoltCY~fl ll>N onc.. too. etfl<IJ'le from-., . .\OIM 1111>171nl '~ AQl14 lltn.1t19 FRESH HEN TURKEYS YOUNG. ZACKV ~IME 8 9 OUALIT'1, 10-16L8S. GRADE A •..••••••• LS e I.CREAM ~~~-~:.PKG e 5 9 canned & Packaged !: HARVEST DAY CORN 28 WHOlE Kl:RNeL .•..... 120Z.CANe LADY LEE PINEAPPLE [. 1H 11/ICt CH\#ltCS.CIM HEO 55 DtsuctD . . . .... lOOl CAii. L WRCH'S CRAPE JAM OUUY . .• • • ••• UDZ JAt.98 b DEL MONTE RELISH Mm .... ..... . .. noz JA•.98 l HUNT'S PORK & BEANS ••.•.•....•.. , •...•. S50l CAH.83 oellcatessen b ::~~.~E~Ol l>(C 1.09 b ~~fE~E·~-~r:. .... 80Z CUP.39 A ~~LS 80lCA1o .49 L ~~~-~~~~,_P(C 1 . 79 L ~J_~~~,.oz•l\ 1.19 CHEDDAR CHEESE b CllACllltt tlAlll(L 1 39 MtllOW.... • • • 1001 BAU • HAPPY PASSOVER TO ALL OUR JEWISH FR1ENOSI BONE·IN WHOLE HAM 139 FARMER JOHN ORICRUSE FUll Y COOKl:O •.•••. lB. CURE81 HAMHALF 289 HORMEL. BONELESS, FUllYCOOICEO ..•••. LB. Dairy & Frozen Health & Beauty Aids l ~~-~~~ Of •• 99 FINAi.NET r HA.II WAY. llfGUIAll. UL ru ..ou>. 9 9 · b lltf!atlltD ..•....••.. •Ol wt. p CLAIROi. HAIR COlOR b IMAMl'OO~.. • lA 1.87 COi.CATE TOOTHPASTE flUllllYSllt .............. 10l IUl( 1.18 FLuORtGARD D(NTAlHISI •••.••.•.•• llOl Sfl. 1 . 59 Household & Pet p PAPER TOWELS 6 Tllf.H.<PfAO\' • • IOSHOU, 59 b ~E-~.p~-~~~~IOOCT P\C 1.09 r ALUMINUM FOIL 6 IAOYlfEHEAV't'l>Un •••. sm~ROu.69 l.CRAOEAA MEDIUM EGG lAOY lEE OZN ClN. :6 9 f' PRINCELLA . 6 ~ ~~~290Z CAN" 6 9 Wines ! MATEUS WINE 3 49 , ¥1"1TtOl1~ ~oz en • LANCER'S WINE , W.14()81!""'°' t!OVOll 3 49 b 1>118(0 ISO Ml 811. • TAYLOR WINES r CA11~••a:UAJ1S II()<;( 2 99 h ... ft(()l>ftU8QlffO'I I SU• en • PAUL MASSON WINE f OOA91.11 VlH llOSl Oii 2 99 >.. BuPGu'<Dv 1 Hf11 en • INGLENOOK NAVALLE WINES r Bll'PC'.""'°" llOSt 2 99 b Oii O.ABU\ I ~Wt IT\ • SEBASTIAN! MTN. WINES t S~ut.OY CHA8~()jl 2 49 6 V!';o05l I Slf111Tl • EASTER PLANTSI rou • nno 1 cooon1>1 ~-Of HOWft>n9 E~rt<_,....,6«1Cf\OOG s-or~ I oMe< lllle\ """"'-c.llo!Oivms. ru•c>i. nwf'lllON\ ~ OKO..llW l>OuWlllP>CJ ... lf. IOW CMCOUl11~ Produce NAVEL f ;~f~~ .... te.e 2 9 FRESH PINEAPPt.E JUICV~EU lA .69 PIPPIN APPLES PllTIW ••••• • •• , ll .39 EN<iL~H CUCUMBERS •~•v~ ......... .. ll .49 R~SET POTATOf~10 a~o.59 ... what discount Is all aboutl LUCKY WU• CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY DISCa.J\JT SUPERMARKE 1 S """"'"" 11110. ITA'IW COUIOl eoul.nMIO ~ aal lfO. ~ ..... '""°""" -.a.a tan CMOY llOAO AT LA'~ OA.llOCllOMW 11171 .......... Aftlllll IMl'TMOTOll ICAOt ... , Af\NnA/I"°"' ., ... ,.. 1"' Uftl.LA AW.. """" ,.,,. '"""°'" •vr-.. ... ,....,.. ITORU OPEN DAILY t A.M. IM ., .. -1n-.... ....,1111-AV01u& ... , ...... UIPI .. 1111 Hlill• I llM:fl ~ 1 .... L..,_.IMlt . " (8 DM.VPILOT Cluti Ealenilar •EM·KA•ao• CLUB: The 1rou'-wUI meet •t 10 a.rn. Thunday. AprU 12, al the Tan ol the Whale. Newport Beach 1"e nominaUna commlt&M will pH1ent candidates for next year'• om~. Speaker will be Randy Cobb, te~her and entertainer. 084NGB OOUNTV Hl8TOalCAL IOCllTY: The hlalory or the old alone church at the San Juan Caplatrano Ml"k>n wlll be dilt'uued al the 'nwnday. April 12. lliatoricaJ Soc•tty meetlna. The 1roup wUI gather al 1:~ pm. al the Charlee W. Bow•rt Memoria l Mueeunt, Santa Ana, TH\JllSOi\ V MOaNING CL B OF NEWPORT BEACH: The aroup Will mtel ul 10·30 a m. Thursday. April 12, •t ~ Balboa PA\'1lion Wc-1 hm»n Taf Arnold will entl'rtatn with com cdy. songs ood bufl)o plt1 ylnM ·ADVANCEDllEALTHCENTEK: A s~rics of l~t>turt'1§ will be ht>ld at 7 30 p.m. Thur ·doys. Th.,.y urn April 12, "Charismu The Po~ er • Tht: Good and the EvU;" April 19, "Sex in the ramlly;" AprU •·"Child Abuie." The l~lures wUI ~ held at the Ad· vanced lie.Ith Center raclllty In Newport Beach lnlormaUon. u ll 9'1$·0100. SOUTH COAST LITEaACY COUNCii;: J oint tutor lraln\n~ clanea 1pon1Jored by SCLC and Caplatrano Unified Srbool District A#Ul be ht-Id Tuesday mornings ~1ln· nln1 April 17 al t'oraler Junior tllah St'hool and Thu.-.d•Y .-vening1 be1ln· nine Aprll 19 In Dana Nli~t Llbrary. U reqoott.s for i. claa1 are l'\~elvtd lrom 10 Irvine re1Sld('nll. a third class .. ,n tK' O((crl'd In the Irvine area t'or lnformutl<>n. cull onal~e Curl.er, •97 llJH, Mr~ Wlllium Dowe . 400 6279, Mr11. Jo~Ct>h Elliott, 768 11157 WOMAN ' C IVIC Lt;AG Ut: • Ofo' NEWPORT BEACH: Wllllam lll'ndrickts. Shcrma l\ l"oundallon O.olY ,.hel...,... W ,.atrltll O'Oetwoell ART AUCTION-Bidding and purchasing is the order of the gala evening planned by the Newport Harbor Auxiliary of the Children 's Home Society at 5:30 p .m. April 29 in the Registry Hotel. Irvine. The fund-raising Parisian invitational champagne dmner. art sale and auction will feature works by 48 artists. Get- ting ready for the event are. from left, chairman Paula Van Eden, painting chairman Patricia Lockman and co-chairman Susan Paskerina. Club Calendar runs each Wednesday m the Dally Pilot and contams notices of women·s and service • club meetings and events for the following week - Thursday through Wednes· day Send notices lo Club Calendar. Dady Pilot. P 0 Boz 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Be 3ure to include .·~~~:A .~ <-e?f. . _ ..... , .. ' ~ 1t~· • • .. flf : •• o.llY ~let,......., .. atrlO 0'0-11 WINNERS -The Orange County Public Library's Costa Mesa branch has an- nounced winners of its ·1979 Book Mark Design Contest. Every elementary school in Costa Mesa competed in the event. Winners are, from left, Susan Beveridge of Mariners Elementary School, Brian Howe of Rea Middle School and Joaquin Rice of Whittier Elementary School. A fourth winner was Steve Adams of Lindberg Elementary School. FIRST TIME and phone .. library director will apeak on ''The Early 01y1 ol Corona del Mar" at lo . u a .m. Tuesday. April 17. at M arlner'a Ubrary. Ntwport Beach. OaANGE COUNTY ADOPTIVE PAaENTS A880CIATION: OCAPA will ho&t a noon luncheon Wednet· day. April J8. al the home of Karen Huner i n Tuatln. For In· formation. cal her al 544·1346. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF aETlaED FEOEaAL EM PLOY£ES : San Clemente Chapter 816 will meet at 1: 30 p. m. Tuesday. April 17. al San Clemente Community Center. AMEalCAN ASSOCIATION OF ua.1VEKSITY WOMEN : Sa n Cle mente·Caplstr a no Bay Branch will meet. al 7:30 p.m . Wednesday, April 18. al the San Diego Gas and Electric Co.. San Clemente. Fred HasS01.1Da of Saddleback Cotlege will present a travel program on Russia. Siberia, Mongolia a nd the Gobi Desert. EBELL CL\JB OF NEWPORT BEACH: The group will celebrate its 70th anniversary with a traditional luau and bulfel luncheon alter the 11 :30 a.m. meeting Thursday. April 12. A program will reature authentic ancient and modern hula dancers. EXECUTIVE WOM EN INTERNATIONAL: The Orange County Chapter will hold a "Night at the Races" al 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 18. al Los Alamitos Race Track. INTERNATIONAL TOASTMISTRESS CLUB: Counci l Six will hold its annual speech con- test al 9:30 a.m. Saturday, April 14, at the Revere House. Santa Ana. For information. call Maxine Gantert, 544 ·4690. or Dorothy Franciscus. 631·3630. NEWPORT HARBOR EMBLEM CLUB: The group will ho.Id a bake sa le beginning at 8 a .m. Saturday, Ap ril 14. at the Lucky Market. 5402 Walnut Lane. Irvine. Proceeds will be donated to the group's philan· thropies. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA ALUM· NI SORORITY: KKG will meet at 10 a.m. Thursday. April 12. at the Sherman Foundation. Corona dt!I Mar . For reser vations. call 640·0 170. WOMAN'S CLUB OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO: Pianist and soloist Grace·Lynne Martin will entertarn o.llY "1i.t ,.._..rt ,.atrkll 0'0-11 FIESTA -The Huntington Beach Auxiliary of the Orange County Famly Services Association, La Familia, is sponsoring a Fashion Fiesta fund-raiser at 11 a.m. April 30 in the Lindborg Racquet Club, 18162 Gothard. Huntington Beach. A social hour at 11 a.m. will be followed by a noon luncheon and showing of fashions. Getting in the mood for the event are. from left, fashion chairman Marion Harrison and co-chairmen Sarah Wilson and Joyce Brown. Family Services offers marital, in dividual parent/child and group counseling by professionally trained counselors with fees for service charged in relation to income. For Fashion Fies ta tickets. call 846-3409 or 846-0388. Tickets also available at the Racauet Club. at noon Tuesday, April 17, tn the clubhouse. Reservations · Bern1('e Fowler. 493·5287; Opal Shortridge. 496·3662; Huth Swanson, 768·5074 NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN: Jo:,e Sandoval of the Orange County Human Relations Commission will speak at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 18, at the Euclid b r a nc h or the Ana heim Publ ic Libra ry. MONDAY MORNING CLUB OF HUNTINGTON BEACH: The club will meet at 10 :30 a .m . with luncheon al 11 :30 a m • Monday. April 16, at the Huntington Beach Inn Entertainment will be provided by the Singsptral1ons J UNIOR EBELL CL UB OF f R VINE: Sam's Seafood Restaurant, Corona del Mar, will be the setting for the installation ceremonies of new offi cers at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. April 18. New president is Claudelle NauJokas. BETA S IGMA PHI INTERNATIONAL SORORITY : ··Easter Bonnets" will be the theme at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 14, al the Sizzler Restaurant, Fullerton, for the Beta Sigma Phi Orange Coast Califonua Council executive board meeting. YAN MOUNnD HYDRO STUM SWlllOlt CAIPIT CLIAMHG SPRING BALL -Big Brothers of Orange County will benefit from Angelitos de Oro Spring Ball, a black-tie affair set for 7:30 p.m. April 28 at the MarriOtt Hotel, Newport Center. Planning flower arrangements to tum the ballroom into a French garden set- ting are from left, Mrs. George Yule and decorations chairman, Mrs. Welfington Bon- ner Jr. Angelitos de Oro was founded in 1961 by Mrs. Spencer Honig as a support group for Big Brothers. NOW-ANY 2 ROOMS OHLY s 1995 • 3 tlmH th• dirt extracted • Quick Drying. No Shrinkage! • Sterlltzesl Removes Spots! • Experienced • Licensed • Insured (Offer ExplrM April 301191 CAllP•T CLllAll•llS. SON #90, COSTA MESA S.rv/ftg all Or•nge County 142·5575 f CONTRACTORS! MOW AYAll.A&I .. OUMI COUNTY COMPLITI HOME STll)Y PIOHAM .,. YIDIO TAPI IGllUCllOMS ,_T_. COMllACTOIS STATI UCINSI ........................... ..,.., ..... ,_..._. ................ ,. ..... ..., .. ,..,_. .......... , ...... ' ... .. Teea•a1e Motlier Teeth Play Vital Health Role AIN!lt frtm ....,...._ la& lo a prlttr amlle our Feets IDlp..a~~aed :u.~::~t~i::=:.:: .-...... tb•t IM betlAalnl ttaaes oldl...-takeplate. wlUa Ill• It lo •lop Tfftblrind,chew,tear ability ol a IOaUt Nelli delay. to_... uwat. ii detennloed by thia early 1ta1e lndeveiop(MDt. TBS NVTamONAL atate of the mother and child can have a Ufelonl l"'1uence on the dental he.Ith ol the child by Pn>· vldinf the necessary ''ln· i red enta" lor tooth f ormat.lon. tbemMlve1 to a llmJted ,. ..... DSNl'M. CA&IE8 ate tbe moetprevaleDtpubUc bealtb problem ln WI toW1t17, alfeedq nearly 100 percent ol the 9!'11•· tAoL Tba IUleeP*lbllll1 ot a tootb to dlleue ls de· termlned by heredity • nutrition and dental bycleoe. ~--:A .. ........ 0 BA. R A~•al te & Y••r LANDERS· I'm u l9· lt••bHd .. ...,,.._. year-oad moiMr who tht "' cHHpta art> <"lhnblnr the w•ll Our ,. .... ,. -ror t~ d1lW'• ::!f ll 15 MQnths old I aalle, a well as )'CMUI, to know how much Hd ta Io D t er mu t t w au O fo~ 1\ It A N N befoft I ~an arctv I avt' I.A Df-:fl."i ~h hu-.twn<i UM baby with a 1Uf'r ! I and J a.:f"•t'tl ht•fon · M ' ffflllkeaprie.onet ""' .. mr11ril•d wv(.'rul Would YoU bthPH'. "•' m o nth ... Ul o thJ \ "l' have not had " 'jowh· "uuld hoth •1u1t -.rnolc nlcht out al<>nl' :,lncc our '""· <' h 11 d "'' a a b o r n .. I wu... .1 \ 1•1 \ hl·,1 \) Whf'tt\>fr wt-lUt\ l' 1.1ont• 'mo I.. t 1 <'.ti !\ owlt f'd we'vo bad to luk<> the• 11t•rhav-. \'IJ.'ht c11{a1t·tle-> btlby. 1'k> ~ason ls fl\) • day I ._n"" 1t ~ould husband think~ parent" lw 111uc·h mm t• 1_hfflt>u lt s hould It y home With fur mt• to lfUll th~lll <'u l, U~elr chlldi·t•n WJl1l llwy hut J "-'' d\ 1..rn11ncd to are ol school oa:e. or makl'lht:t•tfort take them aJonc Ma~ I Thrt•t \"''·!.:. awo I 1ust have your 01unlo11'' 1•ou ld n t -.tJnd being GOINGNUT. "rlhout .i Uj.!lltl'ftc 1( D EAR GOJ G: \'ou'll ".111 ort tht m lot Mx BE •a&I lf yuu don't gtt dav~ u111I ~111n~ 11111 of "' ol &be child's i.lghl my m111d i -.o I st.1rtt:d to before you enroll him io i. mo kt• b t' h 1 n d m) • s~llool. Ao infant one husband s hJl'k mo•U1 old can be lert for Last n111.ht "'hl•n ('al an eveaiof( --wUh a t•ame home h cm1 ~11rk co• pet ent. person I n he "mt'llt•d Mnol.c• in th1• cbarge. houi.e ;ind .1:-kl'd . "llav~· A change ln scC'DE'r} i~ you bt.',•n sfl1111\111g' · I be aUhy, not only for th<' told h1111 tht• TV n · parents but the children. pa1rman h.14' b<•1•11 1n to A youngster five yeari. fix the '>t'I and thJl h1• or a ge who has nevu s m o k e d w h l' 11 h c b~en away from his worked lit• then asked, mother wUI bave a terrl-··Wh en ti 1 d TV re- ble time adjusting to µa1rmL•n :-larl to wear strangers. School will be lipstick • · I l-.111·\\-I wu-. a traumatic experit>nc" t r:.l pped and be will be in trouhl•· Now c.11 !>a \ s the on h from the word go. \ ou \\ ay I t·.in '>•1uctrr• thing~ ( Horoscope THURSDAY, APRIL 12 By SYDNEY O~IARR ) ARIES IMarch 21-April 191: MaintaLn low profile, check sources, quotations -take nothing for granted. Be familiar with le~al rights, permissions. Marital status. t·ontrarts. partnerships are spoth~hted_ t'1srcs, Virgo persons figure prominently TAVRUS 1Apr. 20·May 20 >: 1-:mphas1s on dependents. getting chores finished. evaluating efforts. time and motion. monev in and out. worth or a relat1onsh1p. Capricorn, Cancer a nd the number 8 -figure prominentl y. One you respect lends bene fit of experience · and wisdom GEMINI <May 21·June 20): Lunar aspect coincides with st yle , creativity, emotiona l responses. excitin~ changes and prospect<;. You are rid of restriction. Communication, dis play and distribution improve. Aries. Libra figure prominently. CANCER <June 21 -July 22 1· A\Oid pre- mature starts. decisions be crecat1\ely selfish. Means keep resolutions concerning ynur own sarety, security, welfare and health. /\ .ra mily m ember, older and accustom('d to f!1v mg or- ders. might listen 1f you put your foot down. Act accordinelv. Lt;O 1 J uly 2:1 Au~. 221 You ~ct proof of validity of your concepts. Means Hlca pays orr your judgm~nt, intitutirm arc on target You ar e praised, compliml'ntw for your knowledge of "psychology." Cancer, Capncorn, Aquanus persons figure prominently. . VIRGO IA ug. 23·Sept. 221 : Expanswn. celebration. frl'£>dom. lucky streak and money crowd agenda. Gemm1. Sagittarius peri.ons play key roles. Accent on lost-and found . tn\'est-m ents, getting a foothold on financial secur11y Don't let any person intimidate you. LIBRA IScpl. 23·0Ct 221; You break through m aze or red t ape, suspicion. More persons are willin,:? to listen and take action. Charisma is emphas ized. You c;rn "m -know it and take initiative. Make 1-.nown ~our views and presence. SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 211 Study Libra message. Aura of mystery leads to glamour. Know it and don't brood. You do not have lo k now everything at once. Some persons wish to "draw you in" to a secret operation, clandestine meeting. Keep your eyes open -wide! SAGITl'ARIUS ( nov. 22·Dec 21 >: Accent on friends, hopes, persuasiveness. money realized from business enterprise. Domestic adjustment, change or residence could ri gure high on agen- d a . Taurus, Libra, Scorpio persons play signifi- cant role. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19 ): Your natural abilities surge to forefront. , Accent on prest.ige, reputation, bonor, career. You might reel as if you are a tightrope walker. Reinforce aspirations. sense of direction. Steer clear of scbeme9 IUKI "characters." AQ1JAJUVS <Jan. 20-Feb. 18): View of potential comes into focus. Older individual does bave your bes\. interest a t heart. You'll know it and dialogue will result. Make t ravel plans. Write. communicate, advertise and publish. Your faith will be restored. Pl8CFJJ <Feb. 19-Marcb 20>: You resolve dilemma centering around money, partnership, marrla1e. Complete assi.gument. Get rid or burden which actually belonas to someone else. Ariet, Virgo and Llbra persons figure prom· laell~. Youlearn uecret-uselttoadvantage. •moklal -... • more . and creek food tato pt.ces 1,1a,.--rftlld ll lmpeul· 1 mall eno~b to be Mete~lw ... an lt-.-..;11 l th bOauLettart and Just •w• -· • e ten't do,, ...... help nntateplatheproeenof · dltetUoo wtUcb preparet ••• -PSRllANSNT· food to be completely LYHOOkED metabolised by CM body DEA• HOOKED · to be uted for eftlflY. "CAN'T"• H r •aci arowtbandlluuerepafr. H Without • tuU aet of U7IMlll -Md "••tt teeth our diets ~Id, by wW. Olh'll •ly. ,... Ilk• neceulty, be monotonous ,.._, ... of e&lllera. are In teictw-e. 1'he crunch or ,111y1luUy •Ultted lo an apple and tM •nap of a iobatto. pret,zel wouJd be a thing llnt-)'OU •v..r laf'ard ofth~paat or SmoU:adtn! 'fbla 111 The "buby''tecth begin an or1aadulloa for a>H· to rorm obout six weeks pie llkf' Y•· TIMtlr ra&e niter conception At the Of ••ct"f'U 69 " ttUeat. same Umethlsishappen. IAOk tn the l'bMe book, Ing , the buds of the aoft If )OU do not find permanent teeth began to lht'lr nu,.bu write to form and are m place &b.-,,.u o,.al h ~•d· behmdbabyteeth. quar&~n o f SmokE n· ~ . dera, f>lllllll'Kburg, N.J. ShortJy after birt~ the mas. Toll-tree number permanent teeth begm to <MUl 131 ·7116. They will calcify or harden. The nod literature about cha& and hopefully wlU start you oo your way to better bealtb and a h>DMf't Ufe. Dl-:AH /\NN · My wire has bt•<•n accus ing me of running around. which b not only crazy hut 1mposs1ble. I come ~t ra 1ght home a fter work and never go anywhere without her. Weekends s he has s o many f'rrands lined up I couldn't cheat 1f I want ed lo IC I KO to the local pollct• station and as k lht•m to give me a lie de· tector test. will they do it? J 'vc got lo get this ""Oman off my back. TOLEDO TOM DEAR TOM: IC the police spent their time giving lie tests lo all the men whose wives ac· cosed them or t•heating, they'd be loo b usy to hunt for criminals. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently an your column there was a letter about people who keep saying they are go- ing t o do things and never get around to it. I seem to have this prob· !em. THE IMPOaTANC£ of calcium and pboaphoru1 ln the de· velopment or sound teeth is weH·known. This ls one reason ror including milk in the diets of both mother and child. Protein a~d Vitamins A. C and D also play a vital role in the develop~ ment ofleetb and the s up- porting s tructures o r bone and gum tissue. lt is these early stages or development that lay the groundwork for den- tal health in later years. Unlike bones and tissues, t eeth can only repair I feel like l'm always a day late and an hour behind. My house is a mess. I never get every-! bing done. I have three children, ages seven. four and one, and a husband who thinks all things to do with caring ror children, house and yard should be lhe total r esponsibility of the wife ·~----· ~j HERllMEl'S Stepe that can be taken to reduce the lneidence of tooth dec•Y are: •Llmlt qary aucka between meala. especial· 1)' 1Udcy foods. • Bruh tbe teeth with a nuortde tootbpute alter eating and use dental floss al leaatonce a day. • Have your t eeth cleaAed by a dentist at regular intervals . • Jf unable to brush. at least follow b etween· meal snacks witb a rinse or water, nuortdated. ir possible. FLUORJDE bas been shown to be important ln AltemaUves for tboM who do not. have nuorida~ water sup· plies tnclude topical fluoride treatme nts , fluoride lozenges and fluoride tablets to be added to water. A I l c arb o h ydrat.e roods. st.arch as well as sugar, provide the bac- teria normally present in the mouth with food that Is m etabolized to acid. It 1s this acid which d e· mineralizes teeth. result· ing ln too~ decay. for appetizers ... in your market's delicatessen department l~ MCUD SllOlllllO & CUIM CO. AT EL RANCHO .•. YOU'LL FIND MORE TO LIKE FOR The~ I more to fecutU., than. juat tlu? apreod on the dinner table! Add ta the pl«uure of dinillf at it'• but with a futioe •preod of .elected chee•u, fine wine• and fa uored fruit• •.. th~ Better Way to enjoy the Ho1'day. LAUGHlllG COW lonbel Chl11e • • • • • • • • • • • s1n For an Easter basket surprise ... Babybel and Bonbl.no, too! 8 oz. Goudas and Edams ••.•••• ~1" So euy to ertjoy ••• and easy to open to .U the goodneeel 8 oz Laughing Cow 5pnDd . • • • 89' Snack time favorite -or -New Reduced Calorie ~ck 6 oz. Prices in effect April 12 through ApriJ 29 ~ My runster Always a. welcome treat. favorite for morning or evening snacking! 8 oz. s1" I work a rull·time job and try lo participate some in church and school actiVJties because I feel everyone should contribute something. Consequen t ly, t he r e aren't enough hours in a day to get everything done. I feel disorganized and can't get 1t all together. tJleese Log s 1/elvety smooth cheese, covered with 179 nuts-Sharp, Wine, Garlic or Date flavora-8 oi . If you have any sug- gestions I'd like to have them. l envy people who seem to get so much done while I go around in circles. -GOOD INTENTIONS DEAR GOOD: A a•oman who bas tluee c hildren under e ight years of age, l akes care of the house and yard, tries to participate In church and school ac· tivitles and bolds do•n a rall·time job shouldn't apologize for the looks or her house, nor sboald •Ile be en\lying anybody ror performing helter. Yoar husband, it seems to me, should give yoa a band -plos • lot or praise and e motional support. Engagement announct· m,ents. with black·ond· ..... whue gwss:y oj the /uture bride or the couple. must be received by t he Features Department six weeka before the wedding dale. hddar Wedge Aged for that special flavor .•. white cheddar they'll Jove, in random weight.A hddar Stick A great way to eerve New York cbeese- convenient size for anacka· 7 oz pkg IEW YOll Dorelle Stnad Put totJetber peat variationa with your favorite mack crac~en! 1 oz Provolone ua Enjoy this favorite with an Italian accent· Moua.rella or Low-Chol, too! 6 oz -Sebastlanl Wines ..... sr ""' ,,. ~ Pleate the budget as well 8.9 the palate when you eerve tbeee favorites! Your : 1'1. .. :lj choice of Cbablia, Burgundy or Vin Roee ••• 1.6 lit.er bottle .•. Cbeeee and W Wine • the Better Way! ... ,IN! lleslng •• ••••• 1311 Charming arom::h fruit taste-complement.A cheese flavors! Fifth 98~ "' Sack s......, Fill •••••••• •r Sherry on the rocks· th~·=;.~le altemauve·ror a:U ~f I lmbil Cha111PG1ne • ••••• 16• Champagrie adds the touch of excellence lo your festive board! Fifth l~SumMT ••••••••••' Light and tUlty burgundy wine that goee well with anythingt Fi.ft For all your holiday needs . . . aee our full-page advertisement elsewhere in this newspaper FRANCI~~ORR ..=ll!l!lt -El.P ~ ..... JLD!i.., 111!.. cama del mar You 'll love 1hopping for food ''the Better Way "~ l Delicatess en ,, -. ' -.. 'POUSH HUI ~ 5659 Lu11ci~ly lean ham • JtUitran(fftJ• Qi.a a.use . • • 65C lo'amout ''Philad.llphla" • 8 l•t pka llcotta .......... '1" l'rec1uu11 . • good tlO 111any wu .. M1 16 o.t Mter ~ ... '2'! 01tk'1 fine Uam h treat8! . 16 ounce French Cheese Camembert ••••••.• 1111 Thin crust, creamy interior .8 o~. pkg. t'ie ................ SJ It For the buffet or dessert ... 8 oz. pkg. Port Salut ......... 11" Safr Port Salut goes with fruit! 41 i oz. Frozen Fo od CORI or 59 c PEAS Springtield-20 ot bag-for value White Bread •••.• ggc Hridgford-package of three I lb loavei. Croissant Rolls •• ggc IJinner treat from Sara Lee-5112 oz APPLE PIE ~ s14• Double Crust (31 oz) Uutch (a() oz) Cheese Pizza •• s 121 Stouffer's witb French Bread-10 1• oz Cool Whip ••••••• sgc Spoon 1t high! Birdseye 8 oz tub ICE $139 CREAM Royal Host Premium quality in your choice of flavors! half·f(allon L iquor Dep ~t. Almaden $29' Mt. Wines Burgundy, Chablis, Claret, Rhine or Nectar Rose ... 1.5 liter Lancer's Wine • 1339 Choose Rose or Wbit&--save 60¢ Fifth REDUCED 1.00! C'%ss14" The name you know for Quality 1. 75 )t.r. Canaclan Club . 'I'' Save Sl.00 on famous "C.C."-Quart An • nt ~ $631 ae e .... Straight Whitkey uced 60e Quart FIEll'S mT• ........... 85C . How 'bout for a ham itar.e?-24 <>• Jar • FRESH DUCKS s12! (;radc "A"-froro t'Ot1ter Far1111J Sliced Bacon •••• '1 '! El Rancho'• thicker "ranch style" SPUT_ 79c · IROIUR .. Large meaty fryers ..• Grade "A" We• le Closed Easter s.., ... April · 15 Ground Beef :an: 119! Lean-does not esceed 22% fat cm 11 5299 , HAM · .... · Hormel's boneless-whole or half Boneless Ham •••••••••••••. '32! Bar M ... Whole, half or quarter Our own ham-an old-fashioned cure that you and your folks are bound to enjoy! You 'll toue the flavorful tenderness -lean and not too smoky And you 'II loue seru&ng an eye-appPOling, !a.~!c satisfying ham. El Rancho Ham nu •••••••••• s12! The right size to feed the hungry horde (water added) E Rancho Ham =-....... s11! El Rancho's fine quality in a smaller piece (water added> El Rancho Ham r= ........ s2s! Center cut-thick or thin-lean end tender (water added) ll l1ncho 11• ~~ ................... Ill! !<:aster dinner becomes very special, when you plan it around El Rancho's full-cooked old·faahioned ew e ham! (water addedl 0 Bone Roast ••• s21? Chuck cut U.S.0 .A. Choice beef Beef Roast :Hf .. 52'! \huck rut C hoice shoulder clod Chuck Steak •••• 514! Center cut U.S.D.A. Choice beef lrnall Tnrknga ~.~"·~~ENS ....... II! J{mS{'d in San Fernando \ 11llt·y i-elt('tl'd to lw 1hr q1}ohty ynu prPIC'r' A q1luc• ~1>11·11 h<' !Jlt•usprl "' !'C'rve'. A\'eraJ,te Ill to l ~l lhi'. TldeyBreasts CR. "A" sr! Wilh ribc:al.(e, giblets! Froten, defrosted Fresh Oysters ••• s21! · l::nblern 8 oz. Jar (W(STIM U9) Turkey-.m .... 69~ El Rancho Gr. "A"-frozen defrosted BONELESS! •f.J.I CHOICE! fl~ . . . . . . . ._ New Yark Sirip. Lmn cut of l ' S .l).A ('ho1re hecf. naturell) aited for Oa\'or and tender l{ood nei.s. and t rimmtd for mort \1elue'. Sausage JTALWI mu •• SJ'? Our own recipe-mild or hot FOR ROASTIG! FRESH LEG O' PORK EMtem p<nk-whole or shank haff HALIBUT STEAK s3~ Center cut for finer value . . and frozen and defrosted to keep that flavor that makes for favored fare! S uper Fresh Produce Bratwurst a ua·s OOC Pork, veal. seasoning-no nitrites U.S.D.l CHOICE S..U1 54~ Loin cut of naturally aged beef App/11 ~.: ............. II! Crunchy crisp and JUicy ... the q uality you'd expect from Washington Stale ... and El Rancho! -IE¥ERACES I ta. ••••• Sl.8t Hilla Broe. Almond, C•fe, Toffee, Bavarian -.a am ................ 99c Choice of Nature Valley's varieties! 10 oz SWEET YAMS 29. LmUCE 25~. AVOCADOS ... YlrilCJ ... tt .... ,.. ... .....,.,... 39! and Easter Lilies ... Compare the quality! Oiua Cll'e all fiue bloom• or more ... floriat quality~and foil-wrapped ... the kind you 1ive with pride! Or chooae from our dUlplay of Chrysanthemum•. Glozinia, Cyclamen. African Violeu, Calodium1, cut flowe,.. -and more! ... each an ouwandit11 horticultural 1pecirrJen. ml. CAKE m .............. 99e Bn£ Ttm ················* Duncan Hines gives sure reault.a! 16 oz Beth alR bara otrer • Gentle Touch IOTllCllJ'S a.IS ......... 2k Creamy Toffee, Buu~ncol.Ch, Chocolate TolrH " 91\. ....... -• lluco1 ••••••••••• •· TIM ubiqult()ua marprinet 1 lb Peaches=: .... • 1 Hatvee or Slicee-Elberta-No 2~ ~·Cheese. Oolden Ciime com• three WQ9-Pint 33c Golden or Dark Brown or Snowy Powdered ... 1 lb .... Spri.ncfteld Ri u•.. 99c ce ........... . Uncle Ben's Fast or Regular-6 oi Swanson's Broth 27c Choose Chicken or Beef-13 "" oz can !~ti!!~.~ !!c POTATO 79 CHIPS The twin pack ... Bell's Regular Barbecue or Dip Chips-8 oz ' Snack Crackers 79c Choice of Nabisco varieties !!!~~J~ne!! b,~ •• 49c Princella Yams •• 79c Love the sweet goodness! 29 oz can PINEAPPLE Dele's ill synlp ... Cllunb, Cr1ISllt4 If Sliced-20 oz «:all 55c Jell-o •••••••••••• 39c Your choice of tlevors-6 oz pkg Marshmallows ••• 49c Sweet, fluffy Campfire-! lb pkg Oranf es ,... •••• 45c Springfie~ salad treat-11 oz can ~ Olives ••• s121 pencer's-11tuffed ... 8 oz jar RIPE , OLIVES 69 Lmfu.a>-lerge, piu el -No 300 can Sweet Pickles ••• age Whole-and Heinz' 24 oz 1ar Cranberry sm •••• 39C Spnngl1eld Strained, Whole-16 en. fhccina CUD'S • • • • • age rr!~~t~en-8 oz bottle Cranapple m •••• s11s Ocean Spray ... for health! 48 oz. ~!~~~ .. ~!~!!!~ ;,·,~9c KING SIZE iiiE SJ'9 Still the fa vorite! (inc 25¢ ofO Prm ?s effect Thur. April 12 through Wed. April 18 Open Daily 9 to 9 No sales to dealers. CLOSED EASTER SUIDAY LM SPIAY •.•.•••...••••• SIM , 011infec:ta in 10 many twayt ••• 12 oa lite SIFFOlA ....,_ •••••••••• 73o In cubn for ~our conven1tnce-1 lb - .. . '.... ....... .... . . ........... ' "·· You Can Sell ~11, Find It, Trade It With • Want Ad . Ml .. .,~ Motk•: All nial •tattt advf'rtlac-d tn lhlll nt pa tw'r 1 "'' b )e(1. lb t.M fo'ed1•rat t'uu llou.,ln11 Act ol ms which M•ke.¥ It 11~6181 l adv1·rl11tt> "uny ll r" fl.'n•ncc. hmlt•llon, o \b."4'rl mtn.IUO" balit.-d °'' rnC\', l'Olor. reh1t1on. s~ , or n .. lJQnal 11ng1n, Qt 1H\ mtcnt1on to make uny :.tll·h pn>Cercm•1.·, hn11w IJon, 01"dl6cnm1nut1on ' This newspaper wilt nu1 know1n$lY al.'eept jny advert1sin ~ ror rcul estate which lli m vaola uoo orthc law. Hc.MsforS* ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 ..•.....•.............. EASTSIDE EST A. TE Home & guest quart<'n. on approic • ~ acre &:duded cul·dc :.ac loca uon l.'lo:.c to Up~r Hay f'caturcs inl'lude. 2 ftrcpla<.'cs. beumc>d c·ctl lllj.!S. t.L'>ed bnck butcher bloc:k kitchen & load~ of l'U."tlOm woodwork. Extra l;irge double AUragl.' w1electnc opener & at tached workshop. Owner will help to finance Full price $104,SOU. Call $2660 C:SELECT tPROPERTIES The Dalebout CIOWM OF THI SIA co~ PRIME LOCATION GRADE Al ARCHJTECT PREMIUM CONSTR C'l'lON MIX Wlth 25 yeur.; of loving cure nnd tmprovemc!'l ••.,.SH w•th sm\•n1t1Cb 0"9 for the first timt1 2ll rorrY, COIONA OB. MAI SEIYES s mall fumaly with large hfe~tylc I T OWM.S I Y APl'OIMTMIHT 67l-1179 One Thousand Dollars per carat WES L EY !\J TAYLOR CO H.EALTOl{S ~1 1H 'l' l~M AIST TIME OFRRED 111:? Blocks from beach! Huntington Beach Super 4 Unit apt. bldg. Mgr's apt 3 bdrm. 21h bath w/2 fireplaces. Plus two 2·bdrm. l balh and one l·bdrm. l bath. Like new. $240.000. WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 21 I I San Jooquftt Hills Rood MEWPottT CDITER, M.1. 644-4910 FIXER R-2LOT Association, Inc. Real Estate Specialist Dover Shores/ Baycrest/Westcliff /Harbor Highl ands COME WITH US ... W• c~ to offeto o wia Mlectto. of qMtfty hotws 4MGllJ .t llMWll to other brokers) M the Do•~ sttores, loycnst. Wfftdiff. Hcrbor Highl•1&t1 conatu.ity. lteod oa. SH what plMMs y-. TIMtt cal • 9ld •• will Wrock;• JCMI to fhe Sff ........ WI speddfw. • .mad HCfl. SPECIAL ATTRACTION COMl Wl1'H US. • .to 8 Dr-. lay iR widely eccl1iud S,rgl-.._ Titis • ._.... .,.._. listed" co.te .. ar• r ct.sic cwt IM dlplic.t.cl. TM •111Jtie1 _.. too wy to •""-·• tlU ~ Tohlly *-Y Ol'itttted. Fi•• IM*u• F .. Hy rooa . Df•I.. roo-. Poot. Joc•ni. C~ete. cllilda•'• ,..,gra•d View. Y• wt ... tWs propert,, ~ • .,.to apprecioh the ....... ..., ...... .......... $465,000 COMI WITH US. •• to 1500 C:O.•wll 1-1. A f_,. of •HJllM •pihn. l'lrH IMdru•• ,_., rooa.,...... f111pl•c• 4 lr1•d•• ldtcM9 wffll • ,.,., .. d•c• of C8t._ Mid°'* clibila1try. n. ...,,.,.,,of tMa off .. ..., wll ......... Mtfsfy ....... ~ ......... $174.000. COMI WITH US. • .to 3000 C.., Stn.t. UK1 ... r ... 11'9t Tiie ...._-....of tMt offa ...... ..., reflects,...._, ................. tt .......... Bl .._, NO& ....... ,... 0,. IM••d a•1• ,.. .. , flus"+ nr... Qr ........... .,. •. far • ""' ............... "" r.•p•u ty c....., to yow ,... ..... ,.,,. 9" .... . 17UOO.. COMI WITH US. .... 1907 ....,. &.... s,ultUA- ........._ lnellilllll1 an ...... C1 1111 ....,._ pl111 .......... •1•11-..Tw. flr•fl•" C.. .. • ................. ..., ,.... ....... .,.. ..... .. ................................ ,.... .... "" ,, .•. ,., ..................... , ..... ,..... Ii..., -'"" .................... ...... ........ ~ ............. _ ......... It ......... .. ........ ,... 451 NEWPORT COOEI, SUITE 106 11£1 .... 1 .... PllT ... DH , 759-8817 NEWPORT S,-lh VIia -Oc.. View $Z99,000 PoolH._ $120,000 htah-te.lscowt $499,000 Watdiff -4 bedroo.n $169,900 Oc.-Dtlplex $169,900 COSTA MESA Units $325.000 Mesa Verde -Pool $118,900 Mesa Wood5 -4 bedrOOMS $115.500 LAGUNA View -Model Home $174,500 MANY -MANY -MORE!! Call 646-7171 ~THEREAL ~ESTATERS ~COATS & WALLACE ~REAL ESTATE, INC. A LOCALLY OWNED COMPANY S£RVING THE SOUlH COAST AR£A SINCE l96 i 4 IDRMS. HOttTH COSTA MESA -Your family will enjoy this "priced to sell now" listing. Plow up the huge back yard and plant. Nice fruit trees! Cozy den with fir epl ace, qui e t neig hborhood. New this week Priced at$89,950. c• 546-4141 Serving Costa M esa-Irvine Huntmgton Beach-Newport Beach BEACH DUPLEX Ju:.t stepi; to the sand & surf. One unit has hui!e patio. other sunderk & balcony Newpor1 in & out. A Real Buy! Open Eves. Call now for appt 545-9491 ""*Fl •••• Apnl "· ,.,. U~l()U~ IN NEWPORT BEACH WESTCLIFF WINNER -4 bdrm. ::!11'2 baths. 2 frplces, pool. and guest house. g reat for family entertainment, only $192,500. HARBOR vn.:w HlLLS VIEW -Fee land. large Jot. 3 bdrm. quality appointments incredible ocean view. $375,000. BAYC REST BEAUTY -Adult occupied. 3 bdrm. lge. Li v. rm. and for mal dining. lge lot with parkmg for J cars. Asking $195,000. DO SEE IN SEAVI EW -A 4 bdrm. 211-l bath. view home with S30.000 m ldscpc. Jacuzzi, patio::, and atrium. $279,000. UNl()U I: li()Mt:i REAL TORS'. 675·6000 2443 East Coast Highway, Corona d>!I Mar dl~o 1n Mi><;J V1•rcll· JI 5<16 5990 IREA THT AklHG + • H-. of tt.. f"ro•• ~ ........ ~ ,.,.......... ........ .. ._ __ __ .....,...._ .... c .. cre191.tt.y 631 -1266 -~-.. ....._, --4 ~·--- l lEDROOM +GUEST GIANT VALUE! Giant back bay barl(ain ~ Over 2400 ft. of peaceful living 4 Bedrms + 3 . UDO ISLE Bay view from 2 patio decks enhances c ustom spacious s ·bdr m., 4 bath traditional home : like new. Ideal for entertaining Corner lot. $52A>,OOO. 115 CAMYOM Golf course view from spacious S BR, 4 ba. traditional home; lge. family room, pool, jacuzzi. $750,000 IACk IAY F ine 4 bdrm., 21h ba th fam ily home on quiet cul de sac. Overs ized pool. playhow;e. storage $169,000. Terms. OCEAHFIOMT Quality craftsmanship in mahog. trim & oak floors sets off this landmark ; 4 BR. 3 ba. home in finest location. Estetbhshed trees & lawns. $48.5,000. IAYFRONT ~veral fine bayfronl homes with pier & slip AVALON Well constructed. 3 BR. 1 ba, oak floor partia l basement, concrete foundation . Flats area. $120.000-Fee. Bill GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bay\1de 0 11vt• N B b75 616 1 UE( IMO'llC Ml.AllY 4\'>()(IAll~ $78,500 VA TERMS! 4 IDRM, 2 l/4 IA TH, + bOMS r-. rftl0d1led kitca..., mt f-6ty ..._ R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640-5112 .... POOl & JACUZZI Sec lu ded e n try courtyard w1th pool and jacuzzi. Luxunous hvang room with opcm beam ceilings and sunken con versa ti on pit. bua It around tile fireplace. Secluded bdrms. could be separate quarters All wanned by solar heat for low Utilities. Call 645·0303 baths-OR 3 Bedrm + ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! separate guestfma1d's FORESTE OLSON ...... t-•f'••To .... qtrs. Format llvan~ rm. _1'1MlllMMMMMMMMMMMM_.. .. Family rm. 2 Fplcs Cov· ,. ered bnck paho Potting house--and mul·h more at a bargain pnce' caJlnowtostt 573.gs50. Of71J ' .., • , ' '. ~ t ' , • ~ [~IHPJWI DEVELOPERS &BUILDERS! Here is that rare bu1lda· ble land you·\ e b~en searching for Zonetl for mulhple d" elhn~ 1\p. 12rox 3 miles from ocean Submit your offer today. Open E\·~ 545.9491 * * NEW LISTING * * OWNER MUST SELL IMMEOIATEL YI This brand new gorgeous with view 4 Bdrm h o m e + pool. 3 woodburnm~ fireplaces. 2 jacuzzis, 3 Baths. and s pacious view country •kitc hen with deluxe a ppliances galore. This corner site includes access to a very private CdM Beach a nd is cxclus 1 vely offered b y ROGERS REALTY for $439.500 675-2311 ___ r_ea_l_es_ta_t_e ___ 1Find what )'OU want inl PRICE PLUS Daily Pilot Classifieds GREAT INCOME! BALBOA ISLE CadiUacs to Go-Carts Whatever the Fad RoU 'em off the market With a Classified Ad Call Now! 64.2·5678 cae: llDBll ILllRS CD. Res1dent1al + 2 com· merc1al rentable spaces. 5 Car parking, 1 block to water, 3 bedrm 3 bath Un· at. Fireplace. Super for summer/winter rates. 673-8550 OVIN Ill t>• II\ lllN ICIN ,_,.., l~1Ullf11 PRICE REDUCTION Six unJts 2 Bdrms. only $215,000. Owner anxious. Hurry, won't last. Call 64.5-9161 . OPEN HOUSE LOCATION! REDUCED $7100. Superior south Irvine location of this 4 bedrm. 2000 sq.rt. townhome makes it I RV I NE 'S BE S T BUY.- Particularly since the pri ce wa s J US T REDUCED $7100 1 ! 2 Story, tale roof. gated en· try. bn ck Cplc, master! suite w/2nd fi replace. patio w/BBQ & firepit overlooking ~reenbelt . Don't miss 1t prime value·call now 752· 1700 t)PfN lh f.I •II\ IUh ION"•"' t ltlilRlil file~~ IAYSHORES 68' waterfront home in Newport Beach. 5 Bedroom. 4 bath with li m itl ess p ossibili ti es for e nte rtaining & fa mily living . Sepa rate master suite with sauna & spa & own fireplace. A kitchen that s hould be in Ho use & Garden magazine. A~~CO. 644-9060 2111 SAN JOAQUIN HILLI N>. IN NE'M'OflT CENTP RlAl TY / Vou don't need a gun to "draw faat" when you pl.ce an ad in the Daily PUol Want Ads! Call DOW I ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ------------1 _-_6GWIS_~·~~~-I-........................ ~II. macnab / Irvine ?-realty CLASSIC AICHITICTUll Nestled in a beautifully landscaped setting, this sumptuous 5 BR home offers dramatic living rm -formal dining rm -fa mily rm w/used brick fpl c & leaded windows - enormous kitchen w/brkfst area to delight the most particular gourmet -French doors leading to used brick terrace & paddle tennis court beyond. Presented for $425,000 . Polly Goss 642·8235. CB-68) 642-1235 644-6200 •en Oo¥er Drlw HMbor Vtew Center Irvine at Ce"'fM V•lleY catlter 752·1414 S©\\Jtl}A-~£trs · Th at Intriguing Word Game wiflt o Chudle f-4..., CU.f a. POUAN ----- • ~~~~~miQV~~(~HTm r r r r I' I* I' I I 'ttf.~r\ IUlttS lO I I I I I I I I SCMJ4.UTS AMwws lot C........._ IJOO OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE &REAT LOCATION In Irvine's Calif. Homes. Lovely One Story 3 BR & Liv. Rm. Home W /Custom Pane ling. Brick F .P. Private Cour tyard. Shake Roof. Only $87.500. ILUFFS FOIMH MODEL Gorgeous 3 BR 2 Ba End Unit . Spacious LR, Lrg Master BR Suite -3 Skylights. Hi Wood Beamed Ceilin gs. Patio W /Southe rn Exposure O'Looking T he Finest Greenbelt Area. Only $155,000. A "J oy Of Newport" Listing. ® --..... , ..... 631·1• 11 IDO "'~¥11r1'1R• Dllft • I • * WMnntnf,~ n , tl?I Coastal Body Faces Change 9) THOMAS 0 . EU As It must with llll things Political. the coast J ~ndulum ls once mor" start.Inst to !'.Wing back toward the mlddlt>. Fot mO!;t or the last SIX monlh:., tht• Cahfom an Coastal Comm• sion has been under fire for too· :strict interpretation of the 1976 CO.abtal Ael Jt has been accused sometimes by longtime s up porters of neglecting tiome m ajor isi;ues because Of a preoccupatLOO Wllh enfOrCang the let· ter of the law on s mall property owners. NOW EVEN TOP OFFICIALS OF th • <'Om· m ission appear ready to concede that the cr1t1c1sm was at least partially correet. Recent appointments to both the state and some region:U commissions Indicate a consc1oub shi(t in the other direction. Perhaps the most drastic move was the Senate SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOCUS Rules Committee 's de· clslon lo replace marine biologist Rimmon C. Fe1y on the South Coast re· glonal commission, gov· erning the shores of Los Angeles and Orange counties. Fay, a charter member of the state com· mission, bad been bumped from that job a few months earlier by a development-oriented city councilman from Torrance. Now he's not even on the regional commission, with a Santa Monica land developer replacing him. THAT MOVE AND THE ELECTION or DornlJ B. Wright, mayor of Port Hueneme in Ventura County, as the state commission chairman. in· d icate that both commissioners and the politicians who appoint them want some changes in coastal rcgulaUon. ~right •. for !nstance. has not been strongl) identified with either preservationists or backers of development. lie has a middle-of-the-road vot- ing record, but has voll'd with conservationists on some key issues. But even more important is the commission's proposed legislative package, unveiled last month in Sacramento. It contains four key elements: -EXEMPTIONS FROM REGULATION FOR singJe .famlly lots in already-developed areas. Boundary changes exempting two dozen areas most-downtown ·portions or small c1t1es from coastal rules. · Streamhnmg measures. One would require a majority vote or those present at any regional comm ission meeting to take an item off the commission's semi· auto matic consent calendar permit schedule. Permits can now be exposed to full debate by demand of just two com· missioners. Incentives to local gov· er nments. belping them carry out the local coastal plans that are the backbone of the coastal "'sc"u regulation progr a m for the 1980s. One bill would a ssure cities and counties lhal the slate would defend them in any lawsuits over the plans. "I nDNK THESE TIDNGS REPRESENT substantial movement,·· said Michael Fischer the state commission's executive director. "We' a rc trying lo see what is needed and trim off any ex· cees ~uthority. w~ have. We're trying to focus on our b1gbest-pnor1ty task, getting the local coas tal plans ln place." But 43 other bills are also in the legislative hopper and each would reduce commission authority in some way opposed by the commission. "There is some overreaction by legis lators now," said Fischer: ''Many or their proposals a re serious overreactions. One would eliminate all authority over single family homes and another would end our authority to ask for dedications of public beach access as part of the permit pro· cess." Both items are sore points with many coastal property owners, with the commission frequenUy accused of barusing small property owners and forcing them to turn over parts or their property in exch~ge for permita to make apparenUy routine repaars. PlJBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PtCTITIOUS eUSINHS f'ICTITIOUS eUSIN•l5 ...... ITATaMU•T MAMa ITATIM9NT Tiie ....._ ..,_ It dOlf'9 ~· T~ lolto.1 .. l*Mft Is ~ lllvl!• MH ft: M IS •s: S«1'fli0f'T MOTOttS, 1'74 CMte. COUATSI08 LTD .. 7110 Fenwl<k Stnet, Clllla llltM. cal~,_, ~. w..tm1111..,., Cltlfonll.,2611 AeMM MM1' C«roll, • f'em We!'f'911 ~ 'Miit., 450 M<f'wt, SlrNI, ........,.. 9Hcll, Cellt.f-nle .... , ..... ....,.. '"" Tiiis ~ Is c.tlldllclH ltY .n '"" Tllls..,_1a ..... ..,.., .... t!Y~. di....... WMRlflJ-Wl\fle ,_.... M. c:.rr.1 Tlllt tle"'"9M -flled Wllll ,,_ T1l8 ......,_. -tiled ""91 ttlt C:-tf c...-of Or ..... ColHllY Oii C-tf CWll .. °'..... Gevnt., -Al!Wll f, ""· A41r!I f, tft P111176 "1tlDI Puell ..... Oranet Cotti D•llY Plkll, ll'llllllWlllOr..,.. <lMlt 1>e11.,......, •· "· 1'2St1M1Meya, 1m 1-.n •· 11. tt. 2u11uiwo."" tl74"1' PlJllUC NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS •USIHl!H NAME STATEMENT riut loflowl"9 per'°"s ••• clol"9 11<1.ineu~ THE SN08 SHOP, l .. E 11111 Sir"'· C-1•-~. C•lllornt•f'l6t/ M•ry N>n Stein. -IQS W Alpine, s.tlt•AN.C:.morn1•'2ro1 Je•n Kathryn J•coos, IOJO MecArttwr Blvd., No, Ill, Sant• ,.,,_, C.lll0<n••~ Tiii\ o.ntnen I\ cono11<1eo I>)' • v-ner •I 119rtner\l'•to M4<y Ann Stein Tl1I\ si.1-1 w•• 111@0 wltll tM County O en of Or•nge County on M•rcn 19. 1919. FlllflS PuOllSlled 0..M>gf C.CW~t 0..1ly P110f. Mer ll. a -Apt t, 11. 1919 ion.rt PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAMESTAfEMENT Tl•• lol10w1n9 persons ••• ool~ CMl\tnHifll !CISSEL KIC EN TERPRISES llSS2 M.c:Art,.11r Olva., Su11e JSO, 1rv1ne, (.;lhf0<n.a 97114 K•r•n M.lrla 1C1ue1, 16A Row. Surf.ide, C.11fom•a 'I074l Carole Jani! llo\'4!1, l•A Row, Soll•h•de, c.t11orn,. 'IO/Ol This l>Uslneso 1\ conduc ted by • 119"9••1 !>fffnef'S/111> KA>rM11tlue1 Thll st.lemt<'lt wu lllecl w ith Ille CC>llnly Cieri! ol Or•noe CcKin1.-on Ap<ol •. ""· f'IUl"7 P11bll"*I Ounge coast D•llY Piiot, AIJ". II, II, 25<Ind M4y1, 191' 1403·19 PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STATEMENT TM loll0wl"9 perton ts OOtllQ lilv$1· nnias PURE A IR PAOOUCfS, ••• e.11er Slrwt, Slllte .ias. C-1• Me~. C:.lll0<nl• '26.36 M . W•1f'lt Kunr. lll01 P•rl<vo..,., tr-v1ne.C:.lilor111•'2llS This buSlneu Is cono11<teo by dl'I ,,.. Ol•ldu•I. M. w..,,..1<11nr Thi\ SC.I-I Wd\ l llecl Wiii\ lltt PUBUC NOTICF. FICTITIOUS 8USINCSS NAME STATEMENT file lollOW1"9 I><''"°"' die OOtnQ 1>us1nus as. TECHPAO ASSOCIATES, 22' .. Alm•~n M1l\oOI\ 111e10 CA '2•91 Robert Moo•• Jonnson, 7'496 Almaaen. MIH1on 111e10 CA 9lb91 .Jerry All"" Lt'OOwtlt. t•21 4 On t•rt0 L-. El Toro. CA 926•1 rht\ 1><.1\IMss I\ tonaucleO by • gent••• Pil•tMrs1>1p R M ~ Thi\ s t.t-t "'d\ 111eo with ""' County Cl••• ol Oranoc County on A!M"ll 1, 191'1. FllzaJ Publl\MCI OranQO! C.0.UI 0•1ly Pllot ~·· •• 11, 18. u, 197' 1~19 PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS I USINl!SS NAME STATEMENT T~ lollowl"9 perM>ns •ro C101ng .,.,,.,, .. \.~ H&H PA!>TRtES IJS W t9tll Sir"'· C.OSIA Mesa. C.1tl0tn•• •2b21 O•n••I c. HuHoro IOlJ Concord StrMI, C-t.t Mttd C..1tt0<n1e .,o7f> Shert L HullorQ t02J <;oncQr o StrHI, Cost• MMd, c.u.1orn1~ ¥1616 This o..~ness " <onduttPCI Oy • QeMl•l Pi1'1ne~1p o.nl14 C Hulloro Tl\1s slalOfflMI Wd\ llltd with 11141 County Cle r-ol Orange County 011 AMr<h 19, 1919. Flll .. J P11blf$N!CI O...tnt.ie Co.1st O•lfv Piiot, #t\4r. 21, D....SAor l, 11, 1~79 l~fq Cou11ty Clerk of Or•n9'! County on --------- Mmh 19• tm. PUBLIC NOTICE Fiii~ Pubtlstied Or~ CN>I O•llf Pilot. ----------Mor.11.2 .. noAor •. ll.1919 1osi,.19 PUBUC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS •USINIS$ NAME STATUHNT Th• loltowlng persons •re doln9 bu\IM S\ as. CEHH.IRION E NTIAPAISES, 200 WeUcllll 0<1ve, Sulle JOI, N•w-' llNth, C.llfom1• 92..., Leon.nl A. Reno., 7104 Donnie RO.CS, H9WP0<1 Bffcn; C..fltorn•• '2ttO J NClm\lln Smith, 21'2 Grffnb<ler Street, Co6t• Mne, C.lltorni• 92U• This blnlnen Is cOftdu<ttd b.-• QeMr•I 1>¥tnenh1P. i.-rd A. Rel!CM lhlS stet ....... l WIS flltd "'flh tri. County Clerk Ol Or-11119 Covnty on Malr<h It, .. ,.. "t"* P11ot1shed 0r""99 C.O.\I O•llY P iiot, ,q, 21,21-Apt.(, 11, ,,,, 1093-/9 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSIHIESS NAME STATEMENT rri. lollow•ng oetson t\ doing Diil•· l\eS)H MAAINO·ROSTEN P AOOUC T IONS, 119 W 161h s1,....1. C 1, Costa Mesa, C.hloml• '2b11 John J . Marino. n9 w t•lh Sllllet, C-2, Costa~. C..htorno• 92.,1 Tiil• ~SS •S <ondU<lecl by an In· OlwlCW.I. • Jonn J. Manno Thts si.temen1 ••• llltd woth ti'tf Count.-Clerk ol 0••"99 Couf'ltr on Apfll t , 1919 FllJl/2 PubllJMCI 0...nQe '°"~ 0.tlly Piiot °'Pr II. 11, lS-MilY 2, 1919 13S..1' PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO Cll£01TOllS SUPEIUOA COUllT OF TME ST A Te 0,. CAL.1,0llNIA "OR THE COUNTY O" OltANOE No.•~s Estate OI JOSEPHINE ESTEY vosr. oa JOSEPHINE ESTEY BROWN, Oeua.sed. NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl\IEN 10 lh<t crea11on of ttw .ibOve ~-o OK• dent ,,,., all 11et10n• ,,..,111g <l•lms "9a1MI 1111! .,..Id Oo!<edenl •re requlr~ 10 l•le 1nem w11n ll'lt neuss.iry llOU<l\•rs. on trv· oHltf' ol ll'le clerk ot t~t> •bOvt ttnt• 11ei0 tour-t or to Of'es.ent tn.tn ••th rtw-n«:l"\,,..ry VOUC"tr-~. iO lllf< unoe'"Qnl'<I al It>-Souln c;a,11e10. 41hambra CA. wn1ch " ttw pl•<e ol OU\•""" ot Ille ull<lf'r"~ .,, •II met· lers ~rla•n·nQ to t"4 t\talt of Wl•O lie· cedf'nl, ""'hon tour montM alter tt.e lorst publluloon of th•• notice. Oaltd Aprll b, 1979 JC>tlN S. BYRNES JR, ExecutOf'ot Ille Wiii o1 the •bOv• named dec-t JOHN S 8YMHES Jll A Proln~f Co<-ppr.o111on I 154 S.lllh <Hrlleld P. 0 llOll IOll All1•mbra, CA tll02 r.1· u•m1 AllornolOtl!n<lll« PuDllth~ Oro1noe Co4sl O.itfv ~1101 Apr II, 18, u. Mllv 2. 1919 1401·1' PUBLIC NOTICE ftl8UC NOl'ICB PUBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS IUSINEU NAMe STATEMENT Tn« lollowfnQ .,.,\On\ .,,. dOil>Q °"'"'eu as GEORGE CHARLES REAL T v H I• \/I" Lido, New port Bt4ch, C..ltlorn1d 9'660 C.EOAC.E C HARLE'> INTERESTS. L 10 a (dhtorntd <D• por•hon JAi• v ... L100, Newoort lk•<h, c.i1tom1a '11~ Tiiis l>Ul.lnn& I\ CondlK ICO bY .. cor l)Ol"•liOl'I. Geo<oeCNorlestntere•I•. LlO. Owrtn S Dreyer Secnit.,y Tttls '1.M~I "'"' t1I~ wlln the COvnt.-Oerli ol Or•~ County on M•r<h ,., IU'I. MIC.RM.~! A ttenoey M LAw ''TIM Cltf'' JOS ••11411119. s..t .. tOOO MS City P..--y Whl 0.. .... ,CAt2'M Tet: .. J..,_ PUBLIC NOTICE ) OCIAMd SICUm9 Dehax• d•lex. • at 2 llACNHOUll bdraa.; walk to best Jbedroom6 b•u•room. bHcb • clo•• t o ~brtPtllvu_..ana, r e1tauraau . e tc. loliiety ~.I~ te •ooo! ._...._ otun. Ow ner w tll ..... _, .. .,.. nr-. oa eontra« wttta lallen low down pa1ment -· ...... ;~;*;"; .. ;"~-~;·;;;1 ~ CIM1IR HALn 64e-1112 ~IMftlX , ______ _, CGlOMtl l ITOIY ......... ......,1. Bdnnl. a batM. a.par al• fMllly roae + fora1l cbbal. tow rnli•l••Me yard, rcweted paUo New Wall to waU ca'""' •N clltbwaabe,r. Super de ew. ~ . . a Bdrm Jl.2 lot, 1u um•· bit ltl CdM loweat l)rice ~ Walkt:r 1: l 1:1: re•l•tate 1-.00MHOMI 172,100. Idol hOme ror l1rce famil)'. Near achoola 6 F.·1ld• <: M. c u1tom "'°PIJiin«. Ore•m homf borne Comer lot. Seller at bllra•ln pnce! Hurry, cnotJvau.d ~~1,JJ~~~JJ,0111 No<1 4 •harp ttom ot. VA t.emw. no money down. Xlnt 6oc•Uotl ~ Walkt:r f; Ltrn EDaUth Tudor 2cU Br apfit level, z•s car 1ar a1e. fr pl c1. IDk'rowlYlll, ~ wlt1dows. pool, apa. TENNIS ClOUrt. i''Yom •• 8$0 8*0081qTbS·1920 Developed by Woodtree Dev. Co. ·. i ~. a baths Hr'h uaU: dbl. 1ara11u ~1. ill xtat <'ondl U. • ,_..~ l'9llk'd Qlllt•I 1tteet. ff land. not ltHtho d . u.e.auo PIMle call • fOf app'\ eo-. ~~=:~r.:~.:k ~ 01•1111 with I frplc1 .. hHfll' -• ~ 8a)' vJew Vtry room. ~ - 4 BR.fAMLLY "DISIGM WITH DISTIMCTIOM'' POOl.·$121,000 nm lovely custom built home near the Mesa Model DHfect e.11ecutive Verde Country Club is hom e !i Fan t A'S t I c ooe ol a kind. It features bedrms . + Massive 4 Bdrm, 3 baths. family maater suite! Enter· room and formal dining ta.inel''s patio with blUn · room. For an appoint· BBQ. Luxurious sola r me11Uoaee. callS46-5880 , ....... ,,.. ............ . ••d-. ............ .,·ra ., .... h ................... . ............ ,. .......... . associated krtcbion • much to o(rer · U.S tor the lrowlnfi f11111ly 8aaboa lslud Ataky * * . * * Pnvatc-yard w th awhn ""''""'"*-',,.,... ,, VETERANS ._ ............... -....... .._. n.. ..._ ....,. ...... , .... W.W.. 1,ecl•1 d9cfa1 -4 .,.. OffwM .. $279,000 man1 pool Orut rar 67J-1700 * * 1UnUntt enttrutn 1n1. h lo. • -I . '. ' 1/J Acre 1-.cllo Lah F.I ino~ Aru O.tom bwlt 3 8drm, 2'" b&. 2200 sq fl Family rm UOO tSLI w1frpk.-U\lintl rm , din ~Macnab Irvine $240,000 '7).4400 HARaOR 1\ lh\1'11111 Uf ll<irh111 hl\t..,llllt•ot l 'o 1ng rm, lae klt ch ~n Spor\OU--. 4 bd,rm bomi• r tannlng to sell your wl c•nt e r i a l•nd w1th .t1it~u1•1te w ood bome! Our d~•igners Sc~ putio. M.;tr Br p;&n('ltng, ovc~lied lw bave increased seller' w/wallt-tn cl~t. bwh an Ing r.-n. & dining. r m Pl'Ofita many tunes over vanity & lS dra~t'r ch"'~' open onto sunny South by SJmple ooo·structural t.ae walk·tn shower, dbl patio 4.5 .. ,. lot. SS!>~,000 cosmetic changes in· fUU', abundant storatce. Ca th erin~ Tt·nnlllt' lere o r & extt:rio r . intercom. S95.000. By S&2-823S C.OOSuJt.atloo & drawings owner. 714/674-5000 SlSO·SJOO appli cable ---1 d ff 1 " 6'2·5678 towards purt•hasc --------•Waot A e p . Country Life lnlenurs 411 JASMIN E <.:toa;I\ OR : O nly Pl an U <Su.rlslde> Model on the resale market . Lux· unous master suite with OCEAN ·CATALlN A VIEW & an adjacent private study with it's own Ort>place. $244,500. COU OF MEWPORT REALTORS . 675-5511 heated pool. Atrium and Recent cbanges in V.A deck orf master wing, recs may enable you too. Call today 752· 1700 qu.llty for $1001000 bom OPfN Ill Q. II\'"" 10~1 .... I. :Ei~4.: [!Cllll spec1alizmg in VA hom k>am. We're the VE lalNNf I.._ I 006 that belp the VETS. • •••• •••• •••• •• • • • • • • • • For more i.nlo. caJI : .. Horfoa. Afl. 541.0100 BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX Completely refurbished. For s ale by owner. $237,500. Call 673-7611. • ~:11--HERITAGE . . REALTORS IUl.DE:l'S SPECIAL Westside ; rm. for 10 Un· 497.3331 LAGUNA llACH 499-4551 493-1112 SOlllll~m• .,_,_, 495-1720 644-7010 L...-MlcJtalt Mewpart •11:• iLB. S210,000. Agt. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; m.8170 833--0523 Eves ~ IUILDAILE ROOMformih 0-.PoW 1026 ....._ 1044 $115,000 PREVlEW SHOWING JOHES REALTY, IAc MARINITA •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 673-62 I 0 Prestigious residences GALAXY near the marina from eon.adtlM• 1022 EastCostoMHG Sl59,900. 831·3540; LIGHTS! ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 a-r. office. d bl garage. ~: ~5111. Vlew a galaxy or night 507JASMINEAVE. n.'C room, room for RV . . G<>V"T REPO 3425 E. Coast Hwy, CDM 3 Bdrm. 1', bath. I DOING 673-~10 , ________ _ NewW/W carpetinl( "!".. BUSINESS SUNSET BEACH ~:ro~ ~~ '. i; i UNDER A 1~ JU~ ~S~~th, oak Duplex on the sand, view 898-7853 -.. .... FICTITIOUS plank noors, open beam oiCalalula. lights.from th 1s 1 m • Prine onJy. $129,500. 2 Br. lots or storage, unique. Magnificent ocean view. maculate split le vel. l ba, lrg patio & garage. ready to move in. School New 3 bd, lg~ nns. (3rd VJEWS of Catalina and Super cute & ctn. all in walking d istance. bd sep_. s uite ). Agt. Signal Hill tbO! Freshly freshly done. By owner & Owner waJU.og (or oCCers. 833-0623. 759·0'106. deror a ted thruout ! maycarry. (808)879-4073 Open Sat /Suo 12·4 . Ckeari view. New 4 br . 3 Wallpaper. paint, carpet· or (714) 536-1857. 548-5879. ba, 33932 Blue r .. antem. ing, Ute works! Formal _:_..;._...:__ _____ --------Trade /Lse/Op u on or CUSTOM IUILT _. NAME? et.'tlmgs, 2 frplc'i., ma ny 84t..5502 xtras. $289,000. ~ dining room. Fa mily IUILDERS ~sTSIDE s ma 11 down . Agt . room. 2 Jo~lreplaces. '"'" (2131434-4461. & It's on a lrg lot too! nus 3 BR. 2 bath family home on quiet tree lined street will allow your famlly to spread out in complete luxury. Call for tnf o. 54()..3666. • To place your message beforelhe reading publ1 r. phone Daily Pilot Classilied. 642-5678 If yo 11 hen l11at lll•d your n•• Flct11lo11a 811aln••• Nel'll• •nd flue noc r-1 e11bl'llltteel It lot p11bicetion, pleaM don 'I lorget tfl•t tfle lil'llil•llon le 30 d•Y• ltom dale ol flll1t9-TM bAIL Y PILO T wlll p11bllal\ yout •lat•-nt lot S 3 1 .SO . Our .clrcuJatlol\ indllde• Ill• · entire Oru1ge Co•at •••• end 19991 notices •PP••· In •II •dltiofta. In order to 1ubmll your atetement tor publication send a1>9tOpri8te copy and 8 checll to THE OAILY PILOT, P.O. 8o1 15e0, Coit• MeN , CA 9282'. We'll do Ille .... F~ lnto•m•Uon •bout 199•1 •IN•rtlel1t9 pie• .. call 642-4321 En 332. JACOIS REAL TY __ 675-6670 ciWk r ........... -. .................................... .__,,..,: Gorgeous pool, giant spa RARE R·2 LOT IN OLD SUMSHIME aodfirepit.2Viewpalios CORONA DEL MAR 3 Br. 2 ba+pool & lo" MearnewCapeCod -covered and muc h SUPER LOCATION. mamt.yard.$77,500 Ckean view from a dis· more! Bargain Priced! SlJS.000. CALL 540-1151 754-7800 uncttve 3 bdrm home. 5 BR Biscay, S175,000 2·3 i \'7. ;I ~ --------r attJ :· 1. ~? ',, Hurrv. call752·1700. ..~ nus is defimtely an out· BR~~~~ ~~~~:~::.-; I i :iii ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M:." g;i~T.]fat::: ~-;:;;;::;r·~r.:~: i ~ .#-. : I Businessmen ! II I you are d o in g i lb us'1ness under a i for the special fa mily. Otarming duplex. Steps •'8~--. CENTURY 21 WEST Maint. free yard. By Soanng wood ceilini:s In TRIPLEX lo Goldenrod overpass --------•I S54-4840 owner/no agts. Sl28,900. the entry. living room. Gl'Ht Income!! 3br, 21i'.aba, approx l800 0 ~183 dining room . This is a Single story owner unit sq ft upstairs, rrplc, 3 t a..tiwgtOft leach I 04 1..:..:.......:. ______ _ rustom 3 Bdrm vie w with 2 townhouse de~1gn :;li·.undv rmecks, '1"opemnstrbebdamrmin ~o ON A LOT •••••••··~·E·:~·•••••••• 10% DOWN home. Treat yourselC to r ear u nits. All with ., " 1 " " """ " lhebcst.S279,SOO. pnvate pallo, WtD hook Downst.au~.3br. 2ba. ap· EASTSIDE . Two cute H u NT I NG TO N Walnut~ C d 642·5200 -up & individual enclosed prox 1500 sq n. Many up· homes on 1 lot. Sp_ac. 2 CENTER & free way on Q Pete Barrett gar a ges. Call n ow grades. Buyer has choice Br, l ba homes w~2 car Nice 4 Bedrm, l~~ bath S67, 00 673-8550 or le nde r. $270,000. gar. Sep. yards. Live 10 bomt>1nxlntschool dist. l.Bedroom,28ath -ilao ltu c>1N 111 ''"' 11.l'V 1c1"' '"'' 1 Shown by appt, prin · l, rent other. Great in· Park Place.Inc 342. 7461 Own/A,.. f'1c1it1ous Business i ! :<Jame you are requtred 1 i by law r Business and l i Pro/esStoos Code. Sec 1 i 17900 to 17930 I to /Ile a l t F1 ctitlous Business i l Name Statement and l 1 have tt publtshed /or j 111 ....... 1111 .................... 1111 .... ~ l /our consecutive u-eek$ 1 j WE at the DAILY l ~~ 1 l I les ntv ,,.,. 5078 Bkr come property. Seller --------I'>• ... ~~ ...... r -·,~;11~1;•:; .. :1 ;;YG~ ~~ OW~ER. motivated. $l26,SOO. ~~bc::.k:~ ::. 759-9J32, 645-6010 ,~ _!-2~!! .. ~~ lmmac.S bdrm.+bonus ~•l11a1Estltl firepace, covered patio. UNIVERSIT Y PARK OCEANFROMT LOT rm. comple tely up· ,___,_. new carpel, fresh paml VILLAGE 11 Expanded graded inside & out. ~1es 10 & out. $75,000. Call l..a&ille model. For sale Guarded gate commuru-Maintenance free yard 17141 ~ 2 1 3 I 4 3 8 . o 3 8 2 o t by Owner. Sl40,000. Call A OONVEHICNT SHOPPINC AHO SEWIHC G010E FOtt THE CAl.OHTHE CO Border Intrigue £, A6a B~ /fllll::s:::s#! ) ....... ~--~.~ .. ,, : PILOT can help With l j both. Call the lECAl 1 i DEP~RTMENT al i j 642·4321 E:rt. 332 /or j : further mform.otwn. l i...-----·--·--••••n•Z ca r s•bikes• •skateboards• trucks.baby carriages•tea carts•trikes r ol ler skates • walkers•toys •wagons•••• scooters*hot rods*coupes• t railers*hard tops* convert· i bles*motor homes* lawn mowers*limos *corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's* .. • •typingtables wheelbarrows• r ecreational ve h lcles*golf carts*model tralns*blkes •pianos"cars refrigerators *skates•••••• If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster In a Dally Pilot classified ad.call ~2-5678 and a friendly ad-vlser wm help you tu rn your wheelsfnto cash. ty. Owner w/carry paper with pool & Jacuzzi. This 213/431-0444 562-8888 w/29%dwnatl0% lS not just a house it's a ---------1 X8~~ly S:fo:~ bome. Appt. only 644·2373 DOCTOR'S EST A TE NJCE & HEAT! or644-5600 70xl3S E-s1de R·2 lot. Big 3 BR. 1~ bath home in aaow MARKET! ·~/~~etc~. ~~d ~o':'k~ ~area. Full price on· ForsaJe. 3br Needs TLC.1 log prints for 2 more un· P~ace.tncM2·746t PACESffiER Only $139,900. 673-4311 its. OWC 1st T.D. w/29<.k __;...;,...;_ __ ;__ __ _ *VETERANS * agt down. $149,500. Own/Agt HUGE -HUGE LOT at .--------1 ~·9666. end ol cul-de·sac street. G r anad a with a bedrooms. pool and ideal locaUon on eul-de·sac st.re.et lo The Ranch uea of lrvlne. Greal fa mily home in an executive neighbortiood and Irvine schools too! Call today Let a Vet Help You find WI! have 2: 3 BR + 2 ba that home you want. o SPECTACULAR A STEAL at 597,900 nr AU~pta 4r dovm up to $100,000. QUALITY DUPLEX Al S76,SOO. See th1s "like Brook.burst, + a 4 BR + CalRandyAgt,24hn An exceptional custom new" 4 BR 2 BA on lge 2 ba w ith pool nt WORLD RE bltbomew/vaulted wood rut de sac lot now ! Brookhurst & Yorktown • beam ceiling, beautiful Dream kitchen. warm at$99.SOO. Call Ron Ort, 543-1722 s olid oak cabin ets wood panelmg, concrete R.E.Professionafs thruout, fplcs in hvg rm dnve. United Broke rs . 963-8177 NEWPORT FIXER $122,500 This 3 Bdrm home is steps Crom the beach, on the Peninsula. Jt de· finitely ne.!ds TLC, but bas tremendous poten- t.lat. Bring your tools and imagination. Ca ll ~1151 & mast e r bedroom. ~k for Pe~gy Schroder, -------- leaded glass windows, & &1&7414; 559-6330 c.-eramic Lile jacuzzi in mstrbaUt. Investor mus t sell 2 PLUS homes in Costa Mesa. No bd brokerage. A charming 2 rm ren· 2385 Nortre Dame $82,5()( tal w/fplc & separ ate CaU831-!1081 for mforma SIEDROOMS Must see this la rge custom1ied Meredith Gardens home w l over :nxlsqfl of livlllg area. Partt Place. Loe 1142· 7461 patio deck. $279,500. lion CAU.644-721 t --·-------1BY Owne r, no t'redit ---------c check, no qualifying. As· EASTSIDE'S s umable S54.000 VA. S • • BEST 8"'1% or new ranancmg. • Close to beach , 2 • • • lmmaruJate 3 Bdrm + fireplaces, rormal din ''!!!=======~~=•! ~!!~~~~~~~ den home situa ted on nn. & ram. rm. Large 3 &J1...,11W1_-. .. ,,. I• qwct street. close to a ll bdrm. 2 ba. $89,900. Pnn· FamilyFun B@ainsHere 0eiiglit1u1 family style home reatu.res a super ra m i ly room wit h fireplace. 3 s pacious bed.rooms. formal dining room, forma l livin g room, plush carpeting, Cathedra l ceilin gs. F.nclosed patio. $91,000. Don't wait, call 559-84Sl TARllB.l SELL .dJ .t .th CostoMeso 1024 s hopping. Tastefully cipalsooly.848·3785. , e 1 ems. ~1 a ••••••••••••••••••••••• done in earthtone. Ask·,·-------•[ L-~~~~~-_I DallyPilotClass1f1edAd. i--------I lnstll.39.900.CallToday. 1• l&OWMAUET -· DRAMATIC VU $412,500 . Loodl of spoce ift tws l bedroOM diL r•: witlt priHCr· Priu i•cl•dH appro..t ..... for 200 sq. ft. odclffoft. BAYFRONT CONDO $225,~ ~ row z bed. Z b411t1 Wifll *-"« VIEW. '~$1' tenrlty loat slip .. ....-. /Ol'TIOM _,,, WATERFRONT HOMES Inc. 2A36 W Coast Hegh1.1.'10. Newport Beach 631·1400 Sl8C & ANlt ADJECTIVE COMPARISON C 0 L C J A H 0 J I 0 t E L R L Y L 0 S B 0 M W R A E E B R 0 G E R T E W K P L P D L I L H A B E S T H S V D C T L S C K D 0 0 G T 8 A R 0 0 I R R N U E 0 G V N V ~ 0 T E E M l C £ I A G 0 H K E V l E N S H R S A D I R £ R I R V L Q E S L E I E 0 E T R M D S M 0 VYAUO T IBRAt NOY GGT EP P M I {"¥ l E l A T A S H R I T T 0 R £AMA£CREPNMCE GO OTTE LMCV NIS AM AOTWBSD RA E IOON ONTP KMSGEE U l L 0 R E V I T C E J 0 A R 0 8 Y l D R H V R E K l W 8 S U 0 J M A R R J 1 E R E 0 R E S £ l J M A C V I E M N ....... ~., dlelallllty. ,~ -.,. It lfl: ~ ,.. .... """" .. Ootd hner ltet " Mlny Mo" .. IJ 0 OIW Ortllt e t.!t..v u... l.Mli.t T ot9IOfTtW: LJn .. M .... .,E OFFER" DennlS Ricketts, Rltr VIEW LIGHTS Sharp 3br, great locaUoo ""' 642-3263/95.5-0497 AND HARIOI + decor with amenities. On this lovely Mesa ---------t Huge bdrm over looking Must sell.673-4311 agt. Verde home. Owners are bay. Sunken living room ~iving new buyers ar---------& den. Wetbar. BBQ. PETER'STOWMHOMI S2.000 carpet allowance. COLLEGE PARK rareplace. Boat slips Lovely 4 bedroom condo Home features heated · available . Offered for with fa mily r oo m . pool, covered patio a nd COSTA MESA $127.900. Superb qua Ii l Y . ~::.%a1fg:~~only Means bome sweet home lTmltJt!\jiGI!JllifMJ ~~~~~~IJ~~-Ideat where your c hildren 962--44ffirS"548·8100 NEWPORT CEMTB .. ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS walk leisurely to schools REALTY throUl!h Orange Coast College. Owner bas over A SpecW H.-640-I 11 Z improved Uus home with forspeciaJ people. An eic· oodbrldge nr Late. a spectacular fa mily perience in luxury in pre-fonn. model 3 bdrm, 2~ room. fo'ruit aplenty. at.ige area. Features too ba.$1"9,900S52-8584 PleasanUy arrordable al nmnerous to mention. l i---'------- $98.500. yr warranty, V ·A terms UP VJ 2 bdrm2ba tnbae. MESA DELMAR Luxurious 5 bdrm. 3 ba. family home on pool sized lot. Walk t o Paroc h ial & publlr school & Orange Coast College. Beautifully IDllint&ined & upgradf'd. $127,500. call now. Agent B. Grounds. 551·4682 Eves. avail. Sl29,500. ERA. quiet Loe on lftlblt. (Pie 581·1210. nr pool 6 crta, elec: gar. 21 Make th ose 1 o o d ~~-552~~r. ~ items you're ' • • not ualag avall•ble lo ...._ 1 ... _ •-• .._ ...._ ,_,.. c-....... eome otbet famllJ by ad· &UllO 1u&elt ....... ua MIV ......w;:::. vertilillg them foraale in West. •• a DaU1 Pilot Priced to Seti! 640.5357 Q.aified. Call 642-5678 a..tOed Ad. &0-1171. The most afforable •r--------&.....-~ 1041 INdl 1141 Bdrm. home in No C.M . ORIG~ HTS ••••••••••••••••••••••• -•• .. •••••••••••-•• New cpts & paint. Walk nYYr-• to So. Cst Plaza, school! Refreshing Ocean & ch u t c b es. 0 n I y breezes & a sparkling S77,900/V/\ te r m s! POOlarefustJCtrastothi.s Please call Bruce, Brit. Immaculate 3 br 2 ba 631"5556 home. Tastefully de· 1...;.;.:,_.. _______ , oorated, s ituated on a Tiii MMNt Clltap! qui.et cul-de·HC, close to 'lbia ls· Ill 2 Bedrm1 1 allshoppin&. C81l Today! blitb doll house la looking .,_.. lfcbth. forrtghtowner. It'• ooty 1....,. SIK.900. and that 's cheap 955-0e7 642 3263 for Cos\a Meaal Call • P.B.I. ~2Ul or83S-0211 --------P111er JN18 JIDl.M I IA DUPLIX Family room add on, Very nice two 2 bdrm. coppe.r plumbing, n ew units, Eutslde Costa root. '74,000. Meaa. Enclosed earlies ltoJ Mc~, IUfr + extra parting. Street 541-1729 Ir •lley acceaa. Tht11~~~~~~~~~i ~~.0001 1: ....,,."""' llACH a.ck Bay Area Condo, MALTY 675-1642 sBr 2.,._eab2~ yrs old, ·~--~-~~~-· • vt ........ , s• I •1 1410 ,fl. d I l•ta1e. P' '""'., ~ reer d, .a.Int corid. By s Bdrm, pool. m .ooo. 283 owner, ••· Pria ontr. CamalliaS..'m't •ll ...... or77._1511 MOMA1CH SUMMIT II 2 Bdrm. 2 ba th, view home. $139,900. COUMTIY CLUI ...... 3 Bdrms, custom home on tbe fairway. Everything you bave dreamed of in this home. Pool, spa. earth t one_:s & professionally decorated. $319,000. A ca&.9WIU. ..,._CO. 496-7222 831-~ n...u .. ..,,.. . ............. • • . ~~~ ... !~.~~ ---- 111£ All ... 15TH l£Sll.ln. Acqulrt inc<>me property of 10Uf own. We have property Ula& wlb bllp )'OU aep IDOl'e ol ~ doliam )'OU uroed 6 ~ue UMm from &are• • Inflation by puttifta them &o wan tor YoU la well-located propenitl ln lood trowdl artQ. The dollan )'OU 1ave away to the I RS should be work!Ag ror you Instead. To keep the 1ame uw., rrom bappen&ng next year. come talk with us. We can 'help you form up an lnvestmeot plan th•t will conserve more of )'OW' earnings. Some H l.tt properUes now avaUable: Utllll.llY AIL Y PllC• IQ.IAYW BNI&. ..... v•.. "" --. .... lba.a•all Jw l . "11 ,... moatb. .......... Yeerty. S Br l Be. = kit .. aeu beecb. . ....... • 1' O&lGINAl, ll.UFPS AR ftA 1 Senta· Uoeal plH 11:. ht&hly (.'\lllOM1lf'd, apadOUI 2 bdrm ulte ... mualve family rm It edcMoct hob 1»1 rm Ovtrlooi..1 eoor•ou s tCN>enbolt Hooutlr prl(~d 1tt au..~ ,\Jent~~ _ Thi• Orance Count1 4·f>iex 1.s only siso.ooo & owner will carry a 2nd! Each unit has • firepl8<'e. enclo.ect 11arage. enclosed patio. Jiving Ii family room. laundry room. sbake root. HHT UHm • Lult H.V 4 Bdrm, fam ......,... .... rm. dinlnl rm. Quiet at. a Br z BaG..a.. Home Ready now. LH llOO. on oubll, catbedral cell-A&l. 6'4-7211 ln11. Ital. tlle, new '52J OlJ .. Sla·~ llAUTWIUL It Only 4 .... ,...,.... Looks ~...... I 04I IMt. New rarpet, c~e ~•I "8tate E I •••••••••••••••••• • •••• '0 .,,.._I •. n•rk L'&u -xoens ve inO.c;) P b-640·1440. •SIAV•W •• A bl'uuf1tul bubbling ... Ra.boa 5&1..-1 ~•d~d Hempton JACUZZI Newly painted S lal · , I, 3 br. 2\'» t>a • rm. t-ll~utlve borne with ,4 ~MC •ow u •111T1 ly rm. Ocean• nlahl htt ht.-dn)()ms. formal dinin~ 1bal'11 U-' ~ane for lhia BIG ,.,A"'Y-ON c d v1ew. <il&•rd gate, pool room. fiamlly room with ''OLDE LAG UN A "''" on ° l~onls. '305.000 12 13) fireplace. Covered patio DUPLEX". Imposing 2•t locauon. ALSO G>-1829. and 8ube1'ue. More. IJGUNA two .......... .._.,l~n or e11rly ant Sbr. home with 0 I L _,.., ._. +11pa only $t.z4.900 1 ... C., t•Y Stlt.75 , op va ue i.aauna arc ltcc:ture c.Only8734311Agt ,. " -$40-1720 $12,950 wtti detailed exterior of POOL HOME t:~f&f':fo~G'.N1~ . s 162,500 m_llR. L Low space rent includes BIG CANYON ulil. ($140). Beautiful localed on prime North E njoy Newpc>rt at Its __ .....;._.....;.____ cond, 10lC43 Sparton. new t!ftdPI"' 'fc1.ET. FwEN/RACME B0LLIN0CE· Beautifully cu11tomlzed be6t ~!u~ mAoesl exciting Beauty Thru cpts, refrlg, wlk to town .• ,,_ · • home overlooking 5lh new"" ng. n exlreml'· bch. <EHl39J..57) BR I C K 8 B Q A N D fairway of Big Canyon ly livable 3 bdrm Back And Thru Mobile Ho.M Store WALKWAYS. Upper 2 Country Club on a large Bay home complement· Pride of owncrshl~ t5M500 BEDROOM. 1 BATU private lot 00 a unlque ed w/ncutral tones of h 1gh 1 y up gr a 0 c ti -------- UNIT has spacious hvmg cul-de-sac. This lovely b c 1 g e & Ye 11 ° w 8 lownhome locull'd by room, approx. 25 feet country French home of enhanced br. a gorgeous South Coast Plaza. 3 nice * N E w long, with built-In china approximately 3100 sq fl 36Xl8ft poo · 646-7711 bedrooms, t· om r y cabinet and PEEK 01-' has ""8 & groove oak ( 11 f I kt h 'th THE OCEAN. Cozy floc;>rS throughout .the ~l11'll!!gltllRfl ~f.i~~·Pl~sch c~;;!l-NEVER lower l BEDROOM l m .. '" llvln1 ar•a. stained -.. ·-··· --Inn p · · c BATH UNIT f .... ... uoe-nvale patio. om-eatures f.lass in lvi·ng room, real estate . l 1 M BRJCK FLOORS AND I d i . mun1 Y poo . ore LIVED IN w I N E c As E • -~~ IJ n1n1g rm, ---------1 $75.750. Won't last. Cull PANELED WALLS F ...a.-....ai I ver c oset. 4 s 540-1720 · or bedrooms. 2~ baths. E x-1 ,,11 L those who want a place terior appointments in· .... at the beach. f'ull of elude a large pool and Home on LJdo for one -~ "OL D~ LAGUNA s unning a rea. sep. doUar ... buy lol on Lido --------- Im Madison, 20x.52. 2Br. 2Ba. good buy! <4717U) 2 separate 4-plexes with common courtyard. Separate loans/separate Iota. Larae u.Ut.s. some with fireplaces. In excellent rental area of Riverside at $230,000. POSITIVE CASH R.OW Owuer will raise rents 1n escrow to give buyer positive cash flow on these 14 units. 1~ yean old. located In Buena Park. All 2 bedroom. l VJ bath. Pride ol ownership Owner wiU carry 10'10 Interest only financing & no points. IXCIUIMT HOUSTON LOCATION 34 Individually metered units in Houston. Texas. 112.m per un1t. full pnce S420.000 with Sll0.000 down. 5.3xgross. Investment prope rty ownership ahouJd be one of your ma.ior lire goals. It can ~ure your ruture & protect your future eamlngs. Why not talk it over with one of our highly .trained stalf or over 407 We have over no properties available now & know how to gel you started. · AGENTS ANO BROKERS We have a fl'w positions open for hceni.ed professionals "'ho would like to afflJiate with OranJ!e County's fastest growing organization. Call for an appointment. Ci)UAIL PLACE PROPERTIES, IMC. 17141 752-1920 CHARM , we believe secluded Jacuzzi located b land for S214,99'J & for !.his one w1ll.,take off master bedroom. onedollar more.wew11l FIRST PLACE . Of· private entry with uic:lt.")ethehous~. rered for only ... a:-ed I · d f s~jj~j* Tortol.Se CDRdo••l .. 1/Tow•· 11.s.·s Best 1 u nit bwld· With A I .._..far MM 1700 lDg. Rldeyourbiketotbe Gorg!ous s~~P~i nt Mob1"le Homes ••••••••••••••••••••••• beach. Gross inc 529.064 A Steal $172,500 M ,riu t;ili;'_' g ass an oun- Doo 't come in second CALL TODAY !! Sale Price $495,000 home has 4 bedrooms, ---------Exec To.-ws per year. formal dining room, Several to choose rrom. ScoffRealty comfy family room wilh Pnced Crom W .900 to 536-7531 carpeting, pool/ Jae/ ten· c.N...... 3214 nls. S.S75 mo. Lease ... ·-················ mat12evesonly. Newapacloul coado. 2 br, -2baw/comm pool M50 Well upgraded 4Br. 28a. mo No-· .. ~ ... ~" · $125 mo. 551·4513 or . --· ............ 5.52-3115 E. SIDE·3Br, 2Ba. dbl ___ __; __ gar, no pets, S46S mo. LIKE "'EW SB 2''-n-avail S.l.~9219 ,, . "· n1H1, ---------•Saa Lula Rey Condo. $&. 3 Br. lg fenc. yrd, beautifully &out.eel In tree lined resld. st, crpts, R A N c H 0 s A N drps. etc. 770-5629; JOAQUlN.WetbarA:all 56'7· 78:11 wardrobe doors are mir. ---------• rored. frplc. Attached lbr.Adults.Nopeta.Pvt. gara1e h•• 1reat Sl'50. 2048"7 Pomona. .__ ...,.. 642-0835 storaae. a ..... opener . .....,5 ---------• mo. Please call fQr appt. Lovely 2br. condo. Swim-S3M847 days or 640-7878 ming pool. pnv. yrd . eves. Gar. & carport. Adult.slllllilllli•------ Only. S4SO.mo. Avail. 5·1 ---------754-7496betw. 6·8 p.m. Heritage Putt 'l'ownhome 2 br. 2~ ba. 2 car 1arage MESA VERDE·3Br. 2Ba. wlopener, encl. patio. or encl yd, covered patio. nr pool. $460. mo. 55f.S588. sc:hb. shops. park. SSSO -mo.644-5187or644-8519 LARGE l DROrangetree, only S350 per mo. Vogel· 4 BR. fam. rm .• 2 ba .• frpl. Pacific. 640-6161 1800 Sq. ft. Quiet comer. -S57S. 642-4623 1'wtJe Rock Twnhse. 2br.den. 2ba1 (rplc . 38r house Sm married Lule. AvaJ1. $-1.5. family. No pets. Open US.3l99or973-0$J2 10AM-5PM. Within walk· ---- Ing distance to pre-1chl UNIVERSITY PARK 2 thru hig h schl. 940 lk'. 2 Ba house. Pool. CoogressSt. Costa Mesa. jacuzzi. air. elec. 1araae opener. patio, forest like Patio garden living. 4 Br 2 greenbelL SSSO per mo Ba . 2 cpls. no p ets. Days 213/ 498-5219. eves 751-7866. SMC. 2131921-2388. MISSION REAL TY ~S.CstHwy, Lagunu ........ , ... 0731 WTY fireplace. Breezy kitchen •EXEC HOME $256,000. Some w1lh no orreredforSalc DOR with no-wax fl oo r and downVAterms. LohforSale 2200 3BR.2ba,frplc.pool.jac. L.ag.Mileoch 3241 bhOwner built-ins. Patio. Jui.t Over1500sqftof elegant ParlcPlace,lnc842-7461 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dbl gar. Yard. in condo••••••••••••••••••••••• Sownby 67J.1300 $94 ,500. Call now living is yours w/ this SPYGL.ASSLOT project.K.lds &petsOK.oc£ANVlEW.new3 br, Lag Bcb 2br. Near new. FO:f~t:i::r~r':::~uon .. _.,...,_..__, 540-l720 24x64 Key Biscayne . <l.sltimeoffcr<.>d > $475 675·6670 agt or in prestigious Portarina View.Sl25,500.494·7084. 714/759-1144 or640.1841 WllBI ~~~~t' extras . -..Property 2000 Absolute ly lhe BEST 4:9.5-1786. Sl00.mo4&4820 LOWER3ARCHBAY •----------BY OWNER. Totally I~ CalTodayforAppt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• VIEW LOT for sale in 3 bdrm. 2 be. fireplace. Builder's Cstm Hm 2br 30r. 2Ba 2sty, lg lot. ocn s~ .... VIEW r e m di ' d 3 8 r . 2b a. 542 7283 7 UMITS-C.M. N.B l odar .. Located dbl garage. No pets. 2ba, den. Sonie oc~ vu. v iew, close t o bch • ~ w/fam-nn on quiet tree Tustift I 090 • * Beaut. new building. between m1l hon dollar Water & gardening patd. Bea.u. yrd. Gar. Handy lo S280.000. 644-l814 Port Royal-Bci.t Buy. line st. pew kitchen. Tcr-••••••••••••••••••••••• TOrtOl.SI Fire~aces. xlnt location residences. 270 degrt>e SOOO mo. 548-9688. shpg. & heh. 581-7000 dys. Prof. decorated · I f' b Sl35 000 W 1S vit>wfromCdMto lrvine. """'l298 &.raldloyLot r i c uy · CUSTOM VIE L vmts 642·l603 Owner may consider Fwt•V_._. 1214 eve.--·-upgr.ades.A/C,dlx4 Br3 w/assu mable loan . EST TE M b"f H _..., 673-6634 Ba. 2 (rplc's, wet bar. Owner moving out or A 0 I e omes FOUR UNITS.C.M. parllal exchange or ••••••••••••••••••••••• Charming & woodsy •--~~!!!!!!~---•! beaut. nite lite view. area. Need to see to With spectacula r view or Near new. 3 Br owners T D.'s. For more info. Lovely Parkside home. oceanv1ew. pool, 2 Dr guarded comm, pool + believe. 64S-ti93'7 snow capped mount~ins ~for Sale 1200 urut. 2 ba. frpl. 2.car call Ron Taylor. 640.5112 4Br. 2Ba. lg ram rm. Adults. S700. 494-6006 tennls.S325.000.S40.6600 and gentle rolling h1~ls. ••••••••••••••••••••••• "ar .. 2Br 2 ba units agent. frplc, nr Miles Sq Pk & ood ---PORTOFINO Accented by sparkling . . " ··" ' ' · . s hoppan g . $465 mo. Spacious. w sy lbr. niEGERRIE CO. '--e. ""-auUful home night lights. f'ormal din· Rancho Calir. area. 4.5 TSLlnvstmls642-1603 10 Unit lot. Anaheim. 75&-1.930 duplex. Avail. lmmed. LSl/OPTIOM .-.15 ""' ing family room sunken acreparcels.$100.000full BY OWNER makeoffer.Morns&As· Adult. $395. inc. ulll N I d l d 3b wit.halltheamenitiesfor entertainment 'lounge price, terms; musl sell. soc.(21.3)374-4984 ,........_ ... .._. J240 497.2370 3::. Yove~~~~=i~g go~i ~~~I~ !~v;:!~~lec':,l~<t and Uvlng room all open Agt.979-49&4 2 DUPLEXES for Sale -••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------- s B Ck B S2 o b to_ entertainment. sized 640 Ac-. S800 nor acre. ,.,..___ ·11 ·th Mable"-/ Edlnger/Bolsa Chica. 3 LAllJl-IHHh 3250 ~~5u0r me~. 6:2-t1106a~; 7~~~.~er/ kr. VJewdecks. Allth1sadds hilly. 's"'mt eastof Sun· JYk"'do::i. C~~awdel Trirrm 230 BR 2 8a.fplc.pa1to.fncd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Qi 64.5-®l. up to the plca~ure of nymead. 5 mi west or Mar. 675-3956 ••••••••••••••••••••••• yOardK . ·'35ar. AK1ds & pef ts 2 wasB RherCodnrdyoer' lrnecfrld1 .... s l!Sev MUST SELL ownership or this 3 BH Bnaumo nt Conta ct T · I P k $225 000 · ... gt. no ee · • · ,, .. r .. • yf ra1 er ar · · ,,,,_,, _,,.,97 .. 2971 $400. Laguna V1llagl'. CONDO JMI 4 Br 2 Ba Montcgo, hideaway Ple nty o owner (714> 684-.8151 8a ront Duplx Fant vu, Trade $125.000 cqwty or .....-~ ... _____ 751..i:m & Prime location. Close to new paint, car pets & room for d pool and a 3Br upr 28r lwr. f'p, ll'rms, Call 714-645·1014 Hetl/Bolsa Chica 3 BR l~ ---r~-7 pool. jacu~ZJ . sauna & drapes. Sparkling c lean. iio~ for the k1dd1es. Call 700 ACRES bltns & kiry hkup in ea. Cr0iif'f-7PM ba fplc ram rm pallo ~ Nigutt 3252 '-".11.Ht-XU&Y beach.. 2 br. den. 2 bath. 557-6122 dys. 833-1861 Sum m r /wntr r en tl. -rncd' ant' " K·~ ds .: ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ad It t OWNER OPEN TO $390 000/ofr own/agt Y • .,ar. 1 °' MOMEY! MONEY! u comm u n' Y. eves. By Owner. -Riverside County at a 840-t8'79. Rmchn, Famts, pets OK. $445. Agt. no Niguel Shores~ br. 2 ba. 1-'"LEXIBLE TERMS ON $101.000. Hollis Wood. -----CREATIVE maln freeway offramp Gro.n 2700 fec,964·2566 .or 973-297l fanuly rm. atnum. 3 c~r nns 2 BEDROOM ' 2,_Realto ___ r._61_5-867 __ 6.___ Bayfront Exec. Tri-level, FINANCING Some xlnt commerclai Oldr lri-plx on dbl lot. grt ••••••••••••••••••••••• gar. Comm. pool, tenms BATH EACH . ON HORTHILUFF ~:t~ 3~ ~aisi'S/0;: $359,000. potenll.al. Rapidly de· tax 1s'!!t~~~.OOO/ofr 320ACRES!!! ~~x%t3~~e!~A~~~j &beach.7SS-l46.S ~ET STREET WITH $795,000.673-6053 RUMARREALTY v~l op1 n g a r ea & 2 own a..,. In central Califo rnia now.846-7961. Llillltfoorftt 3255 ENCED YARD. TER-MIWLISTING 558-7977 nules or freeway Cron-NEARIREAKEVEN <Paso Robles. n ear -.. ••••••••••••••••••• RIFIC INVESTMENT 3 Br on beaut. grnbll IAYCREST w-....a......1-..&--1098 tage.lnveslorterms. 15o/. DOWN town).$1200 /acrc. Heil/Beach.3 BR +den.2 Lake Front Leisure Llv- AT$132.500. w/lg patio. Best value Leeward Lane is a quiet ~ln.nnn-FARGO R.E. 0 BeauuCuJ 45 acres.fenced ba. frp!, patio. fncd yard. ing 2br. den, 2ba. dock. • Sl45.000 i.treet with pretty homes. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1/676-5717 or 11739·0696 4-Plex. Assume. Seller for horses. numerous f'ar. Kuls & pets OK. a/c, spa. S650/mo. Call U04So.CoastHiway 640-~ ()nve by 2015. then call Ho9ualffvhtq! w i ll carry pape r . stalls & mobile home in $465. Agt. no fe e . Dick 772-2501 dys, e\'e. inVUlageFair o/A~ BobDickinson at 979·8533 on UUs n~al. 4"t>earm. 2 INVESTORS Managem ent avail. PasoRobles.$225,000. 964-2566:973-2971. 67~. LAGUNA BEACH t.oseethis 3 Bdrm. 2 bath bath home near schools, 10 acres. level. Investor Agent. Gary 0 . Bosler Also numerous lots & -·---- 497 2457 ...,.. t Op s 14 r..,,.. · •·r Full terms. xlnt area. (Lot ~or~2498 s maller pa r cels in Jbr. 2ba w/dbl garage . ......_Vlefo 3267 • 3)~u~ward1an~n . . "p"n""c:'S:f.951.>~ceway. split). Princ1palsonJy Elsinore & surrounding Walk to bch. $450. No .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~~~~~! R E A L T Y . Park Place,lnc842-7461 DltOVER 2o UNIT LOT area · good terms ava1la-pets. n4·536-3984. S BR. 2 ba Condo. Aliso • llG CANYON leach Dolltouse 677-5609; 679-2823 evs ble. Yorbtown/Newland 3 br. ViUa. Dshwsr. commun $105•000 O......Red Estate Costa Mesa. city ap'· Principals only please. llr'J ba, paUo. fncd yd, pool,$400. 751-4330. Llll)llllll Hms I 050 LeeM o.tioft & I -. proved. Package ready Contact Ken Marks at ....................... Broadmoor f.l o.3 plan Newport Shores. attrac-~·;.:,;.;; ......... Afl_:;:-I JOO to1Sgol. $340,000. • .. ., 1603 Edith W. Hnlkll 1~· ~~ fe~ ~·2~: Mlwport IHdt U6t l.llSURIWORLD w/lge 4 Bdrm, 2'12 ba Uve3BR.newly crpt'd& ForSale . I IOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• iL nvmts .._. ReaJtor&Assoclates 973-ml · · · ••••••••••••••••••••••• Condomaxium ·over lm· ~~ apoottenl-0sionz~ /rtacredd. ~9t~0 ~~i•dce h~ ~~~e~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-Plex for sale by Owner, ..,.._n/Co•iftgtOltl 1646Spring Street NO FEE! Apt. I& Coodo ~-"wxlerpriced.1 ,_.._. ""' near beach in San E 1 d •. PasoRobles 2 Br,rn ba.rfl>lc,panel· rmuts. Rental Pavilion , ··-level. Near for immediate sale at transrerred out of area. xce · con · °' area . ft051 •~•.5350 '"" 2 gar Nr be ch --12 na. ou~ llAPPINESS IS Clemente Xlnt in.vest-DaVlS ""ent 754 m 2 £-U<fi· car · · • · .,,_ oar. r.:: ~~a~0°~1f!~J~~ ::rs:ig ~~~~eli:t~~! ~':'.1so~a':1~nlterc;:,~r\~~ Uving at the beach in a ment. Sl 75,000/ F lrm · · ._ · . flOSJ 466-3049 SliOO. mo. 968-SS'Jl BUJFFS.Lovely upper bk only s4a,ooo. ERA. at: 675-2311 or 64-0-7665. qualified buyer. Call for spacious dble wide 3BR, 436-295S FOUIPLIXES Avail Now! 3br. 2~ ba. bay wtr view, 38r, 5BJ.12lO. DanBibb,Agt. appt to see. Peggy, 2ba, 2 patios. 2 stor. CtwhttyLots/ A112Br2Batownhouse ~pby/ARedWGlllrapefnu1d·t. Cplc.bltna.lndry,close to 2~Ba.MOmo.64CMl885 ---------·----'--=-----• 98CM392, 536-2498. sheds wshr/dryr dis r__.. 1500 type units. Electric bit· ........,., · coos er beach. HOO/mo Incl ••YSHORES , ___ _;._ _____ , ' • . _. ,,.... ins. forced a1· r heat. trade. (714) 922-7398. 3 Br 2 ba '.... I · •-wa-..a 1052 "" hwhr. custom Tappan ••••••••••••••••••••••• gardener. S.6·4296 or • . .. eeoc patio . .....,....._,....... A home for the dis· BEACH DUPLEX, w/o-w/rotiss & dbl oven. Companion c.rypts La enclosed garages. $1300 Red&tah 845-1371. Gardener ind. No pe\s. -••••••••••••••••••••• c rimlnaling buye r . cean vu. $265,000. Super Plenty of r oo m l o Gunta section. Pacific mo Income. Good loca· Ex~ 2100 bd b $525.~Slaft5pin. LagunaNiguel Eleganceabounds lnthis rentarea!213-836-6524• garden.P.P .960-5379 Memorial Par·k. Phone lion. OWC 2nd. Two to •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• 2 rm . l ~ a . T h N d •-1 b choose from $148 500 Townhouse, fireplace, own ome -ewpo,rt woo • gass ome. S-Ch•• 107 714/922·2972.6to10M.m. _A.. ' Sausallt.o BayVlewlotto xtraclean.S340normo. crest3BR2~BA.View. R • Formal dining rm .• sun· &4t.o10 ~ ,_ ... _ , I -n-h I"' ea11y ken conversation pit in •••••••••••••••••••••• EXCITING p.m. uouc: .or .... gun ...... ac 7 14 / 9 6 2 . o 9 5 9 or frplc. •et bar. tennt.. living rm .• gourmet LOVAILI e e C-rclal ~ f 1€STIG€ d uplex. Prncpls only. 213/438-8146 c:i· Walktobeacb. 5750 • ., •• • .v c---C0W1lry kitchen. & lavish Dreamy 3 br. 2 ba hom f'roplrty 1600 HOM€~ TI4-640-l.34a 4br. 2ba. nu. Cfl>t /drps, ~~~· ea-aaa or .,._, ..... _ a.st.er bath, are Just a on San Clemente gol t.ochArea ....................... ~ . -Counseling o n Ava il. paJnt. etc. Mint cond. COHMBCIAL few of the features. course. Must see at onl BeauUful 1973Signature1---------1 xmw. Cout Hwy. NB Ptws. for exchange. The '600.mo. 751-2060. 3 Bedrm. 2 Ba, Lido ctltOYI There are 4 spacious Sll2,000I :Mx«>. 2Br. 28a w/fam FOR SALE 645-6646 Cofstadt Co. A g t . · waterfront triplex. 78 •-w/l 2,000 fruit bdrms.,3'At balbs&large BERTHA HENRY rm, 5 fya Star Adil Pet Be h 1 IMCMIOOO. 2 Br 2 B a c.o n do, Washer/dryer/rerrt1. ....... family rm. Fee simple. REALTORS Parle (.4Tl027). Huntington ac tr · wshr/dryr refnt incl ms le11e Adlta No t.re. in No. San Diego Owner will carry. 2l.5DelMar 492_.121 187,000 sq. ft. ahoppin~ plex, 3 blocks to water....... m>mo.961UZ60 ' pdl.Broker,Ul·leoO County. Completely Ir-1125.000. Sea Caps & s..tsets edcenm~rlheon ~-aartcres1 ~lt• $130,000. C·21, 536-7542, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----.----. --1..!=:=::.::::.=:::..:=:..:.::=._ r11ated. Under pro-... McC_._dl Fanlullc Ocean Vu A beautiful •FAMILY• ,... or~ ukforCb.ria. tto.ftf'wlll•d Townhouse. Lse. 5 man to fMI Carmel 3 Br z Ba ~a:-1te~:,0:·~~:~ a..y 494-7551 ~· ;•:~~i~:!f~~c. Paradise. 24"60. 2Br. t!r~:io~ l:-~ll qmft c.t.MeseSpecW ....................... =:!i 2 bt(1 2 'At r~•· frplc , family rm . blllefats .... ooo. 1'r8de your o14 aturr ror sios.ooo. Haw R.E. ~ m'~e·p~~m~k~~t o18ddi0on:1 a'bw~able Two super duplexes. All eor.. .. M9r 3122 carpet.edrpe: ~~I ,.~: r.=mcl.AvallMay ..,J.9494 495-5220 r,e;..Cdies with 8 C-4934 beach. 5 minutes from 1pece. R.eot lncreaaea or 2 bdrm .• l bath. On lge. ....................... auto dr. open .• nun•. 4Mo24 I J 130.IOIO lld. 942.5171 --------• Fas h I 0 n I s I a n d . Sl00.000 per year for the lot nr. schools. shopping. OCEAN VI E W 2 8 R jacuui. chabboue. No ffMtlor Vu Kma 4 Br 11t Best Financing, 10% down Reasonable Park Rent. next3yean. &IPC!f' location. Priced to duplex. Dbl gar. children pet$, $37$. Call btwn. l&Clry~r. Avail. MOM•ICH IAY TmACI Large 4 Bdrm, a bath home on a lovely cul-de-sac. Outstanding pool aQd outdoor entertainment area. $365,000. A quwal. t.uimm CO. 496-7222 831-0836 ftNeMI ......... ~ ...... ' .. ,-...... buys lovely 3 br, 2 Cull (PKl006). ldlnow! $200,000 ok. SS35. mo . 414 ~ 9AM-4PM .831·3'89. 5112..-n:>mo.M4-4lf1 bath. spa. ocean vlew. Sale Price: tt.t ..... le..tv CamaUon ·Open House 1......., blks beach. By owner. LogmaHI• M.500.000 l~Blbfromocean. t'er-Sat & Sun. ~1"727 orl;:w:' 3241 Luxury CGDdomlDium •l Sl08,000. l-482..3'710. Speclel..., Cuh~loanreqd : rtnc 4 \dlit bldg. M6:'. m8531. -.................. =~c=~:z IYOWNB Beautifu15StarAdltPk, Se11erwm>C:.ider ape. 3 bdrm., 2~ b• s OCEAN VIEW 2br, Studiocondoacrourrom • _.._ 6 Lovely Iona view over-a&dOSeacrest. 2 lge Br. 29%dn. ~~rllc!~e +1 \:l~m~ duplex. dbl. gar . beach. Frplc, pool, Jae, den. Avail. for I .. . looldDI Shorecllffa 2Ba, with all the xtras. J>rlnctpalaOnJy apt.a. Super value al Oilldren O.K. SS3S.mo. lle.1375.847-4$25. miallnwn din ..... at ~coune fr mountain. On.l,ySZl,SOO. (KZ7067). (Broker/Owner> SMOOOO S4.1"'727 or'7U536 fllOO/mo. Yrty. leue bl bo I Call( ..... >-"'"" • WATERFRONT CONDO. SlOIO/mo. Ql t gaze Ives CAUfORNrA ·-__,,_ W~M. r.pwco .... .,,....... 3169 2 BR. Z'At ba, •aaberl ll•M.t.MAllOC. ~ :Wb!,11C:!~~ 'ACIPIC Reali.on &M-fllO ••••••••••••••••••••••• dryer/ rerrt11 trpte la '4MIM new carpeting. Prof. de-HO COIOMA DIL MAI BUJFP'S.Lovety upper bk men. $750 mo lee. Slip._ _______ _ corated In Ii o ut. MOIU Ml e.-Pl•rtr 2000 ba>'wtrvlew,3br.2~ba • .v.U.Pqa,-.-. 2llr + dlall*a Wshr/dryr" refria to r e· SALIS -.................... 8 •o DUPLIX suoo. mo.~. pr trp1c 1" -90' main. ~ palloa, auto 2'706Harbor.Ste206·A 1---------·10wner'• unit bu 4 .,... 3244 atW•mhaw .... no Z~.1nkler & lighting. 540.1937 FOllll bdnna .. 2 bat.ha + 1ueat Homn U.fwlll•d -.. ~ .............. .. l)' malnlalned. Priv.l~~~~~~~~~I Carefree condo Uvlni 00 apt. wtlb full kitchen Ii ....................... Nortbwooc11 ~ br, 3 ba, f>alBrb asz1 .. ~ beacb dub. Approx t8SO •he L• Coat• cbam· bath. Over 1ara1• Is lw Ill 3202 3000 eq. ft .. lie. falftllf llidl ...._ N P aq ft. $141.500. 492-2033 a BR.. 2 BA. ram. rm. SJC. ·eonablp Goli Court•. another roocny ·-~rm. ·-········ .. •••••••••• rm. frplc, dlbwbt. fbcd ... .JI Y • .... CUTI.co• 5•. Fam Prk. Jly poss. -"com~~ •Jlt.wtthvaultedcet ngs ~sea pool/spa 1 yd. 1•r. Water • N M a.w View , .. y P.P.Owner49S-$U& t Sl Atbullt·in kitchen. Ocean yrold beautl-...aaca.,.d prdenerpcl, Brt.ndnew . ....!_.._ ::t::r. ....._. -2 bdrm CGlta .. w/fpk:. urn • • · liCle ol bwy. Owner hH 101 • -Onti' -. mo. Kleis ok DO -· \;a ~ • Dbl dd.achd 1•r w/RV Wblltberrou•re t..-'-ior lla.JbeleueOPlk>n. bout.ht another bome, oaded w/xtras. nly pet1 . Alt . DO lee • .,.._ II• ..... L I t Uln Cl ....,.IU WAU,.ACI & CO loolllftl for fut tale. 195. Mike. tlO-ml. IM-Zlll: m.ztn. -· acceaa. ar1e o aemn1. aaalfled ad· -··-s c.....-... •ooo. •lrotlltD to 1row. LI• H · Y9tillnl will 1et your -·-~i.:::;-· abr. 1~1 trt. lot. , coadt., wlbMl llp.1 aumablt Joan. S7S.~ . ..-qetotherillttpeo. 1·72'·1966 ........ c.,..dl •.Maowayctty. ear 1ar. 9171 .... , .... AA!leKbRJtn.W.2100. ple.Cal1Todayl14U171. ..., 494-7111 714/ .... .,.,,. _,.,.,_ • n • .,.., • . . . -... -_.,..._, .. ,. . -·~-··-_..,., .. --- -• • • t i - ,,.. .......................... . . ..... 4000 OM.I..... 4400 ..._.....,,AINtl 1', 1171 • DM.Y"'f! JI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... ..:.:=.:=:.1;.:.:;::!:::.::.:.:.:...::.:.:.-,-.... --=--~--=.·,_.;::.:;.:.oi:il-.. ..... ............ 1 ............ . .... IA.I ..... _ .. ......, .,.,... 1144 Moom, pnvat11 ~nlrance. o.m, lC79E75a~~.cabva1Btal:da.. •-.... !:~ ... ~!! ... ..,.._~-... ~~~Mt-.1111 • ............. ._ ••••• •ff•••••••••••••••••••• bath, cookln"'. 1100. -.. "1 I 4.... Jlff11N111111_.._. J7ff C......_ JIJ4 ab 14 ba Br nd N·w l.a41un•.4'7·-1 awar Talbert ln Hu.t· R•aponalble. worklni ..... -......... -... PCIUIO:fts v1CiL~w "-•49ee............. ..... ............... -............... r ' &;:: • 1n8'on Jkath. S50 "' write r ••ek s one MOMIY AYAl.:AILI CMa .... _.._If • Nftllldrm t'OftCIOI frpl<' Woodbridlt. mo. 2 Hunt Bt'h room In ntm tnOftlh. Phone mesaaae bedroom cotta1e an ZNDTDAJID 9aJt i--.aN.tlple, -TO-"'CH blllm.lra,.1ar.,. NN. taraara.at31••!_ honle.tlc»eloocean.klt ~ice 110 per moolll. CGronacs.lllarorCoeta IWIHOLOANI... ·- ICTl.yrt.y. .,_.... -• lent C. Oii V Onie> I bf loft w .. h priv, N.'lll>Of\ M•le. nn· 00.kSSPtr monlh. D•U)' Mei&a. QWetnM1 ea&en· INTERESTONLVOR -.Zorta•t. 4Bll.2ba .. wntr.'510 ... ':in ny; r. ~ eoUpl• 'Ollly 1.{0 amkr S200.IMl3.9351) l'llol oltitt-. Phone tW. Write Claa 11.ied Ad FULLYAMORTIZEJ ... -............... .. S..~ 3BR 2 ba .wnlr.. --lldl D» ~t 642-4321ext.276, dlS. OaUy Pilot, P.O. LeeReaJty RD.AXINOllAllAOE C kl JU 11&,na ,wntr ttoo i Bdrm. I bath 1pl --M•lurt adult. Inc bdrm . . . I Box 1560, Costti Meu R.&8robr,NO-tt5T BobJ....aMll_. .... :::............. Adulta, S360 mo G11i ~.._,. ll!M pvt bath . kite pnvl(s Sinai le-3rm ewtebaldval Nin lll2llaall ......_.,_,_I •ooo 2nd TD Oucc.UN,9Hl11 paM1 Mi Wll. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Preftr mah~. St4S ut1I lull serv ollt a. r .. .,. ._... 1.. . •-------.,,..,.-~ ~~:. ~.'!!:: ~.A --Owtluu 2 bdrm •Pl on pd.~. o.c airport. Recept &c 3 BEDROOM HOUSE OR 10% diacount. Call Al. UICI. In --..... -·~ c. Newtydecotat~3br.2 ba v Jt ---· --phone anK. Secy *erv, APT WANTED H UN· 631-2222. Olli• •·WO towl\hous&i S p aclo\111 C>NWI near lctor uao. S•: ,., .• ,....., 4200 ront rm, etc Plsc call 11NGTON nett AREA -• ' • JssociJtcd tlnplKe ~ pOOI Qua"t newly l.lfforet !d. he•ted ••••••••••••••••••••••• 752-~188 • <MARINA SCHL OJST ) $60,000 llAM·2AM ..... are• Adults. nn 1>t-l1 ~ •• ·n·~~l:!';,:u~e.,r;~· Several 111 summe r rcn· ~--I olll ( t $300 $37$. Call 1146·8~79 lU I? YIELD. 38 ma... &.leA& YICICI -MOO fW.s 3.'ltl; 815 59o4P ~ ... " lltlal: avaall. No re,• "'-'~. e Ct! or ren near evtl4 2nd TD on luxury ~-U... Wit_.,... -... A11ent6TSRl70 Oc. ~rport,c,~150 J>C'j lidence in CdM , oce.n. 0...-M••• StlGo. uni pd nr.i~r New 2 ltdrm. I bftlh l hr •I.It lo\f+ly r•mcxM mo. etfr>C. ~uetaria Garage. laving " work canyon community . ,_.,...,_.,ltt oldlorman ~ITS._ !!!,'J>!· !!~,J..m, I piolo 0)'111lhh . hardwtH>d ':'!~" Sl~rp8iy}a~~ks~~ serv1ceuva11.540.6402 51*-e for artast. N .. s. o ~·~cEQl&ily. Priv prty SenllqalJOruteCo • ....., m() '""' ,,,_ noc.-. j(lrlRt.> ~ mo c · I MO FREE RF.NT rrvme on ocean. can shr. v•--· 1135-7313 W1 I I 1tw ....................... ,....______ --JHI UOOISU Nf'w ll BR . I '• b a iUt11°~1t"'h'497·3.13l ·~VlllllKl'.$2~week 2SO·~ llQ. ft. offices. Chns.Evcs 548-9139.$24~ -I eAI-,·-· rauo hathfllor, oldt11r , ---)Y Clilll7lf~79 09a7. From Sl~. lncl Ulll. 779 mo. neg ,. .... , VVl""IR IRao 2 Br l~. hit m .. tr edll. ut1I S2115 mo •ownhoutH'. rplc•, pvt f>vt rourn & bath. <'Is l Yecatto.•ettfals 4250 W l9thSt 540-2200. Lott&Foil:Nf *ESCORTS * bdr. ' '• Ba, .... "r oar ....__.. p11l1(), \Ind JlUr l\dlh cvt>r)'th1nu • r c"pon • ~-~ VI~ $liM) ~.407• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• wQC)t'IM'!r;nol)ril A\laal 1wrs.un w •r,•fi; F;,11 H f 8 0 ., Costa .M esa pro r. Mt• . ..._../h••Ht/ ••a•·c••• .. SIOO ~Hrs. ~1""14 y .... , 1415 -~ I! Rr. I ll .Raf ~··. ...... ~"'750 . OllSt' or ~Clll. ig ~llr s puce avu1l tn caur. Isl. ...... --M • ' .. _...,___ -°"'''"'· 3illh ~('. bo,.(' .._ Rl•11ut br11nd nel4.. C:ll)' sll)tl ti. ltnt•n.s fu~n bldg. 42' sq rt. low pnce ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••••••••••• FOXY I .a.oy Cl 41 , '•• StCX> -..k summer wantt'r br. frplr. l.-uodry rm "'""°"leectl llH ~ nitt'ly pr cpl Call incl Jamtonal. security L-L--P91UV * ~ * -a.;:..;...-.i AduJ\.9001 2l3 tV~ i()4 ~~'()M~cup) tl12 tUl2 ....................... wte r3p.m . ~·I~ serv. con!. rm + ut1•. -o;;-a'rhMity 5005 ftJ Olfl'CALLONLY r40 NIW'°RT •.-&-.a~ to Shor• 4300 Convenient 10<' 230 E ••••••••••••••••••••••• PltCID •t7Z.1 I 31• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~·} b I " h --"' h 'M ......, 6 br. 11, a. ba l'OI\ • u lH ' t.>I o r 11 . I or ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 17t St. C. 642·9$60 Norfh A,._rlCClft •SHERJ L~E • '1:'Sow :~'~3db.;,..~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~2tuft':.nc~~~~ u 1~~~n~~~:~oU1>l'1> ROOMMATES E legiant ofllee~ 1801 V•U.s!MedsyOY.. ADS CERT.MASSEUSE "c. patio. pool • ja UUI ..... , ........ 1107 1SJ,Mamt t..t2 jjj(IJ S~ct11cular i.pa. lotal Nt'Wport Bhd. As A Bus I N Es s Housccalls by Appt. & lutb lndoer p1n.i S:rn ....................... re•cr t>Jt11J n prol(ram . Share N•Save G45·2lll PARTN~H I N OUR Ofl S2 838-6838 ---- "9dilrounl W 4447 •'JCI 1 OR. '"' th • bJ)" ""~· b4X'1al pro1m.1m 7 pools. II i-;nJOY more, Pa~ h.•ss' GROWING FLEET OA Y JOll, 9cJ.3.74lll 1w.i &t ~knd <'I t1 tt n' 11 a d 3 1 1 MOYE IM MAY I ST' tl't'U\lli courts ;\t f ashion All A.:es & L1£csty lei. NEWPORT BEACH I or 2 OWNER, OPERATORS. PREGNANT? C ar.1ng. l'}ti:t'Wlltl"r $.'ll.S)rl) incl flRANU Nto:W lfuJ,tl,•11. tstand. Jumbor·c & San WeCC~cc:15·k4~er4e2re8n2ces ~~e~;~~~·fu~.e~~;e~o You'll have mor ... than Sell :iny item°' com· ~~!rt'..\~~~:~~~: LSl/OPTtON utJ ~7C1J 14t'91l.•odt•C:M 2 lJH. I'~ Jou?uinlllll~Uonc1 1111 v• ,:v,,,, or l•'" "'"'om $4"< JUSt a job mclud1ng tht: blnalionoC1ttJY11'fMS75 lJOn&kecping. Nt1w Condo. 3br. 3bn. t• th l" r t "· 11 rp 7 I 4• 644 t 900 ''"'' ~~ .. I "' f-"""-f y or lt':.S With a Penn~ "·7·2563 ,. __ ..._. M-)122 11 p b .. 11 ' • NEcED 7141752·~ "'kd.)'ll. '""""m o ownin1: our APCARE .,.. NJ>( H~11 $750 mo ~ _.. -thruout, bw ll 111~ & Jus· ---own smalJ bmuneNs with PIM:her Ad 3 lines for __ . __ _ tK2·8lOOor64~0tl5t ••••••••••••••••••••••• hwaic hl•f fo'1rcnl.ic 1· oc ........ FRO .... T R(~pons1blefcm 'l ,house CdM di . pd aJI t"·· advant~ .. of a cooi.~·uttve d<•YS 1-;ach S-.lri""--'R•_...._r N 2 f " ~" " 1\•"•r .... h II B. S''ti......,2 . x swte!!. Ulll · ire · age.~ additional ltnt• ,,. 6C> for ,.. ._ ·-It 1 ew \r I Hn ctpl~ l'n t . t•1Wlo,;t.'d t:J rUl(C 3 br. 2 bu w uffici.' Year ~u "" " =o A". 11m~I pka Fr $195 big business behind you ... ~"da'-s C:'har"~ tt' l"l"S El Camino R"al 3 br nrbor l.11nl' holllc'. dra.,.11• l'I ~nr Jr $37~ dd 1 v .. W •11 h .,..., , .. ~ o., " Pvt y rd . n o dos., «>M <m... 675 l>Kll2 ~ 8 ttionu o;tor.i~t' I> Frpk.~ar.$1050 liusy cxe<'. 35. nc,'<is nl'at 3.XI' No se reqd 675-6900 l' gnt• you t c pro No <'ommt>N'ialiodi. SanClcmcnt1•; f<'ullylir. $425•mo 493 6(ll!O l lot.1• lo .. diool!>, 'hup TSL Mgmt 6-12 1003 lady to keep lbr, Lu~. -----fess1onal uss1s ta nct• l< 1''or Appl 4!)2·7200 3124 flln~ & bus W\•llttmlt• --N1gut?I house 1n order help make your businesi-Por more 1nform.;t1on ----C. .. M.so (; M Orw unit has a~ ard 3 Hr. 2 ba Condo Frplt•, Vt•'"'' minimal dutiei. 111 Nl-:WPORT CENTEI{ a succesi. Such ai. com and lu"lac{· •our a<l l·all Man 43 wa nts t,. meet TouqboP• •••••••••••••••• ••••••• L"u t. ()K ~AlllWi. •-... lUt:. n.• wuch d.... rufn I 1n .. 1·• . J I f .. , ft 0 "-,, ... _.. .... n.i...,. ....,., "'_,,., ,,..r ..., •J • ' ~· ~ u rl'l.Unl for low or frC'l' THE EXECUTIVE P ete tra1n1ng, 1 you woml'n a c rn o ns "' u..tw.illwd J 52S 2 Ur g1~(kll .1µ1 !>mall mo.~ll~-49006·8pm Adults only S47.'i . rl'nl.49~5906. SUITB nl't'<i It. And 14'\''ll o((c:r 642-5678 C\'t:.run!(S ror rnendiship ••••••••••••••••••••••• c htld ok ~32.'i mo -- -· &IS-7317cves onl) SpaccA"ailG40.~70 youwhat l4ethmk1s tht and dat e!> Write HerltaRe Park I n •in"' s.t6 9950 LA MAMCHA ArTS La<lv dtr s hr 3 Ur 2 Ru best tractor deal 1n the C:IW>s1f1e<J Ad"40J, The ""·-.. ~~ 2br. 2' ~ba. air --Lur1w. 1.2&3 bd ~urden l.Ktl lslc Bayfroot Spaciou:. homt.>. S2. '"' + • :· ut1l pr truckin" mdUl!tn Down 1 __ Daily Pilot. Box ISGO. IWUJ~ 2 li R f I 'k d u~t~ Adult!> O!>hwhr, 3br, 2bu Prt \'. bch "" .. • wnt&Found 5)00 oond. $il50. C\'C S21l·57!t2 r 2 11. rp l. llt''4 . 1 ~ ., Is mo 2 mo ad\ net• :.!75 NEWPORT CENTER pa) men I b P I ~ e e n ••••••••••••••••••••••• C<lsta Mesa, Caltf. 92626 dy846-66W 01\. SJ'JS mo ti4ri 7573 b lru,. l•1wl >(ar. ~a" bbq ~)Tl.) ·c t.'75 7687 Broudwu~. (.')1 !'>-~-t!935 t!OOl).$4600 This 10\C"t ,.._ _________ ---··---- 1\s:l F'uol t:u:. Pd 771i S1·ott --, --. EXEC SUITES mcnt uls<1 1n~·ludi·~ your 1· '7:!-..t & l'I 6-12 5073 ~5 Jtill Ol:ean "'ront Jbr. 2 i·ur Hl'SJl sgl parent dl'i<trt·~ OCEAN V IEWS fl<OM tnll•nm 11, 111)! cxf)t'nM"' r·-t• Af lwltts Furnished I.GI': ~ IJK. 1''11111 ll1n -'-· park. W & D Av111I S.'i!XI :.amt• tot.hr .i Ur l'U:\l S200 Mo d '" h fOU 0 A S ,.a fOft • •••• • • • • l) w I I 'l". bn uht, "tr)-·~ br •.. , ···t & la~t. & rerun·• c.: & unn.i.: lntlntn~ .. ,. ll\l H 0 .•••.•••••••.••••••..•• • • ••• •••••• •• • I • patio ..:nn. xtrui. ~.", 1" "1 •-"'~ s"' f' ~213"""'~.,..~ al)l &t(}.!l(jl5_6'i5 7144 Mew--'R...,_ncy an 1mml>d1Utt• need tor l.-L.w-..a~ 7075 lalaoolsa.d 3706 SJ75bt&la!>l &IS W!l3 ua. rp1.·. poo al JUCU/11. re~ ·c.o.r.,.,.,.!. ,..,.C , -,.-1iwnl'r OfH•ra tor:-. II -_..'""' ••••••••••••••••••••••• -,\duJ~ no pet~ 631 ()(flJ7 ---------F. 122·271 to shar1· 1mmt•d orp. AR[ FREE 2 Br apl rear of buyfront S27S. 2 Br. 1 I.ta, lanrlr} -· -. -----Lo\'ely I bdrm Newport w <! f . Bal Is l Jlsc $:.!tltl 833-997 6 you're 21 <'r O\'t.'r. La'k( ..,__~. 'vearly •·ooimo rm. 1bal(•on). hl'Jm NEWAPARTMENT~ Heights &•eluded. nl'""· fi.14·0.'i~ thtdirst steptoward~tw C II ~116.,3.7407 .... et>1lnJ.: Adulli.. no f)t'l:. NRSO COAST PL.\Z,\ QLDet. ~·2111 (;Q;ta MeSil 3 rmb 660 s (. IOj! your own bos~ With a : nil.M.i.:mt f~l:.!·1G0:1 J Br. i lla. air cond. Shr :J Br townhou:.1'. In cCiJ"l)t't. dra~b. i.uh lt'aSt' NorthAmt•rtcan J '> " 642-5678 I Br. oo sand. vurn11t. S.'75 t ll July I. 751 71i66 • 67S4114 Irvine. O • W. pou I. s u u 1ii1 OM LIDO ISLE "" male. :tO. pvt ba. pool. )1ay I.st S300 979·0211 panncr by l'alh11g Toll ,..:ASTSJDE LO{';\TIO'-' 1actu11 +-many 1i:tr<1:. ten111~. W U. l'rpt:.. llr1>i. ----i'l'l~l.OJ..J48.iJl!ll. 1---------2 BR. I '~ 11..i . Putto, Only $42S. Jbl.>drooms "" b<rntshp. 673·4120 tlyb. 55!Hj:Jtiti BESTBUILOIMG OHWRrn: gara.i.:t· t-I :>Jlill'1• S:1;,1 J U PHOl'~:RT\' $1950 mo l.'\l~ on Btr<·h l'\l'.•r 0 (' North Amtrican Van -------p-t-sulo 3707 mo. Call tii5-!J52t> afllil'\I ~IGMT Airport ~10 SC! fl 110"" Lines l..a;t or Found J Pt·t" Ca 11 An 1 rn ~· I ,\ l>,, 1 ~ l u n 1· t' Lt:<.114uc ~ 221;j , nu rr, . -....... 7""1 27"'7 2 be-' bo t 1 Jk•1Jut1ful hume 111.•..i r .'1 U I b 1 ., • · o ourooms " a s Ip "' a 1 a l' ,\ ~ l' n l I' I) Uc." 4!15. Ut'l)I 35 ------1m11y be rented rurn 1 li..•:u.:h. furn " l'Olor T \' !17!1 llS3:i Fort Wa~n1·. I:" 1i;iw1 ···••·················· Weekly r e ntals no" ~anfront compl furn <! br. frpl. l>aleony, ,,;:ir &ao-4784 Mt->sil \l,_•rde :! kdrm. :! huth. 1150 sq ft. l"rpk. encl gar. dshws hr gur dtspo ... al SJ75 m o 754-6216 BAY\'lEW. b<'u1·h. 1.11cr. 14.(e J br. <! ba. upj!rudcd. :?br. ti wks S7SO o r SJ0t1 newly d t'<'Or. :->r 0 (' p 1wk . util pd 303 Collt'Me End .i.:ar. S..00 Edgewater II 11:171 2~1 'i5 I ·li'J05 l' a 11 & 1£'.l\ t' ~P~~~t~~!:s I Bedroom Suhe~ Com plete K1tcht·os Maid Service -TV Closctoall major freewa.''S and lrvtnl' Newport Beach areas lllt.'l>l>ttMC ,\\,Ill )lay I Easti.td<· 2 HR 1111'1 ,l!ara,lll'. patio 4 yrs old ~'5 532-4649 2. Br. 1111 ba. pvt patio. avail now. S mall do~ ok. SJ25. 957-62132 MESA PINES s wso mu S-MlJ mo t~12 !.1275 I Br S315. f'rpk. JJOOI. -;---Cuslom spar,., qit'cl. A C. !:: JUCua1 . .:as bb<1. du.~t-·d 2Wdrooms.Sl000 mo 'l oung roomm<.1tt' for T71W 19\hSt.C~I Sl75 'qu.llE~:;l~;•:rtu111t~ t,a:;T ~fall' Uobt'rlllJn, area Bt>ach Slatt·r II H. answl·rs to Tumarnk 11; mol-kt•l4 ,1rll ~1011 .:ar. Adults. nu pl'ls. :.!65(. (.'()!,ta Mc:.,c \rt•u .l\pl GW-ill77 & K.17 JK-lol lla rlaAvc.5-4!1"-'Hi W ......... ~rontHo-s ~,o,o:.~,llJC'' Pool S1i:1 U'nllTT ""'" u.> ,,:.;, r'tll ~·f\1('1• l'Xl'l'Ull\ t' 11f 631-1400 fil'l~ 10 Santa Ana Wt•lb ----Fem.tit' "at1ll> 111 -.lwn· Far.:11 B.ink hl<l j! 401 Pt._,h 2 br 2 ba. fl014tkr " :.aml' Jl)1 Tui-1111 l'"" l'nw Center Dr. l(Jlh fir rm. den. llldD. ;111 n•dar do Pool. i;u·, :".1711 mto For info i M 972 !!lli8 or puncllt'd. pvt elc1 alOr +-UI ii l'.il I 7:1 1 2tili7 213 275.5503 1> 1 It' cl 2 l' .1 r lo! ,, r ~1 ·~1 w openl'r:.. Water ~ol tcn('r. wutt'r purtft·r . trash compactor. dt'rt air Ciltt'r. P\1 p11t io & !>O forth S78.5 mo G-lll-t!453 Y!::ARL Y. 2 l:ir. blk from r ..... Wl.nd v1·11age buy & 01•can . bcum". ->CO £rpl. S450. Ut 11 tnt· I N('W 1&2 bdrm luxury b'73-1009 adult upts 1n 14 plans ---- from S315. + pools, ten-S.Clemente 3876 Luq.:l' l.a.:un<i l11HtM· 111 !>hare Srn.:le pan·11l "11 h 1mt• ('tltltl prl'lt•rrt·cl S2i;l mo l'am :,.11; 2Hll day!>. 197 IJ<l!J t'\ t·~ llou.w. \.\hllt• mi.lit• ~15 \\ tlh son will shurl' ""llh )t• I" Sll•l IJt'r mo 91il·~'i!I PRIME lOCA TION ON WATt::Jt ,\q11l:.tblt• ror proft'!>l>IOnal or rt'ta1I offices Tt1l:!I or 3000 Ml fl l'a11 lw .(II\ 1dl•d mu, ~m<ill('r u111l:-. Dr1 \ l' It~ 26:l3 W t:o.1,,1 11-. \ Nii. Lhl•n 't'Jll 1\J!l•'n1 al 631 11()1 f\•m:Jlc L,i.: 2br. 2ba con A 1 r Po r l ll f I 1 1· l' do Frpll" pool. In St'l'rda rtul ~l·r\l('t' s.!()S + 634-t!OSO 955 0789 UVUll Sl40 !:157·93.11 Gml c;o,\LSlllOIJ :\10 1142 l!;l<J4dy!t. 'I l·l!JJ !lili Butld " <ind bu~1nt•:-., t'\t=- !:>purl' ttmt• Im l':>l <5 u.1i>I In Mt'il Ull. -.hr1 ho tr 61(J..1).')W ur t>-1~ 1122.1 t'ul. :J' :· ,.r, tild I :.! i!l If YOL t\IU; looktn)! for tte"ard 76ij 5!171. mon· 1ha11 JU't J II\ m.: l'Ull 531i·-l430 or 53H 2l:!3b Hl:twn Sp m & ;p 111 t:.ird:o.. p<irt) :.uppltt·~ I!. l..tr.,t l>oµ · ~'1m . Sun dav 4 >i. dntn II H area <:rey t'bl'kJp1rn. L.1e ~450 ltt>" anl 53il-3'Ji3 ..:!fl~ r.u"; '" llm .tol Found CH I~ G ,\ 1trn ·'-'ti :"> r\ U1\0rt't' fun·"' l t'rrtt'r ml\ I)" t1<'r 1mmc.•diu 1t· ,.a lt• b~ nlc't:dt•ll imm,•cl ;'\ H Ownt'r . Om· Pl'l':-0011 l'll!>.\ Sht-lter EH-I·~ ~ 2153 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Reliable Coupll' Night lHftt·c M u to tenancc ~0·24!1J'7 Will babyi.tl fu r working motht•r' 645 3;,11 \::.k forl'and~· Gtrl looking for homl.' lYl» mg ilnd udclrcssing en· 'elOJ>t'I> JOI.> l'a II Rhondu 55&035l! Man. :14. looking lorhonest ~orl.. Call U57 •11>52 Hetp Wonted 7 I 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Accounlln~ .ACCOUNTS REC. ~lnfl,! 1·11. nt't'<ls pcri.on for all fum·t1ons of 1\c· count:. ltecel\'able. I ocl ltghl typm~. Minimum l'Xpt•r req . M1rnuul :.~'hlt!m UAT,\l'OWER fNl' J32;>I w l!ll SI Sunl:i ,\na. !l27U:J SS4 77\)0 Acl'Ounun,i.: clerk. 10.kl.'~. ltte &tall:.h cal typing. c'\ l'l'll. pay & bcncf1ti. 714 752·047:.! Roval Suites 20801'-lcwpurt Blvd 642-2611 or 543-2000 2 bdrm I b a . S290. Carport. ln<iry facil. No pe ts . 269 C..: 16th Pl. &W-~2 nis. waterfalls, ponds! ••••••••••••••••••••••• fo'rom Sun D1e~o f'rwy Uve on beachfront. I & 2 dn\'C North on Beach to BR a pts available. New. Mc Fadden then Wesl. on ly redecorated: stove & Mc Fadden to Seaw1nd refrig, prival e p:itio. V1llagt' l714>~5l98-_ 498-4554or2l3/94S-l555 M F. 20-30. IHR cond•J .• 111 rl'l' fac. nl.'ar OCC. rd req ~~· 268 I <'\'I!~ Office To Share m Corona del M ur Ca II 6-14 '84 94 run 1'.xpandtn)! 1·t•nler PnC't' dt'pcndl'nl on 1·ash down Pn' l'art~ dy:. ~ 7812 l::JCt. 600. f-..\l'b lm-7003 FOl,;ND Ladh"s wrist wa lch Ha rl.tor Adttm!- \'u· Desn1bc ti31·04!+4 l•--------- JJa c h e Io r , on 1 4 u t• h1ooaway. u11l pd. S275. mo. Deposit. 2654 Apt C Orange 1\ ''e 759.9000 SUSC.ASfTAS Large rum . 1 bdrm. enrl. Aar. S280. Adults. no pets. 211 0 Newport Bl ~4968. .....,Mgt• leoch 37 40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• a fl 6 Deluxe bench apts . Frplc. s..ta Ano 38BO l'n cl Jo(:lrage. patios ••••••••••••••••••••••• Quiel woodsy. 2br. 2ba Pc~gy. 900-4392 cond<1 Be11ut decor -------- fJ(f(JI. Jlll', a ft'. WatcrfMas 3br 3bu brand 11~w Hunt. pd Ava1L Now Adults. llarbour area. ~75 mo SOOS. Michele. 640-6363 or Oays 536-6663. 536 8705 Detached Apts. Carper girl need!> rCl>I> dean rmnlllll' lo ... hart· 2Hr ttpl Mawn• µt·rsun only Keri •i-lU·:iti1;11 uft s·:.> PM Ho Sq l"'t 4-1' per 11q. ft S326. mo Loc:atl'<i off tht• t05 f''r14, nr (.'ro"'n Vu lie.' ,\.\'!Ill :\I u) lst liJl a3ti6 Complete In\ cntor~ for Found Auslr Shepherd. t-en1 m1 c bui.tnt>.:.i. t\1ln. "' l' I I b c h a ' l' 11 . molde.. pottt·r·~ \.\h\•d. 1;45 150H N U 1\n1m s how1·use!t. l!rl.'1.·nwun'. Shelkrf>.14 3650 2 Bdrm. l ba. kids 01\ S320mo+dcp A\ ail now ----- ractl> etc SZ50C) 8Ji fil23 ------ roond l'art Siamt'~l·. :'It ~l<'dil·al untl 'wluhlt· lur •CLOTHING l'<tl. Sun Juan (;up Jrt'a 1 Bdrm . 1 b al 11 i-~emJ.tlt' want••d l>hr 2 Ur we1~ht l'Onlrol Hl'IJ:.onu LADIES., 1~7521 rum apt w )I l\ll' t'ht•u 11 bll' rt•nt !).IX 2103 S2'75+d('p A\'a1l now 557 2:iti5 ------NH fashion outld Bc!>t f''OUNO Blk doi.:. ~oung. ~-61~ t'\le.~0.:594!! ___ _ l l.gt.> bdrm .. 1dults only !So pet-; Pool & palJo 1887 Monro\ ta S2G5 &1.5-{il:JO Large bomelikt· 2 br. 2' ~ Call Renata 556·1707 Ef('j.tunt offin.•:o.. llOO ~q fl location sum F p ln1· I "b m1v. blui' ('.V"~. 110 ba t o wnho m e apt ~ kf ........ " '" t<~ncloscd pvt patio & 2 Br 2 Ba. nr So Coast s XJn r Nt•wport locution st., '" 644 2431 <'Ollar $116-5276. t!3J 2400 l(araj!l' Deluxe kitchen Plazu. pool, ulll pd. S4!U for ettt 4350 ti4:).21 l I -----l'.>.'t 6l2 __ _ I f 213 no., AL'!l"all. •-ift C.. •• e e •• e e e ••••• e e....... • ---- W bltns tm· r e rtl! ...,,,...,._," " storage llcnlal S35 mo. lkainess Renfol 4450 lnvHtm.nt fOUNO l'._ir a m11I ~7~~J~~e~~~ Jl110 mo Westminster 3898 s ini:le ellcl()Hd 140.; ••••••••••••••••••••••• Opportunity 50 IS '-hOrt hatred ho ht ..i 1 I Accountmg .ACCOUNTING TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS Oran9e County is la ollMCJ! And so or-e we! We're AoaeRT llRUt'• Ci<>mim Rily 1139·6623 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bunt1ni:1on S t . II H. Fori.tr1rl•&off1cei.pat•t• at ••••••••••••••••••••••• fl'mate doA. (kn Hl\11 . ~ym. w' krool",mmfoornlrhelnyt '~ta,1•·. BEATTIH<:lllGH PCAl!Y.960 439:.!. rcw.,onablcratt·~ l11Vestor.-.1•:.trn5<J'; ul pro l'dM 675SW!i __ _ " '"' Eai.Lc;1dt• I br. 1 ba. patio. MEW 2&3 IOR HEACH PKl<.:FS ----500 to 5000 Sq Ft. fit A SUC'CeM,rul buJlc1t>r incl.7561 Center0r,ll46. pool , no Vl'l!t S250 Extralt\rge&pnvatt• 1&2 8rfum&u~furn Newpo rt Crest "'ni:lt· :\JESAVEHDEOH -.t-ek:dundi..S18.000 p1.•r ~~~· ~1 ai:urfo1~~n EY1'~:: l. llr S275. l'ool C.ill 645·21!/0 JtOti_l>m __ accounlen'5 Then: are many new ftrnu. mo'''"~ into lh\• Orange County areu bringing about an in· crcasmg demand for ex . pe rienccd Accounting and Dae a Process ing l)t!n.onncl. H.B.892·733G. S.18-00JG Uramat1c f1oor plans. adult apts. Sorry, 110 j?aragc Sct·urcd S35 m<> PLi\l;\ houi>l' S hort tt·rm, Rt'\.\ard 962.j J!JI( 1 --~octt 3748 Slatcr&VanBuren pct.s.531·6266. 675-81_!_1_:_54k·7t!l3 _ t5:.!.5 Ml'saVerdl'E.C M ~('CUrl'<l. Mr Gordo n. __ -----_ .....,..-2 Bdrm. 2 bath. Urund S 95.S-2"64 h I d ••••••••••••••••••••••• h h I 847·7137 lf60.4370 .a._.___..._ Fu ·-L d I car uara11c. No. t·nd S.IO 54 .4 I 23 i-·ound watc on .1 o 1 ... GUNA 81-:ACH MTR ll('W. w dis wa:. er X nt --.....-!~~rm rnian• 0 • Mont t L 5025 Isle. Call. 1NN. $7Stwk &. up. Maid location 8395 5-»!·51t~ or WAMTEO or Unfw1'ish•d 3900 mo 4!n-33:Jl Cdc~l<-' HARBOR Bl VD. • •••• ! .. ~ .. °.~••••••••• fi75-3.SS1 :..erv .. color1V. hcutt!d 6~5112:1Jlt 3Br apt'" Huntrnj?ton ••••.:;E••;•X•C•l•T•J•,::G••••• l'V..IC.c•R--'a-1 Storl'2<h.60_.offu•1• l.\!XI Lobl bl~ck & "hill' "'"NC l ll ""hr di·,,·r hoo'·up . SJOO-S375 m o C ..ill 'AlMMESAAPTS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Blkr b'75·1l7'"' S.berian llusk~ 18 V1t· pool. Ulil. 17141 494.5294 2 Hr I', Ua stutl10. bit in:.. li<'h. Marina Sehl Oll'll • n c. " V'rTI "' ..,,, 4400 .. q. ft lutal S.195 Pl·r m o .(NEED er.A'S Auditors """' · oas :!!_Y_ ftu " IW6-857!1 vv Bushard Ahn• T.ilburt u..._rt •-och 3769 ndults. no Pl'ls S.1511 mo _e~ __ MINUTF;S TO NPT BCll Uo"' ntown II unt1 n.i.:tun . -. ~ 5881.J .--.. r---256 t: ltith Pl 54t! 1!270 Buch. 1&2 UH &!at·h 210 ' 2 Mam St :'\l""'POr1 )1unnt•r ~ ~hit· _· __ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• LuxUI) adult apt. 2 un . fromS255&u11 Ont' 2 rm OfflCt' U\'atl Modem;)()2sqft:o.tor1·or /MONEY 2 b •. d < L' dt'n, pool. S475 Off .Adults . NoP"ls Silt). """In" offil'l' 2630-c \\on LOW fo'ound M Ualmat1:Jn. r, no pets."' '" Bcu c h 1S .D fwy " ~ """'""" hvrrt'Oloredspots.Pl'H S2001mo IH6·1:1865 uny &t!-8.572 l561 Mesa Dr rent :.!l3 4i7 iUOl Newland, HB ~-87~') Tu AccOllfttofth Cost Acco.ttMts Sr. AccC*ft.ts ~ .Acc...._, Cltrii1 OatoWry K/r Op.rotors TOTAL LIVING 1 Bedroom Furniahed Apartments • Plum S.Ouhtul Sin41le, c.\ 2 B.ciroom lf'um.cS Unfllm.) • All Utilitiu Paid • SwllnmincJ. T eNU& !lllbcda • Ac:flvltiea O.rK101, r, .. S4Andoy lln.ulch • Heo.lth CNbe.. Sau.no-. loN&m PLUS MUCH MOREi Oakwood Gard•n Apartments Newport leach/Nor1h 880 Irvin• (01 16lhl (71tj 64!>--0~~ Newpon hach/So\lth 1700 16lh St (Dov.t GI 16th) (714) 642.·8110 Ad..,_ onlt no !Ml• Model a open doily 10' 1 bdnn • Llv. rm. $225. 2 bdnn II Liv rm. 1275. UUW. paid. Communi· t>' Mdlroom. 100 f\. from dlebeaeh. 673·1451 Oceaa Froat abr, 2ba, rt11tt on und. Super loc1tlon . F uray fwnllbed. Avail Mal_ I.ti, WeetlY or monUlly. Tbni .... 11. daya. 7S'l.7fl0, ---2189. t1mcor 645·3417 ----------15 Blks East ofNl•wport OM THE For Ll'aSl' RETA f I. -------- -----Near bench 2 bdrm Blvd> SHOP 2ti4u ;\\On St. e fo'ound 4 mo o ld \t Clenn :.! br I bu. nu pell<. Utilities fumtSht-d. Call 9am·5pm ~G-9860 w ATER! N. ewn .. rt B,.h 932 s~ rt Golden Het rJe\'1.'r, \It' S300 mo. Isl & la:.t + 9482 f c..: II PLU H SUITES .,,... ~ CREDIT uo Main t G olhard . 11 u SIOO 67~4886. 4112-. u l 6pm _!! ~l THE BEST Of S i:ood expos ure 558 li7 3_ " 1147 3563 dys -""I A r R t 2b 350 to 1300 s q ft rROILEM I Bright. oiry 2 bdrm. I ba ..,., 'Vie Pl or e n · r, F t' y · I Br hCJuse zont.'<i comm I 2ba. bll ·in ll, frplc . Mtas1c 1e,,.,s l)f'rt'8tdcntial Pll•nt~ of 2rtd&3rdTDloons Found . Malt• Goldt•n Just redone. yard. S325 balcony. encl ~ara 11e. ALL WORLDS WN Anrs 1iarking Needs paint & 547.54 02 llctncver N B. 1\n1mal mo. Eaststdl'. fiiS-SiOU ... ,r llunL1n"'ort H.·1rbour L'do Mari s h · I I · r If you arc not aware of the bencfils of working temporary -~· "e us a r ail or v1s11 us :ll our new l()(.•atton. We will ~ hap. py lo discuss it with you. Wc.irelocaled tn the: ~stside 2 Rn.· 112 Ua. <pie. yard. pool, no pelt.. Kids OK. $350. 548-0916 " .,. a na clean up 5250 mo 24t!21 • Arranged by • l l Children & ~ts on <tr>-PACIFIC.: WOODS Vil~ Newport Ah d . Co~t<t Coast Ho... Laans &w·J656 5-$8-2lS3 proval. Ask for Bec·ky. AdultApurtments Newport 675·li6f.2 l\lesa. 6-\2·3490 840-Sl.28. Set among wandl'rmg --------,,.trial R.nt-ol--4 5-0-0 HtaliwgtOll leach 3840 .._.. ... °" a..ch l840 streams & lall frag· ...................... . WESTCLIFF BLDG. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• rantpmc>S fcciturc . LAGUNA HILLS·t wo ad· MEW An HOMES MOWIENTIMCi Luxury 3 brl2 ba. spacious 1 interiors. Incl OW. stove. lplcs. & privat e 2-car gara~es. 5 Unique floor plans . r e nll n g fro m $495tmo ~---·-Locatn>n -~' 1 lllO<'k 1\(1 l\l'Mth llJ\ d C.'lmwr of 1 t•rn & \'lt>wJl(Mnt °""""'" ... '*M n [ •Walk· in closets •Time.saver kitchens •Air condlt1omng •Decorator accents •Pools.Gym •Volleyball & Mor" l Br from $285 16350 Ha rbor Olvd South of Edinger 139-2140 ltOOlftl 4000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... aodorl•• Lovely gardens· Brooks NEWPORT BEACH "• ~· .. 1 j,11 .... ,. ......... . :/c-.... ........... ./_ ..... :/u .. -. ./~Noi~· .,/---.;' _., ..... Ice ... ~ .1 ...,..,.., .... \.all M1 How11rd 645 6101 JUC 5000 SQ rt l\1 I UOlh>. new bldg. A C o rrc. fronts on ,\loulton. nr Lakt' Forest. hwse by · owner 835-I tl()g Airport Ind property 5400 sq ft Cal owner, ~7-5701 ; 833 3Q)3 4000&8000sq ft W lSth St. Npt lkh. * CDM SUITES* --2-13-433-0!M_i_-1 Prestigious 3 desk space 800 S11. F t. indus trwl quiet office llulle, plush s pace, Newport, xln1 surroundinl(~ 1n old Cc1l\1 IOl'ation. 64S.2ll l. charm . centrally lotalcd .. 4550- with beautiful lar~e sun· ~ 09' M 0 NEY FOR.ANY REASON FAST APPROVAL $51< 10 $2SOK SECURE BY 2ND TD ON THE INCREASED VAL U E O t" YO U R HOMf: CALL NEWPORT PACIFIC FUNDING Licensed Broker 955-1055 IOFCJ 675-5535 IRESJ )•'r J wtr. laU •Kitchen Facll. avail. •Jacuui, heated pool •Wkly or dally maid srv. •TV llphone a\•allable ny sundeck. ocean:s1de of ••••••••••••••••••••••• Coast Rwy. Will make Warehouse Space., 3500 sq great corp. office 500 sq n. $6001mo. lrvme. l2 SOOK lo 20 m ll. R.E . lntal ...... Cal · 141•1 1101 Ml>O~AOOW('lll\ La. \ JAllllAllO Dt>l ll.ot'Mt. 't l'llOJt.4 t MW133 ... Low• $72.50 Wk Z!TTHarbor Co!!ta Me111 645-410 Room w/ldtchen<'lle 186week"up. Sfs.97$5 2 rms nr bch. w/k\t priv. IZllS. wl pd. tsl, 1st + $100 dep. No Pets. Se. Miil. 175-$533, 845-6499 WANTACl'ION'! 0.Utled Ada 142-J678 n. Only $3951mo dr. sprinklen.. 20· ce1l· ROGBS RE.ALTY mgs. AvaJI 'tll August 15. 67~2111 642_·Wl_'_J __ ~~-----i •442·•78 Sq. 1-'t. No Costa Mesa S2$$. In cl ut1I AIC. Tum. $40·2200• RV ,ARKING $25. MOHTHL Y Fenced storage for your bo1:11. camper or extr a c ar. For info. c a 11 ~12:.'50sq ft. looklnf! over 848-3133. Laguna. underground ~-~---~---1 parking, New carpet. •-.e..a...w~ 4600 drapes• paint .• air cond. --. --.549-1188557·5870 ...................... . Sell wtth E~ E ! lt'1 a BREEZE ClaAUled Ada &U W78 Needed: Apartment or duplex. Two bedroom. 1WUn are.a. '280. Chrf•· Uan moUler 559-0661 Develop. Con st ruc t & Wke out. Inventory . re· ce1vables fin. Bus ex· pand . Unbankable our specially. 547·5737. Don Brian. .......,.1,Tnest o.idi SOlS ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOWEST .... , ........ lstT.D.'1t .. i.. T.D. Lema. hirwt Term• alnce 1949 WtfMo Mft. Co. 642-2171 545-0611 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS COLDWELL BANKER BUILDING Entire -So(olR~ -Suite 11200 Anise -Jambic -2333No. Broadway MISSING Santa Ana 1\ wife was reporting h('r 17141 llM I Ol hw;band mlSStnJ:t to tht' Free Parking police . "He's s hort undl~~~~~~~~~~ thin. bald and no tet:th. I· As a matter or fact, mOtJt SELL idle Item. willt M o<hlm Is MlSSrNG." Daily PilolClasaified Ad. Sd11al1 It 7005 ........... 7001 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 FIE£ INTIODUCTOIY LESSON * CAIEER IN REAL ESTATE * ...... ,... ................... . fllte ,... wtttl e MW ,, ....... . f••t•rl•t ••cftf•t T .. 1c1• M JOOO Pr..,-. ... W • .., .., .. ,... ....... ..-. Ctl,.. ...... ..., SAIL REAL ESTATE SCllOL IA s•••rr et w ,..,,,,.,, 67Mno • ~All11f.Af1!111,lfll ·~--~ ................ . RellOdel, repair. fen. urpeatr1. old t mt ~. 1t1ts ia .,... IJt''d, Mr Ptlom• -~ .. Q' a. • tC ... I !!. •• ~.: ... :.~..... : .... !!!! ... ! ......... ~.~ ......... Pil It tJl'SIMfll; P I • ....... ~ .. , ... • ............................. '5'.t ...... .-.~ ......................... . atJMNl:Y8WEEP i{·l•rdt!M'r .. M()wlt • RO lUN 'S HOUSI':· CUS TOM Rainl . PETERSPAlNT\NQ •• Calhfir-.plac.nperi. nee wn Rnton CU :ANINO SERVICE. dtaperlea, 1 bllod•. £xpr'd . a .. , ·~·u . Ufll9WAU.PAPll ALPIN&TaBB _Jcmt"h11dit.91f"'30 •~1.~-4tltn ~ =hl¥ cleu w.wooda. tlle,/a~r. Free £at . Call Gea =•ult.ipledeli&mlr ~E1t1'8 w.·u 11.Dotk yow-eoot ort O•rdenJq &l'f'V. Y•rd•. 1ilau\,ea~lic' · ~ .-.:-.':.:~ p1n a • ·r.:1!!·.~ Pf'Of•HIOftally • k ep cl~anup.. tompl lawn Want • RtALLY CLEAN $56.IOOO PrGf paUidn E ~ClleCllllal wallpe~ TMaT.-0.Ue/lm. ~ .. ~~•••••••H•••u sa.m..,oo 6 si.am clean O~. attk1nta. dnu' Color bftahtt>oera: wb dtirif\I. "'" «>Mull•· <'I*'°"'"' bWa<'ll. c1 ... ro-ar hoWMt dtaa. Tup m.1nt Pedro IW4r5401 HOUSE? C11ll Olnl(h,un ........ Low rata.'·RJ!. "r~ Call B•lt aou lo; ~s.w .... Rat Chlrnooy Sweep• G ,.e_lc 0111 f're.-nl.845 51%3 ....................... -.$38-4'180.$31.-4313 ::...-&. ... a Qtiaaal• .,......, '4G<91" .,._......, " ""'•l nt •n en"• ,,_ o r · --·•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• MJlS Cl.1-~AN MAKK5 l'f Janitori~I .er"vice:" In. Painting. I NT I EXT. ~ COl4 ~ptq ol Jelen· •Ml. FIXIT• OLJ<:t-:M Bach. apts. & dUlltrlal Ir medic al bkJAI•· Neat. hOnesti rcaa.. 12 M fro aim a.ne paint· tkal ortl-ln•I lettera oa ti•. AUotnC!n . t7l·I08I aw. d111 rll\, haU ll5. Av t.•upnnt~r. 11 Int Ing ho~. Carptit " uphol. 1148-1• yrs. exp . L c'd . Dave 1.,. lnl/exl. reald Ir your ktterbead. ,.,_bl· HI l.OCOH'J'JtACTOR H tot 11 l$ yr• 10 clo•ntn.:. H!l·03'12; 9M-l°'5. ~·l fo. Karin. 751..-. ~--.. -rm '150. couc.:h 110. ch ,.t;s 1$ Guar •Um pet odot •• -· ••••••••••• Cpc rep1ur. IS )'l'I ~pr Addition . I • 2 1ty . &l"\'ll Sllf 1762 ~2400 Ofl'FICE. INDUSTRIAL. . . 819-434t tutchen~~o~oo.-1&. LOWCO&,.tlAUL. All('<•'ti flou111·clcan1ng. ft~Jl "c~.~~~?rrn~ P;:~~t!r ::!:.~{'u~ ......... ,,..,.... :!?.~!.~.~ .. !.P ...... Will b.ibr• \ Mou It l''r1 l)o WQrlt m)'llelf. R •'5 l9tJI tit Plat.nt'-l~i ~l 0101 .._.........._11 Cl.F;AN. Rf:PAIR . Jtea"SOnable. rehabJ(I & Refs. Lie/bonded/Ins. l.83281Refs.642·2356 •"•••••••••••••••••••• For t lean wlndowa, at hr ....... '-m4 ~ PAIN'r ~ ~ l'C'fs f.173 l21116/846 4871 5,2.5166 Neatpatches&textures Set"Yl~. comm'Uc re.id . r...-Mill ch W ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnl. Pllllt & wallpapet". -.IST 1t~1 .... ~t ""--Ca .. .. •~'--"9•.-• Ni«1 Want help with tour • ~-apllMJ Q I k rw-. • -~~ r.--elt. 1114'7-l'm 11 IM__..._ n..-"Uali•y n .... ell• fl.F.ci'RICIAN l'rll'••d Whft ..ct s---...__ ua . wot . re as. pr. _,..;._.;.;.,:_..:..:..:.;..:..;.;....;.;..;.;__ ,_...i "' • "" r--•• ho us,. w ork • •a 11 f"""" t "" ........... ....... ••••••••••••••• bon 1 jrt:S 9S$.-O.~ rl1ht frN~ e•tlmoce on ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '""'es ·~eve . .,.,..._1 PATCH PLASTERING J1m'a House & Wlndow DlVOR f;18A!liil(KP'l'('Y ~ larg1• vurnollJobl. 5•· Aluminum seomles!> Jan1t·t>'s ttaiuiel,ly Ann's Let U11 Install a NEW A II t Y P • •. Ji' t • e c I e a n i o g . 8 u is I • V\Una to f\oal '60' W• Care C&l°P"t <.'leant•r Ul'ftM"d t:n OM:I bitklod 00 enamt<I Ciutnm ~rv!~~~~Soc{ourteous 1. a n d s c a p e o r F\ne ext.er Painting by R. .um.ta. Call s:B-711.8 ness/resideotlal. •·2191 A'1ion 1..-,,1 Set\flC' S<Hm clH o AIM1 up t'llll' yA &L....J-lc ~7~....,24l jOb ~ l.242 01 REJUVENATE The Old Sinor. St. lie .. Ins Try Plaster t h1ag • t _att_s. ______ _ ~-5100~ hol1t.-ry Wor._ 11u • .r ._ .. _....,n .,.. ..,_ Prof clcaninf( & malnt One . Sl Contr. Lie. me.836-5:;ss2Ahrs. ing. R~~ble ::t':s~ -Tn.rk mPUllt un11 fr t>4:ilV14 :1crvice floor waxinit. #364419.Call64.5-6716 ""-'-GetGREENcub U O 0 K K 1-: E t• I N (' t11t. n-M ral"' tH. 31u: -,........ t d Exp. pal.nun~. reaaooable .. ._.est.M&-7198. forWHITEel~anl$ St:RVJCE·P1cltup It drl ,._...Mift'G" oven, ca~ 5• win owl! European Lendscaper . rates. Available now! . ........ "'' ., .... "d bitnk rN"onrlll1tt10 0" c-wt/C.Cret. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ,. l'tC Sl)(.•c homeslaptsl ... k L'. • ca11Bruce c .......... s P laster Petc h 1ng : WIUI A'-tlaau .... n "'C"'" & vuc~"cl""'. L'ast •GP wor · .-air pncc """"~ Plas ter. s tu cco " Call6'2·5678 i\I', AR. dbl t1ntr.v o ••••••••••••••••••••••• M°"'inir. Edl(tl'lt: & H 0 M ~ S A P 1' S '" ·" .., ... .., r RA!fs.646-4871 dys /eves. .. pea~rd IC\'"t IU ('al Poundouon ... r~·t.t1ntn;i C'IHntlµJoh-. Rcp1pt'&.plu11lb,t•rpntr). •11..•rv11:c Very com · UptoS0%olfon labor. rf drywall. Int/ext. Free r~ ..... ~ ..................................... 1 Lu.•ufl!JPM 6523028 w lh1. block:.. pat•ow Oalt•l\.~JJ:;i) u1 .. kit b1i1 remodel pct1t1vt< lo prices. lns. Malowy' youbuy W.P.fromDan e!il.541H641.George ;, : U "'d .. ...,~''t'• <u•~Wlfl "u'"""' 5521!105 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Schwartz.S37·20CM -.......t...t.. • ·"' • Ukk1>1t. Pll)'roll tull.~tt ' .....,...,.,,.,..,.,""", Gwda•9 <nil"""" S 1 For t''<l'ellencl' in linckwork. Small jobs •-e-.se~ngarea for 7 ~:;:::::! .............. !. ••·t"r; !,_ rtndOl', i.lnli,, m(\1'¥ (nn"""'.-COfl<'tell' "•b 0° ••••••••••••••••••••••• H__._" --c• ... A ........... r~ta ... e 'a •. ua. '" ••• ....... Pl .. -)'.... ~· • ~· hOU!ie<'ll•<tning. Cleaning 1"""'-t"'' ~. """ .n Ii "' p r I k l ,. ""'•· IU) rs ~lW sf't vour lorm.. liilVl• atdt'nln.i <'It-a n up.; & Ga•n lkp •. nr ltl'al>Onabll' llnlmtd S4G· 3726 Jrvine. 67S.317S eves. 1{5· ro · qua wor · I .J '• i money R()!ljl &it.S ~ lunil!lfflPlllX Gt'orgc· rutc~ U4.2 !1552 __ ___ es1d I A pts I Comm. Ingram Plumbiog, ,rcas -:-• · t • l &xlkkt.-t·~ma. no ~ob t(I fbulllu ~ T07l: J t 1 C\.lstom masonry. patios. Reas. Dave. 586-8425 rates on repairs. rep.pes, I , . : smull I'. h1lhn 11 Cu:stom t't•rnfnt work l(.n()f1111: & fc1w1n~ t:, vr:!I 1~.~~icsc iousec euning fireplaces. walls. garden re mdl 's. wtr htrs . f ·--• · 1-'red 5407m Or l~t<w ,1 )i. p.il11>:11. •Vt-:Rv1,ow 1•ttu;t-:S• in.u,•a.othcri.mJllJOlil>, .ov...v.weekly.Owntrans. & retain. 100's of local p ~ 18Uc.--9tieSSmen ' lk "«' ,., •• p c rr 6"12·S196 ainllng. exterior/in ---! ->• ,._ ..t ww wa yi. ,,.,,, """· onla.ndbt'oJ>t! m,11111 ap.i U 6314:!114 refs.645-8512 t H · I -pe-tr _?'37001 l''rt•1•1.,,llm<11t•11 Geurgt' MllWIS ~itti erior. ome re pairs. lufllMJ If you are do ing ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• C Hauling · "CJ Rnck. stone. block work. Qwility work. Reasona-••••••••••••••••••••••• bus rness under a : t k t ••••••••••••••••••••••• b l e rat es Fr ee · Curpentl'r fo'rt•t' K«I Any demt'n wor · Pn 111:0.. Glll"dt!m•r, JS yri. <·i..pt•r ••••••••••••••:•••••••• tile £1oors. concrete . · . Re pair & Reroof. All F'ict1r1nus Bu11ness ! ~1te .)Obs Call Allan or l~~t'i:;.~ <•urb:. & neat,~llabh! . .,~~n1!•'~l9'ch·uccsludent ITontru1·k :\~d~u~ef;1:bi~crps~npfl! pauo·s . wa lks. drive estimates call Hank s. t ypes ·s h 1n g l es · j'Vameyouarereqiured l J'ony 64&~9 serv r ,ce e:.l .,.._ '"' 1'r·•.,h. tr"c tri in 0 ,,10 ways Free est John lSl-S82l rockshakes·compo-tar. 1. by lo w 18U$1M.SI and ._: ..., " , ~,u care for your home & a,,,,1583 ~-c .. "" L' ClJ~TOM -a.ildC.-. Gardening. clt•an up . ti4:.!·3'124,lton&i<!·5703 pet..'>.~li-5701 '"" QuaUly Painting, "Will '"'""i est ..... 1.5.,30 rtn. ~ProfesSton.s Code. Sec. i ••••••••••••••••••••••• hauling . ynrcl main . -----Moving beat any eslimatc", in-Avai · i 17900 to 17930> to file a ~ lntenor Carpentry Amcncan Cnllcs1t· N1tnny tPnnnce 1fio 11 all 110 1011 C.:lcan up. concre~e l.lrl'ak htsw"anc:e ....................... t/ext, ref. 673-91SI eves. Tile ~ f.'1c 11 t ious Business ~ byJ<iy • 642-8809 toh\ew lum MayZ.'llh t.oosmall!Clay 1'.148 ·1!130 in.:&hauhn.: "a:.t.clll •••••••••••••••••••••••Local. coastal & inland •••••••••••••••••••••••~Name Statemt>nt and ~ Lou. C"' JO thru Aug Avail for cru1:. -cu.mt ltc.t11 645 IS512 R-'--..&......,. "erv1""' to & from SF baft , student can paint in-.1 have it publ11h"d for =,· 8 ... rpcntry yrs T h h d c O M M F R C l A L & --_., ..... ..,.. "' -.. tenon.. D1scnmmalmg. CE R A M I C T I L E : "' ext l>oors. windows. '"f? eac <'•I n·n RESlDEN'l'IAI 1 Ha ullnA & Clt•u111111 lns.AH oc .. lnc. urea & all parts. Ca I personserv1ce ~llJohn kitchens, baths, entrys. Uour cimsecuJive weelc.$.! patios. remodeling etc. swimming. d&IH'lni.:. "·· ~ ~ .awn rc~·c·omm'I 91i" t-ltii!. lstralcllervic.: al fair :Mhr 7dys540-4844 M ck 7""'"'18 Your t ile o r m in e i WE 01 lht DA ILY i ur/lns 551.2054 gymnastlc·s. 1-·rench . .Xrvice. Complell'Cleun "· . · • ·c a a ey, ...,.._ l, PILOT ca11 help wtlh l. German 213-421 2373. Ups. Efren Villa~cuor. ~l5al!__ ~~;arersonal & com -Moving & haulint: WallpaperHans:ers 962-30'19 :borh. Call the LEGAL i C.Ompl renovtg. mttext. Ir.ma 556-4SUI I do 1l alh.l.1ploadcr. 675-0562 f're1ght. bldg matenal11. Xlnt refs. reason rates. Peoplewhoneedpeople i D EPAllTMENT atl t•ub1 ne t m3kg : Ch a r --dumptrut•k. haul. gradt·. hshld goods etc. Lowest disc. avail on maJor should alwaysch.eck tbe 1642-4:121 Ext 332 tor i Renovati ng Ser vi re SELL 1dlt• items with a Have somt'thmg to s~>ll ? t•t•ment. asphalt. tr<.'c re· Seu things fast with Daily rates in town. J ohn papers. Dys 640·2934. Service Directory in lhe 645-:1749 Dally Ptlot Class1f1ed Ad. Classified ads do it well. moval~ etc. S.11 l:!.'>7 Pilot Want Ads. ~2654 Eves 957-0583. J eff. DAILY Pl LOT ~ /urther mformatwn : :. ·-··-·-... ·-···--·-.. ·-·-········· ... : HefpW..t.d 710 HelpW•t.d 7100 HelpWanted 7100 Help Wonted 7100 Help Wanted 7100 HelpWCllded 710() HelpW..ted 7100 HefpW..tect 7100 HetpWanted 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ACCOUNTING CLK ARMY Banking 8a~{'}j1iWEST U.\:":K Bookkeeper. PIT . 2 half I Cleaning lady for Lal(unal * * Clencal Fee P&d Pmress 1nvorces. handle CASH BON USF.S TO HEW ACCOUNTS days pr wk. Npt Hr h or-Beach Motel. ):ood w<ii.;I.'., CLERICAL FUGHT CO. C 0 ~ M ET 0 L 0 G Y · m111l. lite typing. :tsM!>t Sl.000. paid to those who M 1SS 1 0 N V 1 E J 0 thodont1coffice. 642 26~ & workui~ cond. Full or Your desire for vanety_ 1! Seeks detailed on enled NaUonaJ Corp. needs de· with accounting duLie~. enlist for Combat Arms COUNSELOR BRANCll --------pt-time. 499.2227 valuable m lhC' spec1a pers to murnl inventor>-monstrators & manageri. frvinc.E.0 .ES40-7639 in;ilions. Rul'(gcd. out-For our South Cou::.t requires 2 P<irt time BookkeeperF/ChCJ. ----f ield of lemporaq dept Call K erry t.oworkw1thlln1queAloc ----- -door work. Pick lnfan· Plaza office. E~perienl·e tellers & full trme book· Small S.,\ mnfA. C'Xper. CLEANING WOMEN sen·11:e 84lH288. Also fee JObs Vera sk.in care line: ~Int ACCOUNTING ASS'T Ir). Arllller.v or Armor preferred. Call Ralph k~per. Call ror appl & matunty req. Salan• 1.1o•anted S4.2S per hr We have lcmporary JObs Oenrus & Dennis Person career opporlun1t1e s liood figure aptitude 1tanksl Mu st mC'Ct rt" K.mmngsaL54U4066.:lJ33 Kess1e495·6600 EOE SIOOO. mo. Call Mr. lrvrne area Must ha\e long & short term. Wt nelServiceolHu.ntington Call Mr Cable Mon·Fr1. llloeded. flt'x1ble hrs. for qwremcnls :md s1~n for Bnstol St C M Schill 546 t>3SS. car. Susie's Cleaning wiJJ mat<'h your skills & Beach, 16168 Beach. 8-12. at 714/540.7780. HR area. P.rr. $5.00 hr. 4.yr:,, Call today for dt>· TELLER BANKING I ' Serv. 968·8846 net.'ds with professiona Clencal F"""' Pa id COUNTER SAL""'S P IT IWJ..0011.Sharon truls • BUS D R I V E RS . t' or ~•1tnmt:'nts ~ . ""' Cabla M~a 5-tU-1026 Tt) 11.'0rk Salurday~ uni) I "t'hool I~ DrMkhurst, No fee is required Jus1 IA.NktNG TR to $750 $4 + Commission, for Hunt l:kh !lti2·8821 c.:'~.011urGCoseo~.~~sa.?.n°t~frirJel TELLER 1 FtnVlv C<ill!J63-71131 <..1encal yourumc&interc!)t Bnghl tnd1v will enJO)' exp. person. Hrs nexr- "'CCOU ... Tl"'-'G Santa Ana 542-243!'> .. .,,, .. --· ------· GENER.AL AIDE II 557·0061 the oppty orr·d bv VIP blc : Blowe r Pape r . -CLBIC ,... Assembly, hghl auto ac t~ed~g~ 2700 II al'tlllr lniml'dlalc PJ rl t i llll' Busy B. usy Busy 1' WEED ABATEMENT ~o~ 0 ff ice • financia l ~roup -C3ll S47-91St. Kathy Parker. \ anous dutll.'S tncludtnA ccsi.on 9 lt• I Lem Calif. Federal o Pl' n' n !! c ~1 on d .1' ' Ne<.'t.I 2 ~al~spcr..on .. im S3.35 Per flour Jean. 833-2700 Also Fct Counterhelp ·Cook Part I ht I p 10 I. · f'r1dJ ... IH. nlus ~uml'I mcclwt cl~ W hJndlt• We<.'d Abatement proi: 0 over load Jc».. Denllllt & Denni.• t11ne full lime. Apply m :,'tme 1~rl~1f nlinA ~:~: ~I") ~~!.:.._ li4&-1234. Savinqs & loan 5.ituril:tv~ I for •• Teller I rlL .. htn~ buStnt.'S!o :\fo) I 111volves field IOSf><'l't & Personnel Ser vice 01 pen;on. Gary's Deli 33W p£•r1encc ht•lpful E'< ~SEMBLERS An Equal Opportunity m our ~·aul1lul NC'wµort work rl.'ntub or not. as of c reco rd k ee Jltn .I! A Pr<>fl.l'>s1on<il S(·r v1ce Irvine. 2082 Michelson E. Coas t Hwy. CdM rdlenl workm•• r ond1 ~mploycr M V Bcarhoffi<'l' E>.JK'nent'l' prdcrrl'd. lncentl\cl dultrs .40 llrs pt>r"kror Dr lions and benC'f1l;. rnducl Ltj(hl mcch .ii.:-.cmbly RANKING (.'rcd1t <•hl•t·kt'r pn·forn•d, hut \\C arl· comm1sl.10n :.ph1. J m<inths. Ends Julv I ------Co uple s wa nted to mg dtmtal plan. Apply m ood wilhn~ to train \\ c of-CA dnvers he r('Qd. Own Clerlt·Fast liquor & wine Clerks mana~e s m all business req\Dnnj( g manu:il · m1minum l \'r •. , r 1 vehide pref. Open until oper<itwn Full time Pncmg Clerk needed full Mu.st enJOY meeung pen. person. no phone callh dexterity. Exp1•nenct> perien<'e Rccept1on1~1 t'r •L'-ae Park•ll" £i1Jed. Contact: Person-Must be cxpenenccd. 495 tune. Immediate open. gie. working tooether. & I' t eas e H r Y m a n n preforred but will train 3 duties & ui>e of THW r •' ,.. E 17th s ,. "1 f II be f" " f"hools. 200 M"Corm1ck •Career Apfl<ert'I nel Dept . · · t. ....... · ings, u co ne its . e willing to lear n . . ,., " D Instruments . J5a42 Typing requd. Call lor Call Balboa Manne . Pleasant profitable Avenue , Cosrn Mesa Chemical Lanl'. H.B. appt. Westlands Bank. ClericaJFeePa1d 549-9671 fo r appt. Equal Oppor.tunrty 89t-5351 ~E.0.E. Please call for appoint· Vcsi..._Desk to$750 EOE MIF/H wortc.PfI',963-722S 1-;mploy .. r -----ment CASH I ER . a PP I Y 'n Bran~h' distrb ctr of rs . . ... . • ATTRACTIVE GIRL Bankin~ person Crown Hardware. adv. oppty for cager to Clerlt-typ1.st -busy C.M. CUSTODIAN i\1•t-0Wltmg f'ce Paid Cl.ERIC to S 12K Rearh new his w/un1qUl' l'<> ofr"g t·hall~n.:c> Ca II Carol. H48 tl&!. Also fct> JObs Dennii:. & D<'nni~ Pr rsonnel Scrvic<' or lfonttnglon Beach. 16168 131.!ach. I fvll tin TELLER: FIDELITY FEDERAL 3107 E. Cst llwy . CdM_. learn mdiv call Carol. olf1ce. Reqwres detailed Newport area church . to modi.'! for 1ndt\'1dual 2 Part tin TELLERS ~a\'anl!s & Loan ,\ssn <.: \Siii F:R 'd 848-1288 Also fet' Jobs person. B1l1Jng. mvo1<'es. full-time. 2·10: 30 PM . Gn-at compensation for ~enc:e -terred.' -. 642·'11~1 ~m · ~' :r ~pc{ppiv P,~ Dennis & Dennis Pi>rsoo n11ni:. SOwpm & ten key. Call f'red631·2880. OCl'd SIC)OUI Sl"\Slnns al ~· r·-,..,.. ·10 t F I e. c . I . ,.,_ rH itood b e nefits Call £lex11Jlc time~. & YOU Xlnt opportunity at ~,na pp y .mp oyer person. Don J OSC' :'\kx rn . ne ~rvict>o unlrn~ton Vick1e631-0700 CU!\tomer service. w/exp. scle«t the clotht'S & type local S&l Offices in --ican H1•:-tauranl. 909:1 ffilalffi (ft) fjijlffiffiffi Beach. l6t68 Beach__ Hrly wai-:e+prof1t share. of modehn~ that you Newport & La9uno Barmaid. P1T w~ckcnd:.. Adams A~ --l!JWCV ru uuuwruru Montf'r1. 5·9. 549·5045 would m ost enJOY leach . Mat.are Co!o ta .~l e<t J a rea C1\SHJ ERrordin1n1t rm. 77 r._: 0 • CLERK COLL.ATOR DellveryPerson -rorbusy Modeling IS stnc1ly for retpOMible person de· S59 55f..Oillt2.30PM mlL<tl l>t' 1•xpcr'd. /\pply nnr nve G aph· PACKER Irvine I ravel a gen cy. fun but the girl selected sired. Mllst ty-SO BA R T E N 0 F: R • Hotel Laguna. 425So, Cst 17141754-5350 r IC Willing to train ao tn· Must have reliable ins. m~t bto very attractive r -E d t llw~. L:iguna S c h . EqualOpporJo:mployer Arti•st dustr1ous caret!r in -Work a~prox. s hrs & soptusllcated No ex--.. FM appt. coll ~xpC'rienct' · ma. urt' •n1-1151 d d I l k Hr Ac:tns~Acton ··r··-Privatt· Y<it ht C 1111>, ...,. 1v1 ua o pac age dally.1\1· . ly. wage& WAHTED NOW =~ ~a~C'~~:::th~ ~{'.; J=r~e , .Sod· ~a~~rec1. mµht shill. CASHJER. wrexpC'r, for CLF.RICAL Medical lab Cox llobb1es. Inc .. le.td· :~u~~!~r::!~~e~~~~: mileage pd. 957·2700. "S.A.M " is now In· int.erestin~ & profitable e ac avings. 3· 4 ____ Mens rl'lail C'hain. in needs frnt oft' r eccp mg m anufa cturers of t1ons &benefits .40Hour Delivery: mu.st have own icrv1t•win1? tflOse in Please write dcscribinl( 759-0181 . their new South Coast llonisL, type 3t least 50 fuel powered models and week. Apply Nort h trk or van; Prr deliv. wrest«! in a prof. career yourself to Classifk'CI Ad BEAUTICIAN Plaza Store. F1t1mc. con· WPM. diversified posi· rad.lo controlled units for Ameri can Servi ce P/Tsbop work. gas& mi. in movres. TV & TV com -'406. Daily Pilot, P.O l•---------i w 1r 0 11ow1 n )! f or ta<.t Carol Littman. for lion. pleasant working their hobbyftoy industry Center. l339 E. Warner. pd. 642·5702 merc1als. No exp. nee. Box 1560, CosLa Mesa Banking Nt'wporter Inn 540-8582 appt. btwn 9·12. a l conds. Mature person. is seeking a Graphic Santa Ana . Equal Op·_,:...;~~------- sm fee call 633-2233 ext ~ or6'14·l)li(i l 213·628-5253 non-s moker. 633·5635. Artist. Responsibilities porturtity Employer. DELIVERY·Avallable !15 --------8·30-S.E.O.E. willmcludeartandphoto now. Top pay, good PIT LOAN Beauty: Licensed mstruc matenal files. ordenn~ hrs. Eves. 5-9. Moo-Fri. Advertising Fee Paid DEPT SECRET ARY For renown rirm seekm~ enthusiastic p itch·in pcrs "'Ca l l D onna. ll48-l.288. Also fee jobs. Oeruus & Dennis Person- nd Service of Huntington Heach. 16168 Beach. i.\dvertismg Jo~ee Paid SECY to SI 0,200 1,lvefy dept. featur <:s rascinating arlivlllcs. Call Dawn. 833-2700. Also fee jobs. Denrus & Den· nis Pen>00nel Service of AUDIO TECHNICIAN We are seeking an in· dividual who possesses basic knowledge in clec· tronics & r ecordins techniques & will be trclined inlo our studio recording funct ions . Please call for an appl. MEDIA ONE RECORDING 540-5255 Irvine, 2082 Michelson, ----------Or. Automotive G lorm beauty :,chool. Xlnl c•r-HIERS CLERICAL • supplies. ro mpos10~ CoddaH Waitnss 531-0811 A ENT salary & benefits. Call IW Newport Center Finan-' layouts and rulm,: com · Sdloof ~D~E..:..L..;..;IV~E-R_Y_&_C_L_E_A_N-- 962·8831 c 1 a I Firm see k In $!1 plex forms for pnntini: Earn up to S300 per wk. UP person. F /time. must New omce openin)l 10 .__..._n-_...__ -UJQJ[M MARKETS responsible indi vidua~I us1n ~ a T ·Square or Low tuition. Placement have good driving rec. Or ange County. Ex . __,,, -,....-rlllnK for receptionist posiuon dral\mg machine. 548-2.288 perienced loan agl.'ntl Assistant for busy salon Phone exper. & typm assist. 751·9194 ~-..;..... _____ _ needed immediatl'lv Xlnt traimn~ program Openings now available s kills required. Xln Candidates must type 60 Cook. Fri.· Mon. to till Delivery &. stock work. Flexible benefits Goc>d Good opportunity ror ad-for full and part.time working cond. & t•o wpm and possess ex· 6.30. Apply in person. Fem. & Male applicants working cond ition s . vancemenl Rifhttrri Cashiers on 2nd and 3rd benefits orrered. Pleas cellent grammer and The Garden 450 Glen· welrome . Excell. op. Please submit rei.ume Ouellette Salon. 200 shifts . No experience contact personnel or app s pelling capabilities. ney r e. L~g . Be h . porturtity to train in auto to. Newport Cenwr Drive. necess ary, we train lyda1ly9-6 I Knowledge of pnntmg 494-8(11~ parts sales. Apply 1522 Newport &-ach. Start at S3. per hour. ad·!' ADP and graphic techniques Newport. Bl, CM. or 10080 CE..-RAL · vancement opportunity and 2-3 years expen ence COOK .... ams. HB. Automotive "1 Beauty salon has station pe....tSIO.._. · lso · ed ,.,., FEDERAL avail for rent Operator for management posiuonl "°" n tsa reqwr · P IT Prepare garden _su_·...:pp1..;......;y;_. ______ _ w/£ollowmg 548 6647 to SS.SO per hour ''I SERVICES luncheon. 2-3 limes pr . SAVINGS _ ·-quab!ied Jo'or more in-Toarrangean interview. wk. Corona de l Mar ~very pl~me AM. LA &Lo_.._. Beerbarmaid.nights.full formation call the! 180Newport CenterOr conta ct P e r s o nnel home.675--03l6aftSPM. Times dehv. $100 per ,..,,. l • m e. r e 11 a b 1 e Personnel Office: NPB. 114.644•4360ext2S3 0 e Pa t t m en l a t week. Laguna Beach. P.O. Box 81511 496-903.1/496-5476 12A22 Lampson Slre<'l L-nual Oppor 1.-:mploycr 7141546-2551. 494-8496 San Diego.CA92138 Garden Grove,537-4840 u..i M/F C:OOtCS •---------- Am·Way Distr. w3nted. Start now !luper ear n· mgs. Call 968·6495 9.4 weekdays. LotperSOlt Clean up new & used Equal Opportunity cars. Good working con. Employer MI F BKKPR/SECY. exp only 1.~nualOpporEmployer COX .,.v . y Dental As.sit. ·3dayweelt. h LAf .,,.pen ence necessar · Expe r. RDA. llrvine. 8.J0.2:30daily.Bc area CLERICAL A....tutn......,.,.to· ,_., Hobb• ,...,....., r-• ~· . ccnSll t CalJu,.,..1470. Deputy Clerk wanted. aes, Inc. _,_,.. _______ _ dll1ons, overtime availa ·ti---•------i ANIMAL HOSPITAL Bathing & cleaning N. B. Will train. 644-5463 ble. Apply to manager lwwickDats. 33375 camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano A.to Parts .,.. . ...., AMweriltgS....ic• Well groomed female BANKJNG •LOAN SERVICE CLERK PBX operators for a over 18 w/good driving re<.'Ord. Costa Mesa area. telephone answerln g Call Bob. 556•2500 for in-A dynamic. growlnit sav· service experienced or · ings and loan has an cx-wiU train. Full ume or _tervl __ ew_a_ppt_. _____ , celleot opportunity for part Lime shifts availa-"'1Jio S..-.lce S.cy an expe rie nced loan ble~ Daya. afternoon· ror tge. Porsche-Audi de· service clerk. Primary ev. or grave y ard. alenbp i.n N.8 . Warran· responsibilities will ln- ust be able to work ty ~ing exp necess. elude beneficiary stale· tome weeke nds. T yping Top salary & benefits. ments and demand. in· Z wpm. required. Many CllllJob.n Miller : surance. and data input co. benefits avallabae. 813--0900 tocomput.er. Pleaaecall Mon·Frl. · Fasbion la land area: ••791 Cosla M esa e r e a : • .,-/"'CCTHG Ch.ildcare-Our home care Clerical position avulla 'llc~t• A Demal office experience -"" • for a 7 mo. old ~irl & ble 1mmed1a lely . Re Leis~~~~:fc~~lnc. ~ ~· chair assist ant with Clerk. non smoker, lype some housework. 5'1'.1 hrs1 qwrl'S J yr. rlencal ex l.SOSE. Warner Ave some front office ex· 50 wpm. used 10 key ad· per day. 548.fl07Saft lpm I penence. 40wpm typing Santa Ana. CA92'10S "1 1"·1""N11> perience. 3 day week. der. omce near Harbor $32~.60 bi-weekly, t1 ""nualOppor Emplyr 1727E.DyerRoad NewportBeach.646-4801 81 vd. & San Diego Fwy., I start 833-0411. ex( 260 £01 4Af HI CM. Call Don. Mon-l"r1 . CLASSIFIED appt. Oran{(c ~o~n t) ---m-lf•/ ---i.--•'•1•"---•I DENTAi.ASSiST 9-2PM.640-2500 Harbor Mun 1c1pa ----------• Newport/Lido area. X· Boat Repair t ~ I ADVERTISING I Court .. &~.E. ___ Havesomdhing you want SEU. idle ltems with a Ray expr. P /time. 3 Experienced full time, The Dally Pilot ls seek· CLERJCAL lo sell? Classified ads do DaUyPilolClaaalfiedAd . days.673-IMeO fiber glass & ri ggin~ Ing a ra;rson to augment Coastal PH"SOnMI it ~.M2·5l7S. _;Mi-_·5678 __ . ---~--tDENTAL ASSISTANT boats. Schock floats . 504 Ollr C ass1fied Advertis· AC)eMy r------------------~, QWnide, 3 dys. people 29tbSt. NB. tog department for m-Has lots of jobs avai Clerical -oriented Nwpt pr•ctice. Boals side telephone sales. w1many fine super rum 1-a-a.... Job ?. X-ny tic requi r ed . Pacifl·.-Sea--raft Classified or telephone panles and 'they're &I rP'9CTWeetl S . 631-3133 .. .. sales ex p erience Free' That' MIL-----------has immediate openm~s necessary · S nlftm DIMTALCHAllSIDI forthefollowim~: REQuiREMENTS 540-6055 Assistant for buay Nwpt Mechanical. enl(ine man INCLUDE: Coastal P~ Kelly Can Help! 8 ch 0 r c , e x P e r Electrical. plumber M.ust lype 45WPM telec· ACJMCY M5-GQ1 Only exp'd personnel t.rtc> 2790 Harbor. C.M. Come work for us. As a Kelly ,_;,necaaary~~-=-·----- whot.ake pride In quaUly Dependable Never acott t.oyov Services employee, your work °"' WJemerscbDJbel ls work need apply. GoodspeaJdng voice lodlina f• boulewives • :m1S.Susan.S.A. PleasantpersonaUty Melce your s h opping schedule is flexible. You work U studeli\a. No experience . l cnl-1186 E .O.E . AUTO TRANS Rf&R MAN-Exper. prefe rred MUST HAVE OW,N TOOLS. 548-2288. This position is located in our beautiful Anaheim head office and offers a top start.Ing salary. oul- sta.ndiog beneCit.s lnclud· ing dental coverage. and good opportunity for ad· vancement. For an In· ter vlew oppointmenl. please contact Person· nel. 7Si.t343. Salary commensur ate easier by using the Dally much '& as o(ten as you like. Meet nec~'sary. Part time with experience + com· PUotClauifled Ada. new people while wora.; .. ,. a varietv lunch e~ment. S.5 •* IOOtUCHrHS • mission. Excellent com·I-;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;::;::;; "U&fi J ~per • Plulble ,. APJ'MANAGER J• 55 units In Coate llesa. Exper'd couple. Hus band p\uat h ave .. lnt. exf . Wtfe bllllpg exp. Cal 142·5073 o r (211-.-1. APT MANAGER Mat~ stml·ret.lnd cou· pie lo manage 11 adult ults in Coat.a lleaa. !]'41212. • BABYSITTER ror adora- ble beby, my home daya. It bsework, good P•1· Phone831·9655. Babysitter wanted tor l1>· rant Mon thru Frt. 8:30 to 5:30 Ballblutr an• of Newport.640-0037. C1Ms•l•S..lftcJ1 Beb)'lltt.er needed ror 1 yr • &.e. ._toelaffoft old lirl Man tbru Thun '176-7101 8:11amlo5 pm. M.)..-..,.:F.ca:;Qal=.;()ppt¥m;:•Em;:P~l:_Y:m~/f;.j .iter8pm. 1'nd what you went in Call Mz.1171 DllilJ Pilot Claulliedl. ,.. AUTOMOTIVE! pan,y benefits. u you are USI THE oC jobs. 1chedulln1. u .zs pe r Chevy dealer will add 0 r. ambitious & want to be Kelly offers you paid vacations. bout. ZiO S. BNlol, C.M flee clerka ror light book· pa id ror your efforts DAILY PILOT Pay increases & a program to earn Neirt to Ward • Rar· keeping. t yping. Wiii pleasecall forinterview: "FAST bonus gifts. Not an agency. Never 8 riultcJD.957.Q513 ~ain in auto. accounting. Personnel Dept. Come tod o M v . [ n t c r es ti 0 g , 642-4321. ext. 217 llSUL T., fee. in ay. Documml Clllrt.,.. Pd pleasant surroundings, ORANGE COAST S8VICI IL:l 1'9.J3..r. Irvine CLm llOO ~=e~~~t~~e 1cgrr~g~ DAILY PILOT Dtlt°CTOIY ~U-3 ~<Arf· 2102 a!13~h,.. Dr. =~,r... *'::~= Mgi:. D>~ BaMyStreet For Result sef'llv•ces SuitelGI ..-n,...... ~- HOWARDChenolri """ta esa Ser Cal tior. Ca1n1.,,. •-· Dove& Quail Su. Eq\Ull OpPOf'tuftily vice I HunUQllOn S.acb lApDa NI,... Allo .... ,I* . .,_.. • NEWPOR'r BEACH r Employer 642·1671 M7·.Nll -831..o50 Den•ta PertoDHI lll-OIH SeiJldJeltema MZ·"11 Ill JU .. ~~=!~!2!_-~:-_~~-J =.ee~=-- , • 'rP-. •• ~ ..... ,,...,,,,.....,,........... .. ,,. ' f ~ .. ___ ...,.. __ Co, W.W..._ Jiii ..._..... 71M W..e.tl 710G ·•~T••••••••••• .. •••••• ••;i..••••••••••••••••• ... ••••••••••••••••••• -· ...._ MAINTEMANCE-Ovtrall HllpW-...4 7llOMllltW..... 71111- MM •W--7100 KalrlilYU.t ~-r ....... ..... ..... ~ '°"·············--·-..... _tee•-······· .. •••• .. ---~----·· !m-------•-lllllliimiiliiililllllliillill•• ...................... ~U .. :0t.:..'i:. T! ~':.::';;::r!f eoaval•c•itt ff09plt•I. PBX~ asc11v1Mo a.•"· Owral H 8 Call ror del1U1. Hlll•t tlt••uhu ~ t ~ S..penor MOVI£ EXTRAS G row•a1 nrm ''•"-!.,~7'6~~ YITllAMS ............... ., ........ Uuhp:•h-111-•w-a---- u._ I.~-·· c.-, ... [ ....... U.M .. U.4lftw"-' c:.M.nT1 t II'• .................... ••b • •nh f •1• I al t• taO.IOPer .... ............ Sl.OOPw Hew c~ • .,, .. e .... m •• M.OO Pw He.r DMMt W.dt•lc U.OOhrHe.r o.. ........... $4.00.$4.10 , .. Hew SoMrTMWcie $4.§0 P..-How A.._lfratf•e M•ctl)l .. .t Traiftff $1.00Ptt"How MafftfH •u MKJa..ic ss.oo to $6.00 ,_ How MachiM s.._. Oper at01 $4.50 to $7.00 ,.., How EIKtroe.iu TKllRiciCB1 $5.06 Per Hour E:lec~Me-cho..tcal A11eftlb lef> $4.00 Per Hour Apply a t EMploy •nt & T r o i•l•g ....... atkMt of Hwt...... leecta. Sll M• sen.t, ,._,..._ IHclL Cal"°"" 17141 536-2526 or Ut-1554. YOll mt1t brillg 00.214. I YICTOl ... I ....,.,or ... I UO ..... sou1ht by Holly wood C'heefte. imd enl,.... to nw ..._.:;,r.:;M WOl •ta.-.llOI Hav•091"'ln1 for I d.,et\' The people w~ a re loOt· MANAOE~E.NT·S24.000+ mov1t Orm. tzO..taOO pe ..,..._t to In 1....clnc ..... wlfeftlft6 ....... WAJlatOUSS PSUPLK clabM, aw.cty. 5 day wk. inl for havt1 both arnbl National corp, needs key day poss. Loolcln1 to ct1ent1. Cell Donne. work. Oro• i•I co. tl.l.CTaONICT 18T Hip ~ W(>C)Cl 1hop ~ • talent. Rul the)' penion for Oranae Co outgolna 11-10 yr oldt •tm Alto fee JObt, •'room f• edHDff· TECHNICIANS .. ,_ twlptul W1ll tralnl t'IWY have nol ytt fou.nd area. Wiii t rain. Xlnt wanu na to break int DeMla A Dnnla Pft'IOO· IMM. lal11'1 11.7' to W/t:x~nen<'• t.aauna •ru 4t3·Sll1 the naht t1ltua l1o n 1n career op por t unlt lea. rnovlei. ,7141 535.0120, nelSenlceolHuntinatoo M.• per hr. AllPl, ._ TIA.lNUASSE.IUU~Y ~ ...... bet which to mulmrie their C.ll Mr. Miller Mon-Yr l ~ 94. VlDEO C~TING &tach, 16188 Beat"h. ~ ...... Op a.. TYPISTS ICM atldtit10. J.12 al 7Jt/~ 7190 SERVICE. 010.w in 4t P.EOl'Lt; P ERSON IUI W. llecArtlaw 81vd. ftl:Cf!PTIONIS1'8 -Wt w1nl b r 11 ht &i , I y ) s.na.-. ~erAYH Workyour entt'lelkpeopi.to work MANICURIS T . M/F. ear . Exec lookinl for 3 lcey ----·----- own claya l ,; buut11 Call fftMI ln execullvu u l In the £Jee new ahop: n11I care, people to help mene1e llCm'nOMIST unmedialAlb' flOUJ ftC~lf c..unblnt.'<i fields or life In· folJowina prtr d. Call aft Mavins wbolen.te ·r etail busl· Full time H mmer. "' n IK4'ft •uran''" mutua l funds. 411fn, 7141673'8$20. colleL1 I F Y O U w A N Tl ne.s. 557 02l5 I time r.u. wineer • •Pr· ClEll WV1uith.'lll " 1nveatment 2-13/122-4793. SOM ETH I U (; M 0 R l":I N0PU Pll$0M Uaa· a.60 per br. Must courwebng. We'll teach, ManlcunatneededforCM TI-lAN J USTA J 0 8-Executive ~" P/tlme type m\nimwn 45 "1)m . POIJttun 1mmcd111 tely you whtll you need tol 8141on. Full or P 'T. -and drivlog a big rig associate In wholesale Pleasant 1urroundln1&a . 11valtablt . Oul•tandlng knOW about these 11re11s1 541H647 around the country ap. ..~a Full ~t 11 • ....t Apply 24'101 D•n• Dr IUWVVlri•mjt11 "lilllil6J (Of lllt>f'CMrfQry0U t01Miff1 ~eals t O YOU-t h.Un tl_,)ly , )'CDP I ._, DenaPomt, .,,..,,.... ·-· •1 '" I T h k th A . h Mr. Hall, 642·l684 f)f'()pleortentlldperAon to feet ve. e wor '"I MASSEUSE or m encan as -------...--~ 1r1veyatd. •:nJoy1 1:h11llenRlng und tbe n•· For buay beauty salon in1 what y~u·ve been looking PHYSICAL THERAPIST Kl'fPTIRMl~T xlnt btlneflla lnl'ludfog wltl'ds su~tantaal. I Newport Beach. l''ull orl tor. It s a bus iness all( part-time. no wknds Ru. ~ frM. meall. Apply 9 umj· Weolteranexteruuvede· gart ti m e ttlch a rd Yo ur own w 1th, 9fi8.8146aft SPM. ! Need briaht. peraonable. to 12 noon, Mon/fo'ri.1 veloprnl•nt program. a NorthAmer1can as al enthuadic &: reUa ble ---: l\•flOMill. , l't'n vrou s tralni!1tt uellette Salo n . 2oo. partner. See our ad an Plastle11 I person!:Jrowingcom -1•--------, MAAllOT HOTll , salary. and after you ve Newpol1 Cenler Drive.; today's class1.ried set.'\ion1 MOLDING pany. G typist &i ex. Cknenlottrr(' ' llOON~portCenter Or gotten your fttt on thl' N.R. 1 , und er .Business Op· MACHINE perienced. Beautiful new P./T ACCTG CLlllC Newport Beach gruund. rt would not be MATERlAL HANDLING portuM1es I ()(fi* in Irvine. F« in- ltoon. Kum $pm w 1 .. ome 1o;quaJ Oppor t;mpl m 1f ; uncommon for you .to Parts Stock person ..CEWSPAPER OPERATORS tetvfewcall J en Yandell. M~rumt' Mu l 0.-ahk I make $30,000 a year. For Expenen~ desired not Permanent openlnits ror .., •. to OJ•'rnh· a IU kl'Y ud . detaJls rail 114 1831:7593 required Will train AUTO expenenced & t rainee dtnJOt madunt• W111tru n lkiltl or71'1/661·Zl01 Must pass rompany ROUTE machine operators on Recepuooist in beauty A()l)lv ill I HSKP'G PORTF:I~ ror tnll'tl'Or Oes1gn-Sen1or1 phys1l'al inl'ludini; back Must Have 3rd. sh11\ Our tr:uning & =I. ~f,t~~7 & UTOTEM I "·" club • 5AM I 30PM •• ~iWl Orallsperson. l'l<· x, ray lr\'lnC. 540 7639 Cahf. Dn ver·i. Lt<:. rnent review procedures ___ ts_. _____ _ "l•v.port kh II l' um-.. <.:ult for· t1ppt.1 per'd in detad corustroc·i E.0 £. Insurance a~ure rapid advance· R E c E p T Jo N I s T Cu..la~h·tt.a • ~5000t'd520 I d . s· J· 'I Bel8yrs.orolder merit for all employees SECR E T ARY. pa rl Oft CAU. m4l U4it 710. I lion rawings a ar) MEDICAL A.SST. P time. Small economy c:ar 1 who have the basic abrh· time. incld's wlcncb. will fo'ur Appotntnwnl open Resume~ J>0'1'0 "01 Back Off I<: c. bu!. y You will be dehvering1 ty & desire. Good pay & train. 644-0126 ask ror 'i 1~1 required Cann~ II -Pro.aatnl' Ofl'. cxper pre I newspapers for 1 •,2 to 21 rughtstuft bonus + profit n...... HOST/HOSTESS Heumann-Wood. 752·64\!6 r'd ~1380 ha d _..,.,.,_·--~--- <;t.'nt·r:d ufrll't' Hu.11 C ASHIY TORS : -I ~·k7e~11~5r~:n~ks::,ut~! ~ed1~8.;1 t·~ ~~1nt:i18~~r Reeept.1onist-Secretary I ll\l!urlln<'e foll lU port t'Ul 1 /PARTTIM t ' JANI MEDl<.:AJ. I month. Great for stu-1 suranl'tl wanted for a tee·SbJrt co llrr)t• Xlnt "orklnll i·u~ll Opi><>r;~ntlY <·ur:en.tlyt ~· llmt'e~enm~ "ork us: FRONTOJo'~ICE dent..sal\dpeoplewantmg' Apply9am to4pm in Laguna Hiiis . En On th\' f',·01n;.ul.1 <all •~f I e t··"' area.213 286-9120 OB GYN. exp d only .nr 1 CIMCO th•-1••st1c •·pleasant to ex1s.., or peop eon n "" Nl'wport Beu ch 64592..,1 e., .. a money --. ... "' . lornppt 11757774 _1 per..onabletoworkflex1.IJanilors wanted: t:H·n ,. . · I CALLTHEREGISTER 1 1 Z65 Bn ggsAvc handle phones &Hte typ. I GIRL l''ttl UAY l.look-1 b 1,., h ours En J o>: ing.s S3. per hr. Call Sle,·e; MEDICAL 1 540-3008 Costa Mesu ~ni:: Call 770·6022 for • k<.<eJ"l\.ll f1hn~ & other pleasant workm~ cond1·1 8.1l·7723. I RECEPTIO..CIST I ....,_....., W--L. I Irvine Ind. Complex appt. I t1 ons & com pan y --*•~ ...... , vnl-• 10 E Kenc·_rul office out1c:.., beneClts Apply 9um I(~ K<.'nnels need dt•pcndablet F\Jllt1me.cxper good 'Seeking cndus t rio u !; t;.qua ppor mplyer RECEPTIONIST. needed I 49ot().)06 noon , Mon/Fri, Person·: per:;ontow?rk on .. wknds l ~ay .. b<>nef1ts. NewPort1 personw1thknowledgeof1 Pre -schoo l te1.1c h c r l full , lim e fo r l oc.~1 •c;1fl1 1-'HIDAY Uoat nel. I &holldays.644-7262 Centtr 644-0970 I horticulture & plants. 11 needed Fu ll tim e Architectural Firm near ' I 1----------------d 0 C Airport Typing onentt'(ioff1l·1.·11ce1hq~1rl MARRIOn.HOTR ;LANDSCAPER· min 2 Mf'd1 t·ay S~urr Sec'y&; yrexper.r~wre . Revie ws tor raise~+ 50_60 w p m .' H eavy w1th ~oo.d i...1l ci..I OOONcwµu rtCcnterDr · yr..t•xp. xlnl upportun1-1 l\lt'tll·Calb1ller ,w1thhll' 84.2-8866 __ b~nef1t~ HR Ca lli p ho nes Cal l Berky 1>en.onulity.t;oodt~p111.,: NewponBcar h I ty.6-\5-67ltl I Sl'crdarial duu ~-;INurse;Aidesrulltimt>or M.a~llyn . 8•175284 or 7141752.5567 :1k1lls. bookkcl'Plnti! l';\· Equa l Op po r Emply ---Caprstr:ino Ry The St'llj . l 1 3 11 r 7 3 842·2948 ---------- Jll'r . lvn~l'll.'nct1<1Ul> 7 hr .. m /fl . Lath!-' marhinist. ,•:oo,µ for. Hosp1tul 4!16 ·5702 or. ~~~rytotli:r ~et:k~nd 0'rr RECEPTIONIST day N s mokt'f pre-I I P11 work. ~~SP~ ~PM ,· K:ll -1774 ' Pre-Cen da e offered. Pnntmg Real t':st ale Ofrice Ill ferr~ &IC! 2932 or cq~. -------, Mon·l-'rl. Call Mr !tile\ 1-j l>:>fl~ d .-· STRl,,ER TTU-8779 llOTELNIGHT I 979-~ • Mcd1e31 As:.1s1ant part Apply 18Mll on a ..-,t Or Cty C1rm needs Southeast Huntinglon AUDITOR --------umc. front & bal·k offH't'I Hunt lkh. I qualified s tnpper ('Xpcr . ~!~~1~~n~s::Ot\n~ Girl Friday. lull t ime New,1ortl'r Inn X lnl 1 .. U.,,..DRY l'Xpenl'nl'l' Able lo do~ ~URSES AIDES I 1n prore~!.. mcchan oi rl to tyno, fitle. deli·v·•r. • 1J051t1on handhn~ \a nous bene 1t:.. 644· 1700. Con· '-A """ l'fll punl'tun• & IOJl'l' " l'OIOr ., ..-"' olf1re procedures & somt' tact Htrk X 516. E.O. F: SUPERVISOR uons Salary ne~ot1able State rert only. St pt:or I 644-7955 ~f:~r!le~~frRJ1nhinr~ :.ales T~·prn~ a must. Caret-r opportunity l''\·' l>W 18111 , _I hr ~nt be~ef1~s & ~ork· 1-PRODUCTION -1 a t R e a I E s t a t e Call Bonnie 759-1l4U I HOTEL 1sL'> for reliable µen.on Mf:DICAL SPf:CIALIST ' m~ cond. Bay\JcW ~on~ TRAIN El-: Profe.sionals: 963.·83"17 G R E A T NIGHT AUDIT 1,1.1th organ1Li.1llOndl und, D1spen'i:tr) :tnd f1c·ld• ~~}~Tt, ~rf. n • t: M Rublx>r hO!.l' product!> ,...--. ---·:::....... ..- • • • • ::.upen1sory skill:,. Somt• "Ork .:O..o e"pt•r1 t·nl·t·'. _ _ • _ ·.:.. lnme area Must p:t!>s -~ S ALES J OI HOW CLERK laundl)' exµcr prclt'rrl'd• nl't•de~ Wt• will train Nun.ang st-rvr<'c!i tn my rompany physic·al 10 RECEPTIONIST OPEN 1 or willin,I! tu lrum bright! ~ou t:xcl'll<:nt 'otaruni.:I homt• no expt'r nl'<' dudin~ b<tl'k " ray GLAMOUROUS GOOD Pi\Y. GO<lll t:ood <>PflOrt. ror :in in· mdn. EttJOY dnt l·um s Jlury .and benefit:.. 5"8--032learlvA:'.1 !'>4117~ F:O 1-: NEWPORTCTRCO HOURS. GOOIJ CON· d1 d 1 · h d pall} ~nef1l::. mdu01r1i.: \1u:.l meN rl'Qwremcncs ----·-----Promotablepos1t1on D 1 T J 0 NS 1\1 1\ N V (o~~~~~~~ &a:~ai~~1l~~o~ frl.'f' mt•ul. ;ipply \Jam-121 and bl·" 1lhng 10 st·n e 1n! OFFICE \!GR NC't'dt-d I' T. 5-6 hrs da. Mon Fn. Xlnt:.al & l>C'ncfils 1''RINGE Bl-:Nl-;1-'JTS k II NCR 00 noon. :\ton Fn. l'Nson j Arm) for Jyrs CJll to·11mmt.od for Npt lieh ,. lilt! how,t>kl>t!pm.:. com lrvinePt>rsonnel Agem~y F,\ST GROWING C.:Ul\I s 1 fl> i\d '12 t'i.pr nd. day for dcta11!, med orr No less than 2 pan1onsh1p for elderl)' 488 E 17th. Cost.a Mes;i PANY PROMOT1':S ~~uniti:Sa~~~r::~nl-~n~J'y MARRIOTTHOTEL I ~ta Mr·"• 5<10·11)2li yrs cxpt·r Tyµrnl-!. woman &t204:!1afler6 Su1tl'224 642·1470 i"RO~I WITllfN TRAIN• xlnt company l>t'nt'f1ts . 900:-.lt•wporl C:t>ntl'r Or ' l,lunt Bch !16~-~~1. pegboard & lite II\). B~l·k ·PUNCH PHESS OPEil & ~ F 0 R T 0 I': .\pply!JAMtonoon.Mon •. ~e"Porlf}l.·ul"h · S;in~ 542 ~35, ~ffm.•t·x.pcr hclpful.Calll Sl-:T U P MA N E0x RECEPT to$850 I ~l l-''tt 1~;J·:~1 ."i MT: lhruf'r1day.Pt•rsonneL I 1:.<.1ualOpporl-.mpl~m f !Mt.'<11call-\'t'Pa1d : 548..:!_183 --pcrienced fur s mall f ec Paid -----~I Mt-'Dli\Tl"LY '' I MARRIO~HOTEL ----, BACKOFCto S l 21< :Oputal.retaddcs pensing. g.r o wth nr1~ntcd ro Your rheene .s.m1le 1:-. DRAFTSMAN F/C BKl<PR K ~; '\' H o' A H 0 900N~wport C~nt~'r Dr. t..c;~al Serretary·Nt•wi;ort, Hep n c S(•1•kR 1nd1v tor: lnU:re:stt!d in Sl'\t•r<JI. de ~l~ Ml'S.t Salary rom-nooded for exciting .g .. nl Elt-C'tncal-exper in bl1lg Presll~ious Co. :.eckm,g r: X P E R 1 i.; N C.: E 1 . Nl WJJOrl ~ U{h. . t t'nler. ht1gat1on ofhtl' . phyim·ul lhl·rapy X ·r~1}!t pendable people, rull1 p t ~n.'lur!'te with abil1t Y & ofc Call .Kay. 833-2700. t ndustr~ fo'rC'dNt c· k c•x Jl bk k pr. Sa 1 a r Y HELPFUL Wt-; II/\ VE 1-.qual Oppor l~mply m t l ; S<i~a~y , commens.u.rn.t e :also Call Kay, 833.27110 for new Custa Mesd loc.1 exper Gerry 631·0700 ~"° fee JO~. Denms ~ ttrown Alls<Jt· Contut·t 1 C!OO OUR OWN TRAINING •_ __ -----w1sk1lls & expenlncl'. 1 ;\l:1o fcl' paid Denni-; & taon.Goodopportumtylo Quohftcd RIG GERS Deruus Pen.onel_Serv1ct' LarryOillsS4&·!19!IS ~~·ant'i,ersonnelAgency PROGRAM PUTON BYI HO SEKl-:EPER-P a rt· i:.ome bookkeevin i.: 1?l'nn1 s l'cr'>onn,•I l~amoplll'aldrspensrni.: wanted.Apply anpt!;!'..on of lrvme.~Machelson DftAFTSMAH, 4R8£17th. Costa Mesa nu; COUNTRY'S TOP' lime. pleasant workml? 64t~I Serv1rt' or Jr\'IOl'. 20H2! J?xcellent benl'fll., at 2430 W Coast llwy Or ------ ELECTHICl\I. :\f ,.._ Suite224 642-1470 ORG ,\N SALESlcon d, .• go~dLEGALSE<.:RETARYIMichels~nDr _,~alary O pen Ca ll NB RECEPT I ON I ST. Commercrnl&Jndustrial PEOPLE CALL /\T bcnef1ts.f:.O.K Bi1y\1ew TRAINEl::-H.B Pu rl ;_642~ I-weekends.r~l estateof-• bu1ld1 ng design RE 0 N_ C.: !o: I" q R j Con~ Hos'?· 205!'>Thunn time. quali£1tat1oni...• MODELS ORDER DESK. Aeneral RapiolyGrowingS &L ts fice. Call for a pp't. w ALL & Ass 0 c FIGURE SALON l ~T~.R Vlf.~. o~.'·"NI St c M. 92627. Med typing 1>k11l~ & de· F\Jll r1gurc. femal~ rot ofr background helpful looking for an md1v1dual ClarieJobnson.644-9060 546-7480 t771ll Sky Park All r a c t 1 \'C. ma lure EXC HA NG E. S r AN H 0 L'S F. K ,.~ f' p ~ R &I siJ't'tO learn. 536-7515 rnaj-Or m<'n s ma~a.i:ini: (food co. benefiti; App Iv to fill s upply & print1n111 --L~rt'l('.frvine ~oman needed ror l\'l.."NN714 '5l!67302 . '. • , ·:.. • ToS.-1'AX>Oi5·8631 Scorl• Cablt' T\ 27~1'1~ rt'QU1 .,11 1on i.. f u r, RECORDING F1l1me Counselor pos --COOK for l!hl"rl~ lad~ in Legal Scl'rl'l;in· SanlJ l'<tmino C<tpi:;tr<1nu LJ~ b r Jn l' h l' :-. 1 11 l' Pt ., URA PERY R00~1 wurl.. cmml'<l in Npt Bl·h Call . j C.~1 ~-;. t•;ill collcl·t1 Ana Solt.> Pract11lonc r Models. Femall' Sharp Niguel Generatl' pnntmg work TECHNICIAN all pha!>l'c;. c\1wr or ~111 1>12 :.,_10 GL.. RJJS 1-464~ Good ~t.'n t•ral bal·k ~1agJllOl' only S25 per otdefl'. request ~upphl'i:. train 11-1 :JO l '1> lo .51wr1 F'LOR,\L DESIG:'\EH I HOUSBCEEPERS ~& Xln~ s krll .. rnl'ldj hr 645·5122 or 642 tl282 O;~ JNSTHUM ENT &f ol all stO('k item" & any Wt! are seeking an 111 hr DOE l ' \I u n·J SECURITY F 11 & P ·r · . ,,1 t' Shorthand ;-.;o prt!:.surt'. Uob. _, SLPPLY TECll Ex otherduuesrelatL'<I Xlnt d d 1 h '"2 11143 Expcr n1:i·e!':-<:tr~ · full · bu f 1uml "' n : Satan l'omml'lli..uralc ' peril•nc:e prererrt'd ad\anl't'ment oppty Gd ivi ua w 0 poi;sessc:. tr me. Send rt>s ume lo • ~ n t' 1 ! .., •;a~.\.' t'." I "•exp. 5.'>M-~I I ~1,...,.1s , i 3 JIJpm :-.alOJry & beneflll> Con ba."cc kn0wled1?e in elel'· l>RIV~RS.t·rn-.,..,·ountr:v. <.:Jass1f1edAd ii4J7.0a1tyl ITPAYS TO \tanor .. f.50 W. Ba) St., _ _ """'"-•San Clemente Geni•r;il la<:t.Pcrsonnel tron1r:. & recording no hPt'l't.il 111· rl'qd Pilot, P.O Box JSGO. <.: M 642·35051':.o .E . . We need new fo~.s: I I-Im.pit.ii 83:J,83113 ter hn1ques & will be "Jl'Cn.•j!or Yal·hts. rn:u Co5taMesa.Ca.92626 SEE US 1 .LlFEGUARDS Pemale . Models·Male & .,emak• 1 7141496-l12:'lext 213. St:ile Mutual lra1ned mto our studio PIJC\'nt1a C \I ---1 Comt' tn ..ind sec· thl.! l'' j llou.-.ckt.-cper. P timt.'. for• Ct>rt 1 fied on I~. Ca II I f your I a<· e ha :.I ------Sv1is & Loan , rerord1ng fun ct ion:.. Foam Cutter P •T anll tiling th1ni,t:-. tha l an• l'lderl) "oman. mustj Newportcr Inn to apply. l'h arac:tcr. 1:. h igh PAlNTERS-KnowledJ.!ern 400I MarArthurl3h•d Plca:.erallforanappt --------• FT Male or f'emak 1 happening at Wl'l 1:-,I hct Vt.' o wn l' a r ro r f'44·li001!Xl 5-11 fashion or looks like the all aspects of the tnHlt·.! NB. 92660 E o E md DRIVHS trt25702 I Farito. We nel·d ,.x 1 tninsport to Or & shop-i ---. -:--~ J.,'lrl nextdoor.Calllor1on at lea:.t 7 ~rs expcr. C'OJll --------MEDIA ONE Mcn or~omen :.!~)rs11r I per iencl•d Secu r1 t'l pm~. No.n -.muker. rt'f's j LI GH T l.:'iG STO RI-•. appointmen t for at &12-2928btwnt!·30AM &11 older Know tht· 1·1Hhl FOOD SERVICE Guard.5 en . rt.oq. 645-9200 · needs F tim t' !'..lurk man J>t!rsonal interview. You! .iPM RECOllDf..CG c1ue:.. NN Sl>!ll 11 w1•ck 11rl W11rkl'rs·Gcneral Cafcl. --1 & showroom Pt'rsonn1•I. could be modclini;: a s -----, { FREE mot t' Urun)!t' l'u••!'oll du11ci.. mcl <iss1stinl-! with lnine/M•wportle aeh IMMEDIATE Ca11Johnat848·1461 __ , early u~ next week~ So PART TIME 540.5255 Yt!llow cab. 11:100 Mt ~oodp ,~;~::iur;}'?.~~ ~~,~~I s.taAna/AnalMim : PARnlME LIQUOR CLERK don't her;1tat~. l·all now.. INTRODUCTORY He rrmann. F11u111:111~ Fveeerton/llMftOPork i EMPLOYMENT . 5 Nights. 11):30 closm)!.1 a.<;k forll:I"il'.~;oo EVENINGS ReceptionLst light book bVae· ~l~yn \~'l2 w"1~ •>~t:~t··,, ~~~o~~a~1~~~<;;:n1~~--~~~I Costo Mffo & the I -SAN CLEMENTE ' r etail exri ncl'. Ca 11 1 Ne\\ York West R.E. LESSON ~1ng.dGood workmJ.! ~ ·-~ "" (;t'(! ood F 0 E 1\1 I-'• • • The DA ILY P ILOT isl 559-59'J2afl 5pm \du.It!> w1lh outsli>nd1111! '-"""· 3 ays per Wct'k. Euclld' · arw •· · / ! Whittier ana consolldulllli! a subst.rn-i ---1 Modehn~ Mtcncy uttni1.·ti\ t· peri.unaltt11·, The most sensible Real Call 962·6648. 8-5 l.):;hwsh.r Pr~p Cuok F T SC Golf cour::.1.: IWstaurant 492.2495 EARN up to SZS Owk P'TlME NO EXPR WE TRAIN YOU SAIL Rl'Clll Estate Schoof Calf 675.4190 Emplo)menl The E•ployment & T r ain i ng A d HMltratitWOtt Of Hun tngto• l •ach An .....en OpeifMJI Fo The FelowifHJ Trolni Pr09&M! S-Nlush•ss Machine R.pcMr W •lcll1t9 ModMMShop CltricGI r ,..;..a..g Al oftMabo••are at SZ.tOhrhour. Gardl'nt'r·Full t ime. nn,' • trnl part or its d1slnbu-I ll75 W lflthSt. NH who enJO) workrnJ.! with 1-:Stat.e coor..e yet con. IMMEDIATE t1on lnto paperroulcsre·I Liftllftr Clerk I IJ<.l.s (her 21. St..irt Jl c:e1vcd V1d1..'0 edU<'ation I .E. SALES expc'j1l'nct• necessary ; OPE:-.llNGS qu1nn~ afternoon dc-. ,-:-~ 50 per hour. Phone program wrth a ward lf you are a bit snobbis h App Y in µc r i:.on 'for i.upt'n·isorv levt'I' 11\•(•ry b.' m otori1.cd •,' P timedayi:. :\'lature.l'X· l\lontcsson /\::.ststant •>~:! 4321 l::x t 2:i0 . w1nn1n g rarulty At•• and you'd Uke to mak<· Newporll•r Inn. I lU7. -I pr'd. Apply In person 1195 1 rt'Q d AJ;:es 21"1·5 c-""1t·..... ''a ll ror a ppt I th • Jamboree Rd N.B Set' :.ecuntyofCarcrl>upto: tran:.portallon. • S HETWEEN 4 u0-5 oo '"""" " S01"1'1€'mooey ao e next6 $4.25 PerHour •Liberal incom e al-1 W.l9th t .<:M 7510269 PM t.odJ y mos sellin g water Lendsy bl wn !:1-:J E.O E 1 I I I C "USEY • CO n t"" ho es f with one of the na\1on'!> Qwance plus bonus plan LV...a S Motel desk d<·rk. malun• A~k for Andreo --• · • o en n• m rom a General Office largest guard service~ . •Short work in~ hours (7' "I Apply ut Sc,1 Lari.. Motl' I 1-;qual Opportunit \ 140.SSo Coa:.t lhw..i~ I i..uper drop-tn office. Call TRAINEE Apply mper:.unto daysper\loeekl ·Day shift. 5!1 bed far lluurs fl<''\ible Ui4 F I LAGUNAREACH IL' F\Jll & part um"' po:.i-•t:xrellent pant1me m· X!nt workinJ? c·ond &' Nry,port Bhd C ~1 .mpo~cr 494..SOS7 I ROGERIROWHR.E lion.<> available No ex·! Mon.-Fri . !!am 5pm rome . benefits. Ba~' icw CoO\ ~7445 ' I _ _ _ __ __ 1 1 ___ 6_7l· I 02 0 __ _ b t h I L532 WCommonwealth f'nr details rontal't , 29055 Thur1n. l: :\1 I ~~Yt>~:Sh!f~'ru~'. Sr~~; Fullerton. CA Ft>Slt.'r Ouellet 19fi·ll8UU, IHl-3505 . !:: 0 E Motel front desk dl•rk PBX OPER. R E Sal~ Lireno Onlv 1 RES F. R V AT I ON l ST. health & profit sbaring. bct"een 9:30i\~I 7P~I 1 -, must be expenenc<'d 1 Oper :.. tor t elephont!I Ftlff 3 WEEt<S • Mature individual. ~111 Please app.1 l3y in person. Mori.-Fri .• 8:30-4·30 I M·t-· : Ma~tune,operl. pdlaslll' m JAµply Roly F'lr<J).Crs or answt·nn!! 't'n it·t· :\1ui..l S "' r.t TR"l ... l.._.G tram. Day hrs. Mon-f r1. Thurs or Fri. !1-5. Lloyd 230W Warner. Rm 217 . Jee.ion. ema e. ays. uan1ta 'res ey .• an. be ablt• to ~ork i..unu• 1 ~ --" " C a II C h a n C ros b ~ • Pcsl Control.S66E.Oyer SantaAna.t:A i lndependenl 1ndl\1dualsl 897-1706 Clemente Inn. 125 W . \loCd>endl' Typin.,: 351 Newporter Inn. 644-1700 Rd .. S.A. . ~ .. h"o behk~ e,x5~rhaionmohnt'~ l'l!pland1an I "Pm rt•quired 1-:, •Ab:-olutely no prio r E.O __ .E_··------- WElLS F .... RGO ; -.u. a a s n" M"CHl ... IST pt.'nt•nct• prcfer n•d or' tra.inini?orexpneress REST"UR"....,H.,. .. GENERAL OFFICE .,_ d!re<.'tor. --" will truin M.anv com 1 • Profcsl>1onal lns trUl" • •" 1 ....,.. TRAINEE GUARD i ~ll64S-2632~aY.~ MILL H~N~ . pany bt!nef1t~ Full time taon I Part time lunch1dmner Fulltime posillon availa · SERVICES ,_Utll&t2-9~7 aftt>rHn I For p:oto·IYP~ machint OPPORTUNITY orpa1tt11nt>.da~ &after •Choire locations in "I rounter h elp & d is shop m lhe mstrumcnt no n • v l' n 1 n J.! ,. h 1 ft ,.. rount1es hwasher needed O C ble for r e liable in DavisionofBaker lnilura nt·t• s 1°l'rctarv , d fth •oJtool 'n · 11 l · • • 0 · G · · · tiividual to assist service Protection Service:, ' Slate Farm /\J?t !"lo B E"x. 1v1s1on o l' I i , knocks often when your avatlablt.' Plt•asl' nail I •Mana~cmenl Pr>lY To-1 Airport area ood s~rt.- dept mgr. Lite typing, 1 Pl'r Call 045.047,j I gh~~~~int~o~~~l~h!~0~ ~ result·gettlng Daily' ~~on , thru Fri 54:1-4230 1 day mg pa)I . Call Ron, 8-lla m ~one & dis patchin•' t;;'~ 10 t t I I b 1 d · · d" 1 . Pilot Cla11slfled Ads Loi l'.O.E for appt:~-0554 . • : . .,. """ua ppor uni. Y 1 ver a es1gn:,. irect Y reach the Oran c Coast --------Maxim um comm1~s1on ----a!l,Ca~I. ~79-233~ Employer M /Jo • Y ~ u r r r i e n d s ~ n d j with englneenn~. to as market g 1 PBX Ans servltl' immed I ~o mc-~use your present RESTAURAl..CT Uf. pying Pr urts . 1 ! ~ighbors use Clas~ified sist in new produr t de-· · , opemnis.' to work varccd earrunRs by 50<1.i while LMlcJIC..ter GEHE_RAL OFFICE Trade your !>Id stuff for! so~in~ ~o~lta. ~he;·n ! ~~P:e~t"tborr~r n:~1r,~d Phone642-5678 hrs & ~kends. P~ va~., you are your own boss FoodPrtpmatiall Nero bn,llht , personable. new ,1~ood 1e s w ith u1 tell you how we ll it tion eqwpment Lafhl' . med •.ns .& pd trarnin~ • Ca r e e er s uc cess Person wanted to work enthus111slll' & reliable Class1f1ed ad. 642-5678 . worked ror them! experience help. Cul for · 17141645-2550 w •Katella Realty means al IW\ch counter in Lgc person for gruwtng In· I I arl r .I you receive daily train-healthfood store . Food tern ational Co Good r-------------------, 1· more v ety o proJetts ~ rn 111$t. mot1vat1on & s up-prepa ration. Prevtou:. · · · l d -Salary open. exl'ellentt :I port typist, Telex expener:are n ustr1al I · beoe£its packal!C. E.O. E • ;fl ,-K ... :TEL• .. Re. .. LTY eJCp desirable, but not a + but w 111 t r a 1 n . HOI • .-a. I Sci T 0 .11 c I "" ...,,._ .,.,_ n e c e s s . U n 1 f o r m Beautiful new office:. in ~lllullers enu •r " mg ?n· C furnished. Med ical & Irvine. F'or interview Of 0 C--tv trol. Corporate lfead 1 OFffCIS: TIMPORAltY SBVICIS al ...._. Hosp. benefits. Apply l'all JanYandell559·6001 rancJe _ .. , qua rter:s . Newporll 8 31·7251 Lindb•r " Nutritio n . Beach. Call(714 l 557-9051 ... • TltH• ar• C ET A General offire. Mature Kelly Wants To Help ask for Mr. Moll or Mr · 1 llYI.. !Real Estate Sales be tween Carousel & L.-...1.-.l posal-s r .. sel( s tarter: pleas~nl Adams. 712-666' , • 85°/o * SoBullocCoks, loPwlr leveCI Min .._ " ..... tele phone voice. typing I COMMLSSION · ast ata, · •n•t HHtl•t••• so wpm Mon-Fri. Call You can put your skills to work on Allkfcw m1r . .._. rnld11cy wl Jcrry531-08119to5. this flexible schedule that fits your ~·;::s~~:1J0~'1o~I s~:..~o~ ~J_06 ::n'i:v~&r~~t"l~ ~~~Restau rant wo rkers. c.IW -.... ,.. ... General oHice·Orde r home life. Even if your skills have growingco 675.9'17. ~ ~c;,:_....,,,.,,.. dividuals. Our ave.rage cas hi e r . salad & .... -.... wMch desk,hvy phooes,typing,! been "resting '' for awhile. there's a s.:_~....... agent doesc 5 selcs per sandwichpreparuooalso ..... ..._ • • al fill oodl J'Ob category for you. No expen·ence I AMAH8 M s a :--v month! a ll immedJat~-griU. Day & evenln& & .,.CnK '' r ng, must have g _________ , ttl-UOJ ""11i r~ I lybeforeYOU lose out on weekend s bffls avail. .... I•••· A ,p llc•· ~manners. sm mf~t necessary. j Mall Department _.LL""~~ l h 1 s ra nt as t I c op · fUll " part time. Also .... wil be acc.,t.ct "'bl CP.hM.f Sataryt 64ne2gto9ll63 • 'TaAINEI O~~ • l)Ortunity. dishwasher for days If ... ..._.,_ .. & c · orapp · · I Packagers. Assemble rs, Machine . Position ava ilable in our! ,._.10 ~_.•1.4s ; REALT~1~TWORK _aet-_223_1 _____ _ ~ c..t.r. na I Operators. Maintenance, Etc. I busy mail department. ln...:.::. ··r I Rest a urant COUNTER ...... It t H t ·General Wiiiin g to train on =~ .... ~.:_ extra money on our bonus · va r iou s m uc h Ines . ...S~ffH'c)a:~,, . UALISTATISALIS I ~!~:.~:J~~ • , ... . ... Fast moving KELLY; . .., ....... OFFICE seeks m orel KELLY PEOPLE ... See ICXPERI ENCE D our a d s unde r I N - OLAZSR: DUST R I A L & ~non : CLE81CAL io today's 8.a Glau DUer. 1115 Pf. El CaJlllDo Bui. l.C. m -8t9l ... ~ .....w"' to .. ,., The r..i.t dnw In the Well. • .a DallY Pilot a-•ftllf ldr I( wel . a..in.t Ad. &U·Wll. catlon. no tee to you. Must I Mac h i n e a Pl I l u d e ~ ..,, ......... • nsporta tlon & home phone helpful. exrellenl work-~a...;.__ · PIOPLI salary. Fri pm, Sat /Sun Ask how to earn program. Paid va be 18 with own tra IE~ ae111 v1ces ch Hunun~ton Bea lr"1ne 833-1441 2102 Business Cir t>r Suite 208 Ing conditions a n d """"-----_,,,$ for new l r vlne om ce, days. lrvlne Ctubtroae, beriefita including de ntal · ··~T/1~-located In El Cam ino Lrvtne. Jack 754-7500 plan. Apply between .•• ,,. Place Be s t tralnlnl{ 8am -llam , lpm-Spm, available in the most When you c.U CJ ... ifled Natk>oalEducation,4401 p rogr essive c o . In toplaceuad,1ou'reu- Blrcb S treet, Newport Orante Co. Ca ll J ack sured of • f riendly Legu.n1Ntguel Be a c h . cNcar O .C Vooken , DONALD M. welcome and belp ta 831 ·~2 Airportl Equal Op· BIRD ASSOCIATES, .....,10Uf'ad lora.t '~-_:7~:._c.:~=~J i-llOl'\-U1U1y._..£.'m.-1Jolliyile•r ._• ·----------------' 561....00 ~=--·· Ce ll Now! 847.a.98 8807 WUMr Ava L------------··--. -CMILV ~OT twiW..eH 7900 HllfW..eM 7100 NefpW..ted 71 I ... , w.111 1•·"" "· ,,,, ~•9T ................... -·-....... _ ....................... -... • .._ 1040 b hsrt llU U 1111.. Mfl ....,W_... 71M W~ 71 MlmW.-.4 11 TIAYILAelMT Woman ht S.n et.met1te ;.-.i;••••••••••••••••• _ ............... ~·· _ ........... ~ _.... ........................................ ee9T .......... -.. -·.. II••• r. 1 p ef Sab P/Unw forloolwtlcom SH91-11U TMllewG...,•••w. ••·•y CKI CU . .i.r: :WU..SllM. S. yow own Sa&tta IJCRE'l'ARY ~ll ·tlme. W~AN t~'ttnO:l' c:u Loi~• antMW\/K-e.-.2874 Paap1. M 1r • AKC. ealld....S.~eaned. taaU.r ... au ~ =!:.\C:.i.'*:!'mC: ~-.Z:~:'~~":;t ~~· .. ~:/'ntfor'c::~ STAITSl40MO. ~·11 • _:,Women nuded-;;; 75Hm c-...tom at~. Wa•ber. f'Hd. llH 1hw,.rt ••wutart ~"-rd~ 'but" un tr•an >OU EnlMMHinat f1nn. Aps1 J ubSec·untr TRU K AND row•;R ~ouuel eaninft 11er~ dryer. retria. CbHt o1 mvc1.c. M. ••• .&-....... •"--,1..... ityou're•mb1Uoua.w.ll l~n p.raion. tu Mr ~l•bh11ht'd Ml''CHANIC Non Goodpayfs hrs obbl"' ~.!~~bt""a' drawtn. Kld•·•·Bed. U ti,.., 1171 -.,.,..v "" moUvated & wllhna to •~. •t R~• ..... rt U.1n. company ......,:_ ..... ,.._,,_,. we .... ,,, Raaflt:fop.541Hns1 -· •8• oc • Mile 841,IJIS -·•••••••••••• ... -..-·~-• ... " ~ ...... u I t""'"'n~~nVV\I'"-'· .. -wt•k• old. hot& 6 --·---..,...---.,_.._.."_ won. Youwlll•ollSuon William Fro.t. fl AHoc.. ....~ .. t"11c•' train you. Men and YACHTWC>all M worcnloi i nel. on WhilelJold dilllq set. ta· l'•alreom,,...... Lotal appliance 3\ore It Canon copy ma<'hlnl-'11 1401 QuaU&. Npl. lkh Oeo\al ..women. Mu11t m ... _..-i '11c-1 •:•P· ""'w. er/u 11 ttrh. Mt•OOl O, eve1/wkndt ble w/6 cbr1 . China .... ue~ ....... ·-• l'8ldl part tlm• •ven1n1 •be!c•UMwearta1mull -~iUOlnNtwport qllr-.menta and.,.. w • Ji\lll time 64~ Uu.t. ,._1711 catiUwt.frOO./be&t offer. OaU..., .. me,_.._,,. . ... "No pte\llOUI Hlti )'(JUI\& ('C)mp&n.)', )'OU tttn Mary tttepU0011t fof tna to enlil t in Army for or84.$>USZ R'-" (i am e \ab 1 e 11() U. , & IO or cl•rk hptrienct arowv.1\h u.. MlNIM Vt jtl onhodon 3 >'"' May <'ltlhit. now for BWJ &enier. l'llale, 10 mo . $41.l33l Pu to S htar·I • ..-.CS. Wt train ~"a ru r JIO<lll lon lit' off1r.~ BkkKfJ "" St•PING CL•IC active duty Inter . C11ll lo Yard man fur rentot yard lboti, aooct ~mp. n..U ~· l .. toa ~II Is ~mp lnowo 'I •bttd •1"811 0'~.~ ". a"f!'r"m:.n •nl .. mpli)"· periene.. r.om~ 1'1 111o·o1rk, 'flUCI( Dl11V .. cJ dll)' ford~11ls b~ mecbarur knowh.>dJlt TLC owntr. 49S·0378. Orto:xel bdrm set. wooct " SbNrH.D .~ ~!,Oh•!:,.~: ' .. "' .-• " l>Oir.<el, con.ienla • l'fl 111 ~p'd rralt'r C ('011 n\ CobU. M('llO 540 1000 & abl" to -work with -..s.t15 brau, me. kti ta mat-· ...,.. .. .....,. -•• manaaem,•nt poeluonllt nlfft bfr .H h u pr w~ Ing n ·rord "Sply 1n H1Anl!Sch 00288it public. 19~ r1acenl1a . .,.,C p 10 .. :;-VbuprlnfC. Pcs or tet. •·~-ll¥1Mlal* SIOOIK'rv.·tff •Ma1H•ll•m"qt 01•· 81>Mf1ts S11h•l'Yf'<JU l tn (lt'fWO,t~tllt•rln utr1\·11, SantaAnu 5"22A~ CM "" ugs, w..a o .... Allo,twnbed.matt.bx· NO or lntotnth't pay pro ponunl\.> ablb\Y Send n• um,• tu 2 101 Do\•(' St • N H Adotable. lovea children. spring" frame. Movinll ... , •• ,_ I 'r• m •" • 11 t b I'' •XJn&t0mpen 1a1ton 110 Bi>• ~l2, .. :1 Toru. l·u A1'ro1s-.from OC A1rpQrt TY I' I ST 0 r i. f t Mire....... «·1131. nut 11ell ammedl1tely. ---·••••••••••••• Qu11llf1~ Pt!QPI~ ma> •PalchNOuran~ lrOi63ll man u • c r 1 pt,. for ....................... Shetlandshffp dog pup. 67fl.W747 LUfleAM TA•S nll 9Ti·alkil b<•lwt•••n t"llnt'y r u umt'lli un ShlWinittKe<'''"''°ll t:'lt•rk t eC'hn1 cal 101Jtrurtlon tnM••• 1005 ....... AKC shoU 7 wka trom --butU...card. l.tlpa\ nttn1 rv ~>trt'lary, Mt·nt-rtll ol"''' n~'ilt'd full tlMl' lrrl nlllnualJI IBM •clecth•r -,......, · • · Antique 3 pcs. Mahoo J-h a . .,. Mill'· fo:m•iha " on I\\' 1n .. ·•1llt1• Q"'•n100;;, full t ••••••••••••••••••••••• old $f0.52211ft 5 w " Send qne eard for eac \ r...... C:all O nf ti• nur "' " ,,, • ,,. • 8 $ 87~7360Ask o~m. ' · · · hedroom: 4 pcs aJnut; .... .Jus one apare. we ~ er&c. h~ Ulh'>u~ ~:382E~trC'or,r llWO! <'Ur11 t{1 t ypl0'4. min l'O ht'ncr1t.t. l=:ir.~ncol·\• FREE-' Be-auti(ul JOpcsWalnutdinlngsel; -... I l>t-~ S1orl", N D 1-"u ll s~"' .ar• 'rr ,. •ff 70~J)ffi for a ffi{'d1r11I un l > C 11 rt a Ibo UPllOl-51'1.;RS AotlqUt' Music 8o.11es! German S h e P he rd ·. O-" buff"'l. drawlear. tbl, rel u r n perm i n ent L I-., ·-r-a-t ~-n1 ' · ~, P ... I 1 " t 1 • •·~ k I .,,,... M"'cbJD"'"'· Clocks '. ..,. " ..... led attractive t.a1 ....... """' '" ·~· · ·""' ' lniO\.•a'flt 'IUPP ) '''!"'Pttny n Marlnl'. 541) .961 I o r -.I.I.'!..,. .. wor . exp on Y ""'"" .. .... C h do G chrs, dr~sscr. chest. --. 11 W~t'k end11, b""""' Nt•wport Sulur) c>l)(•n llPfll t-: o f; M11''1H Top wai;es & benefits. HUOESF.l.£CTION dit~i=~ N~ := oo,7347 strap, ~Una aar ne tlr)-Ol.50. Mr t;111o11o()("' or SALES oo 2111 "' l)k!115ant working cond .,..ric• home " family. Male 3 f.O. requarements.,.Pre, MrRf'•~••• Sl'6p 1n~lrud11r wlart" & It U I<' 1-' i.: L 1. ' s ,.........__... __ _. .,.... _, .. ,.._ll&7"'"-""tu Waterbed.a1rframe style, ~~~-~~~!enc~~~ \hrd &, lhrr1natun S t•crt•llt r)'• lt>1C11 I l''< c-r11ft~ bacl.~roond full U PllOI ST HY 192 4! __._ ,,.~.vou,va ..,._ • ......i ti b l ....,-..M:!'I .... ......, S ~ • •s '"m""'r "' .. ,.,~ 11 • •m r .,. •' II "I 2• " · G___." mattress, ~es · ea r . wallpa~r. fabr ic o r ~ ..... "" ,. ,..,_ > Jll'l'l<-nu• prt Nn.-u ... u ol' 1>art l1rn1• l\1 n IUll' ~ JI ..,,,_ n1 ''M ,,,. .. 11•rn _..... · • ·11 bo ed $l"., 77n Ann• ml-d F t1m1• p1Nt1011' lf.(J~ H"b &tUl37:lblv.n9 51'M ar~ u ·"'' ,,.~ <1\1 Open Wed \hruSat ~Iden Retnev~r ~up· ~ x . uo • .,,......,.,, "Day G .. paper" we E.\rwu.we)'oun~ladll'" "f:" In lt\l' folluv.1ny W/\ITERSWAITRESSf':S UI02KcUering,lrv pies, AKC. avaalabe in Ga"""'tabl••.4blkna11a h. Will back le trim your M:ti\l' ~p()r\a>lill\'•r !lllnn r ._ __ __,_/I t '"'h R 11 May 548-t050 """ "' ...., m.'t.-di. c'ur full um,• ~, 1 •l·1o1hoo1o ._, ... _, ~•P ,., op tr.i llll''-' :ip1<J Y Lunrh s hifts only. min 3 (714 )754·1771 · chairs. good cond1llon . ~· Or try lwo cards ., .. "'"'~·r~on '(Int frtn.it• (' "-"11 U·:m-t-'ur N l'Wrort (.'en H• r J(rvW\n~ ~DR\' mfn~ cit· yrs dinner hS(' l'Xj){'r AJ>· ""to YM e045 $3'l.') 631·3rn2 ah:-.. back t.o back. !:1r0~'~nt~~~~~h7S!l <~. l 'l.ltw6cmt1·l~\t-.~ ~~aO: d~~11l}b\~! 1~~l :;;:-~~,;~! s~~p \~~:~'\~?1~ ~ye~~ ;i;ur,~P.I-1r-4t~1c ()a k ma r b I e t 0 P ~·~~;;··~;:;~·~:~ Bdrm set, mabo~ .• lMI •• S2eaOJ'r/~CES : ~< turt1nJ1 w:ia,: t Ir < t•nllnl Vunl•d ilull•"" lr'11m right rcli:1ble hard Rcslaurnnl 5!1 l"as hion washstand. $150. Oak . 2 • kl Lo ruJ:ht i.tand'i, dbl. bed, 4/SlagsSJ.60ea. ~ttlt'I for rtw l'rul'l• tn((e b.•11t'flt-. \Pf>I • Ill .. 'Wd b\.'1wflu. t '.J ll Mur 'l>'orktnl( rcmulc Xlot t'I> lslruxl Na' ch8.lr $40. 548·:>438 <keep ~· yrs. o · ves complete; $150.631,.973 6/9tags$J.50ea. Shop. 0 S3$0prhrP r ~Nm IO 1 ~75 IJnliitol. JOfh~•torn1>1>l l~~I:! bt·ndlli. & rnp1ll, tn· ' try\ng) kids 642-939? l0ormore$1.40~a. 4 ~'ii wtc_ MIS L'b'l C.lrila "tlr\11 \Inn to h1 l'l"\'~I.'!', l>~ltron1c Corp Wa1tresM'S Apply St~v~s AppliancH BO I 0 Shep/Huskie mix. pup. ~.'ti"~'::. t~~~~ &b~~~~~r: Sales Tax hacluded ~irn 311m. t-: o • ~~!>1113 - ----. ~ta,~ran~ n 593 ••••••••••••••••••••••• apx 9 mos, Fem. lO good $75. Blark vinyl chair & NO CARD? ~t~ad.)'o,cr:J(l~r.vld SSECRETARIESS c.~ .. lar"'......._ .. _t• -~w!__:__ FREIGllT DAMAGED bome.536-2388af\4:30. otto m a n •Ac.. Call an Drawyourownor seftd Relu1I uli•:o. lk•IH!fll ~ Sl.•rt't'n pn1111ni: µrilllul' -" ,,_ .. ..._. .. """ ft "'me add__,, phone •- ll\'llal Ut•aut> ~ur1vl>. :?U3 tton mun •~l'r wan1°•1I ~ 'i'Y ~ '" \'"· .. · ~. 11 3 P l'f .. d k W. Warner nr II arbor, F'ree Puppies M as t1rr I we m e one ca per St ··o n ., u •·rt b1 II Malt-or fcmal. p lime. WwtressorWa1ters tr<rrPOrNT SALK 3308 5pm; :>45'4475 ·-'II . ak ........ rd "' Jo: t7th St,(' M Must h.ivr ('lip 540.91 HJ nw:.. 1•0 & IM>l.t $1~.000 t•vcningi. & weekend:. V<O)'S • • • " Y w ,. _ 979 2921 Huskey/ Shepherd mile. Bc.'droom Set $50. Inc ludes tag, Add 25< each. lll'i'l'pl 1wc tiO S900 mo SJ SO per hr 18 yri. 0 Pnv country rlub. Sanla "''a Call 751·7181 King Size Ued: box i;pr. Send c-heck or money or· ~ll'S SCUU'TUREO NAILS t.mploycr1> l'uy All f\'\.'S old<•r 6'14·54~ C/\SH PAID , . tngs. mattress; tw0-olghl derto: LIGHT BULB l'o"twn °""'" in ·ni·v. l.ltRcindllr /\J.:l•ncy WAHTEO DRIVER Ws hr/Dry r s/Re frigs Adorable killens. 2 tab· s tand:,. n1ne ·drawe r PILOTNIMTIH'9 :-Jlon for e\JWr Pl•ri.1111 I020 Birch St, Stt' 104 5'cm Guards SU .... D y OtJLY km~ornot 957-8133 . bys. I s moky grey. 7 wks. dresse r with mirror . p 0 Bo 1560 SALES v.1thlollo~1n~ l'allAnw Ni•wpunCkrnrh.833-8100 (Mcnl Ptirnc cvcn111gs "A "" wor 751·5729 Mus t m ove it now. · · x at !Jlii).llJ.90 aft 5pm Cull For Appt/Estub '64 & weekends. Own skall'S. To deliver Daily 1>t101 BARGAJNS·Uscd refngs, 64(). l!i92 Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 If yuu¥rl' Over 18 yrs. $3.~ pe• t'r bundles to earners . fil' wshrs dryrs garur bes t Adorable. lo,•e s ~ids. O'Neill Supersuil. Taped El<Pl'nenrcdlllhghtrngsECHJo:'fARY , Open p os1t1 on for qwresvan orlargt!:.la buys.~e ser~.appl.'Uesl Great Dane.Aust Shep DmetteSe1w1th lichairs . seams . Used once :.ak'!> "SUrER PERS OH" Sec ""super org unlz Wt!ek c n d m :rn a i: c r . uon wa.ion and a ~ooJ Appl. 536 0911. 5364330 rrux 6 mos 613 3984 Walnut color table w11h doesn'Uit $110. 548·0256 Self mot1v1.1l\-d Fa.\u_.r than a .,µ._•t•d1n~ Mu:ot be able to deal l.'f. salary oiwn. 21 yr1> or driving rcrord Phone --------Be 3 u t i r u 1 G c rm an orange/brown print on•--------- 1\:ot afraid of ,·uld l'.Jll bullN, morr PtJV. l·rful h.•\'ll"clY w cu:.tom e rs older Apply llOLI DA y 642-4321 and ask for Cold SPt."<.'d Queen elect She..i.erd. Great wutl'h chain>. $8.S 640.1:>92 Chemin De Fer Pants dis. Ulg th<'ft ,, I01•omol1\ e, ohh· o v l' r "h u n ,. . G d cv "TF. ('L''"'TL'.R 17S "'. Harry Seeley o r Don dryer. $85 1'" oount.ed. The latest col· H IJ 1 "' " ..,rv, .,.,, ,. •• dog. Great d1spos1tion , .•. 1 uv1:;iu1omo '" to leap t.111 bid~" .1t 1.1 iwr~on<1ltty .1 mu:.t Wayfit>ld Ornng{', NO W1llJam:. ____ S4f,.()269 Needs good ho m e & ...... e new 2·pc sectiona . ors. s tyles, all size:.. :".J c a t & G '' o ll ..,1nt.!le bound. :.hould IJ1• lrv101: l.tnd.1, 549-8373 p H o N F.: (.' I l s EQUAL. (amJly Ma le 3 yrs. old S.HO Coffee & end tables 997·1986or633,7319. per~uoal!ty :.om"' t·ap::sb1hllh uf thl· ---- - -PLE\SE ' • ' OPPORTUNITY S6.5 Zennhcolor2S"S395. We ran offer a sohil i·andidatechoi.t>n tojomStx·y f ('{'Pa1d , :.1 EMPLOYEH WASHERS, ORYEHS. Call 67:>·2919 _Stereo c-o n:.ole S290.S1ngle phase e lectri c tuture with a ~ood sound our ro Also i.hould hav\· Sales Ad•fl'tiStftCJ Snack Stand Atkndant on t~ash compactors. recon· f.Wture 8050 Washer & dryer $225. 17' mot.ors, 3hp/•.hp/l/8hp. tnrome. Salary + Com lllnl SJI & typtnJt sk1llls & lntcrfncl' w lkcy dept. ~olf coursl'. beautiful Warehousl•man ' bri,::ht dluoned like new. Ye;ir ••••••••••••••••••••••• r('fn g S335, frost.free. 642-3379. Also: tncentive nuss100. Gal> allowant•e, w/a fncndly 1>ersonahty Fortun.: 500 co Van ely surrounding!>, i:d wages. h.in l wor ktni: P'-'rson ~uar::sntec & delivery. CASH PAID S3J5 Other m1i.c items. To Read course, records Hoc;pitaltiat 1on If )OU Come & JU•n a vt>ry 1r1 pos C;ill Uonna. IWS· 12&1. prr Permanent poMtion. n"x'<led to work in part!> Q1'J to Sl69. none higher for Rd used furn. anlt· il92·7229 and books. rostover SlOO. like ehkat,len?~· .~~7·r~75w7c novatmg markt•t1n.: en Abo (ec Jobs. Dcnms & Must ooover 18 496·571i7 d&ept & a'\~t'\l inf sh1tpping 540-2521 q~ & r lrTV's 957-8133 Wat'"r"""', kin" Sl. com · _o_nl_Y_S35_. _____ _ ar~. As or ....,u"" ,,, Call Andrea. 5-19-71l:l Oc n n 1 s per s 0 n n c I • . . • rel'c1v1n>i unl· ions .. .,._,.. .. S 1 I-' ----Ser vice <if llunttngton Special '2 dis count lo :'t1u:.t tx• able to h.tndl<' - - -Teak furniture. J'xS' dei.k plete. SlOO. Pr bar s looh •. Firewood pec1a . an. ScNsmon-Y ochh KnowlL.odge sail boati. re \fWrcd Kono Martnl' j 14-675-1403 SECRETAl<Y for mt·m lil>ach 16168 Ut.·ach Real 1'.:o;tateSrhool m<'r<'h<1nd1 sc Sal;i ry f«:rn~era~or w1lb rrc~zer SlSO. Dania coni.ole lie n~ $40. Upholstered tastic Bargain.'~ ed . W . ben.h1p d c1ll of pvt l'fub ,_ ·-Call Don. u73·7:100 ba:;ed o n Pi.11>! l'X P<'r und1•r Net"'(js p;i1n1 ~ut stereo SlSO, c-hatr s25. conte mp rocke r S140. 99&-2558/898-2312. l\lu.-il be able to h.rndl Ser v1ri' Station atlnd . t:.S.S.lnc.:>19-81i2. rurugoodand 1s cleanm· cass. la1ay susan SIS. King bed. linen!> $175.0tdr h' look' n l pn·ssurc & have >-:<>od rught sh1fl. no,. nt!c. St ationer y S t o r e in --------1>1de.S6S.640-1S92 walnut coueh S2:>. blk Upholst('rcd chair S40. as ton '°\t ora ll'lc comm un ic·ations Cull 673· 10~ Co~a del Mar nt.'t'ds <'O.:· Warehouseman. Rn~hl. "'m ylrouch $40. S4S.l<il7 Lm~&mlSC. M8·:>438 pmk bedspread, fits dou-Salei. Opucal. retuil dis· pen!.ing I ntcres ted 1n :.c\cral. dt!pcndablc pco· pie. full p.t.. for new C'oi.ta Me sa lucal•on c;oud oppo rtun ll~ tn l\·an1 oµllc:il cliSJX'll:.mJ.! t::x cell cnl bene fit '> S alary Open <.'all skJlls. ~d 1, pin$( & J(\'lll --. ----pt•r d sail's lady. Pu II· hardworking pt>rson w11h Hot po int M 1 r row a' e. ble bed, has Oounce all otc bki:d. ~II ro a'l•il SERVlCF.: STATION AT· ~me. 5 day!-o. xlnt work· 6 mo:. ex~r needed to a lmost new. pnc·ed for DuunA rm set. ls:e oval 7 ••I BUY•• around. faJrly new: one l)4.5-5000cxt a2il TENDANT full lime m~ conds. F,..,pC'r1ally asst tmparu.dcpt.sh1p qu1ck~al{'.4~·02GH. pc country i.t)le, hke Good used Furniture & small softpink rrocheted ---days, nt·3t uppcarancc> & flfll' cltcntclC'. 1>7S· IOIO ping & rcre1vtng ~1us1 a· I 8020 new, $600. 631·3230 Applwnrcs-OR I Wiii throw p1Uow. 962-8437 aft SECRETARY hand writing. It m<.·<'h ----knuw UPS&PP.h\~ lift 1cyc e s ----11 SELL( y Spmordays642-4321ext. \lurkl'ttng l>t'l'rdan "' knowlt'<lgt·. appl~ at 2.500 STOCK llUY F l 1m t•. ing 111voh t•d . ~a l .sr~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• }{Jn~ SIU' bed M.illrl"l>". ~TERS ~UCTIOM 250,askforJane dt\'ISion manai.:er ,1r Nt•v.TJOrt Hl \'tJ.C \I 11-4 30 l'tl'kup tklt\l'r~ b:ist•tl '"' t•\pl'rll'nl'l' St'hw1nn Motor l'ross. box ~prini.:s & head· l 5 lr"'CH.,,.ST"'L 1 Un the Jllb tru1nini,: tu E.SS Inc Mll·l\li<! H rumble r Mus t Sell board.Call 6i3 1403t•\•en 646-8686&83 ·962 5A .-v ,,_ i.tatt' v.idi' Finani·•·• ~l"\'IC't' St.1llon alll'llOJnl learn tr adt·. Sci ml' St\O offt•r!>48·7362 '"~' -------SERVICE Ser\'tCl':. firm '.\Int nct'<ll'dfullorpurtt1mt· wc•odi.h op tra1111n11 . . .---r-s• 1055 Pnvale postofficeboxes ----~rowth ~ppurt un1t1~·., Appl~ lnJll'r1>on L.ii.;un:J helpful. nunsmkr . nt:~1t WO~I A~ SC.:llWJNN Varsity. IO I-o r Sale J-ull "'"<' ::':::.'".••••••••••••••• for re nt. Convenienl SALESPOSITIOM ryptnj.l J5+v.prn ... , Cht•Vr\ln. ti0-1 !'> Coa~t &deanap1war. ()l·ric•ntf ARE YOU i.pd, ltkl• ncv. S:>UW-15 Rnlt>ra COn\'crt1bll• btd location. Easy parking. We __ .. -........ self pent·n<·e Ol't'l'""·'r~ C<ill Hv.v I.a" Bl'h. "''\"'IJd ,.,, dmnr:, 111· after6PM Sola Like O\•W !'' $300 Stet-oo. refng. sora , . d b k &1241m flllS'T'U ,,_ ""'' , •• .., • " ~ ... .... ' ' ("•116"6 2110 aquanum. barslooh & 30 ay m o ney a c · ftDti•oted, r.sponsible """-v.r""' Sc-;.i~<·-Sfall~n -1\llc n· C.M .ar~a.ti42·IK'1J OVER 40? Doqs 8040 ° ------more.Thurs loSun.33972 fn,larantee.548s8300. pfople to hondle soles Sf'.CRE'r1\HY I tlant. "''PN'd Day & STOCK BOY/Driver W ould you like in -••••••••••••••••••••••• Ourush Modern rouch S30 Si.her Lan.tern. Uana Pt. Pe":"ian & Onenlal ruas. 'ti S I ~t><'d "l'll "tart<·r "II h L· F' II • 'ti \p T " lk T •tod I S20 ''"11496 ""'..., •. , " posi on. 0 f'S f'Jt· i:.\l':. u ""P mt· 1 30 to •IU hr., Pl'r ~ k \lu:-t t~stinn work 'Nith a Srotrh t•rnl·r ~1 se er n ern O\ l'SC:tl w ........, Pine quality. Reasona. • h I f I b t J!UCA.I t~ plnJ.: & -.hiirth:mil ply Shl'll Station. 17th & L ...... _, ~ r1er M 1.u·d f> ups S40 Dln\•lleset $20 499·4111* b''· q•"""n sz bed & mii.r p«'ence e P " " :.lolls for 101> \I 1th lol:o 111 lnm('. ~H ha\e >-:t>Od drl\ in..: rl'· ~. Con you worlc rirm t!IS GJtadays , ~10Vl:-IG SALf. Sal fi' "' ~.. · Mt ,..quired. We ""ill \ant•\\ 1i1 lrl1111· ~ .. m.· l'Ord.i\pµly W l.t·l'&i\:.· 4i>-1 2p? --H1 F 1 T V C r e denla . TV rad1o phonocombo ~!J3._a_ilS!l_9 _____ _ train. Typinq euentiol. fll'r ... cinnt'I V.UI I. ·l hi ;1;:111 l>()(' Jnti>nor lk'>l~ll wl' oCfrr hl'Jllh IO:-• MCI. If you want your advertlS Vt' a In ut. Ill I t 3 Ill bo u r 2\ru It fl"l~ler. cream (f you're not reading the 557•0825 ~:oi-: 57lllilemw~rc. Lai..: lkh I'''}'. vat·:tll<>n & bonus init m\!ssaJ?c to reach doors beneath i.helvl'i. -.leC"per 50(:), maple liUJ ds . Cl 'f'ed SHEET · I I 5Sl M a breakfast set. :int1que ~ a . •n 3881 1 · Sec:retory/l eq al TAILOR/FITTER ,'\u:.uk~ W1lltrm n N li mo re peop.,. at ower . d ('S k & e nd tbl s. )'OU re ~ssing a. lol or ~lcspen.cm. cxpcn<·ncl·d R t: t'ewpurt Cl>'nh·r Hc<1lty Top comm1:.!>11m . 1>~1812 Real F,J;lah· & Bui. 1.1111 w expcr. for ffil'nl> rl•tatl Loe. ~~;· t;1~~~1fC~I ·~o'!~ SELL idle items w11h a household items. 1344 newsy information a~ mro s1zl'd firm l-'a:.h1or M~TAL chain m lht•• r 1H:w s torl' CALL 64!»tJ3J6 642.5678 Daily Pilot Classified Ad. Watson. c '.'.t. 979-8672. well as some great buys. SaJe:. Rt'p Tra1nc•· Sl2K+C AR +IONUS ColJ grad w1dei.irt> for m).\mnt :.ou~ht to mi..t kl'Y prodlJl·t:. Call Hill, ~ :noo. ,\lso fc1.· JOb:. LJenm,. & O<:nn1s l'er~on Ot>I ~n ice of lrv1nt'. 20!:S2 \heht'l::.on Or L'ilam.I Dt·Mgn Pl;u.a Im· located m Soulh ('uu:.t ~-:;~;;;;~:~:;:J~;;;;;;;..;;;...;..;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;,l;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~J.;;;;;~~~;i.ii;~~~-.1;::;;:;;::;:;:;;;;:;;;;:;,,~l Good typm~ :.kill!>. !>Om1 "'ORKERS Pl<Ua Call A Vl'la1>~1Jcs. • S 111. ma J! 1• a rd ex i> II 21J.628{>2.'>J hclpfuJ 752·5'100 Tu•,s<·h·•r-Prt• -.rhool C"rl. • lmm<.'<11ate 0~11111)!:. ~ , ' ll 1:-; C E PT I 0 N I ST • F:xeelh·nt Salunl''> or t'\J>c:'nt·rwt• 15·20 hrs. SEl'RJ<:TARY •(;reat Bt·nl·fll:. Pl'r v.cck. CiJll fur uppt. Ne"' port Ct•11tt•r. rronl &10-8820 office 3!)pl·a r a n c·l· a Al'PLY l!\I Pl-:l<!>ON TF:CHNICAL 1-:nrron mul>l 1 hl'JVY phOnl'"'. 1>ome typ1ns:. gro wl t· pot('n~:il. &IO ~70 _ I.EAR Slt-~C Lt:lt En~in di.'J.!. JOUrnahi.m tram ·i: or c·x r> & n1m · TRANSPORT prehens l\c knowledge or SALE.~ ~c~wrv 40 hr:-Mon' DYNAMICS motorcyr lc.., rcq. rom- *$300 WEEK J<'n 11 :io to ~:IO II B 313 1 w Scgerstro m puter l'XP slrOnJ.!IY pref ()Cf Call M7·9G22 for notional m1>lOr'l'ydc U>mm. while tram1n1: for ----Santa Ana. CA Magalm<• !'>t'nd resum e M_:a ma~aJ.!!!:_ 95$·227·1 Find whal you want m E 0 E M F to: Sheila Lawlor. 1499 fl ~ · · Monro\la 1\\ • !'I B. 92663 6425678 OailyP1lotCl~_I!. s i-----•_•_-_-_-•_I __ _ :::la::.Btlled Ads POMONA EMPLOYMENT BULLETIN At General Dynamics we're hard at work on solid contracts that spell plenty of work for years to come. Right now we're rapidly expanding and we need the best people in Southern California. If you're good at what you do. and proud of it-Join the Pomona team NOW. • SHEET METAL MECHANICS • GENERAL MACHINISTS • JIG BORER MACHINISTS • LATHE MACHINISTS • MIWNG MACHINE MACHINISTS • TOOL & DIE MAKERS •ENGINE LATHE ·OPERATORS • MIWNG MACHINE OPERATORS • GRINDER OPERATORS • BORING MACHINE OPERATORS • TURRET LATHE OPERATORS • N/C MACHINE OPERATORS • DRILL PRESS OPERATORS Apply rn person at our Empfoyment Office. 8AM-4:30PM MONDAY thru FRIDAY GEN•AAL DYNAMICS Pomona Division 1675 W. Mission Blvd .. Pomona. CA. An tquel 0pport11n11y Emptoyer MJF US. CltlnMhipAequlr.O Tt•le pho nc Soll r1tor 'i· lnsurance leads. work at ho mt!. As k for M r . llysde. 835-3010 Telephone Sales: S3.90 per hr. + C om mission . llam·Spm. Call 645-8551 Ask for Michele. _I TELEPHONE SALES Newspaper s ubs. Your phone. 4 to 5 hrs a d ay. S200 & up comm wk Exp. pref. Over 21. 1.0. Newspaper Ent. 835-64:>3 1 to3PM Only. • TELEPHONE PIX OPERA TOR! Pleasant working rondi lions with busy Chev. de alcr rn OranAe County Airport business cum plcx. Some li~ht book· keepin~. t y p1oi.t re .. Quired. Opportunity for advanCilmenl. Sec Office M~. HOWARD C~vrot.t Dove & Quail Sts NEWPORT BEAC\l 833.0555 Teller Fee Paid SAVIHGS&LOAM Loe branch ore seeks ratter onen1ed ind1v ror top adv. Xlnl benefils Call Carol. 848·1288. Also fee jobs. Dennis &. Den· J ms Personnel ~rvice of Huntington Beocb. 16168 Bc!ach. · Tow Truck Onvers ex· per'd. Top pay. Apply G&W Towing, 7408 <llms Way. C.M. 642-1252 Tow Truck Drivers ex· per'd. Top pay. Apply G&W Towing. 7408 <llms W;iy, C.M 642·1252 Tow truck drivers needed Must live CM & be CX· perienced. 646'~ Typesetter-Cast. acl·urale. & experlented Perm. Part tame. Paste up ex· per. an asseL. Sal11ry com mens with exper . Anaheim. Call Hoy 1141956-2'880. Sell Udnp fast with Daily Piiot Want Ads. Attention Bosses National Sec,eta,ie1 Day Is Ap,/l lS.1919 On Wednesday. Apri l 25, 1979. the DAILY PILOT will publisn a spec ial page honoring Secretaries. Thi s is a unique way to give your secretary the recogni- tion and tnanks she or he deserves. pll.rn\'o, M11str laeyo ... ,."'". ''"', •"'·i··' ;~•"' ~:i.•! r {iA i .... 1'-;" ''H'C; ~'~'"° V\J tV·\ Dtf\~,; p,:..,.._t-t:-,~ .:"."'"' >.\• ~tty ...... v.-o ~"' C\•.~ "°'4\\ I "~"\,,.-.~,,.,..~.h~·.:.•._.._ I ;,,,;.-:, :1\ ,~ ~"'·,~· ~-·· "' ... b "'·'~;.,. r"-'"'"'• r;,.,·:./ l..\,1\• -t tit ,.:-··,· ;.,t.\1" ~· \"\! ~{;'I, \\.~ :v;~ ._:...._.., , ..... ~~·.:~ J\\ti'ta. This Is the actual ad size. For best reproduction a clear black and white photo of any size can be used. Your message will accom· pany the picture as shown. If you choose not to publish a pie· ture. fill the space w ith your message. Y~s. for only $20.00. you can publicly thank your secretary before an audience of 350.000 readers. DAILY PILOT For more 1nformat1on and to place your ad calf 642·5678. Oeadhne for reserving space is April 20th. . . _______ ......_-~ ............ _ ...... _.._..,._..., __ ...... \ ...._ W_.... fltO l•••r194 t l lO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••-••••••••••••••• t' 7 •• ._...,._. fl40 t .. :::1•1/ ....................... WIWIU.IUY .._ t7U ~'•f•rW ...._..._.,·~-!IM~r.:====;;;;;~~ •111u 1111 •u ....... _ _.. ............... -L YWI ttll 'Tl, ... ,. la\truplOr YOUllATIUM 111111n11H-••• .. • • ._._ -....---· '""§" l'rem 11•• llomt. I ' '11 Scarab IM Tl out· ....................... m. llvtr. lthr, all pwr. PAI D FOR OR NOT y__.. 9761 C1• r ttll Wt ...... U) II' dder a dn":b•baun.Loeded ' lflMSac ''ltYaau!Jut7JO a\r, qu.O. Koata XU n..-LAa ~~ ~~alk4 blpd•· Ml"·•-•••• ....... 111111111•••••••••••-tnlU.Call••••wee • .t:f· -..t OA =· • •t. ...... tor ~oed . Mak• offer. -.-.nat.'' • 'nc.lkaOT...,.,loml. "1'..,.. = •°'"· t tcf(, -.o •. ~U.1971 * ..-... ~· ult..U/beltof WU.MU,_-.. aMJ&l _ fact. elr. • t.ape. S:!'b -b3' Wl•OWMIADll 111.aaue r I ..... ...,,..::• ... _..' dr Md ... •·2628 dya. 140·' Mr a.DCM· SlfeJor BMads. WovH 146-l l l lCwerlJ 111J HONDA &l1lQ0tt. Ytiht tlJO a.-&11 evtrbacaled. 9Ytl. j • •••· ' -~---_..... .. bUA415.... a.a. .. -• ""l ... , .... u ..... = ............ _.......... ..... ..... n;:,. ... .f!.!"'01~ '1YCIMeaUMecft~ A....; .... ~. a411l•.U aierna. -·-•ir .-..-.. na IWNll l•NllM& . Go-cart lOOcc en1. ••· .,. ua r. * A.ll/'11 ... ......... -~ ..,_.. I ... _, ...... -, 0 C II •-.. ..£ d\ Pri\'9MPartv .... clean SW2I. ._or luv 2•'00 .~ 15 .. "'0 •· AC.ca... _......, -31' ~ 0... ~. II. 00. • t ve 1 ,..._ co1m...,t. to " -ieat5tl-17Si. •· 0 •I •· .... · Jeas• n. 11616 . I ....s ._. 3• Gonlla. CHi .. r . ""'' 1tU ~47.or ... at4UM b raku. dot SUO ~6~•r,a~,.)~·.:!2· . 81·7777. ~1Qa. Je w O••.' Wh 1., 6 ., ... ,.,,.,. ltl•NI ~""'11 Or , L•11Ana M&-l41T vec_,, -··-· ·n.::aaun Roadste r' ~-----~~'.'.':'. ,_.. llNIO. Dedric ....,.. • ..._ ~h ·n Jt;~P. CJ7. 27K ml ........... ori-4 .S3900. nt.pll t7•7 PURCHAll ••II frt le · t tll !I llllft Ba].11 •wonlflah boal '1t ttc.da CB 360. '3llO or both toPI. 15500 Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7»Yilt ·-••••••••• .. ••••••• "'8 1 ....... lls*>d weaet .kJ , 16,il GMCd4 ... 1 Muth •en. '-lcilft.r liMM .-..n11u..a1:.o 8urril t701 ·n o.&a. 2IO z 2+2. l98DTR3roa.dl&ar. AU ••· Vft ~ ... ..... 631 zm ---1D'1 4~ ..... _ t l lO ....................... ..... CI09d.. a.,.. SmlUl. jar oan.. body and la· YOUI .-w ·---..... ,,., _ _... .. _ Qan'tStUVourCar' a.-....... ttrlor fa a d eo a d . lt7t _,,.._~NINO a Ft C'hry l t ca bl '11 Honcht J1' Jltnduro ............. •••••••••• c-B ~--at •ttt/..,,I •1::•• • 11 ~ENT c~r WJltallirr Twin l,l11e oc.1w *900 Call • -t _,..,...., ·11 Dataun 240Z. air. Pll., ... __., • CADILLAC 111.-.. 11..-c owdnw• l!O tlP. ~,.. PAYSTOPDOLLAR nJlll, DeW rubber bll•· ----------=----.. -099 OUldr\'• nU8 WMk forCJ4tan U8ed Import• ieu.. 2 blle rodi. ma. '7l Tllover drive. eq.. MOW• -w"uanum Good ...... et utilotoffer Y•maha X. 400 "II Only Call Mlkt or Don .. ..... ,..._. -•-t Bod" ....-.... • alct!Md, ,._..,..,, U00m1 Guod tond. Sl500 111-317 1 · ....,. I.UDO....,.· 1 _... •. W/~ater '"'· 8uJtk - - -fl'lnn tf'lr> ~an' 'T88'Z.Xlnlcond. .-..so bNI. lampa, dr~ tr • .. Mako ZO .,.,. •. ,h & Solt pm Alk for Jud ._.. t707 Extras. llllOO. Seve _,.1111 Spitfire. w.&llN1"1W ... l'.D2 7!21> wal r r11'tun• Mt1rc -- -•-•••••••••••.••••••••• 5&Zel8"es. yr wa r r . xlnt c on d. K;;.;;lll-; v-;cuiun po•etfd • l.rlr f'vll,y ll?ONor\On ?)O '7S Audi lOOLS Air . . stereo, P .P . 968·8384 ~· .. _ .... -....., ... ___ .... O..t• dlx. •a:rs. 121n e.aPPfd 'M0311_ uJ4:.~1 AM/FM . s nrf. need• ~J/~ZG sspdb a ir. _evea __ . ------• 8/W P.hl~ T.V 13~ SKIPJAl1< 24· f /8. Tw'ln pai.nt.$U:SO.S4CH032. .....~ ' ray w / lk UP· em-• """".... -~·1 1·"'' k " ,-.f1900.673-9"63. v--w-9770 .,_ _.._. t <")I t70 H1lv01. • hm •• t"\,I, """' cl au.._, l973 Audi Fox. AM I FM T-.--r: l600 Hr\ltxJr BMi. IAMCMlllO CA-RP .. 'TS-0 I .. t"l' I' I t P ' V H f ·+ m o r e 6800 m1 •~reo. A I C, \'Cry gd • • • 2+2 280Z '77: auto. ••••••••••••••••••••••• COS<cl Mes.\. 540-91()() Auto...atk air oond ~ " SU.5001b5\ Jol\n ti'l~-4229 __ 837..Qt~cvea cond. PP. S2095 or bst Only l l .000 mt. Mint VW . Htvini trouble sell·l.~~~~!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!U ' " hti&enylOn plu h, ~ --S ~ cond. Lots or" ras ingyour car?Tryua ~op . p wr. steering. pwi;. >1i 8alboaCa~t M11l1 <.'oGll8'1aunrh.6t•)I Molor.._._ • otr.CaUSS2·L549art 5pm s r 979-95e6 ~~P N "'JOEi Do do l bra k e•• ra d io . l 3 H l. •II ti n . C M i r ,. )' °' .1 ' ' II l I ·• " a .... /S~ 160 anytime wk ends. acn ice. . aid ror or ot! ra m m ac. (1001405). (at.P.,.,,.). ~&Ull,17S·.'90rl «r<A•Whl ttll m ~··~11t111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._... 9709 ~ YoW' <'ar to J im CIODd. One owner. ACt. 6 S071 1lbO $.llM> 41111• M.ll ,.,?CJ RENT ~· "'IR EHAl.l.. Fiat 9725 Manno Volks wacen. PleaseCaU586-7756 .. 3 ~3'" bantOOld, &Old. aft61'M S •;t.f CONT A lN E 0 . J~ CJ7. Better than ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 18'7ll Beach Blvd,. Hunt· - El ~ ....... ,,.._ · ..,.,.,__,, .......... _ .... ,. ••"' .. "0 1• , '60 B•u•.Eye Spnte. 117$ 1~--Beach . Mk for '' .__, """vert1· .,_,,_"'__, ........ _, REN NABL~ ~ALL new. imm aculat e. .... l':aftll:w~ ~ Marino or Tom ble. Russet ext. w /bone <or alls 540-11• z · F'lbef1las5 dst:t;cl 4 ~2283 aooded. tal00'4S·9346 CC eng. t rans. wires. UUW.. ,., ... _ leather lilt. Every opt. ----ml r•Al{C Ill 20 knOU.8 $1500. 548-8794 n1A111o Xl d •c 000/ B l7 pt Wall•~" attrlln11 S.000 lta cap•clly L1h~ RENT Luxury Motor 'Tl Jeep Cberoltee: 20.000 FantasticOoseout nl con · ..,, st S600 751 652$, 6 IPM ...... a. .. "'1<'"-·. tompa"s lwme 22' Pi.lomar. nu full)' loaded +trans IMW 9712 onl"""Mod"l.s Estate Sale '85 VW Ofr.MS-Jaeves. oo)v ~ ·" ... '"" .. SI 6 ~"'" k cool t k CB ••••••••••••••••••••••• ""0 .. Hacbback. 8SK mi. Pvt 1 · _ _ _ fa~ory demo. $20.000. eeps _.,.,/wet! + er. owmg P g. · l979 Models Sale k>cated at 13140 Del 77.Coupe de Ville · 30~ Refrlg 3 c:lln1nc rm S.U-4163. Wnu.640-~ ~~~II! Asking $7000. now arrivmf Moote Dr. Seal Bcb. Call ma.les . excelJent cond1· tablet. 2 twin beds. '7S Fantuy, 19'ln·hull. 216' Explorer· Loaded. T--L. 0rc'f<~ft.l'ER forappl. (21.Sl 598-4800or Uon . 4'7·2362 eves. and THEOOO Rt ROB INS FOR D JOI 'i \ -)II fl,• cJ COSTA lw't ·..\ t.4. • 010 C«kat~ bird. 165hp. OMC. 110. 6 cyl $18$ p e r w eek $90 .---9560 MOTORS <714> 494·4242, J oh n weellends Oneowner. aft. 4. ~-Xl.ot l ond. lo hr:. weekend. SU 4054 or ~··••••••··~··• ••••••• • Ormistoa. Bids mailed to '76 Cad Seville: Loaded. Positivdy cu sell your Mhctl-om Tra{l rla;bl trailer. 6"-0182 S8Chevy 21on. CIJI bed ~WSs~~~r.S.A E. Shupe 609 Sleepy Xlnt cond. $7800. Days car-truck-vu at DO cost W...... 16500/offr 645-7176 T~ T ef 9I 70 Slake sides. spht rear Hallow Ln. Lag Bch. m2238 to10'L:iil'M018 ~ raY end.$2000.493-5789 l M M E D f A T E '76Sptderl24.lom1, 92651. Sale ends Apnl ---·------•---------•••••••••••••••••••••• 17' Kona 125 HBP ••••••••••••••••••••••• DELIVERY! SStOO 15th. '71 Coupe d e Ville : U.C0.. 9945 Black heocb sea\ for '7 Evinrude S3500 lmmac 27rt. Coachman travel '73 Ford Courier. A 1 LARGESELECTIOM ~ Loaded.XJnt cond.Si2000. ••-••••••-••••••.••••• Courier Pickup. cond. 838--0757 trailer. L975. xlnl. l'Ond cond. new tires. $1950. OF HEW 1979 '78 VW Factory camper. 548-99ll un• Linc. Cont Martt l V. 00-3379 Dbl. bed. lrg. rern~. lrg MS-8235 Ha.do 9727 32K mi. left on wmty. classk cond best orfer ----F H • & i7Century 20'. Open bow propane. tank, bwlt on ,77 0 t K C b 320i's ••••••••••••••••••••••• transferrable. S36-73ll. '76 Seville, light metallir lo mi. 842·62348424IOSS · ~ •v• 215 hp 110 . Dual convas. JJCks Reese hitch In· a sun ing 8 • S28i' bronze. Tan lthr interior. -&,li,....t 1015 Dual balteri~s. Many eluded . St.500 below w /s he ll. musl seti . 5 lnMdNew'79 Clean '70SQuareback Cnuecontrol.newtires. Mercury 9950 •••••••••••••••••••••• xlras. A~krng $8900. book. At $3,950. Must SS2-3869aft6PM ~633csi's SlJOO rullpwrXlntcond.Must ••••••••••••••••••••••• Executive desk &chair 847.Ql27 Sell.87().6746. '72 Ford ': T p u .. 302 IM STOCK! HONDA Cars 493-5789 sell. $8500/best offer. ORANGE COUNTY'S $300 S 90 v 8 Call today -We may MA ... Y '68 VW Bus, xinl cond. P P m2424 MEWEST Callan)'l1me.642-1675 loah. oU 60 1976 Jayco -Jayeagle · • gas s aver. xt~a have the pre-o wned -·-· ------- --------••••••••••••••••••••••• tent \tailer. Sleeps s. ful-sh arp w nt·~: Da,•ltn BMW you are looking To Choose From! ~eer~1bgr/kss1,.nkn ~w$lt91rog: l973Cad CdV. runs great. UNCOLN·MERCURY l Steel case postun.• chr '76 Santa Crut ~ wJlrlr. ly self-contained. New campe r .SZti;iO W JO for! UNIVERSITY 9!n'u""' ru11 pwr, uses reg gas. DEALERSHIP SOO. I Steelcase <fc~k $75 Full rart:. north sails. buttery. City °" ater & ca~per s2200 962·2019 831-2040 495.4949 ·--. 58.640 m1. $2595. Ma ke of· RAY FLADEIOE 1Steelcasetypml!tblS51l S19.~ 637-fiOOe ves. electrical hookup Good afttiPM. ----Olchmobile •77 Sirroco stick s hirt. fer.MWitsell 67J.O'J88 LINCOLN-MERCURY J IBM El~ typwrtr S3~0 ----condition $1200 or make •73 GMC 4x4, 350 CJ. Good HCNICID C ars • GMC Needs some body work. "78 r~-de Ville. rully J6-l8AutoCenter Dr All item s ll ki' nt-\\ 25' Srho<'k Duy S ail<-r. offer 92JS.OrangeAve., cond.Newp:unt,J000m1. BOIMcLAREH's Trucks Hestoffer 645·0366 ~. lo mi·s. hkenew SDFwy.LaJceForest.ex1l 83316:>6 boat&:.ailsgdcond.Sa<-. SantaAna.834·0610. on eng Many xtras. 2850 HarborBlvd. IRVlNE -----$2700.529-4893 AutoS«Yice.Ports s.1tro. Day 833.1JSO. Eves $ ~Mesa 540.9640 1~~~~.u~~~~~~~uJ: =h~~~~se or 830.7000 TELE PHONE LASER for snle. #4481 . & Acc~ssories 9400 493-961.8 SS 500 /best orre r 507 -. Col. Park 9 pass. W''" ANS.., ERING "'c~ com1>l4 "• Ca ll e '-9730 ·. · '71 Cpe De Ville, Firemist '" · ..... MACHIN I!: ml391 """ \ ••••••••••••••••••••••• v 9570 :::!:':................. Orth1d. CdM. 759-1'39. gm. all options . $7850. While. fully load ed! •t . b I d -1970 DATSUN 1600 •~•••••••••••••••••• '11XJ.I2l '71 Vol 164 bit 646 4844 dys 548 3 ll7 Xlnt! SZ.100. 675-6161 "~ rands. arge . ts· 12' Catamaran & trlr ENGINE 8SON. Bca<'h Blv<.I. vo • r eng. · • · counts. sales. & sen •rce. Good cond. $350/bst ofr. 545.7884 1977 Dodge Trude::.inun LAHAHRA Automatic, air, fully pwr str. a uto. air. new eves. '72 l\tontego wag. Xlnl Phon Tron1r:., 1509 324 El Modena. N B. van. VS. 26.000 m 1., (714t 522-5333 t-qu1pped , GM dctual radials. leath er in t. ii Coupe DeVille Ong I cond. I ownr. &l .000 m1 ~~i~t~riJ!·~7;0 d . ~3168. P:,~~~-t~~~r l~~·~a~ ~~o~pe~ild~ai~~~ef~11Fy Closed Sundays ~/~\Jd~~~;n~wl:s~ ~~F~le~nfu~~,':,f~~ owner. xlnt eond'. $1795. Sl600rirm 644).7~. ----------:---32· Mah<>~any Sloop. New tx>nch sealli $.15. VW wide carpeted & p:melled m example!" <25"4UKT> 96CHOSS 12l.3l 582·l726eves. 1976 Monarch Gra nd Desks for sale, e~ecut1ve teaJt deck, no mt Xlr" wheels & 11res. 642-3379 side. port holes. a1 r -... ~E C OU ... TY'S ,.11iev1£B MOTORS '72 El Dorado convert Ghia. 4-dr. lo-mi, fully ......... 6d I k u r h h ~ " ~ ~ '66 Sqrbk. new brakes. · loaded. Very Cll'ao. <~c. .......... rawer, 1 e new, wood. hardware. $6500. vents. s un roo . 1g OLDEST 1st & Broadway tu-es. Excell rood, both Super clean. Only $4.500. BEEN-J > S48-~08 reia.tl S380 asking $175. S48-871M HJ performance Buick V-6 back s wivel c hairs . SANTAANAi8JS.3171 runnlno & body Sl900. 7MI~. • airs blk swivel w/arms. engine, new rblt $1000. spar~ tire rack . wide & 55&~i7or 646.5006 Miatm.g 99$'2 retail 560. Asking S2S if Ericson 27 ne w inter . 556-2289.Askfor Ron. tires wt mags AM /FM '71 &type2+2 Vl2. auto,. C 0 9917 .•••••••••••-••••••••.•• bought w/desk Other ofr Spinnaker VH Jo', loaded. . . tape cassette. $6450. ~•· ........ v.hts ""000 m1· 68 ,... b k 1 -rurn It equipment a vail. Clean.08.546-9089 Hvy duty lumber ra<:k for 87(M.564 (Fullerton> ..... -~ ... • ... , • rast ac •very c ean. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 9 M u s t a o g CaU642-605lor77S.1774 ----late mdlChevy t rul'k,re. Sales-Service-Leasing !!9,:2., Eves l wknd s SlOOO o r best offer . ·11 Chevy Camaro. lo T.URBOCHARGED . ---------17' Spint Cat w/lrailer movable 494·5037 a ft 'Tl Ford Chaleau ElSO. R C I .,_.QV.,. *'7·2.816. n 's, PIS. P/B, AM/FM Silver. new pnmo car. N E W O F F I C E colored s ails. $1 ,800. 6PM Cptn's chrs. finished int . Rl:A:loyc~rver, :~w Mald9 9711 .74 Super Beetle. 4sp. cass .• sliver blue i.a col· 1..oedechtru. Sl500 t .oip. FURNITURE. Oak/sad· 538-9788. stereo cass. air, 351 auto, LS40Jamboree ••••••••••••••••••••••• r.def., tint glass. Xlal. or. u kin& $4500. Call «·2225. 499-1905. ::e:"1c:h!i~~:e:~!~ Sabot wtm otor. sail ~!?:'.~~••••••••• ~7~: S61SO S79-S840, Newport Beach ~ ·~oi~3xi:te~irs~~ ~2~4s 12.650 /offe r . =3 +art Spm & MAC?!11.'!?~~Sl795cond. desks & chairs, 6 Oak oars. etc. $225. G ..... 95 IO --·· · ---·------• -'"""' bookcase. 6 bm le0 al fil 67J.8886 enerw '77 Ford E250 Chateau 833-9609 1973 VW Bus. AM/F M '71 Cama.ro. met. p wd r 631'3230 " •••••••••••••••••••••• • Club Wagon. 10.800 m1. cab, md Oak conf. tabl Beaut. 37• Alden kelch. bll Movtng Sa le y an . V8. auto trans, PIS, P /B, Mercedn leu 9740 stereo. reblhng. radials. ~'i ful~ ~·P~. '89 Convert .• yellow, blk wJ4 Oak l brn upho in 1930. xlnt cond. molorcycle. Apnl 13 & Privacy glass. Air cond. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ltlnl cond thruout.12875. ~s-.:k ~t I • top/int, lo mi, V-8, aut~. chaB'S.~~ ---$43.000.646-5550 14. 34355 Via San Juan. AM /FM 8 track stereo ·o · SI ... OAOWAY ·~ Sport. auto. 2 lops, MS-2374 dows. Perf ~~. lo wmi: PIS. make offer. 64.5-3258 Secreu,nal. desk I left re· 25it sail boat. cutty cabin. Ca pl s t rano Be a c h • Ch r ome wh ee I s • SA~nA AHA ~;'J~e1~tr~l\~1:h~i~:S: Vof•o 9772 Must see to appreciate. '8) Mu.'5t .. PIS. P lb8, new tum). chair & mat $250 center cockpit fiberglass 496-282S. Michelin Steel radials. 835·3 I 71 Mil •••••••••••-•••••••••• Best offer. 213L592·S300. l.Jres. good cond. $1200/or l 8 M Exe r e I e c · const. Cushions. Full sari '71 Chev. Monza Mirage. Many extras. Like new. rwcuurMATE OAIV•NGM.o.CHON' 67~cond. SlS.OOO firm. VOLVO 592·3445. 536·0074. best. 552·9228 ty pewriter, like ne compliment. Spinnaker '75 Dodge Club Pickup. S8.500 646'7641 *USED BMWs • MG 97~2 aw-.,.. 9920 Oldlftlobile 995& _?~lforS72S~_E.74.. +. S3.000. Fred eve & Makeoffer.631·3394 '65 Ford Econoll n e . , .. _ .. _ 11~/IUO 1339 '76530iA S/R(752 PVDl ••••••••••••••••••••••• SALES, SHVICE ............................................. . Must liquidate office w .......... '".....,. ---· --P ICKUP TRUCKBED supervan, 6 cyl. :k.pd, '76axrlS/R (268 RKM l n MG Mid~ct. like new. A.HD LEASING FfHAL 1978 '76Cutlass. loaded. Super machines: JM VQClll locrh.Sll I lnl'l 6' $125 SJ&.8626 or 78m m1. 3000on rblt eng '77~:4sp S/R (0179) u .~ m1. $3700 or best OVERSEAS OELIVl::RY CLEARANCE! clean. $3450 '{ec co car Copier. 2 yrs. old. $1995. ...__._. P5 907 631-0"lsi eng. Good cond. $900. '78320!. 4spS/R 0893) ocrer 673·14~; 832·2811 EXPERTS mustsell.642-4504. Ad I er E I e cl r I c -962-8008. .787331 4.spd C02SVFZI on Camaros. Caprices. Typewriter, legal slz •••••••••••••••••••••• '64 York Fork ~ift. towa-71 Chevy Van, 2S.OOO mi Cloffd S..rtdoys ·m MG 1100 Sedao. ruos EAR• ie llCE Monte Car\05, Malibus & carriage, $375/offer SUPS AVAILAILE ble. JOH . ltke n ew, am/fm stereo 8 track , ----------t $250. ~ Novas. Drastic reduc · Talce O\'er lease on Savin YAC Newport 646·0551 $14.500. 751-0991 air. cruise control, all •74 2002. 673.2811 VOLVO Uoos! ~·r~~ ~t~9~~=~5~r Slip wanted for 43· Gran ~~f carpet&paoeled special Excel~~~~r1t1on l~~~~~~d. SAVE HOW!!! <\97·24$7 Manner Cruiser with 13. _, 9520 body paint. Mag wheels. ________ ,MGB 9744 646-9301540.9467 ----· beam. Qwet hve aboard ••••••••••••••••••••••• spare lire. 111aoy xtras. '77 BMW Stereo tape, air. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pets 1087 on beautifully main· '40 FORD WOODIE S7600.S48-088J must seU or take over 1970 MG B Convertib le. ORAMGECOUMTY •••••••••••••••••••••• tamed boat. No kids or Fully restored! $13.000 lse. 64&9'51 & 830· lSSO good cond. $1600. 494-4275 Must selJ pair Angora & pets. 640· 1!'>92 67~161 Milos W..ted 9590 Bob _aft_6_P_M_. -----VOL VO ""-h l _. W r ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXCLUSIVELY VOLVO ;~= S6Se;<>J(; 54tM;c;o AV Al.OM HAR I OR H...ter Harri I WE PAY TOP DOLLAR '76 BMW 2002. 40K mi. all Porsche 97 50 Largest Volvo Dealer so· moonng available THr. ... UTOMOllLE fortopused cars·forrlgn. extras. call Jrm 631-0338 ••••••••••••••••••••••• in OrangeCounty! 7' Boa w/cagl! and eqwp Best ofr. over $45,000 ~.,. domestics or classics. If $8100. ·70 911S blk/blk. 5·spd. BUY or LEASE $200 lnc lds p e rm it Callaft5,673·9176 CONSULTANT yoor cur ts ext,.a clean, ft--...-9720 koms. alloys, AMffM DIRECT papers. Moving. must Put years oC expen eoce see us FIRST! -cass, air. whale t ale. ~' II ~g~ ~II. 546-3549 Stde t.Je for power boat. on your side. Providin~ ••••••••••••••• • ••• • ••• cocos. 2 bras. 2 xtra al· ,~ • ~.[~ !1~ • COMMEll CHEVROLET ~'\:,.ii.tr bo" I\ .of • •,..._I \ \H.~ \ S4f>. I 200 Dl__..&"--8090 67u~;~1v·. $120 per mo. consultation & "in the ~ z loys.rompl. re<'ords,30K 'f .--_,..,_.. ,,...,...,, field" appraisals to pru. ~°"' * ~s * on rblt, ZOOhp , Of · •••••••••••••••••••••• dent owners & prospec. fer tOBO. Dys 838·2982. --------111 Udo Isle resident, needs l i v e b u y e r s 0 f eves631·533S .2025 S Manchester tOO So. C:O.t Hwy. 5"CIAL 32' sailboat i.hp. N 8 1 N v E s T M E N T DISCOUNTED -------1 Anaheim 750-2011 ...,_ •• THIS W&aM.11. area.675·02$i automobilei. It takes a #I ln Or.cJtC-.ty SHOP&COMPARE "12 Porsche 911T. Sunrf. 4f .. llJI -AM/FM 5 s pd Alloy Late'77 Volvo.Xlnl cond.1._ ___ ... ___ _ New Brimhall Regency Balboa Is land s h o re professional t o de· 2925Harbor Blvd · Ph ,. $849 N e i h II te r mlne r eal va lue COSTA MESA whls. 10 mi. $9500. 15.~ mi. Luxury car. . ew r m a moorin~ for s mall boat 714/557·7752. 3187 A-979·2500. 497-394Saft5. bargatn pnce. Must sell. '71 Et Camino SS454. :dnt RNegenc8rly MhodalleElll12S.$945'1~; uptol.8 .&40·?0Sl Airway-t, Costa Mesa. S&Ml0.646-?SZAeves. ('()Qd very lo m1, A/C, G~ ~ Full~ne o loah, s,;.c.& Ca.92626 __ W_E_B_U_Y__ Por'70 91 IS TGrCJa PB. PS. AM/FM 8 trk io KawarGrands. Sid 9080 --------• •DATSUNS• Rare 200 HP eng, 1 Alllos.UMcl dash,cstmbody &paint. NewBrimhallPiaoologo aa••••••••••••••••••••• USED CARS L--Setectfoft owner.Mintcond. <0094> ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 sets ol wheels. High 21· .Elmlnator. day >79 MG JO CALL Of-~-~-... -fs OYerwasllft-rit AMC 9905 ~.tosusa~1~:...Meausltl C er 454 Ch j l ...,. ~ r-· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....,_,... ..,,.,,,~ .... llllll.Ulliii • _______ .. .rws ev e . 1-1c ... 1 up ..... Ca M SAL ~5ll80 642 0696 eo>••.,,,.... "" ...... ..,... ---· Xlntcond.968-i289. BMNDNEwl 54o:~3gr . PAR~~~,1~~ ·· '61RamblerClassicGreat _,.,,_,_._._. __ _ .KobJer & Campbell con· Your cbo1'ce of "-au•·'ul cond. 44 K m i. Ca 11 IUitlvel.y can sell your l i I ' d 9r ort.-aa """ UI 'TT ~ Silver on black. 546-85 a.ft. 8p.m. Take car ·--k-van at no cost '76 Omega 2 ·dr. full power. deep blue w/wht Ult.er Power Tram War. rantee S3llOO. 645· 1648. ""'° 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7S Pinto Wagon V-6. au1.11 trans. 20mpg. low mile~. $2600/o fre r . t71 4 ) 5"8-862S after 5 p.m . & week ends. or (714 ) 498-1000. ext. :w7 wkdays . 1976 Runabout. 15,000 m1, 6 cyl. auto, rad ia ls. beaut. $2695. 536·2123 Plynmuth 99 60 • •••••••••••••••••••••• '71 PLYMOUTH ' FURY 2DOOR Automatic, air cond .• AMffM. vinyl top, P~: swenng & only ss.spo LOW miles. (S57CZNl . (S&k. 1031A). Slt71 so e ~no. x n con . ,, -•zv""°" black or elegant cham· "'-•Of' "'"" eonn turbot cbar "d. ai r. ~ 1er '°"""'' ~101.8 ........ ••••••••••••••••••••••• pagne, theae a re rare "' · J-· ..... · s ti -· 0 ~ 9t I 0 classics not to be found am/fm. + more. Sll700. ·eo Rambler Amen can. '7S M Crlo landau 43.000 1975 PLYMOUTH pa 14G'Oodl 1 94 ....................... elsewhere in Orange 2626 HARBOR BLVD 2845HARBOR BLVD 848'9123· xlntcond. best offer. m l. economical. a ll Fwye.to. •••••••••••••••••••••• IT'S FLVlNGTIME "-··-COSTA MCSA 54CM410540.0ZIJ Eves"""nl9 --.Pr""y97c.1120 Sul11wb• l<Z stie, w/'171 b\ndlngs. """''ly. Leather interior, .., ~~~~~:::~~-1·-----~~illlf ~ .... _ ,,. .,.. Nevel'used $1$0 CIS2. Sl8 C.172, S21.SO. wood dash . AM /FM WEIUY 4LGteModel •....cdc tttO 3 Seat Station Wage . • + other s. Student s stereo cassette. glass -72 Nova. 4 Dr. VS, auto. TorqueOlte trans, V4. 6a-9332. welcom e. 539·4252 . side curtains hi~hllght USED CARS! Ponchff ·••••••••••••••••••••••• PS. PB. AC. 41,000 mi, tint. glass, Li il 1"emi Used wetaults & dive ~. thl& collector's item's We're the new Chevrolet 4•...._ How '76 Ei>tate Wgn, V-8, auto, Xlnt cond . $1,650 . control mirrors, A/ • gear, 10am·7pm. Tanks c., .. Sale/ features. Must be seen lo dealership in the Irvine I 1• ~.ASE cruise control. all power. 7Sl·t174; 644·7172 aW>tnalic, pwr. Laite &nwulaton. MQ.4840. _ .~ . 9120 beapprec1 1 M·ARaled 1 N. 0 VW Auto Center. We need llClltollC 61M mi, SJSOO. 642·2464 window • door loc . _ -JIM M. your used car ! Owner. '76 Caprice F.ata\e Stat 16,000 mt 12,000. Bel .... M9ritte "••••••••••••••••••••• 18711 Beach Blvd. JOE Wgn, l>/S. P /8 , er con· ~. Can be seft1 I ... 9tibRI Camper 11' Monaco. '73. HUNTINGTON BEACH ~/SLeP Sabre auto, A/~, lid, ttereo. ~ a 'lbe Dally PUot. 3IO 1'· ...... -................ SboWer rully self con· 842-2000 MAC PHERSON xlnt. ~ 4S::1~400 m • C. ••lh tf 32 Bay St., Coll.! Me .. •r Gar•ll to 1 o ~· Hdy«!!~uc ... !acksf. 00 CHEVROLET · · ................. ,..... ~~~rculat10oa Depl . ................ ••••••• AU& con . .--I ...:st o . W OY UMa Ford. Xlnl 21AutoCenter Drive '72 Flltate Wgn. See It, "11 Corvette, 1Uwet A,ra· ~.ext. Zl I 8'DiaD(Sabot.)wht like fer.631-5155. cood.IQOO. ·IRVINE "Weneedtobuycleao drive it. you'll like It. nher u ry S peelal , P Mn ''t new.-o.r. 6 lotka. RUd· 10\\'Camper gdcooc:I. 6"·7113 7 ... 7222 Data1m uaedcars" C714t'4Ml'6 SJZ0.8'1M164 kMlded w/cwtm eareov· .......... -....... • der1 S2'71 or ofter, or iSOO For Sa le • 46 Ford. SWW Pay Top Dollar s '73 Buiclt •-ctr Sedao. idol w.112.tOO. or best otter. -.a•m• L••••. • I> =~.~~:s"ef.~8· . MB-mt ~.!,.°_'Plet1ely. ret\ored , WANTED! runnlna col\d 1400• 7M/8Zl-411M4. ftnlllrd Formula. FulY Cbau1e t _,,.SU. 088 od I T ... le,a tJI' 848--0522 '11Corwtte. loeded, blue, Lmdecl . .,..,.. INll.Ull IH•c:•/ g'ane111:t.'::!e c:mrn~: mi Deimler Jaauar u ~~':o.:-'Plc:...,. t>'~~: ....................... L970SKYLAJlK Ual.ed roof panels,._.., 11u1t Sell '74 Trw Am. S..._ f020 536-a626/631·0'7S3 Mark u. th1I la ror dis· Callua\odaJ! ~HARBOR tJLVD. •1 DEAUR IN U.S.A. s7 OOO m' .. 000 ,_able.Al·-15,eaomA. New:-\;''* ••••-••• .. •••••••••••• crhntnatina cluslc car 14N410 540.0211 IOY · •·••· t s lfl Get,_. boat ready for ttalorfudllkes 9140 butfa. Xlnt orta cood ~ 83H8G2 PP !!!P! tfJI m · aer ee ooo. ~.David Holmn ........................ tllruout. Metallic silver "1S Z8D Z: Xlnt cond. air. CROAllRSVROYI•-i8 Regal ru1;~ loaded -· .................. ,_ .. __ ,_. ------D14111ar1De.8'*1•1Ue~ 111.EMO.PEDDLER lray. u.ooo orig ml new tire.a. Must see. · w. v • v . • Allltlwly an Mii ,.ur Ille.-~ lnjel.Ollldrivelt Bcltlve. New PEUGEOT MO· UOO . 493 .3745 Multmove.752-158t =-~"': ~~:U~':fk CM'UUCk·vanatDO C'Olt •11mtS..Ooad · ~-.=.-1~1 ~n! ::,~1~ 14ta, Now ew..e.tPM. ,.~mi, xlnt cood. 30K ...... -.mz.IW531-T518 to,ou.MMOll ::..::· ~Ill& • • 1--------·1·35 Auburn tlberala11 kit mi. auto, AM lrM ·ate~ ClOHD "'!!°"" "11 IMck ~al Sllvtr w/ 'II POI.AAA, 4 door, VI. --------!'- Mini blkc. l 'h HP. good allpertt.~cornpleted tape. air, 22 mpa. Orla. '5tSllverCloud 1 bUi t~ Fully equlpt PS. PB.alr.1 ca...lcde· '10 OTO. HW motor - ....... condlUoQ. S7S. P.H. l*IO/bttorr.$48-0348. • -... •u-•c••s oaer.'4500.l'TS..1818 -.. -• .... 11 • aao wltlch atUI looks tr•• ... u,.., Pll, 11-•mt•• t030 lrl.S-30f7 ~f"Vt' -• !!~~ -r· •·142-· C Has a few caloor PIB. inoo or Mt"'*· 1.40 For d Pl k p : Topctollar forcleannra '74 HOZ, auto trans . _....... ... .... ---.... 1 I --.. ~ ·;~;;;;:;~.. • '71Honcta Express. ~·, deUa~u.uain lltnleka.e-!idfor«not! AM fFM atereo c11s.. C •• 9'11 ty •wtn--ca · --·--~ or IOml,$250. Cbny • auto tuns. HOWMDCM•r•t A/C, ma11. new reblt ,.,... t761 ·-··-.............. 1 11111 '.-.:;.:111 ftJO ._., 111 146-~ Ma a y t x l r a part 1 . Dove• Quall St.I. Inf, xtnt Coad. '4aSO or --•••........... ,, leV\Ut bnm • -...................... • .... Custom chopped top. lNnr MacArthur, bell olfer. Must .... tm· '17 CeUca, Id fOlld. .. au ••. 1:c. CB. ~MPBN .. 11111 .... -.... "-I .... ~.,.. a. ... .._ wttll a Call ror lDfo, -.~. BrlltoUrJamboree> med. llt'1NI& tt• or 1111111. bea Ottr, am/fm. -... Jlktlelllt, a t.•. l lT -. .__. ._ iif. DlilJ'l'llllCNrlfteda. DIQrPUotCl.uaifted Ad. Jal.tr74. NEWPORT BEACH wkadl. _,.14, ~eves -...Z.PP. •.C.llMMAI - .. BRAND NEW 1979 CHRYSLER CORDOBA 1\utQmatlc transmission an eoonomlcal 31S CID vs powe1 steering. PoWer brakes and glass belted wsw radial tires p~) ONLY BRAND NEW 1979 · CHRYSLER NEWPORT Automatic trans . air cond • tilt wheel. power steering ~ brakes. elec rear window defroster. radio. vinyl roof. tinted glass & wsw glass belted radial tires You must see this beaut1tul car at tremendous saving&! C 104740) NOW DISCOUNTED Off Manufacturer's Slicker Price FOR FLEET SALE OR LEASE INFORMATION CALL AL HENRY 546-1934 ' 2DOOR ROMT WH• DllVE CHRYSLER'S 5/50 PLAN PROTECTS YOU FOR YEARS OR 50,000 MILES on any new Le Baron. Volare or Voyager Items covered by our Plan are ma1or power train compQnents ... See us for details. '74 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE Automatic transmission vs. air cond . full power steer1nq. brakes. door locks. windows & seat. AM/FM stereo radio. v1nyt top & WSW tires (080UOWJ. '76 CHRYSLER CORDOIA COUPE VS. automatic trans.. air cond . power steering. power brakes AM/FM stereo radio t11t wheel. cruise control. vinyl top & wsw tires. (44-0PCV). '78 PLYMOUTH VOLAU WAGOH VS. automatic transmission air cond1t1on1ng. power steering. power brakes. luggage rack. radio & wsw ltres. (314UWV). '7 4 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL SIDAH VB automatic trans . pwr steering & brakes. split pwr seats & pwr windows air cond cruise control. till wheel leather mt AM/FM stereo w/8 track tape, vmyl roof & more• ( 125293) '78 PLYMOUTH VOi.ARE COUPE V8 au1oma11c transmission air cond1t1on1ng. power steering. power brakes vinyl top radio. buc ket s eats & wsw tires. (658UURJ I 69 CHRYSLER NEWPORT SEDAM V8 . automatic transmission. air cond . power steering & power brakes. spht seat. vinyl too. radio & WSW tires (XTF853J llEED CASH 'I We'll pay top dollar for good. clean & late model used cars. See Curt Davis or Bryan Hesketh today ... ••• AND WE ALLOW TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TRADE-IN! BRAND NEW 1979 VOYAGER VAN V~ r ngine auromaflc 1ransm1ss1on tinted glass 2 94 rear alCle rallo 1&d10 oowE>r <;leering lron1 disc brakes ano grass belled 1ad1a1 11re<; 1126 1831 GREAT SELECTION OF VANS& VAN CONVERSIONS! ATLAS _CHRY-5LER'!PLYMQUnr SERVICE HOURS: . MOMDAY.fltlDAY: 7:JO A.M. TO l:JO P.M. SATURDAY: 1:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. ~-......._ 2~2~ H~RBO~··;~~-~-COSTA MESA ph. C714J 546 -1934 llj • • ............................ . . .. . -··. -. .._.._ .. ..--...---... -r~ --. ... .. . ---. ·-.. . .. --... -....... , • ' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Tornadoes Kil] 61 ,, In Texas, Oklahoma ,;. . ,..,,. ...... THIS AERIAL PHOTO WAS TAKEN THIS MORNING IN WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS Tuesday Tornado left This Residential Nelghbort,ood In Shambles From Los Angeles Huntington CrQfh Ends Speed Chase OKLAHOMA Oklalloma City • • Altas • l1wt111 Yer1tt1• .................. _ -. . ~ Wictita Falls Datt as Fort WOfth • • 800 Hurt In Fotir Towns By the Associated Press Tornadoes smashed into four communities in North Texas and Okla homa. sucking up people a nd property, tossing cars about and leveling homes and busi- nesses. Authorities said at least 61 persons were killed and more than 800 were injured. Gov. Bill Clements toured the north Texas city or Wichita Falls. site or the worst damage. a s Na lion a l Gua rd troops patrolled debris-strewn streets today to ward orr a ny looters who might want to take advan- tage of the disaster that struck Tuesday afternoon. Vandals s mashed plate glass windows in downtown stores and scooped up booty after a tv.'ister tore through the city of 96.000 . One Red Cross worker reported s eeing armed ho m e owners guardinit damaged homes. The body count in Wichita Falls had risen to 45 by mid- morning and authorities feared it might go higher . Capt. Terry Denson of the National Guard said other unconfirmed deaths had been reported. Jn Lawton, Okla., where at least three died In a twister, Gov. George Nigh activated 109 National Guard troops to aid ln search and rescue efforts and poUce patrols. There were re- ports of Jootin& there too, bu\ DO arrests. "As the storm s t a rted you could see the c lo uds being sucked into the center of the Dais is a Test Roger Andctin carries Rob Sutton from the surf in simulated rescue during lifeguard training session. Both of the young Huntington Beach residents are trying out for lifeguard pos itions in Newport Beach. They are a mong 18 young men and women who are spending their Easter vacation vying for summer job openings. Th ey ~re undergoing 56 hours of arduous classroom and prar. tical testing this week . Top score rs on final written and practical tests will be hired first. ) Nuke Plant Safety / I Corrections Urged The agency did not spell out t he act.ions needed, but said a design flaw was found in some power plants designed by West- ' inghouse Corp. ..:. high-speed police pursuit 11om Los Angeles ended in Hunt· ing ton Beach Tuesd ay when police cars smashed into an auto driven by a 33-year·old Compton chiropractor, bringing it to a halt on Beach Boulevard. Authorities today re mained uncertain why Garrell led them on the high s peed chase that started on the Har bor Freeway near Imperial Boulevard. The driver reportedly refused to slop when Los Angeles polict> units attempt<.>d to stop him on a speeding charge. TEXAS -~-a---sl.orm -the debris and huge WASHINGTON <AP) -1be Nuclear Regulatory Commission said today the Three· Mile Island nuclear power pla nt accident shows ~r urgent safety corrections on n~arly air the na - tion's nuclear plants. The commission said the de· sign flaw, similar to one at the Three Mile Island plant built in Pennsylvania by Babcock an~ Wilcox, could mis le ad plant ope r ators a nd prevent vital em ergency cooling in the event of an accident. Huntington Be ac h Officer f'rank Morrell• s uffered <i s houlde r -mus cle tear and a California Highway Patrol of- fi cer was treated for a tWl stcd a nkle following the incident. The officers used the ir cars to "sandwich" the car driven by Curtis Lee Garrell near the tn· t ersection o f Beach and Yorktown Avenue, police said. Gas Station Cash Stolen Burglars climbed up the front bay doors of Fountain VaJlev Exxon. 16225 Harbor Blvd . late Monday or eurly Tuesday morn· ing lo crawl through a window and make off with $2,460 in cash. Police said the thieves broke a window to t he office area once they were inside and removed the money from a desk drawer. Officers said the burglars ap- parently broke a front window to get out of the station with their loot. Coast Weather Fair a n d w a rm e r through Thursday. Lows tonight 46 to 54. Highs Thursday in upper 70s. INSIDE TODA l:' P.assengers .aboard .a "mirocJ~ Jlighl" from New York to MhlMopolU ref~ct °" penooal rtocliona in their bruit toith death .at the m J•tlh•r to£n t into .a aupersonic .nosedive. See .P.oge A14. .... Six police cars were involved 1n the chase and two Huntington Beach officers joined in when Garrett pulled off the freeway onto Beach Boulevard. The car driven by Garrett was stopped following a coll ision that caused minor damage to his car a nd heavier damage to the patrol car driven by Morrelli . Garrell was booked at Orange County Jail on s uspicion of as- sault with a deadly weapon <his car > on a police offi cer and reek· less driving. police said. The two iOJurcd police officers dad not require hospitalization. Sadat Assures ~Open' Border TEL AVIV. Israel t APl Egyptian Pres ide nt Anwar Sadat assured Prime Minister Menacbem Begin in a telephone call today that the lsr ael·Egypt border will be opened in late May. Israel radio reported. Begin. who spoke with Sadat over a regular international line and not the new "hot line" set up between the lwo capitals. placed the call to inquire about a stat ement m ade by Butros Ghali, Egyptian minister of state for foreign affairs, indicat- ing that a· "full opening" of the border would not be allowed for IS months. The Israeli state radio said. "Sadat told Begin the borders would be opene d, including establishment of an air corridor. PILOI AD GETS fIS JOB DONE "I'm very pleased with the Daily Pilot. "I sold everything lo my ad." That's the story of the suc- cessful Newport ·Beach woman who placed lhJs ad in the Daily Pilot: Beige 1tone on tone1 8''1 soh SSOO and pr oC chl'mp11gnc silk velvet <'lub chrs 1165. Like new ""'"''"xx ff you want to be pleased, try tbe friendly ad-vlaen at the DaUy Pilot. Call 8'2-5678. 0 50 100 Miles ". .,. .. ...,..... 'TORNADO ALLEY' HIT Death Toll Rises 2Men Held In Huntit1gton Rape Tries Two Huntington Beach women were beaten and bruised and had their clothing torn Tuesday m separate incidents that led to ' the arrest of two men on charges of attempted rape, police said. Javier Francisco de Leon. 26. was arrested early today when the woman h e allegedly at· t ac,ked g rabbed the st eering wheel of his car m a king it swerve. Officer James Wil son, believ- ing he was following a drunken driver, pulled the car over and a partially·clad 20-year-old woman tumbled out. De Leon. of 16802 Sims St .. Huntington Beach. was arrested on charges of attempted rape and kidnapping, police said. Bail has been set at $25,000. Police said the woman s uf- fered bruises on both sides or her head, but did not require hospitalization. Late Tuesday evening. a 37· year-old Huntington woman re· turned to her home to find her ex-hus band waiting for he r, police said. The man allegedly beat the woman, ripped off most of her clothing and tried to rape her before fleeing to his Los Angeles area home, police said. Police arrested lhe 51-year-old man at 10:30 p.m. at bis home. He faces charges of burglary and usauJt with Intent to COin· mil rape. He is being held at Huntington Beach City Jail in lieu or $10,000 bail. Firemen Injured BURBANK <AP > -A training exercise fire that burtt out of control has smoualy burned two ftreflehten and sent 18 othen to a bOlpltal wtth minor burns or po11tble smolte tnbaJaUoa. pieces of house roofs, and tree limbs ... said Wic hita Falls Record-News r eporter Rocky Scou. who watched the tornado from the county courthouse. "All of a s udden there was a tre mendous roar, and the storm a ppeared to move very quickly. ft seemed like it lasted about five or six minutes and it looked like a huge snow cone ." Gasoline Near $1 a Gallon . ' In New York The first major twister at 3:50 p.m. killed at least 12 persons NEW YORK <APl -Pump a nd injured more than 60 in watchers in the city reported to- Vernon. a town of ll,500 about 75 ctay that dollar-a -gallon gasoline m iles northwest of Wichita lfas all but arrived Falls. The sign r,ead 99.9 cents on the .. It looks like we have been pre mium pump of a T exaco sta- bom bed," one res ident there lion at 37th Street and First said. Avenue, five blocks south of the The National Guard armory United Nations. was blown down. The price had been inching up Two hours later, Wichita Falls for some lime. was hit. with the path or destruc-The night mana~er, Thomas tion eight miles long and up to Carter. said he went home Tues- 1 '~ miles wide. About 2,000 day morning with the price at 97 cents and came back for today's <See TOLL, Page A.Z) overnightstinltofind it 99.9. The operating nuc lear unit at San Onofre was designed by Westinghouse. The two units un· der construction were designed by another firm. The agency said safety correc. lions were needed "on a priority basis for all light·water reactor facilities." which would cover all but one of the 72 licensed nuclear power plants in the country. The exception is the Fort Saint Vrain plant at Plattville. Colo., which is a high-te mperature, t gas·cooled reactor. Westinghouse had no im- mediate comment on the NR€ statement. <See SAFETY, Pa,;e A2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Beaehfloe-r• 'l'alce c • ..,er . Chilly winds that gusted up to 40 mph Tues· day afternoon whipped sand into the faces of what few Eaater Week vacationers ven· tured onto west Orange County beaches. Most who remained took cover behind sand rencei like these on. the dty·bucJt. near Ute ...... '-~ ~ . . . .. Huntington Beach Pier. Ufeguards sai the beaches looked like a lboet towa com·· pared to some years in tbe put wt. clailJ Easter Week beach attendance climbed • high as 80,000 sun loven on warm sprtq .,. clay&. ~~I . . . . '· ..... -- t ... CWLYN.Ol Hf W!dfltedtt.Aetil t1, tm Falae Readl•fl• Water level 1au,-e-at. San Oaelre Nw&eer: Power Pl.at eould live falae reactaqa durbt• rapid clecom~ ~ like one tb.ll tt!d to the'"''" MUe laland daau~r -~ waukt be bad:~ up by automatic salt- ly •Y&teml, plant omc1a11 akt today. CoMem bas been raised by Nuclear Re,-watory Comm '°" offl~lal1 that lM gauJ~ at •3 plants tn~ludlog San Onofre * • * l',._P~AI SAFETY ..• The NRC s1ud 'Wf'$tlnghoust• o n Salw'day teh•phoned owners Of plants built by the fltm W&rn· ing that 21on1t~ We:stanghouse- desagned facihties depend on 3 combination of two instrument slgnals by the plant computer to turn on e m e r gency cooling automa tic ally whe n there is trouble with the main cooJing s ystem. The agency followed with a written "pre limina ry notifica- t ion .. to plant opera tors Tuesday a nd announced that action to- day. Complete cooling failure can lead to a meltdown or overheat- ing of the reactor's core and the release of large amounts of radioactivity. Westinghouse said it was believed tha t a sma ll break in a reactor pressurizer could leave one of these signals appearing . high while the other falls. In this case, the computer would not turn over emergency eooling and a pla nt ope rator could be mfaled into "erroneous aelions ... Westingho use re commended that operators start cmergcney l'~>Ohng manually ir lhe pressure s1~nal .alone drops below its tn g. ~er point The NRC :;aid rt wa~ still rt: \ 1e wing th<.· exte nt to which events in the Three Mile Island a ce1dent a pp ly ge ner ally to p lants d esig n ed by We st - 1n g h ous <.• and Co mbus tio n Engineering as well as BabcO<."k a nd Wilcox. Santa Monica Voters Limit R e nt, Condos SANTA MON IC A IAP I Voters en this C."oastal city havt' approved a proposal to control re nts a nd condom inium eon· st ruction, and elected two or the measure's advocates to the C1lv Council. · . With all 65 precincts report- ing, ~he results of Tuesday's city election s howed Prooosition A COUNTY TO LOOK AT CONDOMINIUMs-A3 capturing 54 .3 per cent of the vote. The lctw calls for a tem- pora ry rent freeze followed by a rollback to last year 's levels. 1 Related s tory Page AS. 1 Victorious an their r ace for two of the three a vailable council seal$ were Ruth V annalla and BUI Jennings. who ran on a pro- Proposilion A slate. Also elected from a field of 14 candidates was Chrlstian Reed. The rent control victory came just 10 months afte r Santi\ Monica residents 80 percent of whom are renters --narrowly defeated a similar proposal. In the inte rim between those two elections. however . renters claimed landlords began asking ror unreasona ble rent inc reases in the wake of Proposition 13. DAILY PILOT f""Or-'-10..tr Pilot. •lto-ltkt-ll•ll•M.,,. -"'""b ...... I_.,. ,,..°'_ """ """41>Nno~ s.-·••Hftiorlo .... t<#Ml•--., ~-•n..v ,.. C..i. -· ,.._. llHtft, H ............ IM•IVF-l•i• Vtlley, tfVtnp, l..._ Bffc1t1Sooit1tC-41 •1 ..... t..-NO!loftl•-1-s.lll_l"_ ~, .. ,,.. ........ lptl _,, ... .,. ...... , ,, "' &ID W.•I e., k-, CMl•W ... C•ttfttnl••-·-·· -Prntot•t•llCI ""°''- .,.. .... c.rtry Vl<•l"rfflclo1ll•llCI~ .. ~ r-ic....it lllt• .,..._ .•. -...... MAfllltiftt ltiW 0....lt,'--~, ....... .\Nlll""'llli~C411-• Mon..., .. Or_ C»oollly ..... ...... ~~Giiie .. , ..... ,......., .. ,o .... ,.. .... .,,..... i.-c=: .. m-==·~ T.....-ne (71,IMMllf Cl ........ Mw ........ -..n ............ ,, .. o.._c..,,,.,~illtt ... ,_ ~"C ~°'.:.~..! .. ~:S,: ;;r,., ff -=r~-';;r;'"'"··~ .... , ~ ===-..-Cl .. -... Nil IH .... UM• _._ ~ e1 ~· ..... ~ 1111" , ... _ .. l .-......... "" ,.,. '~ N. _,.,,.;: 9' -II N JI ,.,..,,.,, llllttt...,,.__u,._1,. could 1ive opt-r1tort11 fal red i"'' end pc11e • ~· ha1ant. But S a n Onofro nuc le ar generatioa mana~er Harut Ot· te>&On •aid It unJlbly ell th~ cau1t!I would faU. In lhf' c v.-nt tb1t I.My did fatt. water pr •ure *lcup 1y1tem l4 would bo ach••led and compen ate for eny cban1' tn condltlooa. he• addM OttOICOn ••Id the IOUl(('S at Sun Onorre are almllar to lhosu UIJf'd at the Thrff Mlle Laland pJ ant 1n Punsylvan 1 but or.-made b; dlffl'renl ma nufacturcr:t NRC official saltl laa\ w~k l h«' Jfl\uge m y have toole(! Three ltl\l e Is l a nd pl ttnt OJ>('ratons Into bhuttlnJC down tan t•m l'r genc.•y coohog . ystcm that had switched on a utom atically und thus <'Ompoundcd th1: acc1 den\. TMs revelalloo pl'Qmpted NRC Chairman Joseph Hendrie to is sue warning letters to plant of- ficials acros$ lhe country. Ottoson said San Onofre of. n c1als are looking into the poten· tial gauge malluncUon and other concerns raised by Hendrie's letters. San Onofre plant offic ials arc a lso compa ring a oy similaritie!> the ir unit m ay have with the Three Mile Island facility. Fre•PageAJ TOLL ... h o m e s we r e d e s t roye d or se rious ly dama ged and two shopping centers were heavily da maged. "The only thing left of my house is the closet l was lying in," said one wom an. who asked not to be identified. "l got ~o s c ared J 1us t lard the re and prayed. I've been through fh t.• hurricanes, but hurricanes arc nothinR compa red to this Take me back to hurricanes." Some of those 1nJurcd in Ve rno n h ad been tuk cn to Wichita F:.i lls hospitals "We wen• t:1king tnj uri.xl in fro m Vernon when this one hit h e re ... s aid Dr. J am es Lee. medical coordinator for the Red Cross in Wichita Falls. Another tornado late r struck H a rrold. a s m all town nint• miles west of Ve rnon, killing one person. Ac ross the R ed River in Oklahoma . a twister killed at le ast three pers ons a nd injured at least 70 in La"1on "The des truction 1s going to hl' in millions of dolla rs. We got hit hard. · said Police Capt. Bob t-~dmon~on Th l• torna do s t r u e k then~ about 5: 15 p m. 12 m inutes afte r a wa rning siren had sounded "It sounded ltkt' jets goin~ over." said Kare n Lcnh<1m . 34. "It happened so fast , it wa~ over before 1 <.'Ould hide ... s aid Mrs. E. A. Hansen, peering oul from the s tairs of her roones~ hOUS('. A t leas t 25 ho uses w e r l' des troyed. Other tornadoes were reported about the same time in outlyini.: a reas of Texas. but c.uthotitie!> could not s<1y how many touched down There was some damage a t Lockett. six miles southwest of Vernon. MISSING YOUNGSTER Charlea Frencl1, 7 £inlaAna Wps eek Boy, 7 Sunla Ana police a ppcall-'d to day for public help in locating u 7 y t:ar-old boy missing sin{'c Monday evenin~ Police ide ntified the boy U)) Cha rles Christophe r F rancis. who goes by t ht' nickna m t· Chrissy. T he youth was last st>en ut 5:40 p.m. Mo nday at t he in- te rsection or Lyons a nd Chestnut streets in Sanla Ana. lie 1s described as a whitl' male. three feet tall. weighing 45 pounds with collar length hair and blue eyes. He has scars above hts left eye and on his <'hin. At the lime of his disa ppearance he was wear ing blue pants , a multi-colort:•tl shirt, black and white tenn1 -; shoes and a blue dC'nim jackt•t with a .S. Ar my patch on the left sleeve. P ersons with infor mation on the whercuhouh of Lhc bo\' wen· ::iskc.•d to call Santa 1\na · poltc·1· ln \'<.•st1gators a t 83 1·424!1 or 834-4275. BrOUJti, Linda Visit North Kenya Desert N AIROBI. Keny a <AP) Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr and Linda Ronstadt n ew to northern Kenya today to visit a United Nations projeet to push back the dese rt. 'Related photo. J\4 1 The California Democrat and the rock singer were accom panied to Marsa bit. n<.'ar Lak<.• Turkana. by aides. offi cials of the U N. Environment Program and two s mall plant•loads of re- porte rs and photographers. The couple arrived 1n Nairobi from Li beria a nd Ni geria on Monday. night On Tuesda}, Brown d1scussrd environmenta l problems with President Danit•! Arap Mot and visited the head- quarters of the U.N. Environ- me nt Progra m . Ms Ronstadt stayed most of the time inside her cottage at the Norfolk Hotel but eame out to lunch with Rrown and U S Am bassador Wilber t le Mille Tues day a nd again ear ly today to s ign autographs for half a dozen childr en who hcid been waiting outside her suite since she arrived. Ne-w U Reinstated As Official Paper .. By FREDERICK SCHOEMEtn. Of -0.11, ...... ''-" The New University once aga\n is the official UC Irvine newspaper following a n aboul· race Tuesday night by the As· socialed Students Council. In a 12-to-10 decision, the coun- cll voted to restore Sl0.000 in previously frozen funds to the paper, the t.arget or controversy (Or the put. several weeks. New U nlver.sity staUers bugged each other, applauded and shouted victory whoops as the council endorsed the resolu- tion proposed by Associated Stu· dents President Steven Kaplan. Clea rly angered by the coun- cil's action were students work- lng to develop a new campus newspaper. That aroup bad been formed following action Just eight days aco by the couacn to atrtp the New University of funding due to complaints over alleged racial and eexisl edJtorial poUcies. Kaplan arguec:t that the New University was n e eded to publlcize events. including UP- comin g student ele ctions. lhrousb the end of the quarter . He said he doubted that a oew. paper could gear up by April 24·15 fort.he electiont. Th~ counc:ll's reversal waa at- tributed b)' obsernrs to two factors: a pro-New Unheralty lobbying effort on the campus a nd a large turnout 01 New Univers ity s upporter s at the meeting. "They just buckled under pres- s ure ." said one stude nt who was not happy with the decision. New Unive r s ity Edito r Richard Clucas s aid after the meeting that his s taff would be willing to embrace students who have been critical of the paper's past policies. But James Markham. one of the New University eritics, said he would be "very .surprised If they'd let us in." Markham, one of seven s tu- dents tryin1 to s hape a new paper. said the New University lssue Is not over and that a new publication may still come into being, given sufficlent student s upport. ·'What. la so amazing to me is that they lcouncil members> wouldn't give us an opportunity to present our po1t\lon," be said . J e ff Schmidt. a nother New Unlverslty cr1Uc, took a more philosophical approach to the is· sue. ·'The fact that the Issue or racism and sex.Ism became a vetJ controverslel issue oa cam· pua la a lood thing. A rew years a10. none of th.la would have happened here ·' he observed. The New university Is expect· ed to put out ltt Mxt laaue on. Tuesday. • it Israel Hit by . ~ROCkets TEL AVIV, Israel (API - Pale1tlnlan gue rrill as In southt"m Lebanon fired rocket barrages into northern Is rael to· day alter laraeU warpJapes at. tocked Palestlnlan bases in re- taliation for the bombing of a Tel AVIV market. The first barrage hit the town or Klry at Shmona on the Lebanese border, s lightly il\lur- 1ng a woman, and tater several more rockets were fired into t he western Galilee area. aloni the Medit«ranean. No injuries were reported in the second attack. but lsreeli gunners re plied wlth urt\llery salvos, the milita ry ~ommand said. Vasser Ar afat's command in Be irut said the roekel assaults tou e h e d o rr a "running " a rtillery duel on both s ides of the bo rde r. It said the gue rrilla s tronghold town of Nabatiyeb a nd adjacent positions wer e un- der heavy Is raeli cannon and missile fire by midmorning. In C airo. the Egy ptia n Foreign Ministry issued a state- ment denouncing Is rael's air s trike into Le ba non Tuesday. saying it •·contradicts the aims of the peace efforts in the Middle Eas t and . . . could h-a ve dis· ast rous effects on the future or peace in the a rea." T he denunciation came after t h e 360-m e mbe r E gyp t ian Parlia m ent overwhe lmingly ratified the peace treaty with Is rael Tuesda y. The vote was 329· 13. with one abstention a nd 17 a bsent. Burglars Hit liquor Store Vendome Liquo r st ore of· fic1als ar e s ltll conducting a n cn- \·entory folio" tng :.i burglary al thei r outlet nunrber 26 la te Mon· da ~ or early Tuesday resulting 1n what Fountain Vall£'y pol1cf:' t·>.l)l'Ct to bt' "a <:o n!.rdera Llt· lo:;!." Pol1<•e S<t1d burg lci r!> cut through a roof vent lo gam ac re:-.s to the liquor s tore· :u IC51 Brookhurst St and us ed lht• s tores hois t roller to move mc•rcha nd1 se up th rou,l?h the opening. In addlt ron to liquo r . the thieves made Q{f w ith S47 tn coins. police reported . ENTERS SANITY TillAL Charle• H. 0.nther Jury Mulls Sanity of Attacker By KATHY CLANCY Oltllieo.MlyP• ... Statl The Ora nge County Superior Court. jury that found a rormer Juvenile Hall counselor guilty of a ttempted murde r Tuesday began hearing testimony today to determine his sanity Cha rles Hubert Guenther. 33. or Irvine. was convicted of at- tempted murder . kidnap and al· te mpted rape ror attacks on a 15-ye ar·old Da na Hills High School coed in December and a 17-year-old San Clem ente girl 13 months ago. If the JUtY coneludes Gue nthe r was insane at the time of the at- tac ks. he would be confined to a state mental hospital for treat- m ent He would return to court for sente ncmg in the case if and when doctors determine he has retovered from l hl' mental dis · order Guenther admit t(•d from the "'1tness <;tand that h<· was th(' m a n "'ho p 1tkcd up Juli M1chl·lle GonLa le 1.. 15. la st Ot•cembc•r . shot hN in the head ft\ t' Lt me~. b<::.r t hl·r "1th a ha m- m er and dropµcd hl•r al a con- !>trul'tron site lie a lso told t he five-m an . seven-woman JUry that he gave ci ride to Patrice Matkins. 17. in March 1978 and hit he r r epeated- ly with an unloaded ~un before she Jumped from hrs moving C"a r Church Bi"d Ni·xed Guenther. who also was iden-• ttficd by hrs two v1ct1ms . had LOS ANG ELKS 11\ p 1 An cf testified an uncontrollable "wild fort by a rt'lig1ous g roup to stop r aS?e " prompted the a ttacks tht· a t torney ~en <'ral's offi ce -Hr s a tto rn ey . W1ll 1a m from using (lubhc funds to con· Doughcrt~. had ar~ued that ht)) dud 1h 1 n v<'s t1~atwn of the el1ent wac; tnnQcent o f tht' Worlchqde Church of c;ud has chargl's. howi.'ver . bee au~ he hct•n t urnt•d ;.is1dc II\' a Superior was mentally d1!>t urbed a t th<.• c ourt Judg<· ti me and not res ponsible for tht- a<'h A buma.n wed&• anMIDCl an.. in1 eer, and • ,,._.,, 9ION .. sistant mana1er •bo llNd tall belt to disarm a knlf•wt1I# 'I s uspect were credited w• belp. in1 Co.ta Mesa police arrett three tbeft IUlpeCta 1'UeldQ-. Police said the bleideot belan at 4 :30 p.m . Tuesday when clerks at Ralph'• Market, 380 E. 17th St., saw a man n eeing wlth t hree bottles of liquor and chased him. The man allegedly pulled a knife on them but dropped it when assistant manager Robert Ja m es Keller, .n, came up swinging his belt. OUicer Dennis J efcoat sajd In his report lbat be arrested lbe man but only questioned his two female companions. rele asing them after being told they didn't have a car. However , Jefcoast said that minutes later he s potted the women driving off in a car and called to several bystanders to help stop them. The passersby quickly thrust th e m selves in front or and behind the car, Jefcoat said. When the driver paused, Jefcoat was able to open the car door and stop the alleged escape. His report states tbat seveul bottles of liquor stolen from Ralph's were round jnside the car. along with a "shopping list" of brand names. About $100 in Uquor had been stolen, Jefcoat said. Still tn Costa Mesa Jail today in lie u of Sl0,000 bail was Eliseo Delgado Rodriguez, 23, of Santa Ana, who faces charges of as- s ault with ~ deadly weapon, c omm.er c 1a1 burg I a r y . possession or stolen property and possession or a needle and syringe. Police sa id Rodriguez' s ister. Ma rgaret Dclgudo Rodriguez. 19. of Santa Ana. was t aken to Ora nge County J a il alo n,g with Me lissa Wil liams. a lso known as Mt'lrss a GraVl'lle , 22, of 2700 Peterson Way. Costa Mesa. The women we re being held on SS,000 bail each on s uspicion or co mmerc ia l bu rglary a nd possession of stolen property. police said The y s aid the c harge 1s burglary rather than shoplirtin~ because they believe lht!y can prove the sus pects e ntered t he s tore with intent to commit a crim e. St.ate Aid Sought VENTURA IAP I -The City Council has declared a slate of eme rgency to gain st.a te disaster aid for homeowners affected by a s liding hillside lhat sent a tet:lermg house crashing down the slope la.st week. SPRl.NG I UPHOLSTERY, ~~SA~E~~ E i lOo/o to 2So/o OFF Fantastic selection of the finest in upholstery now on sale. Special orders accepted on many of our famous lines including selected pieces from Drexel, Heritage, Woodmark & Stanton Cooper. Aire loom sleepers, 200/o off, your choice of color . Don't delay. ,. 7 VOL. 72, NO. 101, 4 SECTIONS, '6 PAGES UCI Council Restores New U Funds The New Unaverslly once gain ls the official UC Irvine newsp ver following a~ about- ruce Tuesday nlJ1ht. by the As· -ocluted Students Council. In o 12 to-10 decision. t'he coun- ('11 voted lo restore $10.~ in previously fro1en runds to the pupcr. thl' target of controversy ror the past several weeks N c w Uni v·e r s 1 t .)• s t \i r f I? rs· hugged each other . applauded and shouted victory whoops as the council endorsed the resolu- tion proposed by Associated Stu- de nts President Steven Kaplan. Clearly angered by the coun- cil's action were students work- ing to develop a new c~!11PU~ news paper. T hat ,group had been formed following action just e ight days ago by the council to strip the New University of funding due to complaints over alleged racist and sexist editorial policies. Kaplan argued that the Ne w Univer sit y w as n eed e d to publicize events. including up- c o m 1 ng s tude nt e lections. through the end of the quarter. fi e said he doubted thaL a new paper could gear up by Apnl 24-25 for the election::.. The council's reversal was tributed by observers to tw. factors : a pro-New Universitl( lobbying errort on the campus a rid a la r ge turnout of New Univers ity s upporters at the meeting. ·'They just buckled under pres- s ure ... said one st udent who was not happy with the decision. N e w U n1 versity Editor <See NEW U, Page A2l Tornadoes Kill 61 In-Texas, Oklahoma I 1 I t O•Hy Piiot Sufi Photo THE NEW UNIVERSITY IS NOW UNCANCELLED Editor Richard Clucas Holds This Week·s Edition Pub&«! Speaking Irvine T 01norrow-, Councilinan Clash I By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 800 Hurt · In Four TolVlls By the A!>sociated Prt>1>:. Tornadflcs :.mas hed 111to four communmes in North Texus and Oklahoma . s ueking up peoµle and property. tossing <'<irs about and leveling homes a nd bus1 nesses. Author ities said at least 61 persons were killed and more than 800 were iOJured. ··Gov_ 8111 Cle ments loured the north Texas city of Wichita Falls, site of the worst damage, as Nation a l Guard troops patroUed debris-strewn streets today to ward off any looters who might want to t ake advan· tage of the disaste r that struck Tuesday afternoon. . ... ~. \ Of tlHt Oa11, Po tot Sl•ll A dispute bet wet>n Coun(•1lman Arthur Anthon) and lr\'inc· Tomorrow narc•d <1ncw Tuesday ni~hl as the City Counc il took up the question or whether city employees should be encouraged to speak be fore community g roups. Larry Agran ask in~ that the city develop some sort of policy on Jppcar<tntcs by city s LC1ff mcm- bt'rs a t community meclin~s Mrs. Ga1do renewed that re- quest Tuesday night Vandals s mas hed plate glass windows tn downtown stores and ~ scooped up bootv a fter u twis ter lore through the city of 96.000. One Red Cross worke r reported seeing armed ho m eown ers g uarding damaged homes. AERIAL PHOTO WAS TAKEN THIS MORNING IN WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS Tuesday Tornado Left This Residential Neighborhood in Shambles Anthony charactc.·r1zc.·d "as so much thin arr · <t c haq~e by Irvine Tomorrow that the city wa s attempting to discourage participatwn by a st<iff member at an upcomin~ forum on traffi c m e.alters m I r vrnl' "Y 011 re trying to c reate an 1s · SU<' where no 1ssut' exists. ' An· thony s aid following a statement f from Lou Fridhandle r. Irvine Tom orrow chairman. The dispute arose from a re· quest from I rvine Tomorrow that Les Card. a city transporta· tion aide. attend the April 21 forum City Manager William Woollett decided Card shouldn't attend , The council wrnnglcd with lht' is::.ue two weekl) a~o with council members Mary Ann Ga1do 11nd Anthony won 4· l l'Ounc1I back· ing for h01s motion that the city mana ger continue to use his dis· cretion in handling appearance requests. Anthony opined that. '"'he ne ver possible , the l'ily should encoun1ge staff members to a ttend, other work permit- tin~ Anthony argued that the exist- ing policy. although unwritten. has worked well a nd th at there was no need lo change it. "I don't believe that the "city <See CLA ff. Page A2> Strike Suspend ed NEWPORT NEWS. Va. <API United Steelworker~ union Local 8888 will suspe nd its 10· week·old strike against Newport News Shipbuilding & Ory Dock Co .. pending rulings on a com· plcx web of le~al actions. The body count in Wichita Falls had risen to 45 by mid mo rnin_g and authorities feared it might go highe r. Capt. Te rry Denson of the Nationa l Guard said other unconfirmed deathl> had been reported In Lawton, Okla.. where at least three died in a twister. Gov. George Nigh activated 100 National Guard troops to a id m search and rescue efforts 11nd police patrols There were re· ports of looting the re too, but no arrests. ··As the storm s tarted you could see the clouds being sucked into the center of the storm -the debris a nd huge pieres of house roofs. and tree limbs ... said Wichita F a lls Record-News reporter Rocky Scott. who watched the tornado from the county <'Ourthouse. "All of a s udden the re was a tremendous roar, and the storm <Sec TOLL, Page A2 > CotealJ .. ga, .... Surf er hangs· a right this morning near the Newport Pier. Surf was up today and sur- fera were out, despite 56-de~ree water tem- perature. Newport Beach lifeguards said waves were five to eight feet and described the surf as the biggest this year. • •• I I.# e • a. I .. \ .... • -I • • Jury Ponders Sanity of Girl Attacker By KATHY CLAN CY Qt \lie 0.oly Pilot Sl•tl The Orange County Superior Court jury that found a former Juve nile Hall counselor guilty of a tte mpted murder T uesd ay began hearing testimony today lo determine his sanity. Charles Hubert Guenther. 33. of Irvine. was convicted of al· tempted murder. kidnap and a l· te mpted rape for attacks on a 15-year·old Dana Hills High School coed in December and a 17-year·old San Clemente girl 13 months ago. tr the JUry concludes Guenther was insane at the time of the at tacks, he would be confined to a state mental hospital for treat ment. He would return to court for sentencing in the case if and when doctors determine he has recovered from the mental d~ order . G uenther admitted from the witness stand that he was the man who pick e d up Juli M iche llc Gonzalez. 15. last December. :;hot her in the head five times. beat her with a ham· mer and dropped her at a con s truction site. He also told the fi ve-man. s even-woman jury that he gave <See SANITY. Page i\2) PILOT AD GETS fIS JOB DONE Tm very pleased with the Daily Pil ot. "I sold everything In my ad." That's the story of the SUC· cessful Newport Beach woman who placed this ad in the Daily Pilot: ne1,1u! •lone on tont' 1 8': 'IOf ll ssoo and pr of champagne silk "elvet club chrs S16S. Uke new XXlMCKXX tr you want to be pleased, try lb e friendly ad·vlsers at the Daily Pilot. CaU &42·5618. Nuke Plant Safety Corrections Urged W r\SlllNGTON 'AP 1 The Nuclear ReAu latory Comm1s~1on ~aid today the Three Mile Island nuclear po wer pl:rnt acl'1dent s hO\\.S a nct..'d for urgent safet~ t·orreN1ons on nearly all the na· t1on 's nuclear plants The agency did not s pell out the actions needed. but said a design fla'>" was found 1n some power plants designed by West · inghoust-Corp. Thl' commission ~aid lhl' de· sign flaw. similar to one at lhl' Thn•e Mill· Island 1>1<.mt built m Pennsylvania by B<ibrot:k and Aliso Viejo Plan Backed By County By KATHY CLANCY Ot Ille O•llY Pli.t St•ll Or a nge County Superviso rs put their stamp or approval lo· day on plans for the ruture 60.000·resident community or Aliso Viejo despite a last-minute request for a delay. Jon Brand. forme r Laguna Beach mayor. questioned the legality or taking final action to- day. Brand. speaking as a member of Village Laguna . toe .• con- tended a s upplemental environ· mental document that m entions such things as a hotel in the Lag una Greenbelt had not been widely circulated or heurd at a public bearing. But Richard Munsell. an assis- tant director of county Environ· mental Ma nagme nt Agency, said the s upple m enta l report wUJ be used during later plan· ning and is not part or the lnilial plan approved today. M unseU said the report wUJ be part or later public hearings. Brand also submitted a letter s igned by Arnold Hano, chairman of VllJage Laguna, which objected to county efforts to withdraw the 6,623-acre Miao <See P801ECI'. Page AZ F Wilcox. could mislead plant o pe rators and pre vent vital t>mergency cooling in the event of an accident. !The operating nuclear unit at San Onofre was designed by Westinghouse. The two units un- der construction were designed by another firm.) The agency said safety corree-' ttons were needed "on a priority basis for all light-water reactor facilities:· which would cover all but one of the 72 licensed nuc lear power plants in the country. The exception ts the Fort Saint Vraan plant at Plattville. Colo., which is a high-te mperature. gas-cooled reactor. Wes ting house h a d no im- mediate comme nt on the NRC • f!late ment. The NRC said Westinghouse on Saturday telephoned owners <See SAFETY, Pue AZ> Coast Weather F a ir a nd war m e r · through Thurs day. Lows tonight 46 to 54. Highs ' Thursday in upper 705. INSIDE T8D~ Y, .P.oaaengera .oboard .a "miracle /light" from Nno' York Co ~ re/lect on perlOOCll reoct1ona U. tltdr bnuh cAtla *°Ill. oa the m Je tliner we nt into .a ~uperaonic noHdive. SH P.age .414. ... x An•-59fVIG M ....... u L.M..... M .... _ aw ~ .. ~ ... ceMlc• • ow.. • ............. Al ............... ...... , ' .... ,. ......... CN ..... cw .... """~ Ct ,J .ti DAIL v ptL,OT WH....O•r. :\P"' t t, 1111 False Readl•1• Onofre Gauge Backup Hailed Water l•v•I 1au1cs at San Onofre Nue~aar Pow•r Plant could pve f~ rudlnc• cfiirina rapid ~-operlllioM Uk• -tMl W to IM Thrw MUe lll.nd dJtnt« but ..ould ~backed up by aulom aUc· af~ ty ay11lema, plant olfictal• &•It.I today. Concern baa ~n rai.('d by Nuclear R iull\tory Comm1 Ion 1 .,mcuila lbaL ttw uuacs t c3 pla n ts iocludln& no Onofrt• could ~lvt' OP\'rl\ttirs f.tlsc rnlld 1ug~ and J)OSl' Sl•rlou huu1rd ltut Snn Onofrt-n ur lt•ttr gent'rallon mantt~er H.rn. Ot toson aid it unhke\y all ttm-.· uul.?C9 would fml ln the l'\'t'lll that they dld fall, wll\er 1m•.., sur<· bnckup :.ystt>ms "ould tx• acHvatl"d .int.I rompen~::itt' for any changl' 111 l'ondationll. h1• added. Ottoson smd the gaugt.'b at San Onofre are l>1mtlar to those used at the Xhree Mile Island plant 1n Pennsylvaruu but un • madl' h, different munufarturcr ... N RC offlc1.•ls ~;ml 1., ... 1 "l'l'i- the gaugl· m ay ha \ l' t11olc1I D•1l1 P110I SUll P!ooto ENTERS SANITY TRIAL Charles H. ·Guenth er f'ro• Page> A I SANITY ... a ride to Palnce Matkins. 17. in March 1978 and hit her re pealed· ly "1th an unloudcd gun tK•fon· :-he Jumped from h1~ moving <'ar Tbr~e M tl~ f!lland p l aint ~rat.on Into ahulllna down Mn ••erg('OC)' cOOIH1J( •)'-h:m lbul bad &Wllcht'd on automatk•ll,v ud lb.us t'Ompoundcd Ute •<'Cl dm This rtv<'latlon l)rompted NRC: Cba1rman Jost'ph lfendr t' to 1111 11.M" warning lt'Uer'1' to ploot of r1c1a l lt't"Ofi!I thr country OU080n l'Oicf Son Ont>frl' or flr•ola nr(' look1n lnlo lh l)Olt•n u I ttnuat.• malfuncttoo Lrnd olht-r conr('rm. rlllM.'U by 11\!ndrl(! " ll'l tt•rt> nn Onofre Jlhllll orf11·1111 .. Mrt• .11..,0 l'Omp.1nnJ.1 .111) ~in11lunltl'11 lht•1r unit IOllY hJ\'(' With lht· Thr1•1• Milt• hl.1nd fartht.) * • • f 'ro• Pagr 1\ I SAFETY ••. of plants built by the firm w<1rn tnJ.! thJl ... ume West1nghouM• de..,1~nt'd l.1t·1J1l1t•s dt•rwnd on .1 1·11m hinal l\111 llf t \H> lll!>t runwnt ~11-1nab l>v thti pl.wt <.'omputer 10 t ur n on t>me r g<.·ncy t·ooh ng .iuto mut1cally "he n ther<' 1s I rouble "1th thl· ma an <:ooltng ""'>lem · Tht• agt•1wy h1llmH•ll wllh a written · prcltminar} not1fica tu>n · to plant operators Tue::.day and announced that action to. day. Complete cooling failure can le ad to a meltdown or overheat. ing of the reactor's core and the release of large amounts of radioactivity. Westinghouse said it was believed that a small break in a reactor pressurizer r ould leaw one of these signals a ppe aring h1~h while the other falls . In th1!::> case. t he compute r would not turn over t•mcr,gency l'OOhn~ and a plant opcr~1tor could be misled into "crroncous a ctions ... Westinghouse re<'ommendNI l hat operators start emergency cooling manually 1f the pressure signal alone drop~ below 1ls lrt~· gN point The NHC said it was s till rt" \'1ew1ng the extent to which events in the Three M ilc Is land accident a pply gen erally to p lants design e d b y Wl'st · 1ng housc and Combus tion Engineering as we ll as Uabcock and Wikox. "But it has bee n concluded ." thl' NRC said, "that further <JC· t l()nc; !'hould b<.• eons1d(•r<'d on a pr11>n ty OHs1s for a11 li~h t·watcr power n ·actor facilities .. o.lly Pllot P"°to Dy lllc!IMO IC~ Goi11g for a Sail !k ing an inventive and adventure:,oml:' fellow. Kaj Sorc11!'.Cn. 16. Cn~t a M e!->a. decided to have some fun with TtH'::.cl <.i)'!'> winds. So hl' made a sat! of sorl::. oul of a n old bL'd sheet . two curtain rods and some t ape. Jum ped on his sk::.iLeboard and went sailing down the street. Fro• Page Al PROJECT BACKED. • • Viejo property from the purview of the Coastal Comm1ss1on S upcn isors this morning m ad e only a ft:'w IC'l'hn1t :.1 I changes tO a hsl Of l'OnditlOn!'> approved in concept for Ah:-.o VieJo l\\O \\eeks ago. .. As you know I didn't votl' for a pp roval of th<' Aliso V1cJO g e neral pla n.·· S upt·n ·1sor Thomas Riley said at the sto.rt of today's session "But I will recommend ap· prova l or the conditinns ... Rilev c ontinued , comm endinir the county C'Ounsel for translating supervisor's conditions into a formal policy do<'umcnt. As proposed now the 20.000 unit community would be huilt over the next 20 years on 6.623 a<'res nestled 1n the coasta l hills s urrounded by Lag una Beach. South Laguna. Laguna J-hll s and 1..a,guna Niguel " Rill'). whost' 1''1fth D1slnc·t 1n- l'l u d es the fo rme r Moull1111 Ha neh acres that form 1\11 ... n V1e- 10 cast the lunl' vok J~ato....,t lht: JlrOJet·t two w e~ks ago after agu1ng unsut'CC'Ssfull) that dl•- \'l'lopmenl tw ltm1t1·d lo Iii 000 housc•s. cond11min1 mum~ <ind a parlm"nts As 1t !>lands now the Ahso Vie JO Company must donate 3,476 of its acres for OfX'n s pace. The or igina l gene ral plan for the a rea called for reta ining 4.809 acres in open space and limited construelion to l0,0'J7 hom es t\ m ong condit io n ~ for ap· proval super visors requ1rl'd that 5.000 or the fu lur(.' honws bt• llriced 1n t he su call<'d low .ind moderate income range so that f:J mi Ii t'S t• a r n in g I es s th a n S22.000 annuull v could afford to buy them · They ~lso asked the company to la kt> s teps to ensure that the homes would remain in th<• af· fordable prtl'l' range' upon r~· sale to future purchasers A human wedge a round a nee. log car. and a grocery store as· aist.aot manaser wiao UMd hls belt to dilann a kllife-wielding •ual*t *ere credited with help- ing Costa Mesa police arrest three theft suspects Tuesday. Police aa.icl Lbe i.Deideat bepn a t •:30 p.m . Tuesday when clerks at Ralph's lhrket, s E. 17th St., saw a man neetn1 with three bottles of liquor and chased him. The man allegedly pulled a knife oo them but dropped it when assistant manager Robert James Ke lle r , 47, c ame up swinging bis belt. Officer Dennis J efcoat said in his report that be arrested the man but ooJy questioned bis two fem ale companions, releastng them alter being told they didn't have a car. Howe ver. Jefcoast said that minutes later he spotted the women driving off in a car and called to severa l bystanders to he lp stop them . The passersby quickly thnlst the m s elves i n front o r and behind the car . J efcoat said. lroine Board Eyes Stand On Salaries Irvine Unified School District trustees will meet in closed session tonight to fix a position for upcoming sa lary negotia· lions with the dis trict's 500 tea chers. The tea<'he rs have entered negoliatfons seeking wage and fr inge bene fit improvl'ment!> that would increase salaries by 17 percent T he :.chool board ..., initial eoun tcrpro pos a l calls for no salar y increase this year and fe wer fringe be nefits . larger clas:. s izes and a long wor.kin~ year The board also 1c; propos1n,g a twl)-\ C'ar contract with a two pe r<'enl salary increase in thC! second year. The average teacher s alary in the Irvi ne d islrid is S16.470 Beginning tcachcrs rcC'clved SI 1.319 G e ne Hartlin e . a ssistant superintendent for business sup- port scrv1 Cl'!>. said any pos1l1on:. taken by trustees would he pre sented to t<'achers · negotiators at a meeting Tutc~ay . Wben tbe driver pauaecl. Jefcoat was able t.o OPID Ute ear door and atop the allepd eacape. His report states that teveral bottles of U(luor stolea from Ralph's were found inslde tbe car, along with a "shOppiog list" of bi-and names. About $100 in liquor bad been stolen, Jefcoat said. Still in Co.ta Mesa Jail today in lleu of $10,000 baU was Eliseo Delgado Rodriguez, 23, ot Santa ~na. who faces charges ol &S· sault with a deadly weapon, c omm e r c i a l burg lary. possession of s tole n property a.nd possession or a needle and syrlnge.' Police said Rodriguez· sl.ster, Margaret Delgado Jloell'igue%, 19, of Santa Ana, was taken lo Orange County Jail along with Melissa Williams, also known as Melissa Gravelle, 22, of 2700 Peterson Way. Costa Mesa. The women were being be&a on SS,000 bail each on suspicion of comme rci a l burgla ry an.d possession of stolen property. police said. They said the charge is burglary rather than s hoplifting because they believe they ca n prove the suspects entered the store with intent to commit a crime . E',... P.,,e Al TOLL .•• appeared to move very quickly. rt seemed like it lasted about five or six minutes and it looked like a huge s now cone ." The first major twister al 3:50 p.m. killed at least 12 persons a nd injured mon• than 60 in Vernon. a town of 11,500 about 75 'miles northwest of Wichita .,,alls. ·u looks like -...e have been bombed." one resident there said. The National Guard armory was blown down. Two hours late r. Wichita Falls was hit. with the pat h of destruc· lion eight miles long and up to l 112 miles wide. About 2.000 ho m es we r e o estroyed or serious ly damaged a nd two shopping centers were heavily damai:ed. Gut>nlher \~ho also was 1den· lifit>d by his two v1cl1m:.. hall testified an uncontrollahl t• "w1 lcl rage.' prompted tht• .1ttal'ks Hi s a tto rn ey. Will iam Dougherty, he.id argued that his c lient wa s innocent of l hc <'hargt>s. ho\\cvcr. hl'nwse ht· \\"aS menta lly disturbed at thl· time and not responsiblt-for lht• arts Probe Continues Over Missing Boy T he developer a lso 1s to p:.iy for construction of s uch things as libraries. fire stations and parks needed for Aliso V1cJO residents. ,, Today's closed meet ing is scheduled for 7 p.m at district offtct• State law allows school boards to dJscuss salary matters in meetings d osed to the publie "The onl y lhing left of my house is lhe closet l was lying in ... said one woman. who asked not to be identified. "I got so s cared I JUSt laid there and prayed. I've been through five hurricanes, but hurricanes arc nothin~ compared to this. Take me back lo hurncanes ... Some of those injured in Ve rno n had b een taken to Wichita Falls hos pitals. G Ut•nthe r hud pll•adcd 1n no cent <1nd innocent hy rt•ason of insanity to the chaT,gcs. I le ha!-. been lodJ:ted in a locked ment::i l wa r d at C anyo n GC'n c r a l Hos pital in Anaheim s ince ::.hort ly after bis arrest. "I didn't know what I was do Ing,·· Guenther testified about t he attack on Miss Gonzalez. "J was fighting the impulse I was JUst shootinS? She was scream· ing and I was screaming. Prosecutor Paul Meyer had ar gued that Guenther was men· •ally responsible for the uttach . He c onte n d e d the fo rmC'r counselor was in <'Ontrol suffi. ciently lo dr1v~ his •iuto with one ha nd as he fired a gun at Miss Gonzalez with the other. Guenther's ps ychiatrist. Dr .Barbara Hundley. has testified her patient surfers from a brain disorder brought on by a liver m a If unction .. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT '"'° 01~"°" CO..r 0.1ty PllOI •llh Wflkh" <om Otl\PCl1''tt ~P.~\ i\P\ft>lt""-<tD"rlfWOrM"O"' (0.\1 PoDI"""""°~' s.o.r-M,..f'Ot1ftn\ati* oubf•'"""' Mof'O.A ff'W'~ FftdAy to1 {OU• ~w M•""'PO'' Bl"ft<tt. H~tU•not°"' e .. .-c-,. F"owt t•1nYAff11-, trv1NJ,l~l''t<~ §oulh(o.t1t A \_ff'Qf• rr9Kl'M'f M14ion '" "'*'.,""'° S...t~._y,~ ~Y' Thi>"''"'~ ~·wno PfM't ,, .-a W~llUY~tH1 (Ml•~• C~h..,_,,. .. ,.8 ·-"-...,,~-··"" ""°''""" , ..... c.wtt'I Viet ~ftldonl ___ M.t_ n..-•tt-1 Edll0< ,_ ... _......, MAM91ftt[41i .... a.. .... " ""' ltk""'11 .. """ ......... ft, Ma .... lftGE'dllW• Sanl,i Ana p<>lict• a ppt·alt-d to d ay for puhhc help in loratmg a 7 Yl'3 l"Old hoy m1 ss1ng sint•c Monday evrning Police 1dent1f1cd tht: boy <ts Charles Christo pht•r Franc1!,. w ho goes b~· the n1 c kna m(• Chrissy. The youth was last seen at 5:40 p m. Monday at t he in· tersection of Lyons and Chestnut streets in Santa Ana. He is described a s a white male. three reel lall. weighing 45 pounds with collar·length hair and blue l'YCS. Ile has scars above his lefl t>yc a nd on his chin At th0 time or his disappearance he was wear m.i.: bluc pants. a mulli·colorcd shirt. black and whi te tenn1'> s hoes a nd a blue dl'n1 m jackl•l with a U.S. Army patch on the left sleeve. Persons with information on lhe whereabouts of the boy were asked to call Santa Ana pohC'c investigators at 834·4221 or 834·4275. E'rora Page A J CLASH ... manager and the city starr need a policy for every exigency or c1 ty governme n t ,·· Anthony declared. Council man David Sills s md he was troubled with language that wouJd "encourage.. atten· dance by C'lty employees before community forums. He said il could be interpreted that city employees would be forced to at· lend. He voted against An· thony·s motion. Stress Topic Of Seminar Feeling the pressure lately? Noted psychologist Dr. Arthur J-laslings will conduct a semlnar on May s covering aspects or stress a nd how to cope with it. The course will take place at Saddleback College's north cam· pus in Irvine from 9 a .m . to 4:30 p.m. The talk will be conducted in room 301. F ee ror the course is $40, which Includes lunch MISSING YOUNGSTER Charles Francis, 7 f'ro• Page A I NEW U ... Richard Clucas said after lht• meetin~ that his staff would be willin~ to embrace stuoenL" who have been crilit'al or the paper s past policies . But James Markham . one or the New University critics, said he would b<' "very surprised if they'd let us in." Markham. one of seven stu- dents trying lo shape a new paper. said the New University issue is not over and that a new publication may still come Into being. given sumcient student s upport "What is so amazing to me 1s lhut thl'y 1 council members' wouldn't 11i ve us an opportunity lo present our position.·· he said Jeff Schmidt. another New University critic. took a more philosophical approaeh to the is· sue. ·'The fact t hat the issue of racism and sexism became a very controversial issue on cam· pus Is a good thing. •••• ,. .. 1 ....... -·- ·' ,. SPRING UPHOLSTERY ~~SAEE~~ TORRANCE 23840 Hawthorne Blvd. (213) 378· 1271 I lOo/o to 250/o OFF Fantastic selection of the finest in upholstery now on sale. Special orders accepted on many of ou r famous lines including selected pieces from Drexel, Heritage, Woodmark & Stanton Cooper. Aireloom sleepers, 200/o off, your choice of color. Don't delay. ( roau..a AJtD CIDftA MDA •~ .... nlfDAT ll•ft' f I .. ..--. ·-•• lo) .... 7 Lag11na/South Coast EOlllON v ........ , ••• 1 Dally Ne••pape~ VOL. 72, NO. 101 , 4 SECTIONS, '6 PAGES C·ounty OKs A1iso ·Viejo Project. 4 Towns Blf Twisters Kill • 61, H11rt 800 . t 8ytbel\ssodated PreSl! ! Tornadoes smashed mto four communities in North Texa~ and Okla homa. s ucking up people and property, tossing cars about and le\'eling hom es and bust nesses Authoritif's said at least 61 persons were killed and mon• ' ~tla n BOO we re injured. ~~ Gov Bill Clements toured th<· north Texas city of Wt <"hita Falls. site of the worst damage. D•llY PllOC $,ail ~ ENTERS SANITY TRIAL Charles H. Guenther Jury Mulls .r· Sanity of Attacker By KATHY CLANCY OI , ... D•ily 1 .. 101 Sl•lf The Orange County Superior Court jury that found a former Juvenile Hall counselo r guilty of atte mpted murde r Tuesday be~an hearin~ testimony today to d etermine his sanity. Charles Hubert Guenther. 33. of Irvine. was convicted of at- tempted murder, kidnap and at· te mpted rape for attacks on a 15·year-old Dana Hills lligh School c<>ed in December and a 17.year-old San Clemente girl 13 months a~o. If the Jury concludes Guenther was insane at the tim1.' of the at· tcicks. he would be confined to a state mental hospital for t reat· me nt. He would return to court for sentencing in the case if and when doctors determine be has • recovered from the m ental dis· order. Guenther admitted from the witness stand that he was the man w h o picked up Juli Michelle Gonzalez, 15. las L December. shot her in the head , five times. beat her with a ham- t mer and dropped her at a con· J-struction site. f!'· ffe also told the five ·m an. t seven.woman jury that he gave a ride to Patrice Matkins. 17. in March 1978 and hit her repeated· ,· ly with an unloaded gun before <See SANITY, Page AZ> · PILOT AD GETS TIS JOB DONE ·•1·m very pleased with the Daily Pilot. "I sold ever)1hing in m y ad." That's the · story of the suc- cessful Newport Beac h woman ' who placed this ad in the Daily Pilot: Beige •tone on tone 1 81:1 aoh uoo and pr or chJmpagne silk velvet club chrs SJ6S. Uke new "" 'C. l(l()(X Jr you want to be pleased, try tbe friendly ad·vt1era at the O.l'7 Pilot. Call M2·5678. a ~ N ~1tional Guard troop ~ patrolled debris slrt>wn street:, today to ward orr any looter!> who might want to luke udvan lage or lht• d1sast('r that strul'k Tuesday afll'rnoon Vandals s ma!-.hl'd plait.• glass "'rndov.s 1n t.lownloY. n s tort.•s <ind s('oopcd up booty after a tw1stl•r lore thmugh the· city or 96.000 Ont-Red Cross workl'r reported s eeing armed hom eoy,ncrs guarding damagf'.'d hom es The body count HI W1 l'hila Falls had risen to '15 by mid mornmi.t a nd e1uthorilies reared it might go higher Capt Terry Denson of the Nationa l Guard said other unconfirml'd death., had been rcportccl In Lawton, Okla . where <1t least thret• dit-d in a twister. Gov. Georgt• Ni~h acth·ate<.I 100 National Guurd troop~ to aid 1n search and rescue l'fforb and police patrols There \\Cr<! rt> ports of looting there too, but no arrests AERIAL PHOTO WAS TAKEN THIS MORNING IN WICHITA FALLS. TEXAS Tuesday Tornado Left This Residential Neighborhood in Shambles .. As the s torm ~ta rted you l'Ou ld sec the l'louds being SUt.'kCd into the C'en tcr or lht.• s torm tht• debris a nd hugt.• pieces of house roofs. and trel· It m bs.: said Wit.'h1l a Falb Hecorrt -News r t.•porter Hock~ Scott. who watched the tornado from the county courthouse Safety Checks Needed Nuke Accident Proves Requireme11t ''All of a sudden there was a tre mendous roar. and the storm appeared lo movt.• v(•ry quickly It seemed like 11 lasted about five o r six minutes and it looked like a huge snow cone ... The first maJor twister at 3:50 p .m . killed at least 12 persons a nd injured more th an 60 in Vernon, a town of I l.500 about 75 miles northwest of Wi t.'h1t<i F·a lls. "It looks hkc we ha\'e l~cn bombed ... one res1dl'nl thert· :,aid. The National Guard armory was blown down. Two hours latN. W1 ch1r.a Falls was hit. with the path of dc!>trul' t1on eight miles long a nd up lo 112 mi ll's wide AhouL 2,000 h o m es were destroyt•d or serious ly damaged a nd two shopping centers were heavily damaged. "The only thing left of my house is the closet I was lyi ng in.·· s~ud one woman. who ai;ked <See TOLL. Page i\2 l Golt1fl tor a Sall WASHJNGTON •AP > The Nuclear Regulator y Commission said today the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident shows a need for urgent safety corrections on nearly all the nu· tion·s nurlear pl<Jnts The agency d1cl nol spell oul the actions needed. but !-.aid a design naw was found in somt• power plants designed by West inghouse Corp. The comm1ss1on said the de sign naw. similar lo O'le at tht.• Three Mill' Island plant built in Pcnnsvlvania by BabC'ork and Wilcox. could· mi1>l<·ad plant operators and pre ' l'nl vii al emer~ency cooling in the event of an accident rThc operal1ni.: mwlc•;.ir unit at San Onofr(• ''as de:-1gn<'d tn Westinghouse Tht.• I WO units un der construction wert.• deMgned by another firm 1 The :Jgency suid safct.v <'orrec lions were needed "on CJ pnority busis for all light-wat<"r rc;1ctor facilitic~." wh1<"h Y.Ould con•r a ll but one of the 72 lil'cnscd nuclear powe r plants in the country. The exception 1s the Fort Saint Being an inventive and adventuresome fellow, Kaj Sorensen, 16, Costa Mesa, decided to have some fun with Tuesday's winds. So he made a sail of sorts out of an old bed sheet, two curtain rods and some tape. jumped on his skateboard and went sailing down the street. Vratn plant at Plattville. Colo . which is a h1~h templ'ratun• go.is -cooled reactor Westing houst• h a d no 1m mediate comment on the NRC statement Tht.> NRC said Wesl1nghou~t· on Saturday telephoned ownt.·1 ~ of plants built by thl' firm warn 1nJ! that some Westinghous<' des igned facilities depend on a combination or two instrument s ignals by the plant computer 10 * * * turn on l'mt•rgc-n<') <·ool 1ng .1utomallt'Jlh Y.ht·n th<'n· 1-. troubh• Y.llh 0 lht· m<tin c·ooling system The agcnc!i follo"ed with a written "preliminury notihca t ion · to plant npc·rator., TuC!-.da} :ind announcl'rl that actron to da~ Complctt.' cooling fa1 lurC' l'ctn lead to a meltdown or o' crheat mg of the reactor's (•ore and th<· tSct• S.\FETV. Pa~e ,\21 * * * San On of re Cites 'Safety Systems' Water level gci u ~es al SC:ln O nofre Nuclear Po .... er Plant l'OUld gt\'(' raise rcadtn~S during rapid decompn•ssion oper<.1tion:-. hkl' one that led to I he Thr<'t' Mile Is land disaster but would be backed up b~ a utomat1t· saft• ty systems , plant officials s;rnl today Concern has been raised by Nuclear R<.'gulatory Commission officials that the ga uge~ <'t. l:! plants including S(J n Onofrt· could give operators false read 1ngs <And pose a serious hazard Rut Sa n Onofre:' nuc lear generation manager Hans OL toson said 1t unlikely all thrct• caul?es ~ould fail In lhe ('vent that they did fail, ~ ater pres sure backup systems would b(' activated and compensate for a ny "ha nge in conditions. he added Ottoson said the gauges al San Onofre an· s1m1lar to those used at the Thrt'l' ~tile Island plant in Pt-nnsylvltnia hut arc m<1de by chHC'rcnt manufacturers N RC offtl·1ab said la~t >wt.>ek the J!au~c may have fooled Three Mill• I s l.ind plant opcralors into s hutting down an t•mergency coohnll -.ystt•m that had switcht•d on automat1call) and thu~ compounded th1• acc·1· dent This revelal1on prompted NRC Chairman .Joseph Hendrie to 1s sue warning ll'ttcr~ to plant of hctals across thl' country Ottoson said San Onorre of f1l'ials are looking into tht! pokn· tial gauge malfunction and other concerns raised by Hendric's leltt·rs San Onofre planl off1c1als ;.i re ulso comparing any s1m1laritlt.'s their urut may have with the Three Mile Island facility. Funds Restored New U Newspaper Revived at UCI By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL OI .... O.oly l"HOC Sul! T he New Uni versity onct' again is the official UC Irvine newspaper following an about. face Tuesday nig ht by the As sociated Students Coun<'il In a 12·to· 10 decision, the coun· <'i i voted to r estore $10,000 in previously frozen funds to the paper. the target or controversy for the past severaJ weeks. New Univers ity staffe rs hugged each other . applauded and shouted victory whOops as the council endorsed the resolu· lion proposed by Associated Stu· dents President Steven Ka plan. Clearly angered by the coun ell's action were students work· Ing to deveJop a new campu newspaper. That group had been formed followlng action Just eight days ago by the council to strip the New University of funding du lo complaints over aJleged racist and sexist editorial Policies. Kaplan argued t hat the New U n ivers it y "'as n ee ded to publicize events. includrn~ up· coming s tude nt l'lections. through the end of the quarter. Ile said he doubted that a new paper could gear up by April 24·25 for the elections The council'. reversal was at tributcd by observers to two factors · a pro.New University lobbying effort on the campus a nd a large turnout 0 1 New Un iversity s upporters at the meet in~. "They just buckled under pres· s ure." said one s tude nt who was not happy with the decision. New Unive r s ity Editor Richard Clucas said after the meeting that his stafC would be willing to embrace s tudents who have been critical of the paper's past policies. But James Mukham. one ol <See NEW lJ. Pa1e AZ) ......... , .. _ -.. ) ........ 6tu;l~)t.·~·---··- Legality Queried By Brand By KATH\' CLANCV OI tloe o.llV l"I ... Statt Orange County S upervisors put their s tamp of approvaJ to- day on plans for the future 60.000-r eside nt community of Aliso Viejo despite a last·minule request for a delay . J on Bra nd, former Laguna Beal'h mayor. ques tioned the legality of taking fina l action to· day Brand. s peaking as a me mber of V11lagt• ·Laguna. Inc .. con· tended a supplemental environ- mental document that mentions -.uch ttungs as a hotel in the Laguna Greenbelt had not been widely circulated or heard at a public hearing But H1chard Munsell, an assis - t a nt director of county Environ- m enta I Managmcnt Agenc~. 'aid the -;upplem ental repart "'tll be used durin~ later plan- ning and 1:. not part of the irutial plan approved today. Munsell said the report will be part of later public hearings. Brand also submitted a letter .._.,gncd by Arnold H a no . ehatrman or Village Laguna • which objected to county efforts to withdraw tht.• 6,623-acre AJiso VieJCl property rrom the purview or tht.• Coastal Commission. Su pt>rv1son . this morning m adl' only a re w t echnicul l'hanges to a list or conditions approved m <·oncepl for Aliso VieJO three weeks ago. "As you know I didn't vote for a pproval of t he Alis o VieJo genera l pl~1 n ." S upcrvi:.or Thomas Riley :-.aid al the start of today's session "But I will recommend ap- proval of the conditions." Riley 1·ont1nued. comme n ding the t·ounty counsel for translating ... upt>rvisor's cond1llo ns into a formal policy docum ent. As propased now the 20,000· unit <·ommunity Y.ould be built O\ e r the next 20 years on 6.623 ..tC'rt>s nestled 1n the coastal hills su rrounded by Laguna Bcal'h. South Laguna. Laguna J11lls and Laguna Niguel. Rilc.L whose Fifth District tn· eludes the fnrm cr Moulton Haneh a<"res that form Aliso Vie· 10 cast the lone vole agamst the project three weeks ago after Jgu1ng unsuccessrully that de· 'clopment be limited to 16,000 houses. condomin1mums a nd apartments As it s tands now the Aliso Vic- JO Company must donate 3.476 of its acres for open s pace. The original f.?Cneral plan for the a rea called for retaining 4.809 ;.icres in open space and limited construction to 10,097 homes. Among conditio ns for ap· pro\ al supervisors required that 5.000 or the futur e homes 00 priced m the so-called low a nd moderate income ra nge so that families e arning l ess than $22.000 annually could afford to buy them. They also asked the company to take s teps to ens ure that the homes would re m ain in the af· fordable price range upon r e· ~ s ale to future purchase rs. <See PROJECT, Page A2 Coast Weather Fair a nd w a rm e r through Thursday. Lows tonight 46 to 54. Highs Thursday in upper 70s. INSIDE TODA V P.assengers .aboard .a • ··miracle /lighl" from New York to Mimiecpoli3 reflect on persoool reactions in their bn.1sh wtlh ckoth . cu the 727 ' , Je t liner went into .a supersonic noiedive. Set P.age Al4. l•tlex DM.YPllOT L§C W9dn!!d!x, April H, 1171 Day-care Plan DecisioR.;Appealed By STEVE MITCHELL oe-o.,.,~, .... A bomeowoer auociatlon al1d a Jroup ot 14 1'GP ot lh World tt Id nll have ritt'd n appeal with the Laauno Beac-h ~ty Council km& an nd to plan" for a licen1f"d day curt> fuc1llty 1n their nlMtthbothood The eroup, tC'rming •t tlf ('on e ~ Citli:ens. 111 opposu11 u BolH'd of AdJusl m(•nt dt'e1 ... 1on lu t month thut Mrnnted a <•ond1 llonal us•• ix•rmit to J#nic<' ' ('oopt•nttl'lll to O!X'rblt' 8 child curt> facility out of a now V•l·unt hom(' l 21)(4 Mountam Vu•w l>rlvt• 1'he lxmrd of 11Just nwnt el)C1 I TOLL ... not to be 1rt\•11t1fwd l ~ot ,., s eared I ju!'lt laid lhl'fl' .111tl prayed. I 'vc tx-en lhrouJ,th fh t• hurricanes, but hurricnnt•i. urt' nothing compared to this. 'fakl' me back to hurricanes." Some of those injure d 1n Vernon had been taken to Wlt'h\ta Falls hospitals. "We were taking injured in from Vernon wh<!n this one hit he re,·• s aid Dr James Lee. medical coordinator for the Red Cross in Wichita Falb. Another tornado later slrucf.. Harrold. a s mall town nine miles west of Vernon, killing one person. Across the Red Rive r in Oklahoma. a twister killed ut least three persons and injured at least 70 in Lawton. ·'The destruction is going to b!· in millions of dollars. We got hit h ard," said Police Capt. Bob Edmonson. T he tornado s truck thC'rl' about 5: 15 p m. 12 minutes after u warning siren had sounded. "It sounded like jet s going over." said Karro L<'nham. 34. "ll happened so fast. it wa:i O\'er before I could hide." said Mrs. E. A. Hansen. pet:ring out from the stairs of her roofle~s hOUSl' Al I ca s t 25 ho uses \\ 1•n dl:'stroyed. Other tornado~s "ere rcp<>rtl'<J about the same timt· in outlying areas of Texas . but authontle~ could not say how ma ny touched down . There was some damage at Loclcell, six miles southwest of Vernon. Egg Hunt Planned at High School An Easler egg hunt, ::;ponsorc·d bv the Amt'rican Le~ion PoM 2i.2. will be held on the Laguna Beach High Sehool grounds Sun- day, beginning al 1 p.m. The 41st annual egg hunt 1s al 1ended by hundre d s of youngsters nine years and un- der . and each specially marked egg will mean a candy bar lo the Cinder Legion members will hide the eggs. and direct younger eJU! !)eekers to locations where they c·an be found. The more than 100 dozen eggs will be colored by the legion Auxiliary. Psychologist Sets Dana Point Talk Saddleback Co ll ege psychologist Robert Olson will s p eak at the Dana Point Chamber or Commerce's Apr~I 18 luncheon meeting. His topic will be "How To Think More Creatively.'' The 11:30 a.m. luncheon takes place at H arpoon Henr y 's Restaurant in the Dana Point Harbor complex. Tickets will be SS per person. ORANGE COAST use DAILY PILOT '"" O<Ar\Ot CO.I °"''Y Pilot. Wllhw•o<to '"°"' blnlMI '"" --'· "oub41llW'O b~ lho Or-(.,.•I "'1114'-119(-y 5",.., ........ _.,. ovt>h~ -,,,,_ Frldfy lo• '°"'" Mt~. N"'tlll"(>Of'1 ~n. tiunUf'OfC>n A••Cf't1f()jM '"''""•"ft •rvw l """'&tMft 5-.ithC .. \l A '•AQlt r~• td•flOf'l •tpuibtl~ $.Mvro.to•no $utld.lys f1'o jlrll>C:IOAl OUl>ll\ftl"O OI""' I• Al llO WntllllySl-.C.,. .. Ml>N,C•ll'°"''••- 11-rtN.- l'rHIOeftlA'ld -·-Jee_ II c_, Yin ..... ldenl •M0.-•l IM-,_ ... _ EdOIO< ,._,A.M_..,. MA"'"Oln9tdihor CIMflftM.LeM 11..-P ... 11 A\\l\l_,,I ¥aMQlftQfClllOn •PPl"O"ll .......... &Mt ....... -llow ..croecbment tnto the frol\l yard back lor • thlrd parkll'\8 &pace. 8ut npp()n(.-nt or the day Cll1' <'t>ntl'r an th{ 1r nNghborh1>0d, ll•d by rt id nt tUll l"arrl'll, . uy tht"rt-I a danf.it•r of Nf'tllng .i pr ct'dent for sut·h eomm rclal US<' In I rf>Sl{fl'nllal fttC'A 11•· '\IUd ho• Jtroup lit ••~ Nn cfrnNI bl'<'BUM' nt•lttwr th<' o~ nt'r nor lht• 1•1r11Jloyct>~ wlll hVl' at the h(1mt• ·'This has f\l'VC't h co up JlrovNI n an rt I 1wiAhborhood hdon•. f''urrt>ll 1to.11d. adcJin~ Mountnm V1t>w Orivt' Is ht-avlly 1 ra \el~ now hy part•nb1 and <'hool huscs en roulc to the Top of the World Ell'm<'otury S<'hool "Th111 bu"llbl'~ ~ 111 put 11ddl t 1onul truffte· on u slret-t ulrco.1dy hl•tn aly trUl.'<'1£•d." he sllid The adJttl't•nt rt>Sldl'nts, aided by th<' 'fop of the World Nt-1ghborhond Ai.~oc1at1on l'1rculated pet1t1ons, postcards and a maill•r t>nlitll'd. "Do you want your 1W11(hbor s house to become a commercial build ing•>" traffit and parllln1 problems ....... the boun ol the llUfMl'Y will be 11l•tutered. "W~ won't have more lh•n two to four cu.ra at a time In front Of tht> bouse Dnd they un park tn lM dr1voway ," she s aid A1 for h a pr(.•ccdt>n L being set In the ne1"'hho rbood . Mrs. Coopt>rsteln 1Su1d l'hild care lacilhl . churchet-und Rchools ur.-th~ only non rl'sidcntial uses ullowt'd jn n re idenlial area. "You cun 't et up• store. for 1n. tune('," . he s aid, adding there ure other child care cen· lers in Laguno Beucb in residen· tiul neighborhoods. "It's very hard to find a racili· ty In Laguna Beach that meets b\ate. fire, and parking regula· tlons. and has a backyard for children, .. she $aid. She said between 2() and 24 in- fants up lo two years or age would be staying at the facility during thE.' daytime. Mrs Cooperstein a lso said there is a stale requirement that no one is allowed to live full· lime in a care center, tor health and safety reasons. SC Strike Continues Sun Clemente police officers dropped by to chat with pickets in front of Reeves rubber gasket factory, 4L5 Avenida Pico. Tuesday. The three-day s trike continued this morning . Police advised pickets of the laws governing their activities .. No violence has been r e porte d . Unt0n e mployees have charged management with unfair practices. Management of. ficials have denied the charges. About 64 percent of the plant's 170 workers were on the job today. Twenty-two replacements have been hired. Voters OK .. Rent Control Sama Monica Limits Condominiunu SANTA MONICA (AP 1 - Voters m this coastal city have appro\•ed a proposal to control rents and condominium coo· structioo. and elected two oC the measure's advocates to the City Council. F'arrell said he received 75 re· turn postcards s upporting the• homeowners' efforts. and ha:-. collected more than $250 Lo fight the day care center "We're asking people to sign the petition against the condi t1onal us<.' permit. write lo the Ci ty Coum·il. and attend the council meeting,·· Farrell said. The app<·al will be heard by thl' council at its May l meeting. Probe Continues Over Missing Boy With all 65 precincts report· ing. the results of Tuesday's city tdecllon showed Propasition A COUNTY TO LOOK AT CONOOMINIUM5-A3 capturing 54 3 percent of the vote. The law calls for a tem. porary rent freeze followed by a rollback to last year's levels 1 Related story Page AS. I The rent control victory came just 10 months arter Santa Monica residents -80 percent or whom are rente rs -narrowly defeated a similar proposal. In the interim between those two elections, however, renters claimed landlords began asking for unreasonable rent increases in the wake of Proposition \3. Evictions soared as a par1ment buildings were de molished to make way for a wave of con- dominiwn building. Mrs. Cooper!itc-in. who is seek· ing permission to operate the day care center. said today she 1s aware of the efforts to quash the e nterprise. Rut. sht• says. many of lhl' neighborhood tonn•rns are Ull· fou nlle<.I "There will 11ol be <1ddll1om1l From Page 11 I SANITY ..• -.he jumpl•d from his moving car (;ue nthC'r. who also was tden t1fwd b~ his t"u ,·1ct1ms. had ll'st1f1ccl a n uncontrollabh.• "wil d rage · prnmptl'd th1• all;.icks l11 s ;.i t lorne~. William Dou~ht•rty had ;.irgued that his c lie nt \\,ls innocent or the charges. however. because he was mentally disturbed at the time and not responsible for the acts. Guenther had pleaded inno· cent and innocent by reason of insanity to the charges. He has been lodged in a locked mental wurd at Ca n yon Ge ne ra l 110-.p1tal 1n t\nahc1m since short Iv a ftt'r h1!-. arrl'sl · I didn't know what I was dn·· ing ... Guenthl'r testified about thc att{JC'k on Mass Gonzalez. "I was fi ghting the 1mpul~e I \\<iS 1usl shooting. She was st•ream· ing and J was screaming " frosecutor Paul Meyer had aq.tued that Guenther was men· •ally rl'Sponsible for the attacks Il e con tended th e forml'r counselor was in control• suffi· ci<'ntly to drive his auto with o.nc hand as he fired u gun at Mass Gonzalez with the other. G uenthcr 's psychiatrist. Dr. Barbara llundlcy. has lcslif1ed he r patient s uffers from a brain disorder brought on by a liver malfunction. PROJECT ... The developer also is to pay for construction of such things as libraries, fire s tations and parks needed for Aliso VicJO residents. And supervisors also as1<eo Aliso Viejo to donate ground and provide gradjng for the future ci~ht -lane San Joaquin Hills highway. - Supervisors plan, they say. to monitor development o f the community <.ind may halt con- struction if it appears that services such us police, fire pro- le clion. schools and uliliti('s can not keep pace with the build· ing . , Santa Ana police appealed to· day Cor public help _in _locati!"'g a 7-year·old boy m1ss1ng s mce Monday evening. Police identified the boy as Cha rles Christopher Francis. who goes by the ni ckname Chrissy. The youth was last seen at 5 :40 p.m. Monday ul the in· tersection or Lyon~ and Chestnut streets in Santa Ana . Ile is described as a while male lhr~ feet tall. weighing 45 pounds with collar-length hair and blue eyes. I le has sc~tl"S abo\'e his left l'Ye and on his chin. Al the time• of his di-.appearancc he was wear· 1ng hlut• pants. u multi colort:d s hirt.· black and "h1te tennis s hoes and a l>luc dt·nim jackt·t with a L' S Army pe1lch on Lhc left sleeve. Persons with information on 1he whereabouts of the boy were asked to call Santa Ana pohte investigators at 834·4221 or 834·4275. Fro111 Page A I SAFETY ..• n •lease of large a mount!) of r adioactivity Weslinghoust• s aid it was behevl'<.i that a s mall break in a reactor pressurizer could leave one of lhese signals appearing high while the other falls. rn this case, the computer would not turn over emergency cooling a nd a plant operator could be misled into "erroneous actions.·· Westinghouse recommended that operalors s tart e mergency cooUn g manually if the pressure signal alone drops below its trig· ger point. The NRC said it was still re- vie wing the e xtent lo which events in the Three Mile Island accident apply generally to p la nts designe d by We s t - inghouse a nd Co mbus tion Engineering as well as Babcock and Wilcox. "But it has been concluded ... the NRC said, "that further ac- tions should be considered on a priority basis for a ll light-water power reactor facilities." Fashion Show Set A spring fashion show. includ- ing s tudent d esig n ed and modeled origina ls, will take place April 25 at noon in the Sad dleback College upper campus cafeteria. Admission is free. Bandit Barks Mike the Mutt Licks Clwps POINT PLEASANT. N.J. !APl ·To some, Mike the mull is just the dog next door, but to police here h c·s the roast beef bandit. Police say Mike's criminal career started with the forcible escape from his owner 's leash during an evening walk. The 2-year-old brown and white dog broke from owner Joseph Kranick and raced two blocks lo a Route 88 diner. Mike ran through the back entrance. leaped on to a table. grabbed half a beef roast and fled quickly with his booty. Diner operator Joseph Mack called police to re· · port the robbery and trailed the dog after an alert customer pointed out the escape route. Mack found Mike, but without the roast. He held the dog \n lieu of $15, pending his owner's arrival. Kranick promptly posted the payment and took custody of his pet. MISSING YOUNGSTER Charles Francis, 7 CB Radio Stole n San Clt.'mcnte resident S::tll)' McG<irry told pohct• Tm•sday CJ burgh.tr l>rok<.• inlO hl·r garage al 316 Avenufa ~nnta £farhara and stole a l llt1t·ns band radw ·vulut'd at SH!I from tw r a uto Vi ctonous m their race tor two of the three available council seats were Ruth Vannatta and 8111 Jennings, who ran on a pro. Proposition A slate. Al so C'lected from a field of 14 candidates wa!) Chrisllan Heed. Eugene Dells Funeral Set Seven-year Cap1~trano Beach resadl·nl EuJre ne L. Dells. Sr died f'~riday at the age or 64. Thi.' retired -;chool teac her . "ho le ft the Covina Valley Unified Sehool District in 1976. "as a Navy pilot in World War 11 and Korea, r etiring as . a lieutenant commander in th£' Naval Reserve. He is s urvived by his wife, Georgia. of the Capistrano Beach home al 34522 Camino Capistrano, and a son, Eugene L. Dells. Jr .. ot Vista. Ser\'ices are scheduled Thurs· day at 10 a .m . at Christ Lutheran Church in Capistrano Dc•al·h The family n..-quests donation~ to Lh l' Amcnc<1n Cancer Soca~ty. Fro..PageAJ NEW U ••• the New University critics, said he would be "very s urprised if they'd let us in." Markham. one or seven stu- dents trying to shape a new paper, said the New University issue is not over and that a new publication may still come into being, given s ufficient student support. "What ts so amazing lo me is that they (council members> wouldn't give us an opportunity to present our position," be said Jeff Schmidt, a nothe r New University critic, took a more philosophical approach to the is· s ue . "The fact that the issue of racism and sexism became a verv controversial issue on cam- pus· h; a good thing. A few years airo. ~one or this would have happehed here." he observed. The New University 1s expect- ed to put out its next issue on Tue~day. SPRING UPHOLSTER¥ ~~SAEE~~ i 100/0 to 250/o OFF ~ .. Fantastic selection of the finest in upholstery now on sale. Special orders accepted on many of our famous lines includin_g s~lected pieces from Drexel, Heritage, Woodmark & Stanton Cooper. Aireloom sleepers. 200/o off, your choice of color. Don't delay. 1 ' I I • t ' i l I Cilintl a rettnl surst of '1lJ> plle•t.ionls to roM·rrt apartml'nls to condomimumli In Oen. Point. Onn1e County a upervlaors ~ ~~ a new coun ty•tde policy to & ae 1uch pro· po81ll Su))t"n'l*>r l'homtt!> Ttlll'v. who SUllHtf'd tht> Ol'W pollc for apart°"'ot convt•rMOI\ n w\ln forporot\"tl art·~ , i.id the rou.n ty now has few ituldellnc for judtlna the •ultab!llt, of turruog rent f(llUl"'OW'n ll"Jl:IM"11'1'\f t'Ol'n pleau lnlo buy your own con dom•ruuma. "In Lbtl in~" lJI or good plun· nlna ... h<· ii.Id. ·uua loo&>hol t hould be pluaut<>d up .. At R l l cy 'K ur "in~. i.u~perv1M> ulf>O talikt•d rounty pli1nnt>1·~ lo JZh't.• !>l>l't•iul llen lion lo apvUc11taon.., fur 111u1rt menl tonwr•ions an Oonu 1~01nt until a communll)' w1dt• plun nlng!llud)'i cumph'I d n It~)' noted t 8 o & n a rotnt 41purtm.:nl bulldanaa w~rl' <.'()n· vcrkd to rondomln ums In J977 and Hn8 and 50 far lhls year rive muru ~u<'h otppUcatlona huvc ~"" r~e1ved. While 11uch convt'r Ions m;i..r prov1dt• on opportumty for less ,. pe11:>1\c ho ml' purcha es. R 1h')' ~.1111. lht> Mlrl(t' or appUca t1on11 111 Ottou Point ::.hould I><' ""'''hl'<.1 unlll buch lhin~s as 1:1n In\ \'ntory or tht• types or housing ' AP Wirtpholo 'I HAVE TO START ALL OVER,' SAYS SAND SCULPTOR TED CONIBEAR For the Second Time, Vandalism Has Struck His 'last Supper' Scene 'Supper' Destroyed Vandal Ruins Newly Repaired Sculpture CA LIM ES,\ 1 AP 1 It was µast dusk \.\ hl•n Tt><1 ('onibt.•iJr finished J8 month11 of work repairtn,1! damaJ!t• \'andals did tu h1:. llfei.:1n• sand st·11lprun.> of "The' Last Su1>1JN I Ii-, JO) \Ht:. ll>hortlt\ l'ci H) ~tonJay ii ti;" ;iftcr h1• fin1 s h1•cl lhl' 11ainstaking reµ;i1r and thn· .. d;i~), hc·fort" 111 ti) Thursd:J). thl· da~ a!-SC>t'lill t•d "1th C:hn ... r ' Lai-t t;upp1:r lht' ht•.:td), ,,, .Jc•i-.11 ... :Jn<I I:! dt!'.ciplei-. had hl't•n babhl·d in ;1gi.1111 "1th ~' hamml•r. s<·t hut not bi ller at the ne\\ attack. \.\ hich shcnrf's dt:'put1es e•st1m att'<l caused S13.000 in dama,l?t> lo tht• 21Hon :.culpLUn· ,\ n •li,g1nu.., man. Con1t>t.·ar s;ud he \.\Oulcf work to\.\ard 1·ompll'lll.)! a l'Oll<'rf•te rl'lllk;.i or lht• Rc~ur rt·1 tton ·1.1mh . .i fo111 yc•dr pn11l·1·t ht· 1ntenrt... to h;I\ 1 n•acl~ h) East er "SO TH•:RE I WAS." THE 73·year·old urtist said Tuesday . ··1 just finished a yc•ar and a half of work n:pa1ring it and I have to start all over " San Bernardino County sheriff~ dt•putie::. speculall-that ;.in adult man disfi~urc-d tht· ::.culptur<•s m about th<• samt' way vandals at. I acked Coniht-:1r·.., "ork m November l97i. caus ing SIO 1)(1() in dumagc No arre~t!> h;,in· be<'n made• Tiit: TO~U .\:"Ill) "Tiil·: L.\ST S•JIJllt·r an· ;.i mong a e·ollt•c·tllin uf ha11<Jc·raflt•d work). that Combcar displ 11ys at a small park ht· c:alls fliblcland . located m this community 75 miles cast of Los Angeles Admission is frel'. though Combear asks for donations lie says his proj<'c\:; :Jre financNI cntrrl'ly through contribution:. C'ontllto'Ur, a ~anci art1:.t !">2 year~. \\;JS up· "My obtt:cl in making th<.·-;c• rc•li f;.'ious s tatm•s is to J!l'I p<•o11lc· tn rC'a!I the B1hlc·," ht• ~a1cl. .. J'c'Opl1· <·nnw h1:n· ;11111 i.:11 hornp a nd ~••Y. ·f 1.Aonrler "-h ill lhl· B;hlr •.a,v:. about this .. and l!ll'n llll'~ I l'.111 tht' a1I ii' A.lien Smu~l!ling Customs Duo Charged SAN DIEGO 1,\P 1 Two t;.S. Custom:. insp<.•1;-tors arc.-arr1bt·d of acct-pllnJ.? bribes anrl <.'onspir· lnl? to s mur.J?lc alien), into the <'Ountrv in <1 l'aS<' linkt•d to that or anoiher in:.pcttor convicted a year a go The smuggler:, rt'- portedly pro\ id<.'d sc•icual fa vors as well as <'ash. Assistant U.S . Attornl'y Howard t\ Allen said th<'y wt>rC arrested \\ith fi ve Mexi'-'O res1· den ts lat<' Tut•sday. lie said t hree more persons arc being sought. A II st' \ <' n w t• re f o r m a I I y c h a r g e ct and I u kt• n to the Metr opolitan Correclion al Cente r. a s pokesman for the fede ral prison said Allen said agents watched as known smugglers used signals to le ll a<.'compli<'CS which lanes were being worked by Customs Inspectors Robert Lee Worrell. 54. and Charles Henry Morgan. Mesa lneideot 57. al the San Ys idro bordC"r r he'-'k station. Allen said an affidavit signed by one of the investigators al le~ed that the ~muggier~ pro· v1ded sexual ra\'ors as well as funds lo Morgan and Worrell Alexander Trench was fired as a customs ins pector after plead ing guilty last year to con spiracy and acceptinJ.? bribes al San Ysidro. He was scntcn('ed to 10 years in prison. Among the other defendants with Trench was Stephen Paul Novobilsky of T1Ju ana. whose case is pendin~. He was one of those taken into cus tody Tues- day. The affidavit signed by a '.S Border Patrol agent in tht· Morgan-Worrell case quotl'CI an informant as saying Trench wa::. not the only customs Ins pector accepting bribes. lie said he wa::. also involved with a smuggler Shooting Victim's Comlition Critical A 26,-year-old Santa Ana woman remained \n critical con- dition Loda) as the result or a gunshot attack by her Cortner fiance. who the n committed Searchers Recover MiMing Man's Body LA CA NADA CAP ) Searchers have recovered the body of a Long Beach man. who· apparentl) fell off a cliff In the darkness while awaitln1t a ren· denous with a Boy Scout troop. In the Angela National Forest. The body of James Edward Givens. 26, waa round by a lberltf's search and rescue team 1''* mUes from the Angeles Crest ran1er station Monday after the 1cout1 reported him missing SundaJ n&pt. suicide. Police said LaNita F Wilson. who Is being treated at Mercy Gene ral Hospital in Santa Ana. m ay I06e a leg as a result or Monday's attack. Sgt. Thomas Laza r said it is believed S t e phe n Wilson Richardson. 29, or Santa Ana. shot her twice. then turned ttis hunting rifle on himself because he was upset about the couple's break-up. The injured woman was in the process ol breaking off the rela- tlonabJp. Lazar said. Richardaon ran his truck into hla ex·fiancee's car Monday eventq on RedhUI A venue north of Briltc>I Street ln Costa Mesa, then shot her twice in the left 8ide wtlh a 30·06 rifle, Lazar aald. IUcbardlOft .• body WH found In a nearby field a short Ume later. I ' deaUng with Trench Sl•crclly. <H·cording to rhc :.if fidav1t. alien smuggler~ \\ere SN·n ovt•r a period l>f !>e\'eral monr hs crossin~ lanes of traffic to gl•t to fril'ncll y inspcetors. Jn tht• affadm it. u smu~glcr stated he c:hc1rgcd illt•gal aliens S150 cash to get into the Coiled States and that S75 of that \.\ enl to a l'Ustom., ins1wc·t11r Mower Hurls Nail Through Boy's Heart EL CAJON rAP > A lcssonin how to run a lawn mo we r became a bizarre nightmare for Michael Adamson when he start· ed the machine and it hurled a nail through his 12·year·old son's ht· art. T he 33·year ·old bricklayer rus hed the boy, a lso named M ic h at•I. to n earby La ke · s ld e Fire Station where quick work by paramedics and fire personnel saved the child's life. But "at one time whi le driv- inl? through Lakeside. it just hit me tha t he was dead ... Adamson rt:' called M lt'hael is expected to be re· leased from El Cajon Vallex Hos pilaJ next week. Doctors say he should have a normal future. although t he nail r e m ains lodged in the wall or his lert lung. Adamson had shown young Mike how to work tbc machine and had just started it when. un· seen by his father. lhf\ boy turned und ran to a sandpile at the side of the house and clutching his chest. fell to the ground. Helped by a neighbor . and tus other son. Manny. 9. Adamson put the unconscious boy Into bis truc k and raced toward help. · · t was driving 75 or 80. whatever I could make." Adamson said. ThinJdog there waa no time to make It to the hospital. he roared lnto the lire station. yell· Ing "He's dying, he 's dying, .. as he arrived. a\1attable tn the M~asidl! c<>m- munlty la completed. In addition. he continued. some new developments in Dana Point likely will be required to include provh1ions for so-called a ffordablr hottslng in coming monlh.s. "This could huvc the dl'· leterious effect of overburdening one community with affordable housing whi ch a lso would not be helpful in the Dana Point area. "'Riiey said in a report lo fellow in-.perviso~. Riley noted the only 1uldelines now used by the county plaMers in evaluating the merits ol con- verting rental units to con- dominiums include findings that the propo6al: Complies with long-range county planning guides. Will not create unusual traf. fie. nolae or other ~ conditionl. -Will not harm Uae 1...a welfare ot the a~ Clllal· munlly. A1 a result or lboM lllllMed standards, Rlley aald, It now b POHlble for standard apartmeot buildlnga to be conc'rted to con- dom I nl um s when they lack many of lhe amenities routinely required for own-your.own com· plexes. Vet Plan fits Snag Emergency Recall to Combat Flayed WA SHINGTON cAP> /\ Pe ntagon plan for mobilizing combat troops at the outbreak of war calling on discharged vetc•rans uhead of raw recruns 1s runrting into Oak on Capitol Hill even before rece1v1ng ap· proval from Defense Secretary Harold Brown. Defense reserve manpo\\cr of· fic1als said Tuesday they are draftinlr? legislation under which dischar,1?ed \'eterans would be called in an emergency and sent into combat ahead of recru.its with no prior ~en•1ce a rP· vNsal or current policy By law and tradition. veterans who have completed a six.year obligation arc the last ones tailed in wartime'. Sen. Sam Nunn. D·Ca .. told defense offl<.'ials the plun is con trary to '"a fundamental pnnc1 pie of our country" and would require veterans to s<.·rvc lWi('t• ··" ht·n mil lions nc•\'l'r ~crvcd OOl't• ··You're• not goinl! lo gct anyone on Cao11ol lltll to handl1• thal.. ::.aid Nunn. ('hmrman of the Senate Armt•d Scn·1ces man· power subcommittee. where the leRislatwn would bl' sent. De;ofen!'.e offi cials told ii sub· committet1 hearin~ rhc pla n would Ix· a short term solution tn :.hort:11.:ios in the rt•sl·rves and potential prohlc·m~ in moh1Llting forCl')> Ill ~111 l'ml•rgc•nc) we re "in grave peril. .. Unde r the pla n. Congress would be asked to give the presi- dent emergency J)Owers to in· duct Army enJisted veterans onlv those under age JO who had Too-tall /tlu? nt:ver served in a combat uine- at the s ame time recruits were drafted. The veterans would need only three-to-four week s training before going into combat. .. Wt' <Inn I H'l' <i O) other sol U· lion in tht• i-.hor l r;.in gt-. 1>a1d John Hrinkerho(f. a de(cn!>c m anpow<'r specialist. He acknowledged that the plan. which would require con- gressional approval. faces "lots of opposition ... Chinese Army basketball star Mu Tieh-Chu. who is 7 feet 2 inches tall. dwarfs Sharon Woodcock and most other people. Tht• wife of the U.S. Ambassador to China Leona rd Woodcock m et the basketball player in Peking. He did not ind1catt• when Brown mi,l?ht approve thl' plan. Brinkerhoff s aid the plan "ould be invoked only tn a dN•larcd 1o1o ar or 1f tht· nation Plane Crash Injures .One Waste Dropper Faces $1 70 Fine B Li EN A P,\RK 1 i\l'1 !)ubstilUl(' K r l racho traffic Tl'- portcr Stan Brown :.urrered cul-; and bruist:'i-. whl'n the si nglt· t'ngine Cc11!>na in \.\ h1ch he w<1s riding lost power after takeoff. care,•nt'Cl off thl' roof of a hou~c and crashed in a vacant lot. a svokesman for the station said Reporlt·r Stan Brown v. a!- trcatcd and released Tuesday Crom Martin Luther Hos pital m Anaheim. The plane's pilot. Paul MrDonald. was not ID· i ured The Cessna. owned by the sta· lion ·s rc~ular traffic rcJ)Orler Bruce Way ne. s uffered ex- t ensive damage in the 4 p.m crash. which followed takeoff from Fullerton Airport. Wayne is on vacation. officials said. An El Toro Ma rine staff ser~eant will lose S170 an night pay for dropping a plas tic bag rontammg human wasll' from a m1l1la n airc•raft near u South La~una home on ~arch 24. Gunnery Sgt 8111 Grindstaff :;a id the namC' or the staff Sl.'r gt'anl. a qual1C1 ed a ir crewman riding as a passenger the day of the drop. will not be released stnce the punishment a~ainsl him did not involve a court martial Grindstaff said Manne ID· vest1gators be lieve the staff ser~ean\ Jettisoned the bag "ap- parently to avoid the inconve· mence of disposing of 1L prop- erly" when the aircraft landed. l'ne Marine spokesman said the J!Uilty party "has been re· hevcd or his fl1,1?hl duties for tv.o months'' resulting in a loss of $170 m pay The drop was con- t rary to Marine regulations. he said. M arinc officials launched a probe into the tncident when Sout h Laguna s andalmake r Chris O'Kc<'fu said he saw a shiny object drop from the skies near his home at 10 a.m. from a KC-130 He r cules trans port plane 0 'Keefe ran lo the object a nd round it to be a large baggie con· taming what appeared to be human waste. The irate homeowner contact- ed Mar ine offic ials a nd de · manded something be done. Marines removed the bag. O'Keefc said Ma rine officials had nol contacted him Tuesday concerning finding lhe guilty bag dropper. Gem Talk A Watch By J C llUMPIH</£S C£'rttf1ed G1•rrwloo1s1. AGS A GLOBAL TRIP I hrouglt qour ICJ<:ol dealer The Jungles of Cambodia. the forbidding Burmese rain forest. lhe intrigue or Angola, the mystery of Sli Lanka ... these and other faraway lands a re available to you through your travel agenl ... or your jeweler. Your local jewelry s tore Is full of the procJucts and the mysteries or those and other ra r-orf lands. The gems on display reflect not onJy lhe natural beauty of their own mineral components. but the history of their origins as well. Wrapped around the diamonds or South Africa and the rubies of Burma are the enigmas of the history and politics of those lands. Wiii political upheaval In Africa cut the now of precious stones from the bowels or the dark conti- nent? Wiil the natural resources and their value transcend politics? The gemstone market watches from the sidelines as the.intrigue conUnues. At least ror now. precious st~ea and their Importance to the world have continued to croea troubled borders. For The Serious Sportsman • Sw,iss technology has brought us a watch tested for waterproofness to 150 ft. <Satm.> and all In• steel fiberglass case for very light weight. It has the date and is supplied with a black bracelet. $89.95 ' _A~1~n;;;:::::;:;.=:i n===----=F=--=l=--=e =-=e -=-s; _ (jity Fa aK'ltY n<"llY POl.JTIS: Wb1t some ol our Or•f\& Coa11 P01Jtlt1aos net"d the.e da1s ·~ lessons In crowd con trol. ~ pohti<'OI must I am to kt't'p their cool PubUc omc~ho&ders. for example, ~ not hil th(." panic button Jutt becaus 1 larlf'f than Ululil uudlrnct• -bowa up et• ti\1 councU orKhool board MUton II tbe folu stomp their f~ cheer, boo or ~how other tormaotuutOC•tatt•uht>ranc:..tomuthU..merntr P0Utic1am. m.'t"d ttet ddt>n he only If the thronM a1> JWIH t'xhlb1ttnM a rQJX' with a noost-al lhc cnJ or t1.1rts hurll~ cn·trriJ)(' \·e1tab~ NEWPORT BF.A('R MA VOil Pa ul Ryckorf. for tn ~toncc. was a clas:.ac (':tnmpk· of O\er rt>ocl to a c•tt)' 1·oun ell c:rowd just th4' olhcrmghl A group from a cundomin11m1 compln In upper Corona del Mi.r. known u~ Jubmmc reelc. howed uo at tht' session. · 1'h~y outnumbered the usual Newport coyncal huo~cr~ un, who tend to lapsc Into bhssrul 21noring In the buck row .. • KAMPALA. Ufand• <AP> - U1aftde.. •apita tell to an ill v11lon tor~ ot T•nunlan.s and ucandan n lles early today and rt1ldent a gree t e d th ~ "Uberators•· with nower1 and bananas Some or Pr~ ldtnt ldl Amln'B rcmalnlna: tr<>op:J w~rn beltf n tn d &alh "Tht rul't~t f n r lst i!C no long~r fn power." vlrtorlous gandon rt'b <•l :ic hlur e d 1h ruu g h loutl~p(·aker:. in KumpJlu u.nd on 11luk rudio MIN WAS REPORTED lo h v1• necs KiJmpulft on Tueslluy for h111 n'1" hcud1,uurtcr1> ln Jin Ju. ~O milt•!'> to thl' t•u:.t , and i.onw wu:onl1rn1t•t.J rt>rJOrh :.aad hv ht•"<il'd cn•n fiJ rthl'r eusl to 'rororo, near th Kenyun border 1'h~ invadt>N . moving In from lht• north. :.outh a nd wt•i.t. wt>rc uppurf.'ntly pushu1~ un toward J111J.1 , whcrl· rl'sident~ rl'portcd u g l y !H't!OCS wtth wounded soldiers 1tt ragglrn): throu~h wbllt> others went on a rampage ot looting f''iring could be beard eut of Kampala. The Tanzania ns e~t1 mated that 25 to 30 Ugundan soldter1t w(•rt• k1lloo durani: their advance into the center of the city They said the invasion force :-.ufferetl vir tually no casualties . A FRENCH DIPLOMAT said thl' actin~ c hief of the U N Dtwelopment Pl"Olrlm, a West Ocrmao named Qert Kallwu. and hla wtfe were killed ~ a rocket hJt their car durtna tbe battle ror the dty. Radio U1anda. oft the alr Alnce Tuesday night. returned today wtth a victory announce· ment by Lt. Col. David OYite OJok. whO idenUfled himself as rnllltary leade r of t he Tan· ianlan-backed r ebe l Ugandan National LlberalionArmy. He urged Ugandans to Join hand• and "eliminate the few re· mainlnJ murde r ers and lootera. and he called on re· mainlng Ugandan soldiers to burreoder. MANY kAMPALANS believed the troops movln« in the dark· ness overnight to be Ugandans. but they came out at daybreak a nd greeted the invaders with l'haots of "Nyerere Only!' and ··Nyerere. Nyerere!", referMng to Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere. They also swarmed over tanks that led the Tanzanians into the o uts kirts or the city, looted stores and offe red the booty to the invaders. a nd beat knots of Uga ndan soldiers to death. In Dar es Salaam. Tanzania. I 1 be ration army sources s aid they planned to move into Kam· pala within one or two days to eel up a provllional 1ovemment . THE INVAD£aa ITAaT&D Into Kampala Tuesday •Iler. noon after a nilbt-lonc artillery bombardment. followed by a nerce rocket. artillery and Jet flthter attack In the morning and early ~moon. Deaptte the heavy bombard· m ent, lh~re wu little visible damage to homes and com· merciaJ buildings. ·'The Kampalans we re eateblalU1.,..•MN .. .. be.U.. diem ............. !It American ~ ... N Aaaoola&ad p,... ~ IMe U11nda hr the TanlMl- "I 1aw 10 or lJ HNI• wM looked Uke they bad._....._ tod .. th.'' ··n. whole uw.. &oak -... air of • victory parade," ..W the correapondeni_ Wbo ---. panled the force assigned to cap. ture the city. Father Opposed Sclwol Nixes Bid as the council's brilliant verbal commentary walls out into the night air For Gay at Prom .... ~ . Anywa~. the Jasmine Creek people had a parking vex· atlon In their complex and wanted the council to solve the problem. The Jasmine spokesman was one Norm Smedegaard. CUMBERLAND. JU r AP > A 17·ycar-0ld boy "'as greeted by Touring Kenya jeers from some students and by a negative respQnse from school of· f1cials to his reque:-.t for perm1:-.s1on to take another boy lo a hi gh school junior prom. Gov. Edmund G. Brown J r . and rock s tar Linda Ronstadt boa~d a small plane _at Nairobi, Kenya. They went on a United Na tiona l Environmental P rogram tour of a dc~<:rt1f1cat1on proJect in northern Kenya on Tues· day . As he addressed the council. he asked his group to s tand, probably in the effort to demonstrate that what he was about to say had strong support from fellow residents. That was when Mayor Ryckoff blew. He told old Sm edegaard if he wanted to put on a s how. go someplace else. The school system s<iid Tuesday that it had decided against g ra nting Paul Guilbert 3 hearing on his n:q uest bt:caust! lhe boy :-. fathe r opposed the pla n and nol l>t.•cau~c homosexuality was an issuE: G uilbcrt. a ftt'r attend in~ clas s es at Cumberland Jhgh Then he advised Smedegaard that he was going to vote against the Jas mine Creekers' request. School on Tuesda y for th<' f1rs1 time since accounts of his re ques t were published, said hl was "very nervous .. ~EVER MI ND WHAT facts were going to be forthcoming. DISCUSSING THE rcuct1on ut fellow students. Guilbert said ..They were yellin.it and scream mg. practically the whole stu dent body. Every class I went to people stopped to look at me They asked me for m y auto graph. It was kind or sick." You have to be some putzled by the mayor 's unre~t ut :-.ceing the crowd. Nobody was carrying sticks or stones. Jn the end. the J asmine Creekcrs got what they want- ed. But not until hizzoner had chopped off Smedegaard 'i. speech and then did what he promised by voting Nay. When the Jasmine Creek folks all stood up. what the mayor. could have said was something like. "My goodness. how nice to see all you voters and taxpayers out here tonight. "WIDLE WE DO NOT huve demonstrations within the l'O uncil chambers. you are all very welcome. We hope you will stay for the entire session of brilliant verbal com men· tary. We hope you will return again and again and participate in budget discussions. planning a nd traHrc· phas ing decisions. However, Guilbert, who say:-. he 1s a homosexual and has thl' s upport of the slate chapter of the National Gay H1~hls Task Fon·e. s aid he \\Ill continue hrs fight for U1c right to take u mak. a ~ludenl ut another ~chool. to the M ay 4 prom. ··we want all or our Newport Beach citizens to help us labor in the vine yards or good govemment ..... . Tht• Cumberland :-.chool dl" par tment decided against grant· ing the boy a he .. nng on the ad vice of its attorm:y, V. James Santaniello. S<'hool Superintcn dent Robert G. Condon ~aid. Why, a s peech hke that might fill the old city counr1l (:hambcrs every m eeting njght. In Newport. or course. that might cause some added problems. They 'd have to fix the air conditioning Apricot Pit Sale Nixed "TIDS UAS NOTllJNG lo do with the homosexual ~•tuation. · Condon said. "All we were doing is abiclinl( by the request of th<' parents with respect to a minor child " CONCO RD N.H. <AP> -New Hampshire, wnich allows the use of LaetMle by cancer pa· lients, has rejeCted a bill that wo u ld h ave a ll owed the manufacture a nd sale or the apricot pit product. argued unsuccessfully that any s tate which h a s legalized L aetrile s h ou ld a llo w its manufacture. In 1977 when the Legislature agreed to legalize the s ubstance, many votes were s wayed by a cancer patient who told the House he had been cured b y Laetrile. But he has since died. Condon added, however. that the student council and most or th e s tude nt b od y o ppos e Guilbert's request The New Hampshire House voted 254-76 Tuesday against the proposal a fte r supporters ··a s a bad situation:· he said "We 're concerned a bout the youngster's safety. We feel the atmosphere is very lenw " Rockies to Get Snow Western Plains Mercury Below Freezing Albu q.,. All•ntt 8.tll1morei lllo•se ~ton Brown•vllle 8 ufl•10 Cllt<~ Cln<•-11 C:1ew1•l'ICI 0.tFl.Wln ~ver Oelroil HI Le PC' ... ~.Wi!~~W ... l.m °"'"''" f•lrDtllll ..... ". HOflOh1tu ttcHAton '""'-h• J•Os'v11i. It.n's Clly u sv-. L.lltle Roe.II, LMAftlele Loulsvlll• .. mplils Ml..ml .... _ .. Mpls-St P, Has!lville "-°'" ,.._Yortl Oii ... CllY ~ Or .... .._. ......... ........ H J1 10 .0 llO JI ., ,. .oa ~ 39 IJ 1' •O n ., ll SI JI .. 79 11 .i ,II )0 » .n •• 1'I » ,. ZS I •J 28 .2t 12 .. Ill ,. •• ., 11 /J ... u ••. 10 •l ., .0 u -~ •• u •• '40 .Ot t S M .'4 IO 14 40 )? .. a. , ... ,. .. SI J7 •I lStA .. ~ .. '° ., ,, -71 41 .01 ~==-:r ~ f'l'Oft 11 YIN 00 llOC ---11y&30 om C111......,..I 0111 IW'll'fO'Jlt'OO\>Mll lMI~ 8"1\lflllf """ ........., ... .,... 00 11111 It< .... __ ........ (ill OotlOft ll •m ---'"''°' Otlf.it!.O """ .... "' so u ........... .. 31 Pl._,°'9 •• •7 .n SI Louis •• •> ,,. SI lll"·T.,,.. t• 11 S.tltU•• 41 31 s.no.._ '' s. 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Temper•hll'H rtm411nell below ''"''"' --1iclnl tf Illa -twn ,.,.,,,. -ir.m llOttllteti.t'n H«tll 0.11.ta IO _...,11 ,,_.,l•aril.t --.i.m .... v-. Ill IN ~ ,....._ lfl tt1t 1ta -f9llllt .... ll\t _. .. "" ....... l'ltrlll.t • llW <Mt CM1t. Mit.• ... ,.,... ti ......... ,. ti .... , ........ , .. ,.. ••• ·- (IHI '"""'' Oft tllt Horll\ .. tl C..lt. Callfor1tla C uuy winos swffpl11Q tl>rouon !.<>ulh~rn C.lllONllit -• U l>e< led to ,1ow oo-lelt today 81111.,...ct sltrs WO<Md 1,,.1 lllt blUifffY -•Iller •flt! conlt.,... '" II• mo...t•ln1, Ot!Mrti •nG COHl•l •rMl. Bl~slJ OI win<> rH cllllllJ 10 40 mpfl tonhnll<MI to w!lhlle lllrOUQlt IM S.n Ftr,.11100 Valley •nd Wo t Lo\ Anq•le\ llrU\, wnn oro•en tru llmll\ tnd croue<1 l)OWer ,,,..., ctu~· lnq out•~ of ••r11nq lenqtll• 10< 10,000 0.N rlm•nt of Waler anu Pow•r c11s1onwrs ~011tlltrn C•lllor"'" Edison ol llttels al!oO teport@d ""merous small 0111•00 l llrouonoul tneir ••rv1c• ,, .. l'lo•t-ter•r ••Nii should cOt>- 111111• 111ow111Q from '5 to .0 mpn 1n Ille MOlllll•ln -\ end 70 to » ml)fl 111 lilt dt\erts. l'•tr -lllW Wll" lllQI\, thln <IOUO\ ano Ousl llld1ed uo o., lilt w1n0s10<m were Ujle(l.U to '4111ltll\IOI lhtOUQll Thursoo. Coa•tal 1t'ttatlwr F • Ir I l\rOuOll T riww·~. LIQlll •uleOll w1n<11 nlOlll tnd ~·111119 "°""' Mlg11$ TllUt'IG.., nur Co•sl•I lllf'lljl9ret11te1 w111 ranoe ll•l•Hn SJ end ... Inland lt m· perelures Wiii r~ IMt-n JO •nd 11. Tiie -ttr ltnlptttt11rt wlll w )t. S•11, Mean, Tide• WtDNH OAY Se<_...., ,,)Opm. os $«..., """ ..... p.m. u I TMU"SOAY Flr111-J:OO•·"'• 0.1 P:•rll llltf\ t 07 e.m. •.S Ste-tow i:ss, m. 01 Stcond lltOll t OJ o m. u Sv11 rl-J12'a.m., tabt.21,.1'11, flt\-rl-J:.., o.rn., Mb~:••·"'· I S•rlRqeri M"""""°" 8"Q11· w-• -101 ,,.,.. Mt wllf\ IJ 11\1111 .,,,,,.,, "'41!• ,., -..,,. .... <tlldltl-.....,,., ~II: W-••• IO tltfll Mt #lllll """ •••"""" .. "" wlftd !Mii.. tot fOOd <onctlltonl. Teamsters End Strike Tentative Pact Falls Within Guidelines? WASlllNGTON IAP> -The T ea msters umon and trucking comparues are getting ready to roll again. ending a nationwide shutdown alter reaching a ten· tat1ve contract agreement that r e portedly mce~s President Ca rte r 's a nti -inf l atio n gurdelinl'S "T he ~trike and defens ive shutdown lby the industry > ure bt·tn~ krminated. · <'h1cf fed eral ml•d1a tor Wayne L . Horvitz said !-i hortly before midnight Tues· day. as he announced a setll~­ m t•nt in the 10-day work slop· page. "PROCEDUR ES FOR r e . turn to work will be made within 24 hours," be said. The new package would pro- vide increases an wages. cost-Of· living and fnnge benefits total· ing 26.5 pe r ce nt over three years. assuming a 6 percent an· nual inflation rate and not count· ing exemptioni. granted LO the Teams ters. said John N. Gentry, a de p_uty to anti·inflation dire<>· tor Alfred E. Kahn. Gentry said the adm1rust ra· lion was "delighted" that the Teams ters settlement fa lls wrlhi'n Carter 's wage guidelines and is "substantially less" than the 34 percent increase provided 1n t h e p reviou s contract negotiated three years ago. Gen· tr y called it a victory ror thP Carter anti·in!laUon program . UNION PRESIDENT Frank Fitzsimmons said he would ~· o m m e nd ralificatlon by tbe 300.000 members covered by the pact. 'Tm s ure the y'll be satisfied with t his agreement; at least I hope so." he said . The wuon said it would take four to six weeks to complete the ratification vote. The two sides reached their agl'ffment under the prodding of federal mediators in a finaJ marathon round of bargaining that stretched over two days. BUV ONE DINNER AT REGULAR PRICE AND GET THE SECOND ONE FDR JUST •1.00 That's the special offer being made by Spires Restaurants in Irvine and Costa Mesa through April 15th, 1979. When you buy one of the four dinners shown below at the regular menu price. Spires will give you a second dinner for jus t $1.00 more ... served from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Both dinners must be the same and are not prepared for take-out. The SECOND DINNER FOR $1.00 offer is good only at Spires Restaurants In Costa Mesa, 3129 Harbor Blvd., and Irvine, MacArthur at San Diego Freeway, and pertains only to the dinners shown In this ad. All other menu items ate at regular prfoea. All dinners lnclUde a chOlceof (1) 80ltp, aalad, °'tomato Juice. Vegetable. French tries. hashed brown or mashed poratoes. (Blkad potato or rice pilal avallable from 4 to 9 p.m.) WMm roll and butter. Breaded ~ Veal Steak (pure wu1 Pllll> First $3 Dinner .75 Second Sl OO Dinner • First Second $1 Dinner $3.35 Dtnllef .00 Liver & Onions ~ Fish & Chips ~ b~~s~er $2. 95 g~g~d $1 .00 First $3 35 Second DO Dinner • Dinner $1 • S•TYed from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. <Ja/ly. Sflcon<J Dinner for $1.00 olfar goo<J only at Spires Rettaurantt In lr1tn• and Costa Meu. COSTA MESA 3129 Harbor Btvd. >(~ - ~ MacArthur 1t San Diego FWy. Fa• IFR•••••ra••• -----... . --------- --------,- ti • e ! t 1 I >' .I . • .,. 1 .. 0 ( s •· • r .1 M' id lf J ll· 'W ty w to nt: ~ • Going for a Sail Being an inventive and advcnture::.om c fellow. Ka.1 SorcnsC"n. 16. Cos ta Mei.a. derided to have some fun with Tuesday 's wmd::.. So he made a ::.ail of sortl\ out of an old bed sheet. t\\o curtain rods and soml' tape. jumped on his skateboard and Wl'nt sa1linJ! down the street. l : Jury Mulls Sanity Of Irvine Attacker i : ,J • • By KATHY CLANCY OI .. OMIY rltet Si.ff The Orange County Superior Court jury that found a former Juvenile Hall counselor guilty or attempted murde r Tuesday began hearing testimony today to determine hi s s anity . Charles Hubert Guenther. 33. of lrvine, was convictl'd of C:Jl - tempted murder, kidnap and at· tempted rape for attacks on a 15-y ear -old Dana Hill!. H1~h School coed in December and a 17-year-old San Cle mente girl 13 months ago. If the jury concludes Guenther was insane al the lime of the at- tacks. he would be confined to a state mental hospital for treat- ment.. He would return to court for sentencing in the case if and when doctors determine he h.is recovered from the mental dis order. Guenther admitted from the witness stand that he was the m a n who picked up J uli Michelle Gonzalez, 15, last December. shot ht:r in the head five times. beat her with a ham- mer and dropped her at a con· struclion site. He also told the five-man, seven-woman jury that he r!ave a ride to Patrice Matkins, 17, in March 1978 and hit her repeated- ly with an unloaded gun before she jumped from rus moving car. Guenther, who a lso was iden- tified by his two victims, bad testified an uncontrollable "wild rage" prompted the attacks. His attorney, William Dougherty, bad argued that his client was innocent of the charges, however, because be was mentally disturbed at the Ume and not. responsjbJe for the t acts Guenther bad pleaded inno-1 cent and innocent by r eason of ( insanity to the charges. He has ~ been lodf(ed in a locked mental l' D~tlY PtlM Slaff !'MIO ENTERS SANITY TRIAL Charles H. Guenther weird a l Can yon G e n e ral Hospital in Anaheim ::;1ncc ~hort ly after his arrest. "I didn't know what I wa~ do ing," Guenther testtfll'd about the attack on Miss Gonzalez. ··1 was fighting the impulse. 1 was just shooting. She was scream - ing and 1 was screaming." Prosecutor Paul Meyer had argued that Guenther was men· •ally responsible for the attacks . H e conte nded the former counselor was in control suffi- ciently to drive his auto with one hand as he fired a gun at MJss Gonzalez with the other. Guenther's ._psychiatrist.. Dr. Barbara Hunoley, has tes tified her patient suffers from a brajn disorder brought on by a livt!r malfunction. .. .. ~ 'Y .. •B••e'9wa ' Dally Ne••P•tte Tornadoes Kill ·61 In Texas, Oklahoma f 800 Hurt In Four Towns By the Associated Press 1'orna(joes smashed into four communities in North Texas and Oklahoma. suckrng up people and property. tossing cars about und leveli ng homes and busi- nesses. Authoril1Ps said at least ti l persons were killed .i nd more than 800werc 1n1ured Gov Bill Clcmenb toured the north Texas city of Wi(•hita F alls. site of the worst damage. as N at1ona I G u a rd troops patrolled debris-strewn streets today to ward off any looters who might want to take advan- tage of the disaster that struck Tuesday afternoon. Vandals smashed plate glass wi ndows in downtown stores and scooped up booty afkr a twister tore through the <'1ly of 96.000. One Red Cross worker reported :.t•e ing armed ho m eowners guarding damaged homes The body count in W1chitC:1 Falls had ·risen to 45 by mid- morning and authorities feared 1l m ight go higher. Capt. Terry Denson of the National Guard said other unconfirmed deaths had been reported. lo Lawton, Okla., where at least three died in a twister. Gov. George Nigh activated 100 National Guard troops to aid in search and rescue efforts and police patrols. There were re- ports of looting there too, but no arrests. .. As the storm sta rted you could see the clouds being s ucked into the center of the s torm -the debris and huge pieces of house roofs. and tree limbs.·· said Wi c bita Falls Record-News reporter Rocky S<'olt, "'ho watched the tornado from the county courthouse ··All of a sudden there wa!> 4:1 tremendous roar. and the storm <ippeared to mo,•e very quickly. It seemed ltke it lasted about five or six minutes and it looked like a huge snow cone." The first major twister at 3:50 p.m . killed al least 12 persons and injured more than 60 in Vernon, a town of 11 ,500 about 75 miles northwest of Wichita Falls. "ll looks like we have been born bed." one r esident there !>aid. The National Gu.ird a rmory was blown down Two hours taler , Wichita Falls was hit. with the path of destruc- tion e1~ht mi les lon,:c and up to <See TOLL, Page A2 > PILOT AD GETS l'lS JOB DONE · ')' m very pleased with the Daily Pilot. "I sold everything in my ad." That's the story of the suc- cessful Newport Beach woman who placed this ad in the Daily Pilot: Beige •tone on tone • 812 !->O fa $500 and pr or l'hampagne silk velvet cluh chrs $165. Like ne" xxx-xx.xx If you want lo be pleased. try the friendly ad-v1scrs at the Daily Pilot. Call 642-5678. ' . .... ..,..,.. AERIAL PHOTO WAS TAKEN THIS MORNING IN WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS Tuesday Tornado Left This Resl~entlal Neighborhood In Shambles OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City • New U Reinstated As Official Paper fort WOJth • • TEXAS 0 50 100 Miles AP Wl,..,.,.lo 'TORNADO ALLEY' HIT Death Toll Rises By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Ota. ~11y ~Mot Si.ff The New University once again is the official UC Jrvine newspaper following an about- face Tuesday 01ght by the As- sociated Students Council. In a 12-to-10 decision. the coun- cil voted to restore Sl0.000 in previously frozen funds to the paper. the target of controversy for the past several weeks . Ne w Un1v e r s 1ty s t affers· hugged each other. a pplauded a nd shouted victory whoops as the council endorsed the resolu· lion proposed by Associated Stu· dents President Steven Kaplan. Clearly angered by the coun· e11's actroo were students work- Sales Unlikely? No Action Taken On Mesa Schools Newport.Mesa school trustees took no action Tuesd ay on rec- o m m endatlons by a c itizen~ committee on the future or three Costa Mesa school sites. but said they probably won 't sell the prope rties. Trustees voted to receive the report and thank the committee members. who had held public hearings on what should be done with Monte Vista. Mesa Verde and Victoria schools. All three are sch eduled for clos ing because of declining enrollment. Committee chairman Roger Blanchard s aid the committee recommends leasing rather than selling because be was told lbat. if the schools are sold, the money will go directly to pay off s tate Joans on the property while. if they are leased, the dis- trict could keep the money. However . trustees s aid it 's still not clear whether lease pay- ments can be retained or musf be applied toward paying orf the loans. But they s aid they want lo keep the sites in case they are needed again as schools. The committee report noted that residents near the schools ~requested restricted night ac- tivities. continuing availability of playgrounds and no heavy in- crease in traffic. It was pointed out that trustees face a dilemm a : Ir they choose to lease to a private school or group. s uch as the Orange C.oast YMCA, a public auction must' be held . The properly mig ht ·then become available to CoasUlne Community College. which, committee m e mbe rs be lieve. would not meet the requests of · nei5'hbors. ' mg to deveiop a new campus ·• newspaper. That group bad been forme4 following action just eight ct.ys ago by the council to strip the New University of funding due to complaints over alleged racist and sexist editorial policies. ' Ka plan argued that the New Univers ity was needed to publicize events, including--up- com i n g s tude n t e lections. through the end of the quarter. He said he doubted that a new paper could gear up by April 24-25 for the elections. The council's revers a l was at- t ributed by obser vers to two ractors: a pro-New University lobbying effort on the campus and a lar ge turnout ot New U o 1 versity supporters at the meeting. ··They just buckled under pres-·' s ure.·· s aid one s tudent who was not happy with the decision. N e w Unive r s ity Editor Richard Clucas s aid after the meeting that his staff would be willing to embrace students who have been critical or the paper's past po&icies. But James Markham, one of the New University critics, said he would be "very surprised if ). they'd let us in. • Markham. one or seven stu- d ents trying to shape a new paper, said the New University issue is not over and that a new publication may still come into being. given sufficient student· • n ppod ; "What is so amazing to me i'~ ~ that they 'council me mber$,. wouldn't give us an opport~,. to present our position,·· be sai$1(l , -~~' ' I. Weather ! Fair and warm~ through Tbursday. Lo • tonight 46 to 54. Hi~ Thursday in upper 70s:. • . Shoppers Stop Get away However, other public groups wantlng to lease might OOl be able to pay as much rent. Trustees asked staff membeni. to look lnto the possibilities or writing restrictions into a lease. They stated that they want lo protect both tbe interests of tax· payers in general and of the schools' neighbors. 11'81DE TODA T': P.oue11ger8 :oboar. "mirocw /llg#at' from York to~ nf f A buman wedge around a nee. bal ear, and a grocery store as- at.tant 1Dana1er who used bis belt to disarm a knife-wielding 111apect were credited with help. tn1 Coei. Mesa police arrest f Uaree theft suspects Tuesday. Poll~ said the incident began at t :30 p.m. Tuesday when e&ertl1 .t Ralph'• Market, 3lo E. 17tb St saw a man neetng with three bOttlea of liquor and aaeedhlm. Tbe mm allesedly pulled a ladle .. tbem but dropped lt ..._ _.. .... man .. er-ltobert lam" Keller. tT. came up swinging his belt. ,officer Dennis Jefcoat said in bis report that be arrested the man but only questioned his two female companions, releasing them alter being told they dldn 't have a car. However. Jercoast said that minut.s later be spotted the women driving orf in a car and called to several bystanders to help stop them. The .,...enby quickly thrust themaeJvea In front of and beblnd the car. Jefcoat said. When the driver paUHd, Jefcoat •H able to open the car door and stop the alleged escape. His report stat.es that several bottles or liquor stolen from Ralph's were found inside the car . along with a "shopping list '' or brand names. About $100 in Hquor had been stolen. Jefcoat said . Still in Costa Mesa Jail today In lieu of $10,000 bail was. Eliseo Delf ado Rodriguez," 23, of Santa Ana. who races charges of as· aault with a deadly weapon, co mme r cia l burglary, posaeulon or stolen property and pouesaioo or a needle and a_yrlnae. .. Police said Rodriguez' sister. Margaret Delgado Rodriguez, 19, or Santa Ana, was taken lo Oranae County Jail along with Melissa Willhams. also known as Melissa Gravelle, 22, of 2700 Peterson Way. Costa Mesa. The women were beint held on $5,000 bail each on suspicion of co m m ercla l burglary and possession of stolen property. They sald the charge ls bur1lary rat.her than ahopUftlna beceuee tbey believe they can prove the tu1peets entered the store with intent to commit a crime. Fireman Injured SANTA PAULA <A P > One firefighter was injured to- day as a huge downtown wooden packlq shed burned furiouslr in a blaae authorities said was de· Jlberately set. Ventura city fire Capt. Ced1 Newton b""e a leg worklna with hose Unea and was briefty beepitlll~ \.! ) • ~4\ on per'IOOOI reoctiofta m t fnwh dh dtoth .(U IJw I je t liner VH~ft f into ,tq• supersonic . noaedi1'•. s~ ~1 e.AJ4. ..... . ,.,_..,,,.."' ~ :: ............. cae--. M ~ .. ,. CiMMC.t • CUA bl • ._... ....... ., • ...... P911 ... ...... I .... " .,....... CM ..... cw.~• ~a a.L.-.. . ............... : .......... ........... ................ ............. =:w:. ·j =-........ --.. .. . , I t .. ............ SPECIAL MACHINE SCANS BODY F OR RADIATION Chri• Becker Submit• To Test at Middletown. Pa. Nuke Plant Safety Corrections Urged WASIBNGTON tAP> -The Nuclear Regulatory Commission said today the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident shows a neerl for urgent sarct:, corrections on nearly all lhc na t1on's nucle<er plants The agenl'~ did not spell out the actinns nN·dNl. hut said a des1~n flc.tw was found in -,umt• power plants dcsignc•d by W(•St mghousc Corp. T he comm1s1>ion sCJid the dt- ~1,gn fl aw. similar to one HI thl· Three Mill' Island plant built 1n Pennsvlvanja bv Babcock ;ind Wilcox, could ·m is lead plant oper ators and pr('vent \.1tul l'mergency cooling in the event of an accident. 1 The operating nuclear urut al San Onofr e was designed by Westinghouse The two units un- der construction were designed bv a nothe r firm. 1 ~The a~ency said safety correc tions were needed "on a pnor1ly bas is for all light water reactor fac1lit1es. · "'h1ch "ould cmt.'r all but one of the! n l1ccns<.'(I nuclear PO\\er µlant~ in the C'OUntry. Thc exception 1s llw fort Saint \.'rain plant at Plattvrllc, Colo whic-h '" a t11gh h·mpcrat1Jrl'. * * * gas-cooled reactor Westinghouse had no 1m· mediate comment on the NRC s tatement The NRC said Westinghouse on Salurda~ Lell'phonccl owners of plants built by the firm warn- ing that :.ome Wcstrnghousc d<'s igned fctl'ilit1e-, depend on a C'um bmatwn of l\\O in:-.trumt•nt .signals by tht• plant computer lo turn on eme rJ!eney cooling au tomat 1 t· a II v ~ hl'n then: i-, trouble with 'tht> main cooling svstc m . The NRC stalf followed up with a written "prl'liminary not1ficationOO of the situation to com m1ss10n ofh(•1als TucM.lay a n d a nnounced that actwn publicly today Complete cooling failure can lead Lo a meltdown or overheat ing of the reac-tor's core a nd t he release of large amounts of radioactivity W<':.linghouH· :.aid 1t wa-, believed that a s m all break m a rl'<:ictor pn•ssunzt•r could l<•avt.> onl' of the!-c "ignals appeuring l11gh while the uther falls In this case. the computer IA uuld not turn O\'Cr (•m<'rgcnc~ eool1n.i:: anci a plant opt•ralor could he misled mlo "errom:nu~ actions * * * San On of re Cites Water level l{auges at San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant could give false readings during rapid decompression oper aUons like one I.hat led to the Three Mile lsland disaster -but would be backed up by a utomaUc safe· Ly systems. plant officials said today. Concern has been raised by Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials that the gauges at 43 plant s including San Onofre could give operators false read· ings and pose a serious hazard. B ut S a n O nofr e nuc lear generation manager Hans Ol· tos on s aid It unlikely all three J{a Uj{es would fail. In t he event tha t they did fail, water pres· sure backup systems would be aclivated and compensate for e DAILY PILOT Tr•Ot-~IO.Uyl>1lol •ll~wl>l<MH­ -·'--"""' .. _ • .,..., .. lt..0.-c: .. s• ,,_......,.'-s.-~·...,,-.,. -"'""' -.. llWOUQll FrlOav fO< tb\•• ........ .._, --~ ...... ,~ .... ·-~ -,.,,...,.lley,ln.-.t-ll .. c~ S...l!>C-A ....... ,..,_ ,.,..,, ,,_.,.,,.., ""'"'°"''."" s-a.y n. OhfW 00otJ -1 .... "9 P'-1 "•I JJI We•• a..~ c~ww. c••·• .. ,....,.,. any change in cond1t1ons. he added Ottoson said the gauges al San Onofre are s imilar lo those used at the Three Mile Island plant rn Pennsylvania but are m<.1de by different manufacturers. NRC officials said last week t he gauge may h ave fooled T h ree M ile I s l and p lant operators into shutting down an emergency cooling system that had switched on automatically and thus com pounded the acci· dent. This revelation prompted NRC Chairman Joseph Hendrie to is· sue warning letters to plant of· fi cials across the country. Ottoson said San Onofre of- fici als arc looking into lhe potcn· tlal gauge malfunction and other concerns ra ised by Hcndrle 's lette rs. San Onofre plant ofricials are also comparing any similarities their unit may ha ve wllh the Three Mile Island facility Mesa Incident By Ki\T ll\' LAN<."Y 0t -o.11; ,., ... ....,. Or1tn1te County Supervisors pul thelr st.amp ot a pprovid to. clay on plan• tor the future eo.ooo rHldent commuatty of Allio Vl.-j() dt~U>ite a h1st-mlnute n•qut•11t for 11 delay J on Brand, former Laguna Bt>t1ch muyor . questioned the lt'1ahty or lllklng nnal action to· day Brand. "l~Hltlng as a member of Vtlluge L:Jg una, Inc .. con· tc•ndttd J supplemental environ· Ott•ntul document that mentions .. u1:h ltungi. as a hotel in the Laguoa Greenbelt had nol been widely c1rcuJated or heard at a pubhc bearing . Rut R.aehard Munsell. an assis· tant director of county Environ· mental Ma nagm e nl Agency, aid the s upplement al report will be used during later plan· 111ng and ls not part of the initial plan approved today. Munsell said tbe report will be part of late r public hearings. Brand also submitted a letter sig n e d by A rnold H a no. chairman of Village Laguna. which objected to coun ty efforts to withdraw the 6,623-acre Aliso ,.,...,,. Pa~ Al TOLL ... 112 miles wade. About 2,000 h o m es were d estroyed or serious ly damaged a nd two shopping centers were heavily da m aged. ·'The only thing left or my house is I.he closet I was lying in ... said one woman. who asked not to be identified. "I got so scared I just laid there and prayed I 'vt• been through five hur rican('s. but hurricanes are nothrnii compared lo this Takl· ml' ba<.'k to hurracanl's ... Some of thos<' in.1ur ed in Vl•rnon h ad been taken to W1c-h1ta Falls hospitals. "Wl' were taking in;ured in rrnm Vl'rnon when this one hit hcn'. · s aid Dr. Jaml's Lee, mL•d1cal coordinator for the Hed Cross m Wichita Falls. Another tornado later struck Harrold, a s m all town nine miles west or Vernon. killing one person Ac-ross the R ed River in Oklahoma. a twister killed at IC'ast three persons and injured at lcCJst 70 in Lawton. ·'The destruction is going to be 111 m1lhons of doll~1rs We got hit hard. said l'ol1cc Capt. Bob Eclmnnson Tht• tornado s truck there about 5 15 pm ll mmutt>s :lfter a w a rnrng Slr('ll had sounded . "It sounded hkt• jets going O\'l'r. said Karen Lenham. 34 "It happened so fast, 1t wa~ over before I could hide." sairl Mrs. E. A llansen. peering out from the stairs of her rooness hOllS(' I\ t leas t 25 houses wer e dc•stroycd. Other tornadoes were,reporled about the same time in outlying <:1reas of Texas. but authorities couldoot say how many touched down There wus some damage at Lockett. six miles southwest of Vernon. The c1t1es are in an area or the Southwest commonly known as · · To r n·a d o 1\ II e y · b e c a u s e twbters frequently thunder over the roll ing hills covered with sagebrush. Fifteen years ago this m o nth , a n othe r kill e r tornado roared through Wichita Falls. killing seven people a nd causing $15 million da m age. School Budget Meeting Cancelled /\ special meeting of Newport. Mesa school trustees tentaliveiy set for Tuesday to discuss the 1979·80 preliminary budget has been cancele d because the budget won't be ready. Trustees said .they hope to reschedule the budget meet.ing for May 1 ·-""-... _ .. 1_,.,...,_ J .. ~. Cwlrr Viet Prt\IOMll •ftCf 0._ .. W~ ,...,.. .. 11...ni E«lltor ~•A.M ....... ~.,. ..... Shooting Victim's Condition Critical o.t!Mll '--~ ...... " A"!Slllnl AM-1119 Etlllor• A 26,-yea r ·o ld S a nt a Ana woman remained ln critical con· dition today as the result or a guns hot attack by he r former Hance, who t hen com mitted suicide. Police said LaNita F'. Wilson. who ls being treated at . Mercy General Hospital in Santa Ana, m ay l0$e a leg as a resul\ of Monday's attack . Set. ntomas Lazar said It Is believed Steph e n Wils on R lcbardson, 29, of Santa Ana. shot ber twice, then turned his huntl.n, rifJe on bJmsett because he was upset about the couple's brea k-up. The injured woman was in the process of breaking off the rela· tlonshlp, Lazar said. Richardson ran bis truck into bis e x-fiancee·s car Monday evening on Redhill Avenue north of Bristol Street In Costa Mesa. then shot her Lwtce in lhe left aide wllb a 30·08 rme, Lazar H id. Rlcha.rdson s body was 'round In a nearby field a shon Ume later • VleJo ptoperty from the purvlew of the Coastal Comrolssioa. Super visors t his mol'lllng made only a few te c baJtal changee to a u.& of eondJlions a pproved lo coneept for Aliso Viejo two weeks ayo. "As you know I didn't vote for a pproval or the Aliso Viejo , gene r a l p lan." S u pe r visor Thomas Riley said at the start ol today 's session. "But I will recommend ap- proval ol the conditions." Riley continued . comme ndi ng the coun ty counsel for translating supe r visor's conditions into a formal policy document. AS proposed DOW lbe 20,000· unit community would be buHt over the next 20 years on 6.623 acres nestled in lhe coasta l hills s ur rounde d b y La1una Beach, South Laguna. Laguna Hills and Laguna Niguel. Riley, wbose Fifth I>istriet in· c I udes t he forme r Mo ulto n Ranch acres that form A liso Vie· jo cast the lone vote iigainst the project two we eks a go after aguing unsuccessfully that de· velopment be limited lo 16,000 houses, condominimums and apartments. . . As it stands now the Aliso Vie· jo Company must donate J ,476 of its a cres for open space. The original general plan for the area called for retaining 4.809 acres in open space and hmitc.-d construction to 10.097 homes Amon~ cond 1t1on s for ap proval supervisors required that 5,000 of the future homes be priced in the so-called low and moderate inc-ome r ange so that fam1laes l'arnin~ l e~s than S22.000 annually could afford to buy them. They also asked the company to take steps to ensure that the homei; would remain in thl' ur fordable price ranµe upon re sale Lo future purchaser:.. Friday Bank Hoius Cut Good Friday and Friday the 13th are one and the same tb1s week, 1r you plan to do your banking on that day. you might end up with the bad luck that's said to go hand 1n hand with the latter Many banks 1n lh<• Orange Coa::.l ar<.•a plan to c lo se a t noon . or thereabout:. To !><.' on the safe side. call first to be s urt' of your brunch ·:. hours. MISSING YOUNGSTER a.tea Francia, 7 lbmJ Cominues For Santa Ana~ Missing Boy, 7 Santa Ana police said today the y h a ven 't rule d o ut the possibility of foul play in the dis· appearance two days ago or a 7 .ye a r-old boy. "We are look i n g a t a ll possibilities," said Sgt. Kenneth Relnertson. He no te d that the boy 's pa r e nts a re involve d 1n a custody dispute ~ul that, s ince a court date is pending, neither a ppears to have a motive for hiding the boy. '1'he youngster was identified as Charles Christopher Francis, known as Chrissie, of Santa Ana. ll.einert.son said Chrissie was last seen a t 5:40 p.m . Monday near I.he intersection of Chestnut A venue and Lyon Street near Prentice Park in Santa Ana lie said Chrissie's father. William Dennis F r ancis, had taken the boy with hi m that day on his delivery truck route and had dropped hi m off befo~ re· turning to his workplace. wrth 111slruc-tions to walk to Franc1:.· tar nearby and wail for him. When Francis ret urned Ill m111utcs later. the boy was gone. Heinertson said. Because lhe area 1s primarily business-oriented, and was d{·· serted at the time. no rt>liable IA 1tnesses ha\C been found, Reine r tson sai d, a lthough television publicity has t urned up some possible si~hll n~s. The boy is described as thin. "1th collar-length light brown hair. blue eyes a light complex· 100 and a small scar near the left eye. H e \\as wearing a multicolored T-shirt. a blue den· 1m jacket with a U S Army patch. and blue or green pants. Reinertson said . T.&L AVIV, Israel <AP> - PalHtlnlan 111errtllaa in IOatbern LebanOa find rotket barra1e1 into northern Israel to. dayafta-a...1& ........... uieked PaWttm• a... ID .... ,taUaUoD for die bombbll OI a Tel A vlv market. The ftnt buTaa9 ldt tile .... of kiryat Sbmona on tile LebaDele border. ·~ ....... ing a woman, and later le¥eral more rocket.a were find tmo die western Gall.lee area. aJoQa tbe Mediterranean No~ were reported in the secODd attack.. but Israeli gwmen replied wi&h a r tiller y salvos, tbe military command said. Y asser Arafa t's command ID Beirut said the rocket assault& t o u c he d o ff a "running" artillery duel on both sidei ol Ule borde r. It said the l"errilla stronghold town of NabaUyeb and adjacent positions were UD· de r heavy Israeli cannon and missile fire by midmorning. In Cai r o. t he E gyptian Foreign Ministry issued a state. me nl denouncing Israel's air strike into Lebanon Tuesday, s aying it "contradicts. the aims or the peace efforts in tbe Middle East and . . . could have dis· astrous effects on the future of peace ln the area." T he denunciation came after the 360-me mbe r Egyptian Parlia ment o verwhelm ingly ratified the peace treaty with Is rael Tuesday. The vote was 329· 13. wilb one abstention and 17 absent. Wind Spreads Costa Mesa House Blaze Winds of 20 to 25 miles per hour were blamed for helping spread a fire that caused SSOO in damage to a Costa Mesa home. fire officials s~ud today . Fire 1'I arshal Russ Henderson sa rd th<.• blaze, at 4· 17 p .m. Tues- day at the home of Michael Smith, 3130 Limerick Lane, was C'a u ~ed h y s parks f r om a chimney being blowo onto the roof. f'ire damage was restricted to the roof. Henderson said. lie s aid fou r other minor structure fires also occurred Tuei;day Guards to Work SACRA M ENTO AP > California prison guards were lo return to \\Ork loda) from lheir ·s1t·k out .. on the theory that Lt. GO\' Mtkc Curb wi ll then ills· cusi. their problems. •PRING .UPR~LSTiERY . .. ~~SALE~~ . lOo/o to 2So/o OFF ,.. •' i . Fantastic selection of the finest in upho lstery now on sale. Special o rde rs accepted on many of our famous lines including selected pieces from Drexel, Heritage, Woodmark & Stanton Cooper. Aireloom sleepers, 20°/o off. your choice of color. Don't delay. .. , .- ... STOCKS/BUSINESS -........... , ''· 1119 s DAILVPILOT Who Knows About P-ro/ita? By 'OUN CVNNIFF -~ ............... In speaking or prom.a, especially before they're made. such descrlpUvee as excetalve, wlqdfall, rlpotr, WI· ders~rved. and enormout usually rer)ect an attitude ratber than a measurement. There is no dearth or prom measurements. Precise re. cords are kept (or proclical reasons. such as determln.lnf corporate health, taxes owed, cash dis tributions to shareholders. runds to e reinvested. LAST VEAR WAS A GOOD ONE for profits, wilh cor· poraUons reportintt a 17 percent after·tax increase over 1977. aceordlng to figures compiled by Citibank. Return on investment was 16 percent. on sales S.2 percent. Whether these numbers are ex· cessi ve is a matter of judgment. They do show an improvement -return on invest· ment in 1977 was 14.9 pe rcent. on sales 5 percent -but few records were set and few even approached. Since its figures were derived from returns by 2.491 publicly held companies 1 with arter-tax profits of S98 billion on sales of $1.7 trillion in 1978 >. Citibank's survey is considered authoritative. cu"'"'"'" It shows that as an industry. petroleum production and refining earned more net income than any other industrial category, some $14 9 billion. ti 12 percent increase over 1977's $13.3 billion. BVT, AS OIL COMPANY OFFICIALS anxiously re- mind the public. big is relative. Their investment is huge. they point out. nearly $104 billion in 1978. From that invest· ment they received a return or 14.4 percent. Is 14.4 percent large? Not when measured against the 16 percent average of a ll manufacturers. Nor ts it large when matched against the 2()-plus percent return earned by many consumer products manufacturers . The baking industry. for example, earned 20.3 percent for its shareholders. Soft drink manufacturers earned 22.8 percent. drug and medicine producers 21.5 percent and soap.cosmetic concerns 2().8 percent. THE OTHER COMMON measurement. return on sales. sometimes gives a different picture. but mainly because of the varying nature or businesses. Last year the return rose to 5.2 from 5 percent. Once again. oil companies fell below the average, re· tainin~ 4.8 percent or their sales. a percent almost imper ceptibly hi gher than in the previous year. And 1979? That now becoml'S thl· b1 ~question With price controb being pha:.ed out for U S.·produced crude oil. President Carter has strongly expressed hi~ belief that 011 com pan,> pror.ts will be excessive unless pe1red to s1 zc by te1xes HIS OfOICF. or WORDS has especially angered some corporate executives What. they ask. doc!'> he mel.ln by t!X· cessive. w1ndlall. enormous. ripoff, undcrscrved words he used in seektni:? support for an oil-profits tax'! In defense of their companies and they say, in de- fense of the free enterprise system -more each year in· elude in thefr annual reports a breakdown of what hap- pened to revenues they received. General Motors, which reported sales last .Year of $53.5 billion. notes on the opening page or its report that 32.7 per· cent went to employees. 51.8 percent lo suppliers and 8.1 percent to taxes. COMPARE THOSE FIGURES, IT seems to say. with the 2.8 percent ret ained for "use in the business:· and the 2.7 percent d istributed to nearly I 3 million sharehold ers. the people who own the company Corporations maintain 1t ts only by breaking down l hC big numbers -by return on equity. return on sales. profits in relation to other years and the distribution of revenues -that a fai r picture emerges. "Excess." they maintain. is immeasurable. Especial· ly in advance. Mercury Reports Quarter's Record Mercury Savings &: Loan Association. based in Hunt· ington Beach. has reported record net after.tax first quarter earnings and total assets of $600 million. The an- nouncement was made on the association 's 15th birthday. recording growth from an initial $2 million in assets on April 10. 1964 to $600 million in assets on Tuesday. without mergers or acqu1s1t1ons. Net after·t ax con sol ida t e d 1u naudited1 e arni.n~s for the quarter ended March 31 were SI.633.399. compared with Sl.256.528 for the like period in 1978. Per·shar~ earnings jumped to 50 cents from 39 cents in 1978. In 1978 the association posted record earnings for the fuU year. Pe r-share earnings a re based upon the weighted average outstanding shares of 3,254.957. com· pared with 3.250,991 in 1978. The portfolios of savings and loans both reached record levels . MERCURY PAID A 25·CENT per share cash dividend in J anuary and. beginning with the April dividend payment, has converted to quarterly cash payments al 12'AI cents a quarter for 1979. Mercury operates I l oHiccs in Orange, Los Angeles and Santa Clara counties. with a 12th office scheduled to open by mid-year in Torrance and a 13th scheduled to open in the third quarter in Camarillo. Baba Bllri•n• Parle Gees llp Anticipating a June compleUon date, construction is under way on the 13·acre. 183,000-square-fool Bolsa Busi· ness Park in Huntington Beach. Arosa Development & Management. Inc., Is owner and developer of the property . The park will contain seven multi-tenant and four free· standing buildings. OHice and industrial apace of up to 32,138 square feet wiJI be available. ( T"t.KJNG J Coldwell Banker of ~ Newport Beach Is the STOCK leasing agent for the $5.5 ""------------million park, located at thecornerofBolsaChica . Stre et a nd Bol sa Avenue, one mile from the San Diego rreeway. Two California home loan companies, Aamea Home IAan and Capitol Home Loan Co., have merfed. Gary K. Judls, founder and presldeat of the 14-year-old Capitol Home Loan, said he will reeetve ball of the luued and outstanding Aamea stock u a result of tbe meraer. The consolidated Aames/Capltol or1anluUon will be headquartertd at Aames' offices in Loe Aqeln and will conduct ~rust deed broker.,e acUviliH under the Aames name . ....... ~rf ... o,,e ... •le• BIWnga Computer Corp., Pro90 Utu, nu ftlected the name Caldi.sk for the noppy dlae drive com.,.ny that it at· quired from Califomla Computer Produda, Anaheim. Tbe m~r thrust of the dJvlsion wHJ be to continue to supply noppJ dltk drives. "Caldlak will remain lD cauromta emplo)'ln1 a majority ol tbe tame people ... worked for CalComp before tbe acqulllllon," eald Ro11t E . Blllinp, pretldent. Wtdneedly, April 1I,117' \r I\ . ' I I .... , , • I SUPERHEROES I I L by Pasko, Tuska & Colletta .--~~~~~---~~~~~- SHOE MOON MULLINS --• REMEt-ABSR>, WE CAN REPLACE you WITH A By Bil Keane "I think you'd do better if you tried NOT singing to him." DENNIS THE MENACE ~ '/·II ••• I (AN ueE /fiY >t'RAY Vl!NON WITHOUT ~Yr~ A80tJT IT ACTIVATIMJ THE IMTONATOfll .'NOW I'M FNI t::> Mll«N I Fae LVTNOR ! 1 by Jeff MacNelly ANO IV£ GOf NO WAYCFGml~ ~ ... GORDO JUDGE PARKER I 'VE 60T TO 60 &ACK TO TME OFflCE, Ae&EYT1'VE OOTTWO TICKETS FOR THE SYMPHONY TONl()MT' All:E YOU FRH? TUMBLEWEEDS r----------, 1 I I i • . , NANCY OH, BOY···AT LAST I 'M GOING TO SEE WHAT A REAL. COURTROOM ._~ .......... LOOKS LIKE ···-~~·.-··· by Tom ~I'* ! C10N'r KN0w, l\RAT IT CotAL.O rte .ASWT A QcAY WHO MT~ flCt( Fft()M !ATIN<i OFI= PlttTY PL.All!S ... DRABBLE NIELSEN QI .... ~ -' ' ~~lf' c..41,,,,,,._..,... . 1#-11 IMAT OEl €Cfl\1€ 15 s'""' A. Kw-rz. ! ~ow t OUl.O AN'{ONE 6£ 11-4A1' OV Mf> ? Hf.Y,IJ1£l-S~N, ~60Tnle CCMJIRY'S 6t16fSf" llfiARfTre Af) ACCOO'>lf IN 'TJ..lf: NMJ(.V \ODAV. crUt.~5 wHO 1Wtl61ff UP1He CAMPAl6tJ'5 KEY ~!<ASE 'i; I.,._, I by Gus Arriola THE. IAIAC;l\/tr'{ OF /aE.Tll<EO U FEWot.JW l</LJ. MEI . by Harold Le Doux bv Tom K. Ryan 10ASSORE: 1Hf C.ONllNUE:P UNl'TY OF EVERY l'ONE: IN 'tt)UR lfOP/ I SOOGE'Sf YOO VROP~R NEXT REPOfrr IN A MU.! by Emie Bushmlller PEANUTS '{OU TMINK l(OIJ'U. HAVE FOR60TTEN WHAT Ii WAS LIKE iO HAYE SE~ A KID l(OUltSEL.F ? ):. WOUt...c:> HAF"f"A PIC.K 1"He ONt...Y RI GG5 P PHONe eoo-rH tN Me1"ROP0t...IS •1 YEAH,~~ ! ~If" m?;e '©MC<o • uUY$WTrn "SHUCKS,~~ OO~WA DIE NIYWAY~· 1HEJI< UTTtf FAaS L.tf' UP. Lile;~ 61( S. TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 46 Oen 1 Seaweed 48 Pc1rt ol ~ -Castro USNA 9 Fools 52 P1eman s 14 ltal•an com· Questioner mune 2 wor<ls 15 -F1tzger· 56 Lick aid 57 Perteet 16 -Davis 58 Last wOfd 11 Adorn S9 Land: Abbr. 18 Skirt style 60 Cents 19 Iowa town 61 Spanish art- 20 Id ISi 21 Tobacco 62 Friend· Fr product: 63 Stulled 2 words S.. -cO<le 23 Renovate 65 Baked items 25 Eleanora -DOWN UNITED Fea ture Synd1care TueSday's Puzzle Solved. • l ' . s ' A l r. :2~ jJ: c 0 0 ~ I' A c l • .!l!!.!..!! " 0 • s ( " A C ( s .!.!! .!.!! l s I l .. 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