HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-04-20 - Orange Coast Pilotv 17 ·------ \ ~ Suspeet Arrested t Jetliner C Blamed ht orst .. , U.S. Air Crash • .. Pr~elllaDa~ Gets $3 Million, Loses Mansion / I Ie aps .... VOt.. '1, HO. 110, C SECTICMO, 41 ~AGES Bailing Out With the boat anchored to the roof, Duncan Mansel jumps onto his flooded Jackson, Miss., home to load up the last of the items he moved to his roof ahead of flood waters. T he raging Pearl River receded about four feet af. terward. <Related story Page A4 ). t,.. Jet's Crew Blamed In Fatal Air Crash WASHIN~TON CAP> -A federal safety board blamed a Jetliner'• 01ght crew today for Jliortb America's worst air dis· "1ack of discipline in the cockpit. , ut.er but declined to accuse it of The National Transportation Safety Board agreed by a 4·0 vote that the crew or Pacific Southwest Airlines night 182 was responsible when the jet collided wltb a small Cessna 172 over san Diego on Sept. 25. The planes plummeted into a residential area and 144 people were killed. leak Shut Power Plant WISCASSET, Maine <AP) -A email amount of radiation leaked l.ato the atmosphere rrom &be Malae Yankee nucl&ar ......... Marcia 16 u tbe ,..._ ....... 8but down b7 , ........... Ceatral llalDe ............. coaftrmed. ~lllk. ._ulbed a ''tiQJ," am...., ..... boun ....... the plal ._. mmPb'tDI wtU. the 1atotdown order from the lfuclear Re1ulatory Com- 'alaaloa, utility apokesman \ l'.terTlaomPIOft eaid. .. The board said the crew failed to keep track of the Cessna as required by the visual approach rules under which It was operat· Ins. The vote on lbe primary cause of the accident confirmed a tentattve decision reached Thursday. But lt was not formal- ly adopted unW today because board memben were divided on what to U1t as contributin1 cau ... The board w d ·Thursday that a codQMt volce recordlnt in· dicated there was a lax, un- profetelonal atmosphere tn the Jet'• CO(kplt and one of the pro- < See CAV8E8, Pase Al) Mes an Killed On Duty By TOM BARLEY CM Ille D•oly PtlOI St.oft Los Angeles County sheriff's offi cers said today they will ask the district attorney to file murder charges against a man accused of involvement in slay- ing one of their deputies who is a Costa Mesa resident They sa·id they believe fi ve other men were with suspect James Leroy Noble. 24. of Los Angeles. Thursday night when patrolling deputies George Barthel, 32, of Costa Mesa , and a fellow offt cc>r were shot as they stopped to talk to a number of pedestrians Barthel died s hortly after be· ing admitted lo St Francis Hospital in Lynwood Hi s fellow oCficer was described as bemg "in good condition" today with authorities refu sing to identify him. Los Angeles a uthorities said Barthel a ncj his companion were members or the county's Special Enforcement Bureau. They said both officers were making in- quiries in connection with a s pecific investigation when they were shot in the head. Homicide investigators said both offi cers had picked out one pedestrian for specific question· ing when a second man emerged from behind some bushes in the Watts area housing project and (See MESAN, P•ge AZ> Strong Quake Hits Alaska GOLDEN. Colo. CAP> A strong earthquake oc· curred in w>ulhern Alaska early today, an aftershock from a major quake that rocked the area nearly two month s ago . a apokesman for the U.S. Geological Survey r e · ported. There were no Im · mediate reports of in- Jurtes or damage. Don Finley o f the • USGS's National Earth· quake Information Service here said the quake hit at 4 :50 a .m . PST and measured 5 .5 on the Richter Scale. •' an Issue. LOSES DIVORCE SUIT Cullen Davia .. ·~··-AWARDED $3,340,818 Prfscllla Davia ·navis Settlement Set at $3.3 Million FORT WORTH. Texas <AP> -A state distnct judge t-Oday awarded Prisc illa Davi s $3,340,818 in the settlement of he r nearly rive-year-old divorce spat with industrialist Cullen Davis. but said she must give up the couple 's $6 million Fort Worth mansion. Judge Clyde Ashworth. the third judge in the high-stakes divort:e. ruled that most or Davis' fortune was made before the couple married. He said Davis made about S7 million during the couple 's stormy 10-year marriage and ruled that Mrs. Davis was due about haJr or that amount. Ashworth also awarded Mrs . Davis' lawyers $1.25 million and ruled that Davis must pay half that amount from his separate property and Mrs. Davis must pay the remalnder. Mrs. Davis h ad asked t he judge to award her $50 mllllon. the mansion. ber personal possesaions and her luxury automobile.. "I'm ~ust happy to aet it over with.'' Davis said or the de· cialon. "I thought Lt .was a raJr decislQn. I am not pleased she got 10 much money . I did'n 't want to give her anything." Mrs Davis said she thought the Judge "went throu~h what he tell were the racts and ruled on those. "It was a little bit too legal ror me ... said Mrs. Davis. She added she was perplexed by the 13 separate rulings and would have to confer wi~ at· <See DIVORCE. Page M> Will Lovers Fare ~tter? LOS ANGELES <AP > Here's a que3tion lawyer Marvin M ltchelson is ponde ring: ir Mic helle· Triola Marvin got $104.000, why s houldn't the former Uve·in lovers or singer Allee Cooper and actor Nick Nolte hre as w e ll -or much better" M ltcbelson. who won lhe dubious victory for Miss Marvin after she sued actor Lee Marvin ror wlfe·like services durlng their six-year relationship. said Thursday he plan& to proceed with t'-f cases or Cindy Lang and Karen Ecklund Miss Lang sued Cooper for S3.5 million. ,;4~\ . l t Action Timing SholVcase By GARY GRANVILLE CM Ille Oaltf l'i"" S!Mf SAN DIEGO ·The first week or Orange County Supervisor Ralph Oiedrich's bribery trial e nded here Thurs day. with t es timony thut Oi edri cb 's personal lawyer once said "he was going to act as a bag man ror Mr Ralph Diedrich." A f ew minutes after legal secretary Donna Doughty tossed out the bag man re mark and ex- pa nded on it a bit. prosecutor Mi chac>I Capizzi glanced at the clock on the courtroom wall. Capit zi then told Judge Ross Tharp that Mrs Doughty had a train to catch at 4:30 and asked the judge to recess the trial. And the-am or defense lawyers for Diedrich and co- d efe ndant Le Roy· R1>se we re ope nly dismayed that the jurors were sent home for the weekend with the bag m an c harac - terizat ion etched in their minds. As the jurors streamed from the courtroom. defense lawyer J a mes Riddel turned to Judge Tharp and said : "Your Honor. J object to Mr. Capizzi timing the witness' testimony so that the jury ... Ob. rorget it." Earlier in the day, Riddel and his fellow defense lawyers tried I to bar any mention or bag man · <See DIEDRICH, P•«e A%) I I Coast Weather Fair, sunny and a little cooler through Saturday. Highs 68 to 74. Lows tonight 48 to 52. INSIDE TOD.4 y 1 t , Want to .,.nd SallndaM m I the ··Boom Boom Room'' or among the ltaf1Pll thr<mg• at UC lrvfne'1 Campu1 Pork? SH Page Cl to~. - ··-· l AIY_......,. AU Am.._,. ~-, ....... ........ ti L.M • ...,. M _....,_. .......................... CllNt.nlla M Onlllt Ol9IY All CJ_.... 04-'6 •1111 r.-CM c.Mct Ct e--All ~ 0 ... ........... OI ...... All ............... M ,..,_ Cl 11"""'11 11 I CMI ~ ~1.M P....,_ et.t....., A4 ~-.. W.1•11• CMI lllMPllWIW C4 .... ..... A4 • • .. , .ti 0¥.YP!LOT S '"st•x. ~e.11 20. 1m Co .. st Bridge • Done in '81? Offkhd ustd to be fond of llYlllltC lh4' new Paclht Coast ll lghwa"1 bridge o ver Upper "' N~wport Ba.,y wOQld be "OG the line ln vfnlY·nlM .. Now t.bey•re ·~"'-... hope lt ., done in t lttht)'-ooe. but we'll come tbrou1th ln t iablY·lwo." The pruJttl to replac-e tbe e) l1lln1 rour·lane bridge with a s•veo.lant! atrucharti waa lbie 11ubject ot a brief\na alv n by 11t'tran.s officials Thur day to ,.,... r.,,.. .. ,, .... . DIEDRICH. • remark attr ibuted to 14'wyer M1chal'I Reming ton b y Mrs. OouRhty. As tht• Jury Wl.tl\l'<I ln the hallway ou~1dt• the c<>urtroom. l ht-dt>ff'nst> lawyer:. :.aid thert: was n<>thrn~ in the &llt!Med b&g man c<>mmcnt to ltnk 1t to the is· sues at stake in the trial. They also argued that Rem· ingto n himself had been on the witness stand a day earlier and had not been askt'd 1f he ever sa id he would act a:. Oiedrich's bag man. B ut the i ssu e , lik e the m asterpiece of courtroom t1m· ing that was Lo follow later an the day, belonged to Cap1zz1. After J udge Tharp h rst said h e agreed with the defe nse la w yers. Capizzi r ercrred to another section of the evidence 1:ode to support his position. The judge then c hanged his mind and said . the prosecutor could ask Mrs. Doughty about the Remington comment. She testified that it was made in 1973 al the lime her boss. Re mington, told her he was go. ing to be paid a $100.000 rec by Anaheim Hills. Inc. R e mington eventually re · ceived $74 .000 for what he iestir1ed were legal serv1c~s re· lated to helping the com pany cx- t r ac t 2,200 acres fro m an agricuJturaJ prcservl' agreement with the county But Mr~ OouJ!hly tc·:.t1r1ed lhut the allornl'Y tolrl her thl· money. 111 cffet·t . would lie chan nt!led 11n lo Dit·dri<'h . "'Ht• said he was going lo act as a ha~ man for Mr. Ralph 0 1ednch."0 Mrs Doughty said She went on to say that Rem· angto n explamed that a bag roan is ··a person who a cts as a go· hc twecn for politicians and c6m· pan1es." Mrs Doughty and her tram departed bcrore the defense at tornevs had the c hance to challenge her statement and why no mention of the bag man comment was made to the gr and JUT} that indicted Diedrich and Rose in 1977. Earlier in the day, William St a rk. a former president of Anahei m Hills, Inc. test ifi ed. S t a rk said he was at a J a nuary. 1973. dinner meeting. the meeting al which it is al· leged Diedrich and Rose solicit· e d a bribe in r e turn for D1edric h's s uppo rt on the agricultural preserve Issue. But Stark said he lert the din· ner table-when the conversation · started to cr eep into politics and financing " Sta rk, a prosecution witness. ~a1d he left the dinner meeting c onvin ce d D ie d r i c h "philosophically" was opposed .. to the concept of the company's .. rugged hillside land remaining in a tax benefic ial st atus ... He also cfecla red that the 3,200 acres the company wanted re· leased from the preserve agree· ment that thwarted its develop· m ent .. was an abortion of the in· te nt or the law ... •f those statements he lped fortify the defense contention that Diedrich s upported the company position as a matter of principle, other Stark testimony did 11ot ORANGE COAIT DAILY PILOT l~O#~(M\10.Uy P1~ Wtth•"t<flt•\Cflil'" l)UtO<jl~~on·-•.'h!>Wll\-bYt ... ()<- (°"\I Pubfl\NftOC.~¥ S.~'·"•*Git!Oft\.trt> OVIJll\"'fft Mondiity lhf'OVQ ... ,rldl'lt fOt (&\t• ""'"' Nt-1 lllM~ '""'llnolon ~<Ith F°"" t4't"V#llf'V,lr¥tM laQUN8e:Kh ioutf\(Oll\t A ~ffl ••~• td•l""'•\l)U04t'f'W'CI S,,tuf'OAl¥\tt~ ~.ttl\ flW PfW'lllte»I ""°1fl\l'WnQ Ol.,.t t\ •t JJI) WO•• k• .. ,,... c. .. 1. Ww C•hlO<nl• •»i. .~ .. - Pr•¥dft1't •""' '*"""'""" JK•a.C..... Vt(t P,•\t<Ml"t It~ Ge,.,.,~ MllMQrf ,.._ ....... ~ Ed1t0< '-··~ IM-•1141 fOtlO< o.n.tM..... -... ~.-Aw•IOfl!IM_.111£11~ ·-------------- f' em ployt~• or Pa cfflt Mutual Ii r l.U-U{Bn~ C'ompany Prank Wc:idltr . ~e n to r tranaportittlon •c>nalnnr for tho tate a,t nc:y, .. td tbat eurrtnt acheck&llng calla for putting the •.e nllllion project out to bid In January, 1980 .. That mean11 cons trur u on s hould alurt by June. IMO." hc Hid and uddc>d ttia t the pr<>Jcct 1hould La.k~ 1~ to t8 months to romplete . Weidler J1t8un·d the Newport l'l'ntcr ofh c..-workf'r~ that there would bt· four laneb op<>n ucro5s tti~ e1mitmg brtdflc ~t •II lJmes during construchon. but he con ceded that the corus tructlon prOJ· ect will probably cause more t r affll' <'ongm.tlon than exists now • "Tht· 11rol>ll'rn won 't be the ro1uJway. but rubbernecker:.:· hl' !>ltld "We don't know 1f the new bridge will alleviate td l the pr.ob> I e ms lo .the world." he com· mented, "but ·al should he lp some " W eldler said CalTrans has JUSl launched a ~tudy of a project to widen Pac1f1<: Coal>l Highway to ~1x l anes f rom MacArth ur B,e<ikvard in Corona del Mar to a point probably near Warner Avenue in Huntington Beach. lit• also told the commuters t hat the City of Newport Beach 1s working on a joint project with the bridge construction in whi c h the intersections <1t Bayside and Do14~r d rives will be widened to improve traffic now. From Page A I DIVORCE ..• torneys before :.izing up the . award. · Asked where ~he was goang to lave when s h<' ldt the m ansion. Mrs. Davis said. "I really don't kno w r ight now f'll kick it a r ound and co me up with something .. Mrs. Davi:. abo said her third divorce did not !)Our hl!r views 1111 m arnagt•. "I think at is murvelotas. I still bt•l1cve in at It as like the US. government 1t 1s still the best in the world " Divtsion of property was the only issue in biller proceeding. which was delayed by Davis' 1977 murder tria l in Amarlllo and his murder solicitation trial m Houston The Fort Worth industrialist was acquitted by an Amarillo jury in August 1977 of charges ht: ki ll ed h is 12-yea r ·o l d s tepdaughter, Andrea Wilborn. during an August 1976 s hooting rampage aL the Fort Worth mans ion. • He aJso faces murder charges in the slaying or Mrs. Davis' lov· er. Stan Farr, a nd attempted murd~r cha rges in the wounding of Mrs. Davis and a chance vis· itor to the mansion. A mistrial was declared last J anuary when the jury could not reach a verdict in a trial in which Davis was charged with trying to solicit the murder of h is firs t divor ce judge, J oe Eidson. Prosecutors have said t hey will try the industrialist again on the charges. Eidson was not hurt. E idson disqualified hi mself from the divorce case anct was replaced by. ret ired State' Dis· trict Judge John Barron. who the n became e mbroiled in a sq ua bble with prosecutots when they s ubpoenaed trial records After reporters learned Bar· ron met privately with Davis, Barron disqualified himself. He denied a ny wrongdoing and said h e m et w i t h both parties !-iepa ratcly trying to arrange an out·of-court settlement. Fro• Page Al MESAN .•• fired several shots a t the of· ficers Both suspecl8 fled on foot. In· vesligators said they believe the two men were joined by other men while orncers were speed· ing to the aid of the stricken deputies. Los Angeles police joined sherlfr's officers and conducted a house to house search or the area while Barthe l a nd his fellow officer were rushed to the Lynwood hospital. Sheriff's inveatlgators said statements supplied by wit· ne11es to lhe shooting of the two orfict!rs led to tbe arres\ of No· b1e. They sajd the same state· me nu led them to conclude thal at least aJx men were tnvolved In lbe killings. Tbey 11ld furtlter arrests are immlneat but re· fUaed to identlJy the men wbo are belna 90Utht today. Oflleera said tbey expeet the body of Barthel wlll b e tran1ported to Colt.a Meal dur· lng tbe weekend . Fu eral ,1ervlces have not yet been acbeduled, they 1a1d. -~ ------~- Prison Guards Strike CAUSES ••• .. ~ contribuUl\I c:IUMI WU 'lack ol eoekptt dllcipllne by the cnw." Tbat wu ellmiuted to- daf oa • a.a wote . ne ...,..,. nm.ined dlftded today aa a total of 10 Dl'OPOMd. cont.rtbutlns causes aal ~ oal1 one of tbem. Tla•l one bl•med air t.rantc coaUol pro. eedu... ·'wtdch autllorize con· trollen to uae vlaual epproach procedures to s eparate two aircrart on Potentially conflict• ing track.I." The hovel said this was DOt a t.'ise practlce wben caatroU«s we re able to proyide verUcal or late ral radar aeparatloD to either al.n:raft. Three other propoeed con- tributing cau.et were defMt.ed by 2·2 votes and the board de- cided that they should b8 dis· ('ussed at length In the main body or the report. St riking guards outside New York 's Attica Prison shout a t gu ards who went to wor k this morning instead of joining the strikt! P rison guards th rtow picket hnei, around 22 of the state·~ 33 prison:.. These were I l l failure of. the Cessna to maintain an assigned course. <21 failure or controllers to restrict the jet to a minimum altitude of 4.000 feet whale it was i n the a irs pace of nearby Montgomery Field and 13) lhe fact that two separate a ir traffic control fa cil ities were ha ndling traffi c in the SCM;Q.e airspace. School Chief Resigns The board Thu~day tentative· ly adopted by a 3·1 vote the con· tributing cause involving tht Cessna's course de viation. Ir there had been no Cessna flight path shift , .the two planes would have missed by 1,000 feet. tht: board s aid. But after review· mg evidence and staff recom mendallons. it co nc luded un· a n imous ly that the primary cause or the accident was the PSA crew's failure to keep tht! Cessna m sight and then not to report to the ground when it dis· a ppeared from view. Fountain Valley District Appoints Hardy By MICHAEL PASKEVICll Of I,.. O•ilf Pllol Stell Bi ll Plas ter re s ig ned a s superintendent of the Fount.a.in Valley School Distract Thursday. ' and the man he brought with him lo the district . Deputy Superintendent Glenn Hardy. was appointed as Plaster's suc· cessor. Plaster. 41. who ser ved just short of three years as superin· tendenl, s aid today he has aC · QA. Conceni cdlled Silly 9 PORTLAND. Ore 1AP I The editor of Oregon Magazine on Thursday released copies of the magazme ·s coQ!foversial May issul'. but rcfuseo to reveal the 16 mvsterious words that set off a struggle w1th the.CIA . Editor Tom Bates said he act· ed on his attorney's advice. ad· ding he would have liked lo dts· close the words to show what he called the silliness of the CIA's concerns. "I think we'd all have a good laugh."' Bates said. cepted a similar pos t in the Ontario·Montcla1r Elementary School Distr act. His resignation was a ccepted by school trustees d uring a special meeting Thurday and will become effective June 30. School trust ees later ap· proved a four-year contract ror Hardy. who will take over as ,.s uperintendent of th<: 9.000 student. 7 ·~~hool , f ountain Va lley district Hardy reportedly will eatn the same saJary as Plaster . $39.500 per year. but cont ract de~ils wall not be finalized until the school board meets next week. 'Tm as excited about Glenn's appointment as I am about mine:· Plaster said today He said his dec1:.ion to le<1ve Fountain Vaalcy was mollvatc<l by a dl'sir<' to movt· upward .JS an education adminil>trator The district ht• .,.. tll take over has 33.000 students and IS the s tat e 's se cond lar g e st elementary school district. · ·Plaster said has new post may also be another "stepping stone" an his career ·'I'd like to b<: superintendent or a large urban school district like Los Angeles Unihed some day." Plaster commented He has eight years experaent·c as a superintendent. including rive years in Opland before com mg to Fountaio Valley. ' Calling himself a "shaker and a mover." P laster said his JOb 1:. done locally and il "s time to move on. · Bandit Hits Beaut1 Shop Patrons at a Placentia beauty salon bad a hair·r ais ing ex· per lence Thursday at the ba nds of a n armed robber. Eleven people. customers and em ployees. were in Vali ant 9<>if· furc:. at Jl ·JO a m when the bandit, a .... h1tc male. 25 lO 35 .,.. :ill..t•d an. poll Cl' !'>atd lk br<1nd1shl'd a o...mall. blue stc<"I handgun and ordered ever· yonc to the center of the room He then t old ever yone lo lie down while he collected purses After checking the shop's back door o guard against tnter r upt" n. the bandit herded his vie ms into .a rear room, ac· c d ing to police · He then rifled JJI thc1iandbagl> and left ··T he PS A pla ne h ad a respons1b1hty to keep the Cessna m sight." said board chairman James 8 . King. "I feel t he Cessna was a victim." The board said air traffic con- trollers gave the jet clearance to make a visual separation ap· pro a c h i nto S an Diego's L indbergh Field and advised the crew or t_he Cess na's location The PSA pilot. Capt. James E. McFeron, acknowledged be had the Cessna in view. Once the jet accepted visual clearance instead of radar ap· proach control, the board said it was tht' r rcw·s respons ibility to keep track of the Cessna and to report lo nintrt>llcr!:> 1r it losl ... 1g ht of tht• l·r<:ift A cockpit voice recorder tap~ revealed th<1t the crew had lost the small plane and was scan· ning the sky for it up to the • minute of the collis ion. The board cited a transcript or tt!e tape as evide nce that the crew wasn 't too concerned about the Cessna 's where a bouts and that thjs indicated possible lack of d 1sc1plme m the cockpit. Taxes Letter· 53 Years Late Mail Found During Cutting of Old New York Hotel r NEW YORK <AP) -Taxpayers who didn't mak~ the midnight AprH 16 deadline for filing their income t<1x returns may be able to identify somewhat with Sarah M. Flanagan. Her letter also fell short of the postal mark -by 53 years. It was mailed in 1926, but didn't'gel far. It was addressed to "Roy H. Palme r. Assistant Director. Chief Audit Division. Pear l St.. Albany, N.Y." The envelOJ>:C bore a note reading "Income Tax Bureau." THE LETl'ER WAS FOUND RECENTLY by Ben Vitale. foreman or the kleveland Wrecking Co .. which Is gutt mg the old Com· mod ore Hotel in preparation for building a new Hyatt hotel. Vit ale was waiting for an elevator on the 20th floor. and leaned aga inst a mail chute. The chute was loose, and he took it off so it wouldn't fall. As he did. a rew pieces of mail fell on the floor . including Ms. Flanagan's letter and three postcards written m the 1940s . The envelope had long smcc come unglued. Vitale found a SA Plastic Surgeon Hit Again in Suit A Santa Ana plastic surgeon, who has been t e mpora rily barre d from pra c ticing m edicine. was sued for alleged · m ed ical negligence Thursday by another or his former patients. Diana Lynne Condon aUe ged in her Orange Co unty Superior Court complaint she suffered .. severe and perm anent" breast injury alter undergoing s urgery last May 13 at Dr. Ralp~ 8 . Small's Santa Ana cilnic . She Is seeking repayment or the $1 .500 surgical fee and un· specified punitive damages. Small also has been sued by the rarnily of 33.year-old Kim Plock of Sant.a Ana. who died after sulrering cardiac arrest while undergoing breast implant surgery. • Two othe r former patients also have riled medical malpractice suits against Small. · 2 Die in Camper NEWHALL <AP> -Two )'OUD~ apparenUy were asph ated 1n a camper that bad me stuck ln mud while cro11lna 1 stream near Newhall ta the Angelea NaUooaJ For11t, aheriCr1 chpuUea report. · • fo rm letter from Palmer to Sarah M. Flaf\.agan, asking why she had paid no tax that year . MS. FLANAGAN H AD WRITTEN ON the back of the form that she certainly had paid her tax the previous April, but she sig ned her middle name. Ma rion. "which is the name I am known by and that ·s perhaps where the mistake comes in.•• On one of the postcards. Helen Fippinger wrote to Mary Miles or the Vance School in New Britain. Conn .. about catching a live b roadca s t by Fred Wa ring and seeing Vivien Leigh ane2 Laurence Olivier in "T hat Hamilton Woman" al the Radio City H Music Hall . ANOTHER POSTCARD WAS TO RAVE informed ~~ M.L. Boynton.or East Lynn. Mass. that "Jack" thought ol he r w en he went through Stern's depa rtment store. Still another card as ad· dressed to .. The Rzemek Boys" or Buffalo and was from Cynthia. who said she missed them and was "goang on a boat ride tomor· row ·· MEN'S SUITS AND SPORT COATS ONE DOl,l,AR WITH PURCHASE OF ONE AT REGULAR PRICE ' -----·--- 17 .. Orange Coas ' ' 01 ,TIO VOL. 72, NO. t 10, ' SECTIONS, 48 PAGES . --------- Ye•r •••e•••• " Dally NewMpape TEN CENT J11rors Hear of Diedrich's 'Bag Man' 81 GAaY GltAN\'ll.l.F. OI .... CMity l'llel •t.11t SAN DIEGO Th" first ~t'l'k of OnanH~ Cuunt Supt'rvt~ur R»lph r>wt1r1l·h ~ brtbN' · trtul e nded hl'rt' Thur:;d iay . with l estimony th:1t 01edru.•h ', personw lawyer onl'<' siml "ht· was going to uct ai. a bug mun for Mr Ralph D1t'dm·h ·· A few minute~ a fter legal secre tary Donna Doughty lol>sed Mesa Deputy Slain By TOM BARLEY Ol t ... O•lly Polol !>I.Ill A Los Angeles County Deputy sheriff from Costa Mesa was killed Thursday ni~ht in Watts. a nd sheriff's offi<'ers said today they will as k the d1str1ct at· torney to fil e murder charges against a man accused of i'n· volvement in the slaying. They said they belie ve fiv.e other men were with s uspect James Leroy Noble, 24, of Lo~ Ange les. Thursday night when patrolling d eputies George Barthel, 32. of Costa Mesa, and a fellow offi cer were shot as they stopped to talk to a number or oedestrians. Barthel died shortly C:Jfter t>e· ing admitted to St rranc1s Hospital io Lynwood His fellow officer was described as bemg "m good condition" today with authorities refusing to idcntHy him. Los Angeles authorities said Barthel and his companion were members of the county's Special Enforcement Bureau. They said both officers were making in· quiries in connection with a s pe<'ific inves tigation when they were shot in the head. Homicide investigators said both officers had picked out one pedestnan for specific question· ing wht>n a second man emerged from behind some bushes in the Watts area housing project and fired several shots al the of- fi cers Both suspects ned on foot. In· vcst1gators said they behev<: the two men were joined by other men while officers were speed· mg to the aid of the stricken deputies. Los Angeles police joined sheriff's officNs a nd conducted a house to hoube search of the area while Ba rthe l a nd his tellow officer were rushed to the Lynwood hospital Sh eriff's investigators said s tatements supplied by wit· ne8ses to the sh()()ltng of the two officers l,..d to the arrest or No ble out tht• ba.: man remark uoo t!) P•ndect on it a bit. pro11ecutor Ml<'hael Capizzi tiltiOC'E'd ot llu· <'IO<'k on tht• wurtroom wall <'t1pl1t1 then told Judge Ro':-. ·rharp that Mrs Oou.:hty had .a train to cutch al 4 30 and ai.kecl tht• Judge to rt>t>es~ tht! lnal An d the l eµm of ddeo!>t- lnwyers for Diedrich itnd co• dt:>fendunt LeRoy ltose wNt- o penly cfu.mayed that the iurors "'l'H ' ~ent homl· for th~ wc.~kend "1th tht' bag man c ha rac lt'111.ut1on elchcid in their minds As the jurors streumed from thl' t•11u1 troom. defense lawy('f Ja1111.'~ lt1ddet turned to Judge 'l'hurp and said · Your llonor. I ob1ect to Mr <'ap1z?.l,_t1m1ng t he witness' lei.t1mony .,o that the jury ... Oh. forget 1t. ·· Earlier in the day. Riddel and his felJow defense lawyers tried to bar a ny mention of bag man remark 1,ttributed to lawyer Michael Re mington by Mrs Doughty As the Jury waited 'i n the hallway outside the courtroom. the defense lawyers said there was nothing in the alleged bag m an comment to link it to the 1s sues at stake in the trial They also argued that Rem- ingto11 lumself had been on the witness stand a day earlier and had not been asked if he ever s aid he would act as Diedrich's . bag man But lht.' I SS Ut', like the masterpiece of courtr"dom tim- ing that was to follow later in the day, belonged to Cap1zz1. \fter Judge Tharp fi rst said he agreed with the defense la wyers. Cat>izz1 referred to a nother section of the evidence code to support his position. The judge the n changed hJs mind and said the prosecutor could ask Mrs Doughty about the Remington comme nt She testified that tl was made 1n 1973 at the lime her bos&, Remington, told her he was go- mg to be paid a $100.000 fee by Anaheim Hills. 11\c. CSee DIEDRICH, Pa~e AZ> .. Crash Blame .Set PSA Crew Cited • in SD Disaster Boiling Out APW1,..p1>oto With the boat anchored to the roof. Duncan M ansel Jumps onto his flooded Jack~on. :\'Tis!-. , home to load up the las t or the item!) he moved to his roof ahead of flood waters. 'T'he raging Pearl River receded about four feet af- terward. 'f{(>laled s tory Page A4 l W l\SHINGTON 1A P 1 A federal safety board blamed a Jetliner's night cr ew today for i-.lorth America'-; worst air dis - aster but declined to accuse 1t of· lack of discipline in the cockpit The National Transportation Safety Board agreed by a 4-0 vote that the cre w of Pac1 f1 c Southwest Airlijles flight 182 was respons ible wlll\n the jct collided with a small Ces~na 172 over San Diego on Sept. 25. The planes µlummetcd in'to a rcs 1dcnt1al aret1 and 144 people were killed In Sa n Osc•J!O, a P S A s pok(•s m<Jn said the bo<J rd con dus 1ons '.\~:r e "no t at a ll r e p re s c n t'a t i v c Q f t h e 1 n formation made· public· during the c·ourse of the investigation "There were a ~real man~ other factors discussed both al the hea ring and by the news media wh1ch would lead person~ to believe the single probabl~ cause listed by the NTSB 1s not adequate." The board said the crew failed to keep track of the Cessna as required by the visual _r pproach rules under which it was operat· irig. T he vote on the primary cause of the accident confirmed a Contract Costs Mulled Nonrteachi1.ig Staff .. ers Seek $1 Millio11 Package New contrac t prov 1s1ons sou g ht b y Newpo r t -Me s a Unified School Di s tri<:t non- teaching employees would cost the distri<'t about $1 million in 1979-80, officials s.iid Thursday Fis cal director War r e n Murphy said that estimate 1n dud es be ne fits and exlr<t va cation as well a s proµo:,,c•rl salary increases. The contratt propos a l w1J s m;ide recently hy ChaptPr HI •if • the California SC'hool Employees Association It 1~ not related to teacher (·o nlrnct negotiations, also curr<'ntly unrle r way The current CSEA contract expires June 30 Key prov1s1ons of the proposed clasi.1fied contract. district of- ficials said. arc· A salary schedule lted to the cosl of hvini.: ln<'rt'ased vacation ben<•fits. . ' of lack of funds or lack of work William McNa1r. president of the local CSEA chapter. said to· day some of the items sum manzed in a school district press release were not lidequately explained One of the most controvcr~1al will be the ·'closed ~hop" or dues fee proposal. he noted l e ntat1 ve dec1:.1o n rt-ac hed Thursday But it was not formal· ly adopted until today because board members were d1v1ded on what to list a~ contributing causes The board said Thursday that a coC'kp1t \Olt'C recording tn· dicated there was a lax. un prof<:ss1onal atmosphere in the Jet's cockpit and one or the pro· Mesa /t1ari11a posed contrtbutin~ cau~es was "lack of cotkpit d1sdpline by tht' 1·rew." That was eliminated lo· day on a 2-2 vote The board remamed divided today on a total of 10 propo:wd contnbuli~ causes C:Jnd adoptt•d only one of them. That on1· blaml'<i air traffic rontrol prn· cedures "which authon zt• con <See CAUSES. Page All Badhain Requests $280,000 StUdy Cong r es.sm a n Robert E Badham. R-Newport Beach. an- nounced today he has requested $280.000 for a proposed U .S. Army Corps of EnJ!ineers study fll ii <>IE'rm)ne 1f a propos ed 3.000 boat manna 1n Costa Mesa 1s feasibJe could run as high as S80 million, with the initial loan from the state to be repaid from use feei.. Badham is seeking funding for th~ program for the fiscal vecJt bt.>ginrung Oct l, 1980. • -_The manna . backed by Costa ll-f /! B t Mesa officials . IS proposed for fltl,f,J a oa the city area above the mouth of the Sant.a' Ana Ri ver a nd has - also won suµport from the Hunt· 1ngton Beach City Council Environmentalists . however. have objected to the propasPd Proves Better Than None? de st r uction of the s<1lt mars h LAS VEGAS 1Ap1 In a La~ area. and the propos a l ap . pears to ('Onnict with plans for a Vegas vei::;1on of the Lee Marvin Sl billion, three t·ounty flood case. a D1str1.ct Court Judge has c·ontrol proJ<'Ct that would in \_rule ~ that a former live in t'luda devt•loping a <'oncrcte girl.friend of a loc~I salesman.'~ ch annel along the Santa Ana entitled to half a 27-Ioot boat River the~ '?~chased. . . Barlham said ht• requested the Visiting Judge ).Villt am Beko fund s from the Hous e Ap-made the ruling on behalf of proprrntions Committee's sub-Irene Roth. wh? was a sking for <'omm1ttee on ener~y and water h at~ of everything a<'<:umulat<!d . d will work with committe , durrng her 212 years with Uarryl .in · c L·10e . mc~hcr Cl~tr B:irg~ner , R-La ·During testimony in the two Jnlla. to see app ~a dav c1v1l trial. sht• said :.he ll•ft Congress :iuthorszed th._Corp-; h · h ·b d of 31 a s 1u1·J f L' , ·t ,, th , er us an ye r 1n ., . o i::.ngtnet rs s u .. y rel ycar~ ·an 1 moved from Los Angeles 1.0 JJ::O but never allocated funds lo l .a~ Vcgus to marry Lanl' ii . . , She said the two agreed to Upper Bay Bridge 'Through in "82?' -1,on~t>vit~ bonus•'!> up to JO J)l'rt.'t•nt or salary -Increased hf'allh bcnefilz.. . Uindi11 g arbitration of g ricvanct.·s -A clo~t'd union s hop, in which the thslrt('t would have•to fire any worker who wouldn't 101n a union or pay an equivalent dues fee. "Und'Cr the la'.\, we have· to represent ('veryone tn the di s - trict." McNair suid "We fell everyone should have tu pay for that repn·scntation · · Som e 30 p(•rcent of the class1f1ed employees belong lo CSEA. he said. but there 1s no rival or~anizallon Any worker with a reli~1ous objection to s up porting a union could donate an equivalent dues fee to a charity' under the contract proposal. he added . t ll1matc cost of lhe marina ~pll t a ll expenses evenly a nd had Dollar Stro~1ger LONDON t A P • Tht• US c1ollar stn•ngthc·ncd tn Tokyo and major We.,t European financial centers today while gold prices fell about $3 10 Europe. a Joint C'heck1ng account Lane testified that he never promised to marry the woman and said s he didn 't pay her share of the bills Reko ruler! that since both na mes were on the checking ac- count, instead of just Lane. the couple could not be considered man and wife. He held that since th~ only property purchased on the joint account was the boat. Rotb was entitled to half of it. Officials used to be fond of saying the new Pacific Coast Highway bridge over Upper Newport Bay would be "on the line in seventy-nine." Now they're saying, "hope it's done in e ighty-one, but we 'II com e through in eighty-two." The project to replace the ex- isting four-lane bridge with a seven-lane structure was the subject or a briefing given by CalTrans officials Thursday to employees of Paci(ic Mutua l Strong Quake Hiu Almka GOLDEN. Colo. CAP) - A strong earthquak~ oc- curred in southern Alaska early today, an aftershock from a major quake that rocked the area nearly two months ago , a spokesman for , the U.S. G eolo1lcal Survey re· polUd. Tbere were DQ l m - medlate reports o f ln-Jurte. or damqe. Don Pinley of the USGS'1 National Earth· quake lnfonnation Service here said the q_uake hlt at 4 :50 a .m . PST and measured s.s on the Rlebter Stale. ' Life Insurance Co Fra nk Weid l er . Sl'ni o r transportation engineer for the s tate agency. said that current scheduJing calls for putting the $8.8 million project out to bid in J anuary. 1~. ·'That m eans cons truction should start by June. 1980." he said and added that the project s hould take 15 to 18 months to complete. Weidler assured the Newport Center om ce worke rs tha t there would be four lanes open across the existing bridge at all times during construction, but he con· ceded that the construction prOJ· ect will probably cause more traffic congestion than exists now. •'The problem won't be the roadway, but rubberneckers," he said. "We don't know If the new bridge will alleviate all the prob- lems in the world," he com- mented, "but it should help some." Weidler sajd CalTrans has just launched a study of a project to widen Pacllic Coast Highway to six lanes from MacArthur Boulevard in'Corona del Mar to 11 point probably near Warner Avenue to HuntJ.naton Beach. He alto told the commuters that tbe City ol Newport Beach is working on a joint project with the bridge construction in which the Intersections at Bayside and Dover drives will be wtdened to Improve traffic now ,,t. -Up to six mohtbs' severance oav for anvone laid off because <Stt CONTRACT. Page AZ> Prison Guard• Strike Strlkin~ guards outside New York's Attica f'rison shout at guards who went to work this mornin ' stead of joining the strike. -.. Pri~on guards threw picket lines around 22 of the ~talc's 33 prisons. .. Roth claims the boat is worth SHl.000 compared to the original l'ost of $4.500. Lane said 1l isn 't worth more than $3.400. Coa~• Weathe r Fair, sunny and a little cooler through Saturday. Highs 68 to 74 . Lows tonight 48 to 52. ; l INSIDE TODAY Want to apencl Saturday in thf! "Boom Boom Room" or among tM hoPPJI throngs at UC lrolnt'• ComptU Park.? Sef! Page Cl to~. , '' I • J ,ti l>A!L Y PILOl 'N ftlqtW. AR'1J go, 19(! II ' ~ Suite ~ lleserv.ed for NixOn · ~stoblisheil at Camp Pendleton for $42,009 WASllJNCTON cAPl A ttutc e or ruoms at a Camp Pendleton mlUtary bospllal haa l1ood tnlPlY lor flv• 1.an. re ...»en•td COi' a VJP paUeot •ho Clld ool kno"' ll exi1l 1, • con i"" k>MI rtpOt1 aaya. Th p~ve petiot the prHl•nt ol the United S&a~a Ne itkr the Peftt.aaoo DOf' tb..- W hl t~ llOU6fl llnrw Lh_. Na' •I I R •1loeal 11194Jul C•tu al .. , ............ ,........._ Lhe low room lull X<'lu.ilv•lY fo;" ~a) UM &et'urd.lQI lo the-...-po14 b> t~ G~al At' counll1* Office ll aald lbe \,Ol-1 ~u .. re foot auUe conauts of • ~drown, 111 meetlna room . .a St-1•1 c1l S6rvke bedroom •nd • aitA·hen Amonw tilt' lurnl!d1lnK~ n · lhrt't' c•olor Shnple Answer •U1rsuitable Book lielt>ed W~'TWCr) I A fit-l'hc bChool bol1rd 0 0( lht) Northt.•rn <.:u1tforn1a town ha& found a blmpl~ -...ay of lJaJc.tnCUll( I~ Lnlerc~lb lrl freedom &nd d~cency It hap1x-n.cd \\hen membt.'f"s or 1tw board l'tHll f)l<.irn t'd tha~ Judy Bluom's , ' And rht.•n Agitlll Muyb\• t Won't,'' wa~ u11s 111tJ l>Jc for ~m1;11J clfildn•n. although t~·y hud pun·haM1!cl 1t for ~evenlh c.nd ,.,~hth ~radet ~ Its ordl'r to R~lph Thomps0Qnpc1ptt l of Fletcher Walker School Keep it on the Lop !'lhl'lf of th(• librury Tht• me mber~ !'>CJ 1d thl' book <il'Ub \\1th t lw prn t.i 1~ .. 01 ~ of gro~ 1ng up. 111c.:ludtn!! M'Xlwllt) &e&ewW.Mta. Tb• report Hid IP• Camp Pendleton sutte wu establiahed in 1i69 al a coal ot nearty S.2.000 t~ov1de me<ttcat i:orc for the" Preijlde nl Nixon wheo hl' vhiited ne arby Sao Chirut"nltt. The Navy uid the 11ulte would be converted to other patient rooms alter Nixon resigned in l974, oc:oordlng to GAO. Instead. tht' rurn1shrn~s from tbe old suite were movt.'d Into the new o n e and rtstrlcllons on,. who could ust 1l were tightened. lhe I t' p<I rt lj(lld Thl· old su1lt' wal> available to M;'otor rwhtary officers, return· mg pnl>Oncrs of war, lhe com· rrwndanl of the Marine Corps Jnd other VIPs. tbe report said. It l>U1d the new suite "is re· :.crwd l>Olt ly for tbe presjdent 's ul>c and has never been used." Accon.tbll t.o tile report. J'favy Madquantn oMclals "do not con.aider Camp PendJetoo '•a pre- 1ldenUAJ""llllte t>RIUl.-U- malntalncd Jn a state or readi- n t! O for presldentl al OC · cupancy." ~ official• s aid tha t "because of the boepital's low occupancy rate. the suite had not been needed for other pa- tients and was not converted t.o other patient uses," GAO said. Employment Tally ~oes Up Again Tht· Pentagon has J.O comment Employment in Orange Coun· on t hl' report ty continued to cHmb in March T hl• GAO . whic h recom· as t,be number of employed peo- nll11tdL'<l l'lol>ing the !>Olte. quoted ) pie reached 996,600 and tbe a White Hoose,.official as saying county's une m ployment rate thl' Carter administration "was stayed at a state.low -4.2 percent. not a'4are of the continue.'<! e x· According lo the' monthly 1:-ll·nn· or thb factlity" and labor statistic report prepared "tlOl':-. not Jeem it necessary for by the s tale E m ploy menl thl·rt• to ht• i.I prt'sident1al suite in Developme nt Departme nt \ht• ~lak of Cahforrua " <EDD\, employ ment 1s likely to stay on the upswing in April and May Divorce Spat Ende~ ··Markel a naly s ts expect employment opportunities to ex· pand in April and May as new department s tores and other re· tail outlets open and as new manufacturing operations are launched.·· EU D's report said. Mrs. Davis Awarde d $3.3 Million Settlement lt noted that the county 's available c1v1lian work force climbed to 1.3 million in March. 1-'0RT WORTH, Texas CAP> -A slate district Judge today awarded Pris c ill a Davi s $3,340,818 in the settlement of her nearly !iv~ ycar-oJd divorce spat with 1ndustri<1lis t Cullen Davis. but s aid s he must give up the couple 's $6 million Fort Worth mansion Judge Clyde As hworth. tht third judge in Ute high stakel> divorce. ruled that m ost of Davis' fortun<.' was made h<:forc the couple marrwd . fie said Davis made ahout $7 million during the r oupll":-. f 'ro• Page A I CONTRACT Another key issue 1::. the pro- posal for severance pay, McNa1r Said. He said his group is concerned that. under Lhe stale Education Code. employees can be l~ud off for "lack of fund~." e ven though s uch a lack would legally exist Lf the distnct had en<iu f.!h money but didn't choo:-.c to <11locatc 1t to classified salaries • Similarly, the phrai:.c "lack of work" includes the pos::.ibal1ty that the dis trict could choose not lo provide enough work even though there was no chan~e in circ umstances, McNair said. "We wantt:d to get discussion started about t his lSsue," ~e said The CSEA repret.cnls some 800 employees, in c lud i n g cafel.eria workers. bus dri vers, maiot.enaoce workers, computer pr ogramm e r s and cleric al personnel. CIA Co11cem Cal,kd Silly PORTLAND . Ore. IAP 1 The editor of Oregon Magaunc on lhursday released copies of the magal1nc 's con trove rs ial May issue, but refuse<! to reveal the 16 mystenous words tbat set off a struggJe with the CIA. Edit.or Tom Dates said he acl· ed on h1A attorney's advice, ad· ding he would have Jiked to dis· close the words to show whal he called t.he silliness of the CIA·,. conoems. "I think we'd all have a good laugh," Bates said. ORANGE OOAST' DAILY PILOT tftttOr.tin•t.M"°""*"""''et w1tnt1r,,t<fll •\t""' b•Md tht' Nf'W\ """"'' flmlbih,._a DJ tl'W (')t~ Co"'' Pvtl41Wno~ "-eut'"''"'"°'''()n' .. 'r p.JCMl\MG ~' ttv-°'41' frid•~ fe>t (f'O\t• Mf! \.a .._......,, fJIN<9' Ht.tf"t~o-. &f'« t'1 ( °""" t•tnV•llf>y '"'IAf' \.~ fN..Cf'll'°"""(~._t A ••fM11•1~....-1,_.t"'"'Wtv10.y"'~ '""""""•""'-nw. Of''N tnli4 ~~ ot•flllt ,, ,., 110 -6#• .. -.Cet<•M<"w (•lllO<"N••I01" ._ .. _ ..... ,.,. ... _..._._ ''"". ,....., Vo(~~ ... .,. •• _..,._,.-.,, ,.._ .... ""' coo ... "::'"...::. ... ~ CMf'lttM ~ •l<MHI' NoN "l•tl_,........,.t41 .... Telepho11• (114)142-4321 Claatltlff Actvertlll"8142-5971 ··-~··(l9-· ....... .. stormy 10-year marriage und ruled that Mrs Davis was due af>out half of that amount Asnworth <ibo a"ardt.·u Mr:. Oaqs' lawyt.·rl> Sl 25 million .. md ru!L'd that Davis mu~l pjy half that amount from his scparatl' property and Mrs D::ivL." must puy th.,e remaindl'r Mrs~ l..)avi l> h:!d ask ed tht· JUdge to award her $50 million the mans ion h1·r 1H·rs1>11a l puss cs:-. i <in:-. a n ii ht• r I u" 11 r ~ ;,iutomob1k. 'Tm JUSl happ~ to g1•l It OVl'r ,,..1 th ... Davi.., said of the dt· 1·1:-1011 "I tlinught 1t ",1s ;1 f;11r d<:c1s1on. l am nol plca:st:d :-.lw got so much mom ... y l,.du:Jn 'l want to give her <1nyth1ng " Mrs. Davis !>aid she thought f he Judge "went t hrou~h what ht· t.>ll wcrl' th..: facts a nd ruled on those .. ll was ::i little bit too legal for me:· s:ud Mrs. Davis. She added she was perplexed by the 13 ::.epara te rulings and would have to confer with at torneys be fore l>,1zing up the .i wa rd Burglars Hit lroine Ki11 's Honie i 11 CdM Burg lars broke in to tht• Corona dd Mar ho me of lh(' greal-gra ndd:.iughter of Jam<.':-. Irvine. stcalmg $6J>OO worth of valuables, including s1l vcrwari· th<1l once belonged to the In 1m· Ranch founder , police Mild lei day The theft wa:-. p •po rlt•<I l o Nt·~ port Beach p<>llt·1· Wl•<lrw:. dC1y cvenin~ 1,y Mr and .\1 r., Charles Wheeler ~1 rs Wh<'t•h·r 1s a ck scendant of James lnuw Sr who purchased la nd grant ·. in the rnid-ninclccnlh 1·tmlun and cr eated Orange r ount} s Irvine Ranch Among the items taken 111 th1· burglary of lhe Wheeler home. po lice said. were !(p0trns en graved with the runch fovndf•r'r. initials J.J. Also mis::.ing, w11s a s et of s ilver flatware <ind several pieces of jewelry. ac· cording to police reports. Police said the burglars got in· to the home al 401 Avocado A venue by breaking a hole In a locked window. then reaching lbrough t.o unlock It. According to police reports the break-in occurred between 5'30 p.m. and 10 .30 p.m . when the Wbee rers were out of their house. • 2,000 Hit By Blackout A bout 2.000 reaidenta of Newport Beach a nd Costa Meu wer e without electrlctty this morning aft.er an underground cable fallure produced a power outage In the area west of the Upper Bay . A spokesman for the Southern California EdiJM>n Company said tbe power went off shortly Jilter 2 a.rn. In the area bounded by Newport Boultvard and the bay with Santa Isabel A venue at the north and 17th Slreel a l the aoutb. Moat cu.stomcrs were without power for aboul an hour. the 1pokesmao said. A few In Dover Shores we-re without power unUJ 10 a .m. As kt·d whl·re ~he wal> going to hve when s he left the manl>10n. Mrs Davis l>a1d, '"l really don t know n~h l now. I 'II ki ck it j rou nd .i nd com e u p with som eUung " That was a new high as was the tot aj employed figure of 996.600p€ople - EDD's report indicated con- !ltrucllon employment in March Mr!. D:wt:-. al!'io :-.;wl h{'r third regained some of the ground 1t ctivorte ctu1 not :.<>ur her view:-. lost in January and February on marraaJ!1• ·'I th111k 11 1:. marn·lou~ I still hch c\f' m 1l. It I!> la ke the C S gl)\ crnnwnt 1l 1~ ~till the best 1n th<• world .. D1\il>1ou of propert y was the 1111ly ISl>UP m bi ltvr prou·t.>rling., "hll·h ~as dt'l:iyl'd by Di.J\b'. 1977 murcl('r tn;.d 1n, 1\m(lrlllo and his mur <h·r solic1tutwn Lt aal 1 n I lou~lon when rain h1t lhe county ' M anufactunng e mployment also conlinu(•d to gain as the number of f<tctory worker::. an the cou11ty Jumped to 209.600 last month And . dl's p1tt a S('a 1>onal s lowdown 1n as paragus and st ra~ herrv ht:lds. a~ncultural <'m ploym<'nt an Orf1ng<• County f!a ant>d 1.000 nt'" Job~ an March. 1-:I>U ':, report :-.u1d Virginia Amburgey Services Saturday 1-'unt•ral l>Crvu·es will be held Saturday 1n Corona del Mar for lo ng -l ime a r ea re s id e nt , V1rJ!tn1 a Amhurgey v. ho d1<'d Wl·d111·~da) at ag<-47 M 1 ~ /\ml>urgcy s uccumbed afkr under.:oing surgery for a tw:i rt cond1 t1on ut lhl· Stanford Univ<'rsi ty Medical Center in Pa lo /\Ito. The /\mburgC'y family mem· bt·r:. are long-time I !arbor Area rcs1d<:nts. lier husband, Sam, is <J 24-ycar veU!ran of the Newport 1Jr ;,id1 Poli c·l· Ol·partment. Mrl> /\mburgcy's brother -111- law. Orville. ts Dirt>ctor of Com- rn u111cal1orn; for the city of Costa I 'r<Jm Pag~ ,t I <.:AU ES ••. 11 ollt'r:-. to u:-.<-\ lh U:.t l approach pa cH'l'lJu r<·:. l <> ht'1>a r ate two ,11n•r,1rt on potcntll.tlly confhct . ·~ lrat:ks " Thl' bo.ird l><11d lh1:. was not a w1s1· prac·t1cc when controllers "'1•rl' ublc to provide vertical or lu lt·r,11 r;11l:ir H'parat1on lo t•1tht•r t11rtrn(I 'I' h rt•1• 01 hl'r proposr d ron· l r1ltuling c·nuse's wert· dcfcult'd hy 2 2 votc11 nnd the board de· C'idcd that they should be dis- cussed al lcnJlth in the main body of lhc report. Th~iw werP (I > failu•e of the ('('s1ma to malntuin an assigned course, <2) failure of controllers lo rt•111rict lht' jet to a minimum 111lltud<' or -t,000 feet while it was 10 the nir~pace of n earby Montgomery f<'1cld und C3l the fact that two separate ai r traffic control facihtles were handling traffic Ul lhe same airspace. The board Thursday tentative- ly adopted by a 3·1 vole the con- tributing cause involving lhe Cessna's course deviation. Newport Bike Clinic Slated Lido llllo Boy Scouts plan a bi cycl e safety clinic thi s weekend al the Ca rl ''S J r. Restau rant at 3101 Newport Blvd. The cllr\lc Is scheduled from 11 a.m . to 4 p.m . on both Saturday and Sunday. Those attending will have r~ sets of ren ectora :attached to their bicycles and will receive a thirst-quenching gift from Lbe restaurant. The clink lti belng organized by Chria lllch or Troop 37. M e~a and once S<'rvcd on the Newport-Mesa nif1e d School •Di strict Board of Trustcel> V1<.1talion will be hC'ld until 9 o"r lock tonl gl)I at the PaC'1f1 c \'1cw Memorial Park Chapel J>u ne ral services w1 II be held tht•rt• at 11 a m Salurd<iy lo addition to her hui.baod. Mrs. Amburl!CY leaves <i son. Kevin and a dau~bler, Karen. IJoth of Irvine and a daughter. Kathy i''reeman, of Diamond Bar She as a lso survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry F a·rnham. also of Irvine and three sil>lC'rs, Sandra Palmer and Norine Dale or Nevada and Carol Cose of Arizona. Funeral arrnngcments are lx'· 1ng ~nclled by ·Baltz Bergeron F uneral Home, Costa Mesa. The family suggests memorial l'Ontnbut1ons to tht' cardaolo,::y departm<'nl at lloag Memorial I losp1tal t I • QMIUl119 ABC .,."-':' Howard K. Smith i6 leaving• his ABC News post because of the network 's plans to ph ase out his commentaries o n the e vening news t o "lighten the show." ,.,...,._,., .. DIEDRICH ~r-: Remlqton e ve ntually re· eehed $74,000 for wbat be talllled were lesal aervices re- lated to belolu the etampaa)' ~· &ratt 2.• aer•• ,,. ••• a1rtculturaJ preMrYe a~ with the county. But Mra. Douabtf testified that the attorney told her lbe money, in effect, wou&d t>. eb.an· nel ed on to 'Otedricb . ·'He sald he was 1oin1 t.o act as a bag man for Mr . Ralph Diedrich.'' Mn . Douc.htY ujd. sda 'Wenl on t.o say Ulal Rem· lngt.ou explalnecUbat a baa man is "a person who a cts aa a 10· between for pollticlana and com· panies. ·• Mrs. Doughty and ber train departed before I:& defense at· lorneys h ad the chance to challenge her statement -and why no mention or tbe bag n:aan comment was made to the grand jury that indicted Diedrich and Rose ln 1977. Earlier in the day. William Stark. a former president of Anaheim Hills, loc. testified. Stark said he was at a January. 1973. dinner meeting, the meeting at which it is al - leged Diedrich and Rose solicit· e d a bribe In return for D1edr1ch's suppo r t on lbe agricultural preserve issue. .. ~ But Stark said he left the djn. Two Fires In Mesa Probed • ncr table when the conversation "started to creep mto politics and financmg." An arson attempt oo a oew pickup truck and an unrelated fire that caused $5.000 damage to a car occurred within an hour of each other today, Costa Mesa· fire officials said. Fire Capt. Paul Durham said Art Shrock or Newport Beach escaped without injury shortly before 8 a .m . when be s aw s moke comi ng rrom the da s hboard o r b is 1977 Contioent.aJ. He quickly pulled over on 19th Street at Pomona Avenue in Costa Mesa. · Shrock had just left the car when 1t burst into flames . Durham said. He estimated that $5.000 damage resulted to the car, yal ued at $12.000. Durham sa1d the car fire oc curred onJy <ibout half an hour after firemen were ca ll ed to Theodore Robins Ford . 2060 llarhor Blvd.. wht\rc !>Om t-one had attempted to start <1 fare in the auxilia r y t a nk of a n<.'w pi ckup truck. However. the rire burned itself out without s preadmg, resulU!1~ m only $25 damage. Durham s aid He said that case ll> under in- vestigation Slark. a prosecution witness. said he left the dinner meeting c onvinced Diedri c h "philosophically" was opposed "to the concept of tbe company's "rugged hJUside land remaining tn a tax beneficial status ." He also ~lared that the 3,200 acres the company wanted re· lease<! from th<.' preserve agr~­ ment that lhwarte<I 1ls develop- ment "was an abortion of the tn· tent of the law " If those statements helped fortify the defense contention I h,H Diedrich l>Upported the company pos1t1on as a matter of pn ncaplc. other Stark teslimon; did not For t'xample. he once said he refu~ed lo s1J(n J $11.179 chttk m ade pa,>able to Remington b~causc he "constdered It to ~ :i largf' amount or money for ~cry httle "-CJrk. · ' The µrosecut1on 1s contending 1ha 1 the payment of lega l fees to Re m1nf?l<>n was a sham designed to d asgube the payment of bribe money~ Diedrich. The trial will resume Mondav with Mrs Doughty scheduled to rel urn to the Wllness sWind. Porsche Theft Ring Crackdown Goes On 1 ~1orc ~uspect :-.. C<trs and parts ha\'e be<'n :-.e1 zed by Newport Beach police as part of their continuing 1nvest1gatioo of a l>lolcn Porsche ring ioit1ally broken a week aJ?o ' Police said today l wo more men, Steve Burk. JO. of Sirru Valley and James 'Davis. 20, of Van Nu ys were taken into custody early Thursday 1n con- nection ~;lh lhe cas e. Seven others. including on(' local man. Robert Nav. Jr . 22. fr\'ln(', ha \'C been arrested SO far a nd charged in connect ion with t ht' case /\ct'ording to police. the ring opl'r alL'd by stealing expens ive cars. primarily Pors ches, from lhroughout Southl'rn California.·· ::.tnppmg U1cm down and selling the parts. . On April 12. two Van Nuys men were stopped by Newport Beach police. The p!Ur aUegedly _ had stolen a Porsche moments earlier from f Newport Beach l\Partment building. Smee then. raids on a variety of Los Angeles locations and a Co~ta Me a warehouse have netted stolen cars and parts wilh an estimat.ed value of more ihan $400.000. police s aid. · MEN'S SUITS AND SPORT COATS ONE DOl,l,AR WITH PURCHASE OF ONE AT REGULAR PRICE SCMITM COAST PlAIA. • C.OITA lleA • .... IMI .. .. • I \ Ft1d!y. April 20, 1979 OAILV PU.OT Al Coast Gfts .StatiOns Cite .Shortage t Surgeon -Sired by Patient A Santa Ana plastic s urgeon. who ha i. been te mpo rarily b arr e d from prac ticing medicine. was sued for alleged medical negli gence Thursday by a notht>r of his former pallents. Diana Ly'nne Condon alleged tn her Orange County Superior Court complaint s he suffered ··severe and permanent" breast injury after unde rgoing surgery last May 13 at Dr Ralph U Small's Santa Ana c1inic. She 1s seeking repayment of the $1.500 s urgical fee and un s pcc1flt!d punitive damages. Small also has been s ued by the family of 33-year-old Kim Plock of Santa Ana. who died after suffering rard1ac arrest ; while undergoing breast implant s urgery. Two othe r fo rmer patients also h ave fi l ed medi ca l malpractice suits against SmaJI. The 29-year-old plastic surgeon faces a possible revocation of his m e dical license by the state Board of Medical Quality Ai. surance Oil Drilling Rigs Looming For Laguna The prospect of up to ei~ht oi l· drilling ri~s off the coll~ of Lag una Beach loomed larger after Lagtina Beach City Council members struck out with slate coas tal commissioners this weele. Commissione rs declined to de· letc tracts off Laguna 's coastline and the J rv ine coast Monday. despite efforts of Mayor Jack Mc Dowell and Coun'cilwoman Sally Bellerue to convince that panel that the r igs would be detrimenlaJ to marine life and the tourist industry in the Art Colony. Mrs . Bellerue blame~ the un- animous coastal com mission de· c1s100 on the city's failure to ap. pear at a coaslal <;#mmlssion last month in, San Diego to ad- dress problems Lagun a Beach would race with oi l de rricks off its coastline. At that m eeting the . com· mission voted to delete ocean t racts in San Die~o. Los Angeles a nd portions of Orange County "Somehow, we didn't get to the meeting." Mrs. Belle rue told fellow councilmembers this week. She said Monday's meeting was not a public hearing. but added the coastal commission allowed them to speak. The commission said it would not delete the tract off Laguna Beach be<:ausc 1l said oil could be piped laterally Ofr C08St to ex· isling facilities In Huntington Beach. "It's really unfortunate we m issed the meeting last month." she said. adding the commission already had a s taff report sup· porting the oil lease when they met last Monday. She said the next step for the city would be to contact the gov- ernor's staff and get its recom· mendalion lo delete the tract sale. ·"Motorists Advised to Fill Tanks Today ()pc-rat.on al NowPorl stM:ll N •Pon Be'acb, uld \h y wlll c'°" al 4 p m. &oday and will not reopen dUJiDC I.he WCt'ktnd "We've Juat had another. t~ percent rut in our allooallon." u llfX>bsmab uid. "Wu'r • charg 1ng 8$ ~nta a t1allon for pre· rn1um and unleaded and 83 cents for r..•1"Ul:u· but the prices don't up p ear t o be w o "ylng ,·ustomers looking for gas." . The outlook at Kim 's Texaco i-tutlon 10 Huntington Beach was -described as ''very. very bad. "We 'll be closed durtng the weekend a nd we've cut our hou rs during the week ," a s pokesman said. "My advice to people looking for gas is lo get It now and to get it early on Bitter Spee~la w.-ekd ays. Our slluat1on 1s grim." • Prices at 'Kim's are 87.9 cents for premium. 85.9 for unleaded a nd 84.9 for regular. Matthews Ch'evron In Laguna Niguel said they will open until y Briggs Claims \ , . Smear Tactics SACRAMENTO <AP > -State Sen. John Briggs says lherets a conspiracy by "some pretty big n_ames" in Calif<trnia to destroy him politically and cover up scandaJs involving other politi- cians. ln a bitter speech Thursday on the Senate floor . the Fullerton R e publican unsu ccessfully sought creation of a special Senate committee to Investigate allegations, of bribery. coverup and conspiracy by a long list or present and past public offi cials. Briggs said he was ·•not accus- ing anybody" of a cr ime. but thought si nce he had been "sm eared" by allegations of political corruption. then al- legations again!>l other pohll· cia o s s houl d a l i.o be 1n · vestigated Briggs, who has been involved in numerous t'ontrovers1al IS· s ues 1n c lud1n g hi s a nti · homosexual 1n1t1atives. named the l ast two Republican nom inecs for governor , Houston Flournoy and former /\ttorney General Evcllc Younger . 10 a broad accu~:.ition of covcrup und corruplton About"'°°" S.turdav ud lbat , wUI be I.be ead of week.a.: Pl s upplies. "We're charclDC '11.1 celll&,a gaUon for rel\&lar -aDd 13.1 fC}I' premium but prices are DO pntp- lem to lb~ caa at~kep... • s pokesman sa.id. "We could seU alJ the gas we could eet al much higher prices." Other service s tations who plan to close down for th~ weekend include Adam's Union in Costa Mesa where regular gas 1s sold for 83 cents a gallon and premium at 84 cents when the ope rators can gel it. ll was tbe same story at Ed'.;; Exxon in Sao Juan Capistrd where the pumps will be turned orr al 4 p.m. today and not re- opened until Monday. Operators at San Clemente Shell said they will open the GAS STATIONS PLAN SHUTDOWN-A5 RULE MAY REQUIRE P6STING SIGNS-A 13 station Saturday and Sunday bul will only sell gas until limited ~upplies run out. "Obviously, the guy who needs gas wiU have to get he re early.·· a s pokes man said. "If he leaves 1t till pretty late. he'll be out of luck." The survey of Orange Coast service stations seemed to bear ou t the pre diction b y l h t: Automobile Club of Southern ~ California that gas supplies will be no more plentiful than they we r e durin g th e Eas ter weekend. M ea n w hi I e. a f e d e r·a I crackdown on a lleged price gouging continued in Southern Califorrua with 99 gas stations cited so far by the U.S. Energy Depa r tment 's Economic Regulatory Adm inistration. Federal auditor George Hub- b.,rd said 123 Southland stations had been checked and only 24 were found to be charging for ~as in accorda nce with a federal formula in effect since 1973. AP Wtrt,.,..,tO Sidney Shelton. director of the Southern Cali fornia Service Stat io n Associati o n . h as challenged the formula as "too confusing to work. ASKS PROBE Sen. John Honie at Last The Pride of Baltimore. the object o f a n intens ive four- dav air search. 1s towed under the Francis Scott Key Bridge into Ba ltimore Ha r bor aft er the yacht was found safely after having been drive n off shore by storms. then driven aground l_?y another storm. · "There's a conscious effort by some pretty l>1g n:.imes lo !>UP· press tllJS . . We can't rely on the Justice Department or the exec utive to inves tigate.·· Rriggs said. passing out packet:- o f hundr ed s o f pages o f photocopied reports which he said should be in vestigated by the committee he was urging be set up. Bri ggs c h a r ges a con s piracy to drive him from o ffi ce a s fellow Orange Countv GO P SL•n Jo hn Schmitz listens. He also accused Dem9cralic Gov. Edmund Brown~ offi ce iog to the Rults Comm1tle<: "to of "a coverup" and said there draw the maximum attention to may be "political corruption" in the problem .. "Individual station owners "don't know how to figure their prices under the present for m· ula. And I, don't think anyone else does either," Shelton said. The formula grew ~ut of the_ Ara b o il e mbargo in 1974! Shelton said his or ganizat ion • may challenge its validity 1n court the cxecut1vc \>ranch of !>late The 1ssuc stem~ from recent Radiation Expert To Speak at Onofre -~ governmt.•nl headed by Brown. ne ws accounts of an auornt'y Brown 's a :,soc iatc press general's 1nves t1gation of al· secretary. Steve Dus cha. said legations that Briggs solicited Br i gg s· c h arges "ar e bus iness for his ins urance ridiculous ." agency from hea,lth fir ms which Both 1-'lournoy and Younger he allegedly helped gel state also derucd a ll allegations by Mcdi·CaJ contracts Briggs. Briggs denied thos~ charges The Senate r efused Briggs' re· and said there 1s .. a double Los Angel es Cou nty authorities said they have been receiving more than 100 com - plaints a day with respe<.'l to service stations who are failing to post prices of their various grades of gasoline. ' An expert on l ow -level rad iation effC<'ts 1s scheduled to address an estima ted 1,500 dcm· onstrators at a 1 p.m S.atur· day protest at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant JUSt :-.outh of San Clemente. Or. Rosalie Bertel!. a fedcrul consultant and bio-slatistici<m. says s he will d cHrihe the radiation effects on the arcu around San Onofre in the event an accident occurred that wa~ similar to the March 28 Three Mile Island nuclear plant dis· aster. The Three Mile lsland plant in P ennsylvania is considered the worst nuclear d1sai.ter m the coun_try since tbe fac1lit1es were licensed. Southern California Edison Company officials. owners of Uw San Onofre plant. say they will have their normal security forces backed up by local police and San Diego Coui;lJ Y sheriff's deputies for the event. San Diego County She riff's Department Lt. Paul Franklin sa id today he expects the anticipated 1,500 crowd to 'be "peacefu\ and non-violent." Dr. Bertell will be joined on stage by other s peakers includ- 1 n g Friends o f t he Earth l>pokcsman Don May and John quest to create a special in· standard bemg used to s mear Rome ffaJl Bombed RedhouSJ!. a re p r esentative vestigaling committee on a 3·16 me" with leaks to the press of from an American Indian group vole. But seve ral senators said the investigation involving hi m ROME !APl -A bomb blew that opposes nuclear power and they might support the request if while more serious charges arc off the portal of Rom e's City uranium mining. Briggs went throug h normal coverc<I up Hall on the fa med Capitoline Dr. Bartell. a nun who recent· channels. taking his request to "I .ttunk ... U)l'rt:>'s potentially Hill early today and a right-wing ly completed u threc·s latc fi ve-the Senate Rules Committee. t'o m e type of tonspiracy to extre mist organization claimed year radiation s tudy for the New Briggs said he raised the issut' embarrass ml' and drive me respons1biUty: No injuries were York 1-h!allh Department, is a on the Senate floor ins tead of go· from pubhc office ... Brig~s said . reported. cons u Ila n t f or the Nuclear ______________ __:..:...:...:.:.:....::.._:..:_:;__ ___ ___;.;_;_ _______________ _ Regulatory Commission. J eani Berstein. a spokesman for lhc AJhance for SurvivaJ , one of the event's sponsors, said the Saturday protest is expected to last until 3 p.m. Sponsors Seek Two Missing Vietnamese Sponsors of a recently arrived Vietnamese family a re loolting for two non· Engtrsti s peaking mem bers of the family who dis· appeared from their te mporary home in Laguna Hills early Wednesday afternoon. Reported as missing are Trinh Tran. 22, and her brother, Tanh Tr an, 14. PRESENT Spring Plauti11g SALE Manha Washington Geranium feotuong IUlty· blOSSomeO pl0nt5 m Oller 30 vonef1fJs 1Gol Sue SALE Reg '2 99 PRICE 1.49 wax Leaf Privet lust! dense orOWTll makes 1111s horov shrub on excellent cn0tce IOI he<IOCO! loundonon plonnng 1 Gol Slze Reg '269 SAU PRICE '1.19 Petunias Gas Savings Cited In Sunday's Pilot The brothe r and sister were last seen in a condominium home al 2331 Caminto Andrela, Lag una Hllls, sborlly tx!fore noon Wednesday. When their foster fa mily and fathe r returned to the home In the early afternoon the two were missing. Persons who mignt know of the young woman's a nd boy's whereabouts are asked to con- racl the Rev. J ohn Hermes al the Geneva Presbyteria n Church at 2'301 El Toro Road, Laguna Hllls. The church phone number is 837·2323. ~ Cl100W ony colof or (]If~· Ille I Olflt>OW from lllese SllfinQ & summm COIOl lO~ r c J Pony poclv'6 p!On!S • • " , Aeg 99" ........................................ -i,-~SAU ~ Vapam ,.__'f PRICE 59e The best place t o read Sunday's Daily Pilot may be un- der the hood as feature articles describe car tuneups and COO· s umer tactics to save on gasoline mooey. WHAT'S UP DOCT - Publid.lta like to call Jonathan Miller a Renaluance man. Tbat may be overdrawn, but Miller's venaWlty ls as atrlking as his metapborat and hla. ene rgy • 1eeni1 lnexnauaUble. The As· soclated Presa profiles this pbyaldan wbo'f branched out In· to tbe art.a aDCI blended enter· talnmeot and medJclne. CAD COVUED -A trio of 1to~ You/Your Money take a look at bow you can aave on auto eq>enaeS, what's happened to the bl1-ear resale market, where to complain If a 1as 1taUoo ri .. 70U off. (suNDAY' BE WORLD'S HOMELESS A pair of prize.winning journalists travel the world with camera and notebook. recounting the Planes Collide; plight of 10.5 mllli~ homeless, hopeless refugees. The start of a 4 C S d series by Pet.er Arnett. Eddie rewmen ave Adams of The Assocla~ Press. INVERNESS. Scolland <A Pl -Two U.S. Air Force F·lll FUNNY TWIST -.tarol figbter·bomlx!rs collided over Burnett fans are due for shock the North Sea today but all lour and new appreciation of her crewmen bailed out in what was talent Sunday nlgbl when the • called "a iracle" d ouble longtime comedy sbow host escape. star s in ABC·TV's "Friendly The planes, a training mis· Fire." Critics predict ll is most slon from a ba in England, important film of season and crashed into the a in Domocb hall her performance as high Firth 20 mlJea nortJi dramatic achievement. Story of .oH tbe northeast how prosaic farm wife became a Scotland. an Air Force peace actlvtst Is true. ment wet. I • • • CALICO VAPAM 1s on easy-to-use water solUt>le fumigant which 1s effective against most weeds, including germinating weed seeds. son fungi. nematodes. symphyllds. and cenaln soil Insects When CALICO VAPAM is opplled to moist soll a gos Is released beneath the SOii surface which ef1ectlvety fumigates tM soll leovlng It virtually free or weeds and SOii diseases. and reooy tor plontlng In two to ftlree weeks 1 Gatton R89. '10 32 COSTA MESA One quon covers 100 square reet SALE PRICE s7. 99 0,..1..,..w.-1 .... :•,... JIJJ MIWPOIT ILYO. COSTAMISA ...... ,.-0 .. GladJolus Bulbs Pion! now tor Pffle qUOll!y blOOmS mis summec Reg 19' eo SALE PRICE JUll 12• IG. UN ~ FOUNTAIN naho ~ IWY ~ VALLEY c~~ I 1420 •OOICMUUT 'ii POUMTAIM YAUIY '" ........... "' ......... fwy.t PH09a t6M711 OftM70AYS l.a·•,a ... • ' ..... •·---A"-~y PILOT -fl1day. .... 1 IO,'"'·------------~--~ .last ···:~easting Oneil iDh Out HPl..o81\'~£S Ot;P"I":' h sf·ems like for ytiar8 now, t t•nquallly h .. tfod1'<1 Uw offlrt'i. of City lhtll at our roa'llAI • panl1h Vlll•ftf', S&n ('lcmt>nh' Turmoil hu pr.-va llt'd II tht., t1f'v4•lopoe tH-r aui.t' rt•rt¥1n t•ouoctl m•mberb aiot flghrtng ftnl1lnM th1•rnsf'lvt•i. ~·ldom w11 ta <'Ouncll m tin& ht>ld that d1dn 't dc1o1t'nerah' from qulbblln~ to spat11 to howtln.i to dov.1"1rl1tbt name• t••lhn..: Mnn" tt•1111on1•d dt•balf·~ hu vt• b(.N\ v. jtnt.·111wd In tht• lutt: mght houri1 nt 10<'81 '18IOOM Tht' unh11p11tnt'"l'I 1111 n •m•· to u ht•tacJ lu'll J im 23 when Snn Clt•nwnh· l.i1tpll}l't'4 .:01 •• rt•t•a ll t lt'rtlon OD tht' ballot Wtwn tht• smokt• "•tllt•d, lht• \uh'r1' had re-call~ three Clty l '011nr1I mNnht•r, \\ 11l1Jm WaJkcr, llowurd Mui.ht-ll and l>onn.1 Wll~ 1 n.'"" l 'SllAU.\', ~Mt:·rmNC. 1ou. drHhc a:, rceatll uruon 1s rt'M'rH'\I for ou bhc ufftnub v. ho r¥1d Uw treasury for rwu Soll f'lt>nwnte C1t1u n!I C'almlv Oiscusung C IVIC l!!UeS pe rsonal J.!:&an . i:rab some~r the tabl~ for a zoning considcrnlaon . or some other disgusting action. None of this kind of awful conduct was alleged against the t rio thul tht• Sp;.inish Villa).!c voters gave the boot. They got ousl<'d mainly JUSI for being ornery to each other Jn atldit1on to the in·fii::htinR troubles. San Clemente faces !>Orne n~all; knotty d1·c1~1ons in the time ahead on future dcveloprnt•nt for the city The big dev('lopment push an on in the hills l:lbo\'e the sea flow much will be allowed? WhLit !>hap(' w11l 1t l<Jkc ., Alrrady. th<• pru growth uncl anti growth farllun~ arc dearly hnt•d up. ' In thl' t1mt· <ihl'arl. s11t1ni: 1m th•' San Clemente Caty Coum·al will actually ht· mon· lik1· walking u polit1cal tightropt· TO IU.LSTR/\Tf: 110\\ hl'a\\ San Clcmc·nte emotions are running toward City llall. thl' final indignity to the out· going counc·1I O<'currcd JU!>l the other night at what 1s ex- pected to be the final session for the ousted trio · /\s th<' mC'etmg got undn way. a telephoned bomb threat cam1• in and thc· chambers had tu be cleared for a search: ,. - Floods Splash New _TeITiton B1 Ute Aalleel•&e4 Pl'ff8 Spring Ooods s plashed into new Territory today., claiming more homes 1md bwsines11c11 in a sweep through Mil!uusslppl and routing hundreds or ol.Mr reside nt.a In Texas. Alabama. North Dakota and MJnn~. Mor\' than 6 inches of rain in east Texas built noods during the flight tbat poured S feet deep t hrough aome city streets in Virginia Craig was pulled (rom B"eaumoot :md the Houston area her husband's arms as they clung T he Red Cross evacuated to a tree after their car was several hundred Beaumont resi· washed into the raging current dcnt..c; and set up seven stielters of Slaughter Creek . for flood rcfu1otecs. Nearby Sour "1 llELD on as long as 1 eould. Lake was withJn a hair a fool of I tried to cal-;h her,'' 47·year-0ld the 1917 reeord flood stage. John Craig sa•d after rescue Harris County, Texas. Civil workers pulled him from the Defense officials predicted more water. His wife 's body was f Io o ding and mor e found 300 yards downstream. eva<'uat,1o ns through the The new rainstorms came one weekend, especially along the day after MO to 1.000 residents in ram-swollen San J acinto River Conroe. 35 m iles north of l'ast of Houston. Houston, were evacuated from "We evacuated 111 persons Ltheir homes after a nine-hour from Bella Woods and about 100 downpour filled s treets and persons from Banana Bend and homes with waler Highland Shores Drive." said Water was reported over the llurris County Civil Defense tops of cars in the Alabama DI rector J ohn Caswell. he Theater n:irl<ing lot in Houston. predicted more than l.000 resi· It's Relative Robert Berks inspects his bronze sculpture of Albert Einstein Wedpesday after it was placed on the Co nstitution A venue g rounds of the National Academy of Sciences in Wa shington. D.C. Einstein posed for a portrait 24 years ago for Berks dents will hav<• to be evacuated in Harris County before the wePk 1s over. S e evacuations were under Thursday 1n the Beaumont near the Pine Island Bayou and Sour Lake and other area~ Oil .Tanker ~plodes ear swollen river tributaries, th(' National Weather Service re· ported. Near Austin. 48 year ·old Hide outs Ge t -Frie ndly' Divo rce S/\ LEM. Orl' •A I' 1 John and· Greta Rideoul have ~onc thc1r.s('paratt' way!> a rtcr a~rct· mg lo a fri endly divorce in the s3mt• local courthuusl' 't\here hl' was acquitted on a C'harge of raprng hrr One Presumed Dead in Texas Accident NEDERLAND. Texas <AP> - One of 33 crew• members of a Liberian oil linker was missing and presumed dead today after the ship exploded 1n the Neches River when struck by lightrung, the Coast Guard said Of the othe r 32 men. the Coast Gua rd said 15 were hospitalized with cuts and hurns and another 15 were treated :ind released The Coast Guard said the two othPr men <ipparPnlly t:scaped injur y aJtogethcr In addition. authorities s:i1d. two dockworkers ~landing near the s hip when the lightning struC'k were hospitalized with in- juries. plosions on the vessel and set it afire at a Sun 011 Co. dock. Coast Guard spokesman Dave • Galiay.· said surviving crewmen reported seeing the one man die in the explosions. His body had not been reeovered. Cult Dead Due California Burial DOVER , 0 <'1 f /\P I eo<fies of f>t"Oples Temple members who died in Guyana will b(:: trucked to Cahforn1a starting Aprfl 26, the court·appointed receiver for the d1~solved cult says. Robert II Fabian !>a1d by telephone from his San Francisco of· fl ee Thursday that all bodies should bc removed from Dover Air ForC'e Ba~e by J une I "I'm rell<'vcd it's all over with ... Rideout said after th(· divorce hcann~ 'thursday. "I'm kind of vagur on my feelings for her. There arc no hard feelings. H's more close to friendship." A WILM INGTO!'I TRJJCK ING firm, La rmo r e Moving Systt-ms. has be(•n hired to stup the bodies to California in 11 large THE SIDP, the s .0 Tiger . wa'> rnovang vans carrym~ about 50 bodies each. Larmore's fee is to be ll'aking oil into the river and JJdld by the People-; T!'mple. wtuch left a'l_ estimated $10 million in "as in dan~l·r of sinking. the aSS('tS Coast Guard s:wi The plan to move the bod1ei. to California ends months of in· Widespread s treet fl ooding dec1s1on about a final re~ling plac~ ror the victims. The Rev. Jim caused by torrential rains in-thJs J ones conducted a mass death ritual Nov. 18 at his cult's commune coastal port near Houston ha m· in J onestown. Guyana. THE HIDEOUTS c hatted Sinct' then. :.iccordin" to Stati: Department figures, the govern-·c bly 1· the hallwa bef pered rescue efforts ,., a m1 a n Y ore mt•nl has paid $3 S mallton to S4 million to fly 913 bodies here . the d·vorce h a · a The sad Authorities said li ghtning dur· 1 e rm,., Y 1 e mbalm them. try to identify them, and place them in airtight Againc;t this kind of a backdroA. you'd fi gure it would be hard to fil\CLLn y c1t1z('n w1lltng to suffer in ser vice on ~he San Cleml'ntt• City Council I mean. who wants a lousy Job like that'' Pro·de\·elopment. anti-pevelopment and bomh threat!> Retter to tr; selling 1c!' boxes to Eskimos. they have ~e('n each Qlher re ing. a thund~rstorm late Thur:. c;t('el caskets cently and both agreed their ~d_a~~-· _to_u_c_h_ed~_o_ff~•1~s_e_ri_c_s_o_f~P-M_·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- brier but tro ublc·d marriage -- could not be saved Rl'T NO, WRONG ai::a1n A huge field or 36 candidates will bt• sl'l'king tht' thr(·t· or>cn scats when San Clemente vot.-rs go to the Polls n1•xt Tuesday. Twt-nty.f1ve or thost' C'ilnen!> want the two open ()ne year terms and 11 others arc seeking th<' open three year council seat Some people really must b<:lteve you can . find JO) through p~11n The divorce twcomrs final an 60 days. Thl' Hideouts reached agreement on child C'Ustody and pro perty sl'ltlcme nts before the ir court ap(><'arance . btlt they told the judge they have not yet resolved the issue or $18,000 in attorney fees Klmt "Dragon' Hooted Out Attorneys for the young couple said the d ispute 1s over whether Rideout 's defense fees for the Oecemb<or rar>" trial should bc classified a~ a f;1mily debt. OCEANSl l>J:: 1AP 1 The· lht• audi('nn• W(•dn('sday night R I QEO U T 'S trial was bclteved lo be the first of a hus band accused of raping his wife while they li ved together. The couple reconciled shortly after his Dec 27 acquittal, then separated again last month. lluman Relatrons Commission appeared startled to hear the· speaker claim "Oceanside is a jungle murder . rape and mayhem make your streets un· safe.·· A scc·unty force or eight Klans mcn 111 white shirts and riot helmets and a rmed with hN1vy p1cc1·!> or wood escorted Melzg<'r out or City I fall after Osl·a1 Cupk, lht: commission's l'haarman. was unable lo restore order. Mrs. Rideout. 23, was awarded custody of th('i r 3-year·old daughter .. Jenny Rideout, 22. agreed to pay S50 a month for child support and was granted · · r <· a s o n a b I " v 1 s i l a t i o n · ' priv11Pges The s pc•a ker wa s Tom Metzger. Cnllfor naa g rand dragon of the Knights of th<· Ku Kl ux Kl a n Th e n ca m e Metzger's turn to be startled. Nobody was hurl Ear lier. An outburst or accwrnt1ons. in· eluding "Fascist." came from Mt•tzger read a !>tatcment say 1ng th e KKK o u ght to be represented on the city com· mi ss_1on . . . . ' U.S. Storms Widespread Tornadoes, ~asebal£.size Hail Spotted T.-,,.prraf 11rfl'• Ho Le Pep AIW llY s• 2• Albu'Q~ 11 34 All•lll.O H s. Banomor~ f>6 •I BormnQl\dm 80 SI 801\e S4 J7 80\lon Wo J'I 8rown1v111r 11} IS Bulfelo S• 3) Cnlc~ "' SI Cln<Jnn&U 6) 0 Clt"91eno H JI oa1 F1 win 11 u .'7 °"''"'' /J JO 07 Ooolroot •I 34 Heletl• so JI Honolulu llO u Hou•lon ,. .. .t:I llld'•Poll• "" S2 K.-Coly h u Lu Vt19•\ 1• 41 L•lll• Roo •• .0 LO\AnQe'-11 SI l.OUilYllle "' SI Memplll• 111 se Ml•ml ,. ,. Mll•oultw •> 46 ~\·54 P. •• SS 07 ... .., .. , ... 1J .. H-OrlM II ., lffwYO<l< •• ., CNlly Pllet N·~ ...... , ... 4 V "'°*" f r.J.1¥ H y -w • •• t4 .. 'IOVf OtAON t-.-' V> n "' c • 't')l'f, et m 4t"C3 """"' UJt v _.. t• ~ ,, ... , •'li4t·1fO.af ,,.., •,.,,no•., II r 1 l ~" h '"". yf "'*' ,.,....., ,,., ~ • "' ,., ""' '~ t. '~ "1 ~· ' lf)y .... , • ,..... ... ,. .... ,, 1 c~.,.,._.. Mv-.t ()I.,.._.." r , -"'v A,,.n ••M U I ,..~,.,,,.. • ,.,,,,," ,, ,, n ... , 11 .,, • w. .1"'•"' ,, • u •1ut ""'" (" '"""" "'" ( ,., ,,.,.,.,fhlJl:f ,.f\ h>-\ln~ .,. ., .. .~ u " Ollle City •• Omalle I• Ori-O Pl>ilecl'PN• u )I ll p ...... ,. ., PJattbvrQll •2 1' .Ot ., Pll-.,,.. so Ptl-,Ort SI Reno >• , . St Lou,. 12 ,:. 0) u II .04 SI P·Tll'/llll 11 s.11 L..tte n )1 .. S•n Ditto .. Sell l't•fl '° S.tllle ~ ., s.ioto•ne 41 71 t uh• A ., We-"ll~IOll .. " CA4.l~ltNIA Behr\l~ld 1J .. 81•i.otl ., 81ylhe ,. n t'r•tllO 11 •• Mo111ern " Hetlll" I I 0.lll•llCI ,. .. 8erslow /J d Geleli ... ('' .... l!I Ce11tro , • 1' .. L-a..tn 14 .. Hewj)Oft llffcll '4 )I Oftl .. IO '1 2' Sen 8en1ero.no 11 ., $enJOM ' •> JI Senta,.,,. 11 ., $ante CrlU .. •O P'AM AM•lttCAN th• dell• MN ••ound MoC>•le to Ml n • W>Ofl9" end \Oak Ill> llOOCIWdlet\ from Ille bulg1110 toml>1QIM'~ •11<1 Al•IMlmt "~" -n tlloy r .. o, Ilk' •'•• t•rly rtie•t week \ome 1,000 "'"'""' r•m•l11 "°""' '"' '" ~,."90, Greeri.. Md•t •no Sumter COUlllle\ T"4ty wero lorcoCI lo e¥•<.u(9tft wn.,n trw TombiQ~ A1>1er , \WOU•n by ICH'r•nt14tl rd1n\, t.re\l•d f.\I 1J ' feel 'NeclMW.v. 1• IHI •bovr flood \14Qt IM h10hf'\I """'~' on r1Kord ''nc.:• t~ .. ,. • ., wd' \oetll•d tn 1811 I ne A~ A over. \ti)dr .. 11119 North OOol• -Ml~\Ot•. ro\e ""''"• fhur\d•y. ci.mo111g IJ lt•I •I Pembine, H O . In 14 """°" tll<' meyor Of M•not. N O , wld "" m•y order Ille e••<IHlllon of 12,0DO ~"°'" ll•lng •long tne Sourl• River. wner~ Ille weter le"91 .,., 11urlnQ ftOOd ... s ... ,. lornedOu were •polltd tl•u"d•Y from 'enlral NebrHU 10 "°"'""•'"'rn Tu•• !kit'"""' were no reoorh o• •n1urit\ Of' ••0.\Pre•d d•m•oe Hell , ... \It• 01 lllWIMlll\ pell'°"• -I-of 11w! Tua\ P•lllW>n cite E •rfy mo,,,1no temp•rcelur•\ rangeCI from 1] In Monlpellor, VI., 10 1t In Fon L.tudtro.tl•, Fie. Calflorttla it.<...,..lto 'IQ n Wn••llCI wo111er for Souu1er11 a..... .. 41 .01 Celllornl• " ··~'" to .. on tN (11Ue<.•• IO •• bl-'1dt, wlln .,.,, """"'Ille •M H••efl• I• •• ttmMr•lllf't • li..t will tl•Y 111 tn. ._ IClnttlOll 'IO 11 10, In IN>tt • ...,, Mtftl ..... , .. 1J Tiie Hl loOllll W•Alller s ... ,,. Metellafl .. ., IOf'eU\I ._ (IO;ielt •llO loO M•r .... ...-.rlCM •1 1) tOHI Mlllf'cMV MOllttrr•v 'IO 10 ti.. HIN!> predttled OOOd >url IOr hOu< l~lpe .. .. .. moll eeec:,_._ wltll 1 J 1ooi ,_,I\•• Trl11ifMlfl 'IO 13 IM<lff to t111tl1111e el Zum1, t llO 11 Q 8 Mo·1 loot t-11• 11 !Minta Molllt•. .,..,. ••••r• · Htwporl-HvllllllQlon &.•t n Tll1111Mrll0tm• lleller•CI • w1cie 0111ty -IOtly wlll<tt Of U 10 ts MCtlOfl Of IM c-••1 tOOty, otenct ,,..., wve upte"led 1ol IN"''" de• WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE BARTENDER? He m ay be tall, dark and handsome or short, fat and ugly. -.. She may be a torrid tomato or a plump motherly type who cr acks jokes you want to remember to tell your boss. Whatever the sex or type, if you remember his or ner name, chances are the drinks, chatter and atmosphere are to your liking. The Daily Pilot wants to determine the favorite barten- der (s > of readers all along the Orang• Coast. To enter your favorite, complete the coupon below. Nominees will be recognized in the Daily Piiot and be eligi- ble for selection by a panel of experts for designation as Orange Coast's Best Bartender of 1979. DAILY PILOT --------------------------·--------a..------------------------····· ~ MY FAVORI TE BARTENDER IS : ...................................... . AT ....................... ·· · ·. · · · · · · · · ·. · · · · · ·· ··· · · · · · · · · · · · · · <name restaurant/tavern> City Phone MAIL TO: LIBATIONS EDITORS y OU R NAME : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . DAILY PILOT P.0.80~ STREET: ........................................... . C08TAMe8A CALIF. 92119 CITY ..................... PHON E ............. ZI P ......... . OMla ~ lloulll l-I <IO•IM N.Qu9l O HIM 41 .. lfltl,_l,._te<:110etlo41t tllr..,... erl •r•• Seluftl•Y •1111 l•m 111e "'•'"' _..... _. ec,..., ,.... ,.,., .. r .. <lllMl11t •• "1"' '" .. Encloee • brief 1teteft'tent tem-why your bartender nominee de1er .. e1 recA-at&An, -Int MIMi'tklcM Veltey • Lower ~ Wiii N\'t ll19M Ill lllt '•• " ""V' ,.,...,. Ill Altl!IMN, tla!e ettici.lt H""4 '°' Setwci.y '-----------------------------------------...1 5«•-fllO Seflt• ..,_. ., ~IOOloll 11 T"9rmel a .. .... • • .. , ' 1 - \ / -- . . _,,# C~LIFORNIA .Carson to Qtdt? NBC 'Tonight' Ultimatum R mored By PETEa J . BOYD ,_.,.._...._, ..... IU....,_ LOS ANGELES J ohnny Car on wanta Lo qun. ''t'be Tontahl Show.·· but h s •llomey dtnlt't n•ports lhf' ~ntf'naiMr ~ dNeirnll ned t o I ave NBC'a popular l u.h' ruihl pro gram omctlm~ th1x foll Tht• Nuw Yori.. Time H id to tlay that Car on who e 13 S mllhoo·u-ycu ('Ontract almo~t Ct>rlainly makl'i. him the b1~h t•4il t pu1d e ntertaan~r on kkv1111on would luve the Lalk Si\o w Sept 30, hla 17th an ~nu1ry ~s "1'onight " .. ~t IUJT CA RSON'S atto rney, H~nry I. 8Uihkln. who reported ly returm-d here from l.u Veg•~ with the entt-rtamf'r 'fh\l~&y. told the Los Angt>lcl> 'flmtts his Cll\'nt had not set a fi r m de· parture d~ilt• . ·•Aftt•r 17 y~ars . Johnny feels 'he's given 1t hi.., best ~hot. Bus hk1n said , acknowledging Carson had talkt•d with NBC abou l ll'JV1ng the progr am before hill ,·ontrad expire~ in tht• spring of l~I ,..,..1,...... THERE GOES JOHNNY? Carson May Quit-When? llmJtum trom NBC President Fred S1lvcrman, who reportedly "'as upset by Carson's frequent dbscncrs from the show 11rnc·, parent compa ny, meet in New York May 1. and NBC'g al· rlllaltll (il&ther httre May 13·16 to conaidtr. fall Pto&,..mmlng. Sllverm'An Is expected to lake ' eonalderablt' heat from both harcholderi> and alfllaates tor NRC"'s ()OOr prime time track record ILVt;RMAN, WHO Joined NOC last Jun~ afte r leaving top rul ed ABC. has noted that the 11how's ratings dropped when gut.•st hosts sat in for Carson. I It! reportedly told the e nter tainer to do more shows or not to do any at a ll , according to one sour(.!e Carson appart>ntly asked lo exercise the latter option. Ct rson told The Associated Press last month: · · 1 get a lot or flak about my time off. But if I had to work the same schedule 1 had when J s tarted . there's no way I could do the show. When I s tarted. I did five s hows a week. 47 weeks ayear. T hat's a lot of TV " NBC apparently is unwilling to let Carson out of his cont ract The network's only comment on the problem Thur sday night wa:.: "'NBC's contract wi th Johnny Carson continues to th e s pring of 1981 and we expect him to honor tt ,. SpeaJ~er Trie Assembly Speaker Leo M pull sn Sacram ento. tries stein cow without muc h I m1111metl·rs ot m ilk m the Capitol grounds on Thurs <ienls at L'C Dane; ~. Aprll 20, 1119 earthy, known for his political extend his abilities to a Hol- ck. McCarthy collected a few ucket during a contest on the It was sponsored by s tu C:ir.,011 s tfrparlurt: 1,1,uuld I~ a nother !-.cnous blow for NIK . "'h1ch has endured a d1t-a!'>trou~ 'iE>a,nn tn the ..r al1ngs 1 he nt>t 'AQrk ha::. ht!t-n la::.l an lht: wt:t:kly pnme-l1m e ratings all but five l1mes s1nl'e September, and though Citrson 's program is outs1dt: or priml'·ltme. shock waves most certainly would be tell at the affih<tte level. Uut-h km denied that. and ah.o took issue with reports from New York that Silverman had t r1ed unsuC'cessfully to dissuade ('arson from ll'aving .. "That's not what happened."· he told the Los An~eles Times Nuclear Protes Called· CARSON WAS unavailable for com mcnt on the re po rts . A s q_urce connected with the .. Tonight .. show who <t sk~d not to be named said. however. Canion's reQue'>t followed an ul - Goldie Hawti Gives Birth To Daughter LOS ANGELES <A P l Goldie Hawn, who won an OscaT' ror "Cactus Flower ." has given birth to a 9-pound, 4·ounce baby girl. sa~s a s pokesm an for the octre:.s "Goldie wanted a girl, so it all worked out," said D~)d .Par~s KATE GARRV Hudson was horn Thursday at Ct•dars·Sinai .\I ed1cal Center. h1· <Hided. The actres::. and husband Rill Burl son , a m ember o r t h e Hudson J3rolhers rock -comedy grn11p, al:.o h;,vc a 212-ycar-old ::.on Oh \.'l'r I n ;1rldit1on to ··cactus Flo'Al·r. ''-the 33 Yl'<ir·old actre::.s htis aprll'an•rl in movies such as .. 1-'1111 I I 'lay... "Rutter flies tire Frl't' and .. Shaotpoo " M 1ss JI awn. who played a gig- gly blonde who nubbed her Imes on tell•\1'i1on ·s "La ugh-In." tilso .has appeared i n seve ral television specials. She began ht>r career as a profcc;sional dancer lrom Washinr,ton. D.C. Rushkin said Carson wants to lea vc to do morc spt·t 1als, the nt•w!.paper n •ported 10 today's t·d1t1ons . t.;NOER TERMS 01'' his con· tract. Carson Is required to act as host no more than three times a wt.>ek 25 weeks a year and four t1ml':. a week for 12 weeks a year with 15 weeks of vacation. · .. The Tonight Show." though one or NBC's successes and a maJnr revenue-producer . has in reC't•nt years felt the pinch of com petition. CBS. in particular. has taken advantage or Carson's a bsences from the program by scheduling mov1t:s on nights Carson would be away RECENT WEEKLY ratings showed "The CBS Late Movie" within a point of Carson. The margin had been two points a year ago a nd a ll but unap- proachable five years ago. The n are·up comes at an inop- portune time for Silverman. who was here this week for corporate meetings. Stockholders in RCA. Church Wins Bid LOS ANGELES !A P ) A state Court of Appeal ruling will allow the Worldwide Church of God to take its case to the US. Supreme Court for a decision on whether the state m ay audit c hurch records for possible fund ing misappropriations, a church attorney says. SAN FRANCISCO (A P.1 -A No rthern Califor'nia a nli·J\Uclear cnalilion has called for an end to atomic weapons resectrch at the La wr e n ce Li ve r mor e Laboratory and ror conversion o f the fa c il i t y 's nuc l ear activities into alternative energy deve lopmenl. The Weapons Labs Conversion P r oject , a Unive r s i ty or Califomia-based ~roup. issued the s t a t e m e n t a t a San Fral\,cisco press confC'renc-e Thursd<ty with the release of a s tudy probing possible con vers ion of the nuclear weapons facility. The plant, 40 miles east of San Francisco. is one of two sites in the United States whe re all t he nation's nuclear weapons have been designed . The other is the Lo s Al amos Sc i e n ti f ic Laboratory in Los Al'!mos, N.M. Malibu Fences f'ail MALIBU IAP l -It was the wall -not the rocks -that came tumbling down as angry Malibu res idents chose a daily brush with danger over a har· rowing mountain detour drive due to the crumbling cliff above Pacific Coast Highway. U nder o rd ers rrom t h ~ C a li fornia De partme nt or Trans portalion. fe nces were e ret'ted at.each end of the 500-foot slide area. But residents of the area have been parking their cars a t one end of the slide area. Lhen walking Lo a nd from their homes. • INSTANT COWR MARIGOLD ~11i!1-~·· . • 1 ~· Robust, popula r annual~ ranging fr om 6~ lo nearly 3 ft . 1all. Plant in full sun for gorgeous blooms from now rhrough fall. L-Ong·la!iting for c ur nowers in yell ows, golds. orange and bronze-maroon. IMPATIENS Spring through S ummer color-red, pink. o range, white or variegated- grows in filtered sun. BANDINf N2 A February feeding is very Important for a healthy attracclve lawn. Bandlnl _.2 Is Ideal for feeding establishe d dlchrondra a nd blade grass lawns. Start your feeding cycle now. PALUDOSUM O ur Daisies are in full bloom. They grow in green mo unds a lmost to tallv dotted with s mall white flowers. Thissun-lovinq daisy is easy to grow. ctnd a re ready for planting now! BEGONIAS Fibrous varieties including the popu- lar Ric hmondensis type. Deep reds. bright pinks "nd white. Grows best in o ur coastal area . GERANIUMS There is a great selection of these populaT. ha rdy perennials including Zonal. Ivy and Pelargonium vari- eties. They love the sun and com e In a fantastic selection of reds, pinks. l~venders a nd while. San Joaquin Hills Rd. at Maci\r1hur Blvd .. Newport Beach, (7 J4) 640-5800 _,. Open Daily 9am to 6pm ' ( SDffE J Brou·u Claim# \lieto~J SACRAMENTO <AP l -Go\ Edmund Hrown .Jr. 1s celebrat ing .1 victory over President Carter with cndorst•mc·nt by th<· New Hampshire houw of a t''1n stitut1onal coo\·1·n t 1on for J balanc·c•d fc·deral budget The Demo"crat1c· governor s:ud he carried on a ··behind.the• scenes lobbying campaign' that was at l~ast partly responsible for Thu~ay's vote. a nd abo said there was "tremendous lob bying pressure by While House people" against the measure • I fr called · it "a m1tjor upset \'lc·lory·· a nd "a s hot in lbe arm" for the balanced·budget me<.1 sure The vote came less than three wN'ks after Brown h ad bee n s nubbed by New Hamp::.h.Jre Democratic leadcrs. Bauk Stw• Rifkin ~- L<) S A :'Ii G E L ES < A P l St.inley Mark 1{1fkin , who c;rat·kcd a !.ophi!.t1cated com- putl r code tu ~lt.'al Sl0.2 m1llion from a Los /\ngcll'' bank, '" he 1ng 'Ul'd b~ lhl' r1na nc1al In st itut1on S l' cu rt t y Pac· 1 ( ll' N al 1 on a I Bank filed suit in Superior Court on Thursday seckm,. the return of any money not covered by the sail' of mor e than 8,000 carats of dJamonds purchased with the il- legallytransferred funds . South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa Statiom Threaten · . . ShUtdDWn SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -An asaoeiation of .CaJU'orD1a cu.:.. station ownen hu called for a --~"="=- four-day statewide abutdown in May to protest a s trln1ent federa l crackdown on suspected gasoline price gouging . Jim Campbell, director of the 2.000-member California Service Station Association, s.id the pro- posed action -from· May 11 through May 20 -is meant to protest Department of Energy regulations which restrict the price dealers can charge for gasoline. "WE Ct\N'"T HAVE a govern- ment agency s ayi ng we're a bunch of crooks, when in fact we're not," Campbell said. Service stations can receive 10 to 13 cents more per gallon than the y pay for the i>roducl. Campbell said, amotlnting Lo an 18 pe r cent ave rage profit margin. The station owners want a 25 percent markup. "THE AMOUNT WE can -charge over and above the price we pay for gas has been con- trolled since 1974. but everything e lse has risen ... It puts dealers in a real bind," Campbell s aid T here arc some 16,000 stations in the state, 80 percent of which "'are still not charging what they could be," he s aid. Campbell said the station as- ""soc1ation"Will ask non·members to part.Jcipate in the shutdown. CALIFORNIA MOTORISTS a re paying a n aver age of 82 cen(s a gallon for regular and up to 87 cents <t ~allon for unleaded at brand namc slalions . Station owners have also had <t 15 percent redu<'lion in fuel aJ. locations s ince the beginning of the year. Campbell said. · Many stations a lready have begun to close on weekends, and IOOJ;( hnl'S Of motorists waiting to rill their ta nks Jtave become l'O m mon s ig hts in Northern California cities. According to Campbell, there arc 3,300 gas s tations in the San Francisco Bay area, with about 1,250 of them members of the owners association. v morc10 ~ons ) v-7' ,,........, 'Meet Marcia Lyons and see her collection of terry sailor separates in South Coast Plaza on Saturday, April 21, · from 12:00 to 3:00. Anchors aweigh with our crew of cotton terries. Blazer jacket with padded shoulders, anchor insignia. Navy banded with white, S·M·L sizes 58.00. White tube piped with navy, S·M sizes 14.00. Straight-leg pants with elastic waistline, white or navy, S ·M· L sizes 28.00. Sweatshirt top rn white with navy· piped anchor, S·M-L sizes 43.00. Pull-on shorts in white with navy edging, S-M-L sizes 22.00. Acc8$$0ries 1.magmn - . ' H IC ,, ( d I I I I , j 9 s s Ae Courts Will Be ·'Thought Police' • l l'~ be-en u cold prina for. th fourth estut.,, with one Judiclol ructum after another cha.~tn1 lof'&·lt pl~ lcr1lretatioos or tl\t' mt"an ng'Of lhe }int Amen mcnt The tamt dttision 1*the S. ~prt'me Court pro· v1dl's lhat a publlr hgure ~ulng ror llbel ib enbllcd to In· quan-tnt.6 the "st le or mind'' of u wntcr und editor ~·hen ma lcrlul alleAed LO be Jib loua w h• prcpured Jor pubhcaOon Th1 • M o( tht' nuw ju tlcl'~ conrludt'd, is nece2'batry lo t-nabl • tht• pla1nt1rr lo det..rminc "'hcthcr lht· ddcndun~ U<'h!d w\lh m ahc1ous tnt<>nt. A pr<'vmus Supn•m • Court hud ruled that a publl<.· f t.cun· um t e Wblbh ddlberat<.' malict> 1n orde r to win u t>uit t•hargm..: dumugt' to h~s reputation. This, or t•ou r!.t', could be rather dlCCacult to prove. So the' high court hu~ b(1lved the· &Jroblem by nuthorl:dng a c-ourtruom probt' into Cht• t..'(J1torlal proces cs that led to tho. pubhcauon. mcludmg tht-molivatlon. thougnts und dis· cusstorus of the wrstt!r and editor and the reasons tor report ing a u1ven m<·ldcnt or usin~ a specific quote. i''or t•xample. An ed•lor receives reports that a cer Tain offkud •~ mis using pubhc funds. An invt.>stlgative re - porter 1s ass1~ned to delv~ into the a llegations. If they ~hould prove lll be true ard the story is published. the malignt:d offi c·ial riow b en 1tled LO quit the editor a nd re porh.•r on l hti whule cd 1ton~ process tn an effort to prove then int.-nt waii rna lic1ou~ .Is 1t mal1e 1ou:., to try to urlmask a corrupt official'' It probably l'ao't Ix-c·o ns1dt·red a~ being kind to the oHiciah What 1f the "mmd probe" reveals that the editor and re- porter s us pected ~onw n)onkcy bus iness when they launch<.'d the investigation'' Now, 1t seem s. the mere fact that they held sus- picious thougM!> a nd discus!>l'd them could c~tabhsh "me:thcious intent." T he rugh court already t)a!> upheld the right of police to ronduct s urprise searches of nt·wsrooms on fi shing ex- peditions for evidence . Perh~ps the new ruling. author iz- ing searc hes of the mind. was a Sl'quentlal next step. The Justices now ht.1vc set thc 'couns ap as thought poli ce. But all this is much more than j ust another inconvc· nie nc:e for th · p~plc whose. JOb it is under the con- stitution to scl'k out and rc(>Grt the news and watchdog the oper ations of govl'rnment e:tnd the machinations of those in high pluccs Jt 1s a serious blow to the people's right to know. The v<!ry uncerta inty of how some Judge mig ht in· tcrpret what he thanks some ncw spcrson muy have t hought in wntmg about !or even thinking about 1 a s ensitive news stor y (·ctn well deter writers a nd editor~ from digging into soml· potl'ntiully m ajor ~torics And the puhhc is tht• loser Censoring a Non-sec\-et M(·~inwhih:. ut unothcr jud1rial level. a feder a l judge bowt.:d lo lht• n•qucs t <Jf lhc govl'rnment and issued an in - .1uct1on barring a pubhcal1on from prmling and distribut - ing an artJcle ~ The pre ·publtcc!lion injunction against Progressive M <.1gaz1m"s rPport on the lt·bomb was the fi rst instance of suc·h prior' restraint in the history of the United States. The r ather brief a rticle. entitled "The H·Bomb Secret." was researched and written by a lay writer with •<.1 pl·rsonul interest in physics, using only public docu· uwnts. a lr('ady publis hed material and a uthorized in- ll'rv1(•ws with cxpt•rts Even government authorilll.:s demanding suppression of the artu.:le admitted the writer at no lime had ·a cccs~ to l'lassifi c.<d matcrwl. In short. ;.m yonc with somethmg of a scicnllftc bent prolJably could h:iv1· done JU~t what he did. /\nd th:it. of cou1·s<'. was tht• point Thl' map;ai'.utt: ha~ long questioned the government's pr~<"tu·c of suppn·~~ing mutcrial 1n the name of "national ~t·c:tmty ... lhndiy de pnvlng the public of information it n\Ttls lo h uvc m o rde r to make sensible judgments on m:il h·r:-. of J!rt•at public concern. Th•~ "nat10n:il sC'c unty" threat agam wa s invoked in lhc ha11 on th<: ll·bomb <.trl1clc. 'rct. wh1lt• charging th<!t the article could ser ve as a pr1mPr for t<·rrort!>ts or other nations ~eeking to make II· l'>omhs. offi<·sals made no attempt to deny the claim that l ht• mformat1on 1l contained 1s readily available and ;1lrc11dy known to scit.>ntists throughout the world. In shm1. thl're was no H-bomb secret. l\nd ol>viously, a single magazine article summariz- ing known fact!) coulq hardly supply a nation. much less a ti•rrorb t, with the enormous technical and financial r e · ~oun·t·s ncct·ssory to go into the JI-bomb bu!>incss. even 1f I ht.•\o wen• so inclined. While publicat1on of the Progrcssicve's controversial <1rticlc may be of little moment in itself. the issue of pre· t ''nbor:-,h1r in time of peace is of very great concern. lnvokipg "national security" the government has Pc.rsuadcd a j udge to ban a piece of writing that ad· m1ttcdly contuins no classifi ed material. What will be thus censored next'.' • Opm1om. oxpre~Stld 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot Other views e>1pressed on this page are those of lhoir authors and ar11sts Reader comment is 1nv1led Address The Oatly Pilot. P 0 BoJC 1560 Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Phone (714) 642·4321 Boyd/ Dining Rooms By L.M. BOYi) Q "You say nobody UM~:. lhe dining room anymore ror ra m i ly dinners" Yo u're right. Except at Thanks~iv­ ing and Christma!S, maybe. Dear ~ Gloo1ny GuM P erh aps Mich elle Triola Marvin could re· turn l o sinJtlng and make her theme. "I Was Only a Dlrd In a Glided Cage.·• SEXIST "'""''/ Owt UflllMllO •~• twit• "" llt ., ....... •11• ..... . 11Ktt"9tliy , .......... , .. -....... ,., ... .._ ,_ ,.. ...... .. c;MMIY Ovt. O..ry Ptlet And that's what·~ wron~. loo. H parents a nd kids met daily al the dlning table for con troll ed conver sation over i::ood food. we'd have fewer divorces. l ess crime and stro n ger f amilies. The bedroom may be where pco· pie are created, but the din· Ing room is whf'rc they'r e taught how to ~row up In dignity with honor." /\. 1'hnt 's pretty heavy, sounds reasonable. however. Did I refer to Louisville as the capital of Ke ntucky'! tfow odd' Everybody knows Frankfort Is the capital of Kentucky. Or ought to What. you don 'l r ecoil where the Lone RanMcr ROt hla muk? n wa!\ mudc from his dead brother 's veal. Best possible exercise for a n expectant m o ther. It's aald, ta swimming. Frld•v. April 20. 1971 Jack And non ,..../ CO~I, Nuke Plants a . Lethal Mix WASIUNG1'0N /while worlt.1 h u n d re ti yard s r art h c r CA PCO'• prett• agents at· could compete 1dde by side with ullt-nllon has been rivctl'd on the <le>wnstrcam is the Shippingport tacked Stfmglaas as u crackpot po~er genented from other .ru.Wear d.i'.am.ia at Mtddlct.own. Atonuc ... Power Station.. where w~vws.nee wu wort.hleu-eoersy source :• Pa .. another t.mti ll Pennsylvania the Enen:y Department und Ou-When he shOwcd up shortly after In other word1, O'Leary ex· town thnt t~~ tx•nt•1!lh the imm qucsne Power a nd L1ghl Co. the accident at T hree M1lc l)llllnad to us, lhe AEC allowed ghadow of nu1•lt>ur rcal'tor~ hai; Jointly opcrulc the world's first lslund a nd 1ldvh1cd pref,lnant ti lting of o nuc lear plant • .:offc• v1rtuolty unnot1n\b. lhorium l1uht·watcr breeder re, wom<'n to leave thl' ar('a. he was anywhere u conl.flTed or oil· 'fh1: town 1i> Sh1pp1ngport, actor called an a larmist then. too. Yet fired gene r a t ing plyt was Whl•re 26 y(•urs ago the Alom1c Two yNir:. a~o wt.· reported the only a day latn. Pcnnsylvunia'i1 loc~1tcd . Enl·r~y <.:tnn lm11nA batlle fought by residents Gov. Dick Thornburgh adVlscd 'l'h<' conNcqu~nce!'I or theiic m 1Ksion dl" of Shippingport against the con· pregnant momcn to lcav~ a nd shortsighted pollcit>s a re not yet r 1ded to put !.ort1um of powt>r companies. ordered the schools d osed known. but the t>vidence rolled· the n ulwn'i. known by the acronym CAPCO. Our columns on Sh1ppin~port t•d so rar by th • government's (lrKt prC!t · that operutC's the giant energy we r e d e nounced a s m1sln own sl·1ent11sts indicate& that s u r 1 t e d complex, formed. When Wl' disclosed the Sh1ppm~port's residents are tlv· waler nuclear We sent our associate Howard dangers of tocatinA coal-fired 10.: with <• deadly time bomb In rcuctor. 'l'o llOhenbcrg to look Into th<: isitua· 3nd nuclear plants close to each their m1<bt. . day the once lion then. othe r and near populated areas. Thou~h thl· coal.fired plun~ verdan t t h e p o wer com p a nie s' lhl•re art> umong the most banks of the AT CLANDESTINE meetings, spokesmen soothingly assured lechnolotoit•alty advanced n ~ Ohio River al the people of Beaver Valley told anyone who wouJd listen that nation. it 1s clear that the c leans- S h Ip p 1 n g po rt h a v c b c en a bo ut white dust from the coaJ. there was nothing to fear. ing devices arc not c:itching all lransformed Into a whole string fired plants that sometimes cov· the dangerou~ cftluents belched of enerity compounds ~ a fan-crcd their roofs and fi lled their NOW THE FEARS have been out or the i>owcr plants' chfm. tasy l<1nd of futuristic dome1>. rt:· cistl!rns They c harged that realized at Three Mlle Island. ney!t actors. C"t>Ohng tower:.. gridi. and their water wells and backyard Even Deputy Energy Secretary Tests of well waler in Ship- lransmission lines. vegetable gardens had betin con. J ohn O'Leary. who 1s now one or pinAport havt.• s hown· high con- STANDING side bv ~ide arc lwo coul-Cl rt!d generating plant~ that together burn 16,000 tons of coal a day. Anotht.•r huAc coul· fired plant is under t·onstruclion Oownrivcr a few hundred y;,ml' is the 850·megawatl 11url1·ur l'l ' acto r callcd Hea ver Valley I which Wl•nl into operation in 01· tobcr 197fi Nl·xt to lhal. lkavcr Valley II 1 ~ undt•r construetion; a rc:w taminated. The townspeople also the nuclear industry's ch1d <'entrut1ons or cad m ium and voi ced ft.a rs of the nuclcur apologisL'>, has conceded that 1t t•hrom1um; Ute former ifi <i plant:.. ~ho:.e opcr:tlors kept was a mistake to loc11te surh 1·:1U!.l' of hyJWrtcns ion anct ht!art them in lht• durk about problems pl'Jwcr plants as Sh1ppingport·h d1 ~c a se. the lalll!r a potent <.tl Beav<:r V:.illcy I. where they itrc . l'ar~inogcn At th:1t l 1 me· w e quot ed Before he c hanged his tune on l'V1 dcnre cornpill'd IJy Dr nuclear hafcty. O'Leary w:irn<·1I Err11•~t .I Slcrnf!lass or the Jimmy Carter's policy planner l 'n1 vcrsity of Pittsburgh, which David Freeman. in 1976, that a ~howt·d alarming lc vcls or !.f•rious proble m h ad bet'll r;1l1111ad1vitv h:id bnn deh-cl<'<i "c rcatl'<i by the insistence or th. 1n llw milk from dairy form:. o ld 1Atom1c En<·r 1u> <:om · m·:.ir th<: nuclc:.ir pl:int. m1 ss1on that nudt•ar energy A DOI NG TO the buil t.in hau irds or H1•:lVl'r Valley 1 nuclear plant 1s the facility's dis· m al opcraUng r ecord. Uecaus · of reeurrm~ problems. the plant has opt.•ral<•d at full capacity h •!>S than :l9 percent of the lime ::.1m·l' 1t' oJ)('nl'd. It was finally .... shut down lasl month wht!n the N11<:11•ar Re~ulatory Commission dt•c1dl'd II might not be able to w1t hs lt1nd a n ca rthqu akt: ~ti hout rupturing. GEEl! wrrn GA.SJL\Nt AT A BUCK A GALLON .WE •1 AA~EIDCUTBACKALOr l1ri'S YEAR ... </111 .. ,11011~ ahout th<> :.afety pf i>"•>r>I" 1n Sh1ppin~port and nl·u rhy Midland. Ohioville and l'ttl :-.hurf;!h hav<• neve r been a11 ... wen•d . Thl' thorium lighl ~ JlC'r breeder r cuctor is not m 11 n 1 t o r l' cl b y t h c. N R C En11::.::.1ons of radioactivity from th1· 1·x1x:nrnt·ntc.il fl'(.ICtor are not publicly rt.'Pf>rled Charles M(•Caht• But horn.-ans wer-; may soon lw lorthc•>m1ng, thanks to the 1lt•lt·rm1nat ion of an eldc·rly, "htlt• h:urr·d c·ounlry lawyer n.1m1•d .Janw'i Kdlc·r. From hts 1·ram1><.'{I 01111·1· 1n 1-:lwood City, Pa . Kcllt•r ha!> hl'l'n f1ghtin~ th1• l11gh pnl·ed ll·gal t:ilt•nt of the· 11t 1hlll's t·om1>a11w~. and his t•f tort:. may hn;tlly bl':tr fruit. flt• rilt·d hlltl :1).!atnhl tlH· POWl'r 1·11m11a1111•.., 1111 g rounds tha t lhe~ .in• a pulilw 11u1sa1wc. One h\ 11111· m t·r llw m·xl l1·w W('Cks, thl· 1111lll11·<, h1 g:-.hol::. will have to' up JH'.11' 111 lkau·r <'ounty <.:ourt lo •·x11l;m1 11 thcy <'<tn why Hw11 u1k·1 .1tt0n' i-houlcl not 1>1· 1'111 I .ttll•tl or c·lt::rnl·tl up to pro lt•f'I I he JX:Oplt• 11f Sh1,.prngport Coi-porate Hiring Tactics Invade Privftcy Those of you whn hav1· n •ad lflm self for :rny t1rnl' knciw I h ave a ro ndnc•!ti. for l1tt l1· m eta phors of dc•ray . Thl· oh sol escencc.• b u ilt into r a111r blades interests me :1s lht• <111111 tessencc of capitalism. Wh at makes people buy hundrnds of blades m thl·1r lifetime to shave their fac i a l hai r when t hei r greal g r and·daddy bou gh t one tells me more 3 b 0 u t ca pilalis m . and mor\: vividly, tht•n even th e a dmira b l e works of R fl. Tuwn(•y and Thurm;ui Arnold RAN I NTO another of lhc•!te litllt' metaphor:. or decay the other day This concern!> how you should bchavl' 1f you <Jrf' about to lc;tv(' the hUnctuary of the a rmed forc.·c:. for th1· j ungle of corporatl' lift• T here 1::. a rourse for this 1>urposc called. "Stratc~y of Sydney Harris Ca re er Tranh1lion ·'The courst· 1s given by a behavioral !-IC'1ent1:-l . Stanll'y 1 lyrnan, and C'Osls $200. Mo:.l of Uw men pn•sent al a r.- t'l'lll scrli'::. or la I ks \,\ ('r<' about to complcll· i!O yt><ir m 1htar y l'nh:-t men ts : JOB I NTf:RVI EWS arc the hliarl of th<' matter. lfy m"n knows a lol ahoul t hil'i ht•1·:1u!-t(• he i!> a t'O fl!otultanl ti) hl'VC'rnl large corporal1onh I hat l11n· him. he :-.aid. 'lo takt• 1ob l'<1nd1dales to lunch to 1·ntrh tlwrn off gu:1rd and gcl 1t1!'1dl' lhl·1r heads or find oul <i bout th1·1r marri:1i.:t· " llyman added tlwn· 1:-nolh1og unusual about th1-; ('uriouh m11cl\• or behavior. "Curporat1ons JUSl m ;tkl' bd1t•V!' !hey clon't do 1h1s :.<> 1t dot'hn t conflll't with 1n v as1o ns ()( priv<tl'Y When th1• c.·o::.t or hiring t h1' wrong pt.•rson <'<1 11 b1' il1sastrous. s ubterfuge b\•1·om1'!. a mu~t But then. w1lh what t know about inte rview subLC'rfuiw. I have more• am· munition with whirh lo us1>1sl the JOh ehang<'rs · · I MAY Bt; around the lwnd. but it stnke!t me t hal this kind of con1iuc·t 1i. n11t ml•n •l)o <lt•!otp1C'ahlt· In tl Jlsn ,.1>r11h:ihly. 1ll1•g,,1I , <1:-. ll y m"ri 1nd4't·at1·<l. und<'r th•· ':1 n ous pri \ at':'.I :wts Tn tak1· .1 rnan lo lun<'h. and prc•hunrnhl-.. g 1\ 1• him lhl·· aulhorital1\1• 111artmi l rC'alm<'nl. in ord<•r to find the• w .. aknc·~st•s of a m an ~ character and thc·n n •porl buck 10 his proi.J)l'l'll\ l' l•rnpluy<'r . lt•lls me m<1rl' than I want to know about tlw standards of con- duct C'ndor!.t'd by that em ployer . Snt>aky bu.-.incs!-1 indt·cd AND IT'S a ll so unnecessary. You can c hooh<' a person on thl' basis or his experience as s ub rn1tt<'d in a rc.•sume. and keep .J dose eye on his pcrformann·. If he 1s a neurot iC', a drunk. or un· happily married. this may or may n ot s h o w up in ht !> pcrformanC'<'. If 11 dol's not. k~l'P him on until it docs If 1t dOC!ot, fir<' tum S1mpl<' as Iha I . anrl not rt'ally all that extten!-1\'l' Apparently trus t 1n your worker is not sou~ht m the cor porate Ii((', but 1:-n·~ardcd as dungcroui. An atmo:.pherc• 1s created where a grl·at amount of p:.ychic energy 1s put out in tht· I a~f... ur not i.:•·tt111t.: c·aught. the i.:n·at ::.in ol lht~ n •rltury. 11 \'MA!'li Al~4i0 ~1vt•s :1 j!rcat dt•al of a1t1·11L1on to 1h1• minuti;,ie of dress for lhat hlhtoric cur· porall· 1n1t·n •11·w. /\t one point rn ht!> l1·l•tur'1· ht• dramatically l'Ull'I a half-dozen pair of t•ye~lass framl'S from his al- t al' ht• t•ast• "One third or your fo C'e 1s covNt«1 with glasses." he .;a1rt . "SO 1f you want lo ~r them. bt• sure you know Lhe right fram•· for thl' ri~hl personnel chn•l•tor " Rlack frame's, he ln· ''sli-... :ir<' hkc double· knit suits. Tht•y'rc for m1l\tary clods ~nd OK only when dealing with thf governm<'nt ." He 1'ndorscs the view that shrrts should be white because "nothini! he.is more integrity" and lh;.tt 1r you wear a wrist watrh 11 !.hould be "a white- f ac c•d wat<•h with Roman numl•rals. Strl'tch mehtlbands arc out uc<•pt on a lfoll'x ." Suits with vests ar<' authoritative and symbolize s lO<'<'rity. Just who is kidding whom in that i;cr1.•at rorporate world out thl're '! A Chance to CoITect Familiar Misquotations A long time since the lasl qu11 column. you say? Very well, then. this old quiz maker will concoct another heady brew for all you competitive souis. llere are a dozen "familiar misquotations" that urc com · monly land wrongly ) given as s uch. You are uskcd to r<'nder them COTrcctly and. if you want to be hard on yourself. pro· vlde the 11<>uree Onc·third rl~hl 111 an admirable i.('orc l. "Water. water. everywhere, ond not n drop to drink ." 2. "Pride gocth twfore a full " 3. "To gild the lil y ·• 4. "mood. sweat. and tcuNJ " 5. "A little knowled t(C Is a dan~croutt thinf{." . 6. "The devil can quote Scrip· ture for hl11 purpose .. 7 "far from the maddening c rowd " 8. "Al:Js. poor Yorick, 1 kn<>w him 'well." 9. "The lion will lie down with lht: lamh " 10 . "God rest ye. mt•rry gcntlcrncn " I t. "G i ve m y rc~:irds to Broadway. suy hello to Hern Id Square " 12. "Powl'r <'Or rupts. and nb s olu tc puwcr t.•o rru111s ab~olutcly " ANSWERS: 1 "Water, water. everywhere. nor :i n y drop \('I drink " <Colendl(c. The A1'1;1cnt Mormtr1 2 · • Pri d(' l{O('t h before dc8truct1on. und a h11ughty spirit before a fa ll . "<The Bible. Prowrba. 18 JI J 3. "To Rild refined gold. to paint lht 1Tly." (Shakespeare, King John J <t . "Blood. toil . tear s and s wrat." I Wins ton Churrhill. f1rsl s tatement as Prime M imi>te r, House of Commo ns, ~ay 13. l!HO. I S. "/\ l1l lle learn ing is a dunJ{('rOuR thin!( " <Alexander Pope. Art 1-:~1011 on Cntic1&m J 6. "The devil can ell<' &rip· lur e fo r h1 1> pur"J)ose " <Shukespe:ire. The Mercltant o/ Venice J 7 "l"ar from the m addina crowd's IRnoble strif " tGray't> Eleg11 Written '" .o CountrJJ Churchyora. J I n \e r estingly enou~h. )Ile .. Written" Is usually left outof t.hls uue., 1 110. , - 8. "Ala,," p()Or Yorick. I knew h 1 m . Horul10. <Shakespeare. l/amlel.) 9. "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb . . . and the calf and the youn« lion and the l•U· In R to1eether." r Btbl•. lft4h. 11 '6·9.) 10 . "God re1t you merry. gentlemen." <In U\Ja anonymous carol. 1t is the nrat tnat ts merry. not the g~nUemen. > 11 . "Remember me to H•aJd Squue. ·• (George II. Coban song 1 r 12. "Power te nd!I lo corrupt. Q nd absolute power corrupts absolutely." <Lord Acton.1 ...Wr to BJ hop Crei1bton. > • •' - ...... •• .1 <! ts ;O ~~ ;k ye Ce lal ,idl rg C< de • 11 '" fie 5'4 s7 $1' I • i 1 NATION I CALIFORNIA Suit Filed Over Rat In Bl!ead TOWSON. Md IAP l A 8altJ~ Count.y couplt ~ho al •~a• Uwy found a ml b kcd into a 1UC9d bi ll loof ur r) e t)ruct have flied a S600.000 suit aa&Jn.\t .. IO<'al bak'-'r . r la1m1ng the) aufrer('<i nau .. t•• An unulv"h of lhl' brNtd hv the stutt-i>t'partmcnt of llt•nllh Hnll Mflntal Hylillt-nt• s ho"'• d the rodt•nt hnd h<-cn m1'ted 111 with bath•r . lht·11 b 1kt d Jilli ltt tl'r Sli<•t•d A 1·011y of tl11• anuly11lS uc·c•11mpanll'd th\• Miii W i I I 1 u rn u n ct A u ct r t· 1o Buc h'*n~n. and ht.>r m oth1'I The.Ima Karruich, f1ll'd the ~u1t 1n Baltimore County C1rcu1t Co11rt. naming Sil ber's Bakery ~hop a:. t he defendant. The prepackaged bread wus served with dmner Aug. 16. the same day Buchanan purrhased the loaf. \ .... , ....... i. -' ---·-____ _.c_. _________ _ fftcllly. April 20. 1879 DAILY PtLOT :47 'Grand Sla1111ner' Grl1n· Old Debion' PrUon Now a Touriat &op ~ • ·'t!YJ-~.~.o!.'"' MOUNT HOLLY. N.J. -If • you bavarnot paid_your 1neome tax and feel nervous. go visTl Nick Kurtl. You will feel better. ·'They used to toss people lo here who owed somebody as lil· lle as one dollar." Kurti said. "Nowada~. with credit cards and all, who could escape? I can't cooceive of a worse fate." K\JltTI LEADS THE tourist tours at one of the last remam· ing debtors' prisons in the IMd, and his conception is accurate. It ls a wretched place: dank stone walls 20 inches thick. ugly old iron bars. thick oaken door with a fool·long key. A dungeon. fl was designed in 1810 by Victor Hugo -no, according lo lbe brochure, by a Philadelphia a rchitect named Robert Mills - and was the most elegant penal institution, in the current des- ignation, of its day. Now it is on the National Historic Register. A grand slammer. ' ( AMERIC4. J It includes an insignificant drafttt al nearby Ft. Dix, Albert Desalvo, who went on to become the Boston Strangler, and in· eludes Doc Jones, who haled to see the old lockup go out of busi- ness. "EVEaVBODV KNEW Doc Jones," Nick Kurti said. "He used to hang around the river at Florence, where I grew up. He slept here and there. and every wi nter the pqor old guy did something to get himself put in jail. He bad no place else to go. "l caught some tourists chjp- ping at the peeling paint in one of the cells. They almost erased where Doc J ones had scratched his name. I stopped them just In dlacovertnc who baa dwtitt ID lbeae anded walll, ud wb7- "1 have eom• Hl'OA~ names that bav• na1b' ~ ... hetaid ... -• , __ _... _ _,;:j ''I grew U.P ln lbla ~ u4 I lmow a lot ol people. I could .. to some people andQJ, 'Did,. k now that your 1reah grandfather spent time tD U. county jail?' But, ob, DO, I dari not say it. .1 "I do like to chat with tbe Ola timers wbo drop by. They tell me thlngs about th1I place U..t are n't in the brochure. 1 "FOil INSTANCE, WE bad one s heriff who d ealt with troublemakers by making lt easy for them to escape. 1b9 s heriff would wail for him on ~ other aide of the wall. catch hi~ and send hlm off to the sta~ peniteo.~ary for jallbreaking." ti~~·~ is a garrulous and com-Shah View Chang~ passionate fellow who himself WA.SlllNGTON <APl _ Tbe bas 59 yea r s of continuous Carte r adminis tra tion has service in tbe family of man. changed its stand 00 the Shah of 'He retired from rus job at a rope and cable manufacturing· Iran's settl~ng In t~t' llnitec\ firm 10 years ago. aft~r thr~ , States , an<f •.!! sav1~ privately heart attacks. The job as assis -that ~e c~ lave here when U.S. ta nt c urator at t he debtors' relations with Iran are more SU.- prison museum. he says. was ble .. B~t it ~as. teamed t~at tbe literally just what the doctor or-a_d.mlDlStJ:at1on 1s not puttlng any dered time estima te on when Shah While the Buchanans alt! 11n<I Mrs. Kamscb 1.H1ldwd, rodl'nl parts were d1~c·m·l·n·d 1 ht· '>Ull s a id. Al that t1 mt" 1111 \\.1·11• "o v erco rnt' \\llh n a u ~l'i.1 throughout their hod1t·!'I, · and suffered shol·k Lu their ncrvou!'I systems. the !'>llll <iddcct,r IRON BARS ONCE DEBTORS' CAGE Assistant Curator Nick Kurtl in Ancient Prison THE HORROR IS that it served as the Burlington County jail from that nos talgic e ra u ntil just 14 years ago. Unchanged except for the ad- dition of bare ltght bulbs and equally elaborate plumbing. it rendered 155 years of continuous ser vice to the family of man. Its a l umni assoc1<>uon numbers in the thousands. IT GIVES Hll\I lime to in-Mohammed Reza Pahlavi w~uld terest himself by idly poring be able to come to the Uruted over ~ellowrng Jail registers. States. Massage Shop ~les Upheld SAN FR/\NCf"<'O 1/\P) -/\city has the· right lo st•t "rea~onabh•' hours for massage parlors. re q ui re technicians to lw J:(ractuates of massage ~chools anct specify dress and condurt s t<inctarcb. for m:1-.:,agc employees. the state Court of i\ppcal has mll'd. It upheld 1ann County Superior 'ourt Judge Joseph Wibon's rc•rusal to grant Olt· /\ Brix and Larric Mead an injunction 4g<.11nst a San Rafael ordinance regulating ma~sagc parlor:. THE OROINANCF. MAD E IT unlawful to operate a massage parlor without a city license -and said such cstabhshments could not be open between 10:30 p.m and 7 a.m. It aJ so provided only t(.'('hnicians from a rec· ognized school of massage could administer massages and that no technician or employee may expose certain parts of their bodies or make in- tentional contart with certain parts of customers' bodies The p ainl1ffs C'l:11mt•d they would suffer ir- reparable injury bccau:.c 30 percent of their busi- ness is done after 10:30 p.m., the ordinance un- reasonably prohibits use of trainees and the dress and conduct standards amount to regulation of sexual activity, an area pre-empted by state law. J THE APPEAL COURT NOTED THAT since 1977. slate law has authorized local governments to regulate massage ei.tabhs hments anti personnel through licensing which mety be conditioned upon "reasonable standards.·· "The city council could reasonably conclude that because an increase in criminal activity oc· curs in commercial establishments during late evening and early morning hours. a restriction prohibitini:: business operation after 10: 30 p.m. would serve to reduce the risk of illegal activity ... said the court. T he decision. which br e aks ground in California, said Washington and Wisconsin courts bave held a 10 p.m . closing hour for massage parlors is reasonable. IT SAID mE SAN RAFAEL ordinance allows them to be open 151h hours a day, "thereby provid- ing ample time, ror a ny person SO inclined, to Ob· tain a massage." As to personnel. it said the city council reasonably concluded the "presence of untrained. inexperienced trainees in massage establishments would foster and encourage prostitution.·• "We cannot conclude that requiring massage licenset.'S to be clothed and to refrain from making certain s pecified physical contact with their patrons is unreasonable." said the appeal court "The purpose and effect of such requirement is to discourage massage es tablishments from de- generating into houses of prostituUon." -Ship Fire K~s I MANILA, Philippines IAP) -Investigators blamed a carelessly tossed cigarette butt fo r a fi re a board an inter-island steamer that killed one person and caused damage estimated at $500,000. • The (ire swept the s teamer Legazpi six hourl> before it was to leave Ma nila. GERANIUMS I There Is a great selection o f these popular, hardy perennials Including Zonal. Ivy and Pe1argonlum vari- eti es. They love the sun and come in a fantastic selection of reds, pinks, lavenders and white . '"AMerlca'e ltfo•t_Beautlf1d Garde11 Cc ,.te r,. Roger', C.nr<kM • 640-5800 S... "'*""" • MacAtlhlll' • ~ 8"th • 9 em-6 pm 100.000 available! llaas la~t." a vCK-ado~ ·-oo s ale? • this woek w~ brrng you large haas avocados ... take home a bag full for guacamole. to daZlle a salad or spice up a ho-hum sandwich' . 31$1. each35C EJtftt & Lace Lampstiaff5 · . -na t~1n11 "' • rom.tnhc l'Cflt I • let our O.•nty lefTl"l"'t ~IOI ~~~c.t'I <l rom.tnhC I'°"' '" the bouOQor senwhon•I"'• Mll"'I room IJC)WOer room i>erlect too• • •OOUI 14"do.1-ltr "'&ef>llet<ru• ·i I • 1· 'i I I ,, .111/, .J I l1WL1 Rattan Ocusional Tables • lor any occasion holding a reading lamp . l)drly horo; d'oeuvres a prized plant' • our ~leek 1or101se 1tn1sh rattan tables bring tops 01 golden cane .. we've a tno ot splendid size~' IJ 9.99 l'l 13."' 11 18.99 Walnut finish Wint Rick ··~~ol•gn' • "-mne 0011 les al your f1YO<ne ,,.,..,,., ,_tly tucioed aw•y '" our wumly l1m!>hed ..one r.K~ ••~st to your &ood l•Ste' o mlllOl'l ueftlbfy •eQU"ed 9.99 Antique Reproductions! Otd-f ashioned Oil Lamps • tnlOY tn OICI la!>hlOlled ·-· by Int hgllt ol °"' vinl•I' lam!l'1 • cleff 111u ctlomnt'f' rise at>ove colorful blMS 1bout I I" 10 IT' 1•11' 99c109.99 Dust Ruffles • °"' ITl«h-••shable N>rron du" ru1lles CQfTle "' • -----p<glvi.on al colorful 1M1tte.-ns . t.,m one w'1tl your soh<I sorudlor• woe• c:ombonltoon• twin 2.99 11111 3.99 29.99 33·Pc. Picnic Set • -"'"M convenoi'rl\,t 10< lour lour e.K" Oonner •nd wllO 1' L 1)1.tln. !IOU(> t>owllh CUPS !or•s I ~S •nd "(1fVt"\ Queen 5.99 'Oysttf Shell' w/- Animals from' f/I> the Philippines . · · ~·': · ·let •~ .·~ ~h o'"9r "*" l1>e ., ~al'fO'JI cuno~• . °"' """7'fy be.-s """e ?99I0999 \fn111 l .99 meo1um3.99 l••&e 4 .99 R1cket-Ball Rickets • •fl ve gol yout I K~tl If \ lr•med Ml l.,nl-&'11 ••umonum and slrongly Sl•una With riyton• • ~Ith on1otts 1.,1 !>er &nP 5.99 ·.-· -vong bowl• pluS ~·"• 6.99 Glass with IE111LHoldtr • set• hlndle on t>ewo •aes W1th OUf Nlurllf ,.11•" llOIOerS IM\o 1e llUll'"& 4 clelr fl!IU' 99c Sit-A-Shape Eltrtistr •the ~~o11~1ocome• • ~~ shm •nd lrom w•th )11 • Sha~ S•t UP helper t"41 "~I~ •nO ltgl\ten yout mu"les' • w" •nd i>ei>Oe• set too• • 0.C~ CQml).Kt"f IQ< o<n1Cs '" t1nger1ne 0t wn yellOw' ~1 9.99 8-Pc. Beveraat Set • tor 1ll 10U< --..11111 neeos trom morning's or1nge 1u<e to evenonc's wnco-o.11 • °"' ~pc Ml ondvOn I !Ill pttct.. Ma !lll»CS •nd. ~ '''"'"" Waf'll .00 I 0.!>h ol tile «lenl wrth t11t cooten 1111 bemtloo motif• set 19.99 ---·U -------7.99 Indian ShttSham Wood Table • tn(tnsed by dutt furniture' • 1nt11c.tttly unrta tabl' 12··"' Oolmel•• '"° 19 .. '"ll" • rmnor t s5embly ~~ (f~ ~~ Wood Bar Stool from the Philippines • be 1 stool pogeon pe.ctt 1100 ou• JO .. b.4•"004 '" twnclsom. WOOQ w1fhd Caladiums & Tomato Trees in 4" Pots i•m1tl<lled IOP' 16semb1V lllQl;><OO • 6'•0" onq ' 99 • POI e< there lu$1\. colol1111 ui.otums tor t"4! 11v11·11 room r.ean,,., tomlto tnie• lot lhe poreh or l)lftO (Of lot the Wll<I bOwt ... ll<N 10 _.' HUNTINGTON lliCH H!-ffllCJlon C•ter 1.29 4/$5 OPIH M-. ..... Sat. '°"' s.. 10.7 2.99 ~ • tor loose Shell rtl!MI turnt<I •nto 1 r rp1a htrecl neioers 111t1 ,,~JO" 111 round or ,.. ....,..., \1141)1). b ,,.., • rusloc: touch w1tl'I nv• 1'> w•tn11t l•n•lht<I PICMSlll '°°''"'•. S(<lltooe0 \Ou.t•• ' or 0Ct#gon1tl IOO' c 80 tor IMrOQU.-wnh our O'ntill IJ<l)loe(I ~110 ,...,1Mtw~p1~1~ • mlflOI •uembly ''°""'° •Nell' .. " ... ~ ..... c ..cn l~ LAGUNA HILLS .LCICJlllla HI• Mall -~=="= ,... .. ....,..,.. ---..:-~-:.= •r--n: ,.ue4.w .. ---. ........ 5.49 -.... ...... -ue2.59 .... ~ ,.ue4C.:»V -·-· ·~~ ........ 2.59 ... =r.59 -·---........ 39c&69c • \ - _) A• OAA. y PILOT frldey. Aprll 20. 1979 Special 5.99 Men'• tennis shirts. Two styles both of cotton/ polyester. Choose a solid of extra fine mesh and long body; or a striped smooth knit with placket front. Sale 12.99 Reg. 21.99. Wltaon-by-Bata® Potymatch Pro ... men'• tennis ahoe. Canvas uppers, padded ankle collar and ~ongue. White with brown trim. Special 5.99 Men's tennis shorts. Designed and styled for the active player. Choose yellow of polyester/cotton, or white of polyester or poly- ester/ cotton. Slash front pockets, one back pocket. Closeout 7.99 Orig. 10.99. Women'• tennfa shoe. Canvas uppers, polyurethane sole. Blue with white trim. Special 2 pr. 2.39 Choose either terry sport socks with stripe top, or pom-pom sport booties. ~!!!l~~-l!!e~ Both acryl!~/nylon. Closeout! 3.99 Orfg. $12 .. Men's short sleeve sport shirt. P~cket front. one front pockef Cotton/polyester knit in assorted si.rns and colors. ... Closeout! 3.99 Orig. $1 0. Men's short sleeve sport shirt. Placket front with 2 pockets. Polyester/ cotton knit 1n assorted sizes and ccftors. Closeout! 7.99 Orig. $16. Men's fashion cord pants. 100% cotton corduroy 1eans with elasticized back and "J" front pockets. Popu- lar sizes in camel or navy. Closeout! 7.99 Orig. $13. Men's dress slack. 100% polyester double knit mini houndstooth pattern. Flare leg, belt loops. Assorted fashion classic checks in popular sizes. Closeout! 6.99 Orig. $13 to $16. School-ege boys' Ughtwelght Jackets. Choose from a wide range of styles and colors, all designed with the warmth and comfort of the wearer In mind. Closeout! 3_9_9 _ Orig. $9. Men's short sleeve sport shirt. Knit collar in an assortment of stripes. Trev1ra w1polyester/co1ton in popular sizes This . is \ Mj.a; top . for lj Ass. ·I r .• , • 1 ~, gi aE. nE, ir· IQ pr · S1 M Le 7" ·TE & s Reg •QDlt Sad Size SlzE reg. Available At: HARBOR CENTER STORE• COST.A ·MESA ~ 4 ,. \ .. -____ ,_, _____ . ·-------------------. - ------------- ' .Friday, AprU 20. 1:J79 DAILY PILOT ' and closeouts for this event Hurry In, quantities are limited. cial ~9 ri' tank top. Basic terry f polyester/ cotton. Ideal le' warm weather ahead. rted solids in S-M-L. Id! ---------~-88 ft t4 18"cobra • • necklece <gold jcw~ makes fine ts at any time. We have an ;ortment of hearts. an 18" ~~lace. 7" bracelet and ddy bear c harm to choose from. ;k up a few as gifts, or yourself. These super low ces me too good to pass up! lair heart, 4.88 !dium heart, 9.88 rge heart, 14.88 cobra bracelet, 9.88 ddy bear charm, 9.88 Ids' Dittos:® Bless 11!50. Brushed polyeater Md >ft Dittos® for pre-school girls. fie back styling and belt loops. s'4-6x, regular and sllm. s 7·14 regular and slim, $1S,Sale10.50 Sj>ecial 2 forS1 Girt'• nyton knee high. Stretch tops. Assorted colors. Right with any wear. 5.99 Misses' sport blouse. Short sleeve. V-neck, waist band styling. off-the-shoulder seams. Polyes ter I cotton in solids with white trim. S-M-L. 5.99 Min es' sleeveless top. Poly- ester/ cotton pointelle knit. V-neck. waist band styling. Assorted colors and sizes. Closeout. 503 off! . s4 credit/photo Orig. $8. 50% off a great collection of small leather goods. The items to cap oH any girl's attire. Choose from rollover French purse, Chextra and pocketeer clutches. Rollover, ong. 8.50, Now 4.25 Chextra. orig. $10, Now $5 Pocketeer. orig. $12. Now $6 .. ... Special 1._99 Canvas clutch. The "ifl'' purse for '79. Fits m perfectly with any sporty or dressy occasion And, at this great price, it'll fit nicely into your budget! Infant/toddler playsets. Sale 6.99 Reg. 9.99. Pretty poly· ffter/cotton ptapeta for infants and toddlers. Some are one piece, some are pant sets. Many have matching hat or toy. At these prices they're sure to go fast. so come in early for the best selection., Terry romper. 7.99. One piece terry romper. Just what you ordered for sunning, gardening. or i ust lounging. Acrylic/poly- ester in solid colors. Junior sizes 1nS-M-L 20.99 Misses' 3 piece Mersucker pants suit. Pants are flared with an elastic waist. Jacket 1s short sleeve. button- down with 2 pockets. Pants and jacket are blue and white striped. Solid shell has coordinating blue and wh11~piping. • Polyester double knit Special Print panties. Wom- en's briefs of comfortable cotton/ polyester in great patterns. 99~ yd. What a great llme to do your summer sewing. And, what a great price to help you buy the cool polyester double knit material you need. Solid colors m designer length. 58/60H width. Special 89~ Solid bikinis. Wom- en's bikini panties of comfortable cotton/polyester. Speciar 99~ Print bikinis. Wom- en's bikini panties of cotton/ polyester In great patterns. nney • NEWPORT BEACH ..,....,,. __ ---- -" • Costa Mesa Harbor Center Store . I • . Womens M6u.••Jr. FastNon 8 uy1 ·M•)'>lr> ~ P11n1 aiou tt!> • . 799 •M1• ~-. Sltlellelo.s 2 99 ~11n1 I~ • •AUi Slo.111~000 $16420 ~ 5 99f799 •Jf Srrwghl 8 99 Leg Jeun •Jr HO<>ded Sweat Shtrl •Jr r orry Tank I op •Jr r orry ~ Short\ Women Oltto'Sl\I •Check Pattern •65% poly 35% corton ortg. S18.00 NOW 599 Queen Size Separates • r umc. Panl, ~lml • I 00 o Polyu:. lllr ONLv3 99 Wome ns Slacks • 100"'<> Polyester •Brn, Navy. Oyster orig. $16.00 NOW399 Men's Men's Ski Sweater •Jacquard Design •I 00% Poly orig. 16.00 Now588 Men's Stripe Polo •50"o cotton !>0""10 po•v •Green w1trwst pockot orig. 5.00 NOW 188 Men'a Ditto~ Pants •Corduroy & Bru!>hed •10 F'dtr 0'11( orig. 18 211 Now388 Men'• Walk Shorts 6 99 2 99 3 99 , •I 00'1b Poly 1<n11 • •65% Cotton 35% Poly • orig. 9.00 • ' HOW399 Men'• Ro.,_ •LI. Weight •10 Small Only ong.10.00 NOW288 Men'• Casual P•nt• •Brushed Cotton •Sever• Stytea orig. 1t-t5 NOW799· STAATS 7 P.M . "' M en's Men'• Goll Shirt •'.O J'11ly '>()'~ l ullurl •...,uh"1 ""'"'h" , otlg. t 00 Now6 99 Kntt Swe•terthlrt• •I~ Potytr..le< ·~lrrpe Dol>•gn Oflg. 9.99 Now4 99 Boy's Boys Swimsuit •8 011or Styla •Ass1 Pr1n1s orig. S.SO NOW299 Boys Cord Shlrta •Great Buy • t6 Only ortg.·12.00 NOW 188 ·Girl's Girls Sweater •Pullover Style •7·14 S1zo orig. 13.SO Now588 Girts Super Oenl~Pants •4-6i & 7·\4 Sizes •Great Buy! orig. 7.50/9.00 Now525J630 Girts Knee Hi's •Assroted Colors •S1ock Up Now! SPE~AL.2/1 QO Shoes Womens Casual Shoes •J IJ P J ll •A·,~I, !;;1yler, orig. 6.99-9.99 NOW 188 Mens Casual Shoes •24 Pair •Asst. Styles l . orig. t8.99 Now9so . Home Furnishings Beach Towels .c:,,,norou'., S1l 'l •MUii Color SPECIAL344 Shower Curtain •Several Colors •Complete w,tiooks SPECIAL2S8 Sheet Closeout T-'n orig. 6.99 Now3 99 Full orig. 1.H NOW499 · OUMn orig. 12.n NOW749 King orig. 14.H ..aw849 Jtffy StttcMry Kite •Several designs •4'5 only· Hurry! Offg. 2.H~.H Now1 88J288 . I . ' Northwood F•mlly Room Sofa Brown paid reg. $599 Now s305 Brown Vlnyl Recliner reg. $279 Now s239 Oold Velvet Recllner reg. S329 Now '2$9 Carpet Dept. S•ve 50% and More on cut to measure carpet that was cancelled. Shag, Kitchen and Plushes 12x11 Champagne Plush 12x9 Grnen Turf 12x9 Chocolate Plush 12x39 Green Plush and many more TV-Stereo Dept. AMJFM Table Radio reg. 29.95 Now 19.88 AM/FM Table Radio reg. 59.95 Now 39.88 -, 8 Band Portable Radio reg. 79.95 Now 59.88 Solid State Molded Phonograph reg. 18.88 Now1~88 Auto Center JCPenney Double Steel Belted Tires One size only H· 78-14 reg. $62 Now s25 + f.E.T. JCPenney Double Steel Belted , Survivor Radial Ti res One size only HA78·14. reg. to $63 Now s25 + f.E.T. Sporting Goods Your Choice 9.99 Converse Al~Star Training Shoe or Puma Tennis Shoe Wiison T4000 unstring Tennis Racket Frame orig. 44.88 Now s22 Kawasake Pro Tennis Racket orig. $58 Now s33 Your Choice 11.99 ~­ Top Fllte, Tltlelst and Pro Staff Golf Balls reg. 13.28 dz. Housewares Clear Glass Beverage Set 2 qt. pitcher and 6 12-oz. glasses Special 4.99 Kitchen Gadgets Special ase 12" Electric Frypen w ith ceramic lnterror N 17 99 reg. 35.91 ow • Hlah Dome Electric Frypen vvltf1 crockery insert N 22 99 reg. 31.89 OW • Beg IMler for Storing. Leftovera. reg.'·" Now 5.99 ; • • J Jr. F••hlona 8weat1hlrta ..... Hand styling. zip front assorted bright colors. Special 6.99 50°/o off Jr. and Ml11y Blouses Printed voiles. poly silk in long and short sleeve. reg. 112 to S23 Jr. & Ml11y Pant Sale Trousers. slacks, and straight leg Jeans. Now 8.99 reg. $11 to S20 \ I Jr. and Misses Swimwear Specials. 1 and 2 pc. styles 1n. assorted prints. Special 9.99 to 11 .99 Jr. Casual Tops Tanks. T·tops and Embroidered Gauze Special 2.99-3.99 30°/o to 50°/o off Jr. and Missy Skirts Assorted styles rn pnrits and 3ol1ds. reg. $1 4 to $17 50°/o off ·Womens Dresses Spring colors 1n prints and solids. Poly sheer and linen look fabrics. reg. $24 to $28 Save 30°/o Spring Coats Jacket and full length styles rn paplin and denim. reg. $30 to $55 Girls 50°/o off Girls Closeout Super Denims Sizes 7-14, Reg. and slim. orig . ss Now 4.50 30o/o off f Girls Super Cords Sz1es 7-14. Reg. and slim. reg. ss10 9.so .... Now 6.30 50% off Little Girls Closeout Super Denims Sizes 4 to 6x. Reg. and sltm orig. 1.so Now 3.75 Girls T-Tops Stripes. screens. word sayings orig.4.so Now 2.99 Little Girls Fashion Super Cords Sizes 4 to 6x Reg. and sl11n reg. 511 Now 5.50 Shoe Dept. Womens Terry Rainbow Sole Scuffs \ reg. s.99 Now 2.99 Boys Tire Tread Sandals reg. 3.99 Now 1.44 Rope Wedge Sandal& Natur~l 1ute bottoms reg. 13.99 Infants Shoes Limited sizes reg. 1.91to11.99 Now 4.99 Now 5.99 Pink and Blue Rainbow Beach Thona• reg. 5.19 Now 1.99 ::i~CPenney \ 25o/o off Selected Timex Watches reg . 29.9& to Gfl.fft 50% off 14K Gold Earrings orig. 29.15 to 64.91 50°/o off Alnas • 14KGold • 10K Gola • Sterhng Silver orig. 7.~ to $225 17 Jewel Fashion Watches tor Ladies. Gold and silver tone. orrg. $55 to 69.95 39.88 Now 49.88 29.88 Pencron Quartz Watches • Men and ladies • Movements & dial manulactured •by Seiko reg. 6~.95 to $100 Now 59.95 Womens Accessories 30°/o off AssorteOfashion Scarves reg. $2 to $6 Assorted Fashion Straw Hats · Special 1.99 Womens Leather Wttllets 3 styles reg. 7.50 Now 4.99 50o/o off Costume Jewelry Assorted chains. bracelets and eamngs Velveteen Handbag reg. a.so , Now 5.99 Boys Dept. Boys Heavyweight Denim Jeans Vanous waist, 25 to 35. assorted inseams orig. $7 Little Boys Denims orig. 4.99 Mens Now 3.44 Now 3.49 Solid Color Golf Shirts Size small only reg. S6 Now 1.99 Mens Dress Socks Assorted solid colors Special 4for1.99 ,. 50% off Mens Famous Maker Belts and Wallets 50°/o off Mens Long Point Long and short sleeve Oftg. $1 ~$12 Mena Fashion Ties In stripes, solids end prints reg. 4.50 to 1.50 ... . 3 for s10 STARTS 7 P.M. SAT. NIGHT SAT. NIGHT Harbor Center • Costa Mesa and Fashion Island • Newport Beach Store Only _, < I NATION I AT YOUR SERVICE f f~ampaigner to Cover 1 Nudity With Handbills • • • . SAN D.£1GO CAP > -Swam r Is <'omlnc •nd 8t·1ear old Nelson Lewton -•ll be 1nakln lM rounds or a l the platt wb~r~ na kt'd peoplf' llko to io handana out lf'anets iray- lna they'"' rourt.ana God's wrath 1t .wtll b e." u rt p f' a t or tbc.- f\Jndlmfl)lttl Hapu st 's pt!rformance Ju t 1~mmer LEWTON'S PaOBLEM J that nobody tM him senou ly al nudist r oloales and Olatk '11 Bnl'h. o~ the nation'• only mun1cipally , an<-tioncd L.."wlon boaan bts pera9oal .. umpatp agalntl •ln .. 18 months 110 -~ rt'ldln& a nt>w paper art!· r fe quotln• omeon ~ u yln1 nude ~aches won't bnnM Arm*J14Mldon. lbc.-Blbhcal finul ballle between flood and t"v1J ' nude bHch h«-rono vot.-r" r<'SX'atoo It two year •t:O. It "lUll thrtvf''I u a pla yground for nttk\'<t i1un batht-rs wht'O pohce rl'n'l W••khtn)( ANYONE WllO BELJt;VES lh•l 1s dN'f'tVIDN htrn::aetr. Lewton isaya, so h !IPt'nc.'11 about $U pcraodJcully to huvti J ,000 of tu~ leafllll~ prmted But ht• hos bt·•·n un1tble lo convince anyom.• lO Jilin hJa. ui. yN mcmberlesa o r 1an1 zulao n called "Anlinudl' Lo bby " No ~ re J>0s1dc>d h> htb nt>wspaper ad lryintc lo find someone who shures his point of v1~w "I act d1Hen•nt n•::.pon:.t'' frnn)I nude people," su1d l.l'"' ton who h\ ('' • 1n Jo:l CuJon wlth ha:. "'1(1• 111111 children "Someone from tht• ~·" F1 H.'dom , League tha nkt'<J nw rt'1'1•ntly whl·n I gave tum a lt':tflt't. but nnt: youn~ man took at and tht-n d ropped h1b trousers m an act of m~olenre "NUDITY IS UORRl8Lt:, •• Lt!lrton ins1:.t s. "Th<' B1blt• wrll tl'll )OU that Nudists templ God ':-aogt:r wh.:n t h1·y reveal lht'1r nak('dnt•:o.::. " The only exception to h1~ ruk ~•v pl ies to m a r n <'d p l•r son:. an UH· prt va cy or the ir hum es ~··rvH• l1nw•"\t.1fl\16l Yt1vt , • .,, tt••tl '.>lllf• N•··''' '' vou' h1• ,,, (OSTA ME\A642· 1J5J 111•..._,lllhd Ml!.SI~ Ylt Jo495·0401 1"12 C<llmut0 C,.oipt\lrAno tS•n 0 Ftwy .tl Av~f J>kw l Rut Lt-wton I'S undauntt'<.1· · · 1 ·m ~11111g to l'On tanue my l'UrHpa1(tn," he vow~ · I'm tryang lo ~ ... \ t• thl'm '' FauJty lievette To Be R ecalled WASHIN<tTON IAP > Ge neral Moto rs Corp has bee n ordered to re- t•a II 50,000 1!179 {'hevrolt•t Chevettes ber<iusc of a ··faulty emission control ::.'t·stc•m ·T he· E n vtro n mC'nta l P rotection Agency said C M must either modify the pollution control sysk ms on some new Chevettes or halt production. It :-.a rd the mo d e ls a ffect e d are Chcvettcs equipped with a utom atic tra ns missions a nd I 6 liter engines. T he agl'nt·y sa id test s of the cars showed they emitted one·third more ca rbon monoxide than a llowed, EPA offic1<1I said the cars at e produced an Wilmington. Del.. und La kewood, Ga 10th ANNIVERSARY SALE! SALE ST ARTS • FRIDAY • APRIL 20th STRIMGS 50°/o OFF C:inc:c• lie ,, .. , .. ,,, .. ,~.,yo t ririin31 ~ 1' :JG I ,. 11 . wt1nl, I ,., Iv •Arr Show • Mexican Dance Group • Mariachi Band •Great Food • Plus much more 1 Saturday, May 5, 10 to 6 LIDO MARINA VILLA~ Ju t oH PC t I di Newport Bl\1\..1 <l' I V1 • L !O DON'T MISS IT! ....-·--~-----······--.. ~ ... -. .__.. .. _.._..._ -----_________ _.. .... ., __ _ S.lld ... PIU alda z ... DEAR PAT: T he re 's been a lot or pubHc1ty uboul lhe dange r of heart attacks increasing for wo men who lake the birth control pill and smoke. .. flow many ciga rettes a d~y are considered · dange rous a nd does the danger Increase as " wo man gels older ? .. .. ,. .. ,.. ...... Top Mo•• Among "Outstanding Mothers for 1979." as n a m e d b y th e Nationa l M other 's Da y Committee. a re Jane Muskie, above. wife of Sen. Edmund Muskie, and actress Arlene Dahl. below. K.T .. Fountain Valley The Food and Drug Admialltration reports that women who s moke 15 or more dgaret&es a da)' aod also take tbe birth control pill ue lt times m o re likely to die of a heart altack or other drculatory dJsease the n women wbo use neither oral contraceptives nor tobacco. The risk in· creases for women more than 35 years old, and is eve n blgber among wome n who have higb blood pre· ssurt', obesit)' or diat,etes conditions . Kfllfl Pri•celfl Ahua Pro•leat DEAR PAT: We purc hased a "re verse Os· mos is" water purification s ystem which somehow was improperly insta lled. Whe n we contacted King I ndustn cs or Newport Beach. the manufacture r. they didn't refe r us back lo the dealer. Instead. they sent a factory representative to our homt- within 24 hours and thl' problem was corrected. Such prompt service 1s r are these days, and 1t ·s a JllY to d1 .. ul wrth a company that sl ;i nds tlehind its wa rra nty so "'illing ly R .L .• lr vinc It's a joy ror AYS to bear about it too = Your lf'tler points.out lbe fa cl that it's sllll quite possible to deal "'itb a firm lhal treats its c u::.lomers in an "Cot o problem? The-ti wnt~ to Pat Duna, Pal wUl cut red tape. getting the au~• and action ,ou Mfd ( to IO.lve ~~· m govemmfllt -and bMlilwu. Mail your qwltaoru to Poe °"""· Ar VC*r ~. Of09 Coo•t Dml11 PilOf . P.O. Boz 15'0. Co.fa ... to. CA 92626 Al mon11 ~tttra oa ponttM will ~ ....,fd, but pllOftfd 1'1QU1"(• or ~ttf'r• llOf -~ tM reoM1''• /uU •MUM. oddreu oJtd bumltu _,,.. pMne "''mbercaMOI bee~. TIUoolumnappeot•dai· ly e:ccrpt Salurdo.-•." ,. B•aiaesa llueH of Lot ~wan elMlll9era abotlt &Ma t)'pe of opera"-. wlllkla CWftll&l1 la be· ing pl"OIDOted by ..-...we,..111••• Gr~ pltclt lDYolwes offerlDI .. u.l&ed ....... COID• memoratlve bo.oks. medals ... edaer lie .. at • SO•U lled aower price before Ille)' are ...... pro· duced." Strongly Implied blcrease la valM c~alms also are ,...motion for u.e.e sdlemd. O.'t cet taken ill. Deal only witll an espbUllled, repmuble. flrm and s&eer clear of exauerated elalma fw any mall-order mt'rcbandlae. Utile ·-die Ce••• .... _ .. le DEAR PAT: Has anyone done a study on bow much it costs today lo have a bab)'? We are ex· peeling our first child in about six months, and when I look at just ba by clothes and furniture I'm amazed at the prices. I 'd like some idea of the total cost. A.S., Costa Mesa EsseaUal layette Items nm abeat S711. ftls would llldade crib, mattress, carriage, wardrobe, diapers. etc. You can cat costs by bonowlq aome Items. ba)'IDg med furniture aad llloplag for .. flnl baby" gills from relatives aad frteecb. Tiie Healtla Insurance Institute made a study of costs la 31 ,,. American citietl and found that the average cosl of having a baby runs aboat U,211. That's just for the first week, but it Includes layette costs. The biggest outlay-of $9M is for a 3.3·day hospital stay 'Wllich i.Dclades labor room. pharmacy, room and lab charges. Add $S5t for other medJcal costs s uch as s urgical charges, aneslbesia and pediatrition's care. t•tbical and considerate manner . -------------------- ., / /\'o Order, No Ff r111 .. No Refuftd DEAR PAT: Two years ago I ordered <1 Bict·n· tennial plate fro m tne National Collecto rs Gurld, Santa Monica. My check wus cashcd in two day~. a nd s everal month!> later I received an updated t•ard saym~ m y pla te would be shipped s hortly. In Fe bruary 1978 I sent a letter to the Guild. but rt was returned undehve ra blc. and their phone had bt•en disconneC'tcd Can you shed a ny light on thrs pro blem. <ind h<i \'c }OU heard anythlng a bout this ----------out fit '' Moratorium T U RLOCK t AP 1 The City Cou nc·t l h:.is dc•cl an•d <i four.month moratorium o n annt•x:.i - 1 tons here to prov1cle ttm l' lo pr c par,: d growth polil'y M. J .. Huntington Beach The Lo~ Angeles U.S. Attorne y's om ce report!> the principals of this firm, al::.o kno"n as U.S. Hb · torlcal Society a nd lmpres:-.lons or America His· torical Society. were indicted on 21 counts or mail fraud in May 1978. Com.'ictions ".-re obtained. There is no c hanct> you will ever ~f't your mont>y hack, but at leas t this consumu riporr was !>lopped. Both lbe L'.S. Alt!>rney'!> office and the Better TODD BAILEY, M.D. Announces The Opening of I A Family Medical Clinic 220 I Marth1 Street ~ I 04 lniM, CA 92715 Locat~ at DCMIC)ln c......- DCMICJI•' off MocArttiw .. Mam.. ly Appointmeftt 17 I 4t 955.2022 Big on Pigs Chef Pulls f"or Porkers Jewels of the Shade Garden BALTIMORE <AP I -A dis hwasher and salad chef at a local r estaurant has a beef : People don't res pect pigs "I never m et a pig I didn't like," said David Spert>. 25. who is a lso founder. editor and publisher s ince 1971 of "Co ns pir acy Trail. .. probably America's only journal of pig lore . SP ERO CLAIMS 500 SUBSCRIBERS from Eng land to California "There's no central pig movement." he said in an interview. " ... In the past 10 years, there has been an awakening of pig conscious ness . . "Most city slickers never see a pig in their cotare lives. a nd a lot of 'em when they see a p1g- a sow and her piglets-they go crazy. It's love at first sight," he s aid. SP ERO TRACES HIS AFFECTION for pigs to his student d<iys at Park School. when he and friends ra n a toy pig for a student government post. Spero, who lives in downtown Baltimore. said he is considering t aking in a pig to test a zoning or· dtnance forbidding the harboring of livestock . .. The East Coast is the most pig-ignora nt part of the United States." sa id Spero. "Peopl e s ay prgs ore messy. but they're a mong the most clean or a · Is. They cle;in up after themselves. But at 's ot the trait 1 admire most in pigs. " ey're ve ry de moc ratic. If you treat them right. ey treat you rig ht. They 're not s ubmissive lake dogs, and they're not a loof like cats." he s aid. Karate Suspected F LAGSTAFF'. Ariz. AP 1 -Albert Klopping. of Phoenix, told police th<1 t 29 holes were punched tn st ucco walls of a building he owns on North Main Stre et. In addition. he said. a wood storage rack was destroyed and an e lectnic outlet box s mashed. Ht' estimated damage at S550. Investigators said they found the building hud been sub-leased to a man who conducted karate <·la sses . Sell your boat fast with a Boating classified ad in the Daily Pilot 642·5678 FUCHSIAS 1 Gal , ~eg 2 79 11!1!1 Each plant togged with name. color. and variety Basker or Uprlgfll Ask for FREE ""Fuchsia Core · information sheer Get Our SIRAWBERRY SPECIAL! Bore-Root "SEQUOIA" Tastiest of on modern strowberrres Prolific bearer of large red fruit HUSKY BARE· ROOT STOCK 99C BUNDLE OF 10 PLANTS ~*"· ... ~ j Floriat Special I SCHEFFLERA Gracefully branching indoor plonr PIGGYBACK PLANT Lush. unique indoor or shadP. olanr ~ Pol Reg 8 95 ~l!l!)EACH Since 1946 Hu) lisles DAILY 9.5 30 SUN 9.5 Nursery -Flor.ist 2640 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa Ad GO<>d Through April 24, 1979 Whlre Supply Lasts .... . FROM Fash ion Isla nd 'Newport Beach STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR • --~~---- I 'i\JZ DAILY PILOT Friday, Aprtl 20, 1871 f· Asbe~tos Totals .Increase WASlUNGTON tAPl -The Consumer Product Safely Com· m!ulo ay, U•A identified more than 40 adcJlt onal models nf h air dryen t h at contain adbc&l08. a n ins uluUon material lhot h as been hnkt>d to cancer T he new ll11t brmgs to Ill Uw numt.H'r or modl·l:t c·onta1nlng asbest os In a 11u r vcy o r monufot·turertt by the federal • u.it'ncy ~ TH 1-: £AK l .U~R LIST , re· leand Apr11 6, ha~ prompted a n•cord fl ood of call5 by con- ~ um l'ri. to the s afety com- ..J NATION I LOCAL I OALIFOANIA _.""' ....... -~~er ~ ~~~~~~ Career .... , ........ Day Set Membera t>f tbe Oranse eou.ty .,..,. of the Amertean 8oeltt~ of Interior De•l•nen will _sbant MWa_ witla ln· tertordeiilp 1tudenta at a career da)' from 9 u.m . to 4 p.m., Saturday al the Design MaU, 2915· E lte dhlll Ave .• Costa Mesa. Reside ntial design will be discussed by Elaine Redfield. AS ID , o f Fullerton. Lydia Wang. ASID. of Santa Ana, will 11 peak on commer cial design or health cac.e facilities. Lunch tor T"'° .... ,,........ Aftl'r a Pt'f~<>n rrna~ht•d with lhth lunch. a 1>qUlrrcl round µlt>nt y ll'ft to tu.·kll' tht• h1!'.>tl' bud1>. The Santa Moruca ~ournuuul ol> 1ow,ly bdll'vt•i, two can eat for the prtt•e of ont· GEMINI 100 -SPACE-AGE 'EDUCATIONAL TOOL ( CUNSVMER ) ' Electronic Bl•ckbo•rd Tr•namtta ~ver Telephone Wires rn.._,,-.-on-.!\-h ·l-t·p-ho-ne-ho_tl_1n{'-. wi-th Wired Blaekboard Comme rcial design of corporate offices and rest aurants will be dis- cussed by Robert Waltz. AS J D. of Fulle rton. Dauninc Vining, ASIO, o f Tustin will discuss membership require· ments or the society. Pleasure Replaces Dieting at Clinic CINCINNATI I Al' J Warning Dieting ran lw hazardous to your health 'fhat 's the label three psy<'hOIO!Jl:'>tS havt• put on what t hey feel IS one of Amt•r1ca's moi.t dan~erous myths .. . ··01l't1ng often t.lm::. a' muth good a :. holding your breath, said Waynl' Wooley "ll 'i:. t·nnl rar y to what th<' hody 1s gt.•a rcd to do ' "WHOL•: LIVES C'AN Rt: controllt.-d hv l1•1•ling:'> of fat ness, acl<frd Woolt.·~ 's a., sucH1ll'. Su:-.:.in Dy renforth "It 0:'> a rnvlh wt• .111 p<irt1t1rH1te in. Wh;.ll 'Al' a:-.1.. 1:-. lli;il 1w<1pll· fllllt Jiving in a rnvlh of .,, If hatn·d :1011 :-.t:1rl II\ 1ni: 1n the real. worlcl .. What W1x1ln·. :\h lh11·nforlh :ind Wuoll·v·:-. 'w1ft" Su:-.in, 11frl·r 1:0. a cl1fft'r<·nl c·on<·1•pl For fl\IP Vf':trs, lhl'1r C'll1111· for .. :atang l>t'iordf'r' ha:-. ht.·t·n try 111g to g1•1 111•oplP u .... •d lo tlw n · allt v of tlw1r Wl•1ght Tht·y off1•1 no rr1.1gll' dlf'h. 1111 prom1"l' 11( w•·1ghl Jo.,.., Jn fal'I , .1fl(·r I~ w1·1·k' of gwn~ to w1•1·klv 1'11111t·'>. mo:-.t p('(1pl(' !.how <in .n 1•rag1• wt•1ght lo..,.., of four pounrh THE ('OST OF' TRF.ATMENT a t the· d1n1c'.'wht<'h I'> part of th1· clep<i rtm1·nt of P'>Yl'h1at1 y at th•· l ln1\1·r.,.tv uf ('rnc·111n.1l1 ('olh·gt· of Mt·dwm1· "' S4~> a v.1·1·k for o•tl hf'r ;1 IWO hour gr•llJfJ M•.,Slf>n 111 ,, rnw hour 111d1\ 1du.1l ,t: ...... 11m Wh.1l ttw i'IHIH' flo<''-orft.•r I'> Jlt'll<'t' of 111111d Th•· 1'11n1<·., rn"""·lf' ,., ... 11nplt• If tl f<.•1·1 '> good to l':tl that h~1mliu1 g1·r . 11l,1 vlw tt Y.•111ld tw hl•lh·r t{) Jc:o .1hc.ad .ind 1·:1l it m :-.tt·u<.l of try 1ng to''"' v1· In fat'I , the thr<.'t' psy('holog1'ol'i h:wt• found thul di<•trng seldom rlot•s un}' good in lht• long run for rn<in y of th1•1r clll'nt:-.. · Af'tn ~ hungry sets off an evolutionary alarrn, a panic n• al·twn far .,trlln1.wr. be<·uuM! 1t 1s murt· fund amt·nt<il than any mol1vut1on to become thin." Ms Oyn•nforth :-.aid "'I'm ~omg to starvl•' · the alarm ~lfY'> T he horly fights hut·k It want!-. to livt· /\I.I. TIU: 200 r>Ul1enh tlw th I t'I' ha H' hl't'O Ill f I\ I ' V•'.ll '> ha"" 'o01TI4'lh1nlo{ 111 1·or11rn11n All ha vt· :-.pt..nl \ 1·.ir:-. lr~ 111g lo loi-c 1i.<•1ght Arul 1111 y all h;1v(· run thl· clwt1·ry ~·aunt IH "'hll1· Ir\ 1ng t-0 ach1~ve lht· 1111 .. 11 of llw i.ll rn Amt•r11·an In f;wt no Onl' 1·an enroll m llw 1 luw· unlit lh1•y h avf.' tried ,1 n·putalilc diet 1m1 gram "U:-.1 ng ttw hrt·ath image :tg<11n , we t ry lQ gel the m lo brt>alhc a little less each lime until 1l hec•omcs a habit ... said Ms OyrenJorth. "They lcam to control thc•ir intake and l)()()hl their self esteem " When a typ1t'<tl chn1c group of .1 llalf doll.'n pt.-ople mostly women gat her~ at weekly ml't'tmgs, th1·:, discuss the• dc- ta1lt·d n•<'<>rds they've kept dur· ing th(· "'l'l'k The records ~how when a food was eaten and "'hl·rt: 11 \.\-as ··~1ten. The patient ;ibo r:Ht·s. on a si·ale of one to ft Vt'. how plca:'>uralJlc tl was lo f'<tl l'ach foufl 1t1·m "W E Wt\N T TO get the plc·asun· rating up as high as posstbl<'." said Wooley "Onf' of tht.' probh·ms of ovcrwl•1ght pco pit.• 1s lht•1r ideal ts not calinl.( lhl' fppltng that when you 'rC' cal 111g . you're bad " If lo.,1ng weight i-; a m1wh -;ought dl'sirc>. ma1nla1ning Wl'1ght is a maJOr concept al tht· c·Jinu•: It's not so bad to eat ice {'ream if 1t gives you pleasure, thf' psychologist s s ay. llut maybe candy t·ould be cut out 1f tl 1s eaten only after an argu mt>nt. What the dtntc also offer!. " lhC' alternattvf' of staying fat and lrk11u: 1t. a radical concept for any dmH' of its krnd S SAN WOOl.J·:Y IS ll\'lng lt''>timony to the concept ·, s ue 1·<'o;s The 3.'i vt·ar olrl woman ha' bt'en trying ·111 lost· "'1·1g ht .• tiut nothing workc•t.I She ha!> accPpt 1•d hc·r \.\-eight <ind 1s al <'asc Y. tth hl'rself Sauce Cost Discoumed LOS ANGELES CAP> A t•1v ll s uit againi:.t Lawry':'> Foods Inc. has b('C'n S(·ttled by a s tipulat- ed Judgment unde r which lhP company will make $25,000 in rl·:'>lttutaon hy of fennf( d1s<.'ount coupons on futun:• pur('ha~<'S, the state attorney g1·ncral 's offi ce say ... In add1t1on, the firm ~•II pay the stale $1 ,500 1n t·1v1I penalties and $4,500 10 at torney fees. T he "u i l was r I I f' d because Lawry's alle~cdly meas ured the volume of its Swt•ct 'N' Sour Sal\c<' al nearly three times the pn· sc ribe d 68 d cg r cei. Farenhe il. causing lhe volume lo decrease in the bottle. staffrr~ hamJllng an uvt'rage of :!,SOO lnqulrH•s t'll<'h duy . the ·•~t·nr y ~dlll Anotht•r f>.000 \.'OU ld11'l~l'l l11101l i;th . Tlw t•om1111:-.:uon 's loll free 11umh1•r tor lht.• Ml r<11llh~uous ~lu lt•x t'X<'l'Pl Mat y lund '" tte0 llJl:l·IS:JW TllE COMMISSION said ron· •umt•rs may obtain a frc<' list or lhc hair dryer models believed to contain asbestos by writing Hair Oryer!J. Consumer Produtt Sa f e l y Com mi ssio n . WashinSlton. DC . 2020J.-- llere. by brand na~e. are the dryer s on the commission's up· dated h~t together with the firm 's telephone number and ad· dress: O alrol: Son of a r. un St yle No:'>. TD I and TD 2. SupL'r Zap Sly I c N o . S Z I Pho n t· 800 223-5800 345 Park A\ c New York. N Y 10022. Conalr Corp.: Style Stream 'l70 1200: Ph.tot Power 0991 1200: Dial 'N Ory MOV : Pro Style 065 1200 serial numbt•ri. 1277, 017R. 0278 . 0378, (}17R, 0578 and 0678 , .I r. Pro 066 IOOO. Thl'rmo Styler om Phon<' 800·fi31 ·5:J9 1. II Ex t't'UltVC' AVI'. Es:hson. N.J OAA l7 Gent'ral Electri<'· (.'o.: P ro 1'1:-.lol l'HO 11·5116·005 SupPr l'urbo. l'horw 800·2'11 -9992 or ·mo 241 5k22 ll ou:-.t·war1·' Division. 1 ~85 Bos ton Ave . Bndgcport. Conn. 06602. Gilll'tte Co.: Maxhallcr 1\0·6 bonne t dryer; Phont.' iOO 328·9't08. Appliance Division. Prude ntial Tower Building, Bos ton, Mass 02199. Hamilton Be ac h : Models 43:J. 432 480 and 425. Phone :w:1.75'1.1;1J61 St·r>v1JI ;\tanufactur· 11w co:. 5!1 .\1111 St . \\'Jlerbury. Conn 067::!<1 KorvC'llC., Inc.: ~c..,1kl s II,\ 22 M 1200 watt:.. llA :w4 1400 \.\alls old vt·r~1on. II.\ 1214 W>O watt:.. 2:l,\ Jflf)O .watl Bru'>h SI\ lcr . E ·2 100 11100 11,att C'o mpatt llair D~·c·r . '1~ W :l:Jrd Sl. New York , NY. 10001 North American Philips ( 'orp. Norl'lt·o : 1 IB-1700 Norelcu 1000 blat k ; II B-2600 Styler Dryer i:rccn; llR-3600 Slyter Dryer tan; llB 3601 Styler Dryer tan: llC 1107 Hot Comb-hr own. Phone R00 ·22:t -1828. ConsumPr .Hclations Ocpartmenl,100 E . '12nd St.. N<'w York. N.Y. 10017. Sperry Rand Corp. <Rem· ington > He at Wand models llW·I, llW-2. HW-3, HW-4 and llW 6: dryt.·r'> P0-600, PD·750. PU 850 and PD-900. 1290 Avenue of the Americas. New York, N Y. 10019 Su.nbeam Corp.: Northern Model 1821 700 wall professional dryl•r : Northt·rn m odel 320.6350 700 wall profC'ss 1onal dryer . Northern model :120.8706 700 · watt professional dryer. Oster model 202 Air J et hair dryer : <hter model 301 Styhog Dryer ; 0 :-.tC'r model :J02 Bio -Wave Hair Dryer; Ostt•r Model 370 Styler Dryer; Suntwam f'rofessionaire models 0 -C W , 52-9C. 52-9K , S2·!HI, 52·9P. 52·12J and 52·9R. 2001 South York St .. Oak Urook. Ill. 60521 OCTD TellS Stoi-y 'At a Glance' Broclwre Offered to Public A· onl'·PO~t' brochure thul detail~ the history. finenc1n~ &.md ~erviccN uva1lable from the Orange £ounty Transit 01stricl IOCTD> is now available to the public. "0CT0 at u Glan ce" tells the reader. ror ex- • ample. that the distrll't has grown from a sta ff of L3 seven years ago to 855 today a nd from a fleet of 25 buses in t he first yeur of operations to 442 today. IN ADDITION, the pocket-sized brochure not- ed that district buses collectc.'<I 983,995 pa11,'ienger rar es in the first year of operations in 1972-73, com- pared with an expected 21.2 million In 197R·79. An1I the dl!ilrict's yearly budget haR jumped from $4 million In the first year of operations to S'Af> i1 rn1llion today. f''l(ty-three percent or this year 's budget t om<·'I rr..om federal arants. a ccordlna to the hrot'h1m·! while 28 percent comes from atate sales tnxd ollnr ... and 10 percenlfrom passenger fares THE 1t t :Mi\INOER comes frqm Interest nnd acl llt'l I t.,Hll! f f'V l'nu1• Aocl di...t 111 t ort 11·1uls eX()('C'I to s pend 38 per- cent or the s.15.4 million this year on employt' salar lei; and bene fits, 26.3 percent on :-.crv1t·c:'> und supplies. 19 percent on buses and t'qu1pme nt and 17 percent for b uilidng new service fa c1ht1c:'>. THE BllOCllUllE ALSO showed that two- tnlrds of the district's passengers are from families with Incomes of less than $12,000 per ye:.ir. a find.in~ district offi cials made from on-board passenger surveys. Senior citizens account for 10 pcrcent of the riders and youngste rs under lhe auc of 16 make up 16 percent. Fifty two percent or the riders use th<' bus five or more dllys per week. the Ole r said. COMMUTING TO WORK accounts for as. 7 percent or p assengers' hus trips. while travel to school makes up 26 pe rcent, s hoppina t I percent. recreation 9.~ per cent a nd other trove! 15 percent . The brochure 111 available at OCTD head- quarten. 11222 Ac llc111 Parkway, Garden Grove. or by wrltlrt.14 to the OCTO Public Information Offic P 0 . Box 300S, Garden Grove 92642. ..... -------_______ .,,. __ New Educatwnal Tool Transmits LOS ANGELES <AP > Are you ready for the latest 1n soph1st1calt•d "ducational ttx;ls" ll ':'> called ... the blackboard. The• one dis played by l':inf1c Te lephone Jooks prt.•tly much hkc lh(· on{' you or grandpa wrote on in school. Exc·(·pt for those win::-. run ning out the back. THIS S PACE·AGE blackboard. c·a llcd the Gemini 100. hai. a pte:-.· .:'>Ul'C ·!iCOS lllVC !>Urf;icc th at lransrruL'i what you write with chalk '>nto a video :-.crcen th<it can be viewed up to hundred~ of m 1k~ away The wnlinl{ ts S<'nl then• lhrouith a telephone connN·linn .that 1s ma<11· thl' u ... ual v. ,1\. hy '1m1;ly dialing lhe numht·r al tht· oltwr end And }OU t'iln :-.peak a!. you writ<• Tht• phom• comp<in:> :-..iy.., 1t cl•" s1gnt.•d thl' bl:wkl'w1.irr1 at thl· ur~1n~ of l't.lucator:-. 1•1 .1110 .... ~in ln'ilructor to dft·c·t1\1·ly IPdure a maximum numhl'r of pu1lll'-~h1•th1·r the) ·n · 111 11v1·rflow rooms dim n I ht• hall or al anol h1 •r '.'.1·h11ol Ill th1· !.ystem "11h11u1 tlh· h.t:-.'>ll•:-. 11r t1 :1H·I. Tll .. : BOAtlU Al.SO ha:-. appllt:1 I 10n~ 111 tndus t n ·. "111•11• 1l would p1·rm1t nnt· gro(1p lo t·onft·r with anotht·r fr<om day lo ll:1v on d esign prohll·ms. fur 1•\,1mpl1· Thl' boar<l IS adtially l\\(} shC'('tS or :\lylar holding a g;ts bf•t\l.1·t•n thl'm l'ress un• <if l'h:ilk. or l'\ t•n a tracing finger. makt> ch:rngc•s 1n tht· gas that arc fe d through a tra11o;m1t t1ng :-.~:-.t!'m un<.l onto lht· tf'll'J>hont.• hnt''- m till' form of 1mpul'o<·:-. Al the d1:-. tant point. the 1mpulw:-. tratl' out cor- rectly on the video monitor And when 1l com es t1mt· to 1·ra:.l', the process is equally as rc·markabh• An o ld-fashio ned e raser 1s a ll that 1s nf'edcd to wipe t he trnno.,m1tt1ng board cle an and ·a n t•l1•e1 ric: t•y1· tripped by rem oval or th1• t·rasf'r from its resting place mak1·:-. ... urc tht· l'lectroruc end wipes c lc:m , a., wl'll . swish by swish . BOARD CAN Bl:: SET up 11'l two locat1ons. if desired, nl'Xl lo n•c1•1v- ing morutors.-((om the othc·r hwatwn. With this arrangement. 1t ·., po:-.1>1blc to watch your monitor to w•· \\hat 1s being drawn at the dt:'>tant 1><11nl. then modify that 'Arlllng or d1 ;1Y.tng by f'rasang the corri•ct :-.pot on your own l.;lat·k1Joa1 d,.. ft '" a stranJ?f' sensation, hut an l'f. frt•t1\e nc .... 'AJY of , .... ,, W:t > 1·11m- mun1c-at1on Like :.ill f'a1·1fH· 'l 1'!<-phom· 1·qu1p· mt·nt. th(• hl.1c·kho.1rd ,111d 11" ~,., ...i11·1.1led l'qu1pm1·11t an · • ··nl1·d 11111 hought You c-an gf'l mn'l ot \.\-hat ) ou nt•t.•d to C'ommun1<·:itt• hy lllal'khoard for about S.tOO a month ~, 1r \our board malfunctions, you JU!-.t dtjJ fil I to J.t~t 1t f1xt.·d If your l·hall. hrt·:.tks, htJ\l,1·vcr. you'rt• on your o"'n Admissions Halted COLLEGE ST,\TION °ft"'<a'> tl\l'l D1sturbC'd h;, poltt1cal uphl•aval in Iran. Tt·xas A & M Un1vt•r-.ity of flc1als say the s<:hool ha:'> d1·t·1d1·d to temporarily halt adm1-.:'>10n of ... omc Iranian s tudents . Abou t JOO Iranian students attend the u nivcrMly, which had a fall enrollment of 30.200 Money you save by" shopping Daily Pilot ads can easily pay for your subscription. l More information is available al 640·8400. Concordia/ Schedules Swap Meet The Conco rdia Ele mentary School PT A plans to hold a s wa p m eet and rummage s ale to raise fWlds April ~ from 9 a m . Lo 3 p.m. in the school yard, 3120 Ave. Presidente, San 1 Clcmcnll'. It e m s s h ou ld be brought to the school on April 27 . Clothes. furniture and other odds and e nds will be picked up 1f arrangements can b <' m ade by calling 492-5067 or 492·0028. • Space-; al the s wap mcl'l will be rented for S4 50 1n advance or $5 l hc day of the event. SA~ Names President Or . J . William W enric h . <'hief adm1rustrative officer of Canada Community College an Redwood Ci· ty. has been appointed president of Santa Aoa College. A Local Advertised Values -One more reason people all along the Orange Coast rely on the (~~- 642-4321 ., , " J ORANGE COUNTY Frid!IV. Ap(l1 20. um -Fund l{ftising Set Judge Schmidt eeking R e-election 'ly O.('. lnl TINO Ol._Of'I ll'UIUWI A coeluau fund rat t-r f(>r the &910 rt·t lt1ctlon campal~o or l&arbor MunJclpal Court llUC1Ct1 (."alvln &-hmld1 15 plun~ Aplil 24 al Nl'wport IS<'ach 'S Rig Canyon C't1untrv Club "ho •~ arron~mq thf ''"••nl • • • fort Th1:1 one is n drive ai rfted at ~duclng 11tote Incom e lues. ty .. _.1--_ _.,....-.. Ina the )nrome tax to the con· .__.__..- Ch:urma n of thl· honor.' htl:\t l'Omrtutltt hi J 11y lkt•d W1llla01 R S11mmons is trt· llWrt'r or lhl' Cal 80 Con•mlttl'tl JlJDGE S<'llMIOT ha i. tw.·n on the llorbor Munh:ipul bl•nt h 11lnct' 1966. I k "'·111 be mak an~ hi!. third bid for I'\' dl'L'lmn In 1980 ··T~ t1\lcnlng or mus11.• und con v l" r s 11 t 1 on w 111 fr n t u rt' cot•ktaals un<.I 11 w1J1· -.1•lt•l't1on of gourmet hm ~ <k Ol'U\rcs 1n~lud mg is clru.~u.: Qu1chl' l..orru111t•. pastry vum. stuffed with jham itnd thoo1>~. a surpnsangl)i dif rere nt pickled watermelon rand wrapped -.1th h1tl'On. trdd1tjonttl caviar canupc, .1 very n<:h .... sesame pork as well 'u:. i>mqked :.almon.' 'aid Tom f"ul·ntt·'.'. ftU~MI 4, MOIH ; htmUtur ~1th the lrvlrw City Council will Jlf'O\'tdt• the lo<~ for tht" April 24 mt' ""~ uf lht.· dt•('t•nlly rorml.'d t'Vt•ntnJt unJ\ uf tlw nru11l(l' C-01.a~t l .t'lUWl' of Wonwn \'uh'r'I 1'ht-ml'\'lHI~ I\ plunntd for ti 4!1 v rn al In lnl' City Hall • " lrvinE> <'11 ) ('uunl'almJn L.nrr) Agr.io Will ffit'ct "'llh tht• &roup tn 111 ovtdt.• u j!l't1ernl orit•OlMtion und will ~o ovt·r th"· a~wnda for lht• ••venin1t'~ t•ourwal mt't'Un.: 't'ht• ~rofip \It Ill tlll'JI Ob'-t'f\C lht> u·~ul.tr t•uunt•1l mt·l·l1ni:: wtm•h bl'~"'' 111 7 30 p m Any inl1·n·i.ll'd 1nt.J1 vlctu~tls "ho "•~h to 11•.11 n more ahoul tht' "'111kan~' ul c al) ~O\crnml'nl <11 •· rnv1ll'd to 101n th.-~ruup for t h e prt> l'o unc1 I mee ting Mll•ntf'tlOn • • • Kl Tl'llt:R Mm ..-oRDF:. lht• N\•wrx11 I Reach pohl1l·.tl consult· lnjl r1rm. IS hanlllin~ Howard Jan 1:.' IJlt"'l t;I\ 1111t1.1t1Vt! er' sume r prlco Index. eliminating th<' bu.sines' Invent-Ory tax and freetl n~ the stttte sales tax al curre nt levels 8111 Butcher and Arnold Forde workt'<i with J a rvis Proposition 13 ••• SPt:/\.KJNG OF TAX protests . tht: one planned by Orange County Libertarians ut the Santa Ana Post Office to coincide with the anrom e tax filing deadline wus something of a bust. Police and postal workers set up what amounted to a drive· ~thro ugh tax return mailing ~ystem and the L1bertar i1ms had to remain on the sidewalk. Larry Holm gren and his fellow Libertarians round that th<.'1'r arms were n't lone enough to re ach the ca r~ w ith the literature they were attempting to puss out. Price \·sign~ Pondered -~ ---w-;Oflnly-StaffMulls begality of Ordi1mnce Filling station owne rs in un incorpor ated Orange County may be required to post signs showing gasoline prices. grades and types or serviC't-. County supervbors ha\'C or· dered their legal aadC'<> lo in vcst1gate tht•ir authority to pass a n ordinance requ1r1 ng such s igns I F SUCH AN ordinance IS legal. th<' coun\) counsel 1s to re t urn 1n two v.eeks with a drafl 3 Counties Study Disposal of\ Waste Orange County Supcr visors will JOin a three-(•ounty s tudy on the nc .. d and possible location fo r a disposal sate for hazardous chem icals and industria l \ltUsll'c; Supervisors haVt' appointl'd two <:ounty om c1als. a long with representatives from the county sanitation d istricts and Waste Haule rs Association. to work w ith R ivers i'cl c u nd Sa n Bernardino County orricials on the s tudy. NORMA H ICK S OF Bre a urged s upervisors not to s upport a waste dumping sit e tn Orange County. She noted that ont" s ite being reviewed is an the Chino Hills area of Orange County. an a rea which drains into th<.· Santa Ana River a nd is proposed as part o f a future state park. Mrs. Hicks. a member of the Carbon Canyon Homeowners /\s· soclation. contt·ndcd run-off from the s ate could s pread through Oran~e Countv SHE ARGU ED that chemical v.asles already have• causl'd "human an~u1sh " an severe hvnlth proble ms in other re g ions. S u pervisor Philip Anthony s a id the tounty's partic ipation 1n the study will first be limited to dete rmining th<: need for ~ chemical dumping s ite. Late r review, he said. will ~ aimed at finding the best pos::.a ble location for a s ite , if one it. needed. Westminster Park Plan May Ge t A id Or ange County SuJ>(!rvisors a re consulering a plan to help the city or Westmins ter buy a SS00.000. rave-acre park in the north section of the city. · Under the proposed agreement. the county would pay 50 percent or the tab to purchase the acreage aJ Jacent to Westminster Jhgh School. THE P ROP ERTY IS owned by the Huntington Ueach Union High School Distract School officials have declared the property s urplus. They ali.o have agreed lo contribute rive acres adjacent to the surplus property to make a total park urea of 10 acres. THE SURPLlJS LAND now has baseball a nd soccer fields on it. The city plans to ma intain the athletic a reas and has agreed to let the high school continue to use them . County officials said a public hearing on the pla n probably will be set for the end of May. A definite date hasn't been set. 2 Tourists Killed ROVERE1>0, S witzer la nd I AP> -E astertime turned to t r agedy for two California wom en t ouris t s, Ma r y Ann Boice, Sl. and Diane Higbee, 26, both of Truckee. who were kWed whe n the car in wtljc h they were traveling smubecl into a guard r ail b efore' collld i ng with another vehicle, police reported t~y. SC~Plann ers Delay Visb eek Ranch Project Sun Clemente Pl anning Com m ission members dclaycd :cac t 1on on the proposed 3.000·homc- Visbeek Hanc•h s pecific plan and a modified hillside grading or dinance. Both issues arc t.•xpectcd to tw studied at the Ma y I commission m<'t'ling. City Attorney Michael Bartlett said he received a lettcr from a firm that claims part ownership of the 2.000-acre Visbeek Ranch projec t sit e just prior t o this week's meeting. A fir m known as Siin Clemcnlt' ln vcstmt'nls One claims it h .. s title to most ol' lhl' planned open s pace on the project. City plan m•rs say the owner11h1p d1sputt• may delay the project inderinitl" ly and wanted more lime lo al· low Bartle tt to study t he legal m a tte r. Planners also wanted mon' ti me to s tud y the propos ed tougher hillside grading law. • Do YOU have ffrr and IJ'l eft fnRurance on your pcraonal belon&ln«R? O.r !Ind Year Phone 548-5554 for the board to revu.•w"' and possibly approve. The ordinance was proposed by Supervisor Harrie t Wieder. The present situ<1tion in wtuch m a ny ser vice s tations do not clearly pos t prices a nd service desc riptions is confusing to motorists. s h<' said Also. she pointed out. many c;ur round ing counties passed similar ordinances durin~ 'the: ga!.oline cnsis 11i 1974. SU P ERVISOR RALPH Clark s upported Mrs. Wiedt>r 's pro- posal. but asked th<1t the or· dinancc be written to cover l'ml'rgency situ<1t1ons onh· "Ordjna rily in a frce·market system, it is not fair to aingle out one industry ... he s aid. ··eut basically during a n emergency s ituation like this, it is differe nt a nd I would wholeheartedly sup· port s uch a n ordinance." said Clark. a fill.mg station oper~tor County Backs Revival of Spe nding Plan Orange County government's five-year financial forecast may be reVlved after the l:ldOption of t he 1979·80 county budget. coun· t y s upervisors have decided. The five-year forecast that al· tem pted to predict the costs of future government se rvices was scuttled this year in the wake of hnancial uncertainties brought on by passage of Proposition 13. AT THE SUGGEST ION or Supervisor Harriett Wieder. the board voted 4·0 to try to revive t he planning gu ide som etime next fall. Supervisor Thomas Riley con· te nded that developing long· range forecasts could be a waste of time since there s till are un· answt:red qut>stions about the fut ure of lot· a I J?Ovt•rnmc nl rin:inC<'s For example, Riley said . T H E S TA T E Legis lature has yet lo work out plans for providing aid to local government to help niake up for funds lost by Pro~itlon 13's cul in property tax revenue. -Paul Gann's "Spirit of 13" i nitiative. which would curb future growth in government s pending, has qua Ufied for an election ballot. County administrators a re developing a long-range funding proposal for maintaining county libraries, parks, buildings and m ajor equipment purchases. "WHAT I AM s aying, I guess. is t think it is a little premature to thrust o n the staff ... Riley said. But he and fellow s upervisors s up po rted M rs. Wider's sug- gestion in concept, saying that by the time the financial study begins next fall some or t he money questions may have been answered. ~ Tuck & Pt lt Rabbitt ~~-19 1 4 Harl)Or Blvd •. f'o,_ta MM IUJ ,.._, ..... 4..._. • C .... ......_ C•. t HZ7 "'-6'46·41JI • 646.UH 4 HERH t~RI EOLA' l>l' I< IS \1.\KI ,(, GRF.AT rH. \1$ BUY OR LEASE! FREE 50 GALS OF GAS ....... .-......... , ,.,., ... SAVE 14 $130 ~ • Includes Odyssey Game • Push Button For Game or TV • 100°/o So l id State • A FT OMEOMLY pr~c~9;~;;.oo SALE $299 MAGNA'vOX • 25" Color Console or Tabfe Model • 100% Solid Sta te· E le ctronic Touch Tuning • Rem ote re g. price $899 Control SALE ~14MO Goftl•m-•ry Slylt,.. SAVE $120 $779 •I PVllUC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE P\JBUC NOTICE ~luted Report of COftdMlon of ., lntem.tlonal Trust Corporation Located at Newport Beach, Orange County, California 92663, ac, of close of txislness on March 31 , 1979. Bank No. 1062. ASSETS DOClar Amounts In ThouM ftCfs CT PT COMB. Cash and due from banks ....•......... Obl igations of States & Politlcal · 130 130 • .,#. .. subdivisions <Par V alue> ............. 1SO 1SO JOO •; Bank premises, furniture & fixtures and other assets representing bank premises tincl. S"O-capita! leases>.. 2 2 :, Other as~ts ·• ltncl. ~.000.00 Intangibles> • . . . . . . . . . 12 12 TOTAL ASSETS ...................... 150 294 4.._ LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES ............... . 63 r" CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Common stock : <No. shares authorized S,000 c No. shares outstanding 2,000 ........ Amount S200 Surplus ........ Amounts 60 TOTAL CONT RIBUTED CAPITAL .... 120 140 260 - Retained earning!> ..................•. 30 91 121 ,• TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ........ 1SO 231 381 TOTAL LIABILI TI ES. AN D CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ..... • MEMORANDA Assets deposited with State Treasurer 150 294 444 lo qualify for exerc ise of fiduciary powers tm arket value> ... 130 137 2o7 The undersigned, W1ll1am S. Gray. Vice Pres1· dent and Fred S. Lafer, Secretary of the above name d trustc ompany, each dectares, for hi mself a lone and not for the other, that the foregoing sta~· • ment is certified to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Executed on Apnl lo. 1979, at Newport Beach, Cal1tornia. Wtlltam S. Gray, Vice President Fred S. Later. Secreta ry Puolishc-d Orange Coast Dally Pilot Aprll 20, 1979 , 1503.79 P UBU C' NO-TICE __ ,. PUBLIC NOTlcr-- COM PTROLLER OF T HE CURRE NCY ADMINISTRATOR OF NATtONAL BANKS REPORT O F CONDITION Consolida ting aomes tic and foreign subsidiaries of 1he Soutn Coast National Bank of Costa Mesa an the ,tale of Ca1tforn1a, dl the close of business on March 31. 1979 pubh shed in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12, United. State'> Code. Section 161 . Chdrter nmuber 164S3 National Bank Re<Jion. Number 14 ASSETS Statement of Resources and Li~bilities ThOUsands of Dollar s c ash a nd due trom de pository institutions ...... o,75o U.S. Treasury securities ........................ 405 Obligationsofother u.s Government agencies and rorporat1ons . . .. . .. .. . . .... 2,000 Obl1gat1ons of States and po1tt1ca1 subd1v1sions 1n Ille Uni ted Sta tes ............................ 209 All ot~r sec.urit1es ......................... , ••• , 512 Federa1 fu nds sold and securities purchased under agreements lo resell .................. 3, 18S Loans, Total <exc:lud1ng unearned 1ncome1 ............. 12,806 Less Allowance for possible loan losses . . . .......... 122 Loans, Net ... , ......................... 12,084 . Bank premises. l 't~tu re and fixtures. angr~~;e~~setY-.p.re.s.enti'.'? ~-~~~ ........... 10037 Real estate ownea other than bank premises ...... 91 All other a .. set'> . .. ................... 41S TOT AL ASSETS ............... 27,294 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of 1nd1viduals, partnership.,, and corporations.. . .... I 1,0lb Time and .,,wings d1•pos1ts of 1nd1v1ciua1s, partnerships, dnd corporation"> ......•...... 7 ,270 Deposits of United Sla te'> Government . . . . . . . . .. S2 Cl'r t1f1ed and off1 ct:r'> checks ............. 792 fOT AL DEPOSITS . . . . . . . • .. ........ 25, 190 Total demand de pos11.,.. . .. 17,920 Total 11me and <;avangs deposits . . 7,210 All other ltC1btl1l•e'>.. . ................. lo fOTAL LIABILITIES textlueling suborct1nated notes clnd debentures 1 • • • • . • • • • • • • •••••••• 2~.26o • EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock c1 No snare<, authorized . . 202,000 o No shares outstanding ..... 170,066 tpar vcllue1... . . . ................ 850 Surplus....... . .. ... .. . . .. . .................. 4t2 Und1v1ded profits and reserve for contingenc.1es and other capital reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 700 fOT AL EQUI TY CAPITAL .................... 2,028 TOTAL LIABILITIESAND EQUITY CAPITAL ........................ 27,294 MEMORANDA Time certificates of deposit i" denominations of S100,000 or more .......................... 2. 136 Average tor 30 calendar days tor c.a lendar month) ending with report da te : Total de posits . . . ....................... 24,270 1, William T. Devan. Vice President & Cashier of '1 the above-named bank ~o hereby declare that ttlis Report of Condition Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. l s /Will iam T. Devan w e, the under signed directors attest the correct- ness of this statement of resources and liabilities. We declare that it ha s been examined by us, a nd to the best of oor knowledge and belief is true and correct. i sl Nick J . Florio IS/Albert Perelstein is/Mark E. Hurwitz Directors Dated April 11, 1979 P u bli s he d Ora nge Coas t Da i ly Pilot, April 20, 1979 t492-79 P UBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE NOTICE 0,, MAA•INO NOTIC[ ·~ H6AE8Y G IVl!N .... , .... &Mrd ot S...rvl-• Of lllt (OW!ly . ol ORANGE. Sit t• ot C.llf'Omoa, "'' try ...,.,.,. ... INtM lllt 13111 ..,, Of AUtCh, Im, CllKl..-ed Ill lftffntlOft IO -~l!W .. rrllefY •t<riMd ....,,, IO 0••"99 Cownly s1 ... 11.1git1tlng ~·n•-· 0.llU<I HO 10, -.... ,....., .,,... ""Ml&y, IN"" INy OI Mlfy, ""·t i 1"4! 111M1r ot • >Oo'<JO<ll '·"'·Of .. ._..., l1t IM Cll•tnbef\Ol Ille 8oenl Ol S\illlft\'l-1«111e C-Yof Of-.111 IN HAif Of AOTnlnlm Mton, 10 CM <. o.n•·· Plat•. !>Ml!• -. c::.ilforfllttt, ft lftt 11-- plKt IV ..... Mlflt ""°" I .. -~lltfl ol Ml4 411W11Wlloft -ell •f«I ..... 1111,.IO, ti ~ tiftw Md pl.U tll ~ ,..._ rNIY ..,,,.., -.. """' Al ...., tl<'llt OftOt to 1"" ""'"' 11 .. 0 •or l!H<'lflo,.,,., lfllt,.•t" .... .._ ,...., 11i. •""""' o .. ~ 01 '"' SO.•o ot s-rv•"" ot 111e c..,,,., Of Or~.,....,, M IKllOll> to 1,_ l"'OOO~ tflMa.liOn, _,, ~jtlCtion, wlll be <-iett'HI rrr# Ille 8Mf'OOf Suotr"'-'•l t,,. ll,.,..•110oittt ll-lorllffn"1 A ..... OtK•oPI-OI ••td l•ff•IO<'Y ~ ,_ tn .. _... .... No, "'lltl, N I" -<II I) 1'7•. 01 IM &o.•d Of 5-fYI_., 111111 ....... Ule ci.r• Of Ille 9oenl Ol S..,.f\'I-\ Tiie •• ,, .... ,I\-···· dfMrtllM ..... _ .. S.ld -HttOfl 'o'""" ol tppru1m1101y ,.._» *''" toe-'".., t"" -19 \ICM of Aooll\Old Ao.cl , .... ""di.'"° !IOUtlltfly Of Ille AICllltool. T~ .... Sent• Ft lt•llrO*d ri~I OI ••Y '" tht,Htl ,lly lif'nl" tf lrlflM . OAT EQ Tiii\ 1~11 dty Of Mtf<ll, ltl'f IY ~O«lt Of' THf eo. .. O Of' Ml .. lllVllOMOfl O .. ANOa COUNTY, CAl.IFOANIA !SEAi.i JUNf. Al.ll•ANO~ .. Ci.rt< OI lit• &o.f,d of s_,.1_. OI 0.•"'lt Co.;n1y, C.lltotnl• P11011-0r~ c .. ,, Oelly PllOI AOtll tJ.'tt. "" .. \ AJ., EMILY PILOT TWO ~rOponts' Filld l9-Y in Fre~r Forest Life .. ~ .......... 'ALL THE PIECES HAO COME TOGETHER' Ann and Stanley Cecil Don't .~tu the Grind ELDOIL~DO .. VINl'i~GE ''19. OFFERED WITll PRIDE. The ride. The comfort. The classic elegance. Test drive the 1'~ldorado today. l·:XCELLENT SELECTIO!': NABERS ~ 2600 Hori>of &lvd. Costo Me1o, .540-9)00 Ot.VllPlA, Wub. <AP> -; A ~ar aco be 1ave up eounlloa money to tu up ("OUOt~ blNla. At the •1 or $2, tanley ceeu lhu1~...down...u aeolor vi~ preai. dent of Ylnt Nattonat Banlr in f!lnC'lnnaU, pachd hi• belooatncs and chucked lhe lr•pplnp of cor· pur utt power for a bowie In the woods h.alf a continent away. "I THINK THEY en\'led my de- da!on... Cecil HY•·. •• AU tbe p eeea bad come tocet.her ln my Ule ud f didn't. want. to put Ute same puule J)ack ~ aaam~·· here, .. 1ay1 eeeu. alter com.in( to from bit garden in the back yard. Cecil teaches• part0Ume c:oune tn economic• at Olympic Vocatlollal TechnlcaJ College -for bia own •n~ joyment, not for the money. women'• 1tucilel and wriUq couna at the Ever....-n Staa. eon. ... The couple aet • Jot --time to.rether, ~ atys. ----- T. And it's worked out ra~ w:eU. •t Mrs. Cecil adds .. llF. KA.JO au; eQJoyed his Job but want~ lo en.Joy another aide of lite. CecU -and bls wife, Ann, live ln a po1h home ,eesUed in the woods. They aren't living a pioneer lifestyle. What they are doing, Cecil says, la talcing life easy and doln1 some of the things 'hey've wanted to do for a long time. IN IDS SPA_aE time, which ls most of the time, Cecil goes day·blldng on Mount. Rainier, travels around the western part of the state, and watches birds. Quite a change from a banker's itinerary, be·says. The Cecila bad one advantqe over many families -the wberewltbal to make their dream a reality. Altboqb Cecil wouldn't 1 say bow much be earned as an executive, he says his Now, cclf SMys, bt1 wouldn't trade his bluo Jett.ns and garde~ tools for boardroom& a nd pinstripe suits. Part or the decision to kick the 9·to·5 routine came from looking at the way the younger generation lives, Mrs. Cecil says. He also concerns himself with local zoruog issues. The Cecil home is four miles from the nearest city UmJt, but he believes good city zoning as crucial to protecting the aspects or Olympia that made it an appealing new home. financial investment.a made the move possible. HE MAKES ~O bones about tbe financial loss be bas incurred aa a re· suit of "dropping ouL" lo a rew more years, he would have had a full pension coming. Now, he will get OD· ly partial benefits. ll took a yt•ar tu make up his mind to 11ark up and go, Cecil says, after 25 yt!un. In banlung. Although co wor kt•rl'I were it0mewhat amazed wtlh tu.' deds1on, he believes many ~'Ople pooder qwttlng work to eojoy lbt> Jtood IJfr ''LOOKING AT THE changed lifestyle our children and \bea r gener ation live, which is freer and easier, made me ask myself wby I had to staj in the same pattern," &be says. "I t1unk it's hard to be bored out He chose this region, he says, becawie or fond memories from bJs military service. In Cincinnati, the bank functkJns without Stanley Cecil. In Olympia, Stanley Ce<:il ls 1Juiving without the b1tnk. Ano Cecil bas been dabbling an Government Undermines Guidelines WASHJNGTON <AP> -Six months after they went Into effect, President Carter's anti-inflation guadeltne8 are beginning to suffer from tbe same kind or credibility problem that scutUed Gerald Ford's WIN program in 1974. Ford's Wltip Inflation Now campaign became a national joke as people soon realized that WI N buttons and letters from school children were not enough to keep prices from rising. The program was quickly forgotten as the nation ran into a deep recession. CARTER'S WAGE AND PRICE guidelines, which were announced with considerable fanfare last October, also ha ve fallen on bard times, in part because inflation has gotten worse. But Carter never promised all the guidelines would work. The credibility problem bas arisen because the adminlstraUon has said they are working in Lo.stances where they clearly are not. Furthermore, it bas failed to follow through ( J -or think ~rou.gb ~ /'llt·U ."i.-4~ ft)."i/,, some of the things at satd _ , It would do The r ece nt Teamsters settlement is only one example, although a big one. The administration claimed that a JO percent increase over three years met the 7 percent per year wage guideline. To make that claim. it bent the guidelines in all sorts of ways to make the Teamsters' contract tit. :rtus was in contrast to Carter's statement in October that if violations or the guidelines ot" c·ur-red "lbe ~overnmenl will respond -using the tools of government a uthority and public opinjon " THERF. ARE OTHER EXAM PLES o f administration actions undermining the program's cre<tib1Jlty : -Carter announced a plan for inflation in- surance for workers who cooperate with the guidelines, but the plan was not well thought-out and the administr ation didn't push it very hard with Congress. ll is a dead issue. -Carter said the government would Withhold contracts from bus inesses that violate tbe guidelines, even though the administration knew it would be on questionable legal ground. It hasn't yet withheld a contnct, and the plan is being cbaUenged in the courts. · • -ALFRED KAHN, THIE PRESIDENT'S chief inflation adviser , said the administration would list the names of companies that defied the gujdelines. And although he said a mootb ago'5ueh a listing was imminent, no names have been f.orthcoming. The adm1nistralion pubU.shed the names of 447 or the nation's soo largest corporations lhat it said had pledged cooperation with the program. but declined to provide tbe names of those that had not done so. A spokesman saJd the remainlng 53 corporations "are l\,,Ot necessarily in violation or the guidelines: They Jfast haven't made an explicit commitment to them ... By contrast. the administration named states and maJor cities wh.i ch bad not yet agreed to comply -ALTHOUGH GENERAL l'fOTORS rect!ntly announced prices on new compact automobiles that seemed far an excess or the price guidelines when compared· to models they replaced, the administration said it wouldn't cha llenge them. ll said It considers the compact.S to be wholly new products and that new productJt area 't covered by the guidelines. 1 The recent announcem~1 t or a consumer pri ce watch ~t the loaal I vel has invited skepticism because few consum rs can be expect- ed to have sufficient expertise to know when prices are excessive. Arthur Bums, former chairman of tbe Federal Reserve Board, said nobody is fooled by claims such an:be one that the Teamnerssetuemen was within the guidelines. "It means distrust in gov- ernment, which as a lready great, becomes stronger stUl." BtraNS SAID IT WOULD BE better for the administration to lldmit that the seWement bad exceeded tbe guidelines and to urge other w:Uoos to do better. The guidelines have been respected in many other union settlements. "I see no advantage to saying 10 percent or more than 10 percent 1s equal t.o 7 .... The gov· e mment l05e8 its credibility when it make. pro. nouncements to that effect," Burns said. When he announced the guidelines last October Carter asked people not to "ridicuJe them" and give the m a <'ha()('e to work. Aul 1t as the administration's own conduct m running the program that could in· vile ridicule. Ov~r Th•• Counlt·r HASD U~\ Three Reasons ~You Should Bank With Us. 1. ll<l\llM"\,llJO"Tl lllJ.:l"IH"ro1I ~n-.·1lw1 OtH" t'lf ..... """. ·••v:•·•YUI '''I:"''"'' 1<1n.\ ., \i\ tM•fl &tM· t~."~'·r \<ttl "·'" 'I""'"''~ 10 t•l111a1ini.: al10ut your mu10. ... , I\ rr.tll\flTrt•f IO 1100! h<T br.ill\.IL Wtu11 tfo ~OU Jo lltl"' l)t, IOU 'lilfl Ill<· tll"V\'~ini;: f?"X\."\\()\11"f lll(1tin' \\"\IW(l'\I )")Uq/R~T lf>t>fact l"'il •I Com.mo.'!'\(" 11..n.k 1ho.• banlu.Ts• h<-rt to "*Y:lnc:y ureowo.. ..... .111d found<~ T1lt' btnk"i fulul"I! is 1hc·ir fntill'\:. You '"' jlullrllnlt..00 cominuj1y-quicl.. u<1ivr11111 your 11 .. 11 ""\jll\ ... t. 2. Cooltkoc, and mffl.'\! OOn l Olllki• • Commt-m .. llnnk. nor do '->!low .tvcnhing \lopru ... lilw "\.'ofto Wl'\0 lhr f~k_'\f n.nJr: /\ Httnk u only.,~ ... , in t.n~ lfcn''" ( omtne'f'Uf"'-ok -ha~ 11 comprchtmiV'l' ,.,...m or l•inh-n. who hilve 11 pnm•n trxk tttmd of uoo.. .... "llntll"I: your buii~ ""'-"ll,•nd'°'4runit OIOIW)' 111 .1u001pliih .YOU' itmwth ph. C.olJllnl'TttBlnlc P~idem. Lana C. 81 IK', tw, b("·n tO\nlv('(! in bwi.nen ban~ in Ontn.,1:e Countv (or Ill ~-.s•~ a\ VICll"-Ptt\ident uid ~r of lmr-~1~1 l\outk in Sama Ana and " M•n•g•T of nu..;l'l('\, 1>c,eolnpmtt1t ol Union Dank in~ 8-;h I \1'(\1tlvt V"ia--~1.~0c:hsner.abm"4·r ..,uh IO)"•tull•-rvice1o~Coumyba"'"'~ f"'-"Yloody W'f'Y\'tl T~I Jleok ai R...-gloftil Vin·· -- .. ....... 11-111 .Arw! ""'" 1\.rnk ., v.r.~l'n•\l(k-nt ill •hnr Hq:11m,d nlfi<c in N._.,.,pon llc:;ich. ~w.111h4 I> l\t·1<hum. Vt<t,-Pr,..,i<k'fl1IC.a<Jlic:T has \pl•nt u,,.,. l'> vt-an in the h.mki11i: hu\ll'll"'-tl'IO'>t n"('Ct1I ly 10 t II\· 1;i,hjlT~t Xiuth (,..)ol~t N111iooal ll.lnk in Coo.111 ~·.,.. \ht• Wll\ .100 t'TllplnV\-tl hy Valmria flank and hy ll.&nk .,f Aull-n(11, wh..TC lM: mlltUIAnl !,nan<'""' In A1U1h•:u11 .11111 Placrnua. 3. Promhiog i.sooc tbl~. IA~i..,,-ring is'°"""" th111i.: dsc. Comme.-ra&nk wu fouadt'tlon 1hc:cocn· mmnent thl1t what W(' promlw, ._,,.will ddtvtT. I ht~1·\an Kk-tttlf1•hl<-JK'<.•I ~ • bllnl.. with 11K' ph•ltNJphy INI v>mlTK'rt't'IJ...nk has edopll'I. ·1 I"' ~lntt'll'll-nt t\h.icl.t-d by1hl.• fa..11ha1 Commnn•IJ.fnl.\ \Hilk nfft·m~ twl tho· hi,l(~t fM.•r-\ul'N'.rip11m1 11· .. ·I <ti •roy ~·w U.lifomiu bolnk in thv la\f loo1t )•·~•., flnnS( )'OW' ruwnciJll fulurc' In IH .. W! pmmiw In •Hlrk with yt>ur i;trowth a\\uftlpt.OO\ and 1'"1\k """ """"tnt•l'lh 10 llfnY(' •I II rf11n I lwt will lt((Ort1rl"h \our fin.mcaal A<Mli (Of 11n? • I tK' 1hrw l"Nlo0ft1of Jl<Tm.IO.-n<r, prnwn pe-N)O rwl lltl<I pnvr ~O..'\' ~kl~"•"°" ("tlOV)lh 1u '""'-~iptt! i.o rnon!detail why JOU \houklron· 'Kier <".A'lllll'l'.ICflltu\k a.• your MW IN-..-pm rwr. Ut.11 u.~ 1oday1 1.-1 '*' It now wtit_.,, ~ Oln t~ hv yuur ofOe:e 10 cfucv.u your fuwnriaJ ~un:. - 4640 Dtrch Struct l'l<'Wf!O't lk.'OCh. CA 92<'60 (7J.1) 540·6%1 . -- MFMBERFDIC • _,- MUTUAL FUND I NI/EST ING C,.pm t.•• NL Frm80 10 '2 11 9l Htr1 l.eY tO'J? NL n<om ""' J JJ Nomur4 'Jc. IO. Vllr• It'' 12,b COMPANIES <Aoll s '·" NL ~.fwd Fwnck· H~YIO 11.l'I 11 10 Lulfltt•Mt Bro NMU\I 1l JI NL S.*1•0 ,,_, E OAK tAPI Al Yin 8ullo0: Am I.cir 7'0 i ,. Tr I 00 NL Funo 10,41 11 JI Nu•Hft 'l 31 " AmSM •-IS NL N W y Bull<k IJ Ot U.31 Hit cm u.1e u :1. HOf U . II "ti l1><om .... t SO 0,,...0• II fl 11. Sc>ISh~ 1... NI. flle folio-i'l:c,~ Ctnon t.:IS • I) -M I 00 NL INAFO 11 ... 12 so Mny Mii I 00 NL OM Wm u «> N SellllMI Gn>up: lellom, .::f' I 01••0 116 J 02 MMM 1 '00 NL ISi 0•-:.. Mulll •.o 10.11 ~·,_ FO: ....... 3.6• •.OJ ~';jonN•:.i s.c".!~~ Monlll 13.lO 1•.l1 Ootn li 7' k .JJ Orwtll )... ..oo vs OoY '~ 10.11 " .. u 7. Btt*' 7.2' 7.tr NIWS •.ll 10 20 T•Fre 11.GI NL l1><om l.W l.tl Met.MC-Co H IO 23.SI ?S.21 Com S 11,.S IZ.13 Oe•1*"1e.· 1:;'f:.n·1e.~ NVl/11 IU2 IU.S VS G'it ..,. NL Tr'Sl $11 11.IJ 11.1• Fre<td U7 •.04 lncBOI U7. Grwttl t.M .... Ille pr et~, OFUlld O• 1' ldetlty ~; TrPeSll llldff t.31 IO.lS Mon8 1.00 N 5"uole 2140 NL ,,..~ "" = Gl11<m 1 1•1 1~,. Ao,.., •.>f NL ).00 NL Meu IO.~ ll.f7 ()pin 23.lt Ho Sieftlry F u.n M.42 <OU (Ne! ve I ,llASM I 00 NL 8-t.O. NL 1_,lry .. a.., . F'OlllC 11• IS.If SoKI U,., U. She~ I'-: "''0 ) ..:=1 epPres I 00 NL GNU e.n • 37 lntCtp 1.00 NL Meu FINMI ,,.,,... •.• N ~ :tl.61 2161 "•1.,. °' .. ,.. .,,,,,1~s;c 1 oo NL Con1td '10.64 NL inc 1n....s• It.SI n.M MtT IO.I» 1oas AIM 11.0 u. l11<om 11-'11t.» Cv•lue I f~ ft ...,t II .SO 17.40 O.lty I I 00 NL '"" Guld 10.IXI NL MIG •.m '" Tl,,,., 10.• II ,,.....~ 10.'2 11.tl <"'°'00t -..;, herlFO 1• ~ n 9' 01lny I0.17 NL lllY tlldie 1.V NL MIO IS.IC> 14AI OTC St< 11.• It. ~reO I0.1• NI. AGEFO II ....... ~ "°' EQ lllC II u NL lllY 8CK 9.IO 10.jl MCO .,. I0.17 Ptf'em M • SI 10. $!term 0 25.M NL vn:;,a NL Funo • .., 1 ,. M-1 JtU NL lll"flf.on ~ MFO ,. SI IS ... ..._ Sq 1.» N ~ Furm: Aco•nf-I 7 L "'°"' • " s n "'"" 114 '., NL IDS lkl s.u s... MF8 14 s. IUO ....... MU s.. H C.c>ll I0.7t 11,7' !:r,'.'::.: IJ;. ~L Sh••• , ,. I " FIO.L IS ·es 11.:n IOS Gn I :It 1.'1 MMB ',. • 7$ Pflll• .... •• 111..-n 10.a 11.21 F I;,, Nl $CMKI ... , ,. H • YIO l...S NL IOS ncll s I•· .. h MFH , ~ I.I) p-Cap e.17 •. "Trvsl .... ... A~ r 0. II ).I .... ,o ,, ~ NL llMun • ,. HL Mull • "' • s. MCM I 00 NL ,,_,, Fii • .,. I0.1 Vtllt .... 10.». A l'1" 1 IHtlh ,,_,..,0 f \I e.21 Purlln 10 o 11.0 P•OQ l • l.11 MtlhetS IS Sf NL Pl'11rlm ~ S8 Eqty tl.•I '2.01 Am1;'""" f-1)) • 10 lonlel FuM" S.IM\ s .. s.. 1 .. e. • ... tJ Merrill LY"<" Pllo f'CI U.l4 ll S8 l&Gr UM 13.S. A •I 9' , /9 Sen SI>< I '' t H Tllrllt t rt Nl SloO 1e"' 10 OS B•tl<. tO •S It 0t Mto C :I 1' 4,02 5o0en 111 fl.fl U.H :~~rl '~" 11 JJ f"Unll • ,. ... T•-H ll Jt)f S.lec.t ., .. ']) C•c>ll I)~ o.. Meo 111 '·" • s. lllYI .... •.n " G II , ,, '.. Grwltl 4. \ JJ FINf'(14'1 Pr~ II•• Py I 10 ' II EcwlB t 11 10 1J p~ ,,_ SWiii GI i.n •• ,. ~~Q IJ,~I~~ :>:1~ l~~.rn p~~I !:.. ~t:~~tRclft,~~1t~ :'u~:-C rn·~~ r.-1~-Ul:• 5o~c.:: :~::11:~ f I ., 1 H ru Mo ll 1' ISi» ln(llf" I II NL'"' •60 NL ROAlt I 00 NL p~ '"" 11 .. 1 NL VII'"°" o0 ,,. ~ ... '° Olv Otll "II NL "" ln••"IO<\ JP on" 10•2 II Sot !>c>V•I • 17 10 1l Pllort" "s." "-" tt.1' I rwl" f tt ._... wltll A8 tt I 03 Biid Ap 1• 60 U I• _, F 1• 29 NL MIG AM S '9 • Plllrlld I I .. I IJtllMd ,,,.,,., I~ 1 IS e I f Wltll C I a I .. Ot\CO I 0 I U .-H-OCll M()f>IY f' t tS • P91<t ,._, A<C"' .... 1,11 NPen '-«> 6 tt -8d e ~ '7l (i•wl" I 01 e 11 8olld 17 JO 11.IO MSB FCI If/I N Gl'Wlll tl.02 ..... ....., &Al 1.Jl , m ,_.. p F• f IS e ll 1ncom I.If •·'° c;,...,. •).I ..,. Mvt 8~ t .11 • IMom ...io (oft ..,. '55 ,.. .. AW•"~ -M.. NL $lock 1.00 • 1• &..... I l' •.n Mlf FO 71) • N Er• tJ.JS c... lllC , ..... ~ :)I •OI • '"" •.ts tol2 "'""'"A .... I'll 1 .. e. Mii' GU. 4.U UI H Htrl&•tO.Jt ·-~'·to.a Cet>GI • SJ 4.. on•lel 0 e.u HI. FtMllOI ·" NL IU2 U .. 01 NWIW40f 0.-~.,.... I0-00 H ....,., , , .. •» £111 " ,., 7 2' t ~ L14 NL F\t VM 10.00 NL Jolllltlll JUS NI. Amer 10'3 II h Fre t.e4 N kleft U. 1:J7 HI 1111 11 7' 1'.. "Vici Se II_.. 12.AS W•ll IUI NL Ke-F..,...: ~ 3 ... 4. ..... """" 1.29 l't V~UI 1." lllCf'd .. II Mii ,., C.. -·· FllCI Oltl 4.67 tAS Ill<"' I0.0'1 10.11 Ill<-I ti t.1 Pt-el!'< t ,'1._ H t,1111 1.17 M. MIHl8 2:U7 24./S ' C-I.AID NI. ,._,.. ~: ~ .. 0 '73• hF,.. 1-.01 I Pno SI~ lt.11 tlM Y-.._, TOI "9' 1 16 1.'3 Ol'flllCl!I I 00 NL Orwttl S .U Ul HI Vici II 4t 11 JJ Molt SN1I J7.s> H ,,__ """-: V .. U t.Jt t.111 V-• 11:.. " II 0.1--O.-· Ill(:-n SI 1~ MoftM l.'llO NL Nell 11111 12.a N t..ftY ""'* tu• lllCelf! S.tO ... (m•lll Ul t JO Oet.tt '2.ll 1).41 Mut.. 1.1' •,a. MUl\8 IO. 16 !O.t1 Net ~ ~. 01,0f• ~-..OC WI tJ.'1 ('~II 11'2 L4A Del-IU4 IUI 5"<1 IU.S 12.W ()pin It 17 11,,q ••1*' t,«I IO.I 1 .... 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A_., ltew Wld 11.)t ltwrttr f'...ai H hfMlll• hf t,. !11\lfl Tr 1t• NL Grwtll 7 OI 11) Attllld f .. t 2' Et tU• ....,._. .,... t ftll. 114o11F..,. td t0.J0 11111" Ta HI NL 1-t-Q NI. 8llCI e IO)t II.It II'( t,,. -~ Ot 1. -....... •ull & ... 0. l'tJrfMI 10 .. 11.)t 11tf't Ot!I llJD NL 0.Y Gt It.• t1-H f t1taS '"W•t IM <MMI dialWN .-' STOCKS I BUSINESS Friday"• Clo ing Pric NYSE COMPOSITE •1 -. '. • • v " -..,~ (Q l '° 6 1• 191• • '. V':>I (p 60 I 16 10 • • 1• Vdt1t•'ffn &0 l 31 t."' • 1 • V1tn CJ"'I ff) $ 1• 1)'• • '• V.H1f'tn 40 Mt SO 1P·• ' '°'f! 11 .. 0 .J2 I> 1114 10"-.... vr•co co <; n n·, VPndO 1Sl ) ,,., • "'1 V•noc• s l V•,IY 1 ~ 11 11\o V1MOtn J2 1• S9 lO' .. • • v .. c Pw I 3' 1 C51 11Yr-.... V"tP pt<I /) 1ISO -• Vd[ I' flf1 'lO II ,._., , v ,1( I" Pl/ ,flJ llOOO 10>i. , .. , , v'ntni•do 80 14.t ••>-• , •, \'ulr •M. I\ f) l3 141,, '• l V11IC nM I t0 8 ).0 l7 t "° Soelal Seearlt• Broader Basis Eyed in Studie~~- ., SYLVIA POllTD LMI•"-~ •• Mort lbao~107 o:a!Won America WOl'Sen PAl. ~ Security U.xet. Excluded by law are U.S. MUion ...t• coo,-n!ltlmen, lbelr atalfs and about 2~ •lWon odm' '. federal eivillan empk>yea. Abo not covered are about 1.1 • mutJoo state and local 111>vemment employees, molt oC ~ whom c:ou.ld be covered al the state's option. :• More than 70 percent, or about 9 millJon of tbe 12..t : miJUon stat.e and local government ed\ployeea. have beep: brought under Social Security. Of t.hoee. 72 percent allO are cover'ed under 11tate or local retirement system. TID8 IS A POINT THAT federal employees make lb . defending their retirement system against charges that ''! is too generous. Social Secwily retirement benefits. the1: note, are desigoed as a nom-ol protection, a base on whidt• auch other forms of protection, as an e~loyer-retlremeat: pension can be built The Civil Service Retirement Syste~: was set up before Social Security and was designed "1! serve as a complete pension program. . . • Thus. federal e mployees resisted when Congress! began extending Social Security coverage in tbe l95Qo,: They had been paying 1 percent of their salaries Into UM!: retirement fund and tbey feared that benefits might ~· scaled back while • Social Security taxe$ • were added. The mHitary l'etlre- ment system and Soc1e1I Security were adtted together and there wen: no similar problems. Money's Worth When the coverage propooal was revived during the financial troubles of the Social Sf>curity system in 1974·77, federal employees !esented it. THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL SECURITY as the basic s ystem makes a lot or sense. The lack of coordination between civil service and Social Security systems creates gaps and inequities and critically affects the protection of workers who move back and forth between civil service and JObs in private industry. as many do. In lbe 1977 act, HEW was directed to start a study of the feasibility and desirability of mandatory Social Securi· ty coverage of federal. slate and local government employees. A Bost.on attorney, Joseph W. Bartlett. chairman or the Universal Social Security Coverage Study. has been holding public hearings an various parts of the country. A r~port IS due by DecemtM!r . THE PRESIDENTIALLY AP~OINTED com· missio11 on Pension Policy. the Aavisory Council on Social Security and the National Commission on Social Security also are studying universal coverage. Pubhc pressure to head off tax increases set for 1981 may lead to congressional action before these studies have been (:Ompleted. ... A new combined system of Social Security coverage is logical and desirable but, says Robert M. Ball, former Socia'! Se<-urity commissioner in his new book, "Social Security: Today and Tomorrow ·it must provide as much protection as the present Civil Service system does or il would not st.and much chance or passage. Dow Vp, Gainers Off: As Trading Mixed NEW YORK (AP> -Stock prices were mixed today, driftin~ through an indecisive session. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials was UJt 1.73 points to856.98. · But losers outnumbered g:iiners by about a 4-3 margin among New York Stock Excbange·listed issues. Analysts noted some caution amon~ investors over the o~Uook for inflation and interest rates ./ G. William Mille r , the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. said the Fed will consider tightenfog credit 1f the economy ~rows at faster than a 2.5 percent an· nual rate in the second quarter !itto~la In Th~ .\ipotlight M ho• .~to.-1.:# Did NEW V0f(I( Cj!IPI AOv~n< l'O ~lonro Vn<h~nQeO TUl4111 "~ N~w f\•Qh\ ""''w tow~ ijlll.£!> Prf'I fod<ly day 6,. uo 11& 801 •11'1 41'1 1881 ·~ XI <l )I 13 HEW YORI( fj11P1 HY S1o<k '•"'> Apj)ro, ,,.,., • .. .. • .. tt,'30.~ Prt~IO<J~ <18y ••• • • • , • • 31,ISO.- Wte' d00 . . . .. .. < -0 Month '190 , .. .. • .. . .. .. • • .. • n ,S7o.ooo Vur &00 .. • .. • .. ... • • .. • Jl,5AO.OOO T-yHn ~ .. ... ......... 10,100,000 t:r. ~0'~":1~. ::::::.: ·::::: mu~~ "11 10 O.t• • J.6n, 110,00D WMAT AMEii 010 HEW YORK IAPI Advanced 0.<llnf'd Un<henQtd Tott! lUUH Nt # hlQfl\ ... ., •owt. .. THEY'LL CHALLENGE SAILBOATS IN 125-MIL£ ENSENADA RACE Si•-m•n '>frof•n Conqueat" Te•m Unofflcl•I Conteat•nta Outrigger vs. Sails Harbor Area Canoeist.s Enler Ense nada Race By JOANNE REYNOLDS Ol llle O.Uy ~11.t Si.ti Pete Caroli.in and h15 lfarbor arl'a crew think they've J.tOl a pretty good shot at winnin~ lhtl> weekend's Ensen:n:ia ntt'e They ~on the last event the) raced in last fall 1n ll awa11 In addition, their boc.il 1sn 't i.:oing lo be subject to the vagaries o( the lrad1lmnc.illy light wand!'> the.it leave boats drifting toward OaJa California. THAT'S BECAUSE THEY are going lo paddle the 125·mile course in an outrigger canoe, Trojan Conquest. ~ BUT IN A llACE that features suc h oddities as tuxedo-dad C'rewi. and tople:.s bathing bcuut1es. Carolan f1~urcs s ix m<>n in un outn1oter ~on't be out o( place As prt>sJdC'nt uf thl' World Outrigj.tt•r Canot• H1H•1ng As soc1ation, Carolan !)<Jld the primary point 1s to draw al· tenl1on to the ancient llawaiian sport, known in the isla nd as the :.port o( kings. He said his organization is try· ing to have outrigger canoe rac- 1 n g inc luded in the 1984 Olympics and participation m events s uch as the Ensenada and Transpac races will be one way lo do that. they becam e t h t: firs t non- Polynesian team lo capture the event C'll'arly lh€c•y 1ntt•nd lo ~ep S('tling prN'('dCnlll. Jn the upcoming raCt'. thl.'rc will I><' IR mc•n to mlin thl' !)IX pos t1ons tn rolatmg shifl~ DURING DAYJ.IG HT hours. the shifts will change hourly /\ new ma n gl'ls into the waler ahead of the boat :rnd the m an he's replacing rolb out of the c~noe. The new paddler then swings onto the ('anoe as it comes by. Al night, Carolan said. the s hift changes will come every two hours. which should give the -paddlers four hours oU for sleep Coast Dart Champs to Compete in St. Looia . ~ -· By JACKl lE HYMAN Of U. O.lit 111'1"4 It.ft Tom Taylor of Co11la Mesa is 1:t former (ootbaJI and basketball player who now plays a game that's 8~rt, sharp and lo the pot nt. It's called darta. This weekend. Taylor , 36. and his team partner, Mike Larue, 28, of Hunlln~lon Beach, will h ea d (o r th e n a tion a l c hampl on11 hip 11 o r th e Nalural/lJnlcorn dart contest in SL Louis. Mo . having won the Wesll'rn rf'fU<mal fmali. over 300 l•ntriN1 A FT•;R VYJNC f<'OR $00,000 in prt7.(' mo1wv. the pulr who 11 lrl'11dy won S.100 unit l11f' trip to St 1.0111s wl ll 11t1rk around ln thul 1>urt or lh1· c·ountr,y Plf) lhc•y 1·un makt• thclri pitch in tho $20.000 pluH <;tc•v1dun1J ":" lruvuganu1 April ir1 2f} In Ohio Soum1 llkt-tbt'rt"" SI lot or mon•'Y 1n durt11·' W••ll, th1•n.• 111 und run too, tht• Cm1t11 M•·11u 111 s urant·c xult•1Hn1m m 111111 ••ln11 Taylor su11l h•• t11•111m1· In volvcd four y1•11111 111(11 oft.., 11 friend ht•J(Ull takl11Y, l11m 110 ltll'ul "dart 1>11bs" """'l 111., th1· B11lllf1l1 Salr>0 n 1111d thi-f111otr1l w.1lk in W~stm1nHtn T II t-: K •: II 1-: J 0 f N f•: f) I h 1· liowl1n,J! lt·<•J:ut· l1k1· arl1v1t11·\ 11nd shuf1X'1wll hi!) '.ktlb /\<, h1\ 1ntcrt·s l grc•w. T11 y ll1r lwga11 1Jr<iC'l1t·1n1:: :rn hour a dav "It ·s vt·ry lOt'X p1•ns1 Vt'... ht· su1d "You l'<tn M't u1> un arc11 of your house to play d <1rts for about $60 "You know. Sherlock Holme!> used to play this The preMdent of lht• University of Chicago. a woman. 1s also <10 amateur dart champion Dick Cavett s an en thusiast also " COAST PAIR PROVE TO BE SHARP WITH DARTS Tom Taylor, Costa Mesa, and Mike Larue, Huntington Be•ch A compht'ated st•orin~ !)ystem tias cvolvt.'d in which player!) st;irt out with 501 potnli. and de du1•t potnts for each toss depend 1ng on which pu:-:.baped sccUon o r ring 1s hit Each sttllon has an arbitrary number of po1nli. a ssigned to 1t The cont es t s, l argely s pons ored by b r e wing com - panies and dart manufac turers, o ffe r categories for s ingle s, d oubles, four .person teams. mixed doubles and ladies only, Taylor said. such a!>5or l8 Themnerrmg1!> T H E PL A YERS SVPPLY ;i tnplt.· :.core and the outer one a their own tun gsten darts that double. M> :.omtffine who hit the are narrow and heavy. Three triple nng in the 18-poml S(!Ct1on darts cost $60 b ut they last THE POPULAR ITV OF the "'ould deduct 54 point:. "forever ," Taylor said. !)port gr<.>w Taylor '>aid. 11nd ..,o Among the reasons Taylor Car olan ana bis teammates from Blazing Paddles Outrigger Club say they're entering the race ror two reasons · lo gel publicity (or their sport and lo tra in for unothc r race the summc r 'l> Tran l>pa c to Honolulu~ BLAZI NG PADDLES IS a r lub formed lust summer hy Carolan cind other locals who wanted to go in thl• <tn nu<il Mo!oka1 Channel race, hut who t·ouldn't get spots on other local lt'h'ms . . T ROJAN CONQUEST AND did tht• C'ompet1t1CJn!> <ind thl· OTIH.R C OMPLICATED behevt.'S the game is growing in its l'rl'w w ill be blcs!>ed . prllC's Tht.·rt"" a n :\mern«111 rull'.., l)(•rm1t l'\CO higher score!> popularity are its low cost, the llawauan !)lyle, prior lo th<' ract' Dart!) CJrg:rn11.:it1on "'-llh a rt·g ·on .i ..,inglt· thrn"' f<1l't that the handicapped can and two t'!)('Ort b<>Jt!) will follow ular nc\.\!'.>ll'll('r. Jnd then· :.irt· Whu(•H•r got·s out first win~ participate and that women can Carolan <'onccdt.•!) the 1dt!a sounds bizarre to somt.· J><!Oplc. The race off1C'1als arc definitely unenlhus1a!)t1c, he said . The Trojan Conqm·st won't he an of- (icial <•ntrant bccauM.> the race is hm1lt:d to :.a1l-Powc rcd only. tht.· canoe to Mexico thr el' or fuu1 maJur natmn:.il, 1h1· gaml'. T aylor ..,,JICI The c·ompete equally with men. the ··w.e rt:ally hoµc• lo beat the· compt•t1t1oni, ecich month fu1 a\1•nt.J!l' numlx·r 11{ throwi-1!) 20. convcmcncc C"you can play a New Rules Split NC Church HIGH POINT. N C 1 AP) The pa~lor of the 2.867-mt•mhtor Gret'n Strel'l Bapt1 "t Church and three staff m cmhers havt; rns1g1wd after 1t ' adopted rult·:-. to restrict l'hari:.mat1c al'tiv1ly 10 tht• congregation. · Tht: Rev. E. W. Prit·e Jr., the pai.1or , :.aid he was res1grung with no ill will because he felt his "work had been com · pleted" at the church. He s aid he w as not personally involved in the charism atic move- m ent. T H E MOV EMENT has spread wide ly in many deno minatio n s and sometim es involves glossolalia. speaking in unknown tongues. Of Pentecostal origin. it has been welcomed by many P rotesta nt and Rom a n Catholic leaders 1 as reinforc ing (aitb. but some Southern Baptist groups have opposed it. THE GREEN Street C hu rc h 's n ew guidelines. drawn up by deacons, state that •'our church is not a pa rt of the c harisma tic move· m e nt" a nd that n o "doctrine except that th a t i s So uth er n Baptist" s hall be taught under church auspices, adding: • ! ~h~~ldut~n :~r:f:~li~~ inviting or aJJowing a ny person not in accord wilh the fundamen tal tenets and doctrines of Green St.reel Church to s peak or teach in our church.'' When Rlaz1ng Paddll'~ won the j.!ruehng Molokai to Oahu race. and lhe world outrigger t•hamp1onsh1p that go<:s with 1t, 5a1lboats ... Carolan i-aid "We high stakes hut ht·.., gone out 1n a~ re.\ a~ 11 game of darts on the telephone. want to function a:. goodwill Tht:rl'':. more to d.irh tha11 •lh1· thcorl'l1cal lowe!)l st·on · like chess .. >. the lack of undue umbussadors und get our point JUSt aiming al a bull!> ey1· \.\Ould Ix: threl'> Bci.t two out of c•xe rt1on a nd, of course, the ::icros~. too " Taylor si:11d thrt•t' gam1·11 win.., a m<itt'h challcngt: Wome n 's Business Skills Get Study A four-hour seminar d esigned t o provide women with s kills necesi.ary in bus iness will be of· f<'rl'd a l Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, on May 2 T itll'd ··How to Survive and Build for Sue cess ... the• seminar 1s i.chedulcd from 6 to 10 p m 1n F'ine Arts Hull 119. It 1s part of the college's "F1ve·Slar Certificated Busml·ss Developme nt Program for women in businesl> " REGISTRATION .-EE IS $15. Tickets <trl' available m the campus ticket offi ce and will be :.old at the door on a space available ba:.1:. Lecturer I!> Valerie llol wcrda, vice president in cha rge o( sales .promotion for Bullocks Depart ment St.ores and a teacher of advertising and market.mg at UCLA. Topics include "Building a Foundation for Your Venture." "Whe re to Get Education and Ex· perience." "Bal<inc ing Home and Work," "Handt· 1ng Sexual B1a5" and "Cltmbing·The·Ladder Skills ." More information 1i. <1vailahle cit the college, 556·5880 Public Relations Use to Be Studied Use of public relations in marketing is the sub- ject of a semjnar Saturday at the South Coast Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa. ll is sponsored by the Western States Advertising Agencies Association, Joe. Jim Marine, prcsidelft. o f Brown, Keefe, Marine/Bowes, and former public relations ex·. ecut.ive for agencies in New York a nd Los Angeles, will be moderator. " Panelists will be Dennis Hollow, vice president of public re lations ut Basso/Boatman. Inc., Ne wport Beach, and Ron Rogers, chairman of Rogers & Associates. a Beverly HHls /New York- based ~orporate r elations and marketing com· munications firm. The seminar will begin at 8:30 a .m. and run until noon. Registration is free for association me m bers and $25 for non·members. Reservations may be made through the association office al (213 ) 933-7337. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. AIR .CALIFORNIA Air California is now appearing in Las Vegas. With three daily nonstops from Orange County and the lowest fare around. Just $31, one way. That's on every seat on every flight. Our low Vacation and Economy Fares can save you even more, from 20% to 35% off the regular fare. i Pmmotion · C unl F . , ~ .4----d o y air s So take off on Air Califqrnia for nightlife. shows with bi,g name stars and exciting casinos. Las Vegas service starts May 1. 1979. . .ruurvunce . G~rge 8. Good has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the Air Jo"'orce upon gradua· lion from Officer Train- ing School al Lackland AFB, Tex.aa. The lieutenant now goes to Vance AFB, Okla., for pUot training. H e received a D.S. degree in 1978 from UC Jrvlne. Hls mother , Mrs . Dorothy B. Robb, lives 1n f4aguna Niguel Boob Available Information about competitions in 'the sum- mer's Orange County Falr can be obtained from prem ium books now available, fair officlah have announced. The fair, set July 13-22, includes ftne arts, photography, Oorlcullure, home living and dealp, c rafta, lnduatrlal arts, 4-H and Future Farmera of America eventa. 'There will also be a hone show and a new catego[Y, "ProcruUnatora Potpourri," for un· finisheet craft projeclS. Premium books can be obfalned at falr offices, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, or by calling 751-3247. I I Call your Travel Agent or Air California Res- ervations in Orange County, (71 4) 752-1000; Downey. (213) 924-3313; Laguna, (71 4) 496-6000; Los Angeles, (213) 627-5401; San Clemente, (714) 496-6000; Riverside/San Bernardino, (7 14} 82S.6900. • I fl 1 ll 2 ' • f • j -INSIDE . Sports •Ann anilers •Boating •Horoscope I I Capt. Marvel an~ Frie nds :Live on in College Are.._ves About 1,000 vintage comic books and other remnants from the past have found their way into the popular · culture arch~ve at Cal State Fullerton By DENNIS McLELLAN 0t 1"9 01111 l'ilol su~t Back in the ·sos groups of parents. politicos and other concerned citizens called for the banning of comi c book!>. linking the s lim volu mes of <1dolescent diversion with growing juvenile delin- quency. Those so-called enli ghtened citizens of the re public no doubt would be outraged to l e arn that Mic k ey, Porky , Spiderma n, Capt Marvel a nd the Shadow are still alive and well in a university librar y no less. Tucked away in a s m all room off the reserve book section of the California State University, Fullerton l1brar) 1s the popular culture archive, a veritable treasure trove of the stuff kids' dreams are made of. . S haring shelf space with some l ,000 comic books arc 3,000 science fi ction papnbacks, movie posters and lobby cards. "Superman" and ''Star Trek" TV scripl5, teen magazines and turn-of- the-ccntury postcards . ALTHOUGH THERE'S MORE than enoljgh fantasy fodder for any kid's mind, the aim ostensibly is for schola r- ly resean•h Cynthia Bruns. "and someti me~ for hardcore research." One man studying Capt. America in World War II, ~he says. drove all the way from UCL/\ just to see.a particular Capt. America comic in the collection. Othe r students s tudying <1rl. com · munications or American studies havl' used thl' colleclion while researching s uch diver se topics as social a nd cultural attitudes. artistic styles and narrative forms. "For a public collcct1on this 1s large, but !or a private collection t his is minisculc." notes Mrs. Ilruns, who became archivist two years ago. The a rchive, w h ich includes a n original TV "Superman" suit, was the idea of 'ormer student Carl Macek, a movie buff. and American Studies pro- fessor Robert Porfirio. PORFIRIO, WHO USES comic books in.his Hero in American Culture course. made national headlines in the early '70s when he put on a n elaborate comic book display -one of the nation's firs t at Yale. The pair thought it would be a good idea to assemble the various interests films. comic books. 78 records and With a :)mall g rant 1n 1973 they purchased comic book:-., movie poi.ters a nd tapes. Macek ser ved briefly as p~t-lime curator, and access to the locked room was by appointment only The collection. which expanded grad ually over the years. thanks to donations, was in a stale of dis<1rrny when it was moved to the reserved book room and Mrs Bruns took over. She or · ~anizcd and filed all the ite ms. Now students :rnd the general p'Ubll t can peruse all they want Because of the value of some of the vintage comics, they can't be checked out. ALTHOUGH MANY STUDENTS come in for research purposes, Mrs. Bruns says, "a lot of people come in for nostalgic reasons: a return to better, happier times as a child." The main thing students g:iin out of looking at the collection is seeing how popular c ulture represented life in America. says Mrs. BflJns. "It can be quite a reflection of socie· t y," s he s ays. "Duri n g the '40s Superman was fighting the Nazis, and during the '60s he was fighting the hip- pies ." ..... -·-· ......... _ ... ,. ... DAii. Y PILOT Comic book~ and super heroes are a reflection of the times. j -01ily Pi ... -· •Y 0.Wy ...... _ ·'Students sometimes come in for pleasure reading," allows archivist old radio program tapes under one roof. The changing role of women is ii· lustratcd in the cover .of a 1918 "M ~ (Sec COMICS, Page 82) Comic boof< archivist-Cynthia Bruns. Delly ............. IM ll"rt• Fabric sculptor Libby Platus views her wall hanging at the Big Canyon Country Club, Newport Beach. ) . • 'I Tying Knots iS Her Thing By JUDITH OLSON Ot Ille D•llY Pilot !>1•11 Libby Platus' profession is not one for impatie nt people. Some of the knots she makes in her huge fiber sculptures take up to 45 minutes each. Dut the wail is well worth 1t to Mrs. Platus. She has been com- missioned to do major pieces for hotels. banks. univers ities and country clubs <icross the con tinental U. S. and in Hawaii. O ne of her sisal and leath~r sculptures hangs in a prominent place in Big Canyon Country Club, Newport Beach. dividing the bar from the entry hall. THE 12-FOOT·lllGH piece, which consists of three separate pieces bolted together . took six months to make and is typical o' her work. It's free-QdWing, earthy and inviting to the eye. Some a udiences m ay dism iss Mrs. Platus' wo rk as just that of a h o bbyist , a n o ther macram e maker who s pends he r time tying square knots and half hitches. but she is emcrr,ing as an important figure in the American art scene. NOW NATIONALLY known as a lecturer, workshop leader and author, she has taught all over the country and was a delegate to the World Craft Council in Kyoto re- cently. On a recent visit to Newport Beach, Mrs. Platus talked about the stale of fiber art and how s he views her work. Fiber arts aren't new but the idea of them being decorative and message-carrying is. Mrs. Platus said. The first fiber pieces. such as tapestry, bas kets , cots and clothing, now are machine-made anet the attention Is being given to projects done by hand which are non-utilitaria n. Natural m aterials, such as sisal. leather. rawhide a nd wool are used for earthy , m amm oth 'sculpture which s peak of rip· piing land . whis pering trees or barren landscapes. The chan~t-m c•mphas1s from fiber <1s useful object to fiber a-. .1 rt work, h--.is taken place just within the last 15 to 20 years, Mrs Platus s aid. It was prompted h~ the r<'tUIJl·lo nature movement of the '60s iand accentuated by <i landm<trl< exh1b1t of "pieces thtJt weren 't flat" in Lau s ann('. S witzcrl:.ind. during that same decade T HIS OISPLI\ \', Mrs Platus. s u ggested . s parkt•d 1ntere!>t 1n fiber sculpture. \\-h1ch burgeoned. until today there is so much activ1 ty in the fi eld that a whole group of new publicalions have been fou nded to report on 1t. Mrs. Platus' work. though gigantic in scale. is typical fi ber art b ec au se it in vite s participation. Viewers want tn touch it, to stroke 1l. lo savor the textures with both hand and eye. Some of her sculptures arc practical in nature as well. One. done for the Richard Bar ries I he 's pres ident t>f Faberge> 1i. a swing sofa of cowhide. wool, sis a l and othe r mate ria ls which actually hovers a few re~t from the floor. Most of the artworks try to capture a mood for a specific 9ullding. Mrs . Platus confers with a rchitects and inte rior designers a nd. takes home carpel and paint samples to mittch colors. She makes a model of plaster gauze over aluminum foll. then constructs a "map" for the work to shape over as she goes. The drawing also is used for installing th e s c ulptu re to e liminate guesswork on placement. BER MAJN goal. 'especially In the large commissioned pleei!s, ls lo make art work •'belong" to the fln lshed building. and yet "b~ complete in Itself.'' Mrs . Platus has experimented with all the traditional areas or fiber. Including basketry. crochet- ing, knotting, off-loom weaving, rawhide braiding, stJtchery and appllqoo, but prefers her newest technique. "knolless netting," which gives a wrapped look. Sh<' is self-taught in lhc textile a nd fiber fi eld and shares each m•w technique with students as :-.oon as she masters it herself. She draws on both her love for art and he r tra1n1ng at UC LA as an l'lemcntary school teacher for her new profession . · One of Mrs. Platus · missions. along with creating extraordinary projects. is lo "help artists un- derstand how they can control their own destinies by being more professional a nd businesslike." SHE B ECAME a ware of the need for Uus kind of training for a rti s ts when s he attended semina r s s ponsored by June Wayne on "artists in the business world ." For Mrs . Platus it mea ns having professlqnally designed business cards. portfolio a nd press kit with beautiful color photographs or her work for presentation to pros- pective clients and wr iters. It's all a tar cry from the classes she gave in the Los Angeles area as a beginning a rtist before fiber arts became popular. He r orders from the Pacific Fiber aod Rope Co. in Wilmington a lso are substantially different now that s he's an established artist : Six hundred pounds of sisal at one crack is a typical delivery to her Los Angeles studio. Mrs. Platus is an expert plan- ner. of necessity. because she doesn't want to end up with cosUy remnants clutterin1 her studio or being thrown In the trash. · • t buy by the project and there Isn't anything left," she sald. She owns few of her own art werks so there ls little evidence that a tlber a rtist lives a nd woru ln her house. But she gives It away with her clothes. A handmade sweater or Hrthy colors, remilllscen' of her sculptures, is the hint. Somehow you just know . Llbb7 Platus wouldn't choose anytblnc else. n Ii 4 l ~· ' t' ~ ~e ee .be ed -... we -• ~· I ' ~ ~ -~- .. IWL V Pll .• OT •• .€omics--=---- <Fnm P11e Ill Am~nca" comic book The beamlnc ht'roine la ahown que-ealftl-thee.• blct•p of a wt" ahlllfler. And the • rtrt'h" wavered. ahe nottt, 'I\ wu rllhM how 1he won th man or loll lbe mu." Today's Ubttated Red Soc\la, "She· Oevlt---.ttb "'a SWOl'd, •• ts~ ln IMTP contrMl=terday'1 Lob Lane Evtn of ''Tffn Date," "PUp" and "18 1a,utne, .. ahe ~. are vaJu· ubfo for 1tucblna ffrt•ln period.a of hll- tory. "They &bow what wu Important to J)t•Qpl~. who _.., popular," Tht-rou.nt r culture comic bookJ of thti lale ·~ and '70t AlllO AN' ttpretent t•d Somt• bt•IU" lhtt warrunR "For Adulta Only .... ~ we ~ally •c-t some racy mult-riul &0meUmes." 1ay1 Mrt Bruna To make mon• atudenta awart-of the un·h1 ve. th\• ltbrary :>t'"'eral month& ago hu<J u dlspluy of 400 com1c boolul ln lht• ~bbv . Mn Burn.' 1nt'rheard bO~ stud ots quc1>llon "hy Uw h bra ry would featurt! l'Om1c book:. -I) • - ~~~~~-Quick ~Reflexes Saving Lives O E A a A N N would hue no com · LANDERS: Do you mercial value. .-.NN :..ANDERS I HOROSCOPE ty ~. Now. my clear. yoa mast talk to yov lawyer aboet diem. Tbe advtce yoa lfJek b more Ulan a ma.-r of Jadcmmt -It's a legal matter. RUFFELL'S WHOUTMY -..y..w.. .. ... 1122 ...,._ ...... . C....111ete-... 11• Lose waw llkNll with ODRINIL 4tature'1llly -. Ull"11111P 'fOQ -weiont oue to u c:ess wallr rllt4nl ourwig Ille Pf'<omel\SINlll eydt. --tne "Nalufal" Wallr PtH coo1ains nallJIOll llert>s in a tablet lllal 1s llftecOve~ tast}C11na want to sav e •ome I've uked blm for the liv .. ? U to. pleue print pictures twice. He l\ays, tbt1. rm the-wife of a 4 1"'d Wee-to keep them u truck driver. I returned memories." I still have a few daya a10 after a a key to the apartment. croH·COUDU')' trip with I want thoee pictures. If my husband. I'm still I go in and get them can shaking as I recall the he have me arrested for number of tragic accl· brealdne and entering? dents that were avoided ls there any way I can o nly because o f m y protect myself against husband's .. ill and split· these charges if he ;;:===========::; second timing. Please should decide to pro- do millions of people a aecute? ( value your favor and print the judgment. -OVER- following tips to those EXPOSED IN N.J . To loSe wttght an moftth tono try the new e1tra·stte11Q"1 IN ~ Ae· d\lclllg Plan Both sold Wltll money bade QU¥anlet THRIFTY ''"'. "'" w h o a r e d r i v I n g DEA& N.J.: Too bad passenger vehicles. yoa dklll't make Ute pk. 1. Don't pull out In tlll'ff put of &lae proper- front of a truck unless - o.lly ~ ...... .., o.t'f---- 5000 LAMP PARTS Harbor Utes .... ...., ..., lllcl. 5-Mf 1117 ........ "'"" C.-.._"5-7JOI ' j 11' 'I .. I '\ 1 'II.ft ' DAILY PllDT CLASSIFIED ADS M2•5878 "'All m all,' nok Mris Brw\$ w1lh li laugh, "J>t"Ople look ul It wllh a i>ense or humor. Comics art-u happy lhlng " Page from book m college archives. (See story Page B 1 and at left.) ~uh~eple~yof~m .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you're adhering to the I 55 m.p.h . speed limit. this means at least 1f.i .. Peron Widow Believes mile to one mile. Most semi-trucks have a gross-loaded weight ol bet ~ee n 70,000 and 80.•o pounds. This weight will not stop on a dime. Either the truck will go into the ditch or you will be creamed. 2. Know who is behind believes Isabel can best you . When you approach Her Image is Improving BylllCHARD BOUDREAUX AIM<'-'"~-Wrt- those afternoons when tbe weathe r is fair. Isabel Peron takes a BU ENOS A I RES. solitary stroU Inside the Argentina CAP> _ On walled family estate where s he Is under house arrest. The 48-year-old widow of Geo: Juan D ... Peron Is sald to be convinced that her lmage, severely damaged when the mllltary overthrew her as president three years ago, is mending with lime and isolation and that a politlca' come· back might be possible one day. But just what political hopes Mrs. Peron enter · tains are as private as her daily strolls at the 1 ''17th of October" retreat ... and a mystery to even her most loyal sup-•P•1...-. porters In the vast labor Isabel Peron m o v c m e n t f i r s t ( Doros~ope SATURDAY, APRILZI By SYDNEY OMARll .) ARIES 1 Murch 21-April 19): Accent on friendship, achievement a nd romance. Strive for practical approach in business matters. Know when to draw line. Means be generous. not extravagant -be considerate, not weak. Pisces. Virgo figure in scenario. TAURUS C April 20-May 20 l: Challenge proves slimulaling. Priorities come into focus. Relationship is Intensified. Capnconl, Cancer p~rsons figure in important ways. Prestige could be on the line. You will emerge victorious. You receive credit for efforts. Promotion, more responsibility is also part of cycle. GEMINI <May 21-June 20>: Accent on philosophical concepts. journeys. written material, gaining a greater underslandjng of law. Aries, Libra and the number 9 figure pro~ inently. Finish rather than begin project. Your irtfluence spreads. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Breakthrough Indicated; you're due for greater freedom. Member or opposite sex cares and shows it. Welcome new contacts, challenges. Stress originality, independence. Leo, Aquarius persons fill key roles. LEO CJuly 23-Aug. 221 : Follow through on huncb. You can "strike public's· fancy." Op- portunity exists to bounce back from recent er- ror. You will be vindicated. Spotlight on public responses, partnership, shrewd observation, contrac:t. marriage. VIRGO CAug. 23-Sepl. 22 >: Co·workers, others who share your interests become allies. Diversify. Be versatile -and on guard against spreading efforts too thin. You'll be happier in connection with dependents, basic chores. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius persons play signifi· cant roles. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 221: Study Virgo message. Personal magnetism soars. More peo- ple will want to be wilh you. Key is lo be selective. Creative endeavors, cbiJdren and ro mantlc pursuits domlnate scene. Check sources. Be specific about needs. You can get what ls requJred. • SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 >: Accent on older, authority figure, bask securlty, home and do~tic situation. What appeared to be a mere whim could actually play an Important role. Be ready for changes, possible travel and special, written material. SAGl1TA&IUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21 >: Obtain hint from Scorpio message. Emphasis on ideas minor confllcts, stimulation, lntellectua\ curiosity, relatives who visit and attempt to prove "staying power." Taurus, Libra, Aquarius persons could be part or scenario. CAPRICO&N <Dec. 22·Jan. 19): See places, persons u they exist, not merely through baze or wlsbful thlnJdna. Accent on finances, stress· lng the positive, rerusing to be possessed by possessions. t lear files. Get rid of 1uperfluous "material. AQVA&JUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Cycle re· malns high -puab rorw~. lnalat on c~it due, imprint style, brine priortties lnto sharp, clear focus. Promotion, more money due. Relallon.shlp no longer ls lD 11me-playtna stage. Chips are down -spotlllbt on affeetJon, fulfill· ment and love. Pl8CE8 (Feb. 19-Mareh al>>: OIQln valid lndlcation from Aquarius mesaaie. You're 10-lne placel I Agreuive lndMduaf wbo becomes a valuable 4'1JJ. Love aad 'moaeJ are lD plcturet LlnH of •munJcatlon broaden. Aura of • alamour IUITOUDdl you. ' mobilize d by Juan Peron on that dale In 1945. "There are a million or more Peronlsts who, because of her name. still consider Isabel the leader of the move- ment," said Paulino Ni e mbro , a form e r Perolilist legislator and m etalworkers' leader . "But we have no idea what she wants to do with that power.·· The question is moot so Jong as the military s tays in power. con- tinues Mrs. Peron 's trials on .charges of cor· ruption while in office and keeps her hidden. Her milita ry custo- dians have not allowed her to be photographed or seen in public, and permit onJy her defense attorney, two cousins or her late husband and a priest to visit. But to partisans, Mrs . Peron seem s an ac· complice to her obscuri· t y, refusing to pass political messages through her visitors or answer mail. She did not acknowledge the 60 get· well telegrams sent by admirers after an ap· pcndectomy April 5. ··She believes h e r political stock is rising and will continue rising so long as she keeps quiet." said one visitor. who contends Mrs . Peron's long detention without legal j udgment is winning her public sympathy. The former caberet dancer, elected as Peron's vice president 'when he r eturned to Argentina in 1973 a fter an 18·year exile. was o v e rwhelmed b y a virtual civil war in her party and the country alter taking office upon bis death in July 1974. As terroris m, cor- ruption and inflation un· de rmined her regime. Mrs . Peron seclude d herself, look rreque nt health leaves and made speeches that bordered on hysteria. The armed forces seized power in March 1976 and placed her under arrest. Because of a ban on political activity, it is difficult for independent observers to judge Peronlsts claims that the military itselr has been discredited by failure to beat inflation and that any Peronisl· backed candidate would easily win an election held today. The military junta seeks to justify its re- ticence to restore de· mocracy by claiming the Peronists and other traditional parties lost pu bllc confidence because or the chaos they permitted during Mrs. Peron's regime. But there are no opinion polls lOS&lPIJOrt it. The political ban also makes Mrs. Peron's strength within her par· ty hard to gauge. One faction, referring to ltaeU as the Peronl1t ''movement.'' reveres the name of Peron as m11tc to workers and carry 1t on. a traffi c light and 11 Another faction calls turns yellow, look in itself the Justicialisl your rear-view mirror. p a rt y . a s p I r es t o If a truck is approach in~ become a Western Euro-fast. go through the pean-style labor party yellow light. If he ca~·t and has no use for Mrs .· stop and you DO. you 11 Peron. "The Peronist ~c push~ through the movement ended with mters<.-ct.1on anyway. P e r.on 's deat h .·· 3 Drive the speed Justicialist ll•ader Jorge llm1l whe_n cond1l10n!. D. Paladino s aid 'S1ast are good Slowpokes ~re week. a. hazard. Ir you enJOY Som c per 0 n i s t s s1ghl·seemg, do 1l on a believe Isabel's silence hi gh~ay ~her<.' com has neutralized the is· m crc~al vehicle~ ar<· not sue. Her leadership was permitted. not discussed in recent 4. Wh~n you pull in· talks betwc<.•n two rival to the left lane to pa~s. labor conf<'llC'rations on r or h cave n · s 'a kl' 1'. a possible merger. even Pass '. Don 't <l r '·"' e th 0 u g h eac h c 0 n . al4?ngs1de a car for five federation is dominated m!les. Someone t'ls c by o ne or t he party might ."'.ant lo pass. t~'" factions Wh~n 1l s a truck you re tr:,iang lo pass. b<' aware Nor are the criminal that the truck driver has charges against the a blind spot. If yo u'n • in former president much a small car, you will be of a pub I i l' i s s u e out of sight m certain any more . Fir s t an-places. Pass as quickly nounced three year s and safely as possible . ago. they arc still being I could go on and on detailed by prosecutors but these are the major before five judges in a problems. Please tell bureaucratic procedure your readers. Ann, to re· she does not attend. member lhis above all : H er 3 2 -y c a r -o I d If a car a nd a truck have lawyer, Julio I. Arriola. an accident. tbe people has askc.-d the Supreme in the car a rc almost Co urt t o o rder the certain to get the worst cha r ges dismissed on o f i t . -M P L S . grounds lhal the junta TRUCKER'S WIFE Bamboozle harsh sunlight! Pter l 'e bamboo slat blinds diffuse daylight Y provide privacy. s 'd . Reg. 3 .99 Sale ..... _ .. _ a .88 • ·xe · Reg. 5.99 Sale ....... '6.88 e ·xe ·Reg. 7.99 Sale ......... e.aa e ·xe · Reg. 10.99 Sale ......... 8 .88 10 'd . Reg. 12.99 Sale ...... 10.88 Tropical plants. 10 "' Oracl·na lndn·. beaulify <my room. Rl'g. 12.99 711 Ban.an.a leaf planter ba•· ket•. 1.99-9.99 Sale . l .'6a.8.88 has already summarily DE AR WIFE : 0 n punished her with im· behalf of my millions of prisonmenl and seizure readers. thank you for of property for the same what lfl au.re to be • Ufe· alleged offenses. saving contribution to l"\.(l.\S • /A"" Mrs. Peron is accused this colwnn. Jlaltiaa mirror. ur r&Uul lamp-~~ 'V/,._,/'\ of diverting into h er D E A ·R A N N Oval or round. ahad.e. .S, V1) private bank account LANDERS : I w as Reg.' ...... 24.99 Reg ....... 17.99 ~ the peso equivalent of a divorced after three Sale ..•.. 19.88 Sale .... 1'6.88 million dollars intended years o{ a miserable fo r flood victims and m a rriage. My ex· ' $700 .ooo i nlended for husband was a camera Sale prio• &oo4 ~April ae. charity. pe rmitting ir· nut. He talked me into \liiiiiiii1iiill•!ll!jifi~frrTftiiffifl~iiiii1 regularities in lhc con-posing for pictures with ~ AMMmM LAGUMA llACH 0 s t r u ct ion of a no bra. All he wanted --_ 509 I.I......... ~. .:() mausol eu m for her were closeups from the _... 772•24n .. 12944~;;:t.Hwr· ~ y husba nd 's remains, waist up. I'm not overly • GAIDIMMOYI COSTAMISA • C\ °-> transferring a s t ate endowed. The pictures IJOll ......,"'"" 2710 ...,_."'"" ~J.i:JOd~\ • building lo the Peronist a~r~e~n~olhi~·n~g~s~pee~i~a~I ~a~n~dJ::::=:=:=:=~'~~~====~~~~=====~§§:;;::;===~ Party and accepting ""'. $14,000 worth of jewelry as a birthday gift from a government bank. ~·There can be little doubt that the re is a s trong case against Mrs. Peron for abuse of of. rice," the English· language Buenos Aires Herald said in a recent editorial. "But her pro· longed imprisonment could.come to seem far morPabhorrent than her alleged crimes." Most other press al· te nlion hi ghlig hts the routine of Mrs. Peron's life at the 60-acre retrea t n e ar San Vicente. 37 miles from here. Sixty·two military policemen live in tents on the grounds, leaving Mr~. P eron and he r longtime maid, Rosario Espinoia, to the privacy of lhe main house. According to press ac. counts confirmed by her lawyer, Mrs. Peron rises and retJres early, eats sparingly, pedals a stationary exercise bicy· cle, r eads, watches televlsion, works eight hours a week on her legal defense. bears Sunday Masa and plays canast.a with the maid. And lhet.e are those lftemoon wila. After EasterSale · Starts Friday, Apri I 20 Select Group of Spring & Summer DRESSES & SPQRTSWEAR Cotton/Poly Border Prine Gown orig.s t ~. MATCHING Robe orig. sJ2 slzcs Petite. Small. Medium. Large Solid Oxford Ooth & Gingh:un Check Long SIC"CVc Shirtdress Reg. S32. Limited quantity while they l:lst Long Cotton/Poly Shifts ll3 ~lNAL l 4 PRJCE • $9 $16 $16 $11" Orig. $22. Assorted Prints. Sizes Petite, Small, Medium. Larae AnEMTIOM Come help u~ celebrate lhe Grand Opening of our New S1ore In Thousand 01ks with our After Easter Sale Wehi ll1111TA1llMB COMfACT-..A1e11.• w..LA n.n. \ .... w.,.. .......... ,._.71MJ71 · NEWPORT BEACH FASHION ISLAND 644-44 11 " . .. .. -. \ . ... . ------·----.. -.. --------.. ---.... .! :-i. •• -,..____,.........._,.._ .... -... - - ,; --._ • I I .j ' I ·~~-~y-~~OT ----; ______ • __ saoru ,,., . a Row) Face A's AP.gels (8 • ID .,. DAVS CUN NIN .llAJI °' ... ...,,.._, .... Wilen the An1els bott Oakland 1n lhl' flrwt ol 4' thtto·1am eri tonight at 7. JO. wot tht>y be l t"etnlJ the u mt A·, th•y mashed by a combined •<'Ort• of 21,-4 tn lhreoe gamt'b hatst Wttk •hd" Or wdl lt be Ult' nt-w, ln)J>rovt'd A , whlrb Ju.t 11wf pt thn•t' game1.1 from tht• SealU• Me.rliwrs .. Larutford rapped 1t wlUi a 11<>lo home run 1n lht• runlh A lflO homt'rlnA tor California wt•re Jew Hudl, Hobby Grich und WIU~t' Alkcn11 OAKl.A I). HAS B F. t;N prurtic1ng ~onn· muQI<' (I( ll."l nwn. 11 pll'U1J1tnl t tHllljll' lron1 Cht• I U rt.1t'ord th.. A ':s 'lllrtt..'\I With "WE'RE GOlNG TI>-ANAHEIM wilh a much better atlllude," says Manager Jim Marshall. "We have a little more conlidence. Now we know we can wln il we play sound baseball." As for the Angels. they've been play- 1n~ sound baseball for two weeks. The eight·gume streak Is their longest since 1964 . when they won a club·record 11 1.tra1ght ddlleif bis single into left field ror· a s"' Angel lead. "I HATE TO SAY lh1s. bul last year I only faced Marshall once and I tut a home run lo center field," said lhe Angels' durable catcher. "That was a fastball up nigh. I hadn't even seen bis screwball until I hit It today. THE TWINS TOOK a 3.0 ltad ap.lut Don Aase. keyed b)' an RBI a1DCM from ex·Angel . Ron Jackson aod a two-run homer from Qlenn Adams. • Aase stayed around long enough to notch his second victory and Dave La Roche was credited with the save. IT PaOBABLY DOESN'T mattt•r much to the Anacls . bt.>c11us~ riaht now tht1y're playlne likt1 they c•n but anybody . On 1'huri..duy tbty came from behind to t'l1p M annesota, 6 "· ror their eighth straight vlrtory It was " fun11har i.crtpt Teum 1s go 11\1( bulll), t'lllOllOOlll lllCt'ltllg I\ l'lllit!O und prt·~tu all the 111 oblt•m i; itrl' i;olved l'urc llollywood When lhl· A 'i1 dropped nint' of their fi rst 10 W<*ffil'ts, bUl'h a meeting wai. culled To muke 1>ure t:vcrythang wai. tabsor1't-d . uoothtir i.esMon preceded t.he opener or the i.t•r1es with ~aule To put lhe finishing touches on a 6-0 road trip. California c hased former Angel Paul Hartzell In the eighth in- n 1 n g . the n b a nded r eliever Mike Marshall <1-2> the defeat. "Since m idseason or last year, I fell that I've started to put it together to some degree." he added . "When I was traded here. I fmally actually felt like a big league ballplayer. Out here it was like I was reborn " Tonight, Frank Tanana wl.U be look- ing for bis second straJgbt win or the season after recording bis first victory last Sunday against lhe same A's. And wtiile the A's may be hot for lhe moment. the Angels have been setting a sizzlin~ pace the entire month of April. In 1978 Calilornia turn ts fines Brian Downing laced a two.run sinl(le an the eighth lnmng at Dloonungton to gave the AngPls a 5 4 lead. and Carney What followed were three s traight victories by !>COrc·s of 4 2, 6·5 and 5 2. Marshall came in with a 4-3 lead , but walked Rod Carew and hit Don Baylor with a pitch. Rudi advanced bolh with a sacrifice. and one out later Downing OoWii1J\g 1s leading the club with a .412 average. followed by Carew 1.400> and Lansford <.3791. As a team, the Ani?els are ttltUnl! .314. month ever with a 14-7 April, season the Angels have a aoUd improving that record. ·~Bird or Sid? Lakers Get First NBA Drafi Pick INGIJEWOOO I /\ p I Thl' Los Angele:. Laker~ have won the right to open the Nauon<JI Basketball Ai.!>oc·1;1t1on ·~ ~7!} colle~e drn ft . so now the "i>1g question 1s · who will the Lakcri. pick? Speculation has <:entered on Sidney Moncreif of Ark an~ai.. because the Lakers need R shooting gu ard and the 6·fOOt·4 Moncreif is considered the best such prospert 1n the college ranks But La k e r~ Genera l Manager Bill Sharman woul d not be p1 nned do~,, after Thursday's c·o 1n flip aga1ni.t Chicago gave Loi. Angt•lci. the No 1 choirt~ "WINNING THE COIN FLIP opens so m any door:i for us," i.aid Sharman "There's alw1tys the poss1t11lt ty th<1t Larry Hird might go ua1:k into the draft or that Magae Johni.on might de c1dc lo turn pro Thosl• a re two players we would certainly have to consider." The Lake rs hoi.t Seattl e tonig ht <8:30 ), down 0-2 in the best -of-seven playoff series. The Bust on Celt 1c:-.. "no µ1ck<'d Bird a yt•ar ago, haH• un t1l draft day. June 25. to sign him Otht•r\\tsc. the 6-foot 9 In d 1 a n a St at l' A 11 · A m l' r 1 <' <i n bN·um<.•:-. t•hg 1blt• lO be :o.<'lected al{a1n Johnson: the s ophomore guard who It'd Mi chigan State to lh<' NCAA championship, has until May 11 lo fil e an ap placation 1f he wants to turn pro this year Rcsidt>s Gird, .Johnson and Monr rc1r. Shar~an mentioned cente r Bill Cart\tt'ight of San Francisco and forwards l>avid Greenwood of UC LA and Jjmes Bailey of Rutgers as othl'r prime prospect~ But Sharman said thosl' m ..... -ds "'ould not d ictate the club'sdraft poltey "WE'LL PRO BA BL\' take the bl'st playl'r ·av;ulaul<'." ht suid. "If he doesn't fit m with our eoach and our ::.)stem. \\C might tradl' him for snmeone \\ho does ·· Thus Sharman would not rule out Cartwright. a 7-foot center, JUSt because the Lakers have K aree m Ab dul -J abba r . "Cartwright could play a couple of years behind Kareem and really learn, thl'n take over when Kareem is ready to retire," said Sha rman. "Or we· could pick Cartwright and then trade him for two good players " The Lakers were participating in the coin flip because they had obtained the No. I pick of the Nt•w Orleans Jazz in 1976 as compensation for Gail Goodrich, who had played out his option with t he Lakers and s igned with the Jazz as a fre1.! agent. New Orleans had the worst r ecord in the Eastern Conference. and Chu:ago h<.td the worst mark in the West. THE Ll::AGl1E ALSO held a drnw to break other lies in the draft onkr Bulls Gcnt'ral Man ager Rod Thorh. following the dictates of fans who res ponded to a local promotion. called heads in the coin nip, held by confe rence call fro m NBA headquarters. But the coin tossed by NBA Com- missioner Larry O'Brien came up t:.iils for the 10th time in the last 11 years . "This is the first thing we've won all week." quipped Chick He a r n . ass is tant gen e1" a I manager of the Lakers. who lost the first two games of their pl ayoff series against Seattle earlier tttls week. "Maybe our luck is chang- ini.:." echoed Sharman. "I 'm go- ing to go to the racetrack or Las Vegas befbrc this wears off .. Ask any Los Angeles Laker pla yer or coach and they'll 3 rguc that what happened to them in Seattle this week never should have. "I TlDNK WE SHOULD have s plit lhe games up there," said Los Angeles guard Norm Nixon , "We had a 17-point lead in the firs t game, .. Nixon said. refer- r ing lo the Lakers' 45-28 secood- period lead tbat evaporated in Tuesday niJ bt's.112·101 loss. Photo Fin~sh Although it's to ug h to tell from this angle. Tony BreckJ ey of H untington Be a ch High <left) edges Mike Lansdon of Edison in an .... 880-yard run Thursday. Both runners had the s ame time (2:03.7 ). See story, Page B4 It's Not So Hazardous ~:;!:~;ans Writer Finds Race Driving Safer Tha11 freeways At Toronto Al'Wl1'9•t• TOM WATSON BLASTS FROM TRAP ON HIS WAY TO A 89. By HOWARD L. HANDV Of ,.,. O~lly l'ltet SI.ti! RIVERSIDE Having once had a desirP to drive a race car in competition. I jumped at the opportunity offe r ed m e this week at Riverside lnternaUonal Raceway, then had s econd thoughts about my sanity. Io conjunction with this wee kend's Times Grand Prix race under the Inte rnational Motor Sports A ssociation ! IMSA > banner, an opportunity to ride around the road course with a race driver al the con- trols was the proposition I was offered. NOT EVEN A HELMET was required in my first spin around the track in the Mazda pace car with none other than famed Bob Bon~dr t behind the wheel. From the first turn it was a lesso In driving technique similar lo those he must give s uch competit or s a s T o m Mc Ewen a nd o the r s a t his Bondurant School of Driving. "You have lo work the brakes and throttle to set the corners," he said while wheeling and squealing around the track at 85 to 90 miles per hour. "It's all a OOMMENTARY matter or proper timing and synchronization to learn where to brake a nd when to ac- celerate." That's about as fast as lbe pace car would go. THE TWO LAPS w i th Bondurant went by uneventful and whetted my appetite for a faster ride -perhaps in one of the Porsches that occasionally went zooming by. As I stepped out or the Mazda that will serve as pace car ror Sunday's race, an offer lo ride with Rob McFarlia in a souped- up Datsun seemed the logical next move so I accepted. This time a helmet was re· quired and the prospect of a speedier ride was in store. But with no competition on the track. it didn't seem too much fas t e r than the ride with Bondurant. The one big dif· ference to a n instrument watcher was lhe fact there was no speedometer in lhis car. "It's bard to relate to bow fast you are going in anything but percentages," Mc Farlin tried to explain. Ttie winner of the 12 hours of 5ebriog in a Porsche said we were going about five percent slower lhan he would drive in Sunday's race. ) TORONTO CAI' 1 Riot police bad to be called out Thursday night to disperse rans at the Montreal Expos-Toronto Blue Jays exhibition game after play was halted by a previously unan- nounced curfew in-the middle of lhe 11th inning with lhe score tied ..... The game ended a t 7 : 15 as Toronto came to bat in tbe bot· tom of the Uth. The Cllrfew was agreed to by the two clubs to aJ. low the Expos )ime to catch a commercial flig ht to Chicago where tht!y have a day game to· day with the Cubs. RoDgh Not Too ROugh for W8tson HE EXP ECl'S TO HIT speeds around 15().160 miles per hour at that time, so an estimated guess was that we were bitting the back atralgbl around 12S:130- Weavlnl up through the Eases and Into the balrpin bun at the appex of the coune at this point, the tires were sque4lln1 around • the entire tum -a IOUDd tbat would have detlgbted the midn.lpt driven wbo operate OG lhe next street at home. But the 21,564 fans io at- tendance were not made aware of tbe decialon until tbe 10th in· n1ng and made tbeir dllpleuure known when plate umpire Al Coolant called a halt to play as Toronto's Dave McKay stepped to tbe plate to lead off the bot· tom of tbe 11th. · RANCHO LA COSTA (AP> -The deep, deep rough and small greens demand lhe most accurate drives, Tom Watson said after establl.ablng lhe first-round lead In the Tournament of Ch•mpions. "Tbe course demands good iron shots," Wat.oa said after firing a three-under-par 69 Tbunday, "but driving ls paramount. Became of tbe rough, you absolutely have to drive ll in the fairway. c "IP YOU.DON'T, you can find aome lies out tbere that only Tarzan and J ene can play out or ... Tbe roqb la up blgber than usual on lbe touab, &.-yard La Coeta Country Club coune and, Wateon 11kt, the greens havt been reduced in size and are extremely hard. "They're lhe hardest greens in the world to chip to," said the men who has won Player or the Year honors the last two seasons. "YOU'VE GOT A COLLAll around the gr~eos that lhe ball sita down into aod Is very hard to chip from," he uJd. "Beyond that, you've got the deepest roqh oa the gotr course a.round the areena. Tbat makes it really tough. "But, in my opinion, you've got lo drive It ln the fairway to have any chance to win the golf tournament." He missed four f aJrways "and it coal me two bogeys," said Wataon, who came lnt.o this exclusive, winners-only event as lhe leading mooey·winner on the pro gotr tour this year. ONE SHOT OFF HIS LEAD with a 70 was surprising Ron Streck, 24 .who got in· to lhe elite, 28-tnan field off his only pro victory in the San Antonio-Texas Open last falf. Streck broke up with bl• l{rlftlend abort· ty after that triumph aod baa been in a deep ah.amp ever since. He pulled out of lt with blrdlesoablaflnUholesben. Tied at 71, and the only otben under par, were defending champion Gary Player ot South Africa, Ray FloJd, JIH· lean Victor Re1alado a.od Dr. GU Morten. a QOD·pracUdq optometrtat. • " ., • .. ,_. ___ .... I •" . ~ ...................... _ .... ' When McFarlin deposited me safely at the llnlab line after two s peedier laps, l)tlll dreamed of a .ride in a Ponche or a BMW but alas, Hunt.lqtoa Harbour'• Georie Follmer nor La1una Beach's Jim Bu1by were no where ln slpt. After lunch, Irvine'• Jerry Grant offered 1 ride In tbt pace car wtth him beblnd Ute wheel. • • 1 f y o u w a .n t t o 1 o <See DalVEa. Pqe 8f f The fam booed dllrtng a post. · aame ceremony lnvolvlaa tile teams• mana1ers, f>iet WlWama of lloetreal and Roy Hanfteld of Taroato. Out.Ude £xhibiUon St8d.ham, fau )'elled for their money Net and threatened to mob tbe playen. Helmeted riot pollee bad to be called to coat.rot tbe ero•d and tile dl11rantled apectaton wwe dllpenect ..._. about•mlDatel. • "We lbould baft made tbe •· nouncement •arUer. but we dkla't apect ..,_.. lib ..... to Ila,..., .. laid~. tlae .... ,.,.. ........... • • -.. -.... -----------··-------... ---··· , ... ---····---.............. ---·------. -.. J fl4 DAILY PILOT ~rld•V· AOlll 20. 1911 A Cap1ule Repot1 From the Wortd of Spor11 '"Oiarli Hu Will It Be a ti~' • .. 018 'ingl : 11 Hifl ••rom AP Oh1p•t<'h~111: CIN\I NArt Sonwllml' toda\'. RCA'i. f're 1-'ltaht He~mrd' will rel UM' u d1wo 1111l(lt• It hopca will hit ll.\ 1Hll U'> lhu 1111111 ltu r1•t·md I.'> t1hm1l 1'h11 n •1•11rd 111 r1111N1 t 'hnrlw llu.,t II· f''or lh•• 111\ln1ll&1h•<I l'h.1rlw flw,tlt• 1i. lhc nltk1111uw fur Pt•t•• Umo' tht• Ph1lluil'IJ1hi.1 t•tuh fir,t b11i.t-n1an Tht• 'llllla,t m1 lucl1•' I\ 111 ' l1k1· I ttl.t· rm· uut 111 th1.• hull i.iu 111 l' Pt•h• lt11,,• 1111 ttw t 'ht11 II•· 1111-.lh· l..1>c1k .ti htlll I Ull IA h tlt• 1'\I n ho<.h " ,111, .. .... 111 11( 11 1•1111 ( h.11111• t111-.tl1· !'li.1d11 I h1,tlt· htm,•·H tlu11k' llw -.unt: 1~ 1ln•a1h .1 1'111 It h.1· ,1 11 .d guod h1 JI ~uld Uo:.t• lh1• 11111'11 I 11111 ll h .• , 1h1 1lht'll ""'""' I llk1 11 \t11•l 111 1111 '''"''' lh1·\ 111.11\l' ulx1ul 11111 .11t· l 1•111111 \ anti \\ 1·-.lt•ru Tht'fl' hUH' bt•t•'\ ,j I 11111111 ltl.1• th.II \\ tlh Ol)' flllllll' In 11on llwm t ,1111 "' lh" 1111t·' dl'>l'O II dot'' hU\ ,. ·• 1:110.t httl1 h1 .. 1l IO II elm 'II 111 . l':T1'11 "'1·111 v.h11 '"'•!" 1h1 s1111~. adm1h 'Thurllt• 1111:.tk' 11'1 'ltlll\'lhlllt' tit ,t l'Ulllflll'l t 1,11 llll'>th• \\I' :111• I ..... 11111~: Ill • '"''I 011f1•,,1•ll Ill II I t'('t•nl tl.!lcphOnl' 11111•1 \ w" H111 11 ' 11111 11 '"' 1·1111HOt·t c1ull'm Wt.• h11v1• f111.1111·1.tll\ ltl\oth1•1t lh1• 111'1 '1111 \\htl,l' llH'ktHlllll' Wt' 11rc Ul'I lllg • ------''*'' ,. ,,/ I h4# IJoy ------. 11~1'1 r1·111 I p111'1w1 Murk ('lt•ar. n·nH·ntbN1ng has fir,t pt o ''"''"11 "11 h Uw I 'h1lh1·' farm duh 111 Pula~k1. Va · I""·" 11 7 tlwn· I d111n ·1 h.I\ c· any 1dc•:t 1.1. hut I Wll!> '101ng on lh1• 11111111111 I ",,, ttw 1111:. " Grf•gg B••fl4•r1J 1Ch·4•r•idr R ~C"ord JtJVfo:HSI DE -l'l'ln Gn·g~ of Jucksonvalle. • f'la • \'yang f11r h1:. :1211cl l1111•rn:itaon:1l Motor Sports /\sso<'i:tllon (;T \ 11·1w ~ u11orr11·iall) bettcrl'd the R1ver:.idt• lt1ll't nJlt•m..il H<1et·'>'a ) one·l:.ip rt:cord by four 'l.'ton<b Thur'll:t) in pr(t1t•c for Sunday's World Challt·n~<· :.I\ hour 1·11duru • Grc1u:. drivini.: a turho 1·hari.:cd l'orsche. v.as clocked at l 43 69 on the 3 25 malt·. ntm·-turn course. an a\erage speed or I 12 83fi mph Thl' ufru·ial rt·1·urci . set four years a~o by Gl·rmany'!-. llans Stuck. 1s I ·~ 322 for a 109 673 mph average. Gt•orgt• F11llnwr o f llu11llngtr1n II arbour . hurt lust 0Ptntwr 111 an a1·1·1cl1·nl al L~agun:.i St>c·a and t•oming back from the lllJlll'~. h.111 th\• ... 1>.th fi•:-ttl'!>l J>fCl('l.ICe llml' or tht· GT dnv1·r '>. U\t•raging IU'J Ml m11h in his turbo·Porc,c hl· Hod Yl<·Fa1l111 of Sanla ('Iara st·t fa~\ prarttl'l' timt· for rlrtv<'r" of th1· Had1,tl St•dan .,l'rt(•S l(}CJ -mil1·r on !';unday's l'ard, d1wk111g :! Ill Hi for hll .iv .. r.1J.!C: .!>peed of 8!:J AA9 mµh in his O:ih un <!'HI s:-. tJ4•i1'ff•rli 11 f ,4•nd 11 1.PG.l Tourn PfJ lk•hhil· ~h·i,h·rlin hirtl1t'll twr ftrC,,l hr1le and n wa1> thn•f' un<.ll·r p.1r by tht· fifth a:. s ht• coasled lo a s1x-undc•r par fi7 and the far<,t rouncl lead in tht: Lady C11ru-. C'l<.1:.s1C' San U1t·w1 State':. Leonie Ch•mt•ols fan·d a thrc'l' under·µar G8 lo take a three-stroke l ad In the o~nlng rou.nd ol the U.S. Colle1iale lnvltaUonaJ tournatnt'nt •t Stunford aolf courae. Early team leader In lbu 5'-hole ~vent wu UCL.A with a 1core of 2tt . . . e.b llllaa• ahol 1n rlaht under-par 64 •nd look the flnt-round lead In the Tall1hu~.-Open tournament ... MHallll Oaakl or Japan (Ired I five undur·Plr e7 and grabbed a lWO•llroke lead after two rounda lo an International tournament. the 10th •nd last stop of U\O rulan circuit l'e•t.-r. Grlllrt1 Sparlc C'h erlRRal l j C1 ncinnat1' Tom Seaver losst.'d a lwo·hltter • and Ke• Grtney and Geor•e FOl&er s macked hom e runs to ttlvt lht' R <ls & 2·0 victory over the Atlanta l\ra.,vs In Nallonal l.ea.Jeue baseball acUon Thurs· clay . Muc ffllf and Terry "Wi)lrJeld eaclt drove in four run5 to e nubl<' Vida Blue to notch hla fourth con11ecut1 ve victory 011 till' San t'ranclsco Olanlfl outlasted the San Diego P&t1.ln.•1'. M HI Padres starting pitcher Mickey Lollcb, a l~st­ mlnulc replaeemcnt for Gaylord Perry. Who 1m!fered back spas ms, took the loss l.olich. a 16·year veteran . tied Cy Young's ('Ure<•r strikeout m ark or ~81,8 when he r.inned Whitfield In the third°"tfhd received " !>l anding ovation from the crowd PC»flll Ivan DeJesus slugged his first homer or the year und the Chicago Cubs scored i.I 1wir of tainted runs for Ii 3·2 win over tht: St Louis Cardinals . . George Scott drove lO two runs Wi th ll pair Of doublt:ll and the Boston Red Sox capitalized on M llwaukee e rrors for a 5·3 Amenclln l.\•at-(11t• v1<'torv K en Singleton tied the !>core with a two , un 1>ingll' 111 1h,• third inning and dou~led and scored on Lee M ay's ~10.:h· m the ftflh to help Baltimore de feat the Nev. York Yanket'h. fi 3 The win s napped an Oriole s1x·gC1me los Ill~ !>lrt.'Uk D a 1•b Flghl• l lalla n Tonlg l1i Howard Oavls.~ gold med&list al lite • Montrt·ul Olympics who is unbeaten in nine .Pro (l~hls. 1.1ut:. his winning streak on the hne tonight when he t:.kl'S on Ita lian h~htwcight cha m pion Giancarlo t:saJ in u 10-round fi g ht at ~udison Square Garden Two .:oats hy Vladimir Petrov led the Soviet Union to a 5 2 victory over T1·am Canada for fiu11sia 's fourth stnughl v1dory in lhl' World Hockey ChHmpionsh1p tournament The Boston rfruins and the Celtics n:ma1n al oddi. over a J>IU<'l' to pluy follo v..1ng a meetini.: o f the owners a nd manageml'lll of 50.ycar old Boston Garden Georl(c Pappas led the f~<·ld or 24. bowlers qualif~ing fo~ the Tournu m cnl of Chamµ10ns. Y..hilc.. dcCeniling t1thst Earl Anthony failed to make the cut . . ./\ 46-me mbcr contingent or the s. table tennis team has left here cnroutc lo North Korcu lO compcll' in the "-Orld c ham_pionships, described by the St<ttc Department a i. the hr:.t s1icablc U S. group lo enter thut country Mnce the Korean W<Jr ... Joe Robert!> has rl·:.1i.:ned a s assistant coach of the Golden State Warriors. i.:i) ing hl· would '>'Ork an real ci.tate while looking Jor a coarh1ng JOb c l11cY. here. Tefet.~sion. R a dio Following are the maior sports events on te lev1')1on ton1qhl Ratengsclre:., ~ •• e xc.ellent, •. / worlh watchi ng,•• fd1r, • forget 1t. n 7:30 p.m., Channel 11 ./ ./ ./ ./ DODGERS BASEBALL: Dodgers at San Franc1sc.o Announcers : Vin Sc.ully and Ross Porter Bob Welch ge>e'> fo r his lhird s traight win against th1: G1ont'> John "The Count" Montefusc.o in Candlestick Park in the? first qame ot the three-game weekend series. The Dodgers are st ruq gl1ng a bit out of lhe gate while the Giants are off to anothn la-,1 start, ont> game out 01 the lead. OTHER TV Horse Racing Today al Hollywood Park, Channel 51 RADIO Baseball Oakland at Angels. 7: 25 p.rn.. KM PC ( 7101 Dodgers at Sa~ Franc.isc.o. 7:30 p.m ., KABC 1790>. Baskr:>tbull Seattle at Lakers, 8:30 p.m .. KLAC <570>. ' Pigguh ot·k 01y rcip1 t· <ind "o rld c-hamp1on ~katcr Dorothv Ham1U ~kale'i \\Ith Louie Ll·ano~. 6. lhc local March 'of Dime~ J>u-.ter <:hild. on ht·r butk Thursday in Lo~ Angele~ 11.Jmall 1~ n;itannal cha1r .... oman of lht! March of D1mc:-. Ht:adrng 01~ mp1<:!'> and 1:::. the youngc~l m ember of thl' l'rt'!--IUl·nl ':--Count·ll on phy:-.1<:ul f1tnc:::.~ f 'rom Page 8 3 WRITER DR I VE~. l-• :1111und tht· 1•1J111u .; '>'1th ont· hJt•d 011 lh1• v.hel·l. tak1• a rirl<: v. Hh him. orn· lw\:1i.: (·<imm1•ntcd I \\LI~ g:1ml' an<! -.lt·ppt·d 1nlo tho• p<1..,S1·11g1·r 'c·at of th1· Mai.eta fllll'" .ij.!.1111 It 1.1. "" ltk1• ,, Sunrl:I\ 1·1 uis•· on tlw fr1•1·Y.:t\ \11th th• J•11 rseh1·' p:•~"llll' , •. \ .. rd ltnll''• In Lht· 111r11 SI\,,,...,, <;ranl "''PJll0<I on th•· 1h rottl1· .ind k•·pt p :tt·1· for all nf .1 houl 100 '.1r<b v. rth ruhllt'r ho" lrng <tnd 'th<:n tht· Por~che d.1r1cd awa~ on tht• frct·v.;iv:. Th<' onlv daf fl·n·ncl' hL·re 1 ~ th<1t the dri\l:!t'l> know· prl'lty rnur h wh al 1•arh · ()!ht·" 1s go1nl! ti, do and on lh•· frt•1·\.\.a)S. thl·rt· 1-. n() way to• l1•1l .. USAC Nixe~ Six Entrie~ D o tterer Dazzles Huntington "I If' ha:. too ruu1·h hnri.cpo\l.l•r ror thr!> car l.iut '>'l' t•an corner µrell) well ... Gr<tnl ~a id When b l' C a m (' 0 ff l II r n n I n l" • he fol lov. ed the gro<I\ c right up lo I ht· v. all and lhl·n hat:k ae ro .. ., th1· tr:il'k at thl :.tJrl ftm:.h line to j.!l'l the "1c11•.,t pu:.:.1hlt• anJ,!lt· .it turn one tor t ht• sl'c·ond l.1p around I 'OJ/\N/\POLIS t /\£'1 ·Thi· l ' S Auto Club today refused th(! I nd1anapQhs 500 cntri•:s of :-.i~ t~·am:. 1nvol\'ed an Cl rival aut11 1 :JtlOI.! ~roup. :-.aymg they ~ere. ·not 1n i.:oo<l :.land in g "1th CS1\C: !:;pri11te; Sparks Ediso11 to Key Su11~et Track Victory T h1:n h1· "ltt•1•ll'd thl' <'ar h;1l'k 10 tht• pit ar1•.1 and rn~ d:i} of dn·..im:-. in a spt•t•din~ r ac·" C'iir around Ht\ <'r:.1rlt• I ntt:rnatmnal H.11·t·1.1.a\ \1a:. l·ndt•rl anrl I v.:i:. < a ... t bark into the wl)rld of realt t r al :i mul'h mon· h:J1.ardou:. p:ir<' a nd loc·at1on • 1\ !.I :.tll•nwnt from L'SAC sC11d 11:. buurc1 <>f dirl·t'tori. made t he clt·c·1,1on Thur .. day Lo refuse tht• · l'lllrll'S 11f Pt•nskc. Hac1ng Inc. of'' lkad1n~. l'a . Patrick Racing lh F:RNIE ('J\STll.l.O • 01 ttw' ,, .. ,,, P110• ~'"" Mtkl' l>ottl·rt·r wa~n I i'.omg l•1 l<'l a -.1llv th1nJ.! lik1• :1 pullt·d ham,1r1ng mu:.1·ll• kt·t·p him oul of Ed1..i1n's traC'k and f11 ·ld ,ho wdnwn v.1th llu1111ngtnn lfr;.ich Thursday W11h all tl1t· an J ll r I I'~ l h at ha \' 1· h 'I t h l' ChC1rgcr:., ht• v.rnlld ha\ 1• run with crutt•h1·s 1f lw ha<i to Atdf'd by a tw<avy liand;agt• wrapfll.'<I around ha:. thigh. lht• 9 9 sprinter t·nmpt·tt·d fur lht· first time 111 a month. 11rc-.w!l 1n to action only bt-l':JU'l' tl'arn male Kerwin Hell had ht·l'n s1d(·hned v.1th muscle 'fw hm:. 111 h1 l> batk two days 1.•t1rher AND THOt'G ll llE v.a-.n l near top form. Ootlt•rt•r W<I!. r:ii.t enough to wan th<' 100 yarci ilahh 1n 10 I anct the 220 in 2'.I 5 to Al\t' the Chargers a 76 fiO v1l'tory ovl·r the v1s1ting Oilers an a nuc1<1l Sunset League mt•et. "With everybody hurt, 1r wt• beat Huntington Beach todllY ant show we're a pretty good team ," Dotterer said after win- ninr. th<' 100 to give th<' C.:har~ers <• -.lam 21 20 lead thelr f1r!>t o f t ht• a ftt•rnoon a rtr·r f 1 vt' rvcnts 1 11 I h <' h a t t I e b c t v. c c n t h c l1 .. 1gut·.., two unbeaten teams "If the i.corc 1i. C'losc. I'll go 1n th<' 220." he s aid while a team· mat" massC1gec1 his le~ "Ther e :.h1111lctn't hC' any problem I can !>ll'ldl· 1t 1·,·c bl'Cn striding all day .. STRIDING OR NOT. Dot- i 1·1 <•r 's double put the Cha rger s ..i :.tc.•p closer to wanning the ~un,cl crov.n But 1f Bell returns to t hl· form that, had ham running !J.7 curlH'r this season. Edison m.a) haH' higher ambitions .. Al the beginning of the i.ca~on. we had one or the best MO relay team s around and then ••vt·rybody got hurt." added. ·But Kl·rwin ought to be healthy soon and I think we'll he 1n top :.ha pc by CU:." Steve Oayis a nd Jon Butler already seem lo be there. Davis. a fter losing for the firs t time T ues day. won the 120 high hurdles in 14 .8 while Butler . Cl sophomore taking up the slack until Mike Lansdon fully re· l'O\'crs from groin and knee in· 1u.rics. doub led in the mile 11:25 0 1 and tv..o·mile 19 :43.5! ELSEWHERE on the Orange Coast <1rca pre p track sce ne : I rvine's De nnis Shannon cleared 14·6 in lhc pole vault on his (ar!>t attempt in a Sea View League meet al Es tancia. Thl' Ea g les· George Pinckn ey cleared 14 ·0 v.h1le /\Ian Osborn p1ckt:d up his fourth s print dou· ble Of lh<' yc<1r I 10 2, 23 4 I lO l<:ad Estancia lo a 77·59 decision. M ikc· Bruggeman doubl<.'<l in the 880 12.00.81 <.1nd mile '4:32.0 1 as Corona dl•I Mar remained un· beaten in the Sea \'jcw League by winning at University. 731:i-61 12 Ken Mills or UnivcrSI· ty turn<'d in h is customary dou· blc in the shot put 158-8> and dis- cu s ( 159· l I. Dave llancock. coming off an 6~~ ADDITIONS · MOTOR CAR SALE CHOtCIOf~ IRAMD MEW 1971 MODELS 1 JAGUAR XJS ROCK 10110M PRICES REMODELING COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL ' 1 RESIDENTIAL ' , • Fiii Architectural Consultation • FIH Estimates • FAMILY IOOM • IUTCHIHS • llDIOOMS • IATHIOOM • ProJessional Supervision Through Compteuon • E11cellenl Re'ferences & Fair Prices • Bbndable 1njurv. triplt.• ,1umpl·d 1\ 10 .ind Jim Doehring put th" ,hc1l ~7 I a s S ~in CI l' m 1.· n It• l r J rn Jl It-d Laguna l11lls. 11:$ ~;1. 111 South Coast LN1gut• :.t<·t111n Rudy .Jimrncz 1n the ~print<, a nd /\I an G a <Id 1 s 1 n th 1· horizontal 111mp~ doubled 1n Nev.. port llarbor's 86 5:3 wan O\er Marina whilt' a double by Kl•\tn Romine and a J.1 7 f'lot:k1ni.: an high hurdles h1ghltghlcd Foun lain Valley's 72-63 1 011~ t o Westminster I still had tht.· ride hack to Co:.ta i>kS(;J along the rn•e\l.:.t)S where dc.tngt'r lurks 1n the form of oth1·r <kl' ers Jt cvNy turn "Vh• drtVl' ddl·ns tvl'l) rn Cl race to keep from gl'tltng into t rn u b I l'. · Grant l' x p I a 1 n c d "Much hke you arc forced to do Jc·a m Inc . of l 11d1anapol1:.;: Tl'am Mt•Laren Ltd of Livonia,• M u·h . f"ll'tcht•r Rul'tng Team pf l'ho~'11X. Ch<iparral Rac ing Ltd. or Midland. Texas: and Dan C:urnl'.Y und' T1.'dd y Yip or Santa /\nu Thl' rt:fU!-.31 or the SIX·leam. 19 car group affect:-. such ba~: n:ime drivers as Al a nd Bobby Vnsl·r. J ohnny Rutherford dn·d Gordon J ohncock . Baseb all S t andings JOHHSOH & SOM SALESMAN O F THI MOMTH AMEltlCAN Lt;AGUt: West Division w L Texas 7 2 Angels 10 3 Minnesotu 7 5 Kansas City 5 5 Chicago 5 6 Seattle 5 9 Oakla nd 4 9 East Dlvildon Milwaukee 7 4 Boston I) 4 New York 7 5 Detroit 4 4 Toronto 4 7 Ba ltimore 1 8 Cleveland 3 7 T""'s<My 'Storti ......... AAi,.,,..loOt ... 8•1h~• •• H~w Yo,.. J Bo••on ~ ""'''"""""' 1 Ont y Qdm<'\ \t1'61:111100 TMIY'•G•mo P ct. GU 77t$ I 76!> .583 2' ;• .500 "J12 455 •I 357 51 .. .308 () 636 000 I ~ 58J '-.: .500 l':i 364 3 333 J·~ 300 J':1 0 ••1411>C! 1'"-IO<d )01 •1 A .... h •T6~ ..... I It Toronto tLemonoirtto O 11 •• Ot'Uo11 tw 11tu• I 01 t(.4,,~41\ (ilV fleonetrd I 11 411f 80\IOn Nt\TIONAL LEAGt;E We-sl Division w t Houi.ton 9 4 San Francisco 8 6 Cincannata 7 6 Dodgers 6 8 San Diego 6 8 Atlanta 4 8 Ea st Division Montreal 8 2 Philadelphia 6 3 St. Louis 5 ~ Pittsburgh 4 7 Chica~o 3 6 New York 3 6 '"""°"''''ore~ (h•<4QO J, St LOUI\ I !utn f.rain<.1wo u !M\f\ 01~00 tO C•n<.1~111, At .. ntd 0 Only Cl<t"'°'' '>C.~UINI P ct. fi!l2 571 538 .429 .429 .333 .800 .667 .500 .364 .333 333 GI\ 1' ~ 2 31 ~ 31, 4\12 H2 3 4V: 4'".1 41 , T"'11f't G•-• Dodttrt f WfllfC h 1 O• di S•I" .. •dl'H.tUO IMonl•lu-<O 1 11 n Montrut tRl)Qt'<\ 0 II •• (h1<<1QU •M<GIOI""" I ti .... " 0•"911 ,,,_.' ,, •• Allet1I• IM1tlu•• t II n .. ~ .. Vorll 1Sw4n I II •t Ph11.0.lpht• IR11tlWtfl I 01. n P1thbv<Q'> ll(tM>n 0 01 .ti t<ou•10-. 1111<"-tr<' 3 ':;'i~1,,...11 CBonNm I 01 at St LO<I" l!trlo~ 'EtUt\ltV, II • M ll••u&• 1c.e-11 l 01 •t 8<1lhm0<~ l!tt""" S.l-Y'' <>•-• 0 1c.1i.~-fl(••~ 011 ... C•e""t""d IPd•lon OM9en•1 s.... Fr•M•><0 I 01, n USED CAR SPECIALS '75 COUGAR Burnished brown. w ith con1rast1og Ian and brown interior. eau1pped wtlh AM /FM stereo and atr cond1hon1ng ( IOIMTNJ. ..,... Montre<tl •I O>k41911 0 ~.;., IC.0-r 101 •I Nt w Vork tF19ue•o. 1 11. ~~o~:::: ~=·1;,,, •. " '78 ZIPHYI "S.•Hle 19_.i,ter 1 u •t M'"""'°'" IKoolll'l.tl\ ~!~::;,;;.~1~..!:;'~:~ SEDAM 'O•. n Sky blue with vinyl and ,.11...--.,·, G•mn cloth bocl<et seals. with 81'1 Ot11.l•ncl•l._lt." Ch1<t90.olCln111""0 I 6 Ii d Mii••""• •' e.11.~.. !>t•tu• "' M'""""°'" econom•ca cy n er K•n••-' cu,•• Bo\tlHI Toron10•1 O.tro11 engine. automaltc and air --~'·~·;.s~•;•;H;-;_;;v"';;_• _________________________ .. cond1t1omng (447UZVJ. 54995 JCHNSCN l SCN 1111' tA~lll \ 11'\COl '\-\II IH \In ~J OHi lti26 H arbor tlh'1. ( 11,111 \1t>'a 5"0·~6JO -·. - '71DPHYI courE Oleamlng silver with red velour 1ntenor. automalfc, oir conditioning and thrifty 8 cyUodtf engine. (223VOW) '4995 . I r· I I I . I I l '· i I • . SPORTS ON TV ( SWIMMING I BASEBALL It's 'Boone's Revenge' Arledge'• BolJ, Move1 Helped NBA Ratings Fall 1 1 FaB D80TllSN8Ea G of ChamptOlll" fABC I, 6.8: 8. Sunday NCAA .... ._...,_ bHhtball CNB I, 6.6 ; 9. Satur day NCAA Add .. ltooM.1Reveft1 "tolhf.lon1ll1tofpro· bukf•t bal& CN8C>. 6.4: 10. CBS "Spor u blWDJI ~ cte.1' the-lmace-ot &a. Nat!oAal ~arn, 1.3; U Bc.:1 aolf ~e~: 12. a:;: mnrlatioft..encl Its naUonal televblon CBS' JIOll •vent1, s 9 ; lJ. NCAA realona l r -ba-1ket1>8U fNBCl, 5.'r," 14. ~ttnn11,-, '7-U. NBA ..... not up 01' lhfol(· lettu 1ame1, lbe buketbelll CCBS>, 4.8: 16. "American Sportsman" NIA Ml llOt alw41 hffn on CBS and It ba n't cABC>. 4 e\ and 11. "CbaUenae ot the Sexes" aJ•Qa ..._ tn troub1e In t1rt In im , when the <CBS>, 4.2. N..-Yn Kaku won the champlon.•hlp, lhe NBA Both "Wade World" t!ntrles beot the combined wu on ABC aad on lop of t~ Sunday ral.11\1: heap, raun .. or the othtir networks· anthologies - 1utt lly beaUns IC. rompeUUon NBC'11 hociey1u1d N ec a "Sports World" 1and C BS ' "Sports ('~' ''Sporta ~t.aeular " Sl'i'\'lacular " BUT Pao BASkETBALL decld<-d lo take It.& • * * * * product elsew~~ and, accordlna to ABC, wn un Sat ......... TV~ 11841e * derha nded ln lt.1 method of deUvulof the NBA lo TELEVISION CBS. Whi<'h bring• u:t ba<'k to "Roon a Revenac " 10 a m. f22 I ST"'NLEY CUP PLAYOFFS -When he IOtil pro basketball rrom hit. 1t1ble, " • Roono Al'&et1gu, pr .. skhlnt.of ABC Newa aod Sports, A quurkrf1nal round game 1s scheduled countf'r·pro~rummed boldl atnd br11U nlly on Sun 10 15 u rn 1-1 1 l:SASEBALL -The Kansa s day. The results arc thut unday "Wide World or City Hoyuls vr. lht• rted Sox al Boston. Sports" is DOW the top "'l'ekend fiports 11erle::. 11 ·30 a Ill 15 l OUTDOORS WITH JULIUS ' ""ttb a rating or 14 o. BOROS Ouredc\ 11 divers are shown executtng ....,,S,~R'lS meaning M percent of all per ilous cfivc::. 1n film footage shot from high. • Y 'C"V. le levls 1on homes arc lowers in t"lornia and ~teep clills at Acapulco. I 131 watching ABC's other SPORTS Alo'IELD Homer Circle introduces Sunday shows -"International Boxing" and "The city children to fishing k d h d d r th 1 p.m . <4 1 GOLF -Third round play in the Superstars " -are ran e t ir an our ' MONY Tournament of Champions from La Costu. respectively. Th' Ood And where is the NBA on CBS. you ask" Cll 1 DODGERS BASEBALL e gers In Uth place for all weekend sports series with meet the Giants a t San Francisco's Candlestick h bee J th t Purk 122 1 PRO SOCCER. a rating of 4.8. The ratio~s ave n so ow a 3 p.m 141 WESTERN OVTOOORSMAN last month an NBA game drew a 4 9 while the women's college basketball championship on NBC llow to angk from piers and wharfs. and a look at tht' history of f1shin~ 171 --GREATEST SPORT later in the day drew 8 S. l. Lt;G t;NDS A tribute to tennis ~real F'red Perry. AND 'DON'T TIDNK ARLEDGE and ABC the first man to \\ 1n three successive Wimbledon aren't s miling all the way to the b1tnk titles. When Ri ll Russell was cackling and com-3·30 pm 121 SPORTS SP ECTACULAR -A mentating on the NBA broadcasts for J\BC in 1973, u S. basketball team. composed or top collegians. _Qro bas ketball's season rulings were a 10 O Those plays in the Pl'Oplc's Republic of China Also: part ratings anc u some pftlne-ttme broadcasts but one orthe world -mllced pa-ir.s gymnast-ics they still were markedly better than cos· current championship and the fight of the week. 111 figures. PRO BOWLING The Firestone Tournament of But some elements in th~ pro baske_~~all. com-Champions, ta p<'C! :1t Akron. Oruo. m unity were disenchanted with J\BC. In particular s p.m. 17 1 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -- Jack Kent ~~e of the Los Angeles Lakers and_ Sugar Ray L<'Onard '20·0> meets J\dol~o Viruet Fr anklin M1euli or the Gold!!n State .warriors. Ac· c 17-31 in a SChl·duled lO·round welterweight bout, cord ing to J im Spence,. vice president of ABC taped at Las Vegas. Also: the 55th running of the Sports, Cooke and Mleuh wanted lo concentrate on Wood Ml'mor1al hOrl>e race and a preview of cable television and they fi gured CBS would be George Wiltig's planned ascent of Devil's Tower in less d ifficult to deal with on that ls~ue than ABC. Wyoming. So Spence says that on the advice of Cooke a nd 7 p m 152 1 Mlcuh, the NBA la wyers wrote a contract offering llollywood . pro basketball lo ABC but demanding that the 9 pm '11 , P RO SOCCER The 1\1tcc:-. HORSE RACING Tod<Jy ul network's broadcasts be at p.m. on Saturday. Th<1 t meet tho Sounrkr'\. played carllt•r today at lht.• day. of course. is reserved for college rootbaU on Kingdomc 10 St•atlll' ABC. RADIO "WE HAD FIRST RIGt.rrs to the NBA but they structured it so we couldn't accept. We had a contract for college football, and they kne w that. The NBA chose to leave us. they screwed us. But it's probably the best thlng that's ever happened lo us ." One year later. Spence reports, M!eull and Cooke 's lawyer, Alan Rothenberg. came to see Arledge about getting the NBA back on ABC. "It wasn't a very long meeting,·• Spence said. Right now ABC is the golden network, and it isn't because or the color of their announcers' blazers. The NBJ\ episode proves that even when J\BC loses, it wins. And the cumulative r atings for the first quarter <January, F'ehruary and March I or the 17 winter sports television series certainly reflect ABC's" Midas touch." J. Sunday "Wide World" <ABC>. 14.0: 2. S~tur-. day "Wide World" <ABC>. 13.1, 3. "International, Boxing" IABC>. 10.8; 4. ''The Superstars " <ABC>, 9.5; 5. Pro Bowl ers Tour <ABC>. 9 .1: 6. "SportsWorld" 1NBC 1, 6 7; 7. "International Race GWC Swinuners Have Big Lead VENTURA -Golde n West College moved· into a com manding firs t -day lc:ad i_n the Sou~h~rn California _Col'\krenc_e s w1mm1ng and diving championships fte\-ei:l1day. The Rustlers havl 126.5 points to 98 for second place Santa Monica after the first of the t~ree:d<Jy meet. In the women's division, Santa Monica 1s in front by a wide margin with Golden West second. Top performances for the Golden West men's team J.ame in the 500 freestyle. GreJ: Holla~d and Brett Hodges finished one-two. both ~having ~l least 20 seconds off their previous best efforts this season. Holland was the winner in 4:46.56 and Hodges finis hed in 4:51.38. Holland's mark makes the state meet standard. Erin Cushman was the lone Golden West women's victor on the first day, winning the 500 free In 5:35.0. FANTASTIC OFFER s5325 SIX TO CHOOSI RtOM --' ........... -... , .. 1uc. ___ .,..u.1m. RAY FLADEBOE BR ITISH MOTOR C ARS IRVINE A UTO CENTER '· · ~ 4 U T n C HIT I R DR 1 't' E IRVINE -830-7300 Baseball Dod gcrl> ;it San Francisco. 1 p m . KABC 17901; Oakland at Angels, 6'55 pm .. KMPC '710>. Horse t<acmg-,10<.1ay at llollywood P<.1rk , 8.30 p.m .. KLJ\C 1570>. s-d•!J,• Tl'~ Radio TELF.VISION 10 a.m . 12l -THREE ON THREI:: llalf· cour t basketball . featuring NBA players and show business celebrities. 10:30 Washingto n at Atlanta in an a .m. 121 -- NBA PLAYOFFS -Eastern Conference game. 11 :30 a .m. 141 -SPORTS WORLD -The J\r med Forces boxln_g cha mpionships. t aped at Lil· tic Cn•ck, V:1 Also: Part two of the AIAW gym nastics champ1onsh!PS and the Fittest of The m All competition featuring kayaking. Noon <11 1 -THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL. 128 I TABLE TENNIS -The U. S. National table tennis champiorn;hip final. taped at Las Vegas. 12:45 p.m. <21 NBA PLAYOFFS -Kansas City at Ph<ienix in a Western Confere nce qame. t p.ffi:"'C71 -BOXING Marvin J ohnson '22-2 J makes his first defense of his WBC light- heavywe1ght crown against Matt Franklin 122-3-21. c4 1 -GOLF --Final round play in the MONY Tournament of Champions from Carlsbad and La Co s ta Countr y C l ub. <ll l DOl,>GE RS BASEBALL -The Ood~ers meet the Gaants al San Francisco's Candlestick Park. 2:30 p.m. 171 AMt;RICAN SPORTSMAN - Phil Hill and Stirling Moss arc among the com- petitors in the Race of Giants, taped at Macao. Also, rafting on the Gan~es River in India and Bill Walton on saving thr Philippine eagle. J ·30pm. (71·-WIDE WORLDOF SPORTS - The Atlanta 125, for Indy type cars, taped at Atlanta Raceway Also: a repeat showiQg of the world \\Tistwreslling championships 7 p.m. (52> -HORSE RACING -Today at Holl ywood Park._ Ri\DIO J\uto Racing-Times Grand Prix. 9.05 a m .. KLAC (570 ). Bas ketball -Seattle at Lakers , 12 45 p. m .. KLJ\C C570 >. Baseball Oakland at Angels. 12 :55 pm., KM PC 11101. Dodgers at San 1-~rancisco. t p.m .. KABC 1790 1. llorsc Racing Today at Hollywood Park, 8:30 p.m . KLJ\C 1570 > MAC 110 $89.95° PM 320 wit h AUTO SHARP McCULLOCH Portable 'Mr RS. Sl.IG. RETAIL PRICE GENERATOR RA 150 $389.95 RA 200 S459.95 RA 330 $609.95 RA 300 ES $749.95 AT PARTICIPA TINO DEA LERS ONLY' McCULl.OCtt A~rzED HAVICE CENTERS SANT A ANA ANAHEIM L.W. BEMIS ANAHEIM SAW SHO~ 1629 E First Stroot 314 S Mancnestor 543-2639 535-4313 COSTA MESA " • WARD & HA .... INOTON 127!> &tslOI • !>!>6· I !>00 HUNTINGTON B£ACH J.C. NNNE'Y 7777 ECl!OQCr Awt 892-7771 HUNT INO TON BEACH QEMCO 7212 EeltnQer Avo B47-6611! HUNT IN<..i fQN't:ltACtt ANGEL'S 1600 EO.ogl.!f Ao &47-0066 HUNTtNOTON BEACH NATIOHAL LUMelf• 19122 B!OOlll\ultl 982.5561 NEWPORT BEACH J.C.~NNEY FeshoQn lslllno 6'4-n1:1 r ~.~120.tm OCIET SHm{i ~~?,~,1~'2~M tt~R Tritons Sf/CC[>) flJL srROKE-MAtlllG , Roll, 21-4 The :rrltons of San Clemente High exptoded tor 12 runs in the alxlh '.~ ... ""---+ inning in couUng to an e asy 21·4 South Coast League baMbaU victory over Lagu,u Hilla. Cfl1ANP5 6000 FDOnVORK- Orange Coast, Gauchos Win In another came, Jobn Bris blne belted a 1010 home run in lhe fifth In· n i n g but it wasn't e nough as Ocean View High dropped a 4·3 de· 4cision to Kenned y In Empire League ac tion. Scott L1ch and J ohn Moore each had four hits in San Clemente's win while J im S m ith d rilled a bases-loaded t riple to highlight tbe sixth frame. KANSAS REGISTERED C•rver Tripp Wood Stain is t!O ri ch, 80 smooth, IO true in color It make. any stairung job eaeler and beu.er. Uae i~ on any surface without removing the old finish. One quick coat givee you perfect. rel!Ult.8 -job aft.eT job. 1979 CADILLAC El And to preeerve th•t D 0 RAD 0 . D 1 e • e I. beauuf\:JI looll, wie Carver Purchaaed April 12. 1'npp New Polyurethane Sunroof plus MANY Liquid Pla11t.1c or Gfoneral other extrH. Make of· Purpose Clear Finish fer to Box 276, Dally l.JilllD£R5 Orange Coast College came from behind to Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, l'-/#"',_,, post a 4-2 win over host Mt. San Antonio College Costa a..aa, Ca. 92626 289 E. 17th St. Thursday and as a result. moved back into a tie ~~~~~~~~~~~Co~~~a~M~·~·~·~·~C~•-~9~26~2~7;;::~ for first place 1n the South Coast Conference ~ baseball race. And Saddleback College blasted host San Diego City College, 11·2. to hold first place m the Southern Division of the Mission Conference. John Hoclrenberry..,smgted to-get two runs across in the top of the sixth inning to put the OCC Pirates in front to stay. Tom Barnett had opened the inrung with a walk and Mike Sodders was safe on an error. This set the stage for tfockenberry's game-wmrung blow. ORANGE COAST scored its first run lo the top of the hrst inning on a triple by leadoff bitter Don Hiii and a !-imgll· by Randy Day. J\n insurance marker was added 1n the nmth when Mark Marches wal> l11t by a pitch. was ~acrtficed to second bv Cory Alder a nd scored on Hill's single Joe ·Mut t · wt.•nl tht.> d1stanre for the Pintte::., striking out f1H· Jnc..I "'<JI king four "h1le giving up six scattered hits Tht• i:aaic was the fourth in as many days for Coach Mik<' Mayne's :.quad and was the l>econd victory since losang to Cerritos. ORANG•: COAST, Cerntos and Santa Ana share the conference lead with 9-4 records. Hitting he ros for the Pirates included Hill with two singles. Day with a 3-for-5 day at the plate and Ruben Soto with a pair of doubles Sadd.leback's Gauchos had little trouble with San Diego. scoring early and often to take a 6-0 lead. Joe Jloldndge went the distance for the Gauchos and was aided by a pair or double plays that gave SaddJeback 27 lor the season. Mark Stowell was 4-for-4 including a double and drove in three runs while Dou~ Fritz was 3· for-6 with three R.BJ. Dana Brown was 2-for-3 and scored five times while Paul Bethke and Ruben Candaleria each had a pair of hits. J /, J •• - Under New Management S~I«" M.-m.;,.nildp: SIM ••••ally. •23 atentbly t'aml~y M_.mberHblp: 8150 ana•all~. 833 111onthl~· • U,O.&H c..rt .. • c.. ....... ._ ••••• • ......,....,,_., 1 ... 1..-cl•• P-re«-•11 -~ a.y Ger4e• "••• BEO~RGU L4'TFOR l lh BOURS OF FREE COURT TIME Fe• INFe•MATleN CALL 642-2000 HAReOR ,AACOUE'f CLUB 380 wen w Itron • Cone """"'· CA 9262 1 , eas SUPER I RACQUETBAL£) SPORTS . ~· SHOPS SINCE 1924 ~\.-- • ROLLOUTS (CAN) Reg. $3.90 $ 310 NOW sp"' "o •~~ I • PEii ULTRA BLUE a..i __ ._T_E_N_N_l_S_ ... _ $2 ao';~ •WILSON EXTRA $5250 $3.9o ~~~RAME) NOW •DUNLOP VOLLEY iioW $4950 •MANYOTHER FRAMES: DURAFIBER. HEAD, BANCRO •PENNilNNIS !o~~-~s s 111 4DAYS • SPECIAL RACK TENNIS CLOTHING 1/2 OFF! I HUNTING • All RIFLES 21 ~ Off ... LYL • . $181.95 6 RIOT !!~ •131'° • CiSE 111VES ai.M ao" Off • IZlll alUl.mT Reg. su.ts ..... a .. m ·1•eg.·~ ~ .. I SUMMER iPoRTs I • !!!! 3 !'4 VOLL":~~ $815 • IEW '79 SPEEDO SWl•rrs .., .......... _ .... ..,.... .......... . c Not ..... avalllble) • BASEBALL GLOIES 2c;;..m~ NIAL'S SPORTING GOODI -4DAY8 ... Y MUl-.UNL• . SANTA 'ANA IEWPORT BEACH 219 E. 4th ST. #27 FASHION ISLAND (714)547-5723 (714)644-2121 CERRITOS 163 LOS CERRITOS MALL ( 213) 924-1625 I \ Cottonwood Invades HB OM M-ttte top ~·,... omne u m la Of lh4t ye.er will tak plu S.turday nl,lhl •dum Hunt· 1n1ton ,8Hch Hi1h holla ColtonVo'OOCl }lfJb or 'alt L,akf-City •n the Oil~r n m. It •l•.U at 8 90 Cottonwuod la a l~O·llme Utah $h l uymnu tJC"S t<h,ampton whllfl HuntJngtoo O.ach ts • ''*O·Ume IF Southern Stttioo tlU w'nn r Botty- tl'am1 att load~d again lhl 1cason "THE C'OA('ft I t Cotton111>ood lllgb contacted !ht• C l fo' nfflrtt and Hlltf fht•y wcr(' 1ntrr\' ted an huvlnti sonu• UUI of t&tt' compNtllon." Huntington Ht•i.tvh <:t1ul'h Pam f'out'ht'r . ay~ "Thl· l'l fo' office l'Untac't•-d us and ~kl•d If w1• "ould bf• ltltt•rt-att.-d Jud tht-mtt't "ru. put togettwr " ~'ht' l\\o lt•a.mi un· \lm1lar In niun} "U) ~ 1'ht.> tup RYn"IOll l ror t>8('h M'hool l'i 8 Junlnr llunt in~ton Headl 1~ domtnatt•d by und •r<.'lassnwn with t111l.> the No 3 performer. Ann McCabe tAnd ooe other Jtirl. 'ue Broussard . h ttenlors U>ri Wn..:tll I~ the Oiler&• top performer Sht won thret! t! cnts 1n Cl fo' cotnpehtion last year but hit her head on the parallel barb and <h'dn 'l ti.core, depriving heroft~all Htmandc hamp1onshtp M<'Cubt> wall not compett.• 1oc1alnti.t Cottonwood arter breaking ~· thumb while s kiing laal wct.>k She probably Wiii ft'lurn for lhu balance bt>am Ollly for lllt! rebt Of lht.• l>l'IJ!>Ofl KAR£N ()NWA \', ..inother Junior, 1s the No 2 J:lrl on the tt'lun with '>OJ)homorcb Landa McG raw and ('a I h y Kano d t' I he n ~· x t t w o De b b 1 e M<'IAH.:hlan. a sophomon• und l'um Mugnu:.on, a 1un1or, <'Omplete lht• ll1111t111gton Bcurh roster. l''or lh1l> meet. th<• two c·o11C'he:. have agretid to use seven J:ymnasto; 1111.tC'ud or :.ix ab 1n league l'Ompetilmn Tlw tup f1H• '>t011n·i. will count 111 the ll'am comJ>(.'l1l1on Cycles Return To Mesa Track Mike and Steve Bac;t will lead a parade of out. l>land1n~ riders to lhl' poi.l for lht! opening s r cedway motorcyrlc program of the season al the Ordn~c County l''a irgroundi. in Costa Mesa tonight with a ction ~cttmg unde r way at 8 o'clock. Mike is a l>ix t ime national champion a nd the w1nn1ngcst ride r in the hist o ry of Ameriran l>pccdway l'nmpclition Steve has nnly one national title und lhl' n·~l belong to Hick Woods 14 1 Stt•vc• 1s returning to compet ition a ftcr a thrct:· :-c• 11 r a hscnct• JOJNl.'J(; T ll t; 1"I t:J.I> for tonight·.., <i<·tron an· Alan Chri'>t1:JO of lluriti n gton Beach, Davrd S1ml>. <it•nt• W1xxb of Nl'wport flc'arh. Tommy M<>rll'Y. Brad Oxll·v. St<•vt' Nutter. Shu~n M<.iran and a hol>l of oth~r out st <tnding rider s Tony Hn~gs, thc 16-year-old son of four·t1me world spccdway champion Barry Bnggs of London, will be making his d ebut on the Southern California c1rcu1t toni~ht. The blonde youth was pursued by almost every µromorcr an the 8rrt1i.h Lc·ague before he decided lo ral'e 1n the US. his hr">l full season. OBSERVERS WllO HAVE watched young Bnggb praclil'l' 11'-'Y he boasts much of the natura l talent Of hlS father With has Only possible weakness al the !>tarting hnc On lhc s hort Costa Mesa track ht> s hould l<-arn thil> phase in a hurry I\ new cariwt of gr<Jss h;1s been installed 1n the rnfrcld for tht· opcn(·r and thc entire facility has r1:· ('Cl\C<I u <·11;11 of pa rnt 1n prepar11tion for the new 'C<.IMJn <:ates 'll>t'll al Ii :10 tonight wrlh the firs t rntc •u•t fur X l';1rk111~ ;n11J p111g r ams an· fn·c Hnntington, FV Clash for lead llunllngton Beach I li gh 'l> ~and the Foun lain Valley Barons <·la<,h tonight an Suns.:t Ltagut ba st>ball at Mile Square Park with the circuit lt:ad at stake Each sport.') a 1·3 record us !he two entPr lhe fuial St:gmcnl of fi ve league game:. It ~tart:. al 7 :.ind the Baron!. will be trymg to m ake 1t a three· 1tamc 8weep OV<'r their n vals Schedulc•cl to be on the mound for I luntmgton Hca<.'h 1s n~ht handf'r Shawn Ct!>co, 6 2 10 league. while the chief Oiler bats arc s upplied by Cory fo'unk. Rico Thompson and Cisco, all hitting in the 300s. Bob Tidwell. who fired a four·hit, lO·strikeout victory over Westmins ter in his last Sunset League start for the Burons. is the scheduled Fountain Valley starter, with Dennis Cowan in reserve for possible relief. Kevin Ro mine , the 1978 Sunset League player of the year and an All-C l F choice. is hilting at a .380 c lip for the Barons . Also, sophomore Eddie Clark is in the .400 range and catcher Bill McTeir ha s been hilling at a .350 pace ......_._...... _____ ~.......-.......~ .. ~ .'\ \ ··---:.:..·:::. .. ::-:--:.;•_, ....................... ___ ..... ~ • • 'f. . • ..... ICA .. \,eA0\11 ...... .-.ca.. ~ltwtW• Ml_ .... ... ,.... ..,,, .. II Milltr \I • 0 I 0 t11t11lef141 JI! J I 1 0 • •llll01d lll \ I I I Ce\lt~ )0 I 0 0 0 Ctltw Ill • 1 I " \ln•il•Y \\ ) I 0 0 ••••or" • I 0 I) L MtUU• II \ 0 I 0 lt11tfl II I I I I Ao Jell '>I\ Ill 4 I I I At,t ft\ 1111 • I I I AUtlfll\ di\ • 1 J J bow•11t01 1 011 K1iat<•lill 1 0 00 <>r1<h 11> • 1 1 1 w v,.•ou' • o o o MWlllnl••' • 0 0 J '>u4t•l(J" 0 0 0 Q k•1tt•. ,, 4 0 , 0 llGf<H•Oil<I j 0 0 0 W•llU"" 11> J 0 0 0 10 ~••t\Ofl I 0 I 0 M4nG•lt 11> 0 0 0 0 1"4e'' Nt •tu' ful•I\ -4 I• r • .,1 .. ,,.,.. OOt> 110 011 • Mll'lih11C• WO .410 000 • l t4•tl••ll (.,nth 0~• M 1nnhot• t I Ott C•ltl(ltn1• I M•nl\OOte 10 18 lUOO..Q< ~·-llR Aclm•• 111 Ru01 12 ......... , ••• C,r'l;n I\ L•n\l<tfO I ... """' C•ll-• IP H R E II II SO At .. IW 101 • 4 4 ' • I •ltoO•o ~ 0 0 I 1 MlllMMU H••IUll 1 • l M•t•lltll ll, 1 II 1 l ) J I 1 !oot 1.AllOUW Ill HBP -8V ""-'"'-11 111.~1or 1 r -l V A l.131 ... Wal, 8 rewe.n l MllWJuk.. ioo 000 O•O ) ) .) llc,.ton 000 O•O 10• S 10 0 )l•CUll, (.lf!•el~ll UI .,ltd MOOftl R••fW'Y ()l .. QO 111 -Alftn'on w Mo1·~· I 0 L ~lolUn o 1 tH• Mtl,.du•t'tt Coue>or 141 Onoltt '• V •"""' > 6oll1111ur.• 017 010 700 • • 1 NfW Yon 110 000 000 J • 0 P•lmvr ,.,ld Oemt>~r Tldnt MttADrt1111 1Jt tl~Y 111 ""<I Narron W P.tlm~•. 11 l M1t1tl.lft1l•1 0 I HR O•ltlmorto 0tf(lnC11\ I NATIONAl.LEAGUl t UO. >. C.rdi,..I• l \I lOuo\ 001 100 000 1 I J (hlCdQO 011 100 00• ) f I o Fot\cn 8runo flt .na ~·""mon, l•mo. !>ull•" Ill •11<1 Foote W t.•mp, I O L 8 For\(h. 0.1 HA Cr.lcaoo, Oe J~su• II t 0•41'0 14, ... d ..... 11 ~"" F••n<1Sto OH 0CM JOO 14 11 • '>•n O••OO 010 304 010 10 ll 1 81u~. i.."1Pllt ... Mid Hiii l<1h1.ll. M l..ft' t,Jt O AtQu•\lo C•> Owth1nko 111 •no T'\n•u. ICtllO•ll 111 Yf 81u•. 4 0 l lolt<I>, ().I HA SoH> 1-r .. ntl\(0. Hiii lit Soln 0• .. 90 CtOlu••tl 111 lle<1•1. llrn .. o ••••n'' G'lO ooo ooo-~ 1 o C•nconn•ll 000 100 10• -1 6 0 p N•t!~'O, ~()II-ll t M'CJ Mu•&>l'lv. ~.y., 4nd (ortr•I W 4lif!d" .. ' ) 1 l P N•~hO I J >1R C.1nc.1nnah, (,riff Py IU. f O\let u, ANO[lS •VEflAOES 8•tll"'I •It , " '" rtu Pel Clow~•MI II ,, 1• I 0 ,,, Corttw ~o ti 10 1 10 400 l df't\toro ·~ 11 11 I I l19 rorn iu • , l s 3111! Cit I(,., \I 1n IH I 11 l)J Altien~ 11 I II 1'IO IHvto1 \~ ~ lb 17 ]ill> Mllh-'r \\ " 1 I • lJ J Rudi " ' ti I H~ M ullff'h•' " I I I I 1s• Rt'lt .. nmvn'1 .. 0 0 0 0 000 0k1VI) I 0 0 0 0 000 OOllC>I\ .... 0 0 0 0 0 (ii.() A1mu"' 0 0 0 0 0 000 fOlilt\ •11 q1 14ll 70 a. 31' PllOtnq I• 11• ti> .... .,. M •ll"r 10 ' .J • I 0 0'1() l•Pocn~ ) I I J I 0 ' .. ,,,,., 10 I s I 0 110 t1.n;1po II ) I 0 J II ,tw..., ,, .. ' 0 •• 10 J SI Tdndnct 1'fl1 1 11 ,., l•I Re van 19 • 11 11 t I . ,. ~rO\l I ' \ J I 0 s &•" ' ' ) I 00 11 ,. rot al) llJ " ,, 10-) ) 16 COLLEGE VSIV I I, Cel SI ale Oom•nQUt't Hiii\ I 11 VC lA 4, Ar.tor\6 St•lt l t•I Poly Pomqnd ~. Cdl Sl<1lt lll\ Anqelt\ • Vt~ ~a. OcctClf'ntdl 4 ' UC R••~•so<le I. Cll•OM•n 6 JUNIOR tOLlEGE 0••• C.N•l 4, Ml S.n AnlO<llO J OrilnQ~ '°"'' IUO 001 001 • t 0 '''" ~d" ,,. ... ,("'"' 1·/0 000 000 1 & l M utt e1r1d A.Iller r t ,quwn M •dnQdl 'ft itnd Jont•\ w M utt l r ..,qu\<Jn S..OdlOIMO 11, S.n 01090 1 '.><>ddl~O~t ~ 701 111 IDS II II 0 '.otn Oiruu 000 000 010 1 ~ 1 HoltJ, 1dq•· dnU Ot1th•r , Ano~r\on W<1r th1r.Qlon 1/t, [)1•nm"'n t9• tlncJ C.,1,.11m"n w tfuldn~ l Anot;r,c;n HIGH SCHOOl S•I\ Cltmente 11, L•1wn• Hill• 4 ~.1nChm••nle bOO 01 tl11 1 1t U l d'1Utld tft,,'t 001 )0 0 0 4 ) U19q1n\, MOote ro &nd Cir.tv Comu\ Mu1on• 1c.1 otno "''""•'Y w Moor• l <..t1mb'- K-. 4, ocun V••• 1 ~~lln..Oy 010 011 0 • 6 ' O<un V•ow 000 llU 1 J. • I Po11nq Gil\O•f•t ff>t dr"O Mrddt,,9\ r dtl•n()fot A°(.1nno1t1 lt t .tnaStt'!!ul1 W fJW •"'1 t Rl'•nholll HR Athl')IM •Oc.• ""' 'l/1r -. M EH M1C»4 scl4bc>L L•t1111• 1 .. c11 IJ, D•"• Hllll o 100 I AndertOll Ill 10 4, 1 Ar•i. IL t 10 I, J. Mere• Ill ro 8 110-1 Anderson Ill 13 411. Arel>f> Ill 1l •.l And<lrWt>lll167. 440-1. La•wood tol su . 1. Clark ll1 H •. J C..w.Oy Ill SI 1 8110 I Jol\nM)fl 101 1 "6, , An<or Ill 1.12 9; l. no lllird Miit I, H&Qlld•d Ill • •9 o. l . C.e11Mn <0 1 4 '9.0; l Fl<!lt"'°' IOI S 01 0 1-Mll~ I Sllaw Il l 9 SI J, 1 C.•r<Jen 10 1 9 SI t. J Flltltl\l!r <0111 II 0 110HH 1 fllonon IL I IS q 7 Smylh 101 16 •. J M.lr.s IOI II • JJOlH I Tllonon ILi •l 4, 1 Wll)()ll 10 1 4• •. l M•r.s 10 1 •• 4 440 rol<ty I LtOU.,. BUtll •1 1 Miit rtl<tY I l 410un• 8utll l JO HJ 1 Smflll COi • • l. Jon•> 101 61, l Ker•on Il l 6 7 lJ I l•rwood IOI 1' 1, 7 Arelle Ill ,, • l H•rl-M 10 1 ,. • T J I T-\Oll Il l le I J H•ytl\Ofnt 101 JI 1 l Jont•IOl lfl I PV f 8r«llmati ILi II 0 no M<-Of lhird SP I EHh ILi ..... 1 FIMlyCll 0 II. J JtCOD\On 11.1 4+7 OT -t CIM~ CU 01 11. 1 Flnlty Il l 1'1·1: J I.Hr• COi 111 10 w .. hft!M ... ll, 1'-\Mfl Valley., 100-1. Aomlnt (Fl 10 '· ' P1•••r (WI 10 J; J . Shertell IFI 10 J. 110 -1 Pe~er IWI 211: 2 Ao<nlnt 11'1 JJ O: l Herrlt (WI ll t 440 1 H<orrls CWI '°I; 1 S!Wrrell 11' I US;) ... ,. CWI SU. MO-I. llemW'( CWI J•Ol.I, J. O•rymple IWI 2:0S,J; I 81••&1er Cl'l 2.0S.4. Miit -i &Nkt• CWI 4 3'.I , 2 SmooC IFI •:41.J;, Sltt!Ow IF)• 41.1. l •mllt-1. AllmMy CWI 10.0l.O, 1. SlrtKM 11'1 10.0l.S. J 0.ryl'ftl)le CW I IO·U 0 «o re1e., -Wetlmt1111tr o . 1. Miit rtley-Wtllmln"tr ~ >U. l70HH-I, Ouncen 11'1 14,I; t Wllllernson (WI IU , J .. .,. CFI 1U. UOLH-1. letllen CP'l,l,t11. Ounc:an tl'I O.t ; J. WOii-(WI 4.tt. tu-1. ••Yt '"' ... ; 2. a, • .,,,,,., IFI ~·10, a. ltoc•wttt 11'1 S. It, u -1. 'Wlllnt cl"110-t11t; 2. o . e-e111tt1 211, J ......... IWI It I~ fJ-1. O. C-... l"I 'J >; t C 4M~; I M<"erlllld !WI 4J•~ I'll-...,._ !WI U-41 t. H .... IMl- IP'l U .. ; •llllirC. S" I Ordal /WI., .. , l •ffju.,..i (WI 416"'9,J '*'"'"'*' OT I Vlft<c ... I CWJ"llt 11't 2 TOIMW• c I Wt 1)1-4 J 0•0.t IWI 1>0 I ... _ 16, MIMlll~ ae.ue .. 100 I OollH~ IC I 10 I. l eartOI• IHI 10 J, ) Jeotor1 ti! I 10 4 no I. OOt ..... 1•1 t.u . , •MtOI• CHI no Umt, > oi.1,,...,11 .. ., l l!!t. Je<llM11 tfi!1 u• *-" .!«Ml\ w .IU-t. ~-J.u $1 •. J l'-"m IHI no 11,.,., MO I &r.<ki.y ltfl 2 Ol I , 1. un'°°" 11::1 t 03 ~. 1 8r...ot IEI 1 0. t Mlle I 8u11 .. (Cl 4 HO,,, l)l.llt IHI no umt. t 8ondl c~unou,,... l ·Mlle-1. 81111er <el. 4J ), t. Oult (NHI no llme, 3 l,anlOQr IE 19 S'6 t~HH I. O.v(y IEI 1'9 t H•trl> CEt U 1, > McllOllotfl\ IHI no llm• ))OlH l MtROOerh IHI 40 ); J. Bu•l IHl no llmt. l tier m IE t 47 Q 440 "''Y 1 C<l•'IOn " • Mlf<' t•l•v I ttunUnoton 8eeu1 l JO ) HJ I 1\114tloll IH I • 4 ' WOOIM HO •1 J ~ .... ~ 1111 s 10 lJ I WMl1t1Q IH I 10) l N•(l\01\ 1£1 1' 9 J lln,a<um IHI n0 llmo T J I Wl\ellnq 'Ht ti ). l O•v1> IE •0 I <. J No<llOh E I 40 I PV I G<te\Otl •E I I) (j l "no• c E I ,, .. l ~•1nk tEI U• '.>P I lntNln tE I 416. l MtOon•IO IHI 09 J Sl•nl<l'llf.1 u • Of I Fron• IEI us'· 1 Mt Oon•IO IHI no hm• l &Mlow CHI no It""' H--1 H•"'*' M, Merill• U 100 1 J._...,1 CNI 10). 1 JOM.ort IMI 10 •. J F,.,_, IMI 10 4 110 I l.CY IMt 13 I. 1 JOM\On IMI l) 9,) Jl,,...M/ IN) ]4 0 440 -I J11nf'Ml (NI S1 4 1 ICnowlo\ IMI S1 I. l H•rrt.on IMI)) 0 H O I Bl•ly !Ml I UO. 1 Siu .. INI 1 00 l , l Stell 111 11 OJ I Mii<' I C..r<1• IM I • JA O. 1 Joroen..,., IM I 4 3' 0, l. 8Mry INI 4 H 0 1 Mile -I Bl•IY IMI 9 410. 1. ll•trY INt 9 H.O. 3 G•rtl• IMI 10 010 UOHH 1 l(•y INll6 0, J 8o"Y IN llt 1' J F llhl>«k •M l lb J llOL>i I OeRull INl 40. 1 WMO (NI 406,) IC•v (NI 41 0 u o relay 1 Mar1n1t 0 • M ile •• , .. ., 1 NeWPOrl 11•1 Do• J JI> ) HJ I !.anlal• INI 6 0 1 C•lw@ll IN • S·IO, J S..lior IMI) I lJ I C.Mldl\ 'Nt 10 I I f •\hbo!Ck tMt 19 II 3 M••al•B IM t 1& It TJ I Cdd<l•\ INI 416 1 M1y•li..d IMI '1·3 " l Buller IMI 11>·1 PV I Mtl(ay IN I ll 0 1 Smite. INI ll·O, J. Thoms (NI 12 6 SP I k•iley INt )0.8 1 t•ornan .. n •Mt S0.7. ) J•ll~rl~\ IN I •9 8 OT I JellttleS INI 140 I 1 C.r<'•n IM I 136 s.) Rou (NI IH 10 Ett•n<i• 11, , ,.,,~. s• 100 1 ChOo•n IE I 10, 1 Oull II I 10 4 Heni..• •El 10 4 H O I 0-00-n tEI 1J 4 1 Oufl 111 ll • J R~~n":" ~~~~:.,,, tit )) •. 1 t<•m• 1d S• I J Sp<ow•ll II I S• J lllO I l!>Q'am 1117 0) •. 1 M<t•tlrlf IE.I 1 OS S ) C.u1..o II 1 O'l J Mu~ t AOO<Jt'~ It • '6 1 1 lnvr•m • t; • U 0 J Scl\oll EI • SJ S 1 m•I• I XflOll 'l • 10 7q e I ••0 II 10 40 > l '.>tddl>'> 1.. 10 s• 0 j j Q reld'f lrv1t'lit' •1" I M ttf" rtl.t'f E\ldN 1111 l l8) l?OHH 1 tC•du\ l (t 1SI 1C.tll 111 16d J H\lon 11118 t. lJOLH I 1("1u\ !E r 401 1 !>~t»On •lt •I S J (,11t fl I •) o HJ 1 _,o 11 s 10 I I urxerord 111 ) 10, J R~,l>OIO\ 1£ Is(, I J 1 H~n•d IE I ?() ro loo• I [ ' ,. 8 1 lOnq fl! n '" I J 1 Hen•d IF: I 4 I • 1 l 01>9 111 J9.f0 J l oo•IEIJlll PV 1 !,tl"nnon 11 l 14 4 1 P1nctri..f'l6• fl 1 I< 01 ) Nurt,nQ Ill ll • '>P Lyon I c .. } l. 1 II••"'" IE I 4J •. ' Wollt-r'\ U:) JI CJ1 • o r 1 t..von •Ct 1111 1 N1c1101, L 171·0. l Wolll•r" •t ' IJ~ • Coro~ 0.1 M.ir 1 JI,, Uf'lfllt'r\lh , , , f 100 I B•llllO\ IUJ 10 1 1 f<1blPQd\ •( 10 • l Ft"t;o, 1(1 10 & 711) I Ounur f(I 1J 0 1 B·lluO• •Vf 71 •. J Trumdl't IUI lJ S AA? 1 !inoOQr•\\ IVI S11 1 W1lhQ IC r Sl •.] T•umlln IVI u . 880 I B•UOQOmdn ltl 1 00 8 l COii 11 .. 1 01 1, J BNkl0<d 1v1 2 OJ• Mlle I B•uQQomdn IC I • l2 0 1 M,trlfe><O 1(1 • JS I J Trumtr~ 1u1 • JI 1 1·M11• I W.tlhnq IV q 40 4 1 M<'Y~• Ul'I 07,J And•~-..s lUJ •4ll S l?()HH I Mall l(J I) 7 l !iU1>.cU It 1S 'I. l !.an1d\ tCt '' 0 JlOLH I Slo•O.C•• ICt '1 1 1 M ill•• IV 41 l, l 1(1mt>dl1 IU I '1 0 ••o r-elitv-• uruv~r~••v •• • Milo rtlay-I Coton.t ci.-1 Marl Jl q HJ -I Wal\/11067,1 S..n•·s •tt S IU 1!1e1 AlhS<>n (I.JI Gilroy •Cl S 8 lJ -I F•bf"t'qd\ It I 10 l , 1 Mill\ lV 10 '"' J ~llf(l 10 I" T J I Jot•son It I ., 11 1 ""'·~on •V' 41 I, l Tt\oma~ IU1 41 l PV I V<:lf1P ltl 1111 1 M\•ltO IVI 11 • l no "'"a SP I Mill\ Vt 18~ Orlmdn IU• 49 1' 1. l Krtu\il'n (; 48 4 OT I M1tl\ Wt 1)• I 1 Orlm,1n IUt IU l ,] ICdu,~n 1(1 1$1 II S•n Cl•,,,..nle 111. l.1qun• Hiiis 1J 100 1 l ~\11•1 ISl 10 6. 1 011!mM ll 10 9, l Ro..soy •S• 10 9 110 1 Jorner tltn• l LY\ltr'•Sl?38J tmmPI CSt H 0. '40 I Joont!r ILi )7 •. 1 Rl<IQewo ISt SJ l, J l(h,Klo<mn Ill SS 4 830 I l:O#drd\ •S•, oe J , HOW<)rO •S• 1 09'1, J Hdll l~t l II • MtlP 1 How,trd •S• .... s ~ 1 [dw•'d\ 1s1 4 sa e. 1 OouQ.tn 1'>1 s oo a 7 M .r•-1 Eomon<J\on IS> 10 •I • 1 fl~ICtlt>r l!>I II OJ 0 J SflOt'mdllr • ·~ It 10 0 110HH 1 E<ldO ISi 16) 1 M~CllOO •l >1 3 P1<• CS! 19 •-J)OLH-1. Poea ISi 41 I 1 tm,,....1 IS• O 0 J. ICll•detnn Il l Al S H O rtldY I San Cl~rn('nl• •S ~ M•lt rel"Y r Se<! Cl'°""'"'"'] H ) HJ I Sw•-•lllS~.l Edoo CSt S• J Wede ISi S·1 lJ I EOOO ISi 10 I'' 1 H.tMOO ISi 10 I, J . Roww1 ISi17 9 T J-I H.IKO<~ fSt 44 10, 1 EOdo !SI 0 l'.1. l Wade ISi 41 A r PV 1. Fa.,ell ISi 116. 1 O'G•ady ISi I~, l. ~ts (SI 10-0 SP I Ooellrino ISi 17 , ••• l Solomon ISi 44 S. J Schroed4!f <St 4' ' OT· I Ooefl•lno ISi 1411-10; 1 Mew ISi 119-11 ; J. ~ ISi 119·S k1tell• tt. Octe!t View St 100 -I. Pelothl!S I KI 10 1. 2. Mo.er 101 10 l . l Hashno• 101 10.s. 710-1 Mo51Jr IOI ,, 1. 2. Pelorn•S Clef 13. S. 3 Cunntotl•m 11( I 1• • HO-Wiison IKI S2.I , 1. MakmP•n ll(t S3.1, 3. Miiier IOI S4 2. 1110-1, H.,.\01 <Kl l 01 1, 1 Poren 11(1 1 ot.•: J, Hotouln co 1 : It o. Miit -I. Cl•ry I IC I 4 )I 1. l B. Oel9'<1< tOI 4 41 9. J. R 0.19ed<> IOI 4 •1 '"· 7·mlle I R OelQddO 10 1 10 10 1, 7 Mos.r IK i 10 10 •. l 8 OelQ-'<lo iOI ro 2• o uo rtlay l(~lella 4.'i O Mile relay IC~rtlla "0 lime. 170HH L ..... I~ 110 I) I. 1 lt1st1 10 • I) I l F rlqero CO> 16 • l30lH 1 Wit-11(1 409. 1 Miiier 10 "'· J H•l•(~)41 4 HJ 1 COllrean 11(1 •·0 1 M~Go .. rn II( SI, no llllrd , LJ I umonl IKI 719 1 A·~"10 1' l 1 1, l Br'fNVn UC• 14 r J 1 R1YI 101 42-0 , 1 Pomerlt11n r I( •IO>,, l 6rtnnan Cl( I :i.-6 • PV I Cornell llC I 11 •• 2 R•nolt II( 11-0. no ITMrd SP-I Slltnn•n 11(1 •t o 7 Penn 1>1 • 41 9, 3. Cooil IK I 4'-10"1 Of-I Mt<t.•y CKI 11'1 1 Coo• Cl(t 11'-I, J Penn (Kt IJO..O'"· WQMEN MIGHSCH~ ,._,,. VMIO 11, WHlmh11ttr U 100-lkten (WI 11 J. no MellOft ,, I,. 4 4'10 8ryenr CFI 1,04•. ICIO-E-rso1t CWI 11J I , Mllt-Mlllt CF I S 41 4, 1·Mli• Tully IFI 11:1t.o; l10l.H-~1"9erum IFI It 0, 440 rtley-1'"-t•ln V•ll.,, SI•. M lle rtl•y Fou111•1" v..irey •:2•.s. HJ-8•r1e1 1F1 ''°· LJ-Mt<yell IFI IS·10'1't. SP Gr .. ,, tFI Jl·4~. • c.r.. w--.. JT.11111..,.r,., Jr 100 Gumm.rshOft IC> "·'· 170-Mlll\ IVI I/&; ~lln1 tC>1 01.1. MO-Stone IVI 1.11.0; MJl~.S1111n1t I V/ ) 2'.J. 1 Mllt-Wtttllttly 'CUI 11:11 •• , 1101.H MOflOr• <Cl 11.e: •40 rtl•y-Corone •I ~r U.1: MMe tele.,..U..C,..r\lly •·170: HJ- W\lrh CCI H . u -ad-tCI 1~•1&. SP- °"'CCI Jl·ll~; or-1111 (UI tk ... a.-.,.. ue-e ""''" U.I ; ••O-McCanne ISi I OJ I . HO e>ve olHIMC <&1 J·JO. Mii• o. ltott.'- c SI • no: N lilll•-Lllllt (L I 1) JI o. 1101.H W.~ ISi 1' I, 440 rtl•y S.11 Clfnlenre tu. Mite r11., Saft C1-t• • o•. HJ c. ltos••"IO (SI 41 LJ 0118 01Mltn< ISi 14 4 SP M<Co~ll Ill H 1 OT Mt(CifttlJ ISi 76 I•> G~MNASTICS I FOR THE RECORD/ 8(,~TING IM#Cle u. '"'*11 100 M IC.ally 111 II J. 170 •M ICtllY 111 U • 440-a..rlll\tt1 11[1 I 00 ), 9'0-Mft<4rf 11:1 l1'•, Mllt -MtCUll !El )J)t ; 7 m ltt-Ftre Ill 12 14 4, 110lH-0e I• ""' 1 I I I. o; ._ relay -W-Cw U 0, .Ml.i. If ••1 cu.-ie 4 1>.1, HJ~ Ke lly 111 s-o, l.J M ICttlY Ill 17 •. SP-l Kelly Ill -..u.1..,, Ot 4. ~uOU·~a.....~ Ille-' SS. Merltw « 100-P•ll••M>n 1M1 u O; no-Jollmon CMI no 11-. 440 Jollnson INt 1 O' l , 110-0lbO\ IMI 1 21 0, Mlle Ot~ IMI \ 32 s. , mrl•-M<C•rlllf IMI l)·St.o; ~lH -HtfllMf\Oll INI 16 •. 440 rtlO rln• S3 S, Mlle rel•Y Nt.,DOrt H•f'bOf. !Im-. HJ-Peltttott INI ~0. LJ-Younq tN 1$.10. SP-Nll>Ock INI ll·O•• Twnw-1 ol C'M"lllH"' l•I u C:..U CCI Tom Watton lle>n Srreo .. G•rv P1enr V1<1or R19e1-Rey l'loYd Gil Mor~ J •t k N10 leu\ Bruo lk>lJkt Le<rEI~ J<K~ NewtO<I LH r rt••no J•rry P•I• Huber! C.r..,n Jim \1mot'\\ M•c Mt lenoon L•trt N~I""' Andy 6eitn lon Htn~I~ Andy NOflh llen t tM\<l•W tom K11t~ Rod Fun"'m r uuy Loellw• B• rr • JffOet M•rl< Mttum""' JMrry ~,.drO l •n"y Wl"tdlit. 1n~ llot>Qym"" T •ll•ll•u" Open l•C T•ll'"'°''"· l'I• I &oo M •nn l1ndy M•llor Cn• Cru ROd1lq11< / l1m ltl\otl W•YM Levo 00b M ti<Ofly f1m S•mO'W>n Clllp 8K• ll•ll• t••Pt• AntOfl•O C..100 601> tn•""' 80l>(•,- 04~l' (•Cf\elllo fQf,. t,•rr l'O<ll Ooo lunn M•r~ l ';to J,,.. Poth•r l-d !tne-.. o l o'" !>tort r Jim l nc..ro-t fummv 'Vdl""''""" 8000t W<Kll<11\\ LMry weoo WOMCN l •df Cllnn Cl•n•t 1., O•l•ndo. l'I• > 0"'001t> M~•\f .. rt1n O~tll>IO' Md\V'Y ( onn ••· C,h111t1rn1 holll O•n•~t Joyt.t l'•Um1t'r\ln JO Alln Prtt't\•' • HOiii\ !>IMf ~""' Ltlllt Y1t lllt T•r>t>t {All>~ Mani lilnMtUl!"o ")y'd" Or•m' O•IP lund<lu•\I P1Uy Hdyt\ Sanor• Pa1m .. 1 Jo Ann c;.,.,.., M•rtetW.,_.~ t •llly Cor~hu\ 001wrm.o·~ S•nOr• Po.r PAO llESlllTS MEN GrM'Mt ,.,,. ro"'"~"""" 111 Sift JO\t I 3) lfl-•· )4.lfl-10 34.Jl-tl JS-:i.-11 ,, 34 " :i.-u-11 U -Jl-12 H JI n JIJl-11 JS Jl-11 H JI /1 J1 )) 71 34 lS ll )I Ji>-/) J) )8~ 11 JI ll ,. JI 40 I\ >• ]9 1\ JS 40 IS l• J'I 11 •O l4 16 31 •0-IT )8 3'-71 J'l-39 78 Jll·40-71 " 38-(9 0 JT 19 J1.•J-tO JJ ,, .... ll-?l-t~ JJ.U... 3J.JA .. , u -:n .. , n~1 )& JJ.(,/ JA lA-61 )/ J1"'8 JA~ JA JA.1,8 ]],..... J•~ J(t :n.e ]))~ Hn..a JJ J~61 JJ ~ lJ J>-68 Hll..a J~ Jl~ ]\ Jl-611 "' 11-1>8 n nu JI_., II 11 J.4 II JI J}.I] JI H 11 1• ..... ,, H .13 17 IA Ai 11 u l" n JI H ,, !\ )I IZ I~ lA /1 :lo J6..1' JI ~ 11 l• J0..11 JS.. I ) 1• J\l l )) Jll.f) JI Jl>I) H J!l IJ Se<ond R°"nd Stll'llU U•llv ~ • .nilon dt>I Mdt• EOMOfl\.Of' 0 t & ) N it k !MYl1\nQ ON Mdrly Ntt"\\.•'I'\ b 0 &• Jo"nM<f n,Ot"cwf r,·rrv.\\00rt:t:1 e? tfttnk Pfl\h:f <h~t &1Uy Mdrl1n,,' h-• World Cll•mprOfl\ll•P rtnn" l•I HouUon I Second R"""o 511\ql .. l aa1• Otblh0<1 Eliot r.""""' I••• t. 1 Httn\ (;HO,nK'1\fer Of't Jortn Att'.11ctndtr- 6 •• 0 I •• 6 I 6 JOH '11QU<'rd, del Paolo O••lolu«• t.O. & J OlrW'r m.\ltt••" OO'l~d br t\t•d'tlY t411'\ lOS ALAMITOS Tllun<tay'' lle•ulu "•"' 01 St-<l•I• 11.,,..., me1Un9 I ~'"' •<K~ Smo>v V1t IQoo\Omort 6 10 > •o. l 60 °""""' Ovro 1v .. llf 1 1 60 1 '° Sl'lwyn C.•&llM IR1!cll1•1 , llO 11 PlUKld 11 SI P<Jrd \19 00 Second rate ... uni<'' H4nov•• f TOddl I 00, 4•0,1 IO, Rolot<1w1 ISpriOQ•t 4 10. l 80. I O\ll1on 11.oor• 1 l<1< ''• • ' 40 fhlrd lllCI •Fl.Uh fSlttlhl 14 80, 17 40, I 40. Ju\Cly Joe tG•larCIOt • 10. l 00, Johnny Royel N CRll<h•~t 6 6() Fourth ••<e Chuo 8 llonool 10 60. ll 10. II 00. ~~hon A ttr•llll > 6.60. •.OO; Sliver 8uller I Connelly 1 l 00 U natl a 11·71 pa10 UOl 60. Fiith rMe ... owdy Mon ISIKtMOllel s 10, 3 60, 1 40, R•r11 Oe\10<1 I Oonnebao t S.40, 3 00. Holll•Ctr CValt<1n<11ngMml 1.IO. S••lh roKe ~I• M llr•vo l~rryl 31.10, 11 60, 1.60, St>noa Granger f8tt1lllyl 4 80. • 60. l)IOI• Hill IGtuntl'f'I '·'° n U itCla 14·11 oe1<1 \IJS 60 Sl'•enrh •·H~ Slt'•l•v E •O•~H IR•ltMorot I 00 .• (>() ) '° Rios ..... '""" 1n11I 4 IO, >Ill. N•li•<' !>l••llnc! !Baylh•I HO E IQhlh rt<• Swtl l MA• N re ....... 4 oo. l IO. 1 IO, l'tre !or flll'<I •8btlou1n1 ll 10 • 10 Wa1Mll<I CLC)nQOI s 00 u eutta 11 .. 1 P••d SI• IO N•nltt ••• Stetff·n Wol\ •Grundy 1 IS&(), O 00. 14 80 o..n1o< 0 H I°"'°""'' I 4 80. l 10 Ft~ylM<l#r IT-I 11 IO U u et I• II 11 p;o1d "'II() A 11tncl4111<P ) .. , HOU. YWOOO PARC TINnMr'• •nu1b m 11 .c n_.., n. .. _. "_11,,.1 Fir\! <<i<e-l.NI'\ Tt~U•tr IH•,.ltyl s 40. l JO. J H . Sp•nolu e nd B••O\ 10t1e110111UY•I ) JO, >JO; Ocuft 11un COuvert\l 1 IO. ~l-re<e-Fl09y IPlnuyt 100, 400, J 00. C .. I .. Ill Conttnen<I COllvMe\I 16 00. • IO; Ptl"! Mitre Cl e><ol s 10 0 O•llY -· IJ II paid U1 Ill r11 1rc1 r•c• ffllen R eoent y 10.l•'*"wyel J 10, 1.0. 1 ,0, Tommv·• Ptl fOont.Wttl 14 .O. S >o; Flrel>ell """' •C•moe\I J 70 \SUIKI• Ct·•l l>••d ,1\4 00 FOU~lll , •• CIOud Welller CPlnt•1l t "1, >.IO, J 10, Bruin Belle t M<Cerronl J 00. 1 40. Rule I/le F141Q CM<H•rQutl J..40 1'11111 rtc•-Paoo<'ort IH•wltyl S.00, t IO, t.40. Em11eror" l(ey IM<C•rronl • .o. t .o. R .. I Soul C~HtfQutl t .0. U U•tlt 1'·11 .,..,d ... 00 Sl•lll rece~ck-cforot '°·'°· • .o. j to. AHllY SomellOcly (MCC.rtOl\I '00. 1 IO; Mtrllft IRowlt\I 4 40 Sewl'llll •e<• FllO y-81clr IHtWleyl I IO. 4 40. ' 10, Vlt.fllO'' JOY CMce~ron• • 70, 7 10. l ,,,,..Cla c Ott~wye I t 10 flOlllh •«• l ite'• "-IOttellOUutyel I '°· , "°· , .o. L• Ml .. Houw ( Plnoy I t.IO ) H. OonAIW!o IP .. rc•l HO Nlnlh ·-~ ... COOvefHI '"'°· )t to, IS 10, l19'11-flh Image IH•,.i.rt l 40, ) 00. AINfl FIW CMcH•rQutl S tO ') ... u. 11H I INlld Jtft 00 ""·-· 17,400 S821aFleld ( En8enadaR~~ Takes Spotlighj, Po~rboal8 and small 11Hboai. lkl~n w1U nave--soulhlan pleasure porls vfflua~r .... 11...-i'lr..9:"1---· ......... ~ themselves this weekend a s 562 crack offshore . saUlng vessels shove oft Saturday in Ute azndt Ne wport to Ensenad• yacht race sponsored by the' Newport Ocean Sailing Association. The first start in the E nsenadt.1 race will be a t noon when the multihuJls and Class /\ monohulls In t he In· ternat ional o rrs ho rc Rule a nd Pe rformance H a nd icap ra ci n g divisions get the s tart mg g un from commit· tee boats anchored o rr the Newp ort H arbor e ntrance. S u bsequent BOATING sta rts will be at 10· minute iotervaJs' until 1 p.m . The only o the r action in Newport during the weekend will be at the Newport Ha rbor Yacht Club where the J im Tyler Me morial Regatta for Lehma n·12R Is scheduled Saturday a nd Sunday. Souther n C alifornia Yachting Association calt!ndar Newport-Balboa NEWPORT OCEAN SA ILING ASSOCIATION Newport to Ensenad<1 race. starts Saturday at noon. NEWPORT HAR BOR YACHT CLUB -J im T y ler Mem orial Re~atta <Lehman-12 > Saturday, Sunday Los Angetes·Loag Reub ALAMITO~ BAY YACHT CLUB -Spring Tuneup 1dingh1es> Saturday, Sunday. LITTLE SHIPS F LEET -Ensenada Stay.a t- Home race <P HRFr Sunday. Santa Mon.lea Bay PACJFlC MARINERS YACHT CLUB -Open Novice Regatta. Sunday. Dana, Capo Bay ~lobs Top Field Two southe rn t·ounly clubs top the lis t of 192 l'ntr1es rrorn Ora nge ,Co'u nty yachting or- gamzations 1n lh(' Newport to Ensenada yacht race whic h gets undrr way Saturday. The Darw Pomt Y achl Club has 38 entries and the Capistrano Hay Yac ht Club has 30, making a tota l of 68 from lht· two c lub:.. The Ba lboa Yacht Club has the most e ntne:- from local l'lubs w1lh 33 Other local club.., pC:1rt1c1pat1n~ rn tht.> annu1.tl south-Of·lhe·border hi· JtnX are Voya~erl> Yacht Club with 24, Bah1iJ Cor inttuan Yacht Club, 22, South Shore Yacht Club, 22. Newpart lhirbor Yacht Club, 12; Hunt· ington Ha rbour Yacht Club, two. and one each from Orange Coast College a nd the UCI Sailing A'::J· soc1at1on * * * • * .. Ensenada Entries Boosted to 562 Ten l<.tlt' entries lc rt off the o riginal Newport Ocean Sailing printed hs t has swelled the official starltnf? line up rn thc Enscnada Race to 562. • Left off the orrg1nal list because of a cha on from Perform;inct' Handicap Racing F leet lO th~ I nlernational Off!lhorc Ruic di vision was 1''rcc;l Preiss· 84-foot s loop Christine, Pacific Mariners Yacht Club. Christine will be the scratch boat in IOR with a trmc allowance of .5593 hours. THE SLEEK MAHOGANY hull speedster Ls expected to give the big multihulls a tough battle for first to finish in the 12S·mile race. Other add1l1 ons to the original I isl : Amenca. Bruce N. Kang, Southwestern Yacht Club. AndaJuc1a. Steve Holden. Pacific Yacht and Balloon Club • i''asl Break. Stanley Webster . Balboa Yacht Club. J ore dl' Mt•r 11 . Thomab Hammon. San rranl'ISl'O Yal·ht Club QUICKSILVER. R OLLV f'ulas kr, Newport Harbor Yacht Club Quikee. Hugh Lamson. Long Beach Xachl Club. Robin Nest Ill, Mel Robin. Marina Y acht Club. Spirit, Allen Brown. Voyagers Yacht Club. Synergy, Robert Babson, Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club. Tulybont. Peter Van Dusen, Long Beach Yacht Club. Co1,.tal lt'•ath.-r Felt ltlf"OUQl't S.lu•d.., wllll mo•ll• sunny d•Y' L 1Qhl varl•lll~ wind\ 11•0"' •nd morn1no "°"" HIQll• S..IUICIO .. 10 IA to•"•' l•moe••lurH w111 •Al'Qt l>•l,.een SI •nd 67 l ftl•nd ltm .,.rerures wlll ,.,. !Mlwftn '1 •nd IS TM w1C~ t1rnpe1e1.we wlll l>t M S•rl R•porc Hu,.U"91on -~ tlN<he• lllll• ...... wlltl -~ Of ._ IHI m•k• lor --1"'9 condil- Sau•~ ~loon~ Tfd•• F lllDAY ~f<On<I ll•Qll S 11 p.m. • I Se'"ond IOw 10; Sl p, rn. I 0 SA1'Ult0AY ~ tr\I l't•Qll • 71 •.m. • • F•t\l low 11 27 • m . -4 1 S•t <l'IO n>Qn • 07 II m. 4 o S.Cond I-II S. p.m. I 1 'UNOillY Ftr\l llt9" i ... m . 4 I F"'llOw 11·Upm. .OJ S.COl\d lloQll t •41 p,m. ) I Su., ,,_ s 11 • m., teb •~a.,.,.. MoOfl ''ws I 21 e.m., Mlt 1:1.iU . '"· 2414 ... .,.,. ...... ... .....,...--.cA.t2UJ ( 7 I 4J 6 73-6834 COMPLETE BOAT REPAIR ..t....Haul 0Ut1 -Marine Railway -Boftom C'.oattng -Mechonfcal and Electrical Repofra lnttalalllnt -W--.....andf...._.._., _ ........... -Spray and ..... -Ones Nyurathw Spray Paln1•• -Bilge Stecm O.C.•11 I I 'Ns1 DE: -Out 'n A;..,. •Comics •lntermlulon •TV U1t,nes I f ··:· Weeken~er · ., ' l t l . -.. .. • & fridly, Apnl 20, 1970 Go fly a k1le But be sure to do it al 3 p.m. Saturday at UC lrvme's Campus Park. The kite flying contest is among more than a score o r even ts and tours scheduled for "Celebrate UCI." a day. long open house of the Irvine campus. "MOST ORIGINAL Kite". "Kite th at Best Ocpicts UCI" and "Hi ghest Flying K 1te" are among categories open to t·o nlcsl<1nts. Cash prizes will be ;.iw.arded m each division. In more down. to earth events. parents of current UCI s tudents may meet with Chancellor Daniel Aldrich al 8:45 a.m . in Student Services I in Irvine Town l'<'nter Opcn n•h<'arsals for the Irvine pro- duct ion of ''No. No. Nanette" will be staged m the Fane Arts Theater Village betw.-en 10 a .m . and I p.m. followed by New York String Quartet rehearsals from l and 3 p.m. in the Orchestral and Choral Studio. M a~tcr ballet performers v. 111 appear from 2 to 4 p.m in Room 128 of the Dance Studio. TOt;RS OF Tiit: campu:. nuclear re· nctor will bt• held at 1. 2 and 2 '15 p.m whal e the computer facility a nd 1•ngincenng and biological sciences faboratoril•s will be open to show off lhl'lr sophisticutcd equipment. In addition, tours of the Medical Scal•ncc Complex will be provided by English and Spanish:spcaking guides hl•lWN'll 10 am e1nd 2 p.m. Also scheduled arc lectures on topics s uch as Proposition 13, community strc~s. southwest Indians and cancer metastasis. WAYZGOOSt:, TllE annual student n•lcbration. will color Campus Park ac trvilics Featured wi ll be mimes. mag1- c 1ans. musicians and Jugglers. Mock ml0d1eval battlcs a lso will he staged by members of the Society for Creative Anachronis m. UC I has borrowed tra ms from the Ct· ty o f Laguna Beac h to provide tnrnsportal1on t0 parkrng areas. Stu- dt)ll guides will be on hand Lo answer q ucsllons Stacey Bodenhoefer, Marie Feehan. Jim Backman and Cyndi Currey prepare for Wayzgoose festivities. 'Boom Boom 'Room' Guaranteed to put Long Beach on map ' By JERftY HERTENSTEIN 01 ,,,. 0 .. 1, PllOI ~Ull The Long Ucach Thl'atc r 1-·es t1val. in its in· 1t1al seaM>n at thl' new Center Theater amid the expans1\'e Convenl1on Center. ha:. not let new· ness s tand rn the woy of contro\'crsy It moved cautaou~ly through fou r rather traditional produc:taons. tht•n got slightly more· "'daring" with Tcnncsscl' Williams' "The Ee· centric1tics of the N1ghtanga le " before taking the big step with its current "In the Doom Boom Room." • MUCH WILL BE SAID and written of the play about a go-go girl In the 1960s and one thing is certain: It's going to make the theater-goer aware of Long Beach. The David Rabe-written offering is going to have an e motional effect on nearly everyone who secs It. The play is sad. tragic. humorous. depress· ing a nd definitely for the mature no taking the children to this one. Characters deal with sex. booze. drugs and most importantly, the emotions. It's the mind trips a nd search for identity by Philadelphia go-~o dancer Chrissythat keep the long play movin~. Jill Clayburgh, recently a finalist fpr a bc~t a ctress Oscar m "An Unmarried Woman ... plays the lead. <Rabe and Clayburgh arc mar· ried in real life. 1 CDISSY T&IES JUST about everything- bedboppine, a "screamer" with downstairs neighbor Guy. a homosexunl phfycd by Ron Silver: the "straight" lire with boyfriend Eric, portrayed by Andrew Winner, i an astrology study berore ftnally maslung hersetr aller a traumatic experience near the play's end. Confused about her childhood. Chrissy criUcilf!I her mother <Sloan Shelton> for never wanting her. and there are vague accusations {bat her father, excellently portrayed by Ken- neth McMillan, sexually violated her as a youngster. · She finally weds briefly her truck-driving boyfriend Al cJohn Aquino) who has~en In and out of jail with his "partner In crime." Ralphie. a comic-book reading Junkie <Michael Oinelll 1. Jugglers and costumed medieval fair-goers will I .J I 'I ·? bring smiles Saturday at 'Celebrate UC/,' a campus-wide open house and festival open to the public. I Sailors Say Ole' To Spring By ALMON LOCKABEY O.lly P1IM ... hnt Editor The annual s pring yachting ht-jinx known facetiously as the "enchilada derby," the "race to ltussong's'' and the "Cinco de Mayo handicap'' will leave the Newport jetty entrance at noon Saturday midst screams for sea room from the 562 contestants and roaring "bon voyages" from the spectators on shore. Jn reality, It's the 32nd edition of Newport Ocean Sailing Association's famed Newport-to-Ensenada race, heralded as the largest and shortest ( 125-miles) international yacht race In the world. BEFORE THE ADVENT or the Bus hmJlls Grand Pf'lx offshore power boat rnce. the start was recognized as the most spectacular yachting ex. 1 travaganza on the Orange Coast. The Cirst spectacle in the Ensenada ra·ce is the parade or boats through Newport Harbor starting about 10 o.m . which will be watched by thousands from the shores of Lido i Isle, Balboa Island and the Balboa Peninsula. But the greatest spectacle is the congregaUon of boats -from 24 to 90 feel -behind the double starting line seaward of the entrance buoy. BEST VIEWING points are from the seaward side of the Balboa Peninsula and the bluffs over Corona del Mar. After that the boats will spread out In all directions u akip· pera and crews seek tbelr best wind and sailing cond1Uons. • The first start at noon will be for lbe speedy catamaran• and trimarans and the Class A yachts of the lntemaUonal Off1hore Rule and Performance Handicap yacbla. Sublequent 1tarts will be at 10· minute Intervals . unttl 1 p.m. when tbe 1mall Mldcet Offan R•clnll Fleet (under~ feet ) 1eta under way. CBamY BAS A brief fllnc, benell, at bomosexuality wtth Susan, "mother'' to the go· 10 dancers at Tom's Boom Boom Room in the City of Brotherly Love. (See llOOM, BOOM, Pace Cl) QO..OO GIRL leOINS 'ICAEAMIA' IN 'llOOM 800M ROOM' Neighbor Ron Uver Come• to Aid of Jll CUtpureh By the time the fleet reaches t ~.I I• I\ • I ... ,, --. . -------- ,, I . I l OM. Y ft!LOT MUSICt ~RT1 DRAMA Md~•wUI be comoened tonl9ht durlne "A N'9ht In 'Pullerton," as the nortl\ Orenge County community shOWeases the arts In 13 eritertal"m.nt sltH . FrM bus service wlll take visitors to the museum dl11>lays, mlf\I dance concerts, musJcal ~•rts and street performances frot'n 7to11 o'clock. RE CENT UC IRYINE muskor-..te, Douglas Rubfo, wlll pertonn •tecOons during the Ora"99 County GuHar Clrcte'a recUal at I p.m . S.tunt.y In Salmon Rec:ltal Hall at CNpman Colteoe. 333 N. Glassel!, Or•noe. BRAVO BRASS, from Fulter1on College, will present an aft~rnoon Of )HI, "tarting at 3.30 Sunday In the H rlteoe Park Youth Serv ices Center, Walnut end Vale streets. Irvine. Tickets are $2.SO. • JOHN RUTTER'S "GLORIA," directed by Richard M. Raub and featuring an Instrumental ensemble of brass, organ and percussion, will be sung at 8 p.m. Saturday by the Orange Coast College Chor ale. OCC's Chamber Singers will present three Brahms songs in the Initial part of the program. Tickets wlll be sold for $2.50 at the auditorium door. EFFERVESCENT MARCHES, classical overtures and sounds fr om the Big Band era will be heard during a spring concert by Santa Ana College bands at 8 p.m .Sunday in Phillips Hall, t 7th and Bristol streets. The SO-piece concert band w ill offer classical works and John Phillip Sousa compositions. Such favorites as "Lazy Bird" anci "Bill's Blues" w ilt be done by the jazz band. Tickets are $ t at the door. .-· .... -.......... .... JAZZ COMP0SER..pfANIST Toahlko Aktyoahl PROGRESSIVE JAZZ sounds, the best of the swing era and the flavor of the Orient will be offered when the award w inning Aklyoshl-Tabackln Big Band performs at 7 p.m. Sunday In Fullerton's Plummer Auditorium. Tickets for "11s Performing Artist s in Residence (PA IR) Program at cal State, Fullerton cost $7 and are available through the campus Performing Arts Center box office, 773--3371. PRINCJPAL SOLOIST Lew Tabackln • I.. ; STANfrORD UNIY•RStTY Glee Club Wiii make Its first 0r•ft99 County appearance since 1966 when It perfotms at I p.m . Saturdey In CMcM'nen C:Oltege's •udltorlum, 333 N. Glauell, Of'enge. Robert Mee: Kinnon wlll direct the repertoire of clesslc1, humorous ditties show tunes and berber shop melOdles. Tickets are S3 for adults and S2 for children. . DANIEL HEIFETZ, one Of ttte most fiery and charismatic: violinists of our time, wlll perform with the Long Beach Symphony under gUMt conductor Gerald Thatcher at 8 p.m . Saturday and 2:30 Sunday In the Terrace Theater, 300 E. Ocean Blvd. Tickets may be purchased at the symphony box office, 121 Linden Ave. or phone (213) .C36-3203. SYMPHONIC ARRANGEMENTS of super hit s by the Bee Gees will cap the Glendale Symphony Orchestra's season Saturday. Carmen Dragon will conduct the 8:30 p.m. performance In the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion In Los Angeles. Sharing the stage will be vocal soloist. Cynthia Brack, the Barnette Ricci dancers and the Paul Sabu rock rhythm groups. For tickets, phone (213) 241 -9413. " A DUO-PIANO EVENING "in the round" will be presented by faculty artists M 'lou Dletzer and Nors Josephson at 8 o'clock Sunda'{ in Room 118 of the Performing Art! Center at cal State, Fullerton. The recital will include works by Mozart, Debussy and Ravel. Admission is $2. HIGHLY ACCLAIMED OBOIST, Ray Still Is scheduled to perform a free concert at 7: JO p.m . Monday in the Studio Theater at Cal State, Long Beach. He is a principal soloist with the Chicago Symphony. TUBIST CHARLES WARREN and actress Deborah Stevens w ill be featured when the Orange Coast College Symphonic Band presents the classical musical story, "Tubby the Tuba," at.8 o'clock tonight In the OCC Auditorium. Or . Norma Butcher will direct the 40 musicians in four other selections. Tickets are S2. TONIGHT'S SONGBAG at 8 o'clock in the community theat er at Golden West College will feature Any Old T im e, an all-woman, Northern california group specializing in country music, and the M itch Greenhill·Mayme Smith Band. Admission is Sl.50. lMll.egians Perf orn1 Dance Steps . ThrOugh Time . ' .. MUSICAL EVENTS DANISH SHOWMAN AT KNOTT'S Victor Borge LIMITED SEATING Is still available for the final appearance of Victor Borge at 8:30 tonight In the Good Time Theater at Knott's Berry Farm. Phone 827·1n6 fordetalls about viewing the great Dane's comical show of piano wizardry. WOLFGANG STRING QUARTET will present an informal program of music by Mozart, Dvorak and Schumann at 8:30 tonight in the Fir st United Methodist Church, 10th and Central streets In Old Town, Seal Beach. Donations of $3 are suggested. HUNGARIAN CONCERT pianist Tomas Ungar w ill perform at UC k'vine at 8 p.m. Sund~Y.· under sponsorship of the UCI Committee for the Arts. Tickets ranging from $4 to $2 wi ll be sold at thedoorof FineArts V lllageTheater . WESTERN OPERA THEATER, the touring arm of the renowned San Francisco Opera, will perform Puccini's "La Boheme" at 8 p.m . Tmesday, April 24 in the La Mirada Civic Theater , 14900 La M irada Blvd. The select troupe of young professionals is known for its Jnnovative productions in English. Tickets are priced from $4.SO to $6.SO. CAPISTRANO VALLEY High School junior Sumi Lou will be among six musicians, aged 15 to 17. performing on f lute and piano during the Youth Concerto Concert of the Music Teacher s' Association of California at 3 p.m. Sunday. The free program m ay be heard in Crowell Hall on the campus of Biola College, La M irada. Orango Co.Jsl Collego Commur111y SArv1ce Ofl1co presents 'What to Do Until the Psychiatrist Comes" loa11mnq DR. MURRAY BANKS Admission· $2.50 SUNDAY, APRIL 22 8 p.m. -OCC Auditorium Eclectic and hig hly encr~l'tic choreography .:'701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa "111 highlight Dance '79, a <;prtn~ concert by •-----r•o'•'•"'•o•rm •. 1.11.on-c•"'•' 5•56-·58-80 ____ _. Golden West College Mudc•nl~ at 8 30 tonight a nd Saturday 1n the community theater on ram pus Aki thl' ll1fnJXl \ artf'' rrom j<J77 lo lrric·al modt•rn. one of the fl'alurcd numbc:rs ":'" ht· basC'd on C'XCerpts rrom the OOH•I , 'llard Times," about the 1930s. I ANOTHER DANCE, "Tribute to Buzz ... 1s dedicated to Hus by Berkeley, the fa m ou!'I choreographer of that era, a nd reatures co~ WHY TOSS SALADS? tumcT·shand dandrcs 1he m.ade popular .... 1 .................. ""'t-L-c pro uct on 1s directed by Nancy Dickson. who choreographed a nd de!'ligned the When we ho•e "O•r Ow1t," and aO HM wortr is dofte! costumes for the ltvcly and humorous treatment o. a.., Mnn 20 to 25 ClllCI Mw or .. Rhythms ... · low price, too. Wr aho ....,. M 't•rrot atlch, celery etlch, •· ...... us;c composed and pcrio•med by L;nda .......,"""'"'"'""'·-I ..._ Campbell , accompa nist for the college dance oMcMl••-tt-•! t• '~ :,:.. group, Is highlighted In "Oolskay Amsgay." a . c-.. piece about children playing. llG STRAWIBRY SAU! "':':..""' TICKETS ARE $3.50 general and $2.50 for '"9 Del•"'"f 7 Dayu W"41to Rutmwh students and senior citizens. r---·rtC•lll:l•T1l -----, r-----RiITT;l•J1l----, Students involved in the performance In· 1 11 1 .elude Teresa Conway. Tracy MiUer. Susan Bed· I THE BIG ONES 11 COUA FAltMS NOW I dow, Lisa Spell, Kim Begley, Trina Smilh, Deb· 11 1 s-~=~llS 1 1 1 t 1 1 LARG~A~=-S 1 1 1 ble Augustine, Jeri Haneline, Carla Obert, ,_ Georgia Matthews, Paula Naggi. Diane Breton. 1 1 49c : l I 9c : Lauri Stuckey and Deborah Sundes. Technical 1 los 11 Mell 1 and lighting design Is by Steve n Craig assisted t ....,.,,.._w,'-11 &W••~ 1 by Ann Davis, and production assistant is John •---------------' •--------------1 Gresha m. ..,.-.i, cow,.._,.. •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,-----1 ( • l 'f :Mt 1--- --' ,-- ---K• 11f:l'ilit"-- -.... • I: "OUIOWM" :: a..tOfn.M.~ : ·.P f.: 7.:-.. t. I I TOSSED ,, HAY& I I SALAD ,, ORAMCMS I I II ~S... I • Deborah Augustine, CaTla Obert,. Tracy Remlng, Tracy Miller, Jen Haneline and Kim Begley demonstrate several directions of choreography at GWC. UCI Presents ! 5 ,~ s I 9s !! 8 s I oo ! I ~J!'lwi~ II ,.... I I ---------------ll---~~..!.~~---1 --~li} ~ i\RT i\UCTION Marine & Landscape Oils & Watercolors • for benefit of OCC Crew Friday, April 20th Preview 7: 30pm-Auction 8: 30pm 1801 Coast Hig hway,l Newport Beach $2.00 Admission Cell 55&-5730 for tnformetlon Dr. Ross Terrill Research Fellow and Associate Professor Harvard University d iKNMI • CHINAT~--~ A FIRST HAND M.WUNT t:. Ti>esday, May 8, 1979 Z,, ,( ~~·· ... (;' IRVIME CHAMIER PLA YHS . Selections include MoDrt. Eller. and Catter. Friday. ~I 20. 1979. Village Theatre 8.00 p m FREE ADMISSION TOMAS UMGAI. PIANIST Selections include Haydn, Schubert. Liszt. and BeelhOven Sunday, ~I 22. 1979. Village Theatre, 8.00 p.m.. Gen. u . Students $3 MAllC TAPIR IMPIOVISA TIONAL THIATU in "An Act ot lmag1na11on" Saturday, April 28. 1979. V1111~ TMatre 8 00 p.m. Gen. u . Students $3 ==============-I ,.M. f110 Medical ScitncH l.ecturt Hal UC Irvine · " ( IN SHORT ) IUMI It up. In the DAILY PILOT Tickets Avatlabfe through ASUCt Box Offtce ~ or by caJling ~5588. General Admission Clvlf Grumbling ••• S4, Faculty/Staff/Other S3, UCI Students Gloomy Qua .._s_2_. -------------~ t In the DAILY PILOT I ------______ ..... _______ ._. __ --.... --- Tlll~l.11£A0t:ll WWMA'ITMl ... f .. -----f(•l'f:l•T1r---~r----·u•1•1:&•w----, I 11 I I LARM AITICHOOS I 1 COACHILU. M1W Cl'Of' I : ..t~s : l GRAPIFltUIT I l ~ .!I 8 s100 I I 21'..... ,1 ,.,. I I u.1 ..... w~ 1: u..ew~ l l--------------~~-------------- '«) '(('(71 ,..B ::~. =- WI AC~ J000 ITA...s M09' ..::. ··--· ........ ·-" ........ f' L. • • ~ I '• ' .) ' ' ( 7TfCJttp,t~ hy debra ) • .. • I • .I ....... . ..... ... ........ ... . ~·- •• f ~ • OUT 'N ABOUT I CHILDREN'S THEATER F~. A(>f'll 20, 1171 Telling others about Pleasant Peasant ~ like sharing a beautiful gem -&'t.-•M• ~rMe ~Mlot~ .. au.er mt1ht lO » pn-clous Jt'W\'I, you're atron14 ly templ£-d to k~p lht' hNeuhful thln.c wll to your lf. 8ut that frt-lln R 1s U'iutilly short l\v(•d . thankfully, In tht' wnkt" of tan t•vcn Mrona •r ur.i•· to let Ol~l'll In on your ~ooct fortune. So ht.-11 thtin. ~uh tht• Plui.11 nl Pt•ai.unl 1n t-icwrJCm ~•ch KNOW. T HO U ell, THAT the ex1slcoco ol thlt. rtnu dlnllljl oa ... 1.., lbn 't t''U•t'tly fl t•t'rt•t .11 lhll> point, 0\01'(' th.tn a 1•111· nner lht• doo1 ... . opentod. The place ~ u.., pu1•kt.-d dunnjt our din fWf" vw.l kt•t wtMik, buL w~ bad mode. re~~· t111n11 ,•ar•llt•r 1n the duy Obvmu:.ly word h m1 gotten around about lhe quurkl ol ullrttctl<ms that genuinely mah the l't'a tiunt :1 • ph•usanl" d1n1ng experience ~u~•rh l'OllllOtJntul rood. l'X(01•1lent bCr vicc . a romfort.1hl1• N1untry inn at mo~phere a nd I t'UM)Oubh • 1)1 ll't''> t 'OK TIDS CREDIT, an unusual lhree·way purtnersh1p of well.groomed restaurateurs: c;t<rmun-horn Bert Blender and F.rencb natives Guy Denegre and his wife. Cathy. Bert was ra ised 10 a little inn which bM beeJLin bisiam1ly ror two aeneratiQns. Guy, who halls from Toulouse. was trained 1n restaurant schools in Europe and has worked m topnotch restaurants there und In America. As with their prototype, Pleasant Peasant restaurant in Downey. Bert a nd Guy revamped an e xisting facility in Newport to create the feeling of u s mall provincial inn. serving <.'ustomers the same as they would guests in the ir own homes. Further . they stress. the restaurant wa::. kept s mall enough lo be cozy and intimate. and so that Guy. the chef. can personally ins pect all food that comes out of hts k1t.clten. Cathy. in her role as hostess. presides over the ~rv1ce that·~ g<'arcd to provide maximum md1v1dual aucn· tion. T HE "Pl::AS/\NT" DECOR succC<.'ds so \H•ll )Ou readily ~enM.' the illusion of having wandered into a fo'rench country inn. Warm wood~ and cord.lnalcd print wallpaper and tablc<.'loths arc accented by a ntique coppt>r and brass ukns1ls. At night <.'andJes on each labll' t·ast a soft glow This wholly relaxing and unpretentious at mos phere ideally <.'Omplcments the varft•d "ruisane boun~cobc' t•ntn:cs. delicate ~•wre .. a nd fresh,vt•gctables you can antu:1pate for din ner. Guy. a g rl:lduall.' of Franct··~ tamt.>d Cordnn Hlcu Sehool. has incorporat<•d tht.· he~t feature~ of 1111uvelli> cu1srne or · ·m·w rookery · · "For t•xamplt'. · ht• s~1ys. ··in our cn•arn of r;.1r ml soup Wl' US(· no flour Tht' \'t·1-:t.·tahl1·-. lhl•m:.el\·(•s provilk· the tluckcning. th•~ pn· 'l'r\'Cs ltw or1g1nal tlavor ~ind 1 .... m un· healthtul " WIL\TE\'ER, IT WA~ a ~latemcnl I co11tc1 in no wa~ fault. Cream ol carrot happt'ned to tw the soup oftcnng tht• n1 ghl of our v1s1t. and 11 madc mt• an ln!\l<fnt <">n.,,e rt to ~ml'th1ng I had never thought I d t·are tor t v.o prl'vtow. tn1· ... had brou~ht me up J gain:.l ~ometh1ng mon· do!\cly r(•..,<'mbhng ~•mined b<Jb~ food. evidence or this lo the two entrces we savor I and CtOSS Sampled): can aJ'd 1 3 roran~ partially boned ha lf duckling in orange sauc S8. 75 ; steak a· la bordelaise, grilled wl s hallots and fresh mushrooms, $8.75. · Our dinne rs , like all entrees. were acCO"I• panied by the so up, a nicely crisp green sala d. potatoel\ Lyonnalse and two fresh vegetablej. The latter . not too surprisingly, exhibited t~ special m agic the l''rc nch seem to exercise qi the cooking proce~s. Both the 7.ucchini a nd the broccoli testlfleti lo th~ prime Frenc h r ule that vegetables shou~ Out 'N About Norman Stanley neve r bl' a llowed to get mushy. to lose their ~hapc or th<'1r rcs 1liem·t'. Ditto the belief In e at 1ng "cgctables only when they are young a nd tt•nder. Add1t1onal l'nlrcc~ you might want to con. ~1der indudc poult•t aux champignons !partially boned l'hH:kt·n µoach<.·d in a light cream a nd mu!-.hroom sautc. with a touch of Chablis 1, ')6 9.3. lamli ~hank m an•ngo. braised m v. hitc '" rnt· and tomato. Sfi !)5. pore Cordon Bleu. pork ~lull ed \\llh ham and chcl•sc. S6.95. To compll•ml·nt your mt•al. a van C't y of 1m. portt•d and <1<1m'·~t11: Wint' • .., a\'ailable a s well a!\ .\1 1c·ht'loh h<.••·r .\nd for .J i.:rand fi nale you might w ;i nt 1fl 1 rv c·h<wolalt' m ous::.c. yogurt royalt! or cc I n •:..h pa:..lry Whistling B'laile They Work :\tor • than anything. p<'rhaps. Guy :-. tare •~ exemplary of F rench rl'g1onal and pea~ant cookery . v.h1ch. <Jl its bt'::.t. is probably tht· mo-.t <lchc1ou~ in the v.t>rld It ::. ;:1 cookery lh<tt usl's raw matt.'ria1s lo tht• ~r{'alt•st advanta~1· \\ 1thout going to lht• nften a~urd. highly t alorn· ;rnd compli<.'al<.-d kng lhi-. ot hnute cu1sin.- Ll:\('11, S ERVED W('Ckdays from 11:30 lo ·• 1s :.l'lt•t'tl"fi I rom a blackboard me nu 1 hat \ rlrll''> v. llh rhe 't'a!\on eincl Cuy·~ inspiration. Hut 11 afv.d~'> 1m•ludl•s ::i t ho1t'l' of meat. r1s h. 1 h1l l..C'n and ,in nmclt•lle. u ... ually 1n a price r ungl' trom ~! 75 to S4 25 Sus ie Rose. d Layne Kerr and Tracy Schmidt practice their role~ for .. Mi ss Wh ile and t he Seven Boarders." to be pre- sented by C hildren':, Theater Guild of Newport I !arbor <Jl the Newport Commum- A Dining Experien ce Beyond the Expecte d Your lavontc cu1:;in .. : steak. chicken. S1.."'0lood. dc hcoh..• soups, class1col salad.: pr par.,d1.,rl1<n ·/ 1ir r"llat .Snrv<d:· th·i amb1i rr • ol mo.,t b. <iuli!ul on~ :i•ol .;urroundin':JS. Maki"> your rl]S· ·rvoucns nov. for a truly '-·111oyobl... d mm'J uxpcn P:1C·-. ..... t •• ::so Fashion Island. Newport Center Reservations (714) 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel, Century City Reservations (213) 277-1840 You've Heard Her E.,ery Week on "Laverne and Shirley" Singing the'Theme Song "Making Our Dreams Come True" ' Mow A.,.,.arl~ ~ CYHDI GRECCO ~ with MIKE DOUCET Tuesdoys -Saturdays -In the Lounge 155& Adami AvflfWe Caito Melo. 5«>-96 72 ty The~ler. 2501 Cliff Dnve. The musical comt-dy that updates the seven-dwarf fan- tasy will be staged at 7 · 30 tonight. l and 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday and the same times next weekend. At leas t there wa s appreciabl e fh1• Pll·a .... rnt Peu::.anl I'> located at .t25l '.\I ~1rtrn&:a li· W .i~ in M.i<.'J\rthur Square near <>rnng1· Count\ 1\trpor1. Omnt•r. 5.30 to 9 30. \lonrl.i~ throu~h Thur-..d:.iy, until JO·JO f'~nday Jnd Sc.1Lur dc.1\ H,·wnat1on~· H55·:.!7.">5. APADANA A WARD WINNING REST AU~NT SUCCULENT FOOD UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT COCKTAILS 3:30 P.M. • DINNER 5 P.M. NIGHTLY Banquet Facilities 10 to 150 Peapte 600 D Hewport Ctfthr Dr Hewport leach facross froM FalWOR lllClftdl 640.7502 You could loseyoui' head over our HenryVIll cut. It ·s that good. So is the Roast 'd Duckl ing, the Rack of Lamb and all our other olde-fasttioned feasts. We serve them in royal style, too. In our own _..__ .... 17th century English inn. It's a heady atmosphere. ~1 FIVE ~s :~: 3801 East Coost Highway. Corona de! Mar • (714) 675-1374 Dance on our stainless steel dance floor! And that's not all. There's live entertai nment Top-Forty sounds that'll make you want to get up and move. En)oy your favorite cocktail with friends. Maybe even meet a few new ones. Complete Steak Dinners $5.95 lhdudes salad, baMd potato and toasted ranch bread. ~!~•auu~ RllllTAUAAN'Tlle "You're gonaa feel good lmlde" 17920 •ocJdt• st Fa ...... ,.., I.in~"" hot corn h11·,1d ,md hont>y buncr. All 1r1111 "" '"" · •• $4. 95. tb cn 1 .. ~ for moltt 1 h11<lr1•n.1 Cocktail.., and wi1ll· arc availahlc, . \\,. '<'n l h1·:i111· pMtlf'" nf i:r1ldl'n fnt'f! rtnc-kcn. plr<S 1-..'f"nnd 1·ntrf't' 1h.111 h.m ...... .-•cn d.11• /1/11~ 'oup. p/u.< 'w.tl.•d. p/11 '"" Jol.lrckn h .. --t11.-i:1·L<1bi«'• p/w.,1 m •'h•·d rotJI04." ~nd Rf.JI I plu• Ulff \, 1-.,\ Jnd Ma~u:r Chargt: <ICC't'ptcd. RanQUt"I "1"HE 1. tC'lhll<'.., avJJlabl ... "BIG "YELLOW tSH0USE GRESTAURANT lti.19 I:. lmJlt"nal H 1.l(h-.d1. Hr1·a • < i'l 1) -.:..'9·11<41 • :~lltl I lilrbor Blvd .. Cos1a Mt'sa • (71-U 549-0.119 D111ner: \Ion.· Thur ... :i-!4, h1 ,').JO. '-ar. 1·10. Sun. i:!-9. l<>-o!Ji ;\f••!ta ·~ Opt'n ror lunch Mon -Frt. 11:30-2:00 pm. •' ~ CWL.Y PILOT frldey. April 20. 1979 INTERMISSION All Singing! Talking, Dancing, Too If sht'('r luu.ihll'r IN your ObJt't'llvu, "All Smg1n~' All Talk int: 1 It t>unNn.:'" la belns presented ~turday~ and 5'ln<i,ays lhrouah Apr1J ut St.a.1te 13. 1501' N Gardner 1 at Suns t UOulevard > in Los Angeles. BW Wolle of Newport Beach 11 musical direct.or for this .. fast paced, cock-eyed loo._ at the Wlde world of eotertalnmenl.'' The pure escapist fare suitable for the entire family as staged at. 8 p.m . For rt: iservatioos. phone (213) ~7'34. The original musical revue features tht! toe·tappmg tunes of Fred Smith and Jim Haskins of Hawa11 a nd the multi.faceted talents of Audrei-Kairen, Kirby D. Lewellt:n, Lynn McLaughlin. Thom Rogers and Laura Sands. Included 1n the vaudevillian reperto1n· are spoors of TV commercials and ballet "Chicken Lake " A former Orange Coast College Outstand ing Musician. Wolfe 1s well known as a nr«s ical director and accompanist for the flollywood Theater Ense mble and Long Beach and Westmins ter communlty theaters • c: z#E I'S§ Now In Nf'wport TAKE-OUT d1•1ieiou' lllckorv·Smokf'd ~lfl'at' Bar·B-0 Chicken Bar-8-Q · Beef Ribs $~.23 lb Pork Ribs $2.89 lb. . $3.49 lb. N.-wport llkkory Products c·o. I :?1100 LafaH•ttr . ~rwport Brnrh ""...... 67:1-2794 SEAFOOD RESTAURAMT & MARKET OPENING SOON IN FOUNT AIM VALLEY I 0065 GarfWcl IAt Ir....._ 1tJ Employment AppllcaUons Now Being Taken • ERNESTO'S CONTINENT AL CUISINE "On dnOther occasion, there was an extrdore11n.iry veol, cut from the loin, thick enough and flnlshed so beelutlfully that It retained juices, fldvor and tenderness. It was finished with ooe of the clear. beautlful complexities that I covld cry over- essence of truffles, mushrooms, madeira, pan juices end mogiC." Loi5 Dwan, Restaurant Editor, L.A. Times. March 18. 1979 .. For reservatlons call (7 I 4) 66 I ·680 I or (7 1 ~) 554·4621 ERNESTO'S COttTINENT AL CUISINE, fcotured In the Orange County lllustroted Dining Gulde, Is located In Oona Point, Callfomia at 2431 2 Del Prado Avenue, one.half block off Coest Hlghwoy nedr the Brookside Winery. . Kaplan & Hall. of Movies Star in 'Sun~hine Boys' on OC Stage AO¥ old mov1 bull worth h.1s box or popcorn would be (IUiek IO poAM out U.. tac.a ot HWlli Hall ud 1'arvill ~p&aa on the tube. Hall WU Wo Gorff)''I loqtlme ncond banana tD I.be old Bo••l'l' Boya and Eut Side Kl" IDCMe comatiff, wbloh aWI ~ up on SaU.al'Q_y afterDooo. kaplln datet baek to the old "MHt Millie" T V aeries and currently ill rcatured on "Alice." l'°"'lh he'll probably be beat remembered ror his role in "It's u Mud . Mad. Mad, Mud World" helping ga:. slut1011 p11rtnf'r Arnold Stang subduu a rampaging Jonathan Winters BOl'll &\Vt; 8Et:N ACTIVE-recently 1n 21luck producUoo.s ·-II.all in "Born Yesterday" , 1;1nd "'T'M-Odd Couple." Kaplan in "Oklahoma" .ind "Last of the Red Hot Lovers." And their <'Ureers will crisscross ln Orange County next week when they take on the tlUc roles an Neil Simon's "The Sunahlne Boys." IJCI Drama l.Dve Frittered Edward Albee's Pulitzer Prize wioD1ng "Delicate S»Jance" will be ,eresented at 8 p.m Thursday and Friday. Apnl 26 and 27 in UC ll'v me's Fine Arts Little Theater, 161 Humanilic~ -Hall. Tickets are $1. The stor y concerns a disgruntled couple. One night their daughter comes home after the failure of her fourth marriage, and a couple, who are their best friends. beg to move in with them. Before the couple finally leaves, everyone re· alizes the same terror-they have frittered away love until now they are at that delicate balance bet ween sm.ity and madness. Real Cantonese Food eat here or take home STAG CHINESE CASINO 1 ll 21st Pl .. Newport Buch ORlole 3·9S.U HOOfl to Midftiqht 0Clil)'-Wff'6i~cb Utttil I :00 a.m. O•te J\ TUtl\l••--MU Conl1nen1al and Fresh Seafood Restaurant Lunch • Dinner Fresh Seafood • U.S. Prime Beef Milk Fed Veal ! Prime Rib Banquet Foc.ilit1es ~. Live Entertain.men! 3201 E:o~r C~r Htqhwoy, Corona del Mai Reservof1oos: 675-7575 WE COIDIALL Y INVITE YOU TO COME TO ouif NEW IESTAUIANT (FOllMEIL Y MITl.A 'SJ AND ENJOY OUR COMl'lffil Y DIFFERENT GOUIMET MENU - NOW FEA TUlllNG OUI FAMOUS ,;DON MARCIAL ~IGAlllTAS" "Come In And Say Hello!" LUNCHEON SPECIAL 1 leef Taco, 1 Cheese Enchilada 5fn1ed wieh BNns or Rice $2.25 Unril .i 00 P \I. NNMAllOAL Aft ...... '" 1-'etlOt lfl ~AN DHNG ........._A_._._ -- M7 Welt 111h St., Co8tll Met1 142·1784 ...... ,... ' Prtvlll ,..,.. Sfm• lhe FIMtl Me11lt•n Cukfiw -.. - They'll play a separ ated va udeville com dy tearn reunited for a tclevtSion special which. pr dlctably, goes complet.ely awry. The show · opena Tuesday fOr-five weeks at the Harlequin. •3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. Performances wlll be given rughtly. except Monday. al 8 o'clock with reservations avalfo ble at 979·551 l. Intermission Tom Titus "THE SUNSIDNE 80\'S" 1s one of three new stage productions arriving on the loeal scene next week. Orange Coast College mounts a four·evening version of "Dylan" Wednesday while the San Clemente Community Theater follows Thursday with the Orange County pre- miere or a new comedy ... Eat Your Heart Out ... "Dylan" is the s tory or the last two years tn the ltfe of lhe Irish poet Dylan Thomas. Alex ,. Golson will play the title roJe under the d1rec lion or Wilham Purkiss. Others in the cast ID e lude J ohn Pczel'\as. Pat Des tro . Ste ven Workman. Dayle Kerry a nd Nels1e Spencer The drama will be presented Wednesday lhro4gh9turday with cin 8 o·clock curtain in the Ora Lah Theater on the OCC c·ampu~ Tickets w I be a vailable al the door AT SAN CLEMENTE, Ben Jutz1 1~ d1rctt ing .. Eat Your Heart Out ... an offbeat corned} about a waiter hoping for a break as <tn cictor who works al several Manhattan restaurant .. Harvey Dabhng will play the central rolt'. with ~olden ~.-; ~ ~~;p· flilairagon · ;.:-' GENUINE CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Spec1ol1Z1ng In Chinese A lo C.Orte D15hC!. LUNCH•OINNER DAILY Food To Take Our 1 I 30 A M to 10 P M 2023 Hori>ot' l l•d. COSTA MIU 642-7lf>2. 631 -9911 i FAMILIAR FACES TJ MOVIE FANS Huntz H•ll, M•rvfn K•Pl•n to Appe•r Paul Goedhart, Jean Hyde. Scott Michael and Priscilla Sanford completing the cast, each in a variety of assignments. • Curtain time is 8 :30 Thursdays through Saturdays until May 19 at the Cabrillo Playhouse. 202 Avenida Cabrillo, Sun Clemf)nte. Reservations 492-0465. • BACKSTAG E -California Din ne r Playhouses. operators of Sebastian's West in San Clemente a nd Sebastian's Gra nd in Anaheim. have formed a new division. Sebas· t1an's Productions . the producing entity will l'Xpand the local theate rs' shows into road com· panics and will produce and direct supper and night club acts with name talent. according to Ernie Vcrre. president of the group .. IH FOUWT AJH VALLEY 18 120 IROOKHURST I.AT T.AUYT-Off S.D. FaWY.I ~N1 --· CLIP CLIP--... Over looking Beautiful Lake Forest 23311 Muirlands at Ridge Route EI Toro 770-3222 Join. Our Other llou1e• ~~"'inl( <Jrantif> (;ounty 'A f 'inPAI (.ui1inf'> CROWN HOUSE RESTAURANT 32802 COASlfHW'f LAGUNA NIOUE\. Al Cr~ V•l•t P••••t 499-2626 496-5773 ·'"-~~·.;. ... "'~-,._ .. y1"1,_.;:,.'!'\;, :. . ,, .~. '·· ·!,. IVY HOUSE RESTAURANT MAINE LOBSTER CLAM BAKE ~-7 om. 95 N1Rhlly Onlv S.it I 00 £ l lr.l I lj>l'n l>Joh ; 11 "' \uorr.i, 1/ No1111,t11 'I p m lo( l.111" I tRI 11\"•I' Jl•1 I •Ir• c;Pt"r1.1I lib \hrim11 l 00 ''"" ,,, Ov,rn (!,tr 1JPiet2 oopENI PORK BACK RIB-5 BEEFRIBS GIANT STEAKS DWlE CUT PRIME RIB DWlE CUT PORK CHOPS 0,. Dllr 5-11 PM. 8-llylf-ttltP.M. ".....u.·~~ l~~ • t ·, ' .. ~ ,, '. i-iJ I ., .,,,, -..... --- You can call mt Ray, you can call mt Jay -8111 don't calf mt Tony. .. SUNDAY ISFVNDAY ClllLDaN'I DINNa AllU (IJNDD 11) . 12 TO 4 PM ONLY· - -------·· .... ·----------·· -·-··-.......... _.,,_; --··--- 1 ' 1 I j f I J .. ( l . . i I ' ' t l . A NEW DINING ADVENTURE mAnDAn1n · CHINESE Geurmet.. cu1 s1Ne· PEl'ING •SHANGHAI t, 1~ SZECHWAN • H~NAN . # • .. 1. :.. Daily Lune~ .... And Dinner .M y_...._._.H.....a - .._...tAmC.-.. ... (FOf'mer Chef of the fO TW1n Oragons-Anat1e1ml 1500 ADAMS 0 AVE. ••• H..W ..... COST A MESA 540-1 U? Monday thru Thursday Specials (Friday, Saturday. Sunday t1I 6 pm ) t •< l•p: h Ul1d1•'f'":l Oceen Perch . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.65 Atlentlc Cod . . . . .. 3.95 Peclflc Red Snepper . . •.... 4.95 Mehl Mehl .................. 4.95 Grilled See Beu ........•..... 4.95 Top Slr1oln Steek . . . 5.95 Seetood Brochette . . . • . . . . . 6.95 Sleek & Lobeter . . . . . . . . . 8.95 Pl us Fresh Fish. OthC>r Seafood and Steal>.s #lfltS 811/•0i 16778 PACIHC COA~I HWY• HUNTINGTON BCH •1?131 ~'II IJ?I 3901 E COAST HWY• CORONA OEL MAR • 1114) 675 0900 MOW IN COSTA MESA GUADALAJARA RESTAURANT HOMEMADE MEXICAN FOOD OPEN DAILY 11 :00 A.M. to 11 :00 P.M. 665 PAULARINO COf"Mf' of lri1tof.P..._.no Pfcaa · l ... xttoluC.,...Cw.tl COSTA MESA 540-2392 140 AVl PICO -SAN CLEMENTE 92tl12 presents """' M'd t.v•rc.s tJiir ALAN J4Y Ll RNUI AAy'I(, ~ fRlOERICK LOEWE £VCRY TUESDAY lHRU SUNDAY EVENING (714 )-492-9950 -MAKE RESERVATIONS - NQW ~~s~bastians~-... DINNER PLAYHOUSE At theGRANQ HOTEL 1 HOH l WAY, '"Mill ... CA 12111 ptrsents STIPte4A•LJH WALTB WIWSOM SUS.AM WATSOM •USSIUMYPI starring in 1P.t ~·~ ~~~.t ~ H.lt Ai/fM~lJ Ad..,, ... .,, .... llEll~llO IHAW'I "'YQMAl.IOH" I 0111fcno •• } --l""° "' -"' GAlJ PAV!~ Al.AN JAY LCRNl A FA£0£RICI( l OEW.l EVERY TUEi. THRU SUN. EVES a SUN. IRUNCH (714)772-7710 -MAKE RESERVATIONS - .. _NOW --.... ~ .. ---- .--- Anti-rea~tionary Ro~k I Engl.ind ·~ T n m Hoh1n~o11 lk 111cl. ~t rong on 1111·!-. hu:-,1<:~ •rnd ~01·10 µoltltl'<.il commt·nt. 1 ... ..,I'! for Su ntla.'·· .\pn l ::m. al T hl• Goldt'n lka r 111 I luntington lk :.ich. Thl' h 1ghl~. a cclaimed quartet, led by bassist vocalist .. Hoh111~on . ha:o. l>t·L·n :.it lhl' pt•rformrng l 'Ort' ol l K. b L·nd 1ts tor m inon l ~ n g h l:, o r gan11<1t1011:-. Ma·h <•:-. Hcw k J\guin:-.l H acis 111 •llld guy n ghts aroup:--. T1 C'kl'l:-art· ~i. F111 n·sd·rnt IOllS phone :>:Jti UHOO . Starship Maps Course Kantner Emphasizes Music, Cuts Touring By LISA ROBINSON Near ly 10 )'CLlrl> arter its form ation. the J ef· frri.on Airplane· folded up its wings in 1974 and lhl' l'rt•w sll'ppl'd on bo<1rd the newly c reated J t.•ffc·r!>on Starsh1r>. Today. fi ve yea rs later . th'e St a r:-.h1 p c·ontinuc•s to roam deep s pace with its cxtr ::ittrrf'slr1al rock As \\llh lht· J\1 rplant• hdon· 1t, the• Starl>h111 1s a l'Ollt•tt1 vc• l'fforl lhl' Pl'rl>onnel varying from flight to night but u:,ually including t ht· tall'nb or Paul Kanlrw r. c:race Slil'k a nd Ma rty Uahn . But 1r anyont· has ~en the Star!)h lp f 'rom Page CI BOOM BOOM. • • Pat Quinn play!> lht' "t'ht'mtng. !>elf c1:ntcrt.·d Su:,a n. J e nn1 flo r Na1rn-Sm 1th. Yvette !\tathews . Lin Shave and Karen Kreider Lire the dam:er~ The.re a rc two s trongly poignLlnl S<'l'nes Ont· lx'gins humorou!>ly but turns to tragt•dy 10 thl' :-ol.'('Ond atl '' hl'n f; uy d n•..,!>l'!> Jll a pink hunny su1l 1dL·nt1t·al tu Chns!>) ·s S11'·cr s ha ndl 111g of the J!LI) role 1 ... top a('t1ng .. Aquino ha:-, a ht·LI\' roil' H 'l lcaH·:-doubt a :-. to \\ hNht·r a real hit• tonlrontL1tt<m. ~1m1l:1r to that \\Ith C.:hnssy 1n the ro1gn<111l t:los111g <1tl. 'm'lg ht ~ t·H·n a bit mo n · '1olent. In ta1rncs .... Aquino aclm1tlcd a ftt·r <:los111g l'Ul't a1n that he !'lees the roll' of the tor mented. h1goll·d Al c ulm1nat1ng 1n a :·spillrng up" of e\•c ryth1ng r;,ilht·r tha n a phy:-1l0ally brutal re al' lion lie dnc:-t:ikl• :-.nml' t hud-:-.oundmg punches at Chns!>y. Cla yburgh. bcc aust• o f ht•r recent movie al· tention. will draw the• aud1cncc She 's good but not up to the ca libe r of "An Unmarrit'd Wom an ... She ad mils to bt•ing nc•rvous on s ta gt.• Mc Millan. an t'a stt•rnt·r familiar to fl'.Jw Yor k City a udiences. is c•xccllently cast as t~e com·crnt•d but s im ple futher who knows his v;,ilues. lie obviously has mort• than a dad's love for daughter. yet m ay Ion· bast.·ball mon·. Sct.•ncry is hy Scott Jo hnson. Although there were some mumblings trom the .-iud ience. pro clu<.'er ~t;irk T wain h as only ht·ightt·nl'd thl' t·haot 1<.' ..,late t11 "hcc·h the Jllay clcvalcs hy ha'. 1ng tht· JllH)t'l'S walk 'lhrtJugh" or '<'hmh O\cr" one :o.ct to lht• 11lh4•1 · In lht· B110111 ll1111m Hoorn pla}s TuC'sday" Lh1 ough !'>al urlla'..., ;it X :m p m ''1th m<1l1nt·c~ <it :! :10 \\'t•clnt•..,<l.i \' Sat urthl\..., Li nn Sunrl<i\'!) through ~I J\ 1:1 .11 :mo ~: f>°ce ... n Bl\'d . Lo ng Beach If you couldn't meet for Luncheon. why not a date for Afternoon Tea wen nnb &ympnt~y Englts~ Antiques wtt~ menlloom 17th STRf:.ET and TUSTIN AVE COSTA MESA (hclunll J1\CK·IN·Tlll-·BOX, Mu nday Ihm Saturday 52 Specialty Shops Open Dally From II a.m. Ffte Admission GERMAN llESTAURANT lleaerv. 8'3·1112 NOW APPEARING Direct From Euro1>e Poli!lh Rock Band WANDER POL Fri-Sat • 8 to 2 Sun•2to9 Make Reservations Now Mother's Day $leak Dinner and Dance Show $10 1MI CelMr Dr. IAI ..... ~ •so,..,, ...... ......_., .. " A41,i.. le ...... Cftl.f I HIUKJaCloa8e1th I I am t il S pm -= . . -& • ------ through thick :ind thin. 11 1s P<1ul Kantner . And, LIS the next Starship tour and album go into tht· wo rks. 11 looks <•s ir Ku ntncr a nd the Star~h111 hnl' u p "'II not include Slick and Bahn HOW OOt:S PAUL r1·l.'I L1houl the s lah1 lll\ of the band J I th1:-. point., h hL· u:,ed to a !><·n:,t· of <'ha ngc" "Jlow do you dt•al wllh the wt•alhc r"" h•· rcplied. phoning rro m Los Angeles. "You Jil'l a n umbrella. Go out and gel a suntLl n You go \I.It h wh <1t is. There's nothing you ca n do to change 1t I'm not sure how it's ~oing to come out, but the gener al tone of the instrumental part or the band that 's wo rking now is real strong. The re's a bit of a cl1ffcrcnl direction. and there's a c·hangc in how we'r e going to approach things .. Musically, the changes in the Starship won 't be drastic. "The Ins trumentation will be pretty m u ch the sa me,·• Paul s ays . "The horns we t raveled with on the last tour will be developed a little bit mo re -t hat's ~etting nicer . And one o r two nt'w singers. depcridinJ? on Grace "WE'RE NOT EVEN planning u tour al the m o ml.'nt," l>Ll id Paul. "Our concern right now 1!> getting the mu:,1{' together . WC''rC' think1n~ about 1l ann org an17.ing 1t in our heads . But 1t ·s not r<'nlly down to concrete plannmg yet. We're 1>roba hly going to go out and tour nice·s1zed the aters .-iga in, 3.000 to 10.000scall'rs "We may do a couple of outdoor things this ~"um mc•r if we can put togrthe r a nything good Hut m ayhe not. lhost' thmgs a re n 't my fa vorite pla<.'CS." P aul wan ts to b ring the St<1rsh1p into sm a ller h alls bC'C3USC "you ca n hear. A big ha ll limits what we <.'an do. You have to gl't into that '<.'olisc um rol'k.' It limits the deli cacy with which you can play, somt'timcs As well as the power you Jus t have to kind of fill up those pla ces. Everybody's so far away you j ust h <1vc to become lar~er than life, lo have a mplifiers 85 feet tall so they <.'a n ht•L1r "THAT'S NOT M\' m ain aim in m usic Then• an• som e n1ct• hig ha lls lo play lhLl l peo pie a rc used to com mi.: to Li nd it's hke a party · · As for th/ next Star!>h1p album. thcrl' are no plans ror I hat eil her "Wt' ha\'C'n'l got our :-;tn,e:C'rs yl't \V(' han· our i<i<'LIS !.Cl on wtw \lo{' want . \H •'ve lLllked and re hearsed "'th seven.ii d ifferent pcopk. ther e'<, one person we're foc us ing on lo replace Marty a nd , with in a "t'ck or so, Grace will comt' to a dec ision. so things arc pro,e:rt'ssin.c: "I thjnk it's going to stL1rt rolling real fast Ma rty was a r eal ha ng -up lo us for a long time as far as not really committing himself to doing it o r not doing 1t." WILL MARTY OR Grace be back with the Star ship at some point? The answer is : You can never tell. "There's nothing I can do to promote that," s ays Kantne r. ''I'm not going to go to Marty a nd say, 'I'll glvt;.' you a million dollars ir you do this OJ this.' lie e ither wa nts to or he does n't." To sum up the nC'w Starship, Paul expla ins . "We 're really a musiN1I band. It gets do wn to music a nd s inging a nd rela ting to the au· dicncc." As for the development of Sta rship them es a nd music. Pa ul admits that the re has been a sort of the matic progression throug h the Starship albums . But now. he says, "It's just time for som e hard rock." "MURDER BY DECREE" "THE PERFECT COUPLE" (PG) "PHANTASM" (A) "THE PASSAGE" f) "• • 10 , ,4 '.,,.. H .. I I J I" • JOHN SAVAGE Gt~ C .,.. .N, . HARD-• 1·~ TAEATWILUAMS ~ SCOTT ,~~.~~1 HAIR P•u• c~, ~ en:~· n-EFl.M ' '1)'1 !OH .. IRA.VOLTA r 1uuno11Y NIGHT ..l'-VE HIT ACTC>ft JON VOIGHT If.ST ACTRESS ~1'!.F.J:~A (~# HEAVIN CANWAIT otMic BES~ ACTRESS ACTOR JIM /1J,.dtJ, .,A ~oft ~//7T; . i1tf)He ~ Plus-- JAMii coeultN "FIRE· POWER" IC»MIA LC>ftlN ftlU9 ''PHAN-TAlll'' (R) --~ • ' Potteri, Spirit House's 48howlng . - JUAN QUEZADA PAINTING POTTERY "THE 'STAR WARS' OF MOVIE MUSICALS:' is for everyone! --1(1'11.-is danling ! --C•l•I is triumphant! . -l-~ is a delight! ~~=· ~rries you away! -en.c. W~'-"!.On,Playtioy is ajubilation! , UST£R PERSKY .. MIQWJ.. BUTWI - •MIDS FORMNt ... RAQI. RADO .. ~ 'llAllr -J()ft ~. TI!£R M1IAMS . 8EV£RIY O'Nal.O. NH£ GWl(N lnlS£Y WllQff ·00'4 00JS·OIRYL llARll:S .. MEJIA ~.rottc ~ -~:::.": OOOll RAQI, .MS RADO -'T:.::C': GAU MacllUMJJ • "'T :::Z. R* PlRSUt 'I:: IO!ERT GmJfflT -=.: MROSlN OfClRICEK -· MIOWl. wn.wt -· TWnA TW.RP -. lfSltR PERSKY .. JillOWl BUTU.R -·MILOS FORMAN &C»I-.... ......_.,...__. , .. ...,""""'-.;.•-'-..•.,,,~•~J CIJIDCU¥.,...,!* ---CO-HIT AT HA.DOI "SA YR" POnl•YCRAl'TIDbyJuen°'-teud• Of M•ako 11 on view through Mey 2• •t Cel Slate Fullerton's Art Gallery. The lhOW opens from I to 11 tonight H ""of the •nnu•I "Night In ffuller'ton' celebretlon. Gellery hours ere 1 to• SUnUys Md 12. to• w•llllay~ Quezada Is credited with the revlvel of cer•mlc m ln"" eaus Gr•ndll• vmage. DllTINCTIYI STYLI I of Micha.I bevls, Cl•lre fr•lllenateln, Ron Tetro •nd Herold L. Pntorlus Jr. ere being l hOWCMH In "SCUipture '79'' on dlsplay throUOh June 17 at the MuckentMler Cultural center, 1201 W. Melvern Ave., Fullerton. urger works are being shown In the center's ltallen Gardens. Hours are noon to 5 TueSdays-Sundays plus the opening for "N lght In Fullerton." THAI SPIRIT HOUS•s are the featured exhibit at the Vlsual Arts Center, C.I State Fullerton, thf"OU9h Wednesday, Aprll 2S. When a bulldlng Is constructed In Thailand, the spirit alreadyllvlngonthelandmustbe · provided with a new dwelling. Here the spirit ¥!flU tlve happily and, perhaps, help ward off myriad unseen evll spirits. The gallery Is open from 1to4 Sunday and noon to 4 weekdays. COLLECTOR'S CHOICE Gallery Is saluting top Mexican artists, Aceves, Nlshlzawa and Zapfe, through May 18. These modern masters also are receiving recognition In the Laguna Beach Museum of Art's current show of contemporary and revolutionary paintings from Mexico. The three-man exhibit may be seep from 11 to S Wednesdays through Sunda¥s at 666 N. Coast Highway, Laguna~each. DON PUTNAM will demonstrate . character painting when the Westminster Art Association meets at 7:30 p.m. SPECIAL LIMITED ENGAGEMENT STARTS FRIDAY AT THREE EDWARDS CINEMAS ~ . .l Cl • .......... ,,_ •-.,., a.-c--·-· c-. ~ edwards FOUNTAIN VALLEY " llOOtlHUIST AT IDIHGB .._FOUMTAIMVALUY Ut·ISOO,. Ir edwardJ T~PPr~~!~E~o PLAZA .._a TOIO HI ·HIO Thurscuy, Aprll 2' In the Civic Center, 8200 w .. tmlnster Ave. "; NOWIHOWINGAT llOW•RiMuseum. 2002 N. Main St., $ante AM: Late Atneluenct Otd Masten pmlntlngs, lncludlna ''Andromede'' by Rubens, through bctober end prehistoric Pueblo artlfects tttrouoh May 13. Pwmenent exhibits Include American Indian beed wortw-Af rlcen Md Oceanic ertlf .cts and nuurel history dlspleys. Hours •re 9to 5 TuncMYI through S.tunt.ys, 1 toSSwtdllysend7to10p.m . Wednesdays and Thursd•ys. SKETCHING TECHNIQUES ere being taught .bY Paul Cremer from 7: 30 to • 9:30 p.m. Wednesdays et Crown Valley community Park bulldl"9 for Laguna Niguel residents. A $10 fee, paper pad and soft pencils are required for the Niguel Art Association course, He lh'es ln a world of music. She lives in a world without 80Ulld. ''Voices'' A love story beyond words. MCTRO GOLDWYN IMYCR l)(Y.etn''VOICES" SlamOQ MICHAELONTKEAN ·AMY IRVING ·ALEX ROCCO Wtmen bV JOHN f1CR/ll LO Sooo-\ A ~e ti'( JIMMY Wf88 liOOuadOy JOE WIZAH Oor~OyROll{RI MARKOWITZ AJO( WIZANPmduellon WTAOCOt.Ofl• f~""'l'IARN(H~fl~-.o•mffllllll:MonfUHrl~lf?'~J PG1-~u.~r.uws'itoc> .-.. w .;;.......:-_ ....... _.. ... •1*'-£--• MGM ; Tu.adArtm. ~ ,.,..,..,..,......,.,,,..,.,l~ PLUS • ..,,_..._ "THE PROMISE" AT BOTH CINEMAS MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE -ALL l!:j tf•t~ AHO (ii} ftlMS RC Cf ovt nt( <>CALO' THf UOll()f; PICTURE C.OIX Of l>ClJ RfOUlAhON WINNER Of 3 ArnDEMY AWARDS JON \IOIGHT N:;AOEMY AWARD WINNER BEST AC10R IOf •Coming 1tome• THAI SPIRIT HOUSE.AT CAL STATE MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY "HAIR" CPG> "THE CHAMP" CPG> "SAME TIME NEXT YEAR'" "CALIFORNIA SUITE" (PG) JANE FONDA "THE CHINA SY~ORONE" (PG) "COMING HOME" (R) "DEER HUNTER" CR) RICHARD PRYOR "IN CONCERT" (R) "WHICH WAY IS UPr "MIDNIGHT EXPRESS" (R) .Uletl• ..... $tad1U"' .. THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY° "NATIONAL •.AMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUSE .. "UP IN $M()f(E" · "CALIFORNIA SUITE" "HEAVEN CAN WAIT" (PG) 'THE WARRIORS" (R) "UPSTICJ\" "THE DEER HUNTER" (R) ALL DIUV~·INS O~N 6:J0P.M. ... HrlY CIUld Uftder 12 ~ ••• Unlft1 • KMldi. l"YYlfOUllCI RICKY SCHRODIR Best Actress Jane Fonda Best Actor Jon Voight Best Original Screenplay Waldo Salt & Robert c.Jones , Story by Nancy Dowd \ "A STRONGLY AFFECTING EXPERIENCE, WITH EXCEPTIONAL AND THRILLING PERFORMANCES:' Chalos~tn. LOS ANGELES TIMES I '••, .•, Jane ftJllda Jon \Vight Bruce Dem ~MWCR insmts DC VOIGHT rM WWW RIOO'SOfmR "Tl( CHAMP" ''Comini Home" JACK VMlPI · AfrlHUR Hill· Music by OM: GRUSIN ·~lay by WWlR llWMNI 1c • ........,..,wALDO SALT-AOeEATC.JONES ""'r11¥NANCY DOWD O.-et""*9r-'!¥HA8t<EU. WEXLER --..-BAUCE Gii.SERT ,,__..,JEROME HEUMAN a.-.. ~ASHBY TP,alllUI~ . " BasOO oo a stcxv by nwas MARI~ . PrtW:ed by om LMLL · DtlDI by FRNOJ zumm1 ~ SMOTWO UM .USU ON f\N(l llCOOllOS NCI TllCS IAOCO.CWI' • MOM. -. .. ··--·---.... -~ \ ' ROCK MUSIC I RAIL FEST Dickies May Do Bett~r As ExJ!orls By MICHAEL PA! KF.V1CH °' •• o...i, ,._ '""' Yt·nh. I know A punk b nd {rom tht· Sj11t f''l'nilu\du Valll'y Is ll Jokf> to l>f111ln ~1lh Comc> up with a rC'pertolrc lh11t lnc:ludl'I\ tum•, like ·vou l>nv • M1• Ap<t 1You 111..: C:ortlla 1, .. und u ''''\ 1lumb mHkit ttnd pro1>' uod ~u Rt'I The Oh0k1t•i. 11 "'lallrlul"' punk lhl (.' k li\Jlt' Tl .. : S•:Ml·TllRTl,•·~•:c·Ks \Oll havl'n t "orn tnC't' Junior hl.ih ~chool lll&yl'<f ~• hout ,;1 thl' CUl'kOO'li Nl'Sl In co .. l u M t'\ll tht: ()lht•t nl~hl liupplylng a codl cnoui.:h µc1.iu ~misc l>ut untH"•• IJarely fUMtl.'r lh1tn t•11rnl.in)t up u IMf)\•dtic:k Ml •• funerul In tus fnvor . ledt.l :-.1n.:1·1 1.t•onar<I <;raves I'> perhaps rock's tw~t nui:.k l hJllJ.(t•r Other mem ber:; of the Jive pM!ce i.:roup. 'l101 tani: name:-. Ith Chuck· Wagon, p11ly ('lub ;:111d Karlo:, Kdballero v.ore amW>mg glJsSeli H'l"Y well '('hat's about It The band ..i<'ncrully lookt·cJ bor{'d and overly C'hon·ugr.iph-·cJ. ~omclhtng 111 detriment wht'n toy111J.( \\ Hh a bu1:i say, mu::.1t•ul utla~:esigncd tc> p11" okc frl·n.cy It \'.orkcc.J to som extent with the younger <1mong t111• thro T 'DIC:Krns. f'l.A \'IN (; !'!lopp1l.v, s upplll•d nothing from a• musical sumdpo1nt lht1t 1sn 't hl' ing done more· t·om 11a·iogly by bands la ke Thl• Ramont•s. And The Hamunl':-. can be h1lariou' becaUSl' their brund or dumli i}.l'I<.' J)VWCr c hord ing 1s delivr rcd as street gospel rather thun heavy-handed mirth The Dickie .. ju!'!t d1dn t m l 1l. l'1lhcr a-. "' band, or as a cyn ical C'Omedy act. Oddly, th<· band's debut alhum hroke into thC' top 20 111 England, hut 11·s a SJlt· hct that lhc same !>Ut· ccss won 'I be coming states1rll• Somebody a l ,\& M rt·<·M ds hl'lter i.:•·I passport~ for Thl' Dic-k1t·'> Qu1C'k. OP ENING THE .MONDAY night show \\.:t~ John Q. Pubh c. th<.• m·w nam<' for Newport Hcach rocker M1chal'I Bishop's band. fo'ut·ing an audience in no mood ror kmpo changt"-., pro· g res&1vc m elody l1n(· and AU1t a ri!)l Mutt Qu1lte r·s cla5~Y ~uitar \I.Ork. the :,et wC'n t not 'o we ll. In what should be a more intelligent at. mosphl're. the JQP quintet will be broadcast h ve April 25 and 26 out of Gazzarri ·s. a new Hollywood nightspot. The live set will be aired on KNAC, 105.5 1''M , out of Long Ifcach. The band has been r~cording album tracks out of 3·0 studio in Costa i\frsa m MANN SOUTH COAST PLAZA Ill 941ftll0wer Str"1 eo.i. ...... 549-3352 ••••••••••••• • • • • • • HELD OYER! -···· ·--·---r- ~.Aprll20, 1979 OAILYNDT · BACK ON THE TRACK FOR 'GOOD OLD TIME RAIL FESJ IVAL' IN PERRIS ~~~~~~~~~~~ Keep on Trackin' 675-3570 1 · ~ ,;,, : .. :.,~ 'f ""'"""" •LAC H. C 4Ut Railway Museum Recalls Red Cars • THEsEATLEs • The carefree era of the electric railway re turns to Perris this week end at the Orange Empir e Hallway Muse um's "Good Old Time Rall Festival." The r;nuseum 1s located 20 miles south or Riverside in P erris. Use J-15E to the Perris exit southbound or SR 74 West exit northbound and Tollow the blue Trolley Museum signs to the Museum grounds on South "A" Street . .... HELP! ti Yellow streetcars from Los Angeles will rumble down the museum streets and freshly painted Big Red Car 498 wilJ bring back memories or the Pacific Electric interurban lines to Long Beach and B~llflower. OTH ER RESTOR ED trolley cars a nd a passenger train from the museum colleclion or over 100 cars a nd locomotives will also be in action from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m . Saturday and Sunday. Other activities or inte rest to lhe e ntire family include a display of an- tique automobiles , old-time band con- cert, and tours through a real railroad caboose and Railway Pos l o mce car. A p ass for unlimited train and s treetcar rides is $2.50; chjldren 6 to 11 are Sl.50. RACING. ••• (From Page Ct > Laguna , s ailboats will be s nread f rom horizon to horizon as they hea·d toward the Los Coronados Islands south of San Diego. a critical de· cision point in the race -whether to go Inside or outside for better wind. The lead yachts will s tart arriving at Ensena da Sunday morning to begin a weekend of lus ty celebrations o r drowning of sorrows . The Coast Gua rd bas warned all s pectator craft lo stay away from the s tarting Hnes to prevent interference with the s ailors or accidents t o themselves . WINNER of Academy Awards tncludtr>O BEST PICTURE BEST ·DIRECTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR BEST SOUND BEST FILM EDITING ROBERT DE NIRO A MICHAEL CI MINO FILM . UNIVERSAL PICTURES '"° EMI FILMS pttseftl "THE DEER HUNTER" Co-st1trt11Q JOHN JOHN MERYL CHftSTOPHER CAZALE·SAVAGE·STREEP · ~LKEN Scr~•Y 11y DERIC WASHBUFI ..... , Wt\\1¥1 s10<y 11y MICHAEL CIMINO ' OERIC WASHBURN"° LOUIS GARFINKLE ' QUINN K. REDEKER PYOOUC110f\ Co11w111111 JOANN CARELLI Anoca11tPtod.ims MARION ROSENBERG Ind ~NN CARELLI !Mc~ STANLEY MYERS PtOdUCH °' BARlY SPIKINGS. MICHAEL DEELEY. MICHAEL CIMINO 1nc1 l>HN PEVERALL 0tfte1ar 01 P!lol09'#f!f VILMOS ZSIGMOID. • s c o..ee1ec1 o, MICHAEL CIMINO A UlllVCllSAl. llCL(AS( ml MllA\llWI' aao1;.;.-.,. (;;;;--.cwfiCO] .... ,.~o•·•~-c .. ,...,.,.......,. =-=··-.--~~~~~~~~~~---llWllllNING lo...., .. _,_,_...,..,...,._ ____ .. wo.--"'""' ... .,. __ lt ... ....,,, ST ARTS TOD·\Y ........... , ClmlA Newport Beach' 644-0780 • Cl..._E ..... C8IOU WllT Orange 634·2553 W•tmlnster 892'"4493 n.-...-OrlftDI 83H770 .. ..... ._....... ............ A story of lust, paaalont detlre- love and death. ORANGE MALL BREA PLAZA Orange 637-0340 Brea 529·5339 UATWIN Westminster 893·1305 EDWARDS' NEWPORT Newport Bea~n &44·0760 ..... ,.,, .. t_ 1131531 •~•o LINCOLll DRIU·lll Buena Park 527-2223 '-In••••-t P• 'osaaJ. , ............... ,.._ -IT•- ntl Diii """"''•• h it ........ ,. _._. __ ........... T .. CHINA IY~IHI IM e S1U e t1H e ltOI & I01iS •l •OO.S 9'W .. I ILAZINQ SADOUI .. I lb• • 1:JI ......... Ml ' , ... ...... •'-7131 &J t ·9~10 •'-·-.............. ntl CHINA IY...O. CN1 ----' 1114t • ~ e Stale ... a lloU ' .. "9., ,, ...... ,_ 494 15 14 ' ( .... ......... 494 '514 ....... h1"1•1• 496 1253 W-IAC.-,YAW- "COMING HOMI" Ill , ........ S.U/MM-1:-1~6-f:ll --s "ILAZING SADDUS" Ill wimAn 7:U a t:tf ur~,,~,,_,. 11.utC_., "CHEAT TlAJM lOllHY" "HlAYltf CAM WAIT"' IPGI ,' 'A(IPIC THIATIH MIVl-4N IUPll IWA' Mlm MAllOa aLYD. Dri,,._." ,_, Meet let. a lwa. -I -.. 4 ,... OUNOI ~ 1 & 2 . ,._,,., ........ " 879·9850 ..... ., tt ... .._..__ ..... 879·9850 l.1•Hitht Wut fl ·-821·oll070 ""IHTTMINO MIM .. AT ......,.. • IOUUVAID NIGHTS 111• 'LUI 0000 eun WUI IUCI 101 __ ... M•t CI09WN e ICWMlft UMIN P•IPOWll111 'LUI 'MANTAIM1111 Clotit..,.._ •-e .._ _._ IUHllMAN tN I •t.1• ...... Te Tiie 14p Of WtfM I .. Bii ~:Jt,. I.anti--~~~~ ............ ..,....., ntl C*Ml'INI "' .. ............... --·-llAWll-... •war•lf'T ....... .,.. ... .. ~ "' ........ .......................... co-a..-• ....... ---·-............ ... ........ .," • ··- ) :. ·. Q DAILY PILOT Television * Friday Ap11I 20 Ul79 11<11}\'\ I VE NINO ............ . ..WVO..t A IMf! age Qlfl ltlC)ll OUI •lter Ml!OQ Oattooll ~ • IM>NIOE A r~J.lllilt ..... ..._.. tronc;<H It! ~ he 4 ~t~ -.l'HI lklOOy ..._ to !ff• '-..0• IW'lling -Jo-.. _ •• h 11<00t o, .... Cl-""'*' ,, •• 111100\'ft • '"'°'* Ot ...... '"~NC91CO 1'4" .un•l t1~y """'"•i• l ,. • • """-• to t.f\>n ... 1"'-"'Y '""011 .. loOtt .. ,,., '' utlo(.k H\J•t.l\jf"'t t1' ••f'O'• • '"'Qt< Q '"''''"'O .,'-~ '''°'' ., "-CSTYll I M•.-._.vnl1 W•fttt• • ... 01-~i. .. ,.11 .. 11..,,... hu.,bM..0 kJ ..... "'' '1!) THe DIPLOMATIC ' ITV\t Of AHOlllW "I YOUNO A dCK.u1T1C1nlit1y \II• lhot Unllu<I Slllle~ 4mD0"4JoJ!lf lu ltiol Un111K1 NllllUI" 1t J CANeNB PtdHngRank llOJ A8CNEW8 t.30. I LOW LUCY A j)flltly Wlt>Jl()r hi J W" Uy c.•Ot> ~t··~ Jt•dif'U.>)' Ht tflt.• ne.Q"l>Ot hOQO &;) MICHAEL JACt<BON Guu>I novt1l1>t Ak•• H .. 11 ; ll'Jtl .?I ·rodd Hraclgt>~ c l(•fl 1 <lot·~ ht~ "I'm big gt>r 'n you " roulant• \\Ith l ;,1 r~· Colcmun 011 · ()1ff'n •nt Strukl·~ tu111~ht at 8 on N UC. Chan1wl I W PAOJECT UNIVERSE ~tJ1.., l ht~ Nu1 1, H J urn .. ttA~ f$J CAOSS·WITS ll~) MERV GRIFFIN t.ue&I& JOll Vo1ghl M1t • v !'>chroo!lcr Su~"n Antun 7:00 II CBS NEWS 0 N&CNEWS B NEWLYWED GAME A8CNEWS G (I) JOl(£A'S WILD • DOOOER OOOOUT /d) SANFOROANOSON SuperllyOf • ED MACNEIL/LEHRER RE POAT '1i) FARM DIGEST (R) 7: 16 6D OOOOER PRE-GAME 7:30 II NEXT STEP BEYOND "Love Connocllon • 0 o.cNCE FEVER Gue~ts First Cho1c.u l 1 tt ,,, •I~ JuJtlHta 4\o "' W1lli._,rn "1u ... tn I HttS I 1t·<J l:thff., 0 DATING GAME 0 110 HOLL YWOOO SQUARES G TIC TAC OOUOH W BASEBALL to& Angt>IAS Oo<IO••t • •'1 '-.jn f"r;.tf\C1!t.C.0(•1&JOI~ C!) ADAM-12 R .. f\'1 q0t·~ undttfL.UH•f Jnd Ql!U; help h oon J llOPI' ••lldtCte<I "'"9"' 10 smo»h J drug uno fD 21 TONIGHT W YOURS' PIPELINE r dCl'S JI.no lssuo~ Ho~r Jim Coop." lfJ THE MUPPETS Gu•·~• losley Ann W.jtrt•n 8:00 II (I J THE INCREDIBLE HULK Ouv•d Bdnncr 1tt!>or1•, 10 Cltannt-1 Lbr in911 8 KNXT !CBS) Lo:. An91.•le'> 0 KNBC (NBCl Lo:. Anqulc:. " KTLA (Ina l LO~ Angulc·, D KABC· TV !ABCl Lo:. Angl·lt·~ ()) KFMB (CBS) San D•t190 G KHJ·TV(lnel ) LO!> An1Jtil1::. [O} KCST (ABC) San 01t:go tD KTIV (Ina J Los Angell!'> ti) KCOP·TV (fnel) Lo~ /\ngt!lc:, fill KCET· TV (f BS) Lo~ Ang11lu'.. '1'.> KOCE-TV_(PBS) Huntington Ek:.icn th•~ .1u r' Jth (1f tho ttut~ hl '"' " 't''"ll''O ,, t.u<ht.cJ f• o•nd ff om J lit•• y 1wlo c ''''" tHI 0 DIFF'RENT STROKES A1oolc1 <"•"9U<l w1lh put· lir19 ,1 l)Ol(lllsh lrt t11u b.ith· tuh ~1.1nd~ tua1 w1lh W1lh~ o\ h•~ IJwyl•r 0 MOVIE •• " Ono r oot In llt•ll 11<1601 Al,1n ladll. Don M urr.ly A Clepuly !>ht!rill h111Ch thrf'ti peopif' re .pon. •.1b'•' tor tho death 01 hrs ,..rt1• (:> rtr\ I 0 1111 FAMILY Buady breai..s olf w11ti ,,er 1onq-11on~ ooyl11eno "' llltl b~htll thfll her 25-yeJr·Old &w1mm1no coaC.h iovo.s hl'• flt) 0 MOVIE ••• , 1'"1(' (Wep .,,, f •'1';8) Ar.m Ldc:!cl. W1lhdm U~nc.ti.. ()urmq WorlcJ WoJr II ,, Nt.t".Jt olf1c_,., b'l"d 10 L)JC1t1 m tty fn:, Ou J~N ''• ·lJ• '''fltfHl Wl.'dkcn; .JI tJ "11.Jf "'uml·nt ol dtK.1:,1on IU;f I-it .. , ft Cf•-.•m•, h1m':,,t•lt Vi.II,.. .1n ''·' r.t 'lf~n,, .. m t:' t1r; t (!)MOVIE • • , • N CJrtht-11' Pur~u•t f l(idJ) frrol Flynn Julit1 B"·"OP A Mo11n11e "''''"'· i, .. ,,,ly combs tho Cana01Jn w1ld••rnO\S 1n search 0 1 J ri.w 1>.1bol1•ur t:> hr~ I ••• WAIHIHOTON Wl.IK IN MVllW ~ UO D Ha.U>, LAMY l.Mry IOI'" to i.t FMhle new 11 m11111tM of tu· tlfn9 Oii hill tnow f()< I Qui P'OIMi • G WA&.1.fTlllUT WllK Maw Now. Otn/ I beoty ' OuNI R!llpll J ACll'nl>O'I 9tC• prH 1d1nt. 8 m11h 81•"'Y· H1m 1 Uph1m Co. '"' t .00 8 THI DUKll Of HAZZ.4M> Oo 1nd Luke drive Uncle JHM IO IJllO h1• IOOQ• n4i0ltKlocl 01mbhf'9 •~ 1111 0 AOCKFORO Fll.U RocliolOfd 11 11amporocl in n.. -•I.ti '°' d ,..,,, .. no o·•• by " youno ~ Ott" ,.., rn""llQlllOI IRI D ~ MOVIE • • D"vl tn ' I 19761 011w1n MoflhOwer L1H ll•mure Romnr'11C en1.ounter• and OlhtH m•~•dvt1nturH occur 11 3 To.ot d•rve-1n thoator tif) MASTERPIECE THEATRE ,. l rlhe t 111 I hwn f,.,y l 1llrO \ year lf)n!J 3111111 With thti Pnnc;n n t Wttll1" dOtt)n 1 Ouh•r (,tow n P11n1.e Rudolpn ot Au•'"'' lrom pul)hCly fnll 'U"lll IH•t much tu ow h()l101 ol the noy.ir r dm11y 1Al • W NOVA At'O~'Jo lritl S1lf•o<e U.u•• •• , Ac.c.omi,;ht.ht•d tflt.11 ut \Mb ptOvt• tht,• "tU((.•t''• n t n~ttnt :a<wn11hc dnd """h (.IJI bftlttklhtOuqh & f()f thH l111.1I tHl 10:00 i) (8) •CALLAS J H P•t'~sure~ G.iry inlo 1.11o1no O•cr a lroulile~umo IJJrl OI thl' t,1mrly llu~mu~' TUBE TOPPERS K'M'V • 7:30 -Dodaers Baseball. The Dodgers re ne w thelr longtime rivalry with the San Franclaco Glanta at Candlestick Park. KHJ 1J 8: 00 ''The Deep Slx. ' Alan Ladd stars as a Quaker nanl of· fleer in u crhds situntlon ln this movie ·vlth William Bendix. ADC D 9:00 "Drive-In ." A 1976 movie spoofing disaster mms with a "no -star" cast. l1uo entOfl>'tM 1yttom on • ~vtlQC>ed GOUntry •nd ,. 11111.-eonuoir.d 1y1tom in o lhird W0tld tountry IRI t0.30 . 41) NIW8 _, t!OO fJ G D CJ) ®i NEWS 8 MAKE Mt! LAUOH 0 MOVIE • • "'" n ... ,,. r o()lll I l !J61J) (.hr1,IU1Jh•H (1..0-Q<• llttlph Mn•Jku< A I t1clu1111 ••Qllllt orKtt und<r• r uv••r ''' u nw11ut,..tr t;I u rotttJ uunra to uHrw I u~• ·~Ut')tl of '"' , tUIVU"" wtu, ,1ff' l\N•<J•~O to hrOi\" fJ(J ,, f)1tf\O bf huuUQO(,ef' dft 11 1nq 1n mtJUri hm• '' f,d. 1 W CAROL BURNETI ANOFR1£N08 '. ~ 1 I '• f tu I Utt ( •'f1if(U lf.-,tff '1) THE BENNY Hill SHOW fD OICI< CAVl;l'l (,u~"' I wlt~1• Wf1lf1 fl' ut I •1t :.>1 11.3011 M OVIE r.hurlvl r rttnk.. M1llor c.;1111 A11.haro Q) OE'TSMAAT Iha Cho&f ttul(l«.t• '" 1t1l0<m@( '' 1n 11111 tnt<Jtl or llUJ 1>rl•r>nt11~ f1111rt 21 fL) ~VA At."''~ Tht1 !>1lr1nc.o llat11 "' Ac.compr.,1w.a 1ml1•11I· 1mta 'HtJ¥0 tho •u(;(.i(OUt Ot UM •ml M,.o~nt1f1t, und m~(J, rul htH1l~lhtfMISJh' ft;• '"'' fJ••1tl 12 03 0 110 BARETIA Uur••tt 1 '"'·' ,,.,, .. ,,._ thttt th•• tH,,l l(Jt•Hll•I (j.f•1,lt\ (JI J C.(>fl W4 t. Jt(. hJ3tfy •t ¥rt.Ill (fft;f\t•()d m11Hl•1r fl•) l~.30 0 MOVIE • • • ""''""'''' • fVll I t'tf1.ll I ,,~ J•,,lj•nt o (,1,,11Uhltoj J(11ll1 t (}4Jf 0t)f •·1"'• und •• n Amo•'<tilf' 11,:<t t 11U• l•Jf,1.1111'~'' fJl11fl'• tlu• H•(I W'11lt1 V/111 U f 1 hr ~!. m1r11 6D MOVIE •• n ... lll•t<.~ ~ 1n mo 1><>pes lndl 11 "'111 ~<.urn Gary away .iga111 j Ir\ IParl 2 OI 2l(AI 0 TONIGHT Gul!lil llO\I HIC.llftrO Dowson C.u11~1 J"m • Coc.o I I~ J',I llr1ri, I( 1irl(,tl MD rt· '"I IA\lt \h A t il!.11(' hot ''"" • • Chamber ot t orrtw' Ulti'td b'( Bil tntal\4 ml\n f I h• JC) mtn I 0 THEOVKE Tht• CX1'-P bt-ftu~nos ._j "'N•t v0<.nqs1er who .t<:Cr tlPnl.llly "uml)lod on some 1••1ldo1nq on "•<Jh ptaces 00 NEWS (!) NIGHT GALLE0Y r nu Sti .. dow In r he Well A womon J'ks lor h••lp Whf)n 5i,h(• Sltl'1S ~t.....,•1riq .1pt)Jr~t1onb of het retcotly 1 lrown .. u nu~hand fD ROYAL HERITAGE 1 ru Mt·\J1u .... a• .ie1nQ •·•1••n•tit•f.., <,,t tht• rt)yJI t._mu ly -.h._1tt• Ol•·u <nlh"(.11 1')0 .1 HI l't•._1-.01••·· f'h)U'•t•t.J '" t.1~11#• JJ ,,..,,, •.• ~•net t ttwCf11·' C!) WORLD I hll NgutJJ Connt>Cl•on I .irmrng 1n Geor91d r~ con 1'J<,ft•<J w11h fnrm1ng 111 Snnf'gar. po1n11ng out 111r dJtf••u•nt••o; btotwt•• .. m tn .. q1Jvfl1 nnh .. nt ~uppu. lt..-.0 0 SOUPY SALES O (fO SOAP lht1 wr<lihnq ot c-,1,,,,,.. l ,1to to u•~pr1t1:.t l •n1t>lh / flot~ky lb d1~ruptell tJy tn.i 9ruom s molh•Jr iR1 W TliE GONO SHOW '1) GET SMART • MM 111l11tr.JIU> II llAO:) t1tt>(Jnf"r t JmLJ tP"'' \1 fD CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MOR~ING 12.00 0 TWILIGHT ZOt~E ()id Btn h • .-'"" '>" .,nq•• puwor 10 thun•Ju ll1ms< II 11110 "" (lhrnq or unyon .. W JUl<EBOX I HJt'\I~ I,, .. c; a.ind i ..... (I) MOVIE • • liol)lll 0 1 I hp Sore tlr 1•r\ 11'1701 JhC~ 1<1)'10< ~1mon Andru~ Memoer~ ,,1 s.n AtrtG.an 6•0@01t1on m1·,'~'•0u'jty d•soppeat ""''by rJnt-(? h.-I 1 00 0 MIDNIGHT SPECIAL 1•0•.I\ Donna Summf.!r and Umr;klyn DrnJm• Gu.,'>I" l (j,.,.,1n ~tatt G'•Of'Jfo tn() r(_.q()O<J dfl0 •nt.• [)P~ttuv· •• , > £ tSO • Mr'4'1 ... 1 V01d(j• 0 MAVERICK 110 0 MOVIE • • """' t4ot1r,1 Q t J' ,,..., ,.,, • ., ... ,,, t ,q; t 1 fi~lf,n CJL1h•• t<,tt~ 0 Mdfd A •.<-1 t.nf1,1 ''' .ttk\ ·• loath~omr r ff•dtuu• t O•nDQSf•O Qt VHtt- fJU' r,.ut f\ (Jf d+tft.~t;.."f r ,11Jnvt-" 1 t nr 30 mrn I 10 ADAM-12 i (JtH \o\1frit•SSI .. ~ c.on tt.)(11(.J ~.tll O'f , Pyewttn ... '°~ TONIGHT'S LATEST LISTINGS l4C011nt and ecou" 891 M teOOflald of ttcll .... dfMng 1:ao1 HIWI l:'OO MOVtl • • •.r, "Sltengera On A Tt•tn" C 1051) F1tley Or~. Robttl Wllttt 0otec1.ci by Alff.cl H11cn. c.oca A Olit OI •11~1 plot• two t'l'lllfdftl 10 occu• •l>Oafd • trtln trawl.no rrom wun.noton 10 New VOik f2 hrt . fl mm I G MOVll • • • "K1dnep0t4" ( 1938) W11rner Baxh;r. Freddie BntthOIOMOW Ba!Mld Of\ tho Cll MllO by Rot>erl LOU•• :llll••tnton A YoU"O bOy r• ebCIUClll<I 3n<I &Ont to Mii 01 0"'' ot ho& wtelled ""''" • plan to cl01M hll 1nh<t11111nc;e I t hr Sf> min I Q) MOVIE • • • Walk Easr On Eltta<-on f t 95 2 > Geotoe M urphy r 1n1oy Cumt! Aller " 'ICIOOl•ll '' lhreat· 11nud an 111p1onaoe unrt rs r11v11~llQOl11d by the FBI f2 h•V) 2:251 NEWS 2:30 NEWS 0 DICI< VAN DYKE Ron lllYiltfll 44 ti.tlow Pl A momt>ttr,. to h1a U;l8Vtll0f"I •h<IW bot IOfOt!" to get m .. tic~111• ti) 0ET8MART Ill" Smorh learn lholt it AO<'. "'''"~ 10 Drow up " CONIROl ll<J'ld1nq ar " \JJ(t(.lfK t1mo 2:400 NEWS 3:00 8 MOVIE • , 11\4• c,,,, C•ceo~ 4 194f,) I r111. Colloc• Paul Kull / Th" ~oul ot a young rf)m&h' murder v1cu m 1nhBOtl, '""' Dody OI a c.at rua<Jy to ~ Vf'n(lOanGe I I llr I~ m>n I '1) MOVIE • • Som~ In rhe W &• Mui.oom SJnto. Enrique Rambal &<1mson oeteats a m.10 '>C•t'nti\t and lhfl mon\Ul" l>t· crcare~ ft nr 3Qm1h I 3:5eG MOVIE ••• '. I Was MOflly s Ooubl4'' I 19!)9) John Mill~ C.•JCll PAik•·· An dCtOr b•'(.Omt1\ 1n•aluao1e 10 lht! w.ir ttllOrl 1n "'°''" Alrrc.a ""hP-n nt• \UG<..t!SSfufly ,,01 ,,, d~ GflMral Mont l)Om•~v t:> hr~) •oo m MOVIE • • V OU Ei&t<>nq I (1 M• t f4 t t fJ 1tO.tfrl t.Jf'h11o, f • 9,,, n . .n.1n A 1N•·d'"'" m,.,., t>• .(low-. ,. .... f<lu'> ol tlt~ 1N1t ... r'f't-(JtL,il (.JttllttOf'-> I 1 f ,t 1"lm11t I <1:-06 i) STEVE EDWARDS 4 151) NEWS <l,200 MOVIE • • h .1n11c I IY!>81 J,•.1nn, Mnr,_.f_.,, MrJu"c.'~ Ac>MI A lttneOtf'I lnno-_,, ,,,.,. lt\IOlltflttlll'f •llPCl9M ""' pltn Of • ptlr of .,...,.,.. '° .... • mut'def loo& file IUfdde ( 1 '"·· 30""" l ....... ""' 1<11\'\ MON•IG l:iO I 9'INMI llMll'TaA aAV CfTY AOL.LIM ~ OAVIYANO OOllATH I ::=., orACTO..Y CUTIONIO MC NlW8 (t) MOtOEAH ART ~]) THE COUME OF OUATIMU 7:00 9 MARLO AHO THE MAGIC MOVIE M.ACHINE I FMD ANO 8AANEY BIO 91.ueiitAMU l1.JJ acooevooo I HOTFUOOE E.LEMEHT AlfY NEWS WOMAN: AUi. TO REAL S) VOOA FO.. HEAL 114 Ct) SPANISH 7:30 9 DUllY'I TAHHOUSE I ~= THE LONE AAHOER TliArS ENOUGH ROMPER ROOM TliE JUOICIARY ANO THE MEDIA • 1 hu pto• 1Jno con• ol allowing 1Uluv161on camor • '" 1n lht1 cour11oom are eiam1noo (Jl CUISINE llOO B (I) POPEYE OOOZIL.LA SUPER 90 0 MOVIE • •, "Rl!lvOll O t The BarD&nans·· 11964) Rolitlld C<1ray. Su$M SuHl\lan A noman consul uncove<s a -.C.dndol m the r1ni.s 11 hr , 10m1n I 0 (fl)) SUPEMRIENOS G AOLLER SUPERSTARS Las Anoflles T ·B1rdl. ·~ Teu sOullaws tD MOVIE • • B F 'l Oaughler • l t9<161 Burnara Stanwyck. 11 "n HCll111 I he ~tr0t\9' w rllt1<1 ddughlf•r ol an mdubtual maqnale a•most v.rut" '> ht•f own tnitf•l.lf)e I.I rtr' .JO m•n ~ 8·30 '1) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA fD NOVA Ac.ro··~ Inc S11<:nc. ... Barri. ••r Ac.comphshi..o 1n01••<l· uJI' pH)Vtl lhfl &tJC.Cft"t;t; ot ,,~•Jrit v1Pf1tthc and m..-d1 1 .•• 1 hre.11o.1h1oughi far th•• d••.1t Now Vietnam Comes 'Home' 'Queens Blvd.,. Bright Sitcom \ .. In TV Movie By PETER r. UOYER LOS ANG ELES !AP 1 They called tl the hv· ing room war. the w<.rr that was brought to you dai- ly 1n la ving color. compliments of the evening news. When it e nded. it quickly became the war to forget. It was a war that didn't make heroes. not the kind that Hollywood favored, anyway If indeed "the media rencct that nalionar con· sc1ousness. •· as screenwriter Fay Kanin suggests. the n America is suddenly willing to remember Vietnam. A string or fine books about the v. ar was followed last year by ----------..... four m ajor movies con ccrnang Vietna m . two of T\' HE\'IEW w hic h "T h e Dec lluntcr" a nd "Coming ----------Home dominated th1:-. .Yl'ar 's Osra r gi\·caw<Jy Fl'M'INGLY, A NEW Vietnam movie. perhaps the best so far, is a movie made for televis ion. the medium that defined the war for millions of Americans. "Friendly Fir<.'." Sunday night al 9 on ABC. Channel 7, is the true story of an American family that tried to understand the death or a son accidentally killed by American artillery. Mi ss Kanin adapted the movie from a book by C.D.B. Bryan It is the story of just one Iowa family, but their loss and bitter disaffection came to speak for a nation. They searched for meaning, but could fine none. In that sense. "Friendly Fire" says why Vietnam became the forgotten war. Carol Burnell and Ned Beatty give ex traordina ry performances as Peg a nd Gene Mullen, fifth-generation bread-bell Americans who became unlikely antiwar heroes. Heartland folks, people of the soil who would have smiled bravely and proudly buried their dead son in any other war THAT THEY WENT A little haywire over this loss in this war said more about the Vietnam con· m et than all the anti-war shouting al Columbia or UCLA. The radicalization or the Mullens meant something; AmeriCLS sense of right and purpose had gone off-track. T he Mullens were shocked by the death or their son Mike. but from the beginning, something seemed wrong. Mike was killed by friendly Cire from a defensive missile that struck bis chest, th~ Mullens were told. But the mortician that received MUte 's body from the Army told Gene that his boy had only sul· fered a small wound -the size of a bullet in the back. TIDS HELPED TURN a normal sorrow into an obsession. Peg and Gene Mullen spent everY, , ·waking moment turning over ln their minds the scattered. sometimes conntcting inlormation they had ~athered about Mike's death. They braved re- :.1stance from the Army and from their Iowa neighbors, but in the end, the only purpose they found was their own paclfism. Their son's death and thelr own homefront aaga wre microcosms of the nation's exptrience. Hurt, they were forced lo look at the war. And the war could not bear up lo the scrutiny of good American common sense. The Mullens represented an America that had had enough, an America that finally asked, with Pe1 Mullen, "Oh Dear God, what dJd we do to our son•:''' .. ·-.. ---_____ ._. ____ . •,.p w 1,.pr>ott ST AAS IN ORAMA Carol Burnett By J ERRY BUC K HOLLYWOOD IAP I -They m ust have cons ulted a num erolo~1sl every t1 m e this new A BC sertei. went through a title change. First. it was ··Five Women." Then "2800 Queens Bouleva rd." Finally, 1t bow<'d for a 10-wcck l>prtng run as · · 13 Queens Blvd " ft should be a lucky number for this new comedy the most pleasant surpris e or thl spring season. f''or sta rl<'r:., there's Eileen Bren· nan, who's played so many tough and dippy dames it's a delight to set• her us a conservative housewife THE SURPRISE IS that the show has class and taste, which 1s in short s upply at ABC It shows that you can ktd about sex without getting as t a s l l.'lt·ss as "Th e Ro p er'>. · ~e Remick. telev1s1on·s new low in that categ<>r} Originally. t he show was to focus Stars in (In ft vc• \\OmC'n who live in lhl' same gard e n a p a rlme nt com plex 1n Queens. New York Their hu sbanrt s woutd be heard in the next room or 'f\1 Drama on tht• phone. hut wouldn't b<.• St'C'n That concept, however . hus un dcrgone cha nge, and will continue to do so. ll is now down to four women plus Eileen's hus band, pla)'ed by Jerry Van Dyke. The series. which airs on Tuesday nights. also starl> Marcia Rodd as a divorced neighbor. Helen Page Camp as a widow, and Louise Wilhams as her daughter. HO LLYWOOD IAP > Ll'l' R<'mick stars as a w o m <1n ca u g ht between tht· love or hl'r hus band and a n ew r o man ce 1n "T o rn Between Two Lovers." which airs on CBS on Wednesday, May 2. Joseph Bologna also stars as her husband , a nd George Peppard plays her lover. Miss Remick also ap· pea rs in the upcoming "Ike " miniseries which be it ms o n ABC on M.ay 3'. Sht' 1~ t'urrcntly filming "ll ayw1n·" MISS BRENNAN e n te red the picture when she got a call from Bud Yorkin, who produces the show with Re rnie O r e n s t ei n and Saul Turte ltaub. Her association with Yorkin goes back lo the 196Cffl. when Yorkin and his then-partner, Norman Lear. saw her in "Hello, Dolly" on Rroadway and cast her an the mo" I(.'. "01 vorcl' American Style " .. Bud said he wa !> doing a show called 'Five Wome n' and askoo me to read the script and see if I con· nccled wi th any of the m ." said Miss Brennan. "1 read lhe pilot and the part I liked be::.t was the smallest pa rt. "I felt she could go through some wonderfuJ changes <Jnd growth Bud asked ml' to play the d ivor ced woman. l said, 'That'!i what I am I don 't want lo play that· '' SH F. Si\ID SHE was pleased that Cv r a Mc Fadde n . '>'h o wro t e "Serial."' was connected with the s how as crhtive consulta nt. and that women writers would be used. "The s how 's g one thr o u~h enormous chang<'s. · Miss Brennan s aid ... Jerry Va.n Dyke was supposed to do onl y one episode He said he t•ame an only bct'aus<:' he couldn't get a tennis game that d ay. ~ow he's a permanent member of the cast." Good ro r us that Van Okye dropped \. Al' Wire ...... b~ H's a perfect malC'h His laid STARS OF NEW SERIES '13 QUE2HS BLVD.' hack. almost somnolent style and a Eileen Brennan With Jerry Van Dyke ~ race that looks hke it's bN'n s lept on --------------------- too m any times is a perfect match fo r her energy a nd saucer-cye<l look And what a r<.'ltd to sec a happily married co uple in a T V corn ed) The re aren't that many 'We 're lucky that Helen ~age Camp and Marcia Hodd are from Broadway." Miss Brennan s aid.• ··They're real actress<'s. I think the longer we go -1t 's definitely a com- edy -we'll get a rew less jokes and get serious now and then." s .. Hi e..t Achin Stvclo OffenAHO ,...,......., S,.Clel 10 *'t6•1v .ct•no ....,, ... ~ ~·""9 0•1v•te Chl M 1n1HUCtll)l'I C•th"9 WIVIC."' "Jr hltn JV c~ts ~tflQ &t•H9' 171 4) '57-0212 111 DISCO . "treedom's Rising" appearing through May 5 D .rncl' romp Jisco bJnJs from<) p.m. m I ·I'> J.m., MondJy chrouµh S.1rurdJy. f rom ~ II> 'J p.m .. tnd lwcwn ·n 'l'''· c>ur 'u1x:r D,J.Jrll, 'Ptn' your 1:wornc..· """' ruttn ------------------------------------ Woulc's 'War' Set For 12-lwru Stint HOLLYWOOD <AP> -Dan Curtis will pro- duce/ and direct a 12·hour min! series for ABC based on Herman Wouk'I book "The Winds or War." The production is in association with Para· mount Pictures, and as pll't or the deal Curtis will produce and direct a m ajcr motion picture prior to the mini series British playwright J ack Pulman, who wrote "I, Claudius" and "Wer un.d Peace" for BBC, will write the Bcreenpluy Moppets in Show llOLLYWOOO (APJ -Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Gonio and a ll the dher Muppets will be on hand for their own CBS special, "The Muppets Go llollywood," on Wednesday, Moy 16 .. Olck Vun Dyke and Ria Moreno wUI be the co. hosts for the one·hour shot. The Muppets recently completed their firs t moUdn picture. .. 3 • • c ~ t _,._J ·~IU ;t I '"""'°~M •°'l-· ''"'·-··-_ ...... 1164_ , l•fftll• Ctottl •-1 '•t _.I 11111 ll INliO ... IMI Taste Frozen 1:ruir 0Jiquiris fo r 01lly 1c;, from 'l 10 l) p.m. JJJl)'. OMETO YOUR SEN ~REGISTRY 18800 MacArthur Ooulcvanl. lrvlne 752·8777 ( "It'• o lot cold.r out than I thought I" -SUPERHEROES SHOE ~OON MULLINS By Bil Keane "Babies ~ up to bt kids ofter a couple of whiles." .. •• --9"'--..... --....... ----·· ,,_ MISS PEACH fltA, I TJllUST' 'TWAT~ ---....._ ~£60b0 ~IMO, PL«A~Nf °" lANPL&AfANT1 I Al-W~ WAN"f 1Mli 111A1M~~. Al..WA'I~ 'T"I L. L. Mii 'TH!~~- by Pasllo, Tuska & COiietta • by Jeff MacNefly GORDO I FEEL GUILTY lAK1"6 V'OU AWAY ROM YOU( WOllCf WHY OON'HOU o«or ME OFF AT nu CLINIC ANO I'LL TAKE ,. CA& MOME AFTER 'TME MUTING? TUMBLEWEEDS NANCY ()(AV, ~IA. Tt4T'Nf'M If,..., n.w WAY, r DO Nor LUCI' VO(.(./ DRABBLE OR. SMOCK POOR FOOt.-'S ReHeARSIN' HIS ACCe PTANCE:. SPE!E!CH i"O "T'He A :M..A. A<SAIN NIELSEN by Harold Le OoUJc bv Tom k . Ryan INS"Tl?AV OF ROOTIN6-F-OR iHAI Gft~E:N 1.IZAFW10 WHIP THAT,6RAY LIZARD. by Ernie lushmllltr ..,.. -----" ........ PEANUn I Ii" AL.t.-eeGAN IN A L.1-rT"t...e 25-eec:> HOSPli"At.-1 N FReSNO, CAL..IFORNIA ..• I by Jeff Millar and Jon Mcintosh TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 46 Paced , London na 49 Private s George Be<· 53 Slac:tl UNITED Feature Syndicate Thursday's Pullie Solved: nard -64~ 9 Sire 56 Extra 1----Al<i<1 1 .t.1•'•11 11 11.!;H l.!:j,.I. .... I V A •I , Al1 11 [j l£~~ 14 "It's -58 Mad. Ave. _,.. types , l II I , I I I • .!.!!.!.!! «•Tllll l llllWA•TI IS Spanlsh 51 Addltlonal -D I C 1-w A ,,_ measure 58 Foll I C II E MI •• • hl~ .!~ 16 Cfeam !)& Brag c " 0 . ' A I 0 I D I ~.! 1 7 Ctlurch 60 EX1orted 10 I( 1• I I I 1 1 ' ~ A l leader 61 Rolltop, e.g. U I £ I I II OO M I l A I l . ( S I D l I • I T II A I l ' 18 State DOWN · 19 Flavor ro Fits -· CIC ,_, 111 1 II 22 Tubbed 2J Ace 24 Pierce 25 Romped 23 Very bad l2 Hicks 33 lachrymose 34 Pronoun 35 Girl'• name 36 Olapetctles · 37 -Moreno 38 Col1old 38 Footwear 40 Large bowl u LOOd ones (J-"lnler- no" 44 Of us 45 Felines 1 Devitalizes ? Hautboy A T " l f T ll I V I A ' f If I' :l ll I 10111 111A11111• TIA l • IC A " I , •• I IS " I ~tr~ 7; 3 Indian 10101011 I1111lfl(11 rrtl!'~~ 4 l own crier's wo<ds S Alarmed 22 Dutch set-s Hang about llers 7 Simians 24 Alumni a Conflict 25 Prudes 9 Electron 26 Cnscent: stream: Var. 2 wonll 27 Poplar 10 Exultant 28 Hollows 11 Ulll111 -29 Palm off 12 OlmlntJtlve 30 Set free suttlx 31 Slants 13 -otf: 33 Rips Angry 38 Genn 21 French art~ 37 Redeemed cles 38 Coed, e.g. i.. "-I-lo- 40 flying mam· ma la '2 loops 43 Flitted 45 DllCOntlnue 46 Table 47 Bu1t1e 48 Eternal city GGallup - 50 S11ngy neo· atlve 51 Son of Zeus S2 Scallion 54 Egyptian god ,, ..... , . d. ar B, i~ le ly >r . . .. ~ !. IJ. Ii. tl. II. p ...., lo 'Y. s. 1e R. & Jr 10 •• . 5 111 II. •ti i1• ti. Cl ti fl J1 u. nt 6 I I Ir II' !oi. ~(I 11 I 10 •• r. 11 11 n. 10 •• ,a i<' It' n. 10 •• n )O ' ~I • I. IC' ia 10 .. f. I\ t. It ~ f • 6 e tl 11 I l CJ• OAll y PILOT .r 'Boyfriends' Disappoint By YAKDENA AllAa ,.,, .. -i... ..... "()LD IOV 1'1t 1 •itos" IHbOul • woman psychologist who decides to I~ uo htr former bHux, thinking that If he r,llve ner u~rlences wllh them . u.·11 bt·be,ttfr equrpped to ~ndle her P"'~nt prot>lems tt' en ~Ing pnm lse ~ Nlsn't fa"tasln'd about ~ult encounters with the loves ot one's vovth? bul AS written by Paul and Leonard Schr4tder It ""~ fl•t. Tall• Shlr•r ptavlno the lo.tel ch11r1ctt r w th man~ of the same fidgety mannerlsmt. thcJtworkedln 'Rockv."comts lltro s as an unplett., nt neurotic rlQht tr om tht' \la1 t and that lmprc~1on I\ n ver changed a~ she tam~rs !oelfl<.hly w ith the m en In her pasl John Belushi as her high school sweetheart does his be$t but fails to lnJect new Ille into the old git 1-tedses-t>oy routln . Richard Jordan Is a likable colleQlate admirer, Keith Carradine Is convincing as an emotionally disturbed stay at home dnd there are able cameo pert or mances by Buck Henry and John Houseman. But the ending 1s a d1sapPointlng cop-out that mctkt'S one feel sorry for direclor Joan Tewkesbury, who keep'> things moving along 1n her tllm debut in spite of a scripl that hovers lnconclu'>lvely between comedy, romance and drama, The se}! sc!!nes are not exp1tc1t and the R rating appears to tlPPI~ to the language. 1'.P_ WlrepNIO PSYCHOLOGIST TAMPERING WITH 'OLD BOYFRleNOS' Talia Shire Commiserates With Richard Jordan "'THE CHAMP" is a frankl'f sent I mental tale of the love between an over-the-hill boxer and his unders1andin(l son Jon Voight plays the fallible t~ther in good style, though he seems almost too healthy to be on the skids. Ricky Schroder is the sunshiny 8-year·old, and he 1s abSolutely perfect, a throw back to the inspired child stars of the 1930s. Faye Dunaway 1s effective as Vo1ghl's ex-wife, though the reason for their break-up 1s not clearly def Vied. The entire production is first-class. rem1n1scent of M GM in Its heyday. Rated PG "THE CHINA SYNDROME" could scarcely be more top1 ca1. TV reparter <Jane Fondal and cameraman <M ichael Douglasl combine with a nuclear plant ofltcial (Jack L emmon ) in an effort to alert the public to potent1a1 catdstrophe from a Southern California reactor. ~he character s are never more than skin-deep, but the event!> a re important, and direc tor James Bridges builds the tension to an almost unbearable pitch. The issues r aised by the film are vital to everyone. Rated PG, with a few expletives. "WHEN YOU COMIN' BACK,. RED RYDER" 1s an unpleasant film about a psychotic wh'> / A Quick Look at t ha Movies terrorizes a handful of citizens in a roadside diner The ca st 1saccompllshed Maqoe Gortner, Lee Grant, Hal Linden, Candy Clark, Pat H ingle and Peter Firth, 1n an amazingly successful transfor- mation from the "Equus" youth to a Texas teen-ager Despite some desert scenes, the claustrophobic viewer shrieks for escape. Rated R. "D EER H~TE R " m iqht have been a s°"erb document of the devastation to human lives caused by the Vietnam war. The grime of a Pennsylvania coal town and the f ier ce beauty of Southeast A sia have been maqn1 - f1cPntly photographed by Vtlmos Zsigmond, and the cast '" l1rst rate. But director M ichael Ci mino allows the r,tory to drag on past three hours, He illso seem s to have allowt>d the actors to devise their own dialogue, a qrave error The character of RobPrt De Naro.~ crucial. yet 11 remains ilmb1guous. H is talent is Pa s-lones de sangre expfO\an en el boulevard -y el boulevard existe de noche Everything happens on the boulevard and the boulevard happens at night. too great to remain so hidden. The ratingisR "NORMA RAE" is an intelligent and frequently rrioving soc iat drama about suppression of workers' nghts 1n cotton mills of today's South. It is also a Pygmdlion story of th~ awakening of a young Southern woman's mind by a union organ 1Ler from New York. The film <.ucceeds on both levels Sally Field is the late-blooming crusader. Her performance signals the start of the 1979 Academy race for best actress. Ron Le1bmdn is persuasive as the Jewish pariah in the company town, and Beau Bridges has a telling s.cene as Norma Rae's bewildered husband. Rated R. "HARDCORE" casts George C. Scott as a midwestern Orpheus descending inlo the hell of the West Coast parno world i.n search of his runaway daughter. Paul Schrader has written and directed a film that succeeds nol only asa suspenseful drama but alsoasa social document. The crucial element is Scott as the religious fundamen· talist; his fury at finding ht'> daughter a part of the nardcorC' industry 1s eloquent and mov1no.The ra ting is R. ~.-.. ,•,., llll/.U ll•llsell ,_.:'"'=~~IJ -.it9WI IMll!lS-"'""'"' lllCllUD NGUU •MT&"'°'' DMIMl Ol LA Pl 0.!1°"11 l!y *MAU rMSS•H l'lcidtA"l b'Y Ml •WllSlll lttcu•""' l'lmei TOil 1 WlmP11l"t OU-HUM Mil'ilC bl' I.ALO SClllll111 KAlllWIW! ~ Sl!!WN(UI~ 1 ll~ll~RAOO ,,,, m111 llllH l't<IOl"""il'I IOUlll&f ll•SO• TIClllllCtlOll. • ............... -~ .. ~ Co-Hit At Westbrook: .......... ~-'"MIDNIGHT EXPRESS"' i 1111-rt11T_... Wed. & Thur. onl AcaCS.my Awerd 9~~1 Im 70MM DOLBY 9TEREp ..ar lllllC,. ,......:4JU• ... · Eedknd>S ... EroonKtkkl 1:45 a , HOT LEAD & COLD FEET 1:00.1:30 ... ,,., • ..• .. , 'lltE Plllltl1sr .. 'u··· ·· " I ~M'fl UJr~ 1 1·r 1 !'~ r~ ·.1 11 • •1 p.1;~ .1~111•,1 •, k:; IJJOt.ll~ _ • 1~1 :.1 .·,,~,i .. .J: I Iii I'. '!11 ' 1if I .',H, ~~' ,, 1~u Ii !~ ' WITH "'VOICES" AT BOTH EDWARDS CINEMAS ... ,--:---:--r.-:-:=n--rr:rNT=c~R -e~dwar-_,,d-sc=1N=E-A_W_E~ST 9794141 .~=' 839-7581 ,.-si.•RooKS' 'BUIDNG SXDD~B 6:30-8:15·10:00 ® ICE @5TLEs 8:40 THANK GOD \IA~\. IT'S FRIDAY '" 6:50-10:35 litl •GOOD GUYS WEAi IL.ACK" 1;30 FIREPOWER 1:40-10:10 (RI . .. . ... . . t ... ,w. ~ .. 1141 ·,~t~)Jg NOW PLAYING .. , ... , . ..... , "'l'' bMif Pt ••• 0111• Ct•OH CUTlll (o,i.tY , , ... '' .. OHllGl M&ll () .,.. . t 1/IA tt c•••••t• "'""''~··""' &'I' II I) ' \li\l<J I'\, 1<111 l<I 11•1 I \ ..... f I[ \ 1 ' •II I I 'I l faOIWI IHllH Ill [) 1 ir l>IU/10 I I(" 1•tl11 ·r .11)11 I I ,,,., 1111111/ '·Al I) 111 111 1.11·. II 111\1 "\'\. Ill ,\I Ill, 11( ,I'-I \I I jl',\ I I It \1111 \II\ fl \ \I I \ lio'\"c.l\\\11111 ll\~1·111 I '\'d II< JOHN IEWSH'S sTiu SINGING THEa.uES. TALIA SHIRE'S STIU. CARR'Y1NG A TORCH- BUT THIS TIME ~·s THE ONE WHO IS GOING TO GET 8URta>. ~ ''' 111,.ROll PRIS''"'N Pl!OOUCllON TALIA RICHARD .JOHN K EITH SHIRE JORDAN BELUSHl...,CARRADINE UOlD BOYFRIF.NDS" ''"'BUCK HENRY •.• JOHN HOUSEMAN, fY .o•w"' • ••• ·~ P'<ll ~fl ,... ll AllCISCHRAOlll 11 .... 11\\11•'·1 111 I I• •II'.,\ \.•'\,/(I,, •• t • v ,..., H.WROll PRl .W~ ..., MICH(U RAPm'Ofll I • ..,., iC'N lli1~(~81Jk1 ,.., ·•--~Plllll ~AOlll.._.,[l#tl0~1Rl ... I\\! \I\\ \'" "" \II\ I• i-.1 \l\Pll,l\ltl 111111• 11~1111111 '\,• •11\1 \' l .1\1111 I I 11 \\ 111'•I111.t 't•(; "'• ._ ..,,...,~,.,'" s • ..,_ t l 'I' 'I< I ' 11, I l \f " 1-·---·· -···-· 1.,,..1 HELD OVER! '""""'""""""''lllUIAMA fRMlll •\t ••• ·-• ,,,,., ..,,....plJPl rl(!Nf~ Pllllll\AMlllON ,-OON~SW\IPU '''f'\.'t(.(l.t:r .,....._ C)._,.f'I ~.i.t1t1 .. IAVCO ~v~S:W.... .,,. ... _ .............. roll -!R-: ... , .... ". • ~ "' ... ·-" ... .,,... ... --................. 4"' ---::..•.::,:-..:.._:.-:;-· ~ NOW PLAYING UA TWIN Westminster 893 1305 UA CINEMA Costa Mesa 540·0594 O••'•..,....•~""- "BLAZING SAOfX.ES" SaTnJ CLEAVON UTTLE ·GENE WILDER SLIM PICKENS DAVID HOOllEST~ CLNJDE ENNIS STARREH JR. ~Sllmo MEL BROOt<!> · HARVEY KORMAN n1 MADELINE KAHN Screerv;ilav bv MEL BROOKS. NORMAN STEINBERG. ANDREW BERGMAN. RICHARD PRYOR. M.AN OOER s1~v 11'1 ANDREW BERGMAN · Prodoced tri MICHAEL HERTZBERG · ouec1e<1 by MEL BROOKS PANAVISION3 TECHNICOLOR8 A ... --~.::..:.-~. R ~:~:~:c:=· ~ ____ .-...} ., • ----·-···--·-----.. --...--..--.. .. ~ \ . I I * ............... -..,._ --... ~ ~ ..... -..... ~ ..... -...... __ .. __.,.. .. D Ill CAR SH-OPPING ! * NO .GIMMICKS * NO ·BAIT & SWITCH .. . . , . NO PRICE HAGGLING CH ·OOSE FROM MORE THAN ~. .. WORTH OF PINTOS, MUSTANGS, FAIRMONTS, GRANADAS, LTD'S, FIESTAS, COURIERS, VANS, VAN CONVERSIONS AND FORD TRUCKS. FORGET WINDOW STICKERS! EVERY VEHICLE IN OUR HUGE STOCK NOW CARRIES THEODORE ROBINS OWN DRASTICALLY REDUCED "NO HASSLE" PRICE. THIS FIRM ROCKBOTTOM FIGURE IS WHAT YOU PAY .. NO MORE • NO LESS • NO HASSLE! PINTO CITED AS '' 111/IERltJR BllY'' Ask for a free copy of syndicated writer Dick AppleQates column in which he says "Ford's Pinto Is one c;>f the best· buys on the market' today." Read the facts-then drive Pinto and prove It to yourself! Advertised pnoes are olus tax. hcense. dlr documentatt0n prep charges & state charge<l South Coast f!as1n smog tee on used cars Prices ellect1ve 72 hours from date of pubhcauon ( . . --"-r-------·-·---.. -----....-----··--.... -....... ••AM TOllMO uo.T AM/FM stereo tape, pwr. door tocks & windows. styled s teel wheel s , automatic. pwr. steenng & brakes and low mites. NICE• L1c 102JER Stk. 133$A 176 FORD ""'° IUMAIOUT R adio . automa t ic transm1SStOn. economical • cyl engine Good. solid transportation. lie. 684PKF Stk P3845. _ 52278 '76 FORD GltAHADA 4 DOOi Econom1cat 6 cyl engine. a41o ma11 c trans . pwr. steering & brakes. air cond. l .1.adJ.o •. l.u; .. 3B.3P.Kf. .. Slk •. P3880 52978 '76 FORD COUltlll rtCKUP 4 speed transm1ss1on. radio and heater A low mileage 11111e beauty! Lie 1C49 146 Slk P3855T '78 MAZDA CM.C DllUXf 3 D oor A u 1o ma11e tr ansm1ss1on and radio. Very lo w mil es! Lie 149TXC Stk 420A. '74 CHEVROLET CA.MAIO COUPI Automatic transmission. pwr steenng & brakes. air cond1t1oning and radt0. Lie. 874UZT Stk. 1304A. 53678 •77 FORD l TO II nouGHAM Really a loaded car -air cond pwr. dr. locks. cruise, ttll wheel. AM/FM stereo casselle. pwr steering & brakes. pwr windows & seat and mo r e! Lie . 137SWS Stk. P3871. 53778 178 DODGE A5""4DOOI Economical 6 cyl. engine. automatic trans .. pwr. steering, radio and only 18.400 rrllles! Lie. 839UKY Slk. 605A. '77TOYOTA LOHGUD SIS PfCKUP 5 speed trans . camper shell. radio and 31.000 low miles. A really nice truck. Lie. 1 F40179 Stk. 1102AT. s4171 171 FOID F-1 IO PICKUP Longbed. Economlcal 6 cylinder engine, 3 speed transmission. radio and only 12,900 miles. Lie. 1L54612 Stk. P3799T. $ 118: ............. ............ ..... -.... ... 1 .... Ta·At.1 ... Nl1I M .: Ill 1111'.I. le lY t r •• . ,' i: .o -t y. •• IC a. ·-·-··"'-· .. .. Jr l 10 •• ·5 111 II. !d I t: rt. 0 ti r 11 !>, u. nt s I) 1r l l" s . a11 41 ) 10 •• r. n 10 ... n.· )) :r ; Kl l n I l! la 10 •• Ii· 'II ~ ,, . ... • I . ll ~f ~- '16 ,. IC 'l \1~ ~l '. • CWLYPILOT Frldly. Aprll 20, 1979 PUnch utT•t ~Uf'N ~RI, ~ .. c.a.. ,...~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~....--.~~~~.;.-. ---. ea. .......... , ... , .. "" ,_ .. ~~h i lle"4tll\l el S1t1•1t1 • r-.i" Mert_,., .• ,, 11. "'" ~ .... "~.Ml .. . ...... l!OA ~It\, r~ .. \Mi. ·~ CA .._.. _, 4'1wll It. 1m ............. ~ ... ""°'"' •• '"'" ... " Tultllli ....,.._,,, dJ C ""' S..twt, to"•,_.., ..... IUIAeVRGIY VI llOINIA ICAY """41Vlt0t, V, rftl Clfftl .. ,,._. c.. ...... -· ...... IL ltlt ......... MNkM 0tMtt ill P•I• A11•1 C• \11"•1¥•4' '' her IHUNn• Ml'ltMI Afft~ .... ic ...... ._....,, ., .... • c:. ~ O.wiMm IC-Al'Mfllo , .. lf'Y Jlltll QOiy Ti ....... l •.c.. .... -~ .,.,.. ....... ~--.. .. ....... ..... .... ltr\,, s.no.. ,...._ -Me<IN 0. .. i>I N•¥~ MO( ..... (-.. Arl-ll•Wl•I..., «111 llir., .,_,, ,.,..,. M,. 1'1't 1-.. II 00 -l• t OI PM ..... \t t vl(h .............. \Al ... o.t• April )I ttl't el II 00 AM ..... •I Pitt Ille V---••I "'-l '""" Ultfll .. f'-t<tll( II-""""*l•I ...... NtWP••I teecf\ 1•111 lle10"'"" t w11er•I H omo •' Co•I• Mou ··-Mt• -l <J• DitMA '" .... ' (I.AMA M o.MARflNI•, •n-m ..i CMlt Mil~ ta, nAll .. 01 i6olM • ltlt, .,._. ~ I• M<ll>Md•-1' --•••v ... AP•ll 1e. "" •• 1._ ... 04 ,, ~..... "I'm 90ffY, Mr. H tgr$8\1189 must have ~" tor the ~· .. Ol9r1• '""'-°' _.,.., country already-Ma hang-glktef's gone · ..... ta -~-~'""' 04 ----SM ...... C.. IOVN't tlMt• 1111 O..y -lftl OI LO\ ... It\. CA S1'e I• •''° ~llNI~ l:ly • Qt•llO<nh4'e" MF\ OeMM'tlftb -~~ ""' Ille -y Co 0•11•""'•"' $to••• •• • .,._ .. ._lot I .,....._ M.t» Of Owl~ •1.,. a..,..i will "°'~ 'no.>Y AIHll 10, 1'1' •I 10 Gq AM Al )I J O.C"IM > ~~'.:'°'~!.~~ =-.... ~k·~~ 1111 C111om1:1me"I w111 "-•• ,,.. Holtvwoocl ~ry, tlOlh'WOOll-(• Smit" A I wtNll M0t1»¥1 •?1 E 1111\ Sl ,Goll•~d•.-.cl~ _ ... SENNllT E ANL Sl:NNETT ~,..., •••Y on April "· 1~1' C•lftOl l( Pr •••• s. .... 1cn Wiii br rwia on S.11110 .. •0111 11, It~ •t 10 00 AM <II 1,,.. Sm1lll ~ lvllllll Wlt\1<1111 0.-1. '11 E tltfl St • Co\I• Mo<w wl111 F•lfttr tl.,orr1 Be•uleu 0 1 SI JOf'"'m ' l"•lhoh• Cl>ur<.11 oll•<•<tllnq Int. •m~n• w111 II<' <1t ,,,. Good ~pMrd C:..tnet•• y Hvn• 11191on B•<tell, CA lli\llellOft will bot Mid·~· I Fr~ol Aptll 10, "''"Om 17 llOOfl II> 9•00 PM Smllh & (ullllll Mof"IU..ryCllrK'ton. -...e. PALME A PAUL A PALMER, re\ld4'ftl ol (.Ot"ONI oet ~r. (A Pt\WO •way on A.iwll 11. T'19 ,,. Corona oel Mer, CA SuNlwd by 111\ wilt Aulll E PAI,.,.. ot Corone Oii ~r. c. .. oauol\te" JeMI Pr.slDtl Of Newport BeKll, C.. • M•rJOfle Sii•• ot -por1 0.Kll, C• •nd P•lrkl• H-Of A-1\o S."IA F e, C•, also surv•veCI by 10 or•11dc lllldren and 10 o••••· o••nd<"llOn!n. Mtmoridl ~k.et wlll b<! neld on Monday, Ai><ll 23, "" at II 00 AM In IM Chapel ot PKlllc lllew Memorl•I P.,k, l~ P«lllc View Drl.,t, ,;twDOt1 lie.ell, C. Ofll<la11"9 will be Or Chitflel. Oler~•elCI F4m1 I'( r.que>I\ In llew ot l!ower~ memor1~1 <onlrlbulloni be m4C1e lo HO<tQ Mt morlal Hosoll.11, 301 t<e wOQfl Bl...,., Newoort Be•<"· C.a P.1e1llc Vie« MorlYA• yClll"e«~ HE,LIN MARIAN ABEL HEFLI N, r.,,_111 01 Ntwoon 8e;KI>, c... P•ssea •••Yon Aorll u. 1979 In Ntwoon Beac"· c.. Survived b'f ner hus-Ross E. Hellln, dauQllt.er Hollac• ti. ~rd ol Newport 8e•C11, Ce •. brother Ectmoncl A. Abel°' ROCll'I' River, Ohio •nd sliler F~e 1. Frl!dtrl<ll ot Se it L.U City, Utlll\. Vlsll•tlon on T"""4ay, Acltll 19. 1m lrom •·OO PM to •.oo PM .t Pecltk 116-_,,...,., Clltelel Sffv~ wlll lie Mies locMly 1Frldr(1 AOrll 20, .,,. .. , St. Anclrew~ PrHl)yMrf .... °'-' at J •OO PM In 1lev ot I'-" famlty "'9QtS1' con· tribullons bl! m.lde 10 11\e NOWPo• I 8e•<" A-rlc•n Ftf'ld S<llolM Sh•O Fund or Cot. W1lllam C C•b•I CNQter, OAR, ~~Kl\ lnt..- menl P11<1fk \/lew Me..-lal Per• P<'l<lfk V-~dlrK~ McCC>DotfCK MOltTUARlfS Laguna Beach 494-941 5 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 49!>-1776 IALTZ-aaGHO.. RIHBALHOMf 646-2424 Costa Mesa 673-9450 ta..L UOADWA Y MOaTUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Me~ 642·9160 SMmt & T\m41U. MOtrTUAIY WlSTCllff CHAP&. Q-erretory • Flower Shop 427 E 17th St. Costa Mesa 646-4888 PIBCl UOTHUS SMTH'S MOaTUARY 6"27 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 ~FAMILY COlOMAL FVMHAL HOME 7801 Bolsa Ave. Westminster 893-3525 DIHahled SinJ(er 'Pocket' Aids Music Career By JOE •~OWA RDS NASHVll.1.t;, Tt•nn IAPJ Hrenda Joyrc IS conftnl'd w 11 wht•elchutr bt.·c11u~" t•f a rare lllnesb, but shc'l\ plug~rng dw:ty at u country muMr t areer with the hl'lp of a gencroub ""'" !)ht"s never met. M1i.s Joyce. 22. of lnd1unapohs. hab spent seven years m a wtu.."Clcha1r because the illness left her paralyzed from the waist down. She nearly died in l.974. ~ DESPITE H ER I LLNESS, SH E has sun~ publicly, and a wealthy Indianapolis man has learned about her. We 'll call this man "Deep Pocket." Through a mediary. l ndianap<>lls News re- porter Skip Hes~. the m an gave Miss Joyce $5,000 to finance a recording in Nashvllle A stipulation was that he not be 1dentif1cd publicly, though Miss Joyce knows his name · The record. "l 'vec---------J Been Burned,'.: was re· NASHJllLLE leased th.is year and has sov~o been doing fairly well on _ l "l . country music charts in Indianapolis. Orlando. Fla., Chicago a nd other. cities f<'or M1~s Joyce, who sounds a lot like Brenda Lee a nd Donna r-·ar go1 1t was the biggest break of her career. •'l 'VE Nf;VER M F:T HJM , NOT even on the phone ," lh · ~lender, soft .spoken Miss Joyce says o r "Deep Pocket " "Ile gave Skip $5,000 and told Skip lo help m e lie wanted me to have all the help he could giv<'." After she w~1s given the money, he came into a nightclub when~ ~he was s10giog. "I just knew it was him." she s aid. ''Skip had told me I probahly s houldn't ~"Y anything to him. I saw the tnil1ab on his ring and 1l was him He had one drink and left. I feel awful about not being able to say anything " Only Mis!> Joyce, hcr immediate: fa mily and Hess know the man's 1dcnltly. "MY NIEC'F: DOESN'T KNOW and 1l1b ah<>ut to kill her." says Miss .Joyce's mother Ruby. Miss .Joyc·c's 11lnt'ss a long name she can't pronounce -da maged nerves leading to the lowe r part of her body. This happened when blood vessels wra pped around her spinal cord It's possible, but not certain , that she will walk again "'fhe doctors can't tell me how long 1l will take t he nerves Lo heal," she says There's been pro~ress in the last year She ran move four toes on her right foot, which she was yft. able to do a year <.igo. ••1 CAN'T MAKE MY L EGS work like they s hould. but I seem to be gelling better," she says. She has s ung publicly across the Midwest since age 9. and is a so~wnt er. The city ·of In· dianapolis recently declared a day in her honor. "She has talent," sa ys Lee Shannon. music director at radio station WIRE in Indianapolis. "She's a very good country singer." And she has a brig ht outlook on life. "Life's just great. I'm happy. Ri ght now I'm satisfied. I 'll hit slumps and fall back, but things can't stay bad forever. We ('an't let the downs keep us down -the re's JUSl no way." PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PICTlltOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS 9USIHESS HA.ME STATIMENT NAME STATEMENT TM 1011ow1nQ a.r.ot\s are oolno The toOowlnq person is OOlno buS•· PACIAC VtlW MIMOlll.AL rA.ltl( Cemetery Mortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific View Orr11e Newport Beach 644-2700 llU\lneu •s ne\\ •s HOLLIHILLS. 33' I:. 111h Slrttl, A I CH A R 0 S C US T 0 M Cosl• Mew. Cahtornl• 976:11 WALLCOllGRINC,S, 211'N O••mond Holly Entuorl~s. Inc , Co\ld Ave • 8.,bot '''-· C.lllom•a ., .. 1 Mew, Calltomla. JJ6 C tllh StrHI, RIClwlrd Jo~O!I S.r<1<>ron, 111.,, Cost•Mew.Calltornlem21 • Diam ond A••, 8.albo a t51end. Thh tiusineu Is cOflduclt!CI 1>y • cor-C.a111ornla~ ooraoon. This 111.Dlneslo Is cOl\d\lcted bv an In. PUBLIC NOTICE Hotly Enterorl~. lrK-Cl••ld ... 1 ,.,CTITIOUS •uMMIESS Vlroln1a L Costello Alcl\trd J &eroeron NAME STATIMIENT ~def\\ Tnls st••-· ••H llled with '"" TM IOllOWlllQ P'tfSOft 15 Clolt\9 llllM· Thll Sltlem<!ftl w•\ flltd with the Co..n1v Cler-• OrAnou County on neu ~·~ M 1 L v PR 0 TE c T 1 0 N ~'la5~~ ot Or•nge county on Apr1110, m• 'llllS6 SYSTEMS, USS Mew llerde Ettl, HO. F·11J7M Publl\l>td 0rant1" Co.st O••ly P1101 HC:, ~ta Mew, c:.1110.nl• 92'1• Putl41"1ed Cl<-Coast Daily P1101, Apr tJ, 10, 11. M4• •.!'It 140 /9 IC••I HatT'f Olmler, USS Me w Aorll20,l7 -~4. II, 197' IS11·1~ Verdi E., No, U C, Cotta MtH, - c.111or111•.,.,. PUBLIC NOTICE Thi• 1116ineu It COftOuei.cl ~ ... In· lo-----------dlv'-1. Kerl H. Olmle< This , .. ,_ ••• med •II" tt>e Counly Clttll ol Or•noe Counly on A_,111'.1'1t, '",..., PulMltNCI Or~ Coait o.11., ftllol, ""'"to, 11 ano AM.,•. 11, 1m m .. ,, ( --.. ....._ ....... -------~ --·----... -- P UBLIC NOTICE ' ... _ .. _ P1JllUC NOT1CJ; H011CI INVI I ltfO elM NO II• N1t1'• '' i.o .. ov t:Hn tt><tt I,.. ••••d •I 111101rou 111 1110 1rv1ntt ll"llltd 1(11001 Dl\lrlt l 111 Or•llO• CIMllllY, ('illlOtlWA •Ill , ........ Wt0lf9' ..cl\ lllt 10 I 00 I> m ol Ill• ••~ O.v ti M•• ttl'f •I '""''" IJ•ne w141 ~~ wlll •• 0111111\I• •I>•""' •"Cl •••Cl 1or I Yll•••lt°' \,frv10 ll1C1 <OflClll-• •rllJ 1t1•lr1Kh--D•U !Olm' m•., De OC>l.•IMll ,. Ille OHIU C>I Rll'"'"" lhtU PO•I \et¥1(t\ 1U I AllWft Av•n11<1, ........ (~lllO#ftl• '"" '""'1(1 •• ,., •• , ttw ttuM t.o , .... t -.ny Of •U llMCh •t tO wMlilfllf "1'V 1tre~l•tUt•\ In "''Y Dll•t Ot "' ltw bt<l1111'4J ln11no Uf\111..0 koool Ob11 it t o.-..-·-•ut-"""~"' ,,_,_ o.-....., Clout 0.U~P+i.4 • 4-tll 20, ll ,.,. 14<1t 19 PU BLIC NOTICE "CTI TIOUS 8USINRll N.-Mlt $TATltMl'.NT li.t IOllOwinQ CMtWll\ ere C101n9 °""".'' .. MOOllU: C?N r ERPR•SES. 21os1 l UC"'"• ln AOI c. Hu .. 11n11ton 11.~ ... c..111o;,... in- 1 J -·· ?IQ;I LO<~ Lii . """ (. Hwflll"O!Oft k«lt. C.lllOt'nl• tt-s.o ... , " f t""PMIOll, Slit A 1"9• A,..llW•, -IArt IM.c", Calflor"'"' Fl\lt "-ttl""U I\ <Oftdu< lecl lty • """'•'""'-'"'IC> E J-., fl\I\ •IOI-I ... \ lilecl Wilh '"" Counly (l•rll ol Or•nl)I Counh 9" "4><'11 ll. .. ,. F·1117f"1 l>Ul>ll\IWCI 0..tftOit ~I 0.llt PllOC. ~•1 20,V-Mtv •.II, I'" 1$U•7' PUBLIC NOTICE FICTI flOIJS 8USINESS N-E STATEMENT In~ 1o11ow1t1Q pen.011• o•~ C101n9 IN\lneh •~. WATER~RONT AUCll~S. 1111 W Cont H1Qttw•'f, N ... OOfl Bea< I\, c .. .,..., M1kt ~"toe Rc•I l>l•I~ •tl Prornonlory D< W., Ntwoor1 Buel\, '~ """° fl'll\ tl\1>11'9\\ IS tOnOul lrO b• " o.~r•f c:wrtr"'t~n1p M19'~ ~tvoe)t '"•\ \1••,..~t ••~ t1t~d w1tn tM Co..nly Clerk ot Oft l'IQt Cou'll'f on Ap•ll 4, 191V F1UOO Pub!•.-Orenot' Cont Delly P1101 Apr .•• 11 20, 21. 197' 1:MJ.1i PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMEST4TEMENT 1 ne IOl•O••r>Q P•""'n' "'' e101no bu!.ln4f'1o\d' CASUAL If AOJIJSl lAS GUIDE OF SOUTHERN {.ALI~. JJOJ Horoor C. l,Co\l•Mew.CA'nW• 0.0f"Qr A ~'""'°"· WS I r~lon Wo. Cos•• Meo.a, CA..,.,,. D•I~ A. C.<1>1•••.on 't9tl I""''°" Wo.CosttMew,CA'l~o/o I l>ls bu\lne\\ •• <-Oftdu<llld b~ dn un 1nc0fpor•ted a-.\OC.t•hun otn.cr ln4n o P•HIMr-."'0 v M (,u:\t.tv'°" I"" ,,.1"'"""' Wd\ l1led .... , the C.ownt1 (lfr~ 01 OrMIQe C,,,..nl'I' on Aor1110, IVl'I. f'llJJU PuDl1Slleel Or<lnq<" Co.J-\1 D•llV Pllol Apr I J. 20, 1/ Maf 4, 1919 1110.I~ PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9U$1NESS H"""E STATEMENT Tiit lollow1n11 ""'~~ •r• Clolno C)u')tnt)\ .\ f HE PEOPLE Mll(HI NE 11 P•r~onn•I SN••<P. 17631 Newoorl Avenut>. No 707. 1u\1in (.\l1fornu:1 ~ IHrNrd J~ J"1\(,... llMll V1• Cl~ Aoua. San J uan Cao1strano. Ca111orn1d '12b1li Tn1~ l>u\1neh "tonc!U<ted l:ly an 1n Ol•ldual 8 J . F1K ,.., Tft1\ ~t.01.......,,t Wd\ tllt'CI w1tll I~ c.11un1v Cl"'~ "' Or.iny.: County on Aprll II, 191'1 F11:Mf1 Puoli\he<I 0..dftQt' Cool Odlly Pilot, ""'1110.11...a ~v •. 11. ••7~ ·~i,.,q P UBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS 9USINESS HAMEST4 TEMENT I ne ltHtQ•tnQ perwn-. 4r ... OO•no bU\11'\~\"d\ TEOt. rlOl LTD I lOE l' I LOI: co . t EODE. )IU vl~nnt •• St • La11UM 8'.4<11. C.<1 '110• Ho11te1ot Int (d C....11totn•~ t , oor•1•0111 llSll ~· SI ~ L•OV • ,. 97•11 Jru\ bv\ln.J\\ '' <.onctU<h d by " \.Ut '''"~''°" H~f-ELOT INC Arthur o.n•el Ho!>ltlOl 111, V•CC Pr""i<Mnl Tn1\ \l•l-t #.t • l1ll'CI Wlllt 11\e (oun1., Clerk 01 Oranfj(' Coun1., on April•. 1qn, FIUOl6 PvOh\lle(J Or ""90 C:O.O\I 0 •1tv Piiot ""'· '· ll. 10.11, 1'79 l)J'lolt PUBLIC NOTICE ------------ FICTITIOUS BUSINEU NA.ME STATEMENT The tollowrno per\Oft\ are C101nq bu\IM'\\~ IRlllN E PEIJ SO NN EL SERVICES ANO AGf llC v 138 E I/In Street, Su1tr 11', CO\I" Mo <1 C.lrlOtn•4 ~I Am""" Cr c not111rr 18l ., nov SI••~•. No •. CoiM Niese. Calltort11• '1'1•71 Oorol"V I:. F•ulkner 1742 Aulf•nd "o<td New1X>rl 8tMl l'I. C.111orn1a 91660 Th1~ tN"neu '' condutled 1>., • ~ntr•I -'"''""0 Oor0111¥ E. Faulkner A G Cl>Oli!W' Th•' stet-l wu lllect wnn tl'lt Coi.nty Clwrk ol O"nge County on April II. 1'7' L I PPOLD, MENOlllSON AHO OINSMOOlt ...,_ Att-~.rtL•• »O I . 11"' Strtet Sttl!t 111 C.St• -· C..llftnlla '16Z7 F·11l7" Publlsl\ed Or-(0.UI 0.tlly PllOt. Aprll l0, 11.,,., foNry 4, 11, 1919 IS13 1' P UBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE PICT11'10US eUSINHS NAMa H All MllJllT T,,. IOllOWlllQ person I\ dOlllQ blltl· neMH Wli•U&lt ASSOCIATIS, 11 .. 1 8rOOlll>ur>I .... tllll\UnqlOll 8MCh. CA.,_ llltlltrd C.. Wtb•l•r, HU1 llroo1th11nt • 41. """111\0tOft 8ettf'I, CA.tnMt '"'' -M'li ii cOllClu(ltd l>v .ii In· dlYldv•I. ltkluN'OC.~I., f"I• •l•l-1 WAI llltd Wiii\ Ille to11nl'1' C.1tr11 ol Orent11t Gollntv on Ajltll 10. lffl ........ P\IOll-Or~ CMlt Delly Pllol Apr, ''· 20, 2', Mey •. ltn Ul).lt PlJBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF AllAll..4811.ITY 0,-ANNUAL REPOltT Pur>uanl to S.Cllon ~1().t ldt ot t tnu•r nal Aevt'nut-Coo.. "01•<-• lt<!•el>., 01..,, llWI '"" annu.tl report 10 !nl' (o)lf'MM .,eor 1918 Ol C.EOR<;E r Pf'LEGER FOUN0/\110 1"," prlv~te tounelahon, " """ll•blc di lhtt IOUft<l~ hon~ or1nc10otl o11 •<• 10< 1n~hun c:Jurfno ,~,., OUS•nt\ .. f\oYt~ front ~ ,J m to S pm DY ftn1' r 1111vn Wt'IO rr our\t\ 11 w1tl'Mn 1.0 <My' dtltl' the cJ•tf Of 1n1\. OU<l'•' ,f11c.n ff'tt tounrjJth'.Ht' pr1nr 1p..tt offf.cr ~' IG<.J1t'd 1tt \Uth~ JOl hOt Wt>\tC ftfl Urive N-1 llet1<.ll c...111om1• rne ll"n<•Dot• marldOt• 01 •~~ '°"" Cld11on '' (oEOAf,E t Pf LLC.E R V..-Q>• r Pll•<I"' Pu1>i1sllf<J 0r0<>9C' Co<1>t O•••r P1101. Aprtr 10 191'1 ISO\ /9 PUBLIC NOTICE • P UBLIC NOTICE lt.eott7 LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF CALl,-OltNIA OFFICE OF ST&TEWIOE HEAL TH l'L4NNING AHO DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTI([ I'> H£ AEOY GIVEN lftdl "'(' Olf•(,. ot \t-tt.-w•O.-t'ft•Uf'\ Plt\n n11'\Q dt'KS DrmOC>n"t'-rit ••If ('OftOuc t 1 pUht•< ,,__....,, OtJ "'n 1n.· dPillt<-•t1on ro, C.trllf•Cdf~ o• N• ,.tJ tor th4t tOtlOWH'lQ ttlC•lltt F•<llif¥ ~'' w pOrt Unt*"r Suro1t al 1'6< '"'' ... I AYOC.HIO A~ue 'ltwPOrl 8'lac", CA 91t60 .. p. ..... Pul>lt-Or41110t CNst ~ ,._, • II 20, 17 arid Mey 4, 11, 1t19 1m.19 P UBLIC NOTICE ---------------NOTICE OI' IUl..K TllANSl'E" tSECS•ltl tl07 U.C.C:.I NOi•<~ is "~•eb'( QI•~" to '"• Crea1ton OI PATRICIA HOPKINS PORTO, Tr..,.\ltrff, wllo.e INslnlrU <Mldre\\ " 48W (•\I 111n ~'"'· ~l6 Mo•. Count r ol Or dftQO' St•ltt of C.ht0tn.•, lfWI. OUU1, ,,4.,,,., I\ •oout 10 l:IP M<llJ•• IU OORO I HY E. f AUL IC PIE A itnCI A G (HO TINER, T '~"\tttt~\. wno'4.t bu\in~~~ dddff\-' IS •IUI E•'' '"h~.,~~1. co..~• Mtw.C-ty ,.r O••"Ot St•••ot (•l1lorn1• I' I ,- . ' P\.181;-lC NOTI E .,Jiit NOTtn TO C9IOIT04t' *'~'" \U ... lllOllCOUIT 01' TNa p au NOTtet; "CTITIOUt avtiiftu - ....... ITAtlMaNT f!le IOH!hlll"-M.._1 Ire •• ,,., ~11e .... "A '9 OI' CM.I f'CMU•IA POa • THI OOUN" ~ OllAQI 111 llW INJtff Ol lhe t 1-11t l OITH MAltlC ll U 0.C.ff- MIOWAY CITY AUfO IOO't .A Ol IA IL., •••II v• ."" ... St M-o (lly C.A'-j) ,_., ., ~ ... " ""' )el ~~" lll , ... ..,.ll"tl ....... 11 (,A N0 ll(( I\ ~l llf8'1' COIVIH 10 '"''"'or' ~"'"' (l••m• ~'""' 11\i! •••11 o. ....... ••Ill• .... <letltl\ 1111 ... olh•• •I llW , ...-~ 01 lh!J .,,,_,..II • ourt or to llf•\tlll t11er11 I• llw 1111 °""I~ •I Ir. <>1110 OI Ml(HAJl J MIULll JAii l-y ..... Mo.UI \,.lie CA ,.,., 11 ll•ll•r ollt< • '' '"• •l<K• ., ... , • .,,,.,) ., Ill• "" ........... ... ••I -"'"' ... ~1••11•"4 l'C> U10 Ul•I• \it.II tle1m• ••Ill [llf " ..... ., 0 ~•IHltk i.r • ltCleJ ="'tie LA, """ltnetM ._ .. , (4 ,,..I_ 0 ...... "'".A v ... e..rell 'l>I -y (lly, •)'t,)} fh" MlfWU ,, ,_ .. ,, ... ., • _.,_,_"'---.v ~.,, , .... ···-•• , 111.0 •1111 IM ""'"''' '"'"'" .. o..,... c-.i, ... ....... ,.,, "'""nMI• ............... It~ ........ -•••~•"lH 4li\ •t\Jf•w•• •itrU4\ fNf' "'°"'"' •H" W '"•I l>Ullil<•Hlllf< .. ttu' "'°'''-• "'-"'*·-o.-c...a CMll'J "'"" u.1 ... ~ ,, •. "" 1.LO<NAlllO CL Yl>l 1U 0 "-"'°'"''""Wiii ·---.lollCHAIL J .loll~I• At ......... '-- Hlt T...., ...... ~ .... CA._ h t 11111....,_ .-,.IM1-Or-t.H•I U.t1t ,.,,,,. .... • u ,. ti ,,,. ,,,.. ,. PUBUC NOTICE A"91 OtlCMI Ill fO \MOW C.VH ~CMt """,..' o~ •-• ¥1t.Hi.LLC ANN( J .. (011) 11•• .. ,,. IJ 10, II lllMr I lt lt 11'4) r• ··-• Pet.l"tll "' 1111\ ,..,, fOf ....... O•' ••t•••'-t 11eh t;o.,., to <h•ft~• l'•t ,.,.,... I•-"°llHl 1 l l ANNI J At(HI\ te .... ILHlll l A"NI P lU.U: NOTI E • 1ua W "''••oacoua ro;; '"' \lAllOf'CALl,OlllNIA 1'0 11 fl .. COUNlY 0 111 OllANOI. NO A •lllt lo O llCI 01' N L A•11o o O" P't flTION TO 04ITllU1UNL TITLI. TO 1'1 11 \0MAL l'lll O l'l ll fY , ......... c....-1 •1 Ill Ille Motlltt ol tn• l:•l•I• ol WAL I ~R II 00Jtlll¥, l.>tlcu- I O •II --· <l .. mlnQ ... 1nler••I 1n fl\;! --• l>'Ol'Of•IY ""'••Miler o .. ,,.- NOllCC I) HERE;ll'I' C.l.,V(N 1"'°1 llANI( OF AC#i:RICA NAllONAl l ~USI AN O S AVI N GS A > ~1A 1100.. Eae<utot or "" W111 01 I"" ........ ...,_ oe<eelltft1 h•\ 111.0 ""'"'" • pet1ti0ft tor Olltrtn•fMt•on ot Ulhf to the ,__., •• ,,.,.., O~\Ct•OtO Get ·.onal Pf'oPe'1¥. 'eftrtn<• to wnH h '' m(fO. fOt tuf'thtt O•rl h .. UI•''• .en<t ltt1U ,,.. hmt •nd Plfl(I ot .,.,.,,no 1tlt \•l'n4t ntt\ been >et tur M1ty 1, tYlf# ~• Q 00 ft m '" tnr t<>utucwm or DcQ41rt m1tnt 1 Ot ""cJ t.uutt 1tl /UO (11111t (..\nt•r Orivb Wft\l ~•n •• An" C.•tttotn1.a t "t' propient -Mf'l•t." •\ ,,,_ \uh1f'tt ot tn.-CNlihon 1\ oe~ r1bf'G ., •0110 ... ~ •t t•t. WNI~ QOIO rtnQ tOfltt\1n1nQ ,lo \1~1• cut o.~, •P1U0•1m•te1v Ot~ f'tt<I\.. IOI.ti ...,,.,Oh• )4 <h ~ M•rou1.._ ~ \yntn.,.11c t·m,r.eld •DOtOc1tn.1te1y t SO Ch Cl•+mdnt "•,-O•n•• J W~r. E11.ecvvu: ot the Wtll Of A,..,.I ... ( Oo<r~t, <leCM\td. b l One ldd16 O•.-mond rinq tenter o••rnof\d wetQfit .,P0,-0•1mtttwty l·'.c. <I\ H I in lll•O""'m tnOUnllng wllh •1>- pro•1 m•1e1y 14 • 1 pt '"'91• c111 O••-~ •• Clal,,..111 l(lpp Pt1ttlitfl, ~·~cu tor ol I"• Wiii ot E"•t S. P••"°"· decNseo. • CI One c..-Sllll"9 1¥0fY 8..00• Wltf' \t9ftd eQOf'OlH'TktttlY 4 IMhe\ by • •"tne\ 1n \.u:e -(1.um•"' -<•t"ryn 011 tt you wt\h to \ietll. 1~ oOY•c-ot 4n <tHOrney 1n Utt\ matltf, )'OU ttrtOufd 00 'ta Pf'OmPllY ~ tr..Jt your pl ... ttdtng •t ,.,,, m•v oe tiled on umt- Cl~•~o M.orcn 23 1919 I.EE A IJ~<l"lt.H Or.enq--Counh ( h-,. b y f '.tnt.h w HfittJ1nv J~ Oei>ul'f ltlCHARO F llUNICLE, ESQ •110 FLEMING. ANOEASON, M<.CLUNG & F INCH >01 EHi C:..0.-8 1•0 , SI• Ilk l'.a~lteM, C.alJIOflllt "IOI '"' 44-12 -~io Att•r11eys for E•ecvtor, BANK OF AME lllCA NATIONAi. TA UST ANO SAVINGS USOCIA TION P1llllt\~ 0.-CAM•I IJ••I• P•IOI Aor •· IJ. :io. U, 1~19 1 ,_t>-19 'I N(t\ f()H ! It I\ twr•o• tit()ili1ta ... ,., •11 p.;\Of\\ 1ftl11:f,.'\l•J ttt U• nwltH •'tJ.'•M•\I fiP Vt'•' b-h.Wt H\1' \41\ill~ t 1n t\tt~f't,,...~I Mo • •' < ..,., (41'nftf o, tvt-W1\I W"t~ A"-t.i1t\##'n1ft on M•11 I t-#1¥ •' '' a& u k.9' • • ,., •no t""" ,,,., '"'-'~ •fikJ.¥t "~._... 1t •"¥Utt t P\41\lf •l\t \.l•O Wl1I"""' t\11 (~ tlf t\-it-Mc: '\f\eu:Mt "OltHtq•Mtt~ I\ I\ hlf tf'Wr Ofd!H'-tct f~f •t.O()y Of fhl\ Ohkt 10 \ftO• , • ....., 4ilit! pu(Mt~niea m ttu. OA•l.Y ••tlOT •M•toO•~r ot09,..., •• c.1uwt4lt.ofl. OVOh\IWd '" tnl, tO\lnty 41t IUU ~· • -· kl< IOllr <<>n-.<vlr"" •H •H>loor IOll\00.YOIWtOM•r tnlj O•leo '"'-'"n ti, 1tlv BRUCE W $UMNlH ~1'°9e OlllV .....,.,'°' C.0..•1 MICMAl:I. • IUlllKHIAUM ..,_•'•uwc..- Mts...111"1 'Street, , ... 11 ... , ... ._ • ., ... Toi 11141 m mt, MJ 1't1 Alltrf\ey IW l'et1t-r Ml<IMll•A-JKM\ PuDl1\""'2 Or.•noo (i>••I IJ~•IY 1>11v• Mdt JO 'no Av• " ll 1Q. I'll• 11/J I• .. lJIU.I (' NOTICE 11 llUI lllUSTNe.t .. J on M•v • 1'1~ •t It 00 o <toe.' • m l'IA'>I AM C.RI CAN TITLL lf"SUA AN<.,C. COM P AN Y, •• Sub\t1tuh<J Tru~I~. by lhr <.frt.t•" Ond of lru\I UO<ul.O D~ EOWAAO • F A,A NI( CHERNOW, • ""Ill• "l.tn. dfld •eCo•dtJ<I Seplomber 21. 1918, •• Oo<ument 1>10 28ll9 In Boolo. 118)1, P•9e ISH ol 0 111<1•1 Reco•d• ot 0••"9• Co11n1v. Cllllo •n•• •nd our~u•nt to lfwt cerl••n NOO<.tt ot Oel•ull •"d E lec l1on 10 Se ll ll'>~•eunder <'KOfUtcl J61111.t,.., }. 1919 •• Oocummt NO Sl81 •n eoo .. 1198V. P•9e I S91 ot Oltttl.tl RtcO•O• of O••nQo Co11n1v. will undttt •MO ou"uan1 10 wod Otto ot TruSI "'" •I PuDh< •U<llOn !or «hn ldwlul mo,_.,v ot tne United Stel~ o• Aimen<•, ot tnr South 1p.1r-.1,,Q 1011, t!ntrdn<e 10 tnc F-1n,1 Amtricctn Tru·u Contpctn'I' t>u•IO 1no IO<•ll!O .ti 01 H M .. 1n Slrttl, In lf'tf' t 1t1 ot S...nldl Arw. Caht0<n1.t oll '"~' r ,o,.t t1t1~ ..lno 1n\~r~\I <.on-.,r "'1" lo "nd nuw ,,._kJ Dy 11 unOt<r w1d Def"d f'lt f ru't tn tM OfOC>f'tly \1tudt~ 1n ''"' C.ount., .-no !>t.-tlt-Ot:\C,r1bef;I ct\ LO I 11/ 01 I R"CT NO Jl6J .• , \flown on d rTWP rt<orded 1n Boo' 111 P..t9t\ ]/ to 41 tr'ICIU\tYf' Of Ml\ Ct"llanPou\ ~o .... •f"I tnit ott1ct"' ot Hw Coyn•y RecoroPr ot w•d Cour"tlY E.A~I dll Otl# C)4\ dnd fThl'lefdh dftd otP\~• f\ydrO(.ar°"" \.ub\l111Krs d"O mineral\ l>ttnQ btlO• d dept" of SOD '""' trom th~ '\urfkf' thereot. b"t Wi!hOut t-"t r1ont of ttnlrlf Oil UM! \llr r.t~ ot w10 Ill,_, WW' ttw pu.rprc)\.t o• to•. ~0<1nq tor orv~fop1nq, proouc •"'Q. r,. _ mov tnQ .a"o m•r ~l't•no \cl•O ~ub .. PUBLIC NOTICE fll·ll llS SUl'EAIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CAL.,OllNIA FOii THE COUNTY OF OAANOE NO.A· .. SSI "()TICE OF HEARING OF PET· If ION 8Y EXECUTOR ANO BY SURVIVING SPOUSE FOii OllOER Ol lll ECTI MG TAANS Ff.11 O F l'E RSONAL l'lllOPE•TY llSl.$-U JI E\l•lt of F. 0 STEPHENSON ••• J r.RRALO OANIEL STEl>t<ENSON .-.a O"N STEPHENSON, ~e.wd NOTICE IS HEREbY CIVEN 1"11 P~H l 1onus, LLOYOS BANI( CALIFORNIA ""d JACOVELINE A STE P HE N!.ON , ·~~P~t ll ull f repn"nt, IW• filed here • petition IOf Order c1tre<••no 1'att\fer o• P~non•t Pr-<ly ot the dH.••~'" oe'1•"'"'9 to •9"tt,.,._ ent"'f!O Into -••by hf' bf't•me • 9.-ner•I O.lrtner 1n • C1lll0<n"' -r•I oerlr.et'VMP 11._n •O EECOl .. rtst ..... 1Grouo IEEC.01 WHEREFORE. Petll10ttets or•y tor •n °'°"' O•rechnq Pecihoners to de· lt•l'r '"" NOi~ """ O....d ot Tnal lo t:ECO and d11,.c.ll1>9 Pe1t1t-o to c• ec..ult •ti docum11nh ntces\ar~ fo tu1QOholt~ tr\t' Not~ 1n w ch • m•nner ., lo m .. ke the ~um) c:iut! thereundft P•J•DI~ lo EECO •nd lo W~lllul~ EECO 1n !111<e OI lhe 0.<.eOtnl •• lht 1>eneltc1•rv ot the Ot!eo 01 f ru\I by"' \tCJftMMC ot otrwrwn.• ~ r•tetf'n<f' to whk " t\ n"\riiJOf-fOf further Nrt•<.ut•r\.t •ncl 11\•I ~ ltme -pl•u> OI he•tt"9 '"" S.tme ~ Dfff'I '>el !Of MAy 11, 1919. •• 9:00 a.m., 111 IM <ounroom 01 Oeperlmenl No. l OI ""'0 court,"' TOO C1v1c. Ctonl9f' Of"h•f WH I, 1n II\•• C.tly ot Si.tnt41 Ana, CaUtOf'nl4J O•teo "4>1'•110, 1979 LEE A. 6RANC.H. CountyOerll VllllTUE & SCHECK, IHC Je~C.'*-91 "Cwpw-l'lau Dn n P.O. hc2"tt Nt._t 8N<A, CA '1* All.......,1 ""' l'ttll-•• PuDlts.rwd Ora119'l Co.lSI 0 .11, Pilot, 'lptll IJ, 20, 11, 1'179 l•l• 19 PUBLIC NOTICE -·,~ NOTICE CW TlllUUEa 'S $ALE T.$. N .. llfJ °" April v. ",.· at t 00. m • CAL FED ENTERPIUSES •• C11ttom1• <o•PM•llon, es Oul'f -"'"" fru•lee un6er -~-1 10 Oeecl of Tru•I rt<D<"oed Aorit 2t. ""· H Inst. No. 101,., In boOk ,.20, l>.t9fl IO, OI OlloCIAI RKOI$ In llW Ollke OI the COunty RKOnler of Or-Co;;ol\'(, Sl•t• Of C.itllloNM•, Wll.,L SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH (prfebfe •• lime ol Wit In 1.-IUI money of IM Unii.d St•ltSI A! the Soult\ l~I entrefttt to IM Old C-ty ~. ;n the City of s..,.. t• An1, GtlttonM•, •II rl9'11, llllt - lnltr••I c.ot1¥tYtd lo~ ,..,. !Mkl by It uncMr Hid Deed OI h u\l In 1114' ~r IY \ltUli.d In Mid Collnl'f •ncl St•lt described es: Lot 2 In Block ll of N•wPorl Bet< II, •s 1'IOwn on 1 M.itp recoroeo In Booll J, p~ U 01 Mlscet1•n1011• M•os, records 01 Or•n9e CounlJ, c.4110f'"la. '"" \Ir.et -S --<Ofl" lnOfl dftltMt-. H ony, DI I"* re.I orOH<IY _...,-·IS purPQf'ltd 10 be: 2702 O<tM Front, N-Porl 8MCh, c.lltonlll. T ... ~ TruJlft OIS<ltilft\ efty llec>illty tcir MIY lncorn<1MH OI lhe •1•"1 _...., -other UWIWMl'I 0."9nel!.i, ".,..,, ,_ "'"1 ... sMct .... wllt lie INCle, DUI "'""'°"' ,_...,,. .. ..,.,.,..,, tlQll'Hi or Im· p4 .... ,........ litM, ..... \loft, Of ~""""_,., .. P<IY tllt -· ,, ..... -.. -..... ,., ~""" &y UICI 0 H d ef TtwU , 19 •Wll: MJ,-S, 10. wtlfl ~t """9n, • ........... lft.., ...... ,,. -~ tftY, _.. ... --.. Mild o.e. Tnitt. '-~ encl••--, ... ,,,_.. ... 9' '"' lruAtt ,,,.1 &y MICI Oillldol Tnitt. The MMfk i¥Y under t<tld 0..0 Of T rwtl ...,.,...,.. e .. t wltd efltl llWACI ID the ..,..rtlened • wrl DKl«-1.• Of Def .... t -ter S•I•, -e wrlne11 N•l k • OefHll MCI Ee<\'-1 .. s.tl, ni. Cler•le"9C1 <tvtff •elel N•llU o o.teutt Md fltCtleft .. ,... to ... c~ Ill .. c...cy .....,_ tllt ~··---. 0.Md Mwc.11 n. ,.,,. CAL Fl!O INTllU't .. ll!S • Cit ....... c:or-. ...... ,~. ltr! DMele e.lt ..,,..,,,.. Or .... c...t O.ll'f l"j ""' .•• '*-.. "" ,,... .... 1\( .. \ f nf' .,trtott .ck)r~\\ of "••d Ofe>pertv •\ purporttd to Ot t11l 8.al'l•m.t Or1¥e, CO\I• ~··· C••ll. 92676. T..., unde-t\t9ned d!~l~1m~ dn~ hab•l•t'f fot any 1nC0Hectnl'\,ot '"" •lre..I addren .. nown ner.tfn SitHd "'11~ •ltf °"' mtldf' ,,.,tnou• lOY,nttnl or NAttdn11 t • pre\\~d Of" •mo•1t."d, •h 10 ftlt: fltlt pO\~~'''°" Of ,.f'l(umbrant~' to '\•ff\I\' tnt-r,.m.a+n1nq or1m•Ofltl \um Chit" on ll'e not-'W"<l.111'<1 by ..... d ~o o• r n.11 to "''' U 0,19\ 00 w1tn 1ntt"re s.1 ther~ lrom o-u mbfr 10. 1919, plus ldl~ Ch•rq .. '\. •\ Pf"OY,Of'd ,,, S••d notr t?Qttr.er w1tf\ teic\. t"4<Qe"\ ~ f'• """"" ol ..,.. Tri.\ltt -\11<n ol~r \um\ cl\ ~., rwvo been ach '•n<tid by tf'e awner ¥Id hOh'Mr ot Wtd nott-, With 1nl•re•I. -. oro••Otd lfl w•d 09ed ot Trust OATEO -li..t9tt, FIR~f AME RICAN fl TL(. INSURANCE COMPANY 8J BE"Y MERUCC.I Aul,.,.llf!O Ollt<e<- Publ"Md 0.""9' Co.lst 0..ly Pllol Apr IJ, 10, It, 1'19 U )C).I• PUBLIC NOTJtE R·941U SUl'•IOlll COURT OF THE U ATE OF CAl.IFOaNIA l'Dlt TH£ COUNTY 01' SAN OIEGO NO.l'Nl- NOTICE OF SALE OF lllEAL l'lllOPElllT'I' AT l'llllVATE SALE. (on .. r.•tor~1p ol IM Perwn .ti'<! EslalO! ol MARGARET C GARBUft COt\WfYt1fet NOl•CE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11\ol rHOMAS 0. TURNER, Con>-et¥;tlor ol lhP Person •nd Esl•le ol 1~ •DO•~ mentioned Con\.e<vat~. will .M:!ll •t P11v.1e Sale, 10 1,.. n1oroe'1 and l>t\l D•~r. \U01t<t to confirmation of W•d Suoe•io• Court. on or •lier Ao111 1l. nn. al lh• oltt<f ol RICK VON ORAIC , AllOtr"'y al L<I#, •11 Hort" F19 Slrttl, Su•I• l(U, Es<ontt10o. COUftly OI Sin Otll!QO, !>!•It ol C.lolo•n••. dll lh• r.qnt. t•tlf' •ncS interest ot '°•ict C.on~rr\IAtl-<lf' 1n .and to •It lh~ tert•ln re•I propenv \ttuAted In tM C:Ou1'l't of Or.t ,.Qt, Sl<lle 01 c .. 1o1otr11•. p•rlicu••••v oo'>C.rl114!<1 n lot lows: Partrl t Owttlt•no Unit "8 " 1n 8u1IOln9 NO JOIS, •\ U ld Un11 •• ~f\own .lftd CMf 1ntd on '"•' cert••" Conoom•fll""' Pt.,. •HK-to •ncl m•de • P•'' ot lh•t ,,.,,,.,,, Oec1.,.,1_ OI ~I\, c.ono11-s encl Resir.cllort• rec0<-JM1U••f II, 1911 '" 8-•~20. ~ 11S 01 Ott1<lel Ae<ord\ m U. office of l!W Counly Recorder ol Or•n9" C.011n1.,, C.alll0<nla, -M'I Ulldt•lded l/tOOtn inttre>I in -lo ell 1,..t Po'11on of Lot I of t ree.I No.11111. ••s-on a map retOfded In 8-:Kl. ~s l7 ...., 3e 01 Ml\cell....ous Mll>s. rec,010' ol OraflOe c.ou..1.,, C.lllon.1•, -- dtfllMd •s "C'.omfnon A~a" on 1114' -ve reteffed to eonoom;nkHT\ Pllft, Eac"'4illQ lny POrlloft Of Lott A, 8 •nd col Mid T•.ite:I No. l12t ec1Joi11i"9 WtdLOll, Perttl 2 : N o"·eac luslwe e•uments fOf 1"9reu Ind egren, PUbllc 11111111.s, M Wtr$ •nd for •II purpo•es ln<ldeftl•I tMreto, ln<.luttlng, Dul not llmlled lo lhe conslr1Ktlon, lnl1ll•t1on, rep lacement. rtP•lr, m•1n1e~e. Ollff•lioft ano ww ot •II nt <tua ry or dtslr•ble ro.td••u . slcltw•lks, cOlldYlls o.,., ll>e tooow1n9 tlUC r.lled lll'CI LOIS A, • -c of Traci No. lilt •s s-on • ~ rec...,,.., In 8- ,.,, peoes J1 -•Of Ml-llt1•Htl\ Maps, records Of Or•119e County, C•lllonwa. Seid ree l properly Is m o re comrnon1, .._ .itS >01s.e Vie e-. VISI•, lattift• Hlllt, CalllOf"ll fu l1we Wllfldco11dotmt.....,,,1. Terms Of lilt •• c.esll In lawlvt m e11ev of IM Vlllltel Sl •lu on COllflrmtttlln "' ..... W !Nf1 <41111 .... bMel'lc•~ ......... _.., Mor••••• ., Trwat OHtl Ofl Ill• pr....,1, to ....._ Ten 1101 tllf' cMtt Of IM~llleltollt.....-..wltll Illa. .aids ., ofttft to W In wrltlno tllCI Wiii lie !'eOIYH et llM eforeMld .tfk e at ""'' tlfN ettw tllt llniC llUllficetlOll lltAOf .... "'*'°"'a. Of ..... Seid Ceur1 It le<tleel et 3U i. -ln>M Or1¥t, Vllll , CAM1•nlt tJOU. o.1 .. :~11a1.m• llk l VWI °'*'• ,,........,fw Ctll•o...., TMINa 0. Tll<Mt •te• VOtl MA« .. ...., .. LW . ................. ........ a1<---.~..U Tt11 11MI,...,., ........ ~ .. ~i... °"""" ae.. Deity~-. ~It U, It, lO, ltft tQWt ... --· -.. ··-· --.. . . . . . .. .. . . --·-·---.-.·· ..... .. 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s .I F I E D • 5 6 7_ 8 fndlo(. April 20; ~t19'------- The Biggest Merketplace on the Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT C~ASSIFIED ADS You C•n Sell It, Find It, Trade It With a Want Ad ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• lOUAl HOU&INCl OPPOIHUNll 'Y ~.,.'tHoffu: ll rl'Ol l"fil •h: advcrt•~l·fl ui lhll> rww:.paper 11> i;ulJ J•'f1 lo th\' l-'1•(kr!ll fo\ur Huui.lna Al'l ol t~tlll ~ hll'h 111:.ik··~ ti 1 ll1·g .1 I Io .1d Y(•rl l'j1• ' JHI ~· fll 1' '"'l'lll't•. hm1tn11011 . 111 1hM·nrn111at11m hu~1·cl 1111 rart'. color. rd1$:1un w\ UC' nul1onul un.:111. or .m mtt•nuon to mJkl· tiny i.uch prdercm'l'. ltm1tJ Uun, ord1l1cnminat1on · This news papt•r "'ill not knowinf ly aCl'CJ>l ;my udvcrt s ing for rcu l 1.'6lale which 1:. 10 viola lloo of lhc law BlRORS: Advertisers .-.W cMck tft•ir adr. dally and report' er- rors 1_.diately. The DAILY PILOT assumes liability for the first in· cornet insertion only. HouMs for Sale ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Busy Busy Busy N1.-ed 2 sah:sJ>('r:.on:. 1m· mediate l y to handll• r~hing busm t•!>:. May work rl·ntals or not. ,1,. pr d c rrcd. ln l'ellll\c comm1ss1on splil BURR WHITE . REAL TOR. INC. 67s.4630 MESA VERDE S68,000 This 1~ lhl· bc:-.t IJu) 111 town. located 1n t:oi-1 a M 1.•:.a 's ftlll''>I neighborhood l'l11M' 111 sch ools. s hopp1n ~ or 01>1.'n spaci:. I l IS pridt• tJI owrwrstup. 2 story 11. 1th :! bed r oom s . p r 1\atl· enclosed patio. tom mumty pool and an anx 1fJU." seller. Call qw1·k ly · 751·3191. C::SELECT T' PROPERTIES POPULAR GIANT IUCCOLA !\1c:-.a Verde'!> f1 n1.· ... 1 MOVINCiTO IRVINI? TRY THESE! •3 bdrm. ~ bu . pro· fc11s1onBll Y decoroted . l.ocutcd 1n lle r1ll.lt:e rork SGOO J)('r month •230C.l llQ (t 1n Nonhwood. Ncw ho mt.:. •I huJ.:t• bdrm11. J bu S650 per month. M2·4471 FHA/VA S86,950 1-:.1'>)' krrn ' :1 Ciani 111.'l:lrm:. 2 huth f11m1ly ruonl. 11. 0011 11 urn in i.t I 1n•pl,1<'l'. h•dl'J 11. a ) puuo. 1Jr11·k BBQ Al·t 111111. · Th1·r1· 1;. uni~ nn1" • (';di .>lh ~II:! .. **U.S.** *VETERANS* H1-t·1.•11l thiJll).!1'' 'n \.' A l't•).!'> m<•~ l'llal1h• 'ou tu QUUIJI) for 51110 CHIU li11mt• luan.-.. with ul1i.olutl'lv 'I;() DOWN I' 1\\' M 1-:NT . World Real Estate ;m Or:..111-t .. l'uLWll) f 1 r ltll '11\.'\'liJhtmj.! 111 \ \ hulll\' l(11m-. W1.· rt< tht• \' t-:T~ I.hat hl'lp Lh1.• \' ETS For morc info 1•all lilt Mort°"• Aqt. 541-0800 EXECUTIVE'S OMLY! Ci11t;ml1c Hcpublu.• h1r1 llC'n 2 .. tory ,\ dn1iJm1< CIJ' crt'tl cnl ry . l i.:1,1 n1 bl.'!Jrrn:-.. :i h.11h.;, g ;i rd1.·n \' , ,. \!, r ;1 m I I \ r 1111 Ill Elc•gunt k1tdwi1 '" 111111111.( rm ll1d1.•a .... ..1v fl·'''" Lowe,.t pr11•f'd h1111h• 111 .• n.,, '\ 11:1011 lh'nll•· 1111" 1·all ;, It. "·11:1 TRIPLEX Great Income!! !'>m,.:k ... tory ownt•r unit 11.1th :! townhoUsl' dcs1i.:n ro;>ar un1ls 1\ll 11. 11 h iinv:lll' palm. W I> honk ur> & ind1v1dual l•m·111,.cd g :1 r a i.: 1• s (.' a I I n u 11. ti73 HS .. 'ill ~·1 ', I , 1 • I • I I , Double i:atcd 1.·ourtyard $67,500 adds to elegant entry to TOTAL PRICE exquis it e l1Y1hi.: rm lmmaculall' townhome Huge family room . 2 011 quiet C'Or nt·r :i ma ssive fire plat'l'S, Sunshtnt• bt.·drms, 2 bath, gourmet kitchen. formal bnghl. sunny k1tl'hen. dining r m . 5 C1ant b · k t 1 k bcdnns. J baths. J t .1r n c pa 10 0 ''rr 00 '"I.! greenbelt. J\ fantast11• g ara~l'. P lu:. 17 X Ill home al Sj;7.SOO Ejsy f>parklmg pool St8!1.!ll HI terms. M t no"• :i-1G·2.113 Total price Cull nu11. .• . •• ~· . ['®~lfi$Hill] [ ~ liV&IHI] $66,000 UPGRADEO MESA DELMAR 2300 SQ ft. Of luxury IS what tttis 5 bedroom. :J balh. 2 story hom1.• of fers. New rusl c arp1.•ting. appliances & paint h1g hl11(hl this lov('ly home. The ownl·r!> an• motivated. so makl' an offer. Pull pnce S12a.!IOO Call~~. c;::: SELEC T I PROPERTIES EASTSIDE CONDO Least expe n s 1vc . 2 enormous bdrms. t'O<'h with walk in closets Double bath upstairs . 1 BR I BA down, SUJ>('r land scaped p at io . Custom drapes. 1741TUSTIN.13/\ O'PENSAT/SUN 1·5 400 E.17" FOR All C.M. uw Super rh:un. J LMrm 2 Ba. fircplarc. plus h carpel. new pa ml Creal lol'allon •''ntt·-g-4--i-m-. ,..., ..... ;;-m-m-. 962·4471(r:J •: 54 S·:; 'C3 EAST SIDE COSTA MESA Like new J bdrm . 2 ha t(lmplelcly nmo1klt-d On large lot. 11. 1th dl'· lachcd 2 car garucj'" ,•x tra parkini;t. l'n Cl'I. r1i;:ht at Sl.24.900 associated BROKEAS-·REAl TORS 2111 ', ~ Batboo l>-' 1 Jbtd SelJ things fast with Daily Have somethinl-l to sell'' Pilot Want Ads. Classified ud~ do 1t wt'l l (842-5878 ) \\' 1 .. ~1 '" y ~ ~YLOR CO. I :J ·,'\:.T1 >!\:-.. ',1 111 1· l~Hh LIMDA ISLE HEW EXCLUSIVE OFFBJMG Pier & s lip f o r a la r ge b oat ! Artistically designed front courtyard with a brick bridgeway across s mall pool & huge jacuzzi. Large rooms throughout this lovely quality built 5 bedroom home on exclusive Linda Isle. Parquet hardwood floors In lar~c t>n tr.v ha ll . Fami ly room w ith slcp-down wet bar. formal di nt n~ room & ~ baths plus powder room. Conlang~nt contracl signed. Back·up • offC'rs <.1tcepled WESUY H. TAYLOR CO., IEALTOIS 21 I I San Jooqui11 Hills Rood NEWPORT CEMTER. H.I . 644·49 I 0 All you need J~ . toknow in • Real Estate. Ill< I W""' HI \I I\ ''"" l\ll\ A TTENTIOH GOLFERS THIS 3 IR, 2112 IATH. 2 STORY HOME IS FOR YOU ,..R HEWPORT GOLF COURSE & IACK IAY IARGAIH PRICED AT SI I 0, 900 OWNER MAY HELP FtHAHCE R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640-5112 -------------BEST BUY NEWPORT BEACH I l11·dro11m". 3 hath,, plu!-i added IJonu!'> riwm. 11n la\\. quartt•rs. s tudio or hol>by room) Prrme lo(·a t1 on Jusl I Isl c·cl S153,500. Bernita Eilerlsen, Realtor 675-2373 -------------FOURPLEX NEAR HOAG WALK TO BAY!! One Call Service Faat Credit Approval CONDOMINIUM WITH CONVRIMCI 3 IN.__ wftWtl w ..... .-...Ce to *"'' .................. to ... .,.... Cewter.TtMia,awl......,.._.C.... .. Mor Khoot1 wttft an affardalll1 led 8"M. SllS,000. GROWING PAINS? This spocioe1s 4 bedroom, l ba"9 U11henity rark ~ hos "°°"' to ~ ..... ....,. ho111• OYH' Hparot• cMtochld goroge. fof'tMI diRilMJ Clftd faty rOOM. o..tsid9, • 1ye-cotc'9i11CJ pool-sla~ cowtyord witft access to -.. IMRCJ anas Clftd ,.... peffo. ld•al for 1nt•rtohtl119. Ln•rlo111ly oppoitftd. <>Wy .,.. of 6 ....... c1o .. to schools. shopping, .r1cr1otlon 011d fruwoys. co ........ ity pool ond ....... $169,500. 644-7020 NEWPORT BEACH 499-4551 South Loguna 497-333 1 Laguna Beach 495-1 720 LCICJUna Ni«)HI 493-8812 Dana Point I BLOCK 2 IUCH. I BLOCK 2 SHOPS J<ll•<JI lo<'~•twn tn qua int Old Coron<.1 del ;\l <11 . um· hind( lo Big CoronC:1 . one hlock tu 'hop ~. restau l'an t s and Sl·rvrecs This :l bedroom home has J haths . a den. r<.·modeled kitchen and a 11ghl. bright. t hl'ery atmos pher e . It is .1 Corona rh.'l M<ir classic at S255.000 U,_.IUUt=' Ii()~ S Hf/\! TORS ·, 6 15 6000 .1443 1-d~I (.,1"1~1 H1qhwoy, Corwi.1 d11I 1\1,11 11•1!1 Iii f\1, '1 I \lt•lt It 11 fJ•ll 1 111)l)lj Uu.covl•r lranqu1 lily and ... ph·nrlur IHH'l' ~OU t'nl .. r thru ~iJnh·o l'nl n <inil l!!!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!l!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!!!!!ll!~ ma .... s 1' c J ou bit• door' St•puratc gu1.·..,1 quJrll'r' 5 m~-.1\1: bdrms. ~1gan I I ( f •• m I l >: r II II m . .;µac1ous dining rnom with f1rt•placc. liJri.!1• ru...,wm !>001 with JUtu1.11 iJrnl f1rep1l. RV Ul'•'l'l>s on huge lot C311645·0303 Ilea I f:statc FOUR-PL EX LIKE MEW! $114,500 Excelle nt fourplex In \'E'stmt•nt hari;ta1n All new paint 1ns1de and out 1 All new carpl'lmi.: C\'t'fY Ullll' Supl'r rental an•a cxtre ml'ly low 'al·ant·y rail·' lnr ome S960 mu itrO!.~ l'all fast fo r pn \ate prt•v ll'W. 752 170!1 .. ~a•e If ) ovr W ~v Just "'hal you arl' IOOk· in~ for to l!l't ~ ou st a rtl'd wnh J 1.•ardrN' hfe en Joyed 1n this lovely 2br. ;!ba rondo in a pleasant 1•ommunlty w a ponl l'rtCl•? Only S7U,!JOU (;ult today !)7!1 :;:no ALLSTATE REALTORS VETERANS BENEFITS! An y Veteran who is Qu.tlified may purchase u born{' with NO DOWN FORESTE OLSON ~ c.-•••••u q ... JIEDROOM +GUEST GIANT VALUE! Giant back bay bar~a1n ' Over 2400 ft of pcaC'dul h-..inl! I HC'drms + J hath'> OR 3 B1:d rm + ..... Robert Larqe • 'llSI lla m 1llon (' w:1 Cost.i Mei.a Two Frff Tickets to tht· LONU BEACll TIIEATRJo: f'fo:STI VAL IHTHE 160MIOOM ROOM Stamng l!H8 tk !>tl 1\l· l r e s:. n o m 1 n t' t' .J 1 11 Oayburgh <1l lhl• Lo ng &·ach ConYe nl1on & 1-;n t{·rtainmcnt Cl·nti:r, :loo E. Oi•ean Hl vtl • l.onii Beach C';Jll 642·54i7H, 1•1<1 272 to claim your tic kets * *. "~parate ~ucsl1ma 1d':.I• .................. ~ c1tn. t-•ormal Ltvin~ rm ~ Family rm 2 !''pie's, Cov #) t•n-<I bnck patio. Pottini:t ":.. __ #.·.' ' hOUSl' and m urh /'j more at a barl!am prtl't•' C...11 now to Sl'l'. 673-~ ,. . ..... '" , [®IEIMll EASTSIDE PRESTIGE 3 bdrm home. New crpts thruou t Dual fr plc w cavt1levered h earth. Drama tic atrium entry. Muny o the r exc1t1ng xtras . Open Eves . ~!W91 GREAT INCOME! BALBOA ISLE 4!1 JASMINE CRt-:F.K OR Onl y !'I an Ii tSurfs1de1 Model nn lhl· r l.'sale m a r kl'l Lu'< un<>us m aster s wl(' with OCEAN ·CATJ\L IN 1\ VIEW & an adJa<'l'rll pnvate study with tt:. own fireplace. A pnvilh' commwuty with 24 hour guard S«"Vicc. bciJ UL1ful tree lined s treets and wide ~belt.'!; pools. jacuzz i . Tt-;NN l S COURTS: thl' "~ood life" -1 know I lt vc there too <Jean Cole> $244.500. COU OF NEWPORT IEALTORS 675-5511 Resid e ntial + 2 com -111111._ ________ .. WATEttFRONT MANSION 1\ m a I( n I f I l' C 11 I l' X penenct• of ocean h ving P nvate road. ~uiJrded 1·ntry, serluded SiJ ndy heach. 5 s pacious wood 11 e l' k s . A l r u e mus Le r pc 1ce for lux un ou:. living. Juf>l re durcd $250.000. CalJ ~ FORESTE OLSON "W( Ill n, l (IU ... ll il.!hly upJ?r ade d Plan V, 4 BR . f'lt I FP. J?Ou r met kitt hcn. 3 rull baths. itov1•ly e ardl•n s. To. !'lo~l·. rall !\tvrna Boom 1175 34 l i or 752·2867 ~ H.I. CONDO $59. 900 You m u s t s ec l hlb squeaky c lea n 2 bdr m condo. New crpt & paint. steps to everything. bike to beach. Won 'l last . call now! 540-3666 HAUOll tSUMD DRASTIC MEWPOttT IEACH ltB>UCTIOM fo'or Sale by Owner 6 Old Balboa oceanfn>nl 7lit:675·2030 units. Owner m ust sell -. ___ T_R_Y_V_/\ ___ _ for tax exch ange. Only w • • • ' ·• " , , SJ:l} 000 alk to beach, 3 Br. 2 I · · Ba. like new condo. ~ l@IJMI 1;;.;PLA;-'-~-~-·:_:_:_~_T_Y_~, ~· Hawkins RE. PAYM ENT! Either or! ________ _ these 2 speclal properties may fit your need: 4 BEDRQOM.giaot liv· 111g rm·bn ck fplc-earth tone d ecortne w plus h crptg. Jus~ $79,900! ·OR· 3 BEDROOM·rormal din · ing rm·cathedral ceihng· large liv rm·utll room · RV parkln1e. RENT TO OWN OR UNTIL CLOSE OF ESCROW! 1-\111 price 182.000! Dorn wall ....... . ('811 now 7$i·1700! 11•..i' 9 • ,, fl " ,,,t• • .... ['11fiMM GOLFHS DIEAM Both close to Newport Beach Municipa l a nd Sant.a ,\na Country Club Golf Club. IS BR 3 Ba, formal dlnint. se9arate family, low maintenance yard <play golf in.stead) I St.alt'ly entrance. Harbor Hig h. SlU,000 . ./Ex· cl1111ive trt level custom bulll. Sec lude d by ~IT)' Lake in Newport Beach. ' BR, ronnal din· ing. t pacious famllr. k.ltcben •+ large poo . Low maintenance Y•rd• tpl11y golf in.stu d) I ~~:!!!~ ..... .bftll.-d/f-. .... ,... .... '-'-4 flrepl•c-. OCEANFRONT HOME $435,• . c-r.•••• .1 ...... .._ • _.. M.cta...., ... ,... ........ WATERFRONT HOMESllac. ~36 w CtMSI High""'-" Nt!Wpon &arh • Sell klle items 400lll" -RIUU C.Mit'@•ws 63l•lt00 ~ 0 • • 6 tl II Ill •t I • ... • ~1 • N -OM. Y PILOT ...................... 1}ou Wanl _9'? ' UJ.JJav11 )!// NEWPOIT .............................................. ..... ,11111i111 1007 c.1111 ...... . ............................................ . ~VVDWLU 3BR.2baeachwalt. New crpl. drpl, p.lat. 1 )'111 old. 1upe r value at 1240 ,000. COA ST PROPERTIES, 17!-5410 C.... .. Mw IOZZ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ea~~-. hardwood noon, co~ c.llln11, R·I lot with plau lor MCOnd uoil. Larall auuaaable loaft. S1 ,IOO. Call NI-MIO . -s, HERITAGE fH AL TOR-. Flneet duplex In CDM. 81dr. just complelln1. !08 Marguerite. 1298.000. Submit ler m1 ·Po11.~~~~~~~~~ .,.--.,,.-.------~· Y• -Oc-VleW 2ft:OOO ~- tndet I- SHARPlST DUPUX Nelil' Goldenrod bridge. l~vely 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home & smart 2 bdrm. aP.l· over dbl. l(ur1.11Ho. t-lr!ll tame o Ucrcd . $22S,OOO. Bargain!! l'•DPI .l Rdrm N'<ft.1~.-"''h I I r l' p I 3 r ,, . 11 n OC't'.tni.1dt1 1•f Co."I II-.> • a t~nl.tl u n It o"' fl4.'f .an lllU' $199 ~10 CAMEO SHORES "'llh CJnynn \II'"' t. pn\'acy; sanJ{IP lrvl'I :1 bdnn . 2 bath,, formal dmmg rm hom<' Co1~ frpk . bt•autaful vool + k1·v to pri \ah· ot'•':J n llt'Jt'h $269 ,500 WHBE? WHERE? l'an }OU bu~ a hurne an 'r"'pnrl HC'arh for ss.:;,ooo? WC' c·.in om.or> ou .1 dlo1ce 2 bdrm . 2 bath mobilt• home• "1th C'll·C bu1lt-1ns. Just s tC'ps to thl• pnvate hcal'h on th(' bay, Wtth llOAT Sl.1 1'~ AVAJL1\H1,t; BAY& BEACH 450 NEWPORT CTR DR 759-0811 OCEAMVIEW Sup('r sharp 2 hr t\11<,o l.aRuna Condo. Thi• 'll''A !!> ~real. lion t m ass U11:-. ooc. Paulf'rankhn 979-~ ~~REAL-ESTATE ~ ENTERPRISES Want Ads Ca II 642·54>/K CAMYOM-OCIAH VIEW ~,·,·lud'"' , 11.,111m hit . mulll 11.'H'l wood ' t:l C ~ honh' W Ul\OU'-lrUl'll'tl \ ll'W l''t•Jtun.•'\ nHl,tf'r -.1111\•. formi•l clln1 n._!, ,,~.,.\ ~I :o..'t'(I m k1tdwn in t•arth tutlt'!) H 0 n U ~ l ' J \ I t' \.\ cl l' l' k f 0 r e·ntl~I hHl\ln).! CAMEO SHoats Ot't'.lll '"'"'· ~l'l-' th1.., cw;tom built. •l l.ulrna. home w t f~m1ly rm .. dining rm . '<1t1lted <'t-ilm~s. view from mo~t rm ~ Opl'tl a11ct ~padous . Profess. laud"t'U IH'rl t\t·tess to private ht«tc ht·:>. Fl't' l.m<t ASIC FOtt IOI OR DOVIE KOOP 631 -1266 Of' 6 75-4840 RE/MAX of cOite -.... w•~ .. ~wporl !Mech. IM. 2 l 4 l. I 7tti Str-t, Cott• MeM U I· 120 ~utinnV. adt-Nl'l'Aork or lnd1,·1dunlh ll'An\'tl ant.I Opcralt•d Rt•:tl l':.'>tatt• orrit-i .... * SHORECLIFFS * A most immaculate 2 story home in best arNc of CdM. Custom built 3 Bdrm +den. New carpets. wallpaper and interior pa int. Master bedroom includes frplc . his & he r bath & s undeck. Pvt hea<'h+vicw point. Owner motivated and will carrv 1st TD at 10',. $259.IJOO . !J55·0497 642·3263 Dc.•nms Ricketts. Realtor OWNER'S UHIT. OCH VIEW DUPLEX l>ana Poml's bco;t buy at $lli.'1.UOO B~ aµµt COASTAL l'ROPERTll::S '191H\nl DOVER SHORES Mint Col(Jn1al Estate L'harmm~ 2 story W 4 br. <h'fl. dnJ? rm. & 3 car i:ar S:!!I' J. f,11() 1:1io1\nt1gua Wa~ Opt·n Sal 1Sun l j Own Agt 54H 1>3:i:_1 BAYCREST OPEH SAT. 1-5 2039 SHIPWA Y ~EWPURT HE/\<.:ll Spacaous 3 bdrm~. :1 baths. family rm . + brkfst. rm. home m de IJghlful ;irt'a ol BAYCRFAc:;T• 2 Frplrs. patio. spnnklcrs. l'nn·d to sell at 5205.000! JUST LISTED!! OCEEAHFROHT 4 UNITS macnab I Irvine realty Br.;t locat1on tn Nc•wport lj(•<Jch' 5365.0oo lndud an~ lot 3<h109' ll••llt•r hurrynnlh1s' BAYFROHT Large, tlelux~ dupkx. approx. 2 yrs new; I rpk Jn each unal, 1 car J.!<traj?e: walk to all n.~1aur:inL-; & Newport Pier. Nace sandy b1•ach ~.ooo Incl. land ' LIMDA ISLE IA YFttOMT EXCLUSIVE Glamorous res idence w/sti p for 50' boat . Cantilevered deck + courtyard of blooming flowers & fountain ! Lg. family rm w/wet bar -format dining -super kitche n w/hdwd l'abincts -3 BRs (i ncl. mas ter w /sitting rm & fplc ) + maid's r m d own . $1 ,000 .000 I easehold. Appl. o nly. Cathy Schweickert 642·8235. Cl<,· 11) Balboa lay Prop. Rffffon * 675-7060 * BIGCAMYON Sec u r 1 t y it u 1J r ti c d Mon aco model. J bdrm. ..... parqu1•t entry. 3 car garaAc. beaulJful de• (·or & :1 great buy :.it $189.SOO JIM TAYLOR REALTY 64&9688 Pooltt... $120,000 EaW.-...... CMrf S4tf.ooo WettclHf-4 bedlOOMI $169,900 Oc•• Dllplell s 169,900 COSTA MESA Unih $325,000 Mesa Verde -Pool SI 18,900 Meso Woods -4 bedrOOftls s 115,500 LAGUNA View -Model Home $174,500 MANY-MANY-MORE!! Call 646-7171 IDNll UDO ISLE Bav view from 2 patio decks enhancc.s c.•ustom spacious 5 bdrm .. 4 bath .trcidit1on<.1l homr. like new. Ideal fot cntcrtaming Corner lot. $520,000. BIG CAHYOH Golf course view from spacious 5 BR, I\ b:.i . traditional home: lge. family room. pool. Jaeuu:i. $750.000 OCEAH~ROHT Quality C'raftsmanship in mahog. trim & o<ik floors sets off this landmark; 4 BR, 3 ba. home an finest location. Established trees & lawns. $48.5.ooO. IAYFROHT S<.·Vl'ral fine bavfront homes with pier & slip AVALON Wl•ll <:onstruttcd. 3 BR . I ba, oak floor. partiul bast'mcnt. concrete foundation Flats n rca. SI 20.000 Fee. BILL GRUNDY, REAlTOR 341 Boy~1dP 0 11ve N B • 675 -6 161 EXCLUSIVE 4 BR Cl~ by Cherry Lake. 4 BH 211 RA. formal dm lnl{. larA(· rum11r k1trhen. pool ;mc1 dt'ck l'errect ror l'nll:rtaan mcnt luxury hvanA home. OPEN SAT /SUN I 5 ~Hlt:i\Tllt-;R Li\NJ-: For other appotntmenl 400E.17" fORALl C.M. uus a..ilder's S~ial 4 view lots, oceanfront New home on Ba lbou Island. ~uaant, prH·cu nl{ht 2 Bdrm R·2 lot. as~um.t ble 1st. Cd:\1, lowc:it pnce 4 sharp homes. V /\ term.;, no monl'y down XJnt locauon E -sade C M custom home C.:oml'r lot. Sdler mol.1vatcd NIWPORT llACH DUPLEX T wo 2 Bd rm Units . UPG RAD ED C LOSE T O T HE B E ACH. Least l'xpcnsivc duplex listed in Newpor t Ucactt. As k for Robert Millike n 631 ·1.266 EASTSIDE COSTA MESA -. •Triplex •Fourplex •3·1 Bdrm Units + •Commercial •5 Units-Fixer •Ask for Robert MiHiken IEACHFROHT Sl47.500 $220.000 $143,000 $215,000 631·1266 Rare Penins ula Point Oceanfront Home. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY! $525.000. Ask for Darrell Pash 631-1266 EASTSIDE Costa Mua Condo No qualifying necessary. 3 Bdrm. 2 Bu. Take over existing loan. Call John Marsh3ll 63l·l266 AIR COHDITIOHED Combination family room and country kit<:hen w /f l r e pl ace. 3 Bdrms w/atrium off mas ter s uite. Only S96.500. A~k for Glen HelJwq rth 6Jl-1Z66 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Sate -EirchaftCJ• -Trade Cosla Mesa, large duplex. Clos e to park and schools. Bolh units 3 Bdrm. 2 12 Ba .. sunken li v1nJ.! rm . fireplace and private patio ~/dbl garage-.. S205,000. Ask for Roy Siemens 631 -1266 IRVIHE J Bdr. l ·1 1 na. W I D1nin~ Hm $82.900 . VA Tl'rml>. /\l>k for Hoy Siemens n:l 1 .121;t; SWIMMING POOL 2 Bdr. J1·1 Ba. w/Dming rm & larg~ k id n<.•y shaped pool SS0 .900 Roy S1emt•ns fKH -1266 YALE MODEL I Hdr. 21 :! lla. Tri-LeH•I Yale SlO!J.000. \"k for Hoy Sicme~ c;:11 .121;1; FOR RENT lliUO S<t Ft Duplex ;J Hdr. 21 ~ Ba Private p~1lio. Ohl car ).!t:tragc. All th1!-.> for $575 <>O / mo. + S3!'iO.OO Sec. Dt·p J\sk for Roy Siemens H31 1266 of costa '""°• i"iM, newport beach, Inc. 234 E. 17th Street, Costa Mesa 631-1266 Nallon~tdc Nel'Aork nf lnd1v1dualh Own<'<I und Operated Ht'~tl f:O .. tale Orrin•' IMVISl'OlS 2 Hdrm, 1arae buildal:lle ,. R 2 lo\. $'19,900. Call 546-5880 tor more det•ils. OPEN SAT /SUH 430 GOLDDIROD UNIVERSITY REALTY • 673-6510 Chanrung duple'< Step:. Lo Goldenrod O\ cr1>:A!>i. 3br, 21 -,bu. l.I pprox 1800 sq rt up1>ta1r-.. frpk, J sundcck~. orwn beam in hv rm. IJ( mslr Wrm. Downsta1N. 3hr. 2ba. llP· pro:< 1~11q fl Many up grades. Buyer has c·hoJc·e of lender. $2'10.000 Shown by appt, prtn c1ple>only.640-S078 Mkr. IELOW MARKET! For sale, Jbr Needs TLC Only $139.900. 673·4311 a~-·------- SPECTACULAR QUALITY DUPLEX ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS UAMDMEW TOWHHOMES "lrittan Woock" (F.J.1,;t:.1de &:1u Mesul 2432Santa Ana Ave. J-)lglu,h Tudor 2&3 Br split level, 2&3 car ia ragc , frp l cs. m1crowav~. greenhouse windows, pool, s pa. TENNIS court. From $89.950 646-0061 or 955-1920 Developed by Woodlree Dev. Co. IUILDUS INVESTORS 2 Hdrm home, ltirR~ bwldable R-2 lot. S7!l.!ltl0. Cati 5-10 1 lSl for more de· tailis. ~HERITAGE REALTORS An exrl'pllona I cu:. tom bit home w Jva~d wood Ix-am t•t>ihnl'(, b~lllul ., u l 1 d oak 1· a h 1n1· t ., lhruout. rµks an "' ~ rm & mastl'r twdroom .t--------· leaded 2las'> wand ow ... & -------~~~~h tale Ja<'U/ll tn * VETERANS * PLUS Let a Vet He lp You rind A charmtnR z bdrm ren that hom e you wanl lal "'tr pk & 'l'P.lr:1H• Dawn up t.o $100.000. pallod~k £?79.500 Ceil Randy Ari. 24hrs CALL 644~72 I I WORLD R.E ~ __ s4_3_._•1_2_2_ ~,~ WESTSIDE 2 ltOUSES O~ I.OT Sl5.!XXI. I"' tll <'..trr~ loan 11•11"1·rnh·al 01JC11 ll"' ~ ••• i.Jlt 12 1.io 1 11~ 1'11µ I01.'Jt11111. ~· ... 1i.:n, l'l111 .., t r u c· t 1u11 . \ .1 I "1· EI t• i.: .. n 1 .., 11 .1 c 1 • • u .. 1·1.1.. ... 111111 i:•·m ,, Hr ~ • SUH SHINE :t Hr 2 ha+pool & matnl yard $77,500 754-7800 low lh ()'Arll'r' ti7:1 >11 7'l :!:II ---------l'opµy.l'l)\1 SJ.'l!l,IMl(I II!# Mar ~·u .. 1 Jl1• It I! l'Hl'1(' 0'.'11.'I' :• l\ll I B \, Kx<!>I UtlllU" I rn ""II h fr1.,n1.·h 1111111 , 111 1,1q • .. p<1llO Uhl'~'" J~t· & "'111 I.. '>hllp. t.&11 111~1. B\ ()WJlt'r Sloi!l.!JCl(I BY OWNER OPE' "i \T I W\1 1 ll l Ol "I HICi<i t-;I( 1 lu It Ip \II'\\ HI ( '.11 Jlm.1 ,,._ f ,l,111d p11ul "'"''° lot ~-1 000 Tr Jiit up It r u1111111t,r1 tJ I 111 1lu~tn .tl 11· J•" l'r111 • 1p:tl • Olli\ ( ,di 111 .,,.,. tM ~"1-i ~ 7:!1.ii LOWEST PR1CE -------JASMINE CREEK B> ownt'r. '1br. 2ba Me:-.u Vlll·rh· l~·aul l''am rm & fri>h t 'lo-.1• le• S<'hls Xlr11 •~•ml 947.101 For appl r)n 0111!1 I'\ t'~ Pnnca pks onh DUPLEX \'l'ry Oll't' two 2 bdrm un1 h t-:u .. l'>rdc· C'o<,I a \1t...,i1 i-:n<'IO..,t-tl l!a raitt•:-. • 1·xtr.1 IJ.trkmi.: Slrl'l'I h ;ill1.•v .11·1·1''" Thi., "'on t l;io;t ~1:!5.tlOll' NEWPORT BEACH REALTY 675-1 642 \11..,.1 Woods l fir. 2 h.1 FH. l>H :1 c .1r i.:ar. xtra' :\lnl mod & l1w Owner, SI 17 ;JOO 551i IH.10 12 UNITS \11':5A VEHOI':. ntnl' 2 Hd.rm:.. a baths. thrt~ :1 lltlrm s. 2 b <a th s . f1r1.•µla l'l'. ('nclost•d i.:arui.tt'S. c:losc to !>chools. ... hopping anrl park l>nnc· nnlv 645·9161 ---OPF:N ~,,·r I ~.P~1 ., .. , .. SUPER DUPER 11 I J f.TTY UH cJn bc-sl desaib<· this E x t ' 1• P t 1 11 n a I OPEN HOUSE REALTY WEW OF IA Y & LIGHTS Lux urious 4 BR custom home w /pool & jacuzzi. L~. fam ily rm w /wa lk ·in bar. 3-car garage. $445.000 incl. I and. Heleo /~en Hartley 642·8235. <F-12) S©R~N\-~c zrs · RENT lovely home an a choice "Seahrl'Cn•" \lodl'I. on location. A homt' prolec· J(reat pr1 \'.1t1· t•ornc•r. lion plan 1s incld w th1-; "' m1n1 ou·an 'JC'A ---·--·--·--~­SJX'<'WI home wha<'h has 3 Dl'coralt.'\.I in bt•aut1rul ADULT ORIEHTED RETHA T View of Ocean, Harbor. Catalina & night lights. Spaciousness & total privacy comple ment this custom contempora r y home. Lg. master suite w/fpl c; guest BR w/vlew of sparkling pool. Formal d ining rm, gourme t kitc he n & wet ba r in family rm add to the entertainment pleasure. $289,000. Belle Chase Lee 644-6200. (F -13) NEWPORT .. FOREST" Surrounded by beautiful specim en 1 pines -absolutely spotless 3 BR res. in Eastbluff -m aintained in spotless ~dition & ready for you to move into! $195,000. Coby Ward 642-8235. <F-14) llG CAMYOM TOWMHOMl- OAICCUST MOO& 2 BR split-level floor plan w/deck ove rlooking 2 greens & lake. No tra ffic noise & view of lovely s unsets. Comm. pools, jac uzzi & tennis + security bldg. $199,500. Joyce F.dlund 642·8235. <F-15) ,, GIACIOUS UYIMG IM IAYSHOltlS Ma rvelous family home. Spacious mas ter suite +children 's wing upstairs (family rm, 3 BRs & bath). Also features formal dining rm, gourlJiCt kitchen & paneled library. $430.000. Dona Chich .ster 642·8235. 1F·16) That Intriguing W ord Gome with o Chuckle -----f41"4 ~; Cl•l I ~OUAN ----- I BAR V EE It I I I 2 I I' ,~ I N t 5 1 I ! R E X E T I Ycs1crday wu wore out t111v ~~__..-~---' • 1nq 3nd I hllCJ tho worst .119u j I Is 1 • : ment l'v'1 h,Jd w11n my wife It '-· --'-· --1.~ ..... __.. _ __._ • was so bad 1nat wn<'n we ~-------drovo up 10 thO IC"ll boOlfl I I S A N A U E I asked !01 ........ cnccks ~ ....... ,-, ........ , ....... , .... , ........ , _,.,~ e r.,....rii'•e ·~-,., ..... ·q., .... 1 . • • • -- -• I fll1"1 ,f'I ·~I'll,..,,~.~ W",f•t .__.........__.___.___,,__...._~ r " j. _.f' I 1 ·"' ·1~p ~ ) t ""' 8 H INJ tl\Jl,lil{PtO tf I l(QS IN ~AP[> I I I I 5C1t4MrUJS Mlwen .. CleHfficaffoll 5100 CE llDBIB BLlllS CD. OVER 50 YEARS OF SERVICE .. IEAT LOCATION! No r I bd crt'am 1·olor tnnl's U l'LE llchght u rms. ~as <'~tom s hullcrs. c1rapt•i. l't'ar nt:'A . 21Ht ea. lge liRQ. ram rm. & a wl'll lndscpd lot. Call now & wall trcalml·nts dhl J(ar. rm ror boat MORE ~179-!).'J70 thruout Comm. pool:-. c<1m1>l'r Easts ade. hy JBCUT.7.l & h,::htcd h•nnai. bualcfrr No brokers. A St:4 TE rourt.s. $247,5()(). PlcaM: 6.11 35881 646-7649 New proftram for Vets! LL sublllltallofrers. ;: ---U you make $1200/mo. : · Holly Markas. ;i~I. uyOwner · ilbr. 2ba. Mesa you may qualify' Low REALTORS 644·6200 ~<~~dcR~~a~e1 f9~~l~~1> ~-illiiilliiilliiilliiilliiilliiml Down! Loa ns UIJ lo -------!162·7620 HANSEL & GRETEL Sl00.000! Let uu how you AsstJlCtLWJJQJ'Pno:llltt~ HARBOR VJl":W HILLS .;...,--__ __... IJVED HERE. why not how Uncle Sam can help LET S.H.E. Panoramic ocn view. -. .wn..w.-.--..-.. _. you ln this beautirul 2 BR ymenou wtt 1 • th your house p11y HELP YOU pool. 4ar. 2 Jac·uz;r,ts. 2 PRICE REDUCED l 'h bat h, shake roof. frplcs. used brick pat111, l mmarulale 3 bdrm ,& hardwood noors. double Tall to Red Cof1Mt A NEW women's or· Frehc·h drs t hruout i\~l den home near WeslcllH c~r ~gc. rarep l a~<'· W•Lishft! 754-1202 ~amzalton om·.nng buy, 644).!824 Plaza. Lge loL. pool. builuns. Great Easls adc _ _ sdl or lsc R.E counsel· --JaCu7.z1. Call today. area! IL's a CUTE COT HOME+ INCOME .!..nil~-~-------DUPLEX HOME Owner motivated. TAqE. only $91.900. 50· wide lol. 1-.i block to ~*" Fint'Sl l'Orn<'r lot•at1on . DftlllisRick.th,Rttr Frua l t reei; t<rn' Be be< h s bt.'CI m J b· th -lovely 2 bdrm re.,u1('0l't' 95§.0497 642·3263 QlOCk 'Call:>46·4141 w /~onu-. r~o'm &3 2 ~lslmtd 1006 withformoldanmi.:rm + ~ &~~ rin.'1)1al't':.. bui It-ins. etc •••••••••••••.•• •• ••••• • in<.'Omc unit. + Sec en --- Evt'fl has OCl':/\N VI i-:w New north bayfront cor· joy the best for 11::.:.1 IYOWMB Pte..tlge Mesa Verde 3 Br. d1rung rm. Living rm. ~ tn ra mtly rm & office. lo main l. yard. A:. kin~ SI 12,000. Open Sat/Son 1·5. 1866 Rhodes. 979-7605 f r o m deck f'LLIS a ncrdplx.CstmCapeCod $235.000 separate 2 bt•d rm. w J Br 2 Ba ea. unit OPEH SAT /SUH 1-5 COATS&WALLACE funushed rental over the Skylttes & lofts. Use of 520 ORCHID REAL ESTATE . INC. 4-car itarage. woods lhruout. $600.000 p•uL M •RTI .... JACOIS REAL TY rMh. 213/684·3200 ,.. ,.. ...., 675-4670 REALIST ATE ~~~----~-----~ 2lr + Gwst Qtn 644-7313 "' 1., block to So ut h Bayfronl. Completely re· ~~-L. D d Mesa Verde beauUfuJ 3 br Coldwel Banker modeled . $196,900. ~ a • +den,21¥.ba.cornerlol . Broker. 962-8847 It's Beautiful! OpenSun.1-5. 979-870.. RfSIDtMIAt 800Kll?PG£ t OMWIN'Y a.o. r.•Mlla I 007 Oelighllul family home 3br home & duplex. By ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~h 4 bedrooms. formal Owner. Pnme No. East SB.LBS MOYID and are anxious for a new owner to move in & enjoy the spacious view of hills. park, pool, spa & city lights from thei r 3 bedroom SAN LUIS REY condo in Ra ncho San J oaquin. Price reduced to $165,000. A COLIMILL ...... CO. DUPLEX Fan tastic Loc ution . Block fr om Balboa Ferry. Relurb1s hinR In prOC('SS, Buy now a nd choose colors~ Xlnt sum mt'r and wi11ter rentu I, dining room and !\lone l ocat io n . $225,00 0 . flrepluce for snug~llng. 3 ~Bor559-6J63. car gar age. C heery k itch en with self · RedllC:ecl EasW. cleaning oven and more! ·~ ~ PALIO. $118.900. F'Or de vw_..-ta.iliJ call 540-1720 330 E 2 nd St, border 'W'ftABB I CM/NB coun\y . 2 blks to I ~""41 bockboy, C11lm hou11e, -· approx 3000 s q ft . ---=-"----caJ'l)Ort, 2b20 garage. 4 M2·123S '44"'6200 to1 Dover Ori~ Harbot View C.n,er tn Irvine's California Ho m es. Lovely One Story 3 BR & Living Room Home W /Custom Paneling. B r i c k F i r e p..J a c e . P r i v a t e Courtya rd. Sh a k e Roor. Only $87 ,500. Hurry. ® &31·1• 644·9080 • Whal a Wonderful World Br. olfirc-2 full Ba, best or Sho.ppln g{ rt11hl a t u1)9llanecs + lots or ex· your f1n gert p$ fVery• traa, lo ma.int, d a '1 ! 0 a 1 I y P 11 o l 541-117' lrvlne •t C.mf!U' Valley <:enter 752·1414 .,,_ ...... -. -. ---. ---·-.. ---. =.=:-: ... ' Ill DO¥lll DllYI -~ ~--. MR PROPIRTW 675-4890 Oas.1med Ad.1 To place your Id. call Mz.51711 aod Jo'.S.B.O. 163C).8 Iowa SL. let a Clualfled Ad-Visor 2br twnh m . $67,000.' help you ~L6l6/'rnt-3404n54·9628 - ...... ..., .. -... lteliMt..,. w. ~ Jii s. ...... '9i w. ............ Wt --,_Wt ~Me-la •••••• • .............................................................................................. . ' •••••••••••••••• .... , ............. !~24 ................ 1040 lrwm IOU "-'-••h 1041 ............. _._ 106f ,,. ..... ,... .................. ~-·;.,:·:.;i· _,..... •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • .. • .. " •••• I.. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ·' •••••••••••••••••• PRICIHOUCEO lmm111'ulnt(' s Hdrm ~ t1l'1\ hom1• n,•.u w, . .,,1'1111 t'htz.; L~r 1111 1•001 J•l(°U111 roOL&SPA 'llot tn multlpl~ book 4 111 2 bo ' ~Ind homt1 nr Rro;•khur l ~ AllDnl• h1..:hl\. upl(rudt'J WOOOBRIOOt:. a hdrrn a 8H. ~orth t-nd. walk to • SE A y t I W I y lOWf\hom Xlnl IOfal1on ~arh . rrpl, hdVt<d rlr3 . nr po<" It lt'nntt rtl i-;nd patio R 2. l'•n dd u:n1l . OWHH unll Au um .. loan or ~r fln11m·., SH15.000 l lpgrorttd It um 1Hon ft).7 HWTY th1a won I l'FG ALLf.N model. J br. 2~ ba + rm NEWPORT· CREST CONDO Charmlna 2 br. 1 ba con tm SIQ'Une. 2 bt. 2 ba, c1o Poot. view SM.ooo Cfl)U, a.,., 1 •t bJocu "' $1 lfl cm "371 I B a 1 ' 1 l a ~no R .. :A1.ro1t "~ 7YJ l.Y rm Oct"an & n1aht htl' OwneJ' or nl ~~ .i VMlW (iuard !(lilt'. pool 49'H337 or 49'l·tl86l beach. ~. CCNRt & SH It! 0..... Sat/5-1 ·4 4ilAWM.w.,. K A.L t:ST AT t. l'ltO .. ~ION \LS ..-~.-.._.,...._,.._._.....,_. lenma Principals only o,.. ...... -. •. s #21 .... s.t.AM 1010 Newpo rt Buch I Br. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $12.~00/ofr . 7000 W l\r nd li4fW !ibr .Ibo J cur 81.llto: LACOON Vil.LA ~000. (2131430 3629 2 Irv Ii 2t>5U ••I (\ ~br :.'bu + IW11rh :o.hllW(•r. P.clflc Cal Rwy U D...a.•kMth. RJt.-. Dt-euolul 2 llr .! B• ht \wn fS5-04t7 642-126 thuu11t c u ndo. vttow 1111111111,,_.__... 1111111 ..__....,_... frpl tuithJy up«nadt>d l .11.llll.L.Jal' Alt HOW SWHT um•hl loan vrll'l•d r111hl $711 llOO Open ITIS !! lluu"' !'>und•) l:t ~ w.111. to~ \.\M11l Pliu• 118.17431t I tJdrn1 llOrtn; Nt''4 q1l!t <h1ly $71 IXH) \'-\ l"nndo fnr S11 lr Un Lill' tl'n~' Okr 631 &.\.'11 uud 2lir. 2ba, po~I "'un.1 ,.,. llu.nt111lil\On ---------1111 Pu 1fll'1t SIU),llllO 1111 Ofl94 HOUSI iu ~tu ~& ll1·11ut1 ru1 r or11M lci t .. '..t.~t.aidl• l'~la ~h·~.1 l l~IM I 044 lldrm, I ~ !\11th fr1•'h ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ~j!.,MvH" 1n , 1inu11 i.111 Super Plush ov1-:N~AT M"'' ~ For Famill KOS ... l..A.Nl1 lloyMcC. .... , llftr. l"ht,.·~ OU \ thl' plu' "" S 4 I • 1 7 2 9 0 l't'Uh\I' hornt.• With 11n un u11u•lh 1.1ri;1· \ .artl I 751·999\ 11o .. tn•1m~ at'p"rutt• din ______ _. __ .,. lll~ room. "i1·p1ar-.ttt' fdm1 OUTSTANDING I! t Hdrm . 2 buth t rJmlh nn l'nmcr l<K' All in 111v 1-00d.illon SI U.UOO OPIH SUH. 1-5 1050 VALLEJO Mfta 'Woocb ,AUL MARTIN REAL ESTATE 644-7311 I) I llU Ill w 11 h b I 11 " (1fl•Jll1111" ~ult . 1>lui.h 1.t.Jllt'Hllii: 1',11111 Mou• $\IK 1 !>II t' u II l u 1J .i ' ~M51 TAR BEU. -·· IARGAIH VA TERMS 'll\1 ... hOllM' of 1•nll·tl Ulll • _________ 1 rm•11t1ssui•-. u 111mfor1.1 hl1· v.1·lnirrlt' ,,111 ... ,, spurl.11111: puvl. •I hu)!t• AGHT INFLA TIOH! Buy al IOd•• > s 1>1 ll'l'b lo llt·~clop lor t umorrow ~ valu1· Tn1Jl1•>. 1111 rront vi !i7' i.. :!m ' lot ll1·!111·.1t1·tl .di{·~ On•· blol·k 1111 llJ1 hor Blvd $11111,1100 lM.lrrns & :!' / h,1lh,.,, .1 W(·ulth of wclrk & nlill Uj... .. spac1· l.r1t•1it1·d m In 11w Only $911,000 Nt·w \' 1\ loun 5:J!! .a.177 ti-12 5~1111 r Pete Barrett.4!1 Rl'al F: .. tate ~~~r ~1--------..... Omt0Point 1026 UnivBSity Park Assuntable Loan 4 le-drooms •••••••••.•............ l'IU:VI 1-;w SllOWl:\G Mu·row1n . com1111dor '4tt bar. (\•Ortd p11l1u In 110.000. Sl~.000 dwu t.•r1or bt'llullrully up ~~~ aradl>d ·r-.-o lol(>ol1>. ten WILLOW CREEK 01,i ~Utl, S~C lo!at1•:0. llF.ACll $162.00U l'.111 Nowl V11nd1.1rZtt'I for lll't)l 494 4264 or l\rt Oant>n llNJlt)' BUST ~ ltt-turn wtth u .. nu~ 1111lw 1 h 11 1 m 11 I 1• .a 1 I ~ ---ll!!•ll!!!lll•N• I .illfvmu1 W1llo"' 1 111•1. 111 ltVlllt' l-.l1•11c111I .• l~'\inollm h11m1• with 1 111 tr.ii Ill llJI '"II u11il 111,1,t.·r lit'1l 111v111 J.,11 h •llflU(ll.. v.1ult1•d 11•11 .,. ... ~ \4 lh '"' l11!hl' .11111 11111\ s Ill'!. JOU e. -l\,\NCH Ht •\I I Y ~J1 J 1 000 l.ogliM leKh I 041 ....•••.•.......•.••••• HERE WE GROW AGAIN! Causey & Company Two i''ull Srrv1t'l' Ofrll'c'> Por \II \our l-'1r1ant•1ul .inti ln\'estmenl :'lll'l'lh llWSO COAST llW\ I :'II VI LI. \Gt: I-' \Ill I.Mil 'N,\ II E1\l'll ·197 2157 Causey & Company OVERLOOKS VICTORIA COVE '-' hllt•walt.•r \ 1cv. '· 1.11·1' Hl'Y .ind luxunou., 1k1,11hni.: 1hruout th•~ ~pJn1 i.h 1nllucnt•1·tl homt· 3 twdroom~. 2' i b1tlhs. SUl'EH LUT. l'l T IN ,\ l'UOL" Sl~.~JOO • IH~I So Coa:sl ll1'4 ll} 111 V1ll11t.1l' F~11r L1\Gl'N,\ UEA<.'11 497-2457 Lc1cJYno Hiciuel I 0 5 2 ..••......•...••....•.. Laguna Niguel Realty ~ -~ .... ~n Hous~ Sunday April 22nd, 1-5pm :JO:llb U E ;\ I:: CI /\ JUST LIKE HEW! t\11\HINITi\ l're•!<llRIOU~ 11· .... d1·nl l''> 111:.1r lht.' m,1nnu from SI ~. !> '.11111 II :1 I :1 !'> Ill , 4!1.'l-41ltMi !'l-111 [1111 R.m• 1 bdrm Cornell plan on ('Ornl'r lot in s111wr l'ontl It':. light. bnght it. .i.1ry '4 Ith a S7!i.HO<l ,,, '>UrnJbll'loan al !!'•" 111t 1,•\."i SO < ·n \!-iT 11 Y. \' 3 U 11 r m . I" .1 m r m Onl~ SltJ5.l)fJ(J L1\G l 'N 1\ IH:Al'll '4 'k> Ill\•-.. \ JllltNI l'l'll l'ALL (JUIC:K &. S 1\ \'I-, ·l:!-1 80~17 1 n I!•., ""\I l .111 t 1I1· :\1J1.?01f1l't·nt 111·1·.111 , ll'" 644-7211 ---------•-• ~~ ~~:ll· 1 ki t l'li '-' n Ne" 3 bd Opo·n Sul~ !-iun I 5 33!llh ( '11h•g111 1\gl Miii\ . DUPLEX * NE w LA I( E p ARK H..1.'l IM'2.'l 7:ill 07IH1 i (Jt·can :.1111• 111 h w'. It•\ l'I AREA I~ lot. \'Ul-.\' .11·1·1·~:-. 11i hl•J1·h S1i:1r111u~ lamlly h11m1• t)(•t•an \lt•w N1•w <1 111', 3 Nt'\'<hl paint. minor rt' w 11 Bdrm. :i ba. tam rrn. ha, 33!):!2 lllul' 1..1n t1·r11 -----pairs. ttlc:il for htiml' & wet har, 1nt ~pa i.ct 111 Trndc1Lst•, Option ur 4 ~Bil lllscay. $175.000:! 3 1r11•rirm· ll urr~'. 11111) rr'flwood tlct·k orf ,\btr ~ m :i 11 ti own 1\ 1: t llR Oakwoo•I. $10~.oou Sl45.~MI Htl rm . t t' n l ra I a 1 r !21314:!1 4Ull !:<12 01 12. 64·H687 Mission HC'alt\ 11:11 01:11 $12'1.!ifl<I Hv Owm·r· :1 hdr rn 2' h.1 Oc•<•an \'ll'W To\4 nhou,1· Pout. Jatu111. i.u un.1, 1·i.. lra cl\•an ~1 rn.:-i1H1 l':Yl'" & wknd!. 4!!3 fiJlll l>J\., 714 ISJ.5· 2200 . WOODBRIDGE t Hdrm. 3 ba. up~raded Willow Xlnl fot· Pr11f dt·<''I-! & landst·a p · i.: LOY. EIO AHL'll llA Y JHr. 2Ba 2 ~tv. I~ 101. urn Vi l'\\, t'ICl:-.1' 111 IH·h . !275.C.(I() 644 1!!14 M..l.HOMI LEASIAT $675 Sharp ut>tir1o1cs.d Ha.rbor Vi4!w homo. 2 bdrm + den & rrml d in rm . 750-l501 Real l:Atate P lan 3. 3 bedroom. 21h bath. good location. upgraded. wet bar. mirrored wurdrobes. community pOol. Jacuzi1. tennis courts. $135,000. PCM IEALTY Ul-1430 bBal Isl comur dplx Cstm DUPLEX ~ VAIUYllS~AUFY' <--ldl p I Foa MOIUHOMIS ~na 00 Affordable. bousln& at a On a lovely ctn de 1~c mUU.mum p.rlc_e._ca.u clOl!C ~ parks. tennus. Ruth or Mary Ann. shopping. ctr. Newly agtin ts. 496·85U or - pal.oted hom~ w Ith 4 49'b:!522 EST OR IGI NA L CaJ>('Codw/3Hr.2 lin BLUFFS AR~A ~ Seruia l'll. unit Skyhth & loHi. llonal plan f;, h1J(hl) ll!iC or w1)0t.li. thruoul Cu,<jlOm1ied. spa<'IOUS l $Ii 0 0 . 0 " 0 l' !I .. h bdrm s wte ~ massive 213/t;ij4·3200 13y Ownl"r. rt-dUCl•d to SJ7!i.OOO Both 2 BR UllllS I blk to <X't-an Good rn romc area fi 7!i·04i!i Open hou.sc Son 1·5. l:JO 1Jni ~l bedrooms. formlll dining ---·------room. family room wllh Trade L as Veg a s. Oreplacc. Covered pallo. Nevada, '75 Fleetwood. More. $119.750 Must sec' 24c64. xlnt cond . 5 Star MO 1720 Park adlts only no pets. ll'AAl!IB I ror same in Orangu I ~""9 County.8J3.3262afl8PM. -· r1tnuly rm & addt.'<1 hob - ---. ---- b) rm Ove rlooti.s BY O~~i'.R, Totall} 1·norrno us greenbelt rcrndl d 3br. 2ba. '4 fam llun estly pr1 c <.·d ·11 rrn.Ncarparki..i.chli.r& $189,500 Agent640-556(l ~~~.:64;~~r1c bu>· f::L ... tblu!f Ii: lot. <I Br 21 ~ II.a, family rm SlW.~ Ownr 640~ AN ENGLISH TUDOR IN NEWPORT? 1-------1 IAYSHORES !iv Owner corner lot. EASTILUFF privary 1\1 u s l sec 5 Bdrm. 3 baths. cho1 c<' charming cotta1w 10 · corner l0<•at1on Fresh tenor 3 BR J B/\ d1·n. paint Sha ke roo l mastl'r up Wood floor'\. $187,500 frcnch door. bnt k palm Roy McCarde., Rltr. l:>oon to be hsled Sn· Bradford • Condo Oy Owner. Stl!l.500 W ill cooperalc with broker~ 549·7034 Anxious!Aftxioul! De!lcn bcs !ieller & al(ent nus 3 bedrm. 1~. bath home LS pnced to sell at $79.995 New C'rp~. re· C'e ntly painte d Cull PH I 714 96'1 2431 or 213 592 l357 Agl•nt. Ht.•\ Wtlhams. 714 1135·02 I I 1:93118 HACH IAlGAIM New 2 Bdrm m obile home m Newport. Only $31.000 or le a se for Sf15/mo. ROGH UOWM R.f . 67S.IOZO IAYMOMT I Brtden/lge cabana. Patio. frplc. 2 levels •• open beams. new crpt, bltns. xlnt loc. Must sell. Prt C'e r edu . to ~1.1m1ofr 673-7890 Yes. I hat's ng~I •An l'lei;anl English 548•7729 now' ()pen Sun I·!'> 2670 1---------1-W•a•v•er•l•y•D•r•646-··!fl.J!'>•7--Tustin 1090 Two yeari. ni.'w . Lido ••••••••••••••••••••••• P1•M 2br Pool. lodry. Tudor <·ondomm1um •ln an 1dc11l locat1on •Pnced from 1125.000 •With lO'; down ftnanr111g Tlus rnuld ht• your op ponumty 10 hu\ an vul standmg 2 bu and clen. 3 br (lr ·I hr wrlh .111 bath hom1• 1·IOSl' t11 l'\ ··r yt.tuni:. Onl) I av:nlahlt• in ttm, l'\t h1!<1Vl' Ofl 1•r1ng ~C<' S ll EF FIEl.O l'l .. \CE at Tustin fl vc• A.. l6lh 11\ Nc'4 port Hl'at•h l.J \ f' ,\ C E S E T T E H 110~1 ES. Opcndall) from 12 11(), except Fr1d11) WATl':HFRONT 5 Br ru~tom homl-. !.hp 1:!' bnul O M(.' 111.111 . ~l6S,UOO I ull Pnt'l' Hkr t1'31 1234 . C~RMB. MOOE'6 '.l Brt. ram rm. rvrmal din rm. llurlior V11•w llm .. l.11!hl ~ brt l!hl Ai.:1·rll Tom B;iron. 631 1:!6'i W/\NTl-:U llrt1.1dmo11r ________ _ S..';l\'ll'W J lt•ffil \\ \ ll•W llir1·1·t fro m u w111·r LEASE OPTION CUSTOM EXEC. SECLUSION rm i\dult~. No Pct:.. ~1.000 642-00<». Mam1Acr for mobile home park. Salary +quarters. Musi bl! mcC'hanical & alilt• lo work park Near P a rker . Arizona 71'1 ·1\13 97!N> :1fl1•rS. 1;14 711111 . SUNSETS :1 Bdrm. elost· to l.Jco;1rh Sl~.500 NEWPORT CENTER REALTY 640-1812 You must sct• this totolh r 1• n 1• wt' d ,. u ~In m ·t h 1· cir f) om ho m 1• 11 I l'lc•gam·t> Sparkhn~ pool. )<1l'Ul7.I & 110 ':i ,It'll' 111nccl fo r h •1r,, . ., Ac~ogeforSa~ 1200 l'nva1·y .., thl' bvword ••••••••••••••••••••••• <crt• ~tunning lrom th1.., tn lt•vl'I hom1• Sr>ac1ou ... ---------· room.c; & .. oanni: vuultl•tl ---------· ''''I l1'fl in I h1• :\11rt h 'f\L.,1111 lfllb t)l'Al.l'I'\ '' A'>kllll-! $2!1!1 0011 l'f•il1 ni.:~ ;\1.111~ tom mun1ly ~en 1t·c·~ J usl h:.ll'd "''('all now b45 1221 TUSTI" REAL TY AFfORDABLE BJ In thl' lx·;iuUful Wt•'>lt llff 2-5111 Jrt'J l..ar~1· .I Bdrm .: Ill' f1rt·plan• ,\II on 111111'1 , , ltam·ho Ca II f a rca: 4 !1 .wrl· part·d~. SI00.000 full pnw. term~. mus t sdl fl~ 97!! 4!164 365 ACRES Ontu bath fam•I> hom1· v. 1th VIEW POOL '''2l 'tr1·1·I nl'.11 i\1\\1•1111 \'714)631 0094 • • ... <·hoot .. Ufft•n·d at onh HORSES _._ __ • ___ 1-rr-r-I J f $1~.wo t'~ll:;.1U "·•1 . Thi:. home hJ.., l'Hr lkauuful valley loa1kd \4 1l h oak ~. fantas t 11· '1cv.~. xlnt gra11n~ larul. 11nv11ll' 5 arre lake. prn 11o·rty rompletely fcnn•d X.hll ranch i.itc or ramp ).(round Could be ~1111 tll\lfkd lnvc!>lor ll'fffi!'o I 1>77 sall or 1152'.! 201111. Hrnkn LSE/OPTION :"llcwl) deC'oratt•d :1hr :Jha , ov1•rluuk111i.: ).(1111 t'V u r ?> c Ii :ll' k II J \ S750.mo idl lilO!i or !io1S·~I BIGCAHYOH Lease Option Broaclmonr No.J plan w1l.:c 4 Bdrm. :!1 ,, ba wdl!e pool s 11l'd )::Jrd !'lt'l.·ds :JtH'nt ion 1'111·('(1 for 1mmc·rl1al<' :.ult· al S399.5-00 ln4u1n· ahout other 81~ Cany1Jn hi.t mi.:s Westcliff Reatty vthin.: U<.1 v <1nd ni).(h t \'IEW from :-O:orlh T u ... 1 in GREAT BUY! 11,11 .... :.1>arkhnJ.: p1111I '• l-'1Xl·r UIJl>l:r Fl'I' IJ11tJ 1---------•I .11 n· and horM' uirr.11 W;llk 111 h1 .. 1<h I lir .1• C.Jll nuw . A:.k1na.: 1·omm 110111 .. t-.. t1·nn1' R E SlN.l!OO T1·rm' Slli!'l,000 1,15 33;11 CA M L TUSTIN REALTY I' p ·11\llrm'. 2 baths. l.1m1t\I r111 l.ir).'" i.w rdl'n. lru11 2 IR-DEH-POOL ZONED FOR 100 UNITS BEST SECTIOM Of IMDIO 5 ACRES SI 65,500 l.OVl•I ) \1 11r1.11•0 111 llarhor \111·v. 110111••' :! lldrmi. 1 fll'll 1 ~pa rkhng Iii x 1\11 pool I.gt• 11.1\111 ('hi!<t' 111 gr('t·nlll'll II) ov. rwr t.:u II ll-i4 1311 1111 · ... >.Int 1·n11cl11111n 832-5111 W.ill;i.Jp1·r' 11.1k llr • llli· toWlll'r ~lti!:!,:,IHJ Will .. ell or cons1dt'r JO•nL Westminster I 098 vrntur1· Condos or apb •••••••••••••••• ••• •••• s:12s .ooo. Owner (71'1 I Mo Qudlfyin<J! :s:!JS.J720 at. 675·2.111 or 640 7665. 1 _________ _ Dan Bibb, A~. OPEN SAT /SUH I ·5 2033 Pt. W~Yl:tidCJ~ PAUL MARTIN REAL ESTATE 644-7383 I ST TIME OFFERED oo th1l' nc·:it. 4 bt•d rm. ~ hath homl· near M'hool .... :.hoppuig & freeway full pnC'c $72.950 Parl< Plal'C'.l nr~2 i <llil Rril 20 acre parcels nr HHYenlv R•tnat 4 Bdrm. 2 liath +family r m r rnr ln ni'hf'illll'lt ~I.WU 111 Uf•jlrall1·' 111 dud mi.: bit rn nuc 111 "·" t' 11\ 1•n r'il~l 1 l>nn l 1111" 1h1 .. on1· t'illl .1.rn or 1't'r~ Sl<!'!l.000 Owm•r !'>5!1·6337 Open Sat 11·5. Sun I 5 4_ Son~sparrow IELOW MARKET Shurp Jbr. i.:rt•Jt lnl·:.ittnn + 1lcl'11r with am('111l11·~ :\tu,,L -.di ti7:J 4311 Jj.!l Emerakt lay Lot 673·6634 STUHHIHti OCEAH & CAHYOH VIEWS llcaut1fully dcrorakd :1 Bdrm . 21: ba hom1• <~rand rnv1tin~ entran•'l' hull & Ir~ family r m . $l68.500. 493-9494 495-5220 ,;.-.-.-. -_-.-;.-____ _ HARIOR VU HOMES IESTBUY PHASE 2 San Cle-mtnt~ I 07 6 -L.ake R1vers1de . som1· •••••••••••••••••••••••1----------1 Rtbbonwood &Oak tre~. $63,000 t•l(•r avail Only S1.ll5fl \'J<-Jl1on & In'. 1·,tml•nt l'rorwrt "'' 493-9381 LAGUNA DELIGHT 496-2413 830-5050 t'h(lrmin~· I llH h.,u.,1· 1n prestrl!•OU' ... m1>r.ilrl Ba~ l nbPlit•vahl1• 'll'\4 ~ T tr r at••• Su nn y term~ :111r :! Ua. \jl,'. l ht' l' r f u I • 11 .1 1· 1 n u , .1~sumul1lc loan 1\gt. 81 II Housework Is ri"'m"· 111• 111111111-: 1 .• r.:l· >t11 12..r,1 s126.5\JO ~1·paratt• t.l1n111g room -Easy Here! Surroundt'd h y 11-1\ 1·1y Newport Beach I 069 Ultra sharf) and ,01 lnut tr<-t-s Only m1null'1> ••••••••••••••••••••••• mat ulate· ho me shu'4., walk to beach. S155 IKHI BEAUTIFUL UISTINl'TIVI-: l-~~·~s. ~r~~lc~l1111n~ DROEANLOTOSERHS BACK BA y 1hr!> ,.., .1 n1·.1r n<·'4 l\.V.lvv ... 3&trm .2bathw1thpool 1.1l.,ll>m :J lldrrn 'llw liv room. comf~ f1replall' IOI c;1.1-:NNl::Yln., "7 ,. yard Many ex mg rm 1-'r('n1·h dc111r~ Top of lht• lmc r arpl·li. :i 497 4MK 'I u 1 s 1 t c up~ rad l' ll 11111•n t1i an 11C'C'.1n \ ll''4 rovt'n.-d p:itio:1 Hy 1 om t <J I SI "·I ""'I munity "'IOI und r"<·n·11 1---------• _aj')em 11'" n > .,. •""" l h1• 11JX'll :1ta1rwily ii. Il l' ,,, ' l"tlr sale by o wnt•r l'l'nll'd wrlh a lUrnl'cl Uon Sl!Y7,!0I Hurry. i·ull .. pnnc1pub only plca:.c Wfl()tl balustrade <.'all for 540-172\1 .. ·-\ ('all 675·970<! (days> & moire tnformat1on , 11121\100 revenmRsl t.:ENTUHY :.n w1-:sT 'W'ftftll.il!ll ~ ~ ---__ _ 5.'>4·4840 I lll~IK" • NEWPORT ~Oft leach I 040 -~-· t• Ell I-' ECT (J C 1·: ,\ N C 0 M D 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TI!RTLE ROt:K. LI( 1 "1Y VIF:\\ ll<J;\H; lvr tho· \t: $92,500 NEAR COLLEGE si.:I famll).' home'. 4 Hr. ram rm. 21 2 Ba. form<il TIVE F/\MILY :1 11t1rm 1-;nd umt nn grccnhc lt dmmie rm. prof demr'cl :1 ha. den. ::! lrplr·, l.:1· top !oration J br. 21 ~ ba. & highly up).(r:u.lcd •.untl1.--..·k and vard '"r lwwnou!.lv upl(radcrl Ill lk•11ut lndsc·µd . spnnkl rounc..lt·IJ h\ m.iturl' lrull mint condition Only l yr UDO ISLE PRIME PROPERTIES Hew Custom Built HomesofO..t- standlncj Quality 219 And 221 Via Sat1 Remo Open Sat/Su" 1-5 Or By Appofntmut PRICED $495,000 OPEN SAT & SUM 1-S 223 VIA ITHACA • II)' l1Jt, cathedral ceiling :1 Jldrm (I,,. RUl'"l quilrll·r" !lpar1nus & ~unny 5395,000. Or by Appl DENNE SODERLING UNITS> BROKERS 675-5626 CARMEL MODEL 'licxt W i.:rt•••rtlll'lt F1·t• I.mu IK~11 1'1111 ·11ffin Sl:i'.1.5110 II\ 11'4n .igt !""531!'>1 BAYCREST Open Sunday 1-4 :l Bdrm. 2 hath" Jt :w t~. Lcc•ward l.11111• llnl1 I >irk mi.on. i\t-11 !li!t liSJ:I THE BLUFFS LOVABLE pi.·r ..1crt' & up Bkr 111 11 ti..">8·()186 or 1714 t !)37 ~141011 Otl·~im\ 3 br :: IJ.i hum• , 1.irl!•· bdrm' 2 b.1l h' on ~an Cl1•mcnt1· 11111 11·111 l'l1 "'k1n1-1 o uh C'OOThC Mu:.l ''-I' .1l 0111\ :h l.OOO · .A.-nts Sll!!J))l' SCOTT REALTY ""'f;.'S. 1300 13 ERTHi\ II F:~ R 'I • -.--•S•3•6•· 7-5•3•3 ___ 1. • • • • • ••• • ••• • • • • •••• • • 10-• .\l.TOH.!-i 1• Pl f I b 0 i 1!i Oel Mar 4!:!2·4121 -1 ex or sa t! Y wner, n••:ir beach in San BY OWNER Ottwr R~ &tat• Cll'mcnlc Xlnt invest · ••••••••••••••••••••••• m c nt Sl75.000/f'1 rm Lil\t>IY long '1c\4 O\ er Mobf~ Hoftws ~295S lnok1ng S hort•1·l rf h ForS. 1100 ------- ).!•1lt1·11ur"' ii. mounl.i111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~c,;:Jl Lob/ 1500 { ,fm hll j,?a?('h<I 1.(1\1'' 111·1 .. 1n\1C''4 .1l1-1 Br.:Ho . Sl6,900 ••••••••••••••••• .. ••••• (rplc-""' h11r dr.11>c!-> & STEPS .TO BEACH l'ompanion r ry pts t..:1 new ('~lfl)t.'lillf.! Prof ell• l>hl wide f\1 Tra1kramJ Gunia M'l'l1on. Pa1·1f11· l'Or .II I'd II) & II u' cu;-;511!1;1 :1 pvt hl·h .\.! M1•1'Tl()nal Park. Phon1· Wshr •dryr & n•frr~ IO r•· p1t•r Suh·ll'ltini.: allowl'd 714/~l:!·:.!!172. 6 to 10 a .111 m:.i1n 2 p.111 v:-.1u t1i l.l'>ratl'<l tn Trt·a~un· h &<I to IOp.m . ~pr111klcr <'<. l1J.:ht1111• :~1 l'anl'll' Cn<i~t llwv ----~A1,1lv marnt;11nl·ll l'rl\ l,,1g lll'h Ollt•rcil hv Conwnerciat bt•adi l'luh /\ppro\ 111r1< Ht'na1!<-;an<'<' 1\1 I' r 71 t I Properly 1600 -.q It $1 l!l.500 1'1:! :!1•:1:1 I:'.• ~lh ••••••••••••••••••••••• Want An U1>aut1ful up).(1 .1dl·t1 forml·r miJ'lt·I ~phl IP\t'I rondo J BIL 21 ~ B,1, dtn 111~ aro·o. l,1ri.:c k1ldll'll. lnh or l'LIOIOl'h ()nl\ $ I 1; ti . 5 0 11 (' J I I nwnrr hrok1•r fiiM .. li Iii Ba.ow MARKET! Exclusive N1re & neut. I hedrm. 1 '• lmth home w luri.tl' fJm rm <over 400 '"I ft 1 l'lo ... c to '>hoppinit & frw} Park Pluel',lnl' 114i .1<11,1 I~ pJt10. Ona.: U\\licr l1t-1-s Clost•l11 '>lhu11l ,1ml old :\tan1 1w1·anv1c'4 J>nl'c includl'll l:tnJ B> '""n Sl'r.?.~ Newpon L1fci.l)ll.l :it .111 1---------· Owner. t(l.J Hli 4 :Utorl!Jbll" price. t.4b·771 l 111G c,\ Y<>1' t'onr1•1 Address? ,:rl'Jl lot·at11111 \l.!'-0 Tlw. htrmt' 1,.. 1111 Jtt•i.l 111 1-'0 I< ~ ,\ f, 1-: I> 1• I u >.t' ll\l~l l'p~r;1d1-d Skyhnt in 1• lk•,1l'h P.1rk ·1 Iii t tull h.i. fam1I) rm. 1,.1,1nd k111•h1·n l.1und p11 r1 h 1 I• i'\111 outs11l1• Jtt1rd 1 .1w nani.:" mo11· \ii u11 1Mrk Uni) 1o mo' 11111 Sl'l to appr1>r1.1tt• !ltiO SM4 ~County ShoppiltCJ Cfld~r :\la.tor center w /room to acid Gross ineoml' nvl"r S.'>63.(J()() a year Priced S6.000.000 51EOROOMS Don·r Shon •s ,\1 .m o;11)n I ••Jnt Jl1r ho111 "Cl 11 I'\',.. • l~" prt"!-111.!IOU ... l'n'!-ldlnt1.1I r.br . 5ba 3 l rplt ,., p1111I +'IJtl onl) ,l •. 1'MH1 lki;.:hL., Bcautitull~ di· ~ourmC't k1trhl•n. den Prim· llnh 1;;:1 1:111 \J.!I l'llfJh'd and up.:raifrd :'tfust i.ce th111 l<iqtc \'1llJRe II plu~h :! Br .. t•ui.tom 1 tcd Mt· rcct II h tlt'n end untl t11'4 nhou!>t' Gardeni. home v. 11\'l•r /\ C. new 1·pt ·~: op<·n ~i.qfi or laving Url•lJ lwum t·crl , hl'\ t'lt•d m1r I fll .<>C1\ TO 111-. \! II :• l~rm. I ba htHTl,. '4 ,.,., pall'.>!\ t• Vl'l'.ln \ H 14 Frpk hardw11<irl t 111111 ... 'l<lrnl'<I ~lJ'~ w 1nilt1'4' ~ hul-!l' cnrhl!>1·tl ri•d\\rn>tl d 1· c k I) I f 1• r' ti I •>r SJ<l!l.500 RcJI £-:.,talc frm din rm \'1cw Prwed Jl onl) s:n~.1100 II\ OW~EI< Ill).! l'.1n\1111 '4 i t h m 1r r 11 r-. 0111 01---------• f°C(!Ground l'nl1l' 0111\ \'1>r;u1lh''· I BH I 11 \ '411llPJ!ll'r ;ind l'l'UJr •EXCITING• llusv Lramr ecnll'r Gro:.; income $14 1.0C111 J,11w rent:-. <"Jn lit• Ill t•rcll!>l.'<l Pr1rctl $1,550,01111 P:+rk Pl;11·t:.'.lnl'l!4:! 74r.1 r <>r!\. ti I(' r oof 0 n ---J(reenblt t·lost .. lo ltdult Extcuti n El•9a"ce pool By owner S93.!'>00 YOU OWN Till:: I.AND' Ph552·1766or559 448:! Beautiful, 1mmarulate. ---~pac1ou~ homl" With UNIVERSITY PARK larl(efam1ly rm + honus Customized 3 bdrm rm. Sparkhng with pool. Peter 's Townhome. 2 ('OV\'rt.-d patio ror the best yrn, old. Plantullon shut in out111dc t>nlertaining. tcrs. crown m"lding, Mirrored closet doors, rrcnch doors, g urmt!l decorator drapes, pror kitchen. much ore. landHopl n g . Only Thls won'llast.Ag nt R. $143.500. Call 003·6767 Grounds 551-4682 E •s. , .. ,1. 111 >· • t. '' , •• ,, ,, I ~l!H1I WOODIRIDG New listing In The Place llo m es: Greenbri ar model. 4 bdrms .. 2 baths. atnum. sunken living ---------•I rm .. lge. ramily rm. with stone rrp lc. Beautiful spa. Earth tones. Im- mac. Profess. lndscpd by Lloyd11 . Cover ed patio. Assume 9'/(l loan. $146, 9:1(). DAVID D. CA.LSOH ltlALTOI UJ.t2tl ----···----·-·-·-·-----· ,\ llEA(;ll !IOI.JS": FOH YClll with po-.s1t11hl ' of inrnmt• renltt I /\ ... hurt wulJ< lo beach. Sl2.'>,llOO rntMF: CO MM '!. PROPF.TlTV wilh PX cellcnt tenantR. Heart of hus lness section $1.400.000. 1900So. Coast HIAhWOY LAGUNA DEACll 494-85r9 955-1570 OCEAN FRONT A.i.?l 644 11070 l' \ l'' 1,1ru111. J.!•>11 i·vurw, "'" '4ood 3 b1:droom' dining CAMEO SHORES fi40.975!1 l'r1r11· ""'' ~hiS Ullll ioom and k1tc·ht'n '411h ----.., .. . -hwllm!> 2 patJoo; Sll3.50U Your o wn p1ccl' o f 1---------• trl().~!h Mtl ~'7111 t.:;illno'4.4!151064 1>:irad1~1· 1!. wa1lin.R for SHQRECLlffS EASTl1LU F1 f~ LI!, 1-rn. r TAR8B1. you m this ra re' ocean 1 b 11 front homt· Lvly 4 br ex· ol. 4br. 2 " ·' Nr ~ -· ccut1ve home complete C 0 MM AND I HG Tcnms Swim Cluh. ~hops. ______ _ OCEAN VIEW I Acrl.'. mon· or ll'ss. w /pool Ex c lus i v e VIEW "·hi~ S l 7 !t ,:dltl 714 lii\4 111117 ti<H l-14:! pnvatc herirh location. Comfortabll' room1ncs~. $1,l.(X),000. 646 7711 decorato r ·" d r cam leoch DolltouH $51.IOO pnN· rt'1lu1·t1nn. 4 many poss1b1ht1rs. n1Cl". hdrm 2 i.tory. l'Ontem oldC'r 3 BR home on I lot . r><>rary. Open llou~I? I·~· see by app't. Scal·rest Sal/Sun Jack IC' UYCO Realty 498·0161 INC 6'12 507!! ...:c-----------· San Jua1t 2 AH . pool. hay v1t~w Capistrano 1078 ~.tM)O •••••••••••••••••• ••••• Mar ... hall lllt.v r.75 <lfl'IO SI 05,000 Nl•wport Short'!>, uttrac · Meredith Cony0tt Uvc:J BR.nt•wly c rpt'd& ~ 3STOHYOt:l-:i\Ni''HONT DUlnlcd 1ni.11.Je & out. 5 1 >wm•r I an.1nced ~ Suttday 1 •5 k i t 1· h c n l h a t p u t s plea~ure int o ram1ly mealtime Acecsi-. to pnvate beach. ocean & canyon views. You will love bvtnl! here Ownn hl.Rhly motivate d . A great home at $.500.0<H> blks to beach Ownt·r 21 Ownr AJ,1 Ml< tl:!JO 33S2 I Via ck Aquo tran.~fcrr1.1d out or area L'pt'radl'd 3 Br. den . Pool & te nnis courts HEW CARPETING 15x3S pool w J1ic utz1 & Reasonable term~o !-Nt-w landsr.1ptn1t in this murh more A g reat buy quahr1ed buyer Call rOl-..._port Cnter 4br. 2ba. II V llomt•. dt• al $17!1,500. Call to see· appl lo SC('. Pe~gy. 0-5357 ~1rahlt• IOl·at1on & aural• J IM TAYLOR RLTY ~~-536-2498. --------• llVl' financtni.: all for only 646·96118 •-le.-ch 1041 ...,_le.-ch 048 ~~!i°or~i.fl.~t CJll Hewportle.-ch 1069 .....,...... .1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••.A•••• .iiiiili-ii••mmmillll•••••••••• \ Beach Area Rcaul1fol 1973 S1gnatun· 24x60. 28r :.'Ba "1tam rm. ~. S1..r Miil Pct Park tMTIU'.!i I Sea Cap1 & S..nwts I\ beaut.Jful •F/\M ILV• 1'arad1i.e, 2-lx60. 20r. 26a humc. overlookinl! the• Blue P:ir1f1c. p vt bcarh. 5 minutes from 1-'a s ?fi on I i.l and . Reasonable Pa'rk Rent 1PKI09til l'11t>tu M1..-:.a n·ntl'r ( h 1•r 14.000. sq ft on I <tl'fl' of land Ve ry low rent-; for area. Pnced $735.000 Waterfront Homes avail. Albert Pus~l l Realty Co. 133 OOVI• Olt.N.I . 63 .. S'2Sl RETAIL STORES Annual g r oss lncom\• LOCJll"a Hiiis ~.300 Nwpt Blvd at Via I udo. SpKlal tl'f 642·5200, ask for Max BcauL1ful S Star Adlt Pk. Barrett Rily Register 24x60 Seacrest , 2 lge Hr.1-----~-:;._-- 281.t. with Jll thl• xlras o.le .. s/ Only 52'J.500 I KZ7057 I fWtt Sale CALIFORNIA rACIFfC MOllLIHOME SALIS 2706 Harbor. Ste 206·A 540-5937 1800 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MEW-30 UNITS Wolk to Santa Ana busi· ness district. Modern Spanish deslgn. roomy. bright & airy apts. Pnn only. McLeod Investments Inc . •OC EAN FRONT 2Br. S06NTuslln, #188 $39,500. Treas Is M .H Sant• Ana. 834·9033 Pit. So Lag Sp. •53 Ca 11 7 San Cle me nte units. agt Cynthia 968-0838 or walk to beach excelle nt 537·2271 location. Inc: $18.~2. IMMACULATE 10 x 50 Priced $190,000. Agt one bdrm. Cozy. quiet. Tom. 492·2100 ~ aduJt p1trk Costa Mesa . .._ "'°''rty 2000 Walk to shopplOIJ 4r bus ....... ••••••••••••••••• S8.:i00 Lie DN9&25 ..._ _______ _ 631 1()9.t .. - ..... J' ·.v.-: ,.P" .. _. ... ~ ...... __ _ .. DAll.VPILOT r11day,ApQi 20. 1919 ....... ......u..t.Mthff "-"u.tw.1-.cl C-=~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• U..-1llhlaed ~-~~· .... ·. Olllr.......... a........... .......,.,........ C-.Mtte 3224'""" 3244 .......................... ._.. ..... 3769 C:..Mlle JIM --••••••••••• •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Near So. Ost Pl11ta z br. z •"•'-•••••••••••••••• --••••-• ........ 11 ...... litf 2000 ........... rty JOOO..._Pr:.,utr JOOO C:.W .. ..._ J IU LUT .. DICM llHTAl.S ba. New crpt.s ~ d~. UOOISLI a Br,_li,ti b&. ~ pedo, ••••••••••••··--·•••• •••-•••••••••••• .. •••• ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ . 2 Bit 2 b ~ A/C. paUo. pOOla. jacu111 .. SmaU a • INYISTMIMT :uti. YIF.W DU PLEX 3 81t2BANtw3 BR,2BA a eR'ib•·;" •• "' seoo 4' Juab lnd5cplng. S:m Patio bacb. OLDER rdul~·oaly. t in: Off'C>aTUMtTY a Sil • dhl irar .. i(' duplex A«i•nt.&46·~ ' 8' um .• · le!Jadlicount.~?exl MATURE ADULT. UU1. ts'l.em l& Units undt'r lllX '• ~ Ctuldrftl OK. $).3!. mo Jbr7'°2ba • 2aty, condo ~=~:~:ab~ . .' :· ·= 308:98S-7•LBeve4'wknd. 111$/mo.87511808. ---·----....... -G~ Extri. l•r•e un11 ~~ t-'rplc , poo l. pal 10. 48R,2~ba ........ 1700 srACJOUSZ . 3 br cond~ '17$ Near new 2 br~J ba, w aolat hul.-d v uul ~........ 3152 Adult s. $00/mu 2 BR.2b• ..... $475/ISOO nr. So. Coast Plaza .• gar/earporl,frplc,patjo. 131.'iO, _pnodpa~ only DO..._.T p ... y T.&XES ....................... M7-8<nl.~3. San Clemente Frwy 11cce!l11 to tr vloe nf~ ...... ' d ~M~aU. pk Cool Cl Cit.Ari • " A A .. RR f I 38R 2b11 ... ~9S complex 557-4870 _.. ,,,,_ •mt IG·UI03 Mctw\non ~l ROG i' H~ , .!. BA ircp 11~·.-. 3br. 2ba. gar frplc. ranl(C, Tw;lln ••••••••••••• •• •••••••• 2br bi b a. .._.. •· l~L'l \' That's rtrht. mJin nl our i lh nu.1100 t 1111y '""'' P" l Io. t' n d h u u II ,.. MulL~. No Pets SS25 648 To• a H 0-rlll l l02 . Iba. g ee-. , .... • 671-JJll hi•\AU tlW) h H' mort> lh n dt"Qutlt• llltt ltnYaSlispOol • J•CUU I W l8lh8t.642-~ U.fwWliald l5J5•ueuu•ueeuueo•u 1&1'·2~~U "h1•l1t•r from th(•1r n•ul "'t•lt· tn\'\"'lm,,n1 11 pnv 4~ ll.139 llOlt llHT ............ ._._ • ., ......... ·~•n l Br 1n 1.ontt 1------....;;..;;,; .... -- 7 UMIT$-C,M... ftl.o-r i1lP~lbfl.JiA>JJlfJ tlliillU\u.4' ._.,......_.. ll6t lee& Sq~t ouolH~ 3 Heritage Park Irvine Beach near P CH. No Olxbi.lewl3Br,2Ba;eocl ' lk'1tul n\'w butldin1& w1ih11Ut n:Dl t· .. 11lt" 1n't"'llnwn1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hdr. 2toaoA. i>rivale Twnbse. 2br. 21/lba. mr pets. $1 9~. ulll pd. yd. dbl 1•r, bllM, frplc, t'l.ttf liU't'I\, 11lnl 1(\('atlon LOVE INFLATION P&llo Dbl <'M .:ariitci• cond. $450. eve S26-S792. 833$74. $tOO mo. (7l4) &21M396 or 'f"Sl , nvinlll Ml 1603 If 'nu.,. ... , 20'' d11w11 •m " Jll'tlJk•rt) .ind It IWft Tri-Level All tl\111 lot ~75/mo + dy 846-6600 le6oo I.a.ct 3106 (7)4) 67~90aft SPM '°"' UHITS-.C.M. tn1 I .IW?. ID ,,dUt' 10 .. jj )'l'lir, you "' fl'COVW(l-d POI LIASE "'°' sexi. d t'poflll. Allk ..................... "" 2 8r 2 Ba condo. a car Nt•ar 1111w, 3 lit l1,. oi•r\ 1.our 1n\l ... tm1'fll '" 1 y.-nr" • Monv nr our dli'nl' 0 C' 11 u t I r u I I Y ror Hoy Sicmcnis. Agt. Apcw lw•nh Ftlmf.e..d 1f you like hanging plant.3 ~arage. a uto gar iloor . WU\, l b•. rrs1l. :? 1•11r h11\ ,. tlouklt'tl th1• \'J lill' tll th1•11 vl'u1111rl) Ill "um l'\JltNISttBO e nd Unll 631·1266 tt513 CAMPU,Da:l~l .. E ••••••••••••••••••••••• With 2 Br I Ba. opn beam . ds hwshr /dis~al /com· aar • 3 a Ur.;! ba, u1111.. 'tu' \P11r. fh11v nt11H•d u11 tu t11r..:1•f IH oi11·r lh·' &ck ll11y 111Kl nll(hl hght E'Side. :t Bdrm. 2 bath • * * new kitchen. d shwshr. pactor • nr ackbay • t"Sl. lnv111mt>1 ~:? 1111)3 111" 1'.1\ Udnm1 IRS St•1·\1nn H>=JI 1-:"•ht.111).!•' \li.'Wt> Comm IK>Ol N ew ,. p t & pa 1 n t . Michotl R. Coe sep gar. lg dec k, v~ry aduJt.sS380 lease. 642-1229 DO IT NOW l VR L.t-:.ASJo~ 11200/MO lst/last~$200 No pct!'I Rancho San Joaqwn. 2 IT'*iO Euc hd pnvate. $425. 1-728-4795 1 BrtrallerS275 mo. &yll'Ol'lt llu111" t'unt '11 640-6259 ~14 BR + den. ~ano v tew · fo'ountan Valley lc6oa f'iRMwlo 3107 133 E . 16th Street, 3lk upr :!l\r l .. r l-'11 l'ult"'' \'llU t''>JH'('I lht• lJl ll't' "' • "'" l'o1r:. loud ~ ~ pool & 1acuu:1 ~95. Cull Two Frff T ick•b blU\11 & ldr> htrn11 1n ,.,, •Ill.I '""ll''" t11 11111 1111, 11 ''"" 1 •·\twtt lhut 0-f'oiftt 3226 Pat.831·3750or955·0661 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C.M.642·9193 Summr .. 1111 1'111\I JlrUJ)('r1\flne i· .... ill•·•lhi r ) ~~~~)b t.olhe ONl.he bay,v1cw,clcanl ''THEVICTORIAN" $3110.00U o fr "'"" •• "l ..._. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0e"rf1'eld 2br 2'Lb• LONG BEACH BR pad. 311 Edgewater. 2 Brstud10, J•L ba w/gar . ~llfl~ h 1"'11110 HASSLE INVESTMENT R E A4 L T y Br!lnd new condo. 3br + " · · ~, a . TilEATRE FF.sTIVAI. S3~5 y rly 1ncls ut1I. ....... d <' n 2 i . ., b a f' ::i m twhn, near pools & Jal'S IH THE 559-7499 adlls. cpls, drps. range, UldJ tn pl\ on dhl 1111 .in tu i.h hr $1 75.0W ufl o~o .igt~ltt711 NIAJtlllAKEVEM 15°o DOWH 4 Plu '"'"um•• St 11 •• , w 1 I I c :. r r )' pa 11 t r Mti n11il'm1·111 U\ Jll N!t>lll. Gary l> LW'lt·r 900-4»1 or ~ 24llli l'nor1pJli. 1)nl) 20UHITLOT Costa Mei.a. c it y up provl~f P:ll'kui-:t• fl•a1h tu i-:o. $340,000. TSLtovmts FOURf'LfXES All 2 Br 2 Bu lllWllhllllM' type uruts Elt•l'l m · bit Ill!>. Co rCt'd Utr lwal cnclos1.'<i gar11.i.:e:. ~I :JIMI mo 111romc Good l111·a lion. OWC 2nd Tw1l tfl C"hoose from $1411 .51111 each A PRESTIGE '--J------.£.~_HOME ~ 3:i33 W. Coast llwy, NH 645-6646 * •• Raberi HorbiM»n 300 E Coa:»l Hwy. Newport l:Jcul'h Two FrH Tickets to thr LONG BEACll TJIEATHE FESTJ\//\L IHTHE IOOMIOOM IOOM Starring 1971:1 BcRl Ai· tress n ominee .J ill ClayburJ?h ut th<' Loni.: l!cac·h (.;onvcnt1on & 1-.n llo'l1amml'nt (;enter. :soo E. 0l'r un Ulvd . L11ni.: l~:ach Q111 642 567K (•Xt 272 l11da1m y11urt1t·k1·l'> ••• White Water View Unique Laguna 5 plcx. 5 n·al f1n•pla1·1· ... ~pllt lt'vd pcnthou~c· :! Br. :! !)a, + 0 R I 1.Jlo1·k 11• town Ownl•r .. 111 1 n rn v.1lh 2'J'. down S395.000 Owrwr·M:1•nt 642 !Jl,(iti Uana Point Ot•\•,111frorll (/111111 l'latt• Ht•t1lt\ l'11111wr., 1.111 Hl7H\ .i ( .di1uro1.1 1•ut1l11 11•·.tl Jo ,1 ,.11· I 1m11t•1l l'urtn1•r.h111 • n.ih11•' 11u.1l1f11'fl 10\1·,hlr~ v.nh ui. hllh.' .1 .. ~ IU I lH J'> lllUI h U\ 13.000 000 tu ill\ t''I m .ip.inm1·m' 1·oodnmm1um c·oo,rr,ro11~ ~ind 111111m1•n i.1I pro111·1t \ v.11huu1 th1· rw,•cl for lk l'•UllJI 11t\t11't'lllt•11t Cull 1ir '""le H1t·hurtl l\ur11 .. 111r .i rm"t)(·1·1t1-. JOiN OUR STAFF "t• h.n 1· J h ~ 11iit·11111.:' 1111 our '>Jll'' :.1.1rr for 1 ll • ""'" '''f1<·111•n1 e·cl f ult llnw 11ruh•-.,1111rnll> '-•th .1 1t.·cl11 .1tt1m 111 :.nv1ni.: th1'1r <'h<•nt~ and 1m111et\111~ th1•11 1t•1·hn1t'al t'XJ.ll'rll'<t' Our d11•nts dtd l'\lll'tllt'h 1.wll J.1~1 ~l'UI utlll 'O did UUI \Htfr lo\ hn m,tdt• 11 h.1p1wn h' "' 1•ragmg $:! mil hon 1n '·"''' t.'.1d1 ('all or wn tl' l'ul l';irkm,un 133 LISTINGS ,\, ol 1111' V.•·11k 1,\1· h.1\1· 1:J:1 'h1nvd h~l\111!' from 1•11nd11:-. .111tl h111t:-.1·' In m uht ni1llwn clnll<lr l'llllllJlt·w~ Ill !ht• utflt'l' <'1111 tucla\' ror illl • 1pp11111tm1•11I with orlt• 11f our ltra.:ltl v tr111nl'CI ~alt•:. s t;1ff u( t•\ l'r IU W1• ,.,HI tll'lp pul you nn th1• ri).!hl 11 :11·k '" l:l'l ,vuur rnc111L'~ 1to111i.: what tl !.hnuhl do ""rk111a.: for )OU LotsforW. QUAIL PLACE PROPERTIES. INC. 1714) 752-1920 2200 LINGO HAS LOTS TO OFFER -PerlKt s~ f« a dnam hCMM i11 a nry classy Miqhborhood. SI 14,000 -DHiqn a hOfM for •iew lonrs only wlttt twinldtftCJ lil)hts at niC)ht. S 130,000 497-3331 LAGUNA BEACH 499-4551 ,_ 495. J 720 Souttt LGCJllna LOCJMH Miguel 4 9 3-881 2 644-7020 Dana Point Newport leach o n lrge. g r een belt fncd yd w /palio, wtr pd. lotcben Frml DR 2 car $460 /mo . 832 ·7532 IOOMIOOM BAY FRONT garage Walk to N1gutl ·evetwknd. IOOM Very clean I bdrm. 11-J blk P>S. 667 Victoria 636""120 ~ldy bearh on Bayside bcb. $675.2lJ·865·332l. Starring 1978 Best Ac ~l1~~f~s ~c r.r c'::?1 _1_·5 ________ _ Or . J Bdrm, 31,.~ baths. t=o..-V*f 3234 PmMM-C V~w tress n o minee J 111 646-91Jlor675.3901. 2Brw/aar·nucpts·paint vie~' Avu.ilable for the ••••••••••••••••••••••• New lnhse 1n Turtlerock Clayburgb at the Lona Wtr pd 636-<4120 1·5pm l:il~o~e~!:: 64~~ Condo 3 br. bonus room 2 br. 2 ba. den, pool. $625 Beach Convent.Ion & En· $5.50/Yrly. 2 BR. 2 bath. 2176 Placentia "8 " $300 li3rrell Rll> llegt:ster dbl garage. 2 pools S420 955-2154 eve tert.ainmenl Center. 300 fplc. 2 patios, 646· 1220 or ~ Placentia "A .. $310 --·-----May lsl. 545-6077 lbr in lort A IC. font E. Ocean Blvd • Long 00·5200 Lmda Oeth. l Bdrm in duplex.'"1235. S....._ Beach r-.1 1 ......__ l I 78 Nice 3Br Condo 112 baths. views Comm . pool. Jae. CallS42·S678. ext 272 LG E Clean l br. Ray t"en<'ed yard & e ncl gar. -..... ~ c I E ten. S36S1mo. 559.5050 beach. adults, no pet:. 1984 B Mey c r . Ca I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• rp c. pool arlhlone tocla1m yourt1c ke_ts y 1 $325 673-0072 S<l().7991:1 rpt.2carattached2~ar WOODBRIDGE. 4 UR * * '* ry. . ---· ---------2 bdrm. Condo. air cond. garage. lndry & pool On Cluldren & pets OK. $425 Broadmoor. ;i sly, avail lc6oa . 3 Coroftadel Mor 3822 t:asts1de 2br. lba. Adults. qwel greenbelt. No peb. CaU7Sl ·2060 . 5/1/79 $725 mo in<'lds PetNttMlia 707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• nopets.$325. $350. 493·8877. Cond 3 br. bonus room dbl J(rdnr. Air condo .. <·omm ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm. Iba, rC'Cn J(. bea m 540,5056, 2 I $420 M pools. & lake ac•rt's:. Ref ~AYVI EW, t>t:ach. pier. c·c1hni;:s. J(ar. $400/m o • . U -"'--h garage. poo s a y rcq'd. Ai.,'l. 559 622 I 2br. 5 wks S650 or $300 Avail lmm1.-<I· 675.(i892 New 4·plex. frplc. bltms. ....... ~i• ed ~l. ~6077 -p / wk . u t 1 I pd JO 3 551 Zl3M 2br, 2ba. e:.ich. Kids 0 K. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Huntin«Jton leoch 3240 Laguna ~och 3248 EdJlcwaler (I l871·28f.ti · S m. pet considered. S395 CieMral 3202 JI••••••••••• •••• ••.•••• ••••••••••• •• • ••• • •• • • • ------Costa Mfla 3824 Sc.>t• 10 to 11 Su t.. Hl2t! ••••••••••••••••••••••• N •...,..., f 5 81, . OCEANVIEW,ncw 3 hr. CX'eanfronl l br. t ba, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pomona . 6 45 7573 . . Bl' 1 cw"°"1 sq. l .. •,lX , ( gxi mo Avail May I •'-dR I "' Spac:1ow; 3 '• poo /l>pa. I ccutive home above llun m prc•sl1J(1ou:. I ort:.i ma 6'73-505!!. f . ~1t:SA VEH OE home a l v1ttmon ca c..slatc . yruld.bt-J ut lundsc:iµcd . lllll-?tOn Harbour. muny $700mo 49\l-4X20 ·-a tcr Spm mosphcn• t &J br dlx !!'~sdeMd kw /9GOxt~23a~o Only xtrll;'i. $795. Call Mike. Ruilde r·s Cslm Hin. 2hr Corona del Mar 3722 :JP\.S. no pct:. 546 10~ ;i/1141 I t!.. JO. 84().-6306 • ~.. d • ••• ••••• •• •• • •• • •• • • •• • ---· 2w. 1·n some oc "'u New 2 bdrm condos. frPI<' lc6oa Peninsula 3207 4br, 2ba. n u. rrpt idrp:-., Heuu yrd Gar llanl.ly tol S~l~~ rozpY001st~~~!!'· 1 No bllru., 2 car gar:o~e $450° ••••••••••••••••••••••• paint. etc. Mint cond ~hpJ! & bch 5111 7000dys. .: cn · .,.,,, nr & up 1076 Canyon Ur OHTHESAMD! Oceanfront . 4 bedrm. 2 tmth for lease SlOOO tpcr mo CallCayll.' REGENT REAL TY 714:831-3114 ssso.mo. ;51.2000 eve 586-lm __ _ ~~sm~ke640~99!J 645-S637. N"w 3br. 2• 2ba. + fam Charnunl( F."' ..ill' ocean H...1tilM)ton ~och 37 40 2-Bd --1 b · l h-:-l "' <lb h ••••••••••••••••••••••• rm. a a p . rm. Gar. pa rking ror v~ew poo · r o me Adults. SJSO. mo. Gas ~-9m.~~~ 333·3846 ~1t1~c1~1 !1f~~~o~1·r~r Weeklv Rates paid 00·5073 __ Jjxirm p, ba wac;hrm 54125lM Spaci~'studiol>& Newlydecorated3hr.2 ba rnrd yard. t rar j.!Ur:if.!l' I Bedroom Suites townhouse. S panu us. 20121 Bu:.hurd St $500 I llockTo leach Completl.' kill'hen... r1replacc & pool Quiet mo. 5'i8·8475 2 BR. I Ra. 51,00 mo l!>l & Ekaul P atio P ool un:a Aotllt~. no i.iet:. CApKtrano luch 3218 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR. 1 1 ~ blks lo ot'CJn, 2 Ur. occan \'rew. dbl rncd yard. children. vt'ls i(arai:e. HV area. sun OK. $430 mo 217 lilh St. la.,l AJ.?t 5.1&~ Maid ~rvin· · T $1(AI 645-3381 . 675 59-19 I M 1lc lo On· an Laguna Miguel 3252 R I s .• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ova u1 es Ntw 2 Bdrm. I bath w1trplc. ~ar Sml):iallo $125 mo 759-C>ii97 d<X:k . encl pauo. Couplc _!:!_B. 805/646·:!993 l>nl y, no p ets. s.i oo 548 8251 Corona del Mar 3222 ........ -.............. . l>t'luxe 3Qr 2ba frph:. 1954 Port Clar1d,.:c 3br. II " ba. l wnhsl'. µool. palio, drps. 6 applntnl'C'> Very CIC'an lm1 to bch or Doui.tl as No Pt•t !-. $450/mo. bl.last + l>l'4' tl4l>-1791 or 96.1·1!\193 Sl'JSO mo No pl'ls <.:-Ondo. 3br. 11 ,h;i, p;1lw. l~W 2405 tYIO·O'JOO dbl. 11ar, • 1m1 10 bch L\.isk 11 V 4 lldrm, fam lst .l;is t + StOll. deµ rm. dtnmii rrn llUll'l :-.t ~j4.2157. Ht«idy nuw. l.l>l' $900. t\1.'l t>l<l-721_1 __ -~ 2 hdrm. car~t:>. drt11'l''- C.:loe;1· to bc.il'h No :yant WOl'k. Adults uni) S:J2:> pcr mo 536.116().1 art 5 ----- Nt-:WLY 01'C·or d t hr. 7zfvorktnwn i.ll drn. 2 ba $~150 m o Beach Blvd l"N1chob. R 1': 494 n20 536-041 I or ~· .. z BR. 1•, ba, frplc. pV1 pal10, C'ncl gar Adil~ • $TIO 645-4(17 I Mission Viejo 326 7 543-2000 •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• n. f D --.... rum room or n·nt :.ir· $325. lJcaut hr.ind nl'w I LAKES IOt: LI Vt N<: ty. wkly. !f10nlhly Utr! br. frpll'. laundry' r m Lovely <!Br & lufl Condo. mrl 7561 Cc~tn Ur 114ti, lmml'<l. cx.·rupy. i::uarded j.!ate. pvt heh , ll.R.8927336 TSL ,••umt pool, l'lt:. $700 m o "'" 642 9.112 :>Ill ~1S <!hr, 2 ba. condo on tht• W--rt I h 3269 sand ~rurcd hldg, htd ·-~..-e ac pool SGOO 2131333~4G ....................... ---- NO fEI::' Apt & l'on<lo Laguna Beoch 37 48 rt•ntab lll·ntal l'J\'tlr•>O ••••••••••••••••••••••• G75-49L2 Uk1 LAG\jNA BE1\Cll ~!TIC LA MANCHA APTS l.arJ?c, 1,t&3 bd ,.:.trdl·n aµb 1\dul1-. l)o;hwhr , bhn.\, 1•111'1 )!Jr. j!;I!) bh<t f'onl (;;1, Pel 77X Sn)lt l'I jj.C! 50iJ. &15 $Iii I , . l;\'N Si5/wk & up ~laid bd Bl. I' l''S Lovl'ly uppl·r lik si•n . i·olor T\. ht•ult·d I Ll!t' rm , ;uJull:-. t>nl>. 2 br duplex. m ed p<itr . a ragc, $315. biJ.6336 c cs ------2 Br. I ba. separate gar . wtyard. Kids ok. $325. &t(). 7804. ------· EASI'SIDE2 BR l Ba. ulll pd . S300 m o . Ca II 5"6-5880. as k for Pam l.lr Larry ~e 3 br. 2 ba upgraded. nt•wly dc•eor. Nr. O.C. Colll'~c t-;ncl. gar. S400. 751 9005 <.:a ll & lca\'t: ml.'l>~a gc J\\'Ull May 15th 2 Hr l n plcx. crpl. stnv1·. wa:.ht>r1dryl'r. Encl gar. Sm ch1lct ok. No pel!> $3.10 376 !-: 16th St. !-:"'" 5411 1511 B:lchclor loft. r efri ~ :-.tOVC'. pout. ;ictults. Ou Pt'L'> S29U 646·Z90L ------- LI! I Ur avt. Ja m<':. St. ~250 mo. 2nd floor . 610·4!17!1 ------l\ksa Vt•nir 2 Bdrm. 2 bJ 1150 sq ft 1-"rplc. enl'I gar. dshw'!hr. i.:arhai.:•· cl1:-.p :.175 mu Ca II 957·156Hor 754 6211> SPYGLASS HILL with view. 3 Rr. 2 Ha. Wl•l bar, hve ;imon~ m 1llton $ llnmes. $1350. Ca II [l(i2 ~7 3 Bdrm olde r house (Ju1et area . walk lo be.ich siiw1m11. lst & last + SIOO dcp. ~ 3097 a h e r 5pm bu) "'°tr ' 11• ~" :I Br. pool Util <7t.i i 49,1 52\14 ~o Pt''" POlJI IV pJt111 2•-,ua. S950 mo. SI .JOO !18.SN Coast Hw\ llUl7 Munrov1a . Stli:i 0-Poiftt 3826 turn &tOt~l!G -f~JO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Costa~~o 3224 .....................•. S-165. J Ur. h: f1.•n1· ) rd. I Ur 2 113. cul de ... ac I hlk from park & ~l·hool 1711<! Ennn. So of W.1rnl'r. Jo: ol'Springdal<' ~164 l:!l)!i . , . Newport leach 37 69 2 Bdnn 2 hath llrJnd 3 AH. 2 Ba. redecor Open 3 H~drm . 2 U,1. l.tdo ••••••••••••••••••••••• , d h . h XI 1 beam.-.. fplc. 1mmed oc ~alt•rfronl lri 1111·\; mv. ~ 1~ ~a' ('r ·, n <'P> S450 <il*4·02fi9 Wal>ht·r dryt·r n •lrt).! lrJ1..1t10~1 SJ'iJ !).lg Slbtl or ·rn Plcx 2 Ldr111 2 hJ -------------------UmL' I fl'<.' lmt't! re~rrl -.l. C'rph. drp-.. etc 557 7K38. 77U 5629 I br Adulli. No pets P\'l SISO. 2Q.181 ~ l'omunu. 3 br. l:l• ba. new crph . fncd yd 20121 Bushard SL. $4!15 mo. 548·&175 Si75 lcaw 1\dlh. :'\n TOTAL' IA(>.SIL2aJ!( _11Hi .. _•1intiwcJt-on leach 3840 pC'b Brok..r, n:1 1 11100 A.LL ADULT APTS ~··•••••••••••••••••••• 3hr. t·ondo. ~ bout'""· 2 NOW AV AILAILE SIL\ltP . beach 1,2 & 3 BH. " LIVING frpk, dishwshr. ~aragc l'Jr i.:<1r ~75 mo b.1• 2(kapts Pool.J<1cun1& & pa tio s. No p e ts. >10 Yl·Jr i:rnund ll•,1w The ulllm•1tl.' t.iic bhl'lll·r Income Pr'Opfl'ty 2000 By Ownc•r Th rel' r1ty lot<. lor S325,lMMI t'J'; down ••••••••• •••• •• ••• • • •• • $18.000 Lake Els1norc Owne r w ill I 1nuocc ·---------1646-5848 642·0835 &16-2700 1355 03':i14 • BBQ arNl End iwragc. 96().2.3Sft: wknds 840·6306 lle1l /Spnngdale. 3 br. 2 ----SORR\' M> Pt-:TS NWrT C:H EST C:ON DO I Bedroom 177 F: 22N U ST balann· 714 Rons.no -------YOUR CHOICE TRIPLEX ICIDS/PETS OK E·SIOt; bPU<' twnhs e, rrpt. ga r. lndry. $445 642·2.'ilO. 646·<»148. b;i, dshwhr, rncd yd, gar Kld-> & pets ok. $1145 Mll no fee 964·25'i6. 973-2!17 I 4Rr. 2• ~11.1. rl'fng. Stii5 Fum1'shed 01"ta ~k~.:1 tH5 2-198 mo lst •lai.t 957!1JO:J Seawind Village New 1&2 bdrm luxury adult ap\.S rn 14 pl11o's from $315 + pools. te n· rus. waterfalls. ponds! l''rom San Diego t'rwy dnvc North on Beach tu Mr l-"adden then Wcst on M<"fadden lo Seawind Villa1te. (714 1893·5198. Apartments Edinger1 Oolsa Chica I . . . .................... ----------DUl'Lt:X Mauntailf. Desert. Resort 2400 Npl llgts. near n(•w, t wr1 2 Br. 11cross from p:1rk Bkr. 556·6171 TRIPLEX 2 BC.1ut1ful new rarwh horn<' 3 Rr hou.sc'. 2 ba. furn, rm .. oo 212 acre~ nl•ur lloh· ~I &serv . frph: Nr s ct a y H 1 t t s k 1 t 1 ( l . C Plaza $650. t;7J.fS()(J8 or Wnghtwoocl llorM':. OK. G_7_3_·~_n_J_a_r_t 7 ____ _ 2 :!Hr. 2Ba ~ lr11k t- IUr, I flu only SIU2 lM><>. •!!Br IJ OU!>e + 2 llllll:. $150.000. br. 2 bu. frplc. l'OVt•n•d pat.io. fncd yd. j.(ar K11Js & pets ok. $455. AJll , M fee. 964·2566; !HJ·2971 Npt Tt•rr Twhn<o. N•'W :lhr. 2'~b&. pnol, v u . pi.ilt0 $S75 5:16·H22ii f''rc:ihly clcr1>r ;Jhr :!ha. Tree linl'd SI t:nd ) rtl NO l'";T~. Sfj<!:i rnu fYIG.23M9 • Plu~ 8eau1tful Smglto. 6 2 Bedroom I furn 6 Unlurn I • All Ubltoes Poid West Costa Mesa Shows s lig ht posit•Vl' ca.-.h Oow. $127.900 Wllh 25'1 down. Ai..'\ 975-tKilli •<!Br llou.'C' + -I umt:>, lg tot siso.ooo •4·2Br units Sl'.l!l,!Mlll • 16 units. 71 i x fil'>!>~ TRIPLEX ~.ooo Hunt. Beach Pruit• or We have owne rship. w a lk 111 o ther investments. beach. Sl4!l,50tl ~ob 846-5502 Urckrnson. Ai:t !li!I K533 ~ surruundC'd hy national Nice 2 BH 1 li/\ New Heil/Beach 3 BR + d<'n, 2 forest. 2 f111l c 's, 4 Br. puinl e nc I'd garagi• ba, frpl, pa tio. fncd y<trd, rarruly rm.tll! laundry & renn'<i yurd. $340 mo'. )(ur Kids & pell> OK Back Bay Condo 3br. :Jh.1 st•wmi: rm.. rm1shed 2 bit. & tu~L 5200 sec. dc p. S4 55 Ag t . no f cl'. + loft on poCJI ss:i:; t·a r J(ar. all cl<'luxe :!:5<WOrangeB.S48·27i8 964·2566:973·2971. 631·2384 Lt.•t•,\nn mr•·ro wavc k1lc hc·n ----u.-.&.:~on Mu~t ht-seen $160,IJOO 2 UR Condo. yard. l?lar • ,--n'h..,. 3 Bdrm . 212 ba w Crpk ..! • Sw1mminq. TennL._ 8ill101d• • Act1v1hP' Ou#llC'lor r,., .. Sunday Brunch • H .. al\h Cl..OS SounaJi Jotuua:. Sell or trade for beach Mesa Ver d (· S350 . HarbOur 3242 <':lr gar w dl'<' dr opnr. yroP4::_i:_t~ t,75·8418 67.'i.WO Ai,'l or 1'31·5550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• kui-; OK. 'los,· ti) bt·Jt h PLUS MUCH MORE• SludJo condo ac·ross from 0\'!-. !190 t.tjH5 1• \ ,., $75.000 F\armshed. Thun· E Srdc Cal)i! t:od 3 br. 2 beach Frplc. µool. Jal', 631 050!J Oakwood dcrbird lits $5 15,0UO ba. (rpk. pool. ti.:c yd L-.c. sn;, s.11 4r.2s Gorden Apartments ~cwly dc1·or:H1'd 2 bdrm. 117 b11 <'rJ>l, drps bllln:.. prvt p-.t1u. to .. nhoUM'. all ut1I inl'l'd. Children OK. no l)t'l:. S32~• rno. Mn~r 645_·564_7 __ _ Deluxe bea ch apts. Frpk. •C:l<'an 2hr ('Ondo nr So <'ncl garai.:c. pa t iol>. (; o a s l I' I <II .1 I' o o I , PC'ggy. 960-4392. rarpor! S375 S400 No --.,.rUI 2&-3-1-D-1-- Jl(•L>-, IUJ-897 1 ....... -------t:xtra large & pnvale . 2 Rr. 1 ha. i-:arai:•· l>m.ill Dramatic floor plan~. ~ll~ll dd Ma r arl':J UPPl'r :1 br. 2 bu $400 mo Nu peL-. i51·215ti yanJ Nu dOJ!' SJ25 Slate r & Van Buren ti45 75~ K-17 7137 964).4370 nr Bt'rmuda Ounl•s $.1.SC.W·4895!t!H 1!110 --------LIDO ISLE 2 Hr _. tkn. h! S775,000 rurn 20 1\Cr(':-. 3 Bdrm. 2 h..ith. lrnnl JMllO. l'Oml·r lol Ohlt·r Nowpor1 Beach North t-:a-.L-adC' I br. ~ood h<•.im 3 Hr . 2 Ba . 2 s tory land ~.(MIO to S:.'5.0110 per S16.5 3 bctrm. lf.!l' fnrcil yd courty;ird with g:11l'l>u homt' w l'liarm ~f>(I mo B~" Irvin• 1·crhng, & rJbrncts S275 Townhou.w Apls . $450 to WestsideTri-Pln - I 0'12°/o Financin9 YOUR CHOICE arre ·oml. Budd111g!-. TrC'<· hn<'d :.lrt'i'l. q1t~. Tralll'r <rcress Boat 1\J.?t 545 Ull ,, lhth ~'W-1 SS20 mo.964-1507 $660.0110 M 11 t· hl'l I & draJ>t•s l'lt: 170 562'J or doc:k a va 11 1 lor n •nl 1 111 ~4H •. N<'W 1 nph•x 2 Hr I ua . up Nttw 2 story 3 bdrm 2'Azfl'u Interest only 3 Yl•ar-. Want qwck escrow Pnncrpals only OIA $135,000. 549·41i9R Tnplex S A SI02.000 Rum m on z Re a I l 0 r l>, 5&7 71(!8 across .strcl'l 3 Br + dt•n. t ba, frpk . lg'' Tnplex G <:. SIS0.000 7 s;p H H h -1 lhe Se R atty ~ard 2223 Annl\'t'rbJr\ Newport Beach/S•lh pc•r umt WIJ?arag<'. nr So 2 car )!arage, patro $475. 4 UnJts +house. zonrd 1' wy .'"·r. anr 0 Lovely 3 Br 2 Ua, dbl Y a e 1Jl.759 11l77 IH,..S• Ct>a!it Plaza $350. i\vu1I Also2br.,2 ba .. yd.$35U. for more C M. S250,000 Mir~gc, Ca . 5 •11·:1607 J?aragc, all bit-Ins. $455 846-4457 846-4655 1D<wNml~•n1 Muy ll>t C ~tll l'Vl'~ 1:1 47 ·5820 /963·25 18/ 84&5502 ~~ 56R-6721l o r 2370 0range 2131541 -6196 3rd OoorflayfrontC:ondo 11141 642·~171! 494·14.IJi!I, 493·2706. or <1y!o 960-4'1-07 Island VIII lbr. Condo. upgraded 2 & a study !'lp1'<'lacular llJ5-3000 ('xl 320. JOYl'c ---------- -aqeProp_ GREiNVALLEY LAKE 2 ~r.' i:arage, ~1~ull~. r~o with man y xt ra s vrew Sl 500 pc>r mi• M~t;'.1:«.,;.'~,~~:.~:~7 t::.art 2 Br. 2 ba. bra nd ne w. 3HEW21A 21A Uruts + 3 Bdrm home $250,000. LofsforS....1- 2200 lluuse · 3 RR. d t'n , 2 pets,$T75 m o.2300Elden $375 /m o . 84011361 or .l ar k•<' flY CO I NC .~-;..___;,....;..........;;....,_ _ _,----------• adults no pets. 1 Mi lo _. Ave 11 E 900-4393. ., • ., r:JVTu Lite, bnghl. arry 2 br & 2 bch. $350. 960·4145. ••••••••••••••••••••••• kit chens. service porch. · _ ""' """' ---------• ba. frpk, pool & Jacuzzi Roy McCardle, Rttr. 548-7729 SPYGLASS LOT loft <.;an he used a s 2 un· 4 UR. ram. rm .. 2 ha . frpl. lniM 3244 2 Mas ter BR. 3 BA Condo. STIPS TO IEACH AdulL.,, no pets 63HI097. 2 Br 2 Ba. carport. encl. (J.stlimeoffered > it.s; ~O m rn· ':"alk lo lak1:. 1800 sq. ft. Qwcl corner. ••••••••••••••••••••••• pool, jacuzzi. Circph1cl· 4 BR 2b wntr $.550 patio. nr beach & shop· Absolute ly the B EST saw<tj2!pns,·n~vatteiownsi~l,.F'orcst. s.575. 642·4623 Northwoods 3 br, 3 ha. S495 per mo. 546·1392 or 3 BR: 2 b!:: wntr S550 MESA PIHES £!~~ys 846·0638 Eves VIEW LOT for sa le 1n ... ~ " ... ~sq . n . l~t· family 213f790..SS38 2 BR.2ba .. wntr.$400 l Br $.115. t'rp1t·, poot.1...., ...... ,...-·...,... _______ _ ~-N.B. today . Localed 1!67·3534 EasL•11de3 Br.fa m1ly rm. f 1 d Jacuzzi gas bbq cl<>l'l'd • ~ be -------1 bonu.'l rm. pool. $550 mo. nn, rp <'. ~hwhr. fnr d 1 ---/Laasa Option '1ar Ad.ul•·; no pe'ts .;650 2 & 3Brs. move in. today. l~deen million dollar Mini ranch land. Fishrn.:. 646 3627 yet . A a r Wal l' r & ...__ b""" , .. 1 -'aria i\v'~"~ ... 2447 ' wlk to shopping & bus . Detach ed 3 bdrm res1 ences. 270 deRree golfing. horses 80 mtk!i gardener pd Clrandncw 3 Ur. 2 3• rp t. 2 rnr ' ' ",.,...,. $335 to $385. 842·H44. owner's unit + 3 m•w 2 v1ewfrom CdMto lrvme. from Nwpt Bch Btwn F.;asts1dc 2 Hr I Bu. $310 aD5mo Kictsok.nopcls J:3ra~c w /opcn<'r N1:ur1 EAST'SIDI!:. new 2 BR i 646-0501 bdrm studio apts Buill· Owner may ronsldcr San Diego & 1. A 5 to 110 mn rncl water/yrd serv A~I\. no fee !ltJ4·25G6. 13:.tck Bay Formal dm· ea r 1 bit S-150 ---------- 111s. separate lnclry rm. part.ial exc:hangt• or ac parcels Edward Fish 646-:1627 !'13·2!111 ing rm. c rpt~. drps. · p t,642n~ Coata Mesa Landscaped. sprinklers. T.O. s. For more 1nfo. RJtr548 967l - -washer1drycr. rnrd yard fenced yard. Off st. prkJ:, call Ron Taylor. 640·5112 . -New large 2 rlr. 1 bti. UP· Turtlerock lhghlands con w/spnnkl<'r~ $575 Do~:. __ OC_E_'_AN_F;...R_O_N_T __ 2226 Ca nyon . Costt• _a_g_en_t. _______ RcmcMs,Fanns, ~t u1r s w /hal eon y do. lovely view. h1J!hly 544-C)614 . cv<'l> &. wkn1b Mesa.S26S.OOO Groves 2700 DW /Refrig & bltens Nu ~raded. Microwave. 2 548 3004 ______ Avail now thru summer John El.Joi SEE ADD ••••••••••••••••••••••• kid:. or pets. s:J.I01mo HR.den.$650.640·668.'i_ SEA VIF.W :J br. 2•~ ba. wkly /mo 673 i611, 631-4321 642·G768 entitled 4SA Ruby R<'<I Gra""fr"1t 528-0820_______ 675-48_37 __ ZOHB> FOR ,.., " I year old townhou~c. 3 family rm. 2 frpk Pool. 3'u · 2 Id $220 ooo $'iOOO P/A. Will constdt>r 3 Bdrm Condo. 2', ba. J Br. end garage, comm'I tr nnis. $1050. 759· 1092 Yearly 2br. Oecanfront ~~ A~~D~na. i>.o: I 00 UHITS trade. m4> 92Z·7398. waJk m closets. atnum. pool. Hen t al(<' Pu rk Agent Adults. $600/mo Furn Bo 1907 N ~ h Class1200 4 5 BR r rmtio 2car oar tDNl/mo -Dys 631·3533. 1-:ves _:_;, _______ dyb 2 13 /927 ·554) eve x . • ewport c •---------or cslm am hm m ...-· " ·""""' · Bol Penm t:leJ?Onl 2 ert. 213/862·6009. 92663. Fallhrook o n 2 Ac 714/631-4448 5.59-0471 Will build to suit your w/variely of frw\ trees. ----,------• 21~ba. home. Avu1l. now ...._._xl50/o DoWft oeeds; licensed & in· horsecorral *·pool Over Lg3br.2!,'Jba.2<'aritarg : 3Br.2'h ba,s w1m'1tpool. Yrly.leasc S900mo.Buy BAYFRONT·2Br.2Ba .20· ~ s ured °' · Brookvl co d So tennis & c lbhs e fac & Beach Realty 759-081\ boat slip optional. yrty, 10% lnterc!'ll, $72,000. •GEM* 3400 rt $228 soo Agt ew n °· nr · ~ d ----------•no pets o r children . Ownr "'•" ........ 768 7""" 7141128-D • . . Coast Plaza. A/C, pool. /per mo. J oyce Y ir-c......__._ 3Z76 Ev"lyn 631·"·"". _.._.., • ·....., QimtructJonCo.642·4623 • jac,lennls.Ava1IJune l. 54()..5505:afl6S5~0918. -_...,... "' ""°' .... ._.......... . ..................... . Beach location. lhmit of· PROl •TE _,..... ~. 75'-0386. 3 Br, 2 ba. across from T e nn I 5 p 0 0 I J 8 c PROMONTORY PT. lbr free Ii restaurant <dis · ,,_ &ct-. 2100 M v~" 3 b b park. pool & tennis in ~anil<' ""n v~. 2 Br.· & lof\, & 2br. Avail. now. coJcomplex financ ial R I lot. North Tustin •••••••••••··~··••••••• esa -=me r . 2 a , "" 11 S 675 210 package. AlTD at 9~3. l lllls. Level. 1,; acre. Call r"'ltt_,.._..11111111_....__,.._..1111111111111 frplc. covered patio. fncd Turtle Rock. avail 4·25. ba. 2 frpl, no pets. en. r rts. pa. • I. Cash on cash re,um or gregory A Dennis Real· •u.u•aH•w•ii yd , gar. Kjds & pets ok. Agt.S000.759·1997· Adlts. infant o k. $52~. 2 Rr rum or unf $275 Prl S2 000 000 7c:n 1120 -"' "' "" S49S . A gt. No fee . 492.(1103 C'lt\ J73 bef 9um •-'uJ · · 11 '"1. cc • • · . ...,.. Oceanfront condo to ""'• """".· 973.2971. Well upgraded 4Br. 2Ba. ,... ts. no pets. 2421 E. R L M810 lnv-tment.s •-'---------"""""""'°" '"'25 3 or urt5pm. l"" .. N. Ht~ .. "-•"·lu"l · · Y "'" BY OWNER. R·2 lot. wi'lh trade for hmd & or In· ----------mo. 551·458 or .uuL ., '"" ov 7 2 9 • J t 2 9 I 43 41';· t3 6 4 I O .., ... _ 1" h 3 RR l "'"'" "US NI 2 b r I d '"'-r1a ... -", p ..anon y. exhJlln .. 3 BR houi.e. romeproperty n range """u"me.., s arp .._.... ce r, rp1c. rp~. Udo 2br Jb I' di ~ .. uau n " County Ba. M25 mo. Avail now. --~------cplS, gar yd Nr ocean • a, incs. S· flood. Costa Mesa loca· De..it•i-L......., • ....._ Ca ll MS·S880. Uk tor UN•enftyf'rlc ut.lli)d.s.iss.5s6 ... 3i4. • h es. Pool, laundry . $500+ SSOO PER UNIT lion. Complete working """''" • ..,""" PamorLarry 3 Br 2 &Gorden Home Adult 11 No P e t s Jo' L A T F r-: E drawings. and variances tll-0497 642·32'3 oo gm bll. cathedral w t. SOlllll Lat-a 3216 Avail 5-l. $450. 642·6904 PROFESSIONAL AS torhlghquolltyrental or lnirs. Ital. tile. new ••••••••••••••••••••••• SJSTANCt; TO S1';t..L condo l.rlplex. Ready for Uttlth ... U carpet.in.a. pool/ jac/lcn· Ocean Vlew·Monerc h When you call Clusilied y o U R I N C 0 M Y. plan 8 c heck. Owner Will H c ha.nge CdM re· C1Ullfied Ada are reallr, nis. $575 mo Lease. Summll, aduJl comm. 2 to place an ad, you're H · p R O p F, RT Y ..,/consider l•rgi' !\Ub· lidencewithoceanvlew MDAll "peopletopeople ' 875-8192eves only. BR4'denl600/mo Alao2 sured or a friendl y WESTERN REAL.TY otdi,,.tlonorpartlclpa· lipool alredlot.lJOOOK ulelcallswllb bl1 re· BR $5 50 . Co mm . welcome and help 1n SERVICES lion. Call Lorri, dys, equity lor commercial adenblp and bla result.a! Oran1etree. lowe r condo. clubhouse. pool. Jacuul. wording your ad for bett AN R.E. ADVISORY 714.547.9571 ; evs/wknd8. I ndus t r I a I o r " ~ ! To place your clantned 2 bl', AIC. tennis. spa, etc. Teal & Babcock response . Call Now! 530-1073 714-54&-$434 M4-0834/535-7268 ad. call today M2·5e'78. MSC>. Eva 7141759-198$. Reah.y tnc. dt-47'7 642-5678 • -Streams. waterfalls, a pine forest. Among Orange County's most spectacular adult apart· ment communities. t & 2 bdr.; 2 bath. Move-In ready. Offices oi:>en 9 to 8. ~ l300Adam1~ Cost• Meta ~1300 ·-----.....---- \ H1u111JowS. W.....krS. ....._,,_,.,. ......_,__. ,__.- ••-.-•••••••••••••••••• ········•··•···•······· ······················· ...........•....•..•••. , •................••••. ~~ ....... !~~· ~~~~~.!~.~~ ~ ............ !!~! ~~~ ..... !~~ ~~.~~~ ... !~~~ ~.~~ ....... ~::.~.~ ............................. . Mtw,.tlMdl 106'Ml ...... 1Ndt t06tS..._.. ".IClllDUCID lr11rn1t t·ul111t· J Bdrtn & ctm homr nt•;o Wt• td11f 1-'I Hll I.Ml l•H 1111111 J11ru11t 'OOl& sr• Not in muluplt' bo>0k 4 bf, 2 bi.i •~Ind bom• nr Drot1khur1.t & I\ llwnt n hll!hl\ upar-.dLll 11111 ., ian Hfo.Al. t-~'>TATI-. l'HUto F IO~Al.S c ... ~s .. 111 Opttt s.t/S.. t -4 4UAWM.Wsy. o.-1. IJc ....... lttr. 8'uulatul l llr 2 Ue II Jl('n 9ll-049J 641•326 thouv rnndo vll'W ~...-..~._.....,._......_. lfllli., luJhlY upu-drd Ponl 1nta J•f' A• umtlbll't 111111\ JHlt c·d 11 1t1t ST'• 111111 Op t' n llo\n,1 ~11J11J 11) I:! ~ \\.iU. tu lllJ \'uni l'liu.t 1#t1 7411 l IJ1lrm llOM t: Nt * · ··11La Only 17T 9tl0 v" L\M) ft•r Si.I( Un thl' h'rn111I Ullr IJ3J ~ untl llllc· lib•. 1H111I .t1w111 '1 llon1J111(tctn __________ .. i>•11ht 1t llli~ OIJU Up OP9I HOUSI Jl3 n1 .Mf• t11•11uuru1 <"or1111r 1111 .. .J"tal<k ('~ ta \t1·~u 1 .,..... I 044 ttdrm I • 11 ... 1h 111 -11 ••••••••••••••••••• •••• 11,11111 Mo\ r In 1vn1lll11111 W7~1 CJl't-;N :O,i\ 1 "' I \ l!llt1 ltUM·. t. \Ml Roy Mee ..... R.ttr. 5 41 -7 729 0 751-9999 OUTST AHDIHCi!! 1Hdrm ,2 bi.th " fJ1111h nn ('om ·r lot II 1 11111 11Xld1taoo SI l~ IJUIJ OHHSUH.1-5 IOSOVALUJO M"oWoocb ,AULMARTIM REAL ESTATE 644-7313 Sup..-Plush I ~ .. ~~~ ~1~~~1? ,.~ t'<"llll\ 1 honw wllh Jll un u•u11ll't IJq't' ' •• nt t 1111'1 .. 1111& i.t•jl<lf .1t1· cl111 1111( llMllll -.1•1u11 "" I on11 I\ fOOlll ~II II lJ1 II Ii. f1n ·11IJ1 •' ~coll phah • _.rp.-t1nj( l'Jlllt \loH ~""' n u c u 11 l ud J \ TAABlll. -· IARGAIH VA TERMS I hll\ h1111" "' 1·1111•1 I .tlll 111••11l 1,,.,,., ,, 1 ourfor tJ ----------•I 1111· l't•lt 111111· pl u' ,, RGHT IHFLATIOH! sp11rkl11w JH111I, ,, hl•1:1· ll11y al 111da~ :. 11r11•1·11 111 lid1 rni. ~ :!1 ., lr.1tlh .1 rlcw•lup ltJ1 111111111 1ow ., \\-1•alth 111 work 0. 1111.1~·1· \litllll' 'l'n fllt•lo. llll I r1in\ 11I i.11.11•1· I .1w1tlf'd 111 l 1 \ trl" ~17' » :io:r lt11 1h•cllf'11ll'tl Only i!ll.1111H1 N1·w \ /\ .tll1•v On•• hllll'k 111 I loun ~:.:! M'l/ f l.1111111 lllv1I SlhH 11110 ' fi I~ ;,:m11 lh.·JI i'.'>t.1h· WOOOURll><H:. a l>drm "'9'1\hom Xlnt lontum nr poof. htUU Ill .. nd llnli Au um•• loan ol IOO 700 llutry thi. .. on 1 ••• ,. i 12 )00 0..-rwr ¥1rnt IU1 •1211J UnuwJ 11-~llr •. II>• J • "' l fr1>l1 Jll.)(I "" It Mac r~ll\t• l'tHn11u1·\or 1145,UCIO $UI Qt10 dw11 '··~M WILLOW CREEK or BUST llot·Curn 11o 1th II" 111111o l•t th• ;,i Ult Nonh rnd, w11lk to lltarh frpl, hdwd lln1 , paUo ll :ii, c•an add unit . UWTl( r lln nu llM,000 l'l'"Cl ALLt:N IU.ALTOIC 41M 7~1" RUI .. ; LAC:OON VII.LA .. I>< .'lii. • lwlu h i.howt•r, ~•I har, fNu·t•d 1111110 In h•flor bratulllulty u1• 11rlldt<d ho pool&. kn -n1.1 rourt . 111·1· t at<'"I HFACJI Slfi? 0011 l ',it I N1•ul V11nth •r l.11·I fn r •IJ11l 41W ~ ( rt lluntin ltl•olly 4trl 1141 t h .. I Ill ,, I ,, II I I \ 1----1!1•11!~-... -t uhltlf'f\W W1tl11w I 11•1·k 111 If 11 I !\l' I' I " N ,, 111 I •'C:lrt.,111 ht,1111\' ~ ll Ii I t ti 11111 ''" 1(.11•1•" ·"'" 111 .. lt•I 111'1111111111 11.tC It illrlUlll.. v .. 111!1·11 I I'll 1111(1, ~ lh k) h••hl• .11111 ••lh $)Ci• J(ltl e f\,\NClt HI 1\I I Y !1'11 -000 ~a.och 1048 ........•.••.•......... HHIWI G ROW AGAIH! Cau sey & Company Cau · y & Company OVERLOOKS VIC TORIA.COVE \\ II I I 1• W ,, I 1• I \ 11' -.. '\ ~ll~oll \ ,1111J lll~llrtllU'\ 1klJtlllllo: lhruuul tlll"> S l>.J 11 I '> h t n I I U 4' 11 1· t " I hi11t11· ,I l1t'IJ1t11 tflh :!1 11.ith' '>l I' ... H I 11'1 I ' I 'I I \ ,\ I' l.l t> I. ' ~tm ~JO • lltH!'>o 1·.,11,t ll1 ..... 1) tit \'11lltj.(I' !'all I.Al :t 'N.\ 111"./\I ·11 497-2457 l«JMftO Hiquel I 05 2 ......••..•............ l\•tc Burn•tt,, Rt.;aJty Rt1AJster 11-----..-1 Univenity Pork ·rv.111-ull -;,.1\11"1· 1trf11·•·' F 111 \II Laguna Niguel Realty .. DmMJPoint 10 26 ..........•....••••••.• l'ltt·:\' ll·:W :"llllW I'\ (, Mi\l<l'lirl' 1•11·•t11•11111-. I "'"h-111 ' .. 1w,11 1111' m.1r111.1 1111111 • '\ I ' I 'I II II k :11 'l.t I II '1'1.lo\!O t .rl'l 'illl M11~~naf1e·•·nl •w• tJU '1t•"' N• v. .1 1111 111w11 "·'' tv :-.1111 I '> :t:Jklf1 I '•tl"l.'lfl \1•1 li."U t•~I I 111 1171~1 .. Assumable Loan 4 ledroom1 l!J11• t l>1lrrn ('11rn•·ll pla11 on c 11rnt•r lot 111 ""Jl"' 1111Kl It , lt••ht l1r11;ht It.. ,11rv with .1 ~1"1 >11111 .1·. .. u1n.1ti1t· 111.111 at 'I'• . 1111 (J11h SIOJ .1~•1 ( Al.I. (JI . H " II,. :-.1\ .. I. 644-7211 em I II 1•1111 \ ll'W '\:1•w 11 111 , :t 11.1, :1:1!1:1<1. 111111· 1 .. 11111°111 T1 ad••/l.'l t'1ll1111 on ttr 1:1111< llH1<·;n. 1175.1.1110:.! :1 , m n I I •I 11 w ra /\ I' t lift 0 11k wootl. SIO~.IM~I t<'l:Jiil:jll ~!111 1~1% Olli! 1;4'1 t;llk7 I,\ I >wm•r .1l1d1 111 :" h.1 I 11'1'/tll VH•W J 11v. 11111111 .. 1· 1'1•11. )111'11//I, ,111111.1, ,.,. 'tr.1 1 l1•ar1. )J l'l.~1IM1 1-.v • .., /I.I \\-kn<l;, 4t1:1 11:1111 l>u \., 7 M 1113.\ 221.IO WOOOIRIDGE I f\1Jr111 . :1 1111. upl(rad1••I V.1llow Xl11l liu l'n1I cl1•1• ~t I. l;1111b1·a1i"41• s.1:~u~1 c 1w111·r :15!111:1:11 't •>01 l-'111<1111·1.11 .incl l11\t"ol1111•11I 'lj,., th llf~t SI) ( 1)\.-.l'llW \ I'\ Vl l.l,i\Ci ... fo' \Ill I.At, I 'Ii,\ Hl-;i\t II 1•n ;•1 .• 1 1t1.1 i,o c II/\!'> I II .... \ LA<il -.;\H~.\C'll -l!H XU:,/ •DUPLEX• tll"l'.111 ,,Ilk 111 hi.\-\, J.·\..J 1111, l'itl\\ .11 ,., • .," l•1 l1t'.lt Ir i\ii.~11' Jlltllll 111111111 11' l'Ull'"· ldl•itl flll lttJlfll' /(. 1111·t11n•· ll u r r~. 11111~ ~M:1.!,~J M111~11111 lt1 .. ,ft , t:11 11/:11 I) J\•H.H :1 /\It( 'If II/\ Y ;1111 . ;-11 .•• ! ''" Iv 1111 oc·11 llll'V. ! 111 .. •• 'I, ,,,. h . S!?f1.IO I t;M IHM ~n HCKI\~ Sunday April 22nd, 1-5pm :11,;ii.. 11 ........ Jo.(· 1,\ J UST LIKE HEW! ;s II tl r rn 1-· .1 en r m "' k> 1111·-, '.11tlh•cl •.•• ,, Ill)" \1 • \It .t II ( II" I' 11 11 I lttt I I. I I t t11• 11 \I U ~,IMI H E W LAK E PA R K AREA S p.11•11111h famitv 11111111· w /I l~ll rr1. :1 Ila. l.1111 1111. wl'l 11111 , II\ I 'Ill• "·I llt n'flw11111I tlt••·k 11fl M ~11 llrl1 rn . '1·111 1.11 .11 1 $1&1 .:1:~1 STUNHIHG OCEAN & CAHYOM VIEWS lll·a1111fullv tl>'l"\lf,1l1·tl :1 11111 111. :!1• h11 h11m•· 1:rancl 111\111111! t•nlran• 1· hull & le a.: h11n1ly r111 "(Jij·~ •SIAYllW OWMll lJpira ded lhmplon modt'I. 3 br. 2 ~ ba +-rm ly rm Ocean ti n1aht lltl' vww Owird 111111te. pool lCMlll Ynn1·1p•I• nnly l'o!95.000 ( 2 lll 4 30 3&2tl I Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-·•••••••••••••••••• • !::f 1 L -I 011 ... . ............... . M.1.HOMI LIASI AT S675 Sh11rp upara~ llartx>r Vww homl' 2 bdrm • dl•n & frml d in rm 7:/J-1601 NEWPORT CREST CONDO O,..HMMS...1-5 n••-l'tan 3. 3 bedroom . 21h bath. 6'ood loN1tion, up~raded, wet bar. mirrored wurdrob4--s. community pool, jacuu 1. tenn1tt courts. $135,000. PCM llALTY 133.1430 bl~l Is l comer d 11lx C11ln1 DU,UX U !-:S T 0 fl I(; IN/\ I. (~Pt' Cod w /'J Hr. 41 1111 Ul.Ul-'.to'S /\ltto:A: ~n!la Plt unit Skyltto & loH" llClnlll 111,111 I-:, bll(hly lllll' II( WOO<Jl> \hrlllllll t·wrt•1m11f'd, 11p:t1·111111"1 :t S •• O (J • 11 11 u <· .i ' ti bdrm ~Wit' + tn8M1IVC' l!IJ,fj!H :0., Bv Ownur. n·dur1·rl to Sl7~,()()') lloth 2 UI< ur11ti. I !ilk tu 111 <·1111 Good 1n l'UOll' J(l•u fi7!t (.14 7:1 C )f11·n houiw ~II I ~. l'JO 1J11ISI fw1uly rm & .t<lcJl-IJ huh l'Y OW"' L I< 'f t I I h )' rm 0 v t• r Io u k ' ' . •• r. 11 11 \ c·normou'> fo(rt•f•ntwlt n·mdl d 3hr. :!li..t. v. 1<101 nn Nt:<'r purk-.. i.d1b. ~ llunc•i.lly 1.1r1<1·c.J JI '<ho,PJlln~ Tnr1 f11• hull· Sllfl.500 /\l(ent fl40 ~ 11~.IW IA~ W 37 ' "~•'lhlulf I~ lot. 4 Ur :.!', l!.:1, f;.11ml} rm SIW.~ Ownr b40 fi064 AN ENGUiH TUDOR ·1N N,,ORT? IAYSHORfS EASTILUFF Uv OwnPr f'Ornt·r lo t ., ri v a r y M u .., t ' t· t- ~ Urlrm, 3 lJuth'I. «ho1r 1· 1·harm1n1t t(J\l ,11t1· 111 11111w r lnc11t111n Jo'rt•'.'th u·nor :i llll 1 Iii\ d1·n fl,, 111 t h h" kt· r 1111 f """'''' u Woo11 floor:. Sllf7 .!)llU I rt'1lc·h de 1r hm·k 1><111<• Roy McCordle, Rltr. ~11in l• lw h:.i.·cl S• •· s.MAM tOIO Newport Beac h I B r . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 112.500/ofr . 7000 W. l'aclllc C1tl Hwy U ~ -------YA IUYllSQUAUFY ·J-:a.,:y c-L.U-, I FOi MOll&J HOMIS ?Fii?' wwwa 00 AlrordiGle houaJna Ill • On .. kM!l)' cm d . *llC rnln lmum p-ric_,, C111U cl<111e to p11rk1. t<•nnii., ttuth or Ma r y An n , i.hopptna. c•tc· Newly u11cnts. olll8·8535 or pi.1ntt•d home with 4 49"b2:122 bedroom~. fotmul cJinlnii -·-------room. r11m1ly room with T r od•• L11 11 Vegas • fircplaC(• t;ovurt'll 1>11llo N1•11ada, '75 Plvctw()()(J, More f ll!l.7tJ<I Muhl lil•l" ~~. xlnl ennd. 5 Sl8r $l$O 1720 l'ark adll'l only no pets, 9AA118 I ror 11amlt lo Orl&n.ic 1~""9 Counly 1'13.13262uft6~_: -· Uradford <"o nclo II y Own1·r . Stl\l.!1110 Wiii roopcrult· with hr olu·ri. !'>4!171)34 ~!AftXt04"! Ut••icnl>t'., """"' & al(1•11t Th11. 3 bec:.lrm. I '• h111h horn<-1s pnc1-d 111 w ll .tt S'l'U.~ Ne w 1•rpb. n• r1•ntly p.i1nt1·d C':1ll I' II I 714 \111'1 ..'1 :11 ttr 21J rHl 1357 /\J.tt•111 IS.•\ Wiiham:.. 7 14 K:J~1 0~11 lltl'Jllk IEACH IAIGAIH Nt·w 2 Bdrm mohil<' homt· m NcwrJOrl. Only ~:11 .IJOO or ll!USC for $47j/mo ROGH llOWH R.E. 67S.1020 f .. YNOHT l llr/d('n /ll(c cahuna . l'at10. frpk. 2 h:vels. npl.'fl ht•ums. new r rpl, hlln.-.. xlnl hw. Must :.ell, I' r I c· t' r c· 11 u . t o ~7 1~1111fr 673 7ll!IO V1•l>, lhJl 'I n1-tht •1\111•ll·1t;1nt 1-;n11lii.h 5~8_7729 now' >l'll Su11 I :. lh7tJ 1----------• t••W•u•v•1•·r.1y_l.>r-1i4•'•' •Ul•Y.,•7--T1attn I 090 T11t11 Y•' a r :. rll' w. LI do ••. •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P•·nn ~tJr l'ool. lruf ry. Tudor tonclom1n1um •In u111d1.;al lol•atwn •l'm·1-.I from SJ:!:-i.0011 •Wal h Ill', tl11w11 f111a111·11111 ·n11•. 1·n1t111 111· v11111 '''' po1111111ly tu h•I\ :111 ••ul :.t.1111trng ;! 11.a ,111d ti• 11. ;1 hr 111 I 111 v. 1lh I'·• Ii.1th l!ttfllt t '""'' Ill l'\t'I ~1111111• 1 lnl~ I .1v.1tl.1hl1 lltlhHt1•>.1 lt1,1\1 111f1•l 111)' s 1· ,. ~ 11 I•: V 1-· I I·: I . II l'l.J\I ·t: .11 Tu•,1111 /\v1· A II.tit Ill Nl•WIJllr\ fka1·h f,, l',\t'l·:S i':TT l':H llOMES C)JJt.•1HIJtl) frnm 1:• lllJ .-111 1•111 ~ r11la; WATJo:ltFltONT :; Br n11-lorn ho mt· o.,h ti ~:! h11.1t ()Mc· 10.111 Sll.'1,uw1ull 11ru·1· Hkr 1.:11 t:!:M CARMEL MODEL ·1 1111. t.1 m rm. fllrm.1l 1l1n irrt, ll.11 hor V"'w lln a. l.l)'hl /!. hna.:hl /\~•· 111 'I 0111 11;11 1111. 1::11 I ;~toh WAN"l 1-.1) 11111.11lm1111r 1 __________ _ S.···~·· ..... Jlu1111· \Ao \ , ...... 111 r ,. • 1 I 1 11111 "v. 11 ,. 1 It! I 111711 If SUNSETS ,irt• "' 11nnm1: I rum I hr• LEASE OPTION I llllrm • 111~1· to h1·;1d1 1:~1 :llJll NEWPORT C ENTER REALTY 640-18 12 In 11·\1•1 11111111• SJJJ l"lflll,1-----------111011\11 /I.I 'c1.ir1111( \1t1.tll 1•c11 __________ _ 1·1•d11t~' \l .111v c 11111 m11n11 > "'I' 11 • . J u-,1 h"lt 'fl '" t ,, II 1111w IA!. i;.!l I AFfORDAILE In lh• 11<-.tUliful v.. -.to hit ·" '"' I .,11 ~·1 .I lltl1111 hath f11rnil) hom1· .... 11 h ()nturg _U_14_)63_1_·00_9_4 _,· r1 ~ ~ fl 21 Wu tcliff Reolty 1111·111.111 ,\11 1111 "'"'' •,\(•••I 111 .u ~1 ~I"'' I •t h111,1 I H ti-r1•fl ,,1 11111\ )l:t.1 l~MI ( "II ::,.rn I: '.I LSE/OPTIOH :'frwh 1kr11rul1·<1 '.lh r .lh.1 °uv1•1 lo•1k111>! 1•ttll I I/ II r "' I\ ,1 I k I\ ,1 \ $7 ~)fl ""' Id<! Ii 1111. 111 1,U1111.'11 BIGCAMYOH lease Option flrohclm11or Nu :1 pl.111 w11)(1• ·I ll•lrm. ~·, Ila wdg1• 1111<11 '<lll'IJ \ .trtl N'"""' .1111·11111111 l'111·1•tl fflr 1mnwtJ1.1t•· ""'" .11 ~l!l.SllO ln11ui rt• ahout olh~r lit~ c .• n~ 1111 h:.111111.'\ GREAT BUY' h )wr 11p111·1 I·,.,. l.rn1I W.itk lu lw.tt h I ht 1'11111111 IMllll' ~ , , 11111 '1'1·1 nt "lli:o IMJ(J 1, 1,1 :1:1111 I' I' 2 IR·DEH-POOL $165,500 L ti ... ,. I ~ \1 "II •• I'" I II 11.1rt1111 V11•"' 1111111•' .• lllh 111~ 1 •lt·11 1 • p.11 khn1'. IH 'C o1tJ JllJ11I l.1·•· p.11111 n.,...,. 111 ~·11·1·111,..11 fl\ ""'IH'I l'all 1;.H l:JI I CARMEL 1 f\llrm .. :i halh.., l .1n1al~ I 111 I.ti I'' l'·•flll'n, I r111I t I 1 1" ). 111 l I fill if 1 I II 111 ' W.dlp,q1• 1 "''" 111 I rl1· 111u11t1•1 ~lt/1.:,t~I OPEN SAT /SUN I ·5 2033 Pt. W~ybridq~ PAULMARTIH REAL ESTATE ut fl75 Z::ll I ur MCI 71~i~1.1 __________ _ Uan H11Jt>. /\"t -644-7383 CUSTOM EXEC. SECLUSION 'r1111 tnll1'1 -,t·•• lh1-. tolltlh r 1•11 1•w1•ol 1 11,111111 I 1t1·clr1111111 h1111)1· 111 "h·1•:r11• 1· SptJ rk 11111• 1111111 J·•l 11//1 IV 1111 , I ,11•11· 111111 •I I" r It n 1 ',, l'nva1 v 1 .. lllt' 11~ v.-11111 ,,. 1 l••tl Ill I h· '\•11 'h Ttt 1111 11111 ()I \I 11 \ ' A,11111)! "="~I IMrll TUSTIN REALTY 832-5111 VIEW, POOL, HORSES ·1 '"" h111n1· h .1-. "' 1•1 v\htn•' IJ.i" .11111 ru1•h1 \I ... \\ from !\11rlh ·111· 1111 lfilh lojMfkhn1: 1111111 .it r•· 111111 hur .,.. 11 1rr.tl ( J I I 11 ".... " ' II I II I' ~171.l!IJO TUSTIN REAL TY 832·5111 Westminster 109 8 ......•.....••..•...... rm /\111111 11 No I'd"· 01.oou 11i1i mo.i Muna~1·1 l1ir m11h1lt• home 1mrk Salary +-quartni.. ~lui.1 111· rncl'l1anlc;jl & .11th· to w11rk pa rk lllf!;H' I' ,, r k t' r . /\ 1 1 / 11 11 a 111 1m:1 :mw;11ftn~1 Ac~age for Sole 1200 ········•····•···•··•·• l(.1nt·h11 t 'ah l a rl'•'. 4 :, ·" 1•·11.1rt ""' ~lllU.IJOCJ f ul I 11111·1· 1t·r11h. mu~l w ll 1\)'I :n'..I 'l\IM 365 ACRES ll•·.1uttful vall1•y ln:11l1•cl v.11h "'-'k '>. f.1nt.1~t11· \ ,, . ...,, ,1n1 ~1 :a11n~: l.111tl 11nv.111· r, .wr" l11k1', 111 •1 JM'r\Y 1•11m11IC'lt'ly l1·1w .. 1I Xl11t rnrwh "t•· or c-.1111p JlltlllOl1 ('11uld lw "1111 1h\1•l1 .. J lnv1·,t11r I• 1111 .. I •117 51~11 11r I 1J%:! :m~AJ llr11k1·r ZONED FOR 100 UNITS BEST SECTIOH Of IMDIO 5 ACRES Will "''II "r 1·on-,11lc•r Join\ v1•11lun· c·ondni. nr apl., 'W1 t11JU Uwner 17 14 1 :01 .m1J No Quallfyinq! lift thl'> rtt•iJl. 4 lwi1 1 m :: I ST TIME 1>111h ho m1· 1war "'h1111I ., ... 11ovran11 & trN·wJy 1-'1111 OFFERED pnt"\' $7:!.!l~I l'ark Plan• tr1l'l~•li! 711.J llrll 20 acre• parcel'> nr H•a•...tv R•tr•ot 4 Heh 111. l! l11.1lh ~ him lly rm l'rnf lltr1•l'<<' II r•·lf \.jl t••• 111 111•,_r111h· 111 I lutfllll' Jill 11 11111 I tt-.. .t\ t• t1\• tt I hl1 llttll I 1111 "' 1111' Oii" ( ,tll .l.111 ttl 'I 1·11 \ OJll'll S;,1l 11 5, Sun I ~ 4 Soni:~riar111w 18.0WMARKH S11.1111 :ll11 . 11r< .11 Inc .1l1t111 1 1t.·1 nr v.1th .11111·11tl 1•., ,,.,.,,\I II hi.I 111 I ··~ t Enwro&d loy Lot m:1 IAIJ4 LAGU.,_.A DELIGHT 493-9494 495-52201-------- 496-2413 830-5050 HARIOR VU HOMES IESTIUY PHASE 2 SGt C lemtnte I 076 l.akP ft1ver11dc. som•· ••••• •••••••• ••• •• •• • •• i----------•I tobbnnwood & 011k tre._..,_ S63,000 1·l••r av:11I Onl11 !I ti~~' \ ,,1 .. t11tn Ir. I 11. ,.,, '"' 111 l'ru111·rt 1•· 493-938 1 111:-.11'1,jt 11v"; ·1111 l"·'"''''I""' • 111l•1111 ;1 1"11 111 'I lw It' 11111 rm f'r,.nt h tl1111t" 111,.•11 111 .111 ott·t-.1n vrr w tlll' lrJlC'll .. l.llfW,1\ I'> .11• ,., rtl 1•1I With a ltH 111'11 .....,Ktd hah.u11r:1<11· C'.dl fr1r 1r~1r1• 1hl11rm11t11m I ' t•:N'l'l llt Y :_.i I W ~.~ !1!>4 '1X4U Housework Is Easy Here! l'llra '>harp .11111 1111 111.11 111.111· 11111111· ~11 .. ~ ., I 1 k ,. .1 m 11 cl 1· I .1 l11-.lri1111n .. 1111 n"lltl 11111111.: 11a1m. 1 omh fir t'lfl." • 'J111111f tilt' 11111· t .tqrl'I 'I ( lt.11 lflllll' I 1111 1111\1 t 111 1'ft..,l11•111u' l·.11,..1.iht 1111\ 'f t• r I ,J «' ,. 'i II II II \ • 1 .... 11111 ........ 1 ... ir;11rt 1111 l1ul111, l.11, t· 1 It.tr ii It• tl111111 i.: I 1111111 '>111 r•iu111ktl 11\ 111\ • h 1n111 tri·c·., c J111\ 1111111111·i. ... alk tu lx·<tl"h s1:.:, 1)1)(1 DOM OSEN REALTORS lt11C,L1'.NNl•.\lll l!ll 4~VI 111\lt·rt-.t flotlltl" lh I 11111 lllUilll ~ ll<JOI .11111 11 ' I t•;1 J l111n $1CY/,'IClll 111111 } 1.rll ~- :"14117Zll (~ mnnnl. -...... ~ !' ~Qil!l• Huntlnqton IHch I 04 0 ••••••J•••••••••••••••• Tl l('l'l.t-:lllH 'K l.g I ,1~ HEAR COLLEGE "~I 1.111111? h•111w I lit I' I. It 1-I'. t I 11 I" I" ,\ N \ 11-:W 11< 1,\1 I•: 1111 111,. ,\I 'II\, I. I• i\~11 LY .I llllr m ·1 h;1 tlc•11 :: I 1 pl1·. 11:•· N11•1• lit n1·11t, I ht•rlrrn I 11 hJlh htJmt• W J,tt l(I' f;1111 rm lovc•r WO ''I It IC 111 I' ti,.,hovvin1t ~ frw y I '1trk Pht1°t', 1111· IH:! 111.1 51EOROOMS :\111\l "1·1· 111111 l.1rl(1 <'Ubltlllllll'c.J ~ 1·r1•11 1l h t .an11•n"' h11nw w ov1•1 :11•.-i..cift ol hv1r111ur1·11 1'11rk l'l.w1• In• 114.t 7 u.i b tclltlv• Ei.9oftU YOU OWN 1 11 ... l.i\NI>' l'-•uut1ru1 . 1mm1t(•11lr1t•-. 'f•M l<llh homt• Wi th lar~1· rurnltv rm + 1111nu11 rm SpnrkhMI w11h lllKtl, t'tJ\lt'f\.'tl put111 ror th1· lwi1t 111 out111d1• 1•11l1•rt1.111111'11( M1rrt>n·d c·lubl•l 111111111. ch:<·m .1lor drov""· 11rnf lund11t·up l 111( Onl y $14:1.~IOO C'11 II !Hl3 li71l7 If II; I• f I .rt f j•J t, f 111111 1 rn. l', 11.1. f•11111.rl 111111111· t "' 11r11I 111·1111 11 "' l11~hly llJIJ.t l Jtlt•tl l~o,111t h11hq11I. ,,pnuk I Ill. flot t 111 ()I I 1-: t 1v. It• t l'MI'•' 11wfutJ1•., l.111 I II\ I tw111·r H"l:I HI 111 \ 111,11(1· 11 plu .II ;• 1:1 , d1•11 l'lltl Ullll lov.11h1111"'' A ,. n1·~ • pt f' op1·n hc·:1rn 11 11 ""VC'l•·•I 11111 '"'" t ii 1• rn11f 011 l(rt-t•nult 1 111 .. 1• l•1 .utult pool U\ 11wnn Sil.I !J4!11 l'h ~ll! 171,i.rir ~f1!J llH:! UHIVERSITY PARK C'u11l11m11l'tl 3 htlrn1 1'1·ll·r·, 'I 11w11ho m 1• 2 yri. olrl l'lunto\1011 11hut frr11, t•rown rn11td1 n..i . frc•nt'll dnori., l(OUI m1•t k111•h1•n, mud1 rnllrl'. Thi'! won't loi.t. /\~1·111 II (;111und11551·-tAA2 1<.11c:.. ·umh'lk .111d '>·•rtl ur 1•1ur1tlt•tl II\ 1n.1lt1rt• 111111 ltt~·. c ·1.,,,. , .. "' IHt<tl ·'"" lov.11 '1'1;• ,ltll I 111.1)(1\ Tll Ill \c 11 .1 llllrm I 11.1 h111111 v. • ~ , ..... 'I\. ., .. I •• ,. \ I• 'A 1·r11I• h.11tlv.11u.S tl•1•11• l.1111••1 ..:1., ... Wlll•I··~ "' 11111•• 111!111 "' 111lv.•1•11I 111• t k I I I I•· I 1 ti I 111 ~11'1 '•"" \ 111-.A< 'II 11()11!-. I'. I fl IC Ylll with 111,...~111111111 of 11wom1· rc·nlal A 'h••rl wulk tolwudl SJ:t:1,llllU I' It I M J•: (' 0 M M . I . l1K<WJO:HTY With t')( l'l'lh·nt tf!nunti.. 11 .. url 111 ti u,; 1 n ,. ~:. ",.rt '" n $1 .4tKl,f~IO WOOSo. Gn11111 llll(hwuy L/\GUN/\ llf:AC.:11 \ llilt•lt1•\ ,tltf1• \II V. lt·t 111 . .I fir .! 11,, 111 ' ·'"11111.11111· Ill.HI 1\••I 11111 K.11 IZ:17 ~I :!11 'i'MI Newport l each I 069 ....................... BEAUTIFUL BACK BAY 'J lllllm 2 11Jlh v.11h 1111•11 '>II• .,,,rrcl \1.1 11't 1•)( • 1111 ' I I t• ti 11 a.: I .1 ti t• ti ,1ffil'lllllC"' 0111\ $l:1t .~1lll.I I' 111 ... 1111· liy 11w111·r Ill lllC"IJIOh 11111)' 1111"1~1· I '.1 II 1175 IJ70:! 111.1 r.i IV ll't;! lit Oil ( 1·Vl'rl10g.s l NEWPORT C 0 ND 0 $92,500 ~.nrl 11r111 w1 "' 1·1·ntwl1 , .. ., 1•11 .1111111 :1 Iii ,:.!'' IJ,1, l11111111t1U'\IV 111111,1 .111.•tl 111 mint 111ncht mn I 1111" t ~ 1 •1111 \111) I 111 , .• 111 \ ti' v.- LIDO ISLE PRIME PROPERTIES Hew Custom Built Homu of Out- standlftCJ Quality 219 And 221 Vfo S• Remo Open Sot/Sun 1-5 Or By Appointment PRICEO $495,000 OP&f SAT & su.-. 1-5 223 VIA ITHACA •Ill' l•1t , 1·11ttwdral 1•t•1h111! :1II.Ir11) /!. V,lt••'t IJllllrtt•f 'o 'IHtt'H11J" & "111111\ S:JU:1,00ll C Jr hy A JIPI DEMHE SODERLING UNITED BROl<ERS 6.,5-5626 "11·w11ort l.1f•"l~k ltl .111 1----------• ,tfllJI it.1hh· '"" t• 1,11, 77 11 OCEA~FROMT CAMEO SHORES f>m,1 r !'>horc· \1.1 n-.11111 I, 111 ~.11.1 I I 1 I' I 1 !.:•Hit Olt I k 111 hPll 111•11 11111 tl111 f lll \11·v. l'n1 t'fl ,11 11111\ 17 1,IMlll h.,.· f ;r111111d I 'rr111 c lnl\ AK l I> I '1 1111 • II ,. ' ,. lii\41 ·11:.·1 Your 11w11 1111·1·1· 1rl 1----------• J1<1r;,1lto.,1• 1~ wallllll! for y•11.1 in th1i. r.11 1· m·l•.in ft cKll hu11w L11ly 1hr1•x 1·1·11t1111• homt• r11mpl..t1• ""'1•1101 Exl'lu'.'tl\1 1' 1111vat1• lwa1·h lfl('lll111n $1.C.W.1100 li4tl 7711 leoch Dolltou1e $105,000 SHORECLIFFS COMMAHDl._.G VIEW C ARMEL MODEL ,, ,, Ill 1•11•1·1rlll'll I· •• l.11111 lk'1I 1'111 I I tlfm 1il 1'1 :,1111 I\\ ""'" .q't 't •I ~I rl BAYCREST <>p.n Sunday 1.4 :1 I Ill rm ;i hath.., ,11 :•tit • l.1•1•-..;1111 1 .• 1111· ll11h 1111 k lll'>llrl 1\ 1~1 !ti'I H'1.1:1 THE BLUFFS llt'.I Ill af id 11 Jll' I ,f If o•tl Im 1111 1 111•111••1 'fllrl It·\ •·I 1·1111rl11 :1 1111 ;11 • 11 •• 11111 1111• .11••a l.111•1· kilt h1•11 ltjl ' Ill f .i111111•h (1111\ \I 1, 1, '1 11 11 I ,, I I flV.tlt'I hr11k1•I hll lill, BEL.OW MARK ET! 1111: I ,\,...\IJ'I, ( 111HI" •'I'"'' 1111.II 11111 \I "II • "'~"111' .. 111r 11111111 v. 11 It fW.1(11 I Ii.I ""' \ '-1 :1 I ''"" 1'11111' 11111\ 1 ... 1 1.111 ,,, II\ 11\\'l.~ll 11,.-1.111\ 111 \ 1·1 .11111 I 1111 I II\ J•lf ti/If J1•1lt 1 uur ,, '1•·v. P1111• nul\. , .. , , uuo lol\ll :'l'.1 I lrlll , /,II t-:i\.""1111.l 'l·~S l.1• 11111 lot 01111 . ..'' 11.1 '\1 \II l1·nr1" !'>w1111 ('l uh .... t111w . .. I It I ., I 1 •• .• "II '/M M-i 111117 1¥11 i'H .1 ~,l)llfl 11111 1· n ·1flwl 11111 hcl rm :.! .. t•1n. 1'111111·111 fl()rnrv <1111°11 llulJ..,l' I .• ~lll l~IHI .llH'kll' JIY('(j IN<' 1"1:.! :r1r111 :! IHI. J>ljltl, huv \ ll'W ~C'.:1 IMMI M11r .h11ll ltllv 1)7:-, 41Wltl LOVABLE Utl"tfll\ 'I 111 t 11.1 hullo• 1111 S.111 Cl• llll'lll" • 1111 c 11u....,1· ~1u-.I , • .11 11111\ "l·'"'J' 111-ltTll/\ 111-'"l l<\ • I 1n•• l11lrm' ' l1.1lh 1~·r ·" 11· Iii up llkr t71l 1 I, ttt .. 11 \ ~k 1n11 1111 I\ c • .is llllHl1•1r 11111 .13'7 ~.411111. >1.110 1 SCOTIREALTY 5 36-7533 1300 •.•..........•••....... I< I·. \I. f Cllf" 1--------I l'll·x fn r ,,,11· hy Own1·r. ~·t 11.1"1 \1 .11 1·1~ 11:..1 BY OWNER 111\1·1\ l111w \11•v. o\1•r l1111k1111• !'>h1111•1 llfh r11lt• '"" '' ir.. m111111t.1111 I • 1111 1111 lt.Jl"ll" ~11\t' tM • .111 \It'"' I 11; Jll .! f\.t fr 1111 """' 11.1 r 1h .qw (; 11""' toll l''°''ll'! I 'rttl ... I 11 t •• I,. ti I" 0. "ti I W~h1 ·l!n 1 11,.. r1·frig 111 1 • m.1111 :• llttl ll"• t UltJ .,,.1111 kl1•1 ti. lq•l111111• '""'I~ 1n.1ant.11n"cl 1•11' l11·;1d1 t"lutr AJ•f""' IK.11 -t1 l1 'l>M'.1 :~~l 1•1:• ;i111:1 Want An Exclusive Address? 1111 ht1fllt' I' "" .11<" Ill l•ft• 111:11111· 1•1 1 '"'' 1111.tl II• 1 •l•t' lw·.111111ulh •It t 11r.1t1 •I .11111 11111•1.11!1 11 n ,. a r h •· t11· h 1 n Sa n ~Red &tote l lt•rm·ntt· X hit 1nv1·,1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• n1•·n1 $175.fJOO /Ferrn Mobile Homu i:ii; u~ Fors• 11 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• <:.etnrte-ryLot'/ Crypt' 1500 SI 6.900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• STEPS TO BEACH 11111 '°"1111· fit 11 ,11h I ,1111.t d i.'\ 111\111 l 1'\I he It ~ 1111·1 Sult ll'll 1111• .ti l11w1·tl 1111.Jl•'<J 111 'JI "•I 111 t' h ;U«ll l'.11 llw t '11;"1 II\\-\ f.11• llol1 ()If,.,. If lt v 1(1•1\•tt''"llltt' \1 I' t 11 I I l'f • .Pill HJ 11 ",\I I I 11 I 11\, .. ,~ .. , l 1•1'1.1cl .. tl !-.k\lill• Ill t• 11•".tl'h 11,tl k 1 Ill • lull 11,1 l.111111\ 1111 ...,1.uul krlthtll l.11111tl ltl•l•h ',, l•,111 11111 ""' 111111 h ...... 11111 .... 111111 •· \tl11lt Jt.tl k I lllh 11111•1 •11ltl -, .. tll .tJ)IJfl'I 1o1t1• !IW :,x 11 l"11mp,1n1•111 1•r yp" L :1 Ciun1.1 '"' t wn. l'.1r1f11· M1·rr111nal l';irk. l'honc· 71•!1!(.!.i! :!!In 11 l11 II) .1 111 & ll11 IO Jl m Ccwmwrciol Properly 1600 ·········•··•··••·••••· Or-. County ShoppiftCJ C•ftter \I ,1Jl>r <'t·ntt•r w '''""" Ill 11tl<J (; rtl:o.'4 llll'Cllll~ 11\ 1·r ).'ol..J.IJCIO ,, y1·11 r ,., It I'll f'i,()IJCJ.111~1 lluw I r.1rrw n·nlt'r ( '""" lllt'tlllll' $141 '"'" .... I I h Ill ' r r" I ... .• ti tl 1----------· v.,.Jf11.q11 I ,111tl 11•11.11 I JIW 11'111' I .111 1,.. Ill 1•n•,1-.c-cl l1rH"l'fl $1,5!ltl,tJIMI ... ,J'l'I t lw1tr11om 111111111-: t 1111m a111 I k 1l 1·h1·11 w 11 h 1111111111' :! p.1111" ~l;l,:.tHI l · ... 111111"' m:. 1111.1 OCEAHVIEW I /\•·rt· mun · 111 1, . ..,,. manv l)l>'-"'h1ht1t•" 111t 1• 11ltkr :J llU home• 1111 I lol ,,,. lty 11111i'l S••ut·rr·'t lll'ally 4!11j Ollil SGtJuan Cop'1trano I 071 ••......•.•.....••.•••• •EXCITING• Beach Arto 111.,11111lul 1:17:1 S1J.tn.11 u1 1 ;M~m :!Br .'ll.1 v. 11.1111 1111 , ~I.Ir \1111 l't•I l'J rk I \l'I ltY.!i I S.o COfK & SuftMh A lll'.tllt1ful • F/\ MI I, Y • l'11rarll'1'. :!4xlill, 2111 . :!1111 h11nlt'. nvn t11sik11111 11w 111111• 1'111·1r1r. 11vt l11•arll. ~' mrnull•:. I rom ~· .. 'I h I "II I "' I II II II tkU.,(lll othll' l'urk llntl ll'K 111'.lill I t,_l,t \11••,,11•1•1111•1 Cllo'1•r I t,1100 '\4 l\ 1tn I ill'll' 1>1 tantl V1•ry low rc·nh tor .1n::.i Pru·1-.l S73:1.IM.lll Wall'rf'rnnl llo mcs avail. Albert PusStJI Rea ll y Co. llJ DOV la Dtl.N.I . 631-SUl I ~IHEll 494-8519 955-1570 N1•wp11tt Short•.,. 111tru1· tllll' :1 nit. m•wly apt 'c1 lit puloli'd 1n~111t· & out :. hlk.s 111 IJl'IJC'h Own..r trun~fnrt'll 11111 11r art·a 1'1')c1I /.I 1t·n1H11 1·our1 s lt 1·.111011 uhl1· ll·rmi; In quahfll'tl buyt•r c.111 '"' llPIJl to 'I 'll, l'l.l lU!Y. ('omf1111ahll' 1oc1rnl1Wli'-. 1l1•f'11r 11111 r '"' ti f\'.lln k I t l' h 1' 11 I h .t t fl II l "I pl1•11,1t1 r1· into fum1ly nlt'UllJ1ll(• Ac•et•sr. to pn1111t1· l11•adl •• Ol'l'Oll & n myon v11·w~ You will 10111• h111nl! lwn· <lwn..r h 11( h I y rn 11 t 1 v a I 1• fl A urc•al h111n1• .1t $!~).()(ICJ :1h"l'OllY O<'l•./\N 1-llONT ~Cony°" C>pett Suftday 1-5· ... Loquna Hlll1 lllrr /\It. STOrt F.S /\nnuul Kroru; Income• $33.JOO Nwpl Ul11d ul V1,1 l..1cJo ... _ ... _ ........... . HewportCewter 640-5357 00()-4:1)2.~2.4!~ ................ ... c 1w111•1 t 111.•nl·1·1!_ ownr Alli ~ .. 111 Hlin HEW CAR,ETIHG N .. w l11nt111r .1111n.i 111 t hr'\ ,.hr, i'lttt, II V llhm•'. 111· '\1rahlt• l1x-.1\11111 I. uttrat· 11111· (111111111111( all rur only 11711.llOO Tn •w1• f '.tl I mo 1440or ~~I fl.'JIJ I 33~2 I Via• Aguo lJIJl(I Jt..11•<1 :1 Hr t..11•!1 . 1:.x:i:-. 110111 w I jul'UUI & m11C•h mun• A 1!n •11t buy 1.tl $17'J.~MJ l 'all ltl 'll'I' J IMT/\VLOlt HLTY H46 OOHH M.wpona..ch 1069 .....•...•............. • OHE ILOCk TO IEACH Brund new. <'Ulitom built condo, 2 bdrms .. huths, 2 car gara~e Look at these features : rrpk .. central air <'Onthtioning, mirror ed bar. built in· s l'1·u r lty s yt1h'm & muc h more! rr·1rl'd at :1 realistic $147 .500 ! S,.-clol luy H1•fJUttlul ~1 Slur A1llt Pk , Zilxt~J Sl•a1·rt·'ll, :! 11(1• llr. :!Ila wtlh .tll 1h1• xtru., I lnlv $.:.!!1.[)1-1 1 K i',70:.11 CALIFORNIA 'ACIFfC MOllLIHOME SALIS Z70f! llRrhor. SlC' 206 A 540-5917 642 5200. r111k rnr MU.I( lil.lttcll ltlty f<e1t1stcr 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MEW-lO UNITS Wnlk tn Sant1t Ana bus1· nc1111 d 111lt1rl Modl!rn Spanish de11lan, roomy . bnght & airy »plJI. Prin only Mcl.A'Od lnvl'l!\mf'nta Inc. •OCEAN FRONT 2lir . 505NTU3Un, lll88 . 139.&00 Trell!\ 111 M . II &nt 11 An._•.:..· ;:;.:l.:....;·1103:1:..:.:..:;....._ f'll So 1..11, Sv •53 C11 II 7 s Cl I l(t. Cynlhll l'611 UK'IH 01 a n e menlo uo tti, g,.,, Zl'l I • w•lk to bea<'h, ucellt nl · _ lootlon. Inc . $l8,852. IMMACUW\TF: 10 x ri0 Prlred $190,000. A l(l OfW bdrm <.:ur.y, •1 ul •l. Tom. 492-2100 ltllult purk COlll o Mt~MI. ,__Property 2000 W11l.k 10 11hovr111111 & bull ••••••••••••••••••••••• $11.~oo L.1<· ON 0~25 Ml l™4 ,, 0 cl " •t .. 1l .. II '· I ; s ii If I t d II If (• i. le 1. • o. '· al . : r -R .. !I u ~- t ' ,, h. t. )r In It • or ll • I All'rPILOT ~ ................ ~!.~!!:~!~~~~ ... ~.~~~ .... ct::::e JUI~.~~~ .... !! .. ! .. ~~a:.~-.--.---.ot>-ow..-~1 ......~lllllMll c.teMeH lZZ4 .,.,._ 1244 ........................ ttl .... IMdt J76t c:.19.... JIM Ollerltlll•.... o..-.... ..... '*-r ......... ~;:..·············· ••...........•...•......•.....•....•.•...•...• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Near SO. Ctl Plaza 2 br. 2 •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• •-••••••••••••••••"• .......... ~~ .. ~!~~ ~~!!? •• ~!!~ ~~~!:!r .. ~~!~ C.....,..._. JIU IASTSIOICM UMTALS be New erptt "-d,,_i UDOlSLI a Ir li,ti M. ~ pe&&o •••••••••• ••••• ••• •• • •• ll BR 2 ba SSOO AIC. patio. poolt. Jacyza avd DOW Small dOt ok • SAN VI EW OUPt.t.:x ~!~ .. ~s,:;:~~lJ-~ .. BA 20R:2 b1:r~" . ."'.' 9600 ' hash lnd1~pln1. 137$ P allo b a t h . OLDE R Adulu "oe11. 11u: IMVHTMIMT OPPOITUMITY 16 nl\a undtr IOX ,. Gl"Ollo.I. Extr.-tar.cl' unit w solar h\•al1·d puul crio.wo. pnnt'1p11l onb 1)1.c~ ConlAl.'1 Chari a \fr Kmnnn 11\ ltO< :t-:tlt\ K 1-:Al. 1'\' '71-JJI I 1 UHIT5·C .M. lw •ul ~ bul ld.u 11 t'rephH'\.,., xlnl lt)t•n1111n l"Sl. l 11\ l1l b 641 1110,, 20UHITLOT Cc1.,l~1 M 1•:rn. l'1l• JIJ provl'<l l'arliuKI.' n·,111\ IOKU.~.000 TSLlnvmL-. FOURPLEXES /\II 2 Br 2 ih1 \l)Wnh1111:.1· typt• umls Ell'l'lfll' hll '°', forcl·cl .11 r Ill' JI CJlCIOt.cd gdrll.:l'l> ~1:100 mo 1m·omc tilW 101·,1 lion OWC 2n1I Two tu 1·hoo!lc from $1 411 .~1110 l'lll'h A-pRE:HIGE: q_-~-~~L-HOME:~ J33:f W. Coast llwy, NB • 645-6646 * * * RobertHarblJOn JOO E Coast Jlwy Newport &•;u·h Two FrH Ticbb toth1• LONG BEACll TllB/\TIU; F'f:~TIVAI. IHTHE IOOMIOOM ROOM Swning 19711 lki.t /\1· trt>SS nomi n ee .Jill Clayburgh at llw Long &·a(·h Convention & hn kr1111nrn1•nt ( 'tmll•r. :llHI t-: (k1•;i11 Ulvd , J,oni: lll:arh C.:ill &12 51i7H 1•-ct :!72 l111'1;i1m )t1Uf ltt•kt•h ••• White Water View Unique La~una 5 pk·x .. 1 real f1n•pl;ic·1·'· :-pill lt-vl'I J)('nlhou~l' :.! llr :! hJ, + U It l lilu1 I. 10 town Ow111·r wilt t•arn "1th 2!1', ll11wn $3!.lfi.UOO Owrwr A.:l·nt 1.12 !lfifif, Danu !•cunt 01·1•J 111 runt f'n f'h•A .! bdflrl 2 hJ tlml.., 110 yt .. 1r .:rou11cl h·.1"· .. DON'T PAY TAXES 133 LISTINGS ''' 11f 1111.., w;·1·k "'' h.n 1• 1:1:1 'llHl!'d h"ll"g' frorn • "''''"' .111d 111111'1'' 111 multi m11t111n llCJll,11 '11mpl1•\1'' 111 lh1· off1<'1' ('.tll fuel.iv for 1111 .111111111H111t•nt ""h 11111• of our hwhll tr.11111'11 .... t11·' ">l.1tr ol ""'' II) W1· 1'.1n hl'i11 put you nn th1· rtl.'hl tr.tt•k 111 1•1'1 •11111 rn1111t•v 1to111.: wh11t 1l -.lwuld du \\01l-.111i.:1111 \flu Loh for Sc* QUAIL PLACE PROPERTIES, IMC. 1714) 752-1920 2200 ......••................................•..... ... LINGO HAS LOTS TO OFFER -flerlt/ct site for a dream hCMM in o •er, classy Mi~. SI 14,000 -DHicjn o hCMM for •iew fo•tn Oftly witft twinktinq liC)hts at night. S 130,000 497-3331 LAGUNA BEACH 499.4551 495-1720 Souftt Loguna Log.a Mic)uel 493-8812 644-7020 Dana Point 'Newport leoch 2 UR ... dbl 11..ro1r ,.. " 2 8 R 2'-' bo l6SO ._dlacom1t.835"447ext MATURE ADULT. Ulil. wr.- L'hUdrt'G OK. ~ mo 3br. 2b• • 2aty. condo s eR:2bll . .' .' :·-.~ 8 ;..,.7'.18eve&wkod. 915/mo.'7WI09. •----·------ $32*'8 Yrplc, p ool, p ;a t1 0. 4 UR,2"-ba .... S700 SPACIOUS2·3 brcondos &T1~Nurnew 2 br.Z ba. ~........ JIU Ad ults SHO /m o 2 8R.~ll» $475/S.WO n r. so. coast P laza .... =~ gar/t arport,trplc,pa&io. ....................... M'J-*111,6'6-8273 San Clemente t'rwy accebll lo Irvine V ~~..o~. • .... """"' ... I I 3BR 2ba SS95 com~x.557~0 "" • .,..,. I •'"' -·-'/. llH l uA lrt'IJ 111.'t'. 3br.2hi.,!l_1.1r frplc. ronl(C. Twltiu ••••••••••••••••••••••• -p.,t I u, end h n u '~. Adult.ii. ~o Pel.II ~ 648 To,,..••• awrilll 3802 2br. Jba. bl« back YT(I. &t 11r1v»cy. pool & 1ucuu 1 w 18thSt.642·083.S. U.tw.llMd 3525 ....................... gar.2172 Ma ple.C.ll pnv 1425 4!l6-~ poa RIMT ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Cle a n l Br in Lon a 8'75-0f.28eves. ..,._Tn..L.e•_. fOILIASI R t'O Ullfull y .,'\J rtNISlll-:l> enJ unit lwdl Hay tiod night hicht "1cwi; Comm pool t YK Lf<:A.'it'; Sl200t MO 640.'259 /A/lt./-tJll R E At/t. T Y "THt; VICTORIAN" UlOO Sq.f t Ou,plex. 3 llerlla ge P;ar k I r vine Bei1c h near PCll. No Dlx bl·leveU8r.2Ba:eect Udr. _a•u i<. rciv:u , TwnNe. 2br. 21/iba, air ~iwz Sl95. utfl p , yd, dbl aar, bltftlii , frpk. Putio Dbl cur gor~1w cond:~. e¥e ~7j2, 4·• ~ -S-00 mo. (114) '2f./l386 or i\ll thus for ~75/mo + dy ~ lc6ool.a.d 3106 17l4l81Wt90alt5PM m> sea. <fepo111t. A11k ••••••••••••••••••••••"' 2 Br 2 Ba condo, '2 car for ltoy Siemens. Agl . ..,_.. .... Fterniwd I( you IJke han.;lng p la nts garal(e. auto gar door. 631·J.2166 wt.a._f'.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• wiU12 lir l lia, opn beam. di.hwshr /dis pot;al/com· (';'Side 3 Bdr m. 2 b:.ilh. 't,, .. -.c:!MPU5Dl·IRV1,.£ * • • oew kitchen, d shwshr . pactor , nr backbay • N c w t' pt & p u 1 n t • Michael R Coe se~ ga r. lg deck. very adult.5 S380 leaM:. 642·1229 L'\l/lasl + $200 No p1•t:1 Rancho San J oaquin. 2 172e0 t:u~lld pnvale. $425 I 721HW~ l Br tr ailer ms mo. ~~l4 BR + den, pano view. ..·ounlan Vallt•y • .......__ •eri.ca.I= 3807 pool &J11cuu 1. $595. Call T ... o~-Tlck•t'" _,______ 133E.16th Street, Pat. 831-3750or 955·0661 ... ~ .. "' ••••••••••••••••••••••• C. M. 642·9193 3226 lo the ON the blly, view. r lean l ••••••••••••••••••••••• Deerfjcld • 2br. 2lhba . LONG BEACH UH pad. 311 l':d~ewatcr Brand new condo 3br + twhn, near pools & Jat·~ 111.EATREFE:ST IVi\L S395 yrly incl:. ut1l. den 2 1'1 ba t'am on lr ge. g r ee n belt IHTHE ~7499 kitchen f'rml OR 2 car $460 /m o . 832·7532 IOOMIOOM v .. ...,-,.1-e-a n_l _bd_r_m-. -1.-b-lk HI\ y )''HONT ~arage Walk' to N1gutl e / knd ROOM -J ' ,. S1&11dy bt•11rh un Buy1>1dc bcb. Sl)75. 213·865-3321 ve w to beach $335 J)t!r m Q 2 Br studio. l 1'7 ba w /gar, ad.Its, cpts. drps, ra nge, fncd yd W/patiO, Wtr pd. 0)5. 667 Victoria 636-4120 1·5 l>i,:....,3 8dr1 1 n .. bJ 1 •.1,bttlh.'!, ..__. ..... V_.__ 323• •---icVl•w Starring 1978 Best Ac util1t1es 1nC'I Call _ ..._.._.. _, .. ,___ .,. tr ess n o m 1n e c J 1 l I 64&91Jl or 675·390l. vi~ h Av;u:. ~ ~r ~c ••••••••••••••••••••••. New t nhse an Turtlerock C\ayburgb al the Long -----~---­~~~.n"t•cte~; 642~~ Coodo 3 br, bonus room 2 br. 2 ba. d e n. pool. $625. Beach Convention & En $560/Yrly, 2 BR. 2 bath. ~----~--~ 2Br w /J(ar·nu c pts-paml Wtr pd 636-41201·5pm 2176 Pla centia "8 " $300 ~ Placentia "A" $310 Bam :u Hll> Register dbl garage. 2 pools $420 955-2154cve tert.a.inment Center. 300 fplc. 2 patios. 646·1220 or Maylst.545-6077 lbr m loft A /C. fanl E. Ocean Blvd . Long 642·5200Lmda 0eth 1 Bdrm m duplex. 1235. t'enced yard & encl gar . 19848 Meyer . Ca ll 54(). 799tl s.. ..... ~·franc> 3178 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm Condo. air comJ. Rur11~e. lndry & pool. On quiet greenbelt. No pct:. Beach. Nace38rCondo l'" baths, VlCWS Comm pool, Jue. Call 642·S678.ext 272 frplc, pool E-. rlhlone ten $365/mo 55s-5050 lO claim your ticket:. L.GE Clea n I b r . 'Ba y beach. adults, no pets Yrly. S32S 673-0072. cpt.2car a ttachcd2gar WOODBKI OG E. 4 BH * * • Ctukiren&pctsOK.$425. Broadmoor. 2 !tty, avail . eon.odelMor 3122 l::asts1de 2br. Iba. Adult~. no Jl('l.S. S32S. 540-5066. S350 493-8877 ----- Call7Sl·2060 511179 $725 mo incld!i laiMNIPetNftMllo 3707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cond 3 br. bonus room d bl grdnr. /\a r condo .. c·omm •••••••:••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm, 1 ba, rerng, beam 1 $4' M pools & lak<' acrPs~ Hcf BAYy u .:w . beach. pwr. C'e1hngs gar $400/mo • garage. 2 poo s 20 ay req'd: /\gt SS9·62'ZI 2br,..6 wks .S650 o r $300 /\vail i'mmt:d. 675.68112 New 4-plc x, frplc, blllll!i, HousnUnfurn11h•d tst .545-6077 -p /wk . u l tl pd 303 551.2338 2br.2ba.cach. K1dsO K. •••••••••••••• ••••••••• ~nqton leach 3·240 ~leach 3248 Edi:cwatcr <I >871-286ti - -S m. pct considered. $3115. G.Mral 3202 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••• -----Costa MHo 3824 S<-'\· 10 to 11 Sat., 1112M ••••••••••••••••••••••• N 282'1 f 5 RH , OCEAN VIF.W. n!'w 3 br. ()('eunfronl I br. 1 ba . ••••••••••••••••••••••• l'om o n u. 64 5 ·75 7 3. S1mc1ous 3 OH. ptH)l /sp a. I t~~tive h~':nc\ibovc ll~i~ m pr('sl1g1ou~ l'orta£ina ~<.11!1,!0 ft/\v~il M 3 Y 1 Mt'.<;i\ VF.HOE home ut Drnmond Real F.s tate. yr ohl, bl•uut landM·a1wd, t·~"'on Llarbour. man.u $71JOmo <lll9·4HIW li • "")'V<'ii e r pm mesph~rt' 4!&3 br, dlx --It d d t < I "'"' ' -' Sharp 2 br du1>lcx. fncd ~5 ~ik~.';ltr~'58. '11 Y xtras. $795. Call MW'. Rwlder's Cs1m llm. 2hr Corona~ Mor 3722 cspt.s. no pcL'i 546 1034 palw. garage, $315 ll4&~. __ 2ba. dl·n Soml· oc vu '~···••••••••••••••••••• Ncw2 bdrm condOl.. rrplc , biJ..6336cvt·s ____ _ lc6oofleftiftsulo 3207 4br, 2ba, nu crplldrp:-.. 11cau yrd G;ir llandy u11Small coi:y stu~io. No bltns. 2 car gar{1~e $450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• paint. etc Mint cond i.hpg. & tich 581 70U0dy:,,1 krlchen Pool. $225 Inc & up J07G Ca nyon Ur 2 lir. I bu, separa te gar. S5SO 1 2060 eve 586· l298 uul Ne>-smokc ~O 499!1 _ 00 5637 w /yard . Kids ok. S32S. ONTHESAMD! Oreanfront. 4 bt'<lrm. 2 buth for lca~e $1000/per mo Call Gayle REGENT REALTY 714:831-3114 CGpfstrano leach 3218 ••......••..........•.. 2 Br. oceun view, dbl gar;i.:c. ll V <lfl.'J. ).Un d~k. end patio Coupll' only, no pcl!>. $<100 5'1811251 Corona del Mor 3222 ........•.............. l>dux1• 3hr 2ba rrpk. 1%t1 Pon (.'larnll!t' Sf.fl() mo Nu p1·h t,14 l;l.105 li40 lYJOU Lu..,k II V 4 Bdrm. furn rm. cl1111ni.: rm t)uu•l "It ll1·ady now. L~c $WO. J\1.'t 1~14 7211 SPYGLASS HILL w11h vll'W. 3 Br. 2 Ba. wl'I bar. hve amon.: m1tl1on S llomC'!> $1350. Cal l !M>l 111147 CostoMffa 3224 ....•.................. $$65 3 Hr. I.: rt•nt· ) rd, tfl'\: l1ot.J re:.111 '>t. crpt">, llrp.., etc ~57 7K311 , 771151)2'.) .mo. 51-640-7804. HuntincJton leach 3740 2-Bd ___ l b · th . l New 3br. 2' 2ba. + fam rm Gar p;irk1n~ for H \' $600 213,333 384ti 3 bdrm I ~. bu w;i~hrm fncd }ard. ::! car gar<1l!l' 20121 Bu..,hard St $500 mo. 548 8475 2 UH, 11 ~ blk:i lo Ol'CJll, fntd y;ird. chtldn·n. pl'li. OK $130 mo 4!17 tith St . HB. 8051&16 2'-J93 3br. I' 2 ba. 1wnhw. pool. pitlio, drps. ti a1mlianl·t·~ Vcrv clean Im 1 lo bl·h or Dou,:tlas No l'l'l!. ~)/mo l~t.lui.l + :.\.'l' 1140·17!ll or96:l HW3 Condo, :Jbr, I ' ,ha, palw, dbl. i(ar, '·1mi l•> brh Isl.last + S:.!Vll. tl t•1> 91;,\·2157 2 hdrm carpel).. drap1•i-. Clue;c to l1t:ad1 No .) anl work. i\clult:-only s:i2~1 lll'r mo 536 HliO<I a fl ~> 3 Bdrm older house ()u1ct ar<'a. walk to bl':tl'h SlXO mo. bt & la!.t i SJOf.I dcp 536-30'.17 arwr l't11m <1 Ur 2 ll.'1. l'UI I.fl' ,;w, I hlk from park & '>1·huol. 1711 4! t-:rv.1n. So of W,1rn1•r '" ofSpnni(d<llP !lli4 120:-i Charmin.:· pnv;ill• ocean view pool, 2br homt- S650 1ntld pool !-l'r' i\dulh 49'1 lilJlJli ur 5'11 4!5C>1 ••••••\•••••••••••••••• rm, a e1 p . 1 Adults. SJ.SO. m o. G J.., ~J\Sl'SI OI': 2 BR 1 Ba. u111 pd SJOO mo. Cu I I 544; 5880, a:.k for P a m or L.arry Ni>wlydecora ted 3 br. :.! ba townhouse. S par111u,, r1replacc & pool QUll"I a rt•J /\dull:.. no 111•h $11(1 645-3381 . 675 594!1 Weekly Rates yaid 642·5'Y73 Spcsttou..., Studio~ & I Bedroom Su1t1·!> ComplclP k1ll.'hl·ni- ..ijci.ul Pa1111 1'1101 !'11<J1d St'r\ 11•1· TV I Mile lo Ot•t•an I lloclt To leach 2 BR. I Ha. $600 mr1 l:.l & I a...,l 1\ .:\ 536 KX36 ~Ni<JUel 3 252 ............•.......... NEWLY 01•1·or d l br. d(•n. 2 1),1 s~.:..u 11111 N1chob H I': 4~ t 74!:.!CJ MisMon Vieio 3 26 7 R1~~~k~~~~.~s 1k;i1·h Ahd 536-0411 or 543-2000 •••••· .. ·~····~··••••••·~· t-\Jm room for n_.nt f)r..1 L/\K 1-.S l IH. L IV IN I, ly wkly monlhl\ Uttl Low ly 2lir & loft Condo, mrl 756t C1•ntl'r Ur i:•tti, guardt-U .iat1'. pvt b1·h. 11 A R92 73311 pool. t•tt'. $7CJlJ mu ~.HI lH-15 21ir. ::! ha. condo on th1· ""--rt Beach -3269 !-and S.·t·url'CI hid!!. hld ''""' ~,.... pool SliO'I 213 •Xl3·:1Mt; ........••.••••......•. NO FE~· t\pt & ('•rnrfo ~Beach 3748 rc·ntal~ Ht·ntJI l',•'lahnn ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1Ji5 -tUl.2 Ukr LAGlJNi\ HEi\Cll ~lTll INN S7!'ilwk /I., up ~1 ;1111 wn rolor T\. hl·at1·d µool Ulll <7 14 1 4U-l 5:.!W ~N Coa:;l llwy l!LU1"1'~ LoVl'ly up1w1 hk ba) wlr vu·w. :1 11r 2' ,Ba. $!150 mu. $1.100 lum &11) liliX.'• -Hrwport leoc h 37 69 3 Beet rm 2 Ha . l.uto ••••••••••••••••••••••• wall•rl ront t r11>11·' W,1,h1·r clr)1'1 rl'lri ~ S775 k .1 .... · Arllt!'o, :\11 pt'L\ llruk1•1 , ll:ll l>UKI N•·w 2 B<lrm. 1 h:ith '4 frpk. gar Sml palm St2J mo 759 O<l97 ='t•lol.;: Bf<. JI _. n .... frpk. pv1 pallo. 1•n('I g:.r i\dlb $370 645-407 t $325. Be :1 UI hr .rncl nl'W I br, lrplc-. 1 .. undo r m ~c 3 br. 2 b.1 upitraded , nt•wly dt•l.'or. Nr. 0 <: . < "olll:l!l' i-:nd. J:ar. $lUO 751 !1.105 Cull & lc;iv ... mr·-.i.agc Avail M ay 15th .! Br tn plt•x, crpl, stove. '4a.'>ht-ridryl•r. F.ncl. gar. Sm t•h1hi ok. No pch St!O 371i 1-; 16lh St ... ;\ t• !'All 1511 lla<•hclor loll, r <'l r1 g , ~lmt'. 1)()()1, adull!i, nu lmrm-d O<.'l'UIJ) 'J'Sl,Mgml 1~2~>-!12 (>l'L' ~I t><IG·~Jl LA MANCHA APTS l.Jirl?<', I 2&3 bd i:ard1•n apb. ;\dult' lhh"hr, blln.,, t'rll'I 1!:.ir. g:1:. hllq 1'1))1 (;,1, ('11 77X ~('Oil Pl 1..-t.:! 507;1, 645 Slill I L)!t' bdrm, .11Julh onl:,. No P<'l' l'tiol & 11.11111 JAll7 Munruv1J . S2to:i &l..S-0030 Lg I Ur apt •. Ja nw1> St. 2~,u mu, 2nd flnnr. t>llH979 J\1t-:.a Vl•nh• 2 Bdrm, 2 b.1 I 1511 "'~ fl Frµk. 1·n1·I i.:ar. dsh ... ,hr, .:arhal-!<' """ s:n:; mt> C:1 II 957 l~or7~1 62t6 3826 ..•...........•........ 2 l!(Jrm. :! hath Br.ind 3 Bit. 2 Ba. redecor Op<.'rl m·v.. " d1..,hv..,1:-ht·r X lnt beam'>. fpk. 1m m cd oc· lo1'.1t1on ·r.~. 5-U$ :»IW or <'P> $450 4~·0'l00 1i40-51llasn Huntinc)ton leach 3840 All ADULT APTS HOW AV AILAILE ...•....••.••....•....• The ult1m,1lt• t.1~ !-h1•1ln Income Property 2000 uv owner T hn•l' c·itv loh tor SIZ.'>.<"111 :!'J'' <111" 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• • $111.0011 Lak1· l'.bmon· """l'r wrll l1n.11111·r\i ... ---------1 ht1l tm1·t• 71 1 11:17 S;flO 1~ 1146 5M8 I hr i\clull'> Nn pt•h h ·t S350 21}~' 1 l'omon<1 t;42 .1J!IJ5 KIDS/PETS OK 3 br 13• ba, m·w <'rph, fnl•d yd. 2014!1 1111!-hJI d St $1!J5 mo 541! H175 --- lle1l1Spnngdalc. 3 br. 2 ba, dshwhr . fn<'d )d, ~ar Kids & pt.'lS ok $445 A Ill no f<'<' 964 2~11i1;. 973·2'J7 1 Jbr. c•oorlo , \4 boal "'"'' <! '"" .:a r $)17:> mo 1..,,. M&Z71XJ I !J55 UJliX NWPT Cll l';ST l'f ,.._, 110 4Br. 211lla, rl'lr1g. !li75 mo bl 'las t !157 !130:1 TOTAL LIVING I Bedroo m Furnis h ed Apartme nts 2 Br dflb l'ool. J.ll u111 & Hll(/ Jn•a End i.:a r;igt· SOHHY . .\0 l·~:TS 177 I': :!2N I) S'I Co<;ta Mt''" 1; 15 2·1Ull SllMtP. ~ach 1.2& 3 BH lrpk. dtshw~hr. garugl· & pat11t)o. No pct :.. !)6().2351'.1. wknds 1140-6300 Seawind Village OUl'Lfo:X Npt llgh, nt·ar nl'W, lwo ~ Ur. 11crn~:-. lrom p11r~ Bkr :l.'lii Iii 7 I TRIPLEX West Costa Mesa Showi. i-.ltght poi.1l1v1· l'IL"lh now $127 ,!.100 \4 II h :!S'': down. /\h'l. !175 tHi Iii TRIPLEX YOUR CHOICE Mountain. Desert, TRIPLEX •• ~.~~ ••••••••• ~~.~~ ::! :.!Br. 211.~ " frplr 1 :! Ot•aul1ful rww rrinc•h homt• Jllr. trla onl~ s102.ooo nn :.!' ~ ;11·n·.., n1•a r Holl •:iHr lloui.~ I :.! 11n1b \Ja y II I I I 'k I I 1 r l . $l50.UUO Wn.iht..,,.oixl llorst·°' OK. •2Ar I lnuw 1 •1 11n11i., lg :-.urmunrlt'tl tiy n:iltunol lut ~,o,1".10 f•1n ..,\. 2 '1'1c"s. 4 llr. •421\r11n1ts Sl:l'.1,!IOU family rm. g loundry & • tti un1ti., 7 1. ,.. ~!rn,.., M'Wtnl! rm , fin1sht·t1 2 ni:>.000 1· a r I! lll • a II cl c• I u x c l:. SI U I': ~pal' twllh'l" frpl, i.:ar. lndry, $4 15 ti-1.2 2.510. fj.11).<U-148 3 llr hmi."'" 2 ba. fam rm. pool &~crv. frpk Nr. S < '. l'law $65() G73·H008 or 673·047:1 aft 7 N1('c• 2 UH l lli\ New paint. encl'd garag<., fcnl'l·d yurd $.140 m11 l\l & lu~l. S200 wt· dl'lJ 2:'l44 Orang1• U 548·277K We have m1e r11wav1· k 1tt·hl·n llunl. Uclll'h l'ndc of \1u"l b<· c;c·c·n Slt>ll 000 2 lift Condo. yard. c;ir , owncri.h1p Walk t o Othermveslments. ~·II nr tr;1dc for b~ach Me)oa Vcrdt• $:150 bl.'a<'h $149,;,oo llnh 846-5502 11roix·rtv 675 !Wiii 67:>-6670 J\1,'lorfi31·S.'l50. l>lt'kinson. /\J.!t !J7:J K~,:1:1 ~ · . ~;75.41l0 f''um..,hed, Thun· E Side Cape <.:ocl :1 hr, 2 WestsideTri·Plu ~ clnbm1 Ill<; $515,000 ha. Crph'. 11001. h:c yrl ~ (inf Bermuda Dunt·' 9'.ol5GW·lll<J!'l!t!•7 1~10 I 0112°/o Financing YOUR CHOICE Tnpkx s A $102,fMJll Tnplex t; <: $150.0011 S775.<~I furn 20 Al·rt·!> hind s:llJ.000\o $3.'),1)00 per ~1'l5 3 bdrm. IJ!I' fm·ccl yd ,11·r1· ('orr11 llu1hJ111.:., l'rl•\' lmt'<I ~tn•cl. •pl..,, ShloU,IJO(I M 11 rh1·l I & draJ)I.'' l'll.' 77U 562!1 or Hummon7. Hcaltori.. 557711311 llinl{er i iluls a Chwa ·.a br. 2 ba, frplc. covl·n·d patio. fncd yd, gur K11ls & J)<'ls ok S455 A.it . no fl:'C'. 964·2566. 973·2!J71 -.---llc1l/Beach :i en .. dl·n. 2 ba. frpl. palm. fncd y11r<1. ~ar Kids & pct~ OK S455. A~t . n o f l'c 964·2566; 97J..297 I. ~!MJlon Hort>Our ---- 3 242 ..........•....•.•..... Studio condo ;1no..,.., from hcach Frpk, pool. JJC'. l:.c:. S375 fl.17·4!'>4!5 3 Bdrm. 2 bath. frnnl rourt:.an1 with g~11dm Trailer :lt<·<·'IS Boat dock avail tlnr rt•nlt acroe;s :..trr·<·t ly ~ Seo Realty --- NJ>( T1'rr T whn ... N1·\4 Jhr. :!':•ha , pool, vu. putio $57a 536 tl22ti l''tcshlv dc('l)r Tree i1nl'<l St NO l'fo:T S, 64f.r~fj :lhr . ~ha. 1-;nt'I vrct Sli25 ; ll'l" Bock Bay Condo 3hr. :Jh.1 i loft on "fllllll S5:!5 631 ~ IA'<' /\nn 3 Bdrm. 21 ~ ba w frpk :! t•ar g;rr w l°ll'l' nr opnr k1d.\ 01\ 'IO'lt' lo Ot'.ll'h U y.., 1190 (.ifili5 I'\ I'' t>Ji ()5(1.j LIDO ISL!-: 2 Hr + 111•11. IL' patio. conwr lot I 11111 r homt· w l'11arm ~50 mo J\'-'t 5'15 224 I • Plu~ Beautiful Singh>. 6 2 Bed1oom (furn 6 Unfurn I • Alt Ubhhes Pena • Sw1mminQ. Tttnn1• lhil•md~ • Ac:uv1t1•" Ou&e1ot I 1•e SuodU\I Brunr h • Heahl> Club. SaunaA JO('-lZ.:1-1• PLUS MUCH MORE:• Oakwood Gorden Apartments Nowpor1 Beach Nor1h Hli lr·.-m• ,11 u,,h , • •4\ I. .... Newport 8Ct<Jch1Soulh lt·lt ~ •• !Scwl> dct·oralt'(J 2 hdrm l'iba crpt,dq>:., bit in~. prvt !>JI 111, 'tuv.. nhou~c. all uttl 1nrl d . C'hildn·n OK. no JWt)o. $32~> mo . Mni;:r 645· _564_' _1 __ New 1&2 bdrm luxu ry ;:1dult apts m 14 plans fmm $315 + pools. ten n1s. wate rfalls. ponds ! fo'tom San Diego fo'rw y dnvc North on Bcal'h t<i Mr Fadd<'n then West on ~1l..,a dcl Mar ;:1rl'a llPPl'r Mr Fuddcn to Sea w ind :1 br, :? ba $t00 mo No VillaJ,te <714)893·5198. Pt:L'...!51 2156 !Xluxc beach a pts. t'rpk. •C:lt'an 2hr condl) nr So l.'ncl gar;ij?c, pa tio!>. 'u a s I I ' I ;11 ,1 I' o 11 I . _!:'t•.igy. 960·4~!_ --- l' a rpo rt $3i5 $.1011 No ~·L' R.1.1 R97 t 2 Hr. I ba, garag1'. ">mJll )Jnl 1'11do.:' $325 &IS i52:! HEW2&31DR fo:xlra large & p n vate . l>ramat1c floor plani. ~l<Jlt'r & Van Bure n 847 7137 91)()-4370 1':a ... L..,11lr I hr, '4cl0d twam 3 Hr . 2 Ha. 2 s t o r y 1•1•1hnlo!' & t'.1hin1•b s:liS Tnwnhoust-Apls . $450 lo fn'l ll'>'4 SS20trou 9114_._1507_. __ _ Nt•W ln ph·x :! Br I Ba . up Nt•w 2'slory 3 bdrm 21'l bu Interest onlv :1 Vl'i'r' Want quick ci.aow Pnnt•1pali. only 0 11\ $13.5,000 54!1 <»J!IA 4 Umls + llou~t'. 111m'<I for more C M. $:.!SU,IKNI ...................... ,84&-~'>02 715.17 llwy 111. Hunc•ho Mirage, Ca 5GH 3G07 fo: v es , 5 G 8 · 6 7 211 o r 346-3327. Lovely 3 Hr 2 11:1 , dbl J:Ur<lj.!1'. all hll·tnS, $455 ZJ700ran,:t1• 2131541·61% 846-4457 846·4655 3 nr .. d{'n, :.! ba. frplr 11!1' ~uni 2223 Ann1H·r:.,1n I .n 759 lli?i -3rd n oor Rayfronl Conclu. l br. Condo. upgr aded 2& a study S1>t•t'luC'ul.ir w ith m;i ny xlra., view $1500 111•r mn $3751mo. 840·6361 or Jack1 r BYl'O I NC l><,.,,.t •11 Htn tll4•t11•1111 A tu•t "nlv r • pt·! .. ~ .; •• , I P"'" d111~y I~ ., per uml w )?Ur,1)?t'. nr ~' :.! car ~arai:e. patio $475. Coast l'laza S.1.'.0 Av.111 i\J.so2 br .. 2 ba .. yd. S3SO. M;1y h t C:ill t•lft•:-1147 ·5820 /963·25 UI/ 4!~ t49R. 49.1·270fl, or d):. 9fi0..-4407 8..'15·3000 ext 320 Joyt•r -------~rt 2 Br, 2 ba, brnnd,new, 3HEW21R21A Uruts + 3 Bdrm hom t• $250,000 lsklnd V~lloq!_Prop LohforS• 2200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 960-4393. 642 50711 Roy McCordle, Rltr. 548-7729 SflYGLASS LOT 4 lst lime offered) /\bsolutc ly the BEST VIEW LOT for sale 1n N.n . tod;iy. IAH'ated between million dollor rcs1dencl's. 270 d c,:trcc view from CdM to Irv inc. Owner may consider pa rtia l exchangt• or T.O.'s For m ore info, call Ron Taylor, ti40-St 12 GRF:F:N VALLt:Y LAKE 2 Hr. garaKc, _<•.1~ult~. no House JBR. cfrn . 2 pcts.S375 m o 2300 fo,ldl'n lutchcns, service porch . Ave 11 E loft Can be used as 2 un· 4 Bil. fam. rm .. 2 ba , frpl, Its; 10 mnl' walk to l:ike, 1800 sq. fl (-lwct corne r adjoiru; National Forl's t. $675.'642-4623 lrfiM 3244 2 Master BK. 3 BA Condo, ••••••••••••••••••••••• pool , Jacu7.zi, firc plttt:l' N rlh ··"' ., t ., 0 $495 per mo 546· 1392 or STEPS TO IEACH 4 BR. 2 ba .. wnlr $550 ~18R,2ha ., wntr. $550 2 Bit. 2 bu., wntr. $400 sweeping v1e\ll.'ll '! 0 W()(.IUS ,, tr' •• IJ 213/790-55311 2(MXJ sq fl . lgc family _ ~W/rllGDI Go. 1:167-3534 t;:illL•udc 3 Hr, family rm. --------1 boou.-; rm . l>C>OI $550 m o. Mini r anch land. f ishing, MG 3(127 rm. frpll'. dshwhr. fnrll L.aw/Leou Option y d . ga r W all•r •""-associated D e a c h ed 3 lidrm o •r's unit + 3 n('w 2 bdr 'Studio ar.tll Built· UlS, s ·rate ndr y rm. Landscaj)cd, spnnklcri.. fenced yard orr :ol. prk.:. 2226 Can yon . Co:.t a Mesa. $265.000. golfing. horses !i0-m 1lc·s gardener p<l Brand ncw :l Br, 2 bu. frplc-. :! c·ur • $JJS mo KuJs ok. no pct-. )?Arng<• w /opt•nc•r Nc.irl /\1-rt. no fN· 964 25tlfi. Back Bay fo'ormal d111 from Nwpt Re h lltwn fo:aNL'i1dc 2 llr I Ila . $.'HO San Diego & I, I\ 5 to Ml mo mcl w:.tll•r/yrd ~l!rv ac pa.reels Edward fo'1sh r~;.31127 !17J..297l. tn~ rm. n ptg, clrf))o ,1 wa.sher1dr~·rr. fn1·d y~1rd BRO!o:ERS-REALTORS lUJ', ~ iolboo b'l 1&&1 aj!ent. J ohn EIJC1l JU tr 548·9673 New larJ:I.' :.! nr. I ha. UP· ..iuirs w /lin ll·ony RmlChn. fonfts, Gro•H SHADD 2700 OW/Hefng & blt1m. Nu •••••••••••••••• ••••• • • kldh or peli. SJ.IU 1 mo 1\trtlero<.'k 1 h!!hlands con do, lovely \.ll'W, h11:hly upl{radL.od M 1aow,1 vc. 2 HR. den. $650 li40 668.'• entitled R b R .... G r 52JJ.(K!O 6.'.Jl-4321 642-6768 451\ u Y C'U .rape ru1t 1 year old townhoUM'. 3 3 Umts 2 yrs o1'1. $220,000 ZONB> FOR ~PIA. Will conMdcr 3 Odrm Condo. 2'·• ha. 3 nr. encl garai:e. comm 'I Reply Adka r·Dana, P.O. IOOUMtTS trade 1714 )922-7398. walk m do.'lel..,, alnum , pool, He ritage Park Box l907, Newport 8cach 1 ___ C_l_a_ss_1_2_0_0 __ 4 or 5 BR cstm ram hm in patio, 2 car gar. $600/m o. $59 Oyi. 631·3533. E vei. 92663.. Fa l lbrook on 2 Ac 714/6.'.Jl-4448 _559-_04_7_l _____ _ Will build to suit your ( -~ 1501 D need.a · licensed & . W/variety 0 frwt t rees. I n 3br 2' .. ba 2 car aara· 3 Br. 21.'z ba, l'Wlm 'g pool. ~· 10 OWft • 10· horse corral & pool. Over '"'fi • '" • .. "· •· I b h f 10% intcrelll , S72Gi:i900. l ured • ,.,..M _ 3400 rt. 1228•500, f\u\, Rrookvacw condo. nr So. te nnis °' c se at· n... __ ., .......... l 768 ~ v c. ~ 71 .. ,,,_...,..., " Coast Plaza. A/C. pool, ~5/per mo. Joyce dy v-ou _........, : •7 Construcllon Co.642·4623 .. ,.~........,. J&C, tennis. Avail June l. $40-5505: aft65S9.-09 18. Beach k>caUon . \9 unit or PIOl "'TE W ...... $650. 754.()386. 3 Br. 2 ba. ac ross rrom flee Ir restaurant <dis· "' bch•11 2800 Mesa Verde 3 br. 2 ba. park, pool & tennis In co )comple x rln1rn clal Rt lot. Nor t h T 1o1atln •••••••••••••,••••••••• frplc, covered patio. fncd 1\trtlc Rock. a v:u l 4.25 package. AITD ut oi,...%. IOJls. Level. 1-4l a cre. Call •uu•t H"'W 1 yd, gar. Kids & pcl1> ok. Agt, $000, 759-1997 Cash on cash ret urn or Gregory A Dennis Real· _ "' "' A I u 95 . A g t . No f ee. 11%. f'n ce $2,000,000. t,y. 759-1120 Oceanfro nt condo to 964.2566; 973.2971. W~ll upgraded 4Br. 2Ba. R.L. Mator. lnvcslmllllllc _;;_________ trade for land &: or In· $625 m o. 551·4583 o r 729 · 112 !I / 4 34 -13 6 4 BY OWNE R, R-2 lol, with come p....,...rty In Oranae -Extremely 11h11rp 3 BR l _M2_·_3l_l5 _____ _ Carllbad. P rin only. existin g 3 OR ho1o1~c. ·-...-" D A ....... 11 -good COICh• Mestt l<>ta · County. '"'• _. mo. Ava now. UNnnlty Prlt $500+ S500 VER U NIT lloo. Complete worklnR o..h ltlcketh, Rffr Call S4S·$S80. ask for 3 Br 2 BuGarden Ho me P L A T F E E drawln11B. 11nd variances Hl-0497 642·1261 Pam or Larry on ~bit, cathedral ce1I· PROFESS t<>NAL AS· rorhlgh quallty re nlJtl ori"""" ......... " .... _............ I I I lll c! 8 1ST ANC E TO SELi. condo triplex. Rc11dy forl---------1 Utte.filltll n gs, ta · e. n w V 0 U R I N C 0 M E plan B ~heck. Own e r Wlll u chan1e CdM re· Cl...ined Ada are reallr, carpetina. pool/ Jae/ ten Y id I ---it 1 nia, SS75 mo . Lease. p R O P E R T . w/cons er arge aub · 9'dence with ocHn view _.._. "peop e to peoplt • W EST E R N R EALTY ordlnaOon or parUclpa· •pool sited lot. SlOOOK aalel calla with bla re· _875-8 __ i 92_e_ve_s_o_n...;..ly_. -- SERVICES t1on . Call Lo rri. dys, fQuity for commercial lldmlbip and bil reaulta! Orangetree, lower condo, AN R.E. AD VISORY 71..,U7·957l; ev11 /wknds, l n du t tr I a I o r ? ! ! To place your claa11llled 2 br. A/C, tennll. apa, s»t073 714-541-M!M ....,..fUS.7ae8 Id. call today 8'2-M78. ~.Eva 714flS9·l985. --... --··-,,,,.,.,--• • /9 • • -... _ .... -..... -..... --..... -. ·--.. -.. wtsp~tnklt'r!'o $575 Da>~ --OC ""AN"'R<>NT ~ 0614, l'\'Cll & wkn<I:. c. r 5411 ~ Avail now lhru s ummer wk ly /m o G73 11;11 , Sl':A VI to:W 3 br. 21' b.1 . ti75-41S.T1 (omJlv rm , :! frpk l'Oc>I. ---- t1•n111s. $1050 75!J 10!.12 Yearly 2br, Oceanfro /\J!('fll Adults, $600/mo i''u . dy:-. 213 /927-5541 eve. 213f862.0009 Bal Penm t-:lrganl 2 nn. 21'2 ba. home /\va1I now Yrly. lease $000 mo. Bay BAYF"RONT-2Br . 2Da. 20' & Beach Realty 759·0811 boal.·sbp opLJonal. y rly. no pets o,. c hildre n. S-C..,_wh 3276 Evclyn 631·2482 ••••••••••••••••••••••• T e n n Is. p oo I . j a c. PROMONTORY ~· lbr p&J>Of'a mic QC'n vu. 2 Br. & loft. & 2br . Avail. now. 2\12 ba, 2 frpl. no pets . Ten crts Spa. 675·2101 Adlts, infant ok. $S21>. 2 Br rum or uur 1275 492.6103 ext 173 bef 9am Adults, no pets . 2.421 E. or 11rt5pm. 16th. N. Hts. 646-lttOl Nice 2 br , frplc, d rps, Udo 2b lb Ii , . di c)M, 11ar. yd . Nr . ocean. · r, "· ncs. S· uUlpd.S3M.556·43l4. hu . Pool, la undry . Adult s . N o r e l ~. S........... 3216 Avail.S·l $450. 642·6004 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ocean Vlcw-Mon nrt'h Swnmlt, adult comm . :l BR' den '600/mo. Also 2 DR SS SO . Co mm clubhou5c. p00I, jacuul, elc . Teal &: Bab co c k R.ealt,y Jnc. ~79'7 When you call Classified to pla~ Mad, )'Ou're H · 11ured o r a f riend ly welcom e and heJp tn wording your ad for bt'1t response. C a ll Now ~ "2·5878 -adults no pels. 1 M 1 to Lale, bn.:ht, ;m y 2 br & 2 bch. $350. 960·4l4S. ba, frpk, pool & Jill'UlZI Adult. .... no pets 63 1·0097. 2 Br 2 Ba. carport, encl. --patio, nr beach & shop. MESA PINES pmg. Dys 846·0638 ~ves I Rr $315. Frp11·. pool. 548·3600·------- Jacuz7.i, 11as bbq, closed 2 & JBrs move in today ~ar AdulL'l. ~o.pcls. 2650 wlk to shoppinf! & bus'. Harla Ave. 54.•·2447 $335 lo $38S. 842·Ull44. t:ASTSIDE. nt'w 2 AH 2 s.s.oso7 ______ _ Ba. fpk, bltns. S.150 Cotta Mesa 642 0088 -Streams. waterfalls. a pine forest Among Orange County's m ost spectacular adult apart- ment communities. 1 & 2 bdr.: 2 bath. Move· in ready. Offices open 9 to 8. • PIMICRllH 2*, ..... Ad. C0.11 ...... M l-IJOO ....... -. \ ! s ·.: t. r • ·. r • R .. E u I· If l . l· •r n Sl n· >r at • • le IC li ie .. ~· ~ in u ,. c , t • :::. .. Afatacet1.,...._, A,ulac.t1u.fww. ._.. .. se..r. 000 Offlcel_... 4400 Mtc•-•• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .............................................. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 4650 II H -IF .._. 1140 S.... AM HIO Roomm1t" wanted to llOOJMonlh ..................... .. .. -••.••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lhare 4IR 1pt, bl tu l~/Monl~ • * • New 2 BR 2 BA, Hd Car. 2 Or 2 Ba, Mar So CoHI ~h ln lblboa m MU ~/Mooll\ Ja. fllmtltrtf cklM to tho beach $370 Plua. pool .. una, J•<' Four bUu1 from ocean. mo tM.m7 an mo. call 1fttr S, Prof Ftunale 23 lffkl Downtown H 8 AJr COG· lli'l~O. Way 2U~ u me abr.? llr hit• f. aid• ctttloot'd modem bwld N 8.-ch New 26 3 bdrfl" un 'M n u n 1mkr flTO Ina (1 141 1504,8to$ Two · Tldeh dtockl)'ard. •ar•1~ r *41 .... , ,_..a..411 t..u ~ tt the Warner 4L lJuC'h No _._... .. ...,~ 3900 ...SA YllDI l..ONO BEACH ~ N ~or~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nood I nr 2 rinnlltC'I to TirEATRt; f't:STIVAL TIIF. t'Xt'ITlNC •lu 31\r :Ula twnhao. Otncu watb private ''" IM THI tt.Lont ~ ot IHM> G'T!'l 2 , ..... ._:. ~ ....... •"s N II C'omplC'la r <' fe r tr II n r c A I t . u ti I IOOM.IOOM bdm1 a ~. •Lnalc ator1 --~" ,,,. wu.1w fUrnlJihed 112$ eo.Jo lkau41ruUy da ,~~IN t.:STO NPT BCJ I $49-48911 IOOM rora'-"Cl. klU ul 11tM•lt IMC" • ·~ mr l'•·nwl~ l'\Alll,tni.t Wini Starrina 1978 Btst Ac· apa,.-f'o()I U•h•nd frommu~up td to Ahaftt bowi.e with -~ &.rN• Ao n1 •n ee J lll l' hr y •II" r 1 PI ) mo u l h l\dulb No ~'-' llllln('I In I rvlnc i44 4100 Clayburteh al the Long J\8\'flr)' off HHcb Ulvd l!Jilt M""" l>r ~$ ~ 11~ t.vl.lll CHA&MIMG Be11ch COOvention & En t~ Tii> nyllm~ I~ Hl.u i':•1t lll Nt wport (Jule\ n. .. pon f~rn 24 28 C4M SUITIS wrtalnrnenl Center. 800 (lU nf'W 2 Hr pc.s I.WI & MJOlmo lat; la t ~ IH>U - flhdl nuo i mkr, ('\JM JlS3/rno AnUable Now! ·rwo 2nd E Oce•n Blvd., Long Dam~m ~ 98M ... ,1 ...... 41 floor 1ul~. ~ sq fl ~11 Oeach. 1.... v•,, 1lG l'IWJb isurroundlnus & lgc Call 64.2·$678, ext i!T2 .,, Qual"I •ni• ..... , lo TltE BEST OF ~ti\. ~.-n aft$ ,m • 1toomu11lt wontt"d to 111a~ 11undeck. Close to toclalmyourllcketa lll1•n• t•11dW1lv'-' (. 'h('l'l'Y t'uh1on h1land & m11ny * * * AU WORLDS l.•kc lwnw 111 N11w110rt other amenl\lt!I. Musl t'uJI tl45 ~ s:n~ lnl'lcl IM."1' lO appreelat.c. $395 uul PIJr mu. C.ll Lmda al ........ /IRVett/ I04MAS REALTY .....U UC~ t•RONT. inland 1<lt'W Adult" onlv, 2 RH H., lia. poul :.1aun;,a !\l"C blda "'"' Tom. 11~1 b.10(1 ur~3483 ~ Nr flnha & lk·J1 h Ill. 2 nr d*Nl.11>, nu j.lt.'lb Cull~~ rA«I f'l(' WOOl>S A1lull Aparttni'nb !W't amoo11 w;,andrnn.: lltrl'4fll.S" 111111 111( fililll j)llll'*' f~·.alUH' .w.,11 .. 1n cl<\'\1•t .. • l'lrnt' ~U~l'f kill h1·n' •/o r n11kl1lJunw~ • 1Jl'('()f'11tor ,1n t·nh •l\Jub, L) 111 •\'t~kyb.111 & Mori- 1 Jlr fruro 12& \d\CH llh_ lltJlt W d ll\lo "'"™' to1 •h11rt• lu1 :! lilt 2 H .\ up! llhr 1\11.t mll , $:!.,II 1 '> uni Bob, IA) llll ~ tWun1rnull• 1c1 'hr :J hr ~ !ii.I <IJ•l>o I' IJlk f I 0111 lH .1rh I.I" .. llt'll\IUU b75"~uUtJr~1 3030 l-1•m 2 11r2 Uu..ipt in I rv $:.l()2 ~ mu t uul 7f>!l~I ~'ii J002 2 l•lrrn Condo, f1replare lll.l50 llurtJOr HI\ 11 ---as r..LQn r hook U.P South of 8d1'1&l•r SllH W H, 2ba, w /F,42 Vic. A-dim1>/Huslta rd llf.2&40 S!!iO ind ulll ; $1 IS dcp, N8 51164370164~ 5771 Adult~ only $3~0 m u ()o the sand 2br "hJ - 714/496-8$62 aft 6pm llOOI. :.auna, b•'r u'nf~irn' Pvt ruorn & pvt both free ~ l•'urn $(;5(1 tful)l ltl l'Xchunl{1· for hh· h:.k· lnllte 3844 111 J!1 011 1• u l' 1 1 1 r ,1 , kpi.: l'\·rn.il1· onlv ('a II ••••••••••••• • •• • •• • • • • 213/J.:i.3 :1!4itt; It ,1 y c v c :. I w k n <.I ~ 3ur 2•-iba Br3nd Ne w 4~ <MJ!I Woodbndgl:, $1'.00rn<>. 2 itoain. 4000 - C'ar ~ar.i 213/41~~11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,\pt to ,1J,1rt•, f{'malt• with ---------... 111lt• $175 111() • $.'10 l..ur~e l lilt, (Jran~l'lr•·c •AfttboslOdorlnn• .-k .ininu Bulhoa lslanll ('i.:ntral a ir. f'°ol , 11•11111~. li75 3227 or !>46 >!>IOI J 'lk only $350. Co 1640 nl61 Lovely gardl'n~ Brooks fnr ShC'ryl wtr f.ill __ _ •Kll<'hen fo'ar1l. ovn11. Offic~ R~al 4400 675-231 I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~-~~-~1-....U BRANO NEW BUILDING ot.oe lwJty SOOS 450 . 1SQ f\ w 3200 sq fl ••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i.~ al 85'C per fl Near GOALSlOOO MO ll n ai.: ll os p1lal 10 Bwld a 2nd business New}>oT1 llc'uch 642 5840 Spare Ume. Invest $75 Barrett Hlty Register ~ or &t.2-8223 WANTED Elegant, small beauty Newport Meach Offit'e salon in s~ptng center, wanted In exchange for Laguna Niguel. As k pro( mgt. Agt 640-9256 $13.SOO. Peg Allen Rile 494-7578 TOP LOCATl ON. 1250 sq rt., S olrtces. con! .• set'· Women's Specially Shop t'y. Priv. ba. Amplt! pkg. Xlnt local.Ion. 18 yrs e:.l. $900 p e r m o. Bkr. NB /CMarea.S48·1398 m-6700 -------iUnderwater hull cleaning DOWNTOW N C os ta accowits ror sale.2Scon Mesa, 300 sQ. ft . to 2500 tracts. Make offer. :.q rt. Cpl .. · t1rps. atr· 67$·3'J5l. t·ond. Heu ~on . Bkr ---bi5-6700 BE/\UTY S/\LON. 1$ yr::., -llOI fo\lllcrleln Ave, (;M Busmen R~al 4450 751 172'l or 557 5529 ....••.•••...•..••••... - Forst.ore & orfice :.pace at INTERNAT IONAL reu .. -.onable nlll'S REAi. F.~'1'ATf': • Ni'~ORK , .,.. __ ..,. . -· .-.. ,... ................. ___ .... ....,,,,,,..,.,, ........... .... • J::::tt•/ Frida¥.Aprll20. 1f79 DAILYPtLOT lpT Leilt&,..._. -'9l1L..1b IJIO ~WllllH 7tff IWllW..... 71• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... --.-i. .................. ~ ........... ~ • ' 11•11•.e1 5100 RELAXJNO MASSAOt; APT MANAGER BA8YSITTEa ae.W. ..... •••••••••••••••••• BobJ•rnet·UcMaueur ror S5 ult.a ta co.ta 1ovta1woma11tiotaNfar POlllY PINClll ADS KY$2 84'11 H)' ll"m • <um· btn111on of •t~m.s ror 17$ or It•• with a Pl'ftny Plnctwr Ad. 3 Unes ror 2 conle(ll\1Vt daya. t;ac:h eddltlonal Une is r.oi for lhr·2da)'$ Cha No com c:l11I add .,.·or mort> 1nform1t1on and Lo place your ..od call ... _ 642-5678 OulcatJ 9-9 .... 5m -.. Eaper'd coup!•. dalll. IDl _bomt lo I.de ~ical massage by l.Jc'd Hu1b1nd mHt have J'orwt, )loe.hl, aoa masseur t ech nician. m.lnt. e•f· Wlfe bkkPC llDOMr,ref. 770-CJ Appl. 3-8PM. M1·2817 exp. C•I &43·5073 or ~ ~--------· (213)16$--l. All ICAIAHUA • D t11J ••. •A rellable Pt"" needed TILL8S ~Y ll wan..i to lll.'il lmaw,;d few 1tnppln1 furn C.-1'8,..... CO'"""" you. pleuc call (2131 "mlac Jobi (days>. ~h : NATIONAL BANK 423-7528. 64M04J ooam ... pm> CM Anlndependent Baak M US I C WRIT E R .t.11r11r&.i....la1 -s •Sunnoww~. WAN 1' E 0 ! ! ! N ~~d ..wi~99o5R Coll.a Me1a music writer C81ucs, We need guys 4i gals to•--------- Country. Soft Rock> To help1.t1. 8&okiol ~ve my pootry musical •&.dldSwltches TIU.8 wings, ha h a . Coll •&aldnewproducb Immediate open1ftg for 548-6427 anytime. No •Build career M.~ branch in N.8 . Exp mashers ne<.'d apply. •Help build our co. oreferred Xlnt Beoetii1J cau Phil Hanson & career oppty's. Call * * • 1114 ) 556·3100, Cole COLLECT (or appt.: fnM Lo lrtck Instruments Gorp~ 26$0 (%13~7550elrt m . ~ "'1 Cedar Croddy Way. S.A. f~.O. E. CITIDMS SVGS NcwportBtla<'h Assembl)' Equal Oppty Empl. Two Ft-ft Tic:keh MECH ASSEMl&.HS _:_M:....l_l>"_IH:..... -------LON~ ~h~ACH Rotsy .Switchn Bartender fi,r prlvatf' SCRAM IEJS TIIBATRE f'ESTIVAL We have openings In our country club. Pull time .._ fUUll dept. Reqs gd ha nd permanent position. folx IN THE dexterity, min 2 yrs . exp cell wage& & benefits for ANSWERS IOOMIOOM lnsinallmechasscmbly. m.-ture iodiv idua l. Beaver -Pansy ROOM c.a11 Ptul llanson, 1714 > 496-~767 L·-e.. Na "''"mng 1'"'8 n~s• A 566-3100 Cole Instrument ---------,- IC.A • • -usea -->W "' "" • c r~~ 2650 Croddy Way Be au l y L l CE NS E 0 SEPARATE tress n o minee Jill SA . .,E· O.E. 'COS METI C IAN S. Yesterday we Wl'r<' out Clayburgh al the LonR ---MANICURIST MAK 1,. driving and I had the Beach Convention & En UP ARTIST & 'RECEP'. worst argument l'vE' had tert.ainment Center. 300 AssJst.tTo TlONIST to work in with my wire. It was so K Ocean Blvd., Long t...a.-6.~ M~ plush Salon. 714 /67$-3920 bad that when we drove IJeach .._ -·~ up to the toll bootb I Call 642-5678. ellt 272 Need alert, lntell gent or213137J.8739. a.sked fur Sl!:PARAti:; 1.0cl1umyourt1ckelS lake·c harge person t o • • * checks. * * * supervise three phont• a.th Dori• solicitors, m ake ~alls. Lost & Fo..d UOO Sodd Clubs 5400 keep records. monitor 2314 Colgate ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• progress toward ~oals. Costa Mc:sa FiJUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 642·5678 CREA JIVE PEOPLE Ndw there's a d ;it in1: :.t!rvir e especially for yuu More tha n a vic:k o ldpe or pholo d uh, Partners for C rcut1vc l'wple L>; the lruly c•mn fort.able way to d11'cr,vc·r 1nte rest1ng and 1m Old established company Two frH Ticket1 t-xpand1ng its marketing to the efforts. capable person LONG BEACH can p rogrc s:. t oward Tilt:ATRF. Flt;sTIVAL m u c h h 'r o a d c r I ... THE rl'o;ponsihil1Uc!>. Hr IOOM IOOM qwr('ll at11hty to handll· ROOM pt.'OPll-. .:ood te li•phon1• Ora n,Rt•lr1•1' eon1lo 2 bdrm, I ha TPnms. po<il, adults &l&J681\ •Ja<·un1, heated pool •Wkly orda1ly maid -..rv •TV & phone· avu1labl<• ••••••••••••••••••••••• OM THE WATER! aj!IJlall vc s1ni:leo; manner. some typinl( & Stamng 197tl Best /\r om cccxpcm·ncl'. 1-:nlry lre i.'i nomine e J il l level s alary $750 pr mo C'layburJth at the Long for r1r..l 9(J dayi., the n Ucacb Convention & Y.n Lo6t orFou.ndapet?Call h 1i:hcr s ..ilary J n d wruunmenl Center. 300 'Tn~at yourself to So 500 to 5000 S,, Ft. f'rnnrhisc for sal\' Real MESA VJo;ROE K money-maker, below ---~~~·-·-------~ PLAZA ~'051. Condo 2br, 2ba, den Un Low as $72.50 Wk Rand10Sao Jaoquin Golf 2277 Harhor Couts<·. 752 8..'l!1_1. ____ , Qic>l.a Mesa t.45 •UMI W 0 0 0 8 R I D G E · -----·-- Hoom wlkalchent·llc $ti6 Wt't!k & UIJ. ~·!)7~ turn m um, pool. du:,.. 111 0 CC /11011·::.lllOkt·r $1.111 PLUSH SUITES 3SCI to 1300 sq fl fantcntfc Views Wet Rar> l ido Marina Vllloqe Nc-wport ti75 Kt'.112 Ar borla kc, :.poc1o us ~e 2Hr. 2Ba, drn. \'ICW , 11pgra t1t•cl l'Pt!-. drps. AC. frph'. dbl JearaRe. full rec f<ir NO J>Jo;TS $625 mo 12t31 477 J015 or l 7141 1:.2 4463 Mo J\flli.5452..,111 S00.1250 s~ fl. llwy \I:-. L~ leach 1848 lu111m m pvt hunw l11(hl ••••••••••••••••••••••• k it. & lndry prt•\ De-twee newly det•nr.•lt'fl :! Employ. Hd rc-qd {; M bdrm apl on ocean m•ar 5'18·137_2_ .. ______ _ 1111 II1 y l.J ~ u n .1, ., uh p;1rk 1n~. New <'Jrfll:l, 1hJPl''&po1nt , ;11r 1·t111d . l'rH·c n ci;:o t 1a ble . 54~ 1U!6, 557 5870 Victor llugo lkall'd fl pool, elevriLOr, subh·rra· m, p vt b,ilh. matun· OFr lCt-: i;purc available nc an park in ~. $G25 . empld lady, hll• pnv. rd. al 17875 Uc a ch Blvd. 494-8M:J. Sl60 +. L.adM1, 4f14·7346 near Ta lbert in llunl· ·----SlnlnerR~ak 4200 1ni:ton .Hea t h. $5{) P<'f t ... ~ leoc:h 3869 ....................... month. Phone mt•ssai:e •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ~·rvire $10 per month. PARK Hru11'0RT Lido Is le ba y front, on desk ss per mooth. o aily '""' lx•uc•h. Avail J un<' b l to Pilo t ofr1ce. Pho n <.' Barh e lo r s. l o r 2 S<.'pl b l. $4000 m o . &\24.121e>el.G76. Uedrooms & Townhouses J\~c·nt. b"7S-~. -- ----1-"rom S34!J.50 -------l MO. FREE Rl-~NT Spectacular s pa, total Promontory J'oml 1 UR & 250.500 sq. rt. orflces. r1:creat1on...p_rngra m, loft, 6/LS-9/15 $1000 per t"rom $145. Jncl ut..il. 779 !>Ot'lal program. 7 pool'>, 8 mo. A~eht. 675-5626 w. 19th St.. M().2200. tl•ruus courts. At Fashion , . lslaod J amhorrc & San Or<>nnfront Laguna I "'t Sin~le of'Oce for rent near J oaqu;n I lJlb Koad Mel>!> to IK'acn. rbr rum. o C. /\i rpor t. Sl40 pn 17141644-1900 frplc.S;-500mo ,thruJ unc mo. Reccpt1Secr1:tanal 4Y7·20•t2or 4.97·3282. services avail. 540 6402. ----------·-OCEAN FttOKT Vocatio.. R;...s 4250 ~rm~u1lc ava1~ 3br,2ba.w/office. Yenr· ••••••••••••••••••••••• fuJI ~rv offc bldg. Nr ly. 1''rplc. gar, $1050. House for rent. Bag &a r O C. airport. Rcccpt & TSL Mgmt 642 1603 Qty sl~ 6, hncns furn. phone an:.. Secy :.crv. S25 nilely pr 1·1>1. Ca II l'OO! rm, etc. Plsl: call $175. 3 lir , 2 ba. patio, aft.er 3 p m ~ 1989 752-6188 encl. 1iar .. all bltns. Blk · · · ___ . ------ to beach. Yrly. M/\UI 1-.;lc·~anl offices 1801 TSLMgml 1>42 1603 Oceanfront Condo. 2RR, Newport Blvd. 1.52:5 Mesa Vertie E. C.~1 . POINT R 1-:ALTY S4S-412l 714/400 5600 -----N(.'Wf!Ort Ma nner 's M 11t-BusiRHs Modem SO'l sq ft s tore or to lusiMss · SO I 0 0U1cc 2630-C /\ von LOW •••••• •••• ••• •••••••• • • rl1lL 2l3/471-7(IOI J.100 FASHIONS 1-'or l.case . Hl::T Al l. SllOP. 2640 A\•on M Nl>WJ>Ort lkh. 932 :>(I H · t(~ exposure _5S>l_.f!7:c.l 3424 Via Lido, N H WAHEllOlJ!>E fo'I XTU R fo: SAL 1-; S;Jt 9 :JO. S ;JO Su n I:! 5 Sin~t·r puwl·r bl'WlnJ.: STOREFRONT mu1·htnl', mannc11u1ns. llarbor Hlv<I ., pnml• 10<'. plastic hc1n1t1·r~ .. :.u1t ~tu Mi~a. M50 Sq. fl hanger s, w :il l rc1t k::.. $450Mo. Brokcr67S-e>700 :.landing racks. i:on -------dola!>, 2 shumpoo bu~ b , 2 Vacancies downtown couc h, chair:., m1 :.c Huntington Beach. 210 bi J.1970. Main St. M101 mi.il l. OV~'I' 2-0-0-_-f_f_d--l -9fi().l5.">8. c.' s lu i: oy -ducks. 25< ea Cannot b(• Shnp fo r lease . hig h sold separa tely Over volume shopping center. 1.000. 2'x3' r>05ters, all 11.U. 800 Sfl fl a vail. kinds, JO< ca . Will sell Please contarl Cheryl large lots only. Call Ke n Green or Rick Stra(•k Goddard, at 642·4321 1213>~ _X2_10 ______ _ Nke office layout. 900 sq e...nt1Mnt ft on Birch near O.C. OpportwMty 50 IS Airport.. Bob Dickinson. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Agt. 979-&33 · Investors eam SOC'-of prn· ,A fit. A suceessful bwlder For lea!>e fml' retail Lid .. seeks funds $18 ooo per Isle location Approx. hous e . Sho rt· te r m , L500sq.fl.67J..1970 secured . Mr. Gordon. DE/\UTIFUL RETAIL ~2464. S P~C E . Will share Rare Invest. Diamonds w/Chnst1an decorator. sale o r colla t e ral. seller of fme arts. or GIA.EGL cert. 493 7020 :.im11Jar. Reply to Bo>e -- 4TI. •;,, Daily Pilot. PO Moneytoloan 5025 Box 1560, Costa Mesa, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca.92626 __ _.::..____ --2ha, sleeps 11. pool. near 645-211 t Verynlceupper3 Br tcnrus&11olf tm.001:1 ------FOR LEASE 28afi600moyearly. ~.-:--------CdM dlx suite:., ulll pd. RET .._ 1 L 0 R {NEED {MONEY 675-3504 :Plll~pnni:s Condo on /\C, ampl pkg. Fr $1!15 M _OCE_A_N-.. ...,-0-N·T 1 , 4 8 tt:11"1111on Hills <.:our\lry 31JO'. No lse reqd. 675·6.<WQ OFFICE r" · .gc r, ( lub. 968-54311 ----~ dl.1l. 3 bu, 3 frplr!>. 4003 • ---Coeta Mesa 1200s q rt Scashorc./\gt759-1120 /\VJ\JL/\ULl-:BY WK :Jhr NEWPORTCl-:NTER Cu-ltaM~a 1330 S<l fl --- ------oo golf rnur:.c al l':ilm •111 ..... ,X",'CU'f JV"'. N UITV\rt "ch ''AOO sr tl 2 Br Weslcllff area. Pool, Desert. Indian WC'lh. "'r. r r_ e-.~ 0 "" I rerport. luundry, close to $11Xlrlay. S.til 04.34 !°)UJTB Available lmmed. CR""""IT ...,.0 !>hot>f!ng. 6.11 ·2984 -------Space Avail 640 !>470 larrrit R~otty Al' "' BIG BF.AR J.ake front ---------· R.-;ster PROBLEM B I G C ~ N Y 0 N Cabm.Sml nrlgc~roup!\. ------6 ,,.-2'2.·58,,.o 2nd& 3rdTDtoons • mroc1eSpee1al · Animal Assil.la n c.:t permanl'nl .,talU'> A F.. Ocean Blvd., Lnn~ Leas:ue. 537 2273. DO re.. Conlat•l . Partner<; for lcarruni: & growth OP · Beach. Creative People PO Box porturuty fo r a capable Call 642·5678. ex\ 272 UJ6t S1:>mesc Cat, Nµt z-m Huntington B1·arh wortu:r Jo'or a ppl. call to claim your l1ckeU. Uch. No collar. Call 00647phone l714JS.l0·1213 H.obynJknner * * • _ ~l29. S4_7_5_1 _1K~1~ anytime Visa, Master 675-9900 Bluepnnt operato r. ncl·d Lo6l German hh11rtha1r _Char_ ge I~•------• _-_•_•_•~I responsible individual lO pup Urwn/14 htt· ft·m Ea do ~ & C GIRL operate, GAt ' bluepnnt !Jll' dwntwn JI II llcurt ~n ATTRA JIVE maclune. no expencnn· hrok {·n MUI 141l7 o r ••••••••••••••••••••••• !Ji model ror indl\i<lual nt"<:cssary /\l:.o as:...,l l!ll2 74l2 C.:hn' Schook & ( ,r .. Jt t'Ompcn::.auon for with other ~encral offtro· 1-'oond I Schwinn ll1k•· lnstructio.. 700S occ.i:.1onal ~l::>lo 1on:. Jt ~!-'ue.G SJ 50 }!;:, hrl Mou 'l .. x1blu ll m··~. M. ~OU r r1 .cn.:e 'A!Ol:1U lant:. Owner 1dl'fll1f.v I.I} n11"6·· ••••••••••••••••••••• • • ~ ~ .. ~ "" " I 754-6Z22 rolor ::.JX't'<i, tra me 11 & i.ell"-1. the clothes & l:rPC ~------ approx d11te lo:.t. CJ ll I F«EE of mo<lclin.: tha t you UOAT BLOkS·Wc wall 11.H.l'.U Slr.·5622 INTRODUCTORY wo uld m o s l e nJOY l r a 1n . Appl y 7 a m . ------LESSO._. MucM1ni: 1:. slnrtly for MarGn-gor Yachts. 16:11 Ft>UNU: Ll(e fem Hassell ro fw1 but lhl' ~1rl selected Plal'entia C.M. hound, Wilson. Placcn •Career Ul Heal Estah·• must be very :lltract1v1• • - tut, CM . ~·9597 /\l.l.rull yow-real c·:.t.alc & ~lSUcatl'd No ex· UOAT REPAIR & RIG Found blk fem Setter . w/wht chl.'Sl markmJ.:s. Vic. /\tl11nla / Magnolia l lB. 536-71~1 . license now ... ::.larl thl· !)t!n cnce 1!> nccessury & GING SCHOCK BO/\TS yea r with a ne w pro generous pay makes th1::. 673-2050 fe.sion .. .fl'aturing exc1t 111tcrl'Sl1n~ & prohla ble --------- 1ng T<:ll'«>U1'Se 2000 Pro· Pie~ wnlc tl~cnbml-! •IOOICICEffH• !(ram , the fast & l'llSY yourself to Classified Ad 2·3 yrs experience. full way to pass the state eX· MOS, Daily Pilot. P.0 charge bookkeeper for ams. t;all for an Appl. to-liox l~. Cosla Mesa wnte·up depl of N .IL ----- REWARD $75. 10 wk old Dobie. ears ju!it clipped. has s titches. Noc-ds medica l attention 631·~ or 645-4305. day 92626 CPA firm. Public acct g UMITED Ot'F'Jo:R' cxpe r d esired 25% dlScount with this Automotive 7141833-9961. _,. o rr · I\ I G\:neral help. body shop ""· er' e~pires pn ne-ed.< person full t 1m1• Bookket>per experknc·c·•I 22· s•1L ror dean up & d~ll1o-cry 15 20 t\r.. Wt~k for :.mJll l,OST · Ne utered m a r<· Peek . has han ~ up!>, "Bimbo", Garfield An· H.R. 962·0514 " ;\pply ll\ P<'l'l'On only 1<10 company. 754· 1656 ·t~~:8c~ Jndu.-.1nul Way. CM BOOK KEE p ·~ R . /\ 11 FOWl<l mans walch Ua na ------ Pl llarbor Identify. Jobs Wcmtted. 7075 49'-J...427'R ••••••••••••••••••••••• Found : M . blk}lanGooddnver/female com· Shc1>hcrd puppy qiix, NB paruon, t'hauffeur. Refs Shelter 644·3656/548·2IS3 Your car or m ine. Salary - _._ --open. 496-2921 /496 2575 Pound . Whl. some blk U.&.. W_..._..Jj 7100 llound mix NIJ !)helter '-T mmcv 64'1 :J656i~l8-i! 15.l .••••••••••••••••••••••• ----Accounting Clerk. IO·kcy F'ound: Olk Cocker mix. by touch ltll' stults t1c1tl N H S h e I l c r typing. 0cx1'l•ll. Ptt Y & 644-31'J56/~'411·2 l53 benefits. Orangl' Cn --~ -,----/\1rpo rl area Ca ll ~r: !) mo. oltl ~L1k 752.0172 ::irhnuu zrr pup 1•Y. ~------ Newport Cn -st urea If ACCOUNTING CUC YoU huvc any info. pl<•a:.c Process invo1n•s, h und lc call , 631·3977 aft 6PM mail, hie typing, uss1sl ~eward for return with accounting dulle:. AUTOMO'fl\'E around background l'X MAClll N l~T per, xlnl working cond'i. Salary romme n:.uratc lnn~e benef1L". Fcmal~· w 1 t h c• x p u p l " preferred Salary Ol)l'n. $20.000/yr Send rl'!.Umt• 11_11_84_7_·85_11_. ___ _ lo. 5742 Parkhurst Place. BOYS WANTED· A Yorba Linda 92686 . pprox ---_: · 16-17 y rs, gd sludent. hr:. AUTOMCYflVE l-6 daJly 645-2702, SALES . CAf'ETF.HIA SERVICt-: lmmedJatl' openini: for at LA Times, g raveyan l experil'nl·ed L.1ncoln I on wkends . pref matun· Mrrrury i.ale-sman F'ull person. Exp not nee bul ro hc!n~·f1I'\ 0Pmt> µIan hc!lpful. Call 994.2331 for Apply <.e nc M 1c·hac·b 1nfo RAY FLA.DEBOE ------ LI NCOLN M t-:HC'U HY , ---------1&1~/\uto C~ntcr Onvc IHVINt-: 830-7000 /\L'TOMOTIVI-; CAFETERIA ASSISTANT ~OME 2br. 2ha. 2 Mgr. 714/ROG 1101 NEWPORT CEHTU .. .. 547.5402 patios, frplc, wcl bar. EVl!:C SUITES -Lost · Rcward·2 dogs $7SOmo. Will cons ide r Rentak to S~ 4 3 00 "'" Jndmtri .. R~at 4500 Arranged by malo Samoyed & fcm:i le --------• lrvme. E.0 .E 540 7639 SERVICE CASHIER CPartTI,..J CCHllpCIWy caf~t~~ia. DutM5 wHI htc: casht~r. glMt"Clll Mf.41p, getterol c:leanl n9. Hours: 9:1S..to 2:4Spm. s umm e r r enta l ut ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCE/\NVIEWS ••••••••••••••••••••••• CoastHOIMLoons German Shephe rd Vil' S850.m02l3/540-84 23. FRO!'d $200/Mo LAGUNA HILLS two arl __. Brookhursl & AtlanlJ Acctg Bkkpng B A Y .,. R 0 N T R~~ATES HewporiR~y Jar 5000 sq ft ~1 I un1L<>. MONEY 96.1-999.1 _ o~.~::rM~~YA~oy work r ·Save Corp. n1:w bldg, A t C o ffr, '"'.-PENTHOUS E . 3 Br. 644•7180 rrnnt.:. on Moulton. nr Lo6t: Skate board mL'\!'\ing on vanou.'> arrountUlg & 2~ba . $1 250 . Rob 1-;ruoy morc Puy lt>ss1 _ ____ Ldkl' fo'orest. lea:.c by from garaite. Lime C.:ir. bookkeeping assign ti40-8900. 644·5801 /\II A~l-s& L1fl'!>lyle-. PRIME LOCATION owner ~l808 TO Jo'V Al va board w, retl men ts. Work clos l' to WC'('hl'Ck Hr fnt•ncc·s C>N W/\T .... R. Av"ilu"ln - ---cryptonu: whl:.. & .. 1alom your home. l\cctg clerks. S..Clemtnte 3876 CaH546-4282 ,-., ·~--Airport Ind propN tv pro t ruc k:.. M1k t' bookkeepers, ac cou n ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------for prof(><;sional or rt'lail ~Xl '"I· rt C'al owncr 963 3383 tants arc needed thn.aoul /\utomol1vc cxpcn l'nce necessary /\II n l'w rar1htcs rac1htll''-& J n XI.NT t'hanrc for ad van r<·mcnt with ;:111 en lhus1a.-.11r. l!n>l4 tni.: (Or· poratmn Call lemi lBr apt. $250. Util pd. Share wll'·llffi(' rmmtt·, 2 offll'l"l> Total or 3000 Ml r,()7 :mn: lj:~.:16!1:1 LOAN -Orange County. n il u<. Walk t o ever ything . br. 2 ba in xlnt lm:al. n Cun Ix· d1v11frd into l.or;t mah• IJurmr~•· k11 formorc informat111n . ~ !::~~ ad Its o nl y _St50~n~i utl.272:1:?XIS _ ~~;l~r ~·~~~~~ 1~~~~l'N~(, W~~~~~~&lch. •FA.ST Al'PHOVAL UI' ~~ ~nrd~·:1:~;~~1.ro~;~ Hobert Half'\ k "" ---------•J..t(e 3 bdrmhouselosharc t hen cull Allcnt a ( 213143.3-0941 Garfield/ l~ach. PlcaM' CIC~ s.laAM 3880 m <.:orona I.lei Mar $250 ti.111400 c..i.--4 S50 1'0$250.000. caU964 ~-----' 2333No Broadway ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo.640-28JO. .,.__.,. •SECUREDRYTlll-;IN· #200,Coldwell Banker #ll"°'919'c-ty Detoc:hedA.J.. -740Sq.fol -t4t pcr sq .fl. •••••••••••••••••••••••CREASED VALU~ Of L o s t 4 ·16 . Vi c. Bldg.,SantaAna """"llarborBlvd. ,..... ltoommate for :l hr, 2 ba, $326. mo. Located orr the Warehouse Spa1·c. 3500 sq YOUR HOME T a I be rt /Bu s h a rd (7141835-4103 ~ PleaM .....tv in penon ~fie lnstrun.tets DMsk>n Of BECKMAN Instruments, Inc Jamboree at Campus Dr lrvme, CA Equal Oppor Employer 2 lJdnn. 1 ba, kids OK. Lai:. Jblls w/rec faeil. 405 Frwy n r . C rown ft, sm<J/mo Irvine. 12· female Pug1 fawn color ---------COSTA MESA $320m0+dep. Avail now. Vtew, $195. Uob581 ·3104. Valley. AvaU May lsl. tlr. s pnnklers . 20· ce1I 95r1055 (ofcl / bl k 1 N e --------979·2500 __ .,. w at' ace. am ·--------•I-:-::::=:=:::-:=-----C • R E E •I HUNT BE CH 831·3366 ID'"" /\vall 'til Aug1ist 15. OR 67r5535 I Toby ) R E WA R D t.JTOMOTJVE ~ t Bdrm . 1 bat b . A • 20·30, 642.'U21 ..-962-4760or541>-2664 Adrftsn-Adort " COUHSILIHG IN $275+dep. AvaiJnow. 2BR. 2ba, bal. close to Medical unit s uitable for --------WAMTID HOW FUU TIMIE UAL ISTATI. RtEE Ca11Reoat.asss.n07 be11cb,$1.58.1J00.SOS2 ~~::eaaonu· RVPARICl ... G NEWPORT PACIFIC FOUND: BUc/grey tiger "S.A.M." Is now In· CA.SHIH TRAIHIHG IF YOU tw'vt•.._. 3140 IW'=i'•hoch 3840 ----------• SZS.MOMTHLY st.ripe <'at. ltlea collar. ter vlewlog those In· C111u~IFY. c•u LI ..... ...,. ...., F _.. r FUNDING VicOCC.960-3019. .___..... f needed a l a uto d e ,.....___ " "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• -·•••••••••••••••••••• Elegaotoffices,800sq.ft. en ... ~storage or your u:n :: .. .,ulnapro career a le r s hlp. Som e Clt· DA.17141991·0'60 MIWAnHOMES MOWllMTIM& Luxury 3 br/2 ba. spnt'lous mterlon;. Joel OW, stove. (pie s. & pri vate 2·r u r 11aroges. s Unique floor plan11, renlln R from M95/mo. ~-----.:L- Locatlon -k ........ Sat I Sii ~ ~ MOO'IAIAOOWCl•l,g A JAllllAllD DC\·QM•lt\'T l'llOJIC('T ........ -~ .... ·-11--- 1-..._..,.,._ __ Xlnt Newport location. boat. cum per or extru Lit"Cnsed BrGker Found Aust r a 11 an In movies, TV le TV com · 21 F I r 11 ials N pericnt'e In cash leMng IMS--11. ear. o r no. cu MortCJ1!CJH Tnnt Shepherd mix. puppy, mere · 0 exp. nee. r eq u i r e d , b ut n o t CARWASH IEACH FROHT ~3133. Dtict5 ' 5035 rem 4 mo. N.n. Animal sm fee. Call 533.2233 ext necessary. •:xcellcnt Cu h le r s . 0 r a n g c . Sun Clemente. Superb OUTSIDESTOllAGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~l er, 644·3656 °r1·1• 95.·-------· work1nR r ond1t1ons & wtc:nds; N.B. part-time or View. 275sq. ft. c3ch . Trailers,boal~.etc.Nelll LOWEST __ 153_. ______ ---------c o mpany b <'n e fit s. full lime; Laguna Heh. Two a va il. SJOO/mon. Noon : ~1 ·3374 PtnOMli Sl501---------~alt1ry l'ommensurnle part-time; F'.V .. part· 1-492·1720 Interest Reiff ••••••••••••••••••••••• Al R CON u1 ·r lON ER with experience. Contact ~e. Call644-4460. -R...ta11 W..ttd 4600 s TECH Dave Raynowska. CASKlER /ex I Harbor· Baker No. C. M. •••••••••••••••• ••• ••• • ht T.D.'s, ... '° MICHELLE'S SIQ59.Sl290 Maiben CodHloc Mens re'to~I .. :pealr. or .... fl $22'"' R lbl k. ~---TD • -~ 200011 ·bo Bl d c . ' .. ba n, in ~sq. . r espons e , wor 1ng ~ • • ..,_., •o.tcoll• I year joum eym•1n ex ar r v . their new South Coast 476sq.ft.$262 w rlter seeks one Fairell1.Termulnce1949 llAM·2AM 8$-3749 per. Jl.S. Grad. AppUca· COSTA M ESA PlazaStore.P/Ume.c:on· A/Ccptsgnd firutlinc bedroom cottage in s.tlterMtf.Co. tiondeadline4·25-79. 540.9100 tact Carol Littman, for --~-1366--'-;540-__ 2200 ___ 1 ~~J!:~r~~ 64~2171 54S.061 I UHOA&VICKI Apply Newport·Mesa appl. btwo 9·12, a t Sub-lea.le 400 sq. n. ofrice lia1. W~ Claulfled Ad o.tc.I Mes.. Untned School Dist . Babnltttt, mature loving ~ 1pace with bath. Costa MOMIY AVAJLAIU Fortt..'-of ltt Clasallied Penoonel of· to btbyslt my 6 yr old _;___,_.;,,;..;.._ ___ _ Mesa. $175 per mo. =-Jee,~ ci!~· :c~a 2NDTDAND servtngallOraoieCo. fice. Moo-Wedns·Thurs· bay, 2 yr~ \lrl in my t--------~orM2-3H2 IDll2S SWING LOANS... S.7313 Fri tam to nooo Tues Univ Prtt. Irv m. 5 Hrs carwes --------•--·------• INTERESl'ONLYOR ---------1 ~ 1601 E' 16lb day:3-t dys per wk. Lt Allll $190 Up. omce·•lore. l or 2 BR •pl. in CdM. FULL¥~~~Ral'f!Z!D... COUMnYGIRL :.N.B ... ·E.O.E. • . ~·l~!l..'..' .. Call Eves cpll, drpe, A/C. 11301 resp mature adult. refs. UC'Cnc ., ,,., ....,..... UTOTEM M··rn Beac h. 11 . 8. L ae. avail DenD1a 640-7051 R.E. Broker,MO-Ul67 •ESCORTS * Mil 842-2834. · • .,.,.,.,.. Sen-Ice Babysitter my bolll#I. Lawfirmdelircs3or48r $60,000 34Hn. 738-0487 PBX operators ror 1 mature. nof'I s mok~r Co8ta Mesa ofOce 3rms . home for June.July & U .5% YIELD, 36 m os .. 1---------telephone answering pref. for7 mo. old lnfaat. 6Q)8q. ft. A/C, _ CflJl.I & AUffl.lllt In COM /NB area. 2nd TD on lu1tury re •FOXY LADY * service cxperten<'ed or AA May la\ ror approx. 1 drpe, Sub·lae l300/mo. 7»3llOO. Jane. s.idence In CdM. ocean, OUTCALL ONLY will train. 1-'Ull time or _weett __ ._646-_2589 ____ _ _979-02_.;;_~ll._. ------• -, -Need-.;...;dou--bl-ee-ga-ra_g_e_f-or-t c anyon t'om mun 1 lJ · •972· 1131 * part Omc shirts avalla· BABVSITn:R wanted. N~ Ctr Otslgn Plat• holalehold goods storage. tM.000 t;qulty. Prlv P Y 1---------1 bit. Days, aftcrn6on· rnY home vie ffrookkuns\ B~; beaut rum & do· &-1.2 mos. Will prepay. _675-_i_W_. ______ PREGNANT? Corin a . evenl.nM3 or t:rave yard & Adams. 11.IJ. ror 8 yr C'Of' a. 2·room. ucic: &t 1131 ·-15 1 t .._._._ conlldentlal counsellna &._ Must be able lo work old son. 3PM to ~PM MCY view tulle. Telex . ..,,,., 1 ....,_... rd'crral. Abortion. adop• IOlne weekends . Typin11 Mon·•)'l. Salary open . .....,, ampl• pk1, t yr + Woman writer deAires lbr For S.a. I.loo & ket'plng. ~wpm. required. Many Call Mon·P'rl t·~. '752·18$5 lae. Quick pou. Mr. un!. yr round, Dal ls . Htgb re turn dlacount APCARE ~7·2563 oo. benefits available m230,eveetea-4846. Meyer, $48-1* X1nt local ,.e•1. 6754515. notes, 1u1ranteed In· -~---, .... --.-_-__.__---• Meue call Mon·Frl. come. Beal return for t m _.,.-•·aehlon lllaod area : BABYSITrU • E vn. a lo Sharp l ltll• oUlce,Sb«Tywant.a torent bch lnveator. Chetter F . S.EICamlnoReal MO-lm ll. My Home . CCIII, w/batb. s12s per mo. rm apt..weelt of sn or S1li1bur1 IJ, owner. SuClemeote: f\aUyllc. Co1ta M~n .,ea: Trant. avail. 140·7UI • ScloU Real\1 Q&.'7533 5/14. 17&-1191 or1at·Ma MM755. P'or Appl. 492-1296 m.nes E.O.E . iw. ~ now available f0r full and part0Ume CAAh.lera on 2nd aod 3rfl shifts . No expertence ncceuary. we train. &art at $3. per hour. ad· vancement opportunity for mana11ement potltlon to $$.SO p er hour ll auaLllied Y« more l.n· (ormatlon call tbc ftwlonr»I Ofnce: 1M22 Lampeoa ~t OG'dta Groft, 537 "840 Eaual OnDar Employer ___ ..._ __ _. .. _ ._ __ ...,. a •~ I . - . ._....___ ·-.,.. . -----·---# "' .. n :MPO RA RY ~'WERfNO Sf:R JC M P,&U IOt<K ............. •••••••••••••••••••••• ·~ve Mune1y• 0:1vl'W6) •l>•rlctnK lo •Kt•1u11n •Sc.i•lro»lln •I IC U. l .. M S•. ph,111~11 ~··· ....... 5-Ykft •••••••••••••••••••••• ' Dw+:ln k:J I I I' uh•'rp •.......••........••... ....•.•••..•........... .... , ................ . Sblampoo It 1IHm r lnn &methlnf now In Sin Rotohllln1. wltnd111. for • KOBIN"S llOUSt: Color bn4httnen. whl Ju In «.;.JI 11lr.110 r Mm 11 y v "" "l 11 b I\' CLEANING SERVICt:. (,,U lOnnobl art\ Clt'•n Cu•lom dr~ul u . prdt-n9 ~ '°" • thofvu4Chly clc1rn b , din rm hall 115 Av1 lk<dJprl'ada orllroom .,., .. s.rri<H hc.w ~09$7 nn S'f:IO, 00\M'h SU>, 1:hr on prttm 11111 U"J'1 •••••••••••••••••••••••Want 1 Rt.:ALLV CLl'!AN 15 Owar rlnn swt ndor Ura1wru• 4111 ldt •Mil FIXIT• HOUSF.T C»ll Otnah•m ,...,.Ir, 1) 1ra HPr --.......... _ _, -Clrl Free fllll 64S $123 Oa1 ~~ m~tr-Rt'(ll ::::':""~ ........ ......_..._ 'arpwn\~r. palnlln 1 -· Ml 0101 Y.l..J:L"MU 'IAN tJr1rced lfco•;-J'lffi t~ yns ·tn F or t1 H ~11 o-rrC"e t n n1ht rrH 1t1m1I• uo atta 541 n~__ ~dt.:~n~Jleanlna wirOt'amaJljc>bl VACANT APTldlOMt: ~ 1 • (bmph1C! ronl"ffie Joli OR Ur\-nlled 673·~ U.MJLCLEAN RF.PAIK Want hel~ with your i.t>t )our rurm1, H'"' tW.•lr-411tchtc PA.lNT l..OWCOST houaewo r k! Ca ll mi:inr I-tau~ ... ,...__..... 556 2"2 Jule~·~ Ral(gody Ann's lllvon.-e. aretdenlJI . d 1 _... Un it '°" tboroUgh, courteows dnv1J11 Pn-e nm ul\a Coorm.e ,..orlc b)' Th.. p 1r R Y.ltn11<' .... ?]................. M'f"V•« 64.5 __ LIJOO ___ _ UOn At~)' 9ll 9001 ~torvlnlC t'ollnt(l1 Slu tW.lddlUal ..-rvkt!. "'* ~ ti " n l • I' • l 1 ,, '" "· ·m artcr )I'M. 642 lb03 II 0 M t: ::, II A P T s Wllll.'1, cclU_ngs, noor1 & r -,, onvcllf&)• •tdtwalk• 'lct""'"tl7 IC.t.'IWPftJ,plumb,1•q111lry, wlndow11 l'l ca n e d . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ., _,, lllu, kll/IJ• 1 t!ftlOd\•I 646814:5 Hlaby•U' .... Iii m) twmr 7)1 rtOO k ~ w>o:m II m A!Jt Uf"s V•·c .. nc u v «i .. 1• • 1 ,. . l' a c u•tnm "'-'mt'nt 14 ur ••••••••••••••••••••••• o (' .: .. • · Pl"ll.'nl'ed t..a:? )..!W L> riv" w 1t > • 1111t 1 u • Mowmei. t.dglng & U q 1 u n t ii (.'om 111,. t c U>mpktc-Clcunan1t ·\~ialkwolya ~SU 134 2 J L1rndsrop1n.i & llun ~J766 ......... S..-.lce ~ 7tAll f'J'1•1• t•11lh11ate" ('kuu l ip obi. tlynHul SNVIC<' )311 O'JI I ••••••••••••••• •••••. •• l>ulc ~ :u!Kl 1t11vc your home sp11rkl· 01\'0 t<('E LIANtl.Hl'TCY l'\iru'n!h! work, 111l typt'1>. Roon llANl>YM AN lntC lnaurcd domestil's Hlln~ to fu1.il $61.l nu Job to \ m J 11 r •••••••••••••••••••• ••• No .)Ob too 11mull, J vhn fo;YF.ltY NOOK & CRAN Acuun l~.:•I Scr\llCtti. !'lolN'ht>1. ~7 Ot02 ('cuimir lllt", brdwood. !r1l4 OIX'i9 NY ~2839. 968-281~ IS.u ~100~ ~ .. l><1h: W l'hJlllfl!lt rcmcnt rtirpcL., & 1nyl•. Lit'. Gt!ne ra I 11 u nd y mo n Xlot houseeleaning. Wiii tilckpg', payroll t11 t•:i, ron<'r\'IA: work, all typt!~ Coutr. Elit IUSI Install P•lnt1nte. wallpupcr, do entire house. Best in Onan~. •lmb, more N 8 M2 2162 l.1t·'d toonlled i.n 7 days SJI 844_!_ _ carpentry. mtu«>nry. ull county. LoU of good rers. art'~ JO yn; m 11199 All ktndJJ of Nmt•nl work 0..dlMICJ ~~pain J. Wa1q;h ~-0105 ~ yn In bw.10~ Fu11ot & •••••••••••••••••.•••• •• ---------• He uctlttllMJ 1 clW'tt'OUb :service Free Garderung, c11:an ups & H .a. ••••••••••••••• ••• • ••• • ""'\ n •u'""'"blc pn"c landi.caplng. George .. •-!I Mlnd y M J ~nter. 1-'rcc &-.t Any "" • """"'" ' ::. lbush1 !>45-7072 ••••••••••••••••••••••• our anners nC' me JOb:s G;,11 AllJn or ).')G-07!17 OCCStudcnt. 1 Ton truc·k Bonded reliable pcopk Tuny G46~!.I ~yCi...lftCJ •Vl':KYLOWPHICES • Trush. tree trun. Oun wilJcarefor yourhom..,& Hod 1 -••••••••••• ••. ••••• •• •• oo l11nd.:.cupc m11111t 642 3224. pets. 879 5701 {·eamrpccn't,ryrc.·poull·~· l..:i•mcn •. W1•'1l knock-.,.our 'tOOl uH Gl'Ol'RC !>4~·2015 REST' EASY VACATION u , llauhnJ( & Cleanup. craftsmansh11, Iii v1:. In profe!>isrnnally "" k1:1•11c'0 MM ER C I f\ I. & rcsidenti11l/<:ommcrc1ul SJo.:ltVICl::S Scl·unty fur a rcu. L1c'd. ~ t•alom your ~ous(• dl··~n 1 1111 1n:s10t.'NTIAI. Lawn 631 SWI. home. care for pets, res boll62Xll4 llut (h1m1wy SWlTfll> S.:rvin·.Cmnpll·ll'Clcun rates L1 c Bo nded Dutch carpenter, :m > r~ t·x11. i.pcc1ahzin.: 1n rt· modeling 960·3551 c.,.t Sft"Ylc~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• We Care Carpet Cleaners Steam clean. Also up· holsl l!ry . Work g uo.ar. T'ruck mount unit. Fr est.. reas. rates. 645·37 l6 &w!H88 Up:, 1-;rn-n V11la:.enor. I do 1t all s k1ploadcr. 540-1636 Contractor 5SG-4Ml:I rlumptruck, haul. ~ruth.'. c.'i:ment. asphalt. tree rc ••••••••••••••••••••••• Guri.l!'n Cure•. Sprinkler movals etc. 831-1257 tn 1.0 CON'l'liAC't'OHS r(•pmr, prurw trees. r ut Additions. I & 2 1<l y. lrt't.'!t, remodel Rarden11. Responi.ible teacher on sabbal.lral will hou!>e:.1t wlule complcl•n~ book lt1tchen & ba rt> models, 11 yr.> exp 5!16-4518 97S-0282 -----------t Engle Lawn SHvice Sell with EA.SE! F1reman mows, <:dges on It's a BREt--:ZE days orr. 4 Uml~ mo. $25 Clo.ssllled Ads 642·5678 .!!!"avg la~ 64.5-900~ Cumplelc tree w ork . Call499-l887 yards cleared, trash un.~ .. ~-, -b--. -hauled 494·2129 ..,,..,.,..,r you re uy1ng or · · selling, Classihed ad Custom Hauling For vert.asang will gel° your The Discriminating. message t.o the right J>t.'O 642-0705 pie. CalJ Today! 642·5678. 4 r I at11 ....._ •••••••••••••••••••••••.. -;.;;1 ••••••••••••••• • ... rt.. Local, coutal ff nla~ .__ •---.__ ICl"Vice to Ir from SF ba --· •-· are• Ir all part1. Ca lal rate llf'rvice at 11 f1lr Kbr. 7dys '4().41M4 pnl'e P nor1al Ir com mcrtfal Movl.na & huulinl( Cal·Colo r Palnllnc. R e atodella1 la our 611-0S62 f'rtl.aht. blda mr.acnuli Cl»t.om lnt.rior It EiC· IDeclaJty • ~ addJ, hahJd (1Qod11 ~tc. Lowes ten on Res. " Comm. tlont . Reroofa a..4711 w.tor-hlhJI rates 1n town. J o hn. Ue. •3648l3 fl'ree Eat. Pride Const.· St. Ltc: ··-··-··---······ 966-21154 -642-8621.---> " cd~a!e11~1~ 1 R ~ll~d'a: ,.,../PaperilMJ ,..._ 111.. . w,wood1. t•le, paper, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• atain. carpel, Uc'd . P£T~:RS PAINTING Pllt.loe, brick noors, COY• Repair • Reroor. All 556-8000 Expr d. Reus Ra tcis en, decking, cus tom ty p e 1 . •b l a 11e1. Free Eal. Call Gen firepl1ces, footloga. 4 rocklb•kea·compo•\ar. J•ltortal 552·°'58 yrs e>rp. 84&-8444 fo'ree est. 541·5830 FIA. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ail Maint e nan ce & o r Prot pamUng. Ext & Int Patio covers, quality _A_v __ . ______ _ Janitorial services, In· Low rates Refs. Fre material, popular de We ru leaks or reroof. 10 duslrial & medical bid gs. t!Sl. S36-4780, 536-<6383 s 1 g n s. o Id w o r 1 d yrs exp. Reasonable. 848-1989 Painting . INT /EXT crartsmun shlp. Llc 'd Honest. Uc'd. f,ree est. Ot-'1-1Cf;, INDUSTRIAL .. Neat, honest. _reai> , 12 ~tr. ~l-6464 Ca.II Mike, eves. 552·9232. KESTA U RANT & yrs t:XIJ Lied. Dav Plcntw/R .. r T• II 0 M to; CI. Jo; AN JN G 964 1045 •••••••••••••• •• ••• • •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• R~r11. L1c /bondcd/1ns Paanun1t & papering, 2 Neal patches&tcxtures C ERAMI C TILt;: 552·5100 yrs Hurbo'r area St Llc RlEE EST. 893-1439 kitchens, baths, entrys. ,.,....,.. Rf Your t ile o r mine. a..dlcapllMJ _~ __ 1 e s 642·2356 P I a ,., t c r P a t c h I n g : !J62 3079 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Int. Paint & wallp;iper. Plaster, :.tucco & ---------- Let Us Install a NEW Q 1 k drywall. Int/ext. Fre TypiRgStnic:e ua . wor , rea~. pr. Land sca p e u r f'reet.>sl.Steve.547-4281 est 546 1641.Gc.-orgc. ••••••••••••••••••••••• REJUVENATE The Old Low cost typing of Iden· One. St. Conlr. Lie F\neexter Painting by R. ~ Heal original letters on ltl64419 Call 645-6716 Sinor. St I.Jc . tns. Try ••••••••••••••••••••••• rour letterhead. Free lo· me. 836-5555 24 hrs. * * * ro. Kann. 75Hl893 European Landscaper Mkh•I Mct4aughtcMI Top work. fo'a1r price Up to 50'{ orr on labor. 1 10141 Kamuela l>r. WlftdowC~ Refs 646-4871 dys/eves you buy W.P. from Dan llunllngton Beach ••••••••.e•••••••••••••• Schwurti 537 ·2004 Two Free Tickets For clean windows. 2A hr Masonry service, comm'I & reisid. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Int, ext, :.erving a reu for 7 to the f"-t Call 847 1797 f I) f I k LONG BEACLf . rce es • Bnl'kwork S mall jobs yrs ro qua wor ~ NcWport, t:osta Mcsu & Res1d /Apl s /Cumm TIU•:ATREFESTIVAL Irvine G75 3175 eve!> Kea!> Dave 586·6425 IM THE Ted's Wmdow Care . Com . mcrc1al I Res 1dent1a I. lleasonab lc rates . 642·7893. 13n<'k. \lOnl', blQ{·k wiJrk. W111lpapcr Han~er'i BOOM BOOM tile floor.,, cun r re t<· Xlnt refs. reason rate!>, ROOM , pat111·.,, walk .... dri\ '-' rl1:.e uvad on m.11o r Stamng 1978 fk-'>l Ar 960-3766 wayc; Fri·!' e !>l .John paJ>t·r-. Dys 6'1U·Z!l34 , tres& no minee Jill Reudenlial·Business 8'16 l~ Eves957·05Kl J ere l.1ayburiih at the Long --------- MoMyToLoan ••••••••••••••••••••••• Busmess or Person a I M & 0 cslm homt-p1J1nt ~ lnl/ext, rt::>1d & c·om m 1.8794349 Lowest Rates Guarun Proper prep, prime r . tt'C'd pamt & pnce. Free t.-st 644 ms Hers . Call 645-0975 Bt:ach Coovent1on & Jo;n. When you call Classified l~rtaLnment Center, JOO to place an ad. you're fo •. Ocean Blvd., Long assured of a frie ndly Bearh. welcome and help in Call 642-5678, ext 272 wording your ad for best t.oclaunyourt1cketi. response. Cati Now! • * * 642·56'18 HttpW.ted 7100 Hflp Wont.ct 7100 tMtpWClftttd ,100 HetpW-.ct 7100 HefpWCIRhd . 7t00 Help WC!Rhd 7100 .-., W.t~ 7100 .-.,w..tect 7100 HltpW-.cl 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CASJIJl.;J{. Apply In CLERICA i, CLERK COOK u1::1.1v1rnY/()RI Vf':H DRAFTSMAN. 1-:Xl:XASSLSTANT GEMERALOFFICE G<:neraJ Office . Ule lyp. p c r s o n C r o w n i-;nt.ry lt:vl!I f)O';llH>n 1-·11t1ory JOb t•a rd:, & t1 m c DJ y :. h If t Cann cry 1-' /lJ me X Int rl n vin~ re ELECT HI CA I.. M I I-'. For :1late wide t r:ldc ac, Immediate openin~ for mg & lite bookkeeping Hardware 31CT7 I-: Coil!>l 371-~hrv.k SS50 i-hel'ts t:nt r y h :vcl kc:,tauranl. New1wrt rord rerid 1-'or appl. Commercial & lndu:.tnal !>OC nr UC A1rpnr t mature clencal worker. Call Newport F1oor Cov- llwy, CDM C<.ill~fl4~1 w roum for advo.anl'c l:icac·h 6755'7TI 5:i7 -9212 Mr Wl·~l . Lwlding dc:,1gn H 1-: Should have ~e<'n·tunal Sample math, use or er1ng for 67~·1636 in· CASlll t:H Expt•r with CLl·;lUCAL M.:du•al lult llnrA & MC JO 35 hr!> nt·l'd!> frnt ofc r1·r1•p Some CVl'S &,wkndl>, Ap· lJOllJl>l, type at li•ui.t 50 JJIY ut Cha!>UJ i., ~ Coast WPM, d1ver!.1fwd po!>1 ml•nt $400lu:.to.art -----NcwportStationcr~.lnc WALL & ASSO C skllb ld1cto.aphonl·I v.111 c;ilculator required. terv1ew. ROSAN, .... C COOK 546-7480 t77Rl Sky l'ark handle Cmant'lal & mcm Some overtime 1!9!1-4357 ---------~I WCoast llwy. NU Umncrhousccxp.apply l>EMONSTHATION on Clf<'lt!.lrvmc bership record.i & h:tvl' A!.k lur Pat or Cami. GEHOFC/Tr ... !'>18 5533 1-; 0 t: In I' er Ii 0 n s A M . s Wl>ekcnd!> 111 local :.torl'!-., respcmsib1lity ror :.mooth N•>O -.mokcr'I preh:rred. Ma.jor home bwlder In Plaza lion. pleas ant workin~ ---SJo.:Al-'OOD 112• 3901 1-; demon!>trat1n.: l.'ha1n DRAPl':HY ROOM w11rk. rwuung ore ~ ex llwillni..rton lkal·h Jrvu:>e wants Girt f'rlday Coast Hwy,CdM. i.aws, Hn<r!:I & cutlery all pha.:.t.~. cxl)f'r or will per de~1r;ibit' Salary -fOt' clerical, hte typing, CH""UFFEUR conds Mature pcrson, ,. non smoker. 633·5635, President of L.A. boscd 8.»5.E O.K company Is lookinJ.: for a1---- profci.s1onal thuuffeur.l•-llilJl------- prcferable rc:.ulini,: 10 CLERICAL Orange Co. Must ha,·e reqwnng typm~ :.kill\ & 1•xccllent reft•n•rwcs & basic knowlt'di!" 1n knowlcds::e or I, A & math . Salar y t·om Oran~c county oarl•:ti. rncns urate w /sk1lb & i''or mformatwn please exp. Modern ofcs in cull Ms Crawford, at Fashion Island Contact Zll/~·4253. Mon ·f''ri 640-8959 (.1,ERKS Come work temporary ror 11 company who carei. about you Immediate wocic op pay. C':.tll for appointment 557-0061 LO~ office • ~OJ overload bl-twccn9&5. 1---------c~nK TYPIST P IT · Ch11urfl'ur nt•c<lcd ru1t1----------1iui.y C.M. office. Re· time. Must tiv1• ur be Clcncal qwr<.'S detailed person. willm~ to reloc,ni· in so . ....1 Billtng, invo1Cl'S, C1lmg, Lag ttrca lmmed1at(• UNCfR rri9111 '*"~'Y ~m & \('o kt-y. Call employment. !-t.d .ir) needs aft out9oin9 V1l'lue631-0700. o p c n I' I t· a ~ c c a 11 penon for tft• follow· Cl~rk Typi;:-l-~ 375-l. irWJposiffoft! PURCHASING CHEF Countt'rhelp Cook Part lime full time Apply In person. Gary's DeU :13(1!1 to; Coast Hwy. CdM. --- (; 0 UN TE H G I ll I •• drycleaners. fo'u II or P /T l056liays1dc Drive. N B. 673·53115 COUN'ff':ll llELP Mon·f'ri Super Sandwich ~ COUNTER GlllL. Mon thru Fri, 1·6pm, every Znd Sat. 8am·6pm. Apply Mon thru fo'n bef lpm. Mesa North Cleaners. 1170 Saker St. C.M. Couples wanted to manage small IJu.siness Must enjoy mc.-eting IX'<>· pie, woriung together. & lie willing to le arn. P leasant prof1ta ble wurk, Ptr. 963-7225 $1 :;()per hr. must havl' trru.n 1:1-'I 30 Up tu SS i>t·r open PWQA833 3131 GEHBAI. OFACE d1Slnbule & stamp mail, own lransp . C all ~." ... 1~!J3t-;. C.M. area -ESC-R-Ow -o~cERS nm errands, rebeve re· 759-1150/ (7141759-l lSO .,... .,., m Part tune. mw.l enjoy cepUoolst at push button AndJr.Officen phone contal't, working sw1tchboard lo lobby. DENT/\ L H EC i:: I' Unvcrs for dental lat1 Who D 't W t w1customers & i.lctall Must drive, have car & T IONST t-:xp'd , full monungs or afternoon Oft Oft wurtc.Pdvac·,s1ckpay& valid driver 's lie. time, fnngc tx>neflts No Ptr. Must havl' valtd Full TiftW W oril_. h(>uJth tnS. Apl'IY 9um· .Minimum wage. free ni.:hls or Saturday s dnver.i license and l!d Herc s an l'xC'l'llent op 4pm, .Moo thru Fri. at medlcal & We Jnsuran <::-111_1ll2_·6377~r~·-2_119 wdnk.vtdnys~.:.~t'U7.':!7.w64keGn506Hds. ~rtl!tnh1tyt f11k 1·a,r1111 ~rde1n·s dPrs1 thCo?.tmMI, ce+otb e r company I) EN ·r A I. P L' ,. 1-: I' ..,,.,. JI -. .. WI ou wor ing u lt!Hl tan o p , .., . . benefits. 714n52.saoo. ' "' "' ----tJme. Tarbell t-;M row IS ~5570 TJONl~'T. 4 day week, DHIVEH WAHEJIOUSE, oow 1nterv1t"w1ng l'!!...R E .A. T busyoCc Cal_l 64_· s._7580_ f'/l.lmc, J:d dn'vtng rec, Escrow Officers and Jr.1•---------1 ~ ·~R· Dftttal Orthodofttic 18 yrs or older. Apply Officers to work approx General Office SALES JOI HOW 1-::Xpcr R01\ to round out :M:n w c_~t_Hwy_._N_B. imawly 20 hO:Ol'Sll weelt. TRAINEE OPEH top notch team. Irvine DHlVf:R. ru11 o r l'/T, providing supplemental F.ntry level pos ition GOOD PAY, GOOD olc.~-0777 nights, reliable 1n · help during vaeo.ation grading exams Various JIOURS, GOOD CON· -----dlv1dual to assist & dn ve tam~ ;ind dunnl( O\ l'r· det.aaJ dut11.-"S light typing DI T I 0 N S . M A N Y o .. :NTAL llYC;JF.NIST rommemal parkini; lot load Pl'rtods. PC'rma· andncathandwnUngre· FRINGE BENEl''ITS. needed ror l'cno ore II B swe<'!pcr. $4 00 pr hr. nent. PJrt lime ~ork F:x qwred Excellent work· 1-'N>'T GROWING COM· f':xpand'd functions lie !1323150 reUent bcncht PaLkJl!l' in.: ro nd1t1on'i <1nd PANV PROMOTES rt."'<)d. 3 dys wk, sal op•·n , _________ inclucfo~: tic1wf1ts mcludin~ dental FROM WlTHTN. TRAJN Prof shiir's:: & pen:.ion 1-8 Pd Ho&days pla.11 Apply 8am-llam, F 0 R T 0 P plan 714/842·6631 DRIVERS Poid VocatiOfts l p m · 3 p m , N o r t h M A N A G E M E N T Men or women 25 yrs or Fonnlormation 1·uU . American Correspon· ST A RT S • I M • Dental Asst. Do you want a career m ortho. Ut1h:r.· mg aU your HOA skill!>? older Know the coal>! Cheryl Pizzo denl"' School, 4401 Birch M E 0 I A T E L Y ' ' . r1t1es Nl•t $180 a w<.'Ck or 832-5440x11 Str\.'\.-t, Newport Beach. K ft; Y B O A R D Exp'd 2nd chd to train f or c h e f pot.tlaon w1young aggressive C'o Mui.t be exp'd an tall an•11:> of k1tcht•n opera· uon Xlnt starung snl:1ry CASH RECEIPTS A/R-A/P CLEtlK "'111 ume, Mon thru 1-'rl. 10 Key by touc h r e <1wrt.'<i. Opportunity to 1·xpand your oc:countang i.lulls wh1h• wurktnit with fUC'C pt.'Oplc Electronics mfr. needs person w/good clen cal blulls for our purchasing dept. Type 55·60wpm minimum, purchasing (•.l(pcnl'ncc dcsirt'tl. W1! ofrer good pay & bcnl'f1ts. Call for ar"t c R A H more . Orange t:oa ~l T.ilBEllESCROW I Near O C. Ai rport > EXPE RIEN C E Yellow C.ab, 17300 Mt -----_ t;qual Opportunity HELPFUL. WE HAVE • Herrmann. FountJIO EX p 1-; R J EN t: t:. J.) l!;mploy<'r OUK OWN TRAINING E 640-0121 • full bene(1b Apply ~1th Aero Squadron. 3180 Airway. C.M !'>5G 8780 ---#--- CHURCH SECRET ARY !-\all time. l(ood typm..: ~kills Newport B1·J r h area. l'hon1.· Mr' ('.uudell 631·2880 Tc Ion 1 c / ll c r It e c) OPERATOR personnel dept . W1lhCla:.s llic.$IOhr. l'lca:.c upply m pcr:.011. 714/494-~1011':.o t-: Neall Crane, 531 3374 Mon lhru l''ra ------Cl.t-;HK TY l'IST 12-5. CUSTODIAN 50wpm. Start $3 50. Non R 0 G E R • S :.mokcr r,rcr l'lca!>ant Head Custodian urgently ..1 er b Id needed, by 11.ll. City GARDEllo..ls voflCC In rg O ICC W School Disl, $901 tO $1020 1""1111 ini,: Near 405 1-·rwy 2301 San Jouqwn 714/82&-07JO per mo. depending on ex • Oeflt;il Ass~tanl for .:row. mg Newport Beach prut• lice. 3 day WL-ek. X· l«1y lie r e quired . 1-:x pcnencro 631 ·J73.1 --- Dt-:NTAL ASSISTAN 1'1 IU·;CEPTION IST t-:x!Jl'r )lrt:f erred t•u 11 11m1" &alary open . CllM . 673·6443 Hills Huad per. Apply 735 14th Sl, CI>M "40 5944 Cocktail Waitren 11·8· ~1 Dent.al office ne<.-ds help ADVERTISING School 1----------Pos1l.lon." nva1lable to Cit CLASSIFIED Earn up to $.100 per wk CUSTODIAN your quah£1cat1ons 1n-Thc Dally Pilot 1s seek· CLEHICAL Low twtion. Placement Head Custodian I cludmg romnal pol~hmg mg a person to augment Coastal PenOMel assist. 751·9194 Salary $870·SlOMJ & plaque control. frMt our Class1fie<I Advert1s· Agettcy 1 yr. school custodial ex· b<>ck & in between Call 111g department for In· Ha.c; loLs or Jobs ava11 1----------1 per. 11.S Grad. Applica-li44-0683 :,1dc telephone :.ale~ w1many fine, :.u1)('r 1·om COLLECTOR llondeadhne4.J0..79. Telephone !>al e•,., t·x panics and thcy'r{' all Experienced collector Apply Newport -Mcs;i pencncc necensary, will 1-'rC(.'' nC1..odedby nat1onal rrcd1t Unifi ed School Dis t. tru!n ror class iftN1 540-6055 firm. Stron~ collection C:lassif1cd l'crsonnel or REQUnn:Mto:NTS Coastal PtnOMel hackground necessary rice. Mon-Wcdni.·Thurs· INCLUOt-; S775 to Sl.175 per month MW!l type 4SWl'M lt'kc Ac,iettcy i.La.rtmg salary plu.s ex· f''n 9am to noon. Tues L>letary Supervisor Cull tame. xlnl &rJ lary & benefits. M4'sa Vt>rd e Conv Hosp 661 Center. Costa Mesa. 548·558S DIETARY AIDE at Con Valley (No nf Slat1•r GLAZJo.:R . ---------1 PROGRAM PUT ON BY b.etwn Newhope & Applyinpc·r:.o n c;L·"'ERALOFFIC'L', 1'HE COUNTRY'S TOP fo.ucbd) San Clemente (;la!>!> .,.., -r 0 R G A N S A L E S ___ d~5N. t:1 Camm~9~~~i·I Will ~~~~i!'ltcn· ~1':~P2E~-; C Af~LO A~ Education Anist -----ta! Car, f1cet. Grouv ms. INTfo;Jtvl EW. ORGAN l't T . with Un1lc1I l''actory llelp-Rtln s m.111 & masc. ore.cc duties EXCHANGE. STAN Methodist children & machmr Soml' ~hop l''<· Should have some typing NUNN714/586-7302. youth. 644-0745 per. but will tn1111. Xlnt. cxpencucc. Contal't Mrs. benc. C0!>\.1 Mc!>a Co. Rlll'y. , _________ _ ELE(,'THICIAN SaJary $11 t4·S1360 l year Journeyman c·x per 4 yrs. elec. mamt expcr II S. Grad. Ap plicat 11.1n dcadl1n t' 4 25-79 Apply Newport-Me sa Unified School Dis t Class1flt'd Personnel or fire, Mon Wcclns Thur!> f'r1. 9am to noon. Tues lpm·3pm 1601 ~ 16th St N.8 .. E 0 t-:. ~ Bob Lon~pre Pontiac GROUNDS ICEIPHS ------13600 Beach Rlvd. LAIOIHS 1-·actory wo rkers in Westmmstcr Full time openin gs Chcnuc;il Refinery· l''ull 892~1 636·2500 available Immediate ly time perman<'nt pos 1 -----Lions. 11.S. chemistry or GENER.AL OFFICE . al Irvi ne Compan y work expHICOl'C .wit h Full l.lme warranty file ~!a~:Js c~=~~ei; 1 chemicals ~elpful Equal clerk. Excellent rom· maintenance workers. 0 PP or B m V 1 o Y c r · pany benefits Hours 8 Apply at: 549-3281 t.o 5 Monday thru Friday. THE IRVINE CO Please contact Brenda .ii ICT7J Caml'lback Fem ale fa c tory packagers $3 15 pN hr to start Merit raises. 15.77 Monrovia Ave N R 548-5125 Maben Cadllloc 2600 Harbor Blvd Newport Beach 644·90111 <.:OSTA MESA 540-9100 Cl.assllied Ads 642·5678 Lnc> 279011arbor.C.: M. e e l l ent employ et' lpm·Jpm. 1601 I'; 16th Good0tlficnd 9 pea•bakle1ng vol'"'' IOO"..f 1-'RF.1'_; ___ 1 benefits and dental plan.,_si •.• N •. u •.• ·.E •. o •.• i::.·. __ _ valeseenl Hosp. Day & 1---------• R.ORIST /bpr'd ,.,, •--------i Costa Mesa facility. Call•· Ple.asaot personality encal Monday through f''J'iday. CUSTODI ... .._. Salary commcni.uralf' = _11 54!M200. Gall Richards "'" with expen encc + com· m 811 ..-stty orMike&llllvan. fo'ull time Coron a del mission. Excellent com· ~ ~1---------1111 Mar. Must be hard work· pany btmefils. H you arc fw the foiowfftCJ posl• ing w/ ref. Call Mon-F'ri. ambiUou:; & want to be ffoM: 714/673-22689 llam. paid for your e ffo rts COMPUTER please call for interview . CASH RECEIPTS OPERATIONS Personnel Dept. SUPERVISOR 642-4321, ext. 'l:l7 A/R·A/, CLEtlK Salary $1322·Sl614 ORANGE CO ..,ST f\1U £ime Mon thr u Fri. 3 yrs. exper In computer DATA ENTRY OPER. Two F tr positions day stult. company benefits 557.4752 "' JO Key by touc h re· t' I 1 D ... ILYP.ILOT ul opera ions inc . yr .1--------"' q red. Opportunity to supervisory. ~qwv. to c 330 W. Baj'S\rc.'t!t CXP.!ffid your accounlini:i completion of 14th. grade Data Processing oord . Costa Mesa skHLs while working w1lh Incl computer courses Sahuy $1322·Sl614 L"~ Io rt t rucepeople 4 yrs. responsible ex per ..,.,ua PJ>O uni Y • Appllcat1on deadline 1-;mployer 4_»79. meld. l yr s upervisory PM sh1ft. Stable employ· ment. X benefits. l"rrc lns. after 90 days. Apply 1445Supen or . N B. . DISHWASHERS Part lime . No exper necessar y. Hayv 1cw Conv . H osp. C-M 642·3505. E 0 t: DISPATCHER Experience pn·r. but not necessary. fo'ull 111111· Custom Tow ScrVll'C: 751-L515 DISTIUIUTOR SALES ELECTRONIC J\SSM . 6 Part & full time. Salary Mo exp. Day & swlni,: open. Costa Mc:,a slult.s. No rec. Good pay 540-221l Paid weekly. Irvine ---------- area. Norrell Temporary Services ~9021 E 0 Jo.: Escrow Officer Will Pay Top SSS R.ORIST Unique retail nursery needs creative people for full & part lime pcrma· nent po~1l1ons. ,Mus t have experience in floral design. t:xcelle nl op· porturuty to work in a prcst1g1ous setting. Please apply in 1>erson, Mon thru fo'r1. CASHIER-SALES DAorequ1v. in computer Clerlral fo\Jll and part lime post-Apply Ne wpo r t-Mesa science or related field. New manne distnbutor Doc_..fttCotttrol lions available. In addi-UnlHed School Dist Application deadline has choice territories Tarbet! E.'lcrow. onc Qf the nation's most pru ,:?ress1vc F:s<'row C1>m panics 1s vow interview Ing for an fo::Scrow OHicc•r for our Tusun office A rrurumum of S years ex penencc reqwred. Ex ccllent frin ge benefit package. ROGER'S GARDENS Electronics mfr. net'ds t.aon t.o a good starting Classified Personnel of· 4-»?9. open for nmb1t1ous hard person lo m a In l3 in wage, cashiers share in lice, Mon-Wcdns·Thurs-/\pply Newport· Mesa worklrtg salespersons If engineering document commission pool. fn. 9am to noon, Tues Unified School Dist . you are w1llmg to work /Ues, make pr\nl.8~ col· lpm-3pm. 1601 E. 16th. Classified Personnel of· and grow with us. con· late product manuais, in· PHONE PERSON ,_Sl •.• N •. a •.•..• E •. o •.• E •. --• flee. Mon-Wedns·Thurs · tact Oick or Tony btwn tcrface with EDP. Re· p U ,. 8am-5pm. 714/6J8-U 34 ~ulies ability to work in· a.rt me. approx. lOam· Frt. 9am to noon. Tues Troyco Marine Products d 1 T 3pm, Moo thru Fri. No COOK tpm.apm. 1601 1':. 16th. e pe n e ntiy . ype experience re'i:ulred. ""NB EOE • """"""SHOP"'arlyAM neering drawing or ,...wer ..,.""""' n :re r Hospital 11 xpe r . prc.1---------ahif't, no exp nee. prer I Pd Holfdays 2 Wb Pd Vac:atloft e.clcd/0...Wlftl fo'or Wormation call. =. E.xperience with .. ~ _...___ "'-. ... · · · uvo""' • .. I calla. Muat enjoy people. fm-f!d. Xlnt work.Ing con· mature.> fem . Apply In do~lulm ewn tofcfu nt ~ d lllons 4 b e oefih. DellveryPenKinlorbusy pers, Dlpplty Oonul». ChcrylPluo hel.,. · e er f""" Pleue a I I B 1 c H Irvine travel age ncy. N 832 ILi"" Xll ~Y" btnefita. Cal for P.P'f. n person. ayv ew onv. osp. Mus t h ave r clloblt! l.8S4 ewportBl,C.M. T .. nnE·LL~'""'ROW •, 2301 San Joaquin HU~Road COM 640 ~94t f\1.11 and part Ume help needed In Slop 'N Go beach stores. No exper nee. Apply al the Da na Pl or Newport Oeach store. Call 774-92\-0 for immediate api>t. 715 N l.oara. Anaheim. Appl. Tt!lonlc/Oerkcley Monthtu Fr . 2US Thurln, C.M . lOOlOreycle & Ins. Work IUl.6.R9mllS IUUJ ~ ,n er 11 o n n c I d c Pl. Kl-3505. E.O.E. h d I li'IUIW"I""" $1 77 DAY 7t4/t94·940l. Laguna R 0 G E R • s COOK ~('d, Ptr. Jolly :f.PF~"ur~y .r~ag~1 >;; :1;~7~~~ :''r o~edd~ • ner G1•r .. Oflflce Ueach. E.O E. GARDE.._.S ~I~!:· Coe t a M eea. mlleaRepd. 957-2700. rnechanic•I dcl•ll draw· That'• alr'Y0u pay for Reliable, mature, person CLERIC"'L " .....,......... Ina" fo r aasembly •. a 30dayad int.hc able to hsndlc av.rt •ty " 2301SanJoaqwn DELIVERY·Avallable " • D ... uy •tLOT ol Job8 1n busy U1v111on •GEN~RALOF'FICt:• Hilla Road CookJ apply Bernard'a, now. Top pay, good Ptr layout. Knowledge or ,,,..._ r-office or o :1t11tt• wldt• Pl'e5Ug1ou.s 1pot w /':"ell CDM 640·~ Bl E. Coul Hwy. CdM. hrs. Exes. 5-9. Mon·Frl. 'mhaoc pln~~ 8dC.. t811rcacb• 10& SBVICE R.E Inv '!ll. Firm Type knOWn exec search farm 875-7575 • 531-0811 · h ..... "' DlllCTORY er: Call 0"""""" In N.B. Oullc8 lnvoln Min. l yr uxperle ncc l ..... wpm. ._,.vinV typlof· filing, phone CJert for 11.8. drugstore. Cooks, kitche n help Delivery & stork work, +aome colleac dr•ftlng OOITNOW• General office. ~alure wortc public relations. ex p e r I enc e not wt.Jtreua, buaboy1 for ~. & Male appUcsnl!I COUJ"llet or equivalent Is 642-1671 11elf s tarter, p reuanl Salary opf!O. necesury, M 1n1 mum new teafood ~taurant. wcilcome. Excell. op-~ary. We offer food oolephonc v0tct typing Anthony w81ter11 A!\soc. age21. 847·2583 Muat have expet1enco. portunil)' to train In aulo PQ • btndlt.. Cal for Whether you're buyl.n• or ~ wpm. Mon· Fri. c.n 1201 Dove SL $le 470 Apply fn person. 10085 ~ ula. Apply U22 appt. Telonlc /Berkeley selling, Cla111rled 1d Jerry ~1·08ll 9 lo$. 83UUio Have 10m~ln1 you want Garfield at Broolchurst Newport 81, CM. or 10080 per s n n n e I d e pt . vfrtl1ln1 will (let your toHll? Claulfied ada do Ptn Vly or c•ll 864.4336 Adami, HD. Automotive 714 /494·9401. Laaun• met1111&t t.o tht' rtghl peo. SELL Idle Items with a WaatAd Relu.1'3 642·5678 it well. &U·5878. forlntervlew. $uppb>. Beach. E .O E. ~. C.11 Today! 84.Z.5678. Dally Pilot CluaLrled Ad -· .. ..... __ _.. _ _,..., ----~--·-· I ' JOBS A s pecial "H elp Wanted " magazine to be published Wed. May 2 In Coast LI FE & Thurs., May 3 In Dally Piiot. Jobs wlll reach 107,000 Dally Pilot & Coast LI FE homes along the Orange Coast, the county's premiere area for recruiting. Jobs will be read by 350.000 employment prospects. Ad•ertlsers reserving space In this "peclal secllon prior to April 74, 1979 will be featured In the editorial content of the specie! magazine. For ap11ce reMrvetJona •nd ret•• cetl M2.se71. DAILY PILOT • • .. I .. Hou.wkeeper wanted N. BluHs, Npt, two 6 hr dys per wk msl h11ve own transp. must be intcll, h1 type. lhorough, ready to do everything lo kC"P xJnl run hm for mature. vry cln li ving qwet cpl. M~l be Stronj!, gd dcbp, "1.nt pay to rii:ht party ()u not l•all unlebb you 'I ualJ Cy. 640-0538. ---HOUSEt<EEf'ER Was h. iron c loth es. Thorou,cih cleaning. N.B. 3 dys. Mon, Wed, i''ri 9·1. trowk M4-4655afl6PM. Jn.-.urancc WAHTE:I> UceftHd Life Aqts A newly llccn:st:d II re rompany tn Cahf. Is rur - r c ntlr loo kin.: for l(cnera agents. Top com mission pai(i + ;Jn. nualnat1on to tho11c who qualify. Cull 9·12 um . (714J675·49'J7 --Ironing. nc..oe<t pen.on for ironing clothe:s:"CdM area. t.'73-8677. 846 21 IK -Jarulonal helper vancty of Jobs. No exp nee. Benck Brothers Main· t.ainl-e Serv1rc 979·3837. ---JANITORIAL Openings ror m en . women & rouplcs In Npt area. Appu Univcrsul Bwlding a1ntcnance 1226 W. 5th St, Santa Ana. 542· 7266 JAMITORIAL CUSTODIAL Full time & part lime, all shirts. x lnt benems . 54&6682. Kathy Jcan/Courtalde has immediate orinlnga for an exper. ru I time. salesperson lo work Jn th~h Jolfn Wayne 11 Club. The person wc are looking for must be attractive, personable & able t.o work wknds. Xlot salary & fringe benefits. Phn btwn 9-12. 64CMl214 Kltdlew ..... Full time, Immediate =· perm E:ition. Dottle laney. R.aldgb HlllA lloepltal. 714 /645·5707. E .O . E . M/F. Lawidry worker needed Ptr for conv. hospital. Mon·Fri. fl'1ulble bra. = ln per900. Beverly . 340Victoria, CM .... ALSICUTAIY = Cfnt.er ore, cor· btalMaa " estate ~ pracUce, taper requl • Saluy open. ~ onomMTY a.clll oft.a wlMa )'OU .. ~'C"'I D&lly PUal Mt to ,.... ... Or-.. Coat ...... ..... ....,. . -..-...-..---. .. Now you can work wlth the best machines and people in the industry -without moving out of the Pomona Valley. And, you'll be working with Pomona's largest Industrial employer. Over 6,000 or your neighbors are aJready part or the!' General Dynamics Pomona f amity. / I've got immediate openings and plenty or work for years to come. If you're proud or the kind or work you do. and you'd like to work with people who reel the s ame W dY -st>e me and let's talk about your new job. G...,...Ut1diW1h JlglortrUocWN1h LAltlle MocllWlh Ml ... ModtlH MocWlli1h Tool Ir Die Mahn llNJI• LaMt. O,.rators Ml.., t1KbfH Opendon .....,Op., ...... ............. , Opcr•tor1 ,..,... L.AA. o, ...... M/C UuU1 1 O,.r .. or1 PNdlltill Grll du Operofon Mkro ttlllllu• Prechlott UocMellh l••lfrW BKh"Gllic lltc.,...._ M/C U1ht •c• Mn••lca M_...Toollehll1bn M*I •c• Btctridw D1efta1 o ........ lltctroPlllhn Apply in person at our Employment Office, WALTER WINFIELD, Employment Mana1er . IAM • 4:30PM Monday tin Friday GENERAL DYNAMICS Po•wDlylll• 1671 W. ttnhn llM. P1•11• CA An Sqlaal OPPOrtunitJ Employer M/F U.~. CfU...,.,,.p e.ca1atttc1 -... ---. -..... --. -...... ,,_. --... ~ ..... ----.. ---· .. -- ... . t7 I 4J 992-570 I FULLERTON CARE C0tm•seent Hospital 2222N. h a'i'Jx>r Fullerton. 'CJ\ Equal opportunity em p Mff NURS I NC. AO · M!NSTRATJON s1-:c·v. ex per. San Clemente General Hotip1tal, 714/496·1122 t'Xt 213. lk al t:stale .f FREE INTRODUCTORY R.E. LESSON 11le mOBl sensible Rl'31 Et;tale course yet rnn cc1ved. Video {'lducat1on proRram with award w1nn1ng faculty Ac credited. Ca II for ;1 pp\ today S:.i ll'!> l:.icly, t•xp fo r (;I ~ION 1-: 'S I> It 1-.~S Del Taco, a rapidly C"< !:iJIOI' '1 5 dJ '°' k 111cl pand1ng f.1:.l fnotl Sut h7S-~1 restaurant chain, ha~ 1m ~ -mroiateopcnings for full Salt>slady. nt•ll appt.1r and part ume help on thl' tnl(. over 25 111).!h f:.t!>ht0n dJy and nJght shifts. All ladies app,1r\'I ,ho11 po:.1Uons available App· Newport Uead1 t.7J K530 ly in person daily, 2·4pm. ~6 _ _ at 2112 Bnstol. Nt•Y. port Beach Sdeslocty I ROGER•$ GARDENS 2301 San Joaqwo Hills Road COM 640-~9« SECRETARY lmml'<l1ale need fo r .1 well quahfu .. -d secretary- ,1l a leading mco1a pro· durt1on co In Santa Anu. M~l hl' well on:anized. :.ircurate typist, non !>mok<'r preferred. llr!> 9 G Call Mrs. Wilson ~7 1749 --------- NURSING CAUSEY & CO. Nl.'\."<1 H N. or 1.VN for 1465So Coast l11wuy DEL TACO, INC __ Full Timi' Tlll::SllOW OFt" 22 t"~h1on b land. N IJ Se<'relary · Parllime. lmmt'<11ale opening. Ar uvc N H Real !::stale ul lice. Jo'l cx1ble noun. Vaned duties. Call Dau for mlcrv1l'W. 645·7221. PM shifts. WL'<i lbru Sul l..AGUNA BEACll An ~uat Opportunity SalHmott-Yachts (or conv hospital Xlnl 494-805 7 1'.:mploycr M I t" Knowlcd~c b;ul bouL' ri• salary & beocllts Apply ---------1 Beverly Manor. 340 Vic·~~~~--~~~----------qu1rt•d . Kuna Ma ru1c tori a, CM RECEPTIONIST _7_14_t.i5 1403. i--•SEC-R•ET-A•R•Y-•.• Part lime for Newr,:rt R~'TAURANT S.s/Orct.r Dtsk OfffcE CLERIC '"L C If you are the best & de· "" Beach developer. .1tt• ounter t;h,,'(' wire & rablc mfJt. serve the ... ~st, we are a 0 PP or l u n It Y r o r typln". phones. f1lln•' will tram rt"ht p<•rson. . ..,., •·-· .. 0 ··wi·ve" to return to " ,., " r a:Si' d I Y c x pa nd in g . '""""'k " b d l M11'1l have rur 675-49111 Serv1·ce Must bl.' 11ood w /num Wor In a Usy a a " m ll·corw,ralc Newport · bcr.. Santa Ana arcu. n h I E processing co. Isl. & 2nd. Reccptloni~l & "-'h·"""'i, ca c ea s t o tc srurt/Edit control with AllJIMAL ~~ Broker/Developcr/Publ- some bookkecpmg back· " S ••ES P/T 11' Syndicator /Property J{l'Ol.l.lld HOSP C k AA-Manager with an Im · Xlol be.nents. Cull ror in • 00 $ J K. Gill Co is now In · medial<' opening Cor an tcrv a ppt. i''ulll1mc inrl'devcnm.is Needed 11·rvjew1ng ror P IT ABOVE AVERAGE . SAFEGUA l<O &wct.-kend.'1.644 5463 Clt'rks. i''or appt pl1•asc pe rson able, car eer mll Ms. Paulu Schc11ens rru'nded secretary with BUSlNESSSYSTEMS. o~p0'oru"l, hlc typm••, Mos tly days, some """'""'"! "-'ta M """ 6080 """'"" " "' n'aht Good o p .....,..,.,,, experience in real estate '-'Ud esa .....,. p I ea s a n t p b o n c · '" s c m any -----~-""-n"f1ts uood tart n~ (nubile) syndication . ornce positions available In growing publisbinl? Clrm . K eypun ch operator. will train. Must typeSOwpm. 10-kcy.neol legible bandwnting. File c lerk ror a ccounting dept, type 40wpm. 10· key. relieve receptionist. Some ornce expenencc preferred. Call Surfe r Publis hing Oroup al 496-5822 ror interview. personality for land de ""' ~ · ,. s · 1 I: SALESPERSON ,. 1 0 salary. Please apply m property m anag.:mcnt veloper. Sa ary St4 pr 11 e r s 0 n T u c ., d 0 y . &/or real estate develop· wk. Start May I 891 1701 Saturday. South Coast Pla4a ment, who is able to In· Reeeplionist ,_.ff ... Oftfy terrace effectively wilh Enthusiastic person for P06itions available al the Elegant French clients, contractors, & rront desk, good phone followrng locallon11: Coutuner Boutique ~urr. Excellent OP· manner with competent Must have Cine apparel port unity for advanC('· "aec:urate typlllg skills, Taco ex~ence. Be over 25 mcnl. Real Estate or d ct b J · Pol.sed 6 soptuslJcated N.A S.D. license helpful. can wie 1 ap one. om ..d• .. nexlbl"' •c .. -'ulc. P r ' t b I •· prope rty d e velop · d c 1 _,.,. ~ .. ,_. r o 1 a ar ng "' ment./maoagement firm, e ar OS Call ror appt. benefits. Salary open. nJce atmoePbere. friend· 549·22l3 Send resume, including I rr 11 t 280 Bristol dates Cc 8alary to P . Y 5 t 8 • u re e n COST A MESA SALIS POSfTIOM Part'lMon, QuaU Place PantrY Helper. Apply dal· ~n_,e:;1ts. Call Donna • We ..ct ........ Mff Co.. 1400 Quall St., Suite ~~~~~~75~1 E.1--R-F.C_E_PT_l_O_N_IST--~.&rf~~I =-"•.ee:..:·::.~ .. Ca~l3~fu~' ·~~~e~w~~~o~rt~lk~a~c~h, Parldng aueodant, part Or . Cty firm has Im S I 1-u medJate <>Pen Ing for f'1 • , mo E. Dye r Rd. po ff, • H ••· ._ ________ _ me. 640-9196 ceptlonlst. Must ha ve SANTA ANA periewc• ....... IMlt front ornce appurancc. EqualOpptyEmplyr _.~We will $SECREJAll£S $ Part-lime work, cam lld 1YPinl reqUlrl'd. Wood m/f ...._ ........... Secy to Pres, irt ben: mo,ney f rom your UghUng. 2031 S~ Maln~~~~~~~~~l ll7 _ homc,your hrs, call St.lrv.$46-2901 1;._ .......... 1... ._ nklf. t'O • PGI• 117,000. ~"\All O¥ ..., Many Other Poelliou ec.am. RF.CEPTIONIST JEA.._. DAHL ' Employers Pay All Feet p ARTS CO U NT E R Beautiful, experienced, I"""' SAUl; Ui Relndtn A•toc7 PERSON l::xper helpful willing. Flaels Salon, Dfti111r Sporhw... *',no WEEK GOBin:hSt.StelOt nm 54M741 548-22541 Need exper r.rson In <'1IU Newport Beach. m4ll0 -a a I e 1 o r a s b I o n Comm. while tralDiAI ror Call l'or Apptfl',a&alt 'M U you're oot tudln« the RECEPTIONIST·part· merchandise. full or areamanqer.f55..227• UW. eda ln Cluartled t1me.lncludeeweekenda. part·Ume. Newport you're mlaalq a k>t Oi Waterfront~. 844-01..21 Beach ana. Salary com· SIU. Idle items wlll'I • Make yoor 1boppln1 ,,...., l•formaUoo aa ment&nte w /ex per. Call O.Ht Piiot ClaulCled __. bJ mlu &be Dalli • wta11omesnatb'l)I. WantAdHelp? M2·51'71 rorappl.M2~. Ad. MWr7I. PUataa..tfl.aAda. 1 -- •. •• DM.Yfttt.OT '"d!r.AP't•to. ,.,. Me .......... v.• ......... • •. o.4.• ..... w.-••••I..._.. IHI .._,..... ... ~ ~ . . ....•................. ;.;.;,.;................ .....................•. ............ .. ............. . ... Wms• 7llOMl6aW911M 7111 t' 1001 erSpanltl AICCr I · LINMtA .. TA•S ~ bedlprea4. old T\IN8·UP ~ ._ _ _.,.iMT.'---.............................................. °\ ................. Malfl altered. Son al SCHOOL YA.ID fr'Dm¥OUrtw•-· full oa loolllnl plak ...... ~~ ·la· luriiee ltatlo. Allen · Tow Trutk Driven u Al'fl'QBebyC.rna111 ~~.Me~ ~..a~ eud for Neltw =r::1,":::9.:~ mf~c tf . eo'2 :'..._ aper'cl. Dll.)' • pu'd. To., pay. Apply trum. Uolland. l200 MciUow ' •fftrtlon1te. GARAGE -.,._ one •Pl,... • fl • .. h l d' rlariM&-Mio-... l\aU • p /tJme. Ap OllW TowlnJ. HOii lAllMI "° rlYn ., obedient purt' return permane11U1 •0 P "• e roc e • ::-.;: Jib a.11 &taUon 17th 4r <»imaWl)' c M Ma t.m Maltd attractive t.a1 6 UwowpWow•.•<1417 Al&umn a.. l&ole. E•· lr¥tne.NB. ' ' UNa QU t! 6 A Jc AH~. b r l'd epiyed femalt-1tr1p. mfftlnl alrJlae TENNIS MEM&••u•urp u lle nt coadl&I••• 1"'alnee. fl.Ill or part Ume SA.U ; R..at, t:atat" Of t~e..:._lyr1old. $6'f...itl I Ot ~ui"re~!"nta, . .,.Pre· H.B ......... r Hl•~~ut. •a. daat6. rwJ .. rrr Morn ~/*>me e lectr1ral b11r lt 1111\lqUH av1ilallh• ••••••••••••••••••••••• penonaUzed l•I. enc&ot: clubhouae. ll ll~•g Buutlful ha lld erata.d IM'vke Station a tten mu.le a)'*temt lnaloJled fir ~kitlna and 1ot1 or "'-alha• 1010 SALE ven ......, .... ,,,or ~ ---------'"° '* PM: Nut •P around 142 MIO A 111 tr Ir an O 1i1 k . CA811 PAID ~111tpape.~. fabric or ~la~Y~.ap~ 1 price. :n'~c• .. i!l.,lh•of· ~tth1JMlwnLI.n1 -SeC'retary lj(e Oak Jo'Or' 11d Wied rum anti 011 Glo paper at we c.u RaqlM!I w. 11n SPM. er -a:t-wel. AlaPl1 DIG Nh'pot1 01. Tt=ave& Aa.nrl nMtd . .,. Ubrary Tab'"· Armoln• q.-'-ctrTV'i fl01 .8l33 wtll back & trim your """"' .... -..................... 4 ....a.-•n ·-a CM.· ence o 3 )'fl. In ~Wnet. num,.rou1 nlfh't• ~ --I.al(» Or ll"')' two card.I _,._.. ·-~... .,..... t....,·~ Uc>nal. dOm•tJc ' and home llttma. lam pa. Wal4lrti...l(l, uJrframo 1L)'l1:. s •tURDA.Y ·PRIL 21 t back b nc wttb pad eUIUll'eCI lll"OUP ~o.flM4fvr11ppt tt'· OPMN us. untll 4/30, mattreq, l)«.'dl"IJtl. bcatr. A • A 5 lo p~rcES: 0~:. :' c!~<f:~~<>tt~ matbletl.Dk ..... 19 S..•kieM•111r lthedull"f • dh ••ld1l•I o ••n I t'4' ~. f\&IJ Umr rr ..... ~ .... IU-To.o i-::vu.R~!~ ~t~~! v::~ ~':!r: J'•ut>o~~ 11~004 -· ) f~~~o. r~ 'glt~t;ra?v~I ~--• swr -. r MN.a 71.4·~*1 wtultllauiu d mntt •tit. ta Jolm F. Lmd Sct.OOi 6/9tagaSJ SOe1. k.u¥1S. II>' ea. Will Acll ••••••U ................ ---4~ ...! blc w 16 c h ra. C hlnu 10ormoreSl.40ea. large lol.sonly. Ca ll Ken Wn.l>nJRKEY TRUCK DRIVER Antique VurnHurc & t•ublnn. lt.iOOt bdl o tf(•r T .... Street• W........,... Sal<."ITBX Included Goddar d, 11t 642·4321 CERAMICS.1971.71,71.74 n .... 1 I.Ir Unr Iii' ul & nusc. •t•m•. l2S to llOO tl a m c t 11 b I c St o O l..._. leech & lottet NO CAHO., X2IO 2U/5W1·50'1S loc' 1 , (lhn • ~ Truly lino dtoror pl.-cf'A ~ ll.11 Draw your own or send ------, a. SttJ n y, No dl'alna p leut' name. address, phone & Large1Urcompreisor11nd '73 Honda Civic motor, ~°'L.:::~~~~~~ M t"W.JMton 17:ttocs.t3 If* I BUY** Mo..,1n1 Sale. antique~. Odd" & ~nds. tables & we'll make one card per tank, no m otor. $25 . nmnin« or rebWJJ.. Call -... __. 10 I 0 <:wd us00 fo'umilutt' & Junk, uniques. odds & des ks Saturday, 2416 ta~ Add25< each 642 3379 494-803i. Ask for John. $Irv s.11 11.,.111 nt~.-d trn TYrtSITTfa OV•C" Applinrwd OK I will l'nds, h11nd mower. doll Orange Ave. CM Send che<:lt or money or· H c· E 10 .. Col 7AM t.o lP __ M ____ _ nwet l''Ull llm d )' ........ IHl'U14'1l•, t·~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·U· sr.1 1 r You furniture. bowllnl( bulls. --d{'l'lO' BVt: new • or ---F .... & t' • or pt•tlt'l\l'l'd l'ttr m t>'ttt;tlltl r UAMAOll:t> iw or •..• or popt.ent.clothes .10..4Sal SAT/SUN.3287201!1-HBide PflOT'9llHTIMG 1V Wanttntradt•for a ~----· tllaN NAJ>~ly ~ 1-. ( •l l•/l\mt• Pa•ll' U" t••"r tt<Yl'l'OINT "At.I'! 't:JOH MASTllS AUCTION only 383 1 H end r1 x Dr Dana Pornt Custom p 0 Bo 500 refrlJ:erutor !Y79 7006 1 .. ,..... 1015 llWy. B " ,. W W11rnt'1 nr llurbor. 64 .. 616 Ir lll-9625 OuJverdole. lrvrne. bar & s tool11. dl·-.k . · x 1 ----••••••••••••••••••••••• "'' •· I 11.n a rt Sulul"')' i·om Sant• Ann !n'J l?!rJl ------ceramic tile. wcddiog Qieta Mesa. Ca 92626 MusMOt V.J.~llG: ~oOrNa,O~h":·1r. Secretanal desk <left rt•· ll"t' ·~•lnMI atlt•nt Al\t Oll.'tb .. t'\llf /\n11he1111 W l ti ....... ..\.trrut I ,..., ~ " " ~ fu.11 or "1.111 tllnt' l"'"ll l'<1v 11 • ,......, """"' ti pc rm i\l' • u wuvu. ure. app rnnccs. n1c l!OWTI & masc. O'Neill SuperNull Taped c-... tblcs ... bl "-d ..,.,.k tum>. ('ha1r" mat 125(). "' • ', • """ M""1 CAMI l'AIU rww Mu11l .. uc11f1(•1• :.<11 • nat 's, a ntiques 353 u d '"" ·" "" · '""' 1 u M E t Top Wit.Ct'" Apply HI W11hr/l>ryn111ti•frll(i.. oft·~! fi:l!l •I~ H.amona Way, C M. Sat 2 Family Gara1u~ Sale ~:tsritn 1s0e ...... 2:!.~e !!helves. clothes dryer. typ•wr1t!re°l1k: ::~ ~"'°'' 1.nl(Ufl(l ( htovron, 'l'YD«wttt•r , t'llpt'rh>nrt•d. work1n.i11r nut 9~7 lllS:I only,8/\M. 1~2 J cf(erson. Midway •• . ....., Vt:.JU ;1 11 1~d ('(l. n. d . 17():! s .... to . A ll 'ror •12"'. iJM s l'u.a:.t I II•> l.u L• fllM or Comp Sc•t 500 • ·h a1r 011 · K Pia'' ... t " ""' • " .... h .. • .••• 1 .. ,.., '.ur11, IJ • v .. .:in. OtySal.9.30AMon Firewood Special. fo'an· ,.Menw .. t.~·P ·0• ~2274 uo. ...,. ~ llAHGAIN~ L ... t-t.t rt.'fn1o1~. H·lvt·t. tub $H0 Sh•1t·o BIR MovlnR Sale · furn •n•"A u -•~ d ... .,. "' ----------.. _ I l ... l I d t I f 1·-h 11 k ....,,.., oan;:&n. ""c · _..,. W-.•u•. t ry1 ~ . .iarur, "' /\Mt l"M phonl' <'onso t' esr~rn-r se<' 1ono !>O a , .,..mp<'r s e . :.m true . OO.S-2558/-231 2 l Sl.eelcase desk 17~ t S t: W I N t: rn ,, 1 h 1 11 t' OJ~rnwr. 1111 t·~1 .. :n>'n<:1· flt'('(;!>Sary t:11tld !<lilftll\ll pay l"lvt.,l ~'ill'l't .. rk net-dt'll lkl)'S, Wt•11t•rv uppl lk!tt wulnut $4~ 731 U<IO'J sh~l'pl·r. bC'd, & r hr"· S3f> fit.tout br.:akfosl i.t:t, --.....,.. · Rctt pool tJiblc, 41".lx9'. All • ' for whul••1,.d t• M"x1ru /\l>l>I '"'1 '~'II .~ 13.')ll 1 1 th vw I' u•• .,,,..., w 11 A slate. $.500. Call 548-1156 &«lease t yping tbl, L15. t N t 'It ...,.,v., h oys, co es. >UI:......, ~" a ;ic·c ve. Wl .... DOWSH•DES All·ttems like n ew OW' l'Omp11ny. p ('I If lnd1un l'Ollofl. orr w Ill' rack. tra11l·r h1t r h, b1kl·. CM Mii 7011. " ~ _OC'_e_vs_67_s,_22_1_3_. ----833-1656. • l.AMAHJl'S uwr 711W11th St, tHO C°"ta Mt'!>.• ~~:w $600 I m o J o 11n11 1• S-·ur. l'ollhpot fro-.tlrl'l' (\loch L1kl' new Mokt· & lotb mon· f'rr/Slfl. 1 :io Evalor Blinds, Woven fo: L t:C T fi 1 C p u M p ·---------7!41~gft()O rdriguralo r $1 20 olf1•r ~16673 & 4 21 tl512 NcthC'rwJy MOVIHGSALE woods, pull bbnds. ctr. MOTOR. 4 ynur S PA XJntnew&uscdol<'furn . TYl'lS'r kEC .. :PTIONIST 548 l!IJW U,ik i·offot• & <·~ii tu hit'!> Ur It li I Bushurd & Derorator comer tbl dk 20-40'!.-orr all lt.cmis. Hrand new Premi<'r 1 plitn riles, wk benches t.ulu lslti Club llnu:wi llc•uutlful Coppcrtol\l• Ill:! $150 SmJll drncltc 1>cl Ind I wood. :.turdy d sk, twn ASPEN 64S-895l HP/full warranty p w:i r-C.t: SUHPl,US 631·2'177 ~X-winti mdu.~lnJI Ma l<' or .. cm . 1·11 pl'r pre r t...'IT\,.od 64.2 ~\S wkn<b & flll In Srnul Cu ft Adrnlrnl, tr111ll' S:lil 548 HJOlJ f'our ramily ~11ra~cr. Sat ~~~r~Jt~rJ'a:~ ·0:t~:t.~ CA Hp F.TS 1J llH :CT. ,ranly $149 wholesale . 2°B0t1 Orfice l>t.--sks. 30" x ~~17i1venoflcd olfi<'l' ~~ r~~~·l~S SI !15 \J' ... or.1. SIUO-. _2_tJ_r _r_l'_fni: !l lO 5. 2 dishw. anu qut' e~I. MlSl'. 53\J All vrl'w l.lc:lgc• nylon plush. SJ 95 !179-7321 60'', with chalr11 " full · ~11.-.. 1; hlk vrnvl ,w1H•I rum Toys, ran.:c top & Tem1Cl'. Sat only ll4 yd Balboa Carpet Mill!> BE SLIM Ttl .. ; t-:ASY file cabin e t & dc11 k WallrcS'l'~ necdt'd ror ---------•I <1Jr1i:ll1• chum •. bt.•\l ofr hood. Yrdg Play housl' ~ ~; 13 74 LQ g a n . C M WAY' Slaurrcr Kcdue1nit Jam~. All for $400. Xlnt s~~ ·~~1.~i.1~l~r i~c~~" ~~~~~~c ~;:::k~s f.l~~1k KIRISY7;A&CUU~MS m:i :mr1 ~'I;J~~~~~~~(;\1cl Mar. ;\Jm1Lur ... b1k l"" • loth1•:. ~-8181,675 :;ooG___ ~h~~t S~2j tl work'' ~oa°ndn'e. ~cM~~ sI.'~i·1~ :.1gn, layout. pnnt, icv1•1· (~rll for a11pt. &1!'J 1>47H LlJHl 1-'l\SlllON~ & misc f.03 Vista Llon1tJ, Alrrond1tion er. trailer or 673-Q540 ing & graphr<'l> Jbllitv ftt-bwlt & guuranlt•t'<I hy 3'11J.t V1 .1 Lido. N U Model home decorator NU. 6'10·6436 ~.il 1~un hoUM'. w a ter cooled Npl llrh. Tcrrni' 1·111t. ----- 4!13-lll.22 WAITRESS/IRVIME fJt·tory aulhorizl·d cit:. W1\lll-:llOl'~1'. l l c m s • an 11 qu1'" • lf}o4 m.ltoffr. 640 7369 mt>mlwr<;h1p. H•·a~una Ext.'<.'. Dolik. :J() x r.o .. & l.ut1rh 11·2Pl'tf, Mon Fn tribulor lloml' dl· J•tXTUHt:SAl.I•. fu_rnrlurt'. llnll Junk \ _ -------hit· 4~ 12-1:! matching :.w1vel chr Statione r y ~t orr in no~i·d hullduys ldt•lil mQJls lrullons avn II &tt!I 30 5 :JO Sun 12:; S<Jt /Sun U 5 77 llr)(hland 5<1t ~Lo~ of ~ood1cs & Q\lt."Cn Sll~ttrc:!>~ and HI ack w /wa In u t & <.:oronadcl Mar needs ex for student or houscwifi· South Coast Kirby, 27601 Srni:i·r vower :.t•wrn)! Vww Irvine m 1 '<'. 1 t cm i. 14 8 IXJX $00 T oast('r ovt·n Olrunit rm tabh• & char~. d u'OfTlctnm. $85.963-52'.:!~1 pt•r'd sall'li lady. 1-'oll 545.5556. !I· I I JU/\ 111 , l"ortws Hd , 1126, Ln~una machine. munnt·quins, NATUl'/\l.-O-l£TL'Tl'' &-yHarordtidway, C.M 111 lront $15 Plcasecall646·2.194 sh'rl'o conM>ll·. Inly boy - - ti...,. 5 day• xlnt work N1a•u•I 831 '"'"'5 I h ' "' '-ft~•Un"r, 11· ,•1lum .. ,·in~·. Peh 8087 ....... '• · 1.JOHl'M .. ~ · "°" p astrl' an~crs, suit Vt•"Clarran F ood'> •:· __ · ----' * * * '" • ' ,... Ina ronds L'"'P"<'llllly h II k .. T1>m i.a1lboal • m1·c· ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. . .,.,.. ... aniotl'r.,, "" rat· :.. J>nl't.'. Abo custom 'w1m G•n•GES•LE K.L.,._..._ .. _,. .,.. a nnechentclc 675-1010 w•tTRESSES t d k -A A ~ ~'ll Slrl:J Moving, mu.,t sell Pied ~ Gas rnn.:c. dtshwashf'r , !>an ini: r .H' s. gdn & play wear. sm ap Early /\m. forn , air Peach F uced Lovebm1 Over lB. Aprly 1n person washer anci dryer ...... dolas. 2 ,,hampoo howls. phunces. skis. tuts of """k f f 52&6 Plum Tree ,~ bd 1 • d tiURGIC AL St;flUB Tt-X:H or HN, for Npt Heh l'lastil' Sur~l'On ore. Call 640-8S76/9um 5pm. l 0 •. M TL A . S .poy h h I misc. Sal /S un !) .,-. '""' t:)' lbl. re nit. so a Irvin" "<'' s11,c rm sc . .,sp w /lg ca~e & bird l•ach . .,.,,....... c·ouc • <: u 1 rs, m s<:. .. .. . So K 11 ,. b k h N "'""'......., m1sc 2047 ale a T E-TI k t 1 4~. mu<: mo r c · play"'-'". $70. Call artcr llf:STAURA T , 547 W. ---biJ.1970. 548·1685. 264 Dl'I Mur, C M ·Sa · · WOrTff C e $ IS4.:!23l2art 6PM_._ _ _ "l>M"",S7"5-7G24 WthSt.<.: M. Westrni:hnui,(' r c frlA -.------. --c M '. ·• t 9-1. Loth -" frce7..l.'r T-'rcr..t-frcc <'OP Sale m maple twin bc-d<; · Hanft 8060 LONG ll~/\Cll 2 r ar ov,.rhea~ i.:a r~~c Stuh·Tzu AK(; Ma lt! pup. door . Ca ll S:i t tSon py,5~. Bnndle. $250. T.·arhe; A..-.s1i.tanl . I;;;;;; Wwtr~. expt•ncncl'd pl· i'n'-SC'hool "\Ill or Part· ume. Start lmmed1at1:.'ly per SJOO QJl~lspot ~cfng romplcte SIOO. Weck<'ndi. Yard Sale. cloth{-s. furn. ••••••••••••••••••••••• TJl£ATRE 1-'ESTIVAL (r cczn $50. 211:!9 I ora!tbpm,G75 2'J03 hou.'icllo~ 1te:ns 221 12th Appy Marc Syr. old $700 IM THE Uayvll'w, SA llcl!:hl!. l land'!omt•cablm·thl'<I. ~l.llB Sat,Sun ___ Expcril'nt·edrldcr. IOOMIOOM . 541).3443 U.'>t-d 2 mos. SIS() . UN IC~ ll 1-: GI\ II Ac; 1., _ 6454940_. -~-ROOM • 94 /\pply in pcri.on, Two llmcs.'>2-74 · ___ Guys from ltuly. 2267 S.&8 2520 "7J4/559·5044 For th<' ~t 1n r c\tauran· t /hole l uniform~. Coutur1!'rr• o r San Clcmenll' 4~ fl!.1111 !land l amed Sulphor Crest ed Cock atoo wtcage. $550./oHer 731-9254 ~ T cachl'r· Voe ~l>l'l' fr('hah. f"wrvicw ltd. C.M. • coon~ exp in µrc Voe WANTED DRIVER f''rl1tida1rc !>pan· !'>J\ll'r __ !14'2 2528 _ _ S/\LI-: llt-ul ..:,Lal•· 01 ~ Goocb 8065 Sldrring 1978 Ut•\l Al' "!>hr dryr com.b~··, ll'lp Couch. J:rl'l'n & ru!>t l'OI ficc t•lo-.111~ ;.ind loh nf ••••••••••••••••••••••• I re,'\ nom 1 nt·t.' J ti I l'fllld.bt."toff1·r o73H2'tH nr:-. 1,111111 cond $11111 anlttf UC'> avar l.1hlt• ll<>dN·nral1ril(. he:ivy (1ayburgh at thc Lon~ ---- t>rof: for lJ U udlb Con -------trat'l prnr-un· & tasi.. SUHDAYOHLY unalys1s exµ de~rrt·. llf·h ont·nt 1>r<'r. H /\, 111 llo•lt ~ n-q S8.511/mo + twnl ~ J0 -4pm . l'111t1·d lXrt'hal l'aby, 546 5760 To dehvc·r l>:itly 1'1h11 l111n<llt-s to carn1•r<; 111• 11uir1•.s v;rn or t,orj.!l' :,l.1 lion w;,j.!un anrl ;i i:rn~l tln\'1ni.: n·corll l'h11n1• fM2 ·1321 .in1I ·"k f11r 11.irry s1 .. ·l1•y or 111111 Amana 2!1', :! y1·ar old S 'S. l1k1• m•w. Must ... ..ii hv Tu•·~tlJ)' lk "t ut r 1•15 ~25 \ll.i:!t~11Hart I. Am •. r 1 l' an (I a k bei~cdrdpt:sfloortoccil H!•arh Conv1.•nl1on & En· Mu'l ~n T~o finchl'"· S1·rrl'lan . 11.!I' Oak rng wh1tcvnyl w r..11>cd. tcrt.aanmC'nt Center. ~IOO 1·..1J?~ t>rnmg tahlt• wrth Pianos & Orc)cRts 8090 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-:ll:!{Jnl natural t·otto11 .-.ofa/IOV(' ( 'off1•1• t.1hll"'" k..1th~r C'ha1r wrntlom,111. h ro> w n h 111 l' · J b t' d ~5-l-17 Lahrary Tabll', Armoin• 2 l.ortoisi· shell .,hadl',, t-: Oro·an lllvd, Long 1·hmmc 11'1!1-l1 11:<harull•--------- ('al11nf'I. numl'rou' offlc-1· ..,ludl'nt del>k Good l·ond llc•m:h 'la}' I 'I I\ I .1 rn-' l h. S PF..C IAL TlllS WF.EK and hom1• 1Lt.•nb. l,1rnp' !">1.'I :&I C .tll 642 51i7R. f''(l 272 lrvlnl· ---U'>('d Baldwin Studio <'ll° 0 1'1'.N !1·5, until ·t1:J1J. -----lodJ1m >-<>ur urkl'ls SIU) Used Yamaha full 1'l•at•h1.•r's :iulc" /lot. play j!ro unct .,up1·rvl"•r~ al l'ht• .. :.irly /\1'1111·\ l'nwnl (' .. nkr. foll & ,. T . IX & 11\er S40 '17~1 W1llrnm-, ,..1 lkfng I ;111w1 1•nnd ~w ~ 8070 \l ov 1n ~ ~Jlt• frt l.!. ls:!J M1•-..1 Vt•rd1· t>n \ t• ~ ~ ....... 1 * • * l>r'<iroum .,l'l, t'n< 1.,.,,.11 tonsole ori.:a n $29011 Ea:-il. Ste· 10·1. L'u,t.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• N~" Bn'mh'·ll Hfif•e n1•y l':QIJ/\L 01'1'01!'1'1 "I I f\ .. :\11'1.0Yt-:tt Auction 042 0221 8015 Sola, lnv•"•':iL, 1'11;11r. 111 toman. l! •·net t;,hl•·-.. 1·01 L' J r I utility lra.r .. r A•"orL· ' -.. ... .. Ml'sa, 7M 5--Vi·S!l!IO MADE TO ORDER .-.uro1)1'un ran., or 'a 1' Spm<'l ecu9. Used Krm n1-.1•11unt<'<I 11411 .11511 mt n1 111 1t1•rn '\ 2:>26 ..,.... T1';ACllEH /\Ill, •·iqwr Wan•hou.w lkll\l·r\I ~n W/U U. Adib , d!>!'ll:.I lor 1mrly ri•nt.11 ·..,tort· w /all client nt·•·cb. $.'):,o .. \Jll or pt t1ni1· /\pply p/mo. + lwnl'f 8.30·'1 2ll25 Newport Bl vll:C M United Ccrcbal Pal:o.y 54f,.S760 ___ Merchandise Tt>;CHNICAL 1-:1>l1'0H ••••••••••••••••••••••• f:11~ln d PJ:, Journalis m Antiques 8005 tn.un·.: or t•xp & c·om ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• f•·c t._.hh• II \ y wood. ---------• 1•;1rthLt11w 1·11li1r~. f, 1111" ol<I $7~,o or 1.>t.·~l olf1•r *AUCTION* T onite 7 :30 PM LOTS OF NEW & USED FURNITURE PLUSClllNF:S~ .l\RT CHM-rs& FUHNITUHE (':1-.h li:ll :1179 Ml'lal ()fl ll't• Ut.~k, w t t'\ tcndt.'C.I Lop. x Int rond $100. l,ge . coffotl tnhlu, & rod tabh1• 145. Wolnul dmwi:: r m table. 4 cha1ri., 9!0,. Sq l'O<'kta1l tahlr. $25. 200111\dvin Ln 11B 96K-Z7rn I H l\1 . t }1>ewr1l1•r N 1 k u r rn ,1 l 1-..1 rn" r ·' ... .;t r n 111• :-. • 1 1 K 1• n I ti iewtdry. ball) th111t"•. hshld items. Sul 0111) 10/\M 5 PM . liJ:!l Urybank , II B 8>12 J2.14 tlf~t -2006 Community Gara~1· ~.ii•. S<!L, April 21. T11luron. lorated Brookhuri.t & Talh<..·rt . F V Mothf'r·, nnl.! and/or Wlot-k<1in<;. Sam ~5202<1.1 ~:ldPn:-\t.C\1 :.m.'1965 ha11Splnet$S49. Jlin SI 1 ~.J!i i•uar W1'l•kt•nds BRIMHA LL PIANOS (',1rr11l111· ~.mmon :. ----__ !\.il111n.tl l1n>1'rJph1c·'· 64f>.21>.12 lkmi .. r. liug , ,ihrnl't..,, 1!111; 1•1 pr. wnl Som1• s..~.~':::.':,"::i·.,. - --i•lt'l'l i,l(l\l'. dbl. •JVi•n. & llllllJlldo• Mk 11ff :!02111 l~t ll2l Italian t;111d 1•ha1n,. dJ:,hw a\..tll. 1\11 work· flu yva.•w , S 1\ ll i;t s 1----------c·harm:-.. brarcld, m en ' lllg 552. 77511 !>Mi .J443 Rolt•x IHI\ duy · dall' ----""b nd L' h l h u•2 _,.,., "'" '>IVM. n.JUT .. '•h'~ /\rc•Jdt• OO" t. ud Y gra .. l'\C Cr, ._., wa c: .,., .:w;,o .. /.,.,... .. """ Movm11 . de<'orator rum. 'U'.l ..... .., '" ft t t l h ..., 10., ma c hrn•·. $150 rac 1ve an 1que w l Livedock 8075 1-· M1 ~r D Prnrator ,., ~ f1n1sh $1700 673 1367 ••••••••••••••••••••••• h<'d11 pc:ud & hoh.tcrs fl7J.HO!Jr. · • • C 0 M I' A H 1-: 0 lJ H ~~~.!~1:.1:1 aft. 6p rh t7141 M 1, m 11 c·r..,h 1 11 11 •i 117 l'l/\NO. Mu!lt SE'll. Appr prehrru.r vc know ll"t1Jtl' of rnolorcyrh•' n·11. rom· putn •·xp 'lmn.:lv µrt•f 1-'nr natror111I m11111rc•v1•l1· M :rgmnn•· !'>l'IHI n".uill•· llJ Stw1l.1 Luwl11r, 11!1'1 .\1onmv1a Av. NII '•tlfih.I /\ntrquc Music Boxe\ ! SA VE SAVE SAVE Sl<Jt Marhrncs• CIO<'ks! We-honor ttorA. MC. WATt.-;llllt:I>. King ~1 I I I • '"" "' N""•·•nnrt u.,,.11.t1 1 .. nni• 4/15/79 $1:!00. Make orr • < CES n I tlnv llt':trh -------•-,... "' ' ' 4.'.(j 7()2(1 T1rkloc·k1·r ·-; S11.l1· ..... ii k (' 1 t I I'.., Ft'•· 1i. ~., 4 4 Me....i VertJc C1,unlry Club l'luh, $750 Ct inf.wt Uorr.... - Sall· llaq.:ains i:.11<11 t• N • wpo r I Ii h 1J I' :0.1 l•·11111"111·mlx·r">hrµ Sliilll 'I/pt lkh Tt·unh {'lull. ~Goods 8094 llUG .. :SE1 ... ;CTION ('.1~hH·r " ('h t•i·k -. & Will sal·rif1l't' f11r $;!111 ArnericOft ('a'>h NO 1'1-:HS<IN/\I, 11 .. aH·r lllJ1Jk~h1•1f htlhrcl, T (I y s . l' I 41 l h I II ll • 1;1:, ~ol.>111 !•.i< 11:11~· i.i.1 OIY.tl'I :?:":'.::'? ••••••••••••••• IHrn.,••holtl rtcrns S111 -------:!'1' 111l1•r • •111•,111•· l'hll<'•• 'f.,•nrus Hackf't nvt·rflow. /\l)rl I :11 st, •1 :111 I I' \1 MIKellOM'ou~ 8080 Uug 1·agc..,, it room mi.: t.1 -11 t I c:1v1tl wnd l .. •.1d1d1•l1"' 2(1'.; orf S ha uwae r t , 'f11·kt1u·k .. r 'T'hnrt ~h1111. ••••••••••"'•••••••••••• > '" '• IOW< ;1-.t•, t 1p1>1•r, ., ' 1 1 1 T1ll.111\ • h.11111..i .. r \It Ii Wiison. Hcact . Vrc tor lntemotionol <'llECK S l'LE 1\S J-;• 11 u rllcd l'nmfor l1•r GallMes 1'111id av:11la1Jlf: lt1·m\ w1quilt1•1I µ111o~1·a ... t·'· -.ubJl'<'ltn prl'salc· !.h<..'l·t'>, IJ,JJ, 1.H..·<.k·,tal & 'J't::t, .. ;l'HON I-: "1 1-.IJICll.I.' Opo...n Wt-d thru Sdl. MASTl-:HSA CTIO~ llnPr llo•.wt ~ :iln111 SAi.i'.~ 11()2 Kl'lll·nns:. Irv. :.101;,1, Newport lll\ll c ·~1 f1rul>h. '\IU!>l i.w . 67[>.;,157 !i-111 W Wth SL. l 'm,t.1 ·1 r1 1,1• •. t..iinle'' ,ti•t•I, 1 11 '' r ·' • l' t· Mi-sa ~al •·~I;~" i·ook",•r•· 1.:130l205'\M·J.11l7 ""'lo.111h ~.:11.1••.ic lo!Ut.557-0l!YT,540·8873 Ba.,e 'alury + c·um (71417~ 1777 1(~1-\!625 641i Hlilil, m1i.:.1nn llrului.:v 11r ---------•l"ormal dmang r m , .. ,, t'ht•m.-.trV t)iH'k1tr1111r11I . ---J.lt'l'HO f1m.,h. good 1•1111d I n d 0 0 r 111 1. II 1 ,. ·• I l\nl140<.• hardw1JOd •lrnrn~ Bicycltt 8020 lluflt•t II. I~ •1VLJI 1111 " IO t<:h:phone "''"'' ,., 1w1 rm -..·t. rnd 11!1' tu hit" '• .... •••••••••••••••••••• uph<1I l'hr' S.'l',tl \Ir di"'" Cllll7 Mlt~52111 i·hair.&bt·:iu11fulhuffcl. Garl's!Osp '1!1"Fujiral'cr s•·p..ratcly Avail"''~ SIOm 91>.1 tW:!H & extrru.. SJ 75/bc:.t orrcr 5.'il·521 I. Tclepho1w Suki. 4\)li.<!27!1 t 'or Sheraton N1·w11orl Antiqul· drt''i!ll'r w /mir ------l\loodtt Muhl! tlrnrng ..,..l '' L;1rC'h Ave Block ~al1· W.clnul V11l.ige I rv1111· Sal l\pnl l!I qn " 111•11. J•·welr). 'lt'rl'l1~. 1nl l.11.1 hit• hoal. rurn SAT ONL Y. P lam:.. l111tl,, rurnllu rl' & lot-. or l(IJOdlt'S 5(1 to $.'10 '.1271 lll'\.'l'r lll•t·n w.1•cl V.11t11· :--h 1rn11 11 l'fl'I 1'1-.11 Y .lnhn ~·'}"" l•n111.1 l11h t>ivrni.: !:ear, $350. 35MM $:(..ti Wrll i.dl lt1r 1 ... ,., Wl ll-.1-.1. S:l7.1 1111·11111 .. , I amll\ \1 "11111••1-.h q> <'•1m1•ra, hkc ne w. SWO. t.I:! •l:.!1:1 frl.tfl)' t'lltras ~It :1!17'.I for dt•tJlh .:11 11. 11 541S-b"737 ____ _ Hot.cl full or µurt time !-:I r;1r. unJ:rn;il rrn1i.h. enrly lklildi"'J MatHials 8025 l'hn;, bufM. A Int SJO(J JO t.o ~per hr lluun. a\ url l.IOll "· approx lllO'J In ••••••••••••••••••••••• hrr11um:.1· "1fa S85 l phi ti I, I 5. 5 !r No ex1;icr i.:owl t·ondillon . $250 Snow 1·011t r oof «Ov1•r. 111 1.1-.\ <hr!> 21$2;;. h m1• -.1. Krepp, llunt Uo-.ie h, ·~1f~dj~~~ !11):1·5225 ----nci: Apply 111 p1·r~11n 541; 354Y _ ___ nt•w hugi;, SO lb:. t·11 , $HO 1.l'·d $10 Corner grr111p, Mormn~s only. /\!.k for u'l·pers Fanlai.tir Anl j. 5iik S363. twm hl'ds $10. Elt•c tin r ~h. l~yt()n front Ul'~k QI.It~ unlmJJtng .i;,• vun of "---SIOO l>inl'tll' ~cl $:!J !llO Park Ave. llalhoa b . lil•Nllll Sat/Sun 10/\M. Anl1q11es The Long Beach Theatre Festival No phone call 11h-..1"' c-hoit· .. American Otik _,.,.. 8040 Otht•r m1.,t !152·03:!;; 454.5 Mac /\r\hur Blvd SliJLk n ("35es. tceboXl"b, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----- !ch hulllr<'CS, wash sta nds. SHIH-TZU Gcracp Sal~ 805 5 Telc."'honc work, l'T, ~·'.()() dn~('rs, se<'rctarr,s· h1 l'uµs, M, AKC. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ...., IJOy ' 12'b .. n •· b C'l N. b75~1751 ·1425 hr + bonw. l"urmn~ s. 'a .:a fl · "' GaraJ(e Sale: f''urnitun" lnsuranreAskfurlliJl>or m uc·h mort.'. Wl• also 5 mo o ld p c dis:r(•t• Much more. 1!130 Port Gomon, 752 JJ t7 i·arry nearly 40.000 sq fl York:.h1rc Terrier. Mov Nl'l!.on. N U. April 21. & good forn. & much mon· llUS?c i:ar;il(c sale. s~1t coff<•c tbl, dothc:.. lam~. TV. hook~. ll't' l>kul1·s. 7' pnol thl, ulum. i.hwld & rnuch morl' 21412 Docksult'.1111 TJ-:LEPllONJ-: SALES Mnn· 1-'ri 5 !.ll'M. ll rly wugc + bonus 5'1\J-~5 of flOt'. rt.•Cl'rtlly Mol'ki·<I, 1ni.i ~1ust sacnf1rc. $211!; SA.\1-<lf.>M 1-:uropcan anlr•1u1·~ ltouAht for $.150 from .--,--,.._Twill bt.'<.I Sl'l. drnl'ltt' st•l. 0111·11 daily 8·5. <.:111.,1·11 l<us...us645-:!H57t 6'15 H:J:!'I Sat 9.5 mmrng. All mu!>I h\'10" rm Sl'l, rt.fn••. :.rn 1''ri 207\J N Glas:.1.>ll. · · · · 1-:0. 172!!:1 Ro~e wl111d, " ... ------ TELEPHONE SALES Or ' I T s luVl', 't u nd s &. anl(c.('u 714 ·637·1iWO Minl·SC'hnnu1.cr, /\KC'. r v 1n<'1 c rrac·c 111 buokca~c:s. book:1 & 111,.. -blk. :i mo'I. s hnl\, UmvPrlk _-.er_._ h ~I •1 l ANTI QU t: Serret a r)'. l·5'!8-3ll1J. 1171 8182 ~· . any " •!>C 1 c•m' Armoan '. llall trt••'. WANOElllN G Hll.1. Nothing ov<'r S250 Yll l'Mlry T11hlc, Misc p11·· Sh1hTiu /\KC pup it•i., FAMILtJ-:S.Jtc m from Ct'dur l'I C M 631 375:!. Newspaper -;ubs. Ynur lure!>, dcrorotor ilemi.. Hrindlf:', moles o ly. 5'·$100. Fr1 /S;il. April Wkdys aft 5PM. All day phone. 4 lo 5 hrs a day . Mist' household items. Shots . 1 !)2jl.05:JO 20-21, !1·4pm. Turt <'rut:k Son. S200 & up 1·omm. wk 631-0035 ------"...-• Glen , lrvlne. t llow -·--------- Exp. pref Over 21. 1.0 /\KC Golden Retriever gns . Iron toy!!, tools. a nllQUl'S. Newspaper Ent. 835·645.J. New selection English an· 11 u p p I c 5 • s l 7 5 . 11 6 1~ Ma r 1 n e Av c . l loJPM Only. t.Jqoc>s Antin e jewelry EvCl>/wkndll 770-96l3 Mo Balboa Is. Sat 9AM. LA . 'oRTf'u to G f:· 21st. 9om. co C· Teller LH:ll ~estd1rf, 1o7t~ s ti: AKC Golde n M~trievn t I b I cs. ant q u c • Misc. ilems. Fri/Sat. 8871 tmmediat.c opening for a Npt Bch puppic.>11. 6 wks. !>hoLs, bentwood ror er. p c· Bent.on Dr. Hunt. Dch rull Ume teller w la grow. bln $175 838 7066. tun-s. 19521 S1errn Can· N e a r A d a m 11 & 1ng lndepcndcnt bank ""'-~ ----------• non, Irvine. (Turtle· Magnolia Proviou.:s bank telh•r exp Antique Closeout Eng. SprinAer Spanu•I rock) 11rcrerred . Xlnt 011 · lleduc tlon!l 10 50% mule. 2 Yrs, allcn'<I. --------- portunitcs & bcnc·r1t.... Unlll/\pril 29th /\KC. Allc rglr. $50. Multi·familyJtoraAc s alc . Rerer culls t o o o La Vl('lllC Ferm\• S.IJ.9458 Sat/Sun 10 ~-Spar Cir. 640-2A70. In Antique Row • • Nr <'Omer or Rrookhurst ~--------~28Newport Blvd. t'M /\KC Srbera un llu1>k y, &Allanla, 11 n ~~~~s ~~~1t~ttl~~ h ~i;~ ~ ~~~=:~t~i/s~s~~~~75 f\lm,l.lt, UR-.-B-d_r_m-.- Sand/Becr/Wl11e. 3 l'Vl'll Cricket's Nest now 0111•11. 225611.volon, C.M. 1 wk:nd dey Approx. 20 Collect ibles, anti<tUl'S, :1 yr mule SnmoyC'tl Sal&Sun hl"!I. $3.25 to sturt. Over 1trfls & ~nllery. tli7J ,.. <.:hamp1on AKC l111t• 21 C811Sally536·8A32. Irvine Ave, CM. 631-12-13 Love!! r hlldrcn. Ot>I' (..'lolK,'(lSun/ d1cnrl• lrorncd. $50/b"ol ofr. 5.52-400~. ------ 1-~lalc, Gara1<e !<ale. anti qUCA, lace, Chinese rol lect1blt'S Sat only. Oum 7100 Bluesa1ls Dr. llunt. House of Millers /\KC Golden Hc:tricvcr Bch. Sot II <t. 0 1.'!!k. t'Ouch. washer/drye r , good qlJ('Cn s1~cd bed. wc1ghts & bench. Super H proj1•1· tor. r;,rous<'I hor,e. lrl( V1C1onlfn playhou:-.l'. 1·Jr trailer. household i.:oml~ l'lothlnj(. JllOli ll1·r~ I I Jinc. N ll Movrn11 Soll• Sat lluhy IJUng!I, planl5, rurn11urt'. maltres~~. bcal'h s. 2098 T('mple 111 s Dr. l..ag. Reh. ANTIQUES male. 8 mo. '79 Champ ..::..~-------pcdtgrec493-686l ID Hampshire Cir , ND. Picture fra mes, Dania Sat 9-12. Wrought Iron sofa le loveseat, lS'boot Kcesbond puppy. male, bresa topped table le &mt.r.artprint!llepalnt· ahota, papers, 10 wits. cbain, teacart le plant lngs, artist eqwpment, 642·3408. stand. Wood & Iron chan· magic supplies & misc. Opens April 18th thru May 13th PERFORMANCES: Tues. thru Sat. eves at 8:30 p.m . Matinees on Wed., Sat. & Sun. at 2:30 p.m. Tickets available at Long Beach Box Office, 300 E . Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, Ca. 90802. Ca ll (213) 436-3661 for info. Tickets also available at Ticketron and Mutual Agencies and "Ask Mr. Foster" travel agencies at au 'obln10n1 Department Stores. ' TERRITORY SALES REPRESENTAT IVE fo'or a growing. custom er oriented company 1ellm11 ct.ta product supplies lo all utterS. m uat be aetr. motivated, have ablUty t.o develop " service ac· COUDlt vi• phooe. Xlnl career. eamln.P pot.en· tltl. Salts exper helpful. but not necessary. Lor at· '-'Cl In Fount.a.In Valley. t'<>r appt. call Joan ll•r· riet (114> IW9·1..;..53S~-- SoedaJ aale on cblld rcn 'a chairs. Your choice. SU ea. + many s urprlae sale itema. ~~ u lerlion of •American 01k Anllquea. Many de · corator ltema. FREE PUPPIES .... delier inlaid coffee ta· 281 E. 16th St. CM. Sat Cocker Labs <black) 6 bje, desk/room d ivider. _onl __ Y_.M_. _____ _ LONG DUCH OONWJCTION06000JAINMOITcana JOO l Omn 81vd .'L0111 8tldl. CA 90802. TCW SALIS LADY Exp'd. Exrlu.,.tve shop. 1803 Westcllff Dr. NB. 114·541-1007. week1 old . Excellent Olbe.rmlacltema. 4 f1mlllH Paraphe mall1 walcbdoga, areal wrth Anllque r ollecllblca & Mtmornb1ha JU!lt for chUdren. easily trained. SJ.·$100. Dinette l'iet MO yoo. 9·~ Sat. only. 2756 Sale0.)'tlAprU20/21/22 oa;..8097aftcrlPM. Otllda 11terco, nClw SIS. Tem Crr.C.M. Store 1;fw1'11 Mon lhru Sot ""to Y• 1045 Ski bootil S20. pre-r1rhool Women's ~f\hall Tt'lm l<MJ. Sunday 12·5. 18960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• fumlture. mak1• offer Sal 611 Knoxvrlh'. flU.S Brookht.tnt at Oarf1eld. hiah Stu e r female to Solid maho11eny day 11ora ol Adams. off Beach F n t . V a I I c y . IOOCI home• Sp•yed • 1,,... $50. Matched lam pa (McDonald '• Pla:u.> )'1"116?3-N · · $9.50 . Hoover upright MuJtJ.fomlly, :MOO le 2500 Tow Truck Driver ell· llGl2m · $30. 30t VIAtu Raya, CM blka Fairway Or. CM. peneocedon~.21 •ovcr UNIQU!ANTIQU~·•N' Free to lood home. Lov· S t e r eo W/ 8 luc k Ant,mh1c.Sat9AM. w/aood dttvmi record. MlhooDY ,.. table yellow Lab. Oreat houtehold 1 K • ' C.M. area. Custom Tow Wfet~ o.lc =.":·1~f f ~~t l•tnlly do«. •91·•S39. m ore w 1 :t':~ I :g: =:n~:~!:e.,~ , &lnice. 7$MSl5 llonta chr I& more un· Tneck ,bumper. tubul1r nmuture, clOtbea. 20061 -. +utility trlr. Sxl'. Kid Wbat JOU want to ._.ant.Iqua. ttSS fl up . llteeJ PU or •·whl drtve 8.W. 81.rch, 81nt1 Ana eftCloMcl. 2$38 E lden st, DltbPUotCLualfledl. ~ w/hltr.h. Ne-0165 • IWlhta. 4·211122. CM . ..U • . -··----· -;. .. . ~·-~··....-..--- . -.. ""'-• . ·-·~ .. ,_ ..................... ,.. .. _ -,,. ... ·--- 1Y~ '"' ~.~............ ,070 G1•rlll HIO AIM•u/ ••••••••••••••••••• •••• CllllUC1 tSJO 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111 ' SoulhCO••l b•)' ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----J1i1iGe a" eeklif' 'FY:-!,.,-• mmit NH, ·~ --..S~Yd:AA bt ii c11r )'ct" J orn •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ·1~ M UJU avoid lfltl ,.-i •nttn Intercept.or fCH tan s. rear s lide W8n'Uly, rree deliver)' l"NIOO"ble otfer &C!<'C!P VAC N••port 146 OS.'H SL11. ..._,.,., tabkl. K1c41U eood1llon -h1u111el II 'UVtl m onpy 3113, &!Iver. lthr, 1tll pwr, window, moonroor, •ulo llavct 80mt'Onl' With c• air. quad. Kon111 Xlt •m/rm stereo-ta~. orr pi.•r huy for you Cull rond M ake oHer . roed llres/whHl1. Xlnt Jack, 642 1403 87lH81J cond. Must o il lhl11 ~17 UO.t OOC'k avail Caall 1 In 14" Ztlll\h Color TV Good tOnd. SlOO 1bst ofr $4&-311' Bolitun Wh:.iler. 11' 6" ~ J.'v1nrud• 2 Yl'll-Qld. Chronw htl'4•rin11 wheel uch1n1e for u llinic titM. Open to an.y ldcH ~em ---------wknd. Sacrmce at ~9Ml. """'a::u. 9UO ~ Rect. ff75 9910. 67S ·S226. Wanted dU IJ or 11l1v.. a, .-l<k.> raila ~Jot cu11d c-o l or TV•. l o p S 8469151 ••••• •••• •• • •• •• • •• • •• • ... 9 5 40 _6"1_3'_3468 __ . --- MZ»eo 20 ~K l PJ AC K W ll h tOIO '46 ••ottu WOOt>I a-; ••••••••••••••••••••••• t-'ully restored• $13,000 Sand 0UJ(IY. xlnt cond. '77 Jeep Cherokee. FM 11le"eo. tape & e xtra11. ~.1163~. ~·· Cok>r TV. SI.!:! lyr Tnul .. r Rvna 11ln1 I~ ·14 QJb1Jl 22M>Mt: lu hr . 67~ lllGI comple«• w /1300N·. "lt'tl -to 1,1pprcc1alc SI 175 war. f~ del & ~"t up Mt'n: rrooo 673 3417 llOl)d trlr H ll•oai 11600 CM Mi-)34() 't'> J,uhn lkl Fly flR mtlt!V\'\ ~ '79 MG TD S4S-QJGI Tnda 9 5'0 Al'O ~'TIC: ~ttltan A•k 110.000 '79 Cluillen'l•'r )rt oout, 1111.tCAI 4 W1M1t1 Dri••• 9550 , ••••••• ,._.,., ........ . ••••••••••••••••••••••• For Sale '76 Courier, -.----.. t-so ttf,/\1) rcrirrn m tlofca1dm\lta "'" rn••nt'. m-tnt N buM-t w 4 10" a-;num·nt M 11 . p k !It'll szooo ti lakt' 0\'1•r P" ~ 63J ~l~ '* • •ct>ma n · peyromi.. 8.18 1182 95 hrt. lo•dtd ~ ~25 Muat N<'l1f1Nl ''~<·1•ll1•nt Ch r •I Cl r r n fl (' •• 11 T rt....tJ <'Ompont'nt 111 11•r <'o d 1r-i • ,. ......... l~r SA~ ~ R Ml' , . ••••• .. •••••,•••••••• •• Pt" puwt'r nmp, r 1unt•N I.•'• aluminum {urtop C••••n. S./ TX.8*> IK tu.m•r . Tfo: \t' 011tl.>0Uom • 10111' 11ul ..... 9120 2:5() t'&li.!14'tlr l.li•rll Mir bou rd w r1•rrio1t• l ..ank •••• ••• •• •• •• ••• ••••••• r o l'l' n rd t u r n t 11 b l ,. """" 111 hr !WU IOI) II I> an" n d:i 11 \ ,. r w 1'.:l.At' arm . .? 11ro , .. "w , u I t.:, t 1. t ..aml>C'• M1111y t·~11..a:. ftNJOOul i1tUl11u moo1t11r ._ 1• 0 tt 1 ... I ~ ti ..: n JIUOO ho.I ufr !i~ :I04h •ll"•Ju•" ~or pi.11 .., w c> IC U F I !'I Ii ............... ....a __ ...1 au. 91'"0 Mlkt' 631 S2l5 . " • • ·1 1• _.. __ .,_ .. N .. " I tl H r ~ L ••••• •••••••••• • • • • •. • • r 1trU&M>nll' rt'<', f\M F\1 ll m .:lllO I' I' tl4~ 7"11 111711 llond11 fo.xpr4'1i!\ Xlnl lrll. 'Ui>''r <'uod. unJ> $7~ 1-------..---1 m..·,·hunt<'lll 1·ond I' I' ~ rnr ~ :m~ exi 53tl 614~ BRAND NtW• Your d )tt1t\' of bc•uttru1 blade or t•lcg11nt ('ham pa)lnl', t h1•i.t• 11r1· rarti cl~•l'tl not lo lJ<' tllund cl11t'Wht•rt• 1n Or11 ng1: County . (.4•ulht'r 1n It· r 1 or. w o 11 d d • s h • AM/FM 'h.•rt'O ra,!>t'lll', t(l.t!>!> !>llfr l'Utllll lll> luithl.tghl th1-s t•ollcctor 'I 1tt·m' ft'aturf'l> Mu't Ix· ~oen to be 1tppn·t·1atcd J IM MARINO VW 111711 ~Jl'h 81' d llUNTINCTON IH:AC'll 142-2000 SpN'tro 1n ·uu:-.t11•, .• 1111 W&llli llh'rt'O, Ii~ 1':m1,1t11• lumtabll' w 20UOZ '.111 0 r 1· h e " t r ,, "' " u n d •.JWakt"rl>. 1•u,tu111 ..,lt•n ·11 'land, CAii ii.' b 11111 ultl $4Mll llt'W \111 ,1 ,, II $;..>utl(I Olkr ht.I lll11!i 7Jlf 0711 S[l RAY I !l I u •·or cl I' 11 k up B"OATS . 111f; MO 1•f;nn1.1rn lwbwhkr'i. dehl(ht. 301 •78 BRONCO I\ M i t-'M H NJ•w P l-:U<: l':o ·r MO Chl'vy & auto tran :-. lrk. 400v11: /\ (', <':.trn l'l>~US ttew $4111.1, Now Ma ny t-xtra purt s prunl&t arpct nrnny cx loah & Marine ........... ..•.•••................ G1Mral 9010 ••••••••••••••••a •••••• BUY S:llll tO:SI ~ Cui.tum \'hoppe~I top tras . $8100 5S1·2!:13t. a ft Fr th l'Ul'll Mopl't.I M.1x1 ~l~~r info 003 2~•3· 5_P_M ____ _ om e I.wet-l!f18 New conJ . J~p 1977 <.:J 7 Uoth 1111" Dealer n'i() !163 0071 . JO M od l'I A .. ll rd . s.ssoo 0 B () M 11·h.tl·l •Up to IS y•or ~f!':s/ :;r:,'64~~~~· S55oo _634_·5_l50_ !?~" fiMRci-OAC Sc 91 SO ·---------171 f'ord f' 2511 4x I I' U • ..., • ••••••••••••••••••••••• •· Xlnl l'Ond 536 7674 Jrtcr *'-* fW..ciMJ Mui.I Sue ·w Y..amaha 5P~1 We &erv1ce '.4ihat we 750 SIJ'l't'. JllOO m1 Si:ll:. f Ad Act ' sell for S31HS Will :.l'll for Of IOn '75 Cht-rokt'l' .Je1·11 tow " M1tn HuhlH·r ho .II HARRISON)S Si2000 645·85!*4 Call a . pJCka~e Mal! 'hhl'l'h Hardwd fi r m<>1111 Nu tirt-s Vl·r\' l'lt•ti n mount al the J.a1 1·h 1972 BOND/\ El:.anor l' ~.;JOO 1f1rrn m:J.731111 l\ve bl0<·k :.all' W111t1u1 Newport Beach 1-:nt1r l' llih Ht·i·ently Daily Pilot VIK Irv Sat 4 :!I In Hte wat~r stor•. l((·bu1lt l':xn•lll·nl t·ond. s1.uoo Call l'vc s AnVISOR sn :Htt/\ C /\NtH:. l h J IUI Co.i:-.t ll"Y 1~117t7.or:-t·l'.1l-1H2St .,. c~lm blul' llbvr)!l:J'•!> 631 -2547 /\on ·., l>r .. l .a)!untl 642·5678 w,('(1 3 llm{'!>, paddl1;..' &1----------1 Bca1·h ·73 Jt:cp CJ 5 V Ii )!ood ,. on d S2 . ti U u IC ,, 11 ti ~ ~-1()90 r alnt, m agi., radial11. ... •hell. boot, lileroo. very c l ea n . Mu lil Se ll. . 170.7872. ·71 Datsun p1ek·up. MOt'J ·75 Ford prck·up, $2, HIO '71 fo'ord lton rlut bed, $2.400 846'6460 uft flp m 72 El Cammo Good body Runs good. $2000/makl' otr 4.92·422<1 '78 KING CAB O;,t:.un, whtthlu 1chrom1..•. uuto. air. ma~~. 1\M d:'M K Irk dlx. 1'.1000 m1 . ~ run around. !.eldo m tlnvl•n, hke new. $4.920 751 50041 HICE PRICE! Wc•ve sale prtt'l'd th1-; !.Uper dean '77 IJOdlo(c Longbed Ptt·kup with uutomallt' Irani-. maKs anti w1de•lln·-. Whitt· 111 l'olor won·1 la:.l ,ct th1:. pm·c' ( 11-'67:.!17 I S..995 Vidory Dode)~ 21188 Harbor lilt d ~l<.t Me!>.i S!Mi 4H20 G4 Studt'bak c r 1? ton Very .iood t•ond1t111n . runs pcrfcrt. Vl:S. J!ip 0 D . SSOU l~:.!5 A Anaheim St. <.:M fi•• ,,, 11, fnf• It .+t•tfO ""''110 LD<l•ON Slcum's Ith.• vc,,h. 111" $550. a::.k1 ni.; ~1~5 ~I 111-:1N1-:1.1. FH. 75.sus Kl H ~l 250 USl'd 640 7326 1·1.Nurn I rlr. I'll' Sil.WO ooh °""'" I pa rt•nt:. are '75 F100 !.hl'll 6.. 1 u-.111m prunl, :.nrf ::.lcn·u t·lc Hon 552 7952 '7:i F.I Camino. C'll·dn. nc" vinyl top H1i:h mtlNI:•' I'~. A C . $;!4110 21.3 m -!k'>93 day:., J '>k lor ~anlyn 18711 Beach Blvd • Hun11n <)ton Beach • 842-2000 ~>1H 71:.111 11rH4fi~68 u1Ji1i.:hl l ·P J1d Sl450. 14' N1p1s:.1ni.: Ho wli<1,1l lfi' 1 hp outhrd 1ra1lt•r & 1:t l>ury ~ :tr• hp out xtra.'>. $895 675 1\AA:! bo:trt1 /!.. lratlc•r l'rtl'ed ·7i; llun<h• t'H125 rnak1• oHer 557 8J!l3 th :-.•·II 1.7~> :1.'>!111 $1~ ~~,:;~ 9030 l~~'I' \' c 'tHl<I ~ :.!~ ~. ~~n" . r~ 1795 ••••••••••••••••••••••. 1} I l 0 ,., l.11.1111 ll . 14 .HI~ ,Jawa S1d1• <.:ar ('ump , '7U r" r'' h . \I 11 l 1· •111 ti llond:.i M u'l Sell •ZODIAC* ~tl!Mllid 842 U~!I PORT I\ MAHl:\I'. INFLJ\T/\Al.E HO,\T'> ~l5 <.:olleJ.:e Co~t .. :\I 1''J 17141 540 :Wiii 2 manne toilet:-.. l1k1· uu $40 ca ii 111 n .1 ri1·nt winch S70 21x22 1 hl,111 .. hro~e pro pc•lh•r $50 I i46-3C>J I or 644 It.JI (I t..1..•11d Ba la\ll' 4,200lh,, 111 72lb. Pll(S. J1111n x ;I• •ll1 .,.. 15m at 4()a lb i\ll 11r 1m rt. 7141548 4\lliO ,1ft hp m loots. Pow~r •••••...•.............. '711 Searab·330 TS out rl r l\'es , 8 5 hour' Loaded ! 65 mph !Jiu:. Stored on trailer. Must !iClJ /best offer. 731-82161home l S46-l 200(wortcl /\sk for Jerry Perk tn'- '77 Century 20' Op1• 11 bnw 235 hp 110 IJual c·anvas. Dual ball 1·rn·' Many xt ras. /\~k ing $IWt) 84 7 &sz7 36' TS Di~sel Rybridc)e Boak. Rent/ l>t'!>ert bUl!I!\. hk1.· nu. Charter 9050 llS35 i•n)!ttw : St111J11 h~t •••••••••••• ••• • ••••••• ofr ~ ~;o:l • • • Thomas Corney 1~i1;i. ('op~·rr •<·Id !Jr. ('oron;i dt·l .\1 ar Two Fr~e Tickets 10 till' LON(; Hfo~i\Cll Tlll•:i\THI-: l•' .. :STIV/\L IMTHE BOOM BOOM . ROOM !->tarnni.: 1~1711 lk·"t 1\1· lrA''' nfJITiln('I! Jtll Cl.n11ttri.:h .11 thl' Loni! Jk.,i<"h ('11nvcn11on & En t1:rt.11nm1·nl Center. 300 I': Ut•1·..in Ulvd • Long &-urh C-1111 fi-12 5fi7H. 1• '< l 272 lu d 1111n -""ur11ckds • * • Xl,l50 $400 It u O'\ j.!1t11d SLIOO. dirt. $150 770 3007 aft 5 ·71 Suzuk1 ·!IO End uro Street lej.!:.i l. Clt•an. $225 or best offer 536·004\I Motor Homes, Sol~ I Rent /Stor~ 'I I 6 0 ....................... Motor HCMM R•ntol 20' to 31' F\Jlly self rontained rt.>Servc now for llolJdays & Weekends REGENCY MOT OR HOME RENTALS 9'l5 N. Harbor lllvd S./\. • •531 2503•. HENT Luxury Motor home :!:.!' l'tilo mar. Sll'l'J>S 6. $250/wcek + l>on I m'"' tlw ~tart or lfmt 64tHIS85 fuu:-.h uf th•· i-:nsenada ------ ran• Bual r hartcn. Now laking rci.ervat1ons .111allr1hlt· f.31·1900 18 luxury 231'1' Monoco· Mini. :.leeps 4. $200 a ·-Wl'('k , $35 a day. 7· :i m1. Boats, Soil 9060 <1!12 G039 San Clemente .................•..... Newport Bt'h :.la.p ... v:.111 C..ll 30. !>JWt.-do. fatho, dsL BOJ.t:s AH ROW XI., w /th1 s mint 1·011 d JU'>I OH·rhault·d teak Nonperl•tl 2'J' very xlnt f1bcrAlai.s yacht. lla ulc·tf tnl. $!11,11011 X41l 4~~1 l'Ond. Sl'. /\<.:. hydraulic & painl1c>d Mar ·79 Sh.1' , , . , . 1 Jarki;. dee lift. awnini.:. 4 , ha:. Plcc g allPy on Et<hdl ~ 22:-.ail 1138.1. PX· tub/shower, very little malndeck.Lgco1•kp1t& t't·llrnnd1l111nl'45·401)8 road u:.e . P l'. IZ13J .. 11 equipment for r1:. . -:; llfil ti434 hln Jt . E('onorntl'al 211 l:.land1·r 111tmarrl.;, • l't'rkins c nl(tnl's l'OO :-.a~I,, w i :-.Ji p . '''r . ·111T1l.an 25'Motor llome, :.Um(' only 3 gal J)t•r hr S~·>1~1!10Hi·r ll urry ;ur. all '<tra:.. lmmac- cach :.il cruise. yt•t p~<! &l2 1331. !>Iii lr~IOO cws. cond. $1.5.ooo. or offer. Vlde lop SP,e•'<l of ll•K Npt ',fl AT 1. xlnl t ond, Call !157 6143 1-.ve-. l"ull electromcs m r lutl full\ 1•1i11111. rC"ady to i:o Trai~ Tra••I 1 n g r ad u r 0 w n l' r ral·t.• <·r., inc· mooring urf •••••••:••••••••••••••• tin.soo 67:i 3475. No 11 I $17 500 1171·311>1i a· :-.l'lf cunt:urll'd AIJo ~rt ..-G. Luhr;-l"ly II S/\ILOH!-> IHH :/\M trv l lrlr l.tkl· ne w l!O Boal·New Chry. 4<10 cu~tom Wt·:.t s ... 11 12· 5 O 0 O t h s I o r r . Had10 R•itl!t'r!. l'.lce t li7:JX737 <1!129H7!1/49fi 45U lldcr t + +. /\II new to • • • tl'nor Must Sell. Slll.!1!'10 ~· < 'olumlll:.•. xlnl rnnd. Tro1~. Uhhty 9180 or offer. Curtis: G3 1 l2G6 L o a <l l'<l w , 1.· x Ir a !'I. ••••••••••••••••••••••• urli75·lil).'15 Cu.~111m ll•ak ml. $10.SOIJ Brand new low l>oy Gx l2 Ray Crwscr 2.'irt fh.:l~. mhrd. Npl Bt h Slip Sl .350 644-1617 30' REIHELL New. d lr mus t s ac $49,990. Loade d Wtlh generator-cabin healer. dual l rim labs-compuss· m lcrophor head·deluxt' 1nt..crlor-and muc h mui.h more. Call Mt. Olsen. (714) 554·7200 30' REtHEL&. New. dlr musl s ac. $49,990. L oaded with generalor·cabin heater· dual trim tabs-compass· microphor head-deluxe anler1o r -and muc h much more Call Mr. Olsen. (714 ) 554-7200 14' f'ibergalss SOhp Evin. elect. strt, full entrls. lop & windshield, tilt, trailer, 646· 1105 or 646-1430. 181/a fl Seacrart, 1977! llShp engine, Bimln top. full cover, trailer. perfect cond. 67~18 zs• Fiberglass Diesel. ce nte r console. trim tabs. anchor, compass. cniiae at 22 knots, fac· tory d emo. $20,000. 541-4183.. Lm·a tt•d <•l O;ina l't. flal bed lra1lcr Woo<1 llurlior. Slt!J /\·4. Call deck. tandem axle, fe n 75tl O:lt>S CVl'S & wccknd:-. dcrs, lights . Goud for LaM•r w launch111~ dolly & llarken ratrh<'l bloc•k xlnt cond, S950 640-56n d u n e b u g g 1 <· s . motorcycles. $995. Call 95Hl581 ------- --19' H/D Combination Car HOBIE 16 w/tra1lcr. Xlnl Hltuhng, etc. Ramps. 2 rond $1600. Call Bob axle, surge brk!i. $1200. 963 7315 548-7f:B8 or 846-9468 l!f74 17' O'Day daysailcr AMto Senk•, Parts & tratl<'r $1850. X lnl & AccntoriH 9400 cond. Used o n l y 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~llSUl\S, 545·8940 Udo 14, xlnt cond., inclds oow cover Trlr. current he. $1350. 673·2481 ------Dre adno uJl ht 3 2 kit . portially complete. en~. some m:.llc rials, call 644-0lS:>. 644.5373 Desperate Owner• t.\us l £ell super Ericson 27, 01!9; inlcrior, free Jmo. slip. 546-0089_. ___ _ 15" w1re wheel for Austin Healey $10. 14 " Datsun truck wheel S5. Two 14"x6" wide 5·1ug VW wheels $20 pair . Two 5· hole VW s•· nms $15 pair. One S·IUA 15" lrurk s plit r i m S7 . Tw o 9:50xJ6.5 ('-'a used) tires $10 each. One Len wide x 16.5 8-ply $15. 642·3379 '73 Honda Civic motor WANTED. Running or rebuilt. Call 49it·8038. Partners hip uffe r<'d in Ask for John. 7AM to elegant 26' fibe r g lass lPM sloop,...Nova Scotia built. ---------clasicft! Imes, teak trim, Rebuilt engine: 1970 Ford sips 5, moored Dana Pt. LTD. 1tood cond, $1000. 974-3476 eves. .fi98.3107 ----------· '73 Hobie 14., Xlnt cond. ..-.. __ tr....1.- wlth lrlr & xlras. -,,_.. -644-0163 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Erickson 32 (5.5 meter) with Newport sllp. $8000. 1978 Ranier Tri bull, 18' 675-7l86 1/0 , lrlr, canupy ,~ ---51-'------ atorqe cover lncJ. Xlnt. ~ .... .,-/ JM PORT ANT NOTJCETO READERS AND ADVERTISERS 2$ hr. 493-6375 -9070 ----------...................... . '18 It" .,berlorm,. cutly Slip wanted for 43' Gran cM6n. 1.Uey, head, cpl, Manner Cruiser with 13' *"· life jcktt at all at· beam Quiel Uve aboard cue. 110h P 'Mere on tte•ullfully m ain · ~· l/O w/fr.b wtr tained boat. No kid• or =-~· only 42 bn. peta. l40-t5411Z. AYALOMHARIOR so• mooring available. Beat olr. over $50.000. Call afU, 873-9178 The price or Items •dvertlsed by vehicle dealers In the vehicle claas lfled ad vertls1ng column• dot,s not In· elude any appllcable taxea. license. t ransfer reea. finance charges. reea for air pollution control device certUit•· UC-or duler documen· tary pre p•ratlon c h•r1e1 unl esa oYMrwlae apeclll~ by lhl 8dverther. .' ~~·.~:.--: ....... !~.~-~"!.°.~·.~~.w. ....... !~.~~ ~~~·.~:.--: ....... !~~~ ~"!.°.~·. ~:.w. .•..... !~.~~I~~·.°.~·.~:.": ....... !~.~~I ~"!:'.~·.~:.--: ....... !~.~~ . sYOURIES1 AllD EARLE · &lA1 Rl WILLMEEIR ·~· . . ' .. i. ,.. . ' IT'S A Bl •YER'S MARKET WITH OVER 200 NEW TOYOTA'S ON SALE AT SPECTACULAR DISCOUNT PRICES!! NEW '79 PICKUP TRUCK Fully f o..1r t o ry f:Qu1ppPd 4 IK>fWd Ir an'om•'>"l)n 11 <Jiii d I 'c 0' I II , •. RN3<'0105f>T 59693 MONTHLY f 1 _. 0 4111 '1. I tt I ,,.,J .. 1'4 NEW '79 CELICA LIFTBACK CHECK THIS PRICE 55999 AM FM '>lereo 5 soeed 1ran.,m1ss1on belted rad1a1•, RA42565910 1975 DATSUN 1210 2 DR. SEDAM 1974 CORONA 4 DR. SEDAN 197 6 FORD PIMTO ,,_..,.._ ve -,_..,.'•"''I' Only 1 f 1&~ "',_' •u lOln•foC s2999 toot V••r c• .. ~. vooo ''"'••v• 1IUSEl1 WE HAVE A BIG SELECTION OF LATE MODEL IMPORT IARGAllSI 1973 VOLVO 4 DR. SEDAM 1974 TOYOTA CELICA COUPE l>ujMlf ............. ,....,, --• ,_ ........ ..,'° • •1>300 -s3399 ' 1'2l0Ht ~ M "''"' 'J ~oP•·d c.u·.rom pin .1rir '"• •· • 111-cJ r..idt.Jh f l' I j"l I •,?J 1974 TOYOTA CELICA • , ............... , ............ "</ 53499 fN'• '..1'11 !\rt f•t h•• .,,/l(HN . . 1978 FORD FIESTA 1974 VOLVO 164 AutOMaftC lf'lft\mt~ •.-r eoncMllOt"l'l9 -.. _ -,..,,,._.-II() ~'" Ret>-••l.•o l.Mlllll,,_1 -. 542M . .. .. . . . . -"' . ·-..... .._. -----.......... _., _.....,_.._.._~_ -----. - -. ---. - .. 1 NOW AT ... 4x4 -TOYOTA CELICA SUPRA IM STOCKI IMMIDIATIE s5195 • '78 CELICA LIFTBACK 15 spf'cd air I s1ereo11ape, more (603WKN) I ONLY s5995 • '78 CELICA LIFTBACK MEW '78 PICKUP . fully foh to ry equtpp•HI Autom111c ar,sns a11 contl t.lfldl!lt OJI WSW 111es 1tnt1td JliU~ & tK;(lnomicat 4 C\11 (Ser 329621 1 (Stk 4028) MEW 178 200SX 4 I vt .., 'tpCcd Iran~ (ltr 1.11niJ 11n1 .. ,1 q laS!. W':>W $5699 ,,,, • ., AM IM ')ltJ rOO ra<Jtll & llotlV 1111!' 111ol•Jtn J" ($ar oac. j J 'I (!;,II\ ~I I ')> MEW '78 510 HATCHBACK tc ... onom1cdl 4 cyl 5 c;peed trans t>ody Sode moldings s47" unoercoat. 11nted glass & 10c11n1ng bucket seats tSer 021353). (Stk 40341 121oc _,.. (..,,,.,,_.., • Cyl • ~ .,.,.. & ,.,,.0 t110Pfll0 s5999 $2,99· '1 DATSUN '71 Ceico 140%C.,.. 91 I SC T :"'t:, '\ \C>e•O .,, CO"" Bro.in •• ••rior att -on DOot::tL ty •••t•o •t!J nn11 & corcl .~M &-111 11000 ---· .J bOO m•IO"l LO-. .. C.M t'2111PXI Now only (Ql2¥~ 11')tPfOI s4799 s22 900 s4599 Prloee ptue tax & lloenle & deaHn added equipment. &lb)ect to prior sale. Good 'tll 72 hours after publleeUon. n.111 .............................................. f 170 ••••••••••••••••••••••• W77 Oodae Tr•d"m•n van V8. 21 .000 ml.. ct11tom inside. 1reen 2· toM 1pec11I paint, rulty carpeted &. panelled In · 11lde. por t holes. air vcnl11 . 11 un r oof. h igh back swi v el r ha1 r s. apaire tire rack , wide Ores w/ mags AM /FM t11pe cassette $6450 87o..564 <Fullerton>. '76 Dodge Van. vs. AM/FM 8 TR. "3,000 m l $4100 67~9651 WIWU.IUY YOUIDATIUM PAID FOA OR NOT TOPDOUAI ~TOPCAIS 8ARW ll.IC OAT\VN 8 31 l !!C,4 Y I l l 7S WE PAY TOP DOLLAR for lo p u aed ca r s · Coretan. dom estics or dllll!llcs If your car is extu clean, 1ee Uli f1RST' ~ '71 Dodge Van Economy 6 #I 111 ~-.. C-.ty cyl. Nu trans. nu larl'll. 2925 Harbor Blvd nu shocks 752-7903 ai.k COSTA M ~SA for Steve Nutt 979•2500 '63 Jo~ord Van. fair cond. --------- $650/offcr 7SZ-0271 dy:1 , WE BUY &'6-2890 cvei. John Plall ·70 Ford '"lT Van. 30'.! J USED CARS :.pd. Custom Int rtun!> CALL Xlnt Must i.ell Bst ofr Used Car Ml(r 831 IJ09. 770-9996 540-5630 •'78 GMC 4x4 V11n. rstm conver s ion +h t·perf en~. t·stm puanl·reg ~us. 2 sets· Mach tan·s & whls. xtra fuel. u.name ll th\' uJllmale mint 640-9738 '76 Chev van shrt whl 1011\SO\ & SOX • LINCOLN· MERCURY 2626 HARBOR Bl Vb COSTA MESA --- $CASH FOR CARS Top dollar for clean cars & trucks, paid for or 1974 DATSUM 710WA•otl • ~ lraoa. It a t.r con d.IUoninl. OHl.Y $1910 646-5867 •DATSUNS• ...... Select .. OfAI~ SALES-LEASI NG PARTS-SERVIC~ COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 HARROR BLVD S40.64 I 0 540.02 I l ---1976 DATSUM 210Z 2 +2 Br~ 5 speed tran~ . .111r t•ond & ca ssette (:!OOPVU I ONLY $6395 HOWARD Chevro~t Dove & Quall Sts NEWPORT BEACll 833-0555 aaaa Faa&attie Cloeeout oa 1'79 llodtla 1V71 Modelt now arrivlna MUST SELL DICK MIL.L£R MOTORS 120 W. Wam er. S.A 557·2132 '76 128 Flat, exce llent rond1lion, new palnl, $2."A)O, 646-3'41 ----LUCKY YOU! If you're b uy ing your first car or lookfng ror xln't mileage In a sporty late model Import, we have the perfect solu· lion This '76 Fial 1s eqwpped with 4 speed trans. for perlormanC'l'. hos very low m llei. Bnght yeUow 1n color (~JI Just $1995 Vld ory Doctq. 2888 Harbor Ulvrf Costa Mesa 556·462U '76 Fiat 13J. A C, stereo rass. lmmac, ~·Call R1c·hard 640·185\J day:.. 640-<B>4 eve:. '71 Spider. new top. ruru. good. HIUl' $70CJ 673·16()0 FfAT X19 hlL'>l', red. PIS. P i li A tC, 3:>0 V -8 . 26 K m a s.'i:mlbst ofr 962·5203 not' t,:.;=_;;;;~ii;;i;;;i;;;;;;~;.,,;;a1 But lt· r:. cot ch , !> t er co. HOWARD Che•rol•t 3Skm1 on g. mites. Onl' 'GS Chevy Van/Ca mprr ";c1u1ppcd Hc•!il offor Call after 7PM 494·4&1H Dove & Quail SIS "We need lo buy l'lf'<tn o w n <· r 3 !I m P ~ · <Nrar MacArthur. Datsun used t·a"" $!,700 orrer 552 0528 Bnstol & J amborPe l S Will Pay ToP Dollar S Honda --9-7-27 N .. ~WPORT BEACH ·79 Ood~e. 6300 m1. $2500 &. ot!l!.Ume payment\ !00-1212 --------Autos, Imported '66 OodRe Van •••••••••••••••••••••• • S700 Firm General 970 I 642-0221 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA DATSUN 21W5 HAHBOR HLVI > 540.641 0 540.021 l .....•.........•..•.... Brand Mew '79 HONDA Cars M ANY To Choose From! Can't St•ll Your <.:u r " '7H :!MOZ. mctallil' 111111 ·77 Ford E250 Chall·.1u CREVIER MOTORS li°'UU m1 1\1r. \ ~µII UNIVERSITY Club WaJ:on 10.llOO rna ~ !>46 773!1 Olds. --L,.1 .. VI!. aulo lrdn,,. p ~ · PAYSTOPOOLLAH muu "' 1'111. Pnval'y Ria!>:.. Air For Clean Used Import:. '64 Oal!.un l<oad:.l t·r Honda Can • GMC cond. J\ M 11-'M ll lrtH·k Call Mike or Don Classic. S:l900 TNClcs Rl\'rt'() Chrome whel.!l!i. 83_5_·_3_1_7_1 _______ 7_59 1639 2tl50 Harbor Ulvd Michelin ~lecl radaab .. u 0111_0 9705 .77 280Z 2+2. hi. xlnl ~ta Me~ __ 540·9640 Many extras Like nt-w ~ ~ m ,400 646·7641 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rond. 25,00U m 1. <11r. l!fn Honda Cvcr. 28K ma . stereo Mu:o.l ~ell , I.ix m·w lire:., new ball .. purp. $7800 farm 642·133\ runs xlnl $2600. Contact ALFA ROMEO SALES. SERVICE AHO LEASING '75 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 127" whee lbase. 5 pa-,~l'ngcr . V·8. auto tram •. n~ht ~de ~hdang dr . i:m1~·.111n l'<lfll rol S)!.tcm. J\"1 radio. nc·w wlutc paint 11!1,0110 ma ~.600 Can bl' si:t·n ;Jl Uie Daily Pilot. 330 W Bay St . Cost~ Ml'!-i<t or l'ttll CarculJtaon Ue pt 1~1.2·43'!1 , l'Xl ~111 711 CL~ARANCJo~ NOW JN PROG Hl::SS' BEACH IMPORTS R4ls IJo\ e !:>tn:t:t Nt;WPORT m :ACll 752-0900 Oa~un ·n 21iOZ 4 .,pd. Bnan 49tH285 1493·6561 .11r. t\~1 FM hlereo H JOIJUlr 9730 tr k A'tkln~ ~7~SO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~l 31!H 5-17 9357. A~k for I Mew 1978 & 1979 tw.tt·r JAGUARS ~1zx <;L :! • ..! ..... ,,umt· XJ6Ls XJ12L:. I• .1" • 1111 •I• po-al Wall '"' XJS Coupe:. •l••JI ' :1.oc~J 11111t·., I' I' \tO">l color:. av;ulable for 7~1~ W3'l unrrw<httlc dt·h vl•ry. TEST DRIVE ONE I I I I I I I I I I I I I r, speed. air .-- '.lereoi t apr> rodr 9590 '74 ALF.A ROMEO GTV C OUPE :; ~peed trans & aar t'Ond tll40NXV1 i:1 IJJl'>Ull iltJ ~u l l\ ltt.ukd .\Int 111nd l\:!.1 .• 11 ur bt.".'>t !>lit 2:1W TODAY!!! ~mte~~""\ vlloion ' wiper more tU56011 I ONLY I $6295 • '74 DODGE I I I I COLT I I 4 •,pr•• rl 1roa1 'JS!> I I m11ea 10,~~~J) I : $1495 : If you'r e in a mood to deal for wheels, rely on t he automotive classified ads in the l•JJ!'41Q!1•)1 642-5678 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED! l..1l\' mmh·I T tt\ nta~. \11lvt>">. l'ic·kulf' 6. V<tn~ <;all us today' ONLY $3895 HOW ARD Che•rolet ii :!KIJZ •I ... pd a 1 r ••·f t·n l .lp•· l11 •d 111 11111 •I l't rt •'"•I ~. 11 Ollt I .. 1 I I II ...-....... •-··· .,., . ..,.,_,,,,..,., __ Oovf' & Quail ~ts "\•·~ NEWPORT Bt-:A l'll 2'J:.0:1 llarbor Blwl 8 33·0555 \lu~l -..·II !'lit. :!"<HZ. xlt1l COST1\ ~ ESJ\ ......... Audi 970T ~·:~~~1l:~lt· ,~·.~1 IT;~·.·~h'1:' 979-250() ••••••••••••••••••••••• low mtlc!. makl~ •>th:r . - --..,_ ______ ..... '72 100LS 4·dr, 4·spd. Call eve:-. s5irn2111 l96J Uaamler Jaguar 3.8 1 "~0~~.:•4. AM tFM. air. 22mp~. -Mark II. thts 1s ror d1~ A7K ma. cmeral11 "rn. '77 Kang Ciih 4 :-1111 rnminatan_g l'f:H1s1c rar 1"11. '46-0 0J or S4~'4'7 " .. k "uff X l l I shllfll __ snoo 96o s_254 1\\1 f'~1 M tr :!I •hid " > n 111 1.: 1•on1 l'r1 11atc Pa rlv ne€'d s l'lt•an 1J r 1H•n'c1 1·;.t r , trut k, l'll' Have l'aioh !213J9'.:!ti·l75" l'or.;che 924 Tako· ovrr lease. Pri vutr l'arly Afl 6pm 675 I 1:;:; -CH \131!" t .tnu 1111. thniout \111.1llll' s1h1·1 BMW 97 I 2 ~.uc10 m1 S<\'""1 ti-,1 1111 i.;ra.1o 1;,.uoo nra ~ 1111 •••••••••••••••• •••• •• • M.l'l 9'~1 5!11 l:!'i•; S, (; 'l. I) II 4 !J J :i 7 4 ;, I: :!HIJZ •<1nw c l.11 1111 Al . -.11·r1·11 -.nn. ,1ul•• ~.').:! !f~'i t11:1 1111>11 I'\(' 1, 111'\I . 1974 JAGUAR XJ6L SEDAM _______ _._ 1•1111! wh1·1•l ha~!'. i.:1hlf' I • I I '74 DATSUN : ~~.'?:.~!:~ ............ ~~.°.~·.~:~~ ........... !~~·.~!~~ ............ ~~.°.~·.~!:~ ............ ~~~·.~:~~ ........... . 14 'iPf'B;~l0.,11 0,.J IMMF:DIJ\Tfo: 1>£LIVEHY' LARGE SELECTION OfNEW 1979 320i's 528i's NUMBER ONE WANTS YOU! LitWl'r l'nl'•'' ,10<1 \\'11!1• ~ t' I 1• 1• 1 1 u 11 Bl' l t • r !)<•r\ll'l'. J nd I-rll'rHJI \ l't'QPlc' l'\lc nor w11h lJn tn111 '" .m t'\l.'t•llenl Jagu,11 l'\ Jmplt' 1:!711JI NOW $8995 •BAUER MOTORS 292.S ll:irbor Blvd. <'OST,\ \1 !-:SA 979-2500 I tr an'>portat1on I I (993JR(J I ONLY : s 1895 : I I I • I I '79 CELICA I I LIFTBACK I I DEMO I 15 s poed. AM/F M stereo more (6509) I I ONLY I I S6095 I I • I I 1979 I I MHft.HOMES I I DOLPHIN I ~ LJ Mini-Mirage : : GAS~HS! : I s7995 : I (Stlt #9002) I I BILL I I ·MAXEY I I TOYOTA I I 18881 I IBEACH BLI 3 DAYS ONLY ••• THIS FRI~ SAT. & SUN. ' 'I NO HASSLE! NO HA.GGLE! SA.VE NOW! '72 <:llKYSL Elt NEWPOICT HOYAi. Equipment includes pow er steertng. power brake•, air S 11 41 cond1tion1ng and vinyl top 1488KLEI (Slk 27691 ·1.~ A~IC: ~PORTAHOUT Automatic trans . p o wt.lr s1ee11ng, power brakos. air s2 ~ ~1 cond & luggage rack (Sor ...... I 70248) (SU< 2622! - '76 Blll<.:K Rt:C;AL COUPE Has pwr steering c. b1akes. air cond 1111 wheel, pwr windows s3993 & door locks and vinyl top. 1379PHM) (Stk 2545) ·77 Hlll<.:K R IVl t::KA Lodded inc pwr steerinq & "' windows. 1111 wheel cruise Q 5 7 78 control pwr dr tocks stereo •'l' 1c1pe. Landau top & more' 1208AINJ (Stk 2656) •78 ME HCllR'\ COt lG AR ONL Y tO 911 miles• Has pwr Q w1ndow1. c;tereo rad•o & t1' ~993 Landau ron (43/'VGN) (Slk ... 2509) •7:; OAT Sl 'N B2 I 0 CO UPt:: rn1s hlllf' econom1ca1 car has l o w milP.s & 1c; qrral 1ranspor1t1tion ( 164Vl-'BJ (Slk 2688) ·;o A MC SPOHT AUOllT Only 23 228 milas• Has pwr :>leering & brakas ('ltr cond . till s2994 wheel, cruise & luggage rack ' (660AKSI tSlk 27531 '77 01.US \'ISTA t:Rlll~t::R 9 Pass Wagon. Pwr c;1eenng & brak es. l'ttr cond. pwr s ~333 windows seat & dr. lock<; • a stereo 1111 wheel & cruise 1786TOF) !Stk 25981 ·77 FORD T-RIRU LANU All Loaded one pwr windows & seill. tilt wheel cru1<;P control, stereo tapo. air cond & pwr dr locks t 1!32SWN) (Stk 24881 8 5897 ·77 C A JHLLAC C:O llP E Uf. \'ILU: Loaded one leather 1n1 pwr steering & w indows, 1111 wheel c1u1c;o vinyl lop scoreo & pwr dr locks (099AYY) (Slk 2517) 8 7176 THIS WEEKEND EVERY US ED CAR CLE ARLY . . MARKED DOWN TO OUR LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE OVER 80 TO CHOOSE FROM! Tel. 979-2500 Open 8:30-10:00 Mon.-at. ,9:00-5:00 Sunday I HMtiftlton Bch.I II 847-85. 55 I 2925 H ARBOR BLVD. A~~-=1 i COSTA MESA BIG CAR, SMALL CAR - WE TAKE TRADES! Our prlcH Include everything .••cept t111. lleenee and a l20 documentary lee ~-----~ f J\ 1-'iO 63.'k.,1 '., IN STOCK! Call today -Wr m ;I\ havt' the prt• u wnt•cl BMW you a rc looking for ' 831·2040 495.4949 Sa1es·St'rv1ce·Lcas1ng Roy Carver.Inc. Rolls koyrc BMW JS40 Jambon•e Newport Beach 640·6444 CREVIER ·9 · sr & H OAOWAY SAMfA AMA 835·3171 Tl<£ UlllMA I l DAIVINO MACHINE •USED IMW1• '76S30lJ\ SIRl752PVDI '762002 5/R <268RK M) ·n SJO: 4 sp SI R !01791 ·n 6-c'IOcslA S/R(809THJ , '78 7331 4spd <025Vf<'1.I CloMd Suttdoy1 IOI McLAREM's 850 N Beach Blvd <At Beach & Wh1U1er1 LA HABRA 1714• 522-5333 Clo&ed Sundays "l:EW 1!17!1 U1\TSI \t 210 WAGO~ $4799 1 !.Pl'l'd. u111.kr1·11,tl (7!1530-0101-'81 Nt-:W 1979 UATSl':" 210 2·DOOR $4650 J\11tomat1c. undcrco.11, -,ad c mould1n~:. I 79·s.56·015~j > ~EW 197fl 1MTSU:-. PICKUP 'ill. -.unroor. 1aµ1• cfrck. 1mm.1rulall' SliOOO 1>73·1n•3 1973 J.AGltAR XKE Convertible V\2 Turbml"hkf' power 1\utomallc Lran:, J\n l n H':>lmenl (20021 MOW $1 3.999 BAUER MOTORS 292.'I llarbor Rlvd. fOST A MF.SA 979-2500 65 Ja1o: 3 SS, burgundy. RHO. P IS, I' 8, auto trans. wires. xlnl cond S5900/ofr 675-5781 $4599 'Tl XJ6. very good cond Stereo tape cassette . i\uto m a t1r. c h roml.! $S400.645·2881 bumpe rs. undercoat. ------- 1781997·3.113191 '71 XJ·6 Jaguar NEW 1979 DATSUN 280ZX $!1677 Painted and polis hed rowdy maf('\, cassette deck. whl>el well mould· m1ots. rocket pa nels. pan slnpes <79·636·125455> •DOT• DATSUN 1883.'i Beach Blvo Hun11n.,'lon lie~t·h 540.0442•1 42·771 I $6()()() 548-7394 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1974 JENSEN HEALEY A very powerrul l wfl sealer convertible with low miles. (1422). NOW $5555 IAUIRMOTOIS 292S Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA. 979·2500 1974 JENSEN HEALEY Bla<'k. 5 speed trans. • tul)t!. (173TWLJ. ONLY $4495 Aat 9725 HOWAttDC ... ffOlet ••••••••••••••• ••••••• • Dove & Quall St.a. '76 fiat 131S. xlnt cond NEWPORT BEACH liMOO Firm 133-05$5 '76 BMW 5301 a uto, 9681853 ..._.. t731 AM/FM. sunroof, & a te. '76 Flat Witn. lo m i. Mint ••••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnl. rood. 964·3423. cood. ~3 7893 1911 MAZDA BMW 3.0SI. Super rlean 1--------GlC·DILUXI Must .ell. $10,900/bst '7' <Der '74) Fiat 124 3 Door Automatic tran:1. olr. M2·'1068 Specia I 4 ·d r s e<ht n, & radio. Very low miles' w.. 9720 auto. traM . lllauf unkt u c. HtTXC Stk. 420A. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rac1io, heeler. loor $3471 *l's* DISCOUMTID • I I • • • \ • RARWIC I( D A T"'.UN ' ' 8)1 1 11•, -1 'f! J ll'l meta. c1111Lom pin stnp· 1n3, avocado green with lan·brown 1nlenor Only 11.aoo or1J1lna l mllea: Com p ltll• o rl1tin11l service rrco~. Lady 'e car. Cannot be dupb rat ed l Mu1t see! 12995 THEODORf. ROBINS fOR D J1)6ll lti\lolh 11J I I", CO .. TA Ml .. A :. "'" firm. Call &42·01.38 '1' RX4. motor • tlrta SdJ Idle it.ema xlnt eond. $1500 l'lrm. M2·M78 5'MaO AM ODJ:r. I , ···--..... _._ _ _._. ....... . Allhtt, l•pCK'W a, l•porhtd W.1, l•P"orted Atltot, IMporhtd ...... IMporhd ........................ . •.••.........••••••..•••.......•............ ·••······•·········•••· .....•................• .......... ,.,t.d ••••••••••••••••••••••• .._. 9731 Mire ... IH1 '740 MG '741 0,.1 t746 Porsche 9750 ,.,.... 9710 ...... .... t ................................................................................................................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 'T2 MBZ 220 Sedan. 4 dr, 197 ,,. er.me, t•n 1nu· 4 cty 7 Mw MIDGIT YOU'YI HAD cyl Mint eond ""6."IO Ph 0 o e o r l tt • m o 1 t 70 <.IJwl OT, .1uto tron11. I o"'nrr UtiOO l"lrm );t8 8270 A CHAMCE at 143, 131 1 ff.ob f'COOOmlr•I 1poru c r• lo m111tc 11 uper deal on •v•ll•blr I~ 1 .. P*tkup wllh rampt>r 7:1 4:1USL 28.000 m 1 MOW $4295 1075 914. 81k, ma1a. 'Tr~ 93t. 811'18lk. AIC. AMIFM 8·lrk, Xtru . Snrf.. alloys. AM /fl"M Xlnt tond. Bat olr. •le~ cua All xtraa. 12 S~trt roup.-. " 14pd 499 3712 No/Own, T JO lae 8·6, AM I· M. runi. wood • ·-------.. • 973-2077, art 8, 675-8836 .hell bt-lor hut pa I'd •t Hold. O" n l 11 11 w 'rt• IAUM MOTO•s (..._ l h "'~la. Xlnl <'ond Muk1• U&> .. in ll•' up t ll ofrtt' 548 7!'i20 l'l'~ lltutx1r lllvtJ SI.I.OU bur .. 10 buy on a 'H t ()!o;'l'A t.t to:...,A '"'da r u wilh Pt•rrt!I 1971 ....,, • I 979 so I 71 •Mr OJH•I llall)t• v .. 11 .. v l hl•ll Ila\ d '-"' ( w llh' llUIU, ·2 0 DX> bt•\t uHt•r Runnm1t , ~wo r r P s. r ,11, -~ Ill 3736 br.ad nt•w t•11)!1ur. 4 Vt'!')'t'h:1U16'0•G28 MGI 9744 l'fll Vt.--'----~~:11 ~~,~-·-;--.luu1' -7 p ~ c.·--··"'•••••••••••••••••• PuotC10 9747 •Jl(I tt w ('t• 11 ... ~" t• ,I ~ ... 4 ~ omp11n• ... _ I t7t ••••••••••••••••••••••• Urn• tltlG40X > lht'I l"llf"\ ttmd & 'ulu1• nww ONLY U9'5 Mu olr 497 1200 MGl1, Yk:tory Dodge Mnrc· Jlt'Oplt· buy th1· Ill lfrir"bc1r Hh1I fl Mrn-Ntt•'I 2HOS tlhu· M<;u l'UllYt'l'ltht.• th.111 \ \11\hl Mt• Iii ·~• ill20 A 7 , o 11 ll " r I II m ' 11nv otht·r t'til\\"' tll1h·' M t't' hu 1111·u 11 )' rn .11 n hi~· lJ1' hdon· vou huv 74 Maida HX• w1t aion 4 wnl'd s7ooo )411 !\:Wl:I TODAY!!! ~ M P~ 1'11"" l'all 1 ~ ~Int rond H1·llll ll\71> t•na MU•l •t't' $4tlUll MlihAdw4 .... f 140 4'iY1 l!l ...................... · ··---------1 10 lt•f'rt'\I••,. .!JO I 1lr lo lnl. >.lnl \'Olhl S4 IUO llJ1 M ti 'ttl 2!1U, <•n.: ,,..,, rwr ~1r i\M .,..,, Int • 11n11 $4!195 GJ JJ(» 'SS ltOSL lto,uhh•r rt1•r1·nt h n · l'<•lt , ... ..,,,. tr11111 Vt'n 1111 t 1•\lt•rrnr ( .. 11tlorn1,1 l .•1 '""t 11tv. l<.i r• d .1• " l'nm1· '1)nd1t 111n ul u Inv. ttnn• I \ \ 1~ 1117 .......... ......., ...... _, ~·C.'> II 11 l>t11 Uh 11 <O'-l \ i\H'"i \ 979-2500 7o \\(,11 1,1oot.I ~011cl I ,b(~I '1'~1 Ct1 ' 1'l Mt•n:"t<d'" .:NI ...... ~ , ~unroor . "'' ''" 111 ~ 11n ..... 111r rull ., ... , \1111 nintl A!>kUll.: S7t.:MI I' I' ~4160 JIM MARINO VW )It'd I Ht•J1 h hh ti Hun11n1•ton tk.H h ... 2 ~ 1977 MGI J'r1mrO'>l' yello w w1lh __________ , blJck tnm & r1ttt'<l '·'" ' 7 6 4 ~ O ~ i-; , M 1 I ,1 n hm 1bambou .• 1u111. Jll I p~r. p~ 1 ~ 11111 <,nr f ,\M1FM kirk :.lu1·11 11l11l l'Olld ~t , ,.>011 ·;~,1 ~IOO '7\ •l;)(J ~I.(' 7'1 I/IHI 1111 1;11utl t'•)nd Srlll 1•11 ~17,000. 77'1 4H2ti ""'" 9742 .•..•...•.•••........•. New 1979 MGs & MIDGETs 111 ''uc I.. fur 1mm1'(il;it .. cld1H·n ' All 1•ol11r-. • ::-,,.,. \.JS bd1i1 ,. you buv . TODAY!!! torv win• v.ht!t•b Cl83K I HOW $4995 BAUER MOTORS ;!-J.!5 llJrlH>r lll\'cl t'OST A 1\1 t:Si\ 979-2500 77 .\11~ It ' I 111 1• 11 n cl l'l,1.,~•t• 1mtnl ~I ui.l '''l'. off r ~II~ 77 l!'J I' I' '73 Pantera ~ " r> •' t' d . A M I I-' M r.11owlll'. .11r, n·d With hhwk tnm Vt•ry sh11rp I.ow nlllt·~ ltcpo As "11m1· 11·11,(· or rl'l{'U:.t• 1wa.JOH 1 IEACH LEASING mlll Wt•11lt'rl}. Su 1L1· :wa ~l' ..... ~rt l~·ach UJ..9850 Peugeot 9748 ....................•.. PEUGEOT SALES, SERVICE AHOLEASIHG OV Ett"it-:1\S Ot-:LI VF.RY \\' ILA BLt-: BEA.CH IMPORTS 8411 Dove Street Nt::WPORT BEACll 752-0900 Pone he 9750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1978 PORSCHE 924 COUPE WE BUY MERCEDES TOO! llhll'k Autom<1tl\' trans . l>h'rt'O, 111r 1•1md & sun 1978 MGB rwr. 13WVFN1 l.d U.<, J>t1y 1111 ~our 1 1111 lrtwl ancl 111111 11 11d tt 1·;c,h W1· v. ,1n1 tu bu' .rny unll .tll p.1111111·1 P•I "1l'rCc•dt•:. B"n/ n111tor ,.,.,.., ~t· 1·,1n 1111cl \\1· v.1·ll·nm1• I h•· oppoi t 111111' •u1 ... ..,,_.., • .....,_ II.•~ H 'r ) µ11pul .1r "' ONLY $10 795 hu1 .:un<1y •l·<I t•i.tl·1111r HOW"RD Ch' . I t ''1th t.rn trim ~ l11w "' e•ro e :!•::.• 11:11 hur Bh fl l 't IS'I \ \11·.:... \ 1111h'S (~IHI Uovl' & Quail Sls HOW $5995 . NEWl'OHT BEACll 979-2500 BAUER MOTORS 8lJ..0555 :.'92.r, II Jr bilr Ill q J l'O'\T \ \l ESA 979-2500 tu ):l\l' \OU .1 -.uh,.1.1111 1.11 "j1, \IC; !\111lg1·1.n-<J 11 '""' l'a.!th rt;1ur11 1111 \our 1n 1111 11•-. ;'1;1·Pll ' m1n11r \t'~lmt•nl (".di lloli 10111 hup S!RllO hl5 1;111 M1l'h<11•I:, :.I lluu .... · ul ,,,1~ 74 l\H;H l'Oll\I. xlnt 1·00J. I mporl~. I Ill" •• 111.2 IUI( r.11·k I.! 0110 ""· \1ant~lcr ::11 !l~I 11:.Kll, 'm !\ltil' c;T t l;J,.,,1<· """ S!i'OO tr.-t ufr l'l'J tll~li On th 1• !'> J 11 t .1 J\ n" 1111111. -.1·.1t... b~·:>I offl r Frt>e'WJ\ l<3:: :1171, t• P Avtos, Hew 9800 A..tos, Mew 9800 A..tos, Hew 'liO :i'll; Hoao~tt·r t'on' l'rl Mulllpl1· I 'onl'1lur-. \I, 1n 1wr \b,.,olulf•ly lmp .. ·1· c·Jbl•· !'.l't 1•iu' !Ju) 1•r -. uni\ i 11 l!J.1 117AA b 1 :r,1w 1,11uk.. ~011d . run'> l(OOd ~jjY~I ;'41 W1.l! 9800 ............................................................................................ DON'T. WAIT!· LESS THAN ONE DOZEN 1978 200SX's LEFT IN STOCK • . GET DISCOUNTS OFF OF LOW 1978 PRICES FOR DOUBLE SAVINGS WHILE THEY LAST! Diil-i -DITIUI DHU Clll US TODIY 558-7811 SEE THE NEW We'll Save Yoo US' ftOISCHI und Mercf'de1·8en1 ~ @Y· Call for Appl. 17141 642·1366 WIHAVE NEW 91fs 1 ___ Cl_O_Sf0 \UNOAYS 'S9 Sliver Cloud l $19.000 985-4144 '68 RHO Cormche type. phone opl ion a I. l't11 n l. Mu s t se ll P .P . 7141675-8651 Rffldy For ---- 1,....diate Dfli•. ~•••••••••••••!?.~~ •SILVER 9llsc CPF. Leather s port ~{'at~. ltCJ\lll'<I sup. air cond . electnc mirror" •BLACK !lllsc (;PE Tan leather. :.unroor. power windows. burglar alarm, 7" & 8" poW.bt.'d SAAi SALES. SERVICE AND LEASING 78 CLEARANCt-: NOW IN PROGRESS' alloys, sound system aE•CH IMPORTS • COPPER BROWN '"""" MET 848 Do\e Street •911.sc CPE NEWPORT BEACH Tan lealhl'r. :>unroor. 752·0900 power windows, bur.:lar - alarm. sound !-\'"ll'm. Toyota 9765 pobsh1...od 7" & 11" J 0llO\., ••••••••• •••••• •• ••• • • • • Pl:.'TROI. BLUF. MJ::T. "7K Cl'll <'11 ST Cnupl'. 91lst·TAl!GA 15,0UO n11. air. "11rf. Tan leath1•r. JHI~ l'r win taM«·t tl'. S51!00. Jan dows, (ull fuclury l'qu1µ 675-9f,SI llft 6P\1 m{·nt •OAK CRt::EN !\U-:T \JllsC'CP~: T.tn kathl'r, sunrnor. po~l'r w1ndowi.. :.ound :.}-.tern. air c•1mJ • Sll .V EH ~1 E1 \1.1.H' 9llst '1'1\Kt;,\ Blad. ll'al hcr. l>l.1<•!. tnm. power w1nuow,.,. cru1,.,t• t·ontrol ~ I tt.J•ll<lt Ht., t ti !+H• f1f ·W• • ~)6 13» GAS SAVER '77 !f.:!1 Cu~tom )d hlk 1\1r. ,\!\I F !\t ... 11·r1·n Snr1 Xl:ll c·ood $.li.>(.HJ 71 t K.l.1·llt~fi ·;1; T.an:.1 !II I~. 1·n1• n ·blt. nl'w 11r\~. S1~na1urt· Ad d111on. 1.0.1!11•11 !\t u:>I M'l' •H/7 1:1:12 WE HAVE '72 .Q)ron;i M .irk II 4 cir auto, air . 1\M 1 F .~ ~t('rl'o $1200 /hs t offl·r 91>3-:lHI~ SMILE AT GAS STATIONS a,., you µas.. tlwm II\ th1~ dvnam1tc 7b C.:1·111·<1 Lirthal·k GT t:>.1·c1' t11111all\ cll',111 c·dr rc•d 111 1olor ·v.1lh wh1lt· pin :>tnµml!. hlat k ml!'nor with w••l'l ~·r.,1in1•d dash E<1WPJ;t'fl v.1t h ~ -.p<'t'O air. i\ !\I F\I .,lt rl'•> IS track 11'11;11;1\ 1 Mu\l "t't' WO" I l,1<,t .II $4495 Victory Dod9e :~ lhrtH1r l!IHI l(-...t,c \l•"a ~.I' llo'.!11 Bl</\NU..,; 1.W 1!17!1 't'oyula c .. 111".1 ~upr<1:. !',upt·r :.:1v1ni ~ al 'llfll'r pnn•" l.;ir"•' '>l'h•d11111. pl t• ,I ' I' <'a 11 I 7 I I I !°•'l7 01/Q NEW 928 'S Toyo•, ·11 t l·111·,1 c;T • ' U tlik . ~, 'l>d. 1U1 l '\I R .. ody For 1· :.i :. ~ • :1 u ~ . n u n t' "' • • 1•lt.'.1l1l'r 11 I' ~.127 !'1 Immediate DehY · 4!H<l41M 1ir 1;:~1 i is.40 • Casabl<inca 8c11(c ~ll·t J\u1t1malll' tran :. . Tri...,,tt 9767 leather seal~. alarm ••••••••••••••••••••••• • C.:Opper Brown M1•l TR7 '7G Cl1.•;1n. :!Ii 0011 m1 Tan ll·atht.>r ''"'t'. Sunroor.!1;111M) alQrm, fully equipped 810 !'>111:1 • <luardc, n(•d Tan IC'athrr: 5 ~p1•C'll. lul I~ l'qU1pped •Oak G r ('cn ~'kl Tan leather, 5 :>pl.'1·11 , alarm. '>OUnd syslt'm ·--~ 1977 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE Unt1..,h r:1('10I! l(rt•cn • '< tt·n or & only 11.0111 mrh·" 121;:11:1 HOW $4995 BAUER MOTORS ~rJ:, 11 .irhor Hh d COST A !\lfo:S \ 979.2500 WITH LESS GAS TO GO AROUND. YOU HEED A CAR THAT GOES AROUND OH LESS GAS. . rr, .. neN 197q F1ut Strada g1ve'1 you berter m11eage 'than th13 Datsun 31 O 01 lh" gas-pow1?red Rabbit and 11 costs hundreds or dollar" le'>', than e1thpr c.Jt going 1n bl'lbrf' you "Ven go our Whal c; m()rP Strdda g111e-; you bP.HPr g1c; mol~il'l'' lho:J• th" Omrn or H">rizon 100 An EPA ac;11mated 28 M PG 4 1 MPG •·<.ltm 1IPd ti1yhw~y mdP,JIJ" HPrl'l':lnlO<!r c.omparu th_,.,., ••<,hmat•"• to lh•• asllrnd!l'd f\'lPG of o ther car f<J01 Indy g<?t d•tl<Jri•nt rn. 1• 1g•· o<>ti"nd1r> ~ on so11eo weather. ano 1110 ~.onqth H1gh..vay m11~ .lq•· N111 pr..,tiaot1 o .. IP " • ..... • -' • • . :I• • • ~ ~E ,SERVICEWHAT WE Sal./ .. HU~E: 16 IAY SERVICE DEPT. g B~J.''SPORTSCAR CENTER, Inc . J -~ : .,~: .>· 283:f Harbor Blvd . = · · · · 1 ' • On• Mile SOllfll of s_. Oi9p fwy, • . . ; 'S40·449l -" cos~~ MESA, C~UF. (\ • • !' f\ .. • J \> f ...... .. ~ . ~ .1 , •• • ~ •• 13 . •,~. L----• ·~--4 DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? All new businesses using a hct111ous name. must by law be registered with the County Clerk The DAILY PILOT provides the forms and llhng services for our customers. II you are staning a new business call the DAILY PILOT for mfo rmallon and forms 9800 Autos. Hew \ 9800 Autos, Hew 9800 A..tos, Hew 9800 A..tos, Hew 9800 ....•.........•..............•.........•••..•...........................•.......................................... RIGHT NOW Over 200 Brand ·N._.ut 1979 B11ieks In Stoek. Come In And Piek Out The Right One For You With A ., MINIMUM 10% DISCOUNT Off of the Manufacturer .. s Retail Sticker Price An Exam.pl.. • ) l!!!.111. OFF Now Oiecounted d-/o Li11t Pric.- 89S8!J.79 Oitcount Salf' Pri~ 8 1 t2S.S7 = •a078.:l2 DON'T MISS Tms 3 DA y SALE. • • FRIDA'¥, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ... Bllf Car .. S•a 11 Car - We Take Tratl•,.!· Our priC't' indud.-11 f0v.-rythin1t 1•11('1•pl lax. llC' .. mlf' a nd • 120 dO<'um.-nlary 1 ..... 1 - 1 F ~-· 20. 1179 .......... ..w .... rt.cl I ....... UMcl ...... UM4 UM4 -___ ...;.~_..:.;;..;,. _________ .:...;.''.;;deY.;;.;.·;.;..;,..;;_ ·_.;....__ •••••••• •••• ••••• •••••• • ••••••••••••••••••• .-. ••••• ••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••• ....................... ., ................... . A11tM. Mew tlOO .,..._... t7'7 Y.... t77Z AMC ttOI C • c ttll Qeur•t "JO ffff .....•.•.....•......... ······················· .................................................................................................................. . Mlw lt1t ,........__.. VOLVO * • * llOlAC '17 Cpe de VIiie, ·-__ , .... 'Tl., mo&or. ceb over UVl!I .,, l'fl r runt Y.h••t•I Of•vtl •'I 1u.,1 on11 ol ttw fll<lnv o u1,1111,t111111 •nd look 111 tht) ,._, m1W•iJ"' I 1h1tt1s llEW &RAND PRIXI DEMO SALE!! Whet .-.. whcrt print. Catoow tr-Tr.m A111•. c;.r-d f'rfn , ~ Ot1d ,_ ....... A" at low, low prico. ..... A GREAT SELECTION OF 9UALITY USED CARS From newty r~cOftdltloned tu.1ury can to the got savin9 ~coftomy models, we have-them. ALAN .MAGNON PONTIAC 2480 Harbor Boulevard at Fair 549-4300 .. :!\II mak s~ models a nd colors. (,lassified Auto Advertising in t 11 (> I • JJ I \'I ~ I {,) I ....,_..,... alJ ootlona Pb· 141-4844 ......... p .. a, -r. power ~ _,,, motor 10 • SPITPlllS Y9Ce O. H.ht-or54&.3111.' · wtncloW9. pewu ''"r· mo. W\1 °" warruti. Al In ltoril ror l"'mt'dJ•l.t$ SALIS, SllVICI 193 'f'.orklown Lan.., 1na. and brakH , air ahape. lllOO Coner ootlvr~' All t'Olonil Su ....., LIA.SU•U• ~lit Mt-a iO Sdn de VU4'. new ena. cond. AM·FM IMr•ck Slaler/Ootbard. H .B. lwlon you uy -OVER8f.A.~ OELIVt;HV Two fne Tickets M1 c h ellns. ball. & ttereo, till whHI. over· 847 2203 • TODAY!!' t:lC.PERTS to thl· aJtmt.r. all power. mus t me rMbals. Huvy duty --------• LONG OEACH ~· MOo0063 battery. M•U1lllc blue '74 Crand Tortno War:: ... pr, ~ IAIU llCI Tifl-:A'fRt: t't:S1'1VAL 16 &.'VIII • It blue. rul:f: w/bl~ vinyl mlenor 351, 16 ml per ••I. 250 ., rr/'"""'" VOLVO ltij THE Ext'ellent cundltlOn. all or best ofrer. 842-TM -+"' 196ellarbot t:Uvd IOOM IOOM ~~':ft~~ con . freeway mllt11. S3?50. c!;ss1c '70 Ranc he ro .. .,._,_,.). COSTAMESA ROOM 751-4940 Sqwre 429; aut-0, P IS. • t-S.0.•467 ~·urnn" 197K Best Ac .. ~ikde V~ xlrtt '19 Moo\~ CMIO. Loaded. PI 8 , A IC. A M-..fl' M ~~r~~.~~~d ~ICOUHTY trt-u n o m 1nt'~ J 111 ~ ha e ~eed epe. low m1, ~.PP. Call Stcr1>0, uir s h,ocks, Clay~h a t the Lo!'11 Pty c~.1;~ r . rv 714 /5491480 ~loR8'~.~arp ! 979-2500 VOLVO OeMt't COnvcnlion & t.n '76 Monte Carlo 26 000 · • EXCLUSJVt;LV VOLVO lt."l'launmcnl Center. 300 '79 Sev1Uc, assume lse, mi. clean. AM ll"M. tll'W "76 Oranad" Landau. Tait 9770 l/W lh1YIOH troubh• '\t'll 11111 y1111r 1· u ~ Try w1 Tuv rlolhu 1'1111.I for ur Not 1 lln1111 your 1•ur to Jim Mur1110 Volk11wJi.t1•n , 111'/l I lk•oll'h Ulvd . llunl in.iton HI. ,u•h i\'lk fur l''ronk M.,nno ur Tuu\ \1k111 l..itt.iestVolvoOeall.ir E. Ocean Rlvd .. Luni.t USO/mo . no l·aah un ,'9.$4500. l'h 673-IMU ~I. 11pecd cont. al e. in Onn~c County! Ueach nc.-eded. Cull 759-1143. -vis p l&. 4dr. S31200 HUY or LEASE Cull 642·~R. f•xl 272 • '6 Chevy St . Wa.ion. goo<.I 001 M> ' . J>IHEC.'1' to claim your Ul'kt•t11 '74 Coupe d e Ville : ~ood t1re11. ruAA i.tood. As 11> * * * t•ond L oaded. Cal l W>.!>4821107 'OO thmchero:Uryl,a ulo. ~!i~r~[~-,,~I~ 7Sl·32ll. art 6 52H-7J68 r\11\11 great. St15(1. 751·344ii 'T luld& 9910 '6f, Cht•vy Nuva. x lnl or673-8457 e e ••••••••••••••••••••••• C:....-0 9917 1'Cintl Bt.·"it olfl•r ~o :'JU:JJ ·72 IA! Sabre uuto. A i <:. ....................... ult :tPM '78 t'lesta Ghia, snrf, all 2025 S. Manchester P tS P/fl 4 ilr .,, •c"I 1974 CHEVROLET . .,.. (' ('I .• xtr ui.. lo mi. rtawlci.t.. • , , , ,., .·o n "' 3pnc•1· 11\'\ll' '1 ur 673-45:18 Aoahetm 750-2011 rru. xlnt StSOO 641i 14~.r. CAMARO A <' ,, M 11"1\'1 ,11·ri·o: · ---Automallt'. pwr s ll•t•r 1:1 i.111 m1 SIAIJO or l}t·'t Lincolft 9945 AlltcK, Use-d '77 CENTURY in.: & brnkt·:.. air <·ornl "" cifli•r 'lliH 1:J;e1i ••••••••••••••••••••••• h'I 1 l1•J11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CUSTOM WAGON radio LI\· 874UZT Mk f'l 1•.it .111 g.i\ $~1!:/ll G1•ral 990 I In '1lv1•r. with t·onlra'>I ~A 1!174 l.1m· Cont !\fork IV. l•n11 IJJrl)' h." '1 ;:, du.,i.11· eond . bi.·'t orrcr '•·1·1h 1r.111,1H11t.1t11111 loim ~623484Z805S i, ·• H7.&:101"l!>I•71:1!f ••••••••••••••••••••••• IOI! rt•d 1ntt•n111 ru11I S3678 nll'k. /\!'\1 / ... \1 'll'rt'O. lllt .,tt•c:r1n.: wht.,·I 1 h1• perfecl car for thnt vacauon tn p <4J:IR VA l i\11\/\t1tn1~ runn1~ ur nol ---- lA1 \ W Hui:. nc 1-do. ftont 1•11ll. 1·n~ )l(uud ~Oo !14H '11!17 'UG ~qrblc . O{'W llrl':., llrakl-:., xlnt t·ond1t1on SHOO ~it 17 /&$ti ~ ·111 B~. run' & louh l:n·ut s1100 Arlt·r U l'M~~I ·77 VW hu'>. XhH 1•111ul Mu't Sc•ll pr1<·1·d n· 1lon'tl 1:.1-1 Ofh!:! ' '71 VW l)J\htr Wagon :.n.111111 1111 SIH~11J •,i., 1;1:111 1;.11 ~:.~~1 1~1W :!!1:cx ·111 llu1:. rebuilt 1·111:1111•. 1·X•'1·ll1·nl nimhtwn, tit• 111•mlal1l1-. $111110 11:11 :IAA7 1.:.. W1·,tphalr.1 l'.1rn1wr nc•w 1•11 .:1n1· paint ( 'ul IN·tur'> 1· .1 r $1 IS50 ·~~1 2.).1~ '71 Olm per. n1·w mutttr. tin">, batt1•rv, :.ac:r1f11·1· $!000 bi5 0711!t ·77 VW, mint ( ond1t 111n 1111p tup W1 ... t11h.t11.1 1·.1 mp"r 1\ < '. /\ :\t I \I :.lt-11•0 t,1p1·. \111'11 111 I''> r•-tl111 1•d I rom i11 .. il1·r 1•11 vn1·1· or S7~,.,-, tu s11·1:. for ~ah· th1 ... 1H·1·I. 111 l;'f• N '"" 1m~, , IOX \ \.\ 11111• .111l11 ''I.. Ill'"' "'"'"', lt1.1k1 .. lli•t\ Ill ldlll I Hiid )t l!l.t '7 1 llUI' (;1)1,1Cl 1·111HI 1\'.k 111g '>:.!71111 I.ow 1111 fj.1~ fi~>!lH •1 I 'I'll' lJ!JH:I 11,;•UV\' frlt•;.•,.1g1• 1 9772 .....•••••••.•.••...... ·11 V11lv11 11;.1, rl•lt l'n1•. pwr ~Ir , JUI•>. air, "''"' 1,J1l1 .11 ,, 11 .. 1th•·r 1nl I A:\1 IFM 1 mur h mor•·' Vnv dl'Jfl I Sl:!OO rurr r !41~~ Hf'.).') ·711 Volvo 24:!1)1. ~•ill 1111 11t-r \o\,1ranly. 't"'" .11r .• m 1111 '>lt·n ·o 1·:1~-.t'lh'. ~11 nll>I! ~il~l(J 77J I UH rr )'OU n· not r1.,llllni: ttw I NUMBER ONE WANTS YOU! Lower Prices and Wide Selection . Uellt·r ~vice. aod Friendly Pooplc! '73 COURIER $1799 M oon roof, r fl d 1 •>. automatir t 11:!~1:!1,s I ( l.J31J1j) $4650 540-5630 IOll~SO~ & so~ • llNCOl N ME RCUAY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA . 7 J I': \ I ll l 1' \V a I! II fl !.o:t<lt•d . a 11 1111w1•1 . p11 ... 1trut•l 11111 (; 1 '"'' 1·•mtl :\11 ll' II ~I 0 It 1·'.' ~.t.UJ ull1•r 7:1!1 l'.~l'I .Ill :1 '73 DATSUN 610 WAGON $2499 7;1 111111 k l'.l••t'l I ,1 I.I ti 1 t.lt11mal1c . lu,.i.:ai.:t• !lf I pwr 11, • .., '"' "\1111 rnt·k H)-11SQO > 113til31 1411141 Sllfr,, t>~~ .. 111 711m '73 VW BUG S2699 1i607Gl(lJM21 '74 VOLVO S2999 1r.11KYW )( IJtlJZ I ••\., • .>Mi 1~111 t.!'J Sk) lark mu,,1 "'11 \t "'' -.1•11 ~10(1 1.1:.•11:1-.1 ;;• .. :.,tal•• W,11!•/I\ OttJ.: ''"'n1·r ~·d 1111111 1A1.11110 m1 ">l :1u11 .l"t 1111 1,u, 1.111'1 THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 H.U&Ol 9lVO CO!ITA MUA 642 · 00 10 '77 Chevy Camaro. 111 mJ':., l'/S, P/B, AM /FM c·~ . Mlvl·r blul' m t·ol or, ll1>k1ni: $4500 ',ill 497 W03 + uft ~•I"" & wkt1<h ·77 ('a 111,ir11, lrll'I pwd I 11111 full} 1•q111pv•"J 1•,s . I' II A (' 1·r111., .. 1·or1 11111.° .,11•11·11 X Irk ,;11111 "'""I""'" ""'' 1·111111 ,,, "" \llt'l .,,.,. 111 ·ti• prt·tt.ol" 1\1·,t u tl1•1 :n:1 :,•1<! .• :1110 .>'•:! :1u .. !J.'11, 12.171 5'1:1 7•1.14 Mef'ewy 99 so '73 Chl·v W.i~on, l't!-o hkt· new. '>t•·dl $1 '1~0 OHO 7Sll 1144111 UI (i44 11722 '+;8 lmvata. ltun., 1.:ood. 92,000 m1, ntt·d ' body work $:!25 l'h ~ .. 1 6!17 ,, '(jl, El ('amino w/:.ht•ll :..ll11rµ SI 17[1 ~l~l I ;lk,'jij 1,!1 I m pa I .1 .\I 111 m1•rhan1 .... 1 1•1111d 1\ I lo:-. I' II :'\ ,..,. 1111 .' "''"' lif•" $.'1.~) l'.1.1 111, I .oil .11'\1 1 .. , .' tlr 111111.il.1 I'''"" h,ih 111•1•11, p.11111 ll111i.. l'rt .. 11 ~~;,11 ~, 1 I , I l l ...........•.••••...... '7lMOMTEGO WAGON In i.parkluut medium .crc:t•n mt>tall1c wllh match1n~ medium itreen 1nterwr. a well m a in- taml'fl automobih~. must be• seet'I lo be apprec1at· 1~1. air t·ond1t10ncd of 1·(JUr'it' I 1314,.w/.Jl I $1795 540-5630 IW,iMbll!&l 2626 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA i'.' l•tl l'.irk !I pa~s wag Wh111· lullv l<1urh·d' WCarnaro. 'l!'J4.1om1l1·' Chry ae 91n5 Xlnt' ~.1011 f\75fl llll A~1 F;\1 <.'a~!i,t·lt•• $7.000 ••••• !.:••••••••••••••• ~ 0117 EH·nlnl!'> '11) Nt•W va1nt. yt•llo\o\ :\lag v.h1 ..,,.. -.f'1·rf1•1·t ('l>nd I.th uph 'h1h 'port.'! hi:.S 2'JJ>I '7S CORDOBA l<1d1 hro"' n m•·t.dl11 With m"lt hill~' I ,In Ill l1·n11r I\ \l t-\1 x tr .11 k '78UPHYR COUPE '76 COROLLA $3599 11 ~11~1.11k ··•·tl.111 l.1111111 CM•~t 9920 f11r \llUr 11 l••lltll~ plt••t-'llrt' t '.>:I''\ 1.1 I S3995 In 1tll.'t1m111i: &ilvcr with ri•d \1•lt1ur 1ntcr 111r. Autnmatu-. air <'Onl11 · u11nm~. Jnd :i thnfty 1; 1· v I 1 11 •I e r 1· n i.: 1 n 1• 1U1\f IV.> :, 'lll""ll. AM I-\I ratl10 1:!!1111,(i I 113~11 '73 DATSUM 240-Z $4599 ,\ut111ii;1lw. :111· \ \1 I· \I l',Ulto 111.tt!" I'.,\ lfl 11 ,' 'l:.lli:!l 1 '78 EL CAMINO $6699 " I r . a u I (I m .• I I t ( lJHHj).'121 11:11;3:1 1 '19 7 DATSUN 280ZX 2+ 2 $8599 lljl;:{7lj I( 13.,lill •DOT• DATSUN l>lllJ.'i l~·a1•h Ill\ cl llUI1t1111.'ton lit-a< h 540-0442•842-778 I \ ., t rt J• \1.1fh • ,,,.. • •••••••••••••••••••••• 540-5630 $4995 I II 1111 \ I II I I II It ti Cadillac 9915 ••.••......•.•........• • Oranqe County'" Eldorado Ce nter • PURCHASE OR LEASE YOUR MEW 1979 CADILLAC NOW!. • FINAL I 978 CLEARANCE! 1111 c .1111.ir11' c .q1r11 ,., \l1111lt' I ;irltl'o. \t.tlll1u' ~ '\o\ ,,._ 1)1 d "lll I 1 • Ill ll•lfl'' SAVE MOW!!! COMMB.L CHEVIOLET 21Q.8 Harbor Blvd COSTA M ESA S4'0 IZOO Qi(/P~:( ~~«,/ 900 So. Coost H"'tY· LCllJUIMI ~och 494-1131 I w,;£tmrt!t.1 1 5401·5630 2626 HARBOR BLVD IW1!~!lal COST A MESA 2626 HARBOR BL VD lhr•• ,, 1 hr\..,I•, COSTA MESA ( 11nluli.1 , 111 11111•' 11111 ~~l\o\l'I lf,.1111.\ ltlt11 1111111.. ,\ I ~ I " I .• It ti • I ~. :1 I .' •• II I I \.\ I I II J 1"1 ~Ito :fl'IX lt't I 111 ;,f,or 111<1 :• tit htl If• 1111., h .11111'.tl I\ 11u111I ~··11111 "'"' 1111 111.td\ ""k 11• 1•tl1"t ~Ii • ~ •. , .... ~l'\11 ' 77 l '11rtJ11l1.t. ,.,. 1•11 t 1111 cJ1l11111, I Cll.\ 111·1 .>:!IMI 1111 mt"! d{'\'t..,VJrlC' \ .tlUI' s1;!J5~1. '•" S..11:111 ;.;,, (1•1J :~Ii· 11 •·I 711 11l1111v 1•.irk War1111 1\ \I tl•;\1 1\ c $1Jtlll >(l>I !'lli:!li '75 COUGAR I ll .tit Ill' wh1H• With 111.111'111111! wh1t1· VIO'fl 111 tl'11or, lllt !.l1·1•r1111• wh•~·I, AM .1""'1 11\t'rt'CI, .1 ., .. rl•·1·1 1:11111•:. • • .ir 111.'>:ll l:I. t: I S3995 540-5630 l•Hl~SO\ & so~ • LINCOLN · MfRCIJR\' Continental 9930 2626 HARBOR BLVD COSTA· MESA •••......••..•..•.•••.. 1:; \1 {'rl11 IJJ11l;1u 4J ou1. i i \IJrk 111 \Int 11111ll rm ~n H-.il .ti I ~.!1-.f.> ll I\ t 1 J., 111 1: httlt• ;.111., 1n ( l:"-.1f1l'tl. I• _______ _.._ 1rtu rt.• m1..,<imi.: ;1. lul of """""Y 1nforrn:ot 111n ·" ~··ll .,., '>ornr· g rc't1l llu)'' NABERS @di&// \Ira.' l'flll'\ '17:1 I !~'II x:u 1 ~1.'M OltANCt: COUNTY'~ NEWEST l.INC'Ol-"' MF:HCUlt\' l>t-.Al.ERSlll P llave i.oml'th111g to wll'' Class1f1KI uth do 11 wt'll /( /.Y.) I loll• If 111~• I ( ,,..,,, rvw~ •• •11111 •111JCJ 71; lapn•·•· 1-:,1,111• ~I.ii Wi::n. I' ~. I' II 1 r 1'1111 trol, !>ll'f"l"l 64~1 MM ~~.".~·.~:.": •••• ••• ~~~~1 ~.C:~. ~.e.--: • • • •••• !!.~~' ~~·.~:.": ....... !~.~~ ~~ .~:.": • ••• • •• !!~~ ~~·.~:.": • • • • • •. !~~~ THIS WEEKEND ·n El f>i>r:11lr1 <.:on\ .. rt1 hie Hu~-...t l'Xl w thonr h·alht•r 1111 I·. q •rv opl Xlnl 1·111111 $~1.llUCltlhl Otr r.t5 :1:1m 1·vt.., .. . . r • , .'"'"'' .. , 11 ~ l • J~' ! : I l!m !\1.1f\ 1.. \. 1111\ ,. ~·r \ "" r.·11 1J11"t 11pp1n 1 CJrtlt'r 111-... .:m·r "''"''"· 1•1w1·r -.uuruor. lthr 1111 llWI\ 1du.1llV I 011t111ll1•1l pov.1•r ..,..uh, 1\ \1 .. '.\I & I .IJlt' d1•1 k . '11 " m I , $111.111)1) 54:! 5:1>!7 RAY FUDEIOE l.INCOLN-MEKC:U HY Ill IH Auto <.:<'ntrr Or Sl> .. 'wy l.<Jk•· Forest exit lltVINt-: 8]()..7000 '7:! ;\lark IV Xlnt 1·•111•1 llt·~t 1M1•r I• I' '75 COUGAR ·fl' fJRANt;E (;lJUN1'Y'S #I /JlJ/(;I( DEALERSHIP '76 SEVILLE In c;1lvrr w1lh matc hing ll'alh1·r 1nt1•r1ur . a "•·ttut1ful .1ulomol11k Many optttin-. 1~~;71•1'1.l :1~1!1 ll:!:lt1 9932 In liunu~h··d hrown with 1•ont r."l 1nM t.1n <mil tmlwn tnll'nor, r•qu1ppcd \o\1th AMI FM !>Lt·reo ancl :i1r 1•1111d1t1on1ng. of l'IJUr'-l' I 1111 VI TN I TAMES Sale Now 011 For Possibly Less Tha11 You Would Pay • J"""tar A Chevy. Or Ford ••• BRA.ND NEW BUICK SKYLARKS and SKYDA.WKS YOUR CHOICE • • • AS LOW AS 84888 Hurry While We Still Have ·A Good Selection In Stock ... DON'T MISS Tms 3 DAY SALE. FRIDAY~SATURDAY ANDS~DAY t-.l•amel• 1'vallaltle Up T•• •••tlaM Our pr~ includ.-. f'verythin~ ..-xttpt t•x, lieeaM! and • 120 dOC'umentuy r ..... ----· - -# -.,.. # -----__. ... • • $7995 540-5630 1w.imt1!tJ 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '79 COUPE DI': VII.Lt-: Jo'ully t'QWpp1't.I /\"um1 p;Jym<:nt-. ('.ii I M 2 11:14;4 NOW A'k ror Uavc U.HOJll 1 Kansus rcitastrrf'd 197q t-:1 0 o r a d o ti 1 1· 'I ~ I PurC'ha:.t•ll April I :! Sunroof plu' many ulhN <'lCtras . Makl· ulfer tu. Al> 27G. l'I O O/\ILV Pll.<YI', PU Box lSl'JO. Costa M~a. <;11. !l2621i U176 Seville. hl<' ml'tallic· blue, loath'<l. 39.ooo ml, new Mich tires. $1SJOO. or rctlS ofr. 642·9755 PP • 21 A.to Ceftfw Drl•• • .-........ c...w ........ 0nM 7 DAYS A WIS 76S:.7222 '11 T-Top Monte Carlo ....•......•.......•... "nl ~vt•lle Sllvt•r l\nrttv Xlnl <:und 7 11110 l\11 sn.500. 1J1 Got.i Aft " PM '?'l Corwllt•, 11.'d w JblJ1•k l eath1.•r 1n1t·r • air. $Len.'O, P" r window!. & Jock:., tapi•, ltll. ('fUISI', Lurut.ed <.'(.f1t1011 Spoiler' & m ore . A lt S µm . ~ :..llnrp. 1-'Ull Power. Mul>t . , 't'l' to appreciate. Ht>po '75 w I P I W . 1\ M 11' M A:i;sume lease or re st..en'O. er <·ntrl . .,,r. lu~ lease.1721SGM I ra ck , $111100 J e rry IEACH LEASING _557·'9.X> 4019 Westerly, Suite 203 ·w CorV. xlnt rond. 350 Newport Beach 4-frpd. must i.ell. llc!tl or 831-9150 rer. SJS-Jm iJC'lpnc~le Wgn. ~ 9935 J>/'I, p lb. a le. elecl rear ••••••••••••• •••••••• •• window. whtc i.d walls 1964 Dart. Complete. l hw $lSOO: 842-3152 for parts. $150 -494-7185 66 Impa l a SS. h i·J(h - performance newly rblt '73 Dart, economy. xlnt enr<. Turbo 350 trans cond. I owner. f~si Of mag w h ee· ls. Ask1n1: fer. 979-2712 Sl700. M2·3284 -------~ 9940 'Tl {;()Upc de VIiie · 30M '77 Camaro xlnt. cond. ••••••••••••••••••••••• rrulc.-s excellent C'onllition As kin.: SS.250. ca II • one owner 477 2301 · anytJme759-0JO!"> cvl'mngs and weckt•nds --'78 Caprice t.:s ta tc '76 SEVILLE ~ XJnl cond. 3Skm1 One owner $8.750 Jorfl'r S52-0S28. Wa~on. $11700 or tak<• over lse for 2'1 mo'\ ;1t $210 11 Loall1...cJ. .i II ..x t ms. f.61-093.5 '7H Seville 8kmi. Dark '77 C•pn Cla:ris1c. 2SO I·• M __ .. $14 ooo ~ coupe. company .. I.IC. mt ''"'"'· · · car. Xlnt cond. $4,300 ~. Ql..:1121. Sl.77 per DAY Thllt'I ALL y/u J>UY for a 30dny Ad In the - --U.•, ......... ...-o..eie,, ..... , '11 Nomad W&J?OO. 307, 16 .,,, __ ,_ ' ,...._ mJ. per. t:al. aA50 or beat -- c:tfer. 842-71»2 '11 GIA.HADA MUST SELL •74 El COUPI-:, llOld In r o lor b I with t an Inte rior. Camino. S2~<> e ow AM /f'M·8 truck a nd elr whoHluJe. ~51·21.52 t·ondltloned C'O n1fort PLUSH ZlrPY <937TDE1 ... APFOIDAILI SS' 95 Oe8cr1bf'S thhs bcttuUful 540-5630 $3995 540-5630 . l•Hl~SO~ & so~ • llNCOlN·MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '78UPHYR SEDAN In .Jty blul'. vinyl and ckllh bocket \Cuts with w1 eron<>m1cul ti cylmdt!r ennme. automut11.· :inti air C447UZV l S4995 540-5630 IOH\SO\ & so~ • LINCOLN·MERCUR\' 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA '79llPHYR VlLLAGIHl WGM. nlue w1lh blue vinyl In· l t!rtor, till s teerln.: wheel, ai.r, automatic, AM/FM rassctle stereo. all t his plus a 6 cylinder mglne. <73121 S67ZS 540-5630 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 76MOHAICH GHIASIDAM In bw'n1abed broo.M with nwtdl.inaJ tan vlnyf In· te,nor wftb air tondt- t.1oned comfon power ateerina aad brakes. c074P0Nl SJ7tl 540-ll30 DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY '73 Monte Carlo, sporkl· Ing while In color wtlh 2121 HARIOR ILVO. n!C'I vll\yl landau iind In COST ME• .a. ' 1011\SO\ & SO\ • LINCOLN · Ml RUIHV 00 IT NOW 1 '4Z·H11 t e r Io r . L q ad c d w Ith 2626 HAR BOA BL VO. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiAiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiii 11utomat1C'. -ai r , tilt COSTA MESA ~I. AM/FM slcr(•(), -------~ wlnduw11. (P1768> STATION WAGON M111t see... Oood Condition U495 St too10 110 . 646-2338 Victory DoclcJe 281'8 llatbor Blvd. Colt.a Mesa SSS ·ee Ford Wan, ron" aood clean. P.P. Mu,1t 1e1I 17115 Jotr .8'75-7092 r 17 ...._UIH ...................... ~?..!l..Zife ••••••••• !!~ .. -V4: a.ato, PIS, Pia. A/C, AM /Fii I \rk • ca.etle _, t4S 'IGl "10 Mr:•arta Very v.. -C'QI.. l'Qt • Top. A.IC, PS, PB call -..Oll an 61' M 00118 lluil 'V 8, I\ I C rutored u ccpt to mlDOr boit y w o rk ~Sl.Jll5Gt W71 ---"lt QMa 2 dr l>Hlll)' 4 the flooc' w lldin.c root Uu• r•a It•• I, mil.... l240U l)y, 601\10, .", .... ,......... ''' •••••••••••••••••••••• '11 OLDS WAM>M l"or tbi.t 111mrner va1·u lK.a. Tan with l•n 'Ill) I interior, lndlvldual froo st!at1 Tlll :.ltwr111 ..,.......,., AM/t'M II lro1 k ruol r.ck, PQWcr i.h.-..01 1 n iC Iii n d b r • k ,. :. C:niSFVI $5tt5 540-5630 1011 \'SO\'~\ SO\' • llN(OLN MERCURY 2626 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA 1975 Cutlass i nr hk1· llL"W, 40K mll1•" \111\I lop, k>adcd ~ICI l!fr1 Cullai.s 4 d r lakl• l\\.'W, 32K m1l1~. A~! FM 1·uss. $5()00 P ply ll'rm!> Tom dys, 4!>2 :.!100. cv~ 492-2300 '7J & '7S ''98':-. & 71 WRn. both look & run gn·ut. 1 s l r l' a :-. or r . P I• 751..tSM. '70Cu0a.ss Supreme, P /S. P /8 , c a i.sl·ll•". run:. great. Aft 5:30 960-5035 PWo 9957 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Pinto Coupe Rwis g<>OO, $1200 832·1085 '72 Ptnto 2000CC Sl11:k Lo rru. Nt:w bra kl">. Vt•ry ~ood cond. $850. ~l-'>9 5725 PlywDUth 9960 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1975 PLYMOUTH fvryC..tom ~ 3 Seal SUilion Wugon Torquenite Iran~. V R, lint. glasi., emm1si->ioos control s~tem, I.JR re mote contro l mir ror~. AIC, automallC', pwr td.l.lgatc window & 1lnor locks. Priced hel()w BIUl' Book. 76,000 mt $:!.llCXJ Below wbolesalC' Can l>t! :.cen at 1lle Ua1ly Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Costa Mesa or call Cl.l'culJL1on f)ept. 642-4321, ext. 2 10 1976 rtymout+i Gtwt Fwy Custom 2 Seat Sta. Wqn. Blue metallic w /hlut• rnl /\IC, AM /FM ~IH<:11 auto .. s peed cnnlrol. e ml11 s lons control ::.yslem, tinte d i:lass. pwr windows & h>cks. Priced below blue hook 7•t..906 ms . Sl.!175. C1n 1>t! :...'Cl'! al the Ua1ly Pilot. ;m W Bay St • c·o.,tu :\tcsa or call Cm·ul.itwn Dept.~· c>.l :!10 _ PORlioc 9965 ·················"'-······ '78 TRAMS-AM lo glt:ammg black. rL"<.I intenor, off~cl hy )!old mag/Wheels. 1\ir c oncJ1 llOl\iJu!. power wmcl11w!., IJC)wer steerinl(. pow('r brakes and dUlomal1c· CS47TDL) $7495 540-5630 1011\'SO\' & SO\' • LINCOLN · M ERCURY 2626 HARBOR BL VO COSTA MESA '76 TRANS-AM 400, A /T , a.ir, AM/FM tapl', wide tares and wh1•e l11. chrome headl'f!., oranl{e in color. <Okla. C7.J$1004 I ~tolfor S.'>2·5442 '76 Firebird. ~ood rnnd . stereo. 1 owner $11700. M ~. call 673-7tl25 ·~ Le Mana. ori)(. ownr, super cood. 56.000 on g. mi. $1.200. 673"3600 -~--· '10 F'lrebird, Xlnl rond. 40,000 m i. $2.500 548-1795. ---t '73 Fireblrd clean. ex· t.ras, lo/mllage. Mus l Sell!!! 644-5607 'TT Grand Prix W MUST SELL TIUS WEJo:K . llas a ll o pllons. T ·t o p , leather, like new. $4900. •IOOl/6»2942. TI dutiilrd tt70 ••••••••••••••••••••••• la Yow Pnlfe11loo HOii& REPAIRS? Ded JIOll llllOw rou can ..... ~ad ln ca. DdJ Piiot Service ~ fot a who& ..... fir .. llttJe H '8-Tr,. daJT ror mor ~lilllliua,eall . ..,. $ -ES YOU '79 4~DOOR FlitD .LTD $ '79 FORD RANCH ERO $ e e . e '79 FORD .F• 150 PICK-UP OR s 17"40 PER MONTH U . FOR 48 MONTHS V-8. au t o matic. power steering & brakes. accent group, delu xe wheel covers. rad ial ply tires. Ser. #8379. St. #2229. r•orc· ssqq<l()() '>Jh'. r" S'.161 14 r.a~'1 prico S6380 14 ca1h l'lown S199 00 tradP no<w PJY-Qfl nuno net ltolOe none 101..i oown $199 00 unpa10 balancP S6 IR I 14 OMV S 1 ?5 f) POI nooA Cl none A&H none ~ervc C1>N nonu unoairi OdlJoce Sb300 14 oel pmt none amt11tn l t>JotS 14 tintcnl) '181306 aoO-On 725 simpl(' 1310 APA 13 10 T/P S81 792Q O/P/P S837R "'() PER MONTH FOR 48 MONTHS . Auto m at i c trans mi ss i on . power steeri ng. ra dial wh1tes1de w911s. dual ra c ing mirrors. tinted glass. Ser. # 124 1. St. #1802. Pnce S~99 00 s.11es tru< S337 14 ca'll\ prtco S59!>6 14 cr.n oown S399 00 irade none pay-011 non<· net lradid none 101a1 r1r wn ,3gq 00 un:>at<S balance 55651 14 OMV s 123 00 POI none CL none A&•~ nunr• \ervc cone none unoo.o t:>olance S5&80 HI oer pm1 nonp ;imt/h:-i 55680 14 1tn1ct>Q $1804 02 aod-on 7 75 simple 1393 APR 13 93 TIP S7484 16 O/P/P S7883 16 PERMONTH , FOR 48 MONTHS Automatic . powe r stee ring . extra cooling package. step bumper. radio. mirrors. spare tire carrier. slide out. Ser . #1658. St. #2147 Pr1ce ssmoo •aPs tlll< 5349 tc cash pnce se1ee 14casndown1399 oo l•ad'l nono pay oll none ne1 lfade none total down S399 00 uoPll!d 0<1IJnc•• '5.78Y 14 OMV S 126 00 POI none CL none A&H none 'J4lf'tC COl't none ul'!OllfO Dalance S58&5 14 Clef pmt nooe amt/Im S5896 14 1111/Chg 51872 22 aoo-<>n 7 75 tnnple 13 93 APR 13 93 T/P 17797 38 0 /P/P S8166 36 ES YOU I S!I '79 FORD FAIRMONT 2 DOOR SEDAM · s4599 OR s 12911 PER MONTH FOR 48 MONTHS 100% FlllAllGlll '74 ftl.YMOUTH Special Value Package. Vrnyl top. exterior decor group. rnterror accont group, power steering 2-tone paint. wh1tes1de walls, radio. tinted glass. Ser. #7333. St #2758 Price S-459900 'w'llM 18t ?71 14 ca.VI pnce U R96 14 c,1,'1 nown $ 19q 00 lrdd1• none pey-011 none ~• trade none tO!lll do.m "9'}00 unoa.o ba•·•tlCe U &97 14 OMV S81 00 POI OOOt' Cl nonp A&H no"" Ser-1/C Cl)('lf non1• unoa•'l o.stance 54 178 14 <WI OrTt none amtlftn H 71tt 14 hn•rhq S14 1CI 14 ..!Od-on I~'> ,,mpte 13 tO APA 13 10 TIP Sf; 191 2& 0 /PtP S6396 (IF.I '75 FORD '79 FORD PINTO PONY 53499 OR s9730 PER MONTH FOR 48 MONTHS '76 FOllD MUST..,.._ Rack & Pinion steering. front disc brakes. m1nr-<:0nso1e. deluxe wheel covers, tinted glass Ser IJ0837. St #2659 r .. cf' $.349900 .,,,~Ip S?l 1 , .. Cll'!O prtCll 13730 t4 ~ssh CIQwn s 199 00 lrade none PflY'Otl none net lr8de .. .,n<• IOlill down S 199 00 unp&JO balance 3531 14 OMV s 10 00 PO• none CL none A&H none serve cont none 1Jnp.i1d bdl11nce S360 I 14 del pmt none amr/ftn S3601 14 1tn1cnq '106926 lldck>n 715 ~·me>le 13.10 APR 13 I 0 TIP Ub/O 40 0/P/P 54869 40 SE HAILA ESPA-. '75 FCMtD Min 4DOOI Autom1t1c 11an•m11s,."ln. pow er ,teeranQ. powcH blclkl:!S. radtO 1382LFPI ,OfTO W4GOt4 4·~Peeo radio luggage rack .,narp 108 7ME W) 4 . r VII l"IClef 4"50"e<l P0- 1,. P tt n g AMtFM raOtO 199LOMI ll1nyC too. automa~ oo.... Sleering I br<a .. e!.. 11r conchnontng (889lASI '77 FOltD GIAMAOA Au1omat1c l ransm1,s1on. P O W Pr '>1(lnt1ng air oondtlt0ntr1g ( 7 I 3RXJ) SOMETHING DIFFERENT! ' L '74 LINCOLN MAH IY full ~ 1n:1 l OAOEO" 1365l C TJ • . • .. . • . .. ; . # • • • . . . . • ' .. -~ MONTHLY PAYMENT ONLY .DOWN PA YMEMT ONLY BRAND NEW 1979 CHRYSLER NEWPORT $ Auloma11c tranc, dtt r,un<I tilt -Hhef'I oowPr .,1qf1ring & brdke'> 011-1<. rPar wint1n-H <li'frO<;l(~r rarl 11J vinyl rr;ril l1nler:l Qlfl'>'> & w..,w yrw.~. b11llr•d radial tires . You must •,el:l th•'> bPdul•lul c.ir di tremondfJu'> '.<1v1ngo;1I 1047401 WHAT A BUY! HUIE SELECTION Plymouth Champs & Sapporos & Voya9er Vans. Many. many to choose from. .And what a time to SAVEii! NEED CASH? We'll pay top dollar for good. clean & late model used c~rs. See Curt Davis or Bryan Hesketh today ... • • • AND WE ALLOW TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TRADE-IN! Chamc:> Ser IJ(900603l Cordoba Ser ifl 106'408) THIS IS A FIRSl- DON'I MISS Ill On 8PP<Oved crec111 Monrhly payment includes lax. 1tcense & documentary lee Tax 1s $610 38 License 1s $212 Documanlary lee •S $40 APR. is 13 32% Term is 60 ITIO'llhs. Deferred pnce 1s $1 5.006. Selling price is '10.133 FOR FLEET SALE OR LEASE INFORMATION 546 1934 CALL 1.. -• ALHEHRY SUPER USED CAR VALUES . SPECIAL OF THE WEEK '78 CHRYSLER LE BARON Y,~.:~\~;,\~['"' "5439 j "'"'o vooyt too 4 w•• '78 PLYMOUTH VOL.ARE COUPE VB. <1u toma11c 1ransm1c;ci1on ;i1r cond1l1onmg. power steormg powor brakl:l'• vinyl lop radio bucker '>eats & wsw tires f658UURI 53895 '75 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX COUPE V B . .iu1oma11 c I ran ~ l ull power-stue<1ng brakes. window;. solll ~cal & door locks air cond cruise 1111 wheel. paddea IOP & morel !905NCA) 52995 '78 PLYMOUTH VOLARE WAGON VB. auto m at ic 1ransm1 c;s1o n air cond1honmg. power steering. power brakeS. luggage reek. radio & wsw tires 1314UWV) 54795 '76 CHRYSLER . ~ C .. YSLH CORDOIA VB. automatic trans . air cond . lull power-steering, brakes. split seat & • windows. AM/FM stereo. cruise. 1111 wheel. leathef ml vinyl top & more• '2287241 53995 '72 PLYMOUTH SATBJJTE SHllNG va. au1omat1c trans·. dtr cond . pcwer steering. PoWer brakes. bucllel seats. vinyl IOP radio & wsw tires ( 2 I 8ETFJ. 5895 '75 AMC HORNET WAGON Economical 6 cyl . automatic !Gans .. delu.t1e tntenor luggage racll. SPiii seat. air cond1hon1ng. radK>. deluxe extenor. custom Wheels & wsw tires. (923MMOJ. 52695 '77 CHRYSLER NEWPORT SEOAH VB. automa11c trans . air cond . pwr Slflering & bralles. AM/FM srereo radio, vinyl top, S()l11 !>eats. cruise control. ltlt wheel & wsw tires («7U MKJ 53895 '79 FORD FUTUIACOUN Economical 6 cyl.. automatic tran& .• AM/FM stereo with cassette. PoWef steering. Power br$es and wsw tires. (898WCl). 54695 r: ,•. :• . .•• " ... •., ·.• •• :,,. ... , ~· .. •,·~· •._ ·•"'-• 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ph. (7141 546 -1934 Iii • I • . _ _j ·---... -----------... • VOL 12r NO. 110, 4 SECTIONS, 4 P.AGES --- '°'oar Bo•et• .. • J Dally Ne .. Mpa•er :t TEN CENTS JurOrs Hear of .. Diedrich'~ 'Bag Man' 9.J GAaY GaANYH.LE ... ~ ..... ._ SAN DIECO The fa rat w k of Oran1e County Sul)t'l'"vi or Ralpb Diedrich 'a bribery trlal .-,oded here T hur ad ay, with t estimo n y t ha t D1c drt('h'l'l peuonal lawyt•r once :snld "he w at 1oint lo uN a!'I a bag m un for Mr. Ralph C>1edr1ch " A frw m mut•:s urte r 1 ... g ul ' aucretary Oonnu Dooghly lo.'>:.wd oul the baa man rema rk •nd t'• p.nded 00 U I blt, PtOleCUtor M lrhH I Captul &lanced al too' t'lock on the courtroom wulJ. Caplid then told Judiie R06s T harp that Mn. Oouehly had a train lo t'l.ltr h ot 4 30 and u kud. thl' judMt.' to re<·t'10. the traul And l ht• team of dden11e la wyer!> for Uacdrieh a nd co defendant Lcltoy Rose w_,rc oPt.-nly dh~muyed thut the: Juror:. One Suspect Held were IM!nt horne ror the weekend with t he ba g man charac · h•r1iallon etched m their minds. As the Jurors streamed from tht• courtroom, defense lawyer Janwi. Riddel t urned to Judge Tharµ and said . ··Your I lo nor. l object to Mr Cap1 iz1 timing the witness' tesllmony so tbal the jury Oh. forget at " E11rller in the day. R1ddct and his fellow defense la wyers tried to bar any mention of bag man rem ark attr ibuted lo lawyer Michael Remington by Mrs Doughty As the Jury waited in the . hallway outside the courtroom, the defense lawye r:> said there was nothing in the et ll eged bag man comment lo hnk 1t to the J.'i· :,ues al slake in the tria l. Thev also argued that Re m I inglon bimsetr had been on the witness stand a day e arlier and had not been asked 1£ he ever said he would act as Diedrich's bag man . But the issu e , l ike t he masterpiece or courtroom llm ing that was to follow later an the day, belonged to Capizzi . \fter J udge Tharp first said he agreed with the de fe nse la w yers. Capizzi referred to a nother section or the evidencti code to support his position. The judgt the n changed hJs mind and sai<f the prosecutor could ask Mr11. Doughty about the Remington comment. She testified that it was made in J973 at the lime her boss, Remington, told her he was go- ing to be paid a $100,000 ree by Anaheim llalls, Inc <See DIEDRICH, Pa1te AZ> Deputy Froni Mesa Stations ' Face Gas Shortage_ Killed Near By TOM BARLEY oe •• o.o, ,., ... s .. 11 Los Angeles County sherilf's omcers sa id tod~y they will ask the d istr ict attorney to file murder charges against a metn accused of involvement in slay· ing one ol their deputies who is a Costa Mesa resident. They said they believe five Employment Tally Goes Up Again Employmeot in Orange Coon· ty continued to climb In March a s tbe number of employed peo- ·-pie re ached 996,600 a nd the county's unemployment rate I stayed al a state-low 4.2 percent. According to the monthly labor statistic re port prepared by the s ta le E m ploym e nt 17 De v e lo pme n t De pa rtm e nt 1 EDD>. employment as likely to stay on the upt;wing in April and May. "Ma rket a na ly!:.ts exp ect e mployment opportunities to e11t pand In April and May as new de partment s tores a nd other rt'· tail outlets open and a s new manufacturing OJH!rations arc launch<.'Ci," EU D's repprl said. It noted that the county's a vailable c!vilian work force climbed to 1.3 million in March. Thal was a new high as was the tota l employed h gure or 996,600people. EOO's report indicated con· struction employment in Ma rch regained some or the ground it lost in J anuary and February when rain hit the county. M anuracturing e mployment also continued to gain as the number of factory workers in the county jumped to 209,600 last month. And. despite a sea sonal s lowdown i n a sparagus a nd strawberry fields. agricultural employment in Orange County gained 1,000 new Jobs in March, ~DD's report said. Dollar Stronger LONDON (AP) -The U.S. dollar strengthened in Tokyo and major We st European 1 financial centers today while l gold prices fell a bout $3 in ~ Europe. Coast Weat•er Falt. sunny and a Utue . ~•er throUh Saturday. Hl1h1 88 to 74. Lows tonight. to 52. other men were with suspect J ames Leroy Noble, 24, of Los Angeles. Thursday naghl when patrolling de puties Georg<: Barthel, 32, of Costa Mesa. and a fellow offi cer were s hot as they stopped to talk to a number or pedestrians. Barthel died shortly after b.e· ing admitted to St . Fra nci!: TAKES NEW POST Schoot--Chief PIHter Bill Plaster, ValJey Sclwol CJUef, Resigns By MICHAEL PASKEVICH Ot .... O•ity f'li.c SUff Bill Plaste r r esig ned as superintendent of the Fountain Va lley School District Thursday, and the man he brought with him lo the dis t ric t, De puty Supe rintendent Gle nn Hardy, was appointed as Plaster's suc· ccssor. · Plaster . 41. who served just short of three years as supcrin· tendenl. said today he has ac cepted a similar post in the Ontario-Montclair E lementary School Di11trict. His resignation was accepted by s chool trustees during a s pecial meet ing Thurday a nd will ~ome effective June 30. S chool trus tees l a t e r ap · proved a four.year contract for Hardy, who will take over as s uperintende nt of the 9,000- s tude nl, 7-s choo l, Fo unta in Valley district. Hardy reportedly will eam the same salary as Plaster, $39,SOO per year, but contract details wJll not be finalized until \be acbool board meets next week. "I'm as excited about Glenn's appointment as I am about mine," Plat.er said today. He said bis decision to leave Fountain Vailey was motivated by a desire to move upward as an education administrator. The district he will take over has 33,000 students and Is the 1tate'1 s econd ll·rae s l elementary IChool district. Pl...., said bia new poet may also be another "steppin1 atone" ID bb career. • "l'cl. to ... ldperintendent of • 1 ......... IChool district lllce 1-•II• Unllied eome cla7, •• ....._ eommented. He baa ellM ,..... experience .. a ............ nt, lnelucllna five, • .,. .. UDland before com- 1 ... to...,.elnValleJ. CaWnc bhmetf a ''ahaker and a lllft'er," Plater Hid bl1 job Is done locally -ad u.•1 Ume to move on. .. atts llosp1taJ 1n Lynwood llis fellow officer was described as being "in good condition" today with authorities refusing to identify him. Los Angclei. a uthorities s:.ud Barthel and has companion were members or the county 's Special Enforcement ·Bureau. They said both offi cers were making in· quaries in. connection with a specifi c investigation when they were shot in the head . Homicide 1nvcst1gators :.a id both orftcers h;i d picked oul one pedestrian for spc<'1fi1· question· ing when a second man emerged from behind :.omc bushes 1n the Walts area housing project a nd fired scverul s hots al the of-~ fi rers Both sus pects Ocd on foot. In- vestigators said they believe the two men were joined by other men while offi cers were s peed-ing to the aid or the stricken deputies. Los Angeles po lice JOined sheriff's offi cers and conducted a house to house search or the a rea while Ba rthel a nd his fellow officer were rushed lo the Lynwood hospita l. Sheriff's investigators sa id st a te ments su pplied hy wit · ncsses lO the !>hooting of the two oHicers 1ed to the ;irrest of No blc. T hey said the s ame sta te - ment:, led them to conclude that al least six men we re involvc.>d in the killings. They sajd further arrests a re imminent but re · fused lO identify the men who are being sought today. Officers said lht·y expect the bo d y o f Ba rth e l w i ll be trans ported lo Costu Mesa dur in g, the weekend . Fu ner a·I services ha ve not yet been scheduled, they said . Valley High School Plans Open House Fountain Va lley High School will hold its a nnual open house Monday, April 23, between 7 p.m .and 9 pm The public is invi ted lo the free event, and displa ys and de monstratoins will be offorc..'d in the school's ~ym a nd cafeteria Ugandans t.o Vote KAMPALA. Uganda <A P l - Uganda's pew provi:>ional gov· e rnmenl announced its first loc al e lectio ns to d ay a nd broadcast fres h a ppeals for troops backing deposed Pres!._ dent fdj Amin to surrender. ............. lightning Strikes The Liberian tanker Sea T iger hes an ruins alter an ex· p losmn set off by lightning Thursd<.iy night Tw'1 people a rc mi~!'>tng w ith IH re ported injured ' !>Ce !>Lory. Page A 11 5 Huntington Areas To Escape Control By MICHAF.f, PASKF.VICH Ol Ii. Da lly Pllet Sl.ttl F ive a reas o f lluntington Reach t.ot uli ng fOO acre:. bave been set for rr·moval from the• coastal boundar y strip under the control of the St;ilc Coastal C-Om- mission. T he deletions from coastal zone development scrutiny will b e f ina l unle ss the s t a l e Legis la turl' o ve r r ule:. the coas tal com mis:.aon next month Only the slate Legislature ha:. t he p o we r t o r e d raw th e boundary lines. Acting on a recommendation from South Coast regional com· missioners. sta tt• commissioner:. voted · Wedne sday to re move these areas from commission control: Huntington Harbour : All homes with the exception of the fi rs l row or ho us es a long harbor channels. -Bolsa Chica: The nearly completed development on the east side or the dike separaUng homes from the Bolsa Chi ca Slate Beach lowland::; Hcma1n1 ng a r eas rec·om · mc•ndt'd for delet ion hy thl' stat" com m1ss1on are homes north of t he Talbert Cha nnel between M agnoha Street ;rnd tJllton Avcnuc , and th(• near ting Bro t h e r -; pro pert o ff Brookhurst Street In addition, all homes adJa- ccnt to Seachff Count ry Club wo uld be removed from thC' coastaJ zone 1f the Legislature approves. In recomme nding t he de · lotions. thl' commission staff said the arei£s should be re- moved because they already are developed lo near capacit y. Howe ver. the co mmission fou nd 10 acres of land at the no rthe as t corne r of Beach Boulevard and Hamilton Avenue t ha t It cla imed is potentially restorable wetlands. The stale commii:;saon has vol· ed to bring the a<'reage into the <See COASTAL. Page A2> Grani::e (;()asl scrvi ce station ope rators wcrl' unanimous today in urging motorists to fill their ta nks today 1f they expect to do any driving th1i-. wl'ekend Moi.t station~ will b • closed this weekend und those which open Saturday will !>ell gas until :,upphcs run out Most dcalerb lwlaevc they will be closed by noon Operators at Newport Shell , Newport Beach, '>a td they will 1·lose at 4 p m today etnd will not n:open during the· weekend. "We'vt• just had a nother 15 11C•rcent cul m our allocation," a GAS STATIONS PLAN SHUTDOWN-AS ~RULE! MAY REQUIRE POSTING SIGNS-A 13 :.pokesman said. "We're charg 1ng 85 cents u ~allon for pre· m1um and unl eaded and 83 centi. for r egular but lhe prices don'\ a pp ea r t o be worrying <'ustomers lookintt for gas." . The outlook al Kam 0!> Texaco station 1n Huntin gton Bea ch wu:, . described as "very, very bad. "We 'll be closed during the weekend and we've c ut our hours during the week." a spokesman s:ud "My <1dvice to J>eo ple looking for gas ii:; tp get 1t now a nd to Jtt•I it ear ly on wt"e kdays . Our situa tion is ~r~ ... pace:. al l<im 's are 87 9 cent!> for premium, 85.9 ror unleaded and 84.9 for regular. Matthews Chevron in Laguna Niguel i-.aad they will open until about noon Suturdav and thul will ht· thc end of weekend gai, ~u pplw:-. "Wc'rt• char~ing 79 9 cents a gallon for r4!gular and 8.1.9 for premium but prices arc no proh· lcm to the ga!> seekers." u '>pokesm;in said ··w e could sell all the gas we could gel ut much hi gher prices." Reside11t Hurt In Huntington Apart,ment Fire A 25·year -o ld Hunt rngton Beach man suffered second and third degree burns over 90 per- cent of his body in a fire that broke out in his apartment al l2:30 a.m. today. A spokeswoman a t the UC I rvine Medical Center sa id that Joseph Lane. who was believed to be alone in his apartment, Is in critical condition. Fire Marshall Fra nk Kelly said Lane was round on his kitc hen Ooor. He apparently was o ve r com e while trying lo escape. Be Didn't It' ant Post Lane was conscious at the time and told J.iremen that his brother may also have been In ' Siebert Evades 'Draft' the apartment al 170'74 "B" St. Fire men said the searchers round no other victims, except La ne 's dog, found dead In another part or the apartmeri\. Richard Siebert, who came within one vote or being appoint· ed to the Huntington Beach City Council against his wishes this week, aaid today he wouldn't have takea the job. "I never would have resigned In tbe flnt place if I had wanted to come back," he aaid. Siebert re1lped his councll PMl tut month, c11Jmln1 that .,.._...,...on b1a private lire and buslneu had become lOo 1~at ror him to re main on the Cily Councn. • But hls colleagues apparenUy dldn'l take him serlou1ly. Councilm1n John Thom11 eou•bt twtce to 1ppolat Siebert back to his old sp()t Monday. each time with the support or Ruth Balley and Bob Mandie. Siebert said he got a telephone call rrom Councilman Thomas while the council .was in session. "I told him I didn 'l want to come back and there was no ~'8 that I would. ut you know John; he jual wouldn't take no ror an answer." Siebert continued: • • 1 tried ror three yean to open up cJt,y 1ov· ernment to the people . f wanted to 1hoW ~ the money ia be· ln1 •pent and. where It 11 beina waated. "I •aw that one more yqf on the council wouldn't make any Kelly said nelghbors battled difference. the fire wilh garden hoses "and "The pres111ures came on me did all they could do to aet the for trying to open up govern· victim out of the house. ment and gettlng information to The cause or lbe blaae which the people. did an eallmated $30,000 in "I /eel good about my three da ma1e. II belnt lnveaU1aled. years on the councU and I have~ · Kelly aaid the fire bd t.rqtc no leeond t.boqhts. lmplicationl ln that Lane could "I ~the olfice above board have been apared bad tlMN beelt and everyone knew where l wu .a amok• deMctor alarm la tbe comlng from. houH. "I didn't apend one cent on Another Huntln1ton Beach junket.a and r never mlaaed a Ci· apartment wu bit by flre about ty Council meeUng. three boun later, but &bla u .... ·•1 took my job 111eriously and the occupanl1 were more tried to run 1ovetnment more fortunate,·~ te &ellJ. economJcally to the extent of He aald David G=, II, whtt I could do with my one waa awu.ned by er .... vote ." Siebel'\ Hid (lee naE. Pa .. Al) '> .. • • Taxes letter 53 . Mail Found Durins Cuitins of Old New York Hotel NEW YORK iAP • -raxpa~ whodktn't make tht-mldniah• April 18 dpdltne for fUlof their Income tu retumt may be Ible lO edcm&Uy som ~hat •Ith Sarah M Fluqu Her letter a1ao I II abort ol t.hl' IX*htl m.-rk by 53 Y •r.. t It wu malled h\ ie. but dldD 'l 1e1 far ll waa addruaed to "Roy II Palmt"r, Au11tant Olttttor, Chief Audi& Ol•lllon, P.aarl St . Aloon)'. NV " TM ett~fope bona DOlo read)nlf 'tlnNlme'Tu aurc11u " TH~LWM~a WA-FO ND RECENTLY by Bt-n Vlluh" furcmannt th kl~.-land WAIC'kin1i1 Co. wblch I• 1utUm& UM. old ('t1m modore llotel In preparaOon for hulldan1 a new Hyatt hotel VUuJ~ wali ~ nlting tor un t le,•11l0r on the 20th noor, and lt•unl'd aj(Uil\llt IJ m\ul ('hUtf' The ehutf' wu looae. aind ht took It oft ~o It w()uldn ., hill /\I he did. II few pittea of maU f II°" Ult-noor. lnrludma Ma l''lan1011an'1> tetll'r llOd thn.~ PQalUl"dl wntlt>n m the l!M& Tlw ~velope had lorut 11nct• t•()me unjlu~d V1t11lc fuond & Pen, Quill Wmn r Armowic d Winneri. of lht• Ocean View 1ek mt•ntury 1 Sl·hool 1>1s tnl'l s an nual 1~0 aflll quill handwrn. mg cont.e~l h11 Vl' lK:t.111 announced by dl11tnct trustl·c.·~ The comJ)l•l1l 111n rm four th and ri fth graders fcaturt>d contei. tants who were rnd1v1duul win· ncrs In their lo<·al school'!> handwriting conlc.•st F'irst pl;,i r1· trophy w1nnl'r~ will reprc:.cnt th\• d1i.tricl in till' c·ounty handwril1n6( l'ontl'i.t Saturday al l.<tguna J11lls llalo(h School Far:-.t place winncn; 10 lhl' rourth gr<tde l'Ohll'ht wt•rt• Wayne Osako of Spring View School, Kathy Sak1oko or Star View. S~phan1<' Swingle or !lope View a nd Michele Chen of Vasta ViC'W Fourth grade second place winners were Sallv ()'Neil of Hope Vaew and Karen Nakuh11ra and Andrea Grady of Star View Fifth gr ader s winning rir~t places were Kcircn Blair of Glt-n View, Jennifer Liun~ of Star Vi1•w . Lba Numr11·h or V1:-.t;, V11•w and Mindy St:ano of Glen Vww f''iflh ~rackrs tt1k1n~ M:ci111d- pl a <·1·s wert• Kt•lly Ann lh·I Hosano of Lak« V1,·w. Ywll1• Wi!rren-of V1!>l.1 V1t·w and Teri Greer of c;len V1t·v. SA Plastic Surgeon Hit , Again in Suit · A Santa Ana pl<Ji-.llc t.urgcon. who has ht'<'n temporarily barred from pract1c1nJl medacme, wa" ~ucd for alleged medical m.•gl1gt'O('C Thurl:ld11y by anothl'r of ha!. fut mc-r p;it1enlb. Diana Lynne Connon a lleged m her Oran~t· County Superior Court c·om1>laanl s he huffe rcd "severe und permanent" breast mjury after under,~omg surgery last May 13 at Or. R;alph 8 . Small's Santa Ana ~inic. She 1s seeking repayment of the SI ,500 s urg1l'et l rt·•· and un spel'ified pt1ml1vt· tlamages. Small ;ilso has been s ued by the family of JJ.year-old Kim flock of Santti Anti, who died after suffering cardiac ar rest wh1lt· undergo1n~ hreast implant surgery Two other form('r ptitients a lso ha ve fil e d medi c al malpractie~ against Small. The 29-year\old f>la stic s urgeon faces u possahlc revocation or his medical license by the s tate Board of Medical Quality A&· surance. Copters Assajled E LIZABETH. N.J . <AP1 The grounding or Sikorsky S-61 civilian helicopters has been urged b y t h e National Transportation Safety Board, whi<'h found metal fatig ue in the tail r<Jtor blade of a New York Airways S61 that cr as hed at Newark Airport. 0..ANQ( COAST H/F DAILY PILOT ltwOr•.,..Cee\I O.ltv ftlk'Jt .w11ttwttH'ftf\t~ t>t'"'°t~ NPW'-Pt.,_\ f\Ch11>41\"""dO• thfQt-. (.o.tl\t Piilf>h.,..,,.(~• "'"Pl'•tc.-d•ti(;rw)<IJ!#e ~bhl"~ ~ ''"~ rrldot• fOf (O\t.t -M.N_, ....... H ..... ...,.... ...... _ t•ll"V•fltJy fr~tftl" L..nftfti4'('-l~ft(...W A ,,... .. ,..,._..,.,..,,.,._,u.,,wo..,.,,..n_ ~•Y\ ,,_ 11t1nc •~ •l•Vt,Ht~""O CM~ •\ •t J1D W••' & .. ~""1 (O\loMo ... ColllorlWo•,.>o. -... ·-""-"'"'°'~·-..,..,.,,,... J•o " c-\lt<• .,,.,..~"·•"Mt r..tWt .. MitlWQI'• ,,.......,." .... l041 .. T-tAM-........ Ol .. f'9'14' °"'''"" L-. ···-~ ""It ............ .._._"O l.Gll ... .. _,, ...... """''°'-~•t<liltt "'"""""°" ... Oltlce ,,..,, .. o(~-.. d .... , ............... ~ 0 llt• "O. tM Otflcff ...._1oo<11, 11ko...,_.,, .. ,... <Mt•lilot ... now .. 1 .. ,11,... DIEDRICH. • Rt-m1ngtnn cvt•ntually re 1't•1vt•d S71 UOO for wh.it h e lt•,ltflt'd V.t'I t• h·~.tl .,t•I V\('t•:-i re lutt.'d tu hclvrn1ot thl' l't1mvany t!X t r act 2. 200 <H' r ct> r ro m an ,1~rH·uJturul JJrt'l>l'rvt• a.irl.'tnlt:llt "ith the rounty But M r~ OouKhly test1f1ed that the uttornt•y told her the rnont.·y. 111 efft·C'l . would be cha n· 11cled on to Oacdrich. ''lie baid he wn~ ~oing lo uct as u ba.: man for Mr RaJph D1c drirh," MriJ. l')Qughty sa id. She went on to hay that Rem· ington exphuncd that a bag man as ··a ~rson who acts as a go· between for poht1c1ans itnd com- f)anics." Mrs Doughty and her tr a.in dc•parted before the defense at· t orneys had the chance lo chall<'nge ht•r state me nt and why no mention of the bag man comment was made to the grand JUry that mdacted Diedrich and Rose in 1977 Earlier in the day. William Stark. a fo rmer pre&jdent of Anaheim lulls. Inc. testified Stark sa i d he was a l a J anuary. 1973, dinner meeting, the meeting at which at is 111· leged Diedrich and Hose sohcit· ed a bribe in return f o r Oiedrith's s upport on the agricultural prci>crvt.' 1s~ue But Slark said ht• left the din- nt•r wble when the convc!r.;<1t1on ·•sta rted to creep into politics and finantm~ •· Slark, a prol:lecution witness. l>:tld he lefl the dinne r mect.Jng co n v i nced Diedr i c h "ph1losoph1cally" was opposed "to the concept of the company 's "rugged hillside land remaining 1n a t;ix beneficial s tatus." lie also declared that the 3,200 acres the company wanted re- leased from the preserve agree· mc nl that thwarted ats develop- ment "was an ahor1.1on of the in- tent of th1• law .. I f thoM· !>tat1·111cnt:-. he lped forttf!t lht· 1frfrn:-.r· coptenlion tha t D1 cllnch l>Upportt·l1 the t•ompany posalton as a matter of pnnciph:, other Stark te~t.Jmony did not For exampl~. ht' once said he rcfu~t·d to M~n :s $1 1,17!! C'heck m;i<lt• payable to Hc:mangton hccause he "cons idered it lo he a large amount of money for very lilll<' wor.k " ·rhe prrn;t·culaon is t·ontendin~ th:1t the payment of legal f('es to Heminm.<>n was a sham dcs1gnc'<I to disguise the payment of bribe money to Diedrich Th<.' trial will resume Monday with Mrs Doughty scheduled to r~lurn lo lhe witness stand. Bandit Hits Beauty Shop, Robs Patrons Pa trons at a Placentia beauty s a lon had a ha ir-ralsine ex· pcrience Thursday at the hands of an arl'hed robber. Eleven people, customers and e mployees, were in Valiant Coif· fo res at 11 :30 a.m. when lhe bandit, a white ma le, 25 to 35, walked in, police said. He brandished a small, blue· steel handgun and orde red ever· yone to the cente r or the room. Ile then told everyone lo lie down while he collected purses. Aller checking the shop's back door to guard against inter· ruplion, the bandit herded his victims into a r ear room. ac· cording to police. He then riOcd all the handbags and left . Total losses are still un- known. QA Concern UUledSilly PORTLAND. Ore . CAP) The edit.or of Oregon Magartne on Thursday released copies of the m1gazine'1 controversial May iuue, but refused to reveal the 16 mystertoua word1 that set .... ofl a 1tn&11le wttb the CIA. Editor Tom Bat.es said he act- ed on b1I attorney's a.dYlce, ad- ding he would bave llked to dlt· clote the worda lo abow what he called the 1Ul1'*1 ol the CIA'a concemt. "l \biak we'd all bave a IOOd laugh." Batu aaJd. l fOfm "1tW from Palmer to Sarah M. l'laaacaa. uldq wb)' &be bad plUd no t.ax Lbat year. - ., Ml. n.ANAGAN HAD W&tnlEN ON lbe back of t ... form that• eemlnly bad peid ... ,. tax the pnv1ou1 Arn•. but •be 1t11Md her mJddJe name Marion.. "whJcb it tbe name 1m known b)' add tlltt '• ~rbas-wheN tbe m.latake com• in.'' On ooe of the poistcarda, Helen Flppln1er wrote to Mar y Mlles of th• Vi.nee School in New Britain, Conn .. about catchlnic a live broadtut by Fred Waring and aeelna Vivien Leigh and Laurence Oltvicr an "That Hamilton Woman" 11l tho Ra<Uo City Mu11lr llllll. \ ANOTHER POSTCARD WAS TO HAVE Informed Mr'w . M.L. Hoynlol\ of t;u11t 1.ynn. Mass. that "Jack" thought of her when he wtinl Ulrouach Stern's department litore. sun •nothtr card W81 ad· dre1'adi to •'Thu R'lt mek Boy•" of Buffalo and wu from Cynthia, who tuud 11hti missed them and wH ";olng on a bo•l r1do tomor· io.w~" HuntingtQn Pair Held hi Robbery Two flunlmgton Oe•ch youths wcr.e arrested Thursday tn con· necu on w1th an April 8 robbery of a rasl ·food restaurant in which a n e mployee was Ml· t acked and robbed or $2,683, police said today. The youths, aged 16 and 17, were being held today at Or.-nge County Juvenile Hall. They allegedly wailed behind Naygle's Res taurant. 21401 Brookhurst St .. and jumped an unidentified employee, police said. Afte r a brier struggle, they grabbed a bug contain ing restaurant receipts a nd ned. They were taken into custody Thursday near the Huntington Beach home or one of the youths. Investigators said none or the money they allegedly look has been recovered. The youths will remain at Juvenile HaJI until a hearing is s et by cou nty probation 'authorities. police said. Market Aid 1hreatened In Robbery I\ hold-up man who threatened Lo shoot a box boy who didn't know how to open a casn reg- ister escaped from a 'Fountain Valley s uper market late Thurs - day with $1 00. Police said the man loitered in the Market Basket at 1612 1 Brookhurst St. for about 10 mrnutt'ti before approaching the box boy :.it 10 p.m The boy told officers the as· sa1lant fingered a ·pistol inside his waistband and ordered the youth lo get money from a nearby cash register. /\pparcnlly impatient, lhc s.:unman threatened to "blow ciway" the youth whe n h e couldn't open the cash drawer. The youth told police he pushed a lot or buttons and finall y got the drawt•r open Tht• rohhcr grabbed cash and ran out the market ·s main entry. police said. FroaPageAI FIRE ... and escaped out the window. He then br oke through a nother window to rescue his 2-year-old son and wife Kathleen. Firemen said Gallagher suf· fered a badly lacerated arm. Damages in the apartme nt at 17411 Keelson Lane we re set al $ll,OOO. The cause is being in· vestittatAxt. . Kelly s:.iid that residence also didn't ha ve a smoke detector. Woman Held In County Bank Holdup A woman who allegedly held up Lloyd's Bank In Westminster Thursd ay arternoon has been booked into Orange County Jail for suspicion of armed robbery. Westminster police said Mary M . Pem as. 23, ol Garden Grove was arre&t..ed live blocks eut of the bank, at Beach Boulevard and Westminster Avenue, by of· fleer J i m H e nde r son jus t minutes after the 1:06 p.m. rob- bery. A dark-haired woman who held up lbe b a nk at 7751 Wealminslcr Ave. walked up lo a woman teller and ba nded over a note demandln1 money while Indicating she held a weapon in a hand around t.'hlch a sweater waa wrapped, police said. M tu Pernaa, who flt the holdup woman'• deacrlptlon, waa apotted by Hendenon aa she walked along Wt1tmlnate.r · A veoue and lnto an alley. Police said they bad rtt0vered lhe SSOO reported taken in the robbery but that no aun waa round on Mlu Pema1. COASTAL ••• coutul 1.'.0ntrol zone. the~ore rcqulrtn.c lar\dhwncrft lo Auhmlt 1tpplltSlllOM to th<' c·11m mlR'llOn twforc• d<'V(•lo11mt•nt 11> ullow1·d t hl'rt' lluntlni.:tun dty offlc·l&li. had r1•c1uf•Hlt'<I thut lht· "Old Town He devt•loprnl·nt Arra " be ex· l'lud1•d from lhl' cuu11tal zone. Hut thf• commission staff, cit· ing the area u11 u prime location for low and moderate income hous ing, recommended that the redevelopment area remain in the coastal zone . This reco~ndatlon was up· held by state commlssioncris during their meeting in Los Angeles Wednesday. • Sponsors Seek Two Missing Vietnamese Sponsors of a recently arrived Vietnamese family are looking for two non-English speaking m embers of the family who dis- appeared fro~ their temporary home in Laguna Hills early Wednesday aft<.'rnoon. Reported as missing arc Trinh Tran. 22, and her brother, Tanh Tran. 14. The brother and sister were las t seen in a condo minium home at 2331 Camint.o Andrela , Laguna Hills, shortly before noon Wednesd<1y. When their f95ter family and Cather returned lO the home in the early afternoon the two were m iss ing. Persons who migh t know of the young woman's and boy's wher eabouts arc a sked lo con- tact the Rev. John Hermes at t h e Geneva Pre:.byterian Church at 24301 El Toro Road, 6aguna Hills . The church phone number 1s 837-2323. Will Lovers Fare Better? LOS ANGELES . <'AP ) He re 's a question la wyer Mar vin M itchelson is ponde r in g : if Miche lle Triola Marvin got $104 .000. why s houldn't the form er live-in lovers of singer Alice CoorH?r and actor Nick Nolte fa r e a s well -or much better ? M itchelson . who won the dubious victory for Miss Marvin after she suC'd actor Lee Marvin for wife-like her viccs during their six-year relationship, said Thursday he plans to proceed with the cases of Cindy Lang a nd Karen Ecklund. Miss Lang sued Cooper for $3.S million WASKING'l'OH CAP) -A-_..,P-it-' '""WI ........ AWAAOEO S3,340,818 Prtscllle Devit Mrs. Davis Auxirded $3 Million'· FORT WORTH. Texas <APJ -A s late district judge toduy awarded Priscilla 0 <1v1!> $3.340,818 in lhe settlement or her nearly five-year -old divorce s pat with indus tria list Culle n Davis, but sajd she must give up the couple's S6 million Fort Worth mansion. Judge Clyde As hworth. the third -judge 1n the h1gh-st.akl'S divorce, ruled that m ost of Davis' for1.uue was made before the couple married He said Davis made about $7 millio n during the couple '" stormy 10-year m a rriage and rull'd that Mr~. D;ivas wa:-. duc- about half of that amount. As hworth also awardt.'d Mr-. Davis' lawyers $1.25 million arid ruled that Davis must pay half that amount from his separate property and Mrs. Oavis must pay the remainder Mrs . Davis had a sked the Judge to award her $50 million, the mans ion. he r personal possessions and her luxury automobile. ''I'm just ha ppy to gel it over with ," Davis said of the de cision. "I thought il was a fair decision. I am not pleased shr got so much m oney . . . I dad.n 't want to give her anything " Mrs.. Davis said she thou~ht the 1udge "went throu~h what he te ll were the fact:. and ruled o n those. "fl was a little bit too legal for me." said Mrs. Davis. She 3dded she was perplexed by the 13 separate rulings and would have to confer with at· ~orneys before s izing up the :.iward. Asked where she w<.1s ~oing to live when s he left the m ansion. Mrs. D<1vis said. "I really don't know rig ht now. I 'II kick it a round and come up with something." Mrs. Davis also ~aid her third divorce did not sour her views on marriage. "I think it is marvelous . 1 still believe i.n it. It is like the U.S. gove rnment -it is still the bes t in the world." Division of property was the only issue in biller proceeding, which was delayed by Davis' 1977 murder lrial in Amarillo a nd bis murder solicitation trial in Houston. !t.deral as4'1ctf board blamed. a Jetlloe r's nllhl crew today for North Amcrfoa's worat air dlJ· aster but declined to accuse It ol luck of dlacipline in the cockpU. The National TraDJportation Safely Board a11reed by • 4-0 vote that the crew of Padftc Southwest Airline11 fUiJhl 182 was responsible when \he Jtll collided with a small Cessna 172 over San Diego on Sept. 25. The planes plummeted into a residential area and 144 people were killed. The board said lhe cre.,.i failed to keep track of the Cessna .as required by the visua l approach rules under which it was operal· in~. The vote on the primary cause of the accident confirmed a tc:ntativc decis io n reached Thursday. But it was not formal- ly adopted until today because board members were divided on what to list as contributing cu uses. The board said Thursday that a cockpit voice recording in· dicatcd there was a lax. un- pro fesi;ional atmosphere in the jet's cockpit a nd one or the pro- posed contributing causes was "lack or cockpit discipline by the c rC'w. '' Tirnt was eliminated to· day on a 2·2 vote. The board remained divided today on a tow! of 10 proposed C'Ontributing causes a nd adopted only one of them. That o ne blamc·d air traffi<' control pro- c·c·<tun·s "which authoriie con trollt'r" lo use visual upproach proce dure:. lo i.cparatc two <.1ircrafl on potentially conflict- ing t1 ackl>." Thl' board ~aid lh1s was not a wise' prat'tice when controllers we're Jble to provide vertical or lall'ral rtidar separation to t-1thcr aarcrnfl. Thrt1<· oth1•r proposed con· trshutuw 1·o111!>1•:-. w1·n· ddc <.1tcd h) :! ;! vol1·-, :.111d lhl· l>oard de· r Hktl thal thl·V 1>hould be dis· c·11:0.i-.1•d al lc·nglh tn the main l11HI) of tilt' ri·rmrt. '1 lw:o.l' wcr1· 1 I > failure of t he <'•·ssna to m<1intain an a ssigned 1·11ursl', (:! > fadun· of rontrollers to n • .... tnd Ill!' w1 Lo a minimum ,11litutle Of '1,()00 feet while it W«IS 1n tht• airspac·e of nearhy Montg1>mt:ry Field and 131 the fod that two separate air traffic <·ontr<1I f<tl·1litws were handJing lrnfflc in the same airspace. The botird Thursday te ntative- ly alloplt'<f by_ a J I vote lhe con· trabullng 1·au~e involving lhe ·c~sn,t'i.. course deviation. Stro1ig Quake \. Hits Alaska GOLDEN. Colo. (AP I A s tronli't t!a rthQuake oc· curred in southern Alaska e a rly \.oday, an aftershock from 11 major quake that rockt•d l hc area ne arly t wo month s ago, <1 spokc~man for the U.S. Gt>olog1cat Surve y re · µortcd T h ere wt!re no im- m e diate re ports or in· Junes or damage. Don F inley 0( th e . USGS's National Earth· quake Information Service here said the quake hit at 4 :50 u .m . P ST an d m easured 5.5 on the Richter Seal<'. MEN'S SUITS • AND SPORT COATS WITH PURCHASE OF ONE AT REGULAR PRICE ., ., -· • 7 ' r Irvine ~· EOl l I O N * * VOL. 721 NO . 110. 4 SECT,ONS, 4 PAGES Your Hemet••• J Dally New•pape ' J11rors Hear of ~ Diedrich's 'Bag Man' By GARY GRANVIi.i.io: Of .. o.ll\' Net S!Mt SAN OIECO The first wet"k of Ortn.&fl County S up r v1sor Ralph Diedrlrh ·s bribery tnul e nd"d ht!re Thursday . with testimony lhut D1 e drich 'i. personal lawyer onre u 1d "hl' wHS going to t't ui. u bag man for Mr. Ralph Diedrich ". A few mmult'>• a fte r tegal sttcret1try Donnu ()ought) to.-.~t'<1 d Mes an _Killed On Duty By TOM BARLF.Y Of, ... D•11y Pllot 51•11 A Los Angeles County Dep uty sheriff from Costa Mesa •was killed Thursday night in Watts, a nd sheriff's offi cers said today they will ask t he district a t· torney to file murder charges against a ma n :.iccused or in· volve ment in the slaying. They said they believe five other men were with s us pect J ames Leroy Noble . 24. of Los Angeles, Thursday night when patrolling deputies Geor ge Barthel. 32. of Costa Mesa. and a fellow offi cer were shot as they stopped lo t:.ilk to a number of pedestrians Barthel du~d shor tly after be- ing admitted Lo St. F'ranc1s Hospital in Lynwoncl . fits fe llow' officer was dt•scribed &s bein~ ··in good condition" today with authorities refus ing to identify him . Los Angt:les a uthorities s:(11d Barthel and his companion were members of the county's Special Enforcement Bureau. They said , both omcers were making in- . quiries in connection with a -.SJ)ee!ific investigation when they were shot in the head. \ Homicide investiga tors said" both officers had picked out one pedestrian for specific question· ing when a second man e merged from behind som e bushes in the Watts area housing proJe<'t and £ired severa l shots a t the o f. ricers. Both suspects fled on foot. In· vestigators said they believe the two men were Joined by other men while officers were speed· mg to the aid of the stricken deputies. Power Plant Shut ~y Leak WISCASSET. Ma ine <AP> -A small amo unt of rad iatio n leaked into the atmosphere from the Ma ine Ya nkee nuc lear power plant Ma rch 15 as the facility was being s hut down by federal ordt?r . a Central Mame P ower spokesma n confirmed to day. The leak. descr ibed as "tiny," came only a fe w hours after the plant began com plying with the shutdown o rd e r fro m the Nu clear R egul a tory Com · mis s ion. utility s pokesman Peter Thompson said. The plant was one of five in the nation that the N RC ordered closed because of some question about whe ther the y c·ould withstand damage in event of an earthquake. Orange Coast Weather Fair, s unny and a little cooler through Saturday. Highs 68 to 74 . Lows tonight 48 to S2. INSIDE. TODAY Want to .,,end Saturday in IM "Boom Boom Room " or ornong t~ ~ lhr'Oftg1 at UC lrvinit'I Compeu Parle? See Pog.Cl lot:Mcide. .. .,_...,,.. "'' ~-=-:: ...... ,., .. ,. QMlr'llle .. =-o..: == e === I CMI .,,, ... ... . .... II 'I C4 • out the bq man rttmuk Mnd t.'X panded on ll u bit. pro11cl'ulor Michael Caplzi1 glnnl'ed ut tht> clock on the courtroom wall Caplu1 ~hen told Judge Ro::.!> Tha rp that Mrs OouKhty had a train to catch at 4 30 und !ll>kcd the judge lo reccslt the t rial And the team o r defen !>e lawyers for Dtcdrtl'h and co defe ndant LeRoy Ro:,e wert.> openly d11>mu>ed th.it lht.> JUrurlt ••• fl Bailing Out were sent ho me for the weekend with t he bal( man c harac- te rtu.Hion etched In their qtinds . A11 the Jurors streamea from the t•ourtroom, defense lawyer Ja mes R1ddet turned to Judge Tharp and said. "Your llonor , I object to Mr. Cap1zi1 timing the w itness· testimony so that the j ury ... Oh. forget 1t " Eurlter tn the day, Riddel and APW1-.pt1oto With the boat anchored to the roof, Duncan Mansel jumps onto his flooded Jackson. Miss .. home to load up the last of the ite ms he moved to his roof ahead of fl ood waters. The raging Pearl Ri ver receded about four feet af. terwa rd. <Related story Page A4 >. $19 ·Million Urged For Anilllal Shelter A consultant's report now 1n the hands of lrvine City Council members recom me nds the city spe nd $19 million over the next 20 years for a municipal main· tenance yard and animal shelter facilities on the same s ite. The first phase of the project . in 1980. should involve the ex- penditure of between $3.9 and $4.5 million, including purchase of a proposed 10-acre site along SanCI Canyon Roa d in East Irvine, the report recommends. The council will consider the r ecommendations . and possible me a ns of financing la nd ac· quisilion and construction at a meeting Tuesday night. The maintenance yard would H<df a Boat Proves Better Than None? LAS VEGAS <APl -In a Las Vegas version of the Lee Marvin case , a District Court judge has ruled that a former live -in girlfriend of a local sales man is entitled to half a 27-foot boat they purchased. Visiting Judge William Beko made the ruling on be haJC of Irene Roth, who was asking for half of everything accumuJ ated during her 2~ years with Darryl Lane. During testimony in the two· day civil trial, she said s he left her husband of 31 years in 1973 a nd moved from ·Los Angeles to Las Vegas to marry Lane. She said the two agreed to split all expenses evenly a nd had a Joint checking account. Lane testilied that be never promised to marry the woman and said she didn't pay her share of the biJJs. Beko ruled that since both names were on the checking ac· count, instod of just Lane, the couple could not be considered man and wife. )le held that since the only property purchased on the joint account was the boat, Rotb wu entitled to half of it. Roth claims t.bet boat is worth $10,000 compared to the original cost ol $4,500. Lane said It ian 't worth moretba.n 13 • .00 . ... ~ include facili(ies for use by city mechanics, public works de part· me nt employcs and othe rs . The anima l shelter would han· die animal control operations now housed under contract at a shelter in Laguna Beach. P aul Brad y . assislant city m a nager . said one financing pla n for the facility would in· C'lud e participation by other agencies possibly the County of Ornnge or the city of Laguna Beach in the animal she lter. T here also have been dis- cussions of participation in the ma1 n le n a n <'e yard with representatives of t he Irvine Rant'h Water District , the Irvine Untfted School District a nd st ate a nd county agencies, Brady said. The 75-page master plan was pre pared for the city by George P. Zimmerman and W. Jordan a nd Associates a t a cost of $35,000. The council ordered the study a year ago. Projected in the re port is an ultimate city population or 218,000 by the ye·ar 2000. The four-phase construc tion pro· gr a m would keep pa ce with what the report terms Irvine's "explosive" popula tion growth. Strong Quake Hit,s AlasMI, GOLDEN, Colo. CAPl - A strong earthquake oc- c urred in southern Alaska early today, a n afters hoc k from a major quake that roc ked the a rea ne arly tw o m o nth s ago, a s pokesman for the U.S. Geological Survey re· ported. The re were n o im- mediate reports of in- juries or damage. Don Finley of the USGS's National Earth- quake Information Service here said the quake hit at 4 :50 a .m . PST and m easur ed 5.5 on the Richter Scale. ....... ....... f his fellow defe nse la wyers tned to bar any mention of bag man remark attributed to lawyer Michael Re mington by Mr!> Doughty As the Jur y wailed 1n the hallway outside the courtroom. the defense lawyer:, :,aid there was nothing 1n the alleged ha~ ma n comment to link it to the ts ::.ties at stake in the trial T he.v also argued that Rem • ington himself had been on the witness stand a day earlier and had not been asked if he ever ~aid he would act as Diedrich'!> bag man But the 1s::.1i1 c . like t he mas terpiece of ~ourtroom llm ing that was to follow later tn the day, belonged to Capizzi \fler Judge Tharp first sa.id he agreed "Ith the de fe nse la")er::.. Capizzi referred lo another section of the eV'ldence code to support his position. The Judge then changed his mind and said the· prosecutor could ask Mrs. Doughty about the Remington comment. She testified that it was made in 1973 at the time her boss, Remington.~er he was go- . 1ng to be paid a $100,000 fee by Anaheim Hills, Inc. <See DI E DRICH. Page A2) Crash Blame Set PSA Crew Cited • in SD Disaster WASHI NGTON •/\1'1 1\ federal s afety board lilam1·<1 a Jetliner's n1 ghl l'r{'W today for North Amer1C'a'lt "'ors! air d1 .., aStt'r but det'l1ncd lo arl0USl' It uf lat'k of d1 sc·1pltn<• 1n lhc• c·ocl..p1t The National Trnnspor1a11on $<1foty flo<1nl :.igrced b~ ,, 4 0 \"Ole that the ('rt'W or Pa('lfll" Southwest A1rltnes fl11::hfJR:! WJ~ respons ible "hen the Jl'I c·ullull<J with a small Cc~snJ 172 ov('r !'lJn Diego on Sept 25 The· pl;im•\ pl ummNt·d into a n ·s1dc11t1al area <1nd 144 ix.·oplt• Wl'rt· k1lll·d I n s an I) I(' g" cl I's.\ SpOkl•sm<J n ~:.t ld th1• ho.irtf !'Oll c I u ~ 1 on s "' 1 • r 1 • 1111 I ;it .II I rep re ~1·nlat1\1• o f lhl' 1n formation made puhlH· during tht• courst• of thl• 1m t•:..t1~at111n Thr·rc· \~.t·rt• ;i great m;rny olht>r factors d1sl'Usscd h<>lh ;it lht• ht•Jrtng :.inrl t)\ th1: nr•\\S media "h1f'11 \W1.tld l1:<Jd p•·r..,11ns 10 IJ<•llf \"l' thf• Slrll!h• Jll lllJ(JIJ!<' l'(JU!o.C hs ll'd h\ thl• '.\TSH IS not Jdl•q u;.tl<' l'hl· ho:.ird ~•.11d lhl' t"r<•'t' fa1l<·d to kt·L'P lrdc·k of lht· CP!isnJ CJ:-. n ·qu1rtd In tl1L '1su;.il <ipproaC'h 1 ult•:.. urnlt 1 \\h1ch 1l \\J:-. •>11t·r.Jt Ill' Thi \Ot•· !Ill l~t · flllltli.tr\ l'ilU'ol' ol I h•• .1n·1d. 11• 1 011f1 rm1·oJ ,1 l\•lll.11 1\t• d1-t I 11111 lt0 ,1l'h l0 d Thursday But it was not formal· I) adopted until today because board. members were divided on ''hat to list as contributing causes Th<' bo:.ird said Thursday that a <·oc kr>tl ''01cc recording in· du:uled there was <J lax. un- profe..,..,1onal atmosphere in lhe 1et '!> cockpit a nd one of the pro- post>d c·ontributing causes was lack of cockpit d1sc1pline by the cre w · That was e liminated to· da) on a 2 2 vote The• board remained divided luday on a tr.Hal of 10 proposed 1•11111 rthut1n t! cu uses and <1dopte<t <S4.._. C'At'S":s. Pa~e Al) Nuclear S~fety Cut? By FREDERICK. SCHOEMEHL Of tM 0.llf Piiot $ult Nuclear research and the use of nuc lear related laboraton equipment 1s inereasing al l (· Irvine, but, because of state budget cutbacks, the safety staff to oversee the program is n't T h at was t he assessm<'nl g i ven Thursday by W1lltam Wadman. Cl 's rad1ul1on safl'lv offit'er. following a luncheon t:.ilk to .members of th<' L'nn <.>rs1l\ Club. . Wadman said 1n an 1nterv1c" that nuclear research 1s l'XJ>:ind ing a t UCI at a rc·lativt·ly rnpul pace. citmg t he fo llowing The chemistry dl'partml'nt ope rates a small nuclear rt' search r eaclor Nuclear fusion n·scarch 1~ being conducted in the> phy!>1cs de pa rtment. More than 250 q.1mpus la bo ra tor ies USL' rad1oact1vl' isotopes in research prOJCCts Ten x-ray units arc now housed on the campus Wadma n said the expanding rese arch has created a stram ''I've been pulling in s ix and seven days a week ... he said H is jo b 1s l o keep s t ate> licenses for nucle(.lr fac1ht1ci. up to d a l e. condu ct quarter(~ checks of lab facilities where isotopes a r e used and train persons in the peoper use of radioactive materials UCI employ!) Wadman, and 'STRETCHED THIN' Radiation Man Wadman I wo tl'l'h01c1ans to run the safel) program "I think we nel•d l" o mo~ pt.'O pie. although I would be comforta blc v.1thone, ··Wadman said. Wadman has been radiation safe t:. o fftt"er at l "C I for J J • :. t·ars. but 1s quittin ~ ncxt month . Whtie not responding in pro Prison Guards Strike test, Wa dman said he does , believe that his successor will rc:.ich tht• same conclusion lhat more people are needed W 11l 1am Smt rl , UC J 's environmenta l health and safety office r a n d W a dm a n 's i.uperv1sor. agreed today that a s taff s hortage exists. but said he did not t"ons1der it to be a grave l'11ncf1taon w •. ·,c had to work harde r, put tn overtime." Sm1rl said .. Hut I think w~ can handle it for :it ll•asl another year." Sm1rl i.a1d t he environmental health and safety office has been :.i ffccted by sta te budget controls 1u!)l ltke every other campus de· Iii.I rlmt:nt '"I don't think we're going to :-cc any increase in the next one or two years." he said. Roth Wadma n a nd S mirl pointed out that their job has been made some what easier by a s pirit of cooperation between themselves and those working with rad1oacltve mater ials . And both men stressed that lhe purported s taff sho rt ages ha vc not increased radioactive risks atthecampus. "T h ere 1s no thin g lire threatening, but we wa nt to keep rad1at1on· expo<>ures as low as possible,:· Wadma n said. Prior to m eeting with re- porters. Wa dma n had g.iven a talk cr itical of public announce-.<See NUCLEAR, Page A2 ) Striking guards outside New York's Attica Prison shout at guards who went to work this morning instead of joining the strike Prison guards threw picket lines around 22 of the tatc's 33 prison ... ... . ... • • .,.,.,,"_"' AWARDED $3,340,818 Prtac:lll• Devta Mrs. Dt,v is Auxirdetl $3 Millio11 fo'ORT WOHTll, Tcxa!> 1AP 1 A state d1:.tnl't JUd~c todi.y awarde d P r 1sc·1lla Oa v 1!> S3.340.Rt8 in th(• scttll'mcnt or he r nearly rave -year-old d1vorc1• s pat with indus trialist Cullen Davis. but s aid she m ust gave up the couvle's $6 m11l1 o n Fort Worth mansion Judge Clyde As hworth. the third Judge an the high -stakes d1 vo rce, rule d that mo ... t of O:.iv1s · fortunC' wa ... ml.Ide before the couple murnt'd lk s aid l>av1.., made <.tboul $7 million during the couple 's stormy JO Yt'l.lr m arriai::1· l.lnc1 rull'd th:11 Mrs Davis wa.., due <.tlmut half of that <imounl As hworth also ;iw;Jr d.-d M r-. Davis' l:1wv1·r'i St 25 rntl lwn and r ulN I that 0 D<1v1s mus t pay h;.ilf thal :.imo1111t frotn hJ.., M'paralt· propc•rty .0 111 Mrs l>a v1s must pay lhl• n ·rn :11nJt•r Mr s Dav i., had a "k"d th1· JUdJo(c to award hcr""$50 m1ll1on. thc man!'.1on. hl·r: JJt'rs onal p11 sst.'!>S10n s and her luxury automobile. "I'm just happy to get it over with," Davis i.aid of the de· l't:-.aon. "I thoui.:ht 1t was a fatr dcc1 ... 1on I am not plc:.iM.-d s ht· got so much money . . . I duin 't want lo g ive he r anything." Mrs . Davis !>aad she thought the Judge "went throuJ(h what ht< It'll were th(• facts 11nd ruh..1.1 on thost• f 'r!>'" Pag.-,, I CAUSES ... o nl v om• of th~m. That o ne blanwd mr trarr1c ron trol pro. c·edun-s "whic h authorize con trolle rs to list' Vl!>U<.al approach proce dure s to separat e two a ircraft on potentia lly conflict· trig tr<tt'kS " The board !'>a id this wi.l s oot a wise prac tice when controllers were a ble to provide v('rtical or lateral r adar s epar ation l<> e athf>r a1rrraft Three o the r proposed con - tributing t'ause" were defeated by 2-2 vo~ and the board d e- cided that they s hould be dis· l'Ussed at lt.>n~th in the m ain body of the r eport These wer e I I) failu,·e or the Cessna to maintain an assigned cour se. < 2 > failure of controlle rs to restrict the jct to a m irumum a ltitude or 4,000 reel while it was 1n the airs p ace of n ear by Montgomery Field and (31 the fact that two separate air traffic control facilities were handlang traffic ln µte s ame a irspace. The board Thursday tentative· ly adopted by a 3-1 vote the con tributing cause involving the Cessna's course deviation. ORANGE COAl'T DAILY PILOT Ti.Or-°""'4 o.tty PllOI, w11~-~ .. c-_ ... __ ,,1,_1_tw thrOr- (M\t ...... ~~ s.-....... , __ _ .. _ -... .......... ,,..,.v .... c.. .. ... -ll<>«fl --119-~,,.-1 .. nV•l..,,,t ....... "-""0<..,_~ 4 .................... ,,_,_ .......... ,,._ w.e.o r,.. .,. ... __ '"""' .,._ ''.,,. .......... "'"'·Cool•-., .. ""''" •• ,.,, . - . _.. .. _ ,.. .................... ,_ ,0(, • c.rtoy YI0 ... --0.-.. __ ~·--...... "'"'-•• . ...._ ............ 11 ... CMflffll I.Mt -.P-"'""'"'"l!M .............. OUkhu• u111'<t .to hi· fon1t 111 .i) tna the• 1ww l'iu Uu· t'uu'll ll1"hw.n hridl(e UH r l l'l'l'I N~"' J)()r1 l\uy "''oulll tw 0 11 th•• linf' an M>v,•ot )' 11uw · Now they rt' a.aylnl{ h111w at 11 t10l'lt' lrl t'Wht ~ ttlll' hul v.t• II romt• lhrou14h 111 1 1).!hh two · fht• 1>n 1Jt'l l let t 1•11l1n 1• tlw 1" , ... 11 ni: ruur lum· t11 hh•t· V.llh J "''l'fl 111111' 'll1111'111i.· V.11'• 011.' '>UbJ('1·t uf .1 h1 w hni.: Joll\.t•n ti\ <'ttlT1 .11111 11H11·wh I hut .• t.n '" I 11qil11\ l't of 1'.111rt• !\111111,d I lft• ilhUI Jiii I' t'u1t1p.11i\ t I •' ll k \\ I' 1 cl I 1· I .., l' II I 111 lt 11t"'p11rt,1!t1lfl 111••111111 fur lh• ,(,11t• .1~;.orh \ ,,1111 th.11 t 11rr 1•111 't'ht·11uh11).! 1 .tlb tttr pull 1111 I tu $14 ti 011lhon pru111 I 11ut to 11111 111 '·""'·'" l'IHll . I h.11 llh'.111.. I ttll .t I Ill I 11111 .. 1u1uhl ,, JI I In J 11111 I !IXO tu ,,1111 .inti .11hh·d th.ii th1· 111011·1 I :.hnuhl lc•IH• 1~1 h • IK mo11tll' lo C'lllll ptt•h- W c•1nl1•1 .t!'>,UI pct t ht• N1 v. por~ l'1•nt1•r off u•1· ~nrk..r., I h.11 I h1·1 t• v.1111111 lw• f.1111 l.11w·. "''"" ... '"'" r l h1• t' x IKllnl( bridt:e t• t u 11 t1 mf'S durlrt(il l'On11truC'l1on, but he con- t•1•1h•cJ tlaul th<' coni.tru<·tlo n prOJ· -t•t·t wUI 11rubaably cuuse more l ruffat• t•o n14t.>11lion than exists llOW ' Thi· (H ohlt'lll won 't lit.• Uw r 11u1t ""•'Y. hut ruhticrnt•c·ker!'.," lw 'lalll Wt• 1hm't know 1( tht• nt•w t11 uf~1· will ullt vrnte ull the prob ll-11111 111 lb1• world ." he t'Om 111 t' n tt•tl ' liut 1 t 'I hou Id twl p ........ ,. w. 11111'1 -.;11d l'alTnins hus JU!>t l.1un1 111-.I .1 -.tu1IJ vt a proJet'l to V. Hll'll , • ._., lfll' ( '()j i,t lllghway LO '' IJnt '< from Ma c A r t hur tl.111l1·\.11d 111 <'oronu del Mar to ,1 p11111l p111li:thly m•ar Warnl'r \' 1·nu1· 111 I lu11tin~ton Ot•ach 111• .tl-.11 told tht· <'ommuter !'> th.11 'th1 l 'tt\ of N1·wporl Heal'h 1-. \.\1111.111~: 1111 ,, Joint prOj\:N with tlw lmdge t·11ni.truct1on 10 v. h n •h tht• 111h•r:-.l.'c lln ns et ll.1vsult• aml l)uvt·r drives wi ll lw wult•awtl 111 improve trafra l' f111\.\ Simple Answer "'U1is1,1,itabl,,., IJook She lved WESTWOOD t /\ P 1 Tht• .,.'>ehool board of till:-. Nnrtht•rn Cahlo rnaa lov.11 ha'> found a :-.ample way of bc.1la n c:m g tts 1nle rc•!>ls 1n ll'l't'tlorn and dcecncy ll happ<'nt•(I v. ht·n nw mtwrs of the board com - pla 1 nt·d that .Judy Bloo m ·t.. "And Then Again. Mavtl(• 1 Won 't." -was un"l11tahle tor s mall C'hildrcn. alHio11g h llwv hacl p tirt·has1·d 1t for !>l'vcnth and t•tg hlh ga ;uh-r ... l h 11nl1·1 to R:.ilph Thomp.,nn. prinl'1pal of F lt·tc·h1•1 \\'alk.t·r ~l'hool l\t·t·p at cin the lop shelf cif lh(• l1hr:1q Thl• m l•mli.•rs :-.a u.I th1• IJO<>k d1 -.1b ''1th thl' prob- km..., ol 1'1'<1}\ 111g 11p 1nclwhrl)..' "l'\Ual1l' Nixon Had Hospital Roollls Reserved WASHINGTON 1AP > A s uite o f roo m s at a Camp Pendleton m1ht.ary hos p1tcil has s tood e mpty for five y1•ar'i. rr se rved for a VIP pat1t•nt who did not know 1t ex is t s. a c on g ressional report s ;Jys The 1>ro!-opN·t1v1· palat-nt the preside nt of Lht· l mlt:d StJl1·s Ne1th1·r th(• l'c·nt:.i1.:on nor lht• Whtt..1• llO\JM· k111·w th1· N:n·:.il Hegaona l Ml•dttal ('t>nlt•r i.tl Ci.I mp P«ndh·Lurt v. .1:-. n •M·r ving tht• four room !'>lltlf: (•xdu'i11.ely for prcs1dent1al usl.'. i.ll'Corihng to the rt•port hy tht• <;cnercil A1' countanl"! Off11·1· It said the lJffi4 squ:.ire fool s uite consists of a bedroom. a meeting room. a Sf'C'rPt ~rvrce bedroom ancJ a k1kh(•n. Among the furnis hings urc thn·e ttJlr>r television s ets . The r e port s aid th<· f'am11 Pe ndlt•ton s uat(• wa ... esta 1Jl1:-.h1•d in t~iH :1 1 <1 t 11.,l 11f n.-.11 h $1 2,000 · to provide m1·tl11·al C':Jre for lhl'n Prt·'>111t·nl /'.1)11m "ht·n h1• "'"'''" rwarlt\ S.111 Clr·rnPnl1· The N;11,y s<11d thf' -.u1l1• "'iul<l he c·onvt•rlt·d to 11thr·r pHlll'nt room~afkr Nixon ri" t~nrtl 1r1 1974 . a ccording to <;Ao ln-.n ·.111. lhf• fu r nis hings (Mm the old s uite were moved into tht· n1·w oot• :.ind restrictions on who t•ould u:-.(' at Wt.'rc ta~htencd. the n ·port !>:ttd Tht• old s111tc wa ... ava1lahle to sc111or m1htary oHaccrs. rclurn- 1n~ prtSOn(.•rs of wCJr. the com mandant of the· M<inne Corps a nrl other V 11 '"· th1• re port s airl It !'>;tttl tht' nt•w suatf· 't!'. n · -.t·rvt•tl M111'1:v for th•· president'!> ll'i(' .1n1I ha!'> m·vt'r tw1·11 u:-.t•d " Tlw l'Pnt:1j.!1111 h,J, 1111 eomm ent 011 t lw report Thl' c;Ao, wtuc·h rcr om ml'ndt'<i rlos111g llw s utll'. quoh'fJ a Wh1tr lloust• offiC't:tl a ... saying the C:.irtt•r admmas tratton "was not :.iwan· of the continued ex 1s 11·n1·1· 11f tha!-o f<.tc 11tty" and "dot's not dt.•t·m 11 ncc·essa ry for I her<' to l.>e a pr<•stdc ntial suite tn tht· s l;JI<· of Cal1rorn1<.1." At·torchng tu lhl• report, Navy h('aclctuJrtcrs officials "do ncit c:1111s11lt•r Camp Pendleton 's a pre· ... 1ct1·nt 1.11 'iUtlc• ~~l'UUSI' it is not m.11nt.i1m-<l an a stalt: of read1 IH'S l> for prC•!:.aticnlt a l OC · l'up.rncy N :t v y "rr J(' I :J Is s :ll d that ' hcl':JU'it' of lh<: hO'>j)tt&I 's low '>•'<'Upi.tnt·y ratt·. th<' suite had not ht.·t'n n1·1·d('(f for othe r pa I ll'nh <tnd wa:-. not C'onvt·rted to 11tht·1 pataenl ust·:-.." GAO !>aid. 53 Years Late Tax R~turn Finally Fou1id NEW YORK <AP l Taxpayers who didn't muke the midnighL April 16 deadline for filing their income lax r clum11 m i.y t~ able t.o identify some what with Sara h M. Flanagun. Her lette r a lso fell short of the posta l mark by 53 ycar 11 Jl was mailed in JU26, but didn't get far. It was addressed to "Roy H. Palmer, Arss1stant Director, Chief Audit Division, Pearl St., Albany, N. V "The envelope hore a note reading "Income Tax Bureau " THE LETTER WAH •'OUND R ECF.NTl.Y by Ben Vitale. foreman of lhe kle veland Wn>('klng Co., which Is gutting th ·old (;om . modore Hot.el an prcparution for bulldlnf(;, ne w Hyatt hotel. Vitale was waltinJ( for un e levot,or un the 20th n oor, and leaned again.st a mall t'hute . The c hute was loo~e. und ht.> took it off 110 It wouldn't fitll. As he did, a few pieceli of m ail fell on the Ooor, Including M8. t'l11n1tg1&n 'R letter and three postcardR writte n an the 1940s . The envelope had long since conw unl(lued. Vitale found u form letter fro m Palme r t.o Sanh M. Flan1ean, ll!lklng why she - bed paid no tax that year. · MS. FLANAGAN HAD WltlTTEN ON the bock of the form that she certainly hud paid her tax the previous April, but s he signed her mJddJe name, M8rton, "which ta the name I am known by and that's perha(>S where lhe mistake como11 In." On one of Uie postcard11, Helen •'lpplnRer wrote lo Mary Miles -"' the Vance School In Ne w Br1t1&ln. Conn .. about catchln• a live broadcaal by Fred Waring and !lticlnR Vivien l,.elah and Laurence Olivier In "That llamllton Wom 4tn" at the Radio Clly Music HaJ1 AN&nrER POSTCAao WAS TO HAV£ Informed Mra. M.L . Boynton of EHt Lynn, Mau. that "Jack" thouitht of her when he went through Stern's department atore. SUU another card wH Md· dretaed to "The Rzemek 8oya" or Butralo and waa from Cynthia, who aald the missed them and wu "1oln1 on a boat ride tomor-row." J Energeti«.• Kids 0•11• Pl ... -"o..-, ........ St uc1t·nts a t El Ca mino Real School in I rvine took to the television airwaves T hursday night to disc uss a proposed s umml•r hus pro~ram to trans port them uround the city and possibly to nearby h •acht•s :rnd theaters. Other youn~sters called in to offer tht!rr thoughts on the topic. J eoff Gahm keeps an eye on the camera wh i l ~ L es Card. city transportation ::,crvicc::, manager <left\ ad- dresses the forum l"ro• Page Al Employment Tally Goes Up Again DIEDRICH ACCUSED. • • ltt•m1n1-tlo n (•vt•ntu a lly re · 1·t•1v<'d $71,000 for what he te:-.t1ru.-d we n · l('J.:al services re- lated to h<'lµ1n~ the com pany ex- t r<it'l 2.200 ttt•res f rom a n a.:n l·ultur:.i l preserve ag reement 14 I th lhl' l'OUnty But Mrs Doughty t estiried that the attorney told her the money, in cffo('t. would be chan· neled on to Dwdrt('h "lie said he was going to a ct .1s a hag man for Mr Ralph Dwdrarh , ··Mr!'> Ooug hty said. She wt•nt on lCJ s 3'y that Re m- ing ton exvlmnc·d th<.tt a hag man as "a p..·rs1m who a tts ai. a ~O· bl'twet•n for pol1t1c·1a11s i.lnd com· panit·., " Mrs Doui:hl y ;ind hn trc.11n d t·parkd hdnrl' lht· dc•frns<: al· Lorne\·:. hart t h1· 1·hunt·<· to t•h allt•ngr· h1•r slalt·mc·11t and "'h y 110 m1•11t 111n of lht· hag ma n c·om m•·rtt w.1:-. rn adl· to lht• g rancJ Jllf\ I h,11 1 rid11·1t-d l>11•d rid1 Hnd flt1M' Ill 1!177 J-:arl11 r 111 l ht• tl;t\. Wtlh;,irn Stark . ;1 f11rm1·r 11n•..,1d1·nt or ,\ni.1he1m llrlb. Int•. tt•!>t1f1cd St ark !>i.lld h l' w a s a t a J anu:.i ry, l!Yl:I. dmn..r mcl'ling, thl· m•·l•l 1ng .Jl .,.,hat h al ts al lt·g1·'1 1>1t•dru:h :.inil Ro-.e s<>hcit· l' cl ,1 h ri b C In r Cl Ur n f 0 r D1 C'drad1·., .. upporl on th1· ;ignrulrural p11 •str1.1· .,..,u« But ~t.11 I.. .... 11tl ~w lc·ft thr· dm· 1w1 lalJI(• when tht· (onv(·r-.altlm ... 1..,rtt-ll lo r 11•1•p 1nlo p11ltl1C!> ;rnd (I Ile.I IH'I 1111 ' St;u k .• 1 1Jro-..t·1·11t111n w1tncs!., sard h<: ll'fl ttlC' d111nt·r ffil'1•ltng t' ti n \' I II " ,. ti l> I (.' ti r I c h phtlo-.ophll'ally" "':ts 11p1w>:-.1·d 'lo the l:Ontt•pl of Liii' nirnpany':-. "rugJ:f.'d h1llstcl1· land n •mainang in a tax IX'rwf1d,1I 'ilatus " I le i.tJso declared lhi.tl the• 3,200 ;1crt·s tht• 1·ompa11 y wunlcd re- ll'ast•d from Uw JH'l'Sl•rve agree rnl.'nl thJ t lhwarll'd its dcvt'lnJJ n1t·nl "wns .in ahort1on o r the: in lent ur lhl' law .. If those sti.tll'ml'nl ~ he lped Carter St>ts Vi it SA PELO ISLAND. (.;«J IAP 1 l'n•sult•nt <'.irtt-r v.111 v1s1t S<Juth Korea 1mm<•dialt·ly afl<'r a :.l'vcn nation .lune t·tonomu· summit tn Tokvo. Whitt• llous t' Offal'l3ls ha Vl' announced fortify the d e fe nse conte ntio n that Die dric h s upported the , company p()sition as a matte r of principle, other Stark testimony did not. For example. he once s aid he re fus ed to s ign a $11.179 check made payable to R e mington because he "considered 1t to be a large amount of money for very lilUe work." The P.rosecution is contending tha t the payment of legal ff:Cs lo Re m ington was a s ham de!>lgned to disgw se the paym e nt of bribe money to Diedrich . T he triaJ will resume Monday with Mrs. Doughty i.c hedul<.-d to return to the witness stand Burglars Hit lroine Kin's Home iii CdM Bu rg lars broke into the Corona del Mac ho me of thl' g reut-granddaug hler of JamE·s Irvine , stealing $6,000 worth of valuables, including silverware tha t one·.-lwlongl•d tn the lrv1M R;mch founder. polrc·c !>aid lo .. day. T he thl'rt wa ~ repo rl<'d to NewPort Heal'h ~w1IH'l' W<'<ln<'.., cf,1 y l'\'t'ntng hy Mr an<I Mr-. Charil~ Whl·Cler Mrs WhN!lf'r 1s "' dt.>St'end:.int of James tr vane Sr . who p url'h<.tsed land ~r;rnts an thl· mid nanetet·nth l:cnturv ancf l.'rt><iled Orange Coun ty'~ Ir vine Hanch. Among the items taken an the hurglary of lhe Wheeler home. police said, we re s J>Qons <'n · graved with the ranch founder's 1n1lials -J.J. Also m issing , wa<; a set or silver flatwa r e a nd several pieces of Jewe lry, ac· cordanf: to Police reports . P olice said the burglars got in· to the ho me at 40 1 Avocado A venue by break m g a hole in a l<icked window, the n reaching through to unJock at. According to pohce re ports the b r eak-in <><.•curred between 5.30 p.m . and 10.30 p.m . when the Wh<•t·le rs we r e out o f the ir house . Ernplovml.'nt in Orange Coun- ty conttn11Pd to chmh m March a s th<' number of employed peo pit· rt'aC'h<'d 996.600 and the (·ounty's unf·mploym e nt r ate :-.tayed :it a s tatl"-low 4.2 percent. A c•cording to the monthly labor l>lal1~t1I' report prepared h y t h e s tate t-:mployment l>cv •lopm t•nt D epa rtment • 1',Dr> I. employment is likely to -.tav on lh1· upswing an April and ~1 :1y 'M ark1•t analy ... t s expect t•m,,1oym1·nt <1p1.Hirtun1l1f's to ex- pand an /\pr1I <ind May as new dt>pa rtmt•nt i.ton•s a nd other re - ta1 I oulll•ls open i.lnd as new rn a nufa1'111 r1ng 11pcrat1ons are launc twtl 1 .. u D ,., rqmrl ~aid. It noted that tht· (·ounty'!'. .1vatl<1ble c·1v1l1an work force t'l amhl.>d t.o 1.3 mtlhon tn March. That wa ... a n ew high a s was the total employed figure of 996.600 people. EOO's re port indicated con· "ti ut·t111n 1·mploym<'nl an March regaancd some of the gro und it lo1>l an .Janui.lry and February when ram hat th<' county. · t\1<.t nufactur1n~ e mploym ent bo c1111tanucd to ~aan as the 1111 m ht.•r ol I .1ctory wnrkt-rs tn llw 1111.mty Jumped lo 2U!U>OIJ last nwnlh And, d c!>p 1tc a s c~s o nal ... 10" d•>Wll rn as JJara ~u s and :-.trn wl)l..•rr y field!'>. agricultural t•mµloy rnent 111 Orange Co1tnly ga rned l,CJOO new Jolls Ill March. EDD ·~ re: port :-.:.1111 NUCLEAR. • m e nts and press coverage of cvcnt... durini: the nuclear acci- dent at Three Mlle Isla nd plant m Pc nru;ylvan1a . W<.tdman ch a rged that govem - mt•nt. s t<.ttc and utility officials 11rten wt•nt beyond the facts in interpreting the accident. He proposed that the fede ral govc•rnmcnt and the nuclear in· du ... try y,,urk lo present more ac- curate information 1n the future. MEN'S SUITS AND SPORT COATS ONE DOLLAR WITH PURCHASE OF ONE AT REGULAR PRICE ._.,.COAST fl\AIA • COITA MmA • 141-1111 l STOCKS I BUSINESS • s DAK. V PILOT Soelal See•rltf Broader· Basis Eyed in. Studie~ • ll1~YLYIA.l'OllTSlt~~-...i..~~t--~t:11 LAii .. ,_~ • More than 107 million American WOiken pay SodO Seeu.rity t.uea. ExclucUd by law are U.S MDeton cong-tel&ll1ie0. ~lr staffs and about 2~ miWoa atber federal chrilian employees. Also DOt cov•red are about a. T million au&e and local 1ovemment employees, IDCl9l ol wbom"ClOUJd be covered at the stat.e's option. I More U1an 70 percent, or about t mWioo of the lJ. million at.alt? and local govemme.ot employees, bave beeo brought uocler Social Security. Of thole. 7% pereeat alto are covered under state or local retirement aymm. T1DS IS ,~ POINT THAT federal employees make I& defending lheiT retirement system against charges th.at i(. is too generous·. Social Security reUremeot benefits, ~1f note. are deslp; ed as 'a floor ol protection, a base on wbic~ such other forms or protection. as an employer-retiremen• pension can be built. The Civil Sa-vice Retirement System: was set up before Social Secu~y and was design~ td serve as a complete pension program. : I Thus, federal employees resisted when Congres~ began extending Social Security coverage in the l~; They had been pa.ying 7 percent ol their salaries into the. retirement fwld and they feared that benefits might b4( sca led b ack while Social Security Laxes were added , The rrulitary retire Money S meot system and Social W rth Secu rity were addl·d 0 together and there "Mert· no similar problems . When the cover~e proposal wat; revived during the fin ancial troubles or t.tu.· Social ~cunty system in 1974-77 . federal employees re~·nted 1t THE CONCEPT Ot' SOCIAL SECURITY as lhe basic system makes a lot of sense. The lack or coordination between c1v1I service aad Social Secunty systems creates ~a ps and 1nequ1ties and cnt1cally affects the protection or work.-rs who move bad e and forth between civil service and Jobs m pnvate industry. as many do. Jn the 1977 act, HEW was direeted to start a study of the feasib1lJty and des1rab1hty of mandal.ory Social Securi· ty coverage of federal, state and local government. employees. A Boston attorney. J oseph W Bartlett, chairman o~ th<: llruversal ~1al St•t•tr1ty Coverage Study, has been holding puhltr hcanng:-. in various parts of the country. /\ report 1s due by December. THE PRE81Dt:NTI ALLY APPOINTED com\ m1ss1on on Pension Poliey, the Advisory Council on S<>nal Security and the l'oat.Jonal Commission on Social Secunty also are stud}ang uruversal coverage. Publtt· prl•ssurC' to head off lax increases set for 198l may lead to con~ress1onal act>0n before these studjes have been completed . · /\ ne\li combined system of Social Security coverage ili toi::ical and desLrable but. says Robert M. Ball, former Social Security comm1ss1oner in his new book, "Social ~l·uri\y Today and Tomorrow," al must provide as mucti protection a~ the present Civil Ser vice system does or i~ would not stand much chance or passage. THE CHANGES COULD BE PHASED IN over a periO<l so that they applied fo r the most part to new • ¥P'!P.IP.Yee5 .. ltnd so that coordinat1on, 1f not complete ex· teru.aon, could be a('haeved smoothly. What must be avoided are the problems of reducing protection for current employees with long years of service who otherwise might reel that conditions or their employm<'nl had been changed. and that promises bad ~en cruelly broken Small-business Clinics Slated A series of fn'e small·bus1ness clinics. each relating to a :-.pl'c1f1t· area of dec1s1on making. will be held in May by th<' Small Bustness Adm 1m~trat1on. the Service Corps of Retired Executives. the Santa Ana Public Library and lhe ....... --~anta Ana College. BiU Davis. a member of SCORE and clinic moderator. said each meeting will offer discussion designed to assist the part1r1pants in dea hn~ with business questions. Leading each cl1n1c dLc;cuss1on will be an P.xpert in a '-pecif1<' <1n•a of bus1ne!.S Each 1s volunteering his or her :o.('rVl('e~ Tht• rhnic~ v.111 .be held from 3 to Sp m. on lhe dates listed below May 7 Financial Planning for Small Business. led by Garry Hollaar . form<'r president of the First State Bank I of Litchfield, Minn , and SBA lecturer on smaJl·business 'fmanct• -> May 14 -Unique Problems or Service Firm Manage. mcnt. led by Pamela C.bbarelli. president of Cibbarelli and Associates and fnforma'llon Management Consultants. May 21 -Successful Selection and Training of PerS<>n· nel. a discussion of problems and techniques, led by Herb Sands. former president of Harvard Manufacturing Co .. Cleveland Enrol.lfnent will be limited; reservations for the clinics may be ootained by calling the Santa Ana Public Library at 834-4845. Programs will be held in the Spurgeon Room of the library. at Ross Street and Ci vic Center Drive. DfUUlll Re.,enue• Drop Datum Inc • Anaheim , has announced that. as was in· di<'nt.ed in its 1978 annual report, first quarter revenues of $3.65 million were 10 percent below the prior year's $4 ,086.000. F.srnings, showing the impact of an increase In new product development and lower revenues. were $46,000, or 3 cents a share, compared with a year ago at $166.000-. before extraordinary credit, or 9 cents, and $341,000, or 19 cents, a ft er ex· traordinary credit. C J , ''The company's TAKING first quarter was as TOCK a nticipated. Develop· _ ment expenses. up 12'. -----------percent fromt the priec... yeoa r 's fl rst quarter. represent investments in l~ company's future, albeit wttll obvious short-term effect upon earnings," sajd LouJs 8 . Horwitz. president. "The rate of new orders since the befinnin1 or tbe year has been most encouraging. Having 1ained control of our earlier r.roduc\lon problems provides confidence, as we proceed oto 1979. that ahJpment delays wUJ not a1ain impede the booking or new bualnes~ ... be said. St-•~••rn Dt.,tde•d Direct.ors of Stang HydronJcs Inc .• San ci.1nente, bave oulhorbed a 20 cent a share cash dividend ,,_yable by June 6 to lbattbolders of record as or MIY. The company bas bMn awarded Ute la.rpst dewaW. lng job ln ltl »year ~lstory, accordlnf to Wlll1a1n I . Stock. Pr'ftident. The Job lJ to belln ln Mar a.ad will coe· Unue ror ~ t.han three yean . I • t , ___ 1:;_ - .. ' AJ• CWL V PILOT THEY'U. CHALl!NOe SAH.90ATS tN 125-MILE ENSENAOA RACE Sb·man "Trol•n Conq.,.at" THm Unofftdal Conte ... nta Outrigger vs. Salls. Harbor Area Canoeists Enter Ensendda Race By JOANNE R•:YNOLDS Ot '"' O•llY 1"1 .. 1 Sl•ll P ete Curola n und his lh1rbor are a crew thmk they'vl.' i.tot a pretty good 'ihOI ll l winrung th1i. wee kend's EnM•1rnua r ac:l• T hey won lht· las t <'Vttnt thl'y r aced 111 lust foll in lluwu11 In addition. lht•lr hout 1:-.n 'l g<11ng to be s ubJCcl t<1 the va"'arws of the traditionally light wind~ thut leave boals dnflmg towa rd BaJa ,Califonua . THATS BECAUSE THE\' are going to paddle the 125 -mtle course 1n an outrigge r canoe. Trojan Conquest Carolan an d his t eammates from Blaung Paddl<'S Outrigger Club sa y they're entei:mg the race for two reui.oni. to get pubh c1ty fur their i.p<irt irnd Lo t r a in for anotht•r rnc1· the s um me r s T r un .,put· to Honolulu BUT IN A RACE that ft>alurt'S :.U<'h odd1t1cs us tuxedo ·c lad t•rt·ws and to pl ess ha lh 1 n~ b~.'aut1es. Carola n f1~urc!> six rnc•n in an outritrncr won't he out nf place _. 1\.1> pres1dt•nt o f llw World O.utraggl'r t'anot• Ha c1ng /\.!> socialion. Caro lan :.aid the prim ary point 1s to d raw at te ntion to the ancient I fa wa 11an s port, known 10 the isla nd ~ the s port of lungs . ' lie said his or ganization 1s try Ing to have outr igger canoe rac 1ng in c l uded in the 1984 Oly mpics and parllc1p al1on in e ve nts such as the Enscnada and Transpac racci. will be one way to do that. BLAZING PADDl.F.S IS 11 d u b formed la'!>t ~untml.'r hy Curolan a nd ot ht·r l•icals who wanted l Q. go 111 t h1· annual Molokai Cha nnel ruet:. IJut \\ho <·o uldn'l get !>JlOli. on othn lot·~·I tt.-:ci m s they bl.'cam t.• the firs t non · Poly nesian lt.•am lo capture the l'Vt•nt (.'l(•u rly lhl'y intt'nd to keep M'll1ng ~ff('l'Nlt•nts In lht• upc·nn11n g r;in-. there will Ix· 18 nwn to man thl' Mx 1>oslloni. in rolciting !>h1fls OlJ RING DJ\Vl.IGHT hours, the shifts will changt.• ho urly A ne w man gl•L-; m to the water ahead of tht.• boat and the ma n he 's n!plactnH rolb oul of lhc cano · The new paddler then swings onto the canoe as 1t comes by. Al night. Carolan said . the s hift change!> will com e every two hours. which should give the puddlcrs four hours o ff for s lt:ep. TROJAN CONQ UEST ANO 1 t ::, t' r t• w w 1 II h c b I e !I i. 1: d . I l.1 ~ .111 an !-.lylt.'. pnnr to t hl• race.· and l\.,o t''>rnrl hoats will folio"' thl' <':UlO\' to Mexico "\\4.• r(·ally hOPl' to ht· al the' -.;u lbout:s." Caml<.1n said ··wt.' want tu fund1on al> goodwill am bas:.;ul ors a nd get our po111t , ' By JACKIF. HYMAN Of ... O.ll'r ~ .... , ... , To m T1Ylor ot Coal• Men Is 11- fo rmer football ana basltetba ll p layer who now pJaya a game that's short, sharp and lo the point. ll 's called darts. Th ls weekend, Taylor . 36. and his t~am partner. Mlkt• Larue, 28, or Huntington Beach, will h e u d f or th e na ti ona l c h a m p io n s hip s .o f th e Natural/Unicorn dart contest 111 St Louis, Mo .. h aving won the Western regional flnals over 360 entries AFTF.R VYING FO R' $60.000 in p rize mon y, 'the pair who a lre ady won S300 and the trip to St Louis will slic k around in that part o! the count ry so they can m ake lh<'lr pitch in t he $20 ,000·plus C levela n d Ex- travaganza April 27-29 111 Ohio. So und like there 's a lot or money 1n darts" We ll. the re ls a nd run too, the Costa Mesa tn· s urancc sa1t.>sman ma1nta1m. T uylor f.titd he becam e in· volved four yt•urs ugo afll'r a rriend hc~un tuktni.: him lo local ''dart ouhi." :-.uch a :-. tht• BulllOa Saloon <ind till' ll1111rdwr1lk 111 Wt>stminst<.·r T IH: R •: II t: J 0 IN .. : f) I II 1• howl111 g l1•;ig111• ltk•· 11<·t1v1t11· ... und sharix·n<·<I lu s \kills /\!> ht'> 1n t <.•rf'!>t grew. T a y lor b1·g;1n pr:H'lH:1ng an hour u lluv "It's vny 1n1•x 1wn;1v1· .. ht· · ~aid ·:vou c·an st•t up an an·;1 ol your house to pla y darts for about $60 "You know. Shcrlo1'k llolml''> used lo play th1i. Thl· pr <''>l<knt of the UntV('rs1ty or ('hl('Uf(ll, a wom an, 1s also an amakur dart cha mpion Dick C(Jvc.•ll''> an en lhusiast <.tlso " TH•: POPUl.J\RIT V <ff the :-.1>ort gn·~ 'I a vlor •.aid . and -.o did tht· t·om1,..111 w n-. un<I th1· 1>r111 s 'I h1·n ·", an /\m•·111·.1n Darb on:;1n11,1t1011 "'1 th ,1 n·g ular 11 ....... .,11'111 ·1 awl lh•·n · ar 1· lhrt'l' fir r11u1 rTldflll n;il111rlal 1·11111 pt·lltH>ns t«1d1 ni1111lh fur high :-.takt•:-. Thc n •s mor,· t11 durh lh:in .1us l arm ing .1l •• liull ., 1·}t' COAST PAIR PROVE TO BE SHARP WITH DARTS Tom Taylor. Costa Mesa, and Mike Larue, Huntlngt,on Be•ch /\. t•omphcatcd i.ror 1n~ system 1-tas f'VOlv1•d rn which pl ayer-. start out with 501 points and di.' duc·t po1nb for f•ac h toss de pend mg on which pi e shaped s't.>etion or rtn~ 1s hit Each i.e<:l1on ha s an ar h1Lrary numbt.·r of pmnts asl>tgned to 1t l>UC'h ai. 5 or 18 Tht! mne r ring 1:-. a tnplt• l>COrt· and the outer onP <t doublt.'. so someont; who hit th•· tnplt· ring 1n tht-18 pomt itl'l'l1on would d l•duc·t 54 pornl'> O T ll E R ('O Ml'l.I C'A Tt:O r11ll'" 11t·rn11t l'\ «n h1ght'r !-.C'Or~•s on-:J · 1111.:11· tl1rr1Y. Wl1111 •\t·r ;:m·., 11ul f11'>l "'ns '!h1· 1.".11111· 1 a}l•1r '>did Thi· '" 1 r aJ.:t• n11m twr ot throw., ,., <!O. but h•· ., J.:•>n•· out in a!-. h·"" a:-. 11 T h t' l'Onlcst s. l a r gely !-t p o n i.or<·d by ,brewing com -, pan1ei. an<l dart m anufact ure rs, o ffer c ate gories fo r s ingles. doubles. four -per s o n t eami., mixed doublt!S and ladies only, Taylor said. T H E PLAYERS SUPPL\' their own tungsttn d arts that are narrnw and heavy. Three da rt:. cost $60 but they las t "for cv('r," T aylor sa id /\ monf( the reasons Taylor lwh<'vcs thl' i.:umc 1s growing in popularity <in· its low cosl. the fat·t that thl' handicapped cun part1c·1patt• and that women can rnm p1•lt' 1•ql)ally with me n. Lht.' M llVl'ntcnn· <"you cun pl<1y a g.l!lll' uf darts on the tclephont', lik1· t•ht•:-.::1" 1, the lack of und ue 1°xl'rll6n and. of cours e, the Carola n 1·r1nc•Ptll''> t ht• 1d1·u sounds b11:.irn · to some pl'opl1· Thl' ran• offtc1als arc dcfirutt·ly u ne nthusiaslll'. he s <.11d . T htt TroJUfl Com1u1·!'.t won't ht.' an or flc ial cntrunt hc c:rnsc the m e<.· 1:. hmited to i.uil P<Jwcrt.·d only. When Bl azing J>addh·i. won lhl' grueling Molokai to Oahu r<it'I.', a nd the w o rld n ut riggt•r 1:h ... mp1onsh11> t hat goei. with 1l, Taylor .... aid <'halh:ni.:1· <icross, l<10 " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..:.__~ lh•· lhf·on·trc<.11 lo~t'"' -.t·11r1 • "'oultl l.w· 1 hr1·t'' H1•st t wri.out rir lhrc•1• ~<inws w111:-. ,J matt·h New Rules ~plit NC _Church I HIGH POINT. N C . f AP 1 The pas tor of the 2.867 member Green Street B<.1pt1 s t Chur ch and thrt.'C stuff mem beri. ha ve resigned a fter 1t adopt<.-'<! rult:s to n.•i,tricl chan~mut1c <1l'llv1ly If\ lhl" congregation T he Rev. E W. P r ice .Jr • the pastor. ~utd he was r~1gning with no 111 wtll because he felt ht~ •:work had been com· plctcd" at lhe church. H e s a id he was not personally in volved 1n the charis matic m ove ment. TIU: MOVE M ENT has spre ad wide ly 1n many dcno m i na t 1oni. <1 nd sometimes involv<''> glossolalia. speakmg rn unknown tongues. Of Pentecosl.Cll or1~1n .1 il ha s been welcomed by man y Pr otestant a nd Rom an Catholic leaders as rc1nfor cmg faith, but so me Southe rn Baplli.t groups have opposed 1t. • THE G REEN Street ·' C hur c h 's n e w guidelines, drawn up by de acons, state tha t ··our ' ·church' is not a part o f the cl\,arism alic mo ve· m e nl" a nd th a t n o "doctrine except tha t that i s Sou th e rn Baptist" sha ll ~ ta ught -W1de r church auspices, adding : ''Caution and sc rutiny s hould be exercised in inviting or allowing an y pers on not in a ccord with the funda m e nta l tenets and doctrines or Green Street C hurch to s peak or teach in our c hurch." Woinen's Business Skills Get Study A four-h our se m inar designed to p rovide wom en with skills necessary in business will be of ft•red a l O rang(' Co&::,t College, Costa M c~a. on May 2 T1tJed "How to Sur vive and Build for Sue cei.::,." the !ieminar 1s ~chcdull'<I from 6 to 10 p m in t-'rnc Arts Hall J 19. It 1l> part of tht:' college':. "i-·1ve-Slar Certif icated , Ru~1n1·ss U1·vclo1lmcnt Program fo r wo men in business " Rt;G ISTRATION t'EE IS SIS. T1cke li. an· availa ble 111 the campus t1ck(•t offt ct.· and will bt! sold at the door on a s pacc-ava1la blt: bai.1::,. Lt--ctur er 1s Va le r ie llolwerda, vice president in charge of sah:s pro motion for Bullocki. Depur t ment Stores and u lcach~r or ad vcrttsm~ und m a rketing ut UCL.A. T opics include "Building a fo'oundut1on fo r Your Venture," "Whe re ll> Get t-:ducat.1on and Ex pe rit>nce," "Ra lancrng lloml.' and Work," "ltandl 111g Sexua l Dias" and "Cl1mh1ng The LHdtk r Skills.•· More 1nformat1on 1:-. 11v:.11lahh· ut th1· l'Ollt'gt'. 556·5KHO Public Relations Use to Be Studied Use o f public relations in ma rketing is the s ub- ject of a semina r Saturday a t tb.! South Coast Pla2a Hotel. Costa Mesa. It b sponsored by the Western States Advertising Agencies Association Inc. • 1Jim Ma rine, president of Brown, Keefe. Marine /Bowes, and former public relations ex· ecutive for agencies in New York and Los Angeles, will be moderator . PaneliBts will be Dcnn•s Hollow, vice president of public r elations a t Basso /Boatman, Inc . Newport Beach , and Ron Rogers. chair ma n or Roge rs & Associates, a Beverly Hilts/New York· based corporate relations a nd m arketing com · municaUons firm. The seminar wHJ begln at 8:30 a .m . and run until noon. Registra tion is free for association members and $2S for non-mem bers. Reservations m ay be m ade through the association office at (213) 933-7337. Promotion C . AnnoWt£ed ounly F ai,r's George 8. Good ha s bee n commissioned a second lieutenant lo the Air Force upon gradua - tion from Officer Traln· Ing Scbool at Lackland AFB, ~xa.s. · The lieutenant now goes to Vance AFB, Ok.11., f« pUoc. traJnlng. He received a D.S. de1ree ln 1978 from UC Irvine. His mother, Mrs. Dorothy B. Robb. llvea ID Laguna Nl1u I. Books Available Information about competition.a ln the sum· mer'• Oraqe County Fair can be obtained frpm premlwn book.I now available, fair offlclala bave •nnounced. The fair , set July 13-22, includes fine arts, _pbotolnphy, nortculture, home Uvin& and deaip, cr aft.a, industrial art.a, 4·H and Future Farmen of Amerlc. event.a. · There will alto be a horse show and a new category, "Procrastinators Potpourri," for un- flnlsbed craft project.a. Premium t>ooks can be obtained al raJr offices. 88 Folr Drive. Costa Me111 , or by calllng 751-3247 . --.. . ... --·-···--------------... --.. ... AIR e CALIFORllA Air CaWornia is now appearing m Las Vegas. With three daily noqstop s from Orange County and the low est fare around. Just $31. one w ay. That's on every seat on every flight O ur low Vacation and Economy Fares can save you even more, from 20% to 35% off the regular fare. So take off on Air California for nightlife, show s with big name stars and exciting cosmos. Las Vegas service starts May 1, 1979. Call your Travel A gent or Air California Res- ervations in O rang e County, (71 4) 752-1000; Downey, (213) 924-33 13; Laguna, (7 14) 496-6000; Los Angeles, (213) 627-5401 ; San Clemente, (714) 496-6000; River sid e/San Bernardin o , (714} 825-69011 ~-..... --·---·-.. - 7 I \ C:O I TION * ' 12, NO. 110J 4 SECTIONS, '8 PAGES Cleniente Task: B.Y ST£V£ MIT<'HU .l. Ot .... o.lly -'"''' San Ch·nw nll''., 14 t 77 r.-.i 18ll'red \'Uh·~ hiN• ttw tu:.k ul 1r lectlng \hrt•,• 1ww ,·oun,•11 m cmbt-n. TUt•14d uy (11110 11 ,.,.,. ord ftf'ldof3ftt·11ttd1dalt•., Tbey wil l t•ast their vott•' ut one or 17 prertnrh. 1n ltlO f'frt>rt to pick a new muJ01·1t) Jblt' to end mor e lhun u year of bu<'kb1t1n~ c harges. nHanlc·1 d1 .ir ~t'' * * Anti-vote Expenses Kept Mum I By RAYMOND ~STRAUA JR. • CZ!,.-0•11111/IOI Sllll A spokesman f<Il''devcloperl> of a 1,770-acre Forster Ha nr h de- velopment an San Clemente re- rused today lo reveal how much money his firm will contribute to defe at. an advisory measure. an T uesd ay's election. T he adviso r y mcas url'. already opposed by Sl0.000 of ranch land developers' money. asks voters 1f Lhe city should in- itiate the S26 million purchilse of 2.600 acres in San Clemente's hill country. Leo Filzsimon, a cons ultant for th e Forster Ranrh df• ve lopers. admilled today has firm has "made a eomm1tment" to o ppose lhe ballot mc:a!>un· S ul whl'n asked how mut:h m on ey would be donatt'd , Fitzsimon repht.>d . ··You 'II h<1vl' lo wa il unlil the rc:t·ordl> <irl' filed ... lllWlJ\>lh und J'lllltlcal tn fli,!htU\g T he pollhc:t'l u11h1·uval 111•ur ly bwuuhl norrnul l'lly hu:.1nes' to u Slt1111tist1 ll, und prompted U1"' Jun 1..1 re<"ull of ('OUnt'tl rrlt'm , hl'r' W1lhum Wulkcr. 1>0001,1 W1lkm.wn and Howard Mushl'tt with SI pt!r(·1-nt of the lC1wn ·, \ ut.-.rs c-asttng bullot:. that will ouio.t thOtttt thrl't' pohtaetimi; from offH'l' ... Bailing Oui Man} residents said they vot- ed for th~ ousters because or the constant council in.fighting. But rrwny more said they were un- happy with the "good old boy" torm of governm ent in San Clt•m.,•nh'. sayinJ( developers a p- 1>carcd to be working hand in hand with the cound l majority. The citizens or San Clemente isho~cd their displeasure in the unly Coni.titu\\onal m anner open Financial Mateml'nts requtrl'd by law that would rcveul April 24 election c:.i mpa1~n s pendmg arf' not due until June 9 Nu-West Development CQrp. li nd J ohn D. Lusk a nd Son Company have donated SS.000 each lo fi ght the ballot meal>urc Nu-We s t e xecutive John Be lda. w hose firm pl ans a 3.000-home development on 2.000 acres of V1sbeek Ranch land. s aid he is one of t he orJ!anizers of the "No on Advisory Mf'al>ure for City L<tnd Purchase Commit· tee.·· With the boat anchored to the roof. Duncan Mansel Jumps onto his nooded J ac.kson . Miss-. h ome to load up t he last of the i tems he m oved to his roof ahead of flood waters . Th<! raging Pearl Rive r receded about four feet af. lcrward < Hclakd s tory Page A4 1. "( would be extre mt•ly sur prised if it passed but w1• wont to Jet the voters know our i:.1de of the tssue. ·· Belda said Do n Stcphen:.on , a Lu l>k Company orricial whose farm wants lo develop t ,141 homes on 762 acres or Reeves Ra nch land, said the cc.tmpaign Cunds would pa) for pri nting :rnd mailing of a tabloid ne wsletter explaining why the proposed land pun·hasc is unwise. •·w e feel it would bl' very ex· p e ns ive to the r es id e nts." Stephenson said. T he ballol m easure asks vote rs if the City Council should look into the la nd purchast> un· de r t he 1909 Park· and Play- ground Act . ·'Some of that land would be ours.·· Fitzsimon said But he refused further comment on the m atter. The City Council earlier this year voted 3 to 2 to. pl ace the land purchase measure on the ballot. The measure was init· a ll y pro posed by r eca lle d Councilman William Walker. Wa lker and council members Donna Wilkinson and Howard Mushett were recaJJed by volers on J ao. 23. A fie ld of 36 ca ndidates a re vying for the three ousted council mem bers' "ats m the April 24 election. Orange Coa~i Weather F air, sunny and a little cooler through Saturday. H i ghs 68 l o 74 . Lows lOnigbl 48 to 52. INSIDE TODA 't' Wont to apend SaturdaJI an tM "Boom Boom Room •· or among tM hoPPll t1arong• at UC lrt*w'• ComJ')l'3 Pork? Su 1'af1e Cl to dscade. Costa Mesa Deputy Killed in Ambush By TOM BARLEY Of t!R D•llY "II°' Sl•ll • Lo~ Angeles County shcrrff's off1ecrs said today they will ask tht• district attorney to file murder chargP.s a~ainst a man accused of involvement in slay mg one of their deputies who is ii Costa Mesa resident. They sa id they believe fivl' -other men were with suspect J a mes Leroy Noble, 24. of Los Angeles. Thursday night when pat rolling dcput1e'> George Ba rthel. 32, or Cosla M~sa. and ii fellow offi cer were shot as they stopped to talk to a number of pedestrians. Barthel died shortly a fter be· 1ni;t a dmitted to St. Franc1l> HosprtaJ in Lynwood. His fellow officer was described as being ·"in good condition" today wi th authorities refusing to identify him. Los Angeles authorities said Ba rthel and his companion were members of the county's Special E nforcement Bureau. They said both offi cers . were making 1n· quiries in connection with a specific investigation when they were shot in the head. Homicide investigators s aid both officers had packed out one pedestnan for s pecific question- ing when a second man e merged from behind some hushes an the Watts <irca housing project and fired several s hots at the of· ricers. Both suspects fl ed on foot. In· vestigators said they believe the two men were Joined by other men whale officers were speed- ing to the aid of the stricken deputies Los Angeles police joined sberiff's offi cers and conducted Cl hOUl>C to house search Of the a r ea w h ile Barthel and hi s fellow offi cer were r ushed to the Lynwood hospital She riff's investigators said statemcJllS supplied by wit· nesses to the shootin~ of the two officers led to the arrest of No· ble. Th ey sa id the same state· ments led them to conclude that .at leC1sl six men were involved in the killings. They said further arrests a re imminent but re- fused to identify the men who are being sought todC1y. Clementean ·Faces '. ,,. Embezzling Charge A San Clemente bookkeeper has been a rrested In Laguna Beach on charges or embezzling up to $4,000 in receipt. from a local market. Ram Squad to Play aemente Jaycees A squad o/ Loe Angeles Rams wUI battle the San Clemente Jaycees in a baske\ball game Saturday nigbt al 7:30 p.m . in the San Clemente High School gymnu lum, 700 Ave. Pico. Ram s includ e J i m Vouni blood. J ack Reynolds. Law~nce Mcc utcheon. Tickets al t he door are $2.50. The runds wi ll benefil the locaJ J aycees. ~ Po lice a r res te d Ke nne th LeRoy Gushar d, 51 . of 610 Calle Bievenido today following an in- vestigation t hat police sa id showed he removed the funds from Gene 's Market. 1080 South Coast Highway. over a lwo- m onth period. Police Investigator Ron Lister said Gushard wilJ be charged on sus picion ol embezzle ment and gra nd theft. He is being held in Laguna Beach Jail wllh bail set. al $10,000. 'Lis te r uld the m arket employee ls on probation ht Los Anaetee County a ner serv\ng a year In Jail for a $10,000 em- bezilement bf another rirm. Gushard hu been a book· keeper at the Lagun11.. Beach markt-t for eight months. List.eT said . .. . . "" .. , lO them. They tossed the raseals out. Now. aga inst a backdrop or multi-million dollar develop- ment looming in the hills behi nd the once-s leepy beac h town. voters a re bitte rly d ivided between the pro-growth factions, and those who want the city to remain beach-oriented and un- congested. Whal some c1t1zens fear is rull development or three raoches in the back bHls. wilh current resi· dents being fore~ to pay for se'tle r projects, extra police and fii*' .. personnel. schools and other costs associated with the influx of more than 7 .000 dwelling un· its The dearth of low cost housing in San Clemente also arose as a maJor campaign issue. with.res idents from seniors to college 't'e•r H••et••• :J Dally 1'!9••••.-er.1 students telling the candida•j they are belng forced out of to;J beca us e of ris ing r e nts and home costs. And the 36 candicjates seeking one and three year'terms on the City Council have been trying to get their views known on these and other problems in the com· munity. A· respecta ble s howing of '<See CL EMENTE. Page A2) Crash ·Blame Set PSA Crew . Cited • in SD Disaster ~· WASH INGTON IAP I A fede ral safety board blamed a jetliner's flight cre w today for North America's worst air dis aster but declined to accuse it of lack or discipline in the cockpit. The National Trans porlallon Safety Board agreed by a 4·0 vote Lhat the crew or Pac1he Southwest Airlines flight 182 was responsible when lhe jet collided with a small Cessna 172 over San Diego on Sept. 25. The planes plummeted into a residenl1al a rea and 144 people were killed'C T he board stud the crew failed to keep track or the Cessna as Jc.quired by the visual approach ~edrich ¥e111arks '~ticks' T-ny GARV GRA"NVILLE Of,,,. D•itY Pilot St.tit SAN DI EGO -The first weet< or Orange County Supervisor Ralph Diedrich ·s bribery trial e nde d he re Thursd ay. wit h tes t imo ny t ha t Dic drac h's personal lawyer once said "he was goin~ lo act as a bag mc.tn for Mr. Ralph Diedrich." A few minutes a fter )egal secretary Donna Doughtf tossed out the bag man rema rk an<.I ex· panded on it a bit. prosecut.or Michael Capizzi glanced al the clock on the courtroom wall Capizzi then told J udge Ross Tharp that Mrs. Doughty had a train t.o catch al 4: 30 and asked the judge lO recess the trial. And t he t eam o f d efe nse la wyers for Diedrich a nd co- d e fe nda nt LeRoy Rose were opcoly dis mayed that the jurors were sent home for the weekend w ith the bag m a n c harac· terizalion etched in their mil)ds As the jurors s treamed from the courtroom. defense lawyer J ames Riddel turned to Judge Tharp and said. "Your Honor, 1 object lo Mr Cap izzi li m in~ lhe witness · testimony so lbal the jury ... Oh. forget it. .. Ea rlier in the day. Riddel and his reuow defense lawyers lried to bar any mention or bag man re m ark attributed to lawyer Michael Re m ington by Mrs Doughty. As the j ury waited m the hallway outside the courtroom. the defense lawyers said there was nothing in the alle~ed bag man comment lo link it to the is· sues al stake in the tria l. They also argued that Rem- ington himself had been on 'the witness stand a day earlier and had not been asked if he ever (See DIEDRICH, Pa~t\ A2> Strong Quake Hiu Almka GOLDEN. Colo. <AP > - A strong earthquake oc· curred in southern Alaska early today. an aftershock rrom a major quake that rocked the area nearly tw o rp o nths a g o , a spokesman' ror the ,u .S. Ge olog ical S urve y r e - ported. .. There we r e -no im· m e di•le re ports of in· juries or damage. Don F l nl ey o f the USGS's National Ea rth· quake Information ~rvice here said the quake ttlt at 4 :50 a .m . P ST a nd m easured 5 .5 o n the Richter &ale. ... rules under which it W3 l> operill mg The vote on the primary cause or the accident confirmed a te ntative dt·c1s1on r each(•d Thursday But 1t was not form<il ly adopted unlal loday b<·<:aul>l' board members were.• d1v1d<'d on what lo last a!-. contrahut1ng causes The bnard said Thursday that a cockp1l voice rcC'ordang an d1cated there wa l> a lax. un professional atmo'>phere in lhc 1et ·s eockpit and one of the riro Posed contributing causes wal> "l~ck of cockpil d1sc1pltne by the Cl't•w ." That wa~ cllminate1.f to Dolt Today day on a 2·2 vote The board rem ained divided today on a total or 10 proposed contributing causes and adopted only ont. ofr lhem . T h at one blamed air traffic control pro- cedures "which auth<n"i Zt' con. trollers to usc visual approach procedures to separate two aircraft on potentially c:onllacl ing tr\tcks " The board said this was not a wise practice when controllers were able to provide vertical or lateral radar s eparation to eit her afrcraft.. Three other p roposed c9n- <See Ci\ SES. Page i\2 I Weekend Drivers Advised, Fill Up I Orangt' Coast serv1t<• station operators were unanimous t.oday in urging motorists to fill their tanks today if they expect to do any driving this weekend. Most st<.itions will l>e closed this weekend and those wht('h open Saturday wall se ll gas until suppl1el> run out Most dealer!. believe they will he· clo~ed by noon. Operator~ at Newpurl Shell . Newport 1:3each. s:.i1d th<.'y will clOSt' al 4 p.m lode1~ and wall not Sponsors S eek Two Missing Vietnamese Sponsors of a rece ntly arrived Vietnamese famil y ure lookm~ for t wo non· En~la sh i:.peaking me m bers or the family who dis a ppeared from t heir temporC1ry home in Laguna l11ll s early Wednesday afternoon . Reported as missing a re Trinh Tran , 22. a nd her brother. Tanh Tran. J4. The brother and sister were last seen in a condominium home al 2331 Caminlo Andreta , Laguna Hills. shortly before noon Wednesday When their fos ter family and father returned to the home an the early afternoon the two were missin~. Persons who might know of the young woman's a'}d boy's whereabouts are asked lo con tact the Rev. John Her mes at t h e Ge neva Pres by t e rian Church al 24301 E l Toro Road. Laguna Hills. The church phone number is 837-2323. reopen dupng the weekend "We 've Just had cioothlc!r 15 percent cul m our a llocation." a GAS STATIONS PLAN SHUTDOWN-AS RULE MAY REQUIRE POSTING SIGNS-A 13 s pokesman said. "We're charg- ing BS cents a gallon for pre- mium and unleaded and 83 cents for regular but the pri'ces don 'l appear to b e worr yiog customers looking for gas." . The ouUook at Kim's Texaco slallon in Huntington Beach wai:. described as "very. very bad . .. We'll bl' closed during the weekend and we ·ve cul o ur hours d uring t he week." a spokesman said. "My advice to people looking for gas is to get it now and lo get 1l early on W('Ckdays . Our s ituation is grim ·· ~ Prices at Kim 's are 87.9 cents for premium, 85.9 for unleaded a nd 84.9 for regular. Matthews Chevron in Laguna Niguel said they will open until about noon Sat.urdav and that will be the end of weekend gas supplies. "We 're charging 79.9 cents a gallon for regular and 83.9 for prC'm ium but prices are no prob· lem to the gas seekers ... a s pokesman said . "We could sell all the gas we could get at much higher prices." Other ser vice s t ations who plan 10 close down for: the weeken'd include Adam's Union in Costa Mesa where regular gas is sold for 83 cents a gallon and pre mium al 84 cents when the operators can get it. <See nLL UP, Paae A2) Susan Bathgate's Last Rites Held Me morial Rerviccs were con· ducted Thursday ror longt.lme San Juan Capistrano resident Susan Bathgate. who died sdf.. day al Costa Mes a Memorial Hospital. She wH 93. She came lo California fn>m Vermont ln lhe 19208. She mar· ried SlnMlOI\ Bathgate and the couple began livin g on the family's ranch in nortb San Juan. Mr1. Balhgate's husband was killed dwioi massive Ooods tn 1938 when the root brld"e he WH aca llnt was swept away by rain· swollen Olio Creek waters. She was involved wi th the San Jua n Wo m a n's C lub. Gir l .. .. Scouts. the local PT A ud I.hie Co mmunity Presb y l e r iah Church. where servJces look • place1bursday, · She is the aunt or Willia m Bathgate. who oper ates the fa mily ranch today, arowinc mainly citrus. The ramlly requests memoriel donatloN be made lo her name lo lbe Community Preabyteri• Church ~Ill fund .... Mrs. e.u..ate la 1un1Yed by a brother, Cbe1U1, of Barre. V\.: a 11iste r , Miidred Stllee. of Burl· lniton. Vt.; two cbUdren, Mu, Baran of Lona Beach and Jamel Balbtate of PtacenUa : aDd alx 1randcb1Jdren. . ... • . • CLEMENTET candtduw .1p~1Ared al cucb ol four public forurfltt In tht• cit} al\huu.ih eitw.>n att .. ndunc·~ wu-. low at most li(athcnn.itt Thl' m ore <1nab1t1ou ' ('ttnct1t1tth-'1!o ·loott to th1• ,·otft-1• kh.tlt'h circuit, bpon.-.ori ntt or bt• 1ng spoTiborcd ut cock luil p a r t 1 e s , r l' c c 1> t 1 o n b a n d breakfasts San Clem1•11t<'a1h ~ere i.:rcet t>d with hundlt'i. of c·umpu1~n broC'h url'S. 1r1v1tations to "Meet the <.:and1dat('," ctnd reque:.ts for donations to wa r chests. There wt>re dl'finlle lc~ders In' the c•andidate corf e r category , too, with sc•vcrnl hopefuls rais- in~ thoubandi. of dollars for their political efforts Foud Industry executive Roy Hurlbut :.ippcars lo be the top • money raiser to date, rcporttng • the collect1on of more than $2.500 for his camp1ugn . Other lt>adcr~ who ftll'd ~tall' m ents with the city cll'rk tn cludt·d retired auto d ealer Jameb Ashbrook, who c<•llectcd more than s2.:JOO to run h1 i. cam pai~n . Charles Brent, a mechanical e ngineer who col- lected $2.000, form e r city pl an· nin~ director H1t'hard Ahlman. who has amcissed $1 ,000 to date .ind Wilma Bloom, who oper:Jll'~ ;1 h;1 rtl war1• 'ilflrt• in town :ind i.:;11•n1•n •d $1,:IHO for l11•r run for 11ff1<•t• nt h1 ·r'> r,11 -.i ni.: rn11r1• th,111 $1 .1100 111 du it• 1111'futl1· part ttml· l 1 hr;ir~ c lt•r k ('ar•Jl 1'.irl-.110 '$1.220 1 ~end l·:<lward J<.1bc·twtl, rPlirl'll insur anC't' 1·xc·1·ut1 vto who has nwwd $1. l:Ui to d <tlt• I • e s ~ t h a"tl h ;1 I f I) f t h l' t·and1dates took advantage Of Hn offer to e xpress their views on radio concerning a straw vol(• m"'asun.• lhut as ks voters If the c1ty_ sh<>uld look into purchasing 2.600 acres of ba<'k country to be used for open space a nd public parks Thal advisory mea~uri· wall appt•ar on the hallot alon~ wrlh th•· 11;.1mc·s of lhl.' 36 t•and 11Jatcs and wus mtroduct•d by formf'r M ..ivor Wilham Walker durtnJ! healed <l1·ha lc on development 111 San Clf'mcntc 'T'ht> tht•n-mayor, a ngcn•d over :.i nt1-~rowth s entiments in th<' community, proposed the ballnt measure He said if tht• wall or llw people w:.is for no more dt'vclopmcnl in th1> hack hills, the peopll' should have to p~1y for the land. /\ fi gure _,f $26 m1lhon appears on the ballot. It was a "put up or shut up" proposition. and was recogmied as s uch b y mos t of th e candidates-and voters in San Clement~. Dt'spite the apparent futility of suc h a ballot mca~ure. d<>· ve lrJpcrs of the three ranchland~ r a ise<f $10,000 to oppose lhe measl.lr<'. calling them selves the "No l)n Advisory Me as ure ror Ct ty Land Purchase Committee " A third developer was said to be throwing another $5.000 into the fi ght. l"ive thousand dollar con tributions came from Lusk & Son and Nu-West Developers. A s pokesman for E s tre l la Properties refused to s ay how much that firm would con- tribute. The money went to produce a four-page nf'wRpaper outlining the problems or cit y acquisition OftANOE COAST use DAILY PILOT ,,,_ Or•no-Cott"'t o.u., ruot1 with wtoo 11uom h•~ , .. HrWt. ,,,...,._, I~ (k;nt1\Nl11 Of' ,,_Ur ""'fl" C0111-f Puoot.IWftQ(~y YIN••t-.-ct•l~••r O'ilb'lsfW"O ,..,_,_., lfVOUQI\ f 'tO~IJI ff\f (Ml• -..... .._, ~ ...... _•"Q!Ofl ~-" ' ..... h•+ftY•lttt1lntnl.l~Af«ft/SOU."(M\I A "l'Ole'-'""''_k_l.....,$.t!..,CS.n-'.-cl•" Tlw fW'W __ ,..,,,.,. OI""' I• Oi JJO -•INySt,......,CAl'\1•-(Altlotf•I•~ __ .. _ Pr ntdlrf\t •nit ""'1tltltH' , .. 1l. c.rw. vw • ..,t\...,1-0.-.iMo_.. ....._ ... ....,. [d'!&o ~-•AM..,..... ~ ..... 1~111111or Cl\ ....... ~. Ilk ..... ~ ... " ""'"' .... "'tNQ• ... llll10'• 'K. • • 11( lh.t' r JnC'hl..in1h, ,111d W-*" n1Jit ... J l•• n·:.u.11.•1\h lht uughout th·· l'll) It ..,,1111 •11'1" 11 \J I of I h1• ,111\ 1 ... 111 \ Oll'J~un· roulcl 11110,111 J 111 ... t of 111 ·..1rly ~.OOQ to l..'Vl'ry ho ffil'll"' 111·1 an S:tn Clemt•nl '" and wnrncd of the lo:.s ur 1 cv l·nuei. lht' city would i.uffer 111, the form o r lost property laxes. ~·1.'r\' tlw volN~ to .1ppri1vt.• i.uch ,1 n1t·a~url' I\ portion of t ht• 1111lnt• y ul~o wu ~ used by 1111' lll'Vt•lopl'rs to -.ponsor ra1 l111 i.pob on lot·al I< W/\VF.. ra\110. with H ot lht• 1-.1nd1datl·i. tL1k111g 1111 lh1· offN t11 t.•xpound 1111 th e ud v1sory meas ure. Tht! ont··minute i.pCJt~ haVl' !wen played over the f'M station for more than a week. although :.l a t1 o n offic i als i.ay few c.·und1dates havt· pureha~cd lilr time on U1t•11 own lo cxprto:..., the m selves on olhet 1i.~ue:. 1n th1· campaign. /\nd newspaper acl vert1i.rn~ " betng used a:. c.t v1·h1de 111 ex press t h1• ca nd1dull•:. vrcw ... wrth many od:., t•omplclc with pt<·turl':. of the c·and1d:.itc•s, ap p<>u rrng in the.· Sun-Poi.t • The cand.Jdatc~ call for com mon !\l'OM' govcrnm<·nl." ancf of f1•1 pledJ.!<'' to · n •prc"•t•nl ltH· "il l o f th1· pt·11pl1., and 1h•d:.ir<· I lw1r 'indt·p.-ndl•l)('I' ' Ttw lwo key phrase.., 1n lh1· .. 11·c·twn hu\I in~:s ;irt· 'l'«rntrullt·d g ro~ th ;1 nd · · 1 ndt·111·n1l1•n1·f• ~1th ft·"' t·:1111hdal1•i. w11l1ng to -,;1:. 1·-cadly "hat thev m1.,1n llv 1•11 ht•r h •rm l ln"rl l1n~1w~~ 111 ht• l1nk l'tl wrth ont• factwn or Lhc other h: .... rcsultt.'<l in few endorl>em(!nL-. by civic ~roup~ or even pol1llcal or ~anizallons The chamlll'r of C'Ommerc·c. League of Women Voters . and t h c v o ca I S a n C I e m c n lt· Hom eowner's Assoc1at1on have· '>a rd they wrll not endorse a stale• of candidal1"i for ofri<"t· /\nd om· N111n1-il member, Hit 1•d from offl<"e ta ... t J a nuan s aid t•ndor:.cmt·nto.; from h rm ·would bt· ··a kt '"~ of tlc •;.1th"' lo h1:. f;J \ ()flf('!'. <:onw T1w!>d.1 y. llw clt•ctorntt• Wiil t·ast thl'lr VOlf' ... for a lhrc1• year c·ouncil rnl'rnlwr ctnd two un~"year politac·rarl!> Th<' cand11Jall's ..,i.:ckm1: ., rmt ·· > t•a r term ini:l 11dt· Hic harrl /\hlm<Jn. 56, rctrrf'll t•1ty plannini.: chrc.-clor -.lame:-. /\s hhrook, 66 . n •tin•d auto tll'alc r , Bernard fkt•kcrlegJ:e, fili. rl'I trf'll bank 1·xt•c·ut1vl'. C'harlt·.., Hrl'nt, (;J . mL·t·han1t•al t•nginc·er J at•k Brown, 67, J\ssocw\1• rl'altor. Carc1I Carbon, 39, library clerk . Mary Clark. 5!), n·al e s tate b r okt•r . Patr1r1 :1 Com5t ock. 52, honi<•mdke r Shirley Davi~. 3fi, <·rts1~ crntt•r d1rertor. Edgar 01 l'd1·n. 57. n · tared hroadt.·ast enginet>r , D:in1<·l Gahcl, :l(Y. high school tPa<'hcr Also Mitt' hell lf aildad, 2!t d e puty di s trict attorne y Christopher Hoyt, 31 , real eslale broker ; Edward Ka lsrhed, fl9, retired ins urance exel'utiv<', Robert Limherg, 57, retir ed M arlnc ('olon<>I and former n ossmoor dt.•vclopmcnl v ice president. Also EJ,igenc "Ma)(" Malone. '1 I, <'Omputer management con i.u ltant ; Phil Manc ini , 45, engineer ; Willia m Mecham, 32. ele m entary school t eacher . Ch arles Mitchell, 48 , lnsuranrc agent; Albert Popik, 36, bus i nessman; Brian Ruff. 37 , in surance agent; Robert Rusin. 4 J , Relf-proclaimed politician . Wilmer Wood, 64. retired busr· nessman: Elynor Wylde, 52, re- tired businesswoman a nd Albert Zora s ter , 73 , reti r ed m anufacturer. Candidates seeking on e three year seat on the council include : Wilma R. Bloom, St. bus i· nesswoman; David Dodson, 27. construction lahore r ; Dorothy Hendricks. 70, retired school teacher; Roy Hurlbut, 54, food industry executive ; I a n Ke n· ncdy, 51, businessman; Karolin · Koester, 52, home maker; Mark Morales, 22, s tudeni,; Erik Perkowski, 25, bus inessman; Norman Ream, 66, bualneas -con· sultan\; Patricia l\ouneve, 46, secretary and Velma Nangreave Scoll, 71, bulineaawoman. Carter Sets Visit SAPELO ISLAND, Ga. CAP> -Sfresldent Carter will visit South Korea Immediate))' arttr • aeveo-naUon Ju.ne economic aummll ln TOIO'o, While HOUM official• ~ve announced. A D ••P•rl OD l ow-le•el radlaUOft elfl(ta la acbechlled to •ddr.., an etflmated l ,500 elem· onatta\Ora al a l p.m. Satur· day protett al the Sin OnolN Nuclear Power Plant Jutl IOU1b of San Cll\m~nte Dr. Ro.1.lle ~rteU . a federal r Ol\sultant and bto-statlsttctan. M t)'S s ht.• will d escribe the rudwtlon t>HeC't!l on the urea 1.1rounJ San Onorrc in the event un acc·1dt.ml occurred that was Cru1didates . ~zzedon Citr. Chief • C';.irl<hdJtes seeking a three- yeur term on t.he San Cle mente C'tty Council h ad a loaded 11ul·sl 1011 dropped on their laps 1lurin.: .1 candidates ' forum 'l'hur ... day night. Tht• que:.tiun cam e from one - Y\'Ur candidate Chris Hoyt, who was in the audience at San Clemente High School to hear thl' final rt'marks from council h o pl'fub be fore Tues day 's l'IN·tion I fr usked tht' candidates to in- dividually express whether they would rirc City Manager Gerry Wt•eks 1f elected . "Is the <firing) wort hy of se rious consider a lion?" Hoyt asked. The question drew a hus hed silence from the Little Theah!r. Thl' city manager was in the Jud1cnce W •ck:. has bei·n thl· i.ubject of much tnlr<'1:.m 1n tht· campaign'-"' with charj!C'> ran~1ng from "m. t>pt adm1nas tral1on" to "un n •i.puni.1vt•ncs ::. to cit izen d1• maridb ' None of the l'hargcs have been prov\•d v,tl1d, :.ind several l'<•nd1riatN. :-.aid they would not romrn t•nl on ··hear say ;.ind r umur " C:rncJ1dat1· Wilma Blol)m, a :, I \ ":i r o Id h .1 rd v. i.H e ~lo r c 11p1:r<1l 11r wai. 1h1· f1r!>t to com- 1111•rlt 1111 lht• explosive questron · I woul<I not f1r<' h1rn :1l an 1111t·n nwt'lim:." sht· h<.·i.:an. "Tht• 1·1t~· m.1n;1gN has a contract and I wotrl<I rc:vicw that contract 1r t•lt•t·tt-11 .. Sht· !><lid s he would nut ba!>e hl•r tlt·e1s1on on ·'hearsay and gOSSlfJ ConstruC'tton I a borer David Dod son grinned and i;aid. ''1 ha vc tx.-en on record as saying it might be a good idea. but I'll have to re tract that. .. lll' s:aid the issue "is a person- nel problem." adding hf' would h<1ve to ~tudy the prohlcm IJPfon• JUSt <:o mrng out and rir· 111g a c-1ty manager " , Dorothy lfendncks . a 70-ycar· olcl former school teacher, said -.hl' would wail until she was <'ll•ct<'d as a councilman and I h<•n, "make a personal assess- ment on my own " Hoy Hurlbut. 5-1, a food in dustry executive, said his de- 1•1-i iori would not be based on lwarsuy. "I wi ll guarantee tho t 1f the J)('rson is doing a good job I will not fire him. If not. and he rdusc~ llJ a follow the system. I guarantee there will be re- moval." Local merchant Ian Kennedy, 51. said credibility is the key to tht' 1 .. s uc, adding, "Gossip and hate" I don't need 1l It's n<>t a IMsis for evaluating the man." K:.irolrnc.• KO<'ster. a 52-ycar- old ho memaker. admitted she h:1s "not bcl'n happy with the ~ JY the city has been m anaged, 'but a:. for as telling you now whether I would fire him, would t)C totally irresponsible. It would re quire u dects1on of the full City Council." Uusincssman Erik Per kowski, 25. was the only c<lndidate to wafflt' on the question, quickly s t anding up and saying, "I agree wllh everybody else." llis quip drew laughter from the 50 voters in the a udience, and fellow council me mbers . Norman Ream , 66. a business co ns ultant. wos more to the Point. "We have had a gross amount of mis manage m ent In San Cle mente over the last nine years, but until you've sat on the <'ounc1l. you cannot make a final Judgment. "At tttis point I would not say whether he will be retained or not be retained." Candidates Mar k Morales. Patricia Rousseve and Ve!ma Nan greavc Scott did not attend T hursday's fina l candidates' forum . f'rot11 Pagr A I DIEDRICH. • Raid he would 11ct as Diedrich's bag man. But the Issu e, like t h e masterpiece o f courtroom ttm· Ing that was to follow lat.er In the day, belonged to Caplui. . \Cler Judge Tharp first SMJd he agreed with the d efense lawyers, Capini referred to a nother section of the evidence code to suPPOrt hls position. - t • . ; similar to tbe March 2t Three M Ut Jeland nuclear plant dis· aster. The 1bne Mlle t1l1nd plant In Pennaylvaal• ii considered U>e •ont nuclear dlsaater In the country alnte the facllltiet were Uceoiea. Souihern Californh1 Edison Company officials. owners of the San Onofre plunt, say they .will have th •Ir norma l security forces backed up by local pollce and San oteco County 11\Crtff"1 deputies for the evC11t . San Dle10 Cou~ty Sheriff'• Oepartm~t Lt. Paul Frant!ln said today he expecu the a nticipated l ,SOO e,rowd to be "a>ea.ce!ul and oon-vtolen~" Dr. &rt.ell will be jolned on stage by other speakers Inch.id log Friends o f the Earth spokesman Don May and John Redhouse. a represeotatJvt from an American Indian grou p lha t ~ nuclear power and uraftlwn ml.oln•· Dr. BaNll. aa .. no..-.. ly tompleted -..:;--.. ftve-year radladOn for the N.w Yorlt Health~. la• contultant for. &he Ntae&e Retiul.alol')' CommlaUGD. J ani Berstein, a epolretmaa for the Allia nce for Survival, OQe of the event's ispon10ra, aald the Saturday protest is expected to last until~ p.m . Boundary Action StOl& Laguna Trustees Cite Need for Students Development in areas s ur rounding Laguna Beach might be a good thing if it lies with.in Laguna Beach Unified School District boundaries. Al least t hat seems to be the opinion or school trust ees as they held off action on proposed boundary adjus tments Thurs· day. "T here is a possibility we might need more students in the near future. especially al the elementary level," Superinten- dent Robert Sanchis told trustees. He noted that declining enroll- ment in loc a l e le m e nta r y schools might eventually force a school closure. "We need to keep enrollment at a cost-e ffective level or operation," he said. The proposed boundary changes primarily involved a piece of the planned Aliso V1eJO d evelopment that he s within dis- tric t boundaries near El Toro Road. . The a rea could . once de- velop('d. provide an add1t1onal 230 students for the school dis· tricL Officials noted that city plan- ners a rc also \•xplorin~ o ptions for possible development on a piece of Sycamor~ Hills that lies adjacent lo lhc /\h~o V1eJo prop- erty. f 'rom Page .'1 I FILL UP ... It was the same swry at Eel's 1-:xxon an San Ju;in Cap1i.trann whcrl' the· pumps wrll he turn ·d off a l 4 p rn. today and not n · opened until Monday. Operators al San Clem ente S hell s aid they will open the station Saturday and Sunday but "'ill only sell gas until limited s upplies run out "Obviously, th<' guy who need:. ga~ will have to Act here eC1rl , ' a spokc~man i.aad · · ir he lea vi'-. 1t trll pretty lall'. he 'll be out <if luck .. The survey or Orani::e Coast scrv1<.'l' stations M·c mcd to bear 11 ul the prediction b y the /\11 1omobile Club of Southern t;alifornia that ~as supplies wtll b<• no more plentiful lhan they were durin g the Eas t e r weekend. M eanwhil e. a f e deral crackdown on alleged price gouging continued in Southern California with 99 gas stations <.·1ted so far by the U S. Energy D e partment's E<•o nom1 c Regulatory Administration. Federal auditor George Hub- bard said 123 Southland Sl<\tions had been checked and only 24 we re found to be chargin~ for gas rn ac-corda nce w1lh a federal formula in effect s ince 1973. Sidney Shelton, director of lhe Southern California S ervice S tation Associa t ion . ha s cha llenged the formula as "loo confusing to work. "There needs to be additional s tudy as to potential future de veiopment in areas adjacent to the planned Aliso Viejo proper ty." Sanchis told trustees in a me mo. ··we s hould not adJust our boundaries at this llm~ becau:.c it could eliminate options " SanchU. noted that projected e nrollments next year for three Laguna elementary schools ·are 465 stude!1ls at Top of the World, 445 al Aliso School and 376 at El Morro School. lie saJd El Morro School is the <·1.t mpus most threatened by declining enrollments. Laguna Loses Bid To Block Oil Rigs The prospect of up to eight orl drilling rigs off the coast of Laguna Beach loomed larger after Laguna Beach City Counn l members struck out with stall· coa s tal comm1ss1oners thr'> week. Commissioners declined t<J dl· lete tracts off Laguna ·s coasthnt· aRd the Irvine coast Monda} despite efforts of Mayor Jack ?.~cDowell and Councilwoman Sally Bellerue to convince that panel that the rigs wo uld l>t· detrimental to marine life an11 the tourist industry in the Art Colony. Mrs Bellerue blames the un animous coastal con'lmissron de cision on the c ity's failun· to ;Jp pear at a coastal commisi.1on last month in San Diego to ad dress problems Laguna Bc·a<"h would fat•1• with oil dcrn l'h off its coa.'>llinc At that mE>ctrn~ lht• <·om m 1~s1on volL•d to ck lt·t 1• 11c·< .. ir1 tr:icts in San Diego. L'1i. /\ng\'11• ... and portions of Ora nge Count) "Somehow. we di<ln I gel t11 the m ef!ling, .. Mrs. Bellcruc told fel low counc·ilmembers thrs week. She said Monday s meetinit was not a public hearing, hut added the coastal com m1>:>:.11Jn a llowed them Lo !..peak The cnmm1ss1on ..,,111J 11 "''Hilll not delete tht• tr:.icl ulf l..11!u11.1 Hcach Ix-cause rt said oil 1·11ul<I bt> ptpcd latc•rally ofr ('Oll~l l(J <'>. ,...trnR fm.•1ltt1t•:. rn lluntarri.:ton Ut:at·h · "It 's r('ally unfortunatt• ~1 missed the meeting la<>t monlh ' she s aid . adding the c·umm1i.~1<1n ;i lrcady had a s taff report -.up porlrng the oil lease when tht·v met last Monday . She said the n ext step ror llw city would be to contact the gov e rnor 's staff and get its reco m me ndation to delete the tract sale. F'aihng that. city officials will attempt to convince Governor Brown to delete the tract. and then go to Secretary of the In ter ior Cecil D. Andrus and talk to him. While admitting the cit} doesn't have much chance of s uccess. Mrs . Bellerue said she believes there are convmcm~ arguments against 011 riRs off Laguna Beach. "f'or on<' thing, the air quality rs a big issue," she said . "We don't meet federal air quality standards now. a nd a nythi ng new coming in, any new source or pollut1on , has to be re- Vlf'WCd •• Sh<' ... ard city staff members a r t• worktng on geoloifical prob- l1·rn ·, a ... -.oc·1atcd with the oil ft·,.-.<· anct that information will 1)1' 111 ov111l-d to the ,l?overnor's ~•:iff and the Department of the lt1l t•1 tor 'I 1lon t lwh<'vc the ~a tal c•ommrs1>111n realr7.es the u -e ''"'I 111·e~ ol Laguna lie a ch d ttw 1mpal't an oil s pill d h:n 1• on thti. l'ommunily, w1 all 11 ( 1 I ., c· " v " s -.i n d r o c k form<illons." she said · M .J .~or Me l>owc ll said Tues- llav tht· 1·1ty has t he support of H1•11 Rolwrl Haclham tn its ef. forti. :ic1!ling 1hut Monday's dc- t·1-.111n h.,, 1 ht• t·Oao.;tal co..m - m1 ... -.1011 ,.., 1111lv l)ne s tep in wh;it will h(• .1 lhrN' nr four rr\clnl h (JrO<'t'l>~ ' Frum Page A J CAUSES ... tr1 tJuttnJ! <'a UM':. were defeated t;y 2 2 vole~ ;ind the board de- 1·1dl·d that lhl'}' :.hould be di:.- 1·usst:d .II length rn the marn hod) 11f 1111• rl'p.1rt f 'fhc ... t• ~ere.-I 11 fa1lu,·e of ttfe ( ·, .... ..,n.1 lo m:.untair. an assigned 1 ourw. 121 f<lrlu re of controller::. to n:~trrcl the Jct to a mirumum ;.ilt1tude of 4.000 feet while it was 1n lht• airi.pacc of n earby M ont~omery Field a nd (3> the fact that tw1, separate air traffic t·ontrol f:1cihl1t~s were handling traffic rn the ::.;.ime airspace. Tht'.• "board Thursday te ntati ve- ly adopted hy a 3 l vole the con-trabutrn~ cause involving "the Cessna's course deviation. If there had ~en no Cessna flight path s haft, the two planes would h;.ivc missed by 1,000 f P.el, I he board said. But after review- rng <'videncc and staff recom- m endations . it concluded un- a n1 mously that tbe pr imary c:.iusl' of the accident was the PSA cn·w·-. faiturl' to keep the Cessna m sight and then not to report lo the J?round when it du;- appeared from view. MEN'S SUITS AND SPORT COATS ONE. · DOJJ,AR WITH PURCHASE OF ONE AT REGULAR PRICE 4'1U•••tr ,tac Uow<.1rd K :m1lh t:> l~uv1ng his ;\BC Nt"AS po t lx:C1tUSt! of l hl' m•l \\Ork 'l-1 p\uns to phast• oul ha:, t·ommcntar1es o n lht· eH•ru n~ nc\\ ~ t o "h~hkn lhl' ~ho~ 1• Reactor Dips Below BoUing Marines Charged In Thefts -WASlUN.O 'tO ~ .A..1'..l Waahlnctoft poll<'e have brought bur•"'1 char1H •1a10 t five membtn of the elllc Marhw Corp• unJl that pcr l or m i. cf'rt1mon1al duties »\ the Whlk II o u e and l h •1 I w o J I to u memorial, »Ulft<>rltlt.'11 u ld to day The MuriMa, ult lanct• eur porala In their euly 2'hJ, were arreslt<l ut var1ouli tlmcit wilhrn the la11t wf't'k on u tip providt-d by rct>idenh. who noticed tw<i rnt-n ~1th crew('Ul!i in a C'ur mov ang alowly with llli llghb out down \'" alley On res1derH Jolted down the l \ce n se pl iltc number . authorllles said The burglarsc) occurred on two nlghlb about two week:. ugo The Murines were charged with laking telev\s 1on i.eb. Jewelry, steroes, camera equip mcnt and lhe ltke from home:. an two neighborhoods P o lice s pokc:.man Larry Soulsby said the stolen good~ were found 1n the Marine:.· sleeping quartt>rs at the Marine barracks nt:ar Capitol llill. .,. •. ,..,... .. .. s O~ILY PtLOT BtiterSp~lt ~ . Briggs ClaimS Smear Tactics ~ SACRAMENTO (APl -State Sen. John Briggs says the re's a conspiracy by "some pretty big names" in California lo destroy bim politically a nd cover up scandals involving other politi· clans. In 11 bitter speech Thursday on 'the Senate floor. the Fullerton R epublican unsu ccessfully sought creation o f a s pecial Senate committee to investigate allegations of bribery. coverup and conspiracy by a long list of present and past public offic1a~s. Briggs said he was ··not accus ing anybody" of a crime. but thoug ht since he h ad been "smeared" by a llegations ot political corruption. then al· legations against othe r polit1 c1a n s s h o uld a l:,o be in \'CSligated. Briggs, who has ~n involved in numerous controversial is· s u es including h i s a n ti homosexual 1rutiatives. named the l ast two R e pu bl i ca n nominees for governor. llous_ton Flournoy and rorme r Attorney Gene ral Evelle Younger. in •a broad accusation of coverup and corruption. ..... 1 .......... HARRISBURG . Pa <API T emperat ures in w crippled Three Mile Island nuclear re actor dropped below the boiling point for the first time since a March 28 acd d<'nl, federal or- fic1al!o> said today Souls by and Gunnl'ry Sgt Ga r y M o s l ey . a Ma ri ne s pokesman. identified the fi ve a~ Benja min Brow n , 21. or Greenville. S.C.: George Misko, 2 1, of Detroit: Shawn MacBridt•, 20, of Wa shington. 111.. caC'h charged with two counts 11f burglary and and l wo counts ur attempted burglary: and Pckr l anniccheri. 22. of Charlton. Mass .. and Brian Kcnke, 20, or Milwauket". each charged \\1lli one buri!lary count 111111~:." ~•t Lasf "There's u conscious effort by s ome pretty big names to sup· press this .. We can't rely on the J ustice Department or the executive to invests-gate ,·· Briggs said. passing out packets o r hundr e d s of page ~ o r photocopied reports which he said should be 1J1vesl1J?aled by lhl' comrmllce he was urging be l><'I up AS PROBE Sen. John Br ~gs c harges a con -~ftraty to drive him fro m of ficc as fe llow Orange Counly GOP Sen . Joho Sch m1tt ll!-itcns. Temperatures 1n the rcai:tor's primary cooling system . which averaged 235 dt•grccs Thur!>day. arc I~ degree~. according to Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman Jan Stra!>ma. Water boils at 212 degrees. "The drop in tcm1X!rature Wal> caused by opening a now path for steam through the turbine · and spinning the turbine al s low speeds." he sc.iid. ln addition, the hottest spot m the uranium core dropped from 330 degree!> .to 284 d egrees. Though then.• 1s no atomic r<'· action going on in the core':. 100 tons or uranium oxide, decay heat is still being produced "T here 1s s till decay he at. What this meanl> 1s we're laking 1t out of the con · fal>tcr. ·· Stras ma said. But Strasma added a backup • cooling system 1s still being de· signed to esiablish a natural cooling c1rculat1on. Natural cirt•ulat1on 1s importa nt because loss of cooling water without a backup could cau:.e the reactor to heal up again, offi cials said. .. The plant 1s not conl>1dered lo be in cold !'thutdown at t his point," said Strasma. No timetable ha~ ~en given on when the backup sys te m would be completed. Full •Mootz,' Empty Pants DAVENPORT. l ow<i <AP I /\ man who dropped his trouse rs on his way out of a doughnut s hop probably thought he got the last laugh. Too bad he also dropped his wallet. Now police h ave the billfo ld . cont a inin g ident1 f1calion. driver's license and $4 t. They 're wailin~ for a red-faced pra nkster to report l>UCh a loss, Two men wa lked into the s hop Thursday. ate doughnuts. paid fo r them and started out the door. As they left, one of the men dropped his trousers to the Ooor . Then the men ran lo a car and drove off. Soulsby said lhl' arrests of la nniccheri and Kcnkc cam<· a fter the fi rst three s us~cts were arrested in the barracks by detectives and quest10nl'd Sgt Mosley added the five were assigned to the elite unit after a fi ve-day screerung period and are picked on the basis of personal character. The urut 1s considered a plum assignment Mac Bride was the only one who had undergone the security c le arance required to b~ pe rmitted to partic ipate in While House ceremonil's. lanniccher i h<td been a Marine s ince June 1975. Hrown s ince September 1976, Mac Bride since Octobe r 1976, K cnke s ince January 1977 and Mb ko smcc February 1977. Mosley said. Soulsby said conviction for burglary carries a m a ximum penalty of 20 years' imprison ment for each charge :.ind al tempted burglary carrie:, a one· year maximum sentence. Car Bu.-ne d On· Fre·eway; Cigar Blamed A discardt.>d cigar was blamed for a fire that destroyed a luxury sedan Wednesday a fternoon on the San Die~o l"recway while the driver and two passengers were passing through S an Clemente to San Die go Po lice said driver Joseph Lewis, of Los Angeles. said he thought he had thrown his light- ed cigar out the window of h1i. $14 .000 Lincoln Mark V auto. But the auto's occupants fl ed the burning sedan arte r they found the back seat ablaze short ly after 1 p.m. No one was hurl Firemen arrived at the scene o n the freeway just north of Avenida Pico to find the auto e ngulfed in names. Strike Averted SANTA BARBARA <AP1 One Santa Barba r a County s trike has been averted and another may have been stopped. leaving 208 striking s heriff's deputies alfe on the picket line. ·i Gas S8vings Cited ( ....._ : In Sunday's Pilot The b est place lo r ead Sunday's Dally Pilot may be Wl· der tbe hood as feature articles describe ca. tuneups and con· sumer tactics to save on gasoline money. · WHAT'S U P DO C? - Publicists like to call J onathal'.I MUler a Renaissance man. Thal may be overdrawn, but Miiier 's verHlillly is as strlking u bis metaptlors1 and hls energy 1ee011 inexnau1Uble. The As- • 1oclatcd Prell profiles thl• pby11du wbo'• branched out in· · to tbe aru and blended eater-. tam.-ud SDedlclne. . cAa covsaso -A t.rto of • 1torta la You/Your Money take ; a look Ill how J'OU can 1a¥e on · auto expenHS, what '1 happened · JO the bta·car re11le market. : wbere to compla'n lf a 111 • ILatJon 11111 YoU off. ' (SUND A Y'S BEST) WORLD'S HOMELESS -A pair of prit.e-winning journalists travel Ule world with camera and notebook. recounting lhe pUght of 10.5 mJIUon homeless. hopeless refugees. The start of a seriH by Peter Arnett. Eddie Adams of The Associated Press. FUNNY TWIST -Carol Burnett fans are due lor shock and new a ppreclatloo of her iatent Sunday li.lght when the · longtime comedy show hos\. stars lo ABC·TV's "Friendly Fire." Critics predJct ll Is most 'mrnant ftlm of seaaon and bal her performance 11 higb dramaUc achlevemenl. Story of bow prosalc (arm wife became a pea~ actlvttt ls true . Tlw l'ndl' ul Baltimore.-thl' obJcct of an intensive rour ... 1, air ... ear ch. 1s towed under the franc1~ Scott Key Br.1clgl.' into Ba ll1more Harbor <t flcr the yacht \\aS found ~:.s I l'ly aft<:r ha \'Ing been dnven off !>horc by ~torms. then dnvt•n aground by another storm Nixon Had Hospital Rooms Reserved WAS lll NGTON 1A P 1 I\ suit~ of rooms at a Camp Pendleton military hos pital hus s tood empty for ri ve years. re· scr vt•d for a VIP patient who did n o t know 1t e x is ts. a <.·on ·~ grcss1onal report says The prospective patient· the president of the United States. Neither the Pentagon nor thl'! White llou:,l' knew the Naval Regional M('d1cal Center at Camp Pt·ndlelon was. reserving the four-room suite exclusively ror presidential use, according tu the rt•pc1rt by the General l\c- countsng Offit'l' It s:.i1d the 1,064-square-fool suite consists of a bedroom, a meeting room. a Secret Ser vice bedroom and a kitc hen. Among the rurni!>hings c.ire three color tele vision st!l:,. The report said the Camp rcndll'ltm suite was e stablished in I 9fi9 al a cost of nearly $<12.000 to provide medical c:1rl' for then President Nixon when h(· visited nearby San Clemente. The Navy sauJ the suite would be convt•rtt'd 10 other patient rooms <1fter Nncon resigned in 1974. accordmg to Gl\O. Instead. th(' furnishings from the old suite were moved into the new one a nd r estrictions on who rnuld usc 1t were tightened. the report !'ta1d T he old i.uitc was available to :.en1or m1htary offi cers. return· m~ prisoners of war. the com mandant of the Marine Corps Burg lars Hit lroine Kin's Home iri CdM and otht·r VI P!'t. the report said. ll !>aid the 1ww ~uite "1s re· served sol<•ly fur lht.~ prl'~1dent 's use and has m•vt•r been u~cd " Tht· Pentagon has no <:<1mment on lht• n •port Thl' GAO. ~h1c h rccom mended clossng the s uite. q uoted a White I louse official as saying the Cart<'r administration "wa!:. not aware or the contsnucd ex istencc of this fa c ility" and "does not deem 1t necessa ry for there lo be a presidential s uite in the state of Californ1<i " Accordin~ lo the n ·1>0rl. Navy he adquarters official:, "do not consider Ca mp Pendleton's a pre· sident1al s uite b<!causc 1l is nol m:nntained 1n a state of rcad1· n e~s fo r p rcs1dent1a l oc c·upancy .. Navy off1 c1;Jl s sa id thal "becau~<· or the hospital's low occupancy rate. thl' suite had not been needed for other Pll· tit•nts and was not convcrlL"<i to other p:ilicnt uses." GAO said. lie also al•cused Ul'mocrallr. Gov Edmund Brown J r ... offl re of "a coverup" and said thert· may ht' "political corruption" in the t'XCCUtive bra nch Of stall' government headed b} Bro" n Brown ':. a :.soc1at c press secretary. Steve Dusch;,i, said Briggs' char~e s "arc ridiculous " Uoth Flournoy and Youn1,wr c.ilso denied ;,ill <1llegat1ons by Briggs. 'fhc Senate refused Briggs' re quest to create a SJlt'l' 1al 1n vestigating committee on a 3-16 vote But several senators said they might support lht· request 1r Briggs went through normal C'hanne ls, taking his rC'quei.t to the Sen<il<' Rules Comm1llec Briggs s aid he raised the issue on the Senate floor instead of go ing to the Rules Com mittee -lo draw the maximum attention to the problem .. The issue stems from recent ne ws accounts of an attorney general's invest1gal1on or al legations that Bnggi. solicited bus i n ess for his ins urance agency from health firms which he allegedly helped gt:l stale Medi-C<il contracts Briggs denied thos~ charges and said there I!> ·u double standard bcinv. used to -.mear me" with leaks to the pn•s!> of the inves tigation m volvm )! him while more serious l'harges arc covert"d up "I think there ·~ pote nllall~ som e type of cons piracy 10 PRESENT Spring Plautiu~ SALE <'mbarrai.s me and drive me from public office ." Briggs said • · 1 r you cont rnst the treatment or thcsC' far more serious al legations and the treatment of th<' all<'gations against m e. you "ill understand the depth of m y bi tterness." Briggs told the Sen all' lie tht'n read a copy or a 1975 me mo from a deputy attorney gPneraJ . late r fired. who repeat· ed unsubstantiated allegations that. ·a m onit othe r tbings. Flournoy. for me r s tate con tro ller. aA{i Assembl y m an !-'rank Vicen\ia. D-Bellflower. "ha v<· accepted bribes in the form of contributions for pro· tecl ion from investigation and for contract r enewals" Crom a health care firm. Planes Collide; 4 Crewme n Save d INVERNESS. Scotland 11\P l Two U.S Air l''orce l-'·111 fighter -bombers collided over the North St:a t.oday but all four <'r ewmen bailed out in what was <'a iled "a mirac le" do uble l'St' a pt'. The planes, on a training m1s- s1on from a base in England. l'rashcd into the sea in Domoch 1''1rth 20 miles north of Inverness o'ff the northeas t coa st of S('otland. an Air f<'orce stale · mt'nt s aid Martha Washington Geranium C ~ feotunng tully ' ~ ~ blossomed plOnlS lfl Q¥8r 30 vO!'lelles l Got Sue SALE Reg '2 99 PRICE 1.49 wax Leaf Privet l uSll <1ense oiowtn makes 1111s llOfoV snrubon e•tellenl t!IOICe IOI ne<JOe Of foon<l<Jlton plOOltng I Gol Sile Reg '269 SALE PRICE s1 .19 Q ....................... ... Petunias \ (,"':'); Cl\OoSe onv colo! 0( , • tne 101nt>OW trom inese spring & summei COIOI IOY0111eS (' Ponypoc~6p!Otll$ Burglars bro ke Into t he Corona del Mar home of the great-granddaughter of James Irvine. stealing $6,000 worth of valuables. lncluding·sllverware that once belonged to the Irvine Ranch founder. police said lo· day.,.. The the ft was re ported to Newport Beach police Wednes- day evening by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheeler . Mrs. Wheeler is a descendant of James Jrvtne Sr., who purchased land grants in t be mid-nineteenth century and created Orange County's Irvine Ranch. .t'-, Reg 99' .. --------------· .._ 4'.. ..... ~SALE 59, v apam "'-r PRICE Among the items taken in the burglaJly of lhe Wheeler home, police said, were spoons en· graved with the ra nch rounder 's lnltlals -J.l. Also m issing, was a set of sliver fla twa r e and several pieces of jewelry, ac- cording to poUce reports. PoUce saJd the burglars c<>l in· to the bome at 401 Avocado A venue by breaking a bole in a locked window, then reaching through to unlock it. According to police reports the break-In occurred between 5:30 p.m . and 10:30 p.m . when the Wheelers wer e out of their house. • I • C4LICO VAPAM is on eosy·ro-use water so1u1>1e tum1gon1 w111c11 1s effective ogotnst most weeds. Including germinating weed seeds. soll tungl. nemotoeles. symphyllels, onel certain SOii insects Wilen CALICO VAPAM Is applied to moist soil a gos Is reteased 1>eneot11 Ille son sur1oce wlllcll effecllvery fumigates tile son leaving It virtually free of weeds anel son diseases. and ready tor planrtng In rwo 10 lllree weeks 1 Gallon Reg '10 32 . One quon covers 100 square feet SALE PRICE '7. 99 ... ot COSTA MESA \llf 11UtlA ~ .-• :c o,.. , .,. • w ... 1 ... • •,... Z1 Jl MIWPOllf It.YO. COSTAMISA Me-JIH ft.cto M2~103 Gtadlolus lulbl Plont NI# tor P'1le qUOlllV blOQmS tnlS summtf Reg 19' to SALE PRICE Jutt 12' ta. FOUNTAIN \ ' .. - ' A4 DAIL y PtlOT Jast Coa Cing (;, wlda ~:t Te•~~\ Marplalae Cowicil Bonib Out • EXPl..081V•; IS.Sl'F.S o•:PT. It \t•t>1-nli lake for yt>an no", Lrenquiht)' hH c-luded the ofrke of City t1111l 1o1t o ur coa1u al Sparu h Vlllaae. San Clemente Turmoil has 11reva1led l\ll tru:s dt•vt•lops lxo<.'uu11t' <'t•rt1un coun<'tl memben • .col flghtm.te a mon.i them11t•lve. S<>ldom wu • council m t't'tlnte held that didn't dt~t-n«>ratt· from t1u1hhllna to 11p111b. to :shouting to do"nrlght name C'ulhng Mon! l'\'llt<>ned dt"batts hlW(' bt>t-n "'1tne1111cd in tht' late ni,ahl h0ur1l at lonl saloons The unh11ppine~s ull tumt' to-u tw .. J hast Jan 2J wh1.1n San Clemt'nt~ taxpaytm1 "ot u recall dcctaon on the ballot Wht•n Ow> ~mokc ctllt'd, the \oters had n·called lhr .. c City CounNI membt'r . Wilham Wulkt·r. tloword Mushett and Donna Wlllunson. S i\LLY, SOMETHING ab 1lr111::.ll~ ds n·call J Ct1vn ts n:serv~ for public om c1ab "'ho nrni lht• lrc1t11ury for Tu>11 ·"'111 ('l1•,,w1111• l'111un' Calmly Dlscus.\mq Civic Issues personal l!:.irn, ~rab som1· ca sh under the ta ble fur u 7.oning c·ons 11tl•rat1on. or ~om<• o tht-r d1i.gu!>trng action None of th1~ kind of awful conduct "'as alle~t-d agmnst the trio that the Spanish V1 llag<' voteri. ga\C the boot They got ousted m ainly JUSt for being ornery to caC'h oth<'r In addition to the rn fi ghting troubles, San Clf'mente fa<.'es ~me really knotty dcc1s1oni. 1n th<> time ahead on futun• dt•velopmcnt for the nty T he big d cvt•lupmcnt push in on 111 the hills abovl' the sra How much will ht> allowed"' Wh<ll ~h<tpt.' will 1l lak1"' 1\lrt·Jdv. tht• 1'rO·J!rl1\\lh C1nd anll gro"'lh farl111n i. :.ire dt'arly linc·d up 111 lht• t1nw ahead. s11l1ng on th1· S:rn ("lemente City ('ourwll "'Ill ;u·tu;dly l1t· rnon• lrk1• .... a1k1nµ a p11lil11:al llghlroJK' TO 1 1.LLSTR~TE 110\\ hea\ \ San Cl<'ml'nlc em1rt1ons art• run111ng to"':.ird rity llall , th•· final indignity lo tht• out- ..:oing ('Ounc·rl ott·urrcd JU'>l the other night at wh<1t 1i. ex- JK'<'t('(l lo be the final ~c-.~aon for th<: ou11tcd trio As tht• meet.mg gol und('r way, a t elephoned t>omb threat raml' m crn<l the t·hambers had to be c leared for a ..,1•arch Against this kind of a b:.it'kdr11p, you'd figure it would he hard to frnd .1ny citizen v.1lhng to s uffer in ser vice on the Slln Clc•mentc C'1ty Council l m ean. who wants a lousy job like th;1t ., J'ro di'velopmt•nt. a nti-developme nt and homb thrcah fktll•rtolry selling 1c1· boxe~ lo Eskimos BUT NO. WKONG u1rain. A huge fie ld of 36 candidates will bP sct•kin..: lht' three Of)('O s•'uls when San Cl~mentt' voters go to lhl' tJOlls next Tue!>day Twt·nly five of thc>se citizens want !ht• tw'• open one vc·ar termi. and 1 I others arc Sf't•k1n~ th1· opt•n thn·c·yl'ar council 1>t:<it . Somt' 1><·11pll' r (•ally must hcl1evc you t an find JOY throul!h pain ~' "'Drago11' Hooted Out OCEANS IDE tAP, The H uman fk l<1t11m s C'omm1~f.111n a ppeared startll·d lo hear tht· s peaker claim "Oceanside' 1s a Jungle murder, rape unll mayhem make your streets un safr .. T h e ~ P l' a k c r w a s T o m M etzger. Callfo rn 1<.1 grand dra1ton of tht• Knights of the Ku K 1 u x K I :.i n T h e n c it m <· Mctzger's turn to IX' startled. An outhuri.t of acrusations, in- cluding eFasc1st," l'am e from tht· <111d1c,nc1• W1·clncsd uy night 1\ Sl't'U ri t y for ct· o f t• i ght Kl:rns men in wh1ll• shirt~ and rwl helml•ts and a rmed with hl'a v ~ pie<'t·s tJf wood l•:;cortecJ \ldZJ.(t•r out or City llall after (h1·;11 Cupk. tlw comm1ssum ·~ eh1J1rman, was unable to restorl' ordl•r N o hod y was hurt. f<~arlicr . Mt>t1.gt'r n•ad a s tatement !:>ay inJt the KKK ough t t o be rl'pn•senlcd o n th«' c1ly com m1i.s1on BIDldreds Flee FloodS Splash New Territory By u.e Aaoceali Press Spring noodi> s plashed into new Territory today. claiming more h.om ei. und bwsinesscis In a sw~p through Mississippi and routing hundreds of other rct1ldents in Texas. Alabama. No rth Dakota and Mlnncsotu More than 6 inch es o r rain in e ast Texas built floods during the night that poured s feet deep . . . through i.ome c1ly s tree ts in V1rg1n1a Cr~lg was pulled from Ueaumonl und the Houston area. he r husband s arms as they clung The Re d C r oss evacuated to a lree alter their car was seven! hundred Be aumont resl· washed into the raging current dentis und set up seven s helters or Slaughter Creek. ror rtood refugees. Ne arby Sour Luke wru. within a hall a fool of the 1917 record nood stag~ Harris County. T exas'. Civil Defe nse otricials predicted more fl oo din g and mor e f'vacuat1ons thr o ugh t he weekend. especially along the rain-s wolle n San Jucinto River east of Hou!iton. "I HE LD on a s long as l could I tried to t•atch her ." 47-year-0ld John Craig said a fte r re~cue workers pulled h im from the wate r . His wife's body wa:-. found 300 yards downs tre am. The ne w rainstorms cam e onl' day after~ lo 1,000 rei.1de nts in Co n rot!, 35 miles ·north o f Houst.Qn. were evacuated from the ir homes a fte r a nine-hour downpour tilled street s a nd homes wtth water_ Wate r was reported over tht· to ps of cars in the Alabamu Theater n:trk1n2 lot in Jlouston. It'" Relative ... ... ~.1 ....... Robe rt Berks inspects has bronw sculpture of Albert Einslcin W ed n esday after 1t was p l aced on the Constitution Avenue grounds of the National Academy of Sc·1l·nccs in Washing t on ... D C. lEi nstetn posed for a portrait 24 Yl'ar~ ago f-Or Berks "We evacu1:1ted 111 pe rsons fro m &>Ila Woods a nd 1:1bout 100 persons from Ba nana Bend 1:1nd Highland Shores Drive," s aid Harris County Ci\•il Defense Direc to r J o hn Cas w e ll. he predicted mo re than 1,000 resi- de nts wlll have lo be e vacuated in• Harris County b efore the wet>k 1s over-.... • Somt• evacu ations were under way Thursday in t he Beaumont area near the• Pine Island Bayou a nd Sour Lake and other a rea~ m•a r s wollt:n rl\<'f tnbutan ei.. lht· National Wcatht·r Sl'n·1cc• re Oil Tanker Explodes porll'fl Nt>ar Austin, 4R y ear-o ld Hide outs Get -Frie ndly ' Divorce SA LF:M. On· t A f» John a nd Greta Hideout have ~ont· t h('lr, ~Pp:.irate v. a ys afll'r agr<'(' 111g to a friend!\· '11vorc-f' 1n the :-.amt• lo<'al 1·11urihc1us r• when• ht· w:is :JC•(tu1 lll•<I on :.i charge or ra p111g ht•r · · 1 ·m rl'ltt•ved 1t i. all over "-Ith." H1d('out ~aid :.iftt!r ltw divorc1· hearing Thursday. ·Tm kind of v<1gu1: on my ft·E:hngs for hN Ther<' arc no hard feelings It's more clo~c to friends hip." T H E RIDEOUTS c h atted a m1<.'ably in the ha llway beforl' the divorce he.4.lring They said they have seen each othe r rt• ('E'ntly a nd bot h agree d their h r i<'f but troubled m a r riage could not bt• s a\t>d. The d1v<irl't· ht·com1•s final in f.O rlay!.. Thi• Ridcnuts reached agrcc•mt•nt 00 c-hild <'UStody <ind " propcrty '>l'lllemt'nls before the ir t·ourt appearanCl'. but lh<·y tol<I tht' JU<lgl' they h;i vc not y1·t n·sol V(•d lht• ISSUC of $18.000 In <lllOrney fee:. Attorneys for tht• young coupll' s aid the d 1s1,utc 1s over whether Rideout 's d efe nse fees for the Derem bcr rape trial should he tlass1f1ed as a family dchL HID E O U T 'S trial wa s hl'lit'vcd to be the firs t nf a hu,.hand a<.'cuscd of rapin~ his wifl' whHe they lived together The «ouplc r cconc1lc·d s hortly a fter his Dec. 27 acquittal, then sc•paratcd again las t mcrnth Mrs Hideout. 23, was awardt'<i c us tody o f ll\ei r :1 -"ear-old d a ughter . .J1•n ny Rideout, 22. a~ret·d to pay $50 ri month for c hild support and w<i!> gr anted ''rf'a ~o nahl c v 1s 1talion '' privileges One Presumed D e ad iii Texas Accident NEOERLANO. T(•Xe.ts 1AP 1 Ont' of 33 <'rC'w mL·mhl'r:-. or of L1bcnan oil 1ank1:r v. <is m1ssin~ and pr1:sumL'd rll·<1d toda) aflL·r tht· ship t•xploJcd rn tht· Nec:ht•s Riv<'r wht•n stru c:k hy lightning. the Coas t Guard said or tht' otht•r 32 m1·n . 1hc· Co:ii.l Guard s<11cl 15 wen· h11-.p1tah7.rd with c·uts :.ind hurns llnd a nothl·r 15 wc•n · lrNtlL·d and released ' Thl• Coast Guard sa1rl the two othl•r men apparcnll}' tscaix·d inj ury altogt•th..r In addition . authont1e~ SllHI , two clol'k .... nrk<·r, ...ianrling nc·ar I h l' '.'> h Ip v. h I'" 1111· I 1 ~ht n Ing i.tru<·k wen· ho!>p1tal11.t•d v.1th 111 JUrll'b THE SIUP, lht· S•·a Tiger. wJi. IC':lk ing oil 1nl11 thl' rr vcr and Wa s in dc.in~t·r or !>Inking. lilt' Coast Guard i.a1d. W rdespread !.trel'l flooding caused by torrenlial ram~ in th1~ coa sta l port near Houston hc.im percd rescue l•fforL'>. Authorities sa id lig htning dur in~ a thunderstorm latt: Thurs day touched oH a series of ex plos 1on-. on lht' \eS!>l'I ;.ind set 1t <i fin· at a Sun <Jal Co dock . CtliJsl Guard spokei.man Dave Galgay said surviving crewmen rcporlt!d set.•ing lh«' one man die in tht· e>.plo:.1ons . His body had.I not been recovered. Cult Dead Due California Burial DOVER, Del 1AP 1 Boc:hcs of Peoples Temple members who d1t•d rn Gu)anu will hi• tru<'ked lo Cllhforma s tarting April 26, the court appoinll'<I rc<'er v(·r for lh•· d issolved c ult s ays Ho bert II l'ab1an '>Ult.I b> 11•l1'phonc frnm his San Fr a ncisco of- fl<'t' Thur,.d:" that all bod1e~ i.huuld be remov1:d from Dover Air I· 1ir1·l· Hase h' ,J uni· I A W ll,MI NGTON TRUCK ING fi r m . Larm o r e Moving ~~ i.l1·m!'. ha' h1·1·n h1rrd to ~hip th<• bodies ln California in 11 largc mm 1nµ \an~ t·a rrym g about 5(J hod1t•s t.•ach Larm orc'c; fee is to be paid h) lh<· l'l•opll•s Tl·mplr-, "'h1c-h left an ei.timated SIO million in iJS1'l'I ~ The• plan In mm1· tht· bod11·.., to Cal1forn1u ends months of in- dt•<'1s1on about a fina l rt·!->tm g plar1· for the vic tims The Rev. Jim Jont>s condu<'l<'d a mass death ritual Nov 18 at his c ult's com mune in J onesUJwn, Guyana - Since then. accordjng t.o Sla lt' Department figures. the $!overn: m<'nt has p111d S3 5 million to S4 million to fly 913 bodies here, t>mbal m th<'m. try to 1dent1fy them, and place them in airtight ~t~C'I cai.kcl~ WHO'S YOUR FAv-oRITE BARTENDER? U.S. Storms Widespread He m ay be tall, dark and handsome or short, fat and ugly. She may be a torrid tomato or a plump motherly type who cracks j okes you want to remember to tell your boss. Tornadoes, Basebalt.size Hail Spotted Whatever the sex or type, if you remember his or ner name, chances are the drinks, chatter and atmosphere are to your liking. T~•p~raturr• Ill L• ~,, i111w nv s• 14 Albll'fl"" 11 )4 Allelll• IS s. 8tll•mor• .. 41 111 rmnQll.om 80 \I eo1 .. " 31 8CKlon S• l• 8rownwllle 85 I\ 811lle10 54 l\ '"'<.., .. ~I Cln<lnnMI •s cs Cltvtteno u Jl O•l" wtll 11 0 .17 Otnvtr 13 :IO O.lrOll ~I J4 Htl .... \0 ,, .._lulu '° .) MoutlOft ,. .. lfld'tpolk .. 51 l<•n·~ Clly ,. ., Le•VtOh ,. " L llllt Ro<I< ... 60 L°' Anotlts II ll Loul\vlllt .. 51 -!Mii• ., se Mlel'lll '" 14 Mll•Hll .. ltl .. Mjl!Wt. P. •• n ... ..,..,111• ll .. ,...Of_ II u -Y#k .. 41 ~,.. ... .,.,, ........... "40n01\f f ,......, It .,,.... , f.tO A P\f'4"9 'f'-NI D-~•~'IOll"' c.t•.,..":lf•1 om end fft4,/' Ct'°'• no."'* ..... ...,...,, t'hthm.ta-v ••'(1 "" ,,.,.... 1t 1'11' ,, .. "" ,. •1vl"t''f'\"~ ~., ltt ft""' A1 Oll''I• tf•T!•Mff"i-Y'(~lllU ,,. Oftt.,..,,., 01 ., . 01 flv•• •• CiiiiJ ..... ~ Cot-..:.::_ --S•ohOl'lO•f Out.,uh4 ---=== Ollle City .. ., 0m .... 14 .. _,. Orl•MO H SI Plllled'p11o1 u 41 Pllotnl• ., )1 Plll\ltutQll " ,, Pl•-.~ ' \0 ~ Cl' Ptl-.Or· ,, 4l lltno ff ,. $t LOUo\ 7' ,, O> St P hmp.o ., .. kll l •-· " JI 0. kfloi.w .. SI "" ,,ell tO .. S.elltt ,. ., .......... ,, ,, T11"• u ., WHlllftOlOll .. " CAUPOIUOA lttll•r ti leld IJ .. 11.,.. •1 11,1111 " st ,.,.,"" II •• Mlllttrty ,. "-ltt •• 0.IMICI tot .. -·-" a.it.a-. ., .. ~--,, T~l'llel 11 .. ............... , ......... 0-1~\) ttAhOtf,&1 \illtlAh•fl \ltlfllCI O.t• \I' O•t".,. ( ...... ,, • B•r,low 1) 41 C.lt llM .. " Cl G•ntm ,. .. l0fl9 lltt(ll ,. ... N•wport IMe<ll .. ~· Ont er lo II ,. !Hin ll•r""'ocno ,, •I wnJfft tS ll ~Ill• Alie II H $ente '"" WI 40 '"" AllldlUCAN Ac~tco '° ,. totol• •• ., 01 Cull•u,. '° .. H1ve11e 14 .. ICl119u6ir ''° II 1Mftft90 •• , •• ,. M.,ellen •• ll Met Ide ., IJ MOlll•trt'( '° 10 ,_, ... lpe .. .. .. Trllll ... '° 11 IJ.8. 8 ....... a,.,, fllllll .. rtltrmt bellttttO • #Id" .. cti.tt "..-. c-1~y. ul•llO 1,.. ,,_ ... ..,,..,,. Ol•• lllf9'1911 ffMI ltlelM '""" -etr"' Tt••• •llf Ille MIWO\lfiOI VelltY In Al"'"""9, •ltlt oftf(lel• ••Pll<I .. '"" Cltll• .,e• ••ouno MoC!ll~ to ••I • ._ a ~ and SO.' up flOOOw1tt•" lrom '"" b<llg1ng rom1>lg,,.. •• no Al•IMm4' riven wtw-n tM'f re-"c h ttw •r•a tar ly M •I WM~ SOm• 1,000 e>-r'°'1\ r•m•ln ~ 1 ... , 111 M<ir-. (;rffftf'. 11•1• end !>vmttr <ountlP'i '""• -•• IOft "" 10 ""•<u•h· ~OW fomb19~ Altr1f'r, \WOllftn l>y lorrenll•I ••1n\, OHll'd •I n 4 '"I ~\&Iv 1' 1 .... 1 •bo" ttood \Id" thf' tHQM\I wA•~' on rfll>C Old \lfWf' thit 4'f' .. tt w~h ~UIH ttit 1918 rn .. AM At"''· ~~r•f•no NOf'll'\ o.~ol• -Ml~-o••. r0$• \Wiiiiy Th11•\d•t . t ltmbtno ll 1n1 ~• P•mbln•. N 0 . ,,, " l>OUr\ Tiie mtyOf ... M inot, N 0 . WICI "" m•v 0(0.f IN t VteueltOn of IJ,000 O""r\O'I\ tlo;lng ••-llw Sovrh River. wner~ '"" w•t•r te""I "'"' nurlno 11000 \lege \e"'" torn•cJoe\ were \OOttfld TllurMl•y from <.ntr•I Ntbf••~• lo '°"ttw•\tern Te••' but therr wue "° report\ oi •'°''"'t•h or wu)f'\Oreeo dem•o-lltll Ille \It o ol bol•PIMllh l)lllltd • -lton ot Ille T~u' Pen11•11 Cite E•• ly morning ltmp@r•tvrt\ r •ntei! I rom 73 '" MonlOeltfr. VI . lo 11 In For! ~rdelt, Fie. C•lllornla W••••no •ullltr tor !>oullltrn Celllornlt ll u~t'"' to bt on lht 111...0 .... will\ lltt'r WM"lllS -........ r•lll''U NI Wiii Sley 111 lllt to- /Ol lt1 .._I_\ Tiie HtllOll tl WUll\e' h f'Vl<t IOrK•tl I"'°' (10\ldl ~ f09 .... , Ille <Oett 'S•lvrO.v TM NM prwcH(lllCI 0000 ''"I tor' mo•l IMe<-. wtlll 1 J Iott ... u, eo l>t< lte It <Oftlll>Ut et 7111m•, t tld I to J IOM •-Ill el $Mot• M61\lt•, N••-1 MIC! HuMll\ftOll 8 .. <l'I, C,uUy WHltny •11111• ot U to 0 ,,.,. ·-t ..-<ltO '°' IM "'"' ... t rl •••• S•ltlfd•'f wllll ttm "'•luret tll~ftf •• 111911 •O 14 Lower lltMWD •Ill ...... lllOM Ill lllt The Dai ly Pilot wants to determine the favorite barten- der (s) of readers all along the Orange Coast. To enter your favorite, complete the coupon below. Nominees will be recognized in the Daily Pilot and ~ eligi- ble for selection by a panel of experts for designation as Orange Coast 's Best Bartender of 1979. DAILY PILOT ------------------------------------------------------------------ M Y FAVORITE BARTENDER IS : ...................................... . AT .... • ' • • • • • • • • • • • ' 'f t • • ' • • ' ' f I ' t • • o • • • ' • ' • • o o o • • • • • ' • • f • t • • o • (name restaurM t /tave rn l City Phone YOUR NAME : ...................................... STREET: MAIL TO: LIBATIONS EDITORS DAILY'9LOT P.0 .9C)l1- COIT~~ CALIF.m2' CITY ..................... PHONE .....•....... ZI P ......... . Enc~M • brlef •t•teme te1Nnt Why your bartender '"""'"" HMrM• reH p •1 1 "'S.l\lrdt'( ............................................................................................................... .... • ' • I