HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-04-15 - Orange Coast Pilot--------..._....,_. ___ ... -..... --·--·--- ms Hotline: Deductions Tax Mind. BJ All'ftlUa R. VlNSEL Of•INil•~ ..... Standlng on a buay El Moot~ streel comer nettled up aaa1n.sl lbe ftank ot Mounl Baldy is a big turquoia and wh1ll' bulldlna wbere you can &et • lltU help from your friend Thty work ror the lnternal Revtinue Strv1ce and rt>all)' they arc your frltnd •• wbetb r ll ft'tlli l\ke H today or not. They have bc<'n vt?r y busy answer ing ll•l t• phont':. at thn ms· Ct'n Uphont• Silt• v1"H1. t uit lll'lphne fo<.'iht y u.s '" thn~. The Y<'Ur or Our Lord l979 11tld Qur \Jncll' Sam l'tl.1. thl' t..1 f1I mg sca~n dru" tn .i 1·losl' A atalf lhnt v1trie. rrom 45 lo 80 at 90~0 E raalr Orlv~ unswered quest1on11 Crom BOme 36,000 calla lLl l wt>ek alon4'. "n colnpauln& an area rrom San Luis Obispo to San Olc&o Tbtiy arc bu y luklng these tollfrt'l' calla cOlal 1, 121SI S12 7981} und tryi ng to atMse. an.x10U8. an~ry. t•onfus <'d or run fo\JndNI laitp~yer:1 u~ deudllne n<.'ara tomorrow sinfc April 15 foils on Sunday So tlon'l a k Ir you cun takt> Q mt>dlcul deduellon ror a pair or hand (Arved wood,•n ll'Kll for your purapll'Ai<' 11 •l t:hlr kcn whaeh w 1111 born w i thout drumr.tu•kc; und r\'<tulrNI p1 os thellc dc\'tc~ Don 't I.. 1f you 'rl' t•nl1lled to tu ~t· 1 <'a-.uulty los11 for rlmilun~ ·our fuls~ l<'••th down lta(• com tnc>d<' by m•ctdC'nt No muttt•r oo~ 1l1•ur ltoH:r or Tubb rnuv tk· tu )'Our lur1ch SUNDAY heart, they rannol bo counted u1 a MOO deducUon for provltk>n of more than ~ percent of their aupport And If a lond111id~ •weeps your lol und hou. e 00 r :el down a hill ncJ plop. atop u nt>urby church own('d pro~rty. tht> parcel d<>t>s not thu. tM!eome tux.exempt. lwcaus.c it Is stilt recorded us your r«>nfr lute ltJwilmoved Th~y ·ve heurd them ull al the windowll'f!11 J ns f:1clUty throut-eh who c tJoon pass some abjecUy deprt!8S d l 11x payc r s if 1t l'Om ct> down to that since tax uudlls art> conducted upslatrs "'fhe IHS ~ometitnes hus a bud image," suyi; rtltired Navy tnl'dical eorps m a n Joseph c;roncy, of Garden Grove, who t•ommutt.•s daily to hjs JOb ns a IU\PliH'" · ·rvic •representative "You •et people who are hostlle on the pbone or at the counter every day. But when it comes down to it, we're just peo- ple . We can make mistakes." he says. Croney used to work in the Santa Ana IRS omcc. where 11 employees were seelog 200 to 300 persons per day strictly• on a face.to.face basis. T he loll·free Ceotiphone system enables the IRS to assist far more taxpayers with prob· lems and questions and the El Monte location is the largest of 1ls type in California. Considering the IRS Regional Center in Fresno bad received 5.8 million lax returns as of .March 27, with 9.6 million due by April 16. a lot of Californians are busy figuring. these days. They may be pu1bln1 old Her dudel, beMd Oii yellow Dlxon Ticondero•• No. 2 t.enalve trauua,. laclude acboolroom pencils, Die ball· ducUq elUMI ud M points. Flair nylon Ups, or amoq tbale like C1'oMy punching calculator buttons. but field taxpQer calla for many are sweating and ln ~ tbe IRS' nnt, aecoad and· ol help. .. ..... c, ranks at Mliat.en. A whopping 2 mllUon returns The first line answers aa,.i among the ultimate total of 10.2 for information or a11i1 to be filed within the calendar and may pass it on to ao year won't even be finished and specific in the seeond liae. lf malled before Monda.y. says IRS involves some special area spokesman Larry Wright. expert.iae. And 800,000 will be filed alter Thlrd Une assistera are the April 16 deadline and contain pared to answer questions ln some. of the mo~t novel and vol\rlng a whole host of creative explanations a nd ex· esoteric areas of tax laws cuses for th_eir ta~di~ess ever they relate to estates, fid penned this side or fiction. trusts and other exotic financ.. The helpline calls would rm a These IRS employees c book of anecdotes. say IRS from civil service test aeoretr veterans. . range from accounting and anJ "W~ have ~alls co!"mg. ln .all thropology majors In colleges tO year . r<?und. , explains serv1ce housewives law students and~ spec1ahst Kim MacLeod. of • ., Culver City. <See PHONE, Page AJ> ~. VOL. 72, NO. 105, 7 SECTIONS, 90 PAGES ORANGE COUNT Y, CALIFORNIA SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1979 TWENTY-FIVE CENTS f Catalina Seaplane Crash Kills W oDian I By ARTHUR R. VINSEL passengers. before sinking. has been no mention of possibly Federal Aviation Administra· when brought ashore by boat airlifted to a mainland Kaiser . 0tu.eo.u,Pnouut1 T he remaining 10 pt!rsons grounding the other Grumman lion. pe nding repair of saJinc rescuers. including the crews of Hospital intensive care unit and Div ers w ere t o p r o.be aboard eight of them members G2l·A Gray Goose amphibious corrosion. which was completed th e Los l\n gc lcs County Mrs. Robin Mi chaelis. wre~kage today of a ~atahna of one fa mily were rescued aircraft following the latest acci· the ~ollo~ng year. . L 1 f e g uard D e p a rt m c n t Spokesmen at Avalon Com· A a rimes scapl.ane that clipped a from the shatkred hullr bobbing dent involving the old pre· World Killed in Saturd:.iy s 10: 15 a .m . qaywatch Roal and the Av alon m unity Hos pita l s aid Mrs wave on an island landing l.lr>-350 yards off the Pebbly Beach War II planes. crash near the southerly tip of llarbor Patrol Michaelis. 34, of La Crescenta. proach Saturday. cartwheeled landing ramp, by a flot1lla o( One crash·landing in '<:hoppy Santa Catalina lsla~d was 'quth Most seriously inJured v1ctuns was m stable condition, alon~ across the wat~r. brcakin~ 111 s m all boats water in August . 1977. resulted Ga_rdner . 81, of Lomita included the Catalina Aarhnc~ half and killing one 0 1 11 Investigators said today then· in a grounding order by the Sh e was pronounced dead pilot. Richard Lord, 43, who was !See SEAPLANE, PageA2> Churches Share on Holy Day ,JERUSALEM 1AP l Devout Chris tians. commemorating a day of moumin~ before the re surrectaon. paradt>d solemn!:. from Calvary to the tomb of 1 Chris t on Holy SaturdCJy. I The litanies of the Romun Catholic, Armenian, Coptic ancl 'I Greek Orthodox chu r chl·~ minglro in a babble of prayer 111 s ide the Church of the Holy 7 Sepulchre as Eas ter Week ap I proached its climax. Catholics conclude Easter celebrations soon after s unril>e today with a recital of the High Mass of the Resurrection, con dueled by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusale m. Mons1s:nor G1o<'omo Guis t•ppe Beltritli. Protes tant Sl•rv1ces wc•rc s<"h eduled in e1J!hl diffe n..'nl languages. startin~ before i.u.11 rise and lasting until afternoon al the Garden Tomb. outside tht· Old City walls The Garden Tomb 1s revernd b) Protestants as the actual tomb of Christ Catholics rec ognize the Churrh of the Holy Sepulchre as the burial site. In a tightly crowded schedule. the c hurches followed ont· a nother m separate processions from the skull.s haped hill of thl· crucifixion to the stone of unl' tion. where trad1t1on says J esu~ · CSee HOLV DAV. Page A2 l Crude Spill Coast Bound LOS ANGELES <AP> -An e s timated several thousand gallons of crude oil escaped from a La Mirada Chevron s torage tank Saturday, a nd flowed six miles down Coyote 1 Creek toward the ocean. accord· r iog to Sberifr's deputies. Late r, cleanup crews were scattered aJong the creek. skim· ming oil off the swifUy.nowing waler with pads and vacuum trucks Both Ch evron and Coast Guard officiaJs said their most immediate concern was to keep ~ the oil from getting into the San I Gabriel River, which empties in· to lhe ocean off Seal Beach. A noating oil dam s ucceeded in stopping the now just north of the river, but Flood Control Dis· trict official John K. Mitchell said weeds, silt and rocks in the creek near Buena Park may de· lay completion or the cleanup process until the middle of next .-eek. Harold E . Glllespie, Chevron dlvlsk>n manager for Southern Callfomla. said company of. (lclala were investigating the cause or the splll to find out if it was due t o •·a m echanical failure or sabotage." Cbrney 8"'1rig, 2'h, and beribboned Doffs f11Ust have betn among the /)tlcf1-Betters Saturday as they paraded their tmery at a holklay pet fashion show at Huntington HatboUr Mall. . Silent Era Actor Dies Mesa n S tanley Dunn, FJrSt Cisco Kid The first silent movie cowboy ever lo twirl two pearl·handled six·shooters in defense or law and Justice as the Cisco Kid in 1913 Hollywood movies , Costa Mesa's Herbert Stanley Dunn. died al 87 Saturday. Private· funeral services for the star ot some 200 silent mov· ies will beTUeJctay. Spokesmen at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital said Mr. Dunn was pronounced dead at J a . m .. shortly after being ad· milted for treatment or an ap· parent stroke. He was stricken at bis Costa Mesa home while preparing for bed and his secretary. who found him unconscious, called fire de· partment paramedics who worked to revive the elderly show business veteran. Spokesmen at Fairhaven Memorial Park and Cernetery Santa Ana. said rites for Mr. Dunn will be at 1 p.m . Tuesday, with interment to follow there His was the typically colorful , life or the early day Hollywood personalities. those who won or lost at high noon on Main Street in the western sets of Glitter Ci· ty, or ln its real life struggle ror stardom. "I was lucky," the elderly Cis· co Kid-who would be succeeded by a string of actors. half of whom he outlived-told a Daily Pilot Interviewer a few years ago. .. A lot of the actors suffered <See CISCO, P11e AZ) 6,000 Evacuated . l I Flash Floods Gorge Rivers By The Assodated Press Flas h Ooods spawned by two days of hard-driving sprin~ rains forced u t leas t 6.000 persons from their homes in M1ssissipp1 and Atabama on Saturday and overOowed rivers a nd s trea m s ac r o sl> t h e Southeast. At least nine deaths four eac h in M1 ss iss ipp1 a nd Alabama and one in Georgia were blamed on the floodinJ!. T h e unus ually heavy rains be~a n Wednesd ay nig ht and ended Friday afternoon Jn Alabama. the Red Cross said some 1.000 famihl's wen~ slaying in l>pcc1al shelll'rs Satur · dav. and d1i.astcr r re\\s \\ere -ent to Tuscaloo!-.a, B1rm1n~ham a nd Wetumpka . north o f Montgomery Alabama Civil Ol'fcnsc of· f1 c ials said Saturday that as m any as t ,000 people were evacua ted fro m southern Sumter County. m west·central Alabama . berause of two ea rthe n dams burs ting in neighborinJ! Mississippi. In Tuscaloosa. where the downtown a rea reported more than 10 inches of ram. County Comm1ss1on<'r Bobby Maller said damage countywade would "go into the millions of dollars ... The Tombigbee a nd Lu x· apallila ri\.'e rs overflow~d their bank s sn Co lumbus 1n northeastern Mississippi. divid· ing the city and dr iving 2.000 persons from their homes. said Lowndes County Ci vi\ Defense Director Ray Gildea. The flooding in Columbus cut off d1rect access between the· east and west parts of the city. l for<'in~ motorisLc; to detour 65 miles through Alabama. The1f L o wndes County Ja i l andi e mergency cent.e r was sur1 rounded by the Ooodwaters, of f1c1al s said. In Jackson, Miss .. a uthoritieSi! said 500 famili es were evacuate<fi1 when the Pearl River rose t~ 38.8 feet by noon Saturday Workers strug~Jed lo build ai two·mile·long wooden barricad to keep the river from s wampi the city's waste water treatmen plant. The Missi ss ippi Highwa Patrol said Interstate 55 fro ' J ackson south to Crystal Spring. was closed Saturday because ot h1(?h water on the Pearl. ~ft ··Rainfall totals in the Pear\( River Bas in have varied from 31 to 19 inches" s ince the rain1 be(?an Wednesday night, said Cla r e nce Viceroy. Nationa l . Weather Service spokesman•' ·'This has put creeks and riverst higher than they have e ver been I before .. President Carter declared a s tate of emergency in Mississip- pi Saturday to make the state eli~ible for federal a id. Backwaters rrom the swollen Mississippi River forced hun· dreds fro m their homes al Vicksburg. officials said. The body of 4·year-old Angela Love, a pre-school student al the Mississippi School for the Deaf. was recovered in Jackson Satur- day morning after she drowned <See FLOODS, Page AZ> ON ~rnE INSID•~ LOVING LABOR -The peo· pie who operate Briggs Cun· ningbam Museum aren't chas· ing a buck: they're pursuing the dreams of great auto builders of the past. and it does n't hurt that they satisfy a few p ersonal ideals as well. Page BS. P .S. WVES VOV -If you have the money , proper bloodline or just the right sort or fame. Associated Press writer Saul Pett tried Palm Springs on for size and found, dahling, t.bat it doesn'tquite fit. THE GUESSING GAME - They don't make public taste: they can't lake public taste. and in the last analysis, public taste can break lhem if they don't prognosticate Ila lrend for next season. Producers for here·today gooe ·tomorrow TV •hows evaluate your undivided attenUoo to the tube or losing you in the -~-- twist or the channel knob. Page Bl6. DESIGNERS' HOMES -Five• Laguna Beach homes will be lD· eluded on the Oraqe County American Institute oC Architeds• tour on SUnday, April 22, co-J s ponsored by the Women '•~ Architectural League. For a pie-~ torlal preview, aee Page BU. r •--•es-••• --- _,..,, ........ NOWHERE TO GO BUT UP IN JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI Realdent1 Pfle Belongings on Roofs as Waters Rise F,....P~AI aooos ON RAMPAGE. • • while p l ayi n g n e ar h e r grandmoth e r 's hou se. authorities said. She dis ap. peared Friday evening, officials said At Rom e. in northwest Georgia, police s aid Charles R. Whi le, 42. drowned after his car r:in off an inundated highway late Friday night nnd down a flood embankment into 15 feel of wa ter Saturday's flooding in the Southeast was the lcgac:y of un- usually henvy rains that tx>gan late Wednesday night and con- tanut'd until Friday afternoon A total of 8.68 inches of rain fell on Birmingha m . tn a 24-hour period. only .18 a n inch ~hort of a n a ll-time record of 8.86 tnches. et m July 1916, according to Bob Ft'rry. chief metereolog1st at the National Weather Scn·1cl' there The ra mf:.111 1n both l:hrm- ing ham and Atlanta set records for any one day's rainfall in April. Atlanta has had 9.S inches or rain so far this month, a re- cord for April. Some flooding also was report- ed in Missouri, mainly along the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. and In Illinois, whe re authorities s a id heavy midweek r ains swelled tributaries of the I llino1s River . The Jllinois rose Sl1turday to 25.6 feet in Peon a. about 11 fcC'l above flood s tage Saturday, a uthorities s ai d . a nd lht' weather service predicted that 1l would crest Monday at 28.5. ln North Dakota . the swoll en Wild Rice Ri ver grew a mill• "ide Saturd e1y i n no rthe rn Richland County. the RL-d River ros e to 21.79 feel a t Fa rgo. almost five reet over rtood stage The "'eather S<.'rvicc prcdictL>d thl• Red River would rise to 34 fct·t at Fargo by Thursda.> Gas on Etnpty? Few Statiom Still Open ff you forgot to top-off your tank Saturday, you may have a ha rd time finding gas today. A Daily PHot s urvey Friday found that 86 per- cent of stations polled planned to stay closed today. The few that indicated they'd be open said noon clos- ings were proba ble. Here 's a lis t of stations that planned to stay ope n : Rod's Arco, F ai r view Road a nd SunOower Street. Costa Mesa : Westcliff Arco. Irvine Avenu~ a nd Westcliff Drive. New))Ort Beach lif gasoline sup- plies hold up), Coron a del Mar Chevron. Pacific Coast Highway a nd MacArthur Boulevard. Newport Beach. and Moon Gordon Mobil. 1729 S. El Camino Real. San Clemente •morning only> Pride of Baltimore Towed Into Refuge WILMINGTON. Del. <AP) Thti Pride or Baltimore. da maged when a storm tossed it ODto a Delaware Bay shoal. was towed toward Wilmington ror re- pairs Saturday, scutthng plans for a gala Easter home-port finale to a 7,000-mile journey The Coast Guard culler Point FrankJin was pulling the 136· foot, t.wo-master schooner up ,Funny Cars lnSoupyFog An est.imated 20,000 people turned out for one of the first big funny car race meels of the 1979 season at Orange County In- ternational Raceway Saturday nighl And when those 20,000 people aot into their ordinary cars to go Mme about 11 p .m ., after seeing &be 190 mph guys in their funny 'racers, ll wasn't very funny anymore, say those guys in the black-and-white cars. Catlfornla Highway Patrol of· ficers were on the scene at Sand ..Canyon Avenue just off the Sao· ~ Ana Freeway ror about an I r, diredlng clo11ed trnmc r deme fo1 moved into the a. De la ware Bay from a point about 10 miles northwest of Cape Ma y, N.J .. where jt ran aground Fr iday night in 25 mph winds and 6-to 8-Cool waves. The city or Baltimore built lhc Pride in 1977 for lhe Bicenten- nial and operates the ship as a goodwill and promotional am- bassador. "The captain says the crew is fine. although they were very depressed las t night when they r a n ag round ," s aid Chris Hartman, a s pokesman for Baltimore Mayor William Schaefer. Hartman said a Coast Guard pump kept water rrom the ship's hold Saturday as it was towed toward the Wilmington Marine Terminal for repairs. Weissmuller In Hospital HOLLYWOOD t APl -Johnny Weissmuller. l.he former Olym· pie s wimmer most Americans think of as "Tarzan,·• is confined lo a hospital where h e "screams, h ollers. make s Tarzan-like calls" that fri1hten hospital employees. according to a court peUtion seeking a con· senat.onbip over him. ... l Nuke Confusion Probed • • • • . W AIHINOTOff f AP> -Aa de t•re•t of poteallal dlaaater ta••• at tbe crippled Tbree MU. laland nuclear reactor l81t wHk, attentJon ahif\H to the eonfualon that hampered rNponeet to lbe accident by key olfltla11. More and more questlona were raised about the Nuclear fteaulatory Commission and Its abillty to handle problems at the nation's DU(lear power plant&. fl alfo became known that many nuclear plants suffer frol'!l prob- lem• slrnHar to those that trlg - i ered the Three Mlle Island ac· ddent President Carter . aiming to "t'l 1'ome unswt!r&, appointed an 11 mt>mber commission to study tht.1 ltccldent and the official handling of it. And the NRC in· tenslfled its review or plant de· sl&n und procedures with a more Informed eye for possible prob- lems Three Mile Core Cools As Investigation Heats A• the week be1an, the t.one was optimi1Uc. Pennsylvania Gov. Dick Thornburah told pregnant women and young children that it was safe to end their ll·day exile and return to their homes within five miles of the plant. "This means that it is now considered safe." he told a Har· risburg news conference . "This does not mean that we will relax our vigil. We will continue to monitor the entire ~ituallon on a 24·hour basis." ThOmburgh also said schools within 5 miles or the plant could reopen. stale offices could go back to business as us ual and Civil Defense opera- lions could be geared down. "I consider the crisis over with regard to the status of the core." said Harold Denton. the top NRC official who has been on the scene at TMI. at the joint n e ws confe rence with Thornburgh. Bul there was another de- velopment Monday that wasn't public and that struck a quite differenl note. The NRC's Advisory Commit· tee on Nuclear Safeguards wrote a letter that day s aying that 42 other U.S. re actors like Three Mile Island could be vulnerable to a major instrument problem. And that oouJd mislead the reac· l're•P•~Al CISCO KID DIES •.. more ~erious inj uries . Some we re killed," said Mr. Dunn, who performed his own stunts in a day when stars took their own tumbles. He was the son of an Irish sea captain and a n Algonquin Indian actress, who at tbe age or 3. made his stage debul with bis mother. During the early part of 1976, Mr. Dunn was honored at Cypress College at a U.S. Bicen· lennial Celebration event featur- ing a variety of old-timers who helped make U.S. history .. He graduated from being a property boy at the old Vita- graph Films in 1905 to a few ~io· graph one a nd two-reel moVtes. then with the aid of his age and a painted moustache. he became the Cisco Kid. He was paid $45 per week for most ol the movies. among the flrsl serials ever made. whic:h we re cranked out in Arizona, written by his wife at the time. based on his own script ideas. ··You could buy a steak in the best care in Tucson. for 25 or 30 cents." Mr. Dunn recalled. The predecessor of such Cisco Kid stars as Warner Baxte r. Cesar Romero; Giibert Roland and Duncan Reynaldo retired in 1957 after working for years as property master ror Columbia Sludios al $500 per week. He still walked with a limp from a leg broken when his horse rolled on him in an early day Cisco Kid film episode. f'f'OMP-.AJ ORIGINAL CISCO KID · Mesa ·s Dunn DMts ton' operaton toward uolber • near.......,. ? The letter got to NRC • Chairman JOlepb Hendrie tbe • neitt day, Tuelday. And on Wednetday. tbe NRC statr called for new safety measures for presaurized water reactors. Three Mlle laland Unit 2 ls such a reactor. The problem, the NRC said, is that instruments designed to measure the amount of vital cooling water in the reactor may give coaflicilal readJngs. t¥lth aucb a conruct, the NRC says plant operators should keep t he emerge ncy core cooling system turned on. Faced with connictlng react. lngs at Three Mile Island, the operator shut off the emergency cooling syste m and disaster moved a step closer. Also on Tuesday, scores or those who live. near the plant began tests of t he radiation levels in their bodies. The initial res ults s howed levels were norma l. Later in the week. a study or NRC records by a team or As· soeiated Press re porters re· . vealed that at least '""2,835 "re- portable occurrences" bit the nation's nuclear power plants. incidents that could affect the units • operations. Many plants, lhe AP study s howed , ha d s uffe red from sepa rate incidents that. when they occurred in one planl at one time. brought Three Mile Island near disaster. Even as the NRC was issuing new warnings, President Carter named his own commission to look into the Three Mile Island · accident. Carter named a housewife who lives near the plant to the commission, bul no one 'from an electric utility. And no members of the NRC joined the panel, which is expected lo take six months for its work. . Victim Killed SEAPLANE CRASH KILLS 1 Some Sources Sal'd the Grum-·A:mi.rustr<Jt1on, ~aid a National In HB Headon with her in·laws. Willard, 64. and Matilda Michaelis. 63, both man Goose losl power during its Transportation Safety Board ID· N Id if• d visiting from Chicago. landing approach and dipped too vestigator was at the scene OW eni-le Authorities said they would be near lhe surface chop, catching "They've got the wreckaJ?e . held at least overnight for treat-a wingtip or noat and causing buoyed." he said or m arker!> . A Huntington . Beach woman f · · · · 1 d' t the old plane to careen over the established by divers who went killed Thursday m a head-on col· ment o mJuncs inc u mg cu s sea surface. down to the 100-foot depth at hs1on with a s peeding car alleged· ~rnd brujst-s and broken bones. 1 d · b · · ed h but could be rl'leased today. "One of the little gir ls un-which the plane's remain~ ::.et· Y nven Y an mtox1cat yout Hospital spokesman Jo Swelt. buckled herself ... she said of the tied. who had s tolen it ha s been iden- M I. c hae l 1's c h1'ldrc ns' cal m Hallan said 1f a dcc1s1on 1s tified. R N.. identified the other vie-Sh M J 57 f 8877 t i ms as William and Robin res ponse a rte r the s udden m ade to raise the wreckage, 1t e is . ary. ones, . ? . · crackup within sight of the land· will either be inspected m J Tulare Drive.ma condomuruum Michaelis' daughters. Kim. 12. ing r amp. . facility near the landing ramp or complex onl y a few blocks from Kelly. 9. Kate. 5, and Korie,. 2. She sa1·d those aboard had ht· removed by b arge t o the thearrestedsuspc~t 'sown home. a nd he r p a r t -lim e Ava o n Tho o T I tt 18 h neighbor. George Putna m. tle luggage and were apparently m ainland for reassembly. mas · np e • , as Putnam , 48. < nol the Los j ust making a brief Easter Federal authon t1es o rdered been under treatment at the I. "'eekend visit the six Grummans operated by Ora nge County S_he riff's ~ail Angell.'S te levision persona 1ty 1 w d at UC I e M d I 1s a businessman with a n Avalon Di ck Ha llan. regional duty of· Catalina Airlines groundt.>d in a r rvin . e tea fi cer for the f ederal Aviation 1977 Center smre the fi ery accident on _:w~e~c~k~en~d:!.!.:re:!t:!.:re~a~t:....:h~o:.:.;m:,::e~-:___----~-------------------------P a<' 1 fi e Coast Highway near . ' .y Bl, Little Doggie Erica Dunnigan, 7, <above lefu and her mount Lani, appear more confident than Lisa Stover and her pal Tigger a t Easter pet parade in Huntington Harbour Mall, Sa turday. The Maltese Dog Club staged a canine fashion show in conjunction with pet parade. which included s nakes and one little boy's pet rock, according to a spokesman. ,,,.._ Pflfle A I I Brookhurst Strert He is cba r.r.?ed with vehicular m anslaughter. felony drunken driving and gra nd theft of an auto afte r beinJ? pulled from the blaz- ing wreckage by police. Spokesmen at Pierce Brothers Smith's Mortuary, Huntington Beach, said services for Mrs . J ones have not yet been set by a daug hte r . Janetti Olson, who lives in West Los Angeies. Cars Freed By Vandals Somebody who wa nted to play bumper cars with the real lhing 1s sou~ht by Irvine police today. following a rash or driverless juggernauts unleashed on the Turtlerock area Friday and ear- ly Saturday. Damage which could amount to several thousand dollars was caused when vandals released e m e rgency brakes or several parked cars in the hilly area of the city. Angry residents called police from 11 p.m. to 12:30 a .m. as a person or persons unknown sent t h e a utos careen i n g over ::;idewalks , yards and through ::;hrubbery. SUNDAY DAILY PILOT T,.Ot_C_o.11• """'·•111'1""'<1\"._ °'"""'""--.... -i-t>ylr.Ot-, ... .i,....,..-..,c-.~ ... -· ..... -P<i""' ..... -"''°""' ,,..,..., ..,, c.u """"'· -~ ..... _,._ _..,,,__ 1eon Y•''"·'-·"'--c-.• ·-·..-·-·~--s.-·­~ ""°pr«--SN"9 l>l...C .. .i 1JI W.tl8ey54'"4.CAl•-.c.t-~ ._ .. _ p.,.,,.,,."' "'"' P\#tVw-t' J•d lt C- V'<• 0'•\tdtftt •"Cl Gfl~.,. ~ T-.. 11-HOLY DAY MARKED BY RITUALS • • • fcl>I"' ~":;,,,~ body was annoinle d and wrapped in a shroud. lo the mausoleum.enclosed tomb. Thousands of pilgrims filtered through the church all day for devotions. An estimated 60,000 Christian visitors came to the Holy Land In the last month, but there was no estimate or how many were in Jerusalem for Easter Week. Israeli troops patrolled the streets to guard against Arab terrorism. Four Arab guerrillas were killed as they crossed the Jordan River lnto Israel late • Salurday. No Israeli casualties were reported. Although Gree k Orthodox Christians do not ce lebrate Easter until next Sunday, lhe church was crowded with black· clad worshippers from nearby Greece and Cyprus attending a regular Saturday Mass. Many Orthodox pilgrims knelt to kiss the stone of unction and to wipe a pungent balsam from ilS marble surface to cross their rorebeada ln devotion. Bishop Hanna Kaldany. the vicar of Nazareth, led the Catholic procession down the steep staircase from Golgotha. The strains of Bach organ mu s ic e choed through the rotunda. · B,.rown -robed Frans is can friars reciting hymns cleared a wide path through a throng of pilgrims. · 'Thjs really brings the gospels home to me. Easter will mean so much more now." said one New Zealand woman. Motl or the pilgrims appeared to be rrom Scandanavla a nd Germany . A few were Americans. c....1-. ~£- Te~e (114)904321 ClaHlfled Ad¥ef11 .... ..,._7' fr-~C: .. -4 ..... ··--"'°'•""°"""'~'"' 540-1220 t ~ .... --~~-------------;--------·-·----~ NIJwpott Harbor Lutheran Ouch choir rejoices Easter: Sweet • I AsEVer? r ---.-.-; .. ~ Some holiday traditions .f adinf{ but the ·concept o.f victory is renewed A sweet i.opruno cu11h1lJ .1r1-.1n~ 1ntu llw l'OOl, damp thrnn a!> tht' ~un Pt'l'k'I over l hl' Sun lit Ana Mountain:. A sweet (•hocolat1• bunny rw-,tled 1n a rh'~t ol green waxt.'d puper ~rnss for after breakfast A trinity of i,unbeam:. g 10 ..... 1ng S(t1 ltl1·11 through the plendor of stuaned glasi. window!. over the bowed heads of congregation:. rl.' reading sacred words or ('Omfort Row-upon-row of las t·m1nult" shopper:. choosing fro m row.upon-row of chocoh1t1::., greeting cards, or colorful choirs of potted plants. These are the t<rngibl<' :.ymbob and lhl' 111 t ang ible feelings of Eastt>r How writ this Eas ter be different than others? Why is Easter 1.pee1al to you" liow should Easter be obi.en·l•rl " T he Daily Pilot has :.isked a few f>t'Ople around the Orangl' Co:il>l theSl' quest1uni. und he re is what some of the m had to say The Rev. Chuck Smith. founder of Calvary C'h..ipt'I . S<111t.1 An.i bust:d nondenominat1onal t'hurch. bays the holu.ltiy ..... 111 be no different ~t h:in .,;a!>tl'&b tor 20 l'enturie pai.t. Al·tuall) 1t 1s the concept of Vl('lory out of :.l't·m anl( defeut Suddenly, you'r r vit•tonous." hl' l>:JV!> or Chr1:.l 's ('l'Ul'1f1xion and rt•surrection. · :1 am oppo-.ed lo the commercialis m of any of the holy dJyo.; m lhe Chrtstian calendar: I don't i.t:t• an) n.•lalion bet ween Easter bunmes Jnd egg:. and th1· Hci.urrecuon " ,. • * Thn•<.• ct111<Jy store employees rcplll!d. "Wc 'rt.• too bu~~ "1th Easler .Cclick I. .. Our hus inl.'SS 1s rirw Th1.•y re driving in JUl>l like tbey always do. W1.• havl.' good quality in our haskt>ts . Do vou know whom you called, S11"' Wc'r1.• s uv1.•r busy today ... " ,. ,. . Dannv n1<: 1acomo. manager of Russo ·s Wonderfui World of Pets. F:.ii.h1on Island. where d11t•k<idCt.'S art• twin~ rcatur1.•d for Easwr· "ll prob:.ibly won't lw :.is busy this year bec:.iusc of the gu:. !>ltU:.Jt um "It's probably the best tame of the year for us besides Christmas. I've always liked 1t 1Easter1 1t 's the first wt•ek off of the springtime." • • * Jim Tos h. manager of DcMurl Tos h Florist. Costa Mesa : "I think the bui.mess volume as down somewhat. I feel 1t ·s a reJect1on of trad1· lion. Nobody pays :.iny attention to Grandma a nd Grandpa anymore: Apple Pie is down the tubes and so .. .'to hell with Easter · "I think it should be more of a time for s piritual things and reflection." * * • Allen Bradley. 18, an employec m Orange associated with the Fisherman ·s l'ove gospt.'I bookstore and Psaltery Must(', which deab in religious materials : .. Business this Eastl'r is nothing out of the ordinary Mayb<.• ther<.• 1s JUS L grcatt•r un derstandmg of the meaning I think 1l should be more of a da v of met.hlat1on .ind not i.o mut•h hyping ·Sprmgti'me · · · 1 •• * Father J ames Caley, retired pastor of St. Wi If rid 's Episeopal Church, Hunt.lnglon Beach: .. Well. I don't have the big load that I had in past years. with the Sunrise service and all the other services. "Easter was origina lly spelled 'Oest.-e' or something like that and was' the Anglo Saxon word for the vernal equinox feast when the blood begw to flow and the crops are new. .. The Easter bunny isn't Easter any more than Santa Claus is Christ mas." • * • Tony Maciel. of San Antonio Panader.i}1. a bakery in downtown Santa Ana "I'm really busy ... Told the true purpose of the te lephone sur. \ ty. Ma('1 e l. who~e s hop was bes ieged by fam1hei. purchasing Carnival Bread and oJhl!r Mexican Easler dl'hcacit~s. mellowed a b1l. · Every day i~ d ~pec1:.il holiday," he said. "lt "s a family time. " Secrecy S11rrounds Filling of Top City Offic~s By l'llCllAEL PASKEVJCH OI Ille o.i1y ,.ilot Stell It's nol the citizens at the vol· ing polls who elect the m ayors of cities along the Orange Coasl. Who fill s t h e l argely ceremonial post is decided by a vote of elected council mem· be rs. And in the case or Fountain Va lley and Newport Beach. the vote is taken an public. but on secret ballots that are generally seen only by the city clerk and later destroyed. Although no city nttorncy s ur· veyed said he felt the practi('e blatantly violates The Brown Act, a 1953 anli·secrecy law. opi· nions were divided on th e ethics of secret balloting. f'ro• Page Al Last week. Bernie Svalstad was elected Mayor of Fountain Valley for the second time. Ironically. he promised "open· ness" in city government just moments after he was elected by a secret ballot. City Clerk Evelyn Mcclendon tallied the unsigned ballots. but gave no vote count. She s imply announced the names of the new PHONE CALLS TAX IRS EXPERTS. • • - tired IRS agents. Ms. MacLcod explains. She points out that for the first tame this year, the IRS is provid· ing Spanish·speaking assistants at Cent1phone. "T he service If RS l is a lways interes ted In improving the q u al ity o f o ur tel e phone servi<.'e." emphasizes Wright. a ddin g th at s upervisor s pe riodically monitor incoming ('alts and eavesdrop on answers given A lelJt.ale buzz on the line tells the assister a s u pervisor 1s listening in and has Just caught some misinformation given a tax payer. alerting him or her to stop. go back and get the correct facts. Wright points out s uch an er· ror may transpire based upon how a caller expresses his ques lion and how his particular IRS assister responds. He says Associated Press is notor ious on a slow news day during the filing season for checking IRS information ac- curacy by having six different staff members call a nd ask the sa m e q uestion, phrased dif· ferently. The AP then compares the a nswe rs-often from six dif· rerent IRS assisters reached by r a ndom calls a nd they don't always completely jibe. However , Wright proudly points out, the most recent Gov- e rnme nt Accounting Office IGAO> survey or the El Monte operation gave it the equivalent or a 8-plus grade for question· a nswering efficiency based on the IRS' national averages. What are some of the more me m orable and in some cases easily -a nswered questions usually with a courteous "No" that runnel into Cenliphone. "Many or them are on the new energy credit," says Croney. or the deduction available to tax- payers who utilize certain types of home insulation or adopt solar beatin8 systems. "One man owns a laundromat and asked if be got a lax break for shutting off lbe hot waler some time ago t o conserve energy.'' be continues. Croney consulted t he IRS rulebook and told bis client the Congress apparently dldn 'l have his type of dedication In m ind. "He said he was kind of glad. Because his customers were get- ting aQlr)'," •'The one medical expense that. people always try to take is veterinarians' fees," poinl' out Wrt1bt, adding that th.ls l!l rare· ly penni.tible except ln certaJn altuatJonl. D~lly Pllol SUll PllOIO TAX MASTER Joseph Croney A lawman could be entitled to a medical care deduction for his horse if he is a member of a m ounted search a nd rescue posse, since it's part or his pro· fessionaJ equipment. But there was no satisfaction last year for the San Fernando Valley area man who tried to take a medical deduction for commissioning a high.priced a rtisan skilled at woodcarving to make a rtificial legs for his con· genitally deformed pct c hicken. "He had a little pair or or· thopedic feet carved ... this is a TR UEst.ory," declares Wright. Still another pet-owner sought a casually deduction because a car skidding out or control crashed through his house, careened into his yard, struck his dog and broke its leg. But he didn't qualify, because the dog wasn't killed and even if it had been, he would be re· quired to prove it was wo'1h $100 or m ore. Croney is usually assigned to IRS duly at disaster centers and spent some two weeks al the landslide site In Laguna Beach's Bluebird Canyon l ast year. answering victims' questions. "One guy's house and land had slid 60 feet down onto another parcel o f property owned by a church ." Croney re· lated, adding that It really was tragic and you have lo see it In person to understand. But the gentle m an wondered if perhaps slnce his house and pro· perty were now on the church property tr It would be con· aidered tax-exempt. ''lie was se rious.·· says Croney. whn explained it just doesn't work that way. ··And we get some weird ex· cuses for not filing on time ... Wright says of his district's s hare of the .6 million Califor· nians whose returns straggle in late "Wc had one guy who said he went out to get the tax return the mailman left and was billcn by a Blatk Widow s pider in:.1de the mailbox." Wright recalls. "He said he had been too sick to file it ever since and he was claiming exemption from thl• penalty because it was an Act of God .. Desertion by a spouse soars in California dunng the tax filing season. if you belicvc the r<.'ams of correspondence rccei \'Cd from lardy taxpayers. Hundreds of men and women plead annually that they riled late because they had Lo do it all over after thei r wives or husbands went out one night to mail the original return and ha vcn 't been seen s i nee. "Neither has the pack of cigarettes they were supposed lo pick up,·· says Croney with a chuckle. .Officials say another common ploy is the old missing e nvelope routine. They send in a return late. all dated properly, along with a torn a nd battered e nvelope that looks like it was trod-upon by a thousand yaks and postmarked from Istanbul, bearing the pro· per datc. They claim they put it in the wrong envelope and just now got it returned to them in the mail four m onths later. says Wright. Still others claim they ac· cide ntaJly threw their original return away mixed a mongst a s tack of junk mail they didn't carefully search. 1 I RS ofriclals be lieve this sometimes happens and that in cases or non-English speaking t axpayers the form ma iled at t he first or the year may be dis· carded if they don't understand what it is. Turning serious. Croney says this has been a pretty good filing season for the long ·suffering I RS. which Wright notes does take a lot of undeser ved heal from the taxpaying public. "We're a take-away agency, not ;i give.away agency, .. he concedes. And the most popular call from now to June'? "Where's my refund. ., .. • mayor and mayor pro.tern and th e cou n ci l men s tarted switching chairs a mid light ap· plause at the council meeting. She says the ballots a r e "public record " but later re· fused to let r eporters see the ballots. "We've never shown them to anyone," Mrs. McClen· don said Friday. Had anyone asked before" "Not really." she replied. ad ding that the ballots will l>e torn up al a later date . City Attorney Thomas Woodruff. though unaware the ballots were even kept past thf• meeting. defended the secret ballot system. "They have a rig ht to cast se('ret ballots just like us ... said Woodruff. lie explained that the syste m functions primarily "to a void emb a rrassm e nts and ha rdships when som e body s naml' never gets nominated." Jndeed. there was no small amount of sq uabbling and political in-fighting· when the councils of San Clemente :.ind Laguna Beach e lected their mayors by verbal nominations and open voting earlie r this year. Mayorial sel<.'ction m Cost:.i Mesa is generally low-key, and open. but City Clerk Eileen Phinney says she ;ilways keep~ se('ret ballot cards on hand 1f a stalemate develops . However. s he said she would make the vote count available to the public if the mayor is select- ed in this manner. Fountain Valley's Woodruff noted that his city. unlike all others. has an ordinance that automa ticall y nominates all five councilmen for mayor when the times comes "In my opinion. because the entire procedure is done in the open, there is no violation of the Brown Act. said Woodruff. .. Everybody has consider ed this a n acceptable manner I to operate> " In Newport Beach. ('1ty clerk Doris George · make:. up little ballots and passes them out to the council." NE JPS ANAL l1S /S She onJy announces the coun· cil member with a maJOrity or the votes for mayor. and doe~ not make the vote breakdown available to t he publi('. Traditionally, council mem bcrs in Newport. upon heanng the top vote gettcr's name. .follow with a motion that makes the selC('llOn unammous Mrs. George said she would not release the vote breakdown unless city attorney Denna ~ O'Neal ruled othcrw1sf. "I would prefer that a ll of th1~ be done "out rn the open." O 'Neil saad Frid~y . "Thal ,., rc::i lly the 10tent of the Brown Act '' He refcrrcd to a 1974 a mend ml'nt to the Brown Act that prl'· vented city coun(•ils from mak· ing seleet1on~ to comm1ss1oru; and committees without a fully public vole. s •u Sploo I "Technically. the election of a mayor doesn 't fall in.l.9 this ('ategory," said O'Neil . "Maybe it would be a good id~a tQ have the Brown Act rurther ,amended to make that expressly part ot the election or the m ayor ... O'Neil said he woula ~Tecom­ mend to the council ffi~ it con• sider a change in ils current policy before the next municipa l election. New Fountain Va lley Mayor Svalstad "as unavailable.,for comment on the possibility of c h anging his c ity's lon g- s tanding secret ba llot policy. Councilman Roger Stanton said he had no "good ~nswer" for the process. He said tbe "'bad answer" would be. "this ~ thl:! ""ay they've been doing it." Stanton said he didn 'l give the process much thought until he n •ad a newspaper editorial c~1ll­ inJ? for the abolishment of secret balloting earhcrthis week. Another Fountain Valley rity official said anquanes have been ('O ming in from Hunting ton Bt•a('h officials as to how the i.etret ballot system works. Bob Sangster, Huntington's deputy ('1ty attorney, said his 111· terpretation of the Brown Act re- quires that deliberations be con· ducted openJ y. "That would ap- pear to reqmre public voling on the selection of the mayor,•• Sangster said Friday. 1 Huntington Beach city counci\ members are slated lo try and e lect a new mayor Monday night. OF OHIO IN &oatb Coast '101 ""' LewwC..... ... ............ s. Diep .... ., c .... .... 5 , .. ,_ ... ,_ ..., , ...... 540-6911 lund9y, Aprtl ti, 1111 NATIONAL/ INTERNATIONAL /WEATHM .. YeanLef&T HI . ' U.S. Oil Hopes May Run Dry D.Mtrl'l1et$'9ff,..... llAIONAL HOPPER ARRIVES BY CHOPPER IN MESA _..., WNtney Offere Lelaure Department Welcome Cheers, and rears ror the future or a proposed upstart C!Ollaflllitor publication, broke out when the UCI Associated ..._t Council voted 12-10 Tuesday to restore $10 000 to ~leh New University. New U. staff members we're cut Off after they incurred the wrath of Christians. Arabs. Jews and those who believe Page one pictures of girls in wet T·shl rts are sexist. "They're trying to run a G--D- newspaper like.a democracy, .. one observer snorted at the Jam-packed meeting. Students opposed to New U. representation still want an alternate campus newspaper. L <l~una B e clC h Gas causes discomfort . ~ounty authorities are testing samples to find the oragan of raw gasoline seeping onto the beach below the s ix-story Laguna Lido condominium. Twenty.eight resi- dents Oed concentrated fumes Wednesday night. Five persons including two firemen were tnJured by the acn d gas wafting up ~he bluff. Residents had complained before, but fumes. which leave a metallic taste. were never so bad. Newport Bc~clC h Black day for Blackie fans They call him Dlackie. But to those who feel op· pressed a nd powerless aga inst bureaucracy, Arsene Gadarian has worn a white hat in their vocal b e half fo r 20 years. Gadarian, until r ecently • o wn er o f Blackie 's Boatyard, announced his departure this week, firing a final broadside before s ailing off with wife Sara to Maui. After describing Mayor PauJ Ryckoff as "a horrid man" who attained ' his present position only through public apathy, Blackie went on to become almost critical. Huntington Be.tch SALTY SOLILOQUY Bye Bye, Blackie Barie-cracker crunches fenders . U two traffic officers injured Tuesday al the crashing climax or a high·speed auto pursuit from southcentral Los Angeles to coastal Huntington Beach need further treat- ment, they won't likely seek out Compton chiropractor Curtis Lee Garrett. He was assertedly at the wheel when Huntington Beach Police Officer Frank Morrelli and an unidentified CHP colleague sandwiched the speeding car between theirs. finally forcing it to halt and charging Gar· relt wilb assauJt wilb a deadly weapon <his ear l. WASJDNGTON <AP> -Saudi Arabia 'a oU production will fall far 1hort ot worldwide demand by the late 19808, touchtnc otr the potentia l ror •• • rle rce polltlcal and economic atruule" umon1 conaumlng naUons, a Senatts F'orelgn Relation& aub· committee uld Saturday. THE 811.JDY 1ald tbat while Saudi Arabia haa more oil re- serves than any other nation, previous optimistic lorecaa&I of lt11 a bility and willingness to pro- duce as much oil as is needed should be discard~. Unless the United Slates and other Industrialized importers or M 1deast 011 sharply re vis.e their enurgy policies, there will be "adverse implications for the lives of people everywhere," the report said. Sen. Frank Church, D-tdaho, chairman or the Foreign Rela- tions Committee, said the re- port's findings demonstrate that Survivors Of Twister Bury Dead WICffiTA FALLS, Texas <AP > -Weary residents or this ravaged city buried m ore of their dead Saturday as Red Cross volunteers readied Easter i baskets for the children -some of them orphaned and others left homeless by a kilJer tornado. Firs t Baptist Church, the city 's largest. expanded its scheduJed Easter service at the municipal auditorium to accom- modate members of 10 con- gregations whose churches were d emolis h e d by T uesday's twister. ( INSHORT J M e anwhale. the seemingly endless stream of fun erals for the 44 persons killed in what was on e of the mos t damaging tornadoes in U.S. history ·con· tinu ed Satur ll ay. Fourteen burials were held Friday and Saturday, a nd the remainder w ere postponed until after Easter GuerriU.. Raided S ALI SBU RY c AP > Rhodesian warplanes blasted a black nationalist guerrilla base in Zambia on Saturday. just 24 hours after a Rhodesian com· mando raid · on guerrilla head- quarters in the Zambian capital of Lusaka. Lt. Ge n . P e t e r Wa lls, Rhodesia 's s upreme military commander , told reporters at a news conference there might be more raids before next week's general election. Ot11 lleeapt•recl ESTELi, Nicaragua cAP> President Anastasio Somoza's national guard recaptured this ballle·ravaged city Saturday from left-wing rebels, encoun- tering only small pockets of re- sistance, a guard s pokesman said. ltterefllle 8eftl WASHINGTON <AP> -Presi· dent Carter's decision lo phase out price controls on domestic oil will increase the cost of a gallon of gasoline 3.6 cents by 1981 . according to a con - gressional study released Satur- day. 5,000 Flee Flooding · :sout#wm River Near New Record Crest 11~.8-••IY c ... , ....... SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Nltllt IM mot'ftlnO 10w ctoucts 'N•t•I M<llOM lfllw9ll MonNy. El-llltt, lelr IMiy ll•• incrH"~ ClolldlMU ~. uic.1 Olltlr ,,.,_ 8ftcl '""'"' """"-..rt -'" Mvcll COOlff c..-.. M<llOl'IS e.Ny lllCI I 11111• ~•II er••• MoMey. r .. ,,....,.~. "' L.t I 42 31 " .. ... ,. n .. Alllfltlc Cly 81111more Botton 8uffal0 Cllrlstfl SC Chi<-.> CIMl-1 Cll...Cl4!0 Colvfft~ Dal flt. Wiii 0t11ver Ott roll HONllilu Heutklf't ........... Jecn''""' IClft't Cll't Lesv..- 47 '5 ... ., 4S 0 SS 1' '° H S7 42 .. . .. 40 .... 12 SI 67 JS 61 .0 IO .. u 6) ., . au .. SI •7 SI Lot Af19111e LOUISVIiie Mllw.-.e Mpfa-St. P. NewOrlM New Von o.i.. City Pl'lllM 'pllie "-ht Pl tlllMlr'Qh Pll-,Ore Atno SI Louis Salt Lekl Sell Oll90 Sell"•• ~ ~ w~ ..., ... w_., .... -... .. s. 70 40 SJ 17 4S • u ,, •• 40 " .. ... , 91 Sol •S 4S u 4S IS • 1t SI 10 ,, .. " •S .. SS » .. JI .. ca Monoav·Frio.v 11 YoY oo "°' -.,.,.,, -Ill'~ :JO om caot .,.~ r pm a"ICl~CICJO't..,•oe._ ' Selurll~ -S..-v II 'IOI> dO llQI rece1•e Yf:All C\.'llY by 9 " "' Clll Dttor• 11 am -"°"'COPY...,. M __ ., • "it would be imprudent for the Unlled States to rely on Saudi Arabia to lncreue lta oU pro- duction capacity . • . to ball us out or our long-term eneray dilemma." SO•B OP the report's ftnd. Ina• were based oa subpoenaed records from two blt U.S. oU companies, Standard OU of California and Exxon Corp. Botb are members of Aramco, the group of rour oil companies whlch explores. and drills ror re- serves in Saudi Arabia. By 1990, It said, "The COMUm· log nations could begin a fierce political and economic struggle lor scarce supplies, straining re· lalions between Western allies and between richer and poorer nations." The report estimated current Saudi oil reserves at 171.6 billion barrels, one.quarter of the world's total. ~ JllllCA VEREZllEU ,., ..... Several years ago, the Saudl Arabia government believed It could produce 20 million barrels daily through the end of the cen- tury, the report noted. <Current production is 9.5 mllllon barrels dally.> ISLAND OF ST. VINCENT THREATENED BY ERUPTION lteem, SuNur. Stone• Spew From Soufrlere Yolceno , NOW, THE report concluded, the Saudis probably will limit production to about 12 milUon barrels dally starting In the ear- ly 1980s . Thousands Fleeing "--' Even at that rate, reserves would begin to run out in 15 to 20 years, it said. Erupting V olcan:o· Rome's Bells Greet Easter KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent IAP> Soufriere volcano, 10 a new outburst Saturday, hurled showers of rocks and ashes over this Caribbean island as resi· dents in the threatened ione con- tinued to nee their homes. VATICAN CITY <AP) -The bells or Rome's 500 churches rang out in joyous chorus early Easter morning, celebrating Christ 's r esurrection nearly 2,000 years ago. Premier Milton Cato called the fresh activity a "definite eruption." He said steam was shooting 20,000 feet into the air and the situatton "Is ominous." The pre mie r of this British possession also said steam was seeping from the ~round at Chateaubelair Island, on the northeast coast of St Vincent. Thousa nds of R o m a ns gathered on balconies and at windows to hear the bells. Vis- itors from around the world. strolling in the streets after mid- night. exchanged greetings. Pope John Paul II celebrated a vigil Mass Saturday night in St. Peter's. leading the world·s 700 million Roman Catholics in ceremonies commemorating the Resurrection. THERE WERE no reports of lava spilling from the SouCr1ere cr ater. U.S. officials in Washington said Friday they had been in· formed that two infants had been killed and other persons in· jured as lbe evacuation began, NHdhelp? Have you sent for merchan- dise and not received It? Is city hall giving you the run-a-round? Are you having a disagree- ment with a bllllng computer? "At Your Service" offers help In all these matters and more. You can count on Pat · Dunn and her uAt Your Service" column to help 80lve problems. She c.n locate lost Items, etralghten out utility bih, get action from lawmakers, end just fight red tape. Even If you don't peed help, her column al80 1• very In- teresting reading. If you need help, mall your queatlona to Pay Dunn, At Your Senice, Orange Coast Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1580, Coate Meaa CA 12121. Be aure to Include your telephone number. "At Your Semce'' publl8hes every dey except 8Mwday • .DAILY PllO.T·· v• .. . but that report could not be verified here and local radio re- ports mentioned no caswallies. MAaY ANN Bader, a St.ate Department spokeswoman in Washington, said Sat(l~ay lbat three U.S. Coast Guard cutters two of them carrying helicoP. ters, are en route to the island. She said the Air Force is ex- amining the island's air strips for the possibility of landing C-130 transports. Cato mobilized government and privately owned vehicles and boats to aid in the evacua· lion and called up the island's doctors and police t o man emergency stations. An estimated 10.000 resi- dents have fled to relier centers. Authorities said about 17,000 persons live in a lO·mile-wide danger zone at the foot or the 4.048.foot mountain. ------ ---------~--..·-·.._..._._ -~---..._..._ ___ , .-. STATE NEWS .. :Bollday's Been No Gas BJ TM Astoelaled Presa Despite tbe aaa shortage, Easler travelers look to tbe roedl ln lar1e numbers to en,)oy tb• 1unn1 weather over the holiday weekend. F'rlday. Our rrlt ndly new1 media "' 1carln1 the hell out of ev rybody. 10 we have people comln1 In to buy IU5 worth of aaa. Tbtre were maulve llnt11 at every ataUon open yesterday." Tiie Callrornla Highway Patrol said it saw no evhSence that molorlala were cutUn1 down on their travellal. delplte gasoline prices of more than 80 cents a 1aUon. OTHEa SERVICE TAnON operators sur· voed ln a random poll reported 1lmllar condl· lion "We are aetlins nume r ous u lls from mol.orists k>oklnc for gas t1lion8 with ga • " said a hl1hway patrolman in Lo Angele Outsldo Colltornla. the lines are getting lon1te r and temper• arc gelling s horter as the 1Hrch fort(a8011ne Mot on In Reno. In San •'raMl co and San DleRo. lint'I of up to a dozen automobile w re rt'ported lit som ta It ha r ached thu point that an Arco station nl'11r the downtown aru hH hlred security guards . lions. APPARENTLY MOST MOTORI. tanked up Friday ln ntlrlpation nf "·t>ek4'nd cl~ul'f's or th<' stations. M~t talion:. -.cn.• hut down ror thc- weekend, and thO!lt.' that wt'rt np1:n sold flUIJ M ly "Th<>y'n ; to kt.'ep P"O&>le from busting each othtr up,'' sold O\l{"lndant Oon Snyder. lie said two motorlsllf neBrly came to blows earlier this week wh n OM cut In front of tht.1 other for a llmltC'd J>('r'od or tlmt.• . "It's not bud now." W ynr Ru'lhft-ldt or ll~R Chevron In Von Nuys said Saturday "Rut 1t wa ht.•ctlc on Friday We hud us many as 18 car in line Ill a Umt.1, and 1t wus tonstnnt " OUw-r :;tot ons In Reno report long lines and a Slt'fady Oow of customt.•r 1tlncc opening time Satur· duy. Many arc Hm1Un~ customers to SS·SlO worth or teas. Bill AJbunl'tW, who op(!rntt-s a Mobll i>tntlon In /\lhombra, said, "We had a lot of panic buyang ·· Pt'Oplt.• art• starling to push the panic but· ton," ccordmg lo Shell station operator Bud Truynor "1'hey used to ride with a quarter of a tank Now, t~y !$tart looking around with three· quarters of a llmk." .ltla...,tn Case: Wisdom, Fairness Ideals of Jurist • the . r ight to sue for property LOS ANGELES I AP I Supe rior Court Judge Arthur Marshall, who has peered over his spectacles al the Marvin vs . Ma r vin trial with a lternating astonishment and amusement, issues his written decision in the landmark case this week. Th06e who know him say the j udge's ruling whe ther 1t favors Michelle Triola Marvin or Lee Marvin will bear the ha llmark of Ma rshall"s Judicial career a dedication to fair· ness. "IF ANY other Judge had been named to this case." says one attorney, "you can bl't the lawyers would have optc•d for a jury. With Marshall, they know they'll get a fair shake.•· Another lawyer , who has ap· peared before Marshall, calls the judge "cordial, charming and well-Uked in the legal com- munity." But he adds, "You should re· member he is a man who slicks to the letter of the law. He doesn't want to be reversed. and whatever decision he m akes, he will have the la w on his side." However. defining the letter of the law in Ma rvin vs. Marvin wilt not be easy. Miss Marvin"s lawyer. Marvin Mitchclson. has s uggest ed Ma rshall may be pushed to devise a "Marshall P la n " for di vis io n o f Lee Marvin's millions. The actor's lawyer, A. David Kagon. dis· agrees. I N THE LAWSUIT which eould affect live·in lovers every· where, Miss Marvin seeks Sl.8 million in alimony·like benefits for her unmarried s ix-year rela· tionship with the actor. The California Supreme Court ruled in 1976 that Miss Marvin and others in her situation had rights But the precedent-setting dt!cis1on leaves Judges wide latitude in deciding what is an "equitable remedy." Marshall is the first judge to be raced with a maJor Marvin de<.'is ion since the precedent cam e down. His ruling is expect· ed to serve as a guideline to t ry. ing other Mar vi n-typl' cases. The decision will come from a jud ge whosc conse rvative lifestyle is worlds &part from the frl'e ·wh celin g Ho ll ywood celebrities who paraded throu~h his court during the trial. AT 67, Mars ha ll 1s a solid fa mily man who has been mar· ried to the same woman for 31 years . He and his wife, the former Mary Jane Ratc li ff have grown twin sons, one of whom recently took the state bar . During the sometimes raucous proceedings of Marvin vs. Marvin, Ma rshall revealed a courtroom manner which is a mixture or silk and steel. blend- ing wry humor with a firm re· _i:ard for propriety. When the questio ning of a wit· nl•ss becam e cau g ht in a quicksand of tedium, Marshall chided attorneys: "Counsel, this has a significance which escapes . the court.·· he said ... l have no terrible desire to learn this fact. .. MARSHALL HAS declined in· ter view requests during the trial and appears a bit puzzled by the b lizzard of public ity in the Marvin case. So m etimes. as he passed crowds of reporters. camera l'rews and bright li ghts in the corridor o utside his court, Mars hall would shake his head a nd ask, ··What makes this case so interesting? .. .............. 'FAIR' REPUTATION Marvtn Judge Marshall Bus Ruling Spurs Drive For Election LOS ANGELES IAPI -Two opponents or mandatory busing for school integration said Satur- day that Friday's court ruling favoring inte r-district bus ing would be helpful in bringing about a special election on an anti-busing amendment to lhl• state constitution. State Sen. Alan Robbins. D· Van Nuys, author of the pro· posed amendment. said the rul· ing will "have a major impact m helping us get a special election this year on the busing amend · ment. '"Many parents who have been sitting in complacency will now have to face the reality that the battle of the Los An geles district is their battle." Robbins s aid. Korean Crewmen Sa1'ed SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -A 60·fool Korean fishing boat ran aground ouL-;idc the entrance to Bodega Bay, drowning one man and leaving a nother missing. Three or the crew of five were rescued Friday night by U.S. Coast Guard units. but one or them apparently a Korean national · was in extremely critical condition from near drowning, Coast Guar d s pokesm a n Ed Conlon reported. (,.--------.... ] A rescue helicopter ST ATE sent to the scene by the " Sonoma County Sheriff's ---------" Department was fo rced down during an attempt to reach men stranded on the crippled vessel, the Camilla. The helicopter, its tail rotor damaged by birds, landed safely on Bodega Rock. SaUen Re•~ued f 11 ColU.lo11 SAN FRANCISCO IAP> --A 23-foot s ailboat carrying three persons sank Saturday afternoon after it collided with a 35-foot craft near Mile Rock al the entrance to San Francisco Bay, the Coast Guard reported. The Blue Mist went down about 1111 miles south of Point Bonita. There were no reports or in· juries. ,,.,,...._ Sle.,de.,11 E~peeted SAN FRANCISCO <AP > -Chairman Charles Schultze of the President's Council of Economic .. TropiQI Fish• Fresh• M.lrlne Aquarium Supplies lpedel ... 11-Apftl 17, 1979 B•rbu• echubertl 79c Sclentlflcally I •m not recognized, but I dO exist. A golden yellow body, a tinge of orange in my fins •net a dark green mottllng along my lateral llne. A very handsome ad· dltlon to most aquariums. I am on sale at Aquatic Tropicals under the name "Golden Bart»" for only 79c. See You Soon G.B . • ' 111ow.a.1cer•CoetaMeu II . Mt-1311 • Corner Harbor a Beker Advisers says he expects a ·•slower pace or inflct· tion·· by the end or 1979. The innation rate. according to the Consumer Price Index for February. is 15.4 percent. Schultze told the Commonwealth Club administration policy is geared toward slowin~ the economy. and he said tha t with "patience and help a nd budget restraint we can solve the problem." 2 B"" in S~ond Refbte'11 Bla•t VENTURA <AP l Two persons were injured in a series of explos ions that r ocked a petrochemical pla nt Saturday, fire officials said. The plant. USA Petrochem, already faces trial on negligence charges for allegedly operating an unsafe work place~ because of an explosion las t • June that killed one person and injured several others. Most seriously injured in Saturday's blas t was Wilbur Barrett. 45. of Ventura. Parole Set fn A lfen S•1199ll119 SAN DIEGO tA P l •· A former U.S. customs inspector. Alexander R. Trench, 55. sentenced to 10 years in federal prison last June in connection with an alien smuggling conspiracy has been given a May 9 parole date, according to the San Diego- Unlon. -.... April 15. 1171 •PW ....... SAN BERNARDINO STATION ATTENDANT SOOTHES DRIVER WHO ARRIVED TOO LATE 1 Nun 'Draws' Life Term Self-imposed Sentence to Aid Convicts T IJ UANA IAP l -"This is my convent now." said Sister An· t o n ia. who h as r eceiv e d permission to be self·imprisoned for life with 2,000 convicts at La Mesa State Penitentiary. A Roman Catholic Sister of Me rcy, the trish·American nun lives in a 5·foot-by·10 foot cell unprotected from the in mates. among them convicted killers, torturers and drug-traffickers. "IT TOOK ME 12 years to ar- ra nge it." said Sister Antoma. kn own to the inmates a s Hermana Toni. Until last month. she commut- ed from San Diego five days a week regularly to the prison for t he past 12 years. "Now I a m here full time as God's servant,'' said the sturdy, S·foot-3 woman in her 40s. Her mission in ure. s he said, ls serv· ing those whose lives are in s hambles. To get permission to live in· side the prison walls, she had to travel lo the presidential palace in Mexko City SHE IS PART of a revolu· tionary penal proJecl designed to creat e a mini-community at· mosphere, hopefully to reduce cultu ral s hock for released prisoners. La Mesa Penitentiary Direc- tor Leopolodo Carrasco Canseco instituted the project in the wake of last summer ·s shootout '"' .... ......, SISTER POSES WITH 'SISTERS' IN TIJUANA MIL • Nun, In White Habit, Volunteered For 'Life' lnkkt , that left s ix me mbers or the and many. many ~~o~." t prison staff dead. including his Alcohol a nd narcot4ts ait predecessor. forbidden in the prison.' • R e form s in tro duced bv ··Wives ar€' able to slay with Car as co inc I ude d ·norm a· I their husbands . 11'$ rif'1J>Orlanl domest1<.' living" that permit:. that the husbands rcin~in the ""households" Within the pnson heads of their Ca m mes. In to possess ki tcnen knives and Am€'rica. a male prisopt::r usual m eat cleaver s as well as ly loses his family; ti\s·\vifc . permission to arrangl' conjugal not used to him when he, retur · liaisons with spouses or non· from an a ll -male enYi~cnt , spouses .. A wife has a rigflt to l)C "THIS IS A vc r v humu n place." said Sister Antonia. "A <.'ity There are rich people hc•n• loved." she s aid. Her role inc ludes .going to. court with prisoners as they are sentenced I I ' SHOP LIKE THE BUILDERS DO -WAREHOUSE DIRECT AT FACTORY PRICES DRAPERIES • PARQUET • CERAMIC FLOORING Conven1enlly located at Eo1nger ;,no Newport Freeway In Santa Ana. (714) 558·3921 Open Monday thru Friday 9 to 6. Saturday 9 10 5 JJ's INTRODUCTORY OFFER Short & dense 100% nylo n plus h $8.95 ins talled over rubber pad. Excell e nt fo r residential or com- mercial use. Available in a wide ·-~--array of eleven decorator cotors. • Buy your floor covering he re a nd get 20°/o off on draperies. .. .,, • Why NOt . Fill Up With Fortitude? Shades of lh Arab oil embargo of J974, and its al· leged gasoline s hortage, have once again fallen like a heavy shadow acro!l& our land. ll ls a spectacle revlsitcd. (jasoline prices hove escalated al an alarming pace. Long lines of curs are stacked up ot almost e very service station that delAns rc m nln open and pump a few gallons to rranUc customers. And as in 1974, It appears tha t it ls the motorlM Llnd the commuter, already battered by rh;lnR outo main · tenun co ~'\ ond hiJ(her ond hig~r t a x . who is toking the whlpp "" ot the~ ,, pumps. In some in~tuncc~. il ms th.at a near·panlc l d •· \•e lopinl(. Prople Ort' beJ.tRlng Dlll'ndonts for gas at ny price. One incident wo "1lne l"d the oth r day wh re o m a n muscl<."<I his auto into u gas pump line ahead of a teen-age girl, who h ad bffn wmting patiently ro r oml' timl'. und th<'n clurcd the younJ? lady lo "try and do ~omdhm~ 3bout it .. Tlll'OUJ.lh Jll th1~. an!orm~1t1on on thl• ~talus of our 1>d roh•um ~upply 1:. 'il~Ut• oncl somt•ltrncs tonfu:-.t•d Wt· ht'Jr that ml t11nkl1r!. from f'ullfornw urc :-.till ~uppl~ io..: M ·~u·u So11w :.t udn·~ :-.UJ.!~t.·..,t that the I ranian situnt1on t•ouldn't hu' 1..' crcatt.•d :rn imp,1tt on our domt.•stH' fuel l>UPPIH.'S ,1:, )Cl Still. lht• gu:, pump pn \'es i:u up Hnd uµ. It see ms as IC llw p<~r ~ullon t ug rlso:-. almost by whim and fancy lk'~µilt' thl' l>U:-.pu :1ous l'<'frain tha t s uggests the 1\ fl'lt.•r1 can pcoph: mu. :>imply be getting ripped off agHin. thc r l' hi an t:wn more d isturbing elt:me nt to the sce na rio. It 1s the rnotor·ing public itself. We ure rolling over and ta~ing it. Thert> appears in this alleged crisis no fiber left in the Ame rican backlxrne. We have turned to mush. If we think we'r e getting ripped off, what a re we going to do a boutit '! Instead of ~ctling mad a s hell. apparently what some of us would tathcr do is meekly line up al the g as pumps and beg for a full t ank at any price. We would rather threaten lo fig ht little girls than to fight the system. Oh. s ure. there are a scant few militants still left among us. They've sa id they're mad as hell and they won't take it a ny more. They are walking. or riding their bicycles to work and doing without the weekend 'drive out upon the freeways. Some of them are riding buses. But m ost of us won't. We'd j ust rather sniffle and beg and stand in gas lines. Woul(in't it be som ething if we re-discovered good, old·f as hioned Ame rican g uts. What if we a ll t urned our backs on the gas pump lines? We walked . We pedaled. We rode buses. Then we'd find out fof s ure if the alleged gasoline shortage was real or a n illusion. You could tell by watching the pump prices Wouldn't that be fun·1 Extravagance Annoys It's April 15. lntomC' tax <.la~. Moan . groan. whimper. cur~c a nti \.H~t·prng time. The annual reminder that no matter how incomprehensible t he federal a nd s t a te budgets .ire. our personal ~tukc m government is a stag. gC'nng blow to our pocketbooks. And a s if filling out thC' tax return didn't sting enough. a couple or ne ws ite ms popped up during the week lo mnkt• the s mart even more painful. One day the Department of Health, Educa t ion a nd Welfare. t he largest s ingle non-military s pe nder of our ta~ monev. mlm1tted it blew more than SI00.000 celebrat· m g it!-25th lmthda~·. That's slightly more than the SIS.000 11 EW offic·ials pr<.-vious ly cl<.1imed they had blown on what h as to he the mm,t non-('Onsequcntial holiday ever . /\ couplt• of days JatL·r a Chicago employee o f llEW t unwcl down a misc. "' The t•mployct.• n·por ted the matter to a re porter. the ::-.l ory gut pnntNI and he was tr a n sferred lo Philadl'lphiu with ad vice he could give the Sl ,272 to the government if he wis hed. Presumably it will be used to buy hor s d 'ocuvres fo r th(' next birthday p art y. Another t wist of the knife came with U.S. News & World Repor t ·s revelation tha t our two li ving ex· pres idents bcnC'fil ha ndsomely from our tax money. Ford rccci\'CS a Sl06.000 pension for openers. but on to p of that gets a generous S291.685 for travel. office a nd other expenses. Nixon 's pension is S85.000 and he spends S163.329 on mail. o ffice uides. photographs or himself a nd repairs to h is J!Olf cart and five television sets left over in t he San Cle mente mansion from his presidential days. And if you 're inclinC'd to fret that Ford's rou~hin~ it in P a lm Springs is dem eaning, or that N ixon has no place t o go except the Camp Pendleton golf course. it m ay be rea ssuring to know a townhouse is maintained full time in Wa shington for the ir use. OK Radar Detectors E ver y state except California permits the use of portable radar s peed detectors in highway pa trol units. Po ltce in mo re tha n 300 California cities have radar equipment. But for years the Teamsters have managed to pres· sure the state Legis lature into refus ing approval or r adar for the California Highway Patrol. This week the Teamsters may lose the fig ht to protect truc kers from the t hreat of collecting more s peeding tickets. Forty·six counties and a dozen statewide organiza· tioos have expressed s upport of a m easure that would a &&thorize the CHP to seek federal funding for 300 rada r uits at $2,000 each. No state revenue would be involved. 1be CHP has agreed that if the funding m easure is approved the radar units will be used only in clearly marked, moving patrol cars, not to set up behind-the· billboard speed traps. T he patrol contends that every reduction of one·mlle· per-h<>ur in average speed on the state highway system can save 40 lives a year in t raffic accidents. The same re · duction in speed can produce an annual fuel saving or 50 million gallons in California. With a new gasoline crisis upon us, that fact alone m ay be sufficient to sway the legis lators. And even the knowledge that the black·and·white CHP units are equipped with radar could have the effect of discouraglng speeders. without necessarily involving a n epidemic of citations. This time the Legislature should ignore the Teamsters and get Callromia in step with the nation. • ()plnk>na ••PfMMd In the tpace above are thole of the Dilly Pilot. Oitw ~ exprneed on this pege 1r1 thoM of their 1uthors Ind lftiMI. RNdW comm.nt 11 Invited. Addrea The Dilly Piiot, P.O. Box,.,, ca.ta MeN, CA 92e29. Phone (114) 842-4321 . __________ , ___ _ -.. ---.. --.. TRB Fl'OJll W aabinfton Familiarity Breeds Leadership WhO aaJd he favored "subj~l· Ina rablnet omcers to questJon· Ina before lhe entire Senate?" Answer : Walter Mondale, now vke ptt11ldent. WHO SAID, ''I t>c!ll.eve th$l it would M helprut to have mem· bera of the cabinet. appear b~f ore Joint sessions or the Congrt!M to answer written and verbal quttUons?'' Answer. J immy Carter, now president. They spoke before their elec· lion Neither has referred lo the matter since. us far as I know. t only r:use it now oocause the two Engbsh·lS~a.king countries that are tle>Rest to us and that 11r act1ce the question.period ~ystem an.> simultaneously hold·,· inc el~cllon AMERICANS ARE constantly looking over the fence, ball en· vlously, at their parliamentary neighbors' quaint political ways. lle re, for example. is a com· parlson. Canada goes to the polls May 22 : the entire election cam· paign lasts only 60 days. Britain voles May 3; the campaign lasts only five weeks. By contrast. the U.S. election campaign lasts a bout a year <if it ever s tops>; the first Iowa c aucus in 1980 co mes in J anuary. Like a baseball World Series that continued all year, it is terribly borin~. Thal is one reason, perhaps, Art Hoppe why our turnout Is so miserable.· only about half the voters votc<t last lime. Jn England u.,d Cunada 70 or 80 percent will turni out. . Our system or divided govem· ment has worked very well. We arc the richest natlon on earth. But lt hasn't worked the way the l'"'oundlng Fathers expected, aod there are doubts about il now. Can il be Improved? J UST LAST week at a press conference c overshadowed by the Harrisburg nuclea r scare). Jimmy Carter gravely told editors. "there is a great doubt a mong the American people about their {Jdequacy or govern· ment." There are other sharp dif· fe re nces between the two political systems that can be studied during the current elec· tions. Americans elect a presi· dent first and find out about him afterward. Who really knew Jimmy Carter till he entered the White House ? England and Canada, by con· trast, have clear alternatives; all the candidates have been ac· tually tried in parliament; the parties are distinct. IN CANADA, for example, fede ral election money goes to the parties, not the candidates. The weakening of the American party structure is one of tbe greatest changes of our time. Again. Brltls h·Canadlan voters know that their next ·prime minister can serve in· definitely; there is no two-term limitation <passed here by Republicans as posthumous re- venge against FDR L Trudeau already has served 11 years. Trudeau is head of government. not head of st.ate. ANOTHER BIG difference between the two systems is that Thatcher or Trudeau, Callaghan or Joe Clark. will be familiar with and be able lo work with the legislature from the start. The new prime minis ter is already seated in the legislature and so is his cabinet. O ur system or divided power makes for a n a lmost ceaseless s trugg le with Congress. About a third of the time in modem days we have split government here. one party controlling the legislature, the other the executive. SU PPOSE CARTER had in· troduced his e nergy bill in parliament , which didn't act on i l. He would h ave had a showdown at once: a vote of con· fidence. Today nobody knows who's in charge. Our divided system worked all right when it took a fort.night to ride from Boston to Washington. but now a two.year delay in an energy package ls dangerous. In the House of Common1 on the nla bt of March 28. Callalbao dem1nded a vote or -coofld e nce and t.he tally wavered back and rorlb, rmally settling at 311 to 310. With a Possibility like that. polltlca is breathless. THEN nlE&E'S a nother dlf · rerence in our contrasting gov· ernments. All three nations call their legislatures "bicameral" but while the upper hduses in • England a nd Canada have atrophied. the U.S. Senate has swelled. The governor general appoints members or the Canadian upper • chamber <who must retire al 75 >. In England it was once written al· feclionat.ely that "the House of Peers I Throughout the war I Did nothing in particular I And did it very well." BUT LOOK at our Senate! The SALT II treaty m ay come up soon. Thirty-four Senators out of a Congress of 535 can defeat it; defeat it as a Senate minority did the League of Nations in 1919·20. although a m ajority at all times favored it. That's Power for you. • T RB it o lOftQttoftdiftO W~ ~·It's_,.,. CW· rmt111 u Rk bord Strot&t o/ Ow Chn.tbt Sdnce Modor. Car Draft Puts CQlllllluters Up in Arms When it came to conserving ~paiiov~~ '9r17'1 'f(JitAU~ energy. nothing worked. The President even sent Rosalynn Carter fl ying around the country to save gasoline. Wh erever she went. Mrs . Carter suggested that everyone should volun· tarily give up their cars and •·try walking for a change." Walkin g '! People looked al each other and th e n s hr u gge d . There m ay h ave be e n a t i me when Am e ricans walke d. but not within living memory. Walking was now viewed as an un - fashionable. lime·cons uming. unmitigated bore. Its only prac· titioners were the elderly. thl' poverty.stricken. some eccen· tries and a few "hikers" who drove incredibly long distances to take a walk. SO ENERGY consumption conlinueq to rise inexorably five percentftlnnuall y. At last, after years or shilly.shallylng, Mr. Carter took the strong, bold posture his critics had long de· manded. His first step was to declare war and reinstitute the draft. The whole country a pplauded such decisive action. They did, that is, until . in t elevised cere monies on the While House steps, the registration number of the fi rst draftee was pulled out of a fishbowl. It was that of a brown 1963 Dodge Monaco sedan. "IF NOT ENOUG H Americans voluntarily give up their cars to win the war on energy consumption." the Presi· Nick Thimmesch dent l'Xplained m a nationwide address. "we h ave no alter· native but lo draft the m for the duration. Let us a ll put our shoulders to the wheel and look forward lo that glorious day of victory when our cars will come rolling home again." Initially. Ame ricans reacted with their usual patriotic fervor. Mr. and Mrs. Hedgemond Oask of Duluth. Minn .. owners of the 1963 Dodge Monaco. told besieg. Ing reporters they were proud to send their car off to serve the nation. even though it might not return. Mrs. Das k said she would hang a gold star flag in the win· dow. "When we think of all the love and wax and tune.ups we've lavished on it over lhc years. it's hard to see it go." she said . her voice choking. "Our only regret." added her husband sternly. 'is that we ha ve but one car to give for our country." AS THE WAR dragged on. however. and as more and more families watched their cars be· ing lowed off to induction cen- ters to be put up on blocks. dis· content swelled. The first draft riots broke out in. needless to say, Los Angeles. A group of dedicated car.pool mothers blocked the Ventura Freeway with their s tation wagons, pulled out t he dis · tributor wires and chanted: "Hell.no! It won't go!" Other families. on receiving their induction notices. simply packed all their belongings in their cars and Oed to Canada , not caring that they were ex· coriated by those they Jeft behind as draft dodgers who s hould have had the courage to go to jail Instead. Protest drives were staged in every community, culminating wit h a hu ge drive.in in Washington, where a crowd con- servatively estimated at 250.000 automobiles packed the Mall. their owners singing, "We Shall Not Be Moved." CONGRESS had no choice but to impeach Mr . Carter on charges of foolhardiness. gall and un-Amerlcan activities. He was s ucceeded by Gener a l Warlock N. Hawk, who im· mediately declared a general amnesty. returned every car to its rightful family and drafted their sons instead in order to wage war on Saudi Arabia Everyone agreed this made a ~reat deal more sense. Three Mile Fallout: Probing Questions W ASHlNGTON -It Is time to analyze what happened at the nuclear plant on Three Mile Island, question those responsi· ble, and frame new rules to pre- vent such accidents in the future. The n ation needs nuclear power, but wants more con· fide nce in IL A thoroug h Investigation Is the best de· terre nt to that gathering claque of de· magogues yell i n g byaterlcally o n t h e nuclear wue. Several elements in the Three Mlle laland picture deserve in· tense scrutiny. 'lbe rtrst bas to do wlt.b bucks. DID METROPOLITAN Edison Co. rus h the nuclear plant in question ln the last boun of 1'1'8 to uve MO million. ln taxe1 and also to qualily for an lncreaee in cl~rtclt,y rites! It It dkt, certaJ.nJy the Nuclear Retulatoey CommlnloD <NRC > • was running a longside this sprint. and bad not only the duty but a mple opportunity to blow the whistle. if indeed it deserved blowing. The plant didn't have the best record in 1978. ll was shut down 71 percent of the lime. and ex· perieneed problems similar to those which led to the worst ac- cident In the history or com· mercial nuclear operations. NEXT IS THE matter or Metropolllan Edison closing three auxiliary cooling pumps for maintenance for two weeks or longer before the accident -- a clear violation or NRC reguln· lions. "There would have been an e ntirely dirrerent outcome if they had been operational, as they ahOuld have been," ob· served Harold R. Denton, NRC's director of nuclear reactor re: gulatlon. Once the coollng pumps story Is verified by testimony, hell should be raised and severe penalties administered. But what to do about.. the s ubsequent 1eries of routed operat1n1 pro- cedures? They are : failing to react correcUy to a stuck relief valve. shutting off pumps driving the emergency cooling system, mis· reading gauges, pumping con· taminat.ed water into an aux· iliary building not designed to hold it, thus spewing gases into the atmosphere. No industry in the Republic deserves closer re_gulaUon than nuclear energy. and no industry should be called on for strict.er accounting a nd penallies than nuclear. · TOE PRESENT clvll law pro- v ldes for rlnes of $5,000 on nuclear plants wblcb violate NRC regutat.ionl. with no more than S2S.OOO in fines allowed in one month. The NRC asked Congress last month to legislate a $100,000 ftne for eacb single-violation penalty, and put no limit on the amount of fines levied ln one month. There is also a crimlo1l penal- ty of $5,000 and/or two years in prison for an.y willful vlol1lion of an NRC order . but lt ls dlfficuJl to get a conviction on a criminal COW'.lt . Pres ident Carter has asked that NRC inspectors be permanently assigned to each nuclear plant -an expense be justifies even at a time when budget trimming is in order. Meat packing houses have federal inspectors on the pre- mises. a nd one constant challenge Is to keep tbe foremeti from getting too cozy with tbe lnspectors. Anyway, despite all the bowls on television and radio about Three Mlle Island, rationality will have its day. There was no meltdown or ex· ploaion. No one was ltllled or lito Jured in th.is accident. There wu no rad.ioacUve cloud of dust over the area -as Jack Andenoa re- ported. Def ore Jimmy C1rter took hia wlf e to the plant durla1 the worst of ll, NRC 0Cflclal1 double- and triple-checked tbe radiation levels to make sure we wouldn't wind up with • Pretldent who glowed In the dark. He dotsni and won't. We are fortunate tbat the President la raUonal and DOt de- m1101ic •~nuclear power. SOltAY YA Gar -n4EA><, PROF, BUT ~u GUW WAAi'TEW:H··Y'icNOW·· EN<5LlSM JUST AIN'T PlJTTIN~ OUT THE INPUT WE csetrrA-Yt<NoW-- CiErC'AREER-WJSE. )t)U'RE··Y' -CObL, Yes,Wl.SE BUJ. l<NPW· W·WISc ')t>U ~E NoWHEJaE, Y'l<tfr?"? ~ Mailbox JiTOM .\ OHNfOf'J bAILY PILOT 'Who's Responsible for Party?' To the Editor: Oo you know a nybody who owns, outright. a home worth Sl00,000? Or, perhaps a com- pa ny that has a fleet of 21 Pord Fiestas? Or. how would you like to have a TV store, that has 216 21-inch color TVs, in stock and paid for. before you ever open the doors? How would you like to own 10 fully loaded Cadillac Sevilles? One for each day of the week, and three spares? You say that's the stuff dreams are made of? Maybe, for you and me. But not for those happy and carefree people over at the Department of Health. Education and Welfare. Last year, they threw a party that cost $108,678. Eight thousand employees attended. or course. the party lasted two days. so if you look at it in tha t light. it was only a paltry $54,339.00 per day. NOW, I DON'T want to give the impression that I'm against parties. Quite the converse, I'm all for parties. If you have something to celebrate. and the money to do it with, I say go on with it. That is, if you use your own money. HEW didn't use their own money. They used our money, yours and mine . That Sl08,678 represents Sl.33 for every man, woman and child in the City of Cos ta Mesa. For me. my wife and lwo children. that works out to SS.32, and we we ren't even invited. I keep thinking to m yself, what if I were a rich man, and had a household s taff? You know. a maid, and a butler. and perhaps a cook. What if one day. I found out that they had taken 1stolen?) money that had been allocated for the running of the house. and the purchase of food. and used it to throw a pa rty for themselves. without asking me first ? What would I do? You know what I'd do. I'd get a new staff. One that had a little morl' respe<'l for my money. Perhaps it's time to start keeping a little notebook. per- taining to just such matters :JS the blow-out at llEW. Perhaps it's time to s l op being so apatheti<' about voting. Maybe you 're one of those people who does n't mind paying for other people's parties. Maybe you let religious groupies bully you out of your change. Maybe you just smile and wave when that other car grabs your parking space right out from under you. IF THAT'S you. HEW is rely- ing on the fact that you will jus t peacefully accept one more deg- radation. Maybe next year, they'll have a $250.~ party. If that's not you, let them know it! Demand lo kno w who was responsible for the party. Get that person out of there It's t ime to make the Depart, me nt of Health, Education and Welfare aware of the fact that if they want a healthy political future, they had better acquire a little education about the welfare or our doll ars. WILLIAM D. HARVEY C1terCUe• Clarif led To the Editor: "What's in a name?" . a heck of a lot, particularly if you have an unusual name such as Clucas. My name is Richard Hugh Clucas. There is a youn~ man attending UCI who edits a cam- pus newspaper named Richard Clucas. I ignored this coincidence through two or three front page Da ily Pilot accounts of the other Richard Clucas· unusual ac- tivities. Since my name 1s now beiag related to tasteless ethnic humor. J have to s peak up. Publicizing wet T-shirt contests "Unfortunately, I can't remember whether he's a • master of the written, spoken, or processed word." is one thing. Taking swipes at the Jewis h people is quite another. Please let it be known that the UCI Richard Clucas is in no way related to Richard Hugh Clucas 1 us ually referred to as Di ck Clucas), nor is he in a ny way re· latt:'d to my wife. Caroline, my son Scott. my daughter-in-law Cathy and my daughter Vi cki . l hope the guy that call ed after midnight last night looking for the "other Clucas" reads this. DJCK CLUCAS Grand Prix Wasteful To the F.ditor. J am wondering why. when we he ar so much about a ga s shortal!e. higher prices and sta- tions running out of gas. why io the world do they still have the Indy 500 race. the boat races in Newport Beach and the Grand Prix races in Long Beach -and they are already planning the Grand Prix for next year. NOW TIUS is pretty hard to accept in the face of all the gov- e rnment spokesmen harpin~ about the shortage of gas and the price going to St pl'r gallon. This sounds like another ripoff of .th<' cvl'r yday common citizen by the govt.·rnmcnt Also, what about the reports by t he Bor dl'r Patrol that tankers arc going through the checkpoints every day. loaded with gasoline for Mexico"! WILLIAM II. COO P ER • Letters f rom readers are welcome. The right to condense letter-s to fit $fX1Ce or eliminate libel i$ reserved Letters of 300 word.$ or Less WIU be given preference. AIL letters mwt include signature and malling ad· dress but names may be withheld on request if sulf acient reason u ap- parent. Poetry will not be published • Parent Savors I Borr.owed Time By FalTZI HERZFELD-JONES TM author i• a relfMnt of lAgufta Bea.ch. It's 3 a.m., oh Lord, I must think or sometblng that won't keep me awake the rest or the night. I muat not think or the contracts I have made with you, dear Lord. and which you have bee n merciful enough to sustain. And yet, how can I keep my thoughts away from them? There was the one we made In Budapest many years ago. My husband had just died -quite young, quite sud· denly. The Nazis had moved Into Austria. were now mov· ing into Hungary. Sti~l quite youna myself. J had a heart condition the doctor said could be fatal. "AS I TOLD YOU THE last time," he said. "you must be very careful not to strain your heart. No excitement, no strain in any way. l must really warn you, you might just sit in a chair and die ther<'." "Oh. doctor. how a wful that would be ror the people who might be with me. No, no. I will not let anything like that happen. Yes. yes. I'll be very careful." . But as I walked slowly home. I went through the quiet park and talked to my beloved Lord, the only helper fhad. "Dear Lord." I said, "you heard what the doctor told me. Please do not let it happen that way. I cannot go to you right oow. I have to stay here for my son. You know he had one te rrible s hock after the other, losing his home, his friends. his fatherla nd, and now his father. l must stay a live and be with him. 0 YES, I PROMISF. YOU. I 'll do everything the doctor wants me to do. Oh, I 'fl be careful not to get upset. There is no sense in that arlyhow. Whatever happens must be hved through without undue emotion. But please let me stay alive until I have reached the USA and brought rny boy to hts uncll' who will c;.irc for him. Please. dear Lord. gra nt me JUSt that much time.·· Prom that m ome nt on, t.•very s ingle day was dangerous and challenging. But I s tood a ll , my medicine always dose at hand. my nerves unde r ri~1d control. We finally reached, almost undamaged. these United States. My son's uncle was so happy to have him. With no children of his own, he immedlately made hjs ne phew the a pple or tus eye. How I thanked you, my Lord. llow great wa~ my relief t hat, with your help, I was a ble to achieve that for my son. THEN I MADE ANOTHER little contract. "Dear Lord. allow me to see how my son will adjust to this new world. Jus t let me be wi th him a little longer. This is a lready more than I hav<' asked you back in Buda pest. and J thank vou from the bottom of my tired heart. But please, just a little longer. I must sec him gel his doctor 's degree." J often wondered if my dear Lord had a sense of humor. because he surely was with me all the way. Think- ing b ack, I must confess how ~reedy I had been all those years. After my son finished his thesis he was suddenly dra fted into the Army. He was very unhappy. "OH NO, DEAR," I SAID, "l do not believe at all that. t hey will send you as an infantryman to Korea. No, t.he y do not have that ma ny brilliant nuclear physicists. They can't waste them in that manner." "Oh. mother, you do not understand the red tape. By the time they find out about my degree. l '11 already be in Korea." "I'll bet you a quarter:· I said. I This was our joke.) He laughed a little weakly. "Well, I do hope you will . win it." When he phoned me .! few days later that he was com- ing home on a furlough, he laughed again about our bet. "Mother, I do O\\C )OU a quarter. You will be s ur- prised.'' AFTER HIS BOOT CAMP training. he spent ttis two years as a soldier in the Aberdeen Proving grounds in Maryland, teaching "Interior Ballistics." Then l came begging to my Lord again. "Dea r Lord. please do understand how important it is tor me to SCC' the partn('r my son will find for lire -whom he will marrv." And then · · l'l<'a :>l' IC'l me i-ce my first grandchild." Now mv eldest g rand~on 1s 2J I have seen three g randsons born and grow up 1r1to Lhn•e f1nt'. brilliant stu· dents. I havt• rece1vt'd all I bcggt•d for. doing all the do<'· tors advised through lh<'M' many years NOW 1·~ NOT RF.G<;1:-.1G the Lord anymorc. I'm Just deeply grateful for <'' c>ry new day. for every good night. Well mavbt· I "ould dare again to come !',egging for one mon:· l hing "Please, dear. patu.-nt Lord. rlo not gt•l angry with me . Let me firush this manuscript and please let me see it p4bhshed Th<' story of m~ tra\.:.11b will be a help to all thbsc peopll' \\ho lt•ar lhl'lr problems an• unsurmountable. It 1s a tn\'lal requec;t If ~ou \.\ol:>h to treat 1l as a Jt!St so ~it. 1t 1s 3· 10 a.m Now I ta ke m~ normal sleeping position . I relax . . Bui. And suddenly. 1t 1s t 1ml• to rl'>t'. to prepare breakfast. ··Thank )OU, Lord, lor a n '" day " Scriptures, Statecraft Reunited By HOYT GIMLIN For Editorial RHHl'Cll ,..,.,,. Genuine peace may or may not return lo the Middle East. But there is a fair chance that. as a byproduct of the Egyptian-Is raeli peacemaking, biblical quotations will find new popularity in politics. Linking s cripture to s tatecraft is an art form that shows new life in the skilled hands of s uch expe rt practitioners as Jimmy Carter. Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat. All three -Christian, Moslem and J ew -have read t heir holy writ and don't need the aid of speechwriters to come up with the appropriate quotations -as they demonstrated to a watching world al the White House treaty signing. THE ISRAEU PRIME minister twice quoted from the Book of Psalms, extolling Jerusalem's centrality to Jewish thought. And the American and Egyptian presidents both referred to passages from the prophets admonishin,:? mankind to beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. Carter is the first American president since Franklin ' D. Roosevelt to draw readily on biblical passages, and probably not since Woodrow Wilson has a president seemed so famlllar with scriptural texts. Carter came into office quoting the Prophet Micah (" ... to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God ''. I · In another presidential inaugural address 44 years earUer, Roosevelt in 1933 told a Depression-armcted nation "we are stricken by no plague or locusts" and "the money changers have fied from their high seats in the temple or our civilization." Wilson's best-remembered Old Testa. ment word was "covenant," which he applied to the Cove. nant of the League of Nations. THE BIBLICAL REFERENCE i n po lltlcal s peechmaking perhaps reached its ornate fullness in William Jennings Bryan's "Cross or Gold" speech at the 1896 Democratic nominating convention. "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you s hall not crucify mankind upon a cross ot gold." he nld in support or free silver, propell· log himself to the presidential nomination. After the first few decades of this century, the biblical utterance faded from the hustings except in rural America and particularly the rural South -whether from growing urbanization. secula rization or the fulminations of H. L. Mencken, the acerbic critic of American manners and mores in the 1920. To Mencken. Bryan was the "Fundamentalist Pope" and Wilson a "typical puritan" whose "Calvinism tri· um phed as his intellectual f acuities decayed. IN LATER YEARS, IT SEEMED, listenen were as in· capable of recognizing or understanding a biblical ref- erence as the politician was of coming up with it. But the art did not die out entirely. Adlai Stevenson's bio1rapher, John Bartlow Martin, wrote: "The biblical quotations were all his -I don't know where they crept in." And even in this decade, Sen. Sam Ervin could con- fidently believe ,that his North Carolina constituents and perhaps other Americans would understand hlm wben be s poke or a Watergate figure "coming like Nicodemus ln the night." His refere nce to a Pharisee in St. John's Goepel sent many a perplexed reporter Lo Washington scrambling tor an explanation. Can it be that a new era has now arrived -when three world leaders make a Bible dictionary a required addition to the reporter 's library? • l ' 1 r ' .. A• OM. y ptLOT RESORT I READING fl S8'eetle: Blue blood, long green or stardom may--:- or may not -admit you to Palm Springs' society '• with pelnted piano keys. But tbere are written lawa. ordinances, which outlaw blllboarda • OHhlq . neon and 1i1na witb prices. Exteriors in an)'tblna but pastel ahadet are verboten and even Interior liCht fixtures which can be aeen from the t lreet must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee. palm•. tbe Social &eeuritf ~-.,..... on to 1011 or &ennla. the endeariq old pklneen. • • • PAUi SPRINGS -A sma1hln1 season. dahliap, delp6~ the snow U..t cam• and the .• shah who didn't. Simply yummy. The Gerald Fords 1 ahe wu the danc•r > threw a lovely wedding r~ption for dau1btcr CbarUe FarnU, DOW • aturdy 71, Naliallft• about the old days -tMre wen no aldewalb or street Ulhta -wben be Md llalpb S.Uamy started the Baquet Club and the Hollywood :~~~%. u:.~~ ":.:e~1~ =~ti ' utan and ~r ~rel Suvl~ man husband The SinalrM Wf'rt thf-re. TM Richard Nlllons Che waa tbe recot'dln1 a rtlat> were not there, althoulb THEY had had THEM to Tricia '1 nup llal bla9t .t La Malson Blandte Tiit: SPlaO AGNEWS lhe Is lht novelir.ll wtre no& there •lthcr a lU.OUah thfiy llve Ju t a hoot aM a holl~r down Bob I~ Or1'1f, near th• ln'er tctlon <>f Frank S1n•tr1 Drlv~ lm111"4'. &wtetlea. within 70 mlles of Nich other, WO have lht' lHt lWO prt>tldent of thc> U S . ol A and, within thl"ff mllell. ttw la t \wo aurvivlnt vice pt\' ldent • Ah, "cslward till. Glamour wis•. dolhar·wiM'. rutty wise. a fabulOWl 5Hfl0n, ~ls All lhal rttC~IOf'I U.lk IS simply not allowff to croi 4 Uk-~ rt. Fat c."all from S.verly IUll , New York and Uallas are buyma $300,000 con<lomlnauma JUM from t.he brochure l>t'<'Ond homes. ml.nd you and 107 lndlans own reul t't.tate worth zilhQm. i.nd U\e houso burglur)'rate 1s goinf( up 1 w~tbacks slippin.i ai:ross the Mexicun bordt'r ore suspt'Ctcd I Th.ls happened just thr ottwr <1ay A man drivtnM his Rolls to tht• Rucqul't Cluh heard a noise In the motor he didn't hke lie calll'd the local dealt>r and ordered another. l'Jpetlfying only that hl' wonted four doors I\ Silvet Wrn1th was delivered. the man tried 1t arOWld the block and promptly wrote a check for llUJOO. Noh s le about extras • F9011 SHOW BIZ TO big bli. from locker rooma'to throne rooms. current and retired big· gie1 •me to winter homes here, lo sun, to play. to e~lr coupons or polish their Oscars. Slaatra. Hope, Kirk Dougfas, Lucille Ball, 0e .. )Cartin, Mary Martin, Rod Laver. Darryl z..-. Arnold Palmer. Burt Bacharach, Fred Loe•t· Bill Holden, Ginger Rogers, WaJter An· neoberg, J a net Gaynor, Ch arles Farrell. WUUam Powell, Hoagy Carmichael. Bill Cosby, Fr•'* Capra, Red Skelton, Alice Faye. Phil Harris. Randolph Scott, the Gabors, Lawrence Welk, Prince Andrej !his brother was the last kin~ of Yugoslavia 1 and assorted tycoons so rirh>'ou ne ve r heard of them. We have so muny names here there's never enoueh time to drop them all. Mostly they llve behind the electronic gates a nd poinsettia· festooned walls of their elegant compounds. But cha rity brings them out. They arc big on good worla; Hope, Ford eye difficult lie in one of Palm Springs fundraisers Presidt•nt~ no longer raze this place. poopsies. lkc stay1..·d ut La Quinta Country Club, Kennedy al Stnalru's. Nixon al the Waller An· nenbergs· and Ford owns a $600,000 pad on the 13th fairway of the Thunderbird Country Club. Somehow. the ambiance is not expt•cted to al· tract the populist from Georgia AMONG TH E BIG CHARITY bashes this season, three of the four Gabors showed up at the Golden Sun Gala <for the Desert Hospital > a nd there was a super fur fashion show. "You haven't watched anything, .. said Allene Arthur of the Desert Sun, "until you·ve watched Zsa Zsa watching $2 million worth of furs go by." Sammv Davis brought his entire nightclub act down from Bei:as <it's never Las Vegas dear hearts I for the United Jewish Appeal Dinner. Cary Grant. bless him. dated a sweet young bon· bon Cortheopening or the new Ma rriott. Tone is muy importante here . Billy Jean King was refused permission to film a com- me rcial at the Tennis Cl ub because she wore blue sneakers. Nobody. howcvC'r. could stop Liberace from driving a station wai:on adorned on the outside Siow Learners? Low Grades May Mask Genius All of which, lambs. is a natural segue to the Agua CaJlente thot water> band of Cahuilla 'Indiana, who have much of thls town In a steady boll. Just a few block& from the downtown Taj Ma hala -Sa.kt. Merrill Lynch, 1. Magnin and the three·story Alan Ladd Hardware store - there Is a crazy patchwork ol empty lots. This is the most valuable land around. worth as much as $300,000 an acre. and il la owned, not by any or the many wealthy white nabobs In reside nce, but by 107 Indians. some'. of whom were on welfare a few years ago. A BIT OF HISTOaY, chlllun. In 1876, Presi- dent Grant gave the Indians a 32,000·fCre re· servation, which was real nice or him s19ce they were here first. The land was broken up into a checkerboard of alternate mlle·square pieces. one set going lo the Southern Pacific, the other 1 all sand> to the Indians. In 1891. Congress authorized allotment or Indian land to individual Indians. but it was another 68 years Of° my-country. 'tiS·Of·lhee before they were a llowed to do a~ythlng with it. ln 1959. they were given the right to sell or lease. It was theirs, Congress said , "without en· cumbrancc." Wilrun city limits. the Indians owned 8.000 acres They sold 2,000 over the years a nd now rent l.773 acres to white hotel and home owners for leases as long as 99 years. This explains why some Indians drive Rollses and Mercedes and live in $500,000 homes. They pay no income or property taxes because that would be an "encumbrance ." Two years ago, after a long court fight. it was de· cided that the Indian lands were not subject to zoning laws because that. too. would be an "en· c umbrence.·· The Indians say they want to cooperate with the folks in city hall but they want "more densi· ly" on their land. City hall thinks that would be too tacky. NEGOTIATIONS GO ON while the Agua Callentes s till own 3.327 unused acres in town which may be worth S50 million. $100 million. S300 million. you take your choice. But we risk being gross. loveys, dwelling on money. There are also the sights a nd sounds of Palm Springs. the lush oasis in a !>ea of sand and mesquite. the beguiling ('!ear air . the benign s un. the whis pering cool nights c in winter >. the snow.topped mountains beyond the The piano player be&iu "Diane," and : Charlie salulel. It 11 tbe theme IOlll of "SeYenth ~ Heaven." which made him and Janet Gaynor stars in 1927. They remain dear friends. He also happens to recall that for that epic she waa pald S400 a week and he, $150. That folk hero or th~ range, Gene Autry, now 79, studies a menu four inches from bit lhick·lensed glasses. He grumbles mildly about tbe cause of his recent hernia dlfflcultiea. "Must 've been all that getUng on and getting off horses. Also picking up the bad guys and throw· ing 'em down. I did all my own fights." AGAINST THE INFIBMl'l1ES or age, he Is consoled by the fact that he owns a larg,e slice of everything in s ight. 'T..e b •• 1_..p•r•••• ller•f .,,,. le•• 1' ••• .,.. retu•tl pendatell lo ltl• a r .. •n-d•I ai Ille Tete•b Cl• wraue •It. --~ w~ ••e••rs.' America. America. tr you're staying al Gene's hotel !for $75 a day>. you can arrange for a sight-seeing b~ to see the homes of the rich. You won't see much beyond the walls . At the Annenberg d igs. where the Shah or Iran was expected until the last moment <the security people were already in place>, you won't see the private golf course, the 12 shimmering ponds. the wtµte oleanders. the guest houses, the gardens and manicured lawns. "I don't want to see one grain of sand except in the golf traps, .. Annenberg commanded at the Creation. By comparison. the man next door on Sinatra Drive stinted . Old Blue Eyes is said to have spent only $2 million on his place. It In· e ludes an unused helicopter pad, sever a l bungalows <one is called "The Agnew House" because he wrote his nove l there>. tennis courts and an old wooden railroad car fetchingly con- verted into a sauna. Finally. parishioners, you'll be relieved lo know that high on a hill construction has re· s umed on the Bob llopes' new house. lbe one with the indoor-outdoor pool. after a disastrous fire Said old ski nose ... Palm Springs is so ex- clus ive the Circ de partment has a n unlisted number ·· BLOOMINGTON. Ind . <APl Tod ay·s problem reader won't necessarily be tomorrow's illiterate. In fact, says Anabel Newman. an In· diana University e ducation pro· ressor. tod:.t y's low ach1Ec-vcrs in gr ade sc•hool can be tomor:ow·s col· tcge graduates highe r than all of the other kids not just the low achievers m their own group." Another thing that could make the diHeren('c 1s how a child 1s tested ALL Of HER TEST pupils hud below normal general learning uhih· ty nn the basis of the Metropolitan Readiness Test they took in first grade. Yet. she s ays. those children given the five variables went on to s uccessful academic careers. 303 to 443 off our custom made drapery fabric. r · · 1 worked with a !Joy in fifth grade who not only could not read. he would not read.·· s he says . "He has now finished his mas ter's in Cine arts. he has had paintings d isplayed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and he is reading voluminously in the areas he's interested in ... The young man's s truggle against the odds or being pigeon·holed as a functional illiterate along with some 20 m illion other Americans is chrorucled in a long-range study begun by Mrs. Newman in 1964 in Cedar Rapids. lowa OF TI-IE 4-00 first-graders pcggert as low a('h1evers. 310 remained 1n the study at the end of the first year or those, l35 were lot•ated when they r eached l llh grade. Based on tesL-; und interviews with them. s he ('Onclud1•1t that 89 were no longer low at·hicvn1'! but were al or above averuj.!e. Finally. on 20 who reache~ 12th grade. she did case histories bused on interviews with students and parents. tests. graphs of achicvt• m ent for each school year . Of those, half remained low achievers but thc other 10 were considered achieveri.. Wbat made the difference? Mrs. Newman decided il was fi ve Jac lors : Interest . motivatio n, models, pressure and perseverance · · 1 would say that if we do go the competency test route. we ought to be understanding enough of the fact that there are many things that de· termine a person's contribution to this world," she says. "We may have creative artists who will do nothing on a competency-based test. "And 1t isn't that they s houldn't be able to rt'ad and write wc·ll. but 1t JURt may not i.hnw tip at d cc1 ld1ti t1mt•" Wlfll.•: l .. :K J(l lllll' d11l fl(10l"I)" llll n·ud1nJ,! 1·11mp1•l1•n1·y tc· ... t-. i.lll' ..,;ud lht·y M'or1•cl 11houl av•·r.1.c•· 11n ~t·n1•n1I inh•l hw•nn• t1•'1hl wh11'11 l 1111ll'tl 11ut to ht• 0 01• 11f th•· rnwil 111·1·11111l" prc·<l1t t<ir'< or tlw1r pot1•11t1al · "Tht•1>1• w1•r1• not If 11 rn It k ull'I llut llwy w"r1• kicll\ wh11 w1•11• 1{111111{ 111 11 I it t I 1• II II 11 If r I' IC' n I cl I I .. ' 111111 11ornf•llmt·11 1h11n whht 'ltll'll'fy w1111lcl 1rny ttwy oui!hl 1•1 lw i.c111n1c" <1h1• HllY'I Unfort11n11lf•ly, '1111· 1111111•11. 1110 ... t 21 u<'h younmH<·r11 11r1· 11111111•cllnlt·l v <·nl11gonzt•d u11 11robl1•m d1ll1h1 •11 ••••••••••••••••••• i IT'S ! !COMING!! • • : THE · FIRST CHEVY : ! OF THE '80s i : WILL BE HERE : ! APRIL 19™ i • • "I WORK•:o Wl'rll •11w 1'111lct "'ho e rrin fl0f• lhf•mt"sltholO\i(') tyfesi~oewcor1n e .. , WOULD SEE certain kinds or hucl bt•cn 1:1lwlc><I und IH'h1·1h1l1•1I rur • ( t11 ·vy ht~IUIV I ·~1gned w1lh lh'-' troclton.ot front • Jhil••a as being terribly basic: A <'C'r· ~J>C<'iul c>duC'ution lie· 11111"'11 ""1 10 whf11I dnvP and sl<-'6k a•rodvnom1c styling Nus ._i . ht> a V('ry urti11t1l' C'llllcl lie• Wlll'I not e e ta It •ind of caring altitude in the m('ntolly n·t urclt•cl 111, hu•I ni·v•·r < 0111tortoblf' roorn1(1('SS lod1\>e adults and o home. mixed with good teaching In been lrulnt•d to rc•iul , ltul 111, Nhoulcl e \f>CK•Ou\ corqo orKJ St-11 ond IPSI dnve Crit:v\ e which teachers are sensitive to what h h e ( rlohon '" ~11 19111 e tkls need ... and would push them never avt• •'<·n pl11r1·rl 111 11p••c•lul ''l education e e hard enough so that they measure up ~ tothestandardssetror the m. "I.et ·~ mroid lutwllr11t th1•r1<· k1dl'I. e E!1"ik¢W • .. What began to come out was lhat becaust> if Romt• of th1•111• klcl1' who 11n• e -e tbe kids who had high amounts of doin$t very we'll now hMI IH1c•n luhcl<'d e • - tbo_s_e_t_h_in_g_s_w_e_r_e_t_h_e_o_ne_s--w-ho __ a_n_d_s1_o_ll_t'd_l_'"_'_'_'"_r_11_._•_• _w_o_u_l_d_h_11_v_c-1 : HOWARD : around the ninth grade were scoring been dlsoslrowi for lh1·m." ·:vouR cH1w nEsERvEs THE BEST!· : Chevrolet: .. :n .. tno 71Cl·:!f;K{_I • Doft...t9m1Sh. • 253off f~A '"Jf'll dtJr"ftHt< \Ir ~ Q ,.ft ~l"Uf l"l()~• 11 r ''"""90100 ... Let a JCP&nre, _u5t<YftOIKOr•· f(H"' '\ll ~OVI home w1Trt frtN1t ,amp•.-., Ind •uo')~ct1P('lnt Cnoose tro11't ffl•IUttt' $h .. ur• '-'•·n~ cettri vi..•ol\ it• pr1r't d11mai;• o• 1er.ouero' , • ._n11•11'" ,., . ..,rwffl eaty-<:1,-t sa ... t on '·Ch tatH•C. and q \• tOU' hO"'" .i ttre"vl-tut IOUCf't • LabOr arod •nll1ll1t1on al our e•eryday 10 ... proces. our woven woods window treatments. WOOd #CM!f\WllhCOIO<'u•l;>Ot c.m1kft1 natur11 Nci<drop lot you• rooms CN>OM! ,, • .,.,,,,or P\Ohle>nl•l ""•ndow h@'Al'"""" in co•or·beaut1ful comb1nAtt0n.a. 253off our decorative 1 '' slat blinds. For"" el19•nt too~ c-narrow •'II bhnd• •n COl«lul d«Ot•IOt COtflt .. naltOftt WOOd~ra ned llOfal, e>laoel, gol4•1-dH•Qn~ 10 """ ond m•"" or alee~ eohd COIO•• and molAlhC5 ('rrn,.h11w ~>fl:I fi!l!'>!I e MIWPOaT llACH e i ·'8i3.0lil :. · ·' ·'· ·· ~~CPenney "'"" The Reading Game™ Tofrlll'"t !17lJ..l~l!t . . ........... ~ .... -......................... ..,, .. • • .... ,... .............. ~ ............... ....,,&.U..1119-~.,... .......... lfun1lnJCHln llur h IU2..0000 AMERICA'S FOREMOST READING ACHIEVEMENT CENTERS Mlio•lnn \11tJn Aek •bout our laclividuaUzed readinR instruction. 7fll4.77AA • h• f C II tod Nrwpotl llf.1u·h I " yean o 1uccees. a ue · ay. 11r.a , 11~ • • ~1211t........ MUWTINOfONNM:t4t"4)111•1"1 ""-II ~4'11Mttt •. ~MUD'WEEKD' •. ES£:,, ..... ==~~:t=100 F.'M :its:..=. ~~!.~' NIWPOl!f ~.i:,1m1M4-nU TitOUWIOOAH ... , PW.I ~·ti~ NOR'IMW~1 ... t4" TOM~=m .-?f : SUN DAV• : L..,;~,;;.;,;,;.~.;.;"°""'-.;;.;..;..llUIA..;..;;1 ... ""';...1~_':1;.,;, :i_ro-... .., ... • ... ro ___ ~-AU.-"°-°'-•-~_c_~--'~-~~ ... ~-.,._•.l'Dl_,..., __ :_b._T_ooo__.~ ...... '~-~-'.-"-"-'-~ : APRIL 15, 1979 : ••••••••••••••••••• -.. t NATIONAL .. .. .,, ,,. • ' . ----------___..._ . ...-......... ·------·-----.-------:-----""-~,..._ __ -.. -~--..~ ~. Aprll ts. tm powerto ...... ud .. ':· 12 Letters ~apltallzed EL CAJON (AP > -Riek JohnlOn and hi• rather have come up with the IHy man'• way to write to le•lslatora - pre·print.d "PoUUcarda." ''A LOT OF people would like to write their le1lllator1 and a.ti them what they think ... JohnloD 11y1, .. But they Just can 'Hind tbe time." A prime 11114 CUl'nM •mple II a pair of Carda Wltll dleM stocana: "Support Coaatrudion of Nuclear Power Plants" IDd "Stop CoaltructioD of Nuc&ear Power Plant.a." • Ulnoon Cards Get Idea io Legialaton PollUcardl It a Ml or at polt cards that express pro and con opinions on 12 major state ll· sues, from abortion and nuclear Tbe colorful carda bur cartoon• that llluatrata tbe soe11qea. On the back, the card already haa tbe ttate Capitol'• addreu and a line to write In the name or the lawmaker it'a aimed at. Slime Hiding Secret CAINESVILLE. Fla. I AP> They look like melted pint• or vanm. tfCl crt!a.m and have • pretty prlmita ve sex tire but shme molds muy hold the clu~s to tt) • origin of human llrt\, a University or Floridn microblolog1st :says. Henry Aldrich, direc tor of the sfhool's elec· tron microscope lab. u nd s ix graduate re searchers are studying nearly 500 species o r slime mold. The researche rs ar<' observing sli mt! molds· prim itive form of sexual reproduction. S LIME MOLDS are ac tually coloni es o f single cells gener a ll y found growing on damp soil, rolling logs and other decaying organic material. Aldrich said they were common to Flo rida 's moist woods whe re they looked like glis tening, viscous masses or slime. "The slime molds tell us how cells become t is- s ues . how they slic k together and cooperate w ith e ach ot her ," Aldrich said. "BY STUDYING the ir behavior in a controlled environment. we hope to dis cover more a bout human cells a nd how ·they ilick togethe r." Slime molds measure up to 4 inches wide and : t heir average lifetime is ·four months. but some s pecies have lived s ince -\960 in a lab at the University of Wisconsin at M a di so n . s aid Aldrich. ·rwkh proper food and climate. I don't see why the molds couldn't live forever," Aldrich said. "Year after year they could ea t ba c t e r ia, reproduce and do every- thing good s lime molds do." ALDRICH said slime m olds had got out of hand one spring morn· ing in Texas 10 years ago when t h ey had begun crawling over the landscape, up telephone poles and on the sides of houses. He said loc a l newspapers called the slime molds the "Texas Blob." "Whe n th e re a re moist weathe r cond1- tions, the molds will grow out of control," Aldrich s aid. "They m ove p e r ceptib l y, creeping along 3·4 in- ches an hour, which is rast for a blob or cells." The microbiologis t said slime molds were hungry creatures whose favorite foods were oat· m eal fl a kes, bacter ia · and even baby food. .. THEY'R E qulte fond of baby· food," he s aid. "But we pr efer feeding them bacteria because baby food isn't good for their growth." He said samples or sli m e mold s w e r e brought to the lab where they were frozen with li- quid nitrogen, s liced thinly and placed on a slide. The individual cell is then magnified 300.000 ti mes and exa mined through the fluorescent scr een or an electron microscope. Research at the elec· , iron microscope lab ls financed by a t hree· year, $150,000 grant, awarded in 1977 by the National Institutes of Health. Record Crops MODESTO <AP> - The 1roas va lu e of ·Stanislaus County's crops reached a record $553.3 million in 19'18, aC· cordlna to the annual crop report. The year's 10 percent increase • boosted StanlaJaus back Into alxtb place nationaJ. If in IJ"OM farm lncom may company a ter easter so e cearance Shop tomorrow 10 to 9:30 , all stores closed today, Happy Easter .. ~·· 25\ off designer jeans 3 days only. Cotton indigo denim in western looks. 4· 12. 22.99 to '29.99 reg. $31-$40 misses pootSUts Sizes 10-18. Assorted styles and colors (95) 17.99 to 21.99 special misses poly.ester pullovers. Sizes 8-16 7.99 were $12 half size fashions Sizes 14'h to 22YI. (57) 14. 99 to '29. 99 were $32 -$50 pucci lace ccmisole By Form fit Rogers ( 190) 7. 99 comp. value $16 genuine stone rings Beautiful fashion styles. (22) 9.99 comp. vol. $15 gabardne poofs Assorted colors. polyester. 5-13 (117) 10.99 were 14.99 assorted white jeweiy Tremendous selection includes chains and earrings. (639) except wllstwe. oxnord. bfeo. westmlf'lster. cemtos. thOusond ooks 2 for $1 or 59c ea. were 99c polyester loungers Assorted styles in colorful prints and solids, sizes S-M·l. (615) except wflshire. oxnOfd. b<eo. westminster. cerrttos. thousand ooks 8.99 to 14.99 were 11.99· 19.99 young men's knit tops Short sleeve tops for spring and summer. ( 450) 7.99 were $11 men's lllderwea A large collectlon of men's Under - things In monv colors. sizes (127) 1.49 each ,req. 3.50 ~h women's fashions Bondoge cotton gauze tops, sole 8.99 S-M·l. reg. 12.99 (158) Misses and petite dresses sole 29.99 to 42.99 were $46-$74 (49/9&/501) T·$hirtS W0f'0 $7 4.99 (138) T ·shirt dresses. sole 24.99 sizes 3-13. were $39 (94) OreS5es. sole 19.99 to 25.99 1 and 2 pcs. were $30-$56 (94/170) Junior trousers sole 18.99 ~mited quantity. were $28 (406) Short sleeve tops, sole 9.99 S·M-L. were $13-$14 ( 497) Blouses, sole 9.99 plaids and stripes. comp. vol $16 (31) Print blouses, sole 11.99 Qiana• nylon. comp. vol. $18 (31) ShOes and sandals. sole 4.99 to 7.99 were 5.99-$14 (468) Marty Sandal was $18 14 99 ( 112) Wooden·look slides. sole 8.99 were 9.99-11.99 (125) Skirt sets. sale 13.99 sizes 10-16 special (122) Unit bOttom sandals. sole 19.99 leather uppers. were 2199 ( 129) Dresses. sale 15.99 to~4.99 were $21·$33 (77) save on lingerie Disco shoulder bags with pantie s sale 7.99 shoulder styles with 3 -pr. colorful ponties. reg. $10 (26) Full figure underwlre bras, sole 5.99 white. B/C/D cups. comp. vol. $9 (44) Soft cup and llned bros, sale 3. 99 · 5.99 assorted famous maker styles 1n B and C cups. special ( 44 ) long nylon tricot gowns. sole 9.99 asst. colors. cmp. vat. $15-$16 (10) Print floral gowns, sale 11.99. 1n Qsst. fabrics. comp. vol. $16 (10) Ousters and shifts, sale 10.99 to 11.99 asst .. S-XL. comp. val. $16-$17 (464) children's savings Infant's wear. sole 7.99 to 21.99 spong dfesses. pant sets and playwear savings for the ho~ ,. Donald Duck• rug kits sole 3.99 ~. 15x15" were 9.99 (40) .. wamsutlot' "VerQ)'\l~o" 'Jl•ets salt twin 3.99 full S.99 Q'ud'oo'7.99' · were $12-$32 (181) Dresses 15.99 · 24 99 were $21 -$33 (77) long 10.99 std coses pr. 4.99 to king coses pr.5.99 1f pert. $8-$18 (3.4)1~· .: Girls' handbags sole 1 29 to 3 99 Automatic e le c tric blankets sate co1 e 11or r1 wn • e or pas· E:• s a surr mer occe~>or, 1eg $2-56 (118) men's, boys' values ossoneo colors 1w1n 37 50 full. sgl. con 41 99 lull ouol con 48.75 queen• ' $60 king 76 99 reg S50·S110• (41) luxury towels by Burlington~ sole Knits and terries. so le 9 99 many Daisy Spray · and "Shooow Fern" prif\t styles. fibers sizes were $16 (450) cotton terry botn 5.99 hand 3.99 wash 1.69 reg $2-$9 ( 35) Boys· walk shorts. sole 6.99 in sizes 23-30 brusned cotton denim or cor- duroy shorts were $9 (23) Boys' volley boll/swim trunks. sole 4 69 cot ron end polyes ter 1n boys· S·M L XL were $8 (23) Young men's 1eons. sole 12.99 from Lee• brusnea aen1f'T'ls by tne dozens were 518 (191) Boys· 1eons, sole 8.99 cotton/polyes- ter denirr~ P 18P. 8-165 comp vo1 s 2 ( 14) Young men's shoes. sa le 16.99 famous Husn Puppies ca sual and comfy were $32 ( 193) Belts. sole 1 99 tor soring. always in tosh1on toonc belts were $8-$9 (80) Sportshlrts. sale 7 99 solid color short sleeve cotton/po1yes1er. comp vol $14 ( 134) values for you Save 20\ to 50\ on stuffed Easter animals a wide. colorful ossorlment reg. $2 · $15 ( 42) Save 50\: on Easter baskets. c andies reg 20c-$19 (76) LCD dlgllol watches. sale 19.99 from Fo1rch1ld were $35-$50 (37) 40 ·page photo album. sole 7.99 magnetized poges reg $12 (66) Assorted art and gift b ooks, . sole 2.98 to 12.98 comp vol 695-$45 (68) For free copy of manufacturer's war· .. ranty write 10 Moy Co. P.O . Box' • 5045. LOS Angeles. CA 90055 Assorted art and gift books. sole 2.98 to 12.98 , I comp vol 6 95·$45 (66) budget store savings . . Girls' 7 14 dresses. sole 7 .99 to 10.50 assorted styles reg 10 99-13 99 (824) ,q except w1lstwe. oxnord. westm1nster. breo. cerritos. thousono oaks Girls' 4·6X dresses. sole 6 99 to 9.50 new Spring styles reg Q 99· 12 99 (846) except w1lsh1re oxnord. westm1nster. breo. cemtos. thousona oaks Missy proportion skirts. sole 5.99 Fouf gore skirts 1n polyester assorted col· ors 8-18 were 7 99 (800) except cerritos and mousond oaks Boys· pants and vests, sole 4.99 to 7.99 dress styles 1n polyester gabar- dine. sizes 8 -18 were 6.99-10.99 • (837) except w1lsh1re. oxnard . westminster. breo. cemtos. thousand oaks '' • •r Boys· nylon print shirls. sale 4.99 long · sleeve styles. were 699 (637) ' except w1lsh1re. oxnord. westm1nster. breo. cemtos. mousond oaks .... -, ... • Cost a Mesa fire m an 1s framed by cha rred • doorframe of Greg Shipley home at 1017 W. Wilson St., in westerly sector of city Friday night. The fa mily's dog died m the : bl aze, the ca use of w hich was un- d e t e rmined Sa turday night, a nd a neighbor woman required hospital treat- me nt for smoke inhalation. Damage ~vas estimated a t $40,000 in fire near bluffs overlooking Santa Ana River. . . ...... -.--. COUNTY I Mysteries Updated But Space Riddles Still Challenge By 8TEYE IAftANZIO Sltut L.attan1io b 011tatant pro/e11or of a•trono'"ll and planetarlrAm ctmctor ol OrGnQe Cocut Colltgt. lit wcu the aclentt/ic odwer /or the Cooatlbw t.ltcouree. "Pro,.ct U..,.,., ... Go outside tonlChl about 7 o'clock a nd look 1tral1ht up. The yellowish "star". wh.lcb LI nearly, over· head and brighter than an)'thing else. is actual- ly the planet Jupiter. Despite its star·Uke ap· pearance to the naked eye, Jupiter was easily recognized by our ancestors as beinl a planet - not only because or Its brilliant and exceptional- ly steady light. but because of its god-like abili- ty to drift. slowly against the fixed background or true stars. THE WORD "PLANET' comes from an an· cient Greek word for ·'wanderer," but Jupiter a nd all the naked-eye planets are na med after the Roman gods they we re ooce thought to be. IC you look at Jupiter through a good pair of binoculars or a smaJl Jelescope, you will see it as tt fi rst appeared to Galileo almost 400 years ago. Whe n m agnified . its face c ha n ges dramatically into a bright disk with colored bands and a great red spot. Its four largest moons. all na med for lovers of Jupiter in ancie nt mythology, appea r as pin- points of light aligned on either side of the planet You can actually observe these satellites orbiting Jupiter if you watch them from one night to the next. AT THE JET PROPUl.SION Laboratory early last month. I was fortunate t.o witness the Voyager l spacecraft encounter with Jupiter and its four largest moons: lo. E uropa , Ganymede and Callisto. Io spectacular close-up photos, these moons were revealed to be worlds in themselves: each was unique -different in some important way from each othe·r and from every other world in the solar system. I'm sure the names and descriptions of these moons will very soon be-as well known to school children as those of the planets themselves . .............. VOLCANIC CRATER ON JUPIT£A'S MOON Voyager's Picture Shows SO Mlle• of Lava Yet. long after these two remarkable robot explorers have gone s ilent and continue to drift lam ely on million-year journeys to the stars, their greatest purpose may still lie ahead. Each spacecraft bears a gold-plated record which can be played by any intelligent civiliza- tion who may someday recove r our discarded m achinery, and they will witness seleded sounds and scenes rrom Earth. . • . . . • • .. . . . . . .. • : Animals Go Crackers? The night before the closest approach of the spacecraft, there was a panel discussion featur- ing Carl Sagan. Arthur C. Clarke. Ray Brad- bury. Walter Sullivan or the New York Times, and Bruce Murray. the direet.or of J PL. THERE WAS AN unmistakable sense of historic importance in the air. and as much tension as exciteme nt because we were all just a few hours from a turning point in our un- de rs tanding of tht' sola r system. THE PICTURES we chose to encode on the records are all beautiful. which is a healthy sign. It means that , a lthough the Voyasen could potentially outlast our own civili%ation. we view them not a s e pitaphs of a technology gone astray. but as our fi rst stumbling steps ift- . . • . I i • Volimteers' Pre-quake Sightings Sought Se1entists suppressed their usual inclination to s peculat(' on the nature of the surface features that wer(' rcvt:'aled in early photo· graphs of the moons . knowing that still closer photos wert• minutes a \\ a~. A few days of data would stimulate yt>ars of mtcrprNal1on to the cosmos. Someday. we will be able to make the JOurney ourselves . ~------------------------~~ Do animals gC"t the 'shivers before an l':.trth· quake? A scicnllf1c proJ('C'I aimed at finding out whether odd bl'havior by ,animals can help predict seismic act1v1t y. being conducted by SRI In t erna t1onal. formerly Stanford Rl•s earl'h Institute. 1s in need of .w atch ers who are ·normally ;,iround furry '1Uld feathered cre;.itures. OBSERVATIONS will be sent to sc1ent1sts by anyone vnlunll•t•ring to take part If you 'd ltkl' lo participate. contact •the Voluntary Action Center of West Orange Deatlt Noti~e• PACIAC VllW MIMOllAL PAIK Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Drive Newoort Beach 6«·2700 McCOltMtCIC MORTUAltlH Laguna Beach 494·941 5 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan cap1s1rano 495-1776 IALTJ..IBl•HOM N•ALHOMI 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 1&&.•0ADWAY MOITUAltY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 SMl1M nmtlU. LAMI MOITUAIY WllTC&JllP CMANL. Cnt1n1tory • Flower Shop '427 E 17th St. Cotta Mesa 646-"4888 WlllOTMllS SMmn MOnUAIY 927 Main St. Hunt~~ach PmMll&Y COU»UL N•AL .... 1801 lolll Ave WWl .. tlnlt., 113-362& c County at 898·0043. T hat number will also prov1dt• information on t ht' folio" mg groups :rnd al'tiv1t1e:-. whl'rl' vou l'an help by g1v1ng. a ft•w hours A dl'lightful bunch of deve lopmentally dis· abled young peoplt• is p l anning S l'\<•ral nig hts and days on the town, campouts and Wt.<l'kt·nd trips. but needs the help of those willing to g o along a<> t•hap e rones N e w 'Careers' Fair Due Mor e than 1 5 0 repr esentatives from various businesses and industries will be on hand at Saddlebac k College, Apiril 25 to in· t erview pros pective employees a nd discuss business opportunities . The rollege's Third Annual Career Fair will take place on the upper campus quad in M1sswn Viejo from 9 a.m. to l p.m E mpl oyers from Ora n ge Cou nty and other parts of the slate a nd nation will b e available for gene ral in· formation on careers. N eptune Society CREMATION BURIAL AT SEA 646-7431 Call tor •~ee portfolio 24 '"''· FUNERAL IRECTORS I Iarbor Lawn MountO loo Mortuacy Cemetery Crematory • Interment In Any Cemetery •Shipment •Burlel lnaurtinc:e • Cremetton $255. complete Call /or free .CrematiQn Portfolio 1125 Qlalef Ave • C...MeN 540ia554 llorizons op('rates the program -SF.VF.RA L Sl·al B l' a c h c I t I 7 (' n s u r Leis ure World nt'l'd lhl' a s s ist anl'e of d ri Vl' rs who can dl'livcr half a dozen hot meals to !.hut· ins The elderly people can no longer get to the l\t .O R.E. Nutrition Pro· gram. llaV<' a hankering to be a pupJ>('teer'! A group named TASK is offering puppet shows for area schools to get across the message that han d1cappcd pl·uple aH· hum:in . but h ave special problems The wes t county V AC also has openings for us hers at South Coast Repertory c 14 or older. one show pt•r week l : clerical workers al the Huntington Reach "Y ": referees for Harbor area Roy s C l ub or Costa 'Mesa. and s1og ·a long and bingo leaders for a Hunt ington Beach con· valescent hospital. DOWN COAST . the ::.outh county VAC also has a wide <irrav of openings for thos(• ·with a few hours to devote to others . Contact the ag('ncy al 675·9210 or 8:13 9278 for details on th!.' fo llowing . T ranspo r tati on. Lunch and Counseling cTLCl in Laguna Beach needs drivers to carry e lderl y people f rom home to medical a p· pointments, s ho pping and other trips in the TLC van. Hours 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. -A 4-WEEK orienta· lion begins Mo nday for t h ose wh o w is h to become involved in the activities of the South Orange County Mental Health Association -Grandfatherly types who want to work with a you:lgster s hould con tact the V AC UCI Medical Cen- ter 's child care center nl•eds help supervis ing youngsters to ag~ 14 wh1ll' p;,irents <i re treated. Moult on Elemcn- t a r y School. Lagun a Governor J erry Rrown was in the au· die nee a nd spoke of <i "fOrl'l' .. \\ h1c h wa~ pulhn~ us outward into ~pace Niguel. needs tutors for [ J l ear nin g -di sa bl e d youngsters during sum-DDQtTECT UN/VERSE mt'r srhool Just a basic ~ft' 'J• knowledge of clemen· t<iry level s ubjects is re·., __________________ __,, quired. -NO SPECIAL train· 1ng or lan guage l'X - pcrt1se 1s needed l o hl'lp people learn to read through the South Coast Literacy Council. The council offers an orien- tation. -Parents Anonymous needs an adult male co· sponsor lo work with a counselor in-a program to help troub&eo parents. Social services back· ground is rcqui r l'd . Pa rents having trouble should call 835·5551. The group meets Monday nights in Hunting ton Beach. occ Sets Art Show ALTHOUGH HE WAS not very s peciric, I think th<' analogy of a forCl' 1s a good one I believe that we are being drawn by a vacuum. not of s pacl'. but of mystery and adventure that has been created bl•hind tht:' <1dvanc1ng front of space exploration. Ten years ago. just bC'fore Apollo 11 landed. I walked outside and stan ·d at lh<' moon. It was the last time I could ga1.e at its beckoning face and wonder wh at secn•ts it held. for tomorrow the whole world would know . On July 20. 1969. a dream of thousands of years was realized when we finally touched its alie n surface. but lht• excitement was tempered by the loss of the drea m. Travelling to the m oon. incredibly. was no longer a goal! YET IT WAS WORTH it. if only to know that our planet stood united that day in awe of human beings on the moon .. not Americans as opposed to Russians. or men as opposed to woml'n ... it was remarkable enough that anyone was really there Likewise. I stared ul Jupite r the night before Voyaaer I rushed in and compelJed its moons to relinquish the ir mys tery. As science marches on. it banishes lhl• mystery and adven· lure from everyday life Our s pecies thrives on the unknown. so we look deeper into the unl\'<'rse for ne w riddles, and await the fi rst space colonies lo rekindle the adventurous spirit lhat died with the westward· seeking pioneers of a century ago. Orange Coast College's rowing crew wi ll host an art auction and exhibition Friday to raise funds for a trip to the Western s prints championships at Los THE MISSIONS OF Voyagers l and 2 a re G · M hardly over. After the encounter of Voyager 2 atos '" ay. with Jupiter this July. both <·raft will head on The art ex hi bi lion will _t_o_w_a_r_d_s_at_u_r_n_. _a_n_d_o_n_e_m_a_y_e_v_e_n_se_e_k_U_r_a_n_u_s_. _ begin at 7:30 p.m .. and the auction will follow at .. ---------•r~r-~•IW'lr---.., 8 :30 p.m . a t t he in· tercollcgiale rowing a nd sailing base. 1801 W. Pacific Coast Highway, Newport Beach T icket s m ay be purchased a t the door for S2 o r in the s tudent services office in the col- lege's administration building. CONSULTANT SERVICES Court Referred Program Criminal Justice 8•0 " JJISll&O Closes May 3, 1979 County of Orange Proc:uremenl 714 834-34 EARL'S Pl.UMBIHG • HEATING AIR COHO ... l•< 111&)1 ~, ••l • f •t'tlft• >tdf 1~ di 'OUt OOOt '(dlt ')40ft' flft•ctt~\ 'TOUt Att-01U t OSTAMESA642-1753 •n•io.-1s1v• MISSION \llEJ049S-0401 HflJ C."""° '-•"-•S•n 0 F •I AW Pllw I Orange Co<1st College Community Survrcf' Office presents 'What to Do Until the Psychiatrist Comes" I aturmq DR. MURRAY BANKS Aam1ss1on 52 50 SUNDAY. APRIL 22 8 p.m. -OCC Auditorium 210 1 Fa1rv1ow Aoacs Cos ra Mesa . - I• : . For inlormatro11 c.ill 550 5880 1· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~ ,..-~ HERB FRIEOl...\,Ot:R I!' '1.\1\l '(, G Rf.r\T 01-:,\I-'\ BUY OR LEA SE ~ 'FRE·E 50 GALS OF GAS . , FROM Fa sh ion Island Newport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR -'S MIDNIGHT MOVES® You con hove o snug, smooth fit in Midnight Moves®, the young l"'en's disco slacks mode of textured woven polyester with seamed or seamless legs. 10~ ..... 1!! ..... ~ 24-Exp. Deve· JM loping Prints . . . . . . . . 1a. Imm & Super-~ 8 mm Movies ..•... 77i.. 20-Exposure ,~ Slides . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7;._ MIGHTY MATCH 3 100 For "PHOTO UIUIY" 5" f our vinyl-covered albums. Each holds 56 3 !h x5" pictures. so-n EITEISIOI 466 Disposable butane lighter. Visi-Heavy-duty extension cord ble fuel supply. Colors. Sove! meets OSHA• requirements. P'lanl• " P'lanl S11pplie• Not AYallable Commerce 3'd & Fairlaa -GAL. GRASS EDGE 4•1 Ready to use. No maxing. Convenient a licator to . SOLO HI SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT 9-0Z. WI.CO 100 Lubricant helps prevent rust and corrosion. Sove now. AIAHEIM El TOllO •o. HOLLYWOOO IMTAFEftlSS 25'x'/z"* HOSE 147 Virgin Vinyl tempered plastic garden hose. Sovel llRU.S 01 ILA• 2 300 Fer 2 windshield wiper refills or 1 blade. For most can. Save. IEUFLOWER FUWRTOft &lEIDALE . . ... --.. ·-·.-·-~~·.-i · _, .... LADIES' EllCllil I llG IYLOI GOWIS Our Regular 3.96. 96 Each The newest looks in elegant sleepwear. long and waltz-length styles; some with la ce o r embroidery. Sove. . . ' ... DBIGOUS llEADED VEAL Served with creamy whipped potatoes, rich gravy, seasoned vegetable, hot roll ond butter. Try a lunch at Kmart today! 1" Cushion foot. Cotton/stretch nyion. Fit sizes 10-13. 12-0Z. * PEAIUTS 68C Dry-roosted. No fatty oils or sugar added. Great for parties 1Y) r 0 ~: ~ r;p " ,. r VQ"L ~ \ I ·1 1, "'-.I Statnleu Steel 81.ctff I SCISSot SAU 14! 8 Yz " trimmer, 7" barber; 6 1/.c ", 5 !h sewing. more! COCOIUT TIEATS 59~. Del icious toasted coconut marshmallows. 12·oz* bog. SlfB QUI 68~ Super fast, super strong. Shop and Save ot Kmart. .--~ ........ lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!l!!l!!!!!!!l!!l!!!!!!!l!!l!!!!!!!l!!l!!!!!!!l!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~~~~ - \I·~ . APPLIANCE SPECIAL •.. F --=-. - / Model KMT-403 -~ .. '·~· .3 t f 11 I~ I '~;.6~ ~-,' 79!5 ., ~ MUSHIOOM LAMP Mediterranean styling pe- co n finish AM/FM MP X receiver with slide rule dial Push-button controls for 8· track tape, phono. Sove! I ss-s41 HAIDY GA•EI TOOLS Your choice of sturdy and 9 7~ handy garden tools Trowel, 1't transplanter, cultivator and garden gloves ... Savings! .. CAMARILLO CoMMEICE COSTA MUA HAmll CITT HEMET HU I INDUSTRY IEACM RIVERlllE • ·~ - ALARM CLOCKS 3~.~ 3'' Choice of two electric models. Attractive mushroom lamp. Second-hand swee . Save. Beautiful for room decor. I-COAT LATEX WALL PAllT 97 w •• Kmart• one coot Latex wall paint. Easy-on-fast-drying interior latex. Soop and water clean-up. Buy several at Kmart! COftOU COVINA CUDAHY UICAITtR LA.VEii• lDH IUCli ' LEASE OR BUY TODAY--- '" Southern California,' a really special time has come along to lease or buy the Jaguar you ~ave always wanted . . . ''U LTIMATE LUXURY" ~ JAGUAR GOOO SIUCTIOM MOW IN STOCK SOME snLL Al •• PRIGS W AVAILABLE IN COSIA MESA FM IMMEDIAIE DELIYERYI STOftHOUft: MC* • .ffL l :lO 4.M. TO 10 P.N.. SAT. t:JI A.M. TO I P.M. A SUM. 11 A.M. TO I P.M. WE HA VE A GOOD SELECTION OF PRE-DRIVEN IMPORTS IN STOCK TU~ WllCOMI. IMMIDIATI HHAMC .... AYAIA.AILI OM .,,.OVAL.°' YOUI •OOD calDtT Sales -Service -L easing 5 Y r./50 ,000 mil•• S•·r,·ict• C o nlra<•l :\' ail a hlt· O n All N t•w lmpo rtioi!!! O r""9•' t ·nuut y 0 1' llritidt f,f•y lmad <f•n t••r ? hlncJ.' .\1111rlt 11{ '"'' \an OH.•1t11 fne .. 01 HARBOR BL VD /SAN Oil GO FRfEWA 'I' 79')[, HARBOR BL VO CDST A MESA The difference between a Mercedes-Benz lease and any other is the Mercedes-Benz. The car you lease does make quite a difference. After all , you don't drive the lease. you drive the car. And when you lease a Mercedes·Benz you drive some· thing special indeed. Whichever Mercedes-Benz model you choose, you dnve one of the world's m'ost respected automo· bi les. A ca r with legendary eng1· neenng. meticulous craftsmanship, outstanding performance and safety. Something else: you'll drive the car yo u lease for two. three or even four years. Most cars look out of date all too quickly. But when you lease a Mercedes·Benz. yo u drive a ca r with classic lines and timeless· ness that is never out of date. We have several leasing plans to offer you. One is certain to make it more convenient for you to drive a Mercedes·Benz t han you Q;J might have thought possi· ble. Call us today _for the \ surprising facts. '- Ask about our many convenient leasing plans. Mission Viejo lmpotts 831-1 740 A 111/wri:;"tl l >t•nl••r 495 1700 28701 Marguerite Pkwy. • • Son Diego Fwy. ot Avery, Mission Vie10 . ' 1979 528i ALL MODElS! ALL COLORS! BUY .OR· LEASE BEFoRE THE · 'llllUlllllm PRICE INCREASE! DllV• MACHllE. I FORE YOU BUY .YOUR IMW, SEE US W I OFFER YOU SOMOHING MO LIASI COMPANY OR IAM~ CAN - 1 A L: erv1ca Department. 2. Factory authorized facilities and body shop. 3. llmtnatton of the middle man by leasing dealer direct. '71 AUDI FOX 4 door, sunroof. air condH1oning & s tere o cassette. A very clean auto · rrob11e1 (410VZZJ FINE RESALE AUTOMOBILES! '77 1MW lZOI Auto. trans .. sun· roof. air cond . stereo cassette. imma c ulat e thruout (694T JA) '76-..W '7' IMW '75 IMW J.O Si. ..,, .. W SJOI 20oz 32.000 ongmal ~JOctl COUP'I Sunroc • a i r mites a ll the Stiver with blue Stiver. sunroof con'1 8 .1u.punkt extras: Leather leather interior. arr cond . st~reo stereo. 4 speed interior. sunroof, L o w m 1 1 es! cassette & mag & M ch t power windows AM/FM stereo wheels ' e ' n · cassette I 130PPL) 4 to radials factor,y alloys. (749UVR) 2 to choose from• 1635MCFI ~34) choose fromt HOW'S: Monday-Friday, 9 to 8: Saturday 9 to 6, CloMd S•day. BRAND MEW 1978 SAABS HUllY MOW FOi IEST SBICTIOM ATHU&I DISCOUNTS! EXCmMG MEW 1978 ALFA ROMEOS Example IRAMO MEW 1978 SPORT SEDAM . . . . , ____ ._..._.,......, --~ ._ ..... -............~,,. . .: ....._ __ -----...... ···--·-··---·----------·-----..... --- I I •Entertainment •Erma Bombeck •Horoscope •Ann Lenders .... Aptll 15, 1119 OAU.Y PflOT It Ian 't Won Yet, Soys MOBters Leader • \JGUSTA, Ga. <AP\ Ed SMed aur· eel h1I position a bulainc frve ahoU In l ol the fic-ld and H1erl)' k>oktd ad to &mday'a flnaf round ol the '3rd aterw loll t.oumamf'nt. ·u isn 't won yet:• be 'tud Saturday a r aainiog firm comm11nd with a tllree· uader.p ar 69 while hi' would bt r•llf'nt('l'I liplM'(t turtht-r beh1nd in tht.• •m 21GULMrn 1un. hlne that -hal~d th• ApliU t Nallonal Ootr tub cours<' .. , WANT TO WIN the golf toumamt>nl I dor\'t wunt to do anything stupid aJtd lo.-.c It. "'W11h u fave shOt ll'ad I thank I can win St. l think l will win H 'TU try not to dw ~11 on at, hut ll'b para unt an my mind anywoy I \'l' tbou~ht about at ull Wct>k ••aut it's a waiting ganw I havl' to wull a d then l)luy one mOrt.' round " OM WATSON. an a tac for second but h rdly within Slrtking distan('t.\ was t'ven more •mphatlc about Snt•ed's chance . "la the goll tournam ·nl over!" Wut.son WH atlled "Wtll, that'a one hell or a k>t or strokes to try to muJt~ up." he wold w1lb u rueful grin. "Ed'1:1 u olld pluycr. If h~ continues to play tlkt thl¥. nobody Ill going to cutcb him .. SN£E:o . A JOURNEYMAN pro who hos won thret> lln1~1\ 1n 11 year:. on tht• tour. wllched In somethlnK upproachmg de· t ac h t'd 1nterc1t Uh h1 wou ld ·be r holleru:C"n> c1thc!r fu1h•d to make a maJor move or Ml victim lo the :iubtle tests ot tht• famed Augu.stu Nullouul Coif Club Whtie Wut11Q·n , tht.' man d eemed most likely to wlo thts t>vt.-nl. had hb ad venture on th :. bu<'k·111de pc1r hves . while mighty Jack NlekltlUIS fulled to eet It go. ma , while Craig Studll'r went from bogey to watery doubll! bogey, Sneed quietly put togetht>r 3 54 bole total o( 204. a distant IC! shots under par and took cont rob , · 'Whut 1t amounb to ... analyzed ' Nicklaus, "Ir Ed plays well tomorrow. I 1 can't catch him. Neither can anyone else. II he plays well. he wins. It's that simple. "ED'S A GOOD player. He hasn't won a lot and be hasn't won in the majors. but if he can keep this up. he'll'run away from everyone else." Nicklaus added. "If he should slip, well. I'm only three islrokes out or second place." Nicklaus · said. "If I shoot 65 I could .go past every· body." Watson agreed. "For me to win, I'd have to have an ex· ceptionaJ round and he'd have to play poorly," Tom said. "He's swinging the club very well. play· ing very well. I don't expeel him to col· lapse." WATSON, SHAKEN a bit alter a shot hit a woman spectator in the mouth, man.aged a 70 and was tied for second with chunky Stadler at 209. Stadler had to rally for a 74 <See SNEED, Page 8 2) Grich Hits Two Homers As Streak Reaches F 011r Surf Offense Quiet Again; LA Wins, 1-0 1 California Surf soccer coach John Sewell is probably as con· cerned about his lea m's lack of offense as he is about the cur· rent North Ame rican Soccer League Players A:,sociat1on strike. OAKLAND CAP l Right·hander Dave Frost and reliever Ma rk Clear combined for a rive.hitter a~ Bobby Grich knocked in four runs with two htmers as the California Angels coasted to a 9.3 vlrtory over the Oakland A's Saturday. ::.hot in the fifth and capped a fi ve-run rally in the eighth inning with a three-run homer. ' ' Frost. facing the A's for the first time in his cfreer. allowed three hits over eight innings. Clear pl'tche<I the ninth. allowing the A's last two runs on t~o hits. I N THE NINTH, Mitchell Page led off with a walk and scored on Dave Revering's double . With two down. Revering scored on Essian's single. While t he Surf defense has given up JUSl four goab in four regular season game~. thl' of fe nse has managed JUSt half that total. It was blanked for the second time this season. l·O. by the Los Angeles Azte('S Saturda.>. befor e a crowd of 11.261 at Anaheim Stadium. .... ,,...... CRAIG STADLER BLASTS OUT OF TRAP AT THE MASTERS. The triumph was the fourth in a row for t he Angels, equalling their lcJngesl winning streak o~ 1978. The hapless A's lost for the eighth time The Angels continued their hot hitting a t the Coliseum, where they had scored 37 runs m their last four appearan('es. A's shortstop Mi ckey Klutts suffered an injury and had lo be ('arrit!d off the fi eld in the second in· ning. Grach's single bounced off Klutts' chm and into left field. The s hortstop was taken to an Oakland hospital for preliminary X-rays. Dodgers Win ' . . IQ nine games. l Frost. 1-0, allowed oGJy two Infield singles until the A's ruined his sbutout in the eighth on a walk by Jim Essian and Mike Edwards' tri· pie. Until Edwards belted his triple in the eighth, the A's only hits were or the infield variety. Larry Murray sinf(led behind second base with two down in the third and Revering singled to deep short with two outs in the fourth. Walter Wagner S('orcd on a n assist by George Kottc n at lht: 18:04 mark to give the Aztecs their second win in as many st a r ts. The Surf, meanwhile, saw its record drop to I ·3. F ergie Delivers THE ANGELS conclude the series in Oakland today with a 1:30 game televised by Channel s. Frank Tanana C0·2> is slated to take the mound against qakland's Mall Keou&h. a Corona del Mar High graduate. After taking just 10 shots in its th ird consecutive regular season gam e at home, the Surf saw its shooting percentage dip to a dis· m al .041 C2·for4). Easter Present · THIE ANGELS JU'mped on loser Rick Langford, 0·3, for single runs in the first and second innings. Rick Miller walked. went to BOBBY GRICH Tanana has gotten off to an uncha racteristical· ly bad start and is still sear('hing for bis first vie· tory. Keough is also winless IO· ll. t~ird on Camey Lansford·s single and scored on Rod Carew's grounder in the fin;t. From here the Angels fly to Minnesota. where Rod Carew and Dan Ford will be making their first return to the twin cities since coming lo California. The one time the Surf did put the ball in the net it was negated by a cont/oversial ruling. Gerry Ingram. in his firs t gam e. headed in a goal early in the first half but was ('ailed fo r pushing. LOS ANGELES fAP ~ -· Joe Fe·rguson's bases-loaded double highlighted a six run s ixth 1n· m ng that carrie d I.he Lo~ Angeles Dodgers past the Allan· ta Braves. 6-4, Saturday night. sn apping the Dodge rs · four- game losing streak. .. Singles by Brian Downing and Grich and a sacrifice fl y by Rance Mulliniks made it 2·0 in the s'cond. Willie Aikens cracked a solo homer as the Ajlgels chased Langford in the sixth. t Grich. who now has four homers, belted a solo The three·game series with the Twins con· eludes Thursday, and the Angels start a 12·game homestand Frid ay. with the incoming teams to in- clude Oakland, Ba ltimore, Boston and New York. ·"The refe ree had a bloody nightma re." said Sewell. who suited up for the game but did not play. ··The goal should have been allowed ... The Dodgers had been li mited to three singles over the fi rst five innings by losing pitcher Phil N1ekro. 1·2. before sending 10 batters to the plate in the s ixth. - THE DODGERS got their first two runs on :.mg I cs by Da\. 1· Lopes :.ind Gary Thomasson and a passed ball and throwing error charged to Bra\'es catcher Dale .\lurphy N1ekro then filled the bases on walk:. and Fcrf(uson stroked a double into the left field corner Pitchl·r Bob We lc h s ing led home Ferguson for the Dodgers' sixth run Wel('h gave up a run m the third mning on an RB I single by Jerry Roys ter. then retired 10 Braves ma row Rowland Office hit a two run ptn('h homer off Welch m thl' eighth inning WELCH ALLOWED four hit:,. s truck out six and walked three m eight innings. J erry Reus:. pil('hed the ninth and gave up a two·run single to Murphy before getting Darrell Chaney to hit in· to a game-endmg double play. The Braves ran themselves out or a run in the third mning. With Barry Bonnell on third and Frias at second. Nickro lifted a fly ball to left that apparently scored Bonnell. But the Dodgers argued that Bonnell left third base too soon and the appeal was upheld. Royster then followed with his single lhat scored Frias. ·~~~~-~-~~~--~~ WELCH RETIRED 10 batters -~--. in a row before Gary Matthews 0.11, ,.. • ......, ""•10 0'0-11 snapped the string with a lead· Perteet S8'ing for a Bitting String ore single in the seventh. In the Dodgers' big six·run Mike Sodders follows through in textbook f asbion after lashing out a base hit in Orange Coast College's baseball ; game against rival Golden West. Sodders extended his consecutive game hitting streak to 22. three short of the school record as Orange Coast won. 7·3. See story, Page sixth. Craig Skok took over for N iekro following Ferguson 's bases·loaded double and. after giving up a run·scoring single lo 82. : l..aikers Confront Denver Jinx Today DENVER <AP> -The Los Angeles Laken, ptti.nc an inspired 32·point ef. fort from center Kareem Abdul·Jabbar • 1o stay alive, seek Uleir first victory ever at McNicbols Arena here today in tM deddilll 1ame of their National Basketbldl Auocation playoff series :With tbe Denver Nu11ets. 'Los Ancetes baa an 0·7 record, includ· l.., a 110.105 loss ln the first game of tlais pa.yon series, in Denver. "I guess that only increue1 the odds in our t•vor," said Abdul·Jabbar. in anlicipa· .tion of the rubber match. TBE WINNE& of today's game ad· vaaeea to tbe Western Conference Hmtflnals a11lnst the Seattle .. SuperSonacs, beginning Tuesday night' in Seattle. The Lakers squared the series with a 121·109 ·decision Friday night in Los Angeles. Abdul.Jabbar picked up his fifth foul early ln the third quarter, but he never got whiltled for the sixth one in playing a key role in beating back several Denver challenges In the second half. AFTEJl DENVER pulled wit.bin 96-94. the Lakers' 7·2 center scored a field goat lo give his team some brealhlng room. His follow shot put Lo9 Aqelea ahead 104·96, and his four points on a field goal and two free throws gave the Lakers a 108·101 lead with three minutes left. "It was really a risk we were laking, playing Kareem as much as we did after he got his fifth foul." saJd Lakers' Coach Jerry West. "But he's smart enough to know how lo play people out there. · "I liked the way we helped each other defensively. I reel that was the big key.'' A CHANGE in defensive s trategy worked well for the LaJ<ers. In the first game of the series. Denver center Dan lssel gave the Lakers trouble by taking Abdul·Jabbar outside. lsscl, who scored 30 points. took turns popping his accurate jump shot or driv· ing around Abdul·Jabbar. Meanwhile, Abdul·Jabbar's a bsence unde r the bas ket benefited Nugget forward Tom Boswell, who scored 19 points. In Game 2. West gave forwards Don Ford and Jamaal Wilkes the task of g uarding l ssel. while Abdul·Jabbar guarded Boswell. ... · "I 'm s ure we 'll lay with that matchup," s aid Abd l·J abbar. "He CBoswelll doesn't shool well from lhe outside. a nd l can he · out more elsewhere. It worked et(y well for us." Wiikes added 26 poin Danlley had 25 for the night. David Thompson l 29 points. • We1ch. struck out L8pel to get. out of the innin~ In the ('Oncludmg game of the four.game series today, Bud~ J . Solomon IO· ll will start for Atlanta and Burt Hooton CO-l l for the Dodgers. Sa turday's s ixth inning hopefully signalled the end to a dry s coring s pe ll for t h e Dodgers. In the previous fi ve games. they had scored just nine runs Not s urprisingly. they had dropped four straight coming in. The "-1n evened Los Angeles' season record at 5·5 after it had dipped under the .500 mark for tht' first time since 1976. All of which added up to a good night for Manager Tom Lasorda and his wife Jo, who celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary at Dodger Stadium. Umps Picket Pittsburgh's 'IV Game PITTSBURGH 1APl -·About 30 maJor league umpires, s up. ported by assorted labor union members , pi cketed Three Rivers Stadium Saturday prior to a nationally televised baseball game between t he Pittsburgh Pirate s a nd the St. Louis Cardina ls. "We got a tremendous com- mitment from the union people here. They're behind us 100 per- cent." senior National League Umpire Ed Vargo said as he s tood in uniform at the main en· tr a n('e to the stadium's inner circle. "We've always h ad a real strong re lationship· w&lh or· ganized labor here in Pitts- burgh," sa id umpires' at· torney Richje Phillips standing with the umpires from bot.b leagues. Vargo. the plate umpire when Sandy Koufax pitched a perfect game in 1975, wore-a "Baseball Unfair to Umpires"picket sign as he chatted with supporting Teamsters from Local 249. ·'The union people and the um· plres are telling people lo sUl)' away from the ballparks," s8'd Vargo. Though ven<lers. ground crew workers and other union people c r ossed picke t lines, labor leaders lent tbeir organiuUonl' moral support to the umpi .... , holding out for higher pay. Bus and taxi drivers, who normally make slops aJong ta. stadium's inner circle, bypassed picket lines, letting passencen depart along an outer route. And ln the fifth innio1 of Satunla)''s game, a plane cal'f?- in g a banner which r ead "Baseball is Unfair to Labor" circled over the stadium. • • • ' t . ~-·-------.. ·-----... --....................... ~,,.... ........... -. . .. . ....... ...-,.. ...... ~-~---·-.... ......... ____ .,,. .... .,.. _____ .....,... __ -- SUnday, Apf'U t5, 111'1 O.lly ...... ,.... w f>Wkll 0'0...11 occ·s TOM BARNETT (7) STANDS UP AFTIER SLIDING TO BEAT GARY SPRINGER'S TAG. A Capaule Report From the Wortd of Sport• Friday the 13th Unlucky For Mc Lendon and Wife From AP Dispatches AUGUSTA. Ga. -Mac McLendon told his !I wire Joan. afte r the ope nrng round of the 43rd Masters Golf Tournament that he was "playing so bad I'm afraid I might hit somebody " Hl' d11i. and ironicctlly it w<i s .Joan lt happened on the hrM hole in Frida)·::. ::.l•cond round ~hen one of his s hots went astray. MeLendon rus/led to the area and saw his wife lying un· conscious on the ground after being ~truck just below the ~houlder She was t<lken by medics to a local hospital for X rays. which were negative. and returned to Augusta National in time to rejoin her husband on the eighth hole. . A shaken McLendo n firushcd the round with a 77. missing the 36-hole cut with a 151. ' . q..te ol the Dafl-----. Hnuston R ockets Conch Tom Nissalke alter his team was eliminated from the playoHs in two games : "We have found the enemy and they are really us." Blue Ott to Qui~k 3·0 Start f>1trhing out of trouble se\'eral times. Vida • Blue became the major leagues' firi.t three.game winner when the San Francisco Giant lefty beat the Hou.st.on Astros. 2· l. It was the third complete . f'ame In as many s ta rts for Blue. who struck out eight but (tave up nine hits .... Fernan~ Gonzales' one-out single in the ninth inning drove 1n the wmnmg run that gave Ga.yl~rd Perry and the San Diego Padres 3 3-2 victory over the Cincm· ~ nati Reds. Tom Seaver absorbed the de· feat ... Four RBI by Ed Ott paced the Pittsburgh Pirates over the St. Louis Cardinals. 7·4, in a game that d rew a modc~t <'rowd of 10,940 and 30 major lt«11otut· umpirl'i. on the picket line ... An· dr .. D11wNC>n'11 lcudoff homer in the sixth 11f.lttled o 1>ltC'ht•r's duel as the Montreal ~x po" nlr>r>NI thf' Chlcul(o Cubs. 2·0 , In th•·lr honw 01wner ... Gorman Thomas tut •1110 "'"Ix Mllwaukuc home runs but it Wllll hi• two r1111 11 lnl{I'-' In thl' bottom or the f'H11v ninth 1111llfll! Uwl w1vt· thf' Brf'wer'I n wild 11 IO w11111v1•1 th•• 1111111111•11" '>rl11I•·" ltkhltl Zl11k, rnuklng h1"I lm.t .-111>t••1n111• ,. 11fl r 1 111tt111u uul four atum•·• with NI rep thrhut. hh11111·1J 11 tw11 ''"' h11111N 1n tho holtt)m of tho vhchth lh~•l kt•pl th1• T1•x1111 lt1H1fi!tirb w1f14·11t••n with 11 7 ~victory over th•• Hf'lmll '1lit••r11 l•t '•.hftaton,.•11 1>lnch hit .irund 11lnm In the• 1•ll(hlh 11111vltlr1l lt1,, Y1u1kr,.." with the' murRln of victory In th1·lr,. •1 v1•11ll1 t 11vnt tl1n f.hh•11v.o Whltj• Sox Ron Guidry, mnkln~ l•I• ,,,.,, rt•llt<t "IJVf•lll HOl'f' Ill two Y•WrK, 6(0l the HflV(' A 11•"'" h1111l,.f1 "lnUI" Ill th" 1•1.chth by Rkk ('f'toneo llrtcll t hi' 'l't1rrn1l.11 Hllw J,. y11 lo i111 fl ft dN°l11lon on•r lht• K lln80• City 1toy11l11 l'ltwh r unru•r D•v" •;dward11 1u•orcd on Rob Wllfon1'11 11111ul•• 111 th11 ninth lnnlnl( lo lift the Minnesota Twlnt ""'''r 1tu1 ~·11111•• Mnrlnn~. II 0. Mike Mu11h•ll KOl hl!i 11t1C"tm1~ vlt-tl}ry In rt•ll1•t 11.-fl. Bork'fl T rn• 'l'akr• B r af h •fl Wllf Pah!mt1nt of tlw N11tlon .1l lllll'kC•)' IA•UKUC lii1 Col<iriado Jlo<•klM 11cor1•'1 ttm'C 1toul11 11n<I 111111lstl'd , on 11nttlhrr t11lly Sutorilny ll1> Tt•u m Cunadn '79 o...,n1·1I th Worhl I lock1•y Chnmplom1hlp11 with u 0·3 victory <1vM th<• Unltticl s t11tu ... Czreho11lovaklu bl.nkod t'lnlond ti 0 In lM othor Oroup ll f(Unl •or the cham p\onahl()I whllt Swt·dt•n . rl'lnforct•d with four NllL players. 1cored five atrolghl woul11 t1n route• lo u 7.:1 victor y ov r We11t Germ any. Thn c•lahl tl.lum11 nrQ c11vld<,-d In two 1troups In lhl• prcllmlnRry round of th(• two wt• k tmJrn&rnl•nt. Artt•r 11 s lnale round robin, the Lwo top lt•nms In ••at'h 11rou1> mov<• Into a n.Dal round. Tho four olhurA pl11y In o rcl('fUHlon iimup with the hasl team golng down to thtl Clroup 0 ('humf)lon!'lhlp11 next Ume. . .._.•-I .. •• Pr.•lde t11 •• C•••~H M. Neel 8-11, director of Coft11lllnc Cnmmunl· • ty Colle1e, baa been appointed spedal con11ullanl to the Preldent's Council of Physical Fitness and Sports. Buell, a 64·year-0ld Costa Mesa resident, will be a non·paid appe>lntee or Jerry Apodaca, tyuncll chairman and aovemor or New Mexico • . . Joa 01an1 end Ga ry 1MeJ scored surprillnl Yict.or1et ln the ton1 Jump and triple Jump to lead Oreaon tcf an 85~4~ vlctory over UCLA In a mm's . d ual track and neld meet Saturday • . . .lobn Petralll• beat top·lffded Sieve Cook 214·200 to wln the Sl5,000 nrst prize ln a pro bowlers tournament at Palatine, II· llnol1 •.• Cln1dl Ya11a ·of Iowa City's Hawkeye Wrestling Club won his third stral1ht lndMduat title and the New York Athletlt' Club captured the team crown for the fourth 1tra1ghl year 1t lhe National AAU Freestyle Wrestling Cham. plonshlpe ln Ames. Iowa • . . Spaniard FrHtlH"O Abre• took over the lead by one stroke af\er the lhlrd round of, the Port~ Open Goll Tournament . • Galinde z- Ross111a11 Is Chicken NEW ORLEANS IAPI -Mike Rossman said the pain from an injured right wrist did him. In a nd cost him the World Boiung Association light h eavyweight championship Saturday, but Vic t o r Galind ez question e d Rossma n's heart. "The pain became unbeara ble,:· said Rossman. who wai. unable to answer the bl.'11 for the 10th round Saturda~ at lhl· SllPC rdome DR. A.J . ITALIANO , a Louisiana Stale Athletic Com· miss ion phys ician , said he thought Rossman·s rig ht wrist was broken. ·'He chickened out because he didn 'l go on fight mg," Galindei. an Argentine, said through an interpreter. A s ke d if he v.o uld fi g ht Rossman agam. Galmdt'l said "I don't fi g ht against chickens " It was pointed out to Galindez that he was stopped 1n the l3lh round when he· lost the t1lle to Rossman at lht:' Supcrdome last Sept. 15 Jlt· said. 'llut the referee stopped 1l. I didn't .. IT WAS A BAD DAY for the Ross man family a ll around. After Galindez h ad thrown several punches after the bell rang to end the fourth round. Rossma n 's brother Andy bolted into the ring and went after Galindez. shaking his fist. Andy missed a couple of wild swings. and Galindez cuffed him twice with his left. ·'I wanted to punch the brother because he 1 Rossm an I was hitUng me low." Galindez said. Rossman felt the fight was even when lhe end cam e. but Gullndez was well ahead on a ll t hree official cards . Re fe ree Stanley Christodoulou stopf>('d the rig ht whe n R oss man 's !ruine r .Jim Robinson asked him tt1 It goes Into the record as a Ill round knockout. An c11llm uted crowd of 12.000 turnl'd out ro r the not1onully televised fight and p 111d an 1·~t1muled gutc of $180.000. Hos11 man·11 purse wus $150.000 und Galindez got $50,000 Tennis Greats At Wayne T C Some or lht' sin•olcst play1.•r" t u ('v1.•r 'IWHlJ.t 11 knnis racqu<'l will ht• in N1.•wport lk.1ch May "'ti for thl' T1.·n 111s Lt•1.wnrb ('hnmplons hlp al J ohn Waynt' Tl'nnls Club Tic kets ur(' on i.ult· nov. ut tht• tt•nnis tlul>, at ull Tu:kl'l ron out M s. or by c11llml! tl()0.22:1 l!H'1 AmcmR the playrrs scht'Clul<'d to compete ore Rod Laver. Ken llo8cw11ll. Roy F.mer!lon. .John N('weombl'. Cliff Orysdnh•, Den nls Kulston. ('horhc Pasan·ll and Martv llu.'S!ICn The Nc~port Dcur h tourney Is ju"t one stop on a new pro tour that Lavl'r helped o rganize In ronjunelion with the Carte Blanct.e company ln New York Only plnyN'S 3S and older who have won a majo r tournament In thelr career are eligible. Laver, a former Grand Slam winner, 1s amon1 the favorites. Sessions are priced at $8, S6 and S4 for Friday afternoon: S9. 11. S.S ror Friday night and Saturda,,v af\ernoon; and $10, $8, se for Saturday niaht and the Sunday afternoon finals . .. Pirates~ Sod de rs Still Hot ~A couple ol lndtvldual hllUq s treaks were extended Saturday while a team winning string wu halted ln the Wendell Pickens Junior college baaeball tourna· m t nl Saturday Mike Sodders of Oran1e Cout College singled In lhe rtrst In· ning to run his consecutive game h itlln' streak to 22 as the Pirates routed rival Golde n West . 7.3. Sodders is now hitting .384 for Orange Coast, which has an lS.6-1 season record. Frank Me raz of the Rustlers hit safely in both e nds of a d oubleheader to run his strea k to 18. Unfortunately, Golden West saw its nine .game winning s kem end whe n it lost lo Mesa 1 Arll . >. 10·2, in Saturdays opener. BY WINNING the nightcap that decided second place in the tourney behind Mesa, Orange Coast ended up sweeping its three.game season series with Golden West. The a ll ·time rivalry record is now knolled at 13. Dale Boucher went the full nine innings on the mound for the Pirates and although he was touched for l2 hits. he was in control all the way a fter Orange Coast jumped out to a 6·0 lead a fte r three innings. Five or the Rustle rs' hits came in the eighth inning when they scored two of the ir three runs. /\. left-hander, Boucher struck out two and walked two. GOLDEN WEST pitching ace J e ff Heathcock suffered his second setback to Orange Coast this season and a big reason was the hltUng or the Pira tes' Ruben Soto. The third·basema n hit a two· run single in the first fra me and cap~ed the scoring with a sacrifice fly in the ninth. He was named the tourney MVP after going 9-for· 16 m four games with fl\ e RBI and three runs scored The tounrnment splurJ:le boost· l'd Soto's season battin~ averagt• from 288 to 34 1 The gam<' was a ~howdown bC't ween the leaders of the South Coas t 1 OCC I and Southern California 1GWC 1 conferen ce races Mesa's Malt P a lm er was named the tourney's outstanding pitcher after throwin g a f1ve- h1tlcr aj?ainst the Rustlers that decided the team tillc. Reid Wins Upset Over Navratilova 11 1 L TON HEAD ISLAND. SC 'AP l Kerry Reid played near· ly e rror.free t ennis lo upset top· ranked Martina Navratilova 6·3. 7 ·6 in the semifinals of a $150.000 wo men's tennis tournament Satu rd ay. Reid. seeded third. meets No. 2 seeded Tracy Aus tin of the United States in today's na- tionally televised final. In the other semifinal match Saturday. Austin look less than a n hour to defeat rourth·seeded Evonne Goolagong 6 ·0 . ~· 1. Goolagong was playing her £1rsl tournament since injuring her leg at Wimbledon last summer. ............ LEADER ED SNEED THINKS OVER A PUTT FOR PAR. Fro• Page BJ SNEED IN CO NTROL. • • after hitting h1i. st·<·ond s hot in th<' water on No 11 Fuzzy Zoellt•r, a hard·h1lt1ng first timer in tht· Mai.ters, and Bruce Lll'tzkc" th1 · first-round leader . w e rt• n e -.:t at 210. Lietzke. v.ho bl<'~ to a 75 m lh<' rain and s torms that deleyed Friday's second round. shot a 68 a nd Zoeller powered his way lo a 69 "It just confirm~ that I'm a fai r -weather pbyer. · ~a id Lietzke. who had a 67 1n the -;un shine or the fl r-.t round ''l'\E• always kno~n 1t \II m~ good rou nds hav<' bC't·n 1n good weather a nd I 'H• had a lot ot bad o nes in bad "l'<.1lhcr .. TOM KITE, Australian Jad. Newton, Lronard Thomp!->on and Mille r Barber Wt'rt' a t 21 1 Thom pson shot a 73, K 1tc 68 rind Newton 69. Barber. th e 48 ·yl'ar·o ld veteran called .. Mr. X ". by his fellow golfer-;. was one of 12 pl ayers stranded by d a rkness on the course Friday n1 ~ht after play had bet>n interrupted tv.o hours by a violent thunderstorm and a tornado warning He had three holes lo go to finis h his second r ound. and finished 1t off in 64. matc hing the record on the 7.040·yard Augusta Nation al Golt Club course. Alter'. a brie f brt!ak. the old pro went out a~am for the third round. bogeyt'<.I the last two holes and scored a par 72 NICKLAl'S. TRYl~G to break an annoying .. 1ump with a sixth Masters victory, left himself eight shots off the pace with a frustrating 72 that put him al 212 "I didn't have it a ll that close to tht> holl' and I missed the few opportunities I had." he said. lit> threl'·putted tw1ee. once !or p.ir on the long 15th. and n11s~ed s ix pulls of 12 feet or les-. I JUSt couldn ·t make anything happl'n." h1.• said. Lanny W;,idkin:-., the only lwo· ttml' v.tnncr on the lour this vear. also was at 212 after a 70. Lee Trevino shot 70·214 and was out of 1t again in his chase ror the only major title that has eluded him. Hubert Green was 72 ·215. four·t1me Mas te rs run· nerup Tom Weiskopf 71·216 and de fe nding c hampion Gary Pl:iycr of Sou t h Africa was 74 ·217 SNEED, TIED wilh Stadler ror the lead at the e nd of 36 d holes. took sole control or the top s pot with a chip and a IS-foot b1 rd ie putt on the second hole. Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE West Division W L Pct. Texas Minnesota Angela Kansas City Seattle Chicago Ouk land 6 0 1.000 7 2 .778 6 3 .667 4 3 .571 5 3 .500 2 5 .286 1 8 .111 East Division Miiwaukee 5 2 .714 Boston 3 2 .600 Toronto 4 3 .571 New York 4 4 .500 Baltimore 3 5 .375 Detroit l 4 .200 Cleveland 1 5 .167 SM.,,._.,., S<IH"ft ,.,. .. 1, ~ ~lrool l l orontol K~•Cllr• C ••~••lo>nd •• 8o•lon, 1 p m • pPCI , r a1n N•w Yoo I. Ch•C<IQO S Mlfw-M II B•lllmore tO ft •U I, OelfOil ~ M1,,,..\0Y .. S.•U .. S , ... , .• o..,.... 1 I I ' '.I 2.., 3 3~ A .... I\ tT.tn.tN l>-JI •I 0.lll•ncl 0(_,.,..l).01 K<tnw • '"' IWle 1).11 •I f on>n10 IHutftn<lf'I 1 ~l••fl-tP••IOl'I 0-01 •I &otlon tE<lo.e<•ltY 11> New V-IFl9Wf'N 0-11 Al OIK<l90 1Sc41t111<y 0 01 8•t11mor• <P•lmer 1·01 •• Mllw•11Ut t(ftfllw•O 1.0t De troll I YoY<>O l).01 •I Tuai I Gomer 1.01 M tnnetot. 11(_,...., 1.01 •I 5e•lllt IA-I 1.01 NATIONAL LEAGUE West Division W L Pct. San Francisco 7 2 .778 Houston 5 3 .625 Dodcers 5 5 .500 ClnciM aU 4 5 .444 GB Atlanta 3 6 .333 4 San Diego 3 6 .333 4 East Division Montreal 5 t .833 New Yor~ 3 2 .600 Pittsburgh 4 4 .500 St . Louis 3 3 .500 Philadelphia 2 3 .400 Chicago o 4 .000 S.lllf1S.IY'I Sc:- ~6. All<tnl• S MOftlrHl 2, Clli<eqo 0 P1111.-Qflo<1 •t New Yor-. PPG • •••ft Poth-., '· SI Louis I ~n Frenc11<0 1, Hou11on t S•n DieVOl. Ctn<•nn•I• 1 T ... y'•O.m9\ I''.! 2 2 2i., 4 AU•nt• l~C>-11 el ~ IH-onl).11 Plloleot!Ofll• I Esp.nose 0.0 •nc:I Rull\...,, 1.01 •I N•w YO<-ISw.., 1.0 -All.., l).011 ~I Louil 1s, .... I 01 •I P11t111Ur911 ICM*4•ro• 001 Cllot<IQO IMtGIOlllen 0-11 •I MOnlrHI IA09trJ 0 ~"""°"' IAKh<lrO HI •ncl Anc1w1•r 0 Ot " Sen H •n<•KO IMonlelVKO "'•ncl Griffin I 01 1 CIM lllMll IU C.s 0.0 -NO<M•f' 0 11 •IS... 01t90 (Owchlllli:OIMI_ ,,_,I 11 l ,_....., .• o_ HO<l•lon at ~ Ch•c• •1-lrNI Pllol-llllo• •I PllUOU..9'1 ()nly 9A"'H K ,_,led PETER "THE ORHK" N LiUI H USED CAR SPECIALS '71 ZEPHYR COUPI Gleaming silver w1lh red vetour inlenor. llltomatlc. air cond1tion1ng a nd a thrifty 6 cylinder engine. (223VOW) 54995 '7tDPHYR Yiu.A&• WA&OM Blue with blue Interior. tilt s t eering wheel . air condlt1on1ng, automatic. AM/FM casaette stereo. e cylinder engine. (822448). ________ _.;... ____________ ~ 5 6725 • Orirnat ('ounl~ \ oldnt l.lnculn· \lrrcur~ llnlr~hip JCHNSCN & SCN lltE t·Al\111., I.I 'C'OI. ·MERO RY STOR~ 1626 tlarbor Bhd. Co~•• M t'.\1 540·~6]0 '7tMOMARCH SIDAM CMflA Tan with tan Interior. tltt s teering wheel. cruise control. power windows, po wer s teering . air cond itioning , AM /FM stereo 8 track tape. (988WCR). 56695 , TRACK I SWIMMING I HOCKEY I Following •re the maJor sports events on ttt1vl1lon to- 0.y. R•tlngs are: .t "" "exce li.nt;" .t 1 worth wttchlng;"" l•lr: I torQtt It. S 1 p.m., Ch•nnel 2 ./ ./ ./ ./ 'GOLi': The ~sters. AH11tu1n: Vin Scylly, P•t Summ.r11t, Jack Whitaker. Ed Sneect thtclean-cut tor,,,.rOhloStettQOlf•r, '"' bffn • Moel9tof consistency thre>U9h thrwroundsot tht,3rd MHttrs tourMmtnt In Autu ta, Gt . After his third straight sut>per round, 1'9, SnHd finds him self IHdlno by five thc>ts ht.tdlno In· to tocNy'1 flne l round ot the '(ffr's first Gfand Slam event. TomWttson•ndCr•loSt~ler arett.dforsecondat 209 1:30 p.m., Chennet 5 ./ ./ ./ .A"OllLS aASEIALL: A19ls et Otkt•nd. AH••cers; Dick Enbtro end Aon Falrty. The Anoels are sHklno their fifth stral9ht victory, whlth would be the longest w1nn1no streak the club twts seen In two season Fntnk Tanana (0-2> wlll start •Otlnst Otkland's Malt Keouoh (0-11 , o oraduate of Corona del Mar High and an al I-star In his rOOkle sea~ last year. 3:30 p.m., Chennel 2 ./ N llA llASK ETBA LL: Lakers at Denver Annowtc•n: una vailable. The sea-.on will l'nd I Oday tor either the Los Angeles Lakers or the Denver Nuggets when the two teams square off In game three ot.thelr NBA playoff mini-series today at Denver. The La kers, Who won at home Friday, 121-109, have vet to win In Denver In seven tru~s. They have not won on the road In the playoffs In the three yedr!>J erry West has been head coach. OTHER TV 9:30a.m. (11) -THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL. 11 a.m. (28> -TENNIS -The Na tion's top teen-age players compete In the Eas ter Bowl Junior Championships. 1 p.m . (7) -BOXING -Amateurs from East Germany and the U.S. square off in a series of bouts taped at Crystal Say, Ne v . Ho wa rd Cosell is at ri ng s id e . (4 ) SPORTSWORLD -The Grand National Steeplechase, taped at Aintree, England. Michael O'Heh1r re ports. Part One of the AIAW gymnastics m~et. Charlie J ones and Nancy Thies report. Fittest of Them All, an aerial obstacle course with Bruce Jenner reporting. Also: a report on whether a team can buy a pennant; and a look at the latest swimsuit styles, with commentary by Donna de Varona. 2:30 p.m. (7) -AMERICAN SPORTSMAN -Flight of the Double Eagle 11 chronicles the first successful transatlan- tic balloon flight from Maine to France. Bob Beattie nar-rates. 3 p.m . (2) -CHALLENGE OF THE SEXES -A review of the season's best competition incl udes Nancy Lopoz vs. An· dy North (golf), Ma rtina Navratilova vs. Roscoe Tanner (ten· nls), Carol BlazeJowskl vs. Adrian Dantley <basketball > and Je nnifer Chandler vs. Phil Boggs (diving). Vin Scully and Cathy Lee Crosby report. 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -World cha mpions Kurt Thomas (floor exercise), Marcia Frederick (uneven bars), Nikolai Andrlanov <men's all-around) a nd Elena Moukhina (women's all-around) a re among the gym-nasts taking part In an exhibition taped at Indianapolis. J im Mc Kay, Gordon Maddux and Cathy Rigby Mason report . Also: the world record high diving challenge, taped at Orlan- do, Fla. Al Michaels and Ken Sitzberger report. 4 p.m . (9) -WOM E N'S TENNIS -The final in the Family Ci rcle Cup, taped at Hilton Head Island, SC. Bud Coll ins and Billie Jean King report. 5 p.m . (52) -INDOOR SOCCER PLAYOFF CHAM· PIONSHPS 7 p.m. (52) -HORSE RACING -Today a t Hollywood Park. RADIO Baseball -Atlanta at the Dodgers, 12: SS p.m ., KA BC (790>; Angels at Oakland, 1 :2Sp.m., KMPC 0 10>. Basketball - La ke rsa tDenver,3:30 p.m. KLAC <570>. (The Dally Pilot Is not responsible for late changtts.> Bell, Mills Seeond Best Not Enough At Arcadia Meet By LEE MILLER Of llle 0.ih Piiot St•fl Led by Ke rwin Bell of Edison High and Ken Mills or Universi- ty High, several Orange Coast track and field athletes rose to the occasion and turned in their lifetime bests Saturday night at t he prestigious Ar<'ad1a Invita- tiona l. Unfortunate ly, the ir bes ls weren't enough. Bell placed second in the 100 meter dash as he blistered the t rack in 10.81. Ron Brown of Baldwin Park was the only ma n on the track faste r than the Charger junior, turning the 100 in 10.63. Mills hea ved the discus 177-3, an inch farther than his previous bes t, to capture second behind Sa n Jacinto's Hank Kraychir. Kraychir unleashed a throw of 188· 7 to outdistance Mills. In the me n's 3,000 me ter run Matt Bialy of Marina High took third place with a time of 8:21.6. That easily eclipsed his top two- mile mark of 9: 10.3. Irvine High's Michelle Kelley leaped five inches farther tha n she ever had before as she placed fifth in the women's long jump on a jump of 18-0. Tracy Hanlon of Edison took liftb in the women's 100 meter low hurdles, turning ~.63. Go· ing into the race her top 100-yard mark was 14.7. Fountain VaJley 's B Melton s hlned in J.he women' 400 meter run when she clocked a 57.4 to capture fi fth place. With that run s he shattered he r old 440· yard best of 59.2 Perhaps the story of the meet was not how fast a runne r won a r ace in but the frus t ration Pasadena Hig h's Mike Sanford endured. Sanford, the defending sta te cha m pion in both sprints. broke o ut of the blocks too early in the 100 a nd was disq ualified for his false start. After leading most of the way in the 200 Sanford pulled up lame and barely h nished. Eight meet records were shat tered but the most exciting may have been the final two. In t he wome n's l.GOo meter re· lay San Gorgonio lftgh, wi th a whole relay tt•am or llow~ir<i s is· t ers. camt• rrom 40 yards behind to overtakl• a nd easi ly be at Berke ley High. Both the teams broke the old record. with San Gorgonio winning in 3:51.81 and Berke ley clocking 3: 55.0. In the final race of the evening Locke High outran eve rybody in sight and broke the m eet record set in 1972 by Santa Ana by four seconds with a 3: 13.05 in t he m en 's 1,600 met.er relay. J • LllMONT KING Nehenllah Sets Mark; . King Wins SAN JOSE IAP> -University of Maryland sensation Rena ldo Neh e miah burs t out of the blocks ahead of an excellent fi eld and sped to a world record 13. ~6 to win the 110-me ter high hurdles a t the Bruce J enner Classic Saturday. UC l rv1oe's LaMonte King, anothl'r sophomore, set a meet record and beat the 1972 Olym - pic champion when he captured the long jump with a leap or 25-83. ... King. a JUOaor. jumped £ou r inches better than Ra ndy Wi llia ms. who was t he gold meda l Wlnner at Munich. Nehemiah cracked the record of 13.21 seconds set in 1977 by Ale1andro Casanas or Cuba. The perfor mance by the indoor re- cord holde r also shattered his persona l best outdoors of 13.23 r un last ye ar. Th e r eco rd cam e i n Neh e m ia h 's firs t outdoo r performance of the season and lert behind s uch world class hurdlers as Dedy Cooper of San J ose and Charles Foster of the Philade lphia Pionee rs. Cooper w as second in 13.43, his best performance ever . while Fosler was third in 13.70. "It was in the a ir," Nehemiah said of his world m ark. "I guess a lot of people want to see me break a world record but it's not as easy as everyone thinks it is. "My biggest d e feat today would have been thinking a world record. I just wanted to start my season off on a good note ." The 13.16 clocking came by automatic timing while he was timed at 12.9 by hand-operated stopwatches . The wind a t the San Jose City College track was 3.68 miles an hour, well under a ll owable ma ximum of 4.47 al· lowed for a world record. Nehemia h , who broke a varie· ty of indoor records during t he winte r. said he felt that a time under 13. l was on the way. GWCWomen Win Tourney PASADENA Nearly every- bod y l.?Ot into the act as the Golden West College wom<'n 's b aske t b all t ea m t h r ottled P as ade na, 89·49. t o win its second consecutive P asadena tourna ment title here Saturday night In running their season record to 23·0, the Rustlers had f1\e playl'rs score in double figurt•s Sl'Vf.'n or thl' eight player suited up t•ntC'red the scoring column Me lcdcy Bland hit 9 of 15 shots to lead the team in scoring with 22 points. Chris Gage was 7 for 10 with 11 a ssists and Donna Martz 8 for 10. Pam Banks. like Bland a n all tourney pick. grabbed 13 re· bounds while Kim Eisenhart h<td n ine rebounds. s ix steals and four blocked shots. Orange Coast College's Cathy Clinkenbeard was also named to the rive-wo m a n a ll-tourney team. \. HUMTRS.JUMPll5-lqufl'AT10H IALIQA BOAT YARD 2414 Newport ll•cl. .... ,.,. ...... CA. f2'6J 17141 673-6834 COMPLETE IOAT REPAIR- -Haul Outs -Mcrir• Ralway -Iott• Coating -Mechcncal and Electrical Repairs and .......... -·-21utdl. and f .... glau .... _.., ...... -Spray and"""' _....._ """8otlme Spray M1Hng ----a.en· LISSOHs. TRAIMIMG-SAUS Complete training facility with top level staff. Riding lesson program-beginner to advanced well-mannered School Horses. All or our Instructors Ride. Show & Attend ridin8 teacher clinics on a regular bas is-insuring you or the finest quality instruction as well as the most current methods. Ava ilable for market-Quality Show Horses. Selected youn~ prospects at various stages of training. WISTBtM TRAINING MOW A Y All.AILI .......... rra1-stoc1t Hone ~ .... , .......... 202ll Laguna Cyn. Ad:, Legun• 8HCh ,,., .. , ............. • I J . ·' ,_. ' Fo11r Marks Fall " Swim Final a Record Affair LOS ANGELES <AP> -Tracy Caulkins set her fourth American record ln the NaUonal AAU short course s wlmmlng championships and a total of four United Stales standards were broken as the competition wound up Saturday night. Mission Viejo's Brian Goodell a nd Jesse Vassallo each garnered victories. with Goodell s hattering the U.S. l ,650 free re· cord with a 14:'7.27. Vassallo won the 200 individual medley with a 1:48.50. Goodell Is a 19-year-old UCLA student while Vassallo. 17, ls a teammate of his on the Mission Viejo Nadadores AAU club. SOU'Hl.ERN CALI FORNI A t een -ager Cynthia Woodhead and Kim Line han of Sarasota. Fla .. also cracked American re- cords at the East Los Angeles College Swim St:idium. Caulki ns . a 16 -y e a r -o ld Na s hville, Tenn .. high school junior. won the wom en's 200· ya rd individu a l m e dley in 1: 57 .86. breaking her one-year- old mark or l : 59.33. Woodhead, 15. of Riverside. set her second Ame rican record or this four-day competition by clocking 49.39 seconds in win· ning th e wom en 's 100-yard freestyle Linehan. a 16-year -old high school 1uruor. won the women's 1.650-yard freestyle in 15:49 10. BRIAN GOODELL J ennifer Hooke r of Mission Vie - jo, was also under the old record as s be finis he d sec ond in 15 : 51.46, as w as third-place finisher Marybeth Linzmeie r a lso or Mission Viej o. who clocked 15:53.29. David McCagg, 21. of Fort Meyers Beach. Fla.. ca ptured t he men's lOO·ya rd frees tyle in 43.71 seconds John Newton of Gra nd Ra pids. Mic h .. was second an 44 02 and Rowdy Gaines of WUe r Haven. Fla . was tturd in 44.08. In the l'OmJ)etitlon's final I• divldual event, Vassallo beat Scott Spann of Greenville. S.C.. c 1 :49.581 and Bruce Furniss of Santa Ana, '1 :48.801. Winners and som e secood· place finishers earn spots on the United States National te~m . which will compete in the Pan American Games al San Jttfttl, Puerto Rico. in July a nd a lso in a n interna tion al dua l m ee t against West Germa ny on Apnl. 21·22 at Long Beach. E ARLIER I N the m eet. Ca u lkins h a d est a b l i s h ed Am e rican records in the 100· yard breaststroke. the 500-yard freestyle and the 400-yard in· dividual medley I , . J oan Pennington of Madison. Flyers Rebound Vancouver, Buffalo Ousted I . .... .. t: T e n n .. r1n1 s h t•d secon d to Caulkins Saturday night 1n 2:02 01. Anne Tweedy of Santa Bar bara was third 1n 2.02 76. From AP Dispatches • PHILADELPHIA Bobby Clar ke's opening period goal start-,. Woodhl•a d , w h o sl'l a n Am e r ican r(·cord Th u r sd ay night 1n winning the women's 200-yard freestyle in 1:44.10. won eas ily in the 100. breaking J ill Ste rkel 's former record or 49.55 set earlier this year. ed the Philadelphia Flyers toward a 1·2 victor y ovt:r lhe Van-~ couver Canucks Saturday night and into the quarterfina ls of t he N alional Hockey Le ague playoffs. ;• The Flyers. stunned at home In the first of lhe three-game •. mini·series. losing 3·2. won 6·4 in Vancouver Thursday night and :: with Saturday night's triumph qualified ror a best-of-seven set with ~! the New York Rangers . • 1 Sterkel. or Hacienda Heights. finished second to Woodhead in 49.48. also under the former Ame rican sta ndard. Stephanie Elkins of Jacksonville. Fla .. was third in 49.88. The Rangers eased into the round or eight with a two.game ! : sweep of the Los Angeles Kings. The Flyers-Rangers series opens ;; here Monday night with the second game on Flye rs' ice Wednes-,• day night, before shifting to New York for lhe next two games. • c: ~119111•• 4., S•lwes 3 BUFFALO. N.Y. -George Ferguson scored only 47 seconds into a s uddeo·death overtime period as the Pittsburgh Penguhs beat the Buffalo Sabres 4.3 in the third and deciding game of their GOODF:f,L, WHO won t wo gold medals an the 1976 Olym- pics. smashed his fo rmer 1.650 record or 14 !>-I 13. He fi nished well in front of Bobby Hackett or Yonkers, N Y . Yoho y,as clocked in 14 :57.15. Chuck Ba uma n o r Ne wton Sq u a r e . P a .. was thi r d an 15:15.45. NHL playoff series. . Ferguson. with assis ts from Gregg Sheppard a nd Cohn Campbell. skated down the s ide or the r ink. circled a Buffalo de· ' fender and fi red in his second goal of th e game past Buffalo goaltender Bob Sauve . The victory enabled Pittsburgh to advance to the quarterfinals or the Stanley Cup pl ayoffs . L i n e h a n d e m o l i s h e d Woodhead's record of 15:55.15 set in this competition last year. J im Hamilton. a r ookie rc<'alled from Binghamton of the American Hockey League. scored Pittsburgh's other two goals. The Sabres o utshot the Pe nguins 41 ·24 a nd ne ver trailed in the game until Ferguson's winning shot. Simpson Takes Lead at Magnolia llA'fTI E SBURG. Miss. IAP l Scott Simpson shot a four-under-par 66 Saturday to take t he lead after threc rounds 1n thc Magnolia Classic golf tournamcnt The P rofessional Golfer.;· Associa - tion second tour cvcnl t·nds today at the 11;.iuu•sburg Count ry Cl ub's 6,280 \ i.11 c1 tOUrSl' of Simpson's lead and a total of 23 players we re Wllhin flVl' '>l rokes. Lee Mikles. Buddy G;.irdnl'r a nd Wren Lum were one s hot behind. l ied at seven·under 203. Homero Blancas. Bob Lunn. 8111 Calfee. Ed Ryman and Rob Mobley we re tied 3t 204. David Lundstrom . who led the first and second rounds. fell three shot::. 493-4511 S1mp<;tm ~cor<'d 69 Thursday and 67 F riday to put has three-day tolal at c1j?ht undcr 202 :"lint' golfers were within two shots off the pace wilh a 72 and was tied at 8 Jusav.u. ... 205 with two olher players . '--:.:•:.:•:.::.':: .. ~·~--.._ _ _, Insulate your windows. Ask About 150/ Tax /OCredit ~ 3M Scotchtlnt· Sun Control Film Saves You Money • IM~ti~ ~ ~·· II II fJ dows with 3M ~otch· tint Sun Control Film saves money many different ways: • Rdlttta 76% of the sun'• he.at-your air conditioner runs less. • Repels ~ of the sun'• ultra violet ray1- costly sun fading of drapes and furniture is reduced. • Sun glare Is cut ~ • Save 40% o n winter heat Ion . Orange County Sun Control continu{!S •Offn ··-April JO. 197'9 -iiiii to be the most experienced installers of 3M Scotchtint film; with factory trained appficators and a ftve year guarantee. 3M Scotchtint film comes in a variety of colors, reflective and non·reOective. It IS the least expen· SM? and most effective way to save you money and deal with the har h effects of the sun. Can NOW for a no obligation, expert contultadon and take advantage of the lCY\ apring di9count.• Orange C ounty Sun Control 1107 E Ch.lprMn Ave. Ora~. Ca. 92666 (714)~ . . . • t . r , ' i ~ ! I 8' DAIL V PILOT -lttCA• u .. u. .._.t,A'•I OAaL.Mo ui..-.•• .,... u .-,,_. Mwl•Ylf •tit Mllltf CI 4 ltt ••lllil'f •••• 1.-"9• •• ,. ~yd >••• ~···· ••• ' ....... >••• •• , ....... . "9fflla II • I 1 I .... II I I I t 0-11 .ltlO A~tlll Ull l(Ml•M t t It 0-i.ott •I t I ,KCMMtl t t It ~1119 I JI 4 0 ......,.._ I II I M¥1•H• It t I ......... , 1111 ~ .... ·••1 T...i\ •' 5 J r"alt lS t II t Clllleftll• lit tit ... • 0.1.-.. -,,, J & lllU!tlt 011 o.111e110 I LOI CahMnlla I, 0...-• ta ••"91-e, 11 l e-.,9'. Hit CHKll t 10 &1•41"~ Ill " ~lllNh. ~ ........ ltl c:1 ... ... • ' " ••••• '° J I I J J I I I I I o.119- L•ntlO<O Cl,. 0-J• 1" TMd I• lettv I I H•nHllOft I 0 0 II Hi.Ii IY IOOO 11 .. yl•ro I • ••••• ...... "'· ,, .. ,., ' 1 • I I I JI UollrOll ijl\I 111 l 000 1 • 0 h••' 001 110 Oh 1 • J Wllcaa, 6-K•r 1)1, Hill•• 111 0110 P•rrh" M/fy I••. •kl••noo• ... ,m•r ••• ~yle !11 fnd SunGmr(j W l,.yl• I U l 8 .. er, ~I HR lou, ll•-11• 9hM J•Y• • Aor•h • K•nW\ City OIJ 010 100 • 11 J lor~ 0.W U10 Oh ¥ IU I le .,....,, 111 ltOC1rl91itl°lll nd Porl• ~110. frlo••lltn 111 ~no cer ne\lfOln 1 o L Leonero ' I HRs-\ Clly, Co....,, II• M< Ru II Toron10. C..l'I' 1t1 Y-••I, Wlloll S•• S Nt• 'l'.n. OG.I 100 0oQ I I I Cllc... • •O 000 000 ) 10 O H"'*', ..,,,.,.1 .. •1•. lodrow "' Guoory 141 ._ Molft'lon <r•v.c. llob•n<Oft 1/1 l•G•°"I Ill -FOiey w l 1orow I O L R~ °'' HR• N .. w York N•lll•• IJI, J_ ... (II. (.noc~. f'DIO C 11 ~11,on. ... 10 8•._.. 010 004 olOO 10 U I Mol••ee 700 1..0 JOI 11 IJ I 0 -1'11Ml, M<Grl!OO" ISi !>todcMrd Ill ~• m1ney; Slelon, Cl•n•end 1•1. • Ill, Gal•-17) MCCiure 171 -~Clur•, 7~ l StOOddrd, 1).1 HJr' 8alttmort-L.Ow,.n .. t•1n ''' Mth••ukea.*"COOC>f-' 'I tJ1. H1\lt-,,, 09+1v .. t2>.'MOMOt 'h. lnc>md\ I u Twln:s '· M•rlRer\ S Ml-~ 000 UJI 101 o II 0 SHllle (JOU UJ'J 02V ) tJ I N•(tl•H, Mdr\nt1ll ,91 ttnel l .. orfilmdn" Wynfl'(J.:tr (9' t:S.tnn1~h't MunldQut· 1'f1 dncf !>lln>0n W Mor\nOll. l u l 1161111•\lcr I I HR MtMIWld, Norwuo.i o I• NATION•l l£AGVI!. Ood"9r>•. Brav .. s Ati.nv lol A .... Ctt ab r ~ b1 •b r II bt Ro;\ler 311 • o I • Loll<!\ 711 • 1 1 o Hullbrd10 JOOO Ru-.1•11" JOOO Mlll\"4'dl 4 0 I 0 Thom•n ,, • I 1 0 llurrcilo\ IC • 1 1 o (,•r•er lb • o n o Lum lb 1 0 I 0 (~y Jb ) I U U Spo•tt Pl\ I 1 I 0 B••er II ) 1 0 0 Mu•Dn•< •0•1 Monoavcl 1100 8-1 (I J 0 0 0 f'ergu"' ( ) I 1 J Fnu u I I 0 0 Welch 0 1 0 I I BHIC pl\ 0 I 0 0 lleus• 0 0 0 0 0 Cll•nay n too o • P NtftlO p 7 0 0 D !>•o>.• 0 000 OlfteePn I I 1 7 L•Coflep 0 0 0 0 TOie!$ JO) I ) IOI.ti> 11 o 1 • At .. nia 00• noo on ; lO\ Ahjte~ liOU (b, 00< o e Welcll, Fe1guwn Murphy Burrough~ OP • Allllnla 7 LO\ A"QO"lt-\ J LOb All •nt• l . LO\ A*'lt,. A 16 .>P•kf\ f--for9u...On Hlj-0111ce 111 ~B c .. ~ Frio W•lcn llll•ttl• IP H RERll SO P Nor•ro tl I 7 ;r, o o o S I !>~0' I • 0 0 0 LnC.ortr r o ~ o LO• Angelu Wtlrll lW 10• 8 I J • Reuu •S. 11 1 J 1 u o 11BP ·(ly W•ICh IBOfln•ll• I'll Mu•OflV T -1 21 A 41,0o< E apo\l, Cub• O Ch IC ago 0110 000 000 0 o 0 Monlredl ouo 001 00• 1 ) U Rouschtl Harna11oer •81 •no ~00111 GromslPy, Sou l~I ano C.erl~• w c.r1rn~1•v. 1 o L Reu•<nt1, O·l 11R Moncre•I, 0.WM>n 111 f'tr•le\ I, c.trdlflll• a !>I LOI.Iii 001 1111 001 • • I P111sovron 101 001 Ol• -1 11 1 8 For5C.I\, l(nowlM tit, l1l1<1ll 1~ .ino Sornrnon• Whll~n. Jd<kW>n tYI •nd 011 W-Wh1lloOC'I, I 0 1..-B for11<n, 0 I HR P•lt.sourgn, 011 (71 Gl..,1•2,AslrM 1 HO..UOll 000 000 010-1 'I 1 San Fr~\(O 000 700 00• 1 • o Ruhle, SAmtt.to 111 ono A\/loy Bl"" •n<I Hill. W ·Blue, l-0 L Rullit, 0 1 PHrHJ, •ed•1 C1nc1n""11 700 000 000 1 ) I San 01e<;IO 000 001 001 -J I I !>f>htr •!Id Benell. Per,. eno Tenac• w Porry, i.o. L-Se•ver, 1·2 JVHIOR COLlEOE *-'PIO..,• Tourney Mesa CArll.110, Ool<lell WHI 2 Goloen ~I 001 000 001 7 S S Mew 1Arlr.1 000 004 Ua-10 U 0 Furl•k, Guomunoson t•1 ano Gill, Johnson Ill. Palmer •nd WChon. w Palrn@r. L Furto. HR-M•H : Coyle, Go1oen W•~• Mer•1 Of ..... CNtt 1, GOldtfl Wttl J 0••119• co .. 1 312 ooo 001 1 10 o Golden Wesl 100 000 0?0-3 17 • Bouchtf' W ~mpCtn11; Healh<.oO, S.ne;he& 141 •!Ill JOl'lrnon, 0111 191 w-Bouchrr. L HealhCOO MIN MASTlltS ......... Ga. Thl•d-nlund K-Setvrday In Ille Ot'O Ma$I.,.$ 9111f ~Oft .lhe 7,040·y•ro. per·n A~ Netior..I Goll c1u11 course l•-1M..,._ametturl• · • Ed Sftffcl .... , •• , 1CM TOl'll WabOft .a.11./l>-10' Crt'9 M...... .,..._74-209 8n.ct Li.ta. •MWl-210 Fuuy Zoel~ 10-11 .. t-210 T °"' ICltt 7 HHl-211 Jeck Newton 10.n .. t-411 Miiier &artier 7$-... 12-211 ... ., "'°"" 10 .... 13-211 LMMrd TllOmlKon &"70·13-211 Lanny WMl!llns 7J,.._1°""'212 Gii MOFllltfl 11 .. t.11-212 8111 Kreuert '>*ll-212 Jack Nlckleln , .. 71.n-i12 Sl•vt atlltsltrot 12*11-ZU 0.M Lllll~ 7Nl ... -214 '• Lh Trevino 7H"1t-214 Le rry ftMbon 10.1s.10~1u ls.to Aolli 11·1M2-41S Huwn °""" ~ ,...._,,_,,s Llnclf Miiier 1Ml·l's-11S Joe lnn'tn ... 11·1'-?IS J c. SnMcl 13.U·tf-216 r-w.1111• 11-12 11-11• Or-....Mtrlll 11·1NJ-214 Hale Irwin 12 10.14-114 Lw GrMNll'ft , .. 11.1....-114 e -ft-.r1 C'-"""1 1l-1"7J-211 ~.... ..., ... ,.-21' CNnn ~ 71,,.., ,., GMy ,_.._ IHN•-m Yt eMltr 7l-,.74-U1 Nt:\.a:.....:·· 7 "72'76-211 '"" ,,,,.,,_111 SUndey,April 11,,t?t .... _ Jt rry ~ ... ,Mar0o~ll .,.,,.,...,,.. " " ,, "' n ,.,, t11 • katt"-11 I ) 11 IJ Jlt IHI I• Ill 7t ,., .... • ..-c:.... Yl<ler ........ 1-rny...,_ ... ,__... ,..,, ...... 1111vc....- 1Nt-1t flt 711•" "' It lal• Ill ,.,.,, "' ,,.,. ,. HJ ... ..... w NOR TH AME•ICAN tOCCeR LIA()Ua ~ ~ .. 1. Ce•'*"••. S1Ml••11GNC l O• Antieln I s IJ C.•hlornl• • • •O S•~*\ R1911y 11..0• 1u~le>1 J Jok•"' •C.lllornJ•I s Gorner kK k\ LO• A"9Ull• ), C•lllornoa 9 Fou" Lo• Ana•IH U C.•lllOrno• 11 Oii s10e• LOS Antiel"' 2 Ca111or,,1•) S<or1no w~r tl.O\ •not••~• Konen ., .. "'~ •• Oc All•noanu. 11.W . NallOMC c.tlftr.-<e Eas:tent 01wf\1oft w L OF OA W•\ftlnQton l I IJ C.ouno• J 0 • Roe natter I 2 s Toronto 0 J J Ctftlloll D"'''°" ...... l 0 u Della\ J I M1n~soco1 I I Alldnta 0 J ) WH ttr-fll Otviuon vancou"er 1 ' • LO>An~ll!!I 1 0 1 Porlldn<I I , 0 ~t'atlle n J J ~mer1tiM Cortferffl<e £,H\lf'ft 0tVt$tOft f•rno• Bav l 0 II f'h11~<1olon1<1 l 1 I ~Ori L <1uclerOale 1 1 S NPw Ellt,Jldnd 0 J 0 Hou~ton C~•ta90 Oetro•I c ... •r•I OIVlt•Oft j 0 1 I I 1 I> I J 1 W•ittrfll 0 1v1St0ft s s 10 II II • 0 8 s ... "" 10 ,. • 1• ) II J J 9 11 11 ~ ) lij .. II l I 1; , " S II 0 0 14 18 • i Stn 01e90 1 1 10 " Edmoruon 7 1 1 ,. Suri I l 8 !>•n J°"' 0 1 l NO 1 E !>1w. pO•nt\. ~·•n:t.-d tor • ~•ttorv •nd onf CJonu\ oomt oer ~· with • ,,,., 1mumotl"W'"t"8 Pitr0tme s.tu~y·5 Surtt los•nvet~ •. s.mo V•n<ouwr J. ChtC•901 0 r Co~J.A1i.n1•1.0f OetrooC o ~rnpll•• 0 Pn1•-I0111• J. New Eno1o1no O W<1•1t1"91on " F0<1 L•u<1e•o•1r o T amoe Bay I, Toron10 I Oalla• I SoeeClll' 0 HOll\!Ofl o, Sd<t 01890 I r1.11w s. Rochester I Monne..otd 1, "°'11•no 0 Edmonlon 1, !>on J°"' o PllO llESVlTS MEN WCT TOW1111met1\ •·•-•<:¥lei Somllln•ISlntlft lliorn Sorg Oel Vi<to Pe<c1 b ' •·I VIC•• Ger.,1a11ts Oet. Jonn Ale••,_, lo-1 ,,. °'end PT1a T-...-.. lat T..iw1 So"'1llna1 S1"91es J1,,,rny Connon def Bul<ll W•ll\ I &, .... E001e 01110sdef. ElllOt TelCKIW:f .. 2, •·7. WOMEN Pro Tounw,,,ent IAI Mil .... HeM ISl•M, S.C.I Sontlfl...is l(erry Reid def, Merlina Nevr•tolcwa .. , , .. , Tr«y A..slln def. E-GOOI~ o 0,0·I COLLEGE All-CatT--"4 l•I UC ltl-tlclel UC lrVine 1, UC D•YI• 2 Sl"INS Armel Cll CIM. Uota .. 3, ... 2; Slotkton 11) det. ZerrlNnell• ... l . 6·1, Carson II) 0.1 Z.rraNnC11a U, .. 1, ..0; StHll IC) dtl. MendOie 1 .. , Ii-A ; 0.M<lrllnl IOI dtl. M lhony :J..6, ... 2 •.. 1; NI.an Cll dtl Saeed H , .. o. D- Slocklon·Arrnet 11) Gel. Z•rr•nandl• hrr•n•nGla J.6, l·S, 6·•: Uol•·O.Martlttl COi del. Garson.Nixon .. 4, .. 1; Anlhony· Sl•ell tll dri, MendoU·l.•nclU<.CC .. 2, .. 2. UC lf'fitle 6, UC lltneley I Slllllff Ftrnvacher 181 dtl. Arrnu l·S, 6·1: SlotklOft (II def. Herrtre '->. 7·S; C•n~1 HI dtt. 't..O "'· M ; L'fll<ll IBI Gel. StNh .. ,, .. l ; Anlllony Ill def. M<Clllchan ... 2 •.. 2: NlirOft llldtf.~llM,M. .,_. 1-ernvacl'ler·l.ynch 181 def. Stockton· Atmel l·S, .... M ; c..r-Nlxon 111 def. McCillc,__.....,..,••1, .... J ; ._.lloftY·SleMs 111 dtl. A..O-Hafntr'-2,M . UC lryi.,. cap4ur1"1 """-1 lllMI. ... ·-----------~. _..,.. ............. __.. ......... _____________ .::..,_.__.;.. ________ ~!...--------.............. .. FOR THE RECORD I MOTOR SPORTS Golettl WHt Korl119 •ltCltaH'b I, .-S & I( Cate 11. c. Gage "· ....... u. M¥U ... .,.......,. ... Pe...-e KM'llle-WlrttlfleW t. SIYY t. Bel<Mt 6, OMIWltl 10, NW!ltf .. a.11tY .. Gllllant, Halltlftwl OGl4tn Wttt,Jl.U. MaN'I vou.ava.u. HI°" SCHOO'-o.. ........ 1 • .,......1 ~ ,. Ne•-1 H..-ro.t. Dot~ IS.$. kn ¥¥cos Ott. P•llweltt IS-10. ....... Hew-1 Haf1IOr o.t. SM MM'<IS II·•. 1•11, U·IO. N-ll0<1 H•rllar, wtll(ll -Its pool M, h•d three p1aven 11•rn•d 10 l11e ell· 1ou~na-!Mm : Kyle SleUO!tl•r tMVPI, 8111 Yero1w•no Bruce C••owe1•. LOS ALAMITOS ...... ., ......... UW et SI-Nie"-' -Intl F1r11 rec• Repu& Re<I CR01thle1 ti 20, 10 10, I> IO; !>nerelon tGDlidreeul s.oo, •.oo; Revel Ring (A.ubln) 4.20. u Eaecl• ls.ti paid ,1:12.<IO Second race -Young Tennes.we 1Pe111ng1 • 00, 4 00, 4 00; T-n F•lr IM!ltiler I 4.IO, 3 60, Wetdn Glenlern (~terl S.00. Al>WI,..,.... TEAMMATt!fTAKE MICKEY KLUTTS OFF FIELD AFTER HE WAS HURT BY LINE DRIVE. Third rec•-0.llte<I In IRatchlOf'dl 9.80, •IO. J 40, l'altlfr Dully !Rosanl IM, 4.20; Mighty Spry IA.Ulllnl J.40. Mtn • li>SC) lrf ... hle I C.-NI IMl\~·on r~·~71,;14J '~!~.._.~.u~:~~:!.n ~:'.~~'1!.S : ~1' t B•uman 1N•w1on ~re P• I IS tS •o ) Brown .,n•llOlnt•O 0 t' SI, 6 Wl•O•• tHUftO•''I' ·~IO JI. I Asmvtn 4Mt\StOn v .e 101 H 11 11,. H•rr~n IM•\N .. •k•. '""I IS nos Womt n ' 700 1no1v1du•I Mtdlff I C.•u,llns IN .. ""'"" I SI 8', , Penn1nvton IM•d•Mlf'I. ,...,.. I 1 02 01, J TwHOY 1!.anld B•rDtr•I 1 02 lo, • Hegel tS.wtll, NJ • I OJ 10, S VltYl<h IAhQUtOPd, Pa I 1 OJ !Al • Armbru•l•r tC1nc1nnat11 l 04 22 I 1(11r11m•n IB•ll•mortl 7 0-9• 8 Jon"'°n I Welnun l Q) 00 Mfn • 200 lllOovtdu.tl MeGlty I \la•wllo IMl\\IOn 111•10• I "'so. 1 !'>p.onn IGrtten ville, S C.I I '9 S8, l F11mlu 1S..n1' "'""' I ·~ 80, • Ber,...11 tAlon..rtll•. G• I C SO OJ \ l unOQuo\I I JON'\boro, Ga I I SU •o o .. reoero<a• 1Norm•n 0 1o.1a 1 1 SO•• I >1mon\ t PhQionu 1 1 SO 94 b t-owter 1 >cir\ M1r1no1 DQ M •n ' 400 fre .. '\tyUt r't~leY 1 F1or1dd Aou•l•<i A J i,, .a 1 1 McCao\I. c.~unt1\ l M>On, D•t•\>n • 1 V l C'o•lorad~ 2 58 18 l M t\\IOn \11fJO A I ~Q f9 " (on QU"l~aor A c A 1 ~' 81 ) USC A ) W J•, b SMV ll J 01 06. I LOnQl>Dlfl Aqu~llC\ A' J 01 IJ I U!>C B J 01 SO Womrn s •00 l r.e•lvle •fl•Y NaSl\•tll~ AQu<itlC\ A l ;o SI 'T Caulk on\ Pn1UIO\ A C.ullun\, Cro~")J 1 FlorlOd Aqu•h<' • J 2l 1/ J Plt>a\ .. nl H•I · !>( l 7J ", • Ml>S•on V1~10 A 3 7• 11. s C.1n < 1nn•tt Pto'\• ~run"° l ?!. ~ 6 Santa Ct-Jrd A ) 1) 81, I S<tni. Sartwra l 2b.l3, d Ml\llt>n V1e10 8 l U 91 M•" \ lt &m ~or·nq F tot•Od AqutttK\ •». VSC JOO, MonlOll vi.10 317 Lonqnorn AQ.,•ltu ,.,, Conqvosl•OOr\ I~/ w ome"' ,._.,,., \COntHJ -F Iona• Aqu•ltO JIS MIHIOft \lte10 JS/ NUn••llt: Aqu•ltC\ 11•. Pleasant H•ll 211 L011gnorn Aqu••'<s Ill MEH COlLEGE Or1t90nU"l VCLAU' 1 SP I l•ul IVCLAI o/ 0 • 1 ~lovrr 10reQon1 bS 4 • 3 Gorooen •UCLAI oJ • •00 Relay VC:lA 1W1ll1oms, M<C:.lolhon 1-o\ltr, Brown I •O •9 Jav I. Lor~nl1en 10reoon1 7S7·S. 2 Ctrll CVC:LAI 7181, 3 JdwOwon 1UClAt 21S·•. lJ -1 Ooard tOregonl l•·l .t.; 1 Be11son•UClAI H.Q• .•• l. W11Ctams IVCLAI ll 10'· ~lffPIKn.lse -I.,,.,., cOreC}Onl 8.)0.91 1. M•fllll COregon1 8 38.18, l Hur\I (Oregon• 8 41 IS 1.~ Meler• -I C.l\aN IOregonl 3 46.16; 1 Sal•••• COr<ogonl l .... 113, J Go1011ero 10t•oo111 J -. 'll P\I -1. H1ntnaus COre9on1 11·0 1 W•rner IVC.LAI lo·•. J ll1el Sw1lier 10teoon1 •no Gurran •VCl.Al 16·0 Htljl\ Jumo '· From IOrl'90"I •·•O. 1 Luch IUCl..AI w . ] J~e>n CUCLAI.' 110 Hurdltt I G Foo.t•r IUCL A Ill. 2 Br•n!oOM 10rt9Q<!I u 23. J Higgons IUClA) ,, .. olOO Mete<\ -I ThDMa• 10r•90nl '' J7. 1 M<GIOlholl tUCLAI H .O . J Walton I Oregon I .. 4'. 100 Meltn -I. Brown IVClAI 10 41, 7 Colern•n 10regonl 10 ... ; l. Foster c UC.LAI 10 \I WOO MeCtt\ 1 Cl\ao.t COrtCJOnl 1 4' 19, 1 NtlSOll COre9Dfll I so 11. 3 Therlol I VCLA• I SI II l nple Jump I Lac~; IOre9011I SO·•••; i Btn•on •Vt:LA I •• 101 •• J Joseph IVCL.111 481•, O•~Cu\ I Burton IOreoont 19t •. 1 Gordoln CUC:LA' 18•ol. ] l•ut I UCLA I l.,O·b •OO Hurdlt'S 1 H19g1n\ CUCLAI S129. 1 MCNUC (VCLAJ S1 o7. l Bra~som tOreoonl SJ 34 • 100 Meters 1 Brown CVCLAI 11.19, 7. Coleman l0rf90l'I) ll 10. J. Curry IOreoont n .10. S,000 Meiers 1 Solleau COre9on1 U ;S/ ••• , S.later COreQonl 1J SI o1. 3. McChesney C0t~l 1J.Sl,7'. Molt Relay -UCLA CBrown, Terlol, Mc Ntal,Hl9Qill\I l 11 .. l•UCE JllllllllU CLASSIC tau .... ,,_1 100 rntltr'\ Clil se<llonl -I. Ev•ns cu...i· teched I 10.42 Cmeol record; Old record 10 SO. Eva ns. 1•111; 2. Wells I Pllllade•on•• Plottttr\ I 10.SI ; 3. P•YIOn I Ba y Art.Sl~l 10.'1. 100 12nd H CUonl -1, IC. Wllllami IS.OV.htnl c.tl 10 S4; 2 Collins CP1-nl 10.S6; 1. Edwar'ds (TOl>l.sSlrklen) 10 SI. ... nlay -I. Phlladtlpttle P IOMtf\ llllltllt, l"ru~. Collins, Alddl<kl &• '"'"' r.c.or•; Old recof'd 3'.M. P'-tn, 19711; 2. USC. 7', 1; J. Bay An• Slrldtrs, l t 1. l,OIO M-'«ha.te -I. A-CWHttlngton SI.I l :fO.; 1(-(OrtCJOn TCI 1·•2.0; l. Muon CAthletel In A<tlonl I : S4.S. 400 hUf'dtes -1. e. Wiiiiams le.ti Pvl'l'- SlOI 4'.• lmett recONf: Old record ,.,s, Whffl9', Clllltornl•. "7•1; 2, J, !(Ing •-· <IOI TCI 4'.1; l Perwn c~rylendl S0.1. IOO -1. ROiiinson llnltrCllY "'' ''"'·' l"'"t record; old '"'°"' L .. ..S. Ornw..,.. IUSCI 1.,.1; 1, C.ulemen tPa<Cllc Coe.lt ClllOl 1:•1; i. OmwanMI IUSCI 1: ... 1. 110 ._..... -1. Netltmlell IMartl•ndl u. 16 \world record ; old record ll.21. Caunu ICuNI 1911'; 1. O•d'i Fooiii; C8ASI llAl; 3. FOSier tP'-nl 1!1.1~. Milt -I. Aldrldlt CCal Poly·SLOI •:OU ,,,,.., reconl; Old 1'9Cord ":OU, Aldrld91, ltlll; t. MM111t (Atlllttln Wfttl 4:02.1; ), JCrelt Cia!M ~ TVI f :OM . l , NO-yard r•llY -1. SoutlWrn Cal tSlm- mons, MuCllM, Slnlonl, Bradfof'd> 1;~u1 P'-en, I.tu; a. Cal PolY·SLO 1:14.9. 400 -I, HU1*911 ... ilty CAIAI ... SI: .\ '°'-" (~ti 41.01: 3. e.-n .... ,.1 l •1.n. s ... -I. '--1Stln4a Monie• TCI 1).~U; 2. ar-cAtlllttlOWtsll IJ.S4_1, S. Scl\lntltl lc.l l'oly-51.01 U:Sl.J. LJ -1, .... IUC lr•IMl 1U-. (-,.... <WCI, ... ttcenl lS-1 .., lh!W mel\I, t. Wllll•m • ITobtesl U ·•· ). Callloun IMarylfllldl H-2. DJ -1. Hlttlfttt c...,.. • .,, 211.a trneet,... cor•, Old rt<WCI ~. ""'-"· ltlll; 1 ........ lltll Jett Mani 208-l, >. Wahltk (Ntrwayl 19M 200 • I Edw•rOs ITOlllasl 20 H ,,.,.., re coro. o•d rtotord 101. E••ns, "111, 2 Ev•n• un•I 120 01 l k•nqjVC lrv1ntl20." M,1e •el•y 1 Plltl-lp/>Ce Pl-• Taylor 'io4omett Fre(ltr, 0.rdtn)] Ol.I c .. 1o1orn1• J 11 o J B•y ArH Strider• J 11 . J f I "OOQY I AtnleUO WHll 'It'll 1mePt rKord Old ret oru 2S..•, Ew•liao •~18 • 7 ••-••1111e11cs w~o 2 ... l 3 ~w•hl<O IAChlelt<S Wttll 26J 10 P\I I M<Oonald IC•• POlr SLOI 11 ... 1 hylor CMa<Ubtl ., .. , 3 Haynie tTObt .. I 110. T J -I LIWr\ IP10Men1 S• 10~ ,,.,,., recoro Old record H·I '., C.mpDtll 1t11 1 B•n"• ITOC••SI $4 10, 3 Marlow u .• ' HJ -I GlbOi l!>;in Jose !II I 1·0 1 II•• Boyd <Soum Bdy TCI. L•n' 1C•I Do•" dnd Peler\Of'I C IO•ho• 6 10 ~p 1 1-euwrb•<h (Alhleloe> We.11 b• ''°'. 2 Wol~•n• 1A1n1e11u Woll o2-t , J PI•• I M•rylort01 •l I HIGH SCHOOL Arudl• lnvll•tt..,.I IAll r•tu In melerO 100 I 81own 1 S•IOwln Po1rlo. I 10 bl, 2 11>• Boll IE01so111 10 81. 3 l(j Bell I P•Crot~ H•"r y I 10 ~) 100 I • 1 8'>11 1 Palro< k H•nr YI 11 •8 I Brow" • Ut.tld'lll'Vtn P•tlt. 1 21 •I J I norntt., •Oor)•'f• n~ •OO I 1140~\ IMOr\fl •• lo 2 ll>rllv IL~n~• •9 Jo l P.i111•r.on 1Berktley1 •1 >~ 3~0 I Mat< l O<"~I I •• q 2 W•\I •Cre,..nawl I •99 J S .. <tljt IMonrOt'I I HJ l,SllO I ~d•on IUntVt:r\llY LAI 3 •9 1 1 Wl\1ttom11 •Helo•I J so' J GOOl>Oul o P•lo Verde An1 I J SI S J,000 1 Nelson (Burbank I e II 4 l v.,n oerHm• CMIUIOll V1e101 I 21 • J ll•IY CMUCllll e II I> •00 rel•Y I F'r•monC •t '1 2 P•lr0<• H•nryO 01 J ICl!lllledV•7 1J I bOO rt:ldV I Lot •t J IJ 0~ 7 l onfO B .. tn Poly Hiii$) 19 •l 1101..H I L•n•lrom C.oron•dO An1 "1 1 C.••ltr Ito H u l J J•rn" tE•~flnP'H>Wfft• u J )001 H I Lenstrom Coronado ""' J I 01 1 Jo~P• IB~•erly H1ll\1 )I .If J A•er.y ILA Poly I 31 bl HJ I 0<>•••11 1G•eno.t•t1 I o. 2 St.inion 1 lnglewooo1 o 8. J "'" Mev•••IO CMuu B•\\ Mdat:ral Po111 IAlem•nyl 6 e LJ -1 C.ltmon\ IFOOCholl, B•,er>l1~10 1 ll I ), 2 L•• ISi Gen~v1evt1 no'. l 1..emons C ICelell•I 71·•' • T J I Mdyfoeld 1Muirl •9 0'. 1 HOlloOdV IMuor 1 .. 10. J. RobC>•n> •Inglewood I •8 3 Motor Sports Pl/ I M<lntyre CLM At•rnlloO IS.O. 1 E Ital t Bellllowerl I S·O, J FOi (Ml '¥'f'h\"'91') ..... SP 1 -IMC WhllMyl •1 .. •r, 1 G•rnell IMU•rl 60-3. l Br-IF'1.11ter1on1 )9 I WOMEN HIOot SCHOOi.. Arceo•• 1nv11a11 .... 1 (All r1'" tn rtMteut 100 I W•<t: 8er1<•tey1 11,8",• 1 l.oucl I WUICl\e\ltrr I 11 ,. l WlnSlon t!>•n Gof40flj()) 12 18 100-1. How•ra 1S.n Gorgonool 2l •, 2. loud tWestdMt.ierl U J, J.. P•19f ll.OflQ Be.ch Poly) 2< S •OO -Howard •S.n Goroonoo) Sl .,, 2 wn11e cBeor>ev ~ • 3 O How•rd 1S..n Goroonoo• ;1 01 Oln.,s S. Melton c F~•fl 11.i1eyl Sl.• 800 I Goe<1 "forth B•'~"l•e!01 2 10 S l 8.r;ll CROlhnq Hiii\! 1 10 I , J. ll>Mt:>IW,. tFOOtllolll 1 14 J 1,S00-1 Goen CNortl\ 8a1<er\11~101 • 31.1. 2. SCflmAllOI IS.nta Barbara 4 J1 8 l Bier llr!OfOenoence. !>an Jose• 4 J7 • J,000 -I COOi\ oCNrntn•oel 9.SJ 01 3 Le• E "ennoweri ~ SI OU. 3 Ebener • 61\00j) Am•ll 10 01 ti •00 relay Ber•"'•• '6 b l S.n Gorgonio ., s, J LDnO Bo en POI'( 41 .. 1.oOO reld/ 1 C,.,n vart1on•O l SI II I ller~Pltv J S.> o. J tono eeacn Po• t J Sj '1 100 l H I Younq tBe"~"· I "lJ 1 Al~xanotir 'Vdwtord S..n D•,..?OI 14 u J S•l\CMo'> 18erKe••r o l•-51> Otfltr> S HMllofo C EdlSOftl 1' U HJ 1 ' A \f!)'l Cr11co• s 10 7 M t Nt•-41 (.arh.b<t., S fj J Jonn\,on 1M c1t\nfll1 Pd~<h-n..t ) 8 lJ I. lOUO W~\ltfl<t>ltrl ••·10, 2 SM .,.,, l8t:,...e•et1 •8-• J Harper CFre.._.11 11~· 1 Otners. s l(elloy llNIMI 11.0 SP 1 R•1 1v,11a Paro '1 10 • 1 R•.._ An•ne1m1 d ) J J Eoerl Sen"'' t •• O iOO medley rt•l•t -I Sane• B•ro.tr• 11 u 00. 1 v .. ,,... .. ,. 11 ll 01 J Foo1n.11 11 JO •1 Otner< 4 Untfff'MfY 12 lS 4• ·~ >· WOMEN COLLEGE GolOltn WH 1 at. Pauoen• n Fourlh rece ·Coot• Fro'9 IAndersonl 12 20, M 00, 11 00; Geor91an B•Y llr-1 u 10. S.00, HetlOlrw Oon (Pelllflll) l.40. u E•ec1e t .... 11ModSA'100 Flllh race Brig.Ill 8'ute 10onn1S• 390, l 00, i .o. Mll\l•r 1Vell11nd1ngh•m I 4 10, 2 80, Not<wo 10...~rolOI J 00 Siltlh reu 1.~r Ot•rrntr IW1ll1•msl •.o. 400. 160, Oesrnot>O 10-1 l.20.• 7 20. T••1amon 1Rown1 l.00 U Euc ... 1•11 p,ttd \It 80 S.venlll r.u 4iffl 18•_,1111 U,40. • 60, J CIO. OHO ntel Dt-n Hllerfo<n Brew 'Ralthlonll 7 IO, l IO •nd ...... M•rine 1o e_,12AO. 2 60. E19ft1n rece -Armllro Tony IB•y•eul 10 60, 1 00, J '°· Cil•O•ng Guy l!>P•1911~• f .20, ~ 10, Htrot< Henover tSherrenl •.IO n Ea· •'I• If.JI P*MU IOO ..:> N1nlh race 1-•le • R•l(fllordl t 40, S 20, 4 ou, Dud heel bttlw•"n Ml\let S.tnG"""' •lOllQOl 1 IO, I IO ano G•rv Goller CPellonql •.00. • 60 \l Ex•tl• .. z, P•td '11> illl. n E•· •< '" ,. JI oa1d \11 flO A 11enO.....:l' o 011 HOLLYWOOD f'ARI( S•tvrdliy'\ RH""' C 41110111-Cl•t lhOf'OU!lllllreO rnee1tn111 FlrSI rev· l"°""'•O I P1n.-.a11 •.BO, :1.80, 1.•Q, Roole OI• C()l•varf'•) S Ml, •.40. HouwOl Wu>ehOr CB•llMart • 70 \ .. tond rfjte ,.,,,.,to'" Dream o Sno.m .. • ,., 1 60. ) &O. l OJ FallG•'\ Pron- co' Pon< av 1 J 'lO, 7 flO C.arnllle 's Prtce 0.•l•flOu•WV"I J 20 U O•••v Ooul>lt1 11-101 ""'" \11 •l) Thoro '"<" Ooub•r Oeceol 1P1nc•v1 7.0IO. 110. 2 tO A<' \ '>e<rt!I IM< HerGl>fl J_f>O, l 00, '°"•I E&C-IRoorogvUI 3.20. $.S GNon<•lld & I P<l•O \11 )I) Fourtn rd<P snac1:1 ... \ • Dttf•'fOU'Wye) I IO l "'1 110. l•le A ltll" •S'-m"•~I J 00. 1 10. '>omt<ltwnoC>~ 11111<H.irgut1 2.10. Fiith race Rt0Dr1•"9 A<I c Toro I u oo. 1 00, S7 0, PKO\ PeocK"r l!>,_...•Hrl •-60, S 10 Oraw In IDet•flOl.IU•Y*' •IO. \S Eaac· I• 14 •1P*•O \10300 !>,.lh rte« Wonoy \ Ouu IN\CHln;JWI • 80 l 10. 2 •O Ch•ormdn Ott\ Board <:01 .. n.0•1 12 ~o s 10 A11tftor1&•t•on Oeldl'IOU\Wfe'] 60 Sf'vt nt" rct<t Johnny\ •m•9~ Orl••O"\WU I J 60 2 oO 2 20 S"109QV tC.•\f•n~odl 2 IO. 7 IO, Quiel< Turnowr '>nn,.morr • l •O. U ~ i<e<ta II ·II CMtd \11 'lO f;ognth r.i<• F1y1nci Paster IPoerc~• 1 .0, 120,1 Ill !.••ten PdrlM'rl tMcH4r9ue1 •.00, 2 tO !>n•mgo CPtnc•yl 110. Nini~ •<K• Br_,m I Toro I 1 IO. • 00. J 10 L•l'Uf-nl\ lm"91' CPtn<•vl •.00.) 60. ~ ..... () ''>"""'~'I s 40 \) E•K•• "·Bl IW•d ~) )0 All<ndanG• 31,l01 Area Drivers Compete By HOWARD L. HANDY Of lllt Dally f'llel S ... H When the Times Grand Prix of Endurance is staged at Riverside International Raceway next Sunday under the Inte rnational Motor Sports As· sociation I IM SA l banner. several prominent Orange Coast area drivers will be among the favorites. Jim Busby. who calls Newport Beach home and races out of Laguna Beach where his office and shop is located, is ready for an all·out run in his BMW after a second place fini sh in a 100-mile race at Atlanta last weekend where he did an out· standing job of driving. Busby picked up 12 seconds a lap on the win- ner Peter Gregg after being forced to the pits on the pace lap when heavy rains fell. "1 went in and had to blow the water off the plugs and at the same ti me I changed to r ain tires and fell bchjnd by more than a lap on the entire field ," Busby said. "But I was real h UP y with l h e peilfo\-mance of the car in our first race. We had to pass the entire field to gel on the same lap with the leade r . then we continued to catch him at 12 seconds a lap. Busby passed the entire fi eld. with excep- tion of winner Gregg, twice during the 100 laps. "1 don't know how the car will perform in an we'll find out at Riverside." BUSBY endurance race but The Road Atlanta race was his first with the new car but it won't be his last and he could be among the leaders lo win the series championship before season's end. • • • ANOTHER LONG·TIME FAVORITE ln man)' type&-or racing, George Follmer or Huntlngtoll Harbour, will be making his first start since last October when he wound up In a hospital after a crash at Laguna Seca. Since the crash, he has had two operaUons and four months ln a cast but says he will be ready for the Enduro. When he crashed, a piece of asphalt lodged In the air box of his car, sli pped down the injector system and held the throtlle wide open. The car hit a dip and became airborne, flying ro fee\ o er a fence to land on the hillside between two groups of spectators Miraculously, none of the fans were but Follmer's racing career seemed in jeopardy. inj ured serious "Jt's darned hard to stop a car goi ng 130 miles an ho1Jr when the throttle 1s jammed." he said. "I still hurt a bit here a nd there but I'm taking therapy and lifting weights and getting my strength back.'' He is expected to join Jackie Ickx. Brett Lunger. or Peter Gregg in the Porsche camp. Follmer has a Porsche dealership in Pomona. : His record over lht> years shows victories i n vi rtually every type of racing from Indy cars. stock cars, Formula One cars to the SPortS cars .• * * * A TIDRD ENTRY from this area is Ted Fiefd . the owner of lnterscope which sponsors Danhy Ongais' Indy·type car that has been highly sqc- cessful. Field enjoys racing as a driver and could baJ.te Ongais on hand to help with the six-hour Endu,-o race although Busby says it is gelling like an all- out s print race more lban an endurance event because of the cars and drivers involved. • "You used to be able to go out and save your car and look for attrition to take some of the leaders out. But not anymore." he said. , Other drivers from tbe area include Tam Frank or South Laguna: Howard Meister and Jolin Howaldn of Newport Beach: ToM y Rourf of Slln Juan Capistrano: and Craig Ric hie and Mike Miller of Costa Mesa. \ * * • SPEEDWAY MOTORCYCLES bit the Oran6e County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa Friday night for their annual summer run that carries over to the fall when the U.S . national chatnplonships are §taged. . Harry Oxley, promoter of the speedway cytle program in Costa Mesa, Ventura and other poi~ts when needed. says his problems with noise IP· parently have been solved. . "We didn't have any trouble this year getUng our permit renewed." Oxley said after bls sbOw was almost stopped a year ago because of ex- cessive noise from the machines and tbe public -d· dress system. { "We've furnished mutnen for the bites apd they have worked out well," Oxley says. ~ lratk announcer Larry Hurrman'1 antics wlth the microphone have been confined to the stadium area where all fans can Mar his enthU1tuttc Mid ofl-limet volalUe remarks as t.be evenint pro- gresses. -· ... • I . ' . I .. . -...... . 1 .... • • • • BUSINESS I REAL ESTATE t°CONSU~ER . • . ........ Aprll 16. 1t1't . . . \ • "' A watercolor by former dirt track racer John Burgess , depicts one of the 1 bad days he recalls I on one fairground t' track during the Depression. Many of the early race cars are on display at I Briggs Cunninghaml. Automotive Museu'1 in Costa Mesa. So are Burgess' paintings. ' I Special Cars Get Special Caretakers B.\ Tt10l1 u:nx~ 01 II•• O~··~ Ptlol \wit l.ookml! Jl Bru~g:. ('unn1ngham Aulomot1vt.' l\1 U!>t'Um J :. d bUl>llll'S:.. It :. t'<ISY to Sl'e that tht: bottom lint' 1:. Prt'!>l'rvat1nn. not profll A walk through I h1· muJ>c um. at the cornt'r or Redhill Avcnut' cind Haker Street 1n Costa Mesa , reveal::. lht.• rormer race car designer . builder and drtv<:r empha~1zes the point. A MIX OF THE SCENT of rubber cind fine oil with a dash or IN1ther from upholstery rills the 30.000 square.foot :.pace where nearly 100 cars are watched over by Cunningh<1m. a coast resident. Most definitely, these are not ordinary cars. Each one is a landmark of engineering. ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS Of The Week aesthetics or performance. said John Burgess. museum manager Many arl' first~. !>U<·h as the 1912 Hispano- Su1za Alfonso XIII. the fi rst sports car made All are md1v1dual e xprcs:.1ons of automotive creators. s uch a s lhl' Duesenberg SSJ built for Gary CooJ)<.'r A IO\\e r po"cred mate was built for Clark Gable No othe rs were produced. Looking bar k al these old cars produces startling l>Urpr1 ... c:. Bur~ess said. "We get automot1w dus-.<.•:. from th<.• local schools and colleges .. us ually there's one 'Fonze· m the group who looks down on all this old stuff I ASK. 'WHAT'S THE latest thing'." a nd he'll kll ml' Ttwn I say 'Gee, that came out about 70 yt•ar!-1 ago " Then Burgess points oul a newly revived mec hanical innovation on a classic "Wilh Madison Avenue handling l'Vl·ry- thing.1t'sall 'N t-.;W ' ·" Many of th(' c·u rs 1n the collection were <1C· quin•d by Cunningham after World War II. in- cluding fiv<.• of lhe grand prix c·ars the former racer bwlt while putting American cars into the running in European races during the '50s Amonj:? the :.trani:t·st 1s his "Le Monstre." a ma:.s1w shl'll O\ t•r a Cadillac \'8 that took I Ith place in the 1950 ~ Man~ 24 hour r<1ce. Equally odd 1s the t·onvt-nt1on ul looking Cadillac which finished 10th Roth -.tarted Europe. Mrs Lauru Cunning ham, the o wner's wife. also toolc h<'r 1 ur11 at the trade :.tarting with 1912 Hispano-Suiza, first spoft$ car 0.tly Ptlol Si.fl Plloi. Jchn Burgess remembers competing with a Delage dunng his racing days 1934 Alfa-Romeo. won Le Mans 4 times drag rking. s he soon wt>nt on to major competi- tions <fld by the mid· ·sos was rated one of the best fqnale drivers on the California circuit. 1E CUNNINGHAM collection also COO· tains few pre-motor -era items s uch as a gypsy wag · undergoing refurbis hme nt and a Showtia n·s Caravan for circus people that was pulld by a team of horses ... People were born. livc<fand died in these ... said Burgess. though no royal personage:. ever owned one of the massive car s Down the aisle 1s u Rolls-Royce Phantom 111 , its L2·cylindcrs were a Rolls first and it was also the first time the auto m aker used indepen- dent front suspcn!-i1on One of the early cars he raced. a 1927 Delage with straight 8 engine. five gears. servo- assist brakes and other inno,1ations. sits near a corner. its bright blue paint as bright as Burgess' eyel> when he looks at the last of t hese cars in existence. flus there's a Cretors Improved Model C pop~rn wagon that used a tiny s team engine to genjrate powe r for double poppers. Exhaust stein heated peanuts. "IT WAS B ll.T TO GO 11 7 miles per hour in perfect quil't <.1nd comfort. Look at this . . .. i.aid the 62-year-old manager. He opened a door about a foot , touc h<'rl 1l lightly and the door closed silently a nd completely Workmanship PAINT IS A KEY WORD to Burgess. He is a wate rcotorist of note. His paintings have won prizes at the National Academy Galleries of New York Bur{!css appreciat es th ings like that because his o"n background 1s in cars Born in New England. he "Ocw the coop early .. and took up racing m the Eastern Fair Circuit. A portfolio of work. remembrances of his racing day~. 1!> on suk m the bookshop inside the muscum 1And. the re 's the all-black, horse -drawn BrCJJgham whic h Cunningham's mother used ge~i ng to a hospital lo deliver the museum owier. If the museum 1:. a monume nt to in· div1duah ty. Burgess h<:il> found the right home. In another corner I!> the elegant Bugatti T}pe 41 Royalc. "1t was built for royalty:· "In those day:. 1f you were a farm boy there were two special limes. the fair and Christmas Usually during the last two days there v.as dJrt Tht: gray haired managcr·painter is a lso a t writer During World Wur II he worked as an 1 track racing k111d or the highlight .. (See BRIGG •• Page 86l Life's Work a Tough Choice By PAT D UNN Ol IM 0.111y Pil•t St•ll Members of the .. Class of ·79, .. can pla n on being employed for an average of 25 to 45 years . Making a career choice is one of the most diffi cult and Important s teps a graduate can lake. New technologies are creating a demand for specialized. highly skilled men and women. EMPWYERS PUT A premium on s pecific skills. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates the m aJority or jobs through 1985 will require some sort of trade or technkal trainrng This is im portant to high school grads who do n 't plan a college degree. The National Association of Trade and Technical Schools advises taking a c lose look at a ll available careers. High school counselors can help nar· row the field based o n acade m ic a bility, but the gra duate must make the choice. NAITS suggests pinpointing in- terests and abilities. Try to translate them into c areer possibilities. For example, a per!lon who enjoys • helping others shouldn't become a desk·bound accountant. Probably the most important factor in career satisfaction is liking what you do, so take plenty of time to make this very personal decision . CHECK INTO THE beginning salary of your chosen career. What can you expect to m ake after two or three years? Or long.term employ. m e nt '! Personnel departments or employers at many firms are willing to give realistic estimates. Compare e xpected earnings to the a mount or time and money training will re- quire. Find out 1f the career is ··open· e nded ." Will it lead to better things in your future. or a llow you to start your own business'? Defmitely discuss job demand with your counselor'. Make sure there aren't more people trained in the area you prefer t han the re are jobs available . Also get a lon"·rang«; pro· consumer CLOSE-UP jecUon of demand to insure a good vocationa l future. JOB MOBILITY IS another impor- tant consideration. Are jobs availa - ble nearby, or are l hey clustered in areas which would give you the op- portunity to travel? For example, commercial divers usually have to relocate (sometimes overseas> while computer procram· mers work mainly in large and medium-sized cities. Medi cal worke rs are e mployable in any locale. Find out exactly what a person in .. - your chosen field does know what your duties and work environme nt wi ll be A career m ay sound glamorous or exciting but get the facts before making a final decision. Don·t be unpleasantly surprised on the job. Most good jobs today requi re train- ing beyond high school. Find out ex- actly what education you need. It m ay taJce a few months, one or two years of training. or m ore for a non- college degree job. THE NEXT STEP is s hopping for a career school. Private vocational ones provide intensive training in m any careers. Write to three or more schools that offer instruction in the field you've chosen. Careful com- parison ls essential. Is the school a pproved by the state pos t -secondary school licensing bureau? If the cata log doesn't In· dicate, check with the Department of Edu<!ation. Bureau of School Ap- provals, 721 Capitol Mall, Sacramen· to. 95814. Accreditation of a ny school also should be verified. This means a school has passed a thorough ex· am I n a tion of its busin ess and teaching practices by a n accrediting asency approved by the U.S. Office ol Education. The s tatus usually is liated in the school's catalog. and It's a good idea to double-check with the accrediting agency it.selr. Make sure courses ofrered are up.to-d~te. well-foWlded and or (See OCCUPATION, Pa1e 91) ,, J - ···~~ ... -.... ... --.... _ .. ...,.........,.._.........,... ... .,.. ....,. ........ ~ -....-................. •=--"' • .. .. .. • " ...... -• .... ... -"" ................. -.. --··· _... • _.,.. _____ ...... - !! DAILY PILOT SunO•y. April \$ 1979 AUTOMOBILES I CAREERS/ REAL ESTATE i ' Beal Estate lflallkfl •.•• By KOBE•T J . aauss DEAR BOB · llow can I ~sure I'm not paying loo m~ch wheo l buy a homo or in· vestment property? JuUus M DEAK J UU US: VHr ft,.,,..,.. Ire• a property •• ••de by IMlylaa I& fer u.e ,., .. t price. To avoid overpayl•I fer a ,..11y, before you make '"' ,.rl'lllM offer, ult )oar realty agemt &e prepare a "ce•· petltlv. markf't Haly II" .... )M , Tllll It a wrlttH ... •ary el < n ffteat ales '"'" ol l•llar warby ,..,..rdM, (I) ..,., "9'8raW. ,...,.... ... for aalt wllktl llaavH't Mid yd, aM CJ) pn· pertlea •lllt'll •ere refftKly llt&H IHlt whld1 dldla't M U. VMr 111...a ua euUy p~re tMll •• Haly.a. fro• ~ avalat.le at tW local Boanl of Ktalton, d&le m19paale • or,., .. ,,., 0.ly by ... ,,...,._._ a eom· parlloa of li•Uar Pfellerlaet l'I• )'Ott be •re )'Ga •r'N'l offtrl•I ... •wit lot a llloaf'. If y .. 'N' 1M1yln1 ln~Htl9Nt p~rty. Ht'h a apartm .. nu or c•m•4'rclal buUd· 1•11. te avoid payle-too mut'll a ll your •1n& te fl.cl tt.e "capUaUaalloe rall'" ( U11at' .,.t ln~m.. divided by the u lf' prlce> for aJmllar •tarby p....,..rtw1 which i.old rttt'ally. Tlw"• apply tltat up r1u-to the la,·n tmt'lt PretM'l't)' Y• are coa kk-r· lnl( bu.t1n1 and make your olftr at that ln· dlcatf'd nl~. Olin-•rrw•• •• aepalr• DEAR ROH What IS the best way to uvo1d buy111)t run down property and t he n flndin~ out that rt·mod t>llng 1t will be too f'O. ti " Marion W Ot;AR MARION : There are several •v•: <I> mak .. your purchase offe r to tbe teller. but im'tud.-a contingency clause Hell H "T11u offer ceaUqtnl •PM buyer nbhlnl••· whllln It worlll•I day1. HllalH&ory bid• &o rt ••• ttlf proPfr· ty," or Ct> pay Uw property H iier for a .. -4ay purcllH~ .,._ &e i1ve YM lime &o oMal• rtmMtla.1 lltld11. lie sure &a.e option l lvt"I. )OU 8Ct'f'fil to thf property iO COD• trae&or1 -can ln11petl II lo make lbelr re· modt llal c08t tsUmat.-•. c ..... .,.c ............ .. DEAR UC>B I cttn pay up lf> $40,000 down a~ymtnl on ~home wo plun to buy when cons truction 111 compl1 ted nexl month. Ny wafl• wants to make only the m inimum ®wn puym nt and put the re1Sl or th • cbh into th1 bank. What do you ~Ug · Mt t • Kurt E. Df.A& KURT: I tjUlCfC~•t you Utt&e• to your wtr~. Tbt' lower your down payment, tltt' bf«4or. Tlt4' rutOU lacludt' < O lt'Vera1e <Utat mu .. )'Oii eoatrol tlh-property and all la. ~nefltl wl&b minimum u11h of yotar own), (%) rtpaymt"ft& ol tJw mort«•tct In clteaper. lnnatrd dollar11 wortllt It' s tbaa today, (3) maximum tax dtd1JtUOB11 for mort11se In· ttre.t, (4) ~·nnsf'rvl ng your cub for t>mf'rgt>Ddn or to buy more property, and c S> Utt' bia«itr tht ulsting lftortgage, tile ust.-r It u ually ls to sell tbe property in lbf future . Per dotlar invested, your l'f:lale prom will be the largest If )'Ota Invest oaly a minimum down payment. Get Mori gage '\"a• Need DEAR BOB· When we buy a hom e. how can we be surt> we can get the mortgage we'll need to pay fo r 1t '> Scottie S. OEAR SCOTTI E : Just be sure your purclaue offer eoatala1 a 1DOrlC•lle coat· IDIHC)' da....-. It ml1ht rH41 "TIWI olftr co•U••Ht upon btayer ob&a&ala1 a Dew mor&c••e for at least (amouo amortllecl onr at leHt (Hmber) yean, a .. 11 la· terut oot exettdl•IJ (rate acffflable to )'H ). with a lou f ee not to exceed <.umb.-r> point#." U the '"clfled mor&•a1e provea to be uaavaUable, &hen you caa eltltfor accept tile beat term• uallable or you 1et your Hfllfft moeey depoal& rtfudtd. A., .... GeUI ... .,, T~C DEAR 808: I JUSt Inherited a 12·unit apartment house. My rirst vacancy is com- ing up next month. What is the best "'ay to rind a reliable tenant who will pay the rent on lime and not cause me any trouble! Marge T. DEAR MARGE: Your first step aM>uld be to jola the local apartment ow.er'1 as· lllOClatloe. Your next step should be to adver1111e lite vacancy. I find tbe new1paper wanl ad• give the beit results. Try to sehedule all ltowlap at the same time so yoa'n not coaatanUy ru.1utlDI over to show the apart· meat. Wbea a prospect bites, have him Ill out your apartment 1111odatloa appllcallun. Take a deposit wllh the appllcaUoo. l'vf' foand It pays to take several "hack up" applleallons In case the flrat changn hht mind. Finally, check applicant rererenco. espedally carnnt and prevloQ ludkrda. Phone them and ask if they would r4'1t to the tenant again. But watch out for th•· c urrent landlord who m ay be lying to g.-t rid or a bad ten ant. Send real estate questions to Robel\ J Bruss. Box 6710, Sc.in Francisco, C2laf. 94 101. BRIGGS COUNTS PRESERVATION AS PROFIT ABLE. • • C From Pa«"e 85) e ngtneer in s upercharger developme nt. lie later worked on the fi rst U.S. j et for Ge ne ra l Elec· tric But rn 1965. a year before the museum o p e ned in Co s t ; Mesa. he re turned to automobiles. HIS P ERSO!'iALIT\' IS stumped o n tht< walls of the auto s hr ine m tht:.' form of paintings and illustrations b~ some of the finest artists who ever tur nl•d thl·lr attention to d n•c.im mae h1nes W;ilt'rcolor dust fl1l's 1n the lal'l• of drivers in some paintings. while Chinese Whitt· s phn tt!rs fly in anotht•r or a collision Burgess won a scholarship to u NL•w England art school al 17. but a v1s1t made him decline. "Everyone there painted the samt.' I didn't wa nt to pa int li ke Van Gogh. I wanted tu paint like John Burgess." He also writes articles for Road and Track. 1933 Bugatti Type 55 Supersport had 8 cylinders. Only 14 were made. BRIG<;S Cl'NNI NGHAM Museum is a rinl· place to work. he said. the n a chuckle as he added "It's sort of like getting paid to go fishing." or a sec.irch of old barns wo n't turn up. A machine shop mukes perfect duplicates from or igi na l drawings The b iggest purse he ever wt. was o n a me m or a ble w eeke nd sch e le in Worcester , Mass. "I won fastest time, t quali· fying heat and first place both days II · Sl ,400 coming ... But the pro moter r:m orr wit the re· ce1 pls and Burgess got home by borrow11g S4 The practical side of his worlt is managing a s m all s taff. which must often double as guides. r estorntwn "orkcrs :rnd even ticket takers. But all love "hat tht•)-·re doing. he '><Hd , :.o thc.v don't mi net Buri:iess does n't live in the pust. he said. t•ven though he holds 1l in deep regard. But he to'nJoys the days when c<.1rs are driven in the par king lot for "t'xercisc" Cars deterior<Jte fastl•rwhe11notrun 1 FATE IS LES.'i fickle tht .... c•clav!>. J\l the n•ar of thl· hullding 1s lht· "ork:,hop when • cars an· rt·ston·d All cars a r<' put hatk in faetory-dehvl•rcd condition and the !-.laff winces at having to use• any but original parts The .throaty i.oundl> bring back old m cmorn.•:-. nol .tll .i:. pleas ant <J'> dn\·ing tht• l'ars He is surrounded by autos and ••rt. ?IOI.\. tn ht!. :-tud10 at night. "rllc•s in foci. In e'> <1 le!>son he learned as a :.tecplcJack wurkint with ... relativein the'20s : OCCASIONAi .LY AN UNUSUAL auto needs som ething t hat :ml1qul' parls houses. collectors Dunng thC' ~t•ars h<' pr<>motNI racing he "as ra1nt•<l out 17 ~tra1ghl umes "I can laugh about 1t now. but 1t got prclly tragic "Sometimes I t hink that 1f 1t rained -;oup. Having climbed a tall "Ptrt.'. ht• ,:!rched atop a wcathen•anr. clingrng in a hard vind a!. he applied gold leaf to a dccorallvc be.ill I'd have been ~\landing out with a fork in m) hand .. "And there wa::. no one looking owr my shoulder" OCCUPATION CHOICE FILLS '79 GRADUATE'S MIND. • • <From Page 8 5) hig h quality. Check wit h future employers to see if they will ade- quately prepare you. Make s ure in· s t.ruclors have professional e x · perience in their teac hing a rea. and understand exactly how Jong training will take. Check into the type of facilities and equipment al each school. See thal they are educationa lly sound <1nd curre nt with that being used in the fie ld. Does the school have a laborator y or s hop set-up which duplicates a real work environme nt? Hands-on tram· mg e nables students to obtain prac lical as well as textbook experience. IF THE SCHOOL offers r egular pl,acement a ssis tance. ask exactly how it he lps find wo rk. and check in· to what jobs graduates actually a t· lain. Be s ure you unde rsta nd the exact cost or tuition, s upplies and other fees. Can you realistically afford it ? 1f not, look into the federal financial aid programs ava ilable to students a ttending accr'edited vocationa l schools. Avoid schools us ing high pressure s~les me thods a nd read any contraet earerully lo see ir it can be canceled. Als o check the st:hool's refund policy. The best way to check out a vocational or career school is to visit whe n classes a rc in session. Ask stu· d ents if they are happy with their training. How do buildings and equi p- ment compa r e with the catalog des c ription? rr possible. talk t o g raduates a nd find out what they think of the school. FOR SP ECIFIC inform ation on a particula r career. write lo the Bureau of Labor Stat1 sllcs, U.S. Department of Labor. Washington, DC. 20212. A free directory of accredited schools can be reqursl<'d from Dc.•pt. CCS. ~fo­ t1ona I Assoe1at1on of Trade ;.rnd Teehnical Schools. 2021 L St .. N w .. Washington, O.C.20036. NA'ITS. 2021 K St N W , Suite 305. Washi ngton, D C. 20006, a lso offer~ t h e "H a ndbook of Trade Li nd Technical Careers a nd Training, .. a comprehensive ~uide to vocational e ducation. plus o th e r rel ated materials . MORE INFORMATION is availa- ble in booklets you can request from t he Consumer Information Center. P ueblo, Colo. 81009. "Choosing a Vocational School" discusses what lo look for in post·secondary education and eommon ripoffs to avoid (646F -- WE'LL BUY GEMS & ESTATE JEWELRY Our over 32 years experience can be o; help to lnd1 vlduals. Attorneys. and Banke rs 1n dlsp0alng of Important Jewelry. Only ·-Dilily Pilot '""' ..... ,ou wtwlt'S new 1n your toc•I ~ •••• 9"fJdey • Freel. "Federal Fina ncial Ai d Pro· ~ra ms for Educa tio n" deseribes five g rant and loan programs for college. vocational and technical students. who is eli gible a nd how to apply t 539F ·-Free). "Matehing Pe rsona l a nd Job Cha r acteristics" ineludes an easy-lo· use chart for compa ring acade mie Last year the Caribbean This year Tahiti background and personalit\· r ails with job char acteristies of 'ard re- quiremenls for 282 o ecupations 096F 90 cents>. · · O ecupa liolli 1n Demand'' lisls the number of job openings for mor e than 100 ocapa· twns a nd localities in which the).are ava ila ble. This information is ui*at· ed monthly I 543F' Free L ,. a.-yMcC ..... "'-D. ~ Work hard. play hard seems to be the philosophy of THE REAL EST A TEAS. This Saturday, over 70 top producers from THE REAL ESTATERS will leave for an eight'day. all expense paid trip to Tahiti and Moorea. Randy Mccardle. president of THE REAL ESTATERS. said, "They all are very deserving of a Tahitian Holiday. We have a great team. We work together and we have fun together too ... it's great to see them relax and to have fun with ·em in the sun." Last year the top producers spent a week cruising the Caribbean. • •• &e•• •w r .. Mail Carries Cure for Cost PORTLAND. Maine CAP> -A paUeat lt8Y· ina a holpit.l after t,..atmeat m1lbt WM be ii oo the road to reeovery -until be .... tbe bW. To help atem rialn& medieal eoltl, Malae'a latleat general holpital will be IMldl .. docton a copy or patlenta· bllla to 1lve diem 101D1 lD· slaht lnto wbat a patient raffl .a. • boepital vlllt. THE MOVE 18 A recomrnendaUoe of U. M•lne Medical .Center'• atud)' commtte. • medltal COAla. whc>M main 1~ lt to ""•Mt COtl ·ronldOUllMll In doc:tora. "It '" hoPt"d phyNlclana revlewlnc U. bill will berorrw more •ware of how he.vy aome of lhc COAll• •rt1 send In r trOf'pad wUI ~ thot 1tt.1r11 mhchl huv ~ ~ uu.., Uult c·ouht tu•v•' .... ..,, omlttNI," .aid Or. &. Claarltt Kunkh" u n11urolnu1-.1 sel MMC 1i1nd ctualnnan of th t•m11rt1lfl•·•• ht t• tN'N1I w•1wnm~r1t , N Nif>Y of tlM hoN11llul ltlll 11t 111u1 '' lh• tr IJUHntf• .,.. tl4!flt Lo ~I &>h~.11il'llOI,. ''"" IM,1J 1,t IM 42 51by16el1M ~ . ) ( Ac:cotdlng to tho bank. Mf•. Bettoft Your laat chock waa a placebo.' rc~ponding found the lol<tl coM far above th~r estimate. and a dozen found one or more ~slli o r proct:dure:. which could have been omatu:d. As a r~ull. Dr. Kunkle said the committee had agreed to send all doctors who admitted pa· t ients a copy of one of their patient's bills th1!. ~pnng and a~a in l<1ter this year "IF THE 90 TO 100 resident physicians at Ma ine Medical could s ave SIO a day ror every pat ient they serve. it would represent a s avings of $2.6 million a year." said Dr. Robert E . McAffee or Portland, who added, "I'm sure il ca n be done." Dr. George W. Ha llett. c hief of pediatrics at MMC. said "The project will probably only save a fragment of the total cost of m any hospital bills Thr world is full of doctors and patients who pay little atte ntion to bills . "In many cases when the patient has in· surance. he doesn 'l care. and when the patient doesn't care. the doctor doesn't care." • ... O~R~DE~Rlm!llY~OU~R!llmlllll DIESEL NOW! For European Delivery and SEE THE OLD WORLD BEHIND THE WHEEL OF YOUR NEW VOLKSWAGEN DIESEL Why pay high European car rental pnces and come home with norh1ng more than fond memones? With our Delivery 1n Eurape plan. you save the rental charge. come home with wonderful memories. and bring back lhe ultimate sourven1r as well -your very own. spar1d1ng new Volkswagen Diesel. On some models you'll also enjoy additional savings when you compare the factory delivery price with what you would pay here Ask lor complele details on the money-saving plan thal lets you see the Old World from behind the wtteel of your new Volkswagen Diesel. CALL LES GOLFOS 01 llLL PATS&. 673-0900 VD\l,lf EN AGAIN ® lt7t u.r DllSIL ·CHICK IVERSON YOllWAe.. POaCHI tUDI 441 ... C.-Mtw~.,.. .... IC.-....,. Drtwt 673-0900. 133-9160 ...., 0,. , ••• , ........ CCollt Hlwmy It 8IYllde Drive) • . "' __ .._. ...... _______ . r ,, --• •• NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Week's and Year's High, Low, Close • II 01 ,, r \ I ~ l I . ' . . . .. ... ... . -·· .. NEW. YORK TOCKS CONTIN l JEO • REAL ESTATE .. tennous..,.. .. . llMl9 "., ..... , '~ .......... ...,._ ,, ..i11t ~. -··· SANO\'$ I.USING Ill 0.••t. u-. ,......, CAll~t*2 s..-. A H...,llM\ IUh Garnet, • .,... '"-· c;.lllomla .,.., ,.::::.:.. MineU I\ <onclvclff llY ell Ill Siftor• A HH111111 T"I' •ta-wa\ lllM Wllll Ille (9Ul'll'f t. .. rll Of 0te110. COll'll'r .,. ._,,, It, lt19 ""** P\lbll•""' Oftn9t CO.>t Oally Pllol. ADI 1 l, ll.1' et\11 Mty •• ltl• I 4' I ,. P\JBUC NOTI E P BLIC NOTl('t; 'l~ITIOll' I U.INl.h N"'MI 0Af•M•1n ........... ", ()ef \oOft" .,. d•·"~ °""'""'\ ·~ \U N .. t~t INV C.I M (N I C,.HUVP l lOO AU..t•'> ..... nw. C••••i Mt-•• 1..elltorn1• •l•I• Htl ... 10 P "'Kl V1rv1n1• M 0~ 1111 "orl ~r•n"41w "•ot<e N••l>D•I PUllUC NOTIC£ Pl18LIC' NOTl('t. P\181.1(' NOTICE Pl18UC NOTICS PUBLIC NOTICE ,.CTITIOUI eutiM•U .... IYAHM•NT ''"' ............ ---,, ~ 11\itl-_ .. .. 0 f'ltANllLIN HOO\ll:lt & COM• IJ.lNV, IU W Val• t.-. Irvin•, c.111 .... "a. tilt• 0.rretl l"tMllll" MMwt, IU W Y ele L.--. lrvlM. <AIW"'•tl114 '"" ~t " t-lff.., a11 ll'I• eiYIClllal 0..••11 •.-· T Ill\ •IAll-t we~ l1lect wit/I lllt C..,llty C.ta,_ .. Orenqe CtM>t>tY on M.4rtll t. lt1' "'''m ll'\llllll!Md Ofeft99 CNll o.lly P1lol, Mei U ...0 ~ t.t, IS, ltlt llSO.lt PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTl'rtOUS •llSINISS lllAMI STA fl MINT I~ IOllOw•"I pet50ft 15 00!"9 l>u~1 neu.,· SOVfH COA S T WE ST · CONCRETE COlt t NG & HEEL llH<ll C.all'"'"'" •i.w l'l(TI flOUS •U"HfiU Mer' I.. •n<I 01'""' WttQRI Ill~ NAMI STAT6'Mi!Hf ,.ICll ltO\IS lllilHlh GROOVING. 2•11A Or•t>Qe A•en11e, Oenn" Oru,•. (Mt• Mllw. c •tttof'n,,. 1 t\• tullowtnQ Q«r\.Qn" ~r• dUtn\I NAMf H ATIMIN'r CO\I• MtWI, C<tlllOO"tl•~•2• In 1"41owir..;i Iler.of\ '' 001n11 IN" Cl•rl"oeihe< LondOn. 2•11A Or.,...,. ~IU• ... ,,,.._. •> l.t wrentt 11 """ M••O<lltl IC OLl IRVINE 4!>'>01..I All'> r•v» •, A .. n .... C...t• Mew , CAllfom l• tUU b lAl(.H INTt;RIOAS. J-11 w Tlll\~lnn1ls<Olldu<teObyanln- M•cl.r l11ur ~utltt SO~. Sanl<t Ana, dlvl<Nal, 1.<ililorro•<t 'ill~ °"'' ~ C,.llmowr. JI• s l.1111190 01 Ue•11tlv L 1 0 l'fOI ooo Stro l Nt WDnfl Hllh C.<1lll0tm• <Kllll u .. u1 C.eh10tn1.1 9JMO C.•ne C Guroon. IOU Ro"n• Tlus 'tate-.il w<1s lliecl witll tr.e ~"••I, LCf>Q bM•ll (.alltornool 9011Qi Coul\IY Cler\ OI Or•nll" CO\lf'llY on Jame. O .. no 1.ur..,n l OIMn llle Koll Coml>olnv • l..•l••u•n•• 11311 Montft.ftt•t LYDt'h ' C.ttllfortti.• turpo,•l1on •'101 0 01'ir ")tr••.-1 In".,..,,,.,_." ~~u•ltd bv .;non Mu~ t~. 191~. ~lO Nt •OO•I IHe<n Ca1t10<n•• ~1..0 DOU91•S ..iio L•n<IM ~0,0 l•h Pon Tllo\ Ou\lnt•• " <OtoOu•teO Clv ~ '>l•nPlope PloO N~wt)Ot I lle•c n llM1led ~r1nen.ll•P C.•1t1orn1• 9JMO TP\e lllotl <."""""ny Th1\ Ou\it'\~"' 1\ canuuc IMJ Of' • t unotnv L \Hct •• • Qcn•r•I (t9r l""'f\h•O ~ntOf Vttt Prt-' R1<: Mr a to> 8on<1 t n1\ ''•h.·nwnt wa-. ••hdcJ w1tn lf\t H"\ l>tttttm.rnt w.-, ti1 .. u _,,1n ow C.ounly Ch:r1>. of O•dn\)\. (.11vu1v uu <..ounty Cl•'" ot O•.•l\1,,1t <.~unty on M•t <h ltJ t'ifN APrll 12 19r. TIMOTHY L STlt"OEll f I USU Attorney•• u w Publl,....., 0 <4"(1<• lV•hl 01t•ly Polol 1'411 Oo.t SlrHI Apr 1~ J1 1"1.trwt ,.\.t; *' ,..,,.., u.O J-4 NewPon &.•<". C41ttOrr\tllf 'J..O hi 111411 •• llil P UBLI(' NOTICE s11•1 •1ott COUftT OF THE STATl!.Ol'CAl..ll'OftNIA l'OA THI. COUNTY 01' O•ANGE NO A·"I .. ,., "~'· Pvoh~fttd (Jf'.-fl':lt' (Od)t Ua11y P llOI Ap"I I I . IS n 19~ •JJ• 19 PUBLIC NOTICt: NO TICE 01' H E All l NG OF FICT1l l0US8USIHESS PETITION 1'0 11 Pft08ATE 01' WILL NAME STATEMENT ANO C:OOICIL.S. 11' ANY, AHO l'Oft In~ 10110 .. •no P~''°"' drc OO•no Ll'r'rllU TESTAMENTARY AHO t>usonn\.t'> FOR AllTHOltl ZATIOH TO AO V E II 0 UC. 0 0 A I(~ MIN Is TE. u N 0 E ft THE OEVELOPMENf COMPANY, n~n tNOEPliNOIH'r ADMINISTAATIOH L• Ca<l~M On ve La9un<1 Hiii\. CA OF ISTATIS ACT. 'l?&SJ c;JIVU:IV•I c.;,,r1< ( C.UI Oc>n ,,._., \t4'tt'mtn1 w•\ tlled w tth lf'Mt lUunt r (1ork ol O•enoc Coun1v on '-'.,.",, 11 1\0'# F11U7' Publt\....O °'''"°" co .. 1 OtHy Piiot Aulll I t I) 11 1919 llllt I~ PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTI TIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Int 10110 ... 1nq perM>n~ er• 001no Ou \1n•\11o •\ NOIM I. ~11· lurllP Oo•• Avenue. Fovnt••n llallo C•tttorn•a •11<* We11C11 IH .0., ~lO l::t Aey, No I Fount•1n va11tv. Ca1t1ornla 97109 J OyCt NVl\111 917' Turli< Oov• A;;ienue, Founld•,, V•lley. C•htornl~ tJ11)8 T "" bl>S•M" 1\ conducteo bY • Qener •I ~r1nersn•P -1Tera<ld Tiiis statement wes lllecl w1111 trw 1'111U$ Put>lt\nect Or-CU.\I O••IY PolOI. Apr11e,1s,21.n .191t 1J4I0.1t P UBLIC NOTICE l'ICTl'rlOUS •uslNESS NMlES'rA'rlMENT I ne 1011-lno per\ons •re 001no ~'·"~\ ... ) BE RMUA COMPANY .. SI Jen-MY Ortve. Sull6 i.1 Hunll1>9ton Buell, C•hlurn1• 'll.._ Bttl SP<v•k ... ~I Jenney Orove. Hunt1r19ton Bt«11, Calllom•• 91~ Moltr•y Cro•s. I SJ2 N H•ywOr1PI Avenue. l..O\ Angeles, C•lrt0<n1a 'I0046 This tl<lsoneu is conouc 1<4 by • oener•t oar1ntrsll1D -ray Gros• TlllS 'l•t-nt was hi<!<! w1tPI IPlt County Clerk of Or•noe County on M•rc 11 ll, 197'1 l'llllll Pubt llnecl O..ngoe CO.SI O•lly Piiot, April I. IS, 11. 19, 1919 t;i.../t Est•tt of Lil.LIAN G TAYl..OR, W'"'o Re.Uy. Int, a C.tl1torn1" County Clerk 01 Oran99 County O• -------------- Oectueo corpordl1on 22'1111 l..d Cdoe n" Drove. MUC'! 21, 1979 "''"" PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEAEB'Y C.lllEN IMI L•ouna Hiiis, CA '2&)J PATRICIA ANN ME Y EA h•~ lole<I Or•n9<1 West lnve>lmonl Corp , d nereu, • peHl1on tor Probfre or Will (dl•tOrtUd lOrPOf 4 11on. 21Q81 Ld 1nd Cod1c1I\, " onv, t or h _•tlf r \ Coat>na Onve. uiaound Hiii\, CA91&~l PuDh~h4H:I O<•noe Coast O••IY Piiot • --------- f l'\C.men1ary and tor d ulho r 1tbl10H to Th 1'1 Ou\tric'J) ,., conducted by d •dm1nt5U~r undo, tht' lndeoendl•n f Ad Qt•n(!' di ~rtnt<t ~h•P rrun1\trot1on 01 L\Mtt " Act, rf"ter,.n, tt Qr41n~ we,1 to •O~•c h 1-. mdd •• tvr turth~, lf'l'llt''1~n1C.urp part1l ulltr\ ttnd thrtt fht' tim~ dno Petf't J M 1H11Q;,n Pr; .1fh""t o••ct Of hetlrfll9 ll'W ,.,,,(" t\d\ been ~f't , ,,,., \faf .. m(Jf'lf Wd .. t1IH1 wdn '""" '°' May 8, 1~19, "' tu 00 d m. 1n tt'lt Count t (ler111. ot OrttrlQ• Counr, o" c..ourtroom of Ot:c>c1rtrnen1 No l at \dtd Maten 2W. 1V/'I court, at 700 Co•« Ce111er Ori•• Wesl on IPl8 City of S.n1• An•. C:.11rorn1•. O•reo Apr11 12. 1~1' LEE A BAANCH, Counly ''"' ttO•IEttT N. •AOJCON lMParllA-•atllNl ....... CA.2'62 Tel: llMI •I~~ A1twney11w Pei•ll- Pubh•l'W<l Or .... CO.O\I Odoly PtlOI Apr IS, 1•. ?1 1919 U~ 79 PUBLIC NOTICE PETEAJ.MAOIGAH. Att ... My ltttS.fl~Hlllslld., NewllOrtc-tM, NtwllOrt llN<ll.CA,_ Fll200 PubhUWO OrMl99 Coast 0 ... 1, Pilot, Apnl t, I, U, 22. 1919 P UBLIC NOTICE A IMl7 NOTICE TOCltEOITOllS No A·...U SUPElllOll COU•T 01' TH E SUPE•tOA C.OlfAT OF THE STATE OF CALIFOllNIA FOR STATE OF CALI FO•NtA FD• THIE COUNTY OF OftANGIE THE COUllTY OF OftANGE No. A·MllO 1 n 1111 M•lln 01 1r1e Est•te 01 Apr II 1,8, tS,71, t•19 11311 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USIHES5 NAME STATEMENT r ne teuow1no p•rson• •re cioan; bU\tnli\ ·~ CASSETTE l..IBRAAV, 1,.,.C .. ~IS Warner Ave , Hunlln91on BHCll, Ce. ,, .... Mu.sl< t..IOr•ry ASSOCl•tu. Inc. Ca C•lllDl'f>le CO<'PO<olltlon). S01S 'W•rne• A••·· Hunlinoton Be<Kn. C• ,,.,., Tiiis -'-Is conoucteo Dr a cor· por•tion. MUSIC Ll8AA~Y A$SOCIATES. INC. U.Coli. P•llon p,...,,,.,..,, T11is si.1..._1 w•s loleo w11n tne Counlr Ctar\ 01 Oranoe County on M•r<llU, 197'1 FllUU Pu1111sMc1 O<anoe Coast O•lly P•lot M•r JS, Apr I, I, IS, 1919 1 U1·1t PUBLIC NOTICE IMOTICIE OF INTENTION TO SELL LAU AA C OANIELSO"'. O;>cu1.ed •IAI.. PAOPEllTY AT PRIVATE NO TICE I~ HEAEBY GIV EN to l'ICTITIOUS BVSI HIESS SALE cr~dolors llnonQ tldoms i1Qa1ns1 11>~ NAME STATEMEIMT ConMtrv.uorsn1p ot t~ o-rw n dnd said deceoent 10 tile t>d•CI ctc11m\ 1n 1hr l he t.ouow1nv oerMm ,,. d0tn9 tM.I" ,,,.,. ol MA~IE E YOVAllT. ua Oll•ce of tr.e Cler\ OI Ille illorn <i•O ne\\ ., MA RIE I( VOUAAr, •ka MARIE E court or to pre!.enl '""m 10 tne' un CAPITOi. CARPE I CARE. 1110 I( 4 t.. l Ho FF. a k • M A s J E oersovneo 61 111e oll1<e o1 OVANE s Hun11no1on Strtet, Hun1tnoton Bracll. YOUAlt I. (.onservatee STAOH. 8101 E. TllorO SI., ~uott 207. Calolornla NOllCE IS HEAEBY GIVEN that, Downey, CA "°7•1 ano THOMAS S Mot"""I Aooerr Bolind, 1110 Hunt wb1e<t to conlormahon bV "" noovt OWEN, }39 H St•t<!I. erncent Coty, onoton Street, Hunttnoton llcatn, .,1111Ueo Supo;rlor Court, on Aprol ?S, CA, whlCll r11ll•r 01t1ce is th" place or C•lolornoa tCf/9 at to·oo 11 m or l twrt•lilter w 1th1n bu\tne\s. ot tne under~1oned 1n al• mat· Tni\ l>u\int'u •\ conduttea by an 1n IPle time •llowe<I DV ,.,,., the un· ter\ perte•n•"9 to s1110 estate Sutn dovodu•I. ot rsigneo as (.on!>l'rvator or Ille e51ate cla•m\ w1111 t"" netes..,rv •ouclwf\ Mokr Bolano or MAAIE E YOUAAT. Conw-rv<11ee. mu\t be 1111!<1 or pre..,nteo 6s atort \d•O Tnos il•ttmenl "'"~ 111eo wotn Ille w111 ull •• pr1vill~ s•le 10 tho n1011e1or wlll'l•n to~r month\ alter the '"" Counlf Cle•k or Or•nge County on •nd bt•I net b•OCH>r on the term• ano publ•tahonof 1111s no11ce Aprol 12, IY19 l'llJMS l'ubllsnto Or""O(" Coa \I Od•lv P1101, Apr 15, 12, 1' •nd May •• l~lt IO• 19 cono111on• P1ete1n1111er Mention~. all Oaled Marcll 18 1979 nQnt, ltlle •nd 1nter~\I 01 MARIE E. Eva Oan•ehon VOUART ak• MAAIE I( VOUAAT, AOM•n1>tr.>tn < dka MARIE E l(A t..TH OFF •• ,. oltlle e\laleol MRS J E YOUARf. ConM!rvalte, al ohaodcle<e<Jt-nl Ill• tome ol IPlt appotntment or Lin s OUANES.STAOH HOlhnQer •> lier Conwrvator. •"O •II 1201 E. '"'rd St. roQnt. toll• •n<J •nterest that '"' con s .. 11. 202 ~rv•tor\lllD estate 1><1" •<quireo on ao O•w11ey. CA tOt•t 01tion to llWI 01 Ille Con'lt'rvdltt •I Ille ..... THOMAS s OWEN l i m e Of •PPOl n tment 0 1 Pl ~r SnH.S1'"4 Conserv•lor •n Ille re.ol properlv Cresc~C.ty,CA 1ou1eo 1n tr.e County 01 OranQt', Sl•lt Altornen '"" Actml"Oltutroa OI C•hlOrllla, ~·•bed •s IOllOW\ Publlsllecl O<•n<ie Coonl D;rny Piiot t..01 •on °' Of 8 100 II ol fr.Cl 811 u ll, Apr 1. 1" 11, 19/9 11 .. 79 1n the C•h ol S.n Clemente as'"'' mao tllereor r«O<'Oecl on Book No 1\ .ol Paou 21 10 l& 1nt1u\l•t 01 Ml\ tell•neous Mall>, lt11<oro• Of O••"O<' P UBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS •USINEU NAME STATEMENT Jiit 1ollowln9 "''°"• are OolnQ D\l,tntS\U IN TO DETAIL, 119SS S-yp•rk Ctr Cle, Su•W A, Irvine, C.•tlfornl• '71U Horten11a J. Gontalet Ill E Bat-BlvO • Bal-. C<tllforn .. • 92.,. t Denise E NotnQ!t, 111''l E Ocon lr')lnt, B•lno., C<tlilornl• .,.,., Tiiis b<l'inen Is conducteo bv • 99ner•I par\nt~tp. Oel'IW E. Nt!IQlt "CTITIOUS •VSIN•SS NAMI STATEMENT Tne fOll0..1"9 pef$0n Is OOln9 b<ISI· nes\ .,. I TM ENT ERPRISES. 21311 Broo•hurSI # 12•. HuntinQIOn BHCll, CA 92 ... Barry Tlloma \ Moore , 21Jl2 BrOG!lllursl :: 72t, Hunlinoton Buell, CA tJM6 Thi\ business is conctucteO 01 an •n· Olvldu•I. 8.rry T Moore This ,,.,_, was flied w1111 111e Count'f Cltrl< of Or•t>Qe Count., on M•r<ll n , 1tT9. Ftltm Publls-o...-oe Coast Oally PtlOI Mar is. Apr. I, •• IS. 1979 11'1·7' PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMIE STATEMENT flle lollowono per'IOr\ •s <IOtnQ busi ntt)\ .t\ THE PIPE SVRGEON PLUMB ING, 2881 8r.sto1 St , Alpt. :: •O•, Cost• Mew. CA 'IZ..11> AonalO E. Brown, 2881 BrtSIOI St .• API :: •O... CMI• Mesa, CA '!1&26 r tus bu\tneu rs con<Ncte<J t>y •n ..,. C11v1du•t. Aonakl E Brown Tn1s stalemef'lt was 111ec1 with 11141 C.ounty Clerk ol OranQe Coun1y on Mdrth 28. 191' Fllt .. I PuOll\lwcl OrdnQC Coas1 Oaoly Pilot, April I, 8. U, 2?. 1919 1114·19 -----------PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •VSIHESS NAME STATEMENT f P'lt toUOWtnQ person IS doing OU!tl ne\s •s P R ENTEAPAtSE. t•U lllo,.1 Cor • F ountaon II <1llev, CA '2 roe Aon.110 A Wll\On, 'Mil 1(1w1 Ctr . Fountain 11.illey CA 'nlOll Tn1\ bv\•M'\i ·~ condu< tt"d by an 1n thv•dua1 AonalO A Wol\On Th1i. \t•tHnrnC was f11~ w 1tn tnt Counr., Cler\ of Or•noe Coun1v on M•rCPI I, 19/t. F11Gnl Publosneo ()r.,ni;ie CO.'I D••IV Pilot. Apr II I. I , I\, 11, ltlt C.ountv Tnos prop!!rty •S commonly 'no•n .,, l l• W G•voota "'Vl'nue. S•~ Clemente, C..lllorn111 TM d\\t,.$0r\ puce1 number 01 ""' properly I\ A·TlON NOTICE 'rOCAEOITOllS He. A·tt0S1 SUPEftlOll co u•T OF '(HE ST ATE OF CALIFOAHIA FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TPllS statement w•' 111.0 wllPI 1Plt County Otrk 01 Oren99 Countv on - Marth 20, tt1' -------~---~- PUBLIC NOTICE ,. ,,.11 OSt· 21 Hit Publls...., 0r•"911 CO.SI O•lly P1101, • ---------l'ICTl'rlOUS •USINIESS NAME STATEMENT Tne sale is \ubltK I to curr•nl ••••'· (.Ovtnanti, c.ond1HonSc, re~lr 1tt1on,. rt •tr••'111ons. rlQllh , rlOll" of w•v •n<J ••'9ments of record. 4ny ~ncum !>ranees of r11<ord to be,sal"lord out 01 Ille purellai.e proce Tiie proPtrty IS to be \OIO on an " is" b;uls. ucepl ;n to lllle. Bids or offers •rl' fnvlleO 1or tnos property and mu\I be In wrolln11 ancl will be received at the olllces or WISE & N ELSON, atlorn1 ys for Ille Conservator, P.O. eox 21qo, Lon9 • Bue ll. C:•lllor111a 90801. or. •OO Ocean9ate, Suite IJIO, LonQ Beecll, Ct lilornl• 90802, or may be recelnd by A1c11ard H. Kuntemeler, 1Sln Tor reno, MIS~ Vle10. C..lllornle t2•1S. or may be 1119<1 wolll Ill« clerk of the Ora1>9e County Su~rlor Court, or oe hYtrtO 10 eny ~ the above addrH~\, personally, •t any ltMfl alter l1rst publica tion Of tll•s nolltt encl 1>elor• makln9 w id wte TM P'-rlY Wiii be $010 on Ille 1011owlno tttms C•sll or _, casll and part cr.011. Ille terms ol well creclll to be accepl• t>lt to Ille unMrslQnto al\d to Ille Or•nve c.-•• Sur>eroor Court, ttn percent 110 " ~ • • •mount bid to ec tompan•· l'I• o•ttr by ctrtllleo Clle<k, and the t>.ll~t to be pa10 w1tPlln 1111r In the Matter 01111 .. Esl•le ol ANITA COCl(SHUTT, O;>ceaseo NOTICE IS HEllE~v Gii/EN lo c.r•dltors having cta1m • .iq111n~t tl\t M•r 2S And Apr 1, 8, IS, 19/t 110.-/9 PUBLIC NOTICE \alO Otce<Jenl to Ille ..i10 Claims In'"" FICTITIOVS l ll"NESS olflce ol Ille cler~ of Ille dloresaod . NAME STATl!MEHT court or to present ll>t!m lo the un· Tiie lollowono persont Me 001n9 oerslQ"90 at 1111! oftoce of JEFFREY bu>ineuas: L. MILi.ER, VOEGELIN t. BARTON, 0AY8REAKS, n :M llosta Huerta, •06 Soutll Ol•w St., 18111 Floor, In lhe Newpvrl Beacll, C•lllornl• '1CICIO City of Los An<Jtles. In Los An991e\ Marl Joanna AOClll«llm , 1l:M V1st1 County, Wh•Cll lalter olllce Is Ille Pie<• Huerta Newport BHth Calllorn1• of business of the unders111neo 1n dll NeCtrn !! AOOll~•m. 1Jl• v.st6 m ailers pertalnlno lo woo e>tate. Suen Huorta, NewPorl Bt al ll, (allforn1• c1•1ms w1111 the necuwry voucllers "2...0 • must be llle<lor presented as •loruaiO Tiiis business '' tOnOucled by a within lour month\ •lier Ille llrsl oeneral o.rtnenhlP. publlc•honot th1sno11ce Merl Joanf\a AOd"tom Oateo Marcll 18, 191' Tiiis slat-I wn 111.0 wflll Ille Rlc.tiARO OUAAN Count., Clerk ol Oranoe Coun1y on Admtn1llrator 01 tne AJ)rll 2, tt7'. Ell•leot ~·O JACKSON a ICIDOlft CM<eoro"' A"er,..y1 et Uw J EFFY L.MILLE'l l'Mf1_,,_ Atl°""'Y.,.H . .aw Wtlll ,..,.... .......,.. VOl!OELIN & BA ATON ... lilt_,.,, Ot11ter Orove ... So11tll Ohvt Sl., "'"" NewllOrt 9-C"· CA n ... Lts Antetes, CA 9111114 Tel: Ulll UW141 Publlshed 0.-Coast Daily Pilot Mar. ll, /4lK.1 •... 21. lt79 IUH9 PUBLIC NOTICE FIU .. 2 Publls-Or.w19'1 CO.st D•llf Pilot, April a, IS, t2, 2', ltrt 13'1·1' ly UO I Cleys ot contlr,,,.tlon Of HI' Dy ------------PUBLIC NOTICE Ille SuperiOI Court Ae.tl proPtrly tu NOTICE TO C•EDITORS u. rents, 11-..n ... , -at1"9 ano tn411n Sll~1E•10• COU•T 0' THE ltl'lance ••--·II In\', premiums or STA'rl:Ol'CALIFOIUUA ,0. u1111no 1nsur .. nce Kteplable to tr.e TH• COUNTY OF OAANGE pur<llHtt, !Niii be pror•tecl H ot Ille NO. A·tflOt date ol conllrmetlOll ol Wit. EH min•· Esl•I• ol MAU OE A. HILTON, lion ol tllle and Ille title lnsuren<t 0.CH M<I. NOTICE 'rOC•IOITO•S SVP•IUOlt COllll'r Of THI. ST A Tl 01' CALIFOttNIA l'O• THIE COUNTY O' O•ANOI NO.A•"2tt Ella le ol EVEI.. YN S A IC TON STAAl(EY, OtcHWd. NOTICE 1$ HEAEBY OlllEN to Ille creditors 01 Ille eoove nameo de<edent TPle lollowlnQ perlOns tret dolno ous1nes!I as: CVS TOM BAG COMPANY. 11S W 11th Street, No. l&J. Costa Meu. Ct lllornl• 92626 Jonn Bryceland. 10 11 Aevert Road. Westminster, California t2.,3 Kellll E. Sonnenberg, 1011 ltevere Ao•d, WtslMlnsler. c.a111orn1• t2MJ3 Tiii\ business is conoucttd bY a lomlled P<¥'\ne~tp. Jol\n Bryc,elAl\d This 1tttemen1 w•s lileo w11n 11141 Counly Clerk ol OranQe County on March lt. 197'1 • '""'t Publlll'tecl 0.""91 CO.sl OallY P1lol. Apr I, I, IS, 22, 1979 1139·1' PUBLIC NOTICE l'tC'rl'rtOUS •U51NISS NAMa STATU•5NT I Pie IOll-1119 Ptr50'1S ••• dolnQ !luslMIS ff! PACIFIC WOOD DESIGNS, 21121 Somll<H, Mosslon 'tl .. lo. C•. 91''7 Terence Henley &ens. 1m1 L• VIH , Lll9UN N19Uel, (4. 92•11 Al _.,, 11122 5ombras, M1u 10n Viejo. Ca. '1m Tllh lluslMss 11 conoucted l>y • 99ner•I pat1ntfthlp. T.H.e.tts Tiiis 1tat-nt was lllt<l wlllt Ille County Clerll ot Ou1t>Qe County on lloUr<1122, 191'. 1'11ttft Publl,_ Ortt>Qe Coast O•lly Pllol Mar. u . Apr. I, •• IS. 19/t "'°"" POiiey In Ille amount or tllt purclleM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lo l'1e price sllall be •I Ill• upen1t of Ille crtdltors or Ille above nameel deceoent conYrvelorsltlp esta1'. T"4t rec:ordlllQ tlltt all IMH'50ftS llavlng claims aoal/l\I ot COllV•Yant• '" Ind tr•nster laxes tllt seld Ot<eMnt •r• requireo to Ille slltll llt at Ill• e1tpt nu ol Ille them, wllll tht necessary vouchers, In 1111rc11awr or purchawn. EKrow '"•· lllt Ofllct Of the clerk ot tlle •bove tn· II •"Y• allell be al tlle taptftM of tl1t 1111.0 collrt, or to present thtm, wltll IMH'WMrorpurcl\etln. tll• Mceswiry voucl'lers, lo IM un· 11\el all perM>M llavlno clalm' aQ411n" ----------- Tiie Yftdenl9ntd rtMNes tl'le rlQllt dersl9 neo at 610 Newport c1lflet lo rtlec:t .,_. lftd •II bkb IM'lor to e11tr, Or Ive, Su•I• ISlO, N•wf>Or1 aea<ll, ot •11 orwc1111flrmlno lhl wit. C.lllornl•, wt>ldt Is tllt place ol b<lsl· OATEO: AP'll S, 191'. MU Of the undefSIOMCI In •II mailers LIN$. ~LINGE•, "'1•1nlne to "" estate Of Mid dt<e· 11\t w lo CIKtcl ent •rt reciulrtd 10 lilt tllem, wlll'I Ille neceU<tf''f voucners. In PUBLIC NOTICE Ille olllct Of the <ltfk of lllt ebOvt tn• ----------l'ICTITIOUS •USINISS NAMI STATl!.Ml!.NT Tiie fotlOWlllQ Ptf'SGn I\ do11>9 butl• Mu as· PACIFIC COAST TYPESETTING IS4t Ao.ins A-. COst• Mfta, CA U•l• . . . HUD Hit on Discrindnation luue WASIUNGTON <AP) -A study says the recteral sovemment haJ railed to ellmJnate housing diacrimination ror three reasons: the law has no teeth; the aaenelea char1ed with enforcement bave too little money, and the Job they have done 11 l~adequate. "Houalna dlacrlmlnatlon remains widespread ln this country," the U.S. Civil Rights Commission Hid ln a 235·P•ae report that ra1ned its heaviest blow1 on the Department or Housing and Urban Development. ••When HUD rinds discrimination and at· tempts to conciUate a resolution. the department is auccessM only about hall the time." the study ea ya. . departments. other rederal •aenciea witb r~ housing responaibilitlea have alto been lDeftecJ1ve tn carrying out their duties." The report crltlci1ed HUD and JU1tJce for not strenuously seeking more money for enforcement. "Even when all other ralr houllnl procrama and agencies are included, the federal fair houalnl budget ii only $17.4 mllllon," the study said. "Com,artng this figure with the more tbu $300 million which tbe government currently spends on the enforcement or equal employment laws. It ls clear that the government bu given 'A very low priority to the enforcement of rair houa· ing programs ... THE STUDY POINTED TO the Veterans Ad· "IF RESPONDENTS DO not agree to HUD's minis tration as doing a poor job of handling com· proposals in conciliation. the probability or further plaints and said "there is considerable evidence action ls low: only 10 percent or the cases HUD that minorities applying for loans rrom VA do not cannot conciliate are referred to the Department receive as ravorable treatment as non-minorities." of Justice and few or those cases are pursued.·· The Justice Department came in for some The commission said neither HUD nor J ustice. praise. however. after 10 years of experience with fair housing laws. Its housing and credit section "has consistent· has devised a satisfactory s trategy for combating ly been successful in its efforts to obtain relier in discrimination. fair housing cases." the report said. •·Jn the entire "Their programs are largely complaint· course of its existence, the section has lost, on the oriented and ad hoc. despite the fact that few vie· merits, only two cases ... tims of housing discrimination file complaints or "As the sole federal entity specirically as· are even aware that the ir rights have been violat-signed fair hous ing enforce ment responsibility, thf ed." the study said. section needs to be able lo bring considerably And it added that in the absence of a strong ex· more litigation than the slightly more than 300 ample of enforcement and guidance from the two cases it has brought to date." ----~---.......;-'--'~~~~~~~~...-~~~~~- 'Hospitality' Home Feature Separation of .. hospitality .. and privacy areas is reatured al The Madison. one of fou r s ingle· family attached residences orrered by Broadmoor Homes at Turtle Hock in l n •ine Deck areas and a balconied hall way overlook· ing the two·story entry below are highlights of the .. hospitality'· wing . A huge li\'ing room-dining area with fireplace and vauJted eeilings. wa llt'<l in glass and opening ---------------------to a full width deck a re highlighted A SLOPED-CEILING family room with wet bar and nook is open to the contemporary kitchen a nd to the second deck area. A sleeping wing featuring two secondary bedrooms and bath and a sloped-ceiling master suite with walk-in closet. compartmentalized dressing roomtbath and sliding glass doors lo a •private patio area are located to the rear of the hom es. The tWO·Story Madison model orrers 2,275· square.feet of living area. while Vi sta homes are available in split·level and tri-level designs with from 1.860 to 2,855-square-feet or living space. HOMES WITH TWO bedrooms and den to four bedrooms are priced from $160.900 to $198.900. and Include custom a ppointments. Design ele m ents are skylights and entry ·royers : formal dining rooms. master suites and li ving rooms. vaulted ceilings in some plans and an "abundance .. of glass. Kitchens have built-in electric appliances 1n· eluding microwave oven and trash compactor and feat ure nooks. built-in pantry and lu minous ceil· ings. FOCUSING ON A ftve-acrc public park. the 165-home Broadmoor development offers tennis courts. swimming pool. spa and cabana A homeowners association provides maintenance of common areas and facilities, home roofs and ex· teriors walls. Turtle Rock Vista is reached by taking the San Diego Freeway south to Culver Drive in Irvine. then right on Cul ver, left on Campus. left on Turtle Rock Drive and left again at lfillgate. Model homes and sales office are open daily from 10 a.m to 6 p.m. Let House Cut Tax Bill Your ho me ,,huuld bt:-. b~R 1de~ >o ur nest or dreams an mrome ta't l.J\ er Fr11m the moment you take tttle to the day ~ou tum over the key to the ne x t tnhab1t unti.. )OU .ir<.' <.'ndo\\ NI \\ ll h <rp pnr111n1111•, 10 min1m11c >our Id\ h tll \\ h1 h· \fill 0 \\0 tht' h ome. ~nur l \111 maJo r .1nnu.il d l·d utllOrh .ire property tJiw ::. J nd the mtl'r<•st on tht• m o rtJHJJ.!e . Tht"•C can tw en ns 1dt.'rJ blC' dC'dvc-llon' l\rep m mind tha t 11 tlol·~n I maltt•r '' ht•thcr .\\>U pa) p ro1)t?rt.\ IJl<t'"> dtrt·ttl~ or throu.L!h .tn t'M' l"O\\ J l0l'OUOI hdd h\ thl· ha nJ.. In l'llht•r <·ai-l: ~OU d t•dlll'f lhl' 'lllll Jl tuall~ paid lo l ht: l11l·<il t<l\111,g .iuthont~ \bo. U'lllJ.! p;irt nl ~our ho m e r o ~ b "~in es s pur poses ~onstitutes • deduction for th* portion or the homo expenses u se d ror the bu.~incss. It 1s based on the square loolai.te or s pace used ror huc;1nt'SS llo w e ,·e r . it m u'>t ht· u~t'd cxclus 1vl'ly for bu,mess Whalevt>r 11our r eal estate needs.· call us. We have all the tools anli expertis e to ha n dle your r eal est a te transaction s IO<'ally . Plus we offe r the umque advantages or the n atio.n ·Wi d e ERA netW.Ork ... adva ntages that cost you nothing extra . Give u s a call today . We're he re to he lp ' EH •\ Shorl'rf'l'!il Healtv i 7 Ml X46·5S73 . 121:1 I 592·Zi47 . Yovr last opportunity to o w n a to wnhouse under S t00.000 1n the West Coast's mos t exciting develop· ment . Hun11ng1on Harbor! You are on lee land •• 111s1 a dash a w ay trom ocean. marinas. social gathe11ngs •. a great place for the young and the young·at· heart' Ouahly is supreme In these 2· t>Bdroom homes that leat111e walk-in closets. fireplace. gourmet kitchen. patto. your own garage a cross the patio . 2 112 ba1hs. dining area and many thOughtlul touches c-r..-Of tM Cltllt, wllNn i-montltl •lier Ille lirst "-"""' llld Et41t1 of .. le et loft Of tllls notice. MARIL E. YOVA•T.aU OlledAtlrll 10, 1'1' MARIE I(. YOUAltT •• u . Fr~es H. ~Mlll•n 1111.0 '°""• or to prei.ent 111em, wltll Ille nectn•ry 11oucl'lers. to the un· derMllMCI et STEPHEN C. JONU , .. 10 81rtll No. JOO, N-port Bee<,., C.lllorl'll• ftt60, wt>lcll " Ille pie<• Of llllilMSI Of'"' UllderSIOMd ,,, •II mal• 1er1 per1ellll,. to tllt ell•tt 01 Mid -ctdent, wlt11'1'1 four montl'IS •fl•r tile 11"1 publk allon of'"" notl<• Oeltcl Mlr<ll 1t, 1t1t Mar\ L•wnnte WWQt-tll. ~ 1 Monrovia Avtnvt, Co,I• Mu a. C:A .,.,, EnJoy the good llfe .... twlmmlng pool , club houae, m•m· bef1hlp 09tlon1 In Huntington Herb« t•cllltl .. ... but you bettef •cl ft11 ... MA!tlE I(. JCALTHOFP',ake Eaecutwot Ille Wiii 01 MltS. J.E. YOUAll'r 1111-l\llMd ~ WIH &M•UON JOtlN 4'.DVNCAN .. oc ............ ,,,. ............ ~°""·· .......... ca.._ ..... , .. 'r .. : 11111-.i ~ ...... CallMntle tl ... ......,.._c:..rw_, TOl:'*lla u• a. flOUt ... • • ...,..., ... _..., ........... 0r ... CMM 0.Uy PllOI Pwllll-°'.,.,. C..sl 0.llY PllOI, •• H,IS,Jl,tf1' l•U.1' AIW IJ,tt,ltllldMey•,ttlt 14jlolt Otis P.ul Sttr\ey f.M<utor of lllt Wiii 01 , ...... ..-Oe<-tlt ST•PM•N C. JONH fffe•ll'dl .... M Ne...-. 9Ndl. ~ ,, ... 'rel:,,.._ AttwlltY lw """"-' Pulllll...., °'""" C:0.14 Dally PllOI, A'"'" '· •. is. "" un.tt Tiiis buSlnttl ii COl'OUCled by •n '" C11•10ua1 IMrk L. ~wor1h fP11S Slelemtl'lt was ltle<J Wiii\ I ... County Cler\ of Or•n~ C.ovnly Oii M•rtnU, 1'19 ,,,..., Pul>hlll9d 0rMl9t Coest Delly PllOI Apfll I, t, IS, 22, tt1' • SHAFFER DEVELOPMENT 714 I 846-5988 or 714 I 8tM44J • . .. . . ... -..... . 8J• 0AA. Y PILOT 9undav. Apfll 1a. 1911 ..... ,.. ,.HM MW.. Uie ~Nar)' a&ep1' f1!11~I•1ta1a.c 1 M•e lilere. I llavt et .. idea, b9t I aa toafued. A brW-f ..... a.e-.elpl-.i ........ 8 .J., ~ck Valley Thero is a definite proce involvl'd an lht• Frebue or the Ull1 of rt'al tate. It as ~ t to tD&Jow a l,)("tlf1<' proet'dur Avoid 1hortcuu and a\'01d lM m1shtkc or a .. urning that \'crythin& v.-111 J>c th WU )'OU lhOUfilhl It ~hould 00 Tht> gr em<'nl rntcrcd lnto bet1111 n the buycr and t•lkr whirh clc,rr1b<> the> terJll~ of th1· purrhui;c.' 111 t·~1llt•tl the purrhui.c aJ(~t'nt or de• po'lt rt't'l.'•Pl Thai, ltJ:rt-t•mt•nl hou)d Ix! lft wr1tln.c to prott><'t th1• buy1•r und .,ellcr lk>th part1 mu•• a~f~C to .tll lhl.l t\!rmb nll <'Md1t1ons o( tht• <'Oil }J"ftrt bc.•for\.' 1l will b1•tomc b1nd1n~ • Your n ·;d 1.•i.t.ill' .igl·nt will handle du cc•t n\.'a,tOU~1t111n' on ~our beh.alf Thf' u.it'nl "'tH prest•nt 'cnu· ufr1•r to th1• ,,,11,•r Thi• wt11~r v.-111 tht•n c.·1lhl:.'1 ,u•rt.:pl. rt'Jl't'l. or 111ltkt• U l'OUntrr orfor i\ {'()Ufikl orfrr ll> lllt'r\'h' 41 IWW Ofrl·r On d1rf,•renl term' 11n:.1d1• bv tht• M.•ikr Thi:. vroct'' wtll conlmue unUI yuu JNI th-.· i.cll,•r n •uth uo 011n.'t.'mcn1 Or until om· tif vou <h'l'ldt•s to :.top thl' n1·wot111t1011:1 t•· YOll ARE bu) 1n.: on )our O\\O. lhu pr0t•t•i-s is v11 tually lht.• i.utrw ;ic1·1•pl thul you 111·.:oUa lt• d1reelly \\tth tht• M•llt-r ' Es04X'hlll ). "ht•n ou 1 eprescnl )Ourst-lf. 1l ti. wise tu eo~ult Jn uuornl')' before you ent..-r 1nlo an ugN>cmcnL to buy •• houi.l' ,\u utturney \\ 111 act you and assist you In the preparation of the menti> and will include> term and condllloni. . Sal)' to best protect )our antcre ls The! pWthasc nijrccml'll\ to buy a houso s hould w;..-~~ .., lhut uny deposit or down p.ymenl h. .... . ... . -··- A \lieee ol the Drlak \rborlakc II, a water-oriented community in Irvine's Woodbridge. is in its final phase of construction. according to a spokesman for McLain Development Co .. builder. Two and lhn• '-bedroom condominiums ar~ .. . ..... -........... ---···~· -. - priced from Sl24.500. To visit the develop· m ent take the !:iirnta Ana Freeway to Culver Drive. go west to Wurncr and turn left to the models at 65 Lakeview ' REAL ESTATE Single-family Home Prices Hit Record j The median price or a single·famll)' dwelllq ln California topped $75.000 ror lhe fint ttme ln Jebruary tn rising lo a new record hi1h of 111.511. the California Association of Realton reported. The February median was more than $2,000 above the previous record high or $73,493 reported in January. The median price level varied widely within th e stale, from SSl,738 in Northern California to $121.901 in the Lower Desert area. The largest one· month increase in the median price ln recent memory was reported by the Lower Desert reaion. 16.9 percent. Much or this increase reflects a rising proportion or larger homes sales in the Palm Springs area, according to the report released last week. ··TWO f 'ACTS ATTt;sT lo the streneth or the real estate market tn California as a result of Febru1Jry·s performance ... s aid Clark E. Wallac:t?. or Moraga, CAR president. "Bo~ the median price level and the volume of sales a re up . ·'The 5tall'·Wide median price rose by more than $9.200 13.9 percent in a year's time, and s ales volume in 1-'ebruary was up 6.4 percent over the previous month and 6.3 percent over sales ac- tivity in February. 197H ... The CAR Research and Economics Depart· ment reported 12.626 singlc ·family-dwelling re· sales among iti. 52-board sample in February. .. Me It\ &.be cvC'nt thol soml'lhinf( goes wrong r •hlch you have no <'Ontrol. For ~mplt'. ir bit-to <1l)loln thC' uitrt<ed upon loa.n, or a tion of tht• how.e . howi. a Sf'rioui. dl'- )'09 Id be uhll' to re•i.t•1nd and have your New Homes Sales Open .. REGIONAL VARIATIONS in activity levels were clearly evident in February." said Wallace . "The most dramatic change occurred in the San f'ranc1sco Bay Area where the number of sales was up 51 percent from the prnvious month. Ac· t 1v1ty an the San J ose and southern Alameda dis· tncti, wai. particularly strong ... y t'rl 19111 l'OU AND the i.dler sign the purchase ~-you arc cxpectl'd to make a deposit. Devonwood Two Miles From Harbor Other area:-reporting increased sales ac~ivity over January were lhf' g reater Los Angeles area. up 9 percent : Orange County~ 6 .4 pereent: northern ""wane country ... 7.7 percent : and Lower Desert. 4.3 percent. amount of the d eposit can be whatever you ~ the &ellt-r agn•e upon. ..-Mate sure you have pro\'idcd for the return of r deposit. less l'xpen~c:,, should the tran!>act1on through no fault of your own. At the sam<' time Sales of the 13-home Devonwood Es tates neigh borhood in Huntington Beach have opened a\ the other Devonwood Estates development in Fountain Valley where fully decorated models arc open daily from 10 a.m. to dusk. according to a spokesman for developer. G. F. Goeden and Co. waterline to refrl~<'rator tccmakl•r. hardwood cabinets. ceramic lllc counlcrtops. easy-care vinyl flooring, luminous ceilings, pantry and a "pass. through" window to the garden. After an extremely active fourth qualUr in 1978. the San Diego a rea reported a 40.3 percent drop in sales volume 10 February. and Northern Calirorrua posted a 38.6 percent decline. Other areas reporting slackened activity were ~e Cen· tral Valley. down 18.9 pe rcent: Riverside-San Bernardino. 14 8 percent: anti Monte rey. 10.S per· tent. you Sire prott!cllng yourself as a buyer , the llie11er needs protection. Sometime~ bu¥ers gel cold ~et or s imply change tht•1r minds. Thi>; can be ,am aging t.o the seller ; Once you a nd Lhl' :.t:ller have !>1gne<I a )Orchase agreement, you a re n ·ady to hl·g rn escrow Thts IS a &>rO<'l't.lun• lfl ~h1rh )'OU plact.• )'Our deposit mont•ys Jn<I lht• ..,l'llN pl<ict'" the· deed tn the.' keepm~ of ;i nt•utral third party call('cl an e~t.·rO\\ ,.gt•nt. You ;inti thl· ..,!.'lier ..,,·l1.·1·l lht· , . ..,r ro'' a.~ent. \\ hll·h m ay lw a t1tlt• rn .... 111·J1ll't' l'On&µan~. an CM·ro\i. c·omµan~· or :.i hank or o;;n tnl!S ancl l(lan ~ crow del)artm<>nl The Huntington Beach project -two miles from Huntington Harbour -is located on Graham Street. north of Warne r Avenue across from the ~1eadowlark golf course 1-'irs t move-ins are an- ticipated for early August. To reach the Devonwood Estates model com- plex of 9899 Moon River Circle in Fountain Valley. take the San Diego Freeway to Brookhursl Street. travel south on Brookhurst to Garfield Avenue. west on Garfield ont• block lo Cimarron Street. turn right and follow thl· signs . Information. 962·9969. Pnced from $163.950 to $214 ,950. the three to fi\'l' b<•droom homt•!-t rangC' from 2.2i2 to 3.525· squarc•-f('(.'t of li\'ing l'.pacC' and arc avuilablc in six om· or l\\O·~tory (l(lOr plan ... and W exterior dl· sig ns The homes fc•aturc· Ct'ramic tile e ntries. t•arpC'lrn~. ~unken It v1ng room!:>: 'aultcd n ·iltngl> with \\ood beams : two or three wuod·burning THE TWO OF you then ~1gn c~1·ro~ in~true ftrepluces with gas log lighters : dining rooms : tionl>. Thl.!M> documl•nts numc the (·ondtlion.., that two.and-a ·half or three bathrooms : family rooms: mu:.t be met befon· lh<' ~ale can Ix-completed. breakfast nooks : wet bars : separatc. inside laun· EDITOR'S NOTE: Randall l\'kCardle 1~ pre!:.!· dry rooms: walk·in clo!>ets and maste r bedroom , .. m n1111111\ ,,,.,""·"", dent or thl' lk ::il Estaler..,. ht· is elso an a uthor. let· suites. • .• 11 ltt \ .. , ' tun•r .md 1m.truC"lllr Sl•nd your commcntl> and Kitchens ha ve continuous·clcaning double •·•:: 1:1:i1 quc .... t10~ to Handy ~lc·C~a~r=d=le~.~1·~<~>~J=k=1x~l=~=J:·~~o~,~~~n~w~i~~~m~i~cr~o~w~·a~v~e~.~fi~v~e~-b~u~m~e~r~g~a~s~c~oo~k~to~p~.~~~~·~1~11~i~l~41~§~11~~~~ ('osw 1\fo:-.;.i. California 92ti!fi. dishwasher. garbagl' disposer. trash compactor. Seminar Scl1eduled AtOCC "Opportunilie!. for a Career m Real Estate" is the title of a four-hour seminar being offered al Orange Coast College April ~- Hours are 6·10 p.m. in f'ine Arts I tall 119. The &eminar il'> presented a s ~. part or OCC's F1ve- :itar Certificated Bus i· ~ Development Pro· '~ in Rea l Estate. -'egjstration fee is Sl5. ,,Clrets a re available in Jbt OCC Ticket Office, 1Jo.~ated ih lhl' ad- eUststraUon building, 1101 Fairview Road, ~ala Mesa. The officP ia open Monday through J'riday from 8 a .m . to 7 p.m .• Saturdays fro m 8 a .m. to noon. lnforma · tion about the seminar. ~·5880. CASH FAST H o m e.o w n e r s : Loans arranged for any reason. Credit. no problem . Borrow on your equity. Call now for courteous. fast in formation. 1714) 547-7151 AMERICAN Morf9age Co. YOUR DAILY PILOT CAN HRECYCLEDI Orange Coast College operates the official center for Cos t a Mesa. Ocean privag;and ~ene~ peace of mind. Stan wi1h Jasmine Creek, certainly one of the choice 1ocut1on~ in Newport Beach. Add a 24-hour uttendcd gatc·hou<>e. Now imagin e onc-\tory. two. Mory. anti sphl·lcvcl, i.ingle·fom ily attached home:.. all of them architl'CturJI gems loaded with d1llt&nctive features. Then the Clubho11-.c ""h pool~ an1I night-lighted tennis courts. Put lhc\C elements together ;inJ ~ou have a ltk,tylc most people dream of and only ;i few rcnliLc. If you arc the l.inJ of pcrw n who demands a fine rc~idcncc in a privu tc communal). Jasmine Creek dc~cr\c' your strong con ii.leration. A /act slwet 011 /1Jc1/11i11~. i11d11d111g a.H11c111111111 assessments, Lr available. JASMINI CAii"' Jn the Village of Harbor View Homes fto111 $200,000 M. J. Brock & Sons, 1 nc. Phone ( 714) 640-4020 ~VILLAGES BY .., 1HE IRVINE CINRIWY • I Howtogeta remodelirig loan, ankl cut out the titiddleman. Deali!ig direct with California Fe<leral can save you hundreds of dollars on a loan. There's a simple, painless way to cut remodeling costs: Cut out the middle man's loan profits. Financing directly with Californ ia Federal ean save you hundreds of dollars. And our competitively low inte re t rates can mean extra savings. \Vant proof? Call us for a prompt loan com- mitment before you see your contractor. Then compare. You'll see exactly how much you save. Phone for the facts now. c~~~A~!W- GET THE FACTS. CALL NOW. Orange County: (714) 546-8510 -----,-~ -~ ..... ¢_.....__.._..:.:.. ... • • ' - • \ • lf'eaturl!!fl_._._. ______ ... _._~_, .. _~--------· IN LAGUNA BEACH ... Speetaeular Homes To Be Open For Arehiteetural Tour An Italian sink graces the master bath in the Brief home. The house, designed by Bert Tarayao, is perched on the bluffs of South Laguna. The master bath is glass- roofed. Five Laauna Beub homes de· 1i1nt.'d by Orange Coast architects will be opened for lnspectlon Sunday. April 22. for the annual home tour s ponsored by the Orange County cha pters of lhe American Institute of Architects 1AIA> und the Women's Architectural Leugue Tour hours arc noon to 5 p m Tickets art> available rrom the AIA ofhce, 4000 Westerly Place. Suite 205, ewport Beach . Proceed s w i II b e u sed for ~cholarships for architectural s tu· dents and awards for a n annual high school design competition. The homes and architects on the tour are: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kalatsky, a hill11ide residence overlooking the ocean. designed by Harrison and Lorenzini, AIA : Mr. and Mrs. Barry Brief. a bluff house in South Laguna, 8l'rl Tarayao. AIA. Also. Vernon Spita leri, Emerald Bay. designed by Jack Cressman. i\ I A: Dr. PctC'r Kcrkhovc. Victoria Be ach. a n extensive remodel by Morris Skenderian. AIA . and the Bill Bas tajian family, a r ough-hewn cedar home by Arthur Danielian. AIA . u Daily Pilot Photos by Richard Koehler Posing in the living room of her home Is Mrs. Barry Brief with American Institute of Architects President Robert Thomas. I 711e on-site recreation srea at the Brief home in- cluc;Jes. a sauna anc;J pool along with a tennis court which is located ad1acent to the highway and acts as a sound buffer. A multiplicity of views in the soaring 4, 050-square- foot Brief home is facilitated by splitting the levels so ' that one area can sight over another to the sea. View here is from steps on the bluff. Who Are Lonely Guys? Who are the Lonely Guys? They tend to be a little bald and look as if they have been badly shaken up in a bus accident. Cartoonist Jules Feiner obviously had "Lonely Guy" s tamped on his forehead in the cradle. Buck Henry. Guys like lhat. But it gets tricky. Woody Allen is doubtful. We're not talking sby here. Warren Beatty get.s you mixed up because of all his dating. He may be a secret Lonely Guy. Why else would he bav~ made "Shampoo," which winds up with him on a hill. albeit a Beverly Hill, puzzling over the folly or the human condition? Jack Nicholson's too quirky. Except for Truman. all presidents are Lonely Guys since they have to go off regularly and make decisions that affect the hearts and minds or Americans ror 1eneratlons to come. They usually do that alter lunch. One blooper and that's it ror an entire generation to come. All of which makes for a tense Oval omce Lonely Guy. Women can be Lonely Guys, too. t·emaJe stand-up comics, ror example. Alto .women who are sensitive but are trapped lmide lovely faces and bodies. Jacqueline Onaaala may be a Lonely Guy. On nl1hts when she has been escorted to lhe ballet by the wron1 Iranian. Kierke1aard was probably the first Modern Day Lone· ty Guy, atthou1h he may have disquallfied himself when be came up with faith. • Howard Hu1be1 went over the line when he let those rin1ernalls grow. Right fielders are Lonely Guys. So are free safeties. doormen and large do1s. <See WHOT, Pa .. 812) 'What Do You Do?' We all derive much or our self.esteem from our occupation. All or us like lo reel that what we do is important and we are. or Ideally a re. proud of the end product we help to deliver -whether it be a bacon and avocado sandwich or a newspaper . We define ourselves and others so much Claergl Ro•o by our occupation that when we go to social gatherings, the first question raised after meeting someone new ls: "What do you do?" As an lllustration. have you ever been to a party where someone replies be collects unemployment? People physically back away. Most of us have a lso proirammed • ourselves to think some occupations are more Important tha n others and sometimes they are. The president ot the n1ted States cer· tainly does have more impact on more lives lhan the bread dclivt!ryman or trash collector in Costa Mes a . but it doesn't mean we should treat either of the latter with less dignity or respect as human be· in'll\· Last Sunday night I was al a gathering with an obnoxi ous woma n and he r husband. This woman manages several clothing stores and has apparently been str iving for and has finally achieved what she considers to be the pinnacle or success. She and her husband recently purchased a large h ome I n an expens ive neighborhood which she feels is ber ticket and introduction Into what abe considers to be an elite social strata. Her new status 10 life, she boasted, makes It impossible ror her to ''h ve without" an English nanny for the children and a .. little Mexican maid" to do the housework. Mrs . Obnoxious, though failing to men· lion her parents own the s tores she manages and lhat he r husband works long hours to make his own business successful. recounted a tale of how she started as a lowly salesclerk and rose to the top. ..By God." she said triumphantly ... I m ade it on my own and anyone who can't make it. I have absolute ly no sympathy for:· Expressing her contempt ror those she now considers beneath her. she talked about the "u lesgirls " who work in her stores for minimum wage. "It's all they're worth." she said smugly. It may seem as though I'm being a little harsh on Mrs. Obnoxious . But I don't think she's \hat uncommon or an example of someone l06t ln labels who DOW plac4'8 more emphasis on outward social 1landlng and materiality than on human value. True. we may be what we do and we all want to believe the old Horatio Aller story that Ir we work really hard and do our best. we'll rise to the top. And we want to be paid ralrly for our performance and we want to enjoy o'-r creature comforts. But maybe Mrs. Ob- noxious' idea or m aking it Isn 't everyone's. Maybe while she was making it, she lost it on the way. ___ ..,..._.... __ ·----------· -----·.--.-----:---------... -...... ,..,.,.,-..... ---:._... ....... '" __ ,. ______ ~--___ ...... _____ _ ...... ' . ---.'-'-------............ -.. I ... ••• ,-. ••• ~ ••• p,., ······"·•·········· • I • -.... -••• e ... ..,. • • ...... • -• .,..,_ -----------------• ....-~ ................ ••• DAil Y ptLOT 8undey, Apfil 15, 1'79 • Lonely Guy: Part 4 Buy A Dog Women and the Lonely; Guy I •' . ., aavca JAY f'Rll:DMA.N For the Lonely Guy who can't set alon1 With a pel'tlOI\, a dot ma1 be Jwt tbe tkket He can start wlth a doe. ~ bow lt IC*& a nd then ab1ft O\'et' to a human bf.Ina. Or hl' t-u ltop With the dol It'• up to hlm Herl\ ta~ IOIQf' or UM-~--thlus about havll\I a~ .. aitiil .... of t6e draw t>aflus • A DOG &1 aftccltonat But theft is no w-.y tu iel a grip on a doa so that ·ou fun t;h't It lea1t1mate hua You wind up hu&:iOnat at around some dl'hcuti.' rt>Pf'Oduct&vt' oraun Also. o dog Is 110\Ut'<I \n tho way 1t can l'Xprc5S urrccuon 1'ht• l.()n ly Guy who requll'ft u ''llficty of technaqllf'. will i>O()n grow W(' ry or the &iamc Old Un• 1muganatlvc lkk. nd :.nuatl • DOCi 1s l'Ub) to feed But a dog is nevt-r flni hed t'<•llna.: nything il ~ats 111 cons1d<'red an hors d'Ol'uvre U It were up to tht• dog. It would eut until it became un t.>lephunt • A DOG 1s loyal lo its muster. That Is. w~ assume that a dog is loyal to its IDa ster because or Lassie. But we don't tno\I this ror s ure. SaJ you hve in Apartment 14·H. One day, your dog accidentally wanders off th" elevator into lO·H. The fellow there gives him unlimited Gainesburcen and. tb ' c;l\nch the de1l. throws In Alpo 9Wedlsh meatball::.. which are irresisti- ble to a dog. )tis a harsh thought to contemplate. but tht! dog may decide to tie on with the gt.&y In IO·H and never Cive you another thought. . • 1 When you are dealing with a dog, tt\ere ls always the lingering suspicion that' if you 'r e both tra pped in a mine shaft for a week or so, the dog will start to eat your legs. ' • A DOG will protect you from bad people, But a dog will protect you from ~ondtri'ful people, too. It doesn't edit. 1 tr "a person of the finest moral d 1aracter shows up at your doorstep. the d6g may behave as if the caller is Ch'arl'es Manson out on a work·release program. When grcat·looking women from Tex· as show up to collect for something, the dog may chase them away, too. On the other hand. the dog may run rl~ht over and lick an embezzler. • A DOG will attract women. but not to yoll. These women are legitimately interested m the ammal. They are not using this interest as a cheap ploy to get to meet you. There 1s nothing lonelier than standing on the street with a collie that bi surrounded by adoring women. " • A DOG all ows ~ou to feel superior. Gut then most dogs have belter blood Imes than their masters Ir you step out or line. the dog WIJI g1ve you a haughty look, a reminder that its forebears y ipped along at the heels of Louis Quinze. And that you are a fellow from the South Bronx. • IF YOU own a dog, you will no longer have to sleep alone. True, but dogs are terrible sleepers. A leaf falling in the next county will have the dog leaping out or bed and howling out the window. A dog will a lways take the most comfortable part of the bed, forc- ing the owner to s leep around the dog. • A DOG will end your lqneliness. It may end your freedom. too. Once you commit lo one. you can't play with it and then hang it up in the closet like a London Fog raincoat. n ·s always there. st"l ring at you and reminding you of s< '!thing you didn't do for it. llJIT aECAllSE vov·a1: a Loaely Guy. it doe• not mean you've ••-d 1oodbye lo 16tx . Not by • '°"I 1bot. There's tOlll of it out tbere and h'1 your obll11Uon to IO oul and aeoop up 110me. You're probably mcm• interested In women than ever, the only queataon be1na how to pro· cffd wtt.h them Men and wom n ln tlk' IMte "108 don't have the 1U1htetl lnklln1 of what to do with one anoth~r. Each ex looks at the other with u baletu.I eye The •Oi1hh.•11t anture. scratching an ear, or the m t lnn()('t'nt clUt-1ttion -"How are your tomatOM'' · i. oft n m . lnterp~ted as u hoallle aet Nt•w translaloi may be net.'<lt.'<1 between~ 11:e • 01 Square One NOW THAT WOMEN ARE EQVAL. they '- re I a bit awkward uboul It and wonder if they :.hould have pu. hcd i.o hard. Men would hke to reach out und h •11> bul are afraid they will bt! &moa:shed 11 lht> h ad. Most men and women are m1serablt.' about lhlb stale or affairs Tfle bedroom nttdn't have a moat aroaod U-Just bee.use a guy Is looely. HumorlJi& Bruce Jay Friedman tickles tfle funny bone as be gives guideU11e11 oo MHll objectPJ, loglsUcs and blind al- leys. la tlals tut of a rour-part seriett ex- cerpted from tbe book .. The Lonely Guy's Book Of Life,•• Friedman says sex la serious buslaess • . • that cu be very fanny. From tbe book, .. The Looe· ly Guy's Book or Ufe" by Friedman and reprinted by permisuoo of the publisher. McGraw.fflll Book Co. Into this ~rim arena s teps you. the Lonely Guy. Whal chance do you have for success with women'! Considering your past record. you may feel the question is absurd. But is it. really? THOUGH YOU T END TO BE a bit pale and green around the gills. you stiJJ retain a bat- tered charm. You know fajlure. Rejection has been your friend. You are solidly grounded in ineptitude. Tired or being mis understood. you ·ve elected to be silent. This gives you the appearance of being a wonderful listener. These qualities will appeal to the discerning woman who does not reject you on sight. This is not to say that lovely young women will be readily available to you. There is an abundance of them. but they are not all that eusy lo get at In many cases. you will have tu content yourself with SC'CIDA them pass in re \'iew ben('nth your windowsill. or disappear into the arms of a Chtl(':tn. But you must continue to make a slab at getting !>omc. no matter how thankless a task it seem::.. lt ·s not essential that you succeed. Repeated tries will keep you in trim for that far-off day when you become A Lonely Guy No More WHAT FOLLOWS ARE GUIDELINES about women for you. the Lonely Guy, in your bid for a sliee of the romantic pie If none seems applicable. remember that the greatest mmds in his tory have f1 ::.hed m these very waters and rarely come up with a ni bble~ Fa1Dous women. Just because a woman is famous a nd successful 1s no reason to give up ••• Who <From Page 811) on her. We have all heard the stories. Candice Bergen sits home on Saturday nights. Cybill Shepherd, same thing. So when Saturday night comes around. call up Candice Bergen. The cha nces are you will catch her as she is about to go out -because all those stories are ridiculous -but at least you will have the thrill of having made contact with Candice Bergen and not hav- ing s pent a Totally Lonely Saturday night. Macia Younger Women. Don't be Intimidat- ed by Much Younger Women. Considerable non- sense has been written about th~ pitfalls of such relationships the Middle·Aged Lonely Guy and the Much Younger Lovely Young Thing. There is only one real danger younger women love to let out blood-curdling screams. leap out from behind couches and pretend their heads have been chopped off. As a fun thing. They can't, for the hfe of them. grasp why you may find this offputtmg. If you can surmount thjs one obstacle, it's full speed ahead on women many years your junior. Actresses. No one can be more charming if you have a part for them. Models. Good. when they hit age 29 and re · alize they are not going to get away with their behavior forever. Stragegy i\fler you ·n· 1.m·kctl out an ob1ccl. 1t ·s time to focus on log1sl1cs I h·n· an· somt• ideas PICKING l P WOMEN. ~fany Lonely Guy~ have reported gn •at ... ucct·ss in p1ckmg up women. Literally p1ck1ng thl·m up. right off the ground. This tat:t1c hns merit 1f 1t 1s not applied indiscriminately. It would not be wise. for ex- am pie. to race over a nd pic k up Lillian Hellman. BE YOURSELF. Learn to be yourself around women. As a Lonely Guy. you may feel 1rs a bat risky. but 11 mus t be done. nonetheless. If you read Hustler. don·t hide the latest issue in the breadbox JUSl because a woman is on tbe way. Horses are Lonely Guys unless they are the s poiled favorites of girls named Wendy in Darien, Conn. Weddmg and tmgagement announ- cements run on Sunday m the Druly 1'1/ot ,..orm~ are aoo1lable at all Daily Pilot offices or by calling the f'eatures Department .642-4321. To avoid disappomtment. prospec· twc bndes arP reminded to have their wed.dmg stones. with a black· a11d-wh1te glossy of the bride or of the couple. to the F'eatures Depart· ment one week l>efore the weddmg. All of Canada may be a Lonely Guy. .. Boat People" thought they were Lonely Guys until they got settled In suburban homes in Sacra mento. Married people are fond of saying that they are Lonel y Guys. too. But this is like marching in solidarity for Choe· taw rights, when you·re not a Choctaw. Lonely Guys lean against railings a lot and stare off in the distance with bunched·up jaw muscles. They had a bad ' lime at summer camp and are afraid t hey are going to be sent back there. even at age 40. Lonely Guys start to fill out forms with great en- thusias'm. then quickly lose heart. r1ght around the part that a sks for their mother ·s maiden name. Engagement announcements. with block·ancJ.wh1te glossy of the future bnde or tht' couple. must be received by the 1"eatures Deport- ment su weeks before the weddmg date. L.eeDS QUALIC"AFT"'SHOE STO"E& spring i shoe sale - regular 11.99 to 13.99 e rench ktgance UPTO 40% OFF 8.98 re gu lar 14.99 t o 17.99 10.98 Dest9n•f Foshlon1 ffom De9gnsby chter, Ted D tf•p•rt C.... DIM •l OI ... ''" •;:. (714)~ \ \ • regular 18.99 & up 12.98 • Select groups, all from regular stockl • Big cholceal But aizea are Incomplete! MO\t• Clo9f • V'1Q F~ ISl.N>.O • Bueno Pat Cen!• Cosio Me1Q, Souin Cocnr fbo • ~on Cem• ~ Kol\ Moll • Mdl of C>Ol1q9 OoncJe. The C..y Plolo So..ih • Wemnin••er Md! . - POM1881VBNE88. Never be pa11111ive. U a female friend lets on tbat she la aolnl out wltb another man. be kind and undentandlna. It she saya she would like to IO out with all ol tbe PtUI· burab 91.eelen, lnclucllnl the coaeblnl ltaff. the same rule applles. TeD her: "Kalb. ~uat go rilht ahead and do what you feel ts • ·• Unless you actually care for her, in wblcb case you must see to It that she bas no male contact. whatsoever. A CODE OF HONOR. Never appl'OKll a friend's airlfrlend or wlfe with mischief u your goal. There are just too many women in tbe world to justify that sort of dishonorable behavior. Unless she's really attractive. MEETING WITH MOM. Even in the New Culture. it remains true that the best way to tell how a woman is going to tum out is to meet her mom. So insist on Meeting with Mom. Your girlfriend may be the fairest nower beneath the sun, but if her mom looks Uke a utility infielder for the Montreal Expos, rest assured that your girl will eventually take on that Expo look. NEW EROGENOUS ZONES. One of the great breakthroughs in sex has been discovery of all the new erogenous zones. Once it was thought that there were only a handful. Now they are all over the place, with new ones being re~rted every day. Don 't try to go at too many all al once If you do, they'll cancel one another out. with some of the traditional old-line ones being neutralized. SURPRISES. Creativity Is fine in sex\ But try to avoid surprises. Unless you have an- nounced it far in advance. do not suddenly reach over and pour a boysenberry sundae over your partners feet. Gener~y. it is a good idea to keep sex slm- ple. If eqwpment has to be used. make sure it is bundled up in advance and kept alongside the bed. Nothing is more disturbing than to have to call things to a halt whHe you rummage through old cartons for a Pinocchio costume. Heroism Pays Off There will be times when you may not feel terribly sexy. On those occasions, think of tbe middle linebacker who plays while in pain. The novelist who uses his gray periods to rip off bestsellers. The downcast actor who rues in from the wings. And there·s a bonus -your wailing sounds will be taken for passionate ones. An agonized teeth.gnashing grimace will slip by as a look of ecstasy. Cry out : "I can ·t take it any more ·· Your partrler will assume you're findi ng il all unbcan1hly delightful. Sex 1s too important to be sloughed off Never before has so mut h of 1l bt:cn available to so many. inclutl1ng the un<k:.ervang in 200 yea~ there hasn't been ONE innovation in the PIANO _ until NOW • EDUCATION ISOUR MIDDLE NAME - cwet 50 million Brimhall muJIC books attest to the success of the "John Brimhall Easy Popular Keyboerd'" methods taught exclusively et mese centers. 15 t•c:hen t11c:h privttt or group instruction. Even 1n your home! 6 million people play the 8rlml'latl -Y· • PIANO AND ORGAN SALES AND RENTAL a friendly Brimhall Keyboard Counselor la music eduC11torl will help you m3ke th• ritftt c:hoic:.. We rent to purehese, rent, and offer instellment sales tb suit your budget. If it's 1 $899.00 11>inet or a $32,000.00'grand, w1·11e got ltl• riflht cMlce for you. • MUSIC BOOKS AND GIFTS Speclelliing In Brlml'ltlls one thousand publicetionJ, we also have a speclel order progrem that will find ltlet obscure title. Music In meny gift form J elto avellebla. • SERVICE Tuning, reflniltllng ind repairs hllndlocl the easy wey by • BrlrriNll Keybolrd Technlclen. WHEN YOU THlNK OF PIANOS ANO ORGANS, THE NAME lS 8 L ~~rd EduCation @nter .. , .. South~ .. ,... It lunfloww. Senta AM 171•1781-1121 t • I Mrs. Manning Simon-Goodenough Jill Goodt-nouah and Jerry Simon. both or lluntln6'lM Ut'Och. have t'~chaniccd wcddinl( vow The brtd<•. d UU1%hlcr of Mr:; BarnNt G o o d c no u Ji h of n o I b o-. .1 n d I'' ru n 1..1 1 n GOOdl'llOU)lh or llunt1ngto n Beach. gradUJll'd from Or~nge l'ou>t Coll<·~c unlt wall utlc11tl Callromla State UnJverslty, Long Bc-nch Th• bridegroom. son of Leo Simon or Chino and Mrs Hall Simon. Fullerton, gratualed from C'al Poly Pomonu und Cal Stale Fullerton Manning-Calvert A w~dmg trip to Palm Springs and Ila" nu followed the wedding of Cheryl Calvert of Co:.t ... Mesa and Dirk Manning of Manhattan Beach The couple exchanged wedding vows 1n !-,t Andr<.'WS Pre:.b) tcr1an Church. Newport Beach Tht• bride. daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Miles Ca lvl'rt of Costa Mesa. g raduated from Westche:.ter lh gh Sc·hool and Orange Coa:-l College and California State Univcr:.1ty, Long Beach She 1s a cu:.tomer s upport represen tallve for Xerox Corp. The bridegroom . son of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Manning or Honolu lu . graduated from the University of Southern California where ht.' af filiated with Kappa Sig ma fraternity lie 1::. a sales executive at Xerox. ( The couple \\Ill hve an Irvine Horoscope 1'10NOAV. APRIL 16 By SYDNEY OMARR ) ARJES I March 21·April 19): Your base or operal1ons bec·omcs more secure. You a re "in touch .. with v::irious repr esentatives. TAURUS 1 April 20·May 201: Relationships art> intensified. Nothing occurs halfway --it is a ll or nothing. Be flexible. GE~U NI 1 May 21 .June 201 . Publicity, the wav out of dilemma. aid from one close to \OU 'th<.'~l' arc features · C.\NCER 1.June 21-July 22 l. Eschew the st>n<;ation:ll : m aintain steady pace, be thorough an<.I s1>t'l'll k . . 1.EO 'July 23 ,\ui.: 221 Acct·nt on sp(•cula lion. vuriely, chan~e. 1ntensifil'cl rl'lationsh1p. rl'\. I\ al of interest in life VIRGO 1 Auit. 23-Sept. 22 l • I.and. territor>. special a gr eements. long·t<.'rm leases arc spotli$thted. LIBRA 1 Sept . 23·0ct. 221 Study Virgo message. You need no longer scatter your forces. Be selective. SCORPIO 1 Oct. 23-Nov. 21 1 Finish rather than begin strike chord of universality s trive to fulfill. to round out project SAGITTARIUS t Nov. 22-Dec. 21 l Cvclc high you'll b<' at right place at crucial 'mo· ment. CAPRICORN 1 Oec 22·J an 19). Clandestine meeting could be on agenda. AQUARIUS I Jan. 20·Fcb. Hll: Friendship. popularity. c hances for added knowledge and education are featured. P ISCES I Feb. 19 ·March 20): Study Aquar1us message. The sky is the limit. ~J after-Easier spring shoe Sale! current styles! , reg. 14.99 to 17.99 10.98 reg. 18.99 to 21 .99 12.98 reg. 22.99 & up 16.98 Just look at the savings! Selected groups of dressy and caaual styles to wear now. Wanted colors and materials but not every alie in every style. So better be early. M;uter Charge •Visa SOUTH COAST PUZA 3333 BRISTOL, CQSTA MESA , ~ Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Whitney-Cook Thl· O<><>d Time Theater at Knoll's Berry f a rm was l hl' i.etling for the wedding of Mic hael Whltnf')' of Mesa. Ariz., and Georgeen Cook or l rv1nl' Bo th are e mployed as 1wrform,•l'i\ in the theater The bride 1s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. <il·or~l' C"ook o r l rvmc and the gro6m's parents un· Mr. und Mrs . Wilham Whitney of Mesa, J\1·1z The new Mrs. Whitney graduated Crom llollywood High School and attended UCI wherl' !!he was a dance major The groom earned a bachelor of music at Ari zona Stale Un1vers1ty. Bergeron-Miller • Sarah Miller and Denis Bergeron Ill ex· c hanged wedding vows in St. Paul's Episcopal Church of New Orleans. The bride. da ughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of Balboa Island. earned her master's degree from Florida State University. The bridegroom. son or Mr. and Mrs. Denis John Bergeron of New Orleans. graduated from Lou1s1ana State University, Baton Rouge. McCalla-Washington An October wedding in Tustin Presbyterian Church has ~n c hosen for the m arriage of Erin Irene McCalla of Tustin and John Charles WashingtonJr.of NewportBeach. The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . McCalla of Tustin, graduated from Foothill High School and Westminster College and St. Mark's School or Nursing in Salt Lake City. The future bridegroom. son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Washlngton of Newport Beach. gradual· ed from Foothill High School and Calllomia Lutheran College, Thousand Oaks. P ratt-O'Toole Kathleen O 'Toole or Costa Mesa and Ed· mund "Rip" Pratt Jr. of Corona del Mar ex· changed wedding vows in the Newport Mesa Christian Center, Costa Mesa. The bride is the daughter of Patricia RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY --.. .. Mr. Schmidt, Miss Johnson Miu Mcc alla O'Toole Davis of Costa Mesa and Lawrence O'Toole of San Clemente. She is a graduate of Mater Del High School in Santa Ana a nd Southern California College In Costa Mesa where she earned a B.A. The groom is the son or Edmund and Louise Pratt of Corona del Mar. He is a graduate or Corona del Mar High School and Southern California College. Copy Crazy E,...a ··-~· I read somewhere that in 1977. copy machines throughout the world re· gur gitated 226 billion copies of everything Crom annual reports to birth announcements. It seems a n yth ing worth saying once can Improve if you produce it again and again. Al first. I thought it was a business·oriented piece of equipment. but wh e n all my friends began getting them for their homes. I realized how mucb I needed one . As I told my husband, "A borne copier would really save us a lot or money." T he first week alone I turned out copies o f every check we bad ever writte n . our Socia l Security cards, driver's licenses and warranties on all our s ma ll ap· pliances. I made 60 copies or a garage sale notice for Mayva, 35 forms to leave for the m ilkman. and an inner· utility room memo re· garding laundry left on the dryer longer than 60 days. One night my husband made his way through the pillars of white paper and said. "Aren ' l you going a little crazy with this thin g? The next thing you know you ' II go into cloning people." I looked up Cro m m y copier , which was pro· ducing instructions for a cur r e nt diet goi n g through the ne igh- borhood. YYou know, I could c ross a Dolly Parton. a Barbara Walters a nd a Carol Burnett that could make teal tube productions ob· solete!" Johnson-Schmidt Susan G. Johnson and Keith A. Schmidt ar engaged to be m arried July' 15 in St. Mark' Presbyterian Church of Newport Beach. The bride-elect, daughter of Arnold and Esther Johnson of Huntington Beach, graduated) from tountain Valley Hlgh School and Southern California College, Costa Mesa. The future bridegroom, son of Arthur a nd Marie Schmidt or Fullerton, graduated from· Sono ra High School a nd the University ot California, Berkeley. Keep Lid Up? Ana Landers DEAR ANN LANDERS: I remember only loo well the lnterna· tional controve rsy that resulted whe n you print· ed various views on whether lhe toilet tissue should go over the roll or straight down. next to t he walls. I certainl y don 't want lo s tart a nything like that again . But -I do h ave a s imilar problem that bas bothered m e for years. Please te ll me w hat ""8 tfWlk. Should the Ud or the toilet be left up or dow Please ~ I'm not r ferrlng to the toUet sea . it's the LID l ~m talki about. In m y opinion tl purpose of the lid is keep it closed when l commode is not in use.}. can't under$land wh)' otherwise fastidious peo- ple ignore this reasoning a nd keep the lid up. P le ase comment. .... FAITHFUL ANN FAN DEAR FAITHFU~ Of coarse you ,.ai:e riglll. T be lid abould be ke .. dow n. T h a' Is lh, P•rpoee of ll. And since we are back i n U1e bathroom a1al8 I'd 111¢ to aay ia r esponse tp tbo a sanda of lette1 wbicb have croaed m deak over lbe~e pa several yeaq, tbal it poor taste ,o,. • maa l eave tl1e SEAT~ Please, lit•U e•e . Couider ~ ~~ pe wllo ••Y be a ffJmale. 1 wa....YM W..t ........ Yes • • • We are the Best TDDAT'S CIDSSlllD PUllLI 1922 Herbor Blvd. Costa Me .. -548-1156 PRICE Acrylic Nalls and repairs by Gerri by appointment Mon. Tues. Fri. #70 FASHION ISLAND 644-21~1 Skiing cl•Hlflff •ct• ere tM Mst plKe to IMIY or_.. tlll wur and ............ 1 ...... O.lly Piiot. 6'2·5671 VALUES TO $75 • Your choice of 'd••lon• In popular colors. Ht. 21 In. •-;'·~·····:t11u· SAVE urTO 401/e .,. •• · ll•tfllltUmoll......_ ............... 11:1.A.- ..., IHSat IH.Sa JM MOITHllDCE 113S2 MdllH St. MO. ROLL YWODD 12211 SlllrM w., •tmllTIM KACI 7217 l-.er wt •&D 13'3 ...... •• .. ~, .... l .. (111) .... , . ... , ..... ~,., (IU)7"'·-, ___ .__ (71t) Ml·IT7t ----l-(7M) 1'1t·0711 ------·------. ACROSS 1 Large ponds 6 Most recen1 12 Kind of fur 17 Bay 21 Sheeplike 22 German hnder 23 M1stalle 24 Seed coating 25 Auto styte 26 D1slogure 27 Contrneot Abbr 28 Represen1a uve 29 Assamese tnbe JO Oral P3U'iC' 31 College deg 32 Fragranc1• 34 Brown k1w1 35 AllaCI\ 2 words 36 Right (abbr I 37 Greek le1tor 39Comp1e1e 42 Bar seal 45 Land Dial 46 Motto 49 Ungulate 51 Hawaiian dances 53 Chart 55 Hair shade 57 "Wilch" city 59 Card Mld1ng 62 Dosm~untcd 64 Donates 66 Sprinter 68 The rest 70 wireless 72 E•clude 74 Crateo 76 Cont1nen1 Abbr n Digraph 78 Ship end!. 80 Make merry 82 Documen1 men• 19 V1ta1tty 99 Anamese 114 Royal corn· 152 Shol s1:P la The 1mpoto tribe ma no 154 Manila 1'1;mp 33 Clever re-100 Glares 86 --you 156-de otume mart.. 101 Asian land Toast 158 Amazed 35 Tills IOJ Fragranl 88 1<1nd of 160 Not Prefix 38 Biblical krng wood 1heatro 161 Concerning 40 Armadillo 105 Cullure me· 1 90 Soaks 41 Lavender di um • 162 Geo1og1cat 9:.> M1scalcu epocl' 43 Unconscious 106 MeK1can dish 1aws 163 Over ''Bread 107 Resin 94 Lc1d1es 165 One o• any spread 108 Lelle• hne 96 Pnn1cr s 166Comoete 46 Tarantula 111 Danger word 168 Plar.et 47 Greedy 113 Tempera1e 97 Castogates 110 Dare. Fr '8 Al no tome 117 Beach shel· 10:.> Ot words 111 Prices 50 Sum up tar 104 Telle; 112 D1s1oins 52 Alrjcan des· 1 t9 Finch 109 Upro.ir 121 llalor award : 11• Leg1s1,11e erl 110Tumor 115 Rrla• 53 Swamp 124 Digraph 112 Bargain 176 R1n91e1 54 WrngcCl 125 lurkish res1· even1s 177 Valentone 50 Anc1erH in-dence 114 Fca-;t symbol!> s11umen1 127 Low sand h1I( 115 Ego 178 Seen; ~ Tablelands 1'9 Hindu hero 116 Currt•nt 60 This Fr 132 Make lace f 118 Nostrils DOWN 61 E•punge 134 Tonnessee CllV I 1ro B1t>hc.at city 1Al<;O1.,n 63 FahQUl 122 More gt-nllc 2 Preven1 6~ AL!>• uul 136 Aborigines 123 Deceive l Younr, 90 .. 1 f,7 Cusn1on 13~ Signify I ' t26 Employed 4 Gtossy paint again 141 St1tcn 5 Legislator 143 Lead sul~# 128 Cavalry 6 Tibetan 69 w11nesscs .. sword monk 71 Beginning I 44 Drudgery 130 Branch 145 Lower 131 Jewish 1 Swedish 73 Princely 146 Stories measure 75 Discourage month 8 Ancient card 148 Wanders 133 Castes Ir 9 verb ending 79 D1smanlle 150 CrowtJar - 135 Fomhcatoon 10 MUSIC pieces 81 Citrus Items 152 Armrsttce 137 Lite Norse 1 t Ph1llpp1ne 63 YardSl!Ck 153 E•arnlnes tree Var 85 Pronoun 155 Small wagon myth 87 -Welles 12 Singe 157 Muddle 138 Dieter's dish 13 Greek city 89 "Longhorn" 159 Grtme 140 Row!. 14 Exhalation State 163 Fine -142 Tree bougtis 15-Chaney 91 Sublease 164 Proh1b1I 144 Atlas c1bt>r 16 Urge Scot· 93 Biblical word 165 F110 residue 147 Sallpeter f1SI' 95 Farm slghls 167 Worm 149 Stair POl>t 17 Walking SllCll 97 Manger 15Shrt'W t51 Malay ail· 18 Harangue 98 Secretes t 73 Slate Abbr .. Ct.AUIFll D llCTION FGA ANSWERS .... -·----..... - -----.. .. -----. -----..:: --... · .... ·.•. -----___ .. __ ...., __ .-.,._ ________ ...._ ________ _ . --.... '"\ . '~ .. ~· .. • .. -. J Theater ColiJr-blind~ Producer Says Broadway Likes 'Green' a, IAY IBA&MJ'IT ------NEW YORK CAP> -In Im. Aabtoa Spt-lqer Mud then was no man• for IQek playa. Ill kept..., ... H1a ftnt produe'81 VU• hire 1'U Mwa ,.•r• later: ••rfo Pl8Ce to Be Som"°4Y." 1 black play. It won 1 PulilNr. .\ few ,ears late r. ..,. tlUa abort, rouad, Madi ... witb the I HUJ namblinc bl11 voice, "If I mentioned I was dotq apaay. 1t was IJI· tumecl tbllt. \t wu a black pla).' Wh•reupon Sprlnl(tr, producer of laat. ... , •• all black mu1lcal tllt ... ltuble! '', co ~ ttu• yHr'a BrNdway revlval or all· bite "WhooPM '" . "I WANTED TO DO IT to make moMy, but I also fltlt 1t important to eetabll•h my elC as • producer lnttN'ltfd in a quality product " Sprlntter , 48, born In thc South Bronx. raised In llarlem. a r gular \beatt r·aoer as u kid. ne \'t>r St"t out to ~ a producer lk graduated from Ohio State with o degrc<• In surlal adnunl!'l\rullon ti wanted to be u 1>0<'1al "'orker. but the mone wa n't much lh· nod his W1fo, Myru. wanted a decent llfe. u .iood homt> SVC'H COSTS MON EV. So, with 16,000 sht>'<I s aved. he bt>giln u roln litundry buslrwss Unex pectedly , it got him involYC-d en the theater he loved as a teenager Producer-wr tter N. Richa rd Nash. best known fOt" "The Rainmaker," wanted an invest- ment. and S pringer's laundry business was re commended. Nash got into Springer's business. a nd Springer Into his. Later, a college classmate, Jeanne Warner. brought him a play by a black writer-poet, 1u anwr LIM Ml~ //l~46 ... '1Al• lltt• ,, .. ,~~ NOW PLAYING llUUHIGf• """"IWJ!Oft &e.<~ 8•80334 Cl•HIA Cl•Tlll (,...,,,vt'. .. ,. ,,, JOI '"""''°" )1') H4/ OllAllGI MAil •"'~""'~ .. Jill 1•&1 IT IS NOW RATED PG S.JJTU/J/1/JY NIGHT) ~FEVER ...... IU ... Catch it. ~~~~:=f-1 ,..,.."-* ~ '*IMAWlll 'AHffntro\I. 89~ UQ1 SlAOfflM Olllft·I• °'4'?' b ... 8110 CINEMAlAND ORANGE MALL BREA PLAZA Anaheim 635-7601 Orange 637-0340 Brea 529-5339 EDWARDS' MESA Costa Mesa 646-5025 SPECIAL SClHMHG TO HIGHT t , ..... GET OUT YOU< HANDKERCHEFS cura. Ool ..... Sprtnaer Uact lt. "I tried to r1lH maa., &o do tt m)'Hll. l didn't bllve any aucceH," Sprlftltr aaya. I OISPR PAPP, head ot tbe New Yt>rk Shak•peate Fe1Uv1l. f\Dllly put lt on ln hie Publlc Theater. Later . he 1ave Sprin1er and Mt11 Warner the r11hts to ootn It "otown. The plav: "No Place to a. Somebody." · He aUpped lnto th Vea\ Pwket Theater as owntr-.ralor .i the ur11"8 ol • friend who wanted to eal4bhsh a black audience for theater In ~tt'Oft lnlt"rettln1ly, Spr inter says the "No Place" patrona wMe predo rnloanUy white at fi rs t. then the wh.I~ 11ltt!ndance fell off as the black au- dl~nce 1ncreUJf'<i "WIUTE P t;OPL•: JUSl didn't feel com- fortable wllh blacks 1n the audience. ln 'No Pl.cl'.' detuutely a black play, there's a lot of hurnor that black people responded to quite dlf- fert-ntly thnn whites. · 1'he wh1tl' audience looked at It intellec- tually, ai. a p1ec~ or art, while the black people hud tremendous 1denllficatlon with it. They would laugh and roar and answer bark.. Many people were 1ntlm 1datcd by Uus. "BLACK PEOPLE now realize they are ac- cepted 1n theater. You have to understa nd somettung: ··As recently as 10 years ago, many black people. JUSl wouldn't go. Now they know, ·Hey. we welcome you.· " ll'd be nice to s ay changing times and al- titudes have nurtured the feeling that Broadway welcomes all colors i n tbe audience. he says. But the color It likes best Is dollar-green. lltC>OtlMU"ST Anitltvll 771 6446 SOUTH COAST L.19una Beacn 4<14 1514 lDWAllOS' llllSTOl ~nu 4N ')40 1444 NOW PLAYING FIRST RUN ENGAGEMENT » ' She has to say yes to the feel\ngs within her ••• before she,,can know herself . • • Ashton Springer, who has produced both the all-black 'Eubie!' and the alJ..white musical 'Whoopee!. · hopes people will span the spectrum, too, and come to see 'lust theater. ' HURRICANE W11>1•1 i .... 011Jym1P.~11'1c1'. .. i11 md1 ri11Pr.4mw." (Avlff I W ~f\Jll' ... •"· •fitJlilfl\[" • ... ~ µ'1l\ n.11<1•" 11t1f~lf11t ·II•\\ " •" tllf\• ~~Mij(f\.lllkJl\('\ IJITl ,.., .. .,.,,., ·"' (O\\ Jff\ ~\\I • •Y" '' · flVI'! ' ~"! ' '"'''"'")\\llUll ·•••V'• .. ll ild'Vll'fVflJ J1( • •V• '"'"' ·•lf~!...,,1'1~111 tit .., ,,.,,.,..,,,_,\f\ \\~IN 1,1 ·l.U.•'-IJLIN!l«ffil'\.\\\ ........ ~. •· ~ ·...i=:..::.::.:·-·---w:~ r-~ ~···-NOW PLAYING ORANGE Mill Orange 637-0340 BREA PUZA Brea 529-5339 UA TWIM EDWAlllS' NEWPORT Westminster Newport Beach 893-1305 644-0760 llllCOlN DRIVE·tN Buena Parle 527 · 2223 MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "HAIR" CPG> "THE CHAMP" CPG> "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR" "CALIFORNIA SUITE" (PG) JANE FONDA "THE CHINA SYNDRONE" (PG) "THE FIFTH MUSKETEER" .. THE THREE MUSKETEERS" "COMING HOME" (R) "AGATHA" STRn1um 6scAee n 6)9-7860 DAIVE·ln RICHARD PRYOR "IN CONCE RT" (R) WHICH WAY IS Uf>? "EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE" "BEYOND THE DOOR. PART 2"" (R) NATIONAL LAMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUSE" _,. ·up IN SMOKE.. ....... "CALIFORNIA SUITE" "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" (PG) "THE WARRIORS" (R) "LIPSTICto.." "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" (R) THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY" A LL O AIVE·IN S O PEN 6:l 0P.M.MtGKT\.'I ClulO Unou '1 ,,,.. Uni~• • Kodd•t! PlaYt •OUl>d ~ ACADIM'f AWAIO ..... WltMR! i . ~~~ 70 MM DOUY STBIO &NI ""''..,..., ., ............ -.\~ Eedknd.K .... l3rOOmS1kkS 12:00->:•1-1:11 a HOTLIAD6 COLDfllEf 2:00.S:JCM: 11 UM .. ----------....... 1' -- - -. \. '' . \ . ..-.. -· .. _..._, --· ·------ I I • ....... , ... .,. Beauty of 'Hair' Grays in a Decade 81 ITANLSY IUlJITllANN "Hair" la chockablock witb lma1lnatlve Wl and ~cal da11le, all of k apparentlJ la leaded to fore.tall a QUflUoa. Tbat qu.Uoa, of ooune. la: 1' "ffalr" dattd" Well, IDOll o( lM 90ftll (IDOlt o1 whkla MW 1pl11h -I l'HUd4! O( VllUll ln.enultlet 80 often overwhelmlaa thll they al~t d111ulse their' <Pr•· aumable) lnt.ent u 11lva1e operation. The ecrtpt trle• to keep eome motJoea ol eoclal proteet, but tht-y are all pallld dllutlou. Tbe real achl•vementl are In the mmmaklnt llHlf. am a ll band of h.lpples led by Ber1er now seem onJy acrurty tramp • not a statement ot anytbiq. Ber,.r·a coura1eous moral ataftffl, ln the tlaht o1 the last 10 years and stripped of the borri· ble pre11urea or Vietnam, now seem merely Juvenile and sllly. And the oppreaalve Treat Williama ln the role doe1n't help. been rttalned from tM orttlnal MOl'e) are 1UU ....... and JDutb ol u.e ru-. ll nae. But "Hair." even with Ila DOW·bllaMhed 1Crlpt, ii about a eubjett, and 10 ~ean blve put \bat eub· Ject In a t"OOler U1ht. "Halr" moetly exl1ll In a limbo of fantutica· Uon: wh&eh aeem• to have touched the latent best In dlrec:tor MUot ••orman . StlJI, ln II tum world where naturallem la taken 11 primal law, the fancllul leap ol "Hair" provides ._ ______ ~..., ___ ..... iiiiiii ..... ,... __ .. eome rellef. The makers of "Halr" have 1iven us aome hlgh.aplrlted reminders of aplendld tblnga that tum con do and, these days, lan't often uked I SAW THE llret Pf'OducUon < lt8'11 •t tM t>ubUc 'lbtater In New York. and beyond this IODI or that Ptrformtr. I 11tmtmber fctline throu1hout the ahow that lhe whol• hlah celllnaf'd room w.ib tw> SAYAOE in(l t•huf1:l'<1 \\1th l'ntrgy, romprt.>ssf'd within lhl' w1al111, and thut lh "'ull, m ight bu~t The «ubM•qu1•111 llrnodway ''<'r'i1on <;e med both ShllrJ>t'r und rlottl'r :shurpt>n{'d u bit Ullo sllckne. s nd Outtened out of some or I~ b<'emtn1t spontunclly hut 1Li. !'lucce . there nnd on thl' road and nround the world. shook the show-bit seismograph The world cert1unly changed in the 10 years that followed. but one of the changes Is that "Hair" and "Hairy" mattt rs a re no lone_er looked to as Instruments of change. TOO RECENT TO BE historical even in an era O( instant history, LOO rt!mOtc to be "now," the film had to be plat'ed somewhere relallvely out of lime In order not to seem dated Thut placl'ment "a) m a rontext of cinemallr I I -'The more .-... _.._ you love ... •· the harder you flght. # ~l flWICO zmurull I\ fll M .• THE -"-~~ .... ··""' : ,.... ..._ . CHAMP ClaTAJNLY HE HU bNn at ... n•tbened by workllal wtth fellow C1eeb Mlroelav Ondrtctk. And tbe tdAUna -by Lynaee Klln•man with Stanley Karnow and AJen Jleln -Is miraculously dett, an Im· 11lnallve actWtvement ln Itself. Twyla 1'barp'1 choreography -or rather the u.e of It by the rtlmmakcra -helps lo make lhc tuture ol tM rum. Clearly lht•y all det'1ded not to do a con,•en· llonal mu11lc.-I wllh numbers. nor to do a conven- Uonal fantasy llke "The W1i," but to create a free· noatln1t work, bov~ring a few feet above visible re- ality nd tuuchJna at only oCten enough to push off a a a in _ FOR A WHILE. the mm looks as tr it's going to 5U('Ce\'d. Th.-OJ>l•nlng sequence shows Claude - 1l lt1yed with unostentataous reticence by John Su\ a.:l· or "Thl' L>l•er llunlt!r" -leaving his ranch home und ~omg to Nt•w York to be drafted. 1 No QUl'lllions. please. about u westerner going to NY to report > As hls bus cnteri. the Lincoln Tunnel. black· ness h1t.s the scret>n . then that blackness 1s flecked with li ghts not headlights. as we soon see, but the lights of a celebration in Central Park <where Claude later appears>. a nd the picture is off. or seems to be. A lot of the blends and braids of the film are t'Xtremely cle ver. sometimes lyrically lovely. All the songs are well sung and are never simply "held" as songs· <he ca mera movement and edit· Ing help to dramatize them. But the staled topicality of the original show keep!.\\ t>armg through and distancing us. The 011c 1111111 stimYi lier lit!tlrl. 111e other stirml lier mind. I \1\1{1"1\111 f<\1"1 ,._,.._I,(.\ 1 •· • '\It· \I\ I\ \I .., \In 1111 fl 1\11' 11111\1 \\: Ill \l Bl<IDGfS l~\I 111.,l.l I 1\,\1\U,\h'.1\ II.\ \l I) .._ • .,,,.i.rv•·1 II<\ l.,t. !{,\VI ll 11 ".1 I IAl<RIL r f R,\:\'K. JI< """" 01\\'ID ',lflRI I~•••'•.,., . "'" 1011\J i\ i\LOl\:h l, A 5 <: '"'""' 11\\1.\1<\ \"'-I)!\ \ll\IH•"I , , ' \1\Rll\.1<111 11 1.pr-..111-1 ir1.u1-,· 'I ll<\1 \'I ,1\11111 " ... fl,\\ IP "1111<1 { ) <_ 1 i1 111< 1n 11.·1 L " to. Jane Fonda Due At GWC Concert Actress Jane Fonda will speak about pro- gressive politics and the future of nuclear power In CaUrornJa during a benefit concert at Golden West College, Friday, April 20. at 7:30 p.m. The Academy Award-winning actress will appear in the college amphitheater during con- cert by Dire Wotr. a country-rock band. and Bread & Roses, an acoustical musical group from San Diego. The benefit concert is sponsored by Stu- dents for Responsive Government, a campus club. and lhe Student Development office. Adva nce tic kets are available In lhe bookstore ror $4 .SO general admission, $3.50 senior citizens and students with ASBGWC cards. Prices of adm ission al the door will be $5 gene r al. $4 senior citizens and ASBGWC cardholders. THE TARGET The world's ri<'hest min. THE DEAL Iring him bict lll'le~ THEPRJZE "' ,. ....... c-. They11.., •·«b1e...or ...... lftyont who .......... .,. SOPHIA LOREN ·JAMES COBURN O.J. SIMPSON 'T,·~· l'i' I I) l>i·--,j )',,) v ~!j" t, 1 / l , . ' I l f.I 'I I , ~ ' "' ' ," '. ,, \,I .. '1 -!t ~ ' •. J I'--' I ,, • ' ·~ ... when crime ind ~ mix! ''THE 'STAR WARS' WINNER 3 ACADEMY AWARDS BEST ACTOR • JON VOIGHT BEST ACTRESS • JANE FONDA BEST SCREENPLAY "OLD BOY FRIENDS" (R) "MURDER BY DECREE" ''THE PERFECT COUPLE'' (PG) ''PHANTASM " (R) '1'HE PASSAGE" o.,rly 6 JO \ai s..,, Hol 11 )0 OF MOVIE MUSICALS HAfR HA'i . .,~ H'\· ·'., ,· '. •/ SICHY bJ N911CJ Dowd Scree.,play bt Waldo Seit or•cl lloi..,, C Jo,,.a "'"° s-........ .... ,.,,.,_ MUYIN CAN WAIT'' •• u .. --...... \ A Jerome Hellman Prod11t0on A Hal Ashby1dm Eoworoa ...._bK_ Plata Cell Otlleu lo< C•Hll• J~;=D;ula J01t/6i r~~ ~'Jrn.~,'r:A:" !lt/Jlte II ScrHflpley by Waldo Saltanc:1 Robert C. Jones AllOClew Pl'oduM Produced by Bruce Gilbert Jerom~ Hellman t ~<MVby Nancy Do.vd Dlr.<tledbv Hal Ash (PG) oice.s" edwards CINEMA CENTER HARIOR AT ADAMS. COSTA MESA MESAVERDECENTER 979·4141 edwards CINEMA WEST~ WESTMINSTER ATGOLDENWEST ' ..... l'l lW••• •9•·1!.14 ·~'" ... "it.ff •96 1253 892-4493 ""909..-&INQ__. 8UCtC IOOIRS C"i • noa • i:a • •U • 1cu • t1u a ,.,. 1•nw ..,.. .. at_,.. IOUUVAID NMMfn111 IWI t lta t -t -t -a .... .... TU\IOUa •Mat IATUIMT NtOHr PIWI .. , .... ,, •• ,,. •• l i lS ..... ----~··­"COMtHG HOMI" Ill ....... , _...,,...,....,,, lMl~UACIMAM "IUCK IOGHS" ·-1>4-1' 6-1:4~t:M INI ,...,.~, "CWIUT TtAJH lcmllY" "HIAVIH CAH WAir' INt I ATllS DlllYl-tN "'" W m HAllOa ILVD. Drift-In ,_, Meet S.t. & Suft. -• -....... oaANOI Drh••'" I & 2 .... c:oeoeN e ~ J•IPOWll llf ~UI PHANTASMCIJ c .. is'°"91 new• ... • IU"IMAN1N»I •. \IOtelff • "'" -, .. CHAMP,. •~UI • .. IOll "'411 • '"''~ -···· lLS ,, .... . llMMIDW ---..... IUCll ':.I'll" '"' •• or '"' wmw --.._ .. _....._ __ ._ -------------..... _. ... -----------------------..... -... -------. ·-'\ . \ ~ -..... . .. .. w - r ' t • ,. • .. t lunday. April 18. 1111 The G•esslng Gilme . TV Producers Must Sense, Satisfy Public Ta11te LOS ANOSLES <AP> -~evWoe pro- duten. no .._ UMul ~ alarl. are 1ubjeet to the t~publie tutti. .,. tJpeeut, by.,....S. trapped by It· 1ue1. fall beblDd U.. u-and fall to ...._ ........................ . A (lllMlllM" wM OM dQ Ml• ---~lar ............................... ,_ ar•UI• el the net---.., 1a•l1 .. 1 filli him..U .ffftOD noe crata lf \Ille ..-UC u .... of bla bl'MI °' * ... • eomedy. ~ TAna ..n • faat u lM wlDd. Cl6• .._.,.,.. el rural eomedln w nt awiftq with tM arrival ot ''Thi Mary Tyltt 11_... .,_ .. and ..... bl Uk-FamUv." It alto si,..aed the ...... ol die "~/m hom " 1Uuatk)n ce>n*lb. TMM whO 't hack th new style were (Olftd to ,_ oa U..ir residua I "Laverne and Sblrley" and "Thret'' ('om· pany" tolled the arriv.I ol broad romedy <th•t 's not a pun> and ~x and the end or gritty r<.· 1ths m comedy. At that point Norman l,,t•ar began hls withdrawal from Ltlevlslon to dcvot<' has talents to cinemi. Other producers bit th dust when 1 h•· Westerns faded. Some ue mowed down In the anttvk>lence movcm~nt. It Is ju.st as certain tht•l tho8e riding today's crest or inane comedy, ~cic uatity and escapism will one day be on the out side leoking in if they can't adapt to rutun• shifts. "MY CAREER has been strange." says Aaron Spelling, a nimble survivor 1n telev1s1 on':. treadaerous waters. His shows are "Charlie's A.91e1s. •• ··Starsty and Hutch," "Vegas." "The Lov41 Boa. t." "Fantasy Island," "Family" and "FritlJkls." .. ~ fltSt year u a writer I did nothing but ...._.lul:Y. As a producer I did nothing but an- thology shows. Then. s uddenly, I found myself producing seven Westerns. I got typecast as u West~m producer. "Then Danny Thomas and I did 'Mod Squad.' For years I was typecast as a cop show producer. It took me seven years to selJ my first comedy, 'Love Boat.' .,THE LAST FEW YEARS have been plealaht. I do a little bit or everything." Sltelling thrived on his ability to adapt. Garry Marshall, on the other hand, became one or TV's hottest producers because the times caught up with the s imple, sweet comedies he bas always done. It happened with "Happy Days," and specif~ally when the kids discovered the super cooVf'onz. It became a phenomenon. "Laverne and Shirley" was spun out of "Happy Days" aJ\d became a hit. Another spinoff, "Mork and Mindy," probably will be even bigger . GRANT TINKER, PRESIDENT of MTM Enterprises, has kept his company solvent by ·moving from comedy to drama wlth such shows as "Lou Grant" and .. The White Shadow." The company was founded on the success of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show,'' but when that type of realistic comedy ..-as no longer saleable. Tinker refused to follow the crowd. Other than Mary's variety show. MTM's only comedy is "WKRP in Cincinnati," which is zanier than anything the company has done before but is still rooted in realism. Another hot company is Lorimar Produc· lions, which started eight years ago with two p~rs, a secretary, a nd a rented office. It )lad ooe major asset -"The Waltons." ''We 've had a lot or failures and some suc- ~esses." says president Lee Rich. The successes include "The Waltons." "Eight Is Enou~h." "Dallas" and ''Kaz." Lori mar is also noted fo r MCME RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE 'NORMAN LEAR'S 'VULNERABL.e' sur h d1Ktlnguh1h(•tl TV (1•11h11·1•w 1111 "Syhll," "lll•lh'r Skl'lll•r." "Slucb Lon1uu11," "<l1·1•1•11 EYl'll.'' and "Mr. llorn " "TllERt;"S NO tua :S'l'ION , our 1u1111 11H point wu~ ''l'h1• WultonN.' " 1101cJ H11'11 "W1• absoluh•ly didn't huvc u series In rnind wh1•n w1• did the movlo 'TM 11omtt0mlna' ror CBS. 11 was f'red Sllv ranH who •lUClffted ll, 11nd then f:arl tlamnc'r ual down and wroto 1crlpta. "I thluk tw~ryon.. hit• • ''nct.ney to ~ typecul. ll h•Ptt41nll to """'>' fflmpHlea. Wt!'r~ pretty dt~Malfl'1d , •Cl w• h1vt1n'l bt1 n c·ate,.oriwd ht Mfl)' onfll •N1. W., do two fa.mlly llhOWI, hut YOU C'IOl'I ... )' 'lli llH ' IN I (Mmlly •how and ·te•1' C'ft·t•lllly lae\'t on. " A f11r1h••1 n .. h~n• k 1•~nmmhlM oltlclal, who u11lu•1I 11111 lu l1t• hh•nllt\c'll , uy11, "Our 1'11l' et'"" 1y1t1•1•11111l11 "" It'" tuu (I to hrC'Nk out l~<'uu111· at yo11 •m·1•111•1I v1111 "' '' 111 11 ""'"'" llmlt111w yo111 opl 1111111 ..... 1'" .. r M,\IOUIAl.I. l'llltll1 to II 111•lw11el1WllhH 11l111 w I"""'' 'Kt1IAll ' lh'1Y 'tl lh1rnk hi 10 iarn l ~•1111tW q111111•11111J 0111., to 11t111l1wtt It II •"" k11ow11 '"' 1 muu11 r 11 ''""'" "'"' 1111 ''"n"' "' wit h 'M111 ~ •11111 M tlllY lllPV 11 l11 h1t& In 1t11•1tl1111 11111cltwu1 Ulllllh IJlll hUI I I•• lh 1Wllv1olti111 tt I hli114 14lt•l 1111w Ii .. 11111 Hlt'V 11111> QlllOW h1111rnl1v J 111111• N111 llhHI I jjJH ,. .. 11 ... 1 ... ,.,, 11f ltlb I ..... p 11llY 111 WllQ tj.,, ... 11tl1l!ol"ol flit.: 11i•1YJJI lltL "hul1111 Wl1u11 11.i ~.,.., 111111•.1$ l1lq 1111111' .\II Ill 111 l''1rn1ll>' .. 1111 Mro1tlc. 1lll11H 11111,...v ,., .. " .. tt-.111. ut.111111111 11111 11111111 .. .,, ....... J, •. , ... ,,,, ... I •1111 11111 '1•11 .. 1 "whv I ,.~ 1111. ·•1111 c:l111 .. , 1.-.1• 1. 111 IJ11..., I I.II I .... ,., N 11i '''"'' ,, ... 11tcl httt u ;.-:a 11 ,.,,, , .. ~111 111 11 .. 111~ ._"111.11 11 1111111111 o l Vllll ql1t11ll1l11 I """II JJll <I iii.I '1tlll j. I •1 11111111 ""' 11 tlt11I Q 1 t )'•111 11•1 r •111 I 11 .. I 11 wl11111I ' ~ flrlllll!i l)o }IQ jlllfltlllf( lu II 11111 l.~j..I fjLW "l'ltt• lllllli! 11> 111 i1111I 111) t. 111 11l1l lilllljotb f ,.1H 1111111' In 1111ll11f1g 111111 t. tl1dll 0 11 Ufit.l .. I• 11t 011 S111'1ut11rnh ' with tiJJltJ hl111 J11 All 1 M111j C>•111r.ul 1•v1·ryl1111ly w 11n 1l11l11U y111111" 1 • la.11<.1111 o l1•1'1\11> You 'vl' HOI 111 lw lluH •' f11 111 loo Show 14 trlumPhant '*"" ()f lh'e actk>n and Auditions l*net' anlmatk>n ~n to All :················•······ • There is a promise of : glamour and travel for : those who try out as • ballet skaters for lee • Capades. th e ex - travaganza opening at the Los Angeles Sports Arena. April 18 through 29 ; and at the Long • Beach Arena May 1 through 6. Ice Capades· coaches a re searching for ne w talent for the show and will hold auditions a l the Los Ange les Sports Arena on April 20 and 27 and at the Long Beach Arena May 4 al approx- imately 10 :30 p.m .. fo llowing even in g performances. Required is a basic knowledge and training in figure and freestyle s kating . Appe ar a nce a nd enthusiasm. and a background in ballet or modern dance. arc plu~ factors '\ .. .. , .• .. ·' WALT VISNa llLUAit '"""'' EedkndKand 13n>Unnicks 4ntetaU11111Sl3U~~ -~TO\U..INS()N Md)(M41.l. '-" .l4l'fl: ldWt ~ • ,.,.,,,.lf1 •"""fl\,.oH'll I '• ~ A•ol\A"-_._ • .,. r• •A ••"• -"'* ---~~~-~:,._·.~~~~7·~-~-·:::~:::~~~i:; ~~ WINNER of ~Academy a; Awards OLD BOYFRIENDS BEST PICTURE ®NOONE UNDER 17AOMITT'EO VIOo ··-_, •ltlY tnClef'l-M9Mj AU. am """ Ii FILMS ACctlVE 1"E sfM. OF THE MOTIOH PICTUflE COO( OF SELF REOULATIO!t. ..... what happens when you see them again? 'Jr"( l~\I& ~~~.lW ei£~~. cAlWMNF. .. OCD BOVFRIENDS'" c.--.BUCK HENRY ... .JOHN HOUSEMAN•"""''"'"·. --IY~NoW PLAYING -~ • UA TWll UA CINEMA Westminster 893· 1305 Costa Mesa 540·0594 b r ' d '•h*e> .. tt•baMMM-rtou BEST DIRECTOR MICHAEL CIMINO BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR CHRISTOPHER WALKEN BEST SOUND PRESENTED IN 70 MM DOUIY I TRACK BEST SOUND BEST FILM EDITING A MILHAIL (1Mlll0 r11 M ST!REOPHOMC SOUND ~=:.::....___.:;._--, AT EDWARDS BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT CINEJitA UNIVERSAL PICTURES 100 EMI FILMS "THE DEER HUNTER" eo""'"'9 JOHN CAZALE ·JOHN SAVAGE· MERYL STREEP ·CHRISTOPHER WALKEN Sc'-"' 11y DERIC WASHBURN SIOft °" MICHAEL CIMINO a DERIC WASHBURN ano LOUIS GARFINKLE , QUINN K. REDEKER "odwel'°" c-iit11t1 JOANN CARELLI ._,,1t,.Od<lec•s MARION ROSENBERG allO JOANN CARELLI Mvsc °'STANLEY MYERS "°""""' BARRY SPIKINGS. MICHAEL DEELEY. ~ICHAEL CIMINO w JOHN PEVERALL 0.KIOr OlrllO ... .., VILMOS ZSIGMONO. ASC Dwtt!Mlly MICHAEL CIMINO •u•~~.umASllm ,_~ !!"~=· (-00te-! ~'I:~ -·-... ~()'ft ..... , ............... ..,.,a Acfo9a ffOftl ............. I NEWPORT fAIHION ISLAND NEWPORT CINTE" I -----.--........, MM1IO t I /\, t. ~ .. NE;WPORT: (""' """° ! • I I '11'•'1' 'I' • t' • • t I I Deity P9ftonMftce Frtllet. f:00.1:00.10:30 llln.1:00..:»1:30 MoftlTue. 1:00 p.m. only ,H~~B •• ~~"':~.~ ~=-.. • -ti •• ..... Uit9• • t• Ui .. ..... -....... ~ IUCHAll'O flfltYOll' flLMIO LlYf IN CONCUT BEST ACTRESS ACTOR ~/?Ma J,..'!';f~ ~//,, . l'ftfJHe l!tJ Plus-- BEST ACTRESS BEST ACTC>lt ·,,.,rl).;t.; . . . "' .,.,\.r~•tllt I __,,,,,.C£.11· ...... (jl) 11(/)H.e Ill -----... --------~ ..... --.. : --~----~--, -.-:.-----::-· .. __ ... --· --------~~--........ ····· .. • BUYS A NEW 1979 COROLLA OR PAY ONLY With S399 down. cash or trade. ap proved credit and 48 monthly pay- ments of $91 .82 your deferred payment price IS $4806 36 AP R 11,83% ( 1 only) (397263)(5814) BRAND NEW 179 COROLLA CUSTOM 2 door sedan w11h 5 speed dose brakes. bucket seats, vinyl interior (609654) (6294) s4099 BRAND NEW 179 COROLLA LIFTIACK 2 door delu•e wotn 5 speed • disc orakes. AM FM stereo. whitewall 11res. vinyl interior (350583) (5758) BRAND NEW 179 COROLLA SRS Llftback equipped with 5 speed power disc brakes. t>ucket seats. AM·FM stereo. tinted glass (358467) (6099) FR I CASE OF PEPSI! 1EST DRIVE A "SUPRA" TODAY! ... In a new Toyota -let us prove why "Toyota Santa Ana" is trying harder to be your #1 Toyota dealer .•. Limlt one case per family or grovp. Must be licensed driver over 18 years of age. OPEN TODAY EASTER SUNDAY 'Ill 9 PM PARTS & SERVICE •• OPEN MONDAY ·FRIDAY TIL I PM SAT. TIL 5 PM , BUYS A NEW 1979 PICKUP OR PAY ONLY BRAND NEW 179 LONGBED PICKUP Deluxe with 5 speed power disc brakes. whitewall 11res . vinyl interior tailgate panel (001153) (5540) 8 With $399 down. cash or trade. ap- proved credit and 48 monthlY. pay· ments of $11 3.48 your deferr~ payment price is $5846.04 APft, 11.83% ( 1 o nly) (008093) (573') • · BRAND NEW 1 79 PICKUP DELUXE Longbed equ ipped w 11n automatic transmission power disc brakes. AM·FM radio. whitewall II res. vinyl interior. 1a1tgate panel (008202) (5679) ..t SIS ' ' 5 speed. pawe< disc brakes. AM·FM radio. steel radial, tires. tinted y1ass. vinyl interior (019627)(6153) NEW 1979 CELICA ST. $ OR PAY ONLY BRAND NEW 179 CELICA ST Coupe equipped w ith automatic transmission. power steering. power disc brakes. AM·FM radio. steel radial tires. sun root, pin striping (182713) (6095) 55999 S speed, pawer (disc) brakes, buc- ket seats, am/fm stereo. steel ra- dial tires. ( 192672)(631 4) With $399 d n. cash or trade. approved c red it and 48 monthly payments. Deferred pymt. price is $7207.80 APR 11 83°0 (1 only) BRAND NEW •79 CELICA GT L1ftback equipped with shadow kit, 5 speed, pawer disc brakes, AM·FM stereo. steel radial Ures. tinted glass. (562319) (5571) BRAND NEW 179 CELICA LIFTIACK GT model equipped w ith automatic transmission. ~. steering. power disc bra• l AM-FM.stereo, steel radial tifM.."' tinted glass. vinyl Interior_ (570012) (6327) .; . ' .... ·--··· .... -, .. . . ---.. ............ .... ,.,.,,_ ..... ,.. ........ . . " ' .. '\ -- • ........ .-.. ~ . ' .. . '• .... ' .... .1~ ... •···· .. 91 ..... __ • .., .... ., .... ,,.. 81 .. •t M•rketplace on the Or•ne• Co•at DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can 9911 It, Fllld It, Trade It With • W•nt Ad (842-5818) One Call service Fast Credit Approval H111"hr.. Mn111....... IH11n",_.s. H • .,.,_.._ ......_,_... HH•"'-'* H1•1tt,_5* th•tt,_S. ......••• , ............................................................................................................................................................................. . •••rill I 811 I 4 llU •••r• IOOJ eew.e IOOJ •••r.e IOOJ 81Mr.e 1002 81mr• Im ewrtll IOOJ ~ MIMl•lnl•••••••••••-•••-••••-••••••••--•••• ••••••••••••--• .. "•••••••••-"••••• •-••••••••·--••• ••••••••••••-•••-••• ••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••• .. ••• .. •••• ............ •,-;;: mr=-.... -"' :::3 .......... ~. . ~ . ~!:.~ ....•. ~. ieo ...................... .. , ... , ... , ~ z 111th"-Pt'r .. on"' 1m m edlktt1lv to han\l h nillh1n11 hu"'ln'''" ''° Yl'Olil l't'lllllll> 11r 110 1, II preferr1•1t lnl•1•11ll H t'ClmlOl!l"'IOI\ 11pl11 BURR WHITE RE.Al TOR. INC I b]~UJO I BRJ I>}: DrH E HILLS J.h'ljque a rtistic decor . warm earthtones. glass & marble. Z265 sq fl in this 2 Br.' den, 2'"z Bu cGALERIE > townhom~ w /S i»Jldec k . g l ass enclostd atrium for dis· cnmanatiJlR e xec. WESTERN REALTY SERVIC8S ~30 2224 10,... fll l :JO P.M.I Ml'WPOD llACH I STOIY Roomy 3 bedroom wltb l&rl• dlaina - 2 bath. Load or built-Ins. Range & ov n , m lcrow ve, dishw asher , (tr()pf l't'. t'lC. UDO ISU Prlvuw 3 bt•droom. 3 bath, ouk plank floor,, 0 1u•n b p m cclllng tt, 2 llr<-vltwl·s. many ed raa. $289,000. IA YfllOMT COteO I> I 1-:.ll .~ SLIP AVAILABLE FOR LARGt-; BOAT $250,000 Lar~t· ~ bt-..troom . 2 lrnth. lmmuculate Lhruoul wat h l>euuurul car1lcl und drupt>2'. Built an • bay vlews from ktlChl'n. li ving r oom und covered paUo d •ck JACOBS REALTY 671-6670 2919 .... ,... ~d. c ..... JOiia BEST VALUE- SPYGLASS HILL OCEAM VIEW -IAY VIEW 4 IDIM. 21/J IATH, FAM IM, 2 NPLC'S. WET IAR. HIGHLY uraRADID & IMMACULATE OUTSTANDING HOME -nMT PllCE Sllf.500 OWNER WILL HELP FINANCE OPB4 HOUSE 9 MOMT'ECITO o/ n."'1"',.t REALTORS '75-5111 A HAPPY EASTa We whit 109 • .... 1 .. 1r•l1., wNll ,_. f..My md ..... fri1ntl1 J• Mllr'4I , .. ........ J .. M. ....... kb TileNM AIM IC., JKk Uehe Celllt-hie Loclda ... J .. c. w-.r.1 .... c......... .,.,. ... ..... 0., D11I I Sw 11d1 COU OF MIWPOU IEALTOIS 25111. c ... Hwy .. c_.._ dlf W. 675-5511 -------------· * IRVINE .TERRACE * PANORAMIC HARBOR VIEW OM IA YADIU TIDACI * 10 Ft. ... Let-160 ft ... •2 .... l 1/1N+...W-. ..... t11 •Poal.2,........._roof * Cwla::. bllllt 4000 141-ft. •N ............ htecl •• Mew led Price $650,000 BURTON E. SMITH & ASSOC. C411 Jtd Godw• Mo. tin Fri. 752-2773 IM&Olt ... to mt coan&.r1 wbere fresla a ir a bound•. • There's room for the k ida to play It enjoy s um· mertime run. Horseback riding, 1wimming. pie· nidng or j .. t exploring the hllls. M'om & Dad can play tennis or just relu ln '500+aq ft of custom luxury on a fuU acre but doleln. Call tolnapect. C.wl:&_21 -er... Mc:. m s. Vona at Chapman Onq e.Ca . 714/997-2500 ' D0\'11 lllD I Magnificent bay le night lllbt vlen. 4 br , 3 ba , French doon overlook extensive warm brick patios with pool & jacuzzi. E legant parquet floors in e n try hall & d ining room. Custom designed beve led leaded windows make this a real jewel. Huge family room with 2nd fireplace. Cus tom quality throughout. Inte r iors by Cannel & Chaffin. By appt. ~;ooo ree. macnab/ irvlne realtg ftMa NOPllTIIS JAW C .... IBMICm TO SZ47,IOOl Smashing Sea Breeze model -3 BR. family rm & formal dining ... all beautifully decorated. Priv. comer location w/m ini-ocean view + pool-size lot. Comm. racU&ies + security guarded gate. Holly Markas 644-6200. <0 ·46) EAST& SPICW. Cha rming 2 BR + den home w /room to expand as single family res. or duplex. 2 fplcs -open beam ceilings - brick path & pic ket fence. Excellent location So. of Hwy in Old CdM. $279,500. Martha Macnab 642-8235. <D-47) THI ILUFff Love ly 3 BR end-unit condominium on rolling greenbelts w /open views. All the amenit ies + tip.top shape & central location. $167,900. J ean Dales 642·8235. <D·48) NEWPORT SHOllS 2-st ory. 3 BR home w /2 ·brick patios & cozy rplc. Co111m. --l ;.Ji-4 IR l ~e:.R~~i4 R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640-5112 -------·1• pool & tennis + wa lk to ocean. $119.500. Oona Chichester StMririlillcJ Olympic GIANT VALUE! POOL W l J ACUZZl G1antback bay burgarn' Huge fa~ll,r rm. rormnl Over 2400 rt. of pt•accful din ing rm. ~o urm<'l laving. 4 Bcdrms + 3 Jutchen. walk ing <l•!:t· baths·OR·3 Bedrm + FffA/VA e>o.erShons lanJoM •'8nl-e to M'hools. shop• separate guest/m aid's $86,950 This lovely 4 bedroom ping. park & golf course. qtrs. Fonhal Hving rm. Easy t e rms. 3 Giant home is j ust right for the • Be1tu\iful exec uti ve Familyrm.2Fplcs.Cov· bed.rms. 2 bath, family young executive with a ,lloroe Secluded on lrE'e ered brick patio. Potting room. wood b urn in~ pnvate s tudy orr the --bed street. Super home ho use --a nd. muc h fi r epl ace hid eaway m a ster bdrm s uite . -1ror ~r~~ou.s living and ~at a bargain pnce! patio. brick BBQ. A<:t Located very close to the ',,~.ertalnlng. Sl39,900. Call now lo see. 673-8550. I The is I I' water lhas home orrers a ,_..,ion a l \'alue ca II \)f'!IJ 1 '"' s 't"', "'·.,. now. re on y one. • ~""" call 546-2313 I o w m a i n t e n a n c e ·1 er tit11 L!!K!~~1e·1~1 ~~:~~;~~r~ --$29S,OOO this home is a re· --V .a.c .a.~ -POOL & JACUZZI POOL HOME al value. Call 556-2660. "" """ • S e <' I u d e d E' n t r y t'OUrtyard with pool and $117 ,800 !p SELECT Pnme a rea, Anahe im .Hills t ow nh o me nr golfcou r se . W arm .,earUttones d ecor. 3 I~ -Br'sL l + Ba As!lumt> , 1:1..•i loan. Owner "111 J8CIUZJ. Luxunous hvtnl'? Lvly 4 br Eastside rmly room with open beam home. Rear yrd is an en· PROPERTIES ceilinJts and sunken con· tertainer's delii;cht com· -------- ver sa t 100 pit , bu11l plete w/lvlysolarheated WATEIFltOMT around Liil' r1replace. pool. Poolhousc & gas MANSION carry large 2nd WESTERN REALTY Secluded bdrms. could B B Q en hanced by .. be separate quarters. All mature frwl trees. Total A ~a g n 1r1 cent ~ x · • SERVICES 530·2224 warmed by solar heal for pnvacy. &t6·771 l per:ience of ocean la vanli? . lowutililles Call 64>0303 Private road. guarded FOUR-PL EX LIKE NEW! · entry. secluded sandy $114,500 FOREST E OLSON .... , •H A , 'l>'-' ... E:J1Cellent fourplex in· vestment bargain All new pamt Inside and out: GREAT INCOME! Alf nt'W carpeting every BALBOA. ISLE t unk! Super rental area· Residential + 2 com· .exµ-~'1 low va<'ancy . J bl ra~! lneome S960/mo mett1a renta e spaces. g r osJ·c All fas t for S~rpabedrking, I bblochk to privaleo preview 752 1700 waler, 3 rm 3 at un· f\l••'''l'•''""'', at Fireplace. Super for I I summer /winter rates. ,.ltil!tf: ~ ..... ,..~·: .. -----!•11111 **U.S.* * *VETERANS* Retent changes in v •nlP. may enable you to qu&bfy for Sl00,000 home ~ lolanS with absolutely NO ·DOWN PAYMENT. EASTSIDE PRESTIGE EXECUTIVE•s ONLY! beach. 5 spacious wood d ec k s. A tru e masterpe lce for lux· urious Jiv1ng . Just re· duced $250,000. Call ~ FO~EST E OLSON . . ' Gigantic Republic hid· den 2 story. A dynam ic covered entry, 4 giant bedrms. 3 baths. garden view ramal y r oom. Elegant kjlchen & dining rm. Hideaway patio. __ •_•~ _____ c_.. __ _ Lowest priced home an H area. $144,900. Decide MEID El.P7 now. call $40-2313 Help yourself to a OfH• ,,, ,.. • ,, , •t•"' '"' ,,. , Heaping selection of [\fl llHI _:_~_lhe_P_l_i~-Hv_OE_~_i'w_~_l_s_ MOVING TO IRVINE? TRY THESE! FAMILY GEM <>pns.n 1·5 EASTSIDE COSTA MES.A Like new 3 bdrm .. 2 ba .. completely remodeled. On large lot. with de· tacbed 2 car garaqe, ex· tra parking. Pnced right at$124.900 associated BP0•fll, •fhL'C'~', lt } • '!/+, f.t~I t" • l ~ ' t l /, f', 2320 LA UMDA. N.I . OCEANFRNT RETREAT orr 23rd St .. Real laving 20 min from Nwprt Ctr. in this 3 bdrm. 2 ba. liv· Pvt adult community. ing rm. din rm. ram rm Priced at $18,000. & home. 2fplc. Jae & more~ $575/mo. Open house Feeland.Sl SS,000 Sat/Sun 1·5. 30801 So. CLAUDESHIFFER Coast Hwy, *42, Lag REALTOR 642-2900 Bch. 53&-9770 Happy Easter To '"'-\II Pete Barrett -r ~ Wortd IHI Estate an Oran~e County firm speciab1111g in VA hom e ~ We're the VETS that help the VETS. 3 bdrm home. New crpts tbr uoul. Dua l f rplc w/cavlilevered hearth. Dramatic atrium entry. Many other exc atmg xtra s. Open E ves. 5'>9'91 •3 bdrm. 2 ba. pro· fessionally decorated Located 1n Heritage Park. S600 per month. •2300 sq ft In Northwood. New ho m e . 4 h uge bdnns. 3 ba . $650 per mooth 552-4477 HAPPY EASTER For more info. call : ........ Agt. 54r.OIOO ....... llAWIW C•atomlled. ........ • Bdrm "Port Ro1a1··. Special tbnloat. .... 21 2 7 Y ac la& lladila& v ,... .. , AllllPICTlee ,.-to-tMlrbealllitul ............... ~ ... ..., ... , ...... ..... ea..-.,. ...... .... roafa!.liebea • botb ....... to tcboola . =:·A 1em ro,._, M4, o. Call today . .... VETERANS BENEFITS! Any Vete ran who Is qualified may purchase a holQe with NO DOWN PAYMENT! E ither of these 2 special properties may fit your need: 4 BEDROOM·11ant liv· l.ftl rm·brick fplc-earth a.one decor ·new p lush ~. Jua~8.?:9001 a Ba>ROOll-formal din· 1n1 rm-c:atbedral ceiUDa-.._ liv rm-atil room- RV" Dartiq. RENT TO OWN OR UNTIL CLOSE OP ISCR()W I Full price ...., O..'lwait. ......... call now 752-1700! Ol'fN IN 9 •II S HJN 10111 N<I ' r~f THI: RfAI. ~ £STA1t:RS \ ~--Al of Us Ellie BuU Cammy Burden Bobbie Chartier Carol Clark Jorce Debolt Gee DleUicb Lucille Horton BWJ<rocer Neal Laltenan Pegy L107d John MeriW Earl Miller Bernie Samson CbarUe SIWKUer Joy SmlU. Nita Smith Harold Strauss Trudy Stubblefield Susan Trlrilon Marilyn Twitchell Oorodlr Uhlig J •ck \Jblig Debbie WUUams a10o ........ 611·1100 642-823.5. (0 ·49) MAGNIFfCEHT 110' VIEW Ocean. Har bor. Cata lina & night lights! Ad ult oriented - completely remodeled -and offering complete pri vacy. Lg. master BR w ;rplc; guest BR w /view of POOL; rormaJ dining +family rm w/wet bar. $289,000. Belle Chase Lee 644-6200. <D-50) GLAMOROUS! Spacious s ingle-story custom residence on Antigua in Dover Shores area. High beamed ceiling in pane led family rm w/wet bar & rplc -master suite + 4 add'l BRs -private, renced yard. $3.50,000 incl. land. Cathy Schweickert 642·8235. <D-51) DOVEi st#olES Old World elegance in lovely contemporar y 4 BR + den h o m e. Features Westinghouse security syste m - beautiful pool -formal dining rm -family r m . Extra Jg. lot. E laine Svedeen 642-8235. <D-52) HAllOlt H1GHLAHOS Charming, well-constructed 3 BR + den home w/new p lus h cpt, custom drps & shutters. Super ne ighborhood. 2 blks to park & library ... AND a real value at $152,500! David Schweickert, J r. 642-8235. C0-53> COMFOIT IM MISA VaDI Charming 3 BR home in quiet, family neighborhood . F ormal dining r m, ranch-style kitchen off family rm + huge covered patio. $107.000 incl. washer. dryer & refrig. John Granath 642-8235. <D-54 > CUSTOM Ci)UAUTY + IA Y VIEW & POOL 4 BR. 3'h bath home situated hig h a bove Npt . Bay Sanctuary w/gorgeous night light view. Lg. family rm w /walk-in bar & fplc. Tasteful new decor . 3-car ga rage. $445,000 incl. land. Ken/Helen Hartley 642-8235. (0-55) IALIOA ISLAMO So. Bay F r ont -s pa cious & l uxurious French Contempor ary duplex wtmany. many ext ras ! Spectacular view of Bay & boating from both 3 BR units. $1,085,000 incl. land. Dick Halderman 642·8235. <D-56) COUMTIY Sit hM6 Custom 5 BR home above the bay in Dover Sbores w /view of Npt. skyline. Courtyard e ntr ance -lg. s parkling pool -sep. studio rm w /private bath -formal dining + brkfst rm -lg. family rm w /fplc & bar. $399,000. Barbara Aune 642-8235. CD·S7 > FAIUl.OUS M.""5 Highly upgraded 3 BR Trina end-unit on front row. Many upg rades. J UST REDUCED _TO $207,500 INCL. LANDI Sandie Fix 644-6200. CD-58) LmO ISi.i Street-~street location. 3 BRs ea. w/bath -lllh' celllng in living rm -2 big patios -many, many amenlUes & blt·ins. $615,000 fee. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235. <D-59> ~WOtlllllUL •• For everyone in the family! Children have 3 BR wing off family rm & parents can relax in their own master suite w /fplc. Great Broadmoor construction & prime Cdll location! $237,000. Coby Ward 642-8235. (0 ·60) ... ~ .. Cozy 2 BR cottage (th mobile ; ~house> Just a few~ to private beach, pool & jac. in exclusive Npt. VUIUe. Adult community. $54,000. Lois Miller 552.aDl or ..... (0~ CA..o SHOllS Im m ac. 4 BR, dining· rm home w /CUyon VIEW!~. yard w/room for pool. $284,500 leasehold. Donna Qod I 644-6200. (1).62) 642.aJJS ... .._ .... ............. -·-----........ ,.__,,,,. 1 •• - -• . --.. --. -. ----:--------·,--r---"\,· .. -~ .. . . --..... ---..... -... --- -6. .. • Tit• Loc.tlOlt 11 Pll'fect Oft I kWlty ~ slrHt etoM to PWb. t1nn11. ahopo1ng and freewav-Freahly s-nttld home hn 4 bedrooms. '°"'* Cltntno '°°"" "'°" t1m11y room with fweolace MOM tov•no kltcn.t'I with 1>1.tl1t1n1 Covered oetlO 8arHQue hau11tul SWIMMING POOl I JACUZZI More "19.160 Mu•I Mtl c.11 640.1720 l•...,_G•h .... -.! W11ti fhl• ~ve e11ecuhve hOmO with 6 •uoet bldroomtl Great r M•lv room I~• hv1no t oom with bttek llreplace O.lu•• kitchen with bu111-1na 1eoan1 drapea COv•'td oetlO runt en11re tength of l'IOme Entertainer • deltght $ 120 900 hkt adv1nt11119, call 640-t 720 With Fa.ily 1n MIMI H11s dehOl'lllul l-'m11y-~1v1e home hll 4 bedroo hied entry form11 dining raotn family 'oom dOd IOvttly atone f•reiMaoe lor cuctclhno Bar and b.tr stools 3 car 011r99e Bnghl cneery kitchen with Stlll-olean1no oven. no-wax 1100,s •no more Pa110 BHuhlul ne1ght>OrhoOd cwrk s 1 1 ti 900 Won 1 last. ca.II 640-1720 Aa1werTo Sprlna Cleaning Lovely pa'T10 home shows Just 11ke a model 3 bedrooms. formal dining room hreplace. gourmet k•lchen with bu1lt·ms Too of the hne carpeting Allached 2 car garage 2 covered Pahos Steps to lovely community POOi and rec room 5 107.900 Must see Call 540-1720 Loaded With The Goodies A beau11fu1 Sand Point home located near South Coast Plaza Includes 4 bedrooms. a lormal dining room. family room with wet bar and cozv fireplace. breezy kitchen with no-wax floor and bu11t-1ns Patio More S94 500 For details call. 540· 1 720 Eastside Costa Mesa Super famtly home located close 10 beautiful mannas. Includes 3 bedrooms. comfy family room with lireplace. a den. deluxe kitchen with bu1ll·tns Covered pa110 Giant yard with room for POOi S94 000 Don t hes11ate, call 540-1720 True Pride Of Ownership Easily seen m this beautifully upgraded townhome 3 bedrooms. toasty hrel)lace and cheery kitchen with built-ins. Plush carpettog New drapes and m1rr0ted wardrobes lo be installed Private patio. Ez access to 3 community pools. sauna and Jacuzzi. S75.750 Won I last. calf 540-1720 Professionally And Eleaantty Decorated Lovel'Y Iott-model townhome 1s located m Mon11cet10 Townhouses. Has 2 bedrooms. dining room. gourmet kitchen with built-ins. Custom carpeting and drapes Upgraded thru out. Electnc garage door opener Covered patio. Much more s 75.000 Take advantage. call 540· 1720 Good Nutrition On Hand! With luscious fruit picked lrom trees 1n back yard! Charmmg 4 bedroom home with formal dining room. lamtly room with wet bar and toasty fireplace. entry way, MOM loving kitchen with built-ins. Electnc garage doOt opener Covered patio. Close to tenn•s courts and park $96.900. Call now• 540-1720 I We'd like you to meet •.. Marv White Mary White ot Ta~I. REAL TORS1' Costa Mesa was the monthly "Top Acti1ell9f'' for March Tarbell congratulates her on her excellent record In sales and hstlngs. She's a Tarbell professional and another reason . Tarbell is still number 1. 540-1720 2955 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa TARBELL M1 .... r RELO Serving 8000 Cities • TO THI WOIU"S MICllT PIOf\I: OUI CU9CTS llAUNIUL OCIAM YllWI UI0.000 A real prime location in the quiet private community of Jasmine Creek! Overlooks the proresaionaUy designed wide greenbelt plus ocean vaew. See lhi braaht near new "Bay M1st" model loday ! Sunny kitchen 2 l~e bdrms. den & 2 patios. TeMis, pools. jacuw . 24 Hr. ecurity gate. 15 SKYSAlL OR. OPEN SAT l·S LDeA ISU ..W UCLUSIYI ~ Pie r & s lip for a large boat! Artl1:1Ucally designed front courtyard with a brwk bradgcwuy across small pool & hu~c jacuzzi. Large rooms throuuhout lhas lovely quality built 5 bedroom home on t!XClus1ve Landa Isle. PLirquet hurdwood floors m large entry hall. FLim 1l y room with ste p-down wet bar. formal dining room & 4 bathl) plus powder room. Contingent contract sagned. Back-up offers accepted IACIC IAY YIEW-...l(Mff U&HTSI Bluffs end model on Cul·de-sac with all these goodies : wood-pegged floor in entry & kitche n Cw/lge eating area>. wet bar, levelor window blinds, ex pe ns ive wallcoverings, s uper quality cptng, sep. mstr br suite w /outside deck & 2 BR on greenbelt level. Hurry! $172.000 COST A MESA SPECIAL! 2 SUHI DUnEXIS Terrific location. large lot. Two 2-Bdrm. 1-bath apts m each duplex. Both on beaut ifully maintained 97'xl50' lot. Near s hopping, schools. e t c . In exce llent co n dition . Realistically priced! $200.000 FtaST TIME OfflRED J 1h Blocks from beach! Huntington Beach super 4-unit apt. bldg. Mgr 's a pt 3-bdrm. 21.h-bath w/2 · fireplaces. Plus two 2-bdrm, l ·bath and one l·bdrm, 1-bath. Like new. $240,000. PIMIMSULA ftOIMT AHA! TWO 4-UMIT APAITMIHT II.MS! Sl75,000 EACH ILD6! Quality-built, beautifully maintained. 4 Units in each building with lge c entral courtyd filled with magnificent matu red specimen plants. These two 4-unit bldgs are in the best location, right at the entrance to Peninsula Point. just steps from the beach. Each 4-plex has two 2-bdrm. 2-bath and two 2-bdrm. 1-bath units. Each front unit has fi replace. Super ocean view! OWC First Trust Deed. Contingent contract signed. Back-up offers accepted. WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO. 211 I S. Joacpaht Hils Rood NEWPORT CENTER, M.I . 644-4910 *VETERANS* Let a Vet Help You find that home you wanl. 0 down up to $100.000. CCII RClltdy Afjt. 2 4 hrs WORLDR.E 543-1722 OWMERWAMTS Ocean or layfroftt or Rental Units Will trade up Have Lake Arrowhead new custom No. shore w tgreat lake vu. 1.25' lO lake & dock site. 4 BR (l unrl. 3 full BA. game rm. wetbar. UMl9UI HOM1S OPIN I ·I TODAY FIOMT IOW YllW -Completely redone! Handsome. colorful & vacant 3 bdrm. 2'h baths. pool and frplces . Liv. rm looks over boats. See Dottie J ohnson at 1509 Dolphin . I rvine Terrace. b ring $515,000. UMIQUI IM OLD coaOHA D& MAil - One of tne best Ocean Blvd. views -3 bdrms. 2 baths. ha rdwood floors, jacuzzi. $575,000, c-it ! See Georgina Wall at 3620 Ocean Blvd. U ~ l()U I: lif)MI:§ REALTORS' lH( NICEST PEOPLE SCll.ING THE NCIH(ST HOMES CORONA DEL MAR, 675-6000 MESA VERDE. 546-5990 • CALL US 9 HOMES UNDER $70,000 Some 3 bedroom & 4 bedroom. Some condo's. We have j ust what you need to fit your budget. Great star ter homes, low down. low payments. Invest now & watch your money grow. HUMTIMGTOM IEACH CONDO $59 I 900 You must see this squeaky clean 2 bedroom condo. New carpet & paint. Steps lo everything, bike to beach. Won't last, call now ! UNITS Call for free list. We have them from a triplex at $65,900 up to 16 units at $400,000. Great investors selection. Call now! 540-3666 Wllela11 Real Estate Inc. A 359 car at jewel in the CROWN OF THE SU COMllME: PRIME LOCATION GRADE AIA ARClllTECT PREMIUM CONSTRUCTION MIX with 25 years of loving care and improvement GA.kHISH with amenities OFFER -for the first time - 231 POPPY. CORONA DB. MAR SERVES small fa m ily with large lifestyle IY OWNERS IY APPOIMTMEHT 673-8179 One Thousand Dollars per carat &l,I ara . Beach · Reatty «50 Newport Olrder OfM Newport Beach, Callfomla nm_,..8 .. J8-.,.D (714) 7SOJ11 • Real Estate Exceilence Since 1949 .JJapp'J l:a..ter WHEN YOU TIUNI OF THE SUSON, REMEMBER THE REASON ... ·= HAUOlt HOIDS- ftOOL A l arge 3 Bdrm home wilh m a n y extra features to make living so enjoyable. Beaulsful pool opposite large cov- ered patio. The r eason a· ble pnce leaves room for COUNTRY· CHARM Lovely 3 bedr oom. family room, dining room . Extensive use of used brick. 2 fi replaces, many extras. $129,500. 3169 MADEIRA. Owner Anxious. OPEN SATURDAY 1·5. available al $169,000. . I 642-5200 -· you lo decorate to suit 0 your own ideas. Now ~~~ ~a_&~~w. ~r fl' Bal~~t~rt~!~~ty 673-8700 GOLFEIS DREAM Both ck>&e to Newport, _________ , Beach Municipal and PRICE RENT Santa Ana Country Club REDUCTIO.._. Golf Club. 15 BR 3 Ba. " formal d ining. separ ate Six units 2 Bdrms. only NO family. low maintenance $21.5.000. Owner anxious. yard c play golr instead I! Hurry. won't last. Ca II Stately enlrance. Harbor ~9161 High. $142.000. ./Ex· MORE elusive tri level custom bul ll. Secl u d ed by Q)erry Lake in Newport New Protram! U you Beach. 4 BR. formal din· make$1200/mo, YoU m•y In g. sp acious ram llr. qualify! Low Dowa! kitchen + l arge poo . ~~~~~~~~~I LoemuptiollOUOO! Let Law maintenance y1rds I· • lllDw Yotl aow U&clc tplaygol!im~acl>! FOR SALE BY OWNER =.:e~C::t!wilh 400llr* FOR All 3br. I ""2ba. l car allch. Tall to led Carpet c.1141;_ . . _,MW Weil ~~l~~~s~:,_w_._u... __ !_1_s_ .. _1_2_0_2 • •· . .-dys 213/736-7178 eves.& Gi•ral 1002 IACICIAY MIMI-EST A TE Unbelievable charm and pn vacy. On nearly ,., acre. Heavy shake roor. rrench doors and win· dows. 4 bdrms with separale master su1lc. large workshop behind garage. Owner Wlll help finance at $265,000. Call Sheryl Brewer. 752· 1920. j Ci)UAIL A!~S~M 10,.. T'M l :JO P.M.I REHTORLUSE TILL YOURS wknds. 714/892-6461. ···········-·········· ''HAPPY EASTER" FROM WATERFRONT HOMES •FEATURE of the WEEK• PENTHOUSE ON WATER $550,000 1--------•I jacUZZl, import hie. T&G ~ORT FIXER panel. Level cnlry & Owner anxious lo sell "'""".-parking. S27S.OOO OWC Ous vacant 3 bdrm. I~• buptioMI cCNtda•l•I-• ..ew wttll HM fiMst ill Victorl• decor. Ws .. coord'-hd with •tlr:s. IHded & benltd ._.. wiRdow• doon. ....... gteu, clruletMq f••· 2 •1tmtNI brick finpleceL bcifillt t11i a ~, .. tWs 2 spocJo.s IMdrOCMM ....... /offic•. Two bak.-. wfttl YllW OF WATll & LIGHTS. lo•t sll, •••ll•ltle. OME-OF-A-«JMD. $122,500 I.st T.D. 17l4J 337-24M. --------•1 KISS ba Fmly home neur S. This 3 Bdrm home 1s _337_·1_71_7______ WARMTH & the lawn mower good· Coast Pl aza . Terms steps from the beal·h. on COMFORT bye. Move 1nlo th e avail 584.950 the Peninsula. It de TRIPLEX IM NEWPORT HTS carefree Ufe enjoyed 1n CCII 754-7800 firulely needs TLC. bul Gr.at Income! I lhis lovely 2br. 2ba condo •.'!t has tremen dous polcn· Single story owner unit 1lus 3 bdrm. 2 balh home w/a pool. Price? Only ~ ual.Bringyourlools and wilh2townhousedcs1gn has spacious f amily $70,900. Cal l Now . M . imagination. Call r ear uni ts. All with room. open beam ceil· 979-5370 -540-11.51 pnvate pal10. W1D hook ings. and 2 beautiful A up & individual enclosed bnck fireplaces. Ex· LLS'rA TE., r.~ garages. Call now cellenl Heights location. 1,. _ 673-8550 Large back yard. de· ~•HERITAGE . • REALTORS <>1,j ,,1 ". • • •1 -. ,0~, '· , • tactied 2 car garage wslh A EAL TORS [ I electric opener and good ---------• 1--------·1 ta·1t~1·nw ~rt ri~~~~e.0!~!~a~11~ GOLFCOURSEYU . """ --·-i•-=·=~· completely furnished' Great Back Bay loc This $129.500 Ca 11 Tom big s Bedroom home O'Connr· 752· 1920. features a huge Cam /dtn· ' '-'UAIL ing rm addition big ,., enough for your pool ta· PLACE ble. Perfect for the big l ram.ily and the pn cc is PIOPHTIES'• right at sus.soo. FULLER REAL n IO,. TM l :JO P.M.I 546-0114 On these sacred d ays when fami.lies gather , we at Lusk Realty take pleasure in the knowledge that our clients enjoy the finest homes, and renewed pride in our dedication to serve the community. ' May you and yours find peace and joy this holiday weekend. EASTER GREETINGS PRICE REDUCED ! COSTA.MESA Attention bui Ider. In- vestors, everyone! Large R·2 lot with cute 2 bdrm. home on rear ; on· ly$B3.000! IAYCREST NEWPORT BEACH Spacious 3 bdrm .. 3 baths. family rm. + brtd'st. rm. home in de· li g htrul a r ea o r BAYCREST! 2 F plcs. paUol sprinklers. Priced tosel at $205.000! OCUMFIOMT West Newport corner de· luxe duplex. 2 Bdrms. & rp1c. uch unit. 1395,000! ...... .., ........ R ..... * 675-7060 * PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEW TOWNHOUSE CW,Sll2,t00 Brand l\ew ready to move into w Ith shake rooJ 6 cedar shingle sld· u.,. Only aero down end teller will PIY all buyers costs. Sunken llvln1 w/frplc & b al cony . Formal dinln1 room w I oce.a view! Owner nut\ lftl ASAP. Call 631·2241. Ownr/8'r. DRAMATIC VU $412,500 1.oMs of .,-e ill tMs l IM*a • ... r•. wltla 'ri••cy. 'rice i.cl•dH .,,....td ...... for 1200 .. ft .......... BAYFRONT CONDO $225,• fT.t row Z bed. Z IMlltt .... '-••• VIEW. ,rl•ecy, Hc•rlty l..t tllp .......... UASl/OPTIOM ~ ~!~E.~ft!,S!-! .. S!_~I! ,,.. • 45ft.frmls:p.,_ .... _ .... PANORDIC VIEW $495,• ..................... 4 ...... ... MHln/t... ,.., ,.., .... , ..... 4 flnplec ... OCEANFRONT HOME $435,• c-1a1£1a .J •••n• ._•.we ~ ....... ,.... ....... WATEIFRONT W /SUP $275,.a • Clti11rflll J ltl*n• 11w.,.. ..._. ......... ..,., ....... ..... 2~'..!' -~II! ...... ... .... ,,.. ..... YllW ••• , ...... - WATER FRO~ HOM~lllC.: ~:*> W Cc'diot ti1ghu.r1i... Nt'WJlO,, &«h 611·1•00 -···-... ._. _ _. .... --·--· ' . '"'. .. • • • . ~ . ~ CIR Rt"altors .\left'\ )'OU ~otth mor • 90% CM••·1u1 t'Ommiu 1on, no (('e 0 _......c .. "=c··-&Jrnmku _.... '46-IOt6 HJ-I U I pt't"('hfid oo U.. v~y imm Mil or • IUIUop wllh VW>WI In aU dll"\'<'00 • I I lrtt COVf'rtd l ('rl' ...,._ !"nth with room for tt hor1n. •·Nlmmtnil pool ft lMNA toUrt If )'OU -. .... l.CK'•l<'d In thf' "l'ustlll HI.lit nHr f'ootMI fh«b choot, mlnull'' . ==-ma from all f~O) ~ 0 (' ~ -•• Alrpon Aak1~ $3.'iO. ~ubMil your t r rlf\I & tr~ R1rk \Id r •th• Ma kt your hoppl n tot Brok•r ill lW1 .-r b ~lnt1. lh 011111)' N ot Claul(M'd Adi. ~I kJlt 1trmi. ...... ..., *"':l .. ,.. .... ..--•• ,..._ .... ···"·• ........... ..w~ ..... ··" ............. '1f .......... .. , lier~...,._ DA&l N.OT 'WANT. AH. ,...... ... .,.. ............ .,,...._ ~ .............................. _. rrw.,.S•••, ... --.. HOUSES FOR SALE .2 Iii .. FAM IM .,. DIH 219Viaian Re mo (Lido Isle> NB 615-8626 Open Daily l ·4 231 Poppy. Corona del Mar 673-81,79 $359,000 Sat/Sun l J ... OOM 30SO'Klttybrooke. Costa Mesa 979-5370 $84,900 Sun 12-4 • •21 Balboa Coves, NB 831-t<WO $275,000 Sat/Sun 1 6009 Seashore, Newport Beach 631-1400 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 241 E;ast Wilson, Costa Mesa 548-7454 S89.500 Wed-Sun 12-4 3922.Banyon St. <College Park) lrv. · 5'5 ~·1096 $109,500 Sat/Sun ••SS BaJboa Coves, Npt. Bch. 673-5991 Sat/Sun 1·4 17 Canyon Is land Dr., N.B. 951-0200 Sun l ·5 l II pklS FAM RM or DIEH , 1833 Port Stanhope. Npt Bch 640-6259 $182.500 Sun 1-5 •1509 Dolphin Terr Orv Terr) CdM , 675-6000 S515.000 Sun. 1-5 2021 Deborah Lane. Newport Beach 645-6937 $135,000 Sun 2-5 '.221 Via San Remo <Lido Isle> NB 675·5626 Open Daily 1-4 624 Poppy, Cor ona de l Mar · 640-n29/642-2171 Sat/Sun 1·4 100 Via Cordova (Lido Isle ) N. B. 675-1782 $265,000 Sat/Sunll-4 231 Lugonia . Newport Beach 638-9663 $116,900 Sat/Sun l 17 Whitewater (J asm Creek > CdM 640·8715 $255.000 Sat /Sun 1 1903 Yacht Maria (Seaview> NB 644,6200 $265.000·f ee S/S·l -5 2040 PalomLJ . Cnst<.1 ;\lcsiJ 979-5370 Sat/Sun 11 -4 '* •47262nd St.. Newport Be ach · 642-3147 $169.500 Sat/Sun 1-4 4 1£DROOM 1909 Yacht Enchantress, N. B. 631·1400 S335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 So'ngsparrow. Irvine SS9-6337 $129.900 Sal. 11·5/Swl l ·S 1514 Dover Dr. tWestclif() N.B. $169,500 Sat/Sun 12: 30-4: 30 4 ........ FAM aM or DIM 21 Sparrowhawk, Irvine 752-1414 Sun 1-4 3320 Alabama Circle, Costa Mesa 751 3191 $112,000 Sunday 1-5 2708 Harbor Vie w Dr .. CdM 673-3230 $392,500 Sun 1-5 m> Killybrooke < Halccrcstl C~I 546-4141 589.950 Sun 1-5 1200 Outrigger CHV Hills > CdM ' 644-6200 $209,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1032 Santiago < Dv r Sh rs ) N. B. 646-4769 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • 1633 Santiago Dr < Baycrest) NB 54&·4784 $249,500 Sat/Sun 12·6 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE Z llDllOOM .143 Morristown, Costa Mesa 979-5370 $70,900 Sun 1·5 l llDROOM 311 Alta Lane. Costa Mesa 548·5647 $89,900 Sat/Sun 2-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE l I&. I U 62 Beacon Bay (Beacon Bay) NB 642-8235 $550,000 Sat/SUD 1-5 of n.wparl REALTORS 671-Hll OPIM HOUll . 4t JA ..... Cl-H : o.fr ,._ 6 ....................... ,.... ....... L•••rl••• •••hr ••It• wltla OCIAM-CATAUMA VllW I • ...... ,,..., • ...., ... ltt ... fll Jl1ce. A ,,...... CJ My ..... 14 ..... ...,-4 1..-.k ............................ ... ereH ~It•: ,eel•, teuul, TIMMIS c~.._ .. ,._. ...... _,..._,, •• tMrt too ,,,__ c•t U44,IOO. ONM SAT 1·5 r .M • MIWPOIT HltGHTS: ,,.._ toe..._ md I• top c..-..• -two & .. Of' ttw... IN• 11• law; 11MCI Wlcll ftraJl•u _.... relsed ........_ wood ..... lwtd1wsl, ..... .................. to ,,.. .... rwct ....... for ,_..>: frnMy '-'•t-4 -• ~. hc.W • S 13',000 . COSTA Ml5A: !--:"'for• tint ltw ....... nr.. ......._,, ......... ,...., r•pel .. H. Hwly ,_.,..94 • ...,. ... $75.toO. 'TIS TAX TIMI: CorOM ct.I Mr. 0.. Weck to llG COIOMA llACH. Sf1 _... wttlt prl•• ,..._ & acb • HCOIMI floor . l11N•n1 WnMd for tMrd lenl Wt a. r••t••· •••••· ditllwetllers. brick flrepl1cn Ill tow IMlh. TAX SHllt'la. $490,000. OM AVOCADO: L..... """ 1M•11•. d... bH .. d ullln9, brick fl,.,.K•, c ...... ..., redeconhcl. $650 . ......,. OM GOLDBGOO: S.tt. of Hk)ltwoy - Fttnfslted ,...._. on yHrt IHH. Two bedl--, two battts. Flnpl11e• Ml hlltg rooa lewtfful cCMldlHOL $625 • .....,. OM CARMA TIOH: Two bedrOOM -two boffl. Extra lcr1J9 rooms -lots of closets. Deck off IMng room. $475. MtNy. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2515 E. Coast Hwy., CoroM ct.I M... 675-5511 LIDO ISLE Bay view from 2 patio decks enhances custom spacious 5 bdrm .. 4 bath traditional home : like new. Ideal fot entertaining Corner lot. $520,000. llG CANYON Golf course view from spacious 5 BR, 4 ba. traditional hom e; lge. fa mily room. pool. jacuzzi. $750,000 IACK IAY Fine 4 bdrm .. 2112 bath family home on quiet cul de sac. Overs ized pool. playhouse. storage $169.000. Terms. OCEANFRONT Quality craftsmansh ip in mahog. trim & oak floors sets off this landmark: 4 BR, 3 ba. home in finest location. Establis hed trees & la wns. $485.000. IAYFROMT Several fin e bayfronl homes with pie r & slip AVALON Well construct ed. 3 BR. 1 ba. oak floor. partia l basement. concrete foundation. Flats area. $120.000-Fee. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR J .ll Bny\1d•· 011v1· N t\ lil'> 6 161 -~ Moy the Easter Bunny bring you lots of goodies and a beauttful day AS SUMA .. A 9~ % Ftxed 'Rate Attumable Loan. Owner will consider 2nd T.D. lo u1l1t in assumption. 3 Bdr •• 2~ Ba .• Lr.c . Fam. Rm. w /w t bar. Lovely corner lot. in the Ranch. Call Tom Baron 559.9400 ACIOSS NOM PAIK This classlc '4Bdr. MeRB V~rde home f eatW'CS formol dining. cozy den & used brick court yard Jus t right priced at $133.950 AAk for Jac kie Handleman 631 ·12'36 FOi LIASI CONDO -Wa lk to South Coast Vlllagc -2 Bdr + d n, $560 /mo. - MESA VEltOt: llOME -48dr .• family rm. & formal dlnJng: f700/mo. Ask for Jackie llondleman 631-1266 OCIAMFIOM'T That romnnllc hktc awoy that you've dreamed about nas finally come on the market. Rare Penlns ula Point beachfront home $525,000. Ask for Oorrell l'ush 63 1 1266 llY1MI a B<lr .. l ~ Ba. w /Olning Rm and covered patio. $82.900 : VA Term s. As k for Roy Siemens 631·1266 llVIME Upgraded 4 Bdr., tri-level Yale model. $109,900. Ask for Roy Siemens 631 ·1266 COSTA MESA BARBER SHOP / hair design ! Excellent shopping ceriter location. 2 c hairs w/room for 2 more . $10,500. Ask for Roy Siemens 631·1266 NEWPORT HEIGHTS CosteMeso Beautiful duplex. Close t.o park. sch .. and 1n mile to beach. Owner unit with excellent rental. Both uruts have 3 Bdr .• 21fz Ba .. s unken li ving room. fireplace & privacy . $205.000. Duplex for Re nt See above. $.575/mo.; $350 Sec. Dep. As k for Roy Sie mens 631-1266 .COSTA MESA l Bdr.. Unfurnished house yard & garage. $250/mo. Curtis Herberts. Sr. 631·1266 TRl-PLEX private As k fo r Eastside Costa Mesa . Rents are low. New building all around. $147,500. Ask for Robert Milliken 631-1266 IRVIHE LARGEST HOM E IN COLLEGE PARK This spacious 2650 sq . fl. 4 bdr. home has a family room. bonus room. air conditioning, + tile roof. $129,500. Ask for Fred Gibson 559·9400 214 E. 17th Slrfft, Costa MIM 631-1266 Nationwide Network of Individually Owned and Operated Real Estate ()(fices ... 1711 MAl90I YllW Dim .... ,, ....,.,. ......... GflM SUMDA Y 14 Extraordlaary vista of ~ males of coasWne & Calallna. Breathlakinw nl ~ht view of harbor li f(hts . CompCetcly remodelied. Hundreds oC feet of redwood deek & shade arbor. Fre nch doors thruout.. 4 Bdrms. la.est qtrs .• danil\4( r m . Spacious private lot. ~~~~~~~~ wlth large pool & sundeck. Come by & c.M ftRll explore this ~realhtaking property. New piUnt •root. 8uptr $392,500, rt'nt.1\ Rrr*fl'm•uot I IUDLIY & eo .. R..eton 67l·lUO CU1'9MOMI IUl.DAMLOT DUPUX 11WI tt..rmln& Ht1uidl' Nmftlill DEL MAR Corner lot . r oppcr ~:!t:•:1~,:::r1c1~' ..uRUM rnwnblnit. itood C101111c blf' R·Z aot If herdwood CHA.MER "~'. fi~~rtt1on. Rltr. noon turn you on. thlll I• I.ht pt~· 116.000. Call $199 500 -61~ o:wl2 hhfr>'I tnwer, 752 1'20, 3 Odr m . ti vin,.' H m . eo.t.Mff• 1024 ' 9'JAIL f'orm1tl Dining area n"'l ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... .a.cl hmlly rm. w /2 Cull r~ b.sths This home h11, n • "MAICE Offt•" NOPllflll• <'t'flllY been remodelt'd On th1<1 lf1vf'lv M .. -.11 with new master su1lt>, Verde home Owner!! t r l' 10,.. nt l:Jt P.M.I with bath area. n e w glvlnJC new buven ui-------- kltchen. family room 11n1l $2.000 c1rvet a llowanrf' MIS"' vMDI ·formal dininJC area Liv llome feature~ heated "' • Ing rm has beautJful u f'd pool, t'onrf'd patio and 81'1 5 fJtlrm. Z/1lory. brick fireplace with gas BIJ'f Asklnl( only wlfonnal dinin• + t' H raised hearth For adcti· SJl2.#X1 C..11 546 ~ ~ brttf~t rm. nu r 2 l{O lf Uonal information and rnur"'"' Onl1 1139,000 romplete ll~t of exr1•1,. "'"oor may 1£>a~t· oPllon Uon&lleeture!IUll utl700mfJ 1 Huthv•urte • 714-731-3777 ltltr w ..... MLt.aTHIPAll C.M. DOLLHOUSI Nt-wf"r 16 '' 1 21$tc.r1 OHL y Sit ,000 ht~ wlf()f'mal dlninr "' . 1 • Pam Hm. 4 ltdr~~ IJ1g 1 br,2 1111 w ll(reMl linty mll'llf'r and lovf'I)' rm l.vly l1tnd11u pfJ11(, gar~n Onl1 11~.M<I 11wrt t ul dt• ,a<' lot Ruy ll u t ti L • 11 r I e , H I l r . ..,...,. "ubJl'f'l to I'll l~ltln(I fi4':-<WJ ti 70'1'. t·11 11't1111t ll111n 1r!J 1:-.01 i-------- ~HERITAGE • '. REALTORS DUPLEX HOME Fln<.'St corner loeallon: • - - lovely 2 bdrm res1d1•nn· BRAMD MEW EASTER SPECIAL Reduct.'d $10.000. 330 F. 22nd St. border CM 1N U ruu nl y. :! b l k s t o backbay. Cstm house. a pprox 3U00 s q ft . l"df'l)Ort. 24x20 J!8rage. 4 Br. office. 2 full Ba. best appliances + lots of ex-tras. lo mainl. wrth formal dmmg r m + TOWMHOMES 111come urul. See & l'llJOY "lrittany Woods" the best ror less I $235.000 I Ea~LS1de c~ta M l''>a) OPEHSAT 1-5 2432SantaAnaAVl'. 5200aCHID PAULMARTIM REAL EST A TE 644-7311 548-5879 EnJ!hsh Tudor 2&3 Br !>Pht level, 2&3 car ga ra J(c. frplc!., m1<'rowa\'e!>. i::ret·nhou!.t' window<i. pool. !>P a Cl\arnung duplex. Steps TENNISt·ourt ,...._ • £-~: ... _ to Goldenrod O\•erpass l-'rom S89.950 ""* uuacuJ ~~ 3br. 2Vzba. approx 1800 616-00l>I or 955 l!rlO 3br I ba. assumable loa". sq ft upstairs. frpk. J across rrom park. encl suodedts. open beam m W~~~~vb"to yrd, RV. l>lor age. fplc. tiv rm. lg mstr bdrm 499 East 19th SL By Downstairs. Jbr. 2ba. ap-EASTSIDE by O-.. ncr. _owne __ r_· _64_517_24_. __ _ prox l.500sq fl. Many up-3&. l :lolii ba, 2 pal•~. F.P Investor mus t sell 2 grades. Buyer has choice Xlnl cond. S89.500. Wtod· homes in Costa Mesa. No or lender. $270,000. Sun/12·4 548 7454 brokcraizc. Shown by appt. pnn· -205Amhurst-S82.500 o plesonty. 640-5078. Bkr DOCTOR'S ESTATE 2385 Norte Dam e·$82.SOO •aow M"'RKET'-70xl35 F.·stdc R 2 lot. R1Jt Call S:U-9081ror10forma· .u. "' · 4 bdrm. 3 ba h omlc' lion. For sale. 3br Needs TLC w/pool. t•te . and work· -------- Only $139,900. 673·4311 tnf' pnnL'> ror 2 more un· agl. tls. OWC lst T D w121:1•1,. SPECTACULAR 9UALJTY DUPLEX An exceptional cus tom bit home w/vaulted wood beam ceiling. beautiful s olid oak cabi n ets thNouL fplcs in hvg r m & master be droom , leaded glass windows. & ceramic We jacuui in cmtrbalh. rt.US A charming 2 bdrm ren· Lal wlfplc & separate patiodeck. $279.500. CAU. 644-7211 /Jn ,..IGEL UAILEY &. A551:JCIATES ~ down. Sl49.500. OwJ1 /Agt 6'&2·9666. Preslige Mesa Verde. 3br. li ving rm, din .. rm • scr~ed ram. rm .. & or- ftCl'. Low mainlenanct' By Owner. 4br. 2ba. Mesa yard. By Owner. Askini:: Verde. Beaut Fam rm & S112.000. Open Sat. 1·5. frplc Close to sthb. X Int I~ Rhod_e_s_. ----cond Sll7.000. For appl - 54.5-01.89 eves. Pnncaplc~ PANORAMIC only. w IY OWHY/E'Si* OCEAN VIE 3+ or 4 Bdrm. 2 ba. New· TOWNHOUSE ly redecora~ed in & out. ORiy S 112.900 $139,000. Ph. 675.ssoo Brand new r eady to DUf'LU ·move into with s hake Veey nice two 2 bdrm. rod & cedar shingle sid- un1ts. Eastside Cost a uig. OnlY. lc>'k down and Mesa. Enclo&ed garagos seller WJU pay all b.uy_ers +extra parking. Stre(.'( costs. Sunken l1v1ng & alley a ccess. This w /frplc . ~ balcony. won't last, SUS,000! Formal. dining room w t NEWPOttT IEACH ocean vtew! Owner i:n ust IEALTY 675-1642 ~:.:::Call 6.1l·2246· Jlrc..toMH...,. 8ltn refrlg & freezer. lg ram rm w/breakfast bar. good area. Red C ....... ltltrs. 642·4745 "Very impressive property" describes lhis Mesa Verde home. just an 8 Iron from the Cntry Club. ORIG HWn HTS 3 br w /loads of used brick Ii 2 frplcs. New Re fres h i n g Oce.an crpt.s. Take over lrge breezes ,& a sparkhn.g loan with low interest. pool are JUSl xtras to Uu.s Slll.OOO. 64.S-722l. immaculate 3 br 2 ba home. Tastefully de -~ corated, situated on a qUlet cw-de-sac. close to 21 aU shopping. Call Today! o.-it llcketb. e Ill•• Wftlclff RHlty 9M-04l7 642-32631--------"-- 8 UNITS MESA VERDE. six 2 Bdrtm. 2 baths, two 3 Bdrms. 2 baths . fireplace, enclosed garages. close to schools. s hopping and park. Prine. Olaly. MMlal f1 "H. li11 I' 1-l' \ l 1 y / • Easter S,.Clal!! ~tarter 111111 Sii,• 2 Bedrm + 22 ft. enclosed tam rm w/Ben Franklin fireplace . 2\; Clilr a:ar. RV acces . Tree • a arden. :,purkllng fountam. .. f• ltni . 9&3-i1&1 ... I a I , .. u ft:' ...... ~ ....... THI llAL ISTATlaS .,_,..... IOI ...... I044 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lingo Aul&Nt JUST LISTID FOil SALE! . MOMAICH IA Y TalACI 99.t ....... _ ......... C9 ~ ,.... ................. .._ ..... ... l ........ I 1•10 .. /tfWr ..... ... ................... .., ......... .. Peclflc •l•w, -.••llt1 -4 ce•fert. SJH.000. WOODS COYI ISTAft l L't'.m ~1.-w cw 1 hr •• 31•••••••••• If ... --.. ,,...,.::::. ......... ,,., ..... ........ -:y ...... ..... ba, 3.'183:! Rh.it~ l.anh•tn Tr1Ht1• L r ()~1 lun or mall do ll>'n A.:& 12\31-4.'W ... u MMr•wC .. Cod Or.-an \'ll'w rrom " 01 .. lln<"ll\\' 3 bdrm hutn1· i'hc. L<, dt>hlUl\'lty 1rn OUl ol th~ ur ctinarv homt< w'tlh ull wood bldln1t In &.c~lll~ & llU'lllllt'lllll\ •• C Ulat)\' Ill~ C~TllKY 21 W ~T ~4144() OWMHSUHIT OC N V l 1-; W l) I' L X . .... .....,, ... Al•-•••Lo. ........ R11l't' 4 bdrm C'oml'll Jlhrn nn l'tln"'t kit In liUlkll' C\lnd ll ll11bt. bntcht ~ II") v.-ith t1 $15.800 Iii. um.ibh.•k1a11.ito•, Int Onb SJO$, l'Al.LQlHCK & SAVE 644-7JI I HcW" ~. Ne•MH _..... • 1{4 ecn h'1,lul ._... h • ~-IM HOO .... f ... '-· A ,_.... • .._ Pectflc, wtMy ._.p1d tlwzu .. e.t, 4 ~••u-. 4 Miil, ~ ........ .ct ••• iMt ldtci.... $645,000 ..... fer Jtldy ....... 4tt-455 I SOUTH LAGUNA Oulst:indlng q11.i l1l\. 4.$ BR R1M'¥), $115.0002 3 \'Md, nctahborhood lk'1>l lltt Oahood. Sl~.ooo boyS16S.OOO t>-t2-011~. t144 tif.H7 Coastal Prop1fft ll''- 4' K336 appl onl) ARST OFFERING Exc lus ive townhoml'. St'Cunty area 2 Br 2 Ba ~ palrn O\ e r l1111k 1ng Danit l'l M:mna & on•un H1de-awt1). rnve!'i l. or vt1C'allon In style v •I cant Aniroous WESTERN RE1\LT't' SERVlt'ES SJ0.2224 BToro 1032 .............•......... 3 Br 21 j Ba tuwnhome. Woodhrid.itc Ai.pen 3br 2ba upgr.idcd. S!i9,50U A ...... umc -;1K l:.t TD ..it !IS li'r 0"11c r 1\~t 5.'>I 403lt 'riff's T owfthoMe Lmdy 4 bt.'drm Con<l o with fu rn 1ly rourn S upcrb qu al it y l)(!li~htful Det•or lch•ul location $152.900 NEWPORT CENTER REALTY 640-1812 LOWER THREE ARCH IA Y air . frplc . pool. dbl UNIV. PARK II j!arage . up g r tidl'd YoYr chance to live ift a p rivate got....-ded cowity hen crrlnd! TMs ch.-*J 3 bedrOOM, 3 bath 9'0IM • a large lot witt. oce. view and fonMI dilli*J room is priced to sell. You ccmt enjoy the . private beach, tennis cowts .ct c.owuuwNty recreatioll cefttff that Oftty Thne Arclt lay can off~r. Only $289,000. Call Swift Torrmce. ~'74.000. 581·9898 Plush 2 Br+den end unit lO wnhousc. A t C, 1w w H&dington Beach I 040 cpt'g. On J.!r«:enblt t•lo:.t• ••••••••••••••• • •••• • •• t.o adult J>Ol)I By ownl'r S2SOO under market. By $93,500. Ph 552·1766 or Owner. a bdrm 1·'• ha. 5594482 firepaN.~. covered pa tio. UNIV_E_R_S_l_T_V PARK b new carpel. fres h µ~mt owner 5 HR w 11a'n/ 497.3331 LAGUNA IEACH !,n ~ out S7s.,ooo. <.:all Slt8.000 17911 Bascom -I J •I J 8 • 0 ,I 11 l 11 r 552-8291 or 805-482·4381 I • IO .. .. :H3, 431 04.4-1 rvene .. .. coll. ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEAN VIEW Unlimited ocean view Kv Owner. 0 0 H e rl it WOODIRIDGE BB.OW MARKET from both li \'ing room dlt.'{'k. no qualJfymg As-and m·,1s•er de"ks. rclu.~. bl SS• ooo VA 4 Bdrm. 3 ba. upgraded Sharp Jbr. gret1L locat1on • ~ ·' suma e ... · w II X I p d · h · 1ng spa, profess1'onally 81 • f · 1 ow. , Int oc. rof + ecor wit amenit1e:.. ~« or new mancmg. d . d . M II 6~" •3 landsca~. $130.000 C l t b h 2 ec g & Ian scap g. ustsc . 1..-. 11 agt. ~~ f o s,e 0 f eacl d•. Sl29,900.0wncr559·6337 DOHOSEH irep aces. orma m. n-.. S 5 S Woodbridge nr l ake. RIP!"LTORS rm. & ram. rm. Lar"e 3 "'l"<'n al 11· · un 1·5. bd ~ bdrm. 2 ba. $89.900. Prm· ___ 4_So_n...;g;...s.;..p_ar_r_o_w __ form. model 3 rm. 2'~ 401GLENNEYRE c1pals only. 848·3785. _ba_. Sl_49_._900_552_-8584 ____ , ____ 4_97_4848 ___ _ DOH'TMISS Coast Lin~ Ar~a. THIS ONE LCICJl9MI Beach I 048 CHARMER adult townhouse-condos. Ucerf1e ld. ever ything ••••••••••••••••••••••• A e a m e <I c e i I 1 n ~ s location -pnce details you could want 1n a *DUPLEX * thruout! focal point 1s Lloyd W1ngf1eld All home Winner of Gold Ocean side of hwy. level hugebrickfrplc.tnh\tn~ Statt• Hltrs Oa vs . NuJ!get Award at Pac lot.easy acccss to beach. rm .. Zoned H·2. Locatl'<l 536·931 l. Evesl wknds . Coast Builder 's Conf ~s paint. minor re· in Dana Point. $89,950 ~:$3 Vaulted beamed ce1I· pairs: ideal for home & IUILDING SITE mi.:s. wood burning frpk, int·ome Hurry . only Good view large bu1lda 6 bdrm hse. w w l'rpt, r us t bo ok l>h e h ·ei-. blelot Sl2S0 000 . Goldcnwesl & 1'.:d1ntt1.>r Sl.45.900 · • ar.,,. (>nt'" s167 •. """. '"~II s kylite. Li\•ing arca Mission Realty 494·0731 VIEW!! "u ,. • '""' '-'p opens to cov1:red r{'(lwd. Tiu bd 1· an 4 840-6242. By own. patio. 2br. 2ba. dt•n. 2 BK. North end. walk 10 5 4 rm. qua ity con· Pnnr1pal only. I' .. r d d structed custom home -.U#(e enu o l'U · l"l>UC beach: frpl. hdwd. fir:. . provides an atmosphere POOL&SPA lot Auto !tpnnkl l·r~ patio. R·2. cun add unit. for graciou,, ll\'IO J:. Walk to comm pool~. owner finance SlS5.00U. Not m multiple uook. <t hr. 2 ha Scawmd home nr Brookhurst & Allanla. h ighly upgrudcd . ~16.000 963-8377. HEAL EST AT 1-; PHOFESSIONt\LS ~°" Hc:ritOul-1042 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JUST ABOUT Jat:. s c h I!. S94 .500. PEG ALLEN Sl~l.OOO SEE .... Owner I Brk r 552 :1:111. REALTOR iltl4· 7578 752i!737 Open SJt I !'l JO -.::...... _-,,,;,,,_--~ Peppcrgras~ --~~LA l 'I' Vl 2 bdrm2ba Lnh:.c. 2br 2ba + beach s ho\H•r. qwet loc on ):(rnbll. fp ll' wet bar. pal10 w ·your nr pool & l'rtl>. elec i:Jr. own Eucalyptui. Tree ' a~s OK. 5.'>2 8383 o" nr lnt.enor upgrndl'<I T" o ;\lany xtrul>, 582.000. pooll>. tennis court. sec -· -gal.el> BEACH $162.000 Brand new 5hr. 3b11. 3 car. CJll Neal VanderZ1el for 2 frplc 2650 :.q fl appt.494·4264 Microwave. compactor. Sl45.000, Sl8.000 d~ n 5.'1)..6705. SENSATIONAL I lt ghly upj?raded 2 llr home rlose to park!> & ~l·h oo l. 10'; down $75.500 552 ·l:®i Art Danen Realty 492·4141\ ..... -------------~ Blue Ribbon S~cial the on?an new in thl'> rural scttm~. the c·harm 1>f old top of Lhl· ~ orld . 2 bdrms .. 2 hath~ & hul!C family rm add to the C'll JOymenl of thl.' setting SlS<l,500 '"l~r'l'=r ·~\ ....... 11eiatf~-,. 110!> N Cn 1~1 H1Qh* '" 1.oquM l!cdC:h c., ')Jb~I 17141 •9• 1171 ~~~ ~~~;;~-~·r.Jw;:;. 11 CIMI 49<l 4~91 LOWER 3 i\RCll B1\Y :JBr. 2Ba 2 llty. lg lot, 1wn view. c lose lo bl·h . TWe C 111 •ni:z.H._.. BIG 1111" a m built Ina. YI_,,. hlt.000 & -...a.u ... .,.. ....._..,.... HltUF ........:::: Mc CORMACI( RE '-cl•• Op"-Very larae execuUve W...e.Howll cu s tom residence. S26.000 Plut S2000 a Panoramic view. month la your p111111 k<:y Sheltered pool Mnd tipa. to ~ luxurious NEW At,1, ~1809: 675-6900 USTOMED h ome abovt the SUKGING •IAYFROMT• SEA with a breattita~inlj With large pier and slip. v1uw. 3 8clrms . :i balh!i. i''~l dlnlng, separate fam. rm. & din. rm. family room. large llv· Structured oC Cedar & Ill&. 3 Bclrm!i + maid. natural wlone. Enjoy S725,000. Agt. 558·1809: celebrities on lhc sands _67_5.->0 ________ 1 of v1,1orh1 Be•ch ... pay n~x t year . S3S0,000. "1M·7S.Sl kik for Hlll.te ~Hills 1050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 llR 2 BA. Mooter~y rondo. highly upgraded. $79,SOO. Ownr. 837·5991S RY OWNER Nt!W 2br . 2ba . pallo h o mt'. Lrg k11 Grtienhousc win. Up· N.l.CHARME.R &ONLY $159,000 Lvly new carthlone crpt- mg enhances this 3 br, 2 ba home. Muny upgrades & located on a quiet street w/a choice private yrd. Newly offered 1-'ee land. 759·1501 graded lhruoul. Dbl. gar. Big 2 sty. newer 4br. 3ba. w/opnr C'A llec., f~H'. Back Bay Hu ~c lot. Owne r d e s perat e Hor ses OK $149.999. $74,500. 768·3434 Prtn. Only 645 7783. LOCJllM NigMI I 052 _P_ri_~ __ _ •••••••••••••••:••••••• BEACH COTT AGE Laguna Niguel BY THE BA y Realty • ICiftq of the Mountain Over(ookinJ: El N1Auel Golf Club. Lrg 4 BH. n e wer home " panoramic new or green lull'> & 'alley:., cooled U) :.ea breezes . Custm built. loculoo on qwct cul·dc sac. Sl79.950 ILUERllBON A true winner. Ric h. warm colo rs & lush plants welcoml' you uno this 2 BR. 2 hulh homL· w sec·lhru lrpll' :.l'n m~ h\1llg rm & den Ground:. a r t' r e min1s C'l'OI ol s e t·luded Spun1!>h Courtyard. S115.000. 493-9494 495-5220 496-2413 830-5050 --------TIIE SHOR ES Pvt comm 3 Br upgrd'd , must :.ec Call days, 49'.? 2732 or t'\:. 196·7301. o" ncr c .in carry. -------~lust sell beautiful 3 Br :I Ba home. By Owner "" sumable Vt\. S83,90u Pnn only. 495·4789 ~ hochside of Hwy. -SUper v1ew·ht'ar wav(•s craslung ! Beach c:ottai:t- w guest apt. $225,000. Fmty Beach HOt1se 3 br 2 ba w J:Ul'Sl apt Super views from 3 stont>S lge yrd. i::ar:.1gc. onlv I bl ock to hcaC'h On· ly SISS.000. Won 'l last ! DOLPHIN R.E. 494-8581 Spacious & lvly . freshly decorated in earthtones w two lge entertainment J,13llos Gas BBQ Move m cond111on w unlimited potential. Pnvalc beach & s eruri l y i;utc s . Pre~tig1ous locallon al an affordJbll.' pnC'e or fered at only Sl58.500 646·7711 Real Eslatc •SEAVIEW BY OWNER pgradt-d Ham pl o n model. 3 br. 212 ba + rm. ly·rm. Oc:ean & nt~ht lttc view. Guurd 1?all', p ool· tennis Principals only S295.l.OO 1213 1430 3629 BEACH HOME SI 37,200 Rare beal'h homl' on rec land Steps to the beach. pools & tennis. l111thly upgraded. Great startt'r investment or s ummer home 646·7711 Dover Shores View 4Br. 4 Ba. fd. fr. A C. ~50.000 Ownr 64fi <17ti9 .... Apn• 11, '"' IAYCllST Leeward Lant la a qule etreet. wilh J1Htcy homes Drive by aou, then c•I Bob DlckiMOO at 97 t.o Me lhil 3 Bdrm, 2 bit beauty. Open Sun l·4, 3>1.S.Leeward Lane leach Do•u•H $105,000 Newport Sbof'H. attr11c Uve 3 BR. newly crpl"d pamled inside & out. blk• to beach. Owne transferred out of area . Pool & tennis courts. Reasonable terms t qualified buyer. Call ro appt to see. Pe.:gy 960-4392. ~-2498. BEST ORIC I NA BLUFFS AREA! Scnsa uonal plan E. highly customized. spacious ' bdrm. swte + mas:.1vc family rm & added hob· by rm . Over looks enormou& g reenbelt. llonestly priced at $189,500. Agent 640·5560 OPEN SUN 1·5 COMIHOMITO SOUTH LA-.... .....ISSM THUi AICH IAY Plctwe ... lt•RHI 111 ... tllt tM1 I . ....... .._ ........... .... """-S2 ...... PMe LA•UMA UDO • lac._... 2 lt•*H• IMcll "'H'b ... ,. ri4Jllt •... •• I .... SHl,000 H••tt.cl ~~::. c:=: I .... lffch md Plw. $299,500 499-4551 SOUTH LAGUNA 497-JJJI 491-17 Lagmaleach 493-1112 D-Poillt # 17 Canyatt l&ICMCI Dr, BDorocloPlon. twwportlffch 1069 Newport~ lte COfltriact f Sale ••••• ••• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ••••• ............... .,.. o • SEAVIEW·ly OWMr By owner. 3 Ar 2 Ba. lft REALTY WORLD RARE Bar Harbor study arelt;J fa""l.Y T . World lnvestmenLs w/beaul. shutters. 3BR. frplc. assoe. lfdot1t . 951-0200 2"'-iba+fmJy rm. Guard 1 blk to otean.~ llEAUTIFUL gate. pool. tennis, view. House Sat/Sun 1·5. ~lot & l'Ompl privacy. Lugo nta . 638·96 4 8dnrt • Fomily R"' Below• mkt. $259,000. Ph $116.900 ::i.:_ JMI New C'arpel. close 644-7970 for appt. to Sl'hool & 1lark. Fct• ---------S.C~ I 0 s110.ooo. Ph 640· 1440. HARIOR VU HOME ••••••••••'-••A••••• 551-6.56_1 ------• 4 br. 2ba . fmly rm. Mon· tego model, adj to 11reen· bell, pool, & Anderson WI::STCLJ FF. 4 Br. 21 ~ bu. Sl69,50!! By owner Open Sat Sun 12 30·-1.30. 1514 Dover Dmc IELOW MARKET! BIG CANYON Condo great location. ALSO eh.•ganl 3br. home with pool +spa only Sl24 .900 Pnnc. Only 6'73·4311 Agl EXEC. DELIGHT Purv pleasure from the l.llTI(' you enter the enC'I d court yd or this ele.:ant 4000sq ft homt-w perfect plans for enterta ining or falllllY hvmR 4br. 412ha. fam rm. billiard rm. sauna. Jac. 3 car gara1::e. secunty. Fct! S475,000 Open Sat. 12·5. Sun 12·4. lSOlj Antigua Way Ownr. 631·3140. LSE/0'110H Newly decorated 3br. Jba. overlook m g golr course. Back Bay 5750.mo. 642·8106 or &l.'>·<X!Sl CONDO Pnmc locauon Close to pool. 1ac u711, i.11una & beach. 2 br . den. 2 l..tath Adult c o mmun 1 t~ SIOl.000 tlol hi. W 6od. Realtor 675·867ti ' HARBOR VIEW HOMES Elem Sehl. $175.000 Fee HCS'bor ViewKltOll 2 br. 2 ba . den. Sl68.SOO Fee.. l(ftal Properties 644-2542 752-2838 Catch A .Jro~~~,o~!~~top retreat 1n Newport . Sereruty. a magn1f1cent view and lovely decor. yet rompeuuvely priced below $300,000. IJ523 CAMPOS Da· lRVJME I 10 DecJr-Oa v AlTOSS a golf course & Nixon Estlilte, 28D() sq home w/spjral sfairc· & much more '' $249.900. ~ Try a C'Onlract sale ~ WESfCOA.5T PACIFIC REALESTA'l'E ~ &11·2600 • 1496.ssts . BYO~ER uwely Ion~ vie,.. ov loo k in g Shorec Ii golfcourse 1& mMJnta: C5tm bit gazebo 31 ocean view. 3 lg Qr 2 frplc. wet bar drapes oow can>et'9& ~Prof. corat ed 1n :4 o Wshrldryr & re/Ilg to main. 2 patios. a sprinkle r .•• 1Hghtln F.a.slly maintained P ' beach club.' Approx J sq ft . $149.B . 492~ CUTl.~OZY 2 bdrm CQ\l,gC. \ol(/lpl Dbl dew~ gar. w t access . ta tile I wrroom lO ~. Li• a !>umable loun. S75. AA Beach Rllrs.. 492-2H ---...... Largest 1 bdrm. hou~t! San ClemenJ.e. 1533 Ml on 1&12 lots shadl! trt'l' some ocean v1uw. Ii maculale Owt1el' mu ~I l' a n s a f a m 1 I } n ... 1ghborhood Plan with \Clltr family in mtncl t:nbcl1l''·ablt· 'It'" + Crwit n!'1ghiXlr" vrl·.11 tenm. 3 Br i Lia. !!' •', _________ , :-.dmols Gr ... at shopp1nll a:-.~umable loan Agt Hill JASMINE CREEK Call vour i:n•a t r('a ltor 831 L25_'_7._S_J26.50<1 Best buy at s2~5.000 ;ilJolil th1-. P.real -1 POOL HOMES Plan V. approx 241.IO .,q fl. bl·droom. s rngll' It•\ t•I Oak plank !Ir:. 111 kllch & hum(' ~ 1th ~ rt',, t 2 homes to choose from family rm H ll?hl~ rle· landsC'apini: & g n -.ll Newport C ente r 640-5357 Both have 1 lir. d1n111g corated thruoul Fully pn l'l.'ofSl68.0l.IO rm . famil y rm ~ secured an·:i Sevl•rul ~ dramatil' 'll'Ws Call pools tennis crts. As· ------- Rudy at Valley RcJlt~ sumable tst TD. 2nd 10'. 21 BAY CREST PEMC &11·7300 2nd. no points Opl'll Mi . v· . I 067 s a l s u n I . 5 I 7 -""'l m EXEC SPECIAL OF PERFECTION SI.Ion 1e10 Whitewater 640·11715 ICTJ ~ • Luxury hv1ng at ~s ve ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·--------• New_,. Center best hen• """'istra TERR R ..-. • P r e s l 1 g 1 o u :. """ ! I C ! luff 640..5357 ncighbtJrhood of impos-hal·1e nd a 'o n h u $64,500 1:-;a:-1 R Great \'ll'" ---------1 mg homl~ 4 hcdrooms. cquestnan lot in pn '!.._ h I d f 3' • lo briikl•r 4br, fm. f I I area. Elegant 5 ~dr .. 1s ome 1:, p unnc or rm. S2!!J.SOO 2807 Alta • C D'. p " . am1} room. poo . 3 car fl ... d cfftc1cnC'y offt-nni: a fn 'l' Bf~A 'II ..; Lr:X. "' n ~ara)!c Show~ pride nf our plan wi .. , '"1 tbe b e s t bu y s in American. OH water homes. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. 2200 bQ.ft. Sl59,900. 4 Bdrm 2•, Ba. 2850 s q .fl . i184.9llO 4 Bdrm 21i Ra. Jacuzzi. Sl77.SOO Sea~ate rond<>" from S 175, IJ(JO A beauuful big new custom home. 160' on wall'r. HJO' dO<'k SI .200.000. 12 other waterfront home:. CHEER REALTY 846-5531 UNIQUE & BEAUTIFUL 3hr, 2ba. home on quiet r ul·de-sac w1lh many up- Thut ':.the lht'mc for lh1s "O LD E Lt\GU~ \ DUPLEX" lmpoi.tn~ two story des1i:n of early l.a~una a rc hll l'Cl urc with detailed extenor of BOAKD N'BATT AND $28>.000 644-1814 Emerald lay Lot 673·6634 rormofarchitel'lurc.l"c> Vista Dr . Npt lk h ce<in \U, S!GS.00) SuPL'r h \ 1 eating a rea, fam1 ,., .. 'll9. Qn.•n hou.~" !-'··t , 213 836 . .,c.,• owners 1p 1 10ml' you r· d . hdrms. I '~ bath. t·om r'[.. .,-. "~ .,u rent area . ..,.,Cl'f "111 be proud ol W!!ll room. 2 ireplace1J an fort:Jbh.· mt·a11tlcnn)!:. llGCAMYON pnredal S252.500 tcr rom . llao,d:.o IRANDNEW COM DO With Boatslip available. Pool & Tennis court. WATERFRONT SHIPLAP SIDING. 1~1••--1111!!!~--~ w a rolle cllon or 111 •BY OWNER• ~ beamed ceilings, 1acu door outdoor :.pa('l'!> Leos. Optiott &. sunken tub m m:is locoted m ~tb!>1on \ ieJo Harbor View Palcrm Broadmoor No.3 pla n swle. Patio add room ~4477 customized rustic• look w lge 4 Bdrm. 2'-i ba 21 pool. Hurry ! S~50,0 4br. 2' ~ba. Spa, 2 BUQ'~. w l~e pool·s1ted yard BKR Must :.ell ' f'el' ltind. N~ attention. Prtcl•d ~ 831-27 14: 493-1341lotl f ' Sl98.000 2012 Port Bristol for 1mrncdrntc sale at TARIELL Cir. 1·498·62Ut.i. S39!'J 500. Inquire about Newport CHter PROPERTIES ~. 213-592·2813 ------- f rndcs Professional -.nds caping with lropiC'al til rium & redwood deck. Superbly done with Koi ponds. waterfalls front & back. covered patio. bll·in gas fire p it with BBQ. Hardwood noors. central air. Lots of cus tom c arpentry + mul'h. muc h. more !!! Near schools. parks. & pools SACRIFIC E Sl 09.500. r .P . 7 14 1551·1096. 642-2902 <ans. serv.) located on pnmc North end lot. w/RAM BLING PICKET FENCE. OLDE BRI C K BBQ AJl<D WALKWAYS. Upper 2 BEDROOM. I BATH IY OWNER ---other Big Canyon listmRs,._ __ •6•4•().•5•3•5•7---iSanta Ana at bi S.2311 or 640 76f.s. •· ••••••••••••••••••• • • lr'YiM 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HIPPITY HOPI $73,900 M> lntne ft we '11 offer you tbiB discoYery you can't duplicate in Lhe Vllla11es d Woodbridge. Cbarm- llll. 3 bdrm. 2 be bome wr.. dehcloua pers_ptC· the of warmth, bngbt· ness & mHT'fment. Drop by & see for yourself. 562MTT ~ Walkm t; lee PERSONALIZED PROFESSIONAL' SERVICE REAL E'>TArt 8'1' LASll U '>HARKANY 752-0166 The Ultimate In , Twtlerock Hi,hlands A choice bdrm. + view home or an elegant s bdrm. home. Built by l...uU. Amenities galore. SS$$ In upgrades. Ex· ecut.ive In every w•yl S239.500 And S25 7 .500 l)an l:J1bb. Agt. UNTT hos spacious hvmg Very attractive 3br. 2bu OPEN TODA y 1•5 Bradford Condo fol' s • room. approx. 25 feet Lg. ~ardcn 593.000. lo OCIEANFRHTDPLX JUST LISTED by Owne r . 3 , bdr long. Wllh bu.ilt-111 china dwn or l:.c opt ion 2 Bdrm. 1 ba ear h unil. SW,500.549-70 cabmct and PEt::K OF Causey l>IQ.0797 Xtra larf(e2 cargaragc This Harbor View home _____ __. ........... ~- THE OCEAN. Cozy $365.000 LIDOISLE S PARKLES from the OlherR--'Es .. lower 1 BEDROOM. 1 & twwportlleach 1069 675·1906 newly redecora ted & '"" BATll UN IT features ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·---------PRIME PROPERTIES custom-features. new •••••••••••••••••••• • BRICK FLOORS AND O:>mpanv ·-carpellnA. new planta-MobffeHomH w 1 N E c A s E . • 1 MOVE IH TODAY Hew Custom luilt tion shutters. exqumle For Sale I I PANELED WALLS. For ADD·OMor Sharp 3 Bdrm. corner THEILUFFS HOflW1ofOut-wallpapers & a lovely •••••••••••••••••••• • those who want a place PUTIN A POOL lot . now vacant. In Just reduced to $144,900. standincJ9volity yard W/Jac u u 1 a od at the beach, full of 3 Bedrooms. 2 •,2 Baths. Nwprt Shores. t\ssuma· Absolutely immaculate. apricot lade n l r ee. EXCITING "OLDE LAGUNA charming area with ~1~1110~~ic~:.Ws.~·8.~~~: 3Bdrm2•-,bath.formal 219Aftd221 Beautifulbuy .. $J8!,:;o(). • CHARM ". we be lieve c,i·vacy. mature trees. d . 1., 1 1 <land included I lhis on e will lake k U f ·1 Southlaoders R .E . 1n1ng. s p l u eve VJaS.Retn0 1833PortStanhope "FIRST PLACE". Of· c pa o, amt y room 548-5774. lownhome. Open space n......-Sat/Sutt 1·5 <off Newport Hiiis Or.WJ ...... '" BeautiluJ 1973 Signal 24x60. 2Br. 11,Bu w/r rm. 5 Slar Ad\t Pet P and s uper large lot. ---------view from living room ._,...... 640-6259 fert.'dforonly $235000 •OMTHEWATER• and master suite. Now OrlyAppointmtnt $172,500 Full Price ' • 3 br 1!\4 ba + boat slip. vacant. Owner anx1ou:.. PRICED $495,000 ~ L -~ ~£t'¥b~~~~nd UTI'UCUTIE youownlheland. CaJl540-ll5l (},//tut ;//b MISSIOH REALTY The price Is right. the Bkr .......... 673-5991 <>PIN SAT & SUH I .5 R E A l T y Sea C. & S.ue <MTL027). 98SS. est Hwy, Laguna view is terrific & WALK bBallslcomerdplx. Cstm 223 VIA ITHACA A beautiful •FAMJL ...._. 494.013 I TO BEACH ! A lltlle Cape Cod w/3 Dr. 2 Ba Exec ~e Paradise. 24x60. 2 ---------• paint and imagination ea. unit. Skylites & Ions. 40' IOl. cathedral ceiling Priv"le mslr rm suite 28a home, overlook 1---------•I are all that's needed: 2 Use of woods thruout.1---------3Bdrm&gucstquarters .. the Blue P•ctflc. Of'IH SUMDA Y I ·S Stt-YllMJWM a.c-.. 2141~ UpperVlctoria Beach Beaullfully furnished (f'-Wn nol lnc)) wood & llau 3 Br, 3 ba. den. 2100 sq f\ livable. Great ocean vu in secluded area. Walk to beach. Terms avail. $Zt9.500 497-1711 Bedrooms and onl y s 6 o o. o o o cas h . BY OWNER. Totally spacious&sunny widen. cslm built to beach. 5 minutes r S00.500 213/684·3200 remdJ'd 3br. 2ba. w/fam $396,000. Or by Appl. enhance prestigious liv· F •ah Io n I 1 I an • ---------rm. Near parks, schls, & ing in Westcliff. 1-'lnest Reasonable Park R IAYCllST shopping. Terrific buy. ..._ SOOHLIMG amenities & area. 3 Br. 2 <PK.1098>. PRIMICOTTAGE HOltTHIMDI Perfect starter borne on beautiful la r ge lot. Hardwood floors. 2 Bedrooms . many po11lbililies for e x - pansion. A MUST SEE at 11.62,500 • Our frie nds love to Sl. ....,.laOICRS :!:8.s~•tly:;:,i.~;r:.::: ._ ... plber here. We're sure •••WATlltFROMT 675-5626 Owner 642-3435 or ad -_,_.. you & yours will too. · t S,11111 hr Co•Je & see our 4 3br. 2ba, fam rm. By _________ , viwmERNREALTY lltautiMll&arACllt specious Br"s . 3"2 Ba. lg Ownr. 472 62nd, Newport SERVICES 530-223t 3'dO Seacrwt, z lie dining rm, llv1n11 rm Beach. 642·3147. Dover Shores Mansion, ZBa, wtth all Ute xt w If r p I c • r a m 11 y i--,.-.._--L-.-f-f'_OR_t_ 6br . 5ba. 3 f rp lcs. --------•I ~ylZUOO. <KZ705T> rm /kitc h en. ptor. __..., gourmet kitchen. den, EASRLUff darkrm/bobby r m. All rrtce l~•d frm. din. rm. View C"•-1 .... •"" 1tw.a.1... 1 "-I·........ h' 1 l d 3 l S37 5 Bdrm. 3 baths, <'hoice """"""" "'"' over..,.,....oe our g very """"'.......,..,sop 1st ca e Priced al on y, 5.000. corner location. Frtilh PAC= private treed garden Br fmly /d ln rm & FeeGround Prine.Only. W/pool, deck. <firepit & beautiful stained lllass Attl 644 0070. eves. rint. S h ake roof. MOllL.I OMI real eat.Ile BBQ. By Owner . 1633 windows. Many "tras ! 64().9TS8. t!7·~-c----1u_ SALIS SanllaflO Dr 548·4784 . MOVE-INCond. "oy'""' .--, nr. 2708Harbor.8'eaos.. 1104 So. Coast Hiway In VIiiage fo'air LAGUNA BEACH 497-2457 S8LL idle it.ems with a 1249.SOO Open Sat/Sun o.-.p Pn Rlty. S£.LL idle Item with a 541.7729 a.1917 .~-~Dai==·~=~=·=~=C=las==sl=fl=ed=A=d=·~·=5=73=CA=="""===J)a==~l1tVIMl====:L.;;;==============l,;::::::;=:=========:J~U=~=·::;::;::===:::.:::~Edie~~Roy~==;::::633~·~08~13ll:D&~~~Y~~~l~~C~la=ss~lf~ied~A~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t ! - ------...-------------.. -----.:-.. • .... •fll"...,. -· ···--· ---··------~ '\ .. \ .... ... .... ...... ~ . . . . ... Hewpor1 Beach IBr. l blll ........, IO ocean. Stl.IOO. ... S. 110 PCllU. W..llJI ----"""' SlWllTOllACH Dbl _. 'II Tra1lcrama <DN~lll• S pvt ~h 6 ,.. Sub attuna a.11o ... f'd torall'd ln TNHW't' I 910l Pa<'1r6e COa•l Hwy &..ittc 8 t h Offt1rd h1 ~Mr.11w -16 • •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ....... 2.-., z..18r, AO dt>lt1Tcd ma1t1l 1170,UOO. Hkr m-4010 w ...... , ......... 101/tM.lllll•c ... 1..,....... only 3 frl WMt quack f~row Pnn C'lpa l 1 n n ly Owntt ~nl ~ ... >'O ft t>At.t) Od uh' --~rt, 2000 aili1.ll0' tJ~t1r1.11tl'<I Skyhnl' "••••••••••••• ••• • ••• • 111 S• Beach Pi.rk 4! llr. • 6 UMITS fuJI ba, r11mll)' l'"m, I htnft , .. I kllC'ht"n. laund JIOfd\ All 2 llr I 8.l Goou ••ll' "ult out-.i<ll· pon•h "l'. u1tt<' 1«11ttlt1 t 1.111 a'Wf\1njls. mor.-Atlult lll'll~~.oou pllJ'k Only 6 moo. uh! ~·1 A f 1£\ TIG€ toa1>pn~mt1• 000 ~4 '-I-= i= HOPI€\ llnll Sk>linl•. :? br. ~ bJ, ...,...., ... , (' II NU crpU, df'Ptl, I lt blOCb \I ~ft' Oilbt W), I •d• 960-5022 645-464' HAPPINESS IS FOUIPl.IX l.IVUl& at the beach in a All 3 Br 2 Ra units. apaclOWi dbk' Wl~t> 381\, Owner will carry 2nd TD Zba. 2 p a t io:.. 2 11tor IUx gross 11t SIM ooo. sheds. wshrtdry r, dis • hwhr. CUilum Tappa ~ rR€HIG€ w1rot1ss & dbl ovt'n HOM€' Pl enty of room lo l gardt'n PP 960-537!1 33.13W.CoastHwy.NB Ol'eanfront vucallon spo1 64M64' Jorlhe vcar ·round. 20x4 --1 ...... ITcr.C __ _ Crusader Pvt ~ach & "" :r .M. fislung pier Only St8.000 Beaut new bu1 ld1ng. Spaw re nlal SS751mo ti'lreplal'e:.. xlnt hw1111on Space 42, Treaiiurt TSLlovmts tH2·lf;OJ Island 30tt01 So. Coust Hwy, Laguna Bch. Opon JHOUSES llous(.' Sal /S un I 5 f.ust..s1i:leC M J:wpurnlc 536-9770. houses on c·orncr lot. -~per locauon Sl5!l,YOO. •OCEAN FRONT·2Rr. Dl.500 Tre~s ls M.11 ~ f 1€\TIG€ Pk. So Lag Sp 153. Call HOM€\ agt Cynthia ~ o 537·2271or968·0838 J333W. Coa:;t llwy, NB ----645-6646 Aawa9t fot' Sale 120 ---- .. ••••••••••••••••••••• FOUR UNrrs.C.M. Rancho Ca hr. area. 4 S acre parcels. Sl00.000 full price, wrms, mus t sl.'11 Agt 97!*-41*;.t --_.., INVESTORS lO dl:rt.>i>. l\·vd lm·1·slor u·rm;,, '<lnl an·a t Lot !ophtl DROVER h'77 SliU'J: 67fl-2X2.1 l•\'I'> Near new. 3 Br owne rs unit. 2 b;,. frpl. 2-car gar. J.2 Br, 2 ba, units. TSL lnvstmts 642· 1603 4 Houses & Dplx F'lve 2 Br. om.• I Hr with ~araite:. & yJrd;, <in•at EaSL'>tde locn11011 SliO.tMI() down. Tl•nnnt:. rw~ 11111. Owner will 1·urrv t•on· tral't l"u II Orll'l' S:I00.000 Be~~~I ~Pi!~~dt.~ ~ rR~~I~€~ with oaks. ranlasll( 3333 W Coast Hwy, NB vu~wi.. xlnt ~razin~ land. 64§..6646 private 5 acrl' lake, pro· --- perty completely fenrl'd Xlnt r1mcl't site or camp ground l:ould be s ub dJ\·1ded Investor term:. 1 rn 5691 or 1 522 20l!O 8rok<'r PILOTS ftARADISE 150 + acn!l! in btfl N Su Diego County. wm~h~ to usc 1800' ;11r !olrip Spectacular ocn \ 11.'" !>e<'Unty. pn VUl:Y &l.OOt per arre. xlnt term:. o 86.00J pt'r ac n· cash. 5'. to Bkni. t 714 ) 481-111:\X 130 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4-Plex for s:ile by O"ner. near beal'h in San ClemenJe. Xlnt rnv..-.. t mt•nl $175,0001 Firm 4J6..295.S ------leoch Property I 3 S •••••••••••••••••••••• FOISALE ~,,,_;1 r.n'Cih Irvine BY OWNER 2 DUPLEXES for Sall.' Owner will t•arr)• with 15': down. Corona del Mar 675-3956 Bayfront Uupli< 1-'ant vu. J Br upr 2Ur lwr F p, blt.ns & !dry hkup in ea S um m r " n l r r c n t I S390.000torr o "n 'a~I 840-187!:1 Old.r tn-plx on dbl lot. ~rt l11x s hllr Sl75.0001ofr own/ar(l ~0-l!('l!l U.8 ·s Bcsl 1 L:n1t build mg Ride your bike to the beach Gro:.:. inc S29.0tH per year ScottRHtty 5lt..7533 Hwttinston Beacb trl-1 pla. 3 blocks to water . I ~from Surf• Sand *1J01000. C-21, ~7M2, llolel ·treat ror prol. of· •luorCbri1. ncn. Bld1. + 2 lots __ ......;..._.__ ____ , tw /plaa1 for omcea, COISICAM 4-PLU ._ • I-Hr parking>. NMJ-So. Coatt Piasa, by Flnlble fhunclng. OWMf' Sl•.~. 540-Ult 85.000. I Lots avail. or..._ 1ep.,atel1 .. Barbara ---------• Wrl eM.-(D-61> WANT ACTION? Cluailed Ads 142.54111 • • • • .... ._ f r>ropt'rtlt'S now »v11Uab \' $19,000 duplu Or•l'I( ·ounty -pat1D1J & aani:" • Near.new dupleic Orafli., County -view• Sl$1.l00 • Balboli Ii.land duplt•• -lrttdo down unly wo.ooo • Jbdrm + 2bdtm -COlila Ml'tfu $16:1,900 • llOUM' ,.. dupl.-11 -Ontu1 lo, lllb.5UO, • Or•A&• lrlplt1• SalUOO 4 Or.mi: Counl)' tuwnhouH unlll1 -brand ftt!W' 122J.50!) 4 hUUM' I IOI v rd $170.0i.J I pk'C pnlJl• ol ll14 n •nhl 11 141th uwnn :i. unit c;:.s,OIXI Co tu Mt·'ll I plt••wi. wot l14'\•' Sl~.000 t·Ul'h. (.'o\ tn~ton I pll·~ lll'l.lr !\vuth l'oi&/11 fllu,11. s.;:00.111.i I pit"' fl'\'•'lllh 1 t'lullmht..'tl \ 11•111 SI~ !JllO I hou ""' l.11 ti'' lot ( 'o'ta M1• .... 1 ~~~ uou I 1.llllh l\"'lll :'lt1•,,1 )1110 WO I µI\•)( l-'ull1•rt1111 ~l.i-0.000 I lllllh 111clu1l111111 l'll"tom own1•1 ' unit llunt111.:Lon lil.·111·h s:.!i~ l)(MI 4 dupl(!J(l'' I 11n1l., 1·uch 14 llh llf\.'l>IJl'l' llLllllUli,(lOfl lit•IH'h $1117.0011 ~ t..-i;:una Beach unit... \ 11•111 • ~.ooo II unJts -durh·\ 1 a pl1•\ cNl 1 tut hN1mner. $21~.00o II Oro.nge County ur11t~ ~l!t!),oOll ti Orange County u111i.. ~.0110 l'l lurt;e un1h mr l'ond11101wd $230.000 ti units -2 1 pll'\t'" pml of ownership - 1 lunlln~ton twc1ch $11.>0,000 I:? wuu. -:J 4 111,.,, . ., OrllllWl' County pride ol ownt>rsh1p J hdro1 nw1w r '11n1t $675.0011 11 urut:. wttl\ ~pcntl11hk 111 (lrun14c County S~:!S.tfil 11 11n11' '\.:>!17.1100 ll UIUb 77.'>.<kX> Ornnf:l' County I Yl'Ur old do::.e to bca<'h Iii unit:. c I I µlt•x c!> 1 Or•llll:l' County ~;.:iv.00.1. Iii ur11t:-. 1\n11hc1m -~ol two: S.175.000 each. Ill un1U. R 1' c r1'.1dl.' -~ardcn courtyanl. SJl).IW,0 lti units -br:inc.J nl'" -h1f:h c.Jcmand /ht~h n·nl art•a. Ptr..:.11Jlc l'Onver:.1on lti unn:. -Oran..:l' County SW0.000 16 units -oul of l>litll'. $425.000 • 16 uruts -pride of ownership Huntington 8<-ach $9W.OOO 17 unit.:; on ocean S7f>O.OOO lH WlllS -RIVl.'rSld\• $425.000 lK Wllb -Dall;,:-.. Tt·'i:.tl> $346.000 I ~ units · Oran~e County -Span1"'h archtlt't'ture. Sll0.000 l!J Ulllh -OUl of Sl;Jl>' $.152.000 211 hard lo 11nd pride ol ""11cr:.h1p unit:. - <.:o:-.ta :\h•sa. S~'"ltl.lX)tl 21) un1h IC I\ er,1dl· -:! .,lCtn .:.1rdt>n style ~:~.!.t)INI :.>i1 Ulllb .:;330 l~KI :!:.! unit-. out 111 'l.itt· :s.12:!,CKJO ~3 ulllt" Santa :\lun1t·a -.ubtcrrancJn pJrking SI 5!Kl,Um :!3 un1 h S~ent a :\1 Ollll'J :\l,l).'l0.0~1 :!:J Ullll"' Sl.XllO,i,W lJal con1ci. clc\ a tor., :! I unlls Orange County -all ha vc fm•pl:wes & l'n('IO:.l'd gar:l,.:l':-. Sl.350.0UCJ. l l unit:. -Urangl• Count~' SliOS.000 :!G unit:. llo ll ywood -pool & air l'Olld1t1ont.>d ~.000 :!7 unit:-. llc>l lywond ">Ul.llerranean µark111~ Sl.l:J0.000 <!K pnde of owncr:-h1r unit-. lfuntmi,:ton lk.•l'h 11 ~ mil1•., lo heach • Sl.575.000 ;!K uni ts out ot !>t;1tc $770.0W W uruL'> bJlcon1c::. & v. ct har:. -Hollywood ~I 070.IJIJ() :J:.! un1b 1n hig h dl'mand area or Oran ·c Cfmnl~ SOCIO.tMJO " J:! Or.mj.\l' Count~ 11r1r11 • uf •Nnl•rbh1p umh 0'<' n"r'::. unit "W1lh n·ram1t· lllc & wuodburn1n,I! I 1n•µlacl'. Sl.HllO.uOO 31 unit!> -out ol :.talc 5.3 X ~rm,., :J.1 umt!> llolly"ood -pool Sl.l~.0110. 311 umL' -Oullab. T1•xa:. Sb'Zl.000 Jo unit:--I luntin~ton Beach Own your own ,.,tr•·et ' Pride of owner,,h1p :!bdrm . <!bath "" ncr's unit -with f1rl'1>lal'l' S2.CJ25.i.W ;j~1 unit;, -uut 111' !>lalc ~ilJ.WO IU unils -HullY"ood -l>e<:unly lcature:- S2.tl00.00J. :>o untb -brand ne-w -I pll'ites near lluntini;t11n Harbor OWC tu 53 umt:s -Dalla:.. Texa:.. $1.064 .000. 66 unih -Dalla&. Tl'xas Sl.391:1.000 75 units -R1churdl>on. Tcxa:-. Sl.532.UOO. 114 units in Texas Sl9.000 per umt 85 + unit:. ~ W Holly wood -sel'ur1l) S2. 000. 000. 96 umts 1n Tex al> Sl7 .000 per unit IOli units -excellent renli.11 area or Orange Counly SJ,,jQ(),000. IJ~ units -cxch:rngc S2.HOO.OOO. 112 unit:. llollywood nl'ar frcl'wuy $3, 100.0011 125 units -I'._, year:. old S2.37S.OOO 1:16 pnde or owncr:.h1p units in Orange County s1.;;oo.ooo II)() un1ls -nut rJI :.tall' S!!.litiO.IJOIJ ltlO um~ In Tl·XUS SIX.()(H) IJl'r unit No onve-hy!> pll.'a<,1· In r1t-f1•rC'ncl' lo the w1'1hl·'I or our proJ)\:rty owm•r.,. pll.,1w 110 not a~k lur addrl'l>:.~. II you a1 l' a :-.incl.'rc buyer. :.eller. or e'<chanl!l.'r. pl('U"' l'Jll for Jll appointment or \ 1!>1t our offil'l'. Opl·n daily 11nd weekends fur your convenienct• 114 units Disneyland :irl'u motel now under ronstrucl1on. Tur nkl'y al $4.275,000. • Major hotel with room to build m Orange County. Reliremenl home to be built S4.09S.OOO. • S hopping cente r l>lte package -next to regional . S4.4SO.OOO 2 shopping Cl.'t'llcr -OUl of stale. $2.788,000 & $6.393.000. " Proressiooal center m Tusltn. Sl.500.000. Office building -Oraniie County Sl.700,000 orr1ce buildtn~ Lo be built -Central Orunge County. Sl.250.000 • R v Park -282 Siles. SI .500.lm. • Mobile Homl' Pork. S2.800.000. • Gas stalion & office in Or11n~e County. Sl76,000. • 4 1ndustr1al bu1ldin1ts -$2,000,000. • Industrial buildings -S2*>.000. SJll!,:)00 & $1 .925.000. • Industrial sites In Riverside. • Commercial stores & buildings for lease - Santa Ana. • Lots fl land In Orange County. Riverside, & San Diego Cowlty Investment property ownership should be one ol your mtJor life soals. It can aecure your ruture and protect your future eamln1s. Why not lalk It over wtlh one or our highly trained st1rr of ove r 40? We have over 140 properties available now ~nd we know how to g.ct you started. ' 9UAIL PLACI PIOPIRTllS. IMC. 17141752-1920 --------4# -1•, ,.._ ~. '""'. ,... •t• 9'.,. --~ ..... t a..r1111111..., o.erliillltllllt Olllr~.... IM111•Uiila 101• 1111111• ts' ?tf ......................... ., ........................................ . =~~!!!!! .. !~ =!.':~!~ ..... °!~f:P::' n !?! !,f::!~.~ ..:,.:.::z ............ . D~·-· ...... w::=.::=ti::ICX;.r.::IM.,;:.~ ~ ~•·· ""'• u.ea-Hut.our man1 mo ~······~-· ldnl. -· Cad Mllre. -°"".,~ ...... 2 Br ar INHll, fplc:, _:!EIL-!~~. a lldl 8L *· 3ba. den. ~c'::· aAcf..fr:· blQgO 3• ....,. .... 1 1 l -· Xlnt area. Avail -.ia.lfli.41M111. ,. -•-• • acret • now.1e1-•1. Colar_... lllllll Sett Im· ~... UIO medl•t•lf SZ l .~oo . 2 Br. l V• ba. fl'Plc. panel· --·• .. •••••-•-•••• INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES ~aftS..:.!!:._ ~2=~·beach. BR Co.do, luldl lll}dlft.,._,, ...._, drJ•r. refri1. ...... l701 2 b d r • . I ~ b a • MOO. Laauu Vlllaae. •••••••••••••#•••••••• Towollome, lireplace. ,_111_.am _______ _ <M Ruby Red Grt1pefru1l. xtra deu. SS.O per cno. tl11l11 VW. U67 WIOO P/A. Wiii Ct.''"'d~r T '' I t t z. 0. st 0 r -··-··\··········· trade. '7l4>922·7*·-. 2131438'1146 a BR,! be Condo. Aliao IMCOMI NOPEln WITH A 611AT POTIMTIAL Twe .. ,_ ... Z ~••11• I We ...... Helo witt: lta ••• ywd -4 ..,.., •. VUWia home site : 2r ac. 4br~ a.. ...._ ttpt/drpe, VUla. Dlbwlr. comm.an farm land with waW!r. (>aJDt. ek. Mlat cond. pool, S.. m.a.o. 1!1.000. ~down. call ~.tn0.'rll·W. Ms......... JZ6t "'-194 • • .... cerw •..-..••hi• 2.Ut.a.·1°'1 Townhouse: 1.Ae, 5 min to 111111• .. •-••••H• ... led..... w,ad1, z br zg.., ba. NO FE&! Aft. • Oolldo llmll•I• JIOO poolside. blt·lns . fria • ...ula, Rental Pa vilion c .... Mete ............ twf.ct .... .. w ....... flurwerl:-. I ...... Hw SM.w W•••ttt ....... d 1ty ....... SI IZ.IOO. ·•--•••••••••••••••••• ~t. drpg. dbl 1ar. 175-491Z8kr. ai:ao *· open .. suna, BLUFJl'S..Lovel bk 'W AMT TO IE ENVIED? . Doa't pn1 • ttslt '"oi Molt, to IMIMd ,_-est• . ...,..., • ..... ill Newport sai-... wlffl • IJ""ll .... oin •iew w:it ttt.t y-a •• ow ... r, c•• ••loy. TW1 is OH of .......... ....... ........... ..... ..... ... OAtr 11 ........ beach • .,.. • • loh ot lltoppl•g CIOM by. Offtf"ed at $205,000 C. fee ICMCI. .... VE PRIME L k A j~. dltblloule. No Y upper nn • • a e r· pets~ au. C.11 btwo. ba~ wtr view, 3Br, rowhead improved pro-9.Ul-4PM '3l·2'89 MBa,t85C)mo.MO-a5 peny. 'J'r.ade up ror So. -• · Calif. oceanfront or r cn-New 3br, z~. + ram. Townhome-Newport talw\its.OWC lstT.O. rm. G•· parkiJ18 fo Crest3 BR2~8A.V~. 0...-lf'Obr R. v. t&OO. 213/Jai.3846. frplc, wet bar, tennis, I 7 I 4 J 3 3 7 z 4 I .. pool. Walk to beach. S750 • • "' laetlse opt.Ion. 642-3033 or JJ7.f7 I 7 fncd yard, z car garage. 141-1175 ~~8::.J's•rd St.IMi ---Carmel---3-.-B-r 2 Ba 644-7020 NEWPORT BEACH rrplc . fa mily rm. 2900 UPG RADED lt>.r. 2ba, prdenerincl.Avail May • ·~-..;·~RS···o·;;~~·K·E··R·S·· ~.~i.rp&c .bebltnsh. d,.... .:!:ilsg, -'-· 64S __ ·550.1 ______ - w .... lO ac . sc ........ Harbor v u~ 4 B gl I will close your income sbopg & F.diaon Pan. u ,........ r ~ 499·4551 4tS-17ZO South Lapna La'•• MigHI 497-3331 493-111 z L...,a leach 0-PoW l•--•1•7-U•M•IT_S ___ ~.~~~ •••••• !~.~~ OCEANFRONT Separaw cottages right on beach Only $15,000 per uo1t '. Exct:llcnt r111ancini? Call 752-1920. J 9UAIL PLACE NOPHTIES'"' 10,.. TM l :JO r.M.t FABULOUS HOME + INCOME Comfort & lax advan· tages gulor l' Larg l' home with ocean \'tew. 11': nules to Dana Point Harbor. neur schools . shopping. + 2 ~real ren Lal urut:. Cornl'r lot & nearly II\'" Ln11s arl' but It lo c.·ondo 'pee:-.. ~rl'al v;,lu~ hurr~· ~.000 1\!>k ror t\rdll'. c~nlury 21. 4!.IJ·5Sli:> . ------ BELOW MARKET Warm & C ot.\ :Jhr Charming L.ig Bl·h Cut· tage. ()c('an \ u 1 blk to bch f'tpk Rcmodekd :o.1ayScll below market 1r buyer will l:.e back to seller. L1:.tcd SIJ9.000. 4f»-0160. 4-PLEX 2 2-Br. 2 l ·Br. em·I p<.tll06. low rcnt.s Condo <:onvcrs1on po:-.s 1b1hl~ Xlnt loc. 724 James. C ~I $195.000 PIP 673· 7787. Costa Me-so Special Two s uper duplexe:-. .\II l! bdrm . I baUl. On li.:e lot nr schools. shoppm~ Sopt>r IO<'at1on PnrC'd to ~ell now' S200.000. Hunt. l e-ach lt'auty 11 ~ Blks from orean. Tt.•r nfk -I unit bldg. ~t gr apt. J bdrm. 21 z baths w12 frplcs + 2·bdrm & one l·bdrm. apts . Grt Alll'nlion Builders' 5-1 arre view lots. Graded & uUll> stubbed in Orange Park Acre:> area Call 77l-Olll. Ask for Natalie. (Broker > MAGNIFICENT Lot Top or S pyglass. Plans for fl,000 sq ft home $395,000 645-7272. RARE! Sweeping ocean v1('w lot · S475.000 co m plele w 1plans for bl'auurul l::nl(lish Country S UH home · or crt•all' your own l'St all'' l>onna (ri'tds hall 644 6200 1 I.} li41 Hones or Kt"Mel? 132' '< 150 A·I lot w hu 1· ble older 2 Br homt.• n1·a r open trails Sl27 .. WO Owner 14111 carr} b l T 0 . WESTERN Hl::i\LTY Si:':HVlCES 5Jo 222" Mowwtain, DeHrt, RHOl"t 2400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MEW! MEW! MEW! OPEN HOL'SE S/\T&Sl.:N By Lall datl' p.ilm:. & ~ra pefru1 t trl'I.':. w 1 u Vl('W or n('W H idde n Palms l'Omm nr C'Or or l'leep Canyon Ho.id. & 1\H•nue 4-l Dt>luxt• 4 Br. J bJ. Spanish 1111.' l'nlr~ crt. ceram1l' tile bath:. & k1tr hen. pvt l'ntry to 1-(uc::.t qtrs. 5 TA <.:. w 1w cpu.. HV parkin~. room for pool. Rellucl'd to Sl:J-1 .!ISO O" nl•r •bldr .1ni1.1011..:' J\~t Rny. il4 J.li·2ill Orti-lti·i4 I I value'. 52<10.000 Uaja Calif. •lbr bt•:ieh WHIC'y M. Taylor Co. home. 25 min from Realtors 644-4910 horder Protected de · velopment known as Las lndlfstriol/ Gav1otas. f''or brochure Propem 2100 phone 492-2732 d~:.. ••••••••••~•••••••••••• _4_96_-_730_1_ev_e_ ----------1 Bcauuful new ranch horn INDUSTRIAL ILDG. for sal e o r lease . S200,000 down 13 .000 sq.ft. Suitable for I or 2 users Near freeway Super investment Call for details MAYO CK ~ ttU •tiff 'r 111.., 380 GI [NNEYl1£ LA(,(JNA 8£.AOi (714) 494·2144 on 2"'2 acre:. near Hoh day Hill s k1ltft . Wnghtwood Hori.c::. OK. surrounded by nat1ona forest. 2 frplc ':.. 4 Br. fanuly nn. I~ laundr) M~wing rm .. fin1s hl·d l'ar gar . all delux.: mH·r owave k 11 t'hl·n. Must be see n SIOO.oon. ~II or tradl' ror beach J'roperty lilS ~ IH Si:7S.OOO F\Jrni:.hcd. Thun Lots for Sale 2200 clerb1rd llt~. S51~ uuo ••••••••••••••••••••••• l lnf 13ermuda Dunt·~ .. SPYGLASS LOT ~TI!l.000 furn l!O i\1·n·" I.ind S.10,000 to S3S.nno p.-•r .11"rl' Coml Builcl1n.:" ~ui;u, 000 ~I It <' lw 11 & ltummo n ~ lll'nltor,.,, 71$37 Hwy 111. Hancho Mmigc, Cu 568 3607. 1:-:ves. 568 ·67Z8 q r ;)46..3327. property ltsl.lng with m y t800/mo incl gardener. tllory. 1arc1en«. Avail. fin ancing & your pro-213·434·2093. Eve1 5/12.ST15mo.....,.U7 spect.s. or my BUYERS. 988-5846. .........,. coadoa.rinaam at J<h-net comm. Aet. DE X y 11-e Cove, acroa from 17141640-~ c24 hrs> LU E SEASPRA Bayaide Center. Hu~e ..... CONDOS m11t.r $1.li&.e It venMale ·-••••••••••••••••• 3 BR. 2 BA. & 2 BR. 2 BA. 4Sm •• Avail. for 1 mos. ..._.. ,_,. ... d from S4tl0. Agent avail. """'""• Ulna 1euon at ....... •••••••••••••••• ;:;;:s· lOam-•pm Call SlilOO/moatb. Yearly lacJl-o IMcll 3 141 125S leaie SIOOO/mo. ....................... Beach Condo. 2 BR. 2 ba. SIBMAMASSOC. gar., pool. Jacuzzi, t~nnis .._.IN & volleyball crts. 'bike routes. I child OK. $47 Lovely 'Br. 28a. frpl!'. mo + assoc. fees. Call lods 01<. NO PETS. SS7S 962-4142or546-0996. mo. yrly. ,_.lJ EXQUISITE D~COR 40' mobile hom e over . loolung ocean. 200' from pvt S Laguna Beach. S42S y rl y . 494·fiS94 : 499-4673 2 BR. I '.12 blks to ocean. 2br. 2~ba. Harbor View ... ..,.. leach 3169 rncct yard. children. pets Knolls. Cape Cod 165(). ••••••••••••••••••••••• OK. S430 mo. 217 6th St, 67:>-6366 art. S/or leave BLUFFS Lovely upper bk HB. 80.5'646-2993. mess;_ _ • __ _ 3br. 111?. twnhse. pool. 3br. condo .. wtboat slip. 2 patio. drps. 6 appliances. car gar. S87S.mo Ilse Very clean. lm1 to bch or 64&-2799 195>03&8 bay wtr view. 3br. 21·'2ba. SI .100 mo 64()..6685 Ha.ft u.tw.iat.M ••••••••••••••••••••••• CieMrd· 3202 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Spaciow. J BR. poolil>pa. I )'Told. beaul land:.capt.'(l. loaded w t xlras . Only StBS. Mi k~. 960-2358 3hr. Iba. lrg lot. SWO Midway City 714 /84~"7027 - Vdcunt l! BH 2 Ba. close lo fwy:. S3SO mo Kl.'1lh. 962-4..i7l 1hk for Capistrano ~och 3218 .................•.••.. FUrucy old Spanish I UR I BA i.love & refnit $2!>0 ~7t5 1 COf'OftO del Mar 3222 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Deluxe 3br 2ba frplr 1954 Park Cla ridµc SGSO.mo. l'io pcls . 644·2.\05 640-0900 ---- Lusk H V 4 Bdrm. ram nn. d1mng rm Quiel l Read> now. LS(' S900 Agt 644·721 l Costa Me-so 3224 .•........•.•.......... Sl6.'i 3 Rr. lg fen<' yrd . trel' lined res1d :.t. crpl::.. drp!>. e t l'.S57 -7M3 tL rro..sw.i - I br. Adults . No pct~. Pvt S350 20-'81 z Pomon:i 642·0835 -- LJ>, l'ly 2br. condo Swim· mini; pool. pnv yrd Gar. & C'arport. Adults Only. s.iso mo Avail. 5-1 _?!'>t-7-l!l6 betw fl·8 p.m -2br. Iba New cpL<;, drp:-. & parnt. No pets ht·la::.t + dep. S400. P art furn 646-2036 days -- MESA VERDE·3Br. 21.:Ja. encl yd . c.'Overed patio. nr schls. shops. park. ~ mo. 644·5187 OT 644-8519 - IUDS/PETS Ot< E-S IDE s pac twnhSl'. rrpt. gar , lndry. S49S. 642·2510: 646-4848. 20\S TUSTIN : 3 Bd. 2 Lia . blln<;, DIW. ~ll', dbl gur w1gar opnr. ice p11t10 & yard. 646-4380 3 Br houi>r. 2 ba. f:lm r m . Do ug la:. No P e t s . --• · · $450/mo-yrly lst.lasl + Npt. Terr. Twhns. New $200. sec. tl40·1791 o r ~Uo.~~:8&· ~u. 963-3993. --------•• New penthouse Condo. 2 Deluxe condo 2 large hr. bdrm. 2 ba balcony. lba. rrpic, VICW. Gar + hreplaC'e, highly up· carport. 3m1. from bdt graded Tennis. pool. N o Pe t :. $S O 0 Jacuzzi. Secured com 213/790-S.538. plex. ~ear. beac h. SSOO NEWPORTilGTS mo Call Sam .968·!1678 48r.pool.Sli00mo. Res. 994· 1580 Office 545.5399 ---:-O'WPTCRESTCONDO 3242 4Br. 2•dla. rerrig. 8675 • •••••• •• • • • • • • • • •• • • •• mo. tst/iast 957 ·9303. Slud10 l'Ondo arrol>s from bt.-arh. f-'rpll', pool. J~1r. SEA VIEW 3 br. 21':! bu. ISt.'. S375 8"7-4525 ra mily rm. cxpansivl' 1__:__ 32 .. 4 view. Pool. tennis. brand ff'Tlnr .. IX'W. Sl050 7S9·1092Agt .........•............• ltEHTALS S.Qe:•llh 3276 2 BR.2ba ......... SSOO ••••-••••••••••••••••• 2BR.2ba.rurn .... S600 Tennis •. pool. jal', 2 BR. 21 2 ba. . . . . ... S6SO panoramic ocn vu. 2 Br. 3 BR. 2 ba . . . . . . . S9SO 2~, ba. 2 frp l. n o peb . 4 BR. 2• 2 ba . . . . S700 Adlts. infant ok. S525. 2 BR. 2 ba . SHS/SSOO "92~103 ext 173 bcf ~am San Cll'menk or aft 5pm 3 BR.2ba · lt · S5!t5 Nice 2 br . frpk.d~;, TU!> n qits. gar. yd. Nr. ocean. 't523 CAMPUS Da· IRVINE ulll pd. $365. 556-4314. South LOCJIMO 3286 ....................... Ocean \'tew new s pacious lux 2-sty house. Fm Rm. dming rm .. 3 br .. patio. 2 frplcs. 2 car gar. Sl.000 mo. No Pet. Owner aft. 6 p.m. 2131670-0886 West:niMter 3298 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rancho San Joaquin. 2 2 Br.townhouse. hg ms lr Bfl + dt!n. pano view. bdr.'1~ ea. 2 car gar pool & Jacuu1. SS95. ~a ll wiopener. no pels. Avail Pat. 831·3750or955·0661 May 6. S475. 960-0489 Well upj?raded <&Br. 2Bn. ~N..W..dor S62S mo 551·4583 or u..fMnlilMcl 3300 S52·311S ....................... UN•ffSity M CdM -2 br on nice street. J Br 2 BaGarden Home rrplc. & encl. back 1ard. on gmblt. cathedral cell S43o garde ner inC'I 1 ngs. fl a I tt le. n l' w _&t0-4829 ___ . ------ carpctJng. pool/ jac1 len· c ....... hllM n1s . $575 m o. Least' u..t.Wahed 3425 675-8192 eves only. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lovely. alm'osl·new. a ir cond. 6 Br. 21'z bu, hm. F'rl>lc. rpts. drps. bltns. dbl gar. fnr d bkyrd Walk to pool & rct· Gardener wtr p:11d Sti50'mo I Yr lsc Rcfi. Qlll 979·8430 ----- SUMMH IHMTALS ON THE BEACH IN H UN TIN G TON HARBOR WATERFRONT PROPERTIES 1714 >IW6·6608 or (213)592·2813 pool & :.l'rv , rrpl<' N r. s Pla.u1 $650. ti73·800tl or I c lentaJ.!l' Park Townhoml' Nl•ar So. Cst Plaza 2 br. <! 2 br, 217 ha. 2 car gani~r bu. Nl.'W l'rpls & drps. wt()p('ne r . l'ncl. patio. nr A1C, patio, pools. jacuzzi pool S460 mo. 559·5598 & lush lndscp1ng. S375 673 ~73art 7. srrac1ous 3br. l!ba. 8/l'. rpll', rountrv kite blnt. Nr. S.C. Plaza. 934 Azal<>a. $525.mo. 546-7214 or 975-0035. Nice 2 BR. I BA. New less disrount. 835-+147 ext :nJ: 963-7418cve & wknd. Turtle Rock Twnhse. 2br. den. 2ba. frplc. Lease. Avail. 5·15. 1 bdrm + m ezzanine. 8J3.3199or973-0S12 pool. jacuzzi. tennis. up- UNIVERSITY PARK 2 per unit. Upgraded crpt: nst 11m1•orfert.'d l Absolute Iv the BEST VIEW uir ror sale in N.B todny Loc ated between million dollar residences 270 d<>j?rcc view from CdM lo Irvine Owne r may cons ider partial exch a n ge or T.O. 's. For more info. call Ron Taylor . 640·5112 agent. GREEN VALLEY LAKE · House· 38R . den . 2 lotchens. !>erv1ce porch. loll Qin ~used as 2 un· its: 10 min wnlk lo la ke, pa int, encl'd garage. renced yard. $340 mo. lst. & last. S200 sec dep. ~Orange 8 . S48·2778 L1 Jbr . 21.'2 ba, 2 c ur Br 2 0 _ ho p I ~/mo. Ask for Zand. , ._ use. oo. m1533. jacuw. air. e~. garage ---------- LSl/OPTIOM New Condo, 3br, 3ba, Npt. Hgts. S750.mo. 642-8106 or M5-0851 openet'. patio. forest bke greenbelt . $S50 per mo. Days 213/ 498-5279, eves 213/921-2388. 10 Unit lot . Anaheim. adjoins Nahonal Forest, make orrer. Morns & As· sweeping views: I I soc. <2131374_"'1_984_ ___ 867 3534 A all June l. ssso mo. Det>rlield . 2br. 2''2ba. e..c-Pro__... 2000 1--,,,_.... 2000 754-0386 twhn. nt'ar pools & jacs gara~e. Brookview con· do. r So. Coast Plaza . v .................. r"'"''' ---·-·-r-''' on lrge greenbe lt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••1 •• CUtc l brdollhouse wipvt S460/m o . 832·7532 Condo on waler w/25 rt. boatalip. 900/mo, WATllMOMT IHDUSTllAL IUILDIMG If you have been looking for a neat. clean investment. this is it. 14,700 Sq. ft. industrial building leased to single. well established tenant. Located in prime industrial area near Van Nuys Airport. Plenty of upside Potential at only $480,000 y rd on Easlside C.M.. eve/wknd. Avail April 16. S36S. Sun· ---------PIOPMTllS bow Rll. 631-2242. 3 Br. 2''l ba. approx. l800 M6-8809; (213l592·281S. sq. fl .. e lec. gar dr.1----------- l+F. 1~ Ba , e le. RM>. Patio. pool. j acu ui. To_,-:,! cpts. drps. cov pa tio. Heritage Pk. 9625. Opt lo &Wl-ill .. I~ JSJS fenced & clean. $485. 2381 ~. 646-0147 55&-5941 ..... _ ..... ••••••••••• Rutgers Dr. 635-67SO Woodbrid e·Greenbriar 4 HerH11e Park Irvine 2 BR Coodo. lant, f'ar.. Br. f1mf1r r m . dinln1 =--~V:~~,;r Mesa Ver e . $350. rm. 1lr um. many ~--· · mt870 All or 631'5.550. C\18'.om VP«rades. Prof. -.:.------- D99,.. 3226 =pln1. M25 m o. 't 1w•Pa hh~ ....................... -·-·············· New 2 bdrm. 3 ba. luxurJ Oranp Thee Condo. ta .... P11lll111 J107 o.na Pt. Condo. view. bdrm 4' loft, adlts, no -··••••••••••••••••• fireplace. Jacuzal. I blk pet.ts. lM 5.'i8-8322 SDrinl Summer Rental. 2 rrom Marina shoppina. a...-e .._.. lZ4I bdnn.aan1e 87~·91 11 ~per mo. l -4t6-2661 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dllJl.17$..,eves . llutllsll• JHO BUllder'a Calm. Hm, 2br C.-4'..._. J722 "•••••••• ••••-••••• 2ba. den. Some oc. vu. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beau. yrd. Gar. Handy lo Small coay studlo. No lbp&." bdl. li8J.'1000dy•, ldkhen, Pool .... JM. ~.-..-udl.NcHmok•MO -· - • I ......... 1Mzl•1~ .. & I rnh ......_ Afla I 1•...... .. ........ ......_ ~ !':';.~· ~ ..... te ~ 4JOO .:!uf9::::::1.a.:• A;;;,1efi!~~1~s~, .:.;111'1:.;.:;..... ____ ....,~~_.llill.,.!!!'8!11""~•t-•••••jf~ ..................... ....................... ....................... •• •• •••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• .... ee..•1 , ...... , ~~-.... ~ ::i'!e~.~~ ~~ ... !!.~! ROOiitMATIS ~~ ..... ~ ta;zr ! Mi 6 .. ....................... .,,.. a al. I Ba, l uery OCIAMNOMT llt•tst!u.... -...a1 -6t IUibMt for ":..."e~hurt•••• ........ 1rf!"a':U:a~~·3'-ai =-~i.., .. =i:..~ ... '°~~;!..~:·~=..~•ar· ~1mon.Pa1i.a! =.e:*m..._a .... •uih• ... -..-... I &illlw.. 3714 sns ..... _,..,._. 1a1 1r ·~·· Poet•., ... • 'T'SLr,.rr ec.1eo:s w.=~= flel&ntoMHS 800 n v.u.. ... teL ............. -... ll&l.111-T• ~u•. aQ aru. LC 1142 8 I G c AN v 0 N Ctll4M212 XIDt Newport ioc:t:: A8 A 8V81fl ESS ~ , ·~~-·.' YHttyOceufrontCOllllo. ~HO P.-r.I ·-········ ......... TWNHOMC aar. 18&. 2 ·--·-La ---~ M.S-2Ul. PARTNER IN O'jJ " 1 ..-&.¥U.~bld1.abr+ 1n£ DNOIT ODMovr/(Mboatdocllo11 petklt. frpk. wet bar. r-ofi -· con· GROWINO P'L£ET .... -••·-clea 2 be. Leue uaf11m ,,__11.. iaM• _,... &o Hunlln(llon momo, (2U>5*MZ3 d .. o. f'rL!.J:°,~~,!,",!· PIONSSK>MAI. °"'!'D/OPERAT0.1!3. --iiiiiii -IUO/mo. Own/ All. '-"-Hart.or main rhanHI. +. --·-· ONllCISUm Ya. U have more w an ~IUldaefta MM03T•~. ee. * 2 Br, trple, btt· !iMrt walk '° buth. 2 Lido lilt 8a1front Gill. HUNTINGTON BEACH r.: I job iethldlnc the M Strvlce -TV .... ,.oo. ad.alt•. no Bil i Ba. $'750 m o . ~af:'·y~y /~:· Mt F. 30-SO. Oakwood Central loc. otl Buth ~~~ ~~ a..to~lJOt c... .. ....,. MJZ ~· Ml·a115 or na..arro ~""1 · · 124 7 . so I n c l u t I l . Blvd on Main St. IMO sq. au tbe advantac• or a •..... h rva~ai. ·-·•••••••••••••••••• .__,,__ 31.... 5tM3'70/MS-$771 fl .. fuJly0 1mprovedk. Two ~ ..,_, ___ behind vou -''"' bd ......,_ "'"' • _.....;f; l bdrm Ncw"""t exec. otl CM. wor room. --1 • ~ .. .__ ~ lbr •Dt. ooan vu, l'WwtJ ~ated 2 rm. -·-............... ~ Set-haded ...,. F~. rmmte lo ahr house staff area for M emr.tys e'll Jive yo.a the pro- ._. 1Nat&ocatbl +1ar.420 1~b&.trtt.drpe,bltlna,1brl1 ,ba Brand New ~~~"'-"lll ,new. wtsamelnlrvlnearea . .,i1.11reception. uu ." reulorial aul1taace to W.IPe•HRlll 11 :,vd =af. t75 6688 or :r' ~~1.r~:.-n Woodbridie. MOOmo. 2 q._..._... 644-4100.&-5. Jan. incl. New & ready ~=~ L~~ '::~e:. Across the mites · · cvauw.2111 .... 1 OMUDOISLI .. __ r h for occ1.U>ancy. 2 weeks pl ... e tralnlno, ~fJou thMLinh rain, aiett. 141-JOOO ,.. -i OK. DO Plfb, Im mo -fWUIJunat.e, em. to s r free 1675/mo .,. .. f ,·.---.,inn rain and ___ _ ___ 3 bC' 2 ba. IOUthalUe U'I Mnaf 165-*'7· Dana Pt 11pt. Ocean side THE MAIN OFFICE need it. And we·t fer r ez "' SUICAllTAS Hwy NEW. Walk t WA&.MUT•n11A1t1 3txdroom1w/boatallp, ot hwy. suo Incl uUl. • )'OUwhatwethlnltillthe C.llforn1a Sunshine ~ 11.'iO m 2113 2bf. wtll pd. Children OK 2 Br condo. A~uhcr/ S19SOt mo. 496-'m4 l8800MaaioSt. H.B. beet tractor deal In the comes this Easter LMtefaam.lbdrm • .-ncl -NoPU.Mar.Apt.71 1 Forlnlocall847·5338 t.rucklnglndustry. Down WiahtoyoufrQm: , ffi~:!u~~·r"rPft\".c.e.MeM 3124 W.U.....,Ml<IMO. m~·~:.~~.s~c:i : 1~==u:t::.~•.1aUp F:::::~:h~~h2 ~r~: IUCHFltOMT ~~~Tt~·~::;r. lhwe,L .. M • ....._ ....................... s er 2 ua t'Oftdc>. aupe ......,.. S1950/mo. Lacw\a. s:zoo + i,.. uUI. San Cle mente. Superb menl also Includes your ~ MESA VERDE homf' al ricaa. no Pt1M t;~I a•r. ---49&-1254 /S56-23SO. View. 275sq. rt. ~Och. interim living expenses I_.,..__. .~ lBrapU::?TSmo mui<ph rrt' Hr3 br dhi MSG 95715"32 ~condo. 2 br 1 llbedroomt.11000/m o Two a vail. S3001mon duringtrairung. Webave -.._ -13t~~~~:;3t, IQM.oos>tb ~ 1034 Mfta Vt-rdt-aru 2 on .. btl.~.pool.adwb. ~w~·~~m~w'i'~al~ l"'92·l720 an Immediate need for ..................... .,. -10 ... ,,r mo lmm1"ul"lt 2 Br. 1 b•. 1 l""', •h••. e.. ~l 11r. Im Hk M&-31188 Waterfro.tHoMts SZ'iO/anciuU.212·3288. Harbor-Baker No. C. M. owne r /operators. krr ... ,.... '" " ~ .. I "' forBett ~euu ----6Jl-1400 442sq.ft.S221 you're 21 or over. ta e 2 bdrm l ba CarJX•t drp., pauo. Crp . d/w, y, l.AROEIRROran&e~. L«e3bdrmhousetoshare 416sq.ft.S26:! lhefirsts tepl9Wardaobe· dras-.._, bu.I It lni; Mn r 13•,~ rt~&:~ ~at E ~:~~n 2 Br. rrpl.a. dl'J)l'I. barl td ooJy S3:iO per mo. Vogel· ~ 2 br 2 ba, powder an Corona del Mar S250 AIC cpts gnd fir ull inc ~ your own ooss walh nedadwbooly.NoPt•tll o ~l . Chlldr(>ll ok Pacttic,tM061tn nn.deo.lndry.aUcedar mo.640-2810. 549-lJ66:540-2200 NorlbAme r1 can os u ~l t:ldt-n A\\' .ill oh Ill~ S350 2M F. 18th&42 24M •-leech Je41 paMlled. pvt elevator. partner by calhn~ Toll FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642-5671 ~for appc ti44i :'I Ne-. z bdrm~. rrpk. _,..... p 1 I e d 2 t• a r g a r Fem. to share 2br. llllMHs R..tal 4450 Free 800-348·2191. 2 Ut. new t"pls. dl"P6. UI' ••••••••••••••••••••••• wtopencrs Water sof· Condom H.B. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORWlUTt::: H.atL¥• hece. 374 hltn'I. 2 rar irarace $4.$0 p•Uo l\dh"' no peti. l Ur~. IOve.ly remodel. tener, w:itcr pur1fer. 848-9624. .,._... .,_ric• V• ...................... 4t U&> 1071> C.nyon Or S300 20.33 Anuht·1 m AH' 1kyll1hls. hardwood trash compactor. elect Shoppi•gC......-u..s to\lm room for rt'nt Oa1 ~WJ 642 lMM nooc"8, tc•rage SMO mo. air filter. pvt patio & so Non·smoker to shr rum 2 Spac• For~ ly, ~· mootbly UUI IASTSIDl + uul Celt>Slt>497·3331 forth. S78Stmo 646-845.J Br in beaut. CM complex Call a.de Parrish P.O. Box 495. Dept. 35 t'f~ .~.,~nl.-r Ur · "'6 •l.c.K'kftd ~Mr w1l1i :i.tor ·~!"::t 2~1 ~~1~ f•ruef. 18r. no t"luldren or pet.s, YEARLY; 2 Br. blk. from ~~~ ~~~· 0~ ~$~;: 213-277-6318 col. Fort Wayne, IN 46801 Lost or Found a pet? Ca.II •O Wpauo.lndryrm carport $3'7~·$400 N llt'('luded$290mo. + utal bay & ocean : beam!>. ~1003 Equal Opportunity Anima l Ass i s tance -.. " ... , .... ,..,,. .. on th• •~l1&J tablnt•t :1part• ""' .. 83.18974 49'~ frpl s4"o. Uti'I incl Emplover League.537·2273,nofee. ~:...' ~u~~ bldo. ht' •G~-h(•.it, fill~ rookm1t. ,...-J Roommate for 3 br, 2 ba. Forstore&omcespace at ___ :___::..._:..'----• ~sooo.213333 H 61.["'~"aterMllfret.• 2Ur,lb•.i:ara1w.:.mJll1br.ll50lncld.uUl.Deck b/3-1909 Lag. HJlls wtrec ractl reasonablerates GOALSlOOOMO. S50 REWARD' Los t 1""" •Adwtll, no pcti1 yard No dogs S325 w/vww of city. Close to Cozy Npt. Hgts. 2br. lba. view. $195. Bob 581·3104 500 to 5000 Sea Ft. Bwld a 2nd business. CockaUel white w / grey ...... .._.. l741 1 bdrm $290 645 7522 lx.'h. PetOK Call Martha bm.ceil. patio. l{a r . "':T: MESA VERDE bR Spare time. Jnvest $75. on wings. Vic. Sant.a Ann •••••••••••••••••••••• 2323EldenAve.,C l'tt . CUTISTUDtO 494·3672or86Hl6l. Adults no pets . SJSO • ...__ ..-£ .. 350 PLAZA 64<Mi:i94or642·8223 Ave. & Flower. C.N . .,_.-...,., "' d c M Child h e arlbroke n . LAO UNA li~At:tl M1' It 042.7005 &Jst t:ast side. $235/mo. La1Ji11ta Hllh 3150 leaselWS-1682. •••••••••••••••••••••• • 1525 Ms4t4'12f . . PET GROOMING 646-2705 orS48-1.526 INN. S1S/wk & up. Muid ;-Bdrm lbalh Jpt 645-7272. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm. 2 ba . Upper . Newport Cres t sin RIC Excellent Easts1deCosta serv .. rolor TV. heat-.><! Adult ·S350 mo Gai. ---------PAMORAMIC fireplace. pool. Westcltff. garage. Secured. $35 mo. Newport Mariner's Mile. Mesa location. In bus•· L os t : Sm 1 G 0 1 d ~ n pool.UUl.<7l4l 4S4~. paid~~3· . ....,..~anu Hiiltop v1c w s ·Ahcla S375mo.645-0302 67>8lll,548·7813 Modern502sqflstoreor ness l6years.OWC.20'.? Rctrievcrpup,nrM ~t. 91!.5N. Coast Hwy ----~-u ,. Apts Adult, prestige. 3876 olflce. 2630-C Avon. LOW down. Balboa Is land NB.&is.8521.646·2385 Hewport•och 3769 Nlcwlyhdccorateds3br.Zba New beautiful garden luxury apt in lovely Jcargaragc.No.end.$4 renL213/477·7001 Realty.673-8700. Found 4 ·U ;' m a l t• ••••••••••••••••••••••• o~n ousc. JllH'ioui.. apts.pool&~a. Laguna Hills. Compl rec ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo. Au11tralian /Sb~pher<I TOTAL LIVING l Bedroom Fumiahed Ai>artments • Ptua lecniti.h&l Single. & 2 a.droona (Fu.m..& Unh&m.) • All UtilltiM Paid • Acti,,_• Du.c101. r ... Sw>day Bnmch • Heallh CJ..be. Saunaa. 1ocu.a ... f>LUS MUCH MOREi ~::la~d~l:,OC:.10 ~~t 161 E&a~-~trect ~!at~u:~~P~~~~~ :Olr 1Wa a~P\o~~er~~1~1 ~~. ___ 497-3331 Celes lt-f-~o.r0~ea2~~~ ~;0~AJt 'Yr:':'tt1~u~f~c~a~~'. ~Jt~~hi/~~~. :So ita~1>: $400 64.5-3381:67>5949 Bachelor $270 frwys. yet private & Mature ad lls only . Singl •Rarage.$40.Safe Ne\loport Sch. 932 sq ft· come on a part time 'lunt.Bch."'-llo.-ooc-w ----2 8edroom I bath S350 qul••t. ~~. secure 73l W. l8lh St .. aoocf exposure.558-87ZI basiscall67~3083 I ~ 0"90~U New 2 Bdrm, l bath du1 " .. ooc;-oc.uv C M 673-771f1 ,., If I s I t A ts. no pets . Off Ahc1a Parkway at c:_._ •--3880 __ . ---Found Blue Pt. Persian ":_."""rr>/moc •. g7!1.!'-,,.9m7 paio. PascodcVakncaa ~-S tora ge i.:arage. IBr housewoedcomm'I S1amC"Se. 8mo·lyr. ol'.d. ..,_. ...,..,.. 0-Point 3826 25 111 Stockport Dr ••••••••••••••••••••••• downtown Co:.ta Mesa or resldenllal. Plenty or .. lllno•cimsti.w-•dt 638-9973 .......,. Be Lb d 1 58161""1 ~...._.....Aph 2 90"' parlung. Needs paint & OppCAhMy 5015 -------.......,. au ran new ••••••••••••••••••••••• 581·61.30 -" ~ • 9X20, S3S mo. 64 4 1, 1 ""c:" .,.a.,.. 1 b f I I d reanup ........... mo.""°'"" ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-~ound : Whippe t mac r. 'Jc. aun ry rm l bdrm. $275 incl. uullties. Newport hoch 3869 2 Bdrm. 1 ba, kids OK wkdays 9·5 Newport Blvd. Coi.ta lnvestorsearn so<~ or pro· youni:: Vic. Wests ide ¥$L'Mg::;icupy. 642.941 2 Close to to wn Call••••••••••••••••••••••• S320mo+dep.A,·ailnow OffiuR...tal 440 Mesa.642·3490. fiL A successful bwlder C :\1 Ca11 Molly642·4770 Martha al 494a3672 or •••••••••••••••• ••• •••• T ~o""'T seeks Cunds. $18.000 per --- 661-1161 ~QW 1 Bdrm .• bath IE"'UTIFUL s ORl!Orl'" house. s hort t erm. FOUND:Fem.Arghan1.~ MOYEIHMAY IST' flwtL~-·--a.. 3140 l $275+dep.Ava1lnow "'SUITES HarborBlvd .. pnme loc .. 1 secured. Mr Gordon mo:.. Vic. Baker & -•..,-. ~" Call Renata 556-7707 C.OSta Mesa 1450 Sq. rt 955-?.464 F'airv1ew 540-0133. BRAND NEW duplex. ••••••••••••••••••••••• YOJ CAN AFFORD I ......, FunUllMd 7S5 to3200Sq Ft. ~Mo Broker 675-6700 ------ westside C.M. 2 BR. l lf? SHARP. beach 1.2 & 3 BR. Aflor•~:-a.._ ... 3900 Crpt.s. drl)!>. i.erv1ced MoMyto Loon 5025 bath. Cq~ts. & d rps frplc. dlshwshr. garage NEWPORT BEACH "'1lW""nlMIC"U C-rc• Parll 2 Vacancies downtown ••••••••••••••••••••••• lhruout. bwlt._ms & dis· & patios . No p e t s . ••••••••••••••••••••••• N........,.... 8J3-38lJ Huntington Beach. 210 hwas he r . Fireplace. 960-2358:wknds840-6306 Park Newport TI-IE EXCITING ~-...... ·• !\1a in S t. Mtnl m all Prvt. enclosed garage PALM MESA A"S 900-1558 w/additional storage . Large homelike 2 br. 2\2 :\1INUTESTONPTUC.:JI ON THE ---------Close to schools. shop· ba t o wnhomc apt . LUXURYl\PTLIVING h &2BP Shop for lease. h i g h ping & bus -Westside Enclosed pvt patio & Overlooking The' Water r~~~& u~. WATER! volume sboppiog center. C.M.Oneunlt has ayard. garage. Deluxe kitchen Adults.Nopet:-. PLUSHSUITES H.B. 800 sq ft avail. KJdsOK.$400&S385per w/blt ns . incl. rcfrig. Enjoy $750.000 sper· lS6lMesaDr 350tol300sq.fl . Please contact Cheryl mo. 711 W. 20th St.. <off Small pet ok. $410. mo. tacular spa. 7 swimming 15 Blks East of Ne" port Falwtosffc Vi•ws Green or Rick Strack fNEED {MONEY Lo6t: Siamese Cat. Npt Bch. No collar. Call 67s.8129. 547-5118. Rita. l<lst: 2 s mall dogs. Vk. Harbor Hi~h. 1 w,b1te w blk spots 1Shih-Tiu1. l tan shaggy. S48o4a8 __ Pomona Ave.) Ca l l 17610CaRmel rons..;....,.,.,. .... pools. 8 lighted courts. Blvd l WetBars <2131450--0227 Oakwood 548-49006-Spm. Gemini ty ~ miles oC bike trails. put· 9am-Spm 546·9860 Udo M9ina ....... ~ ReMal 4500 LA MANCHA A"S MEW 2113 IDll Ung. shulOeboard.<i. ViUog. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • f-'OUND: Ger. Sher. Male pup. Vic. Magnolia & Wamer847-7~~ __ Found : Male. youn ~ 1otoldtblack s hep max. N .B . S•hslt>t c r 644·3656/~ t • GarcMn Apartments Large. 1,2&3 bd garden Extralarge&pnvate. BachsfromS349.50/mo. JH£ BEST Of Newport 675·8662 LAGUNA HILLS·two ad- Newpott Beach/North apts. Adults . Ds bwhr, Dramatic floor plans. AJsQ l&2 bdrm plans Jac 5000 sq ft M· l units. CREDIT HO NOILE.M 880 1rvtn. bltns.cnelgar.gasbbq. Slater&VanBuren 2 storytownhouses ALLWORLDS new bldg. A/C o ffc. lat 16th) Pool. Gas Pd. T18 Scott 847.7137 960-4370 * CDM sums * fronts on Moulton . nr 2M & 3rd TD IMM 547-54 02 Arranged b) Coast Ho.-loans Found: 2 Ma les. black (7141 64>0~~ Pl. 642·5073; 645-5611 Elcc. k1tch. pn v. patio:. r ,\CIFJC WOODS Prt'l>lli.t1ous 3 desk ::.pa Cl' Lakt• 1-·orest, kai.t• '" LrR. New Dix 3br 2~-:ba & balconies. crpt:.. .. .. ultApa·nmcn'" qwet ofrtcc swlc. plush ~r ~t808. Newpor1 Beoch/Soulh 1700 lbth St lab, max. gold sheph.·ril m n. :'>/ R . S h e I l '' r 644 .3651) 54R. 21 S3 Lite. bright. airy 2 br & 2 bttins. gar. patio. frpd.. '"' "' Id 'dM ba. frplc. pool & jacuzzi. Nr.ocean S485.840-1591 draper ies. parking. Sctamoogwanderinj! ::.urroundtngs m ° C · A1rJ>()rt Ind. properly . Personal Busmec;s & Ven ture loani., S2.000 to S6.ooo.ooo Handolph Nl"ib1tl. blwn 5 -7. Fou n d . German Shepherd male pup. Vil' W a r n e r / ~I u lt no I 1 a 847-7324 7 elevators. streams & tall Im~· charm. centrally locatl'<f 5400 Ml ft. DAI 0 " ner. Adults. no pets. 6Jl·009 · Near beach 2 bdrm· ranl pines fcatun• with beuuWul large ::.un· 55;.5707. 833·3003 (Dover at l&th) (714) r.42 8170 Adul~ .. only no po~t Mod.la open doily l'.I 7 MESA PINES UUlJt.tes furnished. Call Al Fasluon Island. Jam· ny sundeck. orcan::.1dc of --------- 1 Br S3l5. Frplc. pool. 492·9482aft6pm.<.:olle<:t boree & San J oac1uin •Walk·in closets Coast llwy. Will makt• 4000&8000sq rt ____ ... __ _ I WJs Hd Tl k l h n j?TCUl corp ofhre 5GO "(I w 15th St ;'.;pt lkh jaCUZZJ . ~as bbq, closed Deluxe Apt for Rent. 2br. . • me-saver ., c c ::. n OnJy"'"""'1m11 • .• 500L" tu 20 mil R t: .--------•I " Adults no pets 2650 •Aircoodttiomng ..,.,., 213 433-0941 " ,.,ar · · 2ba. blt·•ns . frplc. Forrentalinfor mat1on : ROGERSREALTY ---Develop Cons truc t &. Penonats 5350 ~·~ ............... ~······· STEPS TO HACH 4 BR, 2 ba., wntr. S550 3 BR. 2 ba .• wntr. ~ 2 BR. 2 ba .. wntr. $400 llarlaAve.549-24-t7 balcony. e ncl garage. •Dttorator accenb 67S-231 I 800 Sq. Ft indui.triJI take out Inventory. re· rd ll Nr Hunungton Harbour. •Pools. Gym ·---------i spart-. Nrwport . xlnt ce1vable!> fin Liu:. e x 2 Br ga eo apt. sma Ch.Jldrl•n & pets on ap· 71 4/644·!900 •VoUeyball&~lon.· lotallon t>-1521 11 pand Unbankahle our Rf.LAX ING MASSAG 1-; BobJames·L1c Masseur Outcall 9-9, 494·51 I l child o k . S325. mo. proval. Ask for "··cky. 840 7'"' 0 546-9950 "" Hw1UwcJonhach 3 IBrfromS~ SOO.l2SO~qrt.lookmRovcr Ste.~ 4 550 ::.pec1alty 5-17·5 :. •. on 84(}.5128. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna. undcq:round ••••••••••••••••••••••• _B_n_an ____ _ MICHELLE'S •Outcalt• associated 51>i·flil<, REALTORS • ,;' ~ Uolt.,,ri t;1\ J6bl 2 Br 2 Ba , frplc. new. kids OK. S395 mo. 645·7573 /\gt. ___ _ Mesa Verde. 2 Bdrm, 2 balh, 1150 sq ft. Frplc. encl gar, dshwshr. gar tbdrm&Llv.rm.S225.2 disp os al. S375/m o . bdrm & Liv rm. $275. 754-0216 Utilities paid. Commun•· --------- ty bathroom. 100 rt. from New 3 br. 11 z ba condo. the beach. 673-1451 Frpl. d /w. range, oven. cpt/drp. dbl gar. Cls to Orean Front 3br . :!ba. tx.-h. $575 mo. No pets. nght on sand Su Pl'r l\vail 4/30. Call 979·4575. location . Ful ly ----~----­ furnished. Avail May Isl. 2 Br. l'~ ba. pvt patio. Weekly or monthly. Thru avail now. Small dog ok Sept. 15. days. 752·7410. S325 957·6282 __ . ___ _ eves. 838-2189. I Lge bdrm. adults only. 2 Br. 1 Ba . j?ar agt'. No pets. Pool & patio ocnfmt. 38th/Seashore. 1887 Monrovia. $265. S400 wk summer/winter _~ __ :.i ______ _ Adults only. 213/692·26().l 2 Br $275. Pool. Promontory Pt. Avail. 1 Child O.K .• no pets 1mmed. Tennis courts. Call 642· 1951. 3 lo 6 pm jac. spa. 675-2101 2 Bdrm. 2 bath. Brand STEPS TO BEACll.Sharp new. w/dtshwasher. Xlnt 4Br. completely furn . 2 location S375. 548·5169 or frplcs. $750 mo. lse. Agt. _640-__ 51_12_a.::.gt_. ____ _ 968-3331 __ Clean 2 br 1 ba. no pets. OCEANFRONT S3001mo. 1st & last + Avail now thru s umm<•r $100. 675-4886. NEW APT HOMES MOW RENTING Luxury 3 br/2 ba. spacious interiors. Incl OW. i1love. £pies. & private 2 car j!ara~es. 5 Unique floor plans. rent.in,,: from $495 mo. •.::...:...-... .......... ,....,.~ I..··~ ,,,, f •• Location -f_ c ... -... I Ill"< k «•tr llt .K'h Ill\ tJ 1·.,rn,·r "' T•·rr. & \ '"""°'n' lntJI """ --Calf · 147•1 .. /-- t "k•t'«"' / I ; ...... 16350 Harbor Ulvd parking. New carpl'l. , . 3500 South or Edmgcr drape. & paml.. air t•ond \\ arehousl' Spart•. s.,q 839•2140 549 ll81i ~7·51370 rt. S600tmo lpm~· 1-<lr. ::.pnnklt'r:.. 20 C'etl tn~:-. t\n.111 'Lil 1\ui.:u:-l 15 4000 • •••••••••••••••••••••• • Ambossodor Inn• Lovely ~ardens· Brooks UF!o1CE 1>pan' ava1labll• at 171175 B1.•at•h Bhd near Talbert in Hunt ington !k11t·h S50 pl•r month !'hon(' m<•1:tsaJ:l' SCl"\1CI' $1() pl'r month. dL'Sk $5 P•:r month Daily Pilot off1l0t· Phone t>i24321 l'Xl 276 &12 1121 RVPARKIHG $25. MOHTHL Y Fcnl't.'<I stora~c for your boat. eampN or extra rar I-or 111£0 c all !Wi-3133 wtr. fall •Kitchen Fac1l. avail. •JacuZZl. heatl'<I pool •Wklyor datly ma id i.n I MO f'HJo:I-: tn:NT OUTSIDE STORAGE •lV & phone available 250.500 S!I h off1t·~_:., 1 Trailers. boots. etc. Neall Lo $72 50 Wit Jo)'om $14.> Ind uttl 1 1!J .'.lleoo 531.337.i w 0$ • W 19th St !">IO :!2011 W1 Harbor • Rentals Wanted 4600 MONEY TO LOAN •FAST APPROV1\I. l 'I' TOS250.000 •SJ:.:CUREO BY Tii i-: IN CREASED VALlil-; 0 1-' YOUR HOME 11./\M 2/\M liJ5.J7.l(I LIHDA & VICKI Outcalt Mps~ For The Fw. of tt! St!rvmg all Ornnge Co 835·7313 COUNTRY GIRL *ESCORTS* a1 Hrs 957·84iol --"'-'-------· •FOXY LADY* OUTC ALL O~L Y •972-1138• C.OSta Me::.a 64J -~ 10 Stn"IC oHICl' for rent m·J r ••••••••••. ••• •••• ••••• ,.. PRt:GNANT'' Cannlol. 0 (; Airporl 140 per Rc!tpons1 bll• work 1nl-! confidential couoselin.: ,r.: 955-105 5 Cofd OR 675-5535 Room wt k1tchem·lle mo RecepllS<'cn·tanal ".r 1 t c r s c. e k ::. v n e referral. Abort10h. adop· S66week & op service-; avail 540·&102 bedroom cottage in NEWPORT PACIFIC t.too&k~ping . 548·9755 St.nSlle·3rm suite arnil 111 Corona del Mar or Co~la APCARE 547·2.'>li:I ---------full St!rv offc bldi: ~r Mesa Qwetnes::. \':.sen· FUNDING Hunt Bch room tn cstm o c airport Rect•pl & ual Wnte Class1£wd Ad Lacen!.ed Broker Spiritual Reader home, close to ocean. kit phone ans Secy scrv. i:200, DaJly Pilot. P .0 . 1815S. El Camino Real pnv, respon Male. nn roof rm. elc. Pl~l' call Box 1560. Costa Mesa Moriey W..te-d 5030 San Clemente ; Fully lac. smkr. S200. 963-9350 752·61M !r.!626 ••••••••••••••••••••••• For Appt.-.92·7296 ----------• Wanted Private Party ---....:....0----- • l!SOl Laguna f~m1l)'. nds 2·3 br 2nd. Trw.t deed money Man 43 wants to mel't R__.._._ 4200 EleRanL offices Su1uuar wwnn> Newport. Blvd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645 2111 Balboa Peninsula Pl. wk · ------ house. ~ child w/wcll HJgh eqwty on Luguna women afternoons & trained & l;ashed out· Prop. $40.000. 5 yr or evenings for Cnendsh1p door pet. Chr1shan & ICS!.494.9871> a nd date::.. Wri te wk I y I mo 6 7 3 · 7 6 7 7. Bright. airy 2 bdrm. 1 ba . a:i "'""~"~''°" """ t 67S-4837 Just redone. yard. $325 I J lltlt\Kll Ot.I t.IJll')lt.'T l'RllJt.IT ly rental. clean J Br CdM dlx suite:-. ut1I pd duplex. quiet residenlrn l AC. ampl pkg fo'r Sl95. area. I blk to bay or :xio· No lsc rcqd li75·G900 considerate. Need by ----Classified Ad#400. Th~ May l. 497-4704 ~s. Trust Daily Pilot. Hox 15.60. · ~ 5035 Costa Mesa. Cahf:9!626 mo. Eastside. 675-6700 848-3133 J ~ .. I .ts !=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ocean . Rcasonabl c .,-. ................... 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 213/001·7537 •• WA NTED TO RENT Phys1calmassafW~ylic'a NEWPORT CENTER BEACH AREA-2 or 3 LOWEST masseur tec.'h'nic1~1 n. U..W-.11Md Completely renoval~d lr, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2br. lba. No pets. Patio. GeMral 3802 1.33.S Baker. Apt. B. $350. ·-···················· Call 968-3636. I llDOHOO IEACH Mesadel Mar area. Upper Co-op Apt, panoramic 3 br. 2 ba. $400 mo. No Pacific vu, 1 br & loft, 2 pets. 751-2156 be. S&'!Otmo. WATBNOMT NOPRTllS MMIDJ; 213-912-2813. c........ 3824 ...................... ,_ .... 1or2 br. jacuzzi & pool: some utiJ. $350. RUCICERRULTY '42-4758 Lido Isle bayfronl. on TiiEEXECUTIVE br.forwksmJuly. Write 1-.&....--tR......... Appt.J.aPM.548-2817 beach. Avail June 1st to SUITE to Ken Foster. 609 Vin· ~ 11n1r.• Kennebunkport? Sept lSt. $4000 m o . SpaceAvaJl.640.S.170 cent. Las Vegas. NC \'. lstT.D.'s.alto AIEIAIAHUA the Agent. 675-5626. 1~~~~~~~~~1·~89~128~.~~~~~~~ z..d T.D. Lo.K. Danny st ill wants lo sec Oidn T he win 1: Fairest Terms since l949 you. please call <21-31 /loooco Grand Prix in 75? Promontory Pouit 1 BR & ~T CENTER S....... M~ Co. 423-7526. loft. 6115-9115 SIOOO per EXEC SUITES Responsi ble working ~nf'\~, mo. Agent. 675-5626 man. 21. w /mid size dog. 642-2171 45-061 I M U S I C W R I T E R 1.,:,. ~'--111\..../'-.!/""' ~ OCEAN VIEW nds apt. in CM area SJOO W /\NT E D : ! ! Need If you re not sure whO (or what) Kennyt>unkport Oceanfront Laguna. Pvt !''ROM $200/Mo max. 1-223-4164 collect. MONEY AYAH.AILE music writer <Blues. wa.s. oon't feel bad-you· re not alone. steps to beac h. I b r furn. tWwporl RecJHCY 2NDTD AND Country. Soft Rock I To "-n<lhl• """rt s one of 14 d1stJ ....... •ery ~~~~or~!:3282thru. June. COf?. L-t..-s/ln•-t/ SWlNG LOANS... give my poetry musical """'"'""n"+"' 1 '"'u• ...,,...,_ ""' 644-7180 ~ .... INTERESTONLYOR wings. h a ha . Call different apartment noorp\ans at Seawind V111aoe Cute little house io China _ •• ~.~••••••••••••• l'"ULLY AMORTIZED... 548·6427 anytime. No In HuntJllgtoo Beach. Seawind Village is a result Coves. summer rental Costa Mesa 3 rms. 660 sic. llllilns Lee Realty masheni need apply . of totally personalized professK>nal planning. June thru Aug. vu. nr carpet. drapes, s ub lease Opporiwtity 5005 R. E. Broker. 960·1957 Attrocti•• Girt ed.tterranean'11· 11ag The kind of attention you de.serve. bch. $1100 mo. 67S-4886. May lst. $300. 979-0211 ••••••••••••••••••••• •• $60,000 who loves to go sailing on : I A perfect blend of nature and IMng-VocatloR l...tals 4250 CUst.om space, cpL'd. AIC. Elegant. s m all beaut y 11.sr,;, YIELD. 36 mos • weekends. Must love the nestled Ill a forest wrth babbling brooks and quiet ••••••••••••••••••••••• m w. J.9lh St. CM. Sl75. salon in shoppmg center. 2nd TD on luxury re· sea, be attractive & •Beamedceillngs,woodpaneling pondS.cooledbynaturaloceant>retzes.Addto ~~Big Bear 644-an7&83'7·3844 Laguna Niguel. Ask. sidence in CdM. ocean. sophisUca~.Goodcom -Grauc!oth wallcovering that tennis courts. swimming poots, a jacuzzi and City s.tps 6; (/titaf. rurn ,.,ME LOCA TIOH $13.SOO. Peg Allen Rltr c anyon comm 1.1 n il y. pcnsat.lon ror the ri~t •Fireplaces, wet bars a convenient location near Shopping and $2S rutely pr cpl. Call 494-7578 B>.000 Equlty. Priv prty person. Reply Ad #4 • •Dlsbwubers, walk-in closets employmentandyou'vegotaplaceanyonewould after3p.m .MB-l989. ?: ;':~~l;:1~:~r. •CLOTHING 67S-3W . ~~~.~.~~ •Balconies, patios proudly call home. (Even Kenoybonkportl) dfices. Total of 3000 sq LADIES• MOMIY W AMTID Senlcet 51 •Park-Ike landscahing One and two bedroom. one and two bath Sa:awr& lester ft. Can be divided into N.8 . fashion outlet. Best Private party seeks ................... .. Swlmmingpoo!s cut adultapartments from'315.00 &Y...tvlllUhlls smaller units. Drive by location.$14m. F.P. lnc· $28.000 second T.D. on LOSEWl.llGHT , • • a U AVAlLAlfLENOW: 211133 W. Coast Hwy. NB. stJc.flx.644-2431 her owne r /occupied 8 If ff ~ •lJlhtedtenni.scourts h then call Agent at Irvin e h om e . Value Throulh e • Jpnosn, •lllnutes to freewa.ys & beaches YrlySBr.i..l Brat Bae . 631-1400 New Business Opportt.101· $145 000.1133-~7.dy. Tapes, Tapes by Plt.1>. ~.IALn,IK ty. Be your own boss. • FaatServlce~Qfl· I -.OOW Ask for Mlke or Bobby A I r p o r l 0 f r 1 c e . Small investment all that 15 I tt ....._ ly StOeach ' I -.OOW & W 673-6210 Secr etarial service is r eq. for excitin g ForS. 2 •-z • toWtltOUll 1SSSSHun"""' .. '"'Vlll9Unf ~B11c:n.CA avall.St40.957·9331 lucrative residential & High return dlscounl UyouwantyouradvertJs-"''W...,.. commercial video bus1· d I I h Adda On11 !'\orry. No P~ (714) Me-9Mt ll_...to se..r. 4300 740 Sq. f'l 44• per sq. ft. ness. 540-2:iO:S <Mfr> notes. guarantee n· DI mnsaae to reat ,........_ Open 0-11 .. 9 ·~ From ttat 5¥1 DleOo F~ OrM nontl on 8NC:tl to ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1326. mo. Located off the ---------• come. Beat re\urn for I m more people at 10 .. r VllKW .,'7 to 6 \!I Mef'~. then west on Mcf~ to SWMn<I VIiiage. Female wanted abr 2 Br 405 Frwy nr, Crown Women's Specialty Shop. Investor. Chest er F . t°"t· Ctauified Is ti.It 17141 U7 .. 21 FUmbhlngs ~. 0ptn dill)' 10 AM ·u1 ~. furn apt w/Malo. Che11p. VaJley. Avail May Isl. Xlnl local.ion. 11 yrs est Salisbury 11. own or way to tol Call Now! 1il~Harbar==~Bl~Yd=-··~Coe-=~ta~M=eu.=-~C~alif~ . .t~===::~~~~~~~~~~~S57~·~2.S65~===== 831-33116 NB/CM area . .._13118 '64N7M. 8U-56'78 • ··-···--·-·--.. ---' . . '\ . l I f . . • • ' .. " • f •• • • • • .,. ··-. --··· .. .................. , ......... ,,.,, ...... ., .. ...... .,ii,. c:.;.e....... • c-•1c111r• .... 11 M 1 ••--•• .. ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• =:.!.J.....• I I • tt•1n i .... ..,.,..,,... S. II •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••I°••••••••••••••• ...... --"''" • ve OMY• tihampoo ......... tlHn onrr•t• worlt by Th o ... nln •• l'IH n UPI • OCCStl.d.nt. 1 Ton truck .... ,... Block. •hampetone. wall•. WallP.19perHa111ers t.i-c~·•t•r ~-':..9!•>'•· .. P•r1llln1 11ot Color brt111t....,., wht Htarvlnll Col141U Stu l!.~'!_11upln a1 Oeorae n.•!!?:. ,,... trim. Dan .__ •--~.•--, drlve1 . plaater1. XJnt ret1, ,. ........ ratH. -. , e.cl • .__.._ • • co11~ n1 rpb 10 mtn t>Wach Clean d • n t • . P • t I o • , ,,.." ~ 'J01 _.._ ,..... - --· -" :~~ .. " ...... '· 7C1 M sts Uv, dln rm, hall tlS. Avi drlv•wo1. 1ldt1wi.lk1. --· lit r1t.e 1ervlce at a talr Dl·&118.Ml-TM8 dlac, avail on m ajor ttramic Ute. Reu. ------·---· rm t7 so. l'OU('lh 110. chr '7&177118 •Vl'.RVl.OW PRICES• Haulln1l.Cleanup. price. Ptrtooa l ' com· ......... P•Pfn. DJ• 8'0·2934• _ ... .;.......;.,_.....;... _____ _ ~!I 15. Ouar t llm ptt odor • on handl~·ape malnl t'\llldt-ntJal/comme1cl11l r:rwrctaJ. ...................... EvesllT.otlU. Jert. a...iiiil.••• Cpt. repalr. 15 yrs t\apr c::r::~.~~~kc.fr•bt~D~ Oeorftt1 ~i'2015 aa.see1 '11-0HZ Local. coutat • tnland LJ9UIDWAUPANI IACr•m P1umbtDI. re•• _;;.i;-_ ............ : owrt' my..U. twr etabl 942...a Oud.,nln1. r lt!1 n up. Ha•tdl•M! ....._0.-,. *"*'°"rromSFbay ApplymuttlpledHl1n1 t ra&eaoarepaln."r.P"· !#' l}l\ltlft, aC'C'..a.nu. drunk 1 1 1 CM! ca. , b1ulln1, )'a rd main· ............................................. area " all parta. Call eolor't 41rtC'tl)' to walls r emdl '1. wtr tr•· ~~ ~ •. ~ <lln.':P.!! Miii ~dltlrt'ctl ,wc,.ool ........ !! .... !!.!.'. ..... ~II~~~~ ·~·.~9~b ~ .• R.?ARNllNNO'Sst!ROVUISC~.· c u s T 0 .. p ll In l . 3'hr. Tdyt$40-4844 ~theoo c:~ :.1t>pa~~~ .~ .. ... _, 1~·•• ..,_ ....,. .. t q~• n a • :I N VF.W p '-• • ... "'· draperies. l " blinds, Movi n g 6 h a ulln1 . Tc -- # • ' ••""'--lkin 1 aria Ot3S c1:1.~1.; 1;ce'!1 rl CO MM•~ It c.• l Al. & rlir 8 thoroufhly clc11n w.woods. tile. paper. Frt'ight. bldg materials. C¥ll Bob R o n o r ...................... . •• •••-••••••••••••••• WoC1ar•CarpetClt>an1•rw Jl'JhnC'hatl! ~8-~ ~ft:NIOKNTIA I . l:uwn houl".MOOA$ ata1n,carpeL.Ut•'d. hshJd goods etc. Lowest ::i.m;&::• " esti ma te. Repair 6 Reroor. All OIV!-ij£/BANKRPTC\' ~m tlon Also up -Strvlet;C-Omt1ll•tet:leu11 Wunl n RKALLV <.:Ll';AN 556·8000 rates In town. J ohn . t y p e 1 . ab In 1 t e1 • totint Ueo hol•tt'ry Work auar We'll knock yuur !W41t ()(I UPI Hrt'n Vlll111l•nor. lf0U8to:" Cnll Glnaham J•ltori.. ~ M it 0 cttm home paint• rock1ltake1°eompo-tar. Action ~l•l Sttvlt'f' Trude mount unit fr profes1lo.nally &: ktop W~lH <llrl 1'Tt'<l est 645·5123 .;:; ................... ,....IN;/P•"-9 "". Intlexl. resld &: com · ..-.... tilt. Ml·-Fin. ~SIOOMS JfMI l.:!!!' r tc-. 14.5 3711 f1:' C~m~erleb~e Tl)ll Gardt'n ('i1rP Sprlnklt•r M.RS tl.to:AN MAK ES IT Ma In t e n a n c e &: or ••••••••••••••••••••••• m l.871M!M9 _A_v_au_. ------- 8 O OK K fl: 1o: p 1 N o f:C"(Ur Csrpiot ll'uln• '40-!HNR Y Pl rep.tJr, 1uun•~ tn•t't, r ul OLt :to:M Uarh. apts, & Janitorial ervices. In· PETERS PAINTING o.tocn painting, custom s..t../All1ull111 &ltll~~·Plrkup.lldc-1, tumpoo Ir ~l.-1tm lrt rrrrodttl aardcn•. hfln14: Cnrl>('t & upitol. dUlltrlatlirmedicalbldgs. Expr'd . Reas Rates, homes.1-Teeestlmat~. ;; •• ;;:.••••••••••••••• b.nk rt~ontlliat1on a. c:ompl. c:I anlnA U r\' C• tetKior l4 yr,t•11u ~ 4~114 l'h•i.nln 11 • 549.9372 . 8411-l!l89 Free Es t. Call Gene 675-9S91 Custom palnUna. cuttom AV. Aa. dbl t'ntr) or tf 0 u \.. J()' fl ( ,. .. .. ..................... G ... Ser fc UM 4Mfi(j OFFICE INDUSTRIAL 552-04.58 home9. Freees{imates. &Wlboani !i)'•t.-m e>1t1 Wkly Mo rnh•!I ft()nd1•1l 111 l.<H'ONTRA<..'"l'Olt~ .. ~1.~~ .... ! .. ~~ ...... l'-J I I . fl ""S T"/\ U R ANT i. n....1 · t'-E l •· I t p I 675-_968 __ 1 __ _ u 'aaftlPM M:?!to:.'6 Slmnn n t -&l!ll i\ddltltlll:t, l & 2 111y, '"' rean n1e & •nmnt. .-. ... "'"'pain mg. x .. n . roper prep. ~r me r . ' • • • kitchen 41 bo r{'iniKl\'I~. •Ml. FIXIT• 1wrvh•e. 1''1oor wlllcin11, H OM F. C L E AN I N 0 . Low rates. Refs. •·ree pamt & price. I' rce est. Tl9 • J' Ukll.p.r, payroll l.a '<I"!\ C..11.._ 91~ (0U Cu rpl•nlt••. IHi lnli 11 .: ov1•11, t•nr1K•t11. wrnclow11 Ref11 l.1c/bonded/m 11. est 536--4780. 536-4383 Refs. Cill 645 0975. .. .................... . ., , • fll\ln(', 1tm~. motl' fl ••••··-;~l•••••••••••••• llt•t1" nilt'" 15 vi .. 111 1•tr 1'1-'('t' t11mwic111pt1.4/ 552·5166 p ----------CE RA M l C T I LE · •rtalO rsWKl9'J 111ROWll'l:(;i\l't\RT't'• m.ctric• llft'UM~l7~ ofr'I & var11ncl(• l''a 11t L..dlc-i....---alnttng. I NT /EXT Ext.painlingexpert ~Best kitcbenil bath& entrys' lk>ollkt-t•plnll, no Jnll lll<• Nt't"l:ltWIJ1 l' t.I ••••••••••••••••••••••• <ierv11••• Vrr v r o m •••••••~••••••••••• ~al. hones~ •. 'Jus0 12 prices m~lir 37 Your l'l le oi mine '. !!nlU ll A P. b1ll1n .: r II • l N n I N (l t.:U A."fltl('l/\N 1•r11·1•1l H•d)'fMft r ·t111 vr II) pnc·c11 hlM L('l U11 Install a NEW oo:..o::P-IC . avc 5.41 982-0079 Frf'd ~ T5u'J (lOlJHM f l' n1itht frt"('I t·~llrnolt• 0 11 ••••••••••••••• •• ••• ••• ri5.1 OIO~ L a n d 11 t' 11 p c 0 r --Patios ------ 1'4..\ 40.Jll Aoytlnw I .rl(ll Ur 11mallJul> ll OM .. :i, r.. ,. r s f<'or f'Xt'1•ll1•n t'l' Ill Rl-:JUVf:NATE The Old ramHng & papering. 26 ·······················T,....Sfnrlc• c-....... 1.Jr.•11o;1'(l 1,1;, OJ~ .. , llt•(}lpt.'5, 1JIU111li I 11111trv. ho11.;l'rfl'ltnlll" l'lconi1111 Onl' St. Con t r . l.1 ('. yrs Harbor arl'll St. Lac Patios. brick noors. COY · ...................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~'n·Hll\'l" ratNlllll Lt•I 11~ tilt•, k1td1a 11•mo1IPI " " 113G441U.CallG45·6716 1832111 Rers.642·2356 ers, deckln ". cus tom A'PINETREL' ,...., 1 • lo' .... A m..i.kt> vou1 N 't'nl '"' r ...... .,,. S.ctric 1~ 00041 llnlmtd MO :JT26 .. .. .,. -~n H re\' .-,.'I t II) \t'f')' f)t't'llll 1''rom In '"'" ,~,7~ E Int. Paint & wallpa""r. ri~places. footings. 40 EXPERTS MM Jobe (.'all i\llun 01 1 .,..., •• .. IJl.>pendelih•. Own Trans. uropean Land11ca1>1.•r ,... yrs exp 646-8444 Tri · TtJny &.s ltl49 \'1111111111 I l''!l~n to ptll'>l H.-dyfMn Stnlct. lwrer ' II U Area Only Top work. f'a1r price ~al work. rcas . pr. . mmint. pruning, top· -~ny, IWOM rht• 1'111 t "--"" (kn ltt•(lU lr Hl'81iOnublt• 812 tl625 Doroll'O 1-Wfs &t6-4871 dys/eves t.'l' est. Steve. S474281 ,....../l.,.W p i "~ & r e m 0 v a Is . Rtmoditl. repltllr. t:i•n Ptdc t1r tD7 JOOK ••••••••••••••••••••••• t 00 9M:.! ••••••••••••••••••••••• _714-89!,--0840. Uc/l~s~ h • r•1tCtr v . old llmt· 131117 M11w.111 ... t-;djan"& IU l"f ...___&M&..-t1••'f FlncextcrPa1ntingby R "'-h iu ,. " • __.._ .. ...., Sinor St I c T ''""at pate es & textures ~ Cit I -('#k ~hl~ ttl;rr'tt an c .... ..e/C..c:,.... ( h•11n U11 11b11 Hrv nnt .. l'o mple t c ....................... ....................... • . I . tns. ry REEEST. 193-1439 ..... -w--••• ......Wd Ir I ulom ••••••••••••••••••••••• l>ulc 838 31!10 t.andscaplol( & ll u n· Mind Your Monnl'rl'J Inc Hnrkwork Small Jobs me 836-~2A hrN. --------••••••••••••••••••••••• bo 182"'314 Complt'h• tOill'r••lt• jnb Ott dym.un S..•rvin • ri34l·Olll 1 llondt'<l rellublc l;l'Uflh• Newport. Colita Mes a & Up to 50'k ofr on labor. 11 Pi\Tt;lt PLASTERING For t lt>IU\ Wlltdows. ~ hr llttt your for m is. u \\' lllloon H .. IMJ wut care for your homP & lrvi.ne. 67S 3175 ('Vl.'S you buy W P from Oun A II t y pt• s . F re e littvicc. OOl"IJ'l 'I & resld. re moni•v H~11 64t1 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• pcto; fl7U 5701 Bnck. llt<>nt'. block work. S<•hwartz 537 2004 ~t.~ C~ 538-7113 _':""~!'!:._ <:811847·1197 'lflJ C1111tom l't.'flll'nt work C1•r1n111t tilt'. h11lw11111l. I du 11 1111 'ttkqilonctl'r . Selling anythlol( with u till' rt11or11, <'onc rrtt· lnt .t•xt.1wrvin1111rl'11 for7 Plaster Pntc hin g : Jim's HouAe-" Window cJ J l>rll>!t'W">•· pntHh . l'flfPt•t1<,& \In 1, 111 dumptruck.huul .~ral11-. DwlyPilotClas111rit.'<1Ad patio's, wulki.. dr1v1• yrl' Prof <JUDI work P l as t e r . i;tucco & <:lca nlns . Bu s l · w.ilkw1,1 vs SS!I 13<\.ol. lumr 1'.-..1 IO:il ln'll ull relllt'nt,nsphnlt.lrl'e re ill a sampll' matter . way1> f'rl'e l''ttl John Hr 111d l /\pt-.1<.:omm . drywnll lntiext. Free net>Slresidentlal.497·2196 2ff ~fttf~~~~~~~M3~~7~1~~1~F'r~e~c~~~·b~lt~n~~a~t~l·~,~~·n~7~d~a~~~,~5~3~1~K~ll~O~~~~mo~'~a~ls~c~te~ll3~1~1~~5~7 ~~~Jus~t~c•~l~l64~2~·567~8~~~~~846-~l~S83~~~~~~~~1l~~~o~~~u~o~v~l'~58fl~~l44~2!'>~~~~cst~.~546-~1~64~1~G~t.~~rl?~~~.~~~a~k~6~~~~~~~ ,. . . ' I .. I ' ,.,_ I ' •111 • -·:i '• . • l YR ,., ' ' 'J ... - HtftW..e.ct 7100 HetpW-'M 7100HtfpW..ted 7100 HetpWanttd 7100 HtlpW..ted 7100 HetpWClftf~d 7100 HelpW•hd 7100 HetpW..e.4 71 HetpW..tH ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ···········~··········· ,-. ~~· • AS' SEMBLER ACCOUNTING CLK Assistant om ce ma nager Banking..;,..~ -f>roct?ss invoices. hand It• ut auto dealership. Must • ..._. mail. lite typinJ?. assis t ASSEUll HS be fam11tar with all lmmed1-te·~1ng f~ watb ncrounung duties phases or aulomobi!e ac· new branch 111 N.B. E!'P TRAINEES Irvine. E.O.E540-7639 TRAINEES counting. Salary com · pre(em!d. Xtnt ~ner1ts m ensura te with e x -& caree-r oppty s. Call Acoounting Clerk needed perienc~. Xlnt company COLLECT for a ppt.: for Newport Beac h IEAT THE TRAFFIC & INl=LATIOM... benefits. <21Jl670-756hitl232 . I _. --~ 2 d a!11...SA6-Travel Co. $600 per mo. Work o ur e v e ning s hift for h ig her See Mr.Spotts CITl%ENSSVGS •• ...U ft ~........ 64S-9800 wages while elimina ting the tra ffic BARWlCK IMPORTS E~ua l Oppty E m pt. h ass le . In a ddi tio n to excelle nt 333'7s!~au~:&~~:~;~~no M F/lf. • • .0 Want to ~el in with a champio~p s tartin g salary & frin ge benefits. we 831-1375 493.3375 •Bank-•i•ng _____ _ team? Then check out the opportunities * * offer 3 wag e inc reases during your 90 Automotive TELLERS awl:l.iting you at Speny Univac. day. t r aining period followed by wage L~ Accountan.: review ever y 120 days .... ,." ·~· Positions ~ble. for Clean up new & used f'/tame oxper Co m · ._..... We need trainees to help ua build ou.r computers. With our two week training course in soldering, wire wrap, mecaauring, color code and component recognition, you'll be able to assemble the moat modern, up-to-date computen with ease. We offer competitive salaries {including 10% premium fo1 :!nd ~hiftl and a comprehens ive benefits program that includes: • Tuition Reimbursement • Long Term Disability .• Retirement Program • Free Short Term Disability • Stock Purchase Plan • Free Dental Plan • Comprehensive Medical Insurance Don 't get lt•ft nt thu-cl h:l~t.· \\1th _\ollr rart.•cr S tart your rnrct·r in d l·ctronirs today and join the team that hu~ whut 1t take:,, to w111~ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THESE POSmONS PLEASE CALL: (714) 549·7911 ancl mk for tape #256 (Tape available 24 hou.ra). You moy abo uppl~ m JWl'!-!On or phom· Employment at ti 1-l l :1:1-:!-100. E xt.:?:?:>. MDll·COMPUTER OPERATIONS 2722 Michebon Drlw Irvine, Ccallfornia 92713 A Dl\1:-ion of. perry Hund Corporation "" f;qu,J o,,p .. nunlT) P.mplO) ... r \1 f .. • J:;::;'~! J ~~~~ ..... ~~.~~ ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Accounting Clerk. Must ... W..ted, 707 have accounting .,'"i~·•••••••••••••• knowledge. accurate ~o hu organist lkg fo typist. 10 key & postin~ l~L club/party bkg . machine exp. Mon-Fri, Own o rg an . Dwig ht 8-5. 893-2421. Gladys or 67~ 792S Darlene Companion or live-in hskpr. 5 duys Exper. N.B. area. 673-0392 ~~~~~~~~~ ACCOUNT1Nr. CLERK full time. accurate typ- mg, good salary, xlnt Co. be n e.r its . App I y 111 person. Laursen Photo Accounting CASH RECEIPTS CLERK Various duties including bank re conciliation . audit c as h r e c eipt J<)Umals. etc. 10-Key & and some accounting ex· pcnence reqwred. Ex· cellent working cond•· lions and benefits includ · mg dental plan. Phone Mr. Chnslianson, t 714 l 549-4200. MOW 15 THE TIME Lab, 1641 Reynolds A vc . for job seekers to check Lrvine corr Red !Jill &1---------tt\e Dally Pilol He lp MacArthur) Wa.Ud classification. If ---------Lose something valuable~ Accounlanit ACCOUNTING TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS Oran9e County is loomiftCJ! And so are ~! We're ROBERT llRLF'B accounlefl1JS the job you wa nt is not lf. you're no.l reading _the Place an ad In our Lost UUl ad Cl r d and Found colu mns There arc many new there JOU migbl consider ~ s ''! asst ie · That's where people look r1rms movmg mto the ofrerin8 your services you re missing a. lot or when they've round an Orange County a rea with an ad In the 1ob newsy ~nformauon as itemorvalue. bringing about a n In· Wanted category. Phone well ass me great buys. ·• creasing demand for ex· 6'2·5678 Schools & Schools & per ienced Accounting ~HOit 7005 lftltruction 7005 and Data P rocessing I. DOING . ,\'. BUSINESS .::; UNOERA .. i. FICTITIOUS NAME? If yo11 have 111•t llled rour "•• , ct1t1011a l11•ltt••• Na1110 and ......... ~ ... ,lilted Mt9'p.-hallo.,... .. ..... fOf ... tll•t the llMltotlOfl It 30 daya .._ .......... Tllo DAILY PILOT w ill ,...... '°"' .. ...,.,.."' 101 ltl.1 0 . Our .... ..._ ........... 01ttlra Orattto CoHt .,. ......... ..... 8"9 ............. ... .,,., ..... -.... ,.., ..... "'."' .. , , ......... " •llld ..,. ...... .., 11141 • •"Nil .. THI DAILY MOT, 1'.0 .... '"'· C:-• ...... CA llQI, .......... , .... ,., ...................... ......... z.. ....... c .. ....., ·*· .............................................. 1 FREE INTRODUCT~Y LESSON * CAREER IN REAL ESTATE * Attohl ya.r'"' ffteh He .... •w ... 1twt Hie , ... wlfft a uw profffsfOlt ••• fe•t•rl119 ••cltl119 Telu•M 2000 Protr-. ._ felt ..., .. , Wf/I/ to,_ .... 1hlh ~ Cll for ..... ..., Ullll'llD OFFiil 41% D1tc-.t ........... Offer ...... .,,. 2Z. SAIL REAL ESTATE SC•l IA s•1111..., of 5411 PrapartlesJ 675-4890 A personnel CPA'S Auditors Tax Accountants Cost Acco.t•ts Sr. Accountafth lootrk..,.n Acca.tiRg Clffks Data•try K/P Optrator1 Ir you are not aware or the benefits or working temporary -give us a call or visit us at our new location. We wlll be hap- py to discuss It with you . We are located in the: COLDWELL BANKER BUILDING Suite 11200 23S3 No. Broadway Santa Ana C7t4tU5·410J Free Parking Want Ad Help? 642-~8 .-... _,..._ ----... ,, .. -,.. --... .,,. ...... . WANTED NOW OR ... If you pr e fer . s a m e opport unities await you on our fir s t s h ift o p e nings. Come & join our rapidly ,!.!rowin g ~cm1 condu<:tor firm cars Good working con· merctal Bank T ellers. d1t1ons. overtime availa-Pleasant s urroundingl>. ble. Apply t.o ma nager. l!ood·sal & benef. friend· lorwidl Dotsun ly l'lL'itOmcrs & staff. Ap· 33375 Camino (;ap1strano plicants should contact: San Juan f u p1str~~ VIRGINIA WAITES ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS AUTOMOTIVE ~1AClll N IST Salary commensurate w 1tb t.-xp . up tu S20,000/yr St•nd res um e· to 5742 Parkhur.;t l'l<.1l'l'. Yorba Lindit. 92~i Manufacturers Bank 1201 Dove St. N.B. (7141 75i2·0600 F.qual Oppor E mplyr YOUR SKILl..S AS A lllGHLY PAID ACCOUNTING PROFESSIONAL f'ORTl::Ml'ORARY POSITIONS Im m edia te openings a lso e xist in our co mputer pro du c t s div1 s 1o n for e I c ,. t r o n 1 c a s s e m b I e r s w 1 t h t:xpcncnce. "1us t be able to work fro m b lue prin t s chematics. W e offe r ex c c ll ent s a I a ry /fringe benefits in c lud ing a unique t!mployee s toc k owners hip plan Apply to P ersonne l. ---------;;;;;;;;;;;. ___ ..;.;;.;I &ink an it ACCOUNT ANTS $!1.00/HOUR & UP Uegree + 3 years ex pcrience in G IL analys1:.. audit f /S. scllin)! system cosl <1nd1or bud~l·ting . F/C IKKPRS $7.00/HOUR & UP 5+ year:. expc ra cnl'l' ~1th multi book. G L . T B . ~· S . E D I' & manuul ASSTBKKPRS WESTERN DIGIT AL CORPORATION l 128 RedhiH A•~. Costa Mna. Co. 92626 <corne r R edhill & Baker St 1 DESIGNING TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FUTURE Equal Opportunity Employer AUTOMOTIVE CAREER POSITIONS HOW AVAILABLE •M t;CllANICS •INST/\LLl::RS •Sr\LI::S PEOPLE E::xcellenl 'wrung i.alary and work1n)! cond1t1ons ~1th opportun1t 11·s for ad- ' ancenwnt, 1-ull ume c•mploycl'" re- ce1,·c hosp1tahwt1on Ill· MEW ACCOUNTS COUNSELOR f'or our South Coas t Plaza office. Experience prcft!rrcd. Call Ralph Kmrungs at 540-4066. 3333 Bnstol St. C.M. TB.LU To work Seturdays only m our Costa Mesa oHace. C311 George Wagner 111 546-2300. 2700 Har bor Blvd.C.M. Calif. Fedft'al ~W)s&Loan An Equal Opportunity Employer .... M /F. $5.50/HOUR & UP surancl' hfr 1n,,urancc 1 ________ _ and pension fund. We ,,.,11 be inlerv1e'41ng on Monday Apnl 16th. at the following address and 2 Years expenence thru GIL.AP.AH.PR ACCTGCLERK APT :\tA;-.;AGEH For .55 un1ls 1n Costa Mesa Exper'd couple llus b;ind mus t ha\ll' Assembltng·Auto acce!> :-<ceded 1mml'd1all•ly . r T or P1T Call any ttme. 646-1234 S5 Do/HOUR & Up maint cxr. Wife bkkpg ------' exp C<il 642-5073 or 2 Years cxpl'nencc A P. 1213!865·38.'il ____ , Assembly AIR or P H. 10-key by -APT '.\l,\NAG EH ~1Jturc scm1-ret1rcd cou pie to manitgc It> adult un1t i. in Costa :\1esa 957-6282 toueh. RECENT EXPERIENCE HEQUIRED Cill For Appomtment 547-7631 1055N. Main Ste 1016 Santa Ana We i\rC'oNOt A Public Accounting Fir m * * Actttsse1·Actor1 WAMTB>HOW Apt. Mungr. 15 L' . San Clemente. Curt. 83.5-3700 ~SEMBLERS L1Aht mech assembly reqwnng good manual dexterity Ex pert ence preferred but will train 3 D Ins trume nts 1.5.54 2 Chemical Lane. 11 .B. 894-53.'il ASSEMBLERS Cox Hobbies. Inc . a leading manufacturer or rucl powered models ror the toy/hobby industry has ope nings for As· · scmblers. TRAINEES Iott EXPERIENCED I Micro Electronics We are seek ing in· dJVlduals ror first shift pos1t1ons in our Produc- tion Department. We will train the rq~ht an · d1viduals in the micro· electronics industry Comprehe ns t \'t' com· pany benefits including majOI' medical and den tal. Call or apply in person (7141 540·6080 TRANSMASK umes. PEP BOYS AUTO SUPPLY STORE 1530S Har bor Bhd Fullerton. CA I JO· II 30 120 E Isl St ret•t Santa i\na. CA 1.30·3:00 15221 Beach Blvd Webtmmster. C1\ 3305 00 Equal Opportunit~ 1'.:mploycr M i-· Auto Parts Deli•ery Well ~roomt•d fl'm alc over 18 ~ 1(()()(1 dn' m~ record. Costa :\11.'s.i arl'a Call Bob. :>56-2500 ror in ten iew appt. AUTO T RANS R&R MAN· Ex per. pre ferred M UST HA VE O W N TOOLS. 548·2288. ·s A.M " 1s n ow in- terv1e w1n g those 111 · t.crestro In a pror. career m movies, TV & TV com mercials No exp. nee sm rec. Call 633-2233 ellt 95. In add 1t ion to com · CORP B/\BYSITI'ER . needed pet.1t1ve, automatic pro • for 1 year old. Molher gr essaon wages. our """"C 0 "'Or°ks nights . Hr. vary AIDE/WARD CLERK r .M. Haleigh Hills Hospital. !SOI E. 16th St. Npt Bch. Call 645-5707. Amway Olstr . wanted Start now super earn- ings. Call 968·6495 9.4 weekdoys . benefits include hospital, .,.,,,.. ampus MVl' f Newport Beach C:'A rom 7p.m. to 2:30a.m . or hre. dental 1nsur~1nt·c. · overnight if more con\'e· paid holidays. vucataoni;, E 1 0 nicnt. My home or yours . ~1ck pay, a clean workin1ot ;qua pportunaty Npt. Bch or CdM. Call environment and rrct.' --E•mlllillllpl•oilye•r•m-/•fi•h-• 759-1294 aflns. rorree. --------- ---------BABYSITTER mature, Apply in person or rall Personnel at 7141546-2SS1 cox HOBBIES INC. ASSEMILERS PACICERS WAREHOUSE •LOCAL AR E 1\ •WEEKLY PAYCHF.CK •BONUSES •NO FEE/CONTRACT ASubsidlary or ~ ~ Lei.sure ()ynamlc. lnc. j l-1505 E Warner Ave e Santa Ana. Ca 92105 ~mllililllll ....... E.O.E. M/F lrvlne 7~·6666 occas. even. & wknds. My home. Own trans. I child. 67S-Ot02. BABYS ITTER : resp pen;on to sit w /2 boys 9 & 6 yrs . M o n -Fri . 11 :30-4:30pm . Anytime 644-0173. AMwtriftcJ Service PBX operators for a telept)one ans we rin g service experienced or wUl train. Full time or put lime shifts availa- ble. Days, a rte rnoon· evenlnp or grave yard. Must be able to work some weekends. Typln.-i 35 wpm. required Mony When you call Classlrled co. benefits available· I to place an nd. you're 11is· Pleasecall Mon·F'rl. s ured of a trlen1Hy 2061 Business Ctr. 209 El Toro Suite 200 Fashion lslond a rcu welcome and he lp in 640-1791 wording your ad ror be11t Cos t • Meae a rco response Cllll Now• 673-1188 E.O E. &el-56'71 23491 f~I Toro Nd Tucs&Thurs u·30·3pm F..O.fo:. M IF ... McJIT&LElt Will train experienced Teller m New Accounts at Newport Center. Light typing. Call Doris Crox· on. 1>&4·1461. Neat and cheerful at : tMPSllAL S & L Equal Opportunity t:;mptoyer M ff/H BANKING Columbia Savings. a pro- gress and growing 1Sav· 1n1t!> and l<ljln. has 1m· rfl(.'(hate c)t>pbrtunities in 1t~ beautfif\Jl new La ke Forest branch SAVINGS SUPERVISO R Responsibilities will in· elude :iss1sting Manager ~•th .. wrr supervision. l'U.:.lomer rclat\ons and branr h oJWrat1on:.. Two years r ecent S&L \'X· pcnence and ability to :.upervtse teller and n1:w accounls runctions rl!· t qwred. SAVINGS COUMSILOI Full time openings 11rtt available for lndividunls knowledgablo in all sav· ings transa ctionll . Re· rent S&L experience and typing or 45 wpm r e· quired. i. I I t These positions ocrer ex· ! replional workln& en· IJ \'ironmcnt. excellent salaries and outstanding benefits including free career aPP.&Fel. medical and denl~J Insurance and unlimited 1rowtti polen· tial. Please contact our Penonnel Offlttr l0t an ~iew 1ppointmtnl. • - or. . ' '· '• - , . : . J • ... .. .. .. -- Ill " ·"" '• •1\ ,I I ~ .. ~~ ..... !~.~. !!'!'r.~~ ..... ?! ... ~~~ ..... ?!~~ ~.?~ ..... !~.~~ JIOO -~==-=:: ....... ~, <lent~ ~ IOOI•--CHlf ....... c ..... .. S IJOO -.,·d Ind ctwr lo lr•ln •:1tctronlt1 mrr. net!ds ~--TIWR: . l ..... Ta&.111 ... lhHI ,.. ........... .. Ir ..... ..,. ..... 0Hlu1 ... .,.,.. a L•tu ............. , "" ... ,..... ,.,.. ...... .,,. ' ............ c Mra. J•r••· S•d· •••~•ell S••l•t•· 11Mlll. BANKJNC: •LOAN SER VIC CLERK Ac$ynamk . growm i: sav il1&I and k>•n has an l'X· qlleot opportunity for an experie nced loa n Mr'vtce clerk. Prlmar} l'ftpc>nsibihlll'S "111 Ill $Ide bener1ciary slate nynts and dl•mand. an· 11.1ranee, and dula anpul !ti computer. 1'l9pesillon IS IO<'lllcd IO Otlr beautiful Anuhl'lm bead office 1md orrers a 1dp slatting salary. oul ..c.oding bener1ts includ tne dental covera~e. and IOOCI opportunity for ad· 'f&neement. For an in· tervlew appointment, please contact Person· net. N.t~ Beach "Bu \ for clad poaltlon CLERK peraon lo m1tlnt••n Job I w ever kad". 5aY• .-1yoww ..,,...Jve t o entrlnffrln1 document our Ptf'IClll leavln.a 1Rtr M"ll lie ••P'd In all OI~. m1k• pnnlt1. col· 3 yun hat created tbtt .,... f1f lllh'Mll l>Pfr• TYPIST law product m.n1.11IA. In 1---------QllPCttwt1ty to .)Oln an ex t.loa lllat 1tan.iq salary ltlfact with EOP Ro COLLECTOR c:fileot compaay ' tJroW + rull i»Mnta Appl)' QWfet abilll)' to work In lnk>offic.man•cr.UH ttlhMrc>~uadron,3lto 11111 -"~ d\"pe ndl'nt ~ 'l'y r.e PoalOonavalh&blf>lnour ~,"'I b ..__..... Sf I petn•-Co•ta ... eta off i"c '" c arae ..,., ... ,,.,,. Airway, C._$.W 11180. ~wpm. F.ic1>e r nct< w th '" • • eep1n1 • •C<'rt lar111 fW ._., efflce w C'flillr\t>enna drawtna or M1rum1.1m one year U · t a h n l • . W or k i n CLJff$1Fl£D lah ., ,..,..... -4 d 0 c u m e n t <' 0 n t r 0 1 peri~ce. Finance com buutiM Mw bwld1n1. -N-=c..._.. HH•Y ht>lpful Wl' orfer food pany e1tperience helpful enjoy top benefit• + llMlr•flSIN" sell•••• r•· pay 4't benefits. Cul ror Salary bUPd on eic· IC'Wroui ca11h boou IH NlfUl a uppt. Tclonlc/8crkeley ~e rte nce . Call 8111 tndofytar lOO"; f"r('e to Thi-Dally l'llot l 11eek· 60 WPM H · Pt• r !I u fl n ('I d t' Pl . -•·t.k-lntliilll, (•7•14•)•$49--4200-··-1 •PPlic.nt Call Abiaall Ina aperaon te> •uam\'nl cs....,, toed ....... 7141494 ·0401. Loituno Abbott l'ersonncl Atitin· our ti uatri.d Adverll• _., .-....... WHt l~~ch. ~:.o.E. <.:ook/Olpwuher cy, SS1 8122• 4.'iOO C 1'mpu ~ departrnf'nt for m elH tr• I" vou H ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;; Didi Cllwclt't Rett. Dr . N 0. Oi>c'n M ondi)' I h I r everuniunUl'fpm. t ttep one Ot•t _..,.,.,.tor on C.:lerk olCLERtCAL Full" part/time , Telephone .ulu u.11 _. ,.,.... __........ n'9STS mlnimurn or no ex11er BOOKKEEPlrn Purt ~'l'imct neN~••ry. will r~·-s737.$tll needed.Appl)'inperaon: Ume. A«OUAt&n&aotflce traln(OtCIH•llied ... ,..... 28118Newport Blvd, C.M. O.llM&tOIU 5 R~ir,~~~NTS ..._ loc ....... loHly SICllT41Y & Cook needed a l :small * IOC*M• aS • Mllllt tYP\" 4~Wl'M lt•kc efflcH .. d nup• STIHOGRAPHHS Nu r 1 I n i H o m c . 4UTONOTIYI! tnc> ~ bewefft• lwct.d· S77J..StS7 lO:OQ.6:30. Jo'ri·Mon. Xlnt Che\')' dealtt will add or °'1>"ftdabh~ be n e f It 1 . App I y i n r\tt clerks'°" hc,hl boolt· Good t pHkina Vl)H'•I ... CltlUCS penionThe Garden llH plna. typlna Wall l'teaaant pt-n.om1.ht> S70S·S9 t 2 4""'Gle nneyreSl. tnUnln•~o aC'toW1ttn1:, Solary l'Omm1.•n•urall• •Co. paid lif e Ii .,., o M v . 1nter1• s t 1n11 . Wllb eapen t•nc•· t com ~ .. ~· Also need Spanish !ipellk Laguna Beach -• t d " n\L'> Ion 1-:xt·,•lh•11t t•om •"-,.id _ ..... _ .. t 1n~ Typists and Clerks • • .,.ta an s urroun '""~ -• .,.,, .,.._ lA• per hour b1l1oaual Cooks apply Bernard s. aooct pay Opp for ad pany brnrhl If YOll an· " " E co Cd~ \l•ncement &e OfCtrt• umb1ltot" & v.anl tu bt• ,._ pay Permanent opt'n· lalt ast Hwy. 1 u paid for )'Our dforti. •IA~•thftent pion lngs. full & part tame. _bi_S-_7_5_75 _____ _ ,..w~r.W •aD CL.---•-t ~e.t.'4'.' cull fur 111t\•r'''l'V. •C,.... U..lon many fringe benchts HO • _ • ..._ I() Call 1714 > 834·2861 for Oove & Quail S•~ rn.onne t•pt •Z..,..... .. cotiH t t COOICS Experience necessary. Apply in person lo. NEWPORTBt-:Al'll f'42"321,ti'l 277 •Mmly11Dre testappoin men Ill-OHS OIANGE COAST Bus o RIV 1-: n s f n r chool I~ 8rookhurM. t-\tt Vly t:all 963 7831 BUYER Immediate opening "'1th major Orange Coun\y manufacturer. Rcqwrt>s l·2yeurs expenenl'e buy. in~ ·for all phast'i. of m anufa c1 urin~ aod m achine s hop opera- tions. Selected individual must have koowlcdi.w of raw matl'rials. castanJ(s and for~in~:. DAILY PILOT 3JO W Uay Strc<'l V01.tu Mt•lju 1-;qual Opportunily ~mpluyer CUttlCAL Capable person (or 11Hi1•1• p0Ml1on reqwnng phonc & math apt1tudl', ~ood typini.t SPl'l'd. ~1l'd11·al Denwl lni.. Fubril'Uled Plaslll'S Im'. MIS W IMth St C M 641i-J27!J CLE HJ CAL 1-:nlry level µos1t 1un :n 1 ~hr"k ~~ l'all 833·11450 Thts excellent opportun1 Clcnl'al ty offers promotional GREETER poss1b11Jt1es. p ART· TIME CoMp•titlu salary ~ClllWMntwah with H • ......... Call ~ lnt•r•ltw op- pcN.1h1• nt: 4Me Steven1on 17 t4J 759-7223 COUHTYOF ORANGE PERSOHHEL DEPT. 625N Ross St . Rm G180 Santa Ana. CA 92701 Affirmative Action Employer .. \ 1727 E. Oyer Rood IRVIHE Clerk·fo'~st liqu,or & ~inc Count('rhelp ·Cook Part operation. F.ull I •me, time (ull time . Apply m Must be experienced 495 person Gary's Deh 3309 EBASCO E.17th. St.C.M ...:_·_ec_·~_ast ~wy. CdM. --------icoUN TER li l RL . 120 Hewport Center CLERK drycleuncrs. Full or 1'1T Or Graphic 1~ Bayside Drive. Hewporl leach. CA N Ii. 673·5385 92660 Artist l'ou p i es wa n led t o • mamuie s mull busmei>!- Equal Oppor1un1ty Employer l\1 / F <.:l<'n cal 100% FREE Cox llobb1cs. Inc . lead· Must enjoy meellnJ.\ pco· an~ manufaelurrrs of pie. working together. & fuel powered models and be wtlhni.: t o learn radio l'Ontrollt.'<.1 unlls ror Pleasant pr of it ab le their hobby toy ~nduslQ work, p T. 963·7225 1s seeking a Graphtl' ---- Art1~t. Rcspons1b1litac~ CUSTODIAN will include art and phot 1-'ull taml' Corona dcl Employment VITllAMS J.IMA~T,.... .. " ....... ,... u~:l-:'3:!;:':, ._,.Mu••c SI.GOP ........ .. , Mec•lm1 SeMlp 0,.1 .. • $4.IOPer.._. ...,...c. THWca.. Sl.06Per.._. Dri•w-s .. ._.. $4.00Per.._. s.--. .......... .,...., u .sor ... .._. Protectfve SigMI ._ ..... $4.SOP..,..._, Refripr.tioll Mec"-ic ss.oor ... .._. Sectra. II•-SerYk• Tech ss.sor ... .._. CustCMMr Ord« Cieri& u .sor ... .._. Air COlldltfOflilMJ/HHtf"t Installer $4.00 , ... How Optical IHtru.Hftt AsH.-.er $4.00 Per How Auto Radiator Mec"-ic $4.00 Pft'How Apply at En1ploy•••t & Troi•i•g AdtMli ...... of .......... leech. 531 Mcti• Street. HuntilMJICMI hoch. c .. llOW 1714t Sl'-2526 or 639-1554. Yo.. ftMt brWJ 00.Z 14. Excellent salary anll company ~nefats includ · mg paid mediral. dental and hfc insurance plul> credit union. f'or am · mediate and confidential consideration send re· sume including salary hlstoryto: SECY to SI too Drafts pc rsoo matenal Mes. orderinJ! :\l~1r ;\lust bl• hard work· supplies. compo:.1ng mi:: w r<:f Call Mon Fri Oefttal Orfhodotttic layouLc; und ruhni.t com 7M b73 2268 9 I lam Exper RDA lo round out ElcJt beaut oHicl! CNSTR SECY SI K up Friendly company plex form:; for pnnlinl! ----top notch team. Irvine using a T -Squarl' o Customer service. w exp ofc.~0777. drafllngmachinl' llrly waRC+profit s hare.--------- 1\lonl f'n . 5·9. 549.5045 ~, .... a Trel•I•• A.t · I Ir 111111 Of ...... ............... Fl Ill=>· .. •···· , ........ ........ : w ..... Ma ., I Sllop CllrtctlT ...... · ................. SZ.tOPar ..... TltHe •re CITA fwdtd potltlOlll , ... 41.trt11, H••tl-.t•• IHdt Ntldwy ..d art"tllt ...... , ... .... ---wWcti ..... tpedflc F••rel qllldell .. 1. Appllc•· t1oM wll be eccephd "' ... ......,,.. ... & T ..... C ........ 511 M•l11 Sfrt.•t. HHf· .... .... ELECtRONIC ENG91EERS I \ P.O. lox I 953 S..to AH, CA 92702 7AM · llAM dally Mon Fri. company hJs op<'n ing for alert. ix.•r:.onable indJv to greet cu:.lomt•rs for a new car dealer'!- scrv1ce dept. lntcrestini.: customer re lat1oni. work Some filins: & telcphon· an g . Good s t a rtin g salary. advanccmt>nt & fringe benefits. Apply Wed & Thur from 14A M · IPM al 3194 C. Airport ESCROW SECY SIOOO <.:.indidatcs must lYl.ll' 6 wpm and pOSSl'SS CX· rcllcnt grummer and spellin g capab1l1t1l''- Knowledge or ~1rint1ni.: and graphfr lcl'hni(IUC':> and 2·3 years experll'OCI.' 1s also requfrc<.I. -DFSIGNER Electro Mechanical Draftspersons We are currently looking for Electronic Engmeers cxpenenced in the d~· sign & development of commercial FM. TV. RF and Audio integr ated l"trcwtry with additional knowledge an low Power f"M/FM t ra ns mitters. You will be involved in state-of-the-a rt mull•· earner transmission and reee1ver develpment . • JMNKING Equal Opportunity Loop Dr .. Cosl_!I Me.:'...a. Lovely surroundings TRNDATA rttOC $660 TELLER tmployer MI F ---------ICLERICAL Mcd1l·ul lub needs frnt ore rC<'CP· 12pm·8pm No exp ncl'. ~rpenter. expe r ienced tionist. type al least 50 RECEPT $700 l.mmediate part-time all around. must have WPM. diversified post· Trulybeautpcoplc 6l>en1 n g (Monda y · own tools & transport&· tion. pleasant workins: •/PAYAILE $850 f'ridu, 11·4. plus some tioo. 962-8314 d M ~ Muidays > for a Teller con s. ature pe rson. Small friendly co. ia-OW" beautiful jllewporl Carpenters non-smoker· 633·5635· FfLE CLERIC $505 •ach 'office . Experience 2 Exp C.-,.nters S:S0.5. E.O. E. Trainee Position ~erred. but we a re HEEDED!!! --------•I CLERICAL to $700 *H~g to train. We of· 1 a ll-around rough &1· Clerical Legal dept or super {'O rer. finish man. also 1 J?ood PERSON FRI $700 •1l'r'cc Parkanl! f1n1sh man. Oa"s . Ca /\ I ., ABIGAIL LrJ?co.grt oppl~ • rccr pparc 497.3741 & Evt>s 661 ·0392 PURCH'G Pleai.c call for apPoinl· _As_k_for_M_a_r_k_. ----CLERIC $750 up mcnt Carpenters-Journe~·man ABBOTT Notypm~. great co & advanced apprentict'~ SUPPLY To arrange an intcn r1cw. co nt act Peri.onncl Department a t 7141!)46-2551. Cox Hobbies, Inc. A Subsid1aQ of Leisure Dyn:1m1(' .... In(.· 1505 E. Warner t\' l' Santa .\na. CA 927115 Equal Oppor Emplyr m1f CUST SERV REP Do you like ~ople~ Your ~ood tell• manner C"a n l'arn you SIGO per week an this bca<'h area <'O. Your own offil'e. room for ad· vunccmenl & J,?reat co bcnef await the right person w/2 yrs of<' bkgd. Cull Pamelo. 640-8.470. AMERICAN Career Agen<'Y 610 Newport Ctr Or Npt lich No f"Ct' l)J\Ti\ !::NTH Y OPEH 1'wo F T po:.1t1on s da} :.haft. t·omµan~ bC'ndats. 55; ·1752 Day or night k1t<'ht•n pos1· tum ,\pply m pl'rson bet. :1-5 .• \IOn·Frr Thl.· ,\n· Jr. DesiCJn EnCJineer Cox Hobbies, a leadinJ.! toy/hobby manufacture r has imn1ediate opening to work with Project Engineer in detail desiJ.!n of new products w1lh ac· cent in htgh volume plastics. Cand idate s shou.ki be experienced in hiJ,!h volumt> cons umer products with minimum 2 years <'olleJ?f.' and or equi"alenl experience Minimum 2 years ex· pen ence related to elec- troruc packaging m sheet mewl and plastic molded parts. schem ali<'s and PC drawings We offer excellent com · pany benc(1ts which in· elude one week vacation after !>IX months. de\ en paid hohda)s and ~roup 1nsur11nec bl'S.(ln!-upon da) of hare Brunswick is a JteOple onented organization. or. fcrinR excellent linge benfits benefits. eom · petitive wages a dis· counts on Brunswi pro· ducts. Let us futri your ambitions and contribute to your career growth. Our employment office as open Monday thru •'ri- day. R·OO a m . to ~:00 pm . and we arc t-OnH" n1cnlly located just 2 blol'k!-off the San Oacgo 1-'w)• Drop by. give u~ u rall or send your resume with salary history tO' ; ADB.ITY FEDERAL ·Savings& Loan Assn 642-4000 for work an Laguna FEVER I 11 CLERK $700 up Beach & Capo Beach • • • No type. fanla~t1c ben ---------1· 1 l.' n I :\t :1 r 1 n <' r We orrer compett11'<' salanes and e X('cflcnt benefits which indudc pa.id holidays. val'allons. sick lea\'e, rellrcmt'nt plan. c r edit union . medical. dental and lire 1.nsurance. AM OOCUMEHTOR A D1v1i.1on of Judy Mortin 3331 Heritor ll•d. Equal Oppty Employer area . Eves 494·8780. dys IHSn LOAM 4.97-1705 CATCH IT'.'·'· SECY Clerks Hc!-taurant 2n07 W Coast llw~. ="B AM lnternat1onal. lnr 2921 S Daimler St Santa Ana. CA 92711 Costa Muo, CA 92626 $750 Pricin~ Clerk needed full --------1Cash.ier (Food I Full llmt'. H \•y customer contart -.-------t Ca ll Mickey days. TAXACCOUHT $700 time lmmedaall· opt•n l>cll\er) ;\t an Full ltml' rng~. full co bcn<>fll~ Ll1t·al dl'il\'l•rtc:-~ood For un intcr\'ll''o\. l'nn C'all Balboa M arint•. JUb lkJl'h Stat1nnl·r~ tact Personnel Ol•purt 17 I 4J 546-8030 IAHQUETS Newport.er lnn. 644-1700 x Jom the mosl cxc1tini: Top co, beaut lot'. PVT.PARTIES 525.E.O.E. Temporary St>r\ll'l' in CALLRITA 549·967 1 for apµt ltr.!tl<.:ampus.~B _ menl alil4i:>l6-2651.aµ 1',;qual Opportunit~ Employt>r .\1 F If BRUNSWICK CORPORATION BARTENDERS Orange County. BUSBOYS CA.'iHIER. wtcxper. for •WAITERS Ml'nS retail chain. in WAITRESSES their new South Coast COOKS/CASHJJ-:RS Plaza Store. F1time. con· OISHWASll ER tact Carol Littman. for llOSTl::SS appt. btwn 9·12. al ~ ror work on nn _2_13_·_628-_5_25_3 ____ _ on-call basis. ReJ?istcr·r---------pow: Group ins. uvail. you choose your days & hours. Rerercnces. car & telephone arc req'd. In· terviews every Monday & Friday, 9am-5pm. W ESTC Lil" I-' Hcspitahty Resources ,1617 WestcUff. Ste 209 Newport Beoch 631-12.:JO 752-91 I Barmaid, P IT weekends, .Cos ta M esa area . SS&-3500 art 6: 30PM. BEAUTICIAN w I f' 0 I I 0 w i n ~ r 0 Newporter Inn 540·8582 or&W-0661 CASHIERS UTOTEM MARKETS Openings now available for full and part·ltme Cashiers on 2nd and 3rd s hifts . No experience necessar y. we t r a in. Sta.rt al S3. per hour. ad- vancement opparlunity for management position to $5.50 per hour 1f qualified 1-'or morl' in· for mation rall the Personnel Office: 12422 Lampson Street Garden Grove. 537-4840 Equal Oppor Employ<'r Beauty salon needs r IT1--------- receptlonist & eustome CHAUFFEUR .sefvices. Must be pro· President of L.A. based fessiona l./ Counte r companyis lookingfor a person: Or . Cly airPor f · 1 area . Cal l for appl. pro ess1ona chauffeur, gi..0.104 prefer able residing in --------~ Orange Co. Must h ave Beauiy salon has station excellent references & avail for rent. Operato knowledge of L.A. & w/followinw. 548·6647 Orange county areas. For information please 8KKPR/SECY/RECEPT call Ms . Crawford. at Sal comme n s ur a t 213/823-4253, Mon.-Fri. w/exp. F 11'. 645-4066. between 9 & 5. Work l'losc Lo home for top pay ... pa1d '1H:al10n;.. automal1l' raises. 100•: 1-'rcl' To Appli1:<1 nts THE FEVER IS SPREADING CATCH IT!!! ABIGAIL' ABBOTT TEMPORARIES CALL Debbie Card a57·9760 4500Campus Drive Ne wport Beach Karen Powl•rs 731·5627 1<1211 Yorba. Ste 20t Tustin Or Candi llytcr 773-0901 540-6055 COASTAL PEl<SONNEL ,\(; t-;NCY 27!.IO llarhor. C.M ALLJUHS FHEr: _F.:.O.E .. ~ F II 01.>h\'t•ry :\Ian 21 up i.:ood ply in person or M'nd n" Clerk T ypist dm 111>? n •t·ord Qualified suml'Lo PURCHASING ,,, hundlc rurn1turt• .12hr Elcctronit•s mfr iwc<ls W(>t.•k 3 25hr (.'a II lklty person w ~oocl dl'ri1·al ~t:t.wn ti &. I I a m . skills for our pun•has in,I! l>ll 2053. __ _ de_P~· Type 55·1i0wpm UELIV1':H\' A\·atlabll' minimum. purch:.i~1nJ.! now. Top pay. l!ood P 1T l'Xpenencl' desired Wt• hrs .,;,·es. 5·!! Mon Fri offer good µay & 5.'JIOl!ll DELIVERY MAH cox HOBBIES IMC. A Subsidiary of Leisure Dyna mics. In<' 1505 E Warner A' r Santa Ana. Ca 92705 E.O.E. M F DRAPERY ROOM work. all phases. l'XPt•r or wall tram s .. t 30 Up to S5 per hr DOE C M area &t.2·l843 ~Di•ision Equal Opportunity OHIVl':RS. l'WS!-country, Employer M 1F 11l1V no s pl'{'tal Ill' reqd MacGrt.>gor Yachts. 1031 -----Placentw. c M Equ.1pmenl rental yard ----nt!eds man fo r general Drivers for dental f:ib duttes.2075 HarborRlvd. morrunJ,!!-or uftcrnoon C.M Clcncal Order desk for bu~y M1 ss1on \'t <'J<t rabric importer. lh•avy phone. typinJ? a must. ll orrm an 1-'ahric s. 77().2922. benefits. Cull for appl Tclon1 c t Bcrkclcy pe r so nnel <il'pt 714 4s.i.s.io1 E O.E. wanted for furnitur e store Prefer married. local m:an who is handy iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili•-•I and knows thl' area Designer P T. Must ha' c· 'ahd dnv{•r)o, ltc\•nse and i:rt dn' tnlt ret•ord l>l•i 501i8 wk d}s ~5 7:f77 'o\k1•nds ESCROW SECRETARY STENO SECRET ARIES Ou11es include typing of tabular reports. procedures. memos. proposals and other clerical functions Typing speed of 55·60 wpm and shorthand skills of 80 wpm as reQulfed WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR (Second Shift) Several openings on the seconCI shalt (flexible) for Word Processing Operators who have text ed1t1ng experience w1lh magnetic media eQuipmenl (Mag Card. Wang. Artec. Vydec. etc). We have eight Redactor II devices (with CRT) and one phototypeseller. Wiii retrain operators with experience on other eQuapment ~.1lary 5 d:iy Wl.•ek . Cull l'>tanc for appt. aft ~pm 5-18·5.'>IH DELIVE RY DRIV ER I-' lame Xlnt dn' anj! rt• c·ord rcqd 1-'or :i ppl . .~57 !!21 2 :\1 r West. Nl'wport Stationers. lnC'. L>ch\'erv & !-tock work. Fem & :\l all• apphc<inls welcome t-:x<"C'll op· portunaty tu lr:un an nuto parts sule!-. i\pply 1522 Newport Bl. C:\1 or 10080 1\dams, llB. Automoti\'t' Supply Dclivl'ry p1t1m\• A l\I. LA Times d eln• SIOO per wt>c•k . Laj.!una lkach. 4~1·84!16 DRIVERS Men or women 25 yrs or older. Know the coast cities. Net Sl80 a week or Exper necessary or Jr. esrrow officer. salary rommcnsuralc. w ith t"'" per.I O'Brien E.-,crow. :n> N. C$t itw"Y Ste S . Laguna Bel\. 497-4l28 Senior PCB Designer more Orangt' Coas11i---------Yellow Cab. 17300 Mt Herrmann. Fountain Valley (No of Sloter ESCRQW SECRETARY Mmimum 5 years PCB belwn New hope & dcsgi~n experience with •E-uc•l•1d•1------•I As a result of continul'd multi·layer board Cl<-perience . Checking ex· growth. a leading sav· perience prefer able . Will Oshwshr/Prep Cook. 1-~/T. inStS and loan has oiwn· perform design tasks in S . C . Go If <'ou r s e in gs in its Newport bolh new products and Restaurant492·249S Beach. Irvine and Santa improvement of ex1siltnA Ana offices for Escrow produc t s from P C u Secrc tariJS, with six layout. through drawini:? DUPLICATING month s CaLiforn1 a releases. Will interlace escrow ex?4trie n ce. PCB Prototype buildup. Responsibili(jes will in· Delivery Person for busy Irvine travel aitency. We offer e~cellent <'O!fl· Mus t h avt> r e liable pany bener11s which JO· motorcyde & Ins . Work · elude ~e week vacation approx. 5 hr!-. dnily alt.er su. months. eleven M f' llrly. wa AC & paid holidays a.nd group MACHINE elude closing e scrow riles, communic ating with title companies a nd OPERATOR some telephone/r ecep· Oonilll dutie6. These are , _,./ ACCTHG Classified Ads C1erk. non smoker. type 1400 N Harbor . Ste 103J\ Fullerton 642·5678 --------1 SR.CLERKS mileage pd. 957-2700 ansuran~e begins upon - -dayofh1rc. ._..,.. •qterieK• "' .. of x ............. . fUll lime positions offer · Ing ex<'~lent growth potential. top starling Slwpn. used 10 key ad-r--------------~----, dtr. olrice near Jla rbo Clerical lllvd. le San Diego Fwy. 1--Betw-n Jobs? .. CM. Call Don, Mon-Fri, ,.,.. ,..,.. ~640--2500 That1s When ~: N v A s s F 1 T • Kelly Can Help! TER/Upholaterer, exp IJtt/ but not nee. Blinn & \'oung, 645-2247 l!bel wuher wanted. Fun lhne. Apply tn person tlon. 4-16. 2200 W. Coast ...,..N.B. AeQu1res typing speed ot 45-50 wpm. Duties mvotve a broad range of clerical funchons including typing, statistical graphs presentauons. and related aclivtlles. Poslhons available in marketing and en- gineering PAYROLL CLERK . . ·-· DEMONSTRATORS your a rea S24 +a day. AM DOCUMEH· Ca r n ee . Fr1 1Sat . TOR ~l-0718or 892·3800 ----A Division of AM International. Inc. 29'll S. Daimler St. P.O. Box 10547 Santa Ana. CA 92711 ... , u.t, ..d coltlf. ... he ............. ~::J · plus S.JS shift .... ,...... Hat Wll cOMldef' a T,..._, salaries and outstanding benefits. Please contact Personnet for an io· tetview a~ntment. FfDB.ITY FIDlllAL S..' p&L...AIMI M2--4000 F.qual Oppt.y Employer ...... apply ill ,.,.. ... to: •~ ........ ~--~--~ EXPE RIEN CED •• ' . DIAFTHS Electronics mrr needs draft e r s t o do mechanical detail draw· ings for assembly & layout. Knowledge of s h op prac ti ce & machines d esirable . Min. l yr expe rience +some college drah.lng courses or equivalent is ==:: INTERSTATE ILICTIOHICS CORPOIATIOM AS•t1•rr .... ,.o necessary. We offer good 707 £.Vermont Avenue pay le. benefits . Call for Ana.helm. CA t280S appt Telonlc / Berkeley p e r s on n ~ I d e p t • EQu.11 Opportunity 7\4/4!M·940t Laguna E:mptoyerM/F Beach. E.O.E. 1----llllil---• . \ -. ··-. .. ·-·· .... Gt..AZER: Apply in person: San Clemente Glass 161S N. El Camino Real. s.c. 481'l-619l We Mlle Muttet sat on a Turret, a lona eame a spider and reed 1a the Dally Pilol ClH1ified ll«tlon aboat Mist Muf· fet'• Tuffet .... bcNlbl il for •. 15. You cu tell ,...~ ....... "' other t•ia1• thro111ll DallJ Pilot ClaHllled Mk. CaJI 142•5'TI , ..•. , ......... lhL'11\\ '('11 \'I ~llt' ll\ Im• •• ll., 9i:\ ' \f'f1r1"11l"'' \,'l ldll I-Ml~)\\ f . . . . . . . ' ' p,,,,, 'nl"~ ·l \ttl•••\I I 11 .. \lhtH'n\ \ ,H lllU" .11111t·' 1n1 lu1\tn11 111-'hl '''"'"~ ,,,.111111 '"''" 111 • 1lf1 1hl 11111 ' a tH I 1"1\\ h i Ith h11Hn111lt'llt.1I \'I H I \llt•h l" I\\ I I'll lt"l'l1-. \•'t' \\ i.1111 II II\\ q Hn J 1"1 ~'~ t\o\4\"' ~''"'~~ '••tth \l'l\•Tl\'41\ \Ut ~.1l••' •h'l' l'I•\' "'1 "'\'"''11·t1•• '•"'"''' H iii I>~ ~lf\\';11""'1-' I \ h 11 , h '-111'0'1 ''"' \\\Ut ,,, .1. h I ', •• I I 11 \. flOOD '"''"''' "'\1131 1111 \N\I""°' .. ~. ~-• n1 b..m~ \ "f\""'l\ t-" 1 11 • 11 ,..__, ('fl' \l'l'h l•llH I-Hill ,\\ llu:ll lll~lllllll 111,IH Mii \' 111111•1 ~ l"Klft'I'~" »111111 I\ V ll\a iththt\ 'It.Ill., Ill h l 'lt 111111.h ~ hU\I' '\ltlll,tH al 1111t1\111h• t HI ... ,. Ill ill II M1 1\1• fli1•\\ pot l l\1•J1 h 1''\lt Mllllt "'111 ~l!l."10 llOl'l"I M \Ill 14'!!11110 !11•h 11''111 1.htl,1\ .... ". 11d \ '" .1111111 ,, 111111 ui- <StL& l\'111 1111 1'1-1,Nlt:ll r \lllllT1 >H N1·~1w111·r t11n \:1111 ll(•twl ch tl~ I 11011 l.'1111 t•wt Ht~I..\ .11li to ti~ ' 1 •HAPPYIASTY• lrvmt1 Pt nl<1'1MI Al(cncy *8 i-; lllh, CoetM Mt•stt l-tu IUl 2'.)4 642 1410 \\1• pr11\11lo• 1•\ro•lh'nt l'omv,_ny ht•1111hh1 Ca 11 ut l.ll)l)ly 17 I 4t 540-6080 TRANS MASK CORP. ~)tuul Op1iortun1t y ~:mpk>yc•r m i rth • • • -v t~~~ ..... ?~~ ~~~-~~-• .?!~ ~ --'-~ MACl...ST lledltal HliSlHt for C~DATA LO~~ lmmed. opeal•ll fo **°"'"·Put liDle ..... T -matblnlat to perform n .. t~l• Ian. uper. INCt-1 °"' rapicll)' HpancUna ~Y~. asaembl)' ol helpful. NewPort Belt Sff4 •le I I ZOO Me Sid.. aeelra IWd workln1 U... t..aHdlal maclUDtt. *· ~ Or~• tout Colle1e 1n indiv. toworti In our b\llr. Req &be 1blllt1 to Mtdltel Stiff S.c'y It CO.la MtW•· To prepare Loen PePt. Rteponslbll • opwe&elatbe.drillpnaa. Medi-Cal bil .. r. with Ille malt"rial ror dl11ltal com ty ~ boolt.n11 new awf---~ ... -... _n rt•d 1 1 d l ~uter proct olna. Will klenl. audllln:fi new k>an -.. ..._ • tttreur • ut t s . In put blue pr nu • follow ea.,._ By The Sea eypuneh II venfy. T ypt · • pr...-n1 wffkly wrbal iDllnlcUoat. Tw Hot~lal. 4H·5702 or & Ille. Knowled~e of telo· fUDdl.ftl NPOril. audltln1 to Uaree y e or prc>c't'ltlna m1u:hlntt &: '°"' ru•. Good advente• tra.dt ae::3 .:::~ate ..::111:;;..;..".;.;1-4,;_.----- \l IH t r l c accountln1 mtnl opportunit)' elliata ~In u.u ot ex. Medical A11l1t.anl part machbw '-"Quip Xlnt rr. for r11hl PftlOC'I, H well l)Hlence. Good pay a Ume. fronl" bide omct lnao bNll. Ml'<l i<'•I & df'n· M tood atartln1 Hlary. benent.a. Pleue call or experieMe. Able to do tal for llmpk1y & depend. CC>mPan>' ..-Id benefits. •Pl>IY V.U puncture " inJec· 1·1~011mt worklnK <·ondl· lncludln~ dental In· ~Department ua.w. &al.,-y neaotleble. tlon11 Apply by a pm. auranee. Con~ct Perton· ..-. ~..,._;;;:;•~t:;--;;::::-:;;;::l~~~~~~~~~ At>rU 27thlO'roto. nel.83).1313. ..__ ... _ ,;,; eo.tco-tty Stel9 ...... S&L -~-,..·-MEDICAL ·f'rOnl offlu llOvinl C ..... Dlttrfct 400lMacArthurBl.NB ~~r~ ~~e.1 e';~~~,~~:·1r~~! IF "\' 0 u w ANT 1370Adi•s.C.M. E.O.E. M/F Equalopp.emp .. m/f 640-M40 SOMETHIUG MORE ~-'--------"'""~~-• ntANJUS'TAJOB-516-1947 --------MaMt wanted auarant.eed -ad driviq a bll rig 1-: o f. M IF •LoM.11-------• 00 hn a week. Min wage --------•I ueund the toUDtry ap---------•I C-.-1.._._LO"" ... aua r anteed . C a ll MEDICAL peals t o :rou-&hen - --~~ ,..... OO.R1. TRANSCRJBER NortbAmeric aa taa a ICIYPUHCH OPYATORS Oot· fuJI lime ;111<1 one 1i.t•'t tln>t'. no expcn (•nn• 01'(''"~11ury 1r yuu hMve l'utnplctcd k1•y punr h tra1Nn•: Sktlli. mu.,t bt' ubow awru~l' & :rnd J C l'llrOh" 0 ..t)' :.h1ft Apply 11,•lw1.'<'n 8.m1 11.1m. lpm J pm. Nut1un11I t::dul'l• t11111, . 4401 U1rl'h Str1•t•l. Nl'wport lk•a r h 1 N,•nr 0 C.: Airport> ~qua I Op 11ortumty E mploy1•r L.abol'\!rs for home con ~trucllon & m ajor re PIOCISSOI SBUOR whM. you've been looldng Ourra pklly 1rowln&S&L MAIDS H0111t..,.•L for. It's a bullness all S«'kt1 ex per lndlv to pro· Experienced. full lime. ~· 1 "" y o u r o w n w i l h reui oew loun 11ppllca· ahlopart time. 642·3030. MIDICAL NortbAcne rlun H a t1on.s. type loan docu· Maid positio n open T'IAMSClllR partntt. See our ad in mcnlB & handle other re· Wkdys & wknds. Please Fast. accurate typing. today's classified section ~it_~edlls ~~PllesR. bCioodl typing applySeadiff Motel. 1661 Knowledce of medlcal ~er: •. ~uslness Op-_, • a ity are es-S. Coast Hwy. Lag Bch ·~•--i..gy in all fields . ....,. ~tm1~. ~>ntiul If you a re look· 494-41192 """"wu...., ----------Ing for a growtn(( com· Requires High School Need pleuant lady ta be puny that ofrs. chanre Maids. apply The Inn at graduate o r G .E .O. 2 f'e<'epl .. answer phofte. for advancl'mcnt Good Laguna. 211 N. Coas t years. hospital. clen cal do typing. M wpm ftir-a l rti 1 •· 1 H , ~ Be h e)(Jlerience or one year &mall growing Co. In 11 11 ng sa ary "' x nt wy • ._guna ac busa·ness tra1n1n° a s C M For int e r•i""w lll'lwr1ts ConWl't Person-.. " 18338383 MANAGERWANTEO for medical transcrtbl•r llle a s e c a ll Tanny, nl' State ....a. S&L new children's clothing Hours flexible. Mon. 1-'n. !1'19-3993. 4001 MacArthur 81, NB store. Apply arter 9am . Ai>PIY fOf' iJC·215. C·2l61_;;;;;;;;;;;~,;,;,;.-.--,;-._-. F. O.£. M I f' ~~~ndy. 270 E 17th t>efore 4/20179. NURSE • UNIV.OF :· •. moclehng. Youn~. stroni.: LV..,.'S & w1 lllng to learn 1-:v<.•1> "" Manage ment Tra inee CALINRVIHE LVN's , Retail Store Radio S hack has full MEDICAL CEMTER We have immedtatc 4!"1 14780.~·1_7_05__ Day shift. 59 bed far. Xlnl working cond. & Lathe machinist. exp for beneflt.'I. Bayview Conv Prrwork.hrs5PM·UPM. 29055 Thur ln . c .M . Mon !-'rt. Qill Mr llllt'y ,, ... "<JV. E O E ITT' ,).Cj()8() """' • ..,.,.,,,,' . ' L.BGAL H~COllDS M A C H l N E n .i-:nK OPERATORS. tape slh· ti m e ca r c e r 0 p . 101 City Drive South openings ror part-lime ~unities & part time Orange. CA 92668 LVN's. O ur congehl'al Job oppor. opening up Affirmative Action raclUty Is a 59-bed .OOn-now in lhe San Clemente Employer valesttnt facility located area. If you are Military Women. M1noril1cs. Han· in Huntington Beach. Wf' retlttdorarollegegrad. dicapped. o ff e r a n exc e llt'nt or arc currenUy ~oing to &Vets Encouraged to benefits par kage •nd cotlege & highly mot1vat· i----Alipiiip•ly._. ___ 1 rompelitivc salary . .Call ed for increased earn· _ __ or apply m person to: ~'""'1"'''" 'tl•'I' "'I.) l'"t""''' t-11111 11~1·1 w1mmJ:' ,-.,1 "'' ''"""' '"''"'t''t ••ff111' lll'1"1' ~irl HOUSEKEEPERS ' t-'l ft:\ i\ "·" ""' .... I I h I •• ,, 11 'J I,.' JOUllMEYMAM ~~~'-'Nu«~ 'H 111"'4'11'1.lhl' t.•"'>ei t>1J1n.: Full ,\ I' r im,• x 1111 .-.ESSPEltSOH ~l;iJor Orani:t~ County tmg & dtc cutting. Full t'o has immediate o1w n t 1 m c . Ex Pc r ' c n cl' 111..: 10 th1.• C'o rpor uk he Ip f u I . bu t n o l lh·u<lquartcrs ll'i.tal dept necessa ry . Advanrc r 0 r u r I I ~ c I c r k menl pcl6Sibihtll'S Wllh a Hcsponsibihttl.':. include young a.ci.:ressi,·e rom cataloging. tndt'xing . puny. Mule or l"emale. 1 n gs ba s e d o n ~'SAPPAREL GARFIB.D~ performance ~case 3PP· r-...1.~-..t · S I C Salesmen nei!ded. 10 4 \ooUlll"lllWMO ly at 814 . amino MontSal Call Diam-. at 7781 Garfield Heal. San Clemente. , K 1 luntJngton Beach. CA Kra111! a ll . 964·2100. • 11 .... "· lw n c r 1t 1> U .v v 1 ,. "' , .. 1 ' '",.'""'"'lllnl: ,., Color work 1250 Mullt T !>I AlU .. n.t f'.\M llm1 h<·l1 l)('i" l'\'n.'CIC'IH't IOUb 7 hr ~·'t1~2 ~ ~· 0 u~? M Ile Ad also Chtl'r 15 J 4 '"''l.'1 in N•'t' ' l;, ''"~ N J<o m 11k ,.r prl' yr... cxpcnl'nre. $6 40 per ~~.tC'tl ).~' :'\,, ''IX' ti•rri"Ct .,...! :hl:U or ''"' lbbekreper. !'/tame . for hr Call Chns 751 ~- alpha & numen cal fihng _ca_"_l_l 7_1_4_17_54_·_14_1_5_. __ _ RADIO M/W/f'. l7141847·9'71 SHACK McJnlM Trne to S849 Equa l Oppty Emply r ()pply to r hmb ladder of m /f "'-~ ~>' .11 l h \' n.an. I:'~ l'llkrl> wom a n. m ui.l M 6.30 pm SS!H781 l"t e r :<.,•v.pM I ~t'.l t' • • h , ( -- & lite typing . Prcfl'r Mal'tune oper . plastic in some offtre exper. Legal jectlon. female. days. exposure a plus. Xlnl ro 89'1-1706 benefits & workma t•n A Tandy Corp. E.O.E. suc ress in mgmnt or ~--------!Mlles Th1S rapidly ex --·- :-WC'\' C:lll r..a 9:.'l0 for l.1rl t rtd.J}. lull t tml' uv ( o wn r nr o r Kennels need dcJ)E'ndablc 1mm..-d11ttl' oppt i 15 N ino•UOn handlln1t von ous tr.llbport to Or · & ~h~p: person to work on wknds VU'Ol'lmenl. For rurthcr ---------•I mfo. call Eil,-en Thom at MACHIHIST ------- pand'g l'O pos Starts IO *Hwserf W~ • war~ for trn'g, the n Seek ing industrious moves up One of Lhc bs t pcr.;on Wlth knowledge or co in I.he a r11a w /lop re horticulture & plants. t putat1on in lhl•1r field yrexper required. tror.l. i\n:ihl'lm omre pnx-e<lurcs & somt' fll.O~. Non s moker, rds & holidays. 644_7262. sales T)'ptnf.? o musl req. ~9200 Gan:k>ne r Full t1m<>. n Cull Honme 759-1140 _ Houseke<>l'JX!_'_r_b_a-bysit 71-11752-9000 x255. MILL tlAND MANI CU RI S T . ~1 1 F . SMITll • Eleg new shop. nail care. l'~or proto-type machine roUowmg pref'd . Call aft INTERNATIONAL INC :.hop m the instru ment 4pm. 7141673-8520. rollcct ~xper1ence Ol're:.sar~ G-R E-A T ter. U ve.1n. :.pk t-.:nghi.h Appl y 1n per:.o n l'\ewpo r ter Inn. 11 01 • • Call64t).9009 J3mborl't' Hd. NB ~-.·~ SALES c)',~~ HOW HOUSEKF.EPF.R Cook. l .<..ndsy btv.n!i3 E .OE <;OOO P AY . COO D pt·llml'.O~nt rans J'lopl llOUHS. GOOD C0:-.1 Bch.~~7~· --Crt11t•r11I l)((u·t•, l'l\X rt- lll'f. mu:.l type & OPl'ralt lil lwy mlder C11nt.1 t'l \1"' lfaus,·r al l'onnl'I l hl·HOl~l. :!tl28 ll:arho Hl\'d CM 546-1200 (~1·ner;1 I offtr t'. \1 :JI u r1 st-If <;t3rtl'r . l'll-a<,an tl'lephonc \'Oil'('. I) f!IOJ.: {ilJ "pm Mon Fri l'J I Jl'rry S31 Otlll !llo 5 0 IT I 0 NS M ,\ :\ Y llOUSt:ta ;EPEH LtH'I O F HI N<;F; Bl-:NE FITS Rd rl'Qcl l.ng11n.1 ~ltJO. F~I C HOWI NG CO;\! wk .ioo 111:!1 l'i\:\Y PHO :'t10T .. :S -FHO:'tl WITlll=". 'J'B,\I:\ HOU.'ll'kl'<'JX'r to put spit ~ F () H T o p polish on m.v alwu~' m•Jl :'ti ,\ N A G E ~1 1-; '\ T hou.w. I <l.iy wk . nanll' S T A H T S · · I \l your pncc>.494 8898 IMMEDIATE PARTTIME EMPLOYMENT KEYPUNCH COMPUTER OPER cTempora ry I lla\'C frl't.' time in the l'Verunif ' Wa nt lO l·arn ·:,omc c:xtra m1m1.·v<> Our c.·ompany is looking for a sl'lf!>tartl'r to input in formation on Radix Com put,•r. ;\Ion t hru Fri, ;,pm 9pm P os 1t1l'n 1s OJ><'n 1mmed. & v. tll t•un tJnuc thru ,\ugu~l Con ta<.'l Personnc-1 for mun · clcta1b . (71-1 l 833 ittfl:! Stall' ~1ulual S&L 1001 )1ar.\rthur Bl.:-. B t:;O.E MF 4~ Von Karman An · dJ Ylsion or the 011 tool tn· 21318224793. Newport tkach dustry. Working fro m --------- An F:qual Opportunity hluepnnts. :.kclchcs & Marucunst net.'Cled for C~1 ___ £mpluyl.'r verbal dl•:.1gns. d1reclly s a lon . J-'ull vr P IT LEGAL S!-;CH t-:T ,\ BY T R AI NEE II U 1'.irl lime. qual1f1ralH)t1 i- ~kd typ1nj! ::.ktlb & cit• :ml'lo ll·drn !lJi.i 7f>t;, with l'Ol!mct•nng. to a:. 548-6647 SISt IO O('W product di.'· '1.·lu pml'nl for world :'ttATERlAL HANDLl ~C ~1dt.• \H•ll bore na 111ga Parts Stork person t wn eq u1 pmt•nt Lalhl' Expcnencc de:.1r1..'<i not cXPl'rtt·nt'l' hl'lpful for n •qu1rcd Will t racn morl•\ara·ty ofproJt.•cts Mus t pa ss l·ompany Salary op<·n. 1•:i<r d l1.·nt ph~s1ral mrludmg bal·k bcm:f1ti. parkaa.:c i:; O. t-; >-ray lr\'tnl.'. ~IU ';ti3ll S<·1enuf1r Onlhng Con E 0 E Call Jt•an, 5~0 6055 842-8866 Colc.llll 1'1.•r!>onncl J\l!en· .------<:y. 2790 llar bor u . c:~t Nur.re s Aide. Ltve·tn for 100•; t-'Ht-:F. s t roke woman. non· :.moker /ctr1nker. strong & u n d e r s tandi.og . Plt'llsant !>Urroundings . Nf't'<ied f'rt :">·OOPM' to S un 12 Noo n . Ann t).$.1 •itiUG CV('S MODELS f'ull h i.:ur1.• ft•mah• lor major men's rna ita LIOt' ToiSOOO bl5·868-I ~1od<'h. Fl•malt' Sharp ~IJ1wz1m· onl~ S25 p,·r hr 1>15 5122 o r lit2 6~ Bob ----.,- NURSES AIDES 1 .. ..:al Secrd :1n San I .c 1\11.J N ik l'ra('llt t01ll'r c:ood gl.'n 1•r :d ha l·k ground & Xlt1t i.k1lb 1nrld ~horthand :"o prt·i.!.urc Salan l'om ml•n:.urall· W t:'Xp. 5.">8·882.J trol. Corpora le llcad· _________ 1 ________ _ q uart e r :-.. N ewpo rt Bearh Call 1714 > 557·9051 a..,k for Mr ~foll o r !'-1 r 3 I I 30 Country e tub C'onva lcs r e nt Ho m t'. 20362 Sanla Ana Ave. {';\! 549-3061 NURSES AIDES ---Models We need iww faces: Adami-G1.·~r:i1 omcc Ith.• typ lllg & bookk~plOJl. C'all '\~port Joi oor CoH•nn • rur 675-1636 tntcrnew \I 1-. 0 I \ T E L Y . t-.t-:Yll ll \R O t-: X P 1'.: H I 1-: "' C 1-: 111-:LPFUL. WE H A\'E OUH OWN TR:,1;\;l:./li PROGRA~1 PUT ON BY 11 n ; COl'"\TR Y'S TOP l> H G \ '\ :--,\ I. t-: ~ ·SA.'i CLEM ENT f. The DAILY P ILOT 1:. Kave vou read today·:. ronsohdat1ng a s ub:.lJn Class1f1ed Adi." If not. 1taJ part of 1t~ d1<;tnbu you're mlSsm~ lhc bc:.t Gel GRE EN ca:.h for WlDTE elephants "ilh a Class1f1t'<i Ad Ca II 642 5678 Clai.s1f1ed Ads. your one .,lop shopptnl! renter MATERIAL HAHDLER Mar htnl' tool m re re qw re!' ;\latt'n al llJndler lo chspatch a ll m3tl·rtals Mu:,l operate fnrkhfl & hJ\l' rll'i.lll drt\ IOI! fl' mrd for outside pickup:. 6:ddt\'ery Modl.'ls Male & Fema lc If )OUr r a c l' ll J :- c haral'ler . tl> h1 J,!h fasluon or look:. hkc lhl• tu rl next door 'all for JO J ppo 1n tme nl for J per..ooal inter\ 1ew Yo11 could be m cxkl111i.: J ' earlv .. ., m•'<t Wl'l'k • So don'i ht~ttJle. u 11l nov.. a.-.k for llal 1•I State cert only. S4 per hr Xlnt benefits & work- mi:t cond. Bayview Conv . :!05 5 T hu r 1n . C M t>U~EOl'.: GeMf"'Cll Ofifice 1'4-IJable. ma tur1.· p..,ri-m1 abl1.• to handle· .J '.trtcl) OI )Obs in hus\ l>I\ ''ton oflt('e or J i>llltl' "tdl• l'EOPl.E ('\LI. \T 11"\(.'I• l'Oll 1-..;1 Ell\'11-.\\ OJ((;\:" I.;>, 'II ,\ ;>. (; 1-. . ~ T \ -..; :\'t'NN 711 ~-7302 lion into pa~·r roul1."" rc bar1ta1ns m town ' 11u1nng J fll·rnoon cit• ________ _....:......;;;-;,;..;.........;;;;. __ ;....-. _______ ...,. ll\cr y b~ m otori1.e d lran.'iportauon ·~1bcr a l 1ncoml' .ti II!'.; IM ..::.l. Firm T\1>1. --------- lov.anrc plui. bonu:. pl.JI\ •!:ihort v.orking hour:. Ii Make a move without moving. ;..,.wpm Call 833 C)()flti C 1-:N Jo:RAL Ol-'fll' 1-. ll S Grad. lll k1.·~ 1yµ1. -"wpm. po!lt Cu :-.h re·(· ;\'R, prcp3rc i.1a l1• mems. genl of<' dutll•:. blc LO work well " µco l)lc . $4.02 hr. 30 hr wk . Mon thru Thurs. 9.,1 :lo. C"J~l~n33. for appt Gl:."Nt::RAL OFC I' t1nw a ns phones, :-rht•clul1 '>Crv1e<· <·alls. a pph:ann· ~Lore. NB area &Hl 24~i Gene r a l o ffc/('ou r n·r t-'u II t 1 m c g c n · I o f fl· w/schcduled dch'' run C'ompa n~ r ar l-'a :-1 • ~rowing lnsuran1.·1.· MH'\ :<Int be nefit:-:'\ U tm-9900 General OHirc. phones. pubhc ronta ct. typml!. l'lr. Property M itrnl Co • $750. 644-178-1 , Cen<'ral OHl rc. P /ttml'. , I 5PM. phone:.. public , contucl . typini;. ctr. l'roperty Mgmt Firm. vu.rnw. $4.00 per hr. ----------Gl-ncral Scr rctary. J-;xr1t mg opportunity to work with a dynam ic fmanrnil ronsultanl & talenh .. '<l de· .;1gncr ul I.he sumc time Make grent pay. benl'fit:. & Newport Center Pc•n thouse office l'nviron - mcnt. Send rrsumc & cWTent photo to Ad 11437. · Deily Pilot. 330 West Bay St. Costa Mesa . t:a. !t!l626. For lndepth in tarV1ew & comple te de tails. .BBALOfftCE E n•I Edur atlon atioa has position able in stude nt E department cor· d ence division ~red. Answer $identreque~\S by mail. lfqui."8 detaded record ~I· Good pogitlon r.t person returning to Jib m arket. Excellent ...... y benefits. Apply 8am·llam, lpm· ational Educa- 4401 Birch Street. Beach, <Near rport) Equal Op. untty Employer. •• t moving KELLY ICE seeks more Y PEOPLE ... See r •ds under I N· USTRl AL & ICAL In today's Gl'.\RDS SECURITY IT PAYS TO SEE US Come in and :.cc thl' 1.·x 1•1ttnl( things that a rl' hupp1.•n1n l! a t Wclb F.1r~o Wl· need ,.,.. Ill' rt 1.• n <' c d Sc c u rt l ,. Gu11rds in • lrviM/fifewport leach Santo Ana/ Anaheim r-ultrfoft/luena Pan Costa Mesa & the Whittier area l ~n1F.OIATE OPEN INGS for s uper visor y lt'v,·I l>('l'unty officers up to $4.2S Per H0tir with onl• of the natcon ·s largest Jluard service~ Apply m person to Mon. Fri .. 8am ·5pm l532W Co mmonwealth l''ullc rton. CA Mon.-Fri .. 8:3().4 :30 2.30WWamer. Rm 217 Sanla Ana. CA WB.LSFARGO GUARD SERVICES Dtvls1on of Ba ker PtOlCCt1on ~rv1ccs day., per we1·k 1 • J-.;>.cCllCnt r•arlttmt• IO t ome For de ta il:. r on lacl F0:.tc-r Que llct ·l!Hi sxoo bcl Wl'l'O !J 3lJi\ ~1 7 J' ;\1 ;\! F ln1.lt•pC'nd1.•11t ind 1 \'Hlu.1 b v.ho hkt• l"'<lr;.i mnne\' c-an be a fa:.111011 .. 1111\.. dm.•ctor C.all 64!>-2632 Davi. (.';11164.2-9287 afl 0lipm ----L'ISPECTOR TH1\I ~ 1-: t-: To learn all phases of in s pect1on ;\l u s t pa:.~ physical & hark X Ra} lnme. :>10· 7639 .1': 0 t-: lnsura nre sale1>peri.on S ,\ L E S 0 F T JI 1-· Ft;Tl'RE Arnhll1ou:. ntJ ll or "' o m a n p r <' , ,. n l I \ t•mployl.'d P 1T1 ml' lo s tart F lt m l' v. hl·n 4ualtfted W/a minimum )!Uaranteed pl'r mo Compll•ll' lrJ m1ni: 11ro g r a m . f' a r m ,. r i. l n.~uranrc Group ('a II ~Sill. For Ad Action Call a Daily Pilot AO.VISOR 642-5678 Equal Opportunity £mptoyer M/t' 1-------· r-------------------, Industrial Homemakers Of Orcmge County Kely Wants To Help You can put your s kills to work on this flexible schedule that fits your home life. Even i£ your skills have been .. resting" for awhile, there's a job category for you. No experience necessary. Packagers, Assemblers, Machine Operators. Maintenance, Etc. AsJI how to earn extra money on our bonus program. Paid vacation. no fee! to you. Must be 18 with own transportntion &. hom •phone. Irvine 1133-144l 2102 Business Ctr Dr. Suite 208 .. ,.)a8 831-0$42 l Huntington Beach Laguna Niguel Sf Waner Ave uu 27957 Cabol Road ~--...--~-----------J Now you can work wilh the best machines and people in Lhe industry -without moving out of t he Pomona Valley. And, you'll be working with Pom ona 's largest industrial employt!r. Over 7.000 of your neighbors ar e already part of the G~neraJ Dynamics Pomona family. I 'vc gol immediate openings and plenty of work for years to co me. If you're proud of the kmd of work you do. and you'd like lo work wilh people who feel the sa me way -!'>CC me a nd let's talk a bout your new job. G.,.er-G Mocw..ists JlcJ lorw Mochinisb Lathe Madlinish MlllilMJ ModliM Machiftl1b Tool & Die Makers bc)IM Lathe Operaton Mitll'"J Machine Operators Grindtt-Operators loriltCJ MacWM Operators T •rl'•t Laftte Operators H /C MochiM Openton Pnclsioll Griadet Operatot s Micro MWalw• PrecisJCM1 Mac.llWth lllHlntrid BectrOftic EIKtrici.s M/C Mai tcn•u Mech-6u M~ToolRebllllcMn Maia~ lhctrid•1 Draffen De~ EIKtro Plahrs Apply in person at our Employment Office. WALTER WINFIELD, Employment Manager. IAM • 4:30PM Monday thru Friday GENERAL DYNAMICS Po•ona Division 1675 W • ......._ ltYd.. P1•111o CA An Eq ual Opt)Oftunlty Employer M1F U.S. CIUteru1lup Reqwred NURSES AIDES Opcmnf(S on AM & P;\1 • Stufb . cxpcr preferr~. rlJ:.'l''> .. , ail for inelf· p c r 1l'n ce d i\p pl y 1'111gsh1p Conv Cen\er. l>J I . StiOll Paul Dosier Assoc Inc. 3050 Redhill A\'t' Cn-;ta :\l esa. CA 92621; 17141556-7075 £.0 .t:: Nev. York Wesl )lodehn~ A111.•nc:v 875 W 16th Sl. NH 166 l-1t11(s h1p Hd . N .8 ) --.-- LVM Motel d<>Sk rl£'rk. mature l\1 ECH AN IC.MAR I f: Apply al Sea Lark Mold ENG Must be cxper on Hours flc'<t b ll• 227 1 pleas u re boat ~3s & Newport Blvd C ~1 dlcsel cogs., tran:.. & out· 1_&:_'6-_7_44_5 _____ _ Full lime or pa rt-ttml' openings on PM shifts for rhargi! nurse. Apply a t l-1ai;tsh1p Conv. Center. 406 f1agsh1p Rd .. N.B dnves. lhghcst wa)(c~ & Uavc somelhmg you want ~neflts TurbO ;\IJnnc liah· ~omt'lhtn~ to i.clPI to i.t>tl? Class1litld ads do lj46-4l25 unyltml'. Cla.-.s1f1ed ad:. do •l well. 1t well. 642.567g. -.------------- EXPANSION TEAMS FOR SOUl1IERN CALIFORNIA! Del Taco is tn a last growing league, and we're currently adding new teams throughout Sou1hem Gahlomla We expect lhese new ae1e1111ons to be winners right oll lhe bal Our need cs for sharp "leadership" type 1nC11v1duals to 1otn us 1n our management program We 'll gcve you the ball aftef yOU've completed Del Taco's extensive 6-month warmup 1n the fundamentals Team up your talents wit h Del Taco• We ofter • E.Jtcellent atartln9 .. iary • 45 hour wor1l wffk • Company-paid Ille and hHlth Insurance • CarMf O.itelopment P109ram • Bonu1ff paid monthly Get your skills and mot1vat1on 10 8 Del Taco management 1ryout today• For more lnlorma1 1on. please call our Per· sonnel Oepanmen1 For LOCAL Interviews call COLLECT. (714) 540-8914 II you are unable 10 schedule an lnlorvlew at th•• t11ne, p4Nee send resume to: Del Taco, Inc. US laker St. Cotta Meta. CA '2626 A w .. ... ( . .. I • . ,. ··. .. I 'it (.· !~,.?..~ ..... ?!~!~~~-... ?! .. ..,,.. April 15, 111'9 ·:---------... ~----;.,;.;.;.;.;;.;.;;,;.;.;,; !~~~ ..... ?).~~ ~~.,.:~.-.. ?! .. ' 'NUISlNG ~t ·.. ./ F1££ ANIMAL ........................ ____ __ ATTENTION INTlllllTOIY ftdl "~2~~;enln•• .............. -, Sll1S ASSISTANT I •t RN 'S l.l LESSON aiCiFl/SICY MIO I The mo.t ..-na bte Ro i No SH Xlnt oppty ror LYN'S 1-lJla-tc ruurat1 yet COi\· pe~ w/mod lypln1 to • es1 ·~~ l<t•lvt>d Vlck..-u edutaUon -ln brand new orr. U pro1r1un with award you et\Joy varttty 6 run wtnnln• fi:acult1 . Ac peopl • th i s t s I AIDES rfl'ldllccl, C.-11 for appl, marvelous oppty. Call Looking For .... If fW c.. _,, wwta ,_. ..... WI *YI AISICtMMIMts POI YOU! tt,.. ............ -. WI Ml.YI .UM•Mt •m H>I YOUt • • f .. Call or come an and ee uit ! llll Y HEAL TH CARE JI l /4ZM4l 1 er 1 I4/14CM 16 I 000&..tleeca.at.L w.10 "-t ....._ CA 90I07 NURS&'l •RN'S• •LVN 'S• •AIO•~· • ~y OPIHIMGS • AUSHIFTS Our w11t1e l be n e f1t , ~kqe 1i. the h1.:ht•:.t ni.ake a phone cull. l'om· Aiolf"e"~! CAJ,.LIMMEOlATl':I \I C714tltl-9237 or C7 I 4JUl-Ol 0 I 8ridgl'<'re~k Au:-. Pk 12812 Valley V1l·w Sh·~. G.G ·a Cl'Obb the bn ll).!t.• NOW OPEN!! ' LA.UNAHILLS OFFICE F'~r Convenit.•m·t.· ! Cabot Road t..Eldorado Bank Bid..: 1 t7141951·0355 •NATIONAL* NURSING ·SERVICES Temp employ agency .. a &lep above a registry NO FEE EOEm/f/h OFACE CLERICAL Opp o r tu n i t y f o r housewives to return to work in a busy da ta· p rocessing co. I s L shift/light clerical incl'd "-beckmg customer input & processing outgoin..: mat.I . 2nd. shirt/Edit control Wll.h some bookkeepin~ ~ground. PART TIME FULL TIME $600-$800 ow •.H'l'l'!'llllg Jflflllttl 111111.. to1 t•m plov 11\c11t N II c• ' 1J l' I I \' 11 I' t• llt-t'~!>!>IHY w ... 11 .un Phorw btwn l !Jµrn !n'J :l!Ul PHX An' :.cr'\'IU'. 1mmccl hµt!IUlll(t.. Ill Wiii k \ .tri.•d llr. ~ wkt:lllh Pel 'JI n\o.'(J Ill' & 1Jcl trJllllOJ.: • 714) ti4!> ::!.\50 l'li.>.. AN~ W1Juwcd dJ\Hrl t•d 1\h.:rl ~!I JVh i.k1lb ~•II tra111 vc1rll•d !>tufll> till st•to !I !> P8XOPER. Opcr·.., tor I l'lt•11ht1111· an:>wermg M.'I Vl<'t' • .\Ju'<l be ablt:' 10 WOI k '>fllllo' weekend:.. T yping :JS wpm r e 'I u 1 r l' II t-: " pera·nre pn·f erred 01 wi ll tram. Many com pany btmef1ts Full llm<' or part umc. day & afler· noon ttvenin t: s h if ts ava1lnble. Pleal>e eall Mon. lhru Fri. 543·4230 E.O.E. PEOPLE PERSON Exe<>uttve needs P /l1ml" assO<.'iate in wholesale suppl Fully cap1Lallll:d Mr Hall. 642-1634 PEOPLE PERSON Exet.· looking for 3 kl'Y people to help ma nage wholesale·rctall bus i- nes<; Part ume 557-021:> PHAR MACY CLERK todat •uSIY & co J,an. S.O.t06S. Coainal C,.. • ~I Al.,,MY, 2190 CARHR-Not a Job? a &~So Cl'IAilt lllway Harbor. CM LAO NA 8 1\At'll l00% FRF.E 494-1017 ~ Sl4t C h ulteng i n g O p por tunity in Electronics Dis trict Sales Office Unique combination -working with c ustome rs and malntainine office practices. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT SALES EAIHWHILI YOULIAIM Our q lr., '' ufr a Vl'rtl~l·d 1r11lh11n t•Jdt In v(1lu111t la I n·Jr fo:i.n•lh.•nt rorn rnhMOll pht uv tu 1011' • '"' 11w1wd 1m1ptir1 v l 'on H t1ltnt Orn111tt· < ·11u11ty \ I r p " r t I Ct (' II l I v II 1 'n t.11101.1 .. '<l•m1 11rl\ ult• •lfll rl°' 1-K•1•r\.'1Br111t 'UIJ 11 o r t l' o m p u t ,. r kl nun.ii Jn hoo:.t• \ 11h•o • ind l)t'r~11in.it t rJ 101 n~ Wurk w11h ~u111l Plut·1• t.maRt'llll'tll. U1•\ l•lop Oll•nt. fo'111an r 111I & M•l'Ufl l tc' Corp S1·l I publi t l1m1 l e ll partrn·r~h1p fund 11lso Wt' hJ\\' ij ft•w lll)COIO~N tor l11·t1llbl't'' who pddl· tht.'mi.d\t':. on 1><·10~ pro h·"'11111ul .. nd ~ork1n~ "1th pmfc:-.:-.10nab. and \\hu h.i ~c bt•t•n :>Ul" l'l...,,fUI .1t i.t•lllllj.\ hOUM'h or 111nllil<' prOl'l'l lY. or "'ho haH' ownl·d tht'lr II w n h II N I II c :. II • u r l' l11•1•n.-.t'll und huvc o" nl·d 1n<·om1: l'ru~n) Plt•u:.l' ~rilt.• 11r phot1l' I> lkr 1111111 . P rt·,..i l.len t. \JU,111 t'l11n· Properlit·s. MOO <1m11l St .. Newport l!t•m·h. l: i\. 9ltAA.I. 1714 I 7!>2 )!J2() ~i7 m1lhon tn l'M'rows t h,.,l"t.I la:.t year Jmn I he l;1stcsl ~row1 nJ! pru· frss1onal investment real <'Sllllt' orl'(an1zatton m Orange County. J QUAIL PLACE · rttOPHTIES1• lap. fM l :l O P.M.I Real &<;tall' Sales No Gimmicks OrMaybe's 85 TO 100% Tnl>nat'I ('()()(ra lnwrffl· lnl variety apot ror pen wfio tcljoya mftllnf 6 ~ Som~ mod yp. fo.i. Xlnl adv potent. w/xlnt ralaea It bent • Many at.Mr .)obe avail Call J ean, 540·8055. O..ta.l Pef'llOnnel Aacn· cy,:me>llarbor, CM tOQC'; FREE I .I. SALIS 1' you are u bit aoobblRh anct you'd hke lo make a.offl4' money Ln the next 6 mo11 s c llioA wi.tcr oncntl.'d homt..._ rrom 11 KUl)er drop In olf1co. <;all ll!I ltOGll llOWN R.E 67).1020 IEST AUIANT HELP Part ume lunch/dinner countu help & dts · hwashcr needed O.C. Airport area. Good start· uig pay. Call Ron. 8·1 lam for appl. 9SS-OSS4. ----1 Restaurant. Experienced person ror rasl food operation. Saddleback ~Jey Plaza. 830-9230 Restaurant Immediate openmgs are ava ilable for new STRAW HAT PIZZA 'O' CompctJHve Salary • Complele Co rporate Ben~fits Program *Career growth Opportunities • 'a1·cer Training rrogra m •Attractive Work Environment \) Excellent Newport Localion IF you can demonstrate willingness to meet business challenge · yo u have experience in sales and secretarial activities you have showrr orientation toward people THEN Submit resume wilh work and sa lary history. ELECTRO SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES 4000 lircll Strfft, WM # 115 Newport leach, Ca. 92660 ~s;lm~~1:f. s~r, ·~ ••••••••••••••••• part time pos1t1ons. day & evemng shifts Must Route Sales. Be your own Sales Trainee needed to Cf\JOY working w1lh peo· boss. Est. accounts on ~row with expanding pie. have out ~oin i: yuurown route. Earn to J ewe lry opera tio n . personality. Applications S8.00tostart. 557·9988 Phone for appt. Fashion are being acccgtc d Sales Isle. 759-1722 Th ursd a y .. Fri a y. ADVERTISINGSALES ,._ _______ _ Salurday. Apnl 19, 20, 21 1• between lpm . 4 :30pm. For l~al. mag. Gene~ous SALES TEMPORARY PART TIME 14022 Springdale, Come romnuss1on ~or closers. 0 r s p r i n g d a 1 e Exp proress1ooals only W est mini s t er . needapply.497-4464 Westminister. Sales/Co-Ordinator R-t-•t Position available for .... dynamic, articulate. al· 2 full lime people needed t ra<'t i ve woma n to to run cash register coordinate Orange Co. help prepare food served ofClce or Women Can over the counter. The Win. 2131478·5868. hrs. are Thur s· Mon --------- 8:30-5. Apply in person Sales Clerk, Prestigious Mon·Fri. &see Pat. Drug Store, N.B. Full nfEANTIQUEGUILO time. permanent. Some 1801 E. Dyer Rd. week·ends, benefits. Santa Ana. 751·3181 675-0150. Mr. Elwwood or MrReavle. Restaurant worke rs,------ c a s h i e r . s a I a d & SALES sandwich prepartion als Exclusive young ladies griJI. Day & evening weekend shifls avail. act.ive sport~wear store Doing a promotion for a brand new store in Mis- slon Viejo. Work 4 hrs days or evs. Helping customers fill out charge a ppli catio n . Mak e $4-$16/bour commission. WE TRAIN 213/945·3961 7141523-5165 ext 530 A.D.S. Sales SICllTAIY-nPIST We need • very capable penOll to share work of i..y fl:nancial couultln& It.all. If )'OU take pl'lde In )'our typina/ secretary lkllll. like to work hard and be well compenaated ror your etrort1, call 759-1183 for Interview. l lBM Mem o ry typewr~ter traln1na helptuJ) SemUry MAIUTIMG SICY SIOOt • to SIJJO Mo Respon at challengin g position i n t h e Telecourse Marketing Depl. ol Coutline Com· munity College In Fouri· tain Val ley. Need knoWtedge or marketing tecbnJques le exper in product distribution to customers. SH )l_~pm , typing 50wpm(Jfftt fr. i.nge benefits. mecitcal & dental for employ & de· pend. Apply by Spm . May I.at, 1979 to: Coad Co •••lty C ..... Dfstrid 1370 A--. C.M. 556-5947 E.O.E. M /F SECRETARY Immediate opportunities in our beautiful Orange County facility for the following individuals: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY We seek an experienced secretary with typing of 70 wpm, dictation. shorthand and light phone experience. A background in Market· ing is desll'able. OFFICE CLERK High School graduate with 6 months office ex· penence for heavy phone answering, some filing and hght typing. General office skill and light typ. ing is required. An excellent comblna· um ol salary. beneClts (com.pany paid medical .. SECIETAll; SECRETARIES ::=....~n~ aem&ary for 2 mOa&M We lwle ,_ .... Retlo HI Flna~l I Manaaer's otllct . • fer ••· telep h one.. I I t Matlalff ata,l1Ucat typiaai. nu fll 1w ...... 1horthand. aood num· '1 ' 1,.: ben ""*· Plea11nt 1ur roUAdlna1. OCC81jOQ I ovarume. PURCHASING oau cane llUa.r ~ .. 2•1 YHrt c•rrHt ~prll 18th , betw• n wallaW .......... ~7:;'~:~n00Cl · =::.r= ~IMC.••' wm s:r•rt 1.2 450New,c:c.nt«Of, ~ -• lte Newport s .. c5:°cAMMo ..... to wortl _.,. Equal Oppty' Enl~r ,....... ... ...... m/f/b I ...... .._, ..... ,.~~~~~~~ wcM'tl loed. &GI NEERING 5·1 Ye•n c•rr••t a.ec.11.tail ........... wtlll ...... t l ,.... "' the ••roipace IF ... ,.... field. Will wcwt& for tt. Director of Ad•••ced Pro· ~wl ... porthls ilaffasrecpilNcl Mlllt be ... to type 60 .,... a11d tak• ihortlaa1td or speed wrftilMJ .. 10 ...... ._wick is a people oriealed ~ uffailit HC ...... fr. i'")e MHffb, COM• ........... ..ctc11 .. comb • lrMSwick prodsts. If yo. are ift. ... .... d ·-of tM abo••· apply in .....-. CJI•• us a call ar Miid yow re.-: .NdyMarthl 3333 Harbor ltYd CodaMesa.CA 92626 171415464030 BRUNSWICK CORPORATION .,. ..... Di•hicMI SICUTAIYI $831-$991 per mogtt\ <Part-Time P<>1itl0Jt) Out.iei! as secretary fo r several programs. typt?i., edits, and compiles r~· ports. transcribes cor· r esp o nd e n ce fro m memor and a, u1i.p te shorthand and/or d lct11· tion equipmen.t: drafts routine correspondeace : scrt..>ens incoming cor· respondence, de.tenlMnes necessary a ction , al· taches pertinent backup material and directs' lO appropriate recipient meet 1n'is ahd con rerenccs.lteq. skills aod knowledge include 'typ. Ing. flUng. shorthand ~n­ d /or d ictation eq,14J p. ment; oral and wntten communications skills : report preparation; ·Wt· ter compos ition . knowledge of complex orgaruzati<>n such as lh<' university: ability to priorities operation of word processing eslUip· ment desirable. APPIY. for job •CC·94, by Apn I 20.1979. . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. TRVINt: Personnel Department 152 Administration Bl~~· lrvme. CA 9'l717 Affirmative Action Emplo~e~ .women . MIDOrities. Hand i c apped la n d Veteraos Encou.ra&ed to Appt, and dental) and growth F,qual opportunity ()llllOl'tunity is available. employer M/F For immediate coo·--------- sideration call or apply I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; inpenon. I• 1714• 540.6080 SSECIETAllES.S XJhtco. benefits. Call for m~rv. appt. S AFEG U/\HD BUSINESS SYSTEMS. COsta Mesa. 546-fiOA(I P/\RTTIME Position availa ble 1n i.pel'1alty d r u~ c;tnrc lo<•ated rn lnine lor personable 1ndiv1tJual who has a n •al concern tor people. Mon Fri 12·6pm Pharmacy e x· penence preferred. From the best name in real estate. comes tht• ~:.t t.'arnm~ pro..:ram CaJI 556·9666 for recorded message. FulJ & part lime. Ats needs expr. full time salesperson. Salary com· dishwasher for days. mensurate w / ex per. TRJ-FLON needs you TRJ-FLON NEEDS YOU to fill avalanche of or- d e r s from mar in e.motor cycle. sporting goods , motor sports, retailers. Great Let us find professional. <JPportunity but we a re JRANSMA temporary assignments Secy to Pres, gn .tttn-mes. co & pos. 111.000. Many Other Positions Employers Pay All F'~:. LJz Reinders Ageney 4000 Birch St. Ste 104 NewportBeach 833-8190 Call For Apptt&ta b 'f ()perungs for a mbitious HEAL TY NETWORK _994_·_223_1 _____ -1 Xlnt fringe benefits. Call Restaur~nt 7!>9·0885, ask for An· very selective and wa nt SK wh ere you c an apply career winner types on· yourknowledge&skil.Js. people. Pt-lime or full tune. Good mcome 1f you w1sh. No C>x per nc(' Phooe 89S-9WG. THE GUILD DRUG 5404 Walnut. lrvtnl' ss21:m; __________ ,BUSBOYS-for p vt _n_a_~_ah ______ _ Newport CI u b , F l'f. Sales REALEST A TE SALES 10am-4pm. exper pref d. Interesting work selling Callfor appt,64S·S000ext T r a ns art Wa ll a c· 520. cessories. Flair for Int. Visit us &. see. Call Mr. WeAppre<.-iate ly. We train expertly. CORP Dehlsen 540-4023 Y ou.r Skills E.0 £-:. l)peninJ!s in our new 3952Campus Dnve SALES Newport Beach, C/\ Select the job that suits *$300 WEEK your needs. Work where. SECRETARY ()pt.J~al. retail d1~peni.10i.: In tnl' otr1ce. lol·ated in ________ _. derorating helpful. P /or lrUreSlt.>d 10 several. dt· p H 0 Toco p I J<: H s El <.:a m1110 Pin w . Best pendable people. full 1p t. Need 20,...r. ror 920019400 tra1runll. available in the RESTAURANT COUNTER SERVICE full tJme. $20·S25 per hr. CaJl Ms. Bunic 848·9378 ~7pm. when. & as long as you Comm. while training for SECIET AIY W1Sh. No fee. area manager. 955.2274 Fee paid. Become part of 557·0061 Exectdne for new Costa Mesa loca· ,... t · Zerox copiers. Top vay. mos progressive co. m tton. Good opportunity to see 0 u r ad unde r Orange Co. Call JACK learn opt1cal d1spens1n~ 'E'N""R L I YONKERS. DONALD Ex.cellenl bc nt.'fih li , "•A in loc :i)s M.BIRD/\SSOCIATES. Salary Open . Call cla!>s1'1ed VJCTUH 55 1·4 .. 00. Saleslady over 30 yrs old . Retail s ales. $165 wk. Benefits. Regal Beauty Supply, 263 E. 17th St, C. M. the great crew! Plush of· Q 1be president of our as- Sales fice in beac h a r ea . ~ ~ o ffice • soc1alJon is seekmg an YOUR FUTURE s 12.ooo. Also fee jobs. 0 ov e rload Execuuve Secretary lo Why be unemployed or Call Mary O'Connor, handle bis personal a nd dissatisfied where you ~5001. Snelling & Snell· A Professional Service corporate business ac· ~. T E M P 0 R A H Y ·----•"'---•I ---·------i SERVICES ------ORDER DESK __________ _., are., U you love people & iog of Newport Beach tivilies. This person will want a challenge. we Agency,4340Campus. ---------•be res pon s Ible f or Sales t::..!! "'..:_. d.~~: LIGHT BULB Mature. posiuvc.> person PHOTOTYPf: SETTJ<:H Real Estate w1phone. order <•ntrv . ~ to op<•r Comµ Set !illliSO·l Brok~rs & Salesmen n eed yo u . W e ll Secnttry/R _. secre taria t a no ad · established c ha in ofr .. _______ ._ K..... mirustralive duties !ind i I b k' '' For Ne wport Cente r will act as a liaison follow·throuf?h. hluciinnt 111 udwrtisin~ graphics We have an opening IO experience rn furn1t11r1· ~ign llrm our Residential Div. for or related field. for ,1g Perm ~. ~a l nol hrly. an experienced man or i;tressiv(' Irvin£• furn mfr xlnt benef. ~cl working woman possessmg en· Type :>o+wpm. front ol cond amon~ prof dl'-lhusmsm & intcf!nly. H ri ce appea ranc·t·. Tn11 i.i~f'rs & photo~rapht.'I :. you are interested m a salary & benefits. ~ul) Ex conly need ;iµply. Top bcnut1ful office in the mil resume w 1salarv n· PllY tor top quality CJ II f111est location. work in~ qwrements lo Box· 402 17141 979.0221 for Jud). with eon geni a l :t s· Dally Pilot. P .O. Box TifE REALISTS UIV, i;oc1ates, we are interest- 1560. Coi.ta Mesa. CA. Mark Jllld 11, lnr. 135 E. t'<1 rn meetang you. In· 921626 Alton Ave. SA nr. Mntn & ll'rview by appointment. H yc.'re lookJacJ for a SALES spec a ty s ops see mg SECRETARY Firm . Xlnt typing, between the executivtt qualified individuals to Personable. mature . shorthand desirable not and tus ma ny business rm full & pl·~~e perm a· h I g h I y c 0 mp e t e n l essential. Varied duties. contacts. Selected apph· n e nt pos 1t1 ons i n secr etary ror formal ~benefits. Call Mar· cant w1llb.ave had recenl woy to 1Mke Htra Jr you are ftDMY a few hows day ill a pleosant won- ing .... w-.... itop byandspeaktoui! : Experienced in lighting sales Westminster area. Sell 0 ,JOiie for appt. 644·2442 ing is the name of ou Newport Center r 's ore: P-'-----=c.:.------u executive secretarial ex-: Sclf mou vated : Not afraid or cold call· i.ng gacne. 50 join our team Ute bkkpg: medical Ill· perience: will be w,,:lt put your sales talents l surance exp. desirable SECIETARY groomed, have good : Have automobile . work. If you a re en but not essential; Short Ra .di . S&L communication slliJls; hand helpful; Organizing P• Y growing and type 70 wpm and thusiasltc & have g ability required; Salary s.eeks h ard w~rk i !'g take dict ation at 100 YOU cm apply duriftCJ restaura1tt operati0tt ..... at: : Neat & Good personality sales sense, build you open; 8-S: Submit full re· 1 Secretary to assist with n..1., lilied future with us. Xln sume: Suite 304, 200 va rious re ports . type ~· vuv qua ap- beoefits, discounts. pal Newport Cente r Dr. rorresp & memos . and plicantssboaJd apply Orderly required for 7. MacArthur. WHley M. Taylor Co. s1liJl or s mall nursing ---------Realtors 644-4910 We can offer a solid future with a good sound income. Salary + Com· mission. Gas allowance. Hospitalization. If you l.Jke challenge. here we are. Ask ror Lou 957 -87:>7. vacations. F or 1n N.B .. Ca.92660. ' handle other various Weofferabeautilul•ork terv1 e w, call Sue r espon 1n o ur Loa n environment and an ex-:oome. Call 494-807Sor ap· Printing RE c E p TI 0 N f s T . *Carl's •ply in person. T h e Off..SETPRESS S EC R ET A R Y , 542·7161. Processing Div. Our celle n t sa la ry and Secretary 40 hrs. Moo/ compa ny offer s good be-J·ts k . • lud !Gardens. 450 Gelenneyrc part·llmc. incld s wknds. benefits, good starting ,..,.,1 pac age anc . •St. Lag Bch OPERA TOR will train. 644·0126 ai.k J * f)rderty needed ror small ss.7tto S?.06 Hourly 1_ro_r _0ee_. -----• r. SdesMan-Y odlts Knowledge sail boats re· qwred. Kona Marine. 714·67!>· 1403. SALESPERSON Soulh Coast Plaza , ...... °"'Y Fri. 8:30 to 5:30. H.B. 1 m· g dental Please call sa ar y. & r oom for · 1 Off. Call 847·9622. growth. If you have good the Personnel Officer at SECRET ARY/RECP typing s kills. Enjoy a l714> 776-7101, for an In· bu s " w 0 r k i n g a t . terview appointmeoL •nursing home. Xlnl Part lime. 20 ho urs 2092S.E. Bristol , b f t A I weekly, Mon lhru Thurs, SANT/\ ANA • e n e 1 s. PP Yin Spm-9pm.Fr1 1pm·5pm. RECEPTIONIST EaualOpportun1ty : person The Garden Need knowlL'dge or off· Bea~tirul. ~xpericnced' Employer m I f G set press & duplicating w11l1ng. F1sets Salon, ___ ._ _____ 1 450 lenneyrc St equip. Oppty to gain xlnt _548·2'l56 Sales Optical. retail d is· Laguna Be111:h pensing. lnter Mted in expt"r. · '° lnstruct1 011al RECEPTIONIST Ret.ai'I several. dependable pe<>· antry Helper. /\pply da1 Materials Center a t . , ly, Bernard's. 3201 E Goldenwcs t Collegc in Part ume for Newport IULlOCKS pie. full/ p.t., for new Coas H Hwitington Beach. Xlnt Be~ch developer. Lite Costa Mesa location. · t wy. S7f>.;,;;.;. m edic 31 & d e nt a 1 typing. phones, filing. WILSHIRE Good opportunity to ~Fntteh ec.turier lallff•• Mmtha••fllle.,,.... ...... ewe•· ho• 25 poi s •d sophisticated & ho• ..a.scMcWe. Cal for appt. 549.zzfl ~-::ye r~!~ eayrno ~~ benefits. Apply by 5pm. Must have car. 675-4910. ~~ ~~~e~~lig a~:ppli~~ ~e~rc:~~l i~r::wr:: !home .your hrs . call April2C,l979. RECEPTIONIST time positions in the Salary O pe n . C all •962-3232. ~°'o'~:"ct. Y Ne..,!_~C~~~~·.Y front foUowingdepartments: 6C2""630.Sc --r-een--pn-·n_Un_g_p_rod_u-1c -T'" .. ~..... Ungerie Chlldrens S sm lion manager wanted. Part Time Cdm drive up ll704dmas..C.M. office appearance a JuniorContemporary ALESr<> OH Mustbaveexp.~9110. 1photo booth seeks P/T E.O E. M/F must ! heavy phones; abAi>Ply in person, 3PM· We ll9ed .....,., self :employees. Two shifts some tr.ping: growth SPM,-Mont.fir u Fri. _...ahd, rnpo• ... SECRETARY·FASHION :avail. S.1:30 & 1:30-7. __ P_RO_D_U_CTI_O_N __ ...:pot,_eo_u_·a_._.640_·54_7o___ llFasWo•lllmMI ....... to.._... ... ISLAND Good skills re· .CaUTem. 759-U40. TRAINEE Rcceplionlst. lite typing. Newpartleach Poiltlow, S•IH H• quired, exper lo plan· PART TIME Rubber hose products. P J ea s a n t P h o n e periette• ....,... Ht r.!1i;JJi. ~;db ~~i!,: r & trvme area. Must pass personality for land de· Id ,...reel. W• will salary requirements to: EVEN G company physical m · ~t~rt· tialaryy 1 89S~4~7j.r Retail ....._ T'~ es......... Personnel uo Newport ! IN S eluding back x -ray. · · · BULLOCKS 557.oen -Cente r Or, Ste 21s. •Adults with outslandinA. 540-7639. E.O.E RECEPTIONIST Newport Beach, Ca. { atlradive pers~oal.Jlles Ptr u hr da Mon· Fri. lite For busy Ins. office. Full WILSHIRE 92080. ,wbo enjoy worlung with cooking & companion for time., lite typing. Must now accepc.jng appllca-SALES Salespers on/ ---------:Jdds Over 21. Start at elderly mother. 646-5477 have front orflce a p· tlons for NON-SELL Qlord.inator, rortractde-~·~Pliooist for ,13.50 per hour. Phone aft.61cweekeods. pearaoce. Xlnt co. DEPTS: corator center Homes ..._.M>n Viejo orthodon· !642·4321 Ext. 250. ---..:...;,,_~~---benefits. Call Mary MercbandiseHaodllnl furnis hing; bkerd tic office. Bkkpg ex· t BETWEEN 4 : 00·5: 00 PUNCH PRESS OPER. le 644-0990 Security Agent belpful. Send resume to: ~ence. some PR work, ~Pll. SET UP MAN. Ex-Apply In person 3pm. AmieSbeldon PO Bo Poised. eonceolal, rella· , AllsfwA1W. perienced tor s mall ~OHISTStOO 5pm.lloato Frl. • · · x b le . 36 hrs p r wk . F.qual()pportunlty growth oriented co. Fashion Island. They llPu t'11hlmd JJSU.Irvine.CA 92'11S. Bmefitt. Salary equal to Employer Collta Mesa. Salary com-bate to lose her, but this Ml.,...._.. ability. Send resume to memurate with ability & companies• front desk _ SALES PO Box 51.2, El Toro, Ca. ~ART1111E PVT DUTY exper.Geny83l-0700. penoo is moving away. --------1 Sboesalesman: Looldn& 9ID> f M.IRsE AIDE, Tues The good news ls-you RN'S 4't LVN R elief. foragresaivelndividual 1c:...-·--.------- ' Tbun, 10am ·2pm, In RADIO STATION have an opportunity to Nurse Aides all shifts. for hlgh fashion shoe _.....,...,,., general office : Coat& Mesa home. L join thls tantutic de· Cert. classes available. store located ta Fashion *11.la. Emphasis on •c· 1---1 care for elderl Delpttately need 12 s>ro· vel6f)emot company In Newport Conv. Center , (stand: Successful can· curate t y pi ng , min . ~ 19dy, weekly payi re pie to work from our tele their beautiful omces. 1555Superior Ave. N.8. didat.e m•t project neat ?Owpm for a medical f.-cea nee. Cal fo sales olc. 9:30 to 2:30 or V~ will enjoy the easy R 0 TAT 1 0 N A L ~ance at muathave s u ppl y com pany In • llllllt-UPJOllN H~ 1:30to8:30wetraln. '°'°'·atmosphere & in· MOLDING high level of energy & be Ne-yort. Salary open. :cARE S ER VICES, SS.tllHOUR GUAR. teresung variety. 100"· able to step u p to _MS-_2_1_1 _____ _ • .. E._o_._E_. ,_~ __ • __ __. c.11 '6 I • 7 3 3 I Free lo Applicant. Cati Machine operato~. exp mana,ement. Top pay" SecT«arJ With sales ablll· ""'-... _ 1 AlligallAbbott Peraonnel pref or wllJ train for excelle nt compa n y tyneeded forexP11ndln1 "-~fut.est d raw in the nvW. Aceucy, 557.fl22, 4500 irowth pos . Mob ile btmeliU. For interview bu1iaess. Wiii t r ain. Welt. .. a Dally Pilot Or apply at 31817 Del Campua.N.B. Open Mon· Marina, U604 Producer, call Mr. WHHrmaa SalUJ le comml116on . ..!<a.aned Ad. M2-M78. a>llpo.5'e l~. SJC. da1eveni.n1u.ptll7pm. H.B. 7'tMaS. ....,.. a.le. 7(9.lTD . -----····------,.,.._._ .. ....,..,,..,,...., __ .......... ' .. o I .. ... ._....... -. I mmed iat e ope n ing " small 2 girl offce, near mosphe r e. Cont act 1 Pers onne l a t (714 ) O.C. Airport. Fu I time. 8J3..8383. Cobaw 54nillg• ...tLom ~ 910Soutb Brookhur8' Anaheim , CA 92806 F,qual Opportunity varied duties. good typ. State Mutual S&L i.og. Mrs. Tumer7:>l·47oo 4001 MacArthur Bl. NB Secretaries The Connecilng ()e. vices Division Is cur- rently seet<lng two secretaries for t heit new facility in Irvine. One position Is In the marketing area and the other is in 1ne manufacturing area. Average short· hand and typing skllls are required and some expert· ence ts necessary. It you are intenistecl In this career op· portunlty. please calf DeYe MlrruiO at (714) 549·5759 o r apply In person at 17150 Von Karman Ave., Irvine, CA. .................... j HUGHES ~ ~· •• ii;;,:,,,;,,;;;,;,;,;;,;; CONNECTING DEVICES £~()pponl/lllly Mi'~ EMOIO'rllf E.O.E. M/F SECRETARY l Employer IJ/F. Need self·starter wlthl·-------- good typing " shorthand .r~•£T & •y· SI! skills for job with lots of ~ 1""' variety, in Irvine. Some Sales oriented. See l:il penoonel work. 540-7639 ad under Help W allled, EOE SalesAuiatant. Holmes & Nlt'lef Inc an 1ntem11tt0n11I teeOer m eoQ•nrer•ng ttno cons1ruc1t0n Ms need l0t e•pe· , rotincect teem.n.t. SECRETARY Pos111ons lfl<lll"" ond1v1dua1s well versoo 1n a variety of sec1ehtl'181 functoons with m1n1mum 1yp1ng s1<11ts of 65 wpm ano snortnano of 80 wpm SECRETARY 81Hft9u.l/Spameh Our po,1111on w111l1n Busmesa OevelOl;>ment IOQuuts 81hngual Spanish Cltt)llbtlll,.."' .OOt• ltOn 16 rne lbove 1~uuemen1s For 1mmo<1oa1e conS1dera11on. call Of apply to ,.,,. ....... f1'41t1~· 1100, "°""" • ...,,,.,, IM •• °""-M-41 ... TOWft I C-*J Rd... Orenp. CA._. Wt,,. an eQutl OOPOrtunJty emplC>yet J • ~-···········~·-····· ... , .. . . .. ,. t ••••• .-............. --,...,_. ·-. -· •• --.... 9' ••• -••••• ~--...... .. CJZ OAA. v PILOT &lnaay. Ap!?I IS.. '"' mer.. 1020 ..... s. 1011 Mhc1la4 •• 1010 MhH'• ... 10.. .... IOl7 !!! llJW--a....a ••• : ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ~~:: -~·~ 7100 ,.. h .. • ....................... ~-.-•••••••••• ---""'W...tiM 7t• IUOPutc. Ave Balbo.. l I, J.~ nCelwJ ,,..o9mUd1P•.r •· GROW YOUR OWN r a. wt~a~ and -·ri "''''~"• -• ••••••-••••-••••••••• ... ••••••••••••••• • ••' Solt Su Ant"" at .......,...,, " .. P'OOD ... .."' • 1..... ________ .. 111-1a1•s .... ·-WUIW&or all-..r.. NIWllCYQ.I IOO(lf~ll·m~~Ort' tnd.f.C.114U·37~tVH HYDROPONICALLY ::oo lnMe da perm tl llecb ... t lSINtririU lN •• -n· .... --_... _. n..~ 11 .. 1• c." .. C&.OSIOUT -t-9PM . papen cw101. mu1 rt•_.._ PwtliM. Folillt. --Work p /Ume in our ~·~ley(•lub u)' w.. • • l'J nt llG ... IOH · C•n your ''UY o wn ""1 ~31M8 0 n ID 0 .,,., '•I& t=• aal~ room 644 5404 U, .. J~ .tf. ..~.-.. !........ ... .... WMOW SHADIS !I!!a:':;> ·l~al t~IP RabblU for Sa.le. Dwarf• U.wb. New ...._. •. •UWE ' IPMllUlb>a•whUll IOILBSIATI 12:1 Y•rdt 2 tone air n £valor 81l0df· Woyrn d1i11ea ·m;~·n a~ u .oo each . ·Dutch: •mo maillt. ~4006· ~rur;~~~ 1~ WAMTmDllV• R••t•••· salet ., AC' 1h.a1 carpttloa aood =Jf!u~~:S:· e c weedana·••t•rina or Cahlomias, ac.oo each. l"Wteurred. _ • CaJt fordet.aall SUteAY 0ML Y ~-. Motl Ii• LD ccinct «>-l641an8pm. ASP!N MS-•I f~ Vear round pro. C.8" ta..MU G« ,_,.. bamt reWj for LA. T111£S Tu dtlJver Dally Piiot ~ Jl•elay 1070 . . ducUonM~o~1.!::''" SL Bernard. tri·~. F. 2 ....._.David..-... ' I""' ~-•J JOIS! ~a bundlet to eoanwn Rt" O.ufc..t lkvcl9t ....................... &urrec1 toys, :t Gorilla. ~. Ot ~ the yrs very •tr.n Ir protec· DMI Manne Soed ... .., ~ .... ~ ... M.,.DIC "L qt.11M1 vH cw l•rl'• ta U.lboa P..,.r, o afboa JIWllaY Jaw f11h . Whales • ,_ 1 1a '!...~pace. tive. ndl ad home . Ftee . tn,iet.Ollld.rive~ Behe. ,_...RVI'... ... " \loft w.,on and tt JOOli 875-6'10 mott $10.$30. E lectn c ewer l\Mlct P1 uulem1. S81·912'7 fl.....,._. repau'I. •l.nl SAl.D drivtaa n•rord PhoH Uou1ua1. antique . 11rt wall frpl c. us. 3 Plant.a oot affected by · =-=work. Call eow I BaM aalar)' + torn 64.2·.:tal and 1uk ror nwvHu. aold. ~ f'°43 MW'dock water skii_s, soo wtnd. rain, or other t it-· Enlarled pony ror sale. . ~ 11'1pP'aJdWMl:oF m1111oa . Baolon or Karr1 Seeley or Oon U...tada I075 N .$a·Q348. g-,:~<;::.• C~~: ~~~ ~auiilwblack.Beat ofr. Avon Red· Crei1l xJnt. ~ ~.kJ~~I Wi1llarn1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 35078 RPM Records I Pre E\.'ersat496-5333 -3191· C'Ond. J uat returned f rom ill~rn te&tphone uJes e•p_.r OP~~¥C~ITY ~!!: ............. ~~~~ '0 M P A R E 0 U R lfM.\): old Galleon 11h1p "-& °"Jliltt IOtO fM<.'l. ~Jt. fo10C1rboltrd & ~.-.. Ca.U1l4'...,lll •~MP110Vt'.R ~TIAIHIMG PRICES. •1 lluy He nch modt>I : off1cv furn 10 & 15 aal. fish tank11, ....................... OB mount incld. S.75. _____ .,. _ ., .Chlto s fo'ce d . 2su 673-8818 many plastle plants, Kohler & Campbell con· -.at81648·Z319. 'rl!l•--.eft.ai..IE War hoUllern11n • bn.aht ~1t11J~!O.~~~claJ18 Newport Ul vd. C M. Lo 1 Id b kr some tilter ,e quip . sole piano. xlnt cond. ~ .... __.__ l 1"1nt 1c-o. -'~""'" hierd worklna p r1100 -'UIOl1~ _ 64S-5686 ve Y o rea ront. heate rs & misc. for llOO.MG-0525 ----5..a.u5 ~to work in pan• --leaded glass doors. Mar· largertanks.642·954.2 • MJO l •lS.11.11•• wr,M ,.. ......... t hl Shftlaodlhffp do11 pup rakeeh ru1 and wall ...... 1 .............. .. ~r aubf.. Your -"I"• . Hi in PP•n11 c»t'w. AKC. ~. 7 wb. MilCtht rt 1071 hanging. Diamond and Double bedspr u d. old thew.,.n MAY RIMI I El'l"olO •• Suite JIO ....... • to s hn. • <hay & rtt('h Ina lunrt1c>1111 okt $40 522t art 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• emerald rtog. 673·3184. fashion look ing pink llD I DU A 'L MA :Dttt .. TwoKiJ 9006 up romm. wk Mllit~i.blrtu handl ruto 3· She;ir $950. nora1pattern.flounceall Ln'1.I_~~~ Thelraditlontl~8"y du· l ,._O .,....._ V.30 3Pa'1 ~ lift(. o~fl' I t. IO mN\'haodl&I." Sulury (;olden K~trn.•vt•r pup Ulfola.ta S ton punch & ~gal hexagon aqu•num around. nearly new S2S; v..;,.,1""' ... rd ty, lightweight m6ri'ne E . ~ NI ~ r.nt us.&c53 b.11. L•d un PIUI .l'JCPl'' ~..,., AK ·. ava1l11blc in shear. 24" throat w Die w/slADd f15. Waterbed. soft p ink c roc heted ~~.7~ eniine Tu 3SO HP.-Ge- HoSPM'Only l'.SS lne S49'me u Ml40:i0 &u & Sht'ar. $J5SO 250 w/beater SJ50. Bunk lhrow pilJow $3. All dy LduCAtion«nf~ ~~~b~tr~:~!~I War hou•f!m11n UrtKht SHIH-TIU wau Loverter. l2 voe to beds. lamps. dressers. Sall Sun 962-8437 Mon-ovor 5 m1111on 1>1-v th• Set-v • Tall'HOMI 115 VAC. S7S :;45 JJ49 wall mU"rot, etc. 892-7229 Fri 642-4321 ext.250. ask Brimhall wav We not on1v ices, 1114)892-8$41 -• ,_ •TftAI h4nlwor1' IC Pl'fWtl ~ 11 h Pupi,, M I-' AK(.'. 1,... Jane. wll 11\ltrumentt we·ve • ..--~ ~ It nll l'll1>1•r n••t.><kd It b7:!1~ '11} 14~ CA RPETS DIRECT ""' ,how" m1111°"'"ow to u,. 2 Chriscrafl VS &ng:.... l'kie.sal\l workiNt rond1 i1 I 1~ p.in tlt'Jll, •hip Beige nylon plush. $3.95 them Ou• 1tev1>oaro cou" w/hyd trans. left & rtght lk~Wlthb\b) t·~·\ di' PUUI l'\'tt'l\m.: Mu,l i>uonu: Whlll' mini. Mhc•••••s 1080 yd. Balboa Carpet Mtlb. SCRAM •fJS Mlor' .i•• mum; •<1uca1ors hand eontrol. mat.ched a)tt 111 °'1l11Jl' Coor>t) ~ l'f':O.& f'I', hv .. hit fl'l111.1le I mo all shot:., ••••••••••••••••••••••• , 3 7 4 Lan 0 n . C . ~1 ' vmh vea,. of expe,.ence 10 pair. 2134132•9683 \ b AKl' ~91S!I LUGG·GE t•Gs .. .. lt.lt'WERS "•IP vou choo, ..... '•Qhl -----j •l'l>Ort U 10 • C'Om 1n~ 1nvoh1•d 11 11l11r)' ,,,,_ ,,,,_ M9-8181 ,675·S906 Rn.> •M•rumen1 You ow•" 10 CRUISJNO EQUI PM•~NT pl(' ~ h11h1 book b ....... ., on \'AJkl 1\'IH'I' Hoxi-r Pupp1~ for i.al~. from yoor bus111ess card Wisdom -Marmot -vourMlf 10 look tl"llO Groco heads. Grover air ltc•C"ptn{. l) p&njl r,• 1' s ~ Int· :WHll7Z , ... l .... wL'~ ... .,wn •. Send ooe card for earn J way ticket from 0 C BR1MHAL1. horn / •.•.. k QUll't'd Opportun1t>_ IOI " " "~ ,. ..,. I W Atrporl 10 H obb~ Deafen -Modify -SPECIA\.STILL 4/12 • W comp. w 'usn • 1i1Chanc-ttnt'nl~•Olfu•t'W\REllO St-'M'\Nl•t>U<I linndh:4!i'L736<1 tag pus one spare e Airport, Houston.Worth Halved -Bedbug -e,.mhe11 R1111•"cv Jacobs ladder. red1os. ph)~11.·;.11t,uid r''<I return perm a 0 en t I Y $140. sell $80 or best of. HOME-OWNER '"Teachers Pei" S849 oo oars. tachometers misc ••ft. Cto.....--•-t s-rl\ y IN SllAl't-; l>obt· Malle 8 wks. huge sealed attractive tag & rer 496-0460. You have to admire the sss oo oow" 19 monm• • lines _ all used . 6 to l.i --·~ " pure btrt.>d. S65 strap. meeting aarhnc 10 67c 6444 • •• O(wc&Quail. b Hy lir~lf\8 I lb .u:h ol 675-82&0 ID. reqwremeols. Pre· Amelie.an s pirit. Where Bromt.4111 E•lt• "Home Co" p.m. .,... · . NEWPORT 81': C'lt nour for bakt>9 Kupph & vent loss & theft! For a l'ri·pl.y stainless. water else but m America can c.n·· SJ995 oo 5" I" - - - ---__ ..... __ C ll)..OSSS m1x1n.: cu C,ood PJ) BeauufuJ Lla!>J Aps11, 1 .......,,....allied tag enclose less cookwa re never somebody borrow the gr1111d ~ _,_... 'entl! 002444 y r , ntls yard. loves ,....~11 • f b been used. Value $350. $10,000 payment from ~1 l941B'> Arwnl '>tt'°''' wow11 ,,_.-~.-...•ode Hr Teller chlldn•n Sal·nr1ce. SlOO wa paper . 3 r ic or WUl sellforless .642-4213. relative. get a $60.000 "'"unflcJW•'' ~1111 .. /\no • .. _ ... • •• 9am-:s>b\. 'Mtin l''ra. Immediate """'nJDg for a WOMAN 6'12·2210, 548 lSSS '"Day Glo" paper & we first mortgage. a S30.000 17141 7!11 1121 ex~. noqu1rt'C.f f'rwnd· f··'I tJo"' t"ll~e~r w a grow wita II boackt & ttrim yodur Ewlehct . hohsp bed. $250. &.wnd mortgage and bl' -. . "ly•~ O'I USt. Cu l an"'g i~'d"l·~"nd"'nt ba"'·. ARE YOU Sruh-tzufem sell orlease. gs. r ry wo car s eel c air. like nu. c·a ll e d a H O ME SeWlftC)Machm.s 8092 sad(A il.o hoson at ....:;,.VlOUS "Ok~t ... ll"re"~"p ·ropbloodl10es.842-077l. backtoback. Sl75. wk 11842-3010 eve OWNER ••••••••••••••••••••••• SPECIAL SALE ~11 ~~~lcrred. Xlnt op OVER 40? ------S2eaorft~CES: 842'9954 '847·7339 NEW llOMt:. m11<:Jlol tm. S:-V.ce *• attendant porlun1tes & benefits Would you Ilk• in· ~:~le a'l'IP~t~~-P;rs~~ 4/St.ags Sl.60ea. Bucket seats. nails. t111ts . c:;n~ie T~=~~~erss o!~~ excelle nt t•o nd . $R~ SEA RAY 1979• r.::~~-:~!°;i~~ra~~oe. ~~~o call1> to o 0 =-~:.°'*you w!:,: 496-1740 . ~:::c!·if.~g~a. btkes. 499-1580 $15 Pleruie call646-2394 642-~cves 26' c"" Safes Ta)( Included Miscelmeous SportiftC)Goods 8094 w--L _ _..,: ~.. S. 'oai. Tow 'l'ruck Drivers ex· :t"l2p? ,.._toYCMI 8045 NOCARD? 160 Sq yards brn plubh W...ted 1081 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~enuwr Hwy . ...,_ __ h. per'd. Top pay. Apply e offer bt'allb rns .• i.1rk ••••••••••••••••••••••• Draw your own or send cpt. very Rood cond 11., ••••••••••••••••••••••• Used wctsutt:... & d1 v1• loaded. mcludlng \rlr 1 .s;..rvic~'1~n Alteo G&W Towing. HOB pay, vacauon & bonub. Ador able. loves kid s. name.address.phone& yrsold.w1llsellpartor WJLDTURKl!:V J:l'ar. l0am-7pm Tank.., many x lr u:L (4 1 rdant. c r 'd . Day Ohms Way. C.M. 642-1252 No sales. Will train. N B. Great Oane, Aust. Shep. we'll make one card per alJ. S39S call before 2pm, CERAMICS· 1971,72,73,74 _& reKul~s 840·4ti40 ONLY! i 1 S21.000. f ~-Fid & p/Ume . Ap. Tow truck dnvers needed. Loe. CALL 645-0336 mb.. 6 mos. 673-3984 tag. Add 25< each. 4934440 2l31597·5078 Alva Bo<ird Powl•r l''ll'X HARRISON'S ~Y Shell Station. 17th Must live CM & be ex· Send eheck or money or 4 TICICETS ------Fi ves. La<;er Sla lom lrVine. H ....... enced 646-963S 7 wits old puppies. Free to der to: Mllsical ('~a RAY BOATS ,,_. . Wo men o eed l'd ror goodhome. PR.OTPRINTING FOR ANNIE ...._ftb 8083 Truck.ss.-..1<..:all8921~'il '1t.A sa~YICETECH Tow T ruck Driver ex· housec leaning St'f\ 548-15l5 . P.0 .8ox1560 W-4April18. ·······················eomplete &1:uha OtJllll 3101Coast HwyNB ; . MH perienced only. 21 & over Good pay & hrs Robb1e·s Beagle Lab mix pup. 8 Costa Mesa. Ca. 92626 Good Orchestra sealS. at Yamaha gwtar w/case. w / F c n i y R ' & 631-2547 lmined ion avail for w/good driving record. Rag & Mop. 548-0757 wk.s. maJe. needs good my cost. Sickness fo rces xJntl'OOd.1tion. SOO. Scubapearl B C m etl'r ----- -• field le repair ro C.M. area. Custom Tow ----home M9-0344 WANTED sale. 644-7211 or 675-4870 644.-0238 S3S()loffer 552-8712 , photo copy equipment. Service. 7SJ-J5J5 y ACHT WORKMAN TOP CASH DOLLAR """'--a:..-!.L._ & TV. R.....a.:-, Xlntcond. trailer for up 10 • Must be neat. presenta· Exp. powe r &<Ill lcch. Golden Relnever mix, 3 p O 15 cu rt GE refn~. $125 ~..,.___.,.. ~ 111· bo l N hi hie & have basic elet·· Typesetter.fast, accurate, 1-UJJ time. 645-0222 Bus. mos old. Needs more at· Al D F R Y 0 UR Dbl bed. lamps. nl'w a,.,..... 8085 HiFi. Sttteo 8098 a · o reasona \' ~ tronic " roccb.anical ap. & ex~nenced. Perm. or~S252Res. tcnllon.S48·S43l eves JEWELRY. WATCHES. push mower. Furn . etc ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• otfet'refused.673-3025 • Lltude Part time. Paste up ex------ART OBJECTS. GOLD. _Ca_llS48-4103 aft 6pm __ Desks for sale. executive Comp I s te rt.>o -.y~Lcm loots. Power--9040 > Cai Copy Product& per. an asset. Salary Yard man for rent<tl yard funliture 8050 S ILV ER SER V I CE Newport Beactl Tenni!> wood. 6drawl'r. hke new. housed in m <11.tnillct•111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'f179.2333 Carol commens with cxper. lite mechaniC' knowlcd#!l' ••••••••••••••••••••••• FINE FURNITURE & Club Membership. very relall S380 askmg Sl75 Arousu-crafl ci.tm·rnudl· EASTER SPECIAL' '$ An a heim. Ca ll Roy & able to work with CASHPAID ANTIQUES.645-2200 r~able.SSl·S(J98 Chrs blk sw1vel wlarmi.. cabinet. Incl Sari.?cnt· 28. U fll . br·' 1 714/956·2680. public. 1954 Placentw. For i.td used. furn. anti· O'NeiU Supers wt. Taped retail $60 Asking S2!> if twyment SR·800tl tuner-ni i e m • as to 1 SHJPPING <.:LERK Exrx•r hclpful. Responsi- bll' full·\iO)e pos1t1on w 1 -.mall progressive ro. CM. ques&drTV s 957-8133 sea ms. Used onc·t' Ranl'hO San Joaquin boughtw1dl'sk.Othcr ort· ampllfu~r. Gar ra rd tvpe l'OOd. Outf'.lggers. F' B. TRAINEEPOST. u--L-...&.1s• - - --Athletic Club M1:m lurn & eqwpmrnt avail A record c han..tl.·r . on brd bait tank. dual -S3 so ~r. Call G45·3632 ro Switchboard operator. ~.: •••• ••••••• Tabll! with leaf & 6 ch<11rs. doesn"t fit SI IO. 548·0256 _ bershJp for sale· &IO 0522 C:C.11642-WSI or 775·1774 Ampex w pe dt•<'k re cntrl. rtwn V 1 8:. ... c;e~ - 1 b1• Must be dl'pendable solid wood. hand carved. f"irewood Special f'an corder reprodut·t-r 2 1., yours or on Y -·"'fl' nc Ava1labe.rormostsh1fts. ~5 8005 custom S2~5. Was her. ta.sticBar"atn 'Hd S35 i; mim rubbt.•r ralt. S15. Uesk ti0x30 w/ 40x20 tcmalfo'ishc·r i.pkr., S.l5<J :.l~p. IN.B .. 1 P vt pty, <.:aJI for appl. 645-7565 ••••••••••••••••••••••• dryer. refng. Chest ol 995-2S58/s9s.2312 motocy helml'ls SJ l'a ped blk metal & form1ra 673-7651 752 04:M or!f63·9086:_._. PUBLIC AUCTION dr:iwers ll1d e ·a Bt•d AM c.ir radios ss. dolh Sl 30 Rik 1 dr lt•Ra l lilt• .7>! Sc·a r<1b 330 TS nus Shop tralnee-Hap1dly Trainees ~ANY ITEMS OF FINE M1sc.8-&8 3785 HAPPY EASTER 520.surf board Sl5. Awki ~ blk storagt cah S.S5 :t-i "ColorT\' dn\f•.,.8Shour:... Loadt><J 1 • .tppl,__. . ._.. ____ _ .IU'OWlng JZaJZe mrng. de· Ladies serious a bout F.ST ATE J E w EL Ry . TO JOE 10 sp bike Si5. vw Iv~ Exe<-. PQ!'l dlk. ch;.11r S60 l4'1th t·onlr.it"l •~'> mph plu<; Stored 1111 4' :...rres willru traml'e for <"hanging your presl'nt ART OBJECTS. AN Antique 3 pcs MahO!l b"r ~lo. propa"'"' .,,.1 ~. blk Ol'l'US . c·h S:.!5 1!14 i7:1.'> I • t uJ ").le.~ll kWlll bedroom~pc<;Wlut who 1s awondcrlul "" ·~""' tr;ocr .. 1 u..,r ~t>llhel;t 11t ~~~~~1i'!i~e.hard ~~:o~~~r~o::e~~rva't~~ io~J'i ftTliE:· ~~t lOpcs Wa~utdmm~~ct : husbandaodrather ~0~1 ~;s.r:vlcr hllchl·~ 714 497·im '\1(·1• 25 ·color TV J \f ler worlWig (emale. Xlnt co. work wfpeople PT. Fully PHONE FOR INFO & Oak buffet. drawleaf. l bl. . · · ---Sc<·retan<1J desk 1 lelt re ~art;ml\. lr1-t• dd1H•n 731·8 2 I 6Utomel benef1ls ~ rapid an-trained if qualiried. Call BROCHURE.645-2200 chr:.. dresser. ch est. Mo\•iog lo easl coast~ Leroy Ne1mann Sera 1um1. chair & mal S2SO Sl~ 640.lil!t · S46-1200(wo rkl creases. DCl(romc Corp. for appt . 648-6165 orliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil--~7347. must sell year old GE graph "The Handoff'" I B .\1 E :c e c c I e c A.'k for Jerr)' Perkins 56-0400 1 847-9548. 1' ws hr/dry r . rcfrig. signed limited ed1t1on ° lypewr11er. like nt>~ 25·• Color TV. Sl:!S 1 '1 ----I Antique Music Boxes' Waterbed. airframe style. w<1lnut buffet. dtnelle Otns Torres 964 1741 ssso All for S72S. ~55.2274 wrnt~. ln.'l' dl'I & w t up ·77 <.:t'nlun· 20· u~o bow SOLDERING TRAINEE Slot Machines! Clock&! mattress. pedestl. heatr. set. Magnavox console. ~ 53-W Zl5 hp I 0 Dual canva:. I ASSEMBLER Young man to train for HUGE SELECTION still boxed. Sl68 770-490-1 mahogany rhest. lumps. Cl.lrtaJ11 Fabric. ne~. so Paymastt•r check wnll'r, Dual balll'rrt.>-.. Man' 4 Or ange Cou nty e le c repau of precision op· American 01-n-in-g-se-I-. _b_l_o_n_d _e -. -6 tables. children's furn & yds. blw whsle. '4hltl· S65 S'41nglin t.> ~ll'c f'tnd ~hdt ~ou ~ant in xtro'> A:...kinj! sgooti troruc rnf !(r seek m ~ in di t 1 C' a I read 1 n g 1n s t r u lnten.crtioftol r hairs. table & s idcboa rd -=LorysT 646-T ;;9SJO-..,,-;;a;..fiiii!._ii.6.;;-;;;--....J..14.' .;,P.".n.;,,t .;.S50;.;..55,;.;;.;9~·90;.;..4G;;.1 -...l-bt<f-· ,;.p.le•r .• S4-0...;;.>t,;;.:i;-·;;;;334;;;;;9;;;;;;...L.:D.:a:.;11;.y,;.Pl,;.l,:o~t t~I J,:i.,;.~1:.:,l 1;:l'<l.:.;,' -.L.:8-4:7:.;&i"l?:~:.:. __ ;;;;;;;=;;:~ torswitcha.1embly. Wil ment.s. Must have good Galleri S7S. Black vinyl cha ir & I use !>mall hand tools IJle('hanical aptitude & es ottoman 5-15_ Citll art &oldef'j8#t iron. Mu s xJnt vision w/willlngnes~ Open Wed. thru Sal have a ntJD 6 mo. to I y to learn. Lon~ trammii 1802Kettenng. Irv. 5pm. M5-4475 __ _ .. :...l)ldenat.exper. l\pply in period. Only senous need 17 141754·1777 Ltke new 2-pc sl'clional. ! f';t'{l'"" 18t0 Monrovia, :pppplyl. C:e"l':,rnm7~9r;,1me" ·---·-·~~-----·----1 5410. Corfc.-c & end tables "' " Satin wood desk . 1865 S65.Zeruthcolor25""S3~5 ASSEMBLERS .')46.-0600. Enghsb. Leather top. Ster<'o console S290 642·2766 Washer & dryer S225. J7" • AJS-O llccepting applica. TRAVELAGENT i t1ons for a i.sembly Exper. Reqwred • trainee. no cxper nee 492-8425 ... Apply in person . Mnster --TRA--Y-El_A_G_E_NT __ ~spec1a l1t 1 es 164 \1 · ""u Exp only. Pref Sabr e ~...:_ onro __ vi_a·"-·"'-·----1 trai n ed . Ca ll Lola. ;spceial ,_, discount to 644-1418. Real Es~w&hool _TR_UC_K_D_R_l_V_E_R_S_ . __ ea_U_Doo __ ._67_3_·_7300 ___ , Class I Lie. Line, Haul & v lal1ooer y Store in k>cal. See Johnny. C-Orona del M:ir needs ex· Boat Transit Inc. • per'd s~• lady. Full· 1343LoganAve,C.M. t ume. 5 dayt;, xlnt wort. • ing conds Especially TYPESETTERS. Photo. •tmeclJenJ,ele.biS.1010 See ou r ad under ,Phototype Setter. The TOCK BOV F /time, Realists. 1S4::.>. P1ckup/dehvery --.--------On lht jtb tramin~ to 'l)pist ·clerk 60wpm Edit· ~learn Ltade. So me mg. mature. ~xper. ?C wood~llop lraininR hrs. wk. f'lextble. 811'! helpful. noo-smkr. neat Sisters of Orange Co. & clean a ppear. Depend _tll_1·_25_l_L _____ _ w/valid CA drivers llr.J•--------C.M. area. &U-1843. T~FITTER Wlexjittfr, for mens retail • chain in their new store located lh' South Coast I PW.a. Call A. Velasques, 213-&8-5253 Earn extra money, while keeping up with your skHJs. .JOJNUS? 96" Tressel type llarv(•Sl table w t2 67"" benches. Solid Oak. xlnt cond Sl 100 or best offer . 675-3568 Antique hardwood dining rm set. incl. lge table. 6 chairs & beautiful buffet $1000. 963-6428. rcfr1g S335. frOM·frec. $33.5. Other misc 1ti:ms. lm-72~t **I BUY** Good used Furniture & Appliances-OR I will sell or SELL ror Vou MASTERS AUCTION 646-,8686 & 833-9625 AntiqllE:' ~res~er w/m1r. Simmons H1deabed. dbl. ror. ~gmal finish. early earthlone~. lake new. 1900 s. approx 1009 ln $125 548·4189 good condition. $250 -------- 546-3549 18th Century Welsh sideboard. perfect cond P P. S3400 firm. 645·5.'iSS Applances 80 I 0 • •••••••••••••••••••••• FREIGHT DAMAGED HOfPOl.NT SALE. 3308 W Warner nr Ha rbor. Santa Ana. 979-2921 CASH PAID Ws hr I Dry r s / Rcfr1 gs. woriung or not 957-8133 _ Danis h modern walnul dining rm set w/6 eha1rs & server 49S·5088 art 6f>m Wa s h ~r . dryer. la wnmowe r . rouch . dressl'r. lge L'Offce lbl, ctr 551-5098 ----Antique wht bdrm set, SIOO. 9fl. sofa, bm/floral S50 Kg. Sz S panis h bedspread $50. 2012 Port Or1slol Cir . Npl. Bch. 498.{)2()6 BARGAJNS-Used rerri~s. Sofa-lovescal $150/both. ~eacher-Pre school. Cert. or ~lllee. 15·20 hrs. i ~ f.atl tor a ppl. wstirs_ dryrs. garur. best xlnt s hapP·Hullocks. Use your typing skills in buys, we serv. appl. Best Emerald urccn print. varied. conte mporary Appl. 536-0911. ~-4330 Game tbl14 chrs S150. assignments. We match ---------1 552·8876 your skills & schedule WAS HERS. DRYERS. t yr-o-ld_7'_1-th_r_r_o_uc_h_S7_00_. TECHNlCAL EDITOR with jobs lhatswl you. trash compactors. ret·on· 2 loveseals S250 ca. trcs L· • d . NO fee di ioned lik V .... n~ et. JOU"rnalism 557.0061 t . e new. ear tic table & benches 5600. tram g or exp & com-guarantee & d eli very. poker table S25. oval • prebeitsive knowledge Of ~Q~ o ffice • S99 to SL69, none higher hook rug. 6'x9' $30, round "motorcycles req, com. l 540-2521. hooked rug 10· $60, 17" puter e~p stn>ogty p~. 0 OVe r 0 a, d 1--------B&W TV S20. 640-7773 For uttmal motottyc&e . . I Magazine. Send resume A.ProlesaaooalServ1ce Hotpoint Microwave. Round fruitwood pedestal fO: Sheila Lawlor, 1411 almost new. priced for table w/ 4 anUque white Monrovia Av. NB. 92863. quick sale. 494-0268. cbaira. SlSO. 847 ·3984 f:edlnicin, T•mp Coa· Aircooditioner. trailer or Gcs'Ol)t 5* 8055 trola. llaJQr controls house, wat er cooled. ••••••••••••••••••••••• manat. hd opening ror S.. S200/offr. 640-7369 Dtcorators Yard Sole. ~ exp'd fields service tech. _. _. "' todoy•t Kirby Vacuums Factory f'n-SUn 10-5 Antiques. 4MiAoC2)'rsexpi.n Elec· P•P•r ••der Aut horized sa l es. furn. accessories. a p· • trical &t electronic con-C L I I I C A L . service, repair & parts. pli:inces, etc 3 5 HP Sea trot systems req. Career IMTllSTATE ELEC· New & rebuilt models at Kln.g 0 . B 300 W Honda 'JIOl'I w/fuJI fiinges. Send T I 0 N f C S affordable prices. Free Gen. 4 700x15 wh ite ~ ret!Ulne-Attn: Doa White COllPOIATtOM hom e demonstr ations walls, tires & whls TT. a.rber..cotman Co. • available. South Coast HD439 El Moodena. N · B. 4'220 VOil Karman NB Kirby, 27601 Forbes Rd., Misc. furniture. dis hes. · · r.i2-4JCllS. 92660 WAITllSSIS 126. Laguna Niguel. Sjoh.lscreens&anliques. --~-------1 Over 18. Apply in person 831-2855. 675-8340 l••-----... to : MITLA 'S6··....i 1191 LIADll RESTAURANT 541 w ...,. .gbt United Harnest Oak miaslon chair $65. $Ul Per Hour 19lbSt, C.M. • . Ql.M!esi freezer, xlnl cood Rerrlg, F /F $85. Mtchg -------1275. 646-S972 couch &t loveseat St 10. f Plus Pd Vac It Holiday WAnalSulllYIME _ .,_._ 1020 Wood frame.xi couch $60. Responsible to p la n . ~--1 gnize and implemen Lunch 11·2P . Mon·Fta. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ eu1h1on couch s:;s. ams at the Tee Cloeed hoUdays. Ideal SCHWINN v 1 10 Btfl dinette $75. Two · T for student or houAewife . . .,, ly • ~ LR chairs '30 ea. tie,. wo years col 54S·5556. 9· 11 : 301\ M Sl>d. like new. 558·&e4S la> E. a'd lf.22. CM level work w /e m· i ·»tPM ' alter& Pll ' • in Recreation · · . , . Table saw. tee naile r. ~orrtJa llake tlto1e good Girl s Schwinn 10-apd, pick -up truc k. tent bout1bDkl items you're xlntcondllk>ft. SllO u-.tler, el«. drills. walk· DOC llllinl available to 644·~ In vu. all luoda ol casnp· -Cllberlamllyby ad· MemJOlpeedNi•h&lu •n• tear. bu1ldln1 '\llilililllliilil-lilll--llllililllf ~tbelllror .. le ia XIQlcon.d malerial1. 109. t •ore 't aa.mtd. Call 142-5678 1s1.-...... 221 It. lttb St. OM • - ____ _._,._ • • • Attention Bosses N111/01111/ Secret11rle1 IJ11y Is llpr112S.1919 · *~/~· < ,-I ~ --1 cJ ~ ~-~~ On Wednesday, Apri I 25. 1979, the DAILY publish a special page honoring Secretaries. PILOT will This is a unique way to give your secretary the recogni- tion and thanks she or he deserves. 1"\t•.-v '' ..... • ·,'''-' '(1,.t ? t •h'"" '"'Iii 4VCi,.. .. ,. V""-c y·~~ ~·.~~ti ;t1t.:1.e;.•:,,• b:;~ ~f\.V\:I ·'": -..,..w. :..·\t.o .,·.~. h1~ 1v..;.~l I I\\,.'\•.,,, ...... ,., ... ~ :... ·:r.·-:. ~·.Vo t ;,,~·~ :1\·.• '!\\t.t&..• ;,,\,>_.. \;"\' t-.\•.,J r.¥'''"" r.· .. -.·.v t•·,,,. 4 \• 'ft•.-·\· ;.,'<.\"'' ~'1 '-'! ~tA \\~ ~ ....... '~# ., .......... ~~ ..... ,,,~ This is the actual ad si ze. For best reproduction a clear black and white photo of any size can be used. Your message will accom· pany the picture as shown. If you choose not to publish ~ p ie· lure. fill the space with 'fou r message. Yes, for only $20.00. you can publicly thank your secretary before an audience of 350.000 readers. DAILY PILOT For more 1nformat1on and to place your ~ <:all 642;5678. Deadline for ~eservmg space is April 20th. . . . --. -..... ,. ···----·-........... .. . ' ,.. --• • • -• - -• ..--...... • -----•• -..._ • -• • r • • • ..,_ • • .,. • • • _. • • • r·~.,., -flJ • ~ • • r ...-• • • r r • .. • -. • ,. • • • • • • .-~· 4t 4" • • • • • ~ "'"' .. ' • , ~ • '1J•• tJI"'"!• .. c ... ...._' ,.... ....... ,....... ~·rW ' ... ......... I rt~ , ............ ll•••rW ....._ •11.W -••• ••• ••••••:............ •••••••• ......... __ " .. 'LY PILOT Sund1y Aprll 15 tt71 -.... AU -• HH••••••••H•••••HM HH••••H•••••••••••• • tJ•J ... !f!• •m. ~U!W ....... =.!;.!..!~~--------~;.;.:;;.,._o:.• ~-;.,;,,;,.;~· .-....... ••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 7J M2••• ._ t7.. 1' ti ., -• • t1•0 •7 ._.._ ' 0 --.. • ~ ...... -......... . 1., lrt.d ...... llllf lrild ......... I rfe4 0-. • ..... t7. ::x::"eeH•••H•••••••• •-•••HH•••••••••••• •H-••H••••••••••• llJG: Good c.d. ~· • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :.:............. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• v to 1971MBZllOS MUl l H ll ...... 7,,........ """ ~ ... c.,. t7 I I ..._ t120 19'78 •ZS •JM!. •frd t1te>r~o ._..Mew •79 "1 r&!{: !'h~. z!t~':nt: Very cleaa. iow m uea.' SrUPlllS · M2·W •• • · ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• = 1r••t11 co~ er u,.r. H~D & C ~9 50 Ev ea I w le o da "1·aGlor 511-3800 in ttock for immediate '18 Capri. lo ml. lltrH, l pmnl r.J• ~(• !111500 vn A Grs 133>JU7, .• adL auto a tope delivery! All colOrl: See ~~l ofrcr. 645 sooo * ·s * dn Ad now ownt'r lt\iV ...... ,,...., ....... t7ll lealher lftter .• air. tan . USbefore)'OUbuy I U\ll'OWllrY476!1126 T1Cll11M ....................... b rown . Xlnt cond. TODAY!!. o.e-9720 DISCOUMTID '79 aioz. Xlnt cot1<f. allrk. UNIVERSITY '75 RX3. new tlrlll 41 SlU OO. M2-8l48. ~ . • IMMEDlATE OF.LIVERY' ·~~;;;;~~·;~;;;;;~·· OM ,ARF. al t, n vw tlretJ. Ont.> Oldl•1lllM enatne. xlnt cond .• SUlOO Immaculate ·75 230: 4 cyl. · Datil.IA uaecS ran·· ~r 875 334_!_ .._. c... • GMC a:D-9809 4 door. wtutuedan. 22·25 1 ... • ... l!i\1/ .... 1• lo. lJAf'.llt-1 ---· .. SALIS. 58•"--• • AMDLIASI ... ~llUCTIOM rC»..W lt7t I S '15 Plcln1p, only UIK mi. Trwb Merce••hn t740 m l.per gal. S7800 . • ....... ~ 11hell. boot, aunrf. CU. 2850 Har bot Ulvd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 640-9881 P.P. d .. CO\TAMf\A 0 A T\UN 8 I I I •• ' '1 'I I I I I'• OVERSEAS DELIY!JlY EXPERTS • ' JZOl11 ~HARBOR RLVO 121r1 140-641014MZ I l ALS0133t' I nl llltf)Z. mc-lalht hlUl' IM S TOCIC I iru> mL Air. opd $118~:, Ca lodey w,. may Mt> 7738 h lhe pn• O'A nt'I ft )OU ar~ look1n tH D•l~u.nn Ro•iHht1·r r1 l,tl IC, s.1900 ·2040 ......... 7 16.1'.) -.I .. "Tl Dat un ~4UZ .11 r ullN'•I COUNTY "" ma~. m•w rubbt·r hit' OLDIST tt'ln.<>. z l~l' roch. s:·1~1 ..... 4.!MUW ~ ni :.10 Hbk ~ .. pd '"'. r n1 nt<Uo, hkl· n1•w "II\/ 11111 Mnrni. M~ 'HI I • Make Your Best Deal ComP1eted d •When S&lesman This A • Hand Your ee •Ifs AbSOIOoutel~ ~t completion •Must Be n Ot Sale Eitclud1ng 4x4·s & commercial Vehicles lt74DAnUN 710WA.OH W I t h 4 ll •' f' d tr•n m1" lun Wil l 'llt'T\rll'f\ for ONLY $2000 646-5867 •DATSUNS• LArp Wtctlofl OfAllModel1 '\ALP..~ U :ASINCi l 'AHTS St-:HVJC:I-. COSTA MESA DATSUN ~) HARHOH HI.VU 540.64 I 0 540-021 l # aooo. $202 ColuMesa S40>9640 '•8JSL.whl w/blkupht. ·11 MBZ 280E. sunroof. ~~ti::A ' IAILl•I ,. .77 280z. loi mll . well ._ 9710 air , stick . ca ss deek. As s u m e l ea1e o r 979 •2500 YOLYO , ••• , Ir"' Int ""'mpo, f\J'', sun· -.-• lal 000 ml, xlnt Sl3.900. purchase. P.P . 833·9246 l966 Harbor Blvd. • -,. "' ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ~ 075 COSTA MESA •1' ro(ll,M: ~--_ Mew 1'71 & lt7' 1 ·w2aJSE. good condition. Sa~ S000-19711 Spitfire. $ 646-tJOJ 540.t4'7'• 17 28UZ2+:t.bl.xlnleond. JA&UAIS '15~L.chocbrwn.wlre asldngl2500. yr warr . xlnt cond.1_:;,,.....:__: __ • __ ~ ~OOO ml. air. lll .. rllo XJ6L8.XJl2L& whls, 56.000 mi. m int 496-2792 s ter eo, P.P. 968·6364 OIAHGICOUMn• .• MW-t" 11. tait purp. S7800 & XJSCoupes oondl2l.OOO. 962·llB8 '73 280SE 4.5. Superb eves. VOLVO 1 • hrm 00 1331 MOfit ~ av11ilable for 1960 Ml% I tOSL cond. Green ext. white W '76: Clean. 26.000 mi. EXCLUSIVELY VOLVD '74200Z.i.lvr. immediatedellvery. 1 owner. California car. int. Must sell. BestOfrer Sunroof.$4700. Large11tVolvoDealur • AMlfo'M.m:i.i11.t:ave. nsTDllYIONE while. lln ltbr . 2 tops. 497-1260. 840-5813 m OrangeCounty: C11l19tl2MW TODAY!!! Must see to believe. '764.SOSL.sharplocalcar. Valbwt19"' t770 BUYor~AS£ H171 Oiilanm ~o Z. ''' ', .... 4 SN=W.CoaslHwy. perfect cond. musl sell ••••••••••••••••••••••• DIR~ ,'; AM >';>!. •Int ""'d G7 K ·-...:g:;,) :.:C::. = "'"'8" vw . Hoving trouble ,.u .• 'Ill---... ;;.""" ... ., .... ~~JS ·-·-··· ........ ~ .............. !?~~ ::!if.".' ~::J ;i.;7.~· J;.~ ~-i!l -j.!.J ......... _,__ ·71 MB250. 63K m1, 4·dr. Mew 1979 ~~~n~0~of=~~~t:~1~ 2025 S. Manchester , ~~~~1~Xd top cond. new Michelin MGs & MIDGETs 18711 Beach Blvd. Hunt· Anaheim 750 -201.1 : ' tires. $5000. 673·037S.... m stock for immediate ingtoo Beach · Ask for ..... 979-2500 delivery ' All colors! See Frank Marino or Tom Late ·77 Volvo. Xlnl ~it-'66 2505. 90'( restored. USbeforeyoubuy A1lun 15.000 ma. Luxury ,car. ·10. sunroof. tupe deck. $4800 or best offe r· TOD.&. y111 . bargain pnce. Mu:.t.;sell. 1mmut'ulate. $6000. 960-1006 A ••• Estat e Sale. 65 VW ~.64&7524eves. 673-0393 ---------111' _ __ Hatchback. 85K m1 Pvt --- '70 Mercedes 230 4 dr. lo ~~~ Sale located at 13140 ~el ·77 Volvo 244. 4·dr In Xlf!l People who need people m1 . xlnt cond. S4400 _. . ~ Monte Or. Seal Bch Call cond. sunroof. air. P'IS. s houldalways checkthc 837-6332 ~~-·-·•{ forappt. (2131598-4800 or aulo t rans . i.tereo Service Directory in the ,7JG•c: s•VER ....... ,_,__ 1714 t 494·4242, John cassette Please cull DAILY PILOT -"' Orrruston. Bids maalt.'<1 lo Chris . a t 979·6620 pr 28>. xlnt ·cond. in & out 2925 Harbor Blvd. E. Shupe 609 Sleepy 964·36.57 Pnce: J65()0644·9513. COSTA MESA Hallow Ln. Lag Reh. ------ ., # • ••••••••••••••••••••••• '"' aDDfl MAR9u1s MOTORS ·SA YS ••• 9~9-2500 9265l.Slh.l. Sale ends April ·77 Volvo 4 s p, 4 l·yl. 18k m 1, • 77 MG Midget. hke new. 11.000 ma. $3700 or best offer. 613-1426 : 832·2811 i8 VW Factory camper. 631-1559 ... 32K ma. lefl on wrnty. Autos. Uwd transfer rable. S36-7311 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ALLJGYGJASARECREAJED EQUAL .•• Bur ... WE'YE Gor YOUR SUPER DEAl WE'VE GOT THE PRICE AND THE ~~e_\SELECTION ..• THIS WEEKEND!! NEW '79 LONGBED ¥4 ION PICKUP ·64 Red MG. convertible. gd body. lh. r bll cng. Of· fer. 557.5037 '76 MG Midget . 43K m1. nds clean·up. m inor body work, mec hanica lly sound. Best offer. Npt 645-1749 ..:::....:~------.--GeMrd 9t0t i6 VW Convertible. Xlnl •••••••••••••••••••-••• cond. Best offer · mputer Lasting "'-• • 754·1765 Nctw9rk ·n VW Strroco: t4.000 orig. m1. Many xtras. Lake new. SS600. Call 848-9848 or 631-0091 AutoNet ·· Gel llslmgs at no oost Toll Free 71-11549·2977 .. ..,._. 9744 '75 Westphilla camper ful· Interested in buyit1g a ,._. ly equpt. Xlnt. cund car') Join w/people lllte ••••••••••••••••••••••• $5.500./besl offer. 507 yourself for volunre ..ant I 979 Orchid. CdM. 759· 1439. purchasing. >16~2..!._,_ _ MGls 7 1 Volvo 164. rbll eng. 1967 Olds Cutlass & lOOz More people buy the pwr slr, auto. air. new Ford AnRha &lh .nt!ed MGB convertible than radials. leather ant. work.548·8986.645-7359 any olher convertible' AM IFM + much more! .. .....,. 9905 . See US before you buy Very clean! $2300/offr ~ • TODAY!!! 9f.iG.t05S •••••••••••••·······~·· 111' . -~---------·61 Rambler Class ic Great ...,.er.,,., ·66 Sqrbk. new brakes. con d . "'1Km1 Cal l 8 ~ urcs Excell cond, both 546-6885 an 8p m . Take &1 • ._ .. _,.( running & hody $1900. &st Offl•r ........ ,..,.._..,, __ 550-2417 or646-5696 __ Buick ---9910 ·68 t-"astback. \"t'ry r lc"-n. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2925 11arborRlvd b t rr COSTA M 1-:.c;A SI 001) or l·!> o t' r ·72 Le Sabre auto. A/C. 497 2Hl6. _ _ l'·S. PIB . .i dr. 411.400 ma. 979-2500 ·-;4 Supt<r lll-N ll-, h p. lClnt S~51l0_&16·14~; cond r dt>f · lint i:la:.~ Xlnt 1:1 Bwck Regnl ~alwr v. '74 MG Ii. t'>.Cl•ll 41.000. $2750. 499-1056 tond . S2.6501orrc r hlk top Fullv e(Jutpt. ill 2148 s h a r p S 2 • ~ ~ 5 ·75 Scarocl'o, i\/C. 4 spd. l>l2~l ns ~ 11------ 1\,1\1/lo'M ster< . .oo, 40K mi. ·71 LeS<lbre <ldr '>cdan. /\·I Ope l GT. 1972. over · S3350 494-2671 rond. all extras. 1 .Dwr. hauled. good gas mi. VW '70 Bug. ~1~:v_:~ $2600. Call 546-4147 • Sl4SO ·73 Bwck 1-:1ectra 1.-td.' 4 Pe.geot 9748 644-4700 dr. r1pwr. new tarci.. xln'l ••••••••••••••••••••••• "73Soper Bug. Mag!., aar. C'Ofl<I Sl500 Dys 581-7000: PEUGEOT SALES, SERVICE AND LEASING OVEUSF:AS DELIVERY AVAILABLE AM1i'~M . Super Sharp C\:.586·1298 S2200. Mark. 536-21~---'1J CENTURY ·66 vw. runs gn·at. CUSTOM WAGO ... S900 firm. In i.alver. "1th contrast 751 21'13 afkr 12 noon IOI-! red anterio r . roof ~""tfi()()('c. !>l legal. roll rack. i\~l 1 nt stc rro. tall Meeran)t v. h1·1•I The BEACH IMPORTS cagt'. 2 top:.. bus tra m • .sx pcriect car ror that val' a It· $1500. 675· 767ti or uon tnp C433RY Al 848 Dove Slreet ~l $4650 NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 1976 S1rorro. xlnt. nr1 g 540-5630 owner. SJ800 675·3:W2 PoncM 97SO ·63 vw Safari Sunroof ••••••••••••••••••••••• bus: t oor;. rebuilt. ·10 9115 blk/blk. 5.spd . restored. Offer. Mint 2626 HARBOR BLVD. konas. alloys. AMt i"M 1-496-2661 COSTA MESA cass. air. whale tale . ...:._:.:..:....:..:...:. ________ ..=:..;~~;_.;..;.;..;;;;..;; __ cocos. 2 bras. 2 xt ra al· iJ Westphalia Pop Top .. 76 Ravena 39K mi. 1011 XSOX & SOX • LINCOLN· MERCURY '74 PINTO OUR PRICE Hilux model 7591 white. heavy duty, undercoat. 4 speed transmission. Ser. 024529. loys. compl. records, 30K Camp Mobile . Very S3.800 on rblt. 200h p , of· clean.New sodiumfllled 9&1·3058 rer/OBO. Dys 838·2982, valves. $3300. Ca 1 1 1-------~:..:_.;.;_--:11~­ eves63l·S335 546-9076 Mis WAGON Auto trans . air. luggage ra ck ~OfS OF ROOM1 (Ltc 08'1 VNFJ .... '73 DATSUN 1200 SEDAN Auto trans & air A RARE FINDll (Ltc. 608 JFA) '74 DODGE DART Aulo. trans . air & 11iny1 roof BUV IT TODAY' (Ser 228~86) '75 FORD EUTf Auto trans .• air. p/str . radio, heater. vinyl root. EXTRA NICE INSIDE & OUT! (Ltc 337 MFWI. 'n MUSTANG II Auto. trans.. radio. heater. FORD'S HOT ONE!! (Lac 266 TPS). OUR PRICE OUR PRICE OUR PRICE OUR PRICE -·· BIG SELECTION OF NEW 1979 . -... -,._ .................................. . ---~ -;;:==i YOLYOSI NEW '79 VOLVO 58426 Model 2 .. A Green. 4 cylinder. 4 door. automatic. air cond., accent. CX146. special wheels. Ser. J420265. '719115, blk on blk. s .spd. ·71 Super Beetle. lClnt •••••••••••••••••~•:• kon1s. a n sa. a llo ys, cond. AM /FM s tNeo fit •:• AM /FM, rbll en~. trans. $1650. 552-6458 :: : fuel 1n j . $8500/0BO. ,. • 552-3308, 2131728·1973 '78 VW Bus. AM /FM ••• :~·-, wkdys. stereo Blauplunk. s un· rool. air. 4 spd. lo males. ·18 Porsche 924. red. no;. S8500. 17141 679-6402 sume lease, fully loaded, auto. 731·M9afl 5. ·75 VW Scarocco, musl sell. l owne r . s li c k . 'TIV2 924. Blk/Blk. A/C . yellow. AM /FM t ape. Snrf . alloys. AM /FM $3600f1rm.540·9497btwn stereo eass. All xtras 4.sPM No/Own. TIO lse . 8·6.1...:...:..:__· ------ 973-2077. aft 6, 675-3836. ·66 Squareback. Runs good. Econom ical. $650. 1975 914 . Blk. mags. 497-4234 AM/FM 8-lrk. Xtras . ___ ..:.:...____;.. ___ _ Xlnt cond. Bs l o r r . ·11 VW camper. Good 499-3712 cond. Stove. fng & bed. Recent rbll motor . $2200. • Orange Cowdy's • SdcM ado Center • PURCHASE OR LEASE YOUR NEW 1979 CADILLAC NOW! • . > . : . ·: 615-0789. . .. . . LEASE/IUY • .. '769l2E0range ·77 VW Bus. xlnt cond, NABERS·: .. -nguSCpe. Green mll'lt sell. SSOOO. 494 0623 ·7~~-T!~ ~~opw.n 75 Sc1rocco s un roo f. ~~:. s;auwno ,,_._'"' stereo. X·cond.. $3400/ - Call Dave Haney ofr. ~ ·" For Appointment ·n 7.passgr bus. $5700. lo um ~rl>ot Blvd.• : : .~~~(7~l~4~1~6~4~2~~~l~6~6~ mi. sunrf, lanl windws., !!C!()S(!!e1 !Mes.\.!!!S4().!!!!!9!100!!!!!!!!~·~: 631-4933 ~ .. · .. °74 911 Targa. Xlnt cond. '63 vw VAN camperited. ·10 El Dor ado lmmae .. 45 ,000 m i. $12,850. No eng. Fa'ir cond. $375. cond. One owner . Aft.~ 67s.82!M/673-3095. 631·2982. Please C811586·7'1M .. lallloyce 9756 '63 V.W. VAN Converted •72 El Dorado Convert!: ••••••••••••••••••••••• to Pickup. Nds work. ble. Russet ext. W/bo'!,' "1 DEALER IN U.S.A. 1295. 631·2992 leather lnt. Every op1; Xlnt cond. SS.000/Bs\. IOY '67 BUG. No Eng. Very· Ofr. 645-3269 eves. , ; • CARVER ~ r us ty. Meeha n . ~ ROUS·ROYCE 631.29ezl.ooks gd. S295. ~~e~~~~~ ~:>dl• ,,. ... ...._.. uon • 497·2362 eves. anct ''----'=' .. •'" '71 VW Bus, homem ade wetttenda.Oneow1)fr. •• camper. rblt eng . nds 1-=:::=:::.;...:.;.;.;;_:_~;__~ ClOSfO SUNDAYS s 0 me • 0 r ll • $13 0 0. '7l Coupe De Ville. Ortg .:c Sil Cloud l 661.-owner. xlnt cond. ~179S~ ·~ ver L.::<2:::l3::.)..:.S82:.:....:·1;_726:..:....:e_v_es_ ..... • _.,_·. S19.ooo 14412Sta. wan. tns total. , _____ _:985-4;.;:..~1;....44_-:-::-:-:~I AU ruamiftl gear in ex· ·72 El Dor1do cOdvert~ t760 cell. cone[ Must sell. Super clean. Onty f'·$0!· S'mlbesl. 673-1134 714/483-6222. . SAAi SALIS. SHVICE AHDLIASIMG '71CLEARANCE NOWIN PROGRESS! llACH IMfOITS 841 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 711.otOO --.... '74 Coupe DeVIUe . 68.09( ---00-v•o•u___ m1. rree Aas 11t 1.ooo ~l new "19 Sliver bh• 1-i OrrERASERVICE? ueint. tires. shoe~ e\t: Ld I.be publ.lc know with Ilea gas. PP, ,,.~·~ .n lld ln Lbe Dei_, Pilot $39195. (213> 08·60ip Service Directory. It can Ulna Bch · •: cell Y'O'I u UtUe aa 11.77 "' per dlJ For more in· Tl SeVllle. brwn. 33,()11 1~ and complete ml, Uke new, AC. Cl; ...._call MH171. tape, lllchelida, SlO.OCf: ..-eves !• • ..... .... , • • C O NNlt 1 HfYltchf' .. "' '>H I JO\J '77 CDV· d t:lt-tcanco. 2&21 HARIOA BLVD. l .oadad. 29.000 M It. ---COSTA M·s· 1977 POID IAMCHllO Automatic. u1r c.'o n(I , pwr 1h•t1rlng, pwr. b r a k e 1 fr r u 1l 1 11 • 00014061 lt'tk 1'3677'f I blU\'. Xlnt cond On --------1 ---1> "' <>wnf'r llUOO 4!H 9876 ~--~ '66 d C:Cln\."(lrt, rt-dlwhl ~) 'f'd .... htoad\urnl'r, xlnl t'untl 1 • ---7 ~ _moo 8.1()~ I 'iJ£K '1' SIYIU.1 toO S.. C.... Hwy. In 1>lh••r with malchln11 ...... .._. 1"4\hr tnlt'rlor, 1 4'4-1 tl I ~11uru1 au1omob1I r.f~•-..rol>llOn C~P Pl.1 9tU ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 C«v 4 apd. n\'w Un•11, wirt Whla. .irubt ronl.I .00 644 ... 760 "73 Vt1. r'"trn puuu. nl'w tJrC", ~hgrp S7500 073 4037 $4771 TIHOOORf RO BINS FORD ;t1(.t1 ttAlllll>N Ill VO ll 1'14 Ml'" b-1 J 0010 , S7ttS 540.5130 7.t Mont.-, nt••· 1·n11. full c:.c..,.-ttJJ l~T /\ C', bm • 11n lnl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~ fo'OrdStn W1-:n 2Ut HAAllOR BLVD. COSTA MESA "'19 £1(Jor•do, 2500 II) I !I Un rf, ~m llrt.',, 1,111 l~U.tp mm~St·ll• 7~ 77112 i8 Sev'tllt>. lo m1, •ll'fl'• '*· crwse. red p~ r sea~. & mort' ~9 ~7 or fl98.9006 &tOt> li31-4$l SI~ ·n C~AI Good~~3~s.wo In hum~twod brown with --- IOl"9-T ..... _CAA•Al..U ... -c--.1 rontra<1llna t a n and ''ro 1-:Utf 2 dcxir, h.>acfrd brown ante r I o r 23.00U m i. A t rood F.qUippt)d ~1th /\M /FM Below wholt•.!>all• i.h'rro aod air cond1tton flW.8064 tni; ofMUr t.l' llOIMTNI S4Z50 540-5130 '71 f'ord Torino V pai.:. ~Ull Need:. t-n" ~ork fttake olr. $.56.~. For Sale · 1971 Ford Galaxie ·Highest offer or 2&21 HARBOR BLVD. trade ~ 1011 \~0\ & so,· • l IN< Ol N Ml Ill Ul4Y 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '7H Z ~ph e r Z7 : Im · 1naculate! For s ale. trttd~· or assume m y lease Low m1. Xlnl cond. Owne r des perate ~ ------ '78WHYR COUPE In gleaming s ilver with re d velour interior. Automatic. air cond1t1on mg, llnd ll thrift y G l:yl1nde r e n g ine 1223VOW > $4995 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN·MERCURY 1011\SO" & SO\' • LINCOLN ·MERCURY '770LDS W.AGON For that summer vaca· 2626 HARBOR BLVD uon. T an w1lh tan vinyl COSTA MESA int.enor. 1nd1v1dual front Convt Firebird ls l vr seats . Tilt s te ering l967. New tires. pnl. wheel, AM/FM 8-track. brts. xJnt cond. FM cass rooC rack. powe r steering S l 8 O O / b s l o f r . 11 ._.. c ... tw Dri•• COSTA MESA U.C• 9945 2626 HARBOR BLVD. '79COUPE DE VILl.fo: ~7~cy;-A-;a. iOCougarGood cond ••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA and braksss~~Fv > Evs/wknds. 2131437 .44~ FUiiy eqwppt'd Ai.i.um.. 761-7222 $800 1974 Unc. t;ont Mork IV. paymtinl.S. <.:all 642 ~3&1 ---------548·6602eves, classic cond .. best offer NOW1 Ask for Dave. ----<LRDlll 1 '7ti Malt bu W1:n 35K m1. •75 COUGA_lt__ lo mi. 842·6234 842·8055 _ -------.. •I Xlnt. rum! S3.800 or l'll'bl I n art·t1c white "'1th '73 Ltnroln t:cinttncntJI ---· • ----olrer 962 ixi70 mntchin).? what(' anterior Town Cou~ Xlnt cond. C.sMo 9917 and rl>d rar""trn" Tilt Lo mtl('81({' 548·425ii ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·7!1 Montc l':irlo. fully "'" .. '77 Ch"'VY Camaro 111 l'Qutp Uni) tWOO mi i.te<'nng whet>I. AM 1 f'~I u--urv 9 950 " · T k 1 stereo. a perfe(1 ladies' ,...."_ r nu's, P/S, p B, AM )o'l\1 a e. over t'XMI? l'JSc. <'Jr! t053RZEI ••••••••••••••••••••••• cass .. stlvt'r blut• in rot 556 7687 aft 6 pm $4250 '76 MARQUIS or. ai;ktni: S4500 Cull '75 No\'a lltchbk. nl'l'<1s 540-5430 lltOUGHAM 497·2903 + afl 5pm & hllml' work. A C. P S. Coupe in blue with blue wknds.__ $1500 ofr 675 350-1 leather a nd cloth in· '7S L '!'. loaded. u 1 r . '68 Malibu MaRl>. air. AMI FM s tereo. 8 trk. n<.'t.'(i<; bod~ work Depen· 2626 HARBOR BLVD new ttrP!., xlnt f'Ond dable t ran:.portat1on. COSTA MESA . 842-8427 $1000 S475 tw7 .4528 ·n Camaro ml.'l pwdr -----• Dodgt 9'35 blu f 11 ,:,.. ns.A f' S Leisure World cars loo ••••••••••••••••••••••• t.enor. Every conceiva. ble option for your com fort. (58S232) $3995 540-5630 '79ZEPHYR VILLAGER WAGON Blue with blue vinyl in tenor. till :.lt'crtng wheel. air, 11utomallc, AM FM cassette stereo All lhls plus a 6 cylinder engine. with only ;so ouJes. 17312) $6725 540-5630 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN ·MERCURY 540.5530 Convertible. 1968 Ftr£>b1rd 400 Must SP{• Good 10 vestment. S30001 bs l ot r 963-9286. 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LtNCOL~·MERCURY 2626 HARBOR Bl VD '70 GTO. Ol'W motor & COSTA MESA trans. new tires. 1'1S. PIB. S1700 or besl offt'r '78 Cutlass. stereo tape. AC. P /W, p , B. :.pl1I scat:.. lo mt. tit whl. economy 8-16·7648 or 559·5487 673-0754. ·74 F1reb1rd Ftne cond. Sell or trade for compact auto. 968-4092 or 968·9608 62 Pontiac Te mpest. '64 Olds, excell cond. needs work. 4 nl·W tires P/S, A tC, good tires. St99or best 846·0329 S600/best offer 631 ·5833 --- l'Wo 9957 2626 HARBOR BLVD. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '76 F1rebird. xlnt cond. 43.000 mt. ask•~ S4700 biJ.7825 COSTA MESA 1976 Runabout, 15,000 m1 . 6 cyl. auto. ra dials . :.t u 1y ",wpt"''"' · ~ood to 1unk ·12 Monte ..,., w . Pi n, A C, crwse contro l. Carlo .70 Impala 2dr & " Aspen afion . auto.. MllshlncJ 9952 ~~ p~:fkco:t010 w~· '64 l~pala 4dr. All com· e.'~fe',!;.a~l: ~~r~~\~~', 2626 HARBOR BLVD ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1011 \SO\ & SO\ • l INCOL N ·MERCURY beaut.S2695.S36·2123 Regular Gas. 1974 Square wagon. FM /AM. air. standard trans. 495·1469. Sl.500 '76 TRANS-A M 400. 1\ T. air. AM t f':'ll tape. wide u res and wheels. chro me headers, orange in color. cOlda. CZ810041 SSSOO/of· fer S52·S442 Must st't' to a pprecrnte. pletely equipped. SSOO luggage rack. 963·2160 · GAS SAVER '74 Mustang Best offer 2131592·5300 each. 646·7201 · COSTA MESA II Ghia. AM t FM cass. 592-3445. 536-6974. · Chrysler 9925 One owner. '72 Dart. Reg ORANGE COUNTY'S air. vinyl roof. sunrf. 4 --••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ac;, radials. A/C, cass. NEWEST spd, clean. S26SO. 645·~ Plymouth 9960 '76 Pontiac Sunbird. re· d /orange. S2995. ta n tn· Lerior. Afte r GPM ·:~;.~~~00:.1~8~~8,;,! '75 CORDOBA ~~7s~. s pkrs. Sl 575· LINCOLN-MERCURY an off<or I can't refuse Rk h brown metallic with ---------DEALERSHIP 646-10.Sl matching tan interior. '72 Dodge Colt Stn. Wgn. RA y FLADEBOE AM /FM 8·track for your Xlnt condition. $1200. UNCOLN·M ERCU Ry ·79 Bcrlinclla !JOO m1 Loaded 673-0033 or H4•1-4H39 Ii s ten in g p I e as u re . S48·2045or 548·1706 lfH8Auto Center or. <532NIJ > $3995 ·n Colt: Xlnt cond. reblt SOf'wy·Lakc fo'orest exit cng. new brakes, all re· IRVINE 540-5630 ceipts. Sl500oroffer. Call 830.7000 ·75 Camero Outs1and1ni.: rood Lotmilage. 54.600. 5S1-9806 or 646·3610 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN ·M ERCURY aft. 6 962·5834 '76 Dart Spec Edition . Clw.,.. 992 2626 HARBOR BLVD. Air. auto trans. P IS. •••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA :.::~· ~~:~ int. xlnt i i El Camino SS454, xlnt .---------------- rood. \'ery lo m1 . AIC. 69 Town & Country '70Coronet. 42,000 m1 PS, PB, PS.AM F!\1 ll lrk in wagon Air. power. ex· 1'8. n r nC'w l1res dash. cstm body & paint Lrai. Immaculate fom tl) S600 bst ofr. 640·7843 2 sets or whN•ls. l1 1gh transportnt1on Ac;krnj! eve:,. perf sui.pens1on Must SllXXl makeofr 546·L238 --------- see 10 apprcc1att• C:all r--...:. -"al 9930 foord 9940 5J6i..2785 53&8405 '-'4111thlf1Cffi ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73MOMTEGO W.AGOM In medium green with medium gr<'<'n mtenor. a well cu r ed fur automobile lhal mus t be 5Ca'I lo be appreciated Air condit tone d . of course. ( 1.38FZ R I 540-SS30 · ~··•••••••••••••••••••• BeaulJful· ·16 Ford LTD 4 "75 M Crlo landau 43, 71 Mark Ill Xlnl cond. dr. spee1al 2 tone blue. 2•26 H"'RBOR BLVD. mi. l'cono m1cal. a ll S2.9950.R 0 L\' msi.: AC.AT. PS, PB, PW, PL, u ~ 1011\SO\ & SO\ • t INCOl N ·MERC.URY xtras Pr ply 975 1120 ~ 1528 v 1 n y I top, A M / F 1\1 COST A MESA Alltos u-;.d Autos, UHd st~reo, tinted ~l ass. Alltos UHd ••••• :••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l\'Uchebns. 644·7108 •••••.'••••••••••••••••• I ~El> l ... ,. I> saggg . '78 PINTOS s3450 Manager Specials '78 FAIRMONTS · '78 ZEPHYRS '78 LTD ll's '78 T-BIRDS s3999 s4399 s5399 -·. •' Above four models reduced thru April 15 '78 PINTO WAGS s3750 '78 MUSTANG ll 's s4299 '78 GRANADAS Many Dl~tr Mo~tls Av1ll1bl1 12 MONTH-12,000 MILE LIMITED POWER TRAIN WARRANTY With air-conditioning. aµtomatic transmission. power steering and brakes. radio, radials and more avai lable on most models. Hertz headlines two or the 1D06t popular cars this mont.b and prices the m to sell. Like all ijerti late model u.sed cars. they're specially selected from among the finer cars in the Hertz R ental Fleet. Each with its own ser vice/maintenance record that you can check before you buy. P lus the ramous Hertz Goast·to-Coasl U m lled Power Tram Warr anty. 'For 12 monl.M or 12,000 miles c whichever comes first > Hertz will repajr or replace any d erective part in the engine, transmission, drive shaft and dl(ferent.lal al its expense. Ask ror run details wbea JOU It.op la to teet-drlve u.e Herb April • Helldlta. ot ,_, cbolee. :.:': fl9 ._ • *"' V• Car,.. u• -,..._. ll ..,_.. ......................... ,.. ... _ .......... IOSAllBIS l .. •Aat mlDA .., ........ 23~ lm.sleldt 8IYO. ta40 Aeledl Bl. 'AJILA·1':11 2'3/ • 1278 213/706·1784 . m•· PAsu.A --PALM SPlllGS W E. Ccllwldo 41f1 ~Aw. 21'4•).._Ave. • IUJJW_.M ft31141-0M1 7M&2• WI DIGO 1356·1111 AW. 714f2'3·11M --221 W.1Caltfla 7141771·4050 oeffAltO "A=Ntl· 7'4 ·0110 ' Ml uu usm IUll<f fO AYAKAllUn - 10 O f ll fl ltl(Mf <A•. COMlll H Wlfl WI ,.._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '68: Clean. am/fm 8 lrack. '7 I PLYMOUTH 642-4296 Xlnl cond. Sl600. 831·123 1 FUR! 2 DOOR 1111----... -rbi-rd---9-9-7-0 Automatic,. air cond .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·72 Mustang ale. stereo. runs fine. Body O.K. $1,800. 675·3357. AM IFM. vinyl top, pwr. M Sell' N d k steering & only 55.500 ust . o own. ta e LOW miles. t557CZN 1. o~er lease. or buy out· 1Stk. 1031Al. n ght. Loaded ~/xtras. '6.S Fastback, 289 w /3 s pd, moving must sell. $1485/bst ofr 673-0012 $1978 Immaculate. Will con· sider T r ade·ln. P .P . 731-7129 THEODORE '66 289. Auto, orig, very clean throughout. $2100. 499-2825 ROBINS FORD 20b0 HARBOR BLVD cosrA MESA b42 0010 U you want your advert is· Ing message to reach more people at lower bi Fastback. Restored. cost, Classified is the rebwlt 289. l mmac Best way to go! C<ill Now' offer Muslsell' 496·7740 Want Ads Call642·S678 642·5678 ~-------~ Autos. N•w 9IOO Aldos. M•w 9100 AMtos. H•w 9800 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOOKING FOR GAS MILEAGE? YOU'LL FIND 1 EM RIGHT HERE! GOOD. SOLID, MADE IN U.S.A. CARS. GREAT ECONOMY CARS! GIVING YOU .•• • Great Gas Mileage • Performance •Comfort •Low Maintenance • High Trade-in Value ALL THE GOOD ONES ARE A VAILAILE RIGHT HERE CMOOSI PIOM AIBllD, alAMO NIX, U MAMS, AND SUMlllDS. ALA• MAl•O• POllllAC 2410Habwlelle•wcl Costa Mesa . .. ""' 14f·4300 Over 100 to choose from but HURRY .• These cars won't last ¥"These Prices •74 FOaD LTD 4 -· This car is extra clean WAS •zns inside & out• Solid tran s portat1ont NOW ON SALE 1797KRK) •2222 •7e D"TSIJN •ONIE'WBIEIE w 1 t h 4 a P e e d w AS •zs.S transmission and less 1nan 39,000 mites • NOW OP4 8~ Economy PL US! '2444 (4t9RFO) With wire wheels . This sports car Is extra clean lhruoutl (4SOLXN) '77 DATSIJN m1e2 De0a ' W • t n 4 s p e e d 1t' AS 13995 t ransmission & 1n LIKE NEW cond1t1on NOW ON SALE 1nruout1 (710VBBI 13444 '78 PONTl"C LIE M~ Automa11c trans .. pwr. 1t' AS •4 .. steering & brakes. air cond. & LOW 1 owner NOW ON SA)$ mites. C553NtM). '3888 '78 CBEVBOLIET NOV°' Automahc trans .. pwr. steering & brakes. air cond & less than 2 3 .000 mit es l824POR) WAS••-. NOW ON SALE •3888 8 "Mf'llORNl:T SPOaT"- Automat1c lrans .. pwr. 1t' AS '44M stMrring & brakes. air. NOW ON s.a.• ... cond & tess than ,._, 25.0 00 mites so..aA.a (66(}qKSI deGG V6. a ir c ond .• automatic trans .. pwr steering & brakes and exl ra ctean thruou1 (745POEJ 0 78 T•llJ MPB S PITFlllE Th is sports ca'r has WAS •5995 less than 12.000 miles NO•' ON SALE an d o verdriv e w ( 151VFZ). ,5555 '77 B tJICK IELECl'llA Tt11s coupe is e>etra clean ll'lfuout & has less than 25.000 miles (514TP0) WAS .... 95 NOW ON SALE . •sw ·7a MGB CONVIEaTl•LE Another s ports car with LOW mites - also has a 4 speed trans (470WMll WAS9M9S NOW ON SALE •5999 77 C"DILLAC <:OlJPt; DE \'ILL This luxury car has all of the deluxe options & LOW 1 owner miles. (099RYY). WAS'•N NOW ON SALE '7888 '78 D"TSIJN 289Z <:OIJPE With 4 speed trans.. 1t' AS 'M9S air cond., s unroof & NO., ON SALE wire wheels. (2732). w ·-./Our Guarantee ./Our ReconditioninB ./Our People "Nke l'..,,M To D• a .. u.e,. IF'~~ SAtSS. SERJllCE -tEASINC 0...,.,. C...,,.\ • , ......... 979-2500 . ---------~-._. .--··~..--·-··---·-. 'f\,.., " .................. ·---·· ••••• ' .. f;J8 DAILY PILOT Sunc!!y. Al>!ll 15, t!?f '~e __ ~UrJ>rise ~ar o~ The Year'' . At The ''Su1·prise Price Of The Year1l Here Now • • • · '.ll~ ·::) At Orange County's #1 Buick Dealership ~:.1 oner I I u~kin YOl!CAN ' BUY ONE FOR ONLY ••• Not.Just One At This Low Priee, We Don't Think You Have To Spend 88.,000, $9?000 or SI0,000 To Own One Of The Most Popular Cars Bat Many To Choose Fro mt Sold In California Today! BUICK . ftU/\LITY ••• GM ECO NO '.ti, .•.• . -.__. . .. . : . . \ ·~ -... ., . :~'tlERICAN EGA L '79 Lt:xunY ••. ALL IN ONE SPECIAL CAR ••• R . HERE'S THREE EASY WAYS TO BUY CASH $ .799 C ECK IT- HOP IT- COMPARE IT! SMALL TERMS DOWN PAYMENT '295~~-• $160.06 per month for 48 months: with ·$295 down. 13.10 APR. Deferred payment price 1s $7977.88: on approved credit. '10993Mo. $109.93 per month for 48 months; with 1/J down $2062.81 . Combination cash or trade. 11 .83 APR. Deferred payment price 1s $7339.45: on approved credit. · We're a quality business and you'll like our.people. Our price includes everything shown except tax, license, and a $20 documentary fee. DON'T MISS THIS SALE ... FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY · O~n 'TiD JO P.M. Mo11.-Sot. · . , f~ C'"""H's .r Yes...Open Every Su11doy TiB 5 P.M. .... ~# • ~f Hvide Denier 3 blockJ So11tll of Ille HARBOR 8l. VD. /SAN DIEGO FREEWAY San Diego Freeway A division of Bouer Motors. 2925 HARBOR BL VD., aJSTA MESA 979-2fl(X) of>e/.Joguor·TriumphMG. . ·: All makes, models and colors ~ ~- Classified Auto Advertising ~ 642-5678 ~~ in the DAILY PILOT •• .. ·. --• •• • ...... •• .,_ __ ..,.....,.. __ --# _. M , -• , • .I I, .•. _.....,.,_,.."""@I ..... -· ~ -·--·-2JCQ.~, ,j 4W Supplement to Daily Pilot, April 15. 1979 and Coast LIFE, Aprtl 18, 1979 . .:. his Land is Yaur Land ... Preserve It, Enjay It, lnirest In It Private Property Week April 15 to 21, 1979 · REALTOR. Newpoli Harbor -Costa Mesa Board of Realtors and the . ....; .......... _ -. ~ ;,;I. J I ... -r I ,. \ ! • " -& ... 2 PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK -Supplement to Daily Pilot, April 15, 1979 and Coast LIFE April 18, 1979 Single-Family Homes Realty Investments Stay Ahead of Inf lat ion • • ) Mention of "investments " conjures 1:JP visions of things such as stocks a nd bonds in the minds of many people. These are fairly sophisticated forms of investment. Some people feel in vestments, because of complexity. cost or other fac tors, a re beyond their r each or are too risky. Last year, however, some 5 million Americans -. many without realizing it ··-placed their money in an investment which has outperformed savings accounts, common stocks and corporate bonds over the past decade. Wh at wise investment did these 5 million people make'! The y bought a single.family home, said Virginia Cieck, president of the Newport Harbor-Costa Me sa Board of Rea ltors. "Between 1967 a nd 1977 a . • (~ ~ • .. • • • period wh en the nation ex· perienced its worst inflation during the past 50 years single-family homes were one of the few assets which kept ahead of inflation," she sajd. in 1967 was worth $1.23 in 1977. cent declined seven cents In only SS cents in 1977. • Corporate bonds also kept pace, value. Common stocks were Because homes have pro-• Bonds Gain Value On the average, a dollar in· vested in a single-family home gaining 18 cents in value. worth 20 cents less in tm that vided unparalleled protection • Other personal investments 10 years previously and dollars against inflation in recent . • did not fare as well. held as cash lost 45 cents in years. more people have been Each dollar invested in a sav· value. looking at the single-family ings account yielding 5.25 per· Each dollar in 1967 was worth home as an investment. ~--------------------~----------------------------------------------------------~------~ . f<um,o/J .flall'l~nl.i 213 MARINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND 675-4822 .. , SAi ES, RENTAL~ & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . . DOLORES ROBERTS • m•c1 • MONJAtlllMBOLD -----------~ NEWPORT BEACH ~ PRIME LOCATION • Newer duplex; .upper large 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath. • fireplace, Ocean view from Deck. Lower large 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath, fireplace, 2 Patios plus 3 car Garage. . $239,500. • a.a-c•r,..,~LAREltlONT •7s-an• ~ 30 New Units aU"2 Bedroom, 21/2 Bath. Super location ~ near Grtswolds. P.rlme rental area. $2,000,000 • a.ri .. c .. ~r a1s-a11• ~ . RIALTO ~ In San Bernardino County 10 Acres unimproved Land. • · A Builder's Delight. Exchange for Commercial build~ ... Ing. An Area that is really booming. $145,000 0111 C'.,...•f P~l•tf• 87S-a 17e. BALBOA-NEWPORT REALTY 418·U.••·~· N•• .... llleae•~~A. • ...S (714) ., .... ,. We specialize In Prime Resort Rentals.Sales and Service . We are here to help, please give us a try . ..J ·-JI.. LIDO. -< H'l If'. ~ On Lido super clean 1 Bedroom Mobile Home. nea Private Beach, monthly rent 1210.00 per f8!nth. Ask Ing ID ,500 : · • ...,, a.11...,..._,.... e1s.e1 • •• •• • C1N Supplement to Daily Pilot. April 15. 1979 and Coast LIFE, April 18, 1979 -PRIVATE PROPERlY WEEK 3 Rallying Realtors Support Principles of Freedom •'Get into politics. or get out of business" is the rallying cry of Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors political af- rairs committee. Headed by Realtor Diane Pat· tison.,the group supports issues a nd candidates who subscribe to American principles of in· dividual freedom and private e nterprise through members· voluntary contributions to board political action fund s. Petitions Filled Local signature gathering ef · forts on the Paul Gann "Spirit o f 23 ·· initi ative were spea rheaded b y Realtors Virginia Cieck and Paul Franklin aided by area volun- teer Realtors Lyma n Faulkner. Don Bull and Emmett Smith and more than 300 me mbers. With a goal of a petition filled eac h. m o re than 3 ,000 signatures were sent to the state committee. City council, planning com· mission and school board meet- ings are monitored by volunteer activists. Newport Beach Cou n· cit may see Olive Wiggenhorn. Art Giovinetti, or Suzanne Rudd and Costa Mesa Paula Strong. Joan Lively watches Newport Mesa School District meeting5 where Realtor-associate Betty Bailey is a trustee. Donations Received More than $20,000 has been raised during the past four years. she notes. Donations follow four chan· nels : BORPAC Committee, can· didate funding, Issues Mobiliza- tion Action Fund, <IMPAC>. ballot issues; California Real Estate Political Action Commit· tee, <CREPAC). state office races Realtors Political Action Committee, 1 RPAC ), and federal office seekers. Donors to the latter commit- tee make a voluntary contribu- tion of $99 annually which is forwarded to the Realtors Na- tional Legislative group in Washington, D.C. Committees Realtor Charles Brown sits on the citizens e n vironmental quality control committee, Hal Pinchin on citizens litter control advisory and tra ns portation planning a long with Charles Hir sch , tran s portation . Faulkner goes one step farther, (See REAL TORS on page 14) We have served the Community since 1965, NOW you get the double benefit of a large organization plus the personal attention of local expert representatives. •HOMES • INVESTMENTS • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • APPRAISAU> 642-5200 • m )H I 111 11\.'i'lO . -...~, .... l .... ,n_ rl•"m "ttbs 'kesfttirf drive." Newport Beach, C.1lifomla 9'166() w. llwrw1t •••• ""'" '~""" OWJlf'd -opmlf'd " \ \ a.1. • Sim.•e 1965 •--1C\ al'\ '"''l \. ' We, at Safeco Title Support Private Property Week!!! TODAY ••• Safeco Title Will Continue To .Support Real Estate With The Pink Pcmlher •••••••••••• Buy Real Estate Today!!! YOU'LL• INTHIPINIC We Want To Help Assure That The A•rlc• Dremn of Home Ownership Uves On In Ow Great NalluiL The Alllerlc• Drea111 It May Never le Easler 4 PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK -Supplement to Daily Pilot. April 15. 1979 and Coast LIFE. April 18. 1979 CJN ~ Handling complaints for the "'------Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa----...,,, Board of . Realtors is om - budsman, George Williamson . ~. CIOClta II.AL ISTATI. IMC. 621 w. ,,.. sn.t c .... Ml-. c ... t2'27 642-5062 Anita NorthroP is 1 grllduate of New York Unlvenity. New York City, with I degree 1n bueiness 8dmlnittrlltion. Has been In Real Eatate for about 14 years. I enJoy the real estate business because ii brings me closer to people's needs. and II gives me the owortunity to work with persona of all walks of life. Meeting their needs Is one of my greatest salls factions. 11 is a great challenge to train SALES PEOPLE AND SHARE THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS. I WANT TO TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO THANK MY CLIENTS AND MY STAFF F0A MAKING ALL THIS POSSIBl.E. PRESBVI & PROTECT ~LL WI HAVE Clem Doyle Chris Arger Giibert Rinkler YOianda Doyle Dorothy C.Otllle CMatina Rinkler Ctlris Teregia &imir KhoufY Evelyn Sherwood PhOebe Anderson Betty Willemsen •• 11111• , ..... s..t.Amc.c.111t.HO. ......•. , .... ..a ...... ,. I ........... ~a ...... , 111c-. ...... ,~s1n.111 . ................. Code of Ethics Governs Realtors' Transactions The Newport Harbor·Costa Mesa Board of Realtors offers a unique service to the public and to its members under George W. Williamson, ombudsman. "Uncle George," as he is af· f ectionately known. to members and staff. is the "cle aring h o use" for all co mplaints. formal or informa l, alleged against members of the board by other members or by the public. Guidelines Set Because a local board of re· altors is committed to the Code of Ethics of the National As· socialion of Realtors. a 24·point code of conduct which governs the dealings of Realtors and Re a ltor-associ ates amon g the m selves and with their clie nts. procedures exist for ensuring that me mbers of the local board follow the provisions of that code. In a three-thousand member association such as the local board of realtors. inevitably a number of questions and com- plaints are directed to the board office. Williamson, in his capacity as ombudsman . attempts to re- solve these complaints at the outset. His success is evidenced in the significantly lower number· of formal complaints received by the board of realtors than by most boards. and also by a drastically reduced num~r of requests for arbitration. Code of Ethics By subscribing to the Code of Ethics of the National Associa· lion. a member of a local board agrees to submit to binding a rbitration in the c\·ent of a money dispute invoh'ing a real estate transaction. If Willi amson is unable to re· solve these dispuks. an arbitra· tion panel is recruited from the members of the association and all information is presented. "Uncle George" is a long.time Realtor in the Newport Harbor area. Long-Time Realtor He holds an acti\'e real estate brokers license. serves as assis· tant Sergeant at Arms for the California Association o f Realtors, is a past president of the local board of Realtors. and served as the first regional vice- president for the 32nd district of the California Association of Realtors. U,_.,ICJUI: t1()Ml:S REALTORS Mesa Verde • 546-5990 Corona del Mar• 675-6000 ~ C/N Supplement to Dally Piiot, April 15, 1979 and Coast LIFE. April 18. 1979-PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK 5 Apartments constitute. a major portion of housing in Southern California. . Housing Opportunities Reflect Realtors Efforts The Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors is one of a significant number of the more than 1,600 local boards of Realtors in the United States which subscribe to a voluntary Affirmative Marketing Agree- ment. Equal Opportunity The agreement stresses equal --- housing opportunities for every- one. It reflects the National As- sociation of Realtors• conviction that voluntary efforts to help re- solv e minority housing prob- lems will genuinely lead the way toward more meaningful , harmonious and lasting pro- grams. (See HOUSING on page 12) Meet four of the best reasons to talk to Newport Home loan. Cort Kloke J ack Barnes Russ Torgc J ohn Franks " .. not only on "I may get you an " ... a loon with APR " ... a second trust residential property Interest only loan," as low as 11 7"10." deed loan up to 10 but income or )•e;ir term." commercial property .is wt>ll " Now that you've met four of the best reasons to arrange a loan through Newport Home tom-don't be a stranger. Call Newport Home loan ~or more information. UCC\SCO Blltll.£11 17 Ciirporate Pla;:a Nt'tl'J'e>rf Bt·ac/1, California 92660 714 1640-9350 When gou tlaf11k of Real Estate 'l'Jalak ol Vs 11· We •peciali~e in Better Re.ideMe• and Re1iden1ial lru:ome Properiie1 in Coa1tal Orange Coamy. Cflll 644-7211 for Frw_,1,., c.,,.,,. •• ,., .......... .4 ........ 1 J 6 PRIVA~E PROPERTY WEEK -Supplement to Dally Piiot, Apr!I 15, 1979 and Coast LIFE, April 18, 1979 j .. This is your land- Preserve it-Enjoy It - Invest in It 3333 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar · &75·2373 DISCOVER BEAUTIFUL FALLBROOK 1.9 acre estate lot in prime area. Building site has fantastic view --Overlooks Pala Mesa Golf Course. A perfect location for that pride of ownership home! S69,500. Terms. BUILDERS 27-R-1 LOTS 13.31 acres located in prestigious ar~a in Riverside. Graded all utilities. Phased development plan. $607,500. Terms available. 71-R-1 LOTS 20.4 acres near Tyler Mall in Riverside. All utilities. Excellent location. $1,065,000. Terms available. Virginia Cleek, GRI THE FOX COMPAN~, RLTRS. 3400 lrvlne Ave., Newpot1 leech 14M711; ......... 111.-1 ,_WRGE ELKINS COMPANY G ~ \OUCAN JUDGE PEOPIE BY THE CQ\1PANY THEY KEEP. mlC GEOfa~ REALTORS Call on any one of our fine real estate offices. Beverly Hills. (213) 272-3456 Brent'Nf>Od. (213) 826-4521 flan( le Palisades. (213) 454-0<>JJ E11c1110. c213J 783-3513 Nl!wport Reach (7141 631· IROO Calllbc1sa.~. ( 213) 999-(>-J~2 Hitcbcoclt Realty 51111 .\1tlr111t1. ,JI.JI 21\.1-2-l.111 t\r,11e/1t1 , 1213 I <l.Jf>-.Jt15fl Ctc1r,l~¥1lty , 11~""· f''1~• t02-J9J() V1//11 flt1rll.. 114 9<J1.J<XKJ CIN .. . Supplement to Daily Pilot. April 15, 1979 and Coast LIFE. April 18, 1979 -PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK 7 Planning. a beautiful Christmas for the '----P.aul Y orde Day Care Center, is George ___ _, Williamson ~ ombudsman for the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of Realtors . LE RAISOR REALTY. Le Raisor moved to Irvine in 1969 from the Tustin area & opened the first real estate office in the proposed city which had approximately 2.000 population. She served on the University Park Merchant Association for 6 years, serving as president for two. In January, 1975, she opened her 9wn office, Le Raisor Realty, in the Campus Valley Shopping Center. It is the largest, independentry .QWned office in Irvine. She attributes her success to her dedication to fulfilling the housing needs of her clients & customers. Her commissions are a reward for a job well done. This philosophy is the foundation on which Le Raisor Realty was built & will continue to grow. This caring for others is shared by her 23 member staff. Le has been licensed in real estate sl nce--1961 WHAT IS REAL ESTATE? I am the basis of all wealth. the heritage of the w ise. the thrifty and the prudent. I am the poor man's joy and comfort and the rich man's prize. the right hand of capital. the silent partner of many thousands of successful men. I am the solace of the widow. the comfort of old age. the cornerstone of security against misfortune and want. I am handed down to children. through generations. as a thing of greatest worth. I am the choicest fruit of toil. Credit respects me. yet I am humble. I stand before every man bid- ding him to know me for what I am. I grow and increase 1n value through countless days. Though I seem dormant. my worth in- creases. never failing. never ceasing. Time Is my aid and population heaps up my gain. Fire and the elements I defy, for they cannot destroy me. My possessors learn to believe In me: Invariably they become envied . .Whil.e all things wither and decay, I survive. The centuries find me younger, Increasing my strength. The thriftless speak ill of me. The charlatans of finance attack me. I am trustworthy. I am sound. Unfaifingly I triumph and my detractors are disproved. Minerals and oils come from me. I am the producer of food. the basis for ships and factories. the foundations of banks. Yet I am so common that thousands, unthinking and unknowing. pass me by. Author Unknown SALISBURY REAL TY 315 Marine Ave., P .0 . Box 68 Balboa Island. Calif. 714/673-6900 WATIRFIONT HOMES, IMC. 2436 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach. Calif. 714/631-1400 IN THE SOUTH COAST AREA The Number I To See Is Walker & Lee OCEAMRlONT CAMIC> SHOllS Your own piece of porodise is woiting for yoo in this rore oceanfront home. Lovely 4 bdrm executive home complete with pool. Exclusive private beoch locQe. $1.oo:>.<XX>. 646-7711 DlCOIATOl'S' OWN HOMI IASTSIDI SPICIAL! Prof essionolly dec°'oted. Nothing spored lo mc::*e it beoutif ul! Heavy beoms. duol frpl, parquet floors. Oromotic atrium entry. Don't hesitate! Coll new. Open Eves. $124,900 141-9491 IXICUTIVE ESTATE tu.HILLS Locoted on o lage <7eenbelt • 4 lge bdrms, f ormol dining room, f omily room. 2 stone fweploces. A choice B<oodmoor II home. Newly capeted. $239,500 719-1501 JC>Cf TO THI OCIAM Foothills that roll gently to the ocean, that's only o joq.owoy this home offers spacious rooms with 3 lge bdnns. I ~ bo combined convenience with e•ceptionol living spoce. Located in Newport Beoch. $12'4,SOO 111-4477 The Company That Believes in Total Service to Our Clients and Community Involvement lat "'"•c~o ••oc. ..... ' PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK -Supplement to Oailv Pilot. April 15. 1979 and Coast LIFE, April 18, 1979 Local Soards Eligible for ·Legal Service Plan st andards of comp('tencc and perrormance and who a~H·e to continue their educ, tinn in the rec.t i estate field . January, 1979 s ignaled the beginning of a unique service for members or the California Association of Realtors and local boards or realtors as· sociated \\ith that group. It is known as the California Association legal services plan. The plan was developed after a two and one-half year study to provide competent a nd timely legal service to the members of the association. Realtors had expressed the need for this type of help in or· dcr to improve the quality of service to their clients and to avoid fewe r legal cntan ~l c· men ts by dealing "tl h potential confli cts before the\ bl l :.i me nu t of control. · Local realtors hJd thei r lir:-.t a ccess to the lc•ga l sc rv1u.~ plan on J an 2. thrnugh an tn· h ouse, tol l·frcc lL'll'phonc.• number manned b) tompc.·tt.nt attorneys \\ tlh con::.tJ1llly up· d a t e d tn fo r m a t 1 o n o n l h t' vanous areas of real c::.late l.t\\. The plan a lso include!> a state· wide system of ref err a l panel attorneys who meet cstnblis hed Harbor area Rec.tltm" throut!h their membl'rship 111 thc.· '\e\\ po1 t ll:irbor-Costa ~k .... a Aoard ot Realtors and t he Cahtonua <I" ..,oc i a tion . ma\ t o nl J<'l tltt bl'rvice any da~ ol lhc. \\( c.k \\llh questions regarding a ·JI n.1.1tl transactions. Ot he.; sen ices oft c. rl'd b) l ht plan include documc. nt re.' tl'\\ or written respon:,es. where quick turn around lime 1s not u~ ne cessary. C N CN L eader of the 3,000 member Newport Harbor .and Costa Mesa Board of Realtors Virginia Cieck, utilizes her t alents /or the third time in 49 years. Preservation of Land and Property Rights Supported "The word ·preservation· has come into vogue in the past few years. with political leaders and the _ger:ieral public obser ving this nation s need for preser ving our n a tural r e s o ur ces a nd l ~ndmark s,." s tales Vi rg inia C1eck . president of the Newport Harbor-Cos ta :\Iesa Board of Realtors. "There are two other fo rms of prcser\'ation also supported by the Newport Har bor.Costa Mesa Board of Realtors ... Cieck said. "and they are preservation of prope1ty and property rights.·' This is one of the themes that will be included April 15-21 in the loca l Boa rd of Realtors ob· sen a nce of Pri\'ate Property W e e k D u r 1 n g t h i s \\ e e k . Realtors anoss the nation \\ill encourage homeO\\ ners to pre- serve their property a nd to s ta nd up tor their r ights to p~·1vate property ownership, a n ght lmO\\n to fe\\ throughout the world. Realtors throughout the na· li o n will cond ue l P r i\'ate P roperty Week acti vities such as restoring landmarks. clean- ing up lakes and rivers. helping in the renovation of homes and conducting \·and alis m pre\·en- tion programs. "It is. and always ha s been, the right of Americans lo own prop· crty ... Cicck said. .. By obser \'-l ng ·Private Pro perty Week, members of the board and local residents will call attention to tha t right and emphasize its im- portance ... T he o bser vance nationally \\i ll include Real tors a nd Realtor·Associates in 50 states. the District of Columbia. Puerto Ri co. Guam and t he Virg in blands The ;'l:ational Associa- tion of Realtors has nearly 1,800 local boards. a nd more than 600 .000 members. ··Jn obser va nce of Private Property \\'eek . associat ion members here and elsewhere wi ll stand wi th property owners to meet today·s challenges to ownership and u~e of property.'' she suid. _\ Supplement io Daily Pilot, April 15, 1979 and Coast LIFE. April 18, 1979 -PRIVATE PROPERTY WEE)( 9 ..,.. Realtors Reaffirm Rights to Own Property Eac:h ~ l'~1 r the H('.iltors and Ik~t1111r .\ ... -.c>c:1.1tcs ul t he Cnited St.ti c.·s nh ('l'\'l' Pn ,. Jl(' Property \\' 1 k Thi:. \H Pk 1..., dechrated to rc.'.,1 l t 11·n11ng t he nj!ht ul all :\mt•r 1<.-.1ns lo 0\\ n 1 Nll µ1 ofJt'I· I\·, and this ~ears tlwme is, · rills I ,111d 1:. YoUI Lund .. '1 he thc•mL' is d1..";1gned to call .1tl<.nl111n to lhc uu11c.·s of e\en- one tu pl c.·~cl \'e t he la nd and the 11rn lic na1Jlc r ight to enJOY that land, a nd will be ob.ser\'cd f1 om April 15 to 21. Newport llarbor·Costa Mesa Boa rd of Heal tors President. Virginia Cieck of The Fox Com- pany. urges all a rea citi zens to reflect on the land that many t <1kc for granted. · Those of us engaged in real estate Sdles make our li ving off the land. but everyone should \ alue the beautiful lakes and rivers t hat provide pleas ure, the "ooded <ire as we have lo enjoy and the unlimited va riety of geographica l and climate choice we have he re in So uthe rn California," she rem arks. .. But the bounties of the land. while they offer what seems to be endless enjoyment for every member of the family, must not be taken for granted . We must learn to preser\·e the land; we must learn to nurture it, protect it, de\·elop it and watch it grow. "Without a planned effort at preservation of the land we may see in this country a deteriora- tion of the land and a deteriora· tion of citizens· rights to O\\n the land," she said. Three aspects of this year 's private prope rty week theme are preserve it, enjoy it and in· vest in it. 10 PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK -Supplement to Daily Pilot. April 15. 1979 and Coast LIFE. April 18, 1979 CN "'""' Loo o . ~.9 0 0 ,._ .... ,. .. , Supplement IO Dally P1101, April 15. 1979 and Coast LIFE. Aprll 1a. 1979 -PRIVATE ~ROPERTY WEEK 11 Reducing taxes. and preserving ~-----property rights is out/jned b .-----' Joyce Edlund. AMEIUCAN HOME SffJED w When you buy a previously-owned home through local Real Estate Brokers, you don't have to hold your breath. Most major systems -electrical, central heating, plumbing and major appliances• -are covered by the American Home Shield Protection Plan for one full year. If any of these covered systems break down, or malfunction, American Home Shield will fix It. Prompt- ly. Even on weekends and holidays. That's why you can buy a resale home -even an older one -and not have to worry about crumbling around you. You'll be confident. Why not call your local Broker today? ·Oven, range, garbage disposal, microwave, trash compacfor dishwasher, builtin ~ (800) 642·2440 ·- BEACH PROPERTIES UNDER $150,000 MEWPOIT HACH C~ WJTH CONYIHllHCI Three bedroom home with recreational amenities S 135.000 NICED TO Sill Three bedroom condo in Newport Crest s 129,500 LUXURY UYIMG Two bedroom bluff condo. S149,500 LAGUNA llACH GllAT STAITH New 3 bedroom home with great views. s 135.000 TOft M THI WOILD Sunny and spacious 4 bedroom home. S1 29.750 HOME PWS GUEST UMR Two bedroom oceanview home plus guest room. S 124.900 WOOOS COYE AllA Two bedroom charmer with artist studio and Jacuw S139.000 IMJOY OU'T1>0oa UYIMG Ocean view tiome with large bedrooms. 1149,500 llletn' AND AIRY Thl'ff bedroom home m secluded canyon atmosphere s 143.500 Lingo Rul&Tat LAGUNA NIGUll. JUST llDUCED! Two bedroom end unit. largest model. 11 17.900 FtXIA-UPPH Three bedroom home with loads of potenttal s 104.000 JACUlll AHD f'OOl Three bedroom condo in exclusive area s 110.000 DAMA POINT OCIAM AMO MAllHA YllWS Three bedroom townhome with pool and 1acuzzi. $105.900 llACHLOYHS IAIGAIM Ocean view 3 bedroom condo s 102.500 MAMO MIW CUSTOM HOMI Four bedroom. 21/l bath home with practical floorplan. $139.500 SMALL HOUSI • LAIGI LOT Two bedroom home on a tnplex lot S87,900 SAM CLEMENTI IMMACUUn TOWHHOMI Three bedroom unit with ocean view. S95.000 LOW MAIMTIHAHCI Pooular 4 bedroom model 1n Shorechlfs s 119,900 HIWPOIT llACH LACMMA llACH 644-7020 497-JJJI U.6UMA MIGUB. SOUTH LA.uNA 4tl-17zt 4tt-4SSI DAHAPOtMf 4tJ.lllZ ON THE SOUTHERN ORANGE COAST-LOOK TO LINGO FIRST LUSK REALTY SALESPEOPLE ARE ALSO PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPERS Yoo get more lhon just o .. For Sole" liq\ when ~ '\I yoAJf home w.rh l.41\l: ~eally. YOJ get o team of dedi<oted. prof~sionol teal es•ote \Oles peafJle ~ training Ol>d e.perience CCJr1 make o l>q diff111ence on the sole of yo.s home. A dilf8fence in the lime ii rakes to WI. ond o difference in rhe price. We loolt ot yo.s home throucJ! the most critical eye-.. often ~ttin9 tliin<)I that go llVIOliced by the seK« but cai mc*e o l>q imp(eslion on o potenliol buyer • • • f;\e o stained co-pet, on aeo of fodod wollpc>p«. o leo'y faucet. or o necjoc.ted flower bed. When we find~ 1i1te the~ ,... WOflt with ~ to Q9t fhem CO!leded. This~~ effott ord ~ ~sur~ ycr.1 home wl 1'lOW its very best. That llWdty meoni you'I qet o foster sole ond o ~ price. Yoo do get more tfo> o "Foor Sol." '91 frotn L..Q ;_ea11y, Y°" qel OI peep., ond tho! mc:ibs ol the diff erenc.e in the watd. Hadenct. Heights 1613AWMAve. (213)912·2'11 (714) 990-4033 Whittler l~E. Whltllef (213)90-3741 (71'4)'22'422 "'°"' bnch 2854 No. s.m1aoo " ................ 2223 "'-"'·Suite .. , (714)974-4640 See Cllff Plea ('114) tl0-4361 J 12 PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK -Supplement to Dally Pilot, April 15, 1979 and Coast LIFE._A_pn-·1-18_. -19-79---------------------.~ ~ Stressing education for women is Joan Lively, president of the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa cbapter of Women 's Council for Realtors. HOUSING ••• frompege5 Because the local association believes the real estate industry is an extension of the nation's society and social lnstituUons, it affects not only the real estate industry. but every person in this country in requiring elimination of discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Good Faith For tllat reason, the local Realtors chose to enlist in the voluntary good f alth effort upon which the Affirmative Market- ing Agreement was based, in or· der to assure full rights to all in the sale or rental or real pro- perty. The Code for Equal Op- portunity In Housing consists of the following elements: -In the sale, purchase, ex- change, rental or lease of real property, Realtors and their •~1•• aa,oclatea b4'Vt \II• , 19'1'1.. -°" responsibility to offer equal services to all clients and pros- pects without regard to race. color, religion, sex or national origin. -Members, individually and collectively, in performing their agency functions, have no right or responsibiUty to volunteer the racial. creedal or ethnic composition of any neighborhood or a ny part thereof. No Panic -· Members shall not engage in any activity which has the purpose of inducing panic sell- lna. -Members shall not print, display or circulate any state- ment or advertisement with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelllng that Indicates aay preference, limitations or dll· C:fJOliPft4P9 · , .. • I JI J • ~ • / ttn "" 1 d •1 " J' 0 fta---~.w.--.. ~ Newport Beach We have been serving the Newport Harbor area since 1953. If you are Interested 1n the Newport Beach area. give one of our professlonols a coll Residentlol-Vocation Homes-Waterfront-View Properties LldoReottv. 33n Via Udo, Newport Beach 92663 (714) 673-7300 Associated Realty Service of newport Beach I Inc. specializing . 1n beach property investments and resort rentals (OBA) ASSOCIATE() 8ROKE~S SEfWICE • 2025 WES'l' ~~BQA "'-VD· ~1Wl~All~A 92683 ' 1clCJ)hOhw 714 673·3663 ~ t1 " • • • • • Supplement to Daily Pilot. Aprll 15. 1979 and Coast LIFE. April 18. 1979 -PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK 13 Outstanding realtors Margaret Adrian. and Cbarles Ferguson receive honors for self less service i n the profession. FRIENDLY, PROFESSIONAL E.5CROW SERVICES IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS. EXPERIENCED IN ALL PHAS~ AND TYPES OF ESCROWS. LET A LOCAL SOLELY OWNED COMPANY SERVE YOU. PLEASE CALL US OR STOP IN OUR OFFICE FOR YOUR NEXT ESCROW. ............ u •• ,., .... ......... lier•• Officer Jiit ... c.-...... ., c ...... ., Mir, c• ....... uu1 17141 '71olt20 .A Hole /rom )11111r11. Sea Lion Realty is a fi rm dedicated to serving its clients with integrity . We are proud of our profession ! OWN IT· FEE LAND Ha r bor View Hills 4 BR .. family, dining, brkfst. & bobby rms. Entry hall, wet bar : exercise & relaxation pools. Grounds with low maintenance. $267.900 CUSTOM HOME Architect & builder gave owner his dream house in ·'Old Corona;" seeing it is worth a million words! ln·law apt. is legal on this lge. R-2 lot. $380,000 SOUTH OF Hl&HWA Y Sharp 3 bdrm. home with bright, open outlook. Private patio + outstanding studio apt. Lge. lot, close to beach. $229.500 r--------------------~ I nm-21 NEWPO~T CENTER IB I I ~~ ~ 640 5357 REA.1orr I I SHOIECUFfS CC>MMAMOtM6 VllW I I Comfortable -roominess, decorator's dream kitchen that puts I pleasure into family mealtime. Access to private beach ocean & I canyon views. You will love living here. Owner highly I I motivated. A great home at $560,000. I I IAYCIHT DICUTIYI SPECIAL I Prestigious neighborhood of imposing homes. 4 bedrooms, I family room, pool, 3 car garage. Shows pride of ownership. A I I home you will be proud of. Well priced at $252,500. I I HAI.IOI VllW HOt tlS I I Means a family neighborhood. Plan with your family in mind. I Great neighbors • Great schools • Great shopping • Call your I great realtor about this great 4 bedroom, single level home with I I great landscaping & gre~t price of $168,000. I I ~..:O.~J:::.w I I Just a bop & a skip (no jump necessary) to the beach from this I I spic & span 3 & 4 bedroom duplex. ~)' a relaxing stroll down I I the boardwalk as your accountant nJOtces with you on your tu I savings. 1bis is a dellght to lln la or to rent out in a blghlJ I appreciable area . Priced to sell at $225,000. I I COSTA.-ACOllMIPAllC I I Means bame aw.et home where your children walk leisurely to I scboola Ulrolllb oranae Coast Colleae. Owner has over improved I this bome Wltla a spectacular famUy room. Fruit aplenty. I I Ple asantly affordable at $98,500. I llYIMI 119100MS SI 11.0IO I In ~ nne Greentree nelgbborbood. A hi1bly desirable home I I near lfll'itqe Pa..-• won't last at thil price. I I CenturJ 11 Newaon Center thmb you for your continued I I support, we look lbnrarct to cooUnUlnl to serve our eommanttt. I l.Pleue call us lf we may be or service to JOU. I ----------------------~-----.--............ -- • 14 PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK -Supplement to Dally Pilot. April 15. 1979 and Coast LIFE, April 18. 1979 CIN REALTORS ... from page 3 publishing his own newsletter as a call to citizen involvement. After a presentation by Newport Beach traffic engineer Rich Edmonston. a ringing en· dorsement of the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor and completion of the Corona Specializing in: I * ln•nhnl•t Ir JoW Ventwes In * RHld•tlal * Ca1211•rclal * 1 ......... * CGR¥enlolls Ir Co-ops ...... 1112-IWT,_...._. ........ ~ .....c..,a.-.c:.. 17111 ..... ~ ........ ...... 714-711.Jlll ~---~-------'-"' .... ~------.. ...------ del Mar Freeway was given. Coordination Committee member Blaine Schoolcraft sits on the airport advisory commission, James Wood, parks commission and Paul Balalis, planning com· mission. All area chambers of commerce benefit from the volunteerism urged by the Realtors group. Coordinating the 11 boards of Realtors in Orange County is the Orange County Council of Real Estate Boards, headed by Newport Realtor Helane Joy. During March, 18 members journeyed to Sacramento to ex· press concerns for various bills before the State Legislature. Support for bills which would expedite the permit procedures of the Coastal Commission was expressed to Senator John Schmitz and Assemblywoman Marion Bergeson. Building a Future Affirmative Marketing Agreement stresses equal housing opportunities /or everyone. RUSSELL A. SWARTZ. REALTY 17 Whitecap Or .. Corona del Mar. 92625 714-640-1127 I UYllM JASMINE CREEK FH LAte IY• owa ltl If you would like to live in this private area with guarded entrance lots of greenbelt, swimming pools, jacuzzis, tennis courts iighted garden paths and recreation hall facilities, (approkimately 1 ~ miles from ocean). I would be pleased to help you obtain the unit of your choice of FIVE LOVELY PLANS. OR Any Other Home Of Your Choosing In This BEACH ORIE~ED AREA -CAµ. FOR APPOINTMENT- OTI I• SBVICIS LAND-(1) Antelope Valley <Upper Desert> (Palmdale, Lancaster, etc.> (2) Coachella Valley <Lower Desert> , c Palm Sprtnas. Palm Desert. etc.> (3) Lassen County -20 Acres• up SSOO per ~re 6 up < 4) Siskiyou County--40 Acres IN Supplement to Daily Pilot, April 15, 1979 and Coast LIFE, April 18, 1979 -PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK 15 .!) ofove m, W,,t! PHYWS I. SAL YER . For the past 10 years it has been my joy to help hundreds of people pur~hase homes in this heavenly Orange Coast area ... and to sell investment pre>perties to many others to secure their futures. I would like so much to assist you so you may be abfe to say· SIMCI 1970 A. M841B OF THI sunA SALIS TUM A.T COars and Wallace Real Estate Inc. estlblished 1963. locally owned f<.aftor G\~~1 MOtlll\SO"' ~Bae~! Ready to serve _my clients In the same enthusiastic, professional and dependable manner. However. now there are two of us ... been reunited with my husband, BUD. who Is an Associate Realtor. The MOARtSONS believe in . r "THIS LAND IS YOUI a.Me ••• PNMrYe It, ..., It, llwett a.1tt .. -cw..-.,< \ ,, • I • • • ...... ' •INNt~~~·•• 17141 MJ-4414 ... . ............... ,,, ~~fVATE ~, PROPERTY WEE~ so WHAT? 1:t 1/~ :;i~~=n~s~?:i~~ :~~h~a/o~~~~r o~e J~l~.0~~/1~~ 1 I it's as significant in i ts way as the other two. 1 Thanksgiving celebrates the survival of the first settlers. Independence Day commemorates the founding of a free nation. But Private Property / / Week celebrates the reasons behind the V-1 Mayflower's voyage and the Declaration of Independence-people's needs for land of their own and the legal right to passess it. We take our right to own property pretty much for granted. We shouldn't. Pr ivate Property Week is a reminder that if we don't protect our right to econ.omic freedom. we could lose our political freedom, too" This message was brought to you by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS®. a group of people who believe that land is our ultimate resource, requiring the wisest and best use, and the widest distribution of ownership. Happy Private Property Week. IB REALTOQ!> 1979 PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK APRIL 15-21 ... SI.nil & lf-i- Prese~ lt. : .lnioy It ... Invest In It . . l •, NEWPORT HARBOR.COSTA MESA . E OF REALl°"I . Cite*, 111111P,•elldiftl1M11• 411 =-·llllHMI ... ___,. ..... 141-1111- I I ' I 1\ ! J • L I L ... ___.... ................................ .... 16 PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK -Supplement to OatlV P1101. Aprtl 15 1979 and Coast LIFE Aprtl 18. 1979 \\bod bridge TheVlllage of ~~ SUCCESS = GROWTH University Park eommurutv AND ARE WE 0'EVE R GROWIN G tt TODAY Ranch Realty W.ilnut Village Center 551 -2000 THIS SUMMER THIS FALL liiil Woodbridge ~ -Realtg Ranch Realty North wood Pl aza Dear Neighbors, Woodbridge Village Center 551 -3000 Thank you for the past confidence that has provided ~s wrr! such outstanding ~UC· cess during the past 6 years. Since Ranch Realty opened in 1973 our office has been a consistant leader in resales in Irvine, with a total volume of over $132 million. We have met the challenge of the large franchise realtors and large independent realtors by providing ronsistent and reliable service both in sales and proof of sales (news· letter) each month. We are mee ting the challenge of growth in Irvine by opening two new offices this yea r. The new office in Northwood Plaza, next to the existing Shell Station on Trabuco, will service all of Northwood. Our new Woodbridge Office will be right in the middle of the new Woodbridge Vill age Center. This new office will provide the ultimate in luxury appointments and give all sales personnel private and semi· private offices. Our Cavalcade of Homes system with illum inated displays of floor plans and maps of the Irvine area will be incorporated in all three offi ces. It is my goal as Broker to insure that every seller in Irvine is provided with the best and broadest service that any realtor can provide. With three offices and the best marke ting tools money can buy, I am sure we can continue to meet that challenge . . If you have a Real Esta te need , ca ll yo ur community specialist. He or she will know your home, your village, your city, and most important, has the know ledge to sell your home. If you are thinking of selling, call now for a free market evaluation. If you are thinking of buyi ng, we ha ve 1he largest Inventory of resale homes in Irvine. We ha ve Real Estate sales positions open. If you are con iderlng a Real Estate career, call Fred Davis or Don Saltdrelli at 73 1·1888, for an interview. Inves t in tomorrow today, buy a piece of Irvine, California. I tll.~ Ron Allen Bro1'cr C N NANCY SUNDAY, Miil 1 S. 1t1't FINAL SPORTS. B I $ ({ LOCAL WANT ADS I HATE LISTENIN6 iO SOMEONE 51N6 SIDEWA'<'S By Ernie Bushmiller I LOVE TO ---IT MAKES ME S TAND ON FEEL 5 0 TALL FURNITURE -- NOW GO AND STAND IN THE CORNER .• 2 ... . . . . -: . . . --- .. ... IllA, rlMEM9e~ WMeN 'IO..( ~~IP THAT IF .I WENT OLAT at: M"f WAY TO 6E'T A re.AL.L.V 60ttUeou~ NIW ._.AT YOll4'D WAUC WlTM Ml 1N THe £A~reit PAst.AO£? High Summer DID YO U SAY rnAT ABBEY HELPED YOU PICK OUT AN OUTFIT 0 WEAR TO THE SYMPHONY ~.>~~~-r-:J TON1"7HT, PATTY ? YEAH ... BUT I WAS HOPIN' I COLJLD WEAR HER RED D~ESS.' I H-llNK 5AM LIKED IT.' ' I J 8 1T'5 P05S18LE THAT YOU MIGliT NOT YOU MAY WANT A SNACI( LIKt THE ri;:ouRAM ... BUT NEVER- THELESS, YOU '-~\U5T RE MAI N QUIET UNTIL. CAN'T SAM 1T'5OVl;;R 1 AND M E LEAVE .... ...-·-·-·· ---~-- I~ V'lE: OON'T LI KE lT? THEY DON'T LOCK VOV IN, 00 THEY ? , WHAT TIMC'5 SAM PICKIN6 'fOU UP TO NIGHT? -.....~--'.'.'. AT S EVEN! WHAT'S A SYMPHONY LIKE ? l NEVER BEEN TO ONE/ .... . ... .. -~ i ~ --. . • I '" -.~! .. -\ ~ -· .. . -~ - I , • DOCTOR SMOCK By George Lemopt YOU SAY YOU SMOKE:?.' ANY"IHI NG A.Ne> eveRY- J"'H I N CS .' AN~ YOU c>RINK A t..01'; '1"'00 ~.' "rnE.RE'6 "THE STARTE.R10 GUN ! AND ll-tE. El&HTl.,) -THIRD -~l.)..INlt-.lC:, OF l'l1E 806TON MARA-mON lo Uf\lDERUJI¥..' ! SO YOU CAN 1"6t...t.,.. YOU R COL-L-SAGU SS ,.-HA1" HARP 1-IVI NG NSVE::R HLJR1" ANY60PY.' ARE: YOU <SOIN<S 1"0? --~------------------------------------------... ---. Read the rules, then complete the picture above ... with your family in it! To enter thl' Del Monte~ Cat~upColonngContest, color the picture abov.? Then. In the pkture c1bow. drc\w and color you and your fomlly having a dav of fun at Disneyland. Just use your 1m,1ginallon to ~how all of you en1oying a ride or special attraction In Disneyland. ~ There are five Gr,md P..Uc Tn!Y.> to Disneyland, so kids of different ages will all hove a f.iir chance to win. E<1ch wlnnl!r w1ll tilkc their family (up to:{ other family memhcr..) to DbnL'Yl<md for the wl!ek<1nd-airfares. botelaccommoda11ons. and Disneyland hckt?ts all paid • • 'tty D<?l Monte Corporation. There are also 500 Second Priles· Off1c1al Mickey MouS(! Wiltche~. Read the offlclal contest rules be/ore you begin --- drawing. When you're done, fill out the simple entry form f and mail with the picture and one neckband from any -- size bottle of Del Monte• Catsup. :· Start coloring today ... and Good Luck! GIVE THIS COUPON TO MOM -----------------------------·--···---!.-- -MeM 10! Del liloflce• C:M~ Coftl .. , P o.eo112z• . .._.,, ..._.MOOt A9t P1f~Qleeln1D..,.•111 O~&m 01 .. .,. 0~!0111 On 11,. C«J-------&••---Z~---­~.....,."•"'•-.. 1 Del Monte9 Catsup. The official Cauup of Disneyland ... and kids e\lelYWheie. 10¢ TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR GROCER. 10¢ Worth 10¢ on your next purchase of an!JL.: size bottle of DEL MONTE Catsup. ti! Cllleef Oel lla'le Cir!* .i 1111 •II reoe. llW couoon tor 10C oius 5C IOI Udl'IO lllO¥!del> It • rece..eo 1101111 1eu• CU910ne1 on the Ol1dla$t at 11!J 1111 llCICtlt at Ill MONIE c..""' .., •. uocn rlQUISI '°" llPIC lrllOCa Ol'Olll'U 11111' Chlle wlllllfl Ille !isl 00 days cl I llllllCltlll statt lo tMI COUOOllS 1u11mt11td tor ltOelllOllC)ll Couoon IHf llOI Ile ISSll)llld 01 llwlenecl CllslOMll Ml pay anoi IMS CM YOlcl wllele ptdlflolld IJled II rat11C111! b'I Ire Goco ~ 11'1 ClllS If lawns h USA wl1ele IOVell!Md Dy Del Mcne C01Jlnlioll C.Jstl Yillle 112\)flt Colo>n ... ~.honored lhfOuall ~ICll IQlllCllS erua 01 cc11n Mio •t llOI flllatt d1$11~0l1 al CM ~II-·~ Mlmled bf UI 10 ll'9Ml'll COi.ions IOI 1tQ1mCXran flf reOlmllllOll al propeity 1ece#ed lllCI Nndlld CQ4101 n11w to Ott b t FOlldl. P 1180a M50. Cl<nlon, loWa 52734, -• [_( Ufq//> 1 OFRll u•TtD TO Ollf COUl'Oll m ,..~ 1111111', MH•&•z11.1•n•··- Mr IPP4icll10rt nl llliS~ .... 1Nnll!ldllrllltlenns• ... -~ .... 1"" COIJllOft W111£S JUNI JO, 1979 I"" '1" STOM COWON • ·-'1" .. - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - --cur OUT ALONG DOTTED LINE--.......................................... . _____ ..._ ____ .._..._. __ -·~··--·------------. NIELSEN MeY, MAN , e>to YOU 5E£.1HE.'5LIN D RA6f '' ~ONCfRf A1 THE (<)RUM ~ ~UHMER MAN/ ! lOULDN'f MAKE lf. WA ? 1-( aOOO? tf WAS FANfA~flC. I fU<?f114~R~ WAC, 'rntS RID(, MAN, B£GAU5E. ll4E.Y Pr?1N1W IHE TlCK'E1S WRONu, fH~ L..O'fS OF PfSOPL~ 60'f ?lltt' fROM IH~ S~OKE f r<OM RA6E:1S ~P~E 'SHIP m1NEr,,. by .Jeff Millar and Jon Mcintosh ~EN-rnm: WAS ALL 1~lt; PCP 601~~ AROUND, AND PE.OPl.£ W£R£ Fr<~Ak'IN6 AN D 6€AfrrJ6 f~HOrnER UP Wrrn C.UAIR'5 I I • e "'° c >-II) Ti:.TMELE~EE:CS by TomK.R an r-------------------------1 MARMADUKEt!Y CMON/ BILLY! WE.R E GONNA COLOR EASTER EGGS ! G-OESS WHA" WAJCH VOUR IONGUE, OUR IRl~f:'S [7Q ING-A &Ll E:SI SHO/ON POOPSU:!.. 'IOU HEAIHeN! 9UFFALO ~l~S WIL.V WESISHOW! 11E't'! n-IG 60WL'S Ar« EMPT'{! W~AT HAPPENED ? "I 1 YOU'LL NOIE IH ~ AE'S ENC E OF AL-L-OUR AUTOGRAPHS, Lt:Sl'/OLJ'Re .........,,_...,....., -roo 11 MI[/ TO -;__----...._...., BOFFA LO ~IL~S NAME TONl&HI. .. ASK US! v By Brad Anderson . . -----·-· .CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There i re at least st. differ· ences In dr1•ing details between fop 1nd bottom ~nets. How quickly can you find them? Check 1nswers with fhoie below. ..ta11Pu.t~ \! M01f•d 9 6t.H\\1W \I V_.') ~ tU.,J'lllllflP \I Mlf)·~•.18 " •uu~u·o ,. au''">rtN t J4jlVW\ \1 MOU L ,.-1.~w .. \1 """"''4S ' , • .,U .. -''"'6''0 e TAXINO THOUGHT! Th«e's ttus fo be said 1bout Income tu time (as one wig puts If): "!TIS ATI MEWH £NE VENT HEP OORE STM INOS MAK ESOM EDE DUCT IONS." MAGIC TOUCH WITH CARDS? Remove trom a deck ol ordinary playing cards the ace, king, qveen. 1.tck ot all tovr sv1ts Now. see how long II takes you to arrange these 16 cards 1n the lorm of a magic square that is. in four rows of four cards each. so that each row. column and diagonal contains one ace, king, queen and lack. and one card ol each suit. One answer Is below. •1q1uoo "'" .. ,.._..,~ '~•O "' )I j P 'ti • > r • o wo11oq > o • ' r • ~ ... p )I .. ~. • ' " • ) )I 'P 0 ' ~ r 1u u '\11UOVJ•1P '"'' ,.,.~ U~"10 \4'0~<.K 0\.tl }I '\Qfl1> ")V ..OJ 00! Rearrane-cap·letter spicing so words mike sense • .. ~"°"~ •woo •~•w "'"tW ,.__ ..,, 11•At "*'"' •w11 • \! 11 .. e st1ck a short nall Into the side of a c1rrot. Grasp ~ nallhead between fingers. Turn hand upsl~ down. U.rrot will appear to ~ly gravity e Unscramble letters fo form n1m es of three famili.ir flowers: 1. YANSP. 2. PYPOP. J . APITUNE. Hinf: 111 three n1m ts begin with fhe Hme letter. t •lllllfd C A-d t A\Ufd I e Riddle·Me·Thls. II yoo can: Which dessert fits every occasion? Pie a la mood. Who brings fancy eggs lo shellfish? The oyster bunny. ;- --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~ FINO a four·number path tallying so to center. Elli! egQ similarly, via another way. Numerous route~ are possible. 2 HI STEPPEdSI Apply colors neatly: 1-R9d. 2-Lt. bl..e. >- Yellow. 4-Lt. brown. S-Ok. purple. 6-Lt. green. 7-0k. brown. I-Dk. green. f-81ack. 10-0k. 9r1y. 11-Pinlt. 12-Lt. pv~. . i SPELLBINDER ·-:. SCOAE 10 points for using ell the i letters in the word befow to form . two complete words: MEDALIST -. -.. . --. T HEN scort 2 points u ch for a ll word~ of four letters or mOf"e found among the letters. Try to score at ltllt SO polnh . l~I ''P•W UJ0.10•v• ~Jqt~\Od THE WORLD'S GREATEST SUPERHEROES by PASKO, TUSKA, COLLETTA j N LEX /..UTHO!Z'S /..AIR ••• TH~ MA!!J,TER 6 RAVITY MAGN!f:IER 15 REAOY, ANeC:LA ! --~ IF GUPEl<MAN !<N E W THe Of:TONATO~ WA'E? SENSITIVE TO X-RAY5 , WHY WOLJL-0 HE: f</6'K USIN6 HIS X-RAY VISION A SECONO T IME ?? MOON MU•• INS l lM E MAY MARCH ON, BUT THESE Ot.DEYES STIL.L HAVE: A <qLEAM IN Tf.4EM ... IF l W/45 11D 1,AkETWo ASPIRIN. N0, 513RIOLJGLY--A~TEf< YOW< FIRST B OMB WAf1 ~XPLOOE:C?, YOU WARNE/7 Si/P ERMAN ••• . .. THAT IF HE LJSt:D HI'S X -RAY VISION WI THIN 25 FEET OF YOU&< HIOOEN 80M8 Pt:TONATOR HE'D A CTIVA7£ 1 THE C/ETONATOR. A G AIN.I SUPEK>MAN Y~AH--TO PULL l?N'T T'HAT 50ME:THING 5TUPIO / 0/./Nf8 A'? ,,.HE'D Pf?ACT/CALLY HAVE TO BE SIT TIN G O N TOP OF THE THIN G A NO NOT' ANO WE PLANTED THE: DEIONATOR ON Ci.ARI< ~--.... THAT. •• .... ~ ONE CAN 1T STOP PRoGRESS) DEAR. K N O W IT/ /HAl'S Pt<O<&f<ESS? if ' I MY S TAR5/ THeY t:>o! > z • ti \ 6: :t .. -~ \ KENT--?/ .. S~TTLE DOWN BEFORE you SL.IP ,A DISCO) LORD P. ACT )OUR AcqE . «sn RIP V,AN TWINf<L.E .' GORDO By rA6AN SHOE 1°$0NE WA~ TO CONTIZO.l- THJ:Mf • WlTM THAT MOON, WHO #Je:E.DS IT2' • 9JT TI1EY'RE A1WAYC:J ~-P01~£D -YUK! W~Al 'S WRONG , NORMAN '? NORM~tJ I '/OUR ~A"f~ER lS ~N \N\e:L.L.lof;N\ MAt-J\ 'IOU M\6'-41 NO\ REAL.l-Z.E ti, Su\ HE: \S 'JER'I l"OU6~TfUL.,l~RE6R~L A~t> P"l L.OSOP\.H CAL. l o~. I HA\JE:" lo WRl'lt: A PAP£ R ~BO\J\ 'f~C:­ M€A~ l N& OF t.,\rE:", At-..\0 l'M Kl NO Of Siu CK t ~ 'IEAH, MA'l6~ 'lOV'RE: R\b\.-t\. WHe=R~ \S ~e:? 4 • . B Gus Arriola ___ _. __ __ by MacNelly W~'I 00~ '\ 'IOU A4'K '/OUR OAV ASOU\ rr? WE: L.L. I \ OON 1 \ KNouJ ... \~ 114~ l-\"'N6-~OM, ~tC Kl ~6-~L.e:As ·o~f i"He: C.A\. Aprll 15, 1979 DAILY PILOT I W.11in1: The s.,.... 6tnllll Hn Delenninld 11111 Cigntte Smoking Is Dlngerous to Y• Helllh. 13 ......... u ............... m.._ .. ,., nsn YOURSELF S.-... qimlDI, • a ....... to ~Mil." F1Ny ~ 641 LtJlillgllaft lwt., New 'ttrt, II Y. 10022- Wl'I P1Y $5 tar PIAlllslled (JllStlolls Son"j we canl _..., CJllllB. FOR .IE.ROME K~ Commis- sioner or Internal Revenue Service How many &.wsutu were tied 119.m.t the 1.R.S. In the U.S. a.c.J year 1977-78? -Joe v_ Olson, Boonevllle, / Ark. e During the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 1978, 13.284 cases were petitioned • ~ ( to the U.S. Tax Court and 1,029 civil tax I cases were filed In the U.S. Dlshict Courts ' or the U.S . Court of Claims. Typically, about 80 percent of these court cases are · L either dismissed or settled with- Tc • . . ' i th all out lrii!ll. Most disputed tat cases se 9etdeci ax time. you cant w n em . ,.L,_ 1 R S Th 1 R s d w ... un . . . e . . . con ucts over 2.3 million tax examinations a year with additional tax recommended In about 1.5 mUIJon of them. About 62,000 cases a year. which are not dosed by agreement with taxpayers. go ~ the Internal Revenue Service administrative appeals system, where most are settled without hav- ing to go to the courts. FOR KRISTY McNICHOL. star of FomUy I he."°" wony va-IDOdMr to dath hec:•pe you fritter ~ IMMY· Whll(a dM Aoly? -E.W .• Mesa. Artz. e No 5tOfY, because the one you heard i.s nonsense. My mother manages my money, Investing much of it in real estilte. I get an alowance of S25 a week. plus the u.se of my own charge accounts. But I don't use them very much since I'm not really Into monetary thing5. 1 llke new clothes every so often, °' for a special occasion. I do have my own c.ar - my mom considered that a need. not a luxury. FOR GENE F • .IANKOWSKI, President. CBS-Broad- cast Group Brtlllh w-.............. dM color dwpe1 .... __ ......... ... .. 615 ........... ~ • .,a11• to -515. Wllip ~"t we do thew? -Mn....._ M. Hen. New ........... N.H. e The price paid for the European standard i.s an Increase of about 15 percent in channel band width, allowing fewer channels and fewer program choica. A change In U.S. stan- dards would be a monumental and cosdy undertaking. FOR ROBERTA PEIE.BS, Metropoltan Opera star s..,_._.._ ................ ,.,. ... pr.alee ....,.,_ .... do,..wwwc:Jw.•oehs-ac:b 14ID? -SA. ""-J, N.Y. e Practidng is a must, whether one has been singing for a yam, or coming up to JO (IS I haw). I practice about one how. not every *l9le day, but most days. My tardy goes about Its bustnas and accepts my workouts as a normal part of the household routine. Sometimes I think no one even hean me. And physical uerdse Is just as Important. PRO ...._.a. s-tt1t, author of Pnvocy: How to Prot«f Whar• uft of •. FOR ntE .. ASK"' EDITOR 'a ~ ;; E • £ • 0 0 .... -. ~ ! Doe. ~An. Down, atar of ~ Grmi Train Robbery, agree with crttk:a who call her '"another Sophia Loren or Mare.,.n Monroe"? -G.O., Dowr, Del. e No. In fact. when she's compared to cunent or past screen beauties. she gets acutely uncomfortable and. to her embar- rassment. blushes. Lesley, 25, has said: "l hMie no confidence in my looks. When people pay me compliments. I go red all over. -Lesley's idea of beauty Is narrowed down to two ac:besses -Jane Fonda or Elizabeth Taylor. "When I was making A Uttle Night Music with Uz in Austria. I spent the first few days just staring at her. I \. ! Lesley-Anne Down: another Sophia? Her beauty Is natural; mine Is just makeup.~ Lesley doesn't take the film business seri- ously. She takes it from day to day, explaining, -Al. least twice a year. since I started in movies, rve been caDed the 'new this' or the 'new that.'-Lesley's next film i.s HOIKWe'f Sb'eef with Harrison Foni. FOR REP. JAMES H.QUlllEN IR.-Tenn.) You once pat a .-.... In yum" tnter pitcher during a tto.. hie Commlaee medlag. Why? -8.R.S., 8wJtwood. N..I. e Dperience has~ me that Important points often can be better made with humor than with formal oration. The goldfish, larger than most -sna11 ct.ter" fish, an endangered species, helped me Ulusuate to my colleagues the absurdity of causing a $119 million 1V A-built dam In my state to stand idle. As a result, legi:9atioft was amended. FOR CHERYL TIEGS, model OdM.r peopledaat. ............. p8'ed ... wl ....... What.,_ •• dM-* wl ........ .,.. ,_._. -D.R .• S.. Mmo, C..W. e What I like best se my eyes. which I accentuate by using ~ makeup (all around). What I like least is that I have a tendency to seem expwes*>nlas. To others. I'm afraid it must seem as If I'm bored or disinterested. whlch ls not so, of course. People are fi'I09t familiar and comrortable with my face when It's animated. FOR JOHN A. ZIEGUB .Ill.. Presidouit, National Hodcey~ W. ...._ ............. laid m ;I ; a 1111 s , wMdi ....... c'I --..... ,..1111•.., ..... 1)1 from Nta. ~ Do ,_. ..._ tWa kW .. act1oa ..._.., c:ltJ •.._I.._? -llk:lly oa..., ....,_ N.D. • In the Ima 10 li'U'S. there haw ban no pnieecutk>ns against NHL playas for fights In games In the U.S. That speaks for lltd. Hopefuly, the authorities are satisfied with the League's own dildpllnary procedwes. CON ~ L ~Deputy Dln!cror, Bureau ol the Census ~ugh the CenS\15 Bureau has a mong tradttk>n of confidentiality. Its surwy questions •e far too lntrusfve -IMrital status, ltteracy. ~. commuting lime, w95, length of ..... number of appliances, housing apcnta. publk: 8illilltMCe. s-ents' countly of birth and evert the number. of eollets end bllehtubs. And thee 's a la Today'• Census Eroding Our 81ght To Prfoacy? Respon.te to the census Is required by law and lnfonnation furnished on repot1 forms Is kept mtctJy conftden· Hal. Thls law clurty ttates that In· dMdual U.S. Census reports cannot be uled for pwpoMS of tuMlon, In· ~ or~· II *>,. qulra thM publhhed dllla be In tuc:h • fonn thlit I ls not ~ to Identify $100 atmNI pcnlllly '°' nifu9ng to enswef Al of this prying M1W1 not public lnterab but commadal Interests -which deckle where to aoc.. fectorm and how to ...._. produdl on the bm of m9ons of bis of tr. c:.-n- -....... lllllb.. Why thould dlbllns pul up wlltt this ~ lntnl8on ft9Y ,_. yeiss (no longlr every 10 yws) *"Ptv to give ~WWW frwe demogg""'1ic dlita? an lndMch.YI or• *9' ~ ftt ............ The i.w .apw.a thlit no one odMr ttt.n sworn omc.. end ~ ~ haw acc.. to lndlvldual llb1Dlllklll1. I the Amn:an people ~-id the ...... of the data .. c:olKt, ...., .. coope• Im .......... .... ~ -Md the lftb11lillllun wCI be men trulhful f tf-v h-. no cbllbl9..,.. how the .._ wCI ba .-cl. HOW JEALOUSY CAN lffiPROVE YOUR mARRIAGE By Norman m. Lobaenz You are at a party and you see your wife at the other end of the room. deep In conversation with a man you have only recently met. From tlme to lime the rwo of them break Into laughter. She neuer laughs like 1hat when we 1o/k, you rhink. And what con they be to/Icing about that's so lnreresting? For the last few weeks your husband has been working late every night, "to catch up on paperwork," he explains. You ask whether there Is anything you can do to he.Ip. "Thar's thoughtful of you," he replies, "but actuaUy Miss Adams hell volunteered 10 stay a.nd work with me." You know you C4n trust your husband, even with his new young seae· tary. But still ... a nagging doubt grows In your mind. In situations like these. we all have a reason to feel )ealous, right? Or do we? Not too long ago, jealousy was deemed to be a normal aspect of love; It was natu· rat to feel suspicious or worried If you sen&ed a threat to your relationship. Some men and women even welcomed a partner's jealousy -within limits. "I'd be disappointed if Jerry wa.sn 't a teeny bit jealous now and then," one woman said. "It means he thinks I can $till be attractive to other men. It's good for my morale!" More recently, however. Jealousy has been labeled an outdated emotion . Ex· perts on "liberated" man-woman rela- tionships denounce It as unnatural, never u1eful, and. wrote sociologist Dr. Jessie Bernard. "hardly salient at all today." But it seems the green-eyed monster Is not lh.t easily overcome. Counselors report no drop in the number of couples who seek help In dealing with jealousy. And couples living together unmarried who have an undentanding that each partner has the right to emotional -and some· Umes seKual -freedom are distressed to find they, too, have uneKpected feelings of jealousy. Some authorities even suggest that Jeal· ousy may be an instinctive reaction to the threat of an emotional loss. This threat. Wl'ite sociologists Gordon Clanton and Lynn Smith In their book, holousy, Is reinforced by common childhood experi- ences: UAs Infant$, each of us had to learn to let go of the mother, to share her ... with sibllngs. We learned that we would not have ful control over and total acceu to those on whom we depend" for emotk>nal substance. &at ll )ealousy II, aher all, a natural re.action, that does not neQeSMr11y mean It mutt have dftb'udlve side effectt. The f~ ts that f one deals with It lntdigendy, ,..tlollly can be a construc:tiw emotion and can ectually help to ltr~ the ties of low. "What matters," one pty· ehologist points out, "ls not that• per90n I• jealous but whether he or th• can ftnd out whv -.M then c.n do tomcthlng ebout tt'9 C.UM." Essentially, jealousy arises out of self. doubt, a lack of self-esteem, feelings of Inadequacy. As such. h Is a valuable warning signal of problems that need to be resolved If a marriage or love affair Is to prosper. For el<ample, when I asked a number of husbands and wives what sin· gle thing triggered feelings of jealousy, only a few mentioned seKual unfaithful· ness. Most said such things as: "When he spends more time With his work than he does with me" ..... "When he (or she) Is more attentive to other women (or men) then he is to me." In each case, obvious· ly, jealousy was due more to Inner doubts than to outer dangen. Just as physical pain spurs us to do something to remedy a bodily problem, so jealousy Is a way of calling our atten· tlon to an emotlonal problem we might othefWise not recognLte or want to face . To deal with It involves not wonying about what our partner may be doing, but analyzing our own reactions. ''Take your jealousy," advises therapist Louis Or· mont. "and ask quetdons of It." For Instance. the husband whose wtfe was so Involved In her convenation with anolher man could react In either of lwo ways. On the one hand, he could give In lo his anl<lettes and self-doubts and let his }ealous fancies run riot: Obviously she finds him more attractive than me. Well, I can't re.ally blame her. Look how much attention he II paying to her. I wonder wMther he11 ask her to have lunch with him. I bet they're P'9 to make a date, find CJ((UMS to be toglth•. That's always the way affMrl begin! How c.n I trult her when the behaves HM this? What Wll l do II the falls In love wtth him? On the other hend. the man could an•· lyze his jealous fNllngs thlt way: Why At she so Uvely? She must be having an in- teresting conversation. Maybe I don't rail< with her enough or discuss the things that Interest her. Why should it bother me thal she is having a good time? Since I love her. I ought to be glad she's enjoying the party. Do I really imagine that just be· cause she likes lo talk to this fellow she Is planning IQ have an affair with him? That's rldk:ulous! Am I so Insecure that I don't lruSI her away from my side for 10 minutes? If I am. I'd better do something about lhat. To convert jealousy from a negative to a positive re.ctlon requires tv.oo basic ac- tions. First, one must stop concentrating on what one's partner may be doing or thinking. Second, as psychoanalyst Rollo May has polnted out. "It requires turning one's attention to oneself and asking. "Why Is my self-esteem so low? This may be difficult to answer, but at least IC tum.s your conoem to an •M you can do !Orne· thing about." F or uample, one young wife became jeaJous of her lawyer husband when he kept talk1ng about an unmarried woman attorney In his firm . u AD he ever mentioned was how good she was at her job. He never sakl anything personal about her, and that's what made me sus· plclous," the wife sakl . "I 6na0y met her at the firm '1 Chtlstmas patty. She wasn't at aD atnacttve, bur Jerry still lpCT\t most of the evening talk.Ing to her. I exploded when we got home. Why 8fC you upMt?' Jmy atMd. 'I IMrn a loc from her, .,d th.'1 a rue• per90n, bur why shouJd that m.Jce YoU IO )Qloua? "That made me 1top and think," the woman continued. "I begai\ to think about mv-J/, and I rcalbied how I had always been worried about not being as smart as Jerry or as well educated. But I hadn't done anything to change that sit- uation. So I took an evenlng-xhool class on 'Law for the layman.' It probably sounds silly, but just being able to talk to Jerry about his work, to understand h bet· ter, gave me more confidence and securi· ty In our relationship.'' Al too often most peos>'e allow )ea· lousy to deteriorate Into feelings of guilt and seJf·plty at bes. or anger and haired at worst . But jealousy can be a stimulus to constructive action. Here are 10me steps experts suggest for converting jealous feelings from negative to positive results: • Recognize that no one person can meet all our emotJonal needs, nor can we meet all of someone else's needs. • Develop a sense of Independence and allow the person we love to have the same lndependeoce. • Strengthen the area5 In which we feel wlnerable or Inadequate'° that self· esteem ts lnaeased. • Make sure we •en 't encouraging jealous feelings becaute we tecretly enjoy them -or like being melodrarnattc: • Honestly admM jealous feelings and atk a partner to help you deal with them. No one ever feels totally secure about a love relationship. "As long at human be· lngs need affection, there wiJI be jealousy," say Gordon Oanton and Lynn Smith. u(But) ~alouty Is ndhef proof of love nor~ ol penonal flllturc. It II m«cly a ~ that tds you to .aend to youl' reletionlhlp and to younef ... If jea- louty i. uted to punilh • ~ or feed Ml.ply, It will only be ~. If It II uled In • radonal w.y. to gain In-ht and dartfy problenu, jtalou~ can r. help. mM1ege '#OW. .., Succulent ham thats been gently seasoned with natural spices . . . that s wha t you get when you open a can of Underwood® Deviled Ha m . Growing kids (and grown-ups too) love the taste of all our Underwood sandwich flxins inclu ding Chunky Chicken. Roas t Beef. Corned Beef and Liverwurst spreads -each one made real good with real meat. So for tomorrows lunch . make a platter of Underwood sandwiches. The kids will make 'em disappear . . . fas t! B Mg. Tar. Q 7 Mg. NicOtine Warning: The Surgeon General HIS Dllennined 11-Ciplltl Smomg Is Oii .. • tD YM Haldl I ROffiANCE WRITERS: SPINNING LOVE INTO GOLD By Suzy Kolter "I can't belieue this book was written by a man. no man could know those things about a woman! stormed an il'Cllte buyer at her local book store, as she plunked down her creased and weU-read copy of Loves Tender Fury by Jennifa Wilde and demanded her money back. Jennla Wiide. II has just been revealed. is actuaDy a man. A 11e1y nice man, named Tom Huff, 42, who &ves with his mother in an old Victorian mansion outside of Ft. Worth, Texas, and who spends a lot of his time writing as Jennifer Wilde. and a lot of his time writtng as Tom Huff. As Jennifer WaJde, he has published several paperback original novels (aD his- torical romances) and sold so many cop- ies for Warner Books that he is one of the mos well-known, best-loved and high)y saleable of the authors churning out pot- boilers and love stories, family sagas and genercmonal taJe:s. He has sold several milBon copies of his paperbacks, making him one of the three kings (or queens) of historical romance. Although he is the only man among the top seDers. he is not the only man to write this kind of book and use a pen name. 'These books are read mainly by wom· en." he explained In his c:arefuJ Texas dniwl, "and when I first started writing them, which was several years ago and times were a bit different. we were afraid that women would only buy this kind of book if It were written by a woman. So we jusl picked a name. I've had several pseudonyms ... Besides Jenn.lfer Wilde. the other two leading names In "this klnd of book" •e Rosemary Rogen and Patricia Matthews. Both are In their 40's, had complete ca- reers outside of book publishing (Rogen was• ~b ~; Millahews wmMd In a dericaf position at a c:olege for 17 ye4WI) that they reled on for their in- comes while they tolled over the typewrit· er. And boch haw become mOonans, se.lling m1lllons of copies of tttles like Low i Awnglng fkort, ~ Savage Low and The Crowd Pfeaeers. The Crowd PfeGJCrs. Rosemary Rogers' most recendy published book, Is different from al the others; It Is a con- temporary novel about high fashion. lust and Sen fTendlco, and Is Rogers' ftrst mow away from the historical fiction she has become famous for. "I don't sec much difference between the two," she pum, In her slightly ac· Ctll1'ed (!t18 ~ born ~ ~ and niBed In India), throaty whilper. "Contempo- rary novels arc also romantic, they have the same action and Intrigue. In my head I'm wrlllng the same thing, the research Is Jl.l3f ~. n they wear dfJeent kinds cl c:bhes ... HisDical romances, by definition. re- quire a tremendous amount ol research. They always take place in a past century and U5Ualy span 5llM?nll continents, pref- erably three locations, ~ four. , spend a tremendous amount ol my time resea-cllklg," says Patricia Matthews. "I may have a basic idea of my sto.v &ne and plot, but only after I get Into the re· search do I really know what direction the story will take. You find so much great stuff in the research that you want to use it all, which you can never do , or you find something that you thlnk is so good you have to change dates and a few facts around just so you can work it In." Certain authors become experts at cer- tain time periods; other authors sdck to time periods they know sel well (Tudor England, Pre-Revolutionary France, American Colonial) while others draw from their own ~· BecaUSie Rogers grew up in Ceylon and India, she often draws on personal memories, trans- posing them Into the right frame. She Is currendy working on a historical romance tenbltively tided Lost Low. Loe l.ooe. which takes place In India and the Ameri- can Southwest (another area she knows weD) In the 1870's -a time period she has worked with before. lime and place are not the only givens In a hJstorlcal romance. "Sure, they all have a bmula, • admb Pmrida Mat· thews. ''1fs lllce somebody Once told me, 'You get the heroine up a tree and then throw stones at her.' You let her get Into a mess and get herself out of the mess. And you have to have a happy ending. Every· one wants a happy ending." Everyone also wants a vllJaln who ls really vile. "You have to have a character who Is mean and rotten In the beginning ol the book who everyone thinks Is the wont," Mys Matthews. "'Then the hero· Inc napes him, only lhc ends up with somebody much wone. People love vii· lains. I ~ that from Dk:Mns." (contln~d) Barbaro Cartland, aboue. at home in England. Her best- selling historical loue stories always end chastely. with a kiss. Patricia Matthews. left, had a clerical job at a college before sell- ing her first romantic nouel. Now shes a millionaire. Exotic-looking Rosemary Rogers, below, is the personifica- tion of the women s he writes about -and her re aders day- dream of being. c 2 c ~ c • ~ z I j Walt Garrleon Football and Rodeo •tar How to enjoy tobacco without smoking. ROmANCE WRITERS VUlalns are pretty easy to spot in ro · mances because they are almost always mean stepfathers or worse. They have names like Rudd or Silas (the heroes are named Adam, Robert or David) and al· ways attack their helpless victi"ls - heroines with names like Eulalie, Elena. or Leliha rather than Jane or Sue. And there lies the key to the sale of so many books: the heroines are the women every woman dreams she is. She is on her own ("You have to get rid of the parents in the first chapter," says Mat· thews, "otherwise there's no explaining why a young lady of that time gets into so much trouble") to fight her own way in the world. She encounters a lot of prob· lems, but she overcomes them all, and In the end lives happily ever after. Because of their strong theme of wom· man's independence and survival, histori· cal romances differ from many of the other types of books often referred to as "women's books." Barbara Cartland also writes historical J love stories with female heroines, but they are of the "regency" style. They have no sex whatsoever and usually end with a kiss. which is the promise of all that is to come. Cartland, and her literary follow· erS, have sold millions of books, and they are truly expert at weaving the same story In and out of different places and tlmes. An altogether different variation is the historical novel. These, too, take place during another time and usually feature a woman in a heroic and noble position. They are always based on historical facts and usually pivot around people and cir· cumstances that are well known and un· disputed history. Mls!Tess of this genre Is Victoria Holt (who is also Jean Plaidy) She Is particularly comfortable with Tudor England and French medieval history. Historical novels, rather than hl.storical romances, have more cross-over in the book world than most of these books. They often come out first as hard~ver editions and then are reprinted In poper· back. rather than aeated as paperbacks. (Victoria Holt is the name the cruthor uses for hardback editions, Jean Plaldy for paperback originals.) ''You should be able to teD a book type by Its tJtle.~ says Patricia Matthews. ~1 wanted to name my first book Mo./vem because that's the name of the plantation where a lot of the action takes place. But I had 10 change the title because the pub- lishers were 'llfraid I would mislead the rea-iers. Books with plantation names are not historical romances. They are called Plantation Novels." By Matthews' rule, books with emo· llons in the title are historical romances (The Flame and The Passion, Loves Tender Fury), while books with women's names in the title are historical novels (Marla, Fionna, Anya). Family stories, generatlonals and sagas are again another breed of book. "I'd written many other types of books," says Patricia Matthews, "and my husband Matt (Clayton Matthews) has done a lot of famdy saga and genera· tlonal t)\lngs. I did mostly juveniles, science fiction and nonfiction before this. But my agent told me that a new kind of book was really seDing, and he suggested I try It." Matthews' first try was Loves Avenging Heart, which went diredly onto The New York Times paperback best·seller list and sold over 1.5 mlllion copies. All four of her subsequent novels have gone onto the best-seller list . making her the only author to have five consecutive novels on the list. Her sixth one. Loues Magic Mo· ment. ls ou1 this month and lsihe story of a woman on an archeological dig in Mex - lco -both archeology and Mexico are personal passions of Mrs. Matthews. After Loves Magic Momeni comes an as· of·yet unnamed book that takes place in Alaska and around the Yukon. Matthews spent several years living in Oregon, around lumber mills (a theme in a previ· ous book, Loves Doring Dream) and is familiar with the wild outdoors of bleak winters, silent SITeams and tall, tall trees. WhUe the Matthewses navel about 25,000 miles a year researching their books -Patty likes to study each loca· lion she writes about unless It's very exotic or far away -they still spend most of their time In their modest redwood frame house tha1 hangs off a cKff between Los Angeles and Pasadena. Patty pracrices her own brand of witchcraft and studies the occuh when not writing She claims lo have made the charm that put her books on the best-seller list H er style is exceedingly different from Rosemary Rogers. Matthews writes short.staccato sentences and packs a lot of action Into each page. While Rogers doesn't stint on the action, she gives much more description and uses a much more elaborate sentence pattern. "I just write what I see in my mind. It's kind of like a screen up there; it's like a mind movie. I become all the characters In the story. I feel what they are feeling - male and female. I can even hear the voices and their different Intonations and pronunciations of words." If Patricia Matthews Is the antithesis of her heroines, being overweight and doing her own housework In her modest little home, then Rosemary Rogers Is the per· soniflcation of the women she writes about. Dark ·skinned and exotlc·looking. she has long. flowing black tresses and a look of sexual prowess In her eyes that carries through to her every movement. The men she writes about are the kind of men she would like to meet. She divides her time between two California homes; one at the beach near Carmel. the other, a townhouse in San Francl5co. spending her relaxing hours in her private redwood hot tub sipping wine from a goblet. "I have no more discipline in my life ," she laughs. "I think I've even forgotten how to take shorthand." No need to worry. She has a full·Ume secretary who tends to the details. AD Rosemary needs to do Is write -which she does late at night. "I have no schedule. I just sit at my typewriter at night and write for as long as It flows. It depends how fast the thoughts are coming. You know how the creative Juices are. Somettmes there are 10 page$. sometimes 30." Working until dawn, Rogers sleeps un· tU noon or two and lives the life of a night penon. claiming to be a bit "daad"1Jy her new 'lfalyte. •tt's al IM a dream." l'Jlll Jt.df like one ol her books. aiLI . --· .. ,I V....... """'8 \U UV. How to Cut Your Income Tax to Zero a dvertiaeme ol Tax law says you don't have to pay taxes-even if you earn between $15,000 to $25,000 or more! Nobody likes to. pay taxes. And the tax laws in this country say you don't h ave to. Most people think that the wealthy are the only on es who can save thousands of dollars each year on their ta xes. But anybody with a n average income can ta ke a d vantage of the tax la w. In the next 12 months you can reduce the amount of federal and state taxes you pay, to a lmost nothing. Let me explain exactly what I mean. Tax shelter's nothing more or less than taking advantage of the tax laws that were put there for a reason. The reason is tq help you and motivate you to invest so you will help the economy of the United States. (Your investment doesn't have to be cash, either. It can be just a bit of your time.) T he key to saving on your taxes iB a little thing called "depreciation". You see. the U.S. Congress years ago decided that depreciation on certain kinds of J>TOperties could be deducted from your taxable income. (Depreciation in theory means. that your property goes down in value because of physical as well as functional deterioration.) Of course. congress knew full well that properties in actual practice appreciate in value, but they still allow people to deduct the non· exiatan t depreciation from their personal federal and state taxes. So now, even if your income is only Sl5,000 to $25,000 a year, you can quite easily acquire enough property with enough depreciation that your tox bill is zero or close to it. And you can buy those properties without any cash o f your own. Read on and you '11 see how. Here's a simple example: [f you bought a duplex for a total of $75,000 and bought it entirely with someon e else's money -and I'll show you how to do that in a minute - huw much depTedation and t.ax eavintcs would thRt give you? Let's say you r-.nted your duplex out for $800 per month and you have to pay ba_ck your loan of $76,000 in 30 year& with a 1CH41.ll1 interest. Your monthly paymen t.a wouJd now be 1700.11. IHving you with 1100 t o pay for taxes, ln1aranee a nd other e11penRa. CThe 176.000 loan would wlf liquidate by the ttnt you'd reoe ve) Now here comes the good newe. Thw property would five you approxima tely 16,260 iJ\ depreciation. Your 16,260 could be deducted from your Lax.able incomt. How'• that for a dtductionl! Thal'• without 0..--..... ,_,, --- an.truc:don• tor Fonn 1040 ,,_ .. c .. • ------· .......... r..,..1oeo--'1,l,C,D.l.F,ll,llf' -5(. r ..... 1oeo_. ..... 111o,..,. ...... 1w_ ...,._.,. _. ... •, ...... ·-IO -W,.... -Mo'"''" I~ -,_,-..... --'°........-""'"'" _ .... ,,.... .... 1S.-4 olttie-...O.,,_ .net tor Schedules ·"Whdli ,.,,.. '° r• ... , All'*'Cfllllo-r-.Ool r ..... 10«> .. - A. 8, C. D, £, r. R, RP, .net SE f'f•T---31-'2t .,._ .... ,,_ .... _.-, ........ .._ ___ IM_ If ____ ............. --.... ..... __ ,...,.... n..,---111 .............. ...,._ ____ ..,... .. ____ ... .......... _._, "--------· ........ ~·--11,.... ..... _.,,. ... _.,. __ IO..., ... _ .......... _..., °""''--.. ---· ......... "'"-""'--'°----· Tu L8w a. ..... , ..... 1-.......... ,. ..... 10«> ~--w. ... .....,._.,. .... _ ... ___ lor __ ....... ~ ....... , ..... . ..,..,....,..,..,. ........ .. ,......,,,.._.~L-•J tlf ,.,. lo.tO ......... .,... _rud_ II __ ...,_,,,,, __ ---IOYL .. ,...,. ...... (,..,,.~~· .... ~ ......... ..... ....,......,..,.,.....,,. "--l>olp. _ ......... ""'-~•ledlcw .,..., .. N ... _46.0<-MfllSoll\u ............. ~.-.~ ......_..,,itn_,,,.... .... , .... ,....... .... wi..,. ---·--...... .,.~ .......... ........ ...,,ec.1 "'"" __ ,,..~_, - ,_........~ ... ........... -'°'--.... "" .... , ..... ~ ... ............. .1,. ........... M;tf~t ,_tN~ .,_ .... , .. --.~ A llttle known tax law now being used by thouund1 to legally eliminate Income tmx ... any cash investment on your part. But that's not all. If yuu art> now making $20.000 a year. instead of paying s:J,999 that you would normally pay, you now pay 11nly $2,U9. Th at's a nice little chunk of money to get back aft~r you file your tax return. I f you buught two properties just like the one above, your tax would be only $710. Rut that's still nut a ll. By using your cash rebate wist>ly, you can improve the value of your $7!>,000 property by I O'!!t lo 3.''>'.11•. How? Ry making the right kind of inexpensive improvements. wh ich wlll allow and justify an increase in rent by 10'111 to :J.5•JI, or more. which o f course will increase the value of your property by a like amount. (And [ do know what I'm talking about htni, H I've betn Ctolna t.hia for a number ofyeara with million• of dollars worth or property.) You see. income property ia bought and eold primarily on the basis or ita' income etream. Raise net income per year a nd you have raiaed the valu• by the aame percen1-1e -aometlmu a hlaher percentage. Keep reading. there's more. Now that your $75.000 property is worth more. you could sell it and pocket your profit. but there's a smarter and wiser step to take. Oon't sell it, keep it. Why? Because of the tax shelter it's giving you. (If yuu heed the cash. you mittht KO ahead and sell it anyway. or lx•tter still. gel a second morlJ:;LlKe on tht> new equity you created and kt't'p the property a nd all the benefits it's Riving you.) You see, now you've got that tax shelter t>very yt'er. What do you do now'! Go out and repeat lht> pr<:>eess If you want more shelter 1( your income is s:m . 40,000, you'll want to repeat lhe pmcess severaJ times until the point that your tall liability is zero or c:loee to it. It really ia a 1reat deal - you not only save thousaf\d& of dollars ea<'h year in taxea, hut your net worth will be d im bi n1 n pid ly. (Roth because you an improvin1 the property and aa 8 bonus, your property It movin1 up in valut' ($7,000 to $8,000 each year)just becauae of that thln1 called inflation.) Rut wait a minute. you say~ How do I buy a property using other people's money without using any of my own? Well I thought you might ask that. so rm ready with the answer. 1 n fact. 1 wrote a complete book about it. Now don't get upset and stop reading now' I know most books written on tax shelti!r and the buying of income property are fairly difficult, complex and confusing. but mine 1s not. I wrote it in lan~uage which anvone can understand and I kn~w it works. because I've done it my1:1elf In just <JR months .I netted oveT one million dollars nnd paid less taxes in those years than the l(uy that makes :S:lll,000 n year Tax .,..,,.,.are noth· l"fl more or leu than ta Iring adt1anta9e of the , •• law• ,,.,,, .,,,.,. put the,. tor a , .. son. So now here <'omes tht> sales pitch! I want you to stop paying so blasted much in taxes. Not because I'm trying to start a tax revolution, but first bt>cause lax laws are there that allow you lhe privilege or advantage of not paying any taxes and secondly. maybe our friends in Washington might get the general hint that we want them to spend less of our money, Oh, yt>s. and J want to sell copies of my book. H OW TO WAKE UP THE FINANCIAL GENIUS INSIDE YOU! This will not only show you how lo save thousands of dollars on your taxes tor even reduce them lo nothing) but it also will show you how to build a very large net worth of several hundred thousand dollars or even more add MOO or $I .000 to your monthly paycheck. Now. if you can't quite believe everythin1e I've said Cl don't really hlame you. Most people, including myself. are basically sct>ptirs.J then I would encourage you to <'heck me out. Call or write my bank (Utah First Hank. :113."l South 1aoo East), or my a<'<'oun tant (Charles Huber & A81oc., IOi'>O Beneficial Life Tower), ur the Salt Lakt> Ch a mber of Commerce. (19 East Second Suuth, All in Sttlt Lake City, Utah). Also, when you order, why don't, you postdate your c;h~k by 30 d-.ya, -and [ guarantee and promise I will not cash your check for at leaat 30 days. thereby giving you time to l't'ad my material and ~nefit (rom it. I( there'a Ofl.Yl hifl6, and I mean anythlnr at all you don 't like. then eend my book back and we'll aend you your check badt the aarne day. But If you'r• going to do something, do it NOW. Don't put this paper down without taking a('tion In fact. if you've decided to order or if you have any questions. go to the phon e right now. pick it up and <'all 801 -97~l-·W5:3 and you can order by credit card.tTheaame 30 day guarantee applies to credit card buvere.) The investment [ aak you to make 1s only $15.00. I ('an offer my formula.a and method• at thia low price becauu or my huge volume. lnc1dt>ntally. more than 400.00<J peoplt> hlt'Ve already bought this book through the mail and I have l itt>rally thousands of testimonial stories of how people have saved thousands of dollars on their taxes and built their net worth. by hundreds uf thousands of dollars . Here's a small list of some of tht-th ings that this publicat1un 1s guaranteed to do for you. It will show you howl(). • Shela.er your income by lel(ally avoiding pay~ ing fcdernl or state income taxes • Add cash to your monthly salary • Benefit from inOation rather than bt>1ng hurt by it • Buy in<'ome properties for as little as $100 down • Begin withoutanycash • Put $10,000 cash in your pocket each time you bu y (without selling property) • Double your a88ets every year. • Bt.ay bargains at one half their market value • Allow you to travel one week o ut of t>very month • Save I01.1!1ofyour salary • Re inves t your taic savinf(s for even ~realer tax shelter NOTE· All this can be done immediately a nd without leavinl{ your job, but afler you !(el goinir. you may want to quit your present job. 'lb order, simply take any siu paper and writ.e on it the words "Fman<'ial Genius" - Dept. Q..531. Send with your name, addre88 and a check or money order for $15.00 to me. Mark 0 . • Haroldsen. 2612 South 1030 West, Salt. Lake City, Utah 8-4119. Auoon as we receive it, our girls will im- mediately aend you a copy by return mail, eo you won't hive to wait weeks to f't!Ceive what you've ordered. 'lb epeed up lhe proceea you can call 24 houn a day 801-978-4063 and u~ your credit. card to order. We take all major credit cards. •' l ffiARVIN HAGLER: BROCKTON'S NEW .HOPE By Bouy Stavro "T hey can't avoid me any longer." So spoke Marvin Hagler, the bruising middleweight fTom Brockton. Mass., who at last has the mld<ilewei13ht title within his gun sights. W.ming : The Surgeon Gtnlfll Hes 011enninld n.. f4lrlt1ts.b'l ls O. .. iw •Y• Hllllla. But until recently, Hagler's career had been one of frusanmoo. For success in boxing. more than any other sport. comes ~om boctl physical talent and back· room politics. Hagler has always dripped of talent. but wkhout political clout. aD hls efforts left him on the o utside P-•IJl'As i•11111ccolluwilalllr'tar'cidantte .. plmD1etleGitC1 .. -. ........ c a I ,c.11 .. •ue:Ct.-. ........ '' I am ... _._._,_, Now 26 years old. Hagler has had 45 pro fights In six years, losing but two, both by decisions. Placed at the top of most middleweight rankings. Hagler's routine most nights of the week ls the same. After running five miles in the morning, Hagler arrives at the Pe:tronem Gym in Brockton at 7 P.M. to work out. The Petronelli brothers. Goode and Pat. double as his manager and trainer, and the three have slowly struggled to- gether. Their gym is a small. one-room af· fair with two weU-wom rings and assorted boxlng paraphernalia lying about. The hardwood floon are dirty and musty, while the walls bear numeTous pho12s of Hagler's fights . '" In the photos Hagler looks dangerous. He shaves his head before fights, so it gleams under the lights. And his black torso Is so heavily muscled that It's shaped like a capial V. Marvin changes clothes in the small locker room, pulling gear fTom a tiny wooden locker. H agler grew up In New Jersey and his family later moved to Brockton. long a hard-core New EngLand boxing center and Rocky Marciano's hometown. Hagler drihed Into the sport at 17. when one day he just walked Into the Petroneli Gym and said he wanted to learn boxing. Most fighters know their viral statistics in their s&eep. Marvin recites his, "I won 52 ama- teur fights. 47 by knockout. When I won some of them trophies al the Golden Gbws. ~ kept me going." A1 20, Marvin tumed pro . As a southpaw. Hagler had troubk! get, ting fights from the start. becauw south- paws do everydmg beckwmds. So. Hag· ler ohen camouflaged himself as a nghty just to get fights . As Hagler walks out to the gym to begin oerdstng, he recals, .. Somebody said I had an attack style of fighting, liM a Doberman pin!Cher or a German shep- herd. I like that, becau9e you gotta be vicious." He's also rock hard. In over 100 amateur and pro fights, Hagler has never beet'! knock.d down. Not flYef\ Muham- mad Ah can malce that claim. Three years ago Holgler toolc a fight wth Phlladelphla mJddJr.wlght conten- der. Wllhe Monroe. on short notice even though he was W. It turned out to be a big (oondnued on poga 151 ti• P//ll&Y wmll&.Y, .. ,._ .. Citation is a car of many virtues. It's compact, but it's big inside. It's versatile, but sporty, too. It's quick, but also very smooth. It's brand new, but it has already gone through more preproduction testing than any car in Chevy history. lllD·SIZE ROOll FOR 5 ADULTS Citation'• engine is mounted sideways, 90 the pas-- senger compartment can be bicger. I n fact, in EPA interior dimensions, Citation ia classified as a mid ... ize car. With the back seat folded down t here's room enough for two adults in front, and 30 hap of groceries in bac 0 TO 50 IN 9 SECONDS FLAT That's in engineering tests with the available 2.8 Liter V6 and automatic transmission. And that's acceleration you'll a ppreciate on a freeway. California figures not available. Citation is<2uJ!li:! with GM-built ~nes pr u various divisions. your Clea er or eta1 1. -THE PULL OF l'RONT WHEEL D The heart of Chevy Citation is its front wheel drive. Power pulls the car rsther than pushes it. With 65% of the weight of the car over the driving wheels, you get good traction on wet roads, snow and mud. CARRIES BIG LOADS (AND DBPS IT A SBCUT) Behind the rear 1eat of a Citation Hatchback you get cargo room that'• just a fraction lea than the trunk lpllC9 in our big Chevrolet Caprice. And there's a rear compartment panel linked to the hatch so what's inside is protected from view. T he panel can be easily removed when you want more load height. . lllPRESSIVE GAS MILEAGE ESTIMATES With standard 4-cylinder engine and 4 -speed overdrive}J;._ansmission, Citation's EPA estimated miles per gallon is~ (city), and estimated 38 highway. R emember: Compare estimated MPG to t he estimated MPG of other cars. You may get different mileage depending on your speed, top length and weather. Your actual city mileage will be less in heavy city traffic. Your actual highway mileage wi ll probably be less than the estimated highway fuel economy. California estimates lower. PRICED AS LOW AS •3983 That's the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price including dealer prep for the 1980 Chevy Citation 2-Door Coupe shown at the immediate right. Tax, license and destination cha rges extra. If you order available equipment. it will cost extra. SEE IT AT YOUR CHEVY DE~ERS, APRIL19th. YOU'VE GOT TO DRIVE ONE TO BELIEVE II What we would like you to do is drive a Citation. For we want you to j udge the way it feels. The way it handles. The way it rides. The way it can make a stretch of road seem straighter, smoother, even shorter. And probably ~ore fun. W e urge you to visit your Chevy dealer soon and test drive the first Chevy of the '80s. The 1980 Chevy Citation. It could be just the car you've bad in mind~ A full line of Citations, includine, top to bottom: XJ 1, Club Coupe, 2·Door and 4-Door Hatcbbac.k . -~ • --· ....... ' ' , Hagler '.s uicious jabs sto pped Keuin Finnegan A tJtle shot is next. HAGLER (continued from page 10) break because, even though Hagler lost the fight on a d ose decision. he went on to knock out Monroe twice in rematches. Goode Petronelli, who trains Hagler, remembers, ~Joe Frazier. who was Mon· roe's manager. told Marvin, 'You got three things going against you: You're a SOU!hpaw. you're black. and you're good.'· Since then. Hagler has been building his reputation as a dangerous opponent. Two years ago he fought then-undefeat· ed number-one contender, Mike Colbert. who ended up In the hospital with a frac. lured )aw. Last year Kevin Annegan. ex- European champ. fought and lost to Hagler twice and left enough blood on the ring floor to make the Red Cross wince. Perhaps Haglers most impressive accomplishment occurred with former crosstown rtval. Vinnie Curto. 1he pair was to have a showdown match in Bos- ton when, suddenly, three days before the fight . Curto panicked and skipped town, fleeing 3 ,000 mUes to Seattle. As a result, Goode Petronelli con- cedes. "You have to practically get some- one In a comer and hit him over the head with a hammer to get him to fight Marvin." Hagler has already called mid· dleweight champ, Hugo Corro, "a sissy" for not fighting him. And Vrto Antuofer· mo, Corro's next scheduled opponent. turned down a huge payday to fight Mar· vin last fall. In fact, promoters have often had to overpay Hagler's opponents In order to make the match, with Hagler taking the lesser cut. '"When I was a ldd I thought fighters who were rated number one Of two would fight anybody in the world." Hagler said. "Now I know different. 1hey won't fight anybody. They )ust want to hold onto their ranking. n F inaly. Bob Arum stepped In. Arum, one of the most Influential promotas In boxing, signed a three-fight deal with Hagler that Included the promise of fight· ing the winner of the C.orro-Antuofenno championship fight In May. So the pot of gokl at the end of the rainbow Is on Marvin Hagler's mind as he speeds through hls sit-ups and shadow~ boxing. Then Hagler cllmbs In the ring and works out with hls trainer. They run through a boxing choreography. with Hagler throwing tun punches at Petrone!· ll's gloves. positioned by the head or kidneys. Hagler is honing his wares: the )ab, uppercut and hook are exploited In every Imaginable combination. After stx active rounds, Hagler leaves the rtng. with rivulets of swat drtppfng from his gliltenlng head. He returns to his small locker to change. It was only last irAMa.Y waKLY, Alf" tt. .. e 11 year that Marvin was able to qui! construe· lion work because bigger boxing paydays were on their way. He is both optimistic and pragmatic now that he is so dose to his big chance, Ml'm feeling good, working hard. Getting dose to smelling that green. ,. And lV. I need that national exposure." J He won his third 1V fight in February. and ~ Is looking forward to more, especialy his ~ promised ~ shot in September. Waming: The Surgeon General Has Oetennined That Ciprene Smoblg Is Dlngerous to Your Health. But he warns, Ml've been living on promises all my life. I won't believe it until I'm in that ring." He adds In a somber voice. "I been working out of this same comer for nine years. I knew I was better than those guys, so I trained harder." He pulls on a Marvelous Marvin Haljer T-shirt. M8u1 they can't avoid me any longer," he repeats slowly. looking ram hard. angry and eager for mcwe. l&J JRUE. FILTlfA CIGARETTES AS SEEN ON TV Play guitar, and yoilr favorite tunes, the first time you open this book! ruixe Big Note Guitar Song Book . lacludea 8 PAGES of SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. a deluxe 161121 Chord Finder Guitar Poater, . aad the BULL'S-EYE E..ay "PeeH>ff" numbera for fln .. rboard chord poaltlona. Here's How It \\brksl The .. ROY CLARK Dehme Big Note Galtar So119 Book" All the \\brds, Music, Chord Diagrams and Strums for Guitar. E:asy to Read, E:asy to Play, E:asy to Leaml Here' S What You Get! (A partial listing of Song Titles) Special Roy Clark Ananeemea .. Ban)oy Hookinit Let Me Be The One Pair Of Aves Bringing It Back Nightcap Back Up And Push A Woman In Need Of Someone And Yourself Another Puppet (Nothln' Clings To Me) Like My Momin' Glory Do Daddy Sang Bass Funny Face Galveston Come Saturday Morning Mike You Feel Love Again I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry Moon River We'U Sing In The Sunshine Take Me Home Country Roads Gentle On My Mind Speak Softly Love He Ain't Heavy ... He's My Brother Lemon Tree Morning Has Broken Oh Happy Day Summertime Sunrlle, Sunset A Taste Of Honey Welcome To My World Wish Me A Rainbow Feel Like Makin' Love features owrsizied. easy-to-use notes. The name ol the musical Po .... u HI .. aacl Your Cheatln' Heart Everything ls Beautiful Amazing Grace OvalOOSo .... 256 p..-of mule. wltb plaotoe aad Rop Clark ... a .. ,. Camptown Races Careless Love note is boldJy printed on the note. In addition, each song contains AU-Time Favortta enlarged guitar frames and strum bars. ~~I Get To You The system includes a 16x21 Chord Ander Poster, in full color, The One And Only Faith Of Our Fathers Aw Hundred Miles Greensleeves Guantanamera that Illustrates the basic chords f« the most commonly used keys, Blue Bayou • .plus the colOf' "Peel-Off' number stickers for the guitar ftngerboard Thel Ca <;-Stndy Malon "' ...L-~ _ n t op ving •OU UIUlU positions. Fiddler On The Roof The H.pplnt Girl In The Whole U.S.A. "V• "'I' .,,edal wtetltod .... a UUle Mrunl, 1JN' /(A ~ and HEYi YOU'RE NllJUN' JIUSIC:' I '!fl~ Utnry No. GMB 112 ____ YourNO RISK Order Form ---- FW415t Haneen HOU8e 352 Evelyn Street • Paramus, New Jersey 07962 PLEASE RUSH my '"ROY CL.MK Deluu Ilg Noce Guitar long look" (GMB112). EnclOaad la my check, ot money onter, In the amount of•• plus $1.00 fOf poet1ge end Mndllng. I undaratMd that I mey Ntum this book'°'• complete refund within 30 days If I am not comptetety Mtlafled. TOTALENClOSEOS .. __,.......,.. • .,,,. ..... ,•-> Nmme Addr9ee Oty Zltl •a=. C...No. I l I I I I =c a .. ~Dlt• .... .. l By Fred Nofziger T he most popular sport fish In America is the bass. which has an appeal that lures some five million anglers annually to seek out this finny critter in its watery lair -any fresh body of water offering food and cover. from the narrow, fas1·runnlng · stream to the wide. deep lake. The bass is a cantankerous fish that hides, sulks and changes Its taste In lures and location in any given body of water, frequently and without warning. The bass comes In a variety of colors, none too brilliant; has contours from snout to tail fin, all ugly; fights like a back-aUey brawler when hooked; and is.known by many colloquial names. And some of the most popular bass are not bass al all, but members of the sunfish family. Bass or not. the largemouth leads the most popular sport-fish parade by fllr. It Is a prolific breeder, hits artificial lures with gusto and Is found In every state e><cept Alaska. The northern largemouth and a subspecies found In Florida, Georgia and California have a string of colloquial names: big mooth, black bass, green bass. linesldes. mossback, Welshman, lake bass, keghead, lunkerbass, and even bucket mouth. The smallmouth has nearly as wide a range as Its big·mourh broth". The northern smallmouth and a subspecies, the Neosho smallmouth found In the rivers of Oklahoma, A~ansas and Mis· souri also have a string of local names such as green bass, brawny, bronzeback, black bass, redeye, jumper, green trout, tiger bass, Oswego bass, swago bass, and JUSt plain smally. The spotted bass ranges from the up- per Mississippi Valley south to the Gulf states, west to Texas, Oklahoma and Kan· sas and east to Florida. It is also called the Kentucky bass, llnesides bass, green bass, green trout, diamond bass, southern bo.ss and rocky bass. An excellent game fish, It appears to be ahybridbetweenthelargemouthandsmall· mooth bo.u. II survives ctdverse condl· dons better than either of Its cousins, takes the same lures and Is a battler. The redeye bass, a black bass resem· bling the smaUmouth, mey also be called shoal bass or Chlpola bass. Its red eyes and fins are its most distinctive meri<lngs. It Is 10Ught In the upper tributaries of the Alabama and Chattahoochee river sys- tems In Alabama, and the Sevenl'lllh River dtalnage basin In Ge<>fgla, as well as In Florida and Tenneseee. Rock bo.ss are members of the aunflsh family, but they are not black bass. They are often called rock sunfish, and I.heir considerable range Is from Vermont to ~r Lake Winnipeg In Manitoba and south to the Gulf mites. The greatest angling drawbed< to this fish Is Its slr.e -It Frwd N~. when"°' writing oboul ourdoor ffl-, lllO~ through wood1 ond ,,,.otN Is a relatively small fish . The two true members of the bass family are the white bass and rhe yellow bass Extremely prolific, good to eat and easy to catch, the white bass ranges throughout the Great Lakes (except Lake Superior), the Ml.sslssippi Valley and then across Texas lo northeastern Me><k:o. The yellow bass is most abundant In large rivers and lakes of the upper Mississippi drainage area Not as large as the white bass, the yellow bass Is still a fighter Whatever the angler's devotion. he or she can find happiness at an unfamiliar bass lake if the fishing trip has been planned In a precise manner. Perhaps the most important trait of a bass fisherman is fle><lbllity The way you fish for ba.ss back home, or the lures you use, may not do the job in other waters. And knowing where to seek the bass is one of the most Important factors. In a word. bass need "cover." Mature bass need it both for protection and to catch rhelr own prey Out of sight, this ravenous-jawed marauder hides and charges out with awesome speed to engulf its victims. Bass are found In and around weeds, lily pads, logs, brush. debris, fallen limber, docks, pilings, dark pockets, rocks, undercut banks, shore Indentations, wrecks, reefs, shoals and any midlake structure differing from rhe surrounding bottom. The bass eats virtually anything moving through the water, Including snakes, frogs, smaller fl.sh , crayfish, freshwater shrimp, worms, Insects, small birds. ee.ls, snails and leeches. As the bass approaches Its victim, or its victlm approaches the bass. the bass suddenly opens Its mouth and flllres its gills. creating a suction that pops the ob- ject Into the bass' mouth. The best time to fish for bo.ss Is every time you have the opportunity, because h.ss are unpredictable. You may catch your limit one morning while the bo.ss are feeding In the shallows, while later In the day the bass will hit any1hlng you can get down to them in deeper water. Whether you use splncasting, spin· ning. baitcastlng or fly-cast,ng me:thods on bass Is up to you, bur preparation should be done carefu lly. Also. there Is no substitute for good equipment. If you're a newcomer to the sport, you should probably stick to spinning or spin· casting. Balrcastlng takes considerable e><· perlenee to do well 11nd fly fishing, though not difficult to master. has a special technique of Its own Once yoo have been bl!Nn by the bass· fl5htng bug and have had some expert· ence with this finny iaapper, you will never forget the heart-thumping moment when a bass bursts out of the water In o froth of white spt'ay, fighting to dislodge the kire caught In Its jaws ... nor the ttirtn of adding the eithausted battler to l'Jlll your strfnger for good eating later. la6I Ym •CTDR DOESN1 ALWAYS l YOUI ......... A MUST REFERENCE SOURCE FOR YOUR HOME People take prescription drugs to make them feel better. To end discomfort. To stop pain. To induce \lcep. To increase energy. To fight infection. According to a helpful consumer oriented book, these drugs often bring about an assortment of unwanted side effects in susceptible individuals. This new and revised edition of the 250.000 copy bestseller reveals rhe possible side effec ts of the 220 most frequently prescribed drugs. Written in layman's lan- guage in an easy to use A to Z formJt, consumers can now learn about the possible side effects of the drugs they take before filling the prescription.' Actile~ Aldomet® Benadry/® Benemid® Ch/or-trimeton~ Dal mane® Darvon® Diuri'® Doriden8 Hygroton® lndera/® Librax® Librium® Ortho-novum® Ovral~ Peniollin Phenobarbital Regroton® Reserpine Ritalin® Seconat® Sodium T erramycin8 Tetracyn9 Valium® What an important book! It's estimated that more than 1 billion drug pre- scriptions are written by doctors in the U.S. each year. Often these drugs cause such unwanted side effects and adverse reaction as: dizziness. dry mouth, stomach cramps, lo s of balance, bleeding, fluid rerention, headaches, vomiting, lever, rtlsh, nause.>. loss of appetite, itching, diarrhea, blurred vision, paiM in the ioints, impo- tence, insomnia. ;;cters, fluttering. constipation. shortness of breath, drowsiness, depression. To prepare this volume. the author researched the various pharmaceutical reference manuals plus the literature drug companies send to doctors and pharmacists. Then, he edited this material into layman's language explaining the conditions under which each drug is prescribed. And the book Includes a very special bonus-the generic name of each of the 220 drugs right along side the brand name. If your d octor will prescribe by the generic name whenever possible, you'll save money on most prescriptions. We think there should be a copy of thic; valuable consumer suidc In every home. O rder tod~y Tl - •Send your name, ~ddress, 1ip code and $4.95 phn 75i pott· • qe ~nd h.lndling to GROSSET a DUNLAP, INC. Dept. JF P .o. Box 8 57, Madison Square Post Office, New York, N. Y. 10010 OfFlCES, 51 Medleon Av•nue, H.w Yott!, N.Y tOOtQ SAVE: ORDER TWO FOR $9.50 PLUS $1.50 P & H. BACON 'N• EGG SPINACH SAIAD llb.n.h~ ~ c-. a ,,..,aa "' Clllt-2 •ti 5 -w...-1 ' , ............... 'Ai' JltaMll 114 I 0 aecky......S ,.._..._,ata;:ca-.... ...... wt a " I s ~ ..... c1u,,,, ·~--........ 1. Wash spinach thorou~ in lukewarm water: drain. Chil to crisp. 2. Combine oil, sugar, vinegar, onion. salt and mustard. Beat or whirl In blender until dressing becomes thick and syrupy and sugar Is thoroughly dlssolved. 3 .• Tear spinach Into bite-size portions; place In large salad bowl . Add bacon and chopped eggs. Pour dressing over all; let stand about 'h hour. 4. Toss to thoroughly mix salad. Garnish with egg slices. NOTE: For convenience. prepare dress- ing ahead and refrigerate. Maka 6 servings HI-PROTEIN SPINACH SPREAD 1 =(lloa.)ha.~ ·-~~ ~ ~INp'?Ssfsc l tr \I p IM CMioe powde-~ t c aeMll 2 •· If a -chll powde-114 bi 5 D IMI cuny powde- 1 le IF D IMI ,..... m ustllrd 12 tkvpe T.ti.co 2 hard<OOked .,., lnely dked I, Cook spinach as package directs. Drain well and squeeze out as much liq- uid as possible. 2. Put cot1age cheese Into covered blender and blend smooth (or pres.s thr ough fine wire sieve). 3 . Mix In mayonnaise, onion powder, sah, chill powder, curry powder, mustard and Tabasco. 4, Put In medium bol.vl, stir In spinach and mix well. Fold In dk:ed eggs. Chill. 5. Serve with crisp crackers or use for sandwiches on rye. pumpernickel or whole wheat bread. Makes about 3'1• cups EGG SAUCE 1......--.. ... I•'' ;a_...._« ....... 1 .. uuuo.eo.r ·~ c:...-.. ~'fa•• o.11 ..., .,._... w.dll ,..._ 1 ..... , ...... ,... 1. Separate the hard-cooked egss. Chop the whites and mash the yo"5 with a fade. Set both askfe, I . In a small saucepan, melt butter. Stir In ffour all at once, stirring unttl smooth. Pour In ~ and heat to bolBng. stirring comlantly until sauar thickens. Reduce heat and allow to simmer one minute. 3. Stir In sah. pepper, lemon juice and the eggs. Hut over low heat until heated through. 4. Sew ~ Seuce wid'I a 9rnply poached ftsh , such as cod or haddock. The uuce Is alto ~ owr toasted Englhh Muffins. ft4oka aboUf 1 y, cu,,. -~ AN EASTER mONDAY .. EGG FEST I f you are wondering what to do with all those gai1y dec<>n11ted Easter eggs, we've a passel of hard-cooked recipes for you. Of coune, you can eat the eggs SCOTCH EGGS llol~ ....... -...... l._tkaw._. ........... ~Cllfl ... ., ..... ~ ot .......... 4 ...... 1. Divide sausage into 8 portions. flatten Into patties. 2. Place a peeled egg In center ol each sausage patty and fold meal over to com· pletely enclose egg. Press edges together to wal. 3. °'1 In beaten egg and roD In bread crumbs until thoroughly coated. Deep-fry In hot fat (3500f. to 3750f.) 7 to 9 min· utes or until aisp and browned. 4. Drain on absorbent paper. Serve hot or cold. Store In refrigerator. Molrn 8 appetlier or '11ock NrUlnge or 4 main-dw. tim1fngs CLASSIC RICE SALAD s c..-cool~ l1ce ~ apl...., t " .. ..... ~ Cllfl...., ct'" ...... plcMa I ' 011t .. '14 °lll$ .............. w.di ...... 1 ap1··· ... I, PIH,. ..... _.. right out of their shells with a speck of .salt, but manyolyou may be Inspired to whlp up some imaginative dlshe:s with your Easter basket leftovers. 'i4 c,. .._. plmh•to. ....... _.... ...... dliopeial 1. Blend all Ingredients thoroughly. ChiU. Serve on lettuce leaves, If desired. . 2. Garnish imaginatiwly: pie.Ide fans, carrot curls, nld.ish roses and tomato wedges would a8 make anracttve addl· tk>ns. Maka 6 wrvings GRIBICHE SAUCE s IYnkoaliild ... t •114aa.,....ec1 .......... ~ ... , ..... 114 I 11$ De ....... ...-ii Wec:li ...... 1an CllP9 ohw. :?= aa ~~-... ............... .... s ........ ... s ................. ... l •aU 1111 rn ct.o. 11 ,,..., I , 911191c:1Mr;,t...._ ....... diM9 2 lll .. GOM~ ....... 1. Chop hard-cooked eggs very fine: set aside. t . In blend.r. combine mu.st.wd, salt, pepp«r. ollw oil. vlnegw. ~. aha, s-*y, dMrvtl and tlnagOn. Cowr and IMnd about one mlnu• or un· Iii gheridns end aha .. chopped ftne. S. Add chopped hard-cooked eggs; stir to blend. 4. Use thls colorlul piquant sauce owr cold poached fish, cold cooked asparagus or as a dn!ssing for mbu!d greens. Mok.es about 3 cups PIZZA RUSTICA ......... .,,... l 'A c..-----'A c-...,.• a ,_..al 4'1\ °"" (.._.) .... ~ .. ~ I p11eMll 11'\ I llfl_.._.. .......... 2 , • (16-. me) r--. ~ ....... l t t I ' J .. ...., dlapp.d _... I <*-..,tic. chopped '4 C-. .-..S P.,mam or"-eta.. ',.\ c-....., c:hopped ~ 1 ....,c•uk ~ m ;aa~Wedi,...._ I._ ·~ ..... ,.... . .. .. I ... SD•..._ 1. In large bowl, 3PrinJde yeast over Y• cup warm water. Stir to dissolve. Add re· malnlng water and oltve oil 2. With large spoon, beat in 1 Yz cups flour until smooth; continue beating 2 minutes. Add salt. pepper and enough remaining flour to make a stiff dough. 3. Tum out onto lightly floured board. Knead until smooth and elasdc:, about 8 to 10 mlnutes. Place In oiled bol.vl, turn- ing to oil top. Cover. let rise in warm place, frtt fTom draft, until doubled in bulk, about l'h hours. 4. Punch dough down; dlvkle in half. On large greased cookie sheet. roU 1/2 of dough Into a 14-inch circle. 5. Make ricotta filling: in medlum bowl, combine ricotta, onion, garlic, parsley, Pannesan, sah, pepper and egg. Beat un· tll smooth. 6. Spread ricotta Alling on dough to within one Inch ol edge. Anange the 6 twd<aoked eggs in the filling. spacing them evenly. 7. Cut 1/l o8 the remaining dough; set a.side. RoD remaining Large portion inJo a lJ..inch drde; place over fllling. Bring edge ol bottom dough up over top dougti_ Seal edge and 9Calop edge pmtily. I , Roi rest ol dough Into six 6Y,.,inch long ~· Arrange on top of ptrza, nldlating from the center to edge; pinch to seal. Beat egg yolk with water and brush aD over d~. 9. Bake ptzza on lowest shelf ol own for 10 minutes, at preheated tempenituni of 4750f. Reduce heat to 4500f. and bake 20 to JO minutes ~. or until a deep golden brown. Cut Into IWdge:s and serve wtth hot ptua sauce. Haka 6 eo 8 servings PIZZA TOMATO SAUCE 1 cm{llam..)...._._..tc-. ( ........ , ...... _. I t1•p ........ ..... ~ •• 1p11 .... ...... '1\ 11111 aoe_. l 18'1ufallllll .... ........ ......, ...... Wledi,.. .. l tll f • ... ••s Uol 1. Combine el ........ In a tm1111 lllUCleplln. ..... lo boelng: Nducie ... and *nmer, uneoveed, 5 mnutea. · Molm Clibo&d 2 CUP1 ''I'll never go back to denture paste or powder" [WMtNa all a, J. Luongo, N.Y. tir ... U&llt ClltfW1 Cit•• .. .., ,, ..... ,. IB'TUteltu, ....... Flee<:• '°" Powerful for adhealve comfort o•tr•COM&e •l'C blended In n ........... u ........ ... ~ ........ tllet ....................... .., Just announced In U.S. su-10ND Seals are hailed by European dcntisis Amazing new Qulk·Fls fine broken platn, fill1 in crack•. replaceti &eeth like new. Put! Easy to 11ee! No1ped1I tool• needed Wor1ra evuy t,ime or your mone_y bac:k At all drvic counwni. no ua,_r.IX. •• •"ouecv ~· anm .... m PROSTATE Get rid of prostate misery. Reheve prob- lems like pain, urgency. retention and gelling up nights. Wrote today for FREE report. Helllth-Dpt. FW·22 Boll 24147. Lo. Angelet, CA 90024. DID YOU HAVE PROB LEMS with your lawn. trees, shrubbery or roses last year? II so, send for my easy to follow booklet on wn1t, when •nd how to care for your y1rd. Send $2.00 check or money order to ~ic:an Hom11 G.rdener, P.O. Box 1576, Pueblo, Colotado 81003. au a brcakthrou&h in denture com-1---------------t fort and 1eeurity. Tcsied and proved in a leadin1 American University. SEA-.IOND holds so firm it resists loo. enina even when you bite down hard. Tasteless, odorless. cannot ooze °' wash out. The KCret of sEA-.IOND ia a powerful all·natural adhesive from the tea blended into a convenient no- m«e seal. Available for uppers and lo~rs. SEA·BOND =.= BREAK THE STRANGLEHOLD OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. Relax bronchial muscles and get rid of thick, clogging mucus. Of •11 INdlng tableta, only soften and break up the Bronklllcte e11n give you thla plugs of mucus so you can doublM>llrreted llCUon. No expel them easily otherlledlngtmblethaan Within minut~s . you can npectonlntto help you be breathing easy and free. ,.._~get rid of mucus. _ Relieved of hacking. Yousee,Bronkaldworks~tw wheezing. w~ys to.unclog your lungs of • // • gasping thick. sticky mucus. /?;/ for air. And 1 It relaxes bronch~·a1 ,~# ,/' with Bronka1d muscles and '/'-,/ Tablets. relietwill opens blocked • 7 / last for hours. The bronchial tubes. ~,-/ ~ next time bronchial 2At the same time. ~t asthma attacks you, attack theexpectorantin 11..:wilh the double·b~rreled Bronkaid Tablets helps action that Bronka1d gives you. tu. any .. Cllf«JllCI) BROM(AID'TABLE IS ARMOUR~ ARMOURY ...:. TRANCE PLANT The Imitation plant that graces Our //ulng room now sags In places, No doubt since guests all houe to feel Before they 're sure It lsn 't real. QUIPS & QUOnS It con 't be helped by /ertiflur, And watering would be no Wiler. We'ue propped It up, but this endeavor JU$t makes II look more fake than euer. One remedy alone Is left , But we're not qualified, not deft. To make our poor plant seem to burgeon, We 11 toke II too plastic surgeon. -Richard Armour A.OOR PLAN Our daughter Is ecstalk, But I'm o ment.ol wreck - For college, she's selected A school named Disco Tech. -Dick Emmons COD9Clence! that impediment which so often rudely interferes while money Is talking. -Thomas LaMonce Here's an original thought: not houlng on original thought is comforting to some. The.y11 neuer houe their ideo.s stolen. -Fronk Tyger Purr from on Eastern phlloso- pher: some people are like cats; they lick themselves with their tongues. -Mortin Rogowoy 10 "mUSTS" FOR YOUR mEDICAL EXAm By Paulo Dronov For most of us. a routine phys- ical ls a nerve-wracking ex- perience. Even when we're well, the prospect of a head·to- toe checkup -all those ques- tions, au those tests, aU that scrutlny of our bodies -Is un· settling. And It's become all the more so now that doctors have at their command a mysterious anay ol tesl'5 specflcaly designed. we may suspect, just to prove we're not as healthy as we feel. A modem medical checkup /5 a thorough and sophisticated procedure, but It does offer more than just routine reassur- ance that we're really In good shape. Here are 10 key ele· ments of a complete checkup: 1. Medlcal Hlatoly: This Is vital If you're seeing the phys!· clan for the first time. Irrelevant and embarrassing as some of the questions may wem (do you perspire easily? how's your sex life?), they're designed to give the doctor a more com· plete picture of yow overall health than the physical exam alone will reveal. A medical his· tory ln'lulres Into your own past heahh (childhood disease, any operations, hospitalizations). the diseases your parents. brothers and sisters have had, your penonal habits (do you smoke? how much exercise do you get?). the medications you take (vitamins? tranqudlzers? the Pill?). your marital status, occupation, recent travels as well as your family's ethnic ori- gins. (Some diseases are more common among -or peculiar to -Cer1aln ethnic IJ'OUps.) I . Blood ,.,._.,.: Prob- ably the most significant of the routine tats, blood·pressur« rudJn91 can be • valuable early warning of such potential prob- lems as strokes, heart attacks. kidney damage and blindness. Normal or low blood pressure Isn't any problem (In general, the lower. the better). but high blood pressure requires treat· menL Fortunately, It can be lowered and controlled with medication and diet. 3 . Eyee: Signs of a number of diseases, from arterloscJe. rosls to vitamin deficiency. may show up in the eyes. By feeling the eyeballs through the eyelid, a doctor may Rnd that they're unusually hard. a symptom of glaucoma. An Instrument called a tonometer ls then used to measure lntraoccular pressure. By asking you to follow a mov· Ing finger, the doctor can deter· mine whether there's any weak· ness in the eye muscles. A slml· larly simple test can Indicate whether you have a problem with peripheral vision (a sign of brain tumors, strokes or glau· coma). By looking Into your eyes with an ophthalmoscope, the doctor can see if you've got a cataract, and by Inspecting the Inside of lhe eye. find signs of arteriosclerosis. diabetes, high blood pressure, even tubetcufo. sis or some infections. 4. Neck, C'-t and Hart: Here's where the stethoscope comes out. The doctor listens to the carotid artery ln the neck for a sound that lndlcales o con- striction. The rhythm ol the heart and any munnurs lndlcat· Ing an abnonnal flow of blood are picked up by the mtho· ac:ope, while the sound of the lungs tells the doctor If you're wheezing from chronic bron· china or asthma or If there's •nythlng In the lungs but u . 5. y..., .... D .. obla: Thia Indication lh.t there's .dequate OICygtn In your blood la P'Ckeci up via• routine blood tat. It's one of about 14 dlffCTent tats run on the ame blood s.mple and Is derived from a count of the red and white cells. 6. Cholesterol and Trl· 91yuridn: Of all the 14 blood tests, these are the ones we've heard most about recently. Cholesterol and triglycerides are blood fats, and the higher the level of one or the other (or both), the higher the risk of heart disease. 7. Rectal Exam: This Is the part nobody Ukes, but It's con- sidered vital for detecting hem- orrhoids. polyps and cancer. The doctor may use one of two Instruments. a proctoscope or a sigmoldoscope to examine the bowel. Related to this exam Is a test of the stool for blood that may be due to hemorrhoids, an ulcer or cancer. 8. Cheet X-Ray: AD sorts of things show up on a chest X-ray -the size of the heart. a "shad· ow" on the lung that may mean a tumor or may just be evidence of tuberculosis that's been cured or an Infection you onee had. It also can reveal pneumonia that doesn't produce much In the way of symptOll\$. 9 . El•ctrocardloar•• (EKG): This test requires hook· Ing you up to a machine that records the electrical Impulses that charactertz$ the heart's ac- tivity. The test can detect distur- bances In cardiac activity and pick up Indications of such problems as an Inadequate blood flow to the heart, enlarge- ment of pOrtions of the heart or changes In ac:ttvlty due to a pre- vious heart alt.ck. 10. F• w.,... o.Jr: A woman's physical always mould Include a bruat CXAmJ.- natlon. a Pap smear (the test for CftVbl ca""1) and • peMc ex· amlnatlon. While doctort di$. asr-on whcttwr or not an an- nual checkup II • neonelty for all adults, mott lnsllt that women never lklp the l1m gynecological eqm, ~ GRASS SEED WILL. NEVER GROW A LAWN LIKE llfll-DAOUGHT a WEAR RESISTANT! Amaz.oy lawns take cook· outs, parties. Children ptayioa on it won't hurt it or themselves! Stays arceo ri&ht thru scorchina beat and drouptl Lady Plugs In ZOysia Grass Saves Time, Work I Money SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER. UP TO 200 AMAZOY ZOYSIA GRASS PLUGS FREE BJ Jack T. Johneon, Agronomist Every year I ICC people pour more and more money into their lawns. They dig. fertiliz.e and Ume. They ralce it all in. • They scatter their aced and roll and water it. Birds love itl Seeda which aren't washed away by rain aive them a __,,. .. ,,...,. feast. But some II wl II •' U. ~ --..a .....,wt, and a....1w-...,.,r.a ~ r- z.,.M .,_ IOOll it's time to weed, water and mow, mow .•• until summer cornea to bum the lawn into bay, oc crabpua and diaeues in feat it. That'• what happens to ordinary arua, but not to Amazoy Zo)'lia. "MOWED IT 2 TIMES," WRITf;S WOMAN For example, Mn. M. R. Mitter writ.ea me bow her lawn " ... is the envy of all who aee it. When everybody's lawm around here are brown .from droupt oun juat ataya .. areen u ever. I've never watered it, only when I put the plup in. ... Lut aummer we bad it mowed (2) times. Another thins, we never have to pull any weed1-it'1 juat wonderful! .. And from Iowa came word that the atate'a larfCll Men's Garden Club picked a Zoyaia lawn aa the ''top lawn-nearly perfect .. in ita area. Yet this lawn bad been watered only ona: all summer up toAupstJ CHOKES OUT CRABGRASS Thick. rich, luaurioul Amuoy pvwa into a carpet of ... that c:boka out crab- .,.. and w..w an ....... 1oa1. It will NOT winter-kill. Goel off iCI peen color after killiq ff'Oll, repim frail new beeuty ewry SpriDs-a tnae pereaniall DON'T BE MISLED! THERE IS OHL Y ONE AMAZOY Amazoy plugs are taken Crom genu· inc Z·S2 Meyer Zoysia ... guaran- teed wjnter-hardened for 3 f•U years und~r the supervision of trained agronomists. Over a HALF-BIL· LION plugs aold (outsells the others JO to l)I So don't take chances with inferior plugs. Accqit No S.llld- t.te for Amaoy Zo,.W If It la.'t AJUZOy, yCM1're llOt settilll die pl11p ti.t .... Zoyalat ..... FOR SLOPES, PU Y AREAS, elARESPOTS End erosion of slopes with Amaz.oy. Per- fect answer for bard-to-cover spots, play- wom areaa. ~NEED TO RIP OUT PRESENT GRASS PLUG AMAZOY INTO OLD LAWN, NEW GfJOU'-0 OR NURSEffY ~REA Juat act Amuoy plugs into bolea in around like a cork in a bottle. Plant l foot apart, checkerboard atyle. When planted in ui1tin1 lawn araa plup will spread to drive out old, un- wanted powtb, includina weeda-from part abade to full aun. Eaay planting in- atructioot with order. YOUA OWN SUPPLY OF PJ,.UG TRANSPLANTS EatabUabed Amazoy aiftl you loylia pJup to plant in other areu u deli.red! ,. .... ,...FREE wnw-• ~..... . ..... - Amuoy exclutiwl No one elae can offer you tbia patented 2-way pluger. Snee bendillt. time, wort. Upt, na ..... ID- valuable for tramplanda" Oda away compsciQ1 srowtb u ii dip plua bola Every Plug Guaranteed to Grow In Your Area• In Your Soil • AMAZOY WON'T WINTER-KILL-has survived temperatures 30• below zero! • AMAZOY WON'T HEAT-KILL-when other grasses burn out, Amazoy remains green and lovely. Plug Ama:roy into an entire lawn or problem areas. Plug it intQ poor soil, "builders soil", clay or even sally, sandy beach areas. 1 guarantee every plug, regardless. Any plug failing to grow in 45 days replaced F REE. Since we're hardly in business for the fun of it, you know we're 100% au re of our product! CUTS YOUR WORK, Order now for your FREE Bonus Plugs. SAVES YOU MONEY Your deep-rooted, established Amaz.oy lawn saves you time and money in many ways. It never needs replacement . . • ends re-seeding forever. Fertili.z.ina aod watering (water costs money, too) are rarely if ever needed. It ends the need for crabarass killers permanently. It c:uta puabing a noisy mower in the blisterina aunby~. · NO SEED, NO SQO! There's no seed that produces winter- bardy Meyer Zoysia. Sod of ordinary arus brinp with it the problems of eeed- like weeda, diseases, buroin1 out, other Wa. Order 1111rae1ced .. -.. ...,. Amuo1 ao•, Ill .. -. • .,_ your lton .. pl•1• le ,.,.. ,,.. ,.. FllBB. y_. Of*t .... atft;J'All..._ ..... dllftNd .. ... ..... _., ..... correct..... ... ............ .. for .......... ,.,., -. uw. •rm,.,.,.,_,,...,_ TO:Z.,.F-. ....... ~ (Ow 24dl y .. ,, Genef91 end S10N 141' lrllta ••• ..... ~211 Send flU••nteed Amamy u : NU.IGI ~-...-'fltr.n-=: ...... ~ .... .......... .... mM. ,.~ ... =~·· ~-...-="':.: ~ ...... .... .... ... ......... llTM. m• m• .. •11• -•13" -'17" ~ .... ~ 'ilmn: .......... . =-=-· ......... mM .,. ="91 ... ..... ....... o ~ o-...,...., 0 ""' o-.,a..,.. Celf# ..... ~!!! -Ol1T !f Waft -0 I I .. Life-Saving Alert Thousands of Americans require emergency medical treatment each year, but for those who have existing hidden conditions such as heart disease or medl· cation allergies, treatment can be compli- cated I/ rescue wori<ers are unaware of the problem. For these people, Medic Alert Is a system worth knowing about. By joining Medic Alert, a member re· ceives a bracelet or necklace with the uni- versally recognized Medic Alert symbol on the front. On the revene side Is the member's ldenlitication number, a hot- Une telephone number and a list of medi- cal problems. By calling the 24-hour emergency answering service, coiled, ad- ditional baclqound from the member's computerbled file can be made available within seconds. For more free informa· tioo about the Medic Alert system, write to Medic Alert. Bo1t 1009, Dept. F.W . Turlock, Calif. 95380. A Se.rious Spectacle Whle some people consider eyeg'aves the bane of thetr existence. there are many fOf' whom they are an unaffordable luxury. lhanks to New Eyes for the Needy, the problem has been alleviated for a number al people, both herv and elsewhere In the work!. According to Jean O'OonneD, vice chairperson of New Eyes, the servtce collects one million pairS ol eyeglimes a year. New Eyes tes&s the ~ ol al the plastic-framed g&a.es to determine thft pcaulptk>n and then sends them abroad to fulll orden placed by medical millions. The metal-framed glasea, and any other metal objects (such I ll rs If ,_,,'SP ... ,,,... e111•1Ul111'1 ...... ......... ~ I' 8 • -· Al9W c.,. 1n 1HE Energy Alternatives There's no doubt that the cost of petroleum products will continue 10 rise; the question now is, ''What alternatives are there?" Researchers at both the Uni· versity of California at Davls and at Tex.ss A&M Univer$1ty have been studying the possibility of supplementing eKlsting power with power created by ag,icultural wastes such a.s nutshells, wood chips, prunlngs and straw, resources that arv now plowed back into the soil or burned. John T. GoM, a professor of agricultur· al engineering at Davis, says that ~if un· wanted by-products of wood and timber production can be turned into fuel at a reasonable cost. we'U achieve more effl. dent disposal of ~ltural wastes and we11 lessen our dependence on fossil fuels." The technology to do this has ex· lsted for quite a while In the form of "gasl· fiers," converters that transform wcutes Into gas that can then be used to run ma· chinery. According to Goss, one Califor· nia walnut cooperative Is now putting in a steam generator that will be powered by the 40.000 tons ol nutshells that the co- op colects yearly. The generator will pro- duce enough energy to run the plant's operating machinery and cold-storage rooms. as old watches, jeweby and dentures) that have been donated are sent to a refinery where they are melted and the precious metal extracted. New Eyes Is financed by the sale ol this metal. While New Eyes sends funds to agen- cies, hospitals and clinics, which then distribute ~ to the needy. about 6 ,000 pairs a year are furnished to lndi· viduals who hew demonstrated their need. For more lnfonnatlon on this ser· vice you can write to New Eyes FOf the Needy, 549 Milburn Ave., Shon Hills, N.J . 07078. Photographic Evidence We know you don't have the Mona Usa hanging on your wd, but nearly ~ owns IC>methiig that should be p1<*ded against los. MmlY ~ companies ~ommend that you keep a ~ ol every insured Hem In your home, and what better way to do " than with a J>hok9aph? Recognizing this. Judy BcrnhAtut and Natale Newfeld, two l..Mngston, N.J .. women, creaMd Photo- logue, a 9GVbt which cori>lnes photo- But. Goss cautions, gasifiers are not the answer to our energy problems. "As long as we have ~um available. most people will be willing to pay the ex· tra cost. A new energy outiook, one that undencands the need for solar and plant energy. will have to be accepted before the technology In these areas can .be made readily avallabk. But. when the ne- cessity ls there. tt will be done." ~ al vakaable objects wtd't d8taUed written dacnptions. Ms. Bemhaut 5Uggests that home· owners take careful photographs of their Insured po •sak>ns because .. any picture '5 better than no picture." Pk:tura and dac:rtptions should be kept In a sale- depoelt bOlll °" on flJe wtth the lntunnce COfT'll*'Y. As Ms. Bemh.ut noeed, "'Peo- ple should be compensated falrly for what they've lost, .net replacing anything today costs an arm .net a leg." Mmmmm. now where did you put that c..mera? Lifestyles Book learning. Almost one out of every three American adults reads at least a book a month, says a GaUup poll conducted for the American Li· brary Association and sponsored by a grant from Baker & Taylor, the coun- try's oldest and larges! book dlslrlbu- tor. While more than half of all Ameri· cans aged 18 and over visited a public library In the last year, 20 percent of those questioned had no idea where the funding for a li>rary came from. and only 43 percent said they would be willing to pay higher taxes to cover Ubrary costs. This, despite the fact that the cost of a book bas risen 64 percent since 1970 and magazine prices went up 9.2 percent in the last year. Hei>e f« tten.. People who have been avoiding eggs because they're high in cholesterol may be able to enjoy them once again, thanks to a New Jersey pharmacologist. Dr. Sam· uel Klein claims that by adding an In· expensive mbt1ure ol certain herbs lo regulat hens' feed, he can reduce the c:hole:sterol In eggs by about 30 percent. Tele.WO.. The newest version of Pfnocdiio, the famous classic about a puppet who becomes a real boy wiU be presented by the Public Broad· casting Service beginning Saturday. April 21. Check local &stings for the time In your area. BIRTHDAYS (Son.-Thurs. Aries, Fri. and Sat. Taurus): Sa.-, -Elrabeth Mon1gamay 46. ...... -Petu Ustinov 58; Henry Mancini 55; Edie Adams 50. T...t.y -Hany Reasoner 56: James Garner 51. W1l1Ud.,. - James Drury 45; Hunttngeron Har1fon1 68; Hayley Mils 33; Robert Hooks 42. n......, -Don Adams 52: Kenneth 52; Hugh O'Bnan 49. F.w., -Ryan O'Neal 38: Juan Miro 86; Uonel Hamp- ton 65. Sa...., -Anthony Quinn 64; Rollo May 70; Queen Elimbeth 53. lllRIHDAY P£OPIZ Q...P-•1 ........ u.ei ... 11JY.U11Jllilllill••---'rRC ...... • Spect.i-ey-Man 0tterr PERIWINKLE -~ Colorado Blue Spruce Stays Green An Year ....... ~~ --SPftUCa l"lcee ,.....,.. t!Mca) ... ..,. ....., ... --.. ,... ,_. _., ,... .................. _._,. __ wy •• ,,..., ....... ..,........., 10 .. 11 lft. ........... """ -.._ ,.......e..-... ___ __ ............................... 3 for 51.95 7fOf13.95 16 for S7 95 Mas ... of Color Early In Spring CREEPING PHLOX ·~ •• -.;1,' Cetottlll CMll'INO l'lfL.OX (... a-. .. , .... °"" 8illout. lrt. ..... ...,. --.. ,.., .,_ -°' oo6or"' ..., .-.-ou.. ... of .... _,,,., ...... ., , ... k. ..... • -ftder1v• .....,_ ....... ........ .................. ;; .............. .. 0.-lft,... ........... _. 3 tor $1 .00 6 for SI 15 9 tor S2 65 II !Of S4 95 t--~~~~~~~~~~~ One of NatuNS moat richly colored trees • .• Royal RED MAPLE .......... .......... ............ ........ $1.50 ea. ' I for SUO • for 17.50 ...................................... ,... ............ --.............. ...... ...................................... •+ ................................... ........... Blue Flowers In Spring Needs No Speclal Care ....... 12 -"" c:wpet "' pluel\, -.,_ ~ ~ """°'~ ""°' ..... .........,. i...r.•1 ... llow'a. In ...... -"""""* -the ...... -°' """ ywa. ~ ... .......,, Neely ~ ,........ Ofew. to. lrt. .... "' -.... "°°' eolle tool One,..,,. -.2-..n. 10 for S1 .98 25 tor S 3 98 50 for S 8 98 100 ror $12 ff One of the Fastest Growing Trees LOMBARDY POPLARS ,_. ........ W., LOMeMOY POPI.NI (P. ......................... Mdl ......, .......... ,...,.,... .... ... -. ....................... .. t ,, .............. ........ ......,_.....,.,.._.. ..... ,... ....... .....,., ... "' ... ...,_ lr•SQfEA+ 3 for $2.00 6 fOf s 3.'5 12 fOf s 7.50 24 !Of Sil ts AMAZJNO P9NK MIST $2.00 ea. 2 fOf SJ 75 ~ fOf S4 95 (Ceelnue D Dgll.fl'lll) In June .. ._.. 'he , ... 1 11111 • big Otoud of dlf'99 '** "'"*--. -..... farth """ ..... of """ '** ,.,...., In .......... """ .....,, red, _... .. .,,... ...... °"""lo..,.,. 11· . ~ '9Clltwe Nnd •IHllld 2' to 4' ...... BONUSES for YOU! Chinese Hydr•ngH wa....... Tree only 50¢ 75c ..... ,....., .... .,_ .. ........ ...., ...... .... ........... .._....., ... . ....... ., ....... ""' ....... ,,, --..... ..... ...... ",., ... , .. ''" ........................ ,..,. .... .. ,..,.. 10 tor S5 49 -20 lor S9 91 -JO lor SU O ~-· .. ,.._.. . .., .......... ---°'...., --........, celDs. ,....,_.. .... ....., .. _wry._.... ...... ,... ... ..., __ ,.......c.._~_ ...... __ .. 11·-....... ....,..,, ........ ...._ ........ 0.-lft llO* eoll, ""'-In Ml_, or,.,... IN*. """'1W •I'--·•-" bwe l -1'.,.,t* Ml---..o..i.--. Bushel Basket Size CUSHION MUMS ........ A ,_i Ml ol CU8HION llUlll "" ...... 10 -.... , ......_ loelllof ........ Oft .... _.... ...... ...... --.M cut--.._, .... dlcMoe fleld pm; l'OOt etwWone. _,.....,_..,..._lrt,ooreoll ... .... -°"" GOIOf cfM*e or ..... ............ ,..... INot -la Aria., Cel(,"' W.... I 5 for S1.00 10 IOI St JS 20 IOI S3 50 IWdr .,---....., .,,._or DrlieOft .............. "'"' 111 .... ICtrectlw, ltlldl -..-toll ... •ff 4 for S1.00 ,_ Md l9d. __.., ... "-• June 8 for SI 75 tlnugll I ;• •• .._.. "° ,,,.,..,.. 12 for 52.50 a.-a to • In. 11111. _, ... rw.fr, 2' for 54 75 "°"'*" ,._..., .,-. p1enta. ~e for S9 25 BEAUTIFUL WAY 10 TRIM YOUR PROPERTY PRIVET HEDGE 10 F 51 .98 •o 101 s1 oq -to lo• Jll oo ~ 1110 ror s11 SQ ....................... lfta..t.IA ..... ........................................... "RIVIT~.._.._..,..._,,......,,.. _ . ._._, ...................... ,.. ,....~ ... ,.. ........ c.. ... 3 .. .. .., ........ ,....1w.,.._._....,., ... r,...... Oflllr•-r•,.._,.....,_ ...... .... ................ ~ ......... HOW CAT. MANY NO. MM COST ,.. Blue ·-- WEEK COSTA MESA HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY IRVINE WEEK OF APRIL 15 • APRIL 21 -------- ...... J TV WEEK. APRIL 15. 1979 ~ORANGE COUNTY CAR BUYERS GUIDE ~ .. .._ ______ AND SERVICE DIRECTORY-~ SADDLllACIC IMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 131 -2040 -05-4949 IOI McLAREHS IMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-91 oo DATSUN IAIWICK DATSUN 33375 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano Ht-IJ1S-4tl·U75 GAIDa. HOVI DATSUN 13861 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove llt-7000 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHMSOM It SOM UMCOLM-MllCUIY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -140-5'30 PORSCHE-AUDI ' I CllVIH MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -US-3171 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHIVIOUT 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 FORD 'HIL LOMG FOID 43 Auto Center Drive lrvine -761-5111 GMC UMIYHSITY OLDSMOllLI 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9640 DAILY PILOT GUSTAFSON LIMCOLM.MRCUIY 16800 Beach Blvd .. Hunt. Beach -142-1144 VOLKSWAGEN CHl~I IYHSOM, IMC. JIM MAIUMO 445 E. Coast Hwy. VOLICSWACHM Newport Beach -67>-otOO 18711 Beach Blvd .. llU YAM Hunt. Beach -142-2000 POISCHa-AUOI •AID94 HOVI VOUSWA ... 13631 Harbor Blvd. 13731 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove Garden Grove 6J6-2JJJ IJ4-410I I IOYCAIVHIMW 1 540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 SAIL CHEVROLET 900 So. Coast Hwy Laguna Beach 494-11 ll -546-9967 SUNSET FOllD 5440 Garden Grove Blvd. Westminster -636-40 IO SUBARU GAID .. MOVISUIAIU 13821 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove 554-0IOO RV's & SUBARU SEA & SUM 17555 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach - 142·0'75 OLDSMOBILE UMIYMSITY OLDSMOllU 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-9640 TOYOTA a&. MAXIT TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Hunt. Beach -147.alH (AUTHORIZED BALEB/SERVICE/&ATISFACTIDN) SUllOAY, U'ltl H l:OO U (Ill CilJ llaltn Giff r .. r11111t11t Finals coveraee from the Auausta Nattonal Golf Club 1n Aueus11, Ca. II flll all~ Coveraae ol lht Grand Nalt0nal Steeplechase Ille Aimed Foms bo11ne ch1mp1ons/11ps from l1Ule Creek. V1. p111 two ol tht AIAW eymnasl1es champt0nsh1ps from Penn Stile University, and the 'T111est of Them All" compelthon • (JI) '21l l11t1matioMI c11 • ..-.., llU.1 Covmee of the match between !he rums from the USA 1nd bsl Germany l:lO 8 P'Tt __..., lhe Cahlorn11 Aneets al lh~~ Oakland As :l:lO 8 (]) ~ (8J Tiit AIMriun s,.m.. (R) Coveraee ol "The Sp1111 ol '78 The F111h1 of Double El&lt II," lhe remarkable lrue srory of !ht ftrsl $11CCtsslul cross1na of the Allanttc 1n 1 balloon 3:00 B (Jl) <Ill Tiit lest ol ~It ol tM Sean H11h1trh1s of some of the most n c1tin1 seamenls from lh1s year's proerams 3:l0 B (f}) (l1J ht~ "'flfl Teams to be 1nnounced 8 (]) ®I a Wi4t Wttld ti Sptrts Covmee of the World Gymnastics Champt0ns; and lhe WOfld record h1&h dive challenee 4:00 D flllilJ Clfclt T111nls Ftn1ls covmee from lht Sea Pints Planlahon. in South Caroltna FlllOAY, Arllll 20 7:30 ID '" ._..H The Los Anerlu Dodeers al lhe San r rancisco Giants 11:30 B (I) [2) <Ill l'ro 11 ... 111111 1'11,.tf Teams lo be announced SATUllOAY, Al'tll 21 10:00 U @ (8) '" llllMll Kansas C11y Royals at the Boston Red So~ (Pnmary), the Statllt Ma11ners 11 the Minnesota Twins (Secondary) 1:00 U ID \Ill Ttun11lltllt ol C111111,i.s Golf Semi ltnals coverage from the laCosla Country Club 1n Carlsbad. Ca • P'Tt ...W The los Aneeles Oodeers al the San Francisco G11nts l:JO 9 (Ill <Ill s,.tts Sptd.lcullr H11hl1ghls ol the World Mired Pairs Gymnastics Champ1onsh1p • (II 9 holntitMI ll•ttn TMr The Firestone Tournament of Ch1mP10ns from the Rme" Lanes 1n Akron. Ohio 5:00 8 CJ) (21) WIN WMW ol s,.rts Cowaee ol lhe bout between Su111 Ray Leonard ind Adolpho Viruet, the Wood Memor11I Race from Aqueduct Par\ 1n New Y0tk: '"d i preview of the Georee Wtllt& rock· chmb of Devil's Tower 1n Wyom1ne t:GO • P'Tt Slccer The Azlea vs Sullle SUllDAY, Al'tll 15 i:GO B "Tiit Gf11ttst Gift" (dra) '74-Glenn Ford, lance Kerwin D t!lll "How""" Wa My ValltJ" ( dra) · 41 -Walter P1deeon a> "VtMetta 111 t1lt Saint" (mys) '68-Roaer Moore. Ian Hendry 7:00 at uumr '"*" (mus) '48-Judy Garland, Fred Astaire. l-0011 0 (8) ''Witll Sia Y111 '-! Eu 1111" (com) '68-0oris Day, B11an Ke1lh. Barbm Hershey. George Carlin. t :OO e CJ) <Ill a "Tht 11111111 Dollar Tluul" (adv) '79-0ate Robinette. Patrick Macnee, Ralph Bellamy MOllDAY, Alftl Ii 1:00 e lifJ "II~'' (dra) '~6-Rober1 Mitchum, U11ull1 Thiess. D "Tiie 11111 Mlt lltftr Wa" (dra) ·~6-Chfton Webb. t :OO U @QI) "Tiie ,,,,..., 1f Stet114 Att111t" (com) '75-h ck Lemmon. Anne Bancroft. Gene Slks. TVESIMY, Arllll 17 l118 B @)"Dil1y ...,_,. (1dw) '68-John lret.nd, Cul1 Juraens. m "T ..... Al!crJ ... "(dra)'S7-HenryFonda,lteJ Cobb. t :OO a (I}) (l1J "Tr111s,l111t" (dra) '79-Koui Dobson, Melinda lhllon, GranYllle Van Dusen, Ronny Coa, Bibi Besch. e O "Ml,_ TllMI" (drt ) · 7~-Chlrles BroMOn. Jamn Cobllfft WlDllUDA Y, Al"lll 11 toe e "Tiie P'lwlll Olla" (wes) '56-llollert R'fan. V111mi1 Maro ntUAY.Alllllt l:tl e "tle• .. 11" (wes) '67-Joseph Collen, N01m1 Btncett. G "Wll Sec. $f'lil W ...._,,..(com) '57-Tony Rlndall. m -n. ~ Dey" (dra) '6S-Ge0t&e Peppard. Roddy McOowan. f"llDAY, Allll 21 liO • -0. FMt Ill Hell" (wes) '60-Alan ltdd. Don M111my. G "Tiie DMt Sia" (dra) '68 Alan Ladd, W~ham Belld11. e ....,..,. rw.11" (aclV) '43-lrTot flynn, Gt11t lotklllrt. t.00 • CJ) 9 IJI "Dmt flt" (com) '76-Glenn Motshowtf, Lisa ltmole. SATVlllAY, APlll 11 i:tO • ''ka ...,,.. .. (Kt·fl) '39-Buster Crabbe, Collst1nce Moore. • ~ 20lt' (dra) '67-Mtehael lltnrltt, Wendell Cor•J. t.oO • llJl ~,. ($C1°f1) '$6-lleymond 81111 • "Tiit IMr" (susp) '/1-An1anet11 Comt1, Rutll Roman • "Scrtlll, "'"'"""" (SUSfl) '73-Btllt DHll, Ttcl BttstH. t•a Cl) (1J) (tb .. ,,.... ,...., _ .. (com) '14-Sidney Pvltitr. t:JO • ""1dl•••" (ho!) '7l•CtOISI Sanders. 8tf)l lltid ..... Kc•\ in Doh,crn .111d .\frliml,1 1>1ll11n 'I Jr 111 "Tr,1n<.pl.int," ,1 tl r.1m,1 1111 u'inK on .1 111.111 \\ho livl·d hi' lih· h\ tht• rule•, .ind p l,!\ 1·d 1111' ~.11111·' Ill'< l'\\.H\ lo ,11t.11n .1 p11·1 e• ol "I h1• l\nll'ri1.u1 Dri•Jm." onh to '11tltl1·nh tintl .ill he· 11.1, \\orkl•d 111r-,1• \\I'll ,1, 111• \l't\ 'II" I\ .il- 11•op.irdi11·d ll\ ,1 he'.irl .11lnwnl I lw •fH'11.1I .1ir' ruc,d.H .11 4IP\.I on < ll'i D.1ll' Rohim·lk (h.11 I., c l'f111•r) , .. .,, ,,, Rolwrl 'I.ind\, .i KOH'rnnw111 •t'trl'l ·•Kl'lll, \\ho lllU\I ulilitl' ,rn Jrwn.11 or hlf:hl\ 111111\11,il \\ 1·.1po11q to dl'kr an inh•rn,1 lion.1I < rimin.tl from launc hlllK J mi"ill' into lhl• t:.irlh'' 11111ne• l.H t•r in "I ht• Billion Doll.tr TIHl'•ll," on lhe• ;\Bl liund.1\ NiKht Movil' ,1t 'IPM. Al,11 'l.irrin)I .Ht" P.11ri< I. l,11 n1•1• (h.ic I., ll'ft) .i' art h vill.1in Hor.11i11 Bl.HI.; Rolwrl Tt.·"il'r (riKhl) .i' Bl·nj.1min-Bl.1< k', 'h'l'l·Jnn1•d .is'i .. 1.inl; Jnd Bl•lh .ind k11r1·n ~Pt'< hi (Iron!),\\ Holly .ind h \ -Blil< '"' K•rhrit•nd,. 8:00 U U D ® ru111ru 111e rn tlft U K-'"tt SWIO. Sfflester m Untftnity of the Air -6:30- D s-y,ide u ~ lloC !Of hnt11 °"" D Vih Altatt • O.,bruk LA (8) re1t11res m11ew zoohwe Cl) Cartoonwille m Capt** A8C News Except Mon a Aarkullllre USA 7:00 U ()) ([I) Mor11in1 U !lll \UI Todl, Show D 700 Club U CJ) ® f2I) Good Mornln1 Allltricl David Hartman hosts liJ Tiit f rooiles m O> 8'1p Blinn, fli)Yop IOf Hultll -7:30-u llodr BllUits tD TOlll l Jeny a> Knltt ., sun m Mister "°Sen; Oftca Upon 1 Cllssk rr. "Hostaees" O lM American Style U ®l l2tl $.20,000 ,.,r1m1d m Tllll Girl O> Nann' & tllt l'rof es.sor 11:00 U 1 lt Youn& & llestless U <U Of) l'-d l'lus 0 The Bia V111ty a (]) (ft) F1mi" feud CfO) All Mr Children m A W01111n Is Bess Mryrrson hosts this proeram lealurrne lilm p()rtra1ts of women from va11ous hie styles, economic cu,umS1ances and ,thnK eroups as thry come to 1r1ps with the confhcts and everyday situ at ions characte11st1c ol the pa111cula1 eee group being leatured Programs are 'Adolescence .. Mon. "The lwentres," lues. The lhut•es " Wed, "The forties:· Thurs, and "The f 1ft1es," frr Q) Gomer Pyle m Electric eom,.n, -11:30-u CJ) ([I) Sffrdl fOf T-row U (fl) (H) Hollywood $qU1rH a (21) lly1n' s Hope I;) llodr Buddies mNews m 01c1 emtt s. AFT•RNOON 1J Medical Ctnter: lrlu' Trier lilllole Tues U } .a: 'Ille Edee of N11ht T M~e Dovalls s..,. I;) GrHll Aerts mi Mcmt: Ste Oayhmr Mov1~s mm ea~ f.2' Match Game 1l' C.rd Slllru n 0vtt usy m futures ~ Villa Aleare -3:30-u Cros.s-W"rts J: My Three Sons U Go-Coast G111rd rues a DiNh! U lfloorie: See Oaylime Mov1u I;) My f norite M1rti,n m IE 121> ~rtoons Jll The Johr's ~ !UJ All Sl1r Semis (23) Villi Alecre ED l'autlempos tDJ Oi111h!; Bewitched Tues ~ Hod&epocl&e lod&I 4:00 D Mrtth 611111 CD Adlm-12 U Mary TWler lrltofe I;) Wild Wild West ffl Tlle "'*ies '2]J Carel lumtlt & Friends; S,.Cl1I Trut Tues ® Stlldio Set fl) Y-1111 Ntare Ill) The AintstGMs O> Ctpillill QI) s,ecill Trut Tuts lll Futwa -4:30- Ullews .l. Mell Gnllin Sllow U &b Newhart Show: Specl1I Trut I ues (R) RHd1ng Wnhng 1nd Retl'' 4n HBC News special l>IDililm chron1cl1n2 the startling 1n ~1,ast 1n th' use of ma111uana by the youth ol t'n' country and its ellrtl on :h,11 11~es f' M0A0S0H lo: C.r«M Burnett & frttllds m TOlll & Jerry CE Krofft Super Stan 2} Mell Gnffin Show Except Tues HJ features ffi Mister Rosen illl Sn lrlillion S Man m lsabel1ta 501 0ftr usy 5:00 u uu ®J N!m Cl The Bionic Wonian a Gunsmoae m Spiderm1n Ill) Tiit lil r'J Club Q) W1it 'TH f atlltr Gets Hoftle at Men Griffin si-T ue.s only ill Mlstt1 llocm Cxcepl Tues m Sa1tM s1r .. t rJfl Ill' llewhlrt si- Bl llacllell/lellrer •1*1 -~:30-mltwitthed (lll <Bl Mary T,ter Moort Cl) W.-12 ® Owr tasy (81 O>""' !BJ Fut1m Classic Colour ftrofft9'oNI ,.... ....... ,c SerYlcH ........................ P°"9ait Sitti andllCJON&.Y L.::;o S 1 095 1-W .... C.....U,YetJY .... 549-lHl • JO 14 S. OUMM. SANTA AMA SQPER B<JYSATTHE SQPER DOME! RArtQE. coonn·s L£A81rtQ SPECIALISTS ...... SUNDAY AP'llll IS I MORNING * Indicates 111 Adwtrtisement -6:30- (}) S.CrM Hurt US.IMiflltJ • (,....,... I.a Allc•les (I) ltt Tiltft .. liPt D Dlwy I '9liltll m tlttnttlbry """ <Ill r .. , .• Cll11rdl 7:00 (I) Ytic.t " Acrkllll11rt llTUl's Cit • lttllf Wly • VMDUWI Pt£SElfTS * THE MUSH Of HAnY MDERSON • II h Wrttt. (I) TV I lab at lunilllt • c.Mry CM,tl (fl.WE..,...._ ID Day of l>IKoiwtry <I]) Old r-Gm,el llotlr II) ErMSt AlllMJ Hour @ Tilis h tllt Lift fD Yop lor Hullh a S.11c.b for Ancient faith ill1 ~riclllturt USA -7:30- Villa Alqre D Tht Cllristtplltrs D Ulldtrdlt • ea..,. h'ofilt-V'inpoillt Oii Mutritioft (I) lnttn11tion1I llcMH D ""· Ttrry C-. Wllittlhr @) f'rldiul Cllristiallity m World T-r .. ill> 0.,., ' Geliltb fD Mister lloctfi (llJ Wlf1d b1111tldwi (8) SllMly ... 8:00 U T odly's hliclOll D TM b t11t Lift . ""'" • DilMMiolls D ltt GM !Mt You f!aJ Jerry F alwtll Show m (}) J'-f Swaaart $'- (Ill S4tndly Men!ln1 al Ru H11111bard Show IHl Ytic.t " Acrklllt11rt m SeutM Street a °" of l>IKoiwtry m SIMI l'i111I QI) Matio's MICic llowit M«Jllilt -1:30-u C.111it111111t Day " Diaftry • °" ""'" e Ftt Y111, Blad Wtmu Cl lltttill& TIIM 11 CaMry NO OBJECTIONS TO "MOTHER'' ROLES "One of the many altrJctiun' I found tn readi ng 1hc script of'Trnnsplant." was the nppMtunity rt would afforu me to play a contempornry woman of appro~imatcly m) own age." suy~ Melinda Dr Ihm tn d1 cu~!irng 1he drJmara special airing Tuesday at 9PM nn CBS "It also mcan1 playing the mother of u teenage girl. unu I had recently hecn involved 1n 11 d1scu"1nn concerning actn:s~cs and m\Hher rule' Nlll loo man) years ago. an uctrc~~ would ~hun mo1hcr rule~ for fc,rr that it 'ignalcd the beginning of the end ti~ far .i' her career "as concerned ·· Mrs~ Dillon acknowledges .i number uf c~cept11ln~. citing Barhara Stanwyck's "Stella ()nllu~" and Helen Huyes' "The Sin of Madelon Claudct." which hmught the celebrated 8roadw11y Mar her firsi o~ar "Even <;o." Miss Dillon continue\, "Burht1ru Stanwyl'k wa) ~1111 rn her late 1wentie' when she Stellu·cd. and M 1ss Hnyes wasn't much older when ~he Sm·cd.And M1~" St.1nw yck followed up that performance by playrng two hurlc,quc qucen1 in other f\lm s. Ncrthcr of the stars hud lo fea1 typcc.isting." Miss Drllon also discovered another perlrnent "motherhood" fnct rcloting 10 that p11r11cula r era-the sccr«y syndrome. ''An 11ctrt~~ would keep ecrct. or as $C('l'Ct as ro5.\1ble. the fact thal she. herself. was a moth er:· $he explains. "It wos probably Marlene Dietrich wh o dealt thot idiot re fear Its death blow. Fim. she wos completely ~upportive when her daugh1cr. Maria. bcc~me un actrc~ and wu. in fact. one or 1he reigning belle of early. live television. The knell was so unded when M11rra and her husband prcsen1ed the ...... m Fredtfick II. Price (fl) II Is Writt111 121) a.1 .._..nf SM (fl) Htrlld tt T rlllll 9:00 fJ l.ISt of ttie Wild a.1 HllllMrd Show D()dy9ef • Vllll Aletrt D @Oral loberts (ID) II b WITltt11 II) 111111 SltRrt Enriplism 13) Know Your liMt -9:30- 8 lllistef ...... • !Ill .. , Ille Prm U It Children's rv ma1a11ne (Ill Face tllt Mltloll .. Day .. Oisaffry (m s,.ctrwl m This W..k in Baffall II) Old fNM Go19tl Hour '11 lftSiahl a .11_, s.awrt s... iD Futbol Soaet 10:00 B CI• t ... Mollr of r..er • it.llcieus Sptcltl: Jollll Waley- Tlle WDrld "" His P1risll A probine analysis of lht spiritual 111nl who p!Onetrrd modern h1n1ehsm SOCllll and reh11ous rtla<ms Ill fllm Festini little Rascals •11WsAt1 P..,ieToo ,.,.. w.tW l'llJGff D HtraN of Trutll l"m Mlle NM m lllnl1: (JIJ "Whlstli111 In "'°"111" (com) '43-Red Skelton, Ann Rutherford ()]) ....... WDrld CoftflflftCI TV WEEK APRIL IS 1979 J1l Atllciolls Sjltcill: The &4iardiaft lll Surdl ffi llewlallter WetlllJ -10:30-fl l~ld ® rltl Kids Art P~lt Too 0 Re.. ltroy Jen tins m C.lmy Ch1ptl 11 TV ... ltra1111 11:00 fJAn II D Reliarous Speci1I: A Collwersatioft °" Pasiovtr-hnewinc Ancient Tr1diti011s An 'Eternal l1ghl speci1I focusing on lht f es(lval ol Passover D JimmJ S.1u1rt Sllow m thurth In tbt Hoftlt ft RefisiM Sptdll: .loll11 Walty- Tlle World WIS His P1rish fD Easter Bowl Junior Indoor Tlflftis live coverage of lht top ranked 1unior lennis players (boys and e1rls 18. 16 ,. year olds •nd under) compete from [d&ewaler. NJ 'f.1 ·family Circle T111nls -11:30- fJ f IU tbt llatiee D SPECIAL Giwh (I l.ihr) A perfor mance of the clm1c ballet by the Bolshoi 1 heater 1n Moscow I he program lcx11Sts on the doomed and innocent Giselle and lhe man she loves Natalte Bessmertnova and M1kha1I lavrovs~y dance the p11nc1pal rotes • '8l Allilluls Alll1111ls 0 flttiaious TfWllllll [Ql NtwsNk1rs m sncw. Passioft ., '""' .... (!hr) A docudrama perf01mtd by lhe Cl)(11mun1tv ol Pernambuco 1n Bra11I gl.imornu' 'tar " 1th her lir\t g.ranJchtld GrandmJ Marlene '"'' hcJdhneu an•und the "nrlu Of niut\c. lo11krng like th.it gave the he 111 the fear ofpurc111 and/ur grandpan:nragc " In summrng up ".il·ung mothcrhfk'<l."" M1~ Orll11n plllnt' out th<it th1l\C role~ are U\UJll~ ver) m1erc<;11ng ,1nd challenging. and mHc~ thul the pan 11f Ann Hurley. a womJn facing a heJrthrcJkmg cri~r" 111 'Tran)plJnt."' 1~ .i prime example. ..................... __, ....... .... an• 11111 ..... II lie.,.....*-* ...... '111 IJIIll" ~ , . ... '' '\: .... . ........... '-.. Don't look now, but Gary Coleman is erowin1 up ... and fast The precocious I l·year·old, who stars in NBC's D1ff'rent Strokes-Frtdays at 8PM-has never been shy in conversation or in front of a camera But the world of women was a sub1ecl that the young actor had yet lo conquer. But now Coleman 1s a veteran of "the first date," and 1t was an occasion to remember. The special evening came when Coleman garnered up the courage and sophistication lo ask Danielle Brisbois, who plays the role of Stephanie Mills in All in the Family, to accompany him to the "People'a Choice Awards" where he was to be a presenter. "Gary knew everyone would be wearing tuxedos-and have a date," lauehs his mother, Sue. who accompanies him wherever he eoes, includine the first date. "It was a situation that took Gary from the world of childhood into the era of adolescence in many ways," says Sue Coleman with a smile. "He picked out a corsage and look lessons on how lo treat a lady." 8ec1use Gary certainly isn't old enoueh to drive. he asked his mother to 11un1e for a lone limousine. "It wasn't to be pretentious," explains Sue, "but rust 1n keep1ne with the 1al1 teeline of the evenin1." With that accomplished, 11 was only the psycholoc1cal blrrier of eett1n1 throu&h the evenin1 with a 11rl that worried Gary. "A few weeks before the ceremony there was a b11debate201ne on between Gary and Todd B11dces, who pl•Y' Withs on the show. Todd suuested that Gary 20 lo the awards with a date. but Gary renored the suuestion. In fact, he said, 'I'm never 101n1 to lih 1o•nc out with 11rts'," continues Sue. "Someth1n& chanced his mind. Finally, he swallowed his pnde and asked Danielle. But that's no surpnse. benuse Gary is bnmmin1 with ideas and innovations, and I never know where the nut conversation is coin& to t1ke us," says his mother. Between scenes. Dana Ptalo, who pl1ys Kimberly, t1u1ht Gary how to properly open doors for 1 lady. "And she also 1m him some tips on 1ood conversation for a first date," says Sue. The couple first met at a llndem Productions Christmu party. "D1nielle was such 1 tiny airl, ind Gary was the only rully little boy 11\tre," explains Sue. "They 1ot 1lon1 f1mously lrom the be1innln1." The night was h1&hltghted by a v1s1I by Gary's father. W1lhe. who flew 1n from Chicago for the occasion One night of female togetherness was about all Gary could handle .at least for the time be1ne "Al the end of the even1n&. Gary kept saying. 'let's eo home'." says Sue Gary's response 1s. "'I had a nice ltme, but Danielle didn't pay a lot of attention to me " Sue Coleman chuckles when she says, · 1 shll worry about Gary's mouth-what he will say at any moment. He has matured so much this year with the television show. but sometimes I have to remember that he's still a child basically." Bein& an II ·year-old in a world of creative adults has given Gary a different perspective than other children his age "He doesn't complain, even when he gets t11ed. But I'm aware ol w~en he eets edgy," says Sue. Gary is even·tempered and patient. but admits he misses father, who, lor business reasons, must re(llain in Chicago while Gary is in Los Angeles. The cast and crew of Diff'rent Strokes wound up the season on a recent Friday afternoon and Gary plans on spendin& the next few weeks in Chicago attending re2ular school with kids his own aee. "I think it's important Gary be in contact w1lh the activities and day·to· day problems of school." says Sue. Gary's "summer vacation" won't coincide with his classmates. however. as D1ff'rent Strokes is scheduled to begin work again 1n July. At that time Gary 1s hopm1 his father will return to California with him. "Gary knows he can always talk to his dad by telephone, and our bills have been tremendous. But it's not important what the phone charges are-what's important 1s that Gary feel he 1s close to his father. He knows 1f he says h, needs his dad, that W1lhe will be here the next day. This 1s an important element for anyone-especially a child," observed Sue Gary's grow1ne pains aren't always obvious, especially bet•use he has lived so much 1n his eleven years. "He's always had a lot of attenhon-f1rst. in the family, because of his kidney problem, and now publicly because of commercials and lelev1sion. He knows he c1n gel 1ust about anythin2 he wants-from attention to an addition to his miniature train collection. Bui he doesn't abuse his ability," continues his mother "He knows when enoueh is enou1h. and he backs off. That takes a certain 1ns11ht that he possesses in the quantity of an adult." Sue Coleman knows that she has a very speci1I commodity in her son, and is thankful for him on many levels. "I look back to just a few years ago when I didn't know 11 he would even live to be ten. Now, all this has happened. I believe whatever Gary has, it is a God·&ivtn thing. He loves his life, and I try lo understand him and encour11e him. I don't push him. however, into 1nythin1. He's capable of making up his own mind on many thtnfS." SUNDAY (Continued) I AFT•RNOON 12:00 tJ llftsmahri U VOJJ1• to tlle 8ottolll ot Ille Sea 8 -C8l Dirediom (lhr) (R) ·~na1ssanet & the Resurmrion • lo ay's program tells the story ol the Re a1ssante and then throu11h the art and music ot lhe Ren11ssintt- celebr1tes £aster with author and htSlonan lu111 81r 11n1 a S.m.11 (t}) flilll Chipel £.astet Special (JV NHllA: Catot Nationals Cl) limn @ Vttttatle Soup ~ lttlNn1tits Tl1t041Jll the Am m 8oain1 HilllHcllWNews ~ Sllakespeare Today -12:30-tJ P..,ie's Cot11tr 1]) Tiit It.st ol Dlaltence ot tilt Sun a Mowit: "Tllt Sit1e II RH ltm11" Cwes) '54-Van JohnS-On ID Mewie: (1lf) "Shopwofn An&ef" (com) 'J8-Mar11ret Sulla~an U Mlm·l2 1:00 tJ (.(J (!}) Mme rs Golt I 011rt11· 111ent Live finals coveraee lrom Aueusta National (Ca ) Coif Club CJ QJl <rt! s,ortsWorld Co.tr a &e ol the Grind Naltonat Steeplechase. the MU Aimed forces bo•1n1 ch~m p1onsh1ps from little Creek. Va .. part two of the AIAW omnasllts champ1 onshrps f!om Penn State Unrvers1ty, and ''The fittest or lhem All·· D U.. AlllerlC.lll S1y1t • CI> CIJl a '"'"".''°"'' ClllnlpioMllip 8olin1 Coverage or the match between the turns from the USA and £..st Germany, held at lake lahot G>Mlru...., @ SW.-.r P'llp fD Mowit: ~ "Tiiis "'"" '""" Cdra) '44-Roberl Newton m Muice .... 1 l11tutntro -1:30- • Prt lasehll !he C11rforn1a An&ets at the Oakland A's 2:00 .. *"' l c.ttle • IMle: "Tiie se.ry ef ...... {dra) '57-Ronald Colman Hedy Lam111. the M111 Brothers a> Jellll WIYM Cluslcs -2:30- • CJ) (JJ) a lllt AMrku 5'*t9ull (R} '1he Sl>•nt of ·79 The f11&lll of Ooubtt u1le II," the true story of the lrrsl Allenllc crourn11n a balloon ...... o.i..e 3:00 • (!) .... " cw... ef ... Sna H11hft1llb of some ol llM 1110$1 ucilln1 serments from t~1s year'• procrams. Ewtftts lllCludt-Golf. Ten· llli, Blsittball, Gy111nastk1. Bowtln&. Biiiiards. Dtvln1, Fleur• S•at1n1. Sllow J11111p1ftl, ROlltr ~tine. s~ 11\l. Motorcycle Jumpl111 ud llodto •*°"-Cl) .... : "Tiie fltlldl Ullt" (com) '54-J1111 lhmtll, G1lbtrt Rot.nd, Ct-.1\.!~ a : Nth ,,,.., ......... (MP) '74-Ctorp Steal .c..c ....... QtS,WMIN .,.,....,.... , ... -3:30- 0 [J' Pro Buhtb1ll Pt11off reams to be announced U l1D) ta) Wide World or Sports Coverage ot the Wotlr! Cymnut1cs Champions and lht world record high dive challenge lrom Orlando Florida a lhnted Otacl or Alive i,tll Frankie & Jolllmy fD Allotllel VOl<e 1n Gtea1es1 Spo11s Lecellds CJ Sunday 4:00 U aon,nu 0 family Circle Ttnnn frnat round cove•aae ol this women' tennis champ1onS111p trom the Su Pinu Ptantalt0n 1n S C ID Mo.it· "The Harver Girts" lwes) 46-Jody Carland John Hodra k Cl) Mtwlt: !Ml ''Tiit llelb of St. ltllfJ's'' (dta) •4)-B1ng Crosb~ 3 Histol} of Muico fD Will Sheet Week ('ll; MoVll: "The Catcher" (dr•) '71 Jan·Mtthael Vmcenl (50' Home Gardener -4:30-m Wnllln&11111 Weel in llnrn 5:00 ·'l) Outlloorsman D Star Tr• 8 [G)llews ilJJ .... , Ille Press fD FN1n1 LiM fllJ ts It Christ! (9) H111111nitlts Throup tilt Arb -5:30- .. @)llews 8 Grul Adftftture @ focus '"' rurna'°41t •v•N•NG I 8:00 • CJ (I) @ Ill> ....., CJ) Fon• e Mt•lt: (211r) "Tiit Gruttst Gift" (d11) '74-Clenn f01d. lance lier-in Stt 1n the Amenun Midwest, !hrs drama coneerns 1 son's rtlt tionsh1p wrth hLS pie:teher lather 0 ....._: RI (?hr) "Moir Gr"• W. lly V111ty" (dra) '41 -Walter P101eon. Maureen O'Hara. The Potanant story of Welsh hie the people and therr pioblems, the11 up111l1011$ end economtc struulu. CID} C.rtl .. """ & fritlft • Sia ..... s ... 0 11iallT• ... • ~ (?ht) ~ ,., Ille SaW" (mp ) ·68-Ro1er MOO/e, Ian Hendry A world traveler, seelune adventure. be11ns a personal vendttt• •tarns! the Ma lia and involves two attractive 1u.1lss 0 CrecMtt't ~ ""*" ............ tll Elleef .. .... ..., ... .,...... -6:30- .Cll ... Cl) ....... .... c:.. ... (Jl81w11111 S.D6ett «I ....... a,_ ac...rs....1111 ac..Mc-. •·ue..,~ 7J00 e ooo • ..... CJ 11 'll The llllollderfwf llllof1d of DIJMJ (RJ "lhe Boy lrom Dud Mans Ba1ou' Conclusion While trying lo salva11P ~ P•Krous church bell hidden btntalh mur~y swamp w~ters a boy ancs his cousin enLount~r a lerocrous atlrutor Mitch Vogel Mike lookrnland Percy Rod"gues. John Mclnlire and Jeanelle Nolan star U N£W HIT SERIES • LAUGH AllD CRY WITH "fltlENDS"! U 11 'GI (31 Friends 'A C.ue ot Bad Timing" Pete's tons1ltclomy 1s schtduled 1n d11ect confhtt wrth plans ht s made •1th l11ends. Randy ~nd Nancy l0t 1 lin1I trrp to Wonder ~rllt Par~ beloie the aging playland tS torn down m Movie: {2hr) "ul1t1 Parade" (mus) 48-Judv Carland. fred Ast111e A big star spltts w1lh his par1ner takes an unkllO'rln young ~an 'nd ma~es her a star 12{1 Win Callnly lnl•"""' fID Judiciary ' lilt ltltdl' S~ Soccer llllClt In Gtt!Mrit -7:30- lI-t Tiit Armtry Of"' 8:00 tJ CJ) All In Ille flllllly (R) Atch1e and ldilh lace an .. empt, neSl," but 11 Ed1th•s tous.n has hiS wa,.11 wont sray that way for Iona U @ ~ Tiit Iii (nat: Wlttl Sia YOI Gd Eurtll (2hr) (R) An attractive widow with three sons trnds her lite tompttt.ated •hen she marrres a w1dowtr •1lh a teenaie dauahttt. Dons Day. Buan Keith. Barbara Ht<Shey. Ceo11e c,,11n and Altee Gttoslley star e rrildllncM • Cil (II 8 SPECIAL Pat ._. & fllllily ~r 5"dll (lhr) In a l1&hthearttd tnbute to Sl>fln,. Pat and Shirley Boone -with 1he11 dau1htm l>fbby, Cllerr;, Lindy 1nd Laury-salute seasonal spOl'ts and romance. as well u b ster. Guests rntlude I ed Kn11ht. Katherine Hetmond and John Byner G VAND£11M rtWJfTS * THE auSH Of HAnY AllDEISON D Ith W1tt1H (Jll ...U't --.... ,...... • s.. f"1y Cl @ 111 .. ,,...il.. •t lllt Wllltt Mtnt Ballet star Mi•harl Baryshnikov and prlnclpals of the New York City Ballel perform. ... ~ .... -1:30- • Cll 0.. 0., It a n.. Carelul ellorts lo a•t Schntldtr 1 r11St become 1n analous allempt lo 1•1 Nm reinstated 1fle1 he use$ his pass key once too otltn · -..., " ..... •Llf•S.•iit ... 1100 • Cll (ft) • (R) Alice, no and Vera 111 f>¥d al Mel Whtn Ille vlnt•at "bu&' lie •lb lllfm h1r11s CMl1 lo bt • "lemo11." ..",.. • A~ lY ,.,.....,., * ......... ,"""' laftftlllMfllf,_ •CJ><fl • .. :(ar)"llle ...... nw.t" (edY) '79- 0•I• llobi11ettt, Petrlci lltott, Rllpll hlltmy. Amtriea's ece lllhl• llSW• *"t ttlCOllmra bavtiM TV WEEK. APRIL 15, 1979 111ls. 1 steel armed amssu1 and lty1n2 saucers when he battles a sell proclaimed ullrmate criminal who pjans to deslloy the Earth's 01one layer rl !le is not paid SI brlhon U M!""°' ID Oral llrlllerts O~ul Q) Rtr Hllllllllrd $'- ID @ Mnlerpiec. l'l111lrt: U11ie .. let Them Stay" lrlhe s alla11 with lhe Pnnce ol Wales has already luted a year. but this does not deter C1own Pr111te ludolph ol Austria ~ Here to ltl1u llusic -9:30- tJ (I) tft l Jtllt friends Susan is labeled 1 homewmker when Mill cooies to hf1 aP1rtmenl at 111cht 10 learn the samba as a surp11st 101 his 111te on then 201h anniversary a 111e 111n, 1s c.;111 10:00 tJ (IJ) Mary Trier Mttft ltouf Ken Howard, star or the White Shadow. leaves lhe basketball court to showcase his soott and dance talents 111th Miry 11 018) ...... • Oici v .. D1'e .. EtMlt McltJ Miit CDO...flr1t~ Q)liolpel .... @lllP'Htrittct m h••i•a 11 1111 s,., ... , W11t1am Steinber1 conducts the Boston S1mphony Orchestra 1n "Meicury, .. rrom "The Planets" by Gustav Holst and S11 Edward Etcar's 'Symphony No 2 '' llll l'mil ' "" rttbWllt -10:30- • JW.r S.llPrt~ ..... mlllt maw 11:00 eew a11ew 8 (J)<Jl9 11ew .,....""" .Oral ...... • ....._: wbtttr l'lfHt" (mus) ·•a-Judy Carllnd, Fred Asl111e. II.II ,. a. •DtJ rl..., @ .... 12 0 s.... """"" • Ill ...,.,., ......, -11:30- • s,.r11 AllU .... " 1911 '- CJ) "" rn a. • 8 .. : "11le lail ""'1111" (dla) '78-C.rrolt O'CollllOf, Bur11ss Meredith, P•tock O'Ntal. • "Sii• Of ..,...,, .. * awilt'at.rill-~ or 111111 l 700 Q.UI bater s,edll. • ,.a. (J)T .... .... : ............. ., ....,.. (dr1) '41-Wllttr ~ (llilrl* ..... & ...... (COlll) '72-llfM flDwlllldS. •-couuo * SCHOOl Of MWSm • .... f ,, 0 ......... ........ Sl.Ml l"-1 '"' 12100 ellMt:WS-&DlllWI" c -Yldor llltwt. CIMfJ ......., a.di .... -l:ll-1-~::=-~~ MONDAY ~l 1' fOI" lllOfllllll 1114 1ft11110011 hsi111p. plme see DAYTIME l'IOCRAMS. Below, for ,..., C011ft11ience, 11e Ule dly's.-ies. DAYTIME MOVIES 12:00 0 "My hi Gus" (dral 52-R1thard Widmar~ Joann' Dru. Ceoree Winslow loan Banks, Rears loomty CD (f!I "It Should Happen to TM" (com) '!>4 -Judy Holliday Jae~ Lemmon, Ptttr Lawtord 3:00 Ito) ''Tiit Hell W'rtll HtrMS" (dra) 68-Rod Taylor, Claudia Cardinale, Harry Guardino Kevin McCarthy, Peter Deuel 3:30 a "The Ot1clly Hunt" (susp) 71-Jlm Hulton. An1anelle Comer, Tony Franciosa EVllNINQ 8:00 IJ ®> (fJJ 0 News (}) The Ocl4 r.oup1e II U IBl mNews D ENraency Diie O lrwicle m 111e ar.c1y l4llldl II) Streeb of Sn F r111<iKo Q]) HdttfJ of lln ic.o m°"' w, Q.t) Mllllll (Ill Alltrbll &Mnt111•flf -6:30-(}) IDl lltws ())Cross.Wits [GI Mm Griffin Show m 1 LM lJlq fli) Michu l Jlckson Show Astronomer Robert Jastrow discusses science, relr&1on. the Big Bang theory [1nsle1n and l1ns1e1n s d1sco,e11es (Clphonedl '2tJ The .Jo&ei 's Wild m El Qllpulill Color lclo (91 l'rofed U 111wtr1e 7:00 IJ L3) (11 """ II U News u Tiie lltwtywe4 Gl!M O Tiie .lo&er's W'ilcl CD 1Ui Sil Millioll S lbn Q) Siftlttd ' Soll fii> Mad .. il/lellrer leport lll U.raency One m Oorat11iu Montero ®I lnhoduci111 8*"' -7:30- IJ Tiie M11ppeb Cllice & Ille Man II Consumer Bwyline a Tiie 01tln1 Glime fJ Tllat's Hollywood I) fie T 1t Oo4i(h (I) llallle Tllat Tune !lGl Tiie l'riu Is 1111111 d)Mlm·IZ OJ r amity Ftucl IHl T-1Y·f1111r Out front fli) 21 T11111pt @ Mews A The F1t11<ll Cllel 8 :00 U "1979 CHEEILEADlllC * CHAllPIOllSHI~" 8'1icl Cocl·Coll/Best foods Johnson & JohMofl IJ CJ) [2l SKCW. Tiit Ste.ct Annual Cllterludina Cllampionsllips (90mJ Suanne Somers stars w11h Joe Namath as master ol ceremonies 1n tM proeram leaturine compe 111100 and enw1a1nment as five colle11ate theerltad1n1 SQutdS compete IOI the nallonal title final 1sts include the Tarlleets from lhe University ot North Carolina the T roians from the Un .. m1ty ot South ern California the Golden Hur 11canes. trom the Untvm11y ol I ulsa the Rebels. lrom the University of M1SS1U1P1>1 and the Spartans lrom Michigan Stale Un1vus1ty Cunts scheduled to aopta• include lola falana Donny & Mane Osmond Ricardo Monlalban Bobby Hull Herve V1lle<ha11e. I erry Bradshaw Parnell! Jones l ynn s ... ann Dr Jorce Brothers Steve Shortrrdee and lo Jo Slarbuc~ 11 ~' !Hi Llt11t Hovw on Ille 1'11irit (R) The Man Inside" Laura s innocent 1oke about a lat man leads to hu11 teelines and near 11ag1c mulls wllen he turns ou1 to be the lathe1 of her best tnend U .. ovit: 1J!i (2hr) "l1ndldo" (dra) ·~ Rob"t Mitchum, Ursulla Thiess An American arrives 1n MexKo with \litapons to sell, dur1n& the Revoluhon in 1916. and finds romance and adventure. U '.}) t..mJ 121) SllHlt 1 ttl ermadon" The S1l,11e lum betriends a h1&hly skilled robot •ho 'IWU 1n1ured 1n an aulomobrle Ktldent. and has lost its memory me<han1sm Andy C11ll1th stars II Mo.le: (Zl11) "Tiie Ml11 Mo ....,.., Was" (dra) ·~-Q1f1on Webb. Glorra G<ahame. Stephen Boyd In early 1943. 811ttsh Nani lntelhcence nff1"rs, aided by a steietary and a y0un1 111t, devise a plan to throw Germans oll guard-makine the inva· Sltlll of S1c1ly eu1er lor the Allies m Sl'ECW. HlrrriuM Conraae Of the premiere ot Dino De Laurenl11s' 1tu111cane " lrom Hollywood's Mann s Chinese lheatre Gl Sl'CCIAI. Ole Btsbrd Part I (R) (?hr) Andrew Stevens Patricia Neal. Dhv11 Hussey Peter Bonw, Lome Greene. [ltanor Par\er. Harry Mor1an Donald Pleasente. Tom l!Wel and Cameron Mitchell s1a1. Maue Charboneau hvu IOI tllt &y when her 1lle11tim1te son. Phillipe, w11l 1nhe11t a11 enoimous IOftune from his lather. the Duke ot Kentland When the Enehsh nobleman falls 111 and summons Phtlhpe and hts mother to Eneland. they are met with hosl1hty by lhf Duke's wile and son ® Atacltmy lucltrs m 9 Bill Moytn' Jwnul 0> Y!Nna/ EJb llodlt Ota• 9:00 II (2]) ill) Mrrrit: (211r) "l'risoner of Secollll Awetlllt" (com) '7~-Jack Lemmon, Anne Bancroft. Gene Saks. A harned New York couple struaete 11111h the l't!1n challen1es ol uncertain employment and life 1n 1 problem· plaeued h1&h11se • <IDJ 6 .... Ille West •• Wo• (2hr) "China Gui" The Macahans are confronted with 1 despeiale prot>lem when the 1mm1· 1rant lathtt of a beauhlul Chinese cul-who WU raped-refuses to accept hei ~lt111imate clllld into the 11mtly. and rives 01de11 the int1nt mus1 die Keye Luke. Beulah Quo • Rober1 Ito, Rosalind Chio. 8111 rtetchtr and Soon Ted Oh cvest. 111111111111111111111111111001111111111111101100111100001111101111111111111 ORDER YOURS NOW I --r. -· .... -........... ••ol U • t~I o tfM\ •• • • • • ·· ... -· . . _'..:•· / • • .· ~ ·. ~ : ,,_~~~ : a..~ t2.~h1 1).)o/) : --i --· •. ---,---• • • • : . • • • • Mrs. John Doe 123 Main Street Anytown. Anystate 12346 • • • ACTUALStZE 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS STYLISH TYPE ONGOOO QUALITY WHITE GUMMED PAPER • PERSONALIZED •EASY TO USE • FOR YOU OR A FRI END ---------------------, r F1ll .n flllS coupon ct1p lln<I ""'' Wtlll s' 75 .. 25 post99e to I Pilot Printing, Label Div. I Post Office Box 1580 • 330 W. Bay St. I Costa Mesa. California 92e28 I I Be Su,.. to UM Your Zlpcode PILOT PRINTING L-----------------~----~ ...... .. MONDAY (Continu.ct> ID Min Griffill 5"" O A11stit1 City Limits I TUESDAY I fm ~y Luden "!he Violin " (1974) lhe tenlle fable about a wande11ne old musician. a yount boy, and then shared love ol mus1f, -Artlll7 fhe last Guo " Billy suN1ves.lhe 111nl spider web and 1s reunited •1th hm and Maya to lead an attack on the comphUron Stop Susan Wrlhams "Wheels ot Oestuichon Susan tsc•pn tht piranha fish and htads for Sw1uerland, where she hitches a ride 1n • motorcycle l1deu1 .. 1th rhe evil Coldloolh ··rs It Always R1&ht to be R1thl1. (l 9 70) Concerns communttalton between people on opposite sides of lhe poltllcal fence. "!he Resur rewon ot Bronco Billy • ( 19 70) Reveals lasc1nahon •tlh ••lh the Ameuun co•bov mysl1que ID s.,tr lthalul IBl ShlMsfurt rt1ys -9:30-f.I [I) 111•a•s•H (R) r al her Mulcahy lakes bt1n1 passed om loi 1>1omohon oh1losoph1cally, until he hears of l)le 11p1d adnncemenl made by a heroic helicopler pilot !hen M uncharaclmstically bold acltons stun Colonel Poller and the entire corr.pany ID ,tcado de a- 10:00 D Cl) (!}) Lou Gr1nt (R) Lou has lo hnd out why his t11end and boss. Charlie Hume. behaves irrationally when the l11bune runs an upose on pohhcal t0t1ure BDIDMnl Cl> Sl'CCW. Tiii flood lo Encl 1111 rlao4s Glenn Ford hosts this docu mentary ol lht devastahnt Ohio River Flood of 1937 when lht water reached 80 feel. many lives #flt ta~en and people were left homeless @ lill Mtytn' Jw111I m~ce -10:30- ID II) News 11:00 •• al)@ hn • (J) !Bl ([Z} 12)'1 """ eMelle l.-cll e IMit: -....... lrWce" (dOc) '71-J1m1 Hendm. Pat Hartley Melinda Merryweather ID atlco l till M111 .., """' Hill ... 0 ....... llb11tlllll fDDktCMtt $M11 GJV1rW• -11:30- • CJ) crJJ ~ The llK""~ F'llls/lkllilllll ' Witt e oa...,c.... ... ...,w.. ... • CJ) !Dl a lilllil: "lnl'•• ti ArlMI" Part I (adv) '63-Peter O'loolt , Alec Cu1nnus. Anthony Quinn. Ort11r Sharif . "" "" ... • Get Siurt -~-...., 12:00 • Tllilitllt z.e • ..,.-Mlldlced l'f.-tl ..... , ..... -lZ:JO-: = """ u.r '"' Otl" (dra) 'S2-Lrnd• Oernell, Sltohtn McHetly. G1a1 Ptrruu. V11c1n11 Fitld 1:00 e @ST...,,.. • Diel, • .,,.. -~ 2100 • lilllll: ... ,,, Ill "-'" (~) '39-COftrtd Ytidt •Sits.wt ,...,. For -111111 1M 1fttnloell listiftp, pluse see DAYTIME ,RO,UMS. ...... ltf ,.., tOIMlieM.t. lrt tlw .,.s -'ts. OAmME lllOVIES 12:00 D "At G1111,.i11t" (wes) '5~-Fred MacMunay Oolothy Malont, Walter Brennan ID ti!! "Illy Si1t11 Ellttn" (com) 41-Rosalrnd Russell Janel Bta11 l:GO (]}) "A lMly W1y ID Oit" (susp) 68-Kn~ Dou11u. Eh Wallach, Sylva l\ostina l:lD 8 "The Tllief Wllo CalM to Dinner" (com) '73 ·Ryan O'Nul, Jacqueline Bisset I •v•N•NG 9 Cifca CD Clllcit l till M• GSUlll1'1 • "" Dltill'I Qllllt •<IIO ....,._~ "" -Slllill • Tic '" °""' ...... 12 •R21T ..... ...... _ ......... 8:00 • ()) (U) Tiit ,.,.r u .. Ptrntll Roberts 111est1 es • m1U111 t1w orofmot wllo lttti I IM ll1" d1plom1lic s1tuahon when Hart's ro1111nce with • Ruulln nmiwt-on • c,oodwlll tour ol tht U.S. -results In dnrc1plu11ry action th1t covld ruin her lll'rltllc CllHI. e 0) 8 "'Clll .. lft ..... -,-n lht Cur11 ol Drtcula: "S .. ltd n Blood," Om ull l•litly promlsas 111111 th1t lie will ~ Maiy. but lures htr lor 1nolhtr rtil tneounttt, Tiie Stcttt (mplre· O lllofle: ~ (211r) "Dirtr Heroes" (adv) '68-John Ireland Curt J1111ens. rwo esuped POW s and a Dutch pa111un plan to rob Wehrmacht Headquulers whtit theie are ltsts ol Dutch 111rtisans 8 (ID! '1ll Ha"' O.ys (RI R1Ch1e Gets Framed" Roeh1e and the Fonz visit a musaae p11lor to escape the pressures of a htaled class pres1 dency me and Rrch1e s opposillon photoaraphs the sheet ctad c1nd1 date with a pretty masseuse CJ S,ECIAl Will Tlltrt It 1n ,_. of the IMy SMtcflers? ID Carel hrMtl I fr\Ml1 a> Mo•lt: 1J1J (21tr) "Twelve Aftcry Mtft" (dra) '57-Henry fonda. Lee J Cobb A 1ury panel dec1d1nt a hrsl dteree murder case, 1s "huna" by one 1uror who 11111 not vote 1u11ty m o ,rtvin '"" ~"' 0> Viwia111 tHl I Wis "'11 at HolM -S:30-a ill ID 121) l..t"'1lt l sairtey (R) "Laverne and Simley Move In" In a moment ol nos1111 ... Laverne and Sh11ley rem1n1sci abollt lht riotous tantle ol problems they had turn•nl a dump into a hYtable pad when they cltc1dtd to become roommates .. Tiii CMd c..,i. ID Irk Ollc.ell 9:00 8 [2) flleiM: (21N) "T11111· pl111t" (dra) '79-llevin Dobson. Melinda Dillon. Cranv1tle Van Dusen. ROMY Coi. Bibi Besch A younc min (Dobson) suddtnty f1ntfs 111 he has wor\ed foi 1n att11n1n1 a piece of the "Ame11e1n Orum" is 1eop1rdued. when a heart ailment threatens 1111 very survival. 8 @ 0 n. lit Etlllt: HM fllMI (2hr) (R) Chartu Bronson stars as a streelfithler who $0 Impresses a wily promoter lhat. toeether, they st11e bouts 1n Dtprr.ss1on·tr1 New Orleans. lames Coburn, Jill lrelud 1nd Strolher Martin 1tso stir • CJ) ~ a "'-'• c...,., (R) "Larry s Bnde" Je<k hnds him sell 1n !lot w1ter when lritncl larry's buul!ful bridt·IO·bt corners hlf'll on IN eve of tht .edchnc ind reveals hentlf as a lormtt schoolNle who $1~1 has a crush on him •""* .... Crilfta .. OOff Y• Dlft • Mcllllll ,,__ .. ~ (R) A ~111, 1~red by the uf11bl t!Ofl ffOlll the Gtr1111n Ot1110t11hc R.,111.c. IUlllflftt art ot>ttth lrom ¥Olrn4 lhe ~ .,.....,........,.:L..ie -t.lO- • CD <JI • Tat (lt) "Come H You Attn't" tlt111t ltlti the tllOt'St lllltn tflt ubbits l11vit• tllt111M1"s to htr party lot lltt hipllfOw 111 • wcwl4 IT1ttlds no don't Mn ~I sllt mooftflaflts " • call ch!Vtl .......... ._ fOIOO ...... T\I WEEK. APRIL 15, 1979 a (}) ({OJ (ft) Tiit ~Helen is so devastated allt1 she 1nv11es forty ne11hbors lo brunch and only Anne shows up, lhat when Stanley hears from Larry about an an1lable mobile home. he makes plans to sell and move • llipt Witry m .. ,,...,.. al tlw WllR• ..... a lllwldl«l -10:30- • (!§) s 13 0-111 ... Pt1y1ne Around" Annie and [lame see Fthc1a'1 husband Stev'". with a stranee wom1n 1n a bar. put two and two toatthe1. and come up with a most surpnsine answer ID m""" ~ Tiii Scaltet Lttt.r !Bl Vtttr'• ,.,.._ 11:00 U CD a ({lJ a """ D Cl) ®l 0 tlll """ BMIUlltlauch G llowie: "DratoftWYU" (dra) '46-Cene Tierney, Walter Huston. Vincent Puce ID CIMc.o l the MM m """' Hill SMw m Dick c...tt S111w 1DY1riedl4e -11:30- • ()) (IJl Mttiu: lar111lly llMs/llMitlll B IDCUlltllM1 C.-• .. s..,, s.s $1119 • CJ) (JI '2J) lilllil: "l.twftKI ef AIMil" Concl (arM '63-Peter O'T oole, Alet Guinness. AMhony Quinn, OJNr Sharri • "" ci..s .. .. Get SINft 9 Llia, '• ' , .. -~-..... 12:00 • filililM z- • AlhM ttltdlcect l'ftllllb ., .... nlNI -12:30- ..... : ...... II le VlfJ, Ytry ,..,.. (com) 'SS-Betty Grable, Sheree North. • llewle: <It "Uttle lllllll1te1" (dra) '34-Katharine Hepburn, Oon1ld Cr1ip. • lltwit: (Ill) "11trl4 111 lly c.-" (dra) '56-Audie Murp~y. Barbara Ruslr 1:00 D 0>9T~ •llMrid 2:00 • llltlt: "kltM '•11111•" (HY) ·sz.lofln Miiis, Dir\ Bocarde. £11lllltlfl Sellals. •'"*" -2:30- • ~ "Cltdl • c.ti CH" (com) '68-M1rth1 Hytt, Vittono CIAN11 ...... .._ ........ (dfa) ·41 .. Meuncltf ltno• 3100 ..... : "C*ltlhllill" (mys) 'S7-8llWI SlaftWYCl. 4100 •""" ..... : ... .... ._...,. (••) '60-Frt ... r.tllt. ...... : ................ .. (111Y$) '45--Michttt Rfdtr••· • -..: • "Clllllll " ....... (t11Y1) • •-Catt u..• ..... Mlfl. fwEDNESDAYI Al'RIL II f°' -.Mic and 1ft•1-listinp, pltut see DAYTIME ,ROGHMS. .... IOI ytUI c:oftftllittlct, .,. the dly's lllllies. DAmME MOVIES 12:00 0 "1 "Tht ltM•lltic ..... (dra) '50-Hu&h W1lh1ms, Mai Zetterting Pelula Clark m ~"Solid GoM t1difqc" (tom) 56 Judy Holliday Paul Oouelas r red Ctark 3:00 ®l "l'oint llank" (susp) 67 -Lee MalVln, Catroll O'Connor Angie Dickinson • 1:30 & "Key Wts1" (dral 17 Stephen Boyd. Sheree North l!Vl!NINQ 8:00 fJ !ID> (ill @ News (]) The Odd Couple D D Cl) C2IJ News D C-1ency OM Cl lr'Olltide ID Tiie Brldy Bundi Q) Streets of S.11 fr1ncisco 8 Of Eartll & Man m Over Easy illJ ..... IJJ) Mirian Gowtrnment -6:30- IDJ lltwt Cfoa-Wib ® Men Griffin S... 0) I~ l.tlcy 0 C.lttllptrlry Hultll fD fllidlMI JldJOll S* a T11c ll*lf'• Wild CD Mi Secrtt1ril ~ '1.;td Ulllw11t 7:00 fl CD D 8 QJl lltwl • Tiie ....,_, """ a (J) Tiie JMer's ~ 0) (J}) Sit Militll S M111 .., SlfttM ' Sell o r.-., r.ctrait 9 Mldhil1lellrtr lltport QI) Ellllll'llCY OM IDo..icl lillofttero a 111tr.-i111 liolecY -7:30- • hM W. II: GI Dill} (]) Ill SelfU OL B (JJ) 0 fllllily fM • Tiie D6C lili!M • "-""' '-Cl) ....... W.W G Tic TIC °"Ill e w..12 o oi.ws. •ZITlllillrt a._ iJI) ~ SenMI lit 8:00 e @ Tiie ,..,.,_When 1 cold sptll lhfows the Jtftersons. the W1N1stS, Flotence 111d M1. Bentley 11110 OM crowded aP1rtment, the only t111np helltnc up er• the11 tempers. (Rtsclltdultd) a o a mH•...,,..... A madClll cotl11e ol reet peol)te, pllcts and evtnls celtbratrnc the unusual-and often rn$111nna-h•u of 01di111ry Ame1ieaM do1ns utraoi d'"•IJ th1n1l. Hilhhfhts rncludt • iany toot. at 1t1H. an 111eveient tour of Wash1neton 0 C . and profiles ot a legendary female trucker and a black Na~ frogman who lost hrs le&-but otvtr lost his sp111t 10 dive 1 he hosts of thrs ne111 program are Jimmy 81tsl1n f red Willard Mar~ Russell 8111 Rallerly John Barbou1 Skip Stepllenson and Sarah Purcell D Mom: (Zltr) "A Rill(s Story" '67-Documentary Orson Wellts narrates this story of the king who gave up the Throne ot lngtand for the 'll'Oman he loved a ®J IHl ufllt ts Enouch (R) 'Cops & loddltrs · Pande monium b1eaks out at the Bradford homestud when Nancy opens a dav care cenlet and brines home an army of toddlers, and Susan gon into lrainrng as a police cadet 0 Mo.it: (Zltr) "The l'roucl Otla'' (wes) '56-Roberl Ryan \'11g1nia Mayo. Aithur O'Connell Wiien a haled enemy arrives in flat Rock with gunmen and gambling equip ment. the marshal rinds he rs up ilgainst moie than he ba1 gained tor 0) Carol Burnett & fntnds U> SrtCIAL The aas111d Pan I (R) (2hr) See Monda y 8PM IHJ GrNI '"f0fm1nces m vm1n1 11~ Audefny leldtrs -8:30- 0 (fl) Miss Winslow & Son Evelyn conhnues lo \fl lo tell Susan hOlll to run her hie eSPecrally when she doun·1 aeree with the diaenosis ol Susan's ped1atnc1an concerning the baby's rash. but Susan stands f1tm and mothei leaves m T11c ~ Couple m lirul l'trfllfllllftCIS Leonard Bernstein conducts Mahler's "Sympllony No 8" S•mulust on MUSC 91 5FM fl) Wresttiftt 9:00 D O]l Our Oelettiwt Protessor R1Cha1d Weyland is the p11me suspect tor murder ol a colleae associate and Kate can't ottrciatty Wllfk to prove his innocence M Emmet Walsh 111ests D QJl <DJ Tiie lie Ewnt: W!Mtls (R) (2hr) Part Ill. Unable totem hrs devastaled wlle. Enca. Adam ends his relahonsh1p wllh Barbara lrplon Adam's order son. K11k, an adver tisint e~ecullve -unaware of his lather's former relatronsh1p with Birbara-falls 1n love w1lh her Rock Hudson. lee Rem1ct 81111 Brown. John Beck, R1lph Bellamy and James Cw oll Jordan stir 8 (11 (ft) Clllrlia's ~ (R) "Wlnn1nt Is lor Lose11" The anaels enltt lht woild of women's prot~t 1011 to save the hie of 1 lo'ltly ,oune pro who refuses lo Mlhd11w lrom t0mPtl1tron deSjMte rtpealH anempts on lltr hie Jaime lte Curtr.s 1utsls • ...,., Critfiil .. a o..w~sa.. -t:lO-er.c. ...... 10:00 • Sft.JT fUSOUUTY * Oft IUM>O W /WI e @ II.II A youna womo. sulfenna from multrplt splll perSOll· 1llhes, is charced w1lh bru111tv m111derln1 htr stepfather. 1nd Kaz !lildttps • tnclltenint psycltolOff lt$3on .s her 1ltotn1y ....... u ']:: ~ (2ti Vtc.S CRJ Yu. My Dailing Daughter A younii woman who believes her tamous lathtt has been dead lor ten years h11es Dan Tanna to untanete the pu11hng mystery ol how he could turn up al her recent •edd1n1 Lauren I e111es Strother Manin and IJoyd Boehne• euesl Q) SP£C W. Flood lo End All flood1 IR) See Monday !OPM fl':) Who Rtmtmbtrs Mam? A loo~ a1 the emotional and economic devastation eaperrtnced by millions ol middle •itd women in Ame11u .,.hen they IDS' their ptace as home malers through divorce ~ The Adwocates -10:30-m a>NtwS 11:00 fl .. ([1 Cl]) f2ll Mews D ®: 12.1 (})) News D Make Mt uuch 0 Mo.it: l(li1 "Cry of Ille City" (dia) '48-Victor Matu1t R1ch~rd Conte, Shelley Winters 0) ChlCO & I.ht Man a> Benny Hitt Sllow ® laryillnlk°' at the Wllite Koust m Dick Clwett Sllow fl) Variedlcles -11:30- 0 (}J) lllowies: The llockfOf d rllesl~k D (2)) QJl loMfl1 Clr1011 " ""' Soupy Siles Sllow D ®l ~ ,olict Wt111111/ lilMlllia m Tiit '°"• Show a> Gtt Sllurt fi)~QC!ltw\ 12:00 D Twillcflt ZOM m Alfrecf Hitcllcod ,resents ID Morie/News -12:30-D lllowie: ~ ''Tiie Man I ~ .. Cdra) •6-lda Lupino Robert Alda . m Mowie: "fire OoWll ....... (dra) 5 7 R1\a HayoNOr1h. Robert Mitchum a> Moirie: ~ ''Owtsidt tllt Walt" (dra) ~-R1tha1d Basellart. Oorolhy Hirt Marilyn Ma.well 1:00 D n .)l; Tomorrow 0 Mlwtrick 2:00 fl Mowie: "und o4 the P'Nr111ts" (adv) '55-Jac k Hawkins, Joan Cothns Dewey Maritn O Mofit: "The life & Dutll ff Colonel llimp" (dra) '43-Deborah ~err. Anton Walbrook a> Gel Smart -2:30- D Mo¥11: ~ "Sons & lou rs" (dra) '60-0ean Stockwell, Tmor Howard. Wendy Miller m !AoM: MStrpent of IM...l\itl" (dra) '53-Rhonda Fleming;• .... Raymond 8u1r 4:00 O Mowie: ~ "hejed M-7" (adv) SJ-James Donald. l'hylUs ~lvert 0) Motlt: ~ "llliui•I C.111se" (mys) 45-J Edward Brombere. Is· abet Randolph -•:30- 111 Mo.it: "flll'" (wes) '52- Wild 8111 [thou Phyllis Coates, M-,ron Healey RObert Preston Portniya Hadley Cttllholm •nd SuMn Swttt l>lllY• Annabel Chisl'IOlm In the loYr-<f>9r1 mlnlMfles, "The Chlaholma." the dr1m• ol a pion .. r famuy·a weetwerd toum-v, concluding Thul"td«Y tr0m 8 to 10PM on CBS. ,...,, THURSDAY AntL 19 for mo1n1n1 1nd 1ttt1110011 ltslln,s, pluse see DAYTIME PRDGllAMS. Below, for your CAH1wt111t11Gt, 11e the cLly' s lllOlfleS. DAYTIME MOVIES 12:00 O "Lui of tht 81dmtn" (wes) ·~1 Ceoiae Monlcomery m "You C.n'I llull AwlJ from tt" (mus) '!>6-Luc1lle Ball 3:00 ®l l)i!l "TM Youn1 lmri" (dra) 64-Peter Fonda l:lO 8 "V1nisflin1 l'oinl" (adv) '71-Barry Newman EVENING 8:00 D ®l [ti i2Jl News m The Odd r.oupk 8 fJ Cl) f8) News U Emtr&tft<J One Iii Ironside m The Br1dy Bundi G) Slretls of San F11nc1Ko 18) Hu-ities Throu1h lllt Arts fD °"'Elsy CIJ)Mlllde (9) Desi&llin1 Holllt Interiors -6:30- Q}) News Cl) Ctou-Wits ffD) Men Griffia Sllow m I Lon Lucy 18 Coll1Mpor1ry Hulth m MidlMI 1.u-S11ow 121,) Tiie JMtr's WiW m El CM.D/l>Mletllu Montero ACROSS I A TV or movie personality 5 Wealthy 9 Gauten toot 10 Yoko 12 Sea or lime 15 Great oak arows trom this 18 Witch your -20 Indefinite pronoun (possessive) 21 lt.tian suffix 22 Crt1ted 24 Post• untt 25 Voice type 28 Sound ot wrptlM ll Froe 32 Roman fiddlef 3' Axed (es • <*) l6 Mllf'Y -Moote 37 SeftM Of'IM l9 Ho-d 41 At rest 42 Slilltltly OCMtn !SO Home Glrde~r 1':00 DD C)J D 12"1 lle.1 u Tht N.wtJ-' Glmt O l Tiit J.'\er's Wild m fll Si• M1lhort S M1111 m Santotd ' Son l(J r. .. 11y l'llrt11i1 m lbcNttl/Ltllrtr lleport 11 Emtr&tncy One •JO HW111nitits Throu1h the Arts -7:30-D $25,000 Py11mMI I' W"tld World ol A1nmals D KllBC Speml: ltomir 0 and lulie·I An anomaled spice agt mus1calilan1asy about lhe ruman!lc adventures ol two robots lrom compet1n& manutacrurer~ ... ho lall rn love al d robot show U Tiit Oallftl Game u The r.onc S11ow lJ l Sl.91 Buuty Siio• O flC he Dou&h 10J ~31 Mitch Game O)M.m·l2 12~ lnsi1ht ID 21 Toni1ht )}) lltwS (5~ llewsclltcl 8:00 D 1J J (U Tht Cllis/IOl111$ (?h•l Conti !ht Chrsholms are allacktd by a small band ot S1ou1 braves Wounded. they push on. desperatelv try1n1 lo reach r0tt Laramie a fur tr ad1n& POSI Will and Crdeon with Kewed1nok lrnally arme Ounng the .winter lester Hackett reappears and is trrtd tor ho1~ thtlt Kt•tdrnok. with whom Woll has bfen ltvin& dramatocally overcomes Hadley's DOWN 2 -· a crowd (clue I<' puzzle answer) 3 Assam tribe 4 Strap 5 C.pltol of Italy 6 Enclosed 7 Aureole 8 -to rlcn.s 11 Gets nervous 13 Strff1 (abbr.) 14 Sepnent 16 Or1anlzalion (clue 10 j)YUJe ans-> 17 ~let 19 Ohio Of' MlcNfan 23 M.ns 26 Costello 27 ~altler 29 Montlfl1's cap/tel 30 8e Y9ft> 33 By mouth 35 Taunt l6 Scartett. s I.Ind JI Mertlno 40 Simpton .An.twer ar end of th• Saturday log. ~ ... 12 lone standing pre1ud1,e Robert Preston Rosemary Ha111\ Ben Murphy Bnan Kerwin hmm) Van Patlen )tacey Nelk1n, SuYn S"'" and Charles r rank ~tar D Z3 Jl Whodun111t! U Mo•re· 12hr) "Hellbenders" t•es) 67 -fosepll Colltn No1m1 Benaeil A Confedtrat~ co1ontl who refuses to actepr the Soul~ ~ \Ull~nder embuks 011 a u11¥al~ vendetta aearnst the Unt11n 0 } 10 lf Mork l MJlldJ IR) A Mommy IOI Mo1~v Mori lroubied ~Y lhf t;vr ht never h•d a rul mom uY'S lt•s Or~an <lilt machrn~ 10 •evM lo a 3 year old •nd lal u Mmdy ai hos ne .. ly adopted morher O Movie (2tu) "Will $4icctu Spool Rod Hunter]" 1com1 )/ lony R4ndall layne Mansl1tld Joan Blondell To ~ave It•) 1ob a IV commercial .. 111e1 allempt~ to Rel an tndorsement 101 d l1pst1cl account lrom a blonde movie wen m HEE HAW WITH TENN. * ERNIE FORD TONITE m Hee HH lenneuee Ernie rord and Bai bar a r a11chrld guest 0) Mom: (2hr) ·111e Tlurd D1y" (dra) '6S-George Peppard Rodd~ McOowall An .imMsra v1tt1m •tcoms only 10 fond h1msell altused ol murdrrer ID n llow1 Across !he S1leoce Barr"r'' An e1amona1ton ol deafws~ rn a socretr that takes hea11n11 and language for granted m V'mana H Anyone tor TtnnJ10111 -8:30- 0 ~1 Ill Hiahclilft ll1nor Ber~eley Cheats the Ciave' Brtarre plots by foundation boa1d membrrs TV WEEK. APRIL 15, 1979 111 unseat the founder's w1do• come to nothon& pa•lltulady aft er she hears the t1llaaer s stC>1oes aboul her l~re hu)band U :l to lt Anare 'Joyce ) lob Angon snobby sister rn law loice is torctd to get a 1ob as a \1111)()11 singer when her et husband ares bro~e and lier roch dad RAndall •tlu~~ lo suppoil her E!> u Cmblu de Ambl-to lur111*'t 9:00 D <l3 3t Quincy CR) hen Odd~ Wlult Quincy Ires near death f1om a iunman \ bullet hrs friends Lt Monahan Or Astin and Sam F u11yama '"empt lo solve a robbery hom1crde by appl)rng techniques taucht to them by the medical uam1ner on previous cases U 3 ~ 29 Birney Miller (R) Jn, loan Shark" lite hardened veterans of the 12th prec1nll erupt when they discover a man1pulat1na loan slta•~. who s been using bone crushing 1acl1cs on his clrenrele. 1s a 14 year old boy CD Men Griffin Show 121 Ast of Unc:trtJtnty ID Workl 'The Nguba Connec11on" I wo peanul farmett ttll !he story of first and third WOlld a111cullure m 11oc11es 1111111u so Ascent al 111111 -9:30-u rt i ll~ lt) Carter c .. 111ry Ba~tr s frrst Dar Cll1os !lupt.s when stt Curtis Baker frustrated bfcauw he 1sn I beine allowed to perform lht duties he was h11ed to per101m qurls the polite force and eoes lo back lo New YOik City • m Noches h111tiu 10:00 D B 14 811n1by Jones A l11gh1ened nu•Y.. d dtad .. 11ntss and a pay a; d:.e loan shark add up to a battling murder ouule 101 JR bu1 his bogaes1 problem comts lrom the 1>0hce (Rescheduled> 0 '22 U PREMIERE Sat r. Yu Johnny Yune lhe tnnov.allve nttht club comedian horn Korea slar\ on the hlle •Off as a non unilo1 med pohce detective who wni~~ the Beverly Hills aiea whole P\)'lng a\ a lomed1dn in • foul ntihtclub In "lhe Colden lgg Yu is 1nqu11me onco the death ol a lamous 10<~ singer Pressuie from tht romm1~ st0ner forces lhe police to take • closer look di what was 011g1n1lly believed to be a su1rode Yu. 11s1~R ht' acting ab1l1ty and b11ll1~nt lngtf mangaees to solve the crime much to the surprise of ht~ 1upr1101s UUO>News U ®l <ZOJ Doctor$' Prrnte liwes "The Buddy System · Or Michael Wise's teenage daughtet I an1a. 1s nearly killed 1n a car crash while under lhe mlluenCP ol drugs. and he hastily blames a ptescriptoon found 1n the ca1 on Or Rick Calder &I Nishi S.lltry @ Alter Ille A1e of U11tert11nl) ED OM of Ille llluina ~ fltwsdle<• -10:30-m &I News ~ lllllwest Kot A11 Balloon llllty ~ fOGbttpJ 11:00 6 .] l 8 1 f' '1Gl l2t News II ftl ~J ,, News UMe Me Ulifh D Mowit: -Ml~ of loMon" (dra) '36-fieddie Bar1holomew m Clltco & Ille Man &1 ltMJ H~I SlltW @ Anyone IOI Ttt1nJS011r m Die• emtt si... -11:30-8 111 \12) Mowies: M•A•S•Ht MtCloud U t2ll ill) .lollnny C1r1011 ...... Soupy Sain si... B ()) 0) ~ St111ly & Hu1cht MaMli• m The Golla si... Cl)Gel Sm.rt l8l lJlin. Yoe1 & You ~ C.ptieMd AIC ,.._, 12:00 DTwilictltl• m Mrt4 Hitdad Prewllts -12:30- • llttit: "O•r Vtry 0.11" (d11) 'S9-rartey Cr1n1e1. Ann Bttlh • lilewlt: "MHIMI tf 1111 ........ (th) ·~-Ethel W111n • ... .,.... Dir1y '-" (1clw) 'GS-Henry fond1 1:00 ., tJl Qtl ,....,. .. -~ 2100 e lttlt: "Tiit Ct11h1f) h rns" (1ctw) '7Z Richard Boone •••lea: "Suu:· 'Cr uh of Silenu" -2:30- • lllWllt: "One Summer at tl•pl>l nt.s.s." "lo~1floln" • Mlflet: "Whal 1 Wom•n,' "()ipplt Crtek .. FRIDAY APRIL 20 For mornin1 and 1ftt1noon hstrnrs. ptust SU DAYTIME l'llOGRAMS. lltlow, tor JOU! canwenM!nce, art the day's movin. DAl'TIME MOVIES 12:00 O "A lllcbt i11 Pmdrst" 1dta1 ~6-Me!le Oberon m rw "Mrss G11nt h•u Richmond" (coml '4'! luc11lt Ball W11l1am Holden 3:00 10 "San Francrsco Inter· n1t1on1I" \dra I 10 Van Johnson. Pernell Rober1s l:JO D "Dehrer Us lrom h1I'' ldral 11 Geo1ge Kennedy EVENING 8:00 0 olO 1.U » Newi 3 Tiie Odd Cotlplt IJ u L1' !21l lltws U Emer11ncy One O Ironside m The B11dy Bunch &I SI rte Ii ol San f ranclico ~' 01 u~ ' ll1n m Freatylt n Maudf $0 01plom1tic Style ol Andre• Younc -6:30-3 ,, News e Cross-W'rtl 10 MelY Griffin Siio-. m I Lott luc7 l,4 Bill Moyeralou1111f ta Michael JftlOll SlltW a The lobr's W'tlcl 0> LI Crildl Bien CriJd1 SO' Project Uniwene 8:00 e cti ttfJ TM ._,.... ""' (A) lht last pace of 1utomob1lt m1n1. and • dtmolltt0n dtrlly. set the tone when David 8on•r belr11nd$ 1 rt lartlt.d yovna min ind hn to tefOrt to the S11Ptt strencth 01 TV WEEI<, APRIL 15, 1979 n~~.·, -~~ ;l ~st Idea ·~shopping Since Carts Now you can do a week's shopping without forgetting a single item! Use pre-printed shopping lists prepared for you by PILOT PRINTING. 1-feet ;= ... , 140 .._. ... jl!MIH "•-. ~­,..,. .......... " .... lft COft .. ftieM ........... ,-:: : ::.:-c:..:.~ ... ~.i:..-: ---, I t1 u+ so"et• a l\afldll119io. I I Piiot ~ftttnt lhoppiftg Uat I : ft.O. lox 1MO : 330 w. l•y St. I eo.t• MeH, C•IK.1212t I I I ...... _____________ _, I I 1ITM"-------------1 Ian--------·•-----' cew Ill !ft ,._,.... Send Tod•yTo Become A Super Shopper DAILY PllOT L. •• • • ••• • • • • .1._.__.,___.._ ___ _ ..... 11 FRIDAY (Continued) the Hulk to save the youth from a fiery duth II rllJ (BJ Dift'rent Stroles (R) "1he Tnar· When Arnold's pet &old hsh Homer 1s found swimming 1n the bathtub. W1ll1s convinces Mr Drummond 11 would be wrone to convict Atnold wirhoul a !rial 8 Morie: (211r) "Ont Foot m HtU" (wes) "60-Alan Ladd, Don Murray A sherilf seeu revenee uPOn three prominent to,.nsmen ht holds responsible IOI his b11de s dnlh • ®a fa1111IJ (R) Buddy lalls 1n love with he1 25 year old swimming coach and b1nks ofl her rom41nce with Zuk (Le1I Ga11ett). her long time bo)'friend D Motie: (211r) "Tiit Deep Sil" (dra) '58 Alan Ladd. Wilham Bendt~. James Whtlmore Dunne World War II, a naval lieutenant. with a Quaket upbringing, latls to cove orders lo fire on an approaching plane Later he proves himself by 1ack1tne a bomb and leadine a landing party 1n the thick of ballle Cl) Movie: (f!f) (2hr) "Northern l'urwit" (adv) "43-Errol Flynn, Gene Lockhart Two mounties find only one wrv1vor ol a 11roup of N3lt saboteurs who i.nded by submarine m l3l (Oi Waslllftrt011 Wnk ID V'1Wian1 -8:30- .. ill Hello, l1r1y Rap With Ruth1t'" Ruthie's got a school pro1etl on teen111e drinkine and sels out to do a 15 min. appurance on L1rry s radlO talk show mak1ne a p1n1cky Larry ponder •n on air rescue fD 181 (II) Walt Strnt Wet• ID Eftlrde lltl'ICHo dt Amor @ looU IM 9:00 8 (JI) The Duhs of Ham rd Uncle Jesse c.alls upon $0me Iona neelected skills to help an old friend wm back his life's sav1nes. whrle Bo and Luke add lo the plot by pulltnR a traveling 1amblin& parlor out of business. Jo Ann Pflue guests D (ll) QJl The "°"IOfd filts (R) 'Wlt1le on Wltrle & Nurly Perfect" When Rockford is hired to find 1 m1ss1n1 heiress. he discovers he 1s on the case wtlh 1 second private eyt- an eaeer. dasl11na youna man whose ineptness endaneers both their ltves • CD (lJ) l2ll MOflt: (2111) "Dritt 111" (com) 76-Glenn Mor shower, l1u lemole. Cary Cavaanaro, Billy Mtlloktn !he achon on the movie ween es noth1n1 tn compa11S011 to the &Oin&$ on when a fun lov1nr 1ud1ence tn!OYS 1 n1eht on the town 8 Dt H YIWMlf ......... • ...,,..Tkatrt H llM 10:00 a (JJl Dtlla (R) Corlctus1on Jl!'s tff0f1 to rn1ke his lont lost brother, Cary. coml0111ble 1n hts ntw surrovnd1nes is to prts$Ull h1rn into ta•tnt o~tr one of the £w1~1 businesses. but Vil, his fOfllltr wtlt, k lleves 11 1s Just tnolhtr method ol chu1nt him away aa11n David Ac•royd •nd Joan Vin Alk JUHi (Ruchedultd) B @@ 'Ille Mt "Too Under Wtcktt Stru t Bi1d1e" Ouh R1m\ey aets "'°" th•n ht b1r11lntd '°' wlltn he taktt C111tody ol a 11rttt ..... ,. wose lad. whO comes into possession ot a boo~ conta1oing damaging 1nlor mahon about a chaos scandal con necling various public loguoes 111tll lhe mob u a m 11ews II) llicht Gllltry t2J Wllo RttM!nMrl Mama? fD SEASON l'REMICRE Roral Heriutt A nine par1 mies olte11ne a h1stor•cal account ot the 8111tsh Monarthy over lht past none centuries ThlS forSI episode eiptores the lust 400 years tealuring v1eirs ot krngs cas11es and tombs m r ranee 'fOl Worl4 -10:30- ID IE News 11:00 fJ U DJ Ill) News D (IJ (J2) 1ll QJ1 llews U Ma•e Me uup 1i1 Mo•le: "Dnil's El1ht" (adv) '69 Christopher George Fabian ID Chico I the Min Q) Benny Hill Show 0 Another Voi« Em Dk• Ca•ett Show e> V1ritdldes -11:30- fJ lJ l Ir l'ro 11.ts .. tbaM 1'11yott rums to be announced D t.D <U Jollnny Cuson U !kw Soupy Salts Show • CID: a Soapll 11ett• ID The Goll& Show II) Get Smart l'.2l Cillis. Yoe• & You fD Captiorlff AIC 1kwi 12:00 D TW1lipt Zone ID hrb loa ti;)llo¥1 O> MoM/llews -12:30- 11 Mowie: 1"" "Warriors fiwe" (ad¥) "62 lat~ Pal1nce ID Mowie: .J!tJ "The lllac• lloom" (mys) 'J5-Bo11s l\arlofl Cl) Morie: "Nlpt of tht Sorman" (hor) '70 lack l•ylo1 1:00 CJ IU l ((fl Midnl1ht Spetlal D Mn le: "Horror of franhn· sltin'' (hor) '71 Ralph Bates ....... nu Ql ~111>12 2 :00 fJ Mtt1t: 8 "Stran1ers tn • Traill" (mys) '51-fartey Granger D Moftt: t!!fl .. ._. ... (adv) '38 N11el Bruce Warner Baiter ID -..It: ttJ "W•" En t 111 leactll" (mys) "!17-GeOfce Murphy at lilt Slurt -t30- • Die• VIII°"' .. 3:00 ..... : "'Ille c.t Ct-.." (llof) '46-lois Colltfr, P1ul Ktlly ..... : "s-illtlleW11 ...._M (hof)-Alan Steele 4 :00 • -..1.: .. , ...... ,,., DM!t" (drl) ·~9-John Milll ..... : "Y .......... M (com) '41-81fb1ra StenvrtCt -4:30- • Mttle: "fr111tlc" (dra) "&I -Jeanne Mortau. M1u11u Ronet. SATURDAY Al'lll 21 MORNING j 6:00 D That's Cat "'[ S-rise Stl:lesler 0 1Am1111111ity fetdlllck ID University o4 lflt Air -6:30-u Sunriv Semester D Illy City blltn • Or1111et J:; TY Cln.voon1-At1 0 D1wty & Goliath :mi The Collrw o4 Our Times ID Speak Out II) Infinity f ac:!Ofy fD Captioned ABC News R Family l'llltralt 7:00 fJ Marlo's Macie Mowle Mach1n1 D Ill! l'1: Fred I lla111tr U Ii& Blue M11ble U Cl) JD) ~ Stooby·Doo, Wll~re Ht Y11111 • ]) TV Classroom-Spanish 0 Ho4 Fllll1e $'-ID ElttlMllt.11y lttwS ' II) WoNn flttl to Real fD YOI• for HuHh -7:30-fJ o.nty's TlfffMMt .. .nJ in The lttsons 0 P'lcaetttn • <IDl a fanafac• (lj TY Clulrool!l-Cut1111 D llle t.. fllllstr ID That's ~rll m-,.,-.. m J udida ry I Ille Mt4i1 8:00 fJ Cl) ~ ...,.,. .. lfJI \Jl1 Godzill Stpet ~ II Mowie: "The Rtwolt of lllt Barb11i111s'' (adv) '6' Roland Caray, Susan Sullivan u (]) CIDl a S.perfrltllds D llelltr Supent1n ID Mowit: ~ "B.f.'s Dalllflte1" (dra) '48-Barbara Stan~ck -8:30- 11) Soutlle rn Califor11l1 fD "°"' 9:00 fJ {It Tiie •111urtny1.- hlllltr $'-• Cl TllrilbtthfS ll)ha~ -9:30- D @ OlftJ °"" • llewie: UAll c,. .., .. (,. .. (dra) ·66-Robert l1nsin1 • Cll QI! ScMy's M-Sbn ..... : .,. ....... (f(t h) '5J-Jack11 Coopn &l T1lt Fr.O Clllf iDJTMtWIMllllmW 10:00 D 0> tB f'rt ........ Kansu Ctty Roy1ls at lht 8oJton fled So• (P11m1ry). fht Suttle MllllltlS It the Minnesota lw1ns (Seco11dary). • .. ..,,.. w· (n s) '4S-YV011nt.Ot c.trlo. Rod Cameron • Ollca .. I Clltlk -10:30- • (J) llJ) TlfDllS.. S..... • CJ) <JI !It 'Ille ,... ,__ ......... TV WEEK, APRIL 1~ 1979 11:00 U 3 fO) 2ll Wt8tftd Spedal (R) "The [M:ape ol a One Ion Pet' Cone! lhe story of a youne 1111 s wily tflor1s to sa~t her prrze winning bull from the butcher shop O Thnlltr ID Sl'£CIAl face of flmint (R) llh1) Filmed 1n Afrtca. Ame11ca. Meuco and England 1h1s PfOgram e1amin,s how famine arose and what tAn be done about ti fD f I etStyte -11:30- 0 Ollldoon 8 1~ Jt A111eric1n Bandstand II) Sports Afield fD Mowie: 1lf "This HltlPJ Breed" (dra) H John Mills Ce111 Johnson AFT•RNOON 12:00 fJ SPIC• Academr D VoJ•ae to Ille Bottom of tht Sea II East Side Kids ID Alfred Hltcflcoc• l'rewnb JI ... lllut lh!Me Cl) Tarzan Jl C.ttmtlOftrJ Httltll O> WaHer lltruclo fl Alctllt II M111 -12:30-u J.. 1 ht Altltrt ) Gltalnt ~ l .. tlld ...... 7 ft}J Ditc:o 10 ID DM1" Dupwttl'rt liMlt Jf ~Ila ... 1:00 fJ 1Il AR II D ...,.., to U-.rrtu1t 11 (ll' ~ T 111nialltlt et cu.. piolls lialt Semi hn1ts coveraae from the LaCosta Country Club U Tite Iii Valer • Morie: ''Go .... ed ir1 Ille Wettd" (dra) '61 Gina Lollobrl&•d• 1 lQ) Outh I o,1111 ID "° 11.t.W The Los Anaeles Oodeers 1t the San Francisco Giants Q) lltrtus Wtlbr (JI) lloNtlD ID SMtatStcctr 9l Tite Amtrtull Slo!J../ -1:30- fJ I l1ll JO Milllltts mr• D *'It I c.tllll (@) Melrit: "Mr. lillptrtefs War" (d11) '71-Jofln SaAon, l1pp1 Hed<en int flrllily ...u..M m li1141rit: ""' ~ ... ,. .. (com) "56 Peter Sellers. Alec Cu1nneu 2:00 B KWMfW ctu,111• n.Mlt ....... Mttlt: "P'lty It Aa1l11 SM" I com) '72-V.OO<ty Allen J) ...... : "1 "-" "•-~" (dra) '74-H~ l.antt .... ..,.a.mes tBI ~ ""', .. ' -Z:JO-e ttr•••.._.. .,.,., ......... ta,_., .. ~ 3 :00 Tilll .......... ...... a .. ,_ • r..., ,.. ..._. Ani!Mttd. "World o4 !tans Cltt1s111n Mcltnoft~ ·--- 8 Grutest ~ L~ D llewlt: "Tlftlkrjad '(adv) 'S4- Sterhnc Hayden, Vera Ralston @I,_.. 18 1"lle Alt ti Ul!Ctfbillty ID lillttl Ta= a ~ LICtNI !SJ) Dllitllillc lllt•riln -3:30- • CJ) [2) s,.rh Sp1dac.l1r Ht&hh&hts ol the World M11ed Pairs Gymnuhcs Champ1onsh1p I 0 teams-1111th I male and I lemale- from 8 ol the best eymnastrt taun Ines 1n the world compete DE.,_,. • rn D a ,,.,wilfl•' loWn T•r The Firestone lour nament of Champions from the R1v1e1a LAnes 1n Akion, OhlO fl) Midwett Hee Alf lalleeft bit, a ""'9cetlter ..... ., 4:00 ID Soul T raltl at M••it: ill "Tiit Wlnnln1' TNlll" (dra) '52-0011s Oay O llltwit: "Slrffb of Sa• fr1n· cla" (mys) ·n-Karl Malden 9 After 1111 Act If U11Urbi11ty .,., .. IDT•AMUO.,.m a 11ew1t: M ... W1t11tut. CallN" (dra) '55-James Oun '11> Prtjed U"""11 -4:30- @ 0f brtii' .. fDQue ...... USA1 5:00 B htj«t PtrtlltMc In lh1s live ~111-llosled by Sim ldwards- prolesst0ntls 1n lilt parenhn1 held h1ndel 1ncom1n1 calls from Y1e•e11 on such topKS IS nlldtly. Pf!OCJ, homoseaualllr. contr1eept1ves and ventral disease. DFrtH-M • (()Sbr Tr• •rna -....,.." ~ CoYer11e ol lhe bout between Su111 Ray Leonard and Adolpho V11uet. the Wood Memoml Rice from Aqueduct Park. NY, and a preview ol the Georee Wlll11 rock climb ol Devil's lo'll'tr 1n Wyomrna. D ....._:"MM Dot Mlrp11" (dra) '76-Dtnnrs Hopper, David Gulpllll. <II .... • MMr: i1!J "WMte Neal'' (d11l '69-lames C.aney, V1ra1n11 May0 tlll ...,..,. e Stir Secctr IDMrl -5:30- .,, ..... I 8100 ••())88 ... ..... (~) ..... ....... (ICi·fl) '39-Busttt e.abbt, Consllflet Moen Buek Rorers l1m t wotld that m1y 111$1 JUIS from llOW. UMllllR • ..... : (ftlr) "C"*' 1"7" (dn) '67-MlcMtt Rt11nie. Wtndtll Corty. In t1117w of 2087, lht rvll111 Clau wtllch ""''"''" Ille world •rt Crbofl btln1s-p11t man. p11t mtchine o Que rasa. USA? ., ....... -6:30-• CD • (() 18> """ D Mary TJltr Moort 0 Maftt·l2 8 f...,. • Mystery ••r• If lajl a '• CieWetl [Mpirt Ill) ... c......, lllttrliews 7:00 • The flrict Is lticM m,...-,o. 8 SUI lullty Show • (,....._ t. AllceMs (()1111-.i(flllb Dlkb cm Tlltt's .... ,,._. m tlll QI) IHl TIM t..awr-.. MS. O llMMTllttT11111 @ Once Upt11 I Clauic g Califlfllla T 11111111 ID lot de 11t1lco (JI) Austin City lilllits -7:30- • 2on1111 r ... .. CID) f Mlily f tlld 8 Ml1dl '-1111 (()ltlfl's'..,i. 9 T1le M.,.U 9 MMhrlll Hol Air a.111111 bllr faf.-.,S 8:00 • tI2l The .......... ,, Ille answer to Co1eh Buttermaker's hrlhnc problems shows up 1n the person of Kelly Leet a motorcycle nd1n1 "'11z wtlh an eye f0< lht &iris D Uvtl Olympatlloll '7' * JcMn Dun, Jtny 11141 S.mmy 11141 ftllllJ "'°''' D QJl Qt srtCML ~ '7' Otan Martin, Glen Campbell, Tony Bennett, Sammy Oavrs Jr . Jerry ltwrs and Ed McMahon are amone lhe stars ~rt1c1patrn1 1n this hve. 6~hr. special from lhe Otsert Inn 1n Las Veras. ktekrne off the United Sl11es Olymp1C Committee's n1tional lund·r11s1na e1mp111n Athletes scheduled lo take part are Biuce Jenner, Rafer Johnson. O.J Simpson. Jimmy Connors. Wilma Rudolph, Bob Mathias and Jesse Owens, • ..._.: ii!) (l~r) "'-111111" (5'1·11) ·~-Raymond Burr A news· paperman 1n Tokyo sees the 111n1 bent terronz1n1 tht world • Cil Cf.I (II) llllllt's .......... (R) Shrrley's luty homem1de cooktu 1ttr1tt a promoter who p!Ofl1iMS lier mllhons but sicns her to a contract that keeps htr bak1n1 24 llou11 1 day fOf ponies. 11 llllnlt: (l~r) "Th a.~" (SI/SO) '71-Allpnelte C4met. Rutll ROlllln A soclil worhr attempts to tree a rttaided man1ch1ld lrom Ille slran1lehold of 1111 ton/llale ltthnp ol his motlltr and sisters Slit 1attt btcomu • brutal 11111!dtrta to ~«P Ult ''Wby " • _.,,,.,...,.,.."Out of Ille berywlltre" The 1mv1t of lh BtHamy's old f•mltl M""J ti UIOll Pltct II 1oc* lfltr Elinbtth's Nby . lottlhtr with Strtlfs tPllOillllMlll IS 1111rsety maid, caum sto1111y ktna Ill tflt •rwt11ts' llfh. ..... (l'IWW).-SO-."llllJ ,_,. (svsp) '73-Bttte OIWll.. Tlf lawll. A tculptOI hlrts I pretty stlldtnt u Ill• 11ou11•"1"' at a manlion wlltrt lie Ind Ilia motlltf hvt with Illa "°"'et.sly rMIM SISier. 9 TINl!ty-four Out frcllll fD Ac.Melly ltHtrs !JI) 11.,.i Ktribl' -1:30- • @ lilly Billy and Arthur meet the samt pretty 1111 at a d11<0 but neither knows they're rom1nc1n1 the same 1111 (Rescheduled) • Cil Ill) 1211 0t1u ...... flounder·s paren ts yank him oul ol Faber Colleae to tht conS1t1n1tion ol Oun Wormer -who hu bern podelln& the 1nnuat $6 000 donation lo Ille 1<hoot-1nd enroll tum as the only male at1endrn1 [mrly Od1nson's Un1mS1ty @ C1llfornl1's P11•t1c Worh r: A T r111t ol Crisis 9:00 U CJ) Q}) llltwit: (211r) "Uptfllll 5'tlK .. J llialtf" (com) '14-Sidney P0tl1t1. Biii Cosby, Harry Belalonte, Flip Wilson, R1Chard Pl}o1 Paula Kelly A factory hind and his lr1end are both leelln( prelty cood when they VIStt lherr Saturday maht hana oul One 1s hold1nc a SS0,000 lottery ticket and his buddy has been hav1n1 a lucky streak at craps. when a ianaster steps 1n and robs the bar's patrons. and the two lnends decide to catch the crooks • Cil <Bl all Tiie LM ... t (R) "Double Wedd1n1," stamne Cyb & Tosh Barnst1bie and f red 1 nvalena ''Thf Dummies." st1n1n1 Rulh Buur, Sid Ctwr, and "Julre Falls Hard,' stamna Tony Roberts ID Pro Secctr Az1ecs vs Seattle ID A1111111 City U11ib ID Grtlt ,.__llC_. ID Ml DW.t CMrttift 9 The Scaitet Letter -9:30- • llllnlt: (Htlir) "~rlll1'i ••,.~&•" (sci lr)-When all the monsters attac~-who wtll wrn' lllllN:(l~) .. ,......." (hor} '71 -Georu S1ndt1$. Beryl Reid The leader ol a motorcycle a•na finds the steret of re1urn1n1 lrom the dead, • lliCflt Woiy 10:00 • {]) ClJ (II) AK llinn a..: ..... UillMf ~-Uft '""' tllt lklfM ...... Sin ffltl(ISCO 1ttorney M"hael Step1n11n 101ns . wllh Burt Reynolds and Truman Capote tor an in-depth look at contemporary Am111c1n en and • . .. z ... o ... -.-• TV WEEK, APRIL 15. 1979 how they're react1ni to "°men's chanilni rotes ms,.~ 18 ...... lbn!Mft mc11r,.~ (JfJ Do It Y111rwlt Mnwh -10:30-m OM 8' tllt llisliftc 11:00 . ,. .. ., ..... .. <m \DJ """ ..... lie LlllCfl D S.C... City TV ~ (lll llltwit: wQMst tor laft" (rom) 71 -Ja1n Collins, tom Bell Q)letwty HIMS. 0 Ma•·12 9 Off Your Duff QI) T tel f ritb S.. -11:30- • M•Jlt : "Tiit UFO l1ci•e1t" (adv) '7S-James Earl Jones. Cil Mowle: "Wll•er1tss lo11111tJ" '70-Nature documentary D @ t8l OIJm,.tMit '7' • 119N: "Attld., tllt .... ,,.. (SC1·l1) '69-Chm Murphy 8 119N: "Jot" (dra) '70-Peter Boytf, Oennrs PalrlC~. Audrey Caire. llewlt: "Tiit u.,.r .. (dll) '70- Blrr; Newm1n. 011n1 Muldaur 11 llewlt: ''ltomf ur-'° (llor) '72-Peter Cush1n1. Chnstopher Ltt. llD) ..._.: .. ,....._. (mY1) '69- CtMle Peppard, Jun Seberc. m llllMtt.: "The Pirate," "Situr· day's Htfo," "Stice to Tucson" atTlle ..... • Morie: "C114111 D'Or" (d11) 'SZ-Simone S1cnMet 12:00 all Seip f ldefy Dia -12:30- 8) Merits: ·The Devil's Hand,'' "The Robot vs tlle Aztec Mumm{' 1:00 B -..111: 'Ghost ol Rome," "frozen Ghost," "Mystery of the White Room," "Cold fever" -1:30-a ra~ 11 T1lt Mwtlltlrrm 2:00 e ...._ "Odd Man Out. .. "The N11ht Hn £yts" 3:00 • llllnlt: • ''Stlrwl ••111lq" (dra) 'Sl-llonald Reaaan, Oo11s Day ...... TV WEEK. APRIL 15 1979 atlantic -audio music hi-fi components WE'VE GOT EVERY mtl OF THESE GREAT NEW YAMAHA COMPONENTS IN STOCK HOOKED UP FOR DEMONSTRATION IN ONE OFOURTHREESOUNDROOMS- :r : . u5 ~~ CDs:; C> W> z-o= ...J a: • A. "'< ~~ z~ ~ f3 ~s u;-~ W > 2< -o ... z f3 j ...J Ul ~ ffi Z > << Ul Ul o> ...J z .ffi ffi A. ... w :r :r C> ... ::J 0 A. z 2 < j ci <w 0 A. < A. a:: 0 -:r 20 j~ • a: WO :;i ... w-a::i a> 0 > . ...J ... -o < ...J 0-> A. ~~ ~~ j • ~~ Ul 0 ~ ffi z A. ~w a:: 0 <~ A. $ ffi 0 i~ f ..r zi Ii .. Smucker's• preserves 11 oz. The most delicious fruit preserves In the flavors you love; Apricot, Peach, Grape Jam, Orange Marmelade, Strawberry. limit 2 per customer, 300 per store. ~ ~ ! 65¢ 2-pr. pack 0 !il SALEI 11 Reg .... pk. MIHff' ~ COMfort top 11,...hfghe. • Choice of retnfon:ed toe ffi i or sandalfoot toe. Stretch ; " nyton. Suntan or beige. S! III ltt IALEI Reg. 99t. ! ~ Queen size. 2-pr. pack. ~e . eE 57¢SPECIALI R1gue Spaghetti S.uce, 15¥1 oz. Choose plain or meat, and say "thars Italian." limit 2 per customer, 300 per store. 2bags/ 1.50 1.33 SALEI Reg. lk beg. Potyur• thane foem shreds. For pillows. cushions, home cretts and mort. 1 lb. bag. SALEI Tampax• tampons. 40'•. Choose regular. super, and super plus. Use your JCPenney charge, Master Charg .. or VISA•/BankAmerlcard•. No sales to dealers. Sale prices effective Sunday, Aprll 15 through Saturday, April 21. 5/$1 SALE! Colg81 .. tooth btuehH. Adult types In soft. medium and hard. u 8UINA PARK: S.11eh at Orangethorpe ORANOI: City Drl¥e at Garct.n Grove Blvd. aMTA ANA: 3900 Sou'th Brl1tol GRANADA HIU8: 18000 Chatsworth at Zelzah WOODLAND HILL8: 21500 Victory Blvd. et Canoga 2 boxes /$1 SALE! Reg. Ne box. fHCO- plMUc trash begs. 33 gallon capacity. Box of 8. SPECIAL! fHco• heavy duty 22 r.llon plutlc: truh can. Htur• domed lld ... · 1dds 4 gallons to the cepaclty. Limited quantities. TORRANCI: Hewthorne at Sepuiv.cte LAKIWOOD: Canon St. at Paramount Blvd. RIVIR81DI; 3520 Tyler 1A • 3.66ea. SALE! Reg. 4.44. Big boys' athletic-style numeral shirts. Choice of 2 ... meah body with ~ntraat yoke, or solid body with mesh yoke. 100% cotton. Variety of color comboa. S-M-l -XL. 7. 99 ea. YOUR CHOICE SALEI R ... I.•. 8ta boJI' pre-weaMd JHn1. Pick your tavortte out ofthl• super anortment of stylu. Cotton. Pre-WUhed blue. Reguler end ltlm sizes. 2A ·s~99 SALE! R~. 7.99. Bold plaid shirts for the misses. Fashioned of easy-care polyester/cotton In eye- catching colors. Short sleeves. 9.99 SALE! Reg. 11.99. Misses' tuck pants. Super styling for a super lookl Comfortable polyester/ cotton. Variety of fashion solld colors. 5.99 SALEI Reg. 7.H . Men'• terry aport 1hlrt. Collared V-neck styling for a c:uual look. Short a . Poly- eater/ootton. S·M·L-Xl. SALEI ..... S.tt.M ..... 'oeuae topa. Long sleeves. Selection of lovely sollda with embroidered yoke. Machine w1ah cotton. S.44 IALll Reg. 4.44. llrge lint. 16.99 SALE! Reg. 22.99. Canopy awing for Infants. By Graco•. Swings automat- ically for approx. 15 minutes. Washable seat. Adjustable print sunshade. 19.99sALEI Reg. 26.99. Umbrolle,. Stroller. Folds and carries like an umbrella! light- weight aluminum frame. plush nylon covered padded seat. Swivel Wheels. Yellow & blue. Reg. 37.H . Stroll~ Wee-Care• S-ln-1 car 1Ht. Blby's own con- vertible car eeat. R•r facing position for Intent. Aecllne1. 5 point h1rnea system. Bronze. bleck or powder blue. INFANTS SUNWEAR SALE! 4/$5 Reg. 1.66 ea All looks bright! The savings are super! Four cute.ea-a-button styles to choose. Each of easy-care polyester/cotton. Variety of prints or solids, Sizes M-L-Xl. A. Suitt-up shortall 8. Button shoulder bubble c. Plastic fined sunault D. Bib-front ahortall SALE! Reg. 3.77 ea. Toddlers' mesh sleeper. Fashioned with cardigan front and gripper waist. Easy-care polyester. Selecllon of prints or solids. 1.66 SALEI Reg. 1.H . Toddler glrla' smocked top aundreaa. Variety of delightful prints. Machine wash polyester/ cotton. SALE! Reg. 1.77. Little glrla' crop topa. Sporty tops for casual wear in a variety of solids and prints. An excellent value. Machine washable. Polyester and cotton. 1.22 SALE! Reg. 1.77. Big girls' crop tops. 1.99 SALE! Reg. 2.44. Toddlera' bib-front denim ahortall. Features adjustable au ... pender and pocket on bib. Blue cotton denim. 3 ' GLIDDEN ® FACTORY SALE! 9.99 gal. 8.99 gal. SALEI SALE! Reg. 14.ff. Glldden• Reg. 13.99. Glidden•, Spred Latex GloH House Latex Spred House Paint. and Trim paint. Durable Latex for easy clean-up. easy-clean-up latex paint Weather resistant so it goes on easily and evenly. lasts for years and years. Dries to a non-chalking Covers evenly and easlly stay-bright gloss. Hun--dries fast! Hundreds of dreds of colors . colors to choose from. Glidden• factory paint sale prices effective through April 28, 1979. Hurry for the best color selection! Visit our Paint SundrlH Department for all your paint· Ing needs at low, low prices. 1.88 YOUR CHOICE TOOL SALE! Reg. 2.22 H . Shown here, just a sampling of our super selection. ~ 10'" vise wrench wttll release handle eH?<: ··.0::-- j .. E I 2 28.88 SALE! Reg. 34.99. Kelle,. 16-ft. aluminum extension ladder. Lightweight yet strong. U.L. Listed. SALEI Reg. 14. 99. Deluxe 40 pc. socket Ht. v.x~" drive. Includes both inch & metric measures In one set. 19.99 SALEI Reg. 24.ff. Complete home workbench by Hirsh•. 20x36" work surface, two 36x16" shelves. $260 SALE! Reg. s299_ Emerson® home entertainment system with 8-track and cassette ptayer I recorders. It's got both cassette & 8-track player/recorders plus AM/FM/FM-stereo receiver, BSA turntable, two 2-way speakers. (5200) 10.88 SALEI 21.99 Reg. 14.•. 0.IUH 41" S •LEI ahop light. Complete with " • two 40..watt ftuoreeoent 13 •ment outdoor TV antenna. W boom length. For UHF/VHF/ Reg. 13.•. Hlratt-4-eheff ~lbt. Sturdy ateef con- ltffl e1o,... unn. Ea.y--siluctlon. Liited by Under· to-.._mble. 30xtox 12" writer• Laboratorlea Inc. 14 .• IALll Rea. 17.88. EUy·to-aHtmbte end 5-ehelf unit. 3k~2x12". hlng. FM chanMta 2 through 83, cotor or b~ and white TV. lnotudel 5-ft. lnltalla· tlon kit, lnatrUc:donl. EUy to 1""811. . ' SALEI Reg. 24.99. General Elec- tric-AMIFMffV portable radio. Now you can hear TV channels 2-13 on your radio! ( 1229) $115 SALE! Reg. $129. SoundHlgn tri- m ode stereo system. In- cludes AM/FM/FM- stereo receiver, 8-track player/recorder. Plus record changer and two speakers. . (3503) SALE! Aeg.19.H .Emerson9ca• Htt• player/recorder. DC operation (batteries not Included). (1324) .. ··.·: ~) <~::"~~~~ .. ·: ·~" ~ 7.48;;::.· ~~~ SALE! Reg. 8.99. "Lustre" textured drapery in home fashion shades. Rayon/acetate. Foam backed for added Insulation. 11.U pr. IALll Reg. 20.99. 72xM" drapery. a.u pr. IALll Reg. 27.99. 96x84" drapery. 11.U pr. IALIJ Reg. 39.99. 120xM" drapery. 11.U-. IALll R-a. 39.89. t20>CM" patio panel. II.II pr. IALll Attg. 44.99. 1"4xM" drapery. OtNr ..,_ avallable a1 aale prices. 3.88o.&4"e1zelALEI ...... -. ".......,'M1dedvol9talloredpanet.Cere- ,,_ poty ... r/coaon. 81t1ctton of lo\lely eolorl. °"* ... .....,..at ... Pfloll. 4.8821x36" SALE! Reg. 5.99, "Dundee" cut and loop pile area rug. Featuring non-skid rubber backing. Nylon. Choice of fashion colors. 7.88 SALE! Reg. 9.99. 26x44" size. 1.1.88 SALE! Reg. 14.99. 36x54" size. 19.88 SALE! Reg. 24.99. 42x 70" size. 5.4826x43" SALEI Reg. 6.99. "Shadows" cut plle area rug. Polyester I nylon. Colors. 9.48 SALE! Reg. 11.99. 30x60" size. 11 .88 SALE! Reg. 14.99. 40x60" size. 7.99 SALEI Reg. 10.99. S.plece shag bath set. l uxurious Dacron• polyester. In- cludes bath mat. contour mat, lid, tank top and bottom. 2. 68pr.eox36"alze 3.18 pr. 59x36" size SALE! · • SALE! · Reg. 3.21. "8unahlne" ntnon Reg. 3.11. ''Moonbeam" •h••r .. lloredllercurtaln. no-Iron Uer curtain. Poty- Eaay care Dacron• poly-ester/rayon In a variety ester. Faahlqn colors. of deoorator iolld colors. 1.11 SAL!I Reg. 1.99. 2.48 SALE! Reg. 2.99. 72x10" ruffled valance. 541111" ruffteo valance. 2.11 SALE!. Reg. 3.29. a.II IALEI Reg. 4.99. 74x3e" 1Wag valance. 80x38" awag valance. Other lizea available at Other alzea available,_, .... pricee. aale prloel . o.crone Duflont9 .,.._ matll fOr lllt Pof'j 11tar fiber. • -. 3.88 SALE! Reg. 4.99. "King Cotton" flat chair pad. Heavyweight cotton with cord welting in solid colors. 1" deep solid foam pad. 4.88 SALE! Reg. 5.99. Tufted chair pad. Shredded polyurethane till. 11.88 SALE! Reg. 13.99. Tufted rocker set. Shredded polyurethane fill. 9~ SALEI Reg. 1.33. Check pattern kitchen towel. Bright colors. Cotton/polyester looped terry. 59cH.SALEIReg. 77¢ea. Potholder or dish cloth. ,,.....,.,.Olii~ ~-- .. -, .. 2.44 SALE! Reg. 2.99. "Homespun"flat chair pad. l'h" deep solid foam pad with zip- pered cotton cover. 3.88 SALEI Reg. 4.49. Tufted chair pad. Giant welt trim. Kapok/cotton fill. 7.88 SALE! Reg. 9.99. Tufted rocker set. Giant welt trim. Kapok/cotton fill. SALEI Reg. 99c. "Country Fair" kitchen towel. Machine wash cotton/polyester looped terry. Colorful print. 59CH.SALEI Reg. 77¢ea. Potholder or dish cloth. 11. 99~n size SALEI Reg. 15.n. J•tpantlh llouquet" ~ullted Md- epreed. Potye1ter face and potyater fl II. Gold 0t blue. 1S..H SAUi ~. 11.99. Full 8'ze. 11.H IAUI Ree· 24.89. ~ lln . n .n MUI Reg. 29.99. W...-n.ktng .... 1.• IAUI Reg. 10.89. Metchlng 411c14• drepery, _.,.. I' ~.· ~ -I 29.88 SALE! Reg. 34.99. KrKO~ power booster. Increases your radio's Power up to 20 watts. Turns off with radio Separate ON/OFF control. I' ' 12.88 SALE! Reg. 14.99. Martin' 60-lnch heny duty car top b1r c:etrlef. Ro1r formed steel channels. For stan· dard cars. SPECIAL! Spartt-0.Matlc' FM converter. Converts AM radio to AM/FM receiver. With AM/FM and AFC to lock in FM stations. Limited Quantities. (FM10) 1.44sALEI Aeg.1.n . rur11ewa.-.Z1p Wax C. Waah. Clean and wax your car in one easy step. 18 oz. size. 1.88sALEt f'.'eg. 2.4'. Turtle WH11' .,.,., Hard Sheel peete wax. '"oz. For a hard, protective finish. 8A r 69.88sALE! Reg. 79.99. Mldl8nd"' 40-channel CB transceiver. Full power mobile CB has L.E.D. digital channel 1nd1cator and antenna warning light. With local/d1stan1 switch. automatic noise limiter and tone control. (77·824) Cl =.J 29.96sALE! Reg. 47.H . let of 4 Crew Chief heavy~ ehock ablorben lncludfng lnetallatlon. 1-3/ 1 S" piston for firmer. more stable ride than original equipment shocks. Applications for most Amencan cars. •.. 888 15. 88 SAL~! SALEI Reg. 17.99. ~ Reg. 10.99. Kraco~ twin lnterdynamlca •Ir front carpeted noor mats. comp~. Works. from Protects the areas that get your cars crgare.tte lighter. the most wear. In colors. Pumps up toys. trres, more. Reg. 1.n . Ouro• auto body undercoet. Helps prevent rust, deaden sound. Helps protect car body. 20 oz. spray can. •• 5.88sALEf Reg. 7.99. Duro• Body Shop K". Includes hller, cream hardener, spreader. spot putty. all you need! 99¢ SALEI Reg. 1.41. Duro~ Super Glu.~ 3 grams. Bonds In seconds. One drop holds 5,000 l>s. ... 1.99 canof3 SALE! Reg. 2.49. Wilson ® Championship tennis balls. When the game depends on how the ball bounces. Wilson" is the ball to depend on. 2.99pr. SALE! Reg. 3.99 pr. Basketball aneekera for men, boy• and youths. For the guy on the go! Blar.k with white stripes. Canvas duck uppers. rubber bottoms. 19.99sALE! Reg. 25.99. Wiison' "Match Point" tennis racket. Aluminum frame racket with leather gnp, sporty cover. Strung with monofilament nylon. P.iF=:i.m=~.:!""=~E" 4.99pr. SALE! Reg. 5.99 pr. All purpon athletic ahoe for lldutta 8"d youthe. 12 deat black potyvlnylchlorlde sole. blaCk vinyl uppe~wlth 3 white stripes. Wtlole sizes only. 12.99sALE! Reg. 15.99. Wiison• "Jtmmy Connors Select" tennis racket. L1ghtwe1ghl wood frame. to play like a pro. 2.99 SPECIAL! Wiison• tennis racket oover. Vinyl. Helps protect your ra(;t(el. 13.99pr. SALEI Reg. 17.11 pr. "()gp'' Jogging ahoe for ,,,. end bOYa. Rated "3.Stars" In "Runner's Wof1d'' magazine. Suede and nyton upper, polyurethane sale. 77¢ SALE! Ultr• ..__. sh8mpoo. Choose from normal/ dry and oily formulas. 7 ounces. SALE! Arrld1! cre•m deodorent. The 1 oz. size for effective protection. 2/$3 SALE! Johnson and John.on., baby oft 10 oz. of pure baby ol for care and softening. 99¢ SALE! G•19tt1Atn•bl8dee. Peck of 5 for great ahaVea. 1.09 SALE! Johnson •nd Johnson• b8by powder. Keeps baby dry and happy. 14 oz. 1.77 SALE! B•yef'W' Hplrln. Bottle ol 200. 77¢ SALE! Stri-0.x~ pede. Jar of 4~ tor dean healthy looking skin. 1.68 Mylent1• llqutd. 12 oz. bottle. .. I l'I I '> 11''' I I ' I, 1 '1,·· 11.1 ' ' 66¢ SALE! Reg. 83•. Ruffles~ potato chips. They're the ones with those famous ridges. 7 oz. bag. 99¢ SPECIAL! Pennent" dry roHted peenuts. A 16 oz. jar of natural goodness. limited quantities. 88¢ SALE! Reg. 1.11. Neblscott Fig Newtons. Chewy delicious fig centers in catte-y cookies. 16 oz. box. 2/99¢ SALE! Reg. 51' M . Amphor8"" pouch pipe tob80CO. Choice of red. brown, blue or green. 1YI oz. per pooch. ... . . . 29.99 the finaJ cost to you REBATE SPECIAL! SAVE *3 from Regina!® Special low price 32.99. ~ .... ;.:· Regina® 3-speed .~~, ,,,. Electrikbroom®. :::::~::::::~ Lightweight ... weighs less than 61h lbs.! With exclusive Dirt Cup, and patented Rug PNe Oiale. limited quantities. Rebate information available at point of sale. ~ SPi;;;E::C::;IAiiL=! =;;;;;it; HooY9f4t Convertlble9 uprtght vecuum c ... ner with 5-pc. tool kit. Convenient 3-posltlon handle, and 4-way height adjuster. Features full time edge cleaning! limited qoantttles. ,-FIL:~~~=:-N~-ll I SPECIAL! l 12 exposures devetoped I l and printed .. ·1 99 ! I • : : 20 exposures delletoped 1 S2 1 •nd printed ......•... 2.M : ...... --.... SALE! I 24 e>q>oSoret delleloped : . • : and printed ...•••.... 3.48 : Reg. 1311. ...,.,. compllCt mlorowne ..._ up Httte : Valid through Aprl 21, 1979. I ...-. Meu"91only19-5/Bx13V.x14-1/8". Plue It felt"'91 I 'lhe"'-~.;. 11\1 the c~ oooldng system "* ~ turns L----~~!------· thetood. DUii timer. vii11btecooldngcontrol, more. (1130) 7 . ' • 69.99 .SALE! Reg. 71.". Redwood .Ulned white wood tete-a-tete. Ideal patio lounging luxury. Includes brightly colored ~nyl covered cushions. Sold unassembled. 24.99 SALE! Reg. 21.". f¥1.foot diameter vinyl patto umbrella. Multi-color panels. With tilt fMture. Plastic fringe. 79.99 SALEI r Reg."·"· 3-plece petto set of genuine CetHornla redwood. Includes 42-lnch round tabte and 2 matching •curved benches. Sold un .... mbled. " tor eome r..-on an ld*11Md Item 11 not 1\l9lllble In our etore, we wlM .. tner inMetM IM!'ctlendlM avelleble \Oyol.l el.,._ dN. or atOUr optlOn, oflef yo1.1 en ....,.. or betW ll9m et tM ~ price. ThoM ICfwr1IMd ltelftl dellgneted with •11m1ta" or "llmlted ~tltlllw .... IWI...,.. on1y .t111e our qutllltltlM -. on • llrlt come. ",.. MtWd bMll. No ..... .., ..... • Reg. 119.11. Neosho• portable llquld propane gaa grill. 270 sq. Inches of cooking surface. Cast aluminum head. Complete with 20 lb. fuel tank. Assembly required . .. a... CHARCOAL STARTER I ,~ 6~ --·-·- Charcoal starter ftuld. The quick and easy way to start the barbecue. 1 quart size. 2.99 Klngsfonte Charcoal Brlqueta. 20 lb. bag. Stock up now for barbecue fun. 119.9~ SALE! Reg. 139.99. 22" cog drive self-propelled gas · lawn mo'Ner. Features 31A HP Briggs & Stratton• engine, 4 cycle, automatic choke, euy-spln recoil starter. Sold partially .... mbled. 159.99 SALE! Reg. 1"·"· .... ,r .. m HP rHr bagger gas mowe~. 22" steel blade, handle lever shifts to a choice of e cutting heights. 1.6 bushel rMr-mountad grua catcher Included. Engine controls located on handle. Brigg• & Stratton• automatic choke engine with reooll starter. More. Sold partially assembled. e1F08SiJry • • 1.99 SALE! Reg. 2 .•• Brtgge a stntttone lawn mower tune-up kit. Helps prolong the ltfe of your mower.